:<*„»: 0 "/ ^ipe ' theft Baoks fcr the. fouiHding'iifa. CblUg'- in- iM^ Cdony" 'YiS.L]E«¥MH¥EI^SIir¥« o ILIIIBI^^IET o [58] feancae^ire Qparic^ Q^egiater ^octefg of f^e ^an0§ €gutc5 of (goc^bafe. fiancaapite ^atie^ dRt^wUt ^ockt^ (pdtrone The Right Rev. the LORD BISHOP OF MANCHESTER. The Right Rev. the LORD BISHOP OF LIVERPOOL- The Right Rev. the LORD BISHOP OF CARLISLE. (preaibent Colonel PARKER, C.B., F.S.A., Browsholme Hall, Clitheroe. Councif The Right Rev. BISHOP WELLDON, The Deanery, Durham. ERNEST AXON, Buxton. JAMES CLAYTON, Staveley, Kendal. HENRY BRIERLEY, LL.D., Pooley Bridge, Penrith, Hon. Secretary. WILLIAM FARRER, Litt.D., Wliitbarrow Hall, Grange-over-Sands. ARTHUR SMITH, B.A., LL.B., Wigan. W. ASHETON TONGE, The Old Rectory, Warburton. J. R. FAITHWAITE, 20, Bibby Road, Southport, Hon. Treasurer. of t^t (pariep CPurcp of (Roc^bafe, > • « » < 1642 1700. The very generous gift to the Society of a member who desires to remain anonymous. Transcribed and Indexed by HENRY BRIERLEY, LL.D. Printed and Published with the assent of The Ven. Archdeacon Sale, M.A., Vicar of Rochdale. Printed for the Lancashire Parish Register Society, BY Strowger and Son, Ltd., 1921. V. (preface ^HE Ancient Parish of Rochdale, as is well known, was most extensive, comprising the Townships of Butterworth, Castleton, Spotland and Wardleworth, Wuerdle and Wardle, Blatch- inworth, Calderbrook, Todmorden and Walsden, the last-named seven Townships being formerly included under the name " Hundersfield." Its Parish Registers are perfect from 1582 to the present day. In 1888 our first President, Colonel F'ishwick, F.S.A., printed and published the Registers of 1582-1616, and in i88g, the Registers 1617-1641. These printed Volumes contain the whole of the matter of the First and Second Original Volumes of Registers and a portion of the Third Original Volume — the Volume now printed contains the remainder of the 3rd Original Volume and the whole of the 4th, 5th and 6th Original Volumes. These four Original Volumes are all in excellent preservation as regards their binding — Leather. But some of the Script is becoming very faded. VI. Original Volume III. contains 144 parchment leaves, measuring 15^-in. x y^-in. Original Volume IV. contains 103 parchment leaves measuring 15^ -in. x 7^-in. Original Volume V. contains 89 parchment leaves, measuring 17-in. X 7|-in. Original Volume VI. contains 93 parchment leaves, measuring i6-in. x 7|-in. The Society's thanks are due to Ven. Archdeacon Sale, M.A., Vicar of Rochdale, for his great kindness in facilitating the transcription, and to the most generous donor of this Volume the Society's gratitude is profound. t-*^ ?-*-<— BAPTISMS. 1642 John f. Richard Fenton de Bamford ... 27 Martins 3 p. 96 Mary fa. John Brearly de Flashouse ... ,, ,, Jane fa. Jonathan Brearly ... ... ,, ,, Alice & Elizabeth filiae Jonathan Woolfenden ... ... ... ... ,, ,, James f. Samuell Milne de Castleton ... 3 Aprilis Charles f. Jonathan Chadwick de Woolstenholme ... ... ... ,, Elizabeth fa. Robert Frith de Haugh ... ,, Robert f. Robert Woolfenden ... ... 10 Abraham f. John Lowton de Butterworth ,, John f. Ralph Whitaker de Weurdle ... 17 Robert f. Robert Chadwicke ... ... ,, Abraham f. Edmund Whithead ... ,, Francis f. Charles Lord ... ... ... ,, Michaell f. Michaell Bently de Spotland Margarett fa. Robert Buckly de Healy ,, Ann fa. James Ashworth de Spotland ,, Deborah fa. Abraham Hallo wes ... ,, Grace fa. John Bamford... ... ... ,, John f. Robert Brearly ... ... ... 24 William f. Thomas Holme de Rachdale ,, Robert f. John Chadwicke de Bradly ... ,, Robert f. James Milne de Falinge ... ,, Thomas f. Thomas Healy ... ... ,, Abell f. Robert Brearly [This page and many subsequent ones are signed Robert Bath, Vicarius] 3 P- 97 Jolin f. John Woolfenden de Prickshaw i Maius James f. Thomas Holt de Brimrode ... ,, ,, Richard f. Samuell Wardle ,, ,, Elizabeth fa. John Taylor de Castleton ,, ,, Ann fa. James Brearly de Lowhouse ... i ,, ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1642 15 29 5 John f. James Brearly Richard f. John Chadwicke de Spotland Samuell f. John Cheetham de Shawf eild Martha fa. Roger Whitworth de Michel Heigh John f. John Booth de Rachdale John f. Richard Whitworth de Spotland ,, Richard f. John Holt de Castleton ... ,, Jordan f. Jordan Chadwicke de ,Roughe Banke ... ... ... ... ,, Elizabeth fa. Thomas Bridge de Hundersfeild ... ... ¦•• ,, Dorothy fa. Michaell Heape de Castleton ,, Jane fa. James Chadwicke de Carre ... ,, Richard f . Abraham Taylor de Lowerplace 22 Richard f. Abell Redfearne ... ... ,, Mary fa. John Butterworth de Lowhouse ,, Rebekah fa. Edmund Buckly de Croncashaw ... ... ... ... ,, Samuell f . Henry Nuttall de Croncashaw John f. James Buckly de Place John f. Abraham Brearly de Butterworth James f. John Butterworth de Turnough William f . Edward ScoHeild de Harykiiowle Thomas f. John Leigh de Halfacre Thomas f. James Butterworth ... Jane fa. James Brearly de Milnerow Alice fa. James Tattersall John f. John Leigh de Spotland John f. Abell Redfearne de Spotland Richard f. John Shaw de Spotland Henry f. Richard Hopwood de Church Lane ... !Mary fa. Robert Sud worth de Rachdale Jane fa. Richard Scolfeild de Broadly John f. John Dickson John f. Thomas Lord de Broadly James f. Edmund Cryer de Castleton Charles f. Charles Butterworth Mary fa. Robert Milne de Rachdale John f. John Hopwood de Woodhous Lane ... John f. James Milne de Rachdaje Henry f. Nathan Butterworth de Spotland Thomas f. Thomas Smith George f. Thomas Towne de Rachdale Martha fa. Richard Rudd de Milnerowe 8 Maius Junius 6 12 19 26 3 Julius 1642 BAPTISMS John f. John Scolfeild de Donisbooth ... Joseph f. Edward Scolfeild de Clegge ... Spu: Arthur f. John Scolfeild de Spotland ... Ellis f. EUis Hallo wes de Spotland ... Matthew f . Samuell Hallo wes de Toadlane Spu: Mary fa. James Wyld de Hundersfeild James f. James Brearly Abraham f. Anthony Clegge 3 p. 98 John f. John Hebbord de Rachdale ... John f. James Bamford de Shore John f. Edmund Holt de Hundersfeild Edmund f. John Greave de Castleton ... Gilbert f. Theophilus Withington Alice fa. James Pickhop Margarett fa. Ellis Clegge de Falinge ... James f. Anthony Whithead Abraham f . Edmund Whithead de Wardle Mary fa. Edmund Wardle de Wardle ... James f. Edmund Greave de Stubly ... James f. Ralph Brearly ... Mary fa. James Brearly Grace fa. William Dawson de Bradly ... Grace fa. Edmund Leigh de Toad Lane John f. Richard Moores de Rachdale ... James f. James Hill de Steed ... James f. James Turnough Richard f. Samuell Wyld de Rachdale Richard f . Richard Howorth de Middleton Roger f. Roger Taylor de Nayden Head Hellen fa. James Brearly de Spotland Mary fa. Charles M.ilne de Laneside ... Jane fa. Lawrence Casse de Hundersfeild Jane fa. James Hill John f. Edmund Briggs de Blackwater Robert f. Edward Clough de Spotland Alexander f. James Turnough ... Lawrence f . Edward Sedden de Rachdale EUzabeth fa. James Hawker d de Hundersfeild Sarah fa. Isaack Scolfeild de Sheepebanke Jane fa. Edward Butterworth ... Hester fa. James Milne de Moorebanke Jane fa. Ottiwell Whitworth de Castleton Joseph f. EUis Scolfeild de Packer Elizabeth fa. James Whitworth Susan fa. Savill Radcliffe de Rachdale Jane fa. James Harrington de Rachdale James f. Samuell Shore de Rachdale ... 10 JuHus 17 24 30 7 Augustus 14 21 28 4 September ROCHDALE REGISTERS de de Spu: Robert f. Abraham Brearly de Spotland MichaeU f. Abraham Earneshaw de Rachdale Adam f . Anthony Holt de Wardle Anne fa. Arthur Butterworth Hundersfeild Mary fa. Thomas Middlebrooke Butterworth ... James & Jane f. & fa. 'Edmund Hamer de Black Stonedge Thomas f. Roberti Holt armigeri Castleton James f. James Butterworth Arthur f. Alexander Scolfeild de Castleton Alice fa. James WorraU de Balderstone Anne fa. John Holte de Castleton Mary fa. Robert Ogden de Whitworth 3 p. 99 Henry f. Edmund Clegge de Rachdale Thomas f . John Fayreclough de Rachdale Alice fa. Robert Walkden de Rachdale James f. James Brearly Mary fa. Ralph Wyld ... _ Richard f. Lawrence Chadwicke Elizabeth fa. Edmund Bayton de Healy Mary fa. Richard Leigh Isaak f. Joseph Ramsbothome ... Robertus f. Roberti Bath Vicarii de Rachdale John f. John Turnough de Castleton ... John f. Anthonj-e Barrett de Crofthead William f. ^^'illiam Makon Matthew f. Simon Leach de Rachdale ... Jonathan f. James Ashworth de Spotland Elizabeth fa. John Parker ]\Iary fa. Robert Buckly Margarett fa. Joshuah Bellfeild... Anne fa. Anthony Barrett Grace fa. James Hopwood de Rachdale Elizabeth fa. John Walkden de Wardle Margarett fa. James Cryer de Castleton Judith fa. Samuell Hamer de Hamer ... Katharine fa. Thomas Johnson clerici Elizabeth fa. Edward Byron de Greene John f. Edward Herbert de Rachdale ... James f. Richard Woolfenden de Spotland AbeU f. Edward Butterworth de Hundersfeild 1642 II September 14 18 25 29 2 October 16 23 30 6 November 1642 BAPTISMS Mary fa. Richard Hargreave de Passmans 13 November Grace fa. Thomas Holding de Spotland ,, ,, James f. James Woolfenden ... ... 20 ,, James f. Michaell Butterworth Robert f. Robert Jaques de Rachdale Richard f. Richard Levesly de Marland Margarett fa. James Milne Margarett fa. Robert Milne Mary fa. Edmund Madin Deborah fa. Thomas Butterworth Robert f. Robert Holt 27 Richard f. Richard Llwellyn . Thomas f. Thomas Sedden Abraham f . Robert Whitworth Edward f. Robert Ashworth Dorothy fa. Edmund Dearden . Edward f. James Hopwood 5 December Charles f. Charles Hill de Littleburgh Mary f. Abraham Hall Jane fa. James Rodes Judith fa. John Holt de Broadoke 3 p. 100 James f. James Dearden ... ... 11 Abraham f. Thomas Pawlett de Castleton ,, Susan fa. James Turnough de Deenes Sarah fa. Robert Ogden de Falinge John f. Joseph Collins de Rachdale George f. George Fletcher de Milnerowe Charles f. James Milne de Ladyhouse Nicholas f. Richard Matthew ... Abraham f. Samuell Hamer Alice fa. Gabriell Greave Katherine fa. Mathew Hoyll de Rachdale Mary fa. John Bridge de Wardle Alice fa. Daniell Tomson de Rachdale ,, John f. John Milne de More 25 Joshuah f. Thomas Buckly Ann fa. John Smith de Towne Mill Ann fa. Ralph Collier de Rachdale Mary fa. William Greave Jane fa. James Roydens Rebekah fa. Richard Livesly John f. John Scolfeild ... ... ... i January James f. James Lluellyn Spu: Ann fa. James Marland ... John f. Thomas Whithead John f. Abraham WorraU Robert f. John SuttcUffe Richard f. Nicholas Baxter ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1642 3 p. IOI James f. Thomas Holt 8 January Edmund f. Henry Bamford , >. Alice fa. Alexander Turnough ,, ,, Mary fa. James Ogden ,, „ John f. John Taylor de Woodhous Lane 14 ,, James f. James NuttaU de Marland ... 15 " George f. George Howorth ... ... ,, „ EUzabeth fa. Roger Grime , >, Mary fa. Richard Dickson de Spotland ,, ,, Ann' fa. Richard ScolfeUd de Spotland ,, ,, Jane fa. Thomas Horrocke ,, ,, John f. James Frankleton de Butterworth 22 ,, James f. Abraham Woolfenden de Cleggeswood ... ... ... .•• ,, ,, Abraham f. Thomas Cropper de Blackwater ,, ,, Anne fa. Thomas Holte de Spotland ... ,, ,, John f. Edmund Whitehead de Wardle 29 ,, Henry f. Nicholaij Hartly de Hundersfeild ... ... ... ,, ,, Mary fa. William Leigh de Foxehole ,, Mary fa. Edmund Fish de Newbold ... ,, ,, >Iary fa. Edmund Wj'ld de Spotland ... ,, ,, Sarah fa. John Haslam de Castleton ... ,, ,, Dennj' fa. Dionysij Kay de Woolstenholme ,, ,, WiUiam f. James Fletcher ... ... 5 February Thomas f. John Baxter de Spotland ... ,, ,, Thomas f. Edward Frith ... ... ,, ,, Thomas f. Jeremiah Brearly ... ... ,, ,, Susan fa. Robert Milne ... ... ... ,, ,, Mary fa. Thomas Whitaker ,, ,, Martha fa. John Casson de Hundersfeild ,, ,, John f. Francis Woolfenden de Castleton 12 ,, John f. Abraham Brearly ... ... ,, ,, James f. James Buckly ... ... ... ,, ,, WiUiam f. Richard Hallowes de Toad Lane „ Samuell f. John ScolfeUd de Warmehole ,, ,, Abell f. Abraham Kershaw ... ... ,, „ Abraham f. John Streete de Castleton ,, ^Mary fa. James Butterworth de Rachdale ,, „ John f. Thomas Loughton ... ... ig Alexander f. Alexander Scolfeild de Shaw ,, ,, James f. John Woolfenden Robert f. James Woolfenden ... Robert f. MichaeU BirstaU " " Robert f. Henry Garside de Deane ... ,, " Francis f. Arthur Healy Jane fa. John Scoles i643 BAPTISMS ID 1219 26 John f. Samuell Loughton ... ... 26 February James f. James Streete ... William f. Richard Brearly Richard f. Richard Redfearne ... Abraham f. John Lord ... Henry f. Henry Scolfeild Robert f. Thomas Loughton John f. John Whitehead 5 Martius John f. Samuell Duerden Thomas f. John Lewis ... Alice fa. Thomas Crompton Dorothv fa. Robert Healy Mary fa. James Butterworth de Rachdale Grace fa. Henry Dickson Thomas f. Thomas Butterworth James f. James Stocke ... Richard f. Richard Ogden James f. John Howarth James f. James Butterworth Ann fa. Samuell Fish 1643 John f. William Butler Luke f. Richard Heywood Elizabeth fa. Jonathan Butterworth Grace fa. Richard Holt ... 3 p. 102 Peeter f. Peter Whitehead 2 Aprilis Thomas f. Richard Chadwicke ... Thomas f. Thomas Greave Elizabeth fa. Adam Taylor Jane fa. Henry Stannering James f. Anthony Sutcliffe Ralpe f. Ralph Harrison Adam f. Adam Butterworth Alice fa. James Feilding Alice fa. Edmund Scolfeild Jane fa. Richard Clegge Mary fa. John Collins James f. John Milne 16 Mary & Sarah fiUae John Whithead Ann fa. John Earneshaw Katharine fa. Richard WorraU John f. Emmanuell Tomson ... ... 23 John f. John Stocke James f. James Chadwicke Ann fa. John Taylor Abraham f. John Stott 30 Arthur f. Edmund Whithead ... Alice fa. AbeU Rodes Alice fa. Abraham Taylor ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1643 Alice fa. Henry Byrch 30 Aprilis Elizabeth fa. Lawrence Newall ... ,, ,, Katharine fa. Ralphe Strengthfellow ... ,, ,, Abraham f. AbeU Brearly 7 Maius Ann fa. WiUiam Rudd ... ... ... >, » :\lary fa. Jonathan Woolfenden ... ,, „ Richard f. Thomas Holden 14 » James f. John Lord ... ... .•• ,, >> James f. William Smith ... ... ,, „ James f. James Grime ... ... ... ,, „ EUzabeth fa. Abraham Woolfenden ... ,, „ EUzabeth fa. Richard Ogden C: ' ... ,, „ Ann fa. James Heywood ... ... ,, ,, JNIary fa. James Cryer ... ... ... ,, ,, Michaell f. Thomas Holme 17 ,, Richard f. Richard Whipp C: 21 James f. Edmund HUl ... ... ... ,, „ Thomas f. Thomas Whaly ... ... ,, ,, Robert f. Robert Edge C: ... ... ,, ,, ^lary & Martha filiae James Stott ... ,, ,, Richard f. George Smith ... ... ,, ,, James f. James Stocke ... ... ... 28 ,, Elizabeth fa. John Hopwood ... ... ,, ,, MdTv fa. John Chadwicke C; ... ... ,, ,, Jane fa. Richard Ogden ... ... ,, ,, John f. Luke Greenhalgh ... ... 4 Junius Edward f. Alexander Clegge ... ... ,, ,, Anne fa. Gervase EUison ... ... ,, ,, Grace fa. Abraham Bellfeild ... ... ,, ,, 3 p. 103 John f. Robert Holte ... ... ... 11 ,, Martha fa. John Ogden C: ... ... ,, ,, John f. Robert Kershaw ... ... 18 „ Henry f. John Hardman ... ... ,, ,, Ann fa. Henry Shore ... ... ... ,, ,, Martha fa. Roger Holt James f. Charles Lord ... ... ... 25 ,, Edward f. Samuell Bamford C: ¦.• ,, Lawrence f. Richard Duerden ... ... ,, ,, Susan fa. George Buckly ... ... ,, Grace fa. James Clegge C: ... ... ,, John f. Richard Heyward 2 Julius Richard f. James Turnough ,, Margarett fa. Robert MUne de Butterworth C: EUzabeth fa. John WTiitehead de Rachdale '' '!, Jane fa. Abell Butterworth de Windebanke „ „ Grace fa. Abraham Kershaw Mary fa. John Haslam o 1643 BAPTISMS 3 P- 104 Mary fa. James Cheeteham C: .. John f. Thomas Smith ... Robert f. Robert Grime Joseph f. Edward Durden Samuell f. Robert Newall John f. Gerard Stott Abraham f. Abraham Hamer C: Thomas f. Thomas OldfeUd .. Alice fa. James Brearly C: Priscilla fa. Abraham Hanson .. James f. Edward Newbold C: .. Thomas f. SamueU Wyld Daniell f . Daniell Roshan Sarah'fa. John Heywood C: Lawrence f. Richard Halliwell .. Mary fa. John Milne Judith fa. Francis Griscombe .. Robert f. Roger HaUiweU C: .. Henry f. Henry Hopwood C: Ann fa. John Lees C: Ann fa. Edmund Coper C: John f. Thomas Hopwood James f. William Leach C: Alice fa. Thomas Byrch Ann fa. Henry Farrer John f. John Turnough ... Ambrose f. Ambrose Jackson C: Margarett fa. Gawther Butterworth Jane fa. Richard Ashton Martha fa. James Browne C: Elizabeth fa. Alexander Haslam Elizabeth fa. Nicholas Ogden C: Jane fa. William Diggles de Bagslate Jane fa. Alexander Chadwicke C: John f. John CoUings James f. William Kershaw C: ... Robert f. Henry Lees C: Edward f. Edmund Feilding Dorothy fa. Michaell Bently Edmund f. Henry Shore Hellen fa. Joseph Dodson John f. John Chadwicke Thomas f. Thomas Shepheard ... Elizabeth fa. Abraham Butterworth Thomas f. John Buckly Esqr: ... Mary fa. Richard Milne de Milnerowe Jane fa. John Holt de Falinge ... John f. WiUiam Buckly 9 Julius 16 2330 13 20 27 ID 17 24 August 3 September I October 10 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1643 William f. John Hamer C: Joseph f. James Whitaker Jane fa. Thomas Cheeteham Joseph f. John Ramsden Mary fa. [MichaeU Butterworth . . . John f. James Feilding ... James f. James Stott SamueU f. James Whitworth ... Hellen fa. Edmund Fitton James f. Alexander Whitworth Samuell f. John Jililne C: Mary fa. James Byrch ... Samuell f. George Milne John f. John Milne Elizabeth fa. John Scolfeild Elizabeth fa. Alexander Brearly James f. John Milne John f. James Hawker ... James f. John \\'oolfenden George f. Robert Scolfeild C: Isaak f. Enoch Whitaker Alice fa. John Smethurst Jane fa. James Stannering 3 P- 105 James f. Richard Holt ... Susan fa. Abraham Whitworth C: Mary fa. Samuell Taylor C: Mary fa. Simeon Holroyde John f. John Fitton James f. Samuell Clegge Mary fa. Robert CoUins C: Richard f. Francis ScolfeUd Mary fa. James Taylor ... Thomas f. Hieremiah Dearden ... Jane fa. John Booth [Mary fa. \^'illiam Whitaker John f. John Smethurst iSIarj^ fa. Thomas Ogden... Abraham f. John Eastwood James f. James Scolefeild James f. Robt Barker ... [Mary fa. James Burch ... James f. Alexander Whitworth Francis f. John Milne Edmund f. Ab^ Haslam Thomas f. John Wilkinson James f. James Haywood George f. George Frankleton ... James f. James Whitworth C: ... 15 October )> 17 29 " '> ,) November December 10 J5 S) ?) )) 17 24 31 7 Januarius 55 )5 5 5 )» 55 )) 21 2728 i644 BAPTISMS II 16443 P- 106 Grace fa. Samuel Hollo wes Robt f. Robt Chadwicke Martha fa. Edmund Brearley ... Deborah fa. Edward Dutton Margrate fa. Robt Buckley Ann fa. EUes Haslam C: Edmund f. John Orrell Mary fa. Francis Leigh ... John f. SamueU Fish C: Mary fa. John Scolefeild C: Richard f. James Ashworth Jonathan f. John WUd Mary fa. Jonathan Duerden C: John f. Thomas Johnson Clarke Alexander f. Robt Walkden WUUam f. WiUiam EUes Ann fa. Francis Clegg C: Henery f. Henery Clegg James f. Richard Hollows C: Richard f. Raph Whitaker Sara fa. James Sharpies Roger f. John Haywood C: Edward f. Edmund Clegg Samuel f. Edmund Turnough ... Martha fa. James Taylor C: Mary fa. James Turnough Abraham f. Robt Sowtayle Elizabeth fa. Adam Kershaw ... Ann fa. Edward Holt John f. John CoUings ... .... James f. Edmund Wild ... John f. John [illegible] Thomas f. James Lees ... Ann fa. Alexander Butterworth Jane fa. John Tayler Margrate fa. Richard Chadwicke C: Sara fa. Richard Grime n: James f. Thomas Stott ... Easter fa. John Scolefeild John f. Edmund Haywood C: ... Elizabeth fa. John Butterworth James f. James Brearley Martha fa. James Woofenden ... James f. Nicholas Whithead Jane fa. William Kershaw Thomas f. Adam Belfeild Abraham f. Abraham Rudd Richard f. Jerrett Readfearne n: 29 Januarius 31 4 February II 1825 ,, ,, ,, J, ,, 5, 3 March 10 17 30 March 7 AprUl 14 12 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1644 Edmund f. John Butterworth de Turnough Margrat fa. Thomas Hardman n: Martha fa. Francis Woofenden Robt f. Robt Butterworth Ja.mes f. Edmund Clegg Nathan f. John Ashworth C: Deborah fa. AbeU Rodes C: Sara fa. Thomas Hays ... James f. James Wardleworth ... Deborah fa. Thomas Dawson ... Joseph f. Joseph Shore ... Sara fa. Richard Wardleworth ... Arthur f. Robt Scolefeild Elizabeth fa. John Chadwicke ... Thomas f. James Brearley Ann fa. Robt Buckley ... [Slary fa. John Buckley ... John f. Josiah Leaver John f. James Hopwood John f. Abraham Grime John f. Jonathan Woofenden ... Samuel f. Samuel Hollows Samuel f. Randall Hollows Richard f. Thomas PoUett Ann fa Deborah fa Robt f. John Hebard Abraham f. John Cheetom C: Samuel f. John Holt n: ... Edmund f. John Buckley Edmund & Robt f. Robt Leigh Grace fa. Joseph Lowton [Mary fa. James Greave n: Lidia fa. John Hebbard Sarah fa. James Rodes ... Robt f. Robt CoUinge Robt f. John Healey Arthur f. James Turnough C: [Mary fa. Arthur Butterworth Dame Thomas Hill 3 p. 107 James f. Edmund Cheetam Margrate & Ales filiae Theophelus Withington Richard f. Abraham Leach Maltha fa. Edmund Butterworth John f. John Wild Jane fa. John Butterworth 16 ApriU 21 55 5 ¦> 5 J 5) 55 5) 55 55 28 55 55 5 May )» 55 55 )) 12 55 55 19 5, », ,, 5, ,, 5, 2 June 16 23 30 7 July 14 i644 BAPTISMS 13 3 P- 10! Robt f. John Dewhurst ... John f. John Dunster C: John f. James Chadwicke C: Abraham f. Joseph Ramsbothom C: James f. James Scolefeild Thomas f. Deodatus Lord Thomas f. Thomas Butterworth C: James f. John Ogden Edmund f . Edmund Whithead n: Thomas f. Robt Ashworth Richard f. John Ensworth n: ... Jane fa. John Lues n: John f. James Woorrall C: James f. James Howorth Ann fa. Abraham Brearley Edmund f. Edmund Lord Elizabeth fa. Lawrance Tattersole John f. Thomas Brearley John f . Richard Whitworth C: Micahell f. Micahell Butter woith Edmund f. Robt Holt n: Susan fa. James Crosley C: Elizabeth fa. John Milne James f. John Haworth Grace fa. John Hill Abraham f . Abraham Stansfeild [Hanah fa. Thomas Baskerfild [.. Ann fa. Abraham Marler C: Jane fa. James Barlow ... John f. John Howorth ... John f. Abell Readfearne Sara fa. Richard WorraU Grace fa. Edward Clough Thomas f. Robt Milne de Rachdale Susan fa. James Dawson John f. Edward Clegg ... Mary fa. Henery Lettleton Jane fa. James Lester Ann fa. James Brearley Ann fa. John Whorrox ... Martha fa. James Buckley Thomas f. James Chadwicke C; John f. Thomas Brearley Elizabeth fa. John Bamford fa. EUes Hollows C: Mary fa. James Standrings Elizabeth fa. Robt MUne Margrat fa. John Medocraft C: 14 July 21 28 4 August II 25 ,, ,, I September 15 22 5) 5, 29 6 October 13 „ 55 ) ) 13 55 5) 14 rochdal:E registers 1644 James f. John Greave C: Kathren fa. Thomas Burch C: Jane fa. Thomas Shaw ... Ales fa. John Scolefeild C: i\Iary fa. John Milne C: Robt f. John Chadwicke [Mary fa. Abraham Tayler Robt f. Edmund Tayler Robt f. Robt Holt de Castleton Esq: ... SibbeU fa. Alexander Kershaw John f. Henry Tajder [Mary fa. Edward Butterworth ... Elizabeth fa. Nicholas Ingum C: Ann fa. Edmund Butterworth C: James f. James Clegg William f. John Hopwood C: John f. Thomas Greave ... James f. Roger Whitworth C: ... James f. Alexander Scolefeild n: Jane fa. Henery Kershaw John f. Thomas Smith C: Mathew f. Emmanuell Tomson n: [Mary fa. James Cheetam C: Susan fa. James Scolefeild Edmund f. John Aspen ... Joseph f. Samuell Bamford C: James f. Raph MUne . . orer f. John Haywood C: George f. George Newton C: Elizabeth & Jane fiUae John Brealey Ann fa. Edmund Turnough Thomas f. Francis Healey Charles f. John Chadwicke Henry f. John Holt Samuel f. Gabrell Garside John f. John Chadwicke Margrat fa. William Dawson Thomas f. Jonathan Holt Elizabeth fa. Rich: Heywood Elizabeth fa. James Whithead 109 Deborah fa. James FeUding Samuel f. Samuel Hamer John f. Richard Smith P: James f. Abraham Woofenden P: Ann fa. Charles Milne P: Ruth fa. Abraham Butterworth b, Susan fa. Thomas Lowton and Susan Butterworth ... 13 October 20 3 November 10 16 17 24 .. I December 15 22 29 25 „ 5 January 1644 BAPTISMS 15 Margrat fa. Edward Wilson P: ... 12 January Edward f. Edmund Wild P: ,, ,, Anna fa. Abell Ashworth P: ... ... ,, ,, Mathew f. James Butterworth ... ... ,, ,, Henery f. Olliver Tayler ... ... ,, ,, EUes f. Lawrancs Fletcher de Midleton ,, ,, Sara fa. Samuel Macon P: ... ... ,, ,, Margrat fa. James Brearley ... ... ,, ,, Judeth fa. Richard Scolefeild P: ... ,, ,, Alexander f. John Scolefeild P: ... 19 ,, Dorathy fa. Abraham Stott P: ... ... ,, ,, WiUiam f. Robt Kershaw ... ... ,, ,, EUzabeth fa. Micahell Shakcleton P: ... ,, ,, Abraham f. Thomas Whithead ... ,, ,, Abraham f. Richard Fenton ... ... ,, ,, John f. Richard Howorth P: ... ... ,, ,, John f. Lawrance Cass ... ... ... ,, ,, Ales fa. Edward Brearley ... ... ,, ,, Sara fa. James Turnough ... ... 26 ,, Mary fa. Edmund Feilding ,, ,, Richard f. John Wild , ,, Robt f. Robt Milne et Jane Brearley ... ,, ,, Dorathie fa. John Buckley de Buc: Esq: ,, ,, Elizabeth fa. John Turnough 2 Februarie Elizabeth fa. Thomas Whitaker P: ... ,, „ Mary fa. James Woofenden ... ... ,, ,, Ann fa. Robt Brearley P: ... ... ,, ,, Jane fa. Isacke Scolefeild ... ... ,, ,, Charles f. Richard Turnough P; ... ,, ,, James f. Jonathan Woofenden P: ... ,, ,, Charles f. Edmund Holt P: ... ... ,, ,, Mary fa. Henery ScolefeUd P: 9 ,, Temothy f. Arthur Hollows ... ... ,, ,, James f. Robt Feilding ... ... ... ,, ,, Jane fa. William Leach ... ... ... 16 ,, Mary fa. Abraham Taylor ... ... ,, ,, Thomas f. Robt Forth ... ... ... ,, ,, John f. James [?] Woofenden P: ... ,, ,, Sara fa. Immin [?] Chadwicke P: 3 p. no Nicholas f. Henery Barth P: Sara fa. Richard Thorpe Cler: de Littleburgh ... ... ... ... 4 Jane fa. Thomas Scolefeild P: 9 Roger f. Thomas Ogden ... ... ,, George f. Edmund Holt ... ... ,, Robt f. Raph Winterbothom P: ... 16 Martha fa. Edmund Ashworth P: ... ,, Richard f. Richard Milne n: ... ... .., 2 March i6 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1645 Jane fa. Jerrett Butterworth n: Robt f. Robt Smethurst Henery f. John Clegg P: George f. George Knowles P: Charles f. Charles Ogden Martha fa. Roger Brearley Jane fa. Richard Mores ... Abraham f. Abraham HaU James f. John Earnshaw James f. Robt Ashworth Mary fa. John Brearley ... 1645 Thomas f. Richard Brearley P: Samuel f. James Standring n: Grace fa. Robt HoUows Joseph f. James Wardle John f. John Shore P: ... John f. John Parker Judeth fa. Edward Scolefeild P [Martha fa. Raph Collier Abraham f. Henerv Standring John f. Richard HiU P: ... [Margrat fa. Josua Stott P: Semeon f. Semeon Kershaw P: James f. Jorden Chadwicke Easter fa. Adam Brearley Henery f. James Whitaker P: Mary fa. Alexander ScolefeUd P: Robt f. Robt Haworth ... James f. John Holt P: ... Samuel f. Thomas Lord P: [Mary fa. Henery Bamforth Micahell f. Micahell Butterworth Susan fa. Isacke Bury P: Thomas f. Nicholas Baxster P: Arthur f. MicaheU Bentley born 18 P: Elizabeth fa. Richard Ogden born 17 P: Roger f. Richard W^hitworth born 15 ... Robt f. Jonathan Butterworth born 17 Sara fa. Robt Chadwicke born 13 P: ... Ales fa. John Ashworth born 13 [\Iary fa. John Holt born 13 .Elizabeth fa. Edmund Fish born 7 3 p. Ill WiUiam f. Raph Harrison born 18 P: Joseph f. James Clegg born 23 Jane fa. Adam Whithead born 20 Thomas f. Raph Brearley born 18 George f. James Milne born 22 Henery f. George Smith born 22 16 March 23 25 6 Aprill 13 20 27 i645 BAPTISMS ^1 Abraham f. Edmund Buckley born 24... Vicker Samuel f. Richard Hollows born 8 P: Thomas f. Thomas Holt born 5 P: Elizabeth f. Raph Whitaker born 5 Elizabeth fa. Thomas Whitaker born 6 P: Martha fa. Roger Taylor born 4 Margrate fa. John Stott born 13 n: Francis f. Francis Reyley born 5 Thomas f. Robt Mayden born 13 EUen fa. Edmund Cowper de Middleton born 9 Jane fa. George Ashworth born 11 Ann fa. Richard Levesley born 16 Sara fa. Simon Leach born 22 P: Edward f. Samuel Milne born 18 James f. William Cryer born 29 P: Thomas & Ann f. & fa. John Cooe born 29 P: Elizabeth fa. Richard Denton de Middleton P: Robt f. Robt Suttlife born 27 Thomas f. Francis Pendleton born 16 ... Sarah fa. a poore wooman of Wholey pish: William f. James Haslam born . . . P: John f. Raph Webb^ born 3 P: Grace fa. Joseph Colling born 5 John f. Francis Woofenden born i John f. Charles Lord born 6 P: ... Mary fa. James Butterworth born 5 P: James f. James Ashworth born 7 Judeth fa. Edmund Romsbothom born 7 James f. [Robt Pares born 16 P: John f. Abell Brearley born 15 P: Susan fa. Henery Nuttall born 16 P: John f. John Abraham f. Abraham ScolefeUd born 16 Richard f. John Streete born 22 EUen fa. Robt ScolefeUd de Littleburgh Edmund f. Edmund Ogden born 3 Mary fa. Denes Kay born 28 June James f. John Hamer born 28 June ... Elizabeth fa. Henery Brearley Thomas f. James Wardle b P: Ann fa. Thomas Lowton born 7 P: ... James f. John Ashworth born 4 P: ... Robt f. James Butterworth 27 II ApriU Maie 3 P- 112 25 13 June 15 22 29 July i8 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1645 h. b. 13 20 25 3 Mary fa. James Whitworth Abraham f. John Taylor born 17 George f. Richard Simson born 16 Oliver f. Francis Holt born 17 Elizabeth fa. Robt FeUding born 7 James f. Alexander Clegg bap: at Littlebrough Richard f . William Macon Mathew f. James Butterworth born 22 Robt f. Robt Clegg born 25 James f. Raph Roydens P: ,, John f. Robt HaUiweU „ John f. Edward Clegg , John f. John Nuttall born 25 ... ... ,, Grace fa. John Taylor P: ... ... 10 John f. John Whithead ... Edmund f. Edmund Duerden ,, Mary fa. Thomas Hawton ... ... ,, Mary fa. James Francleton ... ... ,, b John Whithead ... ,, John f. George Fletcher John f. Gawther Butterworth ... Ann fa. Robt Standring P: Francis f. John Haward Mary fa. Jonathan Brearley Roger f. Joseph Ogden P: Mary fa. Danel Stocke John f. James Nuttall Richard f. Francis Clegg P: John f. Abraham Rothel Margrat fa. Thomas Beaton EUzabeth fa Cleaton Jonathan f. Samuel Hollows P: Mary fa. James Chadwicke Mary fa. Samuel Ogden James f. Samuel Dewhurst Elizabeth fa. MicaheU Heape ... James f. John Scoles Robt f. Thomas Clegg Abraham f . Abraham Stocke . . . Jonathan f. Samuel Duerden Roger f. Roger Wiggon ... Ann fa. Edward Harbord P: ... '," Jane fa. Robt Chadwicke P: James f. John Woofenden at Whitworth EUzabeth fa. Richard Flueling 21 Margrat fa. John Hanson P: James i. James July Au: T-7 24 31 14 gust 7 September i645 BAPTISMS Lawrance f. Lawrance Chadwicke P: ... 3 p. 113 Ann fa. John Scolefeild P: Mary fa. John Turnough Mary fa. Edward Dutton John f. John Wood P: b. John f. John Garside Mary fa. Robt Scolefeild P: Abraham f . Abraham Milne at Whitworth Ann fa. James Cryer James f. Zacray [)iilne ... ... ¦ ... James f. Robt CoUings ... John f. John Butterworth Samuel f. Edmund Brearley b. George f. John Morte Ann fa. Samuel Bentley John f. John Feilding Mary fa. John Milne Zacry f. Zacry Milne Jane fa. Adam Brearley Jane fa. Edmund Cryer John f. Thomas Cromton Abraham f. Joseph Hanson EUes f. Francis Scolefield b. Abraham f. Isacke Buckley b. Richard f. Richard Wood Nathan f. Nathan Hoyle Grace fa. John Smethurst P: ... Jane fa. Robt Scolefeild John f. Richard Whip EUes f. John Haslam Zaccry f. EUes Clegg Margray fa. Richard Clegg Robt f. Edward Holt Mary fa. James MUne P: Josua f. Thomas Smith P: Elizabeth fa. Edward Seddon Jane fa. James Brerley John f. Henery Shore P: Deborah fa. James Brearley Ales fa. Edmund Garside P: Elizabeth fa. Henery Farr ah Ellen fa. John Leigh Ann fa. Samuel Booker Jonathan f. Edmund Butterworth Elizabeth fa. Arthur Bentley James f. Henery Garside Mary fa. Thomas Sedon P: Mary fa. James Whitaker 19 1645 21 September 28 5 October 12 19 26 16 2 November 20 ROCHDALE REGISTERS iMary fa- James [MUne Jane fa. John Lord James f. John Brearley 3 p. 114 Edmund f. Richard Haj'wood ds: James f. Thomas Stott P: Francis f. Richard Dicson P: ... Thomas f. Thomas Torner P: ... Mary fa. Robt Seddon Ann fa. John Holding Susan fa. Richard Thomas f. Thomas Hage P: Sara fa. James Hopwood Ann fa. Abraham Whitworth ... Thomas f. Richard Readfearne P: [Margrate fa. WiUiam Leigh John f. Robt Hollows Ales fa. George [MUne Joseph f. Edmund Leigh James f. John Wild Abraham f. WiUiam Rothell Samuel f. William Greave Mary fa. John Cheetam Sarh [sic] fa. Richard Woofenden Ann fa. Josua Tayler M'illiam f. James Wardleworth P: John f. John [Milne P: Ellen fa. James WliiLworth Jane f. WiU: Chatterton P: John f. Robt Clegg P: Jane fa. James Milne [Mary fa. Edmund Whithead X: Ann fa. Luke Grenhaugh P: Ann fa. Alex: CoUings Ann fa. Abraham Leach Abraham f. James Butterworth Thomas f. Thomas Smith Jane fa. Edmund Brigs P: EUzabeth fa. WiUiam Rod Edward f. Thomas Hanson P: ... James f. Josias Leaver ... Richard f. Thomas Readfearne James f. James Brearley John f. Alex: Scolefeild P: WiU: filius James f. Robt Grine Edmund f. James Wild P: Robt f. Abraham Butterworth P: Ann fa. John Hardman EUzabeth filia 1645 1645 16 November 23 30 7 December 14 55 21 55 28 4 January II I645-I646 BAPTISMS 21 Edmund f . Abell Kershaw de Townehous 3 p. 115 Henery f. Henery Clegg P: Edward f. Edward Butterworth Edmund f. John Hollows John f. John Holt Richard f. Richard Milne de Melrow Mary fa. Thomas Cromton de Melrow X: Richard f. Richard Ogden John f. John Shiphard X: Mary fa. Francis Woofenden P: Ales fa. Richard Lightolers Robt f. Francis Holt X: Abraham f. Abraham Buckley ... Anna fa. Charles Hill Richard f. Samuel Wyld Grace fa. Edward Byrom Abraham f. EUes Hollows John f. James Scolefeild Thomas f. Thomas Wholey Jane fa. Abraham Greave Susen fa. John CoUings X: Ann fa. Thomas Holme ... Mary fa. Robt Brearley X: Arthur f. Arthur Healey EUen fa. John Suttliffe X: Ann fa. James Whitworth AUes fa. John Chadwicke X: Jane fa. EUes Scolefeild James f. Richard Scolefeild X: Mary fa. Samuel Lowton X: John f. John VoUancs Anthony f. Abraham Hamer Elizabeth fa. James Halliwell ... Grace fa. Richard Smethurst X: Will: f. AbeU Rodd Mary fa. James Stott William f. Emanuel Tomson Mary fa. George Milne X: Robt f. Robt Brigs Margrat fa. James Holt Mary fa. Alex: Whitworth Abraham f. James Leach X: James f. James Milne Jonas f. John Buckley de Buckley Esq: Thomas f. Thomas Haward 3 p. 116 Martha fa. Samuel Fish X: Ottawell f. Jonathan Kershaw 1645 18 January 25 „ I February 15 22 I March 15 22 24 „ 1646 26 March 29 „ 22 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1646 Ann fa. Robt Whitworth X: Edmund f. Edmund ScolefeUd X: Thomas f. Edward Duerden X: Elizabeth fa. Raph Tettloh Isacke f. Isacke Howorth Charles f. Alexander Chadwicke X: ... Jane fa. Raph Butterworth Ann fa. James WHiitley ... Jane fa. Edmund Holt James f. Abraham Tayler Thomas f. Edmund Whithead X: Deborah fa. AbeU Rodes X: Abraham f. Richard Grime Mary fa. John Healey Elizabeth fa. Cristopher Nuttall Jane fa. John Scolefeild X: Jane fa. James Fletcher X: Thomas f. Raph CoUier James f. James Butterworth Ambrose f. WUliam Dawson X: Ales fa. Edmund Cowper Susan fa. James CoUings WUliam f. William Digle Mary fa. Robt Sutayle X: Edward f. Edward Newbold de Newbold X: Thomas f. Robt Buckley X: Joseph f. James WUd Raph f. Samuel Hamer de Hamer X: ... Margrat fa. Richard Wingrene X: John f. Thomas Readfearne Samuel f. Samuel Smith Robt f. Robt Fenton James f. James Hawker Robt f. Robt Royds X: Edmund f. Edmund Fetton X: [Mary fa. Edmund Greenrod Mary fa. Arthur Turnough X: Mary fa. Adam Kershaw X: Mary fa. WiUiam Tayler X: Jane fa. John Simon John f. John Whitaker X: Suson fa. Alexander Kershaw ... 3 p. 117 Joseph f. James Tayler Thomas f. Robt Stott James f. John Smith de Town mille ... [Richard f. WiUiam Whitworth Grace fa. James Greave 1646 29 March 5 ApriU 12 19 26 3 May 10 1724 2830 7 June 10 14 » 21 )) 3 5 28 „ 1646 BAPTISMS 23 1646 Jeremy f. James Marcroft ... ... 28 June Richard f. Rich: Answorth ,, ,, William f. Thomas Dawson X: ... 5 JiUy Mary fa. John Mason X: „ ,, Abraham f. Abraham Woofenden X: ... ,, ,, Richard f. Richard Chadwicke de Spotland Gate „ ,, Benjamine f. Robt Milne ... ... ,, ,, AbeU f. Jeremie Durden ... ... 12 ,, Richard f. Edmund Heywood X: ... ,, ,, Ann fa. Thomas Butterworth ... ... ,, ,, Katharen fa. John Chadwicke de Healey 19 ,, James f. Roger Barlow ... ... ... ,, ,^ Elizabeth fa. John Butterworth ,, Joseph f. Joseph Whitworth ... ... „ ,^ James f. Ottawell Hill , ,^ James f. John Ogden ... ... ,^ Thomas f. John Willson ... ... ,, ,, James f. Arthur Medgley •... ... ,, , Richard f. James Milne ... ,, ,^ Elizabeth fa. Robt Jaques ... ... ,, , Kathren fa. Thomas Towne X: ... 26 ,, Jane fa. John Buckley ... ... ... „ ,,, Thomas f. Henery Shore ... ... 2 August IsabeU fa. George Scoles X: ... ... ,, ,, Jane fa. Thomas Cheetam ... ... ,, ,, Abraham f. WUliam Kershaw ... ... ,, ,, Robt f. Robt Leigh X: b. Mary fa. Edmund Brigs ... ... ,, ,, Andrew f. Thomas Buckley ... ... ,, ,, Thomas f. Henery Lees ... ... ... 16 ,, Grace fa. Abraham Kershaw ... ... ,, ,, Robt f. James ScolefeUd ... ... ,, ,, Ales fa. GabriU Garsid ... ... ... ,, ,, John f. EUes Haslam ... ... ... ,, ,, Isacke f. William Whitaker X: ... 23 ,, John f. John Scethurst [sic] ... ... „ „ Mary fa. Abraham Hamer ... ... „ ,, Richard f. Thomas Cropper ... ... ,, „ Elizabeth fa. Edward Blumaley ... ,, ,, Thomas f. Thomas Bury ... ... 6 September Roger f. John Chadwicke „ ,. Robt f. Robt WUd „ „ Richard f. John Lord , ,, Ann fa. Jonathan Chadwicke ... ... ,, „ IsabeU fa. John Casson ... ... ... „ „ Grace fa. Thomas B . . . [edge of leaf cui] 3 p. 118 John f. Edmund Marsh 13 „ 24 ROCHDALE REGISTERS Alexander f. Robt Barker X: Ann fa. Abraham Tayler Francis f. James Fletcher James f. Abraham Cryer [Mary fa. John Hamer James f. George Milne James f. Richard HoUows John f. Gowther Butterworth Roger f. Roger Ogden X: John f. John Holt X: James f. John Fitton [Mary fa. John Lord James f. John Greave Edmund f. Thomas Healey Grace fa. Edmund Lord Edmund f. Henery Hamer bap: at Hawood de Bury EUzabeth fa. John Milne James f. James ScolefeUd Thomas f. John Haward Easter fa. Joseph Shore Jane fa. Robt Brearley Samuel f. Adam BelfeUd Jane fa. John Chadwicke Mary fa. Richard Woorrall William f. James Lester ... James f. Robt Butterworth [Mary fa. Roger Grime ... [Mary fa. Edmund Wild John f. George Knoles ... Ales fa. Micahell Shakleton \Mlliam f. William Kennion John f. John Ogden Richard f. John Shaw Mary fa, Edmund Bamford Elizabeth fa. Abraham Tayler ... Ales fa. John Tayler Robt f. John Milne Arthur f. Edmund Brearley Elizabeth filia [Mary fa. James Brearley Edmund f. Edmund Leigh Ann fa. James Butterworth [Mary fa. Jeremey Chadwicke ... Edmund f. Edmund WUd 3 p. 119 Richard f. John Scolefeild de Wormhole James f. MicaheU Butterworth James f. John Whithead 1646 1646 20 September 27 4 October II 18 55 25 55 )) I November 15 22 24 29 1646 BAPTISMS 3 p. 120 bap: Richard f. James Chadwicke Abraham f. James Woofenden de Buersell Samuel f. Samuel Leach Jane fa. George Milne John f. John Eastwood ... EUen fa. Lawrance Tattersall . Richard f. James Cheetam Simon f . Abraham Leach Thomas f. Richard Holt John filius Alexa^idei f. Abell Kershaw Littlebrough the 17*'' Francis f. Abraham Schofeild . MicaheU f. Henry Garside Ann f. Francis Leigh Thomas f. James Whitaker Ales fa. John Oglebey ... Dorathy fa. Roger Holt Martha fa. Robt MUne ... Jane fa. John Howorth ... Henery f. John Shore Jeffrey f. James Whitworth Ann fa. Charles Ogden ... Mary fa. Thomas BaskervUe Edmund f. Thomas Readfearne Grace fa. James Rodes ... Abraham f. Jonathan Woofenden Joseph f. John Leigh George f. Easay Digles ... Jonathan f. William Butterworth Isacke f. Michahell Horst Thomas f. Edmund Whithead Grace fa. John Hartley ... Kathren fa. Thomas Hardman James f. William Buckley Ales fa. Richard Scolefeild Robt f. James Howorth Ales fa. Thomas Whitaker Thomas f. Benjamen Whitaker Robt f. Robt Garsid WiUiam f. Samuel Tayler WUliam f. Adam Kershaw James f. Adam Whithead Sarah fa. Edward Read Randall f. Arthur Butterworth Richard f. John FeUding John f. Samuel Wyld George f. WiUiam Chatterton 25 1646 29 November 6 December J J 1320 27 3 January 10 17 24 31 7 February J, J, 26 ROCHDALE REGISTERS Robt f. Deatus [sic] Lord Mary fa. William Shore Edmund f. Abraham Turnough Thomas f. John Lues Ales fa. John Clegg .Joseph f. John Chadwicke b. Gabrell f. Ann Readfearne James f. Henery Scolefeild Samuel f. John CoUings Ann f. Nicholas Ingum ... Rebekah fa. Henery Lettleton ... Arthur f. Alexander Turnough Mary fa. Robt Whitworth Ester fa. Thomas HiU Thomas f. Thomas Ogden Thomas f. Johanis Buckley de Buckley armig: natus fuit Die Sabati Septimo die Martii circiter demidium horae post sextam ante meridiem Ales fa. Tho mos Brearley Theophelus f. Theophelus Withington ... Richard f. John Chadwicke Jane fa. Edmund Cheetam Jane fa. James Milne John f. John Butterworth Grace fa. Charles Lord ... John f. Jerrett Redfearne b. Mary filia James f. Thomas Smith Ales fa. Henery Scolefeild [Micahell f. Tho mos Turner Thomas f. Robt Healey [Mary fa. Abraham Marsar Daniel f. Henery Holt Jonathan f. John Aspen Elizabeth fa. Thomas Oldham 3 p. 121 Ales fa. Raph WTiitaker Ales fa. Abraham Leigh Ales fa. John Meddocroft Sara fa. James Turnough Margrate fa. Robt Butterworth Mary fa. Isacke Milne Anna fa. Robt Pares de Rochdale Jane fa. John Butterworth James f. Charles Lord Thomas f. John Haywood Abraham f. Roger Whitworth 1646-1647 1646 14 February 21 28 5) 55 7 March 55 55 55 35 14 21 1647 28 March 4 AprU II i647 BAPTISMS 27 James f. John Fenton Robt f. James Butterworth Ales fa. Edmund Fish John f. Daniel Stocke Ann fa. Samuel Bentley Mary fa. Robt Holding Richard f. Richard Fenton de Bury ... John f. Edward Clough Martha fa. James Buckley Ales fa. James WorraU Robt f. Alexander Holt Mary fa. James Knowles [?] Mary fa. WUliam Standring Grace fa. John Butterworth John f. Robt Woofenden Ales fa. Abraham Leach Rebecah fa. Edmund Butterworth Jane fa. Edmund Turnough Elizabeth fa. John Hamer Mary fa. Abraham Brearley Mary fa. John Wyld_ Mary fa. Joseph [Haiison Mary fa. John Swallow ... Thomas f. Thomas Stott Jane fa. Edmund Feilding Samuel f. Samuel Bentley Alex: f. Adam Brearley de Colegreave Sara fa. Isaack Scolefeild de Shepebanke Arthur f. Robt Scolefeild Elizabeth fa. Francis Griscom ... John f. Daniel Stocke John f. Francis Pilkenton James f. Roger Tayler Sarah fa. James Clegg ... EUes f. John Chadwicke Robt f. Robt Milne Mary fa. John Butterworth 3 p. 122 James f. Abraham Hamer born 26 Julie Ales fa. John Haywood ... James f. John Tayler James f. Robt Brearley de Rachdale ... Richard f. Thomas Borland Robt f . WiUiam Maconn Mary fa. Richard Seddon Henery f. Henery Tayler Edmund f. Edmund [Marsh James f. Robt Garsid ... Mary fa. Samuel Bamforth 1647 18 April 25 ,, 2 May 9 53 16 23 30 6 June 13 20 27 30 4 Juli II 25 I Au; 55 8 55 55 15 le gust 28 ROCHDALE REGISTERS Roger f. Robt Walkden AbeU f. AbeU Brearley ... James f. James Chadwicke Adam f. John Smethurst [Martha fa. James Buckley Ann fa. Richard Lord Katharine fa. Thomas Smith John f. James Howrod ... Peter f. John Holt John f. John Stott Thomas f. Samuel Dewhorst Robt f. Robt [MUne [Mary fa. Edmund Royds Mary fa. Edmund Holt ... Edmund f. John Leach ... Katharen fa. Samuel Cheetam Ann fa. James Lees de Oldham pish John f. Richard Clegg ... Jane fa. Nicholas Whithead Jane fa. James Nayler ... b, Edmund f. John Tayler Jane fa. Jarrat Stott John f. Thomas Readfearne Elizabeth fa. Nicholos Baxter Sara fa. Joseph Ryder ... Grace fa. John Wardleworth James f. James Ashworth James f. Abraham Stansfeild Jane fa. Arthur Amerson Francis f. Robt Scolefeild James f. James Turnough Mary fa. James Stocke ... Abraham f. Abraham Leigh [Mary fa. John Healey ... John f. Thomas Barth ... Prescila fa. Robt Chadwicke 3 p. 123 John f. James Feilding ... IsabeU fa. Robt HalliweU Elizabeth fa. Arther Smith Jane fa. John Fareclough IMary fa. James Rigley ... William f. WiUiam Dawson Elizabeath fa. Simond Leach Sara fa. John Streete Roger f. Joseph Ogden ... b. John f. James Hall John f. John Grene Jane fa. Richard Hollows 1647 1647 22 August ?9 12 19 1017 24 31 September October November 14 2128 5 December i647 BAPTISMS 29 Ann fa. John Cheetam ... Richard f. Richard WUiitworth Grace fa. James Butterworth ... Charles f. Raph Harris:oii John f. John Crosley Mary fa. John Butterworth Mary fa. Arthur HoUows Ann fa. Richard Woorall Robt f. Robt Brigs Ann fa. Robt Jaques Deborah fa. Micahell Bentley ... Joseph f. Thomas Stott ... John f. Raph Ridens Abraham f. Joseph Tayler Susan fa. Abraham Whitworth ... Ann fa. John Scolefeild ... Abraham f. John Haslam John f. Thomas Smith ... James f. Robt Whitworth John f. Francis Holt John f. Abra: Rods at Milrow ... Ales fa. Edmund Ogden Samuel f. EUes Scolefeild Martha fa. GabriU Leigh James f. Robt Winstandley Jane fa. Abell Rodd Mary fa. John Ogden Robt f. James Scolefeild John f. Abraham Haywood Grace fa. Henery Scolefeild Elizabeth fa. William Leach James f. John Tayler 3 p. 124 Elizabeth fa. Edmund Kershaw Ann fa. James Whitaker Ann fa. James W'ar die worth Ann fa. Richard Dicson Ann fa. Robt Clegg Raph f. Lenard Shephard Abraham f. Henery Kershaw ... Edmund f. Edmund Leigh John f. Luke Grenhalgh Elizabeth fa. John Leigh Mary fa. Thomas Holt de Brimrod ... b. Mary fa. Thomas Holt b. Martha fa. James Cryer John f. John Dickson Thomas f. Francis Holt de Medleton p: Ales fa. Simeon Kershaw 1647 5 December 12 J J 19 26 2 January 16 2123 30 „ J) ), 6 February 13 30 ROCHDALE REGISTERS Grace fa. Edmund Buckley Thomas f. Josias Leaver Edmund f. Abraham Grenrodd Robt f. Robt Feilding EUzabeth fa. Richard Simson ... Joseph f. Samuel Wyld ... Ann fa. AbeU Readfearne Ann fa. John Smethurst Robt f. Robert Bathe Clarke ... Roger f. Thomas Brearley John f. Alexander Scolefeild Mary fa. John Chadwicke b. Mary fa. Abraham Turnough ... Robt f. Robt Whitworth Abraham f. Isacke Woofenden ... Ann fa. Richard Unsworth Roger & Nicholas fiUi Thomas Ogden Mary fa. John Hanson ... Mary fa. Richard HUl Mary fa. Robt Pedley Edmund f. Edmund Holt Alex: f. Henery Farrah ... James f. Francis Holt 3 p. 125 Raph f. Raph Butterworth EUzabeth fa. Edward Holt Susan fa. George Milne ... Sarah fa. Edmund Buckley Jane fa. Robt Mayden ... Richard f. Roger [HoUows Mary fa. Robt Foster Ann fa. John Shephard ... Ann fa. Thomas Healey Mary fa. Alexander Kershaw ... Ann fa. James Cryer Robt f. Abraham Woofenden ... Thomas f. Thomas Hayne de Binns Jane fa. Edmund Cryer Richard f. Richard Smethurst Gierke Richard f. Robt Grime Ann fa. Arthur Turnough Martha fa. Edmund Butterworth John f. Edmund Leigh Isacke f. WiUiam Cryer ... Joseph f Clegg Robt f. Robt Butterworth Abraham f. James Flecher 1647-1648 1647 13 February 20 27 5 March 12 19 1648 26 March JJ J, " ,j 2 April 16 23 30 1648 BAPTISMS 31 John f. Alexander Clegg bap: at Littlebrough ... Mary fa. Samuel Greave Mary fa. Edmund Lord Micahell f. James Tayler Francs f. Francis Healey Ales fa. George Knowles Arthur f. John Holt Alexander f. GabriU Garsid James f. James Haslam William f. Samuel Hamer Judeth fa. Edmund Brigs John f. Robt Milne Jane fa. James Milne John f. Henery Brearley Jonathan f. Richard Clegg 3 p. 126 Mary fa. George Scoles Thomas filius EUes f. Henery Clegg WUliam f. Richard [Fetton John'f. Richard Leigh Dorothy fa. John Leigh Jane fa. John Oglebey Abraham f. Abraham Scolefeild Mary fa. John Brearley ... John f. Nicholas Junne [?] Mary fa. Edmund March Mary fa. Barnard Butterworth Martha fa. Edmund Wild John f. John Wood Grace fa. Edmund Brearley Abraham f. George Milne de brunedg ... Ann fa. Robt SowtaU Mary fa. William EUes Jurden f. Jurden Chadwicke at Milrow Ann fa. Arthur Butterworth Abraham f. John Ogden Jane fa. James Halliwell de Butterworth HaU Gen: Katheren fa. Thomas Holt James f. James Ormrod Ales fa. John Chadwicke Gen: ... Dorathy fa. Abraham Mearcer ... John f. John Chadwicke Samuel f. Samuel MUne Robt f. James Show Mary fa. Richard Hill Grace fa. Adam Kershaw 1648 3 Maie 2128 4 June II 18 35 )3 25 55 33 2 55 Julie 35 7 55 55 55 33 55 16 35 23 30 I August JJ JJ 6 „ 13 JJ ROCHDALE REGISTERS bap: at Judeth fa. Jonathan Holt John f. James Chadwicke of Carr at Millrow 29 Aug: ... Sara fa. Samuel [Macon ... Elizabeth fa. John Bamford James f. James Feilding bap Littlebrough Jane fa. Abell Rods de LongfeUd Charles f. Charles Lord ... Ann fa. John W'ooUey ... WUUam fa. WiUiam Pooley 3 p. 127 Ann fa. Thomas Whitley Charles f. Francis Holt ... Robt f. John SuttcUffe Ann fa. Robt Pares Elizabeth fa. Francis Woofenden Katren fa. Thomas Lofton James f. William Shore ... Elizabeth fa. Edmund Garsid ... Jonathan f. George Milne Abell f. Abell Kershaw bap: at Littlebrough Peeter f. Robt Holt Mary fa. John Holt John f. John Smith Thomas f. Thomas Burie Samuel f. Richard Whipp EUzabeth fa. Raph Whitaker Thomas f. Peeter Bolton Ann fa. James Ashworth b. [Mary fa. John Cowp [Marj- fa. Jonathan Woofenden [Mary fa. John Shore [Mary fa. John Whitaker [Mary fa. MicaheU Butterworth EUzabeth fa. Daniel Stocke EUes f. John Chadwicke Mary fa. Nicholas Burch [Mary fa. Edward Butterworth Tho: f. Henery Rodd ... James f. James Hourodd [Mary fa. Jeremie Berey EUen fa. James Hill Samuel f. Henry Hamer James f. Roger Grime ... James f. James Turnough Kathren fa. James Scolefield Robt f. Thomas Bridg ... 1648 1648 20 August 27 „ 55 35 55 55 2 September 3 5, 55 33 35 55 17 .. 55 55 35 55 24 JJ JJ JJ I October 15 22 „ 55 33 29 JJ 5 November 12 19 55 55 26 55 3) 3 December 12 1648 BAPTISMS James f. WiUiam Medocraft James f. Henry Scolefield Robt f. Abraham Dawson James f. Robt Holt Francis f. Abra: Stott ... Richard f. Richard Hollows 3 p. 128 Jeremie f. Jeremie Crannedge Robt f. WiUiam Whitworth Susan fa. James Crosley Mary fa. Samuel Newbold Robt f. James Duerden James f. EUes Haslam ... Mary fa. Jonathan Butterworth Michael f. Michael Shakleton Mary fa. John Lord Mary fa. Thomas Dawson Susan fa. George Lees Grace fa. Christopher Nuttall Abraham f. Abraham Buckley John f. Steven Nuttall ... Mary fa. Will: Kershaw Mary fa. Samuel Fish Edmund f. Edmund Holt Elizabeth fa. Rennand Harbord Elizabeth fa. John Tayler Susan fa. John Howorth Jane fa. Henery Shore ... John & Elizabeth filiae Joseph Shore Edmund f. Edmund Milne John f. Edward Clough ... Mary fa. Alex'' LightoUers Grace fa. John Leach Ales fa. Abraham Stansfeild Jonathan f. Joseph Hanson EUzabeth fa. John Feilding bap: at Todmorden ... Mary fa. Henry Whitaker Francis f. William Seddon Grace fa. Abraham Buckley Mary fa. Robt HoUows ... Ann fa. Henry Lees John f. Henry Tayler Ales fa. Edmund Scolefeild 3 p. 129 Abraham f. Abraham Earnshaw Edmund f. Thomas Heywood John f. James Grenrod ... Richard f. Richard Whitworth Mary fa. Roberti Holt de Gastlton Esq: 33 1648 12 December 17 3 J 24 31 January 14 21 28 4 Februarie II 4 March II 34 ROCHDALE REGISTERS John f. John Brearley ... Thomas f. Francis Holt ... Margrat fa. Richard Linny Abraham f. Abraham Leigh Edmund f. Edmund Rigley John f. James Milne Robt f. John Mesonn John f. William Digle Beatrix fa. Johannis Bucklej' de Buckley Ar: nata fuit 6 die Aprilis sr: die Veneris inter sextam et septimam horam post meridiem James f. John Brearley ... Thomas f. Robt Buckley Grace Mary fa. Abraham Scolefeild Ales fa. Thomas Ogden ... Jane fa. Richard Clegg ... Martha & Ann filiae EUes Hollows Charles f. John Belfeild Abraham f. Thomas Buckley ... John f. Robt Pedley Richard f. Richard Wlngreane ... b. John f. John Turnough ... b. Mary fa. James Tayler et Mary Buckley Alexander f. Alexander Kershaw Rachel fa. Samuel Wyld de Rachdale . . . Abraham f. Edmund Royds Jane fa. Edward Duerden Thomas f. Samuel Duerden Mary fa. John Duhurst b. Jane fa. Abraham Turnough Mary fa. Hugh Lealand Mary fa. EUes ScolefeUd Ann fa. Robt Seddon John f. John Tayler John f. James BurchaU [?] Jane fa. Thomas Whitaker 3 p. 130 WUUam f. John Butler Ann fa. John Lord Mary fa. John FeUding Kathren filia Mary fa. Thomas Burch EUzabeth fa. John Buckley Samuel fa. John Green [,, b. Elizabeth fa. James Stott et PrisiUali Whithead 1648-1649 1648 18 March 55 5 5 1649 I April Maie 20 27 June 1 649 BAPTISMS 35 Matthew f. Robt Chadwicke Charles f. John Chadwicke Dorathie fa. John Smith Jane fa. James Lester ... Richard f. Franchas Woofenden b. Mary fa. Richard Hogin et Elizabeth Holt Mary fa. Robt Milne Christopher f. Edmund March John f. John Kay et Grace Scolefeild ... Katheren fa. Robt Brearley Grace fa. Jonathan Earnshaw ... Abraham f. John Felding at Todmorden Edmund f. James Greave John f. Charles HUl at Littlebrough ... Richard f. Robt Clegg Henry f. Henery Smith ... Thomas f. Robt Healey Robt f. James Milne Edward f. John Clegg John f. Jonathan Chadwicke de Chadwicke Gent: Henry f . GabriU Garside de Rachdale . . . WiUiam f. WiUiam Dawsonn Jane fa. Edward Simson Elizabeth fa. Edmund Feilding James f. Edmund Buckley James f. James Browne Mary fa. Abraham Tayler b. Judeth fa. Thomas Holt et Anthonie f. John Holt ... John f. John Wardleworth Samuel f. John Tayler ... Abraham f. James Cheetam 3 p. 131 Susan fa. James Woofenden Robt f. James Frankleton Mary fa. James Wrigley b. Jane fa. Abraham Kershaw Anna fa. John Hamer ... Margrate fa. James Readfearne Jane fa. WiUiam Roads at Littlebrough Swainerod ... .... Elizabeth fa. Savel Radcliffe gent: Martha fa. Thomes BaskervUe .^ John f. Lawrance Tattersall John f. Richard HUl John f. Richard Ogden Ales fa. John WiUsonn 1649 17 June I Julie JJ J, 15 33 55 55 19 J) J) 33 27 ,, 12 August 33 55 5) 35 19 33 26 53 2 September 33 33 16 24 31 ,j 55 53 35 33 I October 14 53 33 33 21 „ 55 55 28 „ II November 18 36 ROCHDALE REGISTERS James f. James Butterworth Mary fa. Thomas Redfearne James f. James Milne Daniel f. John Semor [?] John fUius Mary fa. Symon Leach de Rachdale Isacke f. Thomes Lowton George f. John Cranics Inchfield bap: at Todmorden John f. John Healey Susen fa. Samuel Bentley James f. James Tayler ... John f. John Jilarcraft ... Jane fa. Edmund Fish ... Ellen fa. Richard Hollows Jane fa. Abraham Scolefeild Elizabeth fa. Edmund Ogden Ann fa. Samuel Cheetam John f. Edmund Bamford Ales fa. Abraham Woofenden Jane fa. W^Uliam Newby John f. Thomas Towne ... Mary fa. Raph Haslam ... Robt f. John Shore James f. James Shore de Car the young' Robt f. Thomas Smith Grace fa. John Butterworth Jane fa. John Clough EUzabeth fa. Tho: Shore 3 p. 132 Mary fa. John Leigh Martha fa. James Woofenden ... Roger f. Alexander Chadwicke James f. James Cheetom Jane fa. Joseph Whitworth Ales fa. Alexander Turnough de Coldermoore ... Robt f. John Smethurst John f. James Ashworth Samuel f. WUUam Macon Robt f. Robt Howorth de Rachdale EUzabeth fa. Abraham Whitworth EUzabeth fa. Robt Jaques Roger f. Francis Pilkenton James f. James Butterworth Isacke f. Isacke Woofenden John f. Robt Ashworth ... 1649 1649 25 November JJ JJ 2 December 16 ! ! '5 -J •>¦> 5 5 ? 5 30 „ January 12 19 3) 35 26 „ 3 February 10 1724 2 March 10 17 24 1650 BAPTISMS Sara fa. James Byrom ... EUzabeth fa. Richard Fenton Arthur f. James Whitaker Mary fa. [Richard Linney John f. John Milne Katherin fa. John Cheetam Richard f. Francis Holt de Bamford p: Midleton Samuel f. Samuel Dewhurst Ann fa. Edmund Haywood Robt f. James Clegg Jane fa. Robt Milne de Rachdale Margrate fa. Lenord Shipard Mary fa. Alex: Scolefeild Mary fa. John Fenton Robt f. Robt Buckley Jonathan f. James Chadwicke ... Mary fa. William Holt EUzabeth fa. Robt Leigh Thomas f. Samuel Milne John f. Richard Lord 3 P- 133 Edmund f. Edmund Unsworth Ann fa. Robt Whitworth John f. Thomas Oldham John f. Richard Scolefeild Edmund f. Edmund Leach John f. John Smethurst Thomas f. Raph Butterworth ... Margrat fa. John Hamer Joseph f. Edmund Whithead ... Thomas f. John HiU Mary fa. Edmund Leigh William f. Roberti Holt de Castleton Armigeri Mary fa. John Chadwicke de Healey gent: Mary fa. George MUne Mary fa. Robt FeUding John f. James Scolfeild de Rochdall ... Simon f. James Howorod Ann fa. James Scolefeild Mary fa. George Scoles ... Francis f. Francis Griscom Abraham f. John FeUding Jeffron f. Nicholas Baxter b, John f. John HiU et Elizabeth Smith ... Roger f. Luke Grenhalgh Jane fa. John Oglebey ... 1630 7 ApriU 14 „ 53 55 21 ,j 53 55 53 55 55 J) 28 „ 33 55 5 May 53 35 12 „ 19 .. 33 33 26 JJ JJ 2 June 16 „ 23 „ 55 55 55 53 7 Julie 35 33 14 JJ 33 33 21 „ 53 55 27 „ 2 August II „ J3 33 18 „ 37 38 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1650 Elizabeth fa. Henry Clegge bap: at Ashworth Danel f. Danel Holt James f. Abell Brearley [Mary fa. Joseph Ogden ... EUzabeth fa. Robt Bathe Vicker de Rachdale [Mary fa. Edmund Heywood Jane & Rebecca filiae John Cooe Ales fa. John CoUinge James f. Thomas Turner Elizabeth fa. James Milne Mary fa. James Cryer Richard f. Joseph Ramsbothom [Mary fa. Edmund Holt ... Mary fa. Thomas Holt Margrat fa. John Suttcliff Sara fa. Jeremie Berie ... Abraham f. Robt Whitworth ... Sara fa. Henry Farrah ... James f. Rich: Unsworth b. Joseph f. Charles Lord ... Grace fa. Edmund Butterworth 3 p. 134 Richard f. John Entwesle de Towne Hed Thomas f. Thomas Smith Jane fa. Edmund Scolefeild William f. Abraham Leigh Thomes f. Thomes Healey Susan fa. Jonathan Holt James f. James Stott James f. Samuel Street ... Mary fa. Abraham Stott Georg f. Georg Milne Elizabeth fa. Thomas Holt Robt f. Raph W^hitaker EUes f. James Haslam ... James f. John Shiphard Thomas f. Thomas Butterworth John f. John Milne John f. John Holland bap: at Heywood Judeth fa. Robt Foster ... Susan fa. Richard Dickson EUes f. Samuel Hamer de Hamer Robt f. Robt Woofenden de Roug! Banke bap: at Milrow Jane fa. John Tayler Thomas f. Thomas Dawson John f. John Smethurst 1650 25 August I September 15 22 6 October 13 2027 JJ JJ JJ J, JJ 3 November 10 24 I December 8 J, 15 J, JJ ,j JJ J, ') JJ 22 „ i65o BAPTISMS ] 39 [650 Nicholas f. Thomas Birch 23 December EUenor fa. Abraham Dawson Katheren fa. John Casson Margrate fa. Hugh Lealand 3) ,, Jarrard f. James Cryer 33 Marie fa. Georg Lees John f. Richard Woofenden 19 Januarie Edmund f. John Greave 53 53 Henry f. Henry Howorth 26 ) J Jonathan f. EUes Hollows 53 5 J Mary fa. WUliam Booth 33 J J Sara fa. Edmund Wattmoe Ann fa. Edmund Garsid Thomas f. John Greave 3) JJ John f. James Ashworth 33 J J Marie fa. Abraham Scolefeild ... 35 5 3 John f. Hugh Wrigley 2 Februarie John f. Richard Hollows 53 5 J Isack f. John Stott 55 3 3. P- 135 Joseph f. Samuel Hamer 9 33 John f. Daniel Stocke 35 J 5 Jane fa. John Wood 55 55 Ann fa. Lawrance Hardman de Marcroft Yate 16 ) J Margrate fa. Edmund Whithead bap: Littlebrough 33 35 Jane fa. Richard Smith 35 33 Randale f. John Leigh bap: at 17 55 Anna fa. Edmund Lord 23 35 Easter fa. John Ogden 33 35 Jeremie f. Jeremie Crannedg 2 : March Edmund f. Edmund Simsonn ... 35 55 Jane fa. Semeon Kershaw 55 3) Francis f. Francis Leigh 33 53 Easter fa. Joseph Hanson 33 33 Ann fa. Micahell Shakleton 35 55 Mary fa. John Hamer 33 33 Martha fa. Dennes Kay 55 55 Abraham f. John Milne ... 9 53 Margrat fa. Roger Whitworth ... 35 J3 Nathan f. Robt Sutayle 55 53 Edmund f. Edmund Ogden 16 33 Marie fa. James Greave Junior 35 55 James f. Joseph Leigh 53 33 Josua f. John Chadwicke 33 53 John f. John Lord 23 33 John f. George Milne 33 35 John f. John Scolefeild 39 »» 40 ROCHDALE REGISTERS Samuel f. Robt Whitworth Richard filius Ann fa. Thomas Whitaker Martha fa. Thomas Whitaker Susen fa. John HiU Edward f. Samuel Newbold James f. John Stocke Ann fa. Robt Ashworth Marie fa. John Ogden Elizabeth fa. Edward Hopwood Easter fa. Robt Butterworth ... Richard f. Roger Grime Ales fa. John Tayler Marie fa. Isacke Clegg Marie fa. John Brigs William f. William Rods de Swanerode James f. James Buttei worth Margrett fa. Thomas Buckley de Parva Howorth Gent: Henry f. Henrj' Whitaker Thomas f. John [Milne Isacke f. James Woofenden Marie fa. John Smith Ann fa. Robt Duckworth George f. John Adkenson 3 p. 136 Richard f. Richard Simsonn Richard f. John Tayler ... Richard f. Henry Rodd ... Isacke f. Thomas Buckley Adam f. John Holt John f. [Richard HoUows John fa. Thomas Dawson [Marie fa. James Woofenden Ales fa. William Leigh ... James f. Robt Stott at Milrow Katheren fa. Josias Leaver [Marie fa. John Lees Marie fa. William Howrod Susen fa. Abraham Buckley Jane fa. Richard Stott Jonathan f. Jonathan Chadwicke de Chadwicke HaU Gent: Marie fa. Joseph Ryder de Rachdale ... John f. John Clegg b. Marie fa. John Woosnum Jane fa. James Whitworth bap: Medlton WUUam f. Edmund Leigh 1650-1651 1650 ,23 March 1651 30 March 6 ApriU 13 20 27 4 May 6 II 18 i65i BAPTISMS 41 William f. EUes Haslam OttaweU f. Richard HiU Robt f. Robt Brearley Robt f. Richard ScolefeUd Abraham f. Abraham Stansfeild Rachdale Elizabeth fa. John Butterworth Turnough Roger f. John Haward ... John f. Robt Holding Thomas f. Thomas RotheU Robt f. James Tayler John f. John Robbershow James f. Nicholas Engum Ann fa. Robt Butterworth Grace fa. WUliam Kershaw Marie fa. WUliam Dawson 3 P- 137 Robt f. John Smethurst Mary fa. Robt Pedley Edward f. Robt Milne Elizabeth fa. Abraham Merser ... Francis f. Alexander Kershaw ... Jane fa. John Smethurst Ann fa. John Brearley ... Mary fa. John Breailey de Hough Richard f. Richard Linny Mary fa. Robt Boulton Thomas f. Benjemine Butterworth John Butterworth Thomas f. Robt Milne Francis f. Peter Boulton Jane fa. John Smith Joseph f. Henry Smith Susen fa. John Tayler James f. James Shiphard Mary fa. John Butterworth EUzabeth fa. Alex: ScolefeUd ... Thomas f. Thomas Oldam Mary fa. Henery Scolefeild Mary fa. Thomas Healey Mary fa. Thomas Shore Richard f. Robt Holt Ann fa. James Butterworth Edward f. Edmund Feilding Grace fa. James Hamer John f. John Woofenden Martha fa. Edmund Kershaw Littlebrough 1651 ... 18 May ... 25 „ 8 June de de 55 35 at 15 26 29 6 JiUy 13 JJ 3 5 55 20 J, JJ JJ 3 August 10 17 .. 3 5 3 5 7 September 55 55 55 55 14 JJ 55 35 53 55 55 55 21 35 » 5 55 55 55 55 28 " JJ JJ JJ JJ 5 October 1219 55 26 27 42 ROCHDALE REGISTERS James f. Robt Clough ... Isabell fa. Thomas Whitaker Elizabeth fa. Robt ScolefeUd ... Mary fa. James Chadwicke Mary fa. James FeUding Rebecka fa. Robt Hallows Sara fa. Abraham Whitworth ... Sara fa. James March Margrat fa. Samuel Fish Jonas f. William Newby John f. James Butterworth Martha fa. John Leigh ... Mary filia James f. Thomas Ogden Robt f. Robt [illegible] 3 p. 138 James f. Edmund Buckley Ales fa. Richard Scolefeild Ales fa. Edmund Whithead Burchinley ... John f. Joseph Shore John f. Joseph WTiit worth George f. John Buttler ... Jane fa. James Tayler ... Ellen fa. George Scoles ... Israeli f. Thomas Lowton Jane fa. John Cheetam ... William f. Edmund Wattmoe ... Adam f. Adam Kershaw bap: Littlebrough Alex: f. James Woofenden Mary fa. AbeU Rods Ann fa. John Cheetam ... James f. W^rigley [sic] Sara fa. Samuel Wild Katheren fa. James Cheetom ... Jane fa. Thomas Wholey Elizabeth fa. Richard Seddon ... Francis f. John Holt Mary fa. John Wild Jane fa. John Holt James f. Charles Lord ... Katheren fa. James Stott John f. MicaheU Heape ... EUzabeth fa. Thomas Hotton [?] Abraham f. Abraham Scolefeild WilUam f. John Whitaker Edmund f. Edmund HoUows ... de at 1651 9 1651 November 33 „ 55 55 12 16 5533 23 53 53 " 55 7 33 December 55 53 53 55 35 53 21 28 55 33 55 55 4 Januarie II 25 ., I Februarii 15 2229 I65I-I652 BAPTISMS 43 Will: f. Johannis Buckley de Buckley Ar: natus fuit decimo septimo die Februarij sr: die Martis inter secundam et tertiam horam ante meridiem bap: die Saturniae Richard & Grace f . & fa. Edward Clough Ales fa. Edmund Ogden Mary fa. Richard Clegg Mary fa. Samuel Cheetam Joseph f. James Milne of Garside bap at MUnrow Martha fa. Richard Hollows Jane fa. John Leigh James f. James Tayler Ann fa. John Hayward ... Jane fa. Semeon Leach de Rochdale James f. Raph Smith 3 P' 139 James f. Abraham Tayler Daniel f. Thomas Baskervile .... Adam f. John Fenton Ann fa. [Edmund Cowp ... Ann fa. Edmund Royds Edward f. Roberti Holt Armigeri Thomas f. Thomas Redferne Jane fa. James Brigs Mary fa. Richard Grime Francis f. John Clegg Charles f . GabriU Garsid de Rachdale Elizabeth fa. Lawrence Tattersall Samuel f. John Casson ... James f. James Stott Ann fa. Will: Digles de Medleton pish James f. John Marcroft ... Marie fa. Samuel Duerden Ales fa. James Ashworth James f. Daniell Stocke Robt f. John Healey Elizabeth fa. Thomas Brearley EUzabeth fa. Joseph Ramsbothom Robt f. Robt CoUings James f. Micahell Butterworth Abraham f. Jeffery Kershaw at Little James f. Thomas [Haywood Katheren fa. Nicholas Birch Ales fa. John Leigh Joseph f. Raph Ridings Anna fa. Abell Brearley 1651 6 March 7 14 21 28 II 25 1652 March ApriU May 30 44 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1652 Richard f. Richard Street Eles fa. James Readfearne bap: at Ashworth Susen fa-. William Kershaw Elizabeth fa. Robt Butterworth WiUiam f. Edmund Leigh John f. John W^ardleworth Ann fa. Thomas Mathew Dorathie fa. Edmund Fetton bap: at home ... EUzabeth fa. Robt Buckley Thomas f. John Lord John f. Thomas Butterworth de Belfeild Abraham Tayler de Marland ... James f. . . . Holt James f. James Lesster ... [The writing on above page is much faded] 3 P- 140 John f. John Cheetam ... Richard f. John Clough Ann fa. James Howorth Margrate fa. John Holt ... Samuel f. John Street Dorathie fa. John Shore Johanah fa. Robt Bathe vicker de Rachdale Susan fa. EUes Hollows ... b. Jane fa. John Adkenson et Susen Nuttall John f. John Feilding at Todmerden ... John f. Richard Whitworth John f. John PoUett Jane fa. John Butterworth Sara fa. Francis Scolefeild de Jowken de Burie John s. of Samuel Dewhurst John s. of John Chadwicke Thomas s. of John Lord Robt s. of Simeon Kershaw Robt f. Robt Scolefeild Jane fa. Jonathan HoUows John f. Abraham Clegg ... Charles f. Charles Lord ... Jane fa. Robt Butterworth Edward f. John Newbold de Newbold Marie fa. James Bamford John f. John Stocke Jane fa. Robt Whitworth Elizabeth fa. John Buckley Georg f. George Milne 1652 30 May 6 June 13 53 35 20 55 33 35 27 55 JJ J J 4 Julie 18 25 I August 15 162229 26 12 September 19 i652 BAPTISMS 45 Dorathie fa. Arthur Healey Ales fa. John Smith Ann fa. James Turner ... Elizabeth fa. John Lewes James f. Richard Fenton de Medleton p: Samuel f. Raph Butterworth ... Mary fa. WUliam Leach Ann fa. James Tayler de Townhill Holes bap: at MiUrow Jane fa. Samuel Newbold Isacke f. Isacke Scolefeild Ellen fa. Robt Jaques Robt f. Henry Smith James f. James Crosley of Kettbothe ... PrisseUah fa. Edward Adkenson Elizabeth fa. Thomes Smith Samuel f. James Standring 3 p. 141 Ann fa. Robt Whitworth Mary fa^ James Byrom ... James f . Lawrance Hardmon de Marcroft Yate Edmund & Susan fil: Abraham Leigh ... Ann fa. Arthur HoUows Robt f. John Boothe Jane fa. Edward Butterworth ... John f. John Marie fa. Francis Woofenden ... Edward f. Lenard Shephard John f. Edmund Ogden James f. Jeremie Berie ... Martha fa. Robt Feilding Elizabeth fa. Thomas Birch Ann fa. John Tayler de Medleton pish: Jane fa. James Stott bap: at Littlebrough Easter fa. Andrew Shiphard Mary fa. John Entwesle gent: ... Richard f. Edmund Tomson ... Jane fa. James Stott de Wardle Marie fa. John Chadwicke Marie fa. Isacke Woofenden Marie fa. John Smethurst Easter fa. John Hamer ... Ann fa. James Milne James f. John Clegg Ester fa. John Chadwicke de Roughbanke Edward f. Roger Holt Samuel f. Samuel Bentley Abraham f. Abraham Dawson 1652 3 October 10 17 24 31 7 November JJ JJ 14 2128 5555 33 33 35 5 53 December 35 33 33 53 10 33 12 33 19 35 33 55 25 26 3555 9 Januarie 46 ROCHDALE REGISTERS Easter fa. Robt Chadwicke Mary fa. Thomes Turner Abraham f. John Scolefeild WilUam f. John Leigh Katheren fa. Edmund Lord Francis f. James Chadwick de Martha fa. Israeli Stringer EUen fa. Abraham Tayler j Daniel f. Joseph Milne bap: at Milrow Mary fa. Daniel Holt Mary fa. Joseph Ogden Susan fa. Samuel Street 3 p. 142 William f. Adam Kershaw bap: at Littlebrough Edmund f. Edmund Howorth Jonathan s. of Jurden Chadwicke Jane fa. Joseph Ogden Robt f. Thomas Cropper Richard f. James Scolefeild Abraham f. Abraham WHiit worth Mary fa. James Whitaker Thomas f. James Lord ... Ann fa. Tho: Buckley gent: de Parvah Howorth Mary fa. Alexander Turnough Whitfeild Ales fa. Robt Woofenden EUzabeth fa. James Hamer Richard f. James Wardlworth ... Jane fiUa Thomas f. James Turnough James f. James Whitworth Jane fa. John CoUings at Millrow Frances fa. Johanis Buckley de Buckley Ar: nata septimo die Martii 1652 circiter horam tertiam post meiidiem Grace fa. MicaheU Shakleton ... Samuel f. WiUiam Cryer [Mary fa. John Blackley Samuel f. James Cryer ... Richard f. Edmund Lord Jane fa. John Hamer Robt f. James Butterworth Marj' fa. James Milne de Gartside ... Edmund f. Edmund Ogden Edward f. Robt Brearley WilUam f. James Fletcher James f. James Howorth of Bery pish: 1652-1653 1652 9 Januarie 16 24 55 55 30 555) 13 Februarie 33 55 35 55 33 33 35 35 20 55 53 35 33 23 „ 27 J, I March 14 1653 27 March 33 35 33 j; 3 Aprill 10 35 17 i653 BAPTISMS 47 Ales fa. George Tayler ... Joseph f. Robt Leigh Thomas f. James Whitaker Abraham f. John Tayler Nicholas f. Richard Smith James Sharpies ... 3 p. 143 Jonathon f. Jeremie Cranage Martha fa. George Lees ... Robt f. John Hayward Hell [sic] hous Henry f. Henry Prestley bap: at Ratings Susan fa. Robt Chatterton Joseph f. Thomas Holt ... Alexander f. James Scolefeild of Scolefeild Gent: bap: at Milrow ... John f. Edmund Dunster at Milrow ... Luke f. Luke Greenhalgh John f. Richard Hollows James f. Roger Brearley Margrate fa. Nicholas [Baxter ... George f. Benja: Aulston Gent: John f. John PeUen John f. Robt Chadwicke James f. James Grene ... John f. Richard Wingreene Robt f. John Milne Robt f. John Milne at Milrow Samuel & Josua fil: Thomas Smith Mary fa. John Holt James f. James Clegg de Newfield head at Milrow George f. George Scoles ... Abraham f. James Brearley James f. Hugh Wrigley ... Robt f. Robt Sowtayle Mary fa. Jonathan Chadwicke of Chadwick Gent: Mary fa. Thomas Lord ... Ann fa. Henry Clegg Mary fa. John Chadwicke Abraham f. James Clegg Henry f. Henry Bamforth Sarah fa. John Sutcliffe Mary fa. James Milne EUzabeth fa. EUes Haslam Jane fa. Abraham Butterworth Mary & Edmund fil: Edmund FeUding John & Mary fil: Gawther Butterworth Ann fa. GabriU Leigh - 1653 17 ApriU 24 I Maie ID 15 22 29 5 June 12 19 3 July 10 17 48 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1653 b. Ales fa. Sam: Smith James f. John Scolefeild de Whitaker ... James f. Robt Milne James f. James Buckley et Mary ScolefeUd John f. John Holt Charles f. John Butterworth at Milnrow Edmund Milne filius 3 p. 144 Mary fa. John FUding bap: Todmerden Marmaduke f. Joseph Hanson ... Ann fa. James Turnough James f. Henry Whitaker Jane f. Robt Sewdale Robert f. Thomas Shore de Shore [Mary fa. Francis Scolefeild Dorathie fa. John Cranics at Todmerden Sarah fa. Henry Lees Robt f. WiUiam Whitworth Robt f. Abraham Scolefeild Robt f. John Butterworth Ann fa. James Turnough Judeth fa. John Hayward James f. James Tayler ... Robt f. Robt Ashworth Edmund f. Adam Holt Ottawell f. Joseph Whitworth Ann fa. Josias Leaver AbeU f. Joseph Duerden EUzabeth fa. William Kershaw John f. John Whitworth George f. George Milne ... Abraham f. John Ashworth Adam f. Henry Kershaw Lenard f. John Shiphard George f. John Buttler [No entries] [Here end Baptisms in Original Volume III.] 1653 17 July 24 JJ 31 ,, 14 August 7 55 17 21 JJ 22 55 24 28 4 September II 25 October i653 BAPTISMS 49 Original Volume IV. 4 p. I Crisnings at Rachdale and in the several Chappels belonging to Rachdale Church in the yeare of our Lord God 1653 as foUoweth James f. John Holland ... Mary fa. Richard Hopwood Martha fa. Francis Woofenden Mary fa. Robt Lord John f. James Hayward WUliam f. James Butterworth ... Francis f. William Booth Thomas f. John Butterworth de Turnough Abegale fa. Abraham Stansfield Rochdale Samuel f. John Greave ... Richard f. Robt Wild Ellen fa. Abraham Whitworth ... James f. James Haworth Elizabeth fa. John Stott at Millrow Edward f. Edward Clough Mary fa. Robt Wild Mary fa. Edmund Leigh Ann fa. John Tayler Samuel f.- Richard HiU Mary fa. John Brearley ... James f. Francis Woofenden Jane fa. James Woofenden Isaac f. [EUes Clegg Adam f. Robt Milne Henry f. Henry Farrah ... Ellen fa. Alexander Clegg at Littlebrouj Katheren fa. John Tayler Ann fa. Charles Belfield Elizabeth fa. John Bamford 4 p. 2 Robt f. Robt Walkden Robt f. Samuel Milne Jane fa. John Stott at Whitworth John f. John Scolefield James f. John Ogden Jane fa. John Shaw John f. Thomas Whitaker Mary fa. Edward Hopwood John f. John Scolefield 1653 9 October 16 35 55 30 55 53 6 November 55 53 13 JJ 2027 ,j II December 24 I Januarie 1315 22 5 Februarie JJ J, 12 „ 19 .. 50 ROCHDALE REGISTERS Katheren fa. Robt Boulton Ellen fa. Robt Grime ... Jane fa. Edmund Hollows Jonathan f. Richard Hollows EUzabeth fa. John Adkenson James f. WUUam Roads de Swanerode Ales fa. Robt Bathe Vicker de Rachdale John f. Henry Haworth Mary fa Wliitaker Ales fa. Robt Duckworth [Mary fa. James Milne at Milrow Elizabeth fa. Richard PoUard .. Elizabeth fa. James Brigs Jane fa. Raph Winterbothom .. James f. Robt [Milne John f. Richard Dicksonn John f. John Rodd at Milrow IsabeUah fa. Robt Holt Esq: John f. Samuel Lowton ... Mary fa. Henry Rudd Katheren fa. Abell Roads Katheren fa. John Chadwick 4 p. 3 Ales fa. Robt Wliitworth [Mary fa. Thomes Butterworth Sara fa. Robt Clough Elizabeth fa. Robt Buckley Katheren fa. Daniel Stocke [IMartha fa. John Chadwicke Abraham f. Jeffery Milne Elizabeth fa. John Feilding Jane fa. Samuel Cheetom Ales fa. Henry Shore at Milrow Ann fa. John Brearley at Milrow [Mathew f. John Butterworth [Mary fa. Abraham Mercer Ann fa. William Standring Ellen fa. Thomes Ogden Elizabeth fa. Samuel Tayler [Mary fa. John Fenton ... Elizabeth fa. John Butterworth Milrow Grace fa. James Butterworth Edward f. Edward Holt de Midleton pish: ... Esabell fa. James Stott ... Mary fa. John Hill Ann fa. Edmund W^hithead Burcheley 1653-1654 1653 26 Februarie JJ JJ 5 March 12 19 .. 33 55 35 35 1654 26 March 55 27 30 2 ApriU 23 30 14 May 1654 BAPTISMS 51 21 II 25 James & EUzabeth fil: Edmund Whithead at Littlebrough Ann fa. Joseph Ramsbothom at Littlebrough Mary fa. James Tayler James f. Thomas Smith Jane fa. Edmund Gartsid Robt f. Robt GorU Joseph f. Thomas Lowton 4 p. 4 EUzabeth fa. GabriU Gartsid Rachdale Elizabeth fa. John Smith James f. Edward Scolefield Grace fa. Peeter Boulton Margaret fa. Edmund Watmoe Mary fa. Richard Healey Mary fa. John Sutcliffe Edmund f. James Wrigley Elizabeth fa. Abraham Stott Francis f. Richard Milne Thomas f. John Whitaker Abraham f. Edmund Whithead Mary fa. Edmund Buckley John f. John Brearley de Hough Joseph f. Thomes Baskervile Jonathan f. Richard Hargraves George f. George Buckley at Milrow ... Mary fa. Gowther Butterworth at Millrow John f. Robt CoUinge James f. John Wliitworth Edmund f. Jeffery Kershaw at Littlebrough James f. Abell Brearley Robt f. Robt Milne et Martha Browne Edmund f. Edmund Clegg Ann fa. Richard Simsonn et Elizabeth Standring Grace fa. John Lord Mary fa. [Eenry Bamford Thomes f. Edmund Whithead Milrow Ellen fa. James Brearley at Milrow ... 4 p. 5 Arthur f. Arthur Scolefield Arthur f. John Smethurst EUzabeth fa. Raph Stott Ann fa. Robt Peddley James f. Abraham Stocke at Milrow ... Mary fa. John Feilding at Littlebrough 10 Ales fa. James James [sic] Scolefield ... i 1654 14 May 28 „ 4 June 2 July 39 16 23 30 6 August 52 ROCHDALE [REGISTERS John f. Robt Ashworth Jane fa. Henry Gartside at Milrow Jane fa. James Turnough at MUrow Jonathan f. Edward HoUows ... Mary fa. John Wardleworth Robt f. Thomas Healey Richard f. WiUiam Howorth Easter fa. Robt WTiithead at Milrow Jonathan f. Richard Chadwicke James f. James Brearley at Milrow Ann fa. Henry Scolefield Henry f. Ro'bt WTiithead at Milrow And James Brearley at Milrow John f. Edmund Butterworth ... [Mary fa. Roger Whitworth Elizabeth fa. Francis Holt at Milrow Henry f. John Holt Hopton f. Thomas Birch Gyles f. John Hoyle at Farewale Sara fa. Charles Clegg at Milrow Sara fa. Isaac Clegg James f. Samuel Fish Francis f. Francis Woofenden ... Rebecca fa. John Cheetam 4 p. 6 John f. John Mathew WiUiam f. WiUiam Newbey Mary fa. Israill Stringer Thomas f. Jonathan Holt at Littleb: Mary fa. Abraham Scolefield ... John f. James Berry Mary fa. James Cocker de Snipeleach Midleton pish: BenjanUne f. Samuel Wild Adam & [Mary fil: MicaheU Clegg Ann fa. James Butterworth Thomas f. James Stott at Littlebrou: Nicholas f. Nicholas Birch Ester fa. John Butterworth Thomas f. Jeremie Berry Ales fa. Joseph Leigh Robt f. John Healey Thomas f. Thomas Stott Mary fa. John Chadwicke Daniel f. EUes Hollows Patience fa. Thomas Buckley Gent: Charles f. Charles Lord James f. John Street Arthur f. Richard Scolefield 1654 1654 13 August .. 55 20 5535 53 27 3533 53 10 33 September JJ 55 " 35 lO 5355 53 17 555 J 24 3333 29 5555 I October 15 22 29 5 November 55 55 55 12 26 55 3 December i654 BAPTISMS 53 Robt f. Thomas Shipheard Edmund f. Edmund Brigs John f. Roger Brearley ... James f. AbeU Kershaw bap: at Litt: Mary fa. John Smethurst Ann fa. James SuttcUffe Hugh f. George Tayler at Milrow 4 p. 7 John f. John Buckley Sara fa. Edward Duerden James f. Edmund Ogden James f. Francis Pilkenton Grace fa. Robt HoUows John f. James Crosley ... Ellen fa. Richard HoUows Ann fa. Robt Hopwood Mary fa. Samuel Dewhurst Mary fa. John Whitworth James f. Ben: Whitaker at Littlebrough John f. Robt Brearley Ann fa. Edmund Simsonn Henry f. Henry Whitworth Elizabeth fa. Arthur Kay Thustan f. William Digles Midleton pish: John f. Robt Milne de Oldham pish: Edmund f. Edmund Lord James f. James Lord Sara fa. Henry Smith Ann fa. Robt Butterworth Mary fa. Andrew Shipheard James f. Jonathan HoUows James f. Tho: Dawson at Littlebrough Susan fa. Robt Seddon ... Ester fa. Robt Feilding Zacara f. Richard Smith Mary [fa.J Edmund Leigh Robt f. James Tayler de Ogden 4 p. 8 Mary fa. Edmund Ogden Isaac f. John Clegg Susan fa. Robt Chadwicke Sara fa. Richard Greenhalgh Mary fa. Robt Butterworth de Raghole at Little: Mary filia AbeU f. James Turnough Ann fa. George Milne Katheren fa. John Gabott Richard f. John Clegg John f. John Holt 1654 3 December 6 10 17 .. 33 33 24 = = 53 33 33 33 31 J, )3 33 55 33 7 Januarie 55 33 14 JJ 53 33 21 33 55 35 55 28 „ 33 33 55 55 35 33 4 I^ebruarie II 33 182425 4 March II 54 ROCHDALE REGISTERS James f. James Fenton ... Mary fa. Abraham Dawsonn John f. Robt Brigs Ales fa. Abraham Tayler [Mary fa. [\Iicahell Heape Joseph f. James Lester ... EUzabeth fa. James BjTom Abraham f. John Fenton Richard f. Richard Lord Alexander f. Joseph Whitworth Margreat fa. Thomas Whaley [Margreate fa. Simon Leach James f. James Milne John f. John Tayler John f. Daniel Holt Judeth fa. John Scolefield Richard f. James Whitaker b. Martha fa. James Brearley et Jane MUne Ann fa. Peeter Grundy ... Adam f. John Smethurst [Mary fa. John Shaw vSara fa. John Hayworth [Mary fa. John Lewes Charles f. Charles Lord ... ]ames f. Samuel WUd jun: Nicholes f. Nicholes Ingum Samuel f. John Newbold Berten f. John Entwisle Esq: bap: at Foxholes 4 p. 9 John f. Robt Jaques [Slartha fa. John Robtshaw Ales fa. Joseph Ogden ... Jane fa. John Milne Ester fa. Joseph Hansonn Mary fa. Robt Leigh John f. John Tajder John f. Thomas Horton EUzabeth fa. Samuel Newbold John f. Edmund Butterworth Ann fa. James Hayward Elizabeth fa. Edmund Whithead at IMilrow [Mary fa. Charles Turnough at Milrow Sara fa. Jonathan Chadwicke Gent: Robt f. Adam Holt Robt f. James Ashworth 1654-1655 1654 II March 1655 25 March JJ JJ JJ JJ 8 ApriU 15 22 29 .. May 13 20 27 i655 BAPTISMS 55 Richard f. Richard Clegg Jane fa. John Leigh Sara, Mary, Martha fil: Micahell Butterworth ... Robt f. Robt Hayward Ales fa. William Grene Sara fa. Robt Grime John f. John Brearley MUrow ... Samuel f. Jonathan Whithead Milrow John f. Israill Clegg Mary fa. Robt Gartsid .' Ann fa. James Howorth de Berry pish: Arthur f. John Lord at Milrow ... Susan fa. Francis Wridgley at Milrow Edmund f. Edmund Hayward ... Elizabeth fa. Samuel Street Robt f. Samuel Duerden James f. James Lord Susan fa. James Hayworth Mary fa. John Woofenden Samuel f. Joseph Shore ... John f. Anthonie Hayward Isabell fa. John Butterworth ... Mary fa. John Earnshaw Mary fa. James Greave at Milrow 4 p. ID Elizabeth fa. John Duerden ... Daniel f. Roger Holte de Greave Thomas f. John Stott at Whitworth Mary fa. James Fletcher Frances f. John Clough ... Mary fa. John Dodsonn John f. John Brearley at Milrow James f. William Wilkenson at Milrow Ann fa. Edmund Fetton Edmund f. Abraham Marser John f. Abraham Whitworth at Milrow Arthur f. Thomas Holt Samuel f. Henry Kershaw Ann fa. Edward Scolefeild Elizabeth fa. EUes Haslam Mary fa. John Clegg at Milrow Frances f. John Stocke de Ashess Ann fa. John Hayward ... Ann fa. James Stott Elizabeth fa. Daniel Greenwood at Todmerden Thomas f. Thomas Shore at home James f. John Stott at Milrow 1655 3 June 10 17 24 .1 1 July 10 15 22 29 10 Au gust 12 26 9 53 55 16 2 September 56 ROCHDALE REGISTERS Mary fa. James Chadwicke at Milrow ... Mary fa. John Milne Joseph f. Joseph Brearley at Little: ... Ales fa. Raph Wild at Milrow James f. James Clegg James f. John Cheetam John f. John Booth James f. John Clegg Martha fa. James Woofenden Mary fa. John Chadwicke at Milrow ... Joshua f. Joshua Stansfield Ann fa. James Cheetam Mary fa. Abraham Kershaw Robt f. Robt Sudale Elizabeth fa. Simeon Kershaw John f. John Tayler Mary fa. Henry Scolefeild John f. John SuttcUffe Jane fa. Richard Clegg bastard John f. James Dearden de Whitfield ... Thomas f. Thomas Cropp Thomas f. Thomas Haslam James f. Edmund Hopwood at Milrow 4 p. II Mary fa. William Butterworth ... Sara fa. Charles Ogden John f. John Hamer Isaac f. Isaac Brearley Ales fa. John Cheetam ... John & Jane fil: Henry ScolefeUd Elizabeth fa. Thomes Haugh at Milrow Mary fa. WiUiam Butterworth John f. John Ashworth ... James f. Robt Woofenden Margrat fa. Richard Turnough at MUrow George f. George Milne ... Edmund f. Raph Butterworth ... [Mary fa. James Milne Francis f . WUliam Leigh Ann fa. Joshua Chadwicke Mary fa. Edmund Hollows Grace fa. Ottawell Kershaw at Milrow Edmund f. Robt Clegg ... Grace fa. OttaweU Kershaw EUzabeth [fa.] Christopher NuttaU Roger f. Josias Leaver ... Robt f. John CoUings at MUrow Thomas f. Francis Woofenden ... Roger f. John Hayward at Ashworth ... 1655 1655 16 September 2326 30 7 October 14 ¦u,, 21 23 II 25 9 5535 16 4 November 2 December i655 BAPTISMS John f. John Hamer James f. James MUne Garsid at MiUrow John f. Joseph Ashworth de Stubbelee Raph f. Georg Scoles Mary fa. James Brigs James f. James Tayler ... James f. WUUam Whitworth Mary fa. John Turnough at Milrow ... John f. WUHam RotheU WiUiam f. WiUiam Kershaw James f. George MUne ... Mary fa. George Buckley at Milrow ... John f. Robt Gleve Ales fa. Richard Ogden Margreat fa. James Turnough at Milrow Sara fa. James FeUding at Todmord: Martha fa. John Tayler Margret fa. Richard Hollows ... [Richard f . Richard Crosley at Todmord: 4 p. 12 John f. Abraham Leigh ... Edmund f. Henry Bamford at Littlebrough Ann fa. John Butterworth at Milrow ... Sara fa. George Francleton at Milrow Ann fa. Henry Farrah ... Abra: f. James Brearley at Milrow Rebecca fa. William Dawson ... Elizabeth fa. James Scolefeild ... Edmund f. John Holt James f. Samuel Lowton WiUiam f. Andrew Shipheard Susan fa. Samuel Hollows Thomas f. James Milne at Milrow Martha fa. Roger Whitworth ... Jane fa. James Butterworth Rebecca fa. EUes Clegg ... Katheren fa. Nicholas Baxter ... WiUiam f. James Holt .''if. . filius James^ayden at Haywood John^f. Robt Milne Margret fa. John Smith John f. John Wild at Milrow WiUiam f. Gawther Butterworth at Milrow Jeremie f. John Whitworth John f. Edmund Wrigley Mathyas f. Robt Scolefeild Ales fa. John Butterworth 57 1655 23 December JJ JJ 30 J, 13 JJ 6 Januarie 13 1427 JJ J J 3 Februarie 10 17 33 24 2 March 58 ROCHDALE REGISTERS EUzabeth fa. Abraham ScolefeUd Thomas f. John Grene Robt f. Robt Hansonn Judeth fa. Charles Butterworth James f. John Butterworth Sara fa. James Butterworth Samuel f. Arthur Scolefeild Jonathan f. Francis Holt John f. John W'hitworth Elizabeth fa. Sam: Smith at Milrow . [Mary fa. Charles Belfield at Milrow . Samuel f. Joseph Ramsbothom Mary fa. James Scolefield de Scolefield Gent: Jonathan f. Isaac W'oofenden John f. John Whitworth Ann fa. Samuel Bentley [Mary fa. Robt ScolefeUd 4 p. 13 [Mary fa. Edmund Kershaw at Littlebrough Arthur f. Aurther Wliitley WiUiam f. James Standring at Milrow [Martha fa. Arthur Brearley Ales fa. James Tayler John f. George Milne Mary fa. James Milne Sara fa. Edmund Leigh ... Samuel f. Robt Hopwood James f. Abraham Roads at Milrow [Mary fa. EUes Milne at Milrow ... Jane fa. Edmund [Milne at Milrow Ester fa. John Chadwicke at home Robt f. Francis Holt [Mary fa. Lawrance Seddon John f. John Brrows [sic] Robt f. Raph CUier [sic] at Milrow James f. Ben: Stringer at Milrow Grace fa. Samuel Cheetom Ellen fa. Richard Wingrene Robt f. Abraham Dawsonn Edmund f. James Milne at Millrow Samuel f. John Butterworth Arthur f. Arthur Healey Susan fa. John Etton Abraham f. Abraham Wliitworth [Mary fa. John Milne at Littlebrough John f. John HiU 1655-1656 1655 16 March 23 1656 30 March 6 ApriU 13 20 27 4 May II 1318 i656 BAPTISMS 59 Robt f. John SuttcUffe ... Ann fa. Charles CoUings Mary fa. Robt Whitworth Samuel f. Thomes Smith Jane fa. Robt Boulton ... Abell f. John Brearley ... Mary fa. Christopher Jacsonn John f. James Cryer Mary fa. Abraham Scolefield AbeU f. AbeU Rods Ales fa. Robt Jaques Robt f. Robt SuteU 4 p. 14 Mary fa. James Tayler ... Abraham f. Henry Rudd John f. John Bamford ... Mary fa. Micahell Clegg Mary fa. Abraham Stocke at Milrow Anna fa. Robt Bathe Vicker de Rochdale Presila fa. Thomes Butterworth Adam f. Adam Tayler ... Edwardus f . Johanis Buckley de Buckley Armiger bap: at Buckley Joshua f. Thomas Baskervile Ann fa. Edward Adkenson Charles f. James Milne ... Jane fa. James Cheetam Edward f. John Adkensonn Jane & Katheren fil: Thomes Lowton Sara & Mary fil: John Buckley Samuel f . John Medocroft Jane fa. James Stott John f. Richard Healey bap: at home Joseph f. Jurden Chadwicke Little: WiUiam f. John Kennion Abraham f. Richard Scolefield ... Mary fa. William Cryer Sara fa. John Adkenson bap: at home William f . M"^ Zacharie Tayler clarke . James f. Edmund Wild ... Jeffery f. Joseph Whitworth Mary fa. John Mathew ... 4 p. 15 Samuel f. John Wardleworth Joshua f. [Robt Chadwicke Arther f. James Butterworth Abraham f. Samel WUd Robt f. Edmund Butterworth WiUiam f. Robt Chadwicke Ann fa. Robt Rodd 1656 II May 25 I June 15 22 25 29 13 July 20 ^1 3 8 JJ August 10 33 17 55 24 31 53 337 September 6o ROCHDALE REGISTERS 4P- James f. James Bamford de Shore Martha fa. Henry Scolefeild James f. Robt MUne Katheren fa. James Scolefeild Richard f. Thomas Birch John f. John Chadwicke James f. Arthur Kay John f. Francis Clegg Mary fa. John EUisonn ... Ann fa. John HoUand ... William f. John Brearley John f. Robt Grime Mary fa. Andrew Tayler Robt f. Robt Brigs John f. John Ogden WiUiam f. WiUiam Medocroft et Susan W^alton Elizabeth fa. Robt GorUd Ales fa. Robt Butterworth [Mary fa. Charles Lord ... Jane fa. Jonathan Readfearne Deborah fa. Henry Howorth Mary fa. John Tattersall Ann fa. James Tetlah Henry f. Robt Scolefield James f. James Chadwicke at Milrow :6 Mary fa. James SuttcUffe Jane fa. Richard Scolefield EUzabeth fa. John Gibson at Todmerden Daniel f. James Milne at Milrow b, Sara fa. Thomas Whitaker et Mary Hanson James f. James Byrom ... Mary fa. Robt CoUings Ann fa. James Whitworth Joshua f. John Feilding at Todmerden Katheren fa. Robt Holt of Castleton Esq: bap: at Castleton Richard f. Edmund Simson William f. Jonathan Hamer Joshua f. John Feilding at Todmerden James f. James Stott bap: at Littlebrough Joseph f. Nicholas Birch Joseph f. Joseph Duerden EUzabeth fa. Samuel Fish Simon f. Simon Kershaw bap: at Todmerden ... 1656 1656 14 September 21 28 5 October 12 55 55 19 JJ 26 JJ J J 9 November 16 30 J, 7 December 23 28 3355 J. 55 JJ 55 3 J anuarie 55 4 II 3333 35 I656-I657 BAPTISMS 61 Roger f. Jeremie Brearley Jonathan f. James Turnough ... John f. John Jacsonn ... Francis f. Abraham Stott Jane fa. Richard Chadwicke Margret & Jane fil: John MuUinex Andrew f. John Shiphard Butterworth f. Thomas Buckley Little Howorth Gent: Semeon f. Semeon Kershaw at Todm: John f. Richard Smith ... Abraham f. Thomas Healey Mary fa. Jeremie Brearley 4 p. 17 Elizabeth fa. John Whitaker ... Henry f . Henry Farrar at MiUrow John f. Abraham Scolefield David f. AbeU Brearley Ann fa. Francis Scolefield James f. John Scolefield Myles f. Abraham Tayler Jane fa. James Wrigley Ales fa. [Edmund Lord WUliam f. Joshua Stansfield Robt f. Robt Butterworth Charles f. John Healey Ann fa. Richard HoUows John f. John Butterworth Lowhous John f. Robt Clough Ales fa. Georg Scoles Edmund f. William Leigh Ester fa. Robt FeUding Joseph f. John Clegg Mary fa. Abraham Tayler AUex: f. Alexander Noble James f. James Scolefield Margret f. John WTiitaker Edmund f. William Harrison ... John f. Thomas Holt Ales fa. James Brearley Sara fa. Joseph Whitworth Susana fa. Joseph Hanson Isaac f. William Newby Georg f. John Smethurst 4 p. 18 John" f. Joshua Chadwicke Ann fa. Roger Whitworth Mary fa. Abraham Scolefield ... Abraham f. Robt Lord 1656 18 Januarie 28 „ 13 J, I Februarie 15 22 15 22 29 March 1657 March 5 ApriU 12 62 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1657 [Mary fa. John Boulton ... Robt f. Abraham Whitworth Sara fa. Tho: Dawson at Littlebrough Samuel f. James Crosley John f. Robt Holding ... _ John f. John Howorth at Little: Katheren fa. Jonathan Chadwicke Gent: Ellen fa. Arthur Scolefeild John f. James Lord Charles f. James Durden de Wliitfield Martha fa. Thomas Stott Grace fa. Richard W^hitworth ... James f. James Milne Elizabeth fa. Adam Kershaw Little: ... Grace fa. John Brearley at Millrow ... Charles f. Charles Clegg ... Susan fa. John Holt Ann fa. Lenard Shipheard Ales fa. Arthur Hollows Jonathan f. Francis Woofenden John f. John Birch et Ann Lort Leaver John f. Micahell Butterworth Susan fa. James Clegg ... AbeU f. Samuel Wild William f. John Shaw Robt f. John Chadwicke Healey Gent: Ales fa. Richard Milne de Millrow Mathew f. Jeremie Cranedg [Marie fa. Edmund Watmough ... Marie fa. John Scolefield [Meriam fa. Isaac Clegg ... 4 p. 19 Richard f. John Tayler Abraham f. Edmund Buckley ... Marie fa. Edward Hopwood Raph & Katheren fil: Raph Stott [Mary fa. Abraham Leach Robt f. James Cocker Thomas f. Robt Livesley Ann fa. Micahell Joseph f. Ottawell Whitworth Sara fa. Charles Turnough EUzabeth fa. Joseph Ashworth de Stubbelee Sara fa. Edmund Turnough James f. James Berry Grace fa. Robt Butterworth Raghole Ester fa. John Holt John f. John Butterworth 1657 12 May 19 26 3 May 10 17 31 14 June 21 28 5 July 12 2019 26 2 August i657 BAPTISMS 63 Mary fa. James Tayler ... Elijah f. Israill Stringer Ann fa. James Lord James f, John Chadwicke Robt f. Samuel Dewhurst James f . Joseph Brearlej^ at Littlebroug! Charles f. James Scolefeild Gent: Robt f. Robt Woostenholme ... Samuel f. Samuel Street John f. John Woofenden Ann fa. Charles Lord John f. William Butterworth ... Mary fa. William Smethurst Margret fa. Henry Hartley John f. John Buckley Isaac f. Edward Clegg at Milrow 4 p. 20 Ann fa. John Tayler Elizabeth fa. Lawrance Seddon Edmund f. Jeremie Lord .... fiUa Richard Hollows Samuel f. James Stott ... John f. Thomas Horton Mary fa. Hugh Hollows Mary fa. Jonathan Hollows Charles f . Ottawell Smith at Littlebrou; Katheren fa. James Hayward ... Leah fa. John Leigh Hofold Martha fa. WiUiam HiU Robt f. Nicholas Ingum Dorathie fa. John Holt ... Samuel f. James Milne at Milrow Aron f. Aron Holt John f. John Tayler Susan fa. Henry Kershaw Dorathie fa. Edmund Healey at Milro Richard f. John Scolefeild John f. James Smethurst James f. John SuttcUffe Abraham f. John Stocke de Ashes Susan fa. Edward Hollows John f. John Smith Mary fa. John Medocroft Ales fa. Raph Wharton ... Mary fa. Zacharie Tayler Clarke Semeon f. Adam Butterworth ... Henry f. James Butterworth Ales fa. James Shaklocke Francis f. Robt Stott 1657 16 August 21 23 2730 6 September 13 JJ 33 35 20 „ 55 33 55 33 33 55 27 „ JJ JJ h 4 October II 25 53 55 8 November 22 35 29 55 35 35 55 33 6 December 64 ROCHDALE REGISTI^RS James f. Richard Clegg ... Mary fa. Robt Hayward John f. John Ruds 4 p. 21 EUzabeth fa. Robt Gleave Grace fa. James Lester ... Elizabeth fa. Robt Seddon Robt f. Charles Ogden ... Abraham f. James Fletcher Samuel f. John Cheetom Jane fa. Henry Margreson EUzabeth fa. Josias Leaver Abraham f. James Turnough Ann fa. EUes Haslam James f. James Woofenden John f. Abraham Dawson WiUiam f. Edmund Leigh Mary fa. James Cheetam Mary fa. Henry Shore ... Robt f. Abraham Butterworth WilUam f. John D . . . . [illegible] James f. Abraham Tayler Mary fa. John Smith Grace fa. Edmund Lord WUUam [?] f. John Cheetom ... Ales fa. James Tayler Francis f. Francis Scolefild at Ashworth Margrat fa. Roger Holt ... EUzabeth fa. Henry Scolefeild . EUzabeth fa. Robt ScolefeUd . Susan fa. Daniel Holt Ales fa. James Hoyle William f. Joseph Tayler Jane fa. George Tayler ... [Mary fa. Edmund Whithead at Millro Alexander f. John CoUings of MUrow John f. Arthur Scolefeild Mary fa. George Hanson 4 p. 22 Abigale fa. Edmund Ogden John f. John Chadwicke John f. James Howorth Abraham f. John Ogden Mary fa. John Hardman John f. Abraham Stocke at Milrow Samuel f. John Wardle Jonathan f. Gawther Butterworth John f. James Turnough Edmund f. James Sharplus Ann fa. Edmund Chadwicke 1657 1657 6 December 13 55 20 553 3 33 27 I Januarie 4 II 17 55 55 55 24 35 31 53 35 14 February 21 28 2 March 7 33 55 55 33 33 4 33 21 1657-1658 BAPTISMS 65 Elizabeth fa. James Whitworth Elizabeth fa. James Chadwicke Jonathan f. William Digle de Medleton Robt f. Robt Hopwood James f. Robt Butterworth James f. Isaack Woofenden Dormon f. Robt Hanson Ales fa. James Milne Joseph f. John Leigh John f. Richard Clegg ... Nathan f. John FeUding Ester fa. WiUiam Booth Margret fa. John Kinnion Katheren fa. William Buckley Joseph & Edmund fil: Edward Scolefeild Richard f. John Simson 4 p. 23 Abraham f. John Hamer Robt f. Edmund Ogdin Elizabeth f. George Milne John f. Henry Farrar at Millrow Mary fa. Thomas Buckley de Little Haworth Gent: Isabell fa. Richard Holt Gent: Jane fa. Micahell Butterworth at Littlebrough Grace fa. WilUam Hollows Jane fa. Robt Clegg Gyles f. John Milne Jonathan f. Jonathan Tayler John f. James Clegg Ann fa. James Turnough James f. George Milne ... Margret fa. John Holt ... Joseph f. John Chadwicke John f. James Whitaker Ester fa. Edmund I/ord de Longakers Febey fa. Alexander Woosnam Robt f. Andrew Shipheard John f. John GiUiem of Greeneside at Littlebrough EUzabeth fa. EUes Clegg Ann fa. Alexander Kershaw John f . Richard Hogen Margret fa. Micahell Butterworth Isaac f. Abraham Dawsonn Robt f. John Greave Sara fa. John Masonn 1657 21 March 1658 28 March 4 ApriU II 18 „ 35 5 5 25 ,, 55 33 2 May 35 55 9 J. 35 55 16 23 30 6 June 13 20 27 2 July 4 II 18 66 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1658 4 p. 24 Abraham f. Thomas Haslam Susan fa. Robt Gorild Dorathie fa. Robt Grime Jane fa. James Standring Grace fa. James Milne ... James & Ales fil: James Stott ... Abraham f. Robt Hollows Abegale fa. Joshua Chadwicke ... Jane fa. Robt Buckley ... John f. Robt Sedale Robt f. Edmund Holt of WhitfeUd at Littlebiough Anna fa. Febean Whithead Sara fa. AbeU Crosley Robt f. Edmuna Holt John f. Joseph Duerden Dorathie fa. Arthur Kay Roger f. William Whitworth Ales fa. Edmund Leigh ... Ales fa. MicaheU Clegg Richard f. Richard Mathew John f. Thomas Cropp ... Sara fa. Raph Stott Dyna fa. Robt Scolefeild William f. John Lord Robt f. Arthur Brearley John Lees de Hoefold 4 p. 25 John f. John PUUng at Whitworth James f. Robt Jaques ... Robt f. John Tayler Joshua f. James Scolefeild Gent: Margreat fa. Edmund Milne Buersale Moore Sara fa. Edmund Butterworth Robt f. Robt Boulton de Low John f. Francis Holt Samuel f. Nicholas Birch Lawrance f. Edm.und Hopwood Grace fa. Abraham Scolefeild Ales fa. John MUne at MUrow Thomas f. Thomas Healey de Buckley John & Mary fil: Arthur Kay Mary fa. James Scolefield Margret fa. James Brigs Jane fa. Abraham W^hitworth EUzabeth fa. Joshua StansfeUd Ann fa. John HiU Joseph f. WiUiam Leigh 1658 25 July I August 22 55 29 5 September 12 19 3 October ID 17 24 J. 7 November JJ JJ 14 .. 21 35 35 28 ,, 55 1 ) 5 December 3 5 33 33 35 55 53 12 55 53 5) 53 55 35 19 .J 1658-1659 BAPTISMS Thomas f. John Holt Abraham f. Robt Sutcliffe Abraham f. John WUd ... Elizabeth fa. John Whitworth Ann fa. Richard Ogden ... 4 p. 26 Abraham f. Richard Hollows Susan fa. Joseph Wild ... Ann fa. James Butterworth Ales fa. Robt Stott Elizabeth fa. Robt Crosley John f. James Stott at Litt: Mary fa. John Scolefeild Abraham f. Robt Whitworth Mary fa. John Stott at Wliitworth Edmund f. Richard Greenwood Richard f. John Whitworth Abraham f. Thomas Tayler Robt f. Jonathan Woofenden ... Martha fa. Andrew Tayler Susan fa. Edmund Wild Arthur f. Arthur Scolefeild John f. James Bamford de Shore John f. Ralph Collier Ellen fa. Edward Shacklocke ... EUes f. EUes Milne Roger f. Richard Whitworth James f. Thomas Smith George f. Joseph Traves Sara fa. Thomas Birch ... John f. WiUiam Smethurst James f. John Brearley at Milrow William f. Richard Heapey John f. James SuttcUffe Elizabeth fa. Edmund Hollows 4 p. 27 John f. George Adkenson EUes f. James Scolefeild Upp Towne James f. John Butterworth Thomas f. John Jacsonn b. Mary f. Joseph Lister John f. GabriU Gartsid de Rochdale Sara fa. James Milne at Milrow Margret f. Robt Bath Clarke ... Amos f. Edmund Ogden Jarrat f. James Whitworth Marth fa. John Ogden Johnf. John Holt Nicholey f. James Birch 67 1658 19 December 26 2 Januarie JJ JJ JJ J J 9 ., 55 35 16 „ 35 5 5 35 55 55 55 23 ,. 35 5) 55 55 55 33 30 2 Februarie 5 JJ 6 „ 13 20 27 6 March 13 ,j 33 55 fc,W 55 1659 27 March 68 ROCHDALE R[EGISTERS 1659 Stubblee End at Mary f . Robt Duerden de Benthous EUzabeth fa. Samuel WUd Isaac f. John Buckley ... Ales fa. Abraham Stott ... Joshua f. Joseph Ashworth de Nathan f. Nathan HUl ... Jonathan f. James Turnough Joshua f. William Newbey Mary f. James Smith de Tong Whitworth ... 4 p. 28 Joshua f. Samuel Cheetam EUen fa. Abraham Whitworth Ellen fa. John SuttcUffe Jane fa. Richard Smith ... William f . Edmund Aaron Elizabeth fa. James Lister Grace fa. John Buckley of Buckley Esq: born 27 Ap: bap: at Buckley HaU Ann fa. James Milne Jane fa. John Smethurst Elizabeth fa. Raph Duerden Thomes f. Edmund Holme Joseph f. Joseph Hansonn Ales fa. James Parsivale Ales fa. John Duerden ... William f. WUliam Grene at Millrow Edmund f. Edmund Turnough John f. James Butterworth Susan fa. Roger Whitworth Sara fa. Thomas Lowton John f. John Tattersall Elizabeth fa. Henry Howorth ... Edmund f. Edmund Lord Thomes f. Jeremie Brearley Susan fa. John Leigh Joseph f. George Lees EUzabeth fa. John Tayler 4 p. 29 Mary fa. Edmund Simsonn Deborah fa. Abell Brearley Ann fa. George Scoles Caleb & Joshua fil: Samuel Deuhorst James f. Abraham ScolefeUd ... Samuel f. Adam Whitworth Mary fa. John Newbold Ales fa. John Butterworth de Lowhous James f. Samuel Newbold at Millrow Samuel f. Samuel Fish EUzabeth fa. Samuel Milne 1659 27 March 3 Aprill 7 10 JJ 24 I May 15 22 29 31 5 June JJ 12 1926 3 July 3; 17 i659 BAPTISMS 69 Susan fa. Abraham Leigh John f. James Whitworth Mary fa. Isaac Dawsonn Henry f. John Kershaw at Crosstone Chappie Mary fa. Charles CoUings Elizabeth fa. Abraham Scolefield at Todmerden ... Ales fa. James Tayler EUes f. John Scolefeild Ann fa. Robt Hodgen Margreat fa. Peeter Boulton John f. John Lord 4 p. 30 Thomas f . Jonathan Chadwicke de Chad: Gent: Edmund f. John Scotsonn Bamford ... Abraham f. Abraham Tayler Mary fa. James Durden de Whitfield James f. James Chadwicke, James Stocke de Ashes greate grandfather to the said James, Mary fa. John Stocke and the foresaid greate grandfather, grandfather to the said Mary all of one day ... John f. Robt Buckley Stock Road ... Jane fa. Richard HiU at Littlebrough Mary fa. John Chadwick at Millrow ... Richard f. John Holland Jane fa. James Fletcher Ann fa. James Howorth Joseph f. James Brerley de Swindrod John f. James Chadwicke de Roughbanke Elizabeth fa. John Tayler John f. John Wild Sara fa. Joseph Brearley at Littlebrough Grace fa. Joseph Whitworth Mary fa. [Henry Kershaw Jane fa. Thomas Duerden Elizabeth fa. Charles Hill de HoUingworth EUzabeth fa. James Milne at Milrow ... John f. John Stott de Brownewardle ... Johans f. Thomes ScolefeUd Jonathan f. John Clough Edmund f. Robt Feilding Andrew f. Andrew Berry James f. Robt Brigs Timothie f. John Etton Ales fa. James Hayward 1659 24 July 7 August JJ ,, J, ,, 13 .. 35 53 27 „ 4 September i) 33 18 „ 25 ,j 2 October ,, JJ ,, JJ 16 23 6 November 13 70 ROCHDALE REGISTERS Jane fa. Henry Kershaw at Milrow ... John f. John MuUiax Thomas f. John Shaw Ann fa. Alexander Turnough Shore ... Robt f. Thomas Ensworth John f. Jonathan Brearley Mary fa. John Hartley ... Katheren fa. Robt Butterworth 4 p. 31 Jeremie f. Jeremie Berry Sara fa. EUes Hollows ... Abraham f. James Crosley Abell f. John Brearley ... WiUiam f. William Dawson Tabytha fa. Thomas Jackson ... John f. Thomas Shipheard de Spotland Gate Abraham f. Abraham Stocke de BelfeUd Sara fa. Charles Lort Jane fa. John Kennion ... Grace fa. Charles Butterworth ... EUen fa. James Scolefeild James f. John Wardle ... Abraham f. Abraham Stocke de Steed Ester fa. Edmund Chadwicke ... John f. Charles Turnough Mary fa. Thomas Healey Thomas & Edmund fil: James Bamford Thomas f. John Shipheard Alexander f. Semeon Kershaw ... Ester fa. James Lord Susan fa. George Lumax Gent: Joseph f. Joseph Tayler Mary fa. Robt Clough Ann fa. Robt Milne Mary fa. EUes Masonn Ann fa. AbeU Roods James f. Robt Colling ... Edward f. Edmund Kershaw Ann fa. Joseph Wharton Mary fa. Lawrance Seddon 4 P- 32 Margret fa. Zachary Taylor Clarke John f. Jeremie Lord Jane fa. Adam Brearley Milrow Katheren fa. James Whitworth Sara fa. William Kershaw Joseph f. John Romsbothom ... ".' Sara fa. William Hill AbeU f. Thomas Brearley Hough' ... 1659 1659 20 November 26 „ 27 33 53 4 December 33 33 II 55 35 18 „ 33 35 33 33 33 53 25 35 33 55 55 I Januarie 1522 5 5 29 30 „ 31 .. I Februarie 12 19 26 1659-1660 BAPTISMS 4P- 33 Edmund f. James Milne Sara fa. Abraham Normanton ... Mary fa. John Whitaker Richard f. John Gibson at Todmerden John f. Robt Gorild Mary fa. Samuel Streete Isaac f. Abraham Dawsonn Jeremie f. James Wrigley Thomas f. Thomas Bridg Mary fa. John Abbett Jane fa. Robt Stott Henry f. Abraham Tayler Joseph f. Joseph Shore Elizabeth fa. Jonathan Butterworth at Millrow Mary fa. Joshua Stott de Feilding at Littlebrough 71 1659 27 Februarie 4 March 1660 25 March I Aprill John f. Henry Clough Elizabeth fa. Nicholas Byrch Ales fa. Reputed child of James Key elligetteme James f. John Wardleworth Healey ... Mary fa. Robt Duckworth Mary fa. Abraham ScolefeUd Ales fa. GabrUl Leigh Jane fa. Abraham Brearley Abraham f. Jonathan Hamer ... Dorathie fa. Edmund Whithead Duernley at Littlebrough Robt f. Charles Ogden Martha fa. Richard WUd Abraham f. Abraham SuttcUffe Elizabeth fa. Edmund Hopwood Renerod at Milrow Robt f. Arthur Scolefeild Abraham f. William Leach John f. Jonathan Hollows Ales fa. James Byrom 6 May Abraham f. John Whitworth ... ... ,, „ Samuel f. John Feilding ... ... „ ,, Mary fa. Edmund Lord de Longacres ,, „ Rachel fa. Edmund Ogden 20 „ Charles f. Richard Chadwicke ,, ,, James f. John Tayler ... ... ... „ ,, Jeremie f. Edmund Holt ... ... „ „ Margreat fa. Dennes Howorth EUigettimat „ „ Susan fa. James Clegg 27 „ 1215 22 29 72 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1660 Anna fa. Richard Hill ... Jane fa. Anthonie Hamer Edward & Mary fil: Thomes Holt James f. Thomas Brearley John f. WUUam Buckley Jane fa. John Butterworth Mary fa. Robt ScolefeUd Ales fa. WiUiam Harkehead John f. John Brearley ... John f. Robt Holdworth Grace fa. James Standring Grace fa. WUliam Butterworth Mary fa. James Tayler ... Edmund f. Thomas Butterworth Susan fa. Abraham Rodes at Millrow John f. Richard Clegg 4 p. 34 Ales fa. Joseph Lister Thomas f. Jonathan Smith Jane fa. Samuel Smethurst Marland Titus f. Edmund Leigh ... Thomas f. Thomas Holdworth Clough Hous ... John f. James Grene Elizabeth fa. John Boulton Edmund f . Edmund W^hithead Birchenley John f. Jonathan Readfearne James f. Robt Duerden Charles f. Robt Hanson Jane fa. Israel Stringer ... Ann fa. Robt Hayward ... Cornelius f. Daniel Holt Elizabeth fa. Edward Unsworth Towne EUzabeth fa. John CoUings Sara fa. James Smith de Tong End at W^hitworth ... Robt f. Robt Lord Mary fa. William Earnshaw Susan fa. Thomas Hague Binns John f. James Stott John f. Robt Grime Peeter f. Fabion Whithead George f. Edmund Watmoe John & Jane fil: Henry ScolefeUd 4 P- 35 Mary fa. Peeter Boulton [Mary & Ann fil: Jeffery MUne ... John f. John West Abraham f. Edmund Milne Hough Susan fa. Abraham Buckley 1660 27 May JJ JJ 10 June 17 " 24 I July 1522 29 12 1926 August 2 September i66o BAPTISMS Mary fa. James Duerden Edward f. John Adkensonn at Shaw Henry f. John Hamer Robt f. Isaac Woofenden Jane fa. Richard Whitworth Jonathan f. John Lewes Robt f. Robt Whitworth Jane fa. Robt Hopwood RatcUffe f. George Hanson Mary fa. Charles Duerden James f. Adam Holt Martha fa. Joshua StansfeUd ... Jane fa. Alexander Lightolers ... Ellen fa. James Stott Little Wardle Ann fa. John. Butterworth Ann fa. John Cheetam ... Ales fa. John Ogden Thomas f. Thomas Woofenden Mary fa. John Chadwicke Mary fa. Lenard Shipheard EUzabeth fa. Joshua Strengthfellow Thomas f. Edward Holt EUes f. John Hollows Randale f. John Leigh ... 4 p. 36 Mary fa. Andrew Shipheard Margret fa. Richard Hodgen Jane fa. John Chadwicke Adam fa. Richard HiU Hilltopp Ester fa. WilUam Grene at Millrow ... Robt fa. Charles Clegg Joseph f. Robt Scolefeild Mary fa. Edmund Leigh Susan fa. Thomas Byrch Susan fa. James Readfearne de Readfearnei at Ashworth Thomas f. Thomas Buckley Gent: George f. Robt Leigh Sara fa. Thomas Tayler Richard f. James Whitworth ... Abraham f. John Ogden Robt f. OttaweU Whitworth ... Margery fa. Robt Halliwell John f. Arthur Kay James f. Edmund Holt ... Ann fa. Edmund Ogden Ann fa. Abraham Whitworth ... Robt f. Henry Tayler John f. Edmund Meller 73 1660 9 September 33 J } 16 „ 23 30 7 October 14 21 28 4 JJ II November 25 J, ,j 2 December 23 74 ROCHDALE REGISTERS Jane & Mary fil: John Milne Mary fa. William Smethurst Roger f. John Holt Ellen fa. Jonathan Clegg RacheU fa. Robt Hunte 4 p. 37 Ester fa. Thomas Shipheard Edmund f. Edmund Turnough Jane fa. John Holt AUbiniah fa. Robt Pedley Jane fa. Richard Mathew Ann fa. James Berry Margret fa. John Duerden James f. Edmund Butterworth Margret fa. Richard Holt Gent: Grace fa. Robt Stott Abraham f. James Milne at Milrow ... Ann fa. Joseph Graves at Milnerow ... John f. Robt Gleave Jane fa. John Howorth ... Samuel f. James Leach de Facett John f. Abraham Standring Mary fa. Robt Buckley Gerard f. Edmund Readfearne William f. Arthur Kay de Redlum ... Thomas f. James Lord ... James f. James Byrch ... Ann fa. William Stott Susan fa. James Clegg Shawfeild Jane fa. Edward Clegg Newbold Mar J' fa. Edmund Stott John f. John Hamer Robt f. MicaheU Butterworth Ann fa. Thomes Milne ... George f. John Buttler Jane fa. Abraham Tayler Marland Samuel f. Samuel Wild ... Sara fa. Edmund Wild ... Sara fa. John Hill Jane fa. John Brearley at Milrow William f. Joseph Duerden William f. Edward Adkenson Anna fa. Abell Crosley ... John f. John Gibson af Todmerden ... 4 p. 38 Richard f. Robt HaUiweU Longclough James f. Joshua Chadwicke de Ridings Mary fa. James PUkenton de Rachdale Jonathan f. Robt Littleton Katheren fa. Abraham Healey 1660 1660 30 December 6 Januarie 20 27 29 17 24 3 February March ID i66o-i66i ' BAPTISMS 75 Henry f. James Scolefeild Jane fa. John Whitworth Mary fa. Charles NuttaU Richard f. Robt Levesley de Bamford de Bury pish: Ales fa. Edmund Lord Jane fa. John Holt Patience fa. Edward Scolefeild WiUiam f. WUliam Whitworth ... John f. John Whithead Litthasles at Littlebrough James f. James Sharpies Benjamine f. Robt Clegg Elizabeth fa. John Scolefeild ... Ales fa. John Tayler James f. John Pilling at Whitworth Charles f. Roger Grene ... Raphe f. Raphe Stott James f. John Clegg Robt Scolefeild Ellen fa. Richard Grime et Mary Livesley James f. Samuel Greave Abraham f. James Tetlah Mary fa. Richard Hamer at Ashworth Mary fa. James Lord Joseph f. Richard Hollows Joseph f. James Milne ... Mary fa. John ScolefeUd John f. William Hollows James f. James Cockher Arthur f. John Tayler 4 p. 39 Jane fa. Henry Shore Jane fa. John Smith Mary fa. Abraham Holdworth at Littlebrough Jane fa. John Howorth ... Jane fa. Arthur Scolefeild Abraham f. James Scolefeild Dorathie fa. James SuttcUffe ... Mary fa. John Masonn ... Ales fa. Henry Rudd Elizabeth fa. Edmund Kershaw Margret fa. Robt Whitworth ... Ann fa. James Hayward James f. John SuttcUffe Adam f . Thomas HiU Clegswood i66o 10 March 17 2224 i66i 31 March 7 ApriU II14 2128 5 May 12 19 76 ROCHDALE RECilSTERS 1661 John f. George Scoles John f. John Booth Joseph f. Robt Sudale ... Elizabeth fa. Alexander Kershaw Littlebrough Robt f. John Smith Edward f. Edward Leigh Peeter f. Robt Boulton Jonathan f. Jonathan Chadwicke Mary fa. Abraham Tayler John f. Charles Lord Ales fa. EUes Haslam Ales fa. James Woofenden [Mary fa. Evan March 4 p. 40 Ann fa. Edmund Holme George f. George Adkenson John f. John Medocraft EUzabeth fa. John Wliitworth AbeU f. Raph Duerden Judeth fa. John Buckley of Buckley Esq: born 2"'* July bap: at Buckley Abegale fa. Edmund [Bay wood John f. Francis Holt Mary fa. Micahell Clegg b. Charles filius Elizabeth fa. Zachary Tayler Clarke ... Roger f. Roger Whitworth Daniel f. William Leigh Sara fa. Arthur Brearley Edmund f. EUes Milne af Milrow Robt f. Richard Holt Thomas f. Thomas Butterworth de Belfeild Judeth fa. Joseph Romsbothom Bettres fa. Jeremie Brearley John f. Edmund Hill James f. Robt Butterworth James f. Alexander Scolefeild Ann fa. Edward Bruers ... Susan fa. James Scolefeild Joseph f. Samuel Looton 4 p. 41 Joseph f. James Leach James f. John Chadwicke Robt f. James Heyward John f. John Stott at Whitworth [Mary fa. John Roads de Sladen WiUiam f. Raphe CoUier Jonathan f. Robt Chadwicke .' 1661 19 May 20 2 June 9 1623 30 7 July 14 2123 4 An II gust I September 15 22 29 i66i BAPTISMS 4 P- 42 William f. Thomas Cropp Edmund f . Edward Leach Catle lane James f. Robt Gorield EUzabeth fa. Charles CoUings ... Ann fa. Arthur Smethurst Hite Robt f. John Chadwicke Millrow Jarard f. John Jackson ... Jane fa. Abraham Dawson Elizabeth fa. Alexander Turnoui Burchehead ... Mary fa. James Woolfenden John f. John Scolefeild ... Lawrance f. Henry Fletcher Mary fa. Thomas Scolefeild Charles f. Charles Butterworth et EUzabeth Butterworth Isaac f. Abraham Scolefeild Todmerden Thomas f. James Brearley de Swenrod at Littlebrough Susan fa. Andrew Tayler Susan fa. John Ettough Grace fa. George Lees James f. James Grene Thomas f. Thomas Hoyle James f. William Newbey Sara fa. Gowther Butterworth . SoUoman'f. John Hartley Abegale fa. Thomas Lowton Thomes f. Thomes Woofenden Thomes f. Charles Hill de HoUenworth Sara fa. John Hartley ... Deborah fa. Richard Healey Samuel f. Charles Hamer at home Thomas f . James Brearley at Littlebrough Abraham f. Abraham Woolfenden of Oldham pish: John f. James Milne John f. Thomas Eansworth John f. Abell Ashworth ... Mary fa. Robt Tayler ... Margret fa. John Smith John f. John Chadwicke at Littlebrough James f. John Whithead de Lightolers at Littlebrough Jane f. John Clegg et Ruth Healey Thomas f. Robt Horst ... Charles f. John Robenson Jonathan f. Jonathan Smith 11 1661 29 September 6 October 13 14 20 27 JJ 3 November JJ J, 10 17 JJ 55 3 3 35 35 19 ., 53 33 24 ,j JJ JJ I December 15 35 22 78 ROCHDALE REGISTERS Abegale fa. Abraham Leigh James f. Henry Brearley Thomes f. James Eccarsale John f. Edward Holt Lawrance f. John Hardman Henry f. James Bamford de Shore Ann fa. Joseph Brealey Littlebrough ... Richard f. Lawrance Hardman Elizabeth fa. Joseph Hanson John filius 4 p. 43 Abraham f. Abraham Colling Gretrot Heigh James f. James Brearley Mary fa. Abraham Dawson Mary fa. James Turnough Jane fa. Henry Howorth Arthur f. Isaac WorraU ... Richard f. James Whitworth ... John f. Abraham Scolefeild James f. Thomas Haigh de Binns at Millrow Ann fa. Peeter RatcUffe Gent: at Millrow Robt f. John West Richard f. John Tayler Charles f. Marmaduke J arret ... James f. Robt Buckley ... Alex: f. John Scolefeild ... Deborah fa. Richard Lord Mary fa. Isaac Adkenson John f. Adam Whitworth Ann fa. William Carson Abell f. Edmund Buckley Jane fa. Samuel Dewhorst Elizabeth fa. James Byrch Charles f. Francis Holt ... Margret fa. John Whitworth Ales fa. John Milne at Millrow Josia f. Joseph Ashworth de Stubbelee Judeth fa. James Scolefeild de ScofefeUd [sic] Gent: 4 p. 44 James f. Arthur Scolefeild Grace fa. John Cromton Jane fa. William Medocraft Mary fa. Charles Crosley Grace fa. John Scolefeild Roger f. Charles Ogden Martha fa. Jeremie Berry Robt f. Abraham Whitworth i66i i66i 29 December JJ JJ 5 Januarie 12 19 26 2 Februarie 16 23 I March 16 23 I66I-I662 BAPTISMS ^9 John f. William Turnough Ales fa. Thomas Jackson Ann fa. Robt Boaker Elizabeth fa. James Crosley Ales fa. James Hartley ... Samuel f. James Milne at Milrow James & Thomas fil: James Brigs Samuel f. Samuel Cheetam Mary fa. Edmund Chadwicke ... Isabell fa. Edmund Turnough ... James f. Abraham Stocke at Whitworth Joseph f. Henry Nuttall Joseph f. Henry Scolefeild Edmund f. Richard Ogden AbeU f. John Butterworth St Millrow ... Mary fa. John Milne Mary fa. John Wardle Mary fa. Joshua Hartley James f. William Leach Jane fa. Henry Clough ... James f. Jonathan ScolefeUd ... WiUiam f. William Jackson Mary fa. John Hayward Mary fa. Joseph Whitworth Grace fa. Henry Kershaw at Littlebrough 4 p. 45 Edward f. William Harrison Mary fa. Jeffery MUne Jane fa. WUUam Howorth Jane fa. James Chadwicke Richard f . Richard Ingham of Clegswood Gent: ' Edmund f. Henry Ashton de Midleton pish: James f. James Whitworth Jone fa. Edward Leigh Margret fa. Richard Grenhalgh Katheren fa. Samuel Wild Mary fa. John Smethurst Luke f. Richard Holt Charles f. Charles Butterworth James f. James Clegg Mary fa. George Ingham Ann fa. Robt Brearley ... John f. Robt Stott Ann fa. Samuel Fish Ales fa. John Chadwicke et Dorathy Whild ill: 1661 23 March 30 6 Aprell 13 20 1662 March 27 2627 4 May II 25 53 33 29 I June 15 22 26 8o ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1662 WilUam f. Robt MUne de Lady hous ... Richard f. John Healey Mary fa. Arthur Kay Ann fa. Joshua Brearley Susan fa. James Scolefeild Ester fa. Daniel Sladen ... 4 p. 46 William f. John HoUand Jane fa. John Chadwicke Anna fa. William Hill Judeth fa. Thomas Shipheard Ales fa. Robt Brigs Mary fa. Joseph Duerden John f. Abraham Chadwicke Judeth fa. John Grene ... Samuel f. Edmund Lord Richard f. John Brearley Susan fa. Abell Hamer ... John f. John Brearley ... Jane fa. Richard HUl de HiU Topp at Littlebrough Grace ia. Raph Wharton Richard f. Robt Duckworth Anna fa. James Fletcher James f. James Turnough EUzabeth fa. John Howorth Daniel f. Abell Brearley Mary fa. Adam Brearley Jane fa. John MuUanex et Ann Ashworth Adam f. Abraham Tayler John f. James Turnough EUzabeth fa. John Buckley Ales fa. Edmund Milne Haugh 4 p. 47 Joshua f. James Wrigley Abraham f. Thomas Stott at Whitworth Lyonell f. Zachary Tayler Clarke Ann fa. Robt Clough Susan fa. Robt Pedley ... Margret fa. Joshua Stansfeild Sara fa. Andrew Bery Abegale fa. James Chadwicke Robt f. Robt Scolefeild Mary fa. Nathan HiU John f. John Scolefeild Abraham f. John HoUows Mary fa. Robt Buckley James f. Thomas Woofenden Edmund f. Edmund Lord de Longakers Mary fa. James Stocke at Whitworth ... 1662 29 June 6 July 13 55 17 20 27 3 August JJ JJ 10 „ 17 .. 55 33 24 ,. 31 JJ JJ 7 September 19 21 28 „ 5 October J' JJ 12 „ l662 BAPTISMS 1662 IQ October William f. WiUiam Sudale John f. John Clough Ann fa. Charles HiU Samuel £. Samuel Newbold de Clegg Thomes f. Thomes Milne Susan fa. Robt Scolefeild 26 John f. James Kershaw Jane fa. Abraham Holdworth ... 4 p. 48 M"i . . . yt Henry Pigott Clerk Bachelour in Divinity and Vicar of Rachdale did upon Sunday the Nineteenth day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand six hundred sixty and two being ye next day after his Induction publiquely read ye Comon Prayers appoynted for that day in and according to the Booke established and after evening prsyers made his Recongnition whareby he gave assent to the same Booke Read the 39 Articles of Religon [sic] with ye Ratification thereof with a Certificate of his Renunciation of the Solemne League and Covenant under ye hand and Scale of the Right Reverend Father in God George Ld: B: of Chester , publiquely in the heareing of the whole Congregation and particularly of us John X Whitwor1;h his marke, James Dear din Edward Scolfeld Thomas Bradshawe John Holland Jonathan x Wolfenden Alexander f. Thomes Byrch Adam f. George Farrar ... John f. Robt Dickson ... Marg: fa. John Butterworth Susan fa. John Leach Susan fa. James Tayler ... Abraham f. Robt Holdworth Jane fa. George Hanson Mary fa. Jeremie Lord ... Ann fa. WUliam Milne ... Martha fa. EUes Mason ... Ales fa. Jonathan Chadwicke Ales fa. Robt Hayward ... Abuer f. George Scoles ... Daniel f. Roger Holt 2 November 16 82 ROCHDALE [REGISTERS Ann fa. James Gartsid ... Joshua f. John Chadwicke Sara fa. Robt Jaques '.. Grace fa. Francis Scolefeild 4 p. 49 M 33 31 24 JJ 31 JJ 7 November 14 .. 55 33 55 35 21 iJ 33 28 „ 33 55 33 53 33 33 30 35 35 55 55 35 33 4 December 6 12 55 19 26 2 Januarie ii8 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1669 1669 Ales fa. Jo: Whitley [or] Whithead de Lower Place 2 Januarie John f. John Hardman Highhed ... jj jj Susan fa. John Ashworth Woodhous Lane ... ... ... ¦.• ••. 9 " Grace fa. James Dearden Whitfield ... j, jj Margret fa. Edmund Leigh Towne ... ,, ,, b. WUUam f. WiU: Wardleworth et Sara Bentley ... ... ... ... jj jj John f. Charles Ogden Croncashaw ... 16 ,, Ales fa. James Hayward 23 ,, James f. James Taylor Mooresid ... ,, ,, Grace fa. Robt GorUd de Gorild ... jj jj Susan fa. John Grime Packer ,, Charles f. George Hanson Towne ... ,, jj Grace fa. Andrew Berry ,, ,, Ales fa. George Knowles Mosse Lane ... ,, ,, 5 p. 23 Ester fa. Abell Brearley at Millrow ... 30 ,, Raph f. John Webb Rachdale borne 23 jj „ Mary fa. Thomas Clegg Hairhill ... ,, ,, Samuel f. James Standring Mosse ... ,, ,, James f. Abra: Fenton Bamford de Bury pish: _ J ,, Sara fa. John Chadwicke de Bamford de Bury pish: ... ... ... ... ,, ,, Ester fa. John Scoles de Newbold ... ,, ,, Mary fa. Edmund Ogden de Marland ... ,, „ Jane fa. John Buckley at Millrow ... 2 Februarie Susan fa. Tho: Kay de Flashous ... ,, ,, John f. John Wolfenden Nabrodd ... ,, ,, William f. John Kennion Church Lane 6 ,, WilUam f. WiUiam Heaton of Hillhous Elizabeth fa. James Clegge Lane ... ,, ,, Ales fa. John Clough Towne ... ... ,, ,, Raph f. Jonathan Butterworth Abbots ,, ,, Sara fa. Samuel Dewhorst Mossid Ales fa. John Wilson Towne Mary fa. John MxUlanex Packer Mary fa. John Siswicke Stranger Henry f. Henry Whitaker Bothom John f . Edmund Greenrodd High Wardle James f. Richard HiU HiU Top Thomas f. Thomas Smith Dungboth... Jonathan f. Richard Hollows Smethe ... John f. Richard Holt Shaw Jane fa. Robt Brearley de Hough Ester fa. James Turnough Binns ... ,, ,, Mary fa. John Etocke Towne 6 March 13 20 27 1669-1670 BAPTISMS 119 Robt f. Alexander Scolefeild Towne ... John f. James Holt Thomas f. John Melloday Rebecah fa. James Hayward Towne ... Elizabeth fa. Arthur Kay et Ester Mathew Jane fa. Richard Chadwicke Spath et Sara fa. Robt Grime et Mary Littlewood Martha fa. James Wolfenden ... Amos f. Abraham Scolefield Ester fa. George Ingham Towne Barne Samuel f. Mathew Hollows Arthur f. Randle Butterworth Greene Henry f. Henry Smith de Bothom Thomas f. Franchas Wolfenden Judeth fa. Robt Hatfield de Church Stile Ales fa. Henry Fletcher Towne Deborah fa. John Brearley Joshua f. James Milne de Moorebanke Maiy fa. Raph Tayler de Butterworth at Millrow Mary & Martha fil: James Fletcher Spotland Jane fa. Robt Milne Bagslate ... Mary fa. John Butterworth Ales fa. John Earnshaw Houshill John f. Samuel Hopwood Woodhous Lane ... Mary fa. Abell Whitaker Brodhough ... Joshua f . Richard Knutford Littlebrough 1669 6 March 5 p. 24 Edward f. James Eccarsall Elizabeth fa. John Holt MiU ... Elizabeth fa. Lawrance Hardman Robt f. Robt Crosley Shaw Joseph f. Edmund Scolefield Towne John f. John Butterworth Raghole Joseph f. James Chadwicke Shaw Mosse James f . John Scotson de Bamford Silus f. Abell Hamer de Healey Samuel f. Samuel Greve de Packer Mary fa. Henry Butterworth Towne WiUiam f. Edmund HiU Elizabeth fa. Joseph Brearley Banke Top Ann fa. John Whithead de TunsheU Richard f. Robt Brearley Marland Robt f. James Whitworth Shawfield John f. John Greenwood Wardle 13 20 27 10 17 24 1670 March Apr 120 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1670 EUzabeth fa. John Holt Towne Elizabeth fa. Robt Baxter Bagslate .. Richard f. John Dawson Towne Mary fa. Henry Shore Smale Bridg Joseph f. John Chadwicke de High Ales fa. Edmund Readfearne de Failengi Ann fa. James Loton de Marland Ann fa. James Ramsbothom Hundrefield John f. James Butterworth Bibknole Sara fa. Abraham Stocke de Ashes Thomas f. John Hayward Hilhous John f. James CoUings de Haugh Ann fa. Thomas Horst de Belfield Elizabeth fa. Roger [?] Whitworth Robt f. James Fitton poch: Midleton Elizabeth fa. John Crosley Smalsha Edward f. SoUomen Hartley Towne John f. Abraham Horodd Mossid John f. Abraham Whithead Diggate Abraham f. John Healey Crafthole Edmund f . William Leigh Towne James f. Robt Chadwicke LongfeUd Joseph f. James Brearley Towne Margreat fa. Charles Ogden Towne Mary fa. James Crosley Ketbooth Grace fa. Abraham Taylor Packer Ester fa. Abraham Scolefield de Greene 5 p. 25 Elizabeth fa. Richard Lord de Lonaker at Whitworth Richard f. WiUiam Howorth ... Mary fa. James Cass Towne John Stott Brownwardle Ales fa. John MUne Stedd Ester fa. Franchas Gartsid Colegreave John f. Abraham Healey Catley Lane WiUiam f. AbeU Greenrodd Packer ... Ann fa. James Byrom de Greene Mary fa. Evan Marsh de Towne John f. John Chadwicke de Roughbanke Mary fa. Edmund Unsworth Towne ... John f. Edmund Lord de Nooke Andrew f . Richard Holding de Rachdale Gent: James f. RatcUffe ScolefeUd Scolefeild Gent: Henry f. Robt Dickson de Bamforth Bury pish: WUliam f. WUUam SmitheUs Towne .".'. 1670 24 Apr: 8 May 15 22 29 5 J 55 une 55 35 53 12 55 19 26 3 July 33 55 10 55 55 55 17 3> 33 53 55 55 19 yy 24 33 31 33 1670 BAPTISMS 121 Charles f. James Lord Todlone James f. John Crosley de HoUands Mary fa. Francis Scolefield de Sudden . . . Mary fa. WUUam Standring Clough Bothom Mary fa. Edmund Taylor Brunedg Mary fa. WUUam Fitton Towne Ann fa. George Smith Towne Ann fa. Thomas Rodd Church Stile ... Susan fa. Abraham Brearley Towne ... James f. Thomas Maden Towne John f. John Whitaker Smethey Ales fa. Edmund Bamford Wardle Abell f. Robt Duckworth Balderstone Edmund f. James Clegg High Wardle James f. Robt Lees Woodhous Lane ... Robt f. AbeU Ashworth de Shore Thomas f. Richard Cropp Towne Samuel f. Samuel Crompton Ogden ... John f. Nathan Hill Towne Mary fa. John Bentley Fallens Mary fa. Samuel Hollows Shaw James f. Richard Prestcodd EUen fa. James Ashworth Denebanke Jos:hua f. James Hoyle Whitworth Nathan f. William Greave de Garsid ... Robt f. Isaac Dawson Smalebridg Mary fa. Abraham MUne Catle Lane ... Abraham f. Thomas Brearley Marland Abraham f. Edmund Ogden Faylens ... Robt f. James Feilding Butter: Edmund f. John Pilling Whitworth ... Charles f. Charles HUl Mooresid WilUam f. WiU: NuttaU MiUrow John f. Abell Butterworth Mary f. John Seddon Towne 5 p. 26 John f . Jonathan Butterworth Newbold Ann fa. Charles Lord Pasmans Henry f. Edmund Wrigley Wosnum .:. Mary fa. James Lord Levengreve Robt f. Robt Wolfenden Tunecliffe ... Jane fa. James Brearley Butterworth HaU EUes f. John Looe de Rachdale Ester fa. Arthur Holt Spotland Gate ... b. Francs Brearley and Mary Milne [sic] Mary fa. James Lord de Ridens James f. James Dawson Garsid 1670 7 August 14 „ 21 28 33 53 4 September II 3355 18 35 25 2 October 23 28 29 30 122 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1670 1670 30 October 20 2127 James f. Abra: Hamer Mossid ... Edward f. John Fitton Mooresid Ann fa. Abra: Brearley Haugh ... ... ,, ,, Marj^ fa. James Stott Towne ... ... ,, ,, Mary fa. Robt Butterworth ... ... ,, ,, Elizabeth fa. John Wardle Spotland ... ,, ,, Susan fa. Thomas Masonn Lane ... 6 November EUzabeth fa. Denies Barrat MUlrow ... 13 ,, Ales fa. Samuel Hamer de Wildhous ... ,, ,, Susan fa. Umfrey Butterworth Lower Place Arthur f. John Smith Towne ... ... ,, ,, b. John f. John Giime de Cronca: et Sara Smith , ,, Jane fa. James Lees Binns ... Mary fa. James Greave de Haugh John f. John Taylor Brod Lane Robt f. Robt Turnough de Roughbanke Robt f. Henry Clough Bagslate Mary fa. John Whithead Church Lane 4 December Edmund f. Edmund Kershaw de Aningden ,, ,, Katheren fa. Joseph Marcraft Towne ... ,, ,, Thomas f. Myles Leafeild Towne ... ,, ,, James f. John Leigh Towne , ,, Dorathy fa. John Fletcher Towne ... ,, ,, Dorathy fa. John Scolefeild Lane ... 11 ,, Jennet fa. Abraham Buckley Ashbrocke ,, ,, Mary fa. John Fish Lane ,, ,, Raph f. Christopher Harrisson de Turnough ,, ,, Joseph f. Robt Hanson Towne ... 18 John f. WilUam Leigh Towne ,, Mary fa. Thomas Brearley Colegreave ,, ,, Jane fa. Thomas Dewhorst Mossid ... ,, Elizabeth PersevaeU de Brimerod Sara f . Samuel Cheetham Burdsale Moore John s. John Healey Bankhous Katheren fa. John Scolefield de Bagden William f. John Lealand Thomas s. Johfi Lord de Clough Hous Charles f. John Stott de Benthous at Littlebrough James f. James Bamford Slacke William f. Alex: Smith Towne John f. Thomas Mereman et James f. James Howorth Smalebridg ... Hester d. William Daniel Margret fa. Roger Taylor Wosnum ... James f. Josia Brethred Towne 25 35 2728 31 I Januarie 7 6 1670 BAPTISMS 123 Mary fa. Robt Kershw Butt: HaU John f . John Taylor Chadwicke Fold 5 p. 27 Charles f. James Turnough Mary fa. Richard Unsworth Smethey Sara fa. Arthur Hollows Towne Mary fa. Robt Whithead Towne Mary fa. James Howorth Mary fa. James Clegge Towne Jane fa. Robt BirstaU Towne ... Margret fa. Abraham Scolefeild Towne Jonathan f. John Hartley Lowhouse Grace fa. Alexr Butterworth Gorild Easter fa. Abell Brearley de Brodley Mary fa. Edmund Hayward Mary fa. Charles Turnough Rebecah fa. John Smethurst Loerplace Ales fa. James Howorth Whitworth Robt f. John Webb de Rachdale Elizabeth fa. John Mathew Cronshaw Martha fa. Thomas Bridg de Shore EUes f. John Haslam de Rochdale Mary fa. Will: Medocraft Wosnum James f. James Whitworth de Burdsale Mary fa. [Lawrance Smith de Wardleworth James f. Thomas Turnough Sara fa. Abraham Whitworth Bolderstone Ales fa. John Clegg HaU [?] Ann fa. John Clegg de Butterworth Robt f. WiU: MiU de Sted EUes fa. John Chadwicke de Woodhus Lane ... Mary fa. Richard Stocke Towne Ales fa. John Leach Trough * Jane fa. Jonathan Grenrodd High Wardle Sara fa. Jonathan Dearden Lane John f. John Leach Shaw Ann fa. John Fenton Towne Mary fa. Nathan Sutcliffe Packer Anna fa. Francis Clegg John f. Robt Chadwicke Towne John f. Joshua Hartley Roger f. Roger Taylor Nadenhead Martha & Mary fil: Joseph Clegg Shawfield Samuel f. Richard Whipp John f. John Bridg Caslton Robt f. Samuel Whitworth Towne ... Eaden fa, Robt Stott Banke Elizabeth fa. James Turnough 1670 8 Januarie 15 22 29 30 1 12 19 Februarie 26 5 March 12 13 19 124 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1670-1671 1670 ... 19 March Mary fa. James Ridins Shore Henry f. John Pickop at Millrow James f. John Kay Towne John f. John Askwith Ann fa. Samuel Rodd Towne Ales fa. Robt Milne de High 5 p. 28 James f. James Stott de Leach James f. Arthur Scolefield Goselane ... James f. James Wolfenden de Hofold ... John f. James Sharplus Croncashaw ... Thomas f. Thomas Shipheard Spotland EUzabeth fa. James Stott Little Wardle Ann fa. Jonathan Hollows Lane Martha fa. Mathew Hollows James f. John HaUiweU de Yeales Gent: at Littlebrough Henry f. John Scolefield de Greve John f. James Horodd Mossid John f. Richard Shaw Towne ... Charles f. John Lord Henry f. James Hoyle Trough Mary fa. Thomas Greve de Haugh MUlrow Abraham f. Ottawell Whitworth James f. Richard Scholefeild Towne ... John f. John Brearley Towne ... Edmund f. James Cheetham de Mill ... Jane fa. Francis Milne de Newbold ... Elizabeth fa. George Collier Towne ... Mary fa. Daniel Bamford Thomas f. Tho: Healey de Healey Abraham f. John Holt de Trough Elizabeth fa. William Whatton Thomas f. John Chadwicke Bradley at Milrow Thomas f. James Bamford Shore William f. Abraham Leigh Towne James f. Abraham Standring Towne ... Ester fa. James Lord de Watrerhous [sic] Martha & Mary fil: Henry Clegg de Rochdale Mary fa. Daniel Stocke at Millrow James f. James Woolfenden Samuel f. James Shore de Wardleworth Susan fa. Charles Chadwicke Milne ... James f. Robt Levesey Towne Joane d. James Bamford of Feildhead 1 671 26 March 2 April II 16 30 4 May 7 .. 14 20 1671 bApTiSmS 125 William f. William Butler Towne Margret fa. John Taylor Little Wardle Susan fa. Edmund Readferne ... Abra: f. Abra: Stott Mooresid: ... James f. Charles Hill de HoUenworth Mary fa. John Lees Bagslate ... Elizabeth fa. James Scolefield Gent: Ann fa. Robt Levesey de Bamford poch: Bury ... Mary fa. Henry Nuttall de Brodley John Chadwicke Spotland Gate Mary fa. James Holt Spotland Gate David f. John Brearley Ringlose Abraham f. Thomas Scolfield Little: Edmund f . Edmund Hill Toung End WilUam f. Georg Farrar de Clegg Martha fa. Edmund Arred Ch: Stile Abra: f. Abra: Dawson at Littlebrough Ann fa. Edmund Kershaw Lane Ales fa. James Milne Spotland Bridg . 5 p. 29 Henry f. Henry Butterworth Croke . Mary fa. Robt Shore Wardleworth Ann fa. John Hollows Church Stile EUzabeth fa. Isaac Ramsbothom Rydens Edmund f. Edmund Fletcher Mossid . Jane fa. Richard Scolefield de Shaw . Ales fa. James Taylor Whitworth Susan fa. Abraham Stott Mooresid Jane fa. Thomas Scolefeild Towne James f. John Butterworth de Raghole at Milrow EUes f. John Scolefield Towne ... James f. James Clegg Whitworth Jane f. Renald Rodd Packer ... Sara f. Robt Brearley Norman Hill Abraham f. Henry Whitaker Towne Robt f. Thomas [Butterworth Mossid Francis f. Thomas Brearley at Milrow Mary fa. Robt Rodd Towne ... Mary fa. Francis Bery Packer ... Jane fa. Joseph Leigh Towne ... John f. John Blackley Abraham f. Abraham Wolfenden Robt f. John Hollows Towne ... Mary fa. John Clegg Littlebrough Edmund f. James Smith Towngend Ann fa. James Stott Rydens ... 1671 21 May 28 4 June 9 II 23 30 July 126 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1671 5 P- 1671 Mary fa. Henry Smith et Ales Clegg Dultrey 30 July WilUam f. Richard Greenhalgh ... 5 August Richard f. James Birch Todlane ... 6 ,, Francis f. Francis Fletcher de Buckley ,, ,, Elizabeth fa. Edmund Hartley Towne ,, ,, Ales fa. Joseph Dearden Towne ... ,, ,, Daniel f. Richard Holt Spotland Gate ,, ,, Mary fa. John West Rachdale ... ... 13 ,, John f. Thomas Eansworth Rachdale ,, ,, RatcUffe f . RatcUffe Scolfield de Scolfield HaU Gent: 17 John f. Abraham Marsden de Shore ... ,, ,, Abra: f. John Wild Burdsale Moore ... ,, ,, Ann fa. Charles Crosley de Croncashaw 20 ,, Ales fa. WilUam Stocke de Bagslate ... ,, ,, Mary fa. John Taylor Packer ... ... ,, ,, Ester fa. Will: Howorth Natbanke ... ,, ,, Rebeca fa. John Medocraft Spotland vjaxc ... ... ... ... ... JJ )) Mary fa. Thomas HiU de Held 21 ,, Susanna fa. Steven Bellett de Rachdale ,, ,, Richard & Katheren fil: Thomas PoUet de Castleton ... ... ... ... ,, ,, Mary fa. William Smethes de Spotland Gate ... Susan fa. Will: Ashton Towne ... ... 3 September Jane fa. Robt Brearley Brachrodd ... ,, ,, Tho: f. John Baxter Bagslate ... ... ,, ,, Mary fa. John Willson Towne ... ... ,, ,, Jane fa. James Loton de Croncashaw ... „ ,, Grace fa. James Taylor High Wardle ... 10 ,, Katheren fa. John Stotte et Mary Shaw Spu: „ „ Agnes fa. Robt Cropp de Midleton pish: 17 ,, James f. Robt Butterworth Towne ... ,, John f. William Scolefeild Little Clegg 21 Kay f. James Scolefield Clarke Jeremie & Zahary [sic] fil: Robt CoUings 24 ,, James f. John Butterworth ... ... ,, ,, Mary fa. James Howorth Leavengreave ,, James f. James Whitworth Balderstone i October Mary fa. Abra: Fenton de Bamford Bury pish: ... Charles f. Charles Stott de Whitworth John f. Joshua Hoyle de Whitworth ... James f. John Hoyle Bankhous Mary fa. Robt Hirst Towne 1671 BAPTISMS 12^ Jane fa. Joseph Clegg of Bradley at MUlrow Richard f. Richard Kennion Rochdale Jane fa. John Byrom High Wardle ... Mary fa. Francis Healey Church Lane Katheren fa. John Bamford Burdsale Abraham f. John Hamer Towne Ales fa. Fabian Whithead Lowerplace Grace fa. WiU: NuttaU Towne Mary fa. Charles Beighton WUliam f. Henry Readshaw Towne ... John f. James Lord de Greene ... Elizabeth fa. Samuel Wild de Rochdale David f. John Brearley Towne Mary fa. Abraham Belfield Blackstonedg Ester fa. Jonathan Chadwicke Wosnum Ales fa. Jonathan Butterworth Mary fa. John Butterworth Millrow — pi Parrettor Elizabeth fa. James Clegg Newbold ... Elizabeth fa. John Taylor Burdsale Moore Jane fa. John Bentley Fallens ... Benjamine f. James Brearley Coldgreave James f. Edmund Chadwicke Towne ... Robt f. Robt Chadwicke Towne John f. Thomas Mason Lane ... John f. James Clegg Hofold WilUam f. John Holt Spotland Mary fa. Abraham Taylor et Jane Dearden Susan fa. George Hanson Towne Ales fa. Edward Leigh Lane Charles f. John Chadwicke de Staring Gent: Abraham f. Abell Hamer Towne Christopher f. Sam: SuttcUffe Towne ... WUliam f. William Turnough Raph f. Robt Haughton 5 p. 31 Zachary f. Thomas Healey de Birchhey Abraham f. Richard Wilkinson Towne James f. Thomas Livsey Marland Jeremie f. James Brearley Towne ... James f. James Clegg Spotland George f. James Holt Benchcarr Nathan f. John Butterworth Mossid ... Mary fa. EUes Chadwicke Brod lane ... Mary fa. James Howorth KnothUl ... 1671 14 October 15 JJ 53 55 55 55 22 „ 5 November 19 3 December JJ JJ JJ JJ J J JJ 10 53 33 17 .. 