;^i />- ..-w-l^^ r'ttmiK^ 'iyrfi^z &mBm uf-^ :^dMtU^fe m^^ -"i^KjrrPi ^^wm ^^mm iwrJ ¦J^^U^u^S. SPEECHES AND ADDRESSES OF H.E.H. THE PEINCE OF WALES 1863-1888. y^^^i.cyZ^*^io^<-c.Uy^ SPEECHES AND ADDRESSES H.R.H. THE PRINCE OF WALES 1863—1888. ISDITED BY JAMES MACAULAY, A.M., M.D. Edin., ArXHOR OP " VICTQllIA It.I., HEK LIFE AND KEIQN." WITH A PORTRAIT. LONDON: JOHN MURRA.Y, ALBEMA.RLE 8THEET. 1889. LONDON : PRINTED BY WILLIAM CLOWHS AND SONS, LIMITED, STAMFORR STREET AND CHARING CROSS. ®o tfie JMemors of HIS EOYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE CONSORT, THE "NOBLE FATHER OF OUE KINGS TO BE," ALBERT THE WISE AND GOOD. PREFACE. 'The year 1888, that of the Silver Wedding of the Prince and Princess of Wales, is also the 25th anniversary of the year when the Prince iirst began to appear in public life. It is, therefore, a fit time to present some record of events in which His Eoyal Highness has taken part, and of services rendered by him to the nation, during the past quarter of a century. The best and the least formal way of doing this seemed to be the reproduction of his Speeches and Addresses, along with some account of the occasions when they were delivered. Some of these speeches, in more recent years, are known to all, and their importance is universally recognised ; such as those relating to the various International Exhibitions,, the foundation of the Eoyal College of Music, and the establishment of the Imperial Institute. But throughout the whole of the twenty- five years, there has been a succession of speeches, on all manner of occasions, of many of which there is no adequate record or remembrance. It is only due to the Prince to recaU the various services thus rendered by him, especially during those earlier years when the loss of the Prince Consort was most deeply felt, and when the Queen, whose Jubilee has been so splendidly celebrated, was living in retirement. A new generation has come on the stage since those days, and there are comparatively few who remember the number and variety of occasions upon viii PEEFACE. which Eoyalty wasiworthily represented by the Prince of Wales, and the important and arduous duties voluntarily and cheerfully undertaken by him. Before carrying out this design, it was advisable to ascertain if there might be any objection on the part of the Prince of Wales. There might, for instance, be a purpose of official publication of these speeches. On the matter being referred to the Prince, he not only made no objection, but, in most kind and gracious terms, gave his Sanction to the work, and hoped it might be " useful to .the various objects which he had publicly advocated and supported." The number and diversity of occasions on which the Prince , has made these public appearances will surprise those who have not personal recollection of them. The speeches themselves will surprise no orie. , The Prince has had education and culture such as few of any station obtain ; directed at first by such a father as the Prince Consort, and by tutors who carried out the design of both his parents.' Accomplished in Art, and interested in Science, in Antiquities, and most branches of learning; with some University training at Oxford, Cambridge, and Edinburgh, and with his mind enlarged by foreign travel, we might expect the fruits of such training to appear in his public addresses. Add to this the kindliness which comes from a good natural disposition, the sympathetic influence of a genial manner, and the grace which is given by a training from childhood in the highest station, and we can understand how the ' speeches even of the earliest years were heard with pleasure and approval. Some of the speeches are very brief, but are always to the point, and present the gist of the subject in hand. It was Earl Granville who once said, in proposing his health, that, "if the speeches of His Eoyal Highness were usually short, they were always, to use a homely expression, as full of meat as an egg." Even where there has been no formal speech, we are interested in knowing what the Prince has done as well as PEEFACE. ix what he has said ; and therefore some important occasions are included when no speech was made. It is the variety of subjects that will strike most readers. Let it be noted, moreover, that the speeches now reproduced are only those addressed to meetings where reporters for the press were present. There have been innumerable meetings besides, — meetings of Commissions, of Boards, of Councils, of Committees, at none of which has the Prince ever been an inactive or silent member, but rather the guiding and moving spirit. If the voluntary offices of His Eoyal Highness were printed at length, they would far outnumber those mere honorary titles with which the College of Arms concerns itself; and are such as imply thought and work, in many useful and beneficent ways. Long may His Eoyal Highness have the health and the will for such offices and duties. If his future career is equal to the hopes and promise of his early life, and the performances of the last twenty-five years, he will leave a name illustrious and memorable in the history of the British Empire. *«* The frontispiece portrait, under which the Prince of Wales has heen pleased to put his autograph, is etched by W. Strang, from a recent photograph by Van der Weyde. TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGR The Early Years op the Prince of Wales ... 1 At the Eoyal Academy Banquet of 1863 . . . 11 Freedom op the City op London . . . . .12 British Orphan Asylum . . . . . . .14 At Mercers' Hall . . .' . . . . .16 The Eoyal Literary Fund Dinner ..... 17 Irish International Exhibition of 1865 . . . . 21 International Eeformatory Exhibition, held in the Agri- cuLTURAi Hall, Islington. ..... 24 The Sailoes' Home, London Docks .... 25 Eoyal Dramatic College . . . . .26 Fishmongers' Hall Dinner ...... 27 Speech Day at Wellington College ... 29 Institution of Civil Engineers .... 31 The British and Foreign Bible Society . . .33 Friend op the Clergy Corporation .... 36 Warehousemen and Clerks' School ..... 38 Merchant Seamen's Orphan Asylum. . . .39 Eoyal Visit to Norwich in 1866 41 Eoyal National Life-boat Institution .... 42 Society op Ancient Britons . . ¦ .44 London International College ..... 47 The Viceroy of Egypt, Ismail Pasha, at the Mansion House 49 Festival of St. Patrick . . . . 50 xii TABLE OF CONTElJTS. PAGE Dublin And Carnarvon . . . . . • .65 Society op Friends of Foreigners in Distress . . 69 St. Bartholomew's Hospital . . . , . . .62 Laying- Foundation-Stone of New Buildings, Glasgow University ........ 66 Foreign Tour, 1868-1869 67 The Eoyal Geographical Society .... 69 Barlswood Asylum ..... 71 The Alexandra Dock at Lynn . . . . .73 Visit to Manchester . ' . . . . . .74 The Peabody Memorial, Unveiling of the Statue in the City of London .' . . . ' . . .78 The Scottish Hospital . . . . . . .81 Eoyal Masonic Institution foe Boys . . ,85 International Educational Exhibition 87 Eoyal General Theatrical Fund . . . 89 St. George's Hospital .... . , 93 DuLwicH College . . . . . . .96 Schools for the Children of Seamen . . , .98 New Grammar School at Eeading . . . lOO Albert Gold Medal to M. De Lesseps . . . 103 Opening of the Thames Embankment . . 105 Workmen's International Exhibition . . . 106 The Eoyal Albert Hall . . . . .107 The International Exhibition of 1871 . 110 Artists' Obphan Fund ...... m Eoyal Masonic Institution foe Girls . n^; Earls wood Asylum Festival . . . ne Homes for Little Boys ... . . ng The Eoyal Caledonian Asylum Dublin Agricultural Show The Illness of December, 1871 Noefolk Ageicultueal Society At Geeat Yarmouth The School Drill Eeview 120122128132 135138 Weymouth and the Poetland Breakwater . .139 TABLE OF CONTENTS, Xlll Visit to Derby Eailway Benevolent Institution Unveiling the Albert. Statue on Holborn Viaduct The British Orphan Asylum Festival Banquet to Sir Garnet Wolseley . Eoyal Medical Benevolent College At the Middle and the Inner Temple . New Guildhall and Law Courts, Plymouth . Visit to Birmingham in 1874 .... The Eoyal Cambridge Asylum At Merchant Taylors' School The German Hospital ..... Installation as Grand Master of English; Freemasons Eoyal Agricultural Benevolent Institution The Indian Embassy, 1876-76, Licensed Victuallers' Asylum Unveiling Albert Statue at Cambridge Jnfant Orphan Asylum, Wanstead . The Training Sep ' Britannia ' Cabdrivers' Benevolent Association. The Princess Helena College New Harbour at Holyhead , New Colours to the Eoyal Welsh Fusiliers . The Eoyal Hospital for Women and Children At King's College . . ... Colonial Banquet at the Mansion House City and Guilds op London Institute The International Medical Congress Memorial to Dean Stanley . Eifle Volunteers . British Graves in the Crimea The Fisheries Exhibition Opening of Fisheries Exhibition Closing OF Fisheries Exhibition Financial Eesults of Fisheries Exhibition, and Disposal Surplus ........ OF PAOE 140142 145 ¦]46 148 160 152154156 159163165169 175 3 80 185 190193 195 198 201203 205 208 209211215 218 220 223225228230231285 xiv TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE New City of London School .... .237 The Northbrook Club ....¦•• 238 City of London College in Moorfields . . . 239 Housing of the Poor and the Working Classes . 241 The Guards' Industrial Home at Chelsea Barracks . 243 Eoyal National Life-boat Institution . . . 244 The Health Exhibition .....-• 246 Opening of Guilds of London Institute . . 248 Anti-Slavery Society Meeting in- Guildhall . 252 Visit to Ireland in 1885 . . . 261 The Darwin Memorial ... . 271 The Birkbeck Institution . . . 272 Eailway Guards' Friendly Society. . . . 274 Convalescent Home at Swanley .... 276 The Yoekshiee College at Leeds- ..... 278 The Gordon Boys' Home .... . 282 Opening of the Mersey Tunnel . . . . .286 Institution of Civil Engineers . . . 290 At the Colonial Office . . . . 293 Installation as Grand Master of Mark Masons . 294 Foundation Stone of the People's Palace . 296 Sale of Shorthorns and Southdowns at Sandringham 298 Sion College ........ 301 Colonial and Indian Exhibition of 1886 . . 303 The Imperial Institute . . . 310 The London Orphan Asylum . 316 The College of Preceptors . 318 The Manchester Exhibition . 319 The London Hospital New Buildings . 321 Deaconesses' Institution and Hospital at Tottenham 324 The Freemasons and the Queen's Jubilee . . 325 The Shaftesbury House . . . . ; . 327 Consecration of -Truro Cathedral ... , 328 -New Colours to the Old 46th Eegiment. 330 The Glasgow Exhibition of 1888 . 332 Sir Bartle Frehe's Statue . . . 337 TABLE OF CONTENTS. XV TAGK New Gymnasium in Long Acre (op Y. M.. C. A.) . . 338 The Eoyal Masonic Institute foe Girls . . . 340 West Norfolk Hunt . . .344 At Blackburn . . . . 345 The Anglo-Danish Exhibition . . . 347 Great Northern Hospital, Holloway Road . . . 349 Speeches at Eoyal Academy Banquets . . .355 Eoyal Banquets at thk Trinity House . . 377 The Eoyal College of Music . . . . . .391 National Training School for Music . . .391 Founding the Eoyal College of Music . . . 394 The Colonies and the College of Music . . 403 Inauguration of the Eoyal College op Music . . 408 Index . . 417 THE EAELY YEARS OF THE PEINCE OF WALES. As the record of Public Speeches in the following pages does not begin till 1863, it may be well to give a few dates and incidents of previous years in the Hfe of the Prince of Wales. He was born on the 9th of November, 1841, at Buckingham Palace. From Windsor, to which the Court removed on the 6th of December, the Queen wrote next day to King Leopold, " We arrived here safe and sound, with our awfully large nursery establishment, yesterday morning. ... I wonder very much whom our little boy will be like. You will understand how fervent are my prayers, and I am sure everybody's must be, to see him resemble his father in every respect, both in body and mind." The Prince, named Albert Edward, was baptized in St. George's Chapel, Windsor, on the 25th of January, 1842. King Frederick William of Prussia was invited to be the boy's Godfather, and he came over personally to undertake the office. The other Sponsors, six in number, were members of the Houses of Saxe-Coburg and Saxe-Gotha, and of the English Eoyal family. There was a full choral service at the christening. A special anthem had been composed by Sir George Elvey. On the Prince Consort being told of this, and asked when it should be sung, he answered, " Not at all ; no anthem. If the service ends by an anthem we shall all go out criticising the music. We will have something we all know — something in which we can all join — something devotional. The Hallelujah Chorus ; we shall all join in that, with our hearts." The Hallelujah Chorus ended the service accordingly. The incident is noteworthy, as showing how the infant Prince was committed, at his baptism, not in outward form only, but in devout spirit, to the care of the Heavenly Father. When the Queen told King Leopold of the removal of the Court to Windsor, she had made special mention of " the nursery establishment." No mother in any rank of life ever paid greater attention to this part of the home, wherever the Court might be. In Memoirs and Eecollections of the Queen, by those who have belonged to her household, many anecdotes are found which show B 2 SPEECHES OF S.E.H. TEE PEINCE^ OF WALES. the watchful care and the personal superintendence of the Eoyal Mother. It is only this year, in the autumn of 1888, that Mrs. Hull, who entered Her Majesty's service as nurse to the Prince of Wales, died, in her seventy-ninth year. She was a kind and conscientious attendant to every one of the Eoyal children, and the Queen ever retained great regard for the faithful nurse — " Dear old May," as she used to call her. When she retired from the Eoyal service, and lived in ^recent years in Wli^d^or, she was always, welcome at the Castle. The Queen herself and the Princesses often saw her, and the Prince of Wales frequently brought her handsome presents. In reading the account of her funeral, it is pleasant to see that on the card attached to one of the many wreaths laid on her coffin were the words : " A mark of affection and gratitude from Victoria E. I." A beautiful wreath sent by the Prince and Princess of Wales bore the inscription : " In remembrance of dear old May." When the Eoyal children came to be under governesses and teachers, they were taught well the usual branches of early educa tion, and were also trained in practical ways, the boys in the use of tools, and the girls in household work, especially when the Swiss Cottage at Osborne was occupied hy the young folk. In the story of the • Early Years of the Prince Consort ' there is an amusing reference to the interruptions of the schoolroom studies by the old Duke of Saxe-Coburg, who loved to carry off the two boys, and take them on excursions. The Prince himself did this. sometimes, as when the two elder children, In the autumn of 1846, were taken with their parents in the Victoria and Albert to Port land, Weymouth, Guernsey, Dartmouth, and Plymouth, between August 8th and 25th; and to Jersey, Falmouth, St. Michael's Mount, and the Duchy of Cornwall, between September 2nd and 9th. Of these excursions details are given in the Queen's ' Leaves from a Journal.' The Queen tells how, at several places off the Cornish coast, " boats crowded round us in all directions, and when Bertie showed himself the people shouted, ' Three cheers for the Duke of Cornwall!'" ... In the Journal, under date September 7th, Prince Albert having that day landed to visit some mines, the Queen has this entry, " The Corporation of Penryn were on board, and very anxious to see the Duke of Cornwall, so I stepped out of the pavilion with Bertie, and Lord Palmerston told them that that was the Duke of Cornwall; and the old Mayor of Penryn said that 'he hoped he would grow up to be a blessing to his parents, and to his country.' " On September the 2nd, on the evening of the day when the Eoyal yacht left Osborne for the Channel Islands, " Bertie put on his sailor's dress, which was beautifully made by the man on board who makes for our sailors. When he appeared, the officers and sailors, who were all assembled on deck to see him, cheered, and seemed delighted with him. THE EAELT TEAES OF THE PEINCE OF WALES, 3 In 1847 there was another holiday journey, this time to Scotland, the Queen and the Prince taking with them, as before, the two eldest children, with Miss Hildyard, their governess. They embarked at Osborne, in the Eoyal yacht, on the 11th of August. On the 14th they were at Pembroke, when the dockyard and the castle were inspected: thence along the coast of Wales, landing at Bangor, from whence there was an expedition to Penryn Castle, and thence past the Isle of Man to the Scottish coast. Of this journey a detailed account is given in a letter to Baron Stockmar. At Eothesay in the Isle of Bute, the Prince Consort says, " The people were as much rejoiced to see the Duke of Eothesay as the Welsh were to salute the Prince of Wales on their native ground." It was this enthusiasm about local associations that led the Queen, after the first visit to Ireland, to desire for the Prince the title of Earl of Dublin. During 1848 and the following year there was much in the state of public affairs, at home and abroad, to occupy the attention of the Queen and the Prince Consort, but they were anxiously considering the plans for the future education of the Prince of Wales. In May 1848 negociations had been opened with Mr. Birch, who had been highly recommended as tutor. In the spring of 1849 the appointment was made, and Prince Albert, in a letter to the Dowager Duchess of Gotha, dated Windsor Castle, 10th April, thus wrote, " The children grow more than well. Bertie will be given over in a few weeks into the hands of a tutor, whom we have found in Mr. Birch, a young, good-looking, amiable man, who was a tutor at Eton, and who not only himself took the highest honours at Cambridge, but whose pupils have won especial distinction. It is an important step, and God's blessing be upon it, for upon the good education of Princes, and especially of those who are destined tp govern, the welfare of the world in these days very greatly depends." Of the course and conduct of the studies of the Prince, under Mr. Birch, from 1849-1851, and under his successor, Mr. Gibbs, from 1851-1858, it is not necessary to speak. His other teachers were efficient in their departments, such as Mr. Corbould, who taught drawing to all the Eoyal children ; and M. Brasseur, the French teacher, to whom the Prince paid a visit when in Paris in 1888. As in the earlier years, so when he was under tutors, the real education for public life was less in study than in the com panionship and the example of his parents. A man of wide knowledge and of varied accomplishments like the Prince Consort had higher views of education than mere scholastic routine. He took his son to all places where a love of arts and sciences might be encouraged and fostered, and hence the Prince obtained know ledge and acquired tastes not universal among young Englishmen, in times before the subjects of academic training and honours had been enlarged, mainly through the influence of the Prince Consort, as Chancellor of the University of Cambridge. From his father B 2 4 SPEECHES OF H.E.H. THE PEINCE OF WALES. also he inherited the taste for music which has been since turned to national benefit. But above all, he was often taken to meetings and festivals connected with charitable institutions, a Princely duty in which the son has been proud to follow the example of his lamented father. The extra-scholastic education of the Prince was continued throughout the time that Mr. Gibbs, his classical tutor, remained with him. He was also gradually introduced to public life, and initiated in affairs of modern as well as ancient histoiy, — events reported in the newspapers of the day, as well as those recorded by the historians of antiquity. As early as the 3rd of April, 1854, when the Addresses from both Houses of Parliament were pre sented to the Queen, in answer to Her Majesty's message announcing the opening of war with Eussia, we are told that " the Prince of Wales took his place, for the first time, beside the Queen and Prince Albert upon the throne." In the succeeding years these appearances in public were frequent, and in 1857 he accom panied the Queen and the Prince on their memorable visit to the Art Treasures Exhibition at Manchester. The Princess Eoyal, the Princess Alice, Prince George, and Prince Frederick William of Prussia, were also guests at Worsley Hall during this visit. In Manchester, as recorded by the Queen in her Diary, " The crowd was enormous, greater than ever witnessed before, and enthusiastic beyond belief — nothing hut kind and friendly faces." Upwards of a million people were computed to have been in the streets that day. Not only were the treasures of the Exhibition carefully inspected, but visits were paid to some of the great manufacturing works of the town. On the day that the Queen drove to see the statue of herself recently erected in the Peel Park, the Prince Consort, with his two eldest sons, and Prince Frederick William, went to the Manchester Town Hall, to receive the address which the Corporation presented to the Prussian Prince on his approach ing marriage with the Princess Eoyal. In July of that year, 1857, the Prince of Wales went to Konigswinter, for the purposes of study. He was accompanied by General Grey, Sir Henry Ponsonby, and several companions, among whom were Mr. 0. Wood, son of Lord Halifax, Lord Cadogan, and Mr. F. Stanley, son of Lord Derby. With Mr. Gibbs was now associated the Eev. Canon Tarver, who, on the retirement of Mr._ Gibbs in 1858, was appointed Director of Studies and Chaplain. In this capacity he accompanied the Prince to Eome, Spain, and Portugal, and afterwards went with him to Edinburgh' remaining with the Prince till the autumn of 1859, when his education ceased to be conducted at home. Of the principal events of the year 1858 as regards the Prince, a most interesting statement is given in a letter of his father to his old friend Stockmar. It is dated Windsor Castle, April 2nd " Yesterday the Confirmation of the Prince of Wales went off with great solemnity, and I hope with lasting impression on his mind. THE EAELT YEAES OF THE PEINCE OF WALES. 5 The previous day his examination took place before the Archbishop and ourselves. Wellesley (Dean of Windsor) prolonged it a full hour, and Bertie acquitted himself extremsly well. To-day we take the sacrament with him." In a Memorandum by Her Majesty, it is said that the Prince Consort " had a very strong feeling about the solemnity of this act, and did not like to appear in company either the evening before or on the day on which he took the sacrament ; and he and the Queen almost always dined alone on these occasions.'' With such habitual feelings about the solemnity of the service, the " First Communion " of his eldest son must have deeply touched his heart. In the letter to Stockmar the Prince continues his statement about the educational plans for his son. " Next week he is to make a run for fourteen days to the South of Ireland, with Mr. Gibbs, Captain de Eos, and Dr. Minter, for recreation. When he returns to London he is to take up his residence at the White Lodge, in Eichmond Park, so as to be away from the world, and devote himself exclusively to study, and prepare for a military examination. As companions for him we have appointed three very distinguished young men, of from 23 to 26 years of age, who are to occqpy in monthly rotation a kind of equerry's place about him, and from whose more intimate intercourse I anticipate no small benefit to Bertie." These companions were Lord Valletort, eldest son of Lord Mount-Edgecombe, Major Teesdale, E.A., of Kavs celebrity, and Major Loyd-Lindsay, V.C, of all of whom the Prince expresses to Stockmar his high opinion. " Besides these three, only Mr. Gibbs and Mr. Tarver will go with him to Eichmond. As future Governor I have as yet been able to think of no one as likely to suit, except Colonel Bruce, Lord Elgin's brother, and his military secretary in Canada, who now commands one of the battalions of Grenadier Guards. He has all the amiability of his sister (Lady Augusta Bruce, afterwards Lady Augusta Stanley), with great mildness of expression, and is full of ability." Fortunately for the Prince, the wish to obtain the services of Colonel Bruce was successful. On the 9th of November, 1868, writing from Windsor Castle to the King of Prussia on political affairs, which in Prussia were then in troubled condition, the Prince adds : " I ought not to tease you just now with family trifles, still I will let you know that Bertie, who to-day solemnizes his eighteenth birthday, proposes to pay a fortnight's visit to his sister, and asks leave to present himself to you. It will not be a State, but purely a family visit ; and we, therefore, beg yoii only to show him such slender courtesies as are suitable to a member, and a very young one, of the family. To-day he becomes a Colonel in the Army, unattached, and will receive the Garter. Colonel Bruce, Lord Elgin's brother, has become his Governor." • The Prince speaks of family events as trifles, compared with great political aflairs, but he felt deeply every change in the home. 6 SPEECHES OF H.E.H. THE PEINCE OF WALES. life. A few weeks earlier, he had taken his son, Alfred, to his ship at Spithead, from which he went to sea at once. On the day before, the father wrote, "His departure will be another great trial to us : the second child lost to our family circle in one year." On the 10th of January, 1859, the Prince of Wales started on his Italian tour. He had previously been hard at study. He had opportunities of seeing much that was interesting in his continental journey, but the stay at Eome, which was greatly enjoyed, had to be abruptly ended. The restless ambition of the Emperor of the French had brought about war with Austria, and a French descent on Sardinia. Orders were sent to the Prince of Wales to leave Eome and repair to Gibraltar, which he reached on the .7th -of May. The plan now arranged was that he was to visit the south of Spain and Lisbon, to return to England in the middle pf June, and in July and August to take up his head quarters In Edinburgh for study. All this was well carried out, and on the 11th of September the Prince joined his parents at Balmoral. The Court had left Osborne on the 29th of August for the Highlands, and- reached Balmoral on the 31st, after spending a day and a night in Edinburgh. Writing to Stockmar a few days after, the Prince Consort says they had "travelled for the first time by night, straight through from London to Edinburgh, in order to gain a day for that place. The experiment proved a complete success, and the Queen was not at all tired. When in Edinburgh I had an ¦educational conference with all the persons who are taking part in the education of the Prince of Wales. They all speak highly of lim, and he seems to have shown zeal and good will. Dr. Lyon Playfair is giving him lectures on Chemistry in relation to Manufactures, and at the close of each special course he visits the appropriate manufactory with him, so as to explain its practical application. Dr. Schmltz, the Eector of the High School of Edinburgh, a German, gives him lectures on Eoman History. Italian,_ German, and French are advanced at the same time ; and three times a week the Prince exercises with the 16th Hussars, who are stationed near the city. Mr. Fisher, who is to be tutor at Oxford, was also In Holyrood. Law and History are to be the subjects on which he Is to prepare the Prince." All this shows the care taken in regard to the education of the Prince. The Eoyal pupil had rather a stiff course of study in these days, but he stuck manfully to all his work, which had been carefully planned by his.good father, who held that little relaxation should be allowed even during holiday time. In a letter of 17th September, 1859, to Mr. Tarver, who was still Director of Studies he wrote "I should be very sorry that he " (the Prince of Wales) should look upon the reading of a novel, even by Sir Walter Scott, as a days worh. Fond as he was himself of high-class works of fiction, the Prince held they should be sparingly laid open to young people during years which should be devoted to study THE EAELT TEAES OF THE .PEINCE OF WALES. 7 In Deceniber 1859 the Prince Consort wrote to the old Duehess of Coburg, who ever retained lively interest in all- the^ family affairs, "The visit of Prince Frederick William of Prussia and his Princess came to a close on the 3rd. He hasi delighted us much. Vicky has developed greatly of late, and yet remained quite a child, — of such is the Kingdom of Heaven;" With sad interest we recall this, after recent : events. Also it is written about the same time, "The Prince of Wales is working hard at Oxford." The year closed, and the new year dawned very peaceably and happilyi the Queen saying in her Diary, "I never remember spending' a pleasanter New Year's Day, surrounded by our children and dear Mama. It is really extraordinary how much our good ¦children .did .for the day, in reading, reciting^ and music."- In the- early spring arrangements were being made for the ¦proposed.visitiof the Prince of Wales to America. A promise o this visit had been given to the Canadians during the Crimean War for which Her Majesty's, loyal, subjects in tho Dominion had levied and equipped a regiment. A request was then made that Her Majesty would visit her American possessions. On this being pronounced inexpedient, the Canadians asked that one of the Queen's sons might be Governor-General. Their youth, made thl.-^ Impossible, and then the promise was made that the Prince of Wales, as soon as he was old enough, should visit Canada; It was now. announced that this visit should be early in the autumn of .186.0, and that it should be signalised by laying the foundation stone of the new Canadian Parliament House at Ottawa. It was also arranged that the Prince should be accompanied. by the Duke of Newcastle, Secretary of State for the Colonies. This no sooner became known on the other side of the water than the President of the United States, James Buchanan, addressed a letter to the Queen, dated on June 4th (Independence Day), offering a cordial welcome to the States, and assuring Her Majesty that the Prince would be everywhere greeted in a manner that could not fail to be gratifying to .the Queen. A reply was sent, in the same friendly spirit, informing the President that the Prince would return from Canada through the United States, and that it would give him pleasure to have an opportunity of testify ing in person to the President that the feelings which prompted his Invitation were fully reciprocated on this side of the Atlantic. Alter a short visit to Coburg iu the early summer, the Prince started for the New World on the 10th of July, and on the 25th landed at St. John's, Newfoundland. His arrival caused a fever of excitement. " If all the Colonies feel towards the Prince as New* foundland does," wrote one who witnessed the scones, " it was a most politic step to have sent him on this tour." The rough fishermen and their wives were delighted, and were full of admira tion. " God bless his pretty face, and send him a good wife ! " was their most frequent exclamation. The manner of the Princs 8 - SPEECHES OF H.E.H, THE PEINCE OF WALES. to the venerable Bishop of Newfoundland was " very beautiful, so gentle, and quite reverential," that all were touched, and the old man said, "God bless my dear young Prince! I hope he will carry away a favourable impression of this almost unknown rugged island." The same enthusiasm was shown everywhere in Canada, and the Duke of Newcastle writing to the Queen on the 23rd of September, from Dwight in Illinois, after he had crossed into the United States, thus summed up the results of the visit : " Now that the Canadian visit is concluded, the Duke of Newcastle may pronounce it eminently successful, and may venture to offer Her Majesty his humble but very hearty congratulations. He does not doubt that future years will clearly demonstrate the good that has been done. The attachment to the Crown has been greatly cemented. . . . The Duke of Newcastle is rejoiced to think that this is not the only good that has sprung out of this visit. It has done much good to the Prince of Wales himself, and the development of his mind and habit of thought is very perceptible. The Duke of Newcastle will be much disappointed if your Majesty and the Prince Consort are not pleased with the change that has been brought about by this practical school, in which so many of the future duties of life have been forced upon the Prince's daily attention. He has certainly left a very favourable impression behind him." Besides laying the foundation stone of the buildings for the Parliament House at Ottawa, the Prince performed another memorable action In driving home the last rivet of the magnificent Victoria Bridge at Montreal. The enthusiasm caused by the visit to the States was Immense. Chicago was the first great town reached after leaving Niagara, and here the reception was remarkable. It was the same at Cincinnati, and at St. Louis. In fact everywhere the friendly spirit of the people was the same, and the courtesy of the civic authorities, and of the educated classes, most marked. A pleasant record of the prevailing feeling Is given in a letter from a well- known American author. " The Prince is decidedly a popular character with us, and he may consider himself a lucky lad If he escapes nomination for President before he reaches his home-bound fleet. The funny part of the whole affair is to note the unwilling ness of people to be shahbed off with a sham title (Baron Renfrew, under which name he travelled in the States), Instead of His Eoyal Highness the Prince of Wales, a real up and down and out and out Prince, and of the right stuff too ; coupled with a hope he may long remain so ; for there is not a living being more sincerely beloved by our people than his Eoyal mother." Washington was reached on the 3rd of October. The most memorable Incident of his stay at the capital was an excursion, on the 6th, In company with the President to Mount Vernon, the home and the burial-place of George Washington. The reporter of the Times thus speaks of the event, " Before this humble tomb the TEE EAELT TEAES OF THE PEINCE OF WALES. 