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Written-arraii^eci £?aciaf;r: d
II • YAlE«¥MlIV]EKSffinr- - ILJIBIKAISrcr •
Gift of
Henry W. Winfield
Nicholas Garretson Vreeland.
vfei*f THEIR BOOR:
Written-arranoed ^adapted
Title page and other* drawings by
Printed by CH9UNCEY HOLT-
NO -2,7 VflNDEC^ate1" 3TRERT • NEW YORK:
Edited by
Jersey City, Nev> Jersey
Copyright 1909
Nicholas G. Vreeland
chapter. title. page.
Foreword. 9
Preface. 10
i In Days of Caesar 17
2 Fifteen Centuries of Struggle 20
3 The Dutch take Holland 21
4 Chaos leads to System 23
5 Dutch War Songs : 24
Beggars of the Sea 24
Moeder Holland 29
Oranje Boven 30
6 Independence at Last 31
7 Holland and its People 33
8 Holland of To-day 41
9 The American Birthright (Poem) 49
10 In the New World, 1609-38 53
11 On Communipaw's Shore, 1646 57
12 Settlement of Bergen, 1660 59
13 Religion and Education 61
14 Battledore and Shuttlecock, 1664-74 63
15 Paulus Hook, 1800 66
16 From Youth to Manhood, 1840- 1909 69
17 Manners and Customs 73
18 Nomenclature 76
19 The True Dutch Influence 83
20 Land Titles 90
2 1 An Old Vreeland Family 99
22 The Town Vreeland, in Holland 104
CONTENTS— Continued.
chapter. title. page.
23 The Name Vreeland no
24 Vreeland vs. Freeland 119
25 Vreeland Coat-of Arms (Fac-simile in Five
Colors) 122
Vreeland Motto Song 128
26 The Vreeland Record 131
27 Vreelands and the Indians 135
28 The Old Roof Tree (Poem) 138
29 Some Vreeland Homesteads 139
A Vreeland Poet 143
30 The Vreeland Family 147
31 Mother Vreeland 161
32 The Fighting Vreelands 165
A — We will not be Slaves (Dutch war song). 165
B — Military Organization, 1663 166
C — Call to Arms, 1775 168
D— Roll Call of the Revolution 1 69
E — Story of the Flag 169
F — Vlaggelied — Flag Song 172
G — War of 1812-14 173
H — Mexican War, 1846 49 174
/—Civil War, 186 [-65 174
A"— Roll Call of the Civil War 175
L — A Tribute to Our Heroes 181
M—A. Boy's Recollections of War Times 182
-W— The Book of the Wars (Poem) 186
33 Historic Coins of Holland (Coincident with
Vreeland History) 189
Michael Jansen Vreeland the Leader 192
A Trip to Holland 1 94
Vreeland Genealogy, 1638 to 1909 198
Vreelands of Yesterday and Today 283
The history of the Vreeland family, after the arrival
of its progenitor in this country, is so nearly contempo
raneous with that of the settlement, that the story of the
latter's growth and expansion in most of their phases
will encompass that of the family in whose particular
interest this book is prepared.
From the first occupancy of the land by white men
the Vreelands by whatever special family nomenclature
were prominent in almost every line of activity, leader
ship and progress.
Official records plainly show members occupying prom
inent and important positions of honor and influence —
possessing a full share of the characteristics of the
sturdy and unbeatable race from which they emanated.
The impress of their work can be found throughout
the succeeding three centuries of life in the neighbor
hood, and to-day present holders of the name are in the
forefront of every department of business, political and
professional life.
Michael Jansen was the founder of a family, which,
in the many varied features of our country's existence,
has been well and truly represented.
By land and sea, in peace and war, in manufacture
or commerce, in the pulpit, on the bench, or in other
learned professions, the name is a familiar one.
Individually, any and every member can be found to
be eligible to the sentiment here expressed.
"They love their Land, because it is their own ;
And dare to give aught reason why;
Would shake hands with a king upon the throne ;
And think it kindness to His Majesty."
That is the characteristic Vreeland Philosophy.
"Many things are lost to us, which were known to
our Grandfathers, and our grandchildren will search in
vain for things which to us are most familiar."
The above may serve as a text to express the inten
tion which has grown upon me with passing years to
put doyra some "things known to our grandfathers," as
I have had them related to me, and have studied out
from books, so that our grandchildren may not "search
in vain for things" which ought to be familiar.
Of course, I make no claim to perfection, but I hope
that I have put into enduring form matters that will at
least be interesting, if not always possessing more ma
terial qualities.
The early history of the country from which our fore
fathers came to found a new world, is a closed book to
any but earnest students, and the story of the struggles
for Liberty and Independence, condensed though it is, if
rightly absorbed, ought to make better Americans of
every member of the Vreeland family, if such a con
summation be possible.
Manifestly, the complete story of an individual branch
of. a nation's population would be next to impossible to
discover from the incomplete records of ancient times
available, yet it seems to me that it is no more than fair
for me to assert that the ancestors of the Vreeland family
from the Tenth to the Sixteenth century, were doing
their full share in the interests of their country's wel
fare, its trials and its struggles. In fact, the record and
character of the family's representatives who came across
the ocean to assist in founding a new country, as we
know of them, added to the information and knowledge
we have of the holders of the name in our native land,
bears out the truth of this assumption.
The education achieved in the formation of the
United States of the Netherlands was made use of on this
side in the building up of a duplicate, which speedily
outgrew its parent, as was natural, and, as was equally
natural, Holland was the first of all European countries
to extend the hand of brotherhood and generously recog
nize our existence as a sovereign nation.
In his own words, John Adams (later President of the
United States) said: "If there was ever among nations
a national alliance, one may be found between the two
republics, the United States of the Netherlands, and the
United States of America."
He continued : "The first planters of the four North
ern states found in this country (Holland) an asylum
from persecution, and resided here from 1608 to 1620.
They ever entertained and transmitted to posterity, a
grateful remembrance of that protection and hospitality,
and especially that religious liberty they found here,
after having sought them in vain in England.
The first inhabitants of New York and New Jersey
were from this nation and have transmitted their re
ligion, language, customs, manners and characteristics."
As with the founders of the new country as a whole,
so with the individual members of a particular family.
The story of the country on whatever side of the ocean
is the story of the Vreelands ; and is interwoven and
intermingled in almost inextricable fashion, with the
comings and goings, the exploits and the record of this
family. This is my excuse for presenting the history
in this style, believing that the achievements of the na
tion as a whole will in the future as in the past be an
inspiration to every member and descendant to strive
to be in the forefront and leave behind a record to which
their children in their turn, can point with a just meed
of pride.
In the procurement of material for the varied chapters
of my story I am indebted to the painstaking efforts and
eloquent pencillings of historians of both alien and native
extraction. The works of Motley, Meldrum, D'Amicis, De Heya,
Smallegange, Winfield, Griffis, Lee, Taylor, Thompson,
Backer, Dokkum and others, have been liberally drawn
upon in addition to personal labors in other lines, in the
great libraries of our own and adjoining cities.
Members of the family and friends from the home
towns in Holland have given their assistance and advice
to make the story complete.
The genealogical work of Hon. Charles H. Winfield,
has by the kind permission of his son, H. W. Winfield,
been used as a basis for this particular department, and
with much labor and care and the collaboration of vari
ous members of the family, been corrected and brought
down to date.. If neglect of any particular family is ap-
paient, this must be charged entirely to the indifference
of living representatives, as more than five hundred let
ters have been sent to every address that could be dis
covered by the most diligent inquiry.
Many of these letters met with no response whatever ;
therefore, if the recipients do not find all that they ex
pect and hope for, in the way of completion of their
particular family tree, they have only themselves to
blame. But the Genealogical record is by no means the
sum and substance of the scope of the book. It was the
History of the family that I started to write, and the
family details, while interesting and valuable in a degree,
are only incidental to the main object.
The Biographical sketches and Pictures, tell their own
stories and are by no means the least interesting part
of the book.
The collection of family portraits and pictures of the
"Old Homesteads," make up a notable and unexcelled
example of the kindness and courtesy of "my relations."
In the hundreds of letters that I have sent out, seek
ing information regarding the different and widely scat
tered branches of the family, the interest shown in the
answers received have been exceedingly pleasant to me.
Old times have been recalled, old memories awakened,
old friendships renewed, and I honestly believe that
members of the family will be brought closer together,
in a fashion that I sincerely hope will never again be al
lowed to drop into desuetude.
Indeed, this feature alone beyond all the rest is to ma
a reward sufficient for the remainder of my life.
The acquaintances formed and renewed I shall value
as long as life lasts, and I hope and believe that this
sentiment is and will be felt by many of the other mem
bers of the family.
The intelligence imparted by the Genealogical re
searches will be of supreme importance, binding together
families residing in different sections into relationships
hitherto unknown to either side.
I could write an entire volume of reminiscences of
my conversations and experiences with the representa
tives of the various branches. Without exception, these
visits have been pleasant ones, sweetened with broad
hospitality and enlightened with valuable information.
In my turn, I have been enabled to dispel some deep
seated illusions, — may I call them, — of the story of the
family's origin in the old world and advancement in the
new one. The important points in this connection I have
noted in the book.
The book, as a whole, I submit as my heartfelt and
loving tribute to ancestry and posterity alike.
Nicholas Garretson Vreeland.
The Story of Holland.
Of the people in Holland before the time of the birth
of Christ we know as little as we do of the Indians in
America before the white man came.
We learn that the tribes in the swampy lowlands to
the south were mostly of Celtic stock; in the central
portion were the Batavi, and in the north were the Fris
ians. The Batavians, after a division of the original Chatti
tribe, settled in the German forests, moved westward and
finding a fertile island, they called it by a name mean
ing "'good meadow."
The Romans came, saw and conquered the country,
but their occupation was not long left undisturbed. His
tory tells us of battles fought in the land as early as
9 B. C, and this sort of thing became a familiar occupa
tion throughout the length and breadth of the country.
If age counts for anything, the Dutchmen in Holland
may be well proud of the record of their ancestors ; the
age of their country, and the duration of their language.
In this last connection, one of them once wrote a book-
to demonstrate that Adam and Eve spoke Dutch in the
terrestrial paradise. We have made little effort to ver
ify this last, but are satisfied to start as we have. Abler
minds than ours have fully covered about every historical
phase, and we will content ourselves with bringing the
fruit of their combined labors into some faint semblance
of a connected story, to show the stuff the early Vree
lands and their neighbors were made of.
The northwestern corner of the vast plain which ex
tends from the German Ocean to the Ural Mountains,
is occupied by the countries called "The Netherlands."
This small triangle, enclosed between France, Germany
and the sea, is divided by the modern kingdoms of Bel
gium and Holland into two nearly equal portions.
Our earliest information concerning this history is
derived from the Romans.
The wars waged by that nation with the northern
barbarians have rescued the island of Batavia from the
obscurity in which it remained for ages. Geographically
the low countries belong to Gaul and to Germany. It is
even doubtful to which of the two the Batavian island,
which is the core of the whole country, was reckoned by
the Romans.
It is, however, most probable that all the land with the
exeception of Friesland was considered a part of Gaul.
Three great rivers, the Rhine, the Meuse and the
Scheld, depositing silt for ages among the dunes and
sandbanks heaved up by the ocean around their mouths,
formed a delta which became habitable at last for man.
It was by nature a wide morass, a district lying partly
below the level of the ocean at its higher tides, subject
to constant overflow from the current, and to frequent
inundations by the sea. The overflow when forced back
before their currents by the stormy seas, rendered the
country barely inhabitable. Here, within a half-sub
merged territory, a race of wretched ichthyopagi dwelt
upon mounds which they had raised like beavers from
the almost fluid soil.
Here, at a later day, the same race chained the mighty
ocean and his mighty streams into subserviency, forcing
them to fertilize, to render commodious, to cover with a
beneficent network of veins and arteries, and to bind by
watery highways with the furtherest ends' of the world,
a country disinherited by nature of its rights.
Thus, "hollow-land," or Holland, was born.
Some writers claim that Iiolland means "woodland,"
or "Hayland," but they offer little or no proof to sustain
their contention.
Foreign tyranny from the earliest ages, coveted this
meagre territory, while the Genius of Liberty has in
spired as noble a resistance as it ever aroused in Grecian
breasts. Records reach only to Caesar's time, and they show
the territory tenanted by tribes of the Celtic family; the
heart of the country was inhabited by a Gallic race, but
the frontiers had been taken possession of by Teutonic
tribes. The Batavians were the bravest of all the Germans.
Their young men cut neither hair nor beard till they had
slain an enemy. The cowardly and sluggish only re
mained unshorn. They were the favorite troops of
Caesar. Of the Celtic and German elements the Netherland
people has ever been composed ; the Gallic tribes were
aristocracies. The Gauls were an agricultural people,
having extensive flocks and herds. The Germans con
sidered carnage the only useful occupation, and despised
agriculture as enervating and ignoble.
It was base, in his opinion, to gain by sweat what was
more easily acquired by blood.
Claudius Civillis was a Batavian of noble race, who
fought wherever the Roman eagles flew. He consecrated
the later days of his life to a noble cause. By his
courage, eloquence and talent for political combination,
he effected a general confederation of all the Nether
land tribes, Celtic and German ; but the outcome was un
successful. Old enemies proved too powerful, and Civil
lis was overthrown.
For fifteen centuries the struggles of this kind were
frequent. The characters, the events, the amphibious
battles, desperate sieges, slippery alliances, the traits of
generosity, audacity and cruelty, the generous confidence,
the broken faith, seem so closely to repeat themselves,
that history appears to present the self-same drama
played over and over again, with but a change of actors
and costumes.
The characteristics of the two great races portrayed
themselves in the Roman and the Spanish struggle. The
Southrons inflammable, petulant, audacious, were the
first to assault and defy the Imperial power; while the
inhabitants of the Northern provinces slower to be
aroused but of more enduring wrath, were less ardent at
the commencement, but alone steadfast at the close of the
contest. The Netherlands were successively tramped by Franks,
Vandals, Alani, Suevi, Saxons, Frisians and Sclavon-
ians. The fountains of the frozen North were opened, and
the waters prevailed. But the Ark of Christianity floated
upon the flood. As the Deluge assuaged, the earth re
turned to chaos, the last Pagan Empire had been washed
out of existence ; but the dimly groping, faltering in
fancy of Christian Europe had begun.
In the year 922 Charles the Simple, by letters patent,
presented to Count Dirk, the territory of Holland. This
narrow strip of land, destined in future ages to be the
cradle of a considerable empire, stretching through both
hemispheres, was henceforth the inheritance of Dirk's
descendants. Historically, therefore, he is Dirk I, Count
of Holland. Here too, undoubtedly, was the genesis of
the Vreeland family.
Five centuries of feudalism ensued with Might, not
Right, prevailing. Fortified castles, including Castle
Vreeland, dotted the surface of the country; the sword
for a time was the only force ; mail clad knights en
camped upon the soil; men became sovereigns in the lit
tle districts, affecting supernatural sanction for their au
thority in the sections which their swords had won.
Duke, Count, Vassal, Knight and Squire, Master and
Man struggled and swarmed; Bishop and Baron con
tended ; castles were built and burned ; century after cen
tury the force of iron devastated and exhausted. Priest
craft, the might of educated minds, measured against
brute violence, was another element ; but the slower but
more potent force, the power of gold, made all else yield.
The importance of municipalities enriched by trade
began to be felt. Commerce, the mother of Netherland
freedom, changed the aspect of society; clusters of
houses became towered cities; wealth brought strength
followed by confidence ; the baronial sword lost its power
to make folks afraid.
In the 1 6th century the Republic was born, after long
years of agony. In every corner civilization built itself
up ; by degrees the freemen built houses outside of castle
gates, and the land was divided into guilds, then into
bodies corporate.
Other sovereigns, counts and dukes arose, as time went
on. Holland, Zeeland, Utrecht, Overyssel, Groningen,
Drenthe and Friesland afterward constituted the United
States of the Netherlands, one of the most powerful
republics of history.
Space will not permit of extended review of the long
struggle, except to mention that the Counts of Holland
ruled from 923 to 1299, followed by the dynasty of Hain-
ault. In 1349, William V. of Bavaria, came into con
trol, transferring to Philip the Good, Duke of Burgundy.
The Burgundy dynasty lasted for fifty years, and the
dynasty of Austria held power for eighty-six years.
In this time were Charles V. and Philip II. of Spain.
Against Philip, William of Orange led revolt, and
from 1568 Princes of the House of Orange-Nassau were.
rulers. Although princes in their own right, in the
Dutch Republic they were Stadt-Holders. From 1579
to 1794, except for 20 years, the Dutch rulers were of
the House of Orange. The Republic, in 1794, was under
the invasion of the French, first in the form of the Ba
tavian Republic, and of the Kingdom of Holland.
Centuries of feudalism preceded the republic of the
1 6th century. In hundreds of remote and isolated cor
ners, civilization built itself up, impelled by great and
conflicting forces.
Obliquely, backward, forward, but upon the whole,
onward, the new society moved along, gathering con
sistency and strength.
In 1814 the Dutch "took Holland" again, drove the
invaders out, and formed a national constitution, and
invited the Princes of Orange to be Kings, and- at the
present day, Queen Wilhelmina reigns, by the grace of
God and the love of the people, and her son, born in this
year of grace 1909, will be King of Holland some day.
The population began to divide themselves into guilds,
which became bodies corporate, with charters creating
the right to be governed by law. Trade with the outside
world increased by leaps and bounds ; cities advanced in
wealth and importance ; the many obscure streams of
Netherland history merged into one broad current, the
material prosperity of the country increased.
The erstwhile "Beggars of the Sea" made the Dutch
name illustrious throughout the world, made the Span
ish Empire tremble, and swept the seas with brooms at
the mastheads.
A Holland Interior.
We are the "Beggars of the Sea,"
Strong, grey Beggars from Zeeland we;
We are fighting for Liberty;
Heave Ho, rip the brown sail free.
"Beggars," but not from the Spanish hand;
"Beggars," under the Cross we stand;
"Beggars," for love of the Fatherland;
Heave Ho, rip the brown sails free.
Contemptuously styled "Beggars," at the end of one
of their protests, the people took the word as a rallying
cry, and "Beggars" became synonymous with bravery.
In fact, the main strength of Holland was derived from
the ocean, from whose destructive grasp she had wrested
herself, but in whose friendly embrace she remained;
She placed the foundations of commercial wealth and
civil liberty upon these shifting quicksands, which the
Romans doubted whether to call land or water. En
riched with the spoils of every clime, crowned with the
divine jewels of science and art, she was one day to
sing a siren song of freedom, luxury and power. The
course and development of the Netherland nation was
marked by one prevailing characteristic, one master pas
sion — the love of liberty, the instinct of self-government,
wresting from a series of petty sovereigns a gradual and
practical recognition of the claims of humanity. The
combat is ever renewed, Liberty, often crushed, rises
again and again from her native earth with redoubled
energy. At last, a new and more powerful spirit, the genius
of religious freedom, comes to participate in the great
#rav4 et, imprunfi «ax
¦Warner A flebet iPipzig
We have taken our land from the sea;
Its fields are all yellow with grain;
Its meadows are green in the lea
And now shall we give it to Spain?
No, No, No, No.
We have planted the faith that is pure;
That faith to the end we'll maintain;
For the word and the truth must endure ;
Shall we bow to the Pope and to Spain?
No, No, No, No.
Our ships are on every sea
Our honor has never a stain
Our law and our commerce are free ;
Are we slaves to the tyrant of Spain?
No, No, No, No.
Shall we give up our long cherished right,
Make the blood of our fathers in vain
Do we fear any tyrant to fight;
Shall we hold out our hands for the chain?
No, No, No, No.
The Vaders and Moeders sang this song on the great
dike of Vaderland, and likewise in the "land across the
sea" that Henry Hudson found for them.
As each verse was sung at family or public gather
ings, the enthusiasm wonderfully grew, the short, quick
denials became hotter and louder at every verse, and it
was easy to understand how these large, slow men were
kindled to white heat, and thus became both irresistible
and unconquerable.
At conclusion, the whole company would sing:
O, Vaderland, can we forget thee;
Thy courage, thy glory, thy strife;
O, Moeder Kirk, can we forget thee ;
No, never, no never through life.
No, No, No, No.
Will you have a pink knot,
Is it blue you prize,
One is like the fresh rose,
One is like your eyes,
No, the Maid of Holland,
For her own, true love,
Ties the bow of Orange,
Orange, still above.
O, Orange Boven, Orange still above.
Will you have the white knot,
No, it is too cold,
Give me splendid orange,
Tint of flame and gold.
Rich and glowing orange,
For the heart I love,
Under white, and pink, and blue,
Orange, still above.
O, Orange Boven, Orange still above.
This was and is to-day the Holland Maiden's love-song.
Of the struggle that ensued in which the United
States of Holland achieved their independence from
Spain, there were eminent characteristics which reap
peared two centuries afterward in the struggle in which
the United States of America achieved their independ
ence of Great Britain.
Foremost in the struggle was William of Nassau,
Prince of Orange, born to princely rank ; he owed every
thing to the influence of a godly mother. When it be
came evident that if his people were to be saved from
extermination it was by resistance of arms, William came
to his place as the natural leader of his people, and by
tongue and pen, by ample fortune and superb general
ship, by watchful wisdom and indomitable courage, be
became the father of and saviour of his people. He led the
van in the fight of fearful odds, between the herd of
crushed but enduring people and the stupendous power
of Spain. Here stands forth in the clear white light of
God, two grand achievements in human history which
challenges the scrutiny of all men.
God gives His Bible for men to read and out of this
came such an emancipation of human kind as human
eyes had never looked upon before.
From Holland, the emancipation passed over to Eng
land, but England did not see what God was trying to
do with her and for her. She drove out her best and
bravest, and left Holland to pick them up; nourish and
educate them, and to send them to drop anchor on this
Western Continent, to plant the seed, picked up from
under the Tree of Liberty in Holland, here to grow and
become, as it is to-day, a great tree in whose branches
all the powers of heaven have their habitation.
Leave Liberty out of American history, and there is
no history to be written. We hold to-day the birth
right devised to us by the men who came from Holland,
bringing stones to build the new homes of Freedom.
This was the kind of blood that ran in the veins of the
provinces, and of which we are recording the story of
one of the important emigrants and his descendants.
Holland People.
Whoever looks for the first time at a map of Holland,
wonders that a country so constituted can continue to
exist. At first glance it is difficult to say whether land or
water predominates whether the country belongs to the
continent or to the sea.
All people agree that Holland is a conquest of man
over the sea, it is an artificial country ; the Hollanders
made it ; it exists because the Hollanders preserve it ; it
will vanish whenever the Hollanders abandon it.
When first inhabited by the tribes that wandered in
search of a country, it was almost uninhabitable ; there
were vast, tempestuous lakes like seas, almost touching;
morass beside morass ; one tract covered with brushwood
after another ; immense forests of pines, oaks and alders,
traversed by herds of wild horses.
The deep bays and gulfs carried into the heart of the
country the fury of the tempests ; some parts disappeared
almost every year under the waters of the sea ; it was a
sinister place, swept by furious winds, beaten by obstin
ate rains, veiled in a perpetual fog, where nothing was
heard but the roar of the sea and the voices of the wild
beasts and birds of the ocean.
The first people who had the courage to plant their
tents there had to raise with their own hands dykes of
•earth to keep out the waters, and lived within them like
shipwrecked men upon desolate islands, venturing forth
in quest of fish, game and eggs.
Csesar was the first to name this people, and his sol
diers contemplated with wonder and pity those wander
ing tribes upon their desolate lands, like a race accursed
of Heaven.
Now, if we remember that such a region has become
one of the most fertile, wealthiest and best regulated of
the countries of the world, we shall understand the jus
tice of the saying that Holland is a conquest made by
man, but, it must be added, the conquest goes on for
ever. To show how the existence of Holland demands an
incessant and most perilous struggle, we will touch here
and there upon a few of the principal vicissitudes of her
physical history.
Tradition speaks of a great inundation in Friesland,
in the sixth century.
From that time every gulf, every island, and, it may be
said, every city in Holland, has its catastrophe to record.
In thirteen centuries, it is recorded that one inundation
has occurred every seven years.
Toward the end of the 13th century, the sea swallowed
up thirty villages near the mouth of the Ems. In the
course of the century, a series of inundations opened up
an immense chasm in Northern Holland and formed the
Zuyder Zee, causing the death of more than 80,000 per
sons. In 142 1 the Meuse overwhelmed seventy-two vil
lages and 100,000 inhabitants; in 1532 the sea burst the
dykes of Zeeland, destroying hundreds of villages and
covering forever a large tract of country; in 1570, an
other inundation occurred in Zeeland ; Amsterdam was
invaded by the waters, and 20,000 Frisians were de
stroyed; in 1825 North Holland, Friesland, Overyssell
and Gelderland were desolated, and thirty years later the
Rhine invaded Gelderland, Utrecht and North Brabant.
It is plain that miracles of courage, constancy and in
dustry must have been accomplished by the Hollanders,
first in creating and afterwards in preserving such a
country. They drained the lakes; drove back the seas
and imprisoned the rivers.
To drain the lakes the Hollanders pressed the air into
their service ; the lakes and marshes were surrounded by
dykes; the dykes by canals; and, an army of wind-mills
putting in motion force pumps, turned the water into the
canals, thence to the rivers and seas.
Thus, vast tracts of land buried under water saw the
sun and were transformed into- fertile fields, covered
with villages and intersected by canals and roads.
At the beginning of the ioth century in North Holland
alone, 15,000 acres, and in the whole of Holland from
1500 to 1858, nearly a million acres were redeemed. The
great Lake of Haarlem was drained and plans are now
on foot to dry up a considerable portion of the Zuyder
Zee. The rivers cost no less of labor and sacrifice; some
were channeled and defended at their mouths, some
bordered by powerful dykes ; others turned from their
course, the waters divided to maintain the enormous
liquid mass in equilibrium, where the slightest inequality
might cost a province.
The most tremendous struggle was the battle with the
ocean. Holland in great part is lower than the level of
the sea, and wherever the coast is not defended by sand
banks it has to be protected by dykes.
From the mouths of the Ems to those of the Scheldt
Holland is an impenetrable fortress of whose immense
bastions the mills are the towers, the cataracts are the
gates, the islands the advanced forts. The people live
on a war footing with the sea ; an army of engineers is
spread over the country to watch over the waters and
direct the defensive works; an accidental rupture may
cause a flood; the perils are unceasing..
At the first assault of the sea the sentinels shout the
war-cry, and Holland sends men, materials and money.
The mills turn in the canals the rain and sea waters
twice every day, the sluice gates close against the tide
trying to rush in to the heart of the land; the work of
defense is forever going on, and the sea eternally knocks
at the gates, beats upon the ramparts, growls on every
side her ceaseless menace, lifting her curious waves to
see the land she counts as hers, piling up banks of sand
to kill the commerce of the cities, forever gnawing,
scratching, digging at the coast.
Holland is the land of transformation; a map of the
country of 800 years ago is unrecognizable; the sea
takes portions of land from the continent, joins islands
to the mainland, breaks off bits and makes new islands,
makes land cities of sea-coast municipalities, converts
vast tracts of plains into archipelagoes of a hundred is
lets, separates a city from the land, forms new gulfs, di
vides provinces by a deep sea. Sterile lands are fer
tilized by sea slime, fertile lands are changed into deserts.
But Holland has done more than defend herself against
the waters ; she has made herself mistress of them, and
has used them for her own defense. Should a foreign
army invade her, she has but to open her dykes and
unchain the sea as she has done before. Water, the
source of her poverty, has been the source of her wealth.
Holland draws the greater part of her wealth from
commerce, but before commerce comes the cultivation
of the soil, and the soil had to be created.
With the first elements of manufacture, iron and coal
wanting, with no forests, therefore no wood, and no
stone, with nature refusing all her gifts, the Hollanders
had to do everything in spite of nature ; Earth was
brought from a distance. With peat taken from the
bottoms, with clay extracted, the sand-banks were broken
up, and the land was brought to a state of cultivation
not inferior to more favored regions. Yearly $25,000,000
worth of agricultural products are sent out and two
million head of cattle are owned.
The genius of the Dutch people is in perfect harmony
with the character of the country; their distinctive char
acteristics are firmness and patience, accompanied by
calm and constant courage.
The glorious battles and the consciousness of owing
everything to their own strength, must have infused and
fortified in them a high sense of dignity and an indomit
able spirit of liberty and independence.
The constant struggle, the perpetual sacrifices must
have made them a highly practical and economical peo
ple ; good sense, economy, simplicity, tenacity, orderly
activity, more wise than heroic, more conservative than
creative ; by virtue of these qualities of prudence and
conservatism they are ever advancing, acquiring and
never losing their gains, holding stubbornly to ancient
customs, preserving almost intact their own originality
through every form of government, through foreign in
vasions, through political and religious wars and in
spite of the incoming strangers it remains the one race
that has kept its antique stamp most clearly.
However wonderful the physical history of Holland,
her political history is still more wonderful. The small
territory invaded from the beginning by different tribes
of the Germanic races, subjugated by the Romans and
the Franks, devastated by the Normans and the Danes,
desolated by centuries of civil war, this small people of
fishermen and traders saves its civil liberty and its free
dom of conscience by a war of eighty years against the
formidable monarchy of Philip II., and founds a repub
lic which becomes the ark of salvation to the liberties of
all the world, the adopted country of science, the Ex
change of Europe, the station for the commerce of the
world, a country which extends its domination to Java,
Sumatra, Hindostan, West Indies and New York; a re
public which vanquishes England on the sea, which re-
sists the united arms of Charles II. and Louis XIV., and
which treats on equal terms with the greatest nations
and is for a time one of the three Powers that decide
the fate of Europe.
She is not now the great Holland of the 17th century,
but she is still after England the greatest colonizing State
in the world. Instead of her ancient greatness she has
tranquil prosperity, she retains the substance of the
Republican regime although she has lost the form; a
family of patriot princes dear to the heart of the people
govern tranquilly in the midst of her liberties, ancient
and modern. Here is wealth without ostentation, free
dom without insolence, and taxes without poverty.
She is perhaps of all European states the one where
there is most popular education and least corruption of
manners. Alone, at the extremity of the continent occu
pied with her dykes and her colonies, she enjoys in
peace the fruits of her labors, with the comforting con
viction that no people in the world have conquered at
the price of greater sacrifices liberty of conscience and
the independence of the state.
A full half of the land of Holland is farmed by the
proprietor, but he is a peasant proprietor; there are no
large landholders as in other countries ; the men who
breed stock are called "Boers," a class by themselves,
self-reliant, rooted to the soil — the backbone of his coun
try. Flower and bulb culture, fisheries, butter and cheese
making, gardening and other industries engage the at
tention of the people.
Thickly studded over the lowlands are a thousand busy
hives, hamlets that wear the air of villages, villages with
the stir of towns, towns with all the paraphernalia of
small cities, and small cities which hold up their heads
with the pride of equality beside Amsterdam and Rot
terdam. The higher grounds are studded with the sum
mer homes of the city merchants, with splendid woods
and avenues which it would be difficult to match any
where ; castles dating from the days of Charlemagne
and crusted with age, are still existent ; the higher land of
the east like the lowlands of the west, have a great vari
ety of scenery and exhibit the triumph of the people
over nature.
An old writer tells us : "In the valleys between the
heather-clad hills are fertile fields, some sown, some
mown, some covered with the white buckwheat blossoms
like a sea of milk : from the highest hills we see in one
glance the Zuyder Zee, the low waterland, the blue Vel-
uwe, moorland, fields, meadows and woods."
The western strip is the richest part of the Nether
lands, the portion most flourishing and the most pop
ulous, inhabited by the finest races and most closely as
sociated with the valiant deeds of the great wars. The
cities of the lowlands breed the artists and scholars;
the seaports, the navigators.
The distinction of the three races, the Frisians, the
Franks and the Saxons, is so marked that a Dutch geog
rapher has mapped out the sphere of their influence on
Holland to this day.
The sea clay in the north from Alkmaar to beyond the
Dollard and almost all the low fen country in Friesland
and Overyssel, the country parts of Waterland and Am-
stelland, the islands of Walcheren, Schouwen and Beve-
land in Zeeland, and the land of Axel ; that is the Frisian
sphere. The Saxon is found in the Highlands of the East, upon
the banks of the river Ysel and in the country to the east
of Het Gore.
The Frank upon the river clay in Gelderland and the
country to the south, Ysel and the Waal, 'round Rotter
dam and about Utrecht.
Within these limits are the spheres of the three races :
typical towns are Leeuwarden for Friesland, Deventer
and Zwolle for Saxon and Den Bosch for Frank.
The Frisians have a turn for practical science, agri
culture, cattle raising, fishing and engaging in com
merce; the Saxons are manufacturers, the Franks tillers
of the soil.
Holland is less than one-third the size of Cuba ; about
one and a half times that of New Jersey; the longest
direct line across the country can be covered in a day.
Learning is cultivated with a single mindedness for
which Holland has been renowned for centuries. In
fact, it may be safely held that there is no country in
the world to-day that is better educated.
Schools are plentiful, open to all, without considera
tion of religion, and education is not limited to the three
"R's," but embraces improvement of the heart and mind ;
"educated to all christian and social virtues." While
education is not entirely free, the costs run from one
penny to four pence a week, and poor parents are exempt
even from these fees. Religion in Holland is free, and
no man suffers disability on account of creed. Two-
thirds are Protestants, one-sixteenth Jews, and the bal
ance Roman Catholics.
The whole history of Holland tells of a nation that has
been established upon merchandise. Two centuries ago
the Dutch were the greatest traders in the world.
The Dutchman is conscious of the possession of ruling
qualities, with physical habits so orderly that all the
world thinks and talks of him as phlegmatic ; he is watch
ful and courageous, enduring of purpose, a man of long
views. The land he lives in is at once the proof of
that. To make it and keep it and to make it worth the
keeping he has had that long fight with the waters in
which after victories and defeats and loss and re-con
quest of territory, he has won at last; and yet has won
so barely that he dare not for a moment relax his vigil
ance against fresh surprises.
The struggle with Spain — a handful of cities against
the mightiest power on earth — carried on for eighty
years in spite of defeat and difficulties, through three
generations. Conceive a people achieving marvelous tri
umphs in drainage and land reclamation; educating
themselves ; producing the foremost scholars of Europe ;
and a. body of almost unparalleled artists, but also welding
themselves into the greatest commercial and colonizing
Power then existing in the world, and we have some idea
of the endurance and long views of the Dutch of the
time of the settlement of New Jersey and New York,
three centuries agone.
To-day all these liberties which people as opposed to
individuals can fight for, Holland possesses.
The Dutchman will have his rights ; he asks for no
more. The sense of justice is one of his only passions.
Howsoever he may be startled into an enthusiasm, a cool
calculation succeeds it and he cuts clean through beauty
in search of utility.
Yet, withal, he is uncompromising and utilitarian, the
Dutchman is a sentimentalist, plain of speech, a sufferer
of no illusions, he is childish in his affections.
The Dutch have an instinct for the precise and safe
ordering of their lives, which is a direct outcome of the
physiographical condition in which they live. The trim
and sober towns, the straight lines of the canals, the ex
actitude with which they must be kept at their proper
level, and the abiding sense in the people that they live
and work in dependence upon a mechanical precision,
all this has its direct and natural influence upon Dutch
habits of life.
Life in Holland is simple and it is safe. The people
live comfortably and well ; wealth is evenly distributed
and incomes are small; a millionaire is a rarity.
Holland lives on, self-centered, entangling herself in
no European questions ; splendidly administering her
colonies ; allowing no dreams of empire to tempt her into
one moment's presumption of speech or action.
It is easy to see a continuity and unbroken development
of the national character; and there lies in it still, ready
to be quickened by any national danger, the strong and
enduring qualities that leap forth to great ends in her
golden days.
Adapted from Meldrum's "Holland and the Holland
ers," published by Dodd, Mead & Co., New York. A
work that we decidedly advise every reader of this book
to purchase and read.
Hendrik Hudson.
First heard of in 1607, when he started on his first voyage for
the discovery of a Northeast Passage. Reached Nova Zembla 1608 ;
sailed on third voyage in the " Half Moon," from Amsterdam, in
1609 ; arrived in New York Bay September, 1609 ; sailed on last
voyage and reached Greenland in 16 10; discovered Hudson Bay.
Crew mutinied and cast him, his son John and seven others adrift, on
Midsummer day, 16 10 ; no trace of him was ever found.
While generally claimed as of English birth, some historians say
that he was born in Friesland.
The Story of America.
The land lay hermited betwixt the seas
As rich as now — gold in its hills, pow'r in its streams,
warmth in its leas.
Magnolia, maple, eucalyptus, pine,
Were compass-points ; no dim and varying governmental
Wavered along its span,
Although a man
With skin of copper hue would sometimes bend to drink
Above the brink
Of some clear pool whose basin lay
Hollowed in Nature's way —
Irregular, and mossy at the brim,
And friendly, beckoning the skim
Of swallows and the feet of panting deer.
And God was here, —
Aye, God, with face enveiled by that fine fabric, we have
come to know
As Opportunity, — a fabric, oh most luminous, and lo,
By faith, by tide, by wind, by evening star,
Men came in little ships from lands afar,
And bent their knees upon this hermit soil,
And made it blossom with the wand of toil!
Beneath the cleavage of the flashing blade
Tall trees were laid
Prone in the forest, and the clearings, sweet
With the lure of nurture, wooed the wheat
And made each grain a stalk,
Full-headed, while the gentle talk
Of women graced the harvest, and the cabin fire
In winter met the heart's desire
For comradeship and thoughtfulness and cheer;
All the long year
Was benisoned by labor, song and prayer, —
And love was there.
The Dutchmen bred, for in their loins lay
The ancient urge of Nature. 'Tis the way
Of sturdy sires to get them sturdy sons,
And when the time-worn guns
Rang out to save a heritage
Of hope and toil, Youth vied with Age
In opening its veins
Upon the plains
Of Monmouth and wet the fields of Trenton Princeton,
With crimson ooze from lips
Which, to the last, spake couraged words of cheer
From hearts which knew nor fear
Nor mood to flee,
Counting such death a victory!
The Nation's chief distinguishment is not its tow'rs
Which, in the morrow's hours
May fall. Nor is it in the lines of steel
Spun far to gain the weal
Of traffic. Nay, rather must it e'er be seen
Enduring, glorious, serene,
Within the souls of its own sons who were and are
Dreamers of Truth beneath the great white Star
Of Progress, pendant in the vaulted sky
To light this land to its good destiny.
Our institutions change, likewise our laws;
The program of the Seasons knows its pause;
The very rivers thread along
New courses, and the lark's blithe song
Is altered by the meadow's mood;
But every onward rood
Of the long path our fathers chose, —
Down to the very close
Of clays, — is ours to dare, elate and free,
Clothed with that ancient loyalty
To Right which made America the land whose name
And birthright we so proudly claim.
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Going to Church.
"A very good land to fall in with and a Pleasant
Land to see." This was the pronouncement of the sturdy
old navigator, Henry Hudson, as he sailed inside of
Sandy Hook, three hundred years come next September
the Third; and the words attributed to him, three cen
turies ago have in no sense been less truthful up to the
present day.
Previous to the advent of Hudson, whose exploit has
made permanent impress upon the history and fame of
the "land he fell in with," there are recorded stories of
other discoveries by English, French, Portuguese and
Spanish adventurers. In 1497, so tradition goes, John
and Sebastian Cabot sailed from England and discovered
the coast of North America, but the first actual visit to
New York Bay is attributed by ancient chroniclers to
Jean de Verrazanno, in 1524. Old Governor Peter Stuy-
vesant gave this French gentleman his endorsement.
Stories are also told of one Estavan Gomez, a Portu
guese, coming in 1525, but Henry IV. of France, claim
ing ownership by virtue of Verrazanno's discovery, gave
possession of all the country, surrounding the bay which
included the present site of Jersey City, to one Desmonts.
James I. of England, in true English fashion ignoring
all other claims, three years later granted to the London
Company the same territory.
French and Spanish together were at that period mak
ing desperate attempts to break down the spirit and
destroy all vestige of enterprise appertaining to the Hol
land Dutch people, but the latter were built of stuff that
could not be downed so readily, and were constant and
persistent in their efforts not only to hold their own,
¦but to extend their commerce, and among the adven-
tures fitted out was that of Hudson who was engaged
to sail "due west," in search of new lands to possess and
as stated at the beginning of this chapter, he discovered
a "very good land" in September, 1609.
No sooner had he got the salt washed out of his eye-
winkers and had taken a good look around, than did he
bear testimony to the satisfaction he felt. His records
show that he found the shore as "Pleasant with Grass
and Flowers, and Goodly Trees as ever I had seen,
and very sweet smells came from them."
In the spirit of the hospitality of the nation in whose
employ he was, Hudson struck acquaintance with the
Indians at Communipaw and wrote down that he found
them "Civil and Kind."
He made a survey of the Harbor, and upon his return
his report so pleased the authorities and the business
men that they fitted out one vessel after another until
the Dutchmen had attained a strong foothold and estab
lished several trading posts on the borders of the bay and
river, with consequent great advantage and solid comfort.