19 24 35 33 55 31 55 35 557 J^ 33 anuarie 14 3335 55 21 3355 55 28 33 55 128 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1671-1672 1671 28 Januarie Mary fa. Robt Baxter Towne Mary fa. Robt Smethorst et Grace Butterworth Spu: ... EUzabeth fa. James Cheetham Shawfield Mary fa. Thomas Whitaker Towne ... Mary fa. Richard Milne de Milrow Junr Robt f. Samuel Whipp Margret fa. Edmund Holme ... John f. John NuttaU Towne Josiah f. Josiah Brethread Towne WiUiam f. Thomas Buckley de Little Howorth Gent: James i. George Knowls James i. James Howorth Smalbridg ... John f. Alex: Smith Towne Jane fa. Joshua Stott Feilding ... Margret fa. John Wolfenden Prickshaw Isabell fa. Edmund Smith Spotland ... John f. Thomas Smith Towne ... Hugh f. Robt Buckley Healey James f Lord de Holfold ... Jonathan f. John Hardman Wosnum ... Jane fa. Edmund Holland Wardle Dorathie fa. Thomas Hill Towne John f. Thomas Earnshaw Grace fa. Jonathan Redfearne ... Thomas f. Richard Shipheard Mary fa. Richard Leach Towne Martha fa. John Casson Wroe ... James f. Abraham Taylor Towne Katheren fa. John Webb de Rachdale Ellen fa. Samuel Scolefeild Spotland ... Samuel f. Abraham Crosley Edmund f. WiU: Fitton Caslton Robt f. James Shipheard Woodhous Lane ... Ales fa. Thomas Taylor Towne Mary fa. Abraham Brearley Whitworth Mary fa. James Brearley Hanging Lees James f. John Grime Packer James f. Joseph Wardle Towne Margret fa. Robt GorUd de Gorild ... Mary fa. John HiU Howorth Cross ... John f. James Clegg de Hofold John f. John Fenton Brodhough Sara fa. Henry Butterworth Mary fa. Sam: Greve Towne 4 Februarie 12 2012 25 2 March 3 10 17 24 1672 31 March 1672 BAPTISMS 129 Ann fa. John Earnshaw Butter: Mary fa. Jonathan Wolfenden Wardle John f. John Lewes Rachdale ... 5 p. 32 Jonathan f. Jonathan MUne Woodhous Lane ... Jane fa. James Butterworth Mossid .. Grace fa. Edmund Hopwood Reneroad Edmund f. Edmund Taylor Wardle .. Isaac f. James Wolfenden Smalebridg Eliza: fa. [Richard Whipp Packer Mathew f. John MuUanex Robt & Dorathie fil: Robt Brearley Marland Robt f. James Holt Bankhous ... Robt f. Nathan SuteU Packer ... Mary fa. Thomas Wolfenden Burdsale John f. John Dawson Towne ... James f. James Turnough Croncashaw Joseph f. John Hollows at MiUrow John f. John Stott Burdsale Moore John f. John Halliwell de Yelees Abraham f. John Ashworth Woodhous Lane ... Edmund f. Randall Butterworth de Greene Margret fa. George MUne Shawfield Thomas f. Robt Holt Bamford Ales fa. Henry Nuttall de Brodley Elizabeth fa. Henry Smith de Botham John f. Lenard Browne Towne John f. John Greewood Wardle Margret fa. John Crosley Snibarne Ales fa. Josiah Brethredd Towne Richard f. Alexander Scolefield Towne Mary fa. John Marcraft Woodhous Lane Mary fa. Lawrance Fletcher Towne Mary fa. John TajUor Bagslate Edmund f. James Fitton Hathershaw Samuel f. John Scolefield [Packer Dorathie fa. Robt Scolefield Lane Prudence fa. Richard Lord Clough James f. Thomas Stott Judeth fa. Thomas Hirst Belfield Ann fa. John MUne Towne James f. James CoUings de Haugh Sara fa. Richard Mason Packer Jane fa. John Whithead Durnley James f. Richard HoUows Smethey 1672 31 March 7 Ap: 14 17 21 23 25 55 30 5 May 9 12 1619 130 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1672 Robt f. Edmund Taylor Brunedg Ann fa. James Whitworth Croncashaw Rebecah fa. Edmund Ogden Marland Henry f. Richard Holt DepleshiU Ann fa. James Chadwicke John f. John Meledue Nat Banke Midleton pish: Mary fa. Michall Butterworth Edward f. Edmund Kershaw Mary fa. Richard Clegg Towne EUzabeth fa. John Etough Towne ... Mary fa. Richard Clegg Towne Hanah fa. Edmund HUl Ann fa. James Sale Croncashaw Nathan f. Nathan Stott High Wardle EUen fa. James Howorth Susan fa. John Hamer Towne ... James f. John Whithead Lane Trifana fa. John Holt Law: f. Lawrance Taylor et Grace Haslam de Wosnum Mary fa. John Wolfenden Nabrodd ... 5 P- 33 Isabel fa. Anthonie SuttcUffe ... Richard f. John Kay Towne John f. John Lewes Towne Mary fa. Dennes Baret Melrow John f. James Greenrode High Wardle EUen fa. John Holt Spath Joseph f. John Leach Browne ... James f. James RothweU et Mary Fielding Spu: Elizabeth fa. Christopher Harrison de Turnough Mary fa. James Standring Towne Thomas f. Richard Readfearne Fallens Mary fa. Alexander Wosnum Bolderstone John f. Robt Knoles Vickridg ... John f. John VidaU High Wardle Elizabeth fa. Thomas Files Tod Lane ... Abegale fa. Abraham Stocke de Ashes Mary fa. Abraham Milne Catley Lone . . . John f. John Brearley de Whitworth ... Sara fa. Robt Brearley de Hough Ales fa. WUUam Buckley Towne Sara fa. John Whitaker Smethe Theophelus f. John Wilson de Packer ... Isaac f. John Lowton Row Elizabeth fa. John Seddon Towne 1672 26 May 2 June 9 16 23 2930 7 July 14 21 2328 4 August 1672 BAPTISMS 131 5 P-34 Mary fa. Edmund Dickson Hustid John f. John Clough Towne Daniel f. Daniel [Bamford de Foxholes John f. Henry Holt Caslton James f. John Chadwicke de Roughbanke John f. Thomas RothweU Spotland ... Sara fa. Abraham Wild Newbold Barne Robt f. James Crosley Ketbooth Dorathie fa. James Scolefield Gent: ... Richard f. Richard Oremerod Woodhous Lane :.. Joshua f. Joshua Brearley Robt f . Abraham Fenton Bamford Bury pish: Sara fa. Robt Wolfenden Whitworth ... Joseph f. Joseph Leigh Towne James f. Abraham Taylor Lane Tho: f. Thomas Almon et PressUeh HoUows James f. Samuel Hollows Towne Thomas f. Henry Nuttall Marland ... Abraham f. WUl: Howorth Wosnum ... Robt f. Richard Holding de Rachdale Gent: ... Ann fa. James Kershaw at Milrow Jane fa. John Winterbothom Packer ... Elizabeth fa. James Whitworth Burdsale Ester fa. Edmund Ashworth Burd: Moore James f. John MUne Croke Katheren filia Sara fa. Charles Stott Will: f. Abraham Scolefield de Greene Ales fa. Robt Brearley de Haugh Anna fa. James Wild de Yeafield Mary fa. Robt Milne Shafield ... IsabeU fa. Josia Leafield Towne Elizabeth fa. Edmund Leigh Towne Mary f. James Whitley Towne Ann fa. Abraham Buckley de High Sara fa. George Smith Towne ... Abra: f. James Whitworth Shafield Nathanel f. James Hayward Towne Mary fa. Edmund Fletcher Belfield Sara fa. John Readfearne et Judeth Lodge [?] Sp: Jane fa. Isaac Ramsbothom Sted " Ann fa. Thomas Bridg Shore ... Edmund f. John Hayward HiU hous 1672 4 August II 55 18 25 6 September 15 53 55 22 35 23 24 35 29 30 3 October 6 ,j 13 55 20 3 November 132 ROCHDALE REGISTERS Abraham f. James Whitworth Towne Ann fa. Edmund Taylor Millrow Mary fa. James Stott Little Wardle ... John f. James Hayward Shawfield ... Katheren fa. James Fletcher Wostenholme et Ann Holt Elizabeth fa. James Butterworth Bibknow Edmund f. John Holt Trough Susan fa. Gabriel Gartsid Rachdale Gent: James f. Jonathan Grenrodd High Wardle James f. John Lord de Faileng ... .... filia John Henthorne et Jane Milne Katheren fa. John Howorth Shawfield Daniel f. WUliam Norbacke stranger Stabel Durrom George f. WUUam Butler Judeth fa. Jeremie Berry John f. James TattersaU Tonge End ... James f. James Whitworth Nathan fa. James Hoyle Hallfold Jur ... Mary fa. Robt Shaw Susan fa. WUUam Nuttall Towne Ann fa. Josia Brethered Towne EUzabeth fa. James Birch Towne Ann fa. Abraham Brearley Healey Margiet fa. John Stott de Browne Wardle Mary fa.' John Hayward Birchenhead Mary fa. George Fletcher Newbold Ann fa. Samuel Hayward Fisherfield ... Sara fa. James Wardleworth Meanewood Hana fa. Robt Chadwicke Towne Martha fa. Roger Taylor Naden Jane fa. John Greenhalgh Wosnum ... John f. Mr James ScoUeUd Clarke Ann fa. Richard Hir.st at Millrow Mary fa. Raph Taylor Hareknow Ales fa. Robt Lees EUzabeth fa. James Shore Wardlew: ... Josias f. John SuttcUffe Towne Mary fa. Arthur Turnough John f. John Hay MiUhous 5 P- 35 John f . Edmund Greenrodd High Wardle WiUiam f. James Holt Robt f. Richard Scolefield Towne Ann fa. EUes Haslain de Foote EUzabeth fa. Umphry Butterworth Packer 1672 1672 9 November 10 ^1 21 I December 15 22 5 Januarie 6 9 12 19 26 I672-I673 BAPTISMS WiUiam f . Sam: Crompton High Mary fa. John Holding de Whitworth Mary fa. Abra: Kershaw Diggate John f. John Bamford Shore ... Robt f. Robt Chadwicke Longfield ... Robt f. James Clegge Chuich Lane Susan fa. Samuel Rodds de Rachdale . . . Mary fa. James Milne Spotland Bridg Mary fa. Robt Ashworth Tod Lane ... Abraham f. Edmund Taylor Burdsale Mary fa. James Clegg de Whitworth ... Ann fa. John Clegg de Butterworth HaU James f. John Holt Towne James f. John Wolfenden Packer George f. WUliam Leigh Towne Robt f. John Taylor New WaU Mary fa. Thomas Maden Towne Elizabeth fa. Richard Prestcodd Benthead Mary fa. John Chadwicke Spotland Gate Margret fa. Richard RothweU de Wardleworth Ann fa. John Wardle de Bagslate Ales fa. John Chadwicke de Brodley ... Abraham f. James Kershaw Hamer Mill Kathern [sic] fa. Charles Clegge Towne William f. Abraham Leigh Towne ... John f. Robt ScolefeUd Woodhous Lane Thomas f. Thomas Butterworth Mary fa. James Taylor Burdsale Head Midleton pish: Charles f. George Hanson Towne WiUiam f. WUUam Greave Towne Jane fa. Edmund Arred Lane Ann fa. Richard Cropp Towne EUzabeth fa. Jonathan Howorth Swainrodd Elizabeth fa. Abra: Unsworth Blackstonedge John f. John Harrison de Crofthead 133 1672 2 Februarie 16 23 March 16 23 Samuel f. James Bamford de Shore John f. James Clegge HouseshUl Thomas f. Thomas Chadwicke ... Jonathan f. Thomas Brearley ... Susan fiUa Martha fa. Robt BirstaU Ales fa. James Fletcher Towne Susan fa. John HoUows et Ann Winterbothom ... 28 30 1673 Apr: 134 ROCHDALE REGIvSTERS 1673 1673 James f. Joshua Hartley 6 Apr: Mary fa. John Butterworth de Winddebanke 12 jj Moses f. Joseph Clegge Shawfield ... 13 >> Robt f. John Taylor Burdsale Moore ... 20 John f. James Cheetham ... •.¦ ,, ,, 5 p. 36 James f. Thomas Greve de Hagh ... jj jj Martha fa. Thomas Kay de Flashous ... 27 Dinah fa. Roger Whitworth Burdsale ... jj John f. Robt Walkden Wardle Levi f. William Leigh Towne jj jj Mary fa. Anthonie Clegge Wosnum ... ,, jj James f. John Scolefeild de Goslane ... ,, j, James f. John Scolfield 3 May Anna fa. Charles Ogden Towne ... 4 James f. Francis Fletcher ... ... ,, „ Jonathan f. James MUne Moore banke 11 Mary fa. Daniel Greenwood Towne ... jj „ Samuel f. Abraham Standring ... ... 18 j, Samuel f. James Tetlah Bolderstone ... ,, ,, James f. James Crosley Wardle ... ,, jj James f. WUliam Brearley Colegreave ,, ,, Thomas f. Samuel Wild de Rochdale ... 25 Jane fa. Richard Weder Rochdale ... ,, ,, James f. Robt Rodds Longclough ... i June James f. Abraham Scolefield Towne ... ,, ,, James f. John Fitton Caslton ... ... ,, „ Mary fa. Thomas Boulton Howorth ... ,, ,, Ales fa. John Wolstenholme Lane ... ,, ,, Elizabeth fa. Samuel Hamer Wyldhous 8 ,, James f. Roger Taylor Nadenhead ... ,, ,, Samuel f. John Fish Church Lane ... ,, ,, Dorathie fa. Fabian Whithead Lowerplace ,, ,, Elton f. RatcUffe Scolefield de Rochdale Gent: ... ... ... ... ... 10 ,, James f. Thomas Chadwicke Towne ... 22 ,, James f. James Hartley Weardle ... ,, ,, Edmund f. Richard [Readfearne Spot: ,, ,, Robt f. Olliver Holt Pitts Simion f. John Bridg Burdsale Moore ... ,, ,, Mary fa. James Hayward Shelfield ... ,, ,, EUen fa. James Scoles Pitts ... ... ,, James f. James Lord Farnel ... ... 29 Jonathan f. Jonathan Butterworth Neubold Mary fa. James Loton ... ... ... ,, ,, Ales fa. James Milne de Moore Hous ... ,, ,, Katheren fa. Evan Marsh Towne ... 6 July 1673 BAPTISMS 135 1673 Kathern fa. Henry Clegg Towne ... 6 July Ann fa. Robt Whithead Towne ... ,, ,, John f. John Crabtree ... ... ... „ „ John f. Francis Healey Lane ... ... „ „ 5 P- 37 James f. Abraham Taylor Longedg ... 13 „ CorneUus f. John Leigh Towne ... „ „ Abraham f. John Casson de Roe ... ,, ,, Abraham f. Robt Hanson Towne „ Sara fa. Joseph Durden Towne ... ,, „ Jacob f. Jacob Fish de Hamer Gate ... 20 „ Esabell fa. Henry Whitaker Towne ... „ „ John f. WUliam Stocke Wosnum ... „ „ Robt f. Thomas Shipheard Spotland Gate „ „ EUzabeth fa. John Butterworth Fish Bridg 27 „ WiUiam f. Abraham Kershaw MUl ... ,, „ Abraham f. Abraham Hollows Towne ,, „ Robt f. Robt Butterworth Howorth ... ,, „ Lidia fa. John Lewes Towne ... ... „ „ James f. Robt Brearley Grenrod Banke ,, ,, Sara fa. Abraham Brearley de Hough ,, ,, John f. John Taylor Burdsale 3 August Thomas f. WiUiam Turnough ... ... ,, ,, Grace fa. Robt Brearley et Mary de Smalebridg „ Catheren fa. Richard Milne de Milrow Jur ... 5 ,. John f. Jeremie Lord Catle Lane ... 10 ,, Ann fa. Abraham Chadwicke Spotland Gate ... ... ... ... ... >j J, Jonathan f. Jonathan Hollows Towne 17 ,, Jane fa. Samuel Cheetham Burdsale Moore jj jj James f. John Willson de Packer ... 24 ,, Elizabeth fa. John Taylor Newbold ... 29 ,, Ales fa. WiUiam Hopwood Burdsale Moore 31 .. John f. John Whitaker Smethe ... „ „ Robt f. John Greves Sandhole „ „ filius Robt Hirst Towne ... jj „ Samuel f . Edward Newbold de Newbold 7 September John f. James Clegg de Toung End ... 14 Katheren fa. Richard Hopwood Towne ,, „ EUzabeth fa. Alex: Butterworth de Water: ••¦ 21 „ Hemry f. William Kershaw „ ,, Susan fa. Marten Scolefeild Spotland ... 28 „ 136 ROCHDALE REGISTERS John f . Charles Chadwicke de Milne . . . James f. Thomas PUkenton Marland ... Elizabeth fa. Edmund Holt Ann fa. James Brearley Colegreve Thomas f. Abraham Healey John f. Gilbard Wethington Towne ... John f. Roger Pendleton Towne Charles f . Charles HUl de Hollinworth . . . James f. Richard Scolfield Shaw Susan fa. James Lord de Leavengreave Sara fa. John Chadwicke Ales fa. Robt Allread Towne Ann fa. James Stott Shaw Robt f. [Robt Crosley de Croncashaw ... John f. Arthur Scolfield Shawfield ... Judeth fa Hollows Towne WUliam f. Richard Clegge Towne James f. Abraham Taylor Ladyhous ... 5 p. 38 EUzabeth fa. James [Ramsbotham Mary fa. John Turnough Elenor fa. John Adkenson Brunedg ... James f. Fardinando Marshall ... Joshua f. Renny Rodd Towne ... Sara fa. Abraham Holdworth- ... Ales fa. Thomas Taylor Towne Mary fa. James Wolfenden Smelbridg John f. Hugh Henley de Healey Gent: Elizabeth fa. Richard Whipp Richard f. Richard Holding de Rachdale Gent: Robt f. John Ashworth Packer Sara fa. Samuel Whitworth WUUam f. WUliam NuttaU James f. John Greenrod High Wardle ... John f. Arthur Holt Spotland Gate ... Mary fa. Samuel Whitworth Shaw John f. Jonathan Chadwicke ... Zachary f. Edmund Smith Howorth ... Abraham f. James Whitworth ... Roger f. Jonathan Durden Lane Thomas f. John Wolfenden Mary fa. James Wolfenden et Mary Hamer James Cryer et MUns Mary fa. Samuel Streete Deples John f. Edmund Howorth Haugh Abraham f. Samuel Turnough Elizabeth f. Robt Turnough 1673 1673 28 September 5 October 9 53 12 35 19 )> 55 55 55 33 33 35 2 November 35 53 9 53 53 55 16 55 55 55 30 J. 55 J J 7 December 35 .. 55 55 33 55 II 33 14 35 19 21 28 4 Januarie II20 1673-1674 BAPTISMS James f. John Crosley Brod Lane Robt f. Robt Holding Boothfold Anna fa. Abell Crosley Smalebridg James f. John Stott Brod Lane Jane fa. John Wolfenden Nabrodd Thomas f. John Lord Brod Lane John f. Samuel Whipp Packer James f. Roger Pendleton RacheU fa. James Stott Leach John f. James Turnough Abraham fiUus UrsUlah fa. James Scolefield Gent: Ann fa. Joseph Ramsbothom Hurst Katheren fa. John Chadwicke Pitts Elizabeth fa. James MUne Caslton Katheren fa. [Lewes Chadwicke Gent: Abegale fa. Richard Stocke Towne Nathan f. WUliam Greave de Garsid 5 p. 39 James f. Francis MUne Newbold George f. James Clegge Lane ... Elizabeth fa. John Hardman Wosnum Mary fa. John Taylor High Wardle Ann fa. James Chadwicke at Milrow Judeth fa. Francis Dickson Chu: Stile James f. John Buckley Caslton Moore Susan fa. John Boswell Shaw ... Charles f. Charles Ogden Shaw Mary fa. John Askwith Fieldhead Elizabeth fa. George Collier Towne Jane fa. Lawrance Fletcher Towne Sara fa. Abra: Whitworth et Jane Milne Edmund f . James Taylor de High Wardle Mary fa. Joseph Wardle Towne James f. George Barnes at Hardmans Martha fa. John Wolfenden Lowerplace Thomas f. Robt GorUd de GorUd Ann filia Mary fa. Thomas Wolfenden de Burdsale James f. William Fetton Castleton James f. Thomas Livesey Marland James f. Richard Shaw Towne Richard f. John Seddon Towne Grace fa. Edmund Taylor Brunedg Lane Ann fa. James Hayward Bagslate Richard f. WiUiam HoUows Smithey EUzabeth fa. John Smith Towne James f. James Butterworth de Bibknoe 1.37 1673 25 Januarie I Februarie 1213 33 15 22 „ 55 35 15 March 22 1674 29 March 5 Apriel 12 53 18 138 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1674 Margret fa. John Etough Towne EUzabeth fa. Isaac WoUenden Sted John f. John Chadwicke Spotland Gate John f. John Scoles WaUhead ... James f. James Clegge Newbold John f. Robt Livesey Towne ... Dann f. Abraham Brearley Whitley Deane Jane fa. Thomas Bridg Banke Thomas f. Thomas RothweU FaUengs Daved f. Davied Brearley de Towne Marke f. John MuUanex Packer Isabell fa. John Taylor Brodley Hannah fa. Henry Butterworth Towne Ales fa. Edmund Scolefield Towne Mary fa. James Turnough Wardle Mary fa. Arthur Brearley Lane bap: 23 June at Milnrow Ann filia Jane fa. Jonathan Greenrodd Smalebridg Ann fa. Nathan SuttcUffe Packer 5 p. 40 Jane fa. Edmund Berry de Spotland Gate Gent: Katheren fa. John Chadwicke Towne Edmund f. Edmund Dickson Looe Edmund f. John Whithead Towne Elizabeth fa. Adam Whitworth Nubold John f. Robt Shaw Towne Mary fa. John Clegge Shawfield Jonathan f. James Butterworth et Ann Greve James f. Abell Hamer Towne ... Mary fa. Samuel SuttcUffe Tod Lane Mary fa. James Holt-brodoke et Sara Butterworth de Bamford Mary fa. John Readfearne de Hudsons Margret fa. Mathew Hollows de Wood Edward f . William Haslam de Rochdale Richard f. Henry Readshaw Towne Martha fa. John Brearley Healey Jane fa. John Grime Packer ... Jane fa. John Ashworth Towne Katheren fa. John Scolefield Packer Joseph f. Joseph Clegg Bradley at MUlrow Ann fa. Francis Berry Packer ... James f. Charles Beighton Abraham f. Thomas Butterworth 1674 19 Apriel 26 3 May 9 10 1517 24 33 31 556 7 14 June 21 28 July 12 15 19 i674 BAPTISMS 139 1674 25 July 26 „ James f. Joseph ScolefeUd Little Clegg Daniel f. Arthur Hollows Towne Mary fa. Tho: Readfearne et Ales Leigh Towne Ann fa. Edmund Whithead de Birchenley Abraham f. Abraham Stott Longedg ... Elizabeth fa. Thomas Whitaker Towne Mary fa. Thomas Lewes Towne Jane fa. Edmund Hill de Howorth James f. William Stocke de Wosnum ... James f. James Sutcliffe at Millrow ... Robt f. Robt Taylor Butterworth HaU 6 September Elizabeth fa. James Cryer Hartley ... ,, ,, John f. Richard Taylor Towne James f. John Wolfenden de Prickshaw James f. Charles Stott de Healey at Whitworth Joseph f. James Lister de Rochdale ... Joseph f. Robt Rodd Rochdale RacheU fa. John Wostenholme Lane ... Ester fa. Richard Holt de Croncashaw Thomas f. James Shacklocke Spotland Margret fa. Charles Dudaway de Rochdale Susan fa. Henry Clegg Shawfield Thomas -f . John Greve Towne ... Elizabeth fa. John Harrison Croft Head Elizabeth fa. John Mathew Croncashaw Elizabeth fa. Thomas Smith Croncashaw Ann fa. Walter WoUenden Towne William f. John Nuttall Longfield 5 p. 41 Jane fa. Abraham Whitworth de Croncasha : Edmund f . Fabyan Whithead Lowerplace Isaac f. Abraham Brearley Brodley ... Benjamen f. Abraham Stocke de Ashes Mary fa. John Whithead de Durnley . . . Georg f. Joseph Taylor Burdsale IMoore Anna fa. Edward Leigh Church Lane . . . Ann fa. John Heyward Hillhous James f. James [Hollows de Mainwood Elizabeth fa. Robt CoUings de Hartley Henry f. AbeU Dickson Ashbroke High James f. Abraham Kershaw Hamer Mill Margret fa. James Crosley Dungbooth Ann fa. John Holt Elizabeth fa. Micahell Taylor Towne Ann fa. James Shore Wardleworth Jane fa. Charles Clegge Blackwater James f. James Chadwicke Healey 2 August 16 „ 35 35 23 „ 53 35 30 JJ 53 35 53 35 13 JJ 20 27 jj 55 35 28 „ 4 October II ,18 25 1 November 140 ROCHDALE REGISTERS Anna fa. Thomas Healey de Birchey ... Zachary f. Abraham Taylor Lane John f. John Lord Chadwick Fold Thomas f. Henry Smith Bothom Mary fa. Jonas [Newbey Lane Margret fa. Thomas FUes Tod Lane ... John f. John Haslam de Rachdale Alexander f. Alexander Scolefeild Towne Thomas f. James Stott Hamer Mill ... Judeth f. Robt Buckley Stockrode Israel f. Israel Clegge Towne ... Benjamin f. Samuel Wild de Rochdale Robt f. Robt Holt de Bamford Midleton pish: ... Edmund f. John Butterworth Lane ... William f. William Watmagh Towne ... James f. John Wolfenden Loerplace ... Jonathan f. George Hanson Towne ... Jonathan f. Thomas Chadwicke de Chamber James f. Thomas Hill Towne ... Ales fa. Arthur Kay et Sara Mathew Croncashaw ... John f. Anthonie SuttcUffe at home ... William f. Richard Whitworth Grange Mary fa. James Haworth Whitworth ... James f. James Holt Bench Carr Anna fa. Thomas Bamford Foxholes ... James f. John Holt de Spath Robert f. John Chadwick Gent: Elizabeth fa. Richard RothweU Wardleworth Thomas f[ John Casson de Wroe WiUiam f. Joseph Leigh Tod Lane Mary fa. James MUne Moorehouse Elizabeth fa. James ScolefeUd et Jane HoUows Spu: ... John f. John Hollows de Steed Mary fa. Richard Hopwood Towne ... Mary filia [illegible] de Lowerplace ... AbeU f. Robt Butterworth de Windybanke 5 p. 42 Jane fa. James Clegg Spotland Gate ... Edmund f. John Taylor Newbold Mary fa anamUd [?] Rodds Rochdale James f. Isaac Clegg et John f. James Taylor Burdsale Head ... 1674 1674 15 November 29 JJ JJ 6 December 7 J, 13 J, 33 55 20 33 5J 25 ,j 3 Januarie 17 JJ 24 ., 53 33 31 JJ 3 Februarie 7 35 33 33 14 55 21 55 26 28 7 March 12 13 14 31 1674-1675 [BAPTISMS 141 Elizabeth fa. James Turnough Damhead Joseph f. Jeremie Berry Towne James f. Thomas RothweU Howorth Cross ... Elizabeth fa. Robt Chadwicke de Anns Roger f. Charles Ogden Towne Ann fa. James Stott Greene WUliam f. Robt Baxter Towne Robt f. James Kershaw Little Clegg Joseph f. James Ashworth Lonaker Ales fa. Edward Newbold de Newbold Mary fa. Thomas Mareman de Yeafield Thomas f. Thomas Loton Wardleworth Elizabeth fa. Samuel Hollows Shaw ... Deborah fa. Alex: Wostenholme Bolderstone ... Ales fa. John Knoles Lane Joseph & Benjamine fil: Joseph Clegg Shawfield John Kay de Rochdale Mary fa. Robt Royds Littlewardle James f. WUUam Waton Lane ... James f. James Loton Croncashaw Ellen fa. Richard Scolefield Towne Abraham f. James Wrigley Spotland Gate Thomas f. Thomas Hirst de Belfield John f. Robt Whithead Towne James f. James Standring Towne Ann fa. John Ashton de Faylengs Ales fa. John Scolefield de Rochdale Mary fa. James Whitworth Shawfield Mary fa. John Scolefield Stock hous Bihian f Traves de Whitaker James f. Edmund Chadwicke Towne Rebecca fa. Randale Butterworth de Greene George f. George Fletcher Newbold Ales fa. Robt Ashworth Towne Edmund f. Thomas Bridg Shore RacheU fa. Isaac Loton Wardleworth Mary fa. Abraham Taylor Ladyhous Mary fa. John Readfearne de Hudsons Alex: f. John CoUengs Birchenley Mary fa. WiUiam Blackley Towne Susan fa. John Wild Brunedg ... Martha fa. John Taylor Grange 1674 21 March JJ JJ 1675 28 March 2 AprU 4 J, 33 33 5 JJ 9 » 25 2 May 16 23 30 JJ 33 55 20 June 53 33 27 ,j 4 July 142 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1675 Grace fa. Abraham Belfield Blackstonedge 5 p. 43 Roger f. John Holt Spotland Gate ... 18 Elizabeth fa. Henry Nuttall de Foote ... ,, Jane fa. John Taylor de Burdsale ... jj Mary fa. Robt Chadwicke de Towne ... ,, Mary fa. John Melloday Midleton pish: 25 Abegale fa. John Stott Brown Wardle ,, Elizabeth fa. Jonathan Butterworth de Rochdale ... ... ... ¦.• i Elizabeth fa. Richard Barlow de Newbold 4 Elizabeth fa. John W^hithead Lane ... 8 Margret fa. Thomas Scolefield Towne ... ,, Ann fa. Abraham Brearley Healey ... ,, Judeth fa. John Ashworth de Towne ... Margret fa. James Sale Croncashaw ... Elizabeth fa. Henry Holt de Hartley . . . Graice fa. John Howorth de Nacks ... Robt f. Edmund Taylor de Hight Sara fa. Jacob Taylor Towne ... [Richard f. Richard Milne de MUrow Ju: Mary fa. Edward Carter a stranger ... James Sz; Ales fil: Charles Crosley Martha fa. James Clegg de Tongue End John f. James Shipheard Woodhous Lane ... John f. John Lord de Bankhous Dorathie fa. Peter Stut de Shaw Katheren fa. James Fenton de Rochdale Mary fa. Abraham Whitworth Hilbothom James f. Samuel Whitworth Cronshaw Mary fa. John Halliwell de Yea Leeys Richard f. Richard MUne de Millrow at home Richard f. John Etocke Rochdale Ester fa. Samuel Scolefield Spotland Gate ... Ales fa. Abraham Horodd Mossid Jane fa. Edmund Leigh Towne Samuel f. William Butler Towne Mary fa. John Butterworth Lower Place James f. Evan Marsh Rochdale ... 21 Joseph f. Thomas Shipheard Spotland Gate ... ... ... ... ... „ Mary fa. Robt Lees Woodhous Lane ... ,, Ann fa. Jonathan Kershaw Peanocke ,, Samuel f. Samuel Taylor Hill topp ... 28 Samuel f. James Byrch Tod Lane ... ,, Jane fa. Thomas Chadwicke Towne ... 1675 1 July August 2229 J, 5 September 12 „ 13 ,j 19 ... 26 „ 30 JJ 3 October ID 241317 November i675 BAPTISMS 143 Edmund f. Edmund Holt Ashbrocke High James f. James Holt Spotland Gate Ann fa. John Lord de Faylengs Elizabeth fa. Charles Dudaway Towne Jonathan f . Abraham WoUenden Sara f. Edmund Simson de Sike James f. Robt Shaw Blackwater 5 p. 44 James f. James Wardleworth Mainwood Robt f. Robt Turnough Bolderstone .. Judith fa. Francis Fletcher Buckley .. Sara fa. John Crabtree de Clouhous .. James f. Abraham Brearley Whitle Dean Edmund f. Will: Dearden de Mill John f. John Byrom High Wardle Micahell f. John Bothomley ' ... John f. WiUiam Hopwood Burdsale Edmund f. John Fletcher Newbold Ann fa. John Butterworth Blackwater James f. John Clegg de Holt ... Mary fa. John Lees Woodhous Lane Mary fa. David Bamford Thomas f. WiUiam Mawson Rochdale Samuel f. John Taylor Brunedg Mary fa. Jonathan Butterworth Newbold Elizabeth fa. RatcUffe Scolefeild de Rochdale Gent: Thomas f. Richard Holding de Rochdale Gent: Mary fa. James Hollows Church Lane Ales & Ann fil: Francis MUne de Newbold Edmund f. Fabian Whithead Loerplace Mary fa. James Grime Shawfield James f. James Scoles ... James f. Jonas Newbey EUes f. EUes Haslam [Foote Jane fa. Thomas RothweU Fallens Elizabeth fa. Robt Butterworth Towne Elizabeth fa. WiUiam Scolefield Little Clegg John f. John Chadwicke Woodhous lane Sara fa. John Leigh Towne Ann fa. Robt Brucke et Margret MUne Samuel f. Richard Whippe Packer James f. Abraham Clegge Shawfield ... David f . Charles Chadwicke de MUne . . . Dorathie fa ence Healey Packer 1675 28 November 5 December 12 19 26 I Januarie 9 55 16 22 ,, 23 )j JJ 26 ,, 28 „ 30 4 Februarie 6 JJ 13 JJ 33 33 35 55 20 27 2 March 5 JJ 35 55 12 144 ROCHDALE REGISTERS EUzabeth & Mary fil: William Jackson et Eliza: Borwne [sic] Joseph f . Joseph Scolefeild de Litle Clegg Edmund f. Edmund Taylor Brunedg Lane ... Jane fa. Robt Ashworth HaUeaker ... Edward f. George CoUier Towne Sara fa. James Clegg Shawfield Samuel f. Alex: Turnough et Ann CoUier Thomas f. Abra: Chadwicke Mary fa. WUl: SmetheU Spotland Gate John f. Daniel Stocke Millrow Ann fa. John Marsar Spotland Bridg ... Jarrard f. Richard Readfearne Mary fa. Richard Cropp Towne Elizabeth fa. John Buckley de Rodds ... 5 p. 45 Thomas f. John Wilson of Packer b. Thomas f. John Shore et Elizabeth Ashworth Mary fa. Roger PUkenton Rochdale ... James f. Samuel Hamer de Hamer James f. John WorraU Bolderstone ... Ann fa. Renald Rodd Towne Mary fa. James Whitworth Ales fa. Robt GorUd de Gorild Samuel f. Samuel Whipp Towne Robt f. George Farrar Butterworth ... IsabeUa fa. Gabriel Gartsid de Rachdale Gent: Robt f. Samuel Crompton Torne barne Mary fa. John HoUand Smithey Mary fa. Robt Holt HoUen High Mary fa. Abraham Hollows Towne ... Susan fa. Jeremie Lord Catle Lane ... James f. Arthur Whithead Durnley ... John f. James Butterworth Bibknow ... Ales fa. James Scolefield de Rochdale ... Ann fa. James Fish Church Lane Richard f . Richard Jackson Church Lane Ales fa. John Lord Clough Hous Susan fa. Thomas Mason Church Lane IsabeU fa. Thomas Clegg HoushUl James f. Robt Knoles Church Lane ... Margret fa. John Taylor Church Lane John f. Richard Chadwicke Butts Thomas f. James MUne Cold way Susan fa. Robt Hirst Rochdale 1675-1676 1675 12 March 19 1676 26 March 2 Ap ir: 16 19 30 5 May 7 13 24 28 1676 BAPTISMS 145 Charles f. Thomas Turnough Mary fa. John Stott Brunedg Lane Mary fa. John Hill Toung end James f. James Stott Dewhorst Joseph f. Richard Holt Towne Martha fa. Nathan Sewtell Packer Mary fa. James Cryer de Hartley Lewis f. [Lewis Chadwick Gent: Meriam f. Isaac Gartsid de Marland ... Mary fa. James Gartsid de Rochdale ... Mary fa. John Ashton de Spotland Peter f. John Leach de Croncashaw ... Robt f. Abraham WHiitworth Loerplace EUzabeth fa. WiUiam NuttaU Towne ... James f. James Clegg Whitworth James f. John Taylor Brunedg Judeth fa. John Boswell Towne Mary fa. James Scolefield Spotland ... [Richard f. John Marth fa. John Wolfenden Lowerplace Mathew f. John Mulanex Graigs [sic] ... John f. John Hyle Houshill Jane fa. James Lord de [Ridings [?] ... 5 p. 46 John f. Abraham Estwood Trough James f. James Milne Bolderstone ... Jonathan f. Charles Chadwicke de Wosnum fiUus James Taylor de Paster ... Mary fa. Oliver Holt de Barnes Thomas f. John Ingham de Cleggswood Gent: Abraham f. James Whitworth Burdsale Ann fa. Thomas Whitaker Towne Ann fa. Edmund Leach Trough Ann fa. Robt Butterworth et Jane Stott Spotland Mary fa. John Hollows Packer Mary fa. John Lees Caslton Ann fa. Samuel Cryer Packer Ann fa. William Brearley de Colegreve Ester fa. Abraham Scolefield de Sandhole Henry fa. Samuel Hopwood de Woodhous [Cane ... James f. Richard Unsworth Sandhole Zacary f. John Hardman Wosnum ... Samuel f. John Harrison de Croft Head Ales & AbegaU fil: James Stansfield ... John f. Abraham Kershaw Husted 1676 4 June .. J) 18 „ 2 July 16 „ 28 „ 28 „ 6 August 13 20 ,, 27 3 September 10 17 1924 I October JJ JJ JJ JJ II 8 J, 55 55 15 .. 55 55 22 146 ROCHDALE REGISTERS EUzabeth fa. WUUam Whitaker Towne EUzabeth fa. John Heape de Lowerplace Gent: Thomas f. George Jackson de DepleshiU Clark Daniel f. James Taylor Church Lane ... James f. James Cheetham Ch: Lane ... EUen fa. John Scolefield de Rochdale . . . Katheren fa. John Seddon de Towne ... James f. James Wolfenden Smalebridg Thomas f. Robt Kay de Belfield Mary fa. Edward Newbold de Newbold John f. Robt BirstaU Tod Lane John f. Jonathan Hollows Towne John f. John Ogden de Pitts ... James f. Abraham Wild Newbold Lane Susan fa. John Casson de Wroe James f. [Henry Butterworth Towne ... WilUam f. Abraham Taylor Ch: Lane ... John f. Robt Scolefield Woodhous Lane George f. James Dawson Butterwortn HaU John f. Edward Spencer Robt f. Roger Taylor Naden Head ... Nathanel f. Edmund Hill de Chadwicke 5 p. 47 Sara fa. Richard Weddar Towne Mary fa. Charles HUl of HoUenworth ... Micahell f. John Bentley Fallens Richard Wilkenson Church Lane Ann fa. Abraham Healey de Catley Lane Richard f. Richard Taylor Towne James f. James MUne de Moorehous ... Jane fa. John Healey Bank hous EUzabeth fa. George MUne Shawfield ... Mary fa. Richard RothweU Packer ... Robt f. James Lowton Croncashaw ... Abraham f. Abraham Whithead Garsid Joseph f. Charles Beighton Healey ... Ales fa. Joshua Hoyle Hofold WUUam f. Richard Hopwood Towne ... Mary fa. James Sutcliffe Butterworth HaU Judeth fa. John Brearley Ringlose ... Robt f. Abraham Fenton de Bamford Mary fa. John WoUenden Lowerplace Raph f. Raph Smethorst et PrisUah Hollows Henry f. Abraham Standring Towne .'.*.' 1676 1676 22 October 25 ,. 29 „ 5 November 55 55 12 J, 16 „ 26 „ 3 December 13 17 55 24 53 55 33 35 ,, 30 55 2 J anuarie 7 55 35 33 14 .33 21 28 4 Februarie J J JJ J J JJ 11 i6'j6-i(i'j'j BAPTISMS Mary fa. James Butterworth et Ann Greve Samuel f. Jacob Taylor Towne WiUiam f. James Kershaw Wardleworth WUliam f. William Howorth Know Moore Lidia fa. Abraham Stocke Ashes Richard f. Richard Stocke Towne Elias f . Micahell Bentley et Ann Holding Woodhous Lane Abraham f. John Haslam de Rochdale Mary fa. James Lister Towne ... Mary fa. John Fitton Church Lane ... Martha fa. John Knoles Mosse Jane fa. John Butterworth Towne ... James f. Samuel Street Church Lane ... WUliam f. Edmund Fitton Hathershaw Midleton pish Thomas f. Thomas Livesey Marland ... Ester fa. Abraham Brearley Whitworth Martha fa. Joseph Clegg Bradley at Milrow WiUiam f . Robt Medocraft de Chadwicke Edmund f. James Heyward Shawfield Mathew f. Richard HoUows Smethe Arthur f. John Scolefield de Smethe Abegale fa. Samuel Hollows Cronshaw Ales fa. Francis Milne Newbold [Richard f. John Wolstenholme James f. William Durden de Mill EUes f. William Haslam de Rochdale Ales fa. William Leigh Church Lane Mary fa. Charles Stott de Healey Margret fa. Isaac Hirst Towne Adam f. Adam Whitworth de Newbold Jeremie f. James Standring Ales fa. John Wolfenden Towne 5 p. 48 Mary fa. James Lord de Ridings Ann fa. Henry Smith de Bothom Mary fa. Arthur Scolefield de Whitfield Martha fa. John Robertshaw de Catle Lane James f. John Taylor Ashbroke High ... John f. John Butterworth Ch: Lane ... Thomas f. Thomas HiU Towne Sara fa. Robt Chadwicke de Chadwicke Mary fa. Richard Readfearne de FaUengs 147 1676 II Februarie 18 „ 19 25 4 March 7 11 23 „ 1677 25 March AprU 148 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1677 Show Mary fa. Jonathan Howorth de Lane ... Richard f. Robt Livesey Towne John f. John Clegge Bankhous WilUam f. WUliam Chadwicke ... Susan fa. James Cheetham Charles f. Charles Stott de Whitworth George f. George Smith Towne Margret fa. James Clegge Chu: Lane RacheU fa. James Hollows Main wod Samuel f. James Stott de Rochdale Ales fa. Micahell Taylor de Rochdale Jane fa. Edmund Royds Little Wardle Ann fa. James Holt Fieldhead Grace fa. Charles Clegg Towne Thomas f. James Holt Brimrod Mary fa. Henry Redshaw Towne Abraham f. Robt Boulton Howorth Abraham f. Robt Brearley Grenrod banke John f. WiUiam Watmough Towne .. Mary fa. John Hartley Bibknow John f. Richard Barlow de Newbold .. John f. Edmund Butterworth Wardlew John f. John Holt Spath Charles f. Charles Turnough Hartley .. James f. William Digle Bagslate James f. John Chadwicke Woodhous Lane ... Mary fa. Jonathan Fielding, Littlebrough Mary fa. John Grime Okenrodd Charles f. Henry Rodds Marland Abraham f. Charles Loton Wardleworth Ann fa. Thomas Shipheard Spotland Gate Mary fa. John Fletcher Moss Abraham f. Isaac Brearley de Healey 5 p. 49 Susan fa. Jeremie Bery Towne Aron f. Joseph Clegg Shawfield Isaac f. John Holt Burdsale Moor Mary fa. Richard Lord Bamford Joseph f. David Brearley Shore AUce fa. John Clegg Mary fa. Henry Nuttall de Bagslate Mary fa. James Fenton Towne Ales fa. John Clegg de Holt ... Mary fa. WiUiam Turnough Towne 15 22 2327 29 1677 April 31 3 May 13 20 27 June ;h 10 1720 I July 15 22 i677 BAPTISMS 149 1677 Mary fa. Edmund Taylor Brod Lane ... 22 July Henry f. John Howorth Towne ... „ „ Samuel f. Thomas Hirst Belfield Jane fa. James Whitley Towne ... „ „ Annfa. James Whitworth de Wro ... 29 „ Mary fa. Samuel Turnough de Bolderstone „ ,, Joseph f. Robt Baxter Rochdale ... 5 August Mary fa. Thomas Hindley Gent: at Hamer ... ... ... ... 12 „ Ruth fa. Robt Taylor Butterworth Hall „ „ Roger f. Henry Taylor Packer ... „ „ Mary fa. Simeon Newall at Littlebrough ,, „ WUUam f. Robt Holt de Bamford in Midleton 19 „ Susan fa. Jonas Newbey Lane ... ... >,^ ,, AbeU f. Robt Ashworth Castleton Moore ,, „ Katheren fa. Edmund Chadwicke de Rochdale ... ... ... ... 26 ,, Samuel f. Joseph Bamford Lane ... 9 September EUzabeth fa. Isaac Wolfenden Croncashaw ,, ,, Mary fa. John CoUings de Birchenley ... 16 „ John f. John Ashton de Healey ... ,, „ James f. Robt Dawson Weurdle ... „ ,, Susan fa. John Hollows Howorth Paster „ ,, Ales fa. Robt Whithead Towne ... „ „ John f. John Chadwicke Roughbanke ,, ,, Robt f. Robt Clegge Shawfield ... 23 „ Katheren fa. Robt Ashworth Towne ... ,, ,, Jane fa. Edmund Greenrodd High Wardle 30 „ Grace fa. WUliam Kershaw Weardle ... ,, ,, James f. John Chadwicke Woodhous Lane „ „ Abraham f . John Taylor de Newbold ... 7 October John f. Thomas Cheetham Burdsale Moore 14 „ John f. James Whitworth Mooresid ... „ „ Edmund f. Joseph Leigh Tod Lane ... ,, „ Benjamine f. James Birch Tod Lane ... „ ,, John Crosley Furnes 21 „ Thomas f. Thomas Stott Spotland Bridg „ „ Thomas f. Richard Chadwicke Towne ,, ,, Joshua f. Robt Rodd Towne ,, „ Sara fa. John Turnough MUlrow ... „ „ Robt f. Richard Cropp Towne ... 28 „ Mary fa. Samuel Rodds Towne ... „ „ Joseph f. John Brearley „ „ Robt f. Jonathan Kershaw Clegg ... „ „ James f. James Brearley de Ogden ... „ „ 150 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1677 1677 Sara fa. Alexander Butterworth Belfield Esq: 30 October 5 p. 50 Sara fa. John Etocke Towne 4 November John f. WUliam Whitaker Towne Elizabeth fa. Thomas Whitaker Towne Thomas f. James Lord Bankehous Joseph f. John Chadwicke Belfield ... Ann fa. John Readfearne Spotland ... Joshua f. James Taylor Towne Jane fa. AJex: Smith Towne Ann fa. James Clegg de Tunge End ... Ann fa. Thomas Lord de High ... ... 2 December John f. Jurden Chadwicke de Town Hill Holes ... William f. John Howorth Shawfield ... Rebecah fa. Thomas Butterworth Burdsale Abraham f. Francis Fletcher Buckley Robt f. John Greve Towne Jonathan f. John Chadwicke Pitts Thomas f. Francis Healey Packer Ales fa. James Hollows Ch: Lane Simeon f Lord de Halfold Martha & Mary fil: Thomas Wolfenden Lowerplace ... Mary fa. Joseph Scolefeild Little Clegg Robt f. Richard Shaw Towne James f. John Nuttall Casleton Jane fa. Steven Belief Towne ... Edmund f. Edmund Simson Anna fa. James Wardleworth ... Jane fa. James Stott Howorth Mary fa. John Lord Lowerplace James f. John Lord de Cloughous Sara fa. Abraham Cheetham Marland MiU Richard f. Robt Shaw Towne George f. Robt Leigh Towne James f. James Lister et Elizabeth Taylor Thomas f. Abraham Stocke John f. James Scoles Pitts Mary fa. John Leigh Towne Grace fa. George Fletcher Wohead Robt f. Robt Hirst Towne Mary fa. Robt Knoles Ch: Lane Ann fa. James Wrigley Spot: Gate Mary fa. Abraham Scolefield Sandhole 10 Februarie Elizabeth fa. John Taylor HUl topp ... ,, Thomas f. James Stott Towne 17 30 4 ,, II 18 25 35 29 24 9 16 19212223 5? 26 30 6 Januarie 10 13 20 27 1677-1678 BAPTISMS 151 1677 Joseph f . Joseph Hanson et Mary Tattersale 17 Februarie Ann fa. WUUam Hopwood de Burdsale Moore „ „ Lewes f. Lewes Chadwicke et Mary Scolefield ,, „ 5 P- 51 John f. Edmund Hayward de Birchey 24 „ John f. John Bentley de Fallens ... ,, „ John f. Samuel Whitworth Croncashaw ,, „ John f. John Leigh Cusefield Head ... ,, ,, Mary fa. [Richard Readfearne Spoland [sic] Mary fa. John Greves de Gorield ... 3 March Mary fa. Thomas Hayward Towne ... ,, ,, Martha fa. Thomas Lewes Towne ... ,, ,, Grace fa. James Wilkenson Towne MUl „ ,, EUzabeth fa. Henry Holt Bolderstone „ „ Gabriel f. Gabriel Gartside de Rochdale Gent: 8 „ Jane fa. James Leach de Facett at Whitworth 10 „ William f. Evan Marsh Towne ... ... ,, „ Ann fa. Robt Turnough Bolderstone ... ,, „ Susan fa. James Scolefield Bagslate ... ,, „ EUzabeth fa. William Smethels Spotland Gate „ „ John f. Abraham Scolefield Greene ... ,, „ IsabeU fa. Henry Holt Bolderstone ... ,, „ Grace fa. Edmund Taylor Millrow ... 17 „ James f. John Lewes Towne ... ... „ „ John f. John Wardleworth Browne ... „ „ Mary fa. James Kershaw Clegg ... ,, ,, Elizabeth fa. Robt Ashworth Halfeaker ,, ,, James f. John Taylor Gorild 24 „ Richard f. Richard Hill „ „ Nathanel f. Micahell Butterworth Clay Lane Head ... ... ... ... ,, >> Mary fa. James Buckley de Whitworth Mary fa. John Byrom de High Wardle Susan fa. Richard Wolfenden Spotland Mary fa. Nathan SueteU Packer Sara fa. James Butterworth Clegge ... Richard f. James Turnough Hamer MiU IsabeU fa. RatcUff Scolefield de Rochdale Gent: Samuel f. John Ashworth de Packer ... John f. Robt Buckley de Healey Ann fa. Richard Ogden Howorth Cross 1678 31 March 7 Apr 152 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1678 EUen fa. Samuel Whipp Towne Mary fa. Lawrance Seddon Towne WiUiam f. Thomas Jackson et Susan Butterworth ... Mary fa. George Jackson Clarke Ann fa. James Taylor Burdsale Hed Joseph f. John Shore Tod Lane Mary fa. Samuel Greave Towne Mary fa. James Turnough Newbold James f. John Lord Tod Lane ... Mary fa. John Duerden de Whitfield Robert f. James Clegg de Whitworth Richard f. Richard Barlow de Newbold Thomas f. James Crosley Towne James f. Abra: Whitworth Loerplace Ann fa. Robt Boulton de Loe ... 5 p. 52 Jane fa. Thomas Clegg at Whitworth Grace fa. James Turnough de Dam Head Susan fa. John Scoles of Walehead Jane fa. Richard Whitaker de Burdsale Robt f. Francis Dickson Church Stile Johana fa. Robt Scolefield Woodhous Lane ... Edmund f. Isaac Wolfenden Great Howorth Joshua f. Joshua Lightowlers Towne Mary fa. James Milne Anna fa. Daniel Bamford Feild Head Thomas f. James Kay de Chesden John f. RandaU Butterworth Greene Robt f. Samuel Streete Lane ... Jane fa. Arthur Hollows Towne Mary fa. James Nuttall W^oodhous Lane Benjamine f. John Bamford de Howorth Ann fa. Samuel Milne Spotland Mary fa. John Brodbent at Milrow ... James f. James Whitworth Burdsale ... James f. James Sale de Rochdale Martha fa. James Holt de Spotland Gate Abraham f. Abraham Whitworth Steed Mary fa. John Whithead de Greene ... Robt f. Robt Smethorst Clarke Sara fa. Richard Holding de Rochdale Gent: Charles f. James Butterworth Bibknbw Israel f. Isaac Hirst Towne Abraham f. Samuel Sutcliffe Packer ... Sara fa. John Chadwicke at MiUrow ... 1678 7 Apr II 2125 I May 12 19 26 2 June 13 15 16 23 1678 BAPTISMS 153 Robt f. James Jaques Towne ... John f. John Chadwick Spotland Elizabeth fa. Edward Leigh Lane Mary fa. John Brearley de Rochdale ... Elizabeth fa. Abraham Fitton de Burdsale Samuel f. Samuel Streete Towne Ann fa. Samuel Hopwood Woodhous Lane ... Joseph f. Richard Whipp Packer John f. Edmund Fletcher Belfield Ester fa. Jonathan Durden Church Lane Susan fa. John Ashworth Woodhous Lane ... Mary fa. WiUiam Nuttall Rochdale ... Susan fa. John Ashworth Woodhous Lane WUUam f. Thomas Butterworth Church Lane ... Martha fa. Richard Holt Blackwater ... John f . John Scolefield Spotland Mary fa. John Belfield Shawfield Grace fa. Robt Butterworth Blackwater Ann fa. Thomas Bridg Wardle ... Feabe fa. William Butlar Towne Edward f. Samuel Hamer de Hamer ... Ales fa. MUes Leaf wood Towne 5 P- 53 Abraham f . Abraham Kershaw de Husted Jane fa. Robt Lees Woodhous Lane ... Ann fa. James Cryer de Hartley James f. John Brearley at MUrow Penelope fa. John Chadwicke de Starring Gent: Mary fa. Robt Milne de Blackwater ... Ann fa. Francis MUne de Lowerplace ... Ales fa. John Whithead de Church Lane Thomas s. Thomas Smith Towne Robt f. John Butterworth Boursale ... Abraham f. Samuel Cryer Packer John f. John Scolefield of Rochdale ... Jane fa. Abraham Standring Burdsale Moore Robt f. John Hardman de High Head John f. John Stott de Burdsale Moore Joshua f. Richard Jackson Church Lane Abraham f. John Ogden Tod Lane ... Elizabeth fa. John Seddon de Butts ... Abra: f. Charles Ogden Towne Robt f. Abraham Clegge Spotland Gate Edmund f. Robt Cropp Towne 1678 30 June 7 July 14 16 2124 II August 35 55 55 53 33 55 18 JJ 55 55 29 1522 September 55 33 29 5; 35 55 55 6 October 55 33 53 13 55 33 20 5553 33 53 27 3) 33 JJ JJ 154 ROCHDALE REGISTERS Elizabeth fa. Roger Pilkenton Towne ... Mary fa. Walter Terrey Towne Elizabeth fa. James Clegg de Healey ... Katheren fa. Richard Wedder Rochdale John f. James Stott de John f. Abraham Ashworth de Hungrill William f. John Harrison de Croft Head Annis fa. Isacke Wild de Steed ... GuUelmus f. Seth Cla3rton de Scolefield HaU Gen: Samuel f. James Grime de Wosnum ... Katheren fa. John Smith Blackwater ... Dorathie fa. Henry Butterworth Rochdale Ales fa. Samuel Crompton de Ogden ... Elizabeth fa. James Clough Spotland ... Robt f. James Clough Spotland Isabell fa. James Howorth Marland ... Benjamine f. James Birch de Rochdale Sara fa. James Piccopp de Wosnum ... John f. James Turnough de Binns Elizabeth fa. Robt Taylor de Butterworth HaU 5 P- 54 James f. Edmund Clegg de Newbold ... Anna fa. John Hill Tongue End James f. [Raph Shipheard Towne Judith fa. Thomas Hindle de Hamer ... Joseph f. Thomas Loton Towne Ann fa. Edmund Butterworth de Wardleworth Alexr f. Henry Clegg Failings ... Abra: f. Abra: Clegg et AbeU fiUus de Croncashaw ... Mary fa. John Clegg de Holt Ruth fa. Charles Chadwicke de MiU ... Jane fa. Edward Speircsar [sic] Brimrodd Thomas f. Thomas Chadwicke Towne Sara fa. James Kenion Rochdale EUzabeth fa. Steven BeUet de Rochdale Mary fa. John Taylor de Bradley Susan fa. Thomas Wolfenden de Burdsale Thomas f. Francis Healey Church Lane John f. Joshua Newby Church Lane ... Raph f. James Gartsid at Milrow Jonathan f. George Milne Shawfield ... Jonathan f. Adam Butterworth et Sara Lighttowler Benjamine f. Edmund Wrigley Packer Ales fa. John Wolfenden Lowerplace ... 27 53 3 10 1678 1678 October ,j November 17 23 24 I December 15 2228 5 Januarie JJ J, 10 „ 12 „ 19 .J 55 JJ S3 !J )) JJ 33 )> 26 „ S3 ?J 35 53 53 J5 2 Februarie 53 3J 9 .. 55 53 5J 55 55 55 16 „ I678-I679 BAPTISMS EUen fa. Henry NuttaU Spotland ... .... filia John HoUand de Smethey ... John f. John Butterworth Lowerplace John f. Edward Hollows Blackwater ... Robt f. James Scolefield Towne Mary fa. Robt Medocraft de Chadwicke Mary fa. Thomas RothweU de Hights ... Ales fa. Edmund Hopwood de TunsheU Saira fa. Edmund Arad Church StUe ... Sara fa. Robt Chadwicke Blackwater ... Mary fa. Charles Clegg Blackwater Raph f. Samuel Butterworth Caslehill James f. James Butterworth Rochdale Daniel f. John Bothomley Whitle Dean Sara fa. Edmund Taylor de Brod Lane Mary fa. John Howorth de Rochdale ... Elizabeth fa. William Stansfield Church Lane ... Mary fa. Edmund Robenson de MUrow Elizabeth fa. John Haslam de Rochdale Robt f. John Ashworth Packer Samuel f. James Milne de Mooresid ... Edward f. James Byrom de Birchenhead Mary fa. James Clegg de Church Lane RacheU fa. John Fletcher Mossid Grace fa. Henry Hartley Smalebridg ... James f. James Robters [sic] Packer ... 5 P- 55 Johan fa. John Healey Bankhous WiUiam f. William Rodd de Swinrodd Mary fa. Isaac Brearley Jane fa. John Butterworth de Marland Ales fa. James Lees of Marland Jane fa. John Wosnum Church Lane ... Abraham f. John Hollows Packer Edmund f. Richard Taylor Rachdale ... James f. Richard MUne at Milrow Francis f. OUiver Holt de FaUengs Jane fa. Thomas Livesey de Marland ... Katheren fa. John Heape de Foote ... Susana fa. John Holt de Spotland Gate John f. Francis Berry of Packer Mary fa. John Fish of Church Lane ... Ann fa. Abraham Whithead Clough Bothom Joseph Brearley of Belfield ... John f. John Crosley de Healey Samuel f. Adam MUne de Shore 155 1678 16 Februarie ,, JJ 23 „ 2 March 16 23 1679 6 AprUl 13 20 27 4 May II 14 18 156 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1679 Samuel f. Renald Rodd of Blackwater Mary fa. Abraham Horodd of Packer ... Mary fa. Abraham Brearley of Healey HaU Sara fa. Adam Wliitworth of Newbold Jonathan & Ann fil: Joseph Clegg Shawfield Robt f. Robt Ryds of Wardle Samuel f. Samuel Cudworth of Hades WiUiam f. WUUam Durden de MUne ... Mary f. Samuel Taylor de Hartley ... Ann fa. Abraham Chadwicke of Spotland Gate John f. John Knowls of Newbold Lane Mary fa. John Taylor of Brunedg Lane James f. Richard Readfearne Tod Lane Mary fa. Robt Roudd of Towne Abraham f. James PUkenton Towne ... Mary fa. John Scolefield Spotland Gate John f. James Lord de Howorth Pasfr John f. Abraham Fenton de Rachdale Jane fa. Isaac Garsid Marland ... Jane fa. James Milne de Heathe Know Elizabeth fa. James Fitton de Hathershaw de Midleton Mary fa. Abraham WUd de Belfield Grace fa. James Fenton de Rachdale Sara fa. Robt Collier de Rochdale John f. Robt Kay de Belfield ... Mary fa. WUliam Robenson Towne Mary fa. James Cheetham Church Lane 5 P- 56 Joseph f. Joseph Loton de Shore James f. James Crosley de Clough Mary fa. John Lord de Tod Lane Ann fa. Robt Wliipp de Packer James f. John Bowers de Rochdale Joshua f. James Standring de FaUens Ester fa. John Scolefield de Smethey John f. John Kershaw de Rachdale Abraham f. Edmund Greve Butterworth HaU John f. James Dawson de Turnough Edmund f. Henry Taylor Packer Joshua f. Henry Buckley de Burdsale Samuel f. James Whitley Towne Abraham f. Roger Taylor Nadenhead Rachell fa. [Richard Readfearne Chad: HaU 1679 25 May June 15 22 29 10 July 13 20 27 35 3 ID JJ 17 24 31 Au! gust i679 BAPTISMS Robt f. John Whitworth et Ann HoUows James f. MicaheU Taylor Towne Mary fa. Richard Chadwicke Towne ... Ester fa. James Lord de Lonaker Batrex fa. John Boswell Towne Ann fa. John Brearley de Rochdale ... Susan fa. Robt Clegg de Shawfield ... Mary fa. Robt Brigs de Packer Mary fa. James Brearley de Ogden ... Ann fa. John Clegg de Tod Lane EUzabeth fa. John Robertshaw Spotland Gate Mary fa. John WUson de Packer WiUiam f. WiUiam Watmough Towne Grace fa. Robt Baxter Towne Richard f. Robt Cropp Blackwater ... James f. Richard Whitworth de Bursell Arthur f. John Holt de Spath Abraham f. Abraham Healey Catle Lane Thomas f. John Taylor Gorild Ann fa. James Butterworth Little Clegg James f. James Clegg Shawfield Thomas f. Thomas Brearley Colegreve Mary fa. Edmund Leigh Towne b. James f. James Whitworth de Marland Mary fa. James Whitworth de Roe ... Nathan f. Abraham Stocke Ashes John f. Joshua Dearden de Rachdale Gent: Sara fa. Isaac Loton de Wardleworth ... Ann fa. EUes Chadwicke Woodhous Lane Robt f. Robt Chadwicke et Mary Butterworth Spu: Sara fa. Semeon Newall Margret fa. William Turton de Rochdale John f. John Harbord de Blackwater ... Alice fa. Joseph Scolefield de Litle Clegg 5 P- 57 James f. John HaUiweU ... Abraham f. James Cheetham Field hous Abegale fa. Robt GorUd de GorUd Katheren fa. Samuel Shore Towne ... Grace fa;. James Kershaw de Wardleworth Mary fa. Simeon Wolfenden de FaUens John f. Jonathan Scolefield et Jane Wilson Spu: Mary fa. Samuel Streete de Blackwater Jane fa. Robt Chadwicke de Chadwicke James" f. Charles Turnough de Hartley 157 1679 7 September 14 ,. 21 2928 3 October 12 JJ 19 .J 55 55 55 35 26 9 November JJ JJ 16 „ 20 ,, 21 7 December 33 55 35 22 14 21 28 158 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1679 Abraham f. Abraham Brearley de Prickshaw Margret fa. WiUiam Haslam de Rachdale John f. John Lord de Clough hous ... Charles f. James Hollows Meanwood ... [Richard f . Richard Wolfenden de Healey James f. James Clegge de Tongue End Ann fa. John Holt Burdsale Moore ... Ann fa. Evan Berry Towne John f. Samuel Streete de Lane Ales fa. Edmund Chadwicke Towne ... Samuel f. Jarret Cryer & Martha Taylor Spu: Elizabeth fa. Thomas Stott de Howorth Ales fa. John Dearden de Whitfild ... Samuel f. Abraham MUne Catle Lane ... Mary fa. Joseph MUne de Birchenley ... WUliam f. WUUam Shaw et Elizabeth Spu: WUliam f. James Butterworth Bibknow Thomas f. John Lord de Lowerplace ... Nathan f. Nathan Sutcliffe de Packer Ellen fa. John Chadwick de Cronest ... James f. James Jaques [sic] de Rachdale James f. James Holt de Brimrodd Dorathie fa. Thomas Wliitaker Blackw: EUzabeth fa. Abra: Turnough Edward f. Edward HoUows Cripple Blackw: Isabell fa. Thomas Lord Smale bridg ... Jane fa. James Wardleworth Croncashaw Abraham f . Abraham Scolefield Sandhole 5 p. 58 EUzabeth fa. James Birch Tod Lane ... John f. James Taylor Church Lane ... AbeU f. John Brearley Blackwater ... Jane fa. Joseph Taylor Church Lane ... Abraham f. John Buckley de Roads ... Savel f. Rateliff Scolefield de Rachdale Gent: John f. John Smethorst Towne Mary fa. Robt Scolefield Woodhous Lane Ales fa. Thomas HUl Towne Sara fa. Henry Holt Casleton Moore ... Thomas f. James Smith Blackwater ... Mary fa. John Brearley de Lonaker ... [Richard f. Richard WUkenson Ch: Lane Robt f. Robt Whitehead Blackwater ... Jane fa. John Roads de Lower High ... 1679 28 December 30 55 1 January 4 53 3J JJ 10 JJ II 53 16 5J 18 53 22 55 25 35 55 55 55 55 1 Februarie 8 55 55 53 55 55 15 55 24 29 2 March 6 7 14 1679-1680 BAPTISMS ^59 Jane fa. Thomas Berry Ch: Lane Mary fa. Alexr Taylor Lonakers Edward f. John Brearley Rachdale ... John f. Robt Healey Church Lane ... Sara fa. John Greenwood John f. John Butterworth Samuel f. Samuel Whipp Towne Katheren fa. Robt Brearley Grinrodd banke Susan fa. Thomas Bransford de Rachdale Thomas f. Daniel Bamford Hamer Mill Elizabeth fa. Richard Ogden de Spotland Bridg William f. John Taylor Newbold Abraham f. James Scoles of Pitts Henry f. John Bamford de Wardle Mary fa. Joseph Leigh Tod lane John f. Arthur Scolefield Croncashaw ... Abraham f. Abraham Birch Wosnum ... Abraham f. William Kershaw Husstedd Robt f. Thomas Hirst de Belfield Mary fa. Thomas Hayward Burdsall ... Jane fa. AbeU Roades Littlebrough ... EUen fa. Jonathan HoUows Todlane ... John f. Thomas Hayward Burdsall Moore Jane fa. Isaac Wolfenden Bolderstone Martha fa. John Belfield Shawfield Sara fa. James Turnough Damhead ... 5 p. 59 Mary fa. Abraham Ashworth of Hungrill Mary fa. John Wardleworth Stone High Joshua f. Joseph Leigh de Midleton ... Abegale fa. Thomas Butterworth Ann fa. Robt Knowls Ch: Lane Elizabeth fa. John Leigh Casafield head Samuel f. John Butterworth Digyat ... Judith fa. James Hollows Church Lane Katheren fa. John Brearley de Rachdale Katheren fa. Thomas Mason Church Lane ... WUliam f. Jonathan Taylor de Ogden James f. Robert Butterworth de Coldermoore ... Calib f. Thomas Mason Ch: Lane Abraham f. Charles Ogden Towne ... Elizabeth fa. Robt Chadwicke Underwood Ann fa. John Chadwick de Clay lane ... 1679 14 March 18 21 1680 29 March 4 AprUl II 1318 25 2 May JJ ,j JJ ,, 9 .. 33 35 16 23 30 i6o ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1680 1680 WUUam Kershaw of Lower Place 30 May Elizabeth fa. Richard Ogden Blackwater 6 June Mary fa. Abra: Fitton de Burdsale ... ,, ,, Joseph f. John Clegge de Chadwicke HaU „ ,, Ales fa. John Scolfield de Spotland Topp 12 WiUiam f. WUUam Stones 13 James f. Abiaham Cheetham Marland 20 ,, Thomas f. James Lord de Pasmans ... ,, j, RacheU fa. George Fletcher Whohead 27 ,, Mary fa. Alexander Turnough Croneast ,, Ann fa. [Richard Unsworth de Casleton ,, ,, Thomas f. Thomas Backster de Bagslate ,, ,, James f. WUkenson [sic] Meddoe stile ,, ,, Edmund f. Edmund Simson Towne ... ,, ,, George f. Edmund Taylor de Wroe ... ,, ,, John f. John Holt de Newbold ... jj j, Ales fa. Samuel Turnough Bolderston 4 July Ales fa. Abraham Whitworth Lowerplace ,, ,, Jane fa. James Butterworth Towne ... ,, ,, Ann fa. Mr George Jackson Clarke ... 6 ,, Ann fa. James Kershaw ... ... 11 ,, Ellen fa. John Ogden Todlane ... ... ,, ,, John f. Samuel Crosley Longfield ... jj Jane fa. Edmund Leigh Blackwater ... 18 ,, Jane fa. Edward Leach Trough ... ,, ,, Susan fa. WUliam Heaton Shipheard MiU , „ 5 p. 60 Susan fa. John Turnough de MUrow ... 25 ,, Henry f. WUliam Nuttall de Rachdale „ ,, John f. Robt Ingham Church Lane ... ,, ,, Mary fa. Edmund Holt de Rachdale ... ,, ,, John f. James Hopwood de TunsheU ... ,, ,, Henry f. Isaac Holt de MUrow ... ... ,, ,, Mary fa. John PUling de Shawfield ... 8 August Edmund f. Richard Ogden de Birchenhead ,, ,, Mary fa. John Lewes de Packer ... 17 ,, Dorathie fa. John Seddon Rachdale ... 22 ,, Robt f. Robt Brearley de Haugh ... „ „ James f. James Hopwood Rachdale ... 5 September Ann fa. Robt Shaw de Blackwater ... 12 ,, Jane fa. James Lord de Penocke ... ,, ,, Mary fa. Raph Shipheard Rachdale ... 19 ,, Sara fa. James Whitworth de Wosnum ,, ,, Godfrey f. Edmund Turnough de High ,, ,, Abraham f. Isaac WoUenden de Howorth Robt f. James Clegge Packer 3 October John f. WUliam Brearley Colegreve ... 11 ,, Elizabeth fa. Robt Hanson Blackwater 10 i68o BAPTISMS 5 p. 6i Mary fa. John Winterbothom Packer ... Sara fa. Edmund Taylor et Deborah Greenwood ... Edmund f. Richard Milne de Milrow Jur James f. Randale Butterworth de Greene George f. George Farrar de Milrow James f. Abraham Taylor Ch: Lane ... Mary fa. Henry Holt de Foote Peter f. Thomas Haywood de Rachdale Raph f. Robt Collier de Rachdale Henry f. Edmund Taylor MUrow John f. James Brearley de Buckley ... Jane fa. Robt Leigh de Rachdale Elizabeth fa. James Wrigley de Hights John f. Samuel Hopwood Woodhous Lane ... EUzabeth fa. Edmund Butterworth Wardle Charles f. James Howorth de Howorth Abraham f. Abraham Clegge Shawfield Ales fa. Samuel Crompton Hough Ann fa. Robt Whitworth Bolderstone Thomas f. Thomas Hendle de Hamer Gent: Joshua f. James Hartley de Weardle ... Robt f. Robt Buckley de Healey Susan fa. Henry Clegg de Tedlane Rebekah fa. Robert Turnough de Bolderstone ... James f. James Wolfenden Ch: Lane ... Martha fa. WUliam Smethels Towne ... Joseph f. Joseph Brearley Belfield Mary fa. Abraham Scolefield de Moresid Mary fa. Adam Scolefield Goselane Bastard Robert & John fil: John Healey Towne Nathan f. John Stott Broadlane Ales fa. William Leigh Towne ... Edmund f. Edmund Howorth de Honderwood James f. Henry NuttaU de Jouken Mary fa. James Roads de Weardle Robt f. AbeU Brearley de Brodley James f. James Stott Smithe . Jane fa. John Scoles Walhead . John f. John Heape de Foote . John f. John Fletcher Mossid . John f. Samuel Greve Towne . 161 1680 10 October ,j 1217 35 53 55 30 53 7 November 14 21 5 December 19 26 I Januarie 5 9 33 16 l62 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1680-1681 Elizabeth fa. Jonas Newby Lane Edmund f. John Holt Towne ... Henry f. James Nuttall Woodhous Lane James f. John Haslam de Rachdale Steven f. Steven Belief de Rachdale Grace fa. Sam: Cryer Packer ... EUzabeth fa. Charles Clegge Robt f. James Holt IsabeU fa. John HiU Catley Lane Thomas f. Robt Hawton Lane Mary fa. James Shipheard Woodhous Lane ... Ann fa. James Lees et Margret Holt Wodhou: Spu: Edmund & Judeth fil: James Sale EUzabeth fa. Abra: Taylor Ch: Lane James f. John Clegg Towne Abraham f. Abraham Wrigley de High Mary fa. Francis Healey de Ch: Lane Mary fa. Robt Whitworth de . . . . Katharen fa. Arthur Holt de Rachdale Mary fa. James Stott de Howorth Cross Henry f. Henry Butterworth Newbold Elizabeth fa. Abraham Kershaw Husstedd Ales fa. James Piccopp de Wostenholm Ann fa. Richard^ Clegg de Cutgate Joseph f. WiUiam Scolefield de Clegge 5 p. 62 Francis f. Robt Holt de Lowerplace ... Robt f. James MUne de Bolderstone ... James f. Charles Chadwicke de Wosnum Elizabeth fa. John Howorth Rachdale Samuel f. John Smith de Milrow Jane fa. Thomas Lewes Todlane Charles f. James Turnough Hamer MUn Mary fa. William Lord Shaw Mary fa. Thomas Chadwicke Blackwater Mathew f. Arthur HoUows Henlane ... Ann fa. Edward Spencer de Brimrodd Alexr f. Edward Clegge Plumhous ... John f. John^Clegge de Healey .... fiUa John Howorth de Rachdale John f. John Harrison de Crofthead ... Robt f. EUes Chadwicke Wodhous Lane Joshua f. James Feilding de Brearley Jeremie f. Matthew Cranedg Towne ... Jane fa. James Chadwicke de Hartley Dorathie fa. John WUd de Mooregate 1680 16 Januarie 23 30 6 Februarie JJ JJ 13 JJ 20 6 March 5 6 55 13 20 1681 27 March i68i BAPTISMS 163 1681 27 March 28 „ 3 Aprill 17 24 JJ I May Mary fa. Thomas Mason Church Lane Frances fa. James Holt de Casleton Esq: John f. Jonathan Howorth Shorelane Adam f . Adam Butterworth de Butterworth James f. James Smethorst Housahill ... „ Mary fa. James Hayward de Wosnum „ Joshua f. Mathew Hollows de Rachdale ,, John f. John Howorth de TunsheU ... 10 Elizabeth fa. John Clegg de Healey ... „ Thomas f. Richard W/hitaker Spo: gags [sic] JJ Ales fa. James CoUings de Haugh ... ,, Isabell fa. James SuttcUffe de Wliitle Deane ,, Mary fa. John Ashworth de Packer ... John f. Thomas RothweU Towne MiU Elizabeth fa. Robt Cropp Blackwater James f. Thomas Stott de Howorth ... James f. Richard Jackson Lane Katheren fa. Thomas Bransford Rochdale John f. John Wostenholme Church Lane Sara fa. Alexander Turnough de Roadfield 5 p. 63 Susan fa. James Whitworth de Burdsale Robt f. John Hayward de Spotland Yate Robt f. John Butterworth de Great Clegg Spu: Ann filia Ales fa. William Scolefield de Little Clegg Joshua f. Joshua Durden de Rachdale IsabeU fa. John Holding de Whitworth Mary fa. James Horrox de Lowerplace Mary fa. John Whitworth de Lowerplace Elizabeth fa. John Stott de Windebanke Thomas f . Edmund Arrad de Church Stile ,, „ Mary fa. WUliam Brearley de Rachdale ,, ,, . James f. John Whithead Church Lane ,, „ Mary fa. James Lord de Littlebrough ,, ,, James f. William Chadwicke Blackwater ,, „ Ann fa. Robt Lees de Woodhous Lane... 29 „ Isaac f. Isaac Brearley de Healey ... ,, ,, Ales fa. John Roads de Stancfield ... ,, ,, James f. Lawrance Smith Tongue End ,, ,, Susan fa. James Grime Shawfield ... 5 June Joseph f. Renald Rodd Rachdale ... ,, „ Thomas f. Olliver Holt Faylens ... ., ,, Martha fa. Robt Rudd de Rachdale ... ' „ ,, 10 13 33 15 53 22 164 roGhda[Ce registers 1681 1681 19 June 9 17 4 August 7 .. 55 55 8 „ 2128 John f. John Milne de Burdsale Moore Ann fa. Abra: Standring de Flashous Benjamine f. James Fenton Rachdale 26 „ EUen fa. James Jaques „ „ Matthias f. John MuUanex Grange ... ,, „ John f. John Whitworth Readfearne ... „ ,, Mary fa. John Ashworth Woodhous Lane ... ... ... .•• ... ,, >, John f. Henry Hamer de Wostenholme 3 July Joshua f. William Stansfield Ch: Lane ,, „ Jane fa. Edmund HoUows WiUiam f. Joseph Leigh Tod Lane ... Ann fa. James MUne de Hathe Know Robt f. John Howorth Spotland Gate Robt f. John Maden Bagslate Ales fa. James HoUows Lane ... Ales fa. Peter Goldborne et Susan Taylor 5 p. 64 Sara fa. Richard Chadwicke Rachdale Ann fa. WUUam Burton Rachdale ... John f. Paule Greenwood Croncashaw Robt f . James Butterworth de Birchenheadi4 Ann fa. John Clegge de Bankehous ... „ James f. James Clegge Spotland Mary fa. WiUiam Earnshaw Todlane . Meream fa. Joseph Clegge Shawfield ... ,, ,, Charles f. John Lord de Cloughous ... ,, ,, John f. John Healey de Bankhouse ... 1 September Sara fa. James Brearley de Ogden ... 4 ,, Mary fa. Edward Clegge de Burdsale ... „ ,, Samuel f. WUUam Wardle et Susan Barne Spu: „ ,, Mary fa. Robt Chadwicke de Blackwater „ „ Elizabeth fa. Abraham Scolefield ... ,, ,, Edmund f. Edmund Leigh Rachdale ... ,, ,, John f. John Scolefield Rachdale ... ,, ,, John f. John Jackson .... Spu: ,, Godfrey f. Edmund Turnough de High 11 ,, John f. Abraham WUd de Newbold ... ,, ,, Edmund f. Edmund Bridge de Birchhill Thomas f. Samuel Birch de Rachdale 18 ,, EUzabeth fa. Thomas Livsey de Marland ,, ,, Sara fa. Joseph Leigh et HaUows Spu: Mary fa. Edmund Ogden de Wood ... 26 Mary fa. James Chadwicke de Shaw ... 25 Jonathan f. Joseph Hanson et Katheren Smith Spu: Isaac f. Arthur Scolefield de Croncashaw 28 i68i BAPTISMS 165 John f. John Brearley de Hagh Ales fa. Edmund Cocker de Hartley .... John Butterworth de Marland Thomas f. John HoUows de Steed Elizabeth fiUa Spu: Joseph f. Joseph Plat de HaUe et Margaret Holt Spu: Jane fa. Edmund Leigh ^e Blackwater Thomas f. Thomas RothweU de Hights 5 p. 65 Sara & Ann fil: Robt Clegge de Shawfield Mary fa. John Knoles Moss Ann fa. WiUiam Watmough Towne ... John f. John Seddon Rachdale EUzabeth fa. Robt Ingham Church Lane Isabell fa. Edmund Ashworth Burdsale Ales fa. Charles Turnough Bolderstone Jonathan f. Robt Chadwicke de Chad: John f. James Howorth Smalebridg ... Thomas f. Richard Readfearne John f. Robt Booth Blackwater John f. Joshua Baskervile Gent: George f. George Milne Shawfield James f. Robt Scolefield Woodhous Lane [Richard f. John Brearley Towne Mary fa. Abraham Stocke Marland ... John f. John Holte de Burdsale Moore James f. Samuel Crosley de Longfield Joseph f. Robt Brigs Ch: Lane Robt f. Robt Ashworth Loerplace Elizabeth fa. John Holt de Spath ... John f. John Taylor Wosnum Mary fa. Nathan SuteU Packer Elizabeth fa. John Holland de Blackwater Ales fa. James Whitley de Rachdale ... Meream fa. Abraham Stocke de Ashes James f. . . ane Clegg Bagsat [sic] Mary fa. John Fletcher de Mossid Robt f. John Clough de Mossid John f. Abraham Brearley Healey HaU Jurdan f . Jonathan Chadwicke Wostenholm Abraham f. Abraham Taylor Casleton Henry f. Samuel Hamer de Wildhouse James f. John Belfield Shawfield EUen fa. James Hayward Ch: Lane Ann fa. John HoUand Lowerplace Sara fa. James Lees de Marland John f. Thomas Cowp Newbold 1681 I October 13 23 55 30 6 November JJ 55 JJ JJ 10 JJ 13 JJ 20 27 28 4 11 JJ 18 1 JJ 22 29 5 9 12 14iq December Januarie Februarie i66 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1681-1682 Elizabeth fa. Lawrance Seddon Rachdale 5 p. 66 John f. Josephi Scolefield de Little Clegg EUen fa. Edward Milne Blackwater ... John f. John Holt de Foote Sara fa. John Leigh Blackwater Elizabeth fa. John Hallewell de Yea Leeys James f. WUliam Butterworth Cronshaw James f. Richard Hopwood de Rachdale John f. Joseph Lowton Tod lane John f. Raph Shipheard Rachdale ... John f. James Clegg de Whitworth ... Katheren d. of James Holt of Casleton Esq: Edmund f. James WUd de Newbold ... John f. Isaac Newby de Chu: Lane Margret fa. Simeon NewhaU de Colder Moore James f. James Clegg de Packer James f. James Wrigley de Packer ... Ellen fa. Robt Meddocraft de Chadwicke Sara fa. John Butterworth de Rachdale Israel f. James Clegge de Toungend ... John f. James Howorth Mary fa. James Scolefield Great Clegg Joshua f. Henry Farrar Towne Mary fa. Timothie Stocke Towne Edmund f. Edmund Butterworth Woodh: Abraham f. James Whitworth W^oodh: Anna fa. Samuel Taylor Dobehole ... EUzabeth fa. Abra: Fitton de Burdsale EUzabeth fa. James Holt de Croncashaw Abegale fa. Richard Readfearne Halfaker Mary fa. Jeremie Durden Redford ... Sara fa. Thomas Bery de Rachdale ... George f. Mr George Jackson Clarke Mary fa. John Shore Torfe hiU James f. John Dearden de Whitfield ... Mary fa. Thomas Wolfenden Highead Ann fa. James HoUows de Mainwood Edmund f. Richard Milne de Milrow... Grace fa. WUUam Nuttall de Rachdale John f. James Wrigley de Hights Elizabeth fa. Roger Taylor Nadenhead John f. Henry Hartley de Smalebridg .1 :68i 19 Februarie 20 JJ 53 26 JJ 55 3J 5 5 23 5 55 March 23 J, 1682 26 March JJ JJ 2 April 11 9 35 16 1823 2526 27 30 5 May i682 BAPTISMS 167 1682 Ann fa. AbeU Brearley de Bradley 7 May James f. John Maden de Mooresid ... 14 „ James f. Daniel Bamford de Hamer MUl „ ,, Timothie f. John Greenwood Croncashaw „ „ Sara fa. James Scolefield Booth ... 21 „ Ann fa. Abraham Scolefield de Smalebridg „ „ Martha fa. Abra: Taylor Church Lane ,, „ Jane fa. Robt Whitworth de Bolderstone ,, „ James f. John Holt de Burdsale Moore 28 „ Mary fa. Robt CoUier de Rachdale ... „ „ Raph s. James Standring de FaUengs 31 „ 5 p. 67 Jonathan f . James Dawsonn de Turnough 4 June Edmund f. James Cass de Coldermoore „ ,, James f. Thomas Hayward de Burdsale Moore „ „ John f. Walter Terry de Henlane ... ,, ,, Thomas f. Henry Taylor de Packer ... ,, „ Mary fa. John Brearley de Rachdale ... „ „ Thomas f. Thomas Shore de Houllat Hale II ,j Edmund f. James Butterworth de Bibknow 12 „ James f. James Grime de Shawfield ... 25 ,j Mary fa. Robt Taylor de Butterworth HaU „ ., EUzabeth fa. James Scoles de Pitts ... 2 July Thomas f. Thomas Stott, de Howorth „ „ Abraham f. Abraham Cheetham Burd: Moore 16 „ MicaheU fa. [sic] MicaheU Heape de Foote ... ... ... •¦• JJ >> Robt f. Thomas Mason de Church Lane 23 Margret fa. John Whithead de Greene „ „ Elizabeth fa. Abra: Ashworth HungrUl Mary fa. John Buckley de Roads ... 30 jj Mary fa. Samuel Butterworth Wardleworth „ „ Catheren fa. Daniel MUne de Binns ... ,, „ EUen & Sara fil: Micahell Taylor de Rachdale " Ann fa. James Holt de Spotland Gate 6 August Jamesf. James Robtertshaw de Spotland Gate » " Martha fa. Thomas Smith et >j » EUzabeth fa. John Winterbothom Packer » >> Joshua f. John Holt de Rachdale ... ,, „ Roger f. Roger PUkenton de^Blackwater 13 „ John f. John Lord de Newgate •¦• » » i68 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1682 1682 13 August 14 .. 17 24 Daniel f . Richard Holt de Rachdale . . . Sara fa. Seth Cleaton de Scolefield Hall Esq: Jane fa. Robt Butterworth de Colderwoth James f. James Cryer de Broad Lane ... 27 ,, Mary fa. Edward Hollows Blackwater ,, ,, Susan fa. Edmund Holt de Rochdale ... ,, ,, Grace fa. James Butterworth de Rachdale 3 September Mary fa. WiUiam Shaw Blackwater ... 10 ,, EUzabeth fa. James Ogden de Rachdale ,, ,, Judeth fa. Abraham Birch de Woodhous Lane ... Grace fa. Joseph Taylor Ch: Lane Sara fa. Thomas Prowel Broad Lane Mary fa. John Stott Burdsale Moore Ales fa. Isaac Clegg de Farlens Grace fa. John Whitworth de Bolderstone Mary fa. George Smethorst de Rachdale John f . Nickholes Dunstere Butterworth HaU „ „ WUliam f. Joseph Leigh Toad Lane ... i October Mary fa. WilUam Smethels Toad lane ... ,, ,, Ellen fa. John Harrison at Milrow ... ,, ,, 5 p. 68 William f. James Jackson Towne ... 8 Robt f. James Brearley Towne ... ,, ,, Mary fa. Robt Hanson Blackwater ... ,, ,, Edmund f. Edmund Taylor de Broad Lane ... James f. James Turnough Bolderstone Martha fa. John HiU de Moore Gate ... Mary fa. Daniel Hollows Bagslate ... Ales fa. Joshua Newby de Church Lane Katheren fa. Joshua Cheetham Sike Bank Mary fa. Steven Beelatt de Rachdale John f. Robt MaxweU de Rachdale Joseph f. John Holt de Belfield John f. Tho: Butterworth Ch: Lane James f. James Clough Catle Lane Joshua f. Thomas Brearley de Colegreve Ann fa. Thomas Hayward Rachdale ... 3 December James f. John Brearley de Rachdale ... 10 Mary fa. Edmund Butterworth Bolderstone Mary fa. Robt Wolfenden de Rachdale Abraham f. Abra: Whitworth Lower Place Spu: David f. John Johnson de Cronshaw ... Elizabeth fa. Robt Healey de Healey ... ',', [] 1522 53 29 5 November J J J J 12 ,j 19 JJ i682 BAPTISMS 5 P- 69 Ann fa. John Ogden de Rachdale John f. John Grime de Okenrodd James f. John Scolefield Wosnum Jane fa. Richard Clegg de Cutgate Mary fa. Joseph Brearley de Belfield .... Grace fa. James Kershaw de Wardleworth Jordan f . Joseph Chadwick at Litlebrough Thomas f. Arthur Holt Rachdale Samuel f. WUliam Hopwood Burmoore Martha fa.. John Harbord Towne Mary fa. Robt Buckley de Butt: HaU Mary fa. John HiU Bench Carr Sara fa. Edward Hollows Paster WUliam f. William Hutton de Shore ... Sara fa. Robt SuttcUffe de High Sara fa. Richard Ogden de Chadwicke Mary fa. George Hartley Church Lane Stephen f. John Burrows Towne Margret fa. John Fish Ch: Lane Thomas & Robt fil: Joseph Marcraft Spu: Thomas f. John Seddon Towne Edmund f. John Butterworth Burdsale Edmund f. John Ogden Todlane John f. Thomas Backster Bagslate Ann fa. Robt Cropp de Midleton pish Thomas f. Edward Spencer Brimrodd James f. James Shipheard Woodhous L: James f. Richard Chadwicke Rachdale John f. James Nuttall Marland [Edmund f. John Bridge de Birchey ... EUzabeth fa. James Holt de Brimrod ... John f. Richard Kay Cheeseden Robt f. Knowls Ch: Lane Mary fa. John Butterworth de Digyate Richard & Ann fil: Abraham Taylor de Newbold IsabeU fa. Charles Clegg de Rachdale ... Robt f. John Smethorst Spotland Gate Samuel f . Samuel Turnough Bolderstone Susan fa. James MUne de Butter: . ... Richard f. Thomas RothweU de Hights Ann fa. James Clegg de Shawfield Abraham f . Abra: Standring de Rachdale EUzabeth fa. James Fenton Rachdale WiUiam f. Sam: Hopwood Woodhous Lane James f. John Brearley Blackwater ... 169 1682 10 December 17 JJ 24 JJ 25 31 7 Januarie 20 4 Februarie II 33 35 18 J, 24 JJ 25 JJ 55 55 33 33 28 „ 4 March 53 33 II 170 Mary fa. Joseph f, ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1682-1683 1682 18 March 22 „ 1683 Renald Rudd de Rochdale ... John Lord de Clough House Elizabeth fa. Jonathan Baskervile de Townehed James f. John Horrocks de Hill topp ... James f. James Lowton de Packer ... John f. John Royds de Lower high ... John f. WUUam Brearley de Rachdale Ales fa. Thomas HUl Towne Mary fa. EUes Haslam de Shawfield ... Ann fa. Joseph Clegge de Healey John f. WilUam NuttaU Rachdale ... Ann fa. Abraham Scolefield Mooresid Mary fa. Joshua Durden Rachdale Gent: Thomas f. John Wostenholme Church Lane ... Joseph f. Charles Chadwicke Mill Jane fa. Jonathan Hollows Towne Mary fa. James Brearley Towne Sara fa. John Naden Bagslate Ester fa. Samuel Crompton Haugh ... Sara fa. Isaac Loton Wardleworth ... James f. James Nuttall de Woodhous Lane ... Jane fa. [Richard Unsworth Lower Place John f. Richard Weder Towne Ales fa. Nehemiah Baker de Hartley ... PrisiUah fa. WUUam Chadwicke Blackw: Ann fa. James Whitworth de Wosnum 5 P- 70 Susan fa. Robt Brearley de Greenrodd Banke Betres fa. Thomas Lord de Croncashaw John f. John Holland de Blackwater ... John f. W Samuel Birch de Rachdale... Abraham f . Adam Fenton de Towne MiU Ann fa. WilUam Durden de Marland Mill Nathan f. John Sutcliffe de Towne ... James f. John Whitworth de Readfearne WiUiam f. John Buckley de Blackwater Thomas f. James Birch de Rachdale ... Jane fa. John Scolefield de Spotland Topp Mary fa. John Taylor de Newbold ... Charles f. James Scolefield de Great Clegg Abraham f. James Lister de Blackwater Jane fa. Francis Stott de Casleton Moore 25 March 26 „ I April 15 22 6 May 55 55 13 „ 20 „ 27 3,j 10 17 June i683 BAPTISMS 171 5P-71 Mary fa. Robt Turnough de Bolderstone Elizabeth fa. Robt Scolefield de Pitts Ann fa. John Chadwicke de Church Lane James f. John Leigh de Casefield Head Sara fa. Jeremie Durden de Foxholes Ales fa. Thomas Hindle de Hamer Gent: Robt f. Robt Houton de Rachdale Jane fa. Alexr Kershaw de Brodley James f. Tho: Milne Ladyhous Mary fa. James Jaques de Rachdale... Jane fa. Alexr Kershaw de Brodley ... Ann fa. Abra: Wrigley de High Jane fa. John Brearley de Haugh Thomas f . John Shore de Fish Bridge . . . MicaheU f. John Howorth de Rachdale John f. Abraham Earshaw [sic] de Sike Banke Grace fa. Robt Holt de Lower Place EUzabeth fa. James Holt de Casleton Esq: Ales fa. Charles MUne de Rachdale Thomas f. James Stott de Field Hous Sara fa. Robt Leigh Blackwater Sam: f. James Taylor de Broadley Ester fa. John Howorth de Loehous James f. AbeU Brearley de Burdsal Moore John f. Edward Adkenson de Woodhous Lane ... Jurdan f . James Chadwicke de Rachdale Ann fa. Thomas Mason de Church Lane Dorathie fa. Thomas Bransford de Rachdale Ester fa. John Stott de Broad Lane ... Richard f. Edmund Simson de Rachdale Ann fa. Abraham Kershaw et Ann Milne Spu: Jarard f. Sam: Cryer de Packer Elizabeth fa. Francis Healey de Chu: Lane ... Edmund f . Thomas Chadwicke de FaUens William f. Isaac WUde de Steed James f. James Lord de Wostenholme Joseph f. Edward Clegge de High head Jarret f. John Jackson de Rachdale ... Ann fa. John CoUings de Birchenley ... John f . WiUiam Butler de Rachdale . . . Mary fa. Isaac Hirst de Rachdale 1683 24 June 8 July 55 15 ^555 22 5) 29 . J 55 5> 30 5 33 August 53 53 55 6 55 55 12 33 19 2026 2 September JJ JJ JJ JJ JJ JJ 9 .. 55 55 16 JJ 55 33 55 55 23 JJ 30 55 53 33 55 7 October 5) JJ 172 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1683 .... John Smethurst de Blackwater ... EUzabeth fa. James Lord de Lonakers Ann fa. Andrew Hoyle de Harsenden ... James f. Edmund Brigs de Rachdale ... Mary fa. Oliver Holte de FaUens Mary fa. Thomas Cowpe de Walehead Sara fa. Isaac Brearley de Whitworth John f . John Scolefield de Spotland Gate Arthur f. James Holte de Field head ... Thomas f. James MUne de Bolderstone David f. James Clegg de Whitworth ... John f. Abra: Ogden de Shawfield John f. Robt Chadwicke de Anns Raph f. Raph Shipheard de Rachdale Mary fa. Edward Leigh et . . . . Hollows Mary fa. Robt Shaw de Hen Lane [An entry erased^ Alex: f. John Heape de Lowerplace Gent: John f. Abraham Stocke de Ashes John f. Abra: Taylor de Church Lane John f. James Stott de Smalebridg ... John f. John Scolefield Bagslate Robt f. Henry Hartley de Weardle ... Nathan f. Nathan SuttcUffe Packer ... Mary f. Sam: Crosley de Ketbooth Sara fa. Edmund Cocker de Hartley ... Ann fa. AbeU Birch de Ann fa. Richard Whitaker de Spot: Gate Elizabeth fa. James Stott Croncashaw Joshua f. John Stott de Blackwater ... Edmund f. Edmund Arad Chu: StUe ... Jane fa. Jonas Newby Chu: Lane Edmund f Clegg de [Here end Baptisms in Original Volume F.] 5. pp. 72, 73 and 74 [Wholly blank] 1683 7 October 14 .. 21 28 4 6 II 18 21 25 November 2 December 16 i683 bApTismS 173 "Volume VI. 1683 6 p. 1 Hen: Pigot Vicar of Rochdale Rochdale Register begining 23 December 1683 p me Hen: Butterworth pish Clerck Rochdale Devision for Church Lay is as follows Spotland and Butterworth are one have of the pish s d Wardleworth Hamlet is 5 lo^ in the Pound Midle Hundesfield is 10 of ,, ,, „ Todmorden is 41,,,, „ Castleton is a fourty part of one have If the Church Lay be £30 in the year II 94o Then Spotland is 7 10 Butterworth is 7 10 Rochdale is 3 7 Hundesfield is 5 18 Todmorden is 2 8 Castleton is 3 5 30 0 o Hen: Butterworth pish Clerk 6 p. la [Wholly blank] 6 p. 2 A Register of all the Christnings at Rachdale Church begining the 23 of December 1683 Isabell fa. Luke Greenwood de Rydens 23 December Elizabeth fa. Samuel Medocraft de Lowerplace ... ... ,, ,, John f. John Harbard de Blackwater ... i Januarie Thomas f. Jonathan Dearden de Healey Charles f. Thomas Stott de Howorth ... John f. William Haslam de Rachdale ... Mary fa. Edmund Leigh de Rachdale . . . Mary fa. John Brearley de Mossid Jane ia. Henry Farrar de Blackwater Sara fa. Robt Lees de Woodhous Lane Martha fa. Henry Butterworth de I6 II 13 20 Racdale born 28 174 ROCHDALE REGISTERS Adam f. Samuel Whitworth de Church Lane ... Ellen fa. John Seddon de Rachdale ... Jane fa. James Chadwicke de Lowerplace Mary fa. John Brearley de Belfield AbeU fa. John Crabtree de Ringloss ... Joseph f. Joseph Lowton de Hollows ... John f. James Butterworth de Berchey Rebecca fa. Richard Readfearne James f. Thomas Cheetham de Burdsale Moore Susan fa. James WUd de Rachdale ... John f. EUes Haslam de Banckhous ... Robt f. George Whithead de Rachdale Sara fa. Henry Holte de Foote Ann fa. John Matthew de Croncashaw Robt f. John Lewes de Church Lane ... Susan fa. Robt Scolefield de Shawfield ,, Sara fa. Robt Wolfenden de Househill James f. Edmund Turnough de High ... „ Martha fa. Hen: Butterworth de Rochdale 30 Elizabeth fa. Abra: Kershaw de Diggate 7 Elizabeth fa. Robt Ingham de Packer 10 Thomas f. John Backster de Newbold born ... ... ... ... ... 8 Ellen fa. Samuel Taylor de Sandhole ... John f. John Fletcher de Mossid John f. Timothy Tetlock de Kerkholt John 1. Sam: Standring Butter: HaU ... Elias f. Robt Chadwicke de Townehead Martha fa. Robt Clegg de Shawfield ... George f. John Knole de Moss ... Joseph f. James Grime de Shawfield ... Jane fa. John PUling de Shawfield ... John f. John Burrows Butts ... OtteweU f. OtteweU WorraU de Bolderstone ... Ellen fa. James Wrigley de Hits Martha fa. John Chadwick de Painters [?] Katherin fa. Abra: Brearley de Healey HaU Elizabeth fa. James Ogden de Rachdale Samuel f. John MUne de Roughbank ... Joseph f. John Clegg de Rachdale et 1683-1684 1683 27 January February -^1 24 2 March 16 23 1684 30 March 6 AprU 13 i684 BAPTISMS 175 1684 Ann fa. James Howorth de Howorth Paster 13 April p. 3 Mary fa. James Standring de FaUens ... 20 ,, Jane fa. Richard Hopwood de Rachdale „ ,, Daniel f . Daniel Brearley de et Sara Lighttowlors „ „ Robt f. James Clegg et Ales Brearley Spu: „ „ Jane fa. Joseph Leigh de Rachdale ... 27 ,, EUzabeth fa. Thomas Chadwicke de Chamber ... ... ... ... „ „ James & Richard fil: John Scolefield de Rachdale ... ... ... ... 28 ,, Ellen fa. James Whitley de Rachdale 4 May Edmund f. Edmund Wrigley de Packer „ „ Jane fa. James Dawson de Turnough ... ,, ,, Edmund f. Edmund Grenrood de Milrow ,, ,, Mary fa. Seth Clayton de Scolefield Hall Esq: 8 „ Jeremie f. Jonathan Taylor 11 „ George f. James Scoles de Burdsale Moore „ „ Robt f. James Sale de Rochdale ... „ ,, Mary fa. Thomas Hayward de Burdsale Moore ,, ,, Thomas f. Joshua Baskervile de Rachdale 18 „ Elizabeth fa. John WorraU de Bolderstone ,, „ Thomas f. Edmund Taylor de Brunedge ,, „ Ann fa. Isaac Wolfenden de Ashbroke High 25 „ Jonathan f. Jonathan Milne Rachdale ,, ,, WUliam f. Thomas Shore de Bank topp ,, ,, James f. John Clough de Clay Lane ... i June Robt f. James Howorth de Greene ... ,, „ Abraham f . Abra: Ashworth de HungreU End 8 „ Elizabeth & Ruth fil: Robt Kay de Belfield ... „ „ James f. Abraham Wild de Newbold ... ,, ,, Ledia fa. John Durden de Whitfield ... 15 ,, James f. James Clegge Broad Lane ... 22 „ Elizabeth fa. James Hopwood de Rachdale ,, „ James f. Jeremie Wrigley de Rachdale 29 „ Jane fa. James Cryer de [Burdsale Moore 6 July Susan fa. James Scolefield de Great Clegge , Margret fa. Edmund Clegge de Newbold „ „ EUen fa. John Turnough de Rachdale „ „ 176 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1684 1684 Thomas f. James MUne de Ladyhous ... 7 July Katherine fa. Alexr Scolefield de Rachdale 13 „ Ann fa. John Lord de Lower Place ... jj ,, Elizabeth fa. Joseph Chadwick de Cleggswood Heay ... .•• jj Edward f . Radcliffe Scolefield de Rachdale Gent: 21 „ Abraham f. Abraham Stocke de Cronest ,, jj 6 p. 4 Jane fa. Thomas Livsey de Marland ... 27 ,, Grace fa. James Smith de Blackwater ,, ,, Jane fa. Francis Fletcher de Buckley ... ,, ,, Jane fa. James Whitworth de Croncashaw ,, ,, George f. James Clegge de Tongue End „ „ Jane fa. Henry Butterworth de Mossid 3 August John f. John Francleton de Ashbroke High ... ... ••• ¦•• .•• JJ ,j Mary fa. Abraham Chadwicke de Spot: Gate 10 Robt f. Francis BoiUton de Ashbrooke High ... ... ... ... ... J, JJ WUUam f. John Holte de Spath ... 17 Joseph f. Henry Smith et Elizabeth Stott Spu: „ ,j Mary fa. John Butterworth de Belfield 24 „ John f. Robt Barlow de Samuel f. Richard MUne de Milrow ... 31 ,, Mary fa. Arthur Scolefield de Croncashaw ,, ,, Thomas f. Edward Spencer de Brimrodd 7 September Ales fa. Abraham Hayward de Spotland Y ate — ... ... ... ... , J , , Grace fa. Abraham Brearley de Belfield ,, „ Isaac f. Isaac Loton de Wardleworth ... ,, ,, Alexander f. Thomas Butterworth de Whitworth 14 „ Grace fa. Edward HoUows de Blackwater ,, ,, John f. John Sutcliffe de Blackwater ,, Sara fa. John Clegge de Whitworth ... 15 ,, Ann fa. Steven Bellat de Rachdale ... 21 ,, Robt fa. WUliam Turton de Rachdale „ „ Sara fa. Abraham Kershaw de Rachdale ,, „ Elizabeth fa. Thomas Baxter de Bagslate ,, „ Isabell fa. Richard Holt de Rachdale ... 28 ,, John f. Abraham Clegge de Shawfield ,, ,, James f. Alexr Turnough de 5 October Abraham f. Danel Bamford de Hamer Milne ... ... ... ... ... 12 „ James f. Robt Brigs de Packer ... „ „ John f. EUes Hallows de Blackwater ... ,, „ i684 BAPTISMS 177 John f. James Greenrodd de Browne Wardle Febey fa. Abraham Fitton de Rachdale Raph f. John Smith de Milrow John f. John Smethorst de Roe Rebeca fa. Robt Taylor Butterworth HaU Peter f. Edmund Leigh de Rachdale ... Mary fa. John Smethorst de Rachdale Margret fa. Edward Clegge de Plumhous Henry f. John Whitworth de Blackwater John f . Robt Butterworth de Coldermoore James f. Jeremie Durden de Foxholes 6 p. 5 Robt f. Robt CoUings de Hartley ... Frances- fa. Joshua Newby de Church Lane ... James f. Robt Ashworth de Smethefield Ales fa. John Clegge de Rachdale Ann fa. James Jaques de Rachdale ... Thomas f. Thomas Mason Church Lane Catherin fa. Samuel Gartsid de Okenrodd Gent: Jonathan f. Robt Dawson de Ales fa. John Brearley de Todlane ... Robt f. John Brearley de Rochdale ... Martha fa. John Grime de Okenrod ... William f. WUliam Butterworth Littellbrough James f. Edmund Dawson de Chadwicke HaU James f. WilUam Mill de Lowerhous ... Samuel f. John Hardman de Wosnum Ann fa. Adam Fenton de Towne Mill ... Charles f. Charles Clegg de Toad Lane Susan fa. Adam Whithead de Littlebrough Mathew f. Thomas Turnough Susan et Catheren fil: Abra: Scolefield de Sandhole [?] Elizabeth fa. Jo: Wolfiden de Church Lane ... John f. Edmund Butterworth de Bolderstone ... Ales fa. Samuel Whipp de Rachdale ... Sara fa. Abraham Lord de Belfield ... Edmund f. John Hill de Benchcarr ... Jane fa. Edmund Butterworth de Castle HiU ... Sara fa. James Cass de Ashbrocke High 1684 12 October 19 .. 26 -J J J J 2 November JJ J J 20 23 7 December JJ JJ 11 JJ 14 55 21 55 3 3 2526 27 28 4 Januarie M 178 ROCHDALE REGISTERS Mary fa. John Clegge de Hollands ... Robt f. Robt Boulton de Looe James f. James Scolefield de Rachdale Ann fa. Henry Taylor de Packer Mary fa. James Milne de Mossid Mary fa. Joseph Leigh de Toad lane ... Thomas f . William Taylor de Blackwater Richard f. Edmund Milne de Ladyhous John f. John Maden de Mooreside ... Mary fa. James Kershaw de Burdsale Rachel fa. Thomas Butterworth de Burdsale Moore filia James Clegge de Spotland Jane fa. Isaac Clegge de FaUens Rebecca fa. John Butterworth de Church Stile EUzab: fa. Robt Roads de Staring Robt f. Thomes Wolfenden de Lower Place ... Ann fa. John Shipheard de Spot: Gate James f. George Smethorst 6 p. 6 Mary fa. John Scholefield de Kerkholt James f. John Ogden de Hamer Elizabeth fa. Samuel Birch de Rachdale Gent: Jane fa. Tho: Butterworth Howorth ... Ellen fa. Thomas Wolfenden de Hartley Charles f. James Butterworth de Rachdale Richard f . Abraham Taylor de Chu: Lane Esabel fa. James Brearley de Failins ... Sara fa. James Clough de Catle lane ... Mary fa. Robt Readfearne de Barsale James f. John Belfield de Shawfeild ... James f. James Stocke de Ashes Sara fa. John Lord de Newgate Joseph f. Henry Taylor de Howorth Paster John f. WUliam Greenhalgh de Rachdale Joshua fa. Arthur Holte de Rachdale ... Thomas f. John Tattersale de Toad Lane Mary fa. James Piccopp de Wosnum ... Mary fa. William Hopwood de Burdsale Moore Mary fa. Richard WUkenson de Newbold Mary fa. John Bridg de Benchcarr ... AbeU f. John Ashworth de Packer ... Dorathie fa. Richard Kay de Chesden 1684-168 1 684 4 Januarie 55 II 3^ 14 15 J5 18 20 1 February 19 22 55 55 28 55 33 I 53 March 15 22 23 JJ 1685 29 March JJ J, JJ JJ 5 AprU i685 [BAPTISMS 179 P- 7 1685 Benjamine f. David Brearley de 12 April John f. John Chadwicke de Cronest ... „ ,, Richard f. Richard Durden de Littlebrough „ ,, Katherine fa. James Milne de Steed ... ,, ,, Mary fa. James Butterworth de Turnough ,, ,, John f. John Holte de Rachdale ... 26 ,, Jane fa. Thomas Stott de Howorth ... 3 May John f. Richard Ogden de Casefield Head 10 „ Robt f. Robt Cropper de Toad Lane ... „ Robt f. John Ogden de Toad Lane ... 17 „ EUzabeth fa. James Hollows de Church Lane ... Jane fa. Robt Hanson de Blackwater ... Katheren fa. Abra: Whitworth de Bolderstone ... Thomas f. Tho: Hall et Margret Wingren Spu: Robt f. Robt Booth de Blackwater ... 24 Mary fa. Raph Butterworth de Blackwater Ales fa. John Buckley de Tarnters ... EUzabeth fa. James Brearley de Rachdale 31 Margret fa. Robt Healey de Healey ... John f. John Holte de Coptroad James f. John Butterworth de Three lanes end James f. Charles Milne de Rachdale ... 7 June Margret fa. John Chadwicke de Rachdale Jane fa. Thomas Berry de Church Lane James f. Johannis Bamford de Shore ... 8 ,, Elizabeth fa. Isaac Buckley de Mooresid 21 ,, Mary fa. John Newbold de Haugh ... ,, ,, Jonathan f . Jonathan Wolfenden de Toad Lane 27 „ John f. James Grime de Shawfield ... 28 ,, George f. Joseph Taylor ... ... ,, „ Ann fa. Henry Shore de Fish bridg ... ,, ,, Mary fa. James Tattersale de Blackwater 5 July Ann fa. Randle Butterworth de Greene 12 ,, Ann fa. Andrew Hoyle de Whitworth ... 19 „ .... filia William Chadwicke de Blackwater ... ... ... ... „ ,, John f. Alexr CoUings de Butterworth HaU 26 „ Abraham f. Olliver Holte de Medocraft de Midle: p „ „ John Spotland baptized at Rachdale Church ... ... ... ... ,, „ Mary fa. Abraham Ogden de Catle Lane 2 August i8o ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1685 1685 James f. Thomas RothweU de Croncashaw 9 August Samuel & John fil: James Smith de Church Lane ... ... ... 13 >j Jane fa. John Ashton de FaUens ... 16 „ Jane fa. Richard Whitaker de Spotland Gate ... ... ... ... ... JJ ,j Mary fa. Joshua Cheetham de Woodhous Lane 23 ,, Elizabeth fa. Samuel Whitworth de Church Lane ... ... ... ,, ,, Mary fa. Edmund Butterworth ... 30 ,, Mary fa. James Whitworth de Bolderstone ,, ,, Mary fa. James Clegge de Shawfield ... 6 September Ralph f. Seth Cleaton de Scolefield HaU Esq: baptized at Scolefield Hall ... 8 ,, Martha fa. Robt Shaw de Blackwater ... 13 ,, Abraham f. James Clegge de Toad Lane 20 ,, John f. Will: Brearley de Rachdale ... ,, ,, Ales fa. Timothie Ettough de Rachdale 27 „ Susan fa. John Gartsid de Rachdale Gent: , „ James f. Israel Clegge et . . . . Butterworth ,, ,, Edmund f. Thomas Whithead de Burdsale 4 October Robt f. Thomas Brearley de Burdsale ,, ,, Sara fa. Robt Whitworth de Bolderstone ,, ,, Richard f. John Buckley de Roads ... ,, ,, 6 p. 8 Mary fa. Henry Farar de Blackwater ... 25 ,, Mary fa. Abraham Brearley de Healev HaU .'. „ „ Judeth fa. John Butterworth de Marland ,, „ John f. John Mathew de Denhorst ... i November Jonathan f. James Kershaw de Wardleworth ... ... ... ,, ,, Elizabeth fa. Robt Holte de Lowerplace ,, ,, James f. Ralph Holte de Packer ... ,, ,, Easter fa. John Shipheard de Woodhous ^. I^ane „ „ Elizabeth fa. Robt Holte de Lowerplace ,, ,, Catherin fa. John Clegge de Rachdale 8 „ John f. James Ogden de Church Lane ,, ,, EUzabeth fa. Josephi Scolefeild de Litle Clegg 9 „ Benjamine & Jonathan fil: Daniel Hollows de Towne Mill 12 John f. John Brearley de Towne ... 15 ,', Martha fa. James Thorpe de Church Stile Charles f. James Stott de Toad Lane 22 i685 BAPTISMS 181 6 p. 9 1685 22 November 27 „ JJ JJ I Januarie Elizabeth fa. Edmund Holte de Rachdale Jane fa. Thomas Hindle de Hamer Gent: ,, j, James f. Robt Howorth de Loehous ... ,, ,, Susan fa. Robt Wolfenden de Rachdale 6 December Ellen fa. James Chadwicke de Croncashaw ,, ,, James f. Henry Butterworth de Towne ,, ,, Edward f. Edward Adkenson de Towne „ ,, Mary fa. Richard Chadwicke de Towne ,, ,, Ann fa. Joshua Newby de Church Lane 13 ,, Mary fa. John Jackson de Towne ... ,, „ James f. Thomas Lord de Ashbrocke High ... „ Thomas f. Alexr Kershaw de Mossid ... 20 ,, EUzabeth fa. James Brearley de Lady-hous „ „ Sara fa. James Butterworth de Smalebridg „ ,, Benj: f . Robt Grime et Mary Butterworth de Bagslate Spu: , ,, James f. Abraham Ashworth de HungarUl EUen fa. John Hoyle de Bagslate WUliam f. Robt Ingham de Packer ... Frankland f. Radcliffe Scholefield de Rachdale Gent: Abbigale fa. Abell Ashworth de Broadough Joshua f. Jeremie Wrigley de Michel High John f. Edmund Brigs de Rachdale Ann fa. James Sharplus de Buckley Samuel f. James Brearley de Moss John f. Richard WUd de Marland Elizabeth fa. Sam: Crosley de Catle lane 10 ,, Edmund f. James Butterworth de Chu: lane „ ,, Deborah fa. Francis Healey de Chu: Lane „ „ Richard f. Richard Clegge de Clay Lane ,, „ Ann fa. Thomas Lewes de Rachdale ... ,, „ Susan fa. Richard Hamer de Redfearne 17 „ Jonathan f. WUliam Watmough de Packer , „ OttaweU f. John WorraU de Bolderstone 24 „ Edmund f. Edmund Lord de Duehurst ,, „ John f. AbeU Brearley de Ringlose ... Abraham f . John Ashworth de Blackwater „ ,, Ann fa. Nathan SewteU de Packer ... „ „ Ann fa. Raph Shipheard de Rachdale 31 Mary fa. James WUd de Rachdale ... 7 February Abrahamf . MicaheU Cheetham de Sike Bank „ „ l82 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1685-1686 1685 7 February Thomas f. Isaac Loton de Wardleworth Thomas f. Edmund Butterworth de Burdsale ... ... ... ... 14 Ann fa. Isaac Howorth de Milrow EUzabeth fa. Jane Milne de Moorehous Josua f. John Brearley de Ogden Ales fa. [Richard Weeder de Rochdale ... 21 Ann fa. Edmund Wrigley de Packer Mary fa. Thomas Butterworth de Howorth Cross James f. John Stott de Broad Lane James f. James Brearley de Moss sid John f. Thomas Milne de Milrow Abraham f. Abra: Fitton de Rachdale 28 Susan fa. James Whitworth de Burdsale John f. John Howorth de Rachdale ... Elizabeth fa. John Whitworth de Rachdale Elizabeth fa. Thomas Cowpe de Newbold Isaac f. James Lister de [Rachdale ... 7 March Joseph f. Joseph Taylor de Mooresid ... Peter f. Edmund Leach de Lowerplace Ann fa. Edmund Walkden de Little Wardle Sara fa. Richard WUd et Frances WUd de Marland Spu: 14 James f. Henry Harte de Foote Jane fa. Richard Readfearne de Spotland Samuel f. WiU: Scolefield de CaUards ... James f. James Jaques de Rachdale ... Israel f. Joseph Loton de Croncashaw Mary fa. John Scholfield de Spotland Topp Mary fa. Abell Brearley de Brunedg Lane ... Elizabeth fa. Jane Cheetham de Fieldhous James f. James Brearley de FaUens ... Mary fa. Robt Whitaker de Highead ... 4 AprU 6 p. 10 Dorothy fa. Fabian Whithead Moorsid Jane fa. John Wild de Browne George f. John Roberts de Spotland ... Ann fa. Robt Haughton de Rachdale ... Ann fa. John Turnough de Spotland ... Richard f. John Seddon de Rachdale ... 11 John f. James NuttaU Woodhous Lane Robt f. Daniel Holte de Catlelane ... James f. James Stott de Healey Henry f. Abra: Read et Susan Dickson Spu: 16 JJ 19 ,j 21 ,, I 686 28 March i686 BAPTISMS 1686 11 April 19 .. 16 23 James f. John Ogden de Marchant Sike Robt f. John Scholefield de Clay Lane Robt f. John Wostenholme de Church I^ane 25 „ John f. Joseph Leigh de Newgate ... 2 May James f. James Wrigley de Hights ... „ „ Judeth fa. Edmund Hollows Blackwater 9 „ James f. James Bamford de Littlebrough ,, „ Thomas f. John Knoles de Moss ... „ ,, Elizabeth fa. John Harbard „ „ Mary fa. John MUne ,, ,, Henry Bamford de Towne ... ,, ,, James f. James Berry de Rachdale ... Margret fa. James CoUinge de Casleton Moore Jane fa. James Turnough de Casleton Ann fa. James Lees de Caslton ... Robt f. John Clough de Clay Lane ... Francis f. Edmund Leigh de Blackwater Elizabeth fa. Abra: Scolefield de Mooresid 30 „ Ann fa. Edmund Turnough de Ashbrocke 13 June Martha fa. James Standring de FaUens ,, ,, Edmund f . [Nicholas Dunster Butterworth HaU „ „ Susan fa. Robt Readfearne de Bursale 18 ,, John f. Thomas Mason de Chu: Lane ... ,, „ Alis fa. James Clegg de Whitworth ... ,, „ Ann fa. Edmund Brearley de Milrow ... 20 ,, Abraham f . Abraham Stocke Broadshaw 26 „ Mary & Martha fil: Edmund Lord de FaUens ... ... ... ... 4 July James f. Jonathan Taylor de Belfield ... ,, ,, Robt f. Samuel Taylor ,, ,, Katheren fa. James Holte de Rachdale ,, „ William & Martha fil: John Leigh de Casefield Head ... ... ... 11 ,, William f. George Hartley Gose Lane ... ,, ,, Susan fa. Robt Wolfenden de Toad Lane ,, ,, Charles f. James Lord de Nadenhead ... jj „ James f. [EUes Haslam de Medocraft ... 18 ,, Mary fa. James Lees de Woodhous Lane ,, ,, Robt f. Richard Hopwood Rachdale ... ,, jj James f. James Milne de Ladyhous ... 25 „ Ann fa. Thomas Stott de Crooke ... j, „ Ann fa. Robt Knoles de Packer ... „ jj Martha fa. Samuel Butterworth de Butter: „ „ 6 p. 11 David f. Daniel Brearley de Rachdale i August i84 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1686 1686 26 29 5 September Dorathie fa. James Holte de Casleton Esq: 5 August William f. James WUd de Clegswod Mary fa. John Clegge de Newfield Head 15 John f. Charles Durden de Whitfield .. Sara fa. Joseph Clegg de Fieldhous .. Elizabeth fa. James Scholes de Pitts .. Aron f. Nehemiah Baker de Hartley ... 22 Janies f. Abraham Crosley de Smalshaw Sike Robt f. Edmund Howorth de Woodhous Lane ... Elizabeth & Judeth fil: Joshua Baskervile de Townhead Gent: EUen fa. Abra: Leigh de Blackwater James f. James Cryer de Broad Lane Mary fa. Abra: Holdworth et Elizabeth Buckley Spu: John f. John Belfield de Cleggswood Abraham f. Abraham Taylor de Butterworth Hall Jonathan f. Jonathan Wolfenden de Toad Lane ... James f. Robt Leigh de Blackwater . Mary fa. Edmund Cocker de Hartley . James f. James Whitley de Rachdale . Sara fa. Abell Turnough de Brodough. Jane fa. Abraham Lord de Belfield Ales fa. Robt Healey de Healey Mary fa. Adam Whithead de Humber Ann fa. Edmund Wild de Peanocke [Three lines erased] Edmund f. Olliver Holte de FaUens Charles f. Samuel Butterworth William f. Samuel Morton de Rachdale Gent: Alexr f. John CoUinge de Butterworth HaU Mary fa. James Brearley de Haugh John f. [Richard Entwisle de Foxholes Esq: Charles f. Robt Holt de HoUenworth Ann fa . Edmund Lord de Ridens Ann fa. John Clegg de Toad Lane Ester fa. John Fletcher de Mosside ... 31 ,, 6 p. 12 Abraham f. Francis Stott de' Longedg 7 November James f. James Whitworth de Wosnum „ ,, David f. AbeU Brearley de Blackwater „ „ 12 26 3 October 10 '^72224 i686 BAPTISMS 10 14 i» 21 28 Mary fa. John Harrison de Craft Head Mary fa. Robt Boulton de Loe Mary fa. John Ogden de Catle lane ... Richard f. Richard HoUand de Hartley Edmund f . Edmund Hayward de Greene James f. William Lees de Lowerplace ... Ester fa. James Howorth de Howorth Paster John f. James Holte de Brimrod James f. Thomas FUes de Toad Lane ... Abra: f. John Frankland Robt f. Robt Dearden de Littlebrough Danel f. Cornelus Holte de Rachdale ... Robert f. Peter Boulton de Looe Thomas f. John Butterworth de Belfield John f . Edmund Greenwood de Bradley James f. Charles Bamford de Clegswood High Robt f. John Grime de Okenroad ... Mary fa. Alexander Turnough de Flashous ,, Sara fa. John Roads de Wardle ... „ James f. Robt Ingham de Packer ... 7 Richard f. Robt Turnough de Bolderstone 12 Joseph f. Edmund Smison de Rachdale ,, Mary fa. Thomas Lord de Croncashaw ,, John f. James Stocke de Ashes ... „ Mary fa. John Milne de Ogden ... ,, Mary fa. John Mathew de Dewhurst ... Ann fa. Richard Lumax de Rachdale Gent: Edmund f. Edmund Milne de Milrow ... Edmund f. Robt Butterworth de Coldermoore ... Katheren fa. John Bamford de Littlewardle deod: [?] Robt f. Robt Whitworth de Lower Place EUzabeth fa. Richard Chadwicke de Rachdale Ales fa. John Haslam de Toad Lane ... Peter f. John Ashton de FaUens Robt f. William Newall de Townhous John f . Richard Whitworth de Rachdale Samuel f. James Hollows de Church Lane ... James f. James Butterworth de Birchey Edmund f. Luke Holte de Foote Martha & Mary fil: Robt CoUier de Rachdale 1S5 1686 7 November 5 December 13 14 19 22 26 31 1 January 10 i86 ROCHDALE REGISTERS Richard f. Will: Greenhalgh de Rachdale Seth f. Seth Cleaton de Scholfield HaU baptized at Scholefield Hall 6 p. 13 Jane fa. John Farrar de Milrow Jane fa. Robt Scolfield de Shawfield ... Edmund f. Robt Butterworth de Coldermoore ... Ann fa. Thomas RothweU de Hits EUen fa. John Scolefield Spotland Gate Robt f. John Burrows de Butts Susan fa. John Holte de Spath William f . Alexr Roads de Stones Mary fa. Henry Shore de Parrocke Head Marg: fa. James Milne de Moore Sid ... Richard f . Richard Whitaker de Spotland Gate Jane fa. Will: Stott de Shore John f . Charles Belfield de Blackstonedge Mary fa. James Ramsbothom de Fieldhead Lidia fa. John Lewes de Church Lane Given Isaac f. Charles Clegg de Toad Lane ... Ann fa. Arthur Holte de Rachdale ... Elizabeth fa. WiU: Lord de Smalebridg Jane fa. Edmund Butterworth de Slacke Mary fa. Thomas Wolfenden de Lower Place ... Jane fa. Ottawell Holte de Medocraft Midle: John f. John Shore de Fish Bridg John f. John Chadwicke de Milrow ... Robt f. Robt Buckley de Robt f. Simeon Lord de HoUingworth Alin [sic] & Sara fil: Daniel Hollows de Blackwater ... Catheren fa. John Brearley de Mossid ... Robt f. Robt Brigs de Packer Joanah fa. Robt Taylor de Butterworth HaU Edward f. Edward Clegge de Plumhous John f. John Ashworth de Packer ... Ales fa. John Ogden de Ann fa. Joseph Brearley de Belfield ... James f . Joseph Chadwicke de Cleggswood Heay ... Ann fa. John Smith de Milrow Robt f. Robt Lees de Woodhous Lane Mary fa. Edmund MUne de Clough Hous 1686 12 January ll JJ 16 „ 23 30 JJ JJ 3 Febury [sic] 46 13 20 21 27 2 March 3 ,j 6 „ 1686-1687 BAPTISMS 187 Elizabeth fa. John Stott de Coldermoore Charles f. Charles MUne de Rachdale ... Mary fa. Sam: Medocraft de Newbold Ann fa. John Chadwicke de Littlebrough Ann fa. John Jackson de Bagslate Ales fa. John Scolefield de Kirkholt ... Ales fa. James Milne de Holte John f. John Chadwicke de Littlebrough Martha fa. James Grime de Mooregate 6 p. 14 William f. Edmund Royton de Milrow Priscila fa. John Crosley de Marland ... Henry f. James Kershaw de Shaw Moss Robt f. Robt Hayton de Blackwater ... Mary fa. Edmund Wilkenson de Milrow Mary fa. John Shore de Butterworth HaU Mary fa. John Lord de Shore ... Edmund f. John Holte de Burdsale Moore WiUiam f . Samuel Smethurst de Rachdale John f. William Turton de Rachdale ... Jane fa. Adam Fenton de Rachdale ... Elizabeth fa. John Turnough de Rachdale John f. James Butterworth de Rachdale Ann fa. Isaac Newbey de Packer WiUiam f. James Butterworth de Ashbrocke High Mary fa. Henry Bamford de Rachdale Elizabeth fa. Alexand: Scolefield de Rachdale Joshua f. James Sutcliffe de Whitle Deane John f. Robt Durden de Whitfield ... John f. Johannis Bamford de Shore ... James f. William Byrom de High Wardle Edmund f. Edmund Butterworth de Casle HUl Elizabeth fa. John Brearley de Rachdale Ann fa. James Wilkenson de Whitle Deane John f. Samuel Whitworth Chu: Lane Thomas f. Thomas Shore de Shore ... James f. Samuel Cryer de Chu: Lane ... John f. James Scolefield de Birchinley Ann fa. John Taylor de Newbold WUliam f. Edmund Taylor de Brunedg Jonathan f. James Smith de Chu: Lane 1686 6 March 13 JJ 20 J, ,, JJ JJ 1687 27 March 55 55 55 55 3 AprU 35 55 10 „ 55 55 17 .. 55 55 55 55 24 ,j 53 35 55 55 30 33 I May JJ JJ JJ J5 55 55 15 JJ 29 JJ 55 55 33 55 5 June JJ 53 12 ., 19 .. i88 ROCHDALE REGISTERS Ales fa. James Ridens de Shaw John f. John [Nladen de Bagslate Ann fa. Thomas Healey de Birchey ... Susan fa. James Chadwicke de Clay Lane Head ... Ester fa. John Shipheard de Spot: Gate Henry f. Henry Farrar de Blacke: Mary fa. John Taylor de Lower Place p. 15 John f. Joseph Leigh de Toad Lane ... Samuel f. Lot Hamer de FaUens John f. John Clegge de HoUenworth ... Ann fa. George Booth de Marland James fa. John Howorth de Loehous ... Ales fa. Henry Taylor de Packer John f. Abra: Taylor de Loerplace Abraham f. John Whitworth de Readfearne ... Ales fa. Timothy Dickson [?] de Hartley John f. John Seddon de Rachdale ... Sara fa. Abraham Tetlah de Burdsale Elizabeth fa. Abraham Whitworth L: Place ... Robt f. Benjamine Clegge de Josia f. John Bridg de Haugh ... Joshua f. Edmund Greve de Haugh ... James f. James Tattersale de Durnley Jane fa. Abraham Francleton Butterworth HaU 21 James f. Abraham Hollows de Church Lane ... ... ... ... ... 28 EUes f. James Milne de Moorehous Adam f. James Greenroad de Wardle ... Jane fa. James Roads de Weurdle ... Ann fa. James Brearley de Rachdale ... Abraham f. Abraham Wild de Newbold James f. Robt CoUinge de Hartley Jane fa. John Newbold de Butterworth William f. Edmund Leigh de Rachdale Edmund f. John Clegge de Little Clegge Mary fa. James Clegge de Toad Lane James f. Thomas Hamer de Ladyhous Mary fa. Edmund Lord de Croncashaw Thomas f . Edmund Belfield de Moorehous Mary fa. Emanuel Whitaker Mary fa. Henry Buckley de Burdsale ... Mary fa. Robt Dawson de Parrock Head Charles f . Jonathan Stott de Littlebrough Ann fa. John Scolefield de Rachdale ... 1687 1687 19 June J. JJ 26 „ 3 July 10 „ 55 55 17 .. 24 31 2 August 7 55 55 55 II 55 14 4 Septembei II 1318 55 55 21 25 55 33 27 2 October 1687 BAPTISMS 1S9 John f. Robt Boulton de Loe Abell f. Abell Brearley de Ringlose ... Thomas filius et James filius Mary fa. Robt Chadwick de Rachdale Martha fa. David Brearley de Newgate EUzabeth fa. Thomas Mason de Chu: Lane ... 6 p. 16 Abraham f. Abraham Turnough de Renrod Jane fa. Raph Butterworth de Blacr ... John f. Robt Kershaw de Rough Banke Ales fa. Abraham Brearley de Milrow ... Sara fa. Henry Butterworth de Towne John f. Richard Holte de Towne EUus f. Edmund Lord de Spotland ... Martha fa. James Lord de Hilltopp ... Susan fa. Samuell Whitworth Croncashaw Robt f. Henry Baxter de Blackwater Mary fa. Thomas Stott de Coldermoore James f. Abraham Stocke de Croonest Dead Elizabeth fa. Richard Kay de Chesden Thomas f . George Smethurst de Rachdale John f. Robt Wolfenden de Rachdale John f. Isaac Buckley de Mossid Edmund f. Edmund Clegge de Newbold Timothie f. Timothie Etough Rachdale Robt f. Edmund MUne de Milrow WUliam f. WiU: MarshaU de Chu: Lane Prisilla fa. William Chadwicke de Blackwater ... James f. James Picopp de Wostenholme given ... Tho: f. John Shipheard de Greeneboth EUnor fa. John Smethurst de Lower high Elizabeth fa. Jerimie Wrigley de Michel Hey Sarah fa. Joseph Scolefeild de Litle Clegg Katherine fa. Charles Gartsid de Okenroad Gent: Benjamine f. Robt Butterworth Chu: Lane ... Abraham f. Abra: Brearley de Naden ... Martha fa. Robt Cropp de Toad Lane EUes f. John Scolefild de Cut lane ... Robt f. Robt Booth de Blackwater ... James f. Tho: Butterworth de Burdsale 1687 9 October 1213 14 16 23 28 ¦5 30 S3 33 33 6 November 55 35 55 35 9 33 13 33 16 20 22 ,, 27 „ 3 December 10 „ 14 J, II JJ 55 35 18 JJ 22 „ 25 „ 190 rochdAle registers 1687 Robt f. James Stott de Chu: Lane ... John f. James Wrigley de Hights Mary fa. Joseph Taylor de Hartley ... Mary fa. Abra: Kershaw de Rachdale James f. James Wild de Little Clegg ... Edmund f. James Hartley de Weurdle Robt f. Edward Hollows de Blackwater Abraham f. Abra: Ogden de Sike Banke James f. John Byrom de Barrack Head EUzabeth fa. Abra: Taylor de Chu: Lane 6 p. 17 Edmund f. Edmund Ogden de Wood ... Jane fa. John Gabbett de Milrow ... " Ann fa. John Hayward Butterworth HaU Samuel f. Samuel Whipp Rachdale ... Elizabeth fa. Jo: Gabbet de Milrow ... Robt filius Elizabeth fa. John Hoyle de Whitworth et Tames f. Isaac Chadwicke de Broadley James f. Thomas Wolfenden de Hill Topp John f. James Standring de FaUens ... John f. [Robt Whitworth de Bolderstone Elizabeth fa. Joseph Wood de Townehous Hight Dorathie filia Mary filius [sic] Robt Ingham de Packer Ann fa. James Milne de Ladyhous ... Thomas f. John Holte de Rachdale ... Mary fa. Edmund Leigh de Highead ... John f. James Clegg de Cut lane Miranda fa. RatcUffe Scolefield Esq: ... Dorathie fa. Richard Entwisle de Foxholes Esq: baptized at Foxholes James f. John Ogden de Blackwater ... Jonathan f. James Butterworth de Butt: HaU Robt f. Abraham Lord de Belfield ... James f. Joseph Loton de Croncashaw Isabella fa. James Holte de Casleton Esq: Ann fa. John Robertshaw de Spotland Gate ... Charles f. Charles Belfield de Blackstone Mary fa. James Lister de Packer Thomas & James fil: Abra: Chadwicke de Spotl: Gate 1687 I Januarie 15 18 19 22 29 11 12 15 19 22 26 3 February 1687-1688 BApTiSmS Edmund f. John Ashworth de Blackw: Jane fa. WilUam Dearden de Marland MiU John f. Edmund Wrigley de Packer ... Mary fa. Tho: Standring de Rachdale Abraham f. Edward Adkenson Elizabeth fa. John Chadwicke Bla: ... Jane fa. Abell Butterworth de Littowlars John f. John Whitworth de Blackwater Ruth fa. James Brearley de Butterworth HaU Edmund f . Robt Readfearne de Bursall Martha fa. John Burrows de Butts ... WUl: f. John Stott et Mary Butterworth 6 p. 18 AbeU f. Abra: Ashworth de HungreU ... Richard f. Richard Chadwicke de Rachdale Margret fa. Gerrard Whitworth de Burdsale Jane fa. John Howorth Rachdale Martha fa. Tho: Whithead et Martha Brearley Spu: Lawrance f. Simeon Newall de Colder moore Jonathan f. James MUne de Stubley ... Thomas f. Henry Holte de Foote John f. Jeremie Durden de Ringlose ... Elizabeth fa. Edmund Butterworth de Burdsale Elizabeth fa. Thomas Chadwicke de HolUngworth ... ... Sara fa. James Turnough de Brimroad WiUiam f. WUl: Stott et Martha Booth Spu: EUzabeth fa. Richard Clegge de Cutgate Ralph f . Thomas Whithead de Burdsale Susan fa. Jonathan Wolfenden de Toad Lane ... James f. James Wild de Rachdale William f . William Brearley de Rachdale James f. Abraham Earnshaw de Spotland Sara fa. Abell Brearley de Rachdale ... Elizabeth fa. James Kershaw de Wardleworth Edward f. Edward Leigh de Blackwater Mary fa. EUes Hollows de Blackwater James f. Alexr Kershaw de Mossid ... 191 1687 26 February II March JJ JJ 18 „ 1688 25 March 28 I April II 15 19 20 28 29 6 May 192 ROCHDALE registers 1688 1688 Mary fa. Abell Turnough de Brodough 8 May John f. Henry Farrar Blackwater ... 10 ,, Abell f. David Brearley de Rachdale ... 11 jj Mary fa. Thomas Wolfenden de ,, jj Ann fa. James Jones de Grange barne 20 ,, Elizabeth fa. James Kershaw de Burdsale ,, jj Thomas f. Joshua Smith de Blackwater ,, „ Sara & Susanah fil: John Healey de Church Lane ... ... ... 25 ,, Robt f. William Greenhalgh de Rochdale i June George f. James Brearley de Rachdale 3 ,, Abraham f. John Brearley de Rachdale ,, ,, Sara fa. Abraham Hayward de Spotland ,, ,, Abegale fa. Isaac Loton de Wardleworth ,, ,, Ann fa. James Grime de Spotland ... ,, ,, Elizabeth fa. John WorraU de Bolderstone 10 ,, William f. Thomas ... ,, jj John f. John Milne de Newhigh ... ,, ,, .... filius ... ,, ,, 6 p. 19 Mary fa. Robt Holte de Loerplace ... 17 ,, Henry f. John Butterworth de Loerplace ,, ,, John f. William Shaw de Blackw: ... 20 ,, Edmund f. Edmund Lord de Ridens ... 24 ,, [Mary fa. Robt Scolefield de Shawfield ,, Sara fa. John Buckley de Towne Mill ,, ,, Mary fa. Nehemia Baker de Lower High ,, ,, Ales fa. James Brearley de Ogden ... i July PrisUah fa. John Butterworth de Belfield ,, ,, William f. John Turnough de Rachdale 8 ,, James f. Ralph Shiphard de Rachdale 15 „ Ann fa. John Fletchar de Mossid ... ,, ,, Abraham f. John Crabtree de Ringlose ,, „ John f. John HiU de Croncashaw ... 22 ,, Jane fa. Samuel Morton de Rachdale Gent: „ „ Grace fa. Abell Breailey de Cronest ... 4 ,, WiU: f. WiU: Lees de Lower Place ... 5 August Mary fa. Charles Bamford de HoUingworth 12 Edmund f. Edmund Holte de Rachdale Sara fa. Richard Ogden de FaUens ... 19 „ Robt f. Edmund Kershaw de Green Well ,, ,, Thomas f . Thomas Rigbey neare HoUand a stranger 22 Isabel fa. WilUam Stott de Shaw Field 9 September Thomas f . John WoUenden de Chu: Lane 14 James f. James Mathew de Croncashaw 16 ,, EUzabeth fa. James Smith de Packer ... 19 James f. John Scolefield de Spotland Topp 23 i68g RApTiSmS 193 Joseph f. Samuel Taylor de Marland MiU William f. Josua Newbey de Chu: Lane Abraham f. John Knoles de Moss ... Margret fa. Thomas Collier de Rachdale EUzabeth fa. Robt Whitworth de Loerplace Richard & Ann fil: WUl: Brearley de Rach: et Mary fa. Robt Bridge de Packer John filius de Burdsale Moore Butter: [sic] Thomas f. Seth Cleaton de Scolefield HaU Esq: Robt f. James PoUet de Casleton Moore John f. James Chadwicke de Casle: John f. John Butterworth de Clegge ... 6 p. 20 Sara fa. James Turnough de Binns ... Joshua f. John Brearley de Milrow ... Tho: f. Richard Hopwood de Rachdale Abraham f . Abra: Scolefield de Mooreside Mary fa. James Whitaker de Rachdale John f. Robt Brearley de Haugh Richard f. Luke Holte de Catle lane ... James f. Will: Taylor de Blackwater ... Robt f. James Gartsid de Colegreave ... Elizabeth fa. Abell Ashworth et Susan Byrom Henry f. Abra: Ashworth de Casleton Moore John f. John Hopwood de Rachdale ... Elizabeth fa. James Clegg of Showfild Elizabeth fa. Arthur Holte de Rachdale Thomas f. John Shipheard de Spotland Yate Ann fa. John Brearley de Close James f. John Milne de Burnedg Jane fa. Simon Lord de HoUenworth ... Jane fa. Cornelous Holte de Rachdale John f. John Butterworth de Milrow ... John f. James MUne de Ladyhous Abraham f. Henry Baxter Blackwater James f. Robt Booth de Whitworth ... John f. James Milne de Ladyhous ... James f. George Dawson de Gartsid ... Robt f. AbeU Brearley de Elizabeth fa. James Whitley de Rachdale John f. John Brearley de Burdsale Moore 1688 23 September 30 ,, 3 October 9 33 14 33 55 33 15 35 ^7 35 19 53 21 33 23 53 14 35 28 55 55 33 35 55 55 33 4 November 7 35 11 18 JJ 53 JJ 25 55 55 55 55 J5 55 53 9 December 55 53 55 55 55 55 12 5J 16 33 30 53 N 194 6p, ROCHDALE REGISTERS Thomas Butterworth de [6SS 1688 [Edmund f. - - Shaw January Mary fa. John Ashworth de Chu: Lane 5 „ Elizabeth fa. Robt Howorth de Larke HiU 6 „ Edmund f . James Bamford de Littlebrough 7 ,, Ann fa. Abraham Whitworth de Burdsale 13 „ Edward f. Jonathan Brearley de Belfield John f. Abraham Haslam de Woodhous Lane ... James f. Henry Bamford de Rachdale Margret fa. Robt Watmough de Chu: Lane ... Susan fa. Abraham Clegg de Shawfield Martha fa. Daniel Hollows de Spotland Bridg Mary fa. John Taylor de Burdsale ... Mary fa. Robt Scolefield de Chadwicke Ann fa. John Hayward de Shawfield ... 3 February Samuel f. Samuel Whitworth Chu: Lane „ „ Susana fa. Abraham Crosley de Ashbrooke High Sarah fa. Joseph Chadwick de Cleggswood Haey Babt: Littlebro: Mary fa. Charles MUne de Rachdale ... John f. John Harrison de Croft Head John f. James Bamford de Rachdale ... Thomas f. [Richard Holland de Casleton Moore Katherine fa. James Brearley de Rachdale 22 ,, Sara fa. James Standring de FaUens ... ,, ,, EUen fa. Johan: Smethorst Blackwater 24 ,, 21 John f. Thomas Lord de Blackwater ... 3 March Ellen fa. Jeremy Ashton de Marland ... 5 „ Robt f. Abell Brearley de Ringlose ... 10 „ Mary fa. Robt Hanson de Blackwater ,, „ Robt f. Edmund Lord de Bursell ... ,, „ Edward f. Henry Butterworth de Mossend [?] ,, ,, Thomas f. [Edmund Holte de Chamber Hous „ „ Abraham f. James Lees de Marland ... 13 „ John f. AbeU Ashworth de Broadough „ „ Ales fa. John Crosley de Milne 17 „ Robt f. John Holte de Kerkholte , Sara fa. William Roads de High hed ... ,, ,, John f. Robt Buckley de Butterworth HaU 24 „ 15 16 20 27 10 17 20 21 1689 BAPTISMS 195 John f. James Greve de Rachdale Ales fa. James Butterworth de Elizabeth fa. Richard Whitworth Towne Raph f. kaph Stott de Packer Gabriel f. Charles Gartsid de Okenroad Gent: Robt f. Robt Scolefield de Shawfield ... Elizabeth fa. Thomas Stott Littlebrough Sara fa. Samuel Butterworth Chu: Lane James f. William Watmough Packer ... Ann fa. Robt Wolfenden de Rachdale John f. Nathan Brookshaw de Rachdale George f. George Harley [?] de Gooslane Thomas f. Robt Healey de Healey Martha fa. John Chadwicke Woosnum James f . James Kershaw de Wardleworth Elizabeth fa. Adam Fenton de Blackwater John f . Richard Chadwicke de Rachdale John f. George SuttcUffe de Goselane ... John f. Henry Farrar Blackwater Elizabeth fa. James Stott de Studshaw Margret fa. Jane Wostenholme Spu: ... Thomas f . Thomas Wolfenden de Timothie f . Timothie Dawson de Brimrod Mary fa. Johnathan Milne de Steed ... 6 p. 22 John f. John Hill de Wosnum ... Joshua f. James Stott de Stone High ... Abraham f. Robt Hauton de Blackw: Mary fa. Abraham Horod de Belfield ... John f. Robt Ingham de Chu: Lane ... John f. John Smethorst de Broadough EUzabeth fa. James Milne de Lowerplace James f. John Royde de Wardle Martha fa. William Cropp de Blackwater Unetie fa. James MUne de Hary Know Susana fa. Edward Leigh de [Newgate Isabell fa. Edmund Lord de Catlelane Thomas f. Thomas Hill de HoUenworth Margret fa. Robt Collier Chu: Lane ... George f . George Travis de Hinging Lees Elizabeth fa. Jonathan Browne de Black: John f. Alexr Scolefield de Rachdale ... Ann fa. Joseph Clegge de Newfield Head James f . Samuel Butterworth de Hanging Lees ... John f. John Lewes de Church Stile ... Mary fa. James Sharplus de Howorth Cross ... 1689 31 March JJ J J JJ JJ 3 April 6 14 JJ 21 24 28 5 May 53 10 13 18 26 2 June JJ 9 55 16 53 23 30 13 July 14 1617 2128 4 August 9 .. II 196 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 16^9 Ann fa. John Burrows de Rachdale ... Mary fa. John Leigh de Blackw: James f. Edward Hollows de Blackw: James f. James WUd de Rachdale Mary fa. Abraham Hollows de Chu: Lane ... Richard f. Richard Entwisle de Foxholes Esq: baptized at Foxhols ... James f. John Lord de Newgate Katherin fa. Robt Boulton de Loe ... Ales fa. James Lord de Little Clegge ... John f. Jorden Chadwick Gent: at Birchenley Mary fa. Abraham Crosley de Sikebanke Samuel f. Samuel Whitworth de Croncashaw ... Sara fa. John Mathew de Healey John f. Isaac Chadwicke de Brodley ... Jane fa. John Robertshaw de Spot: Gate Mary fa. John MUne de Hollands Mary fa. Joshua Baskervile de Townhead Gent: Samuell f. Edmund Ogden de Wood ... Mary fa. James Holte de Rachdale Ester fa. Abra: Turnough de Brodley ... 6 p. 23 John f. James Milne Martha fa. Edmund Belfield de Moorehous Mary fa. Isaac Newby de Chu: Lane ... Abraham f. John Stott de Brod Lane ... Mary fa. Isaac Buckley Chu: Lane ... John f. Will: Standring de Mossid Jane fa. Joseph Leigh Blackwater Susana fa. James Nuttall de Marland Elizabeth fa. Abra: Ramsbothom de Birchey Robt f. Timothy Etocke de Rachdale ... Sara fa. John Chadwicke de Rachdale Abraham f. Joseph Hamer de Farnel ... James f. George Both Thomas f . Thomas Bransford de Rachdale Margret fa. Joseph Leigh de Toad Lane Ales fa. Abraham Whithead de Diggate Jane fa. John Brearley de Mossid Joshua f . CaroU Belfield de Blackstonedge Esther fa. John Newbold Abraham f. Abrahami Lord de Belfeild Mary fa. John Smethorst de Whams ... Ann fa. James Clegge de Toad Lane ... 1689 17 August 18 ,j 2122 25 I September JJ JJ 14 15 35 33 35 29 55 35 53 55 33 23 .. 6 October JJ 11 1316 20 3 Novbr 10 17 22 December JJ .J 28 October 5 January 1689 BAPTISMS 12 22 25 26 Charles f . Charles B utterworth de Croft head Mary fa. Roberti Redierne de Spotland Henry fa. James Lees de Woodhouse Lane ... Titus f. Edmund Leigh de Towne ... Sarah fa. Samuel Crier de Ganke John f. John Holland de Mooreside ... Elizabeth fa. Thomas Heaward de Butterworth ... Eliz: fa. WUl: Greenehaugh de Rachdale Susan fa. Joseph Taylor de Heights ... Joseph f . Joseph Chadwick de Cleggswood Heay :. Alice fa. Samuel Wardleworth de Cronkeshaw ... Mary fa. WUliam Greave de Gartside ... John f. Francis Stott de Castleton More James f. James Matthew & Ales Crosley de Spotland Spu: Ann fa. Samuel Whip de Rochdale ... Abraham f. Johan: Whitworth de Blackwater ... WUliam s. of RatcUffe Scolefeild Esq: Samuel f. Samuel Morton of Rochdale Mary fa. Johanis Shepheard de Greenboth Elizabeth fa. John Ashworth de Church Lane ... Elizabeth fa. Jacobi Butterworth de Ashbrook Hey Sarah fa. Johanis Howarth de Rochdale Mary fa. Jacobi Butterworth de Rochdale John f. Johanis Scolfeild de Kirkhole ... Elizabeth fa. Oliveri Ashworth and Prescott spurious Ann fa. Danielis Brearly de Fieldhouse Jacob f. Johanis Holt de Rochdale ... Mary fa. Thomas Haigh de Hough ... 6 p. 24 Grace fa. Richardi Holte de DeepUs Hill WUUam f . Thomas RothiU de Toad Lane Ann fa. Johanis Madem [sic] of Bagslate James f. Jacobi Scolfeild & Jane Butterworth Spu: ... Joanna fa. Robti Whitworth de Lower Place John f. Abrahami Tetly of BuresaU ... „ J ames f . Jacobi Standering de Rochdale 19 Jane fa. Abrahami Brearley de Naden 23 1689 5 January 197 29 2 7 9 16 19 23 28 35 27 3 9 Febry Mar 13 16 198 ROCHDALE REGISTERS Mary fa. Johannis Holt de Hough James f. John Hardman of Spotland 1689-1690 1689 23 March 26 30 Garrett f . Garratt Whitworth of BuresaU James f. Roberti Ingram de Rochdale Ann fa. Roberti Scolefeild of Catly Lane Robert f. Edmundi Butterworth de Castle HiU :-' Joseph f. Jacobi Whitworth de Marland James f. Robert Holt de Whitfield ... James f. Thomas Shore de Shore John f. Roberti Lees de Blackwater ... Sarah fa. Manuel Whitaker James f. John Loton Edmund f. Johannis Scolfield de Baggs Slate Jane fa. Edmundi Leech de Lowerplace Ann fa. Josephi Unsworth de Littlebrough Elizabeth fa. Brian Haddock de Marland Alice fa. Thomas Buckley de Castleton More James f. Johannis Tatersall de Rochdale James f. Johannis Fletcher de Mosside John f. Johannis Wood de Hollinworth Elizabeth fa. Henrici Taylor de Packer AbigaUe fa. John Haslam Daniel f. Jacobi Holt de Brimrode ... EUzabeth fa. Johanis Ogden de Toad ¦ Lane ... ... ... ... ... 4 Abraham f . AbeUs Brearley de Blackwater „ Rachel fa. Roberti Turnough de Bolderstone „ Edmund f. Richardi Chadwick de Rochdale Ann fa. Josephi Scolefield de Little Clegg John f. Edwardi Atkinson de Rochdale AUce fa. John Shepheard de Rochdale Edmund f. Edmundi Holt de Rochdale Martha fa. Roberti ScolefeUd de Chadwick Mary fa. WUUelmi Shaw de Toad Lane John f. Johannis Buckley de Castleton More Hugh f . Johannis Holt de BuerdsaU More Mary fa. Alexandri Whitworth of Baggs slate Joshua f . Johanis Brearley of Blackwater Alice fa. Thomas Hamer de Hanging 1690 March 13 20 23 27 3 5 30 2 AprU May II16 55 18 21 2325 53 28 Shaw 1 June i6gd [BAPTISMS 199 Taylor de 1415 22 29 Elizabeth fa. Abrahami Lower Place ... Roger f. Johannis Grimes of Okenroade James f. Caroli Gartside de Okenroade Gent: ... ... ... ... ... 9 Elizabeth fa. Edmundi Wrigley de Packer 13 Ann fa. Henrici Butterworth de Church StUe James f. Rich'*' Ogden de Failing Elizabeth fa. Abrahami WUd de Newbold Edmund f. Edmundi Greenwood de Butterworth HaU Robert f. Edmundi Butterworth de BuerdsaU Joshua f. Henrici Farrar de Blackwater James f. Thomas Butterworth de BuerdsaU Robert f. Abrahami Taylor ... ... Mary fa. Edmund Lord de Ridens ... 6 p. 25 Francis f. Edmundi Leigh EUzabeth fa. Rich"^' Hopwood de Rochdale „ Robert f. Alexandri Kershaw Mosside 13 Mary fa. Thomae Greave de HoUings ... ,, Edmund f. Johiiis Ogden de Rochdale Elizabeth fa. Marget MUne de Hartley by John Cocker Spu: James f. Abraham Ashworth Castleton Moore Ann fa[ John Boswell Thomas s. of Abraham Heayley de Healey Rebeckah fa. John Chetham Spotland John-f. Charles Butterworth de Packer Ann fa. WilUam MarshaU de Packer ... GabriU f. Richard Hamer de Bagslate Jane fa. James Howorth de Rideings ... Thomas f. John Flecher de Rochdale ... Mary fa. Robert BeastUl et Mary Taylor Spu: Elizabeth fa. John Butterworth de Belfield Robert f. WUUam Whitworth de Lower Place ... Sarah fa. John Scholfeild de Pasman ... Grace fa. John Burras de Rochdale ... Alice fa. John Buckley de Towne Milne Samuel f. John Whitworth de Redfearn SamueU f. John Tayler de I^owerplace 1690 6 June 7 .. 6 July 27 1 Augut [sic] 6 10 ,j 17 35 55 18 2224 27 3031 200 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1690 1690 31 Aug. Mary fa. Robert Watmough de Church Lane ... Jacob f. James Lister de Blackwater ... John f. John Chadwicke de Low House at home 2 ,, Sarah fa. Jeremiah Duerden de Heaight 1 September Charles f. John Butterworth de Franchill ,, ,, John f. John Milne de Rough Bancke ... ,, ,, Mary fa. Mathew Cranedge de Towne „ Dorythy fa. Charles Clegg de Towne ... 10 ,, Thomas f . Abraham Croper de Blackwater 14 „ James & Alice fil: Edmund Lord de Cronckeshaw Alice fa. Robert Holte de Lowerplace ... Robert f. Robert Brearley de Haugh ... Edmund f . William Brearley de Rochdale John f. Jonathan Taylor de Lowerplace Mary fa. John Shepard de Spotland ... James f. James Grime de Ashbrook Heay John f. James Smith de Packer John f. Robert Booth de Rachdale ... Susan fa. James Roads ... ... ... 9 October Robert f. Jonathan Stott de Gorstihills ,, ,, James f. Abell Brearley de Ringlows ... Mary fa. Samuell Whitworth de Milnerow Elizabeth fa. Joseph Brearley de Rochdale Ann & Sarah fil: Jonathan Whitticker de Rochdale ... Mary fa. Peter Bolton de Heaywood ... 6 p. 26 Thomas f. Abraham Whittworth de Newbold Lane Jane fa. John Mathew de Stockroads ... Nathan f . Nathan Bruckshaw de Rochdale 23 Sarah fa. Abraham Holte de Chamber House James f. John Turner de Rochdale Ann [on p. 148 of Vol, 4 called "Dorithy"] fa. Richard Entwisle de Foxholes Esq: babtized at Foxholes ... 4 November John f. John Clegg de Levengreave at Whitworth 8 „ James f. Richard Whitworth de Packer 5 ,' Thomas f. Edmund Simson de Rochdale 8 „ Abraham f. Abraham ScholfeUd de Mooreside ... ... ... ... g WUliam f. CornUius Holte de Rochdale „ " Robert f. Robert Holte BowUng Green de Midleton 16 15 17 21 2728 12 55 15 16 ^7 19 28 31 1690 BAPTISMS 201 1690 16 November Jeremiah f. James Wrigley de Height Edward f . SoUoman Hartley de Blackwater Abraham f . John Ashworth de Blackwater Sarah fa. Ellis HoUowes de Blackwater „ „ James s. of Thomas Dawson of Rochdale at the Meeting House ... ... „ „ John f. WilUam Kennion de Church Lane 23 „ EUzabeth fa. Sarah Brearley per John Lum illegitimate ,, „ Elizabeth fa. James ScolfeUd de Birchenley , „ Robert f. Nathan Butterworth de Pitts ,, „ Elizabeth fa. Henry Bamford de , „ John f. James Rideings de ,, „ Alice fa. John Sidall de Church Lane ... „ „ Mary fa. Alexander Chetham de ShawfeUd 30 „ Robert f. Henry Baxter de Blackwater „ ,, Mary fa. James Butterworth de Butterworth Hall ... ... ... „ „ Margret fa. James Howorth de Ashworth de Midleton pish ... ... ... 7 December James f. James Grime de Shawfeild ,, Mary fa. Roger Whitworth de Rochdale 14 ,, Joshuah f. Joshuah Brearley de Ogden „ ,, Mary fa. Abraham Turner de ,, „ Joseph f. James Cockerell de Woolstenholme „ „ Phebe fa. Edmund Ogden de Wood Arthur f. Arthur Holte de Rochdale borne 19 Deer ^ babt: at home ... Jane fa. James Taylor de Broad Carr ... James f. John Baxter de Fish Bridge ... Mary fa. Richard Clegg Clay Lane Jane fa. John Clegg de Hudsons filia Alexr Farrer Robert f. Robt Woolfenden de Rochdale Robert f . Thomas Bridge de Litlewardle Edmund f. Edmund Cocker de Hartley Mary fa. John Jackson de Woodhouse Lane Joseph f. John Knowles Moss Lane ... John f. WUliam Taylor Blackwater ... Thome f. James Smith de Packer Mary fa. Robert Whitworth de Buersell Edm: f . John Farrer de Wardleworth . . . 6 p. 27 Joseph f . Joseph Taylor de Lower Place John f. Charles MUne of Rochdale John f. Henry Bamford de Rochdale ... 15 21 28 4 January II18 25 28 31 i02 ROCHDALE REGISTERS AbeU f. James Clegg de Whitworth Robert f. John ScholfeUd de Spotland Esther fa. Luck Holte de Prickshaw ... Joseph f. Joseph Taylor de Hartley ... James f. John Howwarth de Bagslate ... Robert f. John Hewword de ShawfeUd Jane fa. James Scoles de Pitts James f. James Browne de Heayley ... Gauther f. Gauther Butterworth Roger f. James Kennion de Ashworth de Mdlton pish Jane fa. James Stock de Ashess at Milnerow Thomas f. John Taylor ... Alice fa. Robert Dawson Hamer Yaet James f. Edm: Milne at Milnrow Joshuah f. Joshuah Newbey Church Lane ... Elizabeth fa. Alexr SchoUeUd de Booth Hollins James f. WilUam Stott de ShawfeUd ... Samuel f. James Wilde de Cleggswood Mary fa. Roger Heyward de Broadhaugh Robert f. Randle Butterworth de Grein Mary fa. Daniel Milne de Butterworth HaU Grace fa. Adam Fenton de Blackwater Abraham f. Richard Wilkinson Church Lane ... Edmund f. Abell Kershaw of Peanack babt: at home Raph f. Raph Stott de Packer Samuel f. Edmundi Clegg de Newbould Elizabeth fa. Charles Bamford de Clegswood Grace fa. James Milne de Moor house John f. Charles NuttaU at Whitworth ... Katherin fa. James Bamford de Rochdale James f. Richard Heayley de Croft Hole Mary fa. John Crabtree de Ringlows ... Sarah fa. Samuel Whitworth de Cronckeshaw Raph f. James Taylor de Cronshaw ... Mary fa. Gyles RothweU Jane fa. James Brearley de Faileings ... EUzabeth fa. John Brearley de Rochdale Gent: [690-1691 1690 31 January I February 46 15 JJ 22 5J JJ SJ 3 5J I March 15 1718 1691 29 March JJ JJ 1 Aprill 55 53 5 JJ 35 55 12 „ 55 55 53 55 16 „ 19 ». I69I BAPTISMS 203 Mary fa. Jonathan Woolfenden de Toad Lane ... Alice fa. John Taylor of Newbold Benjamin f. John Butterworth de Waterhouse ... Esther fa. John Shore de BuersUl Elizabeth fa. John MUne de Milnrow ... John f . William Standering de Mos' side [Mary fa. Nehemiah Backer EUzabeth fa. Joseph WUde de Rochdale Joshuah f. John Crosley Marland Jeremy f. Jeremy Lort Bagslad William f. Abraham Haslam Woodhouse Lane ... Alice fa. John WorraU de Bolderstone Mary fa. Christopher Lord Ashbrook ... Daniell f. Daniel HoUowes Spotland Bridg Ann fa. [Edmund Clegg de Newbold ... 6 p. 28 Isabell fa. Abraham Brearley de Butterworth HaU John f. John Milne de Catley Lane ... William f . Richard Whitacker de Spotland Sarah fa. Robert Heayley de Heayley Mary fa. WUiam Standering Butterworth HaU John s. of James Clegg of Showfield ... Mary fa. Samuel Taylor de Castleton ... Benjamin f. James Standering de Failings Elizabeth fa. Lawrence Hardman de Ockenroad John f. John TattersaU de Spotland Bridg Isaac f. Robert Boulton de Low Elizabeth fa. Samuel Wardle de Ringlows Robert f. Abell Brearley de Broad Lane Robert f. Samuel Whitworth de Church Lane ... Thom: f. Robert HiU de Hollinworth ... Jam: f. John Butterworth de Clegg ... Robert f. Tho: PraweU Susan fa. James Brearley de Rochdale Edmund f . William Watmough de Packer Deborah f. James Greenwood High Wardle Robert f. John Shore de Milnerow Ann fa. James Lord Abrahamf. Abraham HoUowes Ch: Lane 1691 ) Aprill 2226 55 3 May 10 "1-7 24 29 31 I June 14 21 28 5 July 12 204 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1691 1691 19 July 15 23 26 2829 James f. Robart Briggs Ch: Lane Jane fa. John Butterworth de BuersiU Moore ... ... ¦•• jj Mary fa. Robert Dawson de Berchan head ... ... ... .•• ••• jj >> John f. John Witton ,, „ James f. Isaac Buckley de Packer ... 26 ,, Mary fa. John Crawther de Ogden at Litleborough ,, ,, Samuel f. Edward HoUowes Blackwater 9 August Edm: f. James Taylor et Mary Wilde iligitimate „ „ Alexander f. Alexander Scholfeild et Margret Chadwick iligitimate Elizabeth fa. John Shaw de Rochdale ... Ann fa. George Hanson et Isabell Leegh iligitimate John f. Robert CoUier de Church Lane Samuel f. James WUde de Rochdale ... John f. Nicolas Birch de Blackwater ... Dorothey fa. Jeremiah Holte BuersiU Moore ... ... ... ... ,, „ Mary fa. Henry Barlow de Laydyhouse Gentleman ... ... ... ... 3 Sepr 6 p. 29 Abraham f. Abraham Lort de Ringlows 6 „ Edmund f. Edmund Belfeild de Moorho use ,, ,, Martha & Susan fil: John Kershaw of Whiteley Deane ... ... ... 8 ,, . . . filia John Nayden of Bagslade Mary fa. John Shepard de Tunicklife ... James f. James Milne de Milnerow Elizabeth fa. Edmund Rombinson de Milnerow ... ... Alice filia John f. Robert Ingham de Packer Mary fa. Isaack Chadwick de Broadley Thomas f. Abraham Stock de Cronest bap: at Milnrow Ann fa. Edmund Turner de Small Bridg Robert f. John Smethurst Jun: Deepleachill ... Joshuah f. John Nutall de Rochdale ... Richard f. Raph HiU de Hollinworth ... Mary fa. Thomas Holme Cronckeshaw Gent: Judeth fa. John Butterworth deFrancehill i Novr Jonathan f. Jonathon Taylor de Belfeild Elizabeth fa. James Greave de Rochdale 15 20 2 4 II 16 2220 31 I October 1691 bApTiSmS ^05 1691 Mary fa. James Holte de Castleton Esq: 4 Nov' Elizabeth fa. Robert Heayley de Failings 8 Richard f. Richard Ogden de , ,, Abraham f. Abraham Kershaw babt: Litlebor: 15 „ WiUiam f. Joseph Leey Toad Lane ... „ „ James f. James Bamford babt: at Litle: ,, „ Abraham f. Thomas Woolfenden Criple yaet 20 ,, Richard f. Richard Chadwick de Rochdale 22 ,j WiUam f. Mary Brooks et EUis Haslam Spu: „ „ James f. Richard Grinderoad of „ „ William f. William Chadwick de Blackwater ... ... ... ... 13 Decemr Ann fa. John Holte de Rochdale ... ,, „ Alice fa. Abraham Taylor Buckley ... ,, ,, James f . Henry Ashworth de Wooltenholme [sic] 20 ,, John f. Richard Simson de Rochdale ... „ ,, Mary fa. John Whitworth de Blackwater ,, ,, Frances fa. Radclife Scholfeild Esq: ... 28 ,, Nathan Broockshaw Rochdale ,, ,, Pheby fa. Robert Butterworth de Church Lane 27 ,, EUzabeth fa. Robert Houghton ... ,, ,, Mary fa. Thomas Holte ... ... ... „ ,, Jane fa. Nathan Brookshaw ... ... 28 ,, James f. James Shore de Wardleworth 3 Jan^ Mary fa. Abraham Milne de Fish bridg jj „ Mary filia ,, „ Thomas f. John Roads de Wardle ... „ „ Robert f. Robert Redferne de BawersiU 8 „ Ann fa. Joseph Milne de Rochdale ... 10 „ OtweU f. James Kershaw de Wardleworth ,, jj Raph f. John Harrison Croft head ... j, „ Mary fa. Robert Ashworth Smithy Fold 11 ,, Ann fa. John Newbold de Haugh at Milnerow ... ... ... ... 10 ,, p. 30 Mary d. of Charles BelfeUd ,, ,, James f . WiUiam Whitworth de Lowerplace 13 „ John f. Abraham Scholfeild de Moorside ,, John f. Joseph Chadwick de Cleggswood ,, Heay 10 jj John f. Ann Crosley ElUgitemaet ... 24 ,, Ralph f. Jeremiah Ashton de Marland 26 ,, Charles f. James MUne Ladyhouse at MUnerow 31 ,, 2o6 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1691 1 691 John f. Nathan Butterworth de Pitts ... 31 Jan" James f. Abraham Stott de Smale Bridg ... ••• ••¦ ••• JJ J. Charles f. James Milne bapt: at Milnerow 13 ,, Abenezer f. James Grindrod 2 February Ann fa. Ann Cowper & John Actkinson illegitimate 3 jj Jonathan f . John Scholfeild de Rochdale Gent: 5 ,j Elizabeth fa. Charles Butterworth de Church Lane ... ... ... 7 >. Margret fa. John Shepard de Woodhous Lane „ jj Richard f. Robert Croper de Toad Lane ,, ,, Thomas f. Thomas Hamer de Henging Shaw at Ashworth ... ... ,, ,, Edmund f. Joseph Taylor de Hartley ... 9 ,, Edmund f. Richard Ogden de Church Lane ... ... ... ... ... 12 ,, Jane fa. James Leeys de Wilderness ,, Elizabeth fa. Francis Heayley de Packer 14 ,, Samuel f. John Stott de [Broad Lane ... „ ,, John f. Abraham Crosley de Birchey HUl „ „ John f. Robert ScholfeUd de Pitts ... ,, ,, John f . James Mathew babt: at Whitworth 21 ,, Ellin fa. James Clegg de Toad Lane ... ,, ,, Alexander f. Henry Baxter de Blackwater ,, ,, John f. James Milne de Stidd ... ... jj j, Mary fa. Abraham Lort de Belfeild ... jj ,, Dorethy fa. John Franckleton ... ... ,, „ Sarah fa. James Ashworth de Smithy Fould .... filia James Kershaw de BuersiU 24 ,, Mary fa. Alexander Farrow de 5 March Mary fa. Alexander Kershaw de Townehouse at Litle: ... ... „ ,, Peter f. Peter Heywood de Heywood Esq: pish de Bury 8 „ Elizabeth fa. Edmund Lort de Ridings 9 ,, Edward f. Benjamin Clegg de Waterhouse 11 ,, Jamesf. Robert Whitworth de Lowerplace 12 ,, Ann fa. John Buckley de Tentercroft ... 13 ,, Isaac f. Mary Fitton de Midleton p et Ferth [sic] Spu: ... ... ... 16 ,, John f . Garrard Whitworth de Balderston given 20 James f. James Chadwick de „ 1692 BAPTISMS 207 1692 27 March Edward f. Robert Brewer de Rochdale William f. William Turton de Rochdale Elizabeth fa. PauU Greenwood de Birchey Denis f. John Howworth de Blackwater 3 Aprill Susan fa. John Flecher de Blackwater Alice fa. John Redfearne de Blackwater John f. Raph Smith de Rideings 6 p. 31 Sarah fa. Edmund Lord de Cronkeshaw Hannah fa. John Hill de Woolstenholme Ann fa. Joseph Hamer ... Mary fa. Samuel Whipp of Rochdale ... Joseph f. Thurston Digles de Bamford Robert f. WiUiam Stott ShawfeUd ... 17 Ann fa. George Taylor Broadlane Abraham f . Isaac Howworth de Milnerow Alice fa. Thome Livesey de Gooslane ... WUliam f. Edward Adkinson Rochdale William f. Thomas Entwisle de Boulton pish 20 ,, Ann fa. Charles Milne de Rochdale ... 24 „ Jane fa. John SchoUeUd de Bagslate ... ,, ,, Martha fa. John Shepard de Spotland i May Sarah fa. Abraham Standering Tho: f. Thome Lort Toad Lane Jane fa. Alexr Whitworth Cley lane ... Rachell fa. Joseph Lowton de Cronckeshaw Lawrence f. Lawrence Hardman above Cley Lane William f. John Scholfeild Bagslade ... Abrahamf. James Scholfeild de Rochdale James f. James Butterworth de Rochdale Charles f. John Ogden de Toad Lane ... Mary fa. Henry Howorth Edward & Maray fil: Edward Scholfeild de Woolstenholme ... James f. James Taylor de Cronshaw ... 15 Robert f. Johne Holte Dickons Elizabeth fa. George Hartley de Gooslane Elizabeth fa. James Turner de Brimeroad Jane fa. Isaac Newbey Church Lane ... 22 John f. Abraham Taylor Church Lane William f. James Butterworth Green ... James f. John Chadwick de Nayden ... 27 Samuel f . George Booth de Church Lane 7 June Abell f. Thomas Buckley de Rochdale Gent: ... ... ... ... ... 9 ,, Abell f. John Burras de Rochdale ... 12 ,, Alice fa. James Stott de „ „ 208 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1692 Jane fa. James Butterworth de Werdle Mary fa. John Ashworth de Church Lane J ames f . Abraham Heayward de Spotland Edm; f. Abraham Taylor Broad lane ... Samuel f. Samuel Cryer de Church Lane Robert f. Robert Booth de Blackwater p. 32 Mary fa. John Clegg de Hudsons Alice fa. John Taylor de Broad Lane ... Susanna fa. Charles Gartside de Ockenroad Gent: Margret fa. John Fenton de Bury pish Abraham f. Abell Brearley de Ringlows Shadrach f . John Heayley de Lowerplace WiUiam f. Robert SootiU de Packer ... John f. Edmund Chadwick de Rochdale Susanna fa. James Duerden de Rochdale Ann fa. Abraham Brearley Nayden ... Elizabeth fa. Lawrence Ashworth de Rochdale James f. Edmund Holte de Rochdale ... Ann [fa,] Henry Taylor de Packer Elizabeth fa. James Holte de Rochdale Abraham f. Thomas Heayward de Butterworth Hall ... Alexander f. Abraham Clegg Shawfeild James f. John Scholfeild de Sandhole Henry f. Joshuah Baskervile de Church Stile Gent: Mary fa. John Chetham de Spotland ... Edward f. Daniel Jackson de Church Lane ... Bartholomew f. Robert Woolfenden de Rochdale Abraham f . Abraham Croper de Blackwater Richard f. Samuel Moreton de Rochdale Gent: James f. John Pollard de Castle James f. Alexander Lightowlers de . . . . John f. James Whiteley Rochdale Thomas f . William Cropper de Blackwater Mathew f. Mathew Cranidg de Rochdale [Mary fa. Abell Brearley de Rochdale ... John f. John Baxter de Bagslade Mary fa. Robert Harman de Woolstenholm Simeon filius Sarah f. Simeon Lort de HoUin worth ... Elizabeth fa. Robert ScholfeUd Cattley Lane ... 