YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY From the COLLECTION OF OXFORD BOOKS made by FALCONER MADAN Bodley's Librarian THE CHURCHMAN'S MANUAL; OR, QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ON THE CHURCH; ON PROTESTANT AND ROMISH DISSENTERS; SOCINIANS. OXFORD, PRINTED BY S. COLLINGWOOD. SOLD By J. G. AND V. RIVINGTON, LONDON ; J. H. PARKER, oxford; and ALL BOOKSELLERS. [20s. per hundred.] 1834. TO THE BISHOPS OF THE ORTHODOX CATHOLIC CHURCH, ESPECIALLY TO THOSE IN GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND, THIS LITTLE WORK is HUMBLY AND RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED, IN THE HOPE THAT IT MAY BE FOUND NOT UNWORTHY OF THEIR COUNTENAlfCE AND APPROBATION. Extract from the Preface to the Festivals and Fasts of the Church of England. By Robert Nelson, Esq. " If ever a Convocation should think fit to revise the Cate chism of the Church, to whose authority and judgment an affair of that nature ought entirely to be submitted, it is pos- sible they may find it necessary to add some questions concern ing those who have the power of administering Sacraments, and how they receive such an authority, and what duties are owing by God's word to our spiritual guides. Because such a sort of instruction, early instilled into tender minds, would be a means of keeping men steadfast to the communion of the Church, and of preserving them from falling into schisms, even in a state of persecution : from the possibility of which no human esta- bhshment can secure the Church of God, while she is militant here upon earth. And tiU this can be effected, it is to be wished the Reverend Clergy would more frequently instruct the people in such duties ; the want of which necessary know ledge makes the principles of Church Communion so little understood, that men are 'tossed to and fro, and carried about with every ivind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cun ning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive.' Ephes. iv. 14." ON THE CHURCH. 1. What is the ninth article of the Creed ? A. " I believe one Catholic and Apostolic Church." 2. What do you mean by the " Church ?" A. The society belonging to the Lord Christ '. 3. Why do you call the Church a society? A. Because its members agree, as in other so cieties, to be governed by certain rules. 4. Why is the Church called " one ?" A. Because all the true branches of it together form " one body" of which Christ is the Head : hav ing " one Lord, one Faith, one Baptism, one God " and Father of all b." 5. What is the meaning of the word Catholic ? A. Universal. 6. Why is the Church called Catholic!' A. 1. Because it is universal in time and space"!; being " a people" " taken out" of all nations'', in a The word church, or kirk, is derived from the Greek word Kyriake, which means relating to the Lord. b Ephes. iv. 4 — 6. " Thus it is distinguished from the Jewish Church, which was confined to one nation, and of limited duration. d Acts XV. 1 4. B3 6 all ages'=; 2. because it is universal in doctrine f; receiving and teaching ''all truths." 7. Why is the Church called Apostolic ? A. Because it " continues in the Apostles' doc- " trine and fellowship ''." 8. What do you mean by continuing in the Apo stles' doctrine ? A. Holding and teaching " the faith which was " once delivered unto the saints i," the pure and uncorrupted doctrine which it has received from the Apostles, and duly administering the sacraments which Christ committed to their care. 9. What do you mean by the sacraments being duly administered ? A. That nothing be wanting that of necessity is requisite for the due celebration of them. 10. What is necessary for the due celebration of them ? A. That they be administered with the matter and in the manner appointed by our Lord : Baptism with water in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost ''¦, and the Lord's Supper with bread and wine, consecrated as his body and blood ' : by one commis sioned by Him for that purpose. IJ. If our Lord has commissioned some persons for the discharge of these functions, is it not plain presumption for others not so commissioned to exer cise the same office ? A. Yes. e Heb. i. 1. f Thus it is distinguished from heretical congregations, which hold only parts of the truth. e John xvi. 13. h Acts ii. 42. i Jude 3. k lyiatt. xxviii. 19. Ephes. v. 26. 1 Matt. xxvi. 26 29. 