9 Prince, the President, and all the party stood uncovered. It is easy moralizing on this visit, for there is something grandly suggestive of historical retribution in the reverential awe of the Prince of Wales, the great-grandson of George IIL, standing bare headed at the foot of the coffin of Washington. For a few moments the party stood mute and motionless, and the Prince then proceeded to plant a chestnut by the side of the tomb. It seemed when the Eoyal youth closed in the earth around the little germ, that he was burying the last faint trace of discord between us and our great brethren in the West." The Prince left Washington for Eichmond on the following day, and closed his American tour at Boston, after having had a magnificent welcome at New York from the vast population of that city. In an American paper of the day it was said, " All our reminiscences, the history, the poetry, the romance of England for ten centuries, are concentrated in the huzzahs with which we greet the Prince of Wales." The Prince landed at Plymouth on the 13th of November and the same evening arrived at Windsor. On the 18th of January he went to Cambridge for his first term, and resumed his studies, under his preceptors, at Madingley Hall. At the end of his second term he went to the camp of the Curragh of Kildare during the summer vacation. In the autumn of 1861 he went to Germany, with the Intention of meeting the Princess Alexandra of Denmark, with the view to marriage, if the meeting should result in mutual attachment. The meeting, which took place at Speier and at Heidelberg, led to their engagement. The Prince returned to Madingley Hall, from whence he was summoned to Windsor on the day before his beloved father's death, on the 14th of December, 1861. , It is not our purpose to encroach further on the office of the future biographer of the Prince of Wales. In the ' Life of the Prince Consort' the sad incidents of that December are. described with touching pathos. Neither do we propose to narrate the events that occurred between the death of the Prince Consort and the marriage of the Prince of Wales, to the Princess Alexandra, on the 10th of March, 1863. These events are fresh In the recollection of many to whom the incidents of the earlier life of the Prince are less known. It is enough to say as to these years, that he continued to be diligent in the acquirement of varied knowledge; that he carefully attended to his military duties; that he took active part in the volunteer movement ; and in town and country was alike popular, from his love of manly sport as well as of the pursuits of art. The coming of age of the Prince was not celebrated with great ceremony, for he was abroad at the time, and the shadow of sorrow was still over the Eoyal household. But when the Prince brought his bride to England the joy of the nation was unbounded. The passage of the Prince and Princess through the streets of London 10 . SPEECHES OF H.E.E. TEE PEINCE OF WALES. was . a scene of popular enthusiasm such as has seldom^ been witnessed, so tumultuous was the outburst of joy. The magnificent splendour of the marriage itself was as nothing compared^ with that national demonstration. In the following pages at will be seen how the Prince and Princess were one in public life, as they were in heart and home. When the Prince and Princess were returning from Osborne^ where they spent the honeymoon, on arriving at Portsmouth, en route to Windsor, the Mayor and Corporation presented an address, upon the deck of the Eoyal yacht Fairy. This was the first of a succession of " addresses," which were merely marriage congratulations, couched in complimentary strains, and responded to In a few grateful and gracious words. These addresses were so numerous that they came to be merely mentioned in list, and in that early time might have been troublesome, but for the courtesy and goodnature of the Prince. These demonstrations continued throughout the summer, the last being at Edinburgh, where their Eoyal Highnesses remained for a night on the way to Abergeldle, their Highland home near Balmoral. They did not go to Holyrood Palace, but to Douglas' private hotel, an St. Andrew's Square. Here a vast crowd assembled, and the Prince and Princess had to appear and bow their acknowledgments from the open window, tiU the multitude dispersed. But before going to the North, the Prince had already made public ap pearances, and his voice had been heard, in the City of Uondonj The words were few, but the occasions were so important ihat with them may be commenced the record of the Speeches of His Eoyal Highness. The earliest appearance In a public assembly was at the banquet of the Eoyal Academy of Arts, on the 2nd of May, 1863. ( 11 ) SPEECHES OF H.E.H. THE PRINCE OF WALES. AT THE EOYAL ACADEMY BANQUET. May 2nd, 1863. The annual banquet given by the President' and Council' of the Royal Academy of Arts, at Burlington House, is one of the chief events of the London season, or rather, it marks the opening of the season. It always takes place on 'the Saturday preceding the first Monday in May, when the Exhibition ' of PiotureB Is opened to the public. Seldom can a more distinguished company of men, eminent in art, science, and literature, as well as in social position and public life, be seen together than on these occasions. The Prince of Wales has been a very frequent guest, and his speeches have been so numerotis, that it seems best to group them together, at a later part of this volume. But the first speech at the Academy banquet was so interesting an occasion that it is given under the date of its delivery. The presence of the young Prince, and so soon after his marriage, gave unusual eclat to the banquet of 1863. At that time Sir Charles Eastlake was President, and the rooms of the Academy were at Trafalgar Square. After the toast of " The Queen," the President made touching reference to the loss which the nation as well as the ' Eoyal Family had recently sustained. He gave " The memory of the great and good Prince Consort," which was drunk in deep silence. Then followed the toast of " The Prince of Wales, and the rest of the Eoyal Family." " The Council of the Eoyal Academy," said the President, " had that day the honour of offering their respectful and heartfelt congratulations tO His Eoyal Highness on his marriage to a Princess, whose personal attractions and gracious manners enhance the impression of Her Eoyal Highness's amiable character." The Prince, in replying, spoke (as was said at the time) "evidently under deep emotion, but in a peculiarly clear and pleasing tone of voice, and with great impressiveness of manner " : — 12 SPEECEES OF E.E.H. TEE PEINCE OF WALES. " Sir Charles Eastlake, your Eoyal Highnesses, my Lords, and Gentlemen,— It is with the most contending feelings of plea^ sure, pride, and sorrow that I rise to return you thanks in the name of myself and the Eoyal family for the kind terms in which you. Sir Charles, have proposed our health, and for the very cordial way in whieh this distinguished assembly has received it. I cannot on this occasion divest my mind of the associations connected with my beloved and lamented father. His bright example cannot fail to stimulate my efforts to tread in his footsteps : and, whatever my shortcomings may be, I may at least presume to participate in the interest which he took in every institution which tended to encourage art and science in this country, but more especially in the prosperity of the Eoyal Academy. Adverting to my marriage, I beg you to believe how grateful I feel for, and I may be permitted to add how sincerely I appreciate, the sentiments you have expressed with reference to the Princess. I know that I am only speak ing her mind in joining her thoughts to mine on this occasion. We neither of us can ever forget the manner in which our union has been celebrated throughout the nation ; and I should be more than ungrateful if I did not retain the most lasting as well as most pleasing recollection of the kind expressions and reception which my attendance at your anniversary meeting has evoked this evening." Among the speakers at this banquet of 1863 were Lord Palmer ston, Mr. Thackeray, and Sir Eoderick Murchison, PEEEDOM OF THE CITY OF LONDON. June 8th, 1863. The first event of importance In the public life of the Prince of Wales, after his marriage, was the taking up the freedom of the City of London, on the 8th of June, 1863. As far back as the 12th of March the following resolution had been passed by the Court of Common Council : — " That His Eoyal Highness Albert Edward, Prince of Wales, be very respectfully requested to take upon himself the freedom of the City, to which he is entitled by patrimony; and that upon his acceding to this request His Eoyal Highness be presented with FEEEDOM OF THE CITT OF LONDON. 13 the copy of the freedom, enclosed in a casket, in testimony of the affection and profound respect entertained by the Court for his person and character." Having signified his assent to the request, the 8th of June was fixed as the day when the Prince would come to Guildhall to take up the freedom. The Lord Mayor and the civic authorities thought that this would be the fittest time for the official reception of the Prince and Princess, and for an entertainment, worthy of the occasion of the marriage, and of the ancient hospitality of the City of London. Invitations were accordingly issued to about two thousand guests to meet the Eoyal visitors, and the list included all the most eminent persons in public life or in society, and the ambassadors and representatives of foreign countries. Immense and costly preparations were made, both in the decoration of the Hall, and for the reception of the guests. Shortly after 9 p.m. the sound of trumpets announced that the Eoyal party had arrived. The Prince wore his military uniform, and the Eiband and Star of the Garter. The Princess wore a rich but simple white dress, with coronet and brooch of diamonds, the wedding present of her husband, and the splendid necklace of brilliants which the City of London had presented. With them came Prince Alfred, the Duchess of Cambridge, the Duke and Princess Mary of Cambridge, and other Eoyal personages, followed by a numerous retinue. The Eoyal party were conducted to the dais, in front of which was a table at which the Lord Mayor (Alderman Eose, M.P.), and the City officials took their places, and there resolved them selves into a Court of Common Council. All wore their robes and insignia of office, the sword and mace laid on the table before the Lord Mayor. The resolution passed on the 12th of March having been read, and also the official record of His Eoyal Highness's title to the freedom, the Prince then read aloud and afterwards subscribed the following declaration : — " I, Albert Edward, Prince pf Wales, do solemnly declare that I will be good and true to our Sovereign Lady Queen Victoria; that I will be obedient to the Mayor of this City ; that I will maintain the franchises and customs thereof, and will keep this City harmless, in that which in me is ; that I will also keep the Queen's peace in my O'wn person ; that I will know no gatherings nor conspiracies made against the Queen's peace, but I will warn the Mayor thereof, or hinder it to my power ; and that all these points and articles I 'will well and truly keep, according to the laws and customs of this City, to my power. "Albert Edward." Mr. Benjamin Scott, the Chamberlain, then read an address, at the close of which he offered the right hand of fellowship as a citizen of London, and presented the gold casket containing the record of the freedom. The Prince, in reply, said : — 14 SPEECEES OF EE.E. TEE PEINCE OF WALES. " My Lord Mayor, Mr. Chamberlain, ahd Gentlemen, — It is, I assure you, a source of sincere gratification to me to attend here for the purpose of being invested with a privilege which for the reasons you have stated you are unable to confer upon me, and which descends to me by inheritance. It is a patrimony that I am proud to claim — this freedom of the greatest city of the commercial world, which holds its charter from such an ancient date. My pride is increased ¦when I call to memory the long list of illustrious men who have been enrolled among the citizens of London, more especially when I connect with that list the beloved father to whom you have adverted in such warm terms of eulogy and respect, and through whom I am here to claim my freedom of the City of London. My Lord Mayor and Gentlemen, the Princess and myself heartily thank you for the past — for your loyalty and expressions of attachment towards the Queen, for the manifestations of this evening towards ourselves, and for aU your prayers for our future happiness." WTien the ceremony was ended, the Prince and the Eoyal visitors withdrew from the Hall, but soon returned to join in the festivities,, which began with a ball. " The Lord Mayor led off in a spirited quadrille with Her Eoyal Highness the Princess, and the Prince with the Lady Mayoress." So runs the record, with details of the dances, and the names of the dancers in the area kept clear, in front of the dais, for the special guests. Attempts were occasionally made to keep up dancing in the body of the Hall, but the crowd was so great that, till after supper, and the retirement of the Eoyal party, the f^te was more of a grand assembly than a ball. Under whatever name, it was a magnificent entertainment, and aged citizens tell us that Guildhall had never witnessed a scene so splendid and joyous. BEITISH OEPHAN ASYLUM. June 24:th, 1863. One of the earliest appearances of the Prince and Princess of Wales in support of a charitable institution was when they opened the new buildings erected at Slough for the British Orphan Asylum on the 24th of June, 1863. The scholars belonging to the Asylum had so largely increased in number that the Board of Directors BEITISH OEPHAN ASTLUM. 15 resolved In 1862 to move the whole establishment from Clapham Else, its former locality, tp more spacious premises at Slough. They bought the freehold- of the well-kncwn and large Eoyal Hotel, which had been closed since the old coaches had been driven off the road by the railway. The situation was admirable, and the grounds spacious, and by adding an additional story the building was readily adapted to its new purpose. The fine weather and the presence of the Prince and Princess attracted a large assemblage. On the arrival of their Eoyal High nesses the pupils sang the Old Hundredth Psalm, the National Anthem having been previously played by military bands as the procession moved towards a dais, beneath a marquee on the lawn. An Address was read, concluding with the expression of a hope that the Prince and Princess' would allow their names to be enrolled as Vice-Patron and Vice-Patroness of the Asylum, of which the Queen is Patron. The Prince made the following reply : — , " It has given the Princess and myself great pleasure to be present at the opening of your most excellent Asylum, and to have been in'vited to tak^ part in so good a work. The bene volent purposes of this widely-extended institution speak for themselves. It is one in which the Queen and my lamented father, the promoter of every scheme for the relief of the miserable, evihCed a warm interest, and the details which you have given of its formation and progress furnish another appeal for aid from those whose highest enjoyment it is to give a home and education to the fatherless and destitute. It is a pri-vilege, I assure- you, that the Princess and myself value greatly to have our names associated with the British Orphan Asylum." The Prince then formally declared the building to be for ever dedicated to the purposes of the British Orphan Asylum, and also announced the munificent gift of £12,000 from Mr. Edward Mac-. kenzie to the building fund. The Bishop of Bath and WeUs offered prayer ; a choral was sung, and many purses were presented in the offertory. Trees were also planted in commemoration of the day. Eleven years later, the Prince presided at the anniversary festival of the Asylum. He then said that he felt a special interest in the institution, which he had visited along with the Princess of Wales so many years before. In his speech at that festival he spoke more fully of the objects and merits of the Asylum, as will be .spien in the report under the date of the festival in May 1874. 16 SPEECHES. OF H.E.H. lEE PEINCE OF WALES. AT MEECERS' HALL. July Sth, 1863. After the visit to Guildhall, the common hall of all the City Guilds or Companies, the civic event of most importance was when, on the 8th of July, 1863, the Prince went to the City to take up his freedom in the Mercers' Company, and to enroll his name on their records. It was a fitting thing thus early to show his attachment to ancient Guilds and Corporate Constitutions. The Mercers' Company is the first in rank, and the most ancient of all the great City Guilds, and Its roll of members Is one of the most illustrious. Its existence as a Metropolitan Guild can be traced as far back as the year 1172, and the Company received its Incorporation in 1392 from Eichard IL, who conferred upon It the honour of becoming one of Its brethren. Besides the Eoyal names of King Henry VIII. and Queen Elizabeth, the Company can boast those of Sir Eichard Whittlngton, William Caxton the Printer, Sir Thomas Gresham, and Dean Colet, the founder of St. Paul's School. The address to the Prince was read by the Master Warden, the Eev. Markland Barnard, who had the distinction of representing the fourteenth generation of his family, who had been freemen or wardens of the Company ever since the third year of Henry IV. To this address the Prince listened with marked attention, and then replied, In a clear and pleasing tone, which those who heard it said he Inherited from his Eoyal mother : — " Master and Court of Assistants, — I am glad to avail myself of the last opportunity which my stay in London affords me of attending here this day to receive the freedom of your ancient and honourable company. The oldest of the city companies, the Mercers', is hardly exceeded by any in the amount of its charities, or in its capabilities of doing good. How these powers have been exercised, the list of the foundations of the company and of the distinguished persons whom you have enumerated as benefactors and freemen tells us. Amono' the latter, the great Sovereign, who was herself a sister of the company, stands conspicuous; and commerce and science appear equally to have lent their representatives to ennoble the Mercers' Company. To be associated with such names in the freedom and history of your company is an honour and privilege I am proud to have conferred upon me. I thank you sincerely for the terms in which you have mentioned the names of my AT MEEGEES' HALL. 17 beloved mother and the Princess, and for the happiness you desire for us both." The Prince then subscribed the Oath of the Company, with its quaint old phraseology, affixing his usual signature, Albert Edward, P. The Clerk then presented His Eoyal Highness with the formal document which enrolled him as a Freeman, enclosed in a massive gold casket of exquisite design and workmanship. The numerous visitors who had witnessed the ceremony afterwards had a dejeuner in the Banqueting Hall, the Prince -with a small number of select guests being at the same time entertained in the Council Eoom. THE EOYAL LITEEAEY FUND. May 18th, 1864. In the last annual Eeport of the Eoyal Literary Fund, for 1888, it Is said: "The anniversary of 1864 was memorable as the first public dinner presided over by the Prince of Wales, to whose presence in the chair the Institution is Indebted for a success altogether unprecedented in the history of Its anniversaries." The annual Eeport for 1864 contains a detailed account of the proceedings at that meeting, the seventy-fifth anniversary of the Institution. It was natural that a large number of eminent men should assemble to support the youthful Chairman, whose illus trious father had presided at the fifty-third anniversary, in 1842. In the long list of Stewards, In 1864, appear the names of almost all those most distinguished at that time, not only in Literature, hut in Art and Science, and In every department of the public service. Upwards of four hundred attended, and the special donations to the fund at the dinner amounted to £2328 17s., a sum then far in advance of any profit of former anniversaries. This amount has only once since been exceeded, when the King of the Belgians presided, in 1872. In commemoration of Prince Albert's presidency. Her Majesty was graciously pleased to grant to this Institution the privilege of bearing the Crown as an addition to Its Armorial bearings, and the style of the Institution was thenceforth that of " The Eoyal Literary Fund." Her Majesty confers upon it the sanction of her name as its Patron, and has shown her Interest by an annual benefaction of One Hundred Guineas, ever since the year of her Accession. By the donations and subscriptions of members of the Corpora tion, with the addition of legacies, and the profits obtained at the anniversary festivals, the Eoyal Literary Fund has been enabled, C 18 SPEECHES OF EE.E. TEE PEINCE OF WALES. since its foundation in the latter part of the eighteenth century, to dispense upwards of £105,000 to needy persons of the literary class. The Importance and the benefits of the Institution will more clearly appear from a brief statement of the proceedings at the Festival over which H.R.H. the Prince of Wales presided. The dinner was served In St. James's Hall on Wednesday, May 18th. Grace was said by the Lord Primate of Ireland. After the removal of the cloth, and the singing of the " Deum Laudate," the PrinCe rose to propose the first toast : — " The first toast I have the honour to propose is ' The health of Her Majesty the Queen, our munificent Patron ; ' a toast which I feel sure will be drunk with the enthusiasm which it elicits on all public occasions. Although the Queen is now compeUed, to a certain extent, to withdraw from public life, still her interest in every institution of this country, and particularly in chari table institutions, remains undiminished. Gentlemen, I give you ' The Queen.' " The next toast was proposed by the Marquis of Salisbury, " The health of Her Eoyal Highness the Princess of Wales, and the rest of the Eoyal Family." The toast was drunk with all the honours and responded to by His Royal Highness the Chairman. " The Church " having been proposed by the Rt. Hon. Edward Cardwell, and responded to by the Archbishop of Armagh, H.R.H. the Chairman proposed the toast of "The Army, Navy, and Volunteers," saying : — , " This is a toast which it gives me especial pleasure to propose from the circumstance of my having served for a time with both infantry and cavalry. Short as my service was, it has been long enough to impress me with the conviction of the efficiency of all ranks composing the British army. I have also had an oppor tunity during my voyage to America in 1860, and on many other occasions, of witnessing the able manner in which the duties of the navy are performed. The volunteers demand our warmest thanks and approbation for the zeal with which they came forward when they thought their services were required, a zeal which they still evince on every occasion afforded to them. I beg to couple with ' the Army and Volunteers,' the name of my illustrious relative the Duke of Cambridge, who so ably fills the arduous post of Commander-in-Chief entrusted to him by the Queen, and to whose practical and liberal administration THE EOTAL LITEEAET FUND. 19 the army owes its present high state of efficiency. With ' the Navy,' I will couple the name of Eear-Admiral Sir Alexander Milne, who has only lately returned from the successful discharge of the difficult duties attaching to the command of. the North American Station. Gentlemen, let us drink to the ' Army, Navy, and Volunteers.' " The Duke of Cambridge and Admiral Sir Alexander Milne having responded, His Eoyal Highness the Chairman then gave the toast of " The Eoyal Literary Fund," saying : — "Your Eoyal Highness, my Lords, and Gentlemen, I have now the honour to propose the most important toast of the evening, it is 'Prosperity to the Eoyal Literary Fund.' Although the most important, it is nevertheless the toast upon which, perhaps, I can say least, certainly I can give you no new information, as every one here present knows better than I do the character of this institution. Still it is right that I should offer a few remarks, on the working of this Society. You are all aware, gentlemen, of the immense advantages which have been derived from it in support of literature and science. One of its principal features is that it is not limited to our o'wn country men, but is often extended to literary men of all nations ; so that we may feel proud to think that by our timely assistance, we not only advance the literature of our own country, but that of other nations. In this way, many eminent men who would otherwise be incapacitated from carrying on their labours, and from making their talents known to the world, are enabled to do so. The second important feature is the secrecy -with which this timely aid is given, — a secrecy so sacredly observed that in the whole number of cases, which amount to 1,645 since the foundation of this Corporation in the year 1790, there is not a single case of any indiscretion having been committed ; and if cases have been brought to light at all, it has only been through the acknowledgment of the literary men thus assisted, who have been anxious to express their gratitude. I ought here to mention the name of an eminent man of letters, whose loss must be deeply deplored in all literary circles. I allude to Mr. Thackeray. I allude to him, not so much on account of his works, for they are standard works, but because he was an 0 2 20 SPEECHES OF H.E.E. TEE PEINCE OF WALES. active member of your committee, and always ready to open his purse for the relief of literary men struggling with difficulties. " Gentlemen, some of those here present do not perhaps know tliat in France, since 1857, an Institution similar to ours, and founded by M. Thenard, has been in existence for the benefit of scientific men only, and that a few days ago M. Champfleury, a distinguished writer, proposed to form a Literary Society adopting some of our principles. It is to be hoped that some day these two societies may form sister Literary Funds ; and if administered on our model, I think we may augur for the new institution a large measure of success. We shall at all times be most happy to enter into communication with it, and show it the result of our long experience and of the unwearied zeal and exertion of the Officers of this Corporation. " I will not detain you much longer, gentlemen, but I cannot sit do'wn without bringing back to your recollection the deep interest which my dear and lamented father took in everything connected with literature and science, and particularly in the labours of this Society. Nobody has forgotten that the second time he spoke in public in this country, was as chairman of the Literary Fund dinner. And we all, I am convinced, deeply regret that the speeches made on that occasion were not reported at full length, as every word falling from those lips could not fail to command universal admiration. Gentlemen, let us drink ' Prosperity to the Eoyal Literary Fund.' " The list of subscriptions and donations having been read, including a donation of £110 from the Prince of Wales, Earl Stanhope, as President of the Institution, responded. Speeches being delivered by Earl Eussell, Mr. Anthony TroUope, Lord Houghton, and H. E. M. Van de Weyer, Earl Stanhope proposed the health of the Chairman, which was received with much enthusiasm, and the Prince thus replied : — " Your Eoyal Highness, my Lords and Gentlemen, I thank you most sincerely for the kind and cordial manner in which you have drunk my health, and I feel proud to have occupied the chafr for the first time, on so interesting and important an occasion. I must now take the opportunity to congratulate this Corporation on the great advantage which it enjoys, in the services of the distinguished nobleman who now fiUs the hiwh TEE EOTAL LITEEAET FUND. 21 office of your President, and who has contributed so much to historical literature. T can give him no higher praise, than by saying that he is a worthy successor of a nobleman who was for more than twenty years your president ; who throughout a long political career never made an enemy, and who always found time to assist in the advancement of literature and art. I allude to the late Marquess of Lansdowne. Gentlemen, allow me to propose one more toast. , In the. presence of a Society, ac customed to cultivate with such signal success the flowers of literature, it would be unpardonable to forget the flowers of society. 1 propose the health of ' The Ladies,' who, by their numerous attendance here this evening, e'vince the interest they take in the Literary Fund." The toast was received with the usual honours. It should have been mentioned that nearly 400 ladies were present, but In the galleries, not at the tables as guests, as is the better custom at some anniversaries. lEISH INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION OF 1865. May ^th, 1865. The city of Dublin has seldom presented a scene of more general joy than when the Prince of Wales opened the International Exhibition, on the' 9th of May, 1865. The weather was superb, the loyal demonstrations in the streets were enthusiastic, and the great Hall where the opening ceremony took place, deco rated with the flag of all nations, was densely crowded with the most distinguished assembly that Ireland could bring to welcome the heir of the throne, and the representative of the Queen. There were no disloyal feelings nor discordant sounds in the Palace that day. The Duke of Leinster, the Earl of Eosse, and the highest and most distinguished of the nobles of Ireland were there. The Lord Mayor and Corporation of the City appeared In their civic robes. The Mayors of Cork and Waterford and Londonderry walked together; and the Lord Mayors of London and York, and the Lord Provost of Edinburgh, with many official personages, joined in the procession. When His Eoyal Highness took his place In the chair of State, the orchestra, 1000 strong, performed the National Anthem, and 10,000 voices sent up their loyal cheers at its conclusion. 22 SPEECHES OF H.E.E. TEE PEINCE OF WALES. The Duke of Leinster read the address of the Committee, to which the Prince replied : — " My Lords and Gentlemen,— I thank you for your address. It is a source of sincere pleasure to me to discharge the duties confided to me by Her Majesty the Queen in thus inaugurating your Exhibition. It is not less in accordance with my own feelings than with those of Her Majesty to assist in every measure calculated for the happiness and welfare of the Irish people. The example of my lamented and beloved parent wUl, I trust, ever be present to my mind as a stimulus in the encouragement of every work tending to advance international prosperity, and to develope the powers and resources of our own country. The cultivation of the fine arts, in itself so powerful an auxiliary in the civilization and refinement of the human race, has been an important object in these Exhibitions, and seems already to have produced most satisfactory results. Believe me very sensible of your kind wishes on behalf of the Princess of Wales. Her regret at being unable to accompany me equals my own, and you may rely upon her anxiety to come among you, assured of the weloome she will receive." Then from the grand organ and choir rose the ever impressive music of the Hundredth Psalm, the most Catholic of all strains of praise and thanksgiving. ¦, At Its close there was another address, giving an account of the origin and history of the Exhibition. A copy of the Catalogue, and the key of the building, having been presented to the Prince, the organ and orchestra pealed forth Handel's Coronation Anthem. Then came another address, pre sented by the Lord Mayor and the Corporation of Dublin, in their civic robes. This was read and handed to His Eoyal Highness, who thus replied : — " My Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Burgesses of the City of Dublin, — I return you my hearty thanks for the kind welcome you have given me, and for your loyal expressions towards Her Majesty the Queen. I regret that cfrcumstances should prevent the extension of my visit to a longer period. It would have been very gratifying to the Princess had she been able to accompany me, and I request that you be assured that we look forward to another occasion when she will have the opportunity of appreciating the hearty welcome which my own experience leads me to anticipate for her. You justly ascribe to me a lEISE INTEENATIONAL EXEIBITION OF 1865. 23 peculiar interest in this day's , ceremony. As the son of that revered and lamented parent to whose wisdom, energy, and influence you truly state exhibitions such as these owe their origin, I may weE feel proud in being able to assist in the inauguration of the one we are about to open. May your prayers be granted that it will be the means of producing the usual result attending well-directed labour, and conduce to the prosperity of Ireland and to the happiness of her people." Then followed more music, from Haydn's Creation, and the State procession moved from the centre of the nave, and made a tour of the Exhibition. The Committee had arranged that music should form a notable feature of the ceremonies, for when the Prince returned to the dais, the orchestra gave with grand effect Mendelssohn's ' Hymn of Praise.' At its conclusion the Prince rose and commanded Sir Bernard Burke, Ulster KIng-at-Arms, to declare the Exhibition open. This was done amidst a flourish of truinpets, and on a rocket being sent up as a signal, salvos of artillery were fired from the forts and batteries, and from the ships of war off Kingstown. Such was the opening ceremony. In the evening the Lord Mayor gave a ball at the Mansion House. The city was bril liantly illuminated. Next day there was a review in the Phoenix Park, the number of spectators on the ground being greater than on any occasion since the visit of the Queen in 1849. The Prince of Wales, who wore the uniform of the 10th Hussars, of which regiment he is Colonel, was received with the utmost enthusiasm. This was the first State visit of the Prince of Wales to Ireland. His second visit, along with the Princess of Wales, was a time of even greater brilliancy, and evoked equal enthusiasm of loyalty w. If later visits were marked with less unanimity of rejoicing, th& causes of , the apparent disloyalty are well understood, and the disaffection is known to be partial and temporary. Nothing has. ever occurred to lessen the personal popularity of the Prince of Wales, nor to give reasonable cause for the reception of any of the Eoyal Family being less cordial and enthusiastic than that of the Prince in 1865. The Exhibition of that year was held under the patronage of the Queen, who wished every success to the " patriotic undertaking," as she called it. They can be no true patriots who seek to lessen the Queen's interest in the welfare of Ireland. 