YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY CARTER A GENEALOGY OF THE DESCENDANTS OF SAMUEL AND THOMAS, SONS OF REV. SAMUEL CARTER. 1640 1886 CARTER COAT OF ARMS. A CONTRIBUTION TO THE HISTORY OF THE FIRST CARTERS OF LAN CASTER, LUNENBURG AND LEOMINSTER, MASSACHUSETTS. COLLECTED AND ARRANGED FOR THE CARTER ASSOCIATION BY Mrs. CLARA A. CARTER, Leominster, Mass. Mrs. SARAH A. CARTER, Fitzwilliam, N. H. CLI NTO N : PRINTED BY W. J. COULTER, COURANT OFFICE. 1887. [From Poem read at the Carter Family Reunion at Wobum, Mass., June ii, 1884, written by Mrs. George L. Chaney, of Leominster.] "60 let us print, in colors clear and fast. The well-known present on the half-known past. And leave to children's children yet to come The brave tradition of the ancient home.''' TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page. 7 9 Preface Introductory Note Sketch of Rev. Samuel Carter. . . ii Descendants of Samuel' Carter. . . 15 Sketch of John' Carter. . . . 196 Descendants of Thomas' Carter. . . 197 Supplement, containing names received too late for insertion in regular order. 24i Children of Rev. Thomas Carter. . . 248 Descent of the Sawyers. . . . 248 Descent of the Joslins. .... 249 Index of Carter Names. ... 253 Index of Names of the Allied Families. . 261 PREFACE The following pages contain the result of our labors in behalf of one branch of the Carter Family in America. The work was undertaken at first to obtain the descent of our own families, from the first settler in this country ; our interest and curiosity being aroused concerning others, we continued the work, until our records attained their present completeness. The labor of their collection and arrange ment has been performed amid the calls of many duties and occupations, and we are deeply sensible of its many imperfections. We are sure, however, that much concern ing the earlier generations has been gathered, which in a few years would have been lost beyond recall. Family, town and probate records, town histories, the genealogies of allied families, the gravestones in the old burying grounds, the memory of aged people and family traditions have each and all been examined to assist us in our work. The descent of each person is given from Rev. Thomas Carter of Woburn, supposed to be the first of this branch of the family in New England, and we think this part of the work will be found to be reliable. In regard to records of births, deaths and marriages, there must be many errors in dates, and perhaps in names, as we have often found that accounts of the same family given by different per sons, did not agree with each other, or the records in the town books. We regret not being able to give the record of all the families complete ; our best endeavors could not obtain some descents, which would have added much to the interest of the book. O PREFACE. Of the female lines, our plan included only the marriage, with names and dates of birth and death of the children, whom they married, and the number of grand-children. To our many correspondents, and all others who have aided and encouraged us, we return heartfelt thanks, hop ing these records of our common ancestors will meet their approval. Any person who can correct any error, or furnish any missing record, is earnestly requested to do so. The system of arrangement is simple, and needs little explanation. The figures at the left of each name are the regular order ; those at the right, before the descent, show where the record of birth and death may be found ; and those before the date of birth show the number of the record of marriage, which is followed by the children's names, etc. INTRODUCTORY NOTE. After a prolonged study of the ancestors of the Carter Family, we cannot better express our opinion of them than by quoting from a lady correspondent — she writes : " The impression I get, from what little can be learned of the earlier members of the family, is that they were a sturdy, industrious, sensible, kind-hearted, public-spirited, God fearing set of people : and in these respects not differing essentially, from contemporary members of other families. If there seemed to be any special characteristics, they may have been absence of wealth, love of their kind, fidelity in the marriage relation, and a cheerful recognition of the Divine command 'to multiply and replenish the earth.'" The early records show them to have been prominent in all matters of public interest : the division of land, and laying out of roads, the building of a meeting-house, the founding of churches, and the establishment of schools were intrusted to them. Many also were active in the military organizations and duties of their day, so that much of the religious, moral and intellectual culture and pros perity of the communities where they settled, is due to the labors of these ancestors. Most of them appear to have been farmers by occupation, and to have labored also at such trades as the necessities of their own and their neighbors' families required. The most marked instance of an inherited preference for any one calling appears among the descendants of Thomas,' who are distinguished for the number of physi cians among them. His grandsons, James of Lancaster, for many years the noted practitioner of that vicinity — and Asa who settled in Weathersfield, Vt., where he had a 2 10 CARTER. family of fifteen children, and performed the duties of country doctor, are the first ; in the next generation were Dr. Calvin, son of Dr. James of Lancaster ; Dr. James of Geneva, New York, son of Levi ; Dr. Peter Manning of Townsend and Lunenburg, a son of a sister ; and some among the children and grandchildren of Dr. Asa, of whom we were able to get no definite account ; while among the descendants of Abigail," who married Caleb Wilder, were Dr. Charles Woodard Wilder of Leomin ster, two of whose sons studied medicine — one Dr. R. L. Wilder now of New York City ; and also Dr. Abel Wilder of Blackstone, Mass., son of Caleb of Ashburnham, Mass., " eminent in his profession," and perhaps others of whom we have no knowledge. Members of the family are scattered throughout New England, New York, the Western States and the Hawaiian Islands. SKETCH Rev. Samuel and Eunice (Brooks) Carter. 1. SamueF Carter, oldest child of Rev. Thomas and Mary Carter, was born August 8, 1640, graduated at Harvard College 1660, married 1672 to Eunice Brooks (daughter -of John and Eunice [Mousall] Brooks, born in Woburn, October 10, 1655,) and died minister of the church in Groton, Mass., in the autumn of 1693. " Mr. Carter was admitted an inhabitant and proprietor of the common lands by a vote of the town of Woburn, January 4, 1665/6, and sustained at different times several responsible offices in the town — Selectman 1679, '/Bi, /'82, '/83. — Commissioner of Rates 1680. Town Clerk 1690 — Was engaged as Teacher of the Grammar school 1685 and 6." — Sewall's History of Woburn. In "Annals of Lancaster, Massachusetts, 1643 — 1725," edited byHenry S. Nourse, A. M., we find on page 285, that "A deed dated April 30, 1688, from Henry Kerley, then of Marlborough, to Samuel Carter of Woburn " clerk " transfers " the 6th house lott and three quarters of the 7th house lott," in all thirty-five acres. Also "40 acres of Land Granted to Mr Samuel Carter Mr Samuel Carter hath fourty acres of Land Laid out to him which was a proper Gift of the town Lying at the east end of sum Second deuision Land of John farrahs now in the pos session of Mr. Thomas Swift buting west upon s'^ Swifts Land and easterly upon Swampie Low Land and South wardly it is bounded upon Second deuision Land of William Kerley Sener and northardly by Common plain Land." 12 CARTER. This land was on George Hill and was occupied by Mr. Carter's descendants for several generations. He some times preached in Lancaster, between 1681 and 1688, and perhaps resided there for a short time. The births of his children are recorded in the Woburn Town Records. From Groton Historical Series, No. XII., edited by Hon. Samuel A. Green, we learn concerning Rev. Samuel Carter, fourth minister, that " the same day the maiger part ofthe town did by uoat daclare that thay ware wiling for mr. carter to com forth with to be our satled minister in order to ordination in dew time ockt : 21 : 1692 "At the same meeting the town did agree to give mr Car ter for this prasant yere the som of sixty pounds in manar as foloweth one fourth money the other part in corn and prouisione at town pryse to be payed the one half by the first of march and before as he needeth it and the other half by the 16. of saptem naxt insewing after the dat herof ockt 21 : 1692." " Mr. Carter removed to Groton soon after receiving this call, but did not remain long over his pastoral charge, as he died in the autumn of 1693. According to papers on file in the Middlesex Probate Office at East Cambridge, administration on his estate was granted on October 30, 1693 ; and in the inventory of his property, dated a few days previously, on October 17, he is spoken of as Mr. Samuel Carter, late of Groton, deceased. Among the items are Books to the value of £15 10 s., which wasa large library for that period," and Houseing & Lands Ly ing in Lancaster apprized £75. Mr. Green adds, "Mr. Carter's name appears but twice in the town records, — the two instances just given, — and nothing whatever is known of his brief ministry in Groton ; but, as one of the pioneer preachers in the early days of New England life, his memory deserves to be cherished." Concerning Mr. Carter's widow Mr. Green has kindly furnished this information, taken from " The New England CARTER. 13 Historical and Genealogical Register" (XXX. 236) for April, 1876. It was written by the late Thomas Bellows Wyman, and is given in a note on Captain Parker : "After the death of his first wife, Elizabeth Long, who long con tinued with him till about the golden period of wedded life, he, Capt. James Parker, married Eunice Carter, formerly Brooks, the widow of Samuel Carter, son of Rev. Thomas Carter of Woburn. The fact is developed by a clause in the will of Sarah Mousall, her relative, widow of John Mousall, jr., in 1702. Soon after this date, Capt. Parker having died in 1701, she became the third wife of John Kendall." Of the time and place of her death we have no information. In the following pages we have given Mr. Carter his clerical title of Rev. to distinguish him from other Samuels, although in the Woburn and Groton records he is called Mr. Samuel Carter. 9 Children, III. Generation. 2. Mary, b. July 24, 1673. 3. Samuel, b. Aug. 27, 1675, d. at Woburn, Sept. 10, 1676. 4. Samuel (u), b. Jan. 7, 1678, d. at Lancaster, Aug. 3o> 1738- 5. John (2518), b. March 14, 1680, d. at Lancaster, 1705. 6. Thomas (2519), b. April 3, 1682, d. at Lancaster, March 31, 1738. 7. Nathaniel, b. April 7, 1685. 8. Eunice, b. March 29, 1687. 9. Abigail, b. May, 1689, d. young. 10. Abigail, b. May 30, 1690. Of the youngest son Nathaniel, and the daughters, we have found no trace, except the dates of their births — the probability is that Nathaniel died in childhood, and that there is no record of the marriages of the daughters to be found. FAMILY OF Samuel and Dorothy Carter, AND DESCENDANTS. 11. Samuel' Carter (4) (Rev. SamueF Rev. Thomas') b. in Woburn Jan. 7, 1677, d. in Lancaster Aug. 30, 1738. Married March 1701, Dorothy Wilder b. 1686, dau. of Nathaniel and Mary (Sawyer) Wilder. From the Annals of Lancaster we learn that he lived on the north side ofthe road that goes up George Hill, a little to the north of the school-house, on the site of, perhaps in the very house recently torn down, known as the Capt. Ephraim Carter house, his father. Rev. Samuel, having purchased two lots of Capt. Henry Kerley in 1688. The place is now owned by Frank D. Taylor. He was assigned to a garrison on George Hill with his brothers-in-law, Lieut. Nathaniel and Ephraim Wilder, Thomas Ross, and his brother John Carter, and lost by an attack of the Indians July 31, 1704, one cow, one horse, two calves, two swine, and one good dwelling-house with two fires. He was Selectman in 1723, and served on various com mittees for the location of highways, etc. We have no record of the births of the daughters of Samuel and Dorothy Carter, but in the Lancaster town records are entered the marriages of these five Carter women, who we conclude must have been of this family. 16 CARTER. for these reasons : First, their names are those of the Carters and Wilders from whom we judge them to be descended. Second, the names they gave their children are also those of these families. Third, the ages of those, the dates of whose deaths we have been able to find, make their births come in the intervals between the births of the sons. Fourth, there appears to have been no other Carter family of that date to which they could belong, the sons and daughters of Thomas' being all recorded in regular order upon the town books. Of the youngest daughter. Pru dence, this item copied from the journal of her husband, Stephen Buss, still preserved in the Buss family, gives us the information we would gladly have found respecting the others : " Mrs Prudence Buss alles Prudence Carter, wife of Stephen Buss, born Feb. 22, 1723, was the daughter of Mr. Samuel Carter of Lancaster." 12 Children, IV. Generation. 12. Samuel (24), b. 1703, d. Lancaster, May 20, 1761. 13, Eunice (531), b. 1704, d. at Sterling, Nov. 16, 1789. 14. Nathaniel (539), b. 1706, d. at Leominster, July 20, 15. DoroX (1060), ^.nm.cf. J Jt^^j/^^-4^''- 16. Anna (1069), b. . 17. Jonathan (1070), b. 1711, d. at Leominster, March 19, 1799. 18. Ephraim (1228), b. 1713, d. at Lancaster. 19. Oliver (1547), b. 1715, d. at Leominster, Sept. 11, 1790. 20. Mary (1873), b. 1719, d. at Bolton, Feb. 3, 1743. 21. Elizabeth (1877), b. 1722, d. at Lancaster, Oct. 9, I7SS- 22. Prudence (1884), b. Feb. 22, 1723, d. at Leominster, April 6, 1789. 23. Josiah (1898), b. Jan. 26, 1726, d. at Leominster, Feb. 1812. CARTER. 17 24. Samuer Carter, (Samuel,' Rev. Samuel,' Rev. Thomas,') m. Feb. 14, 1725 Jemima Houghton. They resided in Lancaster — probably near the house of his brother Ephraim. 12 Children, V. Generation. 25. Millicent (37), b. Aug. 26, 1726, d. at Leominster. 26. Lucy (49), b. Aug. 18, 1727, d. at Keene, N. H. 27. Dorothy (53), b. June 21, 1729. 28. Mary (54), b. Feb. 17, 1731. 29. Eunice (60), b. Feb. 6, 1732. 30. Dinah (63), b. Feb. i, 1734. 31. Samuel (64), b.Jan. 7, 1736. 32. Stanton (70), b. Feb. 5, 1738, d. at Berlin, Oct., 1823. 33. Silas (78), b. Jan. 16, 1740, d. at Leominster, Jan. 4, 1820. 34. Prudence (83), b. April 10, 1742, d. (Keene, N. H.?) July 8, 1828. 35. Jonas (92), b. July 4, 1745. 36. Jemima (93), b. Sept. 5, 1747, d. at Roxbury, N. H., Jan. 29, 1832. 37. Millicent' Carter (25) (Samuel,* Samuel,' Rev. Samuel,'' Rev. Thomas,') m. July 3, 1750, Abiathur Houghton of Leominster, who died Jan. 8, 1777. Res. Leominster. Children, VI. Generation. 38. Samuel Houghton, b. Nov. 18, 1751, d. Sept. 27, 1756. 39. Elizabeth Houghton, b. April i, 1753, d. Sept. 24, 1756- 40. Alice Houghton, b. Oct. 14, 1755, d. Sept. 26, 1756. 41. Abiathur Houghton, b. April 4, 1757, d. 1807. 42. Abigail Houghton, b. Dec. 19, 1758. J 18 CARTER. 43. Samuel Houghton, b. July 30, 1761. 1 Twins 44. Elizabeth Houghton, b. July 30, 1761. 45. Alice Houghton, b. Sept. 27, 1763. 46. John Houghton, b. Dec. 10, 1765. 47. Peter Houghton, b. Jan. 25, 1768. 48. Jemima Houghton, b. Aug. 21, i^^o. 49. Lucy" Carter (26), (Samuel," Samuel,' Rev. Sam uel," Rev. Thomas,') m. ist, Jan. 2, 1747, Joshua Osgood of Lancaster, who died in Leominster, March 10,1760; m. 2d, June 6, 1764, Gideon Ellis of Keene, N. H. 3 Children, VI. Generation. 50. Joshua Osgood, b. in Leominster, Aug. 19, 1749, °*" Polly Batcheller, had nine children and lived in Sullivan, N. H. 51. Lucy Osgood, b. in Leominster, 1752, m. ist, Thomas Wilder; m. 2d, Isaac Griswold, and had a large family of children. 52. Relief Ellis, b. in Keene, N. H., April 13, 1765. 53. Dorothy' Carter (27), (Samuel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,'). The intention of marriage between Dorothy Carter of Lancaster, and Josiah Converse of Brookfield, is recorded in the Town Records of Lancaster, May 15, 1748. No farther information has been discovered, respecting her or her descendants. 54. Mary' Carter (28), (Samuel," Samuel,' Rev. Sam uel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Dec. 5, 1753, Benjamin Osgood. They resided in Lancaster where the births of four children are recorded, removing from there to Keene, N. H. CARTER. 19 5 Children, VI. Generation. 55. Benjamin Osgood, b. Dec. 17, 1754; he married in Keene and had five children, none of whom married. 56. Oliver Osgood, b. March 30, 1756, died young. 57. Samuel Osgood, b. Aug. 19, 1757, married, but had no children. 58. Marj"- Osgood, b. Nov. 18, 1759, died young. 59. Jemima Osgood, b. . Married Cornelius How- let; no children. 60. Eunice" Carter (29), (Samuel," Samuel,' Rev. Sam uel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Eveleth of Lancaster. 3 Children, VI. Generation. 61. Stephen Eveleth, b. 1767, d. Dec. 27, 1807, m. 1791, at Keene, N. H., Ruth Esty ; 5 children. 62. Zimri Eveleth, . Another son, name unknown. 63. Dinah' Carter (30), (Samuel," Samuel,' Rev. Sam uel," Rev. Thomas,') m. March 18, 1762, Matthew Knight of Leominster. They had no children. The place of their residence and deaths is unknown. 64. SamueP Carter (31), (Samuel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Charity Van Norstrand. It is supposed that a part or all of their children were born in Lancaster, Mass. 5 Children, VI. Generation. 65. Samuel, jr. (104), b. 1769, d. at Keene, N. H., May 27, 1818. 66. Hiram. 67. Stanton. 68. Rufus. 69. Abigail (115), b. June 30, 1776, d. Keene, N. H., Dec. 3, 1855. 20 CARTER. 70. Stanton' Carter(32), (Samuel," Samuel,' Rev. Sam uel," Rev. Thomas,') m. May 27, 1762, Peninah Albert, b. 1740, d. at Berlin, June 18, 1824. He lived in that part of Lancaster called the Six Nations, now a part of Clinton, Berlin and Boylston. 7 Children, VI. Generation. 71. Daniel (124), b. Nov. 27, 1762, d. July 29, 1824. 72. Sanderson (137), b. at Leominster, Aug. 17, 1764, d. at Berlin, Aug. 30, 1841. 73. Jemima (142), b. at Leominster, May 29, 1766. 74. Stanton (150), b. 1768. 75. Mary (154), b. 1770. 76. Sarah (162), b. 1773. 77. Samuel (164), b. 1776. 78. Silas' Carter {¦^f'i), (Samuel," Samuel,' Rev. Sam uel," Rev. Thomas,') m. ist, Jan. 12, 1768, Lucy Sawyer of Lancaster, dau. of Samuel and Deborah, b. July 8, 1737, who died ; m. 2d, June 11, 1816, Mary May of Leominster, who died Feb. 1819. He lived in Lancaster, afterwards in Sterling, and before his death removed to Leominster. 4 Children, VI. Generation. 79. Josiah (165), b. — , died at Princeton. 80. John (167) , b. 1773, died at Lancaster, April 18, 1856. 81. Silas (173), b. — , died at Leominster, Feb. 7, 1820. 82. William (179), b. — , died at Leominster, about 1835. 83. Prudence' Carter (34), (Samuel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Ebenezer Carpenter, b. Rehoboth, Mass., d. Keene, N. H., Aug. 28, 1833. Res. Keene, N. H. CARTER. 21 8 Children, VI. Generation. 84. Prudence Carpenter, b. Oct. 26, 1770, d. Oct. 12, 1782. 85. Ebenezer Carpenter, b. Oct. 21, 1771, m. Feb. 20, 1803, Pamelia Eames. Res. Roxbury, N. H. Six children. 86. Dinah Carpenter, b. Nov. 18, 1773, m. June 14, 1795, Asa Archer. Res. Vermont. Four children. 87. Dolly Carpenter, b. Jan. 6, 1775, m. Waite. Res. Brookfield, Mass. Some children. 88. Charity Carpenter, b. Sept. 26, 1776, m. Feb. 21, 1802, Comfort Hamilton. Res. East Avon and Geneva, N. Y. Six children. 89. Rebecca Carpenter, b. Feb. 27, 1778, m. Feb. 21, 1802, Silas Nourse. Res. Westmoreland, N. H. Six children. 90. Obidiah Carpenter, b. June 23, 1782, m. . Res. Littleton, N. H. Seven children. 91. Prudence Carpenter, b. Feb. 11, 1784, m. Justus Squares. Res. Cornish, N. H. Two children who died young. 92. Jonas' Carter (35). (Samuel," Samuel,' Rev. Sam uel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Rachel Wadsworth. He was a soldier in the Revolutionary army, and lived at one time in Wallingsford, Vt. We have been unable to find any trace of his descendants, although he is said to have had two children. 93. Jemima' Carter (36), (Samuel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m.Jan. i, 1768, David Nims,jr., who was born Oct. 29, 1742, and died Aug. 30, 1826. Res. Roxbury, N. H. 22 CARTER. IO Children, VI. Generation. 94. David Nims (115), b. Jan. 16, 1769, d. June 13, 1815, m. Abigail Carter (69) ; they had eight chil dren. Res. Keene, N. H. 95. Abigail Nims, b. June 28, 1771, d. Dec. 4, 1851, m. April 13, 1803, Erastus Hubbard. Seven children. Res. Sullivan, N. H. 96. Matthew Nims, b. Aug. 7, 1773, d. June 11, 1849, m. Dec. 2, 1802, Lucy Brown. Eight children. Res. Sullivan, N. H. 97. Roxanna Nims, b. March 11, 1775, d. Nov. 4, 1778. 98. Sally Nims, b. May 9, 1777, d. Feb. 21, 1834, ra- Jan. I, 1794, Calvin Chapman. Fourteen children. Res. Keene. 99. Asahel Nims, b. June 10, 1779, d. April 15, 1851, m. Sept. I, 1804, Mary Heaton. Ten children. Res. Sullivan. 100. Lucy Nims, b. July 15, 1781, d. Feb. 3, 1854, ra- March 24, 1803, James Wright. Ten children. Res. Keene. 101. Roswell Nims, b. Oct. 28, 1783, d. April 24, 1855, m. Jan. i, 1810, Sally Wilson. Twelve children. Res. Sullivan. 102. Alpheus Nims, b. Oct. 21, 1785, d. March 7, 1824, m. July 14, 1807, Sally Stevens. Five children. Res. Sullivan. 103. Nahum Nims, b. May 5, 1787, d. May 9, 1788. 104. Samuel' Carter, jr. (65), (Samuel,' Samuel,* Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. July 12, 1796, Persis Nourse of Keene, N. H., b. May 4, 1773, d. Jan. 14, 1863. He was a farmer and resided at Keene. CARTER. 23 IO Children, VII. Generation. 105. Charity, b. March 26, 1797, d. Jan. 10, 1863. 106. Betsey, b. Jan. 30, 1798, d. Oct. 6, 1798. 107. Jonas, b. Sept. 2, 1800, was drowned at the West; unmarried. 108. Dauphna, b. June 10, 1803, d. Aug. 3, 1863. 109. Betsey (180), b. July 3, 1805. 110. Sarah Nourse (181), b. Sept. 2, 1807, d. 1852. Ul. Rufus (183), b. June 29, 1810. 112. Aaron Hall, b. Aug. 25, 1812, died young. 113. Samuel, b. May 23, 1815, d. Sept. 3, 181S. 114. William (185), b. Dec. 22, 1817, d. July 19, 1863. 115. AbigaiF Carter (69) , (Samuel,' Samuel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. June 15, 1796, David Nims, 3d, (see 94) of Keene, N. H. 8 Children, VII. Generation. 116. Fanny Nims, b. Nov. 17, 1796, d. Jan. 24, 1879, '"• May 24, 1826, Daniel Towns. Four children. 117. Henry Nims, b. July 17, 1799, d. Sept. 13, 1865, m. Anna Phillips. Thirteen children. 118. Nahum Nims, b. Aug. 26, 1801, d. March 1871, m. March 4, 1830, Lucina Fifield. Ten children. 119. Seth Nims, b. Aug. 27, 1803, m. ist, Feb. 14, 1837, Maria Frost, d. 1865 ; m. 2d, Dec. 29, 1869, Hannah Hunt. Three children. 120. Abigail Nims, b. July 3, 1805, d. Dec. 17, 1833, m. Feb. II, 1829, Calvin Nourse. Two children. 121. Charity Nims, b. May 4, 1807, d. May 26, 1883. Unmarried. 122. Nancy Nims, b. May 22, 1809. d. Dec. 4, 1870, m. Sept. 12, 1833, George Whitney. Seven children. 123. David Nims, b. Aug. 11, 1811, d. March 30, 1861, m. Nov. 12, 1840, Sarah Hall. Four children. 24 CARTER. 124. Daniel' Carter (71), (Stanton,' Samuel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Sept. 22, 1785, Dolly Jones, who d. Dec. 11, 1853. Res. Lancaster and Berlin. 14 Children, VII. Generation. 125. Amory (187), b. June 14, 1785, d. Feb. 8, 1815. A son b. March 10, 1787, d. soon. 126. Samuel (192), b. Oct. 2, 1788, d. Sept. 13, 1864. 127. Daniel, jr. (204), b. Feb. i, 1790, d. Aug. 6, 1879, Kennedy, N. Y. 128. Leonard (209), b. March 19, 1792, d. Sept. 18, 1849. 129. Dolly (217), b. Feb. 14, 1794, d. Feb. 28, 1870. 130. Lewis (219), b. July 17, 1796, d. Sept. 8, 1878. 131. Anna (228), b. June i, 1798, d. Sept. 11, 1876. 132. Mary (230), b. March 29, 1800, d. Jan. 4, 1878. 133. Danforth (233), b. May 19, 1802, d. Oct. 8, 1852. 134. Rufus (238), b. Feb. 27, 1804, d. Nov. 9, 1842. Ig A daughter, b. Feb. 27, 1804, d. soon. j ^ 135. Sally, b. May 1806, d. Sept. 19. 1808. 136. Chandler (242) , b. Oct. 7, 1808, still living in Berlin, Mass. 137. Sanderson" Carter (72), (Stanton.' Samuel," Sam uel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Nov. 1788, Han nah Maynard, who d. July 9, 1859. ^^s. Berlin, Mass. 4 Children, VII. Generation. 138. Luther (244), b. Jan. 16, 1790, d. Aug. 8, 1865. 139. Hannah (250), b. Feb. 28, 1793, d. July 3, 1825. 140. Zilpah (251), b.June 9, 1798, d. July 13, 1882. 141. Chloe, b. July 14, 1812, d. Sept. 27, 1873. Unmar ried. 142. Jemima," Carter (73), (Stanton,' Samuel," Sam uel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Levi Ellis. Res. Stockton, Me. CARTER. 25 7 Children, VII. Generation. 143. Peninah Ellis. 144. Jemima Ellis, b. , d. before 1824, m. Asa' Car ter. See 152, 253. 145. Lizzie Ellis. 146. Annie Ellis. 147. Rhoda Ellis. 148. William Stanton Ellis. 149. Levi Isaac Ellis. 150. Stanton" Carter (74), (Stanton,' Samuel," Sam uel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. ist, April 5, 1797, Chloe Maynard, who d. at Berlin, Mass. ; m. 2d, Abigail McBride, who d. at Stockton, Me. 3 Children, VII. Generation. 151. James, b. . 152. Asa, b. March 10, 1798, in Berlin, d. Oct. 3, 1850. 153. Thirza, b. , d. young in Stockton, Me. 154. Mary" Carter (75), (Stanton,' Samuel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. April 12, 1792, Levi Wheeler. Res. Berlin, Mass. 7 Children, VII. Generation. 155. Amos Wheeler. 156. Peregrine Wheeler. 157. Levi Wheeler. 158. Mary Wheeler. 159. Rhoda Wheeler. 160. Lucy Wheeler. 161. Sarah Wheeler. 3 26 CARTER. 162. Sarah" Carter (76), (Stanton,' Samuel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Peregrine Wheeler. Res. Richmond, N. H. I Child, VII. Generation. 163. Levi Wheeler. 164. Samuel" Carter (77), (Stanton,' Samuel," Sam uel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Jennie Wheeler. Have found no trace of their family, but think it probable they settled in or near Prospect, Me. 165. Josiah" Carter (79), (Silas,' Samuel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. 1789, Hitty Dresser. Res. Princeton, Mass. 2 Children, VII. Generation. 166. Betsey (265), b. , d. at Princeton, aged 85 yrs. A daughter, b. , d. aged 11 yrs. 167. John" Carter (80), (Silas,' Samuel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. ist, Rhoda Stoddard of Newport, R. I. ; m. 2d, Lucy Roper of Sterling, Mass. 5 Children, VII. Generation. 168. William (266), b. Aug. 1801, still living at West- boro, Mass. 169. Asaph (268), b. April 19, 1803, still living at Ster ling, Mass. 170. Manasseh (275), [name changed to George,] b. — • 171. Sewell (276),b. . 172. Elizabeth (277), b. 1820. CARTER. 27 173. Silas" Carter, jr. (8i), (Silas,' Samuel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. ist, i860, Rhoda May of Leominster, who died — ; m. 2d, Sept. 29, 1817, Betsey Powers. 5 Children, VII. Generation. 174. John (282), b. April 4, 1801, d. Feb. 9, 1875. 175. David (285), b. June 4, 1806. 176. Lydia (292), b. March 4, 1808, d. at Fitchburg. 177. Mary Elizabeth (293) , b. July 20, 1818, d. at Clinton. 178. Jerome Sawyer (294), b. Oct. 10, 1819, d. April 10, 1874. 179. William" Carter (82), (Silas,' Samuel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') married and lived at Brook field, Mass., — no record of his family. He came to Leom inster and m. Dec. 1832, Widow Lois Rugg. 180. Betsey' Carter (109), (Samuel," Samuel,' Sam uel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Daniel Towns. They had one child who died in infancy. 181. Sarah Nourse' Carter (no), Samuel," Samuel,' Samuel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Joseph Lee of New York city. I Child, VIII. Generation. 182. Charles Lee, who has three children. 183. Rufus' Carter (m), (Samuel," Samuel,' Samuel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. ist, Mary Bird, who d. Nov. 16, 1839; "^- ^d, Arethusa Sanderson. Res. Keene, N. H. I Child, VIII. Generation. 184. Sarah M., b. Dec. 12, 1852. 28 CARTER. 185. William' Carter (114), (Samuel," Samuel,' Sam uel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Eliza Cooper. Res. Keene, N. H. I Child, VIII. Generation. 186. William Edgar, b. — . Res. New York city. 187. Amory' Carter (125), (Daniel," Stanton,' Samuel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Dec. i, 1808, Lucinda Sawyer. Res. Berlin, Mass. 4 Children, VIII. Generation. 188. Sarah, b. Sept. 21, 1809, d. . 189. Tra (310), b. May 6, 1811, d. Oct. 19, i860. 190. Amory (314), b. June 23, 1813. 19L Daniel H. (316), b. Feb. i, 1815. 192. Samuel' Carter (126), (Daniel," Stanton,' Sam uel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Jan. 4, 1809, Dilly Meriam, b. Oct. 18, 1793, d. at Berlin, Sept. 17, 1859. Res. Lancaster and Berlin. II Children, VIII. Generation. 193. Oliver (317), b. April 9, 1810, d. at Lancaster, Jan. 31, 1871. 194. Eliza (324), b. Nov. 21, 181 1, d. at Lancaster, July 18, 1851. 195. Samuel (329), b. Sept. 8, 1813. 196. Dolly, b. in Leominster, April 4, 1816, d. in infancy. 197. William C. (330), b. Jan. 8, 1818, d. Jan. 14, 1874. 198. Ann L. (33S)' b. Jan. 18, 1820, d. May 12, 1846. 199. Charles M. (336), b. May 3, 1822. 200. Daniel Andrew (340), b. Aug. 30, 1824, d. Oct. 31, 1868. 20L George A. (345), b. Dec. 17, 1827. 202. Adelia M. (351), b. July 13, 1830. 203. Solon F. (358), b. March 7, 1833, d. Dec. 5, 1864. CARTER. 29 204. Daniel' Carter, jr. (127), (Daniel," Stanton,' Samuel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. April 8, 1817, Hannah Stowe. Res. Kennedy, N. Y. 4 Children, VIII. Generation. 205. Charles Curtis (359), b.Jan. 23, 1818. 206. Mary Ann (365), b. Jan. 31, 1822. 207. Sarah Healy (372), b. Jan. 13, 1824, d. March 11, 1856. •208. Hannah Louise (375), b. April 13, 1829. 209. Leonard' Carter (128), (Daniel," Stanton,' Sam uel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. ist, March 19, 1817, Persis Bailey, who died June 8, 1827 ; m. 2d, Oct. 27, 1827, Ann G. Brigham. Res. Berlin. 7 Children, VIII. Generation. 210. Enoch Boutelle (377), b. at Leominster, Jan. 18, 1819. 211. William Barnes, b. at Boylston, Sept. 15, 1822. 212. Persis Bailey (384), b. at Boylston, Jan. 4, 1827. 213. Leonard, jr. (385), b. at Boylston, March 2, 1830. 214. Jonas Ball, b. at Boylston, Nov. 26, 1832, d. Sept. 13. 1834- 215. Lydia Ann (389), b. at Boylston, June 16, 1834, d- 1834. 216. Mary Elizabeth (390), b. at Boylston, Nov. 1838. 217. Dolly' Carter (129), (Daniel," Stanton,' Samuel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Sept. 9 1822, Ira Longley. Res. Boylston. I Child, VIII. Generation. 218. Abel W. Longley, b. Oct. i, 1823, d. Aug. 22, 1879, ^^ Berlin. ^^ CARTER. 219. Lewis' Carter (130), (Daniel," Stanton,' Samuel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. April 17, 1821, Sarah Sawyer. Res. West Berlin. 8 Children, VIII. Generation. 220. Lewis Lincoln (391), b. Nov. 10, 1822. 221. Susan Caroline (39S), b. Jan. 28, 1825, d. April 20, 1855- 222. Silas Rufus (396), b. Sept. 16, 1828. 223. Sarah Elizabeth (402), b. Oct. 18, 1830. 224. Ira Osborn (408), b. Nov. 18, 1832, d. Feb. 13, 1885. 225. Lucy Sawyer, b. Oct. 4, 1834, ^- unmarried, Feb. 16, 1872. 226. Eugenia Stowe (409), b.June 23, 1838. 227. Jonas Hale (415), b. Jan. 23, 1840. 228. Anna' Carter (131), (Daniel," Stanton,' Samuel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. March 28, 1822, Thomas Brigham. Res. Berlin, Mass. I Child, VIII. Generation. 229. Eliza Ann Brigham, b. Sept. 12, 1824. 230. Mary' Carter (132), (Daniel," Stanton,' Samuel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. April 19, 1821, John Bartlett. Res. Berlin, Mass. 2 Children, VIII. Generation. 231. Amory Adam Bartlett, b. April 17, 1822. 232. John Francis Bartlett, b. April 18, 1830. 233. Danforth' Carter (133), (Daniel," Stanton,' Sam uel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. April 3, 1827, Louise Hastings, who died Oct. 5, 1853. Res. Hudson, Mass. CARTER. 31 4 Children, VIII. Generation, 234. Elbridge (417), b. June 4, 1828. 235. Nancy H. (420), b. Sept. 4, 1830. 236. Dolly, b. Feb. 3, 1833, d. Jan. 18, 1854. 237. Thomas Stedman (421), b.June 25, 1839. 238. Rufus' Carter (134), (Daniel," Stanton,' Samuel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Sarah E. Goss. Res. Berlin, Mass. 3 Children, VIII. Generation. 239. Adeliza, b. Feb. 13, 1836, d. young. 240. Mary W. b. Jan. 9, 1835, d. Dec. 28, 1876. 241. John Gilbert (422), b. Jan. 9, 1838. 242. Chandler' Carter (136), (Daniel," Stanton,' Sam uel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,") m. ist, April 28, 1.839, Nancy Babcock, who died March 7, 1851 ; m. 2d, Jan. 16, 1864, Sarah H. Lincoln, who died Aug. 16, 1879. Res. Berlin. Mr. Carter has given generously of his property to his native town, and also to the Unitarian Society in Berlin. I Child, VIII. Generation. 243. Jane Elizabeth, b. April 8, 1840, d. — . 244. Luther' Carter (138), (Sanderson," Stanton," Samuel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. March 24, 1811, Lucy Bigelow, who died Nov. 27, 1850. Res. Berlin. S Children, VIII. Generation. 245. Ivory (426), b. Feb. 29, 1812, d. Nov. 6, 1850. 246. Betsey (429), b. March 20, 1814, d. April 12, 1856. 32 CARTER. 247. Hannah, b. July 17, 1817, d. May 16, 1851. 248. Persis, b. March 15, 1821. 249. Lucy, b. Oct. 27, 1825. 250. Hannah' Carter (139), (Sanderson," Stanton,' Samuel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Warren Morse. Four children. 251. Zilpah' Carter (140), (Sanderson," Stanton,' Sam uel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Nov. 21, 1819, Daniel Bartlett, who d. April 10, 1869. One child. 252. James' Carter (151), (Stanton," Stanton,' Sam uel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. and lived in Stockton, Me. He had two daughters, and four sons — James, Samuel, Emory and Asa. 253. Asa' Carter (152), (Stanton," Stanton,' Samuel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. ist, Jemima Ellis, who died — ; m. 2d, Ellinor Carlton of Prospect, Me., who died at Berlin, Dec. 19, 1876. II Children, VIII. Generation. 254. Chloe (430), b. Aug. 17, 1817. 255. Asa (431), b. March 9, 1819. 256. Ellinor C. (441), b. at Prospect, Me., May 17, 1824. 257. Susan Blake (442), b. at Prospect, Me., Oct. 23, 1825. 258. Thirza (443), b. at Prospect, Me., Nov., 1827, d. Nov. 1850. 259. Betsey C. (444), b. at Prospect, Me., 1831, d. Sept. 20, 1850. 260. Margaret (44S), b. at Prospect, Me., Oct. 2, 1833. CARTER. 33 261. Huldah A. (446), b. at Prospect, Me., Dec. 26, 1835. 262. Mary E. (447), b. at Prospect, Me., Feb. 14, 1838, d. Nov. 10, 1865. 263. Zilpah Maria (448), b. at Prospect, Me., May 6, 1840, d. Nov. 23, 1857. 264. Julia Alice (449), b. at Prospect, Me., Nov. 26, 1843, d. Sept. 30, 1862. 265. Betsey' Carter (166), (Josiah," Silas,' Samuel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. James Brown of Princeton, Mass. 8 Children, VIII. Generation. Three sons and one daughter, (the widow of Eli J. Adams of Leominster,) are still living. 266. William' Carter (168), (John," Silas,' Samuel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Dolly Gerry. Res. Westboro, Mass. "1 Child, VIII. Generation. 267. William, b. . 268. Asaph' Carter (169), (John," Silas,' Samuel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Aug. 28, 1833, Adaline Howe, who died Jan. 1886. Res. Sterling. 6 Children, VIII. Generation. 269. Albert C. (450), b. Sept. 29, 1833. 270. Josiah (451), b. March 27, 1836, d. Dec. 31, 1864, at Hudson, Mass. 271. George A. (452), b. July 11, 1838. 272. Catherine E. (454) b. April 14, 1840. 273. James H. (456), b. March 31, 1847. 274. Daniel, b. Sept. 3, 1850, d. Oct. 2, 1885. 34 CARTER. 275. Manasseh' [changed to George] Carter (170), (John," Silas,' Samuel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. in Philadelphia, and had four children. 276. Seweir Carter (171), (John," Silas,' Samuel,' Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. in Philadel phia, and had three children. 277. Elizabeth' Carter (172), (John," Silas,' Samuel,* Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. March 30, 1847, Solomon May. Res. Leominster. 4 Children, VIII. Generation. 278. Frances Emily May, b. June 28, 1847. 279. Mary E. May, b. Dec. 8, 1849. 280. Martha May, b. Oct. 6, 1851. 281. James Eli May, b. Nov. 7, 1854. 282. John' Carter (174), (Silas," Silas,' Samuel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. 1824, Hannah Nurse of Shrewsbury. Res. Leominster. 2 Children, VIII. Generation. 283. George Henry, b. Feb. 20, 1832, d. April 15, 1853. 284. Hannah Nurse, b. May 25, 1837, d. July 25, 1852. 285. David' Carter (175), (Silas," Silas,' Samuel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. ist, Oct. 11, 1832, Tabitha Derby, who died — ; m. 2d, July 1885, Mrs. Alice Hale. Res. Leominster. 6 Children, VIII. Generation. 286. Caroline A. (4S9), b. 1834, d. — • 287. Laura A. (460), b. 1837. CARTER. 35 288. Charles F. (461), b. 1838. 289. Rufus, b. Feb. 12, 1841, d. of wounds received in battle near Petersburg, Va., Sept. 30, 1864. Co. D, 2ist Regt. M. V. M. 290. Frances A. (465), b. Oct. 2, 1845. 291. Marietta A. (466), b. Sept. 14, 1847. 292. Lydia' Carter (176), (Silas," Silas,' Samuel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. April 13, 1831, Galen Lamb of Fitchburg. No children. 293. Mary Elizabeth' Carter (177), (Silas," Silas,' Samuel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Nov. 1838, Nathan Burdett of Clinton. They had three children. 294. Jerome Sawyer' Carter (178), Silas," Silas,' Sam uel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Sarah Johnson. Res. Leominster. 15 Children, VIII. Generation. 295. Maria S. (467), b. Oct. i, 1843. 296. Olive Augusta, b. March 19, 1846. 297. Sawyer Willard (468), b. 1847. 298. Esther Amanda (471), b. Feb. 29, 1852. 299. Herbert J., b. June 3, 1849, d. 1871. 300. Henry Alden, b. Dec. 9, 1853, d. 1862. 301. Charles E., b. June 1856. 302. Andrew L., b. Oct. 28, 1858. 303. Milton E., b. 1859. 304. Winfield F., b. Dec. 26, 1861. 305. Edward W., b. Aug. 9, 1862. 306. Ossian A., b. Feb. 1864. 36 CARTER. 307. Nettie A., b. July 30, 1866. 308. George A., b. Oct. 24, 1868. 309. Henry A., b. March 1870. 310. Ira' Carter (189) (Amory,' Daniel," Stanton,' Samuel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. ist, Aug. 3, 1834, Hannah Jones. Res. Berlin, Mass. 3 Children, IX. Generation. 311. Calvin H., b. March 27, 1837, a soldier in the war of the Rebellion, was badly wounded at the battle of Bull Run and honorably discharged. 312. Caroline E., b. Oct, 24, 1836. 313. George Ira, b. June 19, 1847, d. Sept. 30, 1864, a member of Co. I, 36th Mass. Regt., he was wounded at Poplar Spring Church, Va., taken prisoner and died at Petersburg, Va. The youngest and one of the bravest soldiers in the company. 314. Amory," Carter, jr. (190), (Amory,' Daniel," Stanton,' Samuel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thom as,') m. April 1839, Persis H. Spofford. Res. Worcester, Mass. I Child, IX. Generation. 315. Persis H. S., b. Feb. 12, 1840. 316. Daniel H." Carter (191), Amory,' Daniel," Stan ton,' Samuel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. April 8, 1840, Lucy Ann Hartwell. Res. Berlin, Mass. 317. Oliver," Carter (193), (Samuel,' Daniel," Stanton," Samuel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. ist. CARTER. 37 April 30, 1834, Polly Warner, who died Feb. 28, 1842 ; m. 2d, Feb. 8, 1849, Mary S. Barnes. Res. Lancaster. 6 Children, IX. Generation. 318. Oliver Warner, b. April 10, 1836. 319. Sarah Frances, b. Dec. 6, 1838. 320. Mary Dilly (472), b. Nov. 28, 1849. 321. Samuel Marshall (476), b. March 3, 185 1. 322. Julia Barnes, b. Oct. 31, 1853. 323. Everett Merriam (481), b. March 8, 1858. 324. Eliza" Carter (194), (Samuel,' Daniel," Stanton,' Samuel," Samuel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. June 14, 1838, Charles J. Wilder. Res. Lancaster, Mass. 4 Children, IX. Generation. 325. Joel Thomas Wilder, b. Dec. 19, 1840, d. April 24, 1844. 326. George Waite Wilder, b. Dec. 27, 1842, d. March 10. 1843. 327. Charles Francis Wilder, b. April i, 1846. 328. Anna Eliza Wilder, b. March 12, 1850. 329. Samuel,* Carter (195), (Samuel,' Daniel," Stan ton,' Samuel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. 1st, Nov. 29, 1838, Lydia P. Batchelder, who died Feb. 7, 1842; m. 2d, Jan. 29, 1847, Ellen A. Meriam, who died Jan. 20, 1855; m. 3d, March 9, 1856, Mrs. Marian Babcock, who died April 2, 1874. 330. William C." Carter (197), (Samuel,' Daniel," Stanton,' Samuel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thom as,') m. ist, Martha A. E. Bragg, who died July 28, 1841 ; m. 2d, Caroline Harris. Res. Holyoke and Boston. 38 CARTER. 4 Children, IX. Generation. 331. Martha A. E. (485), b. May 1847, d. Feb. 24, 1872. 332. Ellen, b. Sept. 1850, d. March 10, 1851. 333. Sammie, b. Dec. 1851, d. Sept. 7, 1852. 334. Charlie, b. Oct. 1866, d. Dec. 2, 1867. 335. Ann L." Carter (198), (Samuel,' Daniel," Stan ton,' Samuel," Samuel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. L. F. Bancroft. Had one son. Res. Lancaster. 336. Charles Myrick" Carter (199), (Samuel,' Daniel," Stanton,' Samuel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thom as,') m. Aug. 5, 1847, Martha H. Thurston. Res. Boston. 4 Children, IX. Generation. 337. Mary Lizzie. 338. Charles Frederic. 339. Nellie Parney. A daughter who died young. 340. Daniel Andrew" Carter (200), (Samuel,' Daniel," Stanton,' Samuel," Samuel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thom as,') m. Mary Davis. Res. South Lancaster. 4 Children, IX. Generation. 341. Frank Herbert (487), b. April 10, 1849. 342. Emily Leighton (491), b.Jan. 17, 1852. 343. Adele Meriam, b. Sept. 22, 1855. 344. Albert Harris, b. Nov. 16, i860, d. July 21, 1881. 345. George A." Carter (201), (Samuel,' Daniel," Stanton,' Samuel." Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thom as,') m. April 6, 185 1, Adelia C. Hosmer. Res. Wor cester, Mass. CARTER. 39 5 Children, IX. Generation. .346. Annie, b. April 5, 1854. 347. Carrie G., b. Sept. 29, 1856. 348. Hattie C, b. July 17, i860. 349. Fred T., b. Oct. 20, 1862, d. Aug. 15, 1863. 350. George Grant, b. Nov. 11, 1865. 351. Adelia M." Carter (202), (Samuel,' Daniel," Stan ton,' Samuel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. William Davis. Res. Cambridgeport, Mass. 6 Children, IX. Generation. 352. Ella Adelia Davis, b. Dec. 23, 1852. 353. Charles Solon Davis, b. July i, 1857. '354. William Warren Davis, b. June 28, 1859, ^- April 17, i860. 355. William Warren Davis, b. Aug. 8, 1862. 356. Samuel Andrew Davis, b. Jan. 8, 1869. 357. Mabel Carter Davis, b. Aug. 28, 1875. 358. Solon F." Carter (203), (Samuel,' Daniel," Stan- iton,' Samuel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. .Augusta Gaylord. No children. 359. Charles Curtis" Carter (205), (Daniel, jr.,' Dan iel," Stanton,' Samuel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Nov. 24, 1842, Eunice Alma Babcock. Res. Kennedy, N. Y. 5 Children, IX. Generation. 360. Cyrus, b. Dec. 5, 1848. |361. Loring, b. Sept. 25, 1850. '362. John Stowe, b. Dec. 23, 1853. '363. Fannie, b. Feb. 9, 1856. ''364. Susie, b. May 2, i860. 40 CARTER. 365. Mary Ann" Carter (206), (Daniel, jr.,' Daniel,' Stanton,' Samuel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thom as,') m. Jan. 4, 1844, Chauncey P. Hartwell. Res. Fal coner, N. Y. 6 Children, IX. Generation. 366. Edward Elliot Hartwell, b. Dec. 8, 1844. 367. Ella Hartwell, b. March 31, 1848. Res. Westboro, Mass. 368. Frank Hartwell, b. Dec. 15, 185 1. Res. Danbury, Conn. 369. Sarah Hartwell, b. Oct. 21, 1854. Res. Westboro, Mass. 370. Hattie Hartwell, b. Sept. 2, 1856. Res. Falconer, N. Y. 371. Lewis Hartwell. 372. Sarah Healy" Carter (207), (Daniel, jr.,' Daniel,' Stanton,' Samuel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thom as,') m. April 2, 1846, Samuel J. Howe. Res. Shrews bury, Mass. 2 Children, IX. Generation. 373. Walter Howe, b. Aug. 19, 1850. 374. Nellie Howe, b. Jan. 25, 1856. 375. Hannah L." Carter (208), (Daniel, jr.,' Daniel,' Stanton,' Samuel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thom as,') m. Jan. 31, 1852, Oliver Wyman. Res. Shrewsbury, Mass. I Child, IX. Generation. 376. Agnes Wyman, b. Sept. 14, 1854. CARTER. 41 377. Enoch B." Carter (210) , (Leonard,' Daniel," Stan ton,' Samuel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. June 24, 1845, Charlotte Vincent. Res. Rochester, N.Y. 2 Children, IX. Generation. 