1692 12 June 19 J. 55 53 35 55 26 „ 53 35 3 July 10 17 24 55 26 29 Aug' 7 10 20 21 2428 2 September II 1692 BAPTISMS Anna fa. John Haslam Richard f. John TattersaU de Rochdale Sarah fa. Edmund MUne de Clough house Elizabeth fa. Edmund Butterworth de Windebanck Ann fa. Abraham Turnough de Bradley Mary fa. Emanuel Whitacker de Rochdale Margret fa. John Shepard de Rochdale Thomas f. Thomas Haige de Haugh at home ... Alice fa. John Whitworth de Redferne Rachell fa. James Whitworth de James f. John Travis de Whiteacker ... Mary fa. James Wrigley de Height ... Abraham f . Abraham Whitworth Newbold lane .... 6 p. 33 Edward f. DanieU Holte de Greave ... James f. James Roads of Spotland Alice fa. George Fearnley de Pasman ... Ann fa. Robert Lees Broad lane Ann fa. AbeU Turner Mary fa. John Brearley de Rochdale ... Alice fa. Joseph Brearley de Belfeild ... Ann fa. James Man de Shawfeild Robert f. Richard Entwisle de Foxholes Esq: babt: at Foxholes Edmund f. Thomas Croper de Church Lane ... John f. John Brearley de Mosside Charles f. Charles Bamford James f. Thomas Lewes Rochdale Jonathan f. Jonathan Taylor de Balderstone ... John f. John Holte de John f. George Man de Lowerplace ... Samuel f. Nicholas Birch de Blackwater Henery f. Charles Nuttall de Whitworth Alice fa. Abraham Chadwick de Spotland Alice fa. Joseph Chadwick de Clegg ... Robert f. John Siddall Church Lane ... Ann fa. James Heayley de Woodhouse Lane ... Bridget fa. Abraham Haslam Woodhouse Lane ... Benjamin f. John Boswell Jane fa. James Bamford de Rochdale ... Susan fa. Thomas Hill de Hollinworth Jane fa. Charles Clegg de Butts 209 1692 23 September 25 JJ 1 October 5 8 9 14 16 35 21 27 29 5 Nov: 6 55 1320 27 ,j 55 3 3 30 „ II December 55 55 35 55 55 JJ 18 „ 33 35 23 JJ 25 JJ 210 roChdAlE registers SamueU f. John Simson de Rosendale Joshua f. James Standering de Faileings James f. Roger Whitworth de Rochdale Charles f. James Lort de Passman Richard f. Richard Ogden Faileing ... Henry f. Richard Wilde de Marland ... Alice fa. Robert Briggs Lane ... Westley [Westby [?] f . Mathew HoUowes Gent: bapt: at home James f. John Knowles Moss Lane John f. Edmund Holte de Rochdale ... James f . Edmund Butterworth de BuersiU Robert f. Abell Brearley de Cronest ... William f . WUliam Whitworth de Lower Place ... Timothy f . Timothy Etough de Rochdale James f. Samuell [Holte de Rochdale ... Sarah fa. Tho: Hilton de Rochdale ... John f. John Ogden de Rochdale Arthur f. Arthur Butterworth de Green James f . Abraham Holte de Chamberhouse John [?] f. EUis ScholfeUd de Rochdale 6 p. 34 Mary fa. Richard Chadwick de Rochdale Mary fa. Edmund Legh de Rochdale ... Elizabeth fa. Lawrence March de Rochdale Lenard filius a stranger borne in the Packer John f. Robert Watmough de Church Lane ... Elizabeth fa. Randle Butterworth de Greene Janef a. Suson BeUet & Richard Leach Spu: John f. Henry Harman de Shaw Jane fa. OtweU Woolfenden de Moorside EUzabeth fa. Jeremiah Dearden de . . . . Martha fa. Gieles RothweU James f. James Holte de Lowerplace ... Thomas f. Robert Shephard Spotland Elizabeth fa. James Stock de Asshess ... Mary fa. John Leach de Cronkeshaw ... Judeth fa. Adam Fentton de Blackwater John f. Nicholas Hartley de Buckley ... Edmund f. Samuel Butterworth de Church Lane John f. Edmund Holte de LongfeUd ... Elizabeth fa. John Taylor de Goos lane James f. Christopher Lord de Assbrook Hey 1692 1692 25 December I Jany 16 15 1822 2329 31 JJ 5 Feby 12 JJ 1719 24 26 I March 3 35 5 JJ 35 33 33 33 10 35 12 51 1692-1693 BAPTISMS 211 1692 Mary fa. John Whitehead Butterworth HaU xg March Katherine fa. Nathan Brookshaw de Rochdale .... 24 ,, 1693 Ann fa. Jonathan Broune de Blackwater 26 March Mary fa. John Butterworth de Cronshaw Peter f. Samuel Whipp de Rochdale ... ,, ,, Elizabeth fa. John Chadwick de Lowhouse 28 WiUiam f. WiUiam Holland de Smithy fould 29 „ Aaron f . Abraham Ashworth de Costleton Moor „ „ Samuel f. Elizabeth HoUowes & Adam [sic] illigitimate ,, ,, Hen: f. John Howorth de 5 Aprill Mary fa. John Ashworth de Blackwater 9 ,, Mary fa. Abraham Heayley de ,, ,, Jane fa. Jeremiah Ashton de Costleton 11 ,, Sarah fa. John Birum de Wardle ... 16 ,, John f. Thomas Greave de Catley Lane ,, ,, John f. John Brearley et Elizabeth Haslam „ „ James f. Francis Stott de Castleton Moore ¦ xy „ Ann fa. John Howorth de Blackwater 21 ,, Ann fa. James Fitton de Midleton p ... 23 ,, James f. John Mathew de ,, ,, Johnf. Robert Colling ,, „ William f. WUliam Taylor Blackwater 26 „ CornUius f. CornUius Holte Rochdale 30 ,, Mary fa. Edm: Fitton Catley Lane ... ,, ,, Margret fa. John Brearley de HoUingworth ,, ,, '. Edmund Pickup de Shore Moore ... ... ... 6 p. 35 Thomas f . William Kennion Church Lane 7 May Ann fa. Abraham Wilde de Newbould ,, „ Grace fa. Abraham Kershaw de Rochdale 14 „ Elizabeth fa. Samuel Clegg de Shawfeild jj „ Elizabeth fa. William Hamer de Rochdale ,, ,, James f. Ottwell Kershaw de Gartside 21 ,, Mary fa. Sam: Smith de Spotland ... ,, „ Mary fa Briggs de Clegg ... Susan fa. William Low de Peanack ... 27 ,, Timothy f. John Tatersell de Spotland Bridge 4 June Sarah fa. Benjemin Clegg de Waterhouse ,, ,, James f. Edmund Clegg of Rochdale ... 11 „ 212 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1693 Robert f. John Shore de BuersiU Robert f. Robert Heayley de Heayley John f. Thomas Crosley of Burtsill ... Mary fa. Charles CoUings de Rochdale James f. Edmund Chadwick de Rochdale Mary d. of Thomas Dawson of Criple yate at the Meeting house Ra.chel fa. Edmund Lord de Spotland Mary fa. James Leeys de Joshua f. Edmund Leigh de Rochdale Arthur f. James HoUowes de Blackwater James f. [Robert Houghton de Rochdale Mary fa. Joseph Taylor de Packer Edmund f . John Heayward de Shawfeild Robert f. Henry Howorth de Stones ... Ellen fa. Henry Barlow de Laydyhouse Gent: Benjamin f. James Brearley de Failing Ann fa. William Shaw de Rochdale ... Jane fa. John Clough of Brotherod EUzabeth fa. Lawrence Hardmand de Rochdale Elizabeth fa. Robert Fitton de Castleton Mary fa. John Shaw de Rochdale ... Edward f. Edward Kenion de Rochdale Gent: Jane fa. Nathan Butterworth de Pitts Mary fa. Abraham Romsbotham Brown Wardle Edm: f. Thom: Holme de Toad Lane John f. John Romsbotham de Toad Lane ... Jonathan f. John Butterworth de Franshill Martha fa. James Smith Lane Henry Hamer James f. James Shore de Wardleworth Jane fa. Edward Leigh de Blackwater James f. Robert Croper de Bury pish Edmund f . Charles Beaighton de Heayley Charles f. James Chadwick Shaw 6 p. 36 Thomas f. Edmund BelfeUd de Moorhouse Alice fa. John NuttaU de Rochdale ... Robert f . Richard ScholfeUd de Rochdale James f. WUUam Standering Mosside ... Jonas f. Isaac Buckley de Packer Elizabeth fa. James Buckley de Rochdale John f. James Scholfield de Pitts 1693 II June 14 55 25 55 53 33 55 53 26 55 28 33 2 July JJ 55 JJ 55 9 53 11 55 16 33 53 3J 18 55 23 55 30 33 I August 6 53 35 55 9 55 13 24 23 6 8 55 September 10 55 13 17 20 17 21 24 53 I October 1693 BAPTISMS 213 18 John f. James Kershaw de Peanack ... Abraham f. James Taylor de Castleton Mary fa. Charles Butterworth Church Lane Mary fa. Judeth Walckden et James Sharpies Alexander fa. [sic] Alexander Lightoulers de Asshbrook heay ... Alice fa. Robert Ingham de Rochdale Thomas f . John Woolfenden de Lowerplace Edmund f . Richard Entwisle de Foxholes Esq: bapt: at Foxholes Ellen fa. Thomas Smethurst de Marland Mary fa. John Redferne de Rochdale ... EUzabeth fa. John Lort de Litlebrough Alice fa. EUis HoUowes de Blackwater Elizabeth fa. Abrah: CoUings de Hartley John f. WiUiam Chadwick Blackwater Samuel f. John Brearley Blackwater ... Alice fa. Abraham Croper Blackwater Ellen fa. Thomas Shore Wardleworth ... Esther fa. Francis Heayley de Packer Mary fa. Abell Butterworth bap: at Milnerow Henry f . Robert Whitworth de Lowerplace James f. Edmund Turner de Howorth Know Katherin fa. Henry Bamford de Rochdale Alice fa. George Smethurst de Rochdale Enos & Enoch fil: Robert Collier de Church Lane John f. Timothy Dyson de Castleton ... Nathan f. Phillip Stock de Rochdale ... Elizabeth fa. James Milne de Toad Lane Edmund fa. [sic] Edmund Lord de Shaw Mary fa. Abell Kershaw de Peanck [sic] Sarah fa. Jonathan Milne de Marldearth Ann fa. Thomas Buckley de Rochdale Gent: EUis f. Daniel HoUowes Towne MUl ... Mary fa. Samuel Whitworth New Wall John f. John Brearley de Church Lane Sarah fa. Charles Butterworth de Moor Bank 6 p. 37 John f.. Robert Brewer de Rochdale ... John f. James Browne ... Robert f. Richard Ouldham Thomas f. Charles BeUeild de Blackston: lyit: 29 1693 8 October JJ JJ 15 JJ ^y 20 22 5J 2-7 29 JJ 5 November 1217 19 21 55 22 55 35 53 24 55 29 53 1 December 10 JJ 15 JJ 17 JJ JJ >» 19 JJ 25 JJ 26 J5 214 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1693 1693 John f. Abraham Stott de Hundersfeild 31 December James f. John Turner de Smalebridge 7 Jany Robert f. Abraham Taylor de Church Lane 9 jj James f. John Holte de Rochdale ... 14 ,, Judeth fa. John Shephard de Spotland ,, „ Ann fa. Raph Hill de Hollinworth ... 18 „ Deborah fa. Thom: Bury et Mary Booth lUgit: 19 ,j James f. Edmund Lort de Rideings ... 21 „ James f. James Stott Mort ... ,, ,, AUce fa. Robert Sowtell de Packer , Margaret fa. John Buckley de Tenter feilds 24 ,, Ann fa. SUas Hamer de Rochdale ... 28 ,, AUce fa. Robert Dawson Berchenhead ,, ,, Elizabeth fa. WiUiam Whitworth Lowerplace „ ,, John f. James WUde Litlebrough ... 4 Feby EUin fa. John Shepard de Rochdale ,, Charles f. Jonathan Taylor de Belfeild ,, „ Alice filia a stranger ... ... ... 7 ,, Benjamin f. John Buras de Rochdale ... 13 ,, Mary fa. Edmund Wrigley de Packer ... 16 ,, John f. John Heayward de Hillhouse ... ,, ,, Sarah fa. John Baxter de Newbold ... 18 ,, Abraham fa. [sic] Charles Turner ... 20 ,, Elizabeth fa. John Shephard Woodhouse Lane 26 „ James f. James Clegg de Wolstholme , Susana fa. Robert Woolfenden de Rochdale 1 Mar: Isabel fa. Abraham Cason de Feildhead 2 ,, Esther fa. James Milne de Haugh ... 4 ,, Mary fa. John Scholfield de Spotland ,, ,, Martha fa. Isaac Chadwick de Broadley ,, „ Mary fa. John Butterworth de Waterhouse ,, ,, John fa. [sic] James Pedley de Church I^ane g Abraham f. John Whitworth'Blackwater 11 Margeret fa. Charles Gartside de Oackenroad Gent: 13 ,, Dorythey fa. Henry Taylor de Packer 14 „ Margaret fa. James Scholfield de Berchenley Bapt: at home ... ... ... 15 ,, 6 p. 38 David f. AbeU Brearley de Ringlows ... 18 Jane fa. Joshua Newbey de Church Lane „ „ 1694 BAPTISMS 215 James f. Robert Dawson Hamer Yait James f. John Fletcher de Blackwater Abraham f. Robert Chadwick Coseyfieldhead „ John f. Joseph Leigh de Blackwater ... 1 Martha fa. James Heays of Whitworth „ Mary fa. John Lort de Rideings ... 8 Mary fa. George Taylor de Broad Lane „ Mary filia ... „ Mary fa. Abraham Stock de RoadfeUd 14 Henry f. Henry Baxter de Blackwater 15 John f. John Clegg de Spotland Robert & EUinor fil: James Ashworth de Castleton ... ... ... ... 18 John f. John Milne de Brunedge ... 20 Patience fa. Abraham Turner de Bradley „ Phebey fa. Mathew Cronidge de Rochdale 22 Margeret fa. Richard Heayley de Croft Hole „ Abigaile fa. Joseph Lowton de Fieldhead „ Susan fa. James Greave Church Stile ... „ Mary fa. John Crosley Hundersfield ... ,, Jeremiah f. James Whitworth Smithy Fold „ Alice fa. WUliam Watmough de Packer 25 Susan fa. Abraham Kershaw de Damhead 27 WiUiam f . Adam Earnshaw de Rochdale 29 Edmund f. Nathan HUl de „ Elizabeth fa. John Mayden de Bagslade ,, Jonah f. John Smethurst ... Mary fa. George Dawson de Gartside ... 1 Thomas f. Charles MUne de Rochdale ... 6 Alice fa. Abraham Lort de Belfield ... ,, Mary fa. James Hamer de Heayhead^*.. ,, Elizabeth fa. Raph Stott de Packer ... 9 Elizabeth fa. SoUoman Hartley Blackwater 13 Thomas f . Thomas Heayward Butterworth 16 6 p. 39 Susan fa. John Butterworth de BelfeUd 25 John f. John Ashworth de Lane ... „ John s. of Richard MUne of Milnrow ... 26 James f. Edmund Kershaw Longclough 27 Thomas f. Thomas Buckley de Marland ,, Abraham f. John Tweedell Woodhouse Lane ... Mary fa. John Wrigley de Tamb Barne ,, Mary fa. Daniel Bearstill 6 Richard f. Robert Assheton Cur: de Rochdale II 1694 25 March ApriU 3 June May 2l6 ROCHDALE REGISTERS James Whittworth de 1694 1694 EUzabeth fa BuersiU ... 20 June Ann fa. Richard Fenton de Bury pish ,, ,, Elizabeth fa. Alexander Kershaw ... 22 ,, Ely f. James Rideings de Green ... 1 July James f. James Matthew at Whitworth 8 ,, Sarah fa. Robert Bolton de Loe ... ,, ,, Elizabeth fa. John Chadwick de Nayden „ ,, Martha fa. Geurge Travice de Newbold jj „ William f. James Clegg de Toad Lane ... ,, ,, James f. Raph Smith de Rideings ... ,, ,, Elizabeth fa. Edmund Holte de Rochdale 15 ,, Mary fa. Edmund Simson de Rochdale ,, ,, Elizabeth fa. George Hanson de Rochdale „ ,, James f. Raph Smith de Rideings ... ,, jj Mary fa. Robert Kershaw ... ... ,, ,, EUzabeth fa. Edmund Kershaw de Slacks ,, „ Jofies f. Gulielmi Wilson de Paccar pochia de Rochdale in Com: Lance Natus fuit Die Lunae (viz') nono die Julij ad horam octavam mane Babtizat: apud Rochdale prd p Hen: Pigott B:D: 18 ¦„ John f. John Whipp de Rochdale ... 25 ,, John f. John Fenton de Bury pish ... ,, „ Annfa. John Meller et Mary NuttaU Spur: 27 ,, Katherin fa. Richard Chadwick de Rochdale ... ... ... ... 29 ,, Thomas f . James Butterworth Rochdale 5 Aug* Peter f. Edmund Cocker Hartley ,, Mary fa. John Bury Flashouse ... ,, ,, Sarah fa. AbeU Brearley de Broad Lane 13 6 p. 40 Sarah fa. John Scholfield de Dabhole ... 15 Jane fa. Jonathan Scholfield de Rochdale 19 ,, Joseph f . Jonathan Whitacker de Rochdale 24 James f. Gererd Whitworth de Balderston 26 John f. Roger Whitworth de Rochdale Elizabeth fa. John Chadwicke de Woolstenholme 2 September John f. James Leach de Wardleworth ... Mary fa. Richard Wilde de Marland James f. John Butterworth de BuersiU Moor Susan fa. Joseph MUne de Chadwick Hali '7 Elizabeth fa. James Fitton de Hadershaw Midleton pish q EvarUda fa. James Holte de Castleton' Esq: bapt: at Castleton ... ... X2 1694 BAPTISMS Robert f. Thomas Shore de Shore at Litlebrough Rebecah fa. Robert Redfearne de Spotland Ann fa. Joseph Taylor de Moorside ... Jane fa. Arthur Whitacker et Baxter Spu: Ann fa. John Ashworth de Blackwater Jonathan f. Robert Hardman de Moor Lane ... Anna fa. James Holte de Rochdale ... Alice fa. Roger Buckley de Marland ... Radcliffe f . George Hanson de Blackwater Jonathan f . Edward Adkinson de Rochdale Jane fa. Thomas Brearley of Windebank Joshua f. James Wrigley de Heights ... Ann fa. Lawrence Marsh de Blackwater Mary fa. George Man de Digyaite ... Abraham f . Richard Clegg de Blackwater John f. John Travis de Dearnley Ann fa. James Sharpies de Hundersfield AUce fa. James Kershaw de BuersiU Moore Mary fa. John Scholfield de Baglate ... Deborah fa. Thomas Rothwill de Castleton John f. John Crosley de Marland Elizabeth fa. James Man de Woodhous Lane ... Jane filia John f. Charles Ogden de Rochdale ... Bridgett fa. Abraham Taylor Michell Heay ... 6 p. 41 Humphrey f. James Chadwick Susanna fa. Lawrence Ashworth de Rochdale Martha fa. James Butterworth de Francis fa. Francis Heayley de Packer SamueU f. James Roads of Jane fa. John Whitacker de Packer ... Robert f. James Lort de Pasman Joseph f. James Standering de Faileings Sarah fa. Abraham Whitworth de Newbold Mary fa. Joseph Hamer de Fernehill ... Jane fa. William Greave de Garside ... Henry f. Richard Entwisle de Foxholes Esq: bapt: at Foxholes PhUlip. f. James Hunt de Wiggan 217 1694 16 September 12 „ 14 ,. JJ JJ 16 „ 21 23 30 J3 53 7 October 35 33 10 „ 14 ,J 212428 4 November 6 J, II JJ 18 „ 23 ,. 25 JJ 3 December 4 .. 5 » 21 8 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1694 1694 Mary fa. Jenit Buckley et John Whitehad 9 December Sarah fa. Charles Ogden de Rochdale ... ,, „ Mary fa. Abraham Taylor de Broad Lane ,, .,, John & Margeret fil: John Heape de Rochdale Gent: ... ... ... 12 ,, Richard f. Robert Howorth de .Heayley 19 „ Joseph f. Richard Scholfeild Rochdale 21 „ Elizabeth fa. Joseph Clegg de Newfield Uead „ „ Abell f. Abell Brearley de Rochdale ... 23 ,, James f. Abraham Milne de Newbold ... „ „ Elizabeth fa. Phillip Stock de Rochdale 26 „ Elizabeth fa. Edward Hopwood Butterworth HaU , „ John f. John Howorth de Broadhough „ „ John f. Edmund Holte de Cronkeyshaw 30 ,, Jonathan f. James Woolfenden Shawfeild „ ,, Katherine fa. Joseph Leigh de Toad Lane ,, „ John f. James Ashworth de Buersil Moor 2 Jany Alexander f. John Clegg de Rochdale ... ,, „ 6 p. 42 Esther fa. Simion Lort de HoUenworth 6 „- Robert f. Robert ScholfeUd et Suson Scholefeild „ „ John f. Robert Scholfeild Butterworth HaU „ „ Sarah fa. Robert Ashworth et Alice Scholfeild Spu: 10 „ Mary fa. John Halliwell de Pickehouse Gent: 6 „ Mary fa. Ann CoUings de Butterworth EUigit: 13 „ James f. Charles Clegg de Rochdale ... „ „ James f. Robert Chadwick de Chadwick ,, „ Thomas f. John Tattersall de Rochdale 20 „ Thomas f. Samuel Moreton de Rochdale Gent: 23 „ Alice fa. John Adkinson de Rochdale ... „ „ Patience fa. Thomas Buckley de Feilding 27 ,, Robert f. Abraham Heayley de Catley Lane ... ... ... ... ... ,, OtweU f. Alexander Whitworth de Spotland ... ... ... ... ,, Robert f. James Dearden Packer ... 3 Feby James f. AbeU Butterworth de MUnrow EUin fa. William Kershaw at Milnrow .. . ,, Edmund f. Edmund Taylor de Rochdale 4 ", WUUam f. Edward Kenion de Rochdale Gent: « I694-I695 BAPTISMS 219 Elizabeth fa. Henry Holte de Blackwater Abraham filius Joshuah f. Abell Brearley Ringlows ... Ann fa. Jonathan Turner de Church Lane Robert f. Robert Soothill de Packer ... Sarah fa. Robert Kershaw et . . . . Milne Spu: Ann fa. Daniel Milne de Butterworth HaU ... ' John f . Lawrence Hardman de Rochdale Elizabeth fa. John Butterwor [sic] of Brineroad MiU at Litle: James f. Daniel Holte de Greave Sarah fa. James MUne de Rochdale ... Ann fa. Charles Holte de Banckhouse Edmund f . Edrnund Heayley de Weerdle Isabell fa. Timothey Etough de Rochdale Henry fa. [sic] WilUam Taylor de Rochdale James f. Thomas Hilton de Rochdale ... Dorothey fa. Robert Holte de Lowerplace James f . James Butterworth at Litlebrough 1694 9 Feb. 10 II 14 17 19 22 2324 27 March William f. James Biram Deepleach Hill 13 Jane fa. James MUne de Milnrow ... „ Edward f. WilUam MarshaU de Church Lane ... ... ... ... ... 15 6 p. 43 Edmund f . Edmund Chadwick de Rochdale 17 EUin fa. James HUl de HUl Topp et Elizabeth Dearden Sp: ... ... ,, Alice fa. Robert Ashworth de Castleton Moor ... . James f . Nathan Broockshaw de Rochdale „ AbeU & IsabeU fil: AbeU Turner de Rochdale ... ... ... ... 20 Samuel f. Abraham Birch Wooltenholme [sic] 24 filia WilUam Croper de Rochdale ,, Sarah fa. Thomas Lort de Buckley ... „ Danielf. Robert Briggs Church Lane ... ,, Joshua f. James Smith Litle Wardle . . . . filius John Romsbothane de Rochdale Mary fa. Gather Butterworth de TunshiU Susan fa. Thomas Hurst de Blackwater Alice fa. James Butterworth de Asshbrook Hey Mary fa. John Pollard de Capt: Hardman John f. Robert Whitacker de Marlaud 1695 25 March 24 J, 31 .. AprUl 220 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1695 1695 Susanna fa. John Ogden de Wardleworth 7 ApriU Jane fa. Jonathan Stott de GorthUls ... „ ,, James f. Robert Scholfeild de Catley Lane , „ James f. James Chadwick de Moore Banck ... ... ... ... ,, ,, Unity fa. John Heayley de Marland ... ,, ,, John f . Mary Tetley et Standering EUigit: 10 Henry f. Nicholas Hartley de Hill house 14 ,, James f. Henry Howorth ... ... ,, ,, Elizabeth filia ... ,, ,, James f. John Howorth Shore Yait ... ,, ,, Henry f. John Brearley de Moss Side ... 21 ,, Susan fa. Edmund Simson de Buckley ,, „ Jane fa. Thomas Cropper de Church Stile Ann fa. James Turner de Brimeroad ... 26 ,, Thomas f. Robert Holte de Bouleing Green 28 ,, William f. Abraham Haslam de Woodhouse ,, ,, William f. James Roads de Weardle ,, Sarah fa. James Whiteley de Rochdale ,, „ John f. Richard Leach de Newbold ... 30 „ John f. John Whitehead de Butterworth HaU 5 May James f. Isaac Newbey de Church Lane ,, „ Benjamin f. Richard Ouldham Church Lane John [f.] James Kershaw de Wardleworth ,, ,, Jane fa. Christopher Lort de Ashbrook Heay „ „ John f. John NuttaU de Rochdale ... 6 „ Mary fa. Henry Bamford de Three Lane Ends 8 „ Ann fa. George Fernley de Pasman ... ,, ,, Rueth fa. John Barratt de Milnrow ... 12 ,, John f. Abraham Brearley bap: at Whitworth ... ... ... ... ,, 6 p. 44 Ann fa. James Howworth de Rochdale 16 ,, Elizabeth fa. James Kershaw Smalebridge „ Mary fa. Abraham Crosley Newhouse ... ,, Susan fa. John Kay de Cheesden ... „ „ Arthur f. John Holte de Stoney Heays 19 Raph f. Nathan Butterworth de Pitts „ „ Dorothey fa. Lawrence Shore de Butterworth freehold 1695 BAPTISMS ±21 1695 Robert f. James Pedley de Church Lane 25 May Hannah fa. Jeremiah Asshton de Castleton ,, ,, John f. Richard Milne de Milnrow ... 26 ,, Ann fa. James Scholfeild de Copteroad ,, „ Susan fa. Alexander Roads de Heayley ,, ,, James f. James Taylor High Wardle ... ,, ,, Patienc fa. John WooUenden de Blackwater 1 June Joshua f. Samuell Cryer de Packer ... 2 ,, EUzabeth fa. WUUam Stott de Shore ... Simeon f. Thomas Lord de Rochdale ... 9 ,, John f. James Leeyes de Cassons ... ,, ,, James f. John Franckleton de Rochdale ,, ,, James f. John Holte de Newbold' ... 16 ,, Martha fa. James Nuttall de Woodhouse Lane ... 17. ,, John f. Jonathan Chadwick de Woolstenholme ... ... ... 19 ,, Ann fa. William Holte de Hundersfield ,, ,, John f. Gieles RothweU de Shawfield poor 23 „ Elizabeth fa. John Nuttall de Todmorden Edge 26 „ Jane fa. Abraham Wilde de Newbold ... 27 ,, Esther fa. Nathaniel Butterworth de Castleton ... ... ... ... 30 ,, John f. WilUam Stott de Shawfield ... „ „ Charles f . Charles Butterworth de Church Lane ... ... ... ... ... 7 July John f. Robert Chadwick de Rochdale ,, ,, .... fiUa Raph MUne de Calder Moor 8 ,, Edmund f. Edmund Whitehead Woolstenholme poor ... ... ,, ,, James f. John Butterworth de Bibbknowle 11 ,, Ann fa. Samuell Holte de Rochdale ... 14 „ .... filius Lawrence Hardman de Marcroft Yate ,, ,, John f. John Low de Heslegreave ... 21 ,, John f. Charles CoUings de Rochdale ... ,, ,, Elizabeth fa. Abraham Earnshaw de Spotland Poor ... ... ... ,, „ Henry f. Henry Barlow de Lady house 25 ,, Jane fa. John Butterworth de Cronshaw 28 ,, Susan fa. George Smethurst de Rochdale ,, ,, Robert f. Robert Watmough de Packer „ ,, James f. Robert Brearley de Haugh ... ,, ,, 6 p. 45 John f. OtweU Kershaw de Gartside ... 4 August Hannah fa Richard Chadwick de Rochdale 11 ,, Elizbeth fa. John Holte de Moorside ... „ „ 222 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1695 Mary fa. John SidaU de Church Lane ... Mary fa. Abraham Heayward de Spotland James f. Henry Hardman de Midle Heayley Edmund f. Edmund Butterworth de Windebank Bapt: Litlebro: Margeret fa. Geoffry Lumax"! bap: at > Whitworth James f. James Leach bap: at J William f. James Buckley de Rochdale Eshter [sic] fa. Henry Brearley de Mosside Jane fa. James HoUowes de Toad Lane Ann fa. Thomas Hamer de Hengingshaw James f. John Howorth de Blackwater John f. Luke Holte de Faileings Mary fa. Abraham Woolfenden de Milnrow .... Jonathan Woolfenden de Rochdale Jonathan f. Adam Whitehead de Hundersfield James f. Thomas Breadbury de BuersiU WiUiam f. WiUiam MUne de Haids ... Susan fa. Edmund Pickup de Trough ... Elizabeth fa. Cornelius Holte de Rochdale Benjamin f. Robert Colling de Hartley Robert f . Robert Shepherd Woolstenholme Thomas f . Thomas Greenlife de Tunicklife Mary f. William Cryer de WhitfeUd' ... Edmund f. Robert Holte de WhitfeUd Thomas f. Francis Holt de Castleton ... John f. Abell Butterworth de Rough ... Ann fa. Joseph Lowton de Cleggswood Susan fa. Charles Turner de Balderstone James f. Alexander Lightowlers Ashbrook Heay ... Thomas f. Henry Baxter de Rochdale ... Stehphen [sic] i, John Brearley de Rochdale Elizabeth fa. Richard Hardman de Bagslade Mary fa. Thomas Hamer Butterworth Hall Ann fa. Thomas Crosley de Browne Wardle WiUiam f. Robert Leeys de BuersUl ... Elizabeth fa. SamueU Smith de Spotland Brige ... Richard f . WiUiam Renshaw de Rochdale Mary fa. WUliam Whitworth de Lowerplace ... 1695 14 August 18 „ 25 Sepr 1315 1822 55 26 29 6 October 29 Sep: 9 October 13 ,j 1695 BAPTISMS 223 1695 13 October 15 J, 20 25 27 3 Abell f. James Ashworth de Cowclough WUliam f. William Roads de High Leey Elizabeth fa. Simion Butterworth de Caume Charles f. John Butterworth de Clegg ... James f. John Butterworth de Marland Ann fa. Samuel Whipp de Rochdale ... Timothy f. James Greenwood de Cronkeyshaw 6 p. 46 James f. Nathaniel Heayward Dearnlee 3 November John f. Thomas Hill de Hollinworth ... ,, ,, John f. WUliam Butterworth de Litle Clegg Robert f. John Clegg de Woodhouse Lane ,, ,, John f. Thomas Shore de Wardleworth ,, ,, Deborah fa. Paul Greenwood de Whitworth ... ... ... "... ,, „ John f. John Mathew de Heayley ... 5 ,, DanieU f. John Brearley de Rochdale ... 10 „ James f. John Whitehead de Shore Lane ,, „ Edmvind f. James Leach de Tonge End ,, ,, Mary fa. Edmund Turner Howorth ... ,, ,, James f . John Hardman de Woolstenholme at Ashworth ... ... ... ,, ,, John f. James Brearley de Cleggswood Heay „ „ Thomas f. James Holte de Lowerplace 11 ,, Richard f. John Shaw de Rochdale ... 13 ,, Thomas f. John Leeys de Smallbridge 17 j, John f. Robert Fenton de Coseyfield Head jj „ John f. WUliam Kershaw de Hundersfield jj jj Jane fa. Abell Brearley de Croynest ... „ ,, Robert f. Robert Fitton de Dabbhole ... „ „ Edmund f. Thomas MUnes de Milnrow ,, ,, Alice fa. James Leey de Woodhouse Lane ,, ,, Ann fa. William HoUand de Smithy Fould 25 JJ Mary fa. James Smith de Tonge End ... 24 „ EUzabeth fa. James Wilde de Littlebrough ,, WUUam f . Abraham Kershaw de Moaroad i December Benjamin f. James Brearley de Faileings „ „ Mary fa. Edmund Belfield de Moorehouse 4 ,, Joseph f. SamueU Wardleworth de Ringlows ... ... ... ... 9 u Sarah fa. Daniell Worall de jj „ Charles f. Edmund Clegg de Scholfield Moor ... ... ... ... ... 8 „ 224 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1695 1695 Margeret fa. Jeremiah Duerden de Heights 8 December Mar}' fa. John Fitton de Butterworth HaU , „ Thomas f. Robert Brewer de Rochdale Gent: ... 13 Abraham f . Daniel Stock et Alice Brearley bap: at Milnrow ... ... ... 15 ,, Mary fa. James Brearley de Rochdale ,, ,, Mary fa. John Taylor de Blackwater ... 16 ,, Mary fa. James Cass de Hundersfield ... 18 ,, John f. John Turner Smallbridge ... 22 ,, 6 p. 47 Anna fa. John Butterworth de Ashbrook Heay ,, Hannah fa. Robert Heayley de Heayley ,, ,, Anna fa. John Livesey de Rochdale ... ,, ,, Raph f. Benjamin Stock de Ashbrook Heay James f. Chailes Beaighton de Heayley ,, ,, EUzabeth fa. James Rideing de Sladen ,, ,, Ann fa. George Wilkinson bap: at Milnrow ... ... ... ,, James f. James Ashworth de Fould head Spotland ... ... ... ... 29 ,, Martha fa. Adam Hill de Cleggswood ... ,, ,, Martha fa. John Butterworth de TunshiU ,, ,, Francis f. John Walkden de Litlebrough i Jany Henry Hamer de Nayden Poor Edmund f. Abraham Ashworth de Costleton Moor ... ... ... 4 ,, James f. James Bamford de Dearnley ... 5 „ James f. James Fitton de Hadershaw Midleton pish „ Mary fa. James Wilson et Elizabeth Butterworth Spur: ... ... ... 10 „ Mary fa. James Cheatham de Rideings 12 ,, Garrerd f. John Redfearn de Rochdale ,, ,, Robert f. Robert Collier de Church Lane ,, „ Robert f. Robert Holte de Rochdale ... Elizabeth fa. James HoUowes de Brown Wardle „ „ Abraham f . Samuel Whitworth de Church Ivane 15 „ Thomas f. Hen: Hamer Nayden ... 19 ,, Johnf. Abraham Holtede Chamber house „ „ Edmond i. John MUnes de Moor House ,, „ Margaret fa. Robert Assheton Cur: de Rochdale 25 „ 1695 BAPTISMS 225 1695 Pheby fa. John Lord de Green 26 Jany Charles f. Abraham Stott de Smalebridge ,, „ AUce fa. John Hurst de Upper Crow-nest ,, ,, NathanieU & Samuell [fil:] John HiU de Woolstenholme ... ... ... ,, ,, Elizabeth fa. Edward Hawkerd Bapt: at Litle: 2 Feby James f. James Milne de Cronest ... ,, ,, Jane fa. Henry WUde de Mailand ... ,, ,, Elizabeth fa. Jo: Farrer de Milnrow oth Chapp: End „ ,, Mary fa. Abraham Kershaw de Hundersfield 3 „ Dorathy fa. John Fletcher de Blackwater 9 ,, Susan fa. Charles Butterworth de BuersiU Moor Mary fa. Robert Kershaw de Milnrow ,, ,, John f. Robert Holte de Spotland ... 12 ,, Mary fa. James Brearley de Butterworth 14 ,, Ann fa. Abraham Heayley de Banckhouse ,, ,, Katherine fa. Isaac Buckley de Church Lane ... ... ... ... ... 16 ,, Robert f . John Shepheard de Woodhouse Lane „ „ Isaac & Ann fil: John Shepheard de Spotland 15 „ 6 p. 48 Mary fa. Abraham HoUowes de Church Lane ... ... ... ... ... 18 ,, Grace fa. Thomas Woolfenden de Lower Heay „ „ James f. John Ashworth de Church Lane 23 „ Simion f. John Bridge de BuersUl Moor „ „ James f. Edmund Stott de Hundersfield „ „ Jane fa. Edmund Lort de Jawcken Bury pish ... „ „ Elizabeth fa. George Dewhurst de High Wardle i March Sarah fa. James Taylor de TunshUl ... ,, „ Mary fa. Robert Whitacker de Marland 6 „ John f. Jonathan Browne de Blackwater ,, „ Jonathan f. Mathew Cranidge Blackwater 8 „ Maryfa. Adam Earnshaw de Blackwater ,, ,, Edmund f. Edmund Clegg de Rochdale Grace fa. John Standering BuersiU Moor ,, ,, EUzabeth fa. Henry Taylor de Hundersfield ... .•• .•• „ „ Richard f. Edmund Greenwood de Butterworth Hall ... „ „ 226 ROCHDALE REGISTERS John f . Jonathan Scolefield de Whiteley Deign... 'Edmund f. James Sharpies de Smallbridge Thomas f. John Shepheard de Witworth Mary fa. [Robert Kershaw at Milnrow Ann fa. Edmund Butterworth de BuersUl EUzabeth fa. Edmund Fitton de Midleton pish ... Alice fa. James Brearley de Hough Sarah fa. James Clegg of Showfield ... Abraham f. Abraham Tetley de BuersiU Arthur f. Arthur Scholfeild de Cronckyshaw ... ... ... • John f. Luke Lyon de Rochdale William f. James Clegg de Toad Lane ... James f. James Whitworth de Balderston Alexander f. Abell Kershaw de Hundersfeild Katherin fa. Tho: Bridge de Hundersfield Robert f. Robert Ingham de Rochdale WUliam f . Richard HoUand de HiU Topp James f. James Butterworth Jonathan f. Robert Woolfenden Mary fa. Richard Livesey William f. Jonathan Butterworth Joseph f . Nathan Brookshaw de Rochdale James f. James Ashworth James f. Thomas Brearley Mary fa. AbeU Ashworth Elizabeth fa. Richard Milne Thom: f. Thomas Holme 6 p. 49 Robertus f . Gulielmi Wilson de Rochdale natus fuit Die Mercurii (viz') primo die ApriUs ad horam Septimam post Meridiem babtizat: apud Rochdale prd p Roberta Assheton M.A. curat: ibm die et anno supra dictis Jane fa. John Farrar Elizabeth fa. Abraham Kershaw Robert f. Francis Heayley EUzabeth fa. John Biram James f. Charles MUne Samuel f. MichaeU Utley A Daughter of Isaac Woolfenden James f. SamueU Stott Mary fa. Jonathan Whitworth ... John f. John Chadwick 1 695-1 696 1695 8 March 9 15 20 II22 24 1696 25 March 29 55 55 55 33 55 2 ApriU 3 33 5 55 1012 17 19 55 20 19 1696 BAPTISMS 227 6 p. 50 John f. James Clegg John f. Solomon Hartley Alice fa. James Stock Esther fa. James MUne Lydia fa. Robert Chadwick Elizabeth fa. Thomas Greave ... James f. Timothy Dyson Charles f. Jonathan Milne John f. John Heayward Mary fa. James Kershaw Elizabeth fa. Thomas Smith Ralph f. Ralph HiU James f. Samuel Stott ... Jane fa. Robert ScolfeUd James f. EUis HoUowes ... James f. John Gartside ... AUce fa. Richard Clegg ... James f. John Kershaw Joseph f. Edward Clegg Mathew f. Samuel Moreton Gent: Isaac f. Isaac Chadwick Sarah fa. George Taylor Alice fa. David Brearley EUin fa. Robert Machay Samuell f. Joshua Rudd John f. Henry Howorth Mary fa. Anthony Buxton Mary fa. Zachiriah Hardman ... Susan fa. John WUde Elizabeth fa. James MUne James f. Edmund Taylor Thomas f. Edm: Bridge et Jane Whitehead Jonathan f. John Woolfenden ... James f. Joseph Leigh ... Jonathan f. James Turnough James f. Charles Holte de Banck house Ruth fa. Thomas Heayward Grace fa. John Butterworth Frances fa. William Kenion James f. Edmund Lort ... Robt f . John Wolfenden de Lower Place born 28 July Elizabeth filia Susan & Ann fil: Alexander Cheatham Maiy fa. John Clegg Edmund f. John Taylor Edmund f. Edmund Shore Thomas f. John Smith 1696 ' 26 ApriU 3 May 10 „ 11 55 17 53 20 55 21 55 33 55 24 35 33 55 31 55 35 35 55 53 5 J une 7 55 33 55 35 35 55 3 t 10 53 14 35 II 53 28 33 2 July 15 .. 19 J. 26 „ 29 J, I August 2 JJ 15 . JJ 16 JJ 228 rochdAlE rec^istErs 1696 1696 16 August 21 2630 33I6 Sep 18 20 20 2223 27 30 2 RandeU f. Arthur Butterworth Martha fa. Edmund Ashworth ... John f. Abraham Milne Alice fa. James Woolfenden ... Elizabeth fa. James Knowles ... James f. Alexander Kershaw ... John f. John Clough of Brothrod EUzabeth fa. Charles Bamford ... Mary fa. Richard Whitehead ... Susan fa. John Cheatham ... John f. John Butterworth de Belfeild 13 James f. James Scholfield ... ... ,, Abraham f. George Hanson ... ... ,, George f. James Milne ... Thomas f. John Buckley 6 p. 51 Mary fa. James Stott Joseph f. John HoUowes Frances fa. Richard Scholfield Arthur f. James Scholfeild Katherin fa. Lawrence Ashworth Mary fa. Lawrence Marsh Alice fa. Abraham Kershaw James f. John Wrigley James f. James Whitworth Daniell f. John Greenwood James f. John HalliweU Bapt: at Litlebrough Pickehouse Arm: Alice fa. James Crosley ... ... James f. Joseph Milne .... filia John Dickson Mary fa. Charles NuttaU de Whitworth George f. Thomas Jackson John f . Samuell Shore Daniel f. Nathan HiU ".' Jane fa. Samuel Standering Mary fa. Robert Lomax Richard f. John Whipp Ann fa. Joseph Lowton Grace fa. Edmund Milne Mary fa. Charles Ogden Alice fa. John Whitworth Joseph f. Abraham Lort John Baxter Esther fa. WUliam Greave Samuel f. James Wrigley 1 Novr Thomas f. John RothweU Grace fa. James Brearley Elizabeth fa. Henry Bamford . . . EUin fa. Robert Blackeman October 13 9 11 15 1718 JJ 2123 26 JJ 29 1 4 6 1696 8 Novr 229 JJ JJ 9 15 JJ J) 2022 JJ JJ 2729 1696 BAPTISMS Abraham f. John Scholefield Esther fa. Joseph Lo-wton Solomon f. Solomon Houlroad et EUen Spur: 6 p. 52 Mary fa. Henry Brearley Robert f. Richard WUde John f. AbeU Butterworth John f. John Shepheard et Mary Butterworth Spu: Mary fa. Abraham Crosley Thomas f. Abraham Croper Sarah fa. John Stott Ann fa. Richard Kenion de Rochdale ... James f. John Turnhough Alice fa. [Richard Chad'wick Henry f. John Romsbotham ... ... „ „ Robert f. Robert Chad'wick ... ... „ „ WUUam f. George Hanson ... ... ,, „ EUzabeth fa. John Ashworth de Rochdale 23 ,, Ann fa. George Leegh ... ... ... 5 December RachaU fa. Robert Whitworth 9 „ Jane fa. WilUam Chadwick ... ... „ „ Grace fa. Edmund Kershaw Bapt: Litlebrough ... ... ... ... 13 „ Michael f. Robert Hurst „ ,, Alice fa. Richard Barnes ... ... 18 „ Esther fa. WUUam Whitworth 20 „ Susan fa. Abraham Clegg ... ... „ „ Mary fa. PhUlip Stocke de Rochdale ... 19 „ Thomas f. Edmund Chadwick 23 „ Thomas Hurst ... ... „ „ Grace fa. William Lort 27 „ Ann fa. James Man ... ... ... „ „ Joseph f. Joseph Leigh „ „ John f. John Scholefield de Marland ... „ „ Mary fa. WilUam Low de Whitfield ... i Jany Jonathan f. Robert Butterworth de Whiteacker 3 .> Mary fa. John Heayward de Shawfield „ „ Edmund f. William Thornley de Blackwater ... ... ... ... „ „ Ann fa. Charles Stott de Humber ... „ „ Samuel f. John Taylor Blackwater ... 8 „ George f. John Tiavice de Weardle ... 6 „ Ann fa. John Howorth de Broadhaugh „ „ Mary fa. Thom: Horracks de Broadhaug 13 „ James f. Edward Leach de Rideings ... 3 „ 6 p. 53 Mary fa. James Leeys de Woodhousel^ane 17 „ 230 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1696 Samuel f. James Butterworth de Belfield Mary fa. James Milne de Weardle Edmund f. Edmund Brearley de Butterworth ... Alice fa. Robert Redfearne de BawersiU Sarah fa. Robert SoothiU de Paccer ... James f. Edmund Lort de Rideing ... John f. James Shore de Litlebrough ... Abraham f . Edmund Heayley Laydyhouse Mary fa. Joseph Leach de Moor Yait ... James f. John Grindrod de Stid James f. John Lort de Passmans Alice fa. Samuel Butterworth de Belfield Mary fa. John EUis et Elizabeth Scholfield Spu: ... Mary fa. James Lort de Lowhouse Mary fa. John Holte de Rochdale Robert f. Joshua Stott de Whiteaker ... Jonas f. James Buckley John f. [Edmund Redfearne Sarah fa. James Howorth de Rochdale John f. John Butterworth de Bibb Know Robert f. Abiaham Whitworth de Newbold Lane Dorothy fa. Richard Ouldham de Church Lane ... Abraham f . Abraham Colling de Hartley Jonathan f. Jonathan Broune de Blackwater ... Abraham f . Abraham Colling de Sandhole Robert f. Edmund Holte de Cronckeyshaw Alice fa. John Newbold de Haugh John f. John Taylor de Castleton John f. Christopher Hargreaves de Longacres Mary fa. Jeremiah Asheton de Capt: ... Edmund f. Samuel Whitworth de Ringlowes ... Esther fa. Charles Turnhough de Balderstone ... John f. John Kershaw de Haugh Abell f. Silas Hamer de Rochdale EUzabeth fa. John Greenwood de Hundersfield Mary fa. Samuel Holte de Rochdale ... Grace fa. Abraham Stocke de Roadfield 1696 17 Jany JJ JJ 22 15 23 24 JJ JJ 33 25 31 I . Feby 12 14 21 22 28 3 March 7 >. 1696-1697 BAPTISMS 231 1696 Jane fa. Edmund Wood de Binns bapt: at Milnrow 7 March Alice fav Henry NuttaU de Smithy Fould 13 „ Margeret fa. Abell Brearley de Ringlowes 14 „ Elizabeth fa. Charles Smith de Starring ,, „ Esther fa. James Wilkinson de Whitely Deane ... ... ... ... „ „ Abell f. John Brearley de Newbold ... ,, „ Jane & John fil: Robert Hardmand de Woolstenholme ... ... ... „ „ Elizabethfa.JamesLeachde Wardleworth 15 „ Ann fa. WUliam Leach de Whitworth „ „ Mary fa. Abraham Heayley de Banckhouse ,, „ George f. Edward Atkinson de Rochdale ,, „ 54 James s. of James Taylor of MUlnrow 21 „ Mary d- SamueU Wardley of Ringlows „ „ Abraham s. of John Brearley of MUlnrow 22 „ John s. of John Ogden of Newbold ... 24 „ 1697 Simon s. of Samuel Meddocrof of Gooslane 28 March Thomas s. of John Holt of Newbold ... ,, „ Martha d. of DaniaU Hollows of Blackwater „ „ Maiy d. of . Robert Ashworth of Littellbrough „ „ Mary d. of John Taylor of Butterworth „ „ Alice d. of Charles Gartsid of Okenroad 3 Aprill Simion s. Simion Lord of HoUenworth ... 4 „ Elizebeth d. of Abell Brearley of BuersiU Moor ... ... ... 6 „ Hannah d. of John Adkin of Rochdale 9 ,, John s. of Joshua Newbey of Church Lane 11 „ Grace d. of James Taylor of High war die ,, ,, Alice d. of Alexander Whitworth of Bagslate ... ... ... ... ,, „ Matthew s. of Thomas Prowel of Butterworth „ ,, Rachell d. of Robert Taylor ,, ,. Mary d. of Henry Barlow of Lady Hous „ ,, EUing d. of Charles Clegg of Blackwater 16 ,, Benjamin & Martha s. & d. of Edmund Simson of Church Lane ... ... ,, j, Mary d. of Thomas Shore of Wardleworth 18 „ Ester d. of Robert Dowson „ „ Jane d. of Alexander Farror MUnrow ... „ ,, Thomas s. of John Taylor of Cripelyate 23 „ John s. of Robert Turnor of Moorbank 25 „ EUzebeth d. of John Shepard [et] EUzeb: I^each .. ." '•• " » 232 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1697 1697 Abraham s. of WilUam Standren of Bursel Moor 25 ApriU Mary d. of Robert HUl of Whitfield ... Robert s. of John Woolfenden of Lowerplace ... ... ... ... 28 ,, Henry s. of Henry Taylor of Packer ... ,, ,, Pashence d. of Adam HiU of Whitfield „ „ William s. of Samuell Whitworth Church ^ Lane 30 „ Buckley s. of James Milln of Cowldwoole „ „ Elizebeth d. of Richard MiUn of Millrow „ „ Martha d. of James Holt of Church Lane 1 May WUUam s. of Timothy Dyson of Lower Heay 5 „ George s. of Abraham Taylor of Broad Lane 7 ,, Mary fa. James Roads ... ... ... 10 „ 6 p. 55 John s. Abell Kearshaw of Packer ... 9 „ Thomas s. of John Healey of Haselgreve ,, ,, James s. John Heap of [Rochdale ... 15 jj Edmund s. Robert Chadwicke of Rochdale 19 „ Mary d. John Kay of Cheasden ... 23 ,, Jane d. John Bury of Laydehous ... „ „ Joseph s. John Milln of MUlnrow ... „ ,, Mary d. John Clegg of Lightowlers ... 29 ,, John s. John Whitehead of Butterworth HaU 30 Susan d. Robert Holt of Whitfield ... 4 June Thomas s. Thomas Baxter of 6 „ WiUiam s. Joseph Unsworth of Littellbrough „ ,, John s. James Greave of Church Lane 11 ,, James s. Edmund Robenson of Yeafield 13 „ Febean d. Matthew Cronegh of Rochdale ,, „ Benjamin s. Barnerd Brearley of Hough ,, „ WilUam s, WilUam Holt of Shore ... 16 „ Benjamin s. James Standren of 18 ,, Thomas s. Thomas Massay & Mary Booth „ „ John s. Peter Bolton of Rochdale ... 25 ,, Jane d. John Stott of Littellbrough ... 27 ,, Thomas s. Henry Bamford of Peanocke „ „ SamueU s. Edmund Butterworth of Windebanke ... ... ... ... ,, „ AlUce d. RadcUf Scolfield Esq: ... 3 July James s. Edmund Taylor of Hay Wardle 4 „ James s. Charles Butterworth Church I^ane i697 BAPTISMS 233 2125 6 7 II 55 1315 18 20 23 28 Shousan d. Timethey Etocke of Rochdale Sarah d. James Lees of Tod Lane Robert s. John Butterworth of Ashbrook Hey EUzebeth d. Christoforth Lord Ashbrook James s. Robert Dearden Coldermoor AUce d. Jonathan Taylor of Barchenhead Ann d. WUliam Kearshaw of MUlnrow Mary d. John SiddaU of Church Lane . . . EUzebeth d. Charles MiUne of Rochdale James s. Jonathan Turnor of Rochdale Mary d. James Grindrod of Neb Road James s. George Heartley of Gooslane Mary d. Abraham Colling Chamber Hous Ester d. Thomas Livesley of Blackwater Jane d. James Gartsid of Coldgreave ... 6 p. 56 Thomas s. Heanry Hoyle of Spotland ... Richard s. Andrew Holden of Rochdale James s. James HiU of Hill Topp Martha d. James Hollows of Rochdale John s. John Standren of Burtsil Moor WUliam s. John Hourth of Blackwater WUUam s. WiUiam Royds of Hundersfield WiUiam s. William Lees of Whitley Deane Ann d. John Holt Stony Haes EUzebeth d. EUis Scholfield Rochdale Abraham s. James Healey of Healey ... John s. John Buckley MiUnrow Ann d. James Clegg BurtsUlmoor: Thomas s. John Diggles Blackwater ... Mary d. John Tattersall Spotland Bridge „ George s. James Chadwicke of Butterworth 19 James s. Robert Kearshaw Laydehous „ Elizebeth d. Richard Leach of [Newbold James s. Henry Smith HaUeaker Robert s. John Levesley Rochdale James s. James Sharpies Smalebridge Edmund s. James Whithead Smalebridge Mary d. John Brearley Rochdale Ester d. Joseph Wrigbey Rochdale ... Savel s. James Scholefield LitteUbrough James s. Edmund Pickup Broodhough „ Mary d. Edmond Fitten Midleton pish „ James s. Jonathan Scholefield Whitley Dean ... ... ... ... ... „ Mary d. Robert Ashton Curatt of Rochdale 13 John s. Henry Lord Castleton 14 1697 II July August 5 September 12 24 25 26 JJ I 3 33 10 October 234 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1697 Mary d. Thomas Jackson Church StUe John s. Anthony Buxstons Spotland ... WiUiam s Bentley et Mary Nuttall 28 James s. John Stanstfield Long Clough „ Richard s. James Hill et Grace Hollows 31 James s. Nathaniel Butterworth Fish Bridge „ Ralph s. Ralph Stott Packer „ 6 p. 57 James s. James Bamford Blackwater ... Abraham s. Benjamin Stocke Weardle Thomas s. Robert Whatmough Church Lane Jane d. George Man Lowerplace Mary d. Richard Scholefield Rochdale Urxilla d. John Moor a stranger Thomas s. John Bamford Shore James s. James Dearden Packer Mary d. John Hourth Weardle Ester d. Robert Woolfenden Rochdale Samuell s. James Hollows Rochdale ... James s. James Milln of Brunegh Mary d. Abraham Brearley of Healey ... Mary d. Thomas Fielden of ,, Mary d. Lawrance Shore Whitley Dean ,, James s. Thomas Whithead Woolstenholme „ John s. Charles Butterworth of 24 Mary d. James Matthew of Healey ... „ James s. James Hourth of Hourth Paster 25 Thomas s. James Greenwood Stock Road ,, Ann d. Adam Whithead of Sladen ... 26 Robert s. John Butterworth Hundersfield 29 Robert s. Abraham Brearley of Butterworth .... George s. John Gartsid Hengenlees . Mary d. James Smith Littel Wardle ... ,, Mary d. James Chadwicke of Moorbancke 6 Elizebeth d. WiUiam Cryer Littellbrough 7 Sarah d. John Dowson Laydehous ... ,, James s. John Clegg Toad Lane ... „ James s. John Lord of Green ... ... ,, Alice d. Joseph Wild LitteU Clegg ... 16 Jane d. Jonathan Woolfenden Toad Lane „ John s. James Leach Middleton pish ... „ Jane d. Robert Buckley MUlnrow ... ,, James s. Richard Hardman Bagslate ... 23 6 p. 58 Thomas s. Thomas Hilton Rochdale ... „ Richard s. Charles Ogden Rochdale 1697 17 October 18 „ 5 Novembei 7 5 J 13 55 14 JJ 26 JJ 28 55 5 December 55 55 55 55 8 55 12 33 13 53 19 55 2 January i697 BAPTISMS Mary d. Arthur Butterworth of Green Thomas s. Thomas Law & Mary Etock Edmund s. James Butterworth Lowhous James S. John Crosley Castle Hill James s. Francis Fleacher of Mary d. Thomas Crosley Burtsill James s. John Kenion Middleton pish WiUiam s. WiUiam Wade Hundersfield OtteweU s. OtteweU Kearshaw of Gartsid James s. James Ashworth Burtsil Moor John s. AbeU Butterworth Burtsil Moor Hannah d. James Butterworth Ashbrook Hey John s. Samuell Cryer of Packer Grace d. Edmund Holt Rochdale Ann d. Abell Butterworth Buckley ... Martha d. Richard Chadwicke Rochdale Mary d. John Hollows Trub Smithy ... Jane d. Abraham Kearshaw Long Clough Susan d. Robert Ashworth Woodhous Lane ... Robert s. Robert Mackey Rochdale ... Sarah d. John Matthew of Healey James s. John Blumeley of Binns Sarah d. John Brearley of Crompton ... William s. WUliam Wilson Packer Elizebeth d. James Pedley Church Lane .... son of William Nuttall Rochdale Elizebeth d. Mr Joseph Dawson Rochdale Sarah d. Edmund Turnor of Hourth ... Jane d. Richard Hamer of Bagslat Henry s. James Dixson of Bamford ... Abell s. Alexander Kearshow of Town hous James s. John Stott Hourth Knowle ... Abell s. Abell Butterworth of Rough ... James s. James Stock of Ashes Mary d. James Whitworth Susan d. Samuell Whipp of Rochdale ... 6 p. 59 Mary d. Richard Entwisle Esq: Robert s. Robert Scholefield Church Lane ... Jane d. John Flacher of Blackwater ... William s. William Byram Haigh Wardle Edmund s. Robert [Briggs Church Lane Mary d. John Lord of Passmans Rachell d. Henry Brearley Moss Sid ... Mary I 55 JJ 55 9 35 15 33 22 55 4 October 5 35 6 35 7 35 3 55 248 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 13 15 17 24 27 1 Patience d. William Low of Hundersfield Thomas s. Charles Turnor of Rochdale Mary d. James Butterworth of Low Hous 8 EUzebeth d. Thomas Crosley of Burtsill ,, William s. William Cryer at LitteUbrough 10 Elizebeth d. James Smith of Hundersfield ,, Ann d. William Dearden of Marland Milln Ann d. John Lord of Smale Bridge Mary d. John Turnor of Smale Bridge Elizebeth d. Abraham Stott of Smale Bridge Edmund s. Edmund Hourth of Bury pish Abraham s. Abraham Brearley of Spotland Martha d. Arthur MiUe of Spotland ... George s. James Milln of Layde Hous Ann d. Roger Taylor of Naden Head ... Elizebeth d. Robert Low of Shawfield James s. James Hollows of Blackwater William s. James Whitworth of Lower Place ... James s. William Clegg of Rochdale ... [Mary d. Nathanell Butterworth of Fish Bridge Mary d. Edmund Butterworth of Windebank ... 6 p. 73 James s. Joshua Nubey of Church Lane Abraham s. OtteweU Kearshow of Hough Henry s. James Butterworth of Rochdale Mary d. William Royds of Crooke Abraham s. Robert Taylor of Church Lane ... Thomas s. Lowrance Hardman of Rochdale Robert s. John Scholefield of Brimrood James s. Abraham Suiclife of Moss Lane Moses s. Moses Clegg of Pitts Stephen s. Robert CoUear of Rochdale Elizebeth d. John HeUeweU Gentleman Joshua s. Daniall Hollows of Blackwater Sarah d. John Dyson of Spotland Grace d. [Henry [Kearshow of Bolderston 6 p. 730: and 736 [Wholly blank] [Here end Baptisms in Original Volume VI.] 1700 1700 4 November December II 15 202122 55 25 27 3 5 29 35 31 1642 MARRIAGES 249 ^^t (J^t^iBttXB OF THE ^axiB^ Cgurcg of (KocgMfe. Original Volume III. MAEBIAGES. 3 p. 167 Francis Woolfenden Mary Turnough MUes WUd Alice Harwood Thomas Whitaker Jane Chorlton James Ogleby Susan Brearly ... Robert Rothell Mary Brearly ... Robert MUne Martha Brearly ... [Richard Hallowes Hellen Smith Roger Wigan Anne Ogden John Woolfenden Anne Lord ... John Grinrode Mary Lancashire SamueU Duerden Elizabeth Walker John Roades Mary Roades Henry Feilding Martha Haworth James Whitworth Jane Buckley Nathan Hoyle Elizabeth Crabtree SamueU Fish Dorothy Shaw Richard Heywood Ann Clegge ... James Grime Anne Duckworth Henry Rosthorne Elizabeth Smethurst James Hopwood Ruth Stringer Abraham Leach Alice Lowton 3 p. 168 Ralph Stott Elizabeth Ogden Jonathan Durden Ann Smith Thomas Heigh Mary Roydes Richard Ogden Alice Kershaw Henry Bamforth Sarah Milne Edward Dutton Judith BeUfeUd Isaak WooUenden Mary Bamford John Brearly Ann Turnough ... Arthur Turnough Deborah Hallowes James Dawson Jane Clegge I 642 II ApriU 55 55 . 12 55 • 55 55 • 13 55 • 17 33 ¦ 30 33 . 10 May 33 35 . 12 33 • 19 35 55 33 • 23 33 . 24 35 • 31 33 • 9 Junius . 10 55 • 23 55 t 27 55 . 28 53 55 ,, 5 JuUus . 12 33 . 26 55 53 2 55 Augustus • 9 35 . 16 33 . 22 33 • 23 55 ¦ 30 JJ 250 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1 642-1 643 Edward Butterworth Mary Marler Simeon Kershaw Ephan Shore Alexander Kershaw Mary Brearly Michaell Butterworth [Martha Dawson John Shore Dorothy Wrigly Gabriell Chadwicke James Browne Mary Taylor Thomas Scolfeild Jane Taylor Robert Sowtayle Ann SuttcUffe James Grime Ann Butterworth Thomas Smith Judith Brigges Thomas Shepheard Jane Butterworth ... Robert Grime Ann Heywood ... John Fenton Alice Byrch Abraham Woolfenden Elizabeth Wyld James HaU Elizabeth Holding James Grinrode ... Jonathan Woolfenden Margarett Oldham John Hamer Jane Scolfeild Robert Butterworth Jane Stocke John Chadwicke Mary Shepheard John Wickyns HeUen Butterworth Richard Chadwicke Margarett Holt John Robertshawe Elizabeth Shore ... Ottiwell ArmefeUd Elizabeth Milne ... John Collins Anne Milne 3 p. 169 Enoch Whitaker Priscilla Barker Robert Leigh Margarett SutcUffe Richard Mo ad Jane Chadwicke Richard Heywood Hellen Hamer James Butterworth Mary Stocke James Chadwicke Anne Jackson Thomas Byrch Elizabeth Fayreclough ... George Ramsden Deborah Wyld William Rodes Mary Rodes William Dawson Priscillah Smith John Brearly Martha Lord John Brigs Dorothy Chadwicke Robert Holte Jane Cropper Edward Haye Susan Townend Samuel Fenton Mary Whilright John Townes WilUam Whitworth EUzabeth ScolefeUd Abell Rodes Jane Healey James Chadwicke Sara Smith John Buckley Sara Turnough Richard Smith Judeth ScolefeUd b 1:642 September J5 53 55 55 20 55 2728 55 33 12 October 26 55 31 6 55 November 5 December 6 55 13 JJ 5 January 33 53 11 J3 55 53 2426 3335 2 February 7 55 11 55 24 26 53 33 1643 4 May 19 August 9 12 September October 35 16 5555 33 26 5555 55 29 55 November 4 December 7 JJ 14 15 19 3 8 33 January 55 12 35 13 33 17 35 19 55 29 2 55 March 5 5» 1643-1644-1645 MARRIAGES Abraham Hamer Mary Chadwicke Edmund Leigh Ales Ogden Robt Chadwicke Jane Tayler Samuel Bentley Winefrett Whitworth . . . Thomas Holt Susan Heape John Holt Mary Tayler James Tayler Jane Francis Rigley Jane Stott John Wild Martha Crosley James Brearley Prisselah Fenton Raph Scoles Kathren Busecke ... Thomas Butterworth Ales Tayler Lawrence Nowel Mary Knott ... Robt Whitworth Deborah Hollows Raph Roydens Sara 3 p. 170 Arthur Scolefeild Jane Chadwicke SamuelMilne Jane [Butterworth at Milrow Thomas Lowton Sara James Milne Mary Tayler James MUne Mary Smith Jonathan Mathew Grace Butterworth ... Randale Hollows Margray Foster Robt MarshaU Ann Richenson John MUne Mary HUl Abell Rodd Susan Healey Abraham Milne Elizabeth Chadwicke . . . Edward Brearley Jane Feilding Isacke Bury Sara Brodley James Kay Mary Chadwicke V^ Mr Jonson Thomas Turner Judeth Elmer ... WiUiam Farrah Mary Milne Thomas Butterworth Mary Kershaw ... James Kershaw Mary Milne at Littlebrough John Pares Susan Buckley Rich: Ogden EUizabeth Walker John Crosley Jane John Clegg Elizabeth Clegg John Smethurst Grace Heaton Arthur Turnough Ann Heywood John Healey Mary Cheetam John NuttaU Mary Greave Abell Kershaw Grace Butterworth ... Abraham Greave Ann Lord Thomas Cromton Elizabeth MUne Benjamine Turner Elizabeth Chadwicke de Bury 13 251 1 643 5 March 6 55 8 5 3 1 644 7 ApriU 8 18 22 23 55 30 5 May 6 JJ 7 35 14 3 5 16 July 19 33 27 55 33 5) 3 September 23 53 25 55 8 October 27 33 II November 17 55 10 December 23 55 26 55 6 January 14 53 27 55 28 33 1 JJ 55 4 February II 35 33 35 15 55 16 55 27 55 13 March 18 35 1 [645 II : ApriU 28 35 7 Maie 252 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1645 WUUam Heape Jane Leigh Alex: Lighttolers Mary Fish Raph Butterworth Jane Cheetam Alexander CoUings Mary Butterworth . . . Richard Midgley Mary Godley ^ n. 171 Edward Clegg Elizabeth WUd ... John Holt Mary Tayler Robt Jaques EUen Whithead Thomas Bury Jane Picop John Moad lilary Hollows at Whitworth John Hardman Martha Ashworth John Crosley Mary Whitaker James Fletcher Jane Smith at Bolton ... Raph Tetlow Abegale Cappender James Milne Mary Tayler Arthur Brearley Mary Chadwicke James Chadwicke Ann Smethurst John Grenrod EUen Smethurst Samuel SuttcUffe EUzabeth Stott John Tayler Mary Kershaw James Feilding Ales Machel Danel Leach Judeth Rodes at Whitworth James Turnough Sara Brodbent Richard Lord Deborah Romsbothom ... Robt Wild Mary Whitworth Edmund Lord Deborah Healey John Shiphard Ales Haslam Jeremy Thornley Isabell Higgon at Bury Joseph Whitworth Dame Hopwood ... Abraham Hamer Ann Haywood Abraham Scolefeild Ales HiU Richard Kennion Ales Waring Shaw ... Joseph Mitchel Jane Dawes John Willson Isabell Ogden George Smith Elizabeth Brearley Thomas Whithead Jane Holt Thomas Horrox Elizabeth Hanson Robt Rovds Ann Meddocraft Robt Hill Elizabeth Baxter Robt Clegg Jane Butterworth John Taylor Prudence Hallywell Francis [Holt Mary Greave John StansfeUd Susan StansfeUd Robt Stott Ann HiUton ' Robt Kershaw Jane Chadwicke Richard Unsworth Mary Wild George Tattersale Mary Romsden Gabrell Leigh Ales Ogden 13 16 Male 55 20 55 JJ 35 JJ 55 21 26 5355 55 55 3 June 9 55 35 16 55 55 17 JJ JJ 5) JJ 55 JJ 55 21 JJ 24 55 30 I July 14 55 15 55 29 19 53 August 35 33 55 55 25 2 35 September 9 55 53 55 15 55 JJ 53 23 JJ 6 October 13 35 55 55 14 35 35 33 21 55 55 28 35 55 35 53 33 I 33 November 33 33 II18 55 55 1645-1646 mArriaG[ES John Bamford Mary Hallows ... 3 p. 172 James Scolefeild Mary Milne Jonathan Scolefeild Susan Rodes Robt Scolefeild Ann Ogden Robt Shephard Judeth Butterworth ... John Tayler Mary Tayler John Eglebey Jane Wood Abraham Buckley Jane Hollows Richard Spencer Isabell Foster Nicholas Burch Mary Milne John Whitaker Tabatha WUd at Medleton John Crosley Immen Holding ... Ottawell Kershaw Elizabeth Greave ... Samuel Tayler Jane Cocke at Ashton ... Thomas Ottley Margary HoUows John Ogden [Easter Clegg Isacke Woofenden Jane Tayler Edmund Marsh Ann Royler Abraham Brearley Buckley Thomas Oldham Elizabeth Stocke John Kershaw Robt Brigs Ales Shephard Edmund Bamforth Martha Brearley ... James Hill Mary Shaw ... John Ashworth Judeth WUd Robt Lord Jane Nuttall James Turnough Ann Woofenden George MUne Susan Adkenson ... Robt Milne Jane Tayler Arthur Smith Rebeca Hamer ... Abraham WUd Judeth Prestley Thomas Cropper Christopher NuttaU Grace Greave Robt Milne Susan CoUings Richard Cropper Mary Elmer ... 3 P- 173 John Ho word Ales Earnshaw ... Richard HiU Mary Holt Abraham Leigh Susan Streete at Ashworth John Wardleworth Grace Clegg James Clegg Leigh at Littlebrough Richard Whitworth Mary Buckley James Clegg Mary Chadwicke at Milnrow Daniell Lees Jane Whitworth 253 1645 25 [November 1 December J J JJ 12 January 27 9 February 53 JJ 10 JJ 55 J J 1 ;646 29 March 21 ApriU JJ 55 ... May 2 June 16 33 53 53 18 55 13 Julie 2 August 18 35 55 55 25 »5 I September 5 33 8 35 22 33 3 October 15 33 27 33 5 November 26 December 33 55 29 J, 4 January 25 JJ ... February 23 J, 254 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1646-1647-1648 1646 John Chadwicke Emmen^ I pd Mr Scolefeild 2 March Edmund Royds Kathren f ScolefeUd -^ jj jj John Chadwicke Easter Redfearne John Chadwicke Jane Clegg Richard Hollows Ann PUling . James Cryer Susan Holt James CoUings Mary Rodd George Ramsden Sarah Smith . Samuel Greave [Slary Hamer James Chadwicke Ann Cheetam Richard ScolefeUd Mary Wyld Abraham Hayward Katharen Holt John Brearley Mary Booth John Milne Ann Tayler ... James Holt Elizabeth Howorth Isacke Turnough Jone Milne Hugh Lealand Ann Lighttolers 3 p. 174 John Dicson Ann Ogden Will: Poole Mary Leigh at Littlebrough John Howorth Mary Scoles James Feilding Martha Lord Robt Whitworth Mary Buckley John Whitaker [Mary Stringer ... John Turnough Ales Ramsbothom James Milne Abell Hamer Elizabeth Shore ... John Cheetam Jane Scolefeild ... John Ogden Dorathie Brearley Robt Butterworth Mary Jackson Peeter Bolton Ann Scolefeild Henery Scolefeild Mary Turnough Edmund Stott Mary Howorth ... Abraham Clegg Mary Hill WilUam Seddon EUzabeth Stott Henery Grime Dorathie Hoyle George Lees Ann Scolefeild Samuel Newbold Elizabeth Hollows Abraham Scolfeld Jane Scolefeld Milrow Isacke Scolfield Mary Ridings ... 3 P- 175 Abraham Wyld EUen Ramsden John Duerden Ales WUd Abraham Howorth Prudenes Monkes Thomas Butterworth Ales Leach John Smith Grace Heyward 23 55 [647 12 ApriU 20 55 35 55 16 May 20 53 16 June 28 55 6 July 17 33 10 August 24 ,, 9 September 4 October 5 55 I November 2 55 9 55 15 33 22 55 27 December 17 January 18 35 24 55 I February ... 12 55 ... 14 35 ... 15 55 ... 21 53 ... 7 March * * • 33 33 W JJ 1648 4 Aprill 9 May JJ 53 .. 22 33 • • • 53 ... 30 35 1648-1649-1650 MARRIAGES John Smith Jane Scolefeild Josua Brearley Ales NuttaU Robt Ashworth Margrate Hargreaves Robt Ashworth Jane Tayler Edmund Simson Margrate Hollows James Milne Jane Dixing Jeremie Berie Ann Healey Robt Howorth Ann Hamer James Wild Jane Whitworth ... Abraham Buckley Susan Tayler John Hill Sara Woorrall James Greave Jane CoUings John Muncast Easter Greave ... Adam Henthorne Mary Garner John Brearley Mary Shepherd ... Edmund Reyley Jane Hardman John Heagh Jane Wild Hugh Rigley Marie Whitaker ... James Chadwicke Marie Greave Robt Clough James Byrom Sara Lowton 3 p. 176 John Hardman Chadwicke Edward Clegg Ann Tayler James Woofenden Butterworth James Milne Jinnett Stott Robt Boulton Katheren Woofenden James Brigs Elizabeth Greenhalgh Robt Whitworth Thomas Butterworth Ann Scoles S'amuel Streete Mary Wyld Edmund Hawker Jane Tayler ... Robt Jenkensonn at Milrow James Woolfenden Katheren Medocraft EUes Milne EUzabeth Chadwicke at Milrow John Scolefeild Elizabeth Oldam John Clegg Ales Fox John Milne Mary Milne James Shiphard Marie Hopwood Georg Smith Susan Lumax de Burie John Butterworth Ales Hardman Abraham Scolefeild Mary Sharpe Jeffery Milne Mary Horoad James Stott Mary Woofenden ... John Holt Jane Rodes ... Edward Hopwood Martha Woofenden 255 1648 6 June JJ J, 12 „ 4 Julie JJ JJ 6 August 28 „ • 5 September 3 October 10 JJ JJ JJ 21 November 28 „ JJ JJ 4 December 12 ,j 55 35 30 Januarie 3 Februarie 33 55 1649 10 Aprill 12 June JJ JJ 10 Julie 9 September 26 22 October 23 JJ 6 November 13 JJ 4 December 3 Januarie [650 6 ApriU 23 55 b May 23 55 ... Julie 7 55 August 3 September 5 33 24 35 256 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1650- Edward Bordman Sarah Ramsbothom Benjamin Stringer Ann Hamer John Ingum Bridgett Pearesonn 3 p. 177 John Holt Dorathie ScolefeUd ... John Cryer Margrate Clegg James Wyld Susan Kershaw John Howorth Ann Wyld Edmund Ogden Ann Frith James Lord Sara Bordman Christopher Chapman Grace Scott James Crosley Katheren Holt ... John Clegg Romsbothom Andrew Shipherd Easter Hamer John PoUett Ann Wild Edmund Butterworth Ales Lowton George MUne Dorathy Wild James Fitton Ales Buckley Robt Chadwicke Ann Ashton ... Thomas Holt Ales Leigh John Tayler Jane Marcroft Abraham Wild Anna Whitaker Roger Brearley Ann Chadwicke Charles Lord [Margrate Brigs Abraham Tayler Grace Buckley Abraham Whitworth Jane Sexton James Howorth Margrate Grime Robt Milne Marie Kershaw James Turnough Grace Ashworth 3 p. 178 EUes Clegg [Marie Butterworth John Cheetam Mary Brearley ... Adam Holt [\IaTy Brearley Edward Scolefeild Elizabeth Piccopp Robt Gorell Susan Woofenden Arthur Scolefeild Ann [Marlden [Remainder of page blank] 1651 -1652-1653 1650 25 September 5 October 30 November 3 December 33 JJ II Februarie 55 JJ 1:651 13 Julie 12 August 21 JJ 15 November 16 JJ 31 December I Januarie Februarie 9 March 23 JJ ] [652 20 ApriU 55 55 11 May 12 53 ... Julie ... JJ JJ 14 September 4 October 5 JJ 19 JJ 9 November 22 Februarie 7 March 1653 7 June 12 July 10 August 6 September [Here end Marriages in Original Volume III.] i653 MARRIAGES 257 Original "Volume IV. 4 p. 61 A true Register booke of all Marriages at Rochdale in the Countie of Lancaster sence the 29*1^ of Septebmer 1653 The purpose of Marriag betweene Arthur Brearley husbandman and Margrate Feilding spinster both of Belfeild in the pish of Rochdale was published in the said pish: Church at the close of Morning Exercise upon three severaU Lords Dayes that is to say upon the 16* day of October 1653 and upon the 23r'i of October and on the 30*'' of the same October according to Act of Parliament Arthur Brearley Husbandman and Margrete Feilding spinster both of BeUeUd in the pish: of Rachdale ware married at Hopwood upon the 31^' day of October 1653 before Edmund Hopwood Esquire one of the Justices of Peace within the said Countie In testimony whereof the said Edmund Hopwood hath subscribed his name Edm: Hopwood [Mem. — All Marriages until 15 Oct: 1657 inclusive are entered in the Register in similar form, and so only the essential particulars are here recorded. All the Marriages were before Edmund Hopwood unless otherwise stated] John SuttcUffe masonn Migerdine Martha SuttcUffe Moreside 4 p. 62 Robt Whithead Delfe Sadleworth pish: Freeholder Easter Chadwicke Rough Bank ... Richard Cropp Bamford Berie pish: Husbandman Ann Ogden Newbold 4 P- 63 Joseph Brearley MUlrow Clothmaker Mary Whithead Husted John Butterworth Turfhill Clothmaker Ales Greenhalgh Town MUne 1653 31 October 28 November 5 December 2 January 258 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 4 p. 64 William Meadowcraft Woolstenholme Freeholder Jane Greave Woodhous Lane ... James Scolefeild Hamer Husbandman Jane Milne Rachdale 4 p. 65 Samuel Rods Rachdale Woolman Mary Dodson Rachdale John Chadwicke Shaw carpenter Mary Brearley Mooreside ... 4 p. 66 James Suttcliff Midgenden Masson Mary Eansworth Rachdale WiUiam Hill Newbold Clothmaker Martha Hayward Quicke Sadleworth pish: 4 p. 67 Robt WUd Castleton Moore husbandman Ann Lees Ostterlands Sadleworth pish: Micahell Clegg Newbold husbandman Mary Sweetelove Tode Lane John Smith Walston Webbster Isabel Pickop Rachdale pish: 1653-1654 1653 5 January 23 j'j 31 JJ 13 February 21 6 March 27 25 18 22 23 25 30 1654 March ApriU May 4 p. 68 John Kershaw Langfeild Heptonstall pish: Clothier Susan Muchell Todmerdine ... 4 p. 69 Edmund Haywood Rachdale Widower Shoemaker Prissillah Rydens d. of Edward Rydens of Rydens John Andrew Birches Ashton pish: Yeoman Jane Chadwicke Crofthead 4 p. 70 John Rodes Denhurst webbster Jane Kershaw Longleyhigh Francis Holt Lowerplace Yeoman Ales Adkensonn Brunedge John ScolefeUd Howorth Clothmaker widower Jane Shore Benchcarr ... Robt Shiphard HouseshUl husbandman EUzabeth Stott Healey Marr 9 September 53 35 10-^7 » 25 JJ 26 „ 30 J, I October 29 „ 10 November 15 JJ 26 „ 28 „ 3 December JJ JJ 5 .. 17 .. 25 26 27 29 7 January JJ JJ 22 24 25 JJ 2 February 4 .. 35 55 5 JJ 33 35 7 .. 1012 „ 17 >. 55 55 5J 55 55 55 18 JJ 1667 8 AprU 28o ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1667 Robt Baxter Mary Littleton Richard Cropper Alice Stocke Lawrence Seddon Margret Meddowcroft WUliam Heaton Jane Holte Richard Holdin Anne Deardin L: John Greewood Ann Kershaw ... Joseph Wardle Elizabeth Sikes Samuel Roads Mary Brearley ... Jeremie Hargreaves Grace Ridens L: ... Robt Chadwicke Ester Jepsonn Richard Readfearne Elizabeth Beighton John Brearley Elizabeth Lord John Lewes Jane Kay ... Joseph Marcraft Mary Hodgson James Whitworth Dorathy Goiild John Shepley Mary Hide James Howorth Margret Dawson John Taylor Elizabeth Wolfenden Thomas Pilkenton Sara Morcliffe 5 P- 79 Edmund Taylor Mary Firth James Dawson Mary Wolfenden James Hoyle Mary Brearley James Kershaw Ann Ormerodd James Steed Judeth EUison Robt Smethurst Elizabeth Kershaw ... Joseph Unsworth Jane WUd Joseph Lord Susan Feilding WUliam Howorth Ales Pickop Micahell Clegg Sara Turnough John Boudell Ann Greenrodd ... James Feilding Jane Scoles James Whitworth Margret Brearley ... John Baxter Dorathy No well ... Robt Lees Ales Kay William Ashton Grace Lord John Bentley Dorathy Hollows Richard Kennion Judeth Deaiden William Medocraft Abigale Browne Joseph Leigh Ann Heaton L: ... Robt Dearden Jane Holt Henry Hoyle Susan Eastwood ... John Leach Mary Wild William Nuttall Grace Dickson John Pickop Ann Thornton EUes Nutter Ann Lord Richard Knutforth EUzabeth Cowp ... James Lord Susan Bodden Edmund Fletcher Mary Whitaker I :6b7 8 AprU 9 14 55 16 18 24 JJ 5 May 7 14 19 20 JJ 27 28 4 June 9 JJ 10 55 18 55 55 55 24 33 25 55 27 35 JJ 53 1 '. July 9 35 16 55 25 55 30 55 .6 August 7 55 21 55 29 55 33 55 II Septembei 55 55 12 33 22 55 23 55 24 35 14 October 21 JJ 55 55 22 JJ 30 I667-I668 MARRIAGES Nicholas Neeld Margret Pike Thomas Buckley Jane Rods John Hamer Mary Fyrth I began . . . Edmund Bamford Susan Breailey Fabian Whithead Ales Livesey John Howorth Jane Roads James Clegg Elizabeth Clough William Taylor Jane Clegg James Hayward Rebecka Butterworth Franches WoUenden Mary Bentley Mr Whi: Georg Roads Mary Brearley John Burges Ann Tomlenson L: AbeU Ashworth EUzabeth MUne Heijry Howorth Ales PUkington L: 5 p. 80 John Whithead Elnor Blakley Robt Rodd Mary Taylor John Marsar EUen MUne Mr Whitle . . . Daniel Lees Mary Blakeley James ScolefeUd Mary Wolfenden James Brearley Mary Healey ... James Hayward Margret Hayward John Fenton Ann Pitt Robt Whithead Jane Leach James Smith Mary Wild Arthur Whithead Grace Butterworth ... John Tattersale Mary Ashworth James Hopwood Ann Holt Joseph Leigh Ales Hayward Jonathan Readfearne Ann Turnough ... John Rothell Ann Cheetham ... Joseph Clegg Ann Clegg Lawrance Fletcher Susan Lowton Mr P: Henry Hardman Elizabeth Holt Henry Scolefeild Mary Cowp ... Charles Beighton Ales Wolfenden James Chadwicke Grace Hollows Richard Rawson Grace Smith ... James Cheetham Ann Dearden Robt Shore EUen Whitworth L: James Turnough Ann Stott Mr EUison James Taylor Mary Hoyle Richard [Fitton Anna Pendleton L: ... Richard Leach Mary Jaques John Hargreaves Lettes Ormarrodd of Whaley Abraham Hollows Ann Hanson 281 1667 2 November 5 ,j 10 „ II JJ 24 JJ 25 JJ 28 „ 30 ,j 19 Januarie 23 JJ 2 Februarie 4 JJ 1668 31 March 8 AprieU 27 JJ 30 JJ I May 2 „ 3 JJ 4 JJ 7 .. 9 " 55 55 II JJ 13 JJ 18 J, 27 ,. 10 June 15 JJ 16 242528 „ I July II JJ 19 .' JJ JJ 26 3 August 4 JJ 10 282 ROCHDALE REGISTERS Abell Brearley Mary Milne Alexander Turnough Mary Rodd John Bridg Ales Kershaw John Hamer Jane Standring 5 p. 8i John Wolfenden Grace Robertshaw L: John Tattersale Ales Wolfenden WiUiam Ashton Francis Bradshaw L: Giles Tomlenson Ann Byrch L: Thomas Hopwood Martha Ashworth ... Jonathan Milne Martha Clegg John Ramsden Sara Turnough James Sale Jane Ogden Abraham Whithead Martha Haslam ... Edmund Dearden Mary Clegg ... Daniel BirstaU Elizabeth Brearley James Wolfenden Martha Leigh James Standring Mary Milne MrG:... Charles Stott Ann Butterworth L: James Whitworth Mary Wolfenden ... John Stott Mary Taylor Abraham Hamer Hannah Kershaw ... Thomas PoUett Mary PoUett L: Richard Urmstone [\Iary Shelmerden L: Alexander Turnough Elizabeth Whitworth Mr Kepax Robt Butterworth Mary Cooe ... James Whitworth Mary Taylor Edward Walker Mary Thorpe L: Robt Sewtell Ann Hamer John MuUanex Agnes Lassey ... John Wigan Deborah Feilding ... James Bamford Margret Whitaker Henry Dickenson Mary Ancocke L: ... John Butterworth Jane Buckley James CoUings Jane Scolfeild ... James Howorth Margret Hai?graves ... John Fish Mary Taylor 5 p. 82 John Webb Mary Scolefeild Edward Bruer Elizabeth Taylor John Chadwicke Mary Turnough John Holt Ann Brearley Isacke Hirst Mary Greve George Knowls Isabell Dawson ... ,, James Lowton Mary Bridg 13 Jeremie Berry Ann Shore ,, George Franckland Ann Chadwicke Mr Hu: ) 1668-1669 1668 10 August 13 33 17 18 3355 30 35 31 3 33 September 19 33 21 53 JJ 28 33 55 JJI October 13 26 53 3'3 29 2 33 November 10 35 II J J 16 1813 5555 December 20 35 14 Januarie 27 2 35 Februarie 3 35 7 33 55 35 II 55 13 55 14 35 15 16 5535 18 3) 35 22 33 JJ 33 JJ I 12 :669 Ap: 1669 MARRIAGES 283 Abraham Crabtree Isabell Stansfeild ... Isack CoUings Mary Howorth Robt Haughton Mary Standring Thomas Smith Martha Wofenden John Butterworth Ann Brearley Abraham Fenton Ann Dearden John WorraU Liddia Lees John Stott Elizabeth Clegg John Scoles Susan Winterbothom Thomas Dearden EUen Strickland Robt MUne Jane Stott James Howorth Mary Butterworth James Clegg Mary Kershaw WiUiam Crompton EUzabeth Newton L: James Hey Jane Kershaw James Chadwicke Ann Lord .,. Jonathan Tayler Mary Tayler Edward Duc[kworth Mary Fielding James Doudson Martha Stopport L: ... Edmund Scolefield Grace Butterworth John Chadwicke Grace Dawson James Thorpe Margret Heyes L: John Taylor Mary Kershaw Robt BirstaU Mary Butterworth Thomas Lord Mary Smith James SuttcUffe Mary Butterworth Mr Crab: 5 p. 83 Thonas Hide Mary Ingham L: Abraham Buckley Ales Hargraves Abell Greenrod Mary Whitaker Alexander MUne Mary Farrar ... Isacke Taylor Ales Whitworth Samuel Dewhorst Elizabeth Mickelethwaite L: Robt Chadwicke Elizabeth Whitley ... John Lord Mary Hollows Mr Parrey Richard Holt Ales Brearley James Tayler Elizabeth Bamford Mr Boulton Samuel Milne Jane Ormerrodd L: John Butterworth Sara Cley John Tayler Margret Holt John Butterworth Ales Scoreer L: John Rodds Ales Rodds L: Jonathan Milne Sara Hill Steven Bellett EUen Jaques L: Abraham Leigh Ann Tayler Thomas Smith Mary Dipplfeach L: 1669 17 Ap: 20 „ May 1324 30 31 JJ 16 June 19 J. 20 ,, 26 „ 27 JJ 28 „ 4 July 15 August 30 JJ 6 September 12 „ 13 JJ 26 2730II 26 October 28 35 5 November 15 55 20 53 29 33 30 55 5 December I Januarie 23 53 25 55 27 55 5 Februarie 284 ROCHDALE REGISTERS James Greve Ann Liber aft James Holt Ann Cleggs ... James Higham Ales Watson L: Nicholas Houghton Mary Cooke L: ... Edward Butterworth Ester L: Richard Wosnum Elizabeth Garlecke L: Arthur Holt Mary ScolefeUd James Wardleworth Jane Haward Charles Belfeild Mary Lotton Edmund Holland Presillah Howorth Mr Wol: John Halliwell Susan SuttcUffe L: John Whithead Mary Taylor John Holding Isabell Stott L: Abraham Ann L: Edmund Taylor Mary CoUings William Smethes Jennet Bushell Lawrance Kender Ann Knot at Sadleworth John Holt Ann Wolfenden 5 p. 84 James Clough Hanna L: Thomas Rodd Mary Holt Richard Shaw Elizabeth Smith Robt Kershaw Mary MUne Mr Guy ... John Jones Ales Newton L: Thomas Greve Katheren Scolefeild ... Thomas Butterworth Ann Shore Abraham Wrigley Susan Marsden James Ashworth Ales Ashworth Thomas Taylor Sara Chatterton L: John Brearley Jane Clegge L: ... James Milne Ann Buckland L: Thomas Bridge Grace Lighttowlers ... Richard Royd Susan Greenewood Jonathan Croksley Susan L: Daniel Stocke Elizabeth Simson Charles Milne Ales Brearley Edmund Kershaw Ann Jackson John Willson Jane Readfearne L: William Stocke Jane Scolefeild William Bayley Sara Selbey L: Samuel Greenwodd Susan Howorth ... Nicholas Dunster Ann Butterworth Mr Sco: Charles Turnough Mary Clegg ... James Lewes Ales Cropp Nathan SuteU Martha Hollows James Holt Martha Howorth ... 5 1669- 1670 1669 6 February 7 jj 12 JJ 14 ] 4 JJ [670 April 55 33 33 55 5 6 55 55 15 55 20 55 25 26 53 14 May 33 55 15 33 22 35 24 55 31 JJ 6 June 13 16 55 14 16 July 55 25 14 25 35 August 53 29 31 13 September 27 ,j 29 JJ 3 October I670-I67I MARRIAGES Robt Brearley Susan Wood Jeremie Lord Elizabeth Butterworth John Thorpe Martha Lees L: ... John Hardman Sara Haslam L: Robt Brearley Jane Whitworth Henry Butterworth Mary Greenrodd Thomas Shore Mary Readfearne Richard Wrooe Dorathy Catherell L: John Butterworth Ruth Firth L: Thomas Eansworth Elizabeth Brearley EUes Chadwicke Mary Lord 5 p. 85 Francis Healey Dorathie Whitaker Given Thomas Whitaker Dorathy Holt John HUl Ales Berry James Crosley Mary CoUings WilUam Hopwood Joan Gartsid Robt Holding Elizabeth Harber John Clegg Mary Scoles Abraham Turnough Mary Butterworth Bonaventur Turnough Ann Chadwicke L: Henry Readshaw Sare [sic] Holdsworth James Taylor Sara WUd Edmund Smith Jane Turnough Joseph Taylor Sara WUd Joseph Dearden Jane Booe Alexander Redley Winefret Chadwicke Abraham Woolfenden Mary Woolfenden Richard Elizabeth L: MicaheU Butterworth Ann Dunster James Firth Jane Lewes Robt Sutcliff Mary Brearley ... Thomas Loton Ales Butterworth L: John Brearley Grace Scolefield WiUiam Lister Mary Harrison ... Edmund Leach Jennett Howarth Henry Holt Ales WorraU Christopher Jackson Ann Eastwood George MUne Sara Streete Isaac Gartsid Mary Dewhorst L: Martaine Scolefield Ann Grinrodd L: John Walkden Katheren Medocraft Isaac Scolefield Mary Whitaker L: Abraham Milne Jane Wolfenden Richard Wilkenson Ann Lord ... John Turnough Ann Hayward 285 1670 9 October JJ J, 30 JJ 4 November 5 „ 30 „ 28 December 31 JJ 9 Januarie 15 JJ 16 J, 18 „ 24 JJ 31 JJ 5 Februarie 9 JJ 14 JJ 15 ,j 23 ,j 2 March 1671 24 Ap: 2 May 9 " 21 JJ 29 J, 6 June 7 » 12 „ 27 JJ I July 31 JJ 1 August 23 ,j 31 .. 12 September 14 JJ 2122 „ 286 ROCHDALE REGISTER Samuel Whipp Ann Marsar Robt Hollows Ales Heaward Edmund Dickson Mary Boulton John Garsid Rebecah Littleton James Clegg Jane Hoyle John Stott Mary Shore 5 p. 86 Arthur Smethurst Elizabeth Eglebey ... John NuttaU Mary Scoles Thomas Lees Mary Scolefield ... James Whitworth Ann Brearley Richard Hobson Jane Walker 1,: John SuttcUffe Mary Lees John Woodhead Martha Emett Richard RothweU EUzabeth Stott L: ... Richard Clegg Sara Hayward ... James Leach Jane Livsey Mr Sco: duble dues ... John Harrison Mary Newbold L: Joseph Wardle Elizabeth Holding Robt Knowls Mary Hollows Lawrance Law Mary Lord Adam Brearley Susan Nuttall ... Charles Clegg Jane ScolfeUd WiUiam \^^ardleworth Mary Hardman Arthur Turnough Ann Clegg Abra: Taylor Elizabeth Hopwood Robt Clough Katheren Stout alias Clough L: James Whitley Ales Whitworth Mr Butterworth Raph Hamer Jane Newbold L: Robt Adcroft Dorathie Hudson L: ... Robt Scolefield Sara Wolfenden Abraham Fitton Mary Milne L: John Chadwicke Sarah Taylor L: Abraham Turnough Ales [Rodds Abraham Unsworth Susan Haughton ... OttaweU Holt Mary Stott Raph Hunt Bridget Chilkett Henry Clay Ann Butterworth ... James Butterworth Mary Cheetham ... John Cooke Mary Crosley L: Robt Rodds Mary Holdworth James Scolefield Ann Greve Jonas Dickson Elizabeth Hoyle James Hartley Grace SuttcUffe John Buckley Mary Milne 1671-1672 1671 28 September 30 JJ 2 October 10 „ 23 24 30 „ 6 November 21 12 December 21 16 Januarie 29 JJ 5 5 5 5 5 Februarie 7 .. II 12 JJ 13 18 -78 33 ^0 1 18 :672 Apriel 29 JJ 5 May JJ JJ II June 24 I Ju'l'y 5 53 22 33 25 4 35 August 12 16 3555 19 33 20 ,, 21 55 1672-1673 MARRIAGES 5 p. 87 Richard Howorth Katheren Bamford Robt Shaw Ann Hollows James Hardman Susan Shipheard Edmund Haywood EUen Howorth L: WiUiam Ogden Mary BerdsaU L: William Jawett Jane Howorth Gauther Butterworth Ales Butterworth Abraham Chadwicke Ales Holland John Chadwicke Ann Wood Richard Whitworth Jane Fitton James Clegge Margery Clegg Arthur Scolefield Ann Scolefield L: from Manchester Henry Dickson Elizabeth Milne Richard Readfearne Elizabeth WorraU James Howorth Jennet Looe ... Edward HoUows Ester Brearley James Lord Grace Clegg Thomas Bamford Mary Healey Richard Yats Mary Dunster Edmund Clegge Margret Cleaton Jonathan Hollows Jane Leigh John Kershaw Susan Ogden John Stansfield Ann Hartley James Clegg Martha Buckley Samuel Whitworth Mary Holt Abraham Healey Sara Smith John WUd Mary Butterworth John Bossewell Judith Sharplus James Kershaw Grace Turnough James Turnough Jane Clegge ... John Ashton Mary Brearley James Greve Susan Watson James Milne Martha Buckley ... James Ramsbothom Mary Turnough 5 p. 88 Robt Turnough Elizabeth Turnough John Smith Ann Chadwicke John Lord Mary Milne Roger Pelkendon Susan Streete John Whithead Susan Wolfenden John Jackson Jane Cass James SuttcUffe Mary Wolfenden John Wolfenden Jane Whitaker William Haslam [Mary Rodd Samuel Streete Mary Leigh Daniel Sumerstone Mary Dewhorst WiUiam Kershaw Susan Looe ... 287 1672 31 August II Sepr 16 „ 16 October JJ JJ 21 JJ 19 November 30 JJ 25 December 7 Januarie 10 „ 12 JJ 26 „ 27 JJ 55 55 30 ,, 2 Februarie 4 ,j 10 JJ II JJ 1673 I Apr 14 ,, 17 JJ 29 ,J 5 May 8 „ 12 JJ 19 26 JJ JJ 3 June II 35 16 55 25 „ 29 55 35 55 30 7 Ju'l'y 15 ,, 21 ,, 22 , J 31 55 288 ROCHDALE REGISTERS John Berren Mary Whithead ... John Taylor Mary Clegge Thomas Butterworth Ann Scoles L: ... Arthur Turnough Margret Turnough ... Richard Ormerrodd Mary Smethorst L: John Pedley Johana Macon L: James Fenton Katheren WorraU John Readfearne Mary Brearley Adam Whitworth Deborah Dawson ... John Greve Ales Marcraft John Fielding Ann Kershaw John Wolfenden Elizabeth Scolefield ... John Butterworth Ann Fletcher John Gabbet Ales Leigh James Lister Jane Ogden Henry Clegg Susan Bentley Edmund Whithead Mary Kennion L: John Hariar Margret Whithead Abraham Whitworth Ann Whitworth Abraham Whitworth Elenor Clegge James Holt Jane Dearden James Sutcliffe Sara Dickson ... Edmund PoUet Elizabeth Grimshaw L: Henry Bancraft Isabell Yanis L: Samuel Turnough Sara Turnough L: ... Robt Taylor Mary Dewhorst L: Francis Dickson Mary Turnough Edmund Ogden Ann Gartsid L: James Kershaw Mary Turnough Robt Butterworth Ales Whitaker 5 p. 89 John Bamford Mary Bamford WUliam Watmough Jane Hollows IsraeU Clegg Ann Farrar WUliam Scolfield Mary Butterworth ... Thomas RothweU Mary Holding Abraham Taylor Jane Dearden Abraham Greenrodd Ales Clegge Mathew Woodhead Jane Taylor James Stott Ann Jacson AbeU Dicson Ales Whitaker Jonas Nuby Mary Hanson Richard Chadwicke Mary Dawson Abraham Heapp Ann HUl Charles Howorth Jane Kershaw John PoweU Isabell Greenwood James Wrigley Jane MUne L: James Taylor Susan Libcraft 5 1673-1674 1673 31 July 4 August 10 33 II 35 12 35 18 33 20 33 23 33 25 55 26 55 28 55 2 September 9 55 15 55 23 55 6 October 14 35 27 55 28 55 53 33 29 35 I November 5 53 7 55 24 53 25 33 12 December 13 55 53 55 19 55 25 55 53 35 2 Februarie 9 35 JJ 33 12 35 23 55 24 55 3 March 53 35 1674 26 Apr 27 53 4 May 12 33 26 55 8 June 1674-1675 MARRIAGES Thomas Butterworth Judeth Rodd James Buckley Dinah Tetlah ... Robt Durden Elizabeth Kershaw Edmund Simson Katheren Loton John Butterworth Elizabeth Whitaker Joseph Drake Margret Holt John Robertshaw Mary Chadwicke Thomas Stott Easter Chadwicke Arthur WorraU Ann Hayward ... William Dearden Jane Leuthwaite John Scolefield Sara Clegg 5 p. 90 Robt Wolfenden Judeth Jackson Robt Wild Mary Holme James Fletcher Jennet Byrom ... Andrew Hoyle Sara Greenrodd John Fletcher Mary Hayward ... John CoUinge Ales Taylor Samuel Johnson Ales Taylor John WorraU Ester Wostenholme William Bowker Ales Taylor ... Samuel Taylor Ester Whitworth Joseph Brearley Sara Scolefield Isaac Wolfenden Margret Turnough James Maden Grace Rodds James Brearley Grace Buckley L: James Royds Mary Byrom John Heape Ann Ashworth Robt Dawson Elizabeth Gorild Arthur Scolefield Ester Jaques L WilUam Rodd Ester Lord James CoUings Ales Brearley Robt Ashworth Sarah Ridens James Grime Mary Cheetham John Holland Jane Scolefield James Taylor Mary Stringer Abraham Wolfenden Mary Butterworth Thomas Cheetham PrisiUah Stott Samuell Milne Martha Stringer John Scolefield Ann Shipheard James Grime Elizabeth Milne ... James Lees Mary Fenton 5 p. 91 John Askwith Ales Readfearne Robt Scolefield Ann Howorth ... James Smethorst Grace HUl Thomas Ensworth EUen Adfield Edward Scolefield EUen Hardman John Greenrodd Elizabeth Tattersall 289 1674 23 June 5 July 22 „ 21 September 27 JJ 24 October 27 JJ 10 November II 15 Januarie 2 Februarie 5 jj 6 J, 1675 26 Apr 4 May 31 JJ I June 8 ,j 2021 22 29 3 July 26 31 .. 8 August 30 6 September 16 JJ 22 30 3 October II JJ 13 JJ 18 „ 26 3 5 33 27 28 „ 28 November 7 December 3 Januarie 10 J, 16 „ 30 7 Februarie 296 rochdAle registers John Scolefield Ann Ashworth John Ogden Elizabeth Clegg WiUiam Whitaker Katheren Leaver ... Abraham Crosley Mary Baron John Baret Ann Farrar ... Robt Kay Ann Butterworth John Dickson Elizabeth Healey Samuel Cryer Grace Hollows James Milne Katheren Bamford William Leigh Sara Whitaker Robt Smethorst Jane Kershaw John CoUings Ales Whitworth Edmund Butterworth Mary Shore John Lord Ales Whitaker John Butterworth Mary Shore L: from Denton John Howorth Sara Marcraft ... Thomas Hindle Judeth Hamer L: Abraham Lees Elizabeth Whitworth ... Robt Ashworth Mary Stott Theophilus Halliwell Gent: Ann Kershaw L: Richard Whitworth Ales Shacklocke ... Robt Clegg Elizabeth Buckley James Hoyle Ales Holt ... Henry Taylor EUzabeth Durden James Whitley Ales Stott Richard Atherton Esq: Mistress Isabell Holt James Lord IsabeU Clegge Adam Booker Susan Tetley 5 p. 92 Edmund Watmough Ales Butterworth Ambrose Whaley Jane Cryer WUliam Hutton Ales Lighttowlers Semion Wolfenden Mary Hall ... James Turnough Ester Shipheard Thomas Wolfenden Mary Leigh William RothweU Mary Lighttowlers ... Robt HiU Mary Healey James Rodds Jane Stott Edmund Leach Elizabeth Hollows John Broadbent Ann Brearley John Belfield Martha Leigh ' Thomas Lord Sara Turnough James Clegg Mary Butterworth Thomas Berry Jane Leigh Abraham Cheetham Jane Loton 1676-1677 1676 29 March 53 55 18 Apr 28 55 I May 4 33 II 35 15 53 JJ ,, 4 June 5 53 27 ,, 3 July 26 55 6 September ,, 55 2 October 3 55 17 53 31 35 9 November 12 55 15 53 26 55 27 35 5555 35 35 30 53 I December 4 55 55 S3 8 Januarie -C4 33 4 Februarie 7 ., 24 ,, 25 33 5* 35 26 35 35 27 53 55 35 35 1677 16 Apr ^7 i677 MARRIAGES 291 Marten Tetlah Martha Hardy Robt Fitton Jane CoUinge Peter Butterworth Stocke Joseph Waidle Mary Clegg Abraham Milne Sara Buckley ... ) ., . William Crabtree Elizabeth Leach j James Butterworth Kershaw Edmund Chatterton Isabell Hardman Thomas Hayward Elizabeth Nuttall Richard Wolfenden Susan Lord James Kershaw Mary Dawson ... James Whitworth Ales Lord Samuel Shore Christina Littleton Abraham PUling Grace Hargraves Joseph Bamford Elizabeth Holdsworth Samuel Hamer Ales Byrom Samuel Crabtree Mary Pilling ... Robt Leigh Mary Macon Henry Holt Mary Leach James Jaques Ann Scolefield at Todmerden Thomas Bridg Jane Breailey ... James Greenrodd Grace Milne ... Robt Clegg Jane Wolfenden 5 p. 93 George Giimshaw Elizabeth Bannister L James Stocke Mrs Mary Ashton L: James Haslam Ann Milne EUes Chadwicke Mary Hopwood John Durden Jane Ingham at Littlebrough L: Jonathan Wolfenden Ester Newbold L: Richard Ogden Ales Rodds Abraham Fitton Elizabeth Gleve L: George Rodds Martha Smith Robt Butterworth Margret Chadwicke L,: Edmund Robenson Grace Boulton Abraham Taylor Ann Wild James NuttaU EUen Taylor James Taylor Ann Turnough ... Thomas Tetlah Ales HoUand L: Joseph Lighttowlars Jane Leigh WUUam Stansfield Mary WUd ... Thomas Brameford Katherin Scolefield Jonathan Cranedg Margret Taylor John Brearley Ales Scolefield ... Edmund Topping Ann Stott Edmund Milne Mary Feilding ... James Butterworth Mary Greenwood 1677 17 Apr 15 33 24 ,j 13 May 17 >. 23 ,. 33 55 5 June 6 „ 24 ,j 2 July 4 JJ 19 » 26 „ 10 August II 19 =. 26 „ 30 3 September 6 „ 13 JJ 18 JJ 26 „ I October 9 .. 17 .. 6 November JJ JJ 15 JJ 18 „ I December 15 Januarie 5 Februarie 292 ROCHDALE REGISTERS James Cheetham Anna Brearley Joseph Travis Jennet Hoyle Nathan Kershaw Mary Crosley L: Raph Shipheard Mary Taylor L: Abraham WUd Elizabeth Butterworth Robt Milne Ann Howorth John Duckworth Judeth Hamer James Scolefield Ann Howorth Edward Hollows Mary Ogden ... Edmund Leigh Ann [Berry Micahell Heape Jane Scolefield James Turnough Mary Smethorst 5 p. 94 Samuel Butterworth Ann Simson Lawrance Smith Jane Wolfenden James MUne Jane Lord ... James Lord Sara Grenewood Thomas Chadwicke Mary Di James Clough Ales Milne Robt Kershaw Dorcus Whithead Oldham pish: ... Henry Keley Mary Ward L: John Breailey Susan Firth Cert: from Middleton Jonathan Scolefield Mary Hamer John Smith Mary Brearley Edmund Wrigley Mary Whitworth Peter Bowker Mary Wrigley John Maden Sara Whitworth ... Edward Clegge Margret Turnough Isaac Wild Sara Mjlne Robt Collier Mary Ramsbothom Joshua Newbey Ales Ogden Joseph Taylor Mary Farrar James Frith Jane Milne James Clayton Ales Buckley L: John CoUinge Ann Milne Edmund Clegge Ann Birch L,: ... Henry Taylor [Mary Hargreaves from Yealand Thomas Brearley Elizabeth Prestley Huddarsfield James Kennion Sara Smith L: Robt Booth Ann Harbord John Butterworth Sara Clegg ... Lawrance Booth Ann Holt of Bury ... John Royds Ales Wolfenden John Clegg Elizabeth Whithead 1677-1678 1677 6 Februarie II 12 1678 I Apr 21 55 25 55 55 35 30 53 2 May 5 35 14 53 21 33 28 55 II June 13 55 16 53 20 53 II July 15 33 16 3) 22 35 II August 14 55 18 • 33 26 33 27 35 53 55 9 September 27 55 8 October 22 5' 23 55 5 November 18 35 27 »5 28 35 1678-1679 MARRIAGES 293 1678 30 November 26 Deer 14 Januarie 21 1 [Pebruarie 10 „ 16 „ 18 ,j 27 JJ 2 March Ottawell WorraU Anna Hamer Edmund Holt Elizabeth Buckley 5 P- 95 John Taylor Dorathie Whitworth James Clegge Ann Livesey Cert: Middleton Anthonie Crosley Marth FeUding John Scolefield Mary Chadwicke WiUiam Turton Ann Whitworth James Shorrocks Mary Whitworth Abraham WUkenson [Ester Holding John Scolefield Mary Roadds John Brearley Jane Taylor Robt HUl Jane Leach 3 ,, Henry Butterworth Ann Wolfenden ... ,, „ Joseph Brearley Mary HiU ... ... ,, „ Israll Clegg Judeth Wormall 4 „ Abraham Brearley Mary Milne ... „ „ Adam MUne Grace Bridg ,, „ Evan Berry Katheren Whitaker L: ... 12 ,, Joshua Duerden Grace Hamer L: ... 13 jj ^ ^ . . ^^79 Robt Brigs Mary Lister 21 Apr Arthur Scolefield Mary Wardleworth ... ,, ,, John Smethorst Mary Whitley ... „ ,, WiUiam Chadwicke Ann Clegg ,, ,, Joseph Leigh Katherine Buckley ... „. ,, Jeremy Langley Leeds EUz: Mercer ... 1 May John [Butterworth Elizabeth Lightowlers ,, ,, Joseph MUne Sara Wild Oldham pish: 4 ,, Edmund Howorth Ann Ashworth ... 5 „ John Ashworth Mary Lord ... ... 19 ,, Edmund Stott Ales Hollows ... ... 20 ,, John Clegge Mary Ogden 3 June William Standring Mary Wolfenden ... 9 ,, James Wolfenden Mary Clegg ... ... „ ,, Nicholas Dunster Elizabeth Leakland Hudarsfield 10 „ Richard Ogden EUzabeth Holt ... „ „ James Jackson Mary Smith ... ... „ „ Edmund Holt Jane Roads ,, „ 5 p. 96 Edmund Turnough Lidia Lord ... i July WUliam Butterworth Sara Smith ... 14 „ Micahell Butterworth Mary Brearley ... 21 ,, Thomas Lord Martha Hopwood L: ... 23 „ John Winterbothom Sara Byrom ... 29 ,, Robt Brearley Mary Hartley 12 August Micahell Stanckcliff Hudarsfield Mary RothweU , 19 ,, 294 ROCHDALE REGISTERS Andrew Hoyle Elizabeth Bamford Robt Holdworth Ann Medocraft Thomas Baxter Katheren Whitaker ... William Brealry [sic] Ann Buckley WUliam Heaton Elizabeth Howorth ... Daniel Sladen Mary Holdworth William Berry Blackborne Jane Kennion Licence from Mr Hargreves of Colne Franches Bolton Mary Keishaw Emanuel Whitaker Mary Wolfenden ... Edmund Buckley Sadleworth Ales Wild Middleton Cert: from both pishes: John Lewes Mary Milne John Boothe Oldham pish: Dorathie Travis L: by Mr Adames Robt Ingham Whaley pish: Elizabeth RothweU L: by Mr Hargreves Colne Jefory Lumax Ann Hamer John Duckworth Ann Leach both Middleton pish: Abraham Brearley EUzabeth Suttcliff William Duckworth Margret Turnough James Lord Mary Ashworth Henry Crosley Mary Feilding ... Joshua FeUding Sara Hotching Padiam 5 p. 97 Robt Kershaw Mary Shore WUliam Ingham Heptonstall Martha HUl James Smith PrisUah Hollows both of Bylame [sic] Jonathan Scolefield Mary Lord Henry Holt Ales Wolfenden Robt Harrison Martha Howarth Midleton James Wrigley EUen Brearley ... William Kershaw Elizabeth [Holt Robt Ingham Mary Flouder Robt Healey Mary Brigs James Roadds Grace Hartley John Holt Mary Milne William Earnshaw Mary Stott James Turnough Ales [Berry Robt Chadwicke Mary Casson Robt Whitworth Ales MuUanex Edmund Duckworth Elizabeth Brewer Henry Spencer Sara Hayward John Holt Ann Chadwicke ,, WiUiam Leigh Sara Scolefield 13 George Hartley EUzabeth SuttcUff 1679-1680 1 679 21 August 23 33 35 33 24 33 31 53 33 33 II September 16 33 22 55 30 35 2 October JJ 55 5 55 12 55 28 55 J, 55 2 November 6 55 53 55 13 55 17 55 18 55 28 53 8 December 16 53 19 55 55 35 25 53 7 Januarie 53 55 3 Februarie 9 55 12 55 17 55 21 55 22 55 1680 12 Apr i68o MARRIAGES John Wolfenden Mary Ashworth John Clegge Jane Clegge Isaac Clegg Jennett Gabbott Samuel Crosley Susan Holt Richard Clegge Ann Hamer Thomas Royds Jane Brearley L: John Howorth [Easter Chadwicke Henry Bamford Sara Chadwicke Mathew Cranedg Mary Hanson James WUd Grace Farrar Edward Clegg Mary Chadwick 5 p. 98 John MeUer Astbury Ann Low Cert: from Mr HiU AbeU Brearley Grace CoUinge James Hayward Mary Wood WiUiam Lord Jane Smith Thomas Bridg Ann Brearley Cert: Oldham Isaac Brearley Grace Haughton Richard WUd Jane HiU Edmund HoUows Catherine Cheetham George Francleton EUen Scolefield WilUam Shaw Elizabeth Taylor James Brearley Mary Dickson ... Robt Maxwell Martha Lees John Taylor Mary Fenton James Baren Mary Howorth John Milne Ann [Kershaw James Scolefield Sara Stott Roger Milne Mary Scolefield Francis Scolefield Margret Aspen Abraham Whitworth Mary Withinton... Abell Butterworth Mary [Fosster Edmund Grenrodd Elizabeth Milne ... Paul Greenwood Ales Cheetham Robt Whitworth Elizabeth Buckley ... James Chadwicke Ales Ogden ... John Howorth Jane Turnough Alexr Turnough Mary Butterworth ... Alexr Whitworth Ales Crompton Jeffrey Palmer of Carleton in the County of Leicester Esq: Elizabeth Grantham of Castleton L: from Mr Henry Pigot 5 p. 99 James SuttcUffe Mary Taylor Edmund Leach Elizabeth WUd John Maden Ann Lord ... Ambros Greenwood Judeth Fielding Cert: from Hepton:J 295 1680 20 Apr 27 „ JJ J, 15 May 16 „ 20 „ 23 ,j 30 „ 14 June 17 .. 22 „ 30 „ 3 July 4 .. 6 „ 8 „ 29 „ 3 August 5 ., 23 J, 24 .. 26 „ 29 „ 31 JJ 6 September ,» ,, 7 .. 20 J, 12 October 13 JJ 28 „ 1 November 17 .. 28 „ 15 December 7 Januarie 20 „ 31 .J 2 Februarie 12 „ 14 " 296 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1680-1681 1680 Joshua Lord Katheren Ashworth ... 14 Februarie 1681 Timothy Etocke Ales Ogden 3 Apr John Whitworth Mary Standring ... 4 ,, James Hayward Isabell Hayward ... j, jj Robt Cropp Midleton Mary Crosley ... 26 ,, JamesDawsonMary CoUinge L: Mr Pigot 30 ,, James Grime Martha Kershaw ... i May Richard Overall Bury Elizabeth Kershaw ,, ,, Robt Parr Susan Crompton both Prestwedge L: Mr Pigot 10 „ Robt Grime Mary Milne ,, ,, Edmund Fielding Ales Scolefield ... „ ,, Jonathan Seed Preston Margaret Kennion L: Mr, Francis Prise of Blackburn... 12 ,, Robt Robenson Marth Low both Manchester pish: L: Mr Pigot John Butterworth Sara Brearley Isaac Wolfenden Isabell Butterworth ... William Kershaw Jane Milne ... Henry Farrer Dorathie Shaw ... Zachary Fielding Judeth Foster of Burnley Samuel Cxabtree Martha Fielding 5 p. 100 Edmund Whithead Mary Roads Isaac Newby Mary Boulton Francis Stott Jane Lord Thomas Wolfenden Susan Whitworth Edmund Ashworth Ales Bridge John Scolefield Jane Berry John Bridge Mary George Stansfield Margret Fielding ... John Clegg Mary Mathew William Fenton Susan Wild L: ... 2 August Charles Stott Ann Stocke L: ... ... 23 ,, Joshua Cheetham EUen Hopwood Midleton ,, ,, Abraham Stott Jane Stott ... ... ,, ,, James MUne Easter Walker Radcliffe ... 30 ,, James CoUinge EUen PoUet 12 September Edmund Butterworth Ales Shore ... 2 October Robt .... Mary Howorth Oldham ... 3 James Lord Sara Holdworth ,, ,, [Page cut, there may have been another entry] 5 p). IOI Jonathan Hollows Grace Brearley ... 13 ,, John Brearley Elizabeth Butterworth 18 ,, Barnard Brearley Easter Brearley ... i November James Wolfenden Jennet Ormerrodd ... 3 „ 15 33 22 33 23 55 24 33 25 35 30 55 55 55 7 June 20 53 JJ 55 4 July 5 33 12 55 JJ 55 21 55 26 55 i68i-i682 MARRIAGES Robt Wolfenden Susan Macon George Smethorst Jane Crosley Thomas Coupe Mary HUl Thomas Stott Ann Scolefield John Smethorst Magdelen Jackson L: Alexr Kershaw Marget Hamer Jonathan Taylor Mary Stott Robt Buckley Elizabeth Turnough ... James Standring Sara Stott L: Nehemiah Baker of Walton pish: Mary MUne 5 p. 102 Abraham Taylor Grace Butterworth ... Thomas Butterworth Sara Hibbard ... James Butterworth Oldham pish: Mary Taylor William MUne Easter Lord John HiU IsabeU Holt Bury James Hoyle Susan Kay Mr Robt Holt Sara Wood L: John Chadwicke Ann Sarson Joseph Clegge Jane Stott John Ogden Margret Ingham ... Abraham Taylor Ann Pedley L: John Grime Sara Ashworth James Dawson Ann Wolfenden L: John Smethorst Dorathie Holt EUes Haslam Isabell Stott John Chadwicke Ann ; . . . . Prestwedg L: by Mr John Hoyde of SaUord Mr Barret James Crabtree Elizabeth Halliwell ... 5 p. 103 James Ogden Ann Collier James Birch Ales Greve Robt Shipheard Martha Stott Thomas Holt Martha Brearley John Brearley Susan Taylor of Hudarsfield John Clough Susan Clegg David Brearley Martha Piatt John MUne Mary Butterworth Daniel Hollows Jane Maden James Lees Mary Turnough Myles Leafield Mary Wolfenden Robt Scolefield Ann Chadwicke John Hoyle Martha Lord of Cletherough Abraham Dawson Ann Stott Abell Brearley Sara Kershaw 5 p. 104 Adam Fenton EUzabeth Holding ... ¦ 297 1681 15 November 16 „ 17 JJ 29 ,j 1 December JJ JJ 27 JJ , . 9 Januarie 18 ,j 26 ,, 31 J. 8 Februarie 14 J. 16 J, 27 „. 55 35 1682 16 AprU 17 .. 18 ,j 19 26 ,, 7 May 16 ,, 18 JJ 23 JJ I June 6 J, 13 JJ 14 JJ 9 July 25 JJ 8 August 20 „ 24 ., 33 53 27 J, 28 „ 17 September 26 „ 30 „ 4 October 15 JJ 28 .„. 298 ROCHDALE REGISTERS Christopher Ashworth Ann Milne John Clegg Elizabeth Smith Charles MUne Mary Smethorst L: Fabian Whitehead Ann Hayward Midleton pish: John Buckley Margret Greenhalgh ... Nathan Stott Mary Wolfenden Andrew Berry Ann Milne James Wardleworth Mary Bland James MUne Mary Farrar Simeon Butterworth Mary Shipheard John Francleton Mary Crosley Abra: Ramsbothom Susan Scolefield ... James Leach Mary Smith John Stott Jane Whitehead Abra: Buckley Elizabeth Oldham Midleton 5 p. 105 James Stringer Jane Cheetham James Stott Ann Ogden Robt Newton Prestwedg Ann Milne ... John Looe Sara Wood ... Edward Adkenson Susan Ogden Henry Butterworth Kathereji Boulton James WUkenson Ann Buckley Midleton William Taylor Elizabeth Shaw Richard Simson Susan Buckley Abra: Earnshaw Ann Pendlebury Midleton Jeremie Wrigley EUen Scolefield Alexr Kershaw Jane Gartsid John Backster Deborah Whitworth ... James Booth Martha Milne Samuel Whitworth Mary Scolefield ... EUes Farnworth BovUton pish: Susan Turnough ... Samuel Standring Mary Woofenden ... John Holt Jane Ashton L: James Ramsbothom Elizabeth Lewes 5 p. 106 Abraham Kershaw Ann Cowp Midleton James Howorth Ann Leach Richard Wood Ann Wolfenden Charles Clegg Hana Taylor Robt Healey Mary CoUier Richard Gouding Eccles pish: Mary Newton Manchester L: Joseph Hewwit Eccles pish: Elizabeth Crabtree Manchester L: > 1682-1683 1682 2 November 9 JJ 19 JJ I Januarie 7 53 23 33 25 55 29 55 35 55 I Februarie 33 55 5 55 6 55 7 35 II 33 13 53 14 53 19 35 20 I 9 :683 Apr 10 55 55 35 15 16 55 53 25 55 30 6 55 May 14 55 15 55 23 33 30 55 12 June 1826 JJ 53 3 16 July 55 17 1683-1684 MARRIAGES Benjamine Clegge Sara Buckley William Taylor Ann Whaley James Butterworth Martha Butterworth Alexander Scolefield Margreat Boulton James Ogden Susan Hollows John Smethorst Margret Holt ... James Chadwicke Grace Stocke John Turnough Mary Shore John WorraU Ann Standring ... John Hayward Ann Chadwicke John Mathew Sara France Samuel Medecroft Ales Taylor [Here end Marriages in Original Volume V.' Original ¦Volume VI. 6 p. 74 Marrages at Rochdale Church begining 28 October 1683 Raph Butterworth Ester Stott Edmund Hollows and [sic] Holding ... John Hill Grace Dearden Robt CoUinge Ales Chadwicke John Butterworth Susan Hague L: ... Edmund Milne Elizabeth Butterworth John Brearley Katherin Turnough John Butterworth of Belfield to pay ... Edmund Butterworth Martha GorUd ... Thomas Dearden Susan Fletcher James Milne Ann Scolefield Jonathan Wolfenden Mary Leigh Adam Whithead Deborah Greenwood Francis Boulton Mary Gorild ... Andrew Hoyle Elizabeth Ashworth ... Edmund Milne Mary MUne Thomas Chadwicke Susan Gorild 1684 Charles Stott Jane Roads Abraham Lord Grace Lees of Midleton Thomas Wolfenden Grace Scolefield ... Raph Stott Martha Tunstill Robt Dawson Elnor Hilton 6 p. 75 John Whitworth Deborah Howorth ... James Butterworth Elizabeth Lighttolers Robt Cropp Margrey Clegge Robt Boothman Susan Sutcliff Robert Bolton Jane Hopkinson at Litlebrough Mr Baratt James Clegge Martha Clegge of Oldham Abraham WUd Elizabeth Winterbothom Robt Dawson Anna Stott Samuel Taylor Anna Stott 299 1683 26 July 30 3J 55 31 ,j I September 3 JJ 1 October 7 JJ 8 „ 9 " 22 „ 28 October I November 9 JJ 20 JJ 22 JJ 3 December 10 JJ 12 JJ 8 Januarie 14 53 3 February 12 30 Mar: 31 55 35 55 7 8 AprU 35 14 J3 30 13 18 33 May JJ 19 JJ 13 JJ 22 55 JJ JJ 5 June 18 „ 300 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1684-1685 John Tattersale Grace Wilkinson John Chadwicke Mary Lighttowlars ... John Chadwick Jane Looe John Clegge Ales Hollows John Bentley Sara Birchley Robt Readfearne Mary Terrey L: John Milne Mary Taylor Richard Readfearne Mary Clegge Robert Taylor Ruth Greenwood 6 p. 76 John Tattersale Sara Estwood Burnley L: Mr Hyde Salford Isaac Buckley Ester Turnough Jarrard Whitworth Margret MuUanex Edm*! Shore Susan HUl at Todmerden... Thomas Lord Elizabeth Greenwood James Butterworth Ann Leese Oldham Richard Holland Mary Wolfenden Midleton John Newbold Ann Wilkenson Abell Ashworth Elizabeth Barlow Bury p: L: by Mr Barret William Royds Mary Kershaw John Ashworth Margret Brigs ... Abraham Wolfenden Ann Ashworth ... James Whitworth Grace Frankland ... Ambrose WUkenson Jane Stott James Scolefield Elizabeth Kershaw ... James Ogden Jane Chadwicke L: by Mr Jo: Hide Francis Gartsid of Sadleworth p: Mary Shore John Taylor Mary Turnough ... Richard Chadwicke Mary Hill ... Edmund Lord Ales Crosley 6 p. yy John Scolefield Bury p: Grace Leigh ... Joseph Taylor Susan Scholfield John Mellar Elizabeth Farrar James Sharplus Mary Stott James Milne Abigail Chadwicke James Birch EUzabeth Stott John Whithead Mary Kershaw Robt Scolefield Mary Normand James Thorpe Susan Nickholson Joshua Brearley Mary Butterworth Oldham Gyles Ashworth Elizabeth Howorth ... Daniel Holte Elizabeth Standring 1684 26 June 13 July 17 55 28 33 II August 14 35 2 September 15 33 10 October 22 35 28 55 4 November 55 55 15 55 20 December 28 55 31 33 I Jany 3 53 6 33 12 55 20 53 22 33 23 55 27 3 February 4 I 55 March 3 35 35 35 55 55 1685 25 AprU 28 „ 18 May 19 55 25 53 27 33 35 55 30 55 31 J) I685-I686 MARRIAGES 301 William Standring Sara Smethurst Abell Brearley Susan Crosley Midleton Lawrance Hardman Mary Ashworth James Clegge EUen Scolefield ... James Bamford Mary Kershaw... 6 p. 78 Richard Lumax Bury Jane Scolefield L: Abell Turnough Mary Leigh James Clegge Elizabeth Ramsbothom Joseph Clegge Mary Dawson WiUiam Binns Ann Scolefield Edmund Lord Jane Hamer John Roberts Grace Nuttall Jeremie Holt Mary Kershaw Robt Wostenholme Dorathie Fenton Bury John Scolefield Ann Holte James Brearley Jane Whithead James Clegge Mary Wolfenden Richard WUd Judith Lord James Holte Ann Kershaw Adam Hill Elizabeth Bamfoid ... Richard Whitworth Mary Marshall James Turnough Ann Leigh 6 p. 79 Roger Whitworth Mary Mason Daniel Brearley Mary Tattersale James Durden Ales Kershaw ... Luke Holte Jane Ashworth Jonathan Browne Ann Streete Alexander Rigbey [or] Rigley Elizabeth HoUe James Wild Mary Butterworth Nicholas Birch Mary RotheU Joseph Lord Ann Turnough James Wilkenson Mary Haughton John Lord Jane Howorth John Farrar Jane Scolefield James Grenroad Mary Milne Edmund MeUar Sara Taylor John Walton Margret Berren Cornelius Holte Elizabeth Standring ... Peter Boulton Ales Marlar Manchester 6 p. 80 Daniel Hollows Jane Duckworth Thomas Midgley Mary Roberts Bradford p: L: from Yorke Mr Roberts wUl pay Master ... John Milne EUzabeth Crosley L: by Mr Rowe ... 1685 2 June 16 „ 6 July 26 „ II Angus 23 JJ 29 ,j JJ JJ 20 October 2527 28 „ 2 November 3 JJ 1019 JJ 24 JJ 6 December 30 JJ II Januarie 27 JJ 9 February JJ J J 16 5 AprU II 33 15 55 20 53 29 33 4 May II ,j 14 19 23 25 J, 10 June 14 » 302 ROCHDALE REGISTERS James Greenwood Elizabeth Holte William Lees Grace Taylor Robt ColUer Martha BirstaU William Bjaom Mary Lord James Chadwicke Sara Lees Oldham ... James Taylor Susan Brearley ... James Baron Martha Rothell ... Charles Bamford Jane Loton ... Thomas Durden Ales Feilding ... Robt Whitworth Mary Cheetham James Ridens Sara Lighttowlars Samuel Cryer Easter Lister John Ebyson Elizabeth Heywood Abraham Turnough Mary Holte William Marshall Jane Leigh George Booth Jane Butterworth 6 p. 81 Richard Whithead Agnes Milne John Hardman Ann Milne John Crosley Ann Brearley Abraham Tetlah Ales Chatterton Abraham Lord Ann Aspen Robt Walkden Jane Greenroad James Holte Mary Maden Middleton ... James [Milne Isabel Whitley Abraham Taylor EUen Hirst John Whitaker Whaley p: Deborah Birch L: Abraham Kershaw Ann Lord ... John Booth Oldham Mary Woolfenden L: by Mr Isaac Harpur John Stott Susan Scolefield Robt Butterworth EUzabeth Bamford John Chadwicke Elizabeth Hodging ... Timothie Dyson Susan Milne ... John Byrom Elizabeth Holte ... Edmund Belfield Elizabeth Milne 6 p. 82 Henry Whitworth Yealand Elizabeth Scolefield John .Robtshaw Grace Whaley Isaac Chadwicke Sara Smith Bury p: L: Edward Harbord Sara Clegge ... James Milne Martha Ashworth Thomas Hamer Sara Milne John Fitton Dorathie Howorth Robt Butterworth Bury p: Jane Wolfenden John Bury Mary NuttaU J 1686-1687 ] [686 28 June 30 JJ 7 July 24 26 5335 27 2 33 August 9 18 33 22 ,, 26 September 55 T^3 33 27 33 29 5 55 October 21 ,, I November 38 5355 23 2 55 December 5 33 7 53 14 55 25 30 ,J 18 Jan: 25 J, 2 February 1687 5 April 12 ,j 25 JJ 9 June 13 J, 26 ,, 27 JJ 2 August 9 .. 14 .. 1687-1688 MARRIAGES Richard Ogden Dorathie Butterworth Abraham Crosley Martha Wolfenden Joseph Lister Sara Ogden Robt Clegge Jane Clegge William Shaw Mary Clegge John Hayward Sara Brearley , Robt Watmough Mary Leigh . John Taylor Beatrix [Brearley . A Cupple from Rossendale John Taylor Jane Taylor James Hollows Ales Chadwicke 6 p. 83 Charles Butterworth Mary Whithead John Roads Mary Holte Robt Bridge Sara Wardle Abraham Taylor Mary Dearden George Howorth Ann Wolfenden William Greve Mary Whitworth Henry Baxter Susan SuttcUffe ... Paul Kershaw Grace Lassey Robt Pendlebury Bury p: Susan Greve Thomas Haigh [Mary Greve John Taylor Sara Leigh Joshua Smith Mary Baxter given WiUiam TooteU Ann HoUand ... John Ashworth Mary Wolfenden John Butterworth Ann Turnough WiUiam Cocroft Mary Lord John Howorth Ales Stott John Ramsden Jane Lumax L: George Dawson L: 6 p. 84 Thomas Butterworth Midleton Mary Stansfield James Greve Susana Leigh Samuel Fielding Jane Kay Abra: MUne Elizabeth Whitworth Abra: Taylor Ales Ramsboth: ... Robt Chadwicke Margret Leach John Holte Isabel Scolefild James Butterworth Margret Whitworth Abraham Gibson Elizabeth Kershaw WilUam Cropp Mary Butterworth John Hopwood Prestwedg Susana Kershaw John Scolefield Sara Hartley ... Peter Marcroft Midleton p: Jane Lord Jonathan Whitaker Ann ColUng L: by Mr Wroe 303 1687 16 August 24 ,j 13 September JJ JJ 19 >. 22 „ 5 October 13 JJ 27 JJ 8 November JJ ,j 12 „ 22 ,' 28 „ 6 December 26 „ 29 >' II January 12 J, 22 „ 2 February 4 JJ 6 „ 33 55 14 ,j 17 j. 23 JJ 26 „ 28 „ 12 March 1688 16 AprU >j JJ T-7 .. 33 33 18 „ 55 33 22 ,, 15 May 16 ,j 22 „ 24 28 304 ROCHDALE REGISTERS Robt Scolefield Dorathie Fitton Robt Scolefeild Ales Chadwicke Abdie Scoles Jane Byrom both Prestwidg George Travice Sara Gartside ... John Smethurst Jane Whitworth Nathan Brookeshaw Jane NuttaU L: by Mr Wroe 6 p. 85 John Baran Bury p: Mary Leach John Bridg Ales Milne Abraham CoUinge Mary Buersale Oldham p: WilUam Whitworth Ester Holte Thomas Livesey Ales Stott Bury p: John Hill Jane Hayward Abraham Cropp Mary Hanson James Clegg Mary Gartsid Oldham p: L: Mr Wroe '. Robt Milne Oldham p: Ann Brearley ... John Wrigley Ann Fisher James Lord EUen Stott John Shipheard Elizabeth Taylor Edmund Haward Mary Wardle John Bridg Mary WUd James Wild Elizabeth Alderson L: Mr Wroe James Turnough Susan Lassey James Milne Ann Stott L: 6 p. 86 John Taylor Ales Healey John Smith Martha Clegg William Buckley Oldham p: Mary Greenwood ... Thomas Buckley Jane Whitworth John Buckley Elizabeth Chadwick Abraham Horood Mary Brearley John Farrar Mary Prescot James Lord Sara Butterworth ... John Butterworth Susan Kershaw Joshua Hill Mary Lewes Richard Hardman Elizabeth Lumax both Bury p: Thomas Greve Susana Chadwicke Edmund Kershaw Mary Rigg ... Thomas Buckley Gent: Ann Haslam At Blackley L: John Clegg Mary Kay ... James Ashworth Sara Hulton ... James Holte Elizabeth Hardman 1688- 1689 1688 11 June 13 ., 17 JJ 19 .. 8 July 15 J. 17 ., 7 August 2128 3533 31 35 11 18 September 33 25 33 53 4 35 October 6 33 14 35 23 15 55 November 29 3 53 Dec: 7 Jan: 13 7 33 February II 35 12 35 JJ I 31 689 March I April JJ 55 5 53 II 33 23 3 3 3 5 33 24 JJ 7 May 13 1689-1690 MARRIAGES Roger Buckley Ann Heywood Midleton John Winterbothom Mary Crabtree Daniel Brearley Elnor Frith 6 p. 87 John Northend Ales Walker both Hallifax p: ... John Cheetham Ann Milne John Kershaw Oldham p: Phebe Wosnam John Feilding Judeth Lord John Hamer Mary Hirst Henry Butterworth Elizabeth Leaver L: Mr Wroe Joseph Clegg Mary Holte Joseph Wild EUen Whitehead L: Mr Wroe John Siddale Dorathie Chadwicke John Butterworth Mary HoUows Abraham Healey Grace Bamford Edmund Butterworth Ales Milne Christopher Lord Elizabeth -Grime John Fletcher Sara HoUows Robt Holte Jane HiU Alexr Whitworth Ales Leigh John Butterworth Grace Butter: James Roads Mary Wardle 6 p. 88 WilUam Kennion Sara Hindle L: Mr Row [sic] of Manchester ... Robt Howorth Ann High Abra: MUne Mary Butterworth Oldham Nathan Butterworth Jane Nuttall Robt Booth Mary Ogden Nathan Stott Sarah Mills Samuel Whitworth Margaret MUls John Shepheard Mary Brearley John Baxter Mary Clegg Daniel Holt de Greaves Elizabeth Birch de Healy L: by Dr Wroe John Hatfield de Hatfield in Com: Ebor Mary HoUowes L: by Dr Watkinson Joshua Chadwick Elizabeth Briggs John Clegg Mary Whitehead Jonathan Taylor Ann Taylor ... Giles RothiU Susan Clegg James Hoyle Dorothy Crosley James Leech Alice Nuttall Jeremy Ingham Heptanstall p: Katherine Heward John Scolefeild Sarah Crossley 305 1689 20 May JJ JJ 23 6 June 10 „ 13 JJ 8 July 15 JJ 18 August 25 JJ 3 September 18 „ 15 October 31 JJ 7 November 13 JJ 19 " 30 3 December 4 JJ 9 .. II JJ 16 ,j 7 January 28 „ 29 JJ 10 February 3 March 4 JJ JJ JJ 1690 3 April 23 JJ 27 JJ 6 May 18 3o6 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1690-1691 Thomas Stott Jane Wardle 6 p. 89 Nicholas Birch Abigail Leigh WiUiam Low Mary Stott John Sladen Jane Gerritt John Whitehead Martha Whiteley Hallifax p: Robert Brearley Grace Taylor ... Charles Butterworth Martha Briggs Lawrence Haslam Bury p: Ann Howarth Abraham Brearley Ann Whiteley John Shaw Margret Leigh Arthur Clegg Alice Heayley John Holte Ann Franckleton ... Mr Michaell Buckley Mrs ^nn HaUiweU L: at Litlebrough John Farror Alice Livsey John Lord Sarah Whitworth L: Mr Wroe Roger Whittworth Mary Booth James Whitworth Elizabeth Stott James Brearley Susan Radlife ... Edmund Clegg Ann Etough James Taylor Esther Scoles Robert Brigs Ann Stott 6 p. 90 John ScholfeUd Mary ScholfeUd Alexander Farrar Elizabeth Walckden Joshua Taylor Bury p: Ann Taylor ... John Stanfeild HaUifax p: Hanna Bath L: Mr Watkinson Thomas Holme Jane Butterworth L: Mr Wroe James Hartley Alice Crabtree ... George Taylor Mary Leeys Ouldham p: John Hardman Mary Taylor Richard Ogden Mary NuttaU John Scholfeild Susan Greave ... Abell Ashworth Elizabeth Kershaw ... Robert Whitworth Jane Whitworth ... Henry Ashworth Kershaw ... Edward Lord Alice Nuttall Bury p: ... John Haworth Whaylley p: Mary Scholfeild Midleton p: Francis Heayley Esther Scholfeild Abraham Brearley Ann Harrop Christopher Tongue Midleton p: Sarsnit Jane 2126 1690 May 55 27 55 29 55 10 June 23 I July 15 53 23 53 30 JJ 18 August 27 53 31 9 18 33 September 30 5 55 October 6 ,, 20 35 23 55 29 I 33 December 16 35 23 33 25 JJ I January 6 12 28 259 23 24 February Abraham Fitton Ann Harman ... James Holte Katherin Fenton given 6" 1691 13 April 14 J. I69I MARRIAGES 307 James Sutlife Mary Brearley Robert Brewer Ann Newbold L: Mr Wroe 6 p. 91 Raph Walckden Midleton p: Dorythey Scholfeild William Kershaw Alice Smith ... Jonathan Turner Martha Mayson John Butterworth Jane Taylor JohnjTatterseU Mary Holte John Redferne Mary Leigh Robert Chadwick Christian Rider Edmund Hoppwood Mary Kershaw Robert Butterworth Margaret RothweU L: ... Abraham Chadwick Susan Crosley Isaac Scholfeild Ann Whithead L: M^ Wroe ... Edmund Heayley Jane Whitacker Richard Ogden Ann Chadwick Edmund Chadwick Ann Low ... James Shore Ann Lowton Richard WUde Alice Heayley Robert Watmough Dorithey Mayson .. Lawrence Ashworth Mary Seddon Charles Scholfeild Gent: Sarah Leach L: Mr Wroe Ambrose Whayley Mary Wardle Tho: Shore Alee Butterworth att Ormskirk Jam: Hamer Susan Scholfeild ... Isaac Howorth Margret Turner Laurence Ashworth Alice Ashwoith both Rosendale Hen: Howworth Elizabeth Crosley 6 p. 92 Abraham Taylor Margret Leach Edmund Holte Ann Leach Francis Holte Mary Lort Abraham Hamer Mary Bury James Milne Esther Brearley ... Abraham Eastwood Ann Bridge James Milne Elizabeth Lord John Lord Alice Hamer Robert Sawtale Margret Cryer ... John Clegg Grace, Lightowlers Cert: from Torden [sic] James Lort Alice Heyward L: Mr Wroe James Leeys Oldham p: Susan Cayson Richard Grinderoad Grace Barns 1691 21 AprU 30 J, 4 May 35 35 5 JJ 6 JJ 7 .. 8 J, 11 21 I June 2 JJ 17 .. 23 „ 28 „ 29 I July 5 JJ 14 16 15 August 13 JJ 18 „ 20 21 25 JJ 2 September 6 ,j 20 2227 JJ 29 JJ 1 October 4 J. 5 J, 10 „ 13 .' JJ » 20 J) 3o8 ROCHDALE REGISTERS James Scholfeild Ann Romsbothom ... Adam Whitehead Jane Scholfeild Joshua Stanfeild Alee Smethurst L: Mr Watkinson given John Holte Mary Haslam OtweU Woolfenden Jane Butterworth John Holte Mary Hudson Cert: from Oldham Charles CoUings Elizabeth Flecher John Shepard Mary Whayley Cert: from Bury ... Thomas Cropper Mary Axon [or] Aron 6 p. 93 George Fearnley Mary Shephard James Holte Ann Butterworth William Ward Prestwich p: Elizabeth Crabtree L: ••• John Ashworth Ann Taylor James Bamford Dorithy Stott George Man Alice Buckley James Fitton Jane Colling . James Howworth Deborah Brearley ... AbeU Turner Mary Scholfield Joseph Chadwick Alice Farrow Thomas Bromeley Alice Milne ... Nathan Lord Martha Shepard ... John Hurst Mary Turner James Brearley Jane Butterworth Hen: Harman Edeth Stott John Clough Mary Scholfeild John Leach Mary Whitworth ... Edm: Pickup Alice Hoppwood Joseph Grime Jennet Bridge Bury p: ... Alexander Brearley Susan Stott Nicholas Hartley [Elizabeth Bolton William Cryer Hannah Greenwood 6 p. 94 Thomas Crosley Sarah Stott L: I^P Wroe WilUam Hamer EUzabeth Butterworth James Smith Mary Earneshaw PauU Kershaw EUin Lort James Clegg Susan Taylor James Greav Ann Brearley Peter Lumax Margret NuttaU L: lU Wroe ... ... ... ... .;. Samuel Smith Jane Clegg Joshuah Kuttsford \sic] EUzabeth Bothamley Isaac Smith Jane Whitehead 1691-1692 1692 I November 18 „ 25 20 December 21 27 7 January 12 17 35 30 6 55 February 9 55 33 55 35 53 1692 28 March 29 3 ApriU 15 35 27 9 33 May 10 35 JJ 55 II 33 JJ " 31 5555 12 June 16 33 20 ,, 29 I Ju'l'y 4 33 21 35 25 35 18 26 33 35 28 August 4 October 1692-1693 MARRIAGES 1692 309 5 6 25 1 2 3 10 15 JJ 17 4 13 16 28 2 December Jan Edward Kenion Frances Hinley L: Mr Wroe 5 October Abraham Law Mary Barker HeptonstaU James ColUng Sarah Greave James Taylor Mary WUde 1 November WilUam Ernshaw Sarah Harbourd John Romsbotham Jane Howorth Edmund Butterworth Ann Roads L: Mr Wroe ... Robert Fitton EUzabeth Taylor George Hanson Isabell Leigh James Buckley AbigaUe Seddon James Kershaw Dorithey Gorell 6 p. 95 Isaac Woolfenden Ann Erneshaw Charles Holte Mary MUne L: Mr Wroe John Woolfenden [Mary Holte ... James Heays Alice Lort John Attkinson Martha Kay Midleton p: L: Mr Wroe John Fitton Susan Whitworth Andrew Bury Margret Milne John Utley Mary Lort James Clegg Margret Holte 'William HiU Alice Taylor John Emit Alice Butterworth ... Samuel Clegg Ann Stringer James HoUowes Sarah Dewhurst Thom: Smith Mary Heyward ... William Wilson Elizabeth Ogden given 2 February Jacob Brearley Mary Clegg Thom: Livesey Ann Crosley James Leach Alice Scholfeild ... Richard Scholfeild Elizabeth Rudd given ,, John Greenwood Ann Stott ... ... 9 Arthur Scholfeild Mary Romsbotham Bury p: ... ... ... ... 14 Janies Hallowes Mary Crosley ... ... 27 John Brearley Mary Scholfeild ... 26 John Turnough Elizabeth Heyward ... 28 Robert Broadbent Sarah Woolfenden ... ,, 6 p. 96 James MUne Mary HoUand L: Mr Wroe 19 March 1693 John Dunster Midleton p: Mary Whitehead given ... ... ... ... ... 17 April James Woolfenden Martha Clegg ... „ „ George Smethurst Susan Scholfeild ... „ „ Adam Earnshaw Ann HoUowes ... ,, ,, James Stott Ann Hurst given 18 ,, 9 1217 19 31 246 7 310 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1693 Charles Beaighton Martha Grinderoad Richard Leach Susan BeUet John Heaward Ann Medowcroft L: Mr Wroe John Heaward Sarah Crosley ... William Brearley Elizabeth Heyward Timothy Eggmison Jane Butterworth John Lord Judeth Lord both Rosendale Nicholas Feilding Susan Wood George Hason Alice Bluitt John Holte Martha HoUowes ... Richard Whitehead Sarah Whitworth SUas Hamer Susan HoUowes Henry Hoyle Mary Hall Oldham p: L: Mr Hard: Edm: Milne Mary Lort Oldham p: Ruben Haigh EUzabeth Butterworth ... Edmund Ashworth Alice Ingham Whalley Cert: Mr Gey Charles Ogden Susan Brearley ... Jeremy Dearden EUen Rudman Abraham Hamer Elizabeth RothweU ... 6 p. 97 John Heape Gent: Mary Gartside L: Mr Wroe John Tweddle Judeth Greave ... Semion Lord Jane Twiddall of Ashton p: L: Mr Wroe Samuel Medowcroft Elizabeth Smethurst John Roads Mary Spencer Andrew Wrigg Judeth Butterworth Joshua Hoyle Sarah Woodhead James Gartside Sadleworth Jane Smethurst Charles Ogden Margret Scholfield Jonathan Scholfield Mary Higginson ... James Tattersall Mary [Heayward Charles Turner Esther Scholfield John Cryer Martha Wilde James Duerden Ann Lumax James Whitworth Mary Woolfenden ... Edmund Ashworth Martha Woolfenden James Hoyle Mary Holden Nathan HiU Mary Taylor Abraham Taylor EUzabeth Turner 6 p. 98 Robert Howorth Ann Taylor John Holden Susan Jackson Whayley p: Huigh Joanes Jane Scholfield L: Mr Wroe 19 1693 AprU 23 JJ 9 May 53 35 15 55 17 JJ 29 35 I June 5 33 35 6 53 35 7 35 22 26 55 55 27 35 16 July 23 33 25 55 27 53 3 August 14 55 23 55 24 35 3 September 10 53 35 35 30 3 53 October 5 35 3 55 12 53 24 25 55 December 27 2 January 7 JJ 9 JJ 4 February 1693-1694 MARRIAGES 311 John Wrigley Mary WUd Oldham p: Edmund Bridges [EUzabeth Seddon John Bury Ann Hamer John Howorth Susan Kershaw Robert Heayward Ann Kershaw John Howorth Ann Unsworth ... 1693 13 February 18 „ 19 .. 9 March James Smith Katherin Bamford Peter CeaviU Alice Scholfield James Stott Jane Whitworth John Holte Ann Croper Thom: Brearley Alice Chadwick John WooUenden Elizabeth Lord Robert Milne Mary Grinderoad John Earneshaw Jenet Lort Richard Clegg Ann Shaw James Sharpies Ann Woolfenden John Woolfenden Martha Soothill 6 p. 99 James Howorth Ann Crosley Richard Kenion Isabella Whitehill L: Mr Wroe Bernard Brearley Mary Brearley Charles Scholfield Gent: Mary Roads L: Mr Wroe Abraham Heayley Mary Scotson Joseph Romsbotham Rebecah Romsbotham Bernerd Butterworth Martha Turner ... Robert Chadwick Sarah Heayward ... Barnerd Butterworth. Martha Turner ... James Milne Mary Holte James Ashworth Mary Lort Timothey Dyson Lettice Hopwood John Kay Sarah Brearley Nathaniel Butterworth Johanah Whitworth 7 John Lort AUce Nuttall Arthur Butterworth Ann Hill James Greenwood Elisabeth Hurst Joseph Loyton Sarah Whitworth Robert Fenton Alice Taylor Ambrose Greenwood Mary Stansfield ... i p. 100 John Whithead Mary Scholfield Daniel Jackson Jane Bury L: Mr Wroe James [Brearley Margeret Holte Daniell Worall Mary Butterworth James Scholfield Grace Redfearne 1694 I May ¦ 78 35JJ 30 JJ 3 6 June 55 33 5J 24 2 Juty 30 JJ 31 55 33 55 2 August 5 JJ 12 JJ 14 JJ 20 26 55 55 28 33 12 September 16 J5 2026 55 JJ 30 17 55 October 12 JJ 20 3J 35 12 53 November 16 3 3 20 „ 26 December 31 . 4 JanuaryFebruary 312 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1695 1695 18 AprU 20 John Crosley Sarah SutUff of HaUifax p: John Lort Jane Ashworth James Butterworth Esther Chadwick ... Jonathan Scholfield Mary Brearley ... Samuel Birch Ann Buckley L: Mr Wroe William Renshaw Susan Loyton Enoch Thorpp Oldham p: Margeret Redfearne 3 May Thomas Horrocks Mary RothweU L: Zach: Taylor Henry Brearley Rachel Butterworth ... William Waide Ann Clegg Richard Livesey Jane Wardleworth ... John Livesey Ann Greaves John Taylor Mary Scholfield James Knowles Mary Holte John Scoles Martha StansfeUd L: from Mr Wroe Jonathan Whitworth Elizabeth Cheatham WiUiam Lort Elizabeth Stott 6 p. 101 John Taylor Elizabeth Atkinson James Milne Susan Whitehead John Kershaw Mary Whitehead John Gartside Susan Clegg Thomas Jackson Elizabeth Hepe L: Mr Bolton James Cass Elizabeth Butterworth William Hurst Liverpoole Alice Hamer Wildhouse L: at Litle: Robert Whitworth Ann Taylor Abell Ashworth Sarah Milne John Smith Elizabeth Turner ... Daniell Holte Elizabeth Jackes L: Mr Bolton Luke Crosley Mary BerstUl Henry Wilde Mary Taylor Jonathan Chadwick Mary Walckden ... John Crompton Elizabeth Brearley ... John Ingham Jane Whitworth Robert Kershaw Ann Stock Robert Blackeman Ann Taylor James Tattersall Midleton p: Alice Taylor 19 James Scholfeild Ann Fentton ... ... 29 Ralph Walckden Bury p: Mary Holte Robert Low Elizabeth Chadwick 6 p. 102 James Heayward Mary Milne ... John Dickson Dinnah Briggs At Halifax Paid me ... ... ... ... 21 23 55 28 29 7 " 9 " 29 II June 12 19 25 4 July 35 33 II18 ,j 2125 29 I August 6 „ 192025 5 Septr 8 ,j 2529 JJ 35 25 10 October 17 JJ I November 19 >. I695-I696 MARRIAGES Robert Holte Mary Marsh given Robert Hanson Alice Hamer ... John Greenwood Mary Rudman John Milne Mary Ashworth John Clegg Ann Bury James WUson Mary Heayley ... Robert Woolfenden Mary Scholfeild Ralph Lowton Mary Clegg Samuel Lort Alice Lort Robert Taylor Elizabeth Whitworth Abraham [Kershaw Mary Stott Samuel Shore Abegaile Leigh given Lawrence Lort Alice HiU James Kershaw Jane Hanson ... WUliam Thoruley Ann Romsbotham John Taylor Alice Earnshaw ... Robert Machai Mary Turner L: Mr Bolton Mr Scholfield not paid Samuell Standering Sarah Standering Hen: NuttaU Mary Leeys Robert Hurst Dorothy Stoot ... 6 p. 103 Radcliffe Hanson Mary Leeys ... James Crook Hasleingdin Margaret Milne James Crosley EUzebeth Butterworth Edward Leach Mary Cocker Oldham p: John RothweU Elizabeth Butterworth Roger Duerden Jane Scholfield Zachiriah Hardman Mary Chadwick ... John Wilde Grace GoriU Isaac Smith Elizabeth Taylor ... John Stott Jane [Leach ... Edmund Taylor Alice Milne James Jackson Alice Clegg James Taylor Rachell Tunstill L: Mr Bolton Simon Kershaw Mary Wood John Milne Elizabeth Duerden Robert Kay Margaret Butterworth ... Robert Thorpp Mary Hurst Jeremiah West Jane Weeder Samuell Whitworth Isabell Whitacker John Taylor Sarah Chadwick ... Adam Milne Grace HoUowes John Howorth Alice Mathew John Scoles Mary Knott 6 p. 104 John Heayley Martha Tayler 313 1695 26 November 3 December ^7 35 2526 3355 3 3 55 30 55 31 3 16 3 January 55 February 4 55 13 16 55 5? 18 55 25 33 1 696 13 April 14 19 55 22 55 12 May 28 53 8 June 18 53 53 55 21 55 23 53 35 35 35 55 29 33 30 35 12 July 14 55 20 55 28 55 314 ROCHDALE REGISTERS James Farrer de Eawood in Yorkshire Gent: Mary Brearley L: Robert Whitacker Ann Heay worth ... John Turner Ann Scholfield William Leach Elizabeth Butterworth Otwell Howortn Whayley p: Jane Heayley 22 Thomas Butterworth Ann Clegg John Grinderoad Elizabeth HoUowes ... Robert Ashworth Ann Livesey James Jaques of Midleton Ann Hardman James Clegg Ann Winterbotham John Wolstenholme Midleton p: Elizabeth Greenwood ... John Leeys Alice Leeys [No Weddings entered until 13 May 1697] 6 p. 105 Mr Samuel Ramsden Mrs Ann Holt L: Thomas Casson Mary Ashworth Joseph Wild EUzebeth Chadwicke Enocke Woolstenholme Susan Grime ... Thomas Scholefield Mary Pickup John Knowls Sarah Brooks Gerrod Whitworth Mary Smith Robert Crosley Susan Pickup ... Abraham Butterworth Mary Milne Robert Stott Catherine Bamford Joseph Ramsbothom EUzebeth Holt ... Peter Whithead Mary Kearshow Ralph Smith Mary Cheatham ... SoUoman Hartley Alice Livesley Henry Nealer Eland p: Susan [Hallewell Joseph Taylor Mary Turnor James Whitham Mary Turnor ... Luke Greenwood Elizebeth Unsworth Joseph Chadwicke Phebey Thorp William Farrer Elizebeth Wolfenden ... John Barron Susan Kearshow ... ... ,, ,, WilUam Wade Ann Dearden ... ... 8 ,, Robert Whitworth Rachell Whitworth „ ,, 6 p. 106 James Colling EUzebeth Garret Cert: Prestwich ... ... ... ... 22 „ James Chadwick Dean p: Mary Whithead 28 ,, John Hollows Elizebeth Holt ... ... 2 November James Hartley Grace Butterworth ... ,, ,, Edmond Bridge Jane Whithead ' ... 8 „ James Buckley Oldham p: Martha Brearley 24 „ James Sutcliff Ann Hurst 27 „ s 1696-1697 1696 6 August ^7 35 7 September 9 53 22 55 55 5 J 23 35 29 55 4 October 19 JJ 1 November 22 JJ I :697 13 May 16 33 55 35 9 June 13 55 16 33 27 July JJ 55 2 August 8 35 9 55 10 55 16 55 I September 20 55 21 55 26 35 53 55 28 53 5 October 1697-1698 MARRIAGES Dennis Barret Mary Whithead Thomas Whithead Mary Tayler John MaUadew Middleton p: Mary NuttaU Joseph Butterworth Susan Leach John Show Genit MucheU Robert Hamer Margrit Lees both Hallifax p: John Lord Grace Whitworth ... John Yeats Mary Brearley James Tayler Mary RothweU ... James Butterworth Ann Hourth Richard Cropper EUzebeth Holt Richard Estwood Mary PUling WUliam Tongue Enscough James Butterworth Ann Hourth Abraham Dawson Elizebeth Griffen James Lord Elizebeth Scholefield Henry Butterworth Mary Royds William Stocke Mary Richerson [?] Thomas Livesley Ann Smith Henry Holt EUzebeth HoUand Edmand MiUn Mary Lord Jonathan Grindroad Susan Rigg 6 p. 107 James Taylor Judeth Buckley ... John Nuttall Jane Kenion Abraham Eastwood Dorethy Kearshaw WUliam Stott Mary Crabtree ... John Fitton Sarah Taylor Richard Lord AUce HiU John Leach Elizebeth Royley ... John Crosley Mary Stott George Fletcher Ann Standren ... James Dowson Sarah Tayler Oldham p: Jeffery Lumax Mary Lord Thomas Greenlees [Mary Wolfenden Francis Scholefield Lydea Buckley both Saddleworth L: Edmund MeUer Jane Stott Edmund Holt Amory Hourth ... William Cromton Martha Eansworth Robert Tayler EUzebeth Whithead Samuel Hadfield Elizebeth Hardma both Prestwich p: L: James Shepard Alice Hourth Middleto p: .Abraham Turner Grace Stlateher [sic] 315 1697 28 November 29 JJ JJ JJ 17 January 27 JJ I March 55 35 1698 24 AprU JJ JJ 25 J, 26 7 May 10 55 22 55 27 35 55 55 12 June 1516 3555 30 55 35 3 6 55 July 55 14 53 20 >> 27 55 30 2 55 August 3i6 ROCHDALE REGISTERS John HiU Dibrah Uttley James Fenton Ester Bolton Richard Ogden Jane Lee 6 p. io8 Moses Clegg Mary Redfearn Henry Scholfield Mary Bamford William Holt Brichit Wilkenson John Buckley Middleton p: Jane Scols Abraham Brearley Susan Hamor James Butterworth Isabell Scholfield ... EUias Chadwick Ann Hourth ... Abraham Fielden Susan Fielden James Butterworth Mary Whitworth ... James Tayler Elizabeth Gartsid Saddleworth p: James Maden Elizebeth Brearley James Hoyle Jane Clegg ... Alexander Cheatham Elizebeth Ballot L: Mr Bolton Adam Whitworth Mary Heaward Abraham Sutcliff Sarah Simson Mathew Hollows Mary Greenwood William Tayler Mary Ashworth Abell Butterworth Elizebeth Aspen Samuell Standren Ann Leland ... John ^larsden Mary Scholfield ... Noah Hollows Oldham p: Margrit Wolfenden James Sutcliff Patience Clough Oldham p: James Scholfield Jane Wolfenden John MUn Elizebeth Chadwicke 6 p. 109 John Butterworth Ann Buckley Saddleworth p: William Heawood Prestwich p: Ann Holm L: Edmand Pilling Mary Heap Edward Hourth Mary Holt > 1698-1699 [698 3 August 14 55 31 55 6 September 12 55 18 55 22 55 29 55 9 October 19 55 20 55 27 35 8 November 21 55 6 December 18 55 25 55 26 55 27 55 29 17 January 32 18 February 21 1699 8 April James Turnor Mary Booth John Pilling Gennet Barron Bury p: .. John Fielden Heptonstall Martha Dearden 10 ,, Edmand Smith Mary Miln ... ... 11 ,, Ralph Smith Ann Hoyle ... ... 25 ,, Edmand Dixon Elizebeth Butterworth ,, ,, Joshua Smith Jane Wrigley ... ... 2 May John Smith Ann Ashworth ... ... ,, ,, James Lightowlers Mary Hindley ... 3 ,, John MUne Ann Lord Oldam p: ... 15 ,, Samuell Cheatham Mary Wolfenden ... 16 ,, 1699-1700 MARRIAGES James Holt EUzebeth NuttaU ... William Taylor Elizebeth Brearley 6 p. 110 Robert Ashworth Sarah Chadwick Robert Whitworth Dibrah \^^olstenholme OtteweU WUd Oldham p: Mary Clegg John Bothamley Dina Kearshow James Clegg Jane John Lord Catherine Meddowcroft Robert Show Jane Tayler Joseph Loton Ann Scholefield George Smethurst Susan Holt John Hoyle Alice Matthew Robert Clegg Jane Lees Lawrence Cass Mary Scholefield James Butterworth Jane Chadwicke 6 p. Ill Joshua Tayler Susan Newby Charles Duckworth Mary Stansfield John Dowson EUzebeth Travis Charles Stott Elizebeth Healey Mr Anthony Buxtons Mrs ^.nn Leigh Manchester Church 25 July James Chadwicke Alice Crosley James Scholefield Mary Greenwood James Knowles Hannah Healey John Richerson Ann Tayler John Hagh Sarah Miln Saddleworth SamueU HiU J ane HiU John Wild Mary Loton Joshua Chadwicke Susan Brearley James Wrigley Grace Miln Arthur MUn Mary Wolfenden ... WUliam Dearden Mary Scholefield 6 p. 112 John Marcer Magdelen Smethurst William Clegg Sarah Cropper ... Arthur Scholefield Mary Clegg ... James Lord Mary Barron Thomas Healey Elizebeth Leigh James HiU Mary Lord ... Edmand Holt Elizebeth Low ... John Robertshow Mary Cromton Robert Clough Mary MiUn Charles Stott Dorethy Whithead Henry Hopwood Mary Bolton ... George Booth Ann Hollows John Stott Alice Scholefield Joshua Stott Ester Ingham John Taylor Catherine Ashworth 317 1699 16 May 24 JJ 29 ,j 3 5 VI 5 June 8 JJ 20 ,, 22 „ 27 J. 29 JJ 3 July 16 „ 23 JJ 31 August 5 September 8 JJ 18 „ 26 „ I October 5 „ 17 JJ 24 JJ 53 33 27 J. 2 November 7 J. 10 „ 28 „ 25 December 28 „ 3 January 4 JJ 10 „ 9 February II JJ 12 JJ 13 JJ JJ JJ 1700 I April 28 „ 6 May JJ JJ 14 >. 3i8 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1700 Henry Ashworth Sarah Healey 6 p. 113 Jeremiah Brearley Judeth Bury Isaac Dowson Ann Bolton James Crosley EUzebeth Nuttall John Wolfenden Grace Robertshow ... John Clegg Ann Whithead Abraham Whitworth EUzebeth Hourth Robert Whitworth Ann Leach ... Dennis Tayler Alice Whithead ... Adam Earnshaw Ann Smith Richard Entwisle Bolton p: Sarah TweedaU Edward Jackson Ann Whithead L: Mr Bolton Henry Kearshow Ann Holt James Sutcliff Jane Greve Abraham Leach Mary Lord Peter Leach EUzebeth Whitworth Robert Whitworth Ester Buckley James Clegg Susan Sutcliff Heptonstall 6 p. 114 Alexander Scholefield Mary Turner John Tattersall Susan Naden ... Edmand Tayler Oldam p: EUzabeth Turnor James Unsworth Mary Fielden Edmund Cropper Alice Lee Abraham TweedaU EUzebeth Earnshaw James Whitworth EUen Byrom Bury p: James Scholefield Mary Brearley Radcliff Brearley Jane Kearshow Jonathan MUn Mary TweedaU ... John Hourth Ann Turnor Benjamin Travis Jane Brearley Richard Ashworth [illegible] Clegg Robert Hourth Mary Greenwood [Remainder of page cut away] 6 p. 114a [Wholly blank] [Here end Marriages in Original Volume VI.] ] [700 14 May 20 55 22 55 JJ 55 30 55 6 June 11 23 July 28 35 4 August 13 33 25 35 26 35 2 September 13 33 15 October 21 55 22 55 28 55 29 55 4 November 53 6 55 55 19 53 33 33 26 33 24 December 26 33 29 35 1641-1642 BURIAI^S 319 OF THE (pam^ C^utcg of (gocgbafe. Original Volume III. BUBIALS. 1641 Uxor DanieU Stocke . 20 March WiUiam Leigh JJ JJ 1642 A chUd of John Aspden ." 27 March A daughter of Abraham Whitworth . • 35 55 A child of Francis Wrigly . 28 „ A child of [Richard Garside 55 55 A child of John ScoUeild • 29 „ A poore wench • 55 53 Uxor GabrieU Garside . 31 JJ Uxor James Grinrode 2 Aprilis Uxor Richard Clegge JJ JJ A chUd of GabrieU Garside • 5 JJ Robert Brearly .. 26 „ Uxor Charles HiU 53 33 Uxor James Chadwicke • 19 .> Uxor Abraham Greave • 35 35 A child of AbeU Whitaker • 33 53 A chUd of Joshua Stott 33 55 A child of John 'Feilding •• 21 ,, Uxor John Crosly .. 26 „ A child of James Ogden • • 35 33 A child of John Milne • 30 „ James Bellfeild 2 May A child of Thomas Healy .. 8 „ Henry Greave ¦ • 11 ,j A chUd of. Richard Wyld Cler: ... • 14 JJ A child of Edmund Briggs • 15 JJ A Sonne of Adam Sweetlove • 16 „ A chUd of Richard Kenion • 17 J. John Hamer • 18 ,j A child of John Heywood • 20 „ 320 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1642 3 P- 241 Robert HiU John Haworth A Sonne of Thomas Cheetham ... Uxor John Colling A chUd of Arthur Brearly A child of Samuell Taylor Robert Foster Thomas Horrocks Uxor Richard Taylor A child of Thomas Okie [or] Okis Uxor Thomas Lord A child of Isaak Woolfenden ... Uxor James Butterworth A child of James Turnough Uxor Arthur Turnough ... Uxor Francis Fletcher ... A child of George Leigh Uxor John Butterworth A child of George Leigh Uxor Richard Ogden A child of Abraham Kershaw ... A child of James Cryer ... EUis Haslam John Cowper Two children of Richard Whitworth A daughter of James Scolfeild ... A chUd of Richard Rudd A child of John Cheetham Uxor James Brearly A child of John Sale A child of John Crosly Theophilus Butterworth Gent: Henry Howorth ... A child of James Pickhop Uxor John Crosly A child of John Hamer ... John Chadwicke ... A chUd of James HiU ... A poore wench A child of Jeremiah Duerden A chUd of Judith Oldham Richard Roj'ly A daughter of Robert Milne A chUd of John Clegge ... A chUd of Jarrett Newall A chUd of James Butterworth A child of John Booth ... A chUd of Roger Chadwicke not p° I 642 21 May JJ 55 22 33 25 55 27 55 28 53 30 33 I Junius 2 35 53 55 4 33 33 53 6 55 7 55 33 33 20 35 23 55 28 55 29 53 21 55 35 33 30 53 4 Julius 5 53 33 53 33 33 7 55 20 33 23 55 33 35 24 55 J J 33 I Augustius JJ 35 II 33 13 35 16 35 18 33 21 33 22 33 25 53 26 55 27 33 30 35 8 September 9 53 15 35 16 33 1642 feURIALS Uxor Francis Ogden A chUd of_Abraham ScoUeild ... A child of Henry Kershaw A chUd of J ohn Stott A child of James Whitworth James Milne Thomas Healey ... Uxor Anthony Lancashire A child of Robert Kershaw A poore child Lawrence Ramsbothome A chUd of Edmund Wyld A child of James Ashworth James Milne James Scolfeild ... [pp. 242 and 243 wholly blank] 3 p. 244 Cuthbert Brearly A child of Emmanuell Tomson A daughter of Samuell Milne ... A child of Abraham Greave Isaak s. of Abraham Ramsbothome Uxor James Grime Uxor John Kershaw A child of James Stott James Milne A daughter of John Chadwicke A child of Edmund Leigh A child of John Cryer A poore Lad A child of Robert Buckly A Sonne of John Butterworth ... Charles s. Jordan Chadwicke ... EUen Hardman A child of James Hawker Hester Hanson Abraham Stansfeild Thomas Redfearne A Sonne of Edward Clegge A child of Edmund Madin A Sonne of John Scolfeild Uxor William Taylor Uxor Alexander Turnough A chUd of Daniell Tomson Uxor John Fish A child of Ralph Duerden A chUd of WilUam Healy A child of John Walker Uxor Edward Clegge 321 I 17! 642 September 55 53 21 35 23 55 24 4 55 October 5 55 10 33 1316 5335 19 33 23 35 24 33 30 35 31 33 4 November 6 55 10 55 53 5> 13 35 15 55 22 55 33 55 35 55 25 26 3333 28 55 30 2 55 December 7 9 10II 1314 19 53 20 JJ 2224 322 ROCHDALE REGISTERS Richard Sedden ... Robert Ashworth A daughter of EUen Key Three chUdren of Isaak Wooffenden A child of Thomas Welsh A daughter of John Collins Uxor Alexander Turnough Uxor Gabriell Leigh RandaU Leigh A child of A child of Roger Taylor Richard Heywood A child of [Richard Ramsbothome Uxor Isaak Woolfenden Uxor Thomas Butterworth Uxor Michaell Cheetham Uxor John Cheeteham ... A child of James Brearly Uxor Samuell Taylor Two children of [Roger Taylor ... A child of Gabriell Greave A child of Anthony Hamer Thomas Chadwicke A child of Henry ScoUeUd Emres Hallowes ... 3 p. 245 Ruth Stringer A Sonne of Richard Hardman ... Edmund Byrom ... Uxor John Holte Uxor Hallowes A poore woman ... A chUd of SamueU Wardle Uxor John Holt ... A child of James Scolfeild A child of John Hebbard A daughter of Anthony Lancashire A chUd of SamueU Wyld A chUd of James Woolfenden ... Uxor Abraham Chadwicke A Sonne of Edmund Leigh A child of James Stevenson Cler: Uxor Edmund Hardman Thomas Welch A chUd of Arthur Whitly A chUd of Edward Duerden Uxor Thomas Grenrode Thomas Hartly GabrieU Greave 1642 1642 26 December January II 12 13 17 25 26 29 30 2 Februarius 3 J, 1213 14 16 20 21 „ 23 ,j 35 35 27 JJ 28 „ 2 Martius 1642-1643 BURIALS 323 A daughter of Robert Butterworth A child of John Adkenson Uxor James Heywood ... A daughter of John Chadwicke Uxor William Butterworth Uxor James Ashworth ... John Shaw Uxor Samuell Holt A child of Edmund Clegge A child of Anthony Hodson John Butterworth de Bellfeild A child of James Ashworth James Wood A child of James Whitworth A chUd of Robert Ashworth A child of Thomas Dawson A child of Ralph Turnough A child of Samuell Fish A chUd of Richard Holt James Holt John Roydes A child of Roger Wigan Uxor Robert Bury Uxor Thomas Greave Uxor John Walker Uxor Michaell Roply 3 p. 246 A child of Emmanuell Tomson George Clegge A child of James Butterworth A child of Robert Brearly A child of James Brearly Uxor Joseph Ogden A daughter of Adam Kershaw Henry Key A child of John Lewes ... Ralphe Strengthfellow ... A daughter of Robert Walkden James Turnough ... Uxor James Hallowes Elizabeth ScoUeUd Uxor Joshuah Hoyle John Welsh Uxor Abraham Hallowes Uxor James Stott Robert Holt A chUd of Edmund Ogden Uxor John ScolfeUd I 642 10 Martius 16 55 55 53 53 55 18 55 35 35 22 55 53 55 55 55 55 55 I 643 27 Martius 28 53 30 33 31 35 2 ApriUs JJ 53 JJ 35 JJ 55 5 33 9 5, 13 33 33 53 16 53 53 55 18 55 21 33 22 53 23 55 27 35 28 53 29 33 6 Maius 7 33 8 35 9 55 14 35 16 55 55 55 17 35 55 55 22 55 25 55 33 55 27 55 9 June 10 55 II 5* 324 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1643 Richard Heywood A Sonne of Edmund Kershaw A daughter of MichaeU Stott Mr Winder Edmund Taylor Uxor Peanocke Abraham Hamer ... Robert Milne A child of James Woolfenden A sonne of James Taylor A chUd of James Turnough A poore Souldier ... Uxor Edward Scolfeild ... Edmund Holt A child of James Cheeteham AbeU Butterworth Israeli Howorth ... A sonne of Joseph Ramsbothome Susan Heywood ... A child of Henry Byrch Robert Spenke A daughter of John Hardman A child of John Hamer ... A child of Edmund Lord A child of Alexander Kershaw A poore Souldier ... A poore Souldier A child of Edmund Butterworth A child of Thomas Smith Uxor John Leigh A daughter of James Shepheard A Sonne of John Milne A poore man 3 p. 247 Abraham Leach ... Robert Woolstenholme Edmund Ogden ... Uxor Robert Whitworth Frances Dickson ... A child of Gabriell Garside A Sonne of Robert Wyld A child of Henry Makerill A child of John Robinson John Willson Richard Heyward Joseph Chadwicke Uxor Joseph Chadwicke Uxor Henry Malam A poore man I 643 11 June 13 JJ 20 JJ II July JJ JJ JJ 55 12 5J ^5 J5 14 33 15 53 16 55 55 35 21 53 23 35 26 33 28 29 30 31 I August 3 ,. 