24 SPEECEES OF HE.E TEE PEINCE OF WALES. INTEENATIONAL EEFOEMATOEY EXHIBITION, HELD IN THE AGEICULTUEAL HALL, ISLINGTON. May 19th, 1865. After the great national and international Exhibitions, in which were seen the most advanced displays of art, fostered by wealth, skill, and training, it Is pleasant to look back upon other exhi bitions, of a humbler but not less useful kind, which were encouraged and patronized by the Prince of Wales. One of the most memorable of these, the pattern and parent of many local exhibitions of similar kind, was the Eeformatory Exhibition held in the Agricultural Hall, Islington, in 1866. It was to exhibit the productions of various schools connected with the Eeformatory and Eefuge Union. The articles were the veritable manufacture of poor boys and girls of the lowest classes, many of them utterly destitute and hopeless as to any usefulness in life, until rescued and taught various industries, by the efforts of Christian and philanthropic men. The good and venerated Lord Shaftesbury was the President of the Union, of which the Prince of Wales had gladly allowed himself to be named Patron. In an address read by Lord Shaftes bury, it was stated that the objects exhibited were contributed by workers In above two hundred separate institutions In London and other great towns. An Invitation had been sent out for contribu tions from foreign schools of the same class, and this was responded to by articles being sent from almost every part of Europe, and some from Africa and America. Hence the title of international could be fairly given to the show. The representatives of several foreign governments were present on the occasion. The opening of the meeting by the Archbishop of Canterbury, and the tacred choral music performed by about one thousand children from the Eeformatory and Eefuge Schools, showed that moral and religious training was associated with the Industrial work of the Union. To the address of Lord Shaftesbury, the Prince replied as follows : — "Your Grace, your Excellencies, my Lords, Ladies and Gentlemen, — I have gladly taken a part in the proceedings of this day, and complied with your request that I should attend, as patron of this society, with the greatest satisfaction. The benevolent purpose of this Exhibition cannot fail to be followed by deserved success, and claims the co-operation of every one who has the interests of the industrious poor at heart, and who desfres to forward the object which the Eeformatory and Eefuge INTEENATIONAL EEFOEMATOET EXHIBITION. 25 Uniou has in view — ^namely, industrial and moral training. The Committee do me justice in believing that I cordially sym pathize in the welcome this society offers to those representatives of foreign countries who have responded to the invitation they have received by their presence and contributions. In doing so they have borne testimony, in common with ourselves, to the value of these international exhibitions in promoting the growth, of those Christian and kind feelings towards each other which we ought to pray should animate the whole of the nations of the world." This reply, read in a clear, sonorous voice, was heard in, every part of the building, and at its conclusion the cheers were loud and prolonged. Prayers were then offered up by the Archbishop of Canterbury, after which, and the singing of a hymn composed by the late Prince Consort, His Eoyal Highness declared the Exhibition opened. The Prince then spent considerable time in examining various parts ofthe Exhibition, and delighted many youthful manufacturers by the very numerous purchases of every description, from the girls' as well as the boys' stalls, such as lace and crochet work to take to the Princess of Wales. The heartiness with which the Prince entered into the spirit of the occasion charmed all who were present. On an earlier day of the same year, on the 1st of March, the Prince had visited an Exhibition got up by the South London Working Classes. Nu formal address or speech marked this visit, but the interest taken by the Prince, and his liberal purchases, of which all the neighbourhood soon heard and spoke, secured the success of the Exhibition. One exhibitor wished the Prince to accept a toy cart, which had attracted his notice, but the Prince good-humonredly declined such irregularity, however kindly in tended, and insisted on paying for this as for all the purchases during the visit. THE SAILOES' HOME, LONDON DOCKS. May 22nd, 1865. The objects and the advantages of Sailors' Homes are now so universally known, that iew words are needed for introducing a brief report of the visit of the Prince of Wales to the Home at the London Docks, on May 22nd, 1866. This institution has now for above fifty years afforded protection, comfort, and instruction to 26 SPEECEES OF E.E.E. TEE PEINCE OF WALES. all classes of the mercantile marine service. With increase of the trade and shipping of London, new accommodation was required ; and In 1863 the foundation stone of a new wing to the Sailors' Home was laid by Lord Palmerston. It was to open this completed building that the Prince of Wales made his visit to the east of London. The event was regarded as a great honour by the crowded and busy population of that quarter, and a general holiday was held on the occasion. Many dis tinguished persons, including some of the Foreign Ministers, were present. Foreign seamen in the British mercantile service are admitted to benefits of the Home. An address having been read by Admiral Sir William Bowles, President of the Institution, the Prince replied : — "Sir Wniiam Bowles, your Excellencies, my Lords, and Gentlemen, — It is very gratifying to me to comply with the invitation I have received to take a part in this day's proceedings and to preside at the opening of the new 'wing of this institution. The beneficial results attending the establishment of a Sailors' Home for our immense mercantile navy are shown by the state ments and figures which you have now given, and which establish in the most satisfactory manner the necessity of adding to the original building. The interest taken by my lamented father in the religious welfare of this institution, evinced by his laying the foundation stone of the Seamen's Church adjoining, 'vdll not, I trust, be less in his son, who is well aware of the sentiments of loyalty and devotion to the Throne which dis tinguish the mercantile na'vy of Great Britain." EOYAL DEAMATIC COLLEGE. June 5th, 1866. How much the Prince of Wales has, from early life, favoured dramatic art, and encouraged Its professors, is universally known. While enjoying the drama for his own recreation, amidst more arduous labours, he has been always ready to support any well- devised and well-directed scheme for the benefit of the dramatic profession. It was with this feeling that he accepted the in-vitation to inaugurate and formally open the Eoyal Dramatic College at Woking. There was a great gathering on the occasion, and the hall was well filled, principally by ladies, before the proceedings commenced. ; EOTAL DEAMATIC COLLEGE. 27 Mr. Webster, the Master of the College, having presented the Prince with a massive gold key, symbolical of the ceremony, and having read an address describing the objects of the Institution, His Eoyal Highness replied as follows : — " Gentlemen, — It is truly gratifying to my feelings to find myself this day called on to take a part in the final completion of a building the foundation of which was the work of my lamented father, as it was also an object which he had much at heart. My satisfaction is increased by finding his beneficent plan carried out in a manner worthy of the cause and of the profession for the benefit of which the Dramatic College has been instituted, and that, as the inevitable hour approaches, he who has so often administered to your amusement, blended 'with instruction, will here find a retreat open for age and its infirmi ties, in grateful recognition of a debt due by the world at large. I am happy to learn that the funds are progressively increasing towards conferring the inestimable boon of education on the children of men who, whether by their performances or by thefr writings, have themselves laboured so well in the cause of literature, and so justly earned this provision for thefr offspring. The inauguration of the building we are now in completes the three purposes which you have enumerated as forming the original design of this institution. After having provided for the material wants and comforts of those who are entitled to seek a shelter in this asylum, the last object is to cheer their evening of life, and to embellish its closing scenes with the books, memorials, and records of their art, that they may again live in the past, and make their final exit in a spirit of thank fulness to God and thefr fellow-creatures." FISHMONGEES' HALL DINNER. June 11th, 1865. On the 11th of June, 1865, a banquet was given to the Prince of Wales by the Fishmongers' Company In thefr hall at London Bridge. Two years before, in 1863, the name of the Prince was added to the roll of the Company, so that on this occasion he appeared as a member as well as a guest. Allusion was made to 28 SPEECEES OF E.E.E. TEE PEINCE OF WALES. this by the Prime Warden, James Spicer, who, as Chairman, pro posed the health of the Prince and Princess of Wales, and the rest of the Eoyal Family. Reference was also made to the recent birth of another infant Prince, so that there was prospect of tvs^o Royal members, who would indue time have the right of Inscribing their names on their freemen's roll. Some of the Prime Warden's words are worth reproducing, as showing at how early an age the Prince had exhibited the traits of character, and the line of action, hy which he has now so long been distinguished. The Prime Warden said that " he was not using the language of fiattery, but simply lecording a fact with which the people of these realms, from one end of the kingdom to the other, were conversant, when he said ihat the esteem and the affection with which His Eoyal Highness was regarded by Her Majesty's subjects were owing no less to his amiable manners, his kindly disposition, and the condescension which he Invariably displayed In his intercourse with all the classes of the community, than to the exalted position which he occupied, and the relation in which ho stood as heir apparent to the British Throne. There was another circumstance which had endeared him to the people of England, and that was that he had followed, so closely In the footsteps of his ever-to-be-lamented and illustrious father, by lending his high sanction to the promotion of those industrial exhibitions that tended so much to elevate and improve the tastes and habits of the people." The Prince of Wales, In acknowledging the toast, said : — " Mr. Prime Warden, your Eoyal Highness, my Lords, Ladies, and Gentlemen, — I thank you very much for the kind manner in which my name and that of the Princess of Wales, and the other members of the Eoyal family, have been proposed and received. I need hardly teU. you that it is a source of sincere gratification to me to be present here this evening ; not only as a guest, but as a member — a freeman of this corporation. I have not forgotten that soon after 1 came of age the first freedom of any of the ancient guilds of this city with which I was presented was that of the Fishmongers' Company in 1863. I am proud also to think that I have been thus enrolled a^ a member of a company into which so many of my relations have been admitted, whose portraits adorn these walls. Although this is a joyous occasion, I cannot forbear alluding to the loss of one whose name is intimately connected with the city of London, Mr. Cubitt, who was twice elected Lord Mayor of London, and who was your Prime Warden three years ago when I took up my freedom in this company. I need not recall to your memory how anxious FISEMONCEES' EALL DINNEB. 29 he was to promote every kind of charity, and I feel sure you wiU. not think it unbecoming in me or inopportune to mention his name on this occasion. In conclusion, I beg again to thank you for the kind manner in which you have alluded to a recent event, and the .cordial wishes you have expressed for the speedy recovery of the Princess. I can assure you my heartfelt wish is that my two sons may learn to emulate and follow the bright example of their revered grandfather." SPEECH DAY AT WELLINGTON COLLEGE. July 3rd, 1865. On the 3rd of July 1866, the ceremony of distributing prizes at Wellington College was performed by the Prince of Wales, in presence of a distinguished company. The Governors of the College were in attendance, the Bishop of Oxford, the Earl of Derby, Earl Stanhope, Lord Eversley, Lord Chelmsford, Mr. Walter, M.P., and Mr. Cox. At the luncheon, which followed the proceedings In the large hall of the College, the head master, Mr. Benson (now Archbishop of Canterbury), having proposed the toast of the Prince of Wales, thanking him for his presence that day, and for the kind favour and interest with which he had uniformly regarded the institution, the Prince replied : — "My Lords and Gentlemen, — I am deeply sensible of the manner in which Mr. Benson has proposed my health, and in which it has been received by the company assembled here to-day. I need hardly assure you that it is a source of sincere gratification to me to find myself once more within the walls of Wellington CoUege, taking part in the proceedings of ' Speech Day,' and distributing prizes to the successful competitors. Allow me, Mr. Benson, to congratulate you, and through you the whole college, on the highly efficient state in which I find it. I feel convinced that my young friends have not forgotten that it bears the name of one of the greatest soldiers England ever knew. In the success of this institution Mr. Benson has already mentioned, and I need hardly remind you, that the Queen takes a strong interest ; a stiU. greater interest was taken by my father, to whose exertions the college really owes its origin. I have 30 SPEECEES OF E.E.E. THE PEINCE OF WALES. now, my lords and gentlemen, a very pleasing task to perform, and that is to make an announcement which I hope will not be considered indiscreet on my part. At the last meeting of the Governors of Wellington College, Lord Derby intimated that it was his intention to devote the profits of his justly celebrated translation of ' Homer ' to the production of a prize to be given annually as a reward to the foundationer who within the year of his leaving the college should conduct himself to the entfre approbation of the Head Master — be considered, in fact, the most industrious and well-conducted boy or young man in the school. I feel certain that this announcement will be received with great pleasure. It will show you the interest which the noble lord takes in this institution, and will be a stimulus to increased exertion on the part of those within its walls. I thank you, Mr. Benson, for proposing, and you, my lords and gentlemen, for drinking, my health so cordially ; and I assure you it affords me great gratification whenever I can do anything to promote the welfare of Wellington College." The report of the proceedings states that this speech was " delivered with a heartiness which elicited corresponding enthu siasm in the audience." The other speakers were Sir John Pakington, who said he had the most gratifying proof of the efficiency of the College in the progress made by his son as one of the pupils; and Lord Derby, who said that no worthier and suitable memorial of " the Great Duke " could have been erected in his honour than this institution, which was not merely a military school, but a college for training young Englishmen for the Universities, and for every department of public life, although all the foundationers are sons of deceased officers. Lord Derby also referred to the prize Instituted by him, such rewards being usually given only to ability and successful study, while his object was to hold forth a stimulus to general study, and persevering good conduct. He would not have referred to the gift which it was his happiness to make, had not the matter been mentioned by His Eoyal Highness the Prince of Wales. The Prince was again at Wellington College on the 17th of June, 1867, and he has ever since taken personal interest In the institution, as one of its Governors. ( 31 ) INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEEES. May 9(h, 1866. The President and Council of the Institution of Civil Engineers had the honour of entertaining the Prince of Wales, Prince Alfred, as he was then styled, and a very distinguished company, at dinner, in Willis's Eooms, on the 9th of May, 1866. Among the guests were the veteran Sir John Burgoyne, the Dukes of Sutherland and Buccleuch, Earl Grey, Lord Salisbury, Sir John Pakington, Sir Edwin Landseer, Professor (Sir Eichard) Owen, Baron Marochetti, the Presidents of the Eoyal Society and of the Eoyal Institute of British Architects, and representatives of various departments in the public service. The members and associates of the Institution, numbering nearly two hundred, included all the civil engineers most eminent at that time, or who have since risen to distinction. Some of the names recall notable events and achievements in our time, sometimes called " the age of the engineers." Eennie, Armstrong, Bidder, Hawkshaw, Scott Eussell, Hawksley, Cubitt, Penn, Fafrbaim, Brunlees, Brassey, Samuda, Bramwell, Bessemer, Maudsley, Eawlinson, Vignoles, are on the list of those present on this memorable occasion. Mr. Fowler, President of the Institution, presided at the dinner, and in proposing the loyal toasts which are given at all such meetings, said of the Prince of Wales, that, "notwithstanding the numerous duties of his exalted station, His Eoyal Highness has always taken the greatest interest in those works which occupy the thoughts and lives of engineers, and therefore it is a source of peculiar gratification to the profession that His Eoyal Highness has been pleased to join the Institution of Civil Engineers, which had the honour to rank as its most distinguished honorary member His Eoyal Highness the Prince Consort." The Prince of Wales in returning thanks, said : — " Mr. President, your Eoyal Highness, my Lords and Gentle men, I have indeed every reason to feel deeply flattered and gratified at the very kind manner in which you, Mr. President, have proposed this toast, and for the way in which it has been received by the company present. Under any circumstances, it would have afforded me sincere pleasure to have been present this evening — ^present at a meeting of so distinguished a body as the Civil Engineers of Great Britain ; but it is still more agreeable to me to find myself here in the position of one of your honorary members. I thank you for the manner in which 32 SPEECEES OF EE.E. TEE PEINCE OF WALES. you have mentioned my name regarding me as one of yourselves. I feel proud to think that my lamented father was also an honorary member of this distinguished Institution. Mr. Presi dent and Gentlemen, perhaps it is a difficult task for me to address so eminently scientific a body, more especially to eulogize them ; but I cannot forbear adverting to the names of two most distinguished members of it — I allude to Mr. Brunei and Mr. Stephenson, whose names will never be obliterated from our memory. The important services they have rendered to this country can never be forgotten. Let us look round at the vast works which have been completed, or which are in the course of completion in this country. Though it may, perhaps, seem unnecessary, I think it is right I should on this occasion ask you to look for a moment at the vast extension of our docks all over this country — at the great improvements in the electric telegraph, and also in our steamships, and, in fact, in the general steam navigation on our waters. Let us look at what has been done at home — and when I say at home, I mean in this Metro polis. No one can walk over Westminster-bridge without being struck by those magnificent quays which are being built on either side of the river, and are commonly called the Thames Embank ment. These constitute the most important works of the day. I must also refer to the Metropolitan Underground Eailway, which is owing to the continued exertions of your distinguished Presi dent, and which, although not entirely completed, has been in use for nearly three years, and has, I believe, to a considerable extent diminished the traffic in our streets. Let us look also at our colonies, and see the many important works which our en gineers have contrived there. I would allude more especially to one — the celebrated bridge built over the St. Lawrence, called the Victoria-bridge, which is close to Montreal, and which was con structed by one of your most renowned engineers, Mr. Stephenson. I had the honour of inaugurating that bridge in the name of Her Majesty the Queen. I have to be thankful to you all in many ways; but I have to be particularly thankful to Mr. Stephenson for having built such a bridge, because, perhaps, I should never have had an opportunity of visiting our North American colonies and a portion of the United States if I had not received an invitation to inaugurate that great work. Let INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEEES. 33 toe thank you once more, Mr. President, for the honour done me, and for the kind way in which the name of the Princess of Wales has been received. And let me assure you that it affords me the deepest gratification to have the honour of being present this evening as one of your members." The Chairman then gave the toast of " the Army, Navy, and Volunteers," coupling with it the names of Prince Alfred, Sir John Burgoyne, and Colonel Erskine. The speech of Prince Alfred, in reply, is worth recalling, as one of the earliest occasions on which he represented the profession in which he now holds so high a position : — " Mr.PresIdent, your Eoyal Highness, my Lords, and Gentlemen, — I need scarcely tell you ¦with what pleasure I rise to respond to this toast, nor how proud I feel to hear my name associated with the Eoyal navy. Within the last few years the navy has become more connected with the civil engineers than ever it was before. Many improvements we owe — in fact, I may say all the later improve ments we owe — to the civil engineers. There Is only one thing they have not succeeded in doing, and that is making us look more beautiful than we did before. Indeed, I am afraid they have rather caused us to deteriorate in appearance. I need not add that I take, and shall continue to take, the greatest Interest in this body ; the more so from the fact of my father having been an honorary member of the institution, and from my brother having now for the first time taken his place in the same character." THE BEITISH AND FOEEIGN BIBLE SOCIETY, June nth, 1866. The foundation-stone of the stately edifice In Queen Victoria Street, the head-quarters ofthe British and Foreign Bible Society, was laid by the Prince of Wales, on the 11th of June, 1866. On the ground near St. Andrew's Hill, Doctors' Commons, a spacious awning stretched over an area with ranges of seats for above 2000 persons. On the platform were many good and eminent men, most of whom — Lord Shaftesbury, Lord Telgnmouth, the Arch bishop of York, the Bishops of Winchester and Carlisle, the Dean of Westminster, Dr. Binney — are with us no more. The proceedings commenced with prayer, praise, and reading some portions of Scripture appropriate to the occasion. An address was then read by the Eev. S. B. Bergne, one of the D '34 SPEECEES OF E.E.E. TEE PEINCE OF WALES. Secretaries, giving a summary of the history of the Society, and stating its objects and operations. The Earl of Shaftesbuiy then formally requested His Eoyal Highness " to undertake the solemn duty of laying the foundation stone of an edifice which shall be raised for the glory of God, and for the promotion of the best interests of the human race." The Prince duly and formally laid the stone, and then replied to the address that had been read : — " My Lord Archbishop, my Lords and Gentlemen, — I have to thank you for the very interesting address in which you so ably set forth the objects of this noble Institution. " It is now sixty-three years ago since Mr. Wilberforce, the father of the eminent prelate who now occupies so prominent a place in the Church of England, met, with a few friends, by candlelight, in a small room in a dingy counting-house, and resolved upon the establishment of the Bible Society. " Contrast with this obscure beginning the scene of this day, which, not only in England and in our colonies, but in the United States of America, and in every nation in Europe, will awaken the keenest interest. "Such a reward of perseverance is always a gratifying spectacle ; much more so when the work which it commemorates is one in which all Christians can take part, and when the object is that of enabling every man in his own tongue to read the wonderful works of God. " I have an hereditary claim to be here upon this occasion. My grandfather, the Duke of Kent, as you have reminded me, warmly advocated the claims of this Society ; and it is gratifying to me to reflect that the two modern versions of the Scriptures most widely circulated— the German and English — were both, in their origin, connected with my family. The translation of Martin Luther was executed under the protection of the Elector of Saxony, the collateral ancestor of my lamented father ; whilst that of William Tyndale, the foundation of the present authorized English version, was introduced with the sanction of the Eoyal predecessor of my mother the Queen, who first desired that the Bible ' should have free course through all Christendom, but especially in his o'wn realm.' " It is my hope and trust, that, under the Divine guid ance, the wider diffusion and the deeper study of the Scriptures TEE BEITISE AND FOEEIGN BIBLE SOCIETT. 35 will, in this as in every age, be at once the surest guarantee of the progress and liberty of mankind, and the means of multiplying in the purest form the consolations of our holy religion." The Archbishop of York then invoked the Divine Blessing on the work. The Bishop of Winchester, as one of the oldest living members of the Society, expressed the grateful acknowledgments of the Committee to the Prince, for his presence among them, and for the act performed at their request. Two verses of the National ¦Anthem having been sung, and the benediction pronounced, the meeting dispersed. The Lord Mayor, with true civic hospitality, invited the Prince of Wales, the officers of the Society, and all who had taken any part in 'the ceremony to luncheon at the Mansion House. On the health of the Prince and the Princess of Wales being pro posed, the Prince acknowledged the compliment in the following words : — • " I am, indeed, deeply touched and gratified by the toast which has just been proposed by the Lord Mayor, and by the very kind and feeling manner in which you have drunk to the health of the Princess and myself. It is to me a source of sincere gratification to receive again the hospitality of the Chief Magistrate of the City. I can never forget, nor can the Princess ever forget, the manner in which she was received on her first entry into London ; and although she is not here to-day — a fact which I most deeply regret — I can bear testimony that she has never forgotten, and never -will forget, the reception given to her three years ago. The occasion which has brought me here to-day has given me sincere gratification. I shall be happy on all occasions to do any thing that may tend, as the Lord Bishop of Winchester said this morning, 'to alleviate the sufferings of man.' But I feel sure that the work I have been enabled to perform, small as it may be, wiU bear testimony to the great good done to the poorer classes by a Society which has existed for so many years. Sincerely I thank you for the opportunity you have given me in coming forward on this interesting occasion, and I shall always be happy to render every assistance in my power to an institution which is calculated to render such important benefits to the world. I return my best thanks for the greeting I received this morning at the ceremony, and also D 2 36 SPEECEES OF E.E.E. TEE PEINCE OF WALES. for the kind manner in which I have been received on this occasion." Her Majesty the Queen signified her Interest in the proceedings ofthe day by sending £100 to the Building Fund, and £100 was also contributed by the Prince of Wales. The Bible Society has, since its establishment in 1804, issued about 113 millions of Bibles, Testaments, or portions thereof. Its issues yearly are now about four million copies. The full Income In 1887 amounted to £116,761 ; and the sum received for Scriptures sold was £104,880. The Society has aided the translation of the Bible Into 280 languages or dialects. FEIEND OF THE CLEEGY COEPOEATION. June 13th, 1866. The sixteenth anniversary festival of this institution was celebrated at Willis's Eooms on the 13th of June, 1866. Among the guests were the Archbishops of Canterbury, York, and Armagh, and numerous dignitaries in Church and State, the Marquis of Salisbury presiding. The Prince of W^ales honoured the company with his presence, and on his health being proposed by the chairman, he said: — ''My Lord Chairman, my Lords and Gentlemen, — I feel, indeed, deeply flattered and gratified by the kind terms in which you have spoken of me, and by the kind manner in which my health has been received by the company, and 1 have earnestly to thank you in my own name and in the name of the Princess of Wales and of the other members of the Eoyal family. Among the many charities in this country, I believe there are few which demand our sympathy and support more than the Friend of the Clergy Corporation. Its object is to assist the orphans and unmarried daughters of clergymen of the Church of England, and to afford temporary aid to their necessitous parents. We have met here this evening to advocate the cause of the institution, and I believe that at the present moment the pensions which it distributes amount to the large sum of £4000 per annum, and that it helps to maintain 106 pensioners, while there are 60 more persons applying for its bounty. One remarkable characteristic of the institution is that its pensions, FEIEND OF TEE OLEEGT COEPOEATION. 37 which never exceed £40 a year, are granted for life, and another is that these pensions are bestowed on members of the Church not only in England, but also in Ireland and the colonies. Young though I am, I think I may state that I am aware from my own personal knowledge how low are the stipends received by many of our clergymen, and I can, therefore, support most cordially this institution. I feel, however, some diffidence in alluding to that subject, because I know I shall thereby be trenching on the special province of our noble chairman. But I believe he will forgive me for saying that I think we ought upon this occasion to show the greatest possible liberality, and, if I may use the expression, that we ought freely to open our purses. I can again assure you that the Princess of Wales and the other members of the Eoyal family are most ready to partici pate with me in the feeling of sincere gratitude with which I now acknowledge the compliment you have just paid us. I now thank you, too, for the kind manner in which you have just listened to me, however imperfectly I have expressed myself." In giving the toast of " Prosperity to the Institution," the noble chairman said, that after the speech which they had just heard In its favour from His Eoyal Highness It was scarcely necessary for him to say another word. He could fully confirm everything which had been said by His Eoyal Highness as to Its value, and the urgent need of such an institution was proved by the fact that there were in this kingdom no less than 10,000 clergymen who occupied benefices of less value than £150 a year, fiow was It possible for men with such Incomes, who had to move In a respect able sphere of life, to lay by anything for a period of distress or to make a provision for their widows and orphans? He therefore cordially concurred in the eloquent appeal made to them by His Eoyal Highness. The result of the appeal was a subscription list amounting to £1200, including 100 guineas from the Prince of Wales. It maybe added that now (1888) there are about 100 pensioners, besides special grants for urgent cases. Last year's receipts were £6,000, and the invested funds are about £18,500. 38 SPEECEES OF E.E.E. TEE PEINCE OF WALES. WAREHOUSEMEN AND CLEEKS' SCHOOL. June 18th, 1866. One of the earliest public functions undertaken by the Prince (July, 1863) was laying the foundation stone of the School, near Croydon, for children of warehousemen, clerks, and agents of wholesale houses and manufactories, so employed In any part of the United Kingdom. The building was not completed till the spring of 1866, and on the 18th of June of that year, the Prince, on being applied to, at once and cordially agreed to preside at the Inauguration or formal opening of the Asylum. The Prince was received by Earl Eussell, President of the Charity, the Bishop of Winchester, the Lord Mayor of London, the High Sheriff of Surrey, and other official and distinguished persons interested In the Institution. Having thoroughly Inspected the building, the arrangements of which are admirable, and having heard an address explaining the origin and purposes of the Insti tution, "briefly replied as follows : — " My Lords and Gentlemen, — It is a sincere pleasure to me to see the work which we commenced in July, 1863, brought to a happy conclusion. Such a consummation, when we reflect on the numerous classes of the great commercial community of our country whose interests it promotes, cannot but be gratifying to every one present, and will induce us all gratefully to invoke the Divine blessing on the ultimate success of this undertaking. The attention that has been paid to the details of the building and to the comforts and wellbeing of the children it is destined to shelter, I may say, without presumption, merits this success. And if, as you have stated, ' that which is worth doing at aU is worth doing well,' be a truth requiring any corroboration, I have only to point to this structure for the most unanswerable argument in its support. It only remains for me to thank you, my lords and gentlemen, for the kind expressions you have used with reference to the part I have taken in this day's proceedings." Prayer was then offered by the Bishop of Winchester, and a thanksgiving hymn sung. The ladies present then came forward with their collection purses, and amusement was caused by the hugeness of the heap of offerings that rose before the Prince, exceeding even the large sum presented when the foundation WAEEEOUSEMEN AND CLEEKS' SCHOOL. 