There was no element of permanence in the settle
ment. The traders sent here upon Hudson's return to
Holland had no intention of remaining in America be
yond the time that would pass while their ships crossed
the sea, and came again for the furs which meanwhile
they were to secure.
Fort Manhattan was simply a trading post and this
would be continued only while it was profitable. That
the temporary settlement would develop later into a
town, was a matter wholly aside from the interests in
view. Not until the year 1621 when the Dutch West India
Company came into existence, were measures taken for
assuring a substantial Colonial life to the Dutch settle
ments in America.
This Company was in the nature of a commercial
federation, with branches in the several cities in Holland ;
and the trading post at Manhattan claiming authority
over the territory from the Virginia Plantations north
ward to New England, and inland indefinitely, became
the portion of the Amsterdam branch, wherefore the
name of New Amsterdam was selected.
Michael Jansen's House.
From lVinfield's History of Hudson County.
The Dutch headquarters were located in what had been
named Manhattan Island, but one of the most active and
energetic merchants, Michael Pauw, chose the west bank
of the river for his settlement, and honest Dutchman
that he was, applied to the native Indians and purchased
their rights to the land required. His grant was then
endorsed by the Governor of the Province.
He built a house at Ahasimus, afterward called Pa-
vonia, and established a sort of branch office at Aresick
which was in charge of his son, Michael Paulison. The
last named thus became the first white resident of what
is now Jersey City and he named his tract Paulus Hook.
In 1634 he sold out to the New Netherlands Company
for 26,000 florins (about $10,000) and the new owners
installed Jan Evertson Bout as manager. He selected
Communipaw near the mouth of Mill Creek, as his home
upon the hill that was a prominent feature of the land
scape for over 200 years, until the activity of the Central
railroad compelled its levelment. This elevation was
known as "Jan de Lacher's Hook," (John, the Laugh
er's Point).
This idea of giving people a handle to their names,
which covered the main attribute of their make-up, was
a common feature in those days. The writer's grand
father was known as "Handsome Gat," and his father
was "Curly Gat." In view of the paucity of common
names, a handle of this sort was almost a necessity.
In 1636, Cornelius Van Vorst was appointed super
intendent of Pavonia, but at frequent intervals the gov
ernment was changed, and so much trouble was experi
enced in trying to govern things at long range that the
Company in 1638 sold Paulus Hook for 550 guilders and
leased Communipaw for a quarter of the crop, two tuns
of strong beer and twelve capons yearly.
_ The then Governor Kieft by his arbitrary actions and
his passion for "graft," had incurred the ill-will of the
Indians who retaliated by burning nearly all the houses.
In 1646, Michael Jansen (Vreeland), the common
ancestor of all the holders of that name in this country,
bought Communipaw for 8,000 florins ($3,600), and
soon became a leader in the community.
The Indians, however, were not placated, and in 1655
they burnt every house and killed or captured every
white person except the Jansen family. No attempts
were made to re-occupy the place until 1658, when Gov
ernor Stuyvesant acquired a new deed from the. Indians
and under his protection and good advice the redskins
were quieted.
5 5»>
Z$7 lit.
The beauty of the hill west of Communipaw attracted
the New Netherlanders, (a feature, by the way, that is
still in active operation).
These city folk were anxious to get back to their orig
inal avocation as farmers, but the authorities taking
warning by past trouble with the Indians, were un
willing to grant isolated farms, so decreed that all the
farmers must live in groups that could be protected by
fortifications. So, in 1660, upon petition of Jansen and others, a plot
was selected upon the present site of Bergen Square,
eight hundred feet in dimensions each way. Roads were
laid out across the middle (now Bergen avenue and
Academy street), and other roads were laid around the
outside boundaries (now Van Reipen avenue and Vroom
street, Tuers avenue and Newkirk street).
A plot in the center was reserved for a public square,
and a stout palisade was put all around the outside
boundaries with gates at the ends of the cross roads.
Each settler received a grant for one of the thirty-two
plots. In one year the little settlement which had adopted
the name "Bergen," had grown to the importance of a
separate government, church and court, with our Mich
ael Jansen as one of the first magistrates. A public well
was dug in the center of the square, and this continued
in active use for 150 years. It was covered over in
1812, and a liberty pole planted in it to celebrate peace.
This pole remained until 1870, and with scarcely a lapse
was the center of interest on the Fourth of July of each
year, with cannon salutes and flag raising at sunrise and
a frequent rendezvous for public gatherings.
Dr. Benjamin C. Taylor.
Pastor of the Dutch Reformed Churches of Acquackanonck and
Bergen for upwards of half a century.
From Winfield' s History of Hudson County.
In 1708 a log school house was built on one corner of
the square and a church erected on the corner of Bergen
avenue and Vroom street. The school for many years
was under the supervision of the church, using the same
building. When the separate school was built, we find
Michael Jansen's name as one of the first contributors
and subscriber to the church building fund.
The school plot has never changed its character; in
1790 Columbia Academy was erected, and in 1814 was
succeeded by School No. 1, and this was replaced in
1907 by the magnificent building that now occupies the
site. Franklin school No. 2 was built on the corner of Mon-
ticello and Harrison avenues in 1854 and was used con
tinuously until March of this year. When the site hav
ing become very valuable for business purposes, the
school was abandoned and the land sold for more than
one hundred times its original cost.
The first church service was held in a building near the
corner of Vroom street and Tuers avenue until the erec
tion of a church building in 1680. In this building,
which was octagonal in shape, seats were placed around
the walls for the men, while the women occupied chairs in
the center. The minister was placed in a high pulpit and
the "voorleser" held his position just in front. This last
mentioned officer filled the pulpit in the absence of the
minister, led the singing, rang the bell and taught the
school ; no regular preacher was secured until 1750, the
congregation depending upon supplies from New York.
Rev. Gaultherius Dubois preached for fifty-two years in
this way. In 1753. Rev. William Jackson was ordained
and installed in 1757, with George Vreeland as one of
his elders. In 1773 a new church was built and in 1792
Rev. John Cornelison was called, and he preached until
the advent of "Domine" Benjamin C. Taylor in 1828.
The latter served until 1871. It will be seen that there
were but three ministers in 121 years. In 1841 the pres
ent church main edifice was built, Rev. Cornelius Brett
was installed in 1876 and still continues as pastor.
Up to 1830 the Reformed Dutch Church of Bergen
was the only building used for church purposes from
Bergen Point to New Durham.
Ever progressive the Dutchmen had established other
settlements. In 1643 what- was afterward called Green
ville, now a portion of Jersey City running from Myrtle
avenue to the Morris Canal, then known as "Minkakwa,"
"the place of the good crossing," was established.
A Trip by Water.
In 1664 the English vexed at the encroachment, as
they called it, by the Dutch people, compelled the sur
render of New Netherland and its constituencies. The
new owners divided New jersey into two provinces
called East Jersey and West Jersey and conveyed to
Lords Berkeley and Carteret by deed from the Duke of
York, all the lands within its borders.
On September 20, 1666, a new charter was granted
to the Town of Bergen by Governor Carteret confirming
all the rights granted by the Dutch Government.
In 1672 war again broke out between the England and
the Dutch states, and the next year New York which had
been named in honor of the English governor, was again
in possession of Holland, and the name was changed to
New Orange.
In 1674 peace was declared, one clause in the treaty
restoring the country to the English, but the manners
and customs of the Dutch were so deeply implanted that
they have not been entirely effaced to this day.
In 1680 there were about sixty families in all about
Communipaw, five in Pavonia, seventy in and around
Bergen and one in Paulus Hook.
When Bergen was originally laid out each town plot
had an outside farm to go with it, the remainder of the
land was common property. Fifty years later this land
was surveyed and the ownership of 8,000 acres settled.
A survey and field book was made and this remains to
this day the basis of land titles in Jersey City.
For the succeeding century little of public interest oc
curred — the settled portion experiencing the usual slow
growth of farming communities, members of the Vree
land family being at all times prominent factors in the
business and official life of the place.
K in
S §
Bergen remained the head of the settlement and Paul
us Hook was considered the least valuable section. In
1698 Cornelius Van Vorst purchased sixty acres for
$1,500. Settlements had been made at other points, the
city of New York had become a commercial center and
travel from points west and south converged at Paulus
Hook, which created demand for better ferry facilities.
The first ferry had been established at Communipaw
with a Vreeland as ferryman ; but in 1764 a new post
route was established between New York and Phila
delphia, the trip taking twelve hours, and this brought
about the ferry from Courtlandt street, New York, to
Paulus Hook, at the foot of Grand street. Trips were
made by "perriauguas," "as the wind served." The ferry
and the tavern on this side were under one manage
ment, and the owner, being a born monopolist, some
times arranged the boat trips so as to land the passengers
on this side too late for the stage which ran up Grand
street and out Brown's Ferry road to Newark and be
yond. The ferrymaster's tavern became necessarily the
stopping place for the passengers for the morning stages.
The "rolling stock" of 1795 were virtually springless
cars, built to carry twelve persons. Their seats were
merely boards, without either cushions or back-rests,
with no accommodation for baggage except such as could
be packed beneath the seats. Light curtains at the sides
furnished the only protection in bad weather.
In such a rig, and over roads that still twisted around
charred tree stumps and were filled with the oft-men
tioned "quagmires," the passenger was always willing to
climb out in the mud to assist the driver in rescuing the
machine from ruts or bogs; each morning, whether it
was fair or stormy, he was aroused at the dreary hour
of 3, and dressed by the sleepy light of a horn lantern
and farthing candle; then, with more haste than their
.progress afterward warranted, he had a frugal breakfast
with his fellow passengers and rattled off again for an
other day's thumping and bumping until 10 o'clock in
the evening. When finally at his destination, he won
dered "at the ease as well as the expedition with which
the journey had been effected."
The tavern host was the gleaner of the world's news
as recounted by his many guests. His advice was sought
upon all matters, whether of private or public import
ance. They were men of prominence and personal worth,
for it would have been difficult for any one else to have
obtained a license. Sometimes a crest or coat of arms
denoted a lineage from families opulent and distin
guished in the old country. They perforce were genial
and open-hearted and could entertain as well the obscure
traveler as men of fame and prominence in affairs. Im
posing personalities from the Continent were at times
their guests ; such men as Baron von Humboldt, Louis
Philippe, Lafayette or the brilliant Prince Talleyrand, and
such native political heroes as Webster, Clay and Adams,
and distinguished men of letters and business. Able to
set for their guests a table "fit for a king," they were
able, also, to preside with dignity and grace at that self
same table.
The Revolutionary War brought about stormy times
to the section, but added little to the land conditions, ex
cept the building of some new roads by the military au
thorities. Many skirmishes were made in and around the set
tlement, but what has since been known as the Battle of
Paulus Hook was the only engagement of moment, and
that has been so fully described that no repetition is ne
cessary here. General Washington made his headquar
ters in Bergen in October, 1776, but evacuated after a
stay of less than a week, beginning the retreat across the
state to the far side of the Delaware.
In August, 1780, General Lafayette, who had come
from France to the assistance of Washington, marched
to Bergen and made his headquarters in the Van Wag-
enen house on Academy street. He entertained General
Washington in the orchard back of this house.
On November 24, 1783, the British left New York,
and once more peace reigned.
The history of Bergen is coincident with that of the
entire country.
As has been shown, the first settlement by white peo
ple was within its borders, but matters municipal con
tinued in the old-fashioned way, except that the heredit
ary trustees were supplanted by elective township offi
cials. In these elections the Vreelands were frequently
called upon to serve the public weal. After the forma
tion of the county and the separating of towns and cities
had reduced the township to the section below the Penn
sylvania railroad, a new charter for the "Town of Ber
gen," was obtained in 1855, the population then com
prising 4,972 souls.
The new town comprised the original Bergen, the set
tlement around Bergen Square, Lafayette, a new portion
of old Communipaw, Claremont, the site of another
land speculation, Greenville, a small settlement com
prised principally of members of the Vreeland families,
and Bayonne, the southern extremity of the county.
Stages were the means of public conveyance until 1859
when the street railway was opened. The natural beauty
of the hill attracted residents from the cities then as now,
and the old place woke up, population increased twenty-
five per cent, in five years.
Bayonne cut loose in 1862, and a year later the town
of Greenville was created. Although reduced to an area
of from 7,007 acres to 2,726 acres, the Town of Bergen
S'rew and grew, and in 1868 achieved the distinction of
a city, with a mayor and all the rest of the "fancy fixins."
For two years, things municipal were carried on at top
speed, streets were opened and paved, new schools built,
and all other city improvements brought in. In 1869 the
question of consolidation was discussed in public meet
ings, and the matter culminated on March 17, 1872,
when the Legislature passed an act giving a charter for
the consolidated city.
The ratables in the united city were $44,639,730. In
1873 a new charter was obtained, more in consonance
with prevailing conditions, the police force was reorgan
ized, a paid fire department created, a high school pro
vided for, and many streets connecting the three parts
of the city completed. Bergen from a country village
was converted into a thriving community, and to-day is
the show section of the city.
In the picture, we see Claas and Catryntje strolling
along Communipaw's shore with Father Vreeland sit
ting on his front stoop enjoying his long pipe, and moth
er Vreeland and Pryntje in close proximity.
#$»-$« ^
Jan de Lachek's Hoeck.
From Winfield 's History of Hudson County.
The Dutch settlers were generally persons of deep, re
ligious feeling, honest and conscientious, and adding to
these qualities those of industry and frugality, they gen
erally became prosperous. The style of their buildings
they doubtless brought with them from Holland, their
Fatherland. These were generally built with one story, with low
ceiling and nothing more than the thick boards which
constituted the upper floors laid on monstrous broad and
heavy beams. In this upper section they stored their
grain sometimes in part of it and oftener set off sleeping
apartments as the family increased in size. Their fire
places were usually very large, sufficient to accommodate
the whole family, with comfortable seats around the fire.
The chimneys were wide enough to admit of having their
meat hung up in them and smoked. The jambs were
set around with earthen, glazed tiles, -imported from
Holland, ornamented with Scriptural scenes.
Their early style of building corresponded with their
habits, which were simple, unaffected and economical,
contributing materially to their independence and solid
comfort. They brought up their children to habits of industry,
almost every son being taught some mechanical art, and
every daughter being required to become acquainted with
all knowledge necessary to housekeeping.
The farmers burnt their own lime, tanned their own
leather, often made their own shoes and boots, and did
much of their own carpentering, wheelwrighting, etc.
The spinning wheels were set in motion in proper
season, and all material for clothing the family was
manufactured at home.
No female was considered a suitable candidate for
marriage who could not show stores of domestic linen
and other evidences of industry and economy. The wo
men often helped the men in the fields, in times of plant
ing and harvesting.
Such a thing as a carpet was almost unknown; the
floors of the houses were scrubbed and scoured and
kept as clean as their tables upon which last named ar
ticles of furniture, cloths were conspicuous by their ab
sence. Frugality, industry and economy characterized all of
their actions. They lived chiefly within themselves and
knew but little of the dangers and diseases incident to
luxury and indolence.
The shad fisheries and oyster grounds in the two bays
gave extensive and profitable employment to many.
In their family intercourse they continued to use the
Dutch language. Their word was their bond. If they
toiled hard and earned money, they studiously endeav
ored to save it by prudent investment; they indulged in
no costly equipage or dress, and in home-spun garments,
neat and clean, they visited the market places and the
sanctuary. With the young of both sexes the custom long pre
vailed of riding on horseback, especially at New Year's,
Christmas, Easter and Whitsuntide. In the evening the
rides were taken going in pairs, a beau and a belle
mounted upon the same animal, the latter seated behind
with firm grasp upon him who had sought the favor of
her company.
Go where you might, you were sure to see near the
parental dwelling the huge stepping block, with its con
venient and wide notches serving for steps. This once
favorite mode of youthful pleasure gave way to com
panies of two pairs each in a substantial wagon, in later
clays superseded by the buggy and now by the automo
bile. Weddings were affairs of two-days merry-makings,
after weeks of preparation of food; the young couple
were given a farm set off from the parental acres, a
house built and furnished and stocked with food.
As the new family increased, the young Americans
were sung to sleep by some old Dutch nursery rhymes,
among which the following is a sample :
Trip a trop a tronjes;
De vaarken in de boonjes ;
De koejes in de claver;
De paarden in de haver;
De eenjes in de waterplass;
So grote mijn kleine kinder wass.
A free translation of above : "The mother's knee is for
a little child, a little throne; where he can be happy as
pigs in beans, cows in clover, horses among oats, or
clucks in the water."
It is a task of considerable difficulty to trace the gen
ealogy of a Dutch family because of the varied customs
of Hollanders and their descendants. One of these was
patronymic, (father's name), in which the man would
be called by two names, first, his own christian name,
second, the christian name of his father, to which let
ters are added which stand for "son." Thus, Michael,
son of John, or Jan, or Johann, would be Michael Jan-
zoon, or Michael, the son of Jan. His sons would be
Michelzoons, and so on.
This practice, however, was not general nor compul
sory, as in many cases the original sur-name was main
tained, especially in the cases of governing families, as
is shown in the story of Governor Vreeland (Chapter
21 ) and of Mother Hartman (Vreeland), the first dating
back to 1580, the last to 1591. This is likewise proof
that Vreeland, as a family name, existed in Holland at
least half a century previous to the emigration to this
country. The families of Governor Gerrard (Garret), Vreeland
and Michael Janzoon (Vreeland), were near neighbors,
scarcely ten miles apart, separated only by a narrow
stream of water. Indeed, back in 15-1600 it is doubtful
if even this physical obstacle existed, as Zeeland was
broken up into islands at a later date.
Our Michael was evidently for the time being a farm
er, as is evidenced by his taking up this occupation upon
his landing here ; but the mercantile proclivity must
have had lodgment in some portion of his system and
education, when we study his transactions in fur trad
ing which were cut short by the West India Company's
edict, and his later extensive dealing in cattle and lands.
A legal knowledge was possessed in both branches, too,
as Michael became a judge and his grand nephew a gov-
enor, while both families were prominent factors in the
colonization schemes of their mother country in Japan
and in America. Both families were advisers of the
ruling powers, Michael in the Council of Governor Stuy-
vesant of New Amsterdam, and Gerrard in charge of
the Dutch possessions in Japan, and his grandson as
Governor, while his granddaughter married a Burgo
master of Rotterdam. Gerrard Vreeland's father was
Johann, which was also the christian name of Michael's
father. It would therefore seem that a not very far
fetched inspiration would declare them to be close rela
tions, if not indeed own brothers.
We have proved that the family name Vreeland ex
isted at least half a century before the emigration, and
now we find proof that a certain Johannes Vreeland was
a resident of Amsterdam in 1740, one century thereafter,
and studied theology in the famous university of Ley-
den. This may account for the theological tendencies of
the dozen or more Vreelands reported in our Genealogy.
In our chapter on the Town Vreeland we have shown
how the family scattered from thence to different por
tions of Holland, and the big city of Amsterdam at
tracted not a few of them.
Vreelands are numerous to-day in various parts of
Holland, notably Friesland and South Holland prov
inces. The title Vreeland or Vredelant, which is the same
thing in Dutch, applied to an important settlement in
the province of Utrecht, goes back to the tenth century.
The curator of the Riks Museum in Amsterdam writes
me :
"I believe that your ancestor's family came from Vree-
land and that the family name was taken from that
place." This confirms my own deductions as set forth
in chapter on the "name Vreeland."
Another method of nomenclature intended to obviate
the difficulties of an identity of names for the time be
ing, but which really rendered confusion worse con
founded for the genealogist, was to add to the name
the occupation of the individual. Thus, Laurence Jan
sen, the inventor of printing, had affixed to his name that
of Coster, that is, "sexton," an office of which he was in
possession of the emoluments. Another man, son of
Hendrick, engaged in a different occupation, would be
Teunis Hendrickson Brouwer (brewer), and his son
William Teunison Bleeker (bleacher), and so on.
It often happened that one brother would take his fa
ther's surname as his family name, while another would
take his own occupation or personal designation.
A third practice was to append the name of the place
where the person resided, not so often a large city, but a
particular limited locality. This custom is denoted in
many of the family names of to-day which have the
prefix of "Van" (of), Vander (of the), Ten (at the).
Thus, we have Vanderveer (of the ferry), Vanderbilt
(of the hill), Vanderbeek (of the brook), Ten Eyck
(at the oak), Ten Broeck (at the marsh) and so forth.
Van Home, Van Vorst, Van Wagenen, Van Ripen, Van
Winkle, all from towns in Holland. The Newkirks were
"Vans" once, but dropped the prefix.
It might be said that previous to the fifteenth century
there were no fixed family names at all. The son took
his father's name, while the daughter had to wait until
she was married to be entitled to any surname at all.
The confusion produced by these customs or lack of
custom, at last brought forth an imperial edict to the
effect that the original family name must be used as the
designation for every descendant of that family, and thus
those of the Vreelands who had temporarily forsaken the
name of their forefathers for reasons peculiar to their
present environments, came into their own again and re
sumed the name to which they were entitled.
That the custom of selecting a new family name with
each generation was fashionable, we might cite the fact
that the Prince of Orange was Martin Williamson ; the
King of Denmark was Pieter Pieterson ; the ruler of
England was Henry Philipson, and so on, and it was not
until the fifteenth century that a stability of nomencla
ture was apparent. As stated at the beginning of this
chapter, the name Garret Vreeland has been found in
1585, and this is possibly as far as the names as applied
definitely to the family can be fixed. Before that it was
Gerrard van Vredelant (Garret of Vreeland), but the
Vreeland was there and no mistake about it. As much
can be said of but few of the other patronymics now in
use in this country.
I quote an old authority which in every word confirms
my deductions: Knighthood and Nobility in Holland.
"The inhabitants of Christendom in all lands were
commonly divided or separated into three conditions or
sorts of persons ; as the Ecclesiastics ; the Nobility and
the Burghery, under which were comprehended the
husbandmen. "The first were for teaching the service of God, or Re
ligion. The second, living from their own income from
land, etc., were defenders of the land and the other two
classes with their arms. The third got their living by
handiwork, knowledge, skill, invention, merchandise, cul
tivating land and the like.
"The nobility of Holland have their surnames nearly
all from a village, house, or tract of land owned by them
or their forefathers, and before such surname place the
little word 'Van' or use a surname derived from the
first of their race."
Governor Stuyvesant's Home on the " Bouwerie,'' New Amsterdam.
Garret Vreeland (138).
Jane Vreeland.
Thus, while around the wave subjected soil,
Impels the nature of rejected toil,
Industrious habits in each bosom reign,
And Industry begets a love of gain. (Goldsmith).
The true Dutch influence has been of a most enduring
character throughout New Jersey.
Underlying all assertions made that the Dutch sought
a religious asylum in the new world, is the ever recur
ring fact that the nation was "moved by an impulse of
territorial acquisition in the partition of a new conti
nent and the economic advantages derivable therefrom.
Indeed, the Hollanders at home enjoyed a large de
gree of religious freedom, and while they transplanted to
America a spirit of toleration, the contention that they
came to America solely to seek such an advantage falls
to the ground.
Nevertheless it must not be forgotten that to the
Hollander is due the credit for establishing the principle
of purchasing Indian title to land ; that he planted, wher
ever he went, his church and his school, that in spite of a
certain intensity of obstinate pride, he respected civil
authority and lent his aid to the upbuilding of a moral
state. In politics the Hollander took the side of justice to the
oppressed; in religion he fought to the end for the sake
of principle.
While New Amsterdam was struggling for existence,
old Amsterdam was the center of a life of culture and
refinement, where science, art and music as well as the
learned professions, were joined in a community of in
While such progress at home found at first but faint
reflections in America, the hardships which the colonists
encountered for the commercial glory of the mother
country must ever be to Holland as great a compensa
tion as their presence to distant generations of America
was a gain.
We have shown the Dutch influence in and around
New York, but this extends further. As early as 1570
thousands of the best people of Nederland, persecuted
at home by their Spanish enemies, fled to England and
became subjects of Queen Elizabeth.
Many changed their names, Kuypers became Coopers ;
Dewiitts became Dwights, Groens, Greens, etc.
Not a few of their grandsons emigrated to America ;
some of the bluest blood of New England was Dutch
before it was English.
Many Americans who to-day boast of the unmixed
English stock, are descendents of Dutch ancestors. At
least one-third of the company of the Mayflower were
born in Holland.
Looking southward, we find William Penn, the son of
a Dutch mother, and backed by a A^ery great proportion
of Dutch settlers, peopling Pennsylvania, and so it goes.
The Dutch influence in New England may be shown
in the name Rhode Island, Dutch Rood Eilant (red
island), Housatonic formerly Woostenhook.
The Dutchman gave New York its tolerant and cosmo
politan character, insured its commercial supremacy, in
troduced the common schools, founded the oldest day
school and the first Protestant church in the United
States, and were pioneers in most of the ideas and insti
tutions we now boast of as distinctly American.
When the English conquered in 1664 free schools were
abolished and forcible attempts were made to establish
the political church of England. These and other en-
croachments of kings and their agents brought on the
Revolution a century later.
In the making of our country the steady, patient, intel
ligent and conservative Dutchmen have been a powerful
force, too often ignored by those who write our nation's
Take the world as it is, there are good and bad in it ;
And good and bad will be, from now to the end;
And they who expects to make saints in a minute ;
Are in danger of marring more hearts than they mend.
If you wish to be happy, ne'er seek for the faults;
Or you're sure to find something or other amiss ;
'Mid much that debases, and much that exalts,
The world's not a bad one, if left as it is.
A writer who collected material for a history of the
origin and development of Puritanism, says in the pre
face of his book :
"I encounter at every turn traces of institutions and
ideas generally supposed to have been derived from Eng
land, or at least to be of New England origin, but which
clearly were derived from a different quarter.
Here were free schools ; the system of recording
deeds ; lands held in common by the towns ; all under the
old Dutch rule ; here the doctrine was first laid down for
a legislative assembly that the people are the source of
political authority; here was first established permanent
religious freedom, the right of petition and the freedom
of the press.
On the other hand there were no executions of witches
or Quakers, and no kidnapping and enslavement of the
Indians. 1
From the earliest schooldays Americans have been
told that this nation is a transplanted England, and that
we must look to the motherland as the home of our
institutions ; but we find here the institutions which give
America its distinctive character and no trace of them
can be found in England.
The Englishmen thousands in number who found a
temporary home in Holland, went from a land where
material and intellectual progress had been much re
tarded, to one which in almost every department of hu
man endeavor was then the instructor of the world.
American history has been written almost exclusively
by Englishmen or their descendants living in New Eng
land. Now, the English have never been wanting in
that appreciation of themselves which has characterized
all the master races of the world.
A Venetian traveller in 1500 wrote:
"The English are great lovers of themselves and of
everything belonging to them ; they think that there are
no other men than themselves and no other world but
England." Most American authors and all English that have writ
ten of America, set out with the theory that the people
of the United States are an English race, and that their
institutions where not original, are derived from Eng
land. But when men use their own eyes, popular delu
sions often vanish before a breath, idols of centuries
are shattered, the people see and think for themselves.
The Hollander placed the spelling book and the reader
in the hands of every child at a time when the mass of
the English nation was wholly illiterate. The first free
schools in America open to all and supported by the gov
ernment, were established by the Dutch settlers of New
Father William Penn borrowed from his mother's land
many ideas for drafting into the laws of Pennyslvania,
and he wrote in 1686:
"Holland, that bog of the world, neither sea nor dry
land, now the rival of the tallest monarchs, not by con
quest, marriage or accession of royal blood, the usual
way to empire ; but by her own superlative clemency and
Hannah Vreeland.
Abram Vreeland (139).
Among the early German tribes land was held in com
mon. A certain number of families gathered together
and formed a community. The land belonged to the
people, and was divided up according to the need and
numbers. The fields and pastures were outside of the
town. This was precisely the situation in Bergen at its set
tlement around Bergen Square, with its "outside gar
dens." Sometimes the farmer dwelt in his own farmhouse
on his own farm in Holland, just as Michael Jansen and
his neighbors did in Communipaw.
When the country was conquered in 800, all the land
except Frisia, belonged to the conquerors with power to
divide up the country and vest the ownership of the
soil in many lords and masters, and here is where the
the title "landlord" came in.
The lord divided up his lands, and sublet it to smaller
lords or gentlemen. These again sublet it to farmers to
work it with their serfs.
The rental was loyalty, not money. The noble fol
lowed his master, the land holder furnishing the horses,
provisions and servants.
Little feudal states were Holland, Zeeland, Utrecht,
Overyssel, Drenthe, Groningen and Friesland.
The feudalism meant possession of the land ; air and
water, beasts, birds, fishes and minerals all belonged to
the lords. Castles and monasteries grew to be fort
resses, while townsmen and country folk lived under
wood and straw. Wars between rival lords were fre
quent; in the castles heraldry grew up; crests, ban-
ners, coats of arms and other graphic symbols were
plentiful. In medallic history the Dutch excel all other
people, and every family of consequence had its own
symbol. The West India Company proprietors undoubt
edly had the feudal "trust" germ thoroughly imbedded
in their individual systems, for they provided early in the
existence of the country, laws, rules and regulations
that permitted of no interference by individual enter
prise (note Jansen's fur trading) ; yet it must be said
that their laws were liberal for those who could set
about to establish new settlements ; for, while the com
pany proposed to regulate the land under their self-
imposed control, it was always willing to permit new
enterprises to be started which would be likely to make
for business.
Business was the watchword in New Amsterdam then
in just the same spirit as it is to-day in New York,
Jersey City and other places.
With increase of business looked for the general im
provement of the province was sought after. The Com
pany reserved to itself the island of Manhattan, which
they designated as the "emporium of their trade," but
it offered to private persons disposed to settle themselves
in any other part of New Netherland, the absolute
property in as much land as they might be able "prop
erly to improve."
Any member of the Company who should within four
years of the date (1629), plant a colony of fifty adults
in any part of New Netherland, except the Island of
Manhattan, should be acknowledged as a "Patroon" or
feudal chief of the territory thus colonized.
Each colony might have lands sixteen miles in extent
on one side of a navigable river. Each patroon was
promised a full title on condition that he satisfied the
Indians for the land taken.
The members of the Company were not slow to avail
themselves of the privileges offered. Killian Van Rens
selaer, among others, seized upon the regions adjacent
to Fort Orange, now Albany. The contract between him
and the head of the Vreeland family is mentioned at
the beginning of our Genealogical chapter. Michael
Pauw, who by the way is believed to be a close relation
of the Vreeland family, according to ancient Dutch rec
ords, selected lands at Pavonia, as shown in a previous
chapter. The first conveyance by deed of any land in New
Jersey starts as follows:
We, Director General and Council of New Netherland,
residing on the Island of Manhattan and the Fort Am
sterdam, under the authority of Their High Mightinesses
the Lords States General of the United Netherlands and
the Incorporated West India Company, at their Cham
bers in Amsterdam, do hereby witness and declare that
on this day, the date hereof underwritten, before us in
their proper persons, appeared and showed themselves
to wit : Arommeauw, Tekwappo, and Sackwomeck, in
habitants and joint owners of the land called Hobocan
Hackingh, lying over and against the Island of Man
hattan, * * * for, and in consideration of a certain
quantity of merchandise, * * * have sold and made
over to Michael Pauw the aforesaid lands, * * *
This deed was dated July 12, 1630. On November 22,
1630, another deed was made by the Company, and
K'ikitoauw, Aiarouw, Aresick, Mingh, Wathkath and
Cauwins, to the "Noble Lord, Michael Pauw * * * .
These deeds covered all the lands now in Bergen
and Hudson counties, westerly to the Passaic river.
Pauw also purchased Staten Island in August, 1630, but
he did not comply with all the conditions by establishing
a colony of fifty persons within the four years, and was
compelled to transfer Pavonia back to the Company.
But he received 26,000 florins, which was pretty good
interest on his investment. He left the impress of his
presence by the record of being the first resident and the
adoption of Paulus Hook later as the title of the set
tlement. Then came Jan Evertson Bout to Communi
paw in 1645, the first white settler in that section, and
the "grote man" of the place, and Michael Jansen the
next year.
Governor Wouter Van Twiller and Domine Bogar-
dus, husband of Anneke Jans, were frequent visitors.
When Peter Stuyvesant was commissioned Director
General of New Netherland in 1646, he found upon his
arrival the next year considerable dissatisfaction among
the Indians, and he formed a council of nine advisers,
one of whom was Michael Jansen. The latter's famil
iarity and friendship with the red skins brought fruit
in subsequent negotiations which ended in a reaffirma
tion of the treaty of peace, but the troubles were by no
means over. The massacre in 1655 has been noted when
Jansen and his family alone escaped capture or death.
January 30, 1658, a deed was executed by Therinques,
Seghkow, Kokennick, Wawapehack, Bomokan, Wewe-
natowkee, Wemirvokan and Sames for all that part of
Hudson county east of the Hackensack and Newark
bay. The consideration was eighty fathoms of wampum,
twenty fathom of cloth, twelve kettles, six guns, two
blankets, one double kettle and one half barrel of strong
beer. The witnesses to this deed were Peter Stuyvesant and
his council of nine, including Michael Jansen.
In 1658 Jansen, having expressed his desire to return
to Communipaw which permission was granted by the
Director General, and with a few others, once more
settled down for the balance of his life. His particular
place in the future history of the place is recited else
In 1679 two Frisians, Danker and Sluyter, were sent
over here by their church authorities on a tour of ob
servation, with a view of founding a new settlement.
These men paid 75 guilders fare, and were over three
months making the trip across. In the course of their
investigations they examined Long Island, and on Oc
tober 26, 1679, came over to Ghomoen a pen (Com
munipaw), where they "made the acquaintance of a
person from Zeeland," who was a boatman, and he
recommended them to call upon "a good woman" named
Fitje Hartman (Mother Vreeland).
"We found her a proper person and a little pious.
We dined there and spoke with her; we continued our
journey along a fine broad wagon road, to the other vil
lage called Bergen, a good half an hour's trip, where
the villagers, mostly all Dutch, received us well."
Later, they made preparations for a trip to "Ackque-
quenon." They left Gouanes at high water, rowed to
Gheele Hook (Constable Hook), where they made
sail and crossed to "Achter Kil" (back bay), now New
ark Bay. Here they found an Indian named Hans, who
could talk Dutch, and after a long argument agreed to
give him a blanket for his services as guide.
"We left Schutlers Island, but owing to a calm had to
strike the sails and row. We reached the Slaughen-
bergh (Droy_ers Point) , the west point of the Noord
West Kil (Passaic river), where the tide ran so strong
we could proceed no further. After sundown a light
breeze sprang up, and we raised sail. We came to Mil-
fort (Newark), an English village lying on high land
on the south side of the creek, having left Sanfort on
the right hand, which is an English village on the west
side of the Hackingsack Kil. We rowed against tide to
Captain Berry's, but found only a negro there who
could talk only broken French. We slept on the floor.
Next day we arrived at Ackquequenon at one o'clock,
where we found a fine tract of land of about 12,000
morgen, which had been purchased from the Indians
for 150 guilders equivalent. (This was the land pur
chased by Hartman Michelson (Vreeland). It was a
fine piece of land, not very abundant in wood, however.
On one side is the Northwest Kill, navigable for large
boats or yachts. On the other is a small creek (Third
river), used to drive several mills. We slept in an Indian
hut. The next day we found the falls at the foot of which
is a basin so full of fish that one could catch fish with
one's hands.
The voyagers started back at eight o'clock in the morn
ing, and reached Achter Kil the same evening.
Catherine Vreeland.
Garret Vreeland (225).
The Story of the Vreelands,
If there still be some doubting Thomases and Sary
Janes who are confirmed in the opinion that Vreeland as
a family name was manufactured for American consump
tion only it might be apropos for us to append the result
of a prolonged search of records on the other side of the
hemisphere, made especially for us by Hon. F. H. DeVos,
one of the most learned archivists in the world perhaps.
He was the moving spirit in the founding of the Hol
land Society of Ceylon, India, and is a prolific writer of
books relating to the history of the Dutch people in the
East Indies.
We have already told of a Johann Vreeland living in
Middleburg, on the Island of Walcheren, in 1585, and
now we present brief transcripts of the doings of some
other people bearing the ancient name.
In 1695 Adrianna Vreeland was a sponsor at the bap
tism of Johannes Cysbertus van Vianem at Kouderkerk,
a town of Walcheren, Zeeland. The famous Dutch East
India Company seemed to have made early appreciation
of the quality of the Vreelands, for we find a Gerrit Vree
land serving as their cashier in 1662 in Batavia, and in
1673 he is recorded as a captain commanding "de Com-
pagnies Suppoorter."
In 1702 Gerrardus Vreeland of Batavia was enrolled
as a student in Utrecht under the rectorship of Hendrik
Pontano. August 2, 1725, Isaac Tisseneau, of Amsterdam, mar
ried Johanna Vreeland van Batavia, and on August 26,
1797, Hendrik de Groot, of Amsterdam, captain-lieuten-
ant "by het Corps Artillerie," married Elizabeth van
Vreeland of Batavia.
Sir Gerrard Johann Vreeland was born in Utrecht,
September 24, 171 1, and was baptized in the Dom-kerk,
on November 27th, his sponsors being Cornells Vermeer
and Mevrouw Vermeer. He was the son of Gerrard
Vreeland and Petronella van Romolt, who lived on the
Muntstraat (Mint street), and his grandparents were
Gerrit and Aletta Vreeland, of Middleburg, Walcheron,
Zeeland. In 1736 he went to Ceylon in the employ of the Dutch
East India Company in the ship "Knaffendof," and was
appointed their commissary, having charge of the dis
pensing of the company's stores in Columbo; he also at
tended to the legal matters of the department of revenue,
and in 1747 was appointed commander (Mayor) of the
town of Galle, in Ceylon. In 175 1 he was appointed
Governor of the Island of Ceylon. On November 16,
1738, he married Susanna Petronella Visboom; died
February 26, 1752, and was buried in the Volwendahl
Church, Columbo.
The inscription on his tombstone reads as follows:
"Hier rust het lyk van den wet Edele Groot agboare
Gerrard Johann Vreeland, Raad Extraordinaer van Ned-
erland-India, Gouverneur en Directeur van het Eylant
Ceylon, auste Madure, en de everdere onderkoopheden."
The translation is : "Here lies the body of the Very Hon
orable and Most Distinguished Sir Garret John Vreeland,
Councillor Extraordinary of the Dutch Indies, Governor
and Director of the Island of Ceylon, the coast of Madure
and the further dependencies."
His arms were : D- a trois arbres terrasses ranzes et
fasce, Crest 'arbee. On a stone in a garden in Matara
was found an inscription: "Opgebouwt door den Opper
Dissave 'G. I. V.' Ao 1747." This stone has been placed
in Nupe Church, Matara, and another stone placed next
to it, with this inscription: "Hume Lapidem Quondam
Vreelandtii Sarapis Aedium jampridem obrutarum
partem us flumen inventum hie posuit J P L, 1900." The
gateway of the garden next to this has a stone with the
name "Vreede" (Peace) cut on it.
Governor Vreeland's grandmother in 1683 married a
second time Isaac von Schwinne, son of Vice-Admiral
von Schwinne, of the Dutch navy, also ambassador to
the Dutch settlements in Japan.
A daughter by this marriage married Johannes Tim-
mers, secretary of Rotterdam, and a grand-daughter mar
ried Paulus Boogaart Burgomaster, of Rotterdam, in
1732. The relationship of this Vreeland family to our
own is discussed in the chapter on "Nomenclature."
Here are Vreelands fifty years before Michael Jansen
came to America, and Vreelands twenty-five years after
in Batavia, Dutch East Indies. Fifty years later more
Vreelands are on record as residents of Zeeland, close
by the old "home town," while two Amsterdam beaux
captured a pair of Batavia belles of the Vreeland name in
1725 and 1797. We know of Vreelands in Holland to
day-occupying important positions.
A 325 year record ought to satisfy the most ambitious
pedigree hunter, and assuage the anxiety of the most
enthusiastic of the antiquity of the family name.
Views of Vreeland, Holland.
The erstwhile city of Vreeland, now dwindled by the
force of the usual Netherlandish circumstances to the
proportions of a country village of less than a thousand
inhabitants, lies on the banks of the river Vecht, twenty
minutes by rail southerly from Amsterdam, and half an
hour north of Utrecht. An old traveler describes it as
one of the most beautiful of the Vecht villages.
It is located on a hill, surrounded by marsh 'lands, like
all the elevated portions of Holland. It was this partic
ular and favorable location that led to its selection as a
fortified guardian of the surrounding country, nearly
seven hundred years ago.
We are indebted to Mr. L. A. B. Vroom, of the Neth
erlands State Railway, and his brother, Mr. L. J. J.
Vroom, of Zwolle, Holland, for a copy of an address
delivered by J, A. F. Backer, Burgomaster of Vreeland,
before the Town Council. The address was printed for
private circulation, and is now out of print, and it was
only through the kindness of Mr. L. Smit, the town
schoolmaster, that enabled Mr. Vroom to secure a copy.
Next, we are indebted to Mr. Marinus Houman, a noted
architect of Paterson, N. J., for a translation of the
salient features of the book.