12. Will St. Peter's applying the term " royal " priesthood""" to the whole body of Christians war rant any in exercising the ministerial office who have not been specially set apart for the purpose ? A. No : for they are the words which Moses " ap plied to the whole people of Israel ; among whom the ministry was confined to the tribe of Levi ° ; and the priesthood to the family of Aaron p. 13. What Scripture warrant is there for saying that a commission is necessary ? A. " I will take of them for priests and for Le- " vites, saith the Lord "5." " Pray ye the Lord of the " harvest that He will send forth labourers into his " harvest ¦¦." " How shall they preach except they " be sent ^?" " Among the Gentiles in every place " incense shall be offered unto my name, and a pure "offering'". "No man taketh this honour unto " himself save he that is called of God"." "Thou " hast tried them which say they are Apostles, and " are nof." 14. Have the ministers of the Church of England received this commission ? and is the pure word of God preached, and the sacraments duly administered in her according to Christ's ordinance ? A. Yes. 15. How have the ministers of the Church of Eng land received this Commission ? A. They can trace it step by step, in unbroken succession, from the Apostles to the present Bishops. 16. What is meant by continuing in the Apostles' fellowship ? m 1 Pet. ii. 9. n Exod. xix. 6. o Numb. i. 50. P Numb. iii. 10. q Isai. Ixvi. 21. - Matt. ix. 38. s Rom. i. 15. tBIal. i. 11. u Heb. v. 4. X Rev. ii, 2. 8 A. Holding communion with the Apostles, i. e. with them and their successors. 17. Who are the successors of the Apostles ? A. The chief Pastors in every place who have re-- ceived the Apostolic Commission, i. e. that authority ' to govern the Churches and ordain Clergy, which our Lord gave to the Apostles. 18. Do all societies of professed Christians con tinue in the Apostles' doctrine and fellowship ? A. No. Some hold to the fellowship and depart from the doctrine, corrupting it by alterations or ad ditions : and some depart also from the fellowship, having lost the Apostolic commission. 19. What branches of the Church continue both in the doctrine and the fellowship ? A. Those, called Protestant Episcopal, in England, Ireland, Scotland, Sweden, in the United States, and British North America^ in the East and West In dies. 20. What does the terra Protestant imply ? ¦ A. That they have protested against the Romish errors and corruptions. 21. What is meant by Episcopal? A. That they are under the governance of a duly authorized Chief Pastor (commonly called Bishop) who has two other orders of Clergy under him. 22. Are all Congregations, where the chief officer is called Bishop, Apostolic ? A. No. In some cases the Chief Pastors are called Bishops, but have not received the Apostolic commission. 23. Are all Apostolic Churches Episcopal ? A. Yes. 24. What will justify separation from a Church which has preserved this .'\postolical succession ? 9 A. If, as the condition of remaining in her com munion, she requires assent to any doctrine or prac tice which is contrary to the truth of Scripture. 25. Does the Church of England require assent to any thing contrary to the written word of God ? A. No. Few even of those who separate from her deny the truth of her doctrines. 26. Are all her forms and ceremonies to be found in the Bible ? A. No. 27. By what authority, then, are they set forth ? A. By the authority of those to whom God has in trusted the spiritual government of the Church. 28. Who are they ? A. The Bishops or Apostles, assisted by the Priests or Presbyters. 29. Confirm this authority from Scripture. A. When dispute arose in the infant Church con cerning the ceremonies that were to be used, it was referred for decision to the Apostles and Elders. (See Acts xv. 2. 4. 6. 22 ; xvi. 4.) And St. Paul expressly mentions it as part of the commission given to Titus, Bishop of Crete, " that he should set in " order the things that were wanting y," 30. What duties do the Scriptures teach us the people owe to their pastors in spiritual matters ? 1. Obedience. " Obey them that have the rule " over you, and submit yourselves : for they watch " for your souls as they that must give account^." 2. Love. " Esteem them very highly in love for " their work's sake^" 3. Maintenance. " The work- " man is worthy of his meat''." " The Lord hath y Titus i. 5. z Heb. xiii. 17. ^ 1 Thess. v. 13. b Matt. X. 10. «5 10 " ordained that they which preach the Gospel, should " live of the Gospel'^." 4. Prayer. " Brethren, pray " for US'!." On Dissenters. 31. Are all the Christians in England members of the Church ? A. No. 32. Are all the Christians in England, who are not members of the Church, united in one body ? A. No : they are divided into an immense variety of sects, but may all be classed under two heads. 33. What are these .? A. Protestant dissenters and Romish dissenters. On Protestant Dissenters. 34. In what respect do all the Protestant dissenters differ from the Church ? A. Each sect has some point of difference peculiar to itself: but they all differ in this, namely, that their teachers can produce no commission from God to exercise the office of ministers of the Gospel. These have departed from the Apostles' fellowship. 