39 stone was laid. On this occasion upwards cf one thousand ladies presented the charitable gifts, and above £5000 In money or subscriptions proved to be the gratifying result. Prayer and thanksgiving were again offered, and the Prince, amid much enthusiasm, declared the Asylum open. The schools, first established in 1853, had been formerly con ducted in three separate houses at New Cross, under many dis advantages. The building inaugurated by the Prince of Wales Is one of the most commodious and beautiful structures possessed by any charity. Its imposing appearance and picturesque site must have been admired by many travellers on the Brighton and South Coast Eailway, near Caterham Junction. The prosperity of the Institution has been in keeping with its auspicious beginning. MEECHANT SEAMEN'S OEPHAN ASYLUM. June 28th, 1866. The object of the Merchant Seamen's Orphan Asylum is sufficiently indicated by Its name. Founded in 1817, the Institution had for nearly fifty years been carried on with success. Upwards of 800 children had found shelter and training, but this number represents a very small proportion of the orphans left destitute through the calamities of which merchant seamen are constantly in peril. This asylum was at first located in the parish of St. George's-In-the- East, and subsequently removed to the Borough Eoad, where the first stone of a new building was, in 1861, laid by the Prince Consort. The building was opened by Earl Eussell In 1862. The support given to the charity encouraged the building of the present asylum, near Snaresbrook, In a healthy and beautiful part of the country. It was for the opening ceremony of the erection of anew dining- hall that the Prince and Princess of Wales visited the Asylum, on the 28th of June, 1866. Eeceived by a guard of honour of the Hon. Artillery Company, their Eoyal Highnesses were conducted to a tent where luncheon was served. In proposing the health of the Eoyal visitors, Lord Alfred Paget, who presided, said that "he had known His Eoyal Highness almost, he might say, before he knew himself, and that he could bear testimony to the Interest he took, not only in every manly English sport, but in everything which tended to contribute to the advancement of such institutions as that whose success he testified by his presence on that occasion his desire to promote." In returning thanks the Prince of Wales said : — 40 SPEECHES OF E.E.E. TEE PEINCE OF WALES. " I am, indeed, deeply sensible of and deeply grateful for the excessively kind manner in which the noble lord has proposed jny health and that of the Princess of Wales, as weU as for the very kind manner in which you all have been good enough to receive the toast, My presence here to-day affords me the greatest satisfaction, because we have come to honour a work which to me is particularly interesting, inasmuch as the founda tion stone of this asylum was laid by my lamented father in 1861. But, under any cfrcumstances, it would be a pleasing and a proud moment for me to be here on such an occasion as this. We must all know how important a part our mercantile navy plays at the present moment, and how important it is that we should provide for the orphans of those brave men who are exposed to so many dangers. As you are well aware, this institution has furnished an asylum since its opening in 1862 for upwards of 180 boys and girls at a time, and it must, I am sure, be greatly gratifying to us that I should to-day be caUed upon to lay the foundation stone of an additional room, which I understand will embrace part of the plan of the original building. I beg again to thank you, on my own behalf and on that of the Princess, than whom, I assure you, nobody takes greater interest in the work which we are assembled to promote." Lord A. Paget next proposed the toast of " Prosperity to the Merchant Seamen's Orphan Asylum," which was responded to by Mr. Green, one of the directors. The Prince of Wales then rose and said : — " I have to give you the health of our noble chairman, to whom, I think, we ought all to be very grateful for the kind manner in which he has undertaken to perform the duties of his position on this occasion, as well as for the interest which he manifests, hot only in this great and important charity, but in the welfare of the sailor all over the world. I felt almost inclined to blush at the terms in which he alluded to his friendship for myself, and I can never forget the kindness which he has shown towards me since my early boyhood." The toast was very cordially drunk, and shortly after Lord A. Paget had briefly responded to it their Eoyal Highnesses paid a brief visit to the beautiful chapel, which has been endowed for the use of the asylum at the sole cost of Lady Morrison. An MEEOEANT SEAMEN'S OEPEAN ASTLUM. 41 address was afterwards read, expressing the gratification which the friends of the Institution derived from the presence of their Eoyal Highnesses, and their thankfulness for the interest thus mani fested in its prosperity. In reply the Prince said : — " My part in the proceedings of the day is attended with peculiar pleasure from the circumstance of its being the anniver sary of the inauguration of this building by my lamented father. The call for its extension by the increased numbers applying for admission tells its own story. The steady support which the institution has continued to receive from its commencement en courages us to persevere in the good work so auspiciously begun. The interest of the Queen in its weKare is, I can assure you, fully participated in by me, and it only remains for me now to invoke the Divine blessing on the benevolent objects which have led to this undertaking." The foundation stone was then laid with the usual formalities, and after a religious service, conducted by the Archbishop of Armagh, the Eoyal visitors left, amidst the cheers ofthe assemblage. EOYAL VISIT TO NOEWICH IN 1866. August, 1866. From the time of making his home at Sandringham, the Prince of Wales, like all English country gentlemen, has felt that his county had special claims on his public spirit and personal exer tions. Norfolk has not been slow to understand these claims, and the Prince has more than met the expectations formed of him in regard to his county life. In the record of future years It will be seen how heartily he has associated himself, not with the agricul ture only, but with the various occupations and Industries, the works and the sports, the schools and the charities of Norfolk. One of the earliest public appearances of the Prince and Princess of Wales in the county chosen as their home, was at Norwich in the autumn of 1866. The time chosen by the Mayor and Corpo ration for the invitation to visit their city was that of the Norwich musical festival of that year. Her Majesty the Queen of Denmark, and the Duke of Edinburgh, accompanied the Prince and Princess on this visit, which was in every way a most enjoyable and suc cessful one. Among the attractions of the musical festival was the performance for the first time of" Sir Michael Costa's oratorio 42 SPEECHESi^OF E.E.E. TEE PEINCE OF WALES. Naaman. The Norwich concerts of 1866 were remarkable both in the i'ichness of the programmes, and the rare excellence of the performances. Seldom has opportunity been afforded of hearing such variety of classic music, performed by the greatest vocal and instrumental artists of the time. The musical festival was not, however, the sole attraction. The capital of the Eastern Counties was In high festival, and other entertainments were provided. Advantage was also taken of the Prince's presence for the ceremony of opening the Drill- shed recently erected for the Norwich Volunteers. Colonel Black, the commander, in addressing the Prince, referred to the great interest always taken by him in the organization and efficiency of the volunteer force of the country, and they had therefore sought the honour of his inaugurating the building erected for military purposes, by the volunteers of the ancient and loyal city of Norwich. The Prince replied that he had the greatest pleasure in complying with the request ; and, having complimented the commander on the efficiency of his corps, and the suitability of the building for its purposes, he declared the hall open. The chaplain of the battalion then offered a brief prayer. The planting of memorial trees, and other incidents associated with the Eoyal visit, will long be remembered by the people of Norwich. EOYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION. March 1st, 1867. In a maritime country like this, with seas crowded with shipping, and with coasts dangerous from rocks or shoals, a lifeboat service for preservation of life from shipwreck Is a necessity. The Eoyal National Life-boat Institution meets the want. It has now, in 1888, nearly 300 stations, all round the coast. The wreck chart, which Is published annually with the Society's Eeport, shows at a glance where -wrecks are most numerous, and there the boats of rescue are most required. It Is not only British coasting vessels that are thus provided for, but the ships coming from foreign seas, and of all nations, as they crowd towards our estuaries and ports, benefit by the lifeboat service. On the 1st of March, 1867, the Prince of Wales took the chair at the annual meeting of the Institution held, through the courtesy of the Lord Mayor, In the Egyptian Hall of the Mansion House. Eeceived In the State Drawing-Room, by the chief magistrate of London, attended by the sword and mace bearers of the Corpora tion, the Prince was thence conducted to the Hall, where a numerous and distinguished company had assembled. On taking the chair, the Prince said ; — EOTAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION. 43 " My Lord Mayor, my Lords, Ladies, and Gentlemen, — It affords me very great pleasure to occupy the chafr to-day, upon so interesting an occasion as the present. Among the many benevolent and charitable institutions of this country there are, I think, few which demand our sympathy and support more, and in which we can feel more interest, than the National Life-boat Institution. An institution of this kind is an absolute necessity in a great maritime country like ours. It is wholly different in one respect from other institutions, because although lives are to be saved, they can in those cases in which this society operates only be saved at the risk of the loss of other lives. I am happy to be able to congratulate the Institution upon its high state of efficiency at the present moment, and upon the fact that by its means very nearly one thousand lives have been saved in the course of the past year. " Lifeboats have been given by many benevolent individuals — some as thank-offerings from the friends of those whose lives have been saved, and others in memory of those who are unhappily no more. I am happy also to be able to say that lifeboats do not only exist upon our coast, but that our great example in this matter has been imitated by many foreign maritime countries, and they have chosen our institution as the model for thefr o'wn. I beg upon this occasion to tender, in the name of the Institution, our warmest thanks for the kindness and courtesy of the Lord Mayor in allowing us to hold our meeting in this hall. It is indeed a peculiarly fitting place in which to hold such a meeting, closely connected as the Institu tion is with the City of London. Very nearly half a century ago the Institution originated in this city. In 1850 the late Duke of Northumberland became its president. My lamented father was also a -vice-patron, and took the warmest interest in its prosperity. I am happy to say the respected secretary, Mr. Lewis, occupied that position at that time, as, indeed, he had long before that time. He has held it ever since, and much of the success of the Institution is owing to his long experience, and the energetic manner in which he has directed its working has raised the Institution to its present high state of efficiency. " I may say that there are 174 lifeboats afloat, and that in 44 SPEECEES OF E.E.E. THE PEINCE OF WALES. the course of the past year 33 have been called into existence, at a cost of no less than £17,000, the whole of which has been defrayed by benevolent individuals. Before concluding the brief remarks which I have addressed to you, however imper fectly, upon this occasion, I caU upon you once more to offer your support to so excellent an Institution. I am certain you must be convinced that it is one which is xeaUy a necessity for a great maritime nation like this. I congratulate you that it has arrived at so efficient a state, and I feel quite sure that you would be the last to wish it to decay from want of funds." The Secretary having read the Report, and various speeches having been delivered, donations were announced to the amount of £1200. At the luncheon, which was afterwards given In the Long Parlour, the Prince hoped that the proceedings of that day would advance the prosperity of the Institution, the benefits of which had only to be more widely known, to be more largely supported. We may add that tho receipts, as stated In last year's report (1887), were £56,970, and the expenditure £74,162. During the year 368 lives had been saved by the Society's boats, and ten vessels saved from destruction. Besides medals and other testi monials, £3345 had been granted In rewards. Since the formation of the Society it has voted as rewards 97 gold and 996 silver medals or clasps, 139 binocular glasses, 15 telescopes, and money to the amount of £96,700. These statistics are furnished by the present secretary, Mr. Charles DIbdin, a descendant of the Dibdin whose naval songs are known to all sailors. British seamen are always ready to risk their' lives to save their fellow men, and there is never any difficulty found in manning the lifeboats, but it Is necessary to have a permanent staff, and to keep up the stations, while those who volunteer to imperil their own lives ought to have reward, in order to help to provide for others dependent on them. The Prince again presided at the Annual Meeting in 1884. SOCIETY OF ANCIENT BEITONS. March 1st, 1867. A Welsh charitable institution might claim the patronage of tho Prince of Wales, from his title, apart from the sympathy shown by him towards benevolent works amidst all classes of the people. On St. David's Day, March 1st, 1867, the Prince presided at the 152nd anniversary festival of this ancient and useful charity, the SOGIETT OF ANCIENT BEITONS. 45 origin of which dates back from the year 1715, shortly after the accession of George I. Caroline, the Princess of Wales, was bom on the 1st of March of that year; and as there were divisions and intrigues at the period, many influential Welshmen combined to show their loyal attach ment to the House of Hanover. At first the combination was probably prompted by political motives, but the Society soon took up practical work, and founded a school for the education of poor children of Welsh parents in London. The Scotch had already formed similar patriotic insti tutions, and at a later period the Irish followed the example. On the present anniversary the Prince was supported by a distin guished company, including several of the most eminent and influential natives of the Principality. The Health of the Queen having been drunk with enthusiasm, that of the Prince and Princess of Wales was proposed by the Duke of Cambridge, who said that every one woidd agree with him in expressing the high sense which every body entertained of the admirable way in which His Eoyal Highness had supported not only tho general Interests of the country, but also those of individual societies. The Prince responded in a few hearty words, saying he would always be found ready to assist charitable objects, whether as an onlooker, or as a participator in the proceedings, as he was that night. Having returned warm thanks for the reception given to the toast, and the good wishes expressed towards himself and the Princess of Wales, he then proposed the toast of the evening : " Prosperity to the Welsh Charity School, and Perpetuity to the Honourable and Loyal Society of Ancient Britons." " I feel sure, Gentlemen, I shall not have to call upon you twice to respond most heartily to this toast. You all of you must know, perhaps far better than I can tell you, the history of this society; but at the same time it may be well that I should go back and give you a brief sketch of the society from its commencement. In 1715 it was founded on St. Da-vid's Day, which was the bfrthday of Caroline, Princess of Wales. My ancestor, George IL, then Prince of Wales, became the first patron of the society. The Princess took great interest in the well-being of the society, independent of the fact of its having been founded in commemoration of her natal day. The school in those times was nothing more than a day school. It was found to be too small, and was removed to Clerkenwell, and there it flourished for some time. In 1771 it was removed to Gray's-inn Lane, and in 1818, at the death of the much lamented Princess Charlotte of Wales, whose loss the whole country most 46 SPEECHES OF E.E.E. TEE PEINCE OF WALES. deeply felt, 50 additional children were, by means of a public subscription, sent to the school in remembrance of her name. The school continued to flourish, but it was thought advisable, if it could be effected, that the institution should be removed into the country, in order, among other advantages, that the children might derive the benefit of the fresh air. Accordingly in 1854 the school was removed to Ashford, and on the 13th of July, 1857, my lamented father inaugurated and opened the school on its present site. I am happy to say that I accom panied him on that occasion, and from that time to this you will believe me when I assure you that I have felt the deepest interest in the prosperity of the school. It has frequently occurred on my journey from Windsor to London by the South western line for me to notice the school as I have passed by it, but that circumstance alone would not be reqrured to remind me of its claims. When the school was removed from London to the country considerable expense was incurred ; so much so that it was rendered necessary to reduce the number of children from 200 to 150, but I am happy to be able to inform you that in the course of the last century and a half as many as 3000 Welsh children have been by means of this institution clothed, fed, and educated, and afterwards sent forth into the world pro vided, to a certain extent, for their future career. This must be a gratifying announcement, and brief and imperfect as the sketch may have been which I have now given you, still I trust I have said enough to call upon you most heartily to continue that support which in past years you have given on the occasion of these annual festivals. Gentlemen, I thank you for the kind manner in whieh you have been pleased to receive these I'emarks, and I beg to propose to you, in a bumper, the toast of the evening." Other toasts and speeches followed, and a most liberal collection was made for the Charity, which Is now generally known under the name of " High School for Welsh Girls." ( 47 ) LONDON INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE. July IQth, 1867. On the 10th of July, 1867, His Eoyal Highness the Prince of Wales Inaugurated this institution, established under the auspices of the International Education Society. Some years pre-viously a Committee, of which Mr. Cobden and M. Michael Chevalier were members, proposed the formation of an International College, having four principal establishments, in England, France, Germany, and Italy. The piiplls were to pursue their studies at each branch in succession. It was to inaugurate the English branch of this institution, at Spring Grove, under the direction of Dr. Leonard Schmitz, formerly Eector of the High School of Edinburgh, that they assembled this day. After Inspecting the building and grounds, the visitors assembled at luncheon, the chafr being occupied by Mr. Paulton, the treasurer of the College, having on his right the Prince of Wales, and on his left the Due d'Aumale. The Prince de Joinville and the Comte de Paris were also among the guests. On the health of the Prince of Wales being proposed, he replied as follows : — " Mr. Chairman, Ladies, and Gentlemen, — I beg to thank you for the kind manner in which you have drunk my health, and, for the feeling and touching sympathy you have evinced for the Princess of Wales. I can assure you it gives me the greatest gratification to be present to-day to inaugurate this CoUege under the auspices of the International Education Society. I sincerely trust that this propitious weather and the goodly company I see around me may be omens of the future of this institution. The site of this CoUege is all that can be de sfred, and I know that its management will be so adminis tered as to fulfil to the utmost the anticipations of its promoters. There is now room for 80 pupils -within its walls, and when the new wings are completed it -wUl be capable of accommodating t-wice, probably treble, that number. There are, I understand, two sister institutions abroad — one in Germany, and the other in France; and after the pupUs have completed thefr studies here they can avail themselves of the advantages of these insti tutions to perfect themselves in modern Continental languages. " I am not going to discuss the relative claims on our attention of the Hving and dead languages ; but I beUeve it to^be most 48 SPEECEES OF E.E.E. TEE PEINCE OF WALES. important that modern languages should form one of the prin cipal subjects of study on grounds of practical utUity. No persons were ever more deeply impressed with this fact than my late lamented father, and another man whose name is now celebrated through England, Eichard Cobden. I have traveUed a great deal on the Continent, and I am confident that I should have found my sojourn in these countries far less pleasant than it was if I had not possessed a considerable knowledge of the vernacular of the people. " I thank you again sincerely for the manner in which you have drunk my health, and I shall convey to' the Princess the deep sympathy you have evinced for her in her iUness, the enthusiastic affection with which you have received her name, and your warm good wishes for her speedy restoration to health. Before sitting down I beg to propose a toast, which I am sure you -wiU receive with every demonstration of approbation. It is " Success to the London CoUege of the International Education Society." With that toast I beg to couple the name of Dr. Schmitz, whose pupU, I am proud to say, I once was whUe studying in the city of Edinburgh." The toast having been received with great enthusiasm, Dr. Schmitz, in reply, said he had to thank His Eoyal Highness for the kindness of heart with which he had spoken of his humble name, and hoped that the College so happily Inaugurated would have a prosperous issue. The distinctive feature of the institution was that In It the study of modern languages and natural sciences were to be largely pursued. The dead languages, however, were not to be Ignored. They protested only against the exclusive study of classical literature. He had himself devoted his life to letters, but at the same time he fully recognized the claims of the modern continental tongues and the natural sciences, by which the civilization and progress of the world were unquestionably advanced. Professor Huxley then proposed the " Health of the Committee of Manage ment," coupling 'with It the name of the chairman. The Chairman having briefly replied, the meeting broke up, and the visitors dispersed throughout the grounds for promenade. ( 49 ) THE VICEROY OF EGYPT, ISMAIL PASHA, AT THE MANSION HOUSE. July nth, 1867. Among the many illustrious rulers of foreign nations who have been entertained by the Lord Mayor of London, have been three Viceroys of Egypt. On the 11th of July, 1867, at a banquet at the Mansion House, a distinguished company assembled to meet his Highness the Viceroy, Ismail Pasha. Twenty-one years previously, the father, and on a subsequent occasion the brother of the Viceroy had been similarly honoured in the capital of the British Empire. The Prince of Wales, the Duke of Cambridge, Prince Teck, Prince Edward of Saxe Weimar, many of the ambas sadors of foreign powers, and the most eminent men of all shades of political opinion were among the company. The reply of the Viceroy, to the toast, given by the Lord Mayor, was responded to in his • native tongue, and Interpreted by Nubar Pasha in French : " If Egypt had rendered ser-vlces to England, chiefly In facilitating communication with India, his country was only acknowledging the debt due to this country for the benefits received in promoting the material and the moral progress of his people." The next toast was the health of the Prince and Princess of Wales, and the other members of the Eoyal Family, to which the Prince thus responded : — " My Lord Mayor, your Eoyal Highnesses, my Lords, Ladies,, and Gentlemen, I beg to thank you most warmly and sincerely for the kind manner in which you, my Lord Mayor, have pro posed my health and that of the Princess of Wales, and the other members of the Eoyal Family ; and to thank the company here present for the way in which it has been received. I need not assure you, my Lord Mayor, that to have been in-vited here this evening has been a source of great pleasure to me. Under any circumstances I always feel it a great compfrment to be in-vited to the hospitable board of the Lord Mayor and the Corporation of the city of London. " But this evening we have been in'vited here to do honour to a guest, and that guest the Viceroy of Egypt. As the Lord Mayor has very truly remarked, England and Egypt, though far distant from one another, though very different from one another in religion and in habits, are countries E 50 SPEECEES OF E.E.E. TEE PEINCE OF WALES. which have been, and will continue to be, closely allied to one another. We have every reason to be grateful to the Viceroy and to his Government for the means he has afforded us of -visiting that coimtry, and for the great hospitaUty that he has shown to us on aU occasions. I myseK received distinguished marks of kindness under the rule of his brother, the late Viceroy, in 1862. Nothing could exceed the kindness and courtesy -with which I was treated, and the facUities "with which I was enabled to visit that most interesting country. We are also indebted to the Viceroy and the Egyptian Government for the great facilities he has afforded our troops in their transit to India. " Egypt, as has been remarked, is a country that is fast im- pro-Ting in every way. Manufactures are rising on aU sides — especially the manufacture of cotton. I myself -visited a very important sugar manufactory, and it was interesting to find that there were EngUsh, French, and German workmen employed in that manufactory. "I do not wish, my Lord Mayor, to take up more of your time this evening, kno'wing that there are other toasts to be proposed. I will, therefore, conclude by again thanking you once more for the honour you have done me in drinking my health, and for the very kind expressions you have used towards the Princess of Wales. I know I only express her feelings when I say that she has been deeply touched by that universal good feeling and sympathy which has been shown to her during her long and painful illness. Thank God she has now nearly recovered, and I trust that in a month's time she wiU be able to leave London and enjoy the benefits of fresh air." FESTIVAL OF ST. PATEICK. March nth, 1868-. On various occasions, the Prince of Wales has shown on Irish soil, his sympathy with the people of the Sister Isle, and has been always welcomed with warm and loyal feeling by the mass of the population. He has given practical proof of his good feeling for FESTIVAL OF ST. PATEICK 51 the Irish nation by being a patron and supporter of the Benevolent Society of St. Patrick, In the schools of which the children of poor Irish parents residing in the Metropolis receive education and other benefits. The annual festival has long been well attended and supported, but never before was there so great and brilliant a gathering as when the Prince of Wales, on the 17th of March, 1868, presided at the dinner, at Willis's Eooms. Among the company were the Archbishop of Armagh, the Bishop of Derry, and many members of the House of Lords, and of the House of Commons, connected with Ireland, with other distinguished persons of all classes interested in the charity. The London Irish Volunteers formed a guard of honour In front of the building, and the Prince on entering, and taking his place as president, was greeted -with enthusiastic cheers. The usual loyal toasts having been given, and responded to by the Prince, with warm appreciation of the good-will, especially dfrected towards the Princess of Wales, on her health being pro posed by the Archbishop of Armagh, the Prince proposed " The Army and Navy, the Militia and the Volunteers," saying some suitable words as to each branch of the united services. The Earl of Longford briefly replied for the Army. Mr. Corry, in responding for the Navy, said he believed that St. Patrick had never been so far south as that fine harbour which was "'',statio henefida carinis." Complaints had been made from time to time that the Government had not availed themselves of the faci lities which Cork harbour afforded for dockyard accommodation, but after the works at Haulbowline were completed, he hoped that ¦the people of Cork would see that the Admiralty had no desire to do any injustice to Ireland In respect of the navy. He was glad to announce to the company that on the occasion of the forth coming visit of the Prince of Wales to Dublin a division of the armour-clad vessels of the Channel fleet would be sent to the Bay of Dublin, where, weather permitting, the ships of the division would anchor and remain during -the time His Eoyal Highness was to stay in Ireland. Captain M. J. O'ConneU, in returning thanks for the Volunteers, remarked that in the London Irish there never had been any political or polemical disputes. At this stage of the proceedings there occurred a scene thoroughly " racy of the soil " of which most of the noblemen and gentlemen present were natives. The children of the schools were brought into the room, and "St. Patrick's Day" having been struck up by the band, the hoys and girls proceeded to make the circuit of the tables. The national air of Ireland told alike on the benefactors and the recipients of the charity. The children looked with glistening eyes on the company, and the latter, as the young ones passed by, loaded them with fruit and cakes to such an extent that before the juvenile procession had made its E 2 52 SPEECEES OF E.E.E. TEE PEINCE OF WALES. exit from the apartment the tables had been cleared of the entire dessert, which was a very liberal one. The boys and girls raised a loud cheer as they left the room, and the entire company, In cluding the illustrious President, appeared all the happier for having made the festival the means of so unusual a treat for the little sons and daughters of poor Irish parents struggling for their Hving in London. After the performance of a selection of Irish airs, the Prince of Wales again rose and said : — " My Lords and Gentlemen, — The next toast which I shaU have the honour of proposing to you is the toast of the evening. We are here to-night for a very excellent and charitable purpose. The objects of the Benevolent Society of St. Patrick have been so often stated — so many able speeches have been made at so many successive anniversaries of this festival, that there is very little left for me to say ; but having accepted, which I did 'with pleasure, the post of chairman this evening, I feel it is due to the institution and to this company that I should make a few observations. I may as well at once say that I am about to call upon you to drink prosperity to the Benevolent Society of St. Patrick. This Society was instituted in 1784, -with the object of relieving the necessitous children of Irish parents resident in London. One of its first patrons was my grand father, the Duke of Kent. I have always understood that he took a very great interest in the Society, and I may further observe that several of my graiid-uncles acted as presidents at your annual dinners. At the present moment I beUeve the schools are in what may be caUed a flourishing condition. They afford education to as many as 400 children. That the boys and girls are in good health and thriving is, I think, pretty e-vident, from the appearance they presented as they passed through the room just now. A special feature in the conduct. of the schools is that no doctrinal teaching is permitted. They are entirely national and non-sectarian schools. At the same time the chUdren are strongly advised to attend the instructions given by the ministers of the reUgion in which thefr parents wish them to be brought up, and they are afforded an oppor tunity of doing so every week. If it is thought desfrable, the children are apprenticed on leaving school. This system has been found to work remarkably well. Inducements are held FESTIVAL OF ST. PATEICK. 53 out for proficiency and good conduct by rewards given after examination. A comparatively new feature in the management of the institution is this — that at times when the parents are enduring hardships and perhaps privations owing to the want of work — when they may not have a sufficiency of daUy bread for the maintenance of their families, as, for instance, during severe winter weather, when many poor people find it difficult to obtain employment — a daily meal is given to chUdren who . are in want of it. This has been found to afford much assistance to the parents as well as the children, and may therefore be regarded as a satisfactory addition to the arrangements of the managers. I am informed that of late years the institution has lost many valuable patrons and supporters, but I should hope that any void in this way may speedily be filled up. My Lords and Gentlemen, — though this may be called an annual festival in aid of a charity, and in this respect it is exceedingly useful, it has also another advantage. It has long been regarded as an occasion when Irishmen li-ving in London may meet together without sectarian feelings or political allusions. Such meetings are beneficial, and they must be all the more so when their main object is the furtherance of a most excellent institution Uke the Benevolent Society of St. Patrick, prosperity to which I now ask you to drink." The Ulustrious President next gave " The Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland," and in doing so said, " he was sure every one would agree -with him in thinking that Lord Abercorn had fiUed his high office with credit to himself and benefit to the country. His Excellency had had a very arduous task to perform. During Lord Abercorn's administration there had been great troubles in Ireland, but it was to be hoped that these were almost at an end." The Earl of Mayo, In returning thanks for the Lord-Lieutenant, expressed his opinion that the Prince of Wales on his forthcoming visit to Ireland would experience such a reception as would Induce His Eoyal Highness to go there again. The Earl of Kimberley, in proposing the health of the Illustrious President, said he thought the friends of Ireland ought to feel much obliged to His Eoyal Highness for his presence there that evening. He was convinced that good would result from it. Having on one occasion, while fiUIng the office of Lord-Lieutenant, had the honour to receive the Prince of Wales at Dublin, he could 54 SPEECHES OF E.E.E. TEE PEINCE OF WALES. state from his own knowledge that His Eoyal Highness took the deepest interest In all that concerned the welfare of Ireland, and showed the greatest anxiety to make himself acquainted with her affairs. The Prince had made himself acquainted with her affairs, and was In a position to give an Intelligent and a just opinion on the matter. This was of great importance for Ireland. He thought he might venture to say that the Prince of Wales felt an affection for Ireland. The toast was drunk with all the honours, and with unusual enthusiasm. The Prince of Wales said : — " I am exceedingly gratified by the very kind terms in which my noble friend has proposed my health, and the more than cordial manner in which you, my lords and gentlemen, have received it. I hope I need not assure you that it has been a source of great pleasure to me to take the chair at a dinner in aid of a society which does so much for the benefit of so many children of the poorer Irish in London. My noble friend has alluded to my approaching -visit to Ireland. I shall only say that I am glad to visit a portion of the United Kingdom in which I have experienced such extensive kindness from aU parties. I agree with the noble Lord the Chief Secretary for Ireland. If this visit should tend to give pleasure to the people of Ireland I hope there may be a longer visit hereafter. During the course of the last two years there has been much that has been disagreeable to loyal Irishmen ; but I am convinced that the people of Ireland generaUy are thoroughly true and loyal, and that the disaffection which has existed wUl only be of short duration. It has not been engrafted on the minds of any portion of the Irish people by the Irish people themselves. But as we are assembled here for a purely charitable object this is not the place for political allusions. 