We give only the early history prior to the emigration
to this country of our ancestors, and even that is not in
the speaker's exact words. We have already mentioned
in our "Story of Holland" how the country was turned
over to Dirk, Count of Holland, in 922, and in this con
nection we stated that "here, too, was the genesis of the
Vreeland family." That we were correct in this deduc
tion is proven here, where we find that history tells us
that in the year 953, King Otto I. gave to St. Martin's
Church "this dominion along the river Vecht, this Vrede-
lant built by the Bishop van Viandem to insure the peace
of St. Martin, but the object sought for was not attained,
for peace came not either to borough or to the adjoining
territory of St. Martin's.
From the language of the grant of King Otto, it is
evident that Vredelant must have existed as an entity
prior to 953.
The place had to be continually "re-established," or
rebuilt, because of the results of the pending wars, which
destroyed the village and injured the church. It was
constantly the prey of riot, unrest and servitude, per
sistently threatened with war and rapine. One of the
old historians christened the place "Unrestburg."
The founding of the borough attracted the attention
of a number of residents and the place was soon a town.
In 1252 began the building of the Castle Vredelant, and
it was completed in 1259. On the tombstone of Henri-
cus of Vienna, the founder, the following inscription,
chosen by himself, was made :
"Struxi, Martine, Vredelant pro pace tuorum,
Pace beatorum fruar ut tecum sine fine,"
which translated is :
"I have, Oh St. Martin's, built Vredelant for our pro
That I may forever enjoy with you the peace of the
In 1268 Vredelant was besieged by the Lord of Amstel,
but to no effect until later, but he at last acquired such
a hold that Bishop John had to pawn the city to him, and
twelve years later applied to him for armed assistance,
which was given, and in me'mory of this event one of the
old poets worked off the following:
"Zoodat hi bat den Edelen Grave,
Dat hi hiertoe hulpe gave;
Diet 00k dede ende trak te hant,
Met heer krachte veer Vredelant."
A free translation is :
So he prayed the Noble Count,
That he now assistance give ;
The response was quick and prompt,
All for Vredelant to live.
In 1298 Bishop William of Utrecht in consideration of
the founding of Vredelant by his predecessor Henry, con
firmed the rights and privileges on the same conditions
as those held by the city of Deventer, except that the
magisterial rights remained with the steward.
In 1327 Bishop John of Nassau pawned the revenues
of Vredelant to Count William of Holland, and in the
bond it was stipulated that "whoever the Count shall
appoint shall preside over the municipalities belonging
to our house of Vredelant, Nichtevecht, Brokelede and
Marchen, and render a daily account of the revenues.
The steward was the person who exercised the most
power. He was obliged to only render a good account
to the Bishop, to provide that the House Vredelant
brought in a good revenue for his master, and for the
rest he had a free hand. It was toll for this and toll for
that, graft, graft everywhere, a regular Tammany Hall.
In 1333 the resident Bishop Johannes offered forty
days' indulgence to all those who would bring gifts for
the rebuilding of the St. Nicholas Church at Vredelant,
which had been destroyed in the fierce wars.
In 1363 Vredelant was confirmed as a city by Bishop
John of Utrecht, at which time he also confirmed "the
increased and improved freedom granted by his fore
fathers. He specified "that all citizens that now reside
or may hereafter reside there shall have the rights of
citizenship, the same as their forefathers, that they shall
in future be quit or free of all yearly tithes, may sail toll
free through all his lands, and be bound to pay no trib
ute, nor shall they be cited to appear before any magis
trate beyond the limits of the city, and have toll free upon
all roads leading to the municipality. All those, no mat
ter where born, who shall seek refuge for whatever cause,
who for six weeks shall have resided peacefully and be
of good character, except thieves and murderers, or
those who because of evil character were banished from
our lands, these shall not receive protection. So shall
the city Vredelant be liberated and remain free forever,
the same as other cities of our land. Further, no one
shall be admitted to citizenship except with our consent
or our successors. And if the citizen be accused they
may proclaim their innocence with their own hands, the
same as us, and all well-born subjects of the Bishopric."
A change had evidently come over the spirit of Uncle
John's dreams, or times financial had improved so that
it was no longer necessary to bleed the people so heavily.
These franchises, rights and privileges were further
confirmed by Frederick van Blankenheim, Bishop of
Utrecht in 1395, and reconfirmed in 1437 by his suc
cessor, David of Burgundy. Added endorsement was
given in 1457, and Philip of Burgundy added his en
dorsement in 1 5 18.
But the troubles were by no means over, for they
seemed to have become so acute that in 1524 Bishop
Hendric von Bijeren reinforced the borough to guard it
against Utrecht itself, and the people of St. Martin's, in
whose interest the castle was built for protection.
By 1600 the town was so impoverished because of pre
vious wars that it was compelled to issue a patent for the
levying of duty and toll to provide for its needs, a some
what similar process to the one that our American Con
gress is now engaged in.
In the beginning evidently Vredelant was not well
served, says the speaker, and evidently he was correct
in his conclusions. Is it any wonder that the Vreelands
about this time took up bag and baggage, and traveled
north, and traveled south in search of places of more
perfect peace and of more apparent opportunities for
advancement. Upon the banners which were carried in
the vanguard of battle the likeness of St. Martin was em
blazoned, and upon Vreeland's escutcheon or seal the
same figure appears, emblematic of charity and mercy.
The white cross on the red shield was the symbol of vic
tory, because "Triumphantly she emerged out of the strife
against rude violence and tyranny and constraint of
former centuries."
Loenen, which is the railway station for Vreeland, and
is located upon the opposite side of the River Vecht,
claimed for a long time to be the oldest village in the
province. It even went to one of the oldest sources
available, Luna, the moon, for its name, thereby becom-
ing the forerunner of the chain of Luna Parks now so
prevalent here. But its claim of antiquity is not sub
stantiated any better than some of the vaunted glories of
its successors in this country.
Claes Bruyn, one of the old Dutch poets, once wrote
of Vreeland :
"Verruk'lijk Vreeland, leer mij denken
Aaan't Vreedeland van hooger Staat."
which in our language says :
Delightful Vreeland, teach me to think
Of the Vredelant (Peace-land) of a higher state."
The Castle of Vredelant was by order of Emperor
Charles V. demolished, and the material of the outer
walls sent to Utrecht, where they were rebuilt in the
walls of the Castle Vredenburg. Building stones in those
days were an unknown natural quantity in Holland, and
had to be procured from other countries. Hence it was
apparent that the thrifty though unscrupulous Charles-
was looking upon the economical side when he wanted a
new castle. His further thrift grafting propensities were
shown by the enforced contributions by the Netherlanders
of eight millions of ducats in five years. But his hopes
of conquering the country and breaking the spirit of the
brave residents were effectually blasted as history in
forms us.
As modern times brought forth modern ideas, the
name of the city was modernized to the present fitle, but
some of the ancient customs prevail to this day.
The official seal of the city, as shown at the beginning
of this chapter, tells the story of the admixture of religion
and chivalry, of its church steeple and fortified castle in
close conjunction. The knight in armor, seen under the
archway, is Saint Martin dividing with his sword his
cloak, part of which he gave over to the crippled beggar
for protection, while over all is the coat of arms of the
Bishop of Utrecht, a red shield upon which a triple lined
cross of white is imposed, dividing it into four squares.
A fine reproduction of this seal can be found in a Latin
book entitled "Canonicus Ultrajectimus," printed in 1643.
By the way, the above title is a pretty good specimen
of the twisting of the name "Utrecht." The transposi
tion of Vredelant is simplicity simplified in comparison.
Besides "Vrede" and "Vree" mean precisely the same
thing (Peace), and so does "Lant" and "Land," and yet
the big Latin name is not inappropriate. "Ultra Trajec-
tum" means "Distant Crossing" or "ford," and this was
condensed into "Utrecht." In our Passaic County the
name Little Falls and Great Falls, the latter afterward
caled Passaic Falls, where the waters of the Passaic
burst their rocky barriers, was given for similar reasons.
Utrecht is the oldest town in Holland history, has been
and is the largest in civilization and influence, and Vree
land in point of age is but little if any behind it.
Access to Vreeland from Amsterdam and Utrecht can
be had by water, in either motor or canal boats, at very
reasonable fares. To the average traveler who is really
seeing things, this is decidedly the best way to travel
through the entire country.
Of all the patronymics for which the present posses
sors (descendants of the old Dutch settlers in this coun
try), claim antiquity, the name "Vreeland," as Angli
cized, stands pre-eminent as far as age and family posses
sion is concerned.
Vredelant (the Dutch version), goes back in the his
tory of Holland, into the tenth century, and history rec
ords its prominence in the 13th century as the title of
one of the cities of Holland.
The name of the place, Vredelant (Land of Peace),
was a sad misnomer in its early days, as conditions were
very far removed from a peaceful state, and it was until
after the acquirement of the independence of the United
States of the Netherlands, and the extinction of the Papal
influence, that the significance of the title was borne out
by the condition of affairs in the city.
The family name "Vredema," was a common one in
Friesland as far back as 1588, and Vreelands abound in
that province to-day.
Primarily, almost every Hollander was a "Vredema"
(Man of Peace) by inclination, if not by profession, and
with fighting to right, left, front and rear of him, it is
not surprising to find almost in the geographical center
of the country, a place where at least it was hoped that
the "Vredema" might "Requiescat in Pace," but the hope
was vain, and the Vreelands sought pastures new, in
search of real peace and prosperity.
The location of the once prominent city of Vredelant
was too far inland to have it become commercially prom
inent, and as the seaport towns developed, many of the
people of Vredelant were compelled to seek their for
tunes in pastures new.
Some "trekked" north to Friesland and the North
Holland of to-day, others journeyed in the opposite
direction, and helped people South Holland and Zee-
land. In these opposite geographical extremes of Ne
therland the families exist to-day in large numbers, and
without exception, the surname is the same, V-R-E-E-
L-A-N-D, with no qualification as to initial or final. The
town Vreeland has changed the final letters in accord
ance with modern orthography, Land for Lant, and
dropped the superfluous "d" in the first syllable. The
meaning of the word is now, as it was nearly a thousand
years ago, "Peace-Land," and a really truly peace land it
is. Bordering on the picturesque River Vecht, it is a re
gion where peace and comfort reigns, undisturbed by the
bustle and rustle of the average business city; it is em
phatically a "home town." The tourist trying to do
Holland and Belgium in three weeks and then write a
book about it, fails to disturb the serenity of the place,
even by a flying visit.
And those others who try to absorb the historical at
mosphere in a shorter period, with a view of dishing it
up later for family consumption, are indeed to be pitied.
Boats and rail connect the town with Amsterdam to
the north, and Utrecht in the opposite direction ; a com
fortable inn is here for the enterainment of such mem
bers of the Vreeland family, as occasionally come back
to the "home town;" but, peacefully old Vreeland lies,
and its inhabitants pursue their daily tasks undisturbed
and without excitement.
It is a typical Dutch village of the twentieth century,
with just enough of the antique trimmings to make it in
teresting. History tells us that the "free" Frisians, one of the
most ancient of the world's tribes, whose very name is
synonymous with Liberty and who were the nearest blood
relatives to the Anglo-Saxon race, occupied almost the
entire country, known later as Holland, before the days
of Caesar. The main occupation of the people, when
they were not fighting against foreign invaders, being
the raising of cattle, a profession that is to-day in the
domain of their forefathers a prominent feature.
Charlemagne, when he obtained possession by "right
of might" in 785, recognized the spirit of the people and
said that the Frisians should be "free as long as the
wind blows out of the clouds, and the world stands."
Their laws were not interfered with, and they stand
to-day, Holland, Zeeland, Utrecht, Overyssel, Groningen,
Drenthe, all portions of Friesland in a general sense,
afterward constituted the "United States of the Nether
lands," one of the most powerful republics of history.
The Counts of Holland and the Bishop of Utrecht
exercised divided sway over the territory.
To Zeeland is credited the first municipal corporation,
or installation of law in place of arbitrary violence. Upon
this example the great cities were modeled. These char
ters did not establish the right of the people to govern
themselves, as much as to be governed by law. They
encouraged peace makers and punished peace breakers.
South Beveland where the Vreelands, as we know
them, came from, and Walcheren, where they first set
tled after leaving the town of Vreeland, are now islands.
The river Scheld opens wide its two arms in almost op
posite directions, before it joins the sea, and between
these arms, lie the islands of North Beveland, South
Beveland and Walcheren.
The city of Ter-Goes was and is still the chief city of
South Beveland, and is located less than an hour's walk
from s'Heer Abtskerke, from whence Michael Jansen
Vreeland, imbued with the spirit of emigration and
visions of fortune beyond the seas, started with his wife
and baby boy Nicholas, for Amsterdam, there to sail in
the "Arms of Norway," for Manhattan and Albany, as
told in detail- elsewhere.
To the south of Scrabbekerk are the Vreeland Polders,
known as such in the year 1909 as they were in the
year 1638 and nearly or quite a century before.
The fertility of Zeeland is remarkable. Every acre is
well cultivated with buckwheat, barley, tobacco and other
crops. The arms of Zeeland are a lion half out of the
water with the motto "Luctor et Emerge," expressing
the spirit of resolution embraced in the Zeeland
peasant's interpretation. "Luk 't van daag niet danult 't
mergen." "If it does not succeed to-day, it will to-mor
row," or the American school boy's favorite recital, "If
at first you don't succeed, try, try again." The coat of
arms can be seen on the coin illustrations, Chapter
This spirit of resolution is evident as soon as one sets
foot on the island. Here is shown the stern fact of a
country snatched and held from the sea and converted
into one of the fairest provinces in the world.
The city of Goes was once an important maritime
town; and the land surrounding it was reclaimed, and
here on Wilhelmina's Polder, as it is called now, cluster
hamlets, villages and farms.
South Beveland was not always an island. In 1532
a tempest had overthrown all barriers and burst the
dykes, and the ocean flowed over Zeeland, overwhelming
hundreds of villages and tearing a tract of country loose
from the mainland, the recession of the waters leaving
the island, and the balance was buried forever beneath
the sea.
Bergen-op Zoom (the Hill on the Border), or Bergen
on the Shore, the town from which the old town and
county of Bergen in New Jersey took their names, and
the town in New York, lies in close contiguity to Zee-
land (about the same as Greenville does to Bay Ridge),
on the boundary of the Province of Brabant. In its day
this Bergen was a prominent sea-port town, the key to
South Beveland, and from here a fleet of two hundred
and fifty vessels sailed forth, manned by over two
thousand "Beggars of the Sea," to engage the fleet of
Spain, and win the right to fly a new broom from every
masthead of the fleet:
There has been a difference among our historians, real
and alleged, as to the origin of the name of our local
Bergen; but, when it is ciphered out intelligently that
three-fourths of the early settlers of the place came from
Brabant and Zeeland; that Bergen-op-Zoom was their
natural sailing point, and in reality the last place in their
native land that their feet trod the land, is it not natural
to suppose and believe that when the voyagers, shortly
after landing here, observed the place on the "Hill," a
natural duplicate in great part of the place their thoughts ,
dwelt upon, the name "Bergen" would be the title to be
perpetuated in their new place of abode, especially when
to this could be added the orthographical authority; for
"Bergen" means "Hill." When some one talks of Ber
gen Hill, he says "Hill Hill," which is ridiculous to say
the least.
Once again, returning to our argument, the South
Bevelanders had always looked upon Bergen-op-Zoom
with its powerful- -fortifications, as their natural guar
dian against invaders, and Bergen, New Jersey, with its
fortified stockades, was a pretty good imitation.
The Norwegian element among the early comers were
a negligible quality, hence the attempts to identify the
name of their country's capital with that of the new
settlement seems ridiculous, as the emigrants from the
"Land of the Midnight Sun" had no such pleasant
thoughts of the place they had "left behind them," as
did the Dutchmen. Friesland was a republic, except in
name. Holland, Zeeland and Brabant had acquired a
large share of self-government. Love of freedom, readi
ness to strike and bleed at any moment in her cause,
were leading characteristics of the race in all periods,
whether among Frisian swamps, Dutch dykes, on Com-
munipaw's shores, or pathless forests of America.
Is it any wonder that the Vreelands, the Van Wagen-
ens and Brinkerhoffs of Zeeland; the Van Winkles and
Van Ripers of Friesland; the Van Horns and New-
kirks of Brabant, should have the love of country as a
part of their natural inheritance.
And again, Bergen-op-Zoom was one of the most im
portant points in the great wars. In 1588, 20,000 men
under the Duke of Parma, laid siege to it, but after two
months he had to give up the job in disgust.
The gustatory feature, likewise, may have had its in
fluence in comparing our Bergen with its Holland name
sake, when the great oyster beds off Communipaw were
discovered, for the oysters of Bergen-op-Zoom were the
Saddle Rocks of the country.
But, in reading a chapter on the family name Vree
land, the inquiring reader may be tempted to ask : If
Vreeland, why Jansen? or Janzoon, which last syllable
is the real Dutch for son.
While that question is answered in a general way in
our chapter on "Nomenclature," .we might say that
"Oom Michael" came to this country at about the middle
of the transition period of patronymics, and that un
doubtedly he was the son of Jan, or Johan Vreeland,
Note the changes on this side: First generation, Jan
sen; second generation, Michelson; third generation,
Vreeland. The Janzoons, once Vreelands from Vrede-
lant, came back to first principles, and took up the name
where their forefathers dropped it, for reasons beyond
our ken ; but evidently fashion ruled in those days as it
does now.
The democratic farmer Vreelands followed the fash
ion of the rurals in borrowing the father's christian
name; the aristocratic portion of the family, like the
Governor Vreeland branch, kept the original name in
tact. It might be added that the family name on the female
side never changed from Hartman.
See our chapter on "Mother Vreeland" for argument
on this distinguished family.
Franklin Vreeland (374).
It seems almost a waste of time and breath to stop to
argue the substitution of an "F" for a "V" in writing
the last name.
We have shown how certain branches of the family,
moving from New Jersey to Pennsylvania, the province
founded by the half blood Dutchman, William Penn,
took it upon themselves to make the change, although
they were born and bred Vreelands.
Their claim is that the name was taken from Friesland,
but the Vreelands who live in Friesland to-day and have
resided there yesterday and many days before, without
exception spell and write their names with a "V."
Others say, that coming to a free land warranted the
use of the sixth letter of the alphabet instead of the
twenty-second ; but, when it is shown as we have done,
that the Frisians were always "free," that at the begin
ning of emigration the free Republic of the United
States of the Netherlands was a fact, and that, while
America was "the home of the brave," it was by no
means "the land of the free," until some hundred and
sixty-nine years had rolled around, this deduction as
suredly destroys the power of this sort of argument.
"In re" talk of coming to a free land accounting for
the surname of the family, we might cite the fact that
one of the most magnetic reasons why so many people
from Great Britain, France, Spain and Portugal, and
Germany, came to live under the Dutch flag, was the
very element of toleration. Nederland stood nearly alone
in all Europe in offering religious freedom to all men,
and this, too, is the cornerstone upon which the Consti
tution of the United States of America rests.
In fact, the Pilgrims in 1620 left Holland because their
religious ideas were less free than those of the Dutch
people, and their dominion in New England bears evi
dence that freedom in religious thought_ at least was
far removed.
No better instance of this can be cited than the case of
John Throgmorton and his friends, who were practically
driven out of Salem, Mass., in 1643, by the intolerant ac
tions of the leaders there, and wandered toward New
Amsterdam, halting at last at a beautiful spot on Long
Island Sound, where the present town of Westchester is
located. There were thirty-five families in all in the com
pany, and, after obtaining a deed from Governor William
Kieft, they settled down, and, as their deed recited, "were
to reside on their tract in peace, and were to be favored
with free exercise of their religion."
So delighted were they with their new home site that
they named it "Vredeland," or "Land of Peace."
Yet, even here, they were permitted to live peacefully
only a few years. While the land all around their section
had been deeded by the Indians to the Dutch West India
Company, in 1640; in 1654 one Thomas Pell came along
and laid claim to ownership under an English patent, in
sisting that the Dutch had no rights, but that only the
English were in control. The Attorney General of New
Netherland protested, claiming that the district called
"Vredeland" was cultivated and inhabited by letters
patent granted by the Director General and Council. But
Pell hung on until the English came into possession of
New York in 1664, and the early inhabitants were com
pelled to surrender their rights to him.
And thus the town of Pelham was founded ( ?) by
Thomas Pell, in the same lines as we hear of the Pilgrims
discovering Cape Cod, and surrounding country, in 1620;
while, as a matter of fact, the whole section was discovered
by the Dutch eleven years previous, and named "New
Holland," and all of the islands, bays and rivers were
given Dutch names, of which traces can be found to this
day. One of the first changes that the English made was
to call one of the streams "Fresh" River, significant truly
of English plan and action.
The Dutchmen, however, were too busily engaged in
and around New Amsterdam to make use of their discov
ery, especially as their New York and New Jersey pos
sessions were much the more valuable, and at last by
mutual agreement the English were given title to the
colonies of Virginia and Massachusetts with a stretch of
land one hundred miles long, in between, for Dutchmen
only. The long headedness of the old Dutchmen has
assuredly been proven by after results.
The people of the home town in Utrecht never even
dreamed of making a change in the front letter of the
name of their place of abode. It has been Vredelant for
a thousand years, and it is a little late in the day to
attempt a change now.
One old Father in Israel, who has exceeded the Bib
lical limit of three score years and ten by a decade and a
half, and whose father imposed upon him the name
Freeland by arbitrarily changing the first letter upon re
moval from New Jersey, told the writer that he was
confident that the letter was misplaced, but that as he
had borne it for 85 years, he guesed he would not
change it now, and as all of his immediate descendants
were of the female gender, the name would die with him.
In Northampton county, Pennsylvania, a town has
been named "Freeland." But even this is of no comfort
to the advocates of the new spelling, when the following
is read, from the local editor of the town's paper: "The
town was formerly Freehold, but when they came to
name the post-office, it was found that there was another
Freehold in the state, and the name Freeland was sub
stituted, because all deeds to lands here were given
without any mineral reservations, something unknown
of in the coal regions.
The insignia of the famliy, ferreted out after patient,
diligent and prolonged search, discloses the true Dutch
instinct and loyalty of our progenitors in the colors se
lected. "Oranje, Blanje, Bleu" were the official colors of Hol
land. Gold, silver and blue are the official colors of the
Vreeland and of the Hartman families.
Here are the Dutch colors glorified; orange, or gold
for loyalty; silver, or white, for purity; and blue for
faith. Can any combination be imagined more fitting for
a Dutch family?
In the same way in which we failed to establish the
exact starting point for the town Vreeland, have we
been unable to discover the origination of the coat of
arms. In an old history of Zeeland printed in 1696, a
representation of the insignia is found among others,
and a duplicate was found in the archives of Amster
dam; but it is in every way likely that the Vreelands of
Vredelant had their own particular family sign, the same
as other prominent families, as well as the town itself.
There were knights in Vredelant city. There is a
mighty good looking knight on top of the Vreeland fam
ily sign board.
The cross of white on a field of red is on the city seal,
but the human Vreelands have a monopoly of the gold,
stars, with the stripes of silver and blue; albeit, accord
ing to true heraldic laws, the Vreeland end can claim
the six pointed star, while the Hartman or female part
of the family, must be content with the five pointed
cadences. Yet, even in this last feature we have another exem
plification of the bonds of union between Holland and
America, as the five pointed star was afterward made a
part of the official emblem of the great United States,
while the six pointed article is the Holland sign for
knightly valor.
Taking it by and large, the Vreelands have a coat of
arms that means something and that is saying much.
The family motto (Volhart Altydt) Persevere Al
ways, is likewise pretty good Dutch talk.
The question of the right to use a coat of arms at all
has been raised ; but if one examines the old tome men
tioned, he will find that the custom must have been al
most universal, as every family mentioned in the text is
represented in the pictured pages by armorial seals.
It was the fashion and the custom, and these features
ruled in 1500 or 1600 as they do in 1909. It required
the searching of a hundred Dutch books to find the pic
ture, and the added labor of examining Belgian, German,
English and French authorities on heraldry, before the
colors and markings were corroborated.
As to the right to bear a coat of arms, there seems to
be no question of this, so far at least as the Vreeland
family is concerned. One of the oldest authorities on
this point quaintly says :
"Coats of arms were invented by our wise ancestors
to these three ends :
First — to honor and adorn the family of him that had
well deserved.
Second — To honor him more famous above the rest.
Third — To differ out the several lines and issues."
To entitle you to use a coat of arms, you must show
one of the above attributes, and surely the Vreelands
were and are now in possession of their full share of
these qualifications.
The acknowledged authorities for the Holland coats
of arms are Van Osterman, Goethals, Riedstap and Van-
derhuysen. When either of these vouch for the authen
ticity of an emblazonment, it is pretty safe for us to
accept his decision, and that is precisely what I have
done in "discovering" the really, truly Vreeland sign of
honor. We have repeatedly made mention of the close relation
between England and Holland, and have told how a
goodly portion of the first named country was settled by
the Dutchmen ; how the self same country was compelled
to come to Holland to find a king in the person of Will
iam III. of Orange ; how several of the counties and
towns in England are known to-day by old Dutch names
slightly Anglicised; and now, while on the subject of
armorial bearings, we want to cite the similar features
existing in the arms of the English Wessingtons (Wash
ington), from which stock our immortar George was a
somewhat conspicuous descendant, and those of the
Dutch Vreelands.
Each had three stars, but Washington had five stripes,
while the Vreelands were contented with three. Wash
ington's colors vary only in one particular from Vree
lands, where the Dutch orange gives way to the English
red. Who knows but that our first president had some
good old Dutch blood in his make-up. We know for a
certainty that he possessed several of the other qualifica
tions peculiar to the inhabitants of the Netherlands.
Governor William Penn was half Dutch, and was
never ashamed of it. One third or more of the Pilgrim
fathers and mothers were Dutch, however much their
descendants decry it at this day.
Holland and England were and are less than two
hours apart in point of travel time, and they are very
close together in point of consanguinity. From the ear
liest history of the world, symbols, emblems and devices
have been used; the tribes of Israel had their respective
ensigns. Before the world had use of letters, these were used
to convey ideas and express the meaning of things.
Fleraldry became a recognized science in the 13th cen
tury, and the devices adopted were endless in variety,
from the highest things celestial to the lowest things
terrestrial." Nearly every mansion was decorated with armorial
insignia, and the ancestry of the family was shown by
the shields. "From my own windows, torn my household coat ;
Raz'd out my impress, leaving me no sign ;
Save men's opinions, and my living blood ;
To show the world, I am a gentleman."
— Shakespeare, Richard III., Act II., Scene I.
The church favored armorial bearings, knights car
ried their banners to be blessed by the priest before go
ing to battle; arms were originally badges and symbols
of dignity, "and no man can arrogate a dignity to him
self," says an old writer.
The colors which cover the shields are primarily blue,
red, black, green, purple, orange, blood, silver and gold.
The shield argent, or silver, is said to have represented
humility ; "or" gold, wealth and generosity ; blue, char
ity ; red, courage ; black, grief and prudence ; green,
youth ; and so on.
A Vreeland motto, if based upon this analysis, would
signify, "Humility, Charity and Generosity," not a bad
combination surely, but one motto at a time is enough.
The fesse, or center bar, is said to be an emblem of
the military girdle worn around the waist by medieval
warriors ; the six pointed stars have always been en
signs of knightly rank; while the good looking young
man "brandissant un sabre d'arg," proves the once
knightly family feature.
Under this analysis, there must have been a fighting
streak in the early Vreelands, in addition to the patriotic
and homely virtues pre-eminently shown forth, just as
there was in those later born, in the many contests in the
new world, as recounted in Chapter XXXII, "The
Fighting Vreelands."
By Nicholas Garretson Vreeland.
At Communipaw there settled
Sixteen hundred forty six,
Grand old Dutchman, Michael Vreeland,
Here his farm and home to fix.
Square deal always did he give to
All his neighbors, white or red.
Loved, respected, full of honor,
When time came, lay down his head.
With him came good Sophie Hartman,
Partner in his woes and joys,
And eight children came to bless them,
Two were girls and six were boys.
Enoch, Hartman and Cornelius,
Nicholas, Elias, John,
Anna married a Van Vechten,
Penelope an Anderson.
So they came, these good Dutch people,
In the days of long ago,
And to-day we find their children
Scattered o'er the land we know.
From New Jersey they have wandered,
Founding here and there a town,
First, Acquackanonck is noted,
Where the Vreelands settled down.
Over into Bergen County,
Next they went in herds and droves ;
From Fort Lee across to Wesel,
By the rivers, in the groves ;
E'en to Hackensack and Pascack,
Pompton lake, Macopin field,
Springfield, Belleville, Schraalenbergh, too,
Trackless forests to them yield.
Still the Wanderlust attends them,
Illinois, Cayuga Lake,
Michigan, Iowa, Kansas,
Oklohama, wonder State ;
Florida and mighty Texas,
Even far-off Oregon,
India's coral strands attracts them,
Vreeland, Governor of Ceylon.
Army, navy's mighty heroes,
Leaders in the many wars,
Revolution and Rebellion,
Each contribute many stars.
Heads of railroads, banks and papers,
Artists, famous in all lines,
In the lead in halls of Congress ;
Kings of Business and of Mines.
In this army of the Vreelands,
All are bound by ties of blood,
In this mighty tribe of Michael,
Let it now be understood,
All we sons of Brave Old Holland,
Good Americans are we too,
This shall ever be our motto,
VOLHARD ALTDYT, Tried and True.
Persevering, now and always,
In our journey thro' this life,
Make a mark to leave behind us,
Avoid always useless strife,
Show good will to one another,
Striving always to make good,
When we die, let all remember,
We have done the best we could.
The first real estate transaction in the present Passaic
county must be put down to the credit of Hartman
Michelson Vreeland, who apparently followed up the
business by inducing a baker's dozen of his friends and
neighbors to participate; but his commission, if any,
must have been smaller than those collected in these
days, for the consideration was only fifty pounds. This
tract of land obtained first from the Indians, the original
possessors, and afterward confirmed by the Lord Pro
prietors, who by "right of might" claimed ownership, —
embraced about 15,000 acres, so it may be set down as
the low-water record for valuation of Passaic county
lands. But, while the original patents would seem to have
covered enough land for a hundred farms, the fecundity
of the old Dutch folk, added to their inborn spirit of in
dependence, sent them forth over the river to Bergen
county, to Wesel, Paramus, Pascack, Schraalenburgh,
English Neighborhood, Fort Lee, Edgewater, Hacken
sack and Lodi ; to Tappan in New York, to Essex County,
to Belleville, Newark, Elizabeth, Springfield, Caldwell,
Westfield, Rahway and New Brunswick and to Morris
county, to Boonton, Morristown and beyond.
Michael Vreeland (67) seemed to have been the most
extreme victim of "Wanderlust," as we hear of him driv
ing out to Cayuga Lake, with his family in the pre-
Revolutionary days, there to participate in one of the
most tragic events in the history of the family, related
in our Indian Chapter XXVII.
Later, he went still farther west to Michigan, and was
one of the active founders of that State.
Other members of the family settled in Illinois, about
1850, as the first stop; thence going on to Iowa, Mis
souri and Michigan, and later to Kansas, Oklahoma and
to the extreme Oregon. A Vreeland was one of the
early Mayors of Kansas City. Now we hear of them
in Texas, Florida and Georgia.
The army records show Vreeland in the most favor
able light; among them being a descendant of a Jersey
family achieving the rank of Brigadier General "for
Gallantry," at the early age of 25.
The commander of the "Cleanest ship in the United
States Navy" is another Jersey boy; and so it goes. In
other lines, we find the head of the greatest street rail
way system in the world proud to own the name; while
among the arts we find a number of the family, male
and female, and collectors of coins are proud to number
a Vreeland as one of their shining lights.
Nearly a dozen ministers of the Gospel are doing the
Lord's work; as many doctors are healing the sick; half
as many lawyers are adjusting the affairs of business;
great manufactories are carried on by Vreelands; bank
presidents and cashiers are numerous ; the press has
many representatives ; a lad of sixteen without a dollar
he could call his own, has climbed to the top of the
wholesale dry-good business ; and another with like capital
is secretary and treasurer of an immense wholesale bak
ery business ; in fact, scarcely a line of business or human
endeavor can be named where the Vreelands are not
conspicuous. It is, indeed, a notable family, of which every indi
vidual member ought to be proud.
The record achieved in Holland and its colonies, on
land and sea, is duplicated over here in its every phase.
The true Dutch influence has been retained in the fam
ily as in the nation.
Nehe.miah Vreeland (1000).
But whence arose
That vagrant race, who love the shady vale,
And chose the forest for their dark abode.
Michael Jansen Vreeland ever held that no affront or
wrong be done to any Indian. At the present day, such
a just and merciful policy is only what we should ex
pect in the formation and care of a colony; but at that
period such humanity was generally unknown.
Soaring above the customs of his time, when navi
gators and adventurers generally considered the inhab
itants of any lands they discovered or became possessed
of, as their lawful prey to be treated or used at their
pleasure, Jansen regarded his unknown subjects as men
of like feelings and passions with himself ; and who, in
proportion to their ignorance, were the more entitled to
his fatherly care and protection.
His example of fair treatment to the original posses
sors of the land was copied later in the procurement of
the land patents, when the rights of the Indians were
procured, in addition to the grants from the Lord Pro
prietors. He and his children and his neighbors thought
it only just to obtain the additional rights by fair and
open purchase, and thereby signalized their convictions
by acts of equity, which made their persons and their
principles respected by the redskins.
The native Indians were naturally of a kindly nature,
willing to live in peace with their neighbors; but they
were wrought up to retaliation by the cruel acts of the
government at Manhattan.
"Midst danger, foes and death,
Fierce Indian tribes,
With vengeful malice, arm'd and black design ;
Oft, murdered, or dispersed these colonies." ( Freneau. )
At the time when Hartman Vreeland secured his title
from the Indians for the land bordering the Passaic river,
from the Newark line to Passaic Falls, the country was
a wilderness, the home alone of the aborigines, and the
abode of the wild animals.
A considerable portion of the land was covered by an
expanse of forest, through which flowed the beautiful
"Passaick," its crystal waters and abundance of fish at
tracting the sons of the forest. They pitched their wig
wams along its banks, under the shade of the majestic
trees. But, as the white man gained a foothold, even though
he made a fair bargain for the land, the red men were
forced back, and further back as the pioneer's axe re
sounded in the primeval forest and the soil was prepared
to receive the crops. The fastnesses through which the
forefathers of the red men had roamed for ages, were
his no more, and the land of his birth knew him no
longer. I give below the details of an Indian story related to
me by a grand old member of the family, now resident
in Michigan ; her former home being in the Seneca Lake
region, where the redskins were more numerous than
in any other section of the country. She is now in her
eighty-fifth year.
"My grandfather told me when I was a little girl, that
he was the only male survivor of his father's family,
after a fearful massacre by the Indians during the war
of the Revolution.
The farmers of the neighborhood built a fort, and it
was called "Fort Vreeland." One spring, being warned
of the trouble fomented among the Indians by the Eng
lishmen, they gathered all their women and small chil
dren and put them in the fort, with all the available fire
arms, to use in case of need. The men and the boys
large enough to work, then ventured out to hoe corn, and
were surprised by the Indians, who had crept in between
them and the fort, cutting off their retreat.
Their only weapons were the heavy hoes which they
used to good effect at first, but eventually they were
beaten down and every one killed, except my grand
father who for some reason was spared and carried off
a captive. He told me that the last he saw of his father,
was his dead body, with the scalp torn off.
One of the squaws adopted him for her son, and used
him as a hostage for some brave that had been killed.
He was sixteen years old at the time, and was held a
prisoner until the close of the war.
Birthplace General Michael J. Vreeland.
Vreeland Woolen Mill, Cranford.
Vreeland Homestead,
Nutley, N. J., built 1704.
Once on a time a strong man hewed
A rooftree for his little brood;
His sinewy hands its rafters reared,
His swinging ax the forest cleared,
'Till orchard-bloom and fields of loam
Smiled 'round it, and he called it Home.
And there, for many a happy day,
He heard his children shout and play,
Or watched them, barefoot, wading through
The clovered meadows, steeped in dew;
And, one by one, he saw them fare
Forth from the fold the world to dare.
Then came a time when 'neath the shade
Of arbors that his hands had made,
They laid him in the soft, cool mold,
His labors done, his story told.
And silence breathed its hush and spell
On that dear place once loved so well.
The rooftree crumbled, spiders wove
Their fairy webs its eaves above ;
But yonder, in the world's wild way,
Those who had loved it in their play,
Stopped oft, through days that care beset,
To name it with their heart's regret.
The old homesteads, historic landmarks, the remnants
of past epochs, never fail to deeply impress the thought
ful mind, by stimulating the imagination and make one
forget for the time being the prosaic interests of the
moment. How often one wishes the moss-grown stones,
the mute witneses of an early period, could talk and tell
us coherently the events transacted within their purlieu.
But one can do no more than indulge in the full play of
the imagination, and picture the events according to his
fancy. Meager, indeed, is the information generally ob
tainable anent the history of old houses. It consists to
a great extent of tradition handed down from father to
son. The results are not always satisfactory, owing to
faulty memory and lack of proper record, yet, as far as
they go, the stories are certainly interesting.
Hartman Vreeland Homestead, Paterson.
The old Dutch houses of New Jersey were solid and
comfortable, utilitarian rather than ornamental — yet, as
one examines the solid walls, the sturdy timbers, the
capacious chimneys with their yawning fireplaces, one
can scarcely fail to be satisfied that comfort reigned
within the walls, and, with any knowledge at all of the
real Dutch character, that hospitality was no mere polite
phrase. Before Paterson as a city was even dreamed of, there
stood on the banks of the Passaic river a landmark which
was built in 1734 by a Van Houten, and enlarged by
Hartman Vreeland in 1793.
An Indian settlement was in the close vicinity, and
Indian relics are occasionally turned up to this period.
The wigwam was succeeded by the Vreeland log house,
this in its turn to make way for the stone house pictured
above. The family record can be found in the Genealogy,
their military record under an appropriate head, each
one's public service is recorded, each and all leaving an
impress for good, and lasting in effect upon future gen
erations. In Jersey City, the oldest Vreeland house now stand
ing is at the foot of Chapel avenue. It was built by Joris
(George) Vreeland in 1733.
Another house built by Richard Vreeland, now forms
a part of the German Home, on Garfield avenue. A short
distance north of this house is the Garret Vreeland
Homestead. Corner of Randolph avenue and Harmon street is the
home of Garrett (138), built in 1815, and a short distance
west is his brother Nicholas' home. Another brother,
Abraham, lived at the corner of Bergen and Claremont
avenues. On the Newark Bay shore is a stone house
built by Henry Vreeland (174) in 1812.
Garret^Vreeland (138). Richard Vreeland (85). Nicholas Vreeland (136).
Joris Vreeland (21).
Henry Vreeland (174). Garret Vreeland (122).
In Nutley there still stands an old veteran, built in
1704 by Michael Vreeland. (See illustration, page 137.)
Back of the loaf is the snowy flour,
And back of the flour the mill,
And back of the mill is the wheat and the shower,
And the sun and the Father's will.
The Vreeland grist mill at Rahway was built by
James Vreeland (1403) in 1825 and run by him and his-
brother. The Vreeland Woolen Mill, near the present town of
Cranford, began operations nearly a hundred years ago,
and was a popular place where the farmers from long
distances used to bring their wool to be made into cloth,
and is still in operation.
It was first run by Elias Williams, father of the wife
of James Vreeland (1403), but was afterward taken
charge of by James Vreeland, and his brother-in-law,
Benjamin Williams. A VREELAND POET.
1 — 'Twas on the fourth day of August,
Two hundred seventy-one years ago ;
Michael Vreeland came up to Albany,
Corn, cabbage and wheat for to grow.
2 — Soon after he went to the Indians,
To purchase the pelts of their game ;
But the trust put a stop to his labors,
And Michael to Jersey then came.
3 — In Communipaw did he then settle,
A land patent he was allowed ;
He died just seventeen years later,
With a record of which we are proud.
4 — And his wife, born Fitje Hartman ;
Whose virtues I must not overlook
For thirty-four years as a widow ;
She ran the old farm like a book.
5 — Vreeland home was not without children,
Six boys and two girls, which make eight ;
And to-day you will find their descendants,
Scattered all over the United States.
6— Of the boys four went to Acquackanonck,
Bought largely of Passaic's land;
And there you will find their descendants,
All known by the name of Vreeland.
7 — Now concerning these sons of Oom Michael,
Who bought lands in sixteen eighty four;
Their names to you now I will mention,
That you may their history explore.
8 — Elias, Hartman, John and Cornelius,
In Acquackanonck church records look,
By hundreds there you will find them,
If you only get the right book.
9 — And now, let me say of the ladies,
Tho' wedlock may 've changed their names,
They surely must be counted in it,
For Vreeland blood runs in their veins.
The above was written by Warren Vreeland, of Nut-
ley, an octogenarian, who died April 20, 1909.
Michael Jansen Vreeland.
Michael Janzoon Vreeland was the pioneer and pro
genitor of the great family of to-day, numbering up into
the thousands, and spread all over the United States
and further.