9 " II 13 JJ 14 J. 16 J, 17 JJ 18 „ 55 53 20 22 24 1 643 BURIALS 325 Abraham Hanson A Sonne of John Butterworth A child of Gervase EUison Thomas Hallowes James Morgetroyd Francis Ogden Thomas WooUenden Robert Buckly A child of John Ogden ... Alexander Tetlow A chUd of James Holt ... SamueU Wardle A chUd of John Buckly James Ogden Richard Grime A chUd of WiUiam Smith Uxor Thomas Redfearne Uxor John Woolstenholme Uxor Ralph Scoles A chUd of James Butterworth A daughter of Abell Duerden A child of James Stocke Uxor James Turnough ... A child of John MUne ... Susan Wheatly A child of William Leach Two children of Francis Holt Uxor Richard Smith Uxor Jarrett Fletcher A chUd of Robert MUne Elizabeth Hargreaves Ann Sale ... A child of Charles CoUinge A daughter of Robert Walker A child of James Cryer ... Edward Rawleigh Alexander Turnough Henry ScolfeUd Uxor John Winterbothome Francis Clegge John Hopwood Francis Booth Richard Rudde Edmund Butterworth A child of Joseph Brigs 3 p. 248 Uxor Abraham Woodhead Uxor Adam MUne Uxor John Royly 1643 27 August 28 29 2 JJ September 3 JJ 4 5) 55 6 JJJJ JJ J J 7 JJ >j 8 J J J> 5 5 JJ 10 JJ 55 55 55 5 5 II 5 J 12 JJ 5J J5 55 55 14 16 55 5J JJ 5 5 JJ 17 35 18 JJ 19 23 24 JJ 26 2 October J, JJ 3 JJ 4 55 6 8 10 326 ROCHDALE REGISTERS Uxor William Brashaw Abraham Woodhead Edmund Taylor A bastard ... A daughter of Jeffrey Taylor ... Thomas Taylor Richard Whitworth Uxor Edmund Butterworth A child of James Buckly Uxor Lawrence Newall ... A child of George Buckly A child of James Brearly Uxor Thomas Holt Fiances Darby of Bellfeild Uxor Abraham Whitworth A child of William Kennion A chUd of Richard Moores Uxor Joseph Duerden Henry Hopwood ... Uxor John Hurst James HUl A daughter of Robert WUd A child of Henry Keishaw Joseph Willson James Shaw James Stocke A child of Robert ScoUeUd John Hoyle Michaell Royly A daughter of Adam Chadwicke A child of Richard Hargreaves A child of Henry Ashworth Uxor Thomas Lowton ... A child of Richard Rudd Richard Entwisle Gent: A child of Abraham Kershaw .. Uxor Thomas Whithead James Hallowes ... A chUd of Robert Welsh Uxor Robert Chadwicke Uxor Edmund ScolfeUd A child of John ScoUeUd Joseph Duerden ... William Haslam Uxor Arthur Turnough A poore woman ... A chUd of Thomas Cheetham .. Uxor George^Hey 1643 1643 II October 12 JJ ^3 17 18 20 J5 33 35 21 22 55 24 25 35 28 JJ 2 November 5 6 7 89 35 33 10 35 1415 35 16 5553 17 i643 BURIALS Uxor Joseph Willson A chUd of John Lord George Nuttall John Hurst 3 p. 249 Thomas Brearly A child of Richard MoUneaux A child of Richard Simson Edmund Scolfeild A child of James Buckly A chUd of John Chadwicke Henry Whitworth Samuell Preistly Edmund Turnough Edmund Butterworth ... Uxor Joshua Stott Uxor William Dickson ... John Butterworth Lowhouse Anthony Allison Abraham Earneshaw Uxor George Lum Uxor Richard Chadwicke Richard Haslam Jane Holt ... John Moade Uxor James Milne John Matthew A chUd of Jarrett Stott Thomas White Abraham Royly ... Ralfe Holt A child of Abraham Brearly A child of Edmund Brearly A child of Thomas Bridges Adam HUl A child of James Milne ... Uxor Joseph Ramsbothome Jane Greenhalgh ... Lawrence Buckly Richard MoUneaux SamueU HiU Uxor John Turnough A daughter of Anthony Holt Anne Ogden Edmund Butterworth Uxor Samuell Bently James Stocke of Packer Uxor Ralph Holt Jeremy Brearly ... 3^7 1643 17 November JJ 18 55 JJ 33 JJ 19 JJ 55 55 JJ 53 20 33 21 55 23 53 24 25 555J 55 5J 5J 28 JJ55 30 1 55 December 3 5 6 7 8 10 J J II12 JJ 14 JJ5 5 16 5535 ¦^7 55 20 2122 J, 24 328 ROCPIDALE REGISTERS A child of Abraham Butterworth A child of Edmund Feilding A chUd of Richard Brearly Uxor John Turnough Abraham WorraU Uxor Richard Ogden Judith Ford James Hill Uxor Francis Scolfeild ... 3 p. 250 Uxor John Fenton Uxor Charles Stott Robt Ramsden Abraham Howorth Uxor Joseph Chadwicke A child of Henry Hopwood Raph Clegg John Whitaker Uxor Thomas Cheetham Robt Stott James Roydens ... Richard Butterworth James Greenhalgh A child of John Haywood Grace Smith Robt Stott Uxor James Tayler Uxor Thomas Medlebrocke Uxor Raph Haslam Joseph Chadwicke A chUd of Edmund Tayler A chUd of Richard Hollows Robt Hoyle A chUd of Thomas Lord Uxor Edmund Clegg John Stott John Hollows A chUd of WilUam Leach Nathan Whitley Thomas Dawson ... Uxor Arthur Megley A child of Edmund Clegg Uxor Robt Duerden John Stringer Samuel Hay Uxor John Hamer A child of Henery Brearley Robt Butterworth 1643 1643 24 December 27 28 JJ 2 45 January 10 II16 17 53 19 20 22 23 25 26 27 i643 BURIALS Bonaventure Walkden ... Uxor James Haywood , A child of John Eastwood Anthony Holt Uxor Edmund Leigh Uxor John Hamer A child of John Hamer A child of Cristopher Savel Nicholas Ogden Uxor James Hamer A daughter of John Woofenden A Sonne of John Colling John Stott A chUd of Abraham Scolefeild .. Christopher Savel A chUd of James Cropper WUUam Kay Uxor Robert Butterworth A chUd of Adam Pillinge 3 p. 251 Uxor Joseph Clegg James Sharpies ... Jane Brearley John CoUinge John Butterworth A chUd of Richard Mores John Woofenden ... Thomes Holt Edward Scolefeild A chUd of Charles CoUings EUzabeth Tayler Abraham Eastwood John Buckley Uxor Josua HoUows Uxor Richard Scolefeild James Feilding A child of John Hanson A poore man A chUd of Henery Bamforth . Robt Duerden Uxor Abraham Hamer ... Uxor Abraham Eastwood John Sauel [?] Samuel Haywood WiUiam Dawson OttaweU Whitworth Uxor Robt Nayler Edmund Kershaw Uxor Isacke Nayler 329 1643 28 January J, 55 29 55 55 55 30 33 55 55 31 53 55 I 55 February 2 55 55 35 3 33 4 53 35 35 5 33 35 6 35 33 9 33 10 JJ II 12 13 14 15 1617 1820 ,, 21 22 35 23 330 ROCHDALE REGISTERS A child of Edmund Mayden A chUd of John Scolefeild Uxor John Hollows A Sonne of John Kershaw Robt Scolefeild A child of Richard Ashworth Uxor James FeUding A child of Frances Scolefeild Nicholas Hartley Uxor Robt Hollows Edmund Lord Uxor William Booth John Milne Abraham Holt A child of John Turnough A child of Henery Clegg Uxor Edward Clegg Uxor Joseph Clegg Uxor Henery Clegg Adam HUl Uxor Thomes Crosley John Hamer Richard Hollows ... A child of James Burch James Jones 3 p. 252 A child of James Marsden Charles Stott Edmund Leach ... A daughter of Abraham Royley Robt Butterworth Abraham Woofenden A child of William Leach Uxor John Wicking Uxor Ottawell Kershaw Micahell Butterworth Richard Mathew ... A child of Richard Ogden A child of George Milne Uxor Thomas Butterworth Uxor Thomes Nuttall John Tompson Uxor John Cowper Uxor Abraham Rodes George Booe A child of Roger Wigon Uxor Jonathan Chadwicke A child of John Butterworth 1643-1644 1643 23 February 3 March 4 " 9 10 JJ II 15 16 17 55 55 19 21 22 23 24 I 27 644 March 30 I ApriU II1418202122 55 2426 27 1644 BURIALS 331 1644 James Leach 30 Aprill Uxor Alexr Scolefeild 1 May A chUd of Enocke Whitaker „ ,, WiUiam Whitworth 2 ,, Uxor William Whitworth ,, ,, A child of James Hopwood ,, ,, A child of Robt Butterworth 4 ,, A child of Raph Whitakei 6 „ Uxor James Stott ... ... ... 7 ,, Richard Tayler ,, ,, Uxor Robt Ashworth 8 ,, Abraham Chadwicke 10 ,, A daughter of Thomes Towne 12 ,, A daughter of James Jarrett ,, ,, A Sonne of Robt Kershaw ... ... 14 „ Uxor Henry Smith 15 ,, A Sonne of Alex: Butterworth ... ... 18 ,, A chUd of Robt Chadwicke „ „ A chUd of Jonathan Woofenden ... 19 ,, A chUd of John Ashworth ... ... 20 „ Uxor Edward Seddon 21 ,, Uxor Alexr Wardle ... ... ... 9 June John FeUding 10 ,, A chUd of James Ashworth ... ... ,, ,, A chUd of John Booth ,, ,, James Kershaw ... ... ... ... 12 jj A daughter of Robt Ogden „ ,, A daughter of Edmund Bamford ... ,, ,, 3 p. 253 Jonathan Buckley ... ... ... 16 ,, Uxor John Stott ... ... ... ... 18 ,, Uxor Samuel Suttlife 21 ,, A chUd of Randald Hollows 24 ,, A chUd of Thomas Wholey ,, ,, A poore child ... ... ... ... 26 ,, Uxor Thomas Readfearne ... ... 27 ,, Uxor Robt Leigh 30 A poore soulder ... ... ... ... 2 July Andrew Browne ... ... ... ... 3 „ A child of Robt Leigh „ ,, A Sonne of Edmund Kershaw , ,, Peeter Whithead 5 „ Martha Butterworth 6 „ A chUd of Francis Woofenden „ ,, Uxor John Brearley ... ... ... 7 " Roger Ogden jj „ Samuel MUne 9 „ Richard Whitworth jj ,, Uxor WiUiam Kershaw „ 332 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1644 3 P- 254 A child of Abraham Buckley ., A child of Thomas Bars A child of John Scolefeild A chUd of Thomes Brealey A daughter of Jeremy Duerden A chUd of Jurden Chadwicke .. Uxor Barnard Butterworth A child of James Cryer ... A chUd of EUes ScolefeUd Mr Edmund Entwisle Abraham Whitworth Uxor Anthony Whithead Uxor William Heape Roger Browne Uxor Alexr Brigs James Readfearne Robt Ogden Richard Leavesley A poore man A daughter of Edmund Lord A chUd of Charles CoUinge Uxor John Holt ... Uxor Robt ISlUne John Brearley A chUd of Thomes Holding John Turnough ... Robt HiU A child of James Chadwicke Uxor Robt Duerden Henery Malum John Fish ... A daughter of John Hardman Henery Kershaw ... Gabrell Greave Robt Duerden A child of John Haslam Samuel HoUows ... A chUd of Richard Whitworth Alexr Kershaw A chUd of John Stocke ... A chUd of Abra: Stansfeild Uxor James Fletcher Uxor Alexr Kershaw A poore woman ... Uxor Robt Jake ways A child of James WourraU Uxor Randale HaUows ... A child of Richard Holt 1644 13 July 55 15 17 18 22 JJ JJ 24 28 29 55 31 2 Augi 55 4 7 33 8 9 II 33 55 33 12 13 14 15 16 19 2028 )J 30 31 I2 3578 1014 September i644 BURIALS A daughter of John Woofenden John Sharpe John Chadwicke ... Anthony Holt A child of WiU: Rodd A child of John Moad , A chUd of Francis Clegg Uxor Robt Bathe Clarke A child of Robert ScolefeUd A chUd of Edward Dutton Uxor Cuttbord Butterworth Jane Ogden A chUd of Richard Frith A child of John Stocke A child of John Brodbent Uxor John Moad Uxor Richard Frith Joseph Romsbothom A chUd of EUes HoUows Robt CoUings Alex: Bridges 3 p. 255 Uxor James Holt A chUd of EUes HoUows Uxor John Hopwood A daughter of John Milne A child of James Pickop EUes Haslam Uxor John Healey A child of John [Hollows Robt Howorth Mary SuttUfe A chUd of Joseph Tayler A daughter of Abra: Healey A child of James Brearley A child of James ScolefeUd John Cooke Randale Hollows Uxor James Scolefeild ... Peeter Ellen worth Adam Tayler Uxor Thomas Cheetom ... A chUd of Thomas Greave John Stocke John Lowton ... . ... A child of Richard Wingreane . Uxor Charles HiU Robt Butterworth A chUd of Edmund Leigh 333 I 15 644 September 17 53 19 33 53 55 21 55 23 J5 30 I 55 October 46 53 55 33 55 35 8 >i35 9 55 53 55 33 55 11 55 13 35 33 55 55 55 1416 5555 17 18 33 33 20 33 JJ 53 30 4 33 November 9 53 II 55 17 18 3333 35 55 55 33 55 55 25 26 I 33 35 December 2 33 3 6 33 33 10 33 II 55 13 JJ 334 ROCHDAtE REGISTERS Alexr Howorth A daughter of Edmund Butterworth Uxor Joseph Scolefeild ... A child of Abra: Hamer John Rodes John Scolefeild A chUd of Peeter Whithead Joseph Butterworth James Buckley Uxor Abraham Brearley Uxor John Stocke A daughter of Roger Seddon A child of John Healey ... Uxor James Scolefeild ... Richard Wardleworth Arthur ScolefeUd A child of James Lester Uxor Francis Clegg A chUd of Mr Buckley ... 3 p. 256 Uxor Alex: Lightolers James Butterworth Uxor John Crosley James Buckley A daughter of Roger Browne A chUd of Abra: Stott ... Uxor Francis Dicson John Greave A child of Micahell Horst Uxor James Halliwell A chUd of John Brearley Uxor John Milne Uxor Jamfes Tetlow Charles Holt Uxor Richard Tayler A chUd of Simond Leach Uxor James Tetlow James Tetlow A child of James Whitaker Uxor Abraham Brearley William Lord Abraham Kershaw A child of John Scolefeild Uxor Charles Smith A child of James CoUings Anthony Milne Uxor Richard Ogden A daughter of Alexr Kershaw 1644-1645 ] [644 14 December 55 18 23 24 25 26 35 30 5 January 8 33 11 33 13 33 16 33 33 33 35 55 17 53 18 53 19 35 29 35 30 33 1 February J J 33 6 55 5J 55 II 33 12 53 16 18 53 19 35 24 35 26 35 28 55 I March 35 55 12 35 7 ,, 16 53 -^7 3 3 19 33 1645 28 March 29 53 30 33 31 33 i645 buriAlS 335 A daughter of Henery Garsids ... A daughter of Alexr Kershaw ... Uxor Thomes Wilsh Raph Hollows A daughter of John Chadwicke Adam Tayler Uxor Edmund Lord James Grime A daughter of James Frith A sonne of Roger Haywood A chUd of Edmund Lord A Sonne of Robt Holt ... Grace Milne John GUI A chUd of John Shore A child of Samuel Lowton 3 p. 257 A child of James HiU Uxor Francis Huchenson Richard Chadwicke A chUd of John Sale A child of Edmund Leigh Edmund Butterworth A daughter of James Butterworth A child of John Lord A child of Thomas Buckley A child of Thomas Whitaker ... A child of Richard Woofenden Edmund Duerden A daughter of Richard Nayler ... A poore woman ... A child of Alex: Turnough John Lord Uxor Savel Radcliffe Uxor John Feilding Uxor Robt ScolefeUd A Sonne of John Crosley Ann BeUeild Samuel Cason A chUd of James Whitaker Uxor Edward Adkenson Uxor Edmund Ogden A child of James Whitaker A child of Edward Harber Uxor Edmund Butterworth Three children of James Butterworth Old Brodbent Uxor Samuel Milne A chUd of Abraham Stansfeild 1 645 5 ApriU 7 13 14 33 ^7 19 20 22 55 25 53 27 55 55 55 55 8 35 May ^7 35 22 33 2328 3555 29 33 2 June 5 35 10 55 II 35 14 33 17 18 33 33 19 55 27 28 35 35 2 July 3 35 4 53 58 3333 9 33 53 33 12 35 22 55 23 55 26 3 August 5 JJ 7 =. 3 P- 258 336 RochdAle registers 1645 I 645 A child of AbeU Rodes 8 August A chUd of Edmund Clegg .. 10 35 Uxor Alex: Clegg JJ 35 Thomes Whithead ... II 35 AbeU Buckley ... 12 55 Joseph Dodson ... 13 33 A chUd of Charles CoUings ... 22 55 A chUd of Robt Duerden ... 27 33 A child of James Milne ... .. 8 September A chUd of Johnat: BeUeild 33 53 Alex: Scolefeild ... 9 35 A Sonne of James Chadwicke ... ... 10 33 A child of Janies Milne ... ... 11 55 Uxor James Milne ... 12 55 Edmund Milne ... 13 JJ Uxor Richd Holt ... 17 33 A child of Abraham Stocke ¦ . . ,j 33 A sonne of Richard Naylers ... 21 ii Richard Hollows ... .. 22 55 A child of Roger Wiggons ... 24 55 A chUd of John Leach ... ¦ .. ,j 33 Thomes Butterworth •• 3 October A chUd of John Eglebey JJ 55 Richard Kennion .. 12 53 Robt Clegg .. 22 55 A child of John Booth .. 29 55 A Sonne of Alex: Kershaw •• 31 33 A child of James Wardle • • 5 November Uxor Edward ScolefeUd .. 6 J J Samuel Leach .. II 55 A chUd of Gowther Butterworth ... 16 55 Raph Hethley .. 22 55 A child of James Milne ... ¦ ¦ 35 33 A daughter of Edward Scolefeild .. 25 35 Edmund Greave ... .. 26 Uxor Robt Leach I December A chUd of Garside 2 A sonne of Lenard Shippard .. 6 ) J Ann Whithead .. 8 Uxor John Eglebey 9 Henery Tayler .. 10 Edward Scolefeild .. 11 Jerat Cryer A child of Thomes Whitaker ... Richard Bradford .. 15 55 A child of Robt Ashworth .. 16 55 James Holt " A child of Deys [?] Lort 33 .. 18 55JJ 1 645-1646 BURIALS A child of Abraham Milne Uxor Raph Whitaker Edmund Bamford A chUd of Robt Walker. James Brearley ... Richard Bury The wUe of Old HaUiweU John Butterworth A child of Thomes Holme Thomas Hamer A child of Thomes Holt . Abraham Hanson, Two children of James Butterworth Mary Sugener Uxor Heyd A child of John ScolefeUd Edmund Butterworth A chUd of John Feilding 3 p. 259 John MeUer Uxor WUl: Standring Deafe Gate A chUd of Robt Leigh A chUd of Abra: Stott Uxor Edmund Whithead Thomes Kershaw Joseph Radcliff A chUd of Alexr ScolefeUd Uxor Abra: Buckley Uxor James Stevenson Gierke ... Uxor Henery Sroith Uxor John Jackson A child of James Whitworth ... A chUd of Josua Stott A chUd of John Fenton Roger Hayword Uxor Henery Scolefeild ... A daughter of John Brearley ... A child of John Salle A child of Jarrett Newall Uxor John Kershaw A chUd of MicheU Bentley Edward Mores Uxor John Parken Wife of Old Cryer A child of Henery Burch John FeUding A chUd of Henery Standring ... 337[ 1645 23 December 25 ., 26 „ 55 55 I January 55 JJ 3 ,. 4 .. 5 ,j 6 „ II JJ 13 JJ 14 .. 15 JJ 16 „ 53 35 3 February 55 55 5 JJ 9 » 15 JJ 35 35 18 „ 23 ,j 28 „ 1 March 3 .. 5 ,. 6 „ 8 „ 14 » 16 19 22 „ 23 .. 24 „ 1646 28 March 31 J. 1 ApriU 3 .. 5 .. 14 .. 15 .. w 338 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1646 A child of Robt Clegg Uxor Jonathan Mathew A daughter of Edmund Hardman John Chadwicke A chUd of George Frith Uxor Charles Holt A child of John Wood ... A chUd of John Per ken ... James Hewood A daughter of Cristopher Clough James Whitley A chUd of Robt Healey A child of John Dewhorst A child of Jonathan Earnshaw A child of Henery Standring ... A chUd of Robt Healey A chUd of John Howorth Henery Nuttall A chUd of Mister Buckley A child of Edmund Cowper Uxor Thomas Berch A child of James Colings Adam HUl A daughter of Raph Lowton ... A chUd of Thomas Holme Uxor Cudbord HiU Richard Chadwicke Nicholes Kershaw A child of Abraham Wild A child of Joseph 3 p. 260 A chUd of Benname [sic] Whitaker Uxor Thomas Whitaker Uxor John Holt A child of John Ogden A child of Jeremie Dobson Uxor John Woofenden ... A child of Henery Uxor Abraham Butterworth Uxor John Holt A child of John Sale John Heape A child of John Shaw A chUd of Thomes Seddon A chUd of Abraham StansfeUd Thomes Hollows A chUd of Robt Scolefeild ... A child of EUes Haslam A chUd of John Holt 1646 16 ApriU 17 » 19 .. 24 J)JJ 26 7 8 12 1517 Maie June 19 20 22 J5 28 7 53 10 1213 22 2 3 .. 4 .. 53 55 5 JJ II JJ 20 „ 22 „ 1 August Julie 10 1646 BURIALS 339 A child of Isacke Whitaker Mary Chadwicke Uxor Robt Stringer Uxor Zacry Smith A chUd of Robt Chadwicke A chUd of James Frankland John Romsden A child of Semmeon Hartley ... Will: Tayler A child of WiU: Kershaw A child of Abra: Hamer A child of John Stott A chUd of GabriU Leigh A Sonne of AbeU Hodson A child of Robt Milne John Standring ... , A child of John Stott Uxor Abraham Leigh Susan Hollows Mary Holt Edward Wild James Key A chUd of Richard Ashworth ... A child of Thomes Butterworth A child of James Cryer ... A child of Thomas [Bury Uxor Georg Clegg A chUd of John Feilding Uxor Henery Scolefeild A chUd of Thomes Healey 3 p. 261 Uxor WUl: Farrah A child of James Rods ... Uxor Raph Hollows A sonne of Richard Howorth ... A daughter of WiUiam Kershaw Uxor Edward Lord A child of Roger Grime A child of Robt HiU A chUd of Robt Chadwicke Uxor Thomes Holt George Hollows Uxor James Belfeild A child of James Turnough A child of John CoUings A child of James Whithead Uxor Edmund Chadwicke James Fletcher Uxor James Tayler 1646 10 August 16 „ 24 .. 26 „ 55 55 27 >, 30 31 1 55 September 5 6 55 55 11 5J 13 >> 21 5» 24 55 2728 55 55 55 1 55 October 35 53 2 55 4 6 JJ J5 78 5555 10 55 II JJ 12 JJ 14 18 35 55 35 26 33JJ 27 35 55 55 30 33 55 4 55 November 16 55 1721 340 ROC[H[DALE REGISTERS Uxor Francis Clegg A daughter of . Jurden Chadwicke " Margarett Chadwicke " [later entry] Uxor Edmund Leigh Frances Ogden A child of Thomas Readfearne ... A child of George Milne A child of Edward Newbold Uxor John Holt ... A child of Thomes Birch Uxor Richard Hollows ... A child of Ottawell Kershaw ... Uxor Abra: Duerden A child of Thomas Holt Barnard Butterworth Ales Browne Uxor Alexander Brearley Uxor Randale Hardman A child of Richard Holt Uxor Edward Scolefeild A child of Samuel Leach Robt Welsh Robt Duerden John Kershaw A child of Robt Jaques A child of James Kershaw James Milne James Stott Samuel Butterworth 3 p. 262 Uxor MicaheU Marcroft A child of WiU: Haslam Uxor James Milne A child of Alexander Scolefeild A child of Adam Whithead A child of Will: Rodes A child of Emanuel Tomson Samuel Shore Uxor John Cryer A child of WiUiam Stott A chUd of Christopher NuttaU A child of Williani Seddon A stranger A child of Richard Scolefeild A child of George Smith A child of Richard Mores John Simond of Rachdale A child of William Hollows A child of Abraham Turnough ... 2327 3 6 10 12 55 13 20 2325 3 5 27 3J3 9 II12 15 55 16 20 25 1628 30 33245 6 141617 18 33 23 27 33 5 1^646 1646 November Desember January February March , 1646-1647 BURIAI^S - 341 A child of John ScolefeUd Uxor Robt Hollows Henery Whithead A child of Richard Holt A chUd of Thomes Smith A child of Thomes Ogden John Chadwicke ... Uxor Samuel Duerden ... Uxor George Hamer A chUd of EUes ScolefeUd A chUd of James Milne ... A chUd of Robt Butterworth A chUd of George Milne Robt Brigs George Hamer Mary d. of Alexr Howorth A child of Abraham Crosley Ales Cleaton ... Uxor Peeter Bolton ... .. Uxor Jarrett Newell A chUd of James Tarnough Uxor Edmund Brigs • A child of Robt Butterworth. Uxor Abraham Scolefeild A daughter of John Holt A child of Edward Clegg George. Smith A chUd of Steven Nuttall Abraham Hanson Ottawell Greave ... A daughter of Samuel. Wardle 3 p. 263 A child of John Dewhurst A child of Robt Brigs. ... A Sonne of George Milne A sonne of John Shephard A child of James Scolefeild A chUd of Benjamine Whitaker A daughter of Robt Chadwicke A child of John Brearley Henery Standring Uxor Francis ScolefeUd ... George Marsden ... A chUd of James Chadwicke A poore ladd A Sonne of James Scolefeild A child of William Dawson A child of Joseph Tayler 1647 7 March II ^3 14- J, 20 21 23 1647 29 March 2 Aprill 3 5 10 35 II12 13 1920 22 55 23 28 I Maie 4 7 9 1322 23 24 25 26 55 27 342 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1647 Richard Woolstenholme A child of Richard Duerden A child of James Woofenden ... A child of James Chadwicke A child of Thomas Barlow A child of James Greave A chUd of Edmund Tayler Uxor Edward Newbold ... A child of Arthur Butterworth James Hollows A child of Robt Clegg Robt sonne of Robt Bathe A child of John Haslam A child of John Horrox A chUd of Edmund Whithead A child of Francis Healey A child of .... Id Lotton A chUd of Abell Hamer Uxor Abraham Stott Uxor Edmund Leach Samuel Greave Francis f. Johannis Buckley de Buckley Ar: Edmund Holt Uxor Abraham Clegg A child of Samuel Greave A child of Robt Clegg A child of John Hayword A chUd of Abraham Tayler Uxor William Greave Uxor Thomes Barlow A child of Henery Scolefeild A child of Edmund Brearley A chUd of John Butterworth ... A child of Robt Ferth A child of John Crosley A chUd of Adam Kershaw 3 p. 264 Micahell Howorth of Rachdale A chUd of John Oglebey Edmund Scolefeild A child of Abraham Whitworth John Howorth Alexr Milne A child of Isack Milne A chUd of Emanuel Tomson A chUd of James Whitworth A Sonne of Edmund Butterworth A child of James MUne 1647 5 June 4 .. JJ JJ 5 » 5J J> 6 „ 7 .. 10 „ 12 „ 13 ,. JJ 55 17 .. 20 JJ SJ JJ 21 JJ JJ 5» 22 JJ 35 JJ 23 JJ 26 J) JJ JJ 29 JJ JJ JJ 30 JJ 5 JuUe J J JJ 11 JJ 13 JJ JJ 55 14 55 1516 5555 17 18 55 5J 19 5 J 20 55 JJ 55 21 55 JJ JJ 22 J5 JJ )J 23 JJ JJ JJ 27 )> 1647 BURIAI.S 343 " A chUd of Edmund Leigh A child of John Shore A child of John Earsnworth [sic] A child of Joseph Mosse A chUd of John Suttlef A child of Thomas Seddon A child of Jonathan Woofenden A child of Richard HoUows A chUd of EUes Haslam A chUd of Thomes Ogden A child of Zacrry Milne A child of Thomes Haward A chUd of Robt Turnough Edmund Whithead of Burchinley M: A child of Edmund Brearley ... A child of Henery Standring ... A daughter of John Jacson A child of John Holt A chUd of Robt NewaU A daughter of John Hopwood ... Robt Haywood ... A child of Edmund Leigh A child of Edmund Butterworth Roger Seddon A daughter of Joseph Chadwicke A chUd of Edward Newbord [sic] Uxor Robt Walkden A child of John Butterworth ... A child of John Mason A daughter of James Hopwood Mister Belfeild of Cleggswood M: A child of Robt Sowtayle John Stocke A child of James Brearley A child of Richard Holt A child of Henery Standring A child of John [Haywood A chUd of Edward Butterworth A chUd of Robt Holt ... Peeter Kershaw ... James Wardle A child of Robt Pares ... 3 p. 265 A Sonne of George MUne A child of John Meller ... A child of James Butterworth A child of Roger Grime A chUd of Edward Clough A child of John Leigh ... 1647 27 Julie 28 „ 29 Jl 30 Jl 31 1 Jl August 3 Jl Jl II 4 Jl JJ j» JJ fi JJ 51 5 II JJ 6 Jl JJ J, JJ 10 Jl 15 Jl JJ Jl 20 JJ 5 J JJ 21 JJ 55 51 22 5J 23 Jl 55 51 35 JJ JJ JJ 24 JJ 25 26 SJ JJ 55 55 27 28 5 J JJ 29 JJ 51 JJ 31 1 55 September 2 )j 4 51 5J 51 5J 6 51 11 JJ 5J 7 JJ 55 JJ 9 SI 10 J) 344 ROCHDALE REGISTERS A chUd of Edmund Cheeton. ... A chUd of Lawrence Tattersell A child of Jeremie Duerden A child of AUam Kershaw A daughter of. Edward Scolefeild A. child of Thomes Brearley Adam Brearley A child of Edmund Cryer A child of Jeremie Duerden A ctiild of John. Scolefeild __ ... A child of, Jonathan Holt A child of Henery Dicson A child of John Wild A child of George. Lees ... A child of Robt Healey A child of Ottawell Kershaw ... A chUd of Samuel Suttlife A chUd of Abra: Clegg James Whithead ... A chUd of Henery Hoart [?] ... A child of . Edmund Hayward ... A chUd of Micahell B.utterworth A child of John. Dunster A child of John. Shaw Edmund Butterworth A child of John Rods A child of Richard ScolefeUd ... A chUd of Edward Clough A Troper A child of WilUam Rods A child of Luke Greenhalgh A child of Robt HiU A child of Francis Pilkinton James Milne A child of Alex:. Lightolers ...1 Richard Milne Judeth Kershaw ... . A child of Abra: Leigh Gathar Butterworth A child of James Brearley A child of John Whithead . ... A child of James Rigley A child of Robt Butterworth ... A chUd of Cristor Nuttall Abra: Kershaw A child of John Howorth 3 p. 266 Uxor Isacke Milne A child of Gowther Butterworth .1647 1647 12 September 13 15 16 2022 2325 2627 I Octobei 11 12 55 13 55 1418 55 20 22 24 25 2728 30 J J JJ 6 November 7 33 II 13 14 3 P- 267 1647 BURIALS . 345 1647 A child of Raph Brearley . 15 November A chUd of Charles Lord . 18 „ Thomes Milne • 55 55 A chUd of James Holt • 19 .. A chUd of Richard Woofenden ' 55 JJ A child of James Howorth JJ 5J A child of John Whithead • 21 „ Richard Simson ... , 24 „ A child of Henery ScolfeUd • 26 „ A chUd of Barnard Butterworth JJ JS A child of Roger Grime • 27 „ Uxor James Butterworth • 55 SS A chUd of Charles Ogden .. 28 „ A chUd of Ottawell Kershaw ... • 30 „ Henery Smith JJ JJ Abraham Ogden 2 Desember Uxor John Holt ¦ 4 JJ A chUd of DanieU Stocke • • 7 JJ James Stott • 10 „ A chUd of Henery Whitaker 33 55 A child of John ScolefeUd .. 11 „ A chUd of EUes ScolefeUd ¦¦ 13 JJ Ann Bradshaw ¦ • ¦ 14 JJ Uxor John Bridge 53 33 James Tayler • 15 JJ A chUd of James Rodes 55 35 A child of Thomas Burie .. 16 „ A child of John Leach 33 35 James Woofenden ¦ 17 .. A child of John Lord : 33 55 A child of John Hanson JJ 55 A chUd of John Holt • 55 55 A chUd of John Crosley • 24 „ A chUd of EUes Hollows 55 JS A chUd of John Duehorst • 26 „ Uxor Thomas Stott • 55 55 Uxor Tho: Cheetam .... ... • 29 „ A child of John Simond JJ ,, A child of Abra: TattersaU JJ ,j Uxor John Crabtrey 7 January A child of Isacke Farrah • 10 „ A daughter of .Isacke Lord ¦ 13 J^ A chUd of Tho: Buckley • 14 ., A daughter of Robt Butterworth • 15 „ A child of Richard Brearley 55 JJ A child of Lawrence Tattersell . . 16 „ Charles Smith of Wardle M: ... • 17 „ Uxor .Richard Nayler JJ >> 346 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1647-1648 John Haywood A child of John Turnough Jonathan Mathew Elizabeth Milne A chUd of Thomes Burch A Stranger Robt Mulenex A daughter of Edmund Ramsbothom , Uxor Charles Stott Uxor James Turnough ... A child of John Holt James Rods A Sonne of John Ogden A child of Robt Seddon A child of James Milne Adam Grime A child of Mr John Buckley Uxor James Milne A child of Isacke Lord ... Uxor James Butterworth A Stranger A child of James Milne Henery Shore A child of Jonathan Brearley ... A child of Richard Whitworth EUzabeth Crabtree Uxor Thomes Haywood A chUd of Nathan Stott Thomes Seddon ... A child of Robt Pedley A child of Tho: Ogden A chUd of Tho: Ogden. John Dickson A child of Richard Holt Oumphery Hopwood A child of John Botler Will: Chatterton Uxor Robt Tayler John Smith Richard Hopwood 3 p. 268 A child of OlUver Tayler Uxor John Sayle Tho: HiU of HoUinwoith M: A Sonne of John Holt ... James Milne A child of John Kershaw 1647 18 January JJ JS 21 5J 24 JJ 25 51 27 51 25 J J 1 February 10 5 J 12 55 13 55 22 SJ 55 JJ 5S 51 23 51 25 5J 26 Jl 29 55 I . March 3 55 7 55 8 5J 9 35 10 55 11 55 12 5 J >, 55 ,, 55 15 >> 17 JJ 18 »J 22 Jl 24 55 55 JJ !¦ 648 25 March 55 JJ 29 JJ ,j JJ 4 ApriU 5 6 9 II j» X5 19 1648 BURIALS 347 John Chadwicke A Sonne of John FeUding John Lord of Clough Hous Ann CoUings Uxor James Leach A chUd of John Sayle ... A child of John Moad ... A chUd of Tho: HiU Mary Haslam Uxor John Booth A chUd of WiU: Taylei ... Ann Casson A daughter of Joseph Chadwicke James Woofenden A chUd of James Whitworth Edmund Wild Uxor James Whitworth Uxor Henery Wild A child of [Hugh Lealond A chUd of Robt CoUings Uxor John Howorth Uxor John Mods ... Samuel Clegg A child of Abra: Kershaw Richard Ogden John Chadwicke ... A child of Richard MUne A Sonne of Robt Scolefeild A chUd of Robt Brigs ... Richard Burch A daughter of James Tayler A child of Joseph Ogden A child of Richard Woosnum Uxor Samuel Woofenden A child of Henery Standring A child of Edmund Buckley Uxor Edward Clegg Israeli Kershaw ... A child of Edmund Buckley Uxor John Huching Uxor Raph Stott Jefrey Tayler A child of James Milne ... A chUd of Joseph Levsle 3 p. 269 WUUam Pooley of Rachdale M: A chUd of Tho: Whithead A child of EUes Scolefeild Roger Barlow 1648 23 Aprill 25 .. 29 „ 1 Maie 48 9 ,, II 12 13 15 JS 16 18 20 23 24 27 28 29 30 3 June 46 7 8. 9 II 12 15 20 22 JJ 23 5J 26 27 J5 30 JJ SS 3 JuUe II ,, 348 ROCHDALE REGISTERS .1648 Moises Morres. Mary Heywood .... A child of Edmund Royds ... . . . Uxor Tho: Milne A child of Henery Kershaw A daughter of Edmund Hawood A sonne of James Turnough A child of James CoUings A chUd'of MicaheU Shakleton ... Isacke Kershaw ... Esae Digle Uxor Jarratt Readfearne Uxor Abell Hamer A chUd of Robt Scolefeild A child of John Horrox Uxor James HiU ... Richard Milne James LightoUers A sonne of Edmund Holt A child of Edward Butterworth Uxor Tho: Holme Uxor AbeU Rods A child of Tho: Wild A chUd of WiU: Chatterton A child of Richard Leigh Uxor Edward Butterworth Roger Gorell A child of Tho: Readfearne Robt B-tarley A chUd of Charles Lord EUes Haslam Anthonie Hopwood Henery Kershaw ... Uxor Henery Tayler John Howorth A child of James Kershaw A Sonne of Samuel Shore A child of John Oglebey A poore Scott Uxor Raph Colier 3 p. 270 A child of William Rods A chUd of John Fenton WiUiam Crosley ... James Grinrod Rich: Ramsbothom Uxor Jeffery Whitworth A child of John .Fetton ... ..... 1648 II JuUe 3-3 55 13 55 15 35 18 55 35 55 24 55 33 55 25 J3 JJ 55 29 55 6 August 7 55 55 55 9 55 II 55 13 55 14 »5 18 55 28 55 29 55 2 September 4 55 5 5 J 6 53 7 55 13 53 33 55 14 ss 15 55 17 5 J 18 31 29 ¦ 55 I October 4 55 8 55 9 35 16 55 55 55 19 55 18 33 19 SS 23 55 25 SJ 28 J3 5 November 1648 BUriAlS 349 1648 3 P- 271 A chUd of John Sjnethurst 9 Novembei Abraham Fish JJ ,j A Sonne of James Hague • • 15 ., A chUd of John Whitaker •• 55 55 MicaheU BirstaU ¦• 17 JJ A child of Nicholas Whithead ... ... 19 „ Uxor EUis Whithead ... 21 „ Uxor Edmund Wyld • •• 55 55 Uxor Robt Holt •* • JJ 55 A chUd of John Ashworth •'¦ 55 J5 A daughter of Daniel BelfeUd ... - 23 „ A chUd of James Cleaton 55 55 Nathan SuttcUffe .. 24 „ Robt Jenkensonn •¦ 25 „ Uxor Rich: Fenton .. 29 „ Mary Ogden 5 December Uxor Robt Chadwicke .. 6 „ Jacob ScolefeUd of Humber M: 55 JJ A child of John Ashworth 55 55 Uxor James FeUding • • 7 .. Mary Haywood ... • • 55 55 Uxor Finores [sic] Tayler ... 10 „ Uxor Henry Ashworth ... ¦ * 5 5 5 5 A chUd of Edward Ashworth ... ' • 55 55 A chUd of Thomes Holt 33 35 Uxor Adam Whithead ¦• II JJ John TattersaU .... .. 12 „ Uxor John Hayward •• 13 JJ A chUd of Abra: ScoUeU«i •¦ • 55 JJ A chUd of Mr James ScolefeUd ••• 14 » Uxor John Ashworth • ¦ • 55 55 Mary Brearley •¦ 19 .. A child of Thomes Lawton, )> 55 Uxor Jacob Scofeild .. 20 „ Dorathy Tayler ... .. 21 „ Old MoueU [or] MoneU .. 26 „ Old Milne .. 28 ,. A child of Sauel [?] Rods •• 29 „ Edmund Ogden •¦ 31 J. Henery Horroks •• JJ JJ Old Standles [?] ,, JJ A child of Robt Forth 1 January James Duerden ... 2 „ A child of Jeremie Bury •• 3 JJ Uxor Edmund Whithead of Burchinh M: , ,. A child of Edmund Haywood ... -y 4 .. ¦• 5 JJ A child of Edmund Turner JJ J5 35o ROC[HDAtE REGISTERS 164! I 648 A child of Whitworth [sic] 6 January A child of Abra: Ormrood ... 7 15 Edward Scolefeild ... 8 53 Uxor George Ashworth ... 9 SS John Belfeild ... 12 15 John Fareclough ... JJ 55 A chUd of Anthonie Crosley ,, 55 Uxor Thomas Lewes ... 15 55 A chUd of John Brodbent SJ 55 Uxor Abra: Stocke ... i8 55 Uxor EUes Scolefeild ... 19 55 Two chUdren of Robt CoUings ... .* • ), 55 A Sonne of Robt Buckley ... 20 55 Ales Dic.:onn ... 21 55 Uxor WilUam Leigh ... 22 JJ A daughter of Young Mourlh [?] « >¦ ,j ( " Uxor James Holt ... 23 55 Olliver Holt de Bamford ... 24 55 Uxor Joseph Shore • ¦• 25 J3 A child of James Whitworth ... • • > ,j 55 Two children of Joseph Shore ... ... 27 55 A child of John Cooe ... 28 yj James Crosley I Februarie Uxor Anthonie SuttcUffe ••• 5 55 A daughter of James MUne ... 6 55 A child of Abra: Scolefeild ... 7 JS Uxor George Browne ... 8 15 Rich: Ashworth ... ,, IJ Alex: [?] Fletcher ... ,, 15 A chUd of Francis Woofenden ... ... 11 55 Uxor Abra: Whitworth ... 12 15 John CoUings ... 16 J5 A child of NathaneU ... JJ 33 A daughter of John Hopwood ... ... 19 33 Francis Holt ... 20 33 James Turnough ... ... 23 JJ Thomes Cheetam ¦ • . fj A child of James Whithead ... ,, 55 Uxor Rich: Meddocraft ... 25 J5 A child of John Shore ... 26 55 A sonne of James Brearley • . . ,, 55 Uxor Edmund Scofeild ' ¦• 55 53 A child of John Whithead ... 28 55 A chUd of Arthur Whites ... ,, 55 Uxor James Holt I March Ales Hollows Mr Stevensonne Clarke 3 )} A daughter of John Ashworth ... ... 6 Jl 1 648-1649 BtJRiALS 351 A child of James Brearley James Tayler Uxor John Chadwicke 3 p. 272 James Holt A chUd of Edmund March A chUd of George Rods A daughter of Adam HUl A chUd of Tho: Holt John Holt de Balderstone M: ... Elizabeth Barlow A daughter of James Holt A child of Abra: Clegg A Sonne of Robt Ogden Abra: Lord A child of Abra: Fetton Ragfoote Sister ... Mr WiUiam Haworth RandaU Smith of Healey M: ... Mr Robt Holt Uxor Thomes Readfearne 27 A child of Edmund Cheetam „ Abell Whitaker „ A daughter of Henery Shore „ Thomes Holt 30 Uxor Alex: ScolefeUd A chUd of John Symond Uxor William Smith Uxor Jeremie Clegg A stranger de Midleton A daughter of Charles Butterworth A child of Richard Linny A child of Abra: Brearley A Trupper A child of Georg Buckley A child of Tho: Cleygote [?] „ Thomas Leych ... ... ... ... „ James Crompton ... ... ... ... 13 A poore child ... ... ... ... „ A daughter of Charles Lord ... ... 14 A daughter of Thomas Whitworth ... 16 Samuel MUne of Garsid M: xy A sonne of John Hopwood ... ... „ Uxor James Butterworth ... ... 19 Uxor James Hardman ... ... ... „ A chUd of William Kershaw „ A child of Raph Tetlow ,, A child of Robt Holt 20 1648 6 March JJ 55 7 53 10 13 55 14 SS 15 55 16 19 20 22 24 ,j 1649 25 March 26 „ 31 1 ApriU >> JJ 6 7 55 8 9 352 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1649 A chUd of Raph Tetlaw . A child of James Turnough Thomes NuttaU A chUd of Zachray Milne DanieU Turnough Robt Ashworth ... Uxor EUes Chadwicke ... Uxor James Haywood ... [illegible] ... 3 p. 273 A child of Richard Mores A child of Thomes; Hanson A chUd of Charles MUne Uxor Richard Kenion A child of Abram Tayler. A child of John Butterworth ... A child of Abraham Ormerood [?] Uxor Cutbord Milne A child of John Bamford Mary Booth of Rachdale M: ... Ann Butterworth A child of Edmund Holt" Two children of Thomas Bridge Uxor James Brearley A cnild of John Butterworth ... A child of John Street A daughter of John Turnough ... A child of Ann Whithead A child of Thomas Oldham Thomas Tayler Nathan Leigh A child of Abra: Grenrod Uxor John Stocke A sonn of Roger Tayler John Fenton Uxor James Greave A child of Thomes Burch Ales Howorth ... ... ... A child of John Clegg A child of Samuell Milne Uxor Will: Medocraft Uxor Adam Chadwicke ... A child of Adam Kershaw Robt Milne A daughter of James Milne A child of Edmund Scolefeild ... Thomes Lewes Uxor James PouUton A child of Abraham Haywod [sic] 1649 20 Aprill 22232527 28 30 1 2 JJ 34 5 Maie 9 10 JJ II JJ 14 1516 1819 20 21 22 2324 25 55 26 55 28 29 3 p. 274 1649 BURIALS 1 649 Adam Chadwicke. 2 June Uxor Charles Lord ... 4 JJ A chUd of Edward Seddon • ¦> }} 55 A child of John ... 6 35 Uxor John Woolfenden ... 7 55 Jane Clegg JJ JJ Uxor Raph Tetlaw 55 JS A Sonne of Alex: Wardle )) 55 A Sonne of Edmund Chadwicke ... 8 55 Thomes Brearley de Marland M: ... 9 J5 Uxor James Chadwicke ... JJ JJ Uxor Abra: Woolfenden •• • 55 55 Uxor AbeU Butterworth ... 12 55 Robt Kersnaw ... J} 55 A chUd of Anthonie Whithead ... 13 55 John Hanson ... 15 J5 A child of John ScolefeUd ... ,, J3 A child of James Fletcher ... 16 55 A child of Edmund Whithead ... ... ly Abraham Stott ... 18 A child of Robt Kershaw ... 21 55 Alex: CoUings of Burchenley M: ... 23 Lawrance NewaU ... 26 A child of Ceevel Chadwicke . . . JJ A chUd of James Nuttall ... 27 Edmund Madden ... 28 James Tayler of Marland M: ... • •• 30 A sonn of Alex: ScolfeUde S3 A chUd of John Leach I Julie A chUd of WUl: Dodsonn 33 55 Uxor Richard Dickson 2 33 A Sonne of John Sale 33 33 Uxor Lawrance Chadwicke •¦• 3 35 Uxor Abraham Howorth ¦ • • 33 35 A chUd of Alex: Kershaw • • • 55 5J Uxor Robt CoUings ... 4 55 Abra: Unsworth • • . JJ 55 Denniss Kay of Woosnum M: . . . ,, 55 A child of Jereme. Cranidg ¦ . • }} 5; John Milne 5 55 A chUd of Alex: Kershaw ... 6 55 Achild of Tho: C ¦ • ¦ }, 55 A daughter of James Whitaker ... 7 55 A chUd of Adam Whitworth ... . . . JJ 33 Margerey Garside ... 8 55 A child of James Scolefeild 33 55 Uxor Richard Meddocraft ... II 35 Emie [?] Royley ... ; *.. ,, JJ 353 354 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1640 A chUd of Edmund Wrigley John Haywood ... A child of Josua Tayler Josua Brearlev A child of Old HuUs Edmund Holt A child of James Turner Samuel Scolefeild A poore wooman William Horst A child of Edmund Lord Edward Turnough James Rods Uxor Robt Scolefeld Arthur Smith A chUd of Robt MUne ... A sonn of James Francleton WiU: Leigh A chUd of John Ogden ... A child of Ottawell Kershaw 3 p. 275 A child of James Hayward Uxor Joseph CoUings A child of John CoUings A chUd of Robt Stott ... Uxor Samuel Wrigley A child of MiceheU SuttcUffe A chUd of Robt Holt de Castleton Esq: A child of James Brealey A Sonne of John Feilding A child of Joseph CoUings Robt Whitworth Spotlond Bridg M: Uxor John Fareclough ... Uxor Thomes Holt Uxor Edmund Stanering Uxor Rich: Clegg A daughter of Thomes Holt Richard Clough A child of John CoUings A child of Edmund Cowp Arthur Clegg A sonn of Thomas Butterworth A child of Joseph Dodson A child of Richard Fenton A child of Abra: Stott ... A chUd of Abra: Leach ... A child of Henry Farrah George Ashworth Sisley Nowles 1649 13 Julie 15 1718 20 22 23 24 25 J5 26 28 55 29 JJ 2 August 4 5 6 7 9 53 55 II 12 13 55 53 3 3 14 20 33 26 27 30 2 September 1314 20 22 3 p. 276 1649 r BURIALS 355 1 649 Uxor Edmund Cromton . 22 { September A chUd of Joseph BeUeild • 27 JJ Uxor John Brearley . 28 ,j Uxor Edmund ScolefeUd • 3 October George Adkenson ¦ 4 55 A cbUd of Edmund March • 5 55 A poore child . 6 55 Uxor Thomas Clegg • 7 55 George Milne of Ladyhous M: • 9 55 A child of James Tayler . II 55 A child of Ogdens . 21 JJ Uxor Gilbord Hanson 35 5J WiUiam Clegg • 23 J3 Robt Wyld of Marland M: ¦ 27 JJ Edmund Crompton of Butterworth M : 28 55 A chUd of Robt Chadwicke • 30 55 Uxor James Spencei 55 J5 John CoUings 33 53 Frances Fletcher of Lower Woosnum M : 31 55 A chUd of AbeU Rods I November Rich: Kennion of Ashworth 2 55 Williani FeUding of Hades M: . 3 55 Uxor John CoUings 33 55 A chUd of Raph Whitaker ¦ 4 55 A chUd of Robt Kershaw 35 53 A child of John Earnshaw • 7 JS Uxor James Turnough ... . 12 JJ A child of Joseph Ryder • 14 JJ Arthur Whithead of Durnley ... . 15 55 John Brearley of Butterworth ... . 16 JJ Richard Howorth • 17 55 Robt Dicson 33 55 A sonn of John Stott • 19 55 Uxor John HUim [?] • 24 35 Uxor Alexander Howorth 35 3 J Ann Warle 53 55 A chUd of Abra: Unsworth • 33 55 Uxor Abra: HoUows . 25 35 Robt Brearley ... . 26 55 Margrat Tayler • 27 JJ Uxor James Dewhurst ... • 5J JJ Grace Duerden 9J JJ A chUd of Robt Feilding 55 JJ A chUd of Robt Clegg 53 55 Uxor John Haywood • 4 December A chUd of Abra: Tayler - 5 35 Thomas Readfearne .. 9 35 Samuel Shore of Rochdale M: JJ }} 356 ROCHDALE REGISTERS A sonn of John Bamforth A chUd of Edward Holt A sonn of George MUne Ann Tayler Roger Tayler A sonn of Alex: Wardle A daughter of John BelfeUd Uxor John Clegg A child of Peeter Boulton Robt Pares of Rochdale M: A sonn of Henry A chUd of Richard HiU A child of Thomas Hague A chUd of Hugh Wridgler A child of James Scolefeild Uxor Francis Clegg Uxor John Heape A child of James Fletcher A child of Foster daughter Robt Howorth of Rachdale M: Uxor Edward Holt Uxor Randale Healey of Coptrod M: A child of Tho: Smith A child of John Brearley A child of Henry Dykson A child of John Ogden 3 p. 277 A chUd of Joseph Milne Uxor John Milne Samuel Hollows ... Uxor Henry Dicsonn A chUd of Tho: Butterworth ... A sonn of John Fenton ... A child of John Smethurst John Scolefeild ..." A child of James ScolefeUd Uxor John Clough James Miller Jane Brearley Zacray Milne Uxor Robt Jenkenson John Milne A child of John Butterworth ... Easter Haywood ... Ammors Hamer Old Shore wife A child of John Hollows Uxor John Fenton Uxor Robt Woolfenden 1649 10 :649 December 12 5 3 13 3 5 55 5 J 20 35 21 5 3 22 53 31 53 55 55 2 Januarie 3 JJ 48 53 55 10 ,, 13 55 14 35 55 55 15 53 55 16 35 55 T-7 18 53 5J 19 3 5 35 J3 33 55 20 53 22 SJ 33 5 J 55 J J 23 35 25 26 5555 27 53 29 53 30 3 35 Februarie 5 53 7 53 53 8 35 53 II 53 12 55 13 16 3533 ^7 53 33 35 24 53 25 JJ 1649-1650 BURIALS A child of James Clegg Arthur Smith Gilbord Hanson John MUne A child of Robt Haywood Uxor Raph Hamer of Weardle M: A chUd of Cutbord Tayler A chUd of John Butterworth ... John Stott A chUd of John HUl Ann ChadAvicke Adam HUl A chUd of James Rods John Holt Uxor Samuel Loatton Joseph CoUings • A chUd of Tho: Bird Uxor Robt Bridge Uxor John Tayler A Daughter of HUtons A child of Rich: Clegg Abra: Kershaw A sonn of Lawrance Smith A child of James Clegg ... Uxor John HiU A child of Abra: Scolefeild A child of John Moode A child of James Ashworth MicaheU Cheetam Abra: Lord Uxor Edmund Hollows Mary Warbertonn Frances Scolefeild Cutbord Warberton Alex: Wardle A chUd of Charles HUl 3 p. 278 A child of Adam Kershaw A chUd of George Fletcher A chUd of Edmund Ogden A chUd of John Batemon Robt Shaw ye Saxten A child of James Clegg A chUd of James Whitaker Mistres Howorth of Howorth M: A chUd of WiU: Whitaker lesabell Marser A chUd of James Howorth I 649 25 Februarie 28 IJ 2 March 5 JJ 6 II 7 51 8 JJ 9 JJ 10 II )i II 12 Jl 13 JJ Jl 19 14 JJ JS JJ 16 IJ 17 18 20 JJ 55 21 1650 25 March 27 55 2829 30 5555 55 I Aprill JJ J5 3 .. JJ JJ 4 .. 6 10 II 358 ROCHDALE REGISTERS. 1650 A child of Tho: Haywood A chUd of Randale WorraU A chUd of Savel RadcUffe Jane Farrah A chUd of Captane Ogden A child of John Wyld Uxor Roger Holt A child of Georg Milne A child of James Kershaw A child of Will: Kennion Uxor John Wyld James Kershaw ... Arthur Buckley ... A child of John Chadwicke A child of George Scoles A child of the Scolemaster A chUd of Michell Shakleton ... Tho: Woofenden ... Richard Unsworth A child of John Hopwood A child of James Butterworth A child of George Ashworth A child of Gauther Butterworth A poore Lad A chUd of Edmund Holt A child of Richard Kinnion A child of Isacke Clegg ... A child of John Scolefeild A child of Alex: Kershaw A child of Francis Wrigley A child of John Leigh ... Uxor John Turner A child of John Butterworth ... Uxor Richard Ashworth A child of James Fletcher Uxor Richard Holt Raph Holt .". A child of James Greave A child of Robt Bolton Rebekey Bamford A child of Tho: Turner A daughter of [Rich: Ramsbothom A sonn of Abra: Ogden ... 3 p. 279 A daughter of James Woofenden A chUd of John Chadwicke A child of Edward Holt James Lester James Frith 1650 14 ApriU JJ JS 17 .> 18 „ 19 .. 20 „ 55 JJ 21 JS SS 22 „ 25 JJ 29 55 2 Maie JJ 55 4 55 6 55 9 JJ 12 J5 JJ JJ 13 55 16 5 J 18 JJ 33 3J 19 JJ 20 55 21 55 22 JJ 55 55 33 55 23 55 24 5 J 25 55 26 53 27 55 5 J une 6 53 53 55 7 55 8 35 9 }» 35 SJ 10 JJ 3 3 JJ 13 JJ 14 55 19 55 21 35 1650 BURIALS 359 I 650 John Whitaker ... ... 22 June Ales Greave ... 23 55 A chUd of George Ashworth 55 55 Uxor James Tayler ... 24 55 Richard Holt • * . ¦ J J 55 A child of Arthur Hollows ... 27 35 A child of John Smethurst 55 5J John Hardman ... ... 7 Julie A child of Thomas Oldham • • •.• 5 5 55 A chUd of Jonathan MUne ... 8 JJ A chUd of Robt Brearley • ••• 55 15 A chUd of James ScolefeUd ... 9 55 Uxor John ScolefeUd ... 11 JJ Ales Scolefeild ... ... 18 J5 Uxor Raph Heathley ... 22 55 A daughter of Charles Stott .. ... 24 55 A child of Gabrell Garsid . ... ,, 55 Thomas Medocroft of Woodhoi] IS Lane M: ... 5 August A child of James HoUe ... ... 6 53 A child of John Smethurst ... 7 53 John Shore ... 9 35 Marie Holt ... 12 55 A Sonne of Adam Holt ... ... 13 35 Uxor John Chadwicke ... .¦¦ 15 JJ Uxor Arthur Butterworth ... 20 J5 Jane Holt ... 21 55 Uxor William Wardleworth ... 23 55 Uxor Robt Kershaw ... 24 53 Ann Farrah ... 5 September A chUd of Richard HiU ... 6 33 A chUd of Frances Scolefeild .. ... 17 53 A chUd of John Jones ... 24 33 A chUd of Georg HiU ... 28 55 A chUd of Richard Kennion ... 29 55 A chUd of Abraham Hamer ... 3 October Edmund Hayword 4 55 A chUd of Adam Brearley ... 10 55 Uxor Robt Grime ... 14 55 A child of James Chadwicke .. 53 55 James Turnough ... 16 33 A chUd of James Chadwicke .. ... 17 55 A daughter of Roger Hayward ... 24 55 A chUd of Thomas Butterworth ... 26 33 A chUd of Robt CoUings ... 27 55 Roger Scolefeild November A chUd of Robert Stott ... 7 35 3 p. 280 Randale [illegible] ... 8 33 36.0 ROCHDALE REGISTERS A chUd of Edward B . . . Uxor Edmund Kershaw James Greave A daughter of Thomas Chadwicke A child of John Blackley Robt HUl A daughter of James Tayler Uxor Raph Butterworth A child of Joseph Leigh Old Grime wife Robt Chadwicke of Spotland Yate A child of Abraham Rod Uxor Robt Holt ... Roger Duerden ... A chUd of Tho: NuttaU Robt Brearley John CoUings Uxor Richard Seddon A chUd of Arthur Smith Richard ScolefeUd Uxor Robt ScolefeUd Abraham Whitaker A chUd of Richard Wingreaue Martaine Fletcher John Butterworth Richard Wild A child of John Smethurst Uxor Thomas Scolefeild A child of Randale Barker A sonn of James Brearley A daughter of Robt Holt Uxor Samuel Butterworth Uxor Randale Barker James Garsid A child of James Briges A chUd of Alex: ScolefeUd Uxor Francis Healey James Leach Abraham Lord A sonn of Sam: Bamford A chUd of Robt Butterworth Uxor Abraham Kershaw Uxor Henry Sud worth ... William Butterworth John Smethorst ... A child of EUes ScolefeUd John Greave Uxor MUne [sic] Brown Wardle M: 1650 I 650 17 November JJ 19 JJ 21 22 24 5 December 6 7 33 33 8 9 10 11 J, 10 JJ 13 53 14 21 35 25 27 30 31 JJ JJ I Januarie 10 55 12 1415 24 26 1650 BURIALS James Woofenden .... Dewhorst of Marland M: A child of James HaUiweU 3 p. 281 A chUd of Robt Holt Uxor John Brearley Uxor James Brearley A chUd of James Clegg A chUd of Edmund Byrom Uxor Roger Tayler A daughter of [Richard Oglebey A child of Edmund March A chUd of Amor Eansworth A child of Alex:. Whitworth A child of James Stott A chUd of Charles Lord A daughter of John Brearley ... Jeffery Romsbothom A chUd of Jarrett Stott A chUd of Abraham Hayward ... James Brearley ... A child of Samuel Hamer A child of Edmund Buckley Uxor Nicholes Ogden of [Rachdale M: Uxor James Whithead ... A child of Richard Medocraft A child of WiU: Dawson Uxor James Greave A child of James Greave John Cooke A child of Abraham Tayler A child of John Tayler A daughter of John Farrer A child of Abraham Butterworth Uxor Edward EUes A child of Edmund Watmoe David Brearley ... Richard Hollows ... Adam Butterworth A chUd of John Rods Crosl wife Uxor John Chadwicke ... A child of James Haslam A child of Lenard A child of Greave wife ... A chUd of George Milne A Sonne of John Turnough , Uxor Christopher Cooke A child of James Stott 361 1650 26 Januarie 28 29 55 30 31 4 II 55 1215 16 17 February 21 22 „ 23 ,J 33 35 24 ,j 28 „ I March 3 J J 6 J, 55 35 7 JJ 9 .. 11 JJ 12 „ 53 35 13 J J 16 „ 18 „ 33 33 55 55 33 55 19 JJ 20 „ 362 ROCHDALE REGISTERS James Scolefeild, ... Uxor Robt Seddon A child of Tho: Readfearne Richard Oglebey ... . A child of Edmund Ogden Uxor James Stott A child of Arthur Smethurst ... A sonn of Edmund Haywood ... A chUd of MicaheU Butterworth A child of Robt Brearley Uxor Robt Rydings AbeU Whitaker of Chamber M: 3 p. 282 Mary Milne A child of Ottawell Kershaw ... James Healey A child of Edmund Brearley ... A sonn of Thomes Nottall John Haslam John Chadwicke ... A child of James Chadwicke A child of Edmund Butterworth Uxor James CoUings A child of Jurden Chadwicke ... A chUd of Samuell Hamer A sonn of James Scolefeild A child of JohnModsley Alex: Holt of Brimrod M: A sonn of John Turnough A child of John Casson ... Richard Woofenden A child of Abraham Earnshaw Robt Meyden A chUd of Edward Ashworth ... A child of John Greave ... A child of James Woofenden ... Richard Woofenden A child of Richard Woofenden Uxor James Stocke Thomes PoUett of Castleton More M: Jarrett Butterworth A child of Francis Woofenden ... A child of James Fletcher Uxor John Bridges A child of Arthur Hollows A daughter of Richard Whitworth A child of John Stott Uxor Lowton 1650-1651 1650 21 March 22 „. 24 J. 1 651 25 March 27 30 31 JJ I 2 5 7 ApriU 16 1718 20 JJ 21 25 2728 29 30 2 5 10 II JJ 12 131516 Maye i65r BURIALS 363 Uxor John Howorth A chUd of Edmund Leigh A chUd of John Stott ... Old Lowton wife A child of Richard Hollows Uxor George Francleton A daughter of Richard Clegg A daughter of John Turnough A child of Daniel Stocke Uxor Edward Hollows ... A chUd of Abraham Rothell John Holt MicaheU Cromton of Bradley M: Old Tettloh wUe ... A sonn of [Richard Brearley A chUd of John Brigs ... A sonn of Robt. Brearley Uxor James Hoyle Uxor James Woofenden A child of John Willson Abraham Brearley A child of John Holt . ... A daughter of James Marland A child of John. Dewhorst Uxor Robt HUl A child of Susan Kershaw Uxor Roger Duerden A chUd of WUUam Whitaker Uxor Robt HiU Uxor Robt Shore 3 p. 283 A chUd of Edmund Leach A daughter of Adam Tayler A chUd of AbeU Breerley A chUd of Jeffery MUne A daughter of James Kershaw A child of John. Smith ... AbeU Stott James Tayler Jane Greenwood ... John Milne A child of James Browne Thomas Shore of Parrocke Head M: A child of James Kershaw A child of John MUne ... A child of Jeffery MUne A chUd of John Lues A sonn of Joseph Romsbothom A chUd of Thomes Wyld 1651 T-7 Maye 19 55 20 5 5 22 SS 35 55 24 55 25 33 26 3J 35 55 28 JJ 55 JJ 31 5 J I June 53 55 5 55 8 55 II 55 18 55 23 55 28 30 I JuUe 6 55 9 33 13 55 16 53 17 35 18 33 JJ 33 21 •it 24 35 29 55 30 53 JJ 33 1 August 2 35 4 55 5 55 364 ROCHDALE REGISTERS A sonn of John .Ogden. ... A daughter of Henry Garsid A child of John Chadwicke Mestres Holt of .Castleton A child of Charles Lord A chUd of WUliam EUes Richard Scolefeild of Newbold M: Edward Clegg of above ScolefeUd Hall M: A chUd of AbeU Crosley John Holt A daughter of Charles Hill A chUd of Micahell Butterworth A daughter of Robt Readfearne A daughter of Robt Buckley A chUd of Henry Smith A child of James Duerden A child of James Clegg ... A child of John Lewes ... A child of John Holt ... A sonn of Robt Buckley A sonn of Alex: Kershaw A child of WiUiam Hollows Uxor Edmund Scolefeild Walter Hollows ... A child of John Stott ... Uxor Richard Whitworth A child of Richard Whitworth John Earnshaw ... Edward Hollows of Rachdale M A chUd of Arthur Clegg A chUd of Robt Frith ... Samuel Brearley of Buersall More M: A daughter of Samuel Brearley Uxor John Cheetam Uxor Samuel MUne A child of John ScolefeUd A child of Jane Turnough Uxor Samuel Leach A chUd of John Hamer ... Henry CoweU Uxor Thomes Seddon A chUd of John Hopwood p. 284 A chUd of Thomes Bery James WUd Jonathan Hargraves James HaUiweU of Butterworth A child of Richard Lennye 1651 I 651 15 August 17 55 25 55 30 35 2 September 4 55 5 J5 7 55 8 yy 9 33 16 53 18 33 55 SJ 22 J5 25 5 5 26 55 27 33 29 55 30 55 I October 10 55 12 53 35 55 13 5 J 15 J5 19 55 35 55 22 35 24 5 5 24 55 27 J5 29 55 2 November JJ 3 3 3 53 4 55 6 53 8 J J 16 55 ^7 55 18 55 55 55 19 5 J 21 35 22 33 25 55 2 December 1651 RtJlRIALS 365 Uxor John Butterworth . 2 December A chUd of James Buckley • 3 35 Uxor Thomes Holt 9 Edward Chadwicke Natbanke ... 55 53 James Hayward of Bagslate . 12 55 Uxor Abraham Whitworth • 13 55 A daughter of Joseph Chadwicke • 15 JJ John Turner 35 J5 A child of Robt Fenton 55 33 Uxor Edmund Howorth . 22 55 Abraham Turnough • 23 53 Jacob Fish of Hamer M: • 25 55 Abraham Tettloh • 55 55 Uxor Charles Lord . 26 33 Uxor John Healey • 30 55 A chUd of John Leigh • 31 55 Uxor Richard BeUeild I [anuarie Uxor John Lord ... JJ 55 Francis Key of Woostneholme M: . ¦ 3 55 A chUd of Robt Jaques • 5 55 Uxor James Lord . 10 35 Uxor Abell Ashworth . 11 55 A daughter of John Chadwicke • 17 55 A chUd of John Mode . 18 55 Uxor Roger Hayward 55 55 A sonn of John Scolefeild .. 19 35 Uxor Abraham Woofenden 33 53 A child of John Leach 33 55 A child of Henry Scofeild .. 24 55 A sonn of James Milne .. 26 55 A chUd of PoUetts 55 S3 A daughter of James Holt • 3 Februarie A chUd of Thomes Whitaker ... 7 33 A child of James Clegg ... 55 55 Uxor Edward Wild 55 35 Uxor James MUne . 8 33 Jonathan Hollows . 10 33 A child of John Pilling • 13 33 A child of Alex: ColUngs . 18 55 A child of John Holt 33 33 Thomas Milne • 19 35 A child of Abraham Brearly . 20 55 A child cf John Parkinton . 29 33 A child of John Brearley ¦ 5 ] March A child of Jane Butterworth ... . 6 33 Uxor Robt Whitaker 85 55 A child of John Horrox • 7 55 A child of Robt Winstandley ... ¦ 9 33 A child of Abraham .. 12 SJ 366 ROCHDALE REGISTERS A chUd of Richard Smith Uxor Richard Readfearne 3 p. 285 John Chadwicke of Milne M: Ott wife A child of Thomes Smith A child of John Weardle Uxor Abraham Whitaker Uxor Richard Livesley ... A child of Abraham Hamer A child of Abraham Leigh A child of James Hamer Francis Scolefeild Uxor James Greave A child of Richard Lenney A child of John Buckley Uxor Robt Chadwicke A child of Jonathan Milne A daughter of Edmund Brearley James Hayward ... James Ashton James Chadwicke A daughter of Richard Brearley A chUd of John Buttler Uxor Thomes Brearley ... A daughter of WiU: Butterworth Mr Robt Chadwicke Lawrance Casse ... A child of Nicholes Ingum A child of Henry Brearley A child of Henery Dicson Jonn Hoker A c lUd of Thomes Brearley A child of Thomes Cromton A child of Henry Clegg ... A child of Abraham Butterworth A sonn of Richard Woofenden A chUd of Richard Woofenden A child of John Holt A child of John Chadwicke A sonn of Edmund Clegg Henry Roberts A child of Edward Clegg Abraham Fetton John Woostenholme of Woostneholme M: Uxor John Butterworth ... .., A child of James Turnough ... ... ) 1651-1652 I65I 19 March 24 53 1652 28 March '3 55 53 33 55 33 29 35 31 55 3 ApriU 5 35 10 33 12 53 13 55 IJ 53 15 53 16 55 17 33 18 53 19 55 21 J5 55 55 23 33 24 55 25 55 26 33 27 35 28 35 2 [ Maye JJ 35 JJ 55 6 55 9 53 10 55 15 33 21 23 25 26 29 1652 buriAls 367 I 652 James Brearley 2 June A child of Edward Clegg 3 JJ Thomas Chadwicke of Buersale More M: 6 55 A sonn of James Tayler 8 55 A sonn of James Cowp ... > • ¦ .. JJ 55 A sonn of Robt Buckley 15 55 A sonn of Thomes Cromton 16 5 J A sonn of Abraham Rods 17 55 Uxor John Rods ... 27 55 Arthur ScolefeUd ... ,j J3 A sonn of Thoma.s Greave 28 ) J John Chadwicke 4 Julie A chUd of John Streete ... 55 55 Susan Kershaw 8 JJ James HiU 9 35 John Chadwicke 13 55 Uxor Abraham Kershaw 14 55 Joseph Rider 19 35 Thomes Readfearne of Passmar I M: ... 26 Robt ScolefeUd of Soddene M: ... 29 55 3 p. 286 John Marcroft 7 August Uxor WilUam Kershaw ... 9 J5 Uxor James Hollows 13 55 A sonn of Adam Belfeild 15 33 Uxor Francis Scolefeild de Bu rie pish: ,, 33 A sonn of Henry Shore ... 23 55 Nathan Butterworth of Main\\ rood M: 24 55 Uxor John Hopwood 27 55 A poore wooman 2 September Robt Holt 7 55 Joseph MUne of Flash Hous 1 H: ... „ 55 A child of Arthur Healey 10 55 A chUd of Abraham Healey 12 35 A daughter of John Woofendei a ... 13 3J John Hayward of Bagslate M: ... 14 55 A sonn of Edmund Turnough ... JJ 33 A sonn of George Romsbothom ... JJ 35 Thomas Readfearne of Readfe arne M: 28 55 Uxor Alexander Whitworth .. . ... JJ 53 Widdow Milne ... JJ 35 A child of Richard Flueling . . . ... JJ 35 A chUd of Samuel Tayler 29 33 Uxor Richard Flueling ... I October Ester Fenton ... JJ 35 Robt Fetton of Marland M: 2 35 Uxor Samuell Whitworth • • • * • 53 35 A chUd of John Kay 33 35 Magr Meyson 5 55 368 ROCHDALE REGISTERS Uxor Robt Foster Alex: Butterworth A child of Robt Whitworth Uxor John Smith A poore child Alex: ScolefeUd A child of John Greenwood Richard Woofenden of MiUhous M: A chUd of John ScolefeUd Uxor John Buckley A chUd of John Bridges. A chUd of John Adkenson [Elizabeth Healey of Coptrod M Martha Brodbent A child of James Clegg ... lemen Smith WiUiam Butterworth of Church Lane M Richard Scolefeild Mary Scolefeild A child of Henry Nuttall A chUd of Charles HiU ... Abraham Butterworth ... A chUd of Thorpps Abraham Kay A child of Thomes Butterworth A cUild of Samuel Bentley Thomes Holt William Rodd A chUd of Robt Whitworth A child of Robt Kershaw Uxor Jonn Adkenson Edmund Butterworth of Littlebrough M Uxor Robt Buckley A child of Richard Hargraves Peeter Boulton A child of James Tayler A chUd of John Walkden 3 p. 287 Uxor Abraham Whitley Uxor EUes Brearley A sonn of James [Rods ... Uxor James Crosley Uxor James Tayler A daughter of John Booth A sonn of Charles Butterworth Uxor James Tayler Uxor Isacke Whitaker ... John Turnough of Ogden M: EUen Tayler 1652 1652 7 October 10 II 1518 JJJJ 2728 JJJJ 30 10 JJ November 12 JJ 13 18 JJ JJ 19 JJ 21 JJ 22 ,, 26 28 35 29 53 30 33 I December 4 55 10 55 JJ 35 JJ 35 JJ 3 J 11 55 14 3 J 20 35 25 53 30 55 53 53 33 33 3 Januarie 6 33 II 35 12 33 ^7 53 20 24 I652-I653 BURIALS 369 A child of James Howorth A daughter of Thomas Hayward A daughter of Thomas Birch A chUd of John Butterworth James Whitaker Uxor Joseph Whitley A daughter of James Clegg Uxor Micahel [Butterworth Uxor Richard Bradford ... Uxor Mr Richard Entwisle M: Uxor Edmund Wild James Chadwicke ... ... A child of James. Clegg A child of John Buckley Esquire A child of Abraham Leigh A chUd of Edmund Feilding William Grenrood Uxor Abraham Stansfeild Robt Healey A child of Raph. Smith. A child of John Leach .... Uxor John HoUqws .... Edmund Hayward of Moresid M: A child of Edward Clegg A child of Thomas Buckley Gent: A sonn of James Milne, ... Ann Butterworth Uxor Arthur Brearley ... A child of Ottawell [Kershaw Uxor Micahell SuttcUffe A daughter of James Tayler Robt Firth A child of George Lees A child of Robt Butterworth A child of James Wardleworth A child of John Greenrod A child of Robt. Clegg A child of James Brearley Uxor John Chadwicke .... A child of Franchis Leigh Micahell Butterworth of Little Howorth M: ... A child of James Grene A child of John Butterworth A child of James Chadwicke '. Uxor Isacke Clegg A child of Henry Littletonne 1 652 26 Januarie 30 53 31 33 I Februarie 4 33 10 33 12 33 14 35 15 22 23 ¦^ 55 :5 55 0 March 55 55 33 53 4 33 5 55 7 55 II 13 14 55 17 18 3355 55 33 19 33 24 55 JJ I 29 :653 March 55 53 30 53 31 5; I AprUl, 35 3-5 9 3-5 10 33 15 35 570 RochdAle registers 1653 1653. A child of Benjamine Whitaker... ... 16 ApriU A chUd of Thomas Healey 17 ,j A child of MicaheU Marcroft jj jj A sonn of John Butterworth 18 j, A sonn of Franchis Scolefeild 19 A child of Benjamine Whitaker ... jj jj A child of Henry Smith jj jj Uxor Robt ColUngs 23 A child of Joseph Wyld 25 3 p. 288 Arthur Brearley i May James Scolefeild of Gose Lone M: ... 2 jj Uxor MicaheU Clegg 3 jj Edward Spencer of Woostenholme ... 6 „ Charles Butterworth of Mossesid M: ... 7 ,j A child of [illegible] Lord 9 jj John Whitaker of Rachdale elder M: ... 10 Uxor John Dodson ... ... ... 13 jj A daughter of John Scolefeild 14 >> Edmund Butterworth of Lower Place M: „ „ Uxor George Howorth 16 ,, Abraham Whitworth 17 jj Alex: Whithead 20 Uxor Richard [illegible] 21 „ A child of Frances Woofenden ... jj ,, A child of John Ogden 22 ,, A child of John Chadwicke 23 ,, A child of John Pilling 30 ,, Richard Linney of Rochdale 2 June Uxor Robt Gleave [?] „ ,, A child of Jarret Stott ,, jj Uxor John Greenwood ... ... ... ,, ,, A child of Joseph Wild ,, jj A daughter of [Henry Bamforth ... 6 „ A child of Henry Smith ,, ,, Thomas [?] Whitaker of Church StUe M: 8 „ Richard Hill of Newbold ,, ,, A Sonne of WUliam Farrah ... ... ,, ,, Edmund Garsid 13 ,, Arthur Smethurst ... ... ... ,, ,, A child of Thomas Healey ... ... 21 ,, Thomas Towne ... ... ... ... 22 ,. A sonn of James Brearley ... ... 23 ,, of James Haywood ... ... ,, ,, Gabrell Garsid ... ... Julie • CoUings de Butterworth Hall ,, Uxor Samuel Scolefeild ,, Francis Kay ... ... ... ,, Henry Nuttall 1^53 iBURlAtS 371 Alex: Leigh of Hill A Sonn of Feilding Mary Wardle A sonn of James Hopwood A sonn of James Standring Daniel Stocke A Sonne of James A child of Edmund A child of Abraham Clegg A sonn of Edmund Clegg John Smith Holdworth Ux: Thomas Chadwicke de Buersale More M: Edmund Whithead A child of Alex: Kershaw A chUd of Robt ...utherwood ... Edward Butterworth of BelfeUd Esq: M: Uxor Thomas Hague Uxor Abraham Whithead Elizabeth Stott Edmund Gartsid A daughter of Edmund Wild A child of John Earnshaw Robt Bery of Howorth ... Richard Clegg of Cutyate Isacke Lord of Weardle A child of Jonathan Kershaw ... A child of Edmund Wrigley Ales Scolefeild Uxor Henry Clegg Robt Stringer of Rachdale A child of Adam Whithead Uxor John Haslam [Here end Burials in Original Volume III,] 1653 ... Julie 25 7 August 9 33 11 3 5 21 33 55 35 27 35 31 2 55 September 6 35 11 35 13 33 35 ^7 33 20 55 22 55 27 28 55 55 30 33 35 2 55 October 4 6 5535 12 35 14 16 55 33 18 33 20 55 21 55 372 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1653 Volume IV. 4 p. 149 A true Register Booke of aU the Burialls s ¦a at Rachdale from the September 1653 29*" day of A daughter of Edmund Wild A child of John Earnshaw Robt Bery of Howorth ... Richard Clegg of Cut. Yate Isacke Lord of Weardle A child of Jonathan Kershaw A child of Edmund Wrigley Ales Scolefeild Uxor Henry Clegg Robt Stringer of Rachdale A chUd of Adam Whithead Uxor John Haslam of Hight A chUd of Gauther Butterworth A chUd of John Healey ... A child of Richard HoUows Uxor James Lighttowlers A daughter of Thomas Posnett chUd of James Kershaw daughter of John Hamer chUd of Richard Smith chUd of John Haward child of James Butterworth Charles Lord A chUd of Georg Taylor A child of Robt Stott ... Ales Stott A chUd of MicaheU Shackleton A chUd of William Dawsonn Thomas HiU James Greave A child of James Shiphard A chUd of Jeremie Berrie Uxor Abraham StansfeUd John Howorth A chUd of Mr John Entwisle James HalliweU ... A child of Raph Milne ... 30 t653 September 55 2 JJ October 4 6 33 55 12 55 1416 18 55 35 55 20 35 21 22 55 25 53 28 „ 55 35 30 JJ 53 55 2 November 9 13 1516 55 18 24 26 27 J. 6 December i653 BURIALS Uxor Thomas Hamer Uxor John Cheetam A chUd of Thomas Buckley A chUd of Robt Leigh A daughter of James Tayler A child of John Butterworth ... Uxor Thomas Watsonn A chUd of Daniel Scoles {?] 4 p. 150 Alexander Butterworth Cronshaw A child of James Fletcher James Butterworth A Sonne of William Macon A chUd of John ScolefeUd A daughter of John Brearley ... Uxor John Butterworth A child of Abraham Stocke A child of John StoCke - Uxor John Tayler A child of John Brigs Uxor Samuel Shore Robt Walkden A child of Edward Adkensonn A child of John Smethurst Uxor John Whitley A daughter of Abraham Tayler Uxor John Buckley A daughter of MicaheU Stott ... A child of John Bamford John Wardle A chUd of Edmund Howorth ... George Lees Uxor Gilbord Chamlett A child of Raph Stott A chUd of Thomas Smith A sonn of James Tayler A sonn of Micahell [Bentley A child of Thomas Butterworth Uxor Thomas Turner Thomas Rodd Uxor William Leigh Uxor James ScolefeUd ... Uxor Richard Lord A child of Thomas Whitaker ... A Sonne of John Lees Uxor Roger Wigens A child of John Milne John Butterworth A child of James -Rods ... 373 1653 7 December 13 55 1516 55 18 22 23 24 25 JJ - 30 JJ 2 Januarie 55 6 33 55 10 55 II ... 12 ... 16 55 JJ ... 17 55 ... 20 35 ... 21 55 ... 22 53 ... JJ 53 ... 24 . 55 ... JJ 55 ... 25 ... 26 55 JJ ... 27 55 55 55 ... 30 ••¦ 3 JJ Febeueie ... 4 33 ••• 5 35 ... ) J ... 6 33 JJ ... 7 55 ... 9 55 * ... 10 5J JJ 55 ... II J* 12 JJ 4 P- 151 374 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1653-1654 1653 Edward Rydings .. 12 Febeueie A child of James Turner .. 14 .. A Sonne of Abraham Butterworth .. 16 J, John Haslam of Rochdale 33 33 A child of Henry Clegg .. 17 .. A daughter of Raph Duerden ... .. 18 „ Uxor Jeremie Duerden ... 33 55 A child of Thomas Whitaker ... 55 JS Uxor Edward Leigh .. 21 „ John Hollows of Rochdale .. 23 5, A child of Richard Medocroft ... 5J 53 Uxor John Scolefeild .. 25 „ Uxor WilUam Lister • • 35 53 Uxor Nathan Leigh .. 27 „ Edmund Bamford & his wife ... I March A child of John Adkensonn • • 55 55 Uxor John Milne • • 55 55 Elizabeth Knight .. 5 .. A child of Edmund Lord .. 7 " Uxor Jonas Milnor .. 8 „ Uxor James Hague de Binnes ... .. 10 „ Uxor Roger Stocke .. 14 .. A child of James Hamer • ¦ 15 .. A child of John Chadwicke .. 16 „ Uxor Edmund Howorth .. 19 „ A chUd of John Greave 55 5 J Uxor John Ogden .. 20 ,, A child of Edmund Simsonn ... .. 21 JJ A child of James Clegg JJ JJ Samuel Standring .. 23 Henry Hamer Rachdale .. 24 „ 1654 A daughter of Thomas Whitaker .. 26 March James EUisonn Rachdale .. 29 Uxor Thomas Haslam ' * 55 55 James Winstandley .. 30 JJ A child of George Lees ... 2 April A chUd of George Scoles A child of John Holt ¦ * 55 5 5 John Hayward Broadough ¦ • 6 „ Robt Leigh 9 A chUd of Edmund Leigh ... II A daughter of Richard Hollows Uxor John Chadwicke ... ... 12 ,, Thomas Cromton Milrow Uxor Alexander Holt Garsid ... ... 14 Gyles Holland ~ 55 A chUd of John Chadwicke ... 19 „ 1654 BURIALS Uxor MicaheU Stott A child of Nicholas Birch A daughter of Robt Shore John [Feilding A sonn of EUes Clegg Uxor John Brearley James MUne Lane Head Uxor John Stott. A child of Edmund Simson A chUd of John Fenton Uxor EUes Clegg WilUam Entwisle John Hayward of Hillhous Uxor Raph Hamer 4 p. 152 A daughter of Garrard Readfearne A Sonne of James Clegg Uxor Daniel Stocke Uxor Robt Milne A chUd of EUes Clegg Uxor James Butterworth A daughter of Thomas Ogden ... A chUd of Edmund Whithead ... Isacke Rudd Robt Chadwicke Uxor Arthur Booth A Sonne of Edmund Leigh J ames. Shiphard A sonn of Thomas Buckley A Sonne of Robt Welch GabriU Chadwicke of Pitts Robt Shore A Sonne of Robt Whitworth ... A daughter of Arthur Turnough John [Cord Stedslacke John Robertshaw Thomas 'Butterworth Hanging Lees . A poore child Uxor John Feilding Balderstone Uxor William EUes William Kershaw de Slading ... Uxor Robt Tayler de Midleton pish ... 19 ,, Uxor Robt Smethurst ... ... ... jj jj Uxor Richard Scolefeild ... ... jj „ A child of Abraham Kershaw jj j, Uxor Edward Butterworth 27 „ A child of Adam Whithead i July A child of Thomas Cromton 3 » A child of WiUiam Rttdd 5 " .375 1654 21 AprU 35 5 5 22 55 23 55 55 JJ 2728 J555 55 JJ 55 55 30 2 J> May 4 JS 5 J SJ 56 JJ JJ 9 JJ 12 39 55 JJ 17 5J 53 JJ 19 JJ 20 5J 21 J5 24 55 55 5J 27 JJ 29 JJ 55 55 30 55 3 June 55 33 4 3J 55 6 JJ J5 7 55 9 J5 JJ 55 11 55 15 18 35 55 376 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1654 James Brearley Uxor Robt Healey Thomas Lord Cloughhous A child of Robt Chadwicke Uxor Abell Hamer A child of AbeU Hamer A Sonne of Richard Hayward A child of J ame& Bamford A child of James Grimes Uxor Thomas NuttaU A sonne of John Stott ... Uxor John Briggs John Brigs de Shore A child of Robt Chadwicke Uxor Charles Chadwicke of Natbanke de Medleton pish 4 p. 153 Richard Hargreves A child of James Cheetom A child of James Turney A chUd of James Wardleworth Robt Wild Uxor Thomas Chadwicke Chamber A child of John Grinrod A child of Joseph Brearley A child of Howorth Uxor John Holt ... John Chadwicke Spotland Top James Hill A child of Mr Leach A child of John Brearley A child of Franches Wrigley Uxor Joseph Tayler Uxor Alexander ColUngs A child of James Turnough Uxor Edmund Horodd ... Adam Whithead A chUd of EUes Haslam Uxor John Woofenden ... A child of Edmund Scolefeild ... James Whithead ... A sonne of Abraham Healey A daughter of Thomas Medlebroke Mary Rods Uxor Francis Holt Bagslate Medleton pish ... Uxor John Grinroode Rachdale Francis Holt de Bagslate Medleton pish A child of James Bery ... 1654 7. July 9 5 J II 3J 12 3J 14 55 15 3 J 17 53 18 55 21 35 25 35 30 35 31 55 1 August 3 33 8 10 13 15 24 25 2 September 55 33 8 33 JJ 35 11 55 13 33 55 53 14 33 55 35 15 53 18 35 21 33 26 35 30 ,, 3 October 55 55 4 55 6 33 8 55 9 55 II 55 JJ 35 12 33 16 55 21 JJ 25 J* i654 BURIALS 377 A child of Henry Smith James Stott of [Blacket Hill Charles Lord Roger Tayler of Nayden Head MicaheU Butterworth Edmund Clegg of Little Clegg ... A chUd of MicaheU Clegg A child of William Dawsonn John Dicsonn George Whitaker of Rachdale \.. A chUd of Abraham Brearley ... A chUd of John Lees Two chUdren of Edmund Whithead A chUd of John Brearley A child of George Milne A child of John Chadwicke Uxor Robt HiU Uxor James Brearley 4 P- 154 John Grene James Wardleworth Thomas Butterworth A Sonne of Richard Berry A child of Alexander Kershaw A Sonne of James Stocke WiUiam Buckland Uxor Abraham Milne Uxor Richard Holt A chUd of Charles Lord Joseph ScolefeUd Richard Mathew A chUd of Edmund Wrigley Uxor James Wardleworth A daughter of John Milne A daughter of James Woofenden Ann Hayward Uxor Francis Beery A chUd of John Cheetom A poore wooman Uxor Arthur Brearley Uxor Adam Henthorne Uxor Daniel Bamford James Shaw Pitts Joseph Butterworth James Readfearne Charles Butterworth A daughter of Abraham Whitworth A child of Joseph Whitworth ... Simon Leach Rachdale ¦ I' 654 25 October 28 55 31 55 53 55 55 55 I November 55 55 5 55 13 55 15 55 ^7 53 19 55 20 55 JJ 33 22 35 24 55 26 53 28 33 7 December 8 55 II 53 35 55 12 33 13 35 17 55 18 53 53 55 55 55 22 53 27 35 28 55 30 35 35 55 31 35 I Januarie 2 55 3 53 6 53 7 55 8 55 II 55 12 55 13 55 14 33 35 55 55 35 18 35 20 55 4 P- 155 378 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1654 1654 Uxor Samuel Macon ... 20 Januarie A chUd of Abraham Whitworth ... 21 55 Robt BeUeild Gent: ... 23 55 Uxor James Brearley ... 24 53 A chUd of Abraham Tayler 55 55 A child of Joseph Milne ... JJ 55 A chUd of Judeth Haslam ¦¦¦ 25 JJ John Jacsonn ... 26 35 Uxor Joseph Milne ... 28 33 A chUd of Francis Woofenden .. ... 31 33 John Farrar I Februarie Jane Lues ... 5 ss A child of Edmund Whithead .. ... 6 55 Uxor Henry Brearley ... 7 55 Uxor James Stocke ... 11 55 A child of John Whitworth . ... J J 55 Raph Stott Roundhous ... 13 55 Henry Littleton JJ JJ A chUd of James Wardleworth ... 17 55 A chUd of John Woofenden ... JJ 55 A chUd of Shore of Shore ... JJ 33 Robt Stott of Roundhous ... 22 55 A chUd of Edmund Lord ... 25 55 Uxor John Medocraft ... 27 35 A chUd of John Butterworth .. ... 29 55 A daughter of John Smith 2 March A chUd of Edmund Whithead .. ... JJ 55 A sonn of Frank Smethurst ... JJ 55 A sonn of James Fletcher 3 33 A sonn of John Greave ... ... 6 55 Robt Kershaw 9 55 A child of Robt Brigs * ... JJ 55 A chUd of GabriU Garside ... 10 55 Richard Grinrod ... . ... J J 53 A child of Roger Grime ... II 33 A chUd of Charles Lord ... 14 55 A child of Richard Wingreane .. . ... J J J J Joseph Ogden ... 15 55 A chUd of Thomes Lord ... 17 55 A chUd of Edmund Garside A child of John Leach '.'.'. 18 J5 A child of John Ogden ... ... 19 35 Uxor Thomas Barrs ... 20 A child of Abra: Leach A chUd of John Earnshaw . ... J J J] Uxor Thomas Towne ... 21 A child of Robt Brigs ... • • • ' 55 55 A chUd of James Chadwicke ., ... 22 55 1654-1655 BURIALS 379 A child of Andrew Shiphard ... A child of John Hamer ... A child of Robt Milne A chUd of Robt Brearley A cliUd of Thomes Smith A daughter of James Grinrod ... A Sonne of Joseph Hanson A child of [Nicholas Baxter Uxor Robt Stringer A child of Robt Leigh James Whitworth A daughter of Richard Grime ... A child of Thomes Butterworth A Sonne of John Masonn A chUd of Richard Seddon A daughter of John Healey A child of Edmund Ogden A child of Samuel Tayler 4 p. 156 A Sonne of Robt Shore A child of John Haywood Uxor John Chadwicke ... Sara HiU A child of James Butterworth .. Uxor John Whithead Uxor John Rodes A child of John Cooe John Tayler John Cowp A Sonne of Samuel Hamer Joseph Wardle Uxor James Standring ... Uxor John Standring A child of Richard Simsonn A daughter of Henry Nuttall .. A daughter of John Blackley .. A child of James Brearley A child of Prissilah Turnough .. A child of James Ashworth A Sonne of Richard Simsonn .. A child of Robt Jaques A child of Thomas Ogden A daughter of Robt Milne A Sonne of Thomas Lord A daughter of WUliam Newbey Uxor Robt Fetton Raph Shore A child of John Stott I( 23 : 554March 24 I 25 : 55 655March 27 55 29 1 . April 56 8 12 15 55 55 55 17 x8 35 20 23 25 27 29 30 I May JJ 2 4 56 7 8 55 9 JJ JJ 55 10 55 12 13 14 1516 35 17 35 35 33 19 20 35 22 55 38q ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1655 1655 A child of John Smith 22 May A cliUd of John Tattersall 23. ,, Uxor John Ashton ... ... ... 26 ,, A child of Samuel Dewhprst ... ... 30 „ Uxor John Clegg 31 ,, A child of John Butterworth i June A child of Robt Hodkensonne 2 ,, A child of John Sutliffe - 3 „ A child of Robt Chadwicke 4 ,, A child of Thomas Holt- , jj Uxor Jonathan Kershaw ... ... 5 >> Charles HiU 6 j, A chUd of James Milne ... ... ... ,, ,, A chUd of Richard ScolefeUd 8 „ James Rods ... ... ... ... 10 ,, A chUd of Robt Whitworth 11 ,, Uxor Thomas Hayward ... ... 12 ,, A daughter of Samuel Macon ... ... 15 ,, 4 p. 157 A child of Arthur Hollows 16 ,, A child of Abra: Stocke 17 „ A child of Lenard Shiphard 18 „ A child of Thomas Houghton ... ... 21 ,, A chUd of John Abbott 24 Richard Holt Trough 25 ,, A chUd of James Whitworth ¦ 29 „ A child of Francis Wrigley ... ... ,, ,, A daughter of William Leach ... ,, Uxor Edmund Feilding ... ... ... 30 ,, James Belfeild ... ... ... ... 5 July A daughter of James Woorrall ... ,, ,, A child of Edmund Wrigley ux: ... 9 ,, A child of Edmund Roid ... ... 11 ,, Uxor Robt Kershaw ... ... ... 12 ,, Uxor Thomas Butterworth ... ... 13 ,, A child of Sam: Newbold ,, ,, A child of James Tayler ... ... 14 ,, A daughter of Edmund Lord ... ... 15 ,, A child of Richard Scolefeild ,, ,, A Sonne of Robt Dawsonn ... ... 17 ,, James Tayler Shore ... ... ... 22 jj A child of John Hamer ... ... ... 27 ,, A child of Tho: Baskervile 31 ,, A child of Robt Holt 1 August A child of James Chadwicke ... ... 7 ,, A. daughter of Robt Pares ,, ,, Raph Holland Farnel 11 „ Eysa Moad ... ... „ ,, Uxor James Whitaker ... ..... ... ,. „ i655 bUriAlS A daughter of A.lex: ScolefeUd ... A child of Edmund Hopwood ... Mathew Butterworth Abra: Scolefeild Uxor John Howorth A child of James Greave A child of James Greave Uxor Richard Whitworth A child of John Hayward A daughter of Jpsua Stott Uxor James CoUings 4 p. 158 A child of John Pilling A child of James Butterworth ... A daughter of Edmund Hopwood Uxor Sam: Greave A child of Robt Chadwicke A child of Jonathan Brearley ... John Chadwicke ... A child of Edmund Tayler A chUd of Robt Stott A chUd of Abra: Woofenden ... John HiU Tong End Alex: Whitworth A daughter of Richard Scolefeild Newbold A chUd of Abra: Whitworth A Sonne of John Grinrod A child of James Grinrod Mary Dicsonn A child of John Butterworth ... Uxor James Dodsonn James' Oglebey A child of Francis Stringer A Sonne of Josua Stott ... A chUd of Richard Meddocraft A child of Edmund Whithead ... A child of James Brearley A child of Henry Scolefeild A child of John Butterworth ... A child of Dennis Howorth Thomas Smith A child of Thomas Hague A daughter of James Holt A child of James Kay ... A child of John Butterworth ... James Woofenden ... David Kussay [or] Russay Drowned 4 p. 159 Uxor Henry Scolefeild A chUd of John ColUngs 381 1655 14 August JJ JJ 15 .. JJ J5 21 „ 23 ,j 25 jj 28 „ 29 ,j 30 JJ 4 September 17 JJ 18 „ 19 .. 21 „ 22 „ 33 33 23 JJ 24 JJ 3J 35 25 JJ 26 „ 2 October 3 JJ 5 JJ 7 .. 13 ,j 14 JJ 55 55 15 „ 1928 „ JJ JJ I November 2 J, 3 JJ 7 " 9 13 15 382 RochdAle registers 1655 160 A child of Robt Livesley A child of Jeffery Grime Uxor William Kennion ... A child of John Rodd A Sonne of Thomas Stott A chUd of John Whitworth A child of Edmund Buckley Uxor Richard Whitworth A Sonne of Edmund Holdworth A child of Edmund Turney A daughter of Edward Leach ... A chUd of Robt Clegg Uxor Edmund Lord A child of Robt PoUett A child of James Beery A child of John Hayward Uxor James Tettlah A child of Tho: Birch Raph Healey Jane Howorth A daughter of Charles Hill A chUd of Micahell Butterworth Uxor Nathan SuttcUffe A child of Robt Holding OttaweU Tayler Uxor James Ashworth ... A child of Henry Whitaker Uxor Samuel Scolefeild ... A child of Tho: Shore Uxor Tho: Wolker Uxor Charles Butterworth A child of Abra: Brearley Uxor James Scolefeild ... A child of James Woofenden .. A child of James Turner Uxor Edmund Sharpies ... Uxor John Woofenden ... A child of John Butterworth .. A child of James Scolefeild John Dodsonn Rochdale Henry Wood Uxor John Tayler James Brearley Uxor Richard Holt Prissilla Stringer Uxor Robt Crosley A daughter of Samuel Hamer .., Uxor James Brearley 1655 18 November JJ 55 20 53 24 4 55 December 6 33 7 55 10 J5 II JJ 14 55 35 55 17 33 19 55 21 35 23 )i 25 53 26 3 Januarie 10 II 12 14 15 JJ 19 JJ 22 JJ 55 25 JJ JJ 26 JJ 2728 JJJJ 29 7 JJ Februarie 8 53 13 35 14 53 17 18 55 55 20 55 21 51 1655-1656 feURiAtS A chUd of John Wild ... John Kershaw A child of Roger Whitworth . A chUd of Henry Wood A child of James Browne Uxor Thomas Whithead A child of John Smith ... A child of Richard Smith A child of James Greave A chUd of WiUiam Kershaw A sonne of James Tayler A daughter of Robt [Kershaw Uxor Arthur Bentley A child of George Scoles John Scolefeild of Brearley Uxor Daniel Belfeild Francis Shaw A chUd of John Lord A chUd of Mr John Chadwicke Edmund Milne A chUd of Henry Brearley Uxor Micahell Hurst Mary Leech 4 p. 161 Grace Birch James Clegg A child of Samuel Wild A child of Edmund Watmoe . Robt Ogden Feylens Uxor Jonathan Chadwicke James Cryer A chUd of Lowrance Seddon A Sonne of Esie Digles ... Uxor Thomas Dewhurst Uxor Robt Pares Abraham Holdworth Uxor Luke Greenhalgh ... Uxor Richard Grime James Hardman ... A daughter of Edmund Fetton A Sonne of Arthur Healey Uxor William Clegg Samuel Rods Rochdale ... A child of John Dodson A child of Jeremie Lord A child of James Hague Micahell Shakleton A sonn of Dennis Kay ... I 655 21 Februarie 24 JJ 1 March 4 9 II 12 15 17 18 19 20 22 I 656 25 March 2 ApriU 8 55 55 55 53 55 10 33 13 55 >} 55 15 55 16 55 23 55 26 55 28 55 33 55 29 5.. 30 53 6 May . 9 55 13 55 14 55 16 55 17 55 19 55 20 2224 26 28 30 384 RochdAle registers 1656 1656 A chUd of Robt SuteU 30 May A child of Robt Kershaw ... ... ,, „ A child of Robt Walkden 31 Uxor John Booth ... ... ... i June A daughter of Arthur Bentley 2 „ A child of Edmund Wrigley ... ... 6 ,, Uxor Alexander Turnough ... ... „ ,, A child of Tho: Brearley 9 „ A child of William Rods 14 ,, A sonn of Robt HoUows ... ... 19 „ A child of James Duerden ... ... ,, ,, A child of James Scolefeild 26 „ Uxor James Chadwicke ... ... ... 27 ,, A child of Adam Belfeild ,, ,, Uxor John Robertshaw ... ... ... 28 [ „ A sonn of Jeremie Duerden ... ... i July A sonn of John Clegg ... ... ... 2 ,, Thomas Buckley ... ... ... ... 3 ,, Old Ceceley ... 7 ,, Uxor Robt Holt 14 ,, A child of Raph Wharton 16 ,, A child of Edward Hopwood ... ... 17 ,, A chUd of Robt FeUding 19 A daughter of Robt Milne 26 A daughter of Joseph Shore. .... ... 27 ,, 4 p. 162 A child of John Buckley ... ... i August Thomas Chadwicke ... ... ... 2 „ Adam s. of Jeremie Whitworth ... 7 ,, Uxor Georg Whitley ,, ,, A child of Thomas Butterworth ... 11 ,, A sonn of Raph Butterworth ,, ,, Uxor Abraham Unsworth A child of John Newbold A child of Abraham Leigh Uxor John Holt ... Theophilos Butterworth A child of James Clegg. ... A child of James Butterworth ... Richard Wood ... ... Mary Ashworth ,, Mestres Margreat Howorth 6 Uxor John Ogden ... ... ... ,, Edmund Whithead ... ... ... 7 A chUd of Abraham Rods ,, Richard ScolefeUd 11 Mr Joshua BeUeUd 13 A chUd of HughHoUows A chUd of Mr James ScolefeUd ... 17 12 16 33 21 22 23 26 1 September i656 BURiAlS Grace Hopwood ... ... Uxor Henry Nuttall Mary Kay A chUd of Samuel Taylor A child of James Grenrod A chUd of Edmund Briggs Edmund Rodes A child of Jeremie Duerden Uxor Thomas Smith Richard Scolfeild A child of James Rodes A child of Josias Leaver Uxor Richard Clegg A child of John Booth A child of Jeremie Dawson Uxor John EUisonn A chUd of Samuel Streete A chUd of James Turney Uxor John Dodsonn Uxor Thomas Hollows ... A chUd of James Brearley James Butterworth Uxor Edward Leach A sonn of John Hardman 4 p. 163 John Brearley de Hough A child of Robt Clegg A child of Luke Greenhaugh A child of John Chadwicke Uxor Abraham Lord A child of John Woofenden A daughter of Nicholas Ogden ... Daniel Belfeild A child of James Halliwell Uxor Roger Brearley A chUd of Edward Holt A child of James Cryer ... A child of John Hamer ... A chUd of Abraham Buckley ... Uxor James Marland de Marland A child of Henry Shore ... A child of Edmund Cocker A chUd of Edmund Holt A child of James Holt Uxor John Butterworth David Holt Brimrod A chUd of GabriU Gartsid A Sonne of Luke Greenhalgh ... Uxor Edmund Holt 1 '3&5 656 20 September 22 55 23 55 28 55 1 October 4 55 5 53 9 55 18 35 55 55 53 53 20 33 21 55 55 55 27 35 3 November 4 55 9 33 10 35 II 53 18 5J 21 35 55 33 33 35 30 55 I December 3 55 35 33 7 53 8 55 10 35 JJ 33 II 35 14 35 55 53 16 55 19 55 22 35 25 55 27 53 30 33 31 35 55 53 2 Januarie 3 53 5 35 6 33 386 rochdAle registers 1656 A child of Nicholas Birch James Brearley ... A child of John Adkenson A child of James Whitworth James Shiphard Woodhous Lane A child of Thomas Haugh Uxor John Chadwicke ... Uxor James Cromton A child of James Sharplus A child of John Turnough A chUd of Anthonie Hamer A chUd of John Kershaw Lawrance Whithead A child of James Whitworth Uxor John Turnough Robt Chadwicke A chUd of Micahell Butterworth Uxor James Readfearne A child of Ottawell Kershaw ... Luke Greenhough A child of Alexander Kershaw A sonn of Joseph Milne Uxor Robt SuttcUffe A child of Arthur Brearley A child of James Greave A chUd of Robt Kershaw Richard Holt Two sonnes of Robt Kershaw ... 4 p. 164 Uxor GabriU Holt A chUd of Thomas Holt A Sonne of Samuel Hollows A child of Robt Gleve A Sonne of Robt Mayden A child of Grime A daughter of Robt Lord Uxor James Woofenden A child of George Hanson Thomas Hayward A chUd of WiUiam Whitaker ... Uxor Edmund Butterworth Uxor John Woofenden ... A child of James Hayward James Milne A child of Thomas Hayward A chUd of Edward ScolefeUd ... A daughter of Thomas Bamford Thomas EUison ... A chUd of Nicholas Baxter 1656 8 Januarie 10 14 ¦^D 3 J 16 55 19 55 20 J5 JJ JJ 22 >t 3) 55 24 JJ 25 33 26 35 28 55 35 55 29 SS 30 53 I Februarie 12 i> 13 33 18 202122 24 25 35 27 4 7 35 II 1216 17 March 1656-1657 tetJRiALS 3S7 Alexander Whithead de Husted Robt ColUngs Thomas Shepheard Uxor John Stocke A sonne of Thomas Buckley Anna Buckley de Feildhead Uxor John Chadwicke ... A Daughter of Tho: Browne A Daughter of Edmund Turnough John Stocke A Sonne of Edmund Wild Uxor Robt HUl ... Thomas Holt James Holt de Greave ... A child of Francis Woofenden ... Samuel Bentley ... Ales Brearley A child of Robt Scolefeild A Sonne of Mr Tho: Buckley ... John Gabbott Thomas HUl A daughter of Alex: Turnough A child of John Whittworth ... 4 p. 165 A child of Robt Kershaw A chUd of John Butterworth ... A daughter of William Whitworth A chUd of EUes Clegg A chUd of John Chadwicke A child of James Clegg Samuel Butterworth James Butterworth EUiabeth [sic'^ BeUeUd A chUd of John SuttcUffe A chUd of Gauther Butterworth A child of James Milne Joseph Milne Gilbord Chamlett Uxor John CoUings Uxor James Butterworth A chUd of Henry Taylor A child of John Kershaw A chUd of John Ho word A child of John Smethurst A daughter of Mr Brigs Uxor John Smethurst A chUd of James Chadwicke ... Uxor WiUiam Heape I 20 656 March 21 JJ 22 JJ 33 JJ 55 33 1657 26 March 2 Aprill 3 12 ^3 15 20 2-1 22 23 24 33 55 25 27 28 JJ JJ I May 3 5 8 JJ II 22 26 29 II June 12 15 17 21 35 24 25 33 26 28 I July 388, ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1657- Thobyas Butterworth A chUd of Arthur Healey A child of Richard Meddocroft Uxor Edmund Hamer A chUd of John ColUngs Uxor John Simson Raph Lowton Uxor Robt Shaw James MUne Abraham Tayler George Romsbothom A chUd of Tho: Healey John Healey Jacob Whitaker Uxor John Scolefield A child of Robt Whitworth John Scolefield de Gose Lane ... William Roads Uxor George Franckleton 4 p. 166 Edmund Kershaw James Scolefield Rochdale A child of James Buckley Uxor Edward Holt Greave Uxor Alexander Butterworth Cronshaw Robt Bridg A child of Charles Hamer A Sonne of Joseph Shoore Roger Chadwicke A chUd of Raph Stott Uxor Thomas Whitworth A child of John Jenkenson Uxor Henry Brearley A chUd of MicaheU Butterworth Uxor John Stott ... Uxor Henry Dicson A Sonne of Richard Hollows A child of Peeter Hunter Edmund Milne A child of James Hayward A chUd of Sam: Whitworth Uxor Henry Hurley Uxor John HiU A child of John Leigh ... Uxor Henry Wood James Butterworth Uxor James Tayler Uxor George Tetlah A chUd of Stott 1657 13 July 14 21 22 24 25 26 5 August 6 7 8 55 9 II 12 15 17 18 19 21 33 22 25 26 28 JJ 6 September 8 33 33 55 9 35 15 33 16 35 33 33 17 35 18 33 35 35 20 33 23 53 26 55 30 ,, 4 October 7 35 10 55 II 3 3 15 33 53 33 18 33 20 3J .i657 BURIALS 389 A chUd of WiUiam Rods A daughter of Isaac Lord A daughter of John Chadwicke A chUd of Henry Clegg Uxor Denes Key Uxor Robt Butterworth A daughter of George MUne A chUd of John Rodd A chUd of Henry Clegg A child of James Hayward A chUd of Richard Greenongh ... Ann Beery James Stott James Duerden ... Uxor John Batterworth Uxor Thomas WUd 4 p. 167 A Sonne of Abraham Tayler John Tayler A chUd of Thomas Stott Uxor Robt Buckley Abraham Howrod A daughter of Robt Ogden A sonn of Mr Thomas Jonson ... Uxor James Hawkard ... A daughter of John Chadwicke A daughter of Edmund Ramsbothom. A chUd of Edward Welsh Ambros Jacson Mary Whithead A daughter of John Butterworth A child of John Haworth Samuel Scolefield Uxor James Fletcher Abraham Tayler Uxor John Bodden A daughter of Micahell Butterworth . Uxor Edmund Healey A child of Jonathan Whithead A daughter of Abraham Whitworth . A daughter of Abraham Hamer Robt Dickson de Midleton pish: A sonne of William Tayler A chUd of Samuel WUd Samuel Scolefield Uxor Richard Street Uxor. Edward Leach Uxor Christopher Looe ... FUia John Clegg 20 657 October 21 J5 JJ 35 2228 5555 29 I 55 November 4 6 JJ 3> 10 '^7 20 JJ 2526 JJ JJ 2728 JJ 33 29 I 3 J December JJ 55 2 6 55 7 8 55JJ 13 35 15 55 53 16 5555 3 3 33 17 18 35 55 19 55 20 55 21 55 22 5J 23 3J 25 26 55 3J 29 J J 3 Januarie 4 6 JJ 55 9 55 390 ROCHDALE REGISTERS A child of Peeter BouUon A child of George Milne A sonne of Robt Holt A child of Robt. Wild Uxor Thomas Hardman A child of Tho: Healey - Jonas Miller ...... A chUd of Joseph Lister A Sonne of Abra.ham Clegg 4 p. i68 Uxor John Tayler Uxor Henry Ramsbothom Alexander Haworth A Sonne of John Tayler A child of Jeffery, Milne A child of John Chadwicke A Sonne of Robt Dicson Thomas Butterworth Uxor John Eastwood A child of John Tayler Uxor John Butterworth John Hardman ... A child of John Stocke A sonn of [Deodatus Lord A child of John Booth A sonn of Robt Brearley Ottawell Kershaw Roger Holt James Buckley ... A child of John Fenton A daughter of Jarrat Readfearne A chUd of John Butterworth . . . A child of WilUam Roads Richard Wingrene Uxor Henry Margerisoh Thomas Hardman ... A child of John Milne Uxor Jonathan Brearley A Sonne of James Stocke Uxor James Brearley & child ... Uxor William A child of James Roads A child of Raph Stott A child of Joseph Hanson A child of James Tayler A chUd of Abraham Fitton 4 p. 169 Uxor James Standring Robt Shipheard Uxor James Holt 1657 I 657 9 J anuarie 55 11 55 13 14 15 J3 16 17 20 22 24 33 26 35 35 3 3 28 35 55 55 30 55 31 35 1 [ Februarie 2 55 3 35 6 55 7 35 8 55 9 JS 10 55 JJ 55 12 55 13 55 14 55 16 33 17 3 3 35 55 18 55 22 SS 23 JJ 24 SS 55 55 25 35 26 33 28 SS 55 5 5 I March 4 55 5 J) I657-I658 BURIALS 391 A chUd of PUlings Uxor Henry Hamer Uxor John Tayler A Sonne of Robt Kershaw Uxor Anthonie Brearley John Adkensonn A sonn of Edmund Lord Robt Duerden Richard Brearley A child of John Holt A child of Adam Kershaw A child of James HiU Henry Wood A chUd of Samuel Bentley Uxor Edmund Leigh , John Turnough A daughter of Thomas Barrs A sonn of Edmund Lord Uxor Joseph Lowton John Chadwicke Lanley High ... Richard Chadwicke Garrot Newall A chUd of John Butlar A chUd of Mary Lighttolers Abraham Buckley A daughter of John Leigh Uxor Charles Butterworth A daughter of John Suttlife John Clegg HolUngworth Uxor Robt Duckworth A chUd of Henry Hartley Abraham Wild A chUd of Charles Butterworth A chUd of Jonathan Chadwicke 4 p. 170 Uxor Adam Fenton A child of Richard ScolefeUd A chUd of James Turnough A child of James Scolefeild A daughter of James Jonnes Uxor John Hardman of Midleton pish: Francis Holt of Burdsale A sonne of Thomes Lowton Uxor James Shipheard Sara Smith Uxor Richard Joanes A child of Abraham Stocke A chUd of John Butterworth 7 1657 March 8 II 13 14 15 55 16 T-7 55 33 18 21 JJ 22 23 JJ I 25 658 March 26 JJ 2728 JJ 29 J, 30 JJ 31 2 ApriU JS 4 553 5 5 53 9 55 12 55 13 55 T-7 55 21 55 24 55 25 33 30 55 3 May 4 5J 6 55 7 JJ 10 392 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1658 Uxor John Woofenden ... A child of Thomas Hague Uxor Richard Grime Arthur ScolefeUd Ales Scolefield Robt Healey Uxor Raph Duerden Uxor Edward Grime Uxor Edmund Leigh Uxor James Holt A chUd of James Butterworth . A child of Robt Kinnion John Woostenholme Uxor John Hamer Edmund WUd A child of Abraham Marcer Samuel Hollows ... John Scoles A child of John Ogden ... Uxor James Milne James Butterworth de Haugh . Uxor Micahell Hollows ... Two sons of Robt Holt of Castleton Esq: 4 p. 171 Uxor Mr Edmund Haywarth .. A chUd of Micahell Butterworth Arthur Chetam ... James Frith John Whitaker Kathren w. of Robt Holt of Castleton Esq: Uxor James Leach A Sonne of John Kershaw John Clegg Uxor Robt Holt Gent: ... Uxor John Tayler Mathew Butterworth A chUd of Arthur Hollows Uxor John Stott ... A chUd of James Duerden Joseph Wild A child of James Lister Uxor J ames Tayler Uxor Richard Clegg A chUd of John Tayler ... A chUd of WUliam Booth Henry Greave Uxor Steven NuttaU A chUd of Robt Hopwood 1658 II May 12 35 1315 ¦3 3 16 55 ^71819 33 20 35 21 22 „ 2324 JJ 252628 „ 31 JJ JJ J J I June 45 6 9 II 12 14 1619 21 24 1658 BURIALS 393 James Holt Robt Tayler A chUd of John Tayler A chUd of Robt Leigh A chUd of John Etough A sonn of Edmund Grenrod A child of James Clegg A Sonne of John Adkensonn .... A child of Charles Butterworth Mary Chadwicke A Sonne of Thomes Scolefield ... A child of Edward Scolefield A child of Edmund Butterworth Uxor Edmund Greave Uxor WiU: Farrar ,. A chUd of James Stott Cudbart Tayler Uxor John Chadwicke John HUl 4 p. 172 Adam Tayler Uxor Micahell Bentley A chUd of John Kershaw A child of John Lees A child of Charles Lord Uxor John Buttler Thomas Smith Peeter Berron Mary Wood Uxor Jonathan Woofenden A child of John Leigh A daughter of Tho: Horton A chUd of Richard Clegg Uxor Franches. Ogden John Tayler A chUd of WiUiam Kershaw Uxor John Holt ... Charles MUne of Butterworth Hall ... A sonne of Richard Hollows Uxor James Stott Richard Medocraft de Medleton poch: James Broadbent Robt Dewhurst John Hartley John Chadwicke James Newbold Uxor John Holt A child of Andrew Berry Raph WUd ... . . .. I 658 2 July 35 35 55 53 6 33 7 53 8 55 9 JJ 19 55 24 55 28 . 55 11 August 14 55 17 35 22 55 JJ 33 23 33 25 33 55 5J 26 35 27 SS 29 35 30 55 31 55 55 53 I September 35 35 2 33 4 35 7 35 55 35 53 55 9 55 10 }y II 53 T-3 55 16 55 17 35 33 55 18 53 19 53 33 53 21 33 22 35 23 35 I October JJ 55 4 JJ 6 JJ, 394 kOCHDALE REGISTERS 1658 A child of Tho: Jacsonn Jeremy Whitworth A chUd of Tho: Jackson A chUd of Francis Woofenden James Dicsonn James Stott A chUd of Tho: Butterworth A child of Robt Chadwicke Uxor WUl: Clegg Uxor James HiU ... Joseph Clegg Uxor Tho: Duckworth ... A child of James Stott A child of John Lees A daughter of Robt Holt of Castleton Esq: A child of John Scolefield Uxor Robt Holt Uxor Anthonie Holt ... 4 P- 173 A child of John Kennion Charles Lord A child of Jonathan Brearley A child of James Haworth A child of James Chadwicke A chUd of Robt FeUdings A chUd of WUUam Smith A Sonne of Thomas Baskervile A daughter of Mr Tayler A child of Richard HiU A child of Arthur Kay Uxor Richard Hollows ... A child of James Milne A child of Edmund Hopwood ... Uxor John Newbold A child of James Scolefield A Sonne of Thomas Browne A child of Mr Tayler A chUd of Robt Holt Ales Hollows A child of James MUne James Duckworth A Sonne of Richard Simson Uxor John Tayler Thomas Bridges ... Uxor George Milne John Brearley A child of Robt Seddon [Richard Lord Hollows ... 1658 6 October 7 JJ 10 II 5J -^7 55 29 55 31 5J 9 November JJ 55 11 55 14 55 24 29 55 I December 2 55 3 6 7 II 16 55 21 22 23 25 26 27 3 Januarie II 13 14 35 19 1658-1659 BURIALS Uxor Robt Pedley & his chUd ... Abraham Hamer ... A chUd of James Stott ' A Sonne of William Kershaw ... A chUd of Charles Lord A child of John Hayward A child of John Shaw Uxor Robt Crosley James Ashworth ... A daughter of Abra: Leach A chUd of IsraU Stringer A child of Semeon Kershaw . ... A daughter of Edmund Feilding Robt NewaU senr Uxor James HoUows , A chUd of Tho; Whithead 4 p. 174 Henry Cropp de Midleton pish Caleb Casson A child of James Cheetam John Butterworth Lowhous Elizabeth Feilding Uxor Edmund Briggs Sara Thorpe A chilji of James Whitworth ... A chUd of Joseph Brearley A chUd of John MUne A chUd of John Lealand John Casson Uxor Thomas Kay A child of John Hamer ... A daughter of Henry Clegg A daughter of Daniel Stocke .. Mary fa. Robt Wade A chUd of Richard HoUows A chUd of John HUl Uxor Isaac Clegg A chUd of Robt Hopwood Uxor Edward Chadwicke A daughter of John Scolefeild .. A child of Robt SuteU Uxor Richard Oglebey Uxor William Kay , Uxor John CoUings Samuel WUd setf ... Uxor John Kay & his, child Charles Turnough A daughter of Rpbt Buckley 393 1 658 22 Januarie 25 26 JJ JJ 27 1 JJ Februarie 2 55 4 55 5 55 55 6 5555 7 8 5555 .i 5555 35 ¦ 3S 19 55 20 35 22 35 35 2 55 March 4 33 33 3 3 5 33 7 33 55 8 55 53 15 16 55 55 53 18 35 55 22 55 24 2 1659 ApriU 9 10 15i6 i659 17 ApriU 18 22 24 25 30 396 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1656 Sara Butterworth ... - ... John Brigs Uxor John WUd A chUd of John Tayler Ester Belfield A sonn of Henry Hurst ... John Haslam de Rochdale ... ... „ ,, A child of Thomas Adamson ... ... ,, ,, A Sonne of James Lighttolers ... ... 2 May Thomas Chadwicke ... 4 „ • John Woofenden ... ... ... ... ,, ,, John Hopwood ... ... ... ... 7 ,, 4 p. 175 A child of Robt Seddon 14 ,, Uxor John Ogden of Rochdale ... 16 ,, Uxor James Stott 17 ,, Richard Greenwood ... ... ... xf^ ,, A chUd of Jonathan Holt ... ... ,, ,, John Lord de Brunedg ... ... ... 21 jj Uxor Thomas Whitaker ... ... ,26 ,, Henry Whitworth , ,, Uxor Anthonie Barrat ... ... ... 28 „ A sonn of John Leigh ... ... ... 3 June Raphe Scoles ... ... ... ... 4 ,, Abraham Greante [?] 8 ,, A chUd of William [Butterworth ... 13 ,, A sonn of Robt Buckley ... ... 20 ,, John MUne ... ... ... ... 21 ,, A daughter of Charles Lord 24 ,, Uxor John Shipheark ... ... ... 7 July A sonn of Richard Holt ... ... ,, „ A child of Mr Tayler 8 „ Uxor James Wilsonn ... ... ... 9 ,, A chUd of Francis Wrigley 10 ,, Alexander Lighttolers ... ... ... 11 „ A sonn of Thomas Milne ... ... 14 ,, Uxor WUliam Leigh 15 ,, Uxor John Chadwicke 22 ,, A child of James ScolefeUd Gent: ... 29 ,, A chUd of Thomas Holdworth ,, Robt Holt 2 August A chUd of John Chadwicke Natbanke... „ ,, A daughter of Jeremie Brearley ... 11 „ A daughter of James Roads „ ,, A child of John Hayward de Hillhous ... 12 ,, A child of John Wild Uxor James Nayler ... ... ... 15 Uxor Abraham Tayler 16 ", Uxor Thomas Haslam ... 17 1 659 iuklALS 391 A child of John Smith A sonn of Mr^ Thorpe John Holt de Deples HiU Jeremie Duerden Jur James HUl Uxor James Tayler Henry Broadbent A child of John Whitworth A chUd of John Ogden A chUd of James Greave Richard Smith of Rachdale A sonn of James Clegg George Francland Abraham Kershaw Uxor Robt Woofenden ... A chUd of John SuttcUffe 4 p. 176 Richard Lord Greve Clough Adam Ogden de Hathershaw ... A daughter of James Garrard ... A child of Henry Scolefeild Uxor Abraham Tayler A child of Edmund Lord A chUd of Mr Edward Shacklocke A sonn of Arthur Scolefeild Robt Milne de Rachdale John Holdworth ... Edward Grime James Ashworth ... A daughter of John Roads Uxor Thomas Cromton WilUam Leigh A child of Richard Holt Richard Duckworth A daughter of Edmund Ramsbotham. A daughter of Isaac Clegg Uxor James Kershaw A sonne of James Rods A child of Christopher Jacsonn Filius Edmund Brigs A child of John Wuitworth A child of John SuttcUffe A child of Robt Hopwood A child of John Whitworth A child of MicaheU Clegg A child of Charles Lord FiUa Edmund Feilding ... ... Uxor Thomas Birch de Bamford Nathan. HUl Stedd I 659 26 August 33 2728 J553 30 6^8 55 September 55 33 53 55 33 55 55 II16 3335 22 55 24 33 25 33 55 26 3333 27 28 5553 55 1 55 October JJ 35 2 53 3 35 II 33 14 55 15 35 17 33 20 35 24 35 25 55 35 26 5533 27 53 55 28 53 55 29 33 31 55 35 33 33 2 55 November 3 55 33 55 4 55 55 33 5 35 78 33 3-5 4 p. 398 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 165 1 659 A chUd of Edmund Wrigley ... 8 November Filia John Jacksonn ... 10 53 Filius Edward Clough ... 12 35 FiUa Henry Greave >• • JJ 55 Robt Kershaw •• 13 55 Uxor Thomas Rudd ... 14 33 Uxor Richard WorraU ... .. 18 55 A child of Abraham Brearley ... 55 35 Filius Abraham Hamer ... .. 19 55 A child of Henry Garside .. 20 ,, A child of James Butterworth ... .. 22 55 Uxor Henry Greave .. 23 55 Robt Johnsonn ... .. 26 35 A chUd of Thomas Scolefeild ... 55 33 A chUd of Thomas MUne .. 28 55 A daughter of Abraham Brearley •• 3 Decembei A chUd of Peeter Boulton 53 35 A chUd of James Butterworth ... 53 53 Two children of John Brearley .. 8 55 A daughter of Mr Taylor .. 9 35 John Turnough ... 33 33 Uxor Henry Whitworth 33 J3 A chUd of James ScolefeUd .. II 53 177 A child of John Duerden .. 12 33 A chUd of Edward Brearley 53 35 Uxor Christopher Taylor •• 13 33 A chUd of WilUam Smethorst ... .. 16 55 A child of James Scolefeild •¦ 17 55 A child of Richard HiU .. 20 55 Uxor Edmund Feilding ... .. 22 JJ James Kay of Jowken ... .. 26 33 FUia John Haslam .. 27 J J Uxor Edmund Buckley ... .. 28 55 A child of James Flecher .. 29 S3 A child of Jonathan Chadwicke c le Chadwicke Gent: •¦ 31 53 James Hamer •• 3 [anuarie A child of Arthur Kay 4 33 A chUd of Henry Taylor 35 55 A chUd of Richard Prescodd ... 5 53 Uxor Richard Greenrod .. 6 33 FiUa Henry ScolefeUd 3 3 55 A child of WiUiam Harrison 33 55 A chUd of WiUiam Harrison 7 53 A sonn of GabriU Taylor 9 55 Filia John Holdworth 55 33 Abraham Whitworth .. 10 Uxor Samuel MUne .. 11 JJ i659 BURIALS 399 A child of WiU: Roads ... A chUd of Robt ScolefeUd FUia Daniel Leach A child of Abraham Taylor A chUd of John Stott ... Uxor Richard Brearley ... Uxor Lawrance Whithead FiUus Will: Roads John Brearley A sonn of Thomas Shore Uxor MicaheU SuttcUffe MicaheU Hollows Uxor John Butterworth Filia James Butterworth Uxor Marten ScolefeUd ... A chUd of Robt Butterworth A daughter of Raph Smith A child of Edmund Hollows A chUd ol James Milne ... Uxor Joseph Tayler Uxor James Milne A chUd of George Scoles Joseph Whitworth A sonn of Richard Lord Thomas Bamford 4 p. 178 A sonn of Richard Lord Uxor Edmund Cowp Uxor Robt Wild A child of James Whitworth Uxor Richard Scolefeild Edmund Simsonn A Sonne of James Roads Uxor Joshua Stott wUes mother Edmund Scolefeild A sonn of James Butterworth Uxor Raph Winterbothom A child of Edward Hollows A chUd of MicaheU Butterworth Uxor John Butterworth Adam Sweetelove A child of John Smith A child of John HiU Uxor John Hichenn A child of John Leach A child of James Clegg Uxor John Ogden A child of Henry Clegg James Hough Senr 1659 11 Januarie 12 „ 13 ,j 14 ., 15 JJ 18 JJ 19 20 53 21 JJ 22 33 JJ JJ 26 53 29 55 30 55 I Februarie JJ 55 2 53 5 J» 9 II 1718 20 21 2223252728 29 2 March 4 J, 5 „ 6 „ 4 P- 179 400 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1659-1660 1 659 Mr Bradshaw Clarke . . 6 March A sonn of Abraham Leach Mr A sonn of Jonathan Chadwicke ... 7 J, ... 8 A chUd of Thomas Tayler 35 A child of John Rodd ... 9 A chUd of John Masson ... 10 A chUd of Micahell Butterworth .. . JJ Uxor John Butterworth ... 12 Uxor Edmund Gartside ... 35 Uxor Peeter Holt & daughter ... •• 13 Uxor James Readfearne •• 15 Raphe Brearley 33 A child of James Hayward .. 17 Uxor Robt Stringer 55 A chUd of Thomas Haslam ... 19 Uxor James Whitworth 33 A chUd of Mr George Lumax ... .. 24 I 660 A chUd of James Bamford .. 26 March Uxor Robt Walkden .. 27 William Barnes •• 31 A chUd of Andrew Shipheard ... 35 A chUd of James Bamford 55 Jane Butterworth 2 AprieU Thomas Hollows 4 A child of Richard Eastwood ... • • 35 A chUd of Robt Buckley .. 6 Uxor Henry Brearley ... 8 Abraham Hollows 33 A child of Mr AbeU Buckley ... ... 9 A sonne of Robt Halliwell ... 11 A chUd of Samuel MUne ... 13 Uxor Richard Holt ... 14 John Stott •• 15 A chUd of John Butterworth ... 55 A daughter of John Hamer .. 16 Uxor John Hardman .. 18 Filia John Hayward .. 23 Filia Joseph Milne 33 Margreet [Hill .. 24 Filia Roger Brearley • * 35 A chUd of Robt FeUding 3 5 A daughter of Alex: Scolefeild ... .. 27 Uxor John Hayward .. 29 Uxor Edward Grime * • 55 A child of Francis Holt ' • 33 Robt Royley •• 30 i66o BURIALS 401 Uxor Abraham Kershaw Lawrance Seddon Uxor Jeremie Brearley ... A child of Edmund Kershaw Uxor Samuel Bentley A chUd of Adam Brearley A chUd of MicaheU Clegg A child of James Standring Henry Kershaw ... A chUd of Francis MUne A chUd of Robt Kershaw A daughter of James Lees A chUd of Robt Smethurst WUUam Booth Samuel Shore A chUd of Abraham Stott FUia James Turnough ... A chUd of James Tetley A chUd of Charles Ogden A chUd of Robt Kershaw A chUd of WUliam Stott A chUd of OttaweU Smith A sonn of Adam Earnshaw A sonn of John Coe Isaac Clegg John Howorth Shawfeild A chUd of John Brearley Uxor James MUne A daughter of AbeU Ashworth A chUd of James MUne ... Jeremie Holt Uxor John Coe A chUd of Richard Smith A chUd of Charles Lord Uxor John MtUanex A chUd of WUl: WUd ... 4 p. 180 A sonn of Jonathan Scolefeild A chUd of Robt Butterworth A chUd of Robt Grime ... A chUd of Ambros Jacsonn A child of John Smethorst A chUd of John Chadwicke A daughter of John Smith James MUne A daughter of GabriU Greave A child of a daughter of James A child of Abraham Stocke A chUd of Lawrance Seddon Leach 1660 2 May 55 9 11 12 35 13 14 16 55 '^7 22 24 30 31 JJ 2 June 7 II 12 13 55 53 22 23 55 25 30 3 6 July 15 1718 19 24 28 2 August 3 10 II 55 13 141618 19 24 25 402 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 4p, A chUd of Thomas Hage John Butterworth Cronest Ales Leigh A chUd of John Whitaker A sonn of John Roads John Suttliffe John Whitaker A child of James Milne Uxor OttaweU Smith Uxor John West A chUd of John Tayler A child of Richard HiU Uxor Roger Hayward William Wild Alexander s. of Mr WiUiam Butterworth Uxor John Hamer A child of Abraham Clegg A daughter of Simon Kershaw Thomas Hopwood Uxor James Kay John Holland de Rachdale A child of Robt Livesey Edmund Butterworth de Windebanke A sonn of John Chadwicke A daughter of Abell Duerden Samuel Butterworth Henry Brearley Buersale Moore Uxor Thomas Greave Uxor John Stocke Filia Robt Holt James Brearley ... A sonn of John Butterworth A sonn of Blackeley wifes William Butterworth Tho: Healey A child of Edmund Miller Tho: Bridg Streete wife A child of James Butterworth ... i8i Uxor Francis Show A child of Jeffery Milne A child of James Butterworth ... A sonn of Edmund Bamford A child of Isaack Chadwicke ... Ann Bamford John Simon A chUd of William WUlkenson A daughter of William Standring 1660 1660 27 August 55 55 29 55 31 55 5 September 7 53 22 55 55 55 28 55 2 October 4 5 10 JJ 11 16 17 19 23 24 55 29 30 31 I November 53 2 ,, 3 53 5 55 12 16 ,, 17 21 35 22 33 29 33 4 December 55 55 55 55 9 33 14 53 20 33 21 55 23 55 24 'T i66o-i66i BURIALS A child of James Duerden A child of Robt Milne ... A child of James Whitworth A chUd of Robt Pedley ... A child of James Greave A chUd of EUes NuttaU A child of Samuel Greave Uxor Abraham Kershaw Uxor Robt KershBw Arthur Turnough A chUd of Thomas Healey EUi a Abraham Mercer ... A chUd of Richard Smith A chUd of Robt Holding Uxor John Whitaker John [Hamer A chUd of John WUd ... Two chUdren of John Chadwicke A child of John Kerstaw A child of Nicholas Birch A hUd of John Buttler FUia Richard ScolefeUd Uxor Richard Nuttall James Kershaw ... Robert Butterworth FiUus Robt NewaU Filia Edmund Garside A chUd of John Butterworth Lowhouse A chUd of James Brearley FUia Edmund Grenrod Grenrod 4 p. 182 FUius Jane Adkenson Samuel Smethurst John Warberton ... A child of James Brearley A chUd of John Pilling ... A daughter of Richard Nuttall FUia Jonathan Woofenden Two chUdren of Joshua Brearley Uxor OttaweU HiU A chUd of Robt Howorth A child of Mr Davies A child of James Brodbent John Hopwood Spotland Gate A child of James Byrch Abraham Clegg Uxor Richard Nuttall Henry Rudd 1660 1 Januarie 33 55 2 55 38 3355 55 33 13 33 1516 5555 17 55 19 35 23 26 5J 35 35 53 27 7 35 Februarie 8 53 9 55 11 35 14 16 55 55 17 18 5355 19 55 2126 5555 33 55 35 55 27 28 5555 1 March 7 55 55 3 3 9 35 11 33 12 5J 1318 3J J5 20 55 21 55 23 I 33 661 25 March .2 ApriU 4 55 33 6 16 55 55 JJ 404 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1661 A chUd of Francis Woofenden ... A son of Samuel Lowton A son of Edward Hollows A son of Edmund Leigh A chUd of James Leach A daughter of James Chadwicke James Key Uxor Robt MUne Uxor Edward ScolefeUd A chUd of Robt Hunte A chUd of John Brearley A chUd of John Coe daughter ... Uxor Francis Woofenden A chUd of Edmund Readfearne A chUd of Joshua Stott Uxor John Leach A chUd of Thomas Brearley A daughter of Richard Scolefeild A chUd of Robt Kerens A chUd of James Parse vile A chUd of Master Earle James Shacklocke WiUiam Butterworth of BelfeUd Esq: . 4 p. 183 A daughter of James Roads Uxor James Howorth Uxor James SuttcUffe Uxor Thomas Healey A child of John Heaward 2 children of James Chadwicke Uxor Daniel Milne Nathan Leach John Whitworth Caselton Moore A daughter of Adam Brearley ... A daughter of Abell Roads James Heaward ... A chUd of WiUiam Siddall Uxor John Brearley John Smith of Rochdale A chUd of John Ettocke Uxor Micahell Howorth A chUd of Robt ScolefeUd A child of James Stott Robt Chadwicke of Blackwater A chUd of William Rods A chUd of WiUiam Leigh Uxor James Whitaker Uxor Samuel Unsworth ... Uxor Samuel Shore A daughter of Henrj"- Byrch 16 Aprill 17 18 JJ JJ 20 21 23 3J 26 27 35 28 I 6 8 May 53 9 10 28 29 55 31 1 June 3 55 55 7 11 12 15 55 19 20 21 JJ 28 29 6 8 Ju'l'y 55 9 10 1416 2228 I Angus' i66i BURIALS 405 A child of John Leach Jane Chadwicke ... A sonn of Roger Holt A sonn of Abratam Leach A sonn of John Tayler ... Uxor GabriU Leigh A child of James Turnough A sonn of James Butterworth ... A chUd of Henry Kershaw Ester Grenhalgh A daughter of ohn Heyward ... Uxor Winstandley John ColUngs A child of Henry Rodd 4 p. 184 A chUd of Arthur Kay Uxor Jeremie Whitworth A daughter of James Brearley ... Henry Shore of Littlebrough ... Mary Whitworth Uxor Henry Farrar A chUd of Henry Flecher A daughter of Arthur ScolefeUd Uxor Robt Newall A child of Edmund Dowood A daughter of Raph Winterbotham A chUd of Thomas Birch Thomas Whitworth A chUd of Henry Flecher A child of John Holt A son of James Milne A chUd of Richard Clegg Uxor Richard Simsonn ... James MUne Church StUe Uxor Robt Leigh Uxor Abraham Dawson Uxor Richard Seddon A child of WUliam Dawson Thomas Smith A chUd.of John Turnough A child of Edward Scolefeild ... A daughter of Edmund Durden Uxor Richard Smith A chUd of Thomas ScolefeUd ... A child of Abraham Stocke FUia Roger Barlow A chUd of Thomas Eansworth ... Edmund Brigs ... A chUd of James Flecher 1661 4 August 11 55 13 1 5J 16 JJ 55 JJ 24 ii 33 JJ 25 55 26 55 35 55 29 55 10 September II 55 12 55 14 55 19 55 20 JJ 3 October 4 JS 5 3J 6 33 8 33 12 53 35 55 13 55 20 )> 22 55 23 ii 24 ii 28 55 30 55 5 November 6 33 7 35 8 33 9 55 13 35 14 SJ 33 55 15 55 55 55 16 SS 22 35 25 J5 30 33 I December 6 55 7 1> 4o6 ROCHDALE REGISTERS A chUd of Robet [sic] Brearley A child of James Hawood John Hayward Hillhous A child of John Ogden A daughter of John Haslam A son of Edward Scolefeild 4 p. 185 Uxor Joseph ScolefeUd Mary Smith A child of Edmund Aron Mary Shore Robt Bridworth ... A child of John Medocraft Thomas Ch adwicke ... ... A chUd of John Chadwicke A daughter of John Chadwicke A child of Abraham Dawson ... A child of John Buckley Ann Shaw John Chadwicke ... A child of Robt Livesley A chUd of Edward Holt A chUd of Israel Stringer Uxor SoUoman Hartley ... A chUd of John Stott WUliajn Greave ... Temothie Jenkenson Uxor Anthonie Holt Ann Shore A son of Francis Holt de Midleton pish Edmund WUd A chUd of James Whitaker John Shore Banke top ... A daughter of Thomas Bamford Richard Ogden Uxor Jeremie Duerden ... A chUd of Henry Garsid A chUd of Thomas Chadwicke OttaweU HiU A daughter of Georg Milne William Holt Nayden Anthonie Lancashire A chUd of ... . Boulton de Howorth ... A sonn of John Smith .... WiUiam Standring A sonn of John Tayler A chUd of Euan March A chUd of Robt ScolefeUd Uxor ko bt B utterworth 1661 1661 10 December JJ 11 JJ 17 53 19 23 24 55 26 27 30 6 Januarie 8 33 9 53 13 33 14 55 15 55 53 33 16 55 20 55 21 55 22 35 55 55 24 55 26 55 27 55 28 55 y 55 33 55 55 I Februarie 4 33 6 53 16 55 17 JJ 53 35 22 J, 33 ¦ 35 2326 „ 33 55 27 5 March I66I-1662 BURIALS 407 Uxor Alexander Whitworth Uxor Robt Hamer Edmund Leigh William Haslam ... A child of John Adkenson A child of John Smith ... A daughter of Abraham Hamer Uxor Edward Leach A child of John WUd ... Uxor Richard Grenrodd Uxor James Hayward ... A child of Isaac Adkenson Uxor James Stott A chUd of John Whitworth A sonn of Alexander Kershaw . A child of James Leach . Uxor John Holt Depleshill 4 p. 186 A daughter of Abraham Hamer Elinor Chadwicke Uxor James Smith Uxor John Lees ... Uxor James Scolefeild ... A son of William Buckley James Stocke de Ashes ... Uxor Robt Chadwicke ... John Brearley , A child of Abraham Stocke Samuel Smith de Jukken A child of John Rodd A child of Edmund Turnough. . Jane Shore Parrake head A child of James ScolefeUd Robt Butterworth Raghole A daughter of Edmund ScolefeUd A chUd of Richard NuttaU A child of Samuel Streete A chUd of John Abbet ... Uxor John Milne A child of Ma y Cheetam Hie: A child of John Brearley A sonn of James Ashworth A son of Edmund Buckley A sonn of Isaac Clegg ... A sonn of Robt PoUett ... A chUd of Robt Crosley James Tayler A sonn of Henry. Hardrnali.. 1 661 8 March ID 11 JJ 12 13 35 15 19 33 53 21 22 55 1 66'2 26 March 53 55 33 55 27 33 29 33 31 2 ApriU 33 53 7 .3 5 10 55 II 35 12 13 15 1620 21 JJ 2729 I May 40 8 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1662 A child of Thomas Healey Uxor John Crosley A daughter of Abell Readfearne A sonn of Jeremie Brearley A daughter of James Garsid A chUd of Charles Ogden John Clegg A child of James Byrch Uxor Robt Brearley Robt Butterworth Robt s. Robt Bath Clarke Uxor Abraham WUd Midleton pish A sonn of John Butterworth ... Thomas Milne A sonn of John Haslam Uxor John Haslam Francis Berry Uxor Edmund MUne A chUd of Robt Siddale A child of James Kershaw James Jaques Thomas MUne A daughter of Samuel Tayler ... A child of James Gartsid 4 p. 187 A sonn of James Turnough A daughter of WUliam Smith ... Uxor Edmund Brearley A daughter of Edward HoUftws James Hoyle de Toungh A daughter of Richard Halliwell John Milne Arthur Healey A child of James Turnough Uxor Abraham Stocke ... Isaac Scolefeild Sheepbanke A daughter of James Halliwell A sonn of John Shaw A chUd of James Briggs A sonn of James Jarratt A chUd of James Briggs A daughter of Alexander Scolefeild A child of James Standring Hie: Uxor John Hartley A child of Jonathan Kershaw Hie: A child of Richard Fresco d A child of Robt Stott A sonn of James Whitaker A child of Thomas Whithead ... 1662 6 May 10 JJ II 1518 19 26 5 June 13 14 55 16 202527 I 3 4 5 II July 14 16171924 35 2528 31 2 Aui 13 16T-7 22 23 gust .i662 BURIALS 409 1662 A child of Thomas BeUeUd Uxor Edward Holt John Kershaw A sonn of Theophilus Withenton Uxor John CoUings A chUd of Abraham Lees A chUd of Gawther Butterworth Joseph Lowton ... A chUd of Raph Brearley Bastard A chUd of Edward Adkensonn Uxor John Dawsonn Uxor John Butterworth A daughter of Micahell BirstaU A chUd of Andrew Shipheard ... Richard Hollows ... A daughter of Thomas Turnough A chUd of Richard ScolefeUd ... A chUd of Joshua Hartley A daughter of Samuel Cheetam Uxor WUliam Kershaw James Scolefeild ... A chUd of John Lord James FlueUen A chUd of James Woofenden ... John Butterworth de Croft Head A chUd of Arthur Scolefeild A chUd. of George Lees ... John Crompton Rochdale A daughter of Sr.muel Cheetam A daughter of John Smith James Greenrod ... Uxor Robt Scolefeild A child of John Chadwicke A chUd of John Smith 4 p. 188 A daughter of David Brearley ... Uxor Thomas Shore A sonn of John Kershaw A child of John Dearden A chUd of Richard WUd Samuel Greave A chUd of Thomas Hag A chUd of Thomas Holt A child of Isaac Woolfenden ... Uxor Richard Battersbey Uxor Richard Wild WUliam Leach A child of John West 24 August 26 55 27 55 55 35 61 September 7 55 9 55 10 55 12 35 18 55 26 55 27 55 53 55 30 55 I October 2 33 JJ 55 JJ 53 4 33 6 55 15 55 16 53 35 35 23 33 31 35 7 November 9 55 II 35 13 53 14 35 16 35 S3 53 17 55 18 55 22 35 25 35 28 53 29 35 33 33 30 53 I December 2 53 JJ 35 4 55 6 55 7 33 9 35 4 P- 189 410 ROCHDALE REGISTERS x6t 1662 James Brearley Whiteley Deane ... 9 December A chUd of Henry Kershaw ... 10 „ Robt Kershaw ... 12 „ A chUd of Thomas Shipheard ... ' • ¦ 53 35 A child of Horood ¦ • * 33 35 Uxor Robt Whitley ... 14 „ George Whitley ... •• • 55 35 Uxor Henry Farrar • * ' 53 55 James ScolefeUd ... • • * 35 55 A chUd of Arthur Hollows ¦•• 15 J, James Ashworth ... ... 16 „ Uxor Henry Whitworth 55 55 A child of Robt Dearden 55 S3 Uxor James Street ... 17 „ A child of John Clegg ... 19 „ Richard Woorrall ... 20 „ A son of WiUiam Whitworth ... ... 22 „ A chUd of Ottawell Whitworth ... 23 „ Two children of James Brearley ... 24 „ A child of Edmund Leigh • • • 55 35 A child of John Leigh ... 25 „ A daughter of John Rodd ... 27 „ A chUd of Arthur Smethurst ... ... 28 „ Uxor Raph Tayler ... 29 „ A chUd of Charles Lord 33 55 James Howorth ... • • • 33 55 Uxor John Roads ... 30 JJ A chUd of. Joseph Buckley • • ¦ 3 3 35 Uxor John Rods •¦• 31 JJ A child of Danel Holt • * • 35 55 A child of Joseph Buckley • • • 55 55 Uxor John Cheetam I Januarie Uxor James Crosley 2 J, A sonn of Edward Clegg ' • • 35 3J A child of Jonathan Chadwicke 3 JJ A child of Edmund Hamer ¦• * 55 55 A daughter of John MUne ... 8 „ A child of Jonathan Stott ... 12 „ A child of Thomas Cropp ••• 13 A sonn of John Scolefield • " ' 55 55 John Bamford de Rochdale ... 16 A chUd of Abraham SuttcUffe ... ... 17 Uxor Jeffery Kershaw ... 18 „ A chUd of John Jackson * ' ¦ 53 35 A chUd of James Turnough ... 19 „ A chUd of James Chadwicke ... ... 20 Deodatus Lord A chUd of EUes MUne ... 21 „ i662 BURIALS :41I 1662 Robt Clegg . 23 Jauuarie A chUd of Richard Owen Uxor Henry Hardman • 24 „ Uxor John Brearley 55 55 A chUd of Robt Butterworth ... A sonn of Edmund Gartsid • 25 " A daughter of Robt Grime • 27 „ A child of . . ... . . Scolefeild • 29 A child of John Howorth 55 55 A sonn of Joshua Stansfeild • 30 JJ A child of John Butterworth ... JJ JJ Uxor John Howorth I Februarie A child of Edmund Hayward ... 2 ,j Uxor Raph Lowton • 3 JJ A chUd of Henry Farrar 5 5 3 5 James Holt . ... , 4 JJ A child of Alexander B.utterworth. . 6 „ A child of James Kershaw ¦ 8 „ A child of James Stott. 55 35 James Pickupp ... • 9 .. A chUd of John Milne ¦ II J, A chUd of J ohn MUne 35 35 A daughter of James Butterworth 35 35 James Tayler • 12 JJ Mary Fitton • 13 JJ A daughter of Edmund Turnough • 15 JJ A daughter of James Roads 35 55 John Hebbard • 17 » A chUd of John Etocke 35 53 A chUd of Jeffery Kershaw 55 3J Abraham Whithead . 18 J, A sonn of Abraham Belfeild 33 35 A daughter of John HiU 53 35 A child of John Milne 35 . 55 John Blackley • 19 .. A child of Henry Birch ¦ 20 „ A dgiUghter of James Dearden ... .. 21 „ Two children of Jeffery Kershaw . 22 „ A child of Semeon Browne • 23 J, A child of John Kershaw . 24 JJ A child of James Butterworth ... . 26 „ A sonn of William Roads 53 55 A daughter of John Holt .. 27 „ Uxor Temothie Jenkenson ¦ 28 „ Uxor Henry Dickson 3 March Jane Kershaw , ... JJ ,j A chUd of John Chadwicke ... JJ JJ A chil^ of Robt Colliiigs ... . .. 4 :., 412 ROCHDALE REGISTERS A chUd of WiUiam Earnshaw ... Edmund Holdworth Newhous ... A child of Jarrard Butterworth A child of Janies Shaklocke Roger Holt Catle Lane ... Uxor Adam Sweetelove ... A chUd of Robt Chadwicke A child of Robt Stott A chUd of Ales Buckland A chUd of John HoUand A child of Thomas Eansworth ... A child of Joshua Chadwicke ... A child of James Scolefeild Gent: Elizabeth Fogg A daughter of Robt Clough 4 p. 190 PresiUia Holt Uxor Samuel Cheetam ... A child of Robt Crosley A child of James Greve A child of Joseph Dearden Uxor James Flecher A daughter of WiUiam Leigh ... Francis Smethurst Uxor James Byrom A chUd of Francis Scolefeild Uxor John Heyward John Sudworth ... A child of Thomas Brearley A chUd of Robt Brearley A child of Edward Clegg A child of Jonathan Scolefeild ... A daughter of Micahell Heape ... John Medocraft ... Thomas Brearley Roger s. of Thomas Brearley ... John Butterworth A child of Thomas Butterworth Uxor Richard Halliwell ... A child of Abraham Standring Uxor Henry Nuttall A daughter of Robt Clegg Sara Brearley Milrow Mestris Jane Ingham de Cleggswood A child of James Woolfenden ... Uxor Edmund Ogden A chUd of Martha Cranedg Spu: Elizabeth Wood 1662-1663 1662 5 March 7 9 10 JJ 1112 55 13 55 1415 16 17 19 20 , 22 , 24 J 33 3 55 3 166. 26 Ma 3 rch 27 JJ 29 ,j 53 55 30 JJ 2 ApriU JJ JJ 3 ,j 35 55 4 JJ 5 J J 10 i663 BURIALS 413 A daughter of John Butterworth A child of John Hayward A child of George Adkenson A sonn of James Wrigley David Holt A sonn of Abraham ScolefeUd ... A chUd of John Howorth A sonn of WUliam Booth A daughter of James Whitaker Uxor Arthur Healey A daughter of Joseph Shore A chUd of James Parsavale A chUd of Tho: Henthorne Margret Piccop A child of James Lester A chUd of Abraham Tayler John Tayler A chUd of James Howorth A chUd of Henry NuttaU A daughter of James Turnough A chUd of Joshua StansfeUd Lawrance Sagar de Burnley pish A chUd of James Parsavel A chUd of John Holt A chUd of Charles Ogden Anthonie Brearley John Heape A chUd of James Byrom 4 p. 191 A daughter of Robt MUne Mary Walker Uxor Fardenandoe MarshaU A sonn of Richard Woolfenden Uxor Jeremie Dearden ... George Holt A child of Henry Scolefeild A child of Arthur Brearley A chUd of William Standring ... A daughter of Joseph Hanson ... A child of Jeffery MUne A daughter of John Hebbard ... A child of Edmund Dearden ... Richard Ashworth A child of James Turnough Uxor Fabyon Whithead A child of Abraham Stocke A child of Edmund Watmoe John Streete 1 663 10 ApriU JJ 55 12 55 13 55 14 33 33 5J 17 55 18 55 20 53 23 55 55 55 55 55 24 55 26 55 27 55 28 53 55 35 29 33 30 33 I May 2 33 4 33 5 55 55 55 6 35 7 3 3 JJ 33 JJ 55 II 35 12 55 13 55 55 55 14 55 16 33 4 June 8 55 9 12 JJ 14 17 55 19 20 JJ 23 24 414 RochdAle registers 1663 Uxor Samuel Butterworth Uxor Raph Webbs Nicholas Birch A child of Samuel Fish A chUd of EUes Hollows Uxor James Howrodd Abraham Milne ... A chUd of John Tayler Uxor Jonathan Clegg Uxor James Jones George Adkenson Thomas Greenrodd A daughter of Edmund Fish A sonn of James Tayler Uxor Lawrance Fletcher A chUd of WiUiam HiU ... Uxor James Scolefeild ... Uxor Edmund Wrigley ... A sonn of John Walkden A child of James Howorth A sonn of Samuel Whitworth . A chUd of Edmund Holt James Turnough ... A daughter of Edward Clegg .. A chUd of Roger Whitworth A child of John Hartley A sonn of James Lester James Howorth ... 4 p. 192 John Greenrod Uxor James Woolfenden Uxor John Farrar Millrow A chUd of Thomas Chadwicke . Mary Cheetam A chUd of George Smith A chUd of James Hartley A daughter of James Parcifeild Francis Woolfenden A chUd of Tho: Whitaker Uxor Tho: Chadwicke A sonn of Abra: Tayler ... A young wooman A child of Georg Adkenson A child of Jeremie Berry James Holt A child of George Hanson A sonn of Robt Jaques ... A daughter of Robt Buckley .. A child of James Brearley 1663 25 June 27 55 30 2 Jui'y 4 35 5 33 9 33 33 35 1216 33 55 19 33 JJ 55 20 3 35 August 56 3533 17 18 55 53 19 55 20 55 23 35 25 35 30 I 55 September 7 33 9 53 35 55 12 18 55 35 21 33 33 55 22 53 24 35 35 53 30 7 53 October II JJ 35 33 13 JJ 35 35 14 JJ 16 J, 20 „ 27 J, 28 „ 30 JJ 4 November II 1663 BUklALS A child of James Brearley A child of WUl: ilodes Edward Leach A child of James Stott Thomas Cheetam Francis Warberton Mary Buckley Siddamoore A child of Robt Kennion Uxor Jacob Fish ... ... A child of John Holt A chUd of WiU: WUlkenson A chUd of John Stott A sonn of WUl: Dawson A daughter of Mr Robt Bath Jane Kershaw A child of Edmund Turnough A daughter of Robt Duckworth A daughter of Roger Whitworth A chUd of James Cheetam Uxor Robt Smethurst 4 P- 193 John Heyward Bagslate A child of John Leigh A child of John Hollows John Hicking de Swineroad Uxor Thomas Barrs Uxor Robt Wingrene A chUd of Robt Whitworth Two chUdren of Robt Whopwood. {sic] James CoUings A chUd of Abraham SuttcUffe A sonn of Thomas Smith Uxor Henry Hoyle Uxor Richard WUlisonn Uxor John Hollows Robt Whitley Whitley Deane Thomas Jacksonn Raph Collier A chUd of Robt Livesley A child of Abra: Hamer Mestres Brearley Marland Uxor Robt Clegg A child of Joshua Stansfeild A chUd of John Holt A daughter of Robt Sewtell Bridget Ingham ... A chUd of Tho: Eansworth EUen Mather Uxor Raph HoUand 415 1663 12 November 13 55 15 55 17 55 19 35 20 53 22 55 35 55 25 55 30 55 5 December 6 35 7 33 8 35 II 55 13 35 16 35 19 35 3 J 5 3 20 55 23 33 35 55 25 35 26 * J 3J J5 29 3J 31 53 I Januarie 3 55 10 55 11 33 14 33 33 33 3 5 55 53 55 17 33 19 55 35 53 33 33 20 33 21 35 53 55 22 33 24 53 27 35 30 55 4 Februarie 7 55 4i6 ROCHDALE REGISTERS A daughter of William Digle ... Uxor Abraham Roads ... A daughter of James Milne Roger Whitworth John Whithead A child of James Heaward Uxor George Hill A child of John Lees A chUd of Nicholes Mathew A child of Edward HoUows Uxor Christopher Nuttall Uxor John Butterworth A sonn of Henry Smith A daughter of James Whitaker 4 p. 194 Ales Shipheard Mary Belfeild A daughter of Abraham Kershaw Edmund Clegg HoUenworth Uxor Robt SiddaU A child of Lenard Shipheard James Stott Healey A sonn of George Lees ... A child of William Leigh A child of Edward Leigh John Milne A daughter of John Butterworth Uxor James Scolefeild ... A child of John Lealand Uxor George Whitaker ... Uxor Edmund Scolefeild A child of EUes Haslam A daughter of Lenard Shipheard Uxor Edward Butterworth de Belfeild Esq: Uxor Micahell Heaph [sic] A sonn of Ambrose Jackson Charles Butterworth John Hollows A child of Edmund Hopwood Edmund Clegg Three children of Micahell Bentley ... James Scolefeild ... Uxor John Chadwicke ... A sonn of John Milne Uxor James Hayward A chUd of John Abot Uxor John PiUing 1663-1664 1663 7 Februarie 10 II 13 1415 17 19 33 21 JJ 22 23 33 25 9 10 JJ 1315 55 16 18 20 22 March 1664 28 March JJ JJ 2 ApriU 4 5J 5 3 8 5 10 3 55 5 12 J 13 3 14 5 JJ J J 1664 BURIALS 1664 A sonn of George Clarkson .. 15 ApriU Uxor EUes Hollows • 17 JJ Edmund Leigh • 19 JJ John Hollows • 20 „ A child of John MuUanex ¦ 23 „ Uxor Thomas Howorth ... • 24 „ A child of James Tayler ¦ 25 „ A chUd of Abraham WUd 55 55 4P- 195 A chUd of John Howroud I May Robt Crosley Ser • 3 JJ Henry ScoldeUd Huniber • 7 J. A daughter of Richard WUd ... 55 55 A daughter of EUes ScolefeUd ... . 8 „ A child of Robt Hanson • 10 J, Uxor John Butterworth 55 35 Uxor John Heaward . II ,j A chUd of AbiU Ashworth . 12 „ Uxor Edmund Tayler Buersall Hea poch: Midleton • 16 J, A chUd of James Leach . 17 .J A daughter of Richard Dearden . 18 „ A daughter of Richard Grime ... . 22 „ Uxor Oliver Chadwicke ... . 23 „ Jane Ryley . 24 „ Uxor Robt Walkden 4 June A daughter of Jonathan Woolfenden . . 9 .. Uxor James Hopwood . 10 „ Uxor Jeffery Tayler . 11 A child of James Crosley 55 3 J A child of Joshua Stansfeild 55 5J A child of Robt ScolefeUd 55 55 A child of Thomas HiU .. 12 „ William Kay . 14 .. John Hamer . 17 J. John Howorth . 22 J, Uxor Charles Butterworth 55 55 A child of John Shaw ... .. 26 „ Uxor John Hibbard • 28 „ A child of Samuel Streete .. 29 „ William EUes • 1 July Edmund Leigh .. 6 „ Uxor James Whitaker • • 7 JJ A son of Thomas Cropp . 8 „ A child of Joseph Whitworth ... JJ J5 A child of Tho: Butterworth ... •• 13 J, John Horrox 55 JJ A chUd of James ScolefeUd Manchest* ;r 17 .. A chUd of Robt Kennion 55 55 417 4i8 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1664 A daughter of AbeU Rodds 1664 .. 22 July A child of John Jones .. 25 „ Uxor Abraham Clegg J5 55 A child of George Hanson .. 26 „ Uxor Robt Dickson and child ... .. 28 „ A sonn of Henry ScolefeUd •• 31 „ Thomas Butterworth 5 August A sonn of Edmund Lord • • 9 .. Richard Smith 55 JJ A chUd of James Willson •* 55 JJ A sonn of Charles Stott •• 10 „ A sonn of Thomas Shipheard ... •• 11 „ John Crabtree .. 12 „ Uxor John Tayler •• 17 » 4 p. 196 Alexander Turnough .. 18 J, Uxor James Shipheard ... .. 19 „ A child of James Tayler .. 20 „ A child of John Butterworth ... ¦• 23 „ Uxor Richard Hollows ... . 28 „ A sonn of Robt Butterworth ... 5 September James Greve . 6 „ A child of James Staadring .... . 8 „ Uxor James Bamford • 13 ,j A child of John Rawstorne . 15 ,j A child of Roads 35 53 Uxor Joseph Nuttall . 16 J, Uxor William Munke . 19 M A child of John Chadwicke 55 JJ A daughter of Edmund Healey . 20 „ Uxor Isaac Woolfenden ... 55 53 A child of John Rodd 33 SJ A daughter of Robt Milne •• 25 „ Uxor James Garret 33 J5 John Smethurst . 26 „ A child of Thomas Shore 3 October Uxor Robt Scolefeild • 4 JJ A daughter of George Lees 55 ii A child of Thomas Holt 53 JJ Uxor John Chadwicke • 12 „ A child of Edmund Wattmoe ... • 13 JJ A chUd of Joshua StansfeUd • 14 » Joseph Leach • 18 JJ A child of John Butterworth ... • 26 „ A child of Alexander Woostenholme . ¦ 30 A chUd of Henry Butterworth ... Edward Harbard 6 November A child of Richard Grime • 9 .. JJ 3) Mary Grime 1664 BtFRIALS A child of John HoUows A child of Richard Holt Uxor James Byrom A daughter of Rp: HiU Two chUdren of James Brearley MicaheU Butterworth Uxor Abra: Dickson Uxor John Brearley A child of William HoUows Uxor John Mathew A child of John Kennion John Howorth Uxor John Chadwicke ... Uxor Abraham [Belfeild A child of Henry. Clegg ... A child of George CoUier 4 p. 197 Uxor Robt Chadwicke Edmund Holland Ann Harrop A sonn of Edward Butterworth A sonn of James Dearden A daughter of Richard Halliwell A child of Edmund Leigh Dennis Barrat John Lees Uxor GabriU Tayler IsabeU HiU A child of John Hartley Uxor Henry Hamer Uxor Thomes Butterworth Uxor Raph Brearley Uxor Robt Dearden A child of George Farrar A child of James Whitworth Henry Shore A child of John Butler Uxor John Butler Uxor James Stringer John Milne A child of John Chadwicke Uxor John Baxter \ John Milne • A child of Thomes Bery A daughter of James Flecher ... Uxor John Chadwicke ... A sonn- of Richard Halliwell A sonn- of John Butterworth ... Allen Aron 41^ 1664 10 November 14 JJ 15 J J 17 JJ 26 JJ 27 JJ 29 JJ 1 December 2 35 3 35 4 33 6 55 9 JJ 13 55 14 55 15 55 17 55 21 55 24 33 25 35 29 55 30 33 I Januarie 2 35 4 8 10 II 13 202123 26 35 31 6 Februarie 7 .. II ,j 12 420 ROCHDALE REGISTERS A chUd of Micahell Clegg Henry Howorth ... A child of Andrew Berry A daughter of Thomes [Houghton A sonn of James Whitaker A child of John Chadwicke Richard Hodging A daughter of Richard Halliwell A child of Thomas Tayler A daughter of Richard Halliwell A child of Thomas Wells Mary ScolefeUd A child of Edmund Aron A daughter of Richard Scolefeild A daughter of Edward Byrom ... 4 p. 198 A son of John Holt John Earnworth ... A child of Jonathan Mr Alexander Butterworth A child of Abra: Chadwicke Uxor John Brodbent A child of James Rods ... Thomas Birch de Bamford John Chadwicke ... A child of Henry Garside Thomas Hamer ... Uxor James Tetloe Uxor Adam Tayler A sonn of James Woolfenden ... Uxor John Cryer A child of William Leigh A child of Henrj' Howorth Rebecca Scolefeild Uxor John Tayler A child of Micahell Butterworth Ruth Buttferworth Dennis Kay Uxor Adam Ogden Uxor John Lighttolers Uxor Jacob Sougener A daughter of James Butterworth A chUd of Thomas Kirke Mary uxor James Gartsid Rochdale Uxor Thomas Hopwood Martha Brearley ... Uxor John Lewes A child of Raph Butterworth .'.'." 1664-1665 I 13 :664 Februarie 14 16 18 21 22 24 26 5J 1 March 4 JJ II 13 35 '^7 35 23 35 24 55 55 55 1 665 25 March 26 55 27 55 29 53 31 33 3 ApriU 33 53 4 35 7 55 12 35 14 33 16 55 17 55 53 55 18 53 20 55 24 25 27 JJ 4 May II 1665 BURIALS 421 Uxor Robt Ashworth Robt Butterworth James Hopwood 4 p. 199 Uxor George Franckleton Uxor John Howorth Abraham Brearley Joseph Whitworth A child of Edmund MiUer A sonn of John Tayler A chUd of Mr Zackary Tayler ... A child of James Brearley A child of Adam Ogden A daughter of Edmund Bamford Uxor James Mathew A child of Charles HiU John MUne Margaret Kay A child of James Shipheard Uxor Abraham Hamer A child of Abraham Unsworth Uxor James Howorth A child of Thomas Holt A child of John Heyward A child of Edmund Tayler A sonn of Robt Butterworth ... A child of Thomas Eansworth ... A child of James Tayler Uxor Richard Livesley ... Uxor John Bamford A chUd of Edmund Holt Uxor Isaac WorraU John Lord A chUd of Semeon Whitworth ... A child of James Kershaw A child of John Chadwicke A sonn of James Brearley A child of George Franckleton A chUd of John Whitworth A child of Roger Holt Uxor Robt Livesley A child of James [Kershaw A child of John Horst Bastard Micahell Brearley A chUd of Robt Holt Bastard ... Uxor George Rods Uxor James Fletcher Uxor Henry Hardman 4 -p. 200 William Wardleworth 1665 14 May 15 ^1 19 21 2429 355 June 556 T-7 18 19 20 21 27 30 I July 8 18 55 19 24 25 30 I Au 4 gust 12 1519 202225 2627 2 September 459 12 14 18 21 422 ROCHDALE REGISTERS Judeth Hawood ... A child of John Etocke A child of James Howorth Margret Shaw A chUd of John Wild A sonn of James Ogden Ottawell Kershaw A chUd of Samuel Whitworth ... A child of Richard Scolefeild ... Uxor Robt Stott A sonn of Thomas Lord A child of Samuel Whitworth ... Uxor John Stott Uxor EUes Mason Uxor Robt Holdworth ••• Uxor John Milne Uxor Robt Holt Lowerplace George Scoles de Rachdale Uxor Jeremie Brearley ... Uxor James Smith A daughter of Jeremie Lord A chUd of WiUiam Stocke A son of John Tayler Uxor Robt SuttcUffe George Milne Uxor Israll Stringer A child of Jeremie Lord James Chadwicke de Carr A chUd of William Rods Uxor George Milne A daughter of Abraham Dawson Uxor John MuUanex A chUd of Robt Brearley Uxor John Haslam de Rachdale A son of James Whitaker A child of John Greve ... Uxor William Rods A child of John MuUanex A child of Abraham Dawson ... A chUd of Thomas ScolefeUd ... A daughter of John Smethurst A child of Jeremie Brearley A child of James SuttcUffe A chUd of Abraham Dawson ... A chUd of Thomas Milne Uxor AbeU Ashworth William Harrison 4 p. 201 Uxor Janies Whithead 1665 1 665 25 September 29 55 2 October 3 »j 55 JS 9 55 10 53 II S5 12 55 i6 JJ i8 SJ 19 55 21 55 23 • JJ 24 J5 27 55 55 35 4 November > 55 55 II 55 17 55 55 35 i8 55 21 55 24 55 25 55 26 55 28 55 JJ SJ 29 JJ 3 55 1 December 3 J 55 3 55 55 55 4 55 5 55 6 JJ 7 55 11 53 12 55 13 55 14 JJ 17 20 1665 BURIALS A daughter of Robt Duckworth A chUd of Edmund MeUer ' Uxor Abraham Howrod Mossid Jonathan Roacksley A chUd of John Chadwicke Georg Milne Shawfield ... A daughter of John Lord John Dawson Clay Lane Head William Butterworth A chUd of Robt Walkden A child of John Rudd ... A son of Thomas Haughton A chUd of EUes Haslam Raph Winterbotham Uxor Johii Rudd Gabriell Readfearne A child of James Gartsid A chUd of Samuel WUd A chUd of Robt Scolefield John Chadwicke Natbanke A daughter of Edmund Brearley A child of WUliam Howorth Samuel High de Natbanke A chUd of John Whitworth A daughter of Edmund Holme Richard Streete A chUd of Charles Crosley A child of John Gregory A chUd of Joshua Stott 4 p. 202 [Blank] 423 1665 20 December 2122 55 2325 2629 30 2 Januarie 3456 7 101618 33 19 2024 [Here end Burials in Original Volume IV.] i. p. 203 Collected at Rachdale Church the 1 June for ... . Collected for Dreaton in September 16^ ,, „ Melton Abes ,, lo^ 1661. ,, „ Southwalls in August i6» Scarbrough „ 14^ Pomfract 6**' „ 15^ Reppon Minster December i^* 9^ 10' Mr Henry Harrison Merchant 13 Jan: 10^ 9I' qSiqI 5'*81 6a d Rippon Minster A MiU & Kiln Losse of a ship paid to Mr Pasevuile ,, William Caupherwhite at Milrow 26 Jan: for a MUne & KUne 5 Dec: 26 Jan: 83 3a 83 7= 3' 5'* 424 ROCHDALE REGISTERS Collected 13 Jan: 1661 for for Bridgnorth 27 Ap: 9= 81 4 p. 204 Breefes coUected at Rachdale Church & Chappels belonging to the said Church 1661 Place of Collection Where "Breefe" came from Amount Milrow Ch: Elmestre 7 June 12^ 10" 4 P- 205 Whitworth 55 55 2 „ ys 5d Todmerden 33 55 55 ^5 14S 3d Littlebrough 35 35 4 JJ 5^ Todmerden ,j Southwold ales Soulday 25 Aug: los 53 Milton Abbas SJ 55 4s 8d 33 Scarbrough 11 JJ 9s 4d Milrow 53 — Aug: 4S id 33 Milton Abes 18 J, 38 2d Whitworth Scarbrough 7 July 5« Millrow Pomfratt 4s 61 55 Reppon 4= [No place] for a fire at Thusk [Thirsk] Ap: 1661 5« Whitworth Dreaton Salop Aug: 25 28 yd Pomfract Castle 15 Sep: i^iod Melton Abes Dorsett 29 JJ 2SI1<1 Rippon 25 Dec: lod Farleton Lancashire 16 Feb: 81 Thaske [ThUsk] 9 Mar: lid 4 p. 206 [Wholly blank] 166.5 BURIALS 425 Volume V. 5 p. 107 Burialls at Rachdale begining the 25 Januarie 1665 Uxor Richard Milne A child of Robt Brigs ..