35. To whom did our Saviour give this commission ? A. To the Chief Pastors of the Church, who were called Apostles <=- c 1 Cor. ix. 14. d 1 Thess. v. 25 ; 2 Thess. iii. 1. eMatt. xviii. 17, 18, xxviii. 19; Lukexxii. 19; John xx. 21. 11 36. To whom did he intrust the power of trans mitting this authority to others ? A. To the same. . 37. Shew this from Scripture. A. " As my Father hath sent me, even so send I " you ^." " I appoint unto you a kingdom, as my " Father hath appointed unto mes." 38. To whom were these words spoken ? A. To the Chief Pastors only. 39. Was this power always to remain in the Church ? A. " He gave some apostles, &c. for the perfect- " ing of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for " the edifying of the body of Christ, till we all come " in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of " the Son of God, unto a perfect man *¦," &c. 40. What promise did our Lord make to the Apostles respecting the continuance of their com mission ? A. " Lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end " of the world'." 41. To whom were these words spoken ? A. To the Chief Pastors, the Apostles, only. 42. AVhom did the Apostles appoint to be their successors in this matter ? A. Chief Pastors after them, who are now called Bishops. 43. What Scripture warrant have you for this ? A. The Epistles of St. Paul to Timothy Chief Pastor of Ephesus, and to Titus Chief Pastor of Crete, show that he had intrusted to them the same autho- f John XX. 21. e Luke xxii. 29. h Ephes. iv. 11—13. i Matt, xxviii. 20. 12 rity for ordaining ministers and governing churches which he himself exercised as an Apostle. 44. How many orders of ministers were there in the Churches which the Apostles founded ? A. Three. For the Chief Pastors at Ephesus and Crete had two orders of Clergy under them. 45. By whom were these orders instituted ? A. The first by our Lord, with a promise that it should continue even to the end of the world : the two others by the Holy Ghost, through the hands of Apostles. 46. What orders are there now in the Church ? A. The same. 47. By what names has the first order been known? A. Sometimes Apostles'', sometimes Angels', now generally Bishops. 48. By what names has the second order been known ? A. Sometimes Bishops™, sometimes Elders", or, in the Greek, Presbyters which we have shortened into Priests. 49. By what name has the third order been known? A. By that of "Deacon"" only. 50. To which of the three orders has the power of ordaining others been intrusted ? A. It has been confined to the first order. 51. Has the second order been allowed no share in ordaining others ? A. Only conjointly with the first. 52. Give an instance of this from Scripture. A. We find frequent mention of the first order k 1 Cor. xii. 28. 1 Rev. ii. 1. ml Tim. iii. 1, 2. n 1 Tim. V. 17. 0 1 Tim. iii. 8. 13 ordaining by themselves p: but the only instance (if it be allowed to be one) of the second order taking any part in that office, is conjointly with the first. Compare i Tim. iv. 14. with 2 Tim. i. 6. This me thod is still practised in the Church. 53. Has ordination by Presbyters alone been ever allowed in the Church ? A. No warrant for it can be found in the New Testament : and for the first 1500 years it was uni versally rejected and condemned. 54. Did Calvin and the first founders of the Pres byterian government despise the Episcopal order ? A. No ; Calvin 1 held those men worthy of an anathema who would not submit themselves to truly Christian Bishops, if such could be had. 55. What advantage does the preservation of the Apostolic commission afford to the members of the Church ? A. They have a promise from God to bless the ministrations of their teachers : have an assurance that in the Sacrament of Baptism God seals his part of the covenant : and that in the Sacrament of the Eucharist He makes them partakers of the body and blood of Christ. 56. Where the commission is wanting, is there the same assurance of these blessings ? A. No. 57. Do we find in Scripture any instances of per sons taking upon themselves the office of the ministry without warrant from God ? A. Yes. Korah, Dathan, and Abiram'': and Uzziah, King of Judah'*. P Acts xiv. 23; 1 Tim. v. 22 ; Tit, i. 5. q Tract, de Reform. Eccles. - Num. xvi. s 2 Chron. xxvi. 14 58. Did God shew himself displeased at their con duct ? A. Yes, in a fearful manner. Korah and his com pany were swallowed up alive in an earthquake ; and Uzziah was struck with leprosy. 59. Is it possible for persons, under the Christian dispensation, to be guilty of the sin for which Korah was punished ? A. St. Jude clearly shews that it is so ; for he speaks of some in his time who " perished in the " gainsaying of Korah'." 60. What does he mean by the gainsaying of Korah ? A. The despising and opposing God's commissioned servants, as Korah despised and opposed Aaron the minister of God ". 