1 shaU, therefore, con clude by once more thanking you for the kind way in which you have drunk my health, and for the manner in which you have supported me this evening." The amount contributed to the funds of the charity was about £1200, which Included 100 guineas from the Queen, and a similar sum from the Prince of Wales. ( 55 ) DUBLIN AND CAENAEVON. April 15-25th, 1868. The projected visit to Ireland, referred to In a pre-vlous article on St. Patrick's festival, took place In April, 1868. It was a successful and memorable visit in every way. On the 16th of April the Prince and Princess of Wales, who had started from Holyhead at 4 A.M., arrived in Kingstown Harbour at 9.30, and landed amidst salutes from the fleet attending the Eoyal yacht. On the way to Dublin Castle they were received with enthusiasm by the crowds. The streets and houses were profusely decorated with banners and evergreens. " Welcome to Erin " was the burden of the mottoes. No troops lined the way, but reliance was put on the loyal and hospitable spirit of the people, who kept the track clear for th& cortege, and when the escort had passed the crowd closed in. behind, like the waters in the wake of a ship which has passed throtigh. At night the city was brilliantly illuminated. Next. day the royal party went to Punchestown races in open carriages, and were greeted with enthusiasm as great as on the first entrance. to Dublin. On Saturday the Prince was- installed, with great ceremony, a Knight of St. Patrick, in St. Patrick's Cathedral.. The Prince was belted with the same sword worn by George IV. In the evening his Excellency the Lord-Lieutenant entertained the Knight, the Eoyal visitors, and a distinguished company, at dinner in St. Patrick's Hall. In proposing the health of the Prince and the Princess of Wales, the Lord Lieutenant said that " the shouts of acclamation that for four successive days have rung in our ears, -will have shown to the illustrious Heir of these King doms, better than any words of mine, the kindly nature of the Irish people, and the attachment that may be awakened in their generous and warm hearts." His Eoyal Highness, in returning thanks, said : — " Your ExceUency, your Eoyal Highnesses, my Lords, Ladies, and Gentlemen, — In the name of the Princess of Wales and myseU, I beg to tender you my warmest thanks for the very kind and flattering manner in which this toast has been pro posed, and for the cordial way in which it has been received by the company present here this evening. Under any circum stances I should feel it a great honour to have my health pro posed by his ExceUency the Lord-Lieutenant, but to-night the cfrcumstances under which it has been proposed are pecuUar, for I appear here as a Knight of the Illustrious Order of 66 SPEECEES OF E.E.H. TEE PEINCE OF WALES. St. Patrick. I can assure you that I feel very proud to wear this evening for the first time the star and riband of this Ulus trious Order ; and I am very grateful to Her Majesty the Queen for having given it to me. On former occasions I have received the Orders of Great Britain from Her Majesty's own hands ; and, although I cannot but regret that on this occasion she has not been able to give this Order to me herself, stiU it was the Queen's wish that I should receive it on Irish soil, from the hands of her representative, the Lord-Lieutenant. " This Order was first founded, now more than 80 years ago, by my great-grandfather. King George III., and was instituted by him as a mark of his goodwUl and friendship towards this country, and it is my hope that, as his great-grandson, ha-ving to-day received it on Irish soU, I may also be instrumental in evincing in this country, in the name of my Sovereign and my mother, her goodwiU and friendship towards Ireland. I feel also proud that I have been not only invested with the insignia of this Order, but installed in the magnificent Cathedral of St. Patrick, for the restoration of which we are indebted to the great munificence of a private gentleman of Ireland, whose name is so well known that I need not mention it to you, more particularly as I have the pleasure of seeing him at this table. "My Lords and Gentlemen, I am very glad to have this opportunity of stating to you, on behalf of the Princess and myself, how deeply gratified we are by the reception which has been accorded to us in this country, not only, as the Lord- Lieutenant has observed, by the higher classes, but by the sons of the soU as weU. After the sad times of the past year it might, perhaps, have been thought by some that our reception would not have been all that could have been wished. I myself felt confident that it would, and my hopes have been indeed realised. I beg, therefore, to offer, not only to those present who participated more immediately in our reception, but to the whole Irish people, our thanks for the cordial, hearty, and friendly welcome which we have received. I will not weary you with more words, but thank you once more for the honour you have done us in so heartUy drinking our healths." The Prince, we are told, spoke with an unaffected earnestness which deepened the Impression left by his words. The reference ¦^ DUBLIN AND CAENAEVON. 57 to "the sad times of the past year" included the wretched Clerkenwell explosion affair, the perpetrators of which outrage were on their trial In London, at the very time when the people of Dublin were showing their loyal attachment to the throne, and observing the most remarkable order and decorum, even in the most crowded and poverty-stricken districts. Besides an incessant round of banquets, receptions, concerts, balls, and what are humorously called " entertainments," the Eoyal visitors devoted much time to inspecting museums, libraries, hos pitals, colleges, schools, including some sights not usually attrac tive to strangers, such as the collections of preparations and curiosities In the College of Surgeons, and the College of Physi cians. The antiquities in the Eoyal Hibernian Academy's rooms -were duly inspected ; a conversazione at the Eoyal Dublin Society attended ; a flower-show at the Eotunda ; The Catholic University in Stephen's Green visited; and above all there were splendid doings at Trinity College, where the Prince (and at the same time, the Duke of Cambridge, and Lord Aboroom) received the investiture of honorary Doctor of Laws. After this the Eoyal LL.D. went out, unrobed, to unveil the statue of Edmund Burke. Then there was the Cattle Show, for It happened that the usual spring meeting of the Eoyal Dublin Society fell at the very time of the Prince's visit. Of course there was also a review in Phcenix Park, and on this occasion the military spectacle was of unusual brilliancy. On Sunday, the 19th, His Eoyal Highness attended the service in Christ Church, a cathedral exceeded by few in historic interest. In addition to the many engagements in Dublin, visits were paid to Lord Powerscourt's beautiful domain, with the romantic and classical scenes of county WIcklow ; and to the Duke of Leinster at Carton, and to Maynooth College, fifteen miles off. The President, Dr. Eussell, with the officials, formally received the Prince, while the hundreds of students gave him a cheerful welcome In the great quadrangle. It would occupy too much space to mention all the incidents crowded into the days of the Irish sojourn. They are all recorded in full detail, In the newspapers of the period, and especially In the columns of the Times, who sent a special correspondent to chronicle the events, day by day. In a leading article of the Times, the writer gives a summary of the proceedings, and makes comments on what might be the result of the Royal visit. Some sentences of this article we quote as showing what was the impres sion made at the time by the Prince himself : — " Any reader of our daily correspondence could easily make Out a hundred distinct occasions during these ten days on which the Prince, most frequently with the Princess, had to be face to face with some portion of 'the people. In some ceremony or other, and 58 SPEECEES OF E.E.E. TEE PEINCE OF WALES. had to perform a part requiring all the graces and gifts of Eoyalty. There were presentations and receptions ; receiving and answering addresses ; processions, walking, riding, and driving, in morning, evening, military, a(jademlc, and mediaeval attire. The Prince was Invested as a Knight, robed as an LL.D., and made a Lord of the Irish Privy Council ; he had to breakfast, lunch, dine, and sup with more or less publicity every twenty-four hours. He had to go twice to races with fifty or a hundred thousand people about him ; to review a small army and make a tour in the WIcklow mountains, of course everywhere receiving addresses under canopies, and dining in state under galleries full of spectators. He visited and Inspected institutions, colleges, universities, academies, libraries, and cattle shows. He had to take a very active part in assemblies of from several hundred to several thousand dancers, and always to select for his partners the most Important personages. He had to Introduce the statue of Burke to the wind and rain of his country. He had to listen to many speeches sufficiently to know when and what to answer. He had to examine with respectful Interest pictures, books, antiquities, relics, manuscripts, specimens, bones, fossils, prize beasts, and works of Irish art. He had never to be uneqnal to the occasion, however different from the last or however like the last, and whatever his disadvantage as to the novelty or the dullness of the matter and the scene. He was always before persons who were there at home, on their own ground, and amid persons and objects familiar to them, and some times In a manner made by them. Be it Cardinal, Chancellor, Eector, Mayor, Commanding Officer, President, Chairman, or local deputation, he had to hold his own, without even seeming to do so — that Is, -without effort or self assertion. All this he had to do continually for ten days. Now, men of common mould know what an anxious thing it Is to have to do this even once, and how utterly they may be upset by the concurrence of two or three such occasions." _ AU this and more the Prince Lad to do and to suffer during his visit. The speeches if not long, were numerous and appropriate. Altogether the Irish campaign of 1868 was not an easy one. Let it be remembered with the more honour. On the 25th of April, the Eoyal visitors returned to Holyhead, and stopping at Carnarvon, the birthplace of the first Prince of Wales, received a public greeting, and an address. At a banquet subsequently given, the Prince thus responded to the toast given by the High Sheriff of the County : — " On behalf of the Princess and myself I return our warmest thanks for the kind way in which our health has been proposed, and for the manner in which it has been received. It has afforded the Princess and myself the very greatest pleasure to come to North Wales and visit the ancient castle of Carnarvon. DUBLIN AND CAENAEVON. 59 It is particularly interesting to us to come upon this day, the anniversary of the birthday of the ffrst Prince of Wales, For a long time it had been our intention to pay a -visit to Wales, and I regret that that intention has been so long in the fulfil ment ; but the cordial reception which we have received to-day wUl, I am sure, lead us to look forward with great pleasure to another visit on some future day. We deeply regret that our stay should be so short, and that, it being necessary for us to go homewards, we cannot remain longer with you. I thank you once more for the kind way in which you have received the few words I have addressed to you, and for the welcome we have received from the people of Carnarvon." His Royal Highness concluded by proposing the health of the Lords-Lieutenant, the High Sheriffs, and the Mayors of the towns and counties of North Wales. SOCIETY OF FRIENDS OF FOEEIGNEES IN DISTEESS. May 5th, 1868. There is no form of charity more obviously suitable and good, than helping distressed strangers In a strange land, and especially foreigners In London. The sixty-second anniversary of the " Society of Friends of Foreigners in Distress " was celebrated on May 6th, 1868, at Willis's Eooms, under the presidency of H.E.H. the Prince of Wales. The guests included many representatives of various nations, the charity itself being cosmopolitan, and helping the distressed of all races and regions. In proposing the health of "The Queen, the Protectress of the Society," the Prince observed that " Her Majesty had sho-wa a deep interest in the charity, ever since 1837, the year of her accession to the throne, when she became an annual subscriber; and his lamented father became its protector at his marriage, and continued to subscribe to its funds." In proposing the health of the Prince and Princess of Wales, Sir Travers Twiss, her Majesty's Advocate-General, said that he was not merely following the high example of his august mother and lamented father, but was moved by his own kind disposition. As 60 SPEECEES OF E.E.E. TEE PEINCE OF WALES. it was not generally known, he took the liberty of mentioning, even In his presence, that the Prince, In the course of his Eastern travels, passed through no great city -without having visited its institutions In aid of suffering humanity ; and it was .still fresh in the memory of those who were around him how much his heart was touched at the sight of the shelter afforded by British and American philanthropy to the unfortunate Syrian Christians, who had been driven from their homes at Damascus, and found a tem porary asylum among the European residents at Beyrout. His Royal Highness, In returning thanks, expressed the high pleasure It was to be present In support of the institution, and proposed the health of the " Foreign Sovereigns and Governments — protectors and patrons of the Institution," coupling with the toast the name of his Excellency the Prussian Ambassador ; to which Count Bernstorff responded. In proposing the principal toast of the evening. His Eoyal Highness said that he was sure It would be received with enthu siasm : — " The ' Society of Friends of Foreigners in Distress ' was the ' first of the kind established in London, and its object was to afford assistance to deserving and necessitous foreigners in this country, without distinction of nationality, religion, age, or sex. This institution, which had now existed for more than sixty years, was even at the time of its initiation thought to be a work of necessity ; how much more so had it become such since the means of communication between country and country had been so vastly increased, and trade, manufactures, and commerce had so largely attracted the people of other nations to our shores ! " The charitable objects of the society were first to . grant allowances to deserving foreigners in their old age. Pensioners were elected by the governors, and the Board of Dfrectors paid , the pensions annually. The second object was to grant tem porary relief in time of sickness. These cases were inquired into with the greatest care, and sums from a few shilUngs up to £5 or £10 were sometimes given where the cases required it. A third object was to afford temporary assistance to the younger members of families when the heads of the famiUes were by infirmity or ill health unable to support them ; but when such reUef had been once afforded to any extent a period of eight . weeks was required to elapse before any further help was rendered, unless in cases of great emergency. The fourth SOCIETT OF FEIENDS OF FOEEIGNEES IN DISTEESS. 61 and last object of the society was to afford means by which foreigners might be able to return to their native country. As many as 243 famUies had been enabled to return to their native country by the. assistance rendered to them by this society. Several of the families so assisted had been induced to quit their native land in that unfortunate expedition to Mexico. They had engaged in what they thought was a good cause, but when that fell to the ground, owing to events that occurred last year, those poor creatures were totaUy unprovided for, and then it was that the society granted them the means of returning to thefr native country. " There were some almshouses at Lower Norwood belonging to the society, in which several famUies were comfortably lodged and maintained. Since the origin of the society as many as 116,000 cases had received its attention and aid. Last year 3000 persons were assisted, not including the 243 families that were enabled to return to their native home. SimUar societies had recently sprung up, but they aU differed from the one they were then celebrating in this respect, that they con fined thefr assistance to the natives of certain countries, whUe this society had for its object the gi-nng reUef to foreigners of aU nations. He had one more statement to make which had only been mentioned to him a few minutes ago. There was a gentleman present who was weU known to them, but did not wish his name to be announced, who had already given £1000 to the society, and who had expressed himself ready to give an additional £100 if he could find nine other gentlemen who would each give a like sum. He hoped the society would be able to find those nine gentlemen to assist them. Having- made this brief statement, he begged to propose that the toast be drunk up-standing -with three times three." The caU was heartily responded to, and, after some further complimentary and formal toasts, His Eoyal Highness and the principal guests retired. 62 SPEECEES OF H.E.H. TEE PEINCE OF WALES. ST. BAETHOLOMEW'S HOSPITAL. May 13th, 1868. As President of the Governors of St. Bartholomew's Hospital, the Prince of Wales has always taken a warm and active interest in the affairs of that great charitable institution. On the 13th of May, 1868, he took the chafr at what is called the annual " View" dinner. It Is the custom on that day for some of the Governors to make a visitation of the wards and other departments of the Hospital. On this occasion the Eoyal President visited six of the wards. At the dinner he was supported by Prince Christian, the Bishop of Oxford, and other distinguished guests, as well as the officials of the Hospital. After dinner the Eoyal President rose and said : — " My Lords and Gentlemen, — The first toast which I have the honour to submit to you I propose in the form in which it has always been given at this anniversary festival; it is 'The Church and the Queen.' I need hardly remind you that the Queen takes the Uveliest interest in the hospitals of the country, and she has to-day e-vinced that interest by laying the founda tion-stone of the sister hospital of St. Thomas. Although the Queen, as I understand, has never visited this hospital, I trust that before long I may induce her to do soj and that I may have the -honour of showing her over it." The Bishop of Oxford responded, and in proposing the health of " The Prince and Princess of Wales, and the rest of the Eoyal Family," said that the presence of the Eoyal President that day was not only a tribute to humanity, most graceful in the heir of a hundred kings, but It was also a tribute to the highest of human science, a tribute as much to the noble profession of medicine, to those who ministered to the relief of human sufferings, as to the sufferers themselves. The Eoyal President said : — " My Lords and Gentlemen, — I thank you for the toast that has just been given by the right rev. prelate, and has been so kindly received. In responding to the very kind words in which my health has been proposed, I can assure you it has given me more than ordinary pleasure to be President of this hospital and to take the chair, for the first time, at its anni versary festival. My only regret has been and is, that the ST. BAETEOLOMEW'S EOSPITAL. 63 many duties devol-ving upon me do not allow me to come here oftener than I have done ; but you may be sure I take the -greatest interest in the hospital, and the more the Treasurer tells me of what is going on in the hospital the better I shall be pleased.. Whenever I have avaUed myself of an opportunity of visiting the hospital I have found it in a condition which left nothing to be desired. The Princess of Wales has also taken as great an interest in it as I have done, and as soon as she could move about after her return from abroad she accompanied me on a visit to this hospital. In the name of the Princess of Wales and the other members of the Eoyal Family I return thanks for the manner in which this toast has been drunk." In proposing the next toast, "The Army, Navy, Militia, and Volunteers,',' the Eoyal President said : — „ "I always think that this is a puzzling toast for a chairman to give, although at the same time it is an easy one,' because so many have given it, and will continue to give it, that there is, -unfortunately, Uttle scope for originality and variety in pro posing it. On such an occasion as this, however, and in a hospital, too, it is a most appropriate toast, because medical departments are essential in our army and navy, and medical science is specially invoked by their active ser^vices. Alas that it should be so ! But, fortunately, in our last campaign, in .Abyssinia, there was less call than ever for medical science on our own side, as only one person was wounded in action." Other customary toasts having been given, the Eoyal President again rose, and said : — " The toast I have now the honour to propose you will receive with enthusiasm : it is, ' Prosperity to St. Bartholomew's Hos pital, and Health and Ease to the Patients.' It gives me the greatest pleasure to propose this toast. This hospital, the largest and most ancient of the metropolitan hospitals, was founded in 1123 by Eahere, and was then attached to the Priory; and on the suppression of the monasteries, in 1544, it had a charter granted to it by Henry VIIL, whose portrait occupies the waU on my right. At that time the hospital had only 100 beds, one physician, and three surgeons ; it has now 650 beds, 12 physicians, and 12 surgeons, besides an array 64 SPEECEES OF H.E.H. TEE PEINCE OF WALES. of lecturers, dispensers, and other officers. We may regard this as a grand day, and those who have gone through the wards of the hospital wUl have found everything in good order; but I once took the officers by surprise, and I came here in the winter, practically -vvithout giving notice. I can assure you I found everything on that occasion in the same condition as to-day — nurses and attendants in their places, and surgeons and physicians punctiUously discharging their duties. " I may here advert to the terrible event which occurred in the winter — the Clerkenwell explosion. That showed how weU organized the hospital is, and how admirable its arrangements are adapted to such an emergency. Almost immediately after the explosion as many as 40 patients were safely housed in the hospital, while many had their wounds dressed and were sent away. I came here, and found that the sufferers were re ceiving every possible attention. Much is, no doubt, due to the unremitting care and supervision of the Treasurer ; and if one of the surgeons — Mr. Holden — were not present, I would express my appreciation of his valuable services in terms which, I am sure, many in this room would be ready to endorse. Every one is satisfied of the thorough efficiency of the hospital ; but there is still wanting a convalescent hospital. True, there is the Samaritan Fund, out of which you aid patients when they are dismissed; but still, when they are nearly well, you wish to send them into the country to recruit their health, so that they may return to their homes thoroughly convalescent. When this question is mooted I shaU take the greatest interest, and do all I can to promote the estabUshment of the additional hospital I have the greatest pleasure ia coupUng with this toast the name of the Treasurer, and no one wUl more heartUy drink his health than I shaU. He has been caUed upon to act as Treasurer to Christ's Hospital too, and, although he wUl conscientiously serve it, he wUl not forget his first love — St. Bartholomew's." Mr. Foster White, the Treasurer, In responding, said that such had been the demand upon the resources of the hospital during the past year that its income had been exceeded by £4,000, which was owing, however, chiefly to the high price of provisions. At the time of the Clerkenwell explosion he was prepared, if it had been ST. BAETEOLOMEW'S EOSPITAL. 65 necessary, to make a ward of the dining-room, feeling sure the Governors would have supported him. The Governors of this hospital and the Merchant Taylors' Company were in communica tion, with the object of erecting conjointly a convalescent hospital, at an expenditure of £45,000 each corporation. In conclusion, the Treasurer denounced with some warmth the taxation of charities. The Eoyal President proposed " The Medical Staff," coupling the toast with the names of Dr. Frederic Farre and Mr. Paget. To the latter he tendered his heartfelt recognition of tho services he had rendered during the severe illness of the Princess of Wales. Dr. Farre and Mr. Paget having responded, the " Corporation of London " was proposed from the Chair, and responded to by Mr. Alderman Finnis, and this terminated the proceedings. This 13th of May was a day of special interest in connection with Metropolitan Hospitals, the Queen having in the morning, with great state ceremony, laid the foundation stone of the new St. Thomas's Hospital, when the Prince and Princess of Wales were also present. The informal visit paid to St. Bartholomew's Hospital, referred to by the Prince in his speech, was on the 17th of February of that year, when he was accompanied by the Princess of Wales. The Princess had long wished to see the Hospital, and attention was then recalled to it by the announcement of the reception there of the sufferers from the Fenian outrage at Clerkenwell. They were conducted over the whole establishment by the Treasurer and principal surgeons. The Eoyal visitors had the opportunity of seeing all the Clerkenwell sufferers and of expressing their sympathy with them. Before leaving, they Inspected the beauti ful little church of St. Bartholomew the Less, which stands within the walls of the Hospital, and is, in fact, the Hospital chapel. The informal visit of their Eoyal Highnesses, which afforded great gratification to the authorities of the Institution, lasted about an hour and a half. The visits of the Prince to St. Bartholomew's have been frequent in subsequent years, one Interesting occasion being on the pre sentation of a testimonial to Sir James Paget in 1871, on retiring from the post he had long held. 66 SPEECEES OF E.E.E. TEE PEINCE OF WALES. LAYING FOUNDATION STONE OF NEW BUILDINGS, GLASGOW UNIVEESITY. October 8th, 1868. Whatever else Scotland may have to boast of, she may point with pride to her parish schools and her universities. These have contributed largely to raise her among the nations, and laid the foundation of much of the enterprise, energy, and success in life, which have long characterized the Scots at home and abroad, and given them an honourable place in letters, science, and commerce. Next to St. Andrews, and later only by a few years, Glasgow Is the oldest of the Scottish Universities. It owes its origin to the Church in pre-Eeformation times, being founded a.d. 1460, and was at first connected with the Cathedral. The buildings did not assume their collegiate form till after the Reformation. The front and gateway facing the High Street were not erected till 1660. Many still remember the dingy-looking old building, -with its quaint barred windows, and projecting balconies over the gateway, surmounted by the Royal Scottish Arms, In the style and period of the last of the Stuarts. The visitor passed through the four open courts, on to the handsome modern building, the Hunteiian Museum, containing the valuable coUection of Dr. William Hunter, bequeathed by him In grateful remembrance of his connection with this University. The venerable old College, having served its purpose through successive generations, for more than three centuries, the Senate of the University and the citizens of Glasgow determined to provide new buildings, upon a site and on a scale more suited to the requirements of the time. Subscriptions, in response to the appeal of the Senate, were obtained, to the amount of over £160,000 ; and this being supplemented by the money for the sale of the old building and the old site, with a parliamentary vote of £120,000, gave a total of £440,000. The site chosen for the new buildings was the rising ground called. Gllmore HIU, on the west of Kelvin Grove. The plans were prepared by Gilbert Scott, and all the world knows how the magnificent structure in due time rose, to be the pride and orna ment of the western capital of Scotland — in wealth and population the second city in the United Kingdom. It was an imposing spectacle when the Prince of Wales, accom panied by the Princess of Wales, laid the foundation stone of the new building, on the 8th of October, 1868. A vast concourse of people witnessed the ceremony. An address was presented by the Lord Provost and Corporation, the Prince having pre-viously received the freedom of the city. .LATING FOUNDATION-STONE, GLASGOW UNIVEESITT. 67 Another address was then presented by the Principal and Senate of the University, in replying to which the Prince said : — " It affords me the highest satisfaction to become a member and graduate of your University, and at the same time to -visit a city the close connection of which -with you has been so beneficial to both, as weU as to the interests of learning and knowledge. The presence of so many of aU classes of the citizens of Glasgow around me, and their UberaP subscriptions for the prosecution of the work, the value they attach to its completion, and their sense of the advantages they and the people of Scotland derive from our institutions, the interest which my lamented father took in the advancement of every branch of science and education, would stimulate me to foUow his example, and promote by every means in my power the success of your University and the objects for which it has been founded. We may confidently expect that the eminent men educated here in times past are only the precursors of a long train equally to be distinguished by every scientific acqufrement. The Princess of Wales rejoices in the opportunity afforded her of taking part in this day's ceremony and cordially thanks you for your kind wishes." FOEEIGN TOUE, 1868-1869. November nth, 1868— May 13th, 1869. There is a long break In the record of proceedings or speeches on account of the Foreign Tour on which the Prince started In November 1868, returning in May 1869. Of this time of travel it is not necessary to say much here, as the chief events and incidents are before the public In various works. Full reports appeared In the Times, and other journals, during the movements of the Eoyal party on the Continent, in Egypt, and Palestine. Eeference Is made to this Interesting and memorable tour in several of the speeches made by the Prince after his return ; and at a later time, as when he spoke at the meeting about the neglect of the Crimean graves, and at that for the memorial to Dean Stanley. Only one incident of the tour, and the one of greatest historical interest, may he mentioned, the visit to the Cave of Ma'chpelah and the Sepulchres of the Patriarchs. In this event, not only the F 2 68 SPEECEES OF E.E.E. TEE PEINCE OF WALES. personal interest, but the national Importance of the Printee's Eastern Tour, may be said to culminate. Never before had Chris^ tian pilgrims, since the days of the Mohammedan conquest, or of the Crusades, been allowed to see so much of the holy tombs of the Patriarchs. The sanctity with which the Mussulmans have in vested the place Is a living witness of the unbroken veneration with which men of Jewish, Christian, and Mohammedan creeds have honoured the memory of Abraham, the father of all the faithful. Hebron Is known among the native population by no other name than El-Khalll, the Friend of God. It was the high position of the Prince of Wales, as son of Queen Victoria, that obtained for him the rare privilege of access to this sacred spot. Nor was it obtained for him without some difficulty. Mr. Finn, the English Consul at Jerusalem, prepared the way by requesting an order from the Porte ; and the reply of the Grand Vizier left the matter very much to the discretion of the Governor, the Pasha of Jerusalem. He gave his consent on the condition that only a small number should accompany the Prince ; and pre cautions were taken that the experiment should be made with as little risk as possible. The approach to Hebron was lined 'with troops, and guards were posted on the house-tops, in case of any outbreak of fanatical opposition to entering the holy places. A guard attended the Prince up to the entrance of the sacred en closure. Even then two of the Arab Sheiks were Inclined to give annoyance, but these the Governor of Hebron ordered out, or rather escorted them out himself, and tho remainder were very courteous and complimentary to the Prince, saying that they were glad to have the opportunity of showing any civility in their power to one of the Princes of England, to whom their Government and people were so much Indebted for kind offices. Dr. Rosen, well known to travellers in Palestine for his know ledge of sacred geography, was fortunately one of the party ad mitted, and he was able to make a ground plan of the platform. This, with the observations recorded by another of the Prince's party, has given clearer knowledge of this world-renowned spot. The existence and exact situation of the cave, the views of the enclosure within and without, the relation of the different tombs to each other, and the general conformity of the traditions of the mosque to the accounts of the Bible, and of the early travellers, were now, for the first time, clearly ascertained. The Prince's visit was on the 7th of April, 1869. The story of the visit spread throughout the lands of Islam ; and therefore this one incident of the Prince's Eastern Tour Is here referred to as showing its national Importance, and that the prestige of England Is still great In these lands. But we must resume the record of speeches In England, where it so happens that the first of consequence was made at a meeting of the Eoyal Geographical Society. ( 69 ) THE EOYAL GEOGEAPHICAL SOCIETY. May 2Uh, 1869. Of all the " learned societies " in London, the Eoyal Geographical Is the most popular. Perhaps it Is because there is less "book learning" required for its membership, than that love of travel, enterprise, and adventure, which characterizes all true Englishmen. Professor Owen once said that In the new Hall of the Geographical Society a statue of ' Eobinson Crusoe ' should be the central figure. It was a wise and suggestive, though humorous proposal, for few geographers have not received early impressions from Defoe's immortal book. The whole globe is embraced in the objects of the Society, whether in the Old World or the New, whether the explorations are In the frozen regions of the Pole, or in the deserts and forests of tropical Africa. The anniversary meeting of the Society was held on the 24th of May, 1869, in the Eoyal Institution, under the Presidency of Sir Eoderick Murchison, to whose energy and enthusiasm geographical discoveries, and the prosperity of the Society, have been so largely due. When the health of the Prince of Wales, as their Eoyal vice- patron was given, the President referred to the appointment of Sir Samuel Baker, the Society's medallist of the year, to the government of Equatorial Africa. The good-will and patronage of the Viceroy In this instance was e-sentially obtained through the personal infiuence of the Prince of Wales. Among the guests at their table was the young Egyptian Prince Hassan. His Eoyal Highness the Prince of Wales said : — "Sir Eoderick Murchison, your Highness, my Lords, and Gentlemen, — Under any ordinary circumstances it would have given me great pleasure to be present at this interesting meeting — ^the anniversary dinner of the Eoyal Geographical Society ; but I feel doubly proud to be here this evening as a vice-patron of so useful and celebrated an institution. Sir Eoderick Murchison has had the kindness to allude to me as a traveUer ; I can only say that I feel ashamed almost to stand here with the name of a traveller, when I see around me so many distinguished persons who have travelled, I may almost say from one end of the world to the other. But I cannot be too grateful that my lamented father at an early period gave me an opportunity of travelling and seeing foreign countries ; and the same permission being granted to my brother, I feel certain 70 SPEECEES OF E.E.E. TEE PEINCE OF WALES. that we have both derived great benefit from seeing those interesting countries which it has been our happiness to 'visit. No doubt much knowledge and learning may be obtained by reading books of foreign travel, but I feel convinced that aU those gentlemen who are members of this society will coincide 'with me when I say that you cannot form so full or favourable an idea of the countries described by reading of them in books as you can by visiting them yourselves. " I am greatly flattered and deeply sensible of the kind manner in which Sir Eoderick Murchison has mentioned me in con nexion with the name of one whose presence we must all very much miss this evening — I mean my late travelling companion, Sfr Samuel Baker. I cannot but regret that he was forced to leave this country rather suddenly in order to make arrange ments for his great and important undertaking, and could not, indeed, take farewell of aU his friends. Sir Eoderick has stated that I was in some way instrumental in helping Sfr Samuel Baker to carry out the enterprise in which he is engaged. His Highness the Viceroy of Egypt, I know, has deeply at heart the great importance of that noble enterprise — to put down slavery on the White NUe, and I need hardly tell you that anything I could do in the matter was done with the utmost pleasure and satisfaction. Such an enterprise must meet the approval not only of every Englishman, but of every phUanthropist There are great difficulties connected with it. These difficulties must be great to any one, and they must still be more trying to a European ; but I know Sir Samuel Baker to be a man of energy and perseverance, and whatever the difficulties he may have to encounter he is certain, if it lies in his power, to attain the end of his mission." We . may here say that when Sir Samuel Baker gave a detailed account of his experiences, In the Hall of the London University, the Prince moved the vote of thanks, in a speech equally eulogistic. The Prince again rose after the toast of " The Army and Navy, and Auxiliary Forces," had been given. He apologized for responding for the Army, in presence of so many distinguished officers ; but he spoke by command of the President, and a soldier's first duty Is obedience. Admfral Sir George Back, the veteran Arctic explorer, and a leading officer in the Society, returned thanks for " The Navy." EOTAL GEOGEAPEICAL SOCIETT. 