Under the liberty and custom exercised in those days
of selecting their own family names, as described in our
chapter on "Nomenclature," he had taken his father's
christian name, with the addition of the "zoon," and his
sons, in their turn, called themselves "Michelsons," but
the third generation went back to first principles, and
from that time on Vreeland it has been, and Vreeland it
will remain until eternity, just as it had been Vreeland
in the old country for many years before. Much con
fusion and argument has ensued over the proper spelling
of the name, but there exists now no shadow of a doubt
that Vreeland with a "Wee," as Sammy Weller puts it,
is absolutely correct, and all other variations are but
imitations. Michael Jansen was born in 1610, and came from
Scrabbekerk, a corruption of s'Heer Abtskerke (Church
of the Lord Abbot), Island of South Beveland, Province
of Zeeland, Netherland, by way of Amsterdam, in the
ship "Het Wafen van Norwegen" (Arms of Norway).
He arrived in Manhattan on August 4, 1638, with his
wife, born Fitje (Sophia) Hartman; one son, Claas
(Nicholas), and two servants. He made no extended
stop at Manhattan, but sailed at once for Fort Orange
(Albany), where he leased a farm from Patroon Killian
Van Rensselaer for four hundred guilders (about ($160)
a year. Governor William Kieft, in a letter to Van Rensselaer,
written in August, 1638, mentions the departure of
"Jansen, his wife, one child, and two men" for Albany.
In his new domicile Jansen, as in after years, must
have "made good," for we find in a letter from Van
Rensselaer to his cousin and superintendent, Arent Van
Curler, who was the first schoolmaster in New York,
that he is mentioned as "one of the most upright farmers
in the colony." Mention is made in reliable Dutch
annals of the arrival of Teunis Cornelius Van Vechten
in the ship Rensselaerwyck in 1637; his return to Hol
land and his second trip here with Jansen in the "Arms
of Norway."
Some writers claim that Jansen came over in 1636, but
he was undoubtely confounded with others using the
same surname, who arrived in that year. One, in par
ticular, a Dirck Jansen, came over in the "Rensselaer
wyck" in 1636, under contract with the Patroon. The
son of Van Vechten mentioned married the daughter of
Michael Jansen, and moved to Somerville. From this
union sprang the numerous families of the name in Som
erset and Middlesex counties.
The energy and force inborn in Oom Michael forbade
his being tied down to ordinary farm work, and he took
up the more profitable line of fur-trading with the
Indians, and prospered mightily, but his good luck was
cut short by the interdict of the West India Company,
who claimed a monopoly of the business. Here was the
initial evidence of a "trust" in this country, a custom
which, like some others, better or worse, has existed
down to date.
Jansen, finding himself prevented from exercising the
full bent of his make-up, added to a determination to be
rid for all time forth of the feudal ideas of the old coun
try, which had been imported over here in part, such as
the "patroonships," and to strike out for himself ; in 1646
The "Arms of Norway," in which our ancestor, Michael Jansen
Vreeland, came to this country. Compare this vessel of forty pas
senger capacity with the magnificent floating giant of 4,000 passen
ger limit.
asked and received permission "to leave the Colony and
reside at the Manhattans."
Here the sturdy old Governor, Peter Stuyvesant, a
prime judge of character, selected Jansen as one of his
"Nine Men," the advisory council or cabinet of the
Governor. Looking around as usual for new worlds to conquer,
Jansen, believing as Hudson did, that the west side of
the river was "a very good land to fall in with," came
over to Communipaw, and settled down in a measure,
but his public duties continued as representative of his
section in the Governor's council. He made friends with
the native Americans of bronze hue to such good effect
that in the massacre of 1655, when every other white
person in the neighborhood was killed or captured, Jan
sen and his family were spared. He sailed over to Man
hattan in his periaugua, and engaged in mercantile pur
suits for awhile, but as soon as matters settled down
again he returned to Communipaw and lived there until
his death in 1663.
And right here, while we are writing history, it might
be well for us to set right some of the statements and
deductions of other more or less industrious historians
who have exhibited a mild sort of ghoulish glee in
recounting the alleged exploits of "Our Michael," billing
him as the "first licensed tapster of New Jersey," a
"brewer of beer," and other fanciful and far-fetched
occupations. The New Amsterdam Record of June, 1654, recites
that "Michael Jansen, of Pavonia, stated that he intended
for the accommodation of the inhabitants of that place
to brew some beer."
Now it is exceedingly doubtful if the spot upon which
Jansen built his home was ever included within the
limits of Pavonia, Mill Creek being generally accepted
as the dividing line between Pavonia and "Gamoena
pan," and it is certain that in 1638 the last title was given
officially to the land south of the creek,, and as Jansen
did not live here at all until eight years later, he cer
tainly never could have been the "Michael Jansen of
Pavonia" who aspired to the brewing art, ministerial,
editorial and legal historians to the contrary notwith
standing. There were hundreds of Jansens in and around New
Amsterdam at the time, and at least a half dozen
"Michael Jansens," but our own particular Michael was
beyond question guiltless of the trail of the manufacture
or sale of the essence of hops and malt as charged.
In 1654 he was largely engaged in the raising of cattle
for the markets of the metropolis across the river, and
attending to his judicial duties, and beyond the possi
bility of his brewing his own beer, as almost every other
head of a family did for home consumption, there is no
proof that he was ever engaged in its public distribution.
Next we read in the more or less veracious Record
that in 1655 one Michael Jensen, because he was "an
old man, with a heavy family, was permitted to keep a
tap-room on Bowling Green."
Now Michael Jansen Vreeland was only 45 years of
age in 1655, and that was far from being "old" in those
days, when octogenarians were no novelty; nor did he
have a large family, four children, and one of them mar
ried for three years, and his energetic wife, constituted
his family.
Thus we feel that we are justified in asserting that
Oom Michael Jansen Vreeland never was a public
brewer or kept a tap-room. He was a trader in furs
for years in Greenbush, an extensive dealer in cattle in
Communipaw, and when he went to New York in 1655
he undoubtedly engaged in" mercantile pursuits, as we
find several of his near descendants recorded as "mer
chants." His oldest son married and settled in New
York, and an old deed from Enoch Michelson, "yeoman,"
to his son, Enoch Vreeland, "merchant," of the city of
New York, is now in possession of one of the grantees
direct descendants, Mr. Oliver P. Vreeland.
Michael Jansen was one of the first magistrates ap
pointed for the Court of Bergen, was one of the first
subscribers to the support of a minister of the Gospel
in New Jersey, is found on the list of contributors of
material for the first school, and in these, as in many
other ways, proved himself a leader among men.
To him, in addition to his son Nicholas, who was born
in Holland, and Elias, born in Greenbush, near Albany,
came four other sons, Enoch, Hartman, Johannis and
Cornelius, and two daughters, Annetje and Pryntje.
Anna married Van Vechten and Penelope married
Andries Claesen, progenitor of the Anderson families.
Race suicide was an unknown quantity among the
Vreelands in the early days. Records are found of the
birth of three children to Nicholas, six to Elias, twelve
to Enoch, thirteen to Hartman, eight to Cornelius, and
a baker's dozen to Johannis.
In 1678 Hartman, ancestor of the writer, bought a
tract of land covering what is now Passaic city, thereby
constituting himself the founder of Passaic county. The
next year he interested three of his brothers, Elias, John
and Cornelius, and with ten others bought a larger tract
from the Indians comprising about 15,000 acres. The
payment was in "coats, blankets, kettles, powder and
other goods," a currency satisfactory to the redskins.
On March 16, 1684, this founder and his baker's dozen of
coadjutors obtained a patent from the Lord's Proprietors
of East Jersey, confirming the original grant, the consid
eration being fifty pounds sterling and fourteen pounds
Governor Peter Stuyvesant.
Born in Holland in 1602. Last Dutch Governor of New York,
1647-64; died on his great "Bouwerie" farm, August, 1682 ; buried
in St. Mark's graveyard, New York.
annual rent. The bounds of the tract as given in the
deed from the proprietors are briefly as follows :
"Beginning at the northenmost bounds of the town
of Newark, and so running from the lowest part to the
uppermost part thereof, so far as the steep rocks or
mountains, and from the said lowermost part along the
Passaick river, to the Great Falls thereof, and along the
steep rocks and mountains, to the uppermost part of
Newark bounds aforesaid; together with all the rivers,
ponds, creeks, isles (Hartman's Island, which partic
ularly belongs to Hartman Michelson, only excepted)
and also all inlets, bays, swamps, marshes, meadows,
pastures, fields, fences, woods, underwood, fishings,
hawkings, huntings, fowlings and all other appurtenances
whatsoever thereunto belonging and appertaining (half
part of the silver and gold mines and the royalties of
the Lord's Proprietors also excepted)." A memoran
dum attached excepted "a neck of land lying within the
bounds of the patent of 278 acres formerly sold to Hart
man Michelson.
The patentees, in addition to the four Vreelands, were
Hans Diedericks, a hotel keeper in Bergen, who con
tinued his residence there ; Gerrit Gerritsen, the ancestor
of the Van Wagenens ; Walling and Simon Jacobs, an
cestors of the Van Winkles ; Adrian Post ; Urian Tomas-
sen, head of the Van Riper family ; Cornelius Roelof son,
ancestor of the Van Houtens ; John Hendrik Speare ;
Cornelius Tubbers, from whom sprang the Van Blarcoms
and the Westervelts, and Abram Bokey. The latter was
a weaver, but he found too many rivals in the Dutch
women, and he returned to Manhattan. This left eleven
resident proprietors.
Acquack a nonck, as the whole section was then styled,
was at the head of navigation of the Passaic River, and
very soon acquired importance in a commercial way.
Andrew Vreeland (927).
All sorts of goods were shipped from here by water to
Manhattan until the railroads in 1832 put an end to the
water traffic.
Hartman Vreeland soon went back to Communipaw
at the request of his mother, who was left alone, by the
death of her husband and the marriage of all of her
children, and his lineal descendants occupied the site of
the original homestead until the death of his grandson
Michael, great-grandfather of the writer, in 1825. The
house was pointed out to me in my boyhood days, but
the march of improvement has now destroyed all traces
of the site.
The history of Claas (Nicholas), the oldest son, is
undetermined beyond the date of his marriage on April
12, 1 65 1, in the record of the old Dutch Reformed
Church at Liberty and Nassau streets. This occurred
during the family's residence in New York, and it is
likely that he settled in that city. His oldest son moved
to Tappan, New York.
Elias, the second son, married Grietje (Gertrude)
Jacobs (van Winkle), was an Associate Judge of the
Court of Bergen in i673-'74-'77 and 1680; was ensign
in Captain John Berry's troop ; representative in the Gen
eral Assembly in i683-'93-'95-'99 and 1708. In 1683 he
was commissioned Judge of the County of Essex, then
comprising the present Essex and nearly all of Passaic
County. In 1693 he was appointed revenue collector of
funds for the war between England and France.
Enoch married first Dirckse (Frederica) Meyers, of
Amsterdam, June 20, 1670; second, Grietje (Gertrude)
Wessels, widow of Jan Langedycke; third, Aagte
(Agnes) Van Hooren. He died in 1714. He was a
member of the General Assembly from 1675 to 1688,
1707, '08 and 1709. He was commissioned ensign in the
militia of Bergen, July 4, 1681 ; was Associate Judge of
the Court of Bergen in 1673, '74, '81 and '82 and '83;
Commissioner of Highways and assistant Judge of the
Common Pleas in 1705. He lived at what was called
Stony Point, on the bluff overlooking the bay, at about
the foot of Myrtle avenue. He was the ancestor of the
Greenville families.. His son Abraham moved to Belle
ville, and was the ancestor of the Macopin Vreelands.
Hartman married Metje (Mary) Braecke in 1672,
purchased as stated, land at Acquackanonck. He was
receiver of taxes in Bergen in 1707. As mentioned, his
later days were spent in the family homestead at Com
munipaw. Johannis married Claesje (Clara) Braecke, sister of
Hartman's wife. He died in 1713. One of his sons
moved to Elizabeth, but most of the family continued
at Acquackanonck.
Cornelius married first another sister of Hartman's
and John's wives, and second Lysbet (Elizabeth) Van
Winkle. He moved to Pemrepogh (Bayonne) in 1696,
and died there in 1727. His descendants are there by the
score to this day.
Jeannetje (Jane), the oldest daughter, married Dirck
Teunissen Van Vechten and moved to Somerville.
Pryntje (Penelope) married Andries Claessen, lived
and died at Bayonne.
It will be seen that the three brothers, Hartman, John
and Cornelius, married three sisters, who were daughters
of Dirck Claes Braecke, or Dirck Clausen, as he was gen
erally known. This gentleman owned the land covering
Cavan Point or Stony Point, and when he died in 1693
his daughters inherited the property.
Cornelius Vreeland (93).
Margaret Day Vreeland (93).
Now that the agitation for women suffrage is again
prevalent, it might be well to state right here that New
Jersey was the first State in the world to extend suf
frage to its women on the same terms as to men.
On the second day of July, 1776, (two days before the
signing of the Declaration of Independence,) the first
Constitutional Convention at Burlington, revising the
old Colonial charter, struck out of the suffrage clause
the words "all inhabitants." It then read "all inhabitants
with ^50." On this property qualification we are told
that qualified women voted "in increasing numbers" un
til 1807. Naturally they were Federalists, and that party
continued to control the State until 1807, when for the
first time the Democratic Party obtained a majority in
the Legislature and they abolished the property qualifica
tion and excluded women and free colored men by chang
ing the election laws. Thus the Legislature enfranchised
all white men who paid $1 poll tax and disfranchised all
women and free colored men. This continued until 1844,
when a new Constitution was adopted using these words,
"white male citizens." After the adoption of the Fif
teenth Amendment the word "white" was struck out by
constitutional amendment. Senator Frelinghuysen, in
urging the repeal of the word "white," said:
"If any of you want to domineer over somebody let
him go home and strut there."
Douglas Campbell, in his admirable work entitled "The
Puritan in Holland, England and America," says of the
Dutch women: "Perhaps the most conclusive proof, not
only of the high state of morality, but also of the general
advancement of the people, is found in the position of
their women. They are extremely circumspect, are
housekeepers and love their households.
"In Holland girls received the same education as their
brothers; coming to maturity, they were not only auto
crats in their own right, but, as in very modern times,
often the sole managers of the family estates; farmers,
merchants, manufacturers, even poets and painters.
Treated as equals by their husbands were they always.
Throughout the struggle for independence they were the
warmest friends of liberty, not only sustaining the courage
of their husbands and aiding them by domestic econo
mies, but playing the part of warriors, defending the
walls of the cities and even working in the trenches, with
the common soldier."
Nor was this all ; the women were educated, and min
gled in all the business of buying and selling, and in many
cases taking entire charge of the family property. The
virtue of such wives was the fruit of a high civilization
developed on the moral as well as on the intellectual side."
No better specimen of this argument could be found
than in the story of Fitje (Sophia) Hartman, wife of
Michael Jansen Vreeland, and it seems to me in every
way appropriate and proper that as a writer of the his
tory of a prominent family I should not confine myself to
the men, especially when I have such a grand example
to expatiate upon.
Sophia Vreeland was left a widow in 1663, and for
over thirty years maintained her place at the head of the
household, and died at the ripe old age of 86 in 1697.
The Hartman family in Holland was one of great dis
tinction. Many of the members were seamen of renown,
and the historians are full of their achievements on the
water. They ventured to the far off ports of Africa and
Brazil, and Japan, in command of large fleets and re
turned covered with glory and rich in prizes taken.
Our Mother Vreeland came from Amsterdam, and was
married to Michael Jansen in 1631. Upon the death of
her husband, in 1663, she had the title of the land con
firmed to her by Lord Philip Carteret, and it was disposed
of by her will.
Her son Nicholas, born in Holland, was named for the
noted surgeon, Dr. Nicholas Hartman, of Amsterdam.
Road Leading to Town of Vreeland, Holland.
Brigadier General Michael James Vreeland.
Military record page 178. Genealogy (2200).
In a story we're told,
How our fathers of old,
Braved the rage of the wind and the waves ;
And crossed the seas o'er,
For this far away shore,
All because they would never be slaves, brave boys;
All because they would never be slaves.
The birthright we hold,
Shall never be sold,
But sacred maintained to our graves ;
And, before we comply,
We will gallantly die,
For we will not, we will not be slaves, brave boys ;
We will not, we will not, be slaves.
In equal measure to the feelings of the Dutch people
in Holland, when under domination of the Spanish, the
above verse expressed the spirit of the Holland people
in New Amsterdam over the exactions of England.
One of the old leaders is quoted thus :
"Beautiful land; to be thy children, we should not
deserve, if one inch of thy soil we yielded to a tyrant ;
truly a Vaderland to me and to mine thou hast been ;
truly do I love thee.
Indien 'ik a vergeet, a Vaderland, zoo vergete, mijne
regler hand sich zelve : (If I forget thee, O Fatherland,
let my right hand forget its cunning)."
The Dutch patriots in 1568, and for eighty years there
after, fought under banners inscribed "Freedom for
Fatherland and Conscience," with "Oranje Boven" above.
On this side of the ocean the Minute Men of 1775-77
had the word "Liberty" on their flags, which single word
had the same significance as the longer sentence of their
forefathers across the sea.
Two years after the foundation of Bergen, or in 1663,
provision was made for military organizations, and
among the officers of a foot company, enlisted in Bergen,
we find the names of Elias and Enoch Micheleson, sons
of Michael Jansen. Each of these bore a commission as
ensign. Encounters of greater or less degree with the Indians
were frequent, but no serious affairs are recorded, there
fore the opportunities for records of valor and glory did
not eventuate.
The Hollanders, as a class, were more inclined by
nature to be tillers of the soil than to take part in martial
conflict, yet when the "Call to Arms" was made they
were found ready and willing to do their duty. The
trouble between England and the American colonists
culminated rapidly, and when on a bright and beautiful
Sunday morning in April, 1775, messengers brought the
tidings of the massacre at Lexington and the destruction
of Concord, the answer was prompt and swift. Before
the sun had set organization was formed, and the arsenal
in the New York City Hall broken open and arms taken
to equip the first regiment of volunteers with Vreelands
in the ranks.
The Congress in session at Philadelphia recognized
these men as part of the Continental Army, the nucleus
of the troops that were to be raised for the defense of
the country, and Colonel George Washington was com
missioned as Commander-in-Chief.
Within a few weeks the troops were ready to leave for
Boston, the young men full of pure purpose and brave
thoughts. There had been no dispute or uncertainty
about the uniform; blue with orange trimmings carried
the question without a dissenting voice. Blue had been
for centuries the color of opposition to tyranny ; the
Scotch Covenanters chose it, and into the cities of refuge
in Holland they carried their sacred color, and the
Dutch colonists soon blended the blue of their faith with
the orange of their patriotism.
Very early in the American struggle blue became the
typical color of Freedom, and when they selected blue
Lieut. Teunis Van Pelt Vreeland (iooo),
nth Illinois Cavalry.
and orange they chose the colors that had already been
made famous on many a battlefield. The flag of the new
regiment, made by the Dutch women, was of orange,
with a blue border, a cluster of stars, and the word
"LIBERTY" in the same color.
Oh, for the Blue and the Orange,
Oh, for the Orange and Blue,
Orange for men that are Freemen,
Blue for the men that are true ;
Over the red of the tyrant,
Bloody and cruel in hue,
Fling out the banner of Orange
With pennant and border of Blue.
October 9, 1775, the first official call was made in New
Jersey for Continental troops, two battalions of eight
companies each being asked for. The pay of the men
was fixed at $5 per month, and each private was allowed
one felt hat, a pair of yarn stockings and a pair of shoes,
each man furnishing his own arms.
On October 28th the Provincial Congress of the State
confirmed the call, and two weeks later six companies of
Jerseymen were placed on duty in the Highlands of the
Hudson, the balance being sent to New York. All of
the men were soon after sent to Perth Amboy, and on
May 3d, with an additional battalion, were sent to Can
ada. They were discharged on November 5, 1776, at
the expiration of their term of enlistment.
September 16, 1776, the second establishment of troops
in New Jersey was made by Congress, four battalions
being called for, with offers of land grants of from 100
to 500 acres to those who served to the close of the war.
As State headquarters was then in Burlington, the ma
jority of the troops were mustered in from that vicinity,
although several of the Bergen County men had gone to
New York to enlist, especially those living on the river
front. We, however, find the names of Captain Abra
ham Vreeland, of the Fourth Battalion; Sergeant Daniel
Vreeland in the Light Dragoons, and Corporal John
Vreeland credited to Bergen.
In February, 1776, two complete artillery companies
were formed, and in November of the same year two
more companies were sent from Bergen County, and
these participated in the battles of Trenton, Princeton
and Monmouth, after doing duty in Pennsylvania.
The Bergen County militia were added in a body to
the Continental Army, and four companies from the
county joined the "Minute Men." Here we find records
of Captain John Vreeland and of Garret Vreeland, pro
moted from private to corporal ; Abraham, Michael and
Cornelius Vreeland, of Essex ; Abraham, of Middlesex ;
Daniel, Garret and Peter, of Bergen. The old records
are very incomplete.
Later three companies from Bergen were joined in
battalion with three from Essex, and two from Burling
ton, and the regular militia of Bergen was organized in
one regiment.
As is known, the British army evacuated New York in
November, 1783, and the following account most elo
quently describes the event: "As the rear guard of the
British army left the Battery the triumphant Army of
Freedom came marching down the Bowery. As a mili
tary procession it was without impressiveness, but as a
moral procession it was without equal in the annals of
the world. No bells chimed congratulations, no bands
of music stirred popular enthusiasm; it notably lacked
all the usual pomp of military display; yet no grander
army of self-wrought freemen ever saluted their chief,
their homes and their native city.
After seven years wandering they knew what Home
meant; their homes were dismantled; their gardens de
stroyed ; their churches desecrated ; their trade gone ;
their fair city mutilated and blackened by fire ; but, thanks
be to God, they had Liberty. Never again would they
be subjects of any king, or the victims of any imposed
tyranny ; they were freemen, they had won their freedom,
and 'they who have once tasted of the sharp, strong wine
of Freedom will drink thereof forever."
On the rolls of the patriot army can be found members
of all the families settled in Bergen, and the Vreelands
were in no way conspicuous by their absence. The offi
cial roster of the State gives these names :
Garret G. Vreeland, No. 61 in the Genealogy.
Abram Vreeland.
Abraham Vreeland, of Essex (54).
Abraham Vreeland, of Middlesex (38).
Cornelius Vreeland, of Essex.
Daniel Vreeland, of Bergen.
Garret Vreeland, of Bergen (1500).
Michael Vreeland, of Essex (86).
Peter Vreeland, of Bergen (700).
John Vreeland enlisted in the first regiment organ
ized in New York.
Jacob Vreeland, of Fort Lee (77)-
At the very beginning of the English colonies in
America the question of what flag to fly was discussed.
While the English flag represented something which the
Dutchmen disapproved of, it was yet an emblem of legal
authority, and for nearly seventy years before the Revo
lutionary War was generally used, with a union of the
crosses of St. George and St. Andrew in the upper cor
ner. This was later on displaced by a plain white field
on the red flag.
The colonists did some hard thinking; whether they
would be independent of the mother country, and
whether they might not, some day, set up a government
and flag of their own. Matters in this line went on until
a number of the colonies adopted some particular device
to place on their flags.
The first battles of Lexington and Concord on April
*9> I775, were fought under a maroon colored silk stand
ard, which is still preserved in the library at Bedford,
Mass. New York and New Jersey men, being principally of
Dutch extraction, naturally turned to "Moeder Holland"
for inspiration. Holland's official colors were "Oranje,
Blanje, Bleu" (orange, white and blue), until 1660, when
a red stripe was substituted for the one of orange,
although the orange was retained for the pennant, and
it seemed perfectly natural that the home colors should
be used over here. In an earlier chapter I have told how
the Dutch women of New York presented a flag of
orange and blue to the regiment organized two days after
the battle of Lexington, and it seems to me perfectly safe
to assert that this was the first flag under which the
patriots rallied in this vicinity. January 2, 1776, a flag
with the now familiar thirteen stripes of red and white,
but with the English and Scotch crosses in the field, was
hoisted by Washington at Cambridge, but on June 14,
1777, the real thing — the Star Spangled Banner — was
formally adopted by the Congress, and was first hoisted
by General Washington at his camp in Bound Brook,
New Jersey. This flag has endured ever since, with only
one deviation to fifteen stripes, and a quick return to the
original thirteen, and with the necessary changes caused
by the introduction of new stars for each new State. It
is the oldest flag in the world, and the handsomest, wav
ing in triumph "o'er the land of the Free and the home
of the Brave." The colors were Red, typical of the
blood that was shed for freedom; White, enblematic of
the purity of the principles upon which the Government
was organized; Blue, the azure snatched from the
heavens, to represent the devotion and loyalty of the
founders of the Republic.
The Governor of St. Eustatius, one of the Dutch West
India islands, was the first representative of a foreign
power to salute the American flag on November 16, 1776.
This incident came near leading to -another war be
tween Great Britain and Holland.
The doughty Dutch Governor, Johannes De Graef, had
expressed his opinion in favor of the rebellious American
colonies before this, and when a Baltimore brigatine
sailed into the harbor with the Stars and Stripes at her
peak, he manned the guns in the fort and fired a salute
of thirteen guns, one for each of the colonies. When the
news of the incident reached England that power sent a
peremptory demand to Holland for the recall of Governor
De Graef. The Dutch Government was not alert enough
to please the Britons, and a second note was sent, this
time carrying a threat of war. Holland did recall De
Graef, but he was so slow in complying that it was two
years after the incident before his return to Holland.
Meantime France had recognized the belligerency of the
American colonies, and their colors were honored on the
In 1660 Holland adopted a red stripe in her flag in
place of the one of orange, and this song was written a
hundred years later:
O Flag of the Netherlands, are not our hearts
All flag bearers sacred to thee;
To our Song, and our shout, O banner fly out,
Fly out o'er the land and the sea.
Unfold thee, unfold thee, invincible flag,
Remember thy brave, younger years;
When men crying Freedom ! died underneath thee,
'Mid storming and clashing of spears.
Flag of Fidelity,
Piety, Courage,
Thy Blue, White and Red
We salute.
Thou are blue as the skies, and red as the dawn,
Thou art white as the noon-day light ;
Fidelity gave thee her beautiful Blue;
And Piety bound thee in White.
Then Faith and Fidelity went to the field;
Where the blood of thy heroes was shed,
And there, where the sword was the breath of the Lord,
They gave thee thy ribbon of Red.
Flag of Fidelity,
Piety, Courage.
Thy Blue, White and Red,
We salute. THE WAR OF 1812.
The war with Great Britain in 1812 found New Jersey
ready, and after the call of Congress the Governor issued
an order to mobilize 5,000 troops. The principal service
of the new army was the protection of Philadelphia and
New York from expected invasion. Paulus Hook was
established as a camp of instruction, and a detachment
of New Jersey infantry was stationed at Fort Richmond.
In this, as usual, the Vreelands figured. In August,
1814, the Governor called for 500 artillery and 4,500
infantry, and in less than one month the quota was filled.
The Bergen County company was stationed at the High
lands, and 1,200 men were encamped in Paulus Hook.
From 1812 to 1815 over 6,000 men were enlisted from
New Jersey for the United States service, but beyond a
few slight skirmishes in South Jersey the work of the
army was almost entirely defensive.
The following is from the official State roster :
Adrian E. Vreeland, Lieutenant, Captain Jeremiah
Mitchell's company of Rangers, 3d, regiment, New Jersey
Detailed Militia, Colonel John Frelinghuysen, Brigadier
General Colfax's Brigade; commissioned September 1,
1814, for the war. This company was raised at Paterson
Landing. Jacob C. Vreeland, private. This soldier served in the
same organization as Adrian E. Vreeland.
John K. Vreeland, private, Captain Moses Swett's
company of artillerists, United States Army; enlisted
March 2, 1813, for five years. Discharged at Fort Co
lumbus, New York Harbor, July 14, for disability.
The declaration of independence on the part of Texas
from Mexico, in 1836, and the attempts to annex the sec
tion to the United States, in 1844, brought about a decla
ration of war with Mexico in 1846. General Zachary
Taylor was in command of the United States troops
which clashed with the Mexican armies, and made short
work of the business.
In 1847 General Winfield Scott invested Mexico and
drove General Santa Anna before him, the affair ending
in a capitulation at the Mexican capital in 1847, and a
treaty of peace was concluded February 2, 1847.
One regiment was called from New Jersey and four
companies left New York for Vera Cruz.
The official records as fa'r as they can be found show
no enlistments of Vreelands in this struggle.
Those sturdy souls who won our liberties,
Devised them not for an ignoble ease,
But in their wise humanity designed,
An equal chance for all to serve mankind.
On April 15, 1861, President Abraham Lincoln issued
a call for 75,000 troops, with New Jersey's quota fixed
for four regiments, to number 3,120 men. The Gov
ernor issued his proclamation the next day, but the people
of Hudson County did not wait for the latter to be pro
mulgated. The afternoon papers of April 15th contained
calls for all the militia companies to assemble in their
meeting places that evening. A war committee was ap
pointed by the Mayor of Jersey City, and two men on
this committee advanced $30,000 for equipment, the
banks pledging themselves for $35,000 more, and on
Friday, April 19th, only four days after the President's
call, the Second regiment left the city for Trenton, thence
to Annapolis. The first enlistment was for three months,
but another call soon came for nine months' men, and
here also New Jersey was foremost in the procession.
Three companies of the Fifth New Jersey, C, D and G,
were raised in Hudson County, Company C of the Sixth,
Companies B, C and H of the Thirteenth. Eight of the
Companies B, C and H of the Eleventh. Eight of the
ten companies of the Twenty-first and three companies
of the Thirty-third regiments were credited to Hudson
County. These, beside the many that went to New
York to enlist.
Individual members from Bergen County joined the
ranks of the early regiments which were mustered into
service May, 1861.
A great war meeting was held in front of the Paterson
City Hall, April 23, 1861, and on the previous day a
great meeting was held in Hackensack, and many volun
teers were enrolled. No regular organization of militia
was in existence in Bergen or Passaic counties at the
beginning of the war, but on April 23d, at Derrom's Hall,
in Paterson, it was resolved to organize a troop of cav
alry, a company of engineers, a company of artillery and
eight companies of infantry. Five companies were filled
the next day. In Company F of the Second Regiment
Henry Vreeland commanded. Two companies from Pas
saic mustered under the second call of troops, Company
G of the Fifth and Company G of the Seventh. Four-
fifths of these two companies died on the field of battle
or in hospitals. Two companies of the Thirteenth, C and
K, were raised in Passaic, and the Twenty-second Regi
ment, mustered in September 22, 1862, was made entirely
from Bergen County men, numbering 639. One-half
of the Twenty-fifth Regiment came from Passaic, with
Andrew Derron as Colonel.
Here's to the squire who goes to parade
Here's to the citizen soldier;
Here's to the merchant who fights for his trade ;
Whom danger increasing makes bolder.
Here's to the lawyer, who leaving his bar;
Hastens where honor doth lead, Sir;
Changing his gown for the ensigns of war ;
The cause of his country, to plead, Sir ;
Freedom appears,
Every heart cheers ;
And calls for the help of the brave Volunteers.
The official records of the State show the following
Vreelands on the rolls of the "Boys in Blue" during the
Civil War:
Abram Vreeland, Navy.
Abraham Vreeland, Twenty-third Regiment, Co. A.
Alexander Vreeland, First Regiment, Co E, First
Lieutenant. Alexander Vreeland, Thirteenth Regiment, Co. F,
Charles W. Vreeland, Second Cavalry, Co. E.
Cornelius Vreeland, Twenty-second Regiment, Co. C,
Corporal. Daniel S. Vreeland, Second Regiment, Co. A.
Daniel Vreeland, Second Cavalry, Co. A.
David C. Vreeland, Thirty-fifth Regiment, Co. F,
Color Sergeant.
David D. Vreeland, Twenty-second Regiment, Co. C.
David Vreeland, Navy.
Elias Vreeland, Seventh Regiment, Cos. A and B.
Garret Vreeland, Seventh Regiment, Co. D.
Garret Vreeland, Twenty-seventh Regiment, Co. K.
Garret J. Vreeland, Twenty-fifth Regiment, Co. K.
Hartman Vreeland, Second Regiment, Co. E, Sergeant.
Hartman Vreeland, Navy, died at sea.
Hartman M. Vreeland, Twenty-first Regiment, Co. C.
Henry Vreeland, Second Regiment, Co. F, First Lieu
tenant and Captain.
Henry Vreeland, Twenty-fifth Regiment, Co. E.
Henry G. Vreeland, Twenty-second Regiment, Co. A.
Henry M. Vreeland, Sixth Regiment, Co. A.
Horatio Vreeland, Eighth Regiment, Co. C, Corporal.
Isaac P. Vreeland, Twenty-sixth Regiment, Co. D.
Jacob Vreeland, First Cavalry, Co. K.
Jacob H. Vreeland, Navy.
Jacob S. Vreeland, Thirteenth Regiment, Co. F.
John Vreeland, Twenty-second Regiment, Co. C.
John Vreeland, Twenty-first Regiment, Co. I, Captain.
John Vreeland, Twenty-fifth Regiment, Co. B.
John Vreeland, Fortieth Regiment, Co. C.
John J. Vreeland, Twenty-fifth Regiment, Co. C.
John J. Vreeland, Navy.
John O. Vreeland, Twenty-first Regiment, Co. C.
Joseph H. Vreeland, Twenty-seventh Regiment, Co. E.
Joseph P. Vreeland, Twenty-second Regiment, Co. C,
Second Lieutenant and Captain.
Michael Vreeland, Twenty-first Regiment, Co. I, Cor
poral. Michael D. Vreeland, Twenty-second Regiment, Co. A.
Orrin S. Vreeland, Twenty-sixth Regiment, Co. H.
Peter Vreeland, Twenty-fifth Regiment, Co. K.
Peter Vreeland, Seventh Regiment, Co. G.
Peter Vreeland, Artillery, Battery E, Co. I.
Ralph Vreeland, Twenty-fifth Regiment, Co. E.
Richard Vreeland, Twenty-fifth Regiment, Co. E.
Richard J. Vreeland, Thirteenth Regiment, Co. E.
Richard A. Vreeland, Second Regiment, Co. A.
Richard M. Vreeland, Artillery, Battery E, Co. I.
Stephen K. Vreeland, Second Regiment, Co. C.
Theodore Vreeland, First Cavalry, Cos. B and K.
Theodore G. Vreeland, Twenty-sixth Regiment, Co. D.
Thomas Vreeland, Forty-third Regiment, Co. K, col
ored. William Vreeland, Seventh Regiment, Cos. D and E.
William Vreeland, Second Regiment, Co. E.
William Vreeland, Tenth Regiment, Co. G.
William H. Vreeland, Twenty-sixth Regiment.
William H. Vreeland, Third Cavalry, Co. F.
Michael James Vreeland, at the age of 22, enlisted in
Company I, Fourth Michigan Infantry, June 21, 1861,
was promoted to first sergeant, then second lieutenant,
September 1, 1862; first lieutenant, October, 1862; com
manded company to April, 1863; was shot through the
lungs and right hartd at battle of Gettysburg, July 2,
1863 ; mustered out June 30, 1864, but re-enlisted Sep
tember 14 same year, and commissioned as lieutenant
colonel ; promoted to colonel and brevetted brigadier
general, March 13, 1865, for gallant and meritorious
services during the war. Mustered out and honorably
discharged May 26, 1866. Died June 12, 1875, as the
result of the wound in his lungs.
Other enlistments from Michigan were :
William J. Vreeland, Fourth Michigan, Co. I.
Henry Vreeland, Fourth Michigan, Co. D.
¦William S. Vreeland, Fourth Michigan, Co. A, second
lieutenant and assistant quartermaster.
This regiment participated in forty-one battles, had
433 men die and lost 436 through disability.
Son of Elias (2003) and Sophia S. Vreeland, was
born in Cedar Grove, Essex County, New Jersey, March
10, 1852. Received a public school education in New
ark. He entered the naval service as an apprentice in
1866, and the same year was appointed to the Naval
Academy. Graduated in June, 1870, and set out on his
first cruise, in the course of which the Congress, the
ship to which he was attached, visited Greenland, convey
ing stores for the ill-fated Hall Arctic Expedition. Sub
sequently cruised in British and Mediterranean waters,
returning home in 1873.
During the next four years he served in the North
Atlantic and Asiatic Stations. Later he was appointed
watch officer on the Ticonderoga, when that ship made
its tour of the world, via the Cape of Good Hope and
Cape Horn.
In the course of his travels, Captain Vreeland met
and married Miss Kathrina Tolson, in 1884. Mrs.
Vreeland is. a descendant of a long line of military
ancestors. From 1884 to 1887 he served aboard the famous Hart-
Captain Charles E. Vreeland, U. S. N.
ford and was then detailed for duty in the office of
Naval Intelligence.
His first command was in 1889, when he was ap
pointed to the Blake, a small vessel of 500 tons, engaged
in scientific work in the Gulf Stream.
From 1893 to 1897 Captain Vreeland served as Naval
Attache at Berlin, Vienna, and Rome.
The outbreak of the Spanish War in 1898 found him
on board the gunboat Helena as executive officer. Took
part in several of the minor engagements of the war and
in recognition of services was awarded a medal with
bars, also the Spanish Campaign Badge.
At the close of the war with Spain, Captain Vreeland
was ordered to the Philippines as executive officer, first
on the Concord and later on the flagship Baltimore. He
arrived at Manila at the beginning of the Filipino out
break, remaining on the station a year, and is now privi
leged to wear the Philippine Campaign Badge.
He was appointed in March, 1905, as Aid to the
Assistant Secretary of the Navy, which position he relin
quished in April, 1907, to take command of the Kansas,
attached to the U. S. Atlantic Fleet and as her com
mander participated in the famous "cruise around the
world." On April 8th he was assigned to duty in the office of
Naval Intelligence, Washington, D. C, and on May 15th
to duty as Chief Intelligence Officer.
A Tribute by B. W. Throckmorton.
Call the battle rolls of the American Revolution and
where do we find New Jersey?
Let Princeton, Monmouth, Trenton and Paulus Hook
Search the pages of history and find a battle among
the many fought to create the great nation, in which
Jerseymen did not take part, and always with honor,
and on the historic page, too, read the fact that during
the Revolutionary struggle New Jersey contributed more
in blood and treasure, in proportion to her wealth and
population, to the patriotic cause, than any other colony.
Again, no one can read the record of New Jersey and
her troops in our late gigantic contest waged to secure
equal justice to all men, without a quicker beating of the
heart in pride.
More than 90,000 men were by New Jersey sent, first
and last, to the front, an excess of 11,000 more than was
required of her.
And in all that goes to make good soldiers, in order,
discipline, coolness, daring, staying powers, self-sacri
fice, unquestionable patriotism, New Jersey's troops had
or could have no superiors.
My recollection of the time of the Civil War begins
in the early part of April, 1861. After President Lin
coln's call for troops the excitement was intense. My
father used to hitch up his team of grays to his big farm
wagon, and with a band of music inside, and big
streamers on each side labeled "War Meeting To-night,"
drive through the principal streets of Bergen. The
armory of the local military company was on the corner
of Bergen and Communipaw avenues, and on the vacant
lot opposite the recruiting tent was pitched. In front
of this the meetings were held, and stirred up by the
eloquence of Hardenberg, Van Riper, Vreeland, Corneli
son, Throckmorton, Wynkoop, Van Wagenen and others,
including old Domine Taylor, the boys responded nobly,
and the people gave of their means toward the equip
ment fund.
The Second Regiment enlisted almost to a man, so far
as the physical regulations would permit. On the fourth
day after the call was received the regiment left for
Trenton to be mustered in.
The meetings were continued under the auspices of
the "League of Public Safety," which raised funds, not
only for the early needs of the enlisted men, but equally
important, the care and support of the wives and children
left behind, for with the wage-earner absent poverty
stared many families in the face, yet be it said with all
honor to the patriotic Bergen people not one was allowed
to suffer privation or want. The League was composed
principally of men who were too old to enlist themselves.
Another institution that accomplished much good was
the "Sanitary Commission," composed principally of
women, which used to hold meetings around in one
other's houses, where lint and bandages would be pre
pared to send to the hospitals.
We boys and girls did our share by taking part in
concerts and exhibitions, the proceeds going to the Sani
tary Fund.
I wonder how many boys are alive to-day who took
part in singing "Johnny Smoker" at these affairs?
During the period of the awful draft riots in New
York the colored people of that city, afraid for their
lives, on account of the outrages committed upon some
of their number by the rowdies, some of them were shot,
others hung to the lamp-posts, and many thrown into
the river and drowned. Hundreds fled to New Jersey.
The Mill Rocks, the local colored settlement, was depop
ulated in the panic, and the poor blacks huddled together
under the trees in Currie's woods and the "Cedars." I
have seen bands of the colored men, armed with hoes,
scythes, axes, corn knives and a few guns, guarding the
weaker ones at these camps. A special subscription was
raised to procure food, and here the power of the rabble
was manifested. Word was sent around to every mem
ber of the committee that if they fed the "niggers" their
houses would be burned over their heads, but the Bergen
Dutchmen were not so easily scared. The influence of
their forefathers' experiences were still with them, and
they went ahead with their preparations. I can remem
ber clearly seeing our carriage house piled up almost to
the ceiling with loaves of bread, cheeses, hams and other
articles, and it was a sight I shall never forget to see the
colored people coming with bags, baskets and whatever
other receptacle was convenient, often nothing better than
the women's aprons, and going away again loaded down
with provisions and singing, "Glory, Glory, Hallelujah,"
as only darkies could. We boys (I was only twelve years
old) helped distribute the food.