378. Weston, b. Feb. 15, 1847, drowned Dec. 3, 1868. 379. Wilmot, b. Feb. 8, 1850, d. March 13, 1868. 380. William B." Carter (211), (Leonard,' Daniel," Stanton,' Samuel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thom as,') m. 1st, Sept. 6, 1855, Mary A. Sawyer, who died — ; m. 2d, July 12, 1870, Mary A. Fowler of Springfield, Mass. Res. Berlin, Mass. 3 Children, IX. Generation. 381. Addie Adelia, b. July 11, 1857. 382. William Amro, b. March 4, 1861. 383. Horace Choate, b. April 7, 1871. 384. Persis B." Carter (212), (Leonard,' Daniel," Stanton,' Samuel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thom as,') m. April 29, 1847, William Howe. 385. Leonard" Carter, jr. (213), (Leonard,' Daniel," Stanton,' Samuel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thom as,') m. Jan. 2, 1857, Abby E. Phillips. Res. Lancaster. 3 Children, IX. Generation. 386. Jerome F., b. March 14, 1859. 387. Franz W., b. Dec. 9, i860. 388. Eugene (495) b. Sept. 5, 1862. 389. Lydia Ann" Carter (215), (Leonard,' Daniel," Stanton,' Samuel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thom as,') m. June 16, 1834, Oliver Sawyer. No children. ^2 CARTER. 390. Mary Elizabeth" Carter (216) , (Leonard,' Daniel,' Stanton,' Samuel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thom as,') m. May i, 1856, David Whitcomb. 391. Lewis L." Carter (220), (Lewis,' Daniel," Stan ton,' Samuel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. April 5, 1849, Susan E. Phelps. Res. West Berlin. 3 Children, IX. Generation. 392. Sidney Brigham (496), b. Sept. 23, 1852. 393. Lewis Paul (497), b. Jan. 17, 1856. 394. Cora Isabel (498), b. June 17, i860. 395. Susan Caroline" Carter (221), (Lewis,' Daniel,' Stanton," Samuel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thom as,') m. April 20, 1855, Winslow B. Morse. No children. Res. Berlin. 396. Silas Rufus" Carter (222) , (Lewis,' Daniel," Stan ton,' Samuel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. July 13, 1856, Emily Crowell. Res. West Berlin. 5 Children, IX. Generation. 397. Willard Crowell, b. March 3, 1858. 398. Eugene Francis, b. Aug. 12, i860. "i 299. Eugenia Frances, b. Aug. 12, i860, d. ^Twins. Sept. 17, i860. 400. Lucy Amanda, b. Aug. i, 1863. 401. Silas Rolla, b. April 8, 1868. 402. Sarah Elizabeth' Carter (2:13), Lewis.' Daniel,' Stanton,' Samuel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thom as,') m. March 31, 1859, Algernon Cartwright. Res. Berlin, Mass. CARTER. 43 5 Children, IX. Generation. 403. Mary Victoria Cartwright, b. July 15, 1859. 404. Sarah Elizabeth Cartwright, b. June 20, 1861. 405. Walter Algernon Cartwright, b. Sept. 23, 1863. 406. James Lewis Cartwright, b. March 15, 1865. 407. Annie Selina Cartwright, b. Nov. 27, 1869. 408. Ira Osborn" Carter (224), (Lewis,' Daniel," Stan ton,' Samuel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. March 6, i860, Susan Shattuck. No children. Res. Arlington, Mass. 409. Eugenia Stowe" Carter (226), (Lewis,' Daniel," Stanton,' Samuel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thom as,') m. May i, 1856, Winslow B. Morse. Res. Berlin, Mass. 5 Children, IX. Generation. 410. Susan Caroline Morse, b. Aug. 31, 1859. 411. Lucy Sarah Morse, b. Dec. 20, 1862, d. Aug. 23, 1865. 412. Fred Winslow Morse, b. Dec. 6, 1865. 413. Jennie Eugenia Morse, b. June 9, 1868. 414. Sybil Eliza Morse, b. Sept. 6, 1871, d. May 3, 1874. 415. Jonas Hale" Carter (227), (Lewis,' Daniel," Stan ton,' Samuel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Nov. 30, 1871, Annetta L. Draper. Res. West Berlin. I Child, IX. Generation. 416. Samuel Draper, b. Oct. 25, 1872. 44 CARTER. 417. Elbridge" Carter (234), (Danforth,' Daniel," Stan ton,' Samuel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. ist, Aug. 4, 1850, Betsey C. Carter (see 259), who died Sept. 20, 1850; m. 2d, July 20, 1852, Georgianna L. Maynard. Res. Hudson, Mass. 2 Children, IX. Generation. 418. George Irving, b. March 5, 1854. 419. Leona L., b. May 2, 1850. 420. Nancy H." Carter (235), (Danforth,' Daniel," Stanton,' Samuel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thom as,') m. May 25, 1876, Howard M. Campbell of Hudson, Mass. No children. 421. Thomas Stedman" Carter (237). (Danforth,' Dan iel," Stanton,' Samuel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Sept. 16, 1863, Mary Leland of Sherborn, Mass. No children. Res. Hudson, Mass. 422. John Gilbert' Carter (241), (Rufus,' Daniel," Stanton,' Samuel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thom as,') m. Jan. 9, 1863, Ellen M. Henry. Res. Clinton, Mass. 4 Children, IX. Generation. Charles G., b. Jan. 3, 1864, d. Aug. 29, 1865. 423. Carrie Ida, b. July ), 1867, m. March 17, 1886, Halsey E. Giles. One son. 424. Walter Frank, b. May 7, 1871. 425. Sadie A., b. June 6, 1874. 426. Ivory" Carter (245), (Luther,' Sanderson," Stan ton,' Samuel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas.') m. Nov. II, 1833, Olive Smith. Res. Berlin. CARTER. 45 2 Children, IX. Generation. 427. Laura E. (499), b. Aug. 22, 1834, ^- Aug. 28, 1866. 428. Israel F. (502), b. Feb. 6, 1839. 429. Betse}" Carter (246), (Luther,' Sanderson," Stan ton,' Samuel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. April 22, 1833, Ira Brigham. Three children. Res. Berlin. 430. Chloe' Carter (254), (Asa,' Stanton," Stanton,' Samuel," Samuel.' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. April 5. 1830, Thomas Lamphire. Res. Sebeck, Maine. They had five sons, three of whom were killed in the war of the Rebellion. 431. Asa" Carter (255), Asa.' Stanton," Stanton,' Sam uel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Aug. 20, 1840, Sarah A. Lamphire. Res. Stockton, Me. 9 Children, IX. Generation. 432. Eliza A. (505), b. Nov. i, 1841, d. Feb. 2, 1882. 433. Ellinor M. (509), b. Nov. 18, 1842. 434. William A. (511), b. Oct. 5, 1844. 435. Ann C. (514). b. Aug. 17, 1846. 436. Elvira J. (518). b. July 6, 1849. 437. Sarah M. (521), b. April 6, 1851. 438. Juliet B. (525), b. Feb. 10, 1854. 439. Lavina S. (528), b. Jan. 27, 1856. 440. Emma J. (529), b.Jan. 5, 1864. 441. Ellinor Carlton" Carter (256), (Asa,' Stanton," Stanton,' Samuel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thom as,') m. Aug, 16, 1846, Riley Smith. They have three children. Res. Hudson, Mass. 4^ CARTER. 442. Susan Blake" Carter (257) , (Asa,' Stanton," Stan ton,' Samuel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Nov. 28, 1847, Joseph W. Merrill. No children. 443. Thirza A." Carter (258), (Asa,' Stanton," Stan ton,' Samuel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Seth W. Merrill. Two children. 444. Betsey C." Carter (259), (Asa,' Stanton," Stan ton,' Samuel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Aug. 4, 1850, Elbridge Carter. See 417. 445. Margaret" Carter (260) , (Asa,' Stanton," Stanton,' Samuel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. ist, July 25, 1850, Phineas Stratton; m. 2d, May 17, 1861, D. W. Warner. Res. Hudson, Mass. 446. Huldah A." Carter (261), (Asa,' Stanton," Stan ton,' Samuel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Jan. 2, 1854, Seth W. Merrill. Two daughters. Res. Hudson, Mass. 447. Mary E." Carter (262), (Asa,' Stanton," Stanton,' Samuel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. May I, 1856, Charles T. Vinal. One son. 448. Zilpah Maria" Carter (263), (Asa,' Stanton,' Stanton,' Samuel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel,' Rev. Thom as,') m. March 15, 1857, Gustavus Smith. CARTER. 47 449. Julia Alice" Carter (264), (Asa,' Stanton." Stan ton,' Samuel," Samuel,' R^v. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Sept. 3, 1862, Gardner Ramsdell. One child. 450. Albert C." Carter (269), (Asaph,' John," Silas,' Samuel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. 1867, Sarah E. Carter, his brother's widow. Res. Ster ling, Mass. 451. Josiah" Carter (270), (Asaph,' John," Silas,' Sam uel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. 1861, Sarah E. Derby of Leominster. Res. Hudson, Mass. 452. George A." Carter (271), (Asaph,' John," Silas,' Samuel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel." Rev. Thomas,') m. Julia A. Maynard. Res. Sterling. I Child, IX. Generation. 453. George C, b. Sept. 22, 1866. 454. Catherine E." Carter (272) , (Asaph,' John," Silas,' Samuel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. ist, Edwin Nurse of Clinton, who died — ; m. 2d, Linus G. Washburn of Charlestown, Mass. I Child, IX. Generation. 455. M. Addie Nurse, b. Sept. 25, 1865. 456. James H." Carter (273), (Asaph,' John," Silas,' Samuel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. July II, 1875, Marcella Boynton of Leominster. He is con ductor on the Worcester branch of the Old Colony Rail road. Res. Sterling. 48 CARTER. 2 Children, IX. Generation. 457. Abbie Estelle, b. Nov. ii, 1876, d. Dec. 18, 1886. 458. James Garfield, b. Aug. 18, 1880. 459. Caroline A." Carter (286), (David,' Silas," Silas,' Samuel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Feb. 22, 1855, Henry D. Lusk. 460. Laura A." Carter (287), David,' Silas," Silas,' Samuel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Oct. 8, 1873, Emory A. Derby. They have two children. Res. Leominster, 461. Charles F," Carter (288), (David,' Silas," Silas,' Samuel," Samuel,' Rev, Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. May 4, 1868, Nettie Sawtelle, Res, Leominster, 3 Children, IX. Generation. 462. Ralph Erving, b, Nov. 11, 1869, 463. Jessie L,, b, Aug. 27, 1875. 464. Blanche E„ b, July 13, 1877. 465. Frances A." Carter (290), (David,' Silas," Silas,' Samuel," Samuel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Aug. 31, 1868, James S. Willard of Leominster. 466. Marietta A." Carter (291), (David,' Silas," Silas,' Samuel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. — Wheeler. CARTER. 49 467. Maria S." Carter (295) , (Jerome S,,' Silas," Silas,' Samuel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev, Thomas,') m, March 13, 1867, Charles F. Powers. One child. Res. Leominster. 468. Sawyer Willard" Carter (297) , (Jerome S,,' Silas," Silas,' Samuel," Samuel,' Rev, Samuel," Rev, Thomas,') m, Nov. 21, 1872, Nancy S, Mason, Res, Leominster, 2 Children, IX. Generation. 469. Herbert Mason, b, Oct. 29, 1875. 470. Edward Eugene, b, Aug, 7. 1877, 471. Esther Amanda" Carter (298) , (Jerome S,,' Silas," Silas,' Samuel," Samuel,' Rev, Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Sept. 20, 1875, Jerome Roper, Five children. 472. Mary Dilly" Carter (320), (Oliver," Samuel,' Dan. iel," Stanton," Samuel," Samuel,' Rev, Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. April 22, 1875, Dennis E, Wheeler. Res. Leominster. 3 Children, X. Generation, 473. Harry Elwell Wheeler, b, March 11, 1876. 474. Florence Ethel Wheeler, b, June 20, 1879. 475. Walter Everett Wheeler, b. March 31, 1884. 476. Samuel Marshall" Carter (321), (Oliver," Samuel,' Daniel," Stanton,' Samuel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. March 4, 1875, Louisa Greenleaf. Res. Gardner, Mass. ^^ CARTER. 4 Children, X. Generation. 477. Herbert Ellsworth, b. Sept. 3, 1875. 478. Alice Belle, b. March 31, 1878. 479. Silas Greenleaf, b. Oct. 16, 1880. 480. Ellen Louise, b. Sept. 21, 1882. 481. Everett M." Carter (323), (Oliver," Samuel,' Dan iel," Stanton,' Samuel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev, Thomas,') m. Nov. 20, 1879, Louisa Wheeler. Res. Leominster. 3 Children, X. Generation. 482. Hattie Louise, b. Aug. 16, 1880. 483. Chester Meriam, b. Nov. 7, 1882. 484. Roy M., b. Nov. 18, 1884, d. Aug. 7, 1886. 485. Mattie A. E." Carter (331), (William C," Sam uel,' Daniel," Stanton,' Samuel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel,' Rev. Thomas,') m. George Heywood. Res. Boston. • I Child, X. Generation. 486. Willie Carter Heywood, b. Feb. 23, 1872. 487. Frank H." Carter (341), (Daniel Andrew," Sam uel,' Daniel," Stanton,' Samuel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel,' Rev. Thomas,') m. June 14, 1870, Frances E. Burton. Res. Harrison Square, Boston. 3 Children, X. Generation. 488. Guy Burton, b. Sept. 18, 1871. 489. Adelia Marguerite b. Feb. 2, 1877. 490. Bessie Mansfield, b. Nov. 3, 1879. CARTER. 51 491. Emily L." Carter (342), (Daniel Andrew," Sam uel,' Daniel," Stanton,' Samuel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Nov. 10, 1874, Albert M. Barnes. Res. Cambridge, Mass. 3 Children, X. Generation. 492. Allan Foster Barnes, b. Oct. 6, 1875. 493. Karl Schenck Barnes, b. Dec. 16, 1876. 494. Donald Carter Barnes, b. Sept. 14, 1880. 495. Eugene" Carter (388), (Leonard," Leonard,' Dan iel," Stanton,' Samuel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. June 3, 1884, Florence E. Barnes. 496. Sidney Brigham" Carter (392), Lewis L.," Lewis,' Daniel," Stanton,' Samuel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Dec. 25, 1875, J. Etta Fosgate. No chil dren. Res. West Berlin. 497. Lewis Paul" Carter (393), (Lewis L.," Lewis,' Daniel," Stanton,' Samuel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. July 2, 1881, Ada E. Simmonds. Res. Worcester, Mass. 498. Cora Isabel" Carter (394), (Lewis L.," Lewis,' Daniel," Stanton,' Samuel," Samuel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Feb. 28, 1879, Calvin H. Hastings. Two children, who both died in infancy. Res. Boylston, Mass. 499. Laura E.' Carter (427), (Ivory," Luther,' San derson," Stanton,' Samuel," Samuel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. April 9, 1852, J. A. Merrill. 52 CARTER. 2 Children, X. Generation. 500. Alice Merrill. 501. Lizzie Merrill. 502. Israel F." Carter (428), (Ivory," Luther,' Sander son," Stanton,' Samuel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Nov. 3, 1859, Susan M. Blood. Res. Ber lin, Mass. 2 Children, X. Generation. 503. Emma E., b. Sept. 16, i860, d. Dec. 4, 1884. 504. Laura, b. March 25, 1870. 505. Eliza A." Carter (432), (Asa," Asa,' Stanton," Stanton,' Samuel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thom as,") m. Nov. 15, 1857, Albion Staples. Res. Stockton, Me. 3 Children, X. Generation. 506. Judson A. Staples, b. Sept. 2, 1858. 507. Calvin E. Staples, b. Aug. 28, 1862. 508. Addie B. Staples, b. July 5, 1866. 509. Ellinor M." Carter (433), (Asa," Asa,' Stanton,' Stanton,' Samuel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thom as,') m. Aug. 31, 1862, Albert Ward. I Child, X. Generation. 510. Freddie Ward, b. July 22, 1870. 511. William A." Carter (434), (Asa," Asa,' Stanton,' Stanton,' Samuel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thom as,') m. Oct. 10, 1874, Orilla Thompson. CARTER. 53 2 Children, X. Generation. 512. Joseph, b. July 20, 1875. 513. Ella, b. Aug. 10, 1877. 514. Ann Chloe" Carter (435), (Asa," Asa,' Stanton," Stanton,' Samuel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thom as,') m. March 5, 1864, Alfred Gross. 3 Children, X. Generation. 515. Anna Gross, b. March 20, 1866. 516. Lillian Gross, b. June 25, 1868. 517. Irvin Gross, b. Sept. 8, 1876. 518. Elvira J." Carter (436), (Asa," Asa,' Stanton," Stanton,' Samuel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thom as,') m. Feb. 27, 1867, Alpheus Colb. 2 Children, X. Generation. 519. Asa Colb, b. Sept. 3, 1868. 520. Annie S. Colb, b. Sept. 6, 1870. 521. Sarah M," Carter (437), (Asa," Asa,' Stanton," Stanton,' Samuel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thom as,') m. Dec. 16, 1869, Charles Taber. 3 Children, X. Generation. 522. Charlie Taber, b. Jan. 3, 1871. 523. Ethel E. Taber, b. May 10, 1875. 524. Melborn Taber, b. June 15, 1875. 525. Juliet B." Carter (438), (Asa," Asa,' Stanton," Stanton,' Samuel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thom as,') m. Sept. 2, 1871, Herbert Staples. 54 CARTER. 2 Children, X. Generation. 526. Willie C. Staples, b. April 14, 1871. 527. Mary E. Staples, b. May 8, 1885. 528. Lavinia S." Carter (439), (Asa," Asa,' Stanton," Stanton," Samuel," Samuel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thom as,') m. Sept. 29, 1873, Eli E. Ellis. No children. 529. Emma J." Carter (440), (Asa" Asa,' Stanton," Stanton,' Samuel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thom as,') m. June 5, 1884, Charles Overlook. I Child, X. Generation. 530. Chester Overlook, b. May 25, 1885. 531. Eunice" Carter (13), (Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Nov. 3, 1724, David Osgood, who died in second precinct of Lancaster (now Sterling), Feb. 20, 1771. They settled near Washacum pond. He was dis missed from the church in Lancaster and recommended to the church in Chockset (now Sterling), Nov. 25, 1744*; was commissioned Justice of the Peace 1762. The births of their children are recorded in the Lancaster records. 7 Children, IV. Generation. 532. Dorothy Osgood, b. June 2, 1728. 533. Azuba Osgood, b. Oct. 19, 1730. 534. David Osgood, jr., b. April 21, 1734, m. April 12, 1759, Sarah Bayley. Six children. 535. Mary Osgood, b. May 16, 1736, d. May 17, 1739. 536. Elizabeth Osgood, b. Jan. 28, 1738, d. Jan. 10, 1739. 537. Elizabeth Osgood, b. Dec. 17, 1746. 538. Mary Osgood, b. July 14, 1744. ?Marvin's History of Lancaster, page 240. CARTER. 55 The graves of David and Eunice Osgood are in the Sterling burying-ground, and are marked by stones which bear the following dates : David Osgood, Esq., died Feb. 20, 1771, in the 73rd year of his age. Mrs. Eunice Osgood, died Nov. 16, 1789, aged 85 years. 539. Nathaniel" Carter (14), Samuel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. ist, Feb. 9, 1731, Thankful Sawyer, daughter of Elias and Beatrix Sawyer, b. 1715, d. Dec. 5, 1735; m. 2d, July 21, 1758, Dorcas Spofford of Lunen burg, who died Aug. 6, 1784. Copy of inscriptions on gravestones in the old burying- ground in Leominster : "In Memory of Mr. Nathaniel Carter, who departed this life, July 20, 1787, in the 79th year of his age." "In Memory of Mrs. Thankful Carter, wife of Mr. Nathaniel Carter, who died Decemb"^ ye 5th, 1755, in ye 41st year of her age." Extract from Wilder's Historj' of Leominster, pp. 17 and 18: "Tradition says (and I believe the records will prove it to be true), that Samuel Carter owned four or five farms, and that he gave one to each of his four sons. Nathaniel being the oldest had his first choice, and, to be better satisfied which was the most valuable, he would work one week on the Bee Hill lot, and the next on the Unckachetwatwuk. One Monday morning when he was about to start, his father says to him : 'Nat, which lot did you work on last week?' ' Bee Hill, sir.' ' Well, that you go on to this morning must be yours.' When he came to the parting of the roads he turned to Bee Hill, where he and his son and grandson Nathaniel lived and died, and the farm is now in the possession of the fourth generation from the first settler." This is supposed to have been in 1735. At the first town meeting July 9, 1740, he was 56 CARTER. chosen one of the selectmen, and at the second, Dec. 15, 1740, when it was voted " to build a meeting-house the next year," he was one of a committee of three " to see that the work was done." He was also one of the sixteen who subscribed to the covenant of the first church, incorporated the 25th of September, 1743. His son Elisha, born Sept. 11, 1743, is said to have been the first child baptized (Sept. 29, 1743) by Rev. John Rogers, the first minister of Leominster. II Children, V. Generation. 540. Elizabeth (551), b. Feb. 9, 1734, d. April 24, 1760. 541. Nathaniel (555), b. Dec. 17, 1735, d. March 13, 1812. 542. Elias (561), b. Nov. 24, 1737, d. at Buckland, Dec. 21, 1821. 543. Susannah (575), b. April 20, 1739, d. Dec. 5, 1777. 544. Abigail (585), b. May 10, 1741, d. June ~| 18, I8I3. 1 rp • ' ¦^ ). Twins. 545. Prudence (592), b. May 10, 1741, d. after 1 1778. J 546. Elisha, b. Sept. 11, 1743, d. May 8, 1746. 547. Samuel (603), b. Aug. i, 1746, d. probably at Buckland. 548. Elisha (604), b. July 12, 1748, d, at Buckland. 549. Asa (612), b. May 6, 1750, d. Jan. 21, 1822. 550. Thankful (622), b. June 6, 1752, d. at Buckland. 551. Elizabeth' Carter (540), (Nathaniel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Jan. 10, 1753, Jotham Bennett. Res. Leominster. 3 Children, VI. Generation. 552. Samuel Bennett, b. Oct. 27, 1753. 553. Elizabeth Bennett, b. Oct. 25, 1755. 554. Thankful Bennett, b. Jan. 29, 1758, m. (pub.) July 23, 1782, Corwin Wallis of Fitzwilliam, N. H. CARTER. ,57 555. Nathaniel' Carter (541), (Nathaniel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. ist, June 26, 1760, Dorothy Joslin, who died Jan. 27, 1787; m. 2d, 1790, Widow Prudence Beaman. (See note to 2088.) He settled in Stoddard, N. H., but returned to Leominster before the death of his first wife, and lived on the Bee Hill farm with his father. The original house was burned after his return, 5 Children, VI. Generation. 556. Susannah (627), b. at Stoddard, N. H. 557. Dorothy (628), b. at Stoddard, N, H. 558. Nathaniel (629), b. Nov. 29, 1770, at Stoddard, N. H., d. Aug. 10, 1850. 559. Elisha, b. 1791, d. Sept. i, 1799. 560. Beaman, b. 1794, d. Aug. 31,-1799. 561. Elias' Carter (542), (Nathaniel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Nov. 15, 1760, Deborah White, oldest child of Josiah and Deborah White, born in Leominster, Dec 24, 1739, died in Buckland, Mass., June 23, 1810. From a petition preserved at the State House, Boston, we learn that Elias Carter was in the service of the govern ment in the Crown Point Expedition— Samuel Willard's company, in the regiment of Col. John Whitcomb. The paper states, that "returning home from camp last fall my son Elias Carter was taken very sick, and so remained for seventeen days at Sheffield, and above the doctor's bill it cost me thirty shillings for my expenses, and thirteen shillings and four pence for horse hire, to fetch my son home, besides my time, which I would humbly pray your Excellency and Honours to allow your petitioner as in duty bound. (Signed) Nathaniel Carter. March 17, 1756. Allowed by the Committee. Samuel Witt. 5 58 CARTER. He lived in Leominster until 1774, on the farm on Pleas ant street, known as the Josiah Hills place, and built the house still standing. Seven of his children were born here and six in Buckland. The deed of Elias and Deb orah Carter of Leominster, to Smith Hills of Newbury, still in possession of a descendant ofthe Hills family, bears date Aug. 6, 1774: "Consideration 266£ 13s. 4d. for 93 acres 2 rods of land situated in southardly part of Leominster," and the deed of Stephen and Sarah Minot of Boston, to Elias Carter is dated Jan. i, 1774: "Consid eration I27£ 4s., and was for 424 acres of land in Buck- land, Mass. This deed is preserved by Thomas Marshall Carter (a great-grandson), of Williamsburg, Mass. Elias Carter also served in the Revolutionary army, his son Elijah, a boy of fourteen, accompanying him. All of the children of Elias and Deborah Carter were married and had families. 13 Children, VI. Generation. 562. Elijah (640), b. Jan. 16, 1762, d. in Gerry, Chata- qua Co., N. Y., June 20, 1834. 563. Elizabeth (648), b. July 26, 1763, d. in Charlemont, Mass., Jan. 16, 1843. 564. Elias (660), b. July 18, 1765, d. in Cincinatus, N. Y., 1849. 565. Benjamin (672), b. April 6, 1767, d. in Buckland, Mass., Jan. 23, 1842. 566. Deborah (684), b. Jan. 4, 1769. 567. Luke (687), b. Jan. 14, 1771, d. in Charlemont, Mass., 1852. 568. Thomas (689), b. May 28, 1773, d. in Hawley, Mass., June 18, 1832. 569. Thankful (697), b. Jan. 28, 1775. 570. Susannah (698), b. April 21, 1777. 57L Patty (700), b. Jan. 8, 1779. 672. Chandler (703), b. Oct. 7, 1780, d. in Manchester, Mich., Aug. 12, 1864. CARTER. 59 573. Willis (711), b. Sept. 28, 1782, d. in Buckland, 1827. 674. Prudence (714), b. Nov. 5, 1784. 575. Susannah' Carter (543), (Nathaniel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. (pub. Dec. 5, 1757) John Joslin, jr., son of John and Lucy (Wilder) Joslin, b. in Lancaster, 1735. d. in Leominster, Sept. 6, 1810. He was chosen deacon of the church March 30, 1769, and held the office until his death. They lived upon Joslin Hill in the northeasterly part of Leominster. 9 Children, VI. Generation. 576. John Joslin, b, Nov. 23, 1758, d. Dec. 22, 1836, m. Sarah Bowers, who died Aug. 22, 1841, at Marl borough, N. H. No children. 577. Susannah Joslin, b. Oct. i, 1760, m. John Ames of Buckland, Mass. 578. Nathaniel Joslin, b, Oct. 25, 1761, m. Jan. i, 1783, Susannah Buss, daughter of Stephen and Prudence (Carter) Buss (1896). Twelve children. Res. Stoddard, N. H. 579. Dorothy Joslin, m. Dec. 20, 1787, Stephen Wood. Fourteen children. Res. Hancock, N. H. 580. David Joslin, b. April 25, 1765, m, Rebecca Rich ardson, Fourteen children. Res, Stoddard, N, H. 581. Elias Joslin, b. April 29, 1767, d. Dec. 11, 1824, m. Aug. 23, 1787, Prudence Lincoln, daughter of William and Prudence (Buss) Lincoln, b. April 20, 1767, d. Jan. 16, 1848. Seven children, Res, Leominster. 582. Luke Joslin, b. 1771, d. 1824, m. Feb, 14, 1799, Sally Beaman, Six children. Res, Leominster. 583. Lucy Joslin, b. Feb. 15, 1773, d. Sept. 18, 1846, m. April 12, 1792, Jonah' Carter (1992). Ten chil dren. Res. Jaffrey, N. H. 584. Sally Joslin, b. March 3, 1775, m. Jan. 7, 1796, Oliver Miles. Res. Hancock, N. H. 60 CARTER. 585. Abigail' Carter (544), (Nathaniel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev, Thomas,') m. Feb. 12, 1760, Thomas Wilder, b. Sept. 15, 1757, d. Jan. 6, 1802. They lived on the Wilder farm on the shore of Chualoom Pond in the northerly part of Leominster, still in possession of a de scendant ofthe family- See Book of the Wilders, p. 160. 6 Children, VI. Generation. 586. Abel Wilder, b. Sept. 7, 1760, d. Jan. 29, 1825. 587. Elizabeth Wilder, b. 1762. 588. Vashti Wilder, b. 1764. 589. Peter Andrew Wilder, b. Aug. 12, 1765, d. Oct. 3, 1855, m. 1794, Sarah Joslin. Had twelve children. 590. Lucretia Wilder, m. Joseph Joslin of JafFrej', N. H.. 591. Abigail Wilder, d. Feb. 17, 1831, m. Aug. 7, 1786, Jesse Lincoln (1246). Had eight children. 592. Prudence' Carter (545), (Nathaniel," Samuel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. March 10, 1758, Eben ezer Colburn. Res. Leominster. 10 Children, VI. Generation. 593. Beatrice Colburn, b. Sept. 23, 1759, ^- Sept. 10, 1828, m. 1st, April 4, 1782, Joseph Stuart of Jaff rey, N. H. ; m. 2d, Capt. Samuel Parker of Mason, N. H. 594. Ebenezer Colburn, b. Jan. 11, 1761, m. Oct. 5, 1782, Abigail Hunt. Had six children. 595. Elisha Colburn, b. Nov. 13, 1764, d. young. 596. Prudence Colburn, b. Nov. 13, 1765, d. young. 597. Elisha Colburn, b. July 23, 1769, d. Dec. 23, 1831, m. Nov. 5, 1796, Deborah Hunt, who d. Oct. 30, 1856. Had six children. 598. Nabby Colburn, b. Dec. 15, 1770, d. young. 599. Elijah Colburn, b. Jan. 10, 1772, d. Oct., 1850, m. 1st, June 19, 1796, Sally Hosley, who died 1830, leaving five children ; m. 2d, Widow Nancy Tay lor. Lived in Lancaster. CARTER. 61 600. Thankful Colburn, b. Nov. i6, 1774, d. May 15, 1852, m. June 21, 1802, Gardner Wilder, 2d, (623), of Buckland. Had six children. 601. Nathaniel Colburn, b. Sept. 17, 1776, d. Dec. 31, 1840, m. Oct. 25, 1803, Abigail Chase, who died Oct. 24, 1830. 602. Susannah Colburn, b. April i, 1778, m. Ellis. 603. Samuel' Carter (547), (Nathaniel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') lived and died, probably, in Buckland ; as the early records of the town were lost, or destroyed by fire, only a dim tradition of "Uncle Sam" remains, which is that he was blind, but remarkably intel ligent and active. He is mentioned with the other heirs in the will of his father Nathaniel. 604. Elisha' Carter (548), (Nathaniel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. June 27, 1777, Relief Joslin, daughter of John and Lucy (Wilder) Joslin, b. at Leom inster, April 3, 1756, d. at Buckland, Mass. He settled, probably about the time of his marriage, in Buckland and was a farmer. 7 Children, VI. Generation. 605. John (715), b. 1783, d. Feb. 23, 1828. 606. Elisha, date of birth and death unknown. Unm. 607. Dolly (723), d. in Illinois. 608. Wilder, date of birth and death unknown. Unm. 609. Lucy (724), d. at Pitcher, Chenango Co.. N. Y. 610. Thomas, d. young. 611. Relief (725), d. in Chatauqua Co., N. Y. 612. Asa' Carter (549), (Nathaniel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel." Rev. Thomas,') m. May 7, 1774, Betty Wood, b. Sept. 27, 1753, d. Jan. 15, 1811. He settled in Buck- land, and moved from there to Jaffrey, N. H., about 1781. 62 CARTER. The tradition is that the way was marked only by cuts upon the trees ; that he carried the two oldest children on One horse, while his wife followed with the twins, about a year old, on another. He soon returned to Leominster and lived on Lancaster street, in the house now owned by Erastus D. Woods. He became blind, and many stories are told of his keen perception of persons and things, although deprived of sight. Hearing what he supposed to be a bear about the house one night, he seized an axe and threw it in the direction of the noise ; the next morning a bear's foot and bloody tracks were found, and in a few weeks a bear which had lost one foot was killed in the woods near by. He died at the house of his son Abel, in North Leominster. 9 Children, VI. Generation. 613. Eunice (726), b. at Leominster, June 17, 1774, d. at Charlestown, N. H., June 7, 1816. 614. Nathaniel, b. at Charlemont (now Buckland), Oct. 12, 1776, d. Aug. 8, 1784. 615. Joel, b. at Charlemont, Sept. 16, 1778, d. at White hall, N. Y., June 7, 1825. 616. Asa (734), b. at Charlemont, May 23, ^ 1780, d. at Leominster, Jan. 13, 1833. 1, Twins. 617. Abel (735), b. May 23, 1780, d. July 26, 1844. 618. Betty, b. at Jaffrey, N. H., July i, 1782, d. July 21, 1782. 619. Betty, b. at Leominster, Dec. 25, 1783, d. Feb. 10, 1784. 620. Jonas, b. at Leominster, Feb. 13, 1785, was a young man of great promise ; went as supercargo in the Brig Dearborn, Capt. Kimball, of Boston, to the west coast of Africa, where he died of fever, Aug. 7, 1810. 621. Sewell (737), b. June 6, 1788, d. Aug. 21, 1821. CARTER. ()3 622. Thankful' Carter (550), (Nathaniel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. May 1775, Gardner Wilder of Buckland. — Book ofthe Wilders, p. 154. 4 Children, VI. Generation. 623. Gardner Wilder, b. Feb. 21, 1776, d. April 25, 1838, m. Thankful Colburn (see 600). Had six children. 624. Nathaniel Wilder, b. Dec. 20, 1777, d. April 5, 1842, m, 1801, Betsey Stearns. Had nine children. 625. Prudence Wilder, b. April 10, 1780, d." April 1850, m, July 1802, Barnet Dole. Had seven children. 626. Polly Wilder, b. 1758, d. Dec. 31, 1865, m. Jabez Brooks. 627. Susannah" Carter (556), (Nathaniel,' Nathaniel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. 1783, Nathan iel Evans of Stoddard, N. H. Had children — Nathaniel, Heman, Electa, and perhaps others. 628. Dorothy" Carter (557), (Nathaniel,' Nathaniel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. 1786, Edward Phelps of Stoddard, N. H. They had no children. 629. Nathaniel" Carter (558), (Nathaniel,' Nathaniel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. ist, Nov. 1793, Eunice Lincoln, daughter of Willianri and Relief (Sawyer) Lincoln, who died Jan. 23, 1820; m. 2d, 1822, Widow Anna Carter (2840) (b. Farwell), d. May 17, 1851. He lived on the Bee Hill farm, occupied before him by his father and grandfather. Res. Leominster. 10 Children, VII. Generation. 630. Dolly, b. Oct. 23, 1794, d. Sept. 11, 1799- 631. Prudence (739), b. April 29, 1796, d, July 24, 1873. 632. William, b. March 7, 1778, d. Aug. 25, 1799. 633. Sarah H., b. Aug. 18, 1800, d. unmarried, Oct. 31, 1866. <'4 CARTER. 634. Elisha (747), b. March 23, 1803, d. Sept. 19, 1843. 635. Nathaniel (749), b. Feb. 20, 1806, d. at Amada, Mich., 1885. 636. Sumner Lincoln (753), b. April 11, 1808, d. Sept. 13, 1873. 637. Dorothy M. (759), b. April 18, 1810, d. April 12, 1884. 638. Eunice Lincoln, b. May 22, 1823, d. unmarried, Dec. 8, 1857. 639. Charles F. (766), b. June 8, 1827, d. April 3, 1882. 640. Elijah" Carter (562), Elias,' Nathaniel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. 1792, Sarah Ballard, who died at Charlotte, Chatauqua Co., N. Y., Jan. 13, 1834. They lived in Buckland for several years after their marriage, and then emigrated to what was then called the Holland Purchase, afterwards Chautauqua Co., N. Y. 6 Children, VII. Generation, 641. Belvidera (770), b. March 21, 1793, d. at James town, N, Y., Aug. 27, 1882. 642. Deborah White, b. May 3, 1798, d. at Gerry, N. Y., April 7, 1824, unmarried. 643. Sally Bowers (780), b. Feb. 12, 1804, d.-j at Evans, N. Y., March 9, 1866. I rp • 644. John Joslin, b. Feb. 12, 1804, d, at Gerry, j N. Y., Dec. 16, 1820. J 645. Tertius Taylor, b. Nov. 12, 1807, d. Jamestown, N. Y., Sept. 4, 1885, unmarried. 646. Lydia Bartlett, b. July 13, 1810, d, at Gerry, N. Y., Sept. 26, 1843, unmarried. 647. Harriet Newell, b. July 9, 1815, d. at West Bloom field, N. Y., Jan. 18, 1862, unmarried. 648. Elizabeth, or Betty" Carter (563), (Elias,' Nathan iel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. at Buck- land, Mass., Aug. 2, 1781, Lieut. Tertius Taylor of Char- CARTER. 65 lemont ; at this time he was an officer with Washington's army ; his brother writing home from the army sends message to Betty " not to think of having such a fine young officer leave the army, but to put on a heroine spirit, and fit him out with some new shirts." After the war they resided for a short time in Buckland, then removed to the home stead farm of the Taylors in Charlemont, where he died Dec. 21, 1822. II Children, VII. Generation. 649. Betsey Taylor, b. Dec. 30, 1781, d. Aug. 2, 1822. 650. Tertius Taylor, b. April 22, 1783, d. June 1851. 651. Sophia Taylor, b. May 22, 1785, d. May 10, 1794. 652. Elias Taylor, b. July 6, 1788, d. March 16, 1856, He was the only one of this family who married. He married Dec, 1811, Deborah West; occupation, farmer; residence, Taylor homestead, Charlemont. Seven children. 653. Amanda Taylor, b. Dec. 20, 1791, d, May 13, 1794. 654. Elijah Taylor, b. April 20, 1793, d. Aug. 15, 1796. 655. Sophia Taylor, b. July i, 1795, d. Aug, 15, 1796. 656. Elijah Taylor, b. May 27, 1797, d. May-, 3^' ^797- 1 Twins. 657. Elisha Taylor, b. May 27, 1797, d. May | 3i> 1797- ^ 658. Pardon Taylor, b. July 19, 1799, d. Feb. 19, 1803, 659. Consider Taylor, b. Feb, 25, 1802, d, March i, 1802. 660. Elias" Carter (564), (Elias,' Nathaniel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. in Buckland, Mass., Oct. 18, 1789, Abigail Ballard, b, in Lancaster, Mass., Oct. 21, 1764, d. in Cincinatus, Courtland Co., N, Y,, 1841, He removed with his family to Cincinatus, N, Y., in 1825. II Children, VII. Generation. 661. Marshall (788), b, Dec. 17, 1790, d. in Benning ton, Vt., Sept., 1820, unm. 66 CARTER. 662. Marcia (789), b, Nov. 5, 1792, d, in Buckland, June 7, 1852, 663. Elias, 3d, b. Aug. 13, 1794, d. in Buckland, Feb, 1809, 664. Lucius (799), b. April 15, 1796, d, Paines-^ ville, Ohio, Dec. 8, 1878. I„ . 665. Lucia (802), b, April 15, 1796, d. in | Pitcher, N, Y., July 26, 1880. J 666. Abigail (808), b. May 30, 1798, d, March 27, 1885, 667. John B,, b. April 6, 1800, lived in Iowa, was a mechanic, and d. 1882, unmarried, 668. Consider, b. March 3, 1802, still living. 669. Clarissa (816) , b. Jan. 3, 1804, still living at Oneida, N.Y. 670. Samuel (821), b. Nov. 30, 1806, d. at Fort Plain, N. Y., 1848. 671. Adelphia (830), b. April i, 1809, still living at Aus tin, Minn. 672. Benjamin" Carter (565), (Elias,' Nathaniel," Sam uel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev, Thomas,') m. Hepzibah Williams, who died Aug. 17, 1832. II Children, VII. Generation. 673. Millicent (838), b. Jan. 23, 1793, d. July 12, 1855. 674. Brigham, b. April 25, 1794, d. July i, 1857, unm. 675. Benjamin Williams (839), b, Dec. 23, 1795, d. Jan. 16, 1852. 676. Amanda (846), b. Aug, 25, 1797, d. Jan. i, 1851, 677. Hepsibah, b. April i, 1799, d. June 7, 1867, unm. 678. Maria, b. April i, 1802, d. May 18, 1853, unm. 679. Elmina (855), b. June 20, 1804, d. Dec. 12 1873. 680. Chandler (861), b. Jan. 12, 1806, d. Aug. 21, 1878. 681. Theresea, b. June 13, 1808, d. Dec. 10, 1864, unm. 682. Minot, b. May 8, 1812, d. June 11, 1873. 683. Alfreda, b. June i, 1815, d. July 17, 1840. CARTER. 67 684. Deborah" Carter (566), (Elias," Nathaniel," Sam uel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Benjamin Brooks. They removed to what was called "The Black River Country," now the town of Rutland, Jefferson Co., N. Y. 3 Children, VII. Generation. 685. Doric Brooks. 686. Dorothy Brooks. And probably others. 687. Luke" Carter (567), (Elias,' Nathaniel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Widow Ellis (Rudd) Fales, who died Jan. 10, 1824. Res. Charlemont. I Child, VII. Generation. 688. Jeremiah Fales (866) b. Feb. 20, 1814. 689. Thomas" Carter (568), (Elias,' Nathaniel," Sam uel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Jan. i, 1802, Ann Toby, born Dec. 8, 1781, in Buckland, Mass., died in Hawley, Mass., June 10, 1870. They resided in Buck- land until about 1824, when they removed to Hawley. 7 Children, VII. Generation. 690. Millo Toby (873), b. Sept. 8, 1804, d. March i, 1882. 691. Ashbel White (881), b. Nov. 19, 1806. 692. Cordelia Williams (887), b, Dec. 6, 1808, d. July 26, 1877. 693. Ann Eliza (899), b. March 6, 1811, d. at Charle mont, Mass., Feb. 4, 1886. 694. Deborah Field (914), b. Sept. 12, 1813. 695. Elias Sanderson (923), b. June 25, 1817. 696. Bathsheba Crocker Pelton (925), b. Jan. 17, 182I. 697. Thankful" Carter (569), (Elias,' Nathaniel," Sam uel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Rudd, and settled in the Black River cotintry. 68 CARTER. 698. Susannah" Carter (570), (Elias,' Nathaniel,' Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. ist, . Ward; m. 2d, Pike. Res. Charlemont, Mass. 3 Children, VII. Generation. 699. Emily Ward. A son named Ward. A son named Pike. 700. Patty" Carter (571), (Elias,' Nathaniel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Simeon Butler. Res. Black River country. 2 Children, VII. Generation. 701. Washington Butler. 702. Elizabeth Butler. And others. 703. Chandler" Carter (572), (Elias,' Nathaniel," Sam uel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. March 11, 1807, Lucy Kenny, b. Aug. 29, 1777, d. Aug. 16, 1822. He lived in Newfane, Vt., until 1830, when he went to Ann Arbor, Mich., where he built several large flouring mills, but finally settled in Manchester, Mich., where he died. 7 Children, VII. Generation. 704. Ellen Elizabeth (928), b. Newfane, Vt., Feb. 25, 1808, d. July 14, 1844. 705. Lucy (931), b. Newfane, Vt,, Sept. 23, 1809. 706. Edwin Chandler, b. Newfane, Vt., March 15, 1811, d. July 29, 1813. 707. John Chandler (935), b. Newfane, Vt., March 6, 1813, d. July 15, 1856. 708. Sarah Chapin (938), b. Newfane, Vt., Jan. 9, 1816. 709. Eudocia (943), b. Newfane, Vt., Sept. 25, 1819. 710. La Fayette (946), b. Feb. 18, 1820, d. Feb. 25, 1848. CARTER. 69 711. Willis" Carter (573) , (Elias,' Nathaniel," Samuel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. 1817, Roxanna Lazell of Buckland, who died in Fredonia, N. Y., Dec. 21, 1874. Res. Buckland. 2 Children, VII. Generation. 712. Royal Lazell (948), b. Feb. 23, 1819, d. at Stock ton, Chautauqua Co., N. Y., July 22, 1870, 713. Marshall, b. 1821, d. at Buckland, 1826. 714. Prudence" Carter (574), (Elias,' Nathaniel," Sam uel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Peter Thompson. Res. Black River country. 715. John" Carter (605), (Elisha,' Nathaniel," Samuel,' Rev, Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Parnee Nichols, who died Oct. 21, 1857. 7 Children, VII. Generation. 716. Thomas (949). b. 1804, d. Jan. 15, 1866, at Pitcher, N. Y. 717. John, Jr. (952). 718. Ashton, d. in infancy. 719. Sylvia (953), d. in Charlemont, Mass. 720. Fidelia (955), d. in Colorado. 721. Ashton (957), b. July 9, 1813 ; still living at Charle mont, Mass. 722. Parnee (964), b. March 25, 1815, d, Dec 22, 1867, 723. Dolly'' Carter (607), (Elisha,' Nathaniel," Sam uel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Stephen Pomeroy and settled in Illinois. They had twelve children. 724. Lucy" Carter (609), (Elisha,' Nathaniel," Sam uel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev, Thomas,') m. Sheldon Warner. Resided at Pitcher, N. Y. " She was a model woman ; having no children of her own, was always ready to do for others." 70 CARTER. 725. Relief" Carter (6ii), (Elisha,' Nathaniel," Sam uel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Alfred Trow, and settled in Chatauqua Co., N. Y. 726. Eunice" Carter (613), (Asa,' Nathaniel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Oliver Boutelle. Res, Charlestown, N. H. 7 Children, VII. Generation. 727. Eliza Boutelle, b. at Stoddard, N. H., Feb. 5, 1800, m. Levi Pierce of Charlestown, N. H. 728. Artemas Boutelle, b. Dec. 7, 1801. 729. Abel Boutelle, b. Aug. 8, 1803, m. Maria L. West- ervelt. New York city. 730. Oliver Boutelle, b. Jan. 20, 1806, m. ist, Margaret Gutterson of New Ipswich, d. 1837 ; m. 2d, Phebe A. Ogden of Troy, N. Y. He kept a hotel in Troy, N. Y. 731. Fordyce Boutelle, b, Feb. 25, 1809. 732. Salome Boutelle, b. April 2, 181 1, m. ist, Francis A. Brown of Lewis, N, Y., d. 1831 ; m. 2d, 1837, Eliphalet Pearsons. 733. Horace Boutelle, b. Sept. 20, 1813. 734. Asa" Carter (616), (Asa,' Nathaniel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Sarah Larry of Boston, d. June 31, 1826. They left no children. 735. Abel" Carter (617), (Asa,' Nathaniel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev, Thomas,') m. Oct. 16, 1804, Lucy Wilder dau. of David and Lucy (Joslin) Wilder, b. Aug. 28, 1781, d. May 21, 1846. He was for many years a trader at North Leominster. A man active in town and church affairs, much esteemed for his kindness to the afflicted and needy. He built the house on Prospect St., now owned by Joseph Marshall. CARTER. 71 I Child, VII. Generation. 736. Martha Wilder Carter (971), b. Sept. 22, 1810, d. Jan. 17, 1861. 737. Sewell" Carter (621), (Asa,' Nathaniel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Grace Fay of North- boro, d. March 22, 1814. I Child, VII. Generation. 738. Charles Sewell, b. July 8, 1810, d. Feb. 6, 1811. 739. Prudence' Carter (631), (Nathaniel," Nathaniel,' Nathaniel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Feb. 10, 1819, Luke Buss, son of John and Sarah (Rich ardson) Buss, b. Jan. 30, 1794, d. April 21, 1884. Res. Leominster. 7 Children, VIII. Generation. 740. Eunice Carter Buss, b. June 13, 1820, d. Feb. i, 1870, m. Dec, 25, 1850, Thomas Whitaker. One daughter. 741. Dorothy Hills Buss, b. Feb. 8, 1823. 742. Sarah Maria Buss, b. March 17, 1825, d. June 3, 1843. 743. John Lincoln Buss, b. Jan. 15, 1828, d. Aug. 31, 1877. ™- Dec 14, 1868, Widow Persis Jones. 744. Mary Ann Buss, b. Aug. 13, 1831, d. May 5, 1854. 745. Charles Sumner Buss, b. Oct. 24, 1834, ™- April 29, i860. Bertha King of West Day, N. Y. Two children. 746. Charlotte Elizabeth Buss, b. Jan. 31, 1837, 747. Elisha' Carter (634), (Nathaniel,' Nathaniel,' Nathaniel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. April 9, 1829, Sophia Carter (3133), who died Sept, 25, 1850, Res. Leominster. 72 CARTER. I Child, VIII. Generation. 748. Sylvia Ann (976), b. April 15, 1858. 749. Nathaniel' Carter (635), (Nathaniel," Nathaniel,' Nathaniel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. March 12, 1833, Chloe Steward, b. March 30, 1815, at Covington, Vt. He died soon after sending this record. He went to Michigan in 183 1, bought government lands in the town of Armada ; has the parchment deed signed by President Jackson : went to work to clear the land and make a farm. Has now children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren settled near him. 3 Children, VIII. Generation. 750. George Nathaniel (985), b. at Armada, Mich., March i, 1834. 751. Edward Burt, b. Nov. 12, 1859, d- July 1863. 752. Mary Jane, b. April 4, 1853, d, April 7, 1856. 753. Sumner L.' Carter (636), (Nathaniel," Nathan iel,' Nathaniel," Samuel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. April 11, 1833, Damaris R. Buss, dau. of John and Sarah (Richardson) Buss, b. March 5, 1808, d. July 7, 1873. He lived for a time on Bee Hill with his father, afterwards moved to a farm near No. 6 school-house, and died on Mechanic street. Res. Leominster. 5 Children, VIII. Generation. 754. Laurena Maria, b. April 23, 1834, d. 1847. 755. Clara Ann, b. May 20, 1837, d. Sept. 15, 1838. 756. Clara Elizabeth (990). b. March 31, 1840. 757. Albert Hills, b. May 31, 1844, killed in the battle of the " Wilderness " May 6, 1864, 758. Mary Ella, b. Aug. 14, 1849, d. Sept. 21, 1873. 