71 The President next proposed the health of Professor Norden- skiold, of Stockholm, and of Mrs. Mary Somerville. The former received " the Founder's " Medal, for his Arctic discoveries ; and to Mrs. Somerville, then in her eighty-ninth year, had been awarded the Patron or Victoria Medal, for her scientific and astronomical researches, and her works on physical geography. Sfr Eoderick then proposed the health of Professor Owen, and the Duke of Sutherland, and Dr. Eussell, who had been com panions of the PrinCe In his Egyptian journey. Dr. Eussell had, through the Times, been the reporter and historian of the ex pedition. The speech of Professor Owen was in happiest vein. Indeed, the whole of the speeches of the meeting, Including those of Sir Francis Grant, the Duke of Sutherland, Dr. Eussell, and Sir Henry Rawllnson, who proposed the health of the President, made this a memorable anniversary of the Society. EARLSWOOD ASYLUM. June 28th, 1869. All travellers on the London, Brighton and South Coast Eailway, have admired the palatial and splendidly situated building near Eed Hill, Surrey, known as the Earlswood Asylum. It is an institution for the care and education of the idiot and imbeoUe. Everything that can be done by kindness and skill to ameliorate the lot of these classes, Is here in exercise. By far the larger number show some capability of improvement, and not a few have learned some trade or industry, sufficient for their own support. There are now nearly 600 inmates, from all parts of the kingdom. At each half yearly election, there are about 150 applicants of whom the Board usually can elect 30 to 35. The receipts of last year were nearly £25,000, and the charity has £20,000 invested funds. The first stone of the Asylum was laid by the Prince Consort In 1863, and the building was opened by him in 1865. To lay the first stone of additional buildings, on part of the 80 acres belong ing to the Asylum, the presence of the Prince of Wales was asked,^ and was very cordially given. Accompanied by the Princess of Wales, he went to Earlswood for this purpose on the 28th of June, 1869. The Mayor and the magistrates of Eelgate came to the Earlswood raUway station with an address of welcome, to which the Prince made reply.' Sir Charles Eeed, son of the Eev. Dr. Andrew Eeed, founder of the Institution (as he was of other Important charities), conducted the Eoyal visitors to the gate of the Asylum, to which they had driven from the station. From the Board Eoom a procession was formed, to the place of laying the stone. Here another address was read, In reply to which the Prince said : — 72 SPEECEES' OF E.E.E. TEE PEINCE OF WALES. " My Lords and Gentlemen,— I thank you for the kind expres sions contained in your address. I cannot but rejoice that my presence should be considered an encouragement, and conducive to the prosperity of an institution that lays claim to our warmest support. Apart from all other considerations, the fact of my lamented father having taken so active a part in the early formation of the society would, in itself, be sufficient to enUst my sympathy and interest in its welfare. The necessity for affording more extended accommodation, in consequence of the increased number of applicants, is the best proof of the success which has foUowed your first efforts. We must aU appreciate the comprehensive principle which regulates, 'Vidthout regard to social or reUgious distinction, the admission of aU classes of our fellow-creatures suffering under an affiiction which reduces them to one common level. Finally, I have to assure you, gentlemen, how sincerely I feel your expressions of devotion and attachment towards the Queen, the Princess of Wales, and the Eoyal famUy. 1 am persuaded they, equaUy with myself, wUl watch -with increasing interest the success of an institution this day enlarged under such hopeful cfrcumstances." The Treasurer then handed to the Prince a silver trowel, and Sir Charles Eeed, M.P., presented the mallet, which had been used by the Prince Consort on laying the first stone of the " Infant Orphan Asylum" at Wanstead, and which His Eoyal Highness had afterwards given to Dr. Andrew Eeed. A good supply of mortar having been brought to the Prince of Wales In a mahogany hod. His Eoyal Highness spread a sufficient quantity to make a setting for the stone. Then, amid cheering, the stone was slowly lowered, and the Prince tapped it with the mallet, tested it by rule and plumb, and amid a flourish of trumpets, followed by the National Anthem, pronounced it to be well and truly fixed. The Archbishop of Canterbury then offered an appropriate prayer, which was followed by a hymn, of which there was an instru mental performance by the band of the Grenadier Guards, while the words were sung by the entire company. The Prince and Princess then took their seats, and, to the March of King Christian IX., of Denmark, there was an interest ing and, for the charity, a most gratifying procession. It was one of ladies, who to the number of 380 in single file ascended the dais where the Prince sat, and deposited in all 400 purses. The Prince had previously, immediately after fixing the stone, handed to the Treasurer, a check for a hundred guineas. A dejeuner followed, and planting of memorial trees and other festivities. ( 73 ) THE ALEXANDRA DOCK AT LYNN. July 1th, 1869. Six centuries ago Lynn was, next to London, the chief port ou the east coast. It is nearer than any other port to Holland and North Germany. In course of lime the foreign trade of the place had fallen Into decay, and the town Itself was outstripped in business by Hull, Grimsby, Yarmouth, and other eastern seaports. A time of revival having come, It was considered that the prosperity of the ancient borough would be secured by the formation of docks and accommodation for foreign trade, as the manufacturing districts of the Midland Counties might be brought into connection with Lynn as the shortest route to Amsterdam, Rotterdam, the Texel, and Hamburg. In hope of benefiting the trade and Industry of the town, the Lynn Dock Company was ibrmed, and obtained from Mr. Brunlees, C.E., the plans fur a great dock, which in due time was completed, and was Inaugurated by the Prince and Princess of Wales, on the 7th of July, 1869. Arriving from London, by special train of the Great Eastern Eailway, the Eoyal visitors w ere received, with great ceremony. In the Council Eoom of the Town Hall of Lynn. An address was presented by the Eecorder, In which gratification was expressed at their Eoyal Highnesses having selected an abode In the neighbour hood of the borough, and in showing their Interest in Its welfare by having graciously undertaken to inaugurate their new dock. His Eoyal Highness made the following reply : — " Mr. Mayor and Gentlemen, — I thank you for this address, for the loyalty and attachment you express towards the Queen, and for the kind welcome you offer the Princess and myself. It is pecuUarly gratifying to us to visit you on an occasion like the present. The revolutions of time and science would have had the same effects upon King's Lynn as upon other commercial ports but for the energies of the inhabitants. Without them its ancient name would have become interesting only for its antiquity. But in the century in which we live it is permitted neither to town nor to community to rest quiet or to stand stiU. The energies I haye referred to, I have learned to appreciate from living in your neighbourhood, and, indeed, I have been caUed on to participate in them as regards the navi gation of your waters. I fervently pray that the Dock we are about to open this day, may, under the fostering auspices of a beneficent Providence, open out new sources of wealth and o 74 SPEECEES OF E.E.E. TEE PEINCE OF WALES. commerce, shedding the blessings which are derived from them on your town, and contributing to the prosperity of our beloved country." The Eoyal party then visited the Grammar School, where the Prince received and responded to an address from the Masters and Scholars, and presented to the successful competitor the gold medal, given annually, through the munificence of the Prince, as a prize for classical and modern languages in alternate years. The Prince presented the prize, saying : — " I have great pleasure in presenting you with this medal. On a former occasion I presented it at Sandringham, but it is more pleasure to you to receive it among your schoolfeUows. I hope this medal wiU contribute to your success in future life, and that it may be a stimulus to you for further exertion." On arriving at the Dock, the circumference of which was densely crowded, the Royal visitors were greeted with cheering, bell-ringing, and every demonstration of welcome. When It came to the ceremony of declaring the dock open, an agreeable surprise was added by the terms in which the announcement was made : — I DECLARE THIS DoCK NOW OPEN, AND THAT HENCEFORTH IT IS TO BE CALLED The Alexandra Dock. The announcement was received with vociferous acclamation. The Prince's Intention had been signified to the Chairman of the Dock Company only a few minutes before, and was quite unknown to the mass of the spectators, who expressed their delight by repeated salvos of cheering. At a banquet afterwards given, when the toast of the Eoyal visitors was given, by Mr. Jarvis the President, the Prince said that he regarded King's Lynn as his country 'town, and should always feel the deepest Interest in its welfare. VISIT TO MANCHESTER. July, 1869. The annual show of the Royal Agricultural Society was held in 1869 at Manchester, which the Prince of Wales visited on the 29th of July, accompanied by the Princess of Wales. There are some who remember the first visit of the Queen and Prince Consort to Manchester in 1851. The Royal party then VISIT TO MANCEESTEE. 75 proceeded along the canal to Worsley from Patrlcroft, where the wonderful engineering works of James Nasmyth were inspected. In 1869, the Prince and Princess of Wales were conducted along^ the same canal, but in reverse direction, the barge going from Worsley, through Patricroft, to Old Trafford. The Prince and Princess, -with thefr host and hostess, the Earl and Countess of EUesmere, drove from the Hall to the stage where the royal barge was waiting. A large flotilla of boats followed as a guard of honour, including some of the Manchester Rowing Clubs. It was a strange and picturesque canal scene, the barges being towed by horses ridden by postillions, and the towing path all along the route, for five or six miles, being kept clear by mounted patrols In livery. It was a great gala day in -those densely peopled regions. In passing through Salford an address was presented by the Mayor, Aldermen, and burgesses of that borough, in the Eeading Eoom of the Eoyal Museum. The address expressed the great pleasure experienced by this, the second visit of the Prince to their town, enhanced by the presence there, for the first time, of the Princess of Wales : " We cherish a lively and affectionate remembrance of the visit of Her Most Gracious Majesty the Queen to Peel-park In the year 1851, when she witnessed the assemblage of 80,000 Sunday-school scholars, and listened, not unmoved, while they sang the National Anthem. This event was com memorated by the erection of a marble statue to Her Majesty In the park, which was publicly inaugurated by the late and much revered Prince Consort, who on that occasion Inspected and mani fested a deep Interest in the free museum and library in the park. We deeply deplored the loss of the late Prince Consort, and erected a marble statue to his memory, in close proximity to that of the Queen, and near the spot where he stood when inaugurating the statue of Her Majesty." The Prince made the following reply : — "Mr. Mayor and Gentlemen, — The Princess of Wales and myseK thank you very cordially for your address, and for the sentiments you are good enough to express towards us. It is very gratifying to us to have the opportunity of paying you a visit, and to observe the evidences of the gro-wing wealth and population -which have raised Salford to the position she now occupies in the Empfre. It wiU be highly satisfactory to the Queen to learn how deeply engraven on your hearts is the recoUection of the visit she paid you in 1851, and how cherished and beloved is the memory of my lamented father. On my own part, I can but acknowledge the kindness of the terms in which you ha,ve aUuded to my past years. For those which are to come I can only say that it will be the one effort of my Ufe 76 SPEECEES OF E.E.E. TEE PEINCE OF WALES. to merit the good opinion of the people I am so proud to call my fellow-countrymen." In driving through the park the Eoyal visitors had been con ducted past the white marble statues of the Queen and the Prince Consort, and those of Richard Cobden and Joseph Brotherton. Leaving the park, the streets and ways being everywhere densely thronged, they reached the Manchester Town Hall, where another address was delivered, expressing joyous welcome from the loyal citizens, and especially the feelings of satisfaction at the presence of the Prince, as President of the Royal Agricultural Society, " believing the same to be an evidence of the deep Interest manifested by your Royal Highness In the success of all move- ' ments which have for their object the advancement of art and science and the progress and welfare of the people of this great empire. It has been the special privilege of your Royal Highness to an unusual extent to visit and personally to become acquainted with other Courts and countries, and with distant portions of Her Majesty's dominions, and we rejoice to believe that the valuable experience thereby acquired gives to all classes of Her Majesty's subjects an assurance that your Eoyal Highness will ever be fore most In all efforts to extend true liberty and civilization, and to develope those free institutions which are the pride and glory of our country." To which address the Prince replied : — "Mr. Mayor and Gentlemen, — I thank you for the kind expressions of loyalty and devotion towards the Queen, the Princess of Wales, and myself contained in your address. I have gladly availed myself of the opportunity afforded me, in the fulfilment of my duties as President of the Eoyal Agri cultural Society, to visit a city second to none in the Empire in commercial importance, to become better acquainted with its liistory, its locality, and the sources of its prosperity. The wise provision of my lamented father and of the Queen, my dear mother, has secured for me at an early age the advantages of visiting the centres of the world, the most remarkable and the most deserving of study for their interest and for their develop ment of the elements of wealth. In admiring, and, I trust, appreciating, the successful result that has distinguished foreign exertions, I have also learnt to look with increased admiration on those wonderful works of human ingenuity, perseverance, and industry, the products of the heads and hands of my own countrymen, and especially of those who now surround me. May we all be grateful, gentlemen, to a superintending Pro-vi- VISIT TO MANCEESTEE. 77 dence, which has blessed tho efforts of our commercial enterprise and the free institutions of our country, — themselves a pledge of our future prosperity." The Prince presided at a general meeting of the Council of the Society, and opened the proceedings by a brief speech which was loudly applauded. He also received In his own marquee a numerous deputation from the Agricultural Society of France. At the close of the meeting the Eoyal visitors drove to a station on the Manchester South Junction line, where a train was waiting to take them to Brough, near Hull, via Normanton ; the Prince having engaged to be at Hull In the afternoon in order to inaugurate the new Western Dock at, that tcwn. The principal object of the Prince's visit was to see the Eoyal Agricultural Show, the members mustering In great force for the occasion from all parts of England. At the midday luncheon the Chairman, the Earl of Sefton, gave the toast of " The Queen," who was deeply interested In the agricultural affairs of the Kingdom, and set the practical example of being an exhibitor at the present Show. The Chairman next proposed " The Health of their Eoyal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales." He said the present toast should be the last. He had to ask them to drink to the health of the President of the Eoyal Agricultural Society of England, His Eoyal Highness the Prince of Wales, coupled with the toast of Her Eoyal Highness the Princess of Wales. He had looked forward to this meeting for a long time, and it was with the greatest pride they learnt that It was to be held under the presidency of His Royal Highness. The reception their Eoyal Highnesses met with the day previous and that day sufficiently testified to the loyalty and attachment of the people of this country to the Crown. It was difficult to allude to the good qualities of His Eoyal Highness, but he was ever foremost in the furtherance of works of charity and usefulness. They also experienced the warmest attachment and the truest loyalty towards the Princess. His Eoyal Highness the Prince of Wales, in replying, said : — " I thank you from the bottom of my heart for the kind way in which you have received this toast. My health has been proposed twofold — first for myself, and also in my position as President of the Eoyal Agricultural Society of England. I can assure you it was great honour that was conferred upon me when I was asked to assume this presidency, and my only regret is that this office has been a mere nominal one, and that I have not been able to be of so much use as I should have Uked. At the same time I feel a pride in being President of & Society which has existed for so long, and which is one of the 78 SPEECEES OF E.E.H. THE PEINCE OF WALES. greatest agricultural societies anywhere, always helping forward improvements in agriculture. It was a great satisfaction to this Society to hold one of its annual meetings at Manchester, one of the greatest manufacturing to-wns of England. It is my duty as President of the Society to return, in the name of the Society, our most cordial and our warmest thanks for the extensive and Uberal way in which the local committee have made their arrangements. It is to them we owe this magni ficent entertainment in this fine tent, and also the exceUent arrangements which we see before us. Lord Sefton told us not to make many speeches or long ones. I will, therefore, not make any further remarks, but, before sitting down, allow me to thank you in the name of the Princess for the kind way in which you have received her. I can assure you it has given her great pleasure to be present at this second visit to the Eoyal Agricultural Society, and this her first -visit to Manchester. We both feel deeply grateful for the kind and hearty welcome which we have received, not only from Manchester, but from the inhabitants of Lancashire." THE PEABODY MEMOEIAL. UNVEILING OF THE STATUE IN THE CITY OF LONDON. July 23rd, 1869. The best memorials of George Peabody, American citizen and philanthropist, are the piles of buildings which stand as monu ments of his generous liberality, and of his desire to advance the physical and moral welfare of the poor of London. He received from the Queen of England, and from many public and official bodies, warm recognition of his beneficence. But it was also fittino- and right that In some public place a Statue should be erected, to perpetuate his name and his likeness, as well as to commemorate his good deeds. The citizens of London, headed by all the leading men of the Metropolis, subscribed for the Statue, which now adorns the site on the east of the Eoyal Exchange. The Prince of Wales having consented to perform the ceremony of unveiling the Statue' was received at the Mansion House by the Lord Mayor, where a distinguished company had assembled. In response to the toast of his health, the Prince said : — UNVEILING PEABODT MEMOEIAL STATUE. 79 " I thank you for the compliment you have paid me in drink ing my health. I assure you it is always a pleasure to me to be present here at the Mansion-house. It is not, indeed, the first time I have received the hospitaUty of the Lord Mayor and of the City of London. We are assembled to take part in a great ceremony, and I accepted with much pleasure the in-vitation and the privUege of unveUing the statue of Mr. George Peabody. After the appropriate remarks the Lord Mayor has made concerning him I have little to say except to indorse what has been so well expressed by his Lordship. He is a man whose name -will go do'wn to posterity as a great philanthropist, and you, my Lord Mayor, and the citizens of London fri particular, can never be sufficiently grateful to him for what he has done." After the luncheon His Eoyal Highness was escorted to the site of the memorial. Here Sir Benjamin Phillips, Chairman of the Committee, addressed the Prince, concluding with these words : — " Let us hope that this statue, erected by the sons of free England to the honour of one of Columbia's truest and noblest citizens, may be symbolical of the peace and goodwill that exist between the two countries, and that a people springing from the same stock, speaking the same language, and inspired and animated by the same love of freedom and progress may live In uninterrupted friendship and happiness. Your Eoyal Highness may remember the language so beautifully expressed by George Peabody, In the letter that accompanied his last noble gift, when, speaking of America he said, ' I wUl pray that Almighty God will give to it a future as happy and noble in the InteUigence and virtue of its citizens as it will be glorious In unexampled power and pros perity.' Your Eoyal Highness, these are the sentiments uttered by a man of ripe age, and alike applicable to the land of his birth and to the country of his adoption. May they inspire us, may they animate us, and may they find an echo throughout the length and breadth of our own free and happy homes." His Eoyal Highness the Prince of Wales than presented himself to speak, and was hailed with enthusiastic cheers. He said : — " Sfr Benjamin Phillips, my Lord Mayor, Ladies, and Gentlemen, — I feel sure that all those who have heard the words which have just been uttered cannot but be gratified -with what has been said. Allow me to say to you that among the many duties which I have to perform, and which I have the pri-vilege of performing, none could have given me greater pleasure than to assist and take part in the unveiling of this 80 SPEECEES OF E.E.E. TEE PEINCE OF WALES. statue on this occasion. The name of George Peabody is so well known to all of you that really I feel some difficulty in saying anything new of that remarkable man ; but, at the same time, it affords me the deepest gratification to join in paying a mark of tribute and respect to the name of that great American citizen and philanthropist — I may say, that citizen of the world. England can never adequately pay the debt of gratitude which she owes to him — London especially, where his wonderful charity has been so liberally distributed. For a man not born in this country to give a sum, I believe, more than a quarter of a million of pounds sterling for purposes of benevolence is a fact unexampled. His name will go down to posterity as one who, as Sir Benjamin Phillips so justly remarked, has tried to ameliorate the condition of his poorer fellow-citizens, and especially to benefit their moral and social character. I have not yet had the opportunity of seeing the statue which -is about to be unveiled, but having had the privilege of knowing the sculptor, Mr. Story, for a space of now about ten years, 1 feel sure it will be one worthy of his reputation, and worthy also of the man to whom it is dedicated. Before concluding the few imperfect remarks which I have ventured to address to you, let me thank Mr. Motley, the American Minister, for his presence on this occasion, and assure him what pleasure it gives me to take part in this great and I might almost say, 'national ceremonial of paying a tribute to the name of his great and distinguished countryman. Be assured that the feeUngs which I personaUy entertain towards America are the same as they ever were. I can never forget the reception which I had there nine years ago, and my earnest -wish and hope is that England and America may go hand in hand in peace and prosperity." At the conclusion of His Eoyal Highness's address the Statue was uncovered, and at a signal from the Lord Mayor a loud and prolonged cheer was raised on its being exposed to view. His Excellency, the American Minister, then addressed the vast audience. He said, towards the close of his speech, " It is a delight ful thought that the tens of thousands who daily throng this crowded mart will see him almost as accurately as if in the flesh, and that generations after generations — that long, yet unborn, but I fear, never ending procession of London's poor — will be almost as familiar In the future with the form and features of their great UNVEILING PEABODT MEMOEIAL STATUE. 81 benefactor as are those of us who have enjoyed his acquaintance and friendship in life." Mr. Story, the sculptor, having been called on, said he had no speech to make. He added, significantly pointing to the Statue, " That Is my speech," — a remark which occasioned much merri-- ment and cheering. The ceremony was then brought to a close, and the Prince took his leave. His Eoyal Highness, as he did so, was repeatedly ¦cheered. THE SCOTTISH HOSPITAL. November 3Qth, 1869. The Scottish Corporation is commonly called the Scottish Hospital, tout this Is rather misleading as to the uses of the charity. Its objects «,re to assist, by pensions, poor aged natives of Scotland living in London, to afford temporary relief to Scotchmen in distress, or to aid them to return to their own country ; and also to educate poor Scottish children. The last-named object is also carried out by a kindred Institution, the Eoyal Caledonian Asylum, which receives eome children of indigent Scotchmen in London, although its main purpose is the maintenance and education of children of soldiers, sailors, and marines, natives of Caledonia. The Scottish Hospital possesses funded property to the amount of £40,000, and the annual receipts are about £5000. In trust to the Scottish Hospital there Is also attached the " KInloch Bequest," for granting pensions to Scottish soldiers and sailors, resident in the United Kingdom, who have been wounded or have lost their sight in the service of the country, and whose incomes do not exceed £20 from other sources. The anniversary festival of the Scottish Corporation is always held on the 30th of November, St. Andrew's day. In 1869 His Eoyal Highness the Prince of Wales presided at the dinner. The guests at this festival are mostly Scottish, and a large muster of Highland Chiefs and Lowland Lairds, as well as prosperous Scotchmen of London, supported the Eoyal chairman upon this occasion. Prince Chrlstlati and other distinguished visitors were also present. Many of the stewards wore the garb of old Gaul, and the tartans, scarves, flags, and decorations made the Hall of the Freemasons' Tavern assume a national appearance. The " bagpipes " were also in honourable use, the Prince being con ducted to the chair to the tune of the Highland laddie, played by the Queen's piper, the Prince's first piper, and the piper of the Eoyal Caledonian Asylum. The Prince had previously been received by a guard of honour of the London Artillery, whose band played the National Anthem, while the band of the London Scottish Volun teers performed a selection of Scotch music during the dinner. G 82 SPEECEES OF H.E.H. THE PEINCE OF WALES. The three pipers also, at intervals, paraded the hall, and regaled the guests with their stirring strains. The health of the Queen was drunk with enthusiasm, specially as the patroness of the Scottish Hospital. To the toast of " the Princess of Wales and the rest of the Eoyal Family," proposed by the Duke of Eoxburghe, the Prince responded, and then gave : "The Army, Navy, Militia, and Volunteers," referring in his speech to the Kinloch Bequest, which provides pensions for about 400 disabled soldiers and sailors. A Scotch vocalist, Mr. Maclagan, sang " Scots wha hae wi' Wallace bled." Then the Prince rose to give the toast of " Prosperity to the Scottish Hospital " : — " Your Royal Highness, my Lords, and Gentlemen, — I have now to give you the toast of the evening : ' Prosperity to the Scottish Hospital.' I feel assured that it is a toast which the numerous assembly I see before me wUl drink in bumpers. As you know, the Queen is patroness of this hospital ; she has been so for thirty-seven years, and she has contributed to its funds between £3000 and £4000. At twenty different anni versaries the late King William, as Duke of Clarence, presided. The Duke of Kent, the Duke of Sussex, and the Duke of Cambridge also presided at various anniversafries, and contri buted largely to the funds of the hospital. " The hospital, as no doubt most of you know, was originaUy founded in the reign of James I. Its first charter was given to it by Charles IL, in 1665, and a second charter of incorpora tion was granted by the same Monarch, in 1676, containing more extended privUeges. It became necessary, however, to enable the corporation to extend its reUef, to obtain a new charter, which was granted by King George I., in 1715. " By the paper which has been placed in my hands I observe the pensions which are contributed by this ancient corporation are very numerous. I see that a sum is set apart for the support of five persons exceeding 65 years of age who have occupied a respectable social position, and who have a permanent income of not less than £15, but not more than £30 per annum • for 20 poor and infirm persons exceeding 72 years of age, to whom a pension of £15 each per annum is aUowed ; for 110 above 68, to whom a pension of £12 each is allowed. Pensions of £6 are granted to 50 persons selected from the casual Ust. Monthly casual reUef to upwards of 200 is awarded by the committee, and free passages to Scotland are given to such as require them. THE 8C0TTISE EOSPITAL. 