-. A child of Thomas Milne A child of John Hollows A child of Richard Greenhalgh John MarshaU Dinah Blackborne A child of Robt Butterworth Edmund Clegg Birchenhead Uxor Richard Butterworth A sonn of James Streete Dorathy Medocraft A child of Samuel Hamer Wildhouse ... . A child of Robt Milne A child of John Whitworth A chUd of Richard Whitworth A chUd of Robt Clegg A child of James Butterworth ... Henry Wild Smith A daughter of Edmund Beigton A child of John Brearley A child of Charles HiU A child of Edward Bruer Uxor Robt Fitton Samuel Wrigley ... Uxor John Chadwicke ... Uxor Raph Butterworth A sonn of Richard Whitworth ... A child of Jonathan HoUows A child of John Hollows Mary Ludson A child of Joseph Dearden A child of WiUiam Newbey Uxor Arthur Buckley A chUd of John Earnshaw A child of Adam Butterworth A child of John Buttley [stc] A chUd of Edmund Aron Peeter Boulton A daughter of MicaheU Marcraft 1665 1665 26 Januarie 29 53 30 31 I JJ 3 35 5 Februarie 10 II 1314 1516 17 20 21 22 23 26 27 426 ROCHDALE -REGISTERS A child of Jonathan Hollows ... A child of Jonathan Butterworth Uxor Edmund Aron A child of Edmund Lord Uxor John Smethorst Uxor John Marsar Thomas Barrs A child of James Stott A child of Roger Whitworth ... A child of William Harrison A child of WiUiam Smethorst . . . Edward s. of Robt Holt Esq: ... Uxor Jeremie [Berry A child of Thomas Woolfenden Henry Scolefeild de Rochdale ... John Turnough poore 5 p. io8 A chUd of Roger -Whitworth ... A chUd of Robt Butterworth ... A child of Mr Robt Bath Clarke A child of Isaac Woorrall A child of James Crosley A child of John HiU Robt Buckley Stockrood A son of John Scolefeild A child of Lawrance Smith A sonn of John Newbold A child of William Leach A child of Richard Holt Two children of Jeremie Berry ... A child of John Hartley A sonn of James Clegg ... A child of Mr Zachary Tayler ... A sonn of Robt Clegg A child of James Turnough A child of John Dearden John Scolefeild A child of J ames. Berry ... Alexander Lighttowlers ... A child of John Gregory A sonn of Richard Wardleworth Uxor Joseph Tayler Uxor William Harrison ... A child. of Thomes Milne A sonn of Thomas Holt A child of Alexander Scolefield A child of Thomas Jackson FUia Arthur Healey 1665-1666 1665 28 Februarie I March 10 II 12 13 18 55 21 55 35 55 24 I 666 26 March JJ 55 29 33 33 35 30 53 31 I 55 Apriel 33 55 33 55 3 35 46 55 55 7 8 33 JJ 10 J3 11 3 3 12 55 14 55 15 16 J553 17 Ji- ' i666 BURIALS ¦427 A daughter of Joseph Ashworth A child of James Greve Uxor Robt Stott A sonn of Arthur Smethorst Uxor Raph Whithead Uxor Joshua Chadwicke A chUd of Thomes Birch Uxor James Turnough A sonn of John Healey ... A chUd of Edmund Holt A chUd of John Brearley A chUd of Samuel Wild A child of Jonathan Readfearne A child of James Wrigley A child of James Ridens Richard Whitworth A chUd of James Brearley A chUd of John Holt - Jane Scolfield A chUd of John Kershaw A child of Robt Stott A chUd of EUes Hollows A chUd of Alexr Woostenham ... A sonn of John Walkden A sonn of Robt Halliwell A sonn of Abraham Greenrod ... A sonn of John Tayler A child of John Scorerer [sic] . . . A sonn. of Abraham Taylor 5 P- 109 A daughter of John NuttaU ... A child of Jacob .Fish A child of Charles Lord A child of AbeU Rods Uxor Francis Holt Uxor Charles Lord A chUd of John Holt A daughter of Robt Ogden A child of Thomes Herbt A child of Joseph Scolefeild A chUd of James Streete A untimely birth Uxor John Whitaker Uxor Frances Woofenden A chUd of Samuel WUd A chUd of Richard Hollows A child of James Birch Samuel Tayler A child of John Dawson 1666 18 Apriel 19 21 23 24 2526 29 1 May 6 7 8 JJ- II121415 55 16 17 23262728 30 31 2 June 3 45 7 10 428 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1666 A daughter of Robt Ashworth A child of Edward Byrom Jane Scofield Denhurst ... A daughter of Edward Butterworth Uxor John Brearley A daughter of Robt Butterworth A child of SoUoman Hartley WiUiam Whitaker FaUens A child of Thomas Lowton A sonn of Abraham Earnshaw A child of John Shipheard A daughter of Abraham Stocke A child of Abraham Rods Abraham Stocke de Belfield Uxor John Hill de Toungend ... A daughter of Thomas Smith ... A chUd of John Hartley Uxor Lenard Shipheard Uxor James Rods Uxor John Brearley Alexander Kershaw A child of Henry Brearley Uxor John Hartley A child of John Scolefeild A child of James Tetlah A child of Robt Brearley A child of Alexander Woostenholme A sonn of John Earnshaw A sonn of Joseph Shore Uxor Jonathan Milne John Lord Caldermore ... 5 p. no A sonn of James Ashworth A child of Edmund Writen A child of John Clegg Uxor Jonathan 'Vthithead A daughter of Franches Woolfenden . A child of Edmund Greve A child of John Pilling ... William Forth de Rachdale A son of Jeremie Dearden A daughter of James Milne A child of Joseph Traves Uxor James Scolefeild ... A child of Joshua Stott Edward Clough Spotland Gate A chUd of William Leigh Uxor James WorraU Uxor Thomas Woolfenden 1666 II June 35 35 12 ,j 53 35 14 JJ 16 J, 20 „ 22 J, 55 33 24 JJ 26 „ 27 JJ 55 3 5 29 ,j 30 2 July 89 141517 18 21 22 2526 29 30 55 2 August 3 7 JS 11 ss 1415 18 19 i666 BtFklALS Edmund Whithead de Dearnley A child of Edward Leach Uxor John Rodds A chUd of John Stocke Charles Stott de Benthous Henry Bamford ... Uxor Arthur Whithead de Dearnley Uxor Arthur Scolefeild Jeremie Dearden de Shore Uxor Henry Hoyle WUliam Leach Uxor James Hoyle John Haslam de Hight Uxor Richard Simson John Hardman de Jowken A chUd of Alexander Smith A chUd of James Dearden Uxor James Tayler A chUd of WUliam RothweU ... A daughter of Robt Sudale A chUd of John Armitage A sonn of Abraham Leach A chUd of Thomas MUne A chUd of Abraham Stott Uxor Micahell Clegg A chUd of MicaheU Clegg A sonn of Thomas Haughton ... A chUd of Jeffery Milne Abraham Rods Milrow 5 p. Ill A chUd of John Whitehead Filia Isack Clegg A chUd of Thomas BaskervUe Junr Richard Deardin A daughter of Mr Robt Bath de Deeph HiU E4ward Leigh Junr (jg Rochdale A chUd of Edmund Farrer Priscilla Whitehead A child of Andrew Shephard ... Robt Wolfenden de Hades A chUd of James Birch ... Joseph Taylor A Sonne of James MUne A child of John Crossley A Sonne of James Deardin James Wardle A child of John Breareley James Shephard 420 1666 ... 19 August ... 30 35 2 September ... 6 55 ... 12 55 ... JJ 55 ... 14 35 ... J) 55 ... 17 55 55 55 ... 19 55 ... 22 SS ... 23 35 ... 25 35 ... 26 35 ... J, 55 ... 29 5J ... 30 5J 55 JJ I October . .• JJ 3J ... 6 JJ ... 8 SS ... 11 55 ... 13 55 ... 18 55 ... 19 55 JJ 53 ... 20 55 ... 27 53 ... 28 55 ... 30 55 ••• 5 ach November ... 6 5; ... 8 35 ... II 35 ... 13 33 ... 16 35 ... 17 JJ ... 18 33 ... 19 55 ... 27 55 .¦¦ 30 55 1 December •¦• 3 33 ... 4 • . • JJ 555* 5 P- 112 430 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1666 ] :666 A daughter ot James Roades 6 December A child of John Kershaw 55 55 Jonathan Eastwood 8 55, Uxor Robt Scofeild JJ 33 A chUd of James, Shore ... 9 33 Edmund Redfearne 12 JJ A chUd of Mr Abel Buckley de Buckley 13 J J Richard Whittworth 16 33 A daughter of Jossuah Stanfeild 20 35 A child of Symeon Whittworth 23 55 John Chadwicke ... 25 53 Uxor Thomes Browne ... 55 33 A chUd of WiUiam Newby 33 A chUd of James Breareley 55 53 A daughter of Raphe Colliar 26 33 A daughter of Henry Holte 27 55 Uxor Jonathan Redfearne 28 55 John Roades 2 ; [anuary A daughter of John Milne ,j Uxor James Stott .... 3 55 A child of Josias Brathet 53 Philip Hameby 6 Uxor John Clegg 7 James Turney 8 Uxor John Butterworth 9 A chUd of John Lees 12 A child of Richard Hamer 53 Uxor Feeholder [sic] Heape Jowkin ... 14 James Howorth ... 16 A chUd of John Greave 53 53 Dorothy fa. Edmd Turney ^7 35 Uxor Robt Bateman 19 35 Henry Scofeild 25 33 Mary fa. John Holte 33 55 Uxor Arthur Clegg 27 55 Margret Jacksonne 28 35 A chUd of Samuel Hamer 29 55 Filius James Roades 30 ¦33 A chUd of Abraham Unsworth 2 [ February , Uxor John Earneshaw ... 3 JJ Uxor EUis Milne Senr 6 53 Thomas NuttaU 55 33 A child of John Eatocke 8 35 A daughter of John Farrer JJ 3J A daughter of Henry Whittaker 10 Uxor John Symond de Rochdale 12 55 Robt Shepheard 33 55 A child of Edmd Lgig^j 13 5J I666-I667 BtrkiALS A child of Robt Taylor A child of John Mathew A child of Edward Brewer Uxor Joseph Milne A child of John Holte A child of John Buckley Uxor Thomas Smyth A child of Adam Holte A chUd of Robt Boulton Alice Scofeild A child of Abraham Lees A child of Edmund Scofeild ... Uxor Richard Ogden Uxor James Redfearne Abraham Whittworth Uxor Mr William Langley de Whittle A chUd of Charles Ogden Uxor Charles HiU Filia Abraham Grindrod John Hopwood Grace Howorth Uxor James Leach Richard GiU A chUd of Henry Fletcher Uxor Jonathan Tayler Uxor Franchis Booth Uxor Isacke Turney Uxor James Smyth A child of Samuel Loton Ester Hamer Uxor James Scofeild FUius Edmund Hewood 5 p. 113 A child of Edward Unsworth ... Uxor Robt Leigh Michael Bentley , FiUa John Weilden Filius Jonathan Wolfenden A child of Richard A Sonne of Nicolas Ingham Uxor James Whittworth A daughter of WUliam Butterworth A sonne of Edmund Whitehead Ellis Haslam de Rochdale Richard Howorth A child, of John Whittaker A child of James. Howorth A child of John Leland ... 431 1666 13 February 14 16 17 21 23 25 26 55 28 2 March 5 7 35 II 35 121415 33 16 33 T-7 19 22 1667 25 March 26 „ 33 35 27 JJ 33 35 31 JJ 5 5 55 I April 2 4 JJ 8 „ 9 >. 55 55 10 ,, 432 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1667 A child of Thomas Ainsworth ... Uxor Robt BerstaU A daughter of Edmd Greave A chUd of Robt BerstaU A child of John Shaw A child of Joshua Stott de A child of John Hardman Uxor Robt Chadwicke de Milrow A chUd of Adam Holt de Rochdale . Martha fa. Edmund Butterworth Uxor Jonathan Chadwicke de Wostenholme 3 ] [667 13 AprU 14 35 17 24 26 30 2 May Filia Roger Holt de Greve A child of Thomas MUne Uxor William Dawson de Rochdale A sonn of John Milne de Milrow A child of Samuel Taylor A child of John Boulton Uxor Edmund Leach Croncashaw Henry Clegg Casefield Head Uxor John Hamer de Rochdale A chUd of James Greave Uxor William Hamer de Nooke Uxor Franchas Wolfenden A child of Edmund Turnough ... A sonn of Micahell Butterworth John Wrigley poore Edmund ScolefeUd de Smalebridg Mary fa. John Brearley ... A child of John Jacksonn Uxor John Jacksonn Richard Battersbey Poore Robt ScolefeUd de Rochdale ... Abell Roods de Rochdale A child of Thomas Loton A child of John Brearley Uxor William Smith Uxor Richard MuUanex A sonn of William Harpur Gent: A sonn of John Wilsonn Uxor Edmund Miller 5 p. 114 Abraham Eastwood de Trough A child of James Burch John Rudd de Millrow Uxor James Hill de Lighthasle A child of Joseph Travis A child of John Chadwicke Jonathan Wolfenden de Warmhole A child of Thomas Johnson 6 78 13 14 15 33 16 55 1718 21 24 25 55 26 2930 I June 9 151821 22 24 27 July 1667 BURIALS 433 5 P- ii5 Margret Wingrene Judeth Rods de Rochdale A chUd of Robt Chadwicke A chUd of Robt Kay ... A child of James Shapplus Uxor Edmund Whithead de Birchenley Uxor Thoinas Brearley de Marland Se' Uxor Richard Medocraft Sara Wild A child of Abraham Whitworth A child of James Stott Uxor John Rudd Uxor Robt Ashworth Abraham Roads de Milrow Uxor Nathan Hill A daughter of Abraham Leach John Ashworth de Wostenholme John Howorth Abraham Brearley Edmund Lord de Rachdale Uxor James Brearley Dewhorst Uxor Joseph Whitworth de Mossid James Mathew de Weurdle James Turnough de Rochdale ... Uxor Edmund Briggs Rochdale A chUd of Anthony SuttcUfe ... John Butterworth de Roads A child of Edmund Miller A child of Edmund Duerden ... Uxor Richard Whitworth Burdsale Uxor John Chadwicke de Warmhole Uxor Jeremie Dearden de Shore James Roads Lighttowlers John Butterworth Cronest Junr Uxor John Hartley de Loehous A child of James [Howorth Joshua Stott de FeUding Isaac Lord de Weardle ... Ux: Georg Knowls A chUd of WUl: Butterworth Samuel Hamer de Hamer Uxor Edmund Butterworth Filia John Leigh ... Uxor Richard Holt Richard Chadwicke Rochdale Richard Scolefield de Windbanke Uxor Thomas Bamford Feild Head A chUd of John Hartley 1C67 7 July 9 13 14 15 2428 29 30 31 I An gust 6 79 1012 5 5 15 16 21 22 2324 2829 I September 345 II JJ 12 15 55 1618 19 3 3 22 CC 434 ROCHDALE REGISTERS Filia Robt Butterworth Uxor James Stott Little Wardle Uxor Samuel Scolefeild de Brearley Uxor Edmund Holt de Stubley Filia John Stott ... Adam Holt de Rochdale Mary Shaw Edmund WUd Hundrsfield A sonn of John Hill A sonn of John Milne Ann Buckley John Clegg de Newbold Exco ... Uxor Thomas Milne A child of WUliam Brearley Uxor Thomas Briggs A sonn of John Hamer ... Thomas Shore de Shore Jutf ... Edward Rydens de Ryding Abell Kershaw et uxor de Townhous Uxor Abraham Hamer ... Micahell Horst de Shore A sonn of Joshua Chadwicke ... A child of Richard Simson A chUd of Robt Chadwicke StUl b: A chUd of Thomas Shore StiU b: A chUd of James Hoyle A child of Edmund Kershaw A child of Thomas Healey A chUd of Robt Chadwicke A daughter of John Blakley Uxor John Buckley A chUd of John Holt ... FUia Isaac Hoyle Richard Chadwicke de Rochdale A daughter of Georg Franckleton Richard Whithead James Leach de Shore Filia John Casson Uxor James Milne Lawrance Chadwicke A chUd of Robt Hansonne A chUd of Alex: Smith ... John Holt de Balderstone Edward Milne Littleclegg John Butterworth Sladen Richard Whitworth 5 p. Ii6 Uxor Raph Whitaker de Rochdale A chUd of John Howorth 1667 1667 24 September 29 5J 30 JJ 6 October 8 J5 55 33 12 55 15 55 55 55 33 16 JJ55 20 JJ 2728 JJ55 29 35 33 55 30 I 33 November 2 33 33 55 5 33 9 55 10 II 12 33 13 J5 14 5J 15 J3 17 33 19 33 20 55 27 55 3 December 4 J5 7 53 12 33 20 35 22 53 29 30 ,J 2 Januarie 1667 BURIALS 435 A child of John Baxter Uxor John Chadwicke de Roughbancke John Stott de Rachdale Joseph Clegg de Bradley Edmund Butterworth A sonn of John Cheetham A child of Edmund Lord Raph Butterworth de Low Hous A chUd of Daniel Lord John Wilding de Rochdale Edmund Butterworth Rochdale A sonn of Alexr Kershaw de Litteb: [sic] A sonn of George Milne FiUa John Garsid A child of John Brearley Uxor Jeremie Dearden Robt Healey Rochdale A child of [Edward Leigh John WoUenden de Whitworth Uxor Edward Scolefield James Chadwicke de Trough James HaU de Rochdale A chUd of John Lewes ... Uxor John Brearley A child of James Stott ... Uxor Robt Dewhorst Marland A child of John Lord A chUd of Denies Barrat Uxor Henry Lees Robt Brigs Uxor Abra: Stott Uxor John Chadwicke A child of John Whithead Uxor Adam Earnshaw ... A child of Abra: Brearley WilUam Kennion Church Lane WUliam Smethorst de Rochdale A chUd of Edward Bruer St: b: Uxor Charles BeUeild A chUd of Richard Whitworth George Taylor John BirstaU Exco A child of John Hamer Anthonie Brearley Uxor Abraham Brearley de Nebold [sic] Abraham Brearley John Stott de Banke GabriU Taylor de Caslton Moore 1667 2 January 4 55 55 55 5 33 7 35 10 55 14 55 15 33 1718 353; 35 33 55 33 35 33 19 33 21 35 22 35 23 55 2528 3333 30 33 55 35 31 2 55 Februarie 3 33 53 55 5 8 33 35 10 35 II 55 12 33 14 33 55 53 15 35 1718 3355 19 55 21 5333 22 35 23 53 24 2729 436 roChdAlE registers A child of ... . Seddon de Rochdale ... 29 5 p. 117 A child of Henry Taylor 4 William Macon de Rachdale ... ... 5 Arthur Kay 6 James Chadwicke ... ... ... 9 A child of John Hoyle ... ... ... 10 A child of Franchis Milne ... ... 13 Robt FeUding Little Clegg 14 Margret Wilkenson , A sonn of Henry Bamford ... ... 15 Uxor James Wild 16 Widdoe Powel p: ... ... .-. I'j Uxor John Tattersall ... ... ... ,, Uxor Thomas Oldham ... ... ... 18 James Butterworth ... ... ... ,, A sonn of John Whitworth A chUd of Micahell Clegg Uxor William Cryer A child of Edward Unsworth ... Uxor WUliam Hollows ... Samuell Greve A chUd of John Whitworth A child of James Brearley Robt Taylor Butterworth HaU John HiU Hol'h „ „ Jonathan f. James Wofenden ... ... ,, ,, Robt Milne p: ,, ,, Edmund Feilding p: ... ... ... 8 ,, John Chadwicke Gent: de Heale ... 11 ,, Uxor James Fletcher ... ... ... 12 „ Filia John Hartley p: ... ... ... 13 ,, A child of Edmund Aron ... ... ,, ,, John Leigh Lane ... ... ... 16 ,, A child of James Whitworth ,, ,, Uxor Henry Clegg p: 17 Uxor JohnAshworth ... ... ... 18 ,, A sonn of John Stocke ... ... ... xg „ A child of Robt Taylor 22 „ A chUd of George Milne 29 ,, Richard Clegg Shawfeild i May A child of Richard Holt 2 „ James Clegg Hundarsfeild 3 „ Uxor Joseph Dodson Rachdale ... 7 „ A chUd of Edmund Farrar ,, ,, Uxor Samuel Newbold 8 William Kershaw Hamer Mill „ Uxor George Milne n 1667:1668 1667 Februarie March 22 55 23 J, 1668 29 March 35 55 30 2 ApriU 33 33 3 33 7 35 i668 BURIALS 437 Uxor Robt MUne James FeUding Clegg 5 p. 118 A sonn of Abraham Hamer Uxor Samuel Dewhorst James Taylor Townhill Hols [sic] A sonn of Raph Ridens p: Uxor John Chadwicke Junr Spotland Gate Edmund Sharplus A sonn of James Gartsid A child of James Stott ... A daughter of John Chadwicke Gent: ... Uxor Robt Butterworth Franchis Scolefeild Bagslate James filius John Hamer Larke Hile Uxor James Turnough Two chUdrin of Fabion Whithead A child of Robt Stott Filia Samuel Dewhorst. ... Brearley de Haugh Uxor James Kershaw Uxor Ja,mes WoUenden ... Robt Ashworth Casefield Head Uxor John Lord de Medleton pish: Uxor Richard Wolfenden de Whitworth A child of Edmund Bamford ... Uxor Abraham WoUenden A sonn of James Lord ... A child of Richard Holding Gent: WUliam Sarson A child of James Greve Uxor Edmund Hamer ... Uxor Robt Buckley Uxor John Gorild.de Groreld [sic] A sonn of James Lord A child of John Chadwicke Uxor Edward Clegg p: Uxor Richard Holt Uxor Edward Leigh de Hamer A sonn of Abraham Tattersale A child of Richard Clegg John CoUinge Har,tley ., A sonn of Samuel. Bamford Uxor Robt SowteU Uxor Edmund Fitton A child of John Stott A, sonn of Abraham Whitworth 1668 9 May JJ JJ 13 JJ 14 J, 16 J, 20 „ 22 „ 24 JJ 26 „ 28 „ 29 JJ 55 JJ 30 JJ I June 2 ,, 3 JJ 4 JJ 5 J, 6 JJ 7 >. 10 II JJ 16 „ 17 JJ 5 5 5; 18 „ 26 „ 27 JJ 28 „ 30 „ I July 2 3 .. 33 33 55 55 4 JJ 5 JJ 7 .. 55 53 13 JJ 16 ,j 17 >. 55 JJ 19 JJ 5J JJ JJ J) 438 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1668 John Scolefeild de Sudden A sonn of Robt. [Hanson A child of John. Hartley John Hamer Uxor Thomas Eansworth Roger Taylor Woodhous Lane 5 p. 119 A child of Robt Lees John Wolfenden Prickshaw A child of John Medocraft de Midleton p: John Newbold Robt ColUngs Filius Robt Millne ^ Lawrance Ingham "... Uxor John Chadwicke ... Uxor Gabriel Gartside G* Uxor Arthur Kay Uxor James Shacklocke Uxor Anthonie SuttcUffe A child of Thomas Burry John Brearley John Feilding A sonn of Richard Grime A child of Thomas Haye A child of Joshua Hartley A child of James Whitworth A sonn of Thomas Stott A child of James Greve A child of Mathew Hollows A child of Thomas Mason A child of James Scolefield James Greve Uxor Sam: Haye de Natbanke Francis Holt Richard Hollows ... Uxor Jeremie Lord A chUd of Arthur Scolefeild Mesr Chadwicke of Staringe Uxor Richard Holt Edmund Holdworth wife A child of James Milne Charles Turnough A child of Robt Horst James Dewhorst ... Lenard Shipheard A sonn of [Edward Scolefeild Uxor Edward Bruer Richard Taylor A child of John Brearley 1668 21 July 22 35 23 SS 25 35 55 55 27 55 29 5 J 55 53 I Augi 2 55 4 55 II 15 55 18 55 19 33 23 55 30 53 1 ! September 55 55 4 55 5 55 7 55 8 55 11 55 JJ 35 13 J5 20 33 21 55 25 55 JJ 35 I October 7 55 11 55 JJ 33 12 55 13 53 14 55 18 53 >5 53 19 55 21 S5 22 55 i668 BURIALS 439 Joshua Stanefeild Uxor Francs Milne A chUd of WiUiam Farrar Charles Stott A child of Abraham Casson George Hanson ... Thomas Holt Uxor Thomas Kennion WUliam Whitworth 5 p. 120 Uxor Arthur Lord Uxor Robt Chadwicke A chUd of Francis Milne A child of Robt Johnson of Manchester Did table Joseph Nuttall A daughter of Ottawell Taylor A sonn of Edward Bruer A child of John Clough A daughter of John Holt A child of Robt Newton A chUd of Robt Butterworth A child of Robt Gleve A child of John Hamer Uxor Robt Butterworth EUzabeth WakefeUd Uxor Roger Taylor Uxor Richard Whitworth Uxor Jeffery Milne Uxor Thomas Jackson ... A chUd of Will: Turnough A child of Edmund Ogden A child of Edmund Ogden A child of Mr Thomas^ Buckley A child of John Lord Uxor Thomas Whittaiker A child of Robt Taylor A daughter of Edmund Wild A child of Christopher Harrison A sonn of Edward Hollows James Brearley ... Moses Ingham Robt Maden John Chadwicke de Roughbanke Isacke Turnough A sonn of Richard Turnough A child of John Lord A chUd of Andrew Taylor Edmund Clegge Rachdale i668 24 October 29 30 55 31 3 53 November 4 35 5 35 11 35 35 33 12 SS 13 55 17 55 21 35 22 35 53 55 24 35 25 26 5555 35 33 29 2 . 35 December 3 55 5 35 7 35 10 55 55 55 12 55 14 35 15 55 18 21 33 24 55 25 55 55 55 26 55 27 JJ 55 33 28 35 30 55 2 J anuarie 440 ROCHDALE REGISTERS James Milne de Hartley A chUd of Robt WoUenden James Crosley d« Whitworth ... A sonn of Robt Scolefeild A child of John Dawson A daughter of James Milne A child of John Butterworth ... WiU: Diggles Bagslate A child of Jeremie Lord A sonn of Robt Milne A chUd of Robt Rood Uxor Edmund Taylor p: A child of John Gryme ... A sonn of Richard Hollows Edward Leigh de Church Lane 5 p. 121 Uxor Joseph Cowp A child of James Brearley John Leigh Church Lane Uxor Lawrance Casse A child of Robt Orsborne A child of Joseph Cowp Uxor Robt Ogden Uxor John Wilsonn James Chadwicke Cleggswood ... James Milne Uxor John Chadwicke Uxor Mathew Butterworth Uxor John Howorth Jur Uxor James Taylor Croncashaw Uxor James Woofenden Jasper Ward Thomas Brearley de Haugh A child of John MeUoday A child of Henry Fletcher Uxor James Holt George Francleton A child of Robt Rodd George Milne Brunedg Uxor WUliam Stott Two children of James Parsavel A child of Reane Rodd Edmund Leigh Uxor Robt Chadwicke A child of Robt Milne James Wofenden Uxor Robt Kershaw A child of James Lees ... A chUd of John Adkenson 1668 1668 5 Januarie 12 16 5 J 33 55 ^7 55 JJ 55 22 55 2426 53 33 55 33 27 28 31 55 2 Februarie 35 4 53 5 55 6 33 35 55 35 9 55 12 55 14 53 26 3 March 10 JJ 1214 1516 18 19 1668-1669 BURIALS 441 A child of John BirstaU WiUiam Jackson A sonn of John Shipheard Uxor Arthur Smethorst ... A daughter of John Leach A daughter of Richard Ogden ... Uxor John Fenton A chUd of James SuttcUffe Uxor Daniel Millne A sonn of John Eansworth A chUd of John SuttcUffe A daughter of EUes Milne John Belfield Uxor Henry Kershaw Uxor Samuel 'Whitworth Uxor Francis Smethorst Uxor James Whitworth Lawrance Chadwicke A chUd of Robt Whitworth James Marcraft ... 5 p. 122 Uxor Richard Milne Robt Chadwicke James Butterworth A child of George Scoles A child of Edmund Leigh A chUd of John Howorth A chUd of John Stott John Chadwicke ... Uxor Jonathan Milne A child of Edward Leigh A chUd of Robt Scolefield Dorathie Kershaw A daughter of Henry Hoyle William Dearden A child of Sam: Butterworth ... Uxor Thomas Bamford ... A child of Thomas Shore A child of John Lewes ... A chUd of James Taylor A chUd of y'' Millars of Ashworth A chUd of Lawrance Dearden ... A sonn of Robt Wofenden EUes Scolefield A child of John Tayler George Grasson ... Uxor Richard Hopwood Uxor Turnough 1668 19 March 20 35 33 33 22 35 23 55 JJ I 25 669 March 2728 31 I Apr 2 JJ 3 35 5?6 33 35 10 13 35 14 35 1718 20 21 23 55 33 33 24 35 25 55 27 35 28 I May 3 JJ 4 JJ 442 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1669 1669 A child of Robt Chadwicke 6 May John Lewes ... ... ... ... 7 ,, A child of John Butterworth 8 ,, Edmund Crompton ... ... ... ,, ,, A child of James Stott ,, ,, A child of John Etough ,, ,, Uxor Thomas Whithead 10 ,, A child of Henry Whitaker ,, ,, A daughter of Richard Clegg 12 ,, Edmund Greve ... ... ... ... 13 ,, A daughter of Joseph Ryder 14 ,, A child of John Bamford ... ... 15 ,, A child of Edward Unsworth ... ... 16 ,, A daughter of Widoe Fletcraft ... 19 ,, A sonn of Edmund Milne ... ... 20 ,, A chUd of John Tayler 22 ,, A sonn of Thomas Cropp ... ... ,, ,, A sonn of Richard Lord ... ... ,, ,, A child of James Scolefield ... ... 23 ,, Uxor John Crompton ... ... ... 26 ,, Uxor Richard Clegg ... ... ... 27 ,, A child of William Earnshaw ... ... ,, ,, John Taylar 30 ,, A chUd of Mr Richard Holding ... ,, A chUd of John Milne 31 Uxor Henry Scolefield Towne ... ... 2 June A chUd of John Taylor 3 ,, Uxor John Cryer ,, ,, Uxor Robt Butterworth ... ,, 5 p. 123 John Lighttowlars ,, j, Uxor John Chadwicke ... ... ... 6 ,, Uxor Thomas Lowton ... ... ... 8 ,, A child of William Jackson ,, ,, Uxor Abraham Lees ... ... ... 10 ,, A chUd of Edmund WUd 13 „ A child of Dawson ... ... ... 15 jj A chUd of John Holt 17 A chUd of Richard Whithead 19 ,, A sonn of Thomas Chadwicke 20 ,, A daughter of James Butterworth ... „ ,, A sonn of Edward Dearden ... ... „ ,, A chUd of James Whitworth 23 ,, A chUd of John Belfield ,, ,, A child of James Clegge 25 ,, Mary Chadwicke ... ... ... ... 30 ,, Uxor Robt Grime ... ... ... 2 July A sonn of Francis Holt Midleton poch: 3 „ Filia James Crosley Towne ... .... 5 „ 1669 BURIALS 443 Thomas Howorth Uxor Mr Joshua Buckley A chUd of WiUiam Jackson A chUd of Henry Whitaker Uxor Abraham Healey Katharen Worsley Uxor Edward Butterworth Uxor Richard Dickson John Hamer Uxor Henry Scolefeild A chUd of Edmund Ogden Filia Edmund Butterworth Sam: Streete Uxor Robt Taylor Butt: HaU ... A chUd of Robt Taylor A child of William Butterworth Two chUdren of Sam Rodds Richard Turnough A chUd of John Hamer ... Filia Abraham Stocke FUia Edward Dearden ... A chUd of Abraham Horodd Uxor WiU: Greve Micahell Butterworth Uxor Adam Brearley Filia Edmund Jones poch: Midleton Arthur Whithead Lawrance Hardman John Smith A chUd of Henry Clegg ... A chUd of Thomas Stott Jurden Chadwicke A child of John HiU John Chadwicke ... A sonn of James Haker A child of Thomas Brearley A child of Edmund Leach James HaU A child of Thomas Baskervile ... A daughter of James Scolefeild James Stott Rich: Lord A child of Tho: Mason Uxor Abra: Brearley [No entry opposite] 5 p. 124 Uxor John WoUenden Uxor Edmund Holland ... Uxor [Roger Holt 1669 5 July 7 10 II 12 15 1718 35 19 20 25 27 28 5 August 10 JJ 13 17 18 23 24 27 30 53 31 55 2 September 4 53 8 35 53 35 9 33 13 33 15 53 17 53 18 33 21 33 JJ 35 JJ 33 24 33 30 55 6 October 444 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1669 FUia Charles Belfield ... Robt Whitworth A child of John Brearley John Butterworth A child of James Rodds Uxor James Howorth A child of Richard Leigh A chUd of Alexr Butterworth Esq: Uxor Thomas Birch Uxor Thomas Butterworth Robt Jaques Alexander Haslam Uxor Thomas Scolefeild Martha Brearley ... Uxor Ambros Jackson ... A child of Henry Clegge Thomas Birch Uxor Samuel Hamer de Hamer James Ashworth ... James Clough Uxor James Whitley A child of Edmund Howorth ... Uxor James Greve Uxor John Taylor Uxor Thomas Hardman Richard Leigh John Brearley A child of Thomas Scolefield ... A chUd of John Fish A chUd of John Stott Charles Ogden A chUd of WiUiam Taylor Robt Butterworth James Cheetham ... Uxor Abraham Hamer ... Filia Abell Crosley Uxor Abra: Clegg WUl: Buttler A chUd of John Chadwicke A son of James Haslam A chUd of John BeUeild Thomas BelfeUd A child of Josia Brethred Uxor Sam Taylor John Hardman de Jowken de Bury poch: Uxor James Lewes Henry Lees Woodhous Lane Uxor Mr Robt Bath 1669 6 October 7 10 II12 16 21 22 27 28 29 4 9 II12 33 13 3 3 1520 November 25 2930 7 8 12 15 55 16 1922 55 2526 272829 December 1669. BUklALS A sonn of Henry Howorth A child of Abra:. Buckley Uxor Charles Clegg Uxor Thomas Pilkenton Filia John Howorth A chUd of Charles Clegg A daughter of Edmund Wild .. FUia Edmund Hamer A sonn of Henry Scolefield A sonn of James Turnough A child of John Lord Uxor Andrew Shipheard John Shipheard Robt Shore de Shore 5 p. 125 James Sutcliffe Lane Filia Jurden Chadwicke FUius Henry Scolefeild Andrew Shipheard Thomas Stott Uxor Arthur Turnough ... James Scolefeild ... A sonn of James Brodbent Mr Thomas Parren A child of Abra: Chadwicke A sonn of John Shaw A child of Robt Dearden A child of Jonathan Taylor Uxor Abra: Chadwicke ... A chUd of Henry Bamford A sonn of WUUam Butterworth Uxor Henry Garsid Abra: Casson ... Uxor Rich: Hopwood Margret Haslam ... A child of Robt Hirst Will: Taylor . .. A daughter of James CoUinge .. Uxor John Medocraft Uxor Thomas Horton Uxor James Milne Uxor Sam: Hollows Richard Lord Uxor -Robt Brigs Uxor Robt Walkden Uxor Robt Scolefield Uxor Thomas Smith Theophelus Wietherington A sonn of John Holt 1669 31 December 55 55 2 Januarie 55 55 55 35 3 55 5 35 6 33 9 55 13 35 33 33 16 33 35 35 18 55 20 55 33 33 21 55 22 35 23 55 25 55 26 35 27 55 55 35 28 J3 29 33 30 35 I Februarie 55 55 55 JJ 4 55 5 55 10 12 13 1516^7 1819 2022 446 kOCHDALE REGISTEkS 1669-1670 1669 22 Februarie 2324 A child of John Rodds A child of John Taylor Uxor John Casson Uxor Thomas Healey A child of AbeU Brearley 25 A child of Charles NuttaU 26 A sonn of Richard Fenton ... ... 28 A child of John Milne 3 March Thomas Smith 5 Jane Streete ... ... ... ... ,, Uxor Raph Dearden ... ... ... 6 Uxor James Frith 8 A sonn of James Scolefeild ... ... 9 Uxor James Hartley ... ... ... ,, Uxor Francis Bridg ... ... ... 12 A sonn of James Scolefeild ... ... 13 Filia Richard Lord ... ... ... ,, Mary Halliwell ... ... ... ... 14 A child of James Marcraft ... ... 15 A child of James Scolefield ... ... 18 John Wofenden ... ... ... ... 21 Uxor Robt Clegg ... ... ... 22 Uxor John Butterworth ... ... 24 1670 26 March 27 A chUd of Mr John Gregory John Greenhalgh A chUd of Robt Ashworth A child of John Taylor ... ... ... 29 A child of WiUiam Wardleworth ... 30 Uxor John SuttcUffe 31 James Eccarsale ... ... ... ... ,, 5 p. 126 A child of Abraham CoUings Midleton poch: ... ... ... ... ... 2 AprU A child of John Lewes ... ... ... 3 Elizabeth Heaton ... ... ... 4 Judeth Wild ... , A child of Robt Grime .'. ,, Edmund Healey ... ... ... ... 5 A child of James Marcraft ... ... „ A child of Richard Milne 6 A child of Rodds ... ... ... ,, A chUd of Mr Thomas Buckley ... 7 A chUd of James Dearden ... ... ,, Uxor Arthur Brearley ... ... ... 8 Uxor Robt Holdworth 10 A chUd of Alexr Turnough FUia James Browne ... ... ... 18 A chUd of John MUne 1670 BURIALS 447 1670 FiUa John Chadwicke ... ... ... 19 April John Francleton ... ... ... ... ,, Uxor George MUne ... ... ... 23 Thomas Shore ... ... ... ... ,, Uxor Joseph Shore 24 Two children of James Scolefeild ... 25 A sonn of Sam: Greve ... ... ... 28 Uxor John Brearley ... ... ... ,, Thomas Holt ... ... ... ... 29 Uxor Jonathan Scolefield ... ... 30 Uxor Thomas Cropp de Medleton poch: 2 May A sonn of Robt Whitworth ,, A child of William Newby 5 Johathan [sic] Hargraves ... ... ,, A child of Robt Grime 6 A child of Francis Scolefield 8 Uxor Robt Royley ... ... ... ,, Uxor James Shipheard ... ... ... 9 Two children of Thomas Lowton ... ,, Uxor James Byrom ... ... ... 10 Uxor Richard Hill ... ... ... ,, A child of Joseph Shore ... ... ,, A chUd of James Mason ... ... 13 Uxor WiUiam Wilkenson ... ... 14 Jarret Readfearne ... ... ... 15 Ann Greve ... ... ... ... ,, Uxor Robt Brearle-y ... ... ... 16 John Scolefeild ... ... ... ... 17 AbeU Rodds 18 A child of OttaweU Smith 19 A child of Thomas Butterworth de Midleton poch: ... ... ... 20 A child of James Howorth ... ... 23 Sara Bentley ... ... ... ... 25 A child of Edmund Readferne 27 A child of Edmund Holland ... ... ,, Uxor John Brearley ... ... ... i June Grace Taylor 2 A child of SoUoman Hartley ... ... 9 Grace Hamer ... ... ... ... 22 John Rawstorne ... ... ... ... ,, Francis Scolefeild ... ... ... 23 5 p. 127 A child of James Stott ... ... ... 5 July John Looe ... ... ... ... 12 A child of James Birch 13 A son of Abra: CoUinge Midleton poch: 19 A child of John Taylor 20 Uxor James Hayword ... ... ... 22 448 kOCHDALE REGISTERS 1670 Robt Feilding A chUd of John Brearley Thomas Rodd A sonn of Thomas Whitaker A chUd of Charles HiU ... Uxor Richard Healey John Smith Filia Israll Clegg Abraham Taylor Robt Hayward EUes Clegg Uxor George Lees Edmund Taylor Thomas Hardman A child of OttaweU Smith John Simson A child of Abraham Hollows ... A child of Henry Buckley A child of Abraham Hollows A daughter of James Turnough John Cheetham de Burdsale Moore Uxor William Kershaw ... A child of Robt Stringer Richard Lindsey ... A child of John Baxter John Milne William Greve ... ... ... . ... Filia Robt Cropp de Midleton poch: ... Uxor Richard Livesey ... Thomas Stott Uxor Richard Weeder Towne ... Robt PoUord de Chamber Hous A child of John Milne Littlebrough ... Uxor John Cheetham Burdsale Moore Uxor Thomas Brearley Mossid A child of Samuel SuttcUffe Towne Roger Buckley Marland A sonn of John Holt Spot: James WUd de HoUingworth ... A sonn of Israeli Clegge A child of Thomas Brery A child of Raph Taylor Uxor Francis Scolefeild Sudden Uxor Abell Butterworth Sladen Uxor James Taylor Uxor Edmund [Butterworth Uxor Robt Leigh Towne John Earnshaw ... 1670 23 July 25 JJ 35 55 27 JJ 2 August 4 JJ 7 » 13 JJ 15 JJ 55 55 16 „ 2122 „ 26 „ 55 53 I September 53 35 2 JJ 4 JJ 10 JJ 1213 33 14 15 18 19 21 23 26 5 3 28 35 35 7 II 161719 October 5 P- 128 1670 BURIALS 449 i( 570 A child of Thomas RothweU 20 October Uxor Charles HUl Carppnder [sic] 22 55 A child of Robt .Chadwicke 23 55 A child of Will: Wardleworth 55 55 Mr John Newton Lowerplace ... 26 55 A child of James Kershaw 55 35 J ames Scolefeild and 30 33 Mary his wUe .... 53 55 A daughter of Thomas Bamford 31 53 Uxor Henry ScolefeUd de Brearley ... I [ [Sfovember Uxor Alexander Butterworth ... 35 33 Thomas Dales a stranger 9 53 John Adkenson Towne ... 35 35 A chUd of James Taylor 55 35 Uxor Charles Brooks 10 35 A child of Robt ScolefeUd 13 35 A chUd of Joseph Romsbothom 55 55 A chUd of WUliam NuttaU 14 55 John Hamer Naden 17 55 A daughter of James Marcraft 19 55 Uxor John MUne 21 53 Uxor OttaweU Smith 53 35 A child of John Taylor 22 55 Mr Richard Holt sonn of Robt Holt Esq: 25 35 Uxor Robt Clough 29 55 Uxor Thomas Shore I [ December A chUd of John Hudson JJ 55 Uxor James Crosley 3 Thomas Holt Brimrodd ... 55 Uxor John Fletcher 4 55 Uxor George MUne 35 35 Raph Taylor 7 33 Edmund Lord [Ridens 35 33 A child of Abraham Milne 53 33 Uxor Robt Milne 8 33 FiUa Abraham Leigh 55 35 Henry Shaw II 35 Uxor John Hopwood 15 55 Uxor Robt PoUett 18 33 Mary Ryder 21 53 A chUd of Robt Whithead 33 35 A chUd of John Scolefeild 25 55 Abra: Scolefeild de Humber « 33 33 Esa Roods a stranger 26 35 Christopher Jackson 27 35 A child of Abra: Roods 55 A sonn of Robt Dickson , 28 A child of John Lealand . 29 53 450 ROCHDALE REGISTERS A child of Robt Roods ... Thomas Whitaker A sonn of James Marland Thomas Milne A child of James Hopwood A child of James Howorth i A daughter of Robt HalliweU A chUd of Josia Brethred A child of James Turnough A child of de Midleton Henry Whitaker Bothom John Wardleworth A chUd of Sam: Scolefield 5 p. 129 Uxor Arthur HoUows Poore A child of Denice Barret FUia James Nuttall Joseph Livesey Poore Uxor Charles Turnough Filia James Milne Thomas Dewhorst A chUd of Thomas WUd A child out of Ashworth Uxor Joseph Wild Uxor Alexr Pedley Semeon Kershaw Jur Raph Milne A child of Richard Hirst Uxor Abra: Milne Raph Smith A child of Lenard Browne Uxor James Taylor John Shipheard ... Robt Bateman Edward Butterworth John Chadwicke ... A child of John Clegg ... Sam: Lowton A child of Francis Clegg A child of John Holt ... A chUd of John Fletcher Uxor James Jackson A daughter of James Taylor A child of Johii Butterworth Uxor Isaac Scolefield Filia Edmund Haywood A child of John Lord A child of Richard Whipp Robt Dearden poch: 1670 1670 1 Januarie 2 JJ 8 „ 9 " 10 „ 35 J3 II 16 „ ^7 .. 23 JJ 24 JJ 33 55 28 „ 30 „ 31 JJ I Februarie JJ JJ 2 JJ 4 JJ II 55 14 55 16 55 17 55 21 S3 55 55 22 55 25 55 35 33 26 35 1 March 2 35 3 33 4 35 55 33 8 55 9 55 35 ss 14 ss 33 55 15 55 I670-167I buriAlS 451 5P Filia Sam: Cheetham Filia Henry Scolefield A chUd of Robt Scolefield A child of Thomas Eansworth Uxor Robt HiU Joseph Wild Thomas NuttaU Abra: Taylor A chUd of James Howorth Richard Greenrodd James Scolefield ... Ann Holt A chUd of Anthonie Sutcliffe Thomas Brearley Filia Henry Farrar A sonn of Jonathan Butterworth Richard Murgretroyd William Butterworth Uxor John Gleddale John Wilson Uxor John Chdwicke [sic] Uxor James Standring ... George Milne John Hartley Uxor Richard Whitworth 130 A child of George Hanson A chUd of WiU: Standring Jeremie Brearley Timothie Bridg ... Uxor Robt Clegg Uxor Edward Dearden Uxor John Whithead John Butterworth John Stott A child of Thomas Healey A sonn of Edmund Turnough Filia Arthur Healey Uxor John Aspen Daniel Lees A child of John Smith Jane Hardman Uxor James Standring Uxor Lawrance Hardman A sonn of Abra: Hamer Filia Edward Leach A child came from John Wardle John Piccop 1670 15 March 35 16 ^7 35 21 55 22 23 33 53 1671 25 March 27 55 35 28 5335 33 33 30 55 31 78 33 AprieU 3* 9 55 10 35 11 55 12 55 15 55 35 18 35 55 20 55 21 55 22 35 23 55 2426 5355 55 55 29 55 55 2 33 May 55 55 4 *5 55 6 3333 7 55 13 14 452 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1671 Mr Joshua Buckley A stiU borne child James Standring ... Uxor John Stott ... A child of Henry Fletcher A child of ... . Scolefield A son of William Cryer ... A child of WUl: Greve A child of John Taylor FUia Gabriel Gartsid de Rachdale Gent: A child of William Watton A child of John Halliwell ye Lees Gent: A child of Robt Hogen A chUd of Edmund Kershaw ... A child of John Kay A chUd of Abra: WoUenden Uxor James Halliwell Pyke Hous G* ... A child of Henry NuttaU Filia Abra: CoUings Garrat high A child of James Clegg ... Uxor Alexr Chadwicke ... Uxor Thomas Butterworth Uxor John Eansworth ... Uxor Abra: Holdworth ... Roger Hayward ... Uxor Joshua Wolfenden A sonn of John Newbold A chUd of John Holt A chUd of Abra: Holdworth Uxor James Milne Uxor John Blakeley A chUd of Joseph Leigh A child of Francis Brearley U[xor Steven Crasst [?] Henry Kerstaw ... Francs Clegg Burdsale ... FUia John Chadwicke A chUd of WiU: Earnshaw Uxor John Ogden 5 p. 131 John [teach Sam: Newbold de Clegg A child of Richard Greenhalgh A sonn of Richard Turnough Uxor James Greve A child of Robt Ashworth Abraham Scolefield Sandhole A chUd of Richard Greenhalgh A child of Francs Clegg 1671 17 May 27 2829 30 31 JJ I June 3 6 8 10 II 16 171920 27 I July 4 9 141618 19 55 20 33 222528 31 I2 5 6 9 10 II 18 26 Au gust I67I BURIALS 453 Filia Edmund Ashworth Uxor AbeU Whitaker Uxor Robt Whitaker Charles HiU Uxor Edmund WUd Uxor Thomas PoUet A chUd of Abra: Hollows A chUd of William Hopwood Uxor Ottawell Kershaw A chUd of John Booth .. Uxor Robt Scolefield . FUia James MUne Jacob Surganer ... A chUd of Robt MUne . A chUd of WiU: Brearley Judeth Cudworth. Robt Chadwicke ... Uxor Allen Arred Uxor WiU: Buckland .. Uxor Joseph Brearley . Edmund Kershaw A sonn of John Lord A chUd of Tho: PoUett . Uxor Roger Hayward Uxor MicaheU BerstaU . Uxor Joseph Clegg Uxor James Hopwood . Mary Surganer Robt Scolefield A chUd of Mr James Scolefield Uxor WUliam Kershaw ... A child of John Fenton A little one of Raph Taylor A chUd of Joseph Leigh A sonn of John Scolefield Uxor James SuttcUffe John Rodd Edmund Stott John Brearley John Withenton _ Uxor John Milne and a child Roger Hayward A child, of Daniel. Bamford Uxor John Chadwicke ... Uxor AbeU Rodds Uxor Gawther Butterworth A child of OttaU Smith ... A chUd of Richard MUne 27 28 671 August JJ 29 2 JJ September JJ 35 3 55 35 35 9 55 10 55 1316 55 55 21 53 JJ 22 33 JJ 53 2326 2 55 35 October 78 33;3 10 33 II 3 3- 35 33 33 33 14 55 15 33 17 35 20 55 21 55 2526 5533 27 35 29 33 35 35 31 I 55 November 2 55 JJ 33 4 33 55 33 5 55 10 33 55 55 12 55 1416 5535 454 ROCHDALE REGISTERS Uxor John Gregory James Smith 5 p. 132 A chUd of John Brearley Richard Macon Packer . Jane Butterworth John CoUings Butterworth Hall James Brigs Uxor James Stott A chUd of Nathan HiU . Filia James WoUenden . Uxor John Lord ... Filia John Lord ... A child of James Crosley Uxor Robt Rodds Uxor Gawther Butterworth Uxor Abraham Unsworth A chUd of Thomas Chadwicke A chUd of John Milne ... Uxor Edmund Unsworth James Chadwicke A sonn of John Chadwicke Midleton pish: Uxor William Earnshaw Uxor Abraham Fenton ... Uxor James Butterworth Uxor Edmund Watmough John Watson Edmund Hayward Edmund Hayward Edmund Ogden ... FUia John Taylor A chUd of Robt Brearley Mr John Taylor Uxor John Chadwicke Midleton pish: FiUa Abra: Lees ... Uxor Sam: Hopwood Uxor James Kershaw Mary Hendle A child of Thomas Boulton A child of John Clegg stUl: Uxor Richard Taylor A child of John Looe A child of James Clegg ... John Swallow Robt Whitworth A chUd of John Gartsid FUia John Chadwicke Midleton pish: ... j, FiUa Roger Whitworth 16 Uxor Edmund Hollows 1671 1671 24 November 27 I 3 J December 7 35 33 55 14 JJ 55 55 T-7 53 JJ 53 20 55 23 S3 25 26 3S55 55 55 30 55 31 33 1 Januarie 2 35 55 33 4 55 7 33 9 55 55 35 53 33 II 33 14 16 5553 20 55 22 55 2526 5555 27 55 30 55 53 55 31 2 35 Februarie 4 35 55 55 556 55 5J 7 8 55 55 II 53 14 35 167I-I672 BURIALS A chUd of Thomas Chadwicke A chUd of James Taylor Mary Butterworth Uxor Abraham Taylor ... A child of Robt HaUiweU A child of Abraham Ogden A sonn of William Digles A sonn of Robt Milne ... Uxor WiUiam Heaton A child of Edmund Sinith Elizabeth Looe A chUd of Charles Ogden Uxor Boneaventer Walkden Isaac Clegg A chUd of Richard Wilkenson Filia James Scolefield 5 P 133 Filia John Chadwicke ... A chUd of GUbard Withinton A child of James Hayworth Old Kenney Daughter ... A chUd of Richard Birch FUius John Chadwicke ... James Crosley A chUd of WUliam Buttler John Smith A chUd of Robt Whitworth Uxor George Holt A chUd of Abra: Leigh ... Uxor John Hollows FUia Abraham Whitworth A son of Alexr Chadwicke James Ashton Robt Feilding A chUd of Edward Turnough Hugh Lealand Filia John Eglebey Filius Richard Leigh A child of WiUiam Watton A child of James Sale A sonn of Joseph Taylor A chUd of Edward Leach A child of Abra: Brearley Filia Anthonie Barrat A chUd of Thomas Smith A chUd of Will: Hopwood Edmund Lord Towne ... Jane Cunliffe 1671 16 Februarie 22 55 35 55 24 26 55 3 5 29 1 55 March JJ 55 2 55 33 53 3 55 35 55 5 55 35 55 55 6 5555 7 8 3555 55 55 10 55 5 3 II 5555 13 53 14 35 15 55 35 16 55 SS ^7 JJ 19 55 55 22 5533 23 55 55 55 24 55 1672 26 March 55 35 35 2728 29 33 31 55 1 Apr: 456 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1672 1672 A chUd of Thomas Taylor 2 Apr: Edward Leach ... ... ... ... 3 j, Filius Robt Pedley „ jj A child of John Clough jj „ A child of WiUiam RothweU ,, ,, Filius James SuttcUffe 6 ,, A child of Edmund HiU ,, A child of James Stott ... ... ... „ ,, A chUd of Robt Chadwicke 7 ,, A child of Robt Rodd ,, Jane HoWorth ... ... ... ... 12 jj A child of Edmund Taylor ,, James Milne 13 ,, A chUd of John Baxter 14 ,, A child of Semeon Whitworth ... ... 15 ,, A chUd of Sam: SuttcUffe 16 ,, A child of Thomas Rodd ... ... ,, ,, A child of John Hollows 18 ,, Filia Richard Wild ... ... ... ,, ,, Edmund Standring ... ... ... 19 ,, A child of Robt Shore ,, ,, A child of John Hollows ... ... 20 ,, Uxor Charles CoUings ... ... ... „ ,, A child of Charles Clegg ... ... 21 „ A child of John Wilson ... ... ... ,, ,, A child of Will: Turnough ,, ,, Joseph Shore 22 ,, John Simson ... ... ... ... 23 ,, FUius Richard Chadwicke ... ... 25 ,, A child of John Hartley ... ... ,, „ A chUd of Thomas PoUett 26 ,, A child of James Brearley ... ,, A child of Henry Smith ... ... „ ,, A child of John Leaver ... ... ... ,, ,, A child of John ColUngs 28 ,, A child of James Shalocke 1 May A chUd of Abra: Stott 2 Filia John Lealand ... ... ... 5 ,, A chUd of John Belfield 6 „ A child of Andrew Crompton ... ... ,, ,, p. 134 Filia Samuel Streete 8 ,, A chUd of John Fletcher , James Milne Edward Clegg 9 " FiUa John Wilson A chUd of John Healey A child of Abra: Standring 10 '', A chUd of Henry Butterworth 12 " 1672 BURIALS 457 1672 A child of Richard Leach 12 May FiUa Edmund Milne 17 ,, Filia John Booth 18 „ Filius Abra: Taylor 19 ,, A child of John Lees ... ... ... ,, ,, A child of Sam: SuttcUffe ,, ,, John Booth ... ... ... ... 22 ,, John Greenwood ... ... ... ... ,, ,, A child of John Chadwicke de Staring Gent: 23 „ Robt Clegg 25 „ A child of Robt Brearley , ,, A child of Abra: Taylor 26 A chUd of Jonathan Greenrodd ... ,, „ FUius John Clough 27 „ Uxor kichard Clegg 31 ,, Uxor Abraham Milne ... ... ... 4 June Uxor Robt Turnough ... ... ... ,, ,, Abraham Whitworth ... ... ... 5 ,, John Ashton ... ... ... ... 6 ,, A child of Henry Shore ,, ,, A child of John Taylor g ,, A child of Henry Farrar ... ... 10 ,, Uxor Richard Lord ... ... ... 11 ,, Uxor John Thomas ,, ,, -Filia Abell Hamer 12 „ A child of James Clegg ,, ,, Joshua Hoyle 13 „ Uxor Abra: Taylor 14 ,, FiUa John Clough 15 ,, Filia John Walkden ... ... ... ,, ,, Uxor John Smith ... ... ... ,, ,, A chUd of Richard Milne 17 ,, FUius James Greve ... ... ... 19 ,, FUius Thomas Loton ... ... ... 21 ,, Uxor Edmund Royton ... ... ... 24 ,, Lawrance Smith ... ... ... ... 25 ,, A child of Abra: Stott 27 Filia Richard WorraU 28 ,, FUius Abra: Milne jj jj FUius Theoder Heape 29 ,, James Dearden ... ... ... ... 30 jj A chUd of Abra: -Taylor 2 July Uxor Tho: Holt EUzabeth Swallow 3 ,, Mary Taylor 9 James Taylor 11 „ Uxor James CoUings 12 „ 458 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1672 John Taylor A chUd of AbeU Rodds ... Elizabeth Standring Elizabeth Turnough A child of James. Sharplus A chUd of Robt Sutcliffe Uxor John Lord ... Uxor Robt SuttUfe A chUd of Robt Grime ... A chUd of Henry Clegg ... 5 p. 135 A chUd of Abraham Taylor Sara Richards A sonn of James Butterworth . A child of Edward Clegg A chUd of Marten Wifes A chUd of Isaac Gartsid A child of John Wilson ... A child of Edward Byrom A child of Edmund Watmough Ann Whitley Elizabeth Butterworth ... Filia John Lord ... John Wild Uxor James Scolefeild ... James Clegg Uxor Robt Duckworth ... Uxor Robt Taylor FUius Robt Chadwicke Uxor Micahell Butterworth A sonn of Nathan Hoyle Uxor Abell Brearley Filia Lawrance Buckley A child of Abra: Crosley A child of Henry Butterworth .. A child of Abell Brearley A chUd of Robt Brearley A chUd of WiU: Howorth Filia Edward Holt A chUd of Edmund Dunster John Lord Uxor Lawrance Smith ... A child of John Maden A child of Henry Whitaker FUia John Taylor A chUd of Arthur Kay A child of John Chadwicke Uxor John Stocke FUius Edward Holt 1672 14 July 22 23 25 2627 28 29 2 3 12 13 35 14 15 16 19 21 31 August 23 24 2530 3 4 6 102122 26 1 September 4 67 II1218 20 21 October 5 P- 136 1672 BURIALS 459 1672 A child of Edward Bamford ... 29 October A child of Robt Pedley 5 November WilUam Butterworth ... 6 „ A child of James Whitworth ... ¦ • * 33 55 Uxor John Shipheard ... 11 „ Uxor Abra: Greenrodd ... ... 18 „ A chUd of Thomas Eansworth ... ... 21 A sonn of James Eccarsale ... 23 „ Uxor James Clegg ... 27 „ Jonathan Chadwicke ... 29 „ A child of Myles Layfield • • • 33 55 Uxor John Brearley ... 30 ,j James Chadwicke 3 December Richard Scolefield ... 7 .. FiUa Alexander Turnough 55 JS Uxor Robt Brearley ... 11 „ A chUd of Abra: Fenton S3 SJ Mary Clegg ... 13 n Uxor Edward Butterworth ... xy „ Filia James Eccarsall ... 19 „ Filia James Clegg ... 22 „ Uxor John Crosley ... 23 „ A chUd of James Whitworth ... • • • JJ 55 A chUd of AbeU Ashworth 33 33 A sonn of Jonathan MUne ... 24 „ A sonn of Edmund Ogden 3J 55 A child of James EccarsaU 55 53 A sonn of Arthur Hollows ... 25 „ Uxor Henry Bamford 55 55 A sonn of James Butterworth ... ... 26 „ A sonn of Edmund Kaye ... 28 „ AbeU Ashworth ... 29 „ Jane Holt ... 30 „ Uxor Edward Butterworth ... 31 JJ A chUd of John Turneys 55 55 Thomas HUl I Januarie Uxor John Chadwicke ... 53 33 Filia Charles Ogden • " 55 33 Sam: Bamford ... 3 JJ Jane Wood ... 9 .. A child of Edmund Kershaw ... • • ¦ 33 33 A chUd of James Kershaw ... 10 „ A child of James Clegg • ¦ • 33 SJ Uxor John Howorth ... II „ Uxor Robt Whitworth ... 12 „ Roger Hartley ... 13 ,j A child of Richard Stocke ... 16 „ A child of John Wolfenden >> ,j 5 p. 137 460 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 167 [672 A chUd of WiU: Standring 18 Januarie A child of John Whitworth 19 55 A child of Robt Whitworth 55 55 Mr James Scolefield BothhoUings 20 35 Uxor John Eansworth 23 55 Uxor John Butterworth 55 35 Filia Charles Howorth ... 26 33 A child of John Chadwicke 27 33 John Webbs 28 55 Uxor Edmund Haywood 55 55 John Parker a man from Littlebrough 33 33 A child of John Holt 30 35 Uxor Jonathan B.utterworth 4 Februarie A child of James Cheetham 7 35 A chUd of William Ashton 8 55 Charles Butterworth 9 55 James RothweU ... 10 55 Filia Mr Guy 13 33 Uxor John HiU 15 53 Filia Robt Dearden 53 13 A child of John Brearley 16 55 Filia Joseph Whitworth 17 33 James Chadwicke and his child 18 35 A chUd of Thomas HUl 20 53 A chUd of John Whithead 22 55 Abraham Stansfield 25 55 A chUd of Edmund Taylor 27 55 A child of Robt Butterworth 33 35 A child of James Brearley 2 March Uxor Edward Clegge 4 A sonn of John MUne 5 A chUd of Thomas Lewes 7 Thomas Whaley 8 A chUd of WUUam NuttaU 55 Jonathan Butterworth ... II A sonn of John Kershaw 33 John Kennion 12 A chUd of James Hayward 33 A child of John Knoles 35 James Stott 15 A chUd of Simeon Whitworth 16 A child of John Howorth 17 A chUd of Robt Butterworth 55 A sonn of Robt Scolfield 18 Uxor Samuel Dewhorst ... 55 Uxor James Lister 20 Uxor Simeon Whitworth J, John Lighttowlars SJ 1672-1673 BURIALS 461 Uxor Edmund Wrigley ... Uxor Edmund Turnough A child of Abraham Dawson A sonn of James Clegge Edmund Holland A child of Henry NuttaU Uxor John Wardleworth A child of George CoUier A child of Edmund Bridg A chUd of Arthur Scolefield A chUd of Richard Macon John Leach John Lord Samuel Loton A chUd of Edmund Ogden [Remainder of page blank] 5 p. 138 Uxor Raph Butterworth A chUd of John Haslam A chUd of John Whithead A chUd of Edward Leigh A chUd of Mr Richard Holding Jeremie CoUinge A child of Thomas Mason A chUd of Robt BirstaU Uxor Francis Scolefield ... Uxor George Milne Charles Kershaw ... A chUd of Edmund Hayward Roger Kender A sonn of John Haworth William Cryer ... ¦ ... A child of James Brearley Uxor James Brearley Filia Abraham Rodds Uxor James Turnough ... Filius Robt Hirst Jonathan Brearley A child of John Marcraft Uxor John Wolfenden ... A little one of John Webb Jonathan Milne ... Uxor Georg Hill James Halliwell Pikhous G* Uxor John Gabbett James Smith A child of Richard Whitworth ¦A chUd of Joshua Hartley 1672 21 March 24 55 53 25 t673 March 5 J 55 33 26 3355 2728 5353 30 33 31 2 Apr 46 10 12 jj 141516 ^7 JJ 20 22 26 27 462 rochdAle registers 1673 A chUd of Robt WoUenden A child of Charles Crosley Adam Brearley ... A chUd of Robt Hayward Uxor Robt Butterworth A sonn of John Lord A chUd of Robt Scolefield FiUa Robt Walkden John Mason A child of Abraham Taylor A child of Samuel Hopwood A child of Robt Ashworth Filia Andrew Taylor Uxor Robt Ashworth A child of Robt Cropp James Hodgings ... A child of Thomas Wolfenden .. Filia James Whitworth ... A child of James Lord ... Filia Abraham Rodds A child of John Taylor A child of Abraham Horodd A child of Alexr Turnough A child of James Stott ... A child of Henry Brearley 5 p. 139 John Rigbey de Tounge A chUd of Thomas Bridg Filia Thomas Whaley A child of Edmund HiU Uxor Thomas Milne A sonn of Abraham Brearley .. A sonn of Micahell Butterworth A chUd of John Webb Thomas Crompton James Turnough ... A child of Edmund Leigh A child of Mathew Hollows A child of James Horodd Uxor Joseph Unsworth ... A sonn of John Horodd A child of John Chadwicke A child of Abraham Brearley .., Uxor James Romsboththom Uxor John Hayward A sonn of Richard Clegge Two children of John Brearley A chUd of Charles Stott A chUd of Richard Healey 1673 28 Apr I May 24 8 1012 15 18 53 1921 23 24 27 28 55 27 33 30 31 June 9 10 II12 16 19 33 55 21 5 p. 140 1673 BURIALS 463 I 673 A chUd of Edmund WUd .. 22 June Uxor Thomas PoUett .. 23 35 Filia WUliam Booth .. 27 53 A child of John Henthorne 55 33 Abell Ashworth 55 55 Uxor James Fletcher .. 3 July A child of James Horodd •• 4 33 A child of James Shipheard .. 5 SJ A child of Richard Howorth •• 7 35 A child of John HiU .. 11 35 Uxor Edmund Clegge .. 12 35 A child of Thomas Butterworth JJ 35 FUia James Chadwicke ... •• 13 33 Uxor James Stott ¦ ¦ 15 55 A child of Richard Milne 55 55 A chUd of James Holt 55 33 WUliam Siddale .. 19 33 A chUd of Abraham Hamer .. 20 33 A child of Jonathan Aspenn .. 21 33 Joseph Hanson ... .. 22 SS Uxor Edmund Fielding ... 55 33 A chUd of Robt Brearley .. 25 55 John Arnshaw 53 55 A child of Henry Shore ... 55 53 James Lighttowlars I August Edmund Leigh 35 35 FUia Williahi WUkenson 33 55 A child of John Milne . . . }} 53 A child of Robt Levesey ..¦ 3 33 A child of John Holt 53 3 5 A chUd of WiUiam Stocke .. 4 55 Filia John Chadwicke •• 33 33 FiUa WiUiam Butterworth ... 8 55 A child of Richard Lord .. 11 33 A chUd of Robt Scolefield JJ 33 Thomas Stott .. 12 53 Filia John Buckley ¦• 13 33 A chUd of Abraham Brearley ... .. 16 33 A sonn of Richard Clegge .. 20 33 Uxor James Birch JJ 53 A chUd of Raph Taylor J J 55 Filia Roger Barloe .. 27 55 Francis Clegge 55 35 A child of John Marcraft .. 30 55 A child of Alexr Turnough .. 31 33 Marke Anderton •• 4 September A chUd of James Fletcher 35 53 A sonn of John Taylor .. 8 5* 5 p. 141 464 ROCHDALE REGISTEkS 1673 1673 James Tettlah 9 September Uxor Arthur Scolefield ... 12 „ A child of Robt Stott ... 14 „ A child of Richard Wilkenson ... ... 16 „ A child of John Shaw • • ' 53 55 A child of Thomas Cropp ... 17 „ A chUd of Edward Leigh 35 53 A chUd of Isaac Clegge ... 21 „ A sonn of John Lord Cloughous • • • 53 35 A chUd of Abraham Taylor ... 25 J, Uxor Isaac Lord ... ... 26 „ A child of James Clegge ... 28 „ A child of John Lewes ... • • ' 55 33 A sonn of James Clegge ... 29 „ A child of John Stott Edmund Haywood ... 30 J, FiUa John Cheetham 7 October Uxor WUliam FofeU ... 8 „ A chUd of Fabion Whithead ... 9 J. A child of James Clegge ... 10 „ Uxor John Lord ... ... 11 „ A chUd of Samuel Greve • ¦ • 55 33 Filia Arthur Kay ... 15 JJ A chUd of Thomas Stott ¦ " 55 55 John Whithead ... 17 JJ- A child of Robt Stott * ¦ • * 53 53 A sonn of Josia Leaver ... ... 18 „ A child of James Kershaw ... 21 „ A chUd of William Smethells ... • • • 35 33 A chUd of Robt Brearley ... 22 ,, Edward Byrom ... ... 26 „ A sonn of James Turnough • * ¦ 35 53 Uxor Thomas Brearley ... 28 „ Roger Whitworth ... 29 „ Nickholas Baxter • *• 33 53 A chUd of Joseph Scolefield ... 30 „ A chUd of Thomas Brearley ... 31 JJ A chUd of Robt Allread 5 November A chUd of Rovt Knoles ... 6 „ John Holt ... 13 JJ James Milne ... 14 IJ John Scolefield ... 15 „ Thomas Butterworth ... 16 „ John Whitley ** • 55 SS William Ashton ... 18 „ Uxor Francis Clegge * • • )) ) J A chUd of John Mather • • • JJ J J A child of Robt Stott *•• 55 JJ 1673 BUklALS A chUd of John WUd ... Uxor James Wrigley Uxor Edmund Turnough FUia Francis Scolefield ... FUia Jonathan Butterworth Uxor Henry Whitaker ... A child of Richard Whipp Uxor James Kershaw A child of Joshua Hartley Uxor Phillipp Hanbey ... Robt Clegge Henry Nuttall A child of Henry Clegge Uxor Denis Barrat Uxor James Kay William Earnshaw Uxor Raph WUd A child of Joshua Hartley Uxor Thomas Wild Robt WoUenden A child of Edmund Howorth Samuel Ogden A chUd of Richard Holt FUia Henry Smith Filia Adam Belfield A child of Thomas Shore A chUd of Henry Clegge Uxor Joshua Stott A sonn of John Hardman A child of John SuttUfe A chUd of Edmund Hayward John CoUinge A child of John Halliday A chUd of Robt Pedley ,.. Filia Gabriell Leigh A child of Samuel Whitworth George Hirst ... ... A child of Robt Hayward A chUd of Charles Ogden James Brearley ... A sonn of Thomas Whitaker Filius John Lane . A child of James Tettlah A child of Robt Howorth Uxor Charles Butterworth A chUd of John Wolfenden Filia Evan Marsh A child of James Brearley 465 20 t673 November 2526 5555 55 55 30 55 35 3 55 December 5 6 5333 9 55 55 55 53 33 55 55 II 55 12 35 13 14 55 15 33 16 55 17 55 33 53 33 35 20 55 21 35 23 55 55 55 26 33 55 55 27 35 55 35 29 3 J 30 35 53 55 31 55 I J anuarie 55 33 53 35 2 33 55 35 5 55 Efi 466 kOCHDALE REGISTERS 1673 Uxor James Byrom A child of Edmund Chadwicke Uxor James Brearley A child of John Kay Uxor Robt Fieldings Uxor James Butterworth A child of James Howorth James Taylor A child of John Scolefield A child of Samuel Streete A child of John Wolfenden FiUa Robt Clough A child from SoUoman Hartley A child of John West Robt Butterworth 5 p. 142 Uxor Robt Howorth Uxor Raph Scoles A child of John Chadwicke Uxor Edmund Beighton Edmund Scolefeild Ann Lord Steed Slacke ... Filia Abraham Rodds A chUd of Richard Milne Edmund Beighton A sonn of Edmund Simson A chUd of Thomas Livesey Andrew Shipheard A chUd of James Standring A child of WUliam NuttaU John Stocke A chUd of John Whithead A child of Thomas Chadwicke .. A child of Simeon Whitworth .. FiUa Robt Hodging A chUd of Abraham Taylor A child of Andrew Shipheard .. James Milne Uxor SoUoman Hartley ... A sonn of John Butterworth .. Uxor Emanuel Thomsonn A child of Edward Newbold A child of Edmund Readfearne John West A chUd of Edmund Durden Uxor John Lealand James Scolefield A chUd of James Taylor A chUd of Abraham Holdworth A chUd of Robt Houghton 9 Januarie 13 1415 20 2122 JJ 23 24 55 2526 27 29 55 30 9 10 121314161719 212526 27 1 I Februarie 3 4 March 1673-1674 BURIALS 467 5 p. 143 A child of Thomas AUmon A child of James Milne , WUliam Kershaw , A child of Jonathan Readfearne Mary Parson James Birch Samuel Scolfield , A chUd of George Hanson A child of James Standring A chUd of Richard Leach WUliam Farrah A chUd cf WiUiam Stocke Mr Robt Bath de DepleshiU ... Edward Scolefield A chUd of John Chadwicke OttaweU Whitworth A child of Charles Ogden A child of Thomas Whithead ... Samuel Macon FiUa Charles Butterworth A chUd of MicaheU Clegg John MUne A chUd of James Clegg ... A child of Joseph Unsworth Ann Shaw Uxor James Kershaw Adam Earnshaw ..[ A child of Abraham Unsworth Susan d. of Mr Gabriel Gartsid ... A child of Edmund Howorth ... A child of John Brearley William Horodd A sonn of John Holt A child of Daniel Dunster Uxor John Scolefield A child of Robt MUne A sonn of Abraham Hamer Filia James Fletcher A child of Lawrence Hardman John Wardle A sonn of John Howorth A chUd of Thomas Scolefield ... Henry Dickson A child of Richard Stocke FiUa James Rodds Raph Stott Thomas Brearley 1673 1 March 10 12 33 13 35 35 55 14 55 15 16 55 5 5 17 35 18 19 20 JJ 21 24 I 29 March 33 53 31 I 55 Apr 10 17 5555 18 468 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1674 1674 Uxor Arthur Scolefield 21 Ap' A child of Abraham Healey ... ... „ „ A child of Thoma.s Hill ... ... ... 22 „ A child of Abraham Taylor 25 „ A sonn of John Ogden ... ... ... ,, ,, Uxor Steven BeUet ... ... ... 26 ,, Edmund Dickson ... .[. ... 27 ,, Uxor John Stott ... ... ... ... 30 „ Uxor Abraham Dawson and child ... 1 May A child of John Ashton ... ... 3 ,, A child of Myles Leaf wood ... ... 6 ,, A sonn of William Medcraft ... ... 12 ,, A chUd of David Brearley „ ,, Uxor John Brearley ... ... ... 13 „ A sonn of John Brearley ... ... ,, „ A daughter of John Rodds ... ... „ ,, Uxor James Dearden ... ... ... 15 ,, John Butterworth ... ... ... ,, „ A child of Francis Gartsid ... ... 16 ,, Filia Simon Leach ... ... ... 17 „ James Brearley ... ... ... ... 19 „ Filia James Scolfield ... ... ... 20 „ A sonn of James WoUenden ... ... 21 ,, James Milne ... ... ... ... 22 ,, A child of John Seddon ... ... 23 ,, A child of Robt Butterworth ... ... ,, ,, Uxor John Chadwicke ... ... ... 26 ,, Francis Milne .... ., ,, ,, A child of Roger Taylor 27 ,, Umphrey Butterworth ... ... ... 28 ,, A child of John Hamer ... ... ... ,, ,, Anthonie SuttcUffe 30 „ A child of Edmund Scolefield 31 ,, James Greenrodd ... ... ... 2 June Filia Joseph Wild ... ... ... „ ,, Robt Whitworth 3 „ A child of Charles Crosley 5 ,, Uxor Edmund Berry ... ... ... 6 „ A child of Israll Hirst „ „ A child of John Ashworth 7 ,, A son of William Farrar ... ... 12 ,, Uxor Robt Newall 13 ,, Uxor Edmund Brigs 20 ,, A child of Edmund Holland „ „ A chUd of Abell Greenrod ... ... 25 ,, FiUa WiUiam Whitworth 28 „ A child of John Readfearne „ ,, 5 p. 144 Uxor Joshua Smith 29 „ a674 BURIALS .469 Uxor Thomas Booe Uxor John Simson A chUd of Robt Whithead FiUa James Fletcher A child of Joseph Clegge A child of Robt Chadwicke Uxor William Fitton Uxor John Butterworth Uxor James Rods A child of Edmund Turnough ., A chUd of George Smith Uxor Henry Shorne [sic] A chUd of Robt- Shaw. A child of Robt Brearley Uxor Robt Boulton FUia Robt WaUiden ¦ ¦ A child of James Fenton FiUa Robt Scolefield ' A son of Mr Robt Chadwicke .. A chUd of Richard Kay Uxor James Butterworth A son of James Butterworth .. A child of John Chadwicke A child of Abraham Whitworth [Richard Leigh ... James Ramsbothom Filia John Scolefield FiUa OttaweU Smith Josia Leaver -. . ... . ... A child of Samuell Cheetham .. Robt Clough Filia Nicholas Whitaker Uxor James Taylor Richard Unsworth - ... Uxor Thomas Holt ... A chUd of SamueU WUd A chUd of Thomas RothweU .. Robt Royds A child of John Butterworth .. Mr James Scolefield Cler: . ..: John ColUnge Edmund Ashworth , A child of John Fletcher John Scolefield Adam Whitworth Richard Clegg Abra: Dawson A child of TUomas Buckley 1674 29 May July 30 5 7 10 II 1519 JJ 21 2229 I Au: 37 '12 13 15 25 2728 29 iSe 5 6 12 53 15 1718 19 22 232527 gust :ptember 470 ROCHDALE REGISTERS Gawther Butterworth A child of John HiU A son of Thomas Shore ...- Uxor James Chosley [sic] A child of Thomas Mason A chUd of Abra: Taylor A chUd of Edmund Leigh James Shore ... ; Uxor Francis Healey A child of Joseph Taylor A son of WilUam Akers Richard Greenhalgh 5 p. 145 Uxor James Howorth A child of James Chadwicke James Greenrodd A chUd of John Whithead Ann Leigh Coldermoore Isaac Clegg A child of James Wolfenden Uxor Joseph Dearden FiUa [Edmund Gartsid Thomas Scolefield A child of Ales Leigh A chUd of Daniel Bamford Abraham Tattersall Toungend ... Uxor James Chadwicke OttaweU Smi*h Uxor Charles Crosley FUia Richard Clegg John Walkden Uxor John Hamer A child of Jonathan Butterworth A chUd of Isaac Taylor Edmund Buckley A child of Richard Chadwicke ... Abra: Fenton Ales Butterworth A chUd of Abra: Ashworth A chUd of John Chadwicke Uxor Henry Berry Richard FlueUng ... Filia Roger Barlow A poore stranger A chUd of Walter WoUenden ... A chUd of Robt Brearley Uxor James Whitley Uxor Nicholas Whitaker A sonn of Roger Hayward 1 1674 1674 28 September SJ 55 29 55 5 October JJ 55 10 55 12 55 13 JJ 14 55 15 SJ 17 JJ 20 55 21 JJ 22 24 J, 25 JJ 27 JJ 31 J, I November 55 55 3 JJ 5 35 7 55 9 JJ 55 SS 10 35 13 JJ 17 J5 55 55 20 JJ 24 55 5J 35 J5 55 25 55 27 35 29 55 1 December 2 55 6 JJ 10 55 11 35 13 5 p. 1674 BURIALS 471 1674 A child of James Shore ... ... 14 December A child of John MuUanex • •• 15 .. A child of John HiU • • • • 55 55 Uxor Benjamine Butterworth . ... 16 „ Filia James Brodbent ... 18 „ Robt Holding . ... 20 „ James Byrom of High Wardle . ... 26 „ A chUd of Richard Clegg ... 27 „ George HUl. Diggate ••• JS JJ A chUd of Abra: Hollows •> ••• JJ jy A son of James Greenrodd ... 28 „ A son of Joseph Hanson 29 „ Ann Piatt ... 30 „ Henry Hamer 1 Januarie Uxor Richard Scolefield 2 „ A child of Edward Leach 3 .. Richard Chadwicke 5 .. A child of WiUiam Smiethels . " • ' " J5 55 Abraham Taylor ... 6 J. Uxor Edrnund Ashworth " '* 35 35 FUia Thomas Birch 9 " FUia John Lord 35 53 James Whithead ... 12 Edmund Turnough '* ' 53 JJ Uxor Samuel Hayward ... 14 » Edmund Hartley ... 15 =. Uxor John Smith ... 16 „ A chUd of Edmund Hartley • • ¦ • • JJ JJ A child of WiUiam Kershaw . • 0 JJ JJ Uxor James Wolfenden ... JJ JJ James Smith 17 " Edward Unsworth 19 =. 146 FUius John Chadwicke ... 20 „ Uxor Richard Whitworth ... ,, ,, Uxor John Webbe 22 A chUd of WiUiam Smithels . J, JJ A child of James Holt ... 23 „ Uxor Joshua Wardle ... 27 „ A child of John Hollows • *• • 3J JS Uxor Sam: Bamford ... 28 „ A child of John Taylor ... . ' •• • 55 JJ Uxor Hugh Wigley [sic] 29 „ A child of Franks Berry 31 J. FUia James Smith 2 Februarie Lenard Browne • ... 3 ,. A chUd of Anthonie SuttcUffe . 4 .. A chUd of Joshua Brethredd . ... 5 ,. Charles Lord ... 6 „ 472 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1674 11 674 FUius Richard Simson 7 Februarie FUius Abra: Dawson 8 JJ Mary Scolefield 9 JJ Uxor Alexander Turnough J J JJ Robt Scolefield 10 55 John Scolefield 55 55 A child of Sam: HoUows 55 JJ Abra: Hamer II JJ Uxor WUUam Clegg 12 JJ James Whitworth 53 JJ Fardanandan Marshaw 13 55 A chUd of Robt Breailey 14 55 Uxor Henry Shore 15 JJ Robt Duckworth 53 J5 FiUa Edmund Butterworth 16 55 A child of Henry Shore 55 55 Mary Frith 17 55 A chUd of Edmund Hartley 55 JJ A chUd of Robt Chadwicke 18 J J A child of John Pilling 5J . 55 Johnathan Chadwicke 19 JJ Mary Shipheard ... 21 35 Uxor Peter Boulton 22 33 Jonathan Greenrodd 23 55 FiUa Thomas Bamford 5 5 35 John Scolefield 25 55 James Grime 33 55 Uxor John ColUng 26 5J John Abbett 28 JS A chUd of Abra: Crosley 5 J J5 A child of Robt Shaw 55 JJ Uxor Abraham Scolefield 2 '. March FUia Jonathan Chadwicke 5J ss Uxor Abra: Milne 3 SJ Richard Birch 4 JJ A child of Charles Lord JJ 55 James Sharplus 5 JJ A poore wench from Shore 6 55 A daughter of James Clegg 55 SJ Thomas Brearley 10 JJ A child of Mr Ratcliffe Scolefield Gent: JJ 55 A chUd of Thomas Healey 55 JJ Hugh Rigley II JJ A chUd of Abraham Marsden 5 J JS Ann Greenrodd SS 55 John Buckley de Buckley Esq: 12 JJ FUius [?] Thomas Healey J5 JJ 5 p. 147 A child of John Scolefield JJ JJ 1674-1675 BURIALS 473 A chUd of James Shore Uxor Richard Scolefield Uxor Robt Butterworth A child of John Holt Joshua Hartley Uxor Abra: Taylor A chUd of Robt Butterworth ... Of [sic] son of Richard Healey Alexr Scolefield MicaheU Marcraft Mrs giton John Gregory Thomas Butterworth A chUd of Lawrance Fletcher ... [Richard Readfearne Uxor James Scolefield ... A child of James Clegg FUia Joshua Chadwicke A chUd of John Clough A child of Jeremie Berry James Maden Uxor James Scolefield ... A son of James Halkard John Lees HoUold Uxor George Knols A chUd of Abraham Taylor A child of Abraham Wild A sonn of Edmund Lord Uxor Abell Buckley de Buckley Esqr Francis Holt A child of Henry Butterworth ... A child of WilUam Belet Edmund Whithead Burchenley A child of John Holt Uxor John Greve A chUd of Alexr Turnough A son of James Bamford A child of Isaac Cleggs Henry Clay Uxor John Scolefield Sara Durden ¦ WiUiam Buckley John Holt A child of John Wolfenden A poore woman from Weardle ... A daughter of James Taylor ... A son of James Durden 1674 12 March 55 13 55 14 55 55 15 16 55 1718 19 20 21 JJ 22 23 24 55 55 1675 25 March 27 30 I Apr 2 3 4 55 55 5 55 6 9 10 II 474 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1675 1675 Uxor James Milne Lanehead ... ... 13 Apr A child of WilUam Ashton , „ A child of Robt Rodd 17 „ A son of James Brearley ,, ,, EUes Scolefield 18 „ Uxor Raph Smith ,, ,, Uxor Sam: Butterworth ... ... 19 „ Uxor Nathan Hoyle 20 ,, Filia Abraham Dawson ... ... ... 22 ,, Filia John Leigh ... ,, „, Francis Milne of Milrow ... ... 23 jj Jane HoUows „ „ A child of Samuel Wild 24 Uxor Robt HiU 25 „ John Greve , „ A child of James Crosley ,, „ John Aspen ... ... ... ... 27 ,, Francis Pilkenton ... ... ... „ ,, Filia James Tattersale ... ... ... ,, ,, A chUd of Alexr Turnough Francis Healey 28 „ A child of Robt SewteU „ „ A child of James Hayward ... ... 29 ,, FiUa Robt Crosley 30 „ Uxor James Rodd Littlebrough ... ,, „ 5 p. 148 A chUd of John Greenwood 2 May A child of James Howorth ... ... 4 „ A child of James Birch ... ... ... 5 ,, James Scolefield of Wosnum ... ... 7 „ A child of James Shore ... ... ... ,, „ Abraham Taylor of Ladyhous 8 ,, Robt Whitworth HiU Topp „ „ Uxor James Hayward ... ... ... ,, ,, Edmund Ogden 9 ,, Uxor Francis Seddon ... ... ... n „ Uxor John Kershaw ... ,, ,, FiUa Adam Holt Uxor James Brearley ... ... ... 12 ,, A child of James Cass ... ... ... 13 „ A child of Richard RothweU 15 „ James Taylor 17 „ Uxor John Holt 18 FiUa James Brearley 19 ,, A child of George CoUier 20 „ John Fenton ... ... ... ... 21 ,, Uxor Jonathan Wolfenden ... ... ,, „ Uxor John Fletcher 23 „ A chUd of Richard Barlow ... ... 24 „ 1675 BURIALS 475 5 p. 149 Uxor John Bamford FUia Abra: Hamer John Bamford Uxor William Standring Edmund Ramsbothom ... John Leigh CasefeUd Head Uxor Abraham Buckley Edmund Milne de Hough Uxor James Stocke Cronest A chUd of Robt Brearley John Crompton A chUd of John Chadwicke FUia James Brearley Thomas Bridg Janies Tattersale Toungend James Fielding Uxor William Newby Uxor Hugh Lealand A son of Abra: Buckley Arthur Holt Ann Tetlah Uxor EUes Chadwicke Uxor WilUam Greve Charles Crosley Croncashaw A chUd of John Ashworth Charles Hill de HUl Topp A child of Joshua Smith A chUd of Thomas Scolefield Uxor James Frith Dorathie Chadwicke Church Lane Uxor Joshua Smith A son of Richard Taylor John Brearley Rochdale Mary Jackson . ... James Scolefield Rachdale John Ogden Church Lane Filia Sam: Bamford . ... A son of Edmund Holdworth Abraham Hayward Bagslate Uxor Joseph Wardle Bolderstone A chUd of James Taylor John Howorth Bagslate John Kay de Rochdale ... Susan Rodds Uxor Samuel Wardle A child of Edmund Rigley A chUd of John. Ashton Uxor James Ashworth ... 1 675 24 May 25 35 26 55 27 JS 28 29 33 30 31 I June 3 5 35 6 11 55 55 13 15 i6 17 19 20 23 24 28 29 30 55 4 July 5 7 33 13 14 15 17 33 20 5 3 24 26 27 28 476 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1675 Uxor Edmund Taylor- Brod -Lane Uxor Micahell Butterworth John Marshall John High Natbanke A son of John Walkden Little wardle. Uxor John Taylor Uxor EUes Haslam de Rochdale Arthur Lord de HoUenworth Uxor Jonathan Wolfenden Milrow Uxor John Whithead Edmund Ashworth Moorebanke Abraham Crabtree Grace Scolefield- ... A child of John Milne FUia James Milne Brod Lane ... Filia James Milne Towne EUes Hollows de Rochdale James Marland Edmund Kershaw A child of John -Ashworth A child of Thomas Kay A child of James 'Whitworth John Smith Poore James Stott A child of John Hey A chUd of John Whithead Uxor Edward Leach A child of John Low John Moad EUes Brearley Moss A son of Robt Duckworth Ann Holt Abraham Hollows A child of James Kershaw Uxor EUes Hollows A child of David Brearley FiUa Edmund HiU Margret Leach Roger Taylor ... ... Filia Richard Jackson ... Uxor James Milne Abraham Whitworth James Hayward ... A child of Isaac Wolfenden Uxor Robt Crosley ... Uxor Edmund Kershaw Edward Bruer , ... Uxor Gabriel Readfearne 30 4 8 1675 July August 35 11 a T-7 18 SJ 33 20 55 22 35 24 33 53 55 53 26 5535 29 55 35 33 31 33 53 3 33 September 35 53 4 33 7 8 53 55 55 53 10 53 33 55 14 16 55 55 T-7 18 55 55 19 55 20 55 22 55 24 55 25 26 3553 33 35 27 28 55 55 55- 35 29 55 30 JJ I October 6 55 53 8 14 15 16 3J i675 BURIALS A child of James Fletcher Marten Scolefield A child of John Shore Uxor John Scolefield A sonn of John Milne 5 p. 150 Isaac Hoyle sonn A child of Samuel Dewhorst Susan Fitton Robt Ashworth ... A child of Lawrance Durden ... Elizabeth Cooke A child of John Etocke Filia Abra: Tuedale [sic] Uxor James Turnough ... Uxor Jonathan Jones John Chadwicke Filia Abraham Tewdale Katheren Worthington ... Henry Hamer de Hamer Uxor Raph Milne A child of Mathew Hollows A child of Edmund Kershaw ... George Knoles FiUa Thomas PoUett Mary Butterworth FiUa Jonathan Hollows Uxor James WoUenden ... James Street A child of Robt BirstaU A chUd of John Lord Uxor John Buckley A child of Arthur HoUows Abegale Holt Uxor Alexr Brearley Norman Hill A child of John Chadwicke Uxor Robt HiU ... Uxor Francis Pilkenton ... John Lord de Weurdle Uxor Abraham Leigh A child of James Wenterbothom Uxor James Taylor Henry Smith Towne Uxor Francis Scolefield ... Uxor John Holt ... Roger Whitworth Brod Lane ... A child of Abraham Belfield Robert Holt of Casleton Esq: ... Uxor John Butterworth 4'7'7 1675 16 October 17 ii 55 J5 21 ss 26 35 27 28 5335 31 53 55 55 55 3 35 November 9 55 10 JJ 17 53 20 55 55 55 21 53 22 35 55 33 23 35 24 55 25 33 55 26 JJ55 2728 55 53 29 I 33 December 2 J5 5 JJ 35 6 J5J5 7 53 10 II 12 14 5 p. 151 47a ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1675 ^675 Uxor Raph Harrison ... 15 December Uxor Edmund Ramsbothom 35 53 A child of James Brearley • " 35 55 Uxor Abraham Rudd ... 17 35 Uxor John Gabbet • • ' 35 53 Uxor Richard Scolefield Newbold ... 18 )5 Judith Butterworth •• • 33 55 A chUd of Towne ... • • * 33 53 Abraham Stott ... 22 33 Jonathan Butterworth Rochdale ... 25 33 A child of James Dawson ... 26 35 A chUd of John Scolefield JJ 55 Uxor Alexr Whithead de Newbold ... 27 35 FiUa James Butterworth I , Januarie Uxor James Ogden 2 35 A child of John Pedley •¦• 3 35 Henry Scolefield ... ... 4 33 Filia Henry Lord • • • 35 33 Ester EUes ... 7 53 Jacob Fish ... 8 55 Filia James Stott ... 10 55 John Holt ,.. 11 55 James Wild J J 55 James Ashworth ... J, 33 A chUd of EUes Hollows ... 13 35 Uxor Abraham Fitton ... ... 14 53 Uxor James Ashworth ... .* • 55 53 George Milne ... 15 53 Thomas Readferne • . • J J 5 A child of Charles Dudaway ... 16 55 Edward Turnough " • 33 55 A sonn of Edmund Holme ... 18 53 A child of Thomas Holt 33 53 A child of John Butterworth ... • • . JJ 55 William Allen a stranger ... 20 55 Francis Brearley ... 53 5S A chUd of AbeU Greenrodd 33 55 A chUd of AbeU Greenrodd ... 21 55 Edmund Milne ... 22 55 FUia Edmund HoUows ... .. 23 35 Elizabeth Hartley 53 53 John Scolefield ... 25 55 James Clegge 55 55 A chUd of John Chadwicke 35 53 Filia James Scolefield Gent: • . . JJ 35 John Brearley > . . ,j 33 A chUd of Jonathan Howorth ... ... 26 53 Adam Scolefield ... 27 JJ 1^75 BURIALS A child of Samuel Rodds Uxor William Buckley ... John Kershaw Uxor Abell Greenrodd ... FUius John HUl Ceceley Berry FUius Samuel Cheetham John Turnough ... A child of James Brearley Ceceley Hayward HaUe Aker . Filius Arthur Brearley ... A chUd of Edmund Holt A child of Samuel Taylor A child of Francis Milne A chUd of Joseph Hoyle FiUus Robt Turnough ... Mary fa. James Milne Uxor Richard Whitworth Raph s. James Halliwell Gent: Uxor Deodatus Lord A child of John Etocke ... James WorraU Robt Shore A child of Abraham Stocke A child of Abraham Stocke Abell Buckley de Buckley Esq: A child of Francis MUne A chUd of IsraeU Stringer A child of George Browne A chUd of James SuttcUffe Filia Umphrey Butterworth 5 p. 152 Henry s. James Halliwell Gent: Richard Clegg Richard Whitworth Edward Butterworth Uxor Richard Livesey A child of Abraham Scolefield .. A sonn of John Butterworth .. A child of James Ramsbothom A chUd of Abraham Rodd Uxor Franches Leigh A chUd of George ColUer A child of James Standring A child of John Chadwicke Jonathan Hanson Mary Butterworth A child of Thomas HiU Uxor James Rodds 479 1675 27 Januarie 28 29 31 35 I Februarie 7 >. 9 JJ ll JJ 15 JJ 16 „ 17 >j 18 JJ 22 „ 23 J, 33 55 25 J, 26 „ 33 55 33 53 28 „ 29 JJ I March 2 J, 3 J, 33 33 6 J, 8 „ 9 ,. 35 35 10 J, 11 ,J 12 ,j 53 35 13 JJ 14 J, 15 JJ 17 .. 19 .. 480 RochdAle registers 1675-1676 C675 FiUa Richard Wild ... 19 March A child of Jonathan Howorth ... ... 21 ,j A child of William Jackson JJ ,j A chUd of Charles Dudaway ... 22 J J [676 Uxor James Durden ... 27 March Uxor Thomas Durden • . • J J j5 EUen Wilson ... 28 55 Uxor James Marcraft ... 29 3 5 A child of WUliam Jackson 2 Apr A chUd of Thomas Brearley ••• 3 SS Raph Butterworth ... 4 55 Uxor Henry Littleton 5 55 Uxor Boneventer Stott ... ¦ • • J J 3 J Uxor Edward Ridens ... 6 J J Uxor John Swallow ... JJ 53 A chUd of John Wolfenden • . . J, 55 FiUa James Taylor ... 8 55 Filius Daniel Greenwood > . . JJ Uxor John CoUengh ... 10 Robt Brearley ... J, A child of Nathan SuteU ... JJ John Thomas ... 11 FiUa Micahell Marcraft ... 13 A chUd of Thomas Shipheard ... ... 14 A chUd of Robt CoUinge ... 17 A child of Edmund Ashworth ... 33 A chUd of Robt Kennion ... ,, A chUd of John Scolefield ... 19 A child of Mr James Scolefield ... 20 33 Alexr Brearley ... 25 S5 A chUd of Jacob Taylor ... 26 55 Uxor John Taylor ... 28 55 Uxor Abraham Stott ... 30 55 Edmund Fitton ... 2 : May Edmund Butterworth ... J J ss A child of John Hayward ... , J ^5 5 Uxor Thomas RothweU ... 7 EUzabeth Hoging ... J J Daniel Greenwood ... 8 A child of James Cryer 9 A chUd of Samuel HoUows ... J J Uxor Abraham Taylor Marland ... 10 Uxor Richard Leigh ... II A sonn of William Medocraft ... ... J J Uxor Robt Buckley ... 15 Uxor Abraham Hoyle . • ¦ J J A chUd of James Horodd ... 17 1676 1 8 May 19 20 21 24 55 27 29 3 Jun( 1676 BURIALS 481 Adam Kershaw ... Richard Whitworth Uxor James Leach 5 p. 153 AbeU Hamer Rochdale ... Edmund Clegg A child of James Cheetham ... Jefery MUne Uxor Moses Ingham A sonn of James Wrigley James Hill „ ,, A child of Robt Baxter ... ... ,, ,, Edmund Healey 5 ,, A child of James Stolt ... ... ... ,, ,, John Bridg 8 ,, A child of WUliam Brearley ... ... 14 ,, A sonn of Thomas Smith ... ... 15 ,, A chUd of Robt Hanson ... ... ,, jj A child of John WoUenden 18 ,, Uxor Isaac Clegge ... ... ... 21 „ Uxor Richard Chadwicke ... ... 24 ,, A chUd of William Watmough ... „ „ Uxor John Hamer ... ... ... 27 ,, Uxor Samuel Wild Senr 28 „ A chUd of John Wolfenden ... ... ,, ,, A child of Richard Knutsford ... ... jj ,, A sonn of Richard Howorth ... ... 29 ,, Uxor William Heaton ... ... ... ,, ,, A sonn of Joseph Hanson ... ... 30 Uxor John Hamer Larke HUl ... ... 3 July John Clough 4 ,, A child of Richard HiU ,, ,, Uxor John Butterworth ... ... 7 ,, James Streete ... ... ... ... 9 ,, A child of Lawrance Seddon ... ... 10 ,, Benjamine Butterworth ... ... 12 ,, Thomas Clegg 13 A child of Henry Shore ,, „ Uxor Edmund [Kershaw 18 ,, A sonn of Edmund Wregley 19 ,, Filia Robt Boulton 21 ,, Filia Alexr Kershaw 22 „ Sara Hargreve 23 ,, Uxor Henry Shore ,, ,, Abraham Leigh 26 ,, A sonn of Henry Butterworth ,, ,, A chUd of Edmund Taylor 28 ,, Uxor Lewes Chadwicke Gent: ... ... 30 „ A child of John Stott 31 „ 5 p. 154 482 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1676 3 :676 A chUd of John Chadwicke .. 7 August Uxor Richard HiU .. 11 Robt Brearley .. 12 Uxor Joshua Strengfellow • * 55 , A chUd of Edmund Wrigley • • 35 A chUd of John Baxter ... ¦• 13 Uxor John Chadwicke .. 14 Joshua Brearley ¦• 15 A child of James Cryer ... .. 20 A chUd of Samuel Turnough ... .. 21 Filia John Walkden .. 29 Uxor Semeon Kershaw 33 A child of John Butterworth ... .. 30 James Butterworth de Holt 6 September Simeon Whitworth ' • 33 Uxor William Leach ¦• 9 Uxor John Wolfenden ... .. 10 Arthur Turnough 35 James Wolfenden .. 12 Abraham Fenton 35 Gilbart Wethington , •. 15 Thomas Hayton 35 Uxor Richard Healey .. 16 Uxor Joseph Marcraft ... .. 20 Uxor Robt Milne .. 21 James Stott .. 22 James Clegge .. 23 Uxor Adam Brearley .. 26 A sonn of WiUiam Medocraft ... I < Dctober Francis Wolfenden .. 4 A chUd of Isaac Adkenson JJ A chUd of John Scolefield JJ Nathan Hoyle .. 10 Uxor MicaheU Marcraft ... .. 12 Uxor Micahell Butterworth Pikhous . .. 14 Uxor Joseph Livesey .. 16 Febey Jarret .. 17 A child of James Scolefield 33 Uxor GUbard Duckworth .. 19 Lawrance Durden 33 A daughter of Robt Whitworth .. 20 Elizabeth Milne .. 22 Uxor Francis Ashworth ... JJ A chrysom of John Lewes .. 24 Uxor WiUiam Leach .. 26 Lawrance Fletcher .. 27 A chUd of Robt Whitworth .. 29 Mr John Vaugham [sic] ... I [ November 1,676 BURIALS A child of James Whitworth EUes Haslam A child of Mr Richard Holding A chUd of Thoinas Bamford Filia Abraham Scolefield Edmund Howorth A child of William Whitaker A sonn of Thomas Butterworth John Clough Rochdale ... FUia Robt Fielding A child of Abraham Hollows John Loton - ... A sonn of Abraham Scolefield A child of Richard Cropp Uxor John Whithead A child of John Kershaw A child of James Wrigley A child of Henry Whitaker A chUd of Robt Chadwicke A child of Thomas Whitaker A child of John Lord - ... A daughter of John Kershaw 5 p. 155 Thomas Bamford A chUd of WUUam Nuttall John Scolefield Richard Holt de Rochdale Gen' A child of Thomas RothweU FiUa John Wolfenden ... A child of James RothweU FiUa Samuel Fish James WoUenden • Grace Oglebey A child of James Taylor Uxor Alexr Kershaw A child of James Smethorst Uxor John Brearley de Ogden A child of John Chadwicke Robt Kershaw Little Clegg Uxor James Stott A daughter of Adam Kershaw Robt Brearley Uxor Robt Kershaw James- Hardman Thomas s. of John Ingham Gent Jonathan Wolfenden Thomas RothweU Filia Isaac Clegg John Holt 483 1676 I November 46 17 ii 20 21 5 5 22 24 26 2829 J) I2 14 ^7 19 20 2226 , 35 28 29 30 I Januarie 2 4 December 484 ROCHDALE REGISTERS A child of Edmund Ogden Uxor Richard Hamer Uxor James Holt John Smith Filius John Chadwicke A child of Thomas Whitaker ... A chUd of Ambros Whaley Uxor Adam HiU A child of John Bentley Richard Hollows ... A chUd of James Scolefield A child of Richard Lord Ann Scolefield James MUne Moorehous Uxor John Pedley A chUd of Arthur Brearley A child of Thomas Boulton A child of Israel Clegg Edward Hollows A daughter of William Haslam Uxor [Edmund Healey A daughter of Edward Leach ... A sonn of Thomas Oldham A daughter of James Turnough A sonn of James Mason James Butterworth Uxor James Wrigley Thomas Stott A child of Joseph Durden Uxor Adam Scolefield A chUd of Arthur Scolefield Uxor George Milne A sonn of Thomas Shore A little one of Robt Shaw A child of Jonos Milne A chUd of Myles Leaf wood A daughter of James Bamford A sonn of Richard Ogden 5 p. 156 Thomas Holt of Casleton Esq: Judeth Lees Woodhous Lane ... Uxor Robt Chadwicke Ales Leach James Whitworth A sonn of Thomas Holt A sonn of Robt Wolfenden A sonn of Richard Clegg Uxor Edward HoUows ... A child of Christopher Harrison 16 I 5 J: 676 anuarie 7 55 8 9 10 55 11 14 35 15 16 20 21 23 24 ^0 55 27 33 30 4 35 Februarie 53 6 55 55 11 55 JJ 33 53 55 13 35 '^7 55 21 55 23 55 55 26 5555 55 55 27 53 53 33 35 1 55 March 3 ss 5 55 10 J5 JJ 55 13 55 55 55 14 16 55 55 I676-I677 BURIALS 485 A chUd of Thomas Holt Uxor John Holt ... A chUd of Abraham Brearley ... A daughter of Edward Unsworth A chUd of Joshua Strenghfellow A chUd of Lawrance Hardman Uxor Edmund Holt Susan Jarret Uxor Roger Chadwicke Uxor John Kay Uxor Edmund Royton Uxor John HiU A chUd of James Butterworth ... A chUd of Robt Stott A chUd of Thomas Bridg A chUd of Samuel Street Uxor James Scolefield A child of WUliam Rodds A daughter of Edmund Wrigley A chUd of Edmund Taylor Uxor Thomas Bridg Uxor John Chadwicke A sonn of Abraham Taylor A chUd of John Fish A daughter of James Brigs A daughter of Robt Grime A chUd of Alexander Clegg Uxor James Hayward ... A chUd of John Leigh A chUd of Thomas [Hayward ... James Durden A sonn of Edmund Hill Robt Ashworth ... A chUd of James Stott Grace Wood A chUd of John Scolefield A child of Samuel Greve Filia George Milne A chUd of John Butterworth ... A chUd of Richard Barlow A chUd of Joseph Clegg Uxor John Shore Thomas Brearley A chUd of James Wrigley A chUd of James Hayward A child of Isaac Loton ... Uxor John Ogden 1676 16 March 1718 21 22 23 55 24 ,j 1677 25 March JJ 55 JJ JS 27 33 55 JJ 31 55 55 I Apr 2 55 JJ 68 55 5555 11 55 14 55 JJ 55 15 55 21 55 22 55 JJ 1 33 May JJ 33 26 35 55 7 55 14 15 18 19 252629 55 30 55 31 486 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1677 A daughter of George Milne A sonn of Ottawell Whitworth Jane Clough A child of Jonathan Wolfenden A chUd of Thoma.s HUl ... A sonn of James Cheetham A child of Richard Barlow Thomas Kay Flash hous Uxor John Choe ... Abraham Milne WiUiam Rodds William Stocke 5 p. 157 A chUd of Abraham Taylor Uxor Richard Clegg John Fitton A chUd of James Shore ... A sonn of James Taylor A chUd of John Wild ... Samuel Taylor Uxor James Ogden Uxor Joseph Clegg Uxor Henry Brearley Filia John Roberdshaw ... A child of Charles Ogden A sonn of Fabian Whithead A sonn of Mr James Scolefield Gierke Grace Flewellen ... A daughter of Samuel Hamer Wildhous A child of Robt Hoton ... George s. Edmund Milne A daughter of James Mason A chUd of John MUne Joseph Kay Filia Thomas Whitaker A chUd of John Taylor Uxor Edmund Fielding Uxor John Milne John Baxster James Scolefield ... John Ashworth ... Judeth Oldham ... Robt Livesey Towne A chUd of John Holt Adam Holt Rochdale A child of Edward Leach Anthonie Barrett from Belfield James Turnough -.. A child of James Taylor 1677 1 June 2 53 3 JJ 35 55 6 55 7 33 J, 35 12. . 55 55 55 13 53 15 53 21 33 23 55 27 55 30 33 2 July 4 33 6 33 8 33 55 55 9 55 II 55 35 55 16 55 18 55 21 55 22 53 31 55 4 August 5 53 7 55 35 55 10 55 55 55 53 53 13 55 14 55 16 35 18 33 19 33 55 53 27 55 31 33 2 September 12 35 16 55 17 55 i677 BURIALS 487 ] :677 Uxor Richard Scolefield ... 20 September John Taylor ... 21 55 A sonn of Robt Holdworth ... 22 55 A sonn of John Aspenall ... 23 35 A chUd of Richard MUne ... 26 35 Edmund Smeth Newhous 2 October Uxor James Mason ... 3 33 Filia Jarrat Readfearne ... 8 35 A child of James Brearley 55 3 J A sonn of Thomas Bamford ... 13 55 Filia James Lord ... 17 55 John Ashworth ¦ . * , J 55 A chUd of John Crosley ... 20 55 Richard Scolefield Rochdale ... 21 55 A chUd of IsraeU Stringer ... 26 55 A sonn of Robt Clegg ... 28 55 A child of James Chadwicke ... ... 29 55 James Whitworth Bolderstone 4 November A child of John Etocke ... 7 JJ Uxor James Scolefield ... 8 3J A child of Nicholas Dunster ... 10 JJ A child of Sam: Butterworth ... ... 12 55 A chUd of Robt Brearley ... 15 5 J A child of John Brearley 55 JJ A child of Henry Hamer S3 JJ Uxor Richard Wardleworth ... 17 JJ Uxor WiUiam Medocraft ... 20 35 Uxor John CoUinge • .. 53 55 Uxor George Dawson ... 25 33 5 p. 158 A chUd of John Butterworth ... ... 27 33 A child of Bryan Adkenson ... 28 33 Uxor Thomas Greve Hough ... 31 55 FiUa Henry Howorth ... J J 53 A chUd of Thomas Almon ... JJ JJ Uxor James Haslam Bank hous I '. December A sonn of Robt Whitworth '" 3 55 A child of James Gartsid • . * JJ 55 A child of Jonathan Kershaw ... ... 4 55 Uxor Theoph: Withington ... 5 5J Uxor James Howorth ... 6 33 Joseph Halkard ... 8 J5 A chUd of Isaac Clegg ... ,, 55 FiUa Joseph Marcraft ... 12 53 A chUd of Isaac Clegg ... 13 J5 Richard Hayward ' ... 18 JJ A sonn of John Taylor ... 23 55 A child of Francis Healey ¦ * • JJ 55 Ellison Kershaw .; ... 29 SI 488 ROCHDALE REGISTERS Richard Whipp Senr ... A child of Isaac Adkenson John Greve Rochdale Jonathan Kershaw Uxor Thomas Whaley ... Uxor Joseph Taylor Jennet Hoyle de Trough Ann w. of Henry Hopwood Uxor George Hanson Henry Birch Rochdale ... Alexr Kershaw de Penocke A child of James Lister A child of Thomas Wolfenden James Mason A chUd of Jeremie Stott Uxor John Buckley Lowerplace A child of Thomas Stott A child of James Birch Jane Loton Uxor Abraham Ashworth A child of James Stott Uxor John Taylor Uxor Abraham Stott Richard RothweU Packer Filia Samuel Lotton James Kershaw ... A child of John Ashton Uxor John Adkenson Roger Stocke Uxor Nicholas Dunster Gabrel s. of Gabriel Garstisd [sic] Uxor George Milne de Ladyhous Uxor James Lees Uxor Robt Walkden A child of Thomas RothweU William Whitaker FiUa John Medocraft Richard HalliweU Filius Arthur Whitley A child of Edmund Scolefield Robt Brearley of Marland 5 p. 159 Eilia John Wolfenden FiUa Robt Buckley Filius James Turnough James Butterworth Henry Brearley Mrs Bradshaw from Littlebrough 1677-1678 1677 29 December JJ ,j 30 31 35 4 Januarie 8 35 10 55 12 35 15 35 55 55 35 SS 19 35 21 55 30 2 53 Februarie 5 55 12 55 1516 55 5J 20 55 JJ 35 23 35 24 53 27 2 35 March 3 53 4 6 5 J' 35 11 55 12 55 JJ 53 13 53 1416 5553 17 5J 33 55 53 35 21 35 22 „ 1678 25 March 26 „ 55 55 27 55 29 I 55 Apr 1678 BURIALS 489 1678 Uxor Abraham Howorth 4 Apr A child of Thomas Chadwicke 8 Robt HiU 9 A child of John Howorth 14 A child of Richard Lord „ James Clegge de Rochdale 16 Uxor Robt Holt de Midleton pish: ... 20 Filia John Wild 21 A chUd of Robt Knoles ,, Ales Lighttowlars 28 Ales Stott 30 FiUa Robt Pedley Church Lane ... 4 May A child of James Lord „ A child of George Taylor , Charles Stott de High Wardle 5 John Rodds Marland 7 Uxor Fabian Whithead 8 Filia Edmund Holme 10 Uxor Henry Bamford „ Uxor James Barker • ... 12 Henry Shore ... 18 A sonn of Robt Walkden ... ... 22 Uxor John Taylor , Filia Robt Newall 26 A child of James Leach 27 FUia Roger Taylor 28 James Holt 29 A child of Clegge „ Filia John Taylor 30 A chUd of Edmund Dickson ... ... 31 John Bamford de Howorth 2 June A sonn of Samuel Milne „ Grace Turnough 3 A chUd of Isaac Hirst 5 Uxor Edward Clough 6 Henry Lord 7 James Gartsid de Rochdale 12 A daughter of Joseph Hanson 13 Abraham Turnough 21 Uxor Gabriel Gartsid de Rochdale Gent: 23 Uxor Jonathan Hamer ,, A chUd of James Chadwicke ,, George Collier 25 Uxor Abraham Mercer ... ... ... 28 James Butterworth- Towne ... ... ,, A daughter of John Stocke 2 July James Butterworth Blackwater ... 3 FiliaJosephTrav.es .... 5 490 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1678 Samuel Hayward Fisherfield Edward Newbold Samuel Cheetham A child of James Rodds Uxor Edmund Ashworth A child of Henry Clegge Jonathan Kershaw de Oldham pish: A child of James Bamford 5 p. 160 Uxor John Fielding de Rochdale A child of Richard Whipp A little one of Thomas HiU Filia Thomas Whaley A chUd of Robt Kay . Uxor Edward MUne Robt Milne Ladyhous . A child of John Baxter . A sonn of Robt Hollows A child of Daniel Stocke Uxor Abraham Hamer de Rochdale ... A sonn of Robt Grime ... A sonn of John Marcraft A chUd of John Taylor Two crysoms of Samuel Streete Mr Abraham HalliweU Yeales Uxor Robt Brearley de Whitle Deane Uxor Robt Turnough de Rachdale Poore Uxor Henry Holt de Foote John Hill de Rachdale A chUd of Edmund Ashworth Birch Hall Filia Joseph Clegg Senr ^^ Bradley ... Edmund Butterworth de Millrow John Butterworth from Holt ... Uxor Edmund Turnough Ashbroke High A child of John Scolefield de Wosnum ... A child of Thomas Brainsf ord de Rochdale 29 A daughter of James Byrom of Greene i A chUd of Alex: Scolefield Booth hoUings 2 A chUd of EUes Chadwicke de Woodhous Lane ... ... ... ... ... „ A sonn of Samuel Whitworth Lowerplace 8 A child of William Haslam de Rochdale „ A child of James Taylor Littlebrough ... Uxor James Grenrodd de Brown Wardle A child of WUUam Fetton de Smethey Uxor James Scolefield de Humber A child of James Clegge Hallfold Uxor Francis MUne de Lowerplace ... A chUd of Henry Shore Towne 1678 7 July 10 JJ ^3 55 14 5555 16 JJ 20 23 25 29 30 31 JJ 3 August 4 J. 6 JJ 35 55 10 „ 53 55 II JJ 15 JJ 19 >. 22 27 „ September 15 ^721 26 28 2 October 1678 BURIALS 491 A child of Jonathan Cranedg Towne Grace Chadwicke de Lighttowlars Robt Ogden Browne Wardle Uxor Thomas Mason Church Lane A daughter of Richard Holt Coldermoore A child of Samuel Streete Towne Uxor Richard Howorth de Ashwor' Midleton pish: A sonn of John Ashworth Towne Samuel Cheetham de Sike Banke John Shaw de Sike banke A sonn of Thomas Shipheard Spotland Gate John Wolfenden Lowerplace Dorathie Hill of Banke Topp ... FiUa James Taylor Carr A child of James Lister Towne 5 p. 161 Uxor John Scotson de Jowken de Bury pish: ... A child of John Holt Burdsale Moore Uxor Abraham Marsden de Shore A child of James Brearley de Rochdale A sonn of Edmund Howorth de Haugh John Butterworth de Milrow ... Ester Chadwicke de Wosnum ... Arthur Frith de FaUengs A child of Charles Unsworth Clarke Uxor John Fenton de Rochdale Uxor William Butterworth de Sladen Uxor John Smethurst de Rachdale A daughter of Robt Brearley Marland A child of Joseph Ashworth Stubbeley Samuel Miln de -Tourf hous A chUd of Richard MUne de Milrow ... Uxor IsraeU Clegge Tongue End John Chadwicke de Woodhous Lane ... A daughter of John Wolfenden de Wardle A child of Edmund Simson Towne ... Uxor John Kershaw Moer odd ... Francis s. of Richard Ashton Mary Fish de Noke A chUd of Raph Shipheard Towne Richard Chadwicke of Spotland Gate Poore Uxor Alex: Rodds de Trough ... A chUd of John WUd of Peanoke Uxor John Hanson Blackwater J oseph. Loton Hundersfield 1678 6 October 13 16 17 21 23 24 2 November 4 18 24 55 28 1 December JJ 6 9 10 16 ^7 18 2127 28 35 30 I Januarie 2 458 II 1217 33 24 492 ROCHDALE REGISTERS Uxor WUUam Watten Uxor Robt Ashworth de Littlebrough Ellen Heape Little Clegge Jonathan Milne Shawfield Mr Abraham Whitworth Clarke A child of Samuel Whipp Towne Dyna Brearley de Browne Wardle ... Mrs Whaley de Littlebrough A chUd of John Scolefield Towne A child of James Howorth Uxor John Earnshaw Houshill Uxor Richard Whipp Packer A daughter of James Clegg Uxor Robt Chadwicke of Undarwood Uxor Edmund Holland Hundarsfield ... A child of Charles Ogden Uxor James Rodds Hundarsfield Uxor Henry Whitaker Rachdale A child of Samuel Greve Towne A child of James Howorth Lonakers ... Uxor Edmund Taylor Brunedg A daughter of James Readfearne Uxor John Shore of Littlebrough Abraham Marsar Towne A child of Jonas Newby A chUd of AbeU Rodds John Cryer 5 p. 162 Uxor Robt Shore de Shore A chUd of James Gartside Towne A child of Joseph Taylor Church Stile A child of Isaac Hirst Towne A child of John WorraU Bolderstone ... A child of Arthur Turnough A daughter of William RothweU Mr John Sandarson from Buckley Samuel Milne of Bolderstone ... A child of Joseph Clegge Mr Charles Unsworth Blackwater Uxor James Stott of Rochdale A daughter of James Turnough A chUd of Richard Whipp A child of Isaac Farrar Richard Milne de Milrow Isaac Milne from Staring John Taylor of Croncashaw A daughter of Abraham Buckley A chUd of Joshua Cheetham 1678-1879 1678 26 Januarie 28 „ 31 .. 4 Februarie 8 II 121415 18 19 20 21 35 22 26 55 35 JJ 28 2 5555 March 7 8 55 55 55 55 55 55 10 55 13 15 16 SS 55 SS 17 18 55 55 20 24 1679 25 March 2627 „ 30 „ 1679 BURIALS 493 A child of Roger Taylor A chUd of John Gabbett A child of Edmund Milne A child of J ohn .Bamford of Howorth A child of James Birch ... A chUd of Holt of Highhead ... A child of John Casson ... Uxor John Browne de Peanoke Uxor MicaheU Butterworth A child of John Melladay A child of James Loton Uxor John WorraU A chUd of Robt Gorield A child of Edmund Ashworth ... Uxor James Turnough ... Uxor Richard Wild Uxor Robt Brearley from Healey A child of John Turnars A child of James HoUows A chUd of Robt Ashworth John Greve of Rachdale AbeU Readfearne Daniel Holt Uxor Robt CoUings of Bib Know A child of Henry Hamer of Wosnum Robt Ashworth of HaUeaker ... Uxor Abraham Tattersall Tongue End A chUd of Robt Ashworth A child of Abraham Scolefield Abell Crosley of Howorth Cross A child of Isaac Howorth Uxor James Hargraves from Rossendale John Pedley of Rachdale Ux r Mr Richard Holt of Rachdale A child of John Bamford from Howorth Sara Loton de Wardleworth A daughter of James Shore of Wardleworth 5 p. 163 Robt Jenkenson of Butterworth Uxor Abraham Firth of Coldemoore Uxor James Streete of Ladyhous A chUd of James Whaley of Ashworth A child of Nathan Scott Jonathan Brearley of Milrow ... Thomas Hopwood of Dighate ... Uxor John Winterbothom Uxor Isaac Ramsbothom and 2 childer A child of John Heape ... Ottawell Wolfenden 1679 31 March JJ ,j 2 Apriel 4 9 1214 55 18 20 JJ 22 24 2728 30 1 May 4 10 1314 15 22 53 27 29 33 31 2 June JJ 5 8 12 13 14 18 494 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1679 A child of Edmund Leigh .... Mrs EUzabeth Chadwicke of Staring ... A child of Charles Ogden A daughter of Richard Milne Uxor John Hey ... Roger Chadwicke of Anns Uxor James Smith Waterhous ... A sonn of Samuel Cheetham of Sike Banke A child of Abraham Milne A child of James Butterworth ... James Milne of FaUens ... Grace Kershaw of Butterworth Hall ... A child of Mr Robt Smethurst James Halkard Littlebrough ¦A child of John CoUings A sonn of Thomas Shipheard ... Uxor Robt Shipheard A child of John Hey A child of James Pilkinton A child of Samuel SuttcUffe A chUd of Henry NuttaU Uxor James Clegg Spotland John Brearley Bolderstone A chUd of Walter Terry A sonn of AbeU- Hamer ... A sonn of Richard Holt Uxor John Grime A daughter of James Fletcher ... Uxor Nathan Stott Uxor John Milne Uxor John Walkden A child of Robt Ashworth Uxor John Stott Blackethill Charles ColUngs ... James Butterworth A sonn of John Ashworth Uxor James Ashworth de Water Mr James Brearley A child of Abraham Marsden ... Mary Scolefield de Greene 5 p. 164 John Milne de Moore banke A sonn of James Smith ... A chUd of Joseph Leigh Mr Robt Smethurst Clarke Uxor John Earnshaw Isaac Scolefield de Rachdale Uxor James Loton July 1679 19 June 21 2425 26 29 30 3 55 56 ¦9 10 II 12 5 5 15 55' 17 19 202427 -29 30 8 Aui II121416 21 2226 9 10 12 gust 2 September 1679 BURIALS EUzabeth Whithead James Ashworth Drownd Uxor Robt Haughton Isaac Dawson Uxor Henry Smith de Rachdale John Turnough John Butterworth James Stocke of Birchenlee A daughter of Joseph Clegg A chUd of John Hills John Milne of Crooke A chUd of Henry Butterworth ... Uxor Lawrance Cass A child of John Baxter ... James Hamer of Blaxstoneedg A child of Lawrance Seddon A child of George Milne A child of Isaac Adkenson A child of James Kershaw Uxor. Francis Clegge John Holt of Clay Lane A sonn of Arthur Holt ... Jonathan Fielding A daughter of John Crompton Uxor [Edmund Butterworth A child of John. Kay from Haywood A child of Henry Butterworth ... A chUd of Robt Baxter Uxor Isaac Loton A child of Sam: Crompton A child of James Fenton Arthur Whitley A chUd of Thomas Holt A sonn of Robt Buckley A chUd of Myles Leafield Uxor Edmund Kershaw Coldermoore Uxor John Crompton of Catle Lane A chUd of Samuel Butterworth A chUd of Jonathan Cranedg ... A daughter of WiUiam. Hill Uxor Thomas Holt of Shore 5 p. 165 A chUd of John Clegg A chUd of John Wild Uxor Edmund Greve from Carr Uxor George Taylor Thomas RothweU Uxor Nichales Ingham ... Uxor Robt Scolefield 495 1 679 19 September 20 JJ 22 of, JJ 20 I JJ October 3 33 8 55 35 53 9 ¦ 55 12 33 55 33 13 33 14 35 ¦ 16 3J 27 53 28 55 29 55 33 55 31 33 4 November 11 55 ¦ 55 55 14 55 ¦ 16 55 18 55 55 55 21 55 22 S3 23 53 24 55 26 SJ 28 53 JJ 5 J 2 December 3 33 5 55 6 53 9 53 10 35 11 ,j 12 13 55 14 16 496 rochdAlE registers A sonn of Arthur Whitley Uxor Jonathan Cranedg Uxor Thomas Holt Uxor John Scolefield of Colder moore Roger Hayward of The Moss ... A chUd of Adam Whitworth ... Uxor Abraham Taylor ... A chUd of Charles Clegge Martha Milne John Taylor John Chadwicke ... James Turnough ... A daughter of Robt Hayward ... A chUd of Alexr Turnough A child of James Whitworth A daughter of Robt Butterworth Uxor Thomas Wrothwell A child of Edmund Howorth ... Uxor Robt Ashworth Uxor John Lord A daughter of Thomas Bamford A child of Jarrard Cryer A daughter of James Gartsid ... Uxor Alexr Scolefield A chUd of John Greenrodd A chUd of OttaweU WorraU Uxor Robt Hopwood Mrs Elizabeth HaU Uxor Robt Butterworth A child of Charles Turnough A chUd of John Leigh A child of James Butterworth ... A daughter of John Butterworth A poore stranger ... A child of Joseph Brearley Uxor Ottawell WorraU A chUd of Thomas Bridg Mr Gabriel Gartsid A sonn of Abraham Dawson Nathan HiU Robt Taylor Robt Lord A child of Adam Bowker Jarrard Cryer Uxor Mr John Battersbey A child of Isaac Loton ... A daughter of William Turnough John Scolefield 1679 1672 18 December 19 24 25 53 2628 55 29 1 Januarie JJ 3 469 10 16 1820 21 22 J, 24 27 29 30 53 31 I Februari 2 J, 3 ,j 4 J. 55 3 3 6 ,j 7 .. II JJ 20 „ 33 55 23 J, 24 J J 55 55 26 „ 27 ,. 28 „ 53 35 29 J, 2 March 1679-1680 BURIALS 497 Uxor George Francleton Richard Whipp ... A daughter of Robt BirstaU Robt Wingreene ... 5 p. 166 A child of John Smith ... A child of Jonathan Fielding James Lord A child of Joseph Milne A child of Robt Brearley Uxor WUUam Maken Uxor Robt Livesey A child of John CoUings Uxor John Scolefield A daughter of John Brearley A child of Richard Jackson John Hamer A child of Thomas Bransford A child of Jonathan Asppen A daughter of James Wolfenden Uxor John Roads A sonn of Abraham Hamer A child of James Jaques James Hoyle Richard Leach Uxor Mr Ramsbothom ... Uxor Thomas Smith A chUd of John NuttaU Samuel Whitworth A daughter of John Medocraf A child of James Shorrocks Richard Ashton ... A child of Thomas Clegg A child of James Lord ... A child of James Hopwood Uxor Abraham Holdworth James Standring Joseph Scolefield ... Robt Turnough A sonn of Mr Ratcliffe Scolefield A daughter of Mr Seth Cleaton James Leach Uxor John Taylor Grace Scolefield A child of William Turnough Uxor Robt Chadwicke ... Uxor Roger Whitworth ... A chUd of John NuttaU 1679 5 March 10II1315 33 16 17 19 23 24 1680 25 March 26 27 2830 I Ap- 4 J 9 II12 33 1315 55 16 1819 2122 GG 498 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1680 A sonn of Edmund Ashworth . A child of Francs Healey A sonn of John Shipheard A child of James Stott ... Uxor Robt Kershaw James Whitworth James Butterworth A child of James Standring A child of James Howorth Uxor Isaac Wolfenden ... Uxor Micahell Hirst A chUd of Thomas Whitaker . Robt Whitworth Uxor James Stott A child of Abraham Stocke 5 p. 167 A sonn of Abraham Turnough . A child of John Brearley A child of William Kershaw A child of Joseph Leigh Uxor Richard Ashton A chUd of Robt Booth ... A chUd of Robt Booth ... A child of John Taylor ... A child of MicaheU Hirst A child of Isaac Hirst Uxor James Ashworth ... A sonn of Abell Hamer ... A sonn of Abraham Hamer Ruth Butterworth A child of John Knoles ... Uxor Benjamine Whitaker A sonn of William Greve A child of Thomas Berry A daughter of James Hayward A chUd of John Fish A child of Roger Pilkenton A child of James Hollows A child of James Turnough Uxor James Chadwicke ... A child of Francis Dickson A child of Joshua Stott Ann d. of [M[r George Jackson . A sonn of James Whitworth A child of Edmund Fielding John Bolding A child of John Harrison A child of James Brearley Abraham Earnshaw 1680 22 Apr 26 29 May II1315 17 18 19 212431 37 June 1214 1516 17 55 232829 4 14 15 19 22 2328 29 July i68o BURIALS 499 A child of Abraham Turnough A child of John Chadwicke A daughter of Robt Milne A daughter of John Lees A sonn of Robt MUne ... A chUd of Samuel Streete A child of Charles RothweU A chUd of John Wolfenden Uxor John Wolfenden ... A child of James Taylor Uxor John Chadwicke ... Uxor Charles Stott Uxor Thomas Shore A sonn of Richard Chadwicke A daughter of Robt Scolefield A little. one of Joseph Clegg A chUd of Jane Taylor ,.. Uxor John Hartley Cronshaw A daughter of William Taylor A sonn of Richard Hardman A child of John Maden ... Samuel Dewhurst Uxor James Wild A daughter of Robt CoUinge Uxor James Howorth A child of Edmund Turnough Uxor OttaweU Whitworth 5 p. 168 A daughter of John Hill A child" of John Hollows A child of Richard Knutsford A child of George Witham Uxor James Hollows Uxor James Dawson A child of Henry Brearley Mr William Walker Mary Chadwicke ... Uxor Thomas Brearley . Uxor Samuel Loton Ann Butterworth A child of Samuel Roads Joshua Brearley Samuel Streete A child of John Bottonley Robt Backster and his child A child of Alexander Scolefield A child of Lawrance Seddon A child of John Johnsons A child, of James Turnough 1680 10 August 11 51 17 33 21 33 24 55 55 55 25 55 27 53 29 55 55 33 31 33 JJ I 55 September 3 35 33 33 II 55 18 35 21 33 30 35 55 55 55 2 53 October 53 35 4 6 55 33 9 55 10 35 12 53 55 16 3333 1718 35 55 19 53 33 53 23 35 55 35 24 55 29 35 55 33 31 I 55 November 2 35 33 55 10 35 12 55 13 35 17 18 5355 5oo ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1680 A daughter of Abraham Stocke John [Lord A child of Henry Smith A child of James Cryer ... Uxor Abraham Crosley ... William Wilkenson A child of John Backster A child of Henry Bamford Edmund Scolefield Elizabeth Fielding Rochdale Uxor James Scolefield ... Arthur Bentley ... A chUd of William Hopwood ... A daughter of William Buckley A daughter of Samuel Hopwood A chUd of John Scolefield Uxor John Crabtree Uxor Samuel Dewhurst ... A child of William Hopwood ... A sonn of Charles Howorth A chUd of Samuel Whipp A child of John Lord Uxor Robt Chadwicke ... Uxor John Shipheard Uxor Robt Lord A chUd of Richard Holt Uxor George Hanson A chUd of WiUiam Hutton A sonn of Joseph Hamson A child of John Holt Ales Scolefield Uxor Lawrance Chadwicke A child of John Holt A chUd of Robt Kershaw Uxor John Durden and child ... A daughter of Robt Ashworth A child of Charles Ogden A child of James Scolefield A child of Joseph Bamford A daughter of Abraham Stocke Uxor Richard Fleuellen ... 5 p. 169 Uxor William Kershaw ... A chUd of Adam Scolefield Martha Fitton Thomas Durden ... Uxor James Greenrodd ... A daughter of James Scolefield A chUd of Richard Hollows 1 :r8o 20 November 23 55 27 53 28 35 35 55 30 55 1 December 2 JJ 3 S3 7 55 9 55 12 3 5 13 JJ 14 53 15 55 33 33 16 35 17 35 18 33 25 55 26 27 28 2 Januarie 6 7 8 9 10 1416 33 18 35 212225 i68o-i68i BURIALS 501 1680 Robt Brearley Rochdale ... 26 Januarie A chUd of Richard Weeder * • • 55 J J John Bamford Little Wardle ... ... 28 „ A child of John Fletcher ••• JJ JS A chUd of Robt BirstaU 2 Februarie A sonn of [Richard Hollows " ¦ 55 J5 Abraham Ashworth •• . 55 55 A sonn of Jonathan Chadwicke •• • 55 35 A child of John Lord ... 3 .. Charles Milne ... 4 „ John Butterworth A child of Samuel Crosley A child of Christophar [Harrison A child of Richard Hopwood Mary Shipheard Mary Shaw A child of Isaac Taylor ... Uxor Roger Grime A child of Edmund Clegg A child of James Hayward James MUne Cooke A sonn of James NuttaU A daughter of Edmund Holdworth Adam Holt A child of James Brearley A chUd of Robt Gorild ... Uxor James Brearley Judeth [Brearley ... - ... A child of John Burrows John Grenehalgh A child of WUliam Kershaw A child of Richard Chadwicke A child of James Whitworth A child of James Sale ... Uxor Jonathan Hollows Uxor James Roberts A child of William Leigh A child of John Gabbet John MucheU Littlebrough M: Jonathan Milne Catle lane M: John Sutcliff John Colling Uxor WUUam Leigh Mr Robt Gleve M: James ChadAsdeke Uxor Samuel Whipp A child of Robt Chadwicke /8 35 55 II 55 13 3 3 14 35 35 53 17 55 53 55 18 55 22 55 27 55 35 55 3 March 4 55 8 55 10 55 11 55 14 55 16 it 37 55 55 35 18 55 19 55 21 55 JJ 55 22 55 23 55 1681 27 March 502 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1681 5 p. 170 1 681 A chUd of Daniel HiU ... ... 28 March John Chadwicke M: ... 29 A chUd of James Standring • " 55 Uxor James Standring ... ... 31 Uxor John Cryer • • . JJ Uxor Thomas Scolefield ... 3 ApreU A sonn of Edmund Chadwicke • . . ,j A child of John Dawson 4 A chUd of John Taylor 55 Uxor William Durden ... • ¦ . JJ Uxor Edward Adkenson ... 12 A child of James Howorth ... 13 A sonn of James Clegg ... ... 14 Uxor James Taylor ... 15 James Wilkenson •. . 33 A sonn of George Collier ... 16 Uxor Abraham Taylor ... xy Richard Chadwicke ¦ > . 3j Abraham Leach ... 18 Uxor Robt -Walkden ... 20 Robt Greve JJ A child of Henry Butterworth .. JJ Ales Fenton •• ¦ 35 Uxor Richard Scolefield ... 21 Uxor Henry Smith ... 22 Uxor Abraham Taylor * . • JJ A child of William Robterson .. * •¦ ,j A sonn of Edmund Smith ... 23 Uxor John Hayward ... 24 A chUd of WiUiam Smithels .. ... JJ A child of James Birch ¦ t • JJ A child of James Buckley ... 25 Uxor John Hayward Crompton ... 26 James Stott ... JJ A child of Abraham Chadwicke ... 28 A child of Joseph Leigh ... 30 Mary Cowp of Midleton p: 1 May Uxor James Wolfen(ien ... JJ James Earnshaw 2 A child of Joshua Newby ... 3 A child of John HiU ... 4 A daughter of John Buckley .. ... 5 Robt BucHey de Healey M: .. ... 6 A sonn of Thomas Leaver • • ¦ ,j A child of John Brearley ... 7 A child of Edmund Leigh ... 8 A chUd of John Greve A child of Steven BeUatt 0 i68i BURIALS 503 1681 Judeth Briggs. 12 May A daughter of Samuel Cheetham ... „ „ A child of John Buckley 13 ,, A child of John Casson ... ... ... 14 „ A sonn of Robt Crosley 15 ,, A daughter of Thomas Brearley ... „ „ Uxor Barnard Butterworth ... ... 16 ,, A chUd of Isaac Clegg. 18 ,, A child of James Howorth 19 „ A chUd of Samuel Roads 20 „ A sonn of Samuel Fish , „ A chUd of Robt Healey 21 Nathanell Whitworth „ „ A chUd of John Scoles „ ,, A chUd of James Whitley „ ,, A chUd of Thomas Smith „ „ A child of Thomas Smith , „ A daughter of Thomas Hirst ... ... 23 ,, Uxor WiUiam Whitaker ... ... „ ,, A child of Samuel Taylor „ ,, A child of James Chadwicke ... ... „ „ A chUd of Nathan SuteU 24 „ A child of Thomas Files , „ A chUd of Edward Leigh 25 „ A daughter of Abraham Earnshaw ... „ „ A child of OtiveU Holt , A chUd of Joshua Newby 26 „ Robt Halkard 27 „ A child of James Wrigley 28 ,, Uxor Robt Jenkenson ... ... ... 29 ,, Uxor Thomas [Bridg ... ... ... „ „ 5 p. 171 Samuel Greve „ „ A child of Nathan SuteU ,, „ A child of WiUiam Whitaker „ „ Richard Holt 30 ,, Uxor Alexander Whitworth „ „ A daughter of John Hey „ ,, A sonn of Abraham Brearley 2 June Uxor John Scolefield 3 .. Uxor William Stott „ „ A daughter of James Butterworth ... 4 „ A child of WiUiam NuttaU „ „ A child of Semeon WoUenden „ „ A child of John Ashton , „ Uxor John Clegg 5 „ A child of John Greve 6 „ Nathanel Tetlah 7 „ A child of Edmund Taylor , „ A chUd of Charles Miliie „ 504 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1681 1681 A child of Thomas Files 8 June A child of James Butterworth 9 Mary Leach ... ... ... ... „ A chUd of John Leigh 10 A child of Edmund Butterworth A daughter of John Brealey [sic] ... „ Uxor Danel Lord A child of James WUkenson , A chUd of Joseph Bamford 14 A child of Francs Berry ... ... „ A child of Richard Knutsford 15 A chUd of John Taylor ... ,, A chUd of James Lord 16 A sonn of John Seddon ... ... ... 17 A child of Jonathan Durden ... ... ,, A chUd of Richard Shaw A chUd of Edward Leigh Mr Thomas BaskervUe Towne Head M: 18 Two chUdren of James Lord „ Uxor William Buttler 19 A chUd of WiUiam Buttlar „ A sonn of Abraham Sutcliffe ... ... „ A chUd of John Fish A child of John Crosley 20 A child of Robt Whithead „ Uxor James Taylor 21 A sonn of Adam Whitworth 22 A child of Samuel Taylor , A child of Isaac Loton ... ... ... ,, Uxor George Farrar 23 Ann Leach ... ... ... ... ,, Peter Walker 25 Uxor John Stocke 28 A child of James Hoyle 29 A sonn of Joseph Clegge ... ... 30 A chUd of Richard MUne , A child of John Stott , A child of Charles Clegg Uxor John Smethorst 1 July A child of Arthur HoUows ... ... ,, A chUd of Richard Cropp „ John Smith 3 Henry Farrar ... 6 A child of Charles HiU A child of Randale Butterworth ... 7 Catheren HoUows ... ... ... ,, A daughter of John Scolefield ... ... 10 A child of Abraham Fitton 12 A chUd of John Looe 14 i68i BURIALS 505 1681 5P. A chUd of Thomas HUl „ July 172 Two chUdren of John Stott '• 5J 55 Uxor John Brearley • 15 ,. Arthur Brearley ... .. 16 „ A child of Thomas Stott * • 55 5 J Uxor John Loe .. 17 J, A child of Robt Whitworth " 33 55 A chUd of Henry Butterworth ... .. 18 JJ A chUd of Jonathan Stott • 20 „ A chUd of Steven BeUatt • 22 „ A child of Abraham Taylor '• 55 55 A chUd of John Smith '• 55 55 A chUd of Adam Kershaw .. 24 „ Robt HoUows • 25 „ A child of Robt BirstaU • * 55 5 J A chUd of Henry Butterworth ... •• 55 5J A chUd of John Taylor .. 26 „ A chUd of John Fletcher • 27 „ Uxor Charles Stott .. 29 „ A daughter of Henry Clough ... .. 31 JJ Uxor James Howorth 2 August A sonn of John Birch 4 JJ A chUd of James Whitworth ... *• 33 3 3 A chUd of John Durden • 35 35 A chUd of Nathan Stott • " 35 53 Susan Taylor . 5 J, A chUd of John Bamford .. 6 „ A sonn of Abraham Kershaw ... .. 7 " A sonn of James Bamford 9 .. John Holt JJ JJ A child of James Feilding .. 12 A child of Raph Shipheard .. 16 „ A daughter of James Milne .. 17 .. Edmund Dunster 35 33 A daughter of John Brearley ... .. 20 ,, A chUd of John Harrison .. 21 A daughter of Robt Brearley ... 35 33 A daughter of James Kershaw 55 55 Uxor James Milne ¦ 23 „ Uxor Robt Whitworth 55 SJ Thomas Scolefield JJ J5 A sonn of John Scolefield 35 3J Uxor Robt Chadwicke • 26 „ Uxor Robt Whip-p • 27 „ Charles Butterworth • 30 „ A child of John Lord JJ 55 Uxor John Hayward • 31 .. A child of James Stott 55 JJ A chUd of Samuel Butterworth I September 5 p. 173 506 ROCHDALE REGIS TERS 1681 1681 A daughter of George. Roads ... 3 September A chUd of John Mercer ... 5 „ Robt Wostenholme . ... 7 .. A chUd of Thomas Livesey ... 12 „ A child of James Scolefield ... 13 ,j James Lord ... 14 „ Semeon Kershaw ... 15 J. A chUd of Alexr Scolefield ... 17 „ Uxor James Butterworth ... 18 „ A child of James Butterworth ... ... 20 „ A child of Thonias Livesey 55 J5 Uxor Samuel Milne ... 24 J, A chUd of William Scolefield ... ... 5* 35 Uxor John Chadwicke ... -. 25 JJ A sonn of James Hoyle ... ... 27 „ A chUd of Charles Howorth 2 October A daughter of John Brearley ... ... 4 J. Uxor James Dawson ... 5 JJ A chUd of John Heape 53 33 A chUd of James Turnough 35 55 A daughter of Arthur Whitley ... 10 „ Thomas Shore ... 13 J, A child of James Hopwood ... 15 .J A sonn of Joseph Clegg ... 17 =. A sonn of WUliam Leigh ... 19 JJ A chUd of James Whitaker 55 55 A child of John Brearley ... 23 „ EUen Hopwood ... 25 „ Adam Whitworth ... 28 „ Elizabeth Holt I Novr A chUd of Henry Clegg 2 „ A sonn of John Scolefield ... 4 „ A chUd of Anthony Sutcliffe ... ... 8 „ A chUd of James Butterworth ... •.• 55 3 5 Timothie Wood ... ... 13 JJ Uxor George Lees ... 14 „ A daughter of Abra: Dawson ... ... 19 >. Roger Fenton ... 21 „ Uxor John Milne ... 22 „ James Hayward ... ••• JJ JJ A chUd of Robt BouUon ¦ ¦•• 55 55 A child of Samuel Johnson 35 JJ A chUd of Daniel Stocke •¦• 33 JJ A daughter of Robt HalUweU ... ... 23 „ A child of Abrahf m Whitworth ••• S3 55 James 'Whitaker ... 28 „ John PUUng ... 29 „ Uxor James Stott "• 30 „ A child of John Bucter worth ... • • * >) j> 5 p. 174 1681 BURIALS 507 1681 James Hayward ... 8 December A child of Edmund HoUows 11 „ A child of Thomas Brearley 12 „ A child of Edward Leigh 3J 55 Robt Boulton 14 Robt Chadwicke ... ... . . ... JJ JJ A ch^ild of Edward Leach . . . * •* JJ J, A child of James Lord ... 17 .. A child of Edmund Clegge 18 „ Abraham Hamer of Bamford 23 „ John Milne ... ... 24 „ A child of Abraham Eastwood Still: „ Roger Whitworth 25 „ Margret w. of W' James Gartsid Rac: ... 31 Edward Holt 4 Januarie Uxor John HpUows ... ... ,, ,, Samuel Dewhurst 5 JJ A child of Nathan Stott ... ,, ,, Abraham Hamer de Rachdale II J, Robt Holt de Bagslate ... " ••• 55 55 Uxor Joseph Lister 13 J, A daughter of James Cheetham •'• SJ JJ James Chadwicke JJ 55 Uxor John SuttcUff 14 JJ A sonn of Abell Ashworth 15 „ Uxor Francis Boulton ... . .. ... J, JJ James' Jackson • •• ' •• JJ SJ Henry Butterworth . .. ... J, JJ A child of John Bridg ... 16 „ Robt NewaU Towne Hous 17 JJ A sonn of Simeon Lord ... 21 ,, Uxor John Brearley . ¦ ... JJ J J Uxor James Rydens 23 „ A daughter of [Richard Clegge ... 24 „ Uxor Daniel Holt 26 „ A child of James Browne • I • ,, JJ Elizabeth Seddon 28 „ James Wolfenden Little Wardh •>¦ JJ JJ Uxor James Clegge Spotland ( 3ate ... 31 „ Uxor Thomas Bransford 3 February John Leach Blackwater 4 JJ Jane Brearley Butterworth 7 JJ Henry Holt Heyhead 8 „ Uxor J ohn. Clough 10 „ A child of James Taylor 11 ,, A child of James Fenton 14 J, A child of Abraham Brearley • ¦ •*• ,, JJ Uxor Richard. Wood .[Butts 16 „ ) 1681-1682 1681 18 February 21 35 23 55 24 55 25 55 55 26 SJ 55 27 7 55 March 9 55 508 ROCHDALE REGISTERS A child of Thomas RothweU ... Uxor James Lord Uxor John Earnshaw Uxor Edmund Bridge Uxor Marten Tetlah A chUd of James Sale Uxor Francis Dickson ... A chUd of John Whithead A chUd of John Seddon A sonn of Thomas Healey A chUd of Edmund HiU , A child of Evan Berry „ „ Uxor Evan Berry ... ... ... ,, „ Uxor John John [sic] Taylor 11 ,, A child of Robt Clegge „ „ Uxor John Howorth ... ... ... 12 ,, Uxor Isaac Loton ... ... ... 19 ,, Uxor John Butterworth ... ... 22 ,, 1682 Ann Lever Church Stile 28 March A chUd of Thomas Bridg de Oldham ... ^,, ,, John Whitaker de Broadough ... ... 29 „ A chUd of Charles Turnough de Bolderstone ,, „ Robt Stott de New Hous „ „ A child of Edmund Whithead Wostenholme3i ,, Robt Kershaw de Littlebrough ... 2 Aprill Uxor James Birch de Tod Lane ... 3 „ Robt Whithead Blackwater 7 ,, A child of Robt Kershaw de Bradley ... „ ,, Uxor Abraham Brearley de HaU Fold „ ,, James NuttaU Marland ... ... ... 9 „ A child of John Brearley de Haugh ... 13 ,, A child of John Healey Church Lane ... 15 „ George Leigh de Littlebrough 16 „ Abraham SutcUffe de Peanocke ... „ ,, A child of John Whitworth Butterworth Hall 19 „ A daughter of Robt Shaw Blackwater 21 „ A child of John Winterbothom Packer 22 „ Uxor Richard Hollows de Rachdale ... 24 „ James Cheetham Sike Banke ... ... 25 „ A daughter of Abraham Turnough ... „ „ William Buckley Blackwater ... ... „ „ A daughter of Abra: Whitworth ... 27 „ John Chadwicke Moore Gate ... ... „ ,, A chUd of John Shore de Fish Bridge ... 28 „ 5 p. 175 A sonn of John Butterworth de Mainwood ... 4 May i682 BURIALS 50$ A child of Richard Ogden Spotland Bridg Joseph Bamford de Church Lane A child of John Brearley Raghole A chUd o' John Whithead Cronest James Hopwood de Brunedg ... Uxor Thomas Holme de Lady Hous Uxor Alexr Butterworth Blackwater A child of Abra: Chadwicke Wosnum Uxor James Stott Little Wardle A child of Henry Bamford Uxor John Holt de Bagslate A daughter of George Knoles Blackwater Grace Hoyle de Blackwater A chUd of John Scolefield de Spotland A child of Joseph Unsworth de Feilding A child of Thomas Bery de Towne ... A daughter of Robt ColUngs de Hartley Uxor John Jackson de Catley Lane ... A chUd of John Lees Woodhous Lane ... A child of Abraham Stocke de Ashes ... A chUd of Alexr Kershaw de Steed ... A child of James Brearley de Weurdle A child of John Bentley de FaUens ... Uxor John Brearley de Haugh ... Uxor Jonathan Readfearne de Hudsons Uxor John Tattersall de Spotland Bridg A child of EUzabeth Milne de Moorebanke A child of John Brearley de Burdsall A child of Myles Leafield de Packer James Bamford de Shore Setf ... A child of Samuel Shore de Newgate A child of John Ashton de FaUens Uxor Myles Leafeild de Packer A child of John Dickson de Whitfield Uxor James Chadwicke de HoUenworl A child of James ColUngs de PoUets A child of Abraham Turnough de Haugh Ann Brearley de Ringlose Uxor Edmund Milne de Tunshi[ll A chUd of Abra: Horowd Packer A daughter of Tho: Healey de Healey John Chadwicke de Rachdale ... Uxor Mr George Jackson Clarke A daughter of Abraham Hamer Bamford A daughter of Simeon Lord de Coleclough Uxor [Robt Healey de Rachdale A chUd of Edmund Leach de Howorth Paster 1682 5 May 10 „ II JJ 12 JJ 33 33 13 JJ 16 „ 33 35 17 » 35 55 18 „ 19 JJ 23 JJ 35 55 25 JJ 26 „ 10 June 16 „ 35 55 18 JJ 19 >. 27 JJ 29 J, 2 July 6 „ 10 „ 15 JJ 17 =. 18 ,j 19 =j 53 35 23 JJ 24 JJ 27 ,j 30 JJ I August 8 10 12 510 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1682 Robt Waksden [sic] de Church Lane ... John s.-of Mr Joseph Durden Rachdale William Stansfield de Church Lane A chUd of James Holt de Wroe Uxor Samuel Shore de Newgate A child of John Lord de Rydens James Stott de Browne Wardle Ann Horst de Rachdale widdow Ann Holt de Broodough Widow A chUd of Robt Knowles Church Lane A child of John Lewes de Church Lane 5 p. 176 Uxor James Ashworth de Sememen Hill Ann Scolefield de Rachdale Widow A child of Robt Cropp de Blackwater . . . A child of Samuel Whitworth de Crencasha Grace Milne de Shore A daughter of John Mathew Croncasha A chUd of Thomas Files Tod Lane ... A child of Robt Scolefield de Milrow ... Uxor Nathan Stott de Hades Uxor Joseph Milne de Butterworth HaU Uxor John Brearley de TunshiU A child of Abra: Kershaw de Rachdale Uxor Edward Leach de Whitworth ... A child of Mr George Jackson Clarke ... A child of Mr George Jackson Clarke ... A child of Robt Brigs Packer A child of Thomas [Mason Church Lane A sonn of James Milne de Toum Barne A child of Abra: Stocke de Ashes Uxor John Mela due de Bamford Grace Grime de Shawfield Mary Lighttowlars de Shore A child of John Cromptons Rachdale ... Uxor John Greenrodd High Wardle ... Uxor John Scolefield de Spotland Gate Richard Dickson Packer Jane Greve de Butterwprth HaU John Scolefield de Rachdale Alexander CoUengs de Laneside Catherine d. of James Holt de Casleton HaU Esq: Mary Roads de Smalebridg Uxor John Backster de Bagslate Uxor Abra: Leach de Rachdale A chUd of Nathan Stott de Hades A child of James Whitworth de Burdsale 1682 19 August 24 55 29 53 30 J, 5 September 6 JJ 7 55 9 55 10 JJ II J5 53 53 12 35 13 16 3353 17 35 19 35 33 55 20 33 53 33 21 53 27 33 53 35 35 3 ' 55 October 7 35 14 35 55 16 33 35 17 53 22 35 24 33 25 33 53 26 5335 28 33 29 55 55 J5 31 I 33 November 55 55 3 55 7 53 11 33 12 55 14 18 5555 i682 BURIALS 5 p. 177 Roger Holt de Greve John Brearley de Rachdale Uxor Richard Readfearne de Todlone A child of Thomas Berry Ch: Lane ... Edward Butterworth Bolderstone James Haslam de Bankhous A chUd of Edmund MeUar de Litt: Wardle A child of James Crosley Litt: Wardle A child of Abraham Clegge de Shawfield WilUam Fitton of Casleton Moore A child of Thomas Healey Burchey ... A child of Edmund Roades of Stones ... Uxor James Taylor of Lighttowlars ... A child of Samuel Cudworth Uxor Alexr MUne de Milrow Arthur Hollows Blackwater Martha Haslam de Wostenholme Simeon Lord de Coleclough Samuel Crompton de Haugh Elizabeth Ogden de Spotland Bridg ... A child of Abraham Birch Woodhous Lane ... Mr Joseph Durden de Rachdale A chUd of John Gabett de Edward Durden Church Lane Susan Sutcliffe Rachdale A child of Robt Collier Uxor William Brearley Colegreave A child of Thomas Brearley de Norman HiU A child of Thomas Butterworth Church Lane ... Uxor Andrew Taylor de Mossid James Standring Blackwater ... Uxor James Cheetham ... James Wolfenden de Wardle ... A child of John Taylor Uxor James CoUings de Hollows Uxor Robt Dawson de Ash: High Richard Scolefield MilhiU A child of Abraham Whitworth A child of John Howorth Blackwater ... A child ot Edward Turnough Samuel Butterworth Butt: HaU John Taylor Bench Carr Dorathie Heape Towne ... A daughter of Joseph Brearley Peanocke December 511 1682 20 November 21222425 2829 SJ 2 7 33 10 35 12 55 1314 15 1617 20 222324 35 2628 29 2 Januarie 12 13 35 14 53 17 21 23 53 2426 512 Rochdale registers John Holt of Passmans ... Uxor Jordan Chadwicke Townhill holes Uxor Henry Gartsid de Crooke Mr John HaUiweU Yealees A child of John Stott de Nickroad Uxor Charles Turnough de High A chUd of John Milne de Rough banke A child of Edward Leigh A child of Joseph Leigh A sonn of Edmund Leigh A chUd of MicaheU Butterworth A sonn of Thomas Brearley de Marland Uxor James Clegge de Newfeild Head A sonn of Thomas Earnshaw Towne ... Jane Wingreene Towne ... A child of John Stott de Coldermoore ... A chUd of John Whithead Greene Robt Fenton Casleton Moore ... John Whithead de Cronest Uxor WiUiam Standring Bolderstone ... A child of Edmund Ashworth A child of John Whithead WiUiam Bentley Woodhous Lane A child of James Grime A child of John Seddon Uxor James Chadwicke Clay Lane ... Mr Richard BuUocke from Casleton ... John Turnough de Ogden Uxor George Franland [sic] A child of Richard Chadwicke A child of Edmund Howorth of Haugh A child of Henry Butterworth ... Uxor John MuUanex of Daubhole Margret Scolefield of Rachdale Uxor John MitcheU of Littlebrough ... EUen Clegge of Townhill Holes A child of Jeremie Cranedge Blackwater A child of Henry Bamford 3 Lone Ends Abraham Turnough of Bolderstone A child of Thomas Stott of Littlebrough A daughter of Henry Farrar Blackwater A child of Richard Ogden of Spotland Bidg [sic] PTxor Abraham Wolfenden Bolderstone A child of John Roads A child of James Gratsid [sic] de Hangin Lees ... \5 1682-1683 1682 27 Januarie 30 55 31 33 55 I 35 February 336 35 33 7 35 55 8 5353 1216 55 53 ^7 55 19 33 21 35 22 55 24 33 25 35 35 35 27 JJ 5 March 53 55 7 55 II 53 55 53 55 53 12 33 13 33 35 33 35 18 35 33 21 33 22 33 23 55 24 I 25: 683 March 33 53 33 26 33 33 27 53 29 53 4 Aprill 1683 BURIALS 513 1683 A daughter of John Mitchell de Littlebrough 6 ApriU John Holt of Casleton Moore ... ... 7 „ A child of John Brearley de Blackwater 9 ,, [Here end Burials in Original Volume V,] 5 p. 178 CoUected on the 5^ of May at the Communion the sum of 7^ and ii'* Collected on the 23 of June at the Communion the sum of 14® CoUected July the 20"' 5^ - 2 ob: Paid to Mr Willson Register of Chester by Mr Henry Pigott Vicker of Rochdale, Novr the 9 '78 the sum of Twenty Pounds one shilling and a eleven pence halfepeny for the ' Collection in this pish: and all Chappies exept Todmerden towards the RebuUding of St. Pauls Church London At the Communion July y^ 9 collected at Rochdale Church 8s 5. 29 JJ 31 55 I April 55 35 4 » 6 J, 9 II 2 35 15 16 33 17 20 JJ 2526 524 ROCHDALE REGISTERS " 1685 1685 A child of Henry Taylor 26 AprU A child of Edmund Mellar 27 ,, A chUd of Robt Leigh 30 ,, John Brearley de Haugh ... ... 3 May Abell Hamer ... ... ... ... ,, ,, A daughter of James Butterworth ... 5 ,, A daughter of Thomas Brearley ... ,, ,, Uxor James Taylor ... ... ... ,, ,, A sonn of John Chadwicke ... ... ,, ,, James Brearley de Swenrood ... ... 7 ,, 6 p. 123 Edward Adkenson 10 ,, Uxor Richard Prescott ... ... ... ,, ,, Edmund Hayward ... ... ... „ ,, A child of Henry Brearley ... ... ,, ,, Anne Lord 12 ,, A child of William Royds ... ... 13 ,, A child of John Butterworth ... ... 17 ,, A chUd of Abra: Whitworth A daughter of James Taylor ... ... 18 ,, James Hoyle ... ... ... ... „ ,, A child of James Turnough 20 ,, Uxor James Turnough ... ... ... 24 ,, John Brearley ... ... ... ... 26 ,, John Maud ,, jj A daughter of James Clegge 28 „ John Pilling ,, ,, A child of Abraham Taylor 29 ,, James WoUenden 30 ,, A daughter of Henry Brearley ... 31 ,, John Scholefield de Bagslate 2 June Uxor James Smith 3 „ Robt Hopwood ... ... ... ... 8 ,, A child of Richard HoUows ,, ,, Uxor Thomas Myles 11 ,, A chUd of Charles Milne 12 A sonn of Francis Fletcher ,, „ A sonn of James Dawson ... ... 13 ,, A child of Richard Readfearne ... 16 ,, A child of MicaheU Taylor 21 „ A child of John Bentley „ „ A daughter of Jeremie Lord 25 „ Jane d. of Samuel Hamer de Wildhous 26 ,, A daughter of James Lees ... ... „ „ John Fish 27 „ Uxor Nathan Tetlah 30 ,, A sonn of James Sale ... ... ... i July A sonn of James Turnough ... ... " ,, ,, A child of Jonathan WoUenden ... 2 „ i685 BURIALS 525 A child of John Shore A child of WiUiam Chadwicke ... Mary Butterworth Uxor Edmund Meller A chUd of Alexr Scolefield A child of Richard Wolfenden ... A sonn of Timothie Jenkenson A daughter of Joshua Hartley ... A chUd of Nathan HiU A child of John MuUanex Samuel Durden ... Mary Howorth Edmund Wild de Moss Gate ... Ellen Ashton • A child of Thomas RothweU ... A child of John Marr craft A sonn of Abra: Hamer A child of Christopher Harrison Uxor John Robertshow ... A chUd of John Scolefield 6 p. 124 Uxor John Greenrood James Bamford ... A child of James Smith Grace Whipp Robert Kennion de Wostenholme A child of James Sinith A child of Francis Young a stranger A child of Howarth ... Uxor John Taylor de Burdsale Uxor Robt Wostenholme A child of Luke Greenwood James Leach A daughter of James Hayward Edmund Farrar Uxor Jonathan Chadwicke John Taylor de Gorild Ann Scholfield de Whitworth ... A child of John Hayward Samuel Hamer A child of James Pilling John Buckley James Pickup A sonn of Edmund Taylor A daughter of James Ashworth Uxor Abraham Earnshaw A daughter of James Butterworth A chUd of Edmund HiU Uxor Edmund Taylor 1685 6 July 7 JJ lbII J, 13 ,j 35 33 15 JJ 18 55 19 55 24 7 53 August 9 33 10 55 12 55 1416 3553 22 35 35 53 23 33 27 55 28 I 5535 September 9 33 12 55 13 33 1418 35 55 2526 3333 55 33 27 55 55 55 29 I 55 October 2 35 9 55 12 55 20 3 5 JJ 33 2526 >5 53 27 I 33 November 2 33 3 JJ 526 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1685 Uxor John Smethorst A child of John Bottomley Uxor Robt Whitworth A daughter of Ann Chamlet A child of Joshua Newbey A chUd of AbeU Butterworth ... Thomas Butterworth de Belfield John Stocke de Ashes ... Uxor Danel Hollows A child of John Taylor A sonn of Abra: Brearley A sonn of Israel Horst ... Robt SewteU A child of Robt Brigs A child of Edmund Wood Edmund Grenrodd High Wardle Mary Whitworth John Smethurst ... Uxor Francis Fletcher ... Uxor Robt Holte de Rachdale Gent: A chUd of John Wolfenden Adam Scolefield ... Uxor Richard Holte Uxor Jonathan HoUows James Clegge A chUd of Alexr Kershaw Mary Unsworth ... 6 p. 125 John Whithead Elizabeth Browne Mary Meller Abraham Leach A chUd of Henry Bamford James Chadwicke de Rough banke John Taylor de Rochdale A chUd of John Mathew Uxor Abell Wostenholme A chUd of Thomas Hirst A chUd of Henry Bamford James de Croncashaw ... Deborah Lord A daughter of Richard Readfearn Uxor John Gabbett Uxor John Scolefield Uxor Alexr Rigley [or] Rigbey Thomas HiU A child of Samuel Turnough Jane Taylor Uxor John Chadwicke 3 :685 8 November 11 35 ^3 55 14 35 19 35 20 33 21 55 23 55 25 55 29 55 3 December 4 55 5 5 J 7 53 11 J, 53 53 ^3 JJ 17 " 35 55 35 53 18 JJ 23 .J 29 J J JJ 2 January II 12 13 35 16 19 6 p. 126 1685-1686 BURIALS 527 I 685 Charles Ogden 19 January A child of James Bamford 21 53 A chUd of William Shaw 55 53 Uxor John Hayward 23 33 Uxor John Fitton 24 53 EUzabeth Shaw 55 35 A child of John Whitworth 25 35 A daughter of John Milne 27 33 Uxor Thomas Stott 53 35 Grace Butterworth 29 55 A child of John Hollows JJ 55 Uxor James Turnough ... I February Richard Hollows ... 2 35 Mary Cress [sic] 35 53 A daughter of Joseph Brearley 5 35 James Frith ...* 6 53 Uxor James Milne 53 33 A child of Thomas Lord 33 33 A child of Ottawell HoUe 10 33 A child of John Scholefield 13 33 John Wardle 16 55 Uxor Francis Holte 19 35 A sonn of John Mathew 20 53 A chUd of Edmund Wilkenson 21 33 Uxor John Mason 25 55 Richard Wood 26 33 A child of Benjamen Clegg 33 JJ John MuUanex 28 33 A child of James Brearley JJ 53 Mary WoUenden I March Ales Wardle 2 53 Uxor John HiU 55 33 James Clegge , 5 33 A child of James Brearley 53 35 Uxor John Backster 7 35 A chUd of William Kershaw 35 53 Uxor Will: Haslam II 55 Uxor James Wolfenden 35 35 A child of James Holland de Holme HaU Gent: 15 5S A sonn of Richard Wolfenden ... 16 35 A child of Jonathan Howorth ... 17 3J A daughter of Thomas Hirst 18 35 Abraham Wolfenden de Milrow 23 Ales Hilton de Mooregate 33 35 I 686 EUzabeth WaUon A child of Tames Lord 25 March 33 « t 528 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1686 Ester Mathew A child of Robt CoUier Uxor James Readfearne A child of James Cocker A child of Thomas Milne Mary Lees John Lees Uxor Robt CoUier Uxor James Holte Roger Pendlebury A child of Robt Holte Uxor James Clegge Uxor Richard Whitworth A sonn of James Holte ... A chUd of Robt Whitaker John Chadwicke de Rachdale aged 94 ... Uxor Edmund Leigh Uxor John Hardman A child of John Maden A child of Richard Ogden Uxor Isaac Scolefield A child of John Taylor Simon Wild de Holebothom Oldham pish Uxor Abraham Earnshaw Thomas Holme from Whitaker A sonn of Robt Hopwood A child of Henry Bamford Uxor John Taylor A child of Joseph Clegge A child of John Harbard Uxor John Harbard A child of Samuel WUd John Whitworth de Rachdale ... A child of James Wilkenson Uxor John Bridges A sonn of Thomas Mason A daughter of James Standring A child of James Wliitworth Uxor Robt Hanson EUzabeth Jackson James Lewes Edmund Holme de Toad Lane Edmund Wrigley de Packer Grace Whithead ... Isaac Taylor Uxor Samuel Whitworth Uxor WhiU: [sic] RothweU 1686 z ApriU 4 12 T^3 1416 171920 33 2227 28 29 I May 45 12 16 18 20 JJ 23 2427 2 June 78 1315 ] :686 i8. June 22 23 24 2526 30 3 July 1686 BURIALS 529 A sonn of Samuel Whitworth ... A child of James Tattersale A child of Richard Whipp A sonn of James Milne ... A chUd of Robt MaxweU Rger [sic] Grine [sic] A child of Thomas WoUenden ... 6 p. 127 A child of Thomas Hayward ... James Scolefield de Milrow Henry Bamford A child of James Clegge A daughter of John Abbot A child of James Chadwicke A child of James Holte ... A child of James Holte ... Uxor Edward Leach A child of Edmimd Greenrood A child of James RothweU Uxor WilUam Butterworth Edward Shipheard A child of Richard Unsworth ... Raph Stocke de Weurdle James Butterworth Alex: Scolefield A child of Edmund Leach ..., Ellen Scoles de Rachdale John Lord A child of William Croppar A child of John Jackson Uxor Mathew Hollows A daughter of George Milne A daughter of James Birch John [Lord de Coleclough Uxor John Milne ... ... ... jj Uxor Samuel Cheetham 22 James Butterworth ... ... ... jj A child of James Scoles ... ... jj A sonn of John Clegge ... Samuel Crompton Micahell Clegge ... Jonathan Feilding Uxor George Hanson EUzabeth d. of Mr J oshua Baskervile Uxor John Milne de Marldearth Uxor Edmund Hollows ... A child of John Brearley James Wild A daughter of Richard Birch ... JJ 10 ii 12 ii 13 ii 15 ii 33 ii 18 55 20 55 JJ 55 21 55 26 »5 "29 55 55 55 31 53 55 53 I August 2 55 5 33 55 55 II 33 T^7 33 24 35 26 33 27 55 33 35 28 53 29 53 3 September 5 53 53 53 9 53 10 53 530 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1686 A sonn of John Chadwicke A child of SoUoman Grime A child of John Heape ... A child of Abell Wostenholme A child of John Turnough A child of Abraham Taylor A child of Nicholas Dunster Uxor John Ogden A child of John WhUhead A child of Edmund Stott Uxor Abraham Taylor de Cloughous ... A child of James Ogden de Church Lane A child of Thomas Lewes de Rachdale Jane Hollows de Rachdale A sonn of George Smith of Blackwater A child of Abra: Taylor de Church Lane Uxor Israel Stringer de Church Lane . . . A chUd of Gyles RothweU de John Harbard de Blackwater ... Uxor Robt Butterworth de Rachdale ... A child of Jo: CoUings de Butterworth HaU p. 128 Uxor Henry Birch de Blackwater A child of John Jackson de Rachdale ... A child of Joseph Clegge de Field Hous A child of Abraham Kershaw de Rachdale A child of Thomas Stott de Littlebrough A child of Edmund Brearley de Milrow Robt Brearley de Ogden A child of Edmund Brigs de Rachdale Uxor Roger Whitworth de Church Stile A child of Simon Medocraft de Newbold Henry Renshaw of Rachdale ... A child of Peter Boulton of Looe Mary Scolefield of Littlebrough Uxor John Ashworth of Wosnum A child of Robt Ingham of Packer A child of Edmund Howorth de Haugh A chUd of Richard Milne de Milrow ... Uxor Samuel Birch de Rachdale Uxor William Taylor de Ogden Grace Kennion de Church Lane A sonn of Will: Bentley de Woodhous Lane ... Uxor John Bamford de Little Wardle Thomas Holte de Chamber John Wostenholme de Church Lane ... A child of Robt Clegge of Littlebrough 12 September 13 33 15 35 19 55 23 55 30 4 October 56 53 ii 12 53 53 53 17 55 19 55 53 24 53 53 27 " 29 35 53 35 30 5 35 November 7 35 35 53 25 26 55 53 55 35 29 2 53 December 15 16 33 19 55 21 53 JJ 33 22 33 24 33 31 55 I J anuarie i686 BURIALS 531 Uxor Edward Holte de Greave Uxor John Clegge de Littlebrough Uxor [Robt Butterworth de Frencel gate Uxor James Hollows de Church Lane ... A child of John Bentley de Blackwater A daughter of James Lord de Husted ... A daughter of [Robt Brearley de Ringlose Uxor James Dawson de Butterworth Hall Henry Whitaker of Rachdale ... James Holte de Trough A child of Henry Butterworth de Mossid A child of John Lord de Whitworth ... Two chUdren of Robt CoUier de Rachdale A child of William Haslam de Rachdale A child of Thomas Hall de Rachdale ... Uxor Raph Ridens de Hamer Mill ... Uxor John Farrar de Milrow ... Uxor James Scolefield de Booth hoUings A child of Steven NuttaU de Woodhous Lane A child of Richard Jackson de Church Lane Richard Wolfenden de Tunecliffe A child of John Smethorst de Rachdale A child of Alexr Roads de Stones Mary Scoles de Rachdale A child of James Ramsbothom de Fieldhead A child of Samuel Whipp de Rachdale A child of Abraham Kershaw de Longclough ... Uxor Abraham Taylor de Marland ... Uxor John Thomson de Littlebrough ... Uxor Abraham Horood de Packer A child of John Farrar de Milrow Prisila Hoyle de Harsinden A daughter of John Chadwicke de Shawfield Uxor Edmund Hayward de Birchenhead Uxor Abraham Lees de Smethefold ... 