759. Dorothy M.' Carter (637), (Nathaniel," Nathan iel,' Nathaniel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. April 15, 1834, Elliot E. Boyden. Res. Leominster. CARTER. 73 6 Children, VIII. Generation. 760. George E. Boyden, b. May 13, 1835, d. June 10, i860, 761. Walter Allen Boyden, b. April 30, 1841, m. Ada- laide S. Whitney, April 19, 1863. Two children. 762. Sarah Maria Boj^den, b. June 4, 1843, d. Sept. 1864. 763. Henry Augustus Boyden, b. May 9, 1845, m. June 18, 1873, Mary Abbie Tenney. One child, d. 1876. 764. Augusta Lincoln Boyden, b. June 23, 1850, d. June 3, 1867, 765. Laurena Electa Boyden, b. Dec. 24, 1853. 766. Charles F.' Carter (739), Nathaniel," Nathaniel,' Nathaniel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. April 25, 1861, Harriet A. May. He lived and died on a part of the Bee Hill farm, and his widow and sons still reside there. Res. Leominster. 3 Children, VIII. Generation. 767. Freddie Elmer, b. Jan. 25, 1862. 768. Albert William, b. Oct. 28, 1865. 769. George Dennis, b. Oct. 8, 1867. 770. Belvidera' Carter (641), (Elijah," Elias,' Nathan iel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Eliphalet Burnham of Pomfret, Chatauqua Co., N. Y. Occupation, farmer. 9 Children, VIII. Generation. 771. Sarah Ballard Burnham, b. May i, 1818, d. James town, N. Y., June 11, 1875, unm. 772. John Carter Burnham, b. May 10, 1821, m. Dec. 7, 1852, Sally Height. No children. Occupation, farmer. Res. Arkwright, N. Y. 773. Mary Eliza Burnham, b. Oct. 26, 1824, m. Feb. 4, 1845, Abram Martin. Three children. Res. Jamestown. Occupation, farmer. 74 CARTER. 774. Levi Ward Burnham, b. Jan. 31, 1827, d. at James town, March 15, 1861, unm. 775. William Bartlett Burnham, b. March 7, 1829, m. July 12, 1856, Frank F. Cowan. Occupation, mer chant. Res. Union City, Pa. Four children. 776. Lydia Burnham, b. June 25, 1831, m. May 8, 1851, John Landsrath. Occupation, merchant. Resi Union City, Pa. Four children. 777. Emily Burnham, m. Aug. 1852, Henry Landsrath. Occupation, merchant. ^Res. Rouseville, Pa. Three children. 778. George W. Burnham, b. March 1835, d- at James town, N. Y., April 9, 1856, unm. 779. Tei-tius Burnham, b. April 14, 1837, d. Oct. i, 1840. 780. Sally Bowers' Carter (643), (Elijah," Elias,' Na thaniel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. at Gerry, Chatauqua Co., N. Y., Oct., 1833, Ezra T. Win- ship, b. Rhinbeck, Duchess Co., N. Y., Feb. 10, 1794, d. at Evans, Erie Co., N. Y., March 21, 1864. 7 Children, VIII. Generation. 781. E. B. Winship. Has three children. 782. Walter C. Winship. Has one child. 783. Theron S. Winship. Has four children. 784. Sarah A. Winship, m. Milton R. Tousley. Has five children. 785. Harriet Winship. 786. Lucius Winship. Has one daughter. 787. Adoniram J. Winship. 788. Marshall' Carter (661), (Elias," Elias,' Nathan iel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,'). He was, a lawyer in Bennington, Vt. ; his partner, Hiland Hall. Esq., afterwards governor ofthe state, writes of him thus; " Marshall Carter was a young man of great worth and CARTER. 75 promise, cut off by death at the threshold of a brilliant and honored career at the bar, greatly mourned and lamented." 789. Marcia' Carter (662), (Elias," Elias,' Nathaniel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Dec. 28, 1809, William Sherwin, who died in New York city. May 19, 1866. He was a mechanic and resided in Shelburne Falls, Mass. 9 Children, VIII. Generation. 790. EHas Carter Sherwin, b. April 8, 181 1, d. at Buck- land, Mass., 1838, m. Nov. 29, 1833, Sophia W. Kendrick of Heath, Mass. No children. He was a mechanic. 791. Sylvester N. Sherwin, b. April 5, 1813, d. 1836. A teacher and clerk in stores. 792. Orville Sherwin, b. Jan. 29, 1816. A farmer. Mar ried 1st, June 3, 1839, Phebe Fellows, who died May 4, 1842, in Buckland, Mass., leaving two children; m. 2d, Dec. 1843, Betsey Ware, who died at Shelburne Falls, Jan. 20, 1867, leaving four children; m. 3d, July 22, 1869, Jennie D. Legg of Dakota, where they now reside. 793. Elvira Sherwin, b. April 5, 1819, d. March 18, 1852, m. 1844, Baxter R. Fellows of Buckland. Three children. 794. Marshall B. Sherwin, b. Sept. i, 1821, d. June 28, 1880, m. 1851, Mary V. Barr of Illinois. He was a farmer. Had seven children, who with his wid ow, reside in Wyoming. 795. William Fiske Sherwin, b. March 14, 1826, m. Mary A. Howes of Ashfield, Mass. He is a Professor in the Boston Conservatory of Music. Of their four children, three are now living. 796. Ellen Abigail Sherwin, b. Dec. 13, 1829, d. Dec. 6, 1870, m. Sept. 6, 1849, Lucius G. Alvord of Sher burne, Mass. Had three children. 76 CARTER. 797. Henry M. Sherwin, b. March 19, 1831. Still living in Dakota. 798. Lucy W. Sherwin, b. Sept. 19, 1833, m. Oct. 9, 1872, Lucius G. Alvord of Shelburne. No children. 799. Lucius' Carter (664), (Elias," Elias,' Nathaniel," Samuel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. ist, about 1830, Catherine Huckle of Muncy, Pa., who died 1831 ; m. 2d, 1837, Sarah Wells of Colchester, Conn., who died at Castile, N. Y., 1868. He was an Episcopal clergyman, educated at William and Mary's College and Alexandria Seminary ; he was ordained by Bishop Meade of Virginia. His ministry of more than fifty years was passed in Vir ginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania and western New York. A man of childlike faith and simplicity, content to spend and be spent in his Master's service^ his life was as a sum mer's day, lending grace and beauty to all who came within his influence. To know him was not only to love him, but to be drawn to follow him as he followed Christ. Compelled by growing physical infirmities — his mind re taining its vigor to the end — to withdraw from active work, he removed, in 1871, from Castile, western New York, to Painesville, Ohio, where his last days were spent. 2 Children, VIII. Generation. 800. Thomas Marshall, b. 1831. 801. Sarah Frances, b. at Castile, N. Y., res. Painesville, Ohio. 802. Lucia' Carter (665), (Elias," Elias,' Nathaniel,' Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Sept. 20, 1824, Adna Warner of Pitcher, N. Y., who died Nov. 25, 1881. 5 Children, VIII. Generation. 803. Lucius A, Warner, b. Feb. 25, 1826, m. Juliene L. Fox. They have six children. CARTER. 77 804. Doric G. Warner, b. April 29, 1828, m. Helen Cook. Three children. 805. Emily G. Warner, b. March 23, 1830, m. Dr. H. Halbert. Four children. 806. Julia F. Warner, b. April i, 1834, i"- M. D. Bowen. Four children. Res. Litchfield, Minn. 807. Lucien Warner, b. Sept. 18, 1839, n^- Julia Lewis. Six children. 808. Abigail' Carter {(^66), (Elias," Elias,' Nathaniel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Nov. 5, 1825, Joseph Farnam, b. May 16, 1784, d. July 3, 1866. Occu pation, a farmer. 7 Children, VIII. Generation. 809. Asa B. Farnam, b. April 22, 1827, d. April 21, 1852, m. April 12, 1852, Almira E. Frink. 810. Perley E. Farnam, b. June 13, 1828, d. March 8, 1877, m. Oct. 17, 1848, William Tuttle. Two chil dren. 811. Henry M. Farnam, b. Sept. 29, 1829, m. Nov. 18, 1857, Almira E. Farnam (his brother's widow). Three children. Res. Minneapolis, Minn. 812. Catherine Farnam, b. Sept. 27, 1831, m. Oct. 25, 1854, Charles O. Hills. Three children. Res, Keeler, Van Buren Co., Mich. 813. Abigail Farnam, b. Oct. 12, 1833, m. May 25, 1859, Amos Knapp. Res. Silver Creek, Cass Co., Mich. 814. Clarissa Farnam, b. Sept. 18, 1837, ™- April 10, i860, Thomas F. Bond. Five children. Res. Vo- linia, Cass Co., Mich. 815. Adelphia E. Farnam, b. Sept. 15, 1845. Res. Do- wagiac, Cass Co., Mich. 816. Clarissa' Carter (669), (Elias," Elias,' Nathaniel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Dec. 13, 1831, Wilham Le Valley, who died June 6, 1872. He was a hatter at Oneida, N. Y., where his widow still resides. 78 CARTER. 4 Children, VIII. Generation. 817. Oscar Le Valley, m. Nov. 3, 1859, Helen A. Pierce, Has four children. 818. Ellen A. Le Valley, m. Jan. 28, 1869, Dr. R. H. Gray. They have three children. 819. Caroline Le Valley, d. Feb. 18, 1879, m. Dr. James Mowriss. No children. 820. Charles Le Valley, d. in infancy. 821. Samuel' Carter (670), (Elias," Elias,' Nathaniel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Frances Day. Res. Solon, Courtland Co., N. Y. 8 Children, VIII. Generation. 822. Mary A. (991), b. July 26, 1826. 823. Marshall W. (3140), b. April 15, 1828. 824. Charles Elias (3145), b. Oct. 14, 1830. 825. Consider B. (998), b. March 8, 1832. 826. Wallace (315°). b. July 31, 1835. 827. Louisa A. (1006), b. March 11, 1838. 828. Henry E. (lOio), b. July 26, 1840. 829. Frances E. (3158), b. May 25, 1845. 830. Adelphia' Carter (671), (Elias," Elias,' Nathan iel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. June 28, 1829, Lyman Eldredge, M. D., who died at lake Minne- tonka, Minn., May, 1875. He was educated at the Medi cal College in Fairfield, Herkimer Co., N. Y. ; practiced medicine thirty years in Cincinnatus, N. Y. ; removed to Lima, Livingston Co., N. Y., and from thence to Minne sota in 1868. 7 Children, VIII. Generation. 831. Henry B. Eldredge, b. July 2, 1830, d. 1836. 832. Helen Maria Eldredge, b. March 25, 1832, m. J. M. Sterling of Lima, N. Y. Res. Austin, Minn. He is a farmer. Three children. CARTER. 79 833. George Bennett Eldredge, b. Nov. 20, 1833, d. 1835. 834. Harriet Louise Eldredge, b. May 31, 1835, i"- Dec 30, 1857, M. I. Smith, Professor of Languages in New York Central College, McGrawsville, N. Y, Present residence Middlefield, Mass. They have six children. 835. Frances Jane Eldredge, b. Feb. 24, 1838, m. 1862, H. T. Russell, an officer in the Union army. They reside at St. Paul, Minn., and have five children. 836. Mary Abbie Eldredge, b. Feb. 19, 1851, m. 1876, Warren Wakefield, a farmer. They reside at Long Lake, Minn., and have five children. 837. Genevieve Sterling Eldredge, b. June 17, 1852, m. 1st, 1872, Arthur Hawley of Mankato, Minn., who died 1878 ; m. 2d, Jan. i, 1886, J. H. Ray of Man kato, Minn. 838. Millicent' Carter (673), (Benjamin," Elias,' Na thaniel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Nov. 2, 1840, Samuel Damon of Ashby. No children. 839. Benjamin Williams' Carter (675), (Benjamin," EHas,' Nathaniel," Samuel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thom as,') m. at Albany, N. Y., 1830, Jane Nelson. Res. Sand Lake, Rensselaer Co., N. Y. 6 Children, VIII. Generation. 840. Jane A. (1013), b. Dec. 27, 1831. 841. John Brigham (1016), b. April 28, 1834, killed in the army Sept. 19, 1864. 842. George Ballard (1017), b. Dec. 23, 1837. 843. James Williams, b. Jan. 23, 1841, d. from wound received in battle, Dec. 15, 1867. 844. Willard S. (1019), b. Feb. 26, 1843. 845. Margaret. Res. Albany, N. Y. 80 CARTER. 846. Amanda' Carter (676), (Benjamin," Elias,' Na thaniel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. July 13, 1826, Josiah P. Wilder of New Ipswich, N. H. He was a chairmaker. 8 Children, VIII. Generation. 847. Charles W. Wilder, b. May 2, 1827, m. April 23, 185 1, Nancy Rice of Stoddard, N. H. They had four children. Occupation, carpenter. 848. Nancy Elizabeth Wilder, b. Oct. 25, 1828, d. in So, Boston, Mass., Jan. 2, 1870, m. Sept, 9, 1851, Isaiah H, Williams. One child. 849. Oliver D. Wilder, b. Aug. 25, 1830, m. Nov. 22, 1854, Caroline E. Maynard. He was a miller in Ashburnham. Three children. 850. Josiah P. Wilder, jr., b. April 3, 1832, was instantly killed by a falling tree in Washington territory, Nov., 1863. Unm. 851. Catherine A. Wilder, b. April 20, 1834, ™- O'^t. 4, 1854, Nathaniel Morrell, Res. Wellsley, Mass. No children. 852. Emmeline A. Wilder, b. Oct. 14, 1835, d. Sept. 3, 1883, m. July 31, 1859, Charles N. Colburn. Res. Temple, N. H. Three children, 853. Milton Augustus Wilder, b. Sept, 15, 1837, d. Feb. 8, 1842. 854. Luman Alonzo Wilder, b. Oct. 14, 1840, d. Feb. 2, 1842. 855. Elmina' Carter (679), (Benjamin," Elias,' Na thaniel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m, John Frost of Buckland, Mass. 5 Children, VIII. Generation. 856. Arvilla T. Frost, b. Feb. 19, 1829, m. Nov, 12, 1847, Daniel H. Bement. Res. Buckland, Mass. Four children. CARTER. 81 857. Bartlett Frost, m. Roxanna Ware. Res. Buckland. Three children. 858. Lucy M. Frost, b. June 24, 1836, d. June 6, 1837. 859. Lucy Maria Frost, b. April 5, 1838, m. Jan. 20, 1852, Charles D. Smith. Res. Buckland. One child. 860. Horace P. Frost, b. Nov. 30, 1840, m. Nov. 18, 1868, Clara Stearns. No children. 861. Chandler' Carter (680), (Benjamin," EHas,' Na thaniel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Jeru sha Jones. Res. Buckland, Mass, 4 Children, VIII. Generation. 862. Hepzibah Elizabeth (1020), b. April 10, 1834. 863. Erastus Minot (1032), b. Oct. 21, 1835. 864. Sarah Caroline (1033), b. June 25, 1837. 865. George Benjamin (1034), b. Jan. 24, 1840. 866. Jeremiah Fales' Carter (688) , (Luke," Elias,' Na thaniel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. July 4, 1836, Joann Bull, b. July 15, 1813. Res. Laona, N.Y. 6 Children, VIII. Generation. 867. Dexter, b. July 21, 1837, d. Sept. 10, 1856. 868. Ellen F., b. Jan. 4, 1840, d. at Hornellsville, N. Y., July 13, 1876, 869. Hiram, b. April 30, d. Feb. 1845. 870. Thomas, b. July 7, 1844, d. Feb, 1846. 87L Wesley L., b. Sept. 2, 1847. Res. Dunkirk, N. Y. 872. Willis C, b. Aug. 15, 1851. Res. Dunkirk, N. Y. 873. Millo Toby' Carter (690), (Thomas," EHas,' Na thaniel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. ist, Aug. 19, 1829, Rosina Scott, who died March 19, 1837 ; m. 2d, Oct. 25, 1837, Clarissa Marsh, who died June 19, 1884. 82 CARTER. 7 Children, VIII. Generation. 874. DeWitt Clinton, b. Nov. 17, 1830, d. Feb. 17, 1835. 875. Thomas Marshall, b. July 17, 1832. 876. Phineas Scott, b. July 3, 1834. 877. Ellen Rosina, b. Nov. 23, 1836. 878. Syhaa Clarissa, b. Oct. 19, 1838. 879. David Clinton, b. Nov. 15, 1842, d. May 11, 1843. 880. Maria AdaHne, b. Sept. 25, 1844. 881. Ashbel White' Carter (691), (Thomas," Elias,' Nathaniel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. April 5, 1832, Hannah Joy, b. in Hawley, Mass., Sept. i, 1812, Res. Hawley, Mass., Readsboro, Vt., and Shel burne Falls, Mass. Occupation, stone-mason. 5 Children, VIII. Generation. 882. Noah J. (1035), b. March 2, 1833. 883. Olive W. (1038), b. Jan. 29, 1836. 884. Washburne H., b. Dec. 1837, d. Shelburne Falls, Nov. I, 1856. 885. Edwin T., b. April 15, 1846, d. in Hawley, Nov. 4, 1847. 886. Ella A., (1042), b. Oct. 28, 1850. 887. Cordelia WilHams' Carter (692) , (Thomas," EHas,' Nathaniel," Samuel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Aug. 19, 1829, Ebenezer Maynard, a merchant of Shel burne Falls, Mass. II Children, VIII. Generation. 888. Edwin Maynard, b, Aug. 14, 1830. Res. Chicago, 111. Four children. 889. Henry Maynard, b. Sept. 20, 1831, d. Feb. 5, 1832. 890. WilHam HiU Maynard, b. Nov. 17, 1832. 891. Henry Gassett Maynard, b. Feb. 27, 1835. Wife and only child not living. CARTER. 83 892. Otis Riley Maynard, b. May i, 1837. Three chil dren. 893. Preston Cummings Maynard, b. Aug. 4, 1839. 894. Charles Albert Maynard, b. Feb. 5, 1842. Three children. 895. Austin Stevens Maynard, b. Oct. 5, 1844. Two children. 896. EHza Isabel Maynard, b. Feb. 26, 1847. 897. Jennie Adelaide Maynard, b. Sept, 19, 1849, '"• Mr. Swan. Two children, \. Lucy Ann Maynard, b. Aug. 27, 1851, d. July 19, 1856. 899. Ann Eliza' Carter (693), (Thomas," Elias,' Na thaniel," Samuel,' Rev, Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. June 14, 1827, Harvey Baker of West Hawley, Mass., who died Feb. 14, 1874. A farmer. 13 Children, VIII. Generation. 900. Dennis W. Baker, b. Jan. 16, 1829, d. May 13, 1881, m. Lucretia Vincent. One child. Res. Charle mont, Mass. Occupation, mechanic. 901. Bridgemau C. Baker, b. Sept. 2, 1830, m. May, 1856, Sarah Whitney. Two children. Res. Van Orin, 111. Occupation, farmer. 902. Myrtie E. Baker, dau. of Bridgemau C, b. Oct. 1864, m. Oct. 16, 1884, Frank Taj'lor. Two chil dren. Res. Tecumseh, Neb. A farmer. 903. Silas A. Baker, b. Aug, 18, 1832, d. Oct. 22, 1834. 904. Charles F. Baker, b. April 27, 1834, d. March 20, 1844. 905. Lucius T. Baker, b. April 25, 1836, d. Nov. 30, 1853. 906. Noah Baker, b. April 3, 1838, killed at Port Hud son, June 14, 1863. 907. AUen C. Baker, b. Feb. 8, 1840, m. Margie Taylor. Res. Tecumseh, Neb. Occupation, farmer. 84 CARTER. 908. Mary Baker, b. June 3, 1841, m. Sept. 1859, Chas. J B. Mayhew. Res. Charlemont, Mass. 909. Angle Baker, b. June i, 1843, m. June i, 1882, Wm. L. Day. Teacher of music, Greenfield, Mass. 910. Preston Baker, b. June 15, 1845, m. Lou Barnard. Res. Charlemont, Mass. Occupation, miller. 911. Martha Baker, b. Oct, 28, 1848, m. June 28, 1871, George W. Snow. One daughter. Res. Som erville, Mass. 912. Frank Baker, b. Oct. 14, 1850, d, July 22, 1883, m. Nov, 17, 1881, Hattie Hallowell. Res. Brattleboro. Occupation, baker. 913. Eliza Baker, b. Aug. 21, 1853, m. June 23, 1878, John A. Wells. Res. Charlemont, Mass. Occu pation, merchant. 914. Deborah F.' Carter (694), (Thomas," EHas,' Na thaniel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Dec. 9, 1839, ^^^- Samuel Hall, b. in Hawley, Mass., Sept. II, 1802, d. Jan. 25, 1877. Occupation, farmer. Res. Hawley. 8 Children, VIII. Generation. 915. Samuel M. Hall, b. Jan. 9, 1841, killed in battle at Piedmont, Va., June 5, 1864. His mother says of him : " He was prepared to enter college ; it was in time of war ; the call for men was great ; he laid aside his studies and went to defend his country." 916. Emily A. HaH, b. Oct. 21, 1842, m. April i860, Moses M. Mantor. Res. Charlemont, Mass. Two children. 917. Thomas A. Hall, b. July 22, 1844. Enlisted in the army, Sept. 1862, d. Jan. 20, 1863, of typhoid fever, at Baton Rouge, La. 918. Lewis J. HaU,b. May 19, 1846. Occupation, farmer and manufacturer of lumber. Unm. Res. West Hawley, Mass. CARTER. 85 919. JuHa A. Hall, b. March 21, 1848, d. May 22, 1880, m. June 1870, Charles Crittenden of Hawley. 920. Mary E. HaH, b. Sept. 2, 1850, d. March 1852. 921. OHver F. Hall, b. Feb. 8, 1853, d. in infancy. 922. Nettie L. Hall, b. March 20, 1856, d. March 25, 1869. 923. EHas Sanderson' Carter (695), (Thomas," Elias,' Nathaniel," Samuel," Rev, Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. March 26, 1846, Tirzah Stiles. Is a farmer and resides at Hawley, Mass, I Child, VIII. Generation. 924. Ellen Adelia (1044), b. Sept. 14, 1849. 925. Bathsheba Crocker Pelton' Carter (696), (Thom as," Elias,' Nathaniel," Samuel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Oct. 17, 1839, Roswell Baker, a farmer of Hawley, Mass. 2 Children, VIII. Generation. 926. Ereda Baker, b. Jan. 4, 1841, m. Dec. 15, 1868, Stephen B. Budington, a farmer. Res. Leyden, Mass. Four children. 927. Edwin Baker, b. Jan. 18, 1843, m. Aug. i, 1867, Emma J. Bannister. Is a druggist and resides at Shelburne Falls, Mass. No children. 928. Ellen Elizabeth' Carter (704) , (Chandler," EHas,' Nathaniel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Jan, 1832, Dea. Asa Burbank. 2 Children, VIII. Generation. 929. Lucy Candace Burbank, b. Feb. 1833. 930. John Chandler Burbank, b. July, d. aged 8 months. 93L Lucy' Carter (705), (Chandler," EHas,' Nathan iel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Sept. 23, 1829, Warren Cushing. Res. Newfane, Vt. 86 CARTER. 3 Children, VIII. Generation. 932. Mary Abigail Cushing, b. Oct. 17, 1834, "i- Dec. 7, 1864, Joel Page. Res. Groton, Mass. One child. 933. Warren Coburn Cushing, b. Sept. 29, 1839, m. Oct. 22, 1866, Sylvia Jane Wellman. Two children, 934. Baxter Carter Cushing, b. Oct. 5, 1841, m. ist, Feb. 25, 1869, Ella S. Barrett, d, Aug. 9, 1873; m. 2d, Aug, 30, 1877, Eliza Maria Tuthill. No children living. 935. John Chandler' Carter (707), Chandler," EHas,' Nathaniel," Samuel." Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Helen Hanar of Michigan. 2 Children, VIII. Generation. 936. Chandler. 987. La Fayette, d. when a young man. 938. Sarah Chapin' Carter (708), (Chandler," EHas,' Nathaniel," Samuel," Rev, Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Dr. Nelson Halleck of Michigan. 4 Children, VIII. Generation. 939. Lucy S. Halleck, b. May 30, 1842, d. Oct,^ 1875, m. Capt. Caldwell. Four children. 940. William C. Halleck, b. May 30, 1842, went into the army and is supposed to have been burned in a vessel off Cape Hatteras. 941. James B. Halleck, b. Oct. 22. 1843. 942. Lewis L. Halleck, b. April 11, 1849. > Twins. 943. Eudocia' Carter (709), (Chandler," Elias,' Na thaniel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. May I, 1845, Talmon Case, 2 Children, VIII. Generation. 944. EHen A. Case, b. Nov. 23, 1846, m. Thomas Blos som of Michigan. Have no children. CARTER. 87 945. Marion A. Case, b. Nov. 5, 1848, m. Clark. Have two children. 946. La Fayette' Carter (710), (Chandler," Elias,' Na thaniel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. March 1846, Susan Bogart of Michigan. I Child, VIII. Generation. 947. Charles, b. Nov. 1847. Res. CaHfornia. 948. Royal Lazell' Carter (712), (Willis," EHas,' Na thaniel," Samuel,'' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. in Stockton, N. Y., June 8, 1849, Irene E. Miller. He was a merchant in Stockton until 1855, when he went to New York city ; he returned to Stockton in 1870, where he soon died of consumption. He left no children. 949. Thomas' Carter (716), (John," EHsha,' Nathan iel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Susan Lyman of Charlemont, Mass. They removed to Pitcher, N. Y. 2 Children, VIII. Generation. 950. Lyman, was a Union soldier and lost a limb in the service. 951. Parnee, married and died in Illinois. 952. John' Carter (717), (John," Elisha,' Nathaniel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') was twice mar ried in Pitcher, N. Y., and if living is in the far West. 953. Sylvia' Carter (719), (John," EHsha,' Nathaniel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Adonijah Taylor of Charlemont, Mass., where they both died of consumption. I Child, VIII. Generation. 954. William Taylor, died soon after his parents with the same disease. 88 CARTER. 955. FideHa' Carter (720) , (John," EHsha,' Nathaniel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Francis Hill of Charlemont. I Child, VIII. Generation. 956. Milton Hill. Res. LeadviHe, Colorado. 957. Ashton' Carter (721), (John," EHsha,' Nathaniel,' Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Aug. 20, 1843, Emmeline Hill, born in Charlemont, Mass., Nov. 9, 1820. He is a blacksmith by trade and resides in Charlemont. 6 Children, VIII. Generation. 958. Emmeline Z., b. Nov. 15, 1847. Res, Athol, Mass. 959. Delia E. (1045), b. March 21, 1851. 960. Daphne E. (1047), b. March 21, 1851. ^ '^^^^^ 961. Edgar Melvin (1050), b. Nov. 11, 1852. 962. Wilson Hale (1051), b. Feb. 16, 1855. 963. Theron Harlow (1053), b. Oct. 25, 1858. 964. Parnee' Carter (722) , (John," EHsha,' Nathaniel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. ist, Lorenzo Griswold, Sept. 4, 1833, who died Jan. 7, 1835 ! "i. 2d, 1837, Newton Griswold, brother of Lorenzo. They were both carpenters and resided in Buckland. 6 Children, VIII. Generation. 965. Lorenzo Griswold, b. Nov. 10, 1839, ^n- ist, Nov. 29, 1861, Adaline FarHe, who d. Aug. 4, 1878; m. 2d, May 20, 1885, Justina Falcon. One child. Res. Turner's Falls, Mass. 966. Newton Griswold, b. Dec. 8, 1841, m. June 25, 1872, Mary Jones. One child. A commercial traveler. Res. Chicago, 111. Ashton Griswold, b. June 2, 1844; unm. A car penter. Res. Turner's Falls, Mass. Daphne Griswold, b. Aug. 15, 1846, d, 1849. 967968 CARTER. 89 969. Joseph Griswold, b. May 23, 1850, m. June 5, 1868. Three children. Street car conductor, Chicago, 111. 970. Mary Griswold, b. May 9, 1856; unm. Res. Chicago, 111, 971. Martha W.' Carter (736), (Abel," Asa,' Nathan iel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Oct, 9, 1831, Luke Lincoln, b. Feb. 12, 1801, d. Aug. 22, 1870, son of William and Tabitha (Kendall) Lincoln. Occupa tion, carriage and harness manufacturer — afterwards farm er. Res. Leominster. 4 Children, VIII. Generation. 972. Clarabel A. Lincoln, b. Feb. 10, 1833, m. May 13, 1868, Chauncey W. Carter (2303). One son. 973. Henry G. Lincoln, b. Dec. 21, 1835, d- July 13, 1855. 974. Edwin C. Lincoln, b. Sept. 28, 1837, d. Sept. 11, 1843. 975. Lucy C. Lincoln, b. July 11, 1844, d. Aug. 26, 1846. 976. Slyvia Ann" Carter (748), (Elisha,' Na-thaniel," Nathaniel,' Nathaniel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. ist. Mar. 9, 1858, Lewis T. Litchfield, killed in the battle at Springfield, Mo., Aug. 10, 1861 ; m. 2d, May 28, 1863, Allen J. Phillips. Res. Lawrence, Kan. 8 Children, IX. Generation. 977. AHce Lewette Litchfield, b. Mar. 5, 1859. 978. Mary Lewallen PhilHps, b. May 28, 1863. 979. Lewis PhilHps, b. Mar. 6, 1865. 980. Ray A. J. PhilHps, b. Nov. 6, 1865. 98L Clara E. Phillips, b. Dec. 21, 1867, d. Sept. 27, 1869. 982. Edith Anna Phillips, b. Feb. 26, 1873. 983. Maud Augusta Phfllips, b. Mar. 17, 1875. 984. Hope Estelle PhilHps, b. July, 1879. 985. George Nathaniel" Carter (750), (Nathaniel,' Nathaniel," Nathaniel,' Nathaniel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," 7 90 CARTER. Rev. Thomas,') m. Feb. 6, 1856, Mary A. Simmons. Res. Armada, Mich. 4 Children, IX. Generation. 986. Charles Clifton (1054), b. May 4, 1857. 987. Lottie Jane, b. Apr. 30, 1863, d. June 19, 1865. 988. Eva BeHe, b. Oct. 4, 1866. 989. Mary EHa, b. Sept. 26, 1874. 990. Clara Elizabeth' Carter (756), (Sumner L.,' Na thaniel," Nathaniel,' Nathaniel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel,' Rev. Thomas,') m. Feb. 15, 1881, Capt. George WilHam Brown. Res. Longmont, Col. 99L Mary A." Carter (822), (Samuel,' Elias," EHas,' Nathaniel," Samuel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Feb. 7, 1849, Andrew J. French, who was b. at Amster dam, Montgomery Co., N. Y., Nov. 30, 1824. Res. Aus tin, Movver Co., Minn. 6 Children, IX. Generation. 992. Charles J. French, b. March 27, 1852, d. March 18, 1873. 993. Frances S. French, b. March 18, 1859. 994. Marcia A. French, b. Jan. 11, 1862, d. Mar. 21, 1884. 995. Marshall E. French, b. March 20, 1864, d. June 7, 1883. 996. John H. French, b. Nov. 27, 1867. 997. Minnie D. French, b. Sept. 27, 1870. 998. Consider B." Carter (825), (Samuel,' Elias," EHas,' Nathaniel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. ist, Martha Wells ; m, 2d, Jan. 24, 1863, Emma L. Marsh, who d. July 8, 1881 ; m. 3d, June 14, 1883, Alice L. Treat, Res. Chicago, 111. CARTER. 91 7 Children, IX. Generation. 999. Ruth, d. aged 2 years. 1000. Paul W., b. Jan. 25, 1863. 1001. Henry W., b. June 5, 1866. 1002. Howard M., b. May i, 1869. 1003. Charles B., b. April 17, 1872. 1004. Robert D., b. Jan. 2, 1874. 1005. Helen,- b. May 25, 1885. 1006. Louisa A." Carter (827) , (Samuel,' EHas," Elias,' Nathaniel," Samuel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Julius A. Moffett, who was b. July 18, 1831. Res. IlHon, N. Y. 3 Children, IX. Generation. 1007. Cora C. MoflFett, b. July 20, 1870. 1008. Charles C. Moffett, b. Nov. 22, 1874. 1009. Henry E. Moffett, b. June 2, 1877. 1010. Henry E." Carter (828), (Samuel,' Elias," Elias,' Nathaniel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Dec. 24, 1867, Anna J. James, who was b. March 17, 1848. Res. Atlanta, 111. 2 Children, IX. Generation. 1011. Lucius J., b. Sept. 14, 1872, d. Oct. 14, 1884. 1012. Katie Blythe, b. Aug. 12, 1882. 1013. Jane A.' Carter (840), (Benjamin W.,' Benja min," EHas,' Nathaniel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. ^Thomas,') m. Oct. 4, 1855, Anthony J. Zeitler, who was killed in the army Sept. 29, 1864. 2 Children, IX. Generation. 1014. Mary W. Zeitler. 1015. William Zeitler. 92 CARTER. 1016. John Brigham' Carter (841), (Benjamin W.,' Benjamin," Elias,' Nathaniel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Calista Francis Putnam of Tribes Hill, N. Y. No children. 1017. George Ballard' Carter (842), (Benjamin W.,' Benjamin," EHas,' Nathaniel," Samuel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Matilda Cormick of Albany, N. Y. Res. Dallas, Texas. I Child, IX. Generation. 1018. Elmer, b. Dec. 26, 1875. 1019. Willard S." Carter (844), (Benjamin W.,' Benja min," Elias,' Nathaniel," Samuel,^ Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Kitty Randall of Covington, Ky. Res. Colorado. No children. 1020. Hepzibah Elizabeth' Carter (862), (Chandler,' Benjamin," EHas,' Nathaniel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel,' Rev. Thomas,') m. Nov, 26, 1853, Edward Perkins. II Children, IX. Generation. 1021. Lyman T. Perkins, b. Sept. 29, 1854. Cashier. Res. Dallas, Texas. 1022. George Wm. Perkins, b. Dec. 8, 1856. Organ maker. Res. Albany, N. Y. 1023. Charles E. Perkins, b. Feb. 20, i860. Mechanic. Res. Shelburne Falls, Mass. 1024. Henry Alvin Perkins, b. Oct. 3, 1862. Organ maker. Res. Oneonta, N. Y. 1025. Frank F. Perkins, b. May 24, 1S64. Mechanic. Res. Shelburne Falls, Mass. 1026. Fred W. Perkins, b. May 25, 1866. Mechanic. Res. Shelburne FaHs, Mass. 1027. Alta M, Perkins, b. June 16, 1868. 1028. Alma J. Perkins, b. July i, 1870, d. Sept. 18, 1871. CARTER. 93 1029. Hattie O. Perkins, b. June 28, 1872. 1030. John B. Perkins, b. Jan. 3, 1874. 1031. Lula M. Perkins, b. Oct. 14, 1876, d. Nov. i, 1878. 1032. Erastus Minot' Carter (863), (Chandler,' Benja min," Elias,' Nathaniel," Samuel,' Rev, Samuel." Rev. Thomas,') m. June 8, 1874, Sarah Merrifield. A farmer. Res. Ashfield, Mass. No children. 1033. Sarah CaroHne' Carter (864) , (Chandler,' Benja min," Elias,' Nathaniel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,") m. Oct. 4, 1859, Jo^in B. Streeter. Res. Shel burne Falls, Mass. No children. 1034. George Benjamin' Carter (865), (Chandler,' Benjamin," Elias,' Nathaniel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Nov. 25, 1867, Mary L. Pratt. Res. Ashfield, Mass. No children. 1035. Noah J." Carter (882), (Ashbel W.,' Thomas," Elias, 'Nathaniel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. 1st, May 14, 1856, Fannie S. Bassett of Plainfield, Mass., who d. in North Adams, Mass., May 17, 1867 ; m. 2d, Dec. 30, 1868, Sarah Sherman. Res. North Adams, Mass. 2 Children, IX. Generation. 1036. NelHe B., b. May 29, 1857. 1037. Fred W. (1057), b. Dec. 29, 1859, 1038. Olive W." Carter (883), (Ashbel W.,' Thomas," Elias,' Nathaniel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. May 15, 1856, EHas B. Carpenter. Res. Shelburne FaUs, Mass. 94 CARTER. 3 Children, IX. Generation. 1039. Halbert W. Carpenter, b. Jan. 13, 1859, d. Oct. i7> 1873. 1040. Frank E. Carpenter, b. Jan. 6, 1863. 1041. Bertha O, Carpenter, b. Aug. 6, 1870. 1042. EHa A.' Carter (886), (Ashbel W.,' Thomas,' Elias,' Nathaniel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Sept. 18, 1878, Stephen Vosburgh, Res. Greenfield, Mass. I Child, IX. Generation. 1043. Earl Vosburgh, b. Jan. 29, 1881. 1044. EHen Adelia' Carter (924), (Elias Sanderson,' Thomas," Elias,' Nathaniel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Dec. 10, 1868, Isaac Curtis Vincent. 1045. DeHa Emma' Carter (959), (Ashton,' John,' Elisha,' Nathaniel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thom as,') m. Nov. 1870, Lewis R. Edwards of Charlemont, Mass. I Child, IX. Generation. 1046. Wilbur Edwards, b. Aug. 2, 1873. 1047. Daphne Ella' Carter (960), (Ashton,' John,' EHsha,' Nathaniel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thom as,') m. 1st, May 1873, Oren Van Ness, who d. June 26, 1880 ; m. 2d, Sept. 1884, Warren Allen. Res. Greenfield, Mass. 2 Children, IX. Generation. 1048. Mary Ella Van Ness, b. April 5, 1875. 1049. WilHe W. Van Ness, b. Oct. 26, 1877. 1050. Edgar M." Carter (961), (Ashton,' John," Elisha,' Nathaniel," Samuel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. CARTER. 95 1881, Flora A. Pierce of Windsor, Mass. He is a steam- fitter and plumber, resides at Pittsfield, Mass., and has no children. 1051. Wilson H." Carter (962), (Ashton,' John," Elisha,' Nathaniel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. 1883, Jennie May Saner of Chelsea, Mass. He is station agent at Chelsea, Mass. I Child, IX. Generation. 1052. Bertha E., b. March 28, 1884. 1053. Theron H." Carter (963), (Ashton,' John," EHsha,' Nathaniel,' Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thom as,'). Graduate of Brown's University, class of '85 ; is principal of High School, Bristol, R. I. 1054. Charles Clifton" Carter (986), (George N.," Na thaniel,' Nathaniel," Nathaniel,' Nathaniel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Aug. 19, 1880, Marion Little. 2 Children, X. Generation. 1055. George C, b. Dec. 8, 1881. 1056. John B., b. Jan. 31, 1884. 1057. Fred W." Carter (1037), (Noah J.,' Ashbel W.,' Thomas," EHas,' Nathaniel," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Oct. 1880, Minnie J. Brown. 2 Children, X. Generation. 1058. Fannie M., b. Aug. i, 1881. 1059. NelHe, b. March 16, 1886. 1060. Dorothy" Carter (15), (Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m, April 4, 1729, Thomas Fairbank. It appears probable that this was the Thomas Fairbank who 96 CARTER. was dismissed from the Lancaster church, and recom mended to the church in Chockset (now Sterling) at the same time as his (supposed) brother-in-law, David Osgood. We have failed to find any stones marking the graves of Thomas and Dorothy Fairbank, but these entries in the church records of Sterling may ferhafs refer to them :S "The wife of De^Thomas Fairbank died Sept. 14, 1784.^ Dca.Thomas Fairbank died Feb. 10, 1791, aged 85 years." 8 Children, V. Generation. 1061. Samuel Fairbank, b. April 8, 1730. 1062. John Fairbank, b. May 4, 1731. 1063. Jonathan Fairbank, b. Nov. 12, 1732. 1064. Thomas Fairbank, b. April 29, 1736. 1065. Dorothy Fairbank, b. Oct. 17, 1738. 1066. Joseph Fairbank, b. Oct. 27, 1741. 1067. Ephraim Fairbank, b. July 26, 1742. 1068. Mary Fairbank, b. Feb. 22, 1744. 1069. Anna" Carter (16), (Samuel,' Rev. Samuel,' Rev. Thomas,') m. July 3, 1733, Daniel Knight. After a diligent search of town and probate records, we have found no trace of their descendants. 1070. Jonathan" Carter (17), (Samuel,' Rev. Samuel,' Rev. Thomas,') m. Damaris Joslin (dau. of Peter and Joslin of Lancaster), who d. July, 1801. He was one of the first settlers of Leominster, and lived in the north part of the town, his house standing (we are in formed by his granddaughter, Mrs. Lavinia Wilder, still living at the age of 92 years — 1885,) nearly opposite the present residence of Leonard Burrage, Esq. No one of his children retained the parental estate, his son John re moving soon after his father's death to the last house in Leominster on the road from the IS^rth Village to Fitch- CARTER. 97 burg, where his mother died, surviving her husband two years. 9 Children, V. Generation. 1071. Damaris (io8o), b. Jan. 7, 1738, d. Sept. 18, 1812. 1072. James, b, June 7, 1740, d. young. 1073. Jonathan (1090), b.Jan, 7, 1741, d. July 18, 1821. 1074. David, b. June 23, 1743. 1075. Mary, b. Oct. 3, 1744. 1 1076. Martha, b. Oct. 3, 1744. 5 Twins. 1077. Dorothy (1098), b. March 9, 1746, d. at Swanzey, N. H., Oct. 22, 1827. 1078. Abigail, b. April i, 1748, d. at Rindge, N. H., April 29, 1826. 1079. John (iiio), b. Jan. 8, 1750, d. Mar. 19, 1812. 1080. Damaris' Carter (1071), (Jonathan," Samuel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. 1758, Luke Richard son, son of James and Sarah (Fowle) Richardson, b. Aug. 13, 1734, d. March 27, 1812. They commenced house keeping in the house built by his father and still standing, on the road from Leominster to Fitchburg, now owned by E. J. Marsh ; for two years they went to garrison every night, in fear of an attack by Indians. 9 Children, VI. Generation. 1081. Damaris Richardson, b. June 16, 1759, ^' ^^eb. 25, 1840 ; m. May 6, 1779, David Boutelle, son of James Boutelle, b. Dec. 12, 1756, d. Aug. 5, 1816. They moved to Fitchburg, 1798 ; had 10 children. 1082. Sarah Richardson, b. Nov. 16, 1760, d. June 27, 1852, m. Nov. 16, 1783, John Buss (1893) ; had 13 children. 1083. Luke Richardson, b. April 2, 1763, d. March 9, 1852; m. 1785, Relief FuUer, who d. Sept. 9, 1827 ; had 6 children. 98 CARTER. 1084. Thomas Richardson, b. Feb. i, 1766, d. Aug. 8, 1852 ; m. 1790, Jane Brown (dau. of Rev. Joseph Brown of Winchendon,) who d. Oct. 17, 1828. He was a physician in Fitzwilliam, N. H. ; they had 8 children. 1085. AbigaU Richardson, b. May 13, 1768, d. Aug. 20, 1843 ; m. March 22, 1787, Thomas Ballard of Lancaster; had 11 children. 1086. John Richardson, b. May 3, 1770, d. Aug. 8, 1852 ; m. Nancy Low ; they had 8 children. 1087. Dorothy Richardson, b. Jan. 21, 1775, d. Dec. 4, 1816; m. Rufus Houghton, who. d. Feb. 23, 1834 ; had 10 children. 1088. Josiah Richardson, b. Feb. 18, 1777, d. Oct. 21, 1863 ; m. Reliance Crosby ; had 2 children. 1089. Sewell Richardson, b. July 30, 1785, d. Jan. 21, 1867; m. 1st, Abigail Kendall, had 2 daughters ; m. 2d, Mary Cutler of Wendell, Mass., who d. May 10, 1842. This record is copied from Mrs. Damaris R. (Buss) Car ter's manuscript. 1090. Jonathan' Carter (1073), (Jonathan," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m, April 7, 1765, Damaris Whitcomb of Lancaster, b. 1746, d. July 6, 1820. He lived in the easterrvjjart pf Leominster, on the farm now owned by John Sullivan, bn Nashua street. 7 Children, VI. Generation. 1091. Damaris (1120). 1092. Jonathan jr. (1121), b. 1768, d. March 9, 1824. 1093. Benjamin (11.22), b. 1770, d. March 16, 1850. 1094. Deborah (1123), b. May i, 1787, d. Aug. 25, 1857. 1095. Elisha, d. aged 30, unm. 1096. Anna, d. Dec. 3, 1830, unm. 1097. AbigaU, d. unm. CARTER. 99 1098. Dorothy' Carter (1077), (Jonathan," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Sept. 5, 1764, Jonathan Whitcomb of Swanzey, N. H. (son of Capt. Joseph Whit comb), b. in Lancaster 1740, d. June 13, 1792. He kept the first store and tavern in Swanzey, commanded a com pany of soldiers in the battle of Bunker Hill, and was af terwards colonel of a New Hampshire regiment. Mrs. Whitcomb survived her husband many years, and died at the house of her son Nathan. II Children, VI. Generation. 1099. Dorothy Whitcomb, b. May 23, 1765, d. May 2, 1825 ; m. about 1780, Nathan Capron ; had 4 daughters. 1100. Jonathan Whitcomb, b. Sept. 20, 1766. 1101. John Whitcomb, b. March 22, 1768, d. Oct. 17, 1770. 1102. Nathan Whitcomb, b. May 10, 1770, m. Nellie White of Milford, Mass. ; they had 10 children ; one son, Otis, had 18 children by one wife. 1103. John Whitcomb, b. March 9, 1772. 1104. Ephraim Whitcomb, b. June 9, 1774, d. young. 1105. Damaris Whitcomb, b. April 29, 1777, d. June, 1784. 1106. Anna Whitcomb, b. April 9, 1^79, d. June, 1784. 1107. Ephraim Whitcomb, b. Feb. 26, 1782. 1108. Salome Whitcomb, b. March 3, 1784, d. May 30, 1785- 1109. Salome Whitcomb, b. AprU 25, 1786, m. Amos Bailey. 1110. John' Carter (1079), (Jonathan," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m.Jan. 19, 1775, Anna Whit comb (sister of Jonathan), b. 1752, d. March 22, 1812. He lived in the North ViUage, Leominster, in a house which stood opposite thatof Leonard Burrage, Esq., the home of his father, Jonathan. 100 CARTER. 9 Children, VI. Generation. 1111. John (1129), b. March 16, 1776, d. at Rutland, Mass., Dec. 5, 1853. 1112. Dorothy (1136), b. Oct. 14, 1778, d. at Winches ter, Mass., Feb. 2, 1856. 1113. Anna (1143), b. Feb. 24, 1781, 1114. Abijah (1144), b. May 10, 1784, 1115. Joseph (1145), b. May 12, 1787, d. in Peterboro, N. H., Nov. 24, 1871. 1116. Betsey, b. AprU 26, 1790, d. unm. April 23, 1859. 1117. Lavinia (1153), b. Jan. 31, 1793, still living, age 92 years, 1885. 1118. Alvah W., b. Sept, 13, 1796, d. July 26, 1797. 1119. Cynthia (1163), b. March 18, 1797. 1120. Damaris" Carter (1091), (Jonathan,' Jonathan,' Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Jan. 1783, Daniel Fuller ; they lived at Athens, Vt. 1121. Jonathan" Carter, jr. (1092), (Jonathan.' Jona than," Samuel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Dec. 6, 1807, Mary Johnson, b. 1775, d. Jan. 19, 1846. Leomin ster. They had no children. 1122. Benjamin" Carter (1093), (Jonathan,' Jonathan," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel.' Rev. Thomas,') m. May 5, 1810, Anna Burrage, b. Feb. 4, 1778, d. March 12, 1851. Leominster. Had no children. 1123. Deborah" Carter (1094), (Jonathan,' Jonathan,' Samuel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m, May 26, 2811, Thomas Tyler. Leominster. 5 Children, VII. Generation. 1124. Damaris C Tyler, b. at Jaffrey, N. H., Sept. 2, 1814. CARTER. 101 1125. Mary A. Tyler, b. June 1819, m. 1854, Samuel S. Sinclair. Westminster. Has 2 sons. 1126. Thomas Tyler, b. at Leominster, Jan, 3, 1821, d. Nov. 30, 1854; unm. 1127. Joel J. Tyler, b. June 7, 1823, m. Sarah Green of Lunenburg. They have i son. 1128. Benjamin B. Tyler, b. Jan. 21, 1830, d. Jan. 4, 1847. 1129. John" Carter (mi), (John,' Jonathan," Samuel,' Rev, Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m, ist, Nov. 27, 1800, Pat ty Wilder, dau, of David and Lucy (Joslin) Wilder, b. Dec 22, 1779, d. March 13, 1808; m. 2d, Widow Eunice (Wetherbee) Fuller of Lunenburg, who d, Nov. 8, 1846. He resided at Leominster, Lunenburg, and Rutland, Mass. 6 Children, VII. Generation. 1130. Lucy, b. Aug. 30, 1802, d. March 12, 1863, unm. 1131. Alvah (1165), b. AprU 5, 1806, d. AprU 30, 1858. 1132. Martha (1166), b. Jan. 24, 1811, d. May 16, 1842. 1133. Sophia (1169), b. Sept. 30, 1813, d. Feb. 9, 1855. 1134. Nancy B. (1170), b. March 11, 1816, d. 1885. 1135. John jr. (1181), b. Oct. 11, 1821, d, Jan. 10, i^ 1136. Dorothy" Carter (1112), (John,' Jonathan," Sam uel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Feb. 12, 1807, Col. Phineas Stone of Swanzey, N. H., b. Feb. 23, 1726, d. at Winchester, Mass., Feb. 11, 185 1. Res. Swanzey, N. H. 5 Children, VII. Generation. 1137. John Stone, b. May 30, 1807, d. Aug. 14, 1825. 1138. Sylvander Stone, b. Feb. 14, 1809. 1139. Phineas Stone, b. Dec. 20, 1811, d. May 28, 1879. 1140. Joseph Stone, b. Aug. 15, 1815, res. Winchester, Mass. 102 CARTER. 1141. Dorothy Ann Stone, b. Jan. 8, 1821, m. Otis Weth erbee of Boston. 1142. Henry Stone, b. Jan. 8, 1821, res. Winchester, Mass. 1143. Anna" Carter (1113), (John,' Jonathan," Samuel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. ist, Nov. 28, 1804, Simeon Butler of Leominster; m. 2d, Mr. BoUes. Res. Saxton River, Vt. No children. 1144. Abijah" Carter (1114), (John,' Jonathan," Sam uel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. 1808, Sally Chase of Leominster. They went West, and we have not been able to get a record of the family. 1145. Joseph" Carter (11 15), (John,' Jonathan," Sam uel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. June 17, 1813, Lydia Lincoln, dau. of Jesse and Abigail (Wilder) Lin coln (see 1246), b. 1788, d. in Peterboro, N. H., March 9, 1863. 7 Children, VII. Generation. 1146. Dorothy (1189), b- Jan. 30, 1814. 1147. EHzabeth (1193), b. AprU 5, 1815. 1148. Joseph L. (1199), b. July 30, 1816. 1149. Lydia Ann (1202), b. May 24, 1819; dead. 1150. Charles B. (1203), b. Oct. 17, 1823. 1151. John L., b. Feb. 25, 1838. 1152. Cynthia Maria, b. Oct. 7, 1835. 1153. Lavinia" Carter (1117), (John,' Jonathan," Sam uel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Sept. 14, 1814, EHsha WUder, son of David and Catherine (Richardson) WUder, d. July 6, 1851. Res. Leominster. CARTER. 103 9 Children, VII. Generation. 1154. Thomas B. WUder, b. March i, 1815, m. ist, Louisa E. Stuart, d. Aug. 14, 1840; m. 2d, May 1843, Martha M. Hubbard. Three children. 1155. Catherine A. Wilder, b. Sept, 17, 1817, d. March I, 1882, unm. 1156. Cynthia M. WUder, b. March 16, 1820, m. Chester Nims of Keene, N. H. Eight children. 1157. James C. Wilder, b, Dec. 16, 1822, d. at Cam bridge, Mass., June 30, 1880. 1158. WilHam G. Wilder, b. July 27, 1825, m. Feb. 2, 1850, Mary Ann Brock way; res. at Clinton. Had seven children — four living. 1159. Charles E. WUder, b. Sept. 21, 1827, d. AprU 27, 1840. 1160. Susan E. WUder, b. Sept. 3, 1829, m. John Bartlett, Two children. 116L Loamni B. Wilder, b. 1832, d. Dec. 5, 1848. 1162. Joseph T. WUder, m. June 20, 1855, Rosella A. Levering. Four children. 1163. Cynthia" Carter (1119), (John,' Jonathan," Sam uel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. ist, July 4, 1825, Carlon Cook of Swanzey, N. H., who d. in Granby, Os wego Co., N. Y., Sept. 30, 1828; m. 2d, Dec 3, 1840, George M, Daniels of Keene, N. H. I Child, VII. Generation. 1164. Marcus Cook, resides in Boston. 