61. Do not unauthorised teachers produce divi sions among Christians ? A. Yes: instead of Christians forming "one " body ", ' there is an almost infinite variety of sects. 62, Do the Scriptures teach us that this is con trary to the will of God ? A. St. Paul, writing in the Spirit of God, desires the Romans to " mark those who cause divisions and " offences contrary to the doctrine they had learned; " and to avoid them >'." 63, Does our Lord speak on the same subject ? A. In his affecting prayer for all who should be lieve on Him, one of the chief petitions is, " that " they all may be one^." t Jude 11. u Num. xvi. 11. x £phes. iv. 4. y Rom. xvi. 17; 1 Cor. i. 10. xi. 18, 19. z John xvii. 21. 15 64. What is to be said of those who begin or con tinue any divisions among Christians ? A. They are running themselves into sin and danger, by opposing the will of God, and the direc tions of the Holy Ghost. 65. What is to be said of those who through idle ness or curiosity join themselves to their congrega tions ? A. They give countenance and encouragement to error, and thereby become " partake!*s in other men's " sins." 66. How should the members of the Church feel and act towards those who divide the body of Chris tians by their sects and unauthorized teachers ? A. They should be sorry for them, and pray God to forgive them ; and bring them ,to a better mind : and be very careful that they do not themselves afford any encouragement to the error : " not counting " them as enemies, but admonishing them as bre- " thren^." On Romish Dissenters. 67. In what respect do the Romish dissenters differ from the Church ? A. In the corrupt additions which they have made to Catholic faith, and in the practices arising there from. These have departed from the Apostles' doc trines ''. a 2 Thess. iii, 15. b Let it be remembered also, as an historical fact, that the bishops and priests of the Romish Church, who schismatically exercise their functions in the British islands, do not deiive 16 68. Mav we join their worship and communicate with them ? A. No. 69. Why not ? A. Because they will admit none to communion who do not declare their solemn assent to doctrines which cannot be proved '^, and which are productive of the most mischievous consequences. 70. Prove this. their orders from the ancient British, Irish, Scottish, or Anglo- Saxon Churches ; but from the Churches of Spain and Italy, None of the Romish bishops who were deprived at the Re formation, in either of the three kingdoms, kept up any suc cession. In Ireland the only representative of the Church planted by St. Patrick is the orthodox episcopal Church by God's blessing settled there. In Great Britain, the British, Scottish, and Anglo-Saxon Churches are represented by the episcopal Churches in England and Scotland, The latter hav ing received back again, after the Presbyterian interruption, that succession which the northern English bishoprics received from her, = None can communicate -with the Church of Rome who re fuse assent to the Creed of Pope Pius IV. In that creed there is this passage : " I unhesitatingly receive and profess all other " things which have been deUvered, defined, and declared by " the sacred canons and general councils ; and especially by " the holy synod of Trent : and at the same time I, in like " manner, condemn, reject, and anathematize all things con- " trary thereunto ; and aU heresies whatsoever which have " been condemned, rejected, and anathematized by the church. "... I promise, vow, and swear, most constantly, to hold " and profess this true cathohc faith, orut of which no man can " be saved." The number of general councils to whose de crees and anathemas an unhesitating assent is here said to be necessary to salvation, is twenty. Three of these, to which reference is made in the following notes, are the second Nicene, (A,D, 737,) that of Constance, (1415,) and that of Trent, (1545.) 17 A. The Church of Rome requires all who commu nicate with her, to believe, as necessary to salvation, 1st. That that man is accursed who does not kiss and honour and worship the holy images ''. 2nd. That the Virgin Mary and other saints are to be prayed to *=- 3rd. That, after consecration in the Lord's Sup per, the bread is no longer bread, and the wine no longer wine '. 