83 "The charity of the Scottish Hospital is applicable to the poor natives of Scotland and their children resident in the MetropoUs and its immediate neighbourhood, who, not being in receipt of parochial relief in this country, would in age and poverty, in sickness or distress, or when in want of employ ment, be exposed to the utmost wretchedness, or to discreditable beggary, but for the fostering relief afforded them by this institution. Those natives of Scotland resident in London who may desfre to spend the remainder of their days in Scotland have free passages granted to them by the corporation. From the accumulation of a subscription which was raised in India thfrty years ago the corporation is also enabled to aUot £120 a year to the ministers and Kirk Sessions of the several congre gations of the Scottish churches in London and Westminster, for the purpose of affording education to the children of Scottish parents at the schools attached to these churches. " I am happy to say that the Scottish Hospital is in a more prosperous state this year than at any former period. But at the same time further demands have been made upon its funds. The claims during the past year have been in excess of any previous year, and several of the cases relieved have been of a very pressing and urgent nature. Pensions of £6, £12, £15, and £25 per annum have been granted to nearly 200 respectable men and women, whose means of support have been greatly increased by the timely aid afforded. Nearly 300 monthly applicants have had sums given to them by the directors, in several instances amounting to £5 at one time. In addition to these, more than 1300 persons have had casual assistance at the office of the corporation. Passages to Scotland have been granted to about 200 deserving persons. But for the inter vention of this corporation many would have been compeUed to apply to an English parish for reUef, and by doing so would have lost that feeUng of independence which every Scotsman cherishes and desires to maintain. Upwards of 208 children of Scottish parents resident in the Metropolis have during the year been educated at the expense of the corporation. Soldiers and sailors, natives of Scotland, to the number of nearly 400, have been in receipt of pensions from the Kinloch Bequest. " Although the facts must be known to most of you, I have G 2 84 SPEECEES OF E.E.H. THE PEINCE OF WALES. nevertheless thought it necessary to mention a few of them in order to stimulate your generosity this evening, and induce you to contribute as largely as you can for the benefit of this ex ceUent charity. I hope you will drink the toast of ' Prosperity. to the Scottish Hospital ' in fuU bumpers. I have great pleasure in coupling with the toast the name of the noble Duke on my left, who has been president for four successive years." The Duke of Eoxburghe, in responding to the toast, announced that His Eoyal Highness had kindly consented to allow his name to appear as that of President of the Corporation for the ensuing year. As Duke of Eothesay he had a warm welcome that evening, and In the name of his brother Scotchmen he gave his heartfelt shanks for appearing among them. " Nay more, I thank him in the name of the aged recipients of this great charity, many of whom have seen better days, but who now, bowed down hy poverty, look to you for assistance In the hour of need. I also thank His Eoyal Highness In the name of all whose sorrows have .been lessened, and whose homes have been brightened, by the ministrations of this Society." He proposed the health of the Prince of Wales. The toast was drunk with " Highland honours." His Eoyal Highness, who was loudly cheered, said : — ¦ "Your Eoyal Highness, my Lords, and Gentlemen, — AUow me to return you my most hearty thanks for the excessively kind way in which my health has been proposed and re ceived by you. On any ordinary occasion I should have been deeply gratified by the kind feeling displayed towards me, wore the Order of St. Patrick. The Princess of Wales was on his left, and Prince Albert Victor on her left. All the addresses were handed In succession to the Prince, without being read, which would have occupied too much time, and then the deputations were requested to approach the dais, when the Prince, in clear expressive tones, read the following reply : — " Your Graces, my Lords, and Gentlemen, — I have thought it more for your convenience, as well as more within the com pass of my abUity, that I should, with your permission, make a general reply to the many kind addresses with which you have honoured me, and copies of which have already by your courtesy been before me, than that I should attempt a separate reply to each. I feel myseK highly honoured by ha-ving been welcomed in this historic hall by so many bodies representing so many and so varied interests as you do. Leaders of local adminis trations, heads of religious communities, representatives of learning and art, philanthropy and education, you have one and all greeted me with the kindness and good will which has made VISIT TO IEELAND IN 1885. 265. a deep impression upon me, and which I never shaU forget. You have aUuded in terms of loyalty, which have much grati fied me, to your attachment to the Constitution, and have expressed in a manner which I will not faU to communicate to the Queen your devotion to Her Majesty. "In varied capacities, and by widely different paths, you pursue those great objects which, dear to you, are, believe me, dear also to me — the prosperity and progress of Ireland, the weKare and happiness of her people. That many difficulties from time to time impede you I can weU understand. "Such is the natural course of events. But I am glad to be able to gather from your addresses that you are advancing steadUy towards the goal which you have in view. From my heart I -wish you success, and I would that time and my own powers would permit me to explain fully and in detail the deep interest which I feel not only in the welfare of this great Empire at large, but in the true happiness of those several classes of the community on whose behalf you have come here to-day. You have referred to the Princess of Wales, who has accompanied me on this occasion, and for her I thank you for your welcome to a country, of the past visits to which we have pleasant re coUections, and where we hope in future, as we have in the past, to spend happy days." The several deputations listened with great interest to the reply, and at the close gave expression to their pleasure in cordial acclamations. The next event set down in the programme of the day was one to which great national importance Is attached — namely, that of laying the foundation stone of the new Museum of Science and Art in connection with South Kensington. Elaborate preparations had been made for It, and the grounds at each side of Leinster House, which Is to be the central building, were adorned with gay flags and fitted up with stands, from which the entry of the Eoyal party and the ceremonial it-elf could be seen. A guard of honour, contributed by the Cornwall Eegiment, with their band, was stationed on Leinster Lawn, opening upon Merrlon Square, through which the Eoyal party entered. On the route from the Castle to Leinster House, the streets were everywhere densely crowded, and the houses decorated. An open passage for the procession was kept by the police without any difficulty, the populace behaving with exemplary decorum. The Prince and Princess acknowledged most graciously the enthusiastic greetings of the crowds, which were largely composed of the working classes. The first stone 266 SPEECEES OF E.E.E. TEE PEINCE OF WALES. having been duly laid, and a statement having been made by Pro fessor Ball of the objects of the new " Museum of Science and Art, and of the National Library of Ireland," the Prince replied : — " Mr. BaU, my Lords, and Gentlemen, — I thank you heartily on behaKof the Princess of Wales and myself for the very cordial welcome which you have given us to-day. It is peculiarly satisfactory to me to have been able to take part in the inter esting ceremony of laying the foundation stone upon which the superstructure of the new museum wiU, I hope, before long be buUt. It gratified me to learn of the action which the Science and Art Department had taken in reference to this museum, and to observe the support which that action received both from the Eoyal Dublin Society and from the Eoyal Irish Academy. It is by a united movement such as this that diffi culties are overcome and success made possible of attainment. I am glad to think that the two great societies I have named have combined to smooth the way for an institute which wiU, I trust, be useful to a large number of the people of Ireland. I hope some day to see in fuU working order the institution of which the first stone has been laid this afternoon. When this is so, the magnificent coUections, which have obtained a wide reputation, 'wUl be open to a public thoroughly capable of appreciating their merit and deriving advantages from thefr amalgamation under one roof The Museum wUl worthUy face the great Ubrary, where the efforts of a State Department have been successfully combined with a movement originated by the the citizens, and supported out of the rates, the object of which is to give free facilities for reading and study to the people of this metropolis. I am glad to have been assisted to-day by the councUs of the great societies to which I have referred. To them, as well as to the visitors of the Museum, and the trustees of the National Library, I offer my warm thanks for the kind ness of their reception, as well as for the opportunity they have given me for sharing in a movement calculated to make Leinster House even more worthy than heretofore of the pride of the Irish nation, and the admiration of literary and scientific bodies throughout the world." After leaving the Leinster House the Eoyal and Viceregal parties drove to the Eoyal University, where another interesting VISIT TO IEELAND IN 1885. 26T ceremony was performed. The hall of the University was crowded with a brilliant concourse of graduates aiid spectators. Their Eoyal Highnesses and the Lord Lieutenant sand Countess Spencer were met by the Chancellor, the Duke of Abercorn, and the Vice- Chancellor, Lord Emly. After their Eoyal Highnesses had robed they were conducted to the haU. After all had taken their seats In the hall, a formal announcement was made by Dr. Meredith that the Senate had resolved to confer the degree of Doctor of Laws honoris causa upon His Eoyal Highness Albert Edward Prince of Wales, and also the degree of Doctor of Music honoris causa upon Her Eoyal Highness Alexandra Princess of Wales, and that their Eoyal Highnesses had been graciously pleased to Intimate tha.t they would accept those diegrees. The announcement was received with loud applause by the assembly. The Chancellor then read and presented an address to the Prince, offering a respectful welcome and homage to His Eoyal Highness and his august consort. It also referred to the success of the University. The degrees having been conferred, the Prince rose and said : — " My Lord Duke, my Lords, and Gentlemen of the Senate of the Eoyal University, — I am very grateful to you for the manner in which you have received us Un this haU, and on behalf of the Princess of Wales and myself I thank you for the kind welcome ¦with which you have greeted us. The higher education of the people is a subject in which I learnt from my lamented father to take a great interest. It is a question to the solution of ,which your labours, I am happy to think, have contributed much. Though no considerable time has elapsed since the foundation of the Eoyal University, it has already had a marked effect among those people of this country who are especiaUy open to the influence of a University career. I shall value the degree which you have conferred upon me, and I am proud to rank myself among the graduates of a University, the advantages of which I am happy to hear from you that all classes of the community avaU themselves of. " By the admission of women to your degrees you have sup ported the view that the gentler sex are capable, not only of severe competition in science, but of enjoying the benefits and using the power which a weU-considered scientific education bestows. It gratified me to learn that you were wUUng to confer upon the Princess of Wales the degree of Doctor of Music, which, Her Eoyal Highness wishes me to state on her 268 SPEECEES OF E.E.E. TEE PEINCE OF WALES. behalf, she has received with pleasure not only because she felt that it was an honour to herself, but because she wished to show her approval of her action of the ladies of Ireland in accepting the facilities and advantages which you have offered to them. In Her Eoyal Highness's name and in my own, I thank you for the honour you have done me, and for the kindness with which you have received us to-day." The Prince's speech was received with great cheering. The proceedings concluded with the National Anthem. The Eoyal and Viceregal parties returned to Dublin Castle amid renewed greetings from the citizens who still waited in the streets to see them. Some of the Incidents of the Eoyal visit must be passed over with simple mention, the Levee held by the Prince, the Drawing- room held by the Princess, and the State Ball given by the Lord Lieutenant, of which It was said at the time that " no scene so animated and attractive has been witnessed in Dublin Castle since the former visit of their Eoyal Highnesses to Ireland." The opening of the new dock at the extremity of the North Wall attested the progress that has been made in the Port of Dublin, accommodation being now provided for shippin g of the largest class. The Prince congratulated the " Port and Docks Board " on the completion of this work, and the Princess performed the ceremony of opening and christening the new basin, which Is called the Alexandra Basin In commemoration of the event. This took place on Saturday, the 11th of April. On the same day the Eoyal visitors inspected the Artane Industrial School, with its workshops and farms, and Its probationary institution for the very young, a truly beneficent work carried on by the Christian Brothers. The Artane Institution is one of the best of Its class. The Government contribute 5s. a week for each boy trained there, the rest of the cost being provided by charitable donations, and the profits of the workshops. Having described the visit to the Eoyal University, that to Trinity College must not be omitted. The reception was one of most enthusiastic loyalty. In the hall a vast assembly awaited the entrance of their Eoyal Highnesses, consisting of the members of the Senate, Fellows, Professors, and Invited visitors. An address was read by the Vice-Chancellor, In which reference was made to the former visit of the Prince, when his name was enrolled among those of adopted sons of the alma mater. The Prince made appropriate reply for himself and for the Princess, and at the close of his speech asked the Provost, Dr. Jellett, to grant the under graduates a term. " I cannot," added the Prince, " ask for the degree examination, but perhaps you will grant the college examination." To the request to graciously made, the Provost VISIT TO IEELAND IN 1885. 269 said that the Board of Trinity College acceded. The cheers from the undergraduates as the Royal visitors passed into the hall had been enthusiastic, and were if possible more fervent as they left the College. The last function performed by the Prince before leaving Dublin was presenting new colours to the Cornwall Eegiment, then in garrison at Dublin. The ceremony took place in the Castle Gardens. The corps mustered 800 strong, under Colonel Stabb, the commanding officer. The Prince wore his Field Marshal's uniform, and his son that of the Norfolk Artillery Volunteers. The usual routine on such occasions was followed, after which the Prince addressed the regiment which had formed up close around the group of officers among whom he stood. "Colonel Stabb, Officers, Non-commissioned Officers, and Men of the Duke of CornwaU's Light Infantry, — I consider it a high honour to be permitted to present new colours to such a distinguished regiment as that under your command — one which ever since it was raised in 1704 has had as brilliant a record of services in the field as any regiment in Her Majesty's service. You first served with the great Duke of Marlborough in Flanders, and then in America. Dettingen is the first name inscribed on your colours. In the great Peninsular War you especially distinguished yourselves, and suffered hea-vy losses at Corunna and Salamanca. At Quatre Bras and Waterloo you lost more than any other corps engaged, and the gallant Sfr Thomas Picton was kUled at the head of your regiment. Your next service was in India, where you took part in the Punjab campaign. Later, in 1857, you gaUantly distinguished yourselves in the suppression of the Indian Mutiny, and gaUantly held the Eesidency of Lucknow during its defence from June tiU November. You were on that occasion com manded by Brigadier-General Inglis, who for those services was created a Major-General and a Elnight Commander of the Bath, whUe you received the honour of being made Light Infantry. You, Colonel Stabb, are, I beUeve, the only officer of the regiment present who served during the Mutiny. When some years ago I visited the remains of the Eesidency of Lucknow, my attention was especiaUy caUed to the services of this regiment. On your return the Queen and my father inspected the regiment and personaUy thanked the officers, non-commissioned officers and men for their gallant conduct at Lucknow, and I feel doubly 270 SPEECEES -OF E.E.E. TEE PEINCE OF WALES. proud as their son to have the honour of presenting these new colours to you to-day. The latest records on your colours are Egypt and Tel-el-Kebir. A second battalion, at this moment serving in the Soudan, has recently been added to you, which, with the Eoyal CornwaU Eangers Militia, of which I am the honorary Colonel, and the two Volunteer battaUons, make up the Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry. From the title I bear I am simply proud to be thus connected with this fine regiment. In confiding these colours to your care I feel that the honour of your Sovereign and. your country wiU ever be before you as on former occasions, and that in the future, as in the past, the roU of honourable distinction of your colours wUl ever increase." Colonel Stabb, In the name of all the officers and men of the regiment, thanked His Eoyal Highness for the great honour he had done them in presenting the colours, and said he could not do better than express a fervent hope, which he did with a great deal of confidence, that the regiment would as faithfully defend the new colours as they did their colours at Waterloo and Lucknow. He was sure the honour would be appreciated by the battalions of the regiment, and he tendered to His Eoyal Highness their grateful thanks. On the afternoon of the 13th the Prince and Princess started from the Kingsbrldge Station for Cork. At MaUow there were signs that the visit to the South might not be -without unpleasant incidents. A loyal address was presented at the station, but Mr. O'Brien and other Home Eule leaders had brought a number of Nationalists -with bands, to disturb the unanimity of welcome. The rioters had to be ejected by the Constabulary. At Cork there were similar attempts at hostile demonstration, but It was sho-wn only by the lowest rabble, and at the instigation of the political agitators. The patriots of the present time are of immeasurably lower type than Daniel O'ConneU, even when he was most zealous for Eepeal of the Union. He was always loyal as well as patriotic, and however bitter in words, he was always a gentleman in his actions. Whatever may be the views as to politics, the men who could Incite their foUowers to insult the Prince and Princess of Wales, whose hearts are full of sympathy and love for Ireland, are unworthy the name of Irishmen. At Cork, several of the Home Eule members urged the people to resent the visit of the Eoyal party as a degradation to their city. At Dundalk on the same day, Mr. Eedmond, M.P., addressing a meeting of the National League, " expressed his joy at the difficulty of England with the Soudan and Afghanistan. He hoped that the Eussian bear would soon stick his claw into the British lion. He was sorry that the VISIT TO IEELAND IN 1885. 271 Prince of Wales was not there to see what the real feeling of the Irish people was, instead of scampering about the country attended by military and poHce and bloody Earl Spencer." In spite of a few jarring notes of this kind, the reception of the Prince and Princess in Ireland was worthy of the warm and hospitable character of the Irish Nation. Another proof was given that the disaffection is only temporary and partial, and due to the maHgnant Influence of those who delude the Ignorant with false representations. No one understands this better than the Prince of Wales, than whom the people of Ireland have no truer friend. THE DAEWIN MEMOEIAL. June 9th, 1885. As one of the Trustees of the British Museum, the Prince of Wales was requested to represent them on the occasion of the unveiling of the statue of Charles Dar-wln, In the entrance-hall of the Museum of Natural History, now at South Kensington. The ceremony of un veiling was performed by Professor Huxley, whose address, after brief reference to the high claims of the author of ' The Origin of Species,' and other works of enduring fame, gave a statement as to- the history of the memorial statue. Then addressing the Prince as representing the Trustees, he was requested to accept the statue from the Darwin Memorial Committee. The Prince, in reply, said : — " I consider it to be a high privilege to have been deputed by the unanimous wish of my coUeagues, the Trustees of the British Museum, to accept, in their names, the gift which you have offered us on behaK of the Committee of the Darvrin Memorial. The Committee and subscribers may rest assured that we have most wUUngly assigned this honourable place to the statue of the great Englishman who has exerted so vast an influence upon the progress of those branches of natural know ledge, the advancement of which is the object of the 'vast col lection gathered here. It has given me much pleasure to learn that the memorial has received so much support in foreign countries, and it may be regarded as cosmopolitan rather than merely national ; 'while the fact that persons of every condition , of IKe have contributed to it affords remarkable evidence of the popular, interest iu the discussion of scientific problems. A 272 SPEECEES OF E.E.E. TEE PEINCE OF WALES. memorial to which all nations and all classes of society have contributed cannot be more fitly lodged than in our Museum, which though national is open to all the world, and the resources of which are at the disposal of every student of Nature, what ever his condition or his country, who enters our doors." THE BIEKBECK INSTITUTION. July 4th, 1885. This institution was founded In 1825, by Dr. Birkbeck, a zealous educationist of that time, for promoting learning, chiefly among the middle and working classes, by opening evening classes, and establishing lectures and other means of instruction. The old building having become insufficient in its accommodation, a new edifice was erected near Chancery Lane, of which the foundation stone was laid, in 1883, by the late Duke of Albany. To open this new building the Prince and Princess of Wales came, on the 4th of July, 1885. A loyal address having been presented by Mr. Birkbeck, M.P., one of the trustees, the Prince thus replied : — - " I thank you for the loyal address which you have presented to me, and would express the heartfelt satisfaction which I experience in visiting an institution with which my lamented brother's name wUl ever be associated. You have referred to his touching words when laying the foundation stone of this buUding, and I am reminded that on that memorable occasion he stated that he had lent his aid to an enterprise on the accompUshment of which he would be able to look back with feeUngs of satisfaction and pride ! It was not permitted to him to see this noble structure in its finished state, but I rejoice to know that prior to the great calamity which befell us he had received an intimation that the buUding was approaching completion. " I observe with pleasure the names of the distinguished contributors to the buUding fund, and I rejoice that the Queen has shown her interest in an institution which met with the warm support of my revered father. Sixty years ago the Duke of Sussex performed the inaugural ceremony of your old buUd ing ; and it speaks much for the vitaUty of your institution TEE BIEKBECK INSTITVTION. 273 that after so lengthened a period a member of my family should be again in-vited to declare a building open so extensive as this one, the erection of which has been absolutely demanded by the expansion of your work: An institution in which provi sion is made for 6000 students, and to which both sexes are invited, must exert a very beneficial infiuence on the young men and women of the MetropoUs, for whose mental advance ment it has been erected. Many of the students in the old buUding have worthUy distinguished themselves, and it behoves those who partake of the greater advantages of the new insti tution to emulate the noble examples which have been set by thefr predecessors. " The movement initiated by Dr. George Birkbeck was a very remarkable one, and the foundation of the old institution was an event of historic importance. We are informed that this movement has spread not only throughout the Kingdom, but that its ramifications have extended to different parts of the world', and the presence to-day of representatives of our Colonies is to me one of the most interesting features of the proceedings. The success of Dr. Bfrkbeck's work is to be traced in the fact that, in the words of Professor Tyndall, ' it responded at the proper time to a national need, and to a need of human nature.' "This institution has anticipated some of the beneficent movements of the age, and by its technical instruction, and the admission of both sexes to its advantages, has exerted a very powerful influence for good. With a -vitaUty so potent we may look forward to the time when even this extensive buUding will be insufficient for your needs. It is a subject for congratula tion that the institutions which by the estabUshment of the Birkbeck Institution have been called into existence are being so wisely adapted to the requirements of the age, and are exert ing by their development such a beneficent influence among the people at large. I desfre to thank you most heartUy for the kind welcome you have given us here this afternoon, and I earnestly hope that this great institution -wUl continue to flourish, and that we may hear from time to time of its in creasing prosperity. " This buUding, which will be regarded as a memorial of my dear brother's devotion to the great cause of education, I have T 274 SPEECEES OF E.E.E. TEE PEINCE OF WALES. now the gratification to declare open, and, in his words, ' to dedicate it to those noble uses which it is intended to serve.' " The thanks of the audience to the Prince were proposed by the Lord Mayor, and seconded by Sir Charles Tupper, High Commis sioner for Canada. EAILWAY GUAEDS' FEIENDLY SOCIETY. July 5th, 1884. At the ninth triennial festival of the Eailway Guards' Universal Friendly Society, held at Willis's Eooms, July 6 th, 1884, the Prince of Wales presided. A large number of directors and lead ing men connected with the railway companies were among the company. In giving or responding to the usual loyal toasts. His Eoyal Highness, In a very grateful and gracious way, took the opportunity of expressing his warm sense of the uniform atten tion sho-wn to the Queen, and also to himself and the Princess of Wales, during their very frequent journeys, by the dfrectors and all the officials and servants of the various railway companies. Everything was done for their safety and comfort, and he wished thus publicly to acknowledge his appreciation of what was done. In giving the toast of the evening, " Prosperity to the Eailway Guards' Universal Friendly Society," the Prince said : — " We are to-day celebrating the ninth triennial festival of this Society, in aid of the 'Permanent Sick and Injured, and Widows and Orphans' Fund,' and 1 think aU wiU agree -with me that there is no charity which better deserves the attention and support of the public than this one. That it has already received such support is apparent to us from the length of time it has existed, but like all other great institutions of the kind in our country, the money which is required is, also, greatly in ¦excess of that which is at their disposal to meet the actual necessities which arise. " No public servants, I think, more deserve our sincere sym- piathy and support than the guards of our railway trains. It is obvious to aU of us who have to travel constantly on raUways how much our safety depends on their industry, their vigUance, their sobriety, and their discipline ; and it is very gratKying to know that we may confidently rely on finding these qualities in them. Knowing what they have to go through, their exposure EAILWAT GUAEDS' FEIENDLT SOCIETT. 275 to all weathers and to risks of all kinds ; remembering how much they have to be away from their homes and their famUies, it seems to me that we have hardly the right to expect to obtain from them thefr valuable services unless we in some measure mitigate their sufferings in sickness and from accident, and unless in case of death we do something for the mainte nance of their widows and orphans. The Society was founded in June, 1849, and is one of the oldest societies in existence designed for the benefit of raUway employes, and may be said to represent every line in the United Kingdom. It consists of forty-eight districts at the present time, situated at the prin cipal raUway stations throughout the country, from London to Inverness. In addition to the usual advantages offered by friendly societies — the ordinary sick and death benefits — this society possesses two special features adapted to the require ments of raUway guards, who are exposed to very great risks from accidents. These objects are : 1st, a Uberal pro-vision for Ufe for aU those members who may become permanently disabled, either from injuries or constitutional causes ; 2nd, annuities for the -widows and orphans of deceased members. Other institu tions, if they attempt to pro-vide these exceptional benefits, only do so to a limited extent, and the members to whom they are granted are elected as vacancies occur ; but the policy of this. society has always been to pro-vide these great blessings for aU who are so unfortunate as to require them ; and, notwith standing that statistics show that guards run greater risks than other classes of raUway servants, the contributions of the members themselves have been so largely supplemented by the generous support accorded by the pubUc generally, that the society up to the present time has been able to carry out this fundamental principle." The greater portion of the speech of His Eoyal Highness con sisted of statistics of a most interesting kind, both as to the vast extent of railway travelling, the number of trains, of passengers, of railway employes, at that time numbering 357,650, All these statistics, as obtained from the returns of the Board of Trade, and also the number of persons killed or Injured, especially those employed on the lines, were presented with admirable clearness to the audience, and were heard with great interest; but the statistics are not the same now, and are therefore not here given. T 2 .276 SPEECEES OF E.E.E. TEE PEINCE OF WALES. The Prince concluded with an earnest appeal for help to the Institution for which he pleaded. The appeal was liberally responded to, the subscriptions amounting to £3383, including a hundred guineas from the Eoyal Chairman, which has been his generous custom at the close of most of the charitable meetings for objects which have had the advantage of his support and advocacy. It ought to be added that the Prince had already presided at a festival of the " Eailway Benevolent Association," where he spoke with equal warmth and sympathy for all classes of railway servants. There are now other institutions with similar objects, partly provident and partly benevolent, and it is an excellent kind of charity. The directors of companies do their part, and, where there is any just cause, can be made to do more, under the Employers' Liability Act. For unavoidable accidents the men themselves contribute their money, on the principle of mutual insurance, but there is need also for more of the benevolent gifts of those who travel by rail. CONVALESCENT HOME AT SWANLEY. July 13th, 1885. On the 8th of July, 1872, tho Prince of Wales, as President of St. Bartholomew's Hospital, formally opened a new Convalescent Home, in connection with that Hospital. This was an institution much needed at the time, and Its advantages had long been urged on the Governors by Mr. Foster White, the Treasurer. At several existing Homes, such as at Walton-on-Thames, and Bognor, patients from St. Bartholomew's had been received, but it was desirable to have an establishment of Its own, and conducted by Its own officers. The carrying out of this scheme would require large expenditure, and a suitable building could not be provided for a considerable time. A temporary home was obtained at Highgate, through the generous munificence of Sir Sydney Waterlow, one of the Governors of the Hospital. He presented as a free gift the lease, for several years, of Lauderdale House, a mansion with many historical associations, somewhat old, but with every convenience for use as a temporary home for convalescent patients, and so It continued for thirteen years. On the 13th of July, 1886, the Prince, accompanied by the Princess of Wales, and the Princesses Louise, Victoria, and Maude, visited Swanley, In Kent, to open the permanent Home, erected through the generosity of Mr. Charles T. KettleweU, one of the Governors of the Hospital. It Is a spacious building, with accommodation for forty-five male and twenty-five female patients, standing in CONVALESCENT HOME AT SWANLET. 211 the middle of beautiful grounds, comprising an area of fifteen acres. Their Eoyal Highnesses having taken their places on the dais at the end of a tent. Sir Sydney Waterlow, who had for several years given the use of Lauderdale House at Highgate, read an address, which gave a summary of the facts relating to the new institution. Besides the gift of £16,000 by Mr. KettleweU for the building, an anonymous donor, a governor of the Hospital, contributed £500 for the site; Mr. Homan, another governor, and Mrs. Homan had built a chapel and provided its furniture and communion plate ; and Sir James Tyler had given an organ to the chapel, and built the lodge at the entrance of the grounds. Sir Sydney having finished his address, the Prince of Wales said : — " Sfr Sydney Waterlow, Ladies, and Gentlemen, — ^You have given us a most interesting account of the history of the insti tution you ¦wish me to open. I can only say on behaK of the Princess of Wales and myself that we are extremely happy to have an opportunity of assisting at the inauguration of an in stitution such as this, where the patients ought to feel very grateful for the manner in which every plan for their comfort has been carried out through the munificence of Mr. KettleweU. Nothing can be of greater importance than that convalescent homes such as this should exist, especially in connection with large hospitals such as St. Bartholomew's. The spot now chosen, with its healthy aspect and beautKul scenery, ¦wUl, I am sure, meet aU requfrements. It affords me great pleasure to be here to-day, and I feel proud to be the president of such an institution as St. Bartholomew's, and to be able to assist Sir Sydney Waterlow, who takes such interest in, and devotes so much of his time and energies to, the prosperity of the hospital. I have great satisfaction in declaring the home to be now open." The ceremony over, the Eev. S. KettleweU, who had offered the dedicatory prayer, and his son, Mr. C. T. KettleweU, donor of the building, were presented to the Prince of Wales by Sir Sydney Waterlow. Before leaving, the Eoyal party visited the home, and also inspected the adjacent laundry buildings which have been erected for use as a washing establishment for St. Bartholomew's Hospital. 