1165. Alvah, name changed to James W.' Carter (1131), (John," John,' Jonathan," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Lucy Davis of SomervUle, Mass. He was a grocer for many years on Water St., Boston. They had several children, all dying young except one daugh ter, Sarah Abbie, who is still Hving. 104 CARTER. 1166. Martha' Carter (1132), (John," John,' Jonathan," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. June 10, 1834, Josiah M. Read of Swanzey, N. H. Res. Boston. 2 Children, VIII. Generation. 1167. Ann Elizabeth Read, b.June 10, 1837, d. May 16, 1842. 1168. Helen Maria Read, b. March 14, 1840. 1169. Sophia' Carter (1133), (John," John,' Jonathan,' Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. 1835, Keniston. Res East Calais, Vt. Three sons. 1170. Nancy B.' Carter (1134), (John," John,' Jona than," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m, April 2, 1835, Lyman R. Forbes of Rutland, Mass., who d. 1885. Res. Rutland. 10 Children, VIII. Generation. 1171. Ellen S, Forbes, b. Dec. 1836, d. Nov. 13, 1873. 1172. Lucy E. Forbes, b. Jan. 21, 1839, d. May 6, 1868. 1173. Emma J. Forbes, b. Sept. 16, 1840, d. Oct. 6, 1843. 1174. Martha Ann Forbes, b. Sept. 4, 1842, d. Sept. 25, 1843. 1175. Jane E, Forbes, b. Aug. 26, 1844. 1176. James L. Forbes, b. July 22, 1847, d. AprU 20, 1848. 1177. Sarah E. Forbes, b. March 4, 1849, d.-i Aug. 28, 1880. I . 1178. Susan E. Forbes, b, March 4, 1849, d- | ^^^^' June 9, 1882. J 1179. Walter H. Forbes, b. Aug. 4. 1851. 1180. Hattie A. Forbes, b. May 6, 1856, d. Dec. 30, 1862. 1181. John' Carter, jr. (1135), (John," John,' Jonathan," Samuel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Nov. 4, 1849, Susan V. Ruggles, b. July 27, 1824. Was a grocer with his brother James W., in Boston. CARTER. 105 7 Children, VJII. Generation. 1182. George H. (1210), b. Oct. 23, 1850. 1183. Herbert M., b. Sept. 8, 1852. 1184. Florence L. (i 212), b. July 12, 1854, d, Oct, 2, 1877. 1185. James W. (1214), b. Oct. 7, 1857. 1186. EUery A., b. March 13, 1859. 1187. Hattie E., b. June 6, 1864. 1188. Frank E., b. Oct. i, 1865, d. Feb. 4, 1871. 1189. Dorothy' Carter (1146), (Joseph," John,' Jona than," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. ist. April 27, 1837, Joshua L. Little, who d. at West Wilton, N, H., Sept. 8, 1846 ; m. 2d, Oct. 16, 1851, Joshua Foster of Hancock, N. H., who d. March 18, 1867. 3 Children, VIII. Generation. 1190. John L. Little, b. March 3, 1838, m. Aug. 6, 1852, Ann Lakin ; removed to California. 1191. Charles C. Little, b. May 12, 1843, m. Oct. 10, i860, Mary Lakin ; reside in Hancock, N. H. Three children. 1192. Elwyn C. Foster, b. Oct. 23, 1852. 1193. Elizabeth' Carter (1147), (Joseph," John,' Jona than," Samuel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Oct. i, 1835, Samuel R, MiUer of Peterboro, N. H. 5 Children, VIII. Generation. 1194. Frances A. MiUer, b. Sept. 7, 1836. 1195. Sarah E. Miller, b. June 10, 1841, d. Jan. 6, 1844. 1196. Abbie A. MUler, b. Dec. 4, 1843. 1197. Sarah L. MiUer, b. May 31, 1848, d. Nov. 18, 1865. 1198. Nettie F. Miller, b. Dec 14, 1857, d. Nov. 30, 1859. 1199. Joseph L.' Carter (1148), (Joseph," John,' Jona than," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. May 20, 1838, Almena Capron. 8 106 CARTER. 2 Children, VIII. Generation. 1200. Alpheus C, b. April 24, 1841, d. Feb. 14, 1844. 1201. Nancie B. (1216), b. July 25, 1844. 1202. Lydia Ann' Carter (1149), (Joseph," John,' Jona than," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. George Prichard of New Ipswich. Mr. and Mrs. Prichard are both dead ; they left five children. 1203. Charles B.' Carter (1150), (Joseph," John,' Jona than," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. in Peterboro, N. H., Sept. 28, 1845, Phebe Hadley; res. Lowell, Mass. 6 Children, VIII. Generation. 1204. Eliza F. (1219), b. July 2, 1847. 1205. Ellen M., b. April 30, 1851, d. Sept. 21, 1852. 1206. Charles S. (1221), b. Nov. 25, 1852. 1207. Ella M. (1223), b. June 16, 1857. 1208. John A. (1224), b. May 3, 1859. 1209. Willis M. (1226), b. June 13, 1862. 1210. George H." Carter (1182), (John, jr.,' John,' John,' Jonathan," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Sept. 30, 1873, Nellie Daniels Cook, who d. Jan. 4, 1877 ; res. Winchester, Mass. I Child, IX. Generation. 1211. Edith Hutchins, b. Dec. 17, 1876. 1212. Florence Lelia' Carter (1184), (John, jr.,' John,' John,' Jonathan," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Dec. 20, 1876, George G. Stratton. I Child, IX. Generation. 1213. Roscoe C. Stratton, b. Oct. 2, 1877, d. August, 1878. CARTER. 107 1214. James WaUace' Carter (1185), (John,' John," John,' Jonathan," Samuel,' Rev, Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. AprU II, 1882, Mary Maria French. I Child, IX. Generation. 1215. Gertrude Blanche, b. Dec. 28, 1883. 1216. Nancy B." Carter (1201), (Joseph L,.' Joseph," John,' Jonathan," Samuel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Nov. 15, 1866, Samuel G. White; res. Peterboro, N. H. 2 Children, IX. Generation. 1217. M. Gertrude White, b. May 2, 1868. 1218. NeUie C. White, b. May 26, 1870. 1219. Eliza F.' Carter (1204), (Charles B,,' Joseph," John,' Jonathan," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. in Lowell, Mass., Jan. 3, 187 1, John R. Norwood of Reading, Mass. I Child, IX. Generation. 1220. Henry A. Norwood, b. Aug. 10, 1874. 1221. Charies S." Carter (1206), (Charles B.,' Joseph," John,' Jonathan," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. in Everett, Mass., June 30, 1875, M. Jennie Coburn of Lowell. I Child, IX. Generation. 1222. Mabel R,, b. July 8, 1878. 1223. Ella M." Carter (1207), (Charies B.,' Joseph," John,' Jonathan," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. in Lawrence, Mass., Nov. 6, 1880, George W. Horn. 1224. John A.' Carter (1208), (Charies B.,' Joseph," John,' Jonathan," Samuel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. May 3, 1881, Mary J. McRuy of Lawrence, Mass, 108 CARTER. I Child, IX. Generation. 1225. Charles B., b. Aug. 27, 1882. 1226. WUHs M.' Carter (1209), (Charies B.,' Joseph,' John,' Jonathan," Samuel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. in Mattapan, Mass., Oct. 6, 1883, Hattie L. Osborn of Boston. I Child, IX. Generation. 1227. Harold O., b. in Wentworth, N. H., May 23, 1884. 1228. Ephraim" Carter (18), (Samuel,' Rev. Samuel,' Rev. Thomas,') m. ist, March 24, 1736, Mary Osgood, b. 1718, d. May 30, 1738 ; m. 2d, 1739, Abigail Wilder, dau. of James and Abigail (Gardner) Wilder of Lancaster. [See note after 1547-J He lived on the paternal estate on George Hill, Lancaster, and had a tannery there. II Children, V. Generation. 1229. Mary (1240), b. Jan. 4, 1737, d. 1777. 1230. Ephraim, b. May 27, 1740, d. young. 1231. AbigaU (1253), b. April 9, 1741. 1232. Ephraim (1261), b.June 15, 1743, d. May 19, 1798. 1233. Beulah (1273), b. Oct. 14, 1747, d. Oct. 22, 1769. 1234. Dorothy (1274), b. May 21, 1750, d. 1790. 1235. ReHef, b. Aug. 10, 1752, d. young. 1236. Oliver (1285), b. Sept. 12, 1757, d, 1842. 1237. ReHef (1294), b. Sept. 13, 1759, d- Feb. 8. 1853. 1238. Abel, b. Dec, 22, 1761, d. in Lancaster about 1790; unm. 1239. Elijah (1298), b. Feb. 21, 1764, d, in Keene, N. H., Feb. 2, 1835. 1240. Mary' Carter (1229), (Ephraim," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev, Thomas,') m. Oct. 20, 1757, Mark Lin coln, son of Luke and Elizabeth (Otis) Lincoln, b. at Scituate, 1733, d. at Leominster, 1798. CARTER. 109 Mark Lincoln came from Lancaster to Leominster about 1763, and built a dam and fulling mill, where the dressing of home-made cloth was carried to great perfection. The large piano factory of F. G. Smith of New York city stands (1885) upon the site of the old mill. 12 Children, VI. Generation. 1241. Mary Lincoln, b. at Lancaster, Aug. 28, 1758, d. ' at Leominster, Nov. 9, 1819; m. ist, Aug. 7, 1780, Timothy Stearns of Leominster, had eight children; m. 2d, July 28, 1811, Dea. Ephraim Carter. [See descendants of Oliver" Carter (1579)-] 1242. Otis Lincoln, b. Dec. 17, 1759; ^^^ ^ soldier in the Revolutionary war. 1243. Dolly Lincoln, b. Nov. 26, 1761, d. at Leominster, Oct. 9, 1815, m. Oct. 12, 1783, Edward Wilder of Leominster ; had nine children. 1244. Ephraim Lincoln, b. Sept. 24, 1763, d, Sept. 10, 1843 ; m. 1st, Nov. 27, 1788, Eunice Richardson, children, four daughters ; m. 2d, Widow Mary (Richardson) Darling, sister of his first wife. 1245. EHzabeth Lincoln, b. Nov. 14, 1764, d. Oct. 16, 1815 ; unm. 1246. Jesse Lincoln, b. Jan. 1766, d. Aug. 8, 1801, m. Aug. 7, 1786, AbigaU Wilder (591) ; had eight children. 1247. Thomas Lincoln, b. July 9, 1767, d. May 10, 1835. m. Aug. 13, 1793, Abigail Fletcher Gibbs of Fitchburg, who d. Oct. 10, 1837 ; nine children. 1248. Abel Lincoln, b. May 23, 1769. 1249. Joseph Lincoln, b. Aug, 20, 1770, m. Oct. 28, 1792, Sally Joslin. They removed to Canada; eight children. 1250. Eber Lincoln, b. Oct. 27, 1771, m.Jan, 28, 1792, Relief Joslin. They resided in JaflJrey, N. H., 110 CARTER. and removed in 1815 to western New York ; 14 children. 1251. Caleb Lincoln, b. AprU 28, 1773, d. at Lancaster, Oct. 20, 1825 ; m. Feb. 7, 1799, Martha Carter of Lancaster, b. 1776, d. 1866. [See 2646. j No children. 1252. Sally Lincoln, b. AprU 15, 1775, m. Feb. 27, 1803, Abel Richardson ; no children. 1253. AbigaU' Carter (1231), (Ephraim," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. ist, Jan. 22, 1761, Jo siah Fairbanks of Lancaster ; m. 2d, 1791, Samuel WUder (2540). 7 Children, VI. Generation. 1254. Josiah Fairbanks, b. Nov. 5, 1761. 1255. AbigaU Fairbanks, b. Aug. 27, 1763. 1256. Manasseh Fairbanks, b. Aug. 20, 1765. 1257. Martha Fairbanks, b. March i, 1768. 1258. Ephraim Fairbanks, b. March 16, 1770. 1259. James Fairbanks, b. April 19, 1772. 1260. Beulah Fairbanks, b. July 16, 1774. 1261. Ephraim' Carter (1232), (Ephraim," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Dec. 3, 1767, Abigail Carter, dau. of Col. John and Abigail (Joslin) Carter (see 2552), b. Sept. 4, 1748, d. Aug. 20, 1805. He was called Capt. Ephraim, was a prominent citizen of Lancaster, lived on the paternal estate, and continued the tanning business. II Children, VI. Generation. 1262. John, b. Dec. 9, 1768, d. young. 1263. AbigaU (1306), b. Feb. 13, 1770, d. Oct. 10, 1820. 1264. Anna (1317), b. Dec. 3, 1771, d. AprU 15, 1822. 1265. Ephraim (1328), b. Oct. 28, 1773, d. Aug. 3, 1827. 1266. Solomon (1332), b. Feb. 19, 1776, d. Nov. 18, 1829. 1267. Polly (1341), b. March 17, 1778, d. 1868, CARTER. Ill 1268. Henry, b. Jan. 22, 1780, d. at sea. 1269. Sarah, b. Feb. 22, 1781, d. unm. 1270. John (1344), b. AprU 27, 1782, d. July 3, 1830. 1271. Susanna, b. April 2, 1784, d. young. 1272. Susanna (1352), b. July 20, 1785, d. at Leominster, Sept. 24, 1867. 1273. Beulah' Carter (1233) , (Ephraim," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Feb. 22, 1769, Joseph Carter (2557), b. Nov. 15, 1745, d. May 8, 1766. She lived but a few months after her marriage. 1274. Dorothy' Carter (1234), (Ephraim." Samuel,' Rev. Samuel,", Rev. Thomas,') m. Feb. 18, 1768, Capt. Samuel Wilder (2540) of Ashburnham, b. May 7, 1739, d. 1798. 10 Children, VI. Generation. 1275. Samuel Wilder, b. Oct. 8, 1768, d. 1822. 1276. Caleb Wilder, b. March 22, 1770, d. 1868. 1277. Nahum Wilder, b. March i, 1775, d. March, i860. 1278. Dorothy Wilder, b, March 14, 1777, d. 1847. 1279. Beulah WUder, b. AprU 26, 1779. 1280. Ephraim WUder, b. Jan. 7, 1782. 1281. Sarah Wilder, b. Jan. 11, 1784. 1282. Abel WUder, b. Jan. 27, 1786, d. 1864. 1283. Thomas WUder, b. July 9, 1788, d. May 31, 1866. 1284. Milton Wilder, b. June 30, 1790. Book of Wilders. 1285. Oliver' Carter (1236), (Ephraim," Samuel," ^ev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Jan. 15, 179S, Emily Har rington, who d. March 27, 1835. He Hved and died in Lancaster; was a merchant at the "Old Common." 8 Children, VI. Generation. 1286. Horatio (1358), b. Feb. 17, 1796, d. Sept. 21, 1832. 112 CARTER. 1287. George (1360), b. Apr. 13, 1797, d. Jan. 15, i860. 1288. Timothy Harrington (1370), b. Dec. 23, 1798, stiU living, 1885. 1289. Charles (1377), b. Aug. 21, 1800, d. Apr. 24, 1880. 1290. Emily (1383), b. Mar. 31, 1802, d. Dec 7, 1883. 1291. Nancy B. (1384) , b. Feb. 23, 1804, d. Feb. 14, 1865. 1292. Catherine Prescott, b. Feb. 14, 1806, d. Mar. 2, 1878 ; unm. 1293. Richard (1392), b. Aug. 30, 1808, d. Jan. 7, 1852. 1294. ReHef Carter (1237), (Ephraim," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Dec. 8, 1777, WilHam Wilder, son of Ephraim and Anna Wilder, b. May 5, 1755, d. May 20, 1816 ; res. Lancaster. 3 Children, VI. Generation. 1295. WUliam WUder, b. Oct, 14, 1778, m. Nancy Bea man. 1296. Ephraim WUder, b. 1780, 1297. Elijah Wilder, b. 1782, m. Sophia Thurston. [See Book of the Wilders.] 1298. Elijah' Carter (1239), (Ephraim," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel." Rev. Thomas,') m. in Lancaster, Dec 5, 1785) Sally Bridge, b. in Lunenburgh, N. S., April 15, 1766, d. in Boston, May 20, 1844. He resided in Sullivan, N. H., and afterwards in Keene ; was a farmer. 7 Children, VI. Generation. 1299. Abel (1397), b. Mar. 10, 1786, d. at LoweU, Mass., Jan. 9, 1869. 1300. Charles (1403), b. Apr. 17, 1788, d. Keene, N. H.. Oct, 20, 1817. 1301. Henry (1406), b. May 16, 1791. 1302. Ephraim (1410), Jan. 14, 1795, d. Kentucky, 1838. 1303. Elijah, b. Dec. 3, 1797, d. at Weathersfield, Conn., Aug, 9, 1822. He was a student at Yale College. CARTER. 113 1304. Valender, b. Oct. 20, 1802. 1305. Nancy (1411), b. Mar. 4, 1807. 1306. AbigaU" Carter (1263), (Ephraim,' Ephraim," Samuel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. May 11, 1787, William Bridge, Lancaster. 10 Children, VII. Generation. 1307. Mary NoweU Bridge, b. Oct. 12, 1796, m. Peter Osgood ; they had four daughters. 1308. Abigail Bridge, b. July 19, 1798, d. young. 1309. Eliza Bridge, b. June 30, 1800, m. David Osgood; no children. 1310. Solomon Bridge, b. June 5, 1802, d. unm. 1311. Joseph Bridge, b. Aug. i, 1804, d. unm. 1312. John Bridge, b. Jan. 14, 1806, m. Catherine Benja min, and had six sons. 1313. Charles Bridge, m. ist, Susan Rugg ; two children. 1314. William Bridge, m. and d. in New York. 1316. James Bridge, d. unm. 1316. Henry Bridge, d. unm. 1317. Anna" Carter (1264), (Ephraim,' Ephraim," Sam uel," Rev. Samuel,", Rev. Thomas,') m. May 28, 1792, Jacob Fisher, who d. June 2, 1843 ; res. Lancaster. 10 Children, VII. Generation. 1318. Nancy Fisher, b. Feb. 13, 1793, d. July 7, 1845, m. Oct. 7, 1810, Josiah Fay, who d. Nov., 1871 ; five children. 1319. Jacob Fisher, jr., b. Nov. 5, 1794, d. Jan. 30, 1877, m. June 14, 1818, Oricy Hills, who d. Oct. 31, 1882 (see 2005) ; seven children. 1320. Mary Fisher, b. Oct. 7, 1796, d. Nov. 24, 1859, m, Oct. 8, 1819, James Richardson, who d. May 26, 1 861 : several children. 114 CARTER. 1321. Ephraim Carter Fisher, b.June 25, 1798, d. Dec. 3, 1883, m. Feb. 27, 1828, Sally HiUs, who d. Jan. 2, 1882; five children. (2008.) 1322. Sally Fisher, b. July 16, 1800, d, Oct. 25, 1778, m. Aug. 3, 1824, Frederic A. Lewis, who d. Dec. 22, 1867 ; res. Belfast, Me. ; four children. 1323. Alexander Fisher, b. Aug. 12, 1804, d. Feb. 15, 1882, m. 1st, Jan. 31, 1838, Louisa Dewey, who d. May 14, 1854; m. 2d, Oct. 17, 1855, Clarissa B. Griswold, who d. Sept. 15, 1870. 1324. James Fisher, b. Aug. 12, 1806, m. Nov. 29, 1843, Phebe Dutton. 1325. David Fisher, b. Sept. 5, 1808, d. June 10, 1875, m. Mar. 17, 1830, Olive Beardsley. 1326. Susanna Fisher, b. Jan. 19, 1811, m. Feb. 4, 1830, Cyrus Bliss, who d. Sept. 20, 1879. 1327. George Fisher, b, Dec. i, 1814, d. May 20, 1862, m. Feb. 16, 1838, Nancy Jones. 1328. Ephraim" Carter (1265), (Ephraim,' Ephraim,' Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Feb. 2, 1797, Mary Maynard, who d. June 22, 1826; res. Lancaster. 3 Children, VII. Generation. 1329. Patty Maynard (1412), b. July 11, 1797. 1330. Susannah (1413), b. Nov. 5, 1800, d. at Lancas ter, Jan. 1870. 1331. Abigail (1417), b. Apr. 24, 1805, d. at Lancaster, June 21, 1875. 1332. Solomon" Carter (1266), (Ephraim,' Ephraim,' Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev, Thomas,') m. ist, Dec. 27, 1802, Lucy JosHn, who d. Apr., 1812 ; m. 2d, Apr. 19, 1814, Elizabeth White, who d. July 26, 1843 ; res. Lancas ter. He was a country trader in his earlier life, much in terested also in military pursuits, being a major in the army CARTER. 115 of i8i2 ; he was deputy sheriff of Worcester county for sev eral years, and represented Lancaster at the General Court in 1817. In later Hfe misfortune and ill health came to him, and he died of lingering consumption. 8 Children, VII. Generation. 1333. Lucy Elizabeth (1418), b. Jan. 21, 1815, d. at Cambridge. Mass., Mar. 10, 1843. 1334. Solomon (1420), b.Jan. 16, 1816, 1335. Martha B. (1425), b. Oct. 23, 1817. 1336. William Henry, b. Aug. 7, 1819, d. Mar. 10, 1821. 1337. WiUiam Henry (1430), b. Apr. 14, 1821, d. Oct. 19, 1879. 1338. George P.(i435),b. Apr. 13, 1823, d. Sept. 4, 1883. 1339. AbigaU R. (1441), b. Jan. 6, 1825. 1340. James C. (1442), b. Oct. 14, 1827. 1341. Polly" Carter (1267), (Ephraim' Ephraim," Sam uel," Rev. Samuel," Rev, Thomas,') m. Mar. 2, 1811, Samuel Wilder. 2 Children, VII. Generation. 1342. Augustus WUder. 1343. Mary Carter Wilder. 1344. John" Carter (1270), (Ephraim,' Ephraim,' Sam uel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. ist, Oct. 19, 1803, Betsey Thurston, who d. Dec. 28, 1815 ; m. 2d, Jan. 9, 1817, Widow Elizabeth Daby ; res. Lancaster. 7 Children, VII. Generation. 1345. Henry (1443), b. May 22, 1804, d. Dunstable, N.H. 1346. Rebecca (1444), b.June 11, 1805, d. Sept. 13,1884. 1347. Mary (1446), b. Feb. 8, 1807, d. Nov. 14, 1849. 1348. Ephraim, b. Dec. 2, 1808, d. at St. Louis, Mo., spring of 1848 or '49. 1349. Nancy, b. Apr. 17, 1811, d. Nov. 22, 1822. 116 CARTER. 1350. Betsey Thurston (1456), b. Oct. 2, 1817. 1351. JuHa Ann (1465), b. Mar. 8, 1820, d. in Lancaster, Nov. 15, 1885. 1352. Susana" Carter (1272), (Ephraim,' Ephraim," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. July, 1810, David Howe, b. in Rutland, Mass., Oct. 21, 1774, d. in Lancaster, Apr. 4, 1825. 5 Children, VII. Generation. 1353. Frederick Howe, b. in Lancaster, Aug. 3, 181 1, d. in Leominster, May 26, 1855 ; unm. 1354. Henry P. Howe, b. in Lancaster, Apr. 14, 1813, d. young. 1355. David Howe, b. in Bolton, Mar. 10, 1815, d. in Leominster, June 22, 1869, m. May, 1841, Mary Chase ; they had five children. 1356. Susan C. Howe, b. in Lancaster, Feb. 1817, d. May, 1817. 1357. WilHam B. Howe, b. July 24, 1821, d. Aug, 20, 1821. 1358. Horatio" Carter (1286), (Oliver,' Ephraim," Sam uel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Mar. 15, 1827, Emily Norton of Sterling, Mass., who d. Oct. 28, 1872. I Child, VII. Generation. 1359. Helen (1473), b. July 20, 1832, 1360. George" Carter (1287) , (Oliver,' Ephraim," Sam uel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Oct. 10, 1832, Nancy Carter (1411) of Keene, N. H. 9 Children, VII. Generation. 1361. Sarah Bridge, b. July 8, 1833, d- in infancy. 1362. Horatio (1476), b. Mar. 15, 1835. 1363. Emily Breck, b. July 16, 1836. 1364. EHza MarshaU (1481), b. Dec. 31, 1837. CARTER. 117 1266. Rebecca, d. in infancy. 1366. Catherine Bridge, d. in infancy. 1367. Charles Stuart, b. July, 1843, d. prisoner of war at Florence, S. C, 1863. 1368. Helen Fiske, d. in infancy. 1369. Anna Bridge, b. July 10, 1850. 1370. Timothy Harrington" Carter (1288), (Oliver,' Ephraim," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. July 30, 1833, Martha Clark of Waltham, Mass., who d. Sept. I, 1870. 6 Children, VII. Generation. 137L Mary (1485), b. Nov. 26, 1836, d. Feb. 12, i860. 1372. WilHam (i486), b. May 30, 1838, d. July 23, 1870. 1373. Edward (1489), b. Dec. 25, 1839. 1374. John (1493), b. Oct. 9, 1841. 1375. Henry Harrington (1499), b. Dec. 24, 1844. 1376. Thomas Worcester, b. Feb. 4, 1847. 1377. Charles" Carter (1289) , (Oliver,' Ephraim," Sam uel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Sept. 13, 1827, Sarah Clark of Boston, who d. Aug. 2, 1882. 5 Children, VII. Generation. 1378. Charles H., b. Nov. 11, 1828, d. June 17, 1830. 1379. Emily Ann, b. Apr. 15, 183 1. 1380. Thomas Oliver (1502), b. Jan. 3, 1836. 1381. George (1505), b. Mar. 14, 1840. 1382. Arthur WilHam, b. Jan. 8, 1843. 1383. Emily" Carter (1290), (Oliver,' Ephraim," Sam uel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. May 29, 1834, Oscar C. B. Carter (1404) of Nashua, N. H. ; no chUdren. 1384. Nancy Bridge" Carter (1291), (OHver,' Eph raim," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Apr. 8, 118 CARTER. 1834, Noah Worcester of Thornton, N. H., who d. Oct. 13, 1876; res. Lancaster. 7 Children, VII. Generation. 1385. Martha Worcester, b. May i, 1835; res. Scran ton, Pa. 1386. Mary Worcester, b. Aug. 4, 1836; res. Waltham, Mass. 1387. John H.Worcester, b. Jan, 13, 1838, d. Sept. 2, 1842. 1388. Anna H. Worcester, b. Dec. 22, 1839, ™- ^^7 24, 1866, William J. Knight of Lancaster, who d. Nov. I, 1882; no children. 1389. Eleanor Worcester, b. May 22, 1842, d. Oct. 3, 1843. 1390. Horace Worcester, b. May 3, 1844, d. May 22, 1846. 1391. Nathaniel Worcester, b. Mar. 3, 1846, m. Annie Smith of Chicago, 111. ; res. Chicago ; they had two children, both now dead. 1392. Richard" Carter (1293), (Oliver,' Ephraim," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Apr. 29, 1841, Lucy L. Hobart of Abington, Mass. 4 Children, VII. Generation. 1393. Frederic R., b. Feb. 6, 1842, d. Aug. 26. 1851. 1394. John Wilkins (1507), b. Jan. 30, 1843. 1395. Benjamin H., b. Nov. 22, 1849, d. Apr. 16, 1863. 1396. James Richard (151 1), b. Jan. 4, 1849. 1397. Abel" Carter (1299), (Elijah,' Ephraim," Sam uel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Dec. 15, 1811, Sally Crawford, b. at Westminster, Vt., 1791, d. at Mont- peHer, Mar. 7, 1852; res. Williamstown, Vt. 5 Children, VII. Generation. 1398. Henry (1518), b. Sept. 14, 1812, d. So. Boston, Apr. 1883. CARTER. 119 1399. Emily (1523), b. Jan. 11, 1815, d. Burlington, Vt., 1865. 1400. Fanny (1528), b. Apr. 29, 1817. 1401. Charles C. (1532), b. Dec. 24, 1819, d. Iowa, Dec. 27, 1857. 1402. Elijah (1534), b. Dec. 4, 1823, d. Rock Island, IU., Jan. 14, 1887. 1403. Charies" Carter (1300) , (Elijah,' Ephraim," Sam uel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. in Keene, N. H. 2 Children, VII. Generation. 1404. Oscar C. B. (1383). 1406. Amanda, b. 1813. 1406. Henry' Carter (1301), (Elijah,' Ephraim," Sam uel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,'). 3 Children, VII. Generation. 1407. Charles, d. in Paris. 1408. James. 1409. Jane. 1410. Ephraim" Carter (i302),(Elijah,' Ephraim," Sam uel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. at the South, and had six or seven children ; one son, John, lived in New Orleans, Louisiana. 1411. Nancy" Carter (1305), (Elijah,' Ephraim," Sam uel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Oct. 10, 1832, George Carter (1360) of Lancaster. For record of chil dren, see 1360. 1412. Patty Maynard' Carter (1329), (Ephraim," Eph raim.' Ephraim," Samuel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Alexander Park of Windham, N. H. ; no record of chUdren. 120 CARTER. 1413. Susanna' Carter (1330), (Ephraim," Ephraim,' Ephraim," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Charles Hosmer of Framingham, Mass. 3 Children, VIII. Generation. 1414. Jerome Hosmer, b. Nov. 1834 ; a mechanic in Boston. 1415. Arthur Hosmer, b. Nov. 1837 ; not living. 1416. Frederic Hosmer, b. Oct. 18, 1840 ; Unitarian cler gyman, settled at Cleveland, Ohio. 1417. AbigaU' Carter (1331), (Ephraim," Ephraim,' Ephraim," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m.Jan. 21, 1852, Josiah Fay of Lancaster; she had no children. 1418. Lucy Elizabeth' Carter (1333), (Solomon," Eph raim,' Ephraim," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Sept. 30, 1841, WUliam Williamson Wellington, M. D. (Harvard College, 1832), of Cambridge, Mass. I Child, VIII. Generation. 1419. Elizabeth Lord WeUington, b. May 10, 1843, m. June 24, 1875, Thomas H. Emerson; they have one child ; res. Cambridge. 1420. Solomon' Carter (1334), (Solomon," Ephraim,' Ephraim," Samuel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Apr. 10, 1845, Abby Lewis of Lancaster. He is a drug gist of the firm of Carter, Harris & Hawley, Washington street, Boston, Mass. 4 Children, VIII. Generation. 142L Frank E. (1539), b. Feb. 6, 1846, d. Sept. 22, 1881. 1422. Fred Louis (1540), b. Oct. 30, 1849. 1423. Herbert Leslie (1542), b. Apr. 16, 1852. 1424. Clarence Howard (1543), b. Jan. 14, 1857. 1425. Martha B.' Carter (1335) , (Solomon," Ephraim,' Ephraim," Samuel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. CARTER. 121 Oct. 5, 1847, Dr. WilHam W. Wellington ; res. Cambridge, Mass. 4 Children, VIII. Generation. 1426. CaroHne Ware WeUington, b, Oct. 4, 1848, d. Aug. 12, 1849. 1427. William Henry Wellington, b. Dec. 19, 1849, m. Oct. 20, 1875, Florence Gray; res. Roxbury. 1428. Anna Bradshaw Wellington, b. Nov. i, 1871, d. Aug. 15, 1872. 1429. Charles Berwick Wellington, b. Sept. 22, 1859. 1430. WiUiam Henry' Carter (1337), (Solomon," Eph raim," Ephraim," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. in Northampton, Mass., Dec. 30, 1856, Caroline Ray- ner. Mr. Carter commenced business in Chicago, 111., 1854, as builder in stone and brick, and continued in that business until elected as "Commissioner of the Board of Public Works." His widow and four children reside at Newton Centre, Mass. 4 Children, VIII. Generation. 1431. Carrie WeUington, b, Nov. 29, 1858. 1432. JuHa Louise, b. Oct. 17, i860. 1433. Mary Abby, b. Aug. 13, 1865. 1434. WilHam Henry, b. May 31, 1869. 1435. George Putnam' Carter (1338), (Solomon," Eph raim,' Ephraim," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Dec. 7, 1845, Maria Copeland. "He received his early education in the public schools of Lancaster ; at the age of fourteen he removed to Roxbury, and was shortly after wards apprenticed to the bookbinding firm of Carter & Hickling, where he learned the business in all its branches. He entered the firm, and subsequently purchased the entire interest. Mr. Carter was a resident of Cambridge for many years, and was frequently caUed to positions of trust 9 122 CARTER. and honor; a member of the Common Council, 1862-3, of the Board of Aldermen, 1864-5, representative to Mass. General Court, 1865-66. In 1878-9 he was a member of the Executive CouncU under Governors Talbot and Long, was a member of the Board of Commissioners of Health, Lunacy and Charity, and president of the Cambridge Water Board at the time of his death." — Abstract from sketch of State Government, 1880, 5 Children, VIII. Generation. 1436. Herman White, b. Apr. ¦^o, 1849, d. Aug. 10, 1850. 1437. George Edward, b. Aug. 14, 1852. 1438. NelHe Maria, b. Nov. 16, 1854. 1439. Fannie CooHdge, b. Apr. 5, 1857. 1440. Charles Hickling, b. July 24, 1865. The family still reside in Cambridge. 1441. Abigail Rebecca' Carter (1339), (Solomon,' Ephraim," Ephraim," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thom as,') m. Dea. Anthony Lane ; res. Lancaster, Mass. 1442. James CooHdge' Carter (1340), (Solomon." Eph raim,' Ephraim," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') is unmarried. He is a lawyer of New York city ; gradu ated from Harvard College, 1850; received the degree of LL. D., 1885. 1443. Henry' Carter (1345), (John," Ephraim,' Eph raim," Samuel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,' ) m. and lived in Nashua, N. H. He was a baker by trade, and had sev eral children. 1444. Rebecca' Carter (1346), (John," Ephraim,' Eph raim," Samuel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Nov. 14, 1824, Miles Putnam. CARTER. 123 4 Children, VIII. Generation. Three daughters : Mrs. Laythe, of Worcester ; Mrs. Leonard, of West Newton; Mrs. Drury, of Worcester, who died about 1870. 1445. One son, John T. Putnam, lives in St. Paul, Minn. 1446. Mary' Carter (1347), (John," Ephraim,' Eph raim," Samuel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Dec. 1822, Benjamin Otis ; res. Worcester. 9 Children, VIII. Generation. 1447. John Carter Otis, b. Mar. 12, 1825, m. Apr. 18, 1849, Mary E. Ketell ; three children ; res. Wor cester. 1448. Benjamin Franklin Otis, b. Jan. 27, 1827, m. Aug. 21, 1848, Sarah K. Swain; three children; res. West Newton, Mass. 1449. George Henry Otis, b. Mar. 10, 1829, m. 185 1, Sarah B. Clark; he d. in Boston, June 13, 1878; six children. 1450. Mary Jane Otis, b. Sept. 3, 1833, m. Nov. 29, 1865, Phineas Ball of Worcester. 1461. Harrison Gray Otis, b. Sept. 18, 1835, m. 1857, Olive H. Fitch ; four children ; res. Worcester. 1452. Ann EHza Otis, b. Mar. 19, 1838, d. July 24, 1852. 1453. Lucy Maria Otis, b. July 21, 1840, d. May, 1852. 1454. Edwin Augustus Otis, b. Mar. 16, 1843, m. Jan. 15, 1874, Lillian Ingraham; one child; res. Chi cago, 111. 1456. Ellen Louisa Otis, b. Mar. 31, 1846: res. Worces ter, Mass. 1456. Betsey Maria' Carter (1350), (John," Ephraim,' Ephraim," Samuel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Stephen Turner ; res. Lancaster, Mass. 124 CARTER. 8 Children, VIII. Generation. 1457. Laurena JeweU Turner, b. Nov. 20, 1839. 1458. Charlotte E. Turner, b. Nov. 23, 1841. 1459. Walter S. H. Turner, b. Mar, 23, 1843. 1460. Emma JuHa Turner, b. Oct. 8, 1845. 1461. Sarah EHza Turner, b. Feb. 6, 1848. 1462. Nahum H. L. Turner, b. Sept. 11, 1852. 1463. Freddy Turner, b. Sept. 9, 1858. 1464. Fannie Carter Turner, b. Feb. 9, 1861. 1465. JuHa Ann' Carter (1351), (John," Ephraim,' Ephraim," Samuel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Dec. 28, 1843, Charles Safford, who d. May, 1886; res. Lancaster. 7 Children, VIII. Generation. 1466. Charles Safl"ord, b. Oct. 17, 1845. 1467. Sarah J. Saftbrd, b. Feb, 16, 1847. d. June 22, 1847. 1468. EUa Frances Safford, b. June i, 1848. 1469. Frank E. Safford, b. Oct, 6, 1850, d. Oct. 2, 1879. 1470. Arthur L. Saftbrd, b. Aug. 15, 1856. 1471. Henry K. Saff'ord, b. Oct. 26, 1852. 1472. William P. Saff'ord, b. Feb. 17. 1858. 1473. Helen' Carter (1359), (Horatio," Oliver,' Eph raim," Samuel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. June 2, 1856, Horace White Barry of Boston, who d. Feb. 21, 1881. 2 Children, VIII. Generation. 1474. Anne W. Barry, b. Sept. 28, 1865, d. July 23, 1870. 1475. Mabel E. Barry, b. July 28, 1871, d. Sept. 14, 1873. 1476. Horatio' Carter (1362), )George," Oliver,' Eph raim," Samuel," Rev, Samuel," Rev, Thomas,') m. Dec. 2, 1861, Sarah A. Newell of Westboro, Mass. ; res. Newton- ville, Mass. CARTER. 125 4 Children, VIII. Generation. 1477. Charies CuUis, b. June 17, 1865, d. July, 1886. 1478. WilHam Worcester, b. Oct. 19, 1867. 1479. James Harrington, b. Aug. 22, 1874, ^- in infancy, 1480. Horace Dinsmore, b. Aug. 28, 1876. 1481. EHza MarshaU' Carter (1364), (George," Oliver,' Ephraim," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,") m. Henry D. Haynes of Sturbridge, Mass. 3 Children, VIII. Generation. 1482. Julia Anna Haynes, b. Oct. 4, 1863. 1483. George Haynes, b. March, 1864. 1484. Bessie Haynes, d. in infancy. 1485. Mary' Carter (1371), (Timothy H.," Oliver,' Ephraim," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Nov. 17, 1859, Edwin Hale Abbott of Boston ; no children. 1486. WUHam' Carter (1372), (Timothy H.," OHver.' Ephraim," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Jennie L. CooHdge of Newtonville. 2 Children, VIII. Generation. 1487. Lizzie, d. in infancy. 1488. Robert, b. Sept. 1869. 1489. Edward' Carter (1373), (Timothy H.," Oliver,' Ephraim," Samuel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m, Addie Frances Taylor of Newtonville, Mass., who d. Nov. 4, 1880 ; res. Winnipeg. 3 Children, VIII. Generation. 1490. Mary, b. Feb. 18, 1867. 1491. George Harrington, b. Jan. 4, 1873. 1492. Addie Frances, b. Nov. 2, 1880, d. June, 1881. 126 CARTER. 1493. John' Carter (1374), (Timothy H.," Oliver,' Eph. raim," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Aug. 12, 1874, Isabel Walcott Ward of Bridgewater, Mass.; res. Boston, Mass. 5 Children, VIII. Generation. 1494. EUinor Lawton, b. Aug. 27, 1875. 1495. WilHam Walcott, b. May 15, 1877. 1496. Jessie Stuart, b. May 10, 1880. 1497. Madeline, b. Feb. 18, 1882. 1498. Daughter, b. June 20, 1885. 1499. Henry H.' Carter (1375), (Timothy H.," Oliver,' Ephraim," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Oct. 29, 1872, Lydia Augusta Paine of Bangor, Maine; res. Newtonville. 2 Children, VIII. Generation. 1500. Alfred Paine, b. Dec. 12, 1873. 1501. Martha, b. Jan. i, 1876. 1502. Thomas OHver' Carter (1380), (Charles," Oli ver,' Ephraim," Samuel,' Rev, Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Oct, 18, 1875, Lillian J. Ayer of Chicago. 2 Children, VIII. Generation. 1503. Arthur Winslow, b. Oct. 10, 1876, d. Oct. 10, 1878. 1504. Emily Sarah, b. Oct. 8, 1878. 1505. George' Carter (1381), (Charles," Oliver,' Eph raim," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. April 26, 1866, Eugenia Richardson of Woburn, Mass. I Child, VIII. Generation. 1506. Ida Frances, b. May 29, 1867. 1507. John WUkins' Carter (1394), (Richard," Oliver,' Ephraim," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m.Jan. CARTER. 127 21, 1874, Helen Burrage of Boston; manufacturer of Car ter's inks, etc. ; res, Newton, Mass. 3 Children, VIII. Generation. 1508. Lucy, b. Nov. 4, 1874. 1509. Richard Burrage, b. Apr. 8, 1877. 1510. Margaret, b, Dec. 5, 1882. 1511. James Richard' Carter (1396) , (Richard," Oliver,' Ephraim," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Oct. 15, 1873, Carrie Giles of New York city ; res. New ton, Mass. 6 Children, VIII. Generation. 1512. Frederic R., b. June 15, 1874, ^- Aug. 27, 1874. 1513. Chauncey Giles, b. Nov. 30, 1875. 1514. Hubert Laselle, b. Nov. 30, 1877. 1515. Evelyn, b. Oct. 22, 1881. 1516. Sydney Hobart, b. Aug. 16, 1883. 1517. Winthrop Lakey, b. Feb. 19, 1885. 1518. Henry' Carter (1398) , (Abel," Elijah,' Ephraim," Samuel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. June 24, 1841, Eunice Gorham Hall of Boston. 4 Children, VIII. Generation. 1519. Mary Louise, b. Sept. 7, 1849, d. Nov. 28, 1849. 1520. Emily Gorham (1544), b. June 30, 1851. 1521. Elizabeth H., b. Oct. 13, 1852, d. Nov. 30, 1852. 1522. Henry H.,b, Oct. 5, 1857 ; civil engineer, Boston. 1523. Emily' Carter (1399), (Abel," Elijah,' Ephraim," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Moses Morse ; res. Burlington, Vt. 4 Children, VIII. Generation. 1524. Frank Morse ; res. Minneapolis, Minn. 1525. Edward Morse ; res. Burlington, Vt. 128 CARTER. 1526. Sarah Morse; res. Burlington, Vt. 1527. Henry Morse ; res. Minneapolis, Minn. 1528. Fanny' Carter (1400), (Abel," Elijah,' Ephraim," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. 1840, Chaun cey L. Knapp, b. Berlin, Vt., 1809; res. Lowell, Mass. 3 Children, VIII. Generation. 1529. EmUy C. Knapp, b. Oct. 29, 1840, d. Aug. 30, 1864, 1530. Mary F. Knapp, b. Dec. 29, 1842, m. 1867, Hora tio R. Fletcher of Lowell ; two children. 1531. Charles L. Knapp, b. Aug. 10, 1852. 1432. Charies C Carter (1401), (Abel," Elijah,' Eph raim," Samuel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m, Kate Briggs of Montpelier, Vt. I Child, VIII. Generation. 1533. Cora. 1534. Elijah' Carter (1402), (Abel," Elijah.' Ephraim," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m Mar. 31, 1852, Maria Whitney of Attleboro, Mass. ; res. Rock Island, IU. 4 Children, VIII. Generation. 1535. Charles Crawford, b. Dec. 20, 1852. 1536. Harriette Orr, b. July 23, 1858. 1537. Henry Whitney, b. July 23, 1858. 1538. Mary Lynde, b. Jan. 19, 1866. ^ > Twins. 1539. Frank Edward' Carter (1421), (Solomon,' Solo mon," Ephraim,' Ephraim," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev, Thomas,') m. May 21, 1872, Alice S. Spofford of Lynn, Mass. ; no children. 1540. Fred Louis' Carter (1422) , (Solomon,' Solomon," Ephraim,' Ephraim,' Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thom- CARTER. 129 as,') m. May 29, 1878, Clara A. Woods of Cambridge, Mass. ; occupation, druggist, Boston. I Child, IX. Generation. 1541. Fred Louis, b. Feb. 15, 1881. 1542. Herbert Leslie" Carter (1423), (Solomon,' Solo mon," Ephraim,' Ephraim," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. July 31, 1884, Mary Holman of Boston ; oc cupation, druggist, Boston. 1543. Clarence Howard' Carter (1424), (Solomon,' Solomon," Ephraim,' Ephraim," Samuel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. June 4, 1884, Catherine G. Pope; res. Boston. 1544. Emily Gorham' Carter (1520), (Henry,' Abel," Elijah,' Ephraim," Samuel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Nov. 28, 1877, Horace WUHam Fuller. 2 Children, IX. Generation. 1545. Apthorp Gould Fuller, b. Mar. 9, 1879. 1546. Robert Gorham FuUer, b. Aug. 28, 1882. 1547. Oliver" Carter (19), (Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev, Thomas,') m. ist, 1738, Beulah WUder, b. 1720, d. Mar. I, 1777; m. 2d, Aug. 27, 1777, Widow Hannah Flagg, Inscriptions on gravestones in the old burying ground in Leominster : " In memory of Mr. Oliver Carter, who died II Sept. 1790, in the 75"' year of his age." "In memory of Mrs. Beulah Carter, wife of Mr. Oliver Carter, who died Mar. y'' i" 1777 in y'' 58"' year of her age." OHver Carter and his brother Josiah settled on land given them by their father Samuel, of Lancaster, Mass., extend ing from the bridge on Granite street to the top of Monoos- 130 CARTER. nock, Oliver taking the south side, and Josiah the north of the street; where theit^ descendants still live, ih 1885. Oliver's house being inclosed by a strong stockade, was open to all who sought protection from the Indians, when they were troublesome. It was one of the first eight houses built in Leominster, all built about the same time, and as far apart as they could well be, and be in town. He gave the old common by the burying ground to the town, "for a perpetual training field, with the proviso that the town im prove said land as a training field." The story of his find ing a luminous substance on Monoosnock, of the nature of a carbuncle or precious stone, has caused much merriment and many poor jokes, but on seeing the ledges that were blasted and overturned in searching for it, one would read Uy conclude that he at least considered it no joke, but a veritable fact. Moll Pitcher, an old fortune teller of those days, said a descendant bearing the name of Oliver would find it. There have been several Olivers since that time, and if it has been found the secret has been well kept, Note. — Mrs. Beulah Carter (1547), wife of Oliver,* and Mrs. Abigail Carter (1228), wife of Ephraim,* were the daughters of James^ Wilder (Thomas, 2 Thomas, i), who married Abigail Gardner of Lancaster. Among the names of their children, as shown by the will of James Wilder, entered at the probate office in Worcester, 1739, ^^''^ Beulah and Abigail Carter. The will of Abigail Wilder, widow of James of Lancaster, 1761, names the same children, and appoints her son-in-law, Ephraim Carter, executor. 8 Children, V. Generation. 1B48. Oliver, b. Mar. 2, 1741, d. young. 1549. Oliver (1556), b. Mar. 26, 1743, d. Sept. 15, 1819, Marlborough, N. H. 1550. Beulah (1567), b. Oct. 9, 1745, d. Dec. 28, 1825. 1551. Ephraim (1579), b. Nov. 14, 1748, d. May 7, 1817. 1552. AbigaU (1590), b. Feb, 23, 1751, d. Feb. 28, 1777, 1553. Elizabeth (1591), b. June 21, 1753, d. Jaffrey, N.H. 1554. Esther, b. Jan. 9, 1756, d, Feb. 3, 1777 ; unm. 1555. Asaph, b. July 23, 1758, d. Dec 23, 1776; unm. CARTER. 131 1556. Oliver' Carter (1549), (Oliver," Samuel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. ist, Oct. 1762, Priscilla Brown of Ipswich, who d. in Leominster, Mar. 10, 1777 ; m. 2d, Oct. 19, 1777, Widow Phebe Wilson, who d. Jan. 5, 1816, in Marlborough, N. H. "He carried on the tanning business about half a mile west from the meeting-house, and sold out to Benjamin Hawks about the year 1780," (Wilder's History of Leom inster) ; soon after he removed to Peterboro, N. H., and from there to Marlborough, N. H., about 1808. This old tannery was on the place now (1885) owned by Porter Piper, Esq., West street, Leominster. For a complete record of the children of Oliver' Carter, copied from his Family Bible by his granddaughter. Miss Caroline Phipps of Reading, Mass., received after the completion of the manuscript, see note. *i5 Children, VI. Generation. 1557. Oliver (1600), b. at Leominster, Oct. 5, 1763, d. at Peterboro, N. H., Apr. 5, 1812. 1558. Priscilla (1608), b. at Leominster, Nov. 20, 1764, d. at Leominster, Mar. 2, 1834. 1559. Elizabeth (1615), b. at Leominster, July 9, 1766, d. at DubHn, N. H., Oct. 14, 1852. 1560. Joseph, b.June i, 1773, d. Sept. 8, 1777. 156L David (1616), b.Jan. 17, 1770, d. at Dublin, N. H., Jan. 9, 1828. 1562. Joseph (1618), b. Mar. 5, 1779, d. Jan. 28, 1825. 1563. Phebe (3216), b.Jan. 3, 1784, d. at Charlestown, Mass., Dec. 11, 1866. 1564. Nancy (3219), b.Jan. 21, 1792, d. June 21, 1867. 1565. WiUiam (1621), b. May 12, 1786, d. Nov. 17, 1821. 1566. Sally (1625), b. May 9, 1798, d. Nov. 26, 1878. * Oliver, b. Oct. 5, 1763, d. Apr. 4, 1812 ; Priscilla, b. Nov. 26, 1764, d. Mar. 2, 1834; Elizabeth, b. July 9, 1766, d. Oct. 14, 1852; William, b. Feb. 6, 1768, d. Aug. 29, 1780; David, b. Jan. 17, 1770, d. Jan. 29, 1828; Eunice, b. July 13, 1771, d. Aug. 29, 1777 ; Joseph, b. June i, 1773, 132 CARTER. d. Sept. 8, 1777 ; Joseph, b. May 5, 1779, d. Jan. 28, 1825 ; Eunice (3209), b. Sept. 17, 1781, d. Dec. 5, 1834; Phebe, b. Jan. 3, 1784, d. Dec. 11, 1866; William, b. May 12, 1786, d. Nov. 17, 1821 ; Sally, b. Jan. 11, 1789, d. Apr. 21, 1795; Nancy, b. Jan. 21, 1792, d. June 21, 1867; Laura, b. Sept. 21, 1794, d. Apr. 9, 1796; Sally, b. May 9, 1798, d. Nov. 26, 1878. 1567. Beulah' Carter (1550), (Oliver," Samuel," Rev, Samuel," Rev. Thomas,'), m. May 29, 1766, Elijah Fair banks of Leominster, who d. Sept. 13, 1803. II Children, VI. Generation. 1568. Beulah Fairbanks, b. July 26, 1767, d. Sept. 12, 1846, m. Dec. 29, 1795, Lieut. Abijah Butier; had nine children. 1569. Elijah Fairbanks, b. July 13, 1768, d. Aug. 25. 1781. 1670. AbigaU Fairbanks, b. Aug. 15, 1770, m. May 25, 1796, William Boutelle. 1671. EHzabeth Fairbanks, b. May 3, 1772, m. 1804, Joshua Tyler. 1572. Esther Fairbanks, b. June 26, 1774, d. June 16, 1800. 1673. Ephraim Fairbanks, b. June 25, 1776, d. Dec. 28, 1789. 1574. Josiah Fairbanks, b. Aug. 6, 1778, d. Oct. 12, 1782. 1575. Joseph Fairbanks, b. Aug. 5, 1781, d. Aug. 25, 1781. 1576. Mary Fairbanks, b. May 21, 1783. 1577. Josiah Fairbanks, b. Aug. 7, 1785, d. Jan. 26, 1801. 1578. Sally Fairbanks, b. Feb. 28, 1788. 1579. Ephraim' Carter (1551). (Oliver," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. ist, Apr. 1770, Joanna Wheelock, who d. June 13, 1803 ; m. 2d, July 28, 1811, Widow Mary Stearns, who d. 1819 ; she was the widow of Timothy Stearns and daughter of Mark and Mary (Car ter) Lincoln. [See descendants Ephraim" Carter (1241).] ¦ He lived on the farm of his father, OHver, in Leominster, was chosen deacon of the church, June, 1775, and held the office until his death. He was much respected. CARTER. 133 lo Children, VI. Generation. 1680. Joanna (1626), b. June 25, 1770, d. July 30, 1803. 1681. Ephraim (1627), b. May 19, 1772, d. Oct. 1850. 1682. WUder (1635), b. Feb. 10, 1774, d. Feb. 29, 1848. 1583. Thomas (1639), b. Nov. 29, 1775, d. Nov. 8, 1848. 1584. Esther (1645), b. Aug. 27, 1777. 1585. Asaph (1646), b. Sept. 12, 1779, d. at Westmin ster, Jan. 1853. 1586. AbigaU (1656), b. July 4, 1781, d. Nov. 27, 1867. 1587. Luke (1662), b. Nov. 24, 1783, d. at Cambridge, Mass., Nov. 22, 1866. 1588. Lucy, b. May 15, 1786, d. Jan. 10, 1794. 1589. Cephas (1663), b. Aug. 18, 1793, d. Jan. 5, 1861. 1590. AbigaU' Carter (1552), (Oliver," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Jan. 10, 1776, Samuel Pierce of Lunenburg. Oliver Carter named in his will his grand sons, Asaph and Samuel Pierce, children of his daughter, Abigail Pierce. Res. Jaffrey, N. H. 1591. EHzabeth' Carter (1553) , (Oliver," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Aug. 23, 1774, Ephraim Whitcomb of Leominster; they settled in Jaffrey, N. H., on lot 17, range 9. 8 Children, VI. Generation. 1592. Elizabeth Whitcomb, b. Mar. 8, 1776. 1593. Abigail Whitcomb, b. July 7, 1777, m. Abraham Priest of Stow. 1594. Ephraim Whitcomb, b. May 28, 1779, m. Feb. 10, 1803, Lucy Leland ; had three children ; removed from Jaffrey in 1804. 1595. Dorothy Whitcomb, b. Sept. 14, 1782, m. May 12, 1818, John Wilder of Winchendon. 1596. Oliver Whitcomb, b. Nov, 5, 1784; removed to State of Maine. 134 CARTER. 1697. Esther Whitcomb, b. Oct. 8, 1786, m. Feb. 27, 1810, Peter Wakefield. 