6 p. 129 A child of John Cocker de Butterworth HaU A daughter of John Knoles de Moss ... A child of William Howorth de Midleton pish: Uxor Christopher Nuttall de Healey Hall A daughter of James Sharplus de Howorth Cross ... 1686 I Januarie JJ 34 5 5 655 13 55 55 55 14 55 1518 22 55 2728 2930 2 Febr: 453 6 7 8 10 33 II121315 1718 2022 532 ROCHDALE REGISTERS John Scolefield de Whitaker Christopher Nuttall de Blackwater ... A sonn of Abraham Taylor de Church Lane ... A daughter of James Butterworth de Rachdale A child of Christopher Harrisonn de Milrow A child of Abraham Wrigley de Hites ... Uxor Robt Brigs de Packer A child of John Stott de Hanging Lees Uxor John Wardleworth de Paster A sonn of Thomas Brearley de Mariana Uxor James Belfield de Shawfield Uxor James Greve de Haugh ... A daughter of John Taylor de Broadley Uxor Joshua StringthfeUow de Church Lane ... Uxor Edmund Bridg de Rachdale A child of John Fletcher de Haryknow Uxor James Chadwick de Carr Uxor Thomas Buckley de Fielding ... A daughter of John Tattersale de Spotland Uxor James Fenton de Rachdale Uxor Lawrance Smith de Tongue End A child of Will: Roads de Swainroad ... Henry Farrar de Milrow Uxor Robt Hallows de Packer Thomas Burton de Littlebrough A child of Daniel Hollows Blackwater A child of Nicholas Birch Blackwater ... A child of Abra: Brearley de Whitledeane A daughter of Isaac Ramsbothom de Brdwnw: Uxor Robt Howorth de Trough Gate ... Uxor John Hamer de Rachdale Edmund Ashworth de Burdsale A child of John Crosley de Marland ... Uxor James Chadwicke de Milrow Samuel Crosley de Smallshaw Sike A child of Francis Harpur Uxor Charles Nuttall de Tree Lanes Ends [sic] Richard Simson de Rachdale Uxor John Taylor de Burdsale Uxor James Birch de Blackwater 1686-1687 1686 23 Febr: 24 26 I March 2 33 3 35 35 33 4 35 9 J5 35 55 10 55 15 55 55 55 17 53 19 33 20 :6X 55 22 35 I 687 25 ' March 27 35 28 33 I April 2 53 JJ 35 4 33 5 53 ., 53 8 53 10 33 55 33 12 35 14 55 17 55 18 53 1687 BU[RIALS 533 A child of Charles Belfield de Blackstone Edge John Wild de Burdsale A child of Robt Taylor de Coldermoore Uxor John Wardleworth de Paster ... Uxor Robt Shore de Wardleworth A child of Robt Ingham de Packer A child of Robt Kay de Belfield Uxor James Holte de Spotland Gate ... A child of John SuttcUffe de Ogden ... 6 p. 130 A sonn of Charles Crosley Wilham Greve de Gartsid Charles Hamer de Childborne Isabell Kay de Fielding Samuel Taylor de Brodley Uxor James Sharplus de Howorth Susan Barlow de Blackwater ... A child of John WoUenden Chu: Lane James Dawson de Butterworth Hall ... A child of Peter Boulton de Rachdale ... Edward Buckley de Buckley Esq: buried in Trinity Chappie by Leave of Alexr Butterworth of Belfield Esq: A daughter of Edmund Butterworth de Wardleworth A child of James Hollows de Church Lane A sonn of Robt Clegge de HoUenworth A child of James Standring de Fallens A sonn of John Greve de Church Lane A child of Edmund Ashworth de Hundarsfield Uxor Robt Scolefield de Broodough ... A child of Will: Roads de Swenroad ... A child of WiU: Kershaw de Gallows ... Ann Milne de Burdsale Head A sonn of Joseph Traves de Whitaker Uxor Thomas Whitaker de Weurdle ... Uxor Edmund Ashworth de Coldermoore A sonn of James Chadwicke de Milrow A chUd of Thomas Mason de Church Lane A sonn of Edmund Marsh de Blackwater A child of Jeremie Durden de Hundarsfield Uxor John Stott de Husstead A chUd of Samuel Taylor de Steed ... A child of John Aspen de Clough Hous A child of John Wostenholme de Church Lane A chUd of Robt Whatmough Blackwater 1687 20 28 April SJ 55 J J 29 J5 30 J5 JJ 2 55 May 3 55 55 55 5 6 5555 7 8 5555 10 55 II 55 14 16 55 53 17 53 22 33 23252627 33 282930 31 2 June 56 9 10 12 14 15 18 19 534 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1687 1687 10 June 20 ,, 24 29 3 9 21 53 26 55 27 30 31 A child of Robt Booth de Blackwater Nathan Sewtell d.e Packer A child of Sara Roads ... Uxor Richard Milne from Birchenley A sonn of John Hoyle ae Whitworth ... 3 July A child of Eamunq Hayward de Bagslate A child of Daniel Bamford de Butterworth 16 Uxor Daniel Bamford de Butterworth 17 Uxor Simeon Medocraft & two children Still: A child of Timothie Bate de Towne ... Uxor James Ogden de Church Lane ... Robt HiU de High Wardle Uxor Robt Ogden de High Wardle ... Robt Shaw de Blackwater Uxor Samuel Ogden de Church Lane . . . Uxor Richard Hillows [sic] de Smethefold p. 131 A child of Mr James Roberts Clarke ... i August John ColUnge de Butterworth HaU ... 5 ,, Grace Whithead de Birchenhead ,, Mary Brearley de Ogden ... ... 11 ,, Isaac Milne de Steed Slacke 12 ,, A daughter of Lawrance Chadwicke ... ,, ,, Mary Taylor de Rachdale 13 ,, Mistress Mary Chadwicke de Rachdale 16 ,, A daughter of John Pedley de Church Lane 17 „ A child of Isaac Loton de Wardleworth 19 ,, Samuel Smith de Milrow 21 ,, Will: H0II0W.S de Windebanke 30 ,, Uxor Richard WUd de Marland ... 2 September A daughter of Abraham Hamer de TunshiU jj jj A chUd of John Belfield de Shawfield ... 5 j, EUzabeth d. of Alexr Butterworth of Belfield Esq: 11 j, EUes Hollows de Tarnter ... ... ,, ,, A child of James Lord de Little Clegge 14 ,, A daughter of John Chadwicke de Woodhous Lane ... ... ... 16 ,, John Readfearn de Pitts ... ... 18 ,, John Kenion Church Lane ... ... 21 jj A child of Isaac Howorth de Milrow ... 25 jj A daughter of Richard Whipp 2 Oct: A daughter of James Stott de Stone high 3 ,, John Hollows de Packer ... ... 4 ,, James Ogden de Clapgate 8 „ A child of Robt Clegge de Shawfield , 1687 BURIALS 535 Robt Shaw de Blackwater A child of James Chadwicke de Loerplace A child of David Brearley de Blackwater Two children of George Hanson Blackwater A child of James Turnough de Hosstead A child of John Seddon de Rachdale ... A child of Abraham Taylor de Cloughous John Jackson de Rachdale James Parsavel de Packer A child of John Milne de Blackwater ... Mr Abra: Butterworth from Heywood Uxor Richard Ogden de Church Lane . . . Uxor Abraham Stocke de Cronest Uxor John Wild de Cleggswood A child of AbeU Butterworth de Turfhous Uxor Abra: Brearley de Whitledeane ... A child of Robt Durden de Littlebrough Mr John HalliweU de Pikehouse A chUd of Robt Dawson, de Weurdle ... John Crompton de Spotland Gate Uxor Abra: Taylor de Clough Hous ... Uxor WiUiam Cropp de Blackwater ... Uxor John Chadwicke de Blackwater ... A child of Thomas Mason de Church Lane A child of James Scoles de Pitts Uxor James Greenrodd de High Wardle Mary Street de Shawfield A child of Henry Baxter de Blackwater A daughter of Robt Stott de Banke ... A child of James Jaques.de Rachdale ... A child of Thomas Bery de Church Lane Uxor Jurdan Chadwicke de Whiteker ... 6 p. 132 A sonn of James Chadwicke de Clegge Arthur HoUows de Blackwater Uxor John Scolefield de Castle HiU ... James Ashworth de Windebanke Abraham Fitton de Rachdale ... A child of Robt Shaw de Blackwater ... Uxor John Butterworth de Newbold ... James Kay de Cheesden Uxor Lenard Shipheard de Church Lane A child of Abraham Crosley de Ashbroke Hie Alexr Turnough de Lower Mill A child of Robt Booth de Blackwater .. Abiaham Hamer de Biichey A daughter of Thomas Brearley de Marland 9 1687 Oct: 35 55 14 35 17 55 21 33 22 SJ 55 35 23 3 3 25 28 55 55 29 2 55 November 5 55 55 55 7 55 10 55 12 16 SJ JJ JJ 55 20 55 21 53 29 1 55 December 2 55 35 35 3 55 33 35 5 6 55 55 10 55 16 5355 20 55 22 53 2426 5555 28 33 29 55 30 33 2 , Januarie 3 55 5 S3 14 536 ROCHDALE REGISTERS Uxor Thomas Stott de Croncashaw A sonn of John Nuttall de Rachdale ... A child of James Chadwicke Uxor James Chadwicke de Newbold ... Lawrance Fletcher de Clay Lane A child of J ames Smith de Tongue End A sonn of Adam Hill de Cleggswood ... Jonathan Butterworth de Sladen Mill Uxor John Bridg de Haugh John Crosley de Ringlose A child of John Holland de WiUiam Robtsonn de Rachdale Uxor Raph Butterworth de Blackwater Roger Taylor de Nadan head Robt Dickson de Packer Margret Loe de Blackwater A child of Lot Hamer de Failens Henry Taylor de Lonedg Israel Stringer de Church Lane Susan Milne de Lower Place ... Uxor Robt Wolfenden de Rachdale ... Uxor Edmund Dunster de Butterworth HaU James Lord Longaker ... Uxor John Holte de Newbold Uxor Francis Healey de Church Lane . . . A child of John Taylor de Croncashaw A sonn of John Wostenholme de Church Stile A sonn of George Travice de Littlebrough Abra: Rudd de Blackwater Peter Leach de Wostenholme ... A daughter of Jo: Bamford de Little Wardle A child of James Scolefield de Lower MiU A child of John Bentley de Pitts A child of Edmund Hayward de Weurdle Uxor Alexr Wostenholme de Bolderstone A child of Henry Butterworth de Mossid Richard Jackson de Church Lane Jonathan Wolfenden de High Lee A child of James Clegge de Tongue End Uxor John Holte de Rachdale Thomas Whaley de Birkle Midleton pish j, A sonn of Samuel Greve de Rachdale ... „ Grace Haslam de Wostenholme ... „ A child of WiUiam Kershaw de Smalebridge „ p. 133 John Clarke de Casleton 16 1687 1687 14 Januarie 19 JJ 20 ,, 21 JJ 22 ,j 33 35 25 JJ 26 „ 28 „ 4 February 7 JJ 8 JJ 9 JJ 10 „ 14 ,j 15 JJ 16 „ 18 „ 19 J. 55 35 20 „ 22 23 JJ 53 55 24 JJ 26 I March 3 4 55 10 II 1687-1688 BURIALS 537 A chUd of Edmund Lord de Spotland A child of John Scolefield de Rachdale A sonn of John Holte de Rachdale A daughter of Roger Taylor de Bagslate A sonn of Richard Prescott de Hussteed Uxor Richard Whitworth de Marland . . . Isaac Loton de Wardleworth ... A child of Abraham Chadwicke de Spotland A child of John Bamford de Rachdale Henry Kershaw de Mooroad Henry Wilkenson de Windhills A child of John Ashworth de Blackwater A child of Timothie Batts de Rachdale Thomas Mason de Church Lane A child of Lawrance Smith de Tongue End A sonn of John Scolefield de Whitaker A sonn of ... . Royds [sic] de Little Wardle James Byrom de Cleggswood ... John SutcUffe de Blackwater ... Gilbord Hollows de Blackwater A daughter of William Smethurst A sonn of Joseph Leigh de Edmund Shore de Littlebrough A child of William Roads de Swinroad A daughter of Thomas Wolfenden de Loerplace A child of WiUiam BirstaU de Knoe ... A sonn of Abraham Scolefield de Sandhole Jonathan Durden de A child of Alexr Turnough de Milrow . . . A chila of James Standing de FaUens ... Uxor James Clegge de Houssehill Uxor Richard Holte de Rachdale A child of Edmund Ashworth de Littlebr: A child of John Holte de Crosgate IsabfcU Spencer de Spotland John CoUinge de Birchenlea John Suttiliff [sic] de Ogden A child of James Wild'de Rachdale ... A child of John Shipheard de Woodhous Lane ... John Horod de TunshiU A child of Robt Ingham de Church Lane A child of Robt Shaw de Blackwater . . . 1687 19 March 23 JJ 24 JJ 1688 25 March 26 „ 28 55 30 31 I April 1213 15 55 17 55 19 22 2326 I May 538 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1688 1688 9 May A child of James Holte de Rachdale ... A chUd of James Kershaw de Wardleworth ,, A child of James Brearley de Rachdale 12 Uxor James WUd de Rachdale ... 15 Uxor Abra: Turnough de Brodough A child of John Ashton de Failens ... ,, Richard Eastwood de Trough 17 Mary Clegg de Highbottoms ,, A daughter of John Holte de Rachdale 20 A sonn ot James Ashworth de Lonakers 24 A child of James Taylor ... .., 27 A daughter of Henry Clough 29 James Scolefield de Rachdale ... ... 31 6 p. 134 Ann Hopwood de Packer ... ... 4 June A child of John Brearley de Brownewardle 7 A daughter of Charles Lord 8 A child of Joseph Hamer ... ... ,, Uxor Jonathan Wolfenden ... ... 10 A child of Henry Smith ... Ellen Chadwicke de Clay Lane ... 11 Uxor Alexr Scolefield de Gose Lane ... 15 A child of Daniel Sladen xy A child of WilUam Greve de Garsid ... 18 Isabel Lord of Weurdle 19 A child of Daniel Sladen 20 Uxor Abraham Taybr 24 A child. of Jane Birch ,, A sonn of Robt Chadwicke 26 Uxor John Hollows 27 .A child of Abraham Scolefield ... ... 29 A sonn of Robt Stott de Banke ... i July Isaac Dawson de Rachdale ... ... 6 A child of Daniel Holte 10 Robt Hayward de Bury pish: 11 A child of Edmund Butterworth ... „ A child of James Mathew 12 A sonn of James Cheetham ... ... 15 A child of Christopher Harrison ... jj Uxor John Whithead ... ... ... jj Isaac Clegge de Spotland 16 Elizabeth Lord 18 Mary Lord 19 Uxor James Brearley ... ... ... 25 A son of John Holland 27 James Fletcher ... ... ... ... 29 Mary Crabtree 30 EUzabeth Frith Uxor John Butterworth 2 Aug: 1688 BURIALS 539 1688 James Stott de Nickroad . 3 Aug: ' A sonn of Lawrance Hardman • • 55 53 A chUd of John Smith .. 5 33 Thomas Hammond from Leagh .. 7 35 A child of Lawrance Hardman 53 35 A child of Robt CoUier . 14 35 Uxor Robt PoUett .. 18 55 James Loe . 22 3 5 Elizabeth Howorth from Rossendale . I September Mary Wilkenson ... 55 53 A child of [Richard Unsworth ... ¦ 14 33 A chUd of Robt Butterworth ... . 16 35 Uxor John Scoles . 20 55 A sonn of James Clegge . 21 35 Uxor John Winterbotham . 22 33 Uxor Nathan Stott . 23 53 Robt HalliweU • 55 33 A chUd of Will: Greenhalgh ... . 28 33 A sonn of John Hackson . 30 55 6 p. 135 A child of WUliam Stott de Turfhous . • 4 Oct: Ales Leigh de Blackwater • 33 3J Uxor James Feilding . 12 55 A child of Richard Ogden 55 35 Robt Taylor de Little: ¦ 14 55 Robt Wolfenden . 16 53 Richard Whitworth de Burdsale ¦ 19 55 Jane Readfearne ... . 20 55 A child of A-braham Tajdor . 22 55 Abell Brearley . 23 55 Ales Kershaw de Turfhous 55 53 Jonathan Wolfenden de Fishbridg . 24 35 Ales Pickup ¦ 27 55 Francis Greve . 28 55 Ales Jackson . 30 33 Uxor John Whitworth .... ... . 6 November James Whitworth de Burdsale . 8 53 John Butterworth de Yeafeild ... 55 55 James Clough de Catle lane . 10 5 3 EUzabeth Pickupp . 13 33 EUzabeth Wood . 14 53 James Clegge Housses hill . 18 35 A child of Robt Clegg . 19 55 Deborah Whithed . 22 55 Uxor Daniel Sladen • 27 35 A chUd of John Tattersale JJ 55 Uxor Adam Butterworth 1 December Uxor John Hayward 2 JJ Henry [Hamer • 5 .JJ 540 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1688 Daniel Greenwood Sara Butterworth Uxor John Whithead A child of James Lister Edward Holte de Midleton pish Mary Clough Margret Holte Mrs Sara Butterworth A child of Robt Bridge John Chadwicke ... A child of Isaac Wolfenden A child of Charles Clegg Isaac RothweU ... A child of Robt Knoles Alexr Scolefield de Goss Lane ... A child of Francis Healey James Bamford from Belfield ... A child of John Clegg A child of John Roads Uxor James Greenrood ... A daughter of James Butterworth Thomas Readfearne de Passmans Two children of John Ashworth A child of James Bamford A stranger 6 p. 136 Jane Brearley de Browne Wardle Mary Smith de Browne Wardle A child of Joseph Unsworth A sonn of Isaac Wolfenden WilUam Taylor de Bradley Uxor Henry Butterworth A child of Timothie Etough Ales Brearley de Haugh A child of a stranger Uxor Isaac WoUenden ... Ann Dunster A chUd of John Brearley Simeon Sandeford Elizabeth Scolefield John Chadwicke ... A sonn of John Dawson James WoUenden de Hades A woman buried at Heptonstall Ann Winterbothom Martha Wrigge A child of Abraham Taylor Jane Breailey ... ... ... Mary Suttliffe [sw] , ... 1 688 7 December 8 J, 10 53 53 55 13 55 35 33 14 33 55 55 15 55 55 55 53 53 35 55 23 28 55 55 29 35 30 53 1 J anuarie 35 55 55 6 5533 9 35 II 13 15 18 20 2122 25 27 5533 55 33 29 33 55 33 30 55 1 February 2 55 3 55 1688-1689 BURIALS 6 p. WiUiam Jawett ... A child of Thomas Haie A child of James Brearley John Hayward A child of Samuel Morton A child of John Brearley EUzabeth Stott A child of William Buckley A child of Henry Bamford Edmund Greenroad Mary Milne WiUiam Haslam ... Uxor Jurdan Chadwicke Ann PendlebLiry ... James Loton A child of John Francleton James Howorth ... A child of John Stott ... Robt Healey Martha Stott A child of James Brearley A child of John Milne ... EUzabeth [Rigg Jeremie Brearley Samuel Standring Ann Kershaw de Rachdale A child of James SuttcUffe Uxor John Smethorst Uxor Robt Brigs MicaheU BirstaU ... A daughter of Will: Greve de Garsid A child of James Lees Mary Shipheard ... A child of James Brearley Jonathan Scolefield A chUd of John Holte A child of John Ashworth A child of James Mathew 137 A child of Abraham Taylor A child of Edmund Turnough A child of Edward Adkenson A chUd of Thomas Stott A daughter of James CoUeng A child of Adam Fenton Uxor William NewaU Theophilus HalliweU de Littlebrough Gent: 541 1688 5 February 6 7 8 1113 14 35 19 21 33 22 53 23 262728 333 4 II1214 35 1519 212224 1689 27 March March 28 29 30 I April 542 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1689 Uxor James Mathew Elizabeth Howorth Uxor Robt Whitworth Uxor John Hamer A child of Edmund Butterworth A child of James Scoles A daughter of Roger Taylor Raph Shepheard of Rachdale ... John Whithead of Wosnum John Chadwicke and a child A sonn of John Chadwicke Uxor John Milne Uxor John Crompton Uxor Jonathan Stott Uxor Robt SidaU A chUd of Edmund Fitton James Broadbent Mary Butterworth A chUd of Daniel Brearley Uxor Adam Kershaw Uxor James Brearley Uxor Edmund Butterworth Ann Turnough Uxor John Tattersale A sonn of John Wostenholme ... Samuel Hamer Uxor Abraham Hamer ... John Medocraft ... Uxor John Taylor A daughter of Jerimie Lord A sonn of Samuel Birch Uxor Abraham Turnough A child of WiUiam RothweU ... A daughter of Abell Brearley ... A child of Edmund Turnough ... A child of WUliam Kershaw A child of William Brearley Robt Boothman ... James Suttcliff Uxor John Taylor A child of Joseph Loton A child of Raph Stott Joseph Scolefield ... Uxor Jeremie Brearley ... Twoe children of Will: Greenhalgh Edmund Fletcher de Belfield ... A child of William Kershaw A child of AbeU Brearley 1689 3 AprU 4 5 9 II 3 5 13 35 35 14 33 16 55 17 18 3353 20 35 21 53 23 55 24 55 25 26 53 2 May II 14 15 17 l68q BURIALS 543 A child of EUes HoUows A child of Will: Brearley Jane Scolefield A child of John Hollows 6 p. 138 Uxor John Roads de Husstead A sonn of AbeU Brearley Edmxmd Watmough Abraham Scolefield A child of Isaac WUd ... Uxor Barnard Brearley ... Uxor John Howorth A child of John Smethorst Uxor Jonathan Milne A child of John Healey ... A child of John Ogden ... A daughter of Edmund Leigh A child of Edward Leigh Isabel Holte A child of David Johnsonn James Scolefield ... A chUd of Edward Roads A child of James Stott ... A sonn of Stephen Nuttall A child of Edmxmd Leigh OttaweU Whitworth A chUd of Thomas HiU ... James Hardman ... A child of Robt WoUenden A child of Barnard Brearley A child of James Smith A child of John Ashworth A child of James Brearley A daughter of John Winterbothom A child of Henrj' Taylor A child of John Jackson Mr Robt Banister James Stott Uxor Thomas Butterworth Belfield Isaac WoUenden ... A child of James Stocke A child of Edmund Holte James Stocke James Whitwoith Uxor Edmund Turnough A daughter of Will Shaw Two children of Joseph Leigh Two children of Richard Chadwicke 1689 17 May 19 22 33 23 24 2526 35 28 55 29 30 33 3 June 4 7 10 33 12 1314151617 23 24 25 55 2628 30 55 I July 55 3 4 p. 139 544 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1689 1 689 A child of Edward Liegh [sic] 4 July Uxor Richard Weder 8 JJ A child of Abraham Brearley •5 JJ A child of Abell Ashworth de Broadough 9 55 A child of Tho: WoUenden 10 33 A child of John Seddon 33 35 A child of Daiuel Sladen 35 35 A child of Edward Hollows II 33 A child of Charles Clegg 12 55 A child of Jonathan Milne 13 55 A child of Edmund Holte 53 33 A child of Robt Watmough 14 55 A chUd of John Butterworth 55 55 A child of Edmund Milne 15 33 A child of Abra: HoUe 55 5J A sonn of John Scolefield 16 55 Mistress Dorathie Scolefield 35 55 A child of Thomas Holte 55 53 A child of James Milne ... 53 55 A sonn of Thomas Files 17 JJ A child of [Richard Hopwood ... 18 35 A child of John Crosley 19 35 Edmund Kershaw de Townhous 20 55 A chUd of Abra: Taylor 35 35 Uxor John Casson ... 21 33 A child of George Booth 35 55 Arthur Scolefield 35 55 A child of Abra: Cropp 53 55 A chUd of Richard Holte 22 55 A sonn of John Brearley 23 35 A child of Richard Chadwicke 35 55 A child of John Roads ... 24 33 A child of Charles Milne 26 JJ A child of Edward Leigh 53 55 A child of Edmund Greenwood 33 55 Uxor Will: Lord 27 33 James Feilding 28 55 A child of Edmund Lord 35 JJ A child of Abra: Fitton 31 55 A chUd of Richard Whitworth 35 •3 A child of Robt Whitworth 55 55 A chUd of AbeU Brearley 35 J5 A child of James Smith I . A.ugust A child of James Clegg ... JJ 5J A child of Charles Gartsid de Okenroad Gent: ... 3 35 A child of Francis Healey S3 J) A child of Raph Shipheard 4 J) i689 BURIALS 545 Ester HiU Dorathie d. of James Holte of Casleton Esq: A chUd of Will: Brearley A daughter of Will: Butlar A child of Edmund Clegge Lawrance Smith of Tongue End A child of Samuel Whitworth ... A sonn of John Haslam Savel Scolefield A child of Richard Whitworth A child of James Gartsid Savel s. of Radcliffe Scolfield Esq: ... John Shaw John HiU A sonn of Richard Knutsford ... A child of Samuel Butterworth A child of Jonas Newbey A sonn of Joseph Taylor A sonn of Abra: Stocke de Ashes A child of John Heape ... A child of James Holte ... A child of John Shore ... A sonn of Alexr Whitworth A child of John Smethorst James Berry Mary Wood A child of James Whitworth ... John Taylor A child of John Seddon A child of Abra: Fitton A child of Savel Scolefield A_chUd of WiU: MarshaU A.^child of Samuel Butterworth A child of John Chadwicke A_^child of Thomas Butterworth A child of Edward Leigh A child of Henry Butterworth 6 p. 140 Uxor James Lord A child of Abra: Kershaw John Seddon de Rachdale A sonn of James Bamford A child of Charles Clegg John Walley Ann Frear Two children of John Cleggs A child of Isaac Loton ... A child of John Butterworth 1689 4 August 10 II12 13 33 14 35 1516 ^1 20 53 21 55 23 55 24 35 25 35 55 33 26 55 27 J3 55 55 29 55 55 53 30 55 I September 3 33 4 35 55 55 35 35 5 55 53 55 55 33 7 35 KK 546 roChdale registers A child of Joseph Brearlev A chUd of Robt Clegg ..'. A chUd of Tho: Stott Uxor Edmund Scolefield A child of Abra: Kershaw John Mason A child of Nathan Stott Uxor John Brearley James Butterworth Uxor Simeon Kershaw Uxor Robt Stringer A sonn of Edmund Greene A child of James Scholefield Uxor Charles Turnough ... A child of Edmund Butterworth A child of Charles Dureden A child of Roger CoUier A child of John Whitehead A chUd of John WorraU A sonn of Edmxmd Ogden A child of John Bridge James Carrall John Whittworth Uxor Edmund Heaward A child of Tho: Stott A chUd of Robt Whittworth ... Joshua Strengfellow Excom: A child of James Scholefield Uxor Daniel Bamford Uxor Joshua Brearley ... A chUd of AbeU Butterworth ... A child of EUes Haslam A sonn of Abell Brearley Jonathan Milne ... A chUd of Gyles RothweU A chUd of Robt HoU Uxor Robt Booth Uxor Gyles RothweU A child of Roger Buckley Uxor James Kershaw A child of Abra: Scholefield A daughter of James Crosley ... Uxor Rich^ Ogden A chUd of John Scholefield John Howorth A sonn of John Chadwick 6 p. 141 A daughter of John Taylor John Whitehead ••¦ 1689 1689 10 September JJ JJ 13 JJ 5J JJ 14 J.. JJ JJ 15 JJ 16 „ 17 JJ 19 21 22 23 24 5J 27 53 55 28 JJ35 30 46 53 October 35 J. 35 II 55 14 16 55 55 55 53 55 33 55 33 17 ,5 20 33 21 35 22 35 23 55 24 35 55 30 I 35 November 9 53 10 33 12 53 JJ 35 13 18 55 33 1689 BURIALS A child of Thomas Buckley A child of Charles Chadwick A child of John Matthew A child of James Butterworth Sam: s. of Samuel Hamer de Hamer ... A sonne of John Taylor A child of [Edmund Wood Ales d. of James Stott ... Uxor James Ashworth ... Joshua Cheetham Mary d. of Edmund Holt A chUd of Richard Whitaker Uxor John Smith A chUd of Nathan Stott A child of Abra: Earnshaw Jonathan Taylor A sonn of Abra: Ashworth A child of John Seddon StiU John Brearley Samuel Scholefield A child of James TattersaU A daughter of Abra: Ashworth A child of Nicholas Birch A child of Tho: Hamer Uxor Rich"! Milne WiUiam Buckley Thomas Ainsworth A Sonne of WilUam RothweU ... A child of John Whittworth Uxor Nicholas Birch Uxor Richard Kenion A child of WilUam Standering A Sonne of Adam Scholefield ... Thomas Loton Uxor James Greave Uxor John Howorth A child of Alexander Cheetham • Uxor Samuel Johnson ... A child of James Sharpies Still A chUd of Edm: Butterworth John Chadwick de Church Lane Ralph Webb late Clerk of this Parish ... Jane uxor Roberti HiU de HoUenworth A child of Thomas Bridges of Littlebrough p. 142 Uxor Jacobi Clegg of Hundersfeild Robert s. of James Shore of Wardleworth A chUd of John Whitworth of Blackwater Susan d. of Joseph Taylor of Heights ... 1689 24 November JJ 5J 2526 55 33 27 33 55 5 J 29 35 30 I 35 December 55 33 3 35 14 55 -^7 55 35 18 33 55 25 55 53 28 55 33 I January 2 35 JJ 55 4 6 35 55 7 53 14 53 33 16 55 17 53 18 2123 24 35 27 28 55 30 55 33 S3 31 35 I February 548 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1689-1690 1689 Jane d. of Jeremy Dureden of Hundersfeild 4 February A child of John TatersaU of Spotland James s. of James Brearly of Butterworth A child of OtweU Holts of Medocroft StiU A son of John Smethurst de Blackwater Peter Dxmster of Whitworth Mary Aaron of Goose lane Thomas Cropper of Blackwater A chUd of Robert Clegg StiU Ann Hamer of Rochdale A child of Joshua Cheetam of Spotland A child of James Greave of Rochdale ... A daughter of Abraham Whiteheads of Butterworth ... A Stranger Soldier being a Dane Charles s. of Jonathan Chadwick of Woolstenholme Alexander Butterworth of Hundersfield Samuel f. Johanis Cheetam de Spotland Mary w. of Thomas RothiU of Toad Lane A child of Arthur Scolefield StiU Mary uxor WUUelmi RothiU de Hades William f. WUUelmi Lees de Ogden ... Margaret uxor Roberti Brearley de Hough Filius Jacobi ScolfeUd de Belfield John Brearley de Spotland John Mills de Spotland A child of John Holland de Castleton ... Uxor Jacobi Chadwick de Castleton ... Uxor Johannis Hardman de Spotland FiUa Timothy Dison de Brimrode 16 19 22 26 53 28 3 March 9 10II 14 -^7 20 23 1690 29 March FiUus Josephi Taylor de Lowerplace , Uxor Johannis Brearley de Butts ... „ ,, A child of James Lees of Castleton Still „ „ Adam s. of James Brearley de Hundersfield 28 ,, A chUd of John Bently of Spotland StiU „ „ Uxor Eastwood de Spotland ... 30 ,, EUzabeth c. of Abrah: Romsbottom of Birsha 2 April Elizabeth c. of Thomas Chadwick of HolUngworth ... ... ... ,, jj EUzab: uxor Johannis Green ough de Weirdie ... ... ... ... ,, „ Mary uxor Richardi Turner de Plumhouse 5 ,, John Bolton de Hundersfield ... ... ,, jj ¦ 6 p. 143 Andrew Taylor of Newbold 6 „ I 690 6 April 7 9 11 12 13 1690 BURIALS 549 A child of Richa Holt de DeepleshiU ... John Voidall de Spotland Uxor Johannis Lord de Shore Uxor GuUelmi Kershaw de Butterworth Uxor Jacobi WoUenden de BuresaU ... Johannis [sic] Brearley de Butterworth A daughter of Abrah: HoUis of Church Lane 15 Uxor Jacobi Kershaw de Butterworth ,, „ A child of Isaac Buckley of Packer ... 18 „ A son of Samuel Hopwood de Woodhous Lane ... ... ... ... ... 19 „ A daughter of John Maden de Bagslate 20 ,, Uxor Thomas [Brearley de Spotland ... „ ,, A daughter of John Lord de Shore ... 22 „ John MiUies the yr of Blackwater ... 23 ,, A daughter of Edmund Greave of Butterworth HaU 25 ,, A daughter of Daniel MUls of Tunch hill „ „ Uxor Abrahami Hamer of Tunch hill ... „ ,, A daughter of James Standring of Rochdale ... ... ... ... jj ,, A child of Abraham Wilkinson de Whitworth 28 Mary Howarth de Knutehill 30 „ A child of James Sharpies of HundersfeUd i May Uxor Jacobi Bury de Rochdale ... 5 jj George Frankleton de Butterworth Hall 8 ,, Uxor Jacobi Buckley de Whitworth ... ,, „ A child of Henry Butterworth of Church Stile 14 '. AchUdof Samuel Johnson of Littlebrough 15 „ Arthur Holt of Rochdale , „ A chUd of Sami HoUowes of Sted StiU 17 „ Francis Scolefeild of Blackwater ... 19 „ Mary Leigh of Blackwater 20 „ A chUd of OUver HoUs of Pitts John s. of James Scoles de Pitts ... 21 „ Uxor Johannis Buckley de CastletonMore 23 „ Uxor Isaaci Romsbotom de Roads ... „ „ A child of WilUam Stott de Hundersfield 24 A chUd of Christopher Lord de Hundersfield „ „ Uxor Johannis Scolefield de Marland ... 27 „ A chUd of Isaac Buckley de Packer ... 28 „ James Scolfield of Sladen MiU Hundersf: 30 A child of John Leigh of Blackwater ... A child of Francis Bolton of Green Hundersfield , „ 550 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1690 1690 A child of WilUam Roads of Swinroad Hundersfield 2 June Uxor Abrahami Hamer of Medocroft Middleton Par: 4 „ A child of John Milnes of Woodhouse Lane Spotland 6 „ A child of John Aspin of Clough House Hundersfield 7 „ A chUd of John Smith of Spotland Still 10 ,, Thomas Oldham of BuresaU ... ... 12 „ A child of Edmund Millnes of Clough House Hund: 13 ,, A child of John Birch of Spotland Still „ Uxor Johannis Nuttall de Rochdale ... 15 ,, A child of John Holt of Woosenam Spot: 16 „ A child of Peter Boltons of Bury Par: ... 17 „ A child of Abell Brearley of BuresaU More ... ... ... ... ... 20 ,, Samuel SutcUffe of Rochdale ... ... „ „ A child of James Milnes of Sted ... 27 „ A child of Isaac Loton of Cronckeshaw Still: _ _ „ 6 p. 144 Uxor Abrahami Hoilroide de Belfeilde 28 ,, Robert Cropper de Bamford poch: de Bury J, A child of John Howarth de Blackwater ,, ,, Henry Brearley de Wardleworth ... 29 jj A child of Thomas Shore de Shore ... ,j jj A chUd of Robert Taylor de Whitworth 30 ,j Andrew s. of Thomas Chadwick de Blackwater i July Charles Chadwick de Bags-slate ... 2 j, A chUd of Abraham Taylor Lower Place ,, ,, A child of Alexander Scolefield of Rochdale ... ... j A son of Abraham Whitworth de Bolderston 3 » Uxor Josephi Wardle de Blackwater ... 11 jj Uxor Radulphi ColUer de Rochdale ... 13 „ A child of Randall Butterworth of Lower Wardle ... ... ... ... „ jj A daughter of Robt Taylor of Hundersfield 16 jj A daughter of Robt Whittaker of Hxmdersfeild ... ... ... jj >j Uxor CaroU HiU de HolUnworth ... 28 „ A child of Jonathan Grinroade de Spotland , „ A child of John Ashton de^Spotland ... 29 „ 1690 BURIALS 551 1690 7 August II 1314 23 2427 30 2 September 3 „ John Chadwick de EUenrud A child of James Duerdens de Shore ... A child of Henry Whitickar de Cleggswood A child of Nehemiah Backer John Atckinson de Burne Edge at Manchester Uxor John Leey de Blackwater Arthur Butterworth de Greene Uxor John Belfeild de Spotland Edmund Greave de Butterworth Hall Abraham Buckley de Spotland A child of John Burras de Rochdale Still A daughter of John Healey de Banck house ... ... A child of Alexander Kershaw de Tounhoush [sic] Still A daughter of Robert Taylor de Bagslaed Uxor Arther Scholefeild de Chvuch StUe A child of Robert Clegg de Woolstenholm StiU John Butler de Tonne ... A child of Daniell Stock de Butterworth HaU A child of James Dawson by Ann Taylor vStiU spurious Sarah Ogden de Rochdale EUzabeth ColUng de Buckley i October A child of Edmund Lord de Cronckeshaw Ann Wrigley de Church Lane ... John Robertshaw de Spotland Uxor Isaac Howworth de Milnerow ... A child of John Haslam de Toad Lane John Wardle de Spotland A child of John Ogden de Toad Lane ... John Hoyle de Litle Clegg ... ... A child of Samuel Whipp de Rochdale A daughter of John Taylor de Lower Heay ... Uxor Robert Clegg de Woolstenholme Jane Clegg de Greene p. 145 A child of Edmund WiUiin de Milnerow A child of EUis Haslam de Bury parish A child of Jonathan Whitticker de Rochdale A child of Jonathan Whitticker de Rochdale A child of James Bamford de Litleborrough 7 November James Howworth de Whitworth 6 9 16 1921 I 15 16 17 22 25 26 29 552 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1690 SchoUeild de 1690 II November JJ JJ 15 JJ 19 JJ 21 „ 23 ,j A child of Abraham Mooreside A child of Henry Farrer de Rochdale Uxor John Roads de Wardle ... A child of James Kershaw de BuersiU Uxor James Sutlif de Milnerow EUzabeth Fitton de Rochdale ... John Wilson de Packer ... A chUd of Abraham Brearley de Whitworth 24 A child of Joseph Brearley de BeUeild ... 25 ,, John Stott de Blacket HiU 27 Jane Scholefeild de Spotland 29 ,, Uxor Charles BeUeild de Newheay ... 30 ,, Robert Buckley de Marland 4 December Ann Shore de Toad Lane 5 ,, Uxor Abraham Chadwick de Spotland 9 ,, A child of Wilham Chadwick de Blackwatei Still ... ... ... „ ,, A child of James Bamford de Litleborrough 11 ,, A daughter of Charles Crosley de Cronckeshaw ... ... ... „ ,, A child of Abraham Brearley de Milnerow ,, ,, A child of a Stranger from Manchester ,, ,, A child of John Clegg of Toad Lane ... 13 ,, AUce Ashton de Spotland ... ... 14 ,, Uxor Robert Wilde de Marland ... 15 James Jayeks de Rochdale ... ... 23 ,, A child of Wilham Chadwicke de Blackwater ... ... ... ... 31 ,, .... Fenton de Bamford de Midleton pish: 5 Jany Uxor Robert Watmough de Church Lane 6 ,, A child of Alex: Farrer de 10 „ Uxor John Clegg de Hudson Uxor Edmund Ogden de Blackwater ... Isaac Adkinson de Toad Lane ... Edmund Feilding de Haugh Thomas Guy de Howworth Clerck Elizabeth Woolstenholme de Woolstenholme A child of John Leey de Cosey feild Head StiU A child of Abraham Hoyleroad de Belfield A child of Edmond Turner de Rochdale Jonathan HalUweU de Rochdale Gent: A child of John Hollows de Stidd StiU A child of Joseph Taylor de Hartley ... II 131416 1922 6 7 11 JJ 12 February 1690-I69I BURIALS Joshuah Brearley de Ogden A son of Thomas Baxter de Bagslate ... Uxor John Lort Castleton from Tonne Olliver Chadwick de Rochdale A son of Edmund Turner de Rochdale Jonathan Cranidge de Rochdale . ... PriciUey Turner de Rochdale Uxor William Standering Butterworth Uxor WilUam Erneshaw de Toad Lane 6 p. 146 AUce Scholfeild de Hundersfeild A child of WiUiam Stott de Shawfeild John Chadwick de Belfeild A child of James Brearley de Shore Joshuah Smith de Chadwick John Lewes de Church Stile Joseph Clegg de Stones A child of Samuel Milne de Toad Lane James Thorpe de Church Stile A child of Robert Colling de Hartley ... A child of DanieU Milne de Butterworth HaU John Brearley de Rochdale Esther SchoUeild de Gooslane John Buckley de Castleton Moore A child of Thom: Milne de Milnerow ... Robert Smethurst de Balderstone Clerck Mary HiU de Rochdale A daughter of James Broadbent de MUnerow A child of James CockeriU de Woodhouse Lane ... James Ashworth de Blackston Edge ... A child of Joseph Birch de Heayley ... A child of James Bamford de Rochdale A sonn of John Stott de Browne Wardle A child of James Chadwick Clay Lanes Head Uxor James Bamford de Rochdale A child of Timothy Dison James Turner de [Baugh Uxor Thomas Lewes de Rochdale Margret Dawson de Litleborough Jonathan Woolfenden de Hundersfeild Susan Greave de Great Clegg ... Jonathan Smith de Rochdale ... Mary Bridge de BuersiU Moore John Holte de Sparth 553 1690 14 February 17 JJ 19 JJ 27 28 „ 3 March 9 .. 10 II JJ 14 JJ T-7 JJ 19 » 2021 JJ 1691 28 March 30 31 5 J I April 35 33 2 35 3 3 5 55 53 6 7 8 Ii. 14 1617 21 2225 55 28 I69I 1 May 3 JJ 8 JJ 10 55 11 55 JJ J5 JJ 53 ^7 53 22 26 27 28 29 I June 4 JJ 554 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1691 Robert Butterworth de Newbold A daughter of Charles Hill de HolUnworth Alexr Taylor de Whitworth Uxor Isaac Chadwick de Broadley Uxor James Clegg de ShawfeUd Edmund WUde of Ouldham .pish: A StiU child of Sam: Whipp Uxor John Woolfenden Church Lane ... A child of Charles Milne de Rochdale ... John SchoUeild de Gooslane A sonn of James Clegg de Tongue End A daughter of John Leigh de Coseyfeild Head A daughter of Jeremiah Bury de Toad Lane ... A sonn of WiUiam Turner de Toad Lane A chUd of John Shepard de Spotland ... James Whitehead de Whitacker ... 8 „ Jonathan Lum de Rochdale ... ... 12 ,, Uxor Jam: Howworth de Ashworth de Midle: pish 13 „ A child of Edm: Brearley de MUnrow ... „ „ Mary Brearley de Ogden 15 „ Ann Hayward de Fisher Feild „ „ Uxor James Lightowlers de Litleborough 17 „ A daughter of Edward Milne de Blackwater ... ... 21 „ Uxor John Clegg de litlebrough ... 22 „ Uxor John Holte de LongfeUd ... ... 24 ,, A daughter of Thom: Lort de Rochdale 28 „ 6 p. 147 A child of Alexander Roads de Hundersfeild 3 July A daughter of Abraham Turner de Castleton ... ... ... ... 6 „ A child of William Holte de Ashbrook Heay , „ John Butterworth de Rochdale ... 8 „ A child of Richard Undsworth de Lowerplace ... ... ... ... 10 „ John Taylor de Lower Place 15 „ Abraham BelfeUd de Cleggswood ... 17 „ James Chadwick de Carr „ „ Susan d. of SamueU Roads of Rochdale 19 „ 2 child: of John Holte of Butterworth HaU , Mary Grime de Birchanhead ... ... 20 „ James Woolfenden de Milnerow ... 21 „ James Brearley de Haugh 2 August 1691 BURIALS 555 A child of Edmund Kershaw Long Clough Ann Holte de Packer John Taylor de Broadley Uxor Samuel Johnson de Litlebrough... Miles Layford Blackwater A child of Edmund Stott A ChUd of James Grime ShawfeUd ... A chUd of Alexander ScholfeUd A child of James Holte de Rochdale ... A son of Robert Dawson Hamer yait ... Robert Holte de Bamford Midle: pish A daughter of Francis Gartside de Cold Greave A child of Daniel HoUowes Spotland Bridg Uxor John Scholfield Bibknowle Uxor Richard Unsworth de Lowerlace [sic] James Clegg de Shawfeild Uxor Elhs Mayson de Church Lane ... James Stott de Dearnley Thomas Broomhead de vSpotland A chUd of Emanuel Whitaker de Toad Lane ... A child of Edmund Shore Hundersfield Uxor PauU Kershaw Whitley Deane ... Uxor John Thorpp de Wardleworth ... Uxor Garrard Stott de Roundhouse ... Margret Taylor de Toad Lane A child of Ellis HoUowes Blackwater ... A child of John Kershaw de Whitley Deane Sarah Bridge de Cronckeshaw ... A child of Edmund Holte de WhitefeUd OtweU vSmith de Church Lane ... A child of John Kershaw A child of Thomas Mayson Church Lane James Scholfeild de Ogden A child of Charles Belfeild A chUd of Margret Milne de Hartley ... A child of Thomas Holte de Rochdale . . . A chUd of Edmund Hopwood StiU Uxor James ColUngs de Haugh James Broune WilUam RothweU de Spotland 6 p. 148 John Ashworth de Woodhouse Lane ... Richard Blayden de Butterworth A daughter of Thomas Shore de Rochdale James Chadwick de Rough Banck I69I 5 August 9 JJ 11 S3 12 5 5 55 3J 14 18 55 35 19 53 55 21 ii 24 " 27 ii 30 I 55 September 2 55 3 6 55 ii 17 ?» 5? ii 19 a 20 35 25 55 27 5 6 October 55 14 55 15 JJ JS 18 2 JJ November 55 5J 56 55 55 12 JJ 13 16 55JJ 24 4 JJ Decembei 5 55 7 55 12 JJ -556 ROCHDALE REGISTERS A son of Richard Milne Milnerow Raph Webb de Rochdale Elizabeth Brearley de Milnerow • Uxor John Lewes de Packer ... A chUd of John Bentley John Chadwick de Butterworth A child of Edward Leigh de Rochdale . . . James Milne de Shawfeild EUin Seddon de Spotland Bridg Uxor John Dickson de Hundesfeild ... Mary Buckley de HundesfeUd ... "... John Turner of Rochdale A child of John Chadwick de Rochdale Uxor Richard Taylor de Whitworth ... Thomas Lowton de Cronckishaw A daughter of James Lowton Cronckishaw Richard Renshaw de Rochdale Uxor John Heayward de Hillhouse ... Ann Hawckerd de Litlebiough A child of James Shore de Wardleworth James Butterworth de Husstidd A child of Mary Howorth Uxor Robert Sootaile Church Lane ... A child of John Mayden Bagslaid A child of Abell Butterworth Litlebrough Uxor Alexander Smith Rochdale A child of Robert Whitworth Balderstone 23 James Whitehead Blackwater ... ... ,, A child of Abraham Haslam de Woodhouse Lane ... ... ... ,, Robert Walckden de Church Lane Uxor John Lort de Litlebrough Uxor Thomas Burton de Hundersfeild Uxor Thomas Hauge de Binns ... Uxor James Ashworth de Blackston Edg Margeret Milne de Crook James Grnderroad de Whitworth ... „ A child of Daniel Sladen de Litlebrough 4 Mary Hoyle de Blackwater 6 A chUd of EUis ScholfeUd de Rochdale „ Charles NuttaU de Butterworth Freeh: „ John Heap de Lowerplace Gentleman 8 A daughter of James Taylor de Browne Wardle 9 A child of John Harbor de Blackwater 10 James Clegg de Fish Bridge ... ... 13 John Tatersall Spotland Bridge ... 15 Susan Thorpe Church StUe 17 1691 1691 14 December 16 20 21 22 23 26 29 5 3 30 I January JJ 3 4 55 5 7 JJ 9 12 14 1517 1821 2829 53 30 3 February I69I-1692 BURIALS John Woolfenden James Bamford Feild head Henry Farrer MiU HiU Uxor Henry Pigot vicar de Rochdale ... Mary Stock de Butterworth HaU Achild of ... . StiU James Milne Spotland Bridg A child of James Ashworth Smithy Fould Uxor John Smetherst de Rochdale 6 p. 149 A child of Robert Watmough Church Lane ... ... A daughter of Francis Bury de Packer Edward Harbour de Blackwater A son of Abell Ashworth de Broadhough WilUam Howworth de Chesedep Uxor John Chadwick de Rochdale ... Robert Dearden de Hundersfeild Jeremy Duerden de Hundersfeild A child of Henry Butterworth de Newbould ... A child of Timothy Dison de. Castleton A child of WiUiam Twotaile de Castleton A child of John Houlte de Newbold ... A daughter of Francis Milne from Church Stile Michael Butterworth de Milnerow A child of William Turton de Rochdale A child of Alexander Cheatham de Shawfeild Uxor John Howorth de Blackwater ... A son of James Scholfeild de Rochdale A daughter of Richard Whitaker de Spotland James Butterworth de Raghole A daughter of James Sharpies de Howorth Cross William Standering de Butterworth ... A child of Isaac Howorth de Milnrow ... A child of Edm: Butterworth de Castle HiU A child of Sam: Jonson de Litlebrough A son of John Crabtree of Cronckey Shaw Jam: Brearley de Tunick CUff A child of WilUam Kershaw de Litlebrough A child of Charles BeUeUd de Clegg ... Robt Holte de Rochdale Gent: Uxor John Whitworth de Milnerow ... 557 I 691 17 February 18 JJ 19 JJ 20 55 21 5 3 22 J5 23 55 24 33 25 55 28 55 2 March 53 33 5 JJ 15 JJ 55 55 16 JJ 18 ¦ 55 JJ 55 19 55 JJ 22 35 3 3 I 692 26 March 29 8 ApriU 17 " 35 55 18 „ 19 35 20 JJ 24 35 30 33 I May 55 J5 2 35 5 33 558 rochdAle registers 1692 A child of Benjamin Clegg de Waterhouse Uxor Richard Whitehead of Wardle ... A daughter of Elizabeth Seddon de Rochdale Richard Ogden Church Lane A child of James Bamford de Rochdale Thom: Butterworth de Buerdsill A son of James Taylor de Werdle A son of James Taylor de Werdle A son of Daniel Bamford de Hamer Mill A child of Jeremiah Ashton Uxor James Scholfeild de Rochdale ... Uxor MichaeU Heap de Rochdale Richard Grime de [Bagslad A son of Thom: Baxter de Bagslaed ... A child of Joseph Taylor de Packer ... A child of James Taylor de Cronshaw ... A child of Susan Brearley de Butterworth Uxor Arthur Scholfeild de Spotland ... Uxor Henry NuttaU de Castleton Uxor George Booth de Church Lane ... A child of Thom: Buckley de Rochdale Gent: ... A child of James Bamford de Weardle A child of James Wilde de Littlebrough Uxor John Belfeild de Blackstone Edge A child of Edm: Ashworth de Litlebrough A son of Charles Hill de HolUngworth ... A child of Samuel Butterworth de Ogden StiU A daughter of John Jackson de Rochdale 6 p. 150 A child of Joshua Hoyle de Whitworth Uxor James Bamford de Shore A child of Robert Bolton de Low A daughter of John Holte Blackwater Mary Brearley de Whitworth ... Uxor George Smetherst de Rochdale ... A child of Robert Cropper de Rochdale A child of Daniell MUne de Litlebrough A son of James Milne de Balderstone ... A child of Samuel Cudworth de Stidd ... Uxor William Hill de Newbold A child of Hen: Farrer de Spotland ... John Smith de Blackwater A chUd of J ohn Milne de Stidd John HiU de Rochdale A child of Robert Houghton ,, Uxor Andrew Bury de Pitts 10 1692 i May 12 55 15 T-7 22 2325 26 27 29 31 J J 3 5 10 12 14 16182021 June 4 July II JJ 141517 20 5 6 7 AU£ ;ust 1692 BURIALS 559 A daughter of John Adkinson de Brunedg Uxor Israeli Hurst de Litlebrough John Bolton de Loe Uxor James WooUenden de Haeds A chUd of Thomas Butterworth de Whitworth A child of James Standring de Faileings Uxor James Scholfeild de Rochdale ... A son of James Kay of Cheesden Uxor .... Hoppwood of Butterworth HaU John Greenwood de Hundesfeild A child of Henry Howworth ... Uxor Robert Ingham de Rochdale A son of John Greav de Woodhouse Lane Edmund Butterworth de Church Stile A son of Samuell Taylor de Haugh EUzabeth Butterworth de Rochdale Uxor Thomas Livsey de Goos lane A child of Abraham Cropper ... A son of James Lort de Passmans Esther Whitworth de Hill Topp A son of Jefrah MUne de Moor Banck Martha Milne de Hundersfeild ... George Leeys de Brimeroad ... A daughter of Samuel Taylor de Haugh A child of Samuel Crier de Church Lane Esther Buckley de Rochdale A child of James Wilkinson Mary Crabtree Jane Brearley de Haugh Margret Buckley de Milnrow EUzabeth Scholfeild de Goos lane Marv Mavson Church Lane A chUd of WilUam Roads Still A child of Henry Bamford de Rochdale John Kay de Woolfetenholme ... Margret Haslam de Rochdale ... A child of Thomas Livsey Gooslane A chUd of Edm: Ogden StiU ... A child of John Howorth James Woolfenden BuersiU Thomas Brearley de Cold Greave 6 p. 151 A chUd of James Taylor de Haugh ... A daughter of JohnSmithdeTongueEnd A son of Abell Ashworth de Broadhough A daughter of John Brearley de Rochdale Gent: 7 [692 August 17 JJ 21 JJ 22 JJ 23 JJ 31 I JJ September 4 JJ 9 II 12 13 1600 25 „ 29 JJ 2 October 9 J. II J, 12 „ 16 „ 17 J. 19 JJ 21 „ 55 JJ 23 JJ 22 „ 35 55 30 JJ JJ JJ 4 November 6 „ 11 56o ROCHDALE REGISTERS A chUd of WilUam Milne StiU Roger Heyward de Broadhough A daughter of Robert Smethurst Uxor James Leeys Woodhouse Lane ... Dorithy Scholfeild de Sheepbanck A child of de Woolstenholme Still James Milne de Laydihouse A child of James Grime de Shawfeild ... Uxor John Bury ... Uxor Robert Brearley de Cronckey Shaw A child of George [Hanson Blackwater Stephen Nuttall de Spotland Uxor WiUiam Brearley de Rochdale ... Uxor Jonathan Dearden de Cronckeshaw A stranger Uxor Robert Legh de Blackwater John Ramesden Chadwick Hall Ann Ramesden A child of John Flecher John Brearley de Rochdale Gent: Uxoi John Smethurst de Heayley Uxor Samuel Milne de Milnerow Richard Shephard de Spotland Uxor James Chetham Shawfeild Thomas Lort Woodhouse Lane Richard Hilton de Castleton John Brearley de Hangingles A child of John Fitton de Milnrow Still Jane Scholfeild Castleton A son of Edm: Lort Cronckeshaw ... A child of WiUiam Holte StiU Uxor Francis Scholfeild Blackwater ... A child of Rodger Whitwor: Blackwater StiU A child of John Shephard Rochdale ... A child of Edm: Cocker de Hartley StUl Uxor Samuel Milne de Milnerow * ... A child of Edm: Holte de Rochdale ... John Harman de Know William Hamer de Rochdale Uxor Thom: Bury de Church Lane ... A chUd of Samuel Whitworth Shaw StiU Arthur Turnough de Packer aiged 98 ... Samuel Roads de Rochdale Elizabeth Baskervile de Rochdale A child of James Hartley de Weardle ... A child of James Man de Woodhouse Lane ... 1692 1692 14 November 15 JJ T-7 18 55 JJ 19 55 20 55 22 JJ- 27 JS 29 J5 30 4 55 December 5 JJ 9 JJ 11 14 16T-7 23 29 ,J 2 January 3 JJ 6 „ 9 >. 13 J, 3) 33 15 „ 16 „ T-7 J. 18 „ 19 J> 33 55 20 2122 ,, JJ JJ 24 JJ 25 JJ 26 „ 27 J, 3 February 1692-1693 BURIALS 561 1692 4 February 5 J, Uxor John Holte de Hamer MUl Edmund Bridg de HundesfeUd Uxor Mathew HoUowes de Newbould Lane Wilham Motteram de Ockenroad Mill [sic] James Hoppwood Father and ... James Hoppwood the son Laydy house A child of John Brearley de Rochdale Gent: Samuel Joanson de Litlebrough James Milne de Milnrow James Lister de Blackwater Arthur Smethurst de Rochdale A child of James Smith de Ch: Lane ... Uxor Charles Hamer de Chelborn A chUd of WilUam Taylor 6 p. 152 A cliUd of a stranger from Packer A child of Richard Whiteacker de Spotland A child of John Milne de Haugh A child of John Barratt Uxor John Fletcher de Butterworth ... Alice Grime de Bagslade Margaret Whitehead Uxor James Crosley de Smaleshaw ... John Howworth de Spotland ... Margaret Taylor de Sudden A daughter of John Pilhng Shawfeild ... A child of John Crabtree de Ringlows ... „ A child of James Howorth Bagslaid ... 14 Edward Milne de Hundesfeild ,, A child of Alexr Kershaw Stidd ... 21 A child of Tho: Shore de Shore John Crosley de Spotland .... Clegg de Bagslaid A child of WilUam de Stidd .. James Lightowlers de Shaw Seth Clayton Esq: A child of Robert Clegg Hundesfeild .. A chUd of Ottwell Woolfenden A child of Richard Holte Lowerplace .. A child of Edm: Taylor Broad Lane ... „ „ James Scholfeild de Rochdale Gent: ... 9 AprU Uxor John Milne de Butterworth ... „ ,, James Birch de Blackwater ... ... 12 „ A child of George Booth Church Lane „ 14 JS 1516 55 55 17 3 J 21 55 55 55 24 55 JJ 26 SS'5 28 55 55 I 55 March 55 55 2 35 36 JJ5 5 55 55 II 35 12 35 1 25 693 March 'J SJ 53 26 27 28 30 31 I 20 , 582 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1697 Uxor Jonathan Butterworth of Sladen James Butterworth of Church Stile ... John Holkerd of Trub Smithy 6 p. 168 A chUd of Francis Milne Uxor Nathan Bruckshaw of Rochdale Israel Hurst near Littlebrough A child of Jonathan Scholefield of Healey Uxor Thomas Brearley of Marland ... John Butterworth of [Blackwater Richard Holt of Knowl Moor Uxor John Fitton of Butterworth Hall A daughter of Abraham Brearley of Naden Abraham Healey of Croft Hole John Clegg of HoUenworth Thomas Whitteker of Hundersfield ... Uxor James Kay of Cossefeld Head ... A child of John Chadwicke of Bury pish: A child of Abraham Stocke of Castleton Moore James Greave of Butterworth ... A child of Jonathan Chadwicke A child of Silas Hamor of Toad Lane ... A child of Joseph Milne of Chadwicke ... Jane Turner of Milnrow Uxor Robert Clegg of HoUenworth ... Thomas Chadwicke A child of Edmund Kearshow of Shore A child of Lawrence March of Toad Lane John Bamford of LitteU Wardle EUzebeth Hurst of Hundersfield Abraham Lord of Castleton A child of John Hopwood of Rochdale Peter Bolton of Rochdale A child of James Kenion of Spotland ... Uxor Robert Butterworth of Rochdale Uxor William Breailey of Butterworth Thomas Brearley of Butterworth Hall Uxor Andrew Hoyle of Whitworth John Butterworth of Raghole ... A child of Robert Holt of Whitfeild ... Uxor James Barret of Butterworth Hall A child of Edmund Lord of Hundersfield Robert Ashworth of Spotland John Grime of Spotland Henry Smith of Spotland A daughter of Thomas Lord of Rochdale 1697 21 June 25 5 J 26 *i 3 July 6 ss 10 ss 12 S5 55 55 13 SJ 14 55 22 55 31 1 August 11 it 14 JJ 1718 5555 21 55 22 55 23 33 27 28 55 33 29 I 55 September 2 35 4 55 9 55 55 55 55 55 12 33 14 53 3 3 18 S355 21 55 25 JJ 27 JJ i697 BURIALS 583 Charles HiU of Hollinworth Uxor Edmund Scholefeild of Rochdale A son of James Clegg of Shelf eild A child of Edmund Butterworth of Windiebanke A child of James Greave of Church Lane John Butterworth of TurfhUl A chUd of John Stott of Brown Wardle Uxor Robert Stott of Wardle Uxor Robert Dowson of Feild head ... Uxor Robert Whitworth of Bolderstone 6 p. 169 James Shepard of Okenroad ... Uxor Daniall Jackson of Church Lane A child of Abrahain Whitworth of Newbold Lane A child of Nathan Bruckshaw of Rochdale James Greaves of Church Lane Uxor Jefray Lumax of Whitworth Abraham Lees of Trub Smethy Uxor John Brearley of Rochdale A chUd of James Cass of Hustidd A daughter of Thomas Clegg of Whitworth A child of Edward Holt of Greave ... A child of Edmund Brearley of Hundersfield A chUd of Mr Robert Ashton of Okenroad Uxor Jonathari Hollows of Uxor Raph Sinith of Hundersfeild A child of John Ashworth of Church Lane ... Lawrance Hardman of Woolstenholme A child of Henry Lord of PoUitts A child of James Sutcliff of Butterworth Peter Bolton of Rochdale Uxor Charles Lord of Pasmans Richard Kay of Chesden Robert Butterworth of Packer A child of Arthur Brearley of Whitleyden Uxor Arthur Scholfeild of Cronckshaw Abraham Milne of Bagslate A child of Thomas Jacksons of Church Stile James Smith of Packer Uxor Sutcliff of Butts AchUdof Nathaneal Buckley of Whitworth A child of Thomas Greenhough of Butterworth Uxor John Clegg of Clough House 1697 1 October 7 55 9 JJ 10 JJ 18 55 20 55 21 53 55 35 23 55 27 5S 28 55 31 33 I November 6 55 7 55 8 33 13 35 15 55 20 55 JJ 55 JJ 55 22 55 24 55 25 55 27 35 I December 33 55 3 53 4 35 5 55 6 55 7 55 8 55 9 JJ 12 55 13 33 15 53 17 55 584 ROCHDALE REGISTERS Edmund Tayler of Rochdale A child of James Holt of Church Lane A child of John Scholefeild of Spotland Top Uxor James Shore of Litlebrough EUzebeth Tayler of Blackwater Uxor James [Milne of Shawfeild Edmund Clegg of Belfeild A chUd of Abraham Casson Abraham Earnshaw of Litlebrough A child of George Lees of Blackwater ... Jeremiah Bury of Blackwater ... Grace Hollows of Litlebrough ... A child of Ralph Butterworth 5 Uxor James Maden of Packer ... ... ,, A child of Robert Rudd of Newbold Lane 6 6 p. 170 A child of Charles Turner of Lower Place „ Uxor WiUiam Stott of Shawfeild ... 9 A child of Jonathan Brown of Blackwater 10 A child of James Butterworth of Litlebrough ,, A child of John Heayward of Bury parish Abraham Brearley of Marland ... A chUd of PhiUip Stocke of Rochdale ... John Thorpe of Wardleworth ... Mr George Jackson Irom Castleton A child of Timethy Etocke of Rochdale Robert Persevile of Middleton pish John Chadwicke of Tenterhouse A child of John Ramsbothom of Toad Lane ... Radcliff Hanson of Bagslate Uxor John Stott of Dunigh Booth Margrit Holt of Smalebridge A child of George Man of Lower Yeats Uxor Richard Clegg of Bagslatte Uxor Nicolus Dunstner of Butterworth A child of Joseph Burch of Healey ... Adam Tayler of Castleton Moor A child of John Brearley of Moss Side ... A child of John Gartside of Hengen Lees A child of John Hardman of Spotland A child of Alexander Kearshow of Townhous A chUd of John Stott of Wardle John Wild of Marland Uxor Edmund Butterworth of Church Lane 1697 1697 18 December 20 21 25 55 28 29 31 4 January II 13 53 18 19 22 24 28 30 2 7 10 13 16 20 28 February 2 March 1697-1698 BURIALS 585 1697 Uxor William Buckley of 4 March Robert Wild of Marland 5 „ Uxor Alexander Kearshow of Townhous 6 ,, A child of John Heape of Rochdale ... 9 ,, A child of Francis Flecher of Hundersf eild ,, „ James Brearley of Cleggswood Moss ... 10 „ A child of William Willson of Packer ... 12 „ A child of John Holt of Yorkshire Street „ „ Uxor John Brearley of Moss Side ... 14 „ A child of Abraham Scholfeild of Sandhole 15 „ Uxor Isaac Adkenson of Toad Lane ... 18 ,, Margrit Holt of Clay Lane „ Robert CoUing of Hartley ... ... ig ,, A child of Robert Kearshow of Butterworth ... ... ... ... ,, ,, Edmund Turner of Rochdale 22 ,, Mary Kearshow of Brearley ,, ,, A child of James Woolfenden of Hundersfield 23 ,, A chUd of John Tayler of Rochdale ... „ ,, 1698 Abell Whiteker of Brodhalgh 27 March A child of James Gartside of Could Greave 28 ,, A child of James Hourth cf Rochdale ... 29 ,, p. 171 Thomas Hill of New Gate i AprU A child of Robert Kearshow of Butterworth HaU „ „ A child of James Brearley of Hough ... ,, ,, A child of James Butterworth of Blackwater ... ... ... ... 3 „ Uxor James Buckley of Whitworth ... 6 ,, Uxor John Pollitt of Hardman Fould ... „ „ A child of WilUam Strengthfellow of Spotland Bridg , ... 7 ,, A child of John Molenex g ,, Two children of Robert Brearley of Hough 10 ,, Uxor George Smethurst of New bilden 12 ,, John Turner of Bolderstone ... ... 13 ,, Mary Lowton of Cronckeshaw ... ... 16 „ A chUd of Charles Butterworth of Church Lane 22 ,, John Smethurst of Bolderstone ... 23 Uxor John Cheatham of Rydens ... 30 ,, A child of Robert Lees of Brownedge ... ,, ,, A chUd of Robert CoUear of Rochdale ... 2 May A child of Robert Whitworth of ShawfeUd „ ,, A child of James Lees of 7 ,, 586 ROCHDALE REGLSTERS 1698 i6g8 Ann Buckley of Spotland 2 May A child of Samuell Smith of Blackwater 9 ,, A child of John Marcroft of Spotland ... 10 ,, A child of John Mathew of Spotland ... 11 ,, A child of Richard Howorth of „ ,, Ann Ashworth of HundersfeUd ... ,, ,, Abraham Chadwicke of Spotland ... 18 ,, A child of Martha Standren ... ... ,, ,, A child of Wil'iam NuttaU of Rochdale 20 Robert Lowton of Marland ... ... 22 „ John Fletcher of BurtseU Moor ... 24 ,, AchUdof Jonathan Whiteker of Rochdale „ ,, James Feilden of Brearley ... ... 25 ,, John Royds of Hundersfeild ... ... ,, ,, John Stott of Bent Hous ... ... 26 „ John Chadwick of Rochdale Gent: ... 27 „ Alexander Wrigley of Spotland ... ,, ,, Alice Ogden of Church Lane 28 „ A child of Edmund Tayler of Rochdale 29 „ A child of John Whithead of Butterworth ,, ,, Margrit Whithead of Hundersfeild ... 30 „ A child of Richard Hamer of Hundersfeild 31 ,, A child of James Clegg of Whitworth ... 3 June WilUam Greenhalgh of Rochdale ... 7 „ James Wrigley of Toad Lane 9 ,, Joseph Clegg of Broadley ,, „ A child of James Tayler of Hundersfield ,, ,, John Lord of Litlebrough 10 ,, A child of John Buckley of Butterworth 12 „ A child of Mary Booth of Church Lane 13 ,, A child of John Hopwood of Rochdale ,, ,, A chUd of John BelfeUd of Showfield ... 14 ,, Widow Sutcliff of Butts 6 p. 172 A child of WilUam Chadwick of Blackwater ..*. 16 ,, Uxor James Kearshow of Wardleworth 17 ,, Widdow Clegg of Broadley „ „ Elizebeth Hamer of Butterworth ... 20 jj A child of John Leach of Cronckeshaw 23 ,, A chUd of Abell Turner of Blackwater ... 24 „ Margrit Roads of Packer 25 „ Uxor Alexander Cheetham of Shawfeild 29 ,, Abraham Henley of Spotland ... ,, A chUd of Nathan HiU of Spotland ... 1 July A child of Richard Woolfenden Hundersfeild 5 ,, Uxor Samuell Wardleworth Rydings ... 6 „ AchUdof James Brearley of Butterworth ,, ,, 1698 BURIALS 587 1698 Mary Holt of Brimeroad 7 July A child of Richard Chadwicke of Rochdale 10 „ Thomas Stott of Wardle 12 „ Alice Clegg of Stones 13 ,, Uxor Samuell Hill of Lower Yeafeild ... 14 ,, A child of James Leach of Whitworth ... 15 ,, A child of EUis Hollows of Blackwater 20 ,, A child of John Taylor of Lower Place 22 ,, Uxor Edmond Buckley of Broad Lane 24 „ Uxor James Holt of Bank House ... „ ,, A child of Mary Booth of Blackwater ... Henry Butterworth of Brown Wardle 27 ,, Two children of John Standren of 31 ,, Susan Surgener of Rochdale 3 August Uxor WiUiam Tayler of Blackwater ... 9 „ Uxor Robert Whiteker of Rochdale ... „ „ A child of Mathew Cronegh of Blackwater 10 ,, A child of Richard Grindroad of Heigh Wardle ,, „ Uxor Mathew Cronidgeh of Blackwater 12 „ A child of James Tayler of Hillhouse ... 14 ,, A child of James Sale of Rochdale ... „ ,, A child of John Ashworth of Whitworth ,, ,, Isaac Bolton of Rochdale ... ... 15 ,, SamueU Holme of Hundersfeild ... 17 „ Henry Farrer of Milnrow ... ... 20 „ Robert Butterworth of Blackwater ... „ „ A child of Joseph Wrigby of Rochdale 21 ,, A child of Abraham TweedaU of Whitworth 22 ,, A child of Jonathan Milne of Hundersfeild 25 ,, A child of Henry Bamford of HoUenworth 29 ,, Uxor John Cryer of BurtseU , „ 6 p. 173 A child of James Brearley of Butterworth 6 September Uxor Robert Milne of Church Lane ... 7 „ A child of Joseph Leach of HoUenworth 14 ,, A child of Adam Earnshow of Blackwater 16 Michell Snipe, a stranger 17 „ A child of John Meller of Blackwater ... 20 „ A child of Widdow Hamer of EUenroad 27 ,, John Ashworth of Blackwater i October John Chadwicke of Cleggswood Moss ... 11 „ Israeli Clegg of Whitworth 27 „ A child of Gorge Ashworth near Litlebrough ,, j, A child of Edmund Tayler of Rochdale 29 „ Uxor Joshua Smith of Church Stile ... 1 November A chUd of WUUam Lord of Wardle ... 3 588 ROCHDALE REGISTERS James Tayler of Parrock Head Uxor Anthony Buxstons of Wood Abraham Healey [or] Henley of Shepard Millne A chUd of Robert SootheU of Packer ... A child of John Brigg of BurtseU Moor Arthur ScholfeUd of Goos Lane Abraham Brearley of Church Lane ... Richard HiU of WhitfeUd Edmund Leach of Moor Side Uxor Nathan Butterworth of Spotland Bridge A child of George Hantson of Blackwater A chUd of Thomas Casson of Rochdale A child of James Brown of Blackwater Elizebeth Heape of Lower Place A child of John Bamford of Wardle ... Uxor John Holt of HundersfeUd John Hopwood of Blackwater Alice Gabbet of Butterworth Edmund Turner of Litlebrough Daniel Holt of Greave ... A child of Abraham Kearshow of Moor Road Abraham Stott of Hundersfeild Mary Clegg of Church Lane Mary Brearley of Milnrow John Buckley of Blackwater A child of Joseph Travis of Whiteker ... A child of Robert Hurst of Blackwater Edmund Fitton of Marland A chUd of John Crosley of Castley Hill A chUd of Abraham Scholefeild of Rochdale 6 p. 174 Elizebeth Hilton of Woodhous Lane ... Robert Kearshow of Butterworth A child of Matthew Cronnage ... A child of Widow Fitton of Marland ... A child of John Dewhurst of Clough House Uxor Edmund Milne of Butterworth ... James Whitworth of Bagslate ... Henry Farrer of Blackwater A child of Charles Belfield of Butterworth Uxor John Maden of Bagslate ... Widdow Hanson of Blackwater A child of James Greenwood of Wardle A child of John Bridge of Burdsell Moore i6g8 1698 7 November 12 1618 55 21 22 3 December II 1718 19 20 21 25 55 26 30 22 23 24 252627 28 30 January I698-I699 BtJRIALS Uxor John Bothomley of Hollinworth William Greave of Jowken Andrew Hoyle of Whitworth ... A child of James Tayler of Ashworth ... James MUne of Toa(i lane Widow Brearley of Hough A stranger of Hundersfield a soldier ... James Tayler of Packer Alexander Wolstenholm of Bolderstone Uxor Abraham Tayler of Bolderstone A child of Adam HiU of Whitfeild A chUd of James HiU of WhitfeUd ... A child of Mary Livesley of Marland ... Uxor James Tayler of Ashworth John Clegg of Shelfield OtteweU Holt of Bury parish ... A child of James Leach of Wardleworth Uxor Edmund Taylor of Brown Wardle Richard Hardman of Spotland Bridge A child of Edmund Tayler of Brown Wardle James Smith of Tongue End ... Ralph Loton of Butterworth Thomas Brearley of Marland ... John Bamford of Blackwater ... A child of Henry Bamford of Wardleworth Francis Scholfeild of Marland ... Uxor John Greenwood of Sladen Millne A child of Thomas ScholefeUd of Spotland John Butterworth of Milnrow ... Uxor Joshua Hoyle of Whitworth Abigail Buttei worth of Packer Uxor Edmund Scholefeild of Woodhous Lane ... 6 p. 175 James Tayler of Nadenhead James Leach of Ashworth Sarah Ogden of Litle Clegg Susan GoriU of GoriUs Uxor Peter Butterworth Uxor James Kearshow of Clegg Elizebeth Millne of Woodhous Lane ... John Tayler of Castleton Sarah Wood of Hundersfeild Uxor Gyles RothweU of ShafeUd A child of Thomas Bridge of HundersfeUd Thomas Hopwood of Bury perish A chUd of Neamias Norris of Spotland 589 1698 31 January I February 2 „ 5 JJ 7 JJ 9 10 II 17 18 J J 20 22 24 26 33 27 35 55 28 55 33 J) I 35 March 3 5 35 35 12 1518 20 21 23 53 33 1699 26 March 35 35 28 29 30 31 590 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1699 Uxor Edmunde Buckley of Middleton pish ... Uxor Francis Bolton of Smalebridge ... A child of John Whithead of Butterworth A child of Edmund Ashworth of Clough Hous Widow Stott of New Bilding Uxor James Heyward of [Hundersfeild Isaac Gartside of Rochdale Uxor James Crosley of Woodhous Lane A child of WilUam Chadwicke of Blackwater ... Uxor Samuell Whitworth of Fieldhead Uxor Samuell Hollows of Town MiUne Widdow Chadwick of Widdow Clegg of Rochdale Thomas Woolfenden of Lower Place ... Widdow Earnshaw A child of Adam Hill of Cleggswood ... A chUd of Robert Tayler of A child of Thomas Knotsford A child of Lawrance Ashworth Uxor George Travis of HoUenworth ... A child of James Wolfenden A child of Thomas Greaves Jonathan Readfearn of Hudsons Joshua Knutsford of Litlebrough Sarah Tayler of Whitley dean Charles Rentford of Rochdale ... Uxor John Crosley of Spotland A woman that is a stranger from Hundersfeild 6 p. 176 Mary Turner of Toad Lane Joseph Unsworth of Hundersfeild A child of Daniall Sladen near Litlebrough Alexander Whitworth of Bagslate WilUam Fitton of Butterworth HaU ... Robert Brewer of Rochdale A child of Danial Milne of Hough A child of Paul Greenwood John Harbor of Blackwater Abraham Tayler of Hundersfeild A child of Robert Whitworth of Bolderstone ... A child of James Chadwicke of Cassons Elizebeth Fitton of Midleton perish ... Uxor EUes Scholefield of Rochdale ... 1699 1 April II 1216 17 2122 25 30 I May 9 10 II 12 13 14 55 17 1819 20 21 22 1699 BURIALS 591 A child of James Tayler of Lower Millne Joshua Smith of Church Lane ... Uxor Isaac Hourth of Milnrow A child of James Tayler of Butterworth A chUd of Smith of Milnrow ... A child of Robert Dowson Joshua Chadwicke of Church Lane ... Robert Taylor of Naden Head A chUd of Ralph Smith of HundersfeUd Widdow Ashworth of Woodhous Lane Widdow Stott near Brown Wardle Edmund Meller of Turf Hous ... A child of Arthur Butterworth of Green A chUd of Alice StansfeUd Uxor James Lord of Milnrow ... Edmund Robertshow of Blackwater Uxor John Hoyle of Blackwater James HeUewell of Rochdale ... Mr Joshua Dearden of Rochdale Uxor John Scholefeild of Newgate John [teland of Church Stile A chUd of John Tayler of Flash Hous A child of WilUam Holt of Blackwater Abraham Unsworth of Hundersfeild A child of Thomas Briggs of Hundersfeild David Brearley of Blackwater ... A chUd of John Stott of Dunegh Booth James Dowson of Turner A child of Timethey Etock of Rochdale Elizebeth Hamer of Laydehous Rebacka Monks of Catley Lane Uxor Abraham Turnor of Middleton perish A chUd of Robert SoothUl of Packer Uxor Mr Richard Ingam of Claggswood Uxor Abraham Whitworth of Newbold Lane ... A child of James Sharpies of A child of Widdow Greave of Church Lane ... p. 177 A child of James Milne of Flash Hous .. James Tayler of Butterworth John Chadwick of Bury Perish Uxor John Whitworth of Milnrow Uxor Richard Estwood of Trough James Brearley of Lightowlers Widdow Smith of Milnrow Abraham WUd of Newbold 22 699 May 25 28 35 35 29 1 June 2 4 8 13 17 55 18 19 55 23 24 33 55 35 25 29 30 55 55 3 18 Jui'y 2526 29 JJ 2 August JJ JJ 10 II 14 151819 2025 592 ROCHDALE REGISTERS Uxor James Hourth of Bagslate A child of John Scholefield of Spotland Toop [sic] ... Uxor Robert Holdsworth of Hundersfeild Widdow Tayler of Ginnet Wolfenden of Shaw A child of Ellis Scholefield AUce Lee of Rochdale A child of John Roads of Hundersfeild A child of Edmund Leach of Moorside Widdow Clough of Catley Lane Uxor Abraham Dawson of Feild Head Uxor John Wolfenden of Packer Abraham Healey of Catley Lane John Chadwick of Catley Lane Widdow Adkenson of Broad lane Samuell Street of Church Lane A chUd of John Kay of Chesden Uxor Daniall Sladen of Hundersfeild ... Elizebeth Holt of Rochdale Uxor James Leach of Clegg Hall Uxor John Marcer of Tenter Hous ... Elizebeth Hollows of Church Lane Widdow Kearshow of Moorside A child of Richard Grindroad of Marland Robert Stott of Litle Wardle Uxor James Brearley of Rughbanck ... A child of John Cheatham of Shawfeild A child of George Taylor of Broad Lane Uxor James Butterworth of Butterworth HaU A chUd of PhUUp Stock of Rochdale ... A child of Abraham Ogden of Spotland Uxor John Taylor of John Shepard of Spotland XJxor James Sale of Rochdale ... A child of Thomas Cropper of Blackwater A child of Abraham CoUing of Moorside 6 p. 178 Uxor George Dowson of Gartsid John Smith of Milnrow Uxor John Kearshow of Litle Clegg ... Uxor George Hantson of Blackwater ... Uxor AbeU Butterworth of A child of Abraham Ogden of A child of Butterworth A child of Robert Clegg A child of Robert Hourth Uxor Joseph Milne of Rochdale 1 1699 1699 27 August 29 55 55 35 30 35 31 55 55 4 53 September 5 33 7 8 5555 10 55 12 35 15 55 17 22 33 24 33 35 35 3 ' October 6 33 7 33 8 35 33 12 33 ,, 35 15 3J 19 33 22 53 JJ 53 25 53 28 33 55 33 33 29 3335 I November 33 53 3 55 7 53 9 35 10 55 35 55 II 55 33 33 14 35 i699 BURIALS 593 179 Uxor Robert Holt of WhitfeUd Uxor Joshua Feilden Uxor Danial Sladen James Butterworth of Butterworth Hall Uxor Thomas Baskervile of Underwood Abraham Turner of Bradley Elizabeth Smith of Newbold Lane Martha Barron of Woolstenholm Uxor Adam Earnshow of Blackwater ... Uxor Robert Whitworth of Wardleworth Margrit Scholefeild of Rochdale John Brearley of Ringlows A child of Robert Chadwicke of Heights Martha Tayler of Bradley Uxor James Lowton of Cleggswood ... A child of James Lord of Pasmans A chUd of Alexander Roads of Healey Benjamin Fenton of Rochdale ... Uxor Joshua Hoyle of Rochdale A child of Joseph Riggby of Rochdale A child of Abraham Dowson of Fieldhead A. man that is a stranger from Litlebrough A child of Samuell Ramsden of Rochdale Uxor Jonathan Readfearn of Hudsons A chUd of John Nuttall of Spotland ... Joseph Clegg of Showfeild A child oi James Nuttall of Castleton ... A child of James Wild of Gartside A chUd of Abraham Ashworth of Marland A chUd of WUUam Cropper of Blackwater A chUd of Robert Dearden of Litlebrough Uxor Robert Tayler of- Toad Lane Uxor Robert Whitworth of Lower Place A child of Joseph Milne of Rochdale ... A child of Abell Brearley of Uxor James Stott of Litlebrough A child of Daniel Brearley Uxor Abraham Lord of Field Head ... A chUd of James HaUows of Blackwater Richard Milne of Lade Hous Widdow PiUing of Trough Uxor Robert Ashworth of Hundersfeild Uxor Benjamin Strenger of Scholefield A chUd of James Roades of Hundersfield Uxor Daniel Brearley of Ealing A chUd of George Smethurst of Rochdale Uxor Joseph Tayler of Moorside ] 1699 14 November 17 JJ JJ 33 22 55 24 35 29 35 6 December 10 14 15 35 16 53 20 33 53 55 25 55 27 55 29 JJ 33 55. I J anuary 2 53 3 33 4 35 7 55 10 35 14 15 33 19 55 21 55 2326 53 55 35 28 55 55 29 2 35 February 3 55 55 4 55 55 6 33 55 NN 594 6 p. 180 ROCHDALE REGISTERS i6gg-i7oo 1699 ... 7 February Danial Stocke of Milnrow Benjamin Strenger of Scholefield John Spinson of Roundhous A chUd of SamueU Tayler A child of Thomas Chadwicke of Chamber Hous ... A child of James Turnough of Castleton Thomas Lewis of Rochdale A child of Edmond Hopwood ... A child of Thomas Scholefield Uxor Charles Clegg of Ogden ... A child of James Milne of Milnrow A child of John Smith of Stones Widdow NuttaU of HaU Aker Uxor Thomas Hourst of Belfeild Ann Hamer of New Gate Uxor John Bolton of Low Thomas Maden of Bagslate James Lowton of Rochdale A child of John Bentley of Blackwater A child of David Chadwicke Alexander Lightowlers ... Richard Chadwicke John Brearley of Spotland Benjamin Clegg of Hundersfield James Milne near Sandhole Uxor James Greaves of Hough James Clegg of Dean Head Jonathan Chadwicke A child of James Turner of Bums Edmund Holt of Rochdale Abraham Clegg of Butterworth Hall ... Uxor John Askway of Spotland Bridge Joseph Milne of Rochdale A child of Abraham Tayler A chUd of Thomas Brearley Uxor John Hill of Clay Lands Head ... Susan Whithead of Lightowlers Ralph Tayler of Butterworth James Scholefield of Rochdale ... Widdow Clegg of Toad Lane ... A child of John WUd of Bury pish A chUd of Henry Show of Toad Lane ... Uxor Isaac Dowson of Rochdale A chUd of Abraham Whitworth A chUd of Richard Chadwicke ... Robert Pedlow of Church Lane 10 13 18 19 JJ 21 23 53 2527 53 29 I3 4 March II 1213 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 ] [700 26 March 27 55 55 53 31 33 1 April 1700 BURIALS 595 1700 Abraham Turner of Middleton pish ... 2 April Uxor Richard HiU of HiU Topp ... 3 „ A child of Edmund Butterworth of Windebanke ... 5 ,, Uxor Henry Spencer of Castleton ... ,, ,, James Turnor of Cosefeild Head ... 9 ,, James Roads of Hundersfield ... ... ,, ,, A chUd of Widdow Whiteker of R: ... 10 ,, A child of Alice Brearley of Milnrow ... ,, ,, Uxor Edmund Milne of 13 ,, A chUd of James Milne of Butterworth ,, ,, A chUd of Abraham Kearshow of R: ... ,, A child of Robert Tayler of Hundersfield ,, ,, James Kearshow of Church Stile ... 16 ,. A child of Paul Greenwood 18 ,, A child of James Taylor of Butterworth ,, ,, A child of Robert CoUear of R: ... ,, ,, William Scholefeild of Church Lane ... 19 ,, A daughter of Richard Stock of 21 ,, A child of Thomas Butterworth ... 22 „ 6 p. 181 A child of Thomas Lord 23 ,, A child of Mary NuttaU 24 A child of Robert Ashworth 26 ,, Uxor Thomas Lord ... ... .•• 27 ,, A child of John Holt 28 „ A chUd of John Franckleton 29 A child of John Adkenson 30 James Gartside of Butterworth ... i May Thomas Blumeley of Hamer ... ... 5 ,, Alice Shepard of Hundersfeild ... ... ,, „ Uxor Robert Wolfenden ... ... 7 ,j Uxor James Turnor ... ... ... ,j j, A child of Edmund Simson 10 „ Margrit Hourth of Spotland n AchUdof John Adkenson ... •¦¦ 14 jj William Leigh of Blackwater 15 jj Uxor Henry Clegg of Spotland 17 A chUd of Abraham Ashworth ... 20 ,, Uxor James Nuttall ••• 21 ,, A child of James Turnor 22 ,, Elizebeth Lord of Spotland 23 ,, A child of Jeremiah Wrigley 26 ,, Charles Hamer 28 ,, Widdow Ashworth ... ••• ••• 30 u Jane Lees of Rochdale ... •¦¦ ••• 1 June A child of Robert WoUenden Uxor Charles NuttaU 2 „ A chUd of Abraham Whitworth ... 6 596 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1700 A chUd of Robert Hourth Widdow Clegg of Spotland A child of James Tayler Uxor Edmund Butterworth A chUd of Richard Scholefield ... Edward Hamor of Wild House A child of William Standren ... A child of James Crosley 6 p. 182 James Hourth of Bagslate A child of John Farrow of Milnrow Richard HeUewell of Hundersfield A child of Ambrus Wholey Uxor Lowrance Hardman A child of Abraham Ogden A chUd of WUUam Hurst A child of James Holt James Sale of R: Uxor James Hourth James Scholefeild A child of Abraham Haslam ... A child of John Milne A child of John Butterworth ... Uxor Thomas Greave Thomas Stocke Richard Whiteker Thomas Shore . ... Charles Stott A chUd of Robert Hurst A child of James Tayler A child of James Sharpies John Cheatham ... A chUd of Robert Hurst Uxor Walter Wolfenden Two children of Abraham Kearshow A child of James Cheatham A child of John Dixson ... A child of Abraham Cropper Uxor John Ellis of Toad Lane A child of James Scholefeild Uxor John Clegg Mary Brearley A child of Edmand Pilling Uxor John Tattersall Uxor Samuell Whipp Abraham Stocke ... A child of James Clegg ... 6 p. 183 A child of James Holt Esq: Ralph Wolkden de Broodhough 1700 6 June 7 10II JJ 12 5 5 16 -^7 19 21 22 26 .27 2 July 6 9 10 II 55 17 20 21 22 JJ 23 35 24 35 25 26 27 1700 BURIALS" 597 de de Uxor Richard HiU de Tood Lane Mary Turner de Plum House Jame [sic] s. of James Holt de Brimrode A chUd of James Stott de Eafield Uxor Jonathan Taylor fj -r, .. ,, A son of Jonathan Taylor ^^ Butterworth A chUd of James Wild de LitteUbrough A child of Abraham Butterworth de Milnerow A chUd of Judeth Wolkden Hundersfield Isaac WUd de Stidd A chUd of Judeth Wolkden Hundersfield A chUd of Charles MUne de Rochdale ... A chUd of Luke Holt de Blackwater . . . Catherin Lord de Spotland Bridgh [sic] A chUd of Robert Blackman A chUd of Edmtmd Holt de Hamer Miln A chUd of Richard Chadwicke de Rochdale A chUd of John Chadwicke de LitteUbrough Elizebeth Stott de Healey Henry Kearshow de Crippleyeat A child of Edmund Readfearn de Half acker A child of WUliam Show de Tod Lane . . . A child of John Lord de HaU Aker ... A chUd of John Crosley de Ashbrook Hey A chUd of John Helliwell of Pick House Gent: A child of Robert Chadwicke of Cosefeild Head James Wrigley de Lade hous ... A chUd of Jeremiah Ashton de Marland A chUd of EUis Scholefield de Rochdale James WUd of LitteUbrough ... Uxor John Scholefield de Spotland Uxor John Kenion of Middleton pish Edmond Milne de Stidd 6 p. 184 Charles [Beighton de Healey A son of James MUne de Shore Moor A son of WUliam Turton of R: A child of John Haagh George SiddaU de Tod Lane Joshua Chadwicke de Church StUe A child of John Byrom de Green Margrit Clough de R: 1790 27 July 3 August 4 JJ 35 53 15 J, J 55 33 7 JJ 9 J. 55 3J II JJ 13 J, 14 JJ 15 J. 35 3 3 16 „ 20 55 3 5 55 25 35 55 26 5535 2728 555'3 29 35 I September 2 35 3 55 4 33 7 55 9 55 53 55 10 35 11 55 12 3J 55 JJ 15 35 19 SS 23 26 3533 27 55 598 ROCHDALE REGISTERS 1700 1700 6 p. 185 A chUd of Daniall BerstaU de Hundersfield 28 September A chUd of Edmond Leach de Ladehous 29 ,, A child of Lawrance Shore de Hxmdersfeild ,, ,, A child of Joshua Knutsford de LitteUbrough Charles Milne de R: Margrit Chadwicke de Newbold Uxor Robert Dearden Coldermoor Jane Scholefeild of Sand Hole ... A son of George Smethurst de R: Uxor Thomas RothweU de Hardman Fold A chUd of WUliam Nuttall of Tod Lane Two children of Joshua Knutsford A son of Edmund Lord of Whitworth . . . A child of Rebekah Butterworth of Green Uxor Charles Gartside de Okenroad ... Uxor Thomas Chadwicke de Low Hous Uxor Robert Shephard de Fardow Richard Hardman of Butterworth Hole [sic] A child of John Kay of Red Lum Alice Butterworth de Lower Place Uxor James Wild de Clegg James Crosley de Smaleshow ... ... 2 ,, A child of John Clegg de Turf hous ... 8 ,, Mary Wolfenden de Hourth Cross ... 9 ,, A chUd of DaniaU Holt de Greve ... „ ,, A child of Robert Healey de Healey ,, A daughter of James Lord de Holefold 11 ,, Widdow HiU de Tong End 12 „ Abraham Milne de Ogden ... ... 15 ,, A child of Robert Whitworth de BurtshiU „ James Butterworth de Spotland ... 18 „ A son of James Lord de Pasmons ... ig ,, A daughter of Joseph Chadwicke de Littellbrough ... ... ... 22 ,, A child of Elizebeth Seddon de 23 ,, Widdow Whitteker de Rochdale ... 24 ,, Uxor John Scholefield de Spotland ... ,, ,, Joseph Lees de Wolstonholme ... 26 ' „ Elizebeth Leach de Rochdale ... ... 27 ,, A daughter of Edmand Fitton de Milnrow 28 ,, A son of Daniall Miln de Hough ... 29 ,, Uxor Francis Gartside 1 December A son of Robert Scholefield de Pitts ... 2 . „ 30 ,J 5 October 55 35 55 6 33 33 7 35 9 35 12 55 13 55 14 55 JJ 16 18 53 J3 JJ 20 53 21 55 23 55 27 I [ 35 November I700 BURIALS John Lord de Paster Martha Taylor de Church Lane A child of John Butterworth de Francehill A chUd of Abraham Cropper de Blackwater A child of Thomas. RothweU de Hardman Fould Widdow Leach de Whitworth Clough A chUd of John Stott de Shore ... Joshua Brooks de Castleton ... Uxor John Smith de Tong End ... Charles [?] Belfield de Blackston hegh Uxor Robert Royds of Lower Miln Thomas Wolfenden de Lowerplace Uxor Richard Cropper de Blackwater Gauther Butterworth de TunshhUl Uxor Charles Stott de Wardle ... [Here end Burials in Original Volume VI.] 599 1700 3 [December 7 9 1012 20 25 2731 6 p. 186 [On this page is recorded the amount of certain collections in Church Also the amounts collected on Briefs at the Parish Church, Todmorden, Littleborough, Milnrow, and Whit worth for " Irish Protestants " and " Fires at New Aylesford, Bungay, and East Smithfield "] boo CBrrata. N.B.—" Greave " and " Green." After careful consideration of the instances in the original, the conclusion is that the only instances of the surname " Green " are on p. 20, James f. Robt Grine. „ 529, Roger Grine. „ 546, A sonn of Edmund Greene. All else indexed under " Green " must be considered as " Greave." [See footnote in Index.] p. XX, xyth line from bottom of page, should read " John f. John Adkensonn " ,, 19, 4th entry 19 October, for " Scolefield " read " Scolefeild " ,, 34, last entry but one, for " fa." read " i," „ 74, last entry 24 February, for " af " read " at " ,, 76, ^th entry, for " 20 May " read " 26 May " ,, 76, last entry 18 August, for " af " read " at " ,, 81, last entry but one, for " Abuer " read " Abner " ,, 116, 2nd entry 22 August, for " Ester " read " Eester " ,, 122, last entry 18 December, for " Elizabeth " read " EUzebeth " ,, 248, 2nd entry 24 November, /or " Arthur" read " Arthar " ,, 283, 26 September, for " Thonas " read " Thomas " ,, 299, 2nd entry 22 October, for " Medecroft " read " Medocraft " ,, 370, 2nd entry 2 June, delete the " ? " ,, 371, 2nd entry 13 September, /or "...utherwood" rearf "Sutherwood " „ 409, 30 November, for " Samuel Greave " read " a child of Samuel Greve " ,, 448, xst entry 10 September, for " Lindsey " read " Liuesay " ,, 464, 6 November, for " Rovt " read " Robt " ,, 4g3 2nd entry 2 June, for " Scott " read " Stott " ,j 503, xst entry, for " Briggs " read " Brigs " ,, 5i0j 12 September, for " Sememen " read " Senemen " ,, 514, xst entry xx May should be dated " 10 May " ,, 570, 20 March, should read " Hulton " or " Hutton " ,, 574, xst entry x January, for " Denhurst " read " Denhurst " ,, 575, 2nd entry 25 March, for " Ashworth " read " Chadwick " ,, 580, xst entry 2 April, for " Isaac " read " Isaac " „ 587, 12 August, for " Cronidgeh " read " Cronegeh " |ntr£££0. I. Cbristtan J^ames anti ^Mrnamrs. Marriages Burials . . . 1-248. 249-318. 319-599. Where a name has variants the [Head-name has been selected which now exists or which most closely resembles the modern equivalent. AU variants are separately indexed with cross references to the [Head-name. Where a Surname has an alias each form of the Surname is Indexed under its initial letter. The Christian names are, with some few exceptions. Indexed under their modern form, the first spelling of the name having generally been continued in connection with the same Surname. Illegitimate Children are Indexed under the Siu-names of both Mother and putative Father. " N.X.[lSr." signifies " No Christian Name." An asterisk following a page number signifies that that combination of Christian and Surname occurs more than once on the page number asterisked. Aarok, see Aron Abbat, Abbet, Abbett, see Abbott 'Abbison, Jane, 576 Abbott (Abbat, Abbet, Abbett, Abot, Habbott) EUzabeth, 115 John, 71, 91,* 104, 115, c. 380, c. 407, c. 416, 472, d. 529 Mary, 71, 104 William, 278 Ackorne, Isabel, 262 Actkinson, see Atkinson Adames, Mr, 294 Adamson, Jenet, 272 Thomas, c. 396 Adcroft, Robert, 286 Adfield, see [Hadfield Adkenson, Adkensonn, see Atldnson Adkin, [Hannah, 231 John, 231 Adkinson, see Atkinson Ainsworth (Answorth, Eansworth, Earnsworth, Ensworth) Amor, c. 361 Ainsworth — Continued. Dorothy, 27,S John, 13, 77, 126, c. 343, s. 141, w. 452, w. 460 Margaret, 277 Martha, 315 Mary, 104, 258 Kichard, 13, 23* Robert, 70 Thomas, 70, 77, 96,* 104, 126, 285, 289, c. 405, c. 412, n. 415, 0. 421, c. 4,32, w. 438, u. 451, c. 459, 547 Akers, William, s. 470 Alderson, Elizabeth, 304 Aldmand, see Almon Allen (AlHn) Edmund, 577 William, 478 Allison, Anthony, 327 AUmon, see Almon Allread, Alice, 136 Robert, 136, c. 464 Almon (Aldmand, AUmon) Thomas, 131,* c. 467, c. 487 6o2 ROCHDALE REGISTERS Baptisms,,, l-2iS. Marriages.., 2i9-31S. Burials. ¦..3\9-5Q9. Amerson, Arthur, 28 Jane, 28 Ancocke, Mary, 282 Anderton, Mark, 463 Andrew, John, 258 Answorth, .2, 135, 176, 192, 22S, 2I1I1, 271, 274, 2!l(l Honrv, 17, 31, 78, 8-1, H9, lilt,* 220. 222, 229, 235, 244, 201, 267, 273, 312, c. :V->.S, c. ;!llli, w. .¦;78, c. 383, w. 388, w. 400, 4112, u. 42S, c. 402, w. 4S(i, 48S, c. 499, c. ."i24, d. 524, 55(1, w. 579 Isaac, .'.(1,* ,S9, 11(1, 139, 14H, 1. '!."), 163,* 172, 237,* 295 Isahel, 178, 2('3 Jacob, 92. :!(_»9 James, 1, 2,* 3,* 4,* 9, 11,* 12, 13, 19,* 20,* 24, 27, 34, 38, 47,* 51,* 52,* 54, 57, 01, 63, 67, 69, 72, 77,* 78,* 84, 85, 87,* 88,* 89, 93, 94, 97,* 101, 103,* 104, 107,* 117, 120, 121, 127,* 128, 134, 135, 136, 143, 149,* 153, 157, 161, 164, 168,* 169, 170, 171, 178, 179, 181,* 182,* 184, 188, IPl, 192,* 194, 200, 2(J2, 203, 212, 221, 223,* 224, 225, 226,* 228', 237,* 242,* 251, 265, 272, 274, 270, 281, 289, 295, 301, 306, 308, 311, w. 320, c. 322, c. 323, c. 326, c. 333, 337, c. 343, c. 344, s. 350, c. 351, w. 352, c. 354, s. 360, w. 361, 361, 367, c. 369, s. 370, 370. w. 377, w. 378, c. 379, c. 381, 382, w. 382, c. 385. 386, w. and c. 390, 402, c. 403, d. 405, 410, two c. 410, c. 414, c. 415 two c. 419 c. 421. Brearlev, James — Continued, ' s, 421, c. 427, c. 430, w. 433, c. 436, 439, u. 440, c. 450, c. 460, c. and w. 461, 465, u. 465, w. 466, 40S, s. 474, w. 474, d. 474, d. 475, c. 478, c. 479, c. 487, c. 491, 494, c. 498, c. 501, w. 5(11, 0. 509, c. 51 1, u. and w. 517, c. 518, 524, c. 527,* c. 538, w. 538, c. 541,* w. 542, c. 513, .048,* c. 553, 554, 557, w. 563,* c. 563, d. 563, w. 565, 0. 569,* w. 577, .585, c. 585, c. 586, c. .587, 591, w. 592 Jai c, I, 2, 14, 1,5, 19,* 24, 70, 71, 74, 87, 108, 118, 121, 120, 171, 190, 197, 202, 217, 223, 274, 279, 291, 295, 318, 329, 356, 5U7, 540,* 559, c. 502 Jeremiah, (1, 61,* fi8, 76, 88, 327, w. 93,* 127,' 265, 318, d. 396, w. 401, s. 408, 422, c: 422, 451, 541, w. 542 Joan, 241 John, !,* 2,* 6, 13,* 14, 16, 17, 20, 31,* 34,* 41,* 49, .50, 51,* 53,* 55,* 59, 00, 62, 67, 70,* 72,* 74, 80,* 84,* 87, 88,* 92, 93, 95, 90, 100, 103, 104, 107,* HI, 112, 115, 119, 124,* 125, 127, 130,* 138, 146, 149, 153,* l.")7, 158,* 1,59,* 160, 161, 165,* 167, 108, 109, 170, 171, 173, 174, 177,* 180,* 181, 182, ISO, 187, 192, 193,* 196, 198, 202, 209,* 211,* 213,* 220 * 222 223 * '^31 * 233 235', 236,' 239, 244, 249' 2,50, 2.54, 255, 261, 273, 274, 276, 279,* 280, 284, 285, 291, 292 293, 296, 297, 299, 309, w. 331, 332, c. 334, d. 337, c. 341, w. 355, 355, c. 356, w. 361, d. 361, c. 365, d. 373, w. 375, c. 376, c. 377, 385, 394, two c. 398, 399, f. 401, e. 404, w. 404, 407, '¦..407, w. 411, w. 419, c. 425, c. 427, w. 428,* c 429, 432, c. 432, c. 435, w. 435, 438, c. 438, c. 444, INDEX OE NAMES 6ii Bopiisms... 1-248. JVf arriajcs... 249-3 18. B«Ha?s... 3 19-599. Brearley, John — -Continued. 444, w. 447,* c. 448, 453, c. 454, w. 459, o. 460, two c. 462, c. 467, w. and s. 468, 475, 478, w. 483, c. 487, 494, d. 497, c. 498, c. 502, d. 504, w. 505, d. 505, d. and c. 506, w. 507, 0. 508, c. 509,* w. 509, w. 510, 511, 0. 513, s. 516, 519, 0. 523, 524,* c. 529, 0. 538, c. 540, c. 541, s. 544, w. 546, 547, 548, w. 548, 549, 553, d. 559, 560,* u. 561, c. 564, w. 565, 568, c. 568, c. 574, 576, w. 578, c. 578, c. 580, w. 583, c. 584, w. 585, 593, 594 Jonathan, 1, 18, 70, 101, 133, 194, 276, c. 346, c. 381, w. 390, c. 394, 461, 493 Joseph, 56,* 63, 69,* 78, 92, 105, 119, 120, 148, 149, 155, 161,* 169, 186, 200, 209, 257, 289, 293, c. 376, c. 395, w. 453, c. 496, d. 511, c. 516, d. 519, d. 527, b. 546, c. 552 Joshua, 80, 85, 90, 101, 116, 131,* 168, 182, 193, 198, 201,* 219, 236, 255, 272, 300, 354, two c. 403, 482, 499, w. 546, 553 Judith, 146, 501 Katherine, 35, 159,* 174, 186, 194 Margaret, 92, 211, 231, 280, 548 Martha, 11, 16, .54, 58, 102, 138, 189, 191,* 249, 253, 297, 314, 420, 444 Marv, 1, 3, 16, 18, 21, 24, 27, 31, 41, 49, 61, 80, 87, 89,* 90, 92, 95, 102, 105, 108, 111, 112, 114, 122, 128,* 138, 153, 1!)5, 156, 1,57, 158, 163, 167, 169, 170, 173, 174, 180, 182, 184, 208, 209, 224, 225, 229, 233, 234, 236, 249, 250, 256,* 258, 267, 271, 273, 274, 275, 276, 280,* 281, 285, 287, 288, 292, 293, 304, 305, 307, 311, 312, 314, 315, 318, 349, 432, 534, 554, 558, 570, 588, 596 Michael, 421 Mrs, 415, 494 Brearley — Continued. N.X.N., 155, 437 i'riscilla, 273 Rachel, 235 Radcliffe, 116, 318 Ralph, 3, 16, c. 345, 400, c. 409, w. 419 Richard, 7, 16, 80, 119, 165, 193, c. 328, 0. 345, s. 363, d. 366, 391, w. 399 Robert, 1,* 4, 15,* 21, 24, 27, 35, 41,* 46, 53, 66, 79, 84, 88, 89, 98, 102,* 105, 108, 109, 117, 118, 119, 125, 126, 129,* 130, 131, 135,* 148, 159, 160,* 161, 168, 170, 175, 177, 180, 193,* 194, 200,* 203, 210, 221, 234, 236, 244, 268, 278, 285,* 293, 306, 319, c. 323, 348, 355, c. 359, 360, c. 362, s. 363, c. 379, s. 390, c. 406, w. 408, c. 412, c. 422, c. 428, w. 447, c. 454, c. 457, c. 458, w. 459, c. 463, c. 464, c. 469, c. 470, c. 472, c. 475, 480, 482, 483, c. 487, 488, w. 490, d. 491, w. 493, c. 497, 601, d. 505, d. 520, 530,, d. 531, 548, w. 560, 563, two c. 585 Roger, 16, 30, 47, 53, 61, 256, w. 385, d. 400, 412, w. 568 Ruth, 115, 191 Samuel, 19, 181, 213, 364, d. 364 Sarah, 69, 76, 83, 86, 87, 114, 125, 130, 135, 164, 172, 191, 201, 216, 235, 296, 303, 311, 412 Stephen, 222 Susan, 98, 117, 121, 170, 203, 242, 244, 249, 281, 302, 310, 317, c. 558 Thomas, 6,12, 13,* 16,* 26, 30, 43, 68, 70, 72, 77,* 83, 91, 94, 97, 101, 106, 111, 117, 121, 122, 125, 133, 157,* 168, 180, 217, 226, 237, 2612, 268, 274, 278, 292, 311, 327, c. 332, c. 344, 353, w. 366, c. 366, c. 384, c. 404, c. 412, 412,* w. 433, 440, c. 443, w. 448, 451, w. and c. 464, 467, 472, c. 480, 485, w. 499, d. 503, c. 507, 0. 511, s. 512, d. 524, s. 532, d. 535, 6i2 ROCHDALE REGISTERS BapiisOTS... 1-248. Marriages... 249-318. Burials,,. 319-599. Brearley, Thomas — Continued. w. 549, 559, w. 582, 582, 589, c. 594 Widow, 589 WiUiam, 7, 60, 114, 134, 145, 160, 163, 170, 180, 191,* 193, 200, 294, 310, c. 434, c. 453, c. 481, w. 511, c. 516, B. 520, c. 520, c. 542, c. 543, c. 545, w. 560, s. 563, u. 565, 576, w. 582 Brelsford, see also Bransford Thomas, 580 Brerley, see Brearley Brery, Thomas, c. 448 Bretherd (Brethered, Brethread, Brethred, Brethredd) Alice, 129 Ann, 132 James, 122 Josiah, 117, 122, 128,* 129, 132, u. 444, u. 450 Joshua, c. 471 WiUiam, 117 Brewer (Bruer, Bruers) Ann, 76 Edward, 76, 90, 102, 117, 207, 282, c. 425, c. 431, c. 435, w. 438, s. 439, 476 EUzabeth, 294 John, 102, 213 Robert, 117,207,213,224,307, c. 581, 590 Thomas, 90, 224 Bridge (Bridg, Bridges) see also Briggs Alexander, 333 Alice, 279, 296 Ann, 131, 153, 307 Dorothy, 271 Edmund, 84, 141, 164,* 169, 227, 264, 311, 314, c. 461, w. 508, w. 532, 561, c. 562 EUzabeth, 2, 84, 267, 274 Francis, 106,* w. 446 Grace, 293 Jane, 138 Jenet, 308 John, 5, 116, 123,* 134, 169, 178, 188, 225, 240, 245, 282, 296, 304,* w. 345, w. 362, c. 368, 481, c. 507, w. 528, w. 536, c. 546, v, 566, s. 566, c. 588 Josiah, 188 Katherine, 226 Margaret, 274 Martha, 123 Bridge — Continued. Mary, 5, 116, 178, 193, 240, 282, 553 Robert, 32, 193, 201, 303, w. 357, 388, c. 540 Sarah, 245, 555 Simeon, 134, 225 Thomas, 2, 32, 71,* 123, 131, 138, 141, 153, 201, 226, 227, 266, 284, 291, 295, c. 327, two c. 352, 394, 402, c. 462, 475, c. 485, w. 485, c. 496, w. 503, c. 508, 0. 547, i;. 589 Timothy, 451 Bridworth, Robert, 406 Briggs (Briges, Brigges, Brigs) see also Bridge Alexander, w. 332 AUce, 80, 210 Daniel, 219 Dinah, 312 Edmund, 3, 20, 23, 31, 53,* 96, 172, 181, 235, c. 319, w. 341 c; 385, w. 395, s. 397, 405, w, 433, w. 408, c. 530 Elizabeth, 50, 305 Jan-es, 43, 50, 57, 66, 69, 79,* 85, 172, 176, 204, 25.5, c. 360, c. 408,* 454, d. 485, w. 523 Jane, 20, 43 John, 3, 40, 54, 181, 250, c 363, c. 373, w. 376, 376, 396, 569, c. 588 Joseph, 165, c. 325 Judith, 31, 250, 503 Margaret, 66, 256, 300 Martha, 85, 275, 306 Mary, 23, 40, 57, 157, 211, 294 Mr, d. 387 N.X.N., 211 Robert, 21,* 29,* 54, 60,* 69, 80,96, 157, 165, 176, 186,* 204, 210, 219, 235, 253, 293, 306, 341, v;. 341, c. 347, c. 378,* c. 425, 435, w. 445, c. 510, c. 526, w. 532, w. 541, c. 578 Thomas, 79, w. 434, u. 591 Broadbent (Brodbent) Henry, 397 James, 116, 393, c. 403, s. 445, d. 471, 542, d. 553, w. .574 John, 152, 290, c. 333, u. 350, w. 420 Martha, 368 INDEX OF NAM[ES 613 Baptisms... 1-248. Marriages... 249-318. Burials,,. 319-599. Broadbent — Continued. Mary, 152 " Old," 335 Robert, 116, 309 Sarah, 252 Brodley, Sarah, 251 Bromeley, Thomas, 308 Broockshaw, Brookeshaw, Brookshaw, see Bruckshaw Brooks (Brooke, Brucke) Ann, 143 Charles, w. 449 EUzabeth, 105,* 279 James, 518 Joshua, 599 Mary, 205 Robert,' 143 Sarah, 314 Wilfiam, 205 Broomhead, Thomas, 555 Brown (Broune, Browne) Abigail, 280 AUce, 340 Andrew, 331 Ann, 211 EUzabeth, 144,* 195, 526 Esther, 279 George, w. 350, c. 479 James, 9, 35,* 202,* 213, 250, c. 363, c. 383, d. 446, u. 507, 555, 578, o. 588 John, 129, 213, 225, w. 493 Jonathan, 195, 211, 225, 230,* 301, 570, c. 584 Leonard, 129, 279, c. 450, 471 Martha, 9, 51, 271 Mary, 144 N.X.N., w. 578 Robert, 51 Roger, 332, d. 334 Sarah, 239 Simeon, o. 411 Thomas, 239, d. 387, s. 394, w. 430, 515 Brucke, see Brooks Bruckshaw (Broockshaw, Brookeshaw, Brookshaw, Bruckshow) James, 219 Jane, 205 John, 195 Joseph, 226 Katherine, 211 Nathan, 195, 200,* 205,* 211, 219, 226, 240, 304, c. 566, w. 582, c. 583 N.X.N., 205 Samuel, 240 Bruer, Bruers, see Brewer Buckland, Alice, c. 412 Ann, 284 WilUam, 377, w. 453 Buckley (Buckle, Buckly, Buttley) Abel, 78, 88, 101, 207, 336, c. 400, c. 430, w. 473, 479 Abigail, 239 Abraham, 17, 19, 21,* 33,* 34, 40, 62, 72, 82, 93, 105, 117, 122, 131, 158, 253, 255, 283, 298, c. 332, w. 337, c. 385, 391, c. 445, w. 475, s. 475, d. 492, 551 Alice, 130, 179, 198, 199, 217, 256, 268, 271, 292, 308 Andrew, 23 Ann, 12, 46, 82, 95, 131, 206, 213, 242, 263 277, 294, 298, 312, 316, 387, 434, 586 Arthur, 358, w. 425 Beatrice, 34, 88 Butterworth, 61 Dorothy, 15 Edmund, 2, 12, 17, 30,* 35, 42, 51, 62, 78, 294, c. 347,* c. 361, c. 382, w. 398, s. 407, 470, w. 587, w. 590 Edward, 59, 533 EUzabeth, 34, 44,* 50, 80, 144, 179, 184, 212, 273, 290, 293, 295 Esther, 318, 559 Frances, 46 Francis, 342 George, 8, 51,* 57, c. 326, c. 351 Grace, 30, 33, 68, 256, 289 Henry, 156, 188, c. 448, c. 514 Hugh, 128 Isaac, 19, 40, 68, 179, 189, 196, 204, 212, 225, 300, ^^. 549,* w. 580 James, 2, 6,* 13, 2 5, 27, 28 35, 42, 48,* 78, 95, 102, 137, 151, 204, 212, 222, 230, 236, 239, 268, 289, 309, 314, c. 326, c. 327, 334,* 0. 365, u. 388, 390. c. 502, 0. 521, w. 549, o. 580, w. 585 Jane, 23, 66, 95, 118, 234, 249, 270, 282 Jenet, 122, 218 John, 2, 9,* 12,* 15, 21, 23, 26, 34,* 43, 44, 46, 53,* 59,* 63,* 68,* 69, 72, 76, 80, 93, 95, 113, 117, 118, 6i4 ROCHDALE REGISTERS Baptisms... 1-248. Marriages... 249-318. Burials... 319-599. Buckley, John — Continued. 137, 144, 151, 158, 167, 170, 179, 180, 189, 192, 194, 198,* 199, 206, 214, 228, 233,* 236, 238,* 242, 247, 250, 262, 286, 298, 304, 316, c. 325, 329, 342, c. 346, c. 366, w. 368, c. 369, w. 373, c. 384, c. 406, c. 425, c. 431, w. 434, d. 463, 472, w. 477, w. 488, d. 502, c. 503, c. 520,* 525, w. 549, 553, c. 566, c. 571, u. 574, 577, 0. 586, 588 Jonas, 21, 98, 212, 230, 574 Jonathan, 331 Joseph, 0. 410* Joshua, 5, 82, 156, 265, w. 443, 452 Judith, 76, 140, 315 Katherine, 65, 225, 293 Lawrence, 327, d. 458 Lydia, 315 Margaret, 1, 11, 40, 214, 559 Martha, 13, 27, 28, 263, 287* Mary, 4, 12, 34,* 51, 57, 59, 65, 74, 80, 82, 151, 167, 169, 184, 188, 196, 218, 247, 253, 254, 275, 279, 41.5, 556 Michael, 86, 306 Mr, 306, c. 334, c. 338, 346, 387, 400, 430, 439, 443, 446, 452 Nathaniel, c. 583 N.X.N., 93, 253, 271 Patience, 52, 218 Rebecca, 2 Richard, 101, 180 Robert, 1, 4, 11, 12, 22, 34, 37,* 44, 50, 66, 69, 74, 78, 80, 93, 105, 116,* 117, 128, 140, 151, 161,* 169, 186,* 194, 234, 270, 273, 297, c. 321, 325, s. 350, d. and s. 364, s. 367, w. 368, w. 389, d. 395, s. 396, c. 400, d. 414, 426, w. 437, w. 480, d. 488, h. 495, 502, 552, c. 568 Roger, 217, 305, 448, o. 546 Sarah, 30, 59, 192, 291, 299 Susan, 8, 40, 72, 251, 298 ' Thomas, 5, 9, 22, 23, 26, 34,* 40,* 46, 52, 61, 65, 73,* 86, 98, 105, 113, 115, 128, 198, 207, 213, 215,* 218, 228, 281, 304,* c. 335, c. 345, c. 369, c. 373, s. 375, Buckley, Thomas — Continued. 384, s. 387,* c. 439, c. 446, c. 469, w. 532, c. 547, c. 558, c. 562, c. 569, 569, 581 WiUiam, 9, 25, 43, 65, 72, 87,* 102, 105, 115, 117, 128, 130, 170, 222, 267, 304, s. 407, 473, w. 479, d. 500, 508, c. 541, 547, d. 575, w. 585 Buckstons, see Buxton Buersale (Berdsall) Mary, 287, 304 BuUocke, Mr, 512 Richard, 512 Buras, see Burrows Burch, see Birch Burchall, Jane, 34 John, 34 Burges, John, 281 Burie, see Bury Burrows (Buras, Burras, Burrow) Abel, 207 Ann, 196 Benjamin, 214 Grace 199 John,'58,* 169, 174,* 186, 191, 196, 199, 207, 214, 260, c. 501, c. 551, c. 564, c. 566 Margaret, 273 Martha, 191 Robert, 186 Stephen, 169 Burton, Ann, 164 Thomas, 532, w. 556 WilUam, 164 Bury (Beery, Berey, Berie, Berrey, Berrie, Berry, Bery, Burie, Burry) Alice, 285, 294 Andrew, 69,* 80, 94, 106, 118, 269, 298, 309, c. 393, c. 420, d. 521, w. 558, c. 568 Ann, 74, 116, 138, 158, 265, 292, 313, 389, 577 Cicely, 96, 479 Deborah, 214 Edmund, 109, 138, w. 468 Elizabeth, 113, 245 Esther, 90 Evan, 158, 293, c. and w. 508 Francis, 85, 98, 113, 125, 138, 155, 274, w. 377, 408, c. 471, c. 504, w. 517, d. 519, d. 557 Grace, 85, 118 Henry, w. 470 Isaac, 16, 96, 251 INDEX OF NAMES 615 Baptisms,,. 1-248. Marriages,,, 249-318. Burials... 319-599. Bury — Continued. James, 45, 52, 62,* 74, 85, 98, 183,* c. 376, c. 382, c. 426, 545, w. 549 Jane, 138, 159, 179,232,296,131 Jeremy, 32, 38, 45, 52, 70,* 78, 85, 96, 106, 116, 132, 141, 148, 255, 282, c. 349, c. 372, c. 414, w. 426, two o. 426, c. 473, 516, d. 554, woman 580, 584 John, 52, 99, 155, 216, 232, 245, 302, 311, w. 560 Joseph, 141 Judeth, 132, 318 Martha, 78 Mary, 32, 125, 216, 307 Richard, 337, s. 377 Robert, 96, w. 323, 371, 372 Sarah, 38, 80, 94, 166, 273 Susan, 16, 148 Tliomas, 23,* 32,* 52, 90, 99, 109, 159, 166, 179, 214, 252, 290, c. 339, c. .345, c. 364, c. 419, c. 438, c. 498, c. 509, c. 51], c. 519, c. 535, w. 560 WilUam, 294 Busecke, see Beswecke Bushell, Jenet, 284 Butler (Botler, Butlar, Buttlar, Buttler) EUen, 108 George, 42, 48, 74,132 Isabel, 82 Jane, 102 John, 7, 34, 42, 48, 74, 82, 171, c. 346, c. 366, c. 391, w. 393, c. 403, c. and w. 419, 551 Mary, 116 Phoebe, 153 Samuel, 142 WiUiam, 7, 34, 102, 108, 116, 125,* 132, 142, 153, 171, 444, c. 455, w. and c. 504, , d. 545 Butterworth Abel, 4, 8, 79, 87, 94, 104, 121, 140, 191, 213, 218, 222, 229, 23.5,* 236, 242, 243, 246, 295, 316, 324, w. 353, w. 448, c. 526, c. 535. c. 546, c. 556, c. 578, w. 592 Abigail, 117, 159, 237, 589 Abraham, 9, 14, 20,* 47, 64, 138, 237,* 314, c. 328, w. 338, c. 361, c. 366, 368, s. 374, 535, c. 597 Butterworth — Continued. Adam, 7,* 63, 89, 98,* 10.3, 154, 163,* 265, 361, c. 425, w. 521, w. 539 Alexander, 11, 87, 96, 100,* 106, 109, UO, 117, 123, 135, 150, 176, 264, 278, s. 331, 368, 373, w. 388, 402, c. 411, 420, c. 444, w. 449, w. 509, c. 515, 533, 534, 548 Alice, 57, 60, 68, 101, 116, 127, 195, 219, 230, 259, 264, 268, 271,* 285, 287, 290, 307, 309, 470, 598 Ann, 4, U, 14, 23, 24, 31, 41,* 52, 53, 57, 67, 73, 85, 88, 93,* 96, 99, 112, 143, 145, 1.54, 157, 179, 199, 224, 226, 235, 237, 239, 250, 259, 265, 267, 270, 273, 282, 284, 286, 290, 308, 352, 369, 499, 570 Arthur, 4, 12, 25, 31 59, 119, 210,* 228, 235, 236, 311, 0. 342, w. 359, 551, c. 571, c. 591 Benjamin, 41, 87, 181, 189 203, w. 471, 481 Benoni, 103 Bernard, 31, 91, 311,* w. 332, 340, c. 345, w. 503, s. .522 Charles, 2,* 48, 58, 70, 77,* 79,* 90,* 152, 178, 184, 197,* 199, 200, 206, 213,* 221,* 223, 225, 232, 234, 244, 246, 263, 303, 306, d. 351, s. 368, 370, 377, w. 382, w. 391, c. 391, c. 393, 416, w. 417, 460, w. 465, d. 467, 505, u. 565, c. 570, c. 585 Cuthbert, w. 333 Deborah, 5 Dorothy, 154, 303 Edmund, 12,* 14, 19, 27, 30, 38, 52, 54, 56, 59, 66, 72, 74, 84,* 90, 96,* 105, UO,* 111, 129, 140, 148, 154, 161, 166,* 167, 168, 169, 177,* 180, 181, 182, 185, 186,* 187,* 191, 194, 198, 199, 209, 210,* 222,* 226, 232, 235, 236, 239, 247, 248, 256, 262, 274, 290, 296, 299, 305, 309, c. 324, 325, w. 326, 327,* d. 334, 335, w. 335, 337, s. 342, 0. 343, 344, c. 362, 368, 6i6 ROCHDALE REGISTERS Baptisms... 1-248. Marriages... 249-318. Burials... 319-599. Butterworth, Edmund — Continued. 370, w. 386, c. 393, 402, 432, w. 433, 435,* d. 443, w. 448, d. 472, 480, 490, w. 495, c. 504, c. 522, d. 533, c. 538, c. 542, w. 542, u. 546, u. 547, u. 557, 559, c. 583, w. 584, c. 595, w. 596 Edward, 3, 4, 14, 21,* 32, 45, 194, 250, 284, c. 343, c. 348, w. 348, 371, w. 375, w. 416, s. 419, d. 428, w. 443, 450, w. 459, 479, 511 EUzabeth, 7, 9, U, 23, 41, 44, 50, 71, 77, 90, 94, 97, 100, 103,* 107, UO, 114, 132,* 135,* 142, 143, 161, 191, 197, 199, 206, 209, 210, 219, 223, 224, 241, 265, 266, 273, 278, 285, 292, 296, 299, 308, 310, 312, 313,* 314, 316, 458, 534, 559, 574 Ellen, 250, 517 Esther, 40, 52, 88, 221, 275 Gauther, 9, 18, 24, 47, 51, 57, 64, 77, 99, 111,* 202,* 219, 241, 287, c. 336, 344, c. 344, c. 358, u. 372, c. 387, c. 409, w. 453, w. 454, 470, d. 519, 599 Grace, 27, 29, 36, 38, 50, 62, 70, 72, 84, 91, 123, 128, 153, 168, 227, 251,* 262,* 272, 281, 283, 297, 305, 314, 523, 527 Hannah, 138, 235, 243 Henry, 2, 63, 91, 97, 104, 114,* 119, 125,* 128, 138, 146, 154, 162,* 173,* 174, 176, 181, 189, 192, 194, 199, 247, 248, 275, 285, 293, 298, 305, 315, c. 418, c. 456, 458, 0. 473, s. 481, c. 495, c. 502, c. 505,* 507, c. 512, c. 531, c. 536, w. 540, c. 545, c. 549, c. 557, c. 562,w. 576, d. 579, 581,* 587 Humphrey, 102, 112, 122, 132, 278, 468, d. 479 Isabel, 55, 296 James, 2,* 4,* 5, 6, 7,* 15, 17,* 18, 20, 22,* 24,* 27, 29, 36,* 40,* 41, 42, 43, 46, 49, 50, 52, 57, 58,* 59, 63, 65, 67,* 68, 74, 76, 87, 91,* 93, 99, 100, 101, Butterworth, James — Continued. 106, 107, 109, 112, 114, 120, 125, 126,* 129, 132, 137,* 138, 144, 146, 147, 151, 152, 155,* 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 164, 166, 167, 168, 174, 178, 179,* 180, 181,* 185,* 187,* 189, 190, 195,* 197,* 199, 201, 203, 207,* 208, 210, 216,* 217, 218, 219,* 221, 223, 226,* 230,;232, 234 235,* 236, 239,* 242,* 243, 246, 247,* 248,* 250, 259, 275, 279, 286, 291,* 297, 299,* 300, 303, 312, 315,* 316,* 317, w. 320, c. 320, u. 323, u. 325, 334, d. 335, three c. 335, two c. 337, c. 343, w. 345, w. 346, w. 351, u. 358, c. 372. 373, w. 375, 0. 379, c. 381, c. 384, 385, 387, w. 387, 388, 0. 392, 392, c. 398,* d. 399, s. 399, c. 402,* s. 405, d. 411, c. 411, d. 420, c. 425, 436, 441, d. 442, w. 454, s. 458, s. 459, w. 466, w. ands. 469, d. 478, 482, 484, c. 485, 488, 489,* c. 494, 494, 0. 496, o. 498, d. 503, 0. 504, w. and o. 506,* 520, w. 522, d. 524, d. 525, 529,* d. 532, d. 540, 546, c. 547, 556, 557, c. 564, c. 571, w. 576, w. 578, 582, c. 584, u. 585, w. 592, 593, 598 Jane, 3, 8, 12, 16, 22, 26, 44,* 45, 47, 57, 65, 72, 82, 91, 100, 102, 104, 106, 129, 147, 155, 160, 168, 176, 177, 178, 186, 189, 191, 197, 204, 208, 212, 221, 238, 239, 243, 250, 251, 252, 272, 278, 302, 306, 308,* 310, c. 365, 400, 454, 523 Jerrett (Jarrard), 16, 362, c. 412 John, 2,* 11, 12,* 18, 19,* 23. 24, 26,* 27,* 29, 36, 41,* 42, 44,* 47, 48,* 49, 50,* .52,* 54, 55, 57,* 58,* 61,* 62,* 63, 67, 68,* 72, 73, 79, 81, 83, 84, 8.5, 89, 91, 93, 94, 95, 96,* 100, 103,* 104, 109, no. 111, 112,* 113,* 116, 117,* 119,* INDEX OF NAMES 617 Baptisms... 1-248. Marriages... 249-318. Burials... 319-599. Butterworth, John — Continued. 120, 121,* 125, 126, 127,* 134, 135, 140, 142, 143, 144, 147,* 148, 152, 153, 155,* 159,* 163, 165, 160, 168, 169,* 174, 176, 177,* 178, 179, 1^0, 185, 187, 192,* 193,* 199,* 200 203,* 204,* 200, 211, 212, 214, 215, 216, 219, 221,* 222, 223,* 224,* 227, 228,* 229,* 230,* 233, 234,* 235, 236,* 238, 239, 242,* 243, 244, 245, 246, 247,* 255, 257, 272, 273, 274,* 275,* 278, 282, 283,* 285, 288, 289, 290, 292, 293, 296, 299,* 303, 304, 305,* 307, 316, w. 320, s. 321, 323, s. 325, 327, 329, c. 330, 337, c. 342, c. 343, c. 352,* c. 356, c. 357, c. 358, 360, w. 36.5, w. 366, c. 369,* s. 370, c. 373, w. 373, 373, u. 378, c. 380, c. 381,* c. 382, w. 385, c. 387, w. 389, d. 389, w. 390. c. 390, c. 391, 395, w. 399,* w. 400, c. 400, 402, s. 402, c. 403, s. 408, w. 409, 409, c. 411, 412, d. 413, w. 416, d. 416, w. 417, c. 418,* s. 419, w. 430, 433,* 434, c. 440, c. 442, 444, w. 446, s. 450, 451, w. 460, s. 466, 468, w. 469, c. 469, w. 477, c. 478, s. 479, w. 481, c. 482, c. 485, o. 487, 490, 491, 495, d. 496, 501, c. 506, w. 508, a. 508, w. 516, c. 524, w. 535, w. 538, 539, 0. 544, c. 545, 554, d. 563, w. 566, w. 567, 568, w. 581, 582, 583, 589, c. 596, c. 599 Jonathan, 7, 16, 19, 25, 33, 64, 71, 82, 99, 106, 107, 118, 121, 127, 134,* 138, 142, 143, 154, 190, 212, 226, 229, 271, c. 426, s. 451, w. 460, 460, d. 465, c. 470, 478, 536, w. 582 Joseph, 107, 239, 247, 315, 334, 377 Joshua, 243 Judith, .58, 90, 96, 180, 204, 253, 273, 310, 478 Katherine, 70, 91, 262 B utterworth — Continued. Margaret, 9, 26, 65, 81 278 313 Martha, 12, 30, 55, 85, 173 174, 183, 217, 224, 262* 299, 331, 432 Mary, 2, 6, 7, 10, 12, 14, 17 27, 29, 31, 32,* 33, 41, 47, 50, 51, 53, 55 56* 83, 85, 99, 101, 104, lo'7, 109, U9,* 122, 127, 128, 130, 134, 138, 142, 143, 147, 157, 167, 168, 169, 176, 179,* 180, 181, 182, 191, 197, 201, 211, 213,* 214, 219, 224, 229, 235, 239, 243, 244,* 246, 247,* 248,* 252, 256, 265, 268, 269, 271, 272, 273, 274, 275, 283,* 285, 287, 288 289, 290, 295, 297, 300 301, 303, 305, 311, 455 477, 479, 525, 542 Matthew, 15, 18, 50, UO, 239, 381, 392, w. 440, 575 Michael, 5, 10, 13,* 16,* 24 32, 43, 55, 62, 65,* 74, 91,* 94, 105, 107, 130, 151, 250, 262, 266, 285, 293, 330, c. 344, c. 362, c. 364, w. 369, 369, 377, c. 382, c. 386, c. 388, d. 389, c. 392, c. 399, c. 400, 419, c. 420, s. 432, 443, w. 458, s. 462, w. 476, w. 482, w. 493, c. 512, 557 Mr, 286, 402, 420, 535 Mrs, 540 Nathaniel, 2, 95, 127, 151, 201, 206, 212, 220, 221, 234, 248, 305, 311, 367, 578, w. 588 N.X.N., 41, 165, 180, 255, 573, c. 573, 0. 592 Peter, 291, w. 589 Phcebe, 205 Priscilla, 59, 192 Rachel, 113, 178, 312 Ralph, 22, 30,* 37, 45, 56, 118, 155, 179, 189, 220, 252, 299, w. 360, s. 384, c. 420, w. 425, 435, w. 461, 480, c. 519, w. 536, c. 584 Randle, 25, 119, 129, 141, 152, 161, 179, 202, 210, 228, c. 504, c. 550, c. 564 Rebecca, 27, 141, 150, 178, 241, 246, 264, 281, c. 598 6i8 ROCHDALE REGISTERS Baptisms. ..1-248. JlfarHoi/es... 249-3 18. BunaZs... 3 19-599. Butterworth — Continued. Richard, 84, 328, w. 425 Robert, 12,* 16, 17, 20, 24, 26, 27, 30,* 40, 41,* 44,* 46, 48, 53,* 59, 60, 61,* 62, 64, 65, 70, 74, 76, 83, 91,* 99, 103, 109, 112, 117, 122, 125, 126, 135,* 140, 143, 145, 153,* 157, 159, 163, 164, 168, 177, 185, 186, 189, 198, 199, 201, 202, 205, 229, 233, 234, 243, 245, 250, 254, 202, 282, 288, 291, 302,* 307, d. 323, 328, w. 329, 330, 0. 331, 333, c. 341,* c. 344, d. 345, c. 360, c. 369, w. 389, c. 399, o. 401, 403, w. 406, 407, 408, c. 411, s. 418, 421, s. 421, c. 425, c. 426, d. 428, d. 434, w. 437, c. and w. 439, w. 442, 444, c. 460,* w. 402, 406, c. 468, w. 473, c. 47!', d. 496, w. 496, w. 530, w. 531, c. 539, 554, w. 575, 578, w. 582, 583, 587 Ruth, 14, 91, 420, 498 Samuel, 45, 58, 155, 159, 107, 183, 184, 195,* 210, 230 * 2:52, 279, 292, 340, w. 360, 387, 402, w. 414, c. 441, w. 474, u. 487, c. 495, c. 505, 511, c. 545,* o. 558, w. 573 Sarah, 55, 58, 66, 77, 117, 128, 138, 150, 151, 166, 181, 189, 195, 213, 266, 304, 396, 540* Simeon, 63, 223, 242, 298 Susan, 14,* 122, 152, 215, 225, 247, 271 Theophilus, 320, 384 Thomas, 2, 5, 7,* 13,* 23, 37, 38,* 41, 44, 49, 50, 59, 72, 76,* 83, 101, 103, 125, 133,* 138, 150, 153, 1.59, 168, 176, 178,* 182,* 185, 189, 194, 199, 216, 237, 241, 251,* 254, 255, 268, 278, 284, 288, 289, 297, 303, 314, w. 322, w. 330, 336, c. 339, s. 354, c. 356, c. 359, c. 368, c. 373, 375, 377, c. 379, w. 380, u. 384, 390, c. 394, c. 412, c. 417, 418, w. 419, w 444, c. Butterworth, Thomas — Continued. 418, w. 419, w. 444, 0- 447, w. 452, V. 463, 464, 473, s. 483, c. 511, c. 520, d. 522, c. 523, 526, w. 543, c. 545, 558, i;. 559, w. and c. 565, 568, o. 595, Tobias, 388 William, 25, 49, 56,* 57, 63, 72, 84, 93,* 96, 104, 152, 153, 158, 166, 177,* 187, 191, 207, 223, 226, 237, 261, 269, 293, w. 323, 360, d. 366, 368, o. 396, 402,* 404, 423, d. 431, c. 433, c. 443, s. 445, 451, 459, d. 463, w. 491, w. 529 Buttlar, Buttler, see Butler Buttley, see Buckley Button, Thomas, 276 Buxton (Buckstons, Buxstons, Buxtons) Ann, 246 Anthony, 227, 234, 239, 246, 317, w. 588 Benjamin, 239 John, 234 Mary, 227 Mr, 317 Byrch, .lee Birch Byrom (Biram, Birum, Byram, Byrome, Byron) Alice, 71, 291 Ann, 120 Cicely, 264 Edmund, 275, 322, c. 361 Edward, 4, 21, 92, 155, d. 420, c. 428, c. 458, 464 Elizabeth, 4, 54, 193, 226 Ellen, 318 Grace, 21 James, 37, 45, 54, 60,* 71, 83, 89, 103, 106, 114,* 120, 155, 187, 190, 219, 244,* 255, 279, w. 412, c. 413, w. 419, w. 447, w. 466, 471, d. 490, 537 Jane, 127, 260, 304 Jenet, 289 John, 83, 92, 103, 127, 143,* 151, 190, 211, 226, 241, 302, 515, c. 597 Marv, 45, 151, 270, 289 Sarah, 37, 211, 293 Susan, 89* 193 William, 106, 187, 219, 235,* 241, 302 INDEX OF NAMES Baptisms... 1-248. Marriages... 249-318. Bwria/s... 3 19-599. 619 C C . . . . , Thomas, c. 353 Cappender, Abigail, 252 CarraU, James, 546 Carson, see Casson Carter, Edward, 142 Mary, 142 Cason, see Casson Cass (Casse) i. Edmund, 167 EUzabeth, 242 James, 120, 167, 177, 224, 242, 246, 312, c. 474, c. 583 Jane, 3, 287 John, 1 5 Lawrence, 3, 15, 246, 317, 366, w. 440, w. 495 Mary, 120, 224 Sarah, 177 Casson (Carson, Cason, Cayson) Abraham, 86, 99,* 106, 114, 135, 214, 242, 274, c. 439, 445, c. 584 Ajan, 78, 236, 347 Caleb, 114, 3-95 Isabel, 23, 214 Jane, 522 John, 6, 23, 39, 43, 128, 135, 140, 146, 243, c. 362, 395, d. 434, w. 446, c. 493, c. 503, w- 544 Katherine, 39 Martha, 6, 128 Mary, 260, 294 Samuel, 43, 106, 242, 335 Susan, 86, 146, 307 Thomas, 140, 236, 243, 314, c. 588 WilUam, 78 Catherell, Dorothy, 285 Cayson, see Casson CeaviU, Peter, 311 Chadwick (Chadwicke) Abigail, 66, 80, 300 Abraham, 80, 94, 104, 135, 144, 156, 176, 190, 209, 215, 273, 287, 307, w. 322, 331, c. 420, 0. and w. 445, c. 502, c. 509, 519, c. 537, w. 552, 586 Adam, d. 326, w. 352, 353 Alexander, 9, 22, 36, 204, w. 452, s. 455 Alice, 21, 31, 79, 81, 93, 116, 133, 158, 209,* 229, 299, 303, 304, 311 Andrew, 550 Chadwick — Continued. Ann, 23, 56, 64, 96,* 130, 135 137, 156, 157, 159, 171, 187, 256, 271, 282, 285, 287, 294, 297, 299, 307, 357 Ceevel, c. 353 Charles, 1, 14, 22, 35, 71, 104, 117, 124, 127, 130, 143, 145, 154, 162, 170, 212, 321, w. 376, w. 514, w. 515, c. 547, 548, 550 David, 143, 244, c. 594 Dorothy, 107, 250, 305, 475 Edmund, 64, 70, 79, 91,* 103, 115, 127, 141, 149, 158, 171, 198, 208, 212, 219,* 229, 232, 240, 268, 307, w. 339, s. 353, c. .466, s. 502, w. 575, c. 579, w. and two c. 579 Edward, 365, w. 395 Eleanor, 407 EUas, 174, 316 Elizabeth, 12, 65, 96, 99, 104, 113, 141, 159, 175, 176, 185, 191,* 211, 216,* 245, 251,* 255, 278, 304, 312, 314, 316, 494, 548 Ellen, 158, 181, 538 Ellis, 27, 32, 123, 127, 157, 162, 240, 285, 291, w. 352, w. 475, c. 490 Esther, 45, 46, 58, 70, 109, 127, 257, 289, 295, 312, 491 Francis, 46 Gabriel, 250, 375 George, 233 Grace, 244, 491 Hannah, 132, 221 Humphrey, 217 Immin, 15 Isaac, 190, 196, 204, 214, 227,* 302, c. 402, w. 554, 579 James, 2, 7,* 13,* 16, 18, 25, 28,* 32, £7, 42, 46, 56, 60,* 63, 65, 69,* 74, 76, 79, 80, 85, 87, 90, 95, 106, 112, 119, 120, 127, 130, 131, 134, 137, 139,* 141, 148, 149, 162,* 163, 164, 169, 171, 174,* 181, 186, 188, 190,* 193, 206,* 207, 212,* 217, 218, 220,* 233, 234, 238, 244, 245, 250,* 252, 254, 255, 265, 267, 271, 281, 283, 295, 299, 302, 314, 317, w. 319, c. 332, s. 336, 0. 341, c. 342, 620 ROCHDALE REGISTERS BopJisms... 1-248. Marriages... 249-318. Burials... 319-599. Chadwick, James — .Continued. w. 353, u. 359,* c. 362, 360, 309, c. 369, c. 378, c. 380, w. 384, c. 387, c. 394, d. 404, two c. 404, c. 410, 422, 435, 436, 440, 454, 459, 460, c. 460, d. 403, c. 470, w. 470, c. 487, c. 489, w. 498, 501, o. 503, 507, w. 509, w. 512, c. 521, c. 522, 526, c. 529, w. 532,* s. 533, c. 535, s. 535, c. and w. 536, w. 548, c. 553, 554, 555, w. 563, 564, 565, w. 571, 574, u. 590 Jane, 2, 9, 18, 24, 61, 73, 79, 80, 114, 119, 142, 157, 162, 174, 229, 250, 251, 252, 258, 260, 276, 279, 300, 317, 405 Jeremy, 24 John, 1, 2, 8, 9,* 12, 13, 14,* 21, 23,* 24, 26,* 27, 30, 31,* 32,* 35,* 37, 39, 44,* 45,* 47,* 50,* 52, 56, 58, 60,* 61, 62, 63, 64,* 65, 69,* 73,* 76, 77,* 79, 80,* 82, 80, 89,* 90,* 93, 98,* 99, 102,* 103, 104, 106,* 109, 113,* 116,* 117,* 118, 120,* 123,* 124, 125, 127, 131, 133,* 136,* 137, 138,* 140, 143,* 144, 148, 149,* 150,* 152, 153,* 158, 159, 171, 172, 174, 179,* 186,* 187,* 191, 193, 195,* 196,* 200,* 205, 207, 208, 211, 213, 210,* 221,* 226,* 239, 241, 245, 250, 254,* 258, 259, 262, 263, 265,* 269, 271, 272, 278, 279, 282, 283, 286, 287, 297,* 300,* 302, 320, d. 321, d. 323, c. 327, 333, d. 335, 338, 341, 347,* w. 351, c. 358,* w. 359, w. 361, 362, c. 364, d. 365, 366, c. 366, 367,* w. 369, c. 370, c. 374,* w. 374, 376, c. 377, w. 379, 381, c. 383, c. 385, w. 386, w. 387, c. 387, d, 389,* c. 390, 391, w. 393, 393, w. 396, c. 396, c. 401. s. 402, two u. 403, c. and d. 406, 406, c. 409, c. 411, w. 416, c. 418, w. 418, w. Chadwick, John — Continued. 419,* c. 419, 420, c. 420, c. 421, c. 423, 423, w. 425, 430, c. 432, w. 433, w. 435* 436, w. and d. and c. 437, w. 438, 439, w. 440, 441, w. 442, 443, c. 444, d. 447, 450, w. 451, d. 452, w. 453, d. 454, s. and w. 454, d. and s. 454, c. 457, o. 458, w. 459, c. 460, c. 462, d. 463, c. 466, c. 467, w. 468, c. 469, c. 470, s. 471, c. 475, 477, c. 477, c. 478, c. 479, c. 482, w. 482, c, 483, ti. 484, w. 485, 491. 496, c. and w. 499, 502, w. 506, 508,* 509, w. 518,* 519, s. 520, c. andw. 523, s. 524, w. 526, 528, s. 530, d. 531, d. 534, w. 535, 540,* 542, c. and s. 542, c. 545, s. 546, 547, 551, 553, 556, c. 556, w. 5.57, c. 570, 570, 571, ,572, c. 576, c. 582, 584, 586, 587, 591, 592, c. 597 Johnadab, 93 Jonathan, 1, 23, 35, 37, 40,* 46, 47, 52, 54, 62, 69, 76,* 81, 89, 93, 96, 115,* 116, 127, 136, 140, 145, 150, 165,* 221, 266, 312, w. 330, w. 383, c. 391, c. 398, s. 400, c. 410, w. 432, 459, 472, d. 472, s. 501, 514 d. 523, w. 525, 548, w. 572, c. 582, 594 Jordan, 2,* 16, 31,* 46, 59, 87, 150, 165, 169, 171, 196, 279, 321, c. 332, d. 340, c. 362, 443, d. 445, w. 512, w. 535, w. 541 Joseph, 26, 59, 65, 119, 120, 150, 169, 170, 176, 186, 194, 197,* 205, 209, 238, 308, 314, 324, w. 324, w. 328, 328, d. 343, d. 347, d. 365, 569, i;. 573, w. 573, d. 598 Joshua, 39, 56, 59, 61, 66, 74, 82, 85, 261, 305, 317 o. 412, w. 427, s. 434, d. 473, s. 515, 591, 597 Katherine, 23, 50, 62, 137,* 138, 149, 216, 260, 277 Lawrence, 4, 19,* 97, 107, 277, w. 353, 434, 441, w. 500, d. 534 INDEX OF NAM[^S 621 Boptisms... 1-248. Jlfarriaffes... 249-3 18. BwioJs... 319-599. Chadwick — Continued. Lettice, 246 Lewis, 137, 145,* 151,* 244, w. 481 Lydia, 227 Margaret, 11, 89, 116, 179, 204, 261, 274, 291, 340, .598 Martha, 50, 174, 195, 214, 235 Mary, 8, 18, 24, 30, 37, 42, 45, 47,* 52, 56,* 69, 73, 79, 94, 97, 102, 106, 117, 127, 133, 142, 157, 162, 164,* 176, 181, 189, 204, 210, 234, 251,* 252, 253, 271, 275,* 277, 289, 293, 295, 313, 339, 393, 442, 499, 534 Matthew, 35 Mr, 366, 383, 438, 469, 519 Mrs, 494, 534 N.X.N., 114, 125, 179, 255 Oliver, w. 417, 553 Penelope, 153 Priscilla, 28, 170, 189 Richard, 2, 4, 7, 11, 23,* 25, 26, 52, 61, 71, 92, 106, 116, 119, 144, 149, 157, 164, 169, 181, 185, 191,* 195, 198, 205,* 210, 216, 221, 229, 235, 246, 250, 279, 288, 300, w. 327, 335, 338, 391, 433, 434, s. 456, c. 470, 471, w. 481, 491, s. 499, 0. 501, 502, c. 512, w. 516, two c. 543, c. 544, c. 587, 594, c. 594, c. 597 Robert, 1,* U,* 14, 16, 18, 28, 35, 46, 47, 53, 59,* 62, 76, 77, 89, 92, 102, 104, 106, 113, 114,* 115, 120, 123, 127,* 132, 133,* 140, 141, 142, 147, 155, 157,* 159, 162, 164, 165, 172, 174, 189, 215, 218, 221, 227, 229,* 232, 241,* 242, 251, 256, 275, 279;* 280, 283, 294, 303, 307, 311, w. 326, c. 331, c. 339,* d. 341, w. 349, c. 355, 360, w. 366, 366, 375, c. 376,* c. 380, c. 381, 386, c. 394, 404, w. 407, c. 412, w. 419, w. 432, c. 433, c. 434,* w. 439, w. 440, 441, c. 442, c. 449, 453, c. 456, s. 458, c. 469, s. 469, c. 472, c. 483, w. 484, w. 492, w. 497, w. Chadwick, Robert — Continued. 500, c. 501, w. 505, 507, w. 516, c. 518,* s. 538, d. 569, 570, c. 571, c. 577, w. 581, c. 593, 0. 597 Roger, 23, 36, c. 320, 388, w. 485, 494 Ruth, 154 Sarah, 15, 16, 54, 118, 136, 147, 152, 155, 164, 194, 196, 270, 295, 313, 317 Susan, 53, 89, 124, 188, 275, 304 Thomas, 7, 13, 69, 86, 95, 104, 112, 116,* 124, 133,* 134, 140, 142, 144, 149, 154,* 162, 171, 175, 190, 191, 229, 239, 242, 245, 264, 278, 292, 299, 322, d. 360, 367, w. 371, w. 376, 384, 396, 406, c. 406, c. 414, w. 414, s. 442, c. 454, c. 455, 0. 466, c. 489, w 515, c. 523, 548, 550, 582, c. 594, w. 598 Widow 590 WiUiam', 59, 148,* 163, 170, 179, 189, 205,* 213, 229, 293, c. 525, c. 552,* d. 573, c. 586, c. 590 Winifred, 285 Chamlett, Ann, d. of 526 Gilbert, w. 373, 387 Chapman, Christopher, 256 Grace, 262 Chatterton, AUce, 302 Edmund, 291 George, 25 Jane, 20 Robert, 47 Sarah, 284 Susan, 47 William, 20, 25, 346,"c. 348 Cheetham (Cheatham, Cheaton, Cheetam, Cheeteham, Cheetom, Cheeton, Chetam, Chetham, Chetton) Abraham, 12, 35, 150, 157 160, 167,* 181, 290 Alexander, 109, 201, 227, 244 316, c. 547, c. 557, c. 563, c. 571, c. 577, w. 586 Alice, 56, 295 Ann, 29, 36, 42, 56, 73 111 227, 254, 272, 281 Arthur, 392 Edmund, 12, 26, 124, o. 344 c. 351 622 ROCHDALE REGISTERS Baptisms , , . 1-248. Marriages . . .249-318. Burials... 319-599. Cheetham — Continued. Elizabeth, 86, 128, 182, 312 Grace, 58, 84 James, 9, 12, 14, 25, 35, 36,* 42, 56,* 59, 64, 86, 94, 109, 111, 124, 128, 134, 146,* 148, 156, 157, 160, 174, 224, 243, 281, 292, c. 324, c. 376, c. 395, o. 415, 444, c. 460, c. 481, s. 486, d. 507, 508, w. 511, s. 538, w. 560, c. 596 Jane, 10, 23, 26, 42, 50, 59, 135, 182, 244, 252, 277, 298 John, 2, 12, 20, 29, 37, 42,* 44,* 52, 56,* 64,* 73, 84, 96, 112, 134, 149, 199, 208, 228, 240,* 243, 244,* 254, 256, 275, 305, c. 320, w. 322, w. 364, w. 373, c. 377, w. 410, s. 435, 448, w. 448, d. 464, 548, 562, w. 585, 0. 592, 596 Joshua, 68, 168, 180, 296, v,, 492, u. 521, 547, c. 548 Katherine, 28, 37, 42, 168, 295 Mary, 9, 14, 20, 43, 64, 96, 101, 111, 156, 180, 201, 208, 224, 251, 270, 272, 286, 289, 302, 314, c. 407, 414 Michael, 181, w. 322, 357 Rebecca, 52, 199 Richard, 25 Samuel, 2, 28, 36, 43, 50, 58, 64, 68, 79,* 101, 111, 112, 122, 135, 245, 277, 316, d. 409,* w. 412, d. 451, c. 469, s. 479, 490, 491, s. 494, d. 503, c. 515, w. 529, 548 Sarah, 94, 122, 150 Susan, 148, 227, 228 Thomas, 10, 23, 149, 174, 289, s. 320, c. 326, w. 328, w. 333, w. 345, 350, 415, w. 562, 578 Wilham, 64, 245 Chilkett, Bridget, 286 Choe, see Cooe Chorlton, Jane, 249 Clarke, John, 536 Clarkson, George, s. 417 Clay (Cleyl Henry, 286, 473 Sarah, 283 Clayton (Cleaton) AUce, 341, s. 567 Elizabeth, 18 James, 292, c. 349 Margaret, 287 Mary, 175 Mr, 497 N.X.N., 18 Ralph, 180 Sarah, 168 Seth, 154, 168, 175, 180, 186,* 193, d. 497, 561 Thonias, 193 William, 154 Clegg (Clegge, Cleggs) Aaron, 148 Abel, 202 Abraham, 3, 44, 47, 91, 143, 153, 154,* 161,* 176, 180, 194, 208, 217, 229, 254, w. 342, c. 344, c. 351, c- 371, s. 390, c. 402, 403, w. 418, w. 444, c. 511, c. 566, 594 Adam, 52 Alexander, 8, 18, 31, 49, 154, 162, 208, 218, w. 336, c. 485, w. 516, 519 Alice, 26, 66, 123, 126, 148,* 168, 177, 183, 227, 288, 313, 587 . . ane, 165 Ann, 11, 29, 47, 101, 116, 123,* 133, 150, 156, 157, 162, 164, 165, 169, 170, 184, 195, 196, 203, 233, 241, 245,* 249, 276, 281, 284, 286, 293, 312, 314, 517 Anthony, 3, 86, 134 Arthur, 89, 306, 354, c. 364, w. 430 Benjamin, 75, 141, 188, 206, 211, 299, c. 527, c. 558, 594 • Charles, 52, 62,* 73, 88, 103, 133, 139, 148, 155, 162, 169, 177,* 186, 200, 209, 218, 223, 231, 286, 298, w. and c. 445, o. 456, c. 496, c. 504, 519, c. 521, c. 540, c. 544, c. 545, c. 562, c. 574, c. 577, w. 594 David, 172 Dorothv, 200, 570 Edmund, 4, 11, 12, 51,* 56, 83, 86,* 103, 121, 154, 172, 175, 188, 189,* 202, 203, 211, 223, 225,* 237, INDEX OF NAMES 623 Baptisms... 1-248. Marriai/cs... 249-3 18. BuWaZs... 319-599. Clegg, Edmund — Continued. 246, 247, 287, 292, 306, c. 323, w. and c. 328, c. 336, s. 366, s. 371, 377, 416,* 425, 439, w. 463, 481, c. 501, c. 507, u. 545, w. 563, w. 567, c. 569, 584 Edward, 8, 11, 13, 18, 35, 63, 74, 85, 103, 102, 164,171, 177, 186,* 206, 227, 241, 252, 255, 292, 295, s. and w. 321, w. 330, c. 341, w. 347, 364, c. 366, c. 367, c. 369, s. 410, c. 412, d. 414, ^y. 437, 456, c. 458, w. 460, c. 515 Eleanor, 89, 101, 288 Elizabeth, 38, 65, 118, 127, 154, 162, 163, 191, 193, 211, 218, 243, 246, 247, 251, 274, 275, 276, 279, 283, 290 EUen, 49, 74, 206, 231, 512 ElUs, 3, 19, 31, 49, 57, 65, 256, s. and w. and c. 375, c. 387, 448 Esther, 253, 259 Francis, 11, 18, 43, 60, 123, 264, 273, 325, c. 333, w. 334, w. 340, w. 356, c. 450, 452, c. 452, 463, w. 464, w 495 George, 137, 176, 263, 264, 323, w 339, w. 580 Grace, 8, 148, 253, 287 Henry, 4, 11, * 16, 21,* 31, 38, 47, 85, 93, 103, 124, 135, 139, 154, 161, 266, 288, c. and w. 330, o. 366, w. 371, w. 372, C.374, c. 389,* d. 395, c. 399, c. 419, 432, w. 436, c. 443, c. 444, c. 458, c. 465,* c. 490, o. 506, w. 514, c. 518, w. 595 Isaac, 40, 49, 52, 53, 62, 63, 140, 168, 178, 186, 295, c. 358, w. 369, w. 395, d. 397, 401, s. 407, d. 429, 455, c. 464, 470, u. 473, w. 481, d. 483, c. 487,* L-. 503, 538, d. 563 Isabel, 144, 169, 290 Israel, 55, 140,* 166, 180, 2S8, 293, d. 448, s. 448, c. 484, w. 491, c. 518, 587 James, 8, 10, 12, 14,* 16, 18, 27, 37, 45, 47,* 56,* 02, 64, 65, 71, 74, 75, 79,* Clegg, James — Continued, 89, 102, 103,* 115, 116, 118, 121, 123, 125,* 127,* 128, 133,* 135, 137, 138,* 140,* 142,1143,* 144, 145,* 148, 150, 'l52, 154,* 155, 157,* 158,* 160, 162, 164,* 165, 166,* 169, 172, 175,* 176, 178, 180,* 183, 188, 190, 193, 196, 202, 203, 206, 211, 214,* 216, 218, 226,* 227, 233, 234, 237,* 240, 242,* 244, 245, 248' 253,* 260, 279, 281, 283, 286, 287,* 290, 293, 299, 301,* 304, 308, 309, 314, 317, 318, c. 357,* c. 361, c. 364, c. 365, c. 368, d. and u. 369, u. 374, s. 375, 383, c. 384, c. 387, c. 393, s. 397, c. 399, s. 426, 436, 0. 442, G. 452, c. 454, c. 457, 458, w. 459, d. and c* 459, s. 461, 0. and s. 464,* 0. 467, d. 472, c. 473, 478, 482, 489, c. 490, d. 492, w. 494, s. 502, w. 507, w. 512, 515,* w. 519, w. 521, c. 522, d. 524, 526, 527, w. 528, 0. 529, c. 536, w. 537, s. 539, 539, c. 544, w. 547, w. 554, s. 554, 555, 556, 562, d. 566, c. 570, 0. 571, c. 576, w. 579, 581, B. 583, c. 586, 594, c. 596 Jane, 7, 34, 56, 65, 74, 77, 88, 102, 127, 139, 140, 152, 169, 178, 201, 209, 249, 254, 264, 272, 281, 284, 287, 295, 303, 308, 316, 35.3, 551 Jenet, 563 Jenny, c. 563 Jeremy, w. 351 John, 13, 16, 18, 20, 26, 28, 31, 35, 40,* 43, 44, 45, 53,* 55,* 56, 60, 61, 65,* 72, 75, 77, 86,88,93, 101,* 102, UO, 113, 123,* 125, 127, 128, 133,* 135, 138, 143, 148,* 1.54, 157, 100, 162,* 163, 164, 166, 174, 176,* 177, 178, 180, 184,* 188,* 190, 200,* 201, 203, 208, 215,* 218, 223, 227,* 232, 234, 237, 241,* 244, 245, 247, 251, L55, 256, 272, 285, 292, 293, 295, 624 ROCHDALE REGISTERS Baptisms... 1-248. JWorWaf/es.. .249-318. BwiaZs... 319-599. , John — Continued. 296, 298, 300, 304, 305, 307, 313, 318, c. 320, c. 352, w. 356, w. 380, s. 384, d. 389, 391, S92, 408, c. 410, c. 428, w. 430, 434, c. 450, c. 454, c. 495, w. 503, 521, 523, s. 529, w. 531, c. 540, two c. 545, c. 552, w. 552, w. 554, c. 569, c. 575, d. 580, 582, w. 583, 589, w. 596, c. 598 Jonathan, 31, 74, 83, 156, 271, w. 414, 563 Joseph, 16, 30, 61, 85, 89, 102, 103, 112, 113, 123, 127, 134, 138,* 141,* 147, 148, 156, 160, 164, 170, 171, 174, 184, 195, 218, 227, 272, 274, 281, 297, 301, 305, w. 329, w. 330, 394, 435, w. 453, c. 469, c. 485, w. 486, d. 490, c. 492, d. 495, c. 499, s. 504, s. 506, w. 522, c. 528, c. 530, 553, s. 567, 581, 586, 593 Joshua, 241 Katheiine, 133, 135, 180 Margaret, 3, 148, 175, 177, 256 Margery, 19, 287, 299 Martha, 123, 124, 142, 147, 174, 282, 299, 304, 309 Mary, 40, 43, 52, 55, 59, 76, 88,89, 113, 115, 118, 123,* 124, 125, 126, 130,* 133, 134, 138, 154, 155,* 164, 178, 180, 184, 188, 201, 208, 227, 232, 244,* 247, 273, 275, 282, 284, 288, 291, 293, 300, 303, 305, 309, 313, 317,* 459, 538, 588 Michael, 52, 59, 06, 76, 89, 101, 113, 258, 280, w. 370, c. 377, c. 397, c. 401, c. 420, w. and u. 429, u. 436, c. 467, 529 Miriam, 62, 164 Moses, 134, 241, 248,* 316 N.X.N. , 30, 91, 172, 178, 318, c. 489, 561 Ralph, 328 Rebecca, 57, 277 Richard, 7, 18, 19, 28, 31, 34, 35, 43, 53, 56, 64, 65, 72, 85, 113, 130,* 136, 162, 109, 181,* 191, 201, 217, 227, 260, 271, 286, 295, 311, w. 319, w. 354, c. 357, Clegg, Richard — Continued. d. 363, 371, 372, w. 385, w. 392, c. 393, r. 405, 436, c. 437, d. 442, w. 442, w. 457, s. 462, s. 463, 469, d. 470, c. 471, 479, s. 484, w. 486, d. 507, 568, w. 584 Robert, 18,* 20, 29, 35, 37, 56, 65, 73, 75, 85,* 133, 149,* 152, 153, 157, 160, 16.5, 174, 175, 188, 223, 243, 252, 290, 291, 303, 317, 336, c. 338, c. 342,* c. 355, c. 369, c. 382, c. 385, 411, d. 412, w. 415, c. 425, s. 426, w. 446, w. 451, 457, 465, s. 487, c. .508, c. 530, s. 533, c. 534, c. 539, c. 546, c. 548, c. 551, w. 551, u. 561, c. 576, 576, w. 582, c. 592 Samuel, 10, 102, 202, 211, 309, 347, c. 567 Sarah, 27, 52,* 103, 113, 144, 165, 176, 184, 211, 226, 240, 279, 289, 292, 302 Susan, 62, 71, 74, 112, 139, 157, 161, 194, 229, 263, 297, 305, 312 Thomas, 18, UO, 118, 144, 152, 278, w. 355, 481, o. 497, d. 583 Widow, 580, 590, 594, 596 WiUiam, 136, 216, 226, 248, 267, 317, 355, w. 383, w. 394, w. 472 Zaccry, 19 Cley, see Clay Cleygote, Thomas, c. 351 Clough, Alice, 118 Ann 80, Christopher, d. 338 Edward, 3, 13, 27, 33, 43, 49,* c. 343, c. 344, s. 398, 428, w. 489 Elizabeth, 98, 154, 246, 281 Frances (m.), 55 Grace, 13, 43 Henry, 71, 79, 89,* 107, 122, 270, d. 505, d. 538 James, 42, 107, 154,* 168,* 175, 178, 284, 292, 444, 539 Jane, 36, 79, 94, 212, 486, John, 27, 33, 36, 44, 55, 61, 69, 71, 81,* 94, 106, 118, 131,* 165, 175, 183, 212, 228,* 241, 246, 275, 279, 297, 308, w. 356, c. 439, INDEX OF NAMES ' 625 BopJisms... 1-248. iWarriajres... 249-318. Burials. . .3 19-,599. Clough, John — Continued. c. 456, s. 457, d. 457, c. 473, 481, 483, w. 507, 515, c. 572, 0. 576, Jonathan, 69 Margaret, 275, 597 Mary, 70, 106, 271, 540 Patience, 316 Richard, 43, 44, 241, 354 Robert, 3, 42, 50, 61, 70, 80, 98, 122, 154, 165, 183, 255, 286, 317, d. 412, w. 449, d. 466, 469 Sarah, 50, 178 Widow, 592 Clough alias Stout, Katherine 286 Cocke, Jane, 253 Cocker (Cockher) Alice, 165 Edmund, 165, 172, 184, 201,* 216, o. 385, c. 560, c. 579 Elizabeth, 199 James, .52, 62, 75,* c. 528 John, 199, c. 531 Mary, 52, 184, 313 Peter, 216 Robert, 62 Sarah, 172 Cockefill (Cockerell) James, 201, i>. 553 Joseph, 201 Cocroft, William, 303 Coe, see Cooe Colings, CoUengh, CoUengs, see ColUnge Collier (Colier, CoUear) Abraham, 111 Ann, 5, 111, 144, 297 Edward, 144 Elizabeth, 124, 137, 238 Enoch, 213 Enos, 213 George, 99, UO, 124, 137, 144, c. 419, 0. 461, c. 474, c. 479, 489, s. 502 John, 67, 204 Margaret, 193, 195 Martha, 16, 185 Mary, 99, 167, 185, 258, 298 Ralph, 5, 16, 22, 58, 67, 76, 161, w. 348, 415, d. 430, w. 550 Richard, UO Robert, 58, 156, 161, 167, 185, 195, 204, 213, 224,* 238, 248, 292, 302, c. 511, 0. 528, w. 528, two c. 531, c. 539, c. 564, c. 585, c. 595 ColUer — Continued. Roger, •c. 546 Samuel, 144 Sarah, 156 Stephen, 248 Thomas, 22, 193 WiUiam, 76 CoUinge (Colings, CoUengh, CoUengs, CoUing, CoUings) Abraham, 78,* 100, 213, 230,* 233, 242, 304, c. 446, s. 447, d. 452, c. 592 Alexander, 20, 64, 141, 179, 184, 252, 353, u. 365, w. 376, 510 Alice, 38, 85, 163 Ann, 20, 59, 91, 171, 218, 303, 347 Benjamin, 222 Charles, 59, 69, 77, 89, IM, 212, 221, 263, 308, c. 325, c. 329, c. 332, c. 336, w. 456, 494, u. 574, c* and w. 578 Elizabeth, 72, 77, 139, 213, 270, 551 Grace, 17, 295 Isaac, 283 James, 19, 22, 70, 120, 129,* 163, 183, 188, 254, 282, 289, 296, 309, 314, c. 334, c. 338, c. 348, w. 362, w. 381, 415, d. 445, w. 457, c. 509, w. 511, c. 519, d. 541, w. 555 Jane, 46, 255, 291, 308 Jeremiah, 126, 461 John, 9,* 11,* 21, 26, 38, 46, 51, 56, 64, 72, 91, 120, 141, 149, 171, 179, 184, 211, 221, 269, 270, 271, 289, 290, 292, w. 320, s. 329, 329, V. 339, 350, c. 354,* 355, w. 355, 360, c. 381, w. 387, c. 388, w. 395, 405, w. 409, 437, 454, c. 456, 465, 469, w. 472, w. 480, w. 487, c. 494, c. 497, 501, c. 517, w. 520, V. 522, c. 530, 534, 537 Joseph, 17, w. 354, c. 354, 357 Margaret, 89, 183 Mary, 60, 69, 149, 212, 218, 233, 271, 275, 284, 285, 296 Merenon (/), 95 N.X.N., 370, c. 562 PP 626 ROCHDALE REGISTERS Baptisms... 1-248. Jl/omoffcs.. .249-318. BwriaZs... 319-599. CoUinge — Continued. Robert, 12,* 19, 43,* 51, 56, 60, 70, 85, 95, 100, 114, 126, 139, 177,* 188, 211, 222, 299, 333, c. 347, two c. 350, w. 353, c. 359, w. 370, 387, c. 411, 438, c. 480, w. 493, d. 499, d. 509, s. 520, d. 521, c. 553, u. 562, 585 Samuel, 26 Sarah, 242 Susan, 21, 22, 253 Zachary, 126 ColUns, John, 5, 7, 250, d. 322 Joseph, 5 Marv, 7, 10 Robert, 10 Cooe (Choe, Coe) Ann, 17, 97 Jane, 38 John, 17, 38, c. 350, c. 379, s. and w. 401, c. of d. 404, w. 486 JIary, 97, 282 Rebecca, 38 Thomas, 17 Cooke, Christopher, w. 361 Elizabeth, 477 Jane, 274 John, 280, 333, 361 Mary, 284 Coper, see Cowper Coupe (Cowpe) Agnes, 278 Elizabeth. 1S2 Mary, 172 Thomas, 172, 182, 297 Cowell, Henry, 364 Cowper (Coper) Alice, 22, 273 Ann, 9, 43, 99, 206,* 298 Edmund, 9, 17, 22, 43, i;. 338, 0. 354, w. 399, Elizabeth, 113, 280 EUen, 17 James, s. 367 John, 32, 113, 165, 320, w. 330 379 Joseph, ' 113, w. 440, c. 440 Mary, 32, 99, 113, 281, 502 Thomas, 165 Crab : Mr, 283 Crabtree (Crabtrey) Abel, 174 Abraham, 192, 283, 476 AUce, 306 EUzabeth, 249, 298, 308, 346 Crabtree — Continued. James, 297 John, 135,* 143, 174, 192, 202, w. 345, 418, w. 500, u. 520, s. 557, c. 561, 564 Marv, 202, 305, 315, 538, 559 Ramui..l, 291, 296 Sarah, 14:1 WiUiam, 291 Cranidge (Cranage, Cranedg, Cranedge, Cranics, Cranidg, Crannedg, Crannpdge, Cronegeh, Cronegh, Cronidge, Cronnage) Dorothy, 48 Fabian, 232 George, 36 Jeremiah, 33,* 39,* 47, 62, 102, c. 353, c. 512 John, 36, 48, 238 Jonathan, 47, 22.5, 291, c. 4S1, c. 495, w. 496, 553 Martha, c. 412 M.ary, 200 Matthew, 62, 162, 200, 208,* 215, 225, 232, 238, 295, c. 5()7, c. and w. 587, c. 588 Phrpbe, 215 Crasst [V], Stephen, 452 Crawther, John, 2114 Mary, 204 Cress, Mary, 527 Crier, see Cryer Crockstonn, George, 207 Thomas, 267 Croksley, Jonathan, 284 Crompton (Crmnton) Alice, 7, 154, 161, 295 Andrew, c. 456 Ann, 99, 240, 262 Dorothy, 278 Edmund, w. 355, 355, 442 EUzabeth, 260 Esther, 170 Grace, 78 James, 351, w. 386 John, 19, 78, 92, 107,* 265, 273, 312, 409, w. 442, 475, d. 495 w. 495 c. 510, 535, w. 542, 581 Marv, 21, 92, 108, 317 Michael, 363 Robert, 144 Samuel, 99, 108, 121,* 133, 144, 154, 161, 170, 277, c. 495, 511, 529 Susan, 290 INDEX OF NAMES Baptisms,.. 1-248. Marriages... 249-318. Bwrio^s... 319-599. 627 Crompton — Continued. Thomas, 7, 19, 21, 251, c. 366, s. 367, 374, K>. 375, w. 397, 462 WiUiam, 133, 240, 283, 315 Cronegh, Cronidge, Cronegeh, Cronnage, see Cranidge Crook, James, 313 Cropper (Croper) Abraham, 6, 108, 200, 208,* 213, 229, 236, 242, 304, c. 544, c. 559, c. 576, c. 596, c. 599 Agnes, 126, 574 Alice, 213, 247, 284 Ann, 133, 169, 311 Edmund, 153, 209, 318 Elizabeth, 163 Henr., 395 James', 212, 0. 329 Jane, 220, 250 John, 66, 242 Martha, 189, 195 Mary, 144 N.X.N., 219 Richard, 23, 108, 121, 133, 144, 149, 157, 206, 253, 257, 280, 315, c. 483, o. 504, w. 599 Robert, 46, 126, 149, 1,53, 157, 163, 169, 179,* 189, 206, 212, 296, 299, d. 448, c. 462, c. 510, w. 518, 550, u. 558, 567, c. 569, w. 570, c. 571 Sarah, 317 Thomas, 6, 23, 46, 56,* 66, 77, 121, 200, 208, 209, 220, 229, 236, 247, 253, 308, c. 410, s. 417, s. 442, w. 447, c. 464, 548, 0. 592 William, 77, 195, 208, 219, 238,* 303, s. 522, c. 529, w. 535, c. 593 Crossley (Crosl, Crosley, Crosly) Abel, 66, 74, 85, 137, c. 364, d. 444, 493, w. 519 Abraham, 70, 128, 18-4, 194, 196, 206, 220, 229, 274, 290, 303, c. 341, c. 458, c. 472, w. 500, c. 535, c. 572 Alice, 84, 142, 194, 197, 228, 300, 317 Ann, 74, 86, 97, 126, 137, 205, 222, 273, 309, 311 Anthony, 293, c. 350 Caleb 99* Charles, 78, 86, 96, 107,* 117, Crossley Charles — Continued. 120, 142, 236, 272, c. 423, f. 462, c. 468, w. 470, 47.5, s. 533, d. 552 Deborah, 579 Dorothy, 305 Elizabeth, 67, 79, 96, 100, 120, 181, 248, 301 307 Grace, 265 Henry, 294 James, 13, 33, 45,* 53, 62, 70, 79, 89, 97, 98, 109, 111, 120, 121, 131, 134,* 137, 139, 142, 152, 156,* 165, 184, 197, 228, 235,* 236, 243, 244, 256, 285, 313, 318, 350, w. 368, w. 410, c. 417, c. 426, 440, d. 442, w. 449, c. 454, 455, w. 470, ^. 474, c. 511, w. 514, w. 522, d. 546, w. 561, 570, 571, w. 590, .;. 596, 598 Jane, 278, 297 John, 29,* 53, 87, 95, 100, 111,* 120, 121, 129, 137, 149, 155,* 160, 187, 194, 203, 205, 206, 212, 215, 217,* 235, 244, 251, 252, 253, 273, 276, 302, 312, 315, w. 319, c. 320, w. 320, w. 334, s. 335, c. 342, c. 345, w. 408, c. 429, w. 459, c. 487, c. 504, c. 532, 536, c. 544, 561, 580, c. 581, c. 588, w. 590, c. 597 Joshua, 89, 203 Luke, 240, 312 Margaret, 129, 139 Martha, 251 Mary, 78, 95, 98, 111, 120, 172, 196, 215, 220, 229, 235 * 267, 274, 286, 292, 296, 298, 309 N.X.N., 149, w. 361 PrisciUa, 187 Richard, 57* Robert, 67, 84, 105, 117, 119,* 131, 130,* 240, 314, w. 382, w. 395, c. 407, c. 412, 417, d. 474, w. 476, s. 503 Samuel, 62, 128, 160, 16.5, 172, 181, 295, c. 501, 532 Sarah, 66, 105, 109, 305, 310 Susan, 13, 33, 194, 264, 270, 301, 307 Thomas, 85, 87, 152, 212, 222, 235, 243, 248, 308, w. 330 WilUam, 348 628 ROCHDALE REGISTERS Baptisms.,, 1-248. Marriages... 249-318. Burials... 319-599. Cryer (Crier) Abraham, 24, 153 Ann, 19, 30, 14,5, 153, 275 Edmund, 2, 19, 30, c. 344 Elizabeth, 139, 234 Grace, 102 Isaac, 30 James, 2, 4, 8, 17, 19, 24, 29, 30, 38, 39, 46, 59, 117, 136, 139, 145, 153, 168,* 175, 184,* 187, 254, e. 320, o. 325, u. 332, u. 339, 383, c. 385, c. 480, c. 482, c. 500, c. 523, w. 567, s. 578 Jane, 19, 30, 117, 175, 290 Jarret (Jarrard), 39, 158, 171, 336, u. 496, 496 John, 59, 101, 109, 235, 256, 277, 278, 310, e. 321, w. 340, w. 420, w. 442, 492, w. 502, w. 563, w. 587 Joshua, 221 Margaret, 4, 109, 307 Marthp, 29 Mary, 8, 38, 59, 145, 222 N.X.N., 136 " Old," w. 337 Samuel, 46,* 145, 153, 15S, 162, 171, 187, 197, 208,* 221, 235, 290, 302, w. 518, c. ,520, c 559, u. 564, c. 568, c. 578 Sarah, 197 WiUiam, 17, 30, 40, 59, 101, 222, 234, 248,* 308, w. 436, s. 452, 461 Cudworth, Judith, 453 Samuel, 156,* c. 511, c. 558 Cunliffe, Jane, 455 D D , John, 64 WilUam, 64 Dales, Thomas, 449 Daniel, Esther, 122 WiUiam, 122 Darby, Frances, 326 Darlenton, Elizabeth, 239 Hugh, 239 Davenport, Thomas, 277 Davies, Mr, c. 403 Dawes, Jane, 252 Dawson (Dawsonn, Dawsonne, Dowson) Abraham, 33, 39, 45,* 54, 58, 64, 65, 71, 77, 78, 86, 93,* 102, 108, 116, 125,* 243 * 263, 297, 315, w. 405, c. 406, d. 422, c. 422, .;. 461, Dawson, Abraham — Continued. w. and c. 468, 469, s. 47'-, d. 474, s. 496, d. 506, w. 592, c. 593 AUce, 202, 214 Ambrose, 22 Ann, 86, 108 Deborah, 12, 288 Edmund, 177 Eleanor, 39 Elizabeth, 235, 243, 279 Esther, 231 George, 140, 193, 215, 303, w. 487, w. 592 Grace, 3, 102, 279, 283 Isaac, 65, 69, 71, 100,* 121, 245, 278, 318, 495, 538, w. 594 Isabel, 282 James, 13, 53, UO, 116, 121,* 146, 149, 156, 107, 175, 177, 193, 201, 215, 241,* 249, 280, 290, 297, 315, .