We had caught the military spirit that prevailed every
where, and had organized the "Washington Zouaves,"
with home-made red, white and blue uniforms, wooden
guns and swords. We had my father's tool house for
our armory, and we paraded every day after school was
out. Then the letters that used to come from the boys
at the front, with envelopes bearing army pictures, flags,
cannons, guns, swords and camp scenes, in the most
glaring or patriotic colors. These letters were read by
the recipients and then passed around from house to
house. Then came a time when money became scarce
at Washington, and the men at the front could not be
paid, superhuman efforts being made necessary to even
feed them. Notice was given that the "League" would
forward boxes of clothing to the soldiers, and home knit
stockings, underwear, mittens, home-made cakes and
other articles were sent in large numbers, sufficient to
fill several boxes. Two of the committee, my father and
Dr. Cornelison, were selected to accompany the boxes to
the front, but upon their arrival at Washington they dis
covered that in consequence of an expected approaching
attack upon Richmond they would have difficulty in get
ting further. They were rebuffed at every point until at
last they got to good old Honest Abe, and he gave them
a pass to the army headquarters. The scenes when the
boxes were opened as described by the committee made a
picture that is difficult of description. The good old
doctor and my father never got tired of telling of their
experiences. As each package would be lifted out of its
box and the name marked thereon read off, shouts and
yells accompanied by not a few tears, were the order of
the day. Some were disappointed, but the other boys
generously divided up the good things and all were happy.
The next event that occurs to me was the return of the
Twenty-first Regiment when their enlistment expired,
when the old Bergen church was thrown open for the
public reception and the presentation of medals. Some
of the recipients had to walk down the aisles upon
crutches, to be decorated amid the cheers and tears of the
big audience. The women folks had prepared a big din
ner with the assistance of the Mill Rock contingent,
which was served in Merseles' Grove, on Orchard street,
back of the present car sheds.
The centennial celebration of the birthday of Lincoln
recalls to mind the time of his assassination. Our fam
ily were all seated at the breakfast table on Saturday
morning, April 15, and I went out to get the morning
paper. The headlines, "President Lincoln Shot," stood
out in glaring letters, and I started on a run for the
house, shouting the news as I went. My mother and
sister burst into tears, and no more breakfast was eaten
in that house that morning. The lying in state in the
1 86
New York City Hall and the funeral at Springfield fol
lowed. I do not believe that a single house in Bergen
was without its mourning drapery on the day of the
funeral. My father had been President of the Lincoln and
Johnson Campaign Club in the fall of 1864, and had given
over the use of his big barn on the homestead place at
"Off-all" for a wigwam in which to hold campaign meet
ings. He was also President of the Union League, a
semi-secret patriotic order of those times, and he espe
cially was profoundly affected by the passing away of the
"Emancipator." THE BOOK OF THE WARS.
By Wilbur D. Nesbit.
"Wherefore it is said in the book of the wars of the
Lord, what he did in the Red Sea and in the brooks of
Arnon." — Numbers, 21 :i4.
When the Book of the Wars of Men is done
And the story is truly penned
From the yellowing page of the tale begun
To the chapter that holds The End — ¦
When the trumpets of peace the world around
Have blent in a chorus grand,
And the battle flag shall no more be found
As a shadow above the land;
Will we keep the Book of the Wars of Men
In a high and an honored place,
That our children's sons may be thrilled again
With the stories their eyes may trace?
Will we cherish the book in faithful pride
That men of a future age
May acquaint themselves with the ones who died
That the volume might have a page?
Will the Book of the Wars of Men tell truth ?
Will it mingle the songs and cheers
With the sacrifice of the beardless youth
And the dew of a mother's tears ?
Will it blazon in gold the noble deed
That won a forgotten fame?
Will it tell of the gripe of a ceaseless greed
That has wrought for a nation's shame?
O, the Book of the Wars of Men ! It waits
Till the wakening of the world,
Till the banners that tell of scorns and hates
In the glory of peace are furled —
Will we keep it to tell of the rolling drum
And the peals that the filers know,
Or to speak to the men of the days to come
Of the way that they must not gn?
historic coins.
Utrecht. Leyden.
Netherland-India. Zeeland.
A complete story of the coinage of the moneys of Hol
land would in many ways be a recountal of the history
of the country itself. In the early days each province
had its own mint, and the coins produced at each place
can be distinguished by the mint marks. Thus, Utrecht
used the letters "TRA," and "ZEE" was the Zeeland
mark. By great good fortune and the courtesy of Mr.
Nehemiah Vreeland, of Paterson, we are enabled to pre
sent photographic reproductions of some of the tokens,
the origin of which bear very closely upon the history
of the provinces in which the Vreelands have particular
interest, and in which the family has been and is now
closely connected, and the dates of issue of which are
nearly coincident with the phases of the family history
recounted in other chapters. Patriotic reasons are, there
fore, predominant in showing duplications of these coins
to the present members of the family.
We will describe the coins pictured on this and adjoin
ing pages, not in chronological order, but more in connec
tion with the localities through which the continuous
story of the Vreelands progresses.
As the title "Vreeland" first comes to our notice in the
ancient city of that name in the province of Utrecht, we
present a "daalder" of the year 1687 upon which is im
pressed the coat of arms of the province and the figure
of its patron saint, St. Martin de Grote.
The diagonal shaped token next pictured is a thirty
stivers piece struck in 1574 in Leyden, during the most
famous of all the many sieges of Holland. The Vree
lands are interested in this place because of the fact that
Johannes Vreeland was a theological student in the great
university founded by William, Prince of Orange, in
honor of the brave defense made by its citizens and as a
reward for its suffering.
There was no regular mint in this city and no bullion
available, so the authorities were forced to use book and
Bible covers to make pasteboard, upon which the impres
sions were stamped and given official sanction as money.
A whole book could be written upon the details of this,
the most famous of all the sieges, where the Dutchmen
cut dyke after dyke, and floated their vessels fifteen miles
over once verdant fields and thriving villages to the gates
of the city, driving the enemy before them by the force
of the waters and reaching their friends just in time to
save them from starvation.
No more wonderful story of patriotism and self-sacri
fice has ever been enacted in the history of the world.
The third coin, also of diagonal shape, is a siege coin
of Middleburg, struck in 1572, a date closely coincident
with our earliest record of the Vreeland family in Wal
cheren Island. The Spaniards were the besieged in this
case, and they made this coin. After twenty-two months
of hard fighting they were forced put of this, their great
est stronghold, and its capture by the Dutchmen did much
toward loosing their grip upon Holland.
The fourth coin is a ducaton of Netherland India,
struck in 1728, which was only a few years before Jo
hannes Gerardus Vreeland was appointed Governor of
the colony.
The lower pair show both sides of a Zeeland Daalder.
On one side may be seen the arms of Zeeland (the half
submerged lion), typical of the experience of the prov
ince, and on the other side are the arms of the seven
divisions of the province. The rough edges of the coins
are due to the lack of proper machinery for trimming, as
hand shears had to be employed to trim the coins.
Amsterdam, of course, has a peculiar interest for the
Vreelands. Here it was from whence Fitje Hartman's
people sailed forth to deeds of daring, in sweeping the
seas of invaders, and bringing back rich spoils, in the
latter part of the sixteenth century, and we are privileged
to exhibit a token of the year 1578, coined by the Span
iards, who were then in possession, from silver obtained
from the statue of good old St. Nicholas, the patron saint,
and from vases and chandeliers stolen from the church
of Notre Dame.
A dozen years later, after the Spaniards had been
driven out, we find the Hartmans at the head of sailing
expeditions to Africa, Brazil and other ports, returning
laden with rich cargoes.
A Nicholas Hartman was conspicuous as a surgeon
in Leyden and Amsterdam in 1626, which was just twelve
years before Michael Jansen and his wife Fitje, and ser
vants, set sail for the new world with their son Nicholas,
who was a namesake of the famous doctor.
In addition to the coins of the sections in which the
Vreelands were personally interested we show reproduc
tions of tokens of some momentous events in other sec
tions of Holland, in which, alike with all other good
patriots, our relatives have a justifiable interest.
First is a "Daalder" of Haarlem, of 1572, a reminder
of the gallant defense of that city, which surrender only
after seven months of the hardest kind of fighting. It
was here that the women showed their fighting qualities,
for among the defenders was a corps of three hundred
women led by Kanau Simoas Hasselaar, which took part
in many of the most fiercely contested actions of the
siege. Over 10,000 people perished in this siege, and
2,000 of the townspeople were executed by the conqueror.
This is a fifty stivers piece of Groningen, struck in
1672, when the town was besieged. Louis XIV. of
France formed alliance with the Electors of Cologne and
Hanover and the Bishop of Munster, ' and had brought
200,000 men into Holland. This, in addition to her fight
with England, gave Holland something to keep her busy.
England signed a treaty of peace in 1674 and France in
1678. One of the streets in the town is called "Oude Kiek
in't jat Straat" (the old peep into the Harbor street),
and a projecting corner is adorned with the head of a
bearded man, with the inscription "Ich Kiek noch in't"
(I still peep into it). The street was opened to com
memorate the siege, and the inscription imports that as
long as the Harbor is free from enemies no real danger
will come to the town.
The rule of Governor Kieft brought about great loss
to the settlement of New Netherland. His trickery of
the Indians and his general dictatorial policy toward the
whole people brought about a petition for his recall,
which request was granted. Kieft, later on, confessed
his wrong and asked forgiveness. It was seen that stern
measures were necessary to bring about a return of
prosperity, and the West India Company selected a mili
tary man in the person of Peter Stuyvesant as Director
General ; but his military education proved of little avail
in his civil performances. His bravery none could ques
tion. He was the son of a Domine and scion of a noble
family, but he was not in sympathy with the popular
rights of the people. His private character was above
reproach, his high sense of honor and purity of purpose,
his unspotted integrity were outweighed in a measure
by his dictatorial conduct. He flouted the spirit of the
republic, and trampled on the instincts of free men. He
at once met with sturdy resistance of the patriotic free
men, who demanded the same rights as in the Father
land. They declined to pay taxes not voted by them
selves. Right of representation in government was a
Netherlander's cherished possession, and in the new
world they did not propose to revert to old methods.
The Nine Men of his council led by Michael Jansen
and Arian Van der Donck, considered that they repre
sented the community, and what they should do, should
be the act of the whole community, and so, in fact, it
was, so long as it corresponded with the wishes of the
Director. A protest was prepared to the States General in Hol
land, this paper being drawn up in Michael Jansen's
house in Communipaw, and signed by six of the Nine
Men, with Jansen's name at the top. It asked for more
freedom of trade, which, under Stuyvesant's rule, tended
to restrict enterprise and retard population.
Jansen was to have been one of the committee to go
to Holland to present the paper, but by reason of the
unsettled condition of his affairs with the colony of
Rensselaerwyck a substitute went over in his place. It
has been affirmed that when Jansen left Albany he was
in debt to the .colony, but here is the language of offi
cialdom: "Jansen made his fortune in the colony in a
few years (this does not look like the actions of a 'farm
servant'), but not being able to agree with the officers,
finally came to live upon the Island of Manhattan. The
account between him and the colony not .being settled,
in which the Proprietors did not consider themselves
indebted as he claimed." This puts the boot on the
other foot assuredly.
The deputation sailed for Holland in 1649, and upon
arrival discovered that Stuyvesant like the true soldier
that he was, was acting under orders. While all asked
for was not granted, orders were given to repair the
forts, to export no more cattle, reorganize the Council,
and establish a city government.
The course of Michael Jansen as a leader for prin
ciple and justice was thus clearly sustained.
A land that rides at anchor,
and is moor'd,
In which they do not live,
but go aboard.
Holland is the ideal starting point for a thorough visit
of Europe; it is almost the very center of gravity of the
Continent, its railroads reach out in all directions to carry
the tourist into adjacent or far-away lands, and the nat
ural desire to see again its many charms canbe gratified
by the necessary return for embarkation on the home-
bound steamer.
The lovers of art must go to Holland, for the Dutch
painters are supreme, and nothing can be more pictur
esque than the infinite variety of queer gables and pedi
ments, scrolls and windows in the canal streets. Hol
land, indeed, is like a cabinet picture by one of its native
artists — so wonderfully exact, highly finished and thor
oughly worked up in everything.
If the lovers of art should visit Holland to become
possessed of those inspirations which found expression in
the world's masterpieces, still more incumbent is such a
pilgrimage upon all who are in sympathy with free
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thought and religious and political liberty. Holland gave
to America the example of a country struggling for lib
erty. It taught Europe everything else. It instructed
the farmers of the world in systematic agriculture. It
gave to navigation its greatest impulse, made voyages
of discovery popular, and founded rational commerce.
Its learned scholars enriched the world's thought, its
physicians and physicists extended the boundaries of
knowledge, and from its banks and counting houses came
the soundest principles of finance and economics. In
short, there was a time when this little plot of land held
within its boundaries precepts and examples for the civi
lized world. Nearly every city in Holland finds its name
on at least one page of the world's history.
To travel in Holland it is unnecessary to be acquainted
with the language. Any man with ordinary intelligence
will be able to find his way anywhere. There is no place
in Europe where the American will feel so much at home
as in Holland. It is, therefore, the country first to be
visited and the last which one should leave. The Dutch
mind is quite like the American in its methods of thought ;
there is the same intensity of feeling on all religious
questions, the same revolting at oppressive restrictions,
and the same keen, practical genius.
As a people, Hollanders hold stubbornly to their an
cient customs, preserving almost intact, and despite the
neighborhood of three great nations, their own individ
uality, and remaining, of all the northern races, that one
which, though ever advancing in the path of civilization,
has kept its antique stamp most clearly.
Six fine twin screw steamers of the Holland-American
line leave New York every Tuesday for Rotterdam.
These boats are luxuriously appointed and embody in
their construction all the latest improvements which tend
to make a sea voyage a pleasure trip.
The Rotterdam, the flagship of the line, is the third
largest passenger steamer in the world, being 668 feet
long, 77 feet wide, and with a registered tonnage of
24.170 tons. The office of the company is at 39 Broad
way, where all necessary information can be obtained.
Vreeland Genealogy, 1638 to 1909.
Rev. Abraham H. Vreeland (807).
Jacob Vreeland (185).
Elias A. Vreeland (808).
In working out this genealogical table, I have retained
the numbers from Winfield's History of Hudson County,
to avoid confusion in searching for information.
It has been a long drawn out task to accumulate the
mass of information contained in the following lists,
and yet it is by no means complete; in fact, it would be
a task covering an ordinary life-time to even approxi
mately approach perfection.
The family is scattered all over the United States and
a good way beyond, and although hundreds of letters
have been written and years of personal endeavor been
used up, the task is unfinished, yet for all I am just
egotistical enough to flatter myself upon the amount of
work accomplished.
The indifference 'of many representatives of the family
has been one great cause for the incompleteness of the
story of certain branches; but, on the other hand, I have
to thank most sincerely those who have given of their
time and labor to assist me.
To Nehemiah Vreeland, of Paterson, I am especially
indebted, for he has been untiring in his efforts to aid me,
and the result is shown by the complete details of the
Passaic County families.
When Winfield published his history of Hudson County
in 1874 he had worked out a list of some four hundred
names, while in this department I am showing an army
close to two thousand individuals.
1. Claas, married Annetke M. Gerabrants, April 14,
2. Elias (9), married Grietje Jacobs Van Winkle,
August 30, 1665.
3. Enoch (10), baptized Oct. 26, 1649; married
Dircksje Meyers, June 20, 1670.
4. Hartman (22), baptized Oct. 15, 1651 ; married
Metje Braecke, 1672.
5. Johannis (35), baptized Oct. 1, 1656; married
Claesje Braecke, May 14, 1662.
6. Cornelius (44), June 3; married, first, Fitje
Braecke, May 11, 1691 ; second, Lysbet Van
Winkle, April 17, 1692.
7. Jannetje, married Dirck Teunissen Van Vechten.
8. Pryntje, married Andries Classen, March 25,
CLAES (1).
I. Johannis, Feb. 25, 1652 ; married Antje VanVorst.
II. Lysbet, Jan. 3, 1655 ; married Elias Cornelison.
III. Pieter, May 25, 1657; married Betsy Jans.
I. Catherine, Feb. 4, 1680.
II. Iden, Jan. 27, 1682.
III. Johannis, Jan. 16, 1687.
IV. Judith, Jan. 16, 1687.
V. Hillegond, Aug. 30, 1689.
VI. Dircksje, Aug. 30, 1689.
VII. Cornelius, June 12, 1692.
VIII. Annetje, June 12, 1692.
IX. Elizabeth, June 1, 1695.
X. Andras, Oct. 14, 1697.
ELIAS (2), had ch. :
9. Michael, bap. April 7, 1666.
9a. Jacobus, April 8, 1668.
9b. Fitje, Dec. 25, 1669; m. John Thomas of Eliz-
abethtown. 9c. Trintje, March, 1672; m. Lourens Van Galen.
9d. Ragel, March 8, 1676.
9e. Jacob, Aug. 9, 1678; m. Antje Lourense Toers,
ENOCH (3).
10. Elsje, bap. Nov. 12, 1671 ; m. Edward Earle.
11. Catharina, May 15, 1673; m. Aert Albertse.
12. Michael, January 27, 1675.
13. Johannis (52), April 7, 1677; m. Maria Berger.
14. Abraham (53), bap. June 22, 1678; m. Margritje
Van Winkle. He went to live at Second River
(Belleville), joined in the call for a new church
in 1725, and was the ancestor of the Macopin
15. Fitje, Feb. 28, 1680; m. Peregine Sanford.
16. Isaac, Jan. 14, 1683 ; m. Tryntje Van Winkle.
Had son Simon, June 5, 1709; Annetze, May
18, 1712.
17. Enoch (55), Aug. 4, 1687; m. Marie St. Leger
(widow of Van Horn) .
18. Benjamin, March 6, 1705.
19. Elias.
20. Jacob, Oct. 18, 1708.
21. Joris (56), Sept. 25, 1710; m., first, Annetje Van
Winkle; second, Anetje Van Wagenen; died
June 21, 1795. He built the house at the foot
of Chapel avenue, a picture of which is shown
in our Homestead Chapter.
22. Claas, April 6, 1675 ; m., first, Annetje Hartman.
He had one son, Hartman, who inherited one-
half of Constable Hook. Second wife, Elsje
23. Aeltje, Oct. 8, 1677.
24. Michael, Dec. 31, 1678.
25. Dirck (66), April 3, 1681 ; m. Margrietje Banta.
27 28
29 3°3i32
Fitje, Feb. 21, 1683 ; m. Dirck Paulison.
Styntje, Feb. 21, 1683.
Aagtge, Oct. 28, 1684; m. Cornelius Brinkerhofr.
Diederickse, Nov. 27, 1685.
Marietje, Nov. 23, 1687; m. Thomas Fredericks.
Jannetje, July 22, 1691 ; m. Gerrit Van Riper.
Michael (67), Dec. 26, 1694; m. Elizabeth Van
33. Ar riant je, July 19, 1698 m. Zacharias Sickles.
34. Enoch; m. Jannetje Van Blarcom; had son
Michael, born May 23, 1730.
35. Michael, Sept. 14, 1684.
36. Dirck, Oct. 11, 1686; m. Fitje D. Banta.
37. Fitje, Oct. 28, 1688.
38. Enoch, Oct. 28, 1688; m. Mercy . His son
was Abraham, lived in Elizabeth, and died in
1 77 1. Abraham's children were Enoch, James,
Abraham, Aaron, Hannah, Elizabeth, Rachel,
Sarah and Mercy.
39. Aagtje, April 22, 1690; m. Cornelius Van Houten.
40. Helena ; m. John H. Van Houten.
41. Jannetje; m. Martin Winner.
42. Elias; m. Maritje Van Horn; had son John
(1500), born Aug. 30, 1730; m. Christiana
43. Johannis, July 1, 1705; m. Antje Diedericks,
had son, John, born July 30, 1731, and twelve
other children.
44. Aagtje, April 18, 1682 ; m. Roelof H. Van Houten.
45. Fitje, July 22, 1683; m. Laurence Van Buskirk.
46. Michael, Aug. 2, 1685.
47. Michael, Feb. 23, 1687.
48. Jannstje, Nov. 28, 1688; m. Daniel Van Winkle.
49. Neeltje, July 23, 1690.
50. Michael (71), Sept. 18, 1694; m. Jenneke Van
51. Metje, Oct. 3, 1698.
52. Maria, Nov. 29, 1702.
52a. Catharina, Nov. 19, 1704.
52b. Enoch, Jan. 22, 1707.
52c. Martinus, April 3, 1709.
53. Enoch, March 14, 1700; m. Rachel. Had son
Daniel, who had son John.
54. Jacob ( 1 100) ; m. Esha Speer.
54a. Johannis.
54b. Simeon.
54c. Isaac; m. Aeltje Van Giesen; March 14, 1749.
54d. Abraham; m. Aegie Van Zyle, Feb. 23, 1751.
54e. Hendrick; m. Entje Wouterse, Dec. 31, 1758.
54f. Dirck; m. Fitje Van Wagenen, Sept. 14, 1763.
54g. Lea; m. Dolhauber, Oct. 7, 1752.
54I1. Jannetje; m. Marte Van Duyn, April 3, 1760.
ENOCH (17).
55. Enoch, Oct. 4, 1710.
55a. Cornelius, Jan. 28, 1713.
55b. Elias, March 4, 1715.
55c. Benjamin, Dec. 11, 1717.
JORIS (21).
56. Aagtje, Sept. 18, 1733 ; m. Helmig Van Houten.
57. Enoch, Sept. 22, 1737.
57a. Garret, May 17, 1739.
58. Enoch, Feb. 18, 1741 ; m. Cornelia Kip ; lived in
New Barbadoes.
59. Jacob ; m. Jenneke Cadmus ; Staten Island.
6o. Johannis, Sept. 21, 1749; m. Helena Garrabrant;
had son Joris.
61. Garret (80), Nov. 1, 1751; m. Jannetje Cadmus.
62. Effie ; m. Jacob Van Wagenen.
63. Lena; m. Garret Van Ripen.
64. Jenneke, Dec. 1, 1758; m., first, Henry Newkirk;
second, Joseph Van Winkle.
65. Annatje; m. Michael Vreeland (78).
DIRCK (25).
66. Hartman, Jan. 24, 1704.
66a. Rachel, July 16, 1707.
66b. Maritje, April 7, 1709.
66c. Hester, Feb. 25, 1712.
66d. Dirck, Nov. 16, 1716.
66e. John, Oct. 12, 1719.
66f. Antje, July 4, 1722.
66g. Claesje.
66h. Michael (1700) ; served in Revolutionary War.
66j. Margrietje.
67. Hartman; m. Maritje Garrabrant; moved to
Wesel, had children Michael (2200), Cornelius,
Jennie, Elizabeth and Beelitje.
68. Garret ; died unmarried.
69. Claas (86), March 30, 1724; m., first, Catlyntje
Sip ; second, Nancy Basset.
70. Beelitje, March 19, 1733; m. Cornelius Sip.
70a. Maritje.
71. Metje, Dec. 28, 1720; m. Abram Van Tuyl.
72. Jannetje; m. Joris Cadmus.
73. Cornelius (93), Jan., 1726; m. Catrintje Cadmus;
moved to English neighborhood.
74- Helmagh (94), Feb. 20, 1728; m., first, Neeltje
Van Wagenen; second, Jannetje Sip.
75. Aagtje, Feb. 14, 1732.
75a. Abraham, Aug. 16, 1734.
76. Dirck (1802), moved to English neighborhood.
77. Jacob (2400), March 11, 1737; moved to Fort
78. Michael (98), June 24, 1739; m. Annatje Vree
land (64).
79 Johannis, March 2, 1742 ; m. Keetje Hoagland.
GARRET (61).
80. Joris.
81. Jacob (106), June 25, 1781 ; m. Catlyntje Brink-
erhoff; moved to Rocky Hill.
82. Annatje, Feb. 15, 1784.
83. George (112); m., first, Catherine Newkirk; 2d,
Maria Schoonmaker Collerd; third, Josephine
84. Jannetje, March 14, 1790; m. George Demott.
85. Richard (112), July 24, 1792; m. Margaret De
CLAAS (69).
Michael (133), July 31, 1758; m. Gertje Sickles.
Antje, Feb. 28, 1762; m. Jurrie Van Ripen.
Elizabet, May 30, 1764; m. Cornelius Van Riper.
Sarah, Oct. 7, 1766.
Sally, Sept. 14, 1769; m. Jacobus Van Buskirk.
Beelitje, m. John Westervelt, of Teaneck.
Stephen (142), May 31, 1778; m., first, Jenneke
Vreeland (104); second, Elizabeth Van Ripen;
third, Aeltje Van Winkle; fourth, Ellen Schoon
maker; fifth, Rachel Van Winkle Van Ripen;
sixth, Hannah Cross.
93. Michael, Nov. 24, 1757.
93a. Dirck, May 25, 1760.
93b. Cornelius (1821), Sept. 20, 1762.
94. Michael, Jan. 14, 1759.
95. William (1770); m., first, Rachel Van Buskirk;
second, Catherine Sickles Johnson.
96. Cornelius, 1769; m. Elizabeth Van Buskirk.
98. George, Jan. 31, 1762; m. Jane Brinkerhoff.
99. Annatje, July 19, 1764; m. Jasper Zabriskie.
100. Jenneke, 1775 ; m. Dirck Van Riper.
101. John, May 1, 1780; m. Aegie Cadmus.
102. Michael, April 18, 1768 ; m. Annatje Garrabrant.
103. Jannetje, Oct. 22, 1772; m. Aaron Newkirk.
104. Jenneke; m. Stephen Vreeland (92).
105. Cornelia, 1782; m. Garret Van Winkle.
JACOB (81).
106. Garret (184), Nov. 20, 1801 ; m. Jane Vreeland
(163) ; moved to Rocky Hill.
107. Henry (185), March 23, 1804; m. Margaret
Vreeland (164), moved to Delaware.
108. George (186), Aug. 3, 1807; m. Ann Vreeland
(259), moved to Illinois.
109. John (187), Jan. 4, 1810; m. Eliza' Van Ripen,
moved to Trenton.
no. Cornelius (188), Aug. 26, 1812; m. first, Cath
erine Van Horn ; second, Maria Vreeland.
in. Jacob, Aug. 17, 1817; m. Gitty Vreeland (227),
moved to Rocky Hill.
GEORGE (83).
112. Garret (194), Oct. 30, 1809; m. Catherine Mer-
113. Jane, April 7, 1812; m. first, Andrew Cadmus;
second, Oliver P. Smith.
114. Maria, Jan. 28, 1814; m. William Smith.
115. George (195), Oct. 8, 1816; m. Cathalina New
116. Margaret, July 28, 1818; m. Merseles M. Parks.
117. Hannah, Jan. 10, 1820; m. John Meyers.
118. Henry (202), Dec. 28, 1821 ; m. Julia Ann Pharo.
119. Helen, Dec. 22, 1823; m. Jasper Cadmus.
120. Jacob, July 17, 1826; m. first, Ellen Schoon-
maker ; second, Anna Rosencamp.
121. Catherine, March 15, 1829.
122. Garret (203), Sept. 20, 1816; m., first, Elizabeth
Terhune ; second, Phebe E. Rapp ; third, Mary
Anna Van Ripen.
123. Michael DeMott (205), Nov. 21, 1818; m. first,
Ann Van Horn ; second, Ann Elizabeth Welsh.
124. Richard C. (208), Dec. 14, 1820; m. Margaret
Ann Demarest, moved to Lodi. She died March
10, 1909.
125. Henry (210), Oct. 19, 1822; m. Elizabeth J.
126. Catherine C, May 17, 1825; m. Dr. Watts Bur
127. George (212), Nov. 3, 1827; m. Susan M. Vree
land (194).
128. John, March 23, 1830; m. Jane Ackerman; had
son Albert.
129. Jane, July n, 1832.
130. Mary Anna, Nov. n, 1834.
131. Jacob Benjamin (213), May 1^ 1837; m. Kate
Ann Welsh.
132. Peter, Nov. 24, 1839.
133. Catlyntje, Aug. 28, 1782; died young.
134. Catlyntjre, Jan. 9, 1785 ; m. Henry Van Horn.
135. Antje, Dec. 14, 1786; m. Jacob D. Van Winkle.
136. Nicholas (214), Feb. 20, 1789; m. first, Annatje
Winner ; second, Elizabeth Van Ripen.
137. Daniel (218), Feb. 27, 1791 ; m. Cornelia New
138. Garret (225), Jan. 31, 1793; m. Jane Winner.
139. Abraham, June 27, 1795; m. Annatje Van Ripen.
140. Cornelius M. (241), 1798; m. Catherine New
kirk ; moved to Lisbon, Illinois ; died July 17,
141. Gertrude, Feb. 23, 1805; died 1806.
141a. William; born and died in 1807.
142. Antje, Feb. 4, 1799 ; m. Peter V. B. Vreeland
143. Cornelia, Nov. 16, 1801 ; d. 1802.
144. Elizabeth, March 28, 1803 ; d. 1816.
145. Cornelia, July 2, 1806; m. Garret Wauters.
146. Maria, Dec. 10, 1809; m. Peter Van Riper.
147. Isabella, Jan. 26, 1813; m. Leonard Johnson.
148. Eliza, Feb. n, 1816; m. Cornelius Cadmus.
149. Nicholas S. (247), Nov. 21, 1818; d. Aug. 9,
1887; m. Ellen J. Van Ripen; she died April 18,
1880; second, Sara Berry, June 21, 1882.
150. Fanny G., Feb. 27, 1821.
150a. Janet, Sept. 2, 1823.
151. Stephen B. (248), Dec. 21, 1824; m. Mary Mer-
152. Helen, Aug. 18, 1826.
153. Elizabeth, Dec. 16, 1794; m. John Cadmus.
154. Margaret; m. Jasper Cadmus.
!55- William (249), Dec. 2, 1801 ; m. Maria J. Van
156. Peter V. B. (255), Aug. 30, 1811; m. Jane Van
157. Cornelius, Dec. 22, 1814; m. Caroline Simonson.
158. Jane Maria, Sept. 23, 1823; m. Samuel Meyers.
158a. Rachel V. B., Oct. 30, 1826.
159. William C. (259); m. Cornelia Vreeland (180),
moved to Middlebush.
160. Peter V. B. (262), Aug. 27, 1795; m. Antje
Vreeland (142).
161. Eliza, June 18, 1798; m. Stephen Terhune.
162. Cornelius C. (270), Nov. 26, 1800; m. Catherine
163. Jane; m. Garret Vreeland (106).
164. Margaret; m. Henry Vreeland (107).
165. Rachel ; m. Henry J. Mandeville.
166. Ann; m. Michael Vreeland (183).
GEORGE (98).
167. Michael (274), Oct. 31, 1781 ; m. Aeltje Out
168. Hartnan (282), March 15, 1784; m. Eliza Gau-
169. Annetje, March 30, 1786; m. Thomas McDonald.
170. Cornelius, Feb. 25, 1789; d. 1813.
171. John G. (283), Jan. 3, 1792; m. Catherine Van
Houten; d. 1832.
172. Claesje, Dec. 26, 1794; m. George Van Riper.
173. Jacob, Oct. 11, 1797; d. 1797.
174- Henry (287), Oct. 11, 1797; m. Lucinda Jerola-
175. Jacob, July 5, 1800; d. 1800.
176. Garret (296), June 26, 1803; m. Mary Smith;
d. 1852.
177. Jacob, March 9, 1809; d. 181 1.
MICHAEL (102).
178. Lybertje, Aug. 14, 1790; m. George Cadmus.
179. John M. (301), Sept. 30, 1792; m., first, Rachel
Mandeville; second, Ellen Schwab.
180. Cornelia, Dec. 24, 1794; m. William C. Vreeland
(159)- '
181. Annatje, March 4, 1797; m. Nicholas Prior.
182. Mindert (305), July 1, 1800; m., first, Catharine
Cadmus; second, Annatje Van Riper; moved
to Rocky Hill.
183. Michael (311), Dec. 3, 1807; m. Ann Vreeland
(166). '
GARET (106).
184. Jacob, Dec. 25, 1828.
184a. Elizabeth Catherine, Nov. 7, 183 1.
184b. Jacob Henry, Oct. n, 1834.
184c. Margaret Amelia, Jan. 19, 1836.
HENRY (107).
185. William Henry, Nov. 19, 1830; m. Mary Ann
185a. Catharine Jane, Feb. 3, 1839.
185b. Cornelius ; m. Gertrude Van Mater.
185c. Garret; m. Sarah Titus.
i85d. Jacob (413) ; m., first, Pamelia Van Dyke; sec
ond, Mary A. Walton.
GEORGE (108).
186. Jacob, Dec. n, 1832.
21 t
1 86a. Cornelia Elizabeth, July 23, 1835.
186b. William Henry, Feb. 15, 1838.
186c. Catharina, Aug. 29, 1842.
i86d. Anna, Feb. 10, 1845 ; m- Jacob Van Winkle.
i86e. Cornelius, Aug. 12, 1849.
i86f. Martin L., Nov. 18, 1852.
JOHN (109).
187. John Henry, Aug. 7, 1839.
187a. Hannah V. B., Nov. 29, 1841.
187b. Carnelius V. R., Dec. 20, 1842.
188. Jacob, Nov. 7, 1836; m. Mary Jane Voorhis;
moved to Princeton.
189. Cathalina, March 8, 1838; m. Robert Stringham.
190. Henry V. H., Jan. 1, 1840; moved to Brooklyn.
191. Cornelius, May 16, 1844.
192. Amelia Ann, Jan. 16, 1846.
193. Eliza Jane, May 13, 1848; m. Theodore Cadmus.
GARRET (112).
194. Susan M., Jan. 25, 1840; m. George Vreeland
GEORGE (115).
195. Sophia Jane; m. Andrew Cadmus.
196. Cathalina; m. Peter Sip Van Winkle.
197. George W. (447), June 3, 1842; m. Helen G.
198. Rachel Emma, July 13, 1844; m. Isaac N. Ker
199. Mary Frances, Sept. 4, 1847; m. Peter C. Vree
land (353).
200. Francis N., Sept. 17, 1849; died in infancy.
201. Jefferson Lafayette (509), Sept. 12, 1851 ; m.
Mattie Renshaw.
201a. Oliver P. (404), Oct. 10, 1853; m., first, Anna
Romane ; second, Emma Westervelt.
201b. Ferdinand (505), March 14, 1856; m. Sadie M.
HENRY (118).
202. Mary C, Oct. 21, 1851.
202a. Julia A., Feb. 19, 1854.
202b. Anna W., Aug. 18, 1856.
202c. George H., Dec. 15, 1859.
202d. Helen J., Dec. 24, 1861.
Henry G., June 23, 1865.
GARRET (122).
203. Eliza Jane ; m. John D. Romaine.
204. Stephen T., died in infancy.
MICHAEL D. M. (123).
205. Catherine Jane, Nov. 22, 1843 \ m- John H. Carri-
206. Peter (495), Apr. 11, 1845; m- Hannah Welsh;
died 1900.
207. Abraham B. (402), Jan. 21, 1848; m. Augusta
Lanman; died Jan. 4, 1888.
207a. Margaret L., Nov. 22, 185 1.
207b. Lycenia Demott, Nov. 11, 1855; m. Frederich
207c. Joseph W., Nov. 16, 1858 ; m. Jennie Woodward.
207d. Henry B., Dec. 25, i860.
207c William P., Aug. 11, 1862; m. Grace Halliday.
207!. Wallace N., Mar. 20, 1865 ; m. Lilla Stringham.
207g. Ella, March 31, 1867.
207I1. Matthew, April 20, 1870; m. Elizabeth Croche-
207J. Harriet Elizabeth; m. W. J. Furness, M. D.
RICHARD C. (124).
208. James C, May 4, 1847; m- May E. Norman;
209. Henry R. (401), June 1, 1850; m. Anna Year-
ance, now Rutherford.
209a. David D. (398), Oct. 21, 1853; m. Elizabeth
Berry; now Monticello, N. Y.
209b. Margaret R., June 8, 1856 ; m. J. V. B. Yearance ;
now Rutherford.
209c. George W. (394), Aug. 21, 1858; m. Mary E.
Young; now Paterson.
209d. Lavinia, Jan. 1, 1861 ; m. John M. Jones ; now
209c William P. (397), July 9, 1863; m. Anna Vree
land; now Paterson.
HENRY (125).
210. Mary M., May 26, 1853; m. Garret Van Horn;
now California.
211. Kate C, July 2, 1855 ; d. 1857.
21 ia. Emma Elizabeth, April 8, 1857; m. James E.
21 ib. Hamilton (548), March 23, 1859; m. Ella M.
21 ic. Anna B., Feb. 27, 1861 ; m. Albert R. Metz.
2 1 id. Richard, Sept. 21, 1864.
21 ie. Charles M. (549), Jan. 16, 1867; m, Edith Barker.
21 if. Henry, March 18, 1870.
21 ig. Clarence; m. Edith M. Van Blaricon.
21 ih. Elizabeth A.; m. John L. Flagg.
GEORGE (127).
212. Catherine Anna, Aug. 5, 1862 ; m. Theodore K.
212a. George B., Oct. 10, 1870; d. 1871.
212b. Susetta; m. James Shaw.
JACOB B. (131).
213. Edgar, Jan. 4, 1865.
213a. Lena, Dec. 22, 1868; m., first, Charles A. Loesch,
he died Oct. 2, 1896; second, T. Herbert Alton.
213b. Charles W., Jan. 26, 1870.
213c. Benjamin (416J, Sept. 1876; m. Sarah Van Bus
214. Nicholas, Aug. 7, 1816; d. 1817.
215. Nicholas, April 3, 1836; d. 1837.
216. John V. R. (320), Dec. 3, 1837; m. Anna New
217. Gettianna, March 14, 1841 ; m. Samuel D. Tomp
kins ; their children: Vreeland Tompkins (m.
Laura Towar), Grace Elizabeth, Emma Louisa,
James Haviland (m. Eleanore Heike), and
Harold Doremus.
Vreeland Tompkins children : Margaret Vreeland and
Grace Elizabeth. DANIEL( 137).
218. Jane, Nov. 15, 1813; m. Cornelius Brinkerhoff.
219. Michael D. (321), Jan. 31, 1817; m. Rachael
220. Aaron N. (326), Dec. 4, 1819; m. Eliza Powe.
221. Citty S., April 17, 1822; m. John B. Welsh.
222. Cornelius V. R. (330), July 24, 1825; m. Susan
J. Smith.
223. Nicholas D. (331), Feb. 26, 1828; m. Catherine
224. Daniel S., Nov. 1, 1831; m. Sarah C. Anderson.
GARRET (138).
225. Garret (332), Nov. 26, 1814; m. Catherine Van
Buskirk; died Sept. 23, 1890; she died Jan
uary, 1874.
226. Jane, July 9, 1818; died 1818.
227. Gitty, Jan. 7, 1820; m. Jacob J. Vreeland (in) ;
died 1898.
228. Anna Jane, Jan. 27, 1822; m. Michael J. Vree
land (301) ; died 1898.
229. Nicholas, Feb. 1, 1826; died 1847.
230. Abraham, June 21, 1835 ; died 1835.
ABRAHAM (139).
231. Richard, Jan. 16, 1818; died 1818.
232. Michael (340), April 3, 1819; m. Rachel Cadmus.
333. Richard A. (518), July 29, 1820; died Feb. 18,
1895; m-> fi.rst, Eleanor Winner; second, Mar
garet Carroll, Aug. 22, 1861 ; she died Nov. 9,
234. Abraham (346), Jan. 13, 1822; m. Rachel Vree
land (285) ; died 1894.
235. Nicholas, Aug. 26, 1825; died 1847.
236. Cornelius (347), Feb. 16, 1828; m. Mary New
kirk; died 1890.
237. Eliza Jane, Oct. 21, 1829; m. Henry N. Van
Wagenen; died 1866.
238. Garret, Dec. 22, 1831 ; died 1907.
239. Gitty, May 21, 1833 ; m. George Newkirk.
240. Hannah, May 20, 1839; m. Garret Vreeland
241. Jane N., Oct. 28, 1824; m. John Van Pelt; died
Sept. 5, 1899; her daughter is Mrs. Robert
Harding, New York City.
242. Gertrude Ann, June 9, 1827; m. Abraham Van
Ripen ; she died March 4, 1898 ; her daughter is
Mrs. Boyd Wood, Alden, Iowa.
243. Caroline, Sept. 13, 1829; m. Isaac Van Ripen;
Wellington, Illinois.
244. Hannah W., June 1, 1832; died May 28, 1906;
m. Richard C. Van Buskirk; Cornelia Hill, Illi
nois; her son, Hiram Van Buskirk, Aurora,
245. Cornelius (436), July 4, 1834; m., first, Rebecca
Ayres; died 1908; second, May Skinner, Sauga-
tuck, Michigan.
246. Garret (497), June 4, 1840; m. Lydia Eames
Harris, Sept. 20, 1865, of Watervliet, N. Y. ;
she died Sept. 6, 1843.