1598. Sally Whitcomb, b. Oct. 22, 1788, m. May 25, 1809, Nathan Hale of Rindge, N. H. ; had 13 children. 1599. Relief Whitcomb, b. Dec. 20, 1792. 1600. Oliver" Carter (1557), (Oliver,' Oliver," Samuel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Jennie Stuart of Peter boro, who d. May 8, 1857 ; res. Peterboro, N. H, 7 Children, VII. Generation. 1601. Franklin (1665), b. Nov. 1794, d. at Lima, N. Y., Sept. 1884. 1602. Milton (1666), b. 1796, d. Oct. 30, 1864. 1603. Eliza, b. 1800, d. 1818. 1604. Charles (1670), b. 1802, d. Mar. 22, 1887, at Leominster. 1605. Henry S. (1678), b. 1805, d. in Peterboro, April 12, 1873. 1606. Oliver (1683), b. 1807, d, in Boston, 1863. 1607. David, b. 1809, d. in Boston, Apr. 5, 1849; nnm. He went to California before the discovery of gold there, and brought the first Californian gold to the United States mint. — Hist, of Peterboro, N. H. 1608. PrisciUa" Carter (1558), (Oliver,' Oliver," Sam uel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Apr. 28, 1785, Thomas Robbins of Leominster, who d. Aug. 15, 1843. 6 Children, VII. Generation. 1609. Polly Robbins, b. Aug. 15, 1785, m. 1811, Asa Archibald of Leominster ; had two children. 1610. Eunice Robbins, b. May 22, 1787, m. 1811, Dea. William Howe. 1611. Julia Robbins, b. Sept. 3, 1793, d. July 19, 1872; unm. CARTER. 135 1612. Oilman Robbins, b. Mar. 7, 1798, m. Jan. 1827, Rebecca Dunster of Gardner, Mass. ; had eight children, 1613. Laura Robbins, b. July 3, 1802, d. Aug. 22, 1877 ; unm. 1614. Thomas Robbins, b. July 15, 1804, m. Eunice Lin coln ; had tvvo children. 1615. EHzabeth" Carter (1559), (Oliver,' Oliver," Sam uel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. ist, Aug. 24, 1788, Heman Evans of Peterboro, N. H. ; m. 2d, Oct. 1802, Andrew Allison of Dublin, N. H. For family, see Supplement, 3203. 1616. David" Carter (1561), (Oliver,' Oliver," Samuel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Betsey Twitchell (dau. of Samuel and Alice (Wilson) Twitchell of DubHn, N, H.), b. Apr. 18, 1783, d. Jan. 20, 1853 ; he was a physi cian, and settled in Marlboro, N. H., in 1795 ; he removed to Peterboro in 181 2, and thence to Dublin in 1820. I Child, VII. Generation. 1617. Eliza, b. Mar. 5, 1792, d. unm., in Keene, N. H., Dec. 7, 1864. 1618. Joseph" Carter (1562), (Oliver," Oliver," Samuel," Rev. Samuel," Rev, Thomas,') m. Feb. 9, 1800, Rebecca WeUington, who d. Jan. 1826 ; res. Charlestown, Mass. 2 Children, VII. Generation. 1619. Joseph Oliver (1684), b. Sept. 13, 1802, d. at Hon olulu, Hawaiian Islands, Aug. i, 1850. 1620. Ann Rebecca (1691), b. Apr. 26, 1804. 1621. WilHam" Carter (1565), (Oliver,' Oliver," Sam uel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Aug. 23, 1812, Mary Sweetser of Marlborough, N. H., who d. Aug. 11, 1819; res. Jaffrey, N. H. 136 CARTER. 3 Children, VII. Generation. 1622. Frances Maria, b. May 12, 1814, d. at Charlestown, Mass., May, 1833. 1623. WiUiam (1696), b. May i, 1816, stUl living in Fitchburg. 1624. Mary E. (1699), b. Aug. 16, 1818, d. Jan. 11, 1884, in Protovin, Iowa. 1625. Sally" Carter (1566), (Oliver,' Oliver," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. in Marlborough, N. H., May 7, 1815, Ezra Emerson ; res. Marlborough and Swan zey, N. H. For record of children, see Supplement, 3223. 1626. Joanna" Carter (1580), (Ephraim,' OHver," Sam uel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Jan. 11, 1787, Luther Hale of Leominster : res. Hubbardston, Mass. For record of children, received too late for insertion in regular order, see Supplement, 3195. 1627. Ephraim" Carter (1581), (Ephraim,' Oliver," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Sept. 28, 1794, Patty Phelps, b. 1768, d. 1836; res. Leominster. 7 Children, VII. Generation. 1628. Lucy, b. Oct. i, 1796, d. Dec. 25, 1874; num. 1629. WUder, b. 1798, d. May 16, 1877 ; unm. 1630. Henry (1701), b. 1800, d. Mar. 20, 1882. 1631. Louisa, b. 1802, d. Sept. 30, 1870; unm. 1632. Leander (1706), b. Apr. 14, 1806, d. Ashland, Ohio, Sept. 19, 1878. 1633. Martha (1715), b. May 20, iSii. 1634. AbigaU (1716), b. 1814. 1635. Wilder" Carter (1582), (Ephraim,' OHver," Sam uel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Jan. 16, 1805, Dolly Sawyer of Sterling, who d. Jan. 19, 1861 ; res. CARTER. 137 Leominster. He lived on the farm owned before him by his father and grandfather, was engaged in the manufact ure of brick, also the quarrying of granite on Monoosnock. 3 Children, VII. Generation. 1636. George Robert (1721), b. Aug. 3, 1806. 1637. WUHam Sawyer (1722), b. Mar. 8, 1811, d. June 6, 1847. 1638. Harrison Holcomb, b. Nov. 3, 1813, d. Apr. 6, 1868 ; unm. 1639. Thomas" Carter (1583), (Ephraim,' Oliver," Samuel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Rebecca Cooper, who d. May 17, 1836. He lived on a part of the original farm of his grandfather Oliver, in Leominster. 5 Children, VII. Generation. 1640. Ephraim, b, Dec. 4, 1801, d. 1804. 1641. Rebecca (1725), b. Feb. 13, 1803, d. at Worcester, July 21, 1867. 1642. Samuel Molton (1731), b. May 6, 1805; stiU Hv ing in Shirley, Mass. 1643. Joan Wheelock (1736), b. Oct. 5, 1806, d. 1886. 1644. Nancy Thurston, b. Feb. 20, 181 2, d. at Groveland, Mass., Dec. 28, 1884; unm. 1646. Esther" Carter (1584), (Ephraim,' Oliver," Sam uel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Aug. 24, 1813, Samuel G. Sargent; they had five daughters, two stUl living. 1646. Asaph" Carter (1585), (Ephraim,' OHver," Sam uel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Ruth Drake, who d. in Westminster, Apr. 5, 1875, aged 90; res. Leominster and Westminster. 10 138 CARTER. 9 Children, VII. Generation. 1647. Almira (1739), b. Oct. 16, 1804, d. in Leominster, July 15, 1883. 1648. Luke Wheelock (1746), b. Sept. 14, 1806, d. Mar. 24, 1879. 1649. Catherine Drake (1759), b- Dec 15, 1808. 1650. Asaph RusseU) 3181), b. Dec 8, 181 1, d. in Wal tham, July 4, 1884. 1651. Edward R. (3182), b. Aug, 25, 1813. 1652. Rufus (3186), b. June 9, 1817. 1653. Laura L. (3190), b. Jan. 19, 1820, d. in Gardner, Mass., Mar. 17, 1852. 1654. Sarah A. (3193), b. Apr. 10, 1825. 1655. Thomas A. (3194), b. Aug. 5, 1823, d, at West minster, Mass., Jan. 16, 1887. 1656. Abigail" Carter (1586), (Ephraim,' Oliver," Sam uel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Apr. 31, 1805, Salmon Richardson, who d. June 9, i860 ; res. Leominster. 5 Children, VII. Generation. 1657. Jonas Kendall Richardson, b. Apr. 10, 1809, d. 1857, m. Oct. 18, 1837, Jerusha Wyer ; had three children. 1658. Edwin C. Richardson, b. Nov. 13, 1813, d. 1816. 1659. Lucy Ann Richardson, b. Jan. i, 1816, d. Oct. 13, 1879, m, Jan, 5, 1842, Whiting Gates; had six children. 1660. Susan Richardson, b. Nov. 2, 1817, d. Sept. 9, 1852 ; m. (pub.) Mar. i, 1845, Andrew Conant; had one daughter. 1661. Luke Carter Richardson, b. Nov. 14, 1821, m. May 1845, Oracy Willard; four sons. 1662. Luke" Carter (1587), (Ephraim,' Oliver," Sam uel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Nancy Hatch. He lived in Cambridge, Mass., and left no children. CARTER. 139 1663. Cephas" Carter (1589) , (Ephraim,' Oliver," Sam uel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. ist, Mary Murphy ; m. 2d, Margaret Murphy. No record of children, except this item, copied from Leominster town records : 1664. "Mary Ann Carter, daughter of Cephas Carter, died at the house of Wilder Carter, Aug. 20, 1829." 1665. Franklin' Carter (1601), (Oliver," Oliver,' Oli ver," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Katy Whitbeck. He was one of the first settlers of Lima, N.Y. ; no children. 1666. Milton' Carter (1602), (Oliver," OHver,' Oliver," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Fanny Dean ; res. Peterboro, N. H. 3 Children, VIII. Generation. 1667. Ann Eliza, b. Nov. 29, 1840, d. May 27, 1844. 1668. Fannie, b. Dec. 3, 1844, d. Sept. 4, 1848. 1669. Milton, b. Dec 2, 1850. 1670. Charies' Carter (1604) , (Oliver," Oliver,' Oliver," Samuel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Apr. 1827, Almira Ingalls of Peterboro, N. H., who d. Sept. 5, 1877 ; res. Leominster, Mass. 7 Children, VIII. Generation. 1671. EUen S. (1762), b. July 10, 1828. 1672. Ann Augusta, b. Oct. 18, 1830, d. Dec. 18, 1880. 1673. Sarah Jane (1765), b. Apr. 8, 1833. 1674. Charles Frederic, b. July 3, 1835, d, Aug. 31, 1838. 1676. Abby M. (1766), b. Jan. 3, 1838, d. May 3, 1869. 1676. Charles Franklin, b. Jan. 24, 1840. 1677. Elizabeth (1769), b. May 3, 1843. 140 CARTER. 1678. Henry S.' Carter (1605), (Oliver," OHver,' Oli ver," Samuel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. June 8, 1828, Eunice H. Searle ; res. Peterboro, N. H. 4 Children, VIII. Generation. 1679. Anstiss M. (1775), b. Oct. 29, 1830. 1680. Eliza F. (1776), b. July 25, 1834, d- July 2, 1862. 1681. Emma G. (1777), b. Nov. 23, 1840. 1682. Henry D., b. Sept. 5, 1847, d. Aug. 14, 1849. 1683. Oliver' Carter (1606), (Oliver," Oliver,' Oliver," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Katy Gard ner, who d. 1865 ; no children ; res. Boston, Mass. 1684. Joseph Oliver' Carter (1619), (Joseph," Oliver,' Oliver," Samuel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. at Honolulu, H. I., Nov. 20, 1833, Hannah T. Lord of Maine. He commanded merchant vessels in trade with China, Mexico, California and Sitka, from 1825 to 1835. 6 Children, VIII. Generation. 1685. Joseph Oliver (1778), b. Dec. 20, 1835. 1686. Henry A. Peirce (1785), b. Aug. 7, 1837. 1687. Samuel MorriU (1793), b. Dec. 27, 1838. 1688. Alfred WeUington, b. Feb. 1840. 1689. Frederick WilHam, b. Oct. i, 1S42, d. Nov. 22, i860, on board a whaling vessel of which he was an officer, in Camberland Inlet, Davis Strait. 1690. Catherine Rebecca (1802), b. Feb. 24, 1844. 1691. Ann Rebecca' Carter (1620), (Joseph," Oliver,' Oliver," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Nov. II, 1828, Samuel MorrUl, b. Feb. 4, 1800. d. Mar. 27, 1872. 4 Children, VIII. Generation. 1692. Catherine Fiske MorriU, b. Sept. i, 1829, m. Apr. 20, 1853, Stephen Henry WiUiams ; one son. CARTER. 141 1693. Annie Rebecca MorriU, b. May 12, 1831, m. Oct. 26, 1859, George Miller Hobbs ; two daughters. 1694. Ferdinand Gorge Morrill, b. Apr. 9, 1839, d. Apr. 4, 1842. 1696. Ferdinand Gordon Morrill, b. Dec 23, 1843, m. May 17, 187 1, Arria Niles; two sons. 1696. WUHam' Carter (1623), (WUHam," Oliver," Oli ver," Samuel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. June 2, 1841, Catherine Bigelow of Marlborough, N. H. They resided in Jaffrey, N. H., untU 1873, now in Fitchburg, Mass. 2 Children, VIII. Generation. 1697. WilHam Clarence (1805), b. Aug. 7, 1843. 1698. Zephyr Bigelow, b. Apr. 11, 1850, d. Oct. 3, i860. 1699. Mary E.' Carter (1624), (WiUiam," Oliver,' Oli ver," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev, Thomas,') m. Sept. 14, 1852, Willard Converse of Harmony, Wis. ; res. Protivin, Howard Co., Iowa. I Child, VIII. Generation. 1700. Mary Sweetser Converse, b. Sept. 4, i860, m. Jan. 29, 1878, John Pecinovsky ; three children, two now living ; res. Bijou Hills, Dakota. 1701. Henry' Carter (1630) , (Ephraim," Ephraim,' Oli ver," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Sept. 10, 1826, Eunice Foster ; res. Leominster. 4 Children, VIII. Generation. 1702. George L. (1809), b. Jan. 24, 1828. 1703. Ann Eliza (1812), b. Nov. 22, 1830. 1704. Sophronia, b, Apr. 10, 1838, d. Oct. 1851. 1706. Mary Antoinette (1813), b. Apr. 11, 1841. 142 CARTER. 1706. Leander' Carter (1632), (Ephraim," Ephraim,' Oliver," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Apr. 14, 1831, Nancy M. Richardson ; res. Ashland, Ohio. 9 Children, VIII. Generation. 1707. HUand M. (1814), b. Aug. 10, 1832. 1708. Martha A. (1821), b. Feb. 16, 1835, 1709. Eliza L. (1827), b. Mar. 27, 1837, d. Feb. 2, 1875. 1710. VermeHa, b. Oct. 11, 1838. 1711. Mary (1833), b. Apr. 8, 1841. 1712. Caroline (1836), b. Mar. 2, 1843. 1713. WiUiam H. (1845), b. Dec. 3, 1847. 1714. Augusta E. (1847), b. Oct. 15, 1841. 1716. Martha' Carter (1633), (Ephraim," Ephraim,' Oliver," Samuel.' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Aug. 21, 1856, Ephraim Slocum ; no children ; res. Ashland, O. 1716. Abigail' Carter (1634), (Ephraim," Ephraim,' Oliver," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. 1826, Thomas Jones ; res. Arlington, Vt. 4 Children, VIII. Generation. 1717. Martha C, Jones, b. 1832, m. 1868, Myron Tinker, Louisburg, Kansas, 1718. Leander P. Jones, b. Feb. 1834, "^^ 1861, Fanny Hotchkiss ; is a physician in Greenwich, Ct. ; has four boys. 1719. Helen Jones, b. 1836, m. 1874, Rev, Charles Red- field, Vernon, Ct. 1720. Horace Jones, b. 1838, m. 1861, Ruth Hastings, Hartford, Ct. ; has three children. 1721. George Robert' Carter (1636), (Wilder," Eph raim,' Oliver," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Nov. 19, 1835, CaroHne M, CoUyer, b. Sept. 26, 1812, d. June 26, 1836; res. Leominster. CARTER. 143 1722. WilHam Sawyer' Carter (1637), (Wilder," Eph raim,' Oliver," Samuel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Dec. 23, 1843, Ann Sophia Warren of Lunenburg, Mass., who d. (the wife of Dr, C. C. Field) Jan. 16, i860 ; res. Leominster. 2 Children, VIII. Generation. 1723. Caroline Isabel (1850), b. Jan. 11, 1845. 1724. Catherine S. (1852), b. Oct. 17, 1846. 1725. Rebecca' Carter (1641), (Thomas," Ephraim,' Oliver," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Nov. 1828, Col. Ivers Phillips, b. in Ashburnham, Mass., July 28, 1805 ; res. in Fitchburg and Worcester, Mass., now in Boulder, Col. 5 Children, VIII. Generation. 1726. Mary Ann Phillips, b. Sept. 24, 1827. 1727. Ivers Carter Phillips, b. July 9, 183 1, d. Mar. 5, 1877, m. Harriet F. Walker of Bedford, N. H. ; one child. 1728. Harriet R. Phillips, b. July 6, 1833, d. Feb. 27, 1878, m. Edwin D. Works of Fitchburg ; three chil dren. 1729. Sarah F. Phillips, b. Apr. 22, 1836, d. in Sugar Loaf, Col., Nov. 29, 1873, m. Gardner P. Wood. 1730. Abby L. PhilHps, b. Nov. 20, 1839, m- Albert B. Lawrence of Fitchburg ; three children. 173L Samuel Molton' Carter (1642), (Thomas," Eph raim,' Oliver." Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. ist, Feb. 1829, Louisa Whitney, who d. May 16, 1848 ; m. 2d, 1848, Widow Sarah (Whiting) Woods. He lived for many years on Granite street, Leominster, afterwards removed to Shirley, Mass. 144 CARTER. 4 Children, VIII. Generation. 1732. George Thomas (1856), b. 1830, d. 1886. 1733. Horace W. (1862), b. July 22, 1852, d. Oct. 1878. 1734. Sarah L. (1864), b. Mar. 12, 1854. 1735. Mary J. (1865), b, 1857. 1736. Joan Wheelock' Carter (1643), (Thomas," Eph raim,' Oliver," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Jan. i, 1835, Levi B. George of Groveland, Mass. 2 Children, VIII. Generation. 1737. Molton Carter George, b. in Groveland, Mass., July 25, 1836, d. Oct. 1875, m. Elizabeth KimbaU of Groveland ; no children. 1738. Ann Rebecca George, b. May 30, 1840, m. Jere miah B. P. Ladd of Groveland ; one child. 1739. Almira' Carter (1647), (Asaph," Ephraim,' Oli ver," Samuel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Peter Joslin, b. 1805, d. June 15, 1873 ; res. Lancaster. 6 Children, VIII. Generation. 1740. Chatherine E. JosHn, b. Mar. 20, 1828. 1741. Mary Ann JosHn, b. Oct. 2, 1832. 1742. WUliam C. JosHn, b. Feb. 9, 1835. 1743. Lyman A. JosHn, b. Feb. 8, 1839. 1744. Edward R. Joslin, b. Nov. 29, 1843, 1745. Frank C. Joslin, b. Oct. 15, 1851. 1746. Luke Wheelock' Carter (1648), (Asaph," Eph raim," Oliver," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Dec. 7, 1837, AbigaU F. Priest; res. Leominster. 12 Children, VIII. Generation. 1747. Mary J., b. July 2, 1838. 1748. Solon F., b. Oct. 14, 1840, d. Nov. 1842. CARTER. 145 1749. Solon H., b. Nov. 13, 1842. 1750. John S., b. Jan. 24, 1845. 175L Rufus B., b. Feb. 10, 1847. 1752. George S., b. Mar. 10, 1849. 1753. Abby L., b. Apr. 21, 1851, d. Feb. 19, 1855. 1754. Luke F., b. Dec. 6, 1853. 1755. Charles H., b. Mar. 26, 1856. 1756. Susan E., b. Mar. 23, 1858. 1757. Samuel M., b. Mar. 13, i860. 11758. Abby J., b. May 10, 1862. 1769. Catherine Drake' Carter (1649), (Asaph," Eph raim," Oliver," Samuel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Zophar Sargent; res. Lancaster, Mass. 2 Children, VIII. Generation. 1760. Catherine E, Sargent, b. Jan. 22, 1834. 1761. Laura A. Sargent, b. Jan. 26, 1836. 1762. EUen S.' Carter (1671), (Charies,' OHver," Oli ver,' Oliver," Samuel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Nov. 8, 1854, John Jay Lane ; res. Epping, N. H. 2 Children, IX. Generation. 1763. Clara Augusta Lane, b. Oct. i^ 1764. Fred Carter Lane, b. June, 1865. 1765. Sarah Jane' Carter (1673), (Charies,' OHver," Oliver,' Oliver," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. June 2, 1870, Russell B. Lewis; res. Hudson, Mass. 1766. Abby Maria' Carter (1675), (Charles,' Oliver," Oliver,' OHver," Samuel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Oct. 31, i860, Russell B. Lewis; res. Hudson, Mass. 2 Children, IX. Generation. 1767. Helen Marian Lewis, b. July 30, 1861. 1768. Harry M. Lewis, d. Apr. 1869. 146 CARTER. 1769. Elizabeth' Carter (1677), (Charles,' Oliver," Oli ver,' Oliver," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev, Thomas,') m. Mar. II, 1868, William H. Spaulding; res. Leominster. 5 Children, IX. Generation. 1770. NeUie M. Spaulding, b. May 6, 1869. 1771. William Henry Spaulding, b. Apr. 9, 1872. 1772. Catherine Spaulding, b. Nov. 19, 1876. 1773. AHce Augusta Spaulding, b. May 3, 1880. 1774. Jean Spaulding, b. Apr, 18, 1884. 1775. Anstiss M.' Carter (1679), (Henry S.,' Oliver," Oliver,' Oliver," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel,' Rev. Thomas,') m. Jan. 3, 1852, Eben G. Goldthwait ; res. Peterboro, N. H. 1776. EHza F.' Carter (1680), (Henry S.,' Oliver," Oliver,' Oliver," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. June 16, i860, Benjamin F. Clark; res. Peterboro; one child. 1777. Emma G.' Carter (1681), (Henry S.,' Oliver," Oliver,' Oliver," Samuel.' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Sylvester Sweet ; res. Claremont, N. H. 1778. Joseph Oliver' Carter(i685) (Joseph O.,' Joseph," Oliver,' OHver," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Nov. 28, 1859, Mary E. Ladd, Honolulu, H. I. He was a member of the Hawaiian legislative assembly, 1872, 1873, and for some years registrar of public accounts ; now in mercantUe business. 6 Children, IX. Generation. 1779. Charlotte Adelaide, b. Sept. 8, i860. 1780. Mary Newton, b. Nov, 28, 1861. 1781. Rachel Augusta, b. May 15, 1864. 1782. Joseph OHver, jr., b, June 12, 1868. CARTER. 147 1783. Sarah MitcheU, b. June i, 1872. 1784. Henry Ashman, b. June 27, 1880. 1785. Henry A. Peirce' Carter (1686), (Joseph O.,' Joseph," Oliver,' OHver," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Feb. 27, 1862, Sybil Augusta Judd, dau. of Dr. Gerrit P. Judd, missionary of the Am. B. F. M., Hon olulu, H. I. Mr. Carter was commissioner to Washington, 1876 ; has been Hawaiian Minister of Foreign Affairs to England, Germany, France and Portugal; now (1885) Hawaiian minister to Washington. *&' 7 Children, IX. Generation. 1786. Frances Isabel, b. Jan. 18, 1863. 1787. Charles Lunt, b. Nov. 30, 1864. 1788. George Robert, b. Dec. 28, 1866. 1789. Agnes, b. Oct. 15, 1869. 1790. SybU Augusta, b. Feb. 16, 1873, d. July 12, 1874. 1791. CordeHa Judd, b. May 18, 1876. 1792. Joshua Dickens, b. Feb. 8, 1880, d. Feb. 20, 1882. 1793. Samuel MorriU' Carter (1687), (Joseph O.,' Joseph," Oliver,' Oliver," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Jan. 10, 1863, Widow Harriet (Layman) Hempstead. A merchant of Honolulu, H. I. 8 Children, IX. Generation. 1794. Frederick WilHam, b. Sept. 29, 1863. 1795. Kate Layman, b. June 15, 1865. 1796. Alfred Wellington, b. April 22, 1867. 1797. Cora Isabel, b. Oct. 10, 1868. 1798. Samuel MorriU, b. Oct. 13, 1870, d. Jan. 13, 1879. 1799. John Hempstead, b. Oct. 29, 1872. 1800. Mary Ethel Kealaha, b. Nov. 25, 1874. 1801. Florence Nightingale, b. Mar. 23, 1877. 148 CARTER. 1802. Catherine Rebecca' Carter (1690), (Joseph 0.,' Joseph," Oliver,' Oliver," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. July, 1867, Rabb Lewers, Honolulu, H. I. 2 Children, IX. Generation. 1803. WUHam Henry Lewers, b. Apr. 10, 1868. 1804. Harriet Layman Lewers, b. Dec. 26, 1869. 1805. WiUiam Clarence' Carter (1697), (WilHam,' William," Oliver,' Oliver," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Oct. 13, 1879, Ida Sophia Gage, Fitchburg, Mass.- 3 Children, IX. Generation. 1806. Gertrude Evelyn, b. Apr. 3, 1881. 1807. Mabel Rebecca, b. Aug. 22, 1882. 1808. .Infant giri, b. Dec. 1884. 1809. George L." Carter (1702), (Henry,' Ephraim," Ephraim,' Oliver," Samuel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. May 4, 1852, Lois A. Houghton of Grafton, Vt. ; res. Leominster, 2 Children, IX. Generation. 1810. Loring L., b. Mar. i, 1854, d. Sept. 11, 1862. 1811. Albert Royal, b. Sept. 20, 1863. 1812. Ann Eliza' Carter (1703), (Henry,' Ephraim," Ephraim,' Oliver," Samuel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas.') m. Kendall ; two children. 1813. Mary Antoinette' Carter (1705), (Henry,' Eph raim," Ephraim,' Oliver," Samuel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas.') m. Nov. 15, 1870, George A. Lane; no chil dren ; res. Leominster. 1814. Hiland M.' Carter (1707), (Leander,' Ephraim," Ephraim,' Oliver," Samuel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') CARTER. 149 m. in Harrison Co., Iowa, Apr. 23, 1858, Nancy M. Gov ern; res. Richardson, Neb. 6 Children, IX. Generation. 1815. Frank (1866), b. Mar. i, 1859. 1816. EUa, b. May 16, i860. 1817. Charles, b. Sept. 23, 1866. 1818. George Aden, b. Aug. 25, 1871. 1819. Maud, b. June 18, 1876. 1820. Samuel, b. Oct. 22, 1878. 1821. Martha A.' Carter (1708), (Leander,' Ephraim," Ephraim,' Oliver," Samuel,^ Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. in Ashland, O., Jan. 19, 1859, WUHam W. Starr, b. Lewisburg, Pa., Sept. 26, 1828; res. Ashland, O. 5 Children, IX. Generation. 1822. Minnie B. Starr, b. Oct. 10, 1859. 1823. WilHam B. Starr, b. Apr. 26, 1863. 1824. TuUy B. Starr, b. July 11, 1865, d. Jan. 11, 1867. 1825. Edwin Carter Starr, b. Dec. 9, 1867. 1826. Lois L. Starr, b. Nov. 22, 1869. 1827. EHza L.' Carter (1709), (Leander,' Ephraim," Ephraim,' Oliver," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. in Ashland, O,, Oct. 25, 1859, Peter H. Beveridge, who was b. in Aberdeen, Scotland, Feb. 21, 1834; ^^s- Geneseo, 111. 5 Children, IX. Generation. 1828. Charles Carter Beveridge, b. Aug. 11, i860. 1829. Frank L. Beveridge, b. Nov. 6, 1861. 1830. Mary Louise Beveridge, b. Aug. i, 1863. 1831. Fannie Beveridge, b. Aug. 10, 1867. 1832. Ralph Leander Beveridge, b. July 12, i^ 1833. Mary' Carter (1711), (Leander,' Ephraim," Eph raim," Oliver," Samuel,' Rev, Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. 150 CARTER. at Ashland, O., Nov. 20, 1867, James Andersen, who was b. at Bucyrus, O., July 5, 1839 ; res. Geneseo, 111. 2 Children, IX. Generation. 1834. Victor Carter Andersen, b. May 26, 1869. 1835. James Richard Andersen, b. Apr, 11, 1879. 1836. CaroHne' Carter (1712), (Leander,' Ephraim," Ephraim,' OHver," Samuel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. at Ashland, O., Dec. 5, 1866, Thaddeus Coffin, who was b. at Troy, N. Y., Mar. 2, 1843; res. New Castle, Indiana. 8 Children, IX. Generation. 1837. Grace Louise Coffin, b. Apr. 6, 1868. 1838. Bessie Carter Coffin, b. Feb. 28, 1870. 1839. Ethel Frank Coffin, b. Dec. 13, 1871. 1840. Frederick Carter Coffin, b. Nov. 23, 1873. 1841. Helen Lenore Coffin, b. Apr. 27, 1877. 1842. Carrie Coflin, b. Aug. 6, 1879. 1843. Eva Coffin, b. Aug. 6, 1879 ^ '^^^"^ 1844. Dorothy Coffin, b. Oct. 23, 1882. 1845. WilHam H.' Carter (1713), (Leander,' Ephraim," Ephraim,' Oliver," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. at Ashland, O., June 3, 1880, Maria L. Bender, who was b. at Wyerstown, Pa., Feb. 22, 1852 ; res. Lawrence, Kansas. I Child, IX. Generation. 1846. Frederic B., b. Apr. 13, 1884. 1847. Augusta E.' Carter (1714), (Leander,' Ephraim," Ephraim,' OHver," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Ashland, O., Nov. i, 1876, Amos Lorin Norris, who was b. in Orange, O., Mar. i, 1847 ; res. Farmer City, 111. CARTER. 151 3 Children, IX. Generation. Infant daughter, b. Aug. 27, 1877, d. Aug. 28, 1877. 1848. Carter Norris, b. Feb. i, 1881. 1849. Vermeal Norris, b. Jan. 9, 1885. 1850. Caroline Isabel' Carter (1723), (WilHam Saw yer,' Wilder," Ephraim,' Oliver," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Jan. 3, 1871, Rev. George Leonard Chaney of Boston, Mass, I Child, IX. Generation. 1851. George Carter Chaney, b. Nov. 5, 187 1. 1852. Catherine S.' Carter (1724), (WilHam Sawyer,' WUder," Ephraim,' Oliver," Samuel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Apr. 29, 1867, William Sinclair Blunt; res. New York city. 3 Children, IX. Generation. 1853. WiUiam C. Blunt, b. Feb. 20, 1868, d. Feb. 9, 1872. 1854. Robert S. Blunt, b. Oct. 19, 1869, d. Feb. 23, 1872. 1855. Harry Needham Blunt, b. June 17, 1871. 1856. George Thomas' Carter (1732), (Samuel M.,' Thomas," Ephraim,' Oliver," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. 1852, Sarah A. Russell of Fitchburg; res. Haverhill, Mass. 5 Children, IX. Generation. 1867. Waldo R., b. Dec, 14, 1852, d. 1876. 1858. Herbert, d. 1857. 1859. Charies M., b. Dec. 1858. 1860. Cora L., b. Sept. 1861. 1861. Albert W., b. Sept. 1865. 1862. Horace W.' Carter (1733), (Samuel M..' Thom as," Ephraim," Oliver," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. June 2, 1875, Emma V. Leavett. 152 CARTER. I Child, IX. Generation. 1863. Amy M., b. 1876. 1864. Sarah L.' Carter (1734), (Samuel M.,' Thomas," Ephraim,' Oliver," Samuel," Rev. Samuel," Rev, Thomas,') m. Dec. 16, 1875, Frederic B. Damon of Leominster ; they have two children. 1865. Mary J." Carter (1735), (Samuel M.,' Thomas," Ephraim,' Oliver," Samuel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. July 22, 1885, Thomas Hazen of Shirley, Mass. 1866. Frank" Carter (1815), (HUand M.,' Leander,' Ephraim," Ephraim,' Oliver," Samuel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. in Pawnee Co., Neb., Oct. i, 1882, Amanda Germain. I Child, X. Generation. 1867. Clarence, b. Aug. 29, 1883. 1868. Charles M." Carter (1859), (George T.,' Sam uel M.,' Thomas," Ephraim,' Oliver," Samuel,' Rev. Sam uel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Helen Josephine Wilder; res. Denver, Col. 4 Children, X. Generation. 1869. Waldo WUder, b. 1879. 1870. Edwin RusseU, b. 1881. 1871. Nerie Greenwood, b. 1883. 1872. Genevieve Louise, b. 1885. 1873. Mary" Carter (20), , (Samuel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. June 12, 1735, John Whitcomb. From the .fact that the birth of their oldest chUd is recorded in Lancaster, and those of the others in Bolton, it appears probable that they settled in that part of Lancaster which, CARTER. 153 in 1738, became the town of Bolton. This record of Mrs. Whitcomb's death is from Bolton town records: "Mary, wife of John Whitcomb, died Feb. 3, 1743, in her 25"' year." 3 Children, V. Generation. 1874. AbigaU Whitcomb, b. Feb. 13, 1738. 1875. Mary Whitcomb, b. Jan. 20, 1739. 1876. Dorothy Whitcomb, b. Apr. 13, 1742. 1877. Elizabeth" Carter (21), (Samuel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Feb. 1740, Joseph Osgood, jr. A stone in the old burying ground at Lancaster, supposed to mark the grave of Mrs. Osgood, bears this inscriplibn : "Here lies Buried the Body of Mrs. Elizabeth, wife of Mr. Joseph Osgood, who died October y" 9* 1755, in the 34* year of her Age." 6 Children, V. Generation. 1878. Elizabeth Osgood, b. May 19, 1742. 1879. Joseph Osgood, b. Nov. 7, 1744, d. Feb. 27, 1745. 1880. Joseph Osgood, b. Sept. 18, 1746. 1881t Jonathan Osgood, b. Apr. i, 1749, "^- J^°- ^^' ^776, Rebecca DivoU ; 11 children; Lancaster. 1882. Ezra Osgood, b. Mar. 23, 1752, m. Mar. 2, 1785, Susanna White. 1883. Dorothy Osgood, b. Sept. 22, 1754. 1884. Prudence" Carter (22), (Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Dec 28, 1743, Stephen Buss, 2d son of John and Hannah Buss of Lancaster, b. Aug. 8, 1718. They came to Leominster and commenced housekeeping, Feb. 22, 1744, on the farm on Pleasant street, in the south erly part of the town, so long the home of their descend ants, now owned by Edwin U. Powers. Inscriptions from gravestones in the old burying ground, 11 154 CARTER. Leominster, northeast corner : " Erected In Memory of Mr. Stephen Buss, who departed this life Apr. 9"' 1790, in the 72""" year of his age." " In Memory of Mrs. Prudence Buss, wife of Mr. Stephen Buss, who deceased Apr. 6, 1789, in y" 67 year of her age, and at her left side lie 4 of her children." 13 Children, V. Generation. 1885. Ephraim Buss, b. Dec. 23, 1744, m. and lived in Potsdam, N. Y. ; no record of his family. 1886. Prudence Buss, b. July ^4, 1746, d. Oct. 22, 1772, m. May 26, 1767, William Lincoln, b. at Scituate, May 23, 1738, d. at Leominster, Feb. 22, 1814; she had four children. 1887. John Buss, b. 1748, d. Nov. 24, 1756. 1888. Samuel Buss, b. Nov. 11, 1749, ^- ^^ Jeffrey, N. H., Nov. 1837, m. 1772, Lydia Lincoln (sister of WilHam), b. Aug. 7, 1748, d. Oct. 17, 1778; Mr. Buss came home from the army, after having the smaU-pox, Aug. 21, 1777; they had seven children. 1889. Elizabeth Buss, b. 175 1, d. Oct. 14, 1756. 1890. EHsha Buss, b. 1753, d. Oct. 14, 1756. 1891. Dorothy Buss, b. 1755, d. Oct. 20, 1756. 1892. EHzabeth Buss, b. Aug. 8, 1757, d. at Mason, N. H., Feb, 22, 1833, m. James Wood of Mason. 1893. John Buss, b. Apr. 23, 1759, d. Oct. 31, 1845, m. Nov. 16, 1783, Sarah Richardson, dau. of Luke and Damaris (Carter) Richardson, b. Nov. 16, 1760, d. June 27, 1852 (1082) ; they had 13 chil dren. Their descendants from 1784 to 1858, were thirteen children, fifty grand-children, and thirty great grand-children ; they Hved on the farm first occupied by his father. 1894. Dorothy Buss, b. May 8, 1761, d. Dec. 24, 1807, m. July 20, 1781 , Asa Evans of Peterboro, N. H. ; they had 12 children. CARTER. 155 1895. Mary Buss, b. July 24, 1763, d. Feb. 22, 1813, m. Capt. Samuel S. Parker of Mason, N. N. ; they had nine chUdren. 1896. Susannah Buss, b. July 28, 1765, d. Sept. 8, 1838, at Stoddard, N. H,, m. Jan. i, 1783, Nathaniel JosHn (778), b. Oct. 25, 1741 ; they had nine children ; res. Stoddard, N. H. 1897. EHsha Buss, b. Jan. 4, 1767, m. Polly Mann ; they had nine children; res. Mason, N. H, This record is copied from manuscript prepared by Mrs. Damaris R.° (Buss) Carter, in 1857, kindly loaned by her daughter, Mrs. Clara E. (Carter) Brown, of Longmont, Colorado. 1898. Josiah" Carter (23), (Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. 1745, Tabitha Hough, b. 1729, d. June 29, 1810. Inscriptions on gravestones in the old burying ground, Leominster: "In Memory of Col. Josiah Carter, who d. Feb. 13, 1812,^.85." "In Memory of Mrs. Tabitha Carter, wife of Col. Josiah Carter, who died June 29, 1810, Aet. 81." His farm was the northerly of the two farms on Carter Hill, owned by Samuel's' descendants, the beautiful slope of which makes the background of the view of Leominster on the west, with South Monoosnock just above it. 14 Children, V. Generation. 1899. Tabitha, b. Oct. 18, 1745, d. young. 1900. Tabitha (1913), b. Dec 30, 1747. 1901. Josiah (1926), b. Jan. 29, 1749, ^- J^^y ^9' 1827. 1902. Jude (1945), b. Mar. 8, 1751, d. Rockingham, Vt. 1903. Sarah (1951), b. Apr. 26, 1753. 1904. Zerviah, b. Apr. 9, 1755, was deaf and dumb, d. Jan. 3, 1807 ; unm. 156 CARTER. 1905. Relief, b. Mar. 26, 1757, d. young. 1906. Mary, b. Apr. 20, 1759, deaf and dumb, d. young. 1907. Abijah (1956), b. Sept. 5, 1761, d. Bridgton, Me. 1908. Jacob (1972), b. Sept. 4, 1763, d. at Leominster, Aug. 27, 1825. 1909. ReHef, b. Nov. 27, 1765, d. young. 1910. James (1979), b. Dec. 12, 1768, d. at Leominster, May 26, 1850. 1911. ReHef (1991), b. Oct. 21, 1770, d. Waterford, Vt, 1912. Jonah (1992), b.Jan. 26, 1772, d. at Rindge, N. H., Feb. 25, 1837. 1913. Tabitha' Carter (1900), (Josiah," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. at Leominster, May 15, 1764, Josiah White ; res. Leominster. 12 Children, VI. Generation. 1914. Tabitha White, b. Nov. 6, 1764, d. 1767. 1915. Josiah White, b. May 12, 1766, d. Sept. 28, 1767 1916. Tabitha White, b. Feb. 16, 1768, m. Aug. 7, 1787, William Boutelle, 3d, of Leominster. 1917. Josiah White, b. Nov. 20, 1769, m. (pub. Oct. 15, 1785) Rebecca Simmonds of Charlemont, Mass. 1918. Deborah White, b. Oct. 11, 1771. 1919. Jude White, b. Oct. 25, 1773, m. Feb. i, 1801, Pru dence Snow. 1920. Leafy White, b. July 23, 1775. 1921. Prudy White, b. Sept. 22, 1777. 1922. Caty White, b. July 25, 1781. 1923. Sukey White, b. Oct. 22, 1782. 1924. Stephen White, b. Aug. 17, 1784. 1925. Sarah White, b. Aug. 15, 1787. 1926. Josiah' Carter, jr. (1901), (Josiah," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. ist, Aug. 22, 1770, Elizabeth Graves, b. May 12, 1751, d. Nov. 12, 1784, m. 2d, Pru- CARTER. 157 dence England, b. Dec. ii, 1762, d. Sept. 21, 1849, -^^ was a farmer and shoemaker, and lived on West street, Leominster, the place now owned by Mrs. Bridget Ulton ; the old house was taken down a few years since. 18 Children, VI. Generation. 1927. Sally (2003), b, Apr. 23, 1771, d. Feb. 12, 1814. 1928. Josiah (2011), b. Feb. 6, 1773, d. at Portland, Me., Apr. 1863. 1929. Betty (2024), b. Nov. 23, 1774, d. Oct. i, 1854, ^t Litchfield, N. H. 1930. Joseph Warren (2037), b. Nov. 10, 1776, d. Leom inster, July 31, 1859. 1931. Sophia (2047) b.Jan. 27, 1778, d. Sept. -1 "'^^34- I Twins. 1932. Eusebia (2054), b. Jan. 27, 1778, d. at f Onondaga, N. Y. J 1933. Artemas (2062), b. June 13, 1779, d. at Portland, Me., May 18, 1855. 1934. Polly (2071), b. Aug. 12, 1780, d. at Leominster, June 8, 1854. 1935. Peter, b, Jan. 28, 1782, d, unm. 1936. Nancy (2073), b. Jan. 28, 1788. 1937. Francis, b. Sept. 11, 1789, d. Aug. 1815. 1938. Charles (2082), b. Aug. 23, 1791. 1939. Enoch (2083), b. Oct. 9, 1793. 1940. Stedman, b. Mar. 7, 1796, went South, d. unm. 1941. Prudence, b. Oct. 4, 1798, d. Jan. 24, 1799. 1942. Thaddeus, b. Nov. 10, 1799, d. unm. 1943. Alfred, b. June 11, 1802, d. Oct. i, 1825, unm. 1944. Prudence (2084). 1946. Jude' Carter (1902), (Josiah," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. May 23, 1774, Polly Turner, who d. at Winchendon, Mass., 1839. ^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^"'^ dumb; removed from Leominster to Rindge, N. H., and afterwards to Rockingham, Vt. 158 CARTER. 5 Children, VI. Generation. 1946. Jude (2085), b. Mar. 26, 1775, d. Penn, Vt. 1947. Polly (2089), b. Mar. 14, 1777, d. at Winchendon, Feb. 1850. 1948. Jonah (2100), b. Mar. i, 1779, d. at Surry, N, H., Aug. 5, 1849. 1949. Nancy (2112), b. July 21, 1784, d. at Lawrence, Mass., Dec. 26, 1847. 1950. Calvin (2118), b. 1793, d. at Lapeer, Mich., 1850. 1951. Sarah' Carter (1903), (Josiah," Samuel,' Rev, Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Jan. 6, 1773, Elisha White; res. Leominster. 4 Children, VI. Generation. 1952. Sarah White, b. Mar. 26, 1774. 1953. Lucinda White, b. Feb. 28, 1776. 1954. EHsha White, b. Jan. 25, 1778. 1956. Dolly White, b. Mar. 4, 1780. 1956. Abijah' Carter (1907), (Josiah," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Apr. 1781, Nancy Warner of Leominster. He settled after his marriage in Jaffrey, N. H. ; was highway surveyor there in 1786, and owner of a pew in the church, 1780; he removed to Bridgton, Me., where most of his children were born, and both he and his wife died there, orin an adjoining tov^m. 15 Children, VI. Generation. 1957. Alpheus (21 19), d. at Stow, Mass. 1958. Abijah, jr. (2120), b. Oct. 29, 1783, d.Dec 11,1873. 1959. James. 1960. John (2132), b. 1785 or 6, d. 1825 or 6, in Water ford, Maine. 1961. Levi (2137), b. June 16, 1789, d. Mar. 3, 1854, ^^ Stow, Mass. 1962. Henry (2138). CARTER. 159 1963. Otis (2156), d. in Naples or Otisfield, Me. 1964. WUHam (2163). 1965. Joseph, d. in childhood. 1966. Charles, d. in Bridgton Centre, Me. 1967. Thomas JeflFerson (2166), d. at the West. 1968. George (2171). 1969. Nancy W. (2174). 1970. Sally (2175). 1971. Betsey (2178). 1972. Jacob' Carter (1908), (Josiah," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Jan. i, 1796, Rachel Mayn ard, who d- Aug. 30, 1830, at Leominster. He was deaf and dumb, and resided on a part of the original farm of his father, on Granite street, Leominster. 6 Children, VI. Generation. 1973. Jacob (2184), b. June 14, 1796, d. in Springfield, Mass., Jan. 11, 1886. 1974. William (2191)), b. Feb. 4, 1799, d. Nov. 19, 1880. 1976. Joseph (2200), b.Jan. 16, 1801, d. Mar. 16, 1857. 1976. Mary (2204), b. Nov. 29, 1803, d. Oct. 25, 1841. 1977. Otis (2212), b, Jan. 6, 1807, d. Sept. 4, 1852. 1978. Charles A. (2216), b. Feb. 23, 1810; res. Ware ham, Mass. 1979. James' Carter (1910), (Josiah," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Jan. i, 1795, Betsey Hale, b. 1772, d. Apr. 20, 1841. He was a farmer, and lived and died on the Carter Hill farm, in Leominster. II Children, VI. Generation. 1980. James G. (2217), b. Sept. 7, 1795, d. at Chicago, 111., July 22, 1849. 1981. Betsey, b. June 22, 1798, d. Nov. 3, 1820. 1982. Sarah (2219), b. Dec. 17, 1799, d. at Cambridge, Apr. 1884. 160 CARTER. 1983. Solon (2223), b. Sept. 4, 1801, d. June 23, 1879. 1984. CaroHne (2229), b. Sept. 17, 1803, d. Feb. 14, 1887. 1986. Henry, b. June 8, 1805, d. at Athol, Mass., Dec. 30, 1876. Harvard College, 1830 ; unm. 1986. Sophronia (2230), b. Aug. 17, 1807, d. Sept, 24, 1878, at Cambridge. 1987. Catherine Hale (2232), b. Apr. 1809, d. Sept. 10, 1872, at Boston. 1988. Josiah Howe (2233), b. Feb. 22, 1812. 1989. Artemas (2238), b. Aug. 17, 1813, d. May 10, 1877, at Winetka, IU. 1990. JuHa Maria, b. Aug. 17, 1816, d. Mar. 13, 1822. 1991. ReHef Carter (1911), (Josiah." Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. 1798, James Joslin, jr. They settled in Waterford, Vt-, and had 11 children. 1992. Jonah' Carter (1912). (Josiah," Samuel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Apr. 12, 1792, Lucy Joslin, dau. of John and Susanna (Carter) Joslin (see descend ants of Nathaniel", 583), b. Feb. 15, 1773, d. Sept. 18, 1846, at Rindge, N. H. He was called Caft. Jonah ; they lived, after their marriage, in Jaffrey, N. H., removing to Rindge in 1800, where they both died. 10 Children, VI. Generation. 1993. Lucy (2246), b. Mar. 20, 1794, d. 1866, in New York state. 1994. Susan (2247), b. Mar. 12, 1796, d. 1869, in N. Y. 1996. Fordyce (2248), b. Mar. 1799. 1996. Orinda, b. Dec. 15, 1800, d. Sept. 3, 1841 ; unm. 1997. Jonah, b. Apr. 2, 1803, d. Feb. 15, 1819. 1998. Grata (2251), b. Dec 26, 1804, d. Feb. 9, 1872. 1999. Charies (2252), b. Oct. 26, 1806, d. Sept. 24, i860. 2000. StiUman, b. Sept. 6, 1808, d. Mar. 25, 1814. CARTER. 161 200L Josiah H. (2257), b. Dec. 2, 1811, d. Feb. 17, 1875, at Keene, N. H. 2002. Luke (2260), b. Sept. 20, 1814, East Jaffrey Mass. 2003. SaUy" Carter (1927), (Josiah,' Josiah," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Mar. 4, 1793, John Hills, who d. May 29, 1848 ; res. Leominster. 7 Children, VII. Generation. 2004. Fordyce HiUs, b. Mar. 19, 1794. 2006. Oricy Hills, b. May 12, 1796, d. at Lancaster, Oct. 31, 1882, m. June 14, 1818, Jacob Fisher of Lan caster (see 1319) ; they had seven children. 2006. George Henry HiUs, b. July 5, 1798, d. Dec. 7, 1878, m. 1st, Apr. 29, 1827, Sophronia Carter (1986); m. 2d, 1844, Lydia BoUesWest; two children. 2007. Volney Hills, b. July 15, 1801, d. Aug. 1803. 2008. SaUy HiUs, b. Oct. 6, 1803, d. at Lancaster, Jan. 2, 1882, m. Feb. 27, 1828, Ephraim Carter Fish er, brother of Jacob (1321), b. June 25, 1798, d. Dec. 2, 1883 ; five children. 2009. EHzabeth Carter HiUs, b. Oct. 14, 1806, d. Nov. I, 1886, in Boston; unm. 2010. Martha Short HiUs, b. Aug. 20, 1809, d. Oct. 21, 1849, m. Oct. 9, 1828, John Mixer of Lowell, Mass. ; seven children. 2011. Josiah" Carter (1928), (Josiah,' Josiah," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. ist, Apr. 7, 1779, Lydia Dexter of Leominster; m. 2d, Jane Holbrook ; m. 3d, Mary Butler; m. 4th, Mary Lowell York. He resid ed in Portland, Me. 12 Children, VII. Generation. 2012. Betsey Bowker (2267). 162 CARTER. 2013. Sally Dexter (2270). 2014. WilHam Dexter. 2015. George Henry. 2016. Charles Augustus (2273). 2017. Josiah, jr. (2276). 2018. Lydia Dexter. 2019. Edward Greeley. 2020. George Edward. 2021. Henry Lauriston (2281). 2022. John Butler (2287). 2023. Mary Everett (2290), b. at Portland, Oct. 14, 1833. 2024. Betty" Carter (1929), (Josiah,' Josiah," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Aug. 11, 1792, Eben ezer Griffin, who was b. at Wilmington, Mass., 177 1, d. at Litchfield, N. H., 1848. 12 Children, VII. Generation. 2025. EHzabeth GriflSn, b. at Leominster, Jan. 13, 1795, d. at Litchfield, N. H., Mar. 7, 1874; "nm. 2026. Mary Griffin, b. at Leominster, Sept. 8, 1794, m. James Howe, d. at Haverhill, Mass. 2027. Phebe Griffin, b, at WUmington, Mass., July 16, 1796, m. Abel Lincoln; eight children. 2028. Sophia Grifliin, b. at Wilmington, Mar. 3, 1799, d. at Manchester, Mass., Apr. 11, 1883, m. Hiram Ayers. 2029. Ebenezer Griffin, b. at Dracut, Aug. 3, 1801. 2030. S. PhUlips Griffin, b. at Dracut, Aug. 20, 1803, d. Mar. 18, 1866, m. ist, May 12, 1827, Esther Stearns ; m. 2d, Oct. 10, 1844, Emmeline R. Fuller ; eight children. 2031. Abbott Griffin, b. at Dracut, June 22, 1805, m. EmUy Abbott, who d. Apr. 4, 1885 ; four chUdren. 2032. Josiah Griffin, b. at Dracut, May 3, 1807. 2033. Nancy Griffin, b. at Dracut, Aug. 22, 1809, m. Sept. 26, 1829, Daniel Bixby of Litchfield, N. H., who d. June i, 1866 ; 10 children. CARTER. 163 2034. George Griffin, b. at Chelmsford, Mass., July 28, 1811, d. Dec. 13, 1853, m. Dec 27, 1837, Clar issa White ; eight chUdren. 2036. Caroline Griffin, b. at Chelmsford, July 16, 1813, d. 1840. 2036. Sarah H. Griffin, b. at Dracut, Dec 13, 1815. 2037. Joseph Warren" Carter (1930), (Josiah,' Josiah," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. June 4, 1797, Ruth Tenney, b. Aug. 18, 1779, d. Dec. 20, 1850, at Leominster. He was a carpenter, and lived on Pleasant street, Leominster. 9 Children, VII. Generation. 2038. Eliza (2293), b. Sept. 11, 1797, d. Sept. 16, 1880. 2039. Franklin (2294), b. Jan. 2, 1799, d. Dec. 24, 1870. 2040. Bartimus (2300), b. Dec. 27, 1800, d. Apr. 3, 1879. 2041. Harriet (2306), b. May 7, 1803, d. Jan. 4, 1874. 2042. Ora (2312), b. Jan. 17, 1806, d. Mar. 22, 1869. 2043. Mary (2318), b. Apr. 6, 1808, d. Dec 22, 1852. 2044. Belinda (2321), b. Oct. 12, 1811, d. Mar. 12, 1882. 2045. Sally (2328), b. Sept. 15, 1815, d. July 26, 1870. 2046. AbigaU (2332), b, July 16, 1818, stiU living. 2047. Sophia" Carter (1931), (Josiah,' Josiah," Sam uel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. March 24, 1799. John Maynard of Leominster, who d. Sept. 21, 1853. He was a hatter, and lived near where the Orthodox church now stands, on Park street, Leominster. 6 Children, VII. Generation. 2048. John Maynard, b. July 29, 1799, d. July 19, 1882, m. Mary Bowen ; they had two sons, both now in California. 2049. Sophia Maynard, b. Apr. 21, 1801, d. July 24, 1858, m. May 25, 1823, Bartimus Carter (2039). 164 CARTER. 2060. Sally Maynard, b. May 9, 1803, m. Feb. 13, 1824, Amos NewhaU, b. Jan. 26, 1801, d. Aug. 27, 1853 ; they had five chUdren. . 2051. AdaHne Maynard, b. July 5, 1805, d. at Northfield, Mass,, Dec. 1832, m. Nov. 17, 1827, Timothy Dutton of Northfield, who d. Jan. 8, 1883 ; they had three children. 2052. Nancy Maynard, b. Feb. 21, 1808, d. at Northfield, Mass.. Jan. 6, 1871, m. June 12, 1825, Collins Newhall ; had one son. 2053. Polly Augusta Maynard, b. July 4, 1810, d. 1842, m. 1832, Hezekiah Mattoon of Northfield, Mass., who d. Aug. 1875 ; they had five children. 2054. Eusebia" Carter (1932), (Josiah,' Josiah," Sam uel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Feb. 16, 1800, CoUins MUls. They Hved at Onondaga, N. Y. 7 Children, VII. Generation. 2056. Stillman MiUs. 2068. Josiah M. MiUs. 2056. Sally MUls. 2059. Sophronia Mills. 2057. Josiah C. Mills, 2060. Volney MiUs. 2061. George Mills. 2062. Artemas" Carter (1933), (Josiah,' Josiah," Sam uel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. June 15, 1806, Harriet Blake Griffith, b. Oct. 16, 1787, d. May 3, 1870; res. Portland, Me. 8 Children, VII. Generation. 2063. Harrison Griffith (2337), b. July 14, 1807, d. Dec. 25. 1875- 2064. Artemas,jr.(234i),b. Aug.i, 1809, d. May 8, 1862. 2065. Augustus S., b. July 7, 1812, d. Feb. 26, 1813. 2066. Granville (2347), b. Mar. 21, 1814. 2067. Maria Elizabeth (2354), b. Mar. 5, 1816. 2068. Frances Lincoln, b. Feb. 4, 1819 ; unm. ; N.Y. city. CARTER. 