¦. 478, w. 499, w. 506, s. 524, w. 531, 533, c, .551, 570, 591 Jane, 77, 175 Jeremie, c. 385 John, 40, 04, 93,* 105, 120, 129,* 150, 234, 317, w. 409, 423, c. 427, c. 440, c. 502, 514, s. 540 Jonathan, 167, 177 Joseph, 235, 244 Katherine, 277 Margaret, 14, 280, 553 Martha, 244, 250 Mary, 33, 41, 54, 69, 78, UO, 188, 204, 212, 215, 201, 288, 291, 301 Mr, 235, 244 N.X.N., c. 442 Rebecca, 57 Richard, 120 Robeit, 33, 58, 121, 149, 177, 188, 202, 204, 214, 215, 231, 245, 289, 299,* s. 380, w. 511, c. 522, c. 535, s. 555, w. 583, u. 591 Sarah, (.2, 105, 234 Susan, 13 Thomas, 12, 23, 33, 38,* 40, 53,62, 201, 212, c. 323, 328 Timothy, 195* WilUam, 3, 14, 22, 23, 28,* 35,* 41, 57, 70,* 250,329 0. 341, c. 361, c. 372, c. 377, e. 405, s. 415, w. 432, w. 521, 580 INDEX OF NAMES 629 Baptisms... 1-248. Marriages... 249-318. Burials... 319-599. Dearden (Deardin, Duerden, Durden, Dureden) Abel, 23, 48, 76, d. 325, d. 402 Abraham, 92, w. 340 AUce, 68, 126, 158 Ann, 170, 248, 280, 281, 283, 314 Charles, 62, 73, 88, 184, 271, c. 546, c. 579 Dorothy, 5, 87 Edmund, 5, 18,* 83, 94, 105, 143, 282, 335, d. 405, c. 413, c. 433, c. 466 Edward, 9, 22, 34, 53, c. 322, s. 442, d. 443, w. 451, 511 Elizabeth, 55, 68, 210, 219, 259, 290, 313 Ellen, 219 Esther, 153 Grace, 88, 118, 299, 355 James, 5,* 33, 56, 62, 69, 72, 73, 81, 83, 95, 107,* 118, 147, 166, 177, 208, 218, 233, 234,* 245, 301, 310, 349, c. 364, c. 384, 389, c. 392, c. 403, d. 411, s. 419, c. 429, s. 429, c. 446, 457, w. 468, s. 473, w. 480, 485, 0. 551, 567 Jane, 34, 69, 95, 127, 191, 288,* 548 Jeremiah, 10, 23, 166, 171, 177, 191, 200, 210, 224, 272, 274, 310, c. 320, d. 332, u. 344,* w. 374, s. 384, 0. 385, 397, w. 406. w. 413, s. 428, 429, w. 433, w. 435, c. 516, c. 533, 548, 557 John, 7, 55, 56, 66, 68, 74, 96, 152, 157, 158, 166, 175, 184, 187, 191, 245, 2.54, 291, c. 398, c. 409, c. 426, w. and c. 500, c. 505, 510, 517, 566, w. 570 Jonathan, 11, 18, 111, 112, 123, 136, 153, 173, 238, 249, 0. 504, s. 519, 537, w. 560 Joseph, 9, 48, 60,* 66, 74, 80, 89, 97, 111, 126, 135,285, w. 326, 326, c. 412, c. 425' w. 470, c. 484, 510, 511 Joshua, 157, 163,* 170, 293, 591 Judith, 280 Lawrence, 8, u. 441, u. 477, 482 Lydia, 175 Margaret, 74, 224 Dearden — Continued. Martha, 316 Mary, 11, 43, 68, 69, 73,* 80, 94, 101, 127, 152, 166, 170, 268, 303 Mr, 510, 511, 517, 591 Ralph, 68, 76, 92, 270, c. 321, d. 374, w. 392, w. 446, 569, w. 575 Richard, 8, 179,* c. 342, d. 417, 429 Robert, 33, 55, 68, 72, 87, 101, 108,* 185,* 187, 218, 23:i, 280, 289, w. 328, w. 329^ w. 332, 332, c. 336, 340, 391, c. 410, w. 419, c. 445, 450, d. 460, c. 535, 557, d. 578, c. 593, w. 598 Roger, 96, 136, 238, 313, 360, w. 363 Samuel, 7, 18, 34, 43, 55, 112, 249, w. 341, w. 515, 525 Sarah, 53, 97, 123, 135, 171, 200, 473 Susan, 208 Thomas, 10, 22, 34, 69, 89, 105, 173, 283, 299, 302, w. 480, 500, w. 579, 580 William, 74, 143, 147, 156,* 170, 191, 248, 289, 317, 441, w. 502, c. 576 Dbhue, Isaac, 278 Denton, Elizabeth, 17 Richard, 17 Dewhurst (Deuhorst, Dewhorst, Duehorst, Duerst, Duhurst) Caleb, 68 David, 239 Elizabeth, 225 George, 225, 239 Henry, c. 570 James, 18, w. 355, 438 Jane, 78, 122 John, 13, 34, 44, c. 338, c. 341, c. 345, c. 363, u. 588 Joshua, 68 Mary, 34, 53, 285, 287, 288 N.X.N., 361 Robert, 13, 63, 393, w. 435 Samuel, 18, 28, 37,* 44, 53, 63, 68, 78, 118, 283, c. 380, w. 437, d. 437, w. 460, c. 477, 499, w. 500, 507 Sarah, 118, 309 Thomas, 28, 122, w. 383, 450 Di . . . , Mary, 292 Dickenson, Henry, 282 630 ROCHDALE REGISTERS lisms... 1-248. Jl/arWogres... 249-3 18. Bwiais.. .319-599. Dodson (Dodsonn, Doudson) Ellen, 9 James, 283, w. 381 John, 55, 259, w. 370, 382, c. 383, w. 385 Joseph, 9, 336, c. 354, w. 436 Mary, 55, 258 WilUam, c. 353 Dowood, Edmund, c. 405 Dowson, see Dawson Drake, Joseph, 289 Duckworth, Abel, 121 Alice, 50 Ann, 40, 249 Charles, 317 Edmund, 294, 575 Edward, 283 Gilbert, w. 482 Henry, 90 James, 394 Jane, 301 Jenet, 273 John, 105, 292, 294 Mary, 71 Richard, 80, 397 Robert, 40, 50, 71, 80, 90, 105, 121, 270, w. 391, d. 415, d. 423, w. 458, 472, s. 476 Thomas, w. 394 WiUiam, 294 Duddaway (Dudaway) Charles, 103, 105, 139, 143, c. 478, c. 480 Elizabeth, 143 James, 103 Margaret, 139 Mary, 105 Duehorst, see Dewhurst Duerden, see Dearden Duerst, Duhurst, see Dewhurst Dunster (Dunstere, Dunstner) Ann, 285, 540 Daniel, c. 467 Edmund, 47, 183, c. 458, 505, w. 536 John, 13,* 47, 168, 309, u. 344 Mary, 287 Nicholas, 168, 183, 284, 293, c. 487, w. 488, c. 521, c. 530, c. 584 Peter, 548 Durden, Dureden, see Dearden Dutton, Deborah, 11 Edward, 11, 19, 249, c. 333 Mary, 19 Dykson, see Dixon IDyson (Dison) James, 227 John, 213, 248 Dickson, Dicksonn, Dicson, Dicsonn, see Dixon Diggles (Digle, Digles) Ann, 43 Esau, 25, 348, s. 383 George, 25 James, 148 Jane, 9 John, 34, 233 Jonathan, 65 Joseph, 207 Mary, 276 Thomas, 233 Thurstan, 53, 207 WilUam, 9, 22,* 34, 43, 53, 65, 148, d. 416, 440, s. 455 Dippleach, Mary, 283 Dison, see Dyson Dixon (Dickson, Dicksonn, Dicson, Dicsonn, Dixing, Dixson, Dykson) Abel, 139, 288 Abraham, w. 419 Alice, 188, 242, 350 Ann, 29, 278 Edmund, 131, 138,* 24.5,* 286, 316, 468, u. 489 Frances, 324 Francis, 20, 137, 152, 288, w. 334, c. 498, w. 508 Grace, 7, 280 Henry, 7, 120, 139, 182, 235, 287, c. 344, c. 356, w. 356, c. 366, w. 388, w. 411, 467 Isaac, 106 James, 235, 242, 394 Jane, 255 John, 2,* 29,* ,50, 81, 228, 240, 254, 290, 312, 346, 377, c. 509, w. 556, w. 573, u. 596 Jonas, 286 Joseph, 240 Judith, 91, 137 Mary, 6, 131, 279, 295, 381 N.X.N. , 228 Richard, 6, 20, 29, 38, 50, w. 353, w. 443, 510 Robert, 81, 91, 106, 120, 152, 273, 355, 389, s. 390, w. and c. 418, s. 449, 536, s. 567 Sarah, 288 Susan, 38, 182 Timothy, 188 WiUiam, w. 327 Dobson (Dobsonn) Jeremy, 264, c. 338 INDEX OF NAMES 631 Baptisms... 1-248. Marriages... 249-318. BwriaZs... 319-599. Dyson — Continued. Sarah, 248 Timothy, 213, 227, 232, 302, 311, d. 548, c. 553, c. 557, w. 564, c. 576* William, 232 E Eanswor'1'H, see Ainsworth Earle, Ann, 102, 108 Dorothy, 102 Jane, 108 Mr, c. 404 Earnshaw (Arnshaw, Earneshaw, Earnshow, Ernshaw, Yearnshaw, Yernshaw) Abraham, 4, 33,* 171, 191, 221, 298, 327, c. 362, s. 428, 498, d. 503, w. 525, w. 528, c. 547, 584 Adam, 115, 21,5, 225, 238, 309, 318, s. 401, w. 435, 467, V. 587, w. 593 Alice, 119, 253, 313 Ann, 7, 106, 129, 309 EUzabeth, 93, 101, 221, 318 George, 88 Grace, 35 James, 16, 191, 502 John, 7, 16, 55, 93, 100, 101, 119, 128, 129, 171, 244, 278, 311, c. 355, 364, c. 371, c. 372, c. 378, c. 425, s. 428, w. 430, 448, 463, w. 492, w. 494, w. 508, 520, w. 522, two c. 572 Jonathan, 35, c. 338 Katherine, 111 Margaret, 238 Mary, 55, 72, 91, 100, 164, 22.5, 244, 272, 308 [Michael, 4 Thomas, 88, 111, 128, s. 512 Widow, 590 William, 72, 91, 106, 115, 164, 215, 271, 294, 309, c. 412, c. 442, 0. 452, w. 454, 465, w. 557 Earnworth, John, 420 Earnsworth, see Ainsworth Eastwood (Estwood) Abraham, 10, 145, 238, 307, 315, 329, w. 329, 432, c. 507, u. 565, u. 571, w. 572 Ann, 285 James, 238 John, 10, 25,* 145, c. 329, w. 390 E ast ivood — Continued. Jonathan, 430 N.X.N., w. 548 Richard, 315, u. 400, 538, w. 591 Sarah, 300 Susan, 280 Eatough ([Etacke, Etocke, Etough, [Ettocke, Ettough) Alice, 180 Ann, 108, 306 EUzabeth, 130 Isabel, 219 John, 77, 84, 95, 108, 118, 130, 138, 142, 150, 263, c. 393, c. 404, c. 411, c. 422, c. 430, c. 442, u. 477, c. 479, c. 487 Margaret, 138 Mary, 118, 235 Richard, 142 Robert, 95, 196 Sarah, 150 Susan, 77, 233 Thomas, 235 Timothy, 180, 189,* 196, 210,* 219, 233, 296, c. 540, c. 584, c. 591 WilUam, 84 Ebyson, John, 302 Eccarsall (Eccarsale) Edward, 119 James, 78, 119, 446, s. 459, d. 459, u. 459 Thomas, 78 Edge, Robert, 8* Eggmison, Timothy, 310 Eglebey, Elizabeth, 98, 286 Jane, 98 John, 253, c. andw. 336, d. 455 Ellenworth, Peter, 333 Ellis (Elles) Edward, w. 361 Esther, 478 John, 230, w. 596 Mary, 31, 230 William, 11, * 31, c. 364, w. 375, 417 Ellison (EUisonn) Ann, 8 Gervase, 8, c. of 325 James, 374 John, 60, w. 385 Judith, 280 Mary, 60 Mr, UO,* 111,* 281 Thomas, 386 Elmer, Judith, 251 Mary, 253 632 ROCHDALE REGISTERS Baptisms... 1-248. Marriages... 249-318. Burials... 319-599. Eltes, Mary, 519 Elton, Mrs, 473 Emmett (Emet, Emett, Emit) John, 94, 275, 309 Martha, 94, 286 Engum, see Ingham Enscough, N.X.N., 315 Ensworth, see Ainsworth Entwisle (Entwesle) Ann, 200 Berten, 54 Dorothy, 190 Edmund, 213, 332 Henry, 217 John, 38, 45, 54, 184, c. 372 Mary, 45, 235 Mr, 332, 369, 372 Richard, 38, 184, 190, 196,* 200, 209, 213, 217, 235, 318, 326, w. 369 Robert, 209 Thomas, 207 WilUam, 207, 375 Ernshaw, see Earnshaw Estwood, see Eastwood Etacke, Etocke, Etough, Ettocke, Ettough, see Eatough Etton, John, 58, 69 Susan, 58 Timothy, 69 Fakab, see Farrer Fareclough (Fayreclough) EUzabeth, 250 Jane, 28 John, 4, 28, 350, w. 354 Thomas, 4 Farlow, Henry, 574 Farnworth, ElUs, 298, c. 518 Farrer (Farar, Farrah, Farrar, Farror) see also Farrow Adam, 81, 102 Alexander, 30, 91, 201, 231, 306, c. 552 AUce, 92, 243 Ann, 9, 57, 117, 288, 290, 359 Edmund, 85, 96, 115, 201, 261, 0. 429, c. 436, 525 EUzabeth, 19, 225, 300 George, 81, 91, 96, 102, 117, 125, 144, 161,* 274, c. 419, w. 504 Grace, 295 Henry, 9, 19, 30. 38, 49,* 57, 61,* 65, 166, 173, 180, 188,* 192, 195, 199, 264, Farrer, Henry — Continued. 296, c. 354, w. 405, w. 410, c. 411, d. 451, c. 457, 504, d. 512, w. 516, c. 518, c. 520, 532, c. 552, 557, u. 558, 587, 588 Isaac, 271, c. 345, c. 492 James, 236, 314 Jane, 115, 173, 186, 226, 231, 358 John, 65, 85, 186, 192, 195, 201, 225, 226, 243, 301, 304, 306, d. 361, 378, w. 414, d. 430, w. and o. 531 Joshua, 166, 199 Marv, 180, 283, 292, 298 N.X.N., 201 Robert, 144 Sarah, 38 WiUiam, 92, 125, 236, 251, 273, 314, w. 339, s. 370, w. 393, 0. 439, 467, «. 468, w. 562, 566 Farrow, see also Farrer Alexander, 206 Alice, 308 Isaac, c. 567 John, 239, c. 596 Mary, 206 Susan, 239 Favell, Ann, 274 Fayreclough, see Fareclough Fearnley (Fernley) Alice, 209 Ann, 220 George, 209, 220, 242, 308 John, 242 Feilden, [Feilding, Feildings, Felding, see Fielding Fenton (Fentton) Abraham, 15, 54, 118, 126, 131, 146, 156, 170, 283, w. 454, c. 459, 470, 482 Adam, 43, 170, 177, 187, 195, 202, 210, 297, w. 391, 0. 541 AUce, 271, 502 Ann, 123, 177, 216, 312 Benjamin, 164, 593 Dorothy, 301 EUzabeth, 37, 169, 195 Esther, 367 Gtace, 156, 202 James, 27, 45, 54,* 118, 142 148, 156, 164, 169, 243 288, 316, c. 469, c. 495, c. 507, w. 532 Jane, 187 John, 1, 27, 37, 43, 50, 54, 112, INDEX OF NAMES Baptisms... 1-248. Marriages... 249-318. Burials... 319-599. 633 Fenton, John — Continued. 123, 128,* 156, 208, 216,* 223, 237, 250, 281, w. 328, c. 337, 0. 348, 352, s. 356, w. 356, c. 375, 0. 390, w. 441, c. 453, 474, w. 491 Judith, 210 Katherine, 142, 306 Margaret, 208 Mary, 37, 50, 112, 126, 148, 243, 289, 295 N.X.N., 552 PrisciUa, 251 Richard, 1, 15, 27,* 37, 45, 216, w. 349, c. 354, s. 446 Robert, 22,* 131, 146, 223, 237, 311, c. 365, 512, w. 521 Roger, 506 Samuel, 250 WilUam, 296 Fernley, see Fearnley [E'erth, see Firth Fetton, see [Fitton Fielding (Feilden, Feilding, [Feildings, Felding, [Fielden, Fieldings, Filding) Abraham. 35, 37, 316 Alice, 7, 302 Deborah, 14, 282 Edmund, 9, 15, 27, 35, 41, 47,* 69, 265, 296, c. 328, c. 369, w. 380, d. 395, d. 397, w. 398, 436, w. 463, w. 486, c. 498, 519, 552 Edward, 9, 41 EUzabeth, 18, 33, 35, 50, 245, 395, 500 Esther, 53, 61, 85 Henry, 249 James, 7, 10, 14, 15, 28, 32,* 42, 57, UO,* 121, 130, 162, 252, 254, 280, 329, w. 330, w. 349, 437, 475, c. 505, c. 519, w. 539, 544, 567, 586 Jane, 27, 251 John, 10, 19,* 25, 28, 33, 34, 35, 37, 44,* 48, 50, 51, 60,* 65, 71, 82, 85, 288, 305, 316, c. 319, 331, w. 335, 0. 337, 337, ... 339, s. 347, s. 354, 375, w. 375, 438, w. 490 Jonathan, 148, 261, 495, c. 497, 529 Joshua, 60,* 162, 267, 294. w. 593 Fielding — Continued. Judith, 295 Margaret, 84, 257,* 296 Martha, 45, 293, 296 Mary, 15, 34, 37, 42, 47, 48 51, 130, 148, 234, 273, 278, 283, 291, 294, 318 Nathan, 65, 274 Nicholas, 245, 269, 310 N.X.N., s. 371 Richard, 25 Robert, 15, 18, 30,* 37, 45, 53, 61, 69, 84, 121, c. 355, c. 384, c. 394, c. 400, 436, 448, 455, w. 466, d. 483 Samuel, 71, 303 Sarah, 57, 85 Susan, 261, 280, 316 Thomas, 234 Wiljliam, 279, 355 Zachary, 296 Files (Fylds) Elizabeth, 130 James, 185 Margaret, 140 Mary, 106 Thomas, 106, 130, 140, 185, l: 503, u. 504, c. 510, s. 544 Firth (Ferth, Frith, Fyrth) Abraham, w. 493, 572 Ann, 256, 259 Arthur, 491 Edward, 6 Eleanor, 305 Elizabeth, 1, 538. George, c. 338 Tartar* ^Ofi James, 285, 292, d. 335, 358, 392, w. 446, w. 475, w. 523, 527 Mary, 280, 281, 472 N.X.N., 206 Richard, u. and w. 333 Robert, 1, c. 342, c. 364, 369 Ruth, 285 Susan, 292 Thomas, 6 Fish, Abraham, 349 AUce, 27 Ann, 7, 79, 144, 268 Edmund, 6, 16, 27, 36, d. 414 EUzabeth, 16, 60 Jacob, 97, no, 135,* 275, 365, w. 415, 0. 427, 478 James, 52, 144 Jane, 36 John, 11, 97; UO, 122, 134, 155, 169, 282, w. 32^332, 634 ROCHDALE REGISTERS Baptisms... 1-248. Marriages... 249-318. Btirials... 319-599. Fish, John — Continued, c. 444, c. 485, c. 498, c. 504, w. 517, c. 523, 524 Margaret, 42, 169, 273 Martha, 21 Mary, 6, 33, 122, 155, 252, 491 Samuel, 7, 11, 21, 33, 42 52 60, 68,* 79, 134, 249, c. 323, c. 414, d. 483, s. 503, w. 520, d. 570, 575 Sarah, 261 Susan, 278 Fisher, Ann, 304 Fitton (Fetton) Abraham, 153, 160, 166, 177, 182,* 286, 291, 306, c. 351, 366, c. 390, w. 478, c. 504, 535, u. 544, , . ,545, w. 575 Alice, 275 Ann, 55, 211 Dorothv, 44, 304 Edmund, 10, 22,* 44, 55, 128, 129, 147, 211, 226, 233, 242, d. 383, w. 437, 4S0, w. 515, c. 542, 588, d. 598 Edward, 122 Elizabeth, 153, 156, 166, 212, 216, 226, 552, 590 Ellen, 10, 277 Isaac, 206 James, 24, 120, 129, 134, 137, 156, 211, 216, 224,* 237, 256, 308 Jane, 287 John, 10,* 24, 101, 109,* 122, 134, 147, 224, 278, 302, 309, 315, c. 348, 4S(i, w. 527, c. 560, w. 582 Martha, 101, 500 Mary, 121, 147, 160, 206, 211, 224, 233, 242, 260, 411, 570 N.X.N., 109 Phoebe, 177 Richard, 31, 281 Robert, 120, 212, 223,* 237, 291, 309, 367, w. 379, w. 425 Susan, 477 Thomas, 109 Widow, c. 588 WiUiam, 31, 121, 128, 137, 147, w. 469, 0. 490, 511, 590 Fletcher (Flacher, Fleacher, Flecher, Fletchar) Abraham, 30, 64, 150 Fletcher — Continued, Alexander, 350 Alice, 113, 119, 133, 518 Ann, 80, 98, 192, 288 Dorothv, 122, 225 Edmund, 125,* 131, 143, 153, 280, 542, w. 567 ' Elizabeth, 106, 246, 308 EUis, 15 Esther, 116, 184 Frances, 355 Francis, 24, 116, 126,* 134, 143, 150, 176, 235, 241, w. 320, s. 524, w. 526, d. 563, c. 585 George, .5,* 18, 132, 141,* 150, 160, 243,* 31.5, c. 357 Grace, 150 Henry, 77, 89,* 98, 107, 119, c. 405,* c. 431, c. 440, c. 4.52 James, 0, 22, 24, 30, 46, 55, 64, 69, 80, 106, 107, 117, 119, 132, 13.3, 134, 198, 215, 235, 252, 270, 279, 289, w. 332, 339, c. 3.53, c. 350, c. 358, c. 362, c. 373, s. 378, w. 389, c. 398, c. 40.5, w. 412, d. 419, w. 421, w. 436, w. 463, c. 463, d. 407, d. 469, c. 477, d. 494, w. 514, 538 Jane, 22, 09, 137, 176, 235 Jarrett, w. 325 John, 18, 107,* 113, 122, 143, 148, 153, 155, 161,* 165, 174,* 184, 192, 198, 199, 207, 215, 225, 235, 24l' 240, 278, 28il, 305, w. 449, c. 450, c. 456, c. 469, w. 474, c. 501, c. 505, c. 532, c. 560, w. 561, c. 56.5, 586 Judith, 143 Katherine, 132 Lawrence, 15, 77, 117, 129, 137, 279, 281, w. 414, c! 473, 482, 536 Martha, 119 Martin, 360 Mary, 55, 119, 129, 131, 132, 148, 165 Rachel, 155, 160 Susan, 207, 299 Thomas, 199 WiUiam, 6, 46 Fletcraft, Widow, d. 442 Fleuellen, Flewellen, see Llwellyn Flouder, Mary, 294 INDEX OF NAMES 635 Baptisms... 1-248. Afarnogres... 249-3 18. BuriaZs... 3 19- 599. Flueling, Pluellen, see Llwellyn Fofell, WilUam, w. 464 Fogg, Elizabeth, 412 Foobutt, John, 263 Ford, Judith, 328 Forth, Robert, 15, c. 349 Thomas, 15 William, 277, 428 Foster (Fosster) Isabel, 253 Judith, 38, 296 Margery, 251 Mary, 30, 295 N.X.N., c. of d. of 356 Robert, 30, 38, 320, w. 368 Fox, Alice, 255 Jeffrey, 266 France, Sarah, 299 Frankland (Franckland, Franckletton, [Francland, [Francleton, [Frankleton) Abraham, 185, 188 AUce, 89 Ann, 306 Dorothy, 206 Esther, 279 George, 10,* 57, 89, 282, 295, w. 363, w. 388, 397, w. 421, c. 421, d. 434, 440, w. 497, w. 512, 549 Grace, 300 James, 6, 18, 35, 221, c. 339, s. 354, 580 Jane, 188, 265 John, 6, 176,* 185, 206, 221, 298, 447, i>. 515, u. 541, 0. 595 Mary, 18 Robert, 35 Sarah, 57 Frear, Ann, 545 Frith, see Firth Fylds, see Files Fyrth, see Firth G G : Mr, 282 Gabbott (Gabbet, Gabbett, Gabott) Alice, 58'8 EUzabeth, 190 Jane, 190 Jenet, 295 John, 53, 190,* 288, 387, w. 461, w. 478, c. 493, c 501, c. 511, w. 526 Katherine, 53 Garlecke, EUzabeth, 284 Gamer, [Mary, 255 Garret (Garrard, Gerritt) see also Jarrett Elizabeth, 314 James, d. 397, w. 418 Jane, 306 Gartside (Garsid, Garside, Gartsid) Alexander, 31 AUce, 19, 23, 231 Ann, 39, 82, 288 Charles, 43, 189, 195, 199, 208 214, 231, c. 544, c. 569, w. 598 Edmund, 19, 32, 39, 51, 370, 371, c. 378, w. 400, d. 40.3, s. 411, d. 470 Elizabeth, 32, 51, 101, 316 Esther, 120 Francis, 101, 120, 300, c. 468, d. 555, w. 598 Gabriel, 14, 23, 31, 35, 43, 51, 67, 132, 144, 151,* 195, w. and c. 319, c. 324, c. 359, 370, c. 378, c. 385, w. 438, d. 452, 467, 488,* w. 489, 496 George, 234 Henry, 6, 19, 25, 35, -52, 91, 112, d. 335, d. 364, c. 398, c. 406, c. 420, w. 445, w. 512, 523 Isaac, 145, 156, 285, ^. 458, 590 Isabel, 144 James, 19, 27, 82, 83,* 91, 98,* 114, 145, 154, 193, 199, 227, 233, 246, 310, 360, d. 408, c. 408, 420, c. 423, s. 437, c. 487, 489, c. 492, d. 496, 507, c. 512, c. 545, d. 5'76, ^. 585, 595 Jane, 51, 52, 112, 156, 233, 298 Joan, 285 John, 19,* 67, 180, 227, 234, 240,* 246, 286, 312, d. 435, u. 454, c. 584 Katherine, 177, 189 Margaret, 214, 507 Margerv, 353 Mary, 55, 145, 304, 310, 420 Michael, 25 Miriam, 145 Mr, 467, 496, 507, 522 N.X.N., c. 336 Ralph, 154 Richard, c. 319 Robert, 6, 25,* 27, 55, 193 Samuel, 14, 177, 522 Sarah, 114, 304 Susan, 132, 180, 208, 467 636 ROCHDALE REGISTERS Bapiisms... 1-248. JWamosies.. .249-318. BunaZs.., 3 19-599. Gartside — Continued. WilUam, 273 Gee, Thomas, w. 520 Gelder, Mary, 106* Gerritt, see Garret Gey, see Guy Gibson, Abraham, 90, 244, 303 EUzabeth, 60 James, 98, 244 John, 60, 71, 74,* 90, 98, 260 Richard, 71 GiU, John, 335 Richard, 431 Gilliam (GilUem) John, 65,* 264 Gleave (Gleve) Elizabeth, 64, 291 John, 57, 74, 565, w. 568 Mr, 501 Robert, 57, 64, 74, 90, 261, w. 370, c. 386, c. 439, 501 Thomas, 90 Gleddale, John, w. 451 Gleve, see Gleave I Godley, Mary, 252 Goldborne, .4lice, 164 Peter, 164, c. 522 GoriU (Gorell, Gorield, Goril, Gorild) Abigail, 157 .Mice, 144 Dorothy, 107, 280, 309 Edward, 107 Elizabeth, 60, 289 Grace, 118, 313 James, 77 Jane, 97 John, 71, w. 437 Margaret, 128, 277, 569 Martha, 299 Mary, 273, 299 Robert, 51,* 60, 66, 71, 77, 87, 97, 107, 118, 128, 137, 144, 157, 256, c. 493, c. 501, 574 Roger, 87, 348 Susan, 66, 299, 589 Thomas, 137 Gouding, Richard, 298 Grante (Greante) Abraham, 396 Rachel, 266 Grantham, Elizabeth, 295 Grasson, George, 441 Graves, see Greave Greante, see Grante fGreave (Graves, Greav, Greaves, Greve, Greves) see also Green Abraham, 21, 156, 251, w. 319, c. 321, Alexander, 94 Alice, 5, 297, 359 Ann, 74, 138, 147, 286, 312, 447 Daniel, 241 Edmund, 3,* 35, 39, 156, 188, 336, w. 393, c. 428, d. 432, 442, w. 495, d. 549, 551 Elizabeth, 204, 227, 253 Esther, 228, 255 Francis, 108, 539 Gabriel, 5, c. 322, 322, 332, d. 401 Grace, 22, 253 Henrv, 319, 392, d. and w. 398 James, 3, 12, 14, 22, 24, 35, 39, 55, 75, 97, 106,* 122, 134, 195, 204, 215, 232, 255, 284, 287, 303, 308, c. 342, w. 352, c. 358, 360, w. and c. 361, w. 366, 372, c. 381,* c. 383, c. 386, c. 397, c. 403, c. 412, 418, c. 427, c. 432, c. 437, c. 438, 438, w. 444, w. 452, s. 457, 514, w. 532, w. 547, c. 548, u. 562, d. 569, 577, 582, c. 583, 583, w. 594 Jane, 21, 97, 217, 258, 267, 318, 510 John, 3, 14,* 24, 39,* 49, 65, 90, 97, 106, 135, 139, 150 151, 161, 195, 211, 232, 272, 288, 334, 360, c. 362, c. 374, s. 378, c. 422, c. 430, w. 473, 474, c. 488, 493, c. 502, c. 503, s. 533, s. 559, w. 562, w. 566 Jonathan, 138 Joseph, 74 Joshua, 188 Judith, 310 Mary, 5, 12, 31, 39, 55, 122, 124, 128, 1^7, 151, 152, 197, 199, 251, 252, 25.5, 282, 303 Nathan, 121, 137 N.X.N., c. of w. 361 Ottiwell, 341 Robert,' 65, 135, 150, 502 ^In this Register it is most difficult to distinguish between the letter " u " and the letter " n " and to decide whether the name is " Greue " or " Grene." INDEX OF NAM[ES Bapfisms... 1-248. Marriages... 249-318. BuriaU... 319-L99. 637 Greave — Continued. Samuel, 20, 31, 49, 75, 90, 97 108, 119,* 128, 152, 161, 254, 272, 342, c. 342, w. 381, c. 403, c. 409, 436, s. 447, c. 464, c. 485, c. 49'2, 503, s. 536 Sarah, 309 Susan, 215, 303, 306, 553 Thomas, 7,* 14, 39, 124, 134, 139, 199, 211, 227, 241, 259, 284, 304, w. 323, c. 333, s. 307, w. 402, w. 487, d. 521, u. 590, w. 596 Widow, c. 591 WUliam, 5, 20, 94, 106, 121, 133,* 137, 197, 217, 228, 242,* 270, 303, w. 342, 406, w. 443, 448, u. 452, w. 475, s. 498, 533, c. 538, d. 541, c. 579, 589 Green (Grene, Grine) see also Greave AUce, 55, 268 Ann, 275 Charles, 75 Edmund, 83, s. 546 Esther, 73 James, 20. 47,* 72, 77,* 84, 89, 260, c. 369 John, 28,* 34, 58, 72, 80, 377 Judith, 80 Mary, 276 Robert, 20 Roger, 75, 529 Samuel, 34, 85 Susan, 84, 85, 89 Thomas, 58 WiUiam, 55, 68,* 73, 83 Greenewood, see Greenwood Greenhalgh (Greenehaugh, Greeneough, Greenhaugh, Greenhough, Greenough, Grenhalgh, Grenhaugh) AUce, 114, 257 Ann, 20, 571, 572 Elizabeth, 197, 255, 548 Esther, 405 James, 328 Jane, 132, 327 John, 8, 29, 132, 178, 446, 501, 548 Luke, 8, 20, 29, 37, 47,* c. 344, w. 383, c. and s. 385, 386 Margaret, 79, 298 Richard, 53, 79, 103,* 114, 126, 186, c. 389, c. 425, 0. 4.52,* 470. Robert, 192 Greenhalgh — Continued. Roger, 37 Sarah, 53, 268 Thomas, c. 583 William, 126, 178, 186, 192, 197, 270, c. 539, two o. 542, 586 Greenlees (Greenlife) Thomas, 222,* 315, w. 681 Greenough, see Greenhalgh Greenroad, Greenrod, Greenrodd, Greenrode, Greenrood, see Grindrod Greenwood (Greenewood, Greenwodd, Grenewood) Ambrose, 295, 311 Ann, 101 Charles, 275 Daniel, 55, 134, 228, s. 480, 480, w. 517, 540 Deborah, 98, 161, 203, 223, 299 Edmund, 67, 185, 199,* 225, 238, 0. 544 Elizabeth, 55, 207, 230, 300, 314 Hannah, 308 Isabel, 173, 277, 288 James, 203, 223, 234, 274, 302, 311, 570, c. 588 Jane, 363 Jenet, 519 John, 101, 119,* 129,* 159, 164, 167, 185, 228, 230, 236,* 269, 274, 276, 277, 278, 280, 309, 313, c. 368, w. 370, 457, c. 474, c. 522, 559, 577, w. 577, w. 588 Judith, 279 Luke, 98, 115, 173, 237, 314, c. 525 Martha, 267 Mary, 134, 237, 291, 304, 316, 317 318 Paul, 101,* 164, 207, 223, 238, 277, 295, c. 590, c. 595 Richard, 67, 225, 396 Ruth, 300 Samuel, 284 Sarah, 159, 161, 292 Susan, 115, 284 Thomas, 234 Timothy, 167, 223 Widow, c. 523 Gregory, Daniel, 85 John, 85, c. 423, c. 426, c. 446, w. 454, 473 Mr, 446 Grene, see Green 638 ROCHDALE REGISTERS Bapiisms... 1-248. Marriages,,, 249-318. Burials.,, 319-599. Grenewood, see Greenwood Grenhalgh, Grenhaugh, see Greenhalgh Grenroad, Grenrod, Grenrodd, Grenrode, Grenrood, see Grindrod Greve, Greves, see Greave Griffen, Elizabeth, 315 Grime (Grimes) Abraham, 12, 22 Adam, 115, 346 AUce, 278, 561 Ann, 192, 522* Benjamin, 181 Dorothy, 66 Edward, 271, w. 392, 397, w. 400 Elizabeth, 0, 104, 305 Ellen, 50, 75 Grace, 510 Henry, 254 James, 8,* 32, 128, 143, 154, 163, 167,* 174, 179, 187, 192, 200,* 201,* 249, 250, 289,* 296, w. 321, 335, u. 376, 472, c. 512, c. 514, c. 520, c. 555, c. 560, c. 564, w. 571, 578, w. 580 Jane, 138 Jeffrev, c. 382 John,' 12, 60, 72, 104, 118, 122,* 128, 138, 148, 169,* 177, 179, 185, 199, 279, 297, c. 440, w. 494, 582 Joseph, 174, 308 Margaret, 256 Martha, 177, 187 Mary, 24, 43, 104, 143, 148, 418, 554 N.X.N., p. 380 "' Old," w. 300 Richard, U, 22, 30, 40, 43, 75, 325, d. 379, w. 383, w. 392, d. 417, c. 418, s. 438, 558 Robert, 9,* 30, 50, 55, 60, 66, 72, 92, 104, 115, 119, 181, 185, 250, 296, w. 359, c. 401, d. 411, w. 442, c. 446, c. 447, c. 458, d. 485, s. 490, 565, c. 570, w. 581 Roger, 6, 24, 32, 40, 199, c. 339, c. 343, c. 345, c. 378, w. 501 Samuel, 154 Sarah, 11, 55, 119 Solomon, 92, c. 530 Susan, 118, 163, 314 Grimshaw, Ann, 263 Grimshaw — Continued. EUzabeth, 288 George, 291 Grindrod (Greenroad, Greenrod, Greenrodd, Greenrode, Greenrood, Grenroad, Grenrod, Grenrodd, Grenrode, Grenrood, Grinderoad, Grinderroad, Grindroad, Grindroade, Grinrod, Grinrodd, Grinrode, Grinroode) Abel, 120, 283, c. 468, v. 478,* w. 479 Abraham, 30, 285, c. 352, b. 427, d. 431, w. 459 Adam, 188 Ann, 98, 116, 280, 285, 472 Ebenezer, 206 Edmund, 22, 30, 91,* 104, 118, 132, 149, 175,* 275, 295, s. 393, d. 403, 526, c. 529, 541 EUzabeth, 237 George, 98 James, 33, 90,* 98, 104, 111, 130, 132, 136, 177, 188, 205, 206, 230, 233, 250, 275, 291, 301, w. 319, 348, d. 379, c. 381, c. 385, 409, 468, 470, s. 471, w. 490, w. 500, w. 520, w. 535, w. 540, 556, 570, s. 576 Jane, 96, 123, 138, 149, 268, 302, 516 John, 33, 87, 96, 98, 118, 130, 132, 136, 177, 230, 240, 249, 252, 289, 314, c. 369, c. 376, w. 376, s. 381, 414, c. 496, w. 510, w. 525, 665 Jonathan, 98, 107, HI, 116, 1'23, 132, 138, 315, c. 457, 472, c. 520, c. 550 Martha, 310 Mary, 22, 98, 107, 233, 240, 285, 311 Richard, 87, 205, 237, 307, 378, w. 398, w. 407, 451, c. 587, c. 592 Sarah, 289 Thomas, w. 322, 414 ¦William, 120, 369 Grine, see Green Griscombe (Griscom) EUzabeth, 27 Francis, 9, 27, 37* Judith, 9 Grundy, Ann, 54 Peter, 54 INDEX OF NAMES 639 Bopiisnis... 1-248. JWarHaffes.. .249-318. BwnoZs.., 319-599. Guy (Gey) Alice, 241 Isabel, 241 Mr, '284, 310, d. 460 Thomas, 552 H Haagh, see Haigh Habbott, see Abbott Hacking, Martha, 273 Hackson, see Axon Haddock, Brian, 198 Elizabeth, 198 Hadfield (Adfield, Hatfield) Ellen, 289 John, 305 Judith, 119 Robert, 119 Samuel, 315 Haie, see Hey Haigh (Haagh, Hag, Hage, Hagh, Hague, Haige) see also Hey Elizabeth, 107, 242 James, 78, s. 349, w. 374, c. 383 John, 95, 242, 317, c. 597 Mary, 197 Reuben, 310 Susan, 72, 299 Thomas, 20,* 72, 78, 95, 107, 197, 209,* 260, 303, c. 356, w. 371, c. 381, u. 392, c. 402, c. 409 Haker, James, s. 443 Haldworth, see Holdworth Halkard, see Hawkard Hall, Abraham, 5, 16* EUzabeth, 260, 273, 496 James, 28, 250, 435, 443 John, 28 Katherine, 270 Margery, 279 Mary, 5, 290, 310 Mrs, 496 Thomas, 179,* c. 531 Halliday, John, c. 465 HalUweU (HalleweU, Hallywell, HeUewell) Abraham, 490 Ann, 300 Elizabeth, 21, 166, 248, 297 Henry, 479 Immin, 562 Isabel, 28 James, 21, 31, 124, 157, 228, c. 334, c. 361, 364, 372, c. 385, d. 408, w. 452, 461, 479,* 591 Halliwell — Continued. Jane, 31 John, 18, 124, 129,* 142, 157, 166, 218, 228, 239,* 248, 284, 0. 452, 512, 535, w. 577, c. 597 Jonathan, 552 Lawrence, 9 Margaret, 113 Margery, 73 Marv, 142, 218, 262, 264, 446 Mr, 239, 490, 512, 535 Mrs, 306 " Old," w. 337 Prudence, 252 Ralph, 479 Richard, 9, 74, d. 408, w. 412, d. 419, B. 419, d. 420,* 488, 596 Robert, 9, 18, 28, 73, 74, 85, 113, s. 400, s. 427, d. 450, c. 455, d. 506, 539 Roger, 9 Sarah, 85 Susan, 314 Theophilus, 290, 541 Hallows (Hallowes) see also Hollows Abraham, w. 323 Deborah, 1, 249 Ellis, 3,* 176 Emres, 322 James, 309, w. 323, 326, i;. 593 John, 176 Mary, 253 Matt[hew, 3 N.X.N., 164, w. 322 Randall, w: 332 Rebecca, 42 Richard, 6, 249 Robert, 42, w. 532 Samuel, 3 Sarah, 164 Thomas, 325 William, 6 Hameby, PhiUp, 430 Hamer (Hamor) Abel, 80, 92, 93, 103, 115, 119, 127, 138, 230, 254, 260, 273, c. 342, w. 348, c. and w. 376, d. 457, 481, s. 494, s. 498, 524, w. 581 Abraham, 5, 9,* 21, 23, 27, 65, 71, 85, 96, 108, 115, 122, 127,* 196, 238,* 244, 251, 252, 282, 307, 310, 324, w. 329, c. 334, c. 339, c. 359, c. 366, d. 389, 395, 640 ROCHDALE REGISTERS Baptisms... 1-248. Marriages... 249-318. Burials... 319-599. Hamer, Abraham — Continued. s. 398, d. 407,* c. 415, w. 421, w. 434, s. 437, w. 444, s. 451, c. 463, s. 467, 472, d. 475, w. 490, s. 497, s. 498, 507,* d. 509, w. 516, s. 525, d. 534, 535, w. 542, w. 549, w. 550, 573, w. 581 AUce, 122, 198, 307, 312, 313 Ammors (Ambrose), 356 Ann, 35, 104, 106, 108, 115, '207, 214, 222, 255, 256, '282, 293, 294, 295, 311, 548, 594 Anthony, 21, 72, u. 322, c. 386, 573 Charles, 77, 96, c. 388, 533, w. 561, 595 Edmund, 4, 24, 85, 104, w. 388, c. 410, w. 437, d. 445, 579 Edward, 153, 596 Elizabeth, 27, 46, 106, 134, 211, 238, 246, 586, 591 EUen, 244, 246, 250 EUis, 38 Esther, 45, 83, 85, 256, 431 Gabriel, 199 George, w. 341, 341 Grace, 41, 293, 447 Henrv, 24, 32, 73, 93,* 106, 164, 165, 212, 224,* 374, w. 391, w. 419, 471, 477, c. 487, c. 493, 539, 575, w. 576, c. 576 James, 4, 17, 27, 41, 46, 96, 122, 138, 144, 188, 215, 238, 307, w. 329, c. 366, c. 374, 398, 495, w. 516 Jane, 4, 46, 72, 94, 108, 235, 241, 271, 301, 524 John, 10, 17, 24, 27, 35, 37, 39, 45, 46, 56,* 57,* 65, 73, 74,* 90, 106, 112, 115, 117, 127, 130, 164, 241, 245, 246, 250, 272, 274, '281, 282, 305, 319, c. 320, c. 324, w. 328, w. and c. 329, 330, c. 364, d. 372, 0. 379, c. 380, c. 385, w. 392, c. 395, d. 400, w. 402, 403, 417, w. 432, s. 434, c. 435, 437, 438, u. 439, 443, c. 443, 449, c. 468, w. 470, w. 481,* 497, w. 532, w. 542, v, 581 Jonathan, 60, 71, 264, w. 489 Hamer — Continued. Joseph, 39, 112, 196, 207, 217, c. 538 Judith, 4, 290, 292 Lot, 93, 188, c. 536, 577 Margaret, 37, 297 Mary, 23, 24, 39, 75, 90, 97, 103, 117, 136,* 215, 217, 222, 254, 267, 269, 292 N.X.N., 85, 212, 224, 266 Ralph, 22, 271, 286, w. 357, w. 375 Rebecca, 253 Richard, 75, 83, 94, 111, 181, 199, 235, 245, o. 430, w. 484, 568, u. 586 Robert, 315, w. 407 Samuel, 4, 5, 14,* 22, 31, 32, ' 38, 39, 77, 85*, 96, 97, 108 122, 134, 144, 153, 165, 188, 267, 271, 291, o. 361, c. 362, s. 379, d. 382, o. 425, c. 430, 433, w. 444, d. 486, 524, 525, 542, 547,* 572, 0. 581 Silas, 119, 214, 230, 245, 310, c. 575, 0. 582 Susan, 80, 130, 181, 316 Thomas, 111, 188, 198, 206,* 222, 224, 245, 302, 337, w. 373, 420, K>. 518, c. 547 Widow, c. 587 William, 10, 31, 60, 92, 211, 308, w. 432, 560 Hammond, Thomas, 539 Hanbey, Philip, w. 465 Hanson (Hansonn, Hansonne, Hantson) Abraham, 9, 19, 135, 228, 325, 337, 341, 516 AUce, 105, 245 Ann, 97, 204, 281 Charles, 72, 118, 133 Dormon, 65 Edward, 20 EUzabeth, 78, 160, 216, 252 Esther, 39, 54, 321 George, 64, 73, 81, 84, 97, 105, 111,* 118, 127, 133, 140, 204, 216, 217, 228, 229, 238, 245, 266, 309, c. 386, c. 414, c. 418, 439, c. 451, u. 467, w. 488, w. 500, w. 529, two c. 534, c. 560, d. 563, c. 572, c. 578, c. 588, w. 592 Gilbert, 105, w. 355, 357 Jane, 81, 95, 179, 279, 313 INDEX OF NAMES 641 :sms... 1-248. Marriages... 249-318, BunaZs... 319-599. Hanson — Continued. John, 18, 30, c. 329, c. 345, 353, w. 491 Jonathan, 33, 140; 164, 479 Joseph, 19, 27, 33, 39, 48, 54, 61, 68,* 78, 90, 99, 122, 151,* 164, s. 379, c. 390, d. 413, 463, s. 471, s. 481, d. 489, s. 500 Margaret, 18 Marmaduke, 48 Mary, 27, 30, 60, 64, 112, 168, 194, 238, 264, 288, 295, 304 Mr, 516 P[rrscillfli Q Radcliffe, 73, 217, 313, 584 Robert, 58,* 65, 72, 84, 95, 99, 105, 112, 122, 135, 160, 168, 179, 194, 313, c. 417, c. 434, s. 438, c. 481, c. 514, w. 528, w. 572, s. 572 Samuel, 90 Sarah, 60 Susan, 61, 127 Thomas, 20, c. 352 Widow, 588 WiUiam, 229 Harbord (Arbour, Harbard, Harber, Harbor, Harbourd) Ann, 18, 292 Edward, 18, 302, c. 335, 418, w. 517, 557 EUzabeth, 33, 183, 285 John, 157,* 169, 173,* 183, c. and w. 528, 530, c. 556, c. 566, 590 Martha, 169 Rennand, 33 Sarah, 309 Hardman (Hardmand, Hardmon, Harman) AUce, 255 Ann, 20, 39, 306, 314 Edmund, w. 322, d. 338 Elizabeth, 96, 119, 137, 203, 212, 222, 304, 315 Ellen, 267, 289, 321 George, 260 Henry, 8, 91, 100, 210, 222, 239, 281, 308, s. 407, w. 411, w. 421 Isabel, 291 James, 45, 91, 109, 198, 222, 223, 234, 287, w. 351, 383, 483, 543 Jane, 109, 231, 255, 451 Hardman — Continued. John, 8, 20, 64, 78, 94, 100, 109, 118,* 128, 137, 145, 153, 177, 198, 210, 219, 223, 231, 252, 255, 276, 278, 285, 302, 306, d. 324, d. 332, 359, s. 385, 390, w. 391, w. 400, 429, c. 432, 444, s. 465, w. 528, w. 548, 560, c. 565, w. 578, v;. 584 Jonathan, 104, 128, 217, 238 Katherine, 25 Lawrence, 39, 45, 78,* 94, 90, 104, 109, 119, 203, 207,* 212, 219, 221, 238, 248, 263, 301, 443, w. 451, c. 467, c. 485, s. 539, c. 539, c. 562, c. 564, c. 573, c. 574, V. 581, 583, w. 596 Margaret, 12 Mary, 64, 208, 227, 239, 286, 5 72 Mr, 310 N.X.N., 221 Randle, w. 340 Richard, 78, 222, 234, 304, o. 322, s. 499, 589, 598 Robert, 153, 208, 217, 231, 242* Samuel, 177 Thomas, 12, 25, 248, w. 390, 390, w. 444, 448 Zachary, 145, 227, 313 Hardy, Martha, 291 Hargreaves (Hargraves, Hargreave, Hargreves) AUce, 283 Christopher, 230 Elizabeth, 325 Grace, 291 James, w. 493 Jenet, 275 Jeremy, 280, w. 574, 580 John, 230, 281 Jonathan, 51, 364, 447 Margaret, 255, 282 Mary, 5, 292 Mr, 294* Richard, 5, 51, u. 326, v. 368, 376 Sarah, 481 Susan, 274 Hariar, John, 288 Harkehead, Alice, 72 WiUiam, 72 Harley, see [Hartley Harman, see Hardman Harpur, Francis, c 532 642 ROCHDALE REGISTERS BapiisTOs... 1-248. Marriages... 249- 318. Burials... 319-599. ^a,Tp\xr— Continued. Isaac, 302 Mr, 302, 520 WiUiam, s. 432, 520 Harrington, James, 3 Jane, 3 Harrison (Harrisonn, Harrisson) Charles, 29 Christopher, 105, 113, 122, 130, 0. 439, c. 484, c. 501, c. 518, c. 525, c. 532, c. 538, s. 567, d. 569 Edmund, 61 Edward, 79 Elizabeth, 130, 139 Ellen, 168 John, 105, 133,* 139, 145, 154, 162,* 168, 18.5, 194,* 205, 286, c. 498, c. 505, w. and c. 523 Mary, 113, 185, 285 Ralph, 7,* 16, 29, 122, 205, w. 478 Robert, 294 Samuel, 145 WiUiam, 16, 61, 79, 154, 263, 0. 398,* 422, 0. 426, w. 426 Harrop, Ann, 306, 419 Harte, Henry, 182 James, 182 Hartlev (Harley, Hartly, Heartley, Hertley) AUce, 79, 85 Ann, 87, 287 Deborah, 101 Edmund, 106, 115, 126, 190, 279, 471, c. 471, u. 472 Edward, 86, 120, 201 Elizabeth, 98, 126, 207, 215, 478, 564 George, 169, 183, 195,* 207, 233, 294 Grace, 25, 155, 294 Henry, 6, 63, 115, 155, 166, 172, 220, 264, 275, c. 391, w. 518 James, 79, 106, 115, 134,* 161, 190, 233, 237, 238, 260, 286, 306, 314, c. 414, w. 446, c. 560, w. 575 Jane, 237 Johanna, 99 John, 25, 70, 77,* 86, 88, 93, 98, 99, 106, 116, 123,* 148, 166, 210, 227, 236 247, 272, 279, 393, w. 408, u. 414, c. 419, c. 426, .;. Hartley, John — Continued. and w. 428, w. 433, c. 433, d. 436, 0. 438, 451, c. 456, w. 499 Jonathan, 123 Joshua, 79, 85, 101, UO, 116, 123, 134, 161, 273, c. 409, c. 438, c. 461, c. 465,* 473, d. 525 Margaret, 63 Martha, 88, 116 Mary, 70, 79, UO, 115, 148, 169, 293 Nicholas, 6, 210, 220, 238, 308, 330 Ralph, 116, 571 Robert, 172 Roger, 459 Sarah, 77, 93, 303 Simeon, c. 339 Solomon, 77, 87, 95, 106,* 120, 201, 215, 227, 236, 247, 274, 314, w. 406, c. 428, c. 447, c. from 466, w. 466, c. 568 Thomes, 106, 322 WilUam, 95, 183 Harwood, Ai,ice, 249 Haslam, Abigail, 198 Abraham, 10, 29, 66, 106, 147, 194, 203, 209, 220, 236, c. 556, c. 596 Alexander, 9, 444 AUce, 76, 185, 252, 279 Ann, 11, 64, 132, 209, 304 Arthur, 236 Bridget, 209 Edmund, 10 Edward, 138, 246 EUzabeth, 9, 47, 55, 117, 155, 211 Ellis, 11, 19, 23, 33, 38, 41, 47, 55, 64, 76, 106, 117, 123, 132, 143,* 147, 170, 174, 183, 205, 279, 297, 320, 333, c. 338, o. 343, 348, c. 376, c. 416, c. 423, 431, w. 476, 483, c. 546, c. 551, c. 565 Grace, 106, 130, 536 James, 17, 31,* 33, 38, 162, 183, 291, c. 361, s. 444, w. 487, 511 Jane, 106 John, 6, 8, 19, 23, 29, 123, 140,* 147, 155, 162, 173, 174, 185, 194, 198, 209, 211, c. 332, c. 342, 362, w. 371, w. 372, 374, 396, INDEX OF NAMES 643 Bop^isOTS... 1-248. Afamagres.. .249-318. BurioZs... 319-599. Haslam — Continued. d. 398, d. 406, s. and w. 408, w. 422,' 429, c. 461, c. 514, s. 545, 0. 551 Judith, c. 378 Lawrence, 130, 306 Margaret, 158, 272, 445, 559 Martha, 261,* 269, 275, 282, 511 Mary, 8, 36, 170, 261, 272, 279, 308, 347 Ralph, 36, w. 328 Richard, 327 Sarah, 6, 285 Thomas, 56,* 66, 259, w. 374, w. 396, 0. 400 William, 17, 41, 138, 147, 158, 173, 203, 205, 220, 246, 287, 326, c. 340, 407, d. 48 4, c. 490, u. 514, w. 527, c. 531, 541 Hasleden, John, 579 Hason, George, 310 Hatfield, see Hadfield Haugh (Hauge) Elizabeth, 56 Thomas, 56, c. 386, w. 556 Haughton ([Hauton, Hawton) see also Houghton Abraham, 195 Ann, 182 Grace, 295 Mary, 18, 301 Ralph, 127 Robert, 127, 162, 182, 195, 283, w. 495, c. 523 Susan, 286 Thomas, 18,ri62, b. 423, s. 429 Haward, see Hayward Hawkard (Halkard, Hawckerd, Hawker, Hawkerd, Holkerd) Ann, 556 Edmund, 255 Edward, 225, c. 522 Elizabeth, 3, 225 James, 3, 10, 22,* c. 321, w. 389, s. 473, 494 John, 10, 582 Joseph, 487 Robert, 503 Hawood, see Heywood Haworth, see also Hayworth and Howorth Alexander, 390 Henry, 50 James, 13, 49,* 140, c. 394 John, 13, 50, 306, 320, c. 389, a. 461 Haworth — Continued. Margaret, 271 Martha, 249 Mary, 140 Mr, ,351 Robert, 16* WilUam, 351 Hawton, see Haughton Hay, Haye, see Hey Hayne, Thomas, 30* Hays, see Heyes Hayton, Robert, 187* Thonias, 482 Hayward (Haward, Hayword, Heaward, Heayward, Heward, Hewword, Heyward) Abraham, 176, 192, 208,* 222, 254, c. 361, 475, c. 575 AUce, 69, 81, 118, 176, 264, 281, 286, 307 Ann, 43, 54, 55, 72, 75, 132, 137, 139, 168, 190, 194, 266, 285, 289, 298, 377, 554 Anthony, 55, 258 Cecily, 479 Edmund, 55,* 98, 123, 131, 147, 151, 185,* 212, 278, 304, c. 344, 359, 369, c. 411, 454,* c. 461, c. 465, c. 521,* w. 521, 524, w. 531, u. 534, c. 536, w. 546 EUzabeth, 197, 276, 309, 310 Ellen, 109, 165 Francis, 18 Grace, 254 Isabel, 296 James, 49, 54, 63, 69, 75, 76, 88,* 94,* 97, 102, 107, 108, 109, 116, 118, 119, 131, 132, 134, 137, 147, 163, 165, 167, 208, 223, 272, 281,* 295, 296, 312, c. 354, 365, 366, c. 386, u. 388, c. 389, c. 400, 404, w. 407, c. 416, w. 416, w. 447, u. 460, V. 474, w. 474, 476, w. 485, c. 485, d. 498, c. 501, 506, 507, w. 514, c. 514, 516, d. 525, 579, w. 590 Jane, 107, 284, 304 John, 8, 18, 24, 41, 43, 47, 48, 49, 55,* 56, 79, 93, 94,* 104, 120, 131, 132,* 139, 151, 159, 163, 190, 194, 202, 212, 214,* 227,* 229, 259, 260, 267, 299, 303, 644 ROCHDALE REGISTERS Baptisms... 1-248. Af amosres ... 249-3 1 8. Bunafe... 319-599. Hayward, John — Continued, 310,* c. 342, w. 349, 367, c. 372, 374, 375, c. 381, c. 382, c. 395, c. 396, d. 400, w. 400, c. 404, d. 405, 406, w. 412, c. 413, 415, w. 417, 0. 421, w. 462, o. 480, w. 502,* w. 505, u. 520, c. 525, w. 527, w. 539, 541, w. 556, i;. 565, c. 584 Judith, 48 Katherine, 63, 305 Margaret, 104, 281 Martha, 258, 274 Mar>, 64, 79, 97, 113, 123, 132, 134, 151, 159, 163, 175, 202, 222, 229, 273, 277, 289, 309, 310, 316 Nathaniel, 131, 223 RelJecca, 119 Richard, 8, 324, s. 376, 487 Robert, 47, 55,* 64, 72, 76, 81, 88, 93, 102, 113, 163, '202, 273, 311, 448, c. 462, c. 465, d. 496, 538, u. 569, 571 Roger, 41, 56, 202, 274, 337, d. 359, w. 365, w. 402, 452, 453, w. 453, s. 470, 496, 560 Ruth, 227 Samuel, 88, 98, 108, 113,* 132, 274, w. 471, 490 Sarah, 116, 19'2, 286, 294, 311 Thomas, 21,* 24, 120, 151, 159,* 167, 168, 175, 197, 208, 215,* 227, 291, c. 343, d. 369, w. 380, 386, c. 386, u. 485, u. 514, c. 529 Haywod, Haywood, see Heywood Hayworth (Haywarth, Heayworth) see also Haworth and Howorth Ann, 314 Edmund, w. 392 James, 55, u. 455 John, 54 Mary, 263 Mr, 392 Richard, 264, 267 Sarah, 54 Susan, 55, 274 Heagli, John, 255 Healey (Healy, Heayley) Abraham, 61, 74, 83, 96, 108, 120,* 136, 146, 157,* 199, 211, 218, 225, 230, 231, Healey, Abraham — Continued, 233, 287, 305, 311, d. 333, c. 367, s. 376, w. 443, c. 468, c. 563, c. 566, 582, 588, 592 Alice, 86, 96, 184, 304, 306, 307, 571 Ann (Anna), 30, 91, 112, 140, 146, 188, 209, 22,5, 255, 273 Arthur, 6, 21,* 45, 58,* c. 367, s. 383, 0. 388, 408, w. 413, d. 426, d. 451 Charles, 61 Deborah, 77, 181, 252 Dorothy, 7, 45, 63, 143 Edmund, 24, 63, 109,* 219,* 230, 242, 244, 267, 274, 307, w. 389, d. 418, 446, 481, w. 484 Elizabeth, 94, 168, 171, 205, 206, 270, 290, 317, 368 .Esther, 213 Francis, 6, 14, 31,* 127, 135, 1.50, 154, 162, 171, 181, 206, 213, 217,* 226, 285, 306, c. 342, w. 360, w. 470, 474, c. 487, c. 498, w. 536, c. 540, c. 544, 579 Hannah, 224, 317 James, 100, 109, 202, 209, 233, 242, 362, 562 Jane, 77, 146, 250, 314 Joon, 155 John, 12, 22, 28, 36,* 43, 52, 59, 61, 80, 86, 94, 97, 100, 102, 112, 120,* 122,* 135, 146, 155, 159, 161,* 164,* 192, 208, 220, 232, 240, 251, 273, 313, w. 333, c. 334, w. 365, c. 372, d. 379, 388, s. 427, c. 456, c. 508, 523, u. 543, d. 551 Katherine, 74, 265 Lawrence, 143 Margaret, 83, 179, 215 Marv, 22, 28, 41, 51, 70, 83, 127, 162, 211, 231, 240, 272, 281, 287, 290, 313 Ralph, 382 Randle, w. 356 Richard, 51, 59, 77, 80, 91, 102, 202, 215, 244, 276, w. 448, c. 462, a. 473, w. 482, 516, c. 568 Robert, 7, 12, 26, 35, 43, 52,* 159, 161, 168, 179, 184, 195, 203, 205, 212,* 218, 224, 226, 294, 298, c. INDEX OF NAMES 645 Baptisms... 1-248. Afmriosfes... 249-3 18. BwnaZs... 319-599. Healey, Robert — Continued. | 338,* 0. 344, 369, w. 376, 392, 435, c. 503, w. 509, 541, w. 567, i;. 598 Ruth, 77 Sarah, 108, 192, 203, 318 Shadrach, 208 Susan, 192, 251 Thomas, 1,* 14, 24, 26, 30, 35, 38,* 41, 52, 61, 66,* 70, 83, 97, 109, 124,* 127, 136, 140, 150, 154, 188, 195, 199, 232, 267, 317, c. 319, 321, c. 339, c. 370,* c. 388, i;. 390, 402, c. 403, w. 404, c. 408, 0. 434, w. 446, c. 451, c. and s. 472, s. 508, d. 509, c. 511 Unity, 220 WiUiam, 0. 321 Zachary, 127 Heape (Heap, Heapp, Hepe) Abraham, 288 Alexander, 172 Ann, 240 Dorothv, 2, 511 Elizabeth, 18, 146, 278, 312, 588 Ellen, 492 Feeholder, w. 430 James, 232 John, 42, 146, 155, 161,* 172, 218,* 232, 240, 289, 310, 338, w. 356, 413, c. 493, l: 506, c. 530, c. 545, 556, c. 571, c. 585 Katherine, 155 Margaret, 218 Mary, 54, 316 Michael, 2, 18, 42, 54, 167,* 292, d. 412, w. 416, w. 558, 562 Susan, 251 Theodore, s. 457 WilUam, 252, 270, w. 332, w. 387 Heapey, Richard, 67 WilUam, 67 Heapp, see [Heape Heartley, see Hartley Heathley (Hethley) Ralph, 336, w. 359 Heaton, Ann, 280 Elizabeth, 446 Grace, 251 John, 108 Susan, 160 WilUam, 108, 118,* 160, 280, 294, w. 455, w. 481 Heaward, Heayward, see Hayward Heawood, see Heywood Heayley, see Healey Heays, see Heyes Heayworth, see Hayworth Hebard, Hebbard, Hebbord, see Hibbard Heigh, see Hey HeUewell, see Halliwell Hendle, see Hindle Henley, Abraham, 586, 588 Hugh, 136 John, 136 Henthorne, Adam, 255, w. 377 John, 132, c. 463 N.X.N., 132 Thomas, c. 413 Hepe, see Heape Herbert, Edward, 4 John, 4 Hercus, [Robert, c. 404 Herst, see Hurst Hertley, see Hartley Hethley, see Heathley Heward, see Hayward Hewood, see Heywood Hewwit, Joseph, 298 Hewword, see Hayward Hey (Haie, Hay, [Haye, Heigh, High) see also Haigh and Heyes Ann, 305 Edward, 250 George, w. 326 James, 283 John, 90, 132,* 476, c. 476, w. 494, c. 494, d. 503, 0.519 Samuel, 328, 423, w. 438 Thomas, 90, 249, c. 438, 0. 541 Heyd, see Hyde Heyes (Hays, Heays) see also Hey James, 215, 309 Margaret, 283 Martha, 215 Sarah, 12 Thomas, 12 Heyward, see Hayward Heywood (Hawood, Haywod, Haywood, Heawood, Hewood) Abigail, 76 Abraham, 29, c. 352 AUce, 27 Ann, 8, 37, 250, 251, 252, 305 Edmund, 11, 20, 23, 33, 37, 38, 76, 258, 287, d. 348, c. 349, s. 362, d. 431, w. 450, w. 460, 464 646 ROCHDALE REGISTERS Baptisms... 1-248. Marriages... 249-318. Burials... 319-599. Heywood — Continued. EUzabeth, 14, 302 Esther, 356 James, 8, 10,* 43, w. 323, w. 329, 338, w. 352, 370, 0. 406 John, 9, U,* 14, 26, 27, 29, c. 319, c. 328, o. 343, 346, 354, w. 355, c. 379 Juditn, 422 Luke, 7 Mary, 38, 348, 349 .... orer, 14 Peter, 161, 206* Richard, 7, 14, 20, 23, 249, 250, 322, 324 Robert, 266, 272, 343, c. 357 Roger, 11, s. 335 Samuel, 329 Sarah, 9 Susan, 324 Thomas, 26, 33, 43, 161, w. 346, c. 358 William, 316 Hibbard (Hebard, Hebbard, Hebbord) John, 3,* 12,* c. 322, 411, d. 413, w. 417 Lydia, 12 Martha, 277, 568 Robert, 12 Sarah, 297 Hichenn (Hicking) John, w. 399, 415 Hide, see Hyde Higginson (Higdenson) Mary, 273, 310 Higgon, Isabel, 252 High, see Hey Higham, James, 284 HiUm, John, w. 355 Hill Adam, 73, 75, 92, 224, 232, 237, 243, 301, 327, 330, 338, d. 351, 357, w. 484, s. 536, c. 581, c. 589, c. 590 AUce, 158, 170, 252, 268, 271, 313, 315 Ann, 21, 66, 72, 80, 81, 86, 154, 214, 245, 269, 277, 288, 311 Charles, 5,* 21, 35, 69, 77, 81, 89,* 92,* 95, 101, 103 115, 121,* 125, 136,* 146, 245, 270, 275, w. 319, w. 333, c. 357, d. 364, u. 368, 380, d. 382, c. 421, c. 425, w. 431, c. 448, w. 449, Hill, Charles — Continued. 453, 475, c. 504, 514, w. 515, w. 550, d. 554, s. 558 d. 572, 583. Cuthbert, w. 338 " Dame," 12 Daniel, 228, 0. 502, c. 567 Dorothv, 128, 491 Edmund, 8, 76, 86, 97, 100, 108,* 119, 125,* 130, 139, 146, 177, 215, 278, c. 456, 0. 462, d. 476, s. 485, 0. 508, 0. 517, c. 525, 573 EUzabeth, 69, 263, 266, 274 EUen, 32, 219 Esther, 26, 545 George, c. 359, w. 416, w. 461, 471 Grace, 13, 289 Hannah, 130, 207 Isaac, 110 Isabel, 162, 419 James, 3,* 8, 23, 32, 95, 118, 125, 140, 219, 233,* 234' 253, 317, 0. 320, 326, 328, c. 335, w. 348, 367, 376, c. 391, w. 394, 397, w. 432, 481, c. 589 Jane, 3, 69, 80, 88, 139, 295, 305, 317, 547 John, 13, 16, 35,* 37,* 40, 50, 58,* 66, 74, 76, 88, 101,* 106, 121, 128, 145, 154, 162, 168, 169, 177, 192,* 195,* 207, 223, 225, 243, 255, 263, 269, 285, 297, 299, 304, 316, c. 357, w. 357, 381, w. 388, 393, c. 395, 0. 399, d. 411, c. 426, w. 428, s. 434, 436, c. 443, w. 460, c. 463, c. 470, c. 471,8.479, w. 485, 490, c. 495, d. 499, c. 502, w. 521, w. 527, 545, 558, c. 568, w. 579, w. 594 Joshua, 86, 304, c. 576 Lydia, 101 Margaret, 400 Martha, 63, 168, 224, 294 Mary, 30, 31, 50, 80, 106, 126, 128, 145, 146, 169, 232, 243,* 251, 254, 266, 270, 277, 293, 297, 300, 553 Mr, 295 Nathaniel (Nathan), 68,* 80, 100, 121, 146, 215, 225, 228, 270, 310, 397, w. 433, c. 454, 496, c. 525, c. 586 N.X.N., 371, c. 566 INDEX OF NAMES Baptisms... 1-248. Marriages... 249-318. Burials... 319-599. 647 Nathaniel — Continued. OttiweU, 23, 41, w. 403, 406 Patience, 232 Ralph, 115, 204, 214, 227,* d. 419, 574, w. 581 Richard, 16, 30, 31, 35, 41, 49, 69, 72, 73, 80, 86, 92, 106,* 118, 151,* 204, 234, 253, c. 356, c. 359, 370, c. 394, c. 398, o. 402, w. 447, c. 481, w. 482, 588, w. 595, w. 597 Robert, 116, 203, 232, 252, 274, 290, 293, 320, 332, c. 339, c. 344, 360, w. 363,* w. 377, w. 387, w. 451, w. 474, w. 477, 489, 521, 534, 547 Samuel, 49, 97, 225, 270, 317, 327, w. 587 Sarah, 70, 74, 237, 283, 379 Susan, 40, 95, 105, 209, 300 Thomas, 12, 26, 37, 75, 77, 95, 98,* 103, 105, 106,* 116, 126, 128, 140, 147,* 158, 170, 195,* 203, 209, 223, 240,* 279, 346, c. 347, 372, 387, c. 417, 459, c. 460, c. 468, c. 479, c. 486, 0. 490, c. 505, 514, 526, c. 543, 585 Widow, 598 WilUam, 63, 70, 80, UO, 119, 258, 309, c. 414, d. 495, w. 558, 578 HUlows, see Hollows Hilton (Hillton) Alice, 527 Ann, 252, 279 Eleanor, 299 [E;Uzabeth, 588 James, 219 N.X.N., d. 357 Richard, 560 Sarah, 210 Susan, 278 Thomas, 210, 219, 234* Hind, Matthew, 275 Hindle (Hendle) see also Hindley Alice, 171 Jane, 181 Judith, 154 Mary, 454 Sarah, 305 Thomas, 154, 161,*171,181, 290 Hindley (Hinley) see also [Hindle Frances, 309 Mary, 149, 316 Thomas, 149 Hirst, see Hurst Heart, see Howorth Hobkenson, see Hopkinson Hobson, Richard, 286 Hodging (Hodgen, Hodgings) see also [Hodgson Ann, 69 EUzabeth, 302, 480 James, 462 • Margaret, 73 Richard, 73, 420 Robert, 69, d. 466 Hodgson (Hodson) see also Hodging Abel, s. 339 Anthony, c. 323 Mary, 280 Hodkensonne, Robert, c. 380 Hodson, see Hodgson Hogin (Hogen, Hoging) Elizabeth, 480 John, 65 Mary, 35 Richard, 35, 65 Robert, c. 452 Hoile, see Hoyle Hoker, John, 366 Holbroocke Edward, 258, 259, 262* Holden (Holdin, Holding) Adam, 109 Andrew, 120, 233, 237, 246 Ann, 20, 112, 147, 246 Elias, 147 Elizabeth, 245, 250, 278, 286 , 297 Esther, 293 Grace, 5 Immen, 253 Isabel, 163 Jane, 237, 262 John, 20, 41, 62, 117,* 133, 163, 284, 310, a. 523 Margaret, 274 Mary, 27, 115, 133, 288, 310 Michael, 112 Mr, 442, 461, 483 N.X.N., 299 Rachel, 236 Richard, 8, 108, 109, 115, 120, 131, 136,* 143, 152, 233, 236, 245, 280, c. 437, 442, c. 461, c. 483 Robert, 27, 41, 62, 131, 137,* 285, 0. 382, c. 403, 471 w. 576 Sarah, 152, 271 Thomas, 5, 8, 108, 143, c. 332 577 648 ROCHDALE REGISTERS Baptisms , , , 1-248. Marriages , , , 249-3 1 8. Burials... 319-599. Holdsworth (Haldworth, Holdworth, Holdwoth) Abraham, 75, 81,* 92, 115, 136, 184, 383, w. 452, c. 452, c. 466, w. 497 Edmund, 92,* 104, 108, s. 382, 412, 438, s. 475, d. 501 Elizabeth, 108, 291 Grace, 115 Jane, 81 John, 72, 263, 397, d. 398 Mary, 75, 184, 286, 294 N.X.N., 371 Rebecca, 104 Robert, 72, 81, 269, 294, w. 422, w. 446, s. 487, w. 592 Sarah, 136, 285, 296 Thomas, 72,* 270, c. 396 Holeroad, see Holroyde Holkerd, see Hawkard Holland, AUce, 287, 291 Ann, 60, 165, 223, 303 Edmund, 103, 128, 284, 419, w. 443, V. 447, 461, c. 468, w. 492 Elizabeth, 165, 272, 315 Giles, 374 Isaac, 278 James, 49, c. 527 Jane, 128 John, 38,* 49, 60, 69, 80, 81, 103, 144, 155, 165,* 170,* 197,* 240, 289, 402, c. 412, s. 517, w. 518, c. 519, c. 536, s. 538, c. 548, w. 570, w. 579 Mary, 144, 309 N.X.N., 155 Ralph, 380, w. 415 Richard, 69, 185,* 194, 226, 300 Susan, 240 Thomas, 194 William, 80,2U,*223,226, 581 Hollows (Hillows, HoUis, Hollow, HoUowes) see also Hallows Abigail, 147 Abraham, 21, 66, 67, 80, 111, 135,* 144, 155, 188, 196, 203,* 225, 281, w. 355, 400, 0. 448,* c. 453, c. 471, 476, u. 483, d. 549 AUce, 62, 150, 164, 213, 293, 300, 350, 394 Alin, 186 Ann, 34, 45, 61, 85, 88, 124 125, 157, 166, 287, 309, 317, u. 516, c. 517 Hollows — Continued. Arthur, 15, 29, 45, 62, 85, 88, 99, 123, 139, 152, 162, 212, c. 359, c. 362, 0. 380, c. 392, c. 410, w. 450, s. 459, c. 477, c. 504, 511, c. 514, 535 Benjamin, 180 Charles, 158 Daniel, 52, 139, 168, 180, 186, 194, 203,* 213, 231, 248, 297, 301, w. 526, c. 532, c. 555 Deborah, 251 Dorothy, 280 Edmund, 21, 42,* 50, 56, 67, 164, 183, 295, 299, w. 357, c. 399, w. 454, d. 478, 0. 507, 520, c. 523, w. 529 Edward, 52, 63, 155, 158,* 168, 169, 176, 190, 196, 204, 287, 292, w. 363, 364, c. 399, s. 404, d. 408, c. 416, H. 439, 484, w. 484, c. 517, c. 518, u. 544, c. 570 EUzabeth, 67, 83, 85, 100, 140, 141, 179, 211, 224, 254, 267, 290, 314, 592 Ellen, 36, 53, 159 Ellis, 13, 21, 34, 39, 44, 52, 70, 73, 85, 191, 201, 213,* 227, 243, 274, c. 333,* c 345, c. 414, w. 417, c. 427, 476, w. 476, 0. 478, 534, c. 543, u. 555, 0. 587 George, 339 Gilbert, 537, w. 575 Grace, 11, 16, 53, 65, 176, 234, 281, 290, 313, 584 Hugh, 63, 264, c. 384 James, 11, 24, 53, 87, 129, 131, 139,* 143, 148, 1,50, 158, 159, 164, 166, 179, 18.5, 188, 196, 212, 222, 224, 227, 233, 234, 236, 242, 245, 247, 248,* 303, 309, 342, w. 367, w. 395, c. 493, c. 498, w- 499, c. 519, w. 531, c. 533 Jane, 28, 44, 50, 102,* 112, 140, 152, 164, 170, .222, 253, 270, 279, 288, 474, 530 John, 20, 21, 39, 40, 47, 71, 73, 75, 80, 85, 87, 88, 93,* 95, 102,* 103, 107, 115, 125,* 129, 133, 140,* 145, 146, 149, 155,* 165, 228, INDEX OF NAMES * 649 Baptisms... 1-248. Afamojies... 249-3 18. BwioZs.. .319-599. Hollows, John — Continued. 235, 272, 314, 328, w. 330, c. 333, 0. 356, w. 369, 374, ^. 415, w. 415, 416, 417, c. 419, c. 425,* w. 455, c. 456,* c. 471, c. 499, w. 507, c. 516, c. 521, o. 527, 534, w. 537, c. 543, c. 552, c. 566, s. 575, c. 578 Jonathan, 18, 39, 44, 50, 52, 53, 63, 71, 83, 93, 100,- 115, 118, 124, 135,* 146, 159, 170, 180, 247, 287, 296, 365, c. 425, c. 426, d. 477, w. 501, w. 526, 579, w. 583 Joseph, 75, 129, 228 Joshua, 163, 248, w. 329 Judith, 103, 136, 159, 183 Katherine, 504 Margaret, 57, 138, 255 Margery, 253 Martha, 34, 43, 85, 124, 194, 231, 233, 236, 284, 310 Mary, 29, 33, 56, 63,* 85, 93, 95, 98, 104, 121, 143, 144, 145, 168,* 172, 191, 196, 225, 235, 241, 242, 252, 264, 271, 283, 286, 305* Matthew, 104, 111,* 119, 124, 138, 147, 162, 163, 210, 243, 316, c. 438, c. 462, c. 477, c. 522, w. 529, w. 561 Michael, w. 392, 399 Noah, 316 N.X.N., 13, 63, 136, 172 PrisciUa, 131, 146, 294 Rachel, 148 Ralpn, 146, 335, w. 339 Randle, 12, 251, u. 331, 333 Rebecca, 241 Richard, 11, 17, 24, 28, 30, 33,* 36, 39, 40, 43, 47, 50, 53, 57, 61, 63, 67, 75, 98, 107, 118, 129, 137, 147, 234, 254, c. 328, 330, 336, w. 340, c. 343, 361, c. 363, c. 372, d. 374, s. 388, s. 393, w. 394, c. 395, 409, w. 418, c. 427, 438, s. 440, 484, c. 500, s. 501, w. 508, c. 524, 527, w. 534 Robert, 16, 20, 33, 53, 66, 125, 157, 190, 286, w. 330, w. 341, s. 384, s. 490, 505, w. 577 Roger, 30 Hollows — .Continued. Samuel, 11, 12,* 17, 18, 57, 112, 119, 121, 131, 141, 147, 185, 204, 211, 234, 332, 356, s. 386, 392, w. 445, c. 472, c. 480, i;. 549, w. 590 Sarah, 70, 111, 123, 169, 186, 201, 243, 305 Susan, 44, 57, 63, 88, 133, 149, 243, 245, 299, 310, 339 Thomas, 131, 165, 338, w. 385, 400 Timothy, 15, 99 Walter, 364 Westley, 210 WilUam, 65, 75, 137, c. 340, c. 364, c. 419, w. 436, 534 Holme (Holm) AUce, 106 Ann, 21, 76, 116, 238, 316 Arthur, 98 Edmund, 68, 76, 88,* 98, 106, 116, 128, 212, 270, d. 423, s. 478, d. 479, 528 James, 115, 277 Jane, 247 Margaret, 128 Mary, 115, 204, 269, 289 Michael, 8 Samuel, 587 Thomas, 1, 8, 21, 68, 204, 212, 226,* 238, 247, 306, c. 337 c. 338, w. 348, w. 509, 528 WiUiam, 1 Holroyde (Holeroad, Horoad, Horod, Horodd, Horood, Houlroad, Houlroud, Hourodd, Howorod, Howrod, Howrodd, Howrudd, Hoyleroad) Abraham, 86, 105, 114,* 120, 142, 156, 195, 304, 389, w. 423, c. 443, c. 462, c. 509, w. 531, w. 550, c. 552 AUce, 142 Edmund, w. 376 James, 28, 32,* 37, 86, 99, 112,* 124, 274, w. 414, c. 462, c. 463, c. 480 John, 28, 120, 124, c. 417, s. 462, 537 Mary, 10, 40, 156, 195, 255 N.X.N., c. 410 Rachel, 239 Rebecca, 239 Sarah, 573 650 ROCHDALE REGISTERS Baptisms... 1-248. JWarWaffes.. .249-318. BuWaZs... 319-599. Holroyde — Continued. Simeon, 10, 37 Solomon, 99, 229,* 239, ^. 578 Susan, 105 WilUam, 40, 467 Holt (Holte) Aaron, 63* AbigaU, 477 Abraham, 124, 179, 200, 210, 224, 330, c. 544 Adam, 4, 40, 48, 54, 73, 85, 97, 256, 277, s. 359, c. 431, c. 432, 434, d. 474, 486, 501, w. 516 Alexander, 27, 362, w. 374 AUce, 200, 263, 290 Ann, 4, 6, 11, 89, 92, 108, UO, 132, 139, 148, 158, 162, 167, 186, 205, 217, 219, 221,* 233, 236, 261, 202, 275, 270, 277, 279, 281, 292, 301, 314, 318, 451, 476, 510, 555, c. 577 Anthony, 4, 35, d. 327, 329, 333, w. 394, w. 406 Arthur, 31, 55, 121, 136, 157, 162, 169, 172, 178, 186, 193, 201,* 220, 284, 475, s. 495, 549, s. 579 Charles, 15, 32, 78, 184, 219, 227, 238, 246, 309, 334, w. 338 Corneliius, 72, 185, 193, 200, 211,* 222, 237, 247, 301 Daniel, 20, 38,* 46, 54, 55, 64, 72, 81, 126, 168, 182, 185, 198, 209, 219, 300, 305, 312, c. 410, 493, w. 507, c. 538, c. 568, w. 569, 588, c. 598 David, 385, 413 Dorothy, 25, 63, 184, 204, 219, '285, 297, 545 Edmund, 3, 13, 15,* 22, 28, 30,* 33,* 38, 48, 57, 66,* 71, 73, 83,* 89, 91,* 108,* 111, 132, 136, 143,* 160, 162, 168, 181, 184, 185, 187, 192,* 194, 198,* 208, 210,* 210, 218, 222, 230, 235, 236, 243,* 261, 265, 268, 293,* 307, 315, 317, 324, 342, s. 348, c. 3.52, 354, c. 358, c. and w. 385, c. 414, c. 421, c. 427, w. 1 434, c. 479, w. 485, c. 543, c. 544, 547, u. 555, c. 560, 562, w. 564, 578, 594, o. 597 Holt — Continued. Edward, 11, 19, 30, 43, 45 50,* 72, 73, 78, 102, 209^ 271, c. 356, %v. 356, c. 358, c. 385, w. 388, c. 406 w. 409, 426, s. 458, d. 458, 507, w. 531, 540, c. 583 EUzabeth, 30, 35, 38, 52, 98, 99, 117, 119, 120, 136 142, 151, 165, 166, 169, 171, 180,* 181, 193, 208, 216, 219, 221, 222, 271, 281, 293, 294, 301, 302,* 314,* 315, 506, 581, 592 Ellen, 130, 581 Esther, 62, 90, 121, 139, 202, 304 Evarilda, 216 Frances, 163 Francis, 18, 21, 29,* 30, 32, 34, 37, 42, 52, 58,* 66, 76, 78, 90, 99, 102, 155, 162, 222, 252, 258, 307, two 0. 325, 350, w. 376, 376, 391, c. 400, s. 406, w. 427, 438, s. 442, 473, s. 515, w. 527, 564 Gabriel, w. 386 George, 15, 127, 413, w. 455 Grace, 7, 86, 171, 197, 235, 279 Henry, 14, 26, 52, 130, 131, 142, 151,* 158, 160, 161, 174, 191, 219, 285, 291, 294, 315, d. 430, w. 490, 507, 568 Hugh, 198 Isaac, 148, 160 Isabel, 50, 65, 85, 151, 176, 190, 290, 297, 543 James, 1, 6, 10, 16, 21, 30, 33, 44, 57, 73,* 92, 96, 97,* 99, 104, 108,* 119, 125, 127, 129, 132, 133, 138, 140,* 143,* 148,* 152, 158,* 162, 163, 166,* 167,* 169, 171, 172, 180, 183, 184, 185, 190, 196, 197, 198,* 205, 208,* 210,* 214, 216, 217, 219, 221, 223, 227, 232, 236,* 239, 247,* 254, 266, 284,* 288, 301, 302, 304, 306, 308, 317, 323, c. 325, w. 333, 336, c. 345, w. 350,* 351, d. 351, c. 365, d. 381, c. 385, 387, w. 390, w. 392, 393, 411, 414, w. 440, c. 463, c. 471, w. 484, 489, 0. 510, 510, 521, w. 528, INDEX OF NAMES Baptisms... 1-248. Marriages... 249-318. Burials... 319-599. 651 Holt, James — Continued. s. 528, c. 529,* 531, w. 533, c. 538, 545, 0. 545, c. 555, 564, 576, c. 584, w. 587, c. 596,* 597* Jane, 9, 22, 42, 74, 75, 87, 98, 103, 186, 193, 252, 264, 270,* 273, 280,* 327, 359, 459 Jennet, 275 Jeremiah, 71, 204, 301, 401 John, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 12, 14, 16,* 21,* 24,* 28, 29, 31, 32, 35, 40, 42,* 44, 47, 48,* 52, 53,* 54, 57, 61, 62,* 63, 65, 66, 67,* 74,* 75, 76, 78, 83, 86,* 87, 92,* 96,* 97, 98,* 99,* 103, UO, 113, 114, 115, 117, 118, 119,* 120, 124, 127, 130,* 131, 132, 133, 136, 139, 140, 142, 148,* 155, 157, 158, 160,* 162, 165,* 166,* 167,* 168, 176, 179,* 185, 186, 187' 189, 190, 194, 197, 198,* 205, 207, 209,* 210,* 214, 218, 220, 221,* 222, 224, 225, 230, 231, 233, 238,* 242, 244, 247, 251, 252, 255, 256, 259, 261, 264, 267, 271, 274, 277, 282, 284, 294,* 298, 303, 306, 308,* 310, 311, w. 322,* w. 332, w. 338,* c. 338, w. 340, d. 341, c. 343, w. 345, c. 34.5, c. 346, s. 346, 351, 357, 363, c. 363, 364, c. 364, c. 365, c. 366, c. 374, w. 376, w. 384, 0. 391, w. 393,* 397, c. 405, w. 407, d. 411, c. 413, c. 415,* s. 420, c. 427,* 430, c. 431, c. 434, 434, d. 439, c. 442, s. 445, s. 448, s. 450, u. 452, u. 460, c. 463, 464, s. 467, c. 473,* 473, w. 474, w. 477, 478, 483, w. 485, 0. 486, c. 491, 495, c. 500,* 505, w. 509, 512, 513, s. 518, 0. 518, i;. 519, w. 523, w. 536,* s. 537, c. 537, d. 538, c. 541, c. 550, 553, w. 554, two c. 554, c. 557, d. 558, w. 561, s. 562, 568, u. 574, 578, c. 585, w. 588, c. 595 Jonathan, 14, 32, 38, 52, 58, 261, c, 344, c. 396 Holt — -Continued. Joseph, 47, 145, 165, 168 Joshua, 167, 178 Judith, 5, 32, 35 Katherine, 31, 60, 132, 162, 166, 183, 254, 256, 271, 392, 510 Luke, 79, 185, 193, 202, 222, 301, 574, c. 597 Margaret, 21, 44, 64, 65, 74, 92, 99, 162, 165, 250, 276, 283, 289, 299, 309, 311, 540, 584, 585 Martha, 8, 152, 153, 232, 579 Mary, 16, 28, 29,* 32, 33, 35, 37, 38,* 46, 47, 72, 89, 91, 96, 99,* 103, 106, 111, 113, 114, 117, 125, 138, 144, 145, 160, 161, 172, 192, 196, 198, 205,* 230,* 238, 244, 253, 266,* 284, 287, 302, 303, 305, 307, 309, 311, 312,* 316, 339, 359, 430, 547, 587 Mr, 297, 351, 449, 493 Mrs, 290, 314, 364 N.X.N., 44, c. 493 Oliver, 18, 134, 145, 155, 163, 172, 179, 184, 350, c. 549, s. 568 Ottiwell, 186, 286, c. 503, c. 527, u. 548, 589 Peter, 28, 32, w. and d. 400 Priscilla, 412 Ralph, 180, 327, w. 327, 358 Richard, 2, 7, 10, 25, 37, 41, 65, 74, 76, 79, 82, 89, 91, 92,* 94, 103, 105,* 106, 115, 117, 118, 126, 130, 139, 145, 153, 168, 176, 189, 193, 197, 261, 270, 273, 283, c. 323, c. 332, w. 336, c. 340, c. 341, c. 343, c. 346, w. 358, 359, w. 377, 380, w. 382, 386, s. 396, c. 397, w. 400, c. 419, c. 426, w. 433, c. 436, w. 437, w. 438, 449, c. 465, 483, d. 491, w. 493, s. 494, c. 500, 503, 0. 516, d. 519, w. .526, w. 537, c. 544, c. 549, c. 561, 573, 581, 582 Robert, 4, 5,* 8, 13, 14,* 19, 21, 27, 32, 33,* 37, 41, 43, 50, 54, 58, 60, 66,* 76, 82, 96,* 103, 129,* 134, 140,* 144, 149, 162,* 171, 180,* 182, 184, 192, 652 ROCHDALE REGISTERS Baptisms . . . 1-248. Marriages ... 249-3 1 8. Burials ... 3 1 9-599. Holt, Robert — Continued. 194, 198, 200,* 207, 219, 220, 222, 224,* 225, 230, 232, 239, 240, 250, 267, 297, 305, 313, 323, s. 335, c. 343, w. 349, 351, c. 351, c. 354, w. 360, d. 360, c. 361, 367, c. 380, w. 384, s. 390, two s. 392, 392, w. 392, d. 394, w. 394, c. 394, 396, d. 402, c. 421, w. 422, 426, 449, 477, w. 489, 507, w. 526, c. 528, c. 546, 555, 557, 574, c. 575, w. 576, c. 577, c. 580, c. 582, w. 593 Roger, 8, 25, 45, 55, 64, 74, 81, 83, 103, 142, w. 358, 390, s. 405, 412, c. 421, d. 432, V.'. 443, 511 Samuel, 12, 210, 221, 230, 240, w. 323 Sarah, 158, 174, 200, 243 Susan, 38, 62, 64, 92, 155, 168, 186, 232, 237, 254, 29,5, 317 Thomas, 1, 4, 6,* 14, 17,* 25, 29,* 31, 34, 35, 38,* 47, .52, 55, 61, 67, 72, 73, 92, 94, 104, 129, 148, 163, 169, 190, 191, 194, 205, '220, 222, 223, 231, 243, 240, 251, 256, 270, 280, 297, w. 326, 329, c. 337, w. 339, c. 340, c. 349, c. 351, 351, w. and d. 354, w. 365, 368, u. 380, c. 386, 387, c. 409, c. 418, c. 421, s. 426, 439, 447, 449, w. 457, w. 469, c. 478, 484, s. 484, c. 485, c. and w. ¦195, w. 496, w. 518, u. 518, 522, 530, c. 544, c. 555, c. 566 Trifana, 130 WiUiam, 37, 57, 108, 127, 132, 149, 176, 200, 221, 232,* 242, 275, 316, 406, c. 554, c. 560, 572, c. 591 Hopkinson (Hobkenson) Grace, 275 Jane, 299 Hopwood (Hoppwood) Alice, 105, 135, 155, 308 Ann, 53, 151, 153, 488, 538 Anthony, 348 " Dame," 252 Edmund, 56, 66, 71, 86, 99 113, 115, 129, 155, 239, Hopwood, Edmund — Continued. 257,* 307, c. 381, d. 381, c. 394, c. 416, c. 555, 580, c. 594 Edward, 5, 40, 49, 62, 218, 255, c. 384 Elizabeth, 8, 40, 71, 175, 199, 218, 274, 286 Ellen, 296, ,506 Grace, 4, 129, 385 Henry, 2, 9,* 145, 317, o26, c. 328, 488 Humphrey, 346 Isabel, 270 James, 4, 5, 12, 20, 56, 106,* 113, 160,* 166, 175, 249, 279, 281, c. 331, d. 343, s. 371, w. 417, 421, c. 450, w. 45 i, c. 497, c. 506, 509, 561* Jane, 73, 175 John, 2,* 8, 9, 12, 14, 86, 119, 143, 160, 161, 193,* 303, 325, w. 333, d. 343, d. 350, s. 351, c. 358, c. 364, w. 367, 396, 403, 431, w. 449, c. 578," w. 579, c. 582, c. 586, 588 Katherine, 135 Lawrence, 66 Lettice, 113, 311 Margaret, 573 Martha, 293 Mary, 49,* 62, 140, 178, 239, 25.5, 273, 291 N.X.N. , w. 559 Richard, 2, 49, 86, 97,* 112, 135, 140, 146, 166, 175, 183, 193, 199, 274, 346, w. 441, w. 445, c. 501, u. 544 d. 573 Robert, 53, 58, 65,* 73, 183, c. 392, c. 395, c. 397, two u. 415, w. 496, 524, s. 528 Samuel, 58, 105, 112, 119, 145, 153, 161, 169,* w. 454, c. 462, d. 500, s. 549 Sarah, 20, 86, 99 Thomas, 9, 113, 115, 193, 282, 402, w. 420, .493, 589 William, 14, 135, 143, 146, 151, 169,* 178, 285, c. 453, c. 455, 0. 500* Horoad, Horod, Horodd, Horood, see Holroyde Horrocks (Horracks, Horrocke, Horroks, Horrox, Whorrox) Ann, 13 INDEX OF NAMES Baptisms... 1-248. Mamagres... 249-318. BwnaZs... 3 19-599. 653 Horrocks — Continued. Henry ,'[349 James,"l63, 170 Jane, 6, 240 John, 13, 170, c. 342, c. 348, c. 365, 417 Mary, 163, 229 Thomas, 6, 229, '240, 252, 312, 320 Horst, see Hurst Horton, Jane, 116 John, 54, 63, 278 Robert, 116 Thomas, 54, 63, d. 393, w. 445 Hotching, Sarah, 294 Hoton, Hotton, see Houghton Hough, James, 399 Houghton (Hoton, Hotton, Houton) see also Haughton Elizabeth, 42, 205 James, 212 Nicholas, 284 Robert,: 171,* 205, 212, u. 466, c. 486, c. 558, 570 Thomas, 42, c. 380, d. 420 Houlroad, Houlroud, Hourodd, see Holroyde Hourth, see Howorth Houton, see Houghton Howarth, see Howorth Howord, John, 253, c. 387 Howorod, see Holroyde Howorth (Hoart, Hourth, Howarth, Howwarth, Howworth) see also Haworth and Hayworth Abel, 244 Abraham, 131, 207, 254, 328, w. 353, w. 489, 515 Alexander, 334, 341, w. 355 AUce, 123, 315, 352 Amery, 315 Ann, 44, 55, 69, 109, 175, 182, 211, 220, 229, 261, 273, 289, 292,* 306, 315,* 316 Charies, 161, 288, d. 460, s. 500, c. 506 Deborah, 60, 299, 576 Denis, 71, 207, c. 381 Dorothy, 302 Edmund, 46,* 98, 112, 136, 161,* 184, 248,* 27.5, 293, w. 365, c. 373, w. 374, c. 444, c. 465, c. 467, 483, s. 491, c. 496, c. 512, c. 519, c. 530 Edward, 244, 316, 519 EUzabeth, 68, 80, 99, 133, 162, Howorth, Elizabeth- — Continued. 194, 238, 247,* 254, 263, 277, 294, 300, 318, 539, 542 EUen, 130, 287 Esther, 126, 171, 185 George, 6,* 303, w. 370, 562 Grace, 142, 275, 431, 522 Hannah, 272 Henrv, 39,* 60, 68, 78, 91, 115, 149, 207, 211, 212, 220, 227, 238, 281, 307, 320, c. 344, 420, c. 420, s. 445, d. 487, c. 559 Isaac, 22,* 182, 207, 307, c. 493, c. 534, w. 551, c. 657, 567, c. 569, u. 576, w. 591 Isabel, 154 Israel, 324 James, 7, 13,* 25, 44, 46,* 55, 64, 69, 83, 84, 85, 96, 100,* 107, 109, 115, 116, 122,* 123,* 126, 127, 128,* 130, 154, 161, 165, 166, 175,* 181, 185, 188, 199, 201, 202, 220,* 222, 230, 234,* 239, 244, 247, 256, 278,* 280, 282, 283, 287, 298, 308, 311, u. 345, c. 357, c. 369, w. 404, 410, c. 413, c. 414, 414, w. 421, c. 422, 430, c. 431, c. 433, w. 444, c. 447, c. 450, c. 451, c. 466, w. 470, c. 474, w. 487, c. 492,* c. 498, w. 499, c. 502, c. 503, w. 505, c. 517, c. 519, 519, two c. 521, c. 522, 541, 551, w. 554, u. 561, 564, d. 577, c. 585, w. 592, 596, w. 596 Jane, 25, 74, 75, 78, 79, 84, 191, 199, 287, 301, 309, 382, 456 Jennet, 285 John, 7, 13,* 15, 25, 33, 62,* 64, 74, 75,- 80, 85, 92, 96, 99, 104,* 107, 111, 116, 132, 136, 142, 149, 150, 155, 162,* 163,* 164, 165, 166, 171,* 182,* 188, 191, 197, 202, 207, 211,* 218,* 220, 222, 227, 229, 233, 234, 243, 244, 245, 247, 254, 256, 260, 264, 272, 275, 277, 279, 281, 290, 295,* 303, 311,* 313, 318, c. 338, 342, c. 344, w. 347, 348, w. 363, 372, w. 381, 654 ROCHDALE REGISTERS Bapiisms... 1-248. Afamojres... 249-3 18. BwiaZs... 3 19-599. Howorth, John — Continued. 401, c. andw. 411, c. 413, 417, 419, w. 421, 433, c. 434, w. 440, 0. 441, d, 445, w. 459, u. 460, s. 467. 475, c. 489, w. 508, c. 511, w. 514, 515, w. 515, 523, w. 543, 546, w. 547, c. 550, w. 557, c. 559, 561, 568, w. and c. 569, c. 577 Jonathan, 133, 148, 163, c. 478, c. 480, u. 527 Josian, 279 Katherine, 132 Margaret, 71, 201, 384, 562, 595 Martha, 242, 284, 294 Marv, 83, 91,* 92, 116, 123, 126, 127, 148, 155, 207, 234, 239, 254, 277, 283, 295, 296, 341, 525, 549, c. 556, 571 Matthew, 243 Michael, 171, 342, w. 404 Mrs, 357, 384 N.X.N., 162, u. 376, u. 525 Ottiwell, 314 Priscilla, 284 Richard, 3,* 15, 52, 112, 120, 218, 276, 287, s. 339, 355, 431, c. 463, s. 481, w. 491, u. 586 Robert, 25, 36,* 91, 95, 164, 175, 181, 184, 194, 212, 218, 242, 245, 255, 271, 305, 310, 318, 333, 356, c. 403, c. 465, w. 466, w. 532, w. 563, c. 592, c. 596 Sarah, 98, 197, 230, 273, 275 Susan, 33, 284 Thomas, w. 417, 443 WilUam, 52, 79, 95, 109,* 111, 120, 126, 131, 147,* 150, 233, 280, c. 423, c. 458, s. 517, c. 531, 557, c. 566 Howrod, Howrodd, Howrudd, see Holroyde Hoyde, see Hyde Hoyle (Hoile, Hoyll, Hyle) Abraham, w. 480 AUce, 64, 146 Andrew, 172, 179, 289, 294, 299, c. 567, w. 582, 589 Ann, 172, 179, 316 Dorothy, 254 EUzabeth, 100, 190, 241, 286 Ellen, 181 Giles, 52 Grace, 509 Hoyle — Continued. Henry, 100, 124, 233, 243, 258, 276, 280, 310, w. 415, w. 429, d. 441 Isaac, d. 434, s. 477, w. 518, 572 James, 64, 121, 124, 126, 132, 240, 268, 280, 290, 297, 305, 310, 316, c. 359, w. 363, 408, w. 429, c. 434, 497, 0. 504, B. 506, 524 Jane, 286 Jenet, 292, 488 John, 52, 90, 126,* 145,* 181, 190, 236, 241, 297, 317, 326, c. 436, s. 534, 551, w. 591 Joseph, c. 479 Joshua, 121, 126, 146, 310, w. 323, 457, 0. 558, u. 566, c. 575, w. 589, w. 593 Katherine, 5 Mary, 90, 274, 281, 556 Matthew, 5 Nathan, 19,* 132, 249, s. 458, w. 474, 482 Priscilla, 531 Richard, 236 Robert, 240, 328 Sarah, 243, 279 Susan, 516 Thomas, 77,* 233, 264 Hoyleroad, see Holroyde Hu: Mr, 282 Huchenson (Huchensonn) Eden, 271 Francis, w. 335 Judith, 277 Huching, John, w. 347 Hudson, Dorothy, 286 John, c. 449 Mary, 308 Hulls, " Old," c. 354 Hulton, Sarah, 304 WilUam, 570 Hunt (Hunte) James, 217 Margaret, 278 Philip, 217 Rachel, 74 Ralph, 286 Robert, 74, u. 404 Hunter, Peter, c. 388 Hurley, Henry, w. 388 Hurst (Herst, Hirst, Horst) Alice 225 Ann,' 120, 132, 272, 309, 314, 510 EUzabeth, 311, 582 INDEX OF NAMES Baptisms... 1-248. Marriages. .,249-318. Burials ., ,319-599. 655 Hurst — Continued. Ellen, 302 George, 97, 465 Henry, s. 396 Isaac, 25, 147, 152, 171, 282, c. 489, c. 492, c. 498 Israel, 152, c. 468, w. 520, s. 526, w. 559, 582 John, 100, 225, 236, 308, w. 326, 327, c. 421 Judith, 129 Margaret, 147, 572 Mary, 88, 106, UO, 126, 171, 236, 239, 245, 269, 305, 313 Michael, 25, 229, 266, c. 334, w. 383, 434, w. 498, c. 498 N.X.N. 135 229 Richard, 88, 100, UO, 132, c. 450 Robert, 77, 88,* 100, 126, 135, 144, 150,* 159, 229, 239, 245, 313, c. 438, c. 445, s. 461, s. 516, c. 588, c. 596* Samuel, 149 Sarah, 100 Susan, 144, 219 Thomas, 77, 97, 106, 120, 129, 141,* 149, 159, 219, 229, 276, c. 427, d. 503, c. 526, d. 527, c. 571, w. 594 WilUam, 312, 354, c. 596 Hutton William, 169,* 290, c. 500, c. 515, c. 522, 570 Hyde (Heyd, [Hide, Hoyde) John, 297, 300 Mary, 280 Mr, 297, 300* N.X.N., w. 337 Thomas, 283 Hyle, see Hoyle Ingham (Engum, Ingam, Ingum, Inham) Alice, 100, 213, 310 Ann, 26 Bridget, 415 EUzabeth, 14, 165, 174 Esther, 119, 317 George, 79, 100, 119 James, 41, 185 Jane, 291, 412 Jeremy, 305 John, 145, 160, 195, 204, 256, 312, 483 Ingham — Continued. Lawrence, 438 Margaret, 297 • Mary, 79, 190, 283 Mr, 591 Mrs, 412 Moses, 439, w. 481 Nicholas, 14, 26, 41, 54,* 63, u. 366, s. 431, w. 495 Richard, 79,* w. 591 Robert, 63, 160, 165, 174, 181, 185, 190, 195, 204, 213, 226,* 294,* c. 517, w. 520, c. 522,* w. 523, c. 530, c. 533, 0. 537, w. 559, c. 562, c. 563, 564, 574 Thomas, 145, 483 WilUam, 181, 294 Ingram, James, 198 Robert, 198 Jackes, see Jaques Jackson (Jacksonn, Jacksonne, Jacson, Jacsonn) Alice, 79, 103, 112, 272, 539 Ambrose, 9,* 389, c. 401, ». 416, w. 444 Ann, 87, 160, 187, 250, 284, 288, 498 Christopher, 59, 103, 262, 285, c. 397, 449 Daniel, 208, 311, w. 583 Edward, 208, 318 EUzabeth, 144, 528, 575 Francis, 93 George, 146, 152, 160, 166,* 228, 498, w. 509, c. 510,* 584 James, 83, 163, 168, 293, 313, w. 450, 507 Jarret, 77, 171 Jenet, 277 John, 61,* 67, 77, 87, 112, 164,* 171, 181, 187, 201, 259, 266, 287, w. 337, d. 343, 378, d. 398, u. 410, c. and w. 432, w. 509, c. 517, c. 518, d. 520, c. 529, c. 530, 535, c. 543, d. 558, w. 562 Joshua, 153 Judith, 289 Katherine, 112 Magdelen, 297 Margaret, 86, 430 Mary, 59, 144, 152, 181, 201, 234, 254, 272, 475 656 ROCHDAlE registers BapjisTOs... 1-248. Afamajres... 249-3 18. BwriaZs... 319-599. Jackson — Con tinued, Mr, 160, 166, 498, 509, 510,* 584 Phoebe, 568 Eichard, 144,* 153, 163, 270, d. 476, c. 497, c. 531, 536 Susan, 310 Tabitha, 70 Thomas, 67, 70, 79, 146, 152, 228, 234, 270, 312, c. 394,* 415, c. 426, w. 439, c. 583 WilUam, 79,* 83, 86, 93, 144, 152, 168, 441, c. 442, c. 443, o. 480,* s. 517 Jaques (Jackes, Jakeways, Jayeks) AUce, 59 Ann, 29, 177 EUzabeth, 23, 36, 312 Ellen, 45, 164, 283 Esther, 289 James, 66, 153, 158,* 164, 171, 177, 182,* 242, 291, 314, 408, c. 497, c. 535, 552, d. 580, u. 581 John, 54 Mary, 171, 242, 281 Robert, 5,* 23, 29, 36, 45, 54, 59, 66, 82, 153, 252, w. 332, c. 340, u. 365, c. 379, s. 414, 444 Sarah, 82 Jarrett (Jarratt, Jarret) see also Garret Charles, 78 James, d. 331, s. 408 Marmaduke, 78 Phcebe, 482 Susan, 485 Jawett, WilUam, 287, 541 Jayeks, see Jaques Jeggur, Susan, 274 Jenkenson (Jenkensonn, Jenkinsonne) Daniel, 102 John, 267, c. 388 Robert, 255, 349, w. 356, 493, w. 503 Timothy, 92,* 102, 274, 406, w. 411, s. 525 Jepp, " Old," 566 Jepsonn, Esther, 280 Joanes, see Jones Johnson (Joanson, Johnsonn, Jonson) David, 168, c. 543 George, 278 John, 11, 168, c. 499 Katiierine, 4 Johnson — Continued. Mr, 251, 389 Robert, 398, c. 439 Samuel, 289, c. 506, c. 517, w. 547, c. 549, w. 555, u. 557, 561 Thomas, 4, 11, 278, s. 389, c. 432 William, 273 Jones (Joanes, Jonnes, Jonns) AUce, 276 Ann, 97, 192 Dorothy, 265 Edmund, 278, d. 443 Hugh, 310 James, 192, 330, d. 391, w. 414 Jane, 276 John, 82, 97, 284, o. 359, c. 418 Jonathan, w. 477 Margaret, 82 Richard, 270, w. 391 Jonson, see Johnson Junne, John, 31 Nicholas, 31 Jurland [? Ireland] Robert, 271 K Kay (Key) Abraham, 368 AUce, 71, 140, 280, 579 Ann, 98, 100, 104 Arthur, 53, 60, 66,* 73, 74, 80, 85,* 90, 98, 100, 104, 115, 119, 140, 259, c. 394, c. 398, c. 405, 436, w. 438, c. 458, d. 464 Dennis (Dionysius), 6,* 17, 39, 353, s. 383, w. 389, 420 Dorothy, 66, 178 Edmund, s. 459 EUzabeth, 53, 105, 119, 175, 189, 272 Ellen, d. 322 Francis, 365, 370 Henry, 323 Isabel, 533 James, 60, 71, 87,* 115, 124, 152, 251, 339, c. 381, 398, w. 402, 404, w. 465, 535, s. 559, w. 582 Jane, 99, 280, 303 John, 35,* 66, 73, 90, 99, 106,* 124, 130, 141, 156, 169, 220, 232, 239, 271, 276, 277, 311, c. 367, w. and c. 395, 0. 452, c. 466, 475, w. 485, c. 495, 559, c. 592, c. 598 Baptisms . , . 1-248. INDEX OF NAMES Marriages... 249-318. . Burials... 319-599. 657 Kay — Continued,. Joseph, 486 Margaret, 421 Martha, 39, 134, 309 Mary, 17, 66, 80, 95, 232, 304, 385 N.X.N., 141 Richard, 130, 169, 178, 189, u. 469, s. 565, 583 Robert, 95, 105, 146, 156, 175, 290, 313, c. 433, c. 490, c. 516, c. 533, w. 563 Ruth, 175 Susan, 118, 220, 297 Thomas, 118, 134, 146, 152, 239, w. 395, c. 476, 486 William, 74, 329, w. 395, 417 Kearshaw, Kearsho, Kearshow, see Kershaw Keeley (Keley) Henry, 275, 292 Kender, see Kinder Kenerley, Ann, 275 Kenion (Kemion, Kinnion) Ann, '229, 261 Edward, 99, 212,* 218, 309, 575 EUzabeth, 259, 268 Frances, 227 Grace, 83, 530 James, 103, 154, 202, 235, 238, 292, c. 580, 0. 582 Jane, 70, 294, 315, 574 John, 59, 65, 70, 83, 84, 92, 99, 113,* 118, 201, 235, 243, 262, c. 394, c. 419, 460, 534, c. 570, w. 597 Margaret, 65, 296 Mary, 84, 238, 242, 288 Richard, 127,* 229, 243, 252, 280, 311, c. 319, 336, w. 352, 355, c. 358, c. 359, w. 547, c. 572, c. 581 Robert, 84, 86,* 92, 103,* 263, c. 392, c. 415, c. 417, 0. 480, 525 ¦ Roger, 202 Sarah, 154 Thomas, 91,* 103, 211, w. 439 William, 24,* 59, 118, 201, 211, 218, 227, 242, 273, 305, 0. 326, c. 358, w. 382, 435 Kenney, " Old," d. 455 Kennion, see Kenion Kepax, Mr, 282 Keppes, Isabel, 207 Kershaw (Kearshaw, Kearsho, Kearshow) Abel, 0, 21, 25, 32,* 53, 91, '202, 213, 226, 232, 235, 251, 434, w. 434 Abraham, 6, 8, 23,* 29, 35, 43, 56, 114, 133,* 135, 139, 145, 153,* 159, 162, 171, 174, 176, 190, 205,* 211, 215, 223, 225, 226, 228, 235, 236, 238,* 246,* 248, 260,* 298, 302, 313, c. 320, c. 326, 334, 344, c. 347, 357, w. 360, w. 367, c. 375, 397, w. 401, w. 403, d. 416, s. 505, c. 510, c. 520, c. 530, c. 531, c. 545, c. 546, c. 588, c. 595, two c. 596 Adam, U, 22, 25, 31, 42,* 46, 48, 62, d. 323, c. 342,* c. 344, c. 352, c. 357, c. 391, 481, d. 483, c. 505, w. 542 Alexander, 14, 22, 25, 30, 34,* 41, 65, 70, 76, 106, 171,* 181, 191, 199, 206, 216, 226, 228, 235, 247, 250, 259, 297, 298, c. 324, 332, w. 332, d. 334, d. 335, s. 336, c. 353,* c. 358, s. 364, c. 371, c. 377, c. 386, s. 407, 428, s. 435, d. 481, w. 483, 488, c. 509, 522, c. 526, c. 551, c. 561, c. 564, c. 566, c. 584, w. 585 Alice, 29, 217, 228, 249, 266, 282, 301, 539 Ann, 65, 88, 125, 131, 142, 160, 171, 233, 264, 280, 288, 290, '295, 301,311,541,577 Charles, 461 Dinah, 317 Dorothy, 315, 441 Edmund, 21, 29, 41, 51, 58, 70, 75, 88, 97, 106, 114, 122,* 125, 130, 192, 202, 215, 216, 229, '275, 284, 304, s. 324, 329, s. 331, w. 360, 388, c. 401, 0. 434, c. 452, 453, c. 459, 476, w. 476, c. 477, w. 481, w. 495, s. 520, 544, i;. 555, c. 579, 579, c. 582 Edward, 70, 130 EUzabeth, 11, 29, 48, 56, 62, 75, 76, 91, 162, 174, 191, 192, 216,* 220, 226, '280, 289, 296, 300, 303, 306 RR 658 ROCiHDALE REGISTERS Baptisms... 1-248. Afctrnoffes... 249-3 18. B«HaZs... 319-599. Kershaw — Continued. Ellen, 218 EUison, 487 Esther, 238 Francis, 41 Grace, 8, 23, 31, 41, 56,* 79, 149, 157, 169, 211, 229, 248, 494 Hannah, 247, 282 Henry, 14, 29, 48, 55, 63, 69,* 70, 79, 86, 135, 187, 248, 265, 271, 318, c. 321, c. 326, 332, c. 348, 348, 401, c. 405, c. 410, w. 441, 452, w. and ^, 522, 537, 597 Isaac, 348 Israel 347 James, 9, 53, 81, 86, 89, 106, 107,* 111,* 131, 133, 139, 141, 147, 151, 157, 160, 169, 178, 180, 187, 191,* 192, 195,* 205, 206, 211, 213, 215, 217, 220,* 227,* 228, 233, 251, 275, 280, 287, 288, 291, 309, 313, 331, c. 340, c. 348, c. 358, 358, d. 363, u. 363, u. 372, w. 397, 403, c. 408, c. 411, c. 421,* w. 437, c. 449, w. 454, c. 459, c. 464, w. 465, w. 467, c. 476, 488, c. 495, d. 505, c. 538, w. 546, w. 549, c. 552, 568,* w. 586, w. 589, 595 Jane, 11, 14, 35, 39, 70, 89, 91, 97, 171,* 235, 247, 258, 283, 288, 290, 318, 411, 415 Jeffrey, 43, 51, 92, 106, w. 410, V. 411* John, 8, 69, 81, 85, 86, 105,* 106, 145, 156,* 189, 204, 213, 220, 221, 223, 227, 230,* 232, 247, 253, 258, 264, 270, 287, 305, 312, w. 321, s. 330, w. 337, 340, 0. 346, 383, 0. 386, c. 387, s. 392, c. 393, c. 403, 409, s. 409, c. 411, c. 427, c. 430, s. 460, w. 474, 479, c. and d. 483, w. 491, c. 555,* 562, u, 571, w. 592 Jonathan, 21, 142, 149, 180, c. 371, c. 372, w. 380, c. 408, c. 487, 488, 490 Judith, 344 Margaret, 86 Martha, 41, 204, 296 Kershaw — Continued, Mary, 22, 30, 33, 56, 58, 69 92, 106, 123, 133, 151 178, 190, 206, 213, 216 225,* 226, 227, 251, 252, 256, 270, 274, 277, 283,* 294, 300,* 301,* 307, 314, 585 Nathan, 292 Nicholas, 338 N.X.N., 160, 206, 291, 300 c. 567 Ottiwell, 21, 56,* 205 211 221 235,* 248, 253,' w. ' 330,' c. 340, c. 344, c. 345 c. 354, c. 362, c. 369, c. 386. 390, 422, w. 453 Paul, 303, 308, w. 555 Peter, 245, 343 Robert, 8, 15, 44, 114 123 141, 149, 189, 192' 199' 216, 219, 225, 226, 233' 245, 247, 252, 259, 273' 284, 292, 294, 312, c. 321 s. 331, 353, 0. 353, c. 355 w. 3,59, c. 368, 378, w. 380, d. 383, >;. 384, c. 386, two s. 386, c. 387, s. 391, 398, c. 401,* w. 403, 410, w. 440, w. 483, 483 w. 498, 0. 500, 508, c. 508, c. and w. 576, c. 585 * 588 Samuel, 55 Sarah, 70, 176, 219, 263, 297 Simeon, 16,* 29, 39 44 56 60,* 61,* 70, 91, 250,' 31 3', c. 395, d. 402, 450, w. 482, 506, w. 546, c. 577 Susan, 22, 44, 63, 85, 114, 204, 215, 256, 30.3, 304, 311 314, 0. 363, 367 Sybil, 14 Thomas,'181, 337 Widow, 579, 580, 592 WilUam, 9, 11, 15, 23, 25, 33, 41, 44,- 46, 48, 57,* 70, 135,* 147, 149, 159, 160, 218, 22.3,* 233, 247, 287, 294, 296, 307, w. 331, c. 339, d. 339, u. 351, w. 367, 375, c. 383, c. 393, s. 395, w. 409, 436, w. 448, w. 453, 467, c. 471, c. 498, w. 500, c. 501, c. 527, c. 533, u. 536, c. 542,* w. 548, c. 557 Key, sec Kay INDEX OF NAMES 659 Bap(is?TCs... 1-248. Afarnoges... 249-3 18. BimaZs... 319-590. Lane, John, ». 465 Langley, Jeremj', 293 Mr, 431 WilUam, 265, w. 431 Lassey, Agnes, 282 Grace, 303 Susan, 304 Law, see aLio Low Abraham, 309 Lawrence, 286 Thomas, 235* WilUam, 275 Lawrance, Ellen, 273 Lawson, William,* 102* Lawton (Loatton, Loeton, Looton," Loton, Lotton, Loughton, Lowton, Loyton) Abigail, 77, 192, 215 Abraham, 1, 148, 244 AUce, 249, 256, 273 Ann, 17, 120, 222, 228, 274, 307, 522 Charles, 148 Esther, 229 Grace, 12 Isaac, 36, 130, 141, 157, 170, 176,* 182, 192, c. 485, w. 495, c. 496, c. 504, w. 508, c. 534, 537, c. 545, c. 550 Israel, 42, 182 James, 57, 97, 1'20, 126, 134, 141,* 146, 170,* 190, 198, 272, 276, 282, c. 493, w. 494, 541, d. 556, w. 593, 594 Jane, 59, 126, 290, 302, 488 John, 1, 6, 7, 50, 130, 166', 198, 261,* 333, 483 Joseph, 12, 51, 76, 154, 156,* 166, 174,* 182, 190, 207, 215, 222, 228, 229, 311, 317, w. 391, 409, 491, c. 542, u. 575, w. 577, 580 Katherine, 32, 59, 289 Mary, 21, 84, 88, 97, 134, 268, 284, 317, 585 Mr, 272 N.X.N., c. 342, w. 362 " Old" (?), c. 342, w. 363 Rachel, 141, 207 Ralph, 313, d. 338, 388, w. 411, 589 Robert, 7, 146, 586 Samuel, 7, 21, 50, 57, 76, 88, 107, c. 335, w. 357, s. 404, c. 431, 450, 461, d. 488, w. 499 Sarah, 68, 157, 170, 244, 255, 202, 493 Kinder (Kender) EUzabeth, 240 Judith, 237 Lawrence, 284 Mary, 245 Richard, 237, 240, 245 Roger, 461 Kinnion, see Kenion Kircom, John, c. 523 Kirke, Thomas, c. 420 Knight, EUzabetli, 374 Knole, Knoles, Knols, see Knowles Knotsford, see Knutsford Knott (Knot) Ann, 284 Mary, 251, 313 Knowles (Knole, Knoles, Knols, Knowls, Nowles) Abraham, 193 AUce, 31, 118, 141 Ann, 159, 183 Benjamin, 236 Cicely, 354 Elizabeth, 228 George, 16,* 24, 31, 118, 128, 174, 282, w. 433, w. 473, 477, d. 509 James, 27, 128, 144, 210, 228, 239, 312, 317 John, 24, 130, 141, 147, 156,* 165, 174, 183, 193, 201, 210, 236, 314, c. 460, c. 498, d. 531, w. 577 Joseph, 201 Martha, 147 Mary, 27, 150, 165 N.X.N., 169 Robert, 130, 144, 150, 159, 169, 183, 239, 280, c. 464, c. 489, c. 510, u. 523, 0. 540 Thomas, 183 Knutsford (Knotsford, Knutford, Knutforth, Kuttsford) John, no, 246* Joshua, 119, 239, 308, 590, three c. 598 Mary, 239 Richard, UO, 119, 280, k,, 481, c. 499, c. 504, s. 545 Thomas, c. 590 Kussay [or'\ Russay David, 381 Kuttsford, see Knutsford Lancashire Anthony, w. 321, d. 322, 406 Mary, 249 66o ROCHDAlE registers BapiisTOS... 1-248. Aramogfes... 249-3 18. B««ais.. .319-599. Lawton— Contmued. Susan, 14, 107, 281, 312 Thomas, 6, 7, 14, 17, 32, 36, 42, 51, 59, 68, 77, 84, 141,* 154, 182, 251, 285, w. 326, c. 349, s. 391, li. 428, c. 432, w. 442, two c. 447, s. 457, 547, 556, w. 569 Layfield (Leafeild, Leafield) Isabel, 131 Josia, 131 Miles, 122, 297, c. 459, c. 495, c. 509, w. 509 Thomas, 122 Layford, Miles, 555 Leach (Leech, Leych) Abraham, 12, 20, 21, 25, 27, 62, 71, 93, 104, 240, 245, 249, 318, 324, c. 354, c. 378, d. 395, s. 400, s. 405, s. 429, d. 433, 502, w. 510, 526 Alice, 27, 123, 254, 271, 272, 484 Ann, 20, 93, 101, 103, 115, 145, 231, 294, 298, 307, 318, 504 Daniel, 252, d. 399 Edmund, 28, 37,* 77, 91, 93, 145, 182, 198, 223, 244, 285, 290, 295, 330, w. 342, c. 363, w. 432, c. 443, c. 509, c. 515, c. 529, 588, u. 592, c. 598 Edward, 77, 89,* 103, 160, 229, 268, 313, d. 382, w. 385, w. 389, w. 407, 415, c. 429, d. 451, c. 455, 456, c. 471, w. 476, d. 484, c. 486, c. 507, w. 510, d. 518, w. 529, 576 EUzabeth, 28, 29, 231,* 233, 291, 598 Grace, 33, 90 James, 9, 21, 74, 76, 79, 85, 90, 113, 151, 216, 222,* 223, 229, 231, 234, 240, 245,* 272, 274, 286, 298, 305, 309, 331, w. 347, 360, w. 392, c. of d. 401, c. 404, c. 407, 0. 417, w. 431, 434, w. 481, u. 489, 497, 525, w. 563, c. 587, c. 589, 589 w. 592 Jane, 15, 43, 108, 151, 160, 198, 210, 281, 293, 313 John, 28, 33, 81, 91, 93, 101, 104, 108, 113, 116 123 * 130, 145, 210, 216, 220, Leach, John — Continued^ 234, 274, 280, 308, 315, c. 336, c. 345, c. 353, c. 365, c. 369, c. 378, c. 399, w. 404, c. 405, d. 441, 452, 461, 507, w. 514, c. 586 Joseph, 76, 130, 230, 418, c. 587 Margaret, 54, 303, 307, 476 Martha, 279 Marv, 36, 45, 62, 128, 210, 230, 259, 291, 304, 383, 504 Matthew, 4 Mr, c. 376 Mrs,' 517 Nathan, 404 N.X.N., 244 Peter, 145, 182, 318, 536 Richard, 12, 115, 116, 128, 210, 220, 233, 245, 281, 310, c. 457, c. 467, 497 Robert, 89, w. 336 Samuel, 25,* 74, 336, u. 340. w. 364 Sarah, 17, 96, 307, 517 Simon, 4, 17, 25, 28, 36, 43, 54', c. 334, 377, d. 468 Susan, 81, 8.5, 315 Thomas, 351 Widow, 599 WUUam, 9, 15, 29, 45, 71, 79, 96, 231, '271, 314, c. 325, li. 328, c. 330, d. 380, 409, c. 426, 429, w. 482,* o. 575, w. 578 Leafeild, Leafield, see Layfield Leafwood, AUce, 153 Miles, 153, c. 468, i;. 484. Leakland, EUzabeth, 293 Lealand, Lealond, see Leyland Leaver, see Lever Leavesley, see Livesey Lee (Leey) see also Leigh AUce, 223, 318, 592 Elizabeth, 240 James, 223 Jane, 316 John, w. 551, c. 552 Joseph, 240 Leech, see Leach Leegh, see Leigh Lees (Leese, Leeys) see also Lee and Leigh Abraham, 89, 103, 194, 290, c. 409, c. 431, w. 442, d. 454,, w. 531, 583 Alice, 132, 155, 314 INDEX OF NAMES 66i Baptisms... 1-248. Afarriagies... 249-3 18. BwnaZs... 3 19-599. Lees — Continued. Ann, 9, 28, 33, 93, 102, 115, 162, 163, 183, 209, 258, 300 Daniel, 253, 281, 451 George, 33, 39, 47, 68, 77, 93, 103, 254, c. 344, c. 369, 373, 0. 374, 0. 409, s. 416, d. 418, w. 448, w. 506, 559, c. 584 Grace, 77, 299 Henry, 9, 23, 33, 48, 197, w. 435, 444 Isaac, 277 James, 11, 28, 92, 102, 121, 122, 155, 162, 165, 183,* 185, 194, 197, 206, 212, 221, 229, 233, 241, 247, 274, 289, 297, 307, d. 401, c. 440, w. 488, d. 524, c. 541, c. 548, w. 560, c. 562, li. 585 Jane, 89, 114, 122, 153, 206, 317, 595 John, 9, 40, 66, 83, 94,* 114, 125, 143, 145, 198, 221, 223, 279, 314, s. 373, c. 377, c. 393, c. 394, w. 407, c. 416, 419, u. 430, u. 457, 473, d. 499, c. 509, w. 522, w. 523, 528 Joseph, 68, 241, 598 Judith, 484 Leao, 516 Lydia, 283 Margaret, 315 Martha, 47, 285, 295 Mary, 39, 40, 103, 125, 142, 143, 145, 183, 212, 229, 286, 306, 313,* 528 N.X.N., 241 Robert, 9, 115, 121, 132, 142, 153, 163, 173, 186,* 198, 209, 222, 280, c. 438, c. 585 Sarah, 48, 83, 103, 165, 173, 233, 302 Susan, 33, 247 Thomas, 11, 23, 223, 241, 286 WilUam, 92, 185, 192,* 222, 233,* 302, 548* Leey, see Lee Leeys, see Lees Leigh (Leegh, Leey, Legh) see also Lee and Lees Abigail, 78, 88, 106, 306, 313 Abraham, 26, 28,* 34,* 38, 45, 57, 69, 78, 104, 124, 133, 184, 253, 283, w. 339, Leigh, Abraham — Continued. 0. 344, c. 366, c. 369, c. 384, d. 449, o. 455, w. 477, 481 Alexander, 371 AUce, 26, 40, 43, 52, 66, 71, 114, 127, 139, 147, 161, 256, 288, 305, 402, o. 470, 539 Ann, 25, 47, 89, 105, 139, 204, 229, 276, 301, 317, 470 Cornelius, 135 Daniel, 76 Dorothy, 31 Edmund, 3, 12, 20, 24,* 29,* 30, 37, 40, 44, 45, 49, 53, 58, 61, 64, 66, 72, 73, 87, 95, 104, 107, 118, 120, 131, 142, 149, 157, 160, 164,* 165, 173, 177, 183, 188, 190, 197, 199, 210, 212, 251, 292, c. 321, s. 322, w. 329, c. 333, c. 335, w. 340, c. 343,* c. 363, c. 374, s. 375, w. 391, w. 392, s. 404, 407, c. 410, 417,* c. 419, 0. 430, 440, c. 441, u. 462, 463, c. 470, c. 494, c. 502, B. 512, c. 516, w. 528, c. 543,* w. 567, c. 568 Edward, 76,* 79, 89, 92, 93, 105, 115, 127, 139, 153, 172, 191,* 195, 212, 270, 272, w. 374, c. 416, 429, c. 435, w. 437, 440, c. 441, c. 461, c. 464, c. 503, o. 504, c. 507, c. 512, 523, u. 543, c. 544,* c. 545, c. 556, w. 566 EUzabeth, 29, 37, 95, 131, 153, 159, 317 Ellen, 19, 184, 279 Esther, 87 Francis, 11, 25, 39,* 56, 183, 199, c. 369, w. 479 Gabriel, 29, 47, 71, 252, w. 322, c. 339, w. 405, d. 465 George, 73, 133, 150, 229, u. 320,* 508 Grace, 3, 83, 300 Isabel, 99, 204, 309 James, 39, 94, 122, 171, 184, 227, w. 566 Jane, 43, 55, 125, 142, 160, 161, 165, 175, 196, 212, 252, 287, 290, 291, 302, 519 Joan, 79 662 ROCHDALE REGISTERS Baptisms... 1-248. Afamagies... 249-3 18. BwioZs... 3 19-599. Leigh — Continued. John, 2,* 19, 25, 29, 30, 31,* 36, 39, 42, 43,* 46, 55, 57, 63, 65, 68, 73, 94, 108, 122,* 135, 143, 150, 151,* 159, 166, 171, 183,* 188, 196, 215, 268, w. 324, c. 343, c. 358, c. 365, c. 388, d. 391, c. 393, s. 396, c. 410, c. 415, d. 433, 436, 440, d. 474, 475, c. 485, c. 496, c. 504, c. 549, d. 554, 563, o. 573 Jordan, 107 Joseph, 20, 25, 39, 47, 52, 65, 66, 103, 113, 125, 131,* 140, 149, 159,* 164,* 168, 175, 178, 183, 188, 196,* 205, 215, 218, 227, 229,* 280, 281, 293, c. 360, c. 452, c. 453, c. 494, c. 498, c. 502, c. 512, s. 537, two c. 543, c. 569, u. 577 Joshua, 159, 212 Katherine, 218 Leah, 63 Levi, 134 Margaret, 20, 115, 118, 196, 260, 275, 306 Martha, 29, 42, 183, 282, 290 Marv, 4, 6, 11, 36, 37, 49, 53, 54, 73, 92, 93,* 139, 150, 157, 159, 172, 173, 178, 190, 196, 210, 254, 262, 263, 287, 290, 299, 301, 303, 307, 549 Mrs, 317 Nathan, 352, w. 374 N.X.N., 253 Peter, 177 Randall, 39, 73, 322 Richard, 4, 31, 83, 93, 103, 114, 273, c. 348, c. 444, 444, s. 455, 469, w. 480 Robert, 12,* 23,* 37, 47, 54, 73, 83,* 150, 161, 171, 184, 250, 291, w. and c. 331, c. 337, c. 373, 374, c. 379, c. 393, w. 405, w. 431, w. 448, c. 524, w. 560 Sarah, 58, 143, 164, 166, 171, 303 Susan, 45, 68, 69, 195, 259 272, 303 Thomas, 2 Titus, 72, 197 WilUam, 6, 20, 38, 40,* 44, 46, 56, 61, 64, 66, 76, 88 90 * 99,* 106, 108, 113, 120, Leigh, WilUam— Continued. 122, 124, 133,* 134, 140, 147, 161, 164, 168, 183, 188, 205, 266, 290, 294, 319, w. 350, 354, w. 373, w. 396, 397, c. 404, d. 412, c. 416, c. 420, c. 428, c. and w. 501, s. 506, 595 Leland, see Leyland Lenney, Lennye, see Linney Lester (Lesster) see also Lister Grace, 64 James, 13, 24, 35, 44,* 54, 64, 241, c. 334, 358, o. 413, s. 414 Jane, 13, 35 Joseph, 54, 241 WilUam, 24 Lettleton, see Littleton Leuthwaite, Jane, 289 Lever (Leaver) Ann, 48, 105, 508 Elizabeth, 64, 305 James, 20 John, 12, 105, c. 456 Josiah, 12, s. 464, 469 Josias, 20, 30, 40, 48, 56, 64, c. 385 Katherine, 40, 290 Roger, 56 Thonias, 30, s. 502 Levesey, Levesley, Levesly, Levsle, see Livesey Lewis (Lewes, Lues) Ann, 181 EUzabeth, 45, 104, 298 James, 151, 209, 284, w. 444, .528 Jane, 13, 162, 285, 378 John, 7, 13, 26, 45, 54, 73, 100,* 113, 129,* 130,* 135, 151, 160, 174, 186, 195,* 277, 280, 294, c. 323, c. 363, c. 364, w. 420, c. 435, c. 441, 442, c. 446, u. 464, li. 482, c. 510, 553, w. 556 Jonathan, 73 Lydia, 135, 186 Martha, 151, 277 Mary, ,54, 113, 139, 160, 304 Rachel, 115 Robert, 174 Thomas, 7, 26, 104, 115, 139, 151, 162, 181, 209, 278, w. 350, 352, c. 460, c. 530, w. 553, c. 565, u. 574, 594 Leych, see Leach INDEX OF NAMES Baptisms ... 1-248. Marriages . , , 249-3 1 8. 663 Burials... 319-599. Leyland (Lealand, Lealond, Leland) Ann, 93, 316 Hugh, 34, 39, 254, ^. 347, 455, w. 475 John, 84, 93, 108,* 122, 268, c. 395, c. 416, 0. 431, u. 449, d. 456, w. 466, 591 Margaret, 39 Mary, 34, 84 WilUam, 122 Libcraft, Ann, 284 Susan, 288 Lightowlers (Lightolers, LightoUers,Lightoulers,Lightowelers,Lighttolers, Lighttowlars,Lighttowler,Lighttowlers, Lighttowlors) Alexander, 33, 73, 86, 99, 208, 213,* 222, 245, 252, w. 334, c. 344, 396, 426, c. 571, 1-. 581, 594 AUce, 21, 290, 489 Ann, 254 Daniel, 175 EUzabeth, 86, 278, 293, 299 Grace, 284, 307 James, 99, 208, 222, 245, 316, 348, w. 372, B. 396, 463, w. 554, 561 Jane, 73, 278 John, w. 420, 442, 463 Jonathan, 154 Joseph, 291 Joshua, 152* Mary, 33, 271, 273, 290, 300, c. 391, 510, 579 Richard, 21 Sarah, 154, 175, 277, 302 WiUiam, c. 520 Linday [or] Lineay, Jane, 113 Robert, 113 Linney (Lenney, Lennye, Linny) Margaret, 34 Mary, 37 Richard, 34, 37, 41,* c. 351, c. 364, c. 366, 370 Lister, see also Lester Abraham, 170 Alice, 72 EUzabeth, 68 Esther, 302 Isaac, 182 Jacob, 200 Lister — Continued. James, 68, 139, 147, 150,* 170, 182, 190, 200, 241, 288, c. 392, w. 460, c. 488, c. 491, c. 540, 561, 577 Joseph, 67, 72, 139, 241, 265, 303, c. 390, w. 507 Mary, 67, 147, 190, 293 Wilham, 285, w. 374 Littleton (Lettleton, Litleton, Littletonne) Christina, 291 EUzabeth, 279 Henry, 13, 26, c. 369, 378, w. 480 Jane, 105 Jonathan, 74 Mary, 13, 280 Rebecca, 26, 286 Robert, 74, 272 Thomas, 105 Littlewood, Mary, 119 Sarah, 119 Livesey (Leavesley, Levesey, Levesley, Levesly, Levsle, Liuesey, Livesley, Livesly, Livsey) Abraham, 274 Alice, 97, 101, 207, 264, 281, 306, 314 Ann, 17, 125, 224, 279, 293, 314 Edmund, 515, 571 Elizabeth, 164 Ellen, 75, 278 Esther, 233 James, 124, 127, 137, 244 Jane, 15.5, 176, 286 John, 138, 224, 233, 244, 312, c. 581 Joseph, c. 347, 450, w. 482 Mary, 75, 84, 100, 107, lU, 226, 515, c. 589 Peter, 89 Rebecca, 5, 279 Richard, 5,* 17, 75, 116,* 148, 226, 312, 332, w. 366, w. 421, 448, w. 448, w. 479 Robert, 62, 75, 84, 89, 100, 101, 111, 124, 125, 138, 148, 233, 239, 262, 278 c. 382, c. 402, c. 406, 0 415, w. 421, 0. 463, 486, w. 497 Thomas, 62, 97, 107, 127, 137, 147,* 155, 164, 176, 207, 233, 239, 277, 304, 309, 315, i;. 466, c. 506,* w. 559, c. 559, c. 565 664 ROCHDALE REGISTERS Baptisms... 1-248. Af^jrrioiyes.. .249-318. BwnaZs... 3 19-599. Llwellyn (Fleuellen, Flewellen, Flueling, FlueUen, Lluellyn) EUzabeth, 18 Grace, 486 James 5 * 409 Mary, 270 Richard, 5,* 18, u. and w. 367, 470, w. 500 Loatton, .see Lawton Lodge, Judith, 131 Sarah, 131 Loe, see Low Loeton, see Lawton Lomax (Lumax, Lummax) AUce, 262 Ann, 185, 310 EUzabeth, 266, 304 Geoffrey, 222, 294, 315, w. 583 George, 70, 400 Jane, 303 John, 84, 102 Margaret, 222 Mary, 228, 276, 277 Mr, 400 Oliver, 84 Peter, 308 Richard, 102, 18,5, 301 Robert, 228 Susan, 70, 255 Looe, see Low Looton, see Lawton Lord (Lort) Abraham, 7, 61, 177, 184, 190, 196,* 204,* 206, 215, 228, 239, 299, 302, 351, 357, 360, w. 385, 582, w. 593 AUce, 61, 75, 91, 100, 144, 196, 200, 215, 259, 261, 274, 278,* 291, 309, 313, c. 516 , Ann, 28, 34, 39, 62, 63,* 121, 143, 150, 176, 184, 203, 236, 248, 249, 251, 280, 283, 285, 295, 302, 316, 466, 524 Arthur, 55, w. 439, 476 Beatrice, 170 Charles, 1, 8, 17, 26,* 32,* 38, 42, 44,* 52,* 54,* 60, 63, 70, 76, 88, 90, 105,* 121,* 124, 164, 183, 210, 239, 256, 264, 279, c. 345, c. 348, d. 351, w. 353, c. 361, 0. 364, w. 365, 372, 377, c. 377, c. 378, c. 393, 394, c. 395, d. 396, c. 397, c. 401, c. 410, c. and w. 427, 471, u. 472, d. 538, w. 583 Lord — Continued. Christopher, 100, 203, 210, 220, 233, 305, c. 549 Daniel, 96,* 101, c. 435, w. 504 Deborah, 78, 526 Deodatus, 13, 26, s. 390, 410, w. 479 Deys [?], c. 336 Edmund, 13,* 24, 31, 39, 46,* 53,* 61, 63, 64, 65, 68,* 71, 75, 80,* 91, 97, 120, 181,* 183, 184, 188, 189, 192,* 194, 195, 199, 200, 206, 207, 212, 213,* 214, 225, 227, 230, 236, 237, 245, 252, 260, 269, 300, 301, c. 324, 330, d. 332, w. and c. 335, c. 354, c. 374, c. 378, d. 380, w. 382, s. 391,* c. 397, s. 418, c. 426, 433, c. 435, 449, 455, s. 473, c. 537, c. 544, c. 551, s. 560, c. 570, o. 580, c. 582, s. 598 Edward, 306, w. 339, w. 573 Elizabeth, 105, 111, 120, 172, 186, 206, 213, 233, 239, 241, 280, 307, 311, 538, 595 EUus, 189 EUen, 308 Esther, 65, 70, 124, 157, 218, 239, 289, 297 Francis, 1 Grace, 24, 26, 51, 64, 98, 229, 280 Hannah, 237 Henry, 233, 239, d. 478, 489, w. 577, c. 583 Isaac, d. 345, c. 346, 371, 372, d. 389, 433, w. 464 Isabel, 92, 111, 158, 195, 264, 538 James, 8,* 26, 42, 46, 53,* 55,* 62, 63, 70, 74, 75, 92, 97, 100, 108, 116, 121,* 124, 127, 128, 132, 134,* 136, 145, 147, 150,* 152, 156, 157, 160,* 163, 171,* 172, 181, 183, 189, 196,* 200, 203, 210,* 214, 217, 227, 230,* 234, 239, 240, 243, 256, 280, 287, 290, 292, 294, 296, 304,* 307, 315, 317, w. 365, s. 437,* c. 462, d. 487, c. 489, 497, c. 497, u. 504,* 506, c. 507, w. 508, c. 517, 517, i;. 521, INDEX OF NAMES 665 Baptisms... 1-248. Afamoj/es.,, 249-3 18. Bwria/s,. .319-599. Lord, James — Continued. c. 527, d. 531, c. 534, 536, w. 545, s. 559, s. 573, w. 580, w. 591, 0. 593, d. and s. 598 Jane, 20, 95, 145, 160, 184, 193, 220, 225, 243, 292, 296, 303 Jenet, 311 Jeremiah, 63, 70, 81, 98, 111, 135, 144, 203,* 259, 285, c. 383, d. and c. 422, w. 438, c. 440, d. 524, d. 542 John, 2, 7, 8, 17, 20, 23, 24, 33, 34, 37, 39,* 44,* 51, 55, 62,* 66, 69,* 70, 76, 83, 87, 88, 90, 95, 99,* 100, 107, 108, 111, 115, 116, 120, 122, 124, 127, 132, 135, 137, 140,* 142,* 143, 144, 150,* 152, 156,* 158,* 164, 167,* 170, 176, 178, 187, 194, 196, 213, 215, 225, 230, 233, 234, 235, 238, 241, 243,* 245, 247, 248, 276, 277, 283, 287, 290, 301, 306, 307, 310, 311, 312, 315, 317, c. 327, c. 335, 335, c. 345, 347, w. 365, 375, 0. 383, 396, u. 409, 421, d. 423, 428, c. 435, w. 437, c. 439,* c. 445, c. 450, s. 453, w. and d. -454, w. and d. 458, 458, 461, s. 462, s. 464, w. 464, d. 471, c. 477, 477, c. 483, w. 496, 500, c. 500, e. 501, c. 505, c. 510, c. 515, w. 518, c. 522, 529,* u. 531, w. 549, d. 549, w. 553, w. 556, 0. 573, u. 575,* 577, u. 580, 586, c. 597, 599 Joseph, 38, 170, 228, 280, 301 Joshua, 296 Judith, 301, 305, 310 Katherine, 46, 597 Lawrence, 101, 313, c. 580 Lydia, 293 Margaret, 267 Martha, 183, 189, 250, 254, 297 Mary, 24, 31, 33, 47, 49, 60, 71, 75, 81, 87, 95, 111, 121,* 147, 148, 150, 156, 162, 163, 183, 185, 187. 188, 199, 203, 206, 215, 230, 235, 238, 239, 240, 246, 263, 264, 269, 271,* Lord, Mary — Continued. 275, 278, 285, 286, 293, 294, 302, 303, 307, 309, 310, 311, 315,* 317, 318, 538 Nathan, 308 N.X.N., 115, 128, 150, c 370 Phoebe, 225 PrisciUa, 260, 272 Prudence, 129 Rachel, 212 Richard, 23, 28, 37, 46, 54,* 78, 120, 129, 148, 247, 252, 260, 315, w. 373, 394, 397, s. 399,* s. 442, 443, 445, d. 446, w. 457, c. 463, c. 484, c. 489 Robert, 26, 49, 61, 72,* 91, 186, 190, 194, 217, 253, d. 386, 496, w. 500 Ruth, 243 Samuel, 16, 80, 313 Sarah, 70, 91, 116, 177, 178, 207, 208, 219, 275 Simeon, 83, 95, 116, 150, 186, 193, 208, 218, 221, 231,* 243, 246, 247, 273,* 310, s. 507, d. 509, 511, c. 567 Susan, 107, 136, 144, 291 Thomas, 2, 13, 16, 44,* 46, 47, 74, 122, 137, 150,* 158,* 160, 170, 181, 185, 194, 207,* 219, 221, 245,* 283, 290, 293, 300, w. 320, u. 328, 376, c. 378, s. 379, s. 422, c. 527, d. 554, 560, d. 566, d. 582, u. and w. 595 WiUiam, 66, 162, 186, 229, 239, 247, 295, 312, 334, w. 544, w. 569, c. 587 Loton, Lotton, Loughton see Lawton Low (Loe, Looe) see also Law Ann, 97, 295, 307 Christopher, w. 389 EUzabeth, 248, 317, 455 Ellis, 121 James, UO, 539, c. 578 Jane, 84, 300 Jenet, 287 John, 84, 97, UO, 121, 221,* 237, 269, 298, 447, c. 454, c. 476, c. 504, w. 505 Margaret, 536 Martha, 296 Mary, 229, 270, 279 Patience, 248 Robert, 237, 248, 312, c. 578 666 ROCHDALE REGISTERS Baptisms... 1-248. Marriages... 249-318. Burials... 319-599. Low — Continued. Susan, 211, 287 WUUam, 211, 229, 248, 306 Lowton, Loyton, see Lawton Ludson, Mary, 425 Lues, see Lewis Lum, EUzabeth, 201 George, w. 327 John, 201 Jonathan, 554 Lumax, Lummax, see Lomax Lyley, Susan, 276 Lyon, John, 226 Luke, 226 M Machel, AUce, 252 Mackey (Machai, Machay) Edmund, 245 Ellen, 227 Robert, 227, 235,* 245, 313 Macon, Maconn, see Maken Maden (Madden, Madem, Madin, Maiden, Mayden, Meyden) Ann, 85, 197, 262 Edmund, 5, c. 321, ^. 330, 353 EUzabeth, 85, 215 Ellen, 278 James, 57, 121, 167, 289, 316, 473, w. 584 Jane, 30, 297 John, UO, 164, 167, 178,* 188,* 197, 215, 292, 295, c. 458, c. 499, o. 528, d. 549, c. 556, w. 588 Mary, 5, 133, 302 N.X.N., 57 Robert, 17, 30, 164, 362, s. 386, 439, w. 517 Thomas, 17, UO, 121, 133, 279, 694 Maken (Macon, Maconn, Makon) see also Mason Johanna, 288 Mary, 291 Richard, 18, 108, 454, e. 461 Robert, 27 Samuel, 15, 32, 36, 262, w. 378, d. 380, 467, w. 516 Sarah, 15, 32 Susan, 271, 297 WilUam, 4,* 18, 27, 36, 108 s. 373, 436, w. 497 Makerill, Henry, c. 324 Malam (Malum) Henry, w. 324, 332 MaUadew, see Melledew Man, Ann, 209, 229 Man — Continued. EUzabeth, 217 George, 209, 217, 234, 241,* 308, c. 578, c. 584 James, 209, 217, 229, c. 560 Jane, 234 John, 209, c. 566 Mary, 217 Marcer, see Mercer March, see Marsh Marcroft (Marcraft) AUce, 288 James, 23, 43, 109, 441, u. 446,* d. 449, w. 480 Jane, 97, 256 Jeremy, 23 John, 36,* 43, 97, 109,* 129, 274, 367, c. 461, c. 463, s. 490, c. 525, w. 580, c. 586 Joseph, 112, 122, 169, 280, w. 482, d. 487 Katherine, 122 Mary, 112, 129 Michael, w. 340, c. 370, d. 425, 473, d. 480, w. 482 Peter, 303 Robert, 169, 276 Sarah, 290 Thomas, 169 Mareman (Mereman) John, 122 Mary, 141 Thomas, 122, 141 Margerison (Margreson) Henry, 64, 265, w. 390 Jane, 64 Marland, Ann, 5 James, 5, d. 363, w. 385, s. 450, 476, 514 Marler (Marlar) Abraham, 13 Alice, 301 Ann, 13 Mary, 250 Marlden, Ann, 256 Marsar, Marser, see Mercer Marsden Abraham, 126, u. 472, w. 491, c. 494 EUzabeth, 273 George, 341 James, c. 330 John, 126, 316 Susan, 284 Marsh (March) Ann, 107, 217 Christopher, 35 Edmund, 23, 27,* 31, 35, 253, INDEX OF NAMES 667 Baptisms... 1-248. Marriages... 249-318. Burials... 319-599. Marsh, Edmund — Continued. 0. 351, c. 355, 0. 361, s. 533 EUzabeth, 210 Evan, 76, 83, 95, 107, 120, 134, 142, 151, 238, c. 406, d. 465 James, 42, 142 John, 23 Katherine, 134 Lawrence, 95, 210, 217, 228, 238, 0. 582 Mary, 31, 76, 120, 228, 313 Peter, 83 Sarah, 42 WiUiam, 151 Marshall (Marshaw) Ann, 199 Edward, 219 Ferdinand, 91, 103, 136, w. 413, 472 James, 136 Jenet, 579 John, 425, 476 Mary, 103, 301 Robert, 251 WiUiam, 91, 189,* 199, 219, 302, c. 545, c. 578 Marten, N.X.N., c. of w. 458 Mason (Masonn, Masson, Mayson, Mesonn, Meyson) see also Maken Alice, 276 Ann, 171 Caleb, 159 Dorothy, 105, 307 Edmund, 111 Elizabeth, 111, 189 Ellis, 70, 81, 97, 112, 271, 279, w. 422, w. 555 James, 93, 97, 108, 275, c. 447, s. 484, d. 486, w. 487, 488 John, 23, 34, 65, 75, 92,* 111, 127, 183, 266, c. 343, s. 379, c. 400, 462, d. 522, w. 527, 546 Katherine, 159 Martha, 81, 307 Mary, 23, 70, 75, 93, 163, 301, 559 Mr (Magi), 367 Richard, 129 Robert, 34, 108, 167 Sarah, 65, 129 Susan, 122, 144 Thomas, 105, 111, 112, 122, 127, 144, 159,* 163, 167, 171, 177,* 183, 189, 279, c. 438, c. 443, c. 461, c. Mason, Thomas— Continued. 470, w. 491, 0. 510, s. 528' c. 533, c. 535, 537, u. 555 Massay, Thomas, 232* Mather, Ellen, 415 John, c. 464 Peter, 270 Matthew (Mathew) Alice, 103, 140, 278, 313, 317 Ann, 44, 99, 174 Elizabeth, 119, 123, 139 Esther, 119, 528 James, 86, 192,* 197,* 206 211, 216,* 234, w. 421, 433, c. 538, c. 541, w. 542 Jane, 74, 200 John, 52,* 59, 86, 99, 103, 112, 123, 139, 174, 180,* 185, 196, 200, 206, 211, 223,* 235, 242, 279, 299, 327, w, 419, c. 431, d. 510, c. 526, s. 527, c. 547, mother of w. 571, c. 586 Jonathan, 251, w. 338, 346 Katherine, 103 Mary, 59, 185, 234, 242, 296 Nicholas, 5, 112, c. 416 Richard, 5, 66,* 74, 330, 377 Sarah, 140, 196, 235 Thomas, 44 Maud (Moad, Moade, Mod, Mode, Moode) Eysa, 380 John, 252 *S27, o. 333, w. 333, c. 347, w. 347, c. 357, c. 365, 476, 524 Richard, 250 Mawson, Thomas, 143 WilUam, 143 Maxwell, John, 168 Robert, 168, 295, 521, c. 529 Mayden, see Maden Mayson, see Mason Mearcer, see Mercer Meddowcroft (Medcraft, Meddocraft, Meddocroft, Medecroft, Medocraft, Medocroft, Medowcroft) Alice, 26 Ann, 100, 252, 294, 310 Dorothy, 425 Elizabeth, 90, 173 Ellen, 166 Esther, 109 James, 33 Jane, 78 John, 13, 26, 59, 63, 76,* 90 100, 109,* 126, 264, w. 378, i>. 406, 412, c. 438, 668 ROCHDALE REGISTERS Baptisms... 1-248. Marriages... 249-318. BtiriaZs... 319-599. Meddowcroft, John — Continued. w. 445, d. 488, d. 497, 542, 562, w. 579 Katherine, 255, 285, 317 Margaret, 13, 280 Mary, 63, 123, 155, 187, 278 Rebecca, 126 Richard, 94, w. 350, w. 353, c. 361, c. 374, c. 381, c. 388, 393, w. 433 Robert, 147, 155, 166, o. 515,* c. 516 Samuel, 59, 173, 187, 231, 245, 299, 310, c. 568, c. 572 Simon, 231, 245, u. 530, w. and two c. 534 Susan, 260 Thomas, 359 WiUiam, 33, 60,* 78, 94, 109) 123, 147, 2,58, 280, w. 352, s. 468, s. 480, s. 482, w. 487 Medgley, see Midgley Medlebrocke, Medlebroke, see Middlebrooke Medocraft, Medocroft, Medowcroft, see Meddowcroft Megley, see Midgley Mellar, see Jleller Melledew (MaUadew, Meladue, Meledue, Melladay, Melloday, [Meloday) Alice, 107 John, 107, 119, 130,* 142, 315, c. 440, c. 493, w. 510, d. 523 Katherine, 278 Mary, 142, 266 Thomas, 119 Meller (Mellar) Ann, 216 Edmund, 73, 83,* 239, 301, 31.5, c. 423, c. 511, c. 524, w. 525, 591 John, 73, 216, 239, 295, 300, 337, c. 343, c. 587 Mary, 526 Thomas, 270 Melloday, Meloday, see Melledew Mercer (Marcer, Marsar, Marser, Mearcer, Merser) Abraham,, 26, 31, 41, 50, 55, 99, c. 392, d. 403, w. 489, 492 Ann, 144, 286 Dorothy, 31 Edmund, 55 Elizabeth, 41, 293 Mercer — Continued. Isabel, 357 John, 99, 144, 277, 281, 317, w. 426, c. 506, w. 592 Mary, 26, 50 Mereman, see Mareman Mesonn, see Mason Meyden, see Maden Meyson, see Mason Mickelethwaite, Elizabeth, 283 Middlebrooke (Medlebrocke, Medlebroke, Midlebrougli) Mary, 4 Thomaf?, 4, w. 328, d. 376, 516 Midgley (Medgley, Megley) Arthur, 23, w. 328 James, 23 Richard, 252 Thomas, 301 Midlebrough, see Middlebrooke Mill (Millo) Arthur, 248 Frances, 240 James, 177, 240, 241 Martha, 241, 248 Robert, 123 WiUiam, 123, 177, 521 Miller Edmund, 269, c. 402, c. 421, w. 432, c. 433, d. 519 Isaac, 273 James, 356 Jonas, 390 Sarah, 264 The Miller of Ashworth, u. 441 Mills, Daniel, d. 549 John, 548 Margaret, 305 Sarah, 305 Milne (Milln, Millne, Milnes, Milrs Abraham, 19,* 31, 39, 50, 72, 74, 96, 99, UO,* 121, 130, 158, 205, 218, 228, 245, 251, 275, 277, 285, 291, 303, 305, c. 337, w. 377, 414, c. 449, w. 450, w. 457, H. 457, w. 472, 486, c. 494, c. 565, d. 569,* c. 572, w. 576, c. 581, 583, 598 Adam, 49, 90, 100,* 113, 15,5, 293, 313, w. 325 Agnes, 302 Alexander, 283, 342, w. 511, 518 AUce, 20, 62, 65, 66, 78, 80, 84, 103, 120, 124, 125, 134, 143, 147, 171, 187, 237,* 273, 292, 304, 305, 308, 313 INDEX OF NAMES 669 Baptisms... 1-248. Afarriagres,. .249-318. BMWa^s... 319-599. Milne — Continued. Ann, 14, 45, 53, 68, 70, 72, 74, 81, 96, 101, 104, 114, 129, 143,* 152, 153, 164, 171,* 190, 205, 207, 219, 244, 247, 250, 265, 266, 274,* 291, 292, 298,* 302, 305, 533 Anthony, 334 Arthur, 317 Benjamin, 23 Buckley, 232 Charles, 3, 5, 14, 59, 88, 171, 179, 187,* 194, 201, 205, 206, 207, 215, 226, 227, 233, 247, 284, 298, c. 352, 393, 501, c. 503, c. 524, c. 544, c. 554, c. 563, 567, 0. 577, c. 597, 598 Cuthbert, w. 352 Daniel, 46, 60, 167, 202, 219, w. 404, w. 441, c. 553, c. 558, 573, 0. 590, s. 598 Dorothy, 98 Edmund, 33,* 48, 58,* 66, 71, 72, 76, 80, 90, 92,* 94, 95, 104, 106, 114, 161, 166, 178, 185,* 186, 189, 202, 209, 223, 224, 228, 237, 240, 291, 299,* 310, 315, 336, 383, 388, w. 408, s. 442, d. 457, 475, 478, 486, c. 493, w. 509, 0. 519, c. 544, c. 550, c. 567, 579, w. 588, w. 595, 597 Edward, 17, 41, 166, 273, 434, w. 490, d. 554, 561 EUzabeth, 13,* 24, 38, 65, 68, 69, 88, 103, 137, 146, 182, 195, 199, 203, 213, 226, 227, 232, 233, 238, 250, 251, 272, 278, 281, 287, 289, 295, 302, 346, 482, c. 509, 589 Ellen, 115, 166, 281 Ellis, 58, 67,* 76, 88, 102, 188, 255, c. 410, w. 430, d. 441 Esther, 3, 214, 227 ' Francis, 10, 51, 96, 100,* 104, 108, UO, 115, 124, 137, 143, 147, 153, 275, 277, c. 401, c. 436, w. and c. 439, 468, 474, c. 479,* w. 490, d. 557, 569, 579, c. 582 George, 10, 16, 20, 21, 24, 25, 30, 31,* 32, 37, 38,* 39, 44 * 48,* 53, 56,* 57, 58, 65,* 82, 90, 98, 100, 129, Milne, George — Continued. 146, 154, 165,* 228, 247, 248, 253, 256, 285, c. 330, c. 340, c, 341, s. 341, s. 343, 355, s. 356, c. 358, c. 361, c. 377, d. 389, c. 390, w. 394, d. 406, 422, w. 422, 423, 3. 435, 0. and w. 436, 440, w. 447, w. 449, 451, w. 461, 478, w. 484, d. 485, d. 486, 486, w. 488, c. 495, 518, d. 529 Giles, 65 Grace, 66, 102, 202, 228, 240, 259, 291, 317, 335, 510 Isaac, 26, 105, c. 342, w. 344, 492, 534 James, 1,*.'2, 3, 5,* 7, 10, 14, 16, 19,* 20,* 21,* 23, 24, 26, 31, 34, 35, 36,* 38, 43, 45, 46, 47, 48, 50,* 54,* 56, 57,* 58,* 59, 60,* 62,* 63, 65,* 66, 67, 68, 69, 71, 74,r,75, 77, 79, 88,* 89,* 95, 103, 104, 107, UO, 111,* 115, 119, 125, 131, 133, 134,* 137,* 140, 144, 145,* 146,* 152, 155,* 156, 162, 164, 169, 171, 172, 176, 178, 179,* 183,* 186, 187, 188, 190, 191, 193,* 195,* 196, 202,* 204,* 205, 206,* 213, 214, 218, 219,* 225,* 226, 227,* 228,* 230, 232, 234,* 236, 245, 247, 248, 251,* 252, 254, 255,* 259, 263, 272, 284, 287, 290, 292, 296, 298, 299, 300, 302,* 304, 307,* 309, 311, 312, 321,* w. 327, c. 327, c. 336,* w. 336, 340, w. 340, c. 341, c. 342,344, c* andw. 346, 346, c. 347, d. 350, d. 352, B. 365, w. 365, s. 369, 375, 0. 380, 386, c. 387, 388, w. 392, c. 394,* 0. and w. 399, 401, c. and w. 401, c. 402, s. 405, 405, d. 416, d. 428, s. 429, w. 434, c. 438, 440,* d. 440, w. 445, d. 450, w. 452, d. 453, 456,* 464, 466, c. 467, 468, w. 474, d. 476,* w. 476, 479, 484,. 494, 501, d. and w. 505, s. 510, c. 518, s. 521, w. 527, s. 529, ^, 544, c. 550, 556, 557, s. 568, 560, 561, c. 563, .;. 565, 670 ROCHDAlE registers Baptisms... 1-248. Afarrioffes.. .249-318. Buria/s.. .319-599. Milne, James — -Continued. c. 567, 573, 576, c. 579, u. 580, w. 584, 689, i;. 591, c. 594, 594, c. 595, s. 597 Jane, 20, 25, 26, 31, 37, 54,* 58, 74, 89, 115, 119, 124, 132, 137, 156, 182, 219, 245, 258,* 264, 269, 271, 274,* 288, 292, '296, 575 Jeffrey, 50, 72, 79, 90, 92, 104, 116, 255, c. 363,* c. 390, c. 402, c. 413, c. 429, w. 439, 481, s. 559, 571, Joan, 254 John, 2, 5,* 7, 9, 10,* 13, 14, 19, 20,* 24,* 31, 34, 37,* 38,* 39,* 40, 47,* 53, 54, 56, 57, 58,* 65, 66, 74, 77, 78, 79, 82, 83, 84, 86, 87,* 88, 92, 96, 98, 99,* 102, 104, 108, 113,* 120, 129, 131, 104,* 174, 182, 183, 185, 19'2,* 193,* 196,* '200,* 201, 203,* 206, 215,* 221, 224, 228, 232, 237, 238, 244, 246, 251, 264, 255, 2(i0, 266, 269, 295, 297, 300, 301, 313,* 316,* c. 319, s. 324, c. 325, 330, d. 333, w. 334, 353, w. 356, 356, 357, 363, c. 363, c. 373, w. 374, d. 377, c 390, c. 395, 396, w. 407, 408, d. 410, c. 411,* 416, s. 416, 419,* 421, w. 422, d. 430, s. 432, s. 434, c. 442, c. 446,* 448, c. 448, w. 449, w. and c. 453, c. 454, s. 460, c. 463, 467,* u. 476, w. 476, s. 477, c. and w. 486, w. 494, 494, 495, w. 506, 507, c. 512, d. 514, w. 520, 521, 522, d. 627, w. 529,* u. 535, i;. 541, w. 542, 549, c. 550, c. 558, c. 561, w. 561, 564, 565, w. and c. 574, 576, c. 596 Jonas, c. 484 Jonathan, 32, 129,* 134, 154, 175,* 191, 195, 213, 227, 237, 244, 274, 282, 283, 318, c. 359, c. 366, w. 428, w. 441, c. 459, 461, 492, 501, c. 516, w. 543, w. 544, 546, c. 587 Joseph, 43, 46, 75, 158, 205 216, 228, 232, 237, 293, i;. 356, 367, c. and w. 378, [Milne, Joseph— Continued. s. 386, 387, d. 400, w. 431, c. 497, w. 510, w. 571, c. 579, c. 582, w. 592, c. 593, 594 Joshua, 106, 119 Katherine, 135, 167, 179 Margaret, 5,* 8, 66, 83, 90, 129, 143, 186, 199, 274, 309, 313, c. 555, 556 Martha, 25, 54, 92,* 298, 496, 559 Mary, 2, 3, 9,* 14, 19,* 20, 21, 26, 35, 37, 46, 47, 50, 56,* 58,* 72, 74, 79,* 86, 90, 104, UO, 121,* 128, 130, 131, 133, 140, 152, 153, 158, 178, 183, 186, 186, 194, 195, 196, 202, 205, 230, 236, 244, 261,* 253,* 255, 272, 273,* 275, 282,* 284, 286, 287, 293, 294,* 296, 297, 299, 304, 309, 312, 314, 316, 317, 362, 479, 541, 577 N.X.N., 48, 102, 132, 136, 219, 221, w. 360 " Old," 349 Ralph, 14, 221, u. 372, 450, w. 477 Richard, 9, 15,* 21,* 23. 51, 62,99, 113, 128, 135, 142,* 155, 161, 166, 176, 178, 215, 221, 226, 232, 245, 344, c. 347, 348, w. 425, w. 441, c. 446,' c. 453, c. 457, c. 463, c. 466, o. 487, o. 491, 492, d. 494, c. 504, w. 516, c. 530, w. 534, w. 547, s. 556, c. 562, s. 575, 593 Robert, 1, 2, 5, 6, 8, 13,* 15,* 23, 24, 25, 27,* 28,* 31, 35,* 37, 41,* 47,* 48, 49,* 50, 51,* 53, 57, 60, 70, 80, 92, 98, 103, 104, 119, 124, 131, 153, 162, 189, 249, 253,* 256, 283, 292, 304, 311, d. 320, 324, c. 325, w. 332, c. 339, 352, c. 354, w. 375, c. 379, d. 379, d. 384, 397, c. 403, w. 404, d. 413, d. 418, c. 425, 436, w. 437, s. 438, s. 440, c. 440, w. 449, 0. 453, s. 455, c. 467, w. 482, 490, d. and s. 499, 517, w. 587 Roger, 295 INDEX OF NAMES BapiisTOs... 1-248. Ai'amaj/es... 249-3 18. Burials... 319-599. 671 Milne — Continued. Samuel, 1, 10,* 17, 31,* 37, 49, 63, 68, 79, 116, 152, 155,* 158, 174, 176, 251, 200, 283, 289, d. 321, 331, w. 335, 351, 0. 352, w. 364, w. 398, c. 400, s. 489, 491, 492, w. 506, u. 553, w. 560* Sarah, 67, 89, 100, 107, 137, 209, 213, 219,* 236, 249, 259, 292, 302, 31'2, 317 Susan, 6, 30, 92, 169, 216, 302, 536 Thomas, 13, 37, 40, 41, 57, 74, 81,* 92, 94, 101, 105, UO, 144, 171, 172, 176, 182, 215, 223, 246, 271, 345, w. 348, 365, s. 396, i;. 398, 408,* c. 422, c. 425, c. 426, c. 429, c. 432, w. 434, 450, w. 462, c. 528, c. 553 Unity, 195 Widow, 367 WiUiam, 80, 81, 102, 222,* 236, 297, c. 560, w. 566 Zachary, 19,* u. 343, c. 352, 356 Milnor, Jonas, w. 374 MitcheU (Mitchel, Muchell) Jenet, 315 John, 501, w. 512, d. 513 Joseph, 252 Susan, 258 Moad, Moade, Mod, Mode, see Maud Modsley, John, c. 362 Molenex, MoUneaux, see MulUnex MoneU [or] MoueU " Old," 349 Monks (Monkes, Munke) Prudence, 254 Rebecca, 591 WilUam, w. 418 Moode, see [Maud Moor, John, 234 Urxilla, 234 Moores, see also [Morris John, 3 Richard, 3, c. 326 MorcUffe, Sarah, 280 Mores, see Morris Moreton, see Morton Morgetroyd, see Murgatroyd Morris ([Mores, Morres) see also Moores Edward, 337 Jane, 16 Morris — Continued, Moses, 348 Richard, 16, u. 3'29, o. 340, c. 352 Sarah, 279 Morte, George, 19 John, 19 Morton ([IVIoreton) Jane, 192 Matthew, 227 Mr, 581 Richard, 208 Samuel, 184, 192, 197,* 208, 218, 227, c. 541, c. 571, s. 580, c. 581 Thomas, 218 WUliam, 184 Mosse, Joseph, c. 343 Motteram, WilUam, 501 MoueU [or] MoneU " Old," 349 Mourlh, " Young," d. 350 Muchell, see Mitchell MulUnex (Molenex, Molineairx, Mulanex, Mulenex, MuUanex, MuUiax) AUce, 294 Jane, 61, 80 John, 61, 70,* 80, 97, 118, 129, 138, 145, 164, 264, 276, 282, w. 401, c. 417, c' 422, c. 471, w. 612, u. 5'25, 527, c. 585 Margaret, 61, 300 Mark, 138 Martha, 97 Mary, 97, 118 Matthew, 129, 145 Matthias, 164 Richard, c. 327, 327, w. 432 Robert, 346 Muncast, John, 255 Munke, see Monks Murgatroyd (Morgetroyd, Murgretroyd) James, 325 Phoebe, 272 Richard, 451 Myles, Thomas, w. 524 N Nabb, Alice, 275 Naden (Nayden) John, 170, 204 N.X.N., 204 Sara, 170 Susan, 318 672 ROCHDALE REGISTERS Bopiisms... 1-248. Marriages... 249-318. Burials, ,.319-599. Nayler (Nealer) Henry, 314 Isaac, w. 329 James, 28, w. 396 Jane, 28 John, w. 581 Richard, d. 335, s. 336, w. 345 Robert, w. 329 Neeld, Nicholas, 281 Newall (Newell, NewhaU, Newwall) EUzabeth, 8, 523 Jarrett, c. 320, c. 337, w. 341, 391 Lawrence, 8, 191, w. 326, 353 Margaret, 166 Mary, 149, 278 Robert, 9, 185, c. 343, 395, s. 403, w. 405, w. 468, d. 489, 507 Samuel, 9 Sarah, 157 Simeon, 149, 157, 166, 191, c. 523 WUliam, 185, w. 541, 575 Newbej', see Newby Newbold (Newbord) Alice, 141, 230 Ann, 90, 205, 307 Edward, 9, 22,* 40, 44, 135, 141, 146, c. 340, w. 342, c. 343, c. 466, 490 EUzabeth, 54 Esther, 196, 291 James, 9, 68, 393 Jane, 45, 188, 271, 286 John, 44, 54, 68, 90, 107, 179, 188, 196, 205, 230, 300, c. 384, w. 394, s. 426, 438, ». 452 Mary, 33, 68, 107, 146, 179, 286 Samuel, 33, 40, 45, 54,* 68, 81,* 135, 254, 267, c. 380, w. 436, 452 Newby (Newbey, Nubey) AUce, 168 Ann, 181, 187 EUzabeth, 162, 237 Frances, 177 Isaac, 61, 166, 187, 196, 207, 220, 237, 296 James, 77, 143, 220, 248 Jane, 36, 172, 207, 214 John, 91, 154, 166, 231 Jonas, 4'2, 140, 143, 149, 162, 172, 288, c. 492, c. 545, 580 Joshua, 68, 154, 168, 177, 181, 193, 202,* 214, 231, 248, 292, K>. 502, c. 503, c. 526 Newby — .Continued. Mary, 140, 196 Susan, 149, 317 WUUam, 36, 42, 52,* 61, 68, 77, 91, 193, d. 379, c. 425, c. 430, c. 447, w. 475, 520 Newell, NewhaU, see Newall Newton, AUce, 284 ¦ EUzabeth, 283 George, 14* John, 449 Martha, 263 Mary, 298 Mr, 449 Robert, 102, UO, 278, '298, c. 439 Samuel, 102 Sarah, UO Newwall, see Newall Nickholson, Susan, 300 Noble, Alexander, 61* Norbacke, Daniel, 132 WilUam, 132 Normand, Mary, 300 Normanton, Al[)raham, 71 Michael, 273 Sarah, 71 Norris, Neamias, c. 589 Northend, John, 305 No Surname Abel, 154 Abrahain, 137, 219, 284, c. 365 Adam, 211 AUce, 204, 214 Ann, 12, 62, 137, 138, 163, 277, 284, 297 Charles, 76 Deaf Cate, 337 Deborah, 12 Dorothy, 190 Edmund, c. 371 Edward, 275 EUzabeth, 20, 24, 101, 158, 165, 220, 227, 285, 576 Ellen, 229 Emmen, 254 Esther, 284 Grace, 34, 135 Hanna, 284 Henry, 276, c. 338, s. 356 Isaac, c. 579 James, 18,* 111, 189, s. 371, 437, 526 Jane, 46, 217, 251,* 272, 317 John, 17,* 25, 36, 45,* 78, 145, 193, c. 353 Jonathan, c. 420 Joseph, c. 338 Katherine (Kate), 34, 131, 337 INDEX OF NAMES 673 BopKsTOS... 1-248. Afan-iagres... 249-318. B«Wa/s... 3 19-699. No Surname — Continued. Leonard, 210, c. 361 Mary, 26, 42, 53, 135, 140, 205, 215, 296 Michael, 62 Mr, 400 Nathaniel, c. 350 Nicholas, 94 Old Ceceley, 384 Randle, 359 Richard, 20, 40, 145, 285, w. 370, c. 431 Robert, 42,* 190, 296 Samuel, 211 Sarah, 17, 251* Simeon, 208 Solomon, 229 Susan, 20, 133, 284 Thomas, 31, 189, 192 WilUam, 20, 192, w. 390, c. 561 Nottall, see [NuttaU Nowell (Nowel) Dorothy, 280 Lawrence, 251 Nowles, see Knowles Nubey, see Newby Nutt, Marv, 271 " Nuttall (Nottall, Nutall) AUce, 86, 129, 212, 231, 245, 255, 305, 306, 311 Ann, 216 Charles, 75, 86, 202, 209, 228, 237, 245, c. 446, w. 632, 566, w. 595 Christopher, 22, 33, 56, 253, 278, c. 340, c. 344, w. 416, w. 517, w. 531, 532 Elizabeth, 22, 56, 113, 142, 145, 221, 237, 242, 268, 291, 317, 318 Ellen, 155 ElUs, c. 403 George, 327 Grace, 33, 127, 166, 301 Henry, 2, 17, 79, 87,* 98, 113, 125, 129, 131, 142, 148, 155, 160, 161, 162, 209, 231, 243, 273, 313, 338, c. 368, 370, d. 379, w. 385, w. 412, c. 413, c. 452, c. 461, 465, 0. 494, w. 558, d. 563, d. 566 James, 6,* 18, 150, 152, 161, 162, 169, 170,* 182, 196, 221, 291, 0. 353, d. 450, s. 501, 508, w. 515, c. 520, u. 672, c. 593, w. 596 Jane, 44, 114, 253, 260, 304, 305 Nuttall — Continued. John, IS,* 33, 105,* 114 128 * 139, 150, 1R9, 170, 182 202, 204, 212, 220,* 221^ 251, 275, 2S6, 31,5, d. 427^ li. 497,* s. 536, w. 550, c. 564, li. 572, 574, c. 593 Joseph, 7, 9, w. 418, 439 Joshua, 204 Margaret, 308 Martha, 221 Mary, 75, UO, 125, 148, 152, 153, 216, 228, 234, 243, 265, 279, 302, 300, 315, c. 595 Mr, 270* N.X.N., 98, 235 Richard, 276, w. 403,* d. 403 c. 407 Samuel, 2 Stephen, 33, c. 341, w. 392, c. 531, s. 543, 560 Susan, 17, 44, 132, 196 278 286 Thomas, 131, w. 330, 362 c. 360, B. 362, w. 376, 430, 461 Widow, 594 William, UO, 121,* 127, 132, 136,* 139, 145, 153, 160, 166, 170, 234, 236, 242, 280, c. 449, c. 460, c- 466, c. 483, c. 503, c. 515, c. 586, c. 598 Nutter, EUis, 280 O Ogden (Ogdin) Abigail, 64 Abraham, 31, 64, 73, 121, 153,* 159, 172, 179, 190,* 345, s. 368, c. 455, c. 592,* c. 596 Adam, 96, 105, 397, w. 420, c. 421 Alice, 29, 34, 43, 54, 57, 73, 186, 251, 252, 292, 295, 296, 586 Amos, 67 Ann, 25, 67, 73, 103, 134, 151, 169, 249, 253, 254, 257, 298, 327 " Captain," c. 358 Charles, 16,* 25, 56, 64, 71, 78, 91, 92, 101, 103, 108,* 118, 120, 134, 137,* 141, 153, 159, 207, 217, 218, 228, 234, 246, 259, 310,* SS 674 ROChdAlE registers Baptisms... 1-248. Marriages... 249-318. Burials .. .319-599. Ogden, Charles — Continued. c. 345, c. 401, c. 408, c. 413, c. 431, 444, c. 455, d. 459, c. 465, c. 467, c. 486, w. 492, li. 494, c. 500, s. 520, 527, c. 578 Edmund, 17,* 29, 36, 39,* 43, 45, 46,* 53,* 64, 65, 67, 71, 73, 79, 87, 103, 104, 118, 121, 130, 160, 164, 169, 190,* 196, 199, 201, 206, 256, 279, 288, c. 323, 324, w. 335, 349, c. 357, c. 362, c. 379, w. 412, c. 439,* c. 443, 454, b. 459, li. 461, 474, c. 484, w. 515, s. 546, w. 552, c. 559, c. 571 Elizabeth, 8, 9, 16, 36, 101, 159, 160, 168, 174, 198, 249, 309, 511 EUen, 50, 160 Esther, 39 Frances, 340 Francis, w. 321, 325, w. 393, Grace, 265 Isaac, 277 Isabel, 101, 252 James, 6, 13, 23, 42, 49, 53, 87, 104, 168, 174, 178, 180, 183, 190, 199, 244, 297, 299, 300, c. 319, 325, s. 422, w. 478, w. 486, c. 517, c. 530, w. 534, 534, s. 564, c. 577 Jane, 8, 46, 282, 288, 333 John, 8, 13, 23, 24,* 29, 31, 35, 39, 40, 45, 49, 60,* 64, 67, 73,* 95,* 101, 112, 118, 146,* 153, 160, 169,* 172, 178, 179,* 180, 183, 185, 186, 190, 198, 199, 207, 210,* 217, 220, 231,* 244, 245, 253, 254, 261, 262, 269, 290, 297, c. 325, c. 338, s. 346, c. 354, c. 356, s. 364, c. 370, w. 374, c. 378, w. 384, c. 392, w. 396, c. 397, w. 399, c. 406, w. 452, s. 468, 475, w. 485, 516, 521, w. 630, c. 543, c. 551, c. 563, d. 563, c. 567, 570, c. 571, c. 575 Joseph, 18, 28, 38, 46,* 54, w. 323, c. 347, 378 Margaret, 120 Martha, 8, 67, 271 Ogden — Continued. Mary, 4, 6, 10, 18, 29, 38, 40, 46, 53, 91, 103, 118, 164, 179, 185, 228, 246, 292, 293, 305, 349, 523, 578, 579 Nicholas, 9, 30, 329, w. 361, d. 385 N.X.N., c. 355, c. 562 Phffibe, 201 Rachel, 71 Rebecca, 130 Richard, 7,* 8,* 16, 21,* 35, 57, 67, 79, 96, 105, 151, 159, 160,* 169, 179, 192, 199, 205,* 206, 210,* 234, 246, 249, 251, 291, 293, 303, 306, 307, 316, w. 320, w. 328, c. 330, w. 334, 347, 406, w. 431, d. 441, s. 484, c. 509, c. 512, c. 519, w. 520, c. 628, w. 535, c. 539, w. 546, 558, c. 564, w. 565, c. 566, w. 570 Robert, 4, 5, 64, 65, 71, 92, 179, d. 331, 332, ». 351, 383, d. 389, d. 427, w. 440, 491, 518, w. 534 Roger, 15, 18, 24,* 28, 30, 78, 141, 331 Samuel, 18, 196, 271, 465, w. 534 Sarah, 5, 56, 169, 192, 218, 303, 551, 589 Susan, 112, 220, 287, 298 Thomas, 10, 15, 26,* 30, 34, 42, 50, c. 341, c. 343, c. 346,* d. 375, c. 379 WiUiam, 287 Ogleby (Oglebey) Alice, 25 Grace, 483 James, 249, 381 Jane, 31, 37 John, 25, 31, 37, c. 342, c. 348 Richard, d. 361, 362, w. 395 Susan, 266 Okie [or] Okis Thomas, c. 320 Oldfeild, Thomas, 9* Oldham (Oldam, Ouldham) Benjamin, 220 Dorothy, 230 EUzabeth, 26, 255, 265, 298 John, 37 Judeth, c. 320, 486 Margaret, 250 Richard, 213, 220, 230, 239* Robert, 213 INDEX OF NAMES 675 Bapiisms... 1-248. Afarriagres... 249-318. Burials.., 319-599. Oldham — Continued. Thomas, 26, 37, 41,* 253, c. 352, c. 359, w. 436, s. 484, 550 Ormerodd (Oremerod, Ormerood, Ormerrod, Ormerrodd, Ormrod, Ormrood) Abraham, c. 350, c. 352 Ann, 117, 276, 280 EUzabeth, 274 James, 31* Jane, 283 Jenet, 296 Lawrence, 97 Lettice, 281 IVfary, 109 Richard, 97, 109, 117, 131,* 275, 288 Orrell, Edmund, 11 John, 11 Orsborne, Robert, c. 440 Ott, N.X.N., w. 366 Ottley, Thomas, 253 Ouldham, see Oldham Overall, Richard, 296 Owen, AUce, 278 Isabel, 83 Richard, 83, li. 411 P: Mr, 281 Palmer, Jeffrey, 295 Parcifeild, see PercifuU Pares, Ann, 26, 32 James, 17 John, 251 Robert, 17, 26, 32, c. 343, 356, d. 380, w. 383 Parken (Perken) John, w. 337, c. 338 Parker, [Elizabeth, 4 John, 4, 16,* 460 Mary, 279 Parkinton, John, u. 365 Parr, Robert, 296 Parren, Mary, 117 Mr, 445 Thomas, 117, 445 Parrey, Mr, 283 Parsavale, Parsavel, Parsavell, Parsevile, [Parsivale, see PercifuU Parson, Mary, 467 Partenton, Mary, 278 Partman [or] Pantman John, 581 Pasevuile, see PercifuU Pawlett, see PolUtt Peanocke [? Place Name] N.X.N., w. 324 Pearesonn, Bridget, 256 Pedley (Peddley, Pedlow) Alexander, w. 450 AUbiniah, 74 Ann, 51, 297 EUzabeth, 235 James, 101, 214, 221, 235, 246 c. 568 John, 34, 214, 288, c. 478, w. 484, 493, d. 534 Mary, 30, 41 Patience, 246 Robert, 30, 34, 41, 61, 74, 80, 91,* 101, 221, 244, 271, c. 346, w. and c. 395, c. 403, s. 456, c. 459, c. 465, d. 489, 594 Samuel, 244 Susan, 80 Pelkendon, see Pilkington Pellen, see Pilling Pendlebm-v, Alice, 263 Ann, 298, 541 Judeth, 578 Robert, 303 Roger, 528 Pendleton, Ann, 281 Francis, 17 James, 137 Jane, 273 John, 136 Roger, 136, 137 Sarah, 269 Thomas, 17 PercifuU (Parcifeild, Parsavale, Parsavel, [Parsavell, Parsevile, Parsivale, Pasevuile, Persevaell, Persevile) Alice, 68, 576 EUzabeth, 122 James, 68, 91, li. 404, c. 413,* d. 414, two c. 440, 535 John, 91 Mr, 423 Robert, 584 Perken, see Parken Pickup (Piccop, Piccopp, Pickhop, Pickop, Pickupp, Picop, Picopp) AUce, 3, 162, 280, 539 Ann, 279 Edmund, 211, 222, 233, 246, 308 EUzabeth, 266, 539 George, 265 676 ROCHDALE REGISTERS Baptisms,,. 1-248, Marriages,,, 249-318. Burials... 3 19-599. Pickup — Continued. Henry, 124 Isabel, 258 James, 3, 154, 162, 178, 189,* 233, c. 320, c. 333, 411, 525, 564 Jane, 252 John, 124, 246, 280, 451 Margaret, 413 Mary, 178, 314 N.X.:N., 211 Sarah, 154 Susan, 222, 314 Pigot (Pigott) Henry, 81, 8'2, 173, 216, 295, 613, w. 557 Mr, 295, 296, 513 Pike, Margaret, 281 Pilkington (Pelkendon, Pilkenton, Pilkinton) Abraham, 156 AUce, 281 EUzabeth, 154 Francis, 27, 36, 53, r. 344, 474, w. 477 James, 53, 74, 136, 156, c. 494 John, 27, 109 Margaret, 259 Mary, 74, 144 Roger, 36, 144, 154, 167,* 287, c. 498 Thomas, 109, 136, 280, w. 445 PUUng (Pellen, PilUnge) Abraham, 90, 291 Adam, c. 329 Ann, 254 Edmund, 121, 316, i;. 596 James, 75, c. 525 Jane, 174 John, 47,* 66,* 75, 90, 107, 121, 160, 174, 275, 316, c. 365, c. 370, c. 381, c. 403, w. 416, c. 428, c. 472, 506, w. 517, 524, d. 561 Mary, 107, 160, 291, 315 N.X.N., c. 391 Widow, 593 Pitt, Ann, 281 Piatt (Plat) Ann, 95, 471 Joseph, 165* Martha, 297 aiary, 95 PoUard (PoUord) EUzabeth, 50 James, 208 John, 208, 219 Pollard — Continued, Mary, 219 Richard, 50 Robert, 448 PoUitt (Pawlett, PoUet, PoUett, PoUit) Abraham, 5 Edmund, 288 Ellen, 296 James, 193 John, 44,* 256, w. 585 Katherine, 126 Mary, 282 Mr, 269,* 270* N.X.N., c. 365 Richard, 12, 109, 126 Robert, 193, c. 382, c. 407, w. 449, c. 515, w. 539, 566 Thomas, 5, 12, 109, 126, 282, 362, w. 453, c. 453, c. 456, w. 403, d. 477 PoUord, see PoUard Poole (Pooley) WiUiam, 32,* 254, 347 Porland, Richard, 27 Thomas, 27 Posnett, Thomas, d. 372 PoaUton, James, c. 352 PoweU, John, 288 Widow, 436 PraweU, see Prowel Preistly, see Prestley Prescott (Prescod, Prescodd, Prescot, Prestcod, Prestcodd, Prestcott) Ann, 113 EUzabeth, 133, 197 James, 121 John, 90 Marv, 100, 304 N.X.N., 197 Richard, 90, 100, 113, 121, 133, c. 398, c. 408, w. 524, s. 537, 569 Prestley (Preistly) EUzabeth, 292 Henrv, 47* Judith, 253 Samuel, 327 Prince, John, 259 Prise, Francis, 296 Mr, 296 Prowel (PraweU) Matthew, 231 Sarah, 168 Robert, 203 Thomas, 168, 203, 231 • • INDEX OF NAMES 677 Baptisms... 1-248. Afomoffes.. .249-318. BwriaZs... 3 19-599. R Radcliffe (Radcliff, Radlife, RatcUffe) Ann, 78, 577 Elizabeth, 35 Joseph, 337 Peter, 78 Saville, 3, 35, w. 335, c. 358 Susan, 3, 306 Ragfoote, N.X.N. (Sister), 351 Rainard, Margaret, 271 Ramesden, see Ramsden Ramsbotham (Ramsbothom, Ramsbothome, Romsbotham, Romsbothom) Abraham, 13, 196, 212, 298, 321, 548 AUce, 254, 303 Ann, 51, 120, 137, 308, 313, 563 Benjamin, 236 Deborah, 252 Edmund, 17, d. 346, d. 389, d. 397, 475, w. 478 EUzabeth, 43, 125, 136, 196, 260, 272, 301, 548 George, s. 367, 388 Grace, 87 Henry, 229, w. 390 Isaac, 4, 125, 131, 321, w. and two c. 493, d. 532, w. 549 James, 97,* 120, 136, 186, 240, 277, 287, 298, w. 462, 469, c. 479, c. 531 Jane, 115, 131 Jeffrey, 361 John, 70, 97, 212,* 219, 229, 240, 266, 309, w. 567, c. 584 Joseph, 4, 13, 38, 43, 51, 58, 70, 76, 87, 97, 107,* 115, 137, 236, 311, 314, s. 324, w. 327, 333, s. 363, c. 449, w. 575 Jude, 581 Judith, 17, 76, 97, 278 Lawrence, 321 Mary, 97, 186, 212, 292, 309 Mr, w. 497 N.X.N., 219, 256 Rebecca, 311 Richard, 38, u. 322, 348, d. 358 Samuel, 58 Sarah, 256 Ramsden (Ramesden, Romsden) Ann, 560 EUen, 254 Ramsden — Continued. George, 250, 254 Grace, 244 John, 10, 282, 303, 339, 560, c. 567 Joseph, 10 Mary, 252 Mr, 237, 314 Robert, 328 Samuel, 237,* 244, 314, o. 593 Randall, John, 516 Ratcliffe, .^ee [Radcliffe Rawleigh, Edward, 325 Rawson, Richard, 281 Rawstorne, see Rosthorne Read, Abraham, 182 [Edward, 25 Henry, 182 Sarah, 25 Readshaw (Redshaw) Henry, 127, 138, 148, 285 Mary, 148 Richard, 138 WilUam, 127 Redfern (Readfearne, Readferne, Redfearne, Redferne) Abel, 2,* 13, 30, d. 408, 493 Abigail, 166 AUce, 44, 120, 207, 230, 289 Ann, 26, 30, 112, 150, 245 Edmund, 25, 74, 88, 100, 120, 125, 134, 191, 230, 243,* 272, c. 404, 430, c. 447, c. 466, c. 597 Edward, 237 Elizabeth, 117 Esther, 254 Gabriel, 26, 423, w. 476 Gerrard (Jarratt), 11, 26, 74, 144, 224, w. 348, d. 375, d. 390, 447, d. 487 Grace, 128, 311 James, 35, 44, 73, 156, 332, 377, w. 386, w. 400, w. 431, d. 492, w. 528 Jane 60, 182, 270, 284, 539 John, 2, 13, 22, 26, 28, 72, 100, 131, 138, 141, 150, 207, 213, 224, 230, 237, 245, 288, 307, c. 468, 534 Jonathan, 60, 72, 112, 128, 266, 281, c. 427, w. 430, c. 467, w. , 509, 590, w. 593 Margaret, 35, 107, 312 Mary, 36, 138, 139, 141, 147, 151, 178, 197, 213, 266, 272,* 274, 285, 316 N.X.N., 523 678 ROCHDALE REGISTERS Baptisms... 1-248. Afarriogies... 249-318. Buriais... 319-599. Redfern — -Continued. Rachel, 156 Rebecca, 174, 217 Richard, 2, 7,* 11, 20,* 107, 117, 130, 134, 144, 147, 161, 156,* 165, 166, 174, 182, 280, 287, 300, w. 366, 473, w. 511, c. 515, 519, c. 524, d. 526 Robert, 88, 178, 183, 191, 197, 205,* 217, 230, 300, d. 364, 523, c. 575 Sarah, 131 Susan, 73, 125, 183 Thomas, 20,* 22, 25, 28, 36, 43,* 130, 139, 165, 321, w. 325, w. 331, c. 340, c. 348, w. 351, 355, c. 362, 367,* 478, 540 Redford, Mary, 261 Redihough, Ann, 269 Redley, Alexander, 285 Redshaw, see Readshaw Renshaw (Rentshow) Henry, 530 Mary, 271 Richard, 222, 556 Susan, 237 WUUam, 222, 237, 312 Rentford, Charles, 590 Rentshow, see Renshaw Reyley, see Riley fRhodes (Roades, Roads, Roaids, Rod, Rodd, Rodds, Rodes, Rods , Roods) see also Roycls and Rudd Abel, 7, 12, 21, 22, 29, 32, 42, 50, 59,* 70, 89, 102, 159, 250, 251, c. 336, w. 348, c. 355, d. 404, d. 418, c. 427, 432, 447, w. 453, li. 458, li. 492, w. 576 Abraham, 29, 58, 72, 87, 99, 107,* 111, 262, w. 330, c. 360, s. 367, c. 384, w. 416, c. 428, 429, 433, c. 449, d. 461, d. 462, d. 466, c. 479 Alexander, 85, 186, 221, 238, w. 491, c. 531, c. 554, c. 567, c. 593 AUce, 7, 99, 163, 283, 286, 291 Ann, 59, 70, 117,* 121, 124, 144, 274, 309 Charles, 148 Deborah, 12, 22 Rhodes— Continued. Edmund, 385, li. 511 Edward, 102, c. 543 EUzabeth, 20, 89, 178, 564 Esa, 449 George, 92, 103, 236, 275, 281, 291, c. 351, w. 421, d. 506, 515, 580 Grace, 25, 103, 275, 289 Henry, 32, 40, 148, c. 405 James, 5, 12, 25, 50, 58, 85, 134, 161, 188, 200, 209,* 217, 220, 232, 236, 290, 294, 305, i;. 339, c. 345, 346, 354, c. 357, s. 368, c. 373, 380, c. 385, c. 390, d. 396, s. 397, s. 399, d. 404, d. 411, c. 420, w. 428. d. 430, B. 430, 433, u. 444, d. 467, w. 469, w. 474, w. 479, c. 490, w. 492, 0, 565, c. 578, c. 593, 595 Jane, 5, 29, 32, 35, 92, 125, 158, 159, 188, 255, 281,* 293, 299 John, 29, 50,* 76, 87, 158, 163, 185, 20.5, 249, 258, 273, 283, 303, 310, 334, c. 344, c. 361, w. 367, w. 379, c. 382, c. 389, d. 397, c 400, s. 402, c. 407, d. 410, w. 410,* c. 418, w. 429, 430, li. 446, 453, d. 468, 489, w. 497, c. 512, d. 520, c. 540, w. 543, o. 544, w. 552, c. 592 Joseph, 139, 163 Joshua, 136, 149 Judeth, 252, 289, 433 Katherine, 50 Margaret, 586 Mary, 42, 76, 125, 140, 149, 161, 232, 249, 250, 254, 265, 270,* 282, 287, 293, 296, 311, 375, 510 N.X.N., c. 418, c. 446 Reynald (Renny), 111, 125, 136, 140, 144, 156, 163, c. 440 Richard, 40, 267 Robert, 59, 87, 101, 112,* 117,* 125, 134, 139, 149, 178, 281, 286, c. 440,* c. 450, w. 454, c. 456, i;. 474, w. 580 t "Rhodes, Royds and Rudd," have evidently been confused in Original, INDEX OF NAMES 679 BopJisms... 1-248. ATamosfes... 249-318. Burials... 319-599. Rhodes — Continued. Samuel, 87, 124, 133, 149, 156, 217, 258, 280, 383, two c. 443, c. 479, c. 499, 0. 503, w. 520, 554, 560 Sarah, 12, 101, 185, 194, 238, 272, c. 534 Savel, c. 349 Susan, 72, 133, 200, 221, 253, 260, 475, 554 Thomas, 32, 121, 205, 284, 373, 448, c. 456 WilUam, 20, 21, 35, 40,* 50, 155,* 186, 194, 220, 223,* 250, 289, c. 333, c. 340, c. 344, c. 348, 368, u. 384, 388, c. 389, c. 390, c. 399, 3. 399, c. 404, s. 411, c. 415, c. 422, w. 422, c. 485, 486, c. 532, c. 533, c. 537, 0. 550, c. 559, c. 564, s. 565, c. 572, w. 573, u. 574 Richards, Sarah, 458 Richerson (Richenson) Ann, 251 John, 317 Mary, 315 Rider, see Ryder Ridings (Rideing, Rideings, Ridens, Ridins, Roydens, Rydens, Rydings) AUce, 188, 274 Edward, 258, 374, 434, w. 480 EUzabeth, 224 Ely, 216 Grace, 280 James, 5, 18, 99,* 108,* 124, 188, 201, 216, 224, 302, 328, c. 427, w. 507 Jane, 5 John, 29, 201 Joseph, 43, 575 Martha, 263 Mary, 124, 254, 272 PrisciUa, 258 Ralph, 18, 29, 43, 251, s. 437, w. 531 Rebecca, 261 Robert, w. 362 Sarah, 289 Rigbey (Riggby, Wrigbey, Wrigby) Alexander, 301, w. 526 AUce, 112 Ann, 267 Esther, 233 Hugh, 239 John, 112, 462 Rigbey — Continued. Joseph, 233, 239, 247,* c. 587, c. 593 Thomas, 192* Rigg (Wrigg, Wrigge) Andrew, 310 EUzabeth, 541 Martha, 540 Mary, 304 Susan, 315 Riglej, see Wrigley Riley (Reyley, Ryleley, Ryley) see also [Royle Edmund, 255 EUzabeth, 277 Ellen, 565 Francis, 17* Jane, 417 Roacksley, Jonathan, 423 Roades, Roads, Roaids, see Rhodes Robbershow, see Robertshaw Robenshaw (Robenshow) Edmund, 241 John, c. 581 Mary, 241 Robenson, see Robinson Roberdshaw, see Robertshaw Roberts, George, 182 Henry, 366 James, w. 501, 534 John, 182, 301 Mary, 301 Mr, 301, 534 Robertshaw (Robbershow, Ro berdshaw, Robertshawe, Robertshow,Robtertshaw) Ann, 190 Edmund, 591 EUzabeth, 157 Grace, 282, 318 James, 167* Jane, 196 John, 41,* 54, 147, 157, 190, 196, 250, 289, 302, 317, 375, w. 384, d. 486, w. 525, 551 Martha, 54, 147 Robertsonn (Robterson) WUliam, c. 502, 536 Robinson (Robenson, Rombinson) Charles, 77 Edmund, 155, 204, 232, 291 EUzabeth, 204 James, 232 John, 77, c. 324 Mary, 155, 156 Robert, 296 68o ROCHDALE REGISTERS Baptisms . , . 1-248. Marriages ... 249-3 1 8. Burials ... 3 1 9-599. Robinson — Co ntinued. William, 156, w. 516 Robters, James, 155* Robtertshaw, see Robertshaw Robucke, Thomas, 273 Rod, Rodd, Rodds, Rodes, Rods, see Rhodes Roid, see Royds Rombinson, see Robinson Romsbotham, Romsbothom, see Ramsbotham Romsden, see Ramsden Roods, see Rhodes Roply, Michael, w. 323 Roshan, Daniel, 9* Rosthorne (Rawstorne) Henr>, 249 John, 90, c. 418, 447 L : 258, 259, 260,* 261,* 262, 263,* 264, 265,* 266,* 267, 268,* 269* Susan, 90 RothweU (Rothel, Rothell, RothiU, Rothwill, WrothweU) Abraham, 18, 20, c. 363 Ann, 186, 279 Charles, c. 499, li. 515 Deborah, 217 Edward, 576 EUzabeth, 140, 294, 310 Giles, 202, 210, 221, 305, c. 53i.i, s. 546, w. 646, d. 566, c. 573, w. 589 Isaac, 540, 565 James, 130,* 141, 180, 460, c. 483, c. 529 Jane, 98, 143 John, 18, 57, 131, 103, 221, 228, 281, 313 Margaret, 133, 307 Martha, 210, 302 Mary, 115, 146, 155, 202, 293, 301, 312, 315, 548* Richard, 133, 140, 146, 169, 286, c. 474, 488 Robert, 249 Thomas, 41,* 98, 131, 138,* 141, 143, 155, 163, 165,* 169, 180, 186, 197, 217, 228, 288, c. 449, c. 469, w. 480, c. 483, 483, c. 488, 495, w. 496, c. 508, c. 514, c. 519, c. 525, 548, c. 576, w. 598, c. 599 WiUiam, 20, 57, 115, 197, 290, 0. 429, c. 456, d. 492, w. 528, c. 542, s. 547, 548 555 Roudd, see Royds Row, Rowe, see Wroe Roydens, see Ridings Royds ([Roid, Roudd, Royde, Roydes, Ryds) see also Rhodes and Rudd Abraham, 34 AUce, 237 Ann, 43 Edmund, 28, 34, 43, 148, 254, c. 348, 0. 380, w. 457 James, 195, 237,* 289 Jane, 148 John, 170,* 195, 237, 292, 323, 586 Mary, 28, 141, 156, 248, 249, 315 N.X.N., a. 537 Richard, 284 Robert, 22,* 141, 156,* 252 469, w. 599 Thomas, 295 WilUam, 233,* 248, 300, u. 524 Royle (Royler, Royley, Royly) see also Riley Abraham, 327, d. 330 Ann, 253 EUzabeth, 315 Emie [?], 353 John, 276, w. 325 Michael, 326 Richard, 320 Robert, 400, w 447 Royton (Writen) AUce, 112 Edmund, 88, 112, 187, 275, c. 428, w. 457, u. 485 John, 88 William, 187 Rudd (Rudde, Ruds) see also Rhodes and Royds Abraham, 11, * 59, w. 478, 536 Alice, 75 Ann, 8 EUzabeth, 102, 309 Henry, 50, 69, 75, 403 Isaac, 375 John, 64,* c. 423, w. 423, 432, w. 433 Joshua, 227 Martha, 2, 163 Mary, 60, 170 Renald, 170 Richard, 2, u. 320, 325, c. 326 Robert, 102, 163, c. 584 Samuel, 227 Thomas, w. 398 WilUam, 8, c. 375 INDEX OF NAMES 68 1 Baptisms... 1-248. Afamogies... 249-318. Bwriais... 319-599. Rudman, Ellen, 310 Mary, 313 Russay [or] Kussay David, 381 Rydens, see Ridings Ryder (Rider) Christian, 307 Joseph, 28, 40, c. 355, 367, d. 442 Katherine, 265 Mary, 40, 277, 449 Sarah, 28 Rydings, see Ridings Ryds, see Royds Ryleley, Ryley, see Riley S Sagab, Lawrence, 413 Sale (Saile, Salle, Sayle) Ann, 130, 325 Edmund, 162 James, 114,* 115, 130, 142, 152,* 162, 175, 282, c. 455, 0. 501, c. 508, s. 524, s. 566, c. 587, w. 592, 596 John, 115, 0. 320, c. 335, c. 337, c. 338, w. 346, c. 347, s. 353 Judith, 162 Margaret, 142 Robert, 175 Saltmarch, Peter, 243 WilUam, 243 Sandeford, Simeon, 540 Sanderson, John, 492 Mr, 492 Sarsnit, Jane, 306 Sarson, Ann, 297 Jane, 95 John, 104 WiUiam, 95, 104, 437 Savel (Sauel) Christopher, c. 329, 329 John, 329 Sawtale, see Soothill Saxon, James, 279 Sayle, see Sale Scethurst, see Smethurst Sco : Mr, 284, 286 Schofield (ScholefeUd, Scholefield, Scholfeild, Scholfield, Scofeild, Scolefeild, Scolefield, Scolefild, Scolfeild, Scolfeilde, Scolfeld, Scolfield) Abraham, 17,* 25, 31,* 34, 36, 39 42,* 46, 48, 52, 58, 59,* 61,* 66, 68, 69, 71, 75, 77, 78, 84, 87, 89, 90, Schofield, Abranam — -Continued. 97, 99, 106, 111, 119, 120, 123, 125, 131, 134, 145, 150, 151, 158,* 161, 164, 167, 170, 177, 183, 193,* 200,* 205, 207, 229, 252, 264, 255, 265, 271, c. 321, c. 329, w. 341, c. 349, c. 350, c. 357, 381, s. 413, 449, 452, w. 472, c. 479, d. and b. 483, c. 493, 518, s. 537, c. 538, 543, c. 546, c. 552, d. 566, w. 570,* 570,' 573, w. 576, c. 58.5, c. 588 Adam, 87, 99, 161, 274, 275, 478, w. 484, c. 500, w. 515, 526, s. 547 Alexander, 4, 6,* 14, 15, 16, 20, 30, 37, 41, 47, 76, 78, 89, 91, 99, 113, 119, 129, 140,* 176, 187, 195, 202, 204,* 241, 245, 246, 272, 275, 299, 318, w. 331, 336, c. 337, c. 340, w. 351, s. 353, c. 360, 368, d. 381, d. 400, d. 408, o. 426, 473, c. 490, w. 496, c. 499, c. 506, c. 525, 529, w. 638, 540, c. 550, V. 555, li. 564, d. 579 AUce, 7, 14, 25, 26, 33, 42, 51, 85, 89, UO,* 117, 138, 141, 144, 157, 160, 163, 187, 218, 232, 241, 261, 273, 277, 291, 296, 309, 311, 317, 359, 371, 372, 392, 431, 500, 553 Amos, 119 Ann, 6, 19, 29, 37, 52, 55, 61, 167, 170, 188, 198,* 221, 254,* 269, 272, 287, 291, 297, 299, 301, 314, 317, 484, 510, 525 Arthur, 3, 4, 12, 27, 51,* 52, 58, 62, 64, 67,* 71, 75, 78, 86, 87, 91, 100, 101, 109, 115, 117, 124, 136, 147,* 159, 164, 176, 226,* 228, 246, 251, 256, 263, 267, 287, 289, 293, 309, 317, 334, 367, 392, a. 397, d. 405, c. 409, w. 429, c. 438, c. 461, w. 464, w. 468, c. 484, 544, c. 548, w. 551, w. 558, c. 568 w. 583 588 Charles, 63, 170, 307, 311, w. 565, w. 581 682 ROCHDALE REGISTERS Baptisms... 