246a. Cornelia ; m. Austin Hills.
246b. Sarah Catherine, April 15, 1843; m. Henry Page;
Newark, Illinois ; their children are : Nellie M.,
Jan. 30, 1862; Harry I., July 27, 1870.
NICHOLAS S. (149).
247. Sophia Elizabeth, Nov. 23, 1843 ; m- Peter S.
Bayler; died
247a. Stephen, March 17, 1846; died 185 1.
247b. Ann Maria; Jan. 29, 1848; died 1851.
247c. Benjamin F., Nov. 14, 1850; died 1854.
247d. Stephen B., Jan. 22, 1853 ; died 1887.
247e. Ann Helena, May 9, 1855.
247f. Allie Teresa, Dec. 24, 1857; died Feb., 1884.
247g. Jennie, Aug. 5, 1863 ; died 1863.
247I1. Nicholas, June 18, 1884.
STEPHEN (151).
248. Elizabeth C, Feb. 16, 1847; died i860.
248a. Susanna, May 6, 185 1 ; m. John K. Westervelt,
Jan. 10, 1895.
248b. Stephen S. (547), Nov. 22, 1854; died July 25,
1894; m., first, Mary Gaston, 1877; had daugh
ter, Gertrude, m. E. E. Milke; second, Maude
de Ernie, 1893.
248c. Fanny G., Oct. 17, 1856; died March 20, 1896;
m. Peter Van Ripen ; second, George H.
Coughlin ; have daughter Mary E.
WILLIAM (155).
249. William (349), Jan. 5, 1823; m. Euphemia B.
Vreeland (298).
250. Cornelius V. H. (350), Oct. 27, 1824; m. Rachel
251. Sarah, Dec. 7, 1826; m. Anthony Dougherty.
252. Ira C. B., Nov. 22, 1829; died 1858.
253. Rachel Catherine, April 22, 1832 ; m. Richard C.
Van Ripen.
254. Jacob C. D., Aug. 6, 1835 ; died 1858.
PETER V. B. (156).
255. Ann R., March 11, 1841 ; died 1850.
256. Rachel Jane, Oct. 13, 1842.
257. Cornelius, Aug. 21, 1844; m. Alice Nutt; died
258. Agnes V. H., Sept. 6, 1848.
258a. Anna, Dec. 12, 185 1; died
258b. Washington, Aug. 13, 1856; died
WILLIAM C. (159).
259. Ann, April 21, 1815; m. George Vreeland (108).
260. Michael (351); m. Jane D. Woods, Middlebush,
N. J. "
261. Cornelius, July 22, 1816; died 1828.
PETER (160).
262. Cornelius (352), June 28, 1821 ; m. Ann Eliza
Van Buskirk; she died 1909.
263. Jennet, July 31, 1823; m., first, Freeman Atkins;
second, Anderson.
264. Elizabeth, June 10, 1825; m. Nicholas Van Bus
265. Margaret Ann, Aug. 21, 1827; m. Henry C. Post;
died 1908.
266. Cornelia H., Oct. 25, 1829.
266a. Mary Jane, Feb. 23, 1832.
267. Rachel A., March 27, 1834; m. William Ells
worth; died 1869.
268. Gitty Catherine, May 28, 1836; died 1839.
269. William P., Oct. 15, 1840; died 1849.
270. Cornelius, Dec. 6, 1825 ; died 1826.
271. Ellen, Nov. 26, 1828; died 1849.
272. Elizabeth V. B., Oct. 29, 1834; m. Amos Harri
273. John O., Sept. 27, 1843 ; m. Maria Cozine.
MICHAEL (167).
274. George, Jan. 25, 1802 ; m. Hannah Tise.
275. Anna, Feb. 17, 1805; m- Teunis Van Pelt.
276. Gilliam, Feb. 19, 1807; died 1807.
277. Jacob M. (355), June 8, 1808; m. Jane Van
278. Jane, Aug. 22, 1819; m. John Housman.
279. Matilda, Jan. 6, 1813 ; m. Andrew P. Simonson.
280. Cornelius (1000), June 25, 1816; m. Susan Sal
ter; moved to Kirkwood, Illinois.
281. Hartman (364), Nov. 8, 1823; m. -Seny Cranmer.
HARTMAN (168).
282. Hartman (368), Dec. 7, 1826; m. Margaret Cad
mus; he was born Van Horn but adopted by
Hartman (168).
JOHN G. (171).
283. Jane B., June 14, 1818; m. Michael Terhune.
284. Catherine, May 14, 1824; Jasper Cubberly; died
285. Rachel, March 18, 1827; m. Abraham Vreeland
286. Eliza Ann, Oct. 10, 1829; m. Michael Vreeland
HENRY (174).
287. Jane, Oct. 17, 182 1 ; John Salter.
288. Elizabeth, Nov. 28, 1824; m. Cornelius La Tou-
289. Cornelius, Dec. 24, 1827; m. Catherine Ann
290. John, May 12, 1830; m., first, Jane McDonald;
291. George, Aug. 17, 1832; m. Eleanor Corson; had
son, Irwin, Dec. 22, 1881.
292. Mary Ann, Sept. 6, 1834; died 1861.
293. Garret (369), Oct. 21, 1876; m., first, Isabella
Darling; second, Rebecca J. McFarlane.
294. Hartman, Jan. 27, 1839; died 1842.
295. Sarah Catherine, March 2, 1841 ; m. Addis Ryno.
GARRET (176).
296. Elizabeth, April 7, 1825 ; m. John Post.
297. John, July 22, 1826; died 1826.
298. Euphemia B., Aug. 12, 1827; m. William Vree
land (249).
299. Phebe Ann, Sept. 15, 1829; m. David Pollock.
300. George (370), Sept. 6, 1831 ; m., first, Cornelia
Vreeland (323) ; second, Rachel Salter.
JOHN M. (179).
301. Michael J., Sept. 3, 1819; m. Anna J. Vreeland
(228), died 1890; moved to Rocky Hill.
she died 1899.
302. Elizabeth, May 14, 1822; m. Winfield Stringham.
303. Hannah, Oct. 19, 1824 ; m. Garret Bush.
304. Nicholas (371), April 8, 1827; m. Martha Cad
mus; died 1857.
MINDERT (182).
305. Catherine, June 12, 1824; died 1840.
306. Michael (537), Nov. 14, 1826; m., first, Eliza
Ann Vreeland, July 4, 1848 (286), she born
Oct. 19, 1826, died March 24, 1861 ; second,
Josephine A. Ogle, Dec. 29, 1864.
307. Hannah, Jan. 13, 1829; m. Andrew Van Horn.
308. Jasper (470), Aug. 1, 1832; m. Ann Maria Van
Pelt ; died 1903.
309. John (491), Jan. 13, 1834; m. Sophia Van Cleef ;
died July 10, 1893.
310. Jacob (408), Aug. 2, 1839; m. Louisa Opdyke;
died 1904.
MICHAEL (183).
311. Michael (373), Sept. 28, 1831 ; m. Catherine
312. Elizabeth, Oct. 24, 1833; m. Henry H. Brinker-
313. Cornelius, Sept. 8, 1835 ; died 1839.
314. William, March 19, 1837; died 1837.
315. Cornelius (418), June 1, 1838; m. Emma Morris.
316. John Henry, Oct. 31, 1840; died 1841.
317. Mindert, Nov. 11, 1842; m. Elizabeth Mande-
ville; had daughters, Gettianna, Elizabeth and
318. Stephen T., July 15, 1846.
319. Annetta, Feb. 26, 1854; m. Skillman.
JOHN V. R. (216).
320. Anna Louisa, Aug. 6, 1862; m. William Booker;
their children, Sara Louise, Frank Vreeland
and William Leslie.
320a. John Edwin (550), Sept. 14, 1864; m. Katherine
320b. Frank, Aug. 5, 1870; m. Alvina Cloye.
320c. Bessie ; m. Clarence T. Johnston. Their children,
Clarence Nettleton and Franklin Davis.
32od. Effie; m. Fred O. Williams.
MICHAEL D. (219).
321. Jane P., Aug. 21, 1836; died young.
322. Abigail P., Nov. 13, 1837; m. John G. Wauters.
323. Cornelia, Oct. 11, 1840; m. George Vreeland
324. Rachel Ann, March 3, 1843; m. George Van
325. Jane, Oct. 26, 1844; died young.
326a. Eunice, Oct. 19, 1846; died 1863.
326b. Daniel, Dec. 2, 1848; died young.
326c. Susan Jane, July 1, 1854; m. Edward Pierson.
AARON N. (220).
326. Sarah Jane, July 26, 1843 ; m. Augustus Jackson.
327. Cornelia Ann, Jan. 13, 1847; m. Frederick V. L.
328. Gitty Catherine, Jan. 4, 1849; m. Nicholas P.
329. Daniel A., 1852; died 1870.
329a. Rachel G. ; m. William Graham.
329b. Susan; m. Dudley Cummings.
CORNELIUS V. R. (222).
330. Cornelia Ann.
330a. Matilda.
330b. Garret.
330c. Cornelius.
33od. Cornelia.
NICHOLAS D. (223).
331. Mary Lavinia, Aug. 22, 1850.
331a. Jane.
331b. Catherine.
331c. John. GARRET (225).
332. Catherine Jane, Oct. 8, 1835 ; m. Andrew A.
Rapp; died November, 1875.
333. Garret (374), Dec. 19, 1837; m. Hannah Vree
land (240) ; died December, 1907.
334. Sarah Arabella, Dec. 10, 1840; died 1843.
335. Anna Elizabeth, July 28, 1843 > died December,
336. John V. B. (375), Sept. 6, 1845; m-> first Lilla
Taylor; second, Mary A. Taylor; died 1903.
337. Lawrence Magaw, June 21, 1849; died 1849.
338. Nicholas Garretson (383), June 21, 1849; m.
Catherine N. Van Wagenen April 12, 1871.
339. Edward Washington, Feb. 22, 1855 ; died 1882.
MICHAEL (232).
340. Ann, Oct. 29, 1840.
341. Abraham (386) ; m. Eleanor F Rapp.
342. Jasper C, May 15, 1843; m., first, Ellen Mande-
ville; second, Mary Lewis.
343. Jane, Jan. 23, 1844; died 1845.
344. Margaret, Oct. 5, 1845 ; m. George Carrigan.
345. Rachel, May 31, 1848.
ABRAHAM (234).
346. Hartman (429), Dec. 1, 1848; m., first, Letty J.
Clendenny; second, Jennie McDonald.
347. Rachel, March 5, 1851 ; m. John Board.
348. Mary Catherine, Jan. 21, 1853; m. Rev. Adrian
348a. Lewis (392), March 19, 1858; m. Louise Quack-
348b. Edgar, Feb. 11, i860; m. Emily Hyde; died
August, 1885 ; had daughter Mabel, died 1907.
WILLIAM (249).
349. Cornelius Y H., Sept. 6, 1847.
349a. Mary Elizabeth, March 12, 1849; died 1851.
349b. Garret G., April 7, 1850.
349c. George, March 5, 1853.
349d. Ira C. B. (487), April 28, 1856.
349CI. Jacob C. D., Aug. 29, 1859.
349f. Phebe Ann, Dec. 31, 1864; m. Samuel F. Cran
349g. Hartman, Oct. 24, 1867.
350. William Henry, July 14, 1858.
350a. John Jacob, Oct. 14, 1862.
350b. Bertha Celesta, Nov. 8, 1868.
MICHAEL (260).
351. William, Feb. 25, 1840.
351a. Sarah Ann, April 10, 1841.
351b. Eliza Jane, May 23, 1842.
251c. Sarah, May 1, 1844.
35 id. Eleanor Ann, July 20, 1846.
35 1 e. Cornelia, Dec. 23, 1848.
351L Mary Frances, Oct. 15, 1850.
35ig. Ruth Almira, Feb. 9, 1853; died 1854.
352. John Henry (377), Sept. 14, 1844; m. Anna Van
353- Peter C, March 16, 1847 ; m., first, Mary F. Vree
land ( 199) ; second, Mary McNulty.
354. William Pennington (434), Jan. 1, 1850; m. Eliz
abeth A. Crawford.
354a. Sarah Arabella, Dec. 2, 1853; m. Edwin S.
JACOB M. (277).
355. Gertrude Ann, Dec. 8, 1830; m., first, Jasper
Garretson; second, Horace H. Driggs.
356. Eliza Jane, Nov. 8, 1832 ; m. Henry K. Van
357. Michael G., May 23, 1835 ; m. Joanna Van Bus
358. Mary, Nov. 30, 1837 ; m. John Huddleston.
359. John, Nov. 25, 1839; m. Anna Simmons.
360. Sarah, Sept. 29, 1842 ; m. William Hageman.
361. Jacob M., Aug. 11, 1844; m. Fanny Richards.
362. Cornelius, March 28, 1847; died 1850.
363. William Henry, March 18, 1850.
HARTMAN (281).
364. Ezra C, July 23, 1845 > died 1846.
365. Ann Matilda, Jan. 20, 1847; m- William Sandford.
366. Garadata, March 29, 1849.
366a. Edwin P., Nov. 4, 1851 ; died young.
367. Jane R., Aug. 23, 1855.
367a. Hartman M., Nov. 23, 1858.
HARTMAN (282).
368. Crossfield G., Oct. 20, 1855.
368a. Philip E., Sept. 27, 1857.
368b. Richard E., November, 1859.
GARRET (293).
369. Thomas G., Feb. 23, 1862.
369a. Charles S., Jan. 14, 1864.
369b. Madeline, June 8, 1866.
GEORGE (300).
370. Rachel Ann, March 30, 1859; died 1861.
370a. Garret, Oct. 24, i860.
371. Rachel Elizabeth, Nov. 26, 1850; m. George H.
372. Catherine Ann, June 2, 1853.
372a. Nicholas, April 5, 1857.
MICHAEL (311).
373. Mary Annetta, Feb. 22, 1865.
373a. Cornelius, May 31, 1870.
GARRET (333).
374. Anna Jane, Nov. 16, 1861 ; died 1862.
374a. Edwin, Aug. 10, 1864; died 1865.
374b. Garret, July 21, 1868; died 1871.
374c. John H.,_Jan. 16, 1870; died 1870.
374d. Charles Henry, Sept. 2, 1873 ; died 1873.
374c Bertie.
374L Franklin (494), Dec. 15, 1877; m. Alice C.
JOHN V. B. (336).
375. John Pierson, May 19, 1870; died 1870.
375a. Frederick King, March 4, 1874.
376. Anna, July 6, 1865 ; m. Frank Fleming, Nov. 7,
1888; their children are: Margaret, June 1,
1890; Elizabeth, Sept. 18, 1893; Myrtle, Feb.
16, 1896, and Grace, Sep. 11, i8gg.
377. Cornelius P. (512), March 4, 1868; m. Johanna
White, May 27, 1887.
378. Sarah Arabella, Feb. 10, 1870; m. George P.
Smith, Oct. 4, 1892; their children are: Doro
thy, April 19, 1894; Amy, Oct. 31, 1897; Elsie,
Jan. 6, 1902; and Hazel, June 23, 1907.
379. David L. (515), Sept. 3, 1872; m. Mary Weber,
June 26, 1896.
380. William P. (516), April 1, 1875; m. Leonora
Stillwell, March 29, 1898.
381. John Henry, Oct. 6, 1877; m. Janet Thompson,
Jan. 15, 1907.
382. Frank, March 10, 1881.
NICHOLAS G. (338).
383. Henry Garret, Oct. 4, 1873 '> d- Dec. 25, 1873.
384. Edward Van Wagenen, Sept. 16, 1874.
385. Catherine Jane, Nov. 17, 1875.
ABRAHAM (341).
386. Leroux (422), Oct. 16, 1866; m., first, Carrie
Dention; second, Margaret Ball.
387. Adele H., May 30, 1869; m. Elmer W. Affleck, of
Westfield, N. J. ; have son, Maurice E. Affleck.
388. Jasper C. (424), Dec. 5, 1873; m. Laberta H.
389. Robert E. (425), July 10, 1875; m. Estella E.
390. Richard M. (428), March 24, 1877; m. Kathryn
391. Edith P., Jan. 12, 1879.
LEWIS (348a).
392. Walter J., Sept. 20, 1880; m. Fannie Sutherland,
Apr. 10, 1907; had daughter, Olga Mildred,
Jan. 3, 1909.
393. Florence, Oct. 22, 1886.
GEORGE W. (209).
394. Dorothy T., June 9, 1896.
395. Carolyn M., Nov. 3, 1898.
396. Wesley T., April 17, 1900.
WILLIAM P. (2oge).
397. Elmer. DAVID D. (209a).
398. Anna.
399. David.
400. Reuben. HENRY (209).
401. Harold.ABRAM B. (207).
402. Henry Demott, Feb. 23, 1873; died 1901.
403. Sylvester V. H. (406), May 10, 1876; m. Melissa
404. Norris W., Oct. 10, 1878.
405. Edith May, 1880; m. William Rainey.
SYLVESTER V. H. (403).
406. Claire Van Home, Feb. 12, 1899.
407. Madeline, Jan. 19, 1905.
JACOB M. (310).
408. William Updike (410), Aug. 13, 1870; m. Alice
May Brown May 9, 1900; she born Feb. 26,
1 901.
409. Walter M. (411), Feb. 27, 1875; m- Carrie A.
Robins, 1905.
WILLIAM U. (408).
410. May, Feb. 26, 1901.
WALTER M. (409).
411. Walter Monroe, Dec. 27, 1906.
412. Albert P., Sept. 14, 1908.
JACOB (185).
413. John Henry, March 6, 1858.
414. Anna, March 16, i860.
415. Clara W., April 14, 1866.
BENJAMIN (213c).
416. Charles A., Sept. 16, 1898.
417. Benjamin V., Dec. 27, 1899.
418. Emma, July 14, 1866.
419. Henry H. B.
420. Wesley.
421. William N, Oct. 5, 1877; m. Cassie V. W. Speer.
LEROUX H. (386).
422. Leroux Denton, March 10, 1894.
423. Wallace Kenneth, June 3, 1899.
JASPER C. (388).
424. Ray Elwood, Nov. 11, 1895.
ROBERT E. (389).
425. Robert E., Aug. 8, 1898.
426. Eleanor F., April 25, 1902.
427. Mildred E., Sept. 15, 1908.
RICHARD M. (390).
428. Edith Phebe.
HARTMAN (346).
429. Clarence, Oct. 22, 1873; m. Margaret Koman.
430. Herbert, Dec. 20, 1874.
431. Alfred, Aug. 9, 1878; died 1882.
432. Eddie, April 22, 1877; died 1877.
433- Rachel E., Feb. 16, 1882; died 1882.
WILLIAM P. (354).
434. Charles S. (435), July 14, 1875; m. Emma P.
CHARLES (434).
435. Kenneth Walker, Sept. 22, igo6.
436. Lillian Eliza, June 3, 1858 ; m. Judson A. Scofield,
Newark, 111. ; have children. William ; m. Edna
P. James. Inez ; m. Milton R. Fowler ; Percy
and Russell.
437. Lottie Lovicea, Oct. 5, i860; m. George Scofield;
Hoopeston, 111. ; have son George born 1884,
died 1887.
438. William H. (459), Dec. 14, 1862; in. Maie E.
439. Cornelius F., June 16, 1864; Morris, 111.
440. Jennie V. W. ; m. Frank Ripley.
441. Irving Gaius (436), June 16, 1869; m. Josephine
Johnson; Morris, 111.
442. Mary E., April 18, 1873 ; died i8g4.
443. Ray C, June 12, 1886; m. Sarah ; Welling
ton, 111.
444. Catherine L., April 27, 1888 ; Naperville, 111.
445. Mabel, Feb. 24, 1884; died
GEORGE W. (197).
447. Jennie ; died young.
448. Katherine.
44g. Elizabeth, March 17, 1874.
450. Helen, March 27, 1876; died 1878.
451. Oliver P. S., March 27, 1878.
452. Emmett S., June 13, 1884; died 1888.
453. George Ray, April 16, 1890.
OLIVER P. (201).
454. Nellie, Sept. 29, 1879; died Dec. 29, 1881.
455. Howard R., Jan. 11, 1884.
456. Albert R., Oct. 28, 1886; m. Daisy Sykes; March
25, 1909.
457- Alice Madelene, Feb. n, 1893.
458. Perry W., June 24, 1899.
WILLIAM H. (438).
459. Rebecca Louvicea, Dec. 9, 1888.
460. Frederick Oliver, Aug. 10, 1890.
461. Clifford Cornelius, Sept. 24, 1895.
462. William Haverhill, May 12, 1900.
IRVING G. (441).
463. Robert Irving, Oct. 1, 1896.
464. Lottie Alice, Dec. 9, 1897.
465. Shirlie Mildred, SejDt. 29, 1899.
466. Rebecca Louvicea, July 7, 1901.
467. Viola May, Sept. 20, 1903.
468. Gladys Viola, April 20, 1903.
469. Eleanor Dorothy, June 5, 1908.
JASPER (308).
470. Charles Edwin (475), April 9, 1855; m. Kate
471. Tunis Seymore (482), May 8, 1857; m. Mary L.
472. John Howard, Oct. 11, 1861 ; died 1882.
473. Anna Barton, Sept. 13, 1866; m. Albert H. Phil
lips; have daughter, Gertrude Y., May 20, 1887.
474. Selina Barger, Feb. 20, 1874 ; m. James Car-
michael ; have daughter, Dorothv, Julv 3, 1904.
CHARLES E. (470).
475. Eva May, July 10, 1880; died 1880.
476. John Howard, May 1, 1881.
477. Grace, Nov. 3, 1883.
478. George Alfred, Aug. 26, 1885.
479. Albert Phillips, Dec. 6, 1887 ; died 1889.
480. Mildred Phillips, May 22, 1894; died 1895.
481. Clarence Raymond. Sept. 20, 1806.
TUNIS S. (471).
482. Mabel, May 6, 1881 ; died 1883.
483. Elmer Leonard, Sept. 9, 1883.
484. Edith May, March 11, 1886.
485. Blanche, April 15, 1888.
486. Harold Seymore, June 7, 1897.
487. John H. (488) ; m. Minnie Worth.
JOHNH. (487).
488. William, March 23, 1903.
489. Hartman, Nov. 5, 1905.
490. Frederick, Aug. 5, 1908; died 1908.
JOHN (309).
491. George Van Clef, April 26, 1865; m. Kitty C.
492. Mary Burton, Jan. 20, 1868; m. Louis I. Van
Alstyne; their children: George V., Nov. 13,
1889 ; Gansevoort T. E., Sept. 18, 1891 ; Emma
R., Jan. ig, i8g4; and Louis I., April 6, 1897.
493. Emma Somers, Jan. 20, 1868 ; m. Elon Sefton
Rogers ; their children : Elon Sefton, June 8,
1895 ; George V., March 30, 1903.
FRANKLIN (3741).
494. Frederick Franklin, June 10, 1908.
PETER (206).
495. Reuben, 1872.
496. Arthur L., 1877; m. Grace R. Le Pier.
GARRET (246).
497. Charles Emerson (502), Nov. 5, 1866; m. Helen
Kipp, Dec. 16, 1896.
498. Carrie Lucina, April 29, 1868; now in Chicago,
499- Maggie Newkirk, August 21, 1869; m. William
H. Keith, Aug. 21, 1893; their children are
Margaret and Clair Eames.
500. Lydia Olive, March 27, 1876; m. E. E. Wain-
wright Aug. 3, 1898; their children: Wilmer
Garret and Agnes Florence.
501. Eddy Garret, Jan. 19, 1880; had son, Garret Eddy,
died young.
CHARLES (497).
502. Henry Kipp.
503. Helen Olive.
504. Ruth. FERDINAND (201).
505. Viola.
506. Florence.
507. Margaret.
508. Asher Holmes ; d. June 17, 1909.
509. Mattie, June 11, 1886.
510. Renshow, April 27, 1887.
511. Robert Elmer, April 11, 1890.
512. Sarah Arabella, Dec. 8, 1888.
513. Leroy, March 7, 1890.
514. Viola, Jan. 8, 1896.
DAVID L. (379).
515. Henry Leslie, June 6, 1897.
WILLIAM P. (380).
516. Velma Frances, March 15, 1899.
517. Clarence Pennington, Dec. 24, 1905.
RICHARD (233).
518. Richard J., Nov. 25, 1862; m. Nellie T. Cleary,
April 25, 1888.
519. Cornelius; died in infancy.
520. Edward ; died in infancy.
521. Nicholas F., Oct. 2, 1870; m. Annie M. Enright;
Jan. 24, 1894.
522. Henry A., July 10, 1874; m. Annie Nuss ; Jan. 30,
RICHARD J. (518).
523. Richard E., Aug. 6, 1890; died Feb. 19, 1893.
524. Marguerite M., Oct. 21, 1891.
525. Daniel Emanuel Cleary, June 28, 1895.
526. Nellie, Aug. 31, 1897.
NICHOLAS F. (521).
527. Richard E., Feb. 7, 1895.
528. Mary E., April 12, 1899.
529. Nicholas F., Aug. 9, 1901.
530. Henry, Nov. 3, 1902.
531. Edward, Aug. 7, 1905.
HENRY A. (522).
532. Allen, July 25, 1901.
533. Marguerite, Aug. 16, 1902.
534. Helen, Sept. 10, 1903.
535. Walter, Oct. 12, 1904; died Jan. 1, 1905.
536. Richard ; died in infancy.
MICHAEL (306).
537. Catherine, Sept. 21, 1849; died Sept. 30, 1849.
538. Mindert (542), Feb. 15, 1852; m., first, Virginia
E. Blossingham, Dec. 17, 1874; she died June
20, 1895 ; second, Sarah Alva Waters, June 6,
1900; she died April 4, 1907.
539- Jacob Edgar, Oct. i, 1854; died Oct. 26, 1858.
540. Clara Ogle; m. Robert Wiley Oct. 10, 1890; died
April 26, 1907.
541. Annie Cadmus ; m. John Roberts.
MINDERT (538).
542. William Mindert (545), Feb. 2, 1876; m. Alfarata
Knight, June 8, 1898; she born March 16, 1875.
543. Nellie May, May 24, 1880; died Jan. 28, 1882.
544. Gertrude Eudoxia, Nov. 1, 1882.
WILLIAM M. (542).
545. Arnold Wilson, Nov. 28, 1902.
546. William Washington, March 13, 1907.
STEPHEN S. (248).
547. Stephen B.
548. Hamilton. CHARLES (21 ie).
549. Ruth, Nov. 22, 1907.
550. Edwin; Anna; Dean, Louise and Lucille.
601. Jacob John, Feb. 23, 1775; m. Phebe Walls; died
Nov. 5, 1859; he gave the land for the Re
formed Dutch Cemetery at Acquackanonck.
602. John J. (608), Feb. 14, 1797; m. Rachel Sigler,
Dec. 19, 1818; died June, 1835.
603. Jacob (616), Oct. 7, 1802; m. Susan Taylor, Aug.
6, 1825; died Dec. 15, 1845.
604. Martin (620), Sept. 29, 1805; m- Jane Terhune,
May 15, 1826; died June 22, 1883.
605. Jane, Feb. 14, 1808; m. John W. Campbell, Jan.
3, 1823; died Dec. 19, 1874.
606. Phebe, Dec. 20, 1812; m. E. J. Jerolamon; died
April 8, 1848.
607. Elias (623), 1818; m. Rachel Van Houten, Oct. 4,
JOHN J. (602).
608. Cynthia, Sept. 28, 1821 ; m. Godfrey Miller; died
609. Romulus (629), Oct. 5, 1823; m. Sarah Nichols;
died Oct. 1, 1892.
610. Remus (633), Oct. 5, 1823; m. Valaria Consoley.
611. Phebe, Jan. 13, 1826; m. James Tompson.
612. Leah, March 17, 1828; m. James Briggs; died
613. Jane, March 2, 1830; m. Gustav Keisshauer; died
Aug. 22, 1908.
614. Ellen, May 8, 1832 ; m. Thomas Whittaker.
615. Katherine, Aug. 14, 1834; m. George Worden,
Feb. 11, 1854; died Feb. 1, 1901.
JACOB (603).
616. Jacob (638), Dec. 28, 1827; m. Sarah Cadmus.
617. Elizabeth; m. Morris Crane.
618. Rachel, Feb. 19, 1839; m. Benjamin Vreeland
(664), Oct. 9, 1859.
619. Mary; m. Archibald Hamill.
MARTIN (604).
620. Martin.
621. John.
622. Peter.
ELIAS (607).
623. Cornelia Jane, July 18, 1842; m. Abram Garra
brant, Oct. 24, 1879.
624. Jacob John (644), Oct. 3, 1843; m. Anna
625. Henry Van Houten (645), Aug. 23, 1845; m-
Ann Brokaw.
626. Catherine Anna, March 29, 1852; m. W. B. Tur
ner, Newark, N. J.
627. Helen Maria, March 9, 1854; m. Thomas Lee.
628. Cyrus Elias (649), Sept. 29, 1857; m.' Louise
ROMULUS (609).
629. Sophia L. D. ; m. Abram Marshall.
630. Oscar F.
631. Francis Valaria.
632. Mary.
REMUS (619).
633. Oscar F
634. Ann Eliza, October, 1850.
635. Harriet, 1854.
636. Dr. Frank D. (651), Jan. 27, 1852; m. Ann
637- George.
JACOB (616).
638. Jacob John (652), Sept. 10, 1854; m. Mary
639. Annie, April 6, 1856; m. William Neal.
640. William Thomas (653), Dec. 7, 1857; m. Ann
Murphy, Wilmington, Del.
641. Susan; m. Joseph Philbrook.
642. Sarah ; m. William E. Corning.
643. George, May 27, 1876; m. Ella Jones, Jan. 23,
JACOB J. (624).
644. Herbert.HENRY V. H. (625).
645. Minnie.
646. Helen M.
647. Grace.
648. Clara.
649. Herbert.
650. Evelyn. FRANK D. (636).
651. Dr. Ralph D., Sept. 18, 1883, Passaic, N. J.
JACOB J. (638).
652. John.WILLIAM T. (640).
653. Edna.
654. William.
661. Paul (662), Nov. 22, 1806; in. Hannah Brown.
662. Elizabeth ; m. James Black ; now Belleville, N. J.
663. Joseph (667) ; m. Mary Thornhill.
664. Benjamin (670), Aug. 7, 1835; m. Rachel Vree
land (618), Oct. 9, 1859; d. May 23, 1875.
665. Hester; m. John Smith.
Anderson ; m. Ann McDonald.
JOSEPH (663).
Annie.Fernando.Catherine.BENJAMIN (664).
Benjamin Franklin (676), Aug. 7, 1863; m.
Lavinia Hughes, Paterson, N. J.
George Washington (678), Feb. 22, 1865; m.
Albertina Braeger; now Athenia.
Joseph, Aug. 14, 1867; m. Elizabeth Trilby.
Anna, May 3, 1870; m. George Boice, Hacken-
Mary, Feb. 14, 1873; m. Charles Hillman; now
Amy B., Feb. 24, 1880; m. Albert Precious.
BENJAMIN F. (670).
Agnes, July 8, 1900.
Benjamin, May 8, 1906.
GEORGE W. (671).
Bertha, Sept. 28, 1893.
Ida May, March 27, 1897.
672 673 674
675676677 678679
700. PETER (701), Pompton Plains; father of:
701. Ann; m. Peter Hopper; Stony Brook.
702. Henry (722), Oct. 9, 1799; m. Elizabeth Van
703. William, March 6, 1804; m. Mary T. Reynolds;-
died Oct. 9, 1863.
703a. Daughter m. Silas Monroe; died 1882; b. about
WILLIAM (703).
704. Orrin Swift (707), July 3, 1838; m. Sarah C.
Hopper, Sept. 10, 1862; died March 28, 1874.
705. William H. (713), Aug. 10, 1840; m. Anna T.
Haggerty; died March, 1907.
706. James Morton, Feb. 14, 1844; m- Mary Ross-
ORRIN S. (704).
707. George Franklyn (709), Sept. 9, 1866; m. Ida
May Ronsaville, of Washington, D. C, June
14, 1893.
708. Henry B., Dec. 27, 1872 ; m.
GEORGE F. (707).
709. Donald Ronsaville, Dec. 9, 1894.
710. Carroll Irving, Feb. 7, 1897.
711. Paul Ford, April 7, 1902.
712. Isabel, May ig, igo6.
WILLIAM H. (705).
713. Ida M. ; m. Henry Martin.
714. William E. (716) ; m. Louisa Parker.
WILLIAM E. (714).
716. George F.
717. William E.
718. Mabel L.
719. Richard.
JAMES M. (706).
720. Henry M., Chicago.
721. Nellie; m. Frank Smith, New York.
HENRY (702).
722. Jacob (730), June 3, 1828; m. Elizabeth Cole
man; Sussex County.
723. Sarah, Nov. 16, 1829; m. Thomas Whitesell;
died 1850; have son Irving, Nov. 12, 1849.
724. Garret, Aug. 16, 1831 ; died June 8, 1889.
725. William (734), July 16, 1833; m. Eliza Cum-
mings; died 1893.
726. Peter, March 22, 1836; m. Ruth Burroughs;
Brighton, Michigan.
727. Henry, July 20, 1838; died 1892; Morris Co.
728. Anna Louise, Jan. 16, 1842 ; died 1846.
729. John Hyndman, Nov. 25, 1846; m. Susan M.
JACOB (722).
730. Mary.
731. Isabelle.
732. Lydia.
733. Berema.WILLIAM (725).
734. Henry.
735. Molly.
736. David M.
72,7- Laura.
738. Dora.
801. Jacob Elias (77); born about 1730; died 1803;
father of
802. Elias Jacob; born 1760; died May 30, 1839;
father of
803. Adrian Elias (807) ; born 1789; m. Anna Haring
of Tappan; died 1814; served in war of 1812.
804. Elizabeth ; m. Philip Van Bussum, of Slaughter-
805. Amy; m. Edo Vreeland, of Wesel.
806. Gitty; m. Jacob G. Hopper, of Paramus.
ADRIAN E. (803).
807. Rev. Abraham H. (809) ; m. Jane W. Van Riper
of Acquackanonck; preached in the Free Re
formed Church of Glen, N. Y.
808. Elias Adrian (824) ; m., first, Jane Van Houten;
second, Rachel Van Orden, of Wyckoff.
ABAHAM H. (807).
809. John A. ; m. Sarah Lowe, of New York.
810. Petrina A. ; m. Horatio C. N. Johnson.
811. Walling Van Winkle (832) ; m. Mary J. Tories.
812. Cornelius G. (858) ; m. Eliza Loveless.
813. Adrian.
814. Elias A. (840) ; m. Malvina F. S. Tolles.
815. Elizabeth; died young.
816. Emma L. ; m. George Breese.
817. Clarence.
818. Henry E. (862) ; m., first Clara . Foster ; second,
Minnie Smith.
819. M. Elizabeth ; m. William Sayre.
820. Eliza Mary; died young.
821. Herbert H. (846) ; m. Caroline A. Reed.
822. Ada M. ; m. Wilson Kent.
823. Clarence; died young.
ELIAS A. (808).
824. Adrian E. (868) ; m. Sarah Vreeland.
825. William H. (873) ; m. Margaret Stager.
826. Cornelius; m. Kate Hayes.
827. Abram H. (876) ; m. Mary.
828. John.
829. Aletta Jane ; m. Thomas Cadmus.
830. Edwin.
831. James H. (878); m., first, Ella Neal; second,
Martha E. Blackmore.
WALLING V. W. (811).
832. Belle L. ; m. Edward F. Scott.
833. Rose T. ; m. James P. Clements.
834. Cornelia S. ; m. John M. Moore.
835. Lilly; died young.
836. Harry L. T. (859) ; m. Augusta C. Gale.
837. Joseph C. (854) ; m. Katherine Douglas.
838. Frank ; died young.
839. Mamie ; died young.
ELIAS (814).
840. William A. B. (845) ; m. Belle Stroh.
840a. May M.
841. Florence; died young.
842. Estelle ; died young.
843. Frank P.
844. Jennie L.
WILLIAM (840).
845. Herbert H.
HERBERT H. (821).
846. Herbert H. H ^ m: , 7.u 5, \V<1 *»R
847. Marjorie. fJ"^ c*(^ ^ f i' ¦ i«fl,i 1 ^"u
848. Richard S.
James F. 3F/r, isft^T, ujr«r
Thomas' R^v1' '«¦ f , FrmV m- Henry J.
Garrison, June 18, 1863.
937. Abraham; born Dec. 31, 1847; died 1867.
938. Nicholas (963), April 15, 1849; m- Ida Hill.
939. Cornelius (965); born Nov. 9, 1853; m. Mary
940. John P., Dec. 31, 1861 ; Regular Army, First
Artillery ; died in the Spanish War, 1898.
941. Caroline; born Dec. 11. 1863.
942. Mary Elizabeth, July 12, 1840; died Feb. 20, 1881.
943. Jacob Henry (967), March 2, 1839; m. Harriet
L. Vanderbilt.
944. Ellen Jane, Sept. 1, 1845; m- Charles Tompson;
died Jan. 12, 1890.
945 94694794894995°
Cornelius (969), June 2, 1839; m. Emma Debow,
Nov. 13, 1867; died Oct. 3, 1902.
John (973), July 10, 1841 ; m. Ann Halstead,
May 19, 1872.
Mary Ann, Nov. 8, 1843 ; m- John W. Huyler,
Oct. 9, 1870.
William N. (976), May 8, 1846; m. Maria Bolton,
June 14, 1874; died July 4, 1809.
Ellen Jane, April 25, 185 1; m. George Birley,
Oct. 9, 1870.
Jacob L. (981), July 18, 1857; m. Ellen Pater
951. Jonathan Beach, Oct. 22, 1837; died Nov. 22,
952. Josiah Pierson (983), Jan. 24, 1841 ; m. Marga-
retta Cruikshank; died July 19, 1895.
953. Maria Mottear, July 27, 1842; died 1844.
954. Elizabeth Derrom, March 27, 1846; m. Joseph
P. Gould, March 22, 1882.
955. Adelia, April 14, 1850; died 1893.
956. Cornelius, April 12, 1852; died 1854.
g57. J. Beach, April 7, 1855 ; m. Emma Garrison.
ANDREW (927).
958. Andrew D. (987), March 7, 1843; m- Sarah J.
959. Adelia, May 22, 1845; m- Rev- James H. Robert
son, Nov. 3, 1864.
960. Catherine ; born 1838 ; m. Harvey Byea ; died
Oct. 7, 1907.
961. Jane; born 1840; m. Levi Smith.
962. Sarah; born 1850; m. Thomas Edson.
963. Francis, April 11, 1898.
964. Viola, Feb. 5, 1904.
965. Frank, April 16, 1881.
966. Matilda, Aug. 28, 1878; Anna, Nov. 22, 1879.
967. Ada, Jan. 22, 1862.
968. Cornelius, July 6, 1864.
96g. John Debow, July 16, 1872; m. Smith.
g70. Armenia, July 16, 1874; m. Thomas Aiken.
971. Nicholas, Nov. 30, 1877; died Dec. 2, 1886.
972. George R., Feb. 14, 1880.
JOHN (946).
973. Althea, Oct. 15, 1873.
974. Marcell, Sept. 22, 1875 ; m. Jennie Ferdon.
975. Idell, Aug. 28, 1892.
WILLIAM N. (914).
976. John Huyler, Oct. 26, 1874; m. Jennie Anderson.
977. William N., Dec. 18, 1885.
g78. Francis, Nov. 2, 1887.
979- Catherine, Sept. 3, 1876 ; m. Lewis Labaw.
980. Martha C, July 4, 1883.
JACOB L. (950).
981. J. Edward, Sept. 7, 1895.
982. Elizabeth; born 1903.
JOSIAH (952).
983. Cornelius D. (987), July 17, 1868; m. Edith S.
Higgins ; Upper Montclair.
J. BEACH (957).
984. Louis, July 19, 1884.
985. Harold V. P., March 21, 1890.
986. Donald Garrison, Feb. 28, i895-
ANDREW D. (958).
987. Adda M., Feb. 20, 1865.
988. Maggie, July 10, 1872.
989. Frank (994), July 2, 1874; m. Jessie D. Gilmore.
990. Amy, Sept. 12, 1877.
991. Cornelius Delos, June 24, 1893.
992. Josiah Pierson, Aug. 31, 1898.
993. Roger Secor, July 12, 1907.
FRANK (989).
994. Eleanor G., Feb. 15, 1901.
1000. Teunis Van Pelt (1007), Oct. 4, 1841 ; m. Mary
Wray; enlisted Co. H, nth Illinois Cavalry,
served four years, promoted to second lieuten
ant; now lives in Wichita, Kansas.
iooi. Michael Van Tuyl (1012), March 22, 1844; m.
Martha C. Jones; enlisted nth Cavalry, served
four years ; now in Oskaloosa, Iowa.
1002. David B. (1015), June 8, i84g; m. Celia Wray;
now Haysville, Kansas.
1003. Jacob T. (1017), Aug. 1, 1850; m. Jane Daugh-
man ; Haysville, Kan.
1004. John Housman (1019), May 7, 1853; m. Ida
Lanphere; now in Wichita Falls, Texas.