165 2069. Harriet Louisa (2358), b, Sept. 18, 1821. 2070. Martha Ann, b. June 15, 1824 ; unm. ; N. Y. city. 2071. Polly" Carter (1934), (Josiah,' Josiah," Samuel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. May 2, 1818, Abel Nichols, d. Sept. 15, 1854; ''^s. Leominster. I Child, VII. Generation. 2072. Francis Carter Nichols, b. Feb. 11, 1819, d. Dec. 26, 1854 ' unm. 2073. Nancy" Carter (1936), (Josiah," Josiah," Sam uel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. John Bowers of Leominster, b. June 13, 1785, d. Jan. 16, 1849. 8 Children, VII. Generation. 2074. Charles Bowers, b. July 9, 1810. 2076. George Bowers, b. Sept. 24, 1813. 2076. Amanda Bowers, b. Nov. 29, 1815. 2077. Sally Ann Bowers, b. Apr. 24, 1817. 2078. Harriet Bowers, b. July 17, 1822. ^ . 2079. Henrietta Bowers, b. July 17, 1822. 5 Twins. 2080. WilHam Vose Bowers, b. Apr. 10, 1825. 2081. John Wallace Bowers, b. Apr. 12, 1829. 2082. Charies" Carter (1938), (Josiah,' Josiah," Sam uel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Sarah Vose of Watertown, Mass. ; no record of his family. 2083. Enoch" Carter (1939), (Josiah,' Josiah," Sam uel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. in New York State. 2084. Prudence" Carter (1944), (Josiah,' Josiah," Sam uel,' Rev, Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Josephus Nourse of Bolton ; they had two sons. 166 CARTER. 2085. Jude" Carter (1946), (Jude,' Josiah," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Feb. 6, 1812, AbigaU Pierce of Jaffi-ey, N. H. They resided in Rindge untU 1818, when they removed to Penn, Vt. 3 Children, VII. Generation. 2086. Liberty, b. Dec, 22, 1812. 2087. Sylvester, b, Sept. 4, 1814. 2088. AbigaU, b. July 25, 1817. 2089. Polly" Carter (1947), (Jude,' Josiah," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Apr. 14, 1798, David Beaman* of Winchendon, Mass., who d. 1840. 10 Children, VII. Generation. 2090. Gamaliel Carter Beaman, b. Mar. 20, 1799, d. in Iowa, 1875, after more than forty years' labor in the ministry. 2091. EHsha Beaman, b. Sept. 22, 1800, 2092. Sally T. Beaman, b. Sept. 29, 1802, 2093. David W. Beaman, b. Aug. 29, 1804 2094. Melas Beaman, b. July 30, 1806, d. Oct. 13, 1808. 2095. Mary Ann Beaman, b. Dec. 4, 1808. 2096. Prudence W. Beaman, b. Jan. 7, 1811. 2097. Harriet Beaman, b. Jan. 8, 1814. 2098. Eliza Beaman, b. Aug. 19, 1816. 2099. WilHam Beaman, b. Sept. 16, 1818. *The father of David Beaman died at Bethlehem, Penn., 1777, in the service of his country, aged 28 years. His mother, vpidow Prudence Beaman, married, 1790, Capt. Nathaniel^ Carter of Leominster ; she was living 1815. See 555. 2100. Jonah" Carter (1948), (Jude,' Josiah," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Feb. 27, 1806, Sally Haywood of Winchendon, Mass., who d. in La Fayette, Ind., Sept. 6, 1855 ; res. Winchendon, Mass., and Weath ersfield, Vt. CARTER. 167 II Children, VII. Generation. 2101. Mariah H., b. Feb. 13, 1807, d. May 16, 1807. 2102. Mariah H., b. Apr, 8- 1808, d. Dec. 15, 1827 ; unm. 2103. Marsylvia T. (2365), b. Jan 22, 1810, d. in Surry, N. H., Nov. 29, 1882. 2104. Amos H. (2366), b. Nov. 21, 1811. 2106. Byron B., b. Sept. 4, 1813, d. in Weathersfield,Vt., May 30, 1831 ; unm. 2106. AbigaU K. (2371), b. Sept. 3, 1815, d. in Surry, N. H., Jan. 15, 1850. 2107. JudeH. (2376), b. July 7, 1817, d. in JeffersonvUle, Ind., July 19, 1850. 2108. Sarah A. (2378), b. Apr. 13, 1819, d. La Fayette, Ind., Apr. 2, 1861. 2109. Catherine F. (2379), b. May 27, 1821. 2110. Olive J., b. Sept. 26, 1826, d. Surry, N, H., Jan. 17, 1843 ; unm. 2111. Nancy H. (2380), b. July 2, 1830, d. Auburn, IU., June, 1853. 2112. Nancy" Carter 1949) , (Jude,' Josiah," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. at Rindge, N. H., Feb. 12, 1807, Luther Goodridge (now spelled Goodrich), b. in Fitchburg, Mass., Apr, 3, 1785, d. at Fitchburg, June 5, 1829; res. Rindge, N. H. 5 Children, VII. Generation. 2113. Sophronia Goodrich, b. Sept. 8, 1808, d. at Law rence, Mass., Aug. 23, 1857, m. Oct. 28, 1845, George L. Stafford of Plymouth, N. H. ; i chUd, 2114. Asaph W. Goodrich, b. Sept. 24, 1810, m. Dec. 18, 1845, Hepzibah Rugg of Rindge, N. H. ; i chUd. 2115. Ann T. Goodrich, b. June 9, 1817, d. in Spring field, Mass., m. ist, 1833, Eri Holden of Shirley, Mass. ; m. 2d, Francis Goodrich of New York city ; one child. 168 CARTER. 2116. Luther C. Goodrich, b. Mar. 24, 1820, d. in Cin cinnati, Ohio, Aug. 13, 1839. 2117. Henry O. Goodrich, b. Aug, 31, 1824, d, at Law rence, Mass., Oct. 28, 1877, m. Martha Ann Hatch of Worcester, Mass. ; three chUdren. 2118. Calvin" Carter (1950), (Jude,' Josiah," Samuel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. and settled in Lapeer, Michigan. 2119. Alpheus" Carter (1957), (Abijah,' Josiah," Sam uel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. about 1812, Rhoda Hale. They settled in Stow, Mass. ; had one child, who died young, and both died there. 2120. Abijah" Carter, jr. (1958), (Abijah,' Josiah," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel." Rev. Thomas,') m. Nov. 26, 1812, Sally Warren Hollis, who was b, Apr. 24, 1789, and d. Aug. 4, 1840 ; res. Boston and Canton, Mass. II Children, VII. Generation. 2121. CaroHne Warner (2381), b. Nov. 12, 1813, d. Oct. 7, 1838- 2122. Sarah Ann (2382), b. Apr. 15, 1815. 2123. Chariotte R.. b. Aug. 16, 1816, d. Oct. 26, 1817. 2124. Charles Warren (2390), b. July 31, 1818, d. Apr. 8,1871. 2125. Abijah Warner (2391), b. Apr. 4, 1820. 2126. Mary HoUis, b. Nov. 30, 1821, d. Sept. 18, 1822. 2127. Levi Howe (2397), b. Nov. 16, 1823. 2128. Alpheus Hale, b. Jan. 23, 1827, d. Oct. 8, 1832. 2129. Mary HoUis (2392), b. Nov. 6, 1828. 2130. Chariotte Richards, b. Jan. 2, 1831, d. May 8, 1848. 2131. Alpheus Hale (2398), b. Oct. 10, 1834, d. Nov. 8, 1869. CARTER. 169 2132. John" Carter (i960), (Abijah,' Josiah," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. ist, PameHa HamHn, who d. 1816; m. 2d, 1818, Eunice Daggett of Boston ; was a trader in Waterford, Me. 4 Children, VII. Generation. 2133. Emerson H. (2399), b. Nov. 1810, d. 1880, Pitts field, Mass. 2134. Henry (2402), b. Sept. 20, 1814. 2135. Catherine (2409). 2136. John (2410). 2137. Levi" Carter (1961), (Abijah,' Josiah," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Mar. 19, 1816, Cynthia Kendall of Sterling, Mass., b. Nov. 19, 1793, d. June 24, 1878. For record of children, see Supplement, 3175. 2138. Henry" Carter (1962), (Abijah,' Josiah," Sam uel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Hannah Cochran of Andover, Mass. 17 Children, VII. Generation. 2139. Henry, b. Jan. 25, 1823, d. Oct. 13, 1828. 2140. Samuel, b. Feb. i, 1824, d. at Lawrence, Mass., Mar. 24, 1881. 2141. Mary, b. May 10, 1825 ; res. So. Waterford, Me. 2142. James, b. Dec 20, 1826 ; res. Biddeford, Me. 2143. Charles, b. Mar. 20, 1828, d. at North Conway, N. H., Apr. 2, 1880. 2144. John N., b. Sept. 20, 1829; res. Bridgton, Me. 2145. Abbie, b. Apr. 20, 1831 ; res. Andover. 2146. Emily, b. Sept. 13, 1832; res. Woburn, Mass. 2147. Nancy W., b. May 21, 1834 '¦> ^es. Bridgton Centre. 2148. Margaret A.,< b. Oct. 27, 1836; res. Lawrence, Mass. 2149. Henry W,, b. Jan. 9, 1838 ; res. Bridgton, Me. 2150. Welsey, b. July 7, 1839. 12 170 CARTER. 2161. Austin F., b. Feb. 23, 1841 ; res. Lebanon, Me. 2162. Edwin, b. Aug. 15, 1842, d. June 30, 1862. 2153. Elizabeth M., b. Mar. 30, 1844 ; res. No. Bridgton, 2154. WUliam S., b. Jan. 24, 1846; res. Conway, N. H. 2156. Horatio L., b. June 3, 1847. This family numbered, in 1884, in children, grand-chil dren, and great grand-children, about seventy. 2156. Otis" Carter (1963), (Abijah,' Josiah," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Lavinia Frost. They lived for many years in Harnon, Me. 6 Children, VII. Generation. 2157. Harriet D. 2160. Caroline L. 2158. Francis B. 2161. Maria. 2159. AbbaF. 2162. Thomas. 2163. WilHam" Carter (1964), (Abijah,' Josiah," Sam uel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Julia Coburn. 2 Children, VII. Generation. 2164. Charies. 2165. Joseph. One, or both, in California. 2166. Thomas Jefferson" Carter (1967), (Abijah,' Jo siah," Samuel,' Rev, Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Mary A. Webb. He practiced medicine successfully for many years, in Naples, Me., moved to Fayette, Iowa, 1868, and engaged in the lumber business. 4 Children, VII. Generation. 2167. Nelson A. 2169. MelHe. 2168. George. 3170. Forrester. 2171. George" Carter (1968), (Abijah,' Josiah," Sam uel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Sally Wright, and resided in Albany, N. Y., where his children still live. CARTER. 171 2 Children, VII. Generation. 2172. Jane. 2173. George. 2174. Nancy W." Carter (1969), (Abijah,' Josiah," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. ist, Aug. 3, 1817, Jesse Wyman, who d. Apr. 17, 1848; m. 2d, Capt. Abel Houghton ; no children. 2175. Sally" Carter (1970), (Abijah,' Josiah," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Levi Gibson of Harri son, Me. 2 Children, VII. Generation. 2176. George Gibson. 2177. Charles Gibson. 2178. Betsey" Carter (1971), (Abijah,' Josiah," Sam uel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Josiah Atherton, Waterford, Me. 5 Children, VII. Generation. 2179. Mary Ann Atherton. 2180. Maria Atherton. 2181. Elizabeth Atherton. 2182. George Atherton. 2183. Charies Atherton. 2184. Jacob" Carter (1973), (Jacob,' Josiah," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. ist, Nov. 29, 1816, Arethusa Young, who d. Sept. 12, 1852; m. 2d, Feb. 11, 1854, Emmeline Prevear. He left his home on Carter Hill, Leominster, at the early age of fourteen years, going to Athol, Mass., where he learned the cabinet maker's trade. Within a year or two after his marriage he removed to Belchertown, Mass., and in 1863, to Springfield, Mass. Living to be nearly ninety years of age, he retained full possession of all his faculties, mental and physical, except sight, which was very poor. 172 CARTER. 6 Children, VII. Generation. 2185. Edwin Young, b. May 19, 1817, d. Jan. 19, 1818. 2186. Edwin Young (2411), b. Sept. 26, 1818. 2187. Charles WiUiam (2414), b. Feb. 3, 1822. 2188. George Henry (2418), b. Feb. 13, 1825. 2189. Mary Young (2419), b, June 12, 1827. 2190. Joseph Otis, b. Oct. 31, 1829, d. Sept, 14, 1830. 2191. William" Carter (1974), (Jacob,' Josiah," Sam uel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Nov. 17, 1825, Betsey Spaulding of Francestown, N. H., b. Sept. 9, 1803, d. Dec. 7, 1878; res. Leominster. 8 Children, VII. Generation. 2192. Mary Elizabeth, b. Mar. 26, 1828, d. Mar. 28, 1828. 2193. Mary Ann (2420), b. July 10, 1830. 2194. Addison Carruth (2422), b. June 16, 1832, d, in Leominster, Jan. 21, 1887. 2195. Charles WilHam (2423), b. May 5, 1834. 2196. Artemas Spaulding, b. Nov. 2, 1836. d. unm., Sept. 30, 187 1 ; doctor in California. 2197. George Henry (2424), b. Dec. 2, 1838. 2198. Elizabeth Lydia (2427), b. Jan. 22, 1843. 2199. Francis Gates (2428), b. Dec. 24, 1845, 2200. Joseph" Carter (1975), (Jacob,' Josiah," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. ist, Sept. 24, 1828, Betsey Farnsworth, b. 1806, d. Sept. 13, 1843; m. 2d, Sept. 18, 1844, Edith P. Wright; res. Belchertown, Mass^ 3 Children, VII. Generation. 2201. WiUiam J., b. 1829. 2202. Charles A., b. 1831, d. July 27, 1851. 2203. Jerome, b. 1833, d. Apr. 18, 1866. 2204. Mary" Carter (1976), (Jacob,' Josiah," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. May i, 1825, Josiah CARTER. 173 Rugg of Leominster, who d. Mar. i, 1864; res. Leomin ster. 7 Children, VII. Generation. 2206. Charles Henry Rugg, b. Aug. 14, 1825. 2206. William Augustus Rugg, b. June 27, 1827, d. June 12, 1854, m. Martha Colburn; two daughters. 2207. George Otis Rugg, b. Sept. 13, 1828, d. Sept. 25, 1828. 2208. Betsey Maria Rugg, b. Aug. 18, 1829, m. Augus tus W. Stover of Charlestown, Mass. ; one son. 2209. George Carter Rugg, b. Aug. 4, 1831 ; m. ist, Maria Blood of Fitchburg ; m. 2d, Emma W. Starbird of Maine ; one son. 2210. Andrew Josiah Rugg, b. Oct. 19, 1839, ™- EUen R. Foster ; one daughter. 2211. Francis A. Rugg, b. Oct. 25, 1841, d. Apr. 30, 1842. 2212. Otis" Carter (1977), (Jacob,' Josiah," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Oct. 9, 1834, AbigaU Colburn, b. Jan. 16, 1810, d. March 4, 1864; res. Leom inster. 3 Children, VII. Generation. 2213. AdaHne, b. 1838, d. July 16, 1864. 2214. Abbie S., b. 1842, d. Oct. 20, 1865. 2215. WaUace M. (2429). 2216. Charies' A. Carter (1978), (Jacob,' Josiah," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Apr. 16, 1846, Judith WiUiamson, b. Dec 21, 1823, d. Aug. 4, 1846; no children; a clergyman. East Wareham, Mass. 2217. James G." Carter (1980) , ( James,' Josiah," Sam uel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Mar. i, 1827, Ann M. Packard of Lancaster, who d. 1853. He graduated at Harvard University, 1820 ; was much interested in educa tion and reforms ; resided for many years in Lancaster, re moving to Chicago in his last years. 174 CARTER. I Child, VII. Generation. 2218. Ann Eliza, b. Aug. lo, 1833, d. at Norton, Mass., Mar. 4, 1882 ; she was for many years a teacher in the Wheaton Seminary at Norton. 2219. Sarah" Carter (1982), (James,' Josiah," Samuel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Apr. 12, 1832, WilHam H. Brooks of Salera, Mass., who d. Mar. 7, 1877. They resided in Lancaster and Cambridge. 3 Children, VII. Generation. 2220. WUHam Henry Brooks, b. July 31, 1833, d. May 27, 1880, m. Jan. 5, 1862, Anna Z. Lewis; one child ; res. Chicago, 111. 2221. Mary E. Brooks, b. Dec. i, 1834, d- Nov, 2, 1878, m. Nov. 4, 1867, WilHam H. Kent, who d. Nov. 9, 1876, Cambridge, Mass. 2222. James C. Brooks, b. Aug. 25, 1837, m. Jan. 10, 1867, Rose R. Hambleton ; four children; res. Chicago, 111. 2223. Solon" Carter (1983), (James,' Josiah," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Dec 4, 1834, Lucretia Joslin. He was a farmer, and lived and died on the farm cultivated first by his grandfather, afterwards by his father. He was a successful teacher and useful member of the Leominster School Committee for many years. As super intendent and teacher in the Sunday school, he is remem bered by many with affectionate respect. His pleasant re lations with the young won for him the title of "Uncle Solon." 5 Children, VII. Generation. 2224. Solon Augustus (2434), b. June 22, 1837. 2225. Fannie Lucretia (2437), b. Jan. 6, 1846. 2226. WilHam Withington (2440), b. Jan. 29, 1849. CARTER. 175 2227. Helen Martha (2444), b. Oct. 16, 1851. 2228. Grace Darling, b. Dec 11, 1854, d. Oct. 13, 1856. 2229. Caroline" Carter (1984), (James,' Josiah," Sam uel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Jan. 28, 1824, James H. Carter of Lancaster. For children, see 2654. 2230. Sophronia" Carter (1986), (James,' Josiah," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. ist, May 19, 1827, George Henry Hills (2006) ; m. 2d, Dec. 1853, Dr. Samuel Gregg of Boston, who d. Oct. 25, 1872. I Child, VII. Generation. 2231. Charles Franklin HiUs, b. Mar. 29, 1831, d. Aug. 9, 1870, leaving a widow and one son. 2232. Catherine Hale" Carter (1987) , ( James,' Josiah," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Dr. James M. Whittemore of Brighton. Aug. 19, 1846. He died in Brighton, in 1863. 2233. Josiah Howe" Carter (1988), (James,' Josiah," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Oct. 1844, at Newton Upper Falls, Elizabeth Ellis, who d. Sept. 1876 ; res. Boston, Mass. 4 Children, VII. Generation. 2234. Elizabeth Shepard (2448), b. July 18, 1848. 2235. Grace Darling, b. Feb. 13, 1851, d. Aug. 1852. 2236. Josiah Newell, b. Sept. 22, 1853, d. Aug. 24, 1854. 2237. Arthur EUis, b. Oct. 9, 1854. 2238. Artemas" Carter (1989), (James,' Josiah," Sam uel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m_. Sept. 23, 1850, Anna Catherine Matchett of Brighton, Mass. He was the youngest son of the family born on Carter Hill, Leomin ster. Leaving school at an early age, he was a constant 176 CARTER. student all his life. In 1846 he went West, settling in Chi cago in 1849, where he was engaged in the lumber and real estate business. In his political opinions he was quite progressive, being an earnest worker for the abolition of slavery from the beginning. In religious belief he was a Unitarian, and a faithful member of Unity Church, Chicago. For twenty years he was treasurer of Antioch College, Ohio, and endowed a professorship there. His chUdren were all educated at this college. His home was at Win etka, a suburb of Chicago, where he owned land, and did much in building up the town. All the surviving members of his family reside at Denver, Colorado. 7 Children, VII. Generation. 2239. Horace Waldo (2451), b. Apr. 12, 1854, d. Sept. 9, 1884. 2240. Florence (2455), b. Nov. 30, 1855, d. at Denver, Dec. 28, 1885. 2241. Alice S. (2459), b. Feb. 22, 1857. 2242. LesHe Plummer, b. June 9, 1861. 2243. LiUian, b. Jan. 7, 1863. 2244. Clara Ware, b. Nov. 5, 1864. 2245. RusseU Hale, b. May 6, 1867. 2246. Lucy" Carter (1993), (Jonah,' Josiah," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," ReV. Thomas,') m. Aug. 15, 1825, Linus Smith ; lived in New York. 2247. Susan" Carter (1994) , (Jonah," Josiah," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Nov. 13, 1816, Nathan Stratton ; Hved in New York State. 2248. Fordyce" Carter (1995), (Jonah,' Josiah," Sam uel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. ist, Jan. 30, 1825, Lucy Palmer, who d, Jan. 21, 1846; m. 2d, Sally Byam. 2 Children, VII. Generation. 2249. Emmeline. 2250. Lucy M. CARTER. 177 2251. Grata" Carter (1998) , (Jonah," Josiah," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Samuel Marble. 2252. Charles" Carter (1999), (Jonah,' Josiah," Sam uel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Feb. 12, 1829, Eliza A. Robbins, who d. Jan. 1849 ; res. Jaffrey, N. H. 4 Children, VII. Generation. 2253. Charles Lyman (2463), b. Aug. 8, 1829. 2254. Eliza F. J. (2466), b. July 12, 1835. 2256. Oscar Eugene, b. Mar. 22, 1839, d- in the army, 13 miles from Richmond, Va., June 18, 1862. 2256. Susan A. (2469), b. June 15, 1841, d. in Winchen don, Mass., Jan. 3, 1875. 2257. Josiah H." Carter (2001), (Jonah,' Josiah," Sam uel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. ist, Apr. 17, 1838, Jane Robbins, who d. Mar. 23, 1842 ; m. 2d, Oct. 25, 1842, Adeline D, Tolman ; res, Keene, N. H. 2 Children, VII. Generation. 2258. Addie J. (2472), b. Apr. 22, 1839. 2259. Mary A. (2473), b. Oct. 4, 1846. 2260. Luke" Carter (2002), (Jonah," Josiah," Sam uel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Nov. 3, 1839, Lucy M. Roys ; res. East Jaffrey, N. H. 6 Children, VII. Generation. 226L Susan F., b. 1841, d. Sept. 17, 1861. ^ . 2262. Charles Albert, b. 1841, d. in the army. 5 ^^ms. 2263. Lavinia. 2264. George A., b. 1850. 2265. Vina S., b. 1853. 2266. Emma, b. 1859. 2267. Betsey Bowker' Carter (2112), (Josiah," Josiah,' Josiah," Samuel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Na thaniel Chamberlain. 178 CARTER. 3 Children, VIII. Generation. Name unknown. 2268. Martha Washington Chamberlain. 2269. Lydia EHzabeth Dexter Chamberlain, m. Edward Ogden ; has five children. 2270. Sally Dexter' Carter (2013), (Josiah," Josiah,' Josiah," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Wil liam Kimball ; res. Portland, Me. 3 Children, VIII. Generation. Name unknown. 2271. Charles Kimball, d. aged six years. 2272. Clara Colby Kimball, d. aged 17 years. 2273. Charles Augustus' Carter (2016), (Josiah," Jo siah,' Josiah," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Mary McCormick ; res, Jersey City, N. J. 2 Children, VIII. Generation. 2274. William Dexter, m. Kitty Badger ; five children. 2275. John Richard. 2276. Josiah' Carter, jr. (2017), (Josiah," Josiah,' Jo siah," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev, Thomas,') m. JuHa Fenn ; res. Roxbury, Mass. 4 Children, VIII. Generation. 2277. Caroline Elizabeth. 2279. Stella Agnes. 2278. Mary Parthenia. 2280. Julia Emma. 2281. Henry Lauriston' Carter (2021), (Josiah," Jo siah,' Josiah," Samuel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Harriet Norton. 5 Children, VIII. Generation. 2282. Clara KimbaU. 2284. Herbert Norton. 2283. Louis Butler. 2286. AHce Augusta. 2286. Nina. CARTER. 179 2287. John Butler' Carter (2022), (Josiah," Josiah,' Josiah," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Mary ; res. New Orleans, La. 2 Children, VIII. Generation. 2288. Henry Josiah. 2289. Reginald Heber. 2290. Mary Everett' Carter (2023), (Josiah," Josiah,' Josiah," Samuel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Wy man- Eusebius Fales; res. Portland, Me. 2 Children, VIII. Generation. 2291. Wyman Everett Fales, b. Mar. 5, 1861. 2292. Florence Gertrude Fales, b. Sept, 18, 1863. 2293. Eliza' Carter (2038), (Joseph W.," Josiah," Jo siah," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Sept. 25, 1831, William Wilder ; no children; res. Leominster. 2294. Franklin' Carter (2039), ( Joseph W.," Josiah,' Josiah," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. June, 1823, Nancy Chase; res. Leominster. 5 Children, VIII. Generation. 2295. Susan AdeHa (2476), b. Sept. 24, 1824. 2296. Emma Frances (2482), b. Dec. 24, 1826. 2297. Andrew F.(2485),b. Dec. 3, 1835, d. Jan. 30, 1885. 2298. Adelaide E. (2486), b. Feb. 11, 1839. 2299. Lucius Clesson (2489), b. July 8, 1842. 2300. Bartimus' Carter (2040), (Joseph W.," Josiah,' Josiah," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. May 25, 1823, Sophia Maynard, dau. of John and Sophia May nard (2049), b. Apr. 21, 1801, d. Aug. 1859; ^^s. Leom inster, Mass. 5 Children, VIII. Generation. 2301. Charlotte S., b. Aug. 13, 1823, d. Aug. 28, 1831. 180 CARTER. 2302. Mary Jane, b. Aug. 13, 1825. 2303. Chauncey Warren (2493), b. Nov. 5, 1827. 2304. OrvUle, b. Sept. 11, 1835, d. Oct. 1849. -| 2305. GranviUe, b. Sept. 11, 1835, d. Sept. 21, )> Twins. 1836. J 2306. Harriet' Carter (2041), (Joseph W.," Josiah,' Josiah," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. May 8, 1834, Walter Knowlton, who d. Apr. 1885 ; res. Leom inster, Mass. 5 Children, VIII. Generation. 2307. Helen Knowlton, b. 1834, d. 1845. 2308. Charies C. Knowlton, b. May 23, 1835. 2309. George Knowlton, b. June 17, 1838. 2310. MeHssa Knowlton, b. Feb. 15, 1840, 2311. Mary Ann Knowlton, b. Aug. 31, 1842. 2312. Ora' Carter (2042), (Joseph W.," Josiah,' Jo siah," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Apr. 23, 1833, Volney Hills; res. Leominster. 5 Children, VIII. Generation. 2313. Grace E. Hills, b. May 20, 1834. 2314. Lucius HiUs, b. Aug. i, 1835, d- 1835. 2315. Lucius Hills, b. Dec. 13, 1836, m. Jan. 20, 1863, Mattie Beaman ; they have one son. 2316. Clement HiUs, b. May 27, 1838. 2317. Abbie Hills, b. Feb. 15, 1840, m. Sept. 29, 1861, Charles Capelle ; four children, two living. 2318. Mary' Carter (2043), (Joseph W.," Josiah,' Jo siah," Samuel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. 1838, Oilman Tenney ; res. Leominster. 2 Children, VIII. Generation. 2319. Mary Tenney, b. Aug. 26, 1845. 2320. Clement H. Tenney, b. 1847, m. Dec. 24, 1875, Alice F. Dodge ; they have one daughter. CARTER. 181 2321. Belinda' Carter (2044), (Joseph W.," Josiah,' Josiah," Samuel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Sept. 14, 1832, Alvin M. PoUey, who d. Sept. 18, 1880; res. Leominster. 6 Children, VIII. Generation. 2322. GeorgeA. PoUey, b. Aug. 12, 1833, d. June6, 1837. 2323. Frank W. PoUey, b. Feb. 26, 1837, m- Nov. 23, 1865, Jennie M. Damon; three children. 2324. Ellen E. PoUey, b. Oct. 26, 1839. 2325. George A. PoUey, b, Apr. 24, 1842. 2326. Clara B. PoUey, b. Apr. 15, 1844, m. T. Augustus Hills ; two children. 2327. Henry Albert PoUey, b. Sept. 24, 185 1. 2328. Sally' Carter (2045), (Joseph W.," Josiah,' Jo siah," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Apr. 11, 1837, Joseph Colburn; res. Leominster. 3 Children, VIII. Generation. 2329. Charlotte Colburn, b.Jan. 21, 1838, m. Aug. 19, 1857, Crawford Stuart; two children. 2330. Joseph Theodore Colburn, b. 1843, m. Oct. 18, 1867, Addie E. Groat; both dead; left one son. 2331. Augustus F. Colburn, b, 1845, m. July 9, 1872, Ida A. F. Derby ; one child. 2332. Abigail' Carter (2046), (Joseph W.," Josiah,' Josiah," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Feb. 3, 1840, John Nourse, who d. Oct. 14, 1853 ; res. Leom inster. 4 Children, VIII. Generation. 2333. John Waldo Nourse, b. Feb. 18, 1842, m. Mar. 19, 1870, Eliza F. Stone ; res. Hartford, Conn. ; two children. 2334. Abbie Kelly Nourse, b. Mar. 25, 1846. 2335. Francis Warren Nourse, b. Mar. 25, 1850. 182 CARTER. 2336. Helen EHza Nourse, b. June, 1852, m. Sept. 21, 1876, Norman C. Chandler; two children. 2337. Harrison Griffith' Carter (2063), (Artemas," Jo siah,' Josiah," Samuel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Bessie Fell. 3 Children, VIII. Generation. 2338. Blanche Corrinne, b. Aug. 1846 ; dead. 2339. Frankque Ernest, b. Aug. 1847 ; dead. 2340. Walter Percy, b. Oct. 9, 1849. 2341. Artemas' Carter, jr. (2064), (Artemas," Josiah,' Josiah," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Mar. 10, 1846, Sarah D. Goss, b. at Lisbon, Me., Mar. 25, 1817, d. Sept. 28, 1861 ; res. Portiand, Me. 5 Children, VIII. Generation. 2342. EUen Frances, b. Jan. 3, 1847 ; res. Gorham, N. H. 2343. Charlotte Isabel, b. Aug. 27, 1848, d. Aug. 23, 1849. 2344. JuHa Annette (2496), b. Oct. 27, 1849. 2345. Albert Augustus (2497), b. Jan. 12, 1852. 2346. Harriette Emmeline, b. Aug. 20, 1853 ; res. Gor ham, N. H. 2347. GranviUe' Carter (2066), (Artemas," Josiah,' Jo siah," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Sept. 7, 1843, Martha E. WUder, who d. Oct. 27, 1883 ; res. Brook lyn, N. Y. 6 Children, VIII. Generation. 2348. Mary Louise, b. July 9, 1844. 2349. Harriette Emma, b. 1847. 2350. WUHam Elliot (2500), b. Sept. 10, 1849. 2351. Howard Granville. 2352. Constance. 2353. Marian Foye, b. Oct. 2, 1859. CARTER. 183 2364. Maria Elizabeth' Carter (2067), (Artemas," Jo siah,' Josiah," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Oct. 7, 1844, Charles S.Clark, who d. Feb. 17, 1855 ; res. New York city. 3 Children, VIII, Generation, 2355. Cora Adelaide Clark, b. Oct. 10, 1847, m. Feb. 11, 1871, John H. Duvall, jr. 2356. Grace Greenwood Clark, b. Jan. 26, 1849. 2357. LiUian Bingham Clark, b. Nov. 23, 1863. 2368. Harriet Louisa' Carter (2069), (Artemas," Jo siah,' Josiah," Samuel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. June 18, 1845, Gen. William Gates, U. S. Army, who d. Oct. II, 1868; res. Brooklyn, N. Y. 6 Children, VIII. Generation. 2369. Louis Granville Gates, b. Apr. 3, 1846, 2360. Louisa Anita Gates, b. May 12, 1847. 2361. Julius Granville Gates, b. Feb. 16, 1849. 2362. Ida WeUington Gates, b. May 4, 1850. 2363. Horatio Hamilton Gates, b. Mar. 28, 1857. 2364. Joseph Holt Gates, b. Oct. 18, 1861. 2365. Marsylvia T.' Carter (2103), (Jonah," Jude,' Jo siah," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev, Thomas,') m. May 12, 1831, Sumner Wilder of Jaffrey, N. H. They had only one child, who died young. 2366. Amos H.' Carter (2104) , ( Jonah," Jude,' Josiah," Samuel.' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Sept. 18, 1838, AdaHne Divoll of Weathersfield, Vt. ; res, Surry, N. H. 4 Children, VIII. Generation. 2367. James D. (2505), b. July 26, 1839. 2368. Henry H. (2507), b. Mar. i, 1843. 2369. Francis L., b. Sept. 12, 1844, d. Apr. 16, 1847. 2370. Edna F. (2508) , b. Mar. 12, 1849, d. Mar. 10, 1879. 184 CARTER. 2371, AbigaU K.' Carter (2106), (Jonah," Jude,' Jo siah," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. May 9, 1839, Joshua D. Blake ; res. Surry, N. H. 4 Children, VIII. Generation. 2372. Oscar B. Blake, b. Jan. 15, 1840, m. Feb. 18, 1864, Helen A. Fisher of Nelson, N. H. ; two children. 2373. Ira E. Blake, b. Feb. 22, 1843, d. Sept. 27, 1877, m. Augusta Webster of Walpole, N. H., Sept. 10, 1862 ; one child. 2374. Abbie J. Blake, b. Mar. 10, 1845, m. Sept. 4, 1864, John L. Blake of Gilsum, N. H. ; eight children, 2375. Mary L. Blake, b. Jan. 24, 1848, d. Sept. 4, 1863 ; unm. 2376. Jude H.' Carter (2107), (Jonah," Jude,' Josiah," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Julia Parker of Kentucky. They had four chUdren. 2377. Julia E., the only one now living, resides in Jeffer sonvUle, Ind. 2378. Sarah A.' Carter (2108), (Jonah," Jude,' Josiah," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev, Thomas,') m. Ruter of La Fayette, Ind. No children. 2379. Catherine F.' Carter (2109), (Jonah," Jude,' Jo siah," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. WiUiam Logan. They had eight or ten children. 2380. Nancy H.' Carter (2iii),( Jonah," Jude,' Josiah," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Zachariah Gill of Auburn, 111. No children. 2381. CaroHne Warner' Carter (21 21), (Abijah," Abi jah,' Josiah," Samuel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Nov. 26, 1834, George W. Hayden. Two children, both dead. CARTER. 185 2382. Sarah Ann' Carter (2122), (Abijah," Abijah,' Josiah," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Sept. 25, 1839, Alden Burnham. 7 Children, VIII. Generation. 2383. Caroline A. Burnham, b. June 25, 1840, m. Nov. 1859, Charles A. Wood ; seven children. 2384. Celia E. Burnham, b. July 29, 1842, m, Oct. 17, 1867, Frank M. Crosby; one child. 2386. Charles E. Burnham, b. Oct. 17, 1844, d, Aug. 25, 1845. 2386. Clara J. Burnham, b.June 7, 1846. d. Sept.27, 1857. 2387. Charies E. Burnham, b. July 6, 1848, d. Nov. 7, 1849. 2388. Charlotte A. Burnham, b. June 29, 1850, m. Nov. 25, 1868, Edwin L. Tobey; two children. 2389. Charles E. Burnham, b. Mar. 13, 1852, m. Apr. 1872, Lulu Goodnow. 2390. Charles W.' Carter (2124), (Abijah," Abijah," Josiah," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. July 29, 1 841, Chloe Walcott. No children. 2391. Abijah W.' Carter (2125), (Abijah," Abijah,' Josiah," Samuel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. June 5, 1842, Mary Ann Newhall; res. Clinton, Mass. 2392. Mary HoUis' Carter (2129), (Abijah," Abijah,' Josiah," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. July 4, 1848, Alden Bradford Gleason ; res. Hudson, Mass. 4 Children, VIII. Generation. 2393. Lucy Maria Gleason, b. May 18, 1853, m. Nov. 4, 1875, Charles W. Smith; three chUdren. 2394. Effie Chariotte Gleason, b. May 22, 1857, d. July 5, 1869. 2396. Clara Belle Gleason, b. Oct. 13, 1859. 13 186 CARTER. 2396. Ernest Bradford Gleason, b. May 30, 1863, d. June 29, 1876. 2397. Levi Howe' Carter (2127). (Abijah," Abijah,' Josiah," Samuel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Jan. 8, 1852, Maria Gleason; res. Clinton, Mass. 2398. Alpheus Hale' Carter (2131), (Abijah," Abijah,' Josiah," Samuel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. June 7, 1856, NelHe AHce Sanborn. No children. 2399. Emerson H.' Carter (2133) , ( John," Abijah,' Jo siah," Samuel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') ; res. Pitts field, Mass. 3 Children, VIII. Generation. 2400. NeUie. > „ , . , . „ anw T • • > Both reside in Boston. 2401. Lizzie. 5 A son, killed in the war of the Rebellion. 2402. Henry' Carter (2134), (John," Abijah,' Josiah," Samuel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. June 14, 1836, Elizabeth Jane Caldwell of Augusta, Me., who d. Feb. 4, 1883. Mr. Carter was for several years editor of the Port land (Me.) Advertiser. He removed to Haverhill, Mass., in 1857 ; has been for many years municipal judge there, and also a member of both branches of the Massachusetts legislature. 6 Children, VIII. Generation. 2403. John H., b. Mar. 14, 1837. 2404. Eugene, b. Oct. 4, 1838, d. Feb. 1877. 2405. Catherine S., b. Oct. 11, 1840. 2406. Walter, b, Oct. 16, 1842. 2407. MeUie F., b. Feb. 23,' 1844. 3408. Robert G. CARTER. 187 2409. Catherine' Carter (2135), (John," Abijah,' Jo siah," Samuel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. G. T. Hadelaway ; res. Chelsea, Mass. ; has several children. 2410. John' Carter (2136), (John," Abijah,' Josiah," Samuel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') ; res. Winches ter, Mass. ; has several children. 2411. Edwin Y.' Carter (2186), (Jacob," Jacob,' Jo siah," Samuel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Nov. 3, 1847, Rebecca L. Dickinson of Amherst, Mass. ; res. Springfield, Mass. ; occupation, armorer. 2 Children, VIII. Generation. 2412. Susie Dickinson (2512), b, Aug. 14, 1852. 2413. Edwin Albert, b. Feb, 20, 1863 ; teUer in the City National Bank. 2414. Charles W.' Carter (2187), (Jacob," Jacob,' Jo siah," Samuel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. ist, Oct. 17, 1844, Delia S. Nash of Springfield ; m. 2d, Oct. 17, 1848, Althea S. Dickinson of Amherst; res. Spring field ; occupation, ar'morer. 3 Children, VIII. Generation. 2416. Charles D., b. Sept. 19, 1850, d, at Oakland, Cal., Jan. 14, 1884. Graduate Philadelphia Dental College. 2416. Frank W., b. Nov. 25, 1859. Treasurer of Bay State Belting Co., Boston, Mass. 2417. DeUa N., b. Jan. 24, 1862. 2418. George H.' Carter (2188), (Jacob," Jacob,' Jo siah," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Jan. 12, 1854, Eliza A. Waldron ; occupation, farmer ; res. Ware, Mass. 188 CARTER. 2419. May Young' Carter (2189) , (Jacob," Jacob,' Jo siah," Sarrtuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. ist, June 26, 1855, George A. Noyes of Springfield, who d. 1861 ; m. 2d, Dec. 24, 1872, John Mattoon; res. North- field, Mass. 2420. Mary Ann' Carter (2193), (WUHam," Jacob,' Jo siah," Samuel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Aug. 29, 1850, Jefferson Morrill, b. July 12, 1828, d. May 29, 1875 ; res. Newark, N. J. I Child, VIII. Generation. 2421. Ellen EHzabeth MorriU, b. Sept. 12, 1852. 2422. Addison Carruth' Carter (2194), (WiUiam," Ja cob,' Josiah," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Sept. 13, 1857, Adelia R. Litchfield, dau. of Jairus and Nancy (Carter) Litchfield (see 3136), b. Sept. i, 1833; res. Leominster, Mass. I Child, VIII. Generation. Gertrude M., b. Mar. 19, 1871. 2423. Charles WUHam' Carter (2195), (WUHam," Ja cob,' Josiah," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Mar. 25, 1858, Eunice W. HartweU ; res. Quincy, Mass. I Child, VIII. Generation. Florence L., b. Jan. i, if 2424. George Henry' Carter (2197), (WiUiam," Jacob,' Josiah," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. May 20, 1863, Mary Abby Cowdrey ; res. Springfield, Mass. 2 Children, VIII. Generation. 2425. Herbert W., b. July 15, 1868. 2426. Chester, b. Sept. 16, 1872, d. Nov. 4, 1874. CARTER. 189 2427. Elizabeth Lydia' Carter (2198), (WiUiam," Ja cob,' Josiah," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Sept. 27, 1877, Lorenzo Blodgett; res. South Framing- ham, Mass, 3428. Francis Gates' Carter (2199), (WiUiam," Jacob,' Josiah," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Dec. 3, 1865, Martha A. Stevenson; res. Chicago, 111. 2429. WaUace M.' Carter (2215), (Otis," Jacob,' Jo siah," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Wyman ; res. Leominster. 4 Children, VIII. Generation. 2430. Alfred W.,b. 187 1. 2432. Carrie., b. 1876. 2431. Ida, b. 1873. 2433. Cora, b. 1878. 2434. Solon Augustus' Carter (2224), (Solon," James,' Josiah," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Dec. 13, i860, Emily A. Conant of Leominster. He enlisted in the army during the war of the Rebellion, and entered the service as captain of Company G, 14th Regt. N. H. Vols., was afterwards promoted, and has been for many years treasurer of the State of New Hampshire ; res. Concord. 2 Children, VIII. Generation. 2436. Edith Hincks, b. Jan. i, 1864. 2436. Florence Gertrude, b. Feb. 24, 1866. 2437. Fannie Lucretia' Carter (2225) , (Solon," James,' Josiah," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. June 8, 1871, Henry T. Thurston, who d. Jan. 1886; res. Leominster. 2 Children, VIII. Generation. 2438. Grace Rebecca Thurston, b. Mar. 15, 1873. 2439. AHce Martha Thurston, b. Nov. 19, 1876, d. Jan. 26, 1879. 190 CARTER. 2440. WilHam Withington' Carter (2226), (Solon," James,' Josiah," Samuel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. June 28, 1877, Nellie T. Lewis. He graduated at Har vard College, class of 1872, and has been since 1873, prin cipal of the High School at Englewood, 111. 3 Children, VIII. Generation. 2441. AHce Lewis, b. Jan. 22, 1879. 2443. LUHan, b. Apr. 2, 1882. 2443. Ruth, b. Feb. 2, 1884. 2444. Helen Martha' Carter (2227), (Solon," James,' Josiah," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Sept. 24, 1874, John Morse Lockey ; res. Leominster. 3 Children, VIII. Generation. 3446. Harold Carter Lockey, b. June 8, 1876, d. May 28, 1882. 3446. Frances Lord Lockey, b. Mar. 5, 1882. 3447. Helen Janet Lockey, b. Oct. 9, 1883. 3448. Elizabeth Shepard' Carter (2234), (Josiah H.," James,' Josiah," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Mar. 4, 1869, Rev. Frederick Allen Hinckley; res. Provtdence, R. I. 2 Children, VIII. Generation. 2449. Mabel Hinckley, b. Oct. 20, 1873. 3450. Allen Carter Hinckley, b. Oct. 11, 1877. 2451. Horace W.' Carter (2239), (Artemas," James,' Josiah," Samuel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Nov. 21, 1877, at Chicago, Jeanie C. Wilmarth. 3 Children, VIII. Generation. 2452. Lucile, b. Jan. 27, 1878. 2463. Anna Catherine, b. Aug. 25, 1879. 2454. Jeanette Lillian, b. Aug. 3, 1884. CARTER. 191 2455. Florence' Carter (2240), (Artemas," James,' Jo siah," Samuel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Dec. 3, 1878, at Yellow Springs, Ohio, John Ashley. 3 Children, VIII. Generation. 2456. Helen Matchett Ashley, b. Aug. 30, 1879. 2457. Edward C. Ashley, b. Dec. 6, 1881, d. Dec. 9, 1882. 2458. John Kossuth Ashley, b. Jan. 16, 1884. 2469. Alice S.' Carter (2241), (Artemas," James,' Jo siah," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. May 18, 188 1, at Denver, Colorado, H. Pemberton Steele. 3 Children, VIII. Generation. 2460. Madelaine Steele, b. May 23, 1882. 2461. Catherine Louise Steele, b. Jan. 7, 1884. 2463. Florence Carter Steele, b. May 24, 1885. 2463. Charles Lyman' Carter (2253), (Charles," Jo nah,' Josiah," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Sept. 14, 1854, Arianna Buss ; res. Winchendon, Mass. 2 Children, VIII. Generation. 2464. Walter E. (2516), b. July 7, 1855. 2466. Lillian J., b. Mar. 21, 1862, d. Sept. 5, 1863. 2466. EHza F. J.' Carter (2254) , (Charies," Jonah," Jo siah," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Jan. i, 1863, John M. Day ; res. Winchendon, Mass. 2 Children, VIII. Generation. 2467. Charies M. Day, b. July 19, 1864. 2468. Benjamin R. Day, b. May 21, 1872. 2469. Susan A.' Carter (2256), (Charies," Jonah,' Jo siah," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Aug. 23, 1862, Gilbert F. Stearns; res. Winchendon, Mass. 192 CARTER. 2470. Ina B. Stearns, b. May 20, 1864, d. Springfield, Mass., June, 1880. 2471. Herbert E. Stearns, b. Dec. 1865. Four others died under one year of age. 2472. Addie J.' Carter (2258), (Josiah H.," Jonah,' Jo siah," Samuel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. April 16, 1861, James M. Herrick. 2473. Mary A.' Carter (2259), (Josiah H.," Jonah,' Jo siah," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. June 9, 1869, Cassius M. White. 2 Children, VIII. Generation. 2474. Edwin J. White, b. May 28, 1870. 2475. Clarence C. White, b. Aug. 21, 1871. 2476. Susan AdeHa' Carter (2295), (Franklin,' Joseph W.," Josiah,' Josiah," Samuel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thom as,') m. Moses Lewis Nutting ; res. Newton, Mass. 5 Children, IX. Generation. 2477. EUen Nutting, d. Apr, 1879. 2478. Crosby W. Nutting, b. Apr. 4, 1846. 2479. JuHa E. Nutting, b. Jan. 29, 1848, d. July 9, 1848. 2480. Ada M. Nutting, b. Apr. 9, 1853. 2481. Andrew Nutting, b. July, 1856. 2482. Emma Frances' Carter (2296), (Franklin,' Jos eph W.," Josiah,' Josiah," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m.Jan, 10, 1847, Charles Adolphus Chase; res. Leominster. 2 Children, IX. Generation. 2483. Emma L. Chase, b. Oct. 31, 1853. 2484. Cora Stearns Chase, b. July 28, 1857, m. Nov. 1875, Cyirenous A. Douglass, Leominster; 2 chUdren. CARTER. 193 2485. Andrew F.' Carter (2297), (Franklin,' Joseph W.," Josiah,' Josiah," Samuel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thom as,') m. Nov. 12, 1869, Jenny R. Graves. No children; both dead. 2486. Adelaide E.' Carter (2298), (Franklin,' Joseph W.," Josiah,' Josiah," Samuel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thom as,') m. Oct. 28, 1856, Charles P. Pierce ; res. Leominster. 2 Children, IX. Generation. 2487. Wilfred E. Pierce, b. Sept. 14, 1862, d. young. 2488. CUfton H. Pierce, b. Mar. 20, if 2489. Lucius Clesson' Carter (2299), (Franklin,' Jos eph W.," Josiah,' Josiah," Samuel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. July 5, 1863, Mary Ann Carter (see 2978) ; res. Leominster. 3 Children, IX. Generation. 2490. Freddie, b. 1866. 2491. Herberi, b. Feb. 1869. 2492. Carrie, b. 1872, 2493. Chauncey Warren' Carter (2303), (Bartimus,' Joseph W.," Josiah,' Josiah," Samuel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. ist, Jan. 2, i860, at Conway, Mass., Mary E. Tinker, dau. of Rev. O. and Mercy (WilHams) Tinker, b. at New Market, N. H., Nov. 6, 1832, d. at Leominster, June 16, 1865 ; m. 2d, May 13, 1868, Clara A. Lincoln, dau, of Luke and Martha W. (Carter) Lincoln, b. Feb. 10,1833. (See 972.) He is a lawyer; res. Leominster. 2 Children, IX. Generation. 2494. Alfred Francis, b. at Gardner, Mass., May 10, 1862 ; res. Sherborn, Mass. 2495. Robert Lincoln, b. Mar. 30, 1869. 194 CARTER. 2496. JuHa Annette' Carter (2344), (Artemas,' Arte mas," Josiah,' Josiah," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. June 17, 1878, WiUiam Andrew of Scotland ; res. Gorham, N. H. ; no children. 2497. Albert Augustus' Carter (2345), (Artemas,' Artemas," Josiah,' Josiah," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas.') m. Sept. 18, 1878, Etta May Peabody of Shel- burn, N. H. ; res, Gorham, N. H. 2 Children, IX. Generation. 2498. Mary Isabel, b. Nov. 18, 1869. 2499. Frank Bertell, b. Sept. 5, 1880. 2500. WilHam EUiot' Carter (2350), (GranviUe,' Arte mas," Josiah,' Josiah," Samuel,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thom as,') m. Jan. 2, 1873, Clara GriflSn ; res. Brooklyn, N. Y. 4 Children, IX. Generation. 2501. Matthew Griffin, b. Feb. 28, 1874. 2502. Marion Morse, b. Oct. 2, 1878, d. Feb. i, 1879. 2503. Clara Elliot, b. Mar. 15, 1880. 2504. Granville, b. Dec. 29, 1882. 2505. James D." Carter (2367), (Amos H.,' Jonah," Jude,' Josiah," Samuel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Jan. 14, 1867, Eady Ingalls of Springfield, Vt, ; res. Sur ry, N. H. I Child, IX. Generation. 3506. Selwyn I., b. Oct. 20, 1879. 3607. Henry H,' Carter (2368), (Amos H.,' Jonah," Jude," Josiah," Samuel," Rev. Samuel," Rev, Thomas,') m. Feb. 22, 1876, Josephine H. Clark of GUsum, N. H. CARTER. 195 3508. Edna F." Carter (2370), (Amos H.,' Jonah," Jude,' Josiah," Samuel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Nov. 30, 1869, Charles E. Crehore ; res. Chicopee, Mass. 3 Children, IX. Generation. 3509. Frank H, Crehore, b. Sept. 15, 1870. 2510. C. Winfred Crehore, b. Mar. 19, 1874. 2511. Bertram D, Crehore, b. Dec 23, 1877, d. Sept. 10, 1878. 2612. Susie Dickinson' Carter (2412), (Edwin G.,' Jacob," Jacob,' Josiah," Samuel," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. April 23, 1874, Lewis Franklin Carr. 3 Children, IX. Generation. 2513. Florence Maria Carr, b. Dec. 18, 1876. 2514. Rebecca Dickinson Carr, b. Apr. 5, 1880. 2515. Harriet MerriU Carr, b. Apr. 23, 1883. 2516. Walter E.' Carter (2464), (Charies L.,' Charles," Jonah,' Josiah," Samuel,' Rev, Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Dec. 24, 1880, Emma Hixon of Winchendon. I Child, IX. Generation. 2517. Mabel A., b. Aug. 11, 1881. 196 CARTER. Sketch of John Carter.' 2518. John' Carter (5), (Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thom as,') was born in Woburn, Mass., Mar. 14, 1680, and re sided for a time on the paternal estate in Lancaster. He suffered loss of cattle, etc., in the summer of 1704, when the Indians beset the town of Lancaster and fired the Nathaniel Wilder garrison on George Hill. He died Mar. 26, 1704-5, as is shown in the following, taken from "An nals of Lancaster" : An acompt of tuneral Charges : &c : of John Carter a souldier under y" Comand of Capt. Willi Tyng who deceased March y'' 26 1704/5 Imprimis, To two Jurneys to Concord for y^ Doctor — 0=7:0 To one Jurney to Boston for things for said Carter in his sickness — o r 11 = o To nursing one week — o z 10 r o To 4 Gallonds Wine at — 01:15=9 }4. a barrill Syder — 0=4 = 0 To Sugger, fruit & Spice — 0=5 = 6 To 6 paier of Gloues — 0=9 = 0 To y= CofFen and Graue — 0=8 = 0 .