1-248. Marriages,., 249-318. BuricUs.,, 319-599. Schofield — Continued, Dinah, 66, 86 Dorothy, 82, 122, 129, 131, 256, 307, 544, 560 Edmund, 7, 22,* 33, 38, 65, 95, 107, 119, 138, 198, 236, 240, 283, w. 326, 327, 342, w. 350, c. 352, w. 355, w. 364, c. 376, 399, d. 407, w. 416, li. 431, 43'2, 466, c. 468, c. 488, 500, w. 546, w. 583, w. 589 Edward, 2, 3, 16, 51, 56, 65, 75, 81, 90, 176, 207,* 244, 256, 289, w. 324, 329, 336, w. 336, d. 336, w. 340, c. 344, 350, c. 386, c. 393, w. 404, c. 405, s. 406, w. 435, s. 438, 467, w. 515 Elizabeth, 10, 41, 42, 57, 58, 64,* 69, 75, 83, 87, 91, 98, 101,* 102, 111, 112, 115, 125, 140, 143,* 164, 171, 180, 183, 187, 201, 202, 208, 230, 233, 24(i, 250, 200, 263, 275, 278, 288, 302, 315, 323, ,540, 559 Ellen, 17, 02, 70, 86, 103, 128, 141, 146, 186, 242, 247, 295, 298, 301 Ellis, 3, 19, 21, 29, 34, 67, 69, 125, 189, 210, 233, 242, c. 332, c. 341, c. 345, c. 347, w. 350, li. 360, d. 417, 441, 474, c. 556, c. 577, w. 590, c. 592, li. 597 Elton, 134 Esther, 11, 90, 105, 120, 142, 145, 156, 271, 306, 310, 553 Frances, 205, 228, 357 Francis, 10, 19, 25, 28, 44, 48, 61, 64,* 82, 83, 101, 109, 121, 279, 295, 315, w. 328, li. 330, w. 341, 1-. 359, 366, w. 367, s. 370, c. 412, 437, 447, c. 447, w. 448, w. 461, d. 465, w. 477, 549, w. 560, 589 Frankland, 181 George, 10 Grace, 29, 35, 66, 78, 82, 272, 285, 299, 476, 497, 570 Harinaton, 243 Henrv'; 7,* 15, 26,* 29, 33, 41, 52, 56,* 60,* 64, 72, 75, 79, 82, 84, 92,* UO, 124, 244, 254, 272, 281, 316, Schofield, Henry — Continued. c. 322, 325, w. 337, w. 339, c. 342, c. 345, c. 365, c. 381, w. 381, c. 397, d. 398, c. 413, 417, s. 418, 426, 430, w. 442, w. 443, s. 445,* w. 449, d. 451, 478, w. 523, 569, 573, w. 574 Isaac, 3, 15, 27, 45,* 77, 91, 164, 264, 285, 307, 408, w. 450, 494, w. 528 Isabel, 97, 109, 151, 303, 316 Jacob, 349, w. 349 James, 10,* 13,* 14,* 21,* 23, 24,* 26, 29, 32, 33, 37,* 46, 47, 48,* 51,* 57, 58, 60, 61,* 63, 66,* 67, 68, 70, 75,* 76,* 78,* 79, 80, 83,* 84,* 88, 89, 92,* 99, 106, 117,* 120, 124,* 125, 126, 131, 132, 134,* 136, 137, 139, 140, 144, 145, 151, 155, 105, 166, 167, 169, 170, 175,* 178,* 187, 192, 197,* 201, 207, 208, 212, 214, 220, 221, 228,* 233,* 238,* 241,* 244,* 246, 253, 258, 261, 266, 269, 281, 286, 292, 295, 300, 308, 311, 312, 316, 317, 318, d. 320, 321, c. 322, c. and w. 333, w. 334, c. 341, s. 341, c. 349, c. 353, c. 356,* c. 359, 362, s. 362, 370, w. 373, w. 382. li. 382, c. 384,* 388, o. 391, c. 394, c. 396, o. 398,* w, 407, c. 407, 409, 410, c, 412, w. 414, w. 416, 416, c. 417, w. 428, w. 431, c, 438, c. 442, d. 443, 445, s. 446,* c. 446, two c. 447. 449, 451, c. 453, d. 455. w. 458, 460, 466, d. 468, 469, w. 473,* 474, 475, d. 478, c. 480, c. 482, c. 484, w. 485, s. 486, 486, w. 487, w. 490, w. 500, c. 500, d. 500, c. 506, 517, .529, w. 531, c. 536, 538, 543, u. 546,* w. 548, 549, 555, s. 557, w. 558, w. 559, 561, 562, c. 563, 574, 594, 596, c. 596 Jane, 2, 15,* 19, 21, 22, 36, 38, 56, 60, 72, 75, 92, 114, 125,* 170, 186, 207, 216, 227, 241, 250, 254, 255, 265, 267, 282, 284, 286. INDEX OF NAMES 683 Baptisms... 1-248. Marriages... 249-318. Burials... 319-599. Schofield, Jane — Continued. 289, 292, 301,* 308, 310, 313, 427, 428, 543, 552, 560. 598 Joan, 152 John, 3,* 5,* 6, 10, U,* 14, 15, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 29, 30, 35, 37,* 39,* 46, 48, 49,* 54, 56, 61,* 62,* 63,* 64, 67, 69,* 72, 75,* 77,* 78,* 80,* 87, 89,* 91,* 92, 99,* 100,* 101, 103, 105, 109, UO, HI, 112,* 117, 122,* 124, 125, 126, 129, 132, 133, 134,* 136, 138, 141,* 146,* 147, 151, 153,* 156,* 157, 159, 160, 164,* 166, 169, 170, 172,* 175, 178, 182, 183, 186, 187,* 188, 189,* 192, 195, 197,* 198, 199, 20'2, 205, 206,* 207,* 208, 210, 212, 214, 216, 217, 218, 226, 229,* 241, 242, 247, 248, 255, 258, 263, 270, 271, 274, 289,* 290, 293,* 296, 300, 301, 303, 305, 306,* c. 319, s. 321, w. 323, c. 326, c. 330, c. 332, 334, c. 334, c. 337, c. 341, c. 344, c. 345, c. 353, 356, c. 358, w. 359, c. 364, s. 365, c. 368, d. 370, c. 373, w. 374, 383, w. 388, 388, c. 394, d. 395, s. 410, s. 426, 426, o. 428, 438, 447, u. 449, s. 453, 464, c. 466, w. 467, d. 469, 469, 472,* c. 472, w. 473, w. 477, c. 478, 478, c. 480, i;. 482, 483, c. 485, c. 490, c. 492, w. 496, 496, w. 497, c. 500, w. 503, d. 504, s. 505, s. 506, c. 509, w. 510, 510, 521, 524, c. 525, w. 526, c. 527, 532, w. 535, c. 537, s. 537, s. 544, c. 546, w. 549, 554, w. 555, c. 569, 574, 576, c. 584, w. 591, u. 592, w. 597, w. 598 Jonathan, 79, 157, 206, 216, 226, 233, 242, 253, 292, 294, 310, 312, s. 401, c. 412, w. 447, c. 520, 541, li. 582 Joseph, 3,* 65, 73, 79, 84, 101, 119, 139, 144,* 150, 157, 162, 166, 180, 189, 198, 218, 278. w. 334, 377, w. Schofield, Joseph — Continued. 406, c. 427, 0. 464, 497, 542 Joshua, 66 Judeth, 15, 16, 54, 78, 114, 250, 276 Katherine, 32, 60, 109, 122, 138, 176, 177, 254, 284, 291, 581 Kay, 126 Lewis, 151 Margaret, 123, 142, 214, 310, 512, 563, 593 Margery, 268 Martha, 60, 198 Martin, 135, 285, w. 399, 477 Mary, 11, 15, 16, 19, 34,* 37, 39, 41, 48,* 52, 56, 58,* 59, 61, 62, 66, 67, 71, 72, 75, 77, 88, 95, 98, 99, 100, 101, 107, 109, 121, 141, 145, 147, 150,* 151, 156, 158, 161,* 166, 176, 178, 182, 192, 194, 207, 214, 217, 230, 234, 236, 241, 247, 260, 263, 267, 268, 269, 270, 273, 274, 279,* 282, 284, 286, 295, 298, 306,* 308,* 309, 311, 312, 313, 316, 317,* 368, 420, 449, 472, 494, 530 Matthias, 57 Miranda, 190 Mr, 132, 254, 313, 349, 384, 453, 460, 469, 472, 480, 486, 497 Mrs, 544 N.X.N., 75, 85, 114, 411, c. 452, c. 571 Patience, 75 Radcliffe, 120, 126,* 134, 143, 151, 158, 176, 181, 190, 197, 205, 232, 243, c. 472, s. 497, c. 521, 545 Rebecca, 420 Richard, 2, 6, 10, 15, 21, 24, 25, 37, 41, 42, 46, 52, 59, 60, 63, 89, 96, 102, 124, 125, 129, 132, 136, 141, 175, 212, 218, 228, 234, 245, 254, 261, 309, w. 329, c. 340, c. 344, 360, 364, 368, w. 375, c. 380,* d. 381, 384, 385, c. 391, w. 399, d. 403, d. 404, c. 409, d. 420, 0. 422, 433, 459, w. 471, w. 473, w. 478, w. 487, 487, w. 502,' 511, w. 522, c. 578, 0. 596 684 ROCHDALE REGISTERS Baptisms... 1-248. A/arriojes... 249-318. BuriaZs... 3 19-599. Schofield — Continued. Robert, 10, 12, 17, 19,* 23, 27, 28, 29, 41, 42, 44,* 48, 57, 58, 60, 64, 66, 71, 72, 73, 75, 80,* 81, 86, 90, 91,* 96, 98, 101, 104, 109, 113, 119, 129, 132, 133, 146, 152, 155, 158, 165, 171, 174, 183, 186, 192, 194, 19.5,* 198,* 202, 206, 208, 212, 218,* 220, 227, 235,* 240, 241, 248, 253, 260, 261,* 272, 274, 279, 280, 289, 297, 30oi 304,* c. 326, 330, c. 333, w. 335, c. 338, s. 347, c. 348, w. 354, w. 360, 367, c. 387, c. 399, li. 404, c. 406, w. 409, c. 417, w. 418, c. 423, w. 430, 432, s. 440, c. 441, w. 445, c. 449, c. 451, w. 453, 453, s. 460, c. 462, c. 4113, d. 469, 472, w. 495, d. 499, c. 510, w. 522, w. 533, c. 566, w. 575, s. 598 Roger, 359 Samuel, 6, 29, 58, 89, 99, 100, 128, 129, 142, 182, 277,- 354, w. 370, w. 382, 389,* w. 434, c, 450, 467, 547, w. 680 Sarah, 3, 27, 44, 92, 109, 112, 117, 167, 189, 199, 216, 218, 244, 289, 294 Savel, 158, 233, 545,* c. 545 Susan, 14, 76, 80, 81, 84, 87, 135, 151, 174, 175, 177, 218, 261, 298, 300, 302, 307, 309, c. 560 Thomas, 15, 69, 77, 87, 98, 104, 111, 117, 125,* 142, 247, 250, 271, 314, w. 360, s. 393, 0. 398, c. 405, c. 422, w. 444, c. 444, c. 467, 470, c. 475, w. 502, 505, c. 589, c. 594 Ursilla, 137 William, 2, 87, 114, 117,* 126, 131, 143, 162, 163, 182, 197, 207, 244, 288, c. 506, c. 617, c. 522, d. 570, s. 577, .595 Scoles (Scols) Abdie, 304 Abner, 81 Abraham, 159 AUce, 61 Ann, 68, 255, 259, 288 Scoles — -Continued, Daniel, c. 373 EUzabeth, 167, 184 Ellen, 42, 134, 529 Esther, 118, 306 George, 23, 31, 37, 42, 47,* 57, 61, 68, 76, 81, 97,* 175, c. 358, c. 374, c. 383, 0. 399, 422, c. 441 Isabel, 23, 109 James, 18, 134, 143,* 150, 159, 107, 175, 184, 202, c. 514, c. 529, c. 535, c. 542, 549 Jane, 6, 161, 20'2, 280, 310 John, 6, 18, 76, 118, 138,* 150, 152, 161, 271, 283, 312, 313, 392, c. 503, w. 539, 549 Mary, 31, 37, 254, 285, 286, 631 Ralph, 67, 251, w. 325, 396, w. 466 Susan, 152 Thomas, 109 Scolfeild, Scolfeilde, Scolfeld, Scolfield, see Schofield Scols, see Scoles Scorerer (Scoreer, Scorerar) Alice, 283 John, 273, c. 427 Scotson (Scotsonn) Edmund, 69 James, 119 John, 69, 119, w. 491 Mary, 311 Scott, Grace, 256 Sedale, John, 66 Robert, 66 Seddon (Sedden, Sedon) Abigail, 112, 309 Abraham, 268 Ann, 34, 114 Dorothy, 160 Edward, 3, 19, w. 331, c. 353 Elizabeth, 19, 42, 63, 64, 130, 153, 166, 247, 311, 507, d. 558, c. 598 Ellen, 174, 556 Francis, 33, w. 474 John, 102, 112, 121, 130, 137, 146, 153, 160, 165,* 169, 174, 182, 188,* 278, o. 468, s. 504, c. 508, c. 512, c. 535, u. 544, c. 545, 545, 0. 547 Katherine, 146 Lawrence, 3, 58, 63, 70, 108, 114, 152, 166, 263, 280, INDEX OF NAMES 685 Bopiis??i.s... 1-248. jl/arciagfes.. .249-318. Burials. ..319-599. Seddon, Lawrence — Continued. c. 383, 401, c. 401, c. 481, c. 495, c. 499 Mary, 19, 20, 27, 58, 70, 108, 121, 152, 259, 274, 307 N.X.N., c. 436 Peter, 271 Ralph, 102 Richard, 27, 42, 137, 182, 32'2, w. 360, c. 379, w. 405 Robert, 20, 34, 53, 64, 247, c. 346, w. 362, c. 394, c. 390 Roger, d. 334, 343 Susan, 53 Thomas, 5,* 19, 169, c. 338, c. 343, 346, w. 364 WilUam, 33, 254, c. 340 Sedgwicke (Siswicke) John, 118 Marv, 118 William, 274 Sedon, see Seddon Seed, Jonathan, 296 Seedall, see Siddall Selbey, Ann, 269 Sarah, 284 Semor, Daniel, 36 John, 36 Sewdale, see Sudale Sewtell, see Soothill Sexton, Jane, 256 Shackleton (Shacleton, Shakcleton, Shakleton) AUce, 24, 270 Ann, 39 EUzabeth, 15, 240 Grace, 46 John, 240 Michael, 15, 24, 33,* 39, 46, c. 348, c. 358, c. 372, 383 Shacklocke (Shaklocke, Shalocke) Alice, 63, 290 Edward, 67, c. 397 Ellen, 67 James, 63, 139, 404, c. 412, w. 438, c. 456 Mr, 397 Thomas, 139 Shapplus, see Sharpies Sharatt, Robert, 261 Sharpe, John, 333 Mary, 255 Sharpies (Shapplus, Sharplus, Sherples) Ann, 91, 181, 217 Edmund, 64, 226, 266, w. 382, 437 Isaac, 246 Sharpies — .Continued, James, 11, 47, 64, 75,* 91, 124, 181, 195, 213, 217, 226, 233,* 242, 246,* 300, 311, 329, c. 386, li. 433, o. 458, 472, d. 631, w. 533, c. 547, c. 549, d. 557, c. 591, c. 596 John, 124, 242, 246 Judith, 287 Mary, 195, 213, 246 N.X.N., 47 Sarah, 11 Sharrack, see Shorrocks Elizabeth, 571 Shaw (Show) AUce, 264 Ann, 160, 212, 311, 406, 467 Dorothy, 249, 296 EUzabeth, 204, 298, 527 Francis, 383, w. 402 Henry, 449, c. 594 James, 31, 100, 137, 143, 241, 326, 377 Jane, 14, 49, 239 John, 2, 24, 49, 54, 62, 70, 100, 115, 124, 138, 192, 204, 212, 223, 239, 277, 306, 315, 323, c. 338, c. 344, c. 395, s. 408, c. 417, c. 432, s. 445, c. 464, 491, 545, w. 580 Katherine, 126 Margaret, 422 Martha, 180 Mary, 54, 115, 126, 132, 168, 172, 198, 212, 253, 262, 434, 501 Richard, 2, 24, 124, 137, 150,* 223, 284, c. 504 Robert, 31, 132, 138, 143, 150,* 160, 17'2, 180, 287, 317, 357, w. 388, c. 469, c. 472, u. 484, d. 508, 534, 535, c. 535, c, 637 Thomas, 14, 70 WilUam, 62, 158,* 168, l;»2, 198, 212, 241, 295, «03, c. 527, d. 543, c. 597 Shelmerden, Mary, 282 Shepherd (Shepard, Shephard, ' Shepheard, Shipard, Shiphard, Shipheard, Shipherd, Shippard) AUce, 83, 198, 253, 416, 595 Andrew, 45, 63, 57, 61, 65, 73, 87, 102, 256, c. 379, c. 400, c. 409, c. 429, w. 446, 445, 466, c. 466 686 ROCHDALE REGISTERS Baptisms... 1-248. Marriages... 249-318. Burials... 319-599. Shepherd — .Continued. Ann, 30, 62, 148, 178, 181, 225, 237, 270, 271, 289 Charles, 87 Edward, 45, 529 Elizabeth, 214, 231 Ellen, 214 Esther, 45, 74, UO, 180, 188,290 Grace, 266 Henry, 102 Isaac, 225 James, 38, 41,* 85, 88, 96, 101, 116, 128, 142, 154, 162, 169,* 19'2, 255, 275, 315, d. 324, li. 372, 375, 386, w. 391, w. 418, c. 421, 429, w. 447, c. 463, 519, 523, 583 John, 21,* 30, 38, 48, 61, 70,* 83, 100, 106, 142, 166, 178, 180, 188, 189, 193, 197, 198, 200, 204, 206, 207, 209, 214,* 225,* 226, 229,* 231, 237, 239, 252, 271, 304, 305, 308, s. 341, w. 396, c. 428, s. 441, 445, 450, w. 459, s. 498, w. 500, 518, c. 521, c. 537, c. 554, c. 560, c. 562, c. 563, w. 568, c. 568, 574, 592 Joseph, 142 Judith, 80, 101, 214 Leonard, 29, 37, 45, 48, 62, 73, 87,* 93, 114, s. 336, c. 380, c. 416, d. 416, w. 428, 438, w. 535 Margaret, 37, 114, 206, 209 Martha, 96, 113, 207, 308 Mary, 53, 73,* 100,* 106, 160, 162, 197, 200, 204, 250, 255, 298, 308, 472, 501, 541 Ralph, 29, 154, 160, 166, 172,* 181, 192, 292, c. 491, c. 506, w. 516, 542, c. 544 Richard, 93, 128, 270, 660, w. 574 Robert, 53, 65, 85, 101, 128, 135, 210, 222,* 225, 239, 253, 258, 297, 390, 430, w. 494, w. 698 Susan, 287 Thomas, 9,* 53, 70,* 74, 80, 88, 100, 101, 113, 124,* 128, 135, 142, 148, 189, 193, 210, 226, 250, 387, c. 410, s. 418, li. 480, s. 491, s. 494 WilUam, 57 Sherples, see Sharpies Shipley (Shepley) John, 280 Robert, 278 Shippard, see Shepherd Shore (Shoore) AUce, 50, 296 Ann, 8, 90, 139, 179, 282, 284, 406, 552, 577 Dorothy, 44, 102, 220, 571 Edmund, 9, 85, 227,* 300, 537, c. 555 EUzabeth, 33, 36, 132, 247, 250, 254 EUen, 213 Ephan, 250 Esther, 24, 203 Hannah, 89 Henry, 8, 9, 19, 23, 25, 33, 50, 64, 75, 102, 108, 120, 179, 186, 346, d. 351, s. 367, c. 385, 405, 419, c. 457,, c. 463, w. and c. 472, c. 481, w. 481, 489, c. 490 James, 3, 32, 36,* 85, 89, 97,* 101, 105, UO, 116, 124, 132, 139, 198, 205,* 212,* 230, 241, 246, 273,* 307, c. 430, 470, c. 471, c. 473, c. 474, c. 486, d. 493, 517, 547, c. 556, c. 581, w. 584 Jane, 33, 75, 107, 108, 258, 267, 407 John, 16,* 19, 25, 32, 33, 36, 42, 44, 144, 152, 166, 171, 186,* 187, 203,* 212, 223, 228, 230, 250, c. 335, c. 343, c. 350, 359, 406, c. 477, w. 485, w. 492, c. 508, c. 525, c. 545, c. 568, c. 573 Joseph, 12,* 24, 33, 42, 55, 71,* 101, 152, w. 350, two c. 350, d. 384, s. 388, d. 413, s. 428, w. 447, c . 447 456 Katherine, 157 Lawrence, 220, 234, 246, c. 598 Mary, 26, 32, 41, 64, 101, UO, 120, 125, 166, 186, 187, 231, 234, 265, 268, 286, 290,* 294, 299, 300, 406 N.X.N., c. 378, c. 574 " Old," w. 356 PrisciUa, 273 Ralph, 379 Robert, 36, 48, 112, 116, 125, 203, 21'2, 217, 281, w. 363, d. 375, 375, s. 379, 445, INDEX OF NAMES 687 Baptisms... 1-248. AfaiTiagres.. .249-318. BwriaZs... 3 19-599. Shore, Robert — Continued. c. 456, 479, w. 492, w. 533, 547 Samuel, 3, 55, 124, 157, 228, 240, 291, 313, 340, s. 348, 355, w. 373, 401, w. 404, c. 509, w. 510 Sarah, 114 Thomas, 23, 36, 41, 48, 55,* 90, 101, 105, 107, 112, 114, 144, 167,* 171, 175, 187,* 198, 213, 217, 223, 231, 240, 241,* 247, 274, 279, 285, 307, 363, 0. 382, s. 399, w. 409, c. 418, 434, c. 434, li. 441, 447, w. 449, 0. 465, s. 470, s. 484, w. 499, 506, s. 520, c. 550, d. 555, c. 561, c. 573, 596 WilUam, 26, 32, 175, 241 Shorne, Henry, w. 469 Shorrocks, see also Sharrack James, 293, c. 497 Show, see Shaw Siddall (SeddaU, SeedaU, Sidall, Siddale) Alice, 201 George, 597 John, 201, 209, 222, 233, 244, 305 Margaret, 244 Mary, 222, 233 Robert, 209, c. 408, w. 416, w. 542 WilUam, 271, c. 404, 463 Sikes, EUzabeth, 280 Simond (Simon, Symond) Jane, 22 John, 22, 340, c. 345, li. 351, 402, w. 430 Simson (Simsonn, Smison (?)) Ann, 51, 53, 86, 260, 292 Benjamin, 231 Edmund, 39,* 53, 60, 68, 143, 150,* 160,* 171, 185, 200, 216, 220, 231, 236, 255, 289, c. 374, c. 375, 399, B. 466, li. 491, c. 595 Edward, 35 Elizabeth, 30, 284 George, 18 Isaac, 236 Jane, 35 John, 65, 93, 205, 210, 266, w. 388, 448, 456, w. 469 Joseph, 185 Martha, 231 Mary, 68, 216, 269 Simson — Continued. Richard, 18, 30, 40,* 51, 60, 65, 86, 93, 171, 205, 298, c. 327, 345, c. and s. 379, s. 394, w. 405, w. 429, c. 434, s. 472, 532 Samuel, 210 Sarah, 143, 316 Susan, 220 Thomas, 200 Siswicke, see Sedgwicke Sladen (Slading) Daniel, 80, 262, 294, u. 522, c. 538,* w. 539, c. 544, c. 556, i;. 567, 577, u. 590, w. 592, w. 593 Esther, 80 John, 306 Slater (Stlateher) Grace, 315 Henry, 278 Smethells (SmetheU, Smethels, Smiethels, SmitheUs, Smithels) EUzabeth, 151 Martha, 161 Mary, 144, 168 WiUiam, 120,* 144, 151, 161, 168, c. 464, li. 471,* c. 502, w. 515, 516, s. 520, c. 522, 0. 569 Smethes, Mary, 126 WilUam, 126, 284 Smethurst (Scethurst, Smetherst, Smethorst) Adam, 28, 54 AUce, 10, 213, 277, 308 Ann, 30, 77, 252 Arthur, 51, 77, 92, 268, 286, c. 362, 370, c. 410, s. 427, w. 441, 561 Cornelius, 244 Edward, 272 Eleanor, 189, 278 EUzabeth, 92, 246, 249, 310, 577 Ellen, 88, 194, 213, 252 Francis, 412, w. 441 Frank, s. 378 George, 61, 168, 178, 189, 213, 221, 244, 297, 309, 317, w. 558, c. 564, c. 575, w. 585, li. 593, B. 598 Grace, lj9, 21 James, 63, 163,* 178, 246, 289, c. 483 Jane, 41, 68, 72, 279, 310 John, 10,* 19, 23,* 28, 30, 36, 37,* 38,* 41,* 45, 51, 53 688 ROCHDALE REGISTERS BapiisTOs... 1-248. Afarriagres... 249-3 18. BwioZs... 319-599. Smethurst, John — Continued, 54, 61, 63, 67, 68, 79, 89,* 100, 111, 123, 158,* 169, 172, 177,* 189, 194, 195,* 196, 204, 215, 241, 251, 272,* 273,* 293, 297,* 299, 304, c. 349, c. 356, li. 359,* c. 360, 360, c. 373, c. and w. 387, c. 401, 418, d. 422, w. 426, w. 491, w. 504, c. 516, w. 526, 526, c. 531, w. 541, c. 543, c. 545, s. 548, w. 557, w. 560, d. 562, 571, 585 Jonas, 111, 215 Magdalen, 317 Marv, 45, 53, 63, 74, 79, 128, 168, 177, 196, 288,292,298 Mr, 494* X.X.N. , 172 Ralph, 146* Rebecca, 123 Richard, 21, 30,* 259 Robert, 16,* 36, 41, 100, 128, 152,* 169, 204, 280, 290, w. 375, c. 401, w. 415, c. 494, 494, 553, d. 560, 569, w. 581 Samuel, 72, 187, 241, 268, 403 Sarah, 301 Susan, 104, 221 Thomas, 189, 213 WilUam, 63, 67, 74, 88, 96,* 104, 187, 268, c. 398, c. 426, 435, d. 537, w. 567 Smiethels, see Smethells Smison (? Simson), q.v. Smith (Smyth) Abraham, 92 Alexander, 122, 128, 150, 279, c. 429, c. 434, w. 556, d. 577 AUce, 45, 48, 85, 307 Ann, 5, 121, 147, 188, 249, 266, 315, 318 Arthur, 28, 122, 253, 354, 357, c. 360 Benjamin, 97 Charles, 63, 88, 231, 243, w. 334, 345, c. 570, c. 575 Deborah, 272 Dorothy, 35 Edmund, 125, 128, 136, 243, 247, 285, 316, c. 455, 487, s. 502 Elizabeth, 28, 37, 45, 51, 58, 87, 97, 129, 137, 139, 192, 222, 227, 231, 244, 248, 260, 284, 298, 59 3 Smith — Co ntinued. Ellen, 249 Francis, 88 George, 8, 16, 85, 87, 99, 109, 121, 131, 148,* 252, 255, 274, c. 340, 341, c. 414, 1-. 469, s. 530, w. 564 Grace, 176, 281, 328 Henry, 16, 35,* 41, 45, 53, 87, 97, 102, 109, 119,* 126, 129, 140, 147, 176, 233, 243, 244, w. 331, w. 337, 345, c. 364, c. 370,* c. 377, s. 416, u. 456, d. 465, 477, w. 495, c. 500, w. 502, u. 538, c. 576, 582 Hugh, 277 lemen, 368 Isaac, 94, 243, 246, 274, 308, 313, w. 566, c. 566, 574 Isabel, 128 James, 8, 22, 26, 43, 51, 67, 68, 72, 88,* 90, 99, 102, 105,* 12.5, 158, 163, 176, 180, 187, 192, 200, 201, 212, 216,* 219, 223, 233, 234, 243, 246, 248, 270, 281, 294, 308, 311, w. 407, w. 422, w. 431, 464, 461, 471, d. 471, w. 494, s. 494, 518, w. 524, c. 525,* c. 536, c. 543, c. 544, c. 561, 583, 589 Jane, 39, 41, 68, 75, 93, 150, 252, 295 Jedidiah, 114 John, 5, 9, 14,* 22, 29, 32,* 35, 37, 40, 41, 45, 51, 57, 61, 63,* 64, 75, 76, 77, 84,* 87,* 102,* 112, 116, 122,* 128,* 137, 154, 162, 177, 180, 186, 200, 207, 227, 238, 244, 254, 255, 268, 259, 265, 279, 287, 292, 304, 312, 316, 346, li. 363, w. 368, 371, d. 378, c. 380, c. 383, c. 397, c- 399, d. 401, 404, s. 406, c. 407, d. and c. 409, 443, 448, c. 451, 455, w. 457, w. 471, 476, 484, c. 497, 504, c. 505, 515, c. 516, c. 539, w. 547, c. 550, 558, d. 559, 0. 563, d. 567, c. 578, c. 580, 592, c. 594, w. 599 Jonathan, 72, 77,* 90, 164, 187, 271, 553 Joseph, 41, 176 INDEX OF NAmES 689 Baptisms... 1-248. Afarriaj/es... 249-318. B«WaZs... 319-599. Smith — Con tinued. Joshua, 19, 47, 192, 219, 303, 316, w. 468, c. 475, w. 475, 553, w. 587, 591 Katherine, 28, 154, 164 Lawrence, 97, 114, 123, 163, 292, s. 357, c. 426, 457, w. 458, w. 532, 0. 537, 545 Margaret, 57, 77, 576 Martha, 102, 167, 212, 291 Marv, 40, 64, 68, 87, 104, 123 126, 211, 223, 234, 238, 247, 251, 259, 274, 277 283, 293, 298, 314, 406, 540, 566, 571, 572 Nicholas, 47 N.X.N., c. 591 Ottiwel', 63, 84, 't 93, 105, 267, c. 401, w. 402, c. 447, c. 448, w. 449, c. 453, d. 469, 470, 555 Priscilla, 250 Ralph, 43, 177, 207, 216,* 314, 316, c. 369, d. 399, 450, w. 474, w. 577, w. 583, c. 591 Randle, 351 Richard, 8, 14, 39, 47, 53, 61, 68, 250, w. 325, c. 366, c. 372, c. 383, 397, c. 401, I. 403, w. 405, 418 Robert, 36, 45, 76 Samuel, 22,* 47, 48, 58, 69, 94, 162, 180, 211, 222, 236, 261, 308, 407, 534, c. 586 Sarah, 63, 72, 102, 122, 131, 260 254, 273, 287, 292, 293, 302, 391 Susan, 244, 276 Thomas, 2,* 9, 14, 19, 20,* 26, 28, 29, 36, 38,* 45, 47, 51, 59, 67, 72, 92, 104, 112, 116, 118,* 128, 139, 140, 153,* 158, 167, 192, 201, 227,* 236, 243, 250, 275, 283,* 309, c. 324, c. 341, c. 356, c. 366, c. 373, c. 379, 381, w. 385, 393, 405, s. 415, d. 428, w. 431, w. 445, 446, c. 455, s. 481, w. 497, c. 503,* 519, c. 565 Thomasin, 105 Widow, 591 WilUam, 8, 122, c. 325, w. 351, c. 394, d. 408, w. 432 Zachary, 53, 136, w. 339 SmitheUs, Smithels, sec Smethells Snipe, Michael, 587 Sougener, see Surgener SoothiU (Sa-«vtale, SewteU, Sootaile, Soothell, SootiU, SowtaU, Sowtayle, SowtoU, SueteU, Sutayle, SuteU, SuttiU) Abraham, 11 AUce, 214 Ann, 31, 181 Jane, 239 Martha, 145, 311 Mary, 22, 151, 165 Nathan, 39, 129, 145, 151, 165, 181, 284, c. 480, li. 503, 534 Robert, 11, 22, 31, 39, 47,* 59,* 1'29, 208, 214, 219,* 230, 239, 250, 269, 282, 307, c. 343, c. 384, c. 395, d. 415, w. 437, li. 474, 526, w. 556, 0. 567, c. 588, c. 591 Sarah, 230 William, 208 Spencer (Speircsar) Ann, 162 Edward, 146, 154, 162, 169, 176, 370, u. 516 Henry, 294, w. 595 Isabel, 537 James, w. 355 Jane, 154 John, 146 Mary, 310 Richard, 253 Thomas, 169, 176 Spenke, Robert, 324 Spinson, John, 594 Spotland, John, 179 Stanckcliff, Michael, 293 Standles, " Old," 349 Standring (Standerin, Standering, Standing, Standren, Standrings, Stanering, Stannering, Stenderin) Abraham, 16, 74, 87, 97, 107, 113, 124, 134, 146, 153, 164, 169,* 207, 232, 242, c. 412, 0. 456 Ann, 18, 50, 51, 113, 164, 299, 315 Benjamin, 203, 232 Edmund, 83, 101, w. 354, 456, Elizabeth, 51, 87, 114, 300, 301, 458 George, 242 TT 690 ROCHDALE REGISTERS Baptisms... 1-248. Afarriajes... 249-3 18. Burials... 3 19-599. Standring — Continued. Grace, 72, 225 Hannah, 95 Henry, 7, 16, 146, c. 337, c. 338, 341, c. 343,* c. 347 James, 10, 13, 16, 45, 58, 66, 72, 82,* 91, 93, 95, 101, 107, 114, 118, 124, 130, 141,* 147, 156, 167, 175, 183, 190, 194, 197,* 203, 210, 212, 217, 232, 275, 282, 297, s. 371, w. 379. w. 390, c. 401, c. 408, c, 418, w. 451,* 452, c. 466, li. 467, c. 479, 497, c. 498, c. andw. 602, 511, d. 528, c. 533, c. 537, d. 549, 0. 569, 565 Jane, 7, 10, 66, 153, 228, 282 Jeremy, 147 John, 74, 93, 97, 174, 190, 190, 203, 220, 225, 233,* 242,* 339, w. 379, two c. 587 Joseph, 217 Joshua, 156, 210 Martha, 183, c. 586 Mary, 13, 27, 83, 121, 130, 175, 191, 203, 283, 296 N.X.N., 220 Ralph, 167 Robert, 18 Samuel, 16, 45, 118, 134, 174, 228, 238, 242,* 298, 313, 316, 374, 541, c. 567 Sarah, 194, 207, 238, 247, 313 Thomas, 91, 191, 247 WilUam, 27, 50, 68, 82,* 90,* 121, 196, 203,* 212, 23'2, 273, 293, 301, w. 337, d. 402, 406, c. 413, c. 461, c. 460, w. 475, w. 512, c. 547, w. 553, 557, c. 596 Stanefeild, Stanfeild, see Stansfield Stanering, Stannering, see Standring Stansfield (Stanfeild, Stansfeild, Stanstfield) Abegale, 49, 145 Abraham, 13,* 28, 33, 41,* 49, 321, c. 332, c. 335, c 338, w. 369, w. 372, 460 AUce, 33, 145, c. 591 Elizabeth, 66, 155 George, 296 Isabel, 283 James, 28, 145, 234, 275 John, 234, 262, 287, 306 Stansfield— Continued. Joshua, 56,* 61, 66, 73, 80, 164, 259, 308, s. 411, c. 413, c. 415, li. 417, li. 418, d. 430, 439 Margaret, 80 Martha, 73, 312 Mary, 276,* 303, 311, 317 Susan, 252 WiUiam, 61, 155, 164, 291, 510 Steed, James, 280 Stenderin, see Standring Stevenson (Stevensonne) James, c. 322, w. 337 Mr, 350 Stlateher, see Slater Stock (Stocke) Abigail, 130, 137 Abraham, 18,* 51, 59, 63, 64, 70,* 79, 89, 98, 109, 120, 130, 139, 147, 150, 157, 165,* 172, 176,* 183,* 189, 204, 216, 224, 230, 234, 242, 271, c. 336, w. 350, c. 373, c. 380, c. 391, c. 401, c. 405, c. 407, w. 408, li. 413, d. 428, 428, d. 443, li. 479,* c. 498, d. 500,* V. 509, e. 510, w. 535, s. 545, 567, c. 582, 596 AUce, 126, 227, 280 Ann, 96, 296, 312 Benjamin, 139, 224, 234, 243* Daniel, 18, 27,* 32, 39, 43, 50, 124, 144, 224, 284, w. 319, c. 345, c. 363, 371, w. 375, d. 395, c. 490, c. 506, c. 551, w. 663, c. 572, 594 Elizabeth, 32, 104, 210, 218, 253, 277 Francis, 55 Grace, 87, 230, 274, 299 James, 7,* 8,* 28, 40, 43, 51, 69,* 79, 80, 139, 178,* 185 189, 202, 210, 227, 235,* 247, 291, c. 325, 320, 327, w. 362, B. 377, w. 378, s. 390, 407, w. 475, 495, c. 543, 543, 578 Jane, 202, 250, 276 John, 7,* 27,* 39, 40, 44,* 65, 63, 64, 69, 87, 135, 144, 172, 185, 240, 247, c. 332, c. 333, 333, w. 334, 343, w. 352, li. 373, w. 387, 387, c. 390, w. 402, c. 429, s. 436, w. 458, 466, d. 489, w. 504, 526 Katherine, 50, 270 INDEX OF NAMES 691 Baptisms, .,1-248. Man-iages.,, 249-318. Burials.,. 319-599, Stock— Continued. Lydia, 147 Mary, 18, 28, 59, 69,* 80, 98, 123, 124, 165, 166, 215, 229, 250, 557, 565 Miriam, 165 Nathan, 157, 213 N.X.N., 291 Philip, 109, 213, 218, 229, 242, c. 574, c. .584, c. 592 Ralph, 89, 224, 529 Richard, 104, 123, 137, 147,* c. 459, c. 467, d. 595 Roger, w. 374, 488 Sarah, 120 Susan, 267 Thomas, 150, 204, 596 Timothy, 166 WilUam, 96, 114,* 126, 135, 139, 240, 284, 315, c. 422, c. 463, u. 467, 486 Stones, AUce, 275 Thomas, 109* WilUam, 160* Stoot (Stut) Dorothy, 142, 313 Peter, 142 Stopport, Martha, 283 Stott, Abel, 363 Abigail, 142 Abraham, 7, 15, 33, 38, 51, 61, 68, 80, 86, 93, 98, 125,* 139,* 184, 196, 206, 214, 225, 237, 248, 296, c. 334. c. 337, w. 342, 353, c. 354, c. 401, c. 429, w. 435, c. 456, c. 467, 478, w. 480, w. 488, s. 518, 588 AUce, 66, 67, 68, 88, 103, 207, 268, 290, 303, 304, 372, 489, 547 Ann, 55, 74, 85, 93, 97, 101, UO, 125, 136, 141, 145, 183, 229, 237, 268, 271, 273, 281, 291, 297, 299,* 304, 306, 309 Boneventer, w. 480 Charles, 83, 96, 112, 122, 126,* 131. 139, 147, 148,* 173, 180, 188, 225, 229, 238, 245 247,* 282, 296, 299, 317,* w. 328, 330, w. 346, d. 359, s. 418, 429, 439, c. 462, 489, w. 499, w. 505, 596, w. 599 Dorothv, 15, 100, 308 Eaden (f.), 123 Edith, 308 Stott— Continued. Edmund, 74, 85, 101, 112, 225, 254, 293, 453, c. 530, c 555 EUzabeth, 34, 49, 51,* 109, 124, 158, 163, 172, 176, 187, 195,* 215, 221, 248, 252, 254, 258, 286, 300, 306, 312, 371, 541, 575. 597 EUen, 73, 304 Esther, 171, 299 Francis, 33, 61, 63, 170, 184, 197, 211, 296 Gerrard (Jarratt), 9, 28, 267, c. 327, c. 361, c. 370, w. 556, 564 Grace, 74, 107 Isaac, 39 Isabel, 50, 192, 284, 297 James, 8, 10,* 11, 20, 21, 34, 38,* 40, 42, 43,* 45,* 60, 52, 55,* 59, 60,* 63, 66,* 67, 7'2, 73, 83, 85,* 86, 87, 89, 93,* 96, 98, 100, 101,* 103, 107, 108,* 110,*113,* 117, 122, 124,* 125, 129, 132, 136, 137,* 139, 140, 141, 145,* 148, 150,* 154, 161,* 162, 163, 171, 172,* 180, 182,* 190, 195,* 202, 206, 207, 211, 214,* 226, 226, 227, 228, 235, 240, 246, 25,5, 260, 267, 269. 272, 279, 288, 298, 309, 311, e. 321, w. 323, w. 331, 340, 345, u. 361,* w. 362, 377, 389, c. 393, w. 393, 394, c. 394, c. 395, w. 396, c. 404, w. 407, c. 411, c. 415, 416, 0. 426, w. 430, c. 433, w. 434, c. 435, c. 437, e. 442, 443. u. 447, w. 454, c. 456, 460, c. 462, w. 463, 476, d. 478, c. 481, 482, w. 483, c. 485, c. 488, w. 492, c. 498, w, 498, 502, c. 505, w. 506. w. 509, 510, w. 516, c, .521, d. 534, 539, c. 543, 543, 547, 555, 562, d. 568. c. 573, w. 578, w. 593, c. 597 Jane, 28, 40, 45,* 49, 59, 71, 87, 128, 145, 150, 170, 179, 186, 220, 232, 251, 271, 272, 283, 290, 296, 297, 300, 315 Jenet, 255 692 ROCHDALE REGISTERS Bop«is»?is... 1-248. Afarriagies... 249-318. B«riaJs... 3 19-599. Stott— Continued. Jeremy, 273, c. 488, w. 568 John, 7, 9, 17, 28,* 39, 49,* 55,* 67,* 69,* 72, 76,* 79, 84, 88, 89, 96, 100, 102,* UO, 112,* 116, 120, 122, 126, 129,* 132, 137, 142, 145, 153,* 154, 161, 163, 168, 171, 172,* 182, 187, 191, 196, 197, 206, 214, 221, 229, 232, 235, 238,* 242, 270, 278, 282, 283, 286, 298, 302, 313, 317, li. 321, 328, 329, w. 331, c. 339,* s. 355, 357, c. 362, c. 363, c. 364, w. 375, s. 376, c. 379, w. 388, w. 392, c. 399, 400, c. 406, c. 415, w. 422, d. 434, 435,* c. 437, c. 441, c. 444, 451, w. 452, c. 464, w. 468, c. 481, w. 494, c. 504, two c. 505, c. 512,* c. 516, s. 522, c. 523, c. 532, w. 533, c. 541, 552, s. 553, d. 564, d. 565, c. 568, c. 574, d. 579, w. 580, c. 583, w. and c. 584, 586, c. 591, c. 599 Jonathan, 188, 200, 220, c. 410, c. 505, w. 542 Joseph, 29, 176, 279 Joshua, 16, 71, 86, 112, 128, 172, 195, 230, 317, c. 319, w. 327, c. 337, d. 381, s. 381, w. wife's mother [sic] 399, c. 404, c. 423, c. 428, c. 432, 433, w. 465, u. 498 Katherine, 42, 62, 126 Luke, 86 Margaret, 16, 17, 132 Martha, 8, 62, 85, 297, 541 Mary, 8, 21, 38, 67, 71, 74, 86, 92, 122, 132, 145, 147, 162, 168, 189, 228, 242, 269, 277,* 286, 290, 294, 297, 300, 306, 313, 315 Michael, d. 324, d. 373, c. 375 Nathan, 87, 100, 130,* 161, 298, 305, c. 346, c. 493, w. 494, c. 505, c. 507, w. 510, c. 510, w. 516, w. 539, c. 546, c. 547 N.X.N., 120, c. 388, c. 562, 569, 571, li. 576 PrisciUa, 289 Rachel, 137 Ralph, 51, 62,* 66, 75,* 97, 195,* 202,* 215, 234,* 249, 299, w. 347, i.. 373, Stott, Ralph— Continued. 378, 0. 388, c. 390, 467, c. 542, c. 569 Richard, 40 Robert, 22, 40, 63, 67, 71, 74, 79, 84, 85, 86, 87, 97,* 109, 117, 123, 190, 200, 207, 230, 252, 273, 277, 314, 328,* i;. 3.54, c, 359, c. 372, 378, c. 381, c. 408, c. 412, w. 422, w. 427, c. 427, c. 437, c. 464,* c. 485, 508, d. 635, s. 538, w. 572, 575, w. 583, 592 Ruth, 260 Samuel, 63, 96, 148, 206, 226, 227, 238 Sarah, 66, 131, 229, 245, 295, 297, 308 Susan, 125, 308 Thomas, 11, 20, 22, 27,* 29, 52,* 55, 62, 80, 116, 129, 140, 149,* 150, 158, 163, 167,* 171, 173, 179, 183, 189, 195, 240, 246, 289, 297, 306, w. 345, s. 382, c. 389, s. 438, c. 443, 445, 448, 463, c. 464, 484, c. 488, c. 505, c. 512, c. 517, c. 519, w. 527, c. 530, w. 536, c. 541, c. 546, w. 573, 587 Widow, 590, 591 WilUam, 74, 92, 186, 191,* 192, 202, 207, 221,* 315, c. 340, c. 401, w. 440, w. 503, 514, c. 539, c. 549, c. 553, c. 567, c. 577, w. 584 Stout a^i'as Clough Katherine, 286 Street (Streete) Abraham, 6 Ann, 97, 301 Elizabeth, 55 Hannah, 95 James, 7,* 38, 52, 95, 147, 275, w. 410, B. 425, c. 427, 477, 481, w. 493 Jane, 446 John, 6, 17, 28, 44, 6'2, 158, c. 352, c. 367, 413 Mary, 71, 112, 136, 157, 535 N.X.N., w. 402 Richard, 17, 44,* 389, 423 Robert, 152 Samuel, 38, 44, 46, 55, 63,* 71, 84, 97, 112, 136, 147, 152, 153,* 157, 158, 255, INDEX OF NAMES 693 Baptisms... 1-248. Afarriajcs... 249-3 18. BwriaZs... 3 19-599. Street, Samuel — Continued. 287, c. 385, c. 407, c. 417, 443, d. 456, u. 466, c. 485, two c. 490, c. 491, c. 499, 499, 592 Sarah, 28, 84, 285 Susan, 46, 253, 287 Strenger, see Stringer Strengthfellow (Strengfellow, Strenghfellow,StringthfeUow) EUzabeth, 73 Joshua, 73, w. 482, c. 485, w. 532, 546 Katherine, 8 Margaret, 279 Ralph, 8, 323 WiUiam, c. 585 Strickland, EUen, 283 Stringer (Strenger) AUce, 98 Ann, 309 Benjamin, 58, 98, 256, w. 593, 594 EUjah, 63 EUzabeth, 115 Esther, 262 Francis, c. 381 Israel, 46, 52, 63, 72, c. 395, c. 406, w. 422, c. 479, c. 487, c. 520, w. 530, 536 James, 58, 298, w. 419 Jane, 72 John, 328 Martha, 46, 289 Mary, 52, 254, 289 Priscilla, 382 Robert, 115, 272, w. 339, 371, 372, w. 379, w. 400, u. 448, w. 546 Ruth, 249, 322 StringthfeUow, see StrengthfeUow Stut, see Stoot Sudale (Sewdale) Jane, 48, 261 George, 93 Joseph, 76 Robert, 48, 56,* 76, 275, d. 429 William, 81,* 93 Sudworth, Henry, w. 360 John, 412 Mary, 2 Robert, 2 SueteU, see Soothill Sugener, see Surgener Sumerstone, Daniel, 287 Surgener (Sougener, Sugener, Surganer) Surgener — Continued. Jacob, 277, w. 420, 453 Mary, 337, 453 Susan, 587 Sutayle, see Soothill Sutcliffe (SutcUf, SutcUfe, SutcUff, SutUf, SutUfe, SutUff, SutUffe, SuttcUfe, Suttcliff, SuttcUffe, Suttilffe, SuttiUff, Suttlef, SuttUfe, SuttUffe) Abraham, 67, 71,* 94,* 111 152, 241, 248, 271, 316, c. 410, 0. 415, s. 504, 508, 570 Ann, 53, 111, 138, 239, 250, 572 Anthony, 7, 130, 140, w. 350, c. 433, w. 438, o. 451, 468, c. 471, c. 506 Christopher, 127 Dorothy, 75 EUzabeth, 93, 294* Ellen, 21, 68 Esther, 263 George, 195 Grace, 286 Henry, 11,5, 270 Isabel, 130, 163 James, 7, 53, 60, 63, 67, 75,* 85,93, 103, 115, 117, 139,* 146, 163, 187, 239, 245, 248, 258, 283, 287, 288, 295, 307, 314, 316, 318, w. 404, i;. 422, c. 441, 445, w. 453, s. 456, o. 479, o. 522, c. 541, 542, w. 552, 572, w. 576, c. 583 Jane, 103 John, 5, 21, 32, 38, 47, 51, 56,* 59, 63, 67, 68, 76, 90, 117, 132, 140, 170, 176,* 195, 241, 245, 257, 266, 286, c. 343, 0. 380, c. 387, d. 391, c. 397,* 402, o. 441, w. 446, c. 465, 501, w. 507, 516, 522, c. 533, 537* Joshua, 187 Josias, 132 Margaret, 38, 250 Martha, 85, 257 Mary, 51, 60, 123, 138, 146, 333, 517, 540 Michael, 90, c. 354, w. 369, w. 399 Nathan, 123, 138, 158,* 170, 172,* 349, w. 382 694 ROCHDALE REGISTERS Bapiisms... 1-248. Afarriajes... 249-318. BuriaZs... 3 19-599. Sutcliffe — Continued. N.X.N., w. 583 Robert, 5, 17,* 32, 59, 67, 83, 169, 268, 285, w. 386, w. 422, c. and w. 458 Samuel, 127, 138, 152, 252, w. 331, c. 344, c. 448, c. 456, c. 457, c. 494, c. 520, 550 Sarah, 47, 169, 312 Susan, 83, 284, 299, 303, 318, 611 Widow, 586 SuteU, SuttiU, see Soothill Sutherwood, Robert, c 371. SwaUow, EUzabeth, 457 John, 27, 454, w. 480 Mary, 27 Sweetlove (Sweetelove) Adam, s. 319, 399, w. 412 Mary, 258 Symond, see Simond Tattersall (Tatersall, Tatersell, Tattersale, Tattersell, Tattersole) Abraham, c. 345, k. 437, 470, w. 493 AUce, 2, 262 EUzabeth, 13, 43, 289 Ellen, 25 George, 252 James, 2, 132, 179, 188,* 198, 276, 310, 312, d. 474, 47.5, c. 529, e. 547, b. 562, 572, i;. 578 John, 35, 60, 68,* 84, 132, 178, 198, 203,* 209, 211, 218, 233, 237, 259, 281, 282, 300,* 307, 318, 349, c. 380, w. 430, w. 509, li. 518, d. 532, c. 639, w. 542, c. 548, 556, c. 562, w. 568, c. 571, u. 579, w. 581, w. 596 Joseph, 151 Lawrence, 13, 25, 35, 43, c. 344, c. 345 Mary, 60, 151, 179, 233, 301 Richard, 209 Robert, 237 Susan, 275 Thomas, 178, 218 Timothy, 211 WiUiam, 84 Taylor (Tayler) Abraham, 2, 7, 14, 15, 18, 22, Taylor, Abraham — Continued. 24,* 29, 35, 43, 44, 46, 47, 54, 61,* 64, 67, 69,* 71, 74, 76, 80, 85, 90, 96,* 98, 100, 107, 111,* 120, 127, 128, 131, 133, 135, 136, 140, 141, 140, 149, 156, 161, 162, 165,* 167, 169, 172, 178, 184,* 188, 190, 199,* 205, 207, 208, 213, 214, 217, 218, 232, 243, 245, 246, 248, 256, 271, 275, 286, 288, 291, 297,* 302, 303,* 307, 310, c. 342, c. 352, c. 355, c. 361, d. 373, c. 378, 388, s. 389, 389, w. 396, w. 397, c. 399, c. 413, s. 414, s. 427, 448, 451, w. 455, s. 457,* w. 457, c. 457, c. 458, c. 462, c. 464, c. 466, li. 468, c.1,470, 471, w. 473, c. 473, 474, w. 480, a. 485, c. 486, w. 496, w. 602,* c. 505, li. 514, s. 519, 521, c. 524, c. 530,* w. 530, w. 531, s. 532, c. 535, w. 535, w. 538, c. 539, c. 540, c. 541, c. 644, c. 550, w. 580, w. 589, 590, c. 594 Adam, 7, 59,* 80, 264, 333, 335, d. 363, 393, w. 420, 584 Alexander, 159, 554 Alice, 7, 24, 40, 47, 54, 58, 64, 69, 75, 88, 90, 95, 12,5, 128, 136, 148, 164, 188, 203, 205, 208, 233, 239, 244, 261, 272, 275, 278, 289,* 299, 309, 311, 312 Andrew, 60, 67, 77, 95, 113, 263, c. 439, d. 462, w. 511, 548 Ann, 7, 20, 24, 45,* 49, 63, 84, 90,* 92, 93, 98,* 103, 107, 113, 116, 132, 152, 166, 169, 178, 187, 207, 208, 217, 241, 248, 254, 255, 266, 277, 278,* 283, 305, 306, 308, 310, 312,* 317, 356, 551 Arthur, 75 Bridget, 217 Charles, 214 Christopher, w. 398 Cuthbert, c. 357, 393 Daniel, 146 Deborah, 246, 265 Dennis, 318 INDEX OF NAMES 695 Baptisms ... 1-248. Afarnac/es.. .249-318. Bwiafe... 3 19-599. Taylor — Continued, Dorothy, 214, 349 Edmund, 14, 28, 90, 103, 105, 108, 115, 116, 117, 121, 129,* 130, 132, 133, 137,* 140, 142, 144,* 149, 151, 155,* 156, 160, 161,* 168,* 175, 187, 204, 206, 208, 218,* 227,* 232, 238, 244, 278, 280, 284, 313, 318, 324, 326, c. 328, c. 342, c. 381, w. 417, c. 421, w. 440, 448, c. 456, c. 460, w. 476, c. 481, c. 485, w. 492, c. 503, 515, w. 521, s. and w. 525, c. 561, 584, c. 586, c. 587 Elizabeth, 1, 7, 24, 33, 50, 68, 69, 76, 102, 113,* 127, 135, 139, 150,* 154, 162, 166, 190, 198, 199, 210, 225, 242, 262, 282, 295, 304, 309, 313, 329, 584, w. and c. 589 Ellen, 46, 167, 174, 291, 368 Finores [sic'^^ w. 349 Gabriel, 96, "s. 398, w. 419, 435 George, 47, 53, 64, 88, 117, 139, 160, 179, 207, 215, 227, 232, 239, 306, c. 372, 435, c. 489, w. 495, c. 592 Grace, 18, 88, 103, 120, 126, 137, 151, 168, 231, 275, 302, 306, 447 Hannah, 298 Henry, 14, 15, 27,* 33, 71, 73, 96,* 108, 149, 156, 161, 167, 178,* 188, 198, 208, 214, 219, 225, 232,* 290, 292, 336, w. 348, c. 387, c. 398, c. 436, c. 517, c. and w. 523, c. 524, 536, c. 543, c. 575, 579 Hugh, 53 Isaac, 283, c. 470, u. 501, c. 520, 528 Isabel, 138 Jacob, 142, 147, c. 480, 523 James, 10, U, 22,* 27,* 29, 31, 34, 36,* 41, 42, 43,* 45, 48,* 51, 53, 57,* 58, 59, 63, 64,* 69, 71, 72, 81, 83, 84,* 89, 90, 92, 93,* 98, 103,* 108, 114,* 118,* 125, 126, 128, 131, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 140, 145,* 146, 147, 150,* 151, 152, 157, 158, 161, 171, 183, 193, 201, 202, Taylor, James — -Continued. 204, 207,* 213, 221,* 225, 227, 231,* 232, 238, 240,* 242, 244,* 247, 251, 281, 283, 28.5, 288, 289, 291. 302, 306, 309, 313, 315,* 316, s. 324, w. 328, w. 339, 345, d. 347, 351, 353, c. 355, w. 359, d. 360, 363, s. 367, c. 368, w. 368,* d. 369, d. 373, s. 373, c. 380, 380, s. 383, w. 388, c. 390, w. 392, w. 397, 407, 411, s. 414, c. 417, c. 418, c. 421, w. 429, 437, w. 440, c. 441, w. 448, c. 449, d. and w. 450, c. 455, 457, 466, 0. 466, w. 469, d. 473, 474, c. 475, w. 477, d. 480, c. 483, s. 486, c. 486, c. 490, d. 491, c. 499, w. 502, w. 504, c. 507, w. 511, c. and w. 521, 521, c. 522, w. 524, d. 524, 0. 538, d. 556, c. and s. 558,* c. 559, d. 562, 570, c. 574, a. 575, 575, c. 577, s. 580, c. 586, c. 587, 588, c. 589, 589,* w. 589, c. 591,* 591, c 595, c. 596* Jane, 11, 38, 42, 64, 74, 85, 93, 96, 103, 108, 111, 112, 113, 142, 158, 201, 250, 251, 253,* 255,* 264, 275, 288, 293, 303, 307, 317, c. 499 526 Jeffrey,' d. 326, 347, w. 417 Jeremv, 89, 175 Joanah (f.), 186 John, 1, 6, 7, 11, 14, 18,* 24, 27, 28, 29, 33,* 34,* 35, 38, 40,* 41, 45, 47, 49,* 54,* 56,* 57, 62, 63,* 66, 68, 69, 71, 75,* 78, 82, 83,* 84, 85, 89, 90, 98, 102,* 103,* 104, 105, 114, 122,* 123,* 125, 126, 127, 129, 13.3, 134, 135,* 137, 138, 139, 140,* 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 147, 149, 150, 151, 154, 156, 157, 158, 159, 165,* 170, 172, 187, 188,* 194, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 207, 208, • 210, 224, 227, 229, 230,* 231,* 236,* 238, 240,* 242, 243, 247,* 252,* 253, 256, 260, 270, 272, 273, 274, 277, 280, 283,* 288, 696 ROCHDALE REGISTERS Baptisms... 1-248, Marriages... 249-318. Burials... 319-599. Taylor, John — Continued. 293, 295, 300, 303,* 304, 312,* 313,* 317, w. 357, c. 361, w. 373, 379, w. 382, 389, w. s. and c. 390, w. 391, w. and u. 392, u. 393, 393, w. 394, c. 396, c. 402, s. 405, s. 406, 413, c. 414, w. 418, w. 420, s. 421, s. 422, s. 427, c. 441, c. 442,* 442, w. 444, li. 446,* c. 447, c. 449, c. 452, 454, d. 454, c. 457, 458, d. 458, c. 462, s. 463, u. 471, w. 476, w. 480, c. 486, 487, s. 487, w. 488, w. 489, d, 489, c. 490, 492, 496, w. 497, c. 498, c. 502, c. 504. i;. 505, w. 508, c. 511, 511, w. 514, c. 521, s. 522, w. 525, 525, c. 526, 626, c, 528, w. 528, d. 532, w. 532, c. 536, w. 542,* 545, d. 546, B. 547, d. 551, 554, 555, w. and c. 564, d. 566, w. 569, c. 572, c. 574,* 579, li. 579, c. 585, c. 587, 589, c. 591, w. 592 Jonathan, 65,* 89, 100, 104, 114, 159, 175, 183, 20o' 204,* 209,* 214, 233, 246, 283, 297, 305, w. 431, c. 445, 547, w. and s. 697 Joseph, 22, 29, 64, 70,* 95 139, 158, 168, 178, 179 182,* 190, 193, 197, 201,* 202,* 206, 212, 217, 242 203, 271, 285, 292, 30o' 314, c. 333, c. 341, w. 376* w. 399, w. 426, 429, s! 456, c. 470, w. 488, c. 492 c. 514, c. 617, 521, b. 545* 547, s. 548, c. 552, c. 558, c. 574, w. 579, w. 593 Joshua, 20, 160, 244, 306, 317 c. 354 Katherine, 49 Lawrence, 112, 130* LyoneU, 80 Margaret, 70, 122, 125, 144, 270, 291, 355, 555, 561 Martha, 11, 17, 57, 67 107 132, 141, 158, 167, 263! 275, 313, 593, 599 Mary, 10,* 14, 15, 22, 34, 35, 51, 59, 60, 61, 63,* 72, 76, 77, 82, 98, 102,* 107, 108, 109, 114,* 115,* 119, 121, 126, 127, 129, 132, Taylor, Mary — Continued. 133, 137, 141, 149, 154, 156,* 159, 167, 170, 188, 190, 194, 198,* 203, 212, 215, 218, 224, 231, 241, 242, 244, 246, 250, 251,* 252,* 253, 259, 261, 264,* 266, 272, 278,* 279, 281, 282,* 283, 284, 292, 295, 297, 300, 306, 310, 312, 315, 457, 518, 534 Michael, 31, 139, 148, 157, 167, c. 524 Miles, 61 Mr, 59, d. 394, c. 394, c. 396, d. 398, 421, 426, 454 N.X.N., 44, 145, 570 OUver, 15, c. 346 OttaweU, 382, d, 439 PriscUla, 103, 274 Rachel, 231 Ralph, 111, 119, 132, 202, 277, w. 410, c. 448, 449, c. 453, li. 463, 594 Rebecca, 177 Richard, 2, 40, 62, 78, 95, 139, 146,* 155, 169, 178, 242, 276, 277, w. 320, 331, w. 334, 438, w. 454, s. 475, w. 556 Robert, 14, 41, 53, 66, 73, 77, 84,* 88, 98, 107, 108, 114, 130, 133, 134, 139,* 142, 146, 149, 154, 167, 177, 183, 186, 199, 214, 231, 242,* 248, 288, 300, 313, 315, w. 346, w. 375, 39.3, c. 431, 436, c. 436, c. 439, c. 443, w. 443, w. 458, 496, c. 533, 539, c. 550, d. 550, d. 551, w. 574, c. 590, 591, w. 593, c, 595 Roger, 3,* 17, 27, 93, 102, 107, 112, 115, 122, 123,* 132, 134, 146, 149, 156, 166, 241, 248, c. 322, two c. 322, s. 352, 356, w. 361, 377, 438, w. 439, c. 468, 476, d. 489, c. 493, 536, d. 537, d. 542 Ruth, 149 Samuel, 10, 25, 35, 50, 90, 103, 109, 142,* 143, 147, 156, 158, 166, 171, 174, 183, 193, 199, 203, 229, 253, 289, 299, c. 320, w. 322, c. 367, c. 379, c. 385, d. 408, 427, c. 432, w. 444, c, 479, 486, 0. 503, 0. 504, INDEX OF NAMES 697 BaptisTOS... 1-248. Afarn'ac/es.. .249-318. Bwiais . . . 3 1 9-599'. Taylor, Samuel — Continued. 533, c. 533, s. and d. 559, d. 580, c. 594 Sarah, 73, 83, 85, 92, 112, 142, 155, 161, 167, 225, 227, 238, 277,* 286, 301, 315,* 590 Susan, 41, 77, 81, 164, 197, 255, 297, 308, 505, 547 Thomas, 67, 73, 86,* 98, 111, 113, 114, 128, 136, 157, 167, 175, 178, 202, 237, 245, 284, 326, 352, c. 400, c. 420, c. 456 Widow, 592 William, 22, 25, 59, 64, 93, 111, 113, 146, 159,* 178, 187, 193, 201, 211,* 219, 241, 281, 298, 299, 316, 317, w. 321, 339, c. 347, B. 389, c. 444, 445, d. 499, c. 517, c. 518, w. 530, 540, c. 561, c. 562, c. 565, w. 587 Zachary, 59, 63, 70, 76, 80, 92, 140, 312, c. 421, c. 426 Tempest, Mary, c. 564 Terrey, John, 167 Mary, 154, 300 Walter, 154, 167, c. 494, 519, c. 519 Tetlock, John, 174 Timothy, 174 Tetlow (Tetlah, Tetlaw, Tetley, Tetloe, Tetly, Tettlah, Tettloh, Tettlow) Abraham, 75, 188, 197, 226,* 243, 302, 365 Alexander, 325 Alice, 243 Ann, 60, 475 Dinah, 289 EUzabeth, 22 George, w. 388 James, 60, 75, 105,* 134, 264, 277, w. 334,* 334, w. 382, c. 401, w. 420, c. 428, 464, c. 465, w. 516 John, 197, 220 Martin, 291, w. 508 Mary, 220, 245 Nathaniel, 503, w. 524 " Old," w. 363 Ralph, 22, 252, li. 351, c. 352, w. 353 Robert, 245 Samuel, 134 Sarah, 188 Susan, 290 Tetlow — Continued. Thomas, 291 Tewdale, see TweedaU Thomas, John, w. 457, 480 Thomson (Thomsonn, Tompson, Tomson, Tomsonn) Alice, 5 Daniel, 5, c. 321 Edmund, 45 EUzabeth, 279 Emanuel, 7, 14, 21, c. 321, c. 323, c. 340, c. 342, w. 466 John, 7, 330, w. 531 Mary, 259 Matthew, 14 Richard, 45 WiUiam, 21 Thornley, Edmund, 229 Jeremy, 252 Mary, 242 WilUam, 229, 242, 313 Thornton, Ann, 280 Thorp (Thorpe, Thorpp, Thorpps) Enoch, 312 James, 180, 283, 300, 553 John, 285, w. 555, 584 Martha, 180, 246 Mary, 282 Mrs, s. 397 N.X.N., c. 368 Phoebe, 314 Richard, 15 Robert, 246, 313 Sarah, 15, 395 Susan, 556 Tomlenson, Ann, 281 GUes, 282 Isabel, 259 Tompson, Tomson, Tomsonn, see Thomson Tongue, Christopher, 306 WiUiam, 315 TooteU (TwotaUe) WilUam, 303, c. 557 Topping (Toppin) Edmund, 291 Jane, c. 568 Tomer, see Turner Towne (Townes) George, 2 John, 36, 250 Katherine, 23 Thomas, 2, 23, 36, d. 331, 370, w. 378 Townend, Susan, 250 Townes, see Towne Travis (Traves, Travice, Traviss) Ann, 278 Benjamin, 318 698 ROCHDALE REGISTERS Baptisms . , . 1-248. Marriages... 249-318. Burials... 319-599, Travis — .Continued. Binian, 141 Dorothy, 294 EUzabeth, 260, 317 George, 67, 196,* 216, 229, 304, s. 636, c. 572,* w. 572, w. 590 James, 209 John, 85, 209, 217,* 229, 240 Joseph, 67, 85, 99,* 105* 117 240, 269, 292, c. 428, c. 432, d. 489, c. 514, c. 623, s. 533, c. 588 Josiah, 571 Martha, 216 N.X.N,, 141 Thomas, 117 Tuedale, see TweedaU Tunstill, Martha, 299 Rachel, 313 Turner (Torner, Turney, Turnhough, Turnor, Turnough) Abel, 53, 184, 192, 209, 219,* 239, 241, 301, 308, d. 566, c. 586 Abraham, 20, 30, 34, 64, 84 93, 97, 114, 136, 158, 189,* 196, 201, 209, 214, 21,5, 244, 285, 286, 302, 315, li. 340, 305, 489, s. 498, c. 499, d. 508, c. 509, 512, w. 538, w. 542, d. 554, w. 591, 593, 595 Alexander, 3, 6, 26, 36, 46, 70, 77, 105, 144, 160, 163, 176, 185, 282,* 295, w. 321, w. 322, 325, c. 335, w. 384, d. 387, 418, c. 446, d. 459, c. 462, c. 463, w. 472, c. 473, li. 474, u. 496, 53,5, c. 537 Alice, 6, 36, 160, 165, 263, 271 Ann, 14, 30, 45, 48,* 65, 70, 93, 103, 104, 117, 161, 182, 183, 204, 209,* 219, 220, 245, 249, 268, 279,* 281, 291, 301, 303, 318, 542 Arthur, 12, 22, 26, 30, 132, 249, 251, 286, 288, w. 320, w. 326, d. 275, 403, w. 445, 482, c. 492, 560 Benjamin, 251 Bonaventur, 285 Charles, 15, 54, 62, 70, 82, 84, 123,* 145, 148,* 157, 162, 165, 214, 222, 230, 239, 248, 259, 284, 310, 395, Turner, Charles — Continued, 438, w. 450, c. 496, c. 508, w.[l512, w. 546, 572, u. 584, Daniel, 352 Dorothy, 430 Edmund, 11, 14, 26, 27, 62 68,* 74,* 79, 97, 160, 164, 174, 183, 204, 213, 223, 235, 243,* 261, 293, 327, c. 349, s. 367, c. 382, d. 387, li. 407, d. 411, c. 415, 4,30, c. 432, s. 451, w. 461, w. 465, L-. 469, 471, 478, w. 490, 0. 499, c. 541, c. 542, "w. 543, c. 552, s. 653, 585, 588 Edward,f'105, 279, 354, i;. 455, 0. 511, c. 519 Elizabeth, 15, 77, 82, 90, 114, 123, 136, 141, 158, 187, 207, 287, 297, 310, 312, 318, 458 Ellen, 175 Esther, 118, 190, 230, 300 Francis, 117 Godfrey, 100, 164 Grace, 96, 152, 264, 269, 287, 489 Isaac, 254, w. 431, 439 Isabel, 79, 116, 219 James, 3,* 5, 8, U, 12, 15, 26, 28,* 32,* 38, 45, 46, 48,* 52, ,53, 57, 61, 64,* 65, 68, 78, 80,* 87, 89, 90, 96, 100, 101, 102, 104, 106,* 113, 114, 116, 118, 123,* 129,* 137, 138, 141, 151, 152,* 164, 157, 169, 162, 168,* 174, 176, 183, 191, 193, 200, 207, 213, 214, 220, 227, 229, 233, 240, 245, 252, 253, 266, 268, 275, 281, 287, 290, 292, 294, 301, 304, 316, c. 320,^323, c. 324, w. 325, c. 339, c. 341, w. 346, s. 348,1350, c. 3,52, c. 354, w. 355, 359, c. 366, c. 374, c. 376,* c. 382, c. 385, c. 391, d. 401, c. 405, b. 408, c. 408, c. 410, d. and c. 413, 414, c. 426, w. 427, 430, 433, w. 437, s. 445, d. 448, c. 450, w. 461, 462, s. 464, w. 477, d. 484, 486, s. 488, d. 492, w. 493, 496, c. 498, c. 499, c. 606, c. 519, c. and w. 524, s. 524, w. 527, c. 535, 553, 0. 564, INDEX OF NAMES 699 Baptisms... 1-248. Afarriajes.. .249-318. Bi(ria/s... 319-599. Turner, James — Continued. 572, c. 594,* 595, w. 595, u. 595 Jane, 27, 34, 52, 183, 240, 285, 295, c. 364, 582 John, 4,* 9,* 15, 19, 34,* 57, 64,* 70, 79, 80, 89, 97, 99, 100, 116, 136, 137, 149, 154, 160, 175, 182, 187, 192, 200, 214, 224,* 229, 231, 236, 239,* 241, 248, 254, 285, 299, 309, 314, w. 327, w. 328, c. 330, 332, c. 346, d. 352, w. 358, s. 361, s. 362, d. 363, 365, 368, li. 386, w. 386, 391, 398, c. 405, 426, c. 459, 479, 0. 493, 495, 512, c. 514, w. 521, c. 530, 556, 585 Jonathan, 61, 68, 219, 227, 233, 307, c. 565 Katherine, 299 Margaret, 56, 57, 288, 289, 292, 294, 307 Martha, 311* Mary, 11, 19, 22, 30, 46,* 54, 57, 78, 97, 112, 113, 123, 132, 136, 138, 148, 149, 152, 160, 171,^185, 192, 201, 223, 236, 246, 248, 249, 264, 266, 267, 282, 287, 288,* 297, 300, 308, 313, 314, 318, 548, 590, 597 Matthew, 177 Michael, 26 N.X.N., w. 441 Patience, 215 Priscilla, c. 379, 553 Rachel, 198 Ralph, li. 323 Rebecca, 161 Richard, 8, 15, 56, 151, 185, 246, s. 439, 443, s. 452, 548 Robert, 87, 99, 101, 112, 122,* 136, 143,* 151, 161, 171, 185, 198, 231, 274, 287, c. 343, w. 457, s. 479, w. 490, 497 Samuel, 11, 136, 144, 149, 160, 169,* 273, 288, c. 482, w. 518, c. 518, 0. 526 Sarah, 15, 26, 62,* 149, 159, 163, 184, 191, 193, 235, 244, 250, 280, 282, 288, 290 Turner — Continued. Susan, 5, 102, 160, 222, 271, 277 298 Thomas' 20,* 26, 38, 46,* 115, 123, 135, 145, 177, 248, '251, c. 358, w. 373, d. 409, 563 William, 79, 90,* 103, 114, 127,* 135, 148, 192, 273, c. 439, c. 456, d. 496, c. 497, s. 554 Turton, John, 187 Margaret, 157 Robert, 176 WiUiam, 157, 176, 187, 207,* 293, c. 557, s. 597 TweedaU (Tewdale, Tuedale, Tweddle, TweedeU, Twiddall) Abraham, 215, 270, 318, d. 477,* c. 587 Jane, 310 John, 215, 247, 310 Mary, 318 Phebe, 247 Sarah, 318 Twotaile, see Tootell U Unsworth (Undsworth) Abraham, 96, 133, 286, 353, c. 355, w. 384, c. 421, c. 430, w. 454, c. 467, 591 Ann, 30, 160, 198, 311 Charles, c. 491, 492 Edmund, 37,* 90, 120, w. 454 Edward, 72, UO, 268, c. 431, c. 436, c. 442, 471, d. 485 Elizabeth, 72, 133, 314 James, 38, 145, 318 Jane, 170 John, 90 Joseph, 96, 111, 198, 232, 280, w. 462, c. 467, c. 509, u. 540, c. 573, 590 Mary, UO, 111, 120, 123, 526 Mr, 492 , Richard, 30, 38, 128, 145, 160, 170, 252, 368, 469, c. 529, c. 539, c. 554, w. 555 Samuel, w. 404 Sarah, 96, 259 WilUam, 232 Urmstone, Richard, 282 Uttley (Utley) Deborah, 316 John, 309 Mary, 239, 269 700 ROCHDALE REGISTERS Bapiisms... 1-248. Afarriogies... 249-318. BwiaZs.. .319-599. Uttley — Continued. Michael, 226, 239 Samuel, 226 Vaugham, John, 482 Mr, 482 Voidall (VidaU, Voydel, Vydall) Edward, 240 George, 98 John, 98, 130,* 549 WilUam, 240 VoUancs, John, 21* W Wade (Waide) Esther, 268 Marv, 395 Robert, 395 AViUiam, 235,* 312, 314 WakefeUd, Elizabeth, 439 Walkden (Waksden, Walckden, Wolkden) Alexander, 11 Alice, 4 Ann, 90, 182 Bonaventure, 329, w. 455 Edmund, 182 EUzabeth, 4, 104, 306 Francis, 224 Grace 274 John,' 4, 134, 224, 239, 285, c. 368, s. 414, 3. 427, d. 457, 470, s. 476, d. 482, w. 494 Judeth, 213, c. 565, c. 597* Marv, 213, 312 Ralph, 307, 312, 596 Robert, 4, 11, 28, 49,* 90,* 104, 134, 270, 302, d. 323, w. 343, 373, c. 384, w. 400, w. 417, c. 423, w. 445, d. 1 462, d. 469, w. 488, a. 489, w. 502, 510, 556 Roger, 28 Sarah, 239 Walker (Wolker) Abraham, o. 519 AUce, 305 Edward, 282 EUzabeth, 249, 251 Esther, 296 Jane, 286 John, c. 321, w. 323 Mary, 413 Mr, 499 Peter, 504 Walker — Continued. Robert, d. 325, c. 337 Thomas, w. 382 William, 499 Waller, William, 278 WaUey, see Whaley Walton, Elizabeth, 527 John, 301 Susan, 60 WilUam, 60 Warberton (Warbertonn) Cuthbert, 357 Francis, 415 John, 403 Mary, 367 Ward, Jasper, 440 Mary, 292 WilUam, 308 Wardle (Wardley, Weardle) Alexander, w. 331, s. 353, a. 356, 367 AUce, 527 Ann, 133 Edmund, 3 Elizabeth, 122, 203 Grace, 523 James, 16, 17, 70, 128, u. 330, 343, 429 Jane, 306 John, 64, 70, 79, 95,* 104, 106, 122, 133, 267, c. 366, 373, 451, 467, 527, 551 Joseph, 16, 106, 128, 137, 280, 286, 291, 379, w. 475, w. 550 Joshua, w. 471 Martha, 581 Mary, 3, 79, 137, 231, 278, 304, 305, 307, 371 Richard, 1 Samuel, 1, 64, 164, 203, 231, c. 322, 325, d. 341, w. 475, c. 568 Sarah, 104, 303 Thomas, 17 WUUam, 164 Wardleworth (Wardlworth) AUce, 197 Ann, 29, 150, 278 Grace, 28 James, 12,* 20, 29, 46, 71, 132, 143,* 150, 158, 284, 298, u. 369, li. 376, 377, w. 377, c. 378, w. 569 Jane, 106, 158, 312 John, 28, 35,* 44,* 52, 59, 71, 151,* 159, 253, 450, w. 461, c. 515, w. ,532, w. 533 Joseph, 223 INDEX OF NAMES 701 Baptisms... 1-248. Afarriagrcs.. .249-318. BwriaZs.,, 3 19-599. Wardleworth — Continued. Mary, 52, 159, 293 Richard, 12, 46, 334, s. 426, w. 487 Samuel, 59, 197, 223, w. 586 Sarah, 12, 132 William, 20, 106, 118,* 286, w. 359, 421, c. 446, c. 449 Waring, Alice, 252 Warle, Ann, 355 Watkinson, Dr (Mr), 305, 306, 308 Watmagh, Watmoe, Watmaugn, see Whatmough Waton, see Watten Watson (Watsonn) AUce, 284 Jane, 269 John, 454 Susan, 287 Thomas, w. 373 •Watten (Waton, Watton) James, 141 Lydia, 105 WiUiam, 105, 141, 278, c. 452, i;. 455, w. 492 Wattmoe, see Whatmough Weardle, see Wardle Webb (Webbe, Webbs) John, 17, 118, 123, 128, 282, 460, c. 461, c. 462, w. 471 Katherine, 128 Ralph, 17, 82, 94, 118, w. 414, 547, 556 Robert, 123, 567 Weeder (Weddar, Weder) Alice, 182 Jane, 134, 313 John, 170 Katherine, 154 Richard, 134, 146, 154, 170, 182, w. 448, c. 501, w. 544 Sarah, 146 Weilden, see Wilding Welch, see Welsh WeUs, Mary, 98 Sarah, 93 Thomas, 93, 98, c 420 Welsh (Welch, Wilsh) Edward, 267, c. 389 John, 323 Mary, 266 Robert, c. 326, 340, s. 375 Thomas, c. 322, 322, w. 335 Wenterbothom, see Winterbothom West, Jeremiah, 116, 313 John, 72,* 78, 86, 101, UO, 126, w. 402, c. 409, c. 466, 466 Mary, 126 West — Continued. Robert, 78 Thoinas, 101 Tobet, 86 Wethington, see Withington Whaley (Wallej, Whaly, Whayley, Wholey) AUce, 276 Ambrose, 290, 307, c. 484, w. 515, c. 515, c. 596 Ann, 299 Grace, 302 James, c. 493, s. 520, s. 566 Jane, 42 John, 545 Margaret, 54 Mary, 308 Mrs, 492 Thomas, 8,* 21,* 42, 54, c. 331, 460, d. 462, w. 488, d. 490, 536 Wharton, AUce, 63 Ann, 70 Grace, 80 Joseph, 70 Ralph, 63, 80, 262, c. 384 Whatan, Elizabeth, 124 Jane, 113 WilUam, 113, 124 Whatmough (Watmagh, Watmoe, Watmough, Wattmoe, Wotmoe) Alice, 215 Ann, 165 Edmund, 39, 42, 51, 62, 72, 84, 91, 100, UO, 203, 246, 290, c. 361, c. 383, o. 413, c. 418, w. 454, c. 458, 543 Elizabeth, 91 George, 72 James, 195, 240 John, 148, 210, 240 Jonathan, 181 Margaret, 51, 194 Mary, 62, UO, 200 Robert, 100, 194, 200, 210, 221,* 234, 246, 303, 307, c. 533, c. 544, w. 552, o. 557 Samuel, 84 Sarah, 39 Thomas, 234 WilUam, 42, 140,* 148, 157,* 165, 181, 19,5, 203, 215, 288, c. 481, c. 572, d. 579, 579 Whayley, see Whaley Wheatly, Susan, 325 Whild, see Wild 703 ROCHDALE REGISTERS Bapiisms... 1-248. Marriages... 249-318. Burials .. .319-599. Whilright, Mary, 250 Susan, 265 Whipp (Whip, Whippe) AUce, 177 Ann, 156, 197, 223 EUzabeth, 129, 136, 275 Ellen, 152 Grace, 101, 236, 525 John, 19, 116, 137, 216,* 228, 236, 246, c. 573 Joseph, 153 Mary, 207 Peter, 211 Rebecca, 246 Richard, 8,* 19, 32, 101, 107, 116, 123, 129, 136, 143, 163, 228, 278, c. 460, c. 465, 488, c. 490, w. 492, c. 492, 497, c. 529, d. 534 Robert, 107, 128, 156, w. 505, 1-. 518 Samuel, 32, 123, 128, 137, 143, 144,* 1.52, 159,* 177, 190,* 197, 207, 211, 223, 235, 28li, c. 492, c. 500, w. 501, c. 531, c. 551, c. 554, u. 5(i2, w. 596 Susan, 235 Whitaker (Whitacker, Whiteker, Whittaker, Whitticker) Abel, 102,* 119, 278, u. 319, 351, 362, w. 453, w. 521, 585 Abraham, 125, 360, w. 366 Alice, 25, 26, UO, 268, 288,* 290 Ann, 29, 40, 105, 145, 172, 200, 256, 270 Arthur, 37, 217, c. 570 Benjamin, 25, 53, u. 338, i;. 341, c. 370,* w. 498 Dorothy, 158, 285 EUzabeth, 15, 17,* 32, 61, 139, 146, 150, 289 Emanuel, 188, 198, 209, 294, c. 555 Enoch, 10, 250, c. 331 George, 377, w. 416 Henry, 16, 33, 40,* 48, 99, 103,* no,* 118,* 125, 135, 277, 279, c. 345, c. 382, d. 430, c. 442, c. 443, 450, c. 458, w. 465, li. 483, w. 492, 531, c. 551 Isaac, 10, 23, c. 339, w. 368 Isabel, 42, 135, 313 Jacob, 388 James, 10, 16, 19, 25, 29, 37, 46, 47, 48, 53, 54, 65, 86. Whitaker, James — Continued. 193, c. 334, c. 335,* d. 353, c. 357, 369, w. 380, w. 404, c. 406, s. 408, d. 413, d. 416, w. 417, s. 420, s. 422, c. 506, 506 Jane, 34, 86, 152, 180, 217,* 287 307 John, l] 22,* 32, 42, 49, 51, 61,* 65, 71, 104,* no,* 121,* 130, 135,* 150, 217, 219, 253, 254, 262, 302, 328, c. 349, 359, 370, 392 li. 402, 402, w. 403, w. 427, c. 431, 508, 523 Jonathan, 200, 216, 303, u. 551,* c. 686 Joseph, 10, 216 Katherine, 293, 294 Margaret, 61, 282 Martha, 49 Mary, 6, 10, 19, 32, 33, 40, 50, 71, 105, UO, 119, 128, 182, 188, 193, 209, 225, 252, 255, 280, 283, 285 Nicholas, d. 469, 470 N.X.N., 50 Ralph, 1, 11, 17, 26, 32, 38, c. 331, w. 337, c. 355, w. 434 Richard, 11, 64, 152, 163, 172, 180, 186,* 203, c. 547, d. 557, c. 561, 596 Robert, 38, 99, 182, 219, 225, 314, w. 365, w. 453, c. 528, d. 550, c. 571, c. 574, w. 576, w. 587 Sarah, 60, 130, 198, 200, 290 Sybil, 274 Thomas, 6, 15, 17, 25,* 34, 40,* 42, 47, 49, 51, 60, 86, 128, 139, 145, 150, 158, 163, 249, 271, 285, c. 335, c. 336, w. 338, c. 365, 370, c. 373, c. 374, d. 374, w. 396, c. 414, w. 439, s. 448, 450, s. 465, c. 483, c. 484, d. 486, c. 498, w. 533, 582 Widow, c;. 595, 698 WilUam, 10, 23, 42, 146, 150, 203, 290, c. 357, c. 363, c. 386, 428, c. 483, 488, w. 503, li. 503 White (Whites) Arthur, c. 350 Thomas, 327 Whitehead (Whithead) Abraham, 1, 3, 15, 51, 120, 146,* 155, 196, 242, 282, INDEX OF NAMES 703 .Baptisms... 1-248. Marriages .. .249-318. BwriaZs... 319-599. Whitehead, Abraham — Continued. w. 371, 411, d. 548 Adam, 16, 25, 177, 184, '222, 234, 299, 308, c. 340, w. 349, u. 371, c. 372, i:. 375, 376 Alexander, 370, 387, w. 478 Alice, 42, 118, 127, 149, 153, 196, 318 Ann, 50, 66, 119, 135, 139, 155, 234, 238, 241, 307, 318,* 336, c. 352 Anthony, 3, w. 332, c. 353 Arthur, 7, UO, 144, 281, 355, w. 429, 443 Deborah, 639 Dorcas, 292 Dorothy, 71, 134, 182, 317 Edmund, 1, 3, 6, 7, 13,* 20, '22, 25, 37, 39, 42, 50, 51,* 54, 64, 71, 72,* 84, 101, 107, 138, 139,* 143, 180, 221,* 233, 237, 288, 296, w. 337, c. 342, 343, w. 349, c. 353, 371, c. 375, two c. 377, c. 378,* c. 381, 384, 429, s. 431, w. 433, 473, 0. 508 Elizabeth, 8, 14, 34, 51, 54, 142, 292, 315, 495 Ellen, 101, 252, 305 EUis, w. 349 Esther, 52 Fabian, 66, 72, 116,* 127, 134, 139, 143, 182, 281, 298, w. 413, two c. 437, c. 464, s. 486, w. 489 George, 87, 174 Grace, 263, 528, 534 Henry, 52, 341 James, 3, 11, 14, 24, 25, 51, 77, 130, 144, 163, 223, 233, 234, c. 339, 344, o. 350, w. 361, 376, w. 422, 471, 554, 556 Jane, 16, 28, 99, 112, 129, 227, 298, 301, 308, 314 John, 5, 6, 7,* 8, 18,* 24, 75,* 77, 84, 87,* 99, 100, 107,* 108, UO, 113, 115, 118, 119, 120, 122, 129, 130, 138, 139, 141, 142, 152, 153, 163, 167, 211, 218, 220,* 223, 232,* 237,* 241, 277, 281, 284, 287, 300, 306, 311, c. 344, c. 345, c. 360, w. 379, 416, c. 429, c. 43.5, w. 451, c. 460, c. 461, 464, c. 466, Whitehead, John — Continued. c. 470, w. 476, c. 476, w. 483, c. 508, c. 509, c. 512,* 512, 526, c. 530, w. 538, w. 540, 542, c. 546, 546, s. 662, w. 565, 672, c. 586, c. 590 Jonathan, 55, 88, 222, 260, c. 389, w. 428 Joseph, 37 Joshua, 271 Lawrence, 386, w. 399 Margaret, 39, 167, 288, 561, 580 Martha, 191 Mary, 7, 20, 64, 88, 100, U5, 122, 123, 139, 152, 184, 211, 218, 228, 246, 257, 275, 288, 303, 305, 309, 312, 314, 315, 389 Nicholas, 11, 28, c. 349 N.X.N., 18, 112, 579 Peter, 7,* 72, 237, 246, 314, 331, c. 334 Priscilla, 34, 429 Ralph, 191, 279, w. 427 Richard, 228, 238, 278, 302, 310, 434, c. 442, w. 558, li. 565 Robert, 52,* 113, 123, 135, 141, 149, 158,* 174, 257 281, c. 449, c. 469, c. 504, c. 508 Samuel, 55, 87 Sarah, 7, 237, 242 Susan, 177, 275, 312, 594 Thomas, 5, 15, 22, 25, 51, 108, 180, 191,* 227, 234, 252, 315, w. 326, 336, c. 347, w. 383, c. 395, o. 408, w. 442, c. 467 Whitel, Mr, 109, 281* WhitehiU, IsabeUa, 311 ._ Whiteker, see Whitaker Whiteley (Whitley, Whitly) Abraham, w. 368 Alice, 118, 165 Ann, 22, 32, 96, 306, 458 Arthur, 58,* 96, 111, 262, c. 322, s. 488, 495, s. 496 d. 506 EUzabeth, 193, 283 EUen, 175 George, 265, w. 384, 410 Isabel, 302 James, 22, 131, 149, 156, 165, 175, 184,* 193, 208, 220, 238, 286, 290, 338, w. 444, w. 470, c. 503 704 ROCHDALE REGISTERS Baptisms... 1-248. AfarWac/es.. .249-318. BwiaZs,, .319-599. Whiteley — Continued. Jane, 149 John, 118, 208, 265, w. 373, 464 Joseph, w. 369 Margaret, 238 Martha, 306 Mary, 131, 276, 293 Nathan, 328 Robert, w. 410, 415 Samuel, 111, 156 Sarah, 220 Thomas, 32 Whites, see White Whitham (Witham) George, c. 499 James, 314 Whithead, see Whitehead Whitley, Whitly, see Whiteley Whittaker, Whitticker, see Whitaker Whitworth (Whittworth) Abel, 96 Abraham, 5, 10, 20, 26, 29, 36, 38, 42, 46,* 49, 55, 58,* 62, 66, 67, 68, 71, 73, 78, 85, 91,* 96, 111,* 112, 123, 124, 131, 132, 136, 137, 139, 142, 145,* 152,* 160, 166, 168,* 179, 188,* 194, 197, 200, 209,* 214, 217, 224, 230, 236, 243, 256, 288,* 295, 318, d. 319, w. 326, 332, c. 342, w. 350, w. 366, 370, d. 377, c. 378, c. 381, d. 389, 398, 431, c. 433, s. 437, d. 455, 457, li. 469, 476, 492, c. 506, d. 508, c. 511, c. 524, 8. 550, c. 583, w. 591, c. 594, c. 595 Adam, 68, 78, 93, 105,* 138, 147,* 156, 174, 246, 288, 316, c. 353, 384, 469, c. 496, s. 504, 506 Alexander, 10,* 21, 64, 198, 207, 218, 231, 236, 295, 305, c. 361, w. 367, 381, w. 407, w. 503, s. 545, 590 AUce, 50, 85, 160, 209, 228, 231, 258, 274, 275, 283, 286, 290 Ann, 20, 21, 22, 37, 45, 60, 61, 73, 93, 130, 149, 161, 170, 194, 279, 288, 293 Deborah, 298 Dinah, 134 Dorothy, 244, 293 Edmund, 230 Whitworth — Continued. Elizabeth, 3, 36, 65, 67, 76, 93, 96, 120, 131, 138, 180, 182, 188, 193, 195, 214, 216, 246, 247, 264, 275, 282, 290, 303, 313, 318, 579 Ellen, 20, 49, 68, 281 Esther, 229, 289, 559 Gerrard (Jarrat), 67, 191, 198,* 206, 216, 236, 247, 300, 314, w. 578 Grace, 62, 69, 112, 168, 272, 315 564 Henry, '53,* 87, 94, 177, 21.3, 302, 327, 396, w. 398, w. 410 James, 3, 10,* 14, 18, 20, 21, 25, 29, 40, 46,* 51, 57, 60, 66, 67, 69, 70, 73, 78, 79,* 88, 93, 97, 100, 106, 107, 109, UO, 111, 116,* 117, 119, 123,* 126,* 130, 131,* 132,* 136, 141, 142, 144, 145, 149,* 152,* 157,* 160, 163, 166, 170,* 176, 180, 182, 184,* 198, 200, 206, 206, 209, 210, 215, 216,* 226,* 228,* 235, 238, 249, 263, 280,* 282,* 286, 291, 3,00, 306, 310, 318, c. 321, c. 323, c. 337, c. 342, c. and w. 347, c. 350, c. 380, c. 386,* c. 395, c. 399, w. 400, 0. 403, o. 419, w. 431, c. 436, c. 438, w. 441, c. 442, c. 459,* d. 462, 472, V. 476, c. 483, 484, 487, c. 496, 498, s. 498, c. 501, c. 505, c. 510, 514, w. 514, li. 515, c. 516, w. 521, 523, c. 528, 539, 543, li. 545, w. 565, w. 571, 572, c. 573,* 573, 588 Jane, 3, 36, 40, 44, 66, 73, 75, 102, 105, 111, 139, 167, 176, 207, 263, 255, 285, 304,* 306, 311, 312, 379 Jeffrey, 25, 59, w. 348 Jeremy, 57, 215, 384, 394, w. 405 Joanna, 197, 311 John, 2, 13, 42, 44, 48,* 51, 53, 55, 57, 58,* 67,* 69, 71, 75, 76, 78,* 81, 83, 87, 89, 90, 94, 95, 96, 106, 114, 149, 151, 157, 163, 164,* 168, 170, 177, 182, 185, 187, 188, 190, 191,* INDEX OF NAMES 705 Baptisms ... 1-248. Afamogres... 249-318. Burials... 319-599. Whitworth, John — Continued. 197, 199, 205, 200, 209, 214, 216, 228, 241, 296, 299, c. 378, c. 382, c. 387, c. 397,* 404, c. 407, li. 421, c. 423, c. 425, s. and c. 436, c. 460, u. .508, c. 51,5, 515, d. 522, c. 527, 528, w. 539, 546, c. 547,* w. .557, c. 562, 577, c. 578, w. 578, w. 591 Jonathan, 112, 226, 238, 312 Joseph, 23,* 36, 42, 48, 54, 59, 01, 62, 69, 79, 90, 198, 252, c. 377, 399, c. 417, 421, w. 433, d. 460, d. 521 Katherine, 70, 97, 179 Margaret, 39, 75, 78, 105, 191, 303 Martha, 2, 57 Mary, 18, 21, 26, 52, 53, 59, 79, 85, 88, 89, 96, 100, 109, UO, 117, 136, 141, 1-42, 144, 157, 162, 163, 180, 198, 200, 201,* 205, 213, '222, 226, 235, 236, 238, 242, 252, 262, 272,* 292, 293, 303, 308, 316, 405, 526 Mr, 492 Nathaniel, 503, w. 520 N.X.N. , 100, c. 350, 564 Ottiwell, 3, 48, 62, 73, 87, 102, 114,* 124, 218, 203, 329, c. 410, 467, s. 486, w. 499, 543 Rachel, 209, 229, 314 Richard, 2, 13, 16, 22, 29,* 33,* 44, 62, 67,* 73,* 78, 85, 95, 96, 104, 115,* 140, 157, 185, 195, 200, 253, 263, 267, 278, 287, 290, 301, two c. 320, 326, 331, c. 332, c. 346, d. 362, w. and c. 364, w. 381, w. 382, 0. 425, B. 425, 427, 430, w. 433, 434, c. 435, w. 439, w. 451, c. 461, w. 471, w. 479, 479, 481, d. 520, w. 528, w. 537, 539, c. 544, c. 545, li. 562 Robert, 5, 22, 26, 29, 30,* 33, 37, 38, 40, 44, 45, 48, 50, 59, 62, 67, 73,* 75, 78, 90, 92, 94,* 101, 104, 105,* 107, 119, 123, 145, 157, 161, 162, 167, 180, 185,* 190, 193, 197, 199, 201, 203, 206, 213, 229, Whitworth, Robert— Continued, 230, 236, 237,* 243,* 246, 247, 251, 254, 255, 277, 294, 295, 302, 306, 312, 314, 317, 318,* w. 324, 354, c. 308,* 3. 37,5, c. 380, u, 388, c. 415, c. 441, 444, s. 447, 454, e. 455, w. 459, c. 460, 468, 474, d. and c. 482, s. 487, 498, „. 505, w. 505, w. 521,' w. 526, w. 542, c. 544, c. 546, o. 566, c. 564, c. 565, w. 583, c. 585, 0. 590, w. 593,* li. 598 Roger, 2, 14. 16, 26, 39, 52, 57, 61, 66, 67, 68, 76,* 96, 108,* 120, 134, 201, 210, 216, 247, 301, 306, u. 383, c. 414, d. 415, 416, c. 426,* d. 454, 464, 477, w. 497, 507, w. 530, c 560, i;. 568 Samuel, 10, 40, 68, 90, 91, 92, 97, 102, 114,* 123, 136,* 142, 151, 174, 180, 187, 189, 194,* 196,* 199, 200, 202, 203, 213, 224, 230, 232, 238, 241, 244, 246, 269, 275, 277, 287, 298, 305, 313, w. 367, c. 388, s. 414, c. 422,* w. 441, c. 465, s. 490, 497, c. 510, w. 528, c. 529, c. 546, c. 560, c. 566, w. 567, w. 590 Sarah, 42, 61, 83, 91, 102, 123, 136, 137, 156, 160, 180, 202, 217, 292, 306, 310, 311 Simeon, 96, 101, 277, c. 421, c. 430, c. 456, c. and w. 460 c. 456, c. 466, 482 Susan, 10, 68, 97, 163, 18'2, 189, 236, 296, 309 Swan (f.), 29 Thomas, 200, d. 351, w. 388, 405 WilUam, 22, 33, 48, 57, 66, 75,* 87, 100, 102, 112, 140, 199, 205, 210,* 214, 222, 229, 232, 248, 250, 304, 331, w. 331, d. 387, s. 410, 439, d. 468 Winifred, 251 Zachariah, 102 Wholey, see Whaley Whorrox, see Horrocks Wicking (Wickyns) John, 250, w. 330 7o6 ROCHDAlE registers Baptisms... 1-248. Marriages,., 249-318, Burials.,, 319-599, Wietherington, see" Withington Wigan (Wigens, Wiggon, Wigon) John, 282 Roger, 18,* 249, c. 323, c. 330, c. 336, w. 373 Wild (Whild, Wilde, Wyld) Abel, 62 Abraham, 59, 67, 95, 104, 116, 126, 131, 146, 156, 164, 175, 188,* 199, 211, 221, 253, 254, 256, 262, 270, 275, 292, 299, c. 338, 391, w. 408, c. 417, c. 473, w. 515, 591 AUce, 56, 79, 83, 113, 234, 254, 262, 294 Ann, 99, 100, 104, 113, 131, 184, 211, 256,* 268, 273, 274, 291 Annis, 154 Benjamin, 52, 140 Deborah, 250 Dorothy, 79, 162, 25() Edmund, 6, 11, 15, 20, 24,* 31, 59, 67, 74, 86, 99, 109, 166, 184, 204, 260, c. 321, 347, w. 349, w. 369, d. 371, d. 37'2, s. 387, 392, 406, 434, d. 439, c. 442, d. 445, w. 453, c. 463, w. 516, 525, 554 Edward, 15, 339, w. 365 Elizabeth, 68, 109, 116, 127, 199, '203, '223, 250, 252, 296 France.?, 182 Henry, 210, 225, 246, 312, w. 347, 425 Isaac, 154, 171, 29'2, c. 543, d. 569, c. 576, 597 James, 3, U, 20,* 22, 54, 59, 105, 117, 131, 146, 166, 174, 175, 181, 184, 190,* 191,* 196,* 202, 204, 214, 223, 238, 255, 256, 295, 301, 304, 364, w. 436, 448, 478, w. 499, 529, c. 537, w. 538, c. 558, c. 593, c. 597, 597, w. 698 Jane, 84, 182, 221, 225, 244, 255, 261, 267, 279, 280 John, 11, 12,* 15, 20, 25, 27, 42, 57,* 67, 69,* 83, 84, 86, 100, 107, 108, 117, 126, 141, 162, 164, 181, 182, 214, 227, 246, 247, 251, 287, 313, 317, c. 344, c. 358, w. 358, c. 383, w. 396, li. 396, c. 403, li. 407, Wild, John — Continued. 0. 422, 458, c. 405, c. 486, d. 489, c. 491, c. 495, w. 514, d. 519, 533, w. 535, c. 573, c. 575, 675, c, 580, 5H1, 584, c. 594 Jonathan, 11 Joseph, '22, 30, 07, 88, 117, 203, 234, 238, 244, 305, 314, c. 370,* 392, w. 450, 451, d. 408 Judeth, 253, 446 Katherine, 79 Margaret, 275 Martha, 31, 71, 270, 310 Mary, 3, 4, 6, 24, 27, 42, 49, 86,* 95, 97, 105, 150, 181, 204, 216, 247, 252, 254, 255, 262, 277, 280, 281, 291, 304, 309, 311 Miles, 249 Nathan, 107 OttiweU, 317 Rachel, 34 Ralph, 4, 56, 393, w. 465 Richard, 3, 15, 21, 49, 71, 113, 181, 182, 210, 216, 229, 275, 295, 301, 307, c. 319, 360, c. 409, w. 409, d. 417, d. 456, d. 480, w. 493, w. 534, c. 568, 569, c. 573 Robert, 23,* 49,* 229, 252, 258, 289, B. 324, d. 326, 355, 376, c. 390, w. 399, w. 5.52, 585 Samuel, 3, 9, 21, 25, 30, 34, 42, 52, 64, 59, 62, 68, 74,* 79, 88, 91, 97, 99, 113, 117, 127, 134, 140, 202, 204, 259, 269, c. 322, c. 383, c. 389, 395, c. 423, li. 427,* c. 469, c. 474, c. 481, w. 517, c. 528 Sarah, 42, 74, 99, 108, 131, 182, 271, 279, 285,* 293, 433, 517 Simon, 528 Susan, 67,* 141, 174, 227, 296 Tabitha, 253 Thomas, 9, 134, 238, 274, c. 348, c. 363, w. 389, li. 450, w. 465 WUliam, 91, 171, 184, li. 401, 402 Wilding (Weilden) John, d. 431, 435 Wilkenson, see WUkinson Wilkin, Edmund, c. 551 James, c. 564 INDEX OF NAMES 707 Baptisms... 1-248. .Afamogres... 249-3 18. Ei.rialF. ..3l9-i99. Wilkinson (Wilkenson, M^lkinsonne, WUlkenson) Abraham, 127, 202, 293, i-. 549 Alice, 243 Ambrose, 300 Ann, 187, 224, 300 Bridget, 316 Edmund, 187, 243, c. 527 EUen, 246 Esther, 231 George, 104, 224, 242 Grace, 151, 300 Henry, 104, 537 James, 55, 151, 160, 187, 231, 298, 301, 502, c. 504, w. 519, c. 528, c. 559 Jane, 92 John, 10, 246* Margaret, 436 Mary, 178, 187, 243, 539 N.X.N., 146, 160 Richard, 127, 140, 158,* 178, 202, 285, c. 455, c. 464 Susan, 242 Thomas, 10 WilUam, 55, 92, 104, c. 402, c. 416, w. 447, d. 463, 500 WilUamson, Mary, 565 Willisonn, see Wilson Wilsh, see Welsh Wilson (Willisonn, Willson, WiUsonn, Wilsonn) .41ice, 35, 118 Edward, 15 Ellen, 480 James, 135, 224, 240, 313, w. 396, c. 418 Jane, 157, c. 571 John, 23, 35, 88,* 96, 109, 118, 126, 130, 135, 144, 157,* 216, 240, 252, 274, 284, 324, c. 363, s. 432, w. 440, 451, d. 456, c. 456, c. 4,58, c. 517, s. 519, 552 Joseph, 326, w. 327 Judeth, 274 Margaret, 15, 270 Mary, 126, 157, 224 Mr, 513 Richard, w. 415 Robert, 96, 226, 247 Theophilus, 130 Thomas, 23, 144, 247 William, 109, 216, 226, 235,* 240, 246, 309, u. 577, c. 585 Winder, Margaret, 271 Mr, 324 "Wingreei^e (Wingreane, Wingrene) AUce, 616 EUen, 58 Jane, 512 John, 47 Margaret, 22, 179, 433 Richard, 22, 34,* 47, 58, c. 333, c. 360, c. 378, 390 Robert, w. 416, 497 Thomas, 179 Winstandley, EUen, 271 James, 29, 374 N.X.N., w. 405 Robert, 29, c. 365 Winterbothom (Wenterbothom, Winterbotham,Winterbotliorrie) Ann, 133, 314, 540 Elizabeth, 167, 299 James, c. 477 Jane, 50, 131 John, 131, 161, 167, 293, 305, w. 325, w. 493, c. 508, c. 521, w. 639, d. 543, w. 580, 681 Mary, 161 Ralph, 15, 50, w. 399, d. 406, 423 Robert, 15 Susan, 133, 283 Witham, see Whitham Withington (Wethington, Wietherington, Withenton,Withinton) Alice, 12 Gilbert, 3, 136, .;. 455, 482 John, 136, 453 Margaret, 12 Mary, 295 Theophilus, 3, 12, 26,* s. 409, 445, w. 487 Witton, John, 204* Wol : Mr, 284 Wolfenden, Wolfidn, Wolfiden, see Woolfenden Wolkden, see Walkden Wolker, see Walker Wolstenholm, Wolstenholme, see Woolstenholme Wood, AUce, 267 Ann, 273, 287 Edmund, 231, c. 526, c. 547 EUzabeth, 190, 412, 539 Grace, 485 Henry, 382, c. 383, w. 388, 391 James, 323 Jane, 39, 231, 253, 459 7o8 ROCHDALE REGISTERS Boptisms... 1-248. Afarrias'es... 249-318. Bt/riais... 319-599. Wood — Continued. John, 19,* 31,* 39, 198,* c. 338 Joseph, 190, c. 518 Mary, 278, 295, 313, 393, 545 Richard, 19,* 298, 384, w. 507, 527 Roger, 518 Sarah, 297, 298, 589 Susan, 285, 310 Timothy, 506 Woodhead, Abraham, w. 325, 326 John, 286 Matthew, 288 Sarah, 310 Woodroth, Margaret, 271 Woolfenden (Wolfenden, Wolfiden, Woofenden, Wooffenden) Abel, 566 Abraham, 6, 8, 14, 23,* 25,* 30,* 36, 77,* 105, 107, 125,* 143, 160, 205, 222, 236, 250, 285, 289, 300, 330, w. 353, w. 365, c. 381, w. 437, li. 462, w. 512, 527, w. 564, 572, 581 Alexander, 42 AUce, 1, 36, 46, 76, 86, 115, 147, 154, 228, 282, 292, 294 Ann, 92, 102, 106, 111, 139, 175, 195, 253, 284, 293, 297, 298, 303, 311, 578 Bartholomew, 208 Edmund, 152 EUzabeth, 1, 8, 32, 115, 138, 149, 177, 279, 280, 314 Ellen, 178, 242, 272 Esther, 234 Frances, c. 370 Francis, 6, 12, 17, 21, 32, 35, 45, 49,* 62,* 56, 62, 119, 249, 273, 279, 281, c. 331, c. 350, c. 362, c. 378, c. 387, c. 394, c. and w. 404, 414, w. 427, d. 428, w. 432, 482 Grace, 225, 274 Isaac, 30, 36,* 40, 45, 58, 65, 73, 83, 96, 107,* 129, 138, 149, 152, 159, 160, 175, d. 226, 249, 253, 268, 289, 296, 309, c. 320, three c. 322, w. 322, c. 409, w. 418, c. 476, w. 498, s. 619, c. 540, s. and w. 540, 543, c. 576 Isabel, 571 Woolfenden — Continued. James, 4, 5,* 6,* 10, 11, 14, 15,* 18, 25, 35, 36, 40,* 42, 49,* 56,* 64,* 65, 76, 77, 80, 105, 111, 117, 119, 124,* 129, 133, 136,* 139, 140, 146,* 161,* 190, 218, 228, 236, 242, 255,* 271 272, 282, 293, 296, 309 c. 322, c. 324, c. 342, 345, 347, d. 358, 361, u. 362, w. 363, d. 377, 381, c. 382, w. 386, c. 409, c. 412, w 414, s. 420, 436, w. 437, w. 440, 440, d. 454, s, 468, c. 470, w. 471, w. 477, 482, 483, d. 497, w. 502, 507, 511, c. 521, 524, w. 527, 540, w. 549, 654, w. 559, 559, c. 568, 576, v. 576, c. 585, c. 590 Jane, 49, 117, 137, 159, 210, 234, '285, 291, 292, 302, 316 Jenet, 592 John, 1,* 6,* 10, 12, 15, 17, 18, 27, 39, 41,* 55, 63,* 84, 86, 91, 99, 102, 104, 106, 115, 116, 118,* 128, 130, 133, 136, 137,* 139, 140, 145, 146, 147, 154, 177, 189, 192, 213, 221, 227,* 232, 237,* 249, 259, 274, 278,* 282, 287, 288, 295, 309, 311,* 318, d. 329, 329, d. 333, w. 338, w. 353, d. 367, w. 376, o. 378, w. 382, o. 385, w. 386, w. 392, 396, 435, 438, w. 443, 446, c. 459, w, 461, c. 465, c. 466, c. 473, c. 480, c. 481,* w. 482, d. 483, d. 488, 491, d. 491, c. and w. 499, c. 526, c. 533, w. 554, 557, c. 571, c. 577, w. 592 Jonathan, 1, 8, 12, 15, 25, 32, 58, 62, 67, 81, 107, 129, 143, 179,* 184,* 191, 203, 218, 222, 226, 227, 234, 250, 268, 279, 291, 299, c. 331, c. 343, w. 393, d. 403, d. 417, s. 431, 432, 436, w. 474, w. 476, 483, c. 486, c. 524, 536, w. 538, 539, 553, u. 563, c. 572 Joshua, w. 452 Katherine, 84, 255 Margaret, 128, 316 oolfenden— -Continued. Martha, 11, 12, 36, 49, 56, 119, 137, 145, 150, 255, 278, 283, 303, 310, 563 Mary, 8 15, 21, 32, 40, 45,* 55, 77, 83, 84, 99,* 116, 129, * 130, 136,* 137, 146, 150, 157, 166, 168, 186, 192, 203, 222, 255, 259, 266, 269, 271, 274, 275, 280, 281, 282, 285, 287, 293, 294, 297, 298,* 300, 301, 302, 303, 310, 315, 316, 317, 527, 598 N.X.N., 222, c. 565 INDEX OF NAMES 709 Baptisms... 1-248. Afarriagres... 249-3 18. BwiaZs... 3 19-599. Woolstenholme (Wolstenholm, Wolstenholme, Woosnam,Woosnum,Woostenham,Woostenholme,Wosenholme, Wosnam,Wosnum,Wostenholme) Abel, c. 517, w. 526, c. 530 Alexander, 65, 100, UO, 130, 141, c. 418, li. 427, c. 428, w. 536, 589 AUce, 134 David, UO Deborah, 141, 317 EUzabeth, 552 Enoch, 247, 314 Esther, 289 Imen, 260 Jane, 155, 195 John, 40, 134, 139, 147, 155, 163,* 170, 183, 314, w. 325, 366, 392, w. 517, 530, c. 533, s. 536, s. 542 Margaret, 195 Martha, 247 Mary, 40, 130, 274 Phoebe, 65, 305 Rachel, 139, 568 Richard, 147, 284, 342, c. 347 Robert, 63,* 183, 266, 301, 324, 506, w. 525 Thomas, 170 . Unisa, 100 Woorall, Woorrall, see WorraU Woosnam, Woosnum, Woostenham,Woostenholme, see Woolstenholme Wooworke, Dorothy, 270 Worall, see WorraU Wormall, Judeth, 293 WorraU (Woorall, Woorrall, Worall, Wourrall) Abraham, 5, 328 AUce, 4, 27, 203, 285 Ann, 29 Arthur, 78, 289, c. 518 Daniel, 223, 311 David, 89 Deborah, 270 Elizabeth, 175, 192, 287 Isaac, 78, 89, 105, 272, w. 421 c. 426, d. 563, 577 James, 4, 13, 27, 144, 0. 332, d. 380, w. 428, 479 OttiweU, 111, 210, 308, 493. c. 561 Patience, 221 Richard, 4, 20, 35, 39, 151, 158,* 291, c. 335, c. 345, 362,* c. 362, s. and c. 366, 368, s. 413, w. 437, c. 519, c. 525, s. 527, 531, c. 586 Robert, 1,* 6, 27, 30, 38,* 46, 56, 67, 73, 92, 93, 96, 99, 111, 121,* 131, 166, 174', 178, 181, 183, 189, 19.5, 201,* 208, 214, 226, 227, 232, 234, 242, 275, 289, 297, 313, w. 356, w. 397, 429, c. 440, s. 441, c. 462, 465, a. 484, w. 517, w. 536, 539, c. 543, c. 562, 564, w. and c. 569, c. 578, c. 579, w. 595, c. 595 Samuel, w. 347 Sarah, 20, 131, 174, 269, 286, 309 Simeon, 157, 290, c. 503 Susan, 35, 151, 154, 181, 183, 191, 214, 256, 287 Thomas, 56, 73,* 77,* 80, 91, 93, 104, 115, 119, 129, 136, 137, 150, 154, 166, 178,* 186, 190, 192,* 195,* 205, 213, 225, 242, 272,* 290, 296, 299, 325, 358, c. 426, w. 428, c. 462, u. 488, c. 514,* w. 616, c. 529, d. 537, c. 544, d. 571, 590, 599 Walter, 139, c. 470, w. 596 WooUey, Ann, 32 John, 32 710 ROCHDALE REGISTERS Baptisms... 1-248. AfarWagres... 249-3 18. BwHafo... 3 19-599. WorraU — Continued. John, 5, 13, 144, 175, 181, 192, 203, 283, 289, 299, c. 492, w. 493, s. 520, c. 546 Katherine, 7, 288 Mary, 24, 105, 276 Ottiwell, 174,* 181, 240,* 293, c. 496, w. 496 Randall, c. 358 Richard, 7, 13, 24, 29, w. 398 410, d. 457 Sarah, 13, 223, 255 Worsley, Katherine, 443 Worthington, Katherine, 477 Wosenholme, Wosnam, Wosnum, Wostenholme, see Woolstenholme Wotmoe, see Whatmough Wourrall, see WorraU Wregley, Wridgler, Wridgley, see Wrigley Wrigbey, Wrigby, see Rigbey Wrigg, Wrigge, see Rigg Wrigley (Rigley, Wregley, Wridgler, Wridgley, Wrigly) Abraham, 141, 162,* 171, 284, I. 515,* c. 632 Alexander, 3(11, 526, 586 Aim, .SO, 150, 171, 182, 561 Benjamin, 154 Dorothv, 2511 Edmund, 34,* 51, 57, 86, 95, 109, 121, 154, 175,* 182, 191, 199, 214, 276, 292, c. 354, c. 371, c. 372, c. 377, c. of w. 380, c. 384, I. 398, w. 414, w. 461, c. 475, s. 481, c. 482, d. 485, 528 Elizabeth, 161, 189, 199 Ellen, 174 Francis, 55, 251, 262, c. 319, c. 3,58, c. 376, i-. 380, c. 396, 514 Henry, 121 Wrigley — Continued. Hugh, 39, 47, 255, u. 356, w. 471, 472 James, 28, 35, 42, 47, 51, 61, 71, 80, 95, 141, 150, 161, 166,* 174, 175, 183,* 190, 201, 209, 217, 228,* 243, 247,* 288, 294, 317, c. 344, s. 413, c. 427, w. 465, s. 481, c. 483, w. 484, c. 485, c. 503, d. 571, 586, 597 Jane, 61, 316 Jeremiah, 71, 175, 181, 189, 201, 298, w. 581 John, 39, 57, 95,* 166, 190, 191, 215, 228, 240,* 304, 311, 432 Joshua, 80, 181, 217 Mary, 28, 35, 209, 214, 215, 292 N.X.N., 42 Samuel, 228, w. 354, 425 Susan, 55, 109, 564 Thomas, 243 Writen, see Royton Wroe (Row, Rowe, Wrooe) Doctor, 305 Mr, 301, 303, 304,* 305,* 306,* 307,* 308,* 309,* 310,* 311,* 312* Richard, 285 Wrothwell, see RothweU Wyld, see Wild Yanis, Isabel, 288 Yates (Yats, Yeats) James, 241 John, 241, 315 Richard, 287 Yearnshaw, Yernshaw, see Earnshaw Yeats, see Yates Young, Francis, li. 525 711 Mnbzx II. f lace parties Baptisms,,. 1-248. Marriages .. .249-318. BwriaZs... 3 19-599. Abbots, 87, 118 Ainsworth (Eansworth), 268 Allischoles (Earlescoles), 267 Anningden, 88, 114, 122 Anns, 141, 172, 265, 494 Ashbrook, 122, 183, 203, 233 Ashbrook Hey (Ashbrocke High, Ashbroke Hie, Assbrook Hey) 139, 143, 147, 175, 176, 177, 181, 187, 194, 197, 200, 210, 213, 219, 220, 222, 224, 233, 235, 242, 490, 511, 535, 554, 571, 597 Ashes (Ashess, Asshes) 55, 63, 69, 87, 89, 98, 109, 120, 130, 139, 147, 157, 165, 172, 178, 185, 202, 210, 235, 247, 267, 407, 509, 510, 526, 545, 567 Ashton, 253 Ashton Parish, 258, 310 Ashworth 38, 44, 56, 64, 73, 75, 84, 103, 201, 202, 206, 223, 253, 261, 355, 441, 450, 491, 493, 554, 566, 589 Astbury, 295 H Bagden, 122 Bagslate (Baggslate, Bagslad, Bagslade, Bagslaed, Bagslaid, Bagslat, Bagslatte) 9, 83, 87, no, 112, 113, 114, 115, 119, 120, 122, 125, 126,. 129, 133, 137, 148, 151, 160, 164, 165, 168, 169, 170, 172, 176, 181, 187 188, 197, 198, 199, 202, 203, 204, 207, 208, 215, 217, 222, 231, 234, Bagslate — Continued. 235, 244, 245, 247, 259, 262, 365, 367, 376, 415, 437, 440, 475, 507, 509, 510, 524, 534, 537, 549, 560, 561, 553, 556, 558, 561, 569, 572, 574, 583, 584, 588, 590, 592, 594, 596 Balderstone (Bolderstone) 4, 85, 105, 109, UO, 111, 112, 11.3, 117, 121, 123, 126, 130, 134, 141, 143, 144, 145, 149, 151, 159, 160, 161, 162, 16.5, 167, 168, 169, 171, 172, 174, 175, 177, 179, 180, 181, 185, 190, 192, 198, 203, 206, 209, 216, 222, 226, 230, 236, 243, 247, 248, 258, 262, 263, 264, 351, 375, 434, 475, 487, 492, 494, 508, 511, 512, 514, 515, 536, 550, 553, 556, 558, 565, 671, 583, 585, 589, 590 Bamford (Bamforth) 1 37, 69, 75, 96, 100, 106, 107, 108, 111, 112, 113, 118, 119, 120, 125, 126, 129, 131, 138, 140, 146, 148, 149, 207, 235, 242, 245, 257, 350, 397, 420, 507, 509, 510, 550, 552, 555, 567, 569, 570, 571, 574 Bank (Bonke) 86, 87, no, 123, 138, 435, 535, 538 Bankhouse 83, 116, 122, 126, 129, 142, 146, 148, 150, 155, 164, 174, 219, 225, 227, 231, 237, 238, 246, 247, 487, 511, 551, 587 712 ROCHDALE REGISTERS Baptism.?... 1-248. Afarriogies... 249-3 18. B^riais... 3 19-599. Bank Top (Banck Tope, Banke Topp) 107, 111, 119, 175, 267, 209, 406, 491 Barn (Barnes) 116, 145 Batings, 47 Belfield (Belfeild, BeUfeild) 44, 70, 76, 83, 88, 96, 100 UO, 111, 117, 120, 129, 131, 141, 146, 149, 150, 153, 155, 156, 159, 161, 168, 169, 174, 175, 176, 177, 183, 184, 185, 186, 190, 192, 194, 195, 196, 199, 204, 206, 209, 214, 215, 228, 230, 239, 245, 257, 259, 260, 264, 269, 270, 299, 323, 326, 371, 404, 416, 428, 486, 526, 633, 534, 540, 542, 543, 548, 550, 552, 653, 562, 567, 584, 594 Bench Carr (Banch Carr) 86, 105, 108, 127, 140, 169, 177, 178, 243, 258, 269, 511 Benthead, 133 Benthouse 68, 86, 87, 112, 122, 238, 429, 564, 586 Bibknowle (ISibknow) 107, 120, 132, 137, 144, 148, 152, 158, 167, 221, 230, 243, 493, 555, Binns (Binnes Bins) 30, 72, 78, 90, 95, 106, 107' 118, 122, 154, 167, 193, 231, 235, 242, 260, 261, 267, 268, 374, 550, 572, 594 Birchenhead (Birchanhead, Burchehead, Burchenhead) 77, 107, 132, 155, 160, 164, •204, 214, 233, 260, 264, 425, 531, 634, 554 Birchenley (Birchenlea, I3irchenlee, Burcheley, Burchinley) 42, 50, 72, 84, 101, 139, 141, 149, 158, 171, 187, 196, 201, 214, 267, 268, 343, 349, 353, 433, 473, 495, 534, 537 Birches (Ashton Parish), 258 Birch Hall, 490 Birch Hey (Berchey, Birchey, Birsha) I 127, 140, 151, 169, 174, 185, 188, 196, 207, 267, 268, 511, 535, 548 Birch Hill (Birchey HiU) 164, 206 Birtle (Birkhill, Birkle) 266, 536 Blackburn, 294, 296 Blackett Hill (Blackit HiU) 377, 494, 552, 574 Blackley (Blockley) [Manchester] 269, 304 Blackstone Edge (Blackstonedge, Blaxstoneedg) 4, 114, 117, 127, 133, 142, 186, 190, 196, 495, 533, 553, 556, 558, 599 Blackston: Lit: 213 Blackwater 3, 6, 85, 87, 111, 113, 117, 139, 143, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 160, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 183, 184, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 217, 219, 221, 222, 224, 225, 229, 230, 231, 233, 234, 235, 236, 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 267, 404, 489, 491, 492, 507, 508, 509, 510, 511, 512, 513, 530, 531, 532, 533, 534, 535, 536, 537, 539, 547, 548, 549, 550, 551, 552, 554, 555, 556, 557, 558, 560, 561, 562, 563, 564, 565, 566, 567, 568, 570, 571, 572, 573, 575, 578, 582, 584, 685, 586, 587, 588, 689, 590, 591, 592, 593, 594, 596, 597, 599 Boarsgreave (Boors greaf. Boorsgrea\ e) 241, 243 Boarshaw, 265 Bolderstone, see Balderstone Bolton, 252 Bolton Parish (Boulton Parish) 207, 298, 318 Booth, 167 Booth Fold, 137 Baptisms . . . 1-248. INDEX OF PLACES Afan-iojes... 249-3 18. Bwriais... 319-599. 713 Booth Hollins (Booth HoUngs, Both HolUngs) 202, 460, 490, 531, 564 Bottom (Botham, Bothom) 89, no, 118, 119, 129, 140, 147, 450, 565, 572 Bowling Green (Bouleing Green) 200, 220 Bradford Parish [Yorks:], 301 Bradley (Bradly) 1, 3, 113, 124, 138, 147, 154, 167, 185, 209, 215, 363, 435, 490, 508, 514, 540, 567, 573, 593 Bradshaw (Broadshaw), 183 Branchroad, 126 Brandwood, 105, 567 Brearley 82, 162, 247, 383, 434, 449, 567, 585, 586 Bridge, 83 Bridge End, 106 Brimrod (Brimeroad, Brimerod, Brimrode, Brimrodd) 1, 29, 122, 148, 154, 158, 162, 169, 176, 185, 191, 195, 198, 207, 220, 248, 362, 385, 449, 548, 569, 581, .587, 597 Brineroad MiU, 219 Broad Carr, 201 Broadhaugh (Broadhough, Broadough, Brodhalgh, Broodhough) 119, 128, 181, 184, 192, 194, 195, 202, 218, 229, 233, 240, 262, 264, 374, 508, 510, 521, 533, 538, 544, 557, 559, 560, 564, 585, 596 Broad Lane 108, 116, 122, 127, 137, 149, 155, 161, 168, 171, 175, 182, 184, 196, 203, 206, 207, 208, 209, 21.5, 216, 218, 232, 239, 476, 477, 561, 564, 587, 592 Broadley (Broadly, Brodley) 2, 113, 117, 123, 125, 127, 129, 133, 138, 139, 161, 171, 190, 196, 204, 214, 243, 532, 533, 554, 555, 586 Broadoke, 5, 138 Broadshaw, see Bradshaw Bromlerod [?], 269 Brotherod (Brothrod) 212, 228, 241 Brown Edge, 585 Brown HiU, 238, 247 Browne 105, 108, 130, 151, 182, 269, 571 Brown Wardle (Broune Wardle, Browne Wardle) 69, 84, 120, 132, 142, 177, 212, 222, 224, 239, 269, 270, 360, 490, 491, 492, 510, 532, 538, 540, 553, 556, 564, 56,5, 583, 587, 589, 591 Brundige, Brunedg, Brunegh, see Burnedge Buckley 15, 21, 26, 34, 43, 46, 59, 66, 68, 70, 88, 101, 126, 143, 150, 161, 176, 181, 205, 210, 219, 220, 235, 239, 242, 243, 247, 342, 430, 472, 473, 479, 492, 533, 551, 563 Buckley Fold, 116 Buckley HaU, 68 BuersiU (Barsale, Berdsale, Bersale, Boursale, BuerdseU, Buerdsill, Buersale, Buersall, Buersell, Burdsale, Burdsall, Burdsell, Bursale, Bursall, Bursel, ¦ BurtseU, BurtshiU) 25, 82, 85, 88, 104, 109, UO, 114, 115, 117, 123, 127, 129, 131, 133, 134, 135, 137, 142, 143, 145, 150, 152, 153, 154, 156, 157, 159, 160, 163, 164, 165, 166, 169, 178, 180, 182, 183, 188, 189, 191, 192, 193, 194, 197, 198, 199, 201, 203, 205, 206, 210, 212, 216, 222, 226, 230, 235, 239, 241, 247, 248, 263, 264, 391, 433, 452, 509, 510, 516, 525, 532, 533, 539, 549, 550, 552, 558, 559, 563, 581, 587, 598 Bnersill Head (Buersall) 133, 140, 152, 417, 533 BuersiU Moor (BawersiU, Beursale, Buersale, Buersall, Buersell, Burdsel, BuresaU, BurtseU) 66, 83, 84, 86, 89, 105, 109, 111, 114, 117, 122, 126, 127, 129, 131, 134, 135, 139, 148, 149, 151, 153, 158, 159, 164, 166, 167, 714 ROCHDALE REGISTERS Baptisms... 1-248. AfarJ-iaj/es.,. 249-3 18. BurioZs... 3 19-599. BuersiU Moor — Continued. 168, 169, 171, 174, 175, 178, 187, 193, 198, 204, 216, 217, 218, 225, 231, 232, 233, 235, 240, 242, 247, 263, 364, 367, 371, 402, 448, 491, 550, 553, 562, 564, 568, 570, 578, 581, 586, 588 Burcheley, Burchinley, see Birchenley Burnedge (Brundige, Brunedg, Brunegh) 31, 82, 105, 100, no, 117, 121, 130, 136, 141, 143, 145, 175, 187, 193, 215, 234, 238, 258, 396, 440, 492, 509, 551, 559 Burnedge Lane 137, 144, 145, 156, 182 Burnley, 296, 300 BurnJey Parish, 413 Bury (Burie) 24, 27, 44, 251, 252, 255, 266, 292, 296, 297, 301, 308 Bury Parish (Bery, Berry) 46, 55, 75, 118, 120, 126, 120, 131, 206, 208, 212, 210, 225, 243, 24S, 257, 259, 201, 262, 205, 206, 267, 2711, 271, 272, 27.5, 300, 302, 303, 304, 306, 308, 309, 312, 316, 318, 367, 444, 491, 538, 550, 551, 582, 584, 589, 591, 594 Butterworth 1, -2, 4, 6, 8, 104, 112, 117, 119, 121, 123, 129, 144, 163, 169, 173, 183, 188, 193, 197, 215, 218, 22.5, 230, 231, 233, 234, 236, 238, 239, 241, 244, 24.5, 246, 261, 202, 265, 355, 364, 493, 507, 534, 648, 549, 553, 556, 556, 557, 558, 561, 562, 563, 564, 566, 568, 569, 572, 573, 574, 575, 580, 581, 582, 583, 584, 585, 586, 587, 588, 589, 590, 691, 594, 695, 597 Butterworth freehold, 220, 556 Butterworth Hall 31, 8.5, 86, 88, 89, 98, 108, 114, 121, 123, 133, 139, 146, 149, 154, 156, 167, 168, 169, 174, 177, 179, 183, 184, 186, 187, 188, 190, 191, 194, 199, 201, 202, Butterworth Hall- -Continued 203, 208, 211, 218, 219, 220, 222 224, 225, 232, 242, 260,' 261, 265, 370, 393, 436, 443, 454, 494, 508, 510, 511, 530, 531, 533, 534, 536, 549, 551, 553, 554, 557, 559, 563, 564, 567, 568, 570, 572, 576, 581, 582, 585, 590, 692, 593, 594, 598 Butts 144 153, 174, 186, 191, 209, 507, 548, 574, 583, 586 Bylame, 294 c, Caldebmoob- (Coldermoore) 36, 86, 159, 106, 167, 177, 185, 186, 187, 189, 191, 221, 233, 264, 267, 269, 428, 470, 491, 493, 495, 496, 512, 533, 572, 580, 598 CalUerds (Callards), 182, 570 Captain Fould (Captain Hardman) 219, 230, 580 Carlton (Leicestershire), 295 Carr (Car, Carre) 2, 32, 36, 422, 491, 495, 532, 554 Carrhouse, 264 Cassons, 221, 242, 590 Castle, 208 Castle HiU (Casle) 155, 177, 187, 198, 235, 244, 535, 557 Castleton (Casleton, Castlton) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 14, 33, 37, 60, 88, 123, 126, 128, 131, 134, 137, 145, 150, 100, 163, 165, 166, 171, 173, 183, 184, 190, 193, 203, 205, 211, 212, 213, 215, 216, 217, 221, 222, 230, 233, 237, 261, 263, 264, 265, 266, 268, 295, 354, 364, 392, 394, 477, 484, 512, 516, 536, 545, 548, 553, 554, 557, 558, 560, 564, 665, 566, 567, 568, 571, 572, 573, 674, 575, 582, 584, 589, 593, 594, 595, 599, Castleton Hall, 263, 510 Castleton Moor (Caslton, Costleton) 109, 137, 149, 158, 170, 183, 193, 194, 197, 198, 199, INDEX OF PLACES 715 Baptisms... 1-248. Marriages... 249-318. Burials... 319-599. Castleton Moor — Continued. 211, 219, 224, 244, 258, 362, 404, 435, 511, 512, 513, 549, 553, 580, 582, 584 Castley HiU, 588 Catley Lane (Catle Lane, Cattley Lane) 77, 120, 121, 130, 135, 144, 146, 147, 157, 158, 162, 168, 178, 179, 181, 182, 185, 193, 195, 198, 203, 208, 211, 218, 220, 235, 266, 267, 412, 495, 501, 509, 515, 539, 562, 581, 591, 592 Causej^eld Head (Casafield, Casefeild, Casefield, Causeyfeild, Cosefeild, Coseyfeild, Coseyfield, Cossefeld, Cusefield, Cuseyfield) 151, 159, 171, 179, 183, 215, 223, 241, 432, 437, 475, 552, 554, 573, 582, 595, 597 Chadderton, 264 Chadwick (Chadwicke) 35, 47, 69, 87, 106, 108, 146, 147, 155, 157, 165, 166, 169, 194, 198, 218, 242, 243, 259, 398, 553, 582 Chadwick Fold, 123, 140 Chadwick HaU 40, 156, 160, 177, 216, 560 Chamber, 140, 175, 362, 376, 530 Chamber House 116, 194, 200, 210, 224, 233, 448, 594 Cheesden (Cheasden, Chesden, Cheseden) 87, 152, 169, 178, 189, 220, 232, 267, 535, 557, 559, 565, 583, 592 Chelborn (Chilburne, Childborne) 267, 533, 561 Chester, 513 Cheshire Countj , 267 Chowbent, 271 Church, 113 Church Lane 2,83,85, 86, 88, 105, 113, 116, 118, 12'2, 127, 133, 134, 139, 143, 144, 146, 147, 148, 150, 153, 154, 155, 156, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162 163, 164, 165, 166, , 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 174, 177, 178, 179, Church Lane — Continued, 180, 181, 183, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 213, 214, 219, 220, 221, 222, 224, 225, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 259, 261, 262, 264, 266, 368, 435, 440,' 475, 489, 491, 508, 509, 510, 611, 530, 531, 532, 533, 534, 635, 536, 537,' 547, 549, 551, 552, 554, 555, 556, 557, 558, 559, 560, 561, 562, 564, 565, 566, 568, 570, 571, 575, 580 581, 583, 584, 585, 586, 587, 588, 591, 592, 594, 595, 599 Church Parish, 265 Church Stile 84, 106, 108, 115, 119, 121, 125, 137, 152, 155, 163, 172 178, 180, 195, 199, 208, 215, 220, 234, 240, 259, 260, 262, 370, 405, 492, 508, 530, 536, 549, 551 553, 556, 557, 559, 564 565, 568, 581, 582, 583, 587, 591, 595, 597 Cinnamon HiU (Senemen Hill), 510 Clapgate, 534 Clay Lands Head, 594 Clay Lar.e (Cleay Lane) 159, 175, 181, 183, 201, 207, 240 242, 495, 512, 536, 538, 565, 580, 581, 585 Claylane Head 84, 93, 95, 151, 188, 423, 553 Clegg (Clegge) 3, 81, 107, 117, 125, 149, 151, 162, 193, 203, 209, 211, 223, 437, 452, 489, 535, 557, 568, 589, 598 Clegg, Great 163, 166, 170, 175, 261, 553 Clegg HaU, 592 Clegg, Little 106, no, 117, 126, 139, 141, 143, 144, 150, 157, 163, 166, 180, 188, 189, 190, 196, 198, 223, 234, 263, 377, 434, 436, 483, 492, ^ 516, 519, 534, 551, 562, 566, 589, 592 7i6 ROCHDALE REGISTERS Boptisms... 1-248. Afarriajres.. .249-318. BwioZs... 319-599. Cleggswood (Claggswood, Clegswood) 6, 75, 79, 145, 184, 202, 222, 224, 237, 244, 261, 264, 343, 412, 440, 535, 536, 537, 551, 554, 570, 575, 590, 591, 593 Cleggswood, Lower, 265 Cleggswood Hey (Heay, High) 176, 185, 186, 194, 197, 205, 223, 263 Cleggswood Moss, 237, 585, 587 CUtheroe (Cletherough), 297 Close (Cloys), 111, 193 Clough, 129, 156 Clough bottom (Botham, Bothom) 82, 83, 108, 121, 155 Clough House 72, 100, 111, 113, 122, 143, 144, 150, 158, 164, 170, 186, 209, 239, 245, 347, 376, 464, 530, 533, 535, 550, 570, 583, 588, 590 Cloys, see Close Coalereachy, 563 J Coalpithead (Colepet, Colepett) 83, 87 Coldclough 83, 263, 264, 509, 511, 529 Coldermoore, see Caldermoor Colderwoth, 168 Coldgreave (Cole greave, Colgreve, Couldgreave) 27, 111, 114, 120, 122, 127, 134, 136, 145, 157, 160, 168, 193, 233, 246, 511, 556, 559, 585 Coldway, 144 Colne, 294 Coptrod (Copterood, Coptroad) 179, 221, 238, 366, 368, 567 Cosefeild, Coseyfeild, Coseyfield, Cossefeld Head, see Causeyfleld Head Cowclough, 223, 567, 573 Cowldwoole (? Coldwall) 232 Counes [or] Cannes, 521 Cowm (Caume), 223 Cripplegate (Cripel Yate, Criplegate) 205, 212, 231, 263, 269, 580, 697 Croft Head 4, 105, 113, 133, 139, 145, 154, 162, 185, 194, 197, 205, 258, 262, 409 Croft Hole 120, 202, 215, 244, 566, 582 Crompton, 235, 502 Cronkeyshaw (Croncashaw, Cronckeshaw, Cronckeyshaw, Cronckishaw, Cronckshaw) 2, 84, 86, 87, 105, 106, 107, 108, 114, 116, 118, 122, 124, 126, 129, 130, 136, 139, 140, 141, 142, 145, 146, 149, 151, 154, 158, 159, 164, 166, 167, 170, 172, 174, 176, 180, 181, 182, 185, 188, 189, 190, 192, 196, 197, 200, 202, 204, 207, 210, 218, 233, 226, 230, 236, 237, 240, 246, 259, 262, 263, 265, 266, 432, 440, 475, 492, 510, 521, 526, 536, 550, 551, 552, 555, 556, 557, 560, 565, 566, 570, 583, 585, 586 Cronshaw (Croneshaw) 89, 113, 123, 142, 147, 166, 168, 202, 207, 211, 221, 373, 388, 499, 558, 574, 581 Crook (Croke, Crooke) 125, 131, 183, 248, 495, 512, 523, 556 Crossgate, 537 Crosstone Chapel, 69 Crow Nest (Croneast, Cronest, Croonest, Croynest) 158, 160, 176, 179, 189, 192, 204, 210, 223, 225, 239, 266, 267, 269, 402, 433, 475, 509, 512, 535, 569 Crownest, Upper, 226 Cusefield Head, Cuseyfield Head, see Causeyfield Head Cutgate, 86, 162, 169, 191, 371, 372 Cutlane, 104, 189, 190 Damhead, 141, 152, 159, 215 Daubhole (Dabbhole, Dabhole, Dobehole) 166, 216, 223, 512 Dean (Deane, Deenes) 5, 6, 112 Deanbank (Denebanke), 121 Dean Head, 594 Dean Parish, 314 INDEX OF PLACES 717 Baptisms... 1-248. Afamogres... 249-3 18. Burials,,, 319-599, Dearnley (Dearnlee, Duernley, Durnley) 71, 87, 107, 113, 115, 129, 139, 144, 188, 217, 223, 224, 355, 429, 555 Dearnley (Dernley), Lower, 83 DeepUsh (Deples), 136 DeepUsh Hill (Deepleach HiU, DeepUshiU, Depleshill, DeplishUl) 84, 89, 105, 115, 130, 146, 197, 204, 219, 243, 397, 407, 429, 467, 549, 562 Delph, 257 Denhurst (Denhorst) see also Dewhurst 86, 180., 258, 428, 574 Denton, 290 Dewhurst (Deuhorst, Deuhurst, Dewhorst, Duehurst) see also Denhurst 86, 145, 181, 185, 258, 433 Dickons, 207 Diggate (Digate, Dighate, Digyaite, Digyat, Digyate) 114, 120, 133, 159, 169, 174, 196, 217, 263, 471, 493 Dobehole, see Daubhole Dobfield, 262 Duernley, Durnley, see Dearnley Dunnish Booth (Donis Booth, Dunegh Booth, Dungbooth,Dunigh Booth) 3, 83, 118, 139, 584, 591 E Eafield (Yeafield) 113, 117, 131, 141, 232, 238, 241, 246, 264, 539, 597 Eafield, Lower, 587 Ealees (Yealees, Yea Leeys, Yeales, Yelees) 109, 124, 129, 142, 166, 261, 452, 490, 512 Eansworth, see Ainsworth Earlescoles, see Allischoles Eawood in Yorkshire, 314 Eccles Parish, 260, 298 EUand in Yorkshire (Yealand) 265, 273, 292, 302 EUand Parish, 265, 314 EUenroad (EUenrod, EUenroods, EUenrud) 261, 518, 551, 587 Facit (Facett) 74, 84, 102, 151 Falinge (Faileing, Faileings, Faileng, Failengs, Failens, Failing, F,iilings, FaUins, Farlens, Fayleing, Fayleings, Faylens, Feylens) 1, 3, 5, 9, 87, 113, 117, 120, 121, 127, 130, 132, 138, 141, 143, 146, 147, 151, 154, 155, 156, 157, 163, 167, 168, 171, 172, 175, 178, 180, 182, 183, 184, 185, 188, 190, 192, 194, 199, 202, 203, 205, 210, 212, 217, 222, 223, 259, 383, 428, 491, 494, 509, 533, 536, 537, 538, 559, •566, 569, 574, 575, 593 Fardow, 574, 598 Farewale, 52 Farnhill (Farnel, Fernehill) 134, 196, 217, 380 Feylens, see Falinge Fieldhead (Feildhead) 124, 137, 148, 152, 172, 186, 214, 215, 236, 243, 387, 433, 531, 557, 583, 590, 592, 593 Fieldhouse 157, 171, 182, 184, 197, 530 Fielding (Feilding, Feilden) 71, 86, 128, 218, 237, 433, 509, 532, 533, 563 Fishbridge 115, 135, 171, 179, 186, 201, 205, 234, 244, 248, 508, 539, 556 Fisherfield,: 132, 266, 490, 554 Flash bouse (Flach hous, Flashouse) 1, 84, 118, 134, 164, 185, 216, 367, 486, 564, 591 Foote 83, 108, 132, 142, 143, 155, 161, 166, 167, 174, 182, 185, 191, 490 Fouldhead, 224 Foxholes (Foxehote, Foxus) 6, 54, 87, 107, 131, 140, 171, 177, 184, 190, 196, 200, 209, 213, 217, 259 Francehill (Franchill, Franshill) 200, 204, 212, 236, 599 FrancehiU (Frencel) ^Gate, 531 Furnes, 149 G Gallows, 533 7i8 ROCHDALE REGISTERS Boptisms... 1-248. Af arria<7es ... 249-3 1 8. BurioZs... 3 19-599. Ganke (Ganck), 197 564 Garside (Garsid, Gartsid, Gartside) 43, 46, 57, 83, 86, 89, 106, 121, 137, 146, 193, 197, 211, 215, 217, 221, 235, 242, 270, 351, 374, 533, 538, 541, 592, 593 Gerrard Hey (Garett Hey, Garrat high, Gretrot Heigh) 78, 462, 562 Glossop Parish, 259, 204 Goose Lane (Goos, Gose, Goss) 86, 109, 124, 134, 101, 183, 195, 207, 210, 231, 233, 241, 245, 246, 263, 370, 388, 53«, 540, 548, 553, 554, 559, 503, 564, 569, 572, 581, 588 GoriU (Gorield, Gorild, GorUls) 87, 107, 118, 123, 128, 137, 144, 151, 157, 245, 437, 525, 574, 589 Gorpley (Godple), 260 Gorsthills, 20(i, 220 Graigs [sic], 145 Grange, 140, 141, 164 Grangebarn, 192 Greave (Gre\'e) 55, 89, 103, 124, 209, 219, 263, 387, 388, 432, 511, 531, 583, 588, 598 Greave Clough, 397 Greaves, 305 Green (Greene, Grein, Grene) 4, 83, 89, 109, 111, 113, 119, 120, 127, 129, 131, 141, 151, 152, 161, 167, 175, 179, 185, 202, 207, 210, 216, 225, 234, 235, 266, 490, 494, 512, 549, 651, 564, 591, 597, 598 Greenbooth (Greeneboth) 189, 197 Greenside, 65 Greenwell, 192 Gretrot Heigh, see Gerrard Hey Grindrod (Grenrod), 403 Grindrod Bank (Greenrodd Banke, Grenrod Bonke) no, 115, 135, 148, 159, 170 H Hades (Hads, Haeds, Haids) 87, 100, 156, 222, 366, 429, 510, 540, 548, 559 Hagh, see Hey Haile, 165 Hairhill, 118 Halfacre (Halfaker, Halfeaker) 2, 89, 109, 144, 151, 166, 233, 244, 262, 479, 493, 516, 594, 597 Halifax, 271, 312 HaUfax Parish, 305, 306, 312, 315 Hall, 123 Hallfold (Hoefold, Hofold, Holefold, Holfold) 63, 66, 84, 115, 124, 127, 128, 132, 146, 150, 473, 490, 508, 598 Hamer 4, 22, 38, 144, 149, 163, 154, 161, 171, 178, 181, 240, 241, 245, 258, 201, 365, 433, 437, 444, 477, 518, 547, 595 Hamer Gate (Yait) no, 135, 202, 215, 555 Hamer Mill no, 133, 139, 140, 151, 159, 162, 167, 176, 243, 436, 531, 558, 561, 597 Hanging Lees (Hanglees, Hengen Lees, Hinging Lees) 111, 114, 128, 195, 234, 240, 262, 375, 512, 532, 560, 584 Hanging Shaw, 198, 206, 222 Hardman Fold, 585, 598, 599 Hardmans, 137 Hareknow, see Herring Knowl Harsenden (Harsinden) 172, 531 Hartley 85, 139, 142, 145, 148, 153, 156, 157, 162, 165, 170, 172, 177, 178, 184, 185, 188, 190, 199, 201, 202, 206, 213, 216, 222, 230, 238, 270, 437, 440, 509, 552, 553, 555, 560, 585 Hary Know, Hary Knowle, see Herring Knowl Haslingden, 313 Hatfield (Yorkshire), 305 Hatheknowe, see Heathe Know Hathershaw (Hadershaw) 129, 147, 156, 216, 224, 397 Haugh (Hough) 1, 41, 51, 70, 72, 80, 84, 87, 89, 105, 106, 107, 108, 112, 114, 115, 118, 120, 122, 124, 129, 130, 131, 134, 135, 136, 160, 161, INDEX OF PLACES 719 Baptisms... 1-248. Marriages.,, 249-318, Burials,,, 319-599. Haugh — Continued. 163, 170, 171, 179, 184 188, 193, 197, 198, 200 205, 209, 214, 221, 226 230, 232, 236, 240, 242 246, 248, 259, 261, 262 268, 385, 392, 437, 440 475, 487, 491, 508, 509 511, 512, 514, 519, 524 530, 532, 536, 540, 548 5.52, 553, 554, 555, 559 561, 566, 566, 569, 581 585, 589, 590, 594, 598 Haugh, High, 90 Hawood, Haywood, see Heywood Haworth Little, see Howorth Little Hazelgreave (Haselgreve, Heslegreave) 221, '232 Heald (Held), 83, 126 Healey (Heale, Healy, Heayley, Highlee, Highleey) 1, 4, 23, 37, 62, 71, 83, 91, 97, 105, 109, 112, 117, 119, 124, 128, 132, 136, 138, 139, 142, 146, 147, 148, 149, 151, 154, 155, 158, 161, 162, 163, 168, 170, 173, 179, 182, 184, 19,5, 196, 199, 202, 203, 212, 218, 221, 223, 224, 233, 234, 235, 238, 239, 242, 258, 259, 260, 262, 264, 269, 305, 351, 416, 436, 493, 502, 509, 523, 536, 553, 560, 563, 568, 569, 573, 582, 584, 593, 597, 598 Healey Hall, 156, 165, 174, 180, 531 Healey, Middle, 222 Heare Knowle, see Herring Knowl Heathe Know (Hatheknowe) 156, 164 Heights (Heaights, Height, Hight, Hights, Hite, Hites, Hits) 77 82, 83, 89, UO, 114, 142, 155, 161, 165, 166, 169, 174, 183, 186, 190, 197, 200, 201, 209, 217, 224, 243, 244, 372, 429, 532, 547, 593 Hellhous, see Hillhouse Henloont (Henlane, Henlone) 113, 162, 167, 172 Heptonstall ¦ 294, 295, 309, 316, 318, 540 HeptonstaU Parish 258, 260, 269, 273, 305 Herring Krowl (Hareknow, Haryknow, Haryknowle, Heareknowle) 2, 132, 195, 244, 532 Hey (Hagh, Heay, High) 111, 120, 124, 131, 133, 134, 150, 160, 102, 164, 165, 169, 171, 174, 260, 265, 512, 566 Hey Head (Hig, High) 87, 89, 118, 153, 166, 171, 182, 190, 194, 215, 260, 266, 493, 607 Heywood (Hawood, Haywood) 24, 38, 57, 200, 206, 266, 272, 495, 535 High, see Hey High Leey, see Healey Highbottoms, 538 Hilbothom, 142 Hite, Hites, Hits, see Heights Hillhouse (Hellhous) 47, 104, 118, 120, 131, 139, 214, 220, 238, 244, 260, 375, 396, 406, 556, 587 Hilltop 73, 80, 106, 118, 142, 150, 170, 189, 190, 219, 226, 233, 474, 475, 515, 559, 571, 695 Hoarstones (Horestones), 518 Hoefold, Hofold, see HaUfold Holebottom in Oldham Parish, 528 HoUand, [Up], 192 HoUands (HoUonds) 111, 121, 178, 196 HolUngworth (HoUenworth, HolUnworth) 69, 77, 83, 88, 89, 101, 115, 125, 136, 146, 184, 186, 188, 191, 192, 193, 195, 198, 203, 204, 208, 209, 211, 214, 218, 223, 240, 243, 260, 267, 346, 391, 416, 436, 448, 476, 509, 533, 647, 548, 550, 554, 558, 567, 569, 572, 574, 581, 582, 583, 587, 589, 690, HoUings, 199 HoUinhey (HoUen High), 144 HoUows (HoUoss) 105, 174, 237, 262, 394, 511, 563, 565 Holme Hall, 527 Holt (Holte) 143, 148, 154, 187, 238, 260, 482, 490, 520, 565 Honderwood, see Underwood 720 ROCHDALE REGISTERS Baptism.s... 1-248. Afarriosres... 249-3 18. BuriaZs.. .319-599. Hopwood, 257, 259 Hough, see Haugh HouUat Hall, see Owlett HaU Houses of Hill (HousahiU, Houseshill, Houshill, Houssehill) UO, 119, 133, 144, 145, 163, 174, 240, 258, 266, 492, 520, 537, 539, 572 Howorth (Hourth) 84, 85, 111, 113, 117, 134, 135, 136, 139, 148, 150, 152, 158, 160, 161, 163, 167, 173, 178, 179, 223, 235, 240, 242, 258, 357, 371, 37-2, 406, 489, 493, 633, 552, 569 Howorth Cross 105, 128, 141, 151, 162, 182, 195, 246, 493, 531, 557, 598 Howorth Field, 82 Howorth, Great, 152 Howorth, Little (g^--J{^}Parvah) 40, 46, 61, 65, 86, 98, 113, 128, 265, 369, 567, 574 Howorth Knowle (Know) 213, 235 Howorth Pasture 149, 156, 175, 178, 185, 234, 247, 609 Huddersfield (Hudarsfield) 292, 293, 297 Hudsons 138, 141, 201, 208, 509, 552, 590, 593 Hugh MiU, 267 Humber 184, 229, 349, 417, 449, 490, 562, 569 Hundersfield (Hundarsfild, Hundersfeild, Hundesfeild, Hundesfield,Hundrefield) 2, 3, 4, 6, 83, 85, 107, 120, 173, 214, 215, 217, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 230, 233, 234, 236, 236, 237, 238, 242, 247, 248, 261, 291, 434, 436, 491, 492, 533, 647, 548, 549, 550, 553, 554, 555, 556, 557, 559, 561, 562, 563, 565, 566, 567, 569, 571, 572, 573, 574, 575, 581, 582, 583, 585, 586, 587, 688, 589, 590, 591, 592, Hundersfield — Continued. 593, 594, 595, 596, 597, 598 Hundesfield, Middle, 173 Hungrill (Hungarill, HungreU) 154, 159, 167, 181, 191 HungreU End, 175 Hurst, 137 Hurstead (Hosstead, Husstead, Husted, Hustid, Hustidd, Husstidd) 131, 145, 153, 159, 162, 236, 257, 387, 518, 531, 533, 535, 537, 543, 556, 583 Inchfield (Inchfeild) 36, 98, 260, 267, 270 Jowkin (Jawcken, Jouken, Jowken, Jukken) 44, 161, 225, 261, 398, 407, 429, 430, 444, 491, 589 - K Keek, 112 Kirkholt (Karkholt, Kerkholt, Kerkholte, Kirkhole) 87, 105, 174, 178, 187, 194, 197, 243 Kitbooth (Ketbooth, Kettbothe) 45, 109, 111, 120, 131, 172 Knotthill, 127, 549 Knowl (Know, Knoe), 537, 560 Knowl Moor (Know) 147, 569, 582 Ladyhouse (Lade, Laydey, Laydi, Laydy) 5, 80, 88, 89, 98, 109, 111, 136, 141, 171, 176, 178, 181, 183, 188, 190, 193, 204, 205, 212, 221, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 245, 248, 263, 269, 355, 474, 488, 490, 493, 509, 560, 561, 563, 567, 572, 580, 591, 593, 597, 598 Lane 112, 115, 118, 122, 123, 124, 125, 127, 129, 130, 131, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 149, 152, 153, 158, 162, 163, 164, 210, 212, 215, 436, 445, 564, 566, 568 INDEX OF PLACES 721 Baptisms... 1-248. Afamajes... 249-3 18. Bt(HaZs... 3 19-599. Lanehead, 258, 375, 423, 474 Laneside, 3, 265, 510 Langfield in HeptonstaU Parish (Longfield) 258, 260 Langley Hey (Lanley High), 391 Larke Hill, 194, 437, 481 Leach, UO, 124, 137 Leagh, 539 Leaver, 62 Leaven Greave 121, 126, 136, 200 Leeds, 272, 293 Leicestershire, 295 Lighthazles (Lighthasles, Lithasles, Litthasles) 75, 87, 432, 572 Lightowlers (Lightolers, Lighttolers,Lighttowlers,Littowlars) 77, 83, 191, 232, 242, 263, 265, 267, 269, 433, 491, 511, 572, 591, 594 Littleborough (Litlebrough, Littlebrough, Littleburgh) 5, 15, 17, 18, 25, 31, 32, 35, 39, 41, 42, 43, 45, 46, 49, 51, 52, 53, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 62, 63, 65, 66, 67, 69, 71, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 84, 85, 87, 93 , 98, 105, 108, no. 111, 115, 116, 117, 119, 122, 124, 125, 148, 149, 159, 163, 169, 177, 179, 183, 185, 187, 188, 194, 195, 198, 204, 205, 206, 213, 214, 217, 219, 222, 223, 224, 225, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240, 241, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 251, 253, 254, 259, 261, 262, 267, 268, 270, 291, 299, 306, 312, 368, 405, 435, 448, 460, 474, 488, 490, 492, 494, 501, 508, 512, 513, 517, 518, 530, 531, 532, 535, 536, 537, 539, 541, 547, 649, 551, 552, 553, 654, 555, 556, 557, 558, 559, 561, 562, 665, 567, 569, 574, 575, 581, 582, 584, 586, 587, 688, 590, 693, 597, 598 Littleborough Chapel, 270 Littlebridge (Bury Parish), 259 Little Slack, 265 Liverpool, 312 Longacres (Longakers, Lonakers) '65, 71, 80, 87, 89, 111, 120 141, 157, 158, 159, 172, 230, 267, 492, 636, 538 Longclough 74, 106, 134, 215, 234, '235, 531, 555 Longedge (Lonedge) 111, 135, 139, 184, 636 Longfield (Longfeild) 32, 86, UO, 120, 133, 139, 160, 165, 210, 564 Longleyhigh (Lanley) 258, 391 Low (Loe, Looe) 66, 89, 138, 152, 178, 185, 189, 196, 203, 216, 238, 245, 530, 558, 559, 666, 568, 594 Lower Yates, 584 Lower Hey (Lower high) 158, 170, 189, 192, 225, 232, 242, 244, 551 Lowerhouse, 177 Lower Lumas, 261 Lower MUl (MiUn) 243, 266, 535, 536, 591, 599 Lowerplace 2, 111, 112, 116, 118, 122, 123, 127, 134, 137, 139, 140, 142, 143, 145, 146, 150, 162, 153, 154, 155, 158, 160, 162, 163, 165, 168, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 176, 178, 180, 182, 186, 186, 188, 192, 193, 19.5, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 205, 206, 208, 209, 210, 213, 214, 219, 222, 223, 227, 232, 234, 237, 239, 242, 244, 248, 258, 269, 262, 268, 370, 422, 449, 488, 490, 491, 517, 635, 536, 537, 548, 550, 554, 555, 556, 561, 562, .564, 575, 584, 587, 588, 590, 593, 598, 599 Lowhouse (Loehous) 1, 2, 61, 68, 106, no. 111, 123, 171, 181, 188, 200, 211, 230, 235, 248, 262, 327, 395, 403, 433, 435, 570, 598 Luddenden Parish, 272 M Mainwood, see Meanwood VV 722 ROCHDALE REGISTERS Baptisms... 1-248. Afarriajes... 249-318. BwHa/s... 3 19-599. Manchester 259, 262, 264, 266, 267, 268, 269, 287, 298, 301, 305, 317, 417, 439, 551, 552 Manchester Parish, 264, 296 Manchester Church, 317 Marchant Sike, 183 Marcroft, 112 Marcroft Yate (Marcraft Yait) 39, 45, 109, 221, 574, 581 Market Cross, 259, 265 Marland 6, 6, 44, 72, 74, 82, 83, 85, 89, 100, 104, 106, 107, 108, 109, 116, 118, 119, 120, 121, 127, 129, 130, 131, 136, 137, 146, 147, 148, 154, 165, 156, 157, 160, 164, 165, 169, 176, 180, 181, 182, 187, 188, 194, 196, 198, 203, 205, 210, 213, 215, 216, 217, 219, 220, 223, 225, 229, 236, 237, 240, 241, 242, 244, 246, 200, 266, 268, 269, 353, 355, 361, 367, 385, 415, 433, 435, 448, 480, 488, 489, 491, 608, 612, 514, 531, 532, 534, 535, 537, 549, 552, 563, 568, 569, 571, 573, 674, 582, 584, 685, 686, 588, 589, 592, 593, 597 Marland Mill 150, 170, 191, 193, 244, 248, 580 Marld Earth 213, 244, 622, 529, 505 Maywood, 262 Meadowcroft (Medocraft, Medowcroft) 179, 183, 186, 548, 550, 565 Meadow Stile, 160 Meanwood (Mainwood) 88, 112, 113, 132, 139, 143, 148, 158, 166, 367, 508 Meeting House, 201, 212 Middleton (Medleton, Medlton, Midleton) 3, 15, 17, 40, 65, 85, 89, 108, lU, 149, 156, 159, 186, 200, 263, 269, 270, 292, 293, 294, 296, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302, 303, 305, 314, 351 Middleton Parish (Medleton, Midleton) 17, 29, 37, 43, 45, 50, 52, 63, 79, 83, 84, 89, 91, 95, 120, Middleton Parish — Continued. 126, 130, 133, 140, 142, 147, 169, 179, 201, 202, 206, 211, 216, 224, 226, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 245, 259, 260, 261, 262, 265, 266, 268, 270, 272, 294, 298, 30.3, 306, 307, 309, 312, 314, 315, 316, 375, 376, 389, 391, 393, 395, 400, 408, 417, 437, 438, 442, 443, 446, 447, 448, 450, 454, 489, 491, 502, 531, 536, 540, 550, 652, 554, 555, 562, 564, 570, 574, 675, 584, 590, 591, 595, 597 Middlewich Parish, 267 Middlewnod, 266 Midgelden (Midgenden, Migerdine) 257, 258 Mill (Milne) 82, 105, no. 111, 113, 119, 124, 135, 136, 143, 147, 154, 156, 170, 194, 366 MiU HiU, 114, 511, 557 Millhouse, 132, 368 Milnrow (Melrow, Millrow, Millrowe, Milnerow, Milnerowe, Milrow) 2, 5, 9, 21, 29, 31, 32, 38, 40, 43, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 76, 77, 78, 79, 83, 85, 87, 104, 106, 107, 108, no. 111, 112, 114, 115, no, 117, 118, 119, 121, 122, 124, 125, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 135, 137, 138, 139, 142, 144, 147, 149, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 160, 161, 162, 166, 168, 175, 176, 177, 182, 183, 185, 186, 187, 189, 190, 193, 200, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 213, 215, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 226, 226, 231, 232, 233, 234, 236, 237, 239, 240, 242, 243, 245, 246, 247, 251, 253, 254, 255, 257, 259, 260, 261, 262, 264, 26,5, 267, 268, 269, 270, 271, 272, 276, 374, 412, 414, 429, 432, 433, 474, INDEX OF PLACES Baptisms.,, 1-248. Afan-iac/es.. .249-318. Burials... 319-599. in Milnrow — Continued. 476, 490, 491, 492, 510, 511, 516, 518, 529, 530, 531, 532, 534, 537, 551, 552, 554, 556, 557, 559, 561, 562, 563, 564, 566, 567, 568, 569, 573, 574, 580, 582, 588, 589, 591, 592, 595, 596, 597, 598 Milnrow o'th Chapel End, 225 MitcheU Hev (MicheU Heay, MicheU Heigh, Michel High, Mitchel High, MitcheU High) '2, 83, 181, 189, 217, 245, 581 Monstone Edge, 575 Moor (More), 5 Moorbank 3, no, 116, 119, 134, 213, 231, 234, 259, 266, 476, 494, 509, 559, 571 Moorgate 162, 168, 187, 230, 266, 527 Moorgate (Bury Parish), 266 Moorhouse 88, 134, 140, 146, 182, 196, 202, 204, 212, 224, 484 Moorlane, 217 Moor Bead, 588 Moorside 118, 121, 122, 125, 149, 161, 167, 170, 178, 182, 183, 186, 193, 200, 205, 210, 217, 257, 258, 369, 518, 570, 588, 592, 593 Moss 112, 118, 147, 148, 165, 181, 183, 193, 476, 531 Mossend (?), 194 Mossgate, 260, 525 Moss Lane, 118, 201, 210, 235 Mossside 83, 105, 107, 113, 114, 120, 122, 124, 125, 129, 142, 155, 161, 173, 174, 176, 178, 182, 184, 186, 189, 192, 196, 198, 199, 209, 212, 220, 222, 242, 245, 268, 370, 493,527, 533,553,560, 565, 572, 587,594, 246, 220, 268, 565, 508, 188, 223, 155, 179, 197, 221, 552, 174, 496, 248 118, 127, 165,181, 191, 203,235, 423, Mossside — Continued, 433, 448, 511, 531, 536, 566, 571, 584, 585 Mowroad (Moaroad, Mooroad) 223, 259, 265, 266, 491, 537 N Nabrode (Nabrodd, Nebroad) 106, 118, 130, 137, 233 Nacks, 142 Naden (Naiden, Nayden) 83, 86, 111, 132, 189, 197, 207, 208, 216, 224, 406, 449, 575, 582 Nadenhead (Naydenhead) 3, 107, 115, 123, 134, 146, 156, 166, 183, 241, 248, 263, 377, 536, 570, 589, 591 Natbank 89, 126, 130, 365, 376, 396, 423, 438, 476 Newbold 6, 22, 44, 74, 82, 84, 85, 86, 87, 90, 105, 107, 114, 115, 118, 121, 124, 127, 132, 134, 135, 137, 138, 140, 141, 142, 143, 146, 147, 148, 149, 152, 154, 156, 159, 160, 162, 164, 165, 166, 169, 170, 174, 175, 178, 182, 187, 188, 189, 199, 202, 203, 211, 214, 216, 217, 218, 220, 221, 231, 233, 238, 239, 240, 243, 245, 257, 258, 262, 264, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270, 364, 370, 381, 434, 435, 436, 478, 522, 530, 535, 536, 548, 554, 557, ,558, 566, 572, 575, 680, 591, 598 Newbold Barn, 131 Newbold Lane 146, 156, 200, 209, 230, 243, 561, 583, 584, 591, 693 NewbuUding, 245, 585, 590 Newfield Head 47, 87, 184, 195, 218, 239, 512, 581 Newgate 167, 178, 183, 189, 195, 196, 509, 510, 586, 691, 594 New Hall 258, 260, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267 Newhey (Newhay, Newhie) 109, 192, 245, 268, 552 724 rochdAle registers Baptisms... 1-248. Marriages,.. 249-318. Burials. ..319-59Q. Newhouse 108, 115, 220, 268, 412, 487, 508, 572 Newton in Manchester Parish, 264 New WaU, 133, 213, 566 Nickroad, 512, 539, 562, 568, 570 NittaU Sike, U)5 Nook, 120, 432, 491 Norman HiU, 117, 125, 477, 511 Normanton Parish 266 O Oakenbod (Oackenroad, Ockenroad, Okenroad, Okenrodd) 148, 169, 177, 185, 189, 195 199, 203, 208, 214, 231 522, 544, 565, 569, 583 598 Ockenroad Mill, 561 Ogden 53, 85, 102, 116, 121, 149, 154 157, 159, 164, 182, 186 192, 201, 204, 237, 246 368, 48.3, 512, 530, 533 ,534, 537, 548, 553, 554 555, 558, 566, 571, 573 594, 598 Oldham 273, 29f>, 296, 299, 300, 302 305, 308, 508 Oldham Parish 28, 53, 77, 89, 236, 2,59, 202 263, 264, 268, 270, 272 273, 292, 293, 294, 297 304, 305, 306, 307, 310 311, 31'2, 313, 314, 315 316, 317, 318, 490, 628 554, 575 Ormskirk, 307 Ostorlands (Saddleworth), 258 Owlett Hall (HouUat Hall) 167 Packeb (Paccar, Paccer) 3, 84, 85, 86, 89, 99, 109, UO, 112, 113, 116, 118, 119 120, 123, 125, 126, 128 129, 130, 131, 132, 133^ 135, 136, 137, 138, 143 144, 145, 146, 149, 150] 151, 152, 153, 164, 155 156, 157, 158, 160, 161 162, 163, 166, 166, 107' 170, 171, 172, 174, 175' 176, 178, 180, 181, 182, Packer — Continued.183, 185, 186, 187, 188, 190, 191, 192, 193, 195, 198, 199, 200, '201, 20'2, 203, 204, 206, 208, 210, 212, 213, 214, 21,5, 216, 217, 218, 219, 221, 230, 2,S2, 234, 23.5, 239, 240, 246, 259, 264, 270, 327, 454, 488, 492, 508, 509, 510, 528, 530, 531, 532, 533, 634, 536, 636, 538, 549, 552, 555, 556, 557, 558, 560, 561, 662, 563, 564, 666, 568, 569, 570, 67b, 574, 676, 583, 584, 58,5, 580, 688, 589, 591, 592 Packer Meadow, 269 Padiham (Padiam), 294 Parrock Head (Parrack, Parrake, Parrocke, Porack) UO, 116, 186, 188, 190, 263, 303, 407, 566, 571, 681, 588 Passmans 5, 112, 116, 121, 160, 199, 209, 210, 217, 220, 230, 235, 262, 266, 367, 512, 540, 559, 573, 583, 593, 598 Pasture (Paster) 115, 145, 169, 242, 532, 533, 599 Peanock (Peanack, Peanocke, Peanoke, Penocke) 114, 142, 160, 184, 202, 211, 213, 232, 241, 269, 488, 491, 493, 508, 511, 579 Pikehouse (Pickhouse, Pikhous) 218, 228, 239, 261, 266, 269 452, 461, 482, 535, 597 Pitts (Peets) 89, 106, 112, 116, 134, 137, 146, 150, 159, 167 171 184, 201, 202, 206, 212, 220, 241, 245, 248 261 262, 375, 377, 534, 535', 536, 549, 558, 508, 598 Place, 2 Plumhouse 162, 177, 180, 241, 266, 548, 597 PolUtts (PoUets) 239, 509, 583 Preston, 296 Prestwich (Prestedg, Prestwedg, Prestwidg) 272, 296, 297, 298, 303, 304, 314, 669 INDEX OF PLACES 725 ¦Baptisms... 1-248. Aforriafffs... 249-318. Bwria^s... 319-599. Prestwich Parish 262, 308, 315, 316 Prickshaw 1, 116, 128, 139, 158, 202, 438, 570 Pythorn (Pvthorne) 88, 246, 519, 562 Q Quick (Saddleworth), 258 R Radoliffe, 296 Raghole 53, 62, 104, 119, 125, 259, 407, 509, 557, 582 Rakefoot, 82 Rakehead, 261 Redfern (Readfearne) 73, 164, 170, 181, 188, 199, 209, 367 Reascroft (Oldham Parish), 263 Reanscroft in Middlewich Parish 267 Reddishore, 265 Redford, 166 Redlum, 74, 85, 598 Renerod (Renerodd) 71, 100, 113, 129, 189 Ridings (Rideings, Riden?, Ridins, Ryding, Rydens, Rydins) 74, 84, 85, 90, 112, 121, 125, 145, 147, 173, 184, 192, 199, 206, 207, 214, 215, 216, 224, 229, 230, 240, 243, 244, 245, 258, 260, 261, 269, 434, 449, 510, 517, 562, 585, 586 Ringlows (Ringlose, Ringlowes, Rinlows) 87, 112, 125, 146, 174, 181, 189, 191, 192, 194, 200, 202, 203, 204, 208, 214, 219, 223, 230, 231, 241, 260, 261, 265, 268, 509, 531, 536, 561, 564, 566, 568, 593 Roadfield (RoadfeUd) 163, 215, 230, 265 Roads (Rodds) 144, 168, 167, 180, 433, 549 Rochdale (Racdale, Rachdale, Rochdall), Passim Rockliffe, 242, 261 road, 266 Rossendale 106, 210, 270, 303, 307, 310, 493, 519, 539 Rossendale Parish, 265 Rough, 222, 235 Rough Bank (Roubonke, Rughbanck) 2, 38, 45, 69, 112, 114, 120, 122, 131, 149, 174, 189, 200, 257, 259, 265, 267, 435, 439, 512, 526, 555, 564, 571, 592 Roundhouse, 267, 378, 555, 564, 594 Row (Roe, Rooe, Wro, Wroe) 86, 128, 130, 135, 140, 146, 149, 157, 160, 177, 510 Rushworth, 266 S Saddleworth, 284, 294, 310, 315 Saddleworth Parish (Sadleworth) 257, 258, 270, 271, 300, 316, 317 Salford, 115, 297, 300 Sandhole (SandhaU) 87, 135, 145, 150, 158, 174, 177, 208, 230, 242, 452, 537, 566, 570, 585, 594, 698 Schofield (Scholefield, ScofefeUd, Scolefeild, Scolefield) 47, 58, 78, 120, 593, 594 Schofield Hall 126, 154, 168, 175, 180, 186, .193, 573 Above Schofield HaU, 364 Schofield Moor, 223 Senemen Hill, see Cinnamon Hill Shaw 6, 73, 89, 102, 112, 114, 115, 118, 119, 121, 123, 125, 136, 137, 141, 142, 162, 164, 188, 194, 210, 212, 213, 252, 258, 261, 263, 267, 560, 561, 567, 568, 592 Shawfield (Shafield, Shawfeild, Showfield) 2, 74, 82, 86, 88, 89, 104, 107, 109, 112, 113, 119, 123, 128, 129, 131, 132, 134, 136, 138, 139, 141, 143, 144, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 153, 154, 156, 157, 159, 160, 161, 163, 164, 165, 167, 169, 170, 172, 174, 176, 178, 179, 180, 186, 192, 193, 194, 195 726 ROCHDALE REGISTERS Baptisms... 1-248. Afarriagres... 249-318. Burials. ..319-599. Shawfield — Continued. 201, 202, 203, 207, 208, 209, 211, 212, 218, 221, 220, 229, 240, 241, 242, 244, 248, 260, 401, 423, 436, 492, 610, 511, 519, 531, 532, 534, 635, 553, 554, 555, 556, 557, 560, 561, 565, 566, 667, 668, 571, 673, 584, 585, 586, 689, 592, 593 Shaw Lane (Show), 148 Shaw Moss (Shaw Mosse, Show Moss) 119, 187, 244 Sheepbank, 3, 27, 408, 560 Shelderslow (Saddleworth Parish) 258 Shelfield, 134, 245, 583, 589 Shepherd MiU, 160, 588 Shore 3, 48, 60, 67, 70, 78, 84, 105, 108, 112, 114, 116, 121, 123, 124, 126, 131, 133, 141, 148, 155, 156, 169, 179, 186, 187, 198, 217, 221, 232, 234, 238, 261, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268, 376, 378, 380, 429, 433, 434, 445, 472, 491, 492, 495, 509, 510, 517, ,549, 550, 551, 653, 668, 561, 571, 574, 582, 599 Shore Gate, 220 Shore Lane, 163, 223 Shore Moor, 211, 597 Sickbanck, see Sykebank SiddaU Moor (Sidda Moore), 415 Slacke, 122, 186, 216 Sladen (Slading) 76, 112, 224, 234, 259, 264, 266, 269, 375, 434, 448, 491, 581, 582 Sladen Mill, 536, 549, 589 Smallbridge (Smalbridge, Smalebridge, Smelbridg) 83, 90, 106, 108, 109, 120, 121, 122, 128, 129, 13.5, 136, 137, 138, 146, 155, 158, 165, 166, 167, 172, 181, 186, 204, 206, 214, 220, 223, 224, 225, 226, 233, 237, 238, 243, 248, 266, 432, 510, 636, 562, 569, 670, 571, 584, 590 Smallshaw (Smaleshow) 87, 89, 120, 561, 598 Smallshaw Sike, 184, 532 Smithy (Smethe, Smethey, Smithe) 107, no, 118, 121, 123, 129, 130, 135, 137, 144, 147, 155, 156, 161, 490 Smithyfield (Smethefield) 177 Smithy Fold (Smethe Fold, Smithey Fould) 98, 205, 206, 211, 215, 223, 231, 531, 534, 557, 566, 570, 571, 573, 581 Snipebarn (Snibarne) 129 Snipe Leach (Middleton Parish), 52 Sowerby (Sorbey), 271 Sparth (Spath) 119 130, 140, 148, 157, 165, 176, 186, 553 Spotland 1, 2, 3 4, 5, 6, 87, 88, 106, 112, 113, 115, 117, 119, 122, 124, 127, 128, 131, 134, 135, 139, 145, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 164, 173, 178, 182, 189, 191, 192, 197, 198, 199, 200, 202, 203, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 214, 215, 217, 218, 221, 222, 224, 225, 233, 234, 236, 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 245, 246, 248, 259, 263, 269, 448, 494, 509, 532, 537, 538, 548, 549, 550, 551, 552, 554, 656, 557, 658, 560, 561, 562, 563, 564, 565, 666, 567, 568, 569, 570, 571, 572, 573, 574, 575, 581, 582, 584, 586, 589, 590, 592, 593, 594, 595, 596, 597, 598 Spotland Bridgle 113, 125, 133, 144, 149, 159, 194, 203, 211, 222, 233, 240, 263, 266, 354, 509, 511, 612, 555, 556, 557, 563, 585, 588, 689, 594, 597 Spotland Gate (Spo: Gags) 23, 70, 109, 113, 116, 117, 121, 125, 126, 133, 135, 136, 138, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 148, 150, 151, 152, 163, 155, 166, 157, 163, 164, 167, 169, 172, 176, 178, 180, 186, 188, 190, 193, 196, 260, 261, 262, 265, 267, 360, 403, 428, 437, 491, 507, 510, 533, 535 INDEX OF PLACES C. Baptisms... 1-248. Afon-iojes.,, 249-3 18. BuriaZs... 319-599. 727 Spotland Top 160, 170, 182, 192, 266, 376, 584, 592 Spoutbank, 98 Stabel Durrom, 132 Stakell, 260 Stansfield (Stancfield) 163 Starring (Staring) 113, 127, 153, 178, 231, 243, 438, 457, 492, 494, 519, 570, 574 Stidd (Sted, Stedd, Steed) 3, 70, 88, no, 120, 123, 131, 138, 140, 152, 154, 165, 171, 179, 195, 206, 230, 263, 264, 397, 509, 521, 533, 549, 550, 552, 558, 561, 562, 566, 567, 597 Stidslack (Stedslacke, Steedslacke) 375, 466, 534 Stockhouse, 141 Stockroad 69, 116, 140, 200, 234, 426, 574 Stonyheys (Stonehigh, Stoney Heays, Stonyhaes) 159, 195, 220, 233, 534 Stones 186, 212, 243, 244, 511, 531, 553, 567, 587, 594 Stubley (Stubbelee, Stubblee, Stubelee, Stubly) 3, 57, 62, 68, 78, 85, 109, 191, 241, 260, 264, 434, 491, 573 Studshaw, 195, 263 Sudden (Soddene) 89, 109, 117, 121, 261, 367, 438, 448, 561 Swaindrod (Swainerod, Swainrodd, Swanerod, Swanerode, Swenrod, Swenrood, Swindrod, Swineroad, Swinrodd) 35, 40, 50, 69, 77, 88, 133, 155, 267, 415, 524, 532, 533, 537, 550 Syke (Sike), 143 Sykebank (Sickbanck) 168, 171, 181, 190, 196, 491, 494, 508, 571 Taisttees (Tarnters) 174, 179, 534 Tame Bam (Tamb), 215 Tentercroft, 206 Tenterfields, 214 Tenterhouse, 584, 592 Thornham, 572 Three Lane Ends 179, 220, 612, 532 TimbercUffe (TembercUffe) 115, 265 Tith Bam, 579 Toad lane (Todelane, Todlane) 3, 6, 106, 111, 113, 114, 121, 126, 130, 133, 138, 14o, 142, 146, 149, 152, 153, 156, 167, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 164, 166, 168, 169, 177, 178, 179, 180, 183, 184, 185, 186, 188, 189, 191, 196, 197, 198, 203, 205, 206, 207, 212, 213, 216, 218, 222, 226, 233, 234, 240, 244, 245, 258, 259, 260, 261, 262, 267, 269, 508, 510, 511, 528, 548, 551, 552, 553, 554, 555, 564, 568, 570, 571, 581, 582, 584, 585, 580, 589, 590, 593, 594, 596, 597, 598 Todmorden (Todmerden) 33, 35, 36, 44, 48, 55, 57, 60, 61, 69, 71, 74, 77, 85, 173, 258, 260, 261, 263, 264, 269, 291, 300, 307 Todmorden Chapel, 513 Todmorden Edge, 221 Tong (Toung, Tounge, Toungh) 112, 258, 264, 408, 462 Tong End (Tonge End, Tongue End, Toung End, Towngend,Tunge End) 68, 72, 88, 102, 125, 132, 135, 142, 145, 150, 154, 158, 163, 166, 176, 223, 243, 381, 428, 470, 475, 491, 493, 532, 536, 537, 545, 554, 559, 563, 573, 580, 589, 598, 599 Torne Barne (Toum), 144, 510 Toumrod (Tornrod), 116, 264^ Towlane, 117 Town 72, 107, 108, 109, no, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 728 ROCHDALE REGISTERS Boptisms... 1-248. Jlfamagre'?... 249-318. Bwriafe... 3 19-599. T own — Continued. 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 167, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 165, 166, 168, 169, 170, 180, 181, 183, 189, 195, 197, 200, 442, 448, 449, 455, 476, 477, 478, 486, 489, 490, 491, 492, 509, 511, 512, 534, 551, 553 Townebarne, 119 Townhead 38, 170, 174, 184, 196, 239, 263, 504 TownhiUholes, 45, 1,50, 437, 512 Townhouse 21, 91, 106, 18,5, 206, 23,5, 240, 259, 208, 269, 434, ,507, 523, 544, 551, 564, 584, 685 Townhouse Hight, 200 Town MiU 5, 22, 114, 151, 163, 170, 177, 180, 192, 199, 213, 257, 202, 566, ,570, 571, 572, 690 Trinity Chapel, 533 Trough 80, 107, 123, 124, 132, 14,5, Kill, 222, 259, 204, 380, 432, 435, 4KK, 491, 631, 538, 503, 5(i,S, 678, 581, 591, 593 Trough Yate, 521, 532 Trub Smithy 235, 240, 241, 243, 582, 583 Tunnacliffe (Tunecliffe, Tunickcliff, TunickUf, TunickUfe) 121, 204, 222, 531, 557, 681 Tunsliill (TunsheU, TunslihiU) 119, 1,55, 160, 163, 219, 224, 225, 241, 265, 207, 509, 510, 516, 634, 537, ,549, 573, .599 Tarf HiU (Torfe Hill, TovrfhiU) 160, 247, 257, 259, 574, 583 Turfhouse (Tourfhous) 239, 259, 491, ,523, 536, 539, ,591, 598 Turnough (Turner, Turnhough, Turnor) 2, 12, 41, 49, 122, 130, 156, 167, 175, 179, 241, 667, 666, 570, 691 U Underwood (Honderwood) 159, 161, 492, 693 LTppertown, 67 V Vicabage, 86, no, 116, 130 W Wakefield Parish, 259 WaUhead (Walehead, Whohead, Wohead) 138, 150, 152, 160, 161, 172 Walsden (Walston) 2,58, 261, 267, 269, 270 Walton Parish, 297 Wardle, see aiJso Weurdle 3, 4, 5, 6, 45, 84, 109, 116, 119, 121, 128, 129, 134, 138, 153, 1.56, 159, 161, 185, 188, 19.5, 205, 211, 237, 240, 241, 244, 269, 34,5, 491, 511, 552, ,558, 565, 569, 570, 572, 574, 583, 584, 587, 588, 599 Wardle Haigh (Hay, Heay, High) 87, 90, 106, 108, 111, 114, 116, 118, 121, 123, 126, 127, 130, 132, 136, 137, 143, 149, 151, 187, 203, 221, '225, 231, 232, 23,5, 237, 238, 260, 471, 489, 510, 515, 518, 526, 534, 535, 664, 587 Wardle, Little 73, 85, 90, 100, 104, 105, 107, 108, 117, 124, 125, 132, 141, 148, 182, 185, 201, 219, 234, 267, 268, 434, 476, 501, 607, 609, 511, 530, 536, 537, 580, 582, 592 Wardle, Lower, 550 Wardleworth 82, 84, 89, 10,5, 112, 116, 123, 124, 125, 132, 133, 139, 140, 141, 147, 148, 154, 157, 167, 169, 170, 176, 180, 182, 191, 192, 196, 201, 205, 212, 213, 216, 220, 22.3, 231, 237, 240, 241, 244, 245, 247, 493, 533, 634, 637, 538, 547, 550, 555, 556, 569, 571, 673, 684, 686, 589, 593 Wardleworth Hamlet, 173 Warmhole (Warmeliole, Wormhole) 6, 24,'106, 432, 433 Water; 135, 494 ^\'¦ate^house (Watterhous) 87, 109, 116, 124, 203, 206, 211, 214, 238, 494, 558 INDEX OF PLACES 729 Baptisms... 1-248. Afarrioj/es... 249-318. BMnoJs.;. 3 19-599. Weurdle (Weaxdle, Weerdle, Werdle) see also Wardle 1, 108, 134, 149, 161, 172, 188, 190, 208, 219, 220, 229, 230, 234, 264, 266, 357, 371, 372, 433, 473, 477, 509, 517, 529, 533, 535, 536, 538, 548, 558, 560, 574 Whalley, 281, 310 Whalley Parish (Whaley, Wholey) 17, 273, 294, 302, 306, 310, 314 Whams, 196 Whitaker (Whitacker, Whiteacker, Whiteaker, Whiteker) 48, 85, 99, 101, 105, 109, 117, 141, 209, 229, 230, 260, 269, 528, 532, 533, 535, 537, 554, 588 Whitefield (Whitefeild, Whitfeild, Whitfield) 46, 56, 62, 66, 69, 83, 85, 105, 107, 108, 118, 147, 152, 158, 166, 175, 184, 187, 198, 222, 229, 232, 236, 243, 265, 266, 268, 509, 517, 555, 564, 567, 580, 581, 582, 588, 589, 593 Whiteley Dean Whitle \ Deane Whitley ) Deign 138, 143, 155, 163, 187, 204, 226, 231, 233, 234, 243, 265, 268, 410, 415, 490, 532, 535, 555, 583, 590 Whittle (Bury Parish), 265, 431 Whitworth 4, 18, 19, 49, 55, 66, 67, 68, 72, 75, 76, 79, 80, 83, 84, 85, 87, 89, 117, 120, 121, 123, 125, 126, 128, 130, 131, 133, 139, 140, 145, 147, 148, 151, 152, 163, 166, 172, 176, 179, 183, 190, 193, 200, 202, 206, 209, 215, 216, 220, 222, 223, 226, 228, 231, 236, 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 244, 245, 246, 247, 252, 260, 26.5, 266, 267, 268, 270, 43.5, 437, 440, 510, 525, 531, 534, 548, 549, 550, 551, 552, 554, 556, 558, 559, 562, 566, 567, 569, .570, 575, 580, 581, 582, 583, 585, 586, 587, 589, 598 Whitworth Chapel, 265 Whitworth Clough, 599 Wigan, 217 Wilderness, 206 Wildhouse 85, 97, 108, 122, 134, 165, 312, 425, 486, 524, 596 Windhills, 537 Windybank (Windebanke) 8, 84, 100, 116, 134, 140, 1Q3, 209, 217, 222, 232, 239, 248, 269, 402, 433, 534, 535, 563, 583, 595 Wood 138, 164, 190, 196, 201, 239, 246, 515, 571, 588 Woodhouse 109, 117, 102, 166, 220 Woodhouse Lane 2, 6, 85, 98, 102, 107, UO, 115, 116, 118, 128, 129, 143, 145, 149, 152, 161, 162, 168, le 180, 182, 194, 197, 209, 214, 223, 225, 237, 240, 258, 261, 438, 444, 509, 511, 534, 537, 555, 556, 570, 572, 590, 591 Woolstenholme (Wolstonholme, Woolsenholme, Woosenam,Woosonham,Woosnum,Woostenholme,Woostneholme, Wosnum, Wostenholme) 1, 6, ,82, 89, 105, 106, 109, UO, 112, 114, 115, 121, 122, 123, 127, 128, 130, 131, 132, 134, 135, 137, 139, 145, 154, 159, 160, 162, 163, 164, 165, 169, 170, 171, 177, 178, 184, 189, 195, 201, 205, 207, 208, 214, 216, 219, 221, 222, 223, 226, 231, 234, 243, 247, 258, 263, 266, 268, 270, 353, 366, 366, 370, 432, 433, 474, 475, 490, 491, 493, 508, 509, 511, , 119, 121, 123, , 131, 133, 142, , 146, 147, 148, , 153, 157, 158, , 163, 164, 165, , 170, 171, 173, , 183, 184, 186, , 201, 203, 206, , 215, 217, 221, , 229, 235, 236, , 241, 245, 247, , 262, 369, 386, t, 484, 490, 491, , 512, 530, 631, , 549, 550, 553, >, 559, 560, 562, ', 575, 588, 589, 730 ROCHDALE REGISTERS Baptisms... 1-248. Afarriogies... 249-318. BwiaZs... 319-599. Woolstenholme — Continued. 525, 530, 536, 542, 548, 550, 561, 552, 559, 560, 573, 580, 581, 583, 593, 598 Woolstenholme, Lower, 237, 355 Wormhole, see Warmhole Wro, Wroe, see Row Yeafield, see Eafield Yealand, see EUand Yealees, Yea Leeys, Yeales, Yelees, see Ealees Yorke, 274, 301 Yorkshire, 93, 236, 265, 3 05, 314 Yorkshire Street, 581, 585 731 Mbtx HI. '^tsiHts, professions, anb fllisallanwus ffattMS. Boptisms... 1-248. Afan-iagres.. .249-318. BwioZs... 319-599. A Baptism at Milnrow Apparitor 127 29, 31, 32, 38, 40, Archbishop of York, 82 43, 45, 46, 47, 48, Assessment for " Church Lay," 173 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, Bachelor in Divinity, 81. 82, 216 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, B 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, Baptism at Ashworth 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 38, 44, 56, 64, 73, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 206, 223 76, 78, 79, 108, ,, Batings, 47 UO, 118, 119, 122, „ Birchenley, 196 124, 125, 127, 129, „ Buckley 131, 132, 137, 138, 59, 76, 88, 101 139, 147, 162, 153, ,, Buckley HaU, 68 154, 155, 168, 202, Castleton, 60, 216 204, 205, 206, 213, ,, Crosstone Chapel, 69 224, 226, 231, 239, ,, Foxholes 241, 242, 245, 246, 54, 190, 196, 200, 247 209, 213, 217 i. Schofield HaU Hamer, 149 180, 186 Hardmans, 137 I) Shaw, 73 ,, Healey, 97 Todmorden 1, Heywood, 24, 38, 57 33, 35, 36, 44, 48, 1, Home 55, 57, 60, 61, 69, 44, 55, 58, 59, 77, 71, 74, 85 95, 98, 99, 101, Wardle, Little, 100 140, 142, 200, 210 Whitworth ,, Littleborough 18, 19, 49, 55, 66, 18, 25, 31, 32, 35, 67, 68, 72, 75, 76, 39, 41, 42, 43, 45, 79, 80, 120, 139, 46, 49, 51, 52, 53, 161, 152, 200, 206, 56, 57, 58, 60, 62, 216, 220, 222, 247 63, 65, 66, 67, 69, ), by Mr Ellison, 11 0, 111 71, 75, 77, 79, 80, ), by Mr Whitel, 109 87, 93, 98, 115, tl free, 185, 186 122, 124, 125, 149, Bishop [)f Chester, 81 169, 194,204,205, Blacksmith, 260, 261, 268 206, 217, 219, 222, Blender 260, 264 225, 228, 229, 239, Briefs for William Cauperwhite, 240, 246, 247, 248 Drayton, Meeting House Mr Henry Harrison " 201, 213 Merchant, ^ 732 ROCHDALE REGISTERS Baptisms . . . 1-248. Marriages . . . 249-3 18. Briefs for Loss of Ship, Mill and Iviln, Milton Abbas, Pontefract,Bipon Minster, Scarborough,Southwalls ; all on page 423 „ Bridgnorth,Drayton (Salop), Farleton ( Lancashire); lUminster, Milton Abbas (Dorset), . Pontefract and Pontefract Castle, Ripon,Scarborough,Southwold alias Souldav, Thirsk ; all on page 424 ,, Irish Protestants " and Fires at New Aylesford, Bungay and East Smithfield ; on page 699 Burial at Littleborough, 518 ,, Heptonstall, 540 ,, Manchester, 551 „ Rossendale, 519 „ in Trinity Chapel, 633 Butcher, 207 Captain, 368 Cardmaker, 261 Carpenter, 258, 263, 266, 269, 449 Christenings, Record of, 94 Clerk (Clericus) 4, U, 15, 30, 59, 63, 67, 70, 76, 80, 81, 82, 92, 117, 128, 132, 146, 152, 160, 166, 319, 322, 333, 337, 350, 400, 408, 426, 469, 486, 491, 492, 494, 509, 510, 534, 552, 553 Clothier 258, 259, 260, 261, 263, 265, 269 Clothmaker 257, 258, 260, 262, 264, 268, 269 Clothworker, 259, 264 CoUectioi.s for Rebuilding St. Pauls 513 CoUier, 263, 264, 265, 268 Cook, 501 Cripple, 158 Curate, 216, 224, 226, 233 Cutler, 262 BMnaZs...3I9-.599. D Dame, 12, 252 Dane Soldier, 548 Death by drowning, 381, 495 Double dues for Marriage, 286 Dr, 305 Dyer, 261, 262, 263 E Esquire (Armiger) 4, 9, 14, 15, 21, 26, 33, 34, 37, 43, 46, 50, 54, 59, 60, 68, 76, 96, 100, no, 117, 150, 163, 166, 168, 171, 175, 180, 184, 190, 193 196, 197, 200, 205, 206, 209, 213, 216, 217, 228, 232, 235, 243, 257, 267, 272, 290, 295, 342, 354, 369, 371, 392, 394, 404, 416, 426, 444, 449, 472, 473, 477, 479, 484, 610, 533, 634, 545, 661, 596 Excommunicate, 434, -135, 646 Family Chris )TENI1> IG, 69 Fellmonger, 268 Feltmaker, 268 Freeholder, 267, 258, 430 Fuller, 261, 262, 266 G Gabtheb, 262 Gentleman 31, 35, 37, 40, 45, 46, 47 . 52, 54, 58, 61 02, 63, 6£ , 66, 69, 70, 73 74. 78, 7£ , 82, 86, 87, 92, 95, 98, 108, 11,5, 120, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 131, 132, 134, 136, 137, 138, 140, 143, 144, 145, 146, 149, 151, 152, 153, 154, 157, 158, 161, 165, 170, 171, 172, 176, 177, 178, 180, 181, 184, 185, 189, 192, 195, 196, 199, 202, 204, 206, 207, 208, 210, 212, 213, 214, 218, 224, 227, 248, 264, 265, 267, 272, 290, 304, 307, 310, 311, 314, 320, 326, 369, 378, 392, 396, 398, 412, 432, 436, 437, 438, 452, 457, 461, 472, 478, 479, 481, 483, 489, 519, 521, 526, 527, 541, 544, 552, 556, 557, MISCELLANEOUS 733 Baptisms... 1-248. Afamagres... 249-318. Buria/s... 319-599. Gentlem an — Continued. 558, 559, 560, 561, 569, 571, 574, 575, 580, 581, 586, 697 H Husbandman 257, 258, 259, 260, 261, 262, 263, 204, 26.5, 266, 267, 268, 269 I Innkeeper, 259 Justice of the Peace, 257, 267 Laboubee, 264 Limer, 261, 265 Lit: 213 Linenwebster, 263 Longevity, 528, 560 M Market Cross Publication of Marriages 259, 265 Marriage at Ashton, 253 Ashworth, 253 Blackley, 304 Bolton, 252 „ Bury, 252 HaUfax, 312 „ Littleborough 251, 2.53, 254, 270, 291, 299, 306, 312 „ Manchester 259, 262, 264, 266, 268, 269, 317 ,, Middleton 253, 269, 270 „ Milnrow 251, 253, 255, 269, 270, 271, 272, 276 Newbold, 267 New HaU 258, 260, 263, 265, 266, 267 „ Ormskirk, 307 Saddleworth, 284 Todmorden, 294, 300 Whitworth, 252 „ Whitworth Chapel 265 Marriage with Witnesses, 367 Mason, 257, 258, 260, 266, 260 Master of Arts, 226 Mercer, 259 Merchant, 261 Miller, 441 Mr 59 109, UO, UI, 132, 16£ ,170, 237, 239, 244 251 254; 269, 270, 272 281, 282, 283, 284, 286 294 295, 296, 297, 299 300, 301, 302, 303, 304 305 306, 307, 308, 309 310 311, 312, 313, 314 316 317, 318, 324, 332 334 338, 343, 346, 349 350 351, 366, 367, 369 372 376, 383, 384, 387 389 392, 394, 396, 397 398 400, 402, 403, 404 415 420, 421, 426, 429 430 439, 442, 443, 444 445 446, 449, 452, 453 454 460, 461, 467, 469 472 480, 482, 483, 486 490 492, 493, 494, 496 497 498, 499, 501, 504 507 509, 510, 511, 512 513 514, 516,, 517, 519 520 522, 529, 534, 535 543 581, 583, 584, 691 Mrs 290, 291, 306 314 , 317 357, 364, 384, 397 412 415, 473, 488, 492 494 496, 517, 534, 540, 544, 564 Millwright, 262 Morning Exercise, 257 Parish Clerk, 173, 547, 576 Parish Clerk commences, 281 Poor, 221, 224, 476, 490, 491 Poor child 321, 331, 351, 355, 368, 375 Poor lad, 321, 341, 358 Poor man, 324, 329, 332 Poor Scot, 348 Poor soldier, 324, 331 Poor stranger, 470 Poor wench, 319, 320, 472 Poor woman 17, 322, 326, 332, 335, 354, 367, 377, 414, 473 R " Reading in " of Rev: Pigot 81, 82 Renunciation by him of Solemn League and Covenant 81, 82 Register of Chester, 513 734 ROCHDALE Baptisms . . . 1-248. Marriages Sadler, 263 St. Pauls Cathedral, 513 Salter, 259 Schoolmaster, 358 Sexton, 357 Shearman 260, 261, 262, 266, 267 Shoemaker, 258, 263, 264, 266 Slater, 262 Smith, 425 Soldier, 548, 589 Stranger 83, 118, 132, 142, 192, 210, 214, 234, 239, 340, 346, 351, 449, 470, 478, 496, .525, 540, 548, 552, 560, 561, 564, 574, 587, 589, 590, 593 REGISTERS ..249-318. BuriaJs... 3 19-599. T Tablee, 439 Tailor, 261, 262, 263, 266 Trooper, 344, 351 V 1, 4, 17, 38, 44, 50, 59, 81, 82, 173, 513, 557 Vicar General, 82 W Webster 258, 259, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 266, 267, 268, 269 AVoolman, 258, 260, 262, 267 Yeoman 258, 259, 260, 261, 263, 264, 265, 267, 268, 269, 270 SVKo ^^^^^"^-.^^^ ^^%^' ^ C^ '