4th. That that clergyman should be excommuni cated, who, in the sacrament of the Lord's Supper, gives the cup to the people s. 5th. That they are accursed who say that the clergy may marry ''. d In the Acts of the second Nicene Council it is written, " The whole synod exclaimed, We kiss the honourable images ; " let those be accursed that dp not." " Let anathema be on " those who do not salute the holy and venerable images." " The images are to be adored, i. e, they ai-e to be kissed and « loved," Actio VII. The Council of Trent, sess, 25, espe- dally confirmed the decrees of this second Nicene council ; and the council of Trent is especially named in the creed of Pius IV, e See the Creed of Pius IV : " Likewise that the saints " reigning with Chi-ist are to be invoked." f Council of Trent, sess. XIII. c. 2, " If any man shall " say that in the holy sacrament of the Eucharist there re- " mains the substance of bread and wine, let him be ac- " cui-sed." g Council of Constance, sess. XIII. " The holy synod " charges all bishops that, under pain of excommunication, they " effectually punish those who communicate the people under " both kinds of bread and wine ; and if they do not repent, " they are to be restrained, as heretics, by ecclesiastical cen- " sure, with the assistance, if need be, of the secular arm," i. 6. to be burned alive. h Cone. Trent, sess. XXIV. c, 9 : " If any man shall say 18 6th. That there is a purgatory', that is, a place where souls which had died in repentance are puri fied by suffering. 7th. That the Church of Rome is the mother and mistress of all other churches ^. 8th. That obedience is due from all churches to the bishop of Rome '. 9th, That they are accursed who deny that there are seven sacraments™. 71, What evil practices have resulted from any of these unfounded doctrines ? A. From the veneration of images has sprung the actual worship of them, not only by the common people, but by their learned bishops °, who have never been condemned by the Church of Rome. The invocation of the Virgin and of other saints " that the clergy may contract marriages, or that such con- " tracts are valid, let him be accursed." i " I firmly hold that there is a purgatory," Creed of Pius IV, k " I acknowledge the holy, cathoUc, and apostolic Roman " Church to be the mother and mistress of all Churches," Creed of Pius IV. 1 " I promise and swear true obedience to the Roman pon- " tiff, the successor of St, Peter, chief of the apostles, and the " vicar of Jesus Christ." m " If any man shall say that there are more or less than " seven sacraments, namely, Baptism, Confirmation, the Eu- " charist. Penance, Extreme Unction, Orders, and Matrimony, " or that any one of these is not truly and properly a sacra- " ment, let him be accursed." Cone. Trent, sess. VII. c, I , n James Naclantius, bishop of Clugium, asserts that " the " same worship is to be paid to the image, which is due to the " person represented by it," If therefore it be an image of the Father, the highest species of divine worship is to be paid to it. Expos, Epist. Rom. 19 has given rise to the grossest blasphemy and pro- faneness ". The bread In the Eucharist has been worshipped as though itself were the eternal God p. From the doctrine of purgatory has come that of indulgences, and the practice of persons paying sums of money to the Romish bishops and clergy to release the souls of their friends from the fabulous fire of purgatory. 72. In what light are we to regard the Church of Rome? A. As an unsound and corrupt branch of the Ca tholic Church. 73. What should be our conduct towards her ? A. Pray God to restore her to that soundness of faith and doctrine which St. Paul mentions in his Epistle to the Romans ; " I thank God through Jesus Christ " for you all, that your faith is spoken of throughout " the whole world 1." o " O sweet Lady, enlighten me with grace !" Poor Man's Manual. In the Psalter of our Lady, by Cardinal Bonaven- ture, the passages which David applied to God are applied to the Virgin Mary ; thus Psalm cxxx. " Out of the deep have 1 " called unto thee. Lady ; Lady, hear ray Voice." Psalm ex. " The Lord said unto my Lady, Sit thou on my right hand." See Psalter, B. M. V. Paris, 1512. In the Encyclical of Pope Gregory 1832 this passage occurs, " That all may have a suc- " cessful and happy issue, let us raise our eyes to the blessed " Virgin Mary, who alone destroys heresies ; who is our great- " est hope, yea, the entire ground of our hope." p It is to the actual bread (so called by St. Paul after conse cration) that in the Romish Church this prayer is oifered : " I "adore thee, my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, O pure « body," &c. q Rom. i. 8. 20 On the Sociniams. 74. Are there any persons, calling themselves Christians, who deny the great doctrines of Chris tianity? A. Yes ; the Socinians, who call themselves Uni tarians. 75. What do they deny ? A. That our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ is God as well as man ; and that salvation is through his blood. 