^3 = 10' =3" Nathaniel Sawyer. [Massachusetts Archives, lxxi, 129. J Ephraim Wilder. CARTER. 197 FAMILY OF THOMAS^ AND RUTH CARTER, AND DESCENDANTS. 2519. Thomas" Carter (6) , (Rev. Samuel ," Rev. Thom as,') wash, in Woburn, Mass., Apr. 3, 1682. His chUd hood was probably spent in Woburn. His father, with others, supplied temporarily the pulpit in Lancaster, Mass., between 1680 and 1688, and died in 1693, while pastor of the church in Groton. We find no account of the resi dence of his family during these years, although Rev. Samuel owned land in Lancaster as early as 1688, and it is known that his sons John, Samuel and Thomas occupied the paternal estate at an early date, and that the two last named reared large families, and their descendants occu pied those lands through several generations. Thomas was innkeeper, also a tanner on George Hill. He held some town offices, and was treasurer of the town in 1723. He married in 1707, Ruth Phelps, dau. of Edward and Ruth (Andrews) Phelps. She was born in Andover, Mass., June i, 1684, and died in Lancaster, Dec. 25, 1739. He died Mar. 31, 1737, and both are buried in the old burying ground in Lancaster, Mass. In the probate office at Worcester may be found an inter esting inventory and account of the division of his proper ty, also the will of Ruth Carter. Below wiU be found an extract from that account : 198 CARTER. John Carter Yeoman, and Wid Ruth Carter appointed administrators of the estate of Thomas Carter of Lancaster May 12 1737. The aect of John Carter, one of the administrators of the estate of Thomas Carter, rendered Aug 17. 1738 — Inventory amounting to ;£539o- 8' also a debt due from Madam Pren tice, also one right of Land Lying in a new Township called Road Town —in all— .£5468 - 8= The Real Estate given was a Homestead consisting of three score acres of upland, with the buildings thereon, and Orcharding — also two Entervail Lots consisting of 42 acres valued ;£i38o- The house, barn, and Orcharding on the neck £ 580 - The Entervail on the East side of the River £ 169. Tract of Land with buildings thereon purchased of George Gleason £ 400- Lunenburgh Lands £ 424 Johnson Meadow £ 40- 3^ of 3 acre Meadow " 20- Land in Additional Grant , £ 244- Common Land £ 84 Two Pieces near or adjoining his Homestead £ 88-15' One hundred and ninety four acres division Land lying in common with Mr Samuel Carter valued £ 293. One half thirteen acres pine Land lying in common with Mr Samuel Carter valued at ' _^ 6 - io» The only other items copied were " an old Indian Slave (Cassar) £25 - One old payer silver Shoe Buckles and an old silver Spoon £2 — 10" " Children of Thomas" and Ruth Carter. 2620. Ruth (2530), b. Apr. 26, 1708, d. Aug. 3, 1760. 2521. AbigaU (2538), b. Dec 29, 1711, d. Oct. i, 1804. 2622. John (2547), b. Apr. 23, 1713, d. May 8, 1766. 2623. Thomas, b. Feb. 12, 1714, d. young. 2624. Thomas (2740), b. Apr. 30, 1716, d. Mar. 2, 1802. 2625. Elizabeth (2983), b. Jan. 17, 1718. 2526. James (2995), b. Feb. 8, 1720, d. July 15, 1800. 2527. Sarah, b. Nov. 6, 1722, d. young. 2528. Sarah (3093), b. Nov. 10, 1725, d. Mar. 31, 1799. 2629. Phineas (3106), b. Dec. 5, 1727. CARTER. 199 2630. Ruth" Carter (2520), (Thomas," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') b. Apr. 26, 1708, m. Apr. 30, 1728, by Rev. John Prentice of Lancaster, to John Haywood, and probably settled in Lunenburg, Mass. Worcester County history says "John Haywood was among the first settlers of Lunenburg ; was moderator of town meeting (no dates given), and Representative to General Court in 1754." He died in Lunenburg, June 12, 1779, aged 76 years. She died in Lunenburg, Mass., Aug. 3, 1760. Children of Ruth and John Haywood. 2631. Silent (son), b. Aug. 25, 1728. 2632. Ruth, b. Feb. 15, 1729-30, d. May 28, 1740. 2633. Sarah, b. Dec. 13, 1732. 2534. AbigaU, b. Aug. 13, 1733, d. May 28, 1740. 2536. Prudence, b. Feb. 11, 1734-5, d. May 30, 1740. 2536. Lucy, b. Aug. 26, 1739, d. May 31, 1740. 2537. Ruth, b. Feb. 4, 1741-2. 2538. Abigail" Carter (2521), (Thomas,' Rev. Sam uel," Rev. Thomas,') b. Dec. 29, 1711, m. Feb. 23, 1736, Caleb Wilder, son of Joseph and Lucy (Gardner) Wilder, b. 1710, d. June 19, 1756. They lived in Leominster, where, with his brother Joseph, he carried on the pot and pearlash business successfully. She died Oct. i, 1804. Children. 2539. Caleb, b. Feb. 1737, d. Mar. 5, 1737. 2640. Samuel, b. May 7, 1739, d. in 1798, m. ist, Feb. 15, 1768, Dorothy Carter (1234), dau. of Eph raim and Abigail (Wilder) Carter, b. May 21, 1750, d. 1790; m. 2d, 1791, AbigaU Fairbanks, who was probably sister of Dorothy Carter and widow of Josiah Fairbanks (1253). They had 10 children. 2641. Caleb, b. July i, 1741 ; m. Woodward. 2542. Nahum, b. Aug. 17, 1743. 200 CARTER. 2543. AbigaU, b. Apr. 24, 1746, m. Smith, d. 1778. 2544. Levi, b. Apr. 23, 1750, m. 1779, Sarah Stoddard. He was a merchant, and lived on the old Wilder farm, in Lancaster; had seven children. 2645. Sarah, b. Aug. 6, 1752. 2546. Anna, b. July 10, 1755. 2647. Col, John" Carter (2522), (Thomas," Rev. Sam uel," Rev. Thomas,') was b. in Lancaster, Mass., Apr. 23, 1713, m. Mar. 10, 1737, Abigail Joslin, b. in Lancaster, Dec. 10, 1712, d. Dec. 18, 1795. His name is often found among the officers of the town of Lancaster, also largely connected with the military history. In the Mass. Archives (Vol. 96, page 181) is found an original muster roll of troops commanded by Capt. John Carter. This company marched as far as Springfield on the alarm for the relief of Fort WiUiam Henry, dates and pay being : Impressed. Returned. Pay per day. John Carter, Captain, . . . Aug. 14, 1758. Aug. 27, 1758. 5s. James Carter, Private, . . " " " " " " 2s. 8p. Josiah Carter, " " " " " " Col. John Carter lived in Lancaster, Mass., and died there. May 8, 1766. Children of John" and Abigail Carter. 2548. John, b. Jan. 9, 1738, d. Oct. 18, 1739. 2549. AbigaU, b. Feb. 14, 1740, d. Dec. 25, 1746. 2550. John, b. July 19, 1741, d. Dec. 21, 1746. 2551. Joseph (2557), b. Nov. 17, 1745, d. June 17, 1804. 2552. AbigaU (2568), b. Sept. 4, 1748, d. Aug. 20, 1805. 2563. John (2580), b. Nov. 25, 1750. 2554. Thomas (2584), b. Mar. 8, 1753, d. Feb. i. 1823. 2565. Elisha, b. May 12, 1755, d. young. 2556. Deborah (2593), b. Apr. 26, 1756, d. Oct. 10, 1834. 2557. Joseph' Carter (2551), (John," Thomas,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') was b. in Lancaster, Nov. 17, CARTER. 201 1745, m. 1st, Feb. 22, 1769, Beulah Carter (1233), b. Oct. 14, 1747, d. Oct. 22, 1769, dau. of Ephraim and Abigail (Wilder) Carter of Lancaster; m. 2d, Nov. 22, 1774, Anna Sraith, b.Jan. 19, 1751, d. Nov. 30, 1834, ^"^ Fitz william, dau. of Josiah and Hepzibah Smith of Weston. He lived in Lancaster, as a farmer, also boot and shoe maker, till May, 1803, when he moved to Fitzwilliam, N. H., where he died. His children were all born in Lan caster, Children of Joseph' and Anna Carter. 2558. Joel, b, Dec. 16, 1775, d. Mar. 12, 1776. 2659. Joseph (2596), b. Apr. 19, 1777, d. Sept. 14, 1822. 2560. William (2604), b. May 11, 1779, d. June 28, 1851. 2561. Elizabeth (2608), b. Oct. 8, 1780, d. May 8, 1857. 2562. Anna (2613), b. Aug. i, 1782, d. May 14, 1852. 2563. Lucy, b. June 11, 1784, d. Sept. 26, 1803. 2664. Sophia (2627), b. Nov. 19, 1785, d. Feb. 18, 1854. 2565. Josiah (2628), b. June 28, 1787, d. Sept. 17, 1857. 2566. AbigaU (2633), b, Oct. 15, 1790, d. Feb. i, 1859. 2567. Joel (2639), b. Sept. 22, 1792, d. Apr. 2, 1864. 3568. Abigail' Carter (2552), (John," Thomas,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') was b. Sept. 4, 1748, m. Dec. 3, 1767, Ephraim Carter (i26i),b. June 15, 1743, d. May 19, 1798, son of Ephraim and AbigaU (Wilder) Carter of Lancaster. Children. 2569. John, b. Dec. 9, 1768, d. young. 2670. AbigaU (1306), b. Feb. 13, 1770, d. Oct. 10, 1820. 267L Anna (1317)- b. Dec. 1771, d. Apr. 15, 1822. 2572. Ephraim (1328) , b. Oct. 28, 1773, d. Aug. 31, 1827. 2573. Solomon (1332) , b. Feb. 19, 1776, d. Nov. 8, 1829. 2574. Mary or Polly (1341) . b. Mar. 17, 1778, d. 1868. 2575. Henry, b. Jan. 22, 1780, d. at sea. 2576. Sarah, b. Feb. 22, 1781, d. unm. 14 202 CARTER. 2577. John (i344)> b. Apr. 27, 1782, d, July 3, 1830. 3578. Susanna, b. Apr, 2, 1784, d. young. 2679. Susanna (1352) b. July 20, 1785, d. Sept. 24, 1867; in Leominster. 2680. John' Carter (2553), (John," Thomas,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') was b. Nov. 25, 1750, m. Feb. 16, 1775, Martha WUder; she d. July 30, 1838, aged 83 years. Children. 2581. Martha (2646), m. Feb. 7, 1799, Caleb Lincoln. 2582. John (2647), m. ist, Tempe Fales; m. 2d, Mary Gates. 2583. AbigaU (2651), b. Aug. 16, 1796, m. Jan. i, 1822, Cephas Carter; he d, Sept. 29, 1842. 2584. Thomas' Carter (2554), (John," Thomas," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') was b. in Lancaster, Mar. 8, 1753, m. July 20, 1786, Sally Clark. He d. Feb. i, 1823 ; she d. May i, 1845, aged 86 years. Children. 2685. Thomas, b. Feb. i, 1787. 2586. Alpheus, b. Apr. 30, 1789, d. Jan. 20, 1853 ; unm. 2687. Cephas (2653), b. Nov. i, 1790, d. Sept, 29, 1842. 2588. Abel, b. Apr. 3, 1792. 2689. James H. (2654) , b. Feb. 6, 1794, d. Mar. 13, 1871. 2590. EH, b. Nov. 30, 1795, d. Aug. 26, 1798. 2591. Lucinda, b. Apr. 14, 1798, d. May 14, 1867, unm. 2592. EH, b. Apr. 27, 1800, d. Jan. 3, 1883, unm. 2593. Deborah' Carter (2556), (John," Thomas,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') was b. in Lancaster, Apr. 26, 1756, m, Nov. 27, 1788, Daniel Stearns of Lancaster, where they lived and died. CARTER. 203 Children. 2594. C Deborah, b. June i, 1792, d. Jan. 24, 1879, "i^™- 2596. X Martha, b. June i, 1792, d. Feb. i860, unm. 2596. Joseph' Carter (2559), (Joseph,' John," Thom as,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') b. in Lancaster, Apr. 19' 1777' rn. Nov. 28, 1802, Elizabeth Goss of Lancaster (b. Oct. 8, 1778, d. May 10, 1861, in FitzwiUiam), d. in Fitzwilliam, N. H., Sept. 14, 1822. Children. 2697. Ebenezer (2662), b. May 20, 1803, d. Mar. 29,1871. 2698. Anna, b. Apr. 16, 1805, d. May 26, 1807. 3699. Joseph, b. Sept. 16, 1806, d. July 18, 1821. 2600. Infant, b. Feb. 15, 1808, d. Feb. 1808. 2601. WilHam (2672), b. May 31, 1809, d. Jan. 31, 1885. 2602. Martha L. (2673), b. July 20, 1811, d. Mar. 8,1841. 2603. Daniel G.(2677), b. Sept. 6,1814, d. Sept. 13, 1864. 2604. WUHam' Carter (2560), (Joseph,' John," Thom as,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') was b. May 11, 1779, in Lancaster, m. ist, Jan. 31, 1802, Sally Goodwin, d. Oct. 2, 1804 ; m. 2d, Priscilla Cambridge of Lempster, N. H., b. June i, 1780, d. June 15, 1875, in Unity, N. H. He d. in Mason, N. H., June 28, 1851. Children. 2605. Horace (2684), b. Nov. 26, 1812, d. Oct. 1877. 2606. Sarah G. (2690), b. Dec. 10, 1814, d. Feb. 4, 1875. 2607. Mary Ann (2697), b. Sept. 8, 1817, d. Apr. 29, 1869. 2608. Elizabeth" Carier (256i),( Joseph,' John," Thom as,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') was b. Oct. 8, 1780, in Lancaster, m. Sept. 20, 1804, Abel White of Lancaster, where she d. May 8, 1857 ; he d. July 30, 1844. 204 CARTER. Children. 2609. Lucy, b. June 23, 1805, d. June 10, 1829. 2610. Joseph C, b. Dec 28, 1809, kiUed by the fall of a tree, Jan. 28, 1825. 2611. Emory H., b, Oct. 30, 1813, m. Sarah Stone, who d. Mar. 1870; m. 2d, Apr. 1871, Laura Blanch- ard of Lyndon, Vt. ; res. Lancaster, Mass, 2612. WiUiam H., b. July 31, 1819, m. Rebecca Locke; two children ; res. Cambridgeport, Mass. 2613. Anna' Carter (2562), (Joseph,' John," Thomas,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') was b. in Lancaster, Aug. I, 1782, m. June 28, 1801, John Whiting of Lancaster. Children. 2614. Abigail K., b. Aug. 29, 1801, in Lancaster, m. William Perine ; seven children. 2615. John W., b. July 25, 1803, in Lancaster, m. Emerson ; seven children. 2616. Nancy, b. Jan. 2, 1806, in Eddington, Me., m. Reuben Robie ; 10 children. 2617. Sally, b. June 12, 1807, in Eddington, Me., m. William H. Bull ; four children. 2618. Timothy, b. Feb. 7, 1809, in Brewer, Me., m. Sa rah A. McCaU; 11 children. 2619. Harriet, b. Nov. 2, 1810, in Brewer, Me., m. Ira M. Calkins ; 10 children. 2620. Mary, b. Dec. 16, 1812, in Brewer, Me., m. John Kennard. 2621. Levi, b. Oct. 14, 1814, in Brewer, Me., m. Par melia Wood ; two children. 3633. Sampson S.W., b.June, 1816, in Bath, N.Y. ; died. 3623. Henry, b. Feb. 10, 1818, in Bath, N. Y., m. Par melia Rice ; eight children. 2624. Andrew J., b. Sept. 4, 1819, in Bath, N. Y., m. Amarylla Norton ; one child. CARTER. 205 2626. Eliza C, b. Mar. 13, 1824, in Bath, N. Y., m. Ad dison Niles, M. D. ; two children, 2626. Thomas J., b. Apr. 24, 1826, in Bath, N. Y., m, Gay ; one child. 2627. Sophia" Carter (2564), (Joseph,' John," Thom as,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') was b. in Lancaster, Nov. 19, 1785, m. Amasa Scott, M. D., of Fitzwilliam, who d. May 6, 1821 ; she d. Feb, 18, 1854; no children. 2628. Josiah" Carter (2565), (Joseph,' John," Thom as,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') was b. in Lancaster, June 28, 1787, m. Sept. 3, 1809, Betsey Everett Foster, b. in Attleborough, Sept. 26, 1787, d. in Fitzwilliam, N. H., Sept. 4, 1862 ; he d. Sept. 17, 1857. Children. 2629. Josiah Everett (2702), b. Apr, 6, 1811, 2630. Charles Clinton (2705), b. Sept. 23, 1814. 2631. Nancy Smith (2712), b. Oct. 24, 1818, d. Oct. 12, 1886. 2632. Sophia Scott, b. Dec. 3, 1820, unm. 2633. AbigaU' Carter (2566), (Joseph,' John," Thom as,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') was b. in Lancaster, Oct. 15, 1790, m. Feb. 24, 1812, Peletiah M. Everett of Westminster, Mass. He was a harness-maker in Fitzwil liam for many years, where he d. May 12, 1850; she d. Feb. I, 1859. Children. 2634. George C, b. Apr. 17, 1813, m. May 15, 1838, Maria F. Thompson; he d. Sept. 27, i860. 2636. AbigaU A., b. Mar. 25, 1815, d. Feb. 10, 1817. 2636. Lorenzo C, b. Mar. 23, 1818, m. Apr, 1841, Cyn thia AUen of FitzwUHam ; he d. Nov, 16, 1870, in Troy, N. Y, 206 CARTER. 3637. AbigaU Ann, b. Mar. 17, 1821, m. Aug. 29, 1839, Isaac Aldrich, who d. July 30, 1882 ; she d. in Keene, N. H., Feb. 11, 1878. 3638. WilHam H., b. Sept. 3, 1824, m. ist. May, 1847, Caroline A. Wales; m. 2d, Jan. 7, 1874, ^'"s- Caroline R. Sherwood, who d. Dec. 30, 1885 ; killed by falling down stairs. 2639. Joel" Carter (2567), (Joseph,' John," Thomas,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') was b. in Lancaster, Sept. 22, 1792, m. 1820, Maria Lovering of Boston. He was a merchant in Boston for some years, and later in Nashua, where he d. Apr. 2, 1864. Children. 2640. John Sabin, b. June 25, 1821. 2641. William Lovering, b. 1823. 3642. Anna Maria Lovering, d. young. 2643. Edward Russell, d. young. 2644. Edward Russell, d. young. 2645. Anna Maria, d. young. 2646. Martha" Carter (2581) , ( John,' John," Thomas,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Feb, 7, 1799, Caleb Lincoln (1251), b. Apr. 28, 1773, d. Oct. 20, 1825. She d. 1861, aged 95 years; no children. 2647. John" Carter (2582), (John,' John," Thomas,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,' m. ist, July 6, 1806, Tem pe Fales, who d. Aug. 31, 1826; m. 2d, Mary, widow of Silas Gates, Sept. 7, 1834. He d. Aug. 6, 1841, aged 63 years. Children. 2648. Lucy, b. May 7, 1807. 2649. John, b. Mar. 24, 1816. 2650. Charies, b. May 25, 1818. CARTER. 207 2651. Abigail" Carter (2583), (John,' John," Thomas,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') was b. Aug. 16, 1796, m. Jan. I, 1822, Cephas Carter, son of Thomas and Sally Carter, who d. in Boston, Sept. 29, 1842, and was buried in Lancaster ; she d. in Lancaster. Children. 2652. Marietta C, b. 1834, in Milton, d. in Leominster, June 17, 1847. 2653. Cephas" Carter (2587), (Thomas,' John," Thom as,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') was b. in Lancaster, Nov. I, 1790, m, Jan. i. 1822, Abigail Carter, dau. of John' and Martha (Wilder) Carter. He. d. Sept. 29, 1842, in Boston; buried in Lancaster. For children, see 2651. 2654. James H." Carter (2589), (Thomas,' John," Thomas,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') was b. in Lan caster, Feb. 6, 1794, m. ist, Oct. 10, 1819, Emma Chase of Leominster, who d. Nov. 3, 1822 ; m. 2d, Jan. 28, 1824, Caroline Carter (2229), dau. of James and Betsey (Hale) Carter, b. Sept. 17, 1803. He d. in Leominster, Mar. 13, 1871. Children. 2656. Frances Ann (2714), b. Dec 21, 1821. 2656. Caroline Elizabeth (2717), b. Dec. 20, 1824, d. in Leominster, Aug. 1885. 2657. James Thomas (2719), b. Dec. 8, 1826, d. in Leominster, Nov. 27, 187 1. 2658. George Edward (2721), b. Mar. 16, 1832. 2659. Catherine AdeHa, b. Feb. 7, 1835, d- Aug. 27, 1838. 2660. Sarah Brooks (2722), b. Mar. 31. 1837. 2661. Mary Sophronia, b. Mar. 17, 1840, d. May 21, 1882. 2662. Ebenezer' Carter (2597), (Joseph," Joseph,' John," Thomas,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') was b. in 208 CARTER. FitzwiUiam, May 20, 1803, m. Jan 31, 1833, Clarissa Col burn of Rindge, N. H., b. Dec. 9, 1812, d. in Winchen don, Aug. 31, 1881. He lived in Fitzwilliam, and d. there Mar. 29, 1871. Children. 2663. Elizabeth G., b. Nov. 12, 1833, d. Oct. 31, 1847. 2664. Ebenezer C, b. Dec. 2, 1835, d. Sept, 25, 1837. 2665. Margaret F., b. Feb. 22, 1838, d. Dec. 16, 1842. 2666. Henrietta C. (2725), b. Oct. 9, 1840, d. Apr. 6, 1875- 2667. Florence M. (2728), b. Mar. 12, 1843 ; res. Winch endon. 2668. Herbert E. (2731), b. Sept. 9, 1845; res. West Swanzey. 2669. Norris C. (2733), b. Aug. 26, 1848; res. West Swanzey. 2670. Anna A., b. Mar. 14, 1851, d. Jan. 28, 1854. 2671. Sarah T. (2736), b. Feb. 16, 1854; res. Winchen don. 2673. WUHam' Carter (26oi),( Joseph," Joseph,' John," Thomas,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') was b. in Fitz william, N. H., May 31, 1809, m. Oct. 16, 1837, Nancy Gay of Nashua ; she d. in Lancaster, Jan. 9, 1870 ; he d. in Harrisville, N. H., Jan. 31, 1885. No children. 2673. Martha L.' Carter (2602), (Joseph," Joseph,' John," Thomas,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') was b. in FitzwUHam, July 20, 181 1, m. Dec. 25, 1832, Norris Col burn of Rindge. They resided in Fitzwilliam till 1840, when they removed to St. Louis, where she d. Mar. 8, 1841. He was killed by the Indians near Santa Fe, Apr. 5' 1847. Children. 2674. George N., b. Apr. 19, 1834, d. 1886. 2676. Martha A., b. Apr. 21, 1838, d. Mar. 29, 1867. 2676. Nancy C, b. Sept. 5, 1840, d. Sept. 27, 1841. CARTER. 209 2677. Daniel G.' Carter (2603), (Joseph," Joseph,' John," Thomas,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') was. b. in Fitzwilliam, Sept. 6, 1814, m. ist, Aug. 26, 1844, EHza beth Wright, who d. Feb, 1854 5 ™- 2d, Mrs. Lavina (Starkey) Clark, Oct. 30, 1854, d. Sept. 9, 1878. He d. Sept. 13, 1864. Children. 2678. Mary F., b. Apr. 30, 1845. 2679. Margaret F., b. Oct. 26, 1846. 2680. Daniel G., b. June 9, 1855. 3681. Nettie L., b. July 24, 1858, d. Oct. 9, 1863. 3683. Hattie M., b. June 8, i860. 3683. Minnie L., b. Aug. 23, 1862. 3684. Horace B.' Carter (2605), (WUHam," Joseph,' John," Thomas,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') was b. Nov. 26, 1812, m. 1st, May 26, 1839, Ruth J. Wood, who d. Apr, 6, 1859; m. 2d, Feb. 7, 1861, Bede M. Powers, who. d. July I, 1863; m. 3d, Mar. 13, 1864, Laurena Bates, who d. May, 1876. He d. in West Lebanon, Oct. 1877. Children. 2686. Clarissa J., b. Mar. 15, 1841. 2686. Harvey H. (2723), b. Mar. 27, 1843. 2687. George H., b. Dec. 12, 1844. 2688. Elizabeth A., b. July 3, 1849. 2689. Ella M., b. Feb. 17, 1853, d. Aug. 29, 1853. 2690. Sarah G.' Carter (2606), (WUHam," Joseph,' John," Thomas,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') b. Dec. 10, 1814, m. James Roundy of Unity, N. H. She d. Feb. 4, 1875. Children. 2691. M. Augusta, b. June 8, 1839, i" Unity, N. H., m. Feb. 25, 1864, L. D. Anderson. 210 CARTER. 2693. Albina P., b. Feb. 20, 1841, m. Oct. 26, 1862, J. L. KimbaU. 2693. WilHam G., b. Sept. 23, 1843, d. Oct. 2, 1843. 2694. George T., b. Oct. 15, 1845, m. Sept. 26, 1865, F, A. HaU. 2696. Ellen R., b. Aug. 5, 1848, m. Dec 25, 1867, B. F. French. 2696. Horace H., b. Oct. 22, 185 1, m. July 6, 1870, E. French. 2697. Mary Ann' Carter (2607), (William," Joseph,' John," Thomas,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') was b. Sept. 8, 1817, m. Mar. 22, 1835, HiU Parker, who d. at Holyoke, Sept. 25, 1869; she d. in Springfield, Apr. 29, 1869. ' Children. 2698. Sarah Jane, b. Nov. 17, 1836, at Goshen, N. H. 2699. Mary Louisa, b. Feb. 25, 1839, at Greenfield, N. H. 3700. EUen Maria, b. Apr. 24, 1842, at Greenfield, N. , H., d. Mar. 14, 1843. 3701. Charies Edward, b. July 10, 1844, Greenfield, N.H. 3702. Josiah Everett' Carter (2629), (Josiah," Joseph,' John," Thomas,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') was. b, in Fitzwilliam, Apr. 6, 1811, m. ist, Nov. 11, 1841, Isabinda Ingalls, b. in Richmond, N. H., Aug. 19, 1818, d. Nov. 14, 1863 ; m. 2d, June 7, 1865, Sarah A. Fay, b. in New Braintree, Feb. 22, 1834. ^'^' Carter still resides in Fitz william, and for fifty years has been in the carriage busi ness with his brother, under the firm of E. & C. Carter. He has held the trust of treasurer of the town, also was Representative to General Court in 1861-62. Children. 2703. Albert Everett (2738), b. Sept. 29, 1847. 2704. Abbie E. Ingalls, b. July 12, 1855 (adopted dau.), m. June 15, 1881, Eugene E. Woods of Leomin ster. CARTER. 211 2706. Charies C Carter (2630), (Josiah," Joseph,' John," Thomas' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') was b. in Fitzwilliam, Sept. 23, 1814, m. Nov. 26, 1846, Sarah C. Tylor, b. in Chesterfield, N. H., Oct. 22, 1821. Mr, Car ter spent a few years of his early life in Nashua, N. H., in the employ of Foster & Kendricks, carriage manufacturers, when he returned to Fitzwilliam, and for more than fifty years has been a member of the firm of E. & C. Carter, carriage makers. He was town treasurer in 1861-62. Children. 2706. Emma Frances, b. July 29, 1845, d. Dec. 8, 185 1, Adopted. 2707. Harry CHnton, b. Jan. 23, 1853, d. Apr. 21, 1856. 2708. Anna Maria, b. Aug. 10, 1857. 2709. Harriett Tylor, b. May 17, 1859. 2710. Percy Augustine, b. Dec. 13, i860; res. Dakota. 2711. WaUace Charles, b. Aug. 8, 1862 ; res, Dakota. 2712. Nancy S.' Carter (2631), (Josiah," Joseph,' John," Thomas,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') was b. in FitzwiUiam, Oct. 24, 1818, m, Apr. 14, 1852, Aaron N. Townsend, b. in Fitzwilliam, July 5, 1817 ; res. New Ips wich. She d. Oct. 12, 1886. Children. 2713. Laura RoseUa (adopted dau.), b. in Boston, June 17, 1853, m. Feb. 22, 1873, S. W. Sawyer; two children. 2714. Frances Ann' Carter (2655), (James H.," Thom as,' John," Thomas,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') was b. in Leominster, Dec 21, 1821, m. ist, Dec. i, 1843, Isaac Smith, b. Dec. 27, 1814, d. Dec. 19, 1851; m. 2d, June 28, 1857, Francis H. Colburn. They reside in Fitch burg. Mass. 212 CARTER. Children. 2716. Catherine A. Smith, b. Aug. 24, 1844. 3716. Clarence Colburn, b. Sept. 29, 1857, in Leominster ; res. Fitchburg, Mass. 3717. Caroline Elizabeth' Carter (2656), (James H.," Thomas,' John," Thomas,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') was b. Dec 20, 1824, in Leominster, m. Mar. 8, 1854, Nathaniel Brooks of Salem. She d. in Leominster, Aug. 1885. Children. 3718. Fred C, b. June 9, 1858 ; res. Dakota. 2719. James Thomas' Carter (2657), (James H.," Thomas,' John," Thomas,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas.') was b. in Leominster, Dec. 8, 1826, m. Dec. 26, 1864, in Chicago, Rhoda Snow. He d. at Leominster, Nov. 27, 1871 ; she d. at Leominster, Mar. 24, 1878. Children. 2720. James H., b. Oct. 1865, d. in Leom-inster, Mar. 17, 1871. See Supplement for others. 2721. George Edward' Carter (2658), (James H.,' Thomas,' John," Thomas,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') was b. in Leominster, Mar. 16, 1832, m. Nov. 12, 1874, Carrie Andrews. Children. They have two daughters and one son. See Supple ment. 2722. Sarah Brooks' Carter (2660), (James H.," Thomas,' John," Thomas,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') b. in Leominster, Mar. 31, 1837, m. Jan. 21, 1863, How ard M. Lane. Children. They have one daughter. See Supplement. CARTER. 213 2723. Harvey H.^ Carter (2686), (Horace B.,' Wil Ham," Joseph,' John," Thomas,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thom as,') wash. Mar. 27, 1843, m. ist, July 6, 1871, at Leb anon, N. H., Ella B. Emerson, who d. Apr. 4, 1881, at Holyoke, where he now resides; m. 2d, Dec. 42, 1883, Mittie M. Dryburn. Children. 2724. Harry Woods, b. June 4, 1885. 2725. Henrietta" Carter (2666), (Ebenezer,' Joseph," Joseph,' John," Thomas," Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') was b. in Fitzwilliam, Oct. 9, 1840, m. ist. May 23, 1859, Ebenezer Whitney, who d. July 24, 1865 ; m. 2d, Dec. 31, 1868, Bethuel Ellis of Winchendon, who d. Apr. 9, 1881. She d. in Winchendon, Apr. 6, 1875. Children. 2726. Florence M., b. Apr. 1864, d. Aug. 1864. 2727. Eben B., b. June 9, 1871. 2728. Florence M.' Carter (2667) , (Ebenezer,' Joseph," Joseph,' John," Thomas,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') was b. in Fitzwilliam, Mar. 12, 1843, m, Oct. 6, 1863, John M. Fiske of FitzwiUiam ; res. Winchendon. Children. 2729. Etta G., b. Mar. 30, 1870, d. May 9, 1875. 2730. Blanch E., b. May 23, 1877. 3731. Herberi E.^ Carter (2668), (Ebenezer,' Joseph," Joseph,' John," Thomas,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') b. in FitzwiUiam, Sep,. 9, 1845, m. Apr. 22, 1873, Nancie A. Wheeler of Ashby ; res. West Swanzey. Children. 2732. Herberi A., b. July 10, 1874. 214 CARTER. 2733. Norris C Carter (2669), (Ebenezer,' Joseph," Joseph,' John," Thomas,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') was b. in Fitzwilliam, Aug. 26, 1848, m. Feb. 23, 1871, Mary T. Greenleaf; res. West Swanzey, Children. 2734. Florence M., b. Mar. 8, 1872. 2735. LiUian M., b. Oct. 21, 1883, 2736. Sarah T.« Carter (2671), (Ebenezer,' Joseph," Joseph,' John," Thomas,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') was b. in Fitzwilliam, Feb. 16, 1854, m. Nov. 10, 1874, Charles A. Whitcomb of Winchendon. Children. 2737. Ruberi H., b. Aug. 3, 1879. 2738. Albert E.' Carter (2703), (Josiah E.,' Josiah," Joseph,' John," Thomas,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') was b. in Fitzwilliam, Sept. 29, 1847, m. Nov. i, 1870, Emogene Taggart of Winchendon. Children, 2739. Leon Taggart," b. Apr. 25, 1881. 2740. Thomas" Carter (2524), (Thomas,' Rev. Sam uel," Rev. Thomas,') was b. Apr. 30, 1716, m. Jan. 19, 1739, Betty Sawyer, dau, of Elias and Beatrix Sawyer, b. 1712, d. July, 1807, Thomas Carter lived in the easterly part of Lunenburg, and was called "Cornet Thomas Car ter," the title of an office which he held under the king. He d. Mar. 2, 1802. Children. 2741. Thomas (2750), b. May 4, 1741, d. in Leominster, May 23, 1773. 2742. Elijah (2755), b. Feb. 26, 1742. 3743. David, b. Apr. 26, 1745. CARTER. 215 3744. Prudence (2768), b.June 15, 1746, d. Jan. 29,1818. 2745. John (2769), b. Sept. 13, 1748, d. Mar. 2, 1824. 2746. Phineas (2779), b, Apr. 30, 1751, d. Sept. 29, 1834. 2747. Beatrix (2790), b. Nov. 18, 1753, d.-Aug. 20, 1839. 2748. Ruth (2793), b. Dec. 21, 1756, d. Nov; 4, 1811. 2749. Vashti, b. May 17, 1758, d. Oct. 20, 1760. 2750. Thomas' Carter (2741), (Thomas," Thomas,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') was b. May 4, 1741, m. Feb. 13, 1765, Priscilla Reed of Lunenburg, b. Aug. 10, 1749, d. in Leominster, 1830. He was a shoemaker ; he d. May 23, 1773. Children. 2751. Lucinda, b. Feb. 14, 1768, at Monadnock No. 4. 2752. Betty, b. June 15, 1770, at Leominster, d. May 2, 1771. 2753. Frederick (2801), b. Feb. 13, 1772. 2754. Infant, d. at FitzwiUiam, Sept. 29, 1773. 2755. Elijah' Carter (2742) , (Thomas," Thomas,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') b. Feb. 26, 1742-3, m. Jane Goodrich. They lived in Fitchburg, where he was select man and assessor in 1776, 1778, and 1779. Children. 2756. Elijah, b. 1770, d. 1777. 2767. Vashti (2802), b. 1772, d. Nov. 3, 1853. 2758. Philip, d. young. 2759. Elias, b. May 5, 1775, d. unm. 2760. EHsha (2809), b. Mar. i, 1777. 2761. Prudence, b. Mar. 23, 1779, d, 1782. 2762. Sarah, b. 1781. 2763. Betsey (2821), b. Aug. 20, 1782, d. Nov. 14, 1808. 2764. Elijah (2826), b, Sept. i, 1785, d. 1813. 2765. Beatrix (2828), b. Sept. 6, 1788, d. Sept. 29, 1839. 2766. James, b. Sept. 1791, d. unm. 3767. Joseph (2835). 216 CARTER. 3768. Prudence' Carter (2744), (Thomas," Thomas,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') was b. in Lunenburg, June 15, 1746, m. May 9, 1765, Thomas Hartwell of Lunen burg, b. Jan. 15, 1740. Early in this century they removed from Fitchburg to Alstead, N. H., where he d. Nov. 2, 1820; she d. Jan. 29, 1818. 2769. John' Carter (2745), (Thomas," Thomas,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') b. Sept. 13, 1748, m. ist, Sept, 26, 1773, Lydia Nichols of Leominster, who d. Sept. 25, 1807; m. 2d, June 11, 1811, Sarah Cooper, who d. Mar. 6, 1824; he d. Mar. 2, 1824.Children. 2770. Thomas (2840), b. Feb. 22, 1774. 2771. John (2846), b. 1776. 2772. Abi (2854), b. 1778. 2773. Samuel, b. 1781, d. 1800. 2774. Prudence, b. 1783, d. young. 2776. Prudence (2858), b. Mar. 21, 1785. 2776. Polly (2867) b. Mar. 21, 1785, d. Oct. 5, 1867. 2777. WilHam (2879), b. 1788. 2778. Jane (2883), b. 1792. 2779. Phineas' Carter (2746), (Thomas," Thomas,' Rev. Samuel," Rev, Thomas,') b. Apr. 30, 1751, m. Eu nice Peabody of Ezeter, N. H., b. 1756, d. Dec. 2, 1844, a descendant of John Rogers. (See Hist, of Leominster, page 97.) Children. 2780. Dorothy (2884), b. Mar. 14, 1774, d. Mar, 1862, at Baltimore, Vt. 2781. Abel (2885), b. July 28, 1779, d. Sept. 1869. 2782. Jacob P. (2892), b. Nov. 1780, d. Mar. 22, 1826, 2783. Sawyer (2894), b. Feb. 14, 1784, d. Oct. 10, 1864, in N. Y. city. 2784. Thomas (2898) , b. Apr. 16, 1786, d. Feb. 24, 1863. CARTER. 217 2785. Luke (2899), b.Jan. 28, 1789, d. 1876. 2786. Eunice (2907), b. Nov, 26, 1792, d. Oct. 11, 1825. 2787. Elijah (2902), b. May 15, 1794, d. Feb. 14, 1878. 2788. Betsey (2908), b. Sept. 14, 1797, d. June 17, 1878, in Fitchburg. 2789. AbigaU, b. Feb. 23, 1800, d, Apr. 22, 1835. 2790. Beatrix' Carter (2747), (Thomas," Thomas,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') b. Nov. 18, 1753, m. Feb. 25. i773> in Lunenburg, Lieut. Samuel TarbeU, who set tled in Rindge, N. H. He was a member of the Lexing ton company in 1775, a lieutenant in Capt. Stone's com pany in 1777, and in Col. Hale's regiment in 1778; also prominent in town offices. Children. 2791. Thomas, b. Nov. 23, 1773, d. Nov. 14, 1862; had five children. 2792- Parmason, b. Mar 25, 1777, d, Feb. 28, 1801, unm. 2793. Ruth' Carter (2748), (Thomas," Thomas,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') b. Dec. 21, 1756, m. Nov. 30, 1775 ' William Nichols of Leominster, who d. Dec. 11, 1835. He was a paper manufacturer, and lived in North Leominster. She d. Nov. 4, 181 1, Children. 2794. Betty, b. Feb. 10, 1776. 2796. Israel, b. Feb. 14, 1778, m. May 18, 1800, Esther Gowing, d. Sept. 2, 1828; had nine children. 2796. Levi, b. Sept. 6, 1779, ™- ^^^- 28, 1806, Christi ana Turner, d. Aug. 19, 1817 ; seven chUdren. 2797. Dorcas, b. May 10, 1781, d. July 8, 1784. 2798. WiUiam, b. Apr. 15, 1783, d. July i, 1784. 2799. Dorcas, b. Mar. 4, 1785, d. July 9, 1794. 2800. Calvin, b. Jan. 29, 1789, d. Mar. 15, 1797. 16 218 CARTER. 2801. Frederick" Carter (2753), (Thomas,' Thomas," Thomas,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') b. Feb. 13, 1772, m. Nov. 26, 1789, Phebe Snow, both of Lunenburg, Mass. 2802. Vashti" Carter (2757) , (Elijah,' Thomas," Thom as,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') b. 1772, m. May 24, 1796, Asa Farwell of Fitchburg. Children. 2803. Sophia, b. Nov. 11, 1797, d. Apr. 20, 1867, m. Micah L. Wheeler ; had five chUdren. 3804. Asa, b. Apr. 8, 1800, d. 1814. 2805. Jane, b. Jan. 25, 1802, d. Mar. 4, 1870, in Boston, m. 1828, Benjamin Brown, Westminster; had three sons. 2806. Charles, b, Nov. 21, 1803, m. ist, Ann Eliza San derson of Lancaster, who d. Oct. 25, 1834; ™- 2d, Hannah P. Chaplin of Shirley ; three chil dren living. 2807. AbigaU, b. Jan. 21, 1809, d. Mar. 18, 1875, unm. 2808. Polly, b. May 27, 1810, d. 1812. 2809. Elisha" Carter (2760) , (Elijah,' Thomas," Thom as,' Rev, Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') b. Mar. i, 1777, m. Apr. 24, 1797, Lucy Eaton, who d. Aug. 9, 1846. Children. 3810. Lucy E., b. Oct. 19, 1798, d. July 17, 1825. 3811. Peter S. (2918), b. Oct. 21, 1800, d. Aug. 17, 1874. 3813. Lovina A., b. Dec. 18, 1802, d. May 23, 1847. 3813. Lorinza C, b. Nov. 14, 1804, d. Apr. 6,n 1848. I ,j,^.^^ 2814. Lorinda C, b. Nov. 14, 1804, d. Mar. 30, | ^'"^' 1864. J 2816. Elijah S. (2921), b. May 21, 1807. 2816. Lucinda B., b. May 19, 1810. 3817. Laura O., b. Oct. 20, 1812, d. Feb. 8, 1849. CARTER. 219 2818. Loival., b. Dec. 31, 1814, d. Sept. 6, 1832. 2819. Lorana D., b. Oct. 15, 1817, d. June 28, 1845. 2820. Susanna P., Oct. 26, 1819, d. July 10, 1821. 2831. Betsey" Carter (2763) , (Elijah,' Thomas," Thom as,' Rev. Samuel," Rev, Thomas,') b. Aug, 20, 1782, m. May 27, 1 801, Levi Farwell, brother of Asa. Children. 2822. EHza, b. May 16, 1802, d. Aug. 28, 1803. 2823. Betsey, b. Apr. 5, 1804, d. Aug. 30, 1870, m. Abel Baldwin of Fitchburg ; had two sons. 2824. Elijah C, b. Mar. 25, 1806, m. 1833, Lydia Jones of Royalston ; no children. 3836. Caroline, b. Oct. 28, 1808, d. Aug. 21, 1814, 3836. Elijah" Carter (2764) , (Elijah,' Thomas," Thom as,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') b. Sept. i, 1785, m. Dolly Stimpson ; lives in Ashburnham. Children. 2827. Alonzo, m. Orinda A. Sheldon ; res. Fitchburg ; no children. 2828. Beatrix" Carter (2765), (Elijah,' Thomas," Thomas,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') b. Sept. 6, 1788, m. Sept. 6, 1810, Levi Farwell (2821), her sister's hus band. He d. July 18, 1844 ; she d. Sept. 29, 1839. , Children. 2829. Levi L., b. July 2, 1811, d. Apr. 9, 1824. 2830. Abel G., b. Feb. 6, 1813, d. Dec. 26, 1863. 2831. Dexter, b. Jan. 27, 1815, m., had two chUdren. 2832. Asa, b. Mar. 29, 1817, m. Marian Piper of Strath- am, N. H. ; had three chUdren. 2833. Henry N., b. Jan. 12, 1822, m. C. Richardson; five children. 2834. Levi, b. Mar. 18, 1828, d. Oct. 14, 1851. 220 CARTER. 2836. Joseph" Carter (2767) , (Elijah,' Thomas," Thom as,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') was. b. in Lunenburg, m. Oct. 20, 1806, Betsey Hartwell, b. Mar. 7, 1781, dau. of Ephraim and Betsey (Polly) Hartwell ; res. Fitchburg, Mass. Children. 2836. Joseph, b. May 24, 1807. 2837. Jacob, b. Oct. 10, 1810. 2838. Betsey, b. Dec 8, 181 1. 2839. Ephraim Hartwell, b. Apr. 15, 1815 ; and perhaps others. 2840. Thomas" Carter (2770), (John,' Thomas," Thomas,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') b. Feb. 22, 1774, m. Feb. 16, 1803, Anna Farwell, b. Apr. 9, 1780; lived in Fitchburg. He died, and in 1822 she m. Capt. Nathaniel Carter (629) of Leominster, where she d. May 17, 1851. Children. 2841. Samuel (2925), b. Nov, 21, 1804, d. Nov. 27, 1876. 2842. Simeon F., b. Aug. 25, 1808, d. young. 2843. SybU (2928), b. July 21, 1811, d. 1870. 2844. Anna (2929), b. Sept. 13. 1813. 3845. Thomas (2939), b. June 13, 1815, d. Aug. 8, 1882. 3846. John" Carter, jr. (2771), (John," Thomas," Thomas,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') was b. 1776, m. ist, Haines; m. 2d, Phebe Marble. He d. at Mes sina, N. Y. Children. First Marriage, 3847. John, d. in N. Y. 3848. Mary Catherine (2943), m. 1829, d. Apr. 1884. 2849. Ivers, d. unm. 2850. Sarah, d. 181 i. 2851. Israel. CARTER. 221 Second JUarriage. 2852. Sarah, unm., is at Old Ladies' Home, 50 Orange street, Worcester, Mass. 3863. Caroline, m. Mar. 9, 1842, James F. Hervey, Wor cester ; she d. about 1880. 2854. Abi" Carter (2772), (John,' Thomas," Thomas,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') b. 1778, m. Dec. 2, 1798, Angier Cowden. Children. 2856. John Cowden, d. Mar. 1885, in Boston. 2856. Robert Cowden, who was colonel of first regiment Mass. Vol. MiHtia. 2867. Christopher Cowden, d. in N. Y. city — and others. 2858. Prudence" Carter (2775), (John,' Thomas," Thomas,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') b. Mar. 21, 1785, m. Joseph Gibson of Fitchburg. Children. 2859. Sybil. 2860. Jane. 2861. Rebecca. 2862. Polly. 2863. Joseph. His widow lives in New York State. 2864. Jacob, m. Ann S. Billings; res. Kittery, Me. 2866. William, m. Frances Frefeathers ; res. Kittery. 2866. Thomas, m, Sarah J. Billings ; res. Kittery. 2867. PoUy" Carter (2776) , ( John,' Thomas," Thomas,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') was twin sister to Prudence, b. Mar. 21, 1785, m. George S. Putnam, b. in Fitchburg, July 21, 1780, d. Nov. 1841. Children. 2868. Samuel Putnam, b. 1805. 2869. Lydia Putnam, b. 1807. 2870. EHza Putnam, b. 1809. 2871. Lemuel Putnam, b. 181 1. 222 CARTER. 2872. Rachel Putnam, b. 1814. 2873. Alfred Putnam, b. 1817, d. young. 3874. Albert Putnam, b. 1817, d. young. 2875. Abby W. Putnam, b. 1819. 2876. Mary Putnam, b. 182 1. 2877. George Albert Putnam, b. 1823. 2878. James Alfred Putnam, b. 1825. Twins. 2879. WUHam" Carter (2777), (John," Thomas," Thomas,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') b. 1788, m. Catherine Mclntire. "Children. 2880. Israel, living on Carter HiU, Fitchburg. 3881. WiUiam. 3883. Catherine, m. John Smith ; living on Carter Hill, Fitchburg. 3883. Jane" Carter (2778), (John,' Thomas," Thomas,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') b. 1792, m. Apr. 30, 1824, Benjamin Sheldon of Fitchburg, d. leaving two daughters. 3884. Dorothy" Carter (2780), (Phineas,' Thomas," Thomas,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') b. Mar. 14, 1774, m. Stephen Robinson of Lunenburg. They moved to Baltimore, Vt. ; had four children, all married, but had no issue except one son, who had four children. 3885. Abel" Carter (2781), (Phineas,' Thomas," Thomas,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') b. July 28, 1779, m. July 25, 1802, Betsey Billings, b. Mar. 31, 1783. He d. Sept. 1869. Their children were all b. in Lunenburg; they afterward moved to Wisconsin. Children. 2886. WiUiam, b. Oct. 13, 1802. 2887. Sawyer, b. Apr. 4, 1807. 3888. James, b. Aug. 5, 1810. CARTER. 223 2889. Jacob, b. June 2, 1813. 2890. Abel, b, Aug. 6, 1815. 2891. Caroline, b. May 5, 1818. 2892. Jacob P." Carter (2782), (Phineas,' Thomas," Thomas,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') b. Nov. 1780, m. 1810, Lucy Patterson of Lunenburg, who d. Mar, 14, 1812, in Boston. Children. 2893. Lucy Patterson, b. Oct. 30, 1811, m. Edward Bar ry ; res. Boston ; has one daughter. 2894. Sawyer" Carter (2783), (Phineas,' Thomas," Thomas,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') b. Feb. 14, 1784, m. 1807, Phoebe Barker, dau. of John and Phoebe (Wood) Barker of North Andover, b. Mar. 9, 1786, d. in New York city, Feb. 24, 1870. Children. 3895. ^ Jacob Sawyer (2951), b. Dec. 17, 1808, in Bridg ton, Me. 2896. Henry Clinton (2954), b. Nov. 28, 181 1, in Stan- stead, Can. 2897. Harriet Barker, b. Oct. i, 1814, in Essex, N. Y., m. 1847, John W. Johns ; res. Troy, N. Y. ; no children. 2898. Thomas" Carter (2784), (Phineas,' Thomas," Thomas,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') b. Apr. 16, 1789, m. 1813, Hannah Billings, b. Jan. 1790, d. Sept. 8, 1875, in Lunenburg; he d. Feb. 25, 1863. 3899. Luke" Carter (2785), (Phineas,' Thomas," Thom as,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') b. Jan. 28, 1789, m. April 7, 1813, Katy BiUings, sister of Betsey and Hannah, They moved to Wisconsin. 224 CARTER. Children. 3900. Thomas Billings, b. Aug. 22, 1816, in Lunenburg. 290L George Billings, b. Mar. i, 1818. 3903. Elijah" Carter (2787), (Phineas,' Thomas," Thomas,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') b. Mar. 15, 1794, m. 1824, Martha Shattuck. Children. 2903. Harriet (2957), b. Mar. i, 1825. 3904. Eliza, b. Apr. 8, 1827, d. Dec. 12, 1827. 2906. Alvin (2968), b. Apr. 12, 1829, d. July 18, 1864; killed by the Indians. 2906. Sophia (2963), b. May 19, 1831. 2907. Eunice" Carter (2786), (Phineas,' Thomas," Thomas,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') b. Nov. 26, 1792, m. Joseph Walker of Portland, Me. ; no children. 2908. Betsey" Carter (2788), (Phineas,' Thomas," Thomas,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') b. Sept. 14, 1797, m. May 13, 1814, Enoch Caldwell of Lunenburg, b. Dec. 22, 1788, d. July 19, 1873. They lived in Lunenburg three years, when they removed to Fitchburg. Children. 3909. Thomas C. CaldweU, b. Feb. 25, 1815, m. Char lotte E. Marshall ; had seven children, four living. 2910. Enoch P. CaldweU, b. Mar. 24, 1817, d. Feb. 23, 1828. 2911. Elizabeth E. Caldwell, b. Dec. 19, 1819, m. Horace R. Rice of Fitchburg ; no children living. 2912. Augustus Caldwell, b. Jan. 19, 1822, d. Apr. 18, 1825. 3913. Mary J. Caldwell, b. Jan. 15, 1825, m. Henry Jew ett, who d. Apr, 22, 1884 ; had five children, four now living. CARTER. 225 2914. Charles A. Caldwell, b. Dec. 29, 1826, d. Feb. i, 1829. 2915. Enoch A. CaldweU, b. Nov. 6, 1831, d. June 11, 1834- 2916. George Frederick Caldwell, b. Feb. 20, 1834, unm. 2917. Charles H. CaldweU, b. May 25, 1840, unm. 2918. Peter S.' Carter (2811), (EHsha," Elijah,' Thom as," Thomas,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') was b. Oct. 21, 1800, m. Betsey Manning ; had seven children, five died, and — 2919. Sabra, m. Jesse ChurchUl of Fitchburg. 2920. Mary, m. Charies Hoar of CHnton, Mass. 2921. Elijah S.' Carter (2815) , (EHsha," Elijah,' Thom as," Thomas,' Rev, Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') b. May 21, 1807, m. 1st, Sarah Harris, and had six children ; three died : 2922. Lucinda (2969), m. Abram Brown of Acton. 2923. Lorinda (2972), m. David Daniels. 2924. Loiva (2973), b. July 27, 1833. m. James Skinner, d. at Leominster, Nov. 13, 1883. 2925. Samuel' Carter (2841), (Thomas," John,' Thom as," Thomas,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') was b. Nov. 21, 1804, m. 1st, May 18, 1828, Martha Litch of Fitch burg, d. Feb. 16, 1851 ; m. 2d, Sept. 15, 1852, EHza Ann Lancaster of Boston. Children. 2926. Edmund Thomas, b. June 18, 1830, unm. 2927. Hannah Ann, b. Dec. 12, 1831, m.Jan. 2, 1856, John J. Dadmun of Templeton ; she d. at BurHng- ton, Vt., Apr. i, 1858. 226 CARTER. 2928. SybU' Carter (2843), (Thomas," John,' Thomas," Thomas,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') b. July 21, 1811, m. Apr. 14, 1831, Shepherd C. Wilder of Leominster. No children. 2929. Anna' Carter (2844), (Thomas," John,' Thomas," Thomas,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') was b. Sept. 13, 1813, m. May 2, 1836, Charles P. Dean of Fitchburg. Children. 3930. Martha L. Dean, b. 1837. 2931. Augusta S. Dean, b. Feb. 3, 1839. 3933. Abbie E. Dean, b. Oct. 16, 1840, d. in infancy. 3933. Abbie C. Dean, b. Apr. 14, 1842, d. in 1886. 3934. Nathaniel C. Dean, b. Sept. 14, 1844. 3936. Charles H. Dean, b. Dec. 5, 1846. 3936. George A. Dean, b. Nov. 29, 1848. 3937. Eliza Ann Dean, b. Aug. 23, 1850. 2938. Charies E. Dean, b. May 17, 1853. 2939. Thom as' Carter ( 2845 ) , (Thomas ," John ,' Thom as," Thomas,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') was b. Jan. 13, 1815, m. 1838, Mary Phelps of Lancaster. Children. 3940. Mary Ann (2978), b. Apr. 23, 1839, Leominster. 3941. Cornelia (2981), b. Sept. 30, 1840, Leominster. 3942. Sybil Eunice (2982), b. Nov, 12, 1846, Leominster. 2943. Mary C Carter (2848),( John," John,' Thomas," Thomas,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. 1829, Caleb Wetherbee of Westminster ; he d. there, Apr. 16, 1863 ; she d. at Minneapolis, Minn., Apr. 1884. Children. 3944. Mary A., b. Apr. 26, 1830. 3945. Frances, b. Sept. 21, 1831. 3946. Lucy Maria, b. Apr. 12, 1833. CARTER. 227 2947. Adelaide, b. Sept. 15, 1834. ) 2948. Adeline, b. Sept. 15, 1834. ^ '^^^"^• 2949. Joseph A., b. Nov. i, 1836. 2950. Henry M., b. Aug. 11, 1839. 2951. Jacob Sawyer' Carter (2895), (Sawyer, "Phineas,' Thomas," Thomas,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') was b. Dec. 17, 1808, m. July 22, 1856, Maria Harding Bradley of North Andover, dau. of Joseph and Charlotte (Barker) Bradley, b. July 9, 1826, d. in N. Y. city, Apr. 15, 1861. Children. 