Peruvian expeditions, 1911-1915. Public'itions no. 29. D fpr Ae finding cf a cfttt*g± irfiftt&gclonyv\ 0 -Y^LE«¥]MH¥iiiES]nr¥- mx RESULTS OF THE YALE-PERUVIAN EXPEDITION OF 1911.— ADDENDUM TO THE HYME- NOPTERA ICHNEUMONOIDEA BY P. R. MYERS % , ( Aid, Division of Insects, United States National Museum No. 2052.— From the Proceedings of the United States National Museum, Vol. 47, pages 361-362 Published October 24, 1914 Washington* Government Printing Office 1914 •RESULTS OF THE YALE -PERUVIAN EXPEDITION OF 1911. ADDENDUM TO THE HYMENOPTERA ICHNEUMONOIDEA. By P. R. Myers, Aid, Division of Insects, United States National Museum. The two specimens represented in the description of this species came from some additional material submitted, for study after the report1 by Mr. H. L. Viereck was written. TRACHYSPHYRUS VENUSTCS, new species. Type-locality. — Coropuna, Peru, 14,500 feet. Type-specimen. — Cat. No. 18186, U.S.N.M. Male. — Length, 12 mm. Head shining and very finely shagreened ; sides of face below broadly white, the white narrowly extending upward along inner orbits to a point slightly above the base of the frontal pit; clypeus, mandibles, malar space black with indistinct metallic purplish reflections and very sparsely punctured; cheeks highly polished and white with few widely -separated punctures and hairs; front black with metallic purplish reflections; vertex black with metallic reflections and two small white spots; area between ocelli sparsely punctured; eyes black; palpi black; scape black, with indistinct purplish reflections and sparsely punctured, about three- fourths as long as the first joint of flagel; flagel reddish to fuscous at apex, first joint distinctly longer than second, second sama length as third; pronotum purplish and somewhat indistinctly, coarsely striated; mesonotum purplish, shining, sparsely punctured except a medial area running back from anterior margin, which is closely punc tured and bronzy purplish colored; parapsidal grooves and suture on apical margin bronzy purplish colored; mesopleurae purplish with bronzy purplish reflections and coarsely rugose; a small smooth, shining area with a few punctures at base of pleurae just above the sternauli; scutellar fovea bronzy purplish colored; scutel purple, smooth and shining with a few punctures; metanotum coarsely rugose, purplish with bronzy purplish reflections; propodeum coarsely rugose, bronzy purplish with greenish bronze reflections; all coxae purplish with bronzy purplish reflections; anterior and middle femora, tibiae, and trochanters bluish with purplish reflections. « Proo. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. 44, p. 469. Proceedings U. S. National Museum, Vol. 47— No. 2052. 361 362 PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL MUSEUM. vol.47. Tarsi reddish; claws fuscous; hind femora dark reddish with bronzy purplish reflections, darker inside than outside especially toward the apex and base where it is nearly black; tibiae and spurs reddish; tarsi and claws black except fourth joint which is whitish; first abdominal segment and base of second purplish, remainder of second and all of third violaceous; remainder of abdomen white; claspers black; wings dark fuscous with violaceous reflections; petiole smooth and polished, remainder of abdomen finely shagreened. Paratype with purplish and bluish reflections; apex of third joint of hind tarsi as well as fourth segment white; hind femora uniformly reddish, two small white spots on vertex are replaced by a white band. YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 3 9002 04055 8679