76. Has this been at all times the doctrine of the Catholic Church ? A. It has. 77. Are we at liberty to teach any thing for doc trine of Scripture which has not been received by the Catholic Church ? A. No. 78, Prove from Scripture that Jesus Christ is God. A. " Unto us a child is born, and his name shall " be called The mighty God ''." " A virgin shall con- " ceive, and bear a son ; and thou shalt call his name " Emmanuel, which, being interpreted, is God with " us=." " In the beginning was the Word, and the " Word was God '." " Thomas said unto Jesus, " My Lord, and my God "." " Christ, who is over " all, God blessed for ever "." " In Him dwelleth " all the fulness of the Godhead bodily v." " God " was manifest in the flesh ^." " To the Son He " saith. Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever =>." r Is. ix. 6. s Matt. i. 23. t John i. 1, u John XX, 28, x Rom, ix, 5. y Col. ii. 9. : 1 Tim. iii. 16. a Heb. i. 8. 21 79. Prove from Scripture that salvation Is through the blood of Christ. A. " In whom we have redemption through His " blood, the forgiveness of our sins'"." " The blood "' of Jesus Christ, His Son, cleanseth us from all " sin ^" " Thou hast redeemed us unto God by thy " blood ^." 80. What other fundamental doctrine do the So cinians deny ? A. The Personality of the Holy Ghost. 81. What do you mean by the personality of the Holy Ghost ? A. That the Holy Ghost, distinct from the Father and the Son, is one of the three persons in the one ever blessed Godhead. 82. What warrant have you in Scripture for say ing that the Holy Ghost is God ? A. 1. The attributes of the Godhead, eternity % omniscience ', omnipresence s, are ascribed to the Spirit as well as to the Father and the Son. 2. We are dedicated to the Holy Ghost in Baptism, equally with the Father and the Son '¦- 3. Blessing is pro nounced in the name of the Holy Ghost, equally with God and the Lord Jesus Christ '. 4. When Ananias " lied unto the Holy Ghost," he is said by St. Peter to have " lied unto God ^." 83. What warrant is there for saying that he is a person distinct from the Father and the Son ? A. He appeared in a bodily shape, at our Sa viour's baptism, while the voice of the Father was b Ephes. i, 7. "=1 John i. 7, d Kev, v, 9. e Heb, ix. 14. f 1 Cor. ii. 10. e Psal. cxxxix. 7. h Matt, xxviii. 19. i 2 Cor. xiii. 14. k Acts v. 3, 4. 22 heard from heaven '. The Son of God said to His Apostles, " If I go not away, the Comforter will not " come unto you; but if I depart, I will send Him " unto you "¦." " The Comforter, which is the Holy " Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name"." 84. What is the consequence of the denial of the personality of the Holy Ghost ? A. They who deny this, unavoidably deny His operation, regeneration, sanctification, and indwelling in the hearts of the faithful. 85. Show from the Scriptures that regeneration is by the Holy Ghost. A. " Born of water and the Spirit °." " By one " Spirit are we all baptized into one body p." Ac- " cording to His mercy He saved us by the washing " of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost ')." 86. Show from the Scriptures that sanctification is by the Holy Ghost. A. " No man can say that Jesus is the Lord, but " by the Holy Ghost ''." " The love of God is shed " abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is " given unto us ^." " Ye are washed, ye are sanc- " tified, ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus " Christ, and by the Spirit of our God*." " The " fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffer- " ing, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, tera- " perance"." 87- Show from the Scriptures that the Holy Ghost dwells in the hearts of the faithful, A. " Ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if 1 Luke iii, 22, m John xvi. 7- " John xiv. 26. u John iii. 5. pi Cor. xii. 13. q Tit. iii. 5. r I Cor. xii, 3. s Rom. v. 5. t 1 Cor. vi. 1 1, u Gal. V. 22. 23 " so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you ^," " Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and " that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you y." " Know " ye not that your bodies are the temples of the Holy " Ghost 2 ?" " We know that He abldeth in us, by " the Spirit which He has given us "." 88. In what light are we to regard those who deny these doctrines ? A. As in greater danger than the heathens. For the heathens have not heard : but these have heard, and yet have disbelieved. " They have trodden under " foot the Son of God," by the denial of His di vinity; they "have counted the blood of the covenant " an unholy thing," by the denial of the atonement ; " and have done despite to the Spirit of grace''," by the denial of His personality and operations. 89, How should we act to them who do so .'' A. Pray to God that He will " take from them all " ignorance, hardness of heart, and contempt of His " word, and so fetch them home to His flock, that " they may be saved through Jesus Christ." X Rom. viii. 9— 11. y 1 Cor. iii, 16, z I Cor. vi, 19. a 1 John iii. 24. b Heb, ix. 29.