1005. Clara; born 1855; now lives Denver, Col.
1006. Grant B. ; born 1862; died 1893.
1007. Frank (1020), April, 1867; m. Lily Olvie; now in
Ames, Oklahoma.
TEUNIS (1000).
1008. Alice, Nov. 1, 1871 ; m. William E. Tomlin; now
Conway Springs, Kansas.
1009. Abbie, Sept. 24, 1874; m. William B. Crawford;
lives Wichita, Kansas.
1010. Teunis, Dec. 25, 1875 '• m- Anna Lee; now Peoria,
ion. Anna, Oct. 19, 1876; m. Lee A. Berley; now
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
1012. Elizabeth M., Aug. 2, 1882 ; m. Merrill E. Gates ;
Wichita, Kansas.
MICHAEL V. T. (1001).
1013. Howard J., Oct. 10, 1872; died 1879.
1014. Edgar J., Oct. 17, 1876.
1015. Mae B., June 9, 1881.
DAVID B. (1002).
1016. Iva, Oct. 30, 1878; m. Harry Bearth.
1017. Winona, March 8, 1881.
JACOB T. (1003).
1018. Frederick E. (1024), Sept. 7, 1876; m. Nettie
1019. Orthe C, June 3, 1889.
JOHN H. (1004).
1020. Francis W., March 10, 1879; m. Marion Hast
ings Smalley; now New York City.
FRANK (1007).
1021. Ray, April, 1888.
1022. Nellie.
1023. Fannie.FREDERICK E. (1018).
1024. Cornelius, July 7, 1901.
1025. Lytha, Feb. 5, 1904.
Jacob (54) settled in Second River, now Belle
ville, and in 1825 joined with five others
in purchasing land for the Reformed Dutch
church; in conjunction with his cousin, Garret,
he purchased from two Indians, Motorwas and
Amichos, in 1753, a tract of land at Mackepin;
Garret assigned his share to Jacob, and the
latter received a patent from the Lords Pro
prietors, of East Jersey, for two hundred acres,
at fifty cents an acre, and gave it to his son
John, who settled on it, and founded the
Macopin family.
1100. John; rri., first, Mary Kidney; second, Catherine
Witte ; his children were :
1101. James (1154), June 16, 1766.
1 102. Helen; m. Ryerson.
1 103. Mary; m. Provost.
1 104. Henry John (nog), Feb. 15, 1803; m. Jane Eck-
hardt; died i£
1 105. William (1122).
1106. Elizabeth.
1 107. Catherine.
1 108. Eleanor. HENRY JOHN (1104).
1109. George, April 8, 1823; died 1823.
1110. Jacob, Jan. 31, 1825.
mi. Catherine, Jan. 31, 1825.
1 1 12. John (1181), Aug. 10, 1827.
11 13. Richard, Sept. 27, 1829.
1114. Sarah, March 31, 1837; died 1837.
1115. Joseph (1185), July 4, 1834; died 1904.
1 1 16. James, Aug. 31, 1836.
1 1 17. Daniel W., Nov. 16, 1839; died 1876.
1118. David (ng2), July 4, 1842; died 1892.
1 1 19. Rev. Peter S. (1182), April 10, 1846; died 1893.
1 120. Charles Wesley (1197), March 14, 1849; m- Eliz
abeth Freeland.
1121. Ira, Jan. 18, 1852; died 1875.
WILLIAM (1105).
1 122. Elizabeth; m. James Carey.
1 123. Julia A.; m. John Vreeland.
1 124. Jane; m. Richard Rhinesmith.
1 125. Harriet; m. Henry Fredericks.
1 126. Peter D. (1134) ; m. Electa DeMont.
1127. Sarah; m. Augustus Blanchard.
1 128. Esther ; m. William Matthew.
1 129. David (1140) ; m. Harriet Stewart.
1 130. James H. (1144) ; m. Mary Filmore.
1 131. Eleanor; m. Reynolds Stewart.
1 132. John Milton (1149) ; m. Mary E. Cahill.
1133. Maria; m. Albert Rhinesmith.
PETER D. (1126).
1 134. Theodore; m. Lydia Sisco.
1 135. Lydia ; m. Thomas Gould.
1 1 36.
John ; m. Maria Jennings.
Effie; m. Vanderbeck.
1 138.
Frederick; m. Ada Winters.
Bertha; m. Jacob Delasiur.
DAVID (1129).
1 140.
Harriet; m. William Dayton.
1 142.
JAMES H. (1 130).
1 144.
1 146.
1 147.
1 148.
JOHNM. (1132).
n 49.
Melissa; m. Charles H. Rhinesmith.
Walter (1152) ; m. Harriet Bernard.
Lottie ; m. Vernon Rhineswith.
WALTER (1 150).
ii 52.
JAMES (noi).
John B. (1157), Feb. 5, 1792; m. Elizabeth Coo-
ley; died 1867.
Conrad (1162) ; m. Margaret Banta.
Mary; m. James Tichenor.
JOHN (1 154).
George Washington (1170), Feb. 22, 1820; m
Sarah M. Smith; Morristown.
Sarah Jane ; m. James M. Newkirk.
Mary; m. Garret Freeland (1173).
CONRAD (1 155).
1 162.
James C. (1176) ; m. Margaret Bampei-.
1 163.
1 164.
John B.
Thomas B.
1 166.
Samuel (1178) ; m.
1 167.
Conrad; m. Carolyn Hoag.
1 168.
Jane ; m. Silas Decker.
Ann ; m. Thomas Decker.
GEORGE W. (1 157).
1 170.
John B. (1184), Dec. 30, 1852; m., first, Ida Pe
trowski; second, Ida K. Smith.
Isaac S. (1182); m. Catherine Lockwood.
1 172.
Mary Elizabeth ; m. James 0. Halsey.
JAMES (1162).
1 1 76.
Martha; m. David Beam.
1 177.
Mary E. ; m. Gaston Drew.
SAMUEL (1166).
1 178.
1 179.
1 180.
JOHN (1112).
Mary ; m. George White.
ISAAC (1 171).
1 182.
JOHN (1 170).
1 184.
Vera E.
JOSEPH (1115).
Martha; m. Horace Mabee.
1 186.
Mary; m. William Coburn.
1 187.
1 188.
Harriet ; m. Raymond Green.
1 189.
1 190.
DAVID (n 18).
1 192.
Frederick; m. Margaret Vance.
1 194.
PETER (n 19).
Henry Judson.
CHARLES W. (1 120).
1 197.
Arthur R. (1199) ; m. Minnie Drew.
Emma Relda.
ARTHUR R. (1197).
1 198.
Mary Elizabeth.
1 199.
Charles Roger.
1201. Edo, son of Enoch; m., first, Annatje Vreeland,
daughter of Elqas, Jan. 29, 1807; second, Jen
nie Garrison, Nov. 24, 1816; third, Jane Blau-
velt, March 12, 1831.
Edo was father of:
1202. Enoch (1211), Oct. 6, 1807; m. Matilda Bogert,
Dec. 31, 1829; d. June 21, 1849.
1203. Margaret, Aug. 4, 1809; m. Cadmus.
1204. Elias (1219), July 2, 181 1 ; m. Ann Terhune.
1205. George E. (1223), Sept. 10, 1813; m. Ann Year-
ance; d. May 13, 1891.
1206. Jane; m. Nicholas Van Winkle.
1207. Catherine ; m. Cornelius Van Houten.
1208. Christiana.
1209. Edo ; m. Jennie Bogert.
1210. Cornelia E.
ENOCH (1202).
Abraham, May 27, 1826.
Martha, Sept. 28, 1827.
Margaret, Nov. 28, 1829.
1211. Edgar (1236), April 30, 1833; m. Rachel Ann
Westervelt, Oct. 28, 1858.
1212. Rachel A., May 13, 1838; m. Richard Paulison,
Feb. 9, i85g; died July 2, igo8; her daughter i?
now Mrs. Luther A. Campbell, Hackensack,
1213. Peter B. (1241), July 5, 1835; m. Jane Ann
Demarest, Feb. 8, 1859; d. Feb. 2, igo2.
1214. Margaretta, April 4, 1840.
1215. Mary Matilda, Nov. 23, 1842; m. Peter Bogert,
Oct. 23, 1867.
1216. Enoch (1243), Oct. 24, 1844; m. Ellen Bogert;
Dec. 2, 1869.
1217. Catherine J., Nov. 20, 1847.
1218. John. ELIAS (1204).
12 19. Edo; m. Jane Hopper.
1220. Albert ; m. Lydecker.
1221. Adam.
1222. Elias. GEORGE (1205).
1223. Edgar, Oct. 22, 1835; m. Mary Hill; died Jan. 2,
1224. Charity, April 14, 1837; m. Abram Cadmus.
1225. Henry G. (1230), July 16, 1839; m. Helen Van
1226. Jane, March 31, 1844; m. Adrian Van Houten.
1227. Cornelius (1234), Oct. 3, 1845; m- Sarah C. Van
Riper ; d. July 5, 1894.
1228. Ann Maria, Feb. 17, 1848; m. Jacob Cadmus.
1229. Eliza, Jan. 13, 1853; m- Albert Doremus; d. Jan.
18, igos.
HENRY (1225).
1230. Harry G.
1 23 1. Helen.
1232. Adrianna.
1233. Ada. CORNELIUS (1227).
1234. Annie, Nov. 23, 1870; m. William Vreeland.
1235. John, Sept. 14, 1876; m. Mabel Haslam.
EDGAR E. (1211).
1236. Enos, Aug. 16, 1859; m. Mary E. Denholm;
Jan. 8, 1884.
1237. Garret Westervelt (1245), Nov. 21, i860; m.
Louisa H. Thornton, Oct. 25, 1893.
1238. Edgar (1246), Nov. 4, 1871 ; m. Mary C. Benagh,
Nov. 4, 1906; Memphis, Tenn.
1239. Matilda.
1240. Walter.
PETER B. (1213).
1241. Margaretta.
1242. Catherine; m. Edward W. Pulis.
ENOCH (1216).
1243. Arthur B., Sept. 18, 1875 ; m. Edith Shaw.
1244. Elizabeth, Jan. 2g, 1880; m. Henry Schmiecke,
June 1, 1907.
GARRET W. (1237).
1245. Ida May, Aug. 18, 1894.
EDGAR (1238).
1246. Josephine.
1300. David, or Aaron, son of Aaron, son of Abraham
(38); lived Westfield; m. Stanbury; his chil
1 301. David, born about 1795 or 1800, moved to Penn
sylvania, and changed his name from Vreeland
to Freeland.
1302. Nathan, copied David's example.
z3°3- Jesse (1308) ; m. Locky Brant.
1304. Aaron (1335), May 4, 1800; m. Jane B. Steven
son; served in War of 1812.
1305. Betsey Lydia; m. Solomon Williams.
1306. Abram.
1307. Ann.
JESSE (1303).
1308. Mary Jane ; m. Van Syckle.
1309. Phebe; m. Francis Sayre.
1310. William M.
1311. Jesse Kimble (1226), Oct. 15, 1835; m. Emma
Julia Meyer ; died July 23, 1900 ; he was named
after a distinguished Revolutionary officer.
1312. Edward; Delavan, Illinois.
1313. Clarence; m. Sarah Clements.
1314. Aaron; North Long Branch, N. J.
1315. Henrietta; m. David Bonnell; their children:
Warren, dead ; Jesse Vreeland Bonnell ; ¦
Deland ; Anna, m. C. R. Myers, of Elizabeth.
DAVID (1301).
1316. William; m. Rebecca Farrand.
1317. Albert G. ; m. Margaret Buckhard.
1318. Thomas M. ; m. Mary Mapes.
1319. Rev. Daniel Niles, 1825 ; m. Mary E. Borweld.
1320. Anna E. ; m. Eugene Claghorn, of Philadelphia.
1321. Theodore H. ; m. Carrie Griffith.
1322. James S. ; m. Fanny Trego.
DANIEL (1319).
1323. Alice N. ; m. Carlos Merry.
1324. Anna E. ; m. Walter Thompson.
1325. Hannah; m. Henry I. Miller.
JESSE K. (1311).
1326. Jennie Louise, May 3, 1869; m. James A.
Knowles ; their son, Sheridan A. Knowles, April
8, 1898.
1327. Emma Florence, March 9, 1873; died 1878.
1328. Henrietta May, May 3, 1875 ; died 1878.
1329. Rachel, June 25, 1878; died 1878.
1330. Jesse Kimble, Dec. 4, 1879; died 1898.
1331. Frederick Lewis, Jan. 24, 1881.
1332. Chester Myer, Nov. 13, 1883; died 1906.
1333. Clarence Edward, May 19, 1885.
1334. Edna Charlotte, June 19, 1888.
AARON (1304)
1335. Aaron (1336), July 1, 1831 ; m. Caroline C. Leeds.
AARON (1335).
1336. Walter; Michigan City, Indiana.
1337. Frank; Michigan City, Indiana.
Who Knew Him living, must lament him dead ;
Whose Corpse beneath this verdant turf is laid ;
Bonnell in Private life, in public trust
Was Wise and Kind, was Generous and Just.
In Virtue's rigid path unmoved he trod ;
To self Impartial, Pious to his God;
Religion's Patron, and a Patrion True;
A General Good and Private Blessing too ;
What Bonnell, was, and what His Virtues were ;
The Resurrection will best Declare,
JOSEPH BONNELL, Esq., died March 14, 1747; in
the 63d year of his age.
Enoch (38), father of:
Abraham, father of :
James, father of:
1400. James (1401); m. Susanna Clark, daughter of
Robert Clark, a relative of Abraham Clark, a
signer of the Declaration of Independence.
His sister m. Kelsey.
His sister m. Solomon Williams.
His sister m. Hendricks.
Their son, Vreeland Hendricks.
His daughter m. John C. Denman, of Newark.
JAMES (1400).
1401. Abraham, unmarried.
1402. Robert Clark (1408), Oct. 7, 1790; m. Ann Wil
liams; died Jan. 31, 1839.
1403. James (1414), Dec. 19, 1794; m. Elizabeth Wil
liams ; died November, 1862.
1404. John M. ; m. Jane Miller ; no children.
1405. Amos; m. Julia Britten; no chilren.
1406. William B. ; m. Susan Marsh.
1407. Elizabeth ; died young.
ROBERT (1402).
1408. Jonas; m. Johanna Barnett; moved to Mobile,
1409. James W., Dec. 12, 1819.
1410. Robert Tecumseh, March 2, 1822; m. Isabella
Nish ; died August, 1866.
141 1. Elizabeth, March 26. 1824; died Nov. 23, 1826.
1412. James Alonzo, Nov. 2, 1826; m. Dunham;
died January, 1905.
1413. Job Noe (1417), Nov. 13, 1830; m. Harriet Ames
Jones; died March 23, 1904.
JAMES (1403).
1414. Sarah Jane, Nov. 3, 1827; m. Washington H.
Craig, of Railway; their children: Stewart C,
George W., Bayard W., and Cornelia.
1415. Elias Williams (1431), March 22, 1829; m. Sarah
L. Scudder.
1416. Elizabeth, Nov. 4, 1844; m. William D. Wood,
of Cranford; their children: Frederick W.
Wood, Ethel L. Wood.
JOB NOE (1413)-
1417. Jacob Clark (1421), May 10, 1864; m. Clara D.
1418. Ann Elizabeth, Aug. 20, 1865 ; died Jan. 3, 1871.
1419. Hattie Anna, Dec. 28, 1866.
1420. George Randolph, April 4, 1868.
1421. Jacob Clark, Aug. , 188 ; died April , 188 .
1422. Clara Isabella, April 1, 188
1423. Tecumseh Sherman, Dec. 18, 1890.
1424. Anna Elizabeth, 189 .
1425. Alonzo Milton, 189 .
1426. Job Edward.
ROBERT T. (1410).
1427. Annabella.
1428. James.
1429. Henry.
1430. Clark.
ELIAS W. (1415).
1431. Mary M., Oct. 15, 1861.
1432. Emily M., April 25, 1863.
1433. Kate, March 4, 1868; m. William M. Higby;
their son, William Scudder Higby, Jan. 31,
WILLIAM B. (1406).
1434. Elizabeth; m. Shotwell.
1435. Mary J.; m. Daniel Seward.
1436. John J. ; m., first, Hand ; second, Barnett.
1437. Theodore; m. Kate Sanderson.
JOHANNIS (43), father of:
1500. Garret, born 1759; m. Rachel Moore, May 22,
1791 ; died Dec. 22, 1845 > his children were :
1 501. Catherine, May 5, 1795; m. John Dougherty,
June 10, 1815; died Feb. 13, 1847.
1502. Isaac (1506), Sept. 20, 1797; m. Margaret Mas
ter; died March 17, 1878.
1503. Abraham (1511), Sept. 16, 1801 ; m. Lydia Vree
land (1572), Aug. 7, 1824; died March 26, 1881.
1504. Elias (1517), March 18, 1809; m. Catherine
Yorke, Feb. 16, 1830; died 1849.
1505. Sarah, Sept. 1, 1814; m. Peter Hanory; d. June
n, 1848.
ISAAC (1502).
1506. Garret, Feb. 22, 1824; died 1903.
1507. Elias (1523), Jan. 22, 1827; m. Martha Bogert,
Aug. 3, 1850; d. Feb. 24, 1896.
1508. Rachel, Aug. 15, 1832; died Aug. 31, 1904.
1509. Mary, May 2, 1835; died Sept., 1889.
1510. Sarah, April 15, 1836; died March 28, i8g8.
ABRAHAM G. (1503).
15 1 1. Elias A. (1524), Dec. 21, 1828; m. Charity Pat
terson, June 15, 1850; d. Aug. 18, 1880.
1512. Rachel, May 5, 1833; m. Merseles Post, July 4,
1853 ; d. Dec. 22, i8g4.
1513. John A. (1527), July 19, 1835; m. Sarah Wil
son, June 12, 1864; d. Sept. 27, 1892.
1514. Catherine, May 24, 1837; m. Josiah Patterson,
Dec. 26, 1857 ; d. Jan. 20, i8g7.
1515. Garret (1528), Oct. 25, 1841 ; m. Matilda Drew,
June 26, 1864; d. Dec. n, i8g5.
1516. Sarah, March 22, 1844; m. Jeremiah Stanley,
June 12, 1864.
ELIAS (1504).
1517. John E. (1532), July n, 1831 ; m. Ann Louise
Post, July 4, 1853.
1 5 18. Mary Catherine, April 6, 1833 ; died July 15, 1849.
15 19. Dayton (1534), July 10, 1835; m. Susan Sisco,
Feb. 16, 1856.
1520. Rachel, April 5, 1837; m. Jeremiah Kesler; died
Jan. 30, 1907.
1521. Elias (1541), March 30, 1840; m. Lizzie C. Bog
ert, Oct. 22, 1863; d. Nov. 1, 1895.
1522. Abraham (1547), Sept. 10, 1843; m. Emma
Jackson, May 16, 1864.
ELIAS (1507).
1523. Matilda, March 3, 1862; m. Horace Walsh, June
14, 1879.
ELIAS (1511).
1524. William, Feb. 18, 1853; died Aug. 7, 1891.
1525. Elmer 3, July 4, i860; died Sept. 16, 1879.
1526. Charles (1548), July 29, 1865; m. Mary Voorhis,
April 10, 1887.
JOHN (1513).
1527. Elizabeth, Nov. 6, 1867; m. John Miller, Nov. 2,
GARRET (1515).
1528. Ella, April 5, 1865; m. Martin A. Vega, Nov. 15,
1529. Frank, July 13, 1866.
1530. Frederick, April 12, 1874; m. Anna Tape.
1 53 1. John, March 20, 1879; died Sept. 22, 1906.
JOHN (1517)-
1532. Nehemiah (1550), Feb. 7, 1856; m. Louisa Klein,
June 13, 1883.
1533. Minanett, Feb. 21, 1858; died Jan. 12, 1863.
DAYTON (1519).
1534. Lavinia, Sept. 1, 1858; m. Alfred G. Hopper.
1535. Ida, May 19, i860; m. Charles McGinnis, June
18, 1894; died March 31, 1906.
1536. Eugene Lyons ( 1551), March 31, 1862; m. Min
nie Cocker, Sept. 20, 1882.
1537. Emma, Oct. 24, 1863; m. George Ackerman, May
16, 1883.
1538. John Elias (1554), July 8, 1867; m. Alice Van
Orden, June 26, 1886.
1539. Robert Peach (1555), July 5, 1873; m. Emma
Hewitt, June 30, 1897.
1540. Frank Haviland, Jan. 24, 1877; m. Edith Pursell,
July 25, 1905.
ELIAS (1521).
1541. David, Feb. 12, 1866; m. Elizabeth Peak, Sept.
4, 1886; died Oct. 29, 1908.
1542. Anna Louise, Nov. 15, 1868; m. William Harri
1543. Elizabeth, May 16, 1870; m. Emil Hulser; died
June 18, 1906.
1544. Elias (1556); April 18, 1876; m. Elizabeth J.
Peterson, Dec. 12, 1896.
1545. Ralph, Oct. 10, 1878; died Oct. 15, 1901.
1546. Matilda, Dec. 18, 1881 ; m. Frank Bibby.
ABRAHAM (1522).
1547. Jenette, Nov. 10, 1886; m. Alexander Dunlop,
June 18, 1859.
CHARLES (1526).
1548. Charles J., March 2, 1888.
1549. Roy Demarest, Aug. 4, 1890.
NEHEMIAH (1532).
1550. Frederick John, May 10, 1891.
EUGENE (1536).
1551. Amy, June 16, 1883; m. Charles A. Miesch, June
1, 1902.
1552. Lavinia, July 19, 1887.
1553. Ralph James, June 7, 1889.
JOHN ELIAS (1538).
1554. Frank Haviland (1562), April 4, 1887; m. Emily
May Bozzo, June 2, 1907.
ROBERT (1539).
1555. Robert, June 2, 1904.
ELIAS (1544).
1556. Matilda, Nov. 17, 1897.
1557. Elias, Nov. 5, 1899.
1558. Alice, Sept. 2, 1902.
1559. Roy, Feb. 20, 1904.
1560. Eliza, April 23, 1906.
1561. May, May 3, 1908.
FRANK (1554).
1562. Frank Haviland, Dec. 13, 1908.
i57i 1572
1573 1574 15751576
Elias (1572), born 1773; m. Sarah Sigler; died
Lydia, Feb. 1, 1803; m. Abraham Vreeland
(1503) ; died Feb. 9, 1876.
Rachel, born 1805 ; m. Richard Varick ; died 1886.
Peter (1588), born 1815; m. Sarah Dunphy; died
Abraham, 181 1; m. Mary Gowan; died 1876.
Ruth Ann, Nov. 23, 181 3; m. Abraham Brooks,
July 1, 1827; died Jan. 24, 1854.
John E. (1581), Sept. 20, 1816; m. Rachel Lut-
kins ; died Sept. 22, 1896.
Mary, Oct. 14, 1819; m. Henry Brooks, Jan. 12,
1839; died July 25, 1900.
Katherine, May 14, 182 1 ; m. John Deets; d. Sept.
17, 1888.
Thomas (1590), born 1822; m. Elizabeth Mc-
Nerney ; died 1871 ; their daughter, Mary, Aug.
15, 1874; m. John Davies.
JOHN E. (1577).
1581. John H. (1585), July 22, 1849; m. Jewel Van
1582. Elias, Sept. 9, 1845; m- Margaret Sims; now
Orange, N. J.
1583. Ella, May g, 1851 ; m. Albert Jacobus; now Cedar
1584. Eliza C, Dec. 25, 1858; m. William H. Smith;
d. Aug. 3, 1895.
JOHN H. (1581).
1585. Wilber, Feb. 14, 1876; m. Hattie Zelloff.
1586. Clarence, April 9, 1890.
1587. Vincent H., Jan. 10, 1893.
PETER (1574).
1588. Mary, July 11, 1863; m. Joseph Schumacher, Jan.
29, 1892.
1589. Joseph, Jan. 28, 1866.
THOMAS (1580).
1590. Mary A. ; m. John Davies.
1 591. Catherine, Ellen and John! broke through the
ice and were drowned in the canal in the winter
of 1874.
1601. John.
1602. Tunis (1603), born 1789.
TUNIS (1602).
1603. John (1604) ; born 1814; died 1869.
JOHN (1603).
1604. Tunis, Dec. 1, 1837; m., first, Margaret Lutkins;
second, Phebe Evans.
1605. Emma; born 1839; m. M. J. Swan; their daugh
ter was Edith, born 1869.
TUNIS (1604).
1606. John T., Aug. 19, 1864.
1607. Stephen, Sept. 1, 1865.
1608. Caroline H., Dec. 6, 1866; m. Chas. Zabriskie;
their children : Charles E., May 3, 1887 ; Grace
M., Jan. 21, 1889; John T., June 30, 189 .
1609. James B., May 6, 1868.
1610. William E., June 12, 1873.
161 1. Edward T., Jan. 15, 1877; m- Nellie Roughgar-
1612. Herbert M., Aug. 18, 1883.
1613. George, Sept. 20, 1885.
1614. Alfred E., Feb. 24, 1887.
1615. Emma, July 22, 1888.
1616. William H., June 2, 1890.
1617. Tunis W., Aug. 7, 1893.
1618. Maria, Sept. 29, 1895.
EDWARD T. (1611).'
1619. Edna, born 1908.
1651. Isaac; father of:
1652. Isaac; father of:
1653. Abraham J., Oct. 20, 1788; m. Lydia Romaine;
died April 20, 1858.
ABRAHAM (1653).
1654. John, Jan. 10, 1813.
1655. Daniel A., Oct. 29, 1818 ; m. Rachel A. Ackerman.
DANIEL (1655).
1656. William D. (1708), July 12, 1849; m. Harriet
Cadmus ; now in California.
1657. Lydia L., Feb. 3, 1855 ; m. Martin Johnson, June
30, 1879.
WILLIAM (1656).
1658. Hattie D., Feb. 3, 1882.
MICHAEL (66) ; father of:
1700. Abraham; born May 31, 1755; father of:
1701. John (1702), Jan. 26, 1784; m. Hester Demarest.
1702. Cathalina, May 10, 1810; m. Grandin Van Zile;
their children, Hester, George and Amos.
1703. Abram (1712), Dec. 22, 1812; m. Ellen Stager;
he died Dec. 14, 1882 ; she died Feb. 6, 1887.
1704. Sally Ann, Sept. 2, 1815; m., first, Charles Cloyd;
second, John Jarvis ; their children, Charles and
1705. Lucinda, Sept. 15, 1820; m. Winthrop Wilson;
their children, Hester, Euphemia, Douglas and
1706. Rebecca, March 7, 1823; m. Calvin H. Van Zile;
born June 4, 1816; died Aug. 25, 1899; their
children : Cathalina, John Herman, Grandin and
1707. Elizabeth, Jan. 4, 1827; died Dec. 4, 1828.
1708. Peter Demarest (1709), Aug. 31, 1830; m. Auley
Lavina Frederick, March 27, 1851.
PETER (1708).
1709. Frank Stryker (1710), July 25, 1865; m. Lucy
E. Herben.
FRANK (1709).
1710. Grace May, May 1, 1886; m. Archibald W. Fra-
ser ; their son, Vreeland Herben Fraser.
171 1. Alma Lavina; June 15, 1890.
ABRAM (1703).
1712. John, Oct. 2, 1836; m. Oct. 26, 1864, Josephine
Orr; died Oct. 15, 1883.
17*31714i7i5 1716
Henry, Nov. 25,-1837; m. Sept. 9, 1858, Catherine
E. Tooker; d. Dec. 15, 1892.
George Washington, Feb. 3, 1845; d. Apr. 21,
Hester Ann, Jan. 5, 1849; m- Sept. 2, 1875, Frank
lin P. Zeiger.
Sarah, July 3, 1852; d. Aug. 1, 1852.
1801. Richard (76) ; had children.
1802. Michael (1805) ; born 1760; died May 13, 1832;
m. Margaret Terhune; born 1770; died March
24, 1837.
1803. Elizabeth ; m. Peter Sip, of Jersey City.
1804. John; born 1765; died N0V..28, 1850.
MICHAEL (1802).
1805. Richard M. (1806); born 1787; died Feb. 2,
1849; m. Mary Kip, b. March 26, 1783, she died
June 10, 1880.
RICHARD (1805).
1806. Michael (1812) ; born 1787; died Feb. 2, 1849;
m. Lavinia Brinkerhoff.
1807. Margaret, Jan., 1819; died Aug. 7, 1896; m.
Henry D. Westervelt.
1808. Isaac R. (1809), Dec. 18, 1825; died April 23,
1903 ; m. Gertrude Edsall.
ISAAC R. (1808).
1809. John I. (1810) ; m. Mary A. Schor.
JOHN I. (i8og).
1810. Isaac R. ; m. Anna Ferry.
181 1. Mary A.
MICHAEL (1806).
1812. Mary, April, 1842; died Oct. 21, 1863.
Cornelius (73) was the first settler in English
neighborhood (see Biographical Sketch, Part
Five). His son Cornelius (93), born 1762,
died Oct. 5, 1798, was father of :
1821. Cornelius (1822), Feb. 27, 1792; served in war
of 1812; died Dec. 9, 1877; m. Margaret Day,
Dec. 4, 1815; born Jan. 1, 1796; died May 23,
1822. Mary Frost, June 2, 1816; m. John Garrabrant.
1823. Michael Edward, Feb. 5, 1820; m. Mary Ann
1824. Jane, July 17, 1823 ; m. Daniel Foulk.
1825. Cornelius, Aug. 14, 1826; m. Mary Conklin; b.
Nov. 14, 1825 ; d. Aug. 16, 1875 .
1826. David, Dec. 23, 1828; m. Catherine A. Banks;
served in 35th Regiment, N. J. Volunteers, in
the Civil War.
1827. Sarah, Aug. 4, 1835 ; m. Jackson Fuller.
1828. Cornelius ; died April 27, 1834.
1829. Anna; died Oct. 31, 1888.
1830. George.
183 1. Eugenia.JANE (1824).
1832. Sarah Vreeland Foulk; m. Rev. William Bre-
voort Bolmer; their children: William, Thayer,
Maurice, Daniel and Paul.
DAVID (1826).
1833. David.
1834. Fanny.
1835. Emma.
1836. Dora.
1902jgo3 7904 1905
1906. 19071908 1909
1 901. Jacob (9) ; born Aug. 9, 1678; m. Antje L. Toers,
1703; they had son.
Michael; who was father of:
John (1911).
Abraham (1913) ; m. Elizabeth Mason.
Michael ; m. Hester Van Winkle.
John ; m. Margaret Kingsland.
Ralph; m. Magdalen Pier.
Anna; m. Daniel Van Winkle.
Magdalen; m. John Oldham.
JOHN (1903).
191 1. Stephen.
1912. Abraham.
ABRAHAM (1904).
1913. Warren (1818), April 15, 1822; died April 20,
1909 ; m. Jane E. Lloyd ; now Nutley, N. J.
1914. Mary; m. Alonzo Baldwin.
191 5. Martha.
191 6. Rosanna.
1817. Elizabeth; m. Jared Tuers.
WARREN (1913).
1918. Laura; m. William Tuers.
1919. Virginia; m. John McFarland.
2001. John (2002), July 26, 1779; m. Brouwer;
father of :
2002. Jacob (2006), 1803; m. Lydia Van Riper.
2003. Elias (2010), 1807; m. Sophie Britton.
2004. John; m. Kent.
2005. Richard.JACOB (2002).
2006. Henry (2012), Feb. 15, 1834; m. Phebe Ann
2007. Sarah, 1840; m. Nicholas Mandeville.
2008. Amzi D. (2016), 1849.
2009. John, May 11, 1852; m. Anna A. Jacobus; Cedar
ELIAS (2003).
2010. Charles E., March 10, 1852; m. Katherina Tol-
son, 1884.
201 1. HENRY (2006).
2012. Emma; m. Thomas Van Osterbrigge.
2013. John (2018) ; m. Jane Potmus.
2014. Catherine ; m. Harmon Olthuis.
2015. Mamie; m. Frederick Van Fenschoten.
AMZI (2008).
2016. Amzi.
2017. Chester.
JOHN (2013).
2018. John Henry.
2019. Clarence Louis.
Ralph, son of Michael (66), had son, Hessel, b.
May 15, 1771; his children are:
2101. Isaac (2105) ; m. Jane Demarest.
2102. Nicholas; moved to New York.
2103. Samuel.
2104. Richard. ISAAC (2101).
2105. James (21 10) ; born 1820; m. Ellen Maria Camp
2106. David (21 16) ; m. Mary Vandelinda.
2107. Mariam; m., first, Abram Blauvelt; second, Louis
2108. Hannah; m. John Parsells.
2109. Betsy; m. Robert Inglis.
JAMES (2105).
21 10. Jane Ann; m. David E. Haring.
21 1 1. John Jacob (21 14) ; m. Ellen H. Haring.
21 12. Ellen Louisa; m. Levi L. Holmes.
21 13. James Henry; died in Infancy.
JOHN JACOB (211 1).
21 14. Everett H. ; m. Ida Lew.
21 15. Milton J.
DAVID (2106).
21 16. Sarah Jane; m. John H. Demarest.
21 17. Evelyn; m., first, Goldsmith; second,
21 18. ; m. Ann Hankey.
MICHAEL (67), father of
2201. Michael (2202) ; m. Marchia Van Riper, Feb. 4,
1784 ; second, Mary Coronal.
2202. Jacob; m. Laura Smith.
2203. Garret.
2204. Elias; m. Nancy Stoflet.
2205. James (2208) born ; m. Emma Barnes
Smith, of Hudson, N. Y., Sept. 1, 1835; d.
Jan. 17, 1840.
2206. Daniel Coronal (2221) ; m. Mary Stoflet.
2207. Mary; m. Benjamin Reigl.
JAMES (2205).
2208. Laura Elizabeth, May 7, 1825 ; m. Dr. Abner
Hard, May 7, 1844. Their children: Florence;
Louise, m. W. H. Van Arsdale; Genevieve, m.
Dr. William Murphy; Virginia, m. C. C. Shep-
2209- Jacob Edwin, March 6, 1828; m. Anna C. L.
Barnes, Detroit, Mich. ; d. Sept. 12, 1896.
2210. Lois Maria, March 31, 1831 ; m. L. Marcus War
den. His sister m. Henry Vreeland (2303).
His daughter, Louise.
221 1. Marcia, May 17, 1834; d.
2212. Michael James (2215), Oct. 20, 1838; m. Mary
Helen Stoflet. See military record and por
trait elsewhere.
JACOB E. (2209).
2213. James Barnes (2217), August 21, 1864; m.
Emma Cordelia De Veaux.
2214. Cora Lena, July 19, 1866; m. Charles Pierce
Burton, May 25, 1887. Their son Lawrence
Vreeland Burton, April 15, 1889; daughter,
Alice Gertrude, May 24, 1891 ; son Malcolm,
April 23, i8g6.
MICHAEL J. (2212).
2215. Thaddeus Whitney, Jan. 6, 1865; m. Johanna
2216. Mary Lois, Feb. 27, 1875; m- Dr. Ralph E. Col
lins, Detroit, Mich. Their son, Frederick
Vreeland Collins, Dec. 3, igo4-
JAMES B. (2213).
2217. James Barnes, April 22, igoo.
THADDEUS W. (2215).
2218. Thaddeus, August, igoo.
2219. Carl, Jan., 1903.
2220. Johanna, March, 1905.
CORONEL (2206).
2221. Louisa; m. Col. Chapin, U. S. A.
HENRY (1780), father of
2301. Benjamin (2306).
2302. John.
2303. Henry (2310), July 10, 1810; m. Eliza Warden;
she was born May 28, 1815. See (2200).
2304. William.
2305. Richard.BENJAMIN (2301).
2306. Benjamin.
2307. Mary.
2308. William.
2309. Abram, Oct. 1, 1843.
HENRY (2303).
2310. John Emmons (2316), Jan. 25, 1838; m.
231 1. Sarah L., Dec. 18, 1839.
2312. Mary F., Dec. 4, 1842; m. Henry Bennett, To-
peka, Kan. Their children : Belle, Mary, Harry
and Albert.
2313. Walter F. (2318), Jan. 5, 1845; m- Harriet Snow,
2314. Ann E., Oct. 25, 1847; m. Edward Luff, Oak
Park, 111. Their children : Anna V. and Harry E.
2315. William H. (2320), Oct. 6, 1850; m. Bessie
JOHN E. (2310).
2316. May H., May 1, 1871.
2317. E. Imogene, June 25, 1874; d. Sept. 14, 1875.
WALTER F. (2313).
2318. Bernice.
2319. Grace. WILLIAM H. (2315).
2320. Edna.
2321. William.
2322. Mildred.
2323. Roy.
JACOB (77).
2401. Michael J (2404), Oct. n, 1770; d. Sept. 3, 1840;
m., first,. Mary Moore, b. 1770, d. Jan. 21, 1795;
second, Rachel De Groot, b. May 25, 1775, d.
Sept. 28, 1820; third, Sarah Demarest, April 14,
1782, d. Oct. n, 1866.
2402. Lavinia, July 14, 1772; d. Sept. 29, 1847; m.
MICHAEL (2401).
2404. Jacob, April 21, 1793; d. Oct. 2, 1863; m. Mary
2405. Clarissa, Nov. 18, 1800; d. Oct. 25, 1876; m.
Samuel Morne.
2406. Michael, 1797; d. 1805.
2407. Wina, Nov. 25, 1802; d. Aug. 1, 1805.
2408. Michael Henry (2403), Jan. 6, 1807; d. July 29,
1876; m. Maria Lavina Romaine; she d. Apr.
23, 1905-
24og. Stephen De Mot (2416), b. 1808; d. 1859; m.
Mary Westervelt.
2410. Ellen, Jan. 1, 181 1 ; d. Sept. 12, 1831.
241 1. Rachel, Mar. 21, 1813; d. Apr. 13, 1823.
2411a. Lavinia M., Apr. 1, 1816; d. Oct. 4, 1868; m.
William Dyckman.
2412. John De Groot, June 12, 1818 ; d. Sept. 15, 1820.
MICHAEL (2408).
2413. William H., Feb. 9, 1854; d. May 13, 1854.
2414. J. Romaine, Apr. 23, 1849; d. Jan. 12, 1878.
2415. Emily; m. Frederick W. Winterburn.
Their daughter, Una Adele, m. Otis Yale Harsen;.
have one child, Frederick Winterburn Harsen, Feb. 4,
1909. Daughter, Eva Marie, m. Charles De Kay Wolfe,
another daughter is Olive Emily Winterburn.
STEPHEN (2409).
2416. Rachel Clarissa, 1837; d. 1859.
2417. Ellen, 1842; d. 1869.
2418. Mary; m. James Demarest.
2419. Sarah.
2420. Michael S. ; m. Lena Earle.
2421. Ida.
2451. Nicholas; m. Amialy van Blarcom.
2452. Michael (3) ; m. Elizabeth Redner at Passaic,
MICHAEL (2452).
2453. Michael, Dec. 28, 1807; m. Margaret Van Riper,
Dec. 25, 1831, at Fayette, N. Y.
2454. Henry (12), Oct. 5, 1810; m. Mary A. Ceede.
2455. Margaret, Aug. 11, 1812.
2456. Eliza ; m. Hezekiah Knowles.
2457. Charity.MICHAEL (2453).
2458. Gertrude.
2459. Elizabeth; m. Samuel Rice Jan. 21, 1862.
2460. Charity; m. James Kipp Jan. 26, 1864.
2461. Mary. HENRY (2454).
2462. Margaret.
2463. William (14) ; m. Clara Shreve April 19, 1833.
WILLIAM (2463).
2464. Charles Henry.
2500. Paul, born about 1819; m. Eliza Cabrey Vree
land; father of
2501. John Henry.
Richard (2508) ; m. Emma Flandrau; died 1908.
Peter; m. Alice Fearnand; died 1873.
George (2515) ; m. Mary Ann Paul.
Jane; m. Benjamin Limbert; died 1893.
James. Hattie.
2502. 2503-2504. 2505-
2506.2507. The four eldest sons enlisted in the Civil War; John
Henry was killed in the battle of Williamsburg, May,
1862 ; George served in the infantry during the entire
war. RICHARD (2502).
2508. Annie; 2509, Richard; 2510, Peter; 251 1, Sadie;
2512, Minnie; 2513, Lea; 2514, Harvey.
GEORGE (2504).
2515. Lillie.
2516. Mamie; m. Alfred William Watson June 26, 1901,
New York City.
2517. George Washington ; m. Maritta York Sisson.
2518. Florence.
2519. Robert Paul; m. Blanche Ethel Buckridge Sept.
17, 1908.
2520. Edna.
Ferdinand Vreeland (201). George W. Vreeland (197). Oliver P. Vreeland (201).
Vreelands of Yesterday and Today.
John Elias Vreeland (1517).
Was born July n, 1832, in Brouwertown, Passaic
County, but came to Paterson with his parents a few
years later. When twelve years old he began work in
the Danforth Cotton Mills, and here won speedy promo
tion. When Danforth, Cooke & Co. organized he went
over to the locomotive department, and continued there
until his retirement.
He celebrated the golden anniversary of his wedding
with Ann Louise Post in 1903.