2952. Henry CHnton, b. Dec 14, 1857, in N. Y. city. 2953. Albert Bradley, b. Feb. 23, i860, in N, Y. city. 2954. Henry Clinton' Carter (2896), (Sawyer," Phin eas,' Thomas," Thomas,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') wash. Nov. 28, 1811, m. Oct. 27, 1863, in N. Y. city, Maria Van Antwerp Mott, dau. of John G. and Elizabeth (Proudfoot) Mott, b. Nov. 25, 1837. Children. 2955. Henrietta Maria, b. Mar. 20, 1865. 2956. Grace, b. Apr. 7, 1868. 3957. Harriet' Carter (2903),(Elijah," Phineas,' Thom as," Thomas,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') b. Mar. i, 1825, m. John Eagles. Children. 2958. EHjah Eagles. 2959. DevUa Eagles. 2960. Sophia Eagles. 2961. Nettie Eagles. 2962. Levi Eagles. 2963. Sophia' Carter (2906) , (Elijah," Phineas,' Thom as," Thomas,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') b. May 19, 1831, m. ist, M. M. Porter, a Congregational minister; m. 2d, Lyman Smith. 228 CARTER. Children. 2964. Hattie Porter. 2966. Ella Porter. 2966. Carrie Porter. 2967. Alvin Porter. 3968. Alvin' Carter (2905), (Elijah," Phineas,' Thom as," Thomas,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') was b. Apr. 12, 1829, m. Adelle Pond. He was killed by Indians, July 18, 1864. No chUdren. 3969. Lucinda' Carter (2922), (Elijah S.,' Elisha," Elijah,' Thomas," Thomas,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. Abram Brown of Acton. Children. 3970. Charles A. Brown, m. Annie Atwood ; res. Stough ton ; two sons. 3971. Nathaniel G. Brown, m. Mrs. Emma Lawrence ; res. Fitchburg ; no children. 3973. Lorinda' Carter (2923), (Elijah S.,' Elisha," Elijah,' Thomas," Thomas,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thom as,') m. David Daniels. 3973. Loiva" Carter (2924), (Elijah S.,' Elisha," Elijah,' Thomas," Thomas,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') was b. July 27, 1833, at Fitchburg, m. Apr. 2d, 1850, James Skin ner of Leominster; she d. Nov. 13, 1883, at Leominster. Children. 2974. Frances Josephine, m. Sept. 9, 1880, Frank A. Joy of Leominster. 2975. Everett Carter. 3976. George Waldo. 3977. Robert Wood. CARTER. 229 3978. Mary Ann' Carter (2940), (Thomas,' Thomas," John,' Thomas," Thomas,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') b. Apr. 23, 1839, Ul- July 9, 1863, Lucius C. Carter (2489) . Children. 2979. Freddie, b. 1866. 2980. Herbert, b. Feb. 1869. 2981. CorneHa" Carter (2941), (Thomas,' Thomas," John,' Thomas," Thomas,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') b. Sept. 30, 1840, m. Oct. i, 1869, Henry W. Covelle ; no children. 2982. SybU Eunice" Carter (2942) , (Thomas,' Thomas," John,' Thomas," Thomas,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') b. Nov. 12, 1846, m. Nov. 28, 1877, Wooster Dodge of Leominster ; no children. 2983. Elizabeth" Carter (2525), (Thomas,' Rev. Sam uel," Rev. Thomas,') b. Jan. 17, 1718-19, m. Feb. 20, 1739, Andrew Wilder, son of Joseph and Lucy (Gardner) Wilder of Lancaster, b. Dec. 28, 1706, d. Feb. 10, 1774. He was a farmer in Lancaster. Children. 2984. Andrew, b. Sept. 11, 1740, d. Sept. 15, 1740. 2985. Andrew, b. Oct. 12, 1741, d. Feb. 10, 1775. 2986. EHzabeth, b. Apr. 4, 1743, d. May 28, 1807. 2987. Thomas, b. Feb. 27, 1744, d. July 30, 1746. 2988. Ruth, b. Dec. 15, 1746, d. June 30, 1754. 2989. Abigail, b. July 7, 1748, d. Aug. 8, 1814. 2990. Abijah, b. Nov. 28, 1750, m. ist, Oct. i, 1774, Sarah ElHs, had two children; m. 2d, Nov. 7, 1780, Martha Blake, two children; m. 3d, Oct. 17, 1784, Beulah Johnson, two chUdren; m. 4th, Oct. 1789, Tamar Wilder. He was a mechanic of great celebrity, for his time ; res. Keene, N. H. 230 CARTER. 2991. Deborah, b. Aug. lo, 1753, d. Aug. 20, 1755. 2992. Joseph, b. May 26, 1757, d. Aug. 17, 1778. 2993. Peter, b. Apr. 10, 1761, d. Apr. 25, 1841, m. Ta mar Rice, b. 1763, d. Jan. 9, 1843. 2994. Calvin, b. Oct. 19, 1764, d. Feb. 29, 1782. 2995. James", Carter (2526), (Thomas,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') b. in Lancaster, Feb. 8, 1720-21, m. ist. Mar. 29, 1744, Prudence, dau. of Elias and Beatrix Saw yer, b. in Lancaster, Sept. 24, 1726, d. Jan. 10, 1746; m. 2d, June 2, 1747, Mary Walker, who d. Apr. 18, 1795. Capt. James Carter d. July 15, 1800. Children. 3996. Prudence, b.Jan. 7, 1746, d. young. 2997. Levi (3005), b. Mar. 28, 1748. 2998. Mary (3010), b. Nov. 15, 1749, d. Sept. 29, 1829, at Groton. 2999. Sarah (3011), b. Sept. 28, 1751, d. May 5, 1824, at Weathersfield. 3000. James (3017), b. Nov. 9, 1753, d. Jan. 17, 1817, at Lancaster. 3001. Rebecca (3022), b. Dec. 25, 1756, d. Sept. 2, 1821, at Townsend. 3002. Luke, b. Dec. 12, 1757, d. May 22, 1778. 3003. Asa (3031), b. Apr. 27, 1760, d. Oct. 10, 1811, at Weathersfield. 3004. Ruth (3047), b. May 7, 1762. 3006. Levi' Carter (2797), (James," Thomas,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') b. in Lancaster, Mar. 28, 1748, m.Jan. 20, 1774, SUence Beaman, who d. Nov. 23, 1823. He settled in Winchendon, Mass., about 1773 ; later, lived and died in Maine. Children, 3006. James, b. in Winchendon, Nov. 23, 1774, d. 1845, at Geneva, N. Y. CARTER. 231 Joannah, later she re-named herself — 3007. Nancy (3048), b. July 28, 1777, d. July 21, 1844, at Sterling. 3008. Luke (3056), b. 1783, d. June 11, 1829, at Weath ersfield. 3009. Silence, d, about 1805, age 19 years. 3010. Mary' Carter (2998), (James," Thomas,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') b. in Lancaster, Nov. 15, 1749, m. Jan. i, 1793, Richard Sawtelle of Groton, Mass., where she d. Sept. 29, 1829. 3011. Sarah' Carter (2999), (James," Thomas,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') b. in Lancaster, Sept. 28, 1751, m. John Squire. She d. in Weathersfield, Vt., May 5, 1824. Children. 3012. Reuben, b. Jan, 15, 1785. 3013. WilHam, b. Nov. 5, 1787. 3014. Peter, b. Oct. 19, 1788, d. June 5, 1867. 3015. Nabby, b. Aug. 12, 1791, d. Dec. 7, 1836. 3016. Polly, b. Oct. 2, 1794, 3017. Dr. James' Carter (3000), (James," Thomas,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') wash, in Lancaster, Mass., Nov. 9, 1753, m. Nov. I, 1779, Susanna Kendall of Leom inster. He practiced medicine in Lancaster for many years, and died there Jan. 17, 1817. Children. 3018. James (3064), b. Dec 14, 1780, d. Feb. 14, 1814, at Plymouth, N. H. 3019. Calvin (3066), b. Dec. 4, 1783, d. Mar. 27, 1859, at Lancaster. 3020. Susanna, b. July 8, 1793, d. July 28, 1795, at Lan caster. 3021. SeweU (3073), b. Sept. 9, 1796, d. Sept. 7, 1838, at Lancaster. 232 CARTER. 3022. Rebecca' Carter (3001), (James," Thomas,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') was b, Dec. 25, 1756, m, June 20, 1784, Peter Manning of Townsend, Mass. She d. Sept. 2, 1821. Children. 3023. Luke, b. Dec. 8, 1785, d. Dec. 6, 1793. 3024. Cynthia, b. May 8, 1788, d. June 3, 1788. 3025. Cynthia, b. Apr. 27, 1789, d. Aug. 4, 1818, in Vt. 3026. Peter, b. Nov. 11, 1791, m. ist, Dec. 14, 1815, Elizabeth Kimball of Lunenburg ; m. 2d, Dec. 5, 1833, Nancy Stearns. He studied medicine one year with his uncle. Dr. James Carter, the next year with Dr. Calvin Carter ; he practiced two years in Hollis, N. H., 22 years in Merrimac, N. H., and d. in Lowell, Mass., Aug. 4, 1855. 3027. Rebecca, b. May 31, 1794, d. Apr. 10, 1856. 3028. Arathusa, b. Sept. 5, 1796, d. Mar. 24, 1875. 3029. Luke, b. Oct. 15, 1798, d. Aug. 21, 1839. 3030. Cephas, b. May 6, 1801, d. May 13, 1845. 3031. Dr. Asa' Carter (3003), (James," Thomas,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') b. in Lancaster, Apr. 27, 1760, m. ist, Dec. 11, 1782, Mary JosHn, who d. Dec. 17, 1798, aged 35 years ; m. 2d, 1801, Ruth Culver, who d. Aug. 9, i860. Dr. Carter began the practice of medicine in Weathersfield, Vt. , where he lived, and d. Oct. 10, 181 1. Children. 3032. Polly, b. Feb. 24, 1784, d. June 28, 1805. 3033. Nancy, b. Oct. 16, 1785. 3034. Patty (3170), b. Sept. 7, 1787. 3035. Susannah, b. Mar. 18, 1788. 3036. Asa, b. Mar. 13, 1790, d. Apr. i, 1790. 3037. Cynthia, b, Feb. 13, 1791. 3038. Alice, b. Feb. 25, 1793. 3039. AdaHne, b. Mar. 3, 1796. CARTER. 233 3040. Seneca, b. Oct. i6, 1801, d. Aug. 8, 1802. 3041. Lucia, b. May 17, 1803. 3043. Seneca, b. Aug. 17, 1804, d. Aug. 16, 1858, at Cameron, Texas. 3043. H. Nelson, b. Apr. 2, 1806, d. Apr. 22, 1844, at Bridgewater, Vt. 3044. Franklin, b. Jan. 17, 1808, d. Mar. 8, 1808. 3045. J. NeweU, b. Aug. 3, 1809, d. 1833. 3046. James, b. Aug. 30, 181 1 ; res. Weston, Vt. 3047. Ruth' Carter (3004), (James," Thomas,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') b. in Lancaster, May 7, 1762, m. 1st, Dea. Sawyer of Bolton ; m. 2d, John Ballard of Lancaster ; m. 3d, Moore. 3048. Nancy" Carter (3007), (Levi,' James," Thomas,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') was b. July 28, 1777, m. Jan. 30, 1800, WUHam Sawyer of SterHng, Mass. She d. July 21, 1844. Children. 3049. Eliza, b. May, 1801, m. George Smith of Boston, d. 1865, leaving two daughters. 3060. Mary, b. Mar, 1803, m. Alvin Haley of Boston ; she d. Apr. 12, 1877, leaving one dau., the wife of Rev. Wm. P. Tilden. 3051. Nancy, b. Jan. 1806, m. Mar. 1828, Hiram Davis of Sterling; has three daughters. 3052. Franklin, b. 1808, d. 1812. 3053. Susan, b. Feb. 1813, m. Sept. 1838, Isaac Pulsifer of Boston; she d. 1881, leaving one son, George H. Pulsifer. 3054. WiUiam Franklin, b. Dec. 1814, d. Aug. 1868, leaving no children. 3055, Caroline Augusta, b. Aug. 1819, d. Mar. 23, 1886. 16 234 CARTER. 3066. Luke" Carter (3008), (Levi,' James," Thomas,' Rev. Samuel," Rev, Thomas,') b. Jan. 6, 1783, m. May i, 1807, Sarah Stoughton. She d. in Weathersfield, Vt., Jan. 7, 1875, aged 90 years, 10 mos., having m. David Wetherbee ; he d. June 11, 1829. Children. 3067. Martha C. (3076), b. Nov. 26, 1807. 3068. Lydia, b. Dec. 4, 1809, d. June 15, 1840, unm. 3059. Sarah S. (3077), b. July 4, 1812. 3060. Abby M. (3081), b. July 4, 1815. 306L Nancy A. (3082), b. May 15, 1818, d. 1871. 3062. Emily S. (3084), b. Oct. 18, 1820. 3063. James L., b. Aug. 22, 1824, d. Oct. 9, 1845. 3064. James" Carter, jr. (3018), (Dr. James,' James," Thomas,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') was b. in Lan caster, Dec 14, 1780, m. Dec. 2, 1802, Sally Hall of New Braintree. He d. Feb. 14, 1814, at Plymouth, N. H. Children. 3065. Susanna, b. Aug. 3, 1804, d. Mar. 29, 1805. 3066. Calvin" Carter, M. D. (3019), (Dr. James,' James," Thomas,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') was b. in Lancaster, Dec. 4, 1783, m. ist, June 28, 1806, Sally Perry of Fitchburg, d. Apr. 30, 1840; m. 2d, June 14, 1841, Lucinda Cook. He practiced medicine in Lancas ter many years, and d. Mar. 27, 1859. Children. 3067. Sarah, b. Sept. 11, 1808. 3068. CaroHne, b. Feb. 24, 1812, m. Joseph MarshaU of Leominster. 3069. James, b. Mar. 24, 1813, d. Mar. 19, 1830. 3070. Mary Ann Augusta, b. Oct. 9, 1816, d. Jan. 17, 1835- 3071. Martha Lincoln, b. Mar. 3, 1821, d. Mar. 19, 1822. 3072. Martha Lincoln, b. Aug. 22, 1823, d. Apr. 30, 1847. CARTER. 235 3073. Sewell" Carter (3021), (Dr. James,' James," Thomas,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') was b. in Lan caster, Sept. 9, 1796, m. Jan. 2, 1825, Mary Tufts Locke, b. May 23, 1803, d. Dec. 1883. Pie d. Sept. 7, 1838. Children. 3074. Ellen M., b. Sept. 19, 1827, d. May 4, 1880. 3076. Mary. 3076. Martha Cobb' Carter (3057), Luke," Levi,' James," Thomas,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') was b. in Weathersfield, Vt., Nov. 26, 1807, m. Dec i, 1833, Thom as S. Fletcher of Plymouth, Vt. She d, Feb. 2, 1868. 3077. Sarah Stoughton' Carter (3059), (Luke," Levi,' James," Thomas,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') was b. in Weathersfield, Vt., July 4, 1812, m. Mar. 5, 1839, Zina Porter, who d. Dec. 29, 1878 ; res. West Woodstock, Vt. Children. 3078. Sarah Jane, b. Mar. 15, 1841, d. Feb. 6, 1859. 3079. Abbie Emma, b. Apr. 27, 1844, m. Sept. i, 1862, Monroe A. Goldsmith of Milford, Mass. 3080. Susie Fisher, b. Dec. 29, 1848, m. Oct. 23, 1868, Warren D. Atwood ; he d. in Fitchburg, Sept. 20, 1872. 3081. Abby M.' Carter (3060), (Luke," Levi,' James," Thomas,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') was b. in Weathersfield, Vt., July 4, 1815, m. Mar. 20, 1849, ^^^v. Joseph S. Fisher of Michigan. Mr. Fisher was missionary among the Indians ten years, and for six years missionary among the freedmen in Jamaica. They have two children living. 3082. Nancy Alice' Carter (3061), (Luke," Levi," James," Thomas,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') was b. 236 CARTER. in Weathersfield, May 15, 1818, m. Feb. 20, 1842, Paul Russell Perkins. She d. in Weathersfield, Oct. 18, 1870. Children. 3083. James Luke Carter Perkins ; res. Weathersfield. 3084. Emily Silence' Carter (3062), (Luke," Levi,' James," Thomas,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') was b. in Weathersfield, Vt., Oct. 18, 1820, m. ist. May 24, 1851, Samuel A. Williams of Hartland, Vt., who d, Nov. 26, 1873; m. 2d, Sept. 15, 1876, Rev. William S. Lewis of Michigan. Res. West Woodstock, Vt. ; no children. 3086. Joseph Addison' Carter, (Horatio Nelson," Asa,' James," Thomas,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') m. at Chicopee, May 12, 1864, Harriet Almira Hovey, (b. at Albany, Vt., May 17, 1842, d. at Chicopee, May 16, 1878). Children. 3086. Mary Ella, b. Mar. 9, 1866. 3087. BeUe, b. Jan. 29, 1868. 3088. Addison Hovey, b. Mar. 13, 1869, d. Sept. 8, 1869. 3089. Edith Hovey, b. Aug. 13, 1870, 3090. Helen Gertrude, b, Feb. 25, 1872. 3091. Nelson Brown, b. June i, 1876. 3092. George William, b, Apr, 26, 1878. 3093. Sarah' Carter (2528), (Thomas,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') was b. Nov. 10, 1725, was m., or publish ment recorded in the Lancaster books, dated Mar. 23, 1744, to Josiah BaUard of Lancaster. She d. Mar. 31, 1799 ; he d. Aug. 6, 1799. Children. 3094. Sarah, b. Jan. 13, 1744. 3096. Sarah, b.Jan. 31, 1745. CARTER. 237 3096. Sarah, b. Nov. 30, 1747, m. Aug. i, 1768, Samuel Wilder of Lancaster ; 10 children. 3097. Josiah, b. Jan. 4, 1749/50, d. Sept. 17, 1771. 3098. Jeremiah, b. Mar. 9, 1752. 3099. John, b. Jan. 19, 1755, d. young. 3100. Mary, b. Jan. 28, 1756. 3101. James, b. July 9, 1757. 3102. John, b. Nov. 13, 1759. 3103. Thomas, b. Mar. 28, 1762, m. Mar. 22, 1787, Abi gaU Richardson (1085) ; 11 chUdren. 3104. WilHam, b. Mar. 23, 1764. 3106. Dolly, b. Sept. 1767. 3106. Phineas" Carter (2529), (Thomas,' Rev. Sam uel," Rev. Thomas,') b. Dec. 5, 1727, m. Feb. 22, 1758, Mary Sawyer, b. Jan. 24, 1738, He Hved first on Ballard Hill in Lancaster ; later he lived in Leominster, and died there. Children. 3107. Phineas (3115), b. Aug. 22, 1759, d. Mar. 2, 1843. 3108. Rufus, b. Nov. 11, 1761, d. in N. Y. State. 3109. Mary (31 16), b. Nov. 20, 1764, d. Feb. 5, 181 1. 3110. Vashti (3124), b. May 16, 1767, d, July 25, 1807. 3111. Esther (3126), b. May 2, 1770, d. about 1822. 3112. Sophia, b. Aug. 15, 1773, d. Feb, 26, 1803. 3113. Nathan, b. Nov. 27, 1775, d. Mar. 31, 1807. 3114. Peter (3128), b. Jan. 8, 1778, d. Sept. 1824. 3115. Phineas' Carter (3107), (Phineas," Thomas,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') was b. Aug. 22, 1759, ™- Eliza Woods, who d. in 1843. He d. Mar. 2, 1843 ; no children. 3116. Mary' Carter (3109), (Phineas," Thomas,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') was b. Nov. 20, 1764, m. June 13, 1786, Jonas Gates, son of Reuben and Mary Gates, b. 238 CARTER. Sept. 27, 1756, in Leominster, d. July 24, 1839. 'She d. Feb. 5, 1811. Children. 3117. Luke, b. July 31, 1786, d. May 31, 1831, m. Polly FuUam, who d. Dec. 18, 181 1 ; had one child. 3118. Mary, b. July 23, 1788, in Leominster. 3119. Jonas, b. Sept. 28, 1789, d. Sept. 23, 1834, lu. Dec. 10, 1812, Martha Divoll ; had six sons. 3120. Carter, b. Aug. 12, 1791, d. July 2, 1846, m. Nan cy Simmonds ; had seven children. 3121. Daniel, b. July 14, 1793, d. Sept. 1824; buried in Alabama. 3122. EHas, b. June 23, 1797, d. Nov. 23, 1823, ra. Lucy Lawton ; one daughter. 3123. Artemas, b. Dec. 12, 1800, d. Mar. 6, i860, m. Lorinda Wilder ; four children. 3124. Vashti' Carter (31 10) , (Phineas," Thomas,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') b. May 16, 1767, m. 1801, Si las Gates. She d. July 25, 1807. Children. 3126. Sophia, b. 1804, d. Aug. 16, 1822, aged 18 years. 3136. Esther' Carter (31 11), (Phineas," Thomas,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') b. May 2, 1770, m. Oct. 20, 1805, Samuel Taylor of Fitchburg. She d. about 1822. Children. 3127. George Henry Taylor, b. Nov. i, 1812, m. at Leominster, Nov. i, 1836, Abigail Wheelock, dau. of David and Naomi (Fairbanks) Wheelock, b. June 18, 1816. He d. Nov, 23, 1880, leaving two daughters. 3128. Peter' Carter (3114), (Phineas," Thomas,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') b. Jan. 8, 1778, m. Rhoda Dyer. He. d. Sept. 1824, in Leominster. CARTER. 239 Children. 3129. Sophia (3133), b. Aug. 30, 1805, d. Sept. 25, 1850. 3130. Charles, b. Aug. 19, 1807, m., lived and d. in Fitch burg ; had two daughters, 3131. Sylvia, b. Sept. i, 1810, d. Oct. 27, 1817. 3133. Nancy (3135), b. Feb. 2, 1812. 3133. Sophia" Carter (3129), (Peter,' Phineas," Thom as,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') b. Aug. 30, 1805, m. 1st, Apr. 9, 1829, Elisha' Carter (see 747) ; m, 2d, Jona than Banker. She d. Sept. 5, 1850. Children. 3134. Sylvia Ann Carter, b. Apr. 15, 1839, "u- Mar, 9, 1858, Lewis T. Litchfield of Lawrence, Kan., who was killed in the battle of Springfield, Mo., Aug. 10, 1861 ; m. 2d, May 28, 1863, A. J. Phil lips of Lawrence. (See 976.) 3135. Nancy" Carter (3132), (Peter,' Phineas," Thom as,' Rev. Samuel," Rev. Thomas,') b. Feb. 2, 1812, m. Nov. I, 1832, Jairus Litchfield; res. Leominster. Children. 3136. AdeHa R., b. Sept. i, 1833, m. Sept. 13, 1857, Ad dison C. Carter (2422) ; one chUd. 3137. Ellen S., b. Feb. 19, 1836, m. Mar. i, i860, Hora tio WUlard ; two children. 3138. Mary Jane, b. Apr. 3, 1838, m. June 14, 1857, Martin Stratton, d. Oct. 20, 1875 ; eight children. 3139. Josephine A., b. Aug. 14, 1849, d. Sept. 4, 1849. CARTER. 241 SUPPLEMENT. DESCENDANTS OF NATHANIEL" CARTER. 3140. MarshaU W." Carter (823), m. Oct. 12, 1869, Annie NeUis, who was b. at Fort Plain, N. Y., Aug. 25, 1847 ; res. Chicago, 111. 4 Children, IX. Generation. 3141. Philip NeUis, b. Sept. i, 1870. 3142. Marie, b. Dec. 23, 1872, d. Jan. 2, 1877. 3143. Elizabeth, b. Nov. i, 1874. 3144. Katherine, b. Jan. 28, 1877. 3146. Charles EHas" Carter (824), m. Feb. 25, 1874, Laura A. Buck, who was b. July 4, 1842, at Bellevue, Erie Co., Ohio; res. Austin, Minn. 4 Children, IX, Generation. 3146. Edith L., b. Feb. 24, 1878. 3147. Edward B., b. Dec 25, 1879. 3148. George O., b. Mar. 7, 1882, d. Feb. 25, 1886. 3149. Charies M. 3160. WaUace" Carter (826), m, Nov. 7, 1863, Clara Perkins, who was b. Jan. 20, 1840 ; res. Chicago, IU. 7 Children, IX. Generation. 3151. Frances C, b, Sept. 13, 1864. 3152. Samuel P., b. Nov. 27, 1866. 3163. Joseph, b. June i, 1869, d. Aug. 15, 1870. 3154. May, b. May 20, 1871. 3156. Alice, b. Oct. 12, 1873. 3156. Walter, b. Oct. 27, 1876. 3167. Florence, b. May 21, 1880. 242 CARTER. 3158. Frances E." Carter (829), m. Dec. 7, Sherman C. Rowley, b. Apr. 24, 1842 ; res. Chicago, 111. 3 Children, IX. Generation. 3159. Mabel W. Rowley, b. July 16, 1869. 3160. Baby, b. June 7, 1871, d. Aug. 31, 1871. 3161. Aniy Rowley, b. Mar. 4, 1875, d. Sept. 15, 1884. 3162. Frances C Carter (3151), m. Feb. 28. 1885, S. C. Hunt ; res. Chicago, 111. DESCENDANTS OF THOMAS' CARTER. Children of James Thomas and Rhoda (Snow) Carter. [See 2719.J ;— 3163. Joseph S., b. Aug. 1867, in Chicago, 111. 3164. Herbert B., b. Aug. 1869, in Chicago, IU. Children of George E. and Carrie (Andrews) Carter. [See 2721. J : — 3166. Helen S., b. Sept. 24, 1875, in Leominster. 3166. Anna B., b. Jan. 29, 1877, in Leominster. 3167. James H., b. July 20, 1880, in Leominster. Child of Howard M. and Sarah B. (Carter) Lane. [See 2722. j : — 3168. Carrie C. Lane, b. Dec 31, 1864, in Leominster. 3169. F. Addison Warner (see 806-807), b. Mar. 19, 1836, m. May . They have four children (omitted by mistake) . CARTER. 243 DESCENDANTS OF DR. ASA' CARTER. 3170. Patty" Carter (see 3034), m. ist, Duncan; m. 2d, Robbins of Chester, Vt. 4 Children, VII. Generation. 3171. M. C. Duncan, m, Sargeant; res. EHzabeth, N.J. 3172. Charles Robbins, m. Elizabeth Hicks ; res. Ches ter, Vt. 3173. James Robbins, d. about 1866 ; a practicing physi cian in Chester, Vt. 3174. Philemon Robbins, b. July 25, 1825, m. Nov. 16, 1853, Martha H. Holden. He is a merchant at Chester Depot, Vt. ; has two children. DESCENDANTS OF JOSIAH" CARTER. Children of Levi and Cynthia (Kendall) Carter. [See 2137.] :— 3176. George, b. in Sterling, Mass., July 6, 1817, d. in infancy. 3176. Nancy, b, in Waltham, Mass., Feb. 3, 1819, m. Feb. 16, 1843, Thomas WUson of Albany, N.Y. ; six children. 3177. Mary KendaU, b. in LoweU, Mass., June 14, 1827, d. June II, i860, m. Jan. 9, 1845, John Symmes ; seven children. 3178. Emily A., b. in LoweU, Mass., Aug. 16, 1829, m. Nov. 15, 1855, William G. Chafee ; one child; res. Winchester, Mass. 3179. Martha, b. in Lowell, d. in infancy. 3180. Charies, b. in Coeymans, N. Y., d. aged 2 years. DESCENDANTS OF OLIVER" CARTER, Leominster . 3181. Asaph RusseU' Carter (see 1650), m. in Wal tham, Mass., Elizabeth VUes, b. Mar. 8, 1819; res. Wal tham, Mass. ; no children. 244 CARTER. 3182. Edward R.' Carter (see 1651), m. Sept. 30, 1834, Mary Baker of Westminster, Mass. 3 Children, VIII. Generation. 3183. Mary L., b. Aug. 10, 1835, d. 1835. 3184. Edward Russell, b. Nov. 26, 1836. 3185. Stillman Merriam, b. Oct. 24, 1839. DESCENDANTS OF OLIVER" CARTER, 3186. Rufus' Carter (see 1652) , m. in Fitchburg, Mass., Apr. 3, 1843, Loenza H. B. Flint, b. Oct. 10, 1810; res. Worcester, Mass. 3 Children, VIII. Generation. 3187. Agnes Louise, b. Waltham, Mass., Dec. 15, 1845, m. Apr. 27, 1876, Andrew Davis of Boston, Mass. ; has two children. 3188. Clara Drake, b. Fitchburg, Mass., Nov. 9, 1847, d. in Worcester, Apr. 3, 1852. 3189. EUa Frances, b. Worcester, Mass., Oct. 16, 1851. 3190. Laura L,' Carter (1653), m. Oct. 2, 1837, Albert Merriam. 2 Children, VIII. Generation. 3191. Sarah Elizabeth Merriam, b. Sept. i, 1846, m. Nov. 22, 1868, Orange F. Howe of Westminster, Mass. ; has three children. 3192. Charles A. Merriam, b. Feb. 17, 1852, m. Apr. 5, 1874, Sarah Carey of Goshen, Ind. ; one child. 3193. Sarah A.' Carter (1654), m. ist, Apr. 15, 1847, in Templeton, Mass., Lysander A. Howard, who d. in Fitchburg, Mass., June 13, 1867; m. 2d, Apr, 10, 1870, Jonathan Burgess of Fitchburg ; no children. 3194. Thomas A.' Carter, m. Feb. 22, 1869, Louisa Damon ; no children. CARTER. 245 DESCENDANTS OF OLIVER" CARTER. Children of Joanna (Carter) and Luther Hale of Hub bardston, Mass. [See 1626. J : — 3195. John Carter Hale, b. June 24, 1787, d. Jan. 7, 1850. 3196. Lucy Hale, b. Aug. 23, 1789, d. May 3, 1805. 3197. Clara Hale, b. June 12, 1791, d. Jan. 14, i860, m. Oct, 29, 1812, Samuel Swan of Leicester, Mass., who d. 1863, aged 85 years; seven children. 3198. Otis Hale, b. Mar. 16, 1793, d. Apr. 13, 1822. 3199. Luther Hale, b. Jan. 19, 1795, d. Apr. 22, i860, m. Jan. 1823, Melinda Goodspeed, and removed to Vermont ; two children. 3200. Roland Hale, b. Dec. 28, 1796, d. July 29, 1861, m. June 13, 1833, Clarissa Rice of Templeton, Mass. ; two children. 3201. Esther Hale, b. Feb. 17, 1799, d. June 7, 1885, m. Feb. 10, 1824, James Newton of Greenfield, Mass. ; 11 children. 3202. Laura B. Hale, b. Jan. i, 1801, d. June i, 1815. ChUdren of Elizabeth" (1615), dau. of Oliver' Carter, and Heman Evans, and Andrew Allison : — 6 Children, VII. Generation. 3203. Betsey Evans, b. Peterboro, N. H. 3204. David Evans, b. Peterboro, N. H. 3205. WiUiam Evans, b. Peterboro, N, H. ; had eight children. 3206. Abigail Evans, b. Peterboro, N. H. 3207. Heman Evans, b. Peterboro, N. H. 3208. AbigaU AUison, b. DubHn, N. H., Apr. 20, 1804, m. Cyrus Mason ; had six chUdren ; is stUl Hving in Dublin. 3209. Eunice" Carter, dau. of Oliver' Carter (1556), m. Feb. 17, 1805, Samuel Cutler of Charlestown, Mass. 246 CARTER. 5 Children, VII. Generation. 3210. Samuel Edward Cutler, b. Mar. 6, i8o6, d. Dec. i8, 1846, m. 1835, Sarah MitcheU of Charles town, Mass; one dau., who d. May, 1856. 3311. Susan Frances Cutler, b. July 4, 1809, d- Aug. 4, 1838, m. Feb. 2, 1832, Thomas M. CuUer of Charlestown; three children. 3212. Oliver Carter Cutier, b. Apr. 6, 1812, d. Aug. 22, 1863, m. in Charlestown, Aug. 10, 1842, Mary A. Walker, 3313. Albert Carter Cutler, b. in Lynn, June 30, 1814, d. New York, 1845. 3214. Eliza Carter Cutler, b. Sept. 5, 1816, d. in infancy. 3315. Joseph Carter Cutler, b. Oct. 15, 1818, d. Mar. 2, 1861, m. Nov. 15, 1841, Sarah E. Brooks of Wis- casset. Me. ; three children. 3216. Phebe" Carter (1563), dau. of Oliver' Carter, m. in Charlestown, Feb. 4, 1822, William S. Phipps, mer chant, Mrs. Phipps lived to the age of 83 years, and pos sessed a wonderful memory, recalling in her last days the incidents of her early life in Leominster. 2 Children, VII. Generation. 3217. Sarah Bowles Phipps, b. July 25, 1825, d. in infancy. 3218. Caroline Phipps, b. Aug. 21, 1826; res. Reading, Mass. 3219. Nancy" Carter (1564), dau. of Oliver' Carter (1556), m. Dec. 13, 1828, in Charlestown, Samuel Bas sett; res. Atkinson, N. H. 3 Children, VII. Generation. 3230. Ann Rebecca Bassett, b. May 13, 1824, m. May 8, 1848, Benjamin H. Steele; four children; res. Atkinson, N. H. CARTER. 247 3221. Mary Prescott Bassett, b. May 19, 1827, m. Nov. 17, 1858, Henry Noyes ; two daughters; res. At kinson, N. H. 3322. Jesse Bassett, b. July 14, 1831, d. in Lawrence, Mass., July 5, 1880, m. Nov. 4, 1858, in LoweU, Mass., Frances Bassett. Children of Sally" (Carter), and Ezra Emerson (1625) ; res. Marlborough and Swanzey, N. H. : — 12 Children, VII. Generation. 3223. Franklin Carter Emerson, b. Aug. 19, 1815, in Marlborough, N. H., d. Jan. 7, 1824. 3224. Lucinda Aurilla Emerson, b. May 21, 1817, in Marlborough, d. in Keene, N. H., June 9, 1881. 3225. Jerome Oliver Emerson, b. Dec. 23, 1818, in Swan zey, N. H. 3236. Phebe Carter Emerson, b. Nov. 18, 1820, d. Nov. 14, 1828. 3227. Marietta Emerson, b. Apr. 21, 1822, m.Jan. 14, 1846, Jacob Polly. 3228. An infant, b. June i, 1824, d. same day. 3229. Joseph French Emerson, b. July 12, 1825, d. June 19, 1841. 3230. Laura Emerson, b. Sept. 27, 1827, m. Dec. 21, 1856, Ansel Martin. 3231. An infant, b. June 27, 1829, d. young. 3232. Sally Maria Emerson, b. June 25, 1830, d. Sept. 19, 1837. 3233. Irene Emerson, b. Mar. 8, 1836, m. Dec. 31, 1856, Oscar A, Scott ; res. Athol, Mass. 248 CARTER. CHILDREN OF REV. THOMAS' AND MARY CARTER. Woburn, Mass., 1642. 8 Children, II. Generation. Samuel, b. Aug. 8, 1640 (see i), d. in Groton, Mass., 1693. Judith, m. 1st, June 8, 1660, Samuel Converse; m. 2d, May 2, 1672, Giles Fifield. Theophilus, b. June 12, 1645, d. Feb. 15, 1649. Mary, b. July 24, 1648, d. 1688, m. ist, John Wyman, jr., about i67i,who was killed by the Indians at the Swamp Fight, Dec 19, 1675 ; m. 2d, Nathaniel Bachiler of Hamp ton, N. H., Oct. 31, 1676. AbigaU, b. June 10, 1649/50, m. May 7, 1674, John Smith. Deborah, b. Sept. 15, 1651, d. Dec. 14, 1667. Timothy, b. June 12, 1653, d. July 8, 1727, m. May 3, 1680, Anna Fiske, dau. of David Fiske of Cambridge (Lexington). Thomas, b. June 8, 1655, m. Margery Whitmore of Cambridge, b. Sept. 9, 1668, d. Oct. 3, 1754. DESCENT OF THE SAWYERS. Elias Sawyer, son of Thomas, jr., and grandson of Thomas, sen., one of the first settlers of Lancaster, was born about 1692, He and his father were taken captives by the Indians, Oct. 26, i«o8, and carried to Canada, where they were detained, to build a mill and teach the natives how to run it. The father was released in less than a year ; the son, detained for a longer time, was at last sent home with rich presents. (See Marvin's History of Lancaster, pp. 144, 145.) He died at Bolton, but was buried in the Old Common burying ground, in Lancaster. CARTER. 249 His gravestone bears this inscription : " Here Lies Buried The Body of Mr. Elias Sawyer Who Died November ye 20 A. D. 1752 In ye 63 Year of His Age." His wife's name was Beatrix, and of their children — Thankful, born 1715, married Nathaniel Carter. (See S39-) Betty, born 1721, married Thomas Carter. (See 2740.) Prudence, born Sept. 24, 1726, married James Carter. (See 2995.) Mrs. Beatrix Sawyer died in Lunenburg, and was buried near the graves of her son-in-law, Thomas Carter, and his wife Betty. Her gravestone bears this inscription : "Mrs. Beatrix Sawyer wife of Capt. Elias Sawyer of Bolton died 1770 aged 86 years." Elias Sawyer gave to the Second Precinct of Lancaster (now Sterling) the land for the Common, and the original deed is preserved among the town papers of Sterling. The name Elias in the Carter and Joslin families is from their ancestor, Elias Sawyer. Elias and Beatrix Sawyer had other children than the daughters mentioned — twin sons, Elisha and Elijah, from whom these names in the Carter and Colburn families come — and probably others, of whom we could find no record. DESCENT OF THE JOSLINS. Peter Joslin, son of Nathaniel" and Sarah (King) JosHn, was born in Lancaster, 22d day, 12th month, 1665. He married, first, Sarah Howe, who, with her four chUdren, was killed by the Indians in the massacre of July i8th, 1692. He was three times married after this, and died at the house of his son John, in Leominster, Apr. 8th, 1759. This item concerning his death is copied from the jour nal of Stephen Buss : " Leominster, Apr. 8, 1759. ^'^^^ 17 250 CARTER. here the aged Capt. Peter Joslin, formerly deacon of Rev. John Prentice's church, Lancaster ; he was in the 94th year of his age ; he has been the husband of four wives — a gentleman of good character, worthy to bear the name of deacon." The stone which marks his grave may be found in the northeastern part of the old burying ground in Leominster. Of the births of his children, no record remains. Peter Joslin, who married, April 30, 1724, Alice Woods of Lan caster, was probably his son. John, who married Lucy Wilder and settled in Leominster, the ancestor of the Leominster Joslins, was another son. Damaris, who mar ried Jonathan Carter (see 1070), was a daughter (see Wilder's Hist, of Leom., p. 147), and Abigail, born Dec. 10, 1712, married John Carter of Lancaster, March 10, 1737 (see 2547), was, by the family tradition of this family. The chUdren of John and Lucy (Wilder) Joslin were : I. Lucy, b. May 6, 1734, d. young. 2. John, jr., b. Sept. 17, 1735, m. ist, Dec. 5, 1759, Susannah Carter (see 575) ; m. 2d, Dec. 12, 1776, Martha Wilder; m. 3d, Mar. 1780, Widow Martha Phelps. 3. Dorothy, b. May 10, 1741, m. June 26, 1760, Nathan iel Carter (see 555). 4. Joseph, b.Jan. 31, 1743, m. Sarah TarbeU, 5. Abijah, b. Jan. 24, 1745, m. about 1767, Keziah Farrar. 6. James, b. July 31, 1747, m. ist, Jan. 7, 1767, Mary Darby ; m. 2d, Feb. 2, 1797, Widow PriscUla Richardson. 7. Peter, b. May 9, 1748, d. unm., in the Revolutionary army. 8. Lucy, b. Oct. 22, 1749, m. David WUder. 9. Samuel, b. Mar. 11, 1752, m. Betty Wilder. 10. Joanna, b. Dec 21, 1753, m. Feb. 2, 1775, Levi Warner. II. Sarah, b. Apr. 3, 1756, m. Jan. 1777, James But ler ; settled in Buckland, Mass- CARTER. 251 12. Relief (twin of Sarah), b. Apr. 3, 1756, m. 1777, Elisha Carter (see 604) ; settled in Buckland, Mass. 13. Thomas, b. Sept. 30, 1750, shot through the head and instantly killed, at the battle of Bennington, 1777. The home of the Joslins was on Joslin HiU, in the north erly part of Leominster. Index of Names of Carters. Aaron Hall, Abba F., Abbie,Abbie S., Abby Estelle, Abby J., Abby L., Abby M., Abby Maria, Abel,Abel,Abel, Abel,Abel, Abel, Abi,Abigail,Abigail, Abigail,Abigail,Abigail,Abigail,Abigail,Abigail, Abigail,Abigail, Abigail,Abigail,Abigail, Abigail,Abigail, Abigail,Abigail,Abigail, Abigail,Abigail, Abigail,Abigail,Abigail K., Abigail R., Abijah,Abijah,Abijah, Abijah Wamer, Adaline, Adaline, Addie Adelia, Addie Frances, Addie J., Addison C, Addison Hovey, Adelaide E., Adele Merriam, No. 112 2IS9 2145 2214 4S7 17581753 3060 167s 617 12381299 2588278128902772 9 10 69 S44666 10781097I231 12631331 155215861634 2046 2088 2521 2549255225662570 25832789 2106 1339 1114 1907 1958 2125 22133039 381 1492 2258 219430882298 343 Adelia M., Adelia Marguerite, Adeliza,Adelphia,Agnes,Agnes Louisa, Albert Augustus, Albert Bradley, Albert C, Albert Fverett, Albert Harris. Albert Hills, Albert Royal, Albert W., Albert William, Alfred,Alfred Francis, Alfred Paine, Alfred W., Alfred Wellington, Alfred Wellington, Alfreda,Alice,Alice, Alice Augusta, Alice Belle, Alice Lewis, Alice S., Almira, Alonzo,Alpheus, Alpheus,Alpheus C, Alpheus Hale, Alpheus Hale, Alvah (ch. to Jas.W, Alvah Whitcomb, Alvin,Amanda,Amanda,Amory,Amory,Amos H., Amy M., Andrew F., Andrew L., Anna,Anna,Anna,Anna, Anna,Anna, Anna, No. 202 489 239 671 1789 3187 23452953 269 2703 344 757 1811 1861 768 1943 2494 15002430 16881796 683 3ISS 30382285 478 24412241 1647 2827 1957 258612002128 2131 ) "311118 2905 676 1405 125 190 2104 1863 2297 302 16 131 10961113 1264 25622598 Anna,Anna, Anna A., Anna B., Anna Bridge, Anna Catherine, Anna Maria, Anna Maria, Anna M. L., Ann Augusta, Ann Augusta, Ann Chloe, Ann Eliza, Ann Eliza, Ann Eliza, Ann Eliza, Ann L., Ann Rebecca, Annie,Anstiss M. Artemas, Artemas, Artemas,Artemas Spaulding, Arthur Ellis, Arthur William, Arthur Winslow, Asa,Asa, Asa,Asa, Asa, Asa, Asaph,Asaph, Asaph,Ashbel White, Ashton,Ashton,Augustus E., Augustus Sumner Austin F., Baby girl. Baby girl, Bartimus, Bathsheba C. P., Beaman, Beatrix, Beatrix,Belinda, Belvidera,Belle, No. 2571 2844 2670 3166 1369 2453 264s 27082642 1672 3070 435693 16671703 2218 198 ' 1620 346 16791933 1989 2064 2196 2237 13821503 152 255 549616 3003 3036 169 1555 1585 691 718 721 1714 2065 2151 1498 1808 2040 696560 274727652044 641 3087 254 INDEX OF CARTERS. No. Benjamin, 565 Chandler, Benjamin, 1093 Chandler, Benjamin Hobart, 1395 Chandler, Benjamin Williams, 675 Charity, Bertha E. 1052 Charles, Bessie Mansfield, 49° Charles, Betsey, 106 Charles, Betsey, 109 Charles, Betsey, 166 Charles, Betsey, 246 Charles, Betsey, 1116 Charles, Betsey, 1981 Charies, Betsey, 1971 Charles, Betsey, 2763 Charles, Betsey, 2788 Charies, Betsey, 2838 Charles, Betsey Bowker, 2012 Charles, Betsey C, 259 Charles, Betiey Thurston, 1350 Charles A., Betty, 618 Charies A., Betty, 619 Charies Albert, Betty, 1929 Charies Augustus, Betty, 2752 Charles B., Beulah, 1233 Charies B., Beulah, 1550 Charles B., Blanche Corrinne, 2338 Charles C, Blanche E„ 464 Charies Clifton, Brigham, 674 Charles Clinton, Byron B., 2105 Charles Crawford, Charles Cullis. Charles Curtis, Calvin, 3019 Charies D., Calvin, 1950 Charies E., Calvin H., 311 Charles Elias, Caroline, 1984 Charles F., Caroline, 1712 Charies F., Caroline, 2853 Charles Franklin, Caroline, 2891 » Charles Frederic, Caroline, 3068 Charles Frederic, Caroline A., 286 Charles H., Caroline E.. 312 ChaJles Harrington Caroline E., 2656 Charles Hickling, Caroline Elizabeth, 2277 Charles Lunt, Caroline Isabel, 1723 Charles Lyman, Caroline L., 2160 Charies M., Caroline Warner, 2121 Charles M., Carrie, 2432 Charles M., Carrie, 2492 Charles S., Carrie G., 347 Charles Sewell, Carrie Ida. 423 Charies Stuart, Carrie Wellington, 143 1 Charles Warren, Catherine, 2135 Charles William, Catherine, 2882 Charles William, Catherine A., 2659 Charlie, Catherine Bridge, 1386 Charlotte A., Catherine Drake, 1649 Chariotte Isabel, Catherine E., 272 Charlotte Richards, Catherine F., 2109 Charlotte Richards, Catherine H., 1987 Charlotte Sophia, Catherine Prescott, 1292 Chauncey Giles, Catherine S., 1724 Chauncey Warren, Catherine S., 2405 Chester, Catherine Rebecca, 1690 Chester Merriam, Cephas, 1589 Chloe, Cephas, 2587 Chloe, Chandler, 136 Clara Ann, No.572680 936 105 947 1289 1300160414071817193819661999 2164 2143265031303180 1978 2202226220161 150 1003I22SI4OI 986 2630 1535 1477 205 2415 301 824 288639 1676 338 1674175513781440 1787 2253 1859 3149 199 1206 738 1367 21242187219s 334 1779 2343 212321302301 1513 2303 2426 483 141 254755 Clara Drake, Clara Elizabeth, Clara Elliot, Clara Kimball, Clara Ware, Clarence,Clarence Howard, Clarissa,Clarissa J., Consider,Consider B., Constance,Cora, Cora,Cora Isabel, Cora Isabel, Cora L., Cordelia Judd, Cordelia Williams, Cornelia,Cynthia,Cynthia,Cynthia M., Cyrus,Damaris, Damaris,Danforth,Daniel,Daniel,Daniel,Daniel Andrew, Daniel G., Daniel G., Daniel H., Daphna, Daphna Ella, David,David.David,David,David, David Clinton, David Scott, Deborah,Deborah,Deborah,Deborah Field, Deborah White, Delia Eimma, Della N., Dewitt Clinton, Dexter, Dinah, Dolly,Dolly,Dolly,Dolly,Dolly,Dorothy,Dorothy, Dorothy, Dorothy, Dorothy,Dorothy,Dorothy, No. 3188 756 2503 2282 2244 1867 1424 669 2685 668825 2352 1533 2433 394 1797 i860 1791 692 2941 I119 3037 1152 360 1071 1091 133 71 127274200 26032680 191 108 960 175 10741561 16072743 879 566 1094 2556 694 642959 2417 874 867 30 129 196236 607 630 1527 557 1077 1112 11461234 INDEX OF CARTERS. 255 Dorothy,Dorothy M., No. 2780 637 Ebenezer, 2597 Ebenezer C, 2664 Edgar Melvin, 961 Edith Hincks, 2435 Edith Hovey, 3089 Edith Hutchins, 1211 Edith L., 3146 Edmund Thomas, 2926 Edna F., 2369 Edward, 1373 Edward B., 3147 Edward Burt, 751 Edward Eugene, 470 Edward Greeley, 2019 Edward R., 1651 Edward R., 2643 Edward R., 2644 Edward Russell, 3184 Edward W., 305 Edwin,* 2152 Edwin Albert, 2413 Edwin Chandler, 706 Edwin T., 88s Edwin Russell, 1870 Edwin Young, 2185 Edwin Young, 2186 Elbridge, 234 Eli, 2590 Eli, 2592 Elias, 542 Elias, 564 Elias, 663 Elias, 2759 Elias Sanderson, 69s Elijah, S62 Elijah, 1239 Elijah, 1303 Elijah, 1402 Elijah, 2742 Elijah, 2756 Elijah, 2764 Elijah, 2787 Elijah S., 2815 Elisha, 546 Elisha, 548 Elisha, 559 Elisha, 606 Elisha, 634 Elisha, 1095 Elisha, 2555 Elisha, 2760 Eliza, 194 Eliza, 1603 Eliza, 1617 Eliza, 2038 Eliza, 2904 Eliza A., 432 Eliza F., 1204 Eliza F., 16S0 Eliza F. J., 2254 Eliza L., 1709 Eliza Marshall, 1364 Elizabeth, 1677 Elizabeth, Elizabeth, Elizabeth, Elizabeth,Elizabeth,Elizabeth,Elizabeth, Elizabeth, Elizabeth,Elizabeth,Elizabeth A., Elizabeth G., Elizabeth Howland, Elizabeth Lydia, Elizabeth M., Elizabeth Shepherd, Ella, Ella,Ella A., Ella Frances, Ella M., Ella M., Ellen, Ellen Adelia, Ellen Elizabeth, Ellen F., Ellen Frances, Ellen Louise, Ellen M., Ellen M., Ellen Rosina, Ellen S., Ellery Augustus, Ellinor C, Ellinor Lawton, Ellinor M., Elmer,Elmina,Elvira J., Emerson H., Emily,Emily,Emily,Emily A., Emily Ann, Emily Buck, Emily Gorham, Emily Leighton, Emily S., Emily Sarah, Emma,Emma E., Emma Frances, Emma Frances, Emma G., Emma J., Emmeline,Emmeline Zephorine, Enoch,Enoch B., Ephraim,Ephraim,Ephraim,Ephraim,Ephraim, Ephraim, No. 21 172 540563 1147 2561 1553 1559 3143 252526882663 1521 2ig821532234 513 1816 886 3189 1207 26S9 332 924 704868 2342 480 1205 3074 877 167 1 1 186 256 1494 433 1018 679 436 2133 12901399 2146 3178 137913631520 342 3062 1504 2266 5°3 22962706 1681 440 2249 985 1939 210 18 1230 12321265 13021348 Ephraim, Ephraim, Ephraim,Ephraim,Ephraim,Ephraim Hartwell, Erastus Minot, Esther,Esther,Esther, Esther Amanda, Eudocia,Eugene,Eugene,Eugene Francis, Eugenia Frances, Eugenia Stow, Eunice,Eunice, Eunice, Eunice,Eunice,Eunice Lincoln, Eusebia, Eva Belle, Evelyn,Everett Merriam, Fannie, Fannie Coolidge, Fannie Lucretia, Fannie M., Fannie,Fanny, Fidelia, Florence,Florence,Florence Gertrude, Florence Lelia, Florence M., Florence M., Florence Nightingale, Fordyce,Forrester,Frances A., Frances Ann, Frances C, Frances E., Frances Isabel, Frances Lincoln, Frances Maria, Francis,Francis B., Francis Gates, Francis L., Frank,Frank Bertell, Frank Edward, Frank Everett, Frank Herbert, Frank W., Franklin,Franklin, Franklin, Franque Ernest, Franz W., No. 1551 1581 1640 2568 2572 2839 863 IS54 1584 3111 298 709 388 2404 398 399 226 29 8 13 613 2786 638 1932 98 B 1515 323 1668 1439 2225 1058 363 1400 720 3157 22402436 I184 26672734 1801 1995 2169 290 26553151 829 17S6 2068 16221937 2158 2199 2368 1815 2499 1421 1188 341 2416 16012039 3044 2339 387 256 INDEX OF CARTERS. No. No. No. Fred Louis, 1422 Hannah Ann, 2927 Herbert J., 299 Fred Louis, 1541 Hannah Louise, 208 Herbert Leslie, 1423 Fred T., 349 Hannah Nurse, 284 Herbert Mason, 469 Fred W.. 1037 Harold O., 1227 Herbert Mason, 1 183 Frederic, 2/53 Harriet, 2041 Herbert Norton, 2284 Frederic B., 1846 Harriet, 2903 Herbert W., 2425 Frederic Richard, 1393 Harriet Barker, 2897 Herman White, 1436 Frederic Richard, 1512 Harriet D., 2157 Hiland M., 1707 Frederic William, 1689 Harriet Louisa, 2069 Hiram, 66 Frederic William, 1794 Harriett Tylor, 2709 Hiram, 869 Freddie, 2490 Harriette Emma, 2349 Horace, 2605 Freddie E., 767 Harriette Emmeline 2346 Horace Choate, 383 Harriette Newell, 647 Horace Dinsmore, 1480 George, 1287 Harriette Orr, 1536 Horace W., 1733 George, 1381 Harrison Griffith, 2063 Horace W., 2239 George, 1968 Harrison Holeomb, 1638 Horatio, 1362 George, 2168 Harry Clinton, 2707 Horatio, 1286 George, 2173 Harry Woods, 2742 Horatio L., 2155 George, 2901 Harvey H., 2686 Horatio Nelson, 3043 George, 3175 Hattie C, 348 Howard M., 1002 George A., 201 Hattie Eunice. 1187 Howard Granville, 2351 George A., 271 Hattie Louise, 482 Hubert Laselle, 1514 George A., 308 Hattie M., 2682 Huldah A., 26I George A.. 2264 Helen, 1005 George Aden, 1818 Helen, 1359 Ida, 2431 George Ballard, 842 Helen Fiske, 1368 Ida Frances, 1506 George Benjamin, 86s Helen Gertrude, 3090 Infant, 2600 George C, 453 Helen Martha, 2227 Infant, 2754 George C, IOS5 Helen S., 3165 Ira, 189 George Dennis, 769 Henrietta C, 2666 Ira Osborn, 224 George E., 2658 Henrietta M., 2955 Israel, 2851 George Edward, 1437 Henry, 1268 Israel, 2880 George Edward, 2020 Henry, 1301 Israel F., 428 George Grant, 35° Henry, 1345 Ivers, 2849 George H., 2687 Henry, 1398 Ivory, 245 George Harrington, 1491 Henry, 2139 George Henry, 283 Henry, 1630 Jacob, 1908 George Henry, 2015 Henry, 1962 Jacob, 1973 George Henry, 2188 Henry, 1985 Jacob, 2889 George Henry, 2197 Henry, 2134 Jacob, 2837 George Hutchins, 1 182 Henry, 2575 Jacob P., 2782 George Ira, 313 Henry A., 309 Jacob Sawyer, 2895 George Irving, 418 Henry Alden, 300 James, 151 George L., 1702 Henry A. Pierce, 1686 James, 1072 George Nathaniel, 750 Henry Ashmun, 17*84 James, 1408 George O., 3148 Henry Clinton, 2896 James, 1910 George P., 1338 Henry Clinton, 2952 James, 1959 George Robert, 1636 Henry D., 1682 James, 2142 George Robert, 1788 Henry E., 828 Jaraes, 2526 George S., 1752 Henry H., 2367 James, 2766 George Thomas, 1732 Henry Htdl, 1522 James, 2888 George William, 3092 Henry Harrington, 1375 James, 3000 Genevieve Louise, 1872 Henry Josiah, Henry Lauriston, 2288 James, 3006 Gertrude Blanche, 1215 2021 James, 3018 Gertrude Evelyn, 1806 Henry S., ' 1605 James, 3046 Grace, 2956 Henry W., lOOI James, 3069 Grace Darling, 2228 Henry W., 2149 James Coolidge, 1340 Grace Darling, 2235 Henry Whiting, 1537 James D., 2366 Granville, 2066 Hepzibah, 677 James G., 1980 Granville, 2305 Hepzibah Elizabeth, 862 James Garfield, 458 Granville, 2504 Herbert, 1858 James H., 273 Grata, 1998 Herbert, 2491 James H., 2589 Guy Barton, 488 Herbert A., 2732 James H., 2720 Herbert B., 3164 James H., 3137 Hannah, 139 Herbert E., 2668 James Harrington, 1479 Hannah, 247 Herbert Ellsworth, 477 James L., 3063 ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooocrcrcrD'B-crerrrcrcrB'crcrcrcrcrcrcrcrcrcrercrB'D-B'crcrcriircrcrcrcrcrD-B-ero-crB'crji.sscBSBsasssssscisBaosciaosssssaciaciaaBaDaaasa- m _cn j« cn g z gij, a a; O n M w p3JB ?» s e 2. = •8 £: cr a. c - ra a a* CB ¦ (t g o o o §2g CB n rt rt a n> rt H.3 3 3 S 3 5, rt p p gaa § •' e Stuart, ewell, 1 Wheelo ma, ma, naiah Fa me, meF., me Sawy eL., A., Elizabet ette Lilli (U p |U fi3 p P gg33 33 -" -" rt re rt rt U (/) U) Ul •-r EL >-*• »WM W^M^HU Osv:i w OO W P M Os*.vOO-^Q-r ¦ O O w MCn^4».4*vOOJ M<5 I p p p p p p p p rt rt p p p crB-rt p rt*p' og S.E.&E. e3' p" p' p* MM>> -• P a a §38 B B a: p. P rt C B O O O p. p. w. m. Ul. rt rt p' po' p' ¦ - crcrcr Zffiffi n o.- rt rt oooooooooooooooooooooooooooogogooooo i/)(/iwiAui(A(/iwcn(yiu(ncn(/)uic/)cn(/itnaitflu)iniiic/i(nnw(nu)aaaaaaM"f.i'K'K"K*K'K'K*Crrt rt rt rt rt n rt rt rt rt rt rt rt rt rt rtrtrtrtrtrt p p p p p p ^P^yp^P^FP^P^ p crcrs-crcrcrcrB-crcrcrcrcrcrff cr a- cr a-.cr cr a- a- g- - S* o^wOOOor" > apopP rt 5^3332 5' 9 gg .-r.-^ o o o o o o o a 3 a a a cr Sp p p p a . ." crcrcr - • • 5 cT-"" HHtOlO tOH tOWHtOI 4^sb4^ MOjOOOJOJ M wvOsb Msj ... .-K ... , ., ^ , « '^ O OJ I I M M M H W I OsCn O VO SO M - - I M O <3 » WWOJWMWHHOiOJMBWMMMHWHWW WW -. •,'5v :-,--Hfji..\''vi,v::, : •" Mk,-' i K^ I'Q, .-^f :.ii"- '.',.? _.' 1 ftt^- 4- '^¦:-tr. y„