He has resided in his present home nearly fifty years.
He has always been a staunch Republican, but never
•could be prevailed upon to accept public office; has been
active in church work, as Sunday School teacher and
superintendent, and still takes active interest in the work
of the Methodist Church.
"Uncle John" is still a familiar figure in Paterson, and
is hailed when met upon the streets with hearty expres
sions of good will and respect by all who know him.
Portrait on Page 134.
Was born in Paterson, N. J., on February 7, 1856, and
after receiving a common school education went to work
in Clark's hardware store, and in i89g he took over the
business himself and continued until the time of the great
fire in igo2. He then took a position in the Hamilton
Trust Company, and is still a valued man in that insti
tution. He is a great lover of art and of music, and has
used his natural gift in the last named branch to good
advantage as organist in the Market Street, Main Street
and Grace Methodist Churches. He has ocupied official
positions in a number of building and loan associations.
He married Louisa Klein, June 13, 1883, and has one
son, Frederick John Vreeland, born May 11, 1891.
Every man has at least one hobby, but Mr. Vreeland
has a pair of them, one of them being the home manu
facture and accumulations of some fine old wines, which
by the thousand bottles are growing mellow with age in
his cellars. His other hobby is coin collecting, which he
has been engaged in since a dozen years of age.
He owns now one of the finest private collections in
the country, numbering over five thousand specimens,
gathered from all parts of the world. To mention a very
few, we might cite his possession of a fifty tael piece of
China, used to pay the Boxer indemnity. It is a silver
ingot, weighing sixty ounces, and the specimen in Mr.
Vreeland's possession is the only one in the country in
the hands of a private collector. One of the largest gold
coins in the world, called Kei-Eho-Dai-Bau, from Japan,
the milling value of which is $76, is six inches long and
nearly as wide. Other novelties are Indian wampum,
made near Hackensack, a copper coin of Sweden, weigh
ing six and three-quarter pounds, and measuring nine by
ten inches. Per contra, is the one sixty-fourth ducat of
Regensberg, about the size of a pin head. Likewise may
be seen a silver thaler of 1778, used to pay the Hessian
hirelings during the Revolution, and justly styled "Blood
money." He has specimens of the famous Leiden, Hol
land money, made out of cardboard and book covers, dur
ing the famous siege of Leiden in 1574.
Mr. Vreeland has at his tongue's end the history of
every specimen in his collection. He is a member of the
American Numismatic Association and the British
Numismatic Society of London.
He is a member of the Holland Society of New York,
and author of a history of the Paterson branch of the
Post family, of which he is a lineal descendant.
NicholasVreeland (136).
In the group of old Vreeland homesteads at the head
of the chapter on "Some Vreeland Homesteads," will be
seen the original home of Nicholas Vreeland (136), built
by him very nearly a century ago, and in which he made
his home for nearly fifty years, when he built the larger
home standing in the center of the block, and now owned
and occupied by his daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Samuel Dusenberry Tompkins.
When the original house was built the whole section
surrounding it was farm land, with no indications of a
great city apparent. The old stage road to Newark
(Communipaw avenue) passed the door, and Bergen
Point Plank road (Garfield avenue) and old Bergen
road (Bergen avenue) were the only public roads.
Nicholas Vreeland, son of Michael and Gertrude
Sickles Vreeland, was born February 20, 1789, at Com
munipaw, in the house built by Michael Jansen in 1658,
after the Indians had burned the original log house at
the time of the massacre in 1655. Thus, here within
sight of the original home of his forefathers, Mr. Vree
land lived his eight years, ever a most conscientious and
highly respected citizen, kind and gentle of mien, beloved
by all who knew him.
He married in 1814 Annatje, daughter of Ed. Win
ner, who died childless, in 1832. Two years later he
married Elizabeth Van Riper, of Wesel, Bergen County.
She died March 11, 1889. Two children survive, John
Van Riper Vreeland, of Cheyenne, Wyoming, and Getti-
anna Vreeland Tompkins, of Jersey City. John and
Gettianna each had five children, a complete record of
whom can be found in our Genealogical chapter.
Portrait on Page 159.
Cornelius C. Vreeland was born in English neighbor
hood, Bergen County, New Jersey, on February 27, 1792,
in the house pictured above, which building is still stand
ing and is now occupied as a tavern.
Mr. Vreeland's grandfather was the first settler in
English Neighborhood, and owned almost all the land
now occupied by the Borough of Ridgefield. He moved
there about 1750. The old Dutch Reformed Church and
burying ground are located upon a portion of his farm.
Cornelius Vreeland, 3d, the subject of our sketch, was
a man noted for his sterling integrity and strong con
stancy of affection, a "Chevalier sans peur et sans re-
proche." His branch of the family sustained manfully
the Vreeland reputation for patriotism. Cornelius (73)
fought in the Revolutionary War; his grandson, Cor
nelius (1821), served during the War of 1812, and the
latter's son, David (1826), was in the Thirty-fifth Regi
ment, New Jersey Volunteers, in the Civil War.
Cornelius married Margaret Day, in 1815, and the
union was blessed with three sons and three daughters.
His son, Michael Edward, was a successful contractor
in New York City. Cornelius and David established an
iron industry over which George, son of the former, now
presides as owner. His daughter, Mary, married John
Garrabrant, and died childless; Jane married Daniel
Cooper Foulk, and had three daughters, only one of
which reached maturity, viz. : Sarah Vreeland Foulk.
She married Rev. William Brevoort Bolmer, an Episco
pal clergyman. His youngest child, Sarah, married An
drew Jackson Fuller, and had four children, who lived
to grow up. Two died in early womanhood, and her
only son, N. E. Fuller, is a Congregational minister.
What is generally called the "Greenville" line of Vree
lands comprise a very notable portion of the great family.
It is noted further that it has kept its ranks compact, as
a greater proportion of its members reside to-day upon
the ancestral acres than any other of the original lines.
These lands have been in the possession of the family
ever since the original grants to Michael Jansen, his wife
Sophia, and their son Enoch, who is the ancestor of the
particular line we are describing. Enoch himself lived
upon the bluff overlooking New York Bay, opposite Wil
kinson avenue. His public record is given in Chapter
XXXI. His son Joris (94), shortly after his marriage,
built the house on the shore, at the foot of Chapel ave
nue, pictured in the center of the group of old home
steads, which is to-day the oldest Vreeland homestead in
Hudson County. Joris's on, Garret, served in the Rev
olutionary War, participating in the battles of Trenton,
Princeton and Freehold among others. His son George
(83) was a soldier in the War of 1812. He married
Catherine Newkirk, and their portraits are shown on
another page. He purchased the old Gautier mansion on
the bay, and lived there until his death. He was a noted
character in his day, whether engaged in farming, fishing
or in public life.
His son George (115) was born October 8, 1816, and
married Cathalina Newkirk. Their portraits can be
found elsewhere. Nine children came to bless their
union. He resided in the old Cubberly homestead until
1876, when he built a fine house adjoining, and would
probably have died there had it not been that the land
was needed for the great Pennsylvania Railroad Termi
nal, and he was compelled to move. He then built the
house shown in the group at the beginning of this story,
and lived there until his death in 1905. He was a quiet,
George Vreeland (83).
Catherine Newkirk Vreeland.
self-contained man, of considerable force of character.
Aside from the occupation of farmer and fisherman, the
line adopted by the first comers, he did not enter into
commercial business, but was especially active in public
affairs, filling the offices of town committeeman, town
treasurer, school trustee and others.
George Washington (197), the third child and eld
est son, was born June 3, 1842, and married Helen Jane
Smith. Like his father, he engaged in farming, and later
took up the more profitable line of market gardening
with great success. With his savings he made many
shrewd investments in real estate, and is to-day a very
large holder of this valuable article. He inherited by his
father's will the home of the late Charles H. Winfield,
the county historian, where he now resides.
Oliver Perry Vreeland was born October 10, 1853,
and after his school days were over engaged in market
gardening with his brothers. In this, as in other lines
later in life, he was peculiarly successful, and the products
of his combined brain and labor always commanded a
leading position in the markets of the metropolis, on ac
count of their superior qualities.
When the Greenville Banking and Trust Company was
organized he was one of its most active supporters, and
he and his brother George were elected directors, and
Oliver was elected secretary and treasurer in August,
1904. He was elected for this very important office
because of his life-time acquaintance with the surround
ing lands and long and intimate knowledge of the people
in the neighborhood, a decidedly valuable asset to an
institution of this kind. He has continued in the same
office ever since, and resides in a handsome house that
he built on Garfield avenue.
Ferdinand Vreeland, the youngest son, was born
March 14, 1856, and married Sadie M. Holmes, of Mon-
Cathalina Newkirk Vreeland.
George Vreeland (115).
mouth County, who is a lineal descendant of Colonel
Asher Holmes, one of General George Washington's
favorite and most trusty aides. Colonel Holmes' record
as a Revolutionary soldier is a part of the history of the
nation, and does not need repetition here. Ferdinand
maintains a summer home in Branchport, Monmouth
County, facing the Shrewsbury River, and in the winter
season occupies his father's former residence in Jersey
City, which he inherited from his father. Pictures of the
homes of these three brothers are shown at the beginning
of this story.
Of the daughters, Sophia Jane, the eldest, married
Andrew Cadmus ; Cathalina married Peter Sip Van
Winkle, whose great-grandmother was a Vreeland of
Bergen County, and Rachael Emma married Isaac V.
"Zy het nochtans zoo nederig,
Daaf is geen plaats zoo als t'huis."
"Be it ever so humble,
There is no place like Home."
Portrait on Page 156.
Andrew Vreeland was born May 21, 1815, and in early
boyhood was appointed to the Rogers, Ketcham & Gros-
venor Locomotive and Machine Company. He served in
the cotton machinery department to such good effect that
he was promoted to. be foreman before the end of his
apprenticeship, and continued with the firm until Mr.
Rogers' death in 1859.
He then started out for himself in the cotton spinning
business in 1859, and conducted this so successfully that
he was enabled to retire with a competence in 1885. He
was elected a member of the Board of Chosen Free
holders of Passaic County in 1854, and was re-elected in
1855 and 1856, the last year serving as director of the
Board. He made a splendid record, always looking out
for the good and welfare of the people of the county.
He was a consistent and active member of the Methodist
Episcopal Church for over seventy years, being fre
quently elected to prominent official positions, including
the presidency of the Board of Trustees, which honorable
position he occupied for a number of years. He was also
a trustee of the Mount Tabor Camp Meeting Association,
and chairman of its Executive Committee for a long time.
Mr. Vreeland was a man of strong convictions and
sterling qualities ; his busines career was a credit to him
self, an honor to his home city, and a splendid legacy of
remembrance to his family. He won and maintained the
respect of all with whom he came in contact, and died at
the ripe old age of 86 years, on May 19, 1901.
The first ferry established legally on the Hudson River
connecting New York and New Jersey was tne Commu
nipaw ferry in 1661, about the time that Bergen village
received its new charter. It ran to the foot of Commu
nipaw lane, shown in the picture of Communipaw.
Michael Jansen was licensed and became the first legal
ized ferryman.
From Communipaw the route was up Communipaw
lane and Brown's ferry road to the Hackensack River,
and to Newark, and thence by "the Excellent New York
and Philadelphia Running Machines," as they were
grandiloquently advertised, to the city of Brotherly Love.
After the battle of Paulus Hook in 1789 the line of
travel turned in the direction of the new Jersey City, and
a ferry was regularly maintained at the foot of what is
now called Grand Street, the stage route being up the old
Mill road, now Academy street, to Newark, Orange and
elsewhere. While a Vreeland was the first ferryman, another en
ergetic member of the family, William Vreeland (703),
established a line of stages between Orange and Jersey
City about 1825. Unlike the traction monopoly of the
present day, Mr. Vreeland experienced lively competi
tion, and to such extent did the opposition grow, with
consequent lowering of fares, that at last he agreed to
carry passengers free, and by this master stroke soon had
the field to himself. His line of coaches became popu
larly known as "Flying Dutchmen," owing to the supe
riority of speed over all rivals.
Mr. Vreeland also operated a line of stages on Broad
way, New York, running from the Battery to Bleecker
street, which was the boundary of the built up section.
He died in 1863, and was accredited as a man of
George Franklyn Vreeland (707).
wealth. The homestead place, sixty acres in extent, at
the corner of Center and Harrison streets, was one of
the show places of Orange. The house still compares
favorably with the beautiful modern homes builf around
it in what is now the choicest residential part of the city,
but the family disposed of its holdings at the close of the
Civil War.
ORRIN SWIFT VREELAND (704) was associated
with his father in business until he entered the army as
a private in Company H, Twenty-sixth Regiment, New
Jersey Volunteers. He returned from the war broken in
health from the exposures and hardships of service, and
died in 1874.
son of William and son of Orrin S., was born in Newark,
September 9, 1866. Shortly after his father's death, in
1875, he moved to Summit, Union County. He received
a good public school education, and at the age of sixteen
engaged in the woolen goods business in New York, and
has continued in it ever since, and for some years has
been the head of the firm of Vreeland & Wilson, 79 to 83
Fifth avenue, New York City, conducting a large and
successful business, the firm being considered leaders in
their line, enjoying an enviable reputation among their
business associates.
Mr. Vreeland has always been a Republican in politics,
and for many years has taken a prominent part in the
political life of his home city, county and State. He has
held many positions of honor in the Summit city govern
ment, appointive and elective. He served three years in
the City Council from the First Ward, and was then
elected after a hot contest as Councilman-at-Large, and
was chosen as presiding officer of the Council. At the
expiration of his term of office the members of the Coun
cil presented him with a very handsome gavel as a "token
of their appreciation, of his unfailing fairness and court
esy and a memorial of their friendship, sincere regard
and respect." No present or past occupant of the office
has been so signally honored.
He was once more elected President of the Council,
and at the death of Mayor Wilcox, shortly afterward, he
became, by virtue of his office, Mayor of the city, but the
duties and responsibilities of the office, together with the
chairmanship of the Street Committee and membership
in several other committees, brought such a tax upon his
time and strength that he decided to retire at the end
of his term. The nomination for Mayor was tendered in
the fall of 1907, but his decision to retire was irrevocable.
His friends, however, throughout the entire city claim
that he is the logical candidate and insist on his standing
for the honorable office at the coming election, and if he
accepts his election is assured. Mr. Vreeland is Vice-
President of the Republican Club, a member of the Sum
mit Board of Trade and chairman of its Committee on
Transportation and Franchise. He has also been a mem
ber of the Board of Excise Commissioners ever since its
organization. He was a charter member of the Canoe
Brook Country Club, and a long time member of the
Highland Club, but as a "typical club" man he is too
busily engaged in other lines to give much time to this
more or less agreeable occupation. He would not be
eligible to either the "Golf" or "Tennis" cabinets, nor
does he play "Bridge," but like his forefathers, he does
love a good horse, and has a fine specimen in his stable.
His grandfather was credited with having the finest stable
of horses in the State, and his father in his time was a
"crack whip," being capable, it is said, of turning a four-
in-hand on a ten cent piece. This may be drawing a
pretty fine line, but it conveys a good idea of his prowess.
George F. Vreeland married IDA MAY RONSA
VILLE, of Washington, D. C, June 14, 1893, and four
children have since blessed their union, Donald Ronsaville,
Carroll Irving, Paul Ford and Isabel. The first named
youngster, by the way, captured a prize in the recent
Lincoln history contest in New York.
Mrs. Vreeland, in her turn, is a woman of culture, and
is especially gifted as a vocalist. Before her marriage
she was prominent in vocal and musical circles in Wash
ington, and since taking up her home in Summit has
renewed her standing as a leader in these lines of a city's
activities. She is a member of the exclusive Fortnightly
Club, and chairman of its musical dpartment, which gives
the members many enjoyable entertainments and adds
greatly to the pleasures of membership. She has been
an active member of the City Improvement Association
and chairman of its Committee on Parks, which has done
so much towards making Summit one of the most beau
tiful residential cities in the State.
The Vreelands have a comfortable summer home at
Avon-by-the-Sea on the Atlantic coast, where they spend
the summer during the school vacations, and entertain
their friends en familie. Mr. Vreeland, by reason of his
business cares, has been able to enjoy but few vaca
tions, but he has found opportunity on occasion to run
away for a few weeks and enjoy with his wife winter
trips in Porto Rico, the West Indies and Florida.
Residence of George F. Vreeland, Summit, N. J.
This house is located on Hobart avenue, near Franklyn
place, and is of colonial design, of cream colored stucco
and red roof. The entrance is through a vestibule to a
large living room, from which the stairs ascend to the
second story. The woodwork is of white enamel, with
stair-treads, railing and doors of mahogany. The walls
are decorated in green, with golden Fleur-de-lis. A
music room to the left is separated by a flat arch, sup
ported by columns and pilasters; the walls of the room
are hung with German moire and gold. A den to the
right is provided with a large window-seat, book-case and
an open fireplace. It is wainscoated and has beamed
ceiling and other woodwork of Antwerp oak. Walls are
hung with dull brown Spanish leather, with a ceiling of
rich metallic red. The dining room is finished in Flemish
quartered oak, and beamed ceiling, walls decorated in
bronze green, leather, with gold and copper tracery.
Windows of stained glass, set in copper, abound through
out the house.
On the second floor is the owner's room, with a sewing
room on one side, and a dressing room and bathroom ona.
the other. The bathroom is tiled in white, with solid
porcelain fixtures, with French mirrors set in the walls.
Three more bedrooms and a linen closet complete this
floor. The third floor is given up to the servants' rooms
and the children's playroom. Laundry and owner's
work-shop, one of Mr. Vreeland's hobbies, occupy the
cellar. The house is heated by hot water, and lighted
by electricity and gas.
The stable in the rear is well appointed, and is occupied
by Alda Medium, one of the fastest pacers in the country.
Herbert Harold Vreeland, President and General
Manager of the Metropolitan Street Railway system, was
born in the town of Glen, in the Mohawk Valley, New
York, on October 22, 1856. His father, the Rev. Abra
ham H. Vreeland, was for a quarter of a century the
pastor of the Dutch Reformed Church at that place.
When Herbert was fifteen he secured his first employ
ment in Newark, New Jersey, to which city the family
had removed; later he engaged in a number of other.
employments before he determined upon the field best
suited to his efforts. Railroading was finally selected and
he became a gravel shoveller on a night construction train
on the Long Island Railroad. Shortly afterward he was
advanced to the position of track walker, and succes
sively to that of switchman, freight brakeman, conductor,
and finally to superintendent of the floating equipment of
the company. The control of the road passing into other
hands, he lost his position and was compelled to start
afresh. This he did on the New York & Northern road,
where he obtained a position as freight brakeman, and
attracted the favorable attention of his superiors, with
the result that he rapidly rose to the posts of passenger
conductor, trainmaster, superintendent and eventually
manager. The story of Mr. Vreeland's first acquaintance with
William C. Whitney is a familiar one to those connected
with or interested in railroad matters, but it will bear
repetition in this history.
It appears that Mr. Whitney and his associates in the
financial world, having under contemplation the purchase
of the New York & Northern, accompanied by the direc
tors, were taking a trip over the road for the purpose
of ascertaining the condition and workings of the prop
erty. The superintendent of the road accompanied the
party, and from time to time as questions were asked
him he made answer :
"I will ask Vreeland about it," or "Vreeland has the
matter in charge."
"Where is this man Vreeland who seems to know so
much about the road?" Mr. Whitney exclaimed. In re
ply, the youthful superintendent summoned a broad-
shouldered young man, six feet three inches tall, with
fresh cheeks and a cheerful smile, who was acting as con
ductor of the train. There wasn't a question he failed
to answer, and, moreover, he was full of suggestions.
Some time after this incident and while engaged with
his routine duties Mr. Vreeland received a telegram read
ing: H. H. Vreeland :
Meet me at Broadway and Seventh Avenue office at
two o'clock to-day.
William C. Whitney.
He hastened to keep the appointment, but Mr. Whit
ney had left the office when he arrived. There was a
letter awaiting him, however, of which the following is a
copy: Mr. H. H. Vreeland:
Dear Sir: — At a meeting of the stockholders of the
West Street, Houston Street and Pavonia Railroad Com
pany, held this day, you were unanimously elected a
director of the company.
At a subsequent meeting of the directors you were
unanimously elected president and general manager, your
duties to commence immediately. Yours truly,
C. E. Warren, Secretary.
This was the beginning of the great Whitney syndicate
of street railways in New York, as it was the commence
ment of one of the most notable and successful individual
careers in the history of railroading.
The "Philadelphia syndicate," with Mr. Whitney as its
chief New York member, started in to absorb the street
traffic of New York. Horse road after horse road was
bought, and soon Mr. Vreeland's name came to be known
throughout the railroad and financial world. His has
been the brain which planned and his the hand which
carried .nto execution the gigantic plans which has made
the Metropolitan Street Railway system what is to-day
the most complete and best managed in the world.
Mr. Vreeland is essentially a "broad-gauge" man. His
talents for organization and control are marvelous, and
his employees honor, love and respect him, and here per
haps we have struck the keynote of his success.
The policy that Mr. Vreeland inaugurated and which
he religiously maintains in the conduct of the affairs of
his company inspires his men with confidence, and makes
them understand that they can count on fair treatment at
his hands. Furthermore, Mr. Vreeland never deviates
from the policy of promoting men from the ranks.
Every one of the thousands in the service has his eyes
fixed on the place ahead of him. He is well aware that
advancement depends solely on his conduct and individual
effort. The humblest employee has access to the Presi
dent and knows that any grievance will be accorded a
respectful hearing and guaranteed just and impartial
adjustment. The system provides for voluntary and involuntary
retirement of all employees so included, between the ages
of sixty-five and seventy, after twenty-five years' service
in the Metropolitan Street Railway Company or any of
its constituent companies. That was the first pension
system ever established for street railway employees, and
is the final step in the system inaugurated by President
Vreeland when he took charge of the Metropolitan for
steadying and elevating the status of its 15,000 employees.
Portraits on Pages 82 and 96.
Was born November 21, 1814, in the house built by
Michael Jansen, on the shore of Communipaw Bay. The
next year his father, Garret (138) built a new house at
"Off-all," at the present corner of Randolph Avenue and
Harmon Street, a picture of which is shown in the Old
Homestead group. Here he remained, assisting his father
in the farm and fishery, until his marriage in 1834 with
Catherine Van Buskirk, of Constable Hook. According
to the custom of the time, his father set off to him a por
tion of the parental acres on the old Bergen Road, run
ning to the present Ocean Avenue on both sides of Orient
Avenue. He worked this and the "ten-acre" plot on the "back
lane" and an equal sized plot about in the center of the
Greenville Heights development, with a piece of salt
meadow on the Hackensack River, and a wood lot at New
Durham. He took up market gardening, and became the
leader in that line of activity, just as he did in many
others, later in life. His products always led the market
in price and quality, so thorough did he prosecute the
work. He also continued the net fishing in the bays.
He filled many public offices by appointment and elec
tion, assessor, collector, town clerk, freeholder, and school
trustee. He was tendered the nomination for Mayor of
Bergen several times, but declined.
He organized the "League of Public Safety" during the
¦Civil War ; was president of the Union League, president
¦of the Lincoln and Johnson Campaign Club in 1865 ; he
was repeatedly elected deacon and elder of the old Ber
gen Dutch Reformed Church, and taught in its Sunday
School for many years. No matter where duty called, he
was always ready, and always served with credit to the
office and honor to himself. He embarked in the real
estate business in 1867, and was very successful, but the
Black Friday panic of 1875 hit him hard, just as it did
thousands of others. The subsequent depression of the
market wrought havoc with all large realty holders every
where. He became the father of eight children, the only sur
vivor being the author of this book. He died in Asbury
Park, in November, 1890, and was buried in the family
vault in the Bergen graveyard.
Portrait : Frontispiece.
Was born in the town of Bergen on June 21, 1849;
attended public school and graduated from Hasbrouck
Institute in 1866, took a short term in New Haven Busi
ness College. In 1867 he took up surveying and three
years later was appointed city surveyor, and afterward
made accountant of assessments. In 1876 he removed
to Metuchen to try a spell at farming, but soon tired of
this, and came back to Jersey City. In 1882 he became
accountant at the Passaic Print Works, and in 1890 was
appointed engineer of the Cape Cod Ship Canal. In 1892
he returned once more to his native heath, and became
the manager of a large coal company. In 1896 he took
up a portion of his great-great-grandfather's farm, laid
it out into lots, and built nearly fifty houses on it.
He has been a Republican in politics all of his life, and
has occupied many positions of influence in the councils
of his party. He has organized a number of improve
ment associations, and has been a profuse writer for the
papers, as editor and reporter ; has organized many coun
cils of the Royal Arcanum, American Mechanics and
other orders. He has always been a close student of
history, and is now in full swing of the outcome of his
studies, as president and editor of the Historical Publish
ing Company of Jersey City, Hudson County, N. J.
In that period quaintly referred to as the "early seven
ties," when across the western plains the now obsolete
prairie schooner jolted and creaked upon its way toward
the setting sun, John Houseman Vreeland and his young
wife Ida left the Illinois home of their immediate ances
tors and embarked with their few earthly possessions in
one of those canvas canopied overland vessels upon a
journey to what in those days was considered the "far
West." After many eventless days this new home-seek
ing journey ended in the vicinity of a small group of
modest and somewhat primitive dwellings, collectively
known as the village of Seward, in the new-born State
of Nebraska.
Like many another of those thrifty and intent pioneers,
John Houseman Vreeland was forced to forget his trade,
that of watchmaker, and to turn his attention to the prom
ising, unbroken soil of that fertile territory. But, also,
as happens to many of the town-bred, the yield of the
soil was not so enticing as the call of the growing village,
so Seward soon gained a much respected citizen, and an
energetic and successful business man.
On March ioth, in the year 1879, this remote branch
of the family of Vreeland, and also the community of
Seward, was increased by one member, a boy, duly named
Francis William Vreeland. With the advent of the young
ster, within the father there again awakened the pioneer's
he became restless, and at intervals varying from one to
three or four years, transferred his family and business
Vreeland(1020)IN his
New York 1
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spirit for more rapid advancement in worldly possessions,
interests to what he considered points of greater oppor
tunity in the then thriving "middle West."
At the age of twelve, when to thoughtless and care-free
youth, public schools become as prisons, and learning as
vanity and vexation, young Francis was permitted by his
indulgent parents to turn his back upon the temple of
learning. He was then started in the establishment of
his father, upon what the parent intended should be his
future career — a life of devotion to affairs commercial.
WhifeTiving at Wichita, Kans., and during a course in
bookkeeping in a local commercial college, the son was
lured from the carefully planned life work that the father
had set for him through the agency of a possible course
in the college known as Pen Art. In this department the
lad became a diligent student at the cost of his diploma
in bookkeeping and the aspirations of the parent. By
dint of much persuasion and through the weakness of
parental love for an only son, Francis was once more
permitted to follow his own course, which led to the Cin
cinnati Academy of Fine Arts. Here, as a pupil, under
Professors Otto Walter Beck, J. H. Sharp and Vincent
Nowatuy, he spent three years.
In recognition of the success of his former efforts,
young Vreeland was at once admitted to the life classes
of the "Academy" instead of having to pass through the
generally required one-year of preparatory work. It
later developed that his instructors figured among the
artistic assets of his nature "a fine sense of color har
mony," a special talent in design and one of the highest
of nature's gifts, "originality." And during these three
years he frequently enjoyed the distinction of working
with a limited few of the most promising students in the
private studio of Mr. Beck.
Upon leaving the Academy and after serious and some-
what discouraging attempts to gain a footing in some
field from which he could obtain a livelihood in payment
for artistic effort, the student was finally admitted as a
designer and decorator in the studios of the foremost art
pottery of this country, i. e., the Rookwood Pottery of
Cincinnati. And nine months after entering into pottery
decoration he was gratified in seeing one of his produc
tions chosen for exhibition in the Fine Arts section of
the Buffalo Pan-American Exposition.
Pottery decoration, though standing high in the eyes
of the art world, is a somewhat isolated field and seemed
limited to the ambitious mind, so the venturesome and
restless spirit inherited from his father caused this young
designer to turn his eyes toward the country's recognized
center of art. Arrived in New York in the summer of
1901, with liabilities of possible greatness, or failure and
total assets of thirty dollars, he determined to here pursue
his studies and attempt to climb in his chosen profession.
In April of the year 1903 Francis William Vreeland
was married to Marion Hastings Smalley. That he is
gaining recognition, and that his continued application to
study, as well as to production in his work, is bearing
fruit, is attested to by his having held, for some four
years, the Art Editorship of the American Printer, a
publishers' and printers' magazine of considerable im
portance; that there has appeared under his signature
three score or more articles upon the subject of art; that
upon various occasions in New York and before classes
and organizations in the publishing field he has lectured
upon the application of Art to publications and kindred
subjects, and that examples from his brush have been :
accepted for exhibition along with work representative
of the highest type of American art.
Mr. Vreeland was born in Newark, N. J., December 30,
1852, is a son of George W. and Sarah M. Vreeland, and
a descendent on his father's side from Holland ancestry,
who came directly from Holland and settled in New Jer
sey in 1638, and on his mother's side from English settlers
of before the Revolutionary War. He has twice been
married, first to Miss Ida A. Piotrowski, December 18,
1878, and, second, to Miss Ida King Smith, June 2, 1897.
He was educated in the common schools, and, after at
tending the Newark High School one year, his family, in
1868, moved to Morristown, where he has since resided.
While in Newark he served a newspaper route morning
and evening for nearly a year. In 1870 Mr. Vreeland
began the study of law with F. G. Burnham, completing
his studies with the late Colonel F. A. DeMott, and was
admitted to the bar as an attorney in November, 1875,
and as a counsellor at the June term of the Supreme
Court in 1879. Chancellor McGill appointed him a Special
Master in Chancery in 1892, and the Supreme Court ap
pointed him a Commissioner of that court, June 7, 1882.
Mr. Vreeland has been in active and successful practice
in Morristown since his admission to the bar. He has
served as Township Clerk of Morris Township, Deputy
County Clerk, Acting Prosecutor of the Pleas of the
County of Morris, and also as Town Counsl of Morris
town. In 1895 he was elected to the State Senate for
Morris County by a plurality of 1,526 over George Mc-
Cracken, his Democratic opponent. During his term of
¦fhree years as State Senator he took an active part in
legislation, served on leading committees, and was a mem
ber of the Commission to Revise the Banking and Trust
Company Laws. He was president of the Commission
appointed by Governor Stokes to revise the Corporation
John Beam Vreeland (1170).
Laws of New Jersey. In 1898 he was appointed by Gov
ernor Voorhees as Judge of the Morris County Courts for
a term of five years.
Mr. Vreeland was appointed by President Roosevelt to
the office of United States Attorney for the District of
New Jersey on October 20, 1903, and again November 16
1903, and the third time on December 9, 1907; the first
appointment was ad interim and the other two for the
full term of four years each.
He is a member of the South Street Presbyterian
Church of Morristown.
Edward Butterfield Vreeland.
Beginning about the year 1760, a considerable number
of Bergen County folk emigrated by caravan to Pennsyl
vania, some of them settling there, and others going fur
ther to the Lake regions of New York State.
Here the Jersey Dutchmen founded settlements and
built their churches, in nearly a dozen different places, in
cluding the town of Cuba, Alleghany County, where the
subject of our sketch was born in 1857, the son of Simon
Vreeland, and the grandson of one of the same christian
name. After receiving an academic education, at the age of
twenty, he was appointed superintendent of schools of
Salamanca, and served in this capacity for five years, in
the meantime taking up the study of law. He was ad
mitted to practice in 1881, and attained considerable prom
inence, so much so that he was elected president of the
Salamanca Trust Company.
In addition to his banking interests, he is largely inter
ested in oil refining.
In 1899, ne was elected to Congress, and has served
continuously ever since, at the last election receiving 32,-
327 votes to 19,466 for his four opponents. He is a mem
ber of the Congressional Committees on Appropriations
and Labor; was chairman of the committee that investi
gated the hazing at the Naval Academy at Annapolis ; is
joint author of the Aldrich- Vreeland act, providing for an
emergency currency, and is vice-chairman of the National
Monetary Commission.
To Princess Juliana Louise Emma Marie Wilhelmina of
Little Dutch Baby, the gift that the stork
Brought to the brave little land of the waters,
May not the little Dutch town of New York
Send you a greeting, most welcome of daughters?
Little Dutch Baby, be true to your blood,
True to the men who achieved your dominions ;
Battle or tempest or fire or flood
Never could alter their seated opinions.
Rest in your cradle, content and serene,
Sure of your people, whatever the play be.
Whether as Princess or whether as Queen,
Here's to your happiness, Little Dutch Baby !
At the time when the attention of the whole world was turned
toward the Palace at the Hague, and possibly with the editor's mind
affected by the old axiom, " The wish is father to the thought," the
opening sentence of Chapter Four, on Page 23, was penned, and in
the after completion of the book, its correction was overlooked.
The last lines of the first paragraph should have read, " Her
daughter born in the year of grace 1900 will be Queen of Holland
some day, unless a son shall have come to bless the Royal
Abtskerke, 112, 113, 147.
Acquackanonck, 93, 94-154.
Ahasimos, 57.
American Birthright, 49.
Amsterdam, 83, 101, 109, 111, 113, 190.
Arms of Norway, 149.
Bayonne, 69.
Beggars of the Sea, 24, 114.
Bergen, 58, 59, 63, 68, 69, 70, 89, 91, 114.
Bergen County, 91, 131.
Bergen op Zoom, 113, 114, 115.
Brabant, 114, 115. '
Ceylon, 99.
Coat of Arms, General, 90, 122.
Coat of Arms, Vreeland, 122.
Coins, Historic, 188.
Communipaw, 58, 59, 63, 69, 92, 115.
Enoch Vreeland, 152, 157.
East India Company, 99, 100.
Ferry, 66.
Friesland, 18, 22, 42, 77, 89, 111, 112, 115, 119.
Freeland, 119, 121.
Garret Vreeland, 140.
Genealogy, 199*
Goes, 112, 113.
Governor Vreeland, 76, 100, 101.
Greenville, 62, 69.
Groningen, 22, 89, 112, 191.
Hague, 14.
Haarlem, 191.
Hartman Vreeland, 116, 131, 136, 140, 152, 157, 15S.
Hartman Family, 162, 191.
Holland, Map of, 26-27.
Holland, People of, 33.
Holland, Story of, 15.
Holland, To-day, 41.
Holland, Trip to, 194.
Hudson, Henry, 29, 53, 54.
Homesteads, Vreeland, i39> *42.
Jansen, Michael, 9, 58, 59, 61, 7^, 88, 90, 92, 101, 112, 115, 135, 140. *5o,
166, 192, 193-
Jersey City, 53, 57, 63, 90.
Land Titles, 89.
Leyden, 77, 189.
Manners and Customs, 73.
Michael Vreeland, 131.
Middleburg, 40, 190.
Mother Vreeland, jo, 76, 93. "6, 162.
Motto of Vreelands, 123.
Netherland, India, 190.
New Netherland, 90, 91.
New Amsterdam, 54* 83, 121.
Newkirk, 78, 11 5-
Nomenclature, 76.
Oranje Boven, 30.
Overyssel, 22, 89, 112.
Passaic County, 91, 109, 153*
Paulus Hook, 57, 63, 66, 92.
Pavonia, 57, 63.
Penn, William, 84,' 87, 119. 124.
Pilgrims, 120.
Religion, 43, 61.
Seal of Vreeland, 103.
Stuyvesant, Governor, 53, 58, 80, 92, 150, 153, 192.
South Beveland, 112, 113, 114, 147.
Taylor, (Rev.) B. C, 32.
Utrecht, 22, 34, 75, 89, 108, 111, 112, 121, 189.
Utrecht, Bishop of, 104, 105, 106, 107, 109.
Van Horn, 78, 115.
Van Rensselaer, 91, 146.
Van Riper, 78, 115, 154.
Van Wagenen, 78, 115, 154.
Van Winkle, 78, 115, 154.
Volhard Altydt, 128.
Vredelant, Holland, 77, 103-110, 120.
Vredeland, Westchester County, 120.
Vreeland, Fort, New York, 137.
Vreelandville, Michigan, 256.
Vreeland, Andrew, 295.
Vreeland, Charles E., 179.
Vreeland, Cornelius, 158-289.
Vreeland, Edward B., 317.
Vreeland, Ferdinand, 294.
Vreeland, Frank Stryker, 321.
Vreeland, Francis William, 308.
Vreeland, Garret, 79, 99, 100, 140, 306.
Vreeland, George, 140, 290.
Vreeland, George Franklyn, 296.
Vreeland, George Washington, 294.
Vreeland, Hartman, 94.
Vreeland, Herbert H., 302.
Vreeland, John Elias, 285.
Vreeland, John Beam, 314.
Vreeland, Michael James, 178.
Vreeland, Nehemiah, 134, 189-199, 286.
Vreeland, Nicholas, 140, 146, 157, 287.
Vreeland, Nicholas Garretson, 308.
Vreeland Motto, 127.
Vreeland Motto Song, 129.
Vreeland, Mother, 70, 76, 93, 116.
Vreeland, Oliver P., 152.
Vreeland, Record, 131.
Vreeland, Sophia, 70, 76, 93, 116, 146.
Vreeland Seal, 103.
Vreeland, Castle, 21, 104.
Vreeland Coat of Arms, 122, 123, 124.
Vreelands, Fighting, 165.
Vreeland vs. Freeland, 119.
Vreeland Genealogy, 199.
Vreeland Homesteads, 142.
Vreeland Motto Song, 128.
Vreeland Polders, 113.
Vreelands, The, 21, 61, 63, 66, 69, 76.
Vreeland Name, 77, 78, 115.
Vreeland, an Old Family, 99.
Vreeland Record, 131.
Vreeland, Seal of, 103.
Vreeland, Town of, 104.
Walcheren, 99, 112, 190.
War, Civil, 175.
War, 1812, 173.
War, Mexican, 174.
War, Revolutionary, 168.
War Times, Recollections, 182.
Washington, Coat of Arms, 124, 171,
William of Orange, 31, 79, 124.
West India Company, 54, 76, 90, 120, 148.
Women Suffrage, 161.
Winfield, 12, 200.
Zeeland, 22, 34, 76, 89, in, 112, 113, 115, 122, 147, 190.
Abram and Hannah Vreeland, 88.
Andrew Vreeland, 157.
Arms of Norway, 149.
Abram H. Vreeland (Rev.), 198.
Bergen, Map of, 58.
Binnenhof, Hague, 14.
Charles .E. Vreeland, 180.
Claas and Catrinje, 70.
Coat of Arms, 126.
Coins of Holland, 188, 191.
Communipaw, 56.
Cornelius Vreeland, 159.
Edward B. Vreeland, 316.
Elias Vreeland, 198.
English Neighborhood, 246.
Ferry at Paulus Hook, 65.
Francis W. Vreeland, 310.
Franklin Vreeland, 118.
Frank Stryker Vreeland,
Garret and Catherine Vreeland, 96.
Garret and Jane Vreeland, 82.
General Vreeland's Birthplace, 137.
George Vreeland, 291, 293.
George F. Vreeland, 297.
Going to Church, 51.
Hague Council Hall, 14.
Half Moon, 52.
Hartman Vreeland Homestead, 139.
Herbert H. Vreeland, 303.
Holland Interior, 23.
Holland, Map of, 26-27.
Holland People, 32-38-
Homesteads, Vreeland, 142.
Hudson, Hendrik, 45.
Jacob Vreeland, 198.
Jan de Lachers Hook, 72.
John B. Vreeland, 314.
John E. Vreeland, 284.
Map of Holland, 26-27.
Margaret Day Vreeland, 160.
Michael Jansen Vreeland, 146.
Michael James Vreeland, 164.
Middleburg Town Hall, 40.
Millat Paulus Hook, 65.
Nehemiah Vreeland, 134.
Nicholas Vreeland, 287.
Nicholas G. Vreeland, Frontispiece.
Nutley, Homestead, 137.
Paulus Hook, 65.
Peter D. Vreeland, 320.
Road to Vreeland, Holland, 163.
Rotterdam Steamer, 195.
Stadthuis, Misdleburg, 40.
Stuyvesant's Home, 80.
Stuyvesant, Peter, 153.
Taylor, (Rev.) B. C, 60.
Teunis Vreeland, 167.
Utrecht, 75-
Vreeland Homesteads, 142.
Vreeland Seal, 103.
Vreeland Town, 102.
Vreeland, Road to, 163.
Water Trip, 62.
Woolen Mill, 137.
Page 14 — Binnenhof, 1742 — S'Graven Hage.
Begun in 1250 by Count William of Holland. It is used in
part as a Council Hall.
Page 40 — Stadthuis (City Hall), Middleburg, 1743.
The tower dates from 1507 ; the facade is adorned with 25
statues of Counts and Countesses of Zeeland and Holland.
Page 55 — Canal in Broad Street, New Amsterdam, in 1642. This
extended from the Battery to Beaver Street, where it nar
rowed to a ditch which drained the swamp, converting it
into a sheep pasture.
Page 58 — Plan of Bergen Square and vicinity, 1660.
Page 134 — Number should be 1532.
Page 23— Sixth line, change "son" to "daughter."
Seventh line, change "King" to "Queen."
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