278 SPEECHES OF E.E.H. TEE PEINCE OF WALES. THE YOEKSHIEE COLLEGE AT LEEDS. July 15th, 1886. The Yorkshire College at Leeds is one of the most important and useful of the educational institutions that have in recent times heen established. Commencing In 1874 on a comparatively small scale. It has gradually grown to be a great school, not for technical and scientific training only, but for aU departments of study. The staff of the College Includes professors of mathematics, physics, chem istry, engineering, and various branches of industrial teaching ; and also of classics, history, and modern literature, and languages. The celebrated Leeds School of Medicine has been affiliated to the College. For special departments of practical instruction provision has been made, the Clothworkers' Company of London undertaking to support that which pertains to textile Industries, and the Drapers' Company that of colliery management and mining engi neering. Workshops, laboratories, lecture rooms, and other pre mises, are connected with the College, the buildings of which were designed by Mr. Alfred Waterhouse, and commenced In 1877, when the foundation stone was laid by the Archbishop of York. The friends of the College have contributed not less than £200,000 to bring It to Its present condition. To inaugurate this great institu tion the Prince and Princess of Wales visited Leeds on the 15th of July, 1885. On arriving at Leeds from Studley, the seat of Lord Eipon, their Eoyal Highnesses were received by the Mayor and Corporation, and conducted to the Town Hall, which was opened by the Queen and the Prince Consort in 1858. An address being read by the Tcwn Clerk, the Prince replied : — " Mr. Mayor and Gentlemen, — I receive -with the greatest pleasure the address which you have just presented to me, and the Princess of Wales joins me in thanking you most sincerely for your kind words of welcome. Coming from the civic authorities of one of our greatest industrial centres these expressions are a proof, if any were required, that the popula tion of this country remains true in its appreciation of the value of our time-honoured institutions, in devotion to the Queen, and in attachment to the Eoyal FamUy. I rejoice to learn from your address that the visits of the members of my famUy at various times to this great city have been attended with beneficial results, and have contributed in some degree to its weKare and prosperity, and to the development of the many TEE TOEKSEIEE COLLEGE AT LEEDS. 279 useful institutions for which Leeds is so justly famous. Al though it has pleased the Almighty to remove some of my dearest and most gifted relations from the scene of thefr labours, I can assure you that their survivors wUl always be ready to encourage by their presence and assistance the foundation and advancement of such institutions as the one which we are brought together to-day to inaugurate. It wUl be a source' of sincere gratification to me to convey to the Queen your ex pressions of loyal devotion, and I can assure you that they will be highly appreciated, by Her Majesty." An address from the Leeds Masonic lodges was also received and responded to, after which their Eoyal Highnesses proceeded to the Yorkshfre College. Here they were received, in the Clothworkers' Court, by the Marquis of Eipon, President of the College and Chairman of the Council, Sir Edward Baines, Sir Andrew Pair- bairn, Mr. Beckett Denison, and other distinguished persons. Depu tations of the London Companies, the Mayors of several Yorkshire boroughs, and Yorkshire Members of Parliament ; the Principal and Professors of the College ; and a numerous company had assembled. Prayer was offered by the Archbishop of York ; an address was read by Professor Bodlngton, the Principal. Sir Edward Baines made a statement as to the origin and growth of the College, in which he said that he must mention a feature of the CoUege which, so far as he knew, was original and highly useful. Their professors had always been ready to deliver popular scientific lectures on extremely moderate terms, and those lectures had proved very attractive, but recently they had undertaken, in addi tion, to give scientific instruction to the numerous teachers of elementary schools on Saturdays and several evenings of the week, and thus they not only conferred a boon on the teachers, but quali fied them to impart the elements of science to their scholars. A double advantage was realized to several hundreds of teachers and to thousands of scholars of elementary schools. The scholars were by these means introduced to such a knowledge of the elements of science as would quaUfy them to become useful members of mechanics' institutes, and might in many cases implant a taste for higher attainments than had been looked for either in the school or the institute. The Prince of Wales replied as follows to the address read by the Principal : — "My Lords and Gentlemen, — We have received your ad dresses 'with feelings of extreme gratification, and it affords us sincere pleasure to be present here to-day, and to be able to take a part in the inaugural ceremony in connection with this 280 SPEECEES OF E.E.E. TEE PEINCE OF WALES. important and useful institution. I have for a long tune been deeply impressed with the ad'visabUity of establishing in our great centres of population colleges and schools, not only for promoting the inteUectual advancement of the people, but also, as you have very justly observed, for increasing their prosperity by furthering the appUcation of scientific knowledge to the industrial arts. I rejoice to hear that your laudable endeavours have been duly appreciated, and have received liberal support from various quarters, and I beg to offer my most hearty con- gratrUations to the great company of the Clothworkers of the City of London for their judicious and liberal encouragement of your College — an example which, I trust, wUl ere long find many ready followers. We have inspected with considerable interest the various lecture-rooms and laboratories over which you have conducted us, and we have had much satisfaction in acceding to your request to declare this valuable addition to the science and art of the country open. I thank you, in con clusion, for your expressions of loyalty and devotion to the Queen, which I will not faU to communicate to Her Majesty. I declare the Yorkshire CoUege now open." This concluded the proceedings in this part of the day's pro gramme, and the company then dispersed. The Royal visitors accepted an invitation from the authorities of the College to lun cheon In the Coliseum, which Is a newly-erected edifice affording much larger and better accommodation than any other building in the town for great public gatherings. Besides the Invited guests, the two tiers of galleries were overcrowded with spectators. The Marquis of Eipon, who presided, having proposed the usual loyal toasts, the Prince replied as follows : — "In the name of the Princess and in my own, I beg to tender to you. Lord Eipon, our warmest thanks and acknowledg ments for the very kind terms in which you have proposed this toast, and to you, ladies and gentlemen, for the way in which you have received it. I am anxious to tender to the mayor, as the representative of the citizens of this large and important town, our thanks also for the magnificent and cordial reception we have met with to-day, one which we are not likely to forget. This is certainly not the first visit I have paid to Leeds, as I did so some seventeen years ago, but the pleasure on this occasion is enhanced in my eyes as the Princess has been able TEE TOEKSEIEE COLLEGE AT LEEDS. 281 to accompany me. The mayor also alluded to the fact that the visit of the Queen and of my lamented father had not been forgotten, and we were glad to visit that very Town HaU which they opened some twenty-six or twenty-seven years ago. I consider that the object of our visit here is connected in some respects with the visit of the Queen and my lamented father, as he alluded at that time to the great importance of scientific and technical education, and of a great town like this if possible taking up the matter. In opening to-day that important and useful buUding, the Yorkshire College, I feel I may in some way have foUowed in his footsteps, by having been the means of promoting what is of the greatest importance to our country, and what is also of the greatest importance to the success of our great commercial enterprises — viz., technical and scientific education. " The building which we have ¦visited to-day will always be in our recollection one of great interest, and we feel sure that it is likely to flourish and be of the greatest importance, and to set an example to all the other great towns of the kingdom. The rooms we visited, and all the arrangements for learning in a scientific and technical manner not only the industries them selves, but thefr scientific principles, cannot but be productive of the greatest good not only now, but in years to come. The CoUege has received many great and munificent donations, which wUl be read out later on, but I may mention the names of Sir Andrew Fafrbaim, the Duke of Devonshire, and Lord Eipon, your President, as having contributed largely to the funds of the institution. I must say also that those who are interested in the College owe a deep debt of gratitude to the Clothworkers' Company of the City of London, for the magnificent donations which they have given are a proof of the importance of this institution. They have also shown thefr- interest in it, and thefr beUef that it is certain to be successful." His Eoyal Highness then referred to the importance attached to music in Yorkshfre, and to the great interest he had taken in the Eoyal CoUege of Music. He remarked that he thought the promotion of that art would materially benefit aU classes in this country. Towards that College he knew nearly £1000 was coUected in Leeds, but that unfortunately was insufficient 282 SPEECHES OF H.E.E. TEE PEINCE OF WALES. to endow a scholarship, but if the president and directors of the Yorkshfre College could see thefr way at some future time to add music to the list of subjects taught he felt sure they would not in years to come regret it, and that it would be of great benefit to the people of Leeds. Before proceeding ¦with the toast he had the privilege to propose, " Prosperity to the Yorkshfre College," ¦with which he could not help feeling that he must associate the health of Lord Eipon. He felt that they would wish him to say a word ¦with regard to its former president, one who was distinguished and lovable in every sense of the word, and who was carried off by the hand of the assassin in the midst of health and life. That was indeed matter for thought and reflection, and he felt sure that every Yorkshireman deeply regretted the death of Lord Frederick -Cavendish. In his successor, however, they had found one who had occupied some of the most important offices which could be held under the Cro^wn, and who, having himself been President of the Council on Education, was well fitted to hold the high office which he now did. He therefore caUed on them to drink with him, " Prosperity to the Yorkshire CoUege," with which he had the greatest pleasure in coupUng the name of their president. Lord Eipon. The Chairman, In acknowledging the warmth ¦with which the toast was honoured, alluded with pride to the position the College had In ten years won. He hoped they would place the crown upon their work by coming Into union with the Victoria University at Manchester. THE GOEDON" BOYS' HOME. January 12th, 1886. After the sad tidings of the death of General Gordon at Khartoum had been confirmed, there was a universal desire to connect his name with some national memorial. Tributes of honour were paid to him by the leaders of both parties in Parliament, and a grant was voted for a public monument, In the form of a statue, which is now seen In Trafalgar Square. But a desire was felt for some other memorial, and after much consideration the most suitable was thought to be an Institution for training boys of the TEE GOEDON BOYS' EOME. 283 class in whose welfare he took deep personal interest. This was the origin of the Gordon Boys' Home, first located at Fort WaUington, Fareham, and now having its permanent site at West End, Chobham. From the time of the first suggestion of a memorial the Prince of Wales took the most active interest in the matter. He attended the early meetings of the committee formed to carry out the proposal, and moved the first resolution for a memorial at the Mansion House on May 30th, 1885. At that time the Idea was to found a hospital at Port Said, but this scheme was not carried out. There seemed to be difficulty in agreeing about some fitter memorial, but the committee finally resolved on the establishment of the Boys' Home, and the War Office granted the use of Fort WaUington to commence the undertaking, for which the funds had to be provided by public subscription. In support of this fund the Prince of Wales summoned a meeting at Marlborough House on the 12th of January, 1886. At this meeting he said that " having had the honour of presiding at the meeting of the Gordon Memorial Committee In the summer of 1886, he thought It desirable, at the beginning of another year, to summon a meeting to hear what progress had been made." He told of the appoint ment of Major-General Tyndall, C.B., as commandant, and of his commencing the work ¦with a few boys at Fort WaUington, the number gradually rising to fifty. The Prince called on Lord Napier of Magdala to say a few words in addition to the formal report which was read. Lord Napier of Magdala, as Chairman of the Executive Com mittee, then presented the report of the progress made in the establishment of the Gordon Memorial Home. He said that on visiting the Institution a few days ago he found the boys on parade in a neat and appropriate uniform. They looked clean, smart, and steady. The dormitories were like soldiers' barrack-rooms. In perfect order. The lavatories gave every facility for cleanliness. In the kitchen the boys all took a turn In cooking. In the work shops the pupil teachers were undergoing instruction in carpentry work. The school was well arranged and the teaching effective. In short, the progress of the Institution was remarkable, con sidering the short time it had been established, and this was due to the organization of General Higginson and the administration of General Tyndall and his staff. Nor had the necessity for amusement been left unprovided for. The work was done in the spirit of the great soldier and Christian whom the institution com memorated, and the results were most gratifying. The Prince of Wales said : — " I feel sure it must be gratKying to aU of us to hear the statements made by Lord Napier of Magdala of the satisfactory manner in which the Gordon Boys' Home is progressing. I 284 SPEECEES OF E.E.E. TEE PEINGE OF WALES. may also say that aU of us are indebted to the great energy which Generals Higginson and TyndaU have displayed." His Eoyal Highness then called on General HIgginson, who pointed out the special advantages to be obtained by the institu tion, where the training would fit the boys for any calling which they might choose, If they do not go into the army. He said that " this was a national memorial to a great man. It would be more than pitiful If an Institution like this were allowed to languish or to be cramped in Its development. That would lead the world to believe that Gordon's memory was forgotten. The one great object Gordon had was to help the distressed, and he could not imagine that when It was known what work was being done the institution would fail for want of funds." The Duke of Cambridge made a very earnest and generous appeal, and ended by telling the meeting that it was to the Prince of Wales that the success of the movement would be mainly due. " Gentlemen," said the Duke, " we have had great praise bestowed, and justly bestowed, upon my gallant friend Field-Marshal Lord Napier of Magdala and upon General Higginson, who have taken up this Interesting charge ; but allow me to remark that there Is nobody to whom we owe so much as His Eoyal Highness the Prince of Wales. I do not wish to flatter him, but I must say that when the Prince takes up a subject he always does so thoroughly and well. I do not think there has ever been a subject which he has taken up more feelingly and thoroughly than he has taken up this Gordon Memorial, and having done honour to those who have assisted In the way they have, I think we should do equal honour to His Eoyal Highness, and I therefore beg to move a vote of thanks to him for the kind and gracious manner In which he has taken up this subject and has presided at this and other meetings." The Prince of Wales said : — "After the kind and fiattering remarks which have faUen from my Ulustrious relative I regret to be under the painful necessity of calUng him to order, but there is a motion which has not yet been put to the meeting. At the same time t thank him beforehand most sincerely for what he has been good enough to say. You aU know the very great interest I take in this important matter, and I feel sure it is right we should bring before the pubUc as much as possible the name of that great and distinguished officer and EngUshman who is now no more. He is not forgotten, but as months and years go by so many important events come before the public that sometimes other matters naturaUy are considered more prominent, and even a name like General Gordon's might be forgotten for a TEE GOEDON BOYS' EOME. 285 time. I am inclined to think there is nothing that could perpetuate his memory in a more satisfactory form in regard to his own relations, and what they think he would have wished, than this boys' home. I cannot help thinking 'The Gordon Boys' Home ' wUl be ever associated with the name of General Charles Gordon. " To obtain money is always a difficulty. I do not doubt the willingness of the public to give money, but their abiUty is not always so great, and I have a suggestion to make to you which may find favour in your eyes. If it is thought desirable that we should have a pubUc dinner, I should be happy to take the chair. We could invite many to attend and give as much as they were able, and I have great hopes that in that way, and from speeches that may be made, the subject will be brought still more prominently before the public, and that we may do more good than by advertising." The resolution "That the Institution cannot be developed without larger funds, and it is resolved that further effort be made to obtain them," was then put to the meeting by His Eoyal Highness and carried. The Duke of Cambridge said : " Having made my speech, I will not repeat It. I admit I was out of order, but I now beg to move a vote of thanks to His Eoyal Highness for his kindness In presiding on this occasion." The motion was seconded by the Duke of Norfolk. The leading article In the Times on the following day thus closed : " There are few benevolent Institutions which offer fairer promise of good results than the Gordon Boys' Home. But the care ¦with which it has been organized and the special sphere which it seeks to fill enable us to press with greater confidence Its peculiar claim to the support of the English public, founded upon the fact that it forms a national monument to the memory of a great Englishman. The heroism of General Gordon, his betrayal by those who utilized his rare personal qualities In the hour of their need, and the tragic end of a life of simple devotion to duty have been somewhat obscured by the ephemeral contests of the passing hour. Looking back over the records of the last few months, we are almost reduced to the sad and savage mood of Hamlet — ' then there's hope a great man's memory may outlive his life half a year.' But the memory of Gordon's life and death will be a point of light in the history of the Victorian age long after the strenuous trifling of our politicians has sunk Into forgetfulness. In honouring this man of antique mould, this Englishman who in a somewhat tricky and small-rninded age 286 SPEECEES OF E.E.E. TEE PEINGE OF WALES. ' could do and dared not lie,' we shall far moro honour ourselves ; and In munificently endowing a work such as he loved to carry out the nation will find Itself twice blessed." The London office of the Gordon Boys' Home is at 20, Cockspur Street, ¦within sight of the statue iu Trafalgar Square. OPENING OF THE MEESEY TUNNEL. January 20th, 1886. Foe more than half a century. In fact ever since the opening of the first English railway, it has been the dream of engineers to obtain direct communication between Liverpool and Birkenhead, and the Welsh lines. The ferry-boat traffic had been enormous and ever Increasing, but It little helped the transit of minerals and heavy goods. Even since the construction of the great Euncom bridge the land route had been found long and troublesome. It was not till 1870 that parliamentary sanction could be obtained to make a direct route by tunnelling under the Mersey, but attempts to carry out the scheme were not then successful. At length, towards the close of 1879, an arrangement was made with Major Isaac, and from that time the work was unceasing, above ,3000 men having been constantly employed. In 1886 the work was completed. The importance of the undertaking was recognized, and the Prince of Wales was Invited to open " The Mersey Tunnel." The Princess of Wales was unable to be present, but on the 20th of January, 1886, the Prince, with his sons Prince Albert Victor and Prince George, came from Eaton Hall, where they were the guests of the Duke of Westminster. On his arrival at Birkenhead the Prince was escorted to a dais, and an address was read by Mr. Knight, the secretary, on behalf ofthe chairman, Mr. Cecil Eaikes, M.P., and the directors, engineers, contractors, and officers of " The Mersey EaUway Company." In reply His Eoyal Highness said : — " Mr. Eaikes and Gentlemen, — I thank you for your address and for the cordial and loyal terms in which you have welcomed me here to-day. I experience at aU times sincere pleasure when circumstances permit me to associate my name with any undertaking tending to advance the welfare and convenience of the community, and I accepted, therefore, with much satisfac tion your in-vitation to be present on this interesting occasion to assist in the inauguration of a national work of such vast importance. An enterprise of this nature is always deser'ving OPENING OF TEE MEESEY TUNNEL. 287 of the warmest support and encouragement, as it not only com pletes the raUway system of the district, and thus pro^vides constant and easy means of communication between to^wns of such prominence as Liverpool and Birkenhead, but it cannot faU also before long to afford material benefit to the mUlions of hands in the neighbouring industrial centres by aiding the more rapid development of commercial intercourse. The heartiest commendation should, therefore, be bestowed on aU engaged in the promotion of so great and worthy an object. I fervently trust that weU-merited success may be the result of your labours, and that an ever-increasing prosperity may be your reward for the difficulties which you have encountered, and which have been mainly overcome by the admirable skill, the indomitable patience, and the unceasing and unwearied energy which have been displayed by aU those who have contributed to bring this work to a happy and a triumphant termination. Let me convey to you, in conclusion, gentlemen, at the special request of the Princess of Wales, the expression of her deep and unfeigned regret at ha\dng been unavoidably prevented from accompanying me here to-day. She begs me to assure you that nothing but the imperative orders of the physicians would have precluded her from sharing the gratification which I experience at taking part in the proceedings which celebrate the consum mation of your most arduous task." When the cheers which greeted the Prince's speech had subsided, the Mayor of Birkenhead, Mr. John Laird, was intro duced to His Eoyal Highness, whom he asked to receive an address from the Corporation of that town. The Eecorder then read the address, which remarked — " The communication between Birkenhead and Liverpool has hitherto been by a ferry, one of the most ancient and important in the kingdom, first established at a very early period, and conferred by King Edward IIL, In the year 1332, on the Prior and Convent of Birkenhead. It is a happy coincidence that your Eoyal Highness should be present to open this new connecting link between the county from' which your Eoyal Highness derives, the title of Earl of Chester and the Eoyal Duchy of Lancaster." His Eoyal Highness made an appropriate reply, in which he said : — ." Mr. Mayor and Gentlemen, — It has given me, I assure you, unfeigned pleasure to have been able to comply with your 288 SPEECEES OF E.E.E. TEE PEINCE OF WALES. request to receive an address from the Mayor, Aldermen, and Burgesses of the borough of Birkenhead, and I am confident that thpugh you may be one of the youngest of the corporate bodies, you equal the oldest in loyalty and in devotion to the Queen and the Eoyal FamUy. The completion of the work which I am about to declare open wUl mark an important era in the history of this district, for it will not only afford an improved line of communication between two towns of so much conse quence and increasing prosperity as Birkenhead and Liverpool, but it will likewise supply the means of easy and ready access to the principality of Wales, with its places of picturesque beauty and interest, and its numerous health resorts. The utUity of the undertaking cannot therefore be over-estimated." The Eoyal party then re-entered the train, and after inspecting the works at the station the train entered the tunnel, and in four minutes reached the James Street Station on the Liverpool side. They were raised to the street level by a hydraulic lift, and the Prince being conducted to a dais In the waiting hall, said, " I declare this station opened." Prolonged cheering greeted the announcement, which was continued throughout the route as the Princes drove to the To-wn HalL In the Council-chamber an address was read by the Town Clerk from the Corporation, to which the Prince replied, acknowledging cordially the welcome given to him, and the kind references to his family, adding: — " You rightly observe that I am deeply interested in every movement that is calculated to tend to the advantage and well- being of the people of this country, and it is a great satisfaction to me to think that my name wUl be associated with the memorable enterprise which by completing a connecting Unk in our raUway system supplies a want that has been long felt in this part of the kingdom." At the luncheon afterwards given in the ball-room, where about 250 guests had been invited, responding to the toast of his health, the Prince said that he had received, since his arrival In Liverpool, a telegram from the , Princess, regretting her absence, and saying how deeply she was interested in the purpose of his visit. He also expressed his thanks for the reference to his sons, who were much gratified by the opportunity of visiting this great town. " I have been engaged to-day, Mr. Mayor, on an interesting and important work, which I feel convinced -wiU be a very OPENING OF THE MERSEY TUNNEL. 289 great benefit, not only to the town of Liverpool, but to the vast commercial resources of this and surrounding towns. The difficulties in making a subterranean or subaqueous railway are only too clear. You have hitherto had means of taking- passengers and goods over the river by steam ferries. I am aware that this right has existed a long time — I believe as far back as the 11th century. But it is a remarkable fact that in the last year you conveyed across the Mersey, from Birkenhead to Liverpool, on the steam ferries 26,000,000 passengers, and 750,000 tons of goods. You may say, such being the case, why do you require to have this tunnel, and to have your railway to connect Liverpool and Birkenhead ? The answer is that you have to encounter storms, you have to encounter fogs, and you have to encounter ice. Both your passengers and your goods are very frequently imperilled. Therefore, a great engineering scheme of this kind, which wiU be a very great boon, is one deser-ving of encouragement. Not only will it benefit the commerce of the north-west of England, but it will also open up a raUway system to Wales and that beautiful picturesque country with all its health-giving resorts. Great praise is due to Major Isaac for the indefatigable manner in which he has carried out this work and has found the capital, and we have also to recognize the indomitable energies of Mr. Brunlees and Mr. Fox, the engineers, and I must not forget to mention the name of Mr. Waddell, the contractor. At the head of this company we find my right hon. friend, Mr. Cecil Eaikes, who has had a long experience in railways. Before sitting down, as I know there is no time for long speeches, I wish most cordially to drink ' Prosperity to the Mersey Eailway,' which I am sure you will drink most heartily, and to connect with the toast the name of its chairman, Mr. Cecil Eaikes." Mr. Eaikes, in responding, said he held it as a most happy omen for that great undertaking whose completion they celebrated, that the heir to the throne should have come there to take part in completing an enterprise which would, he believed, be reckoned as one of the most Important and interesting of Her Majesty's reign. His Eoyal Highness had been good enough to refer especially to the connection which was now to be established between Liverpool and his principality of Wales. As a resident in that principality he could assure His Eoyal Highness that the ex- u 290 SPEECHES OF E.E.H. TEE PEINCE OF WALES. pression of interest would be cordially appreciated and treasured by the people of Wales. The Prince of Wales said : — " Ladies and Gentlemen, — Although the toast list is closed, I have the permission of the Mayor to propose one more toast, and I feel sure it is one which wiU recommend itself to you all, as it is the health of the chairman of this entertainment, the Mayor. You are aware of the Mayor's great popularity, and his deserved popularity; for have, you not re-elected him for a second term of office as your Mayor ? I feel that it is difficult to praise him in his presence, but at the same time he wUl forgive me if I say that' I know how the inhabitants of Liver pool have been grateful to him for the great kindness, generosity, and philanthropy he lately evinced at Christmas, when he gave that weU-known and popular Lancashire dish, the hotchpotch, to the poor inhabitants of your town. That kindness wiU not; be forgotten by them, and it -wUl be gratifying to him to know the good he did and the pleasure he gave on that occasion. As for myself, this is not my first visit to Liverpool, and 1 hope by no means it may be my last. I have always been received here with the greatest kindness, and 1 have always looked back to my different visits with the greatest pleasure and satisfaction. The fact that 100 years ago this town numbered only 40,000 people, and now, with its suburbs, numbers close upon 700,000, speaks for its prosperity. Most cordially do 1 propose this toast, Mr. Mayor, and most sincerely do 1 wish long life to you, and prosperity to your town." The Mayor briefly replied, and the proceedings terminated ; the Prince and his sons drove In an open carriage to the station, great crowds In the streets cheering them, and returned to London. INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS. March 27th, 1886. Not for the first, nor the second time, the Prince of Wales was entertained at the Annual Dinner of the Institution of Civil Engineers, on the 27th of March, 1886. The banquet was held on this occasion in the hall of Lincoln's Inn, the use of which was kindly granted by the Benchers. The Prince -was accompanied by INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEEES. :291 Prince Albert Victor and the Duke of Cambridge. A very large company of distinguished men in various walks of life, as well as the leading engineers ofthe day, were present, about two hundred In all. The President, Sir Frederick Bramwell (the President of the British Association at Bath in 1888), in giving the usual loyal toasts, took occasion to mention that of the Royal guests, two, the Prince of Wales and the Duke of Cambridge, were honorary members of the Institution of CivU Engineers, and he hoped that the third would before long be added to the list. In responding to the toast of " The Prince and Princess of Wales and the rest of the Royal Family," after expressing his grateful thanks, the. Prince said : — " In coming here this evening among you I feel that I am not a stranger, as you have paid me the high compliment of enrolling me as an honorary member of your Institution. At the same time I consider it a high privilege, and I may say a high honour, to dine here at this your annual banquet, as I am sure no one will gainsay me when I assert that an Institution Uke this- is one of the most important in this country, and one for which we have the highest respect. I do not know what we should do without the civil engineers. How could we cross rivers ? How could we go under them ? Where would be the roads ? Where would be the railways ? And, perhaps, most important of all, where would be those great works of sanitation, which are of such vital concern to all countries and to all towns ? For all these things are left in your hands. " Some years have elapsed since I last had the pleasure of dining here, and in the interval I weU know that civil engineers have not been idle. I may just mention a few works which have come under my own observation, not only in this country but in India, works which have been carried out by ci-vil engi neers, though all may not, perhaps, be members of this Institu tion. The first that occurs to me is the new Eddystone Light house, of which I myself had the pleasure to assist in placing the first stone. Then there are those great works which wiU be handed down to posterity and of which civU engineers wiU ever be proud — I refer to the Mersey and Severn Tunnels. The former work I had the great pleasure of opening two months ago. Then comes the Forth Bridge, not yet completed ; I visited the works two years ago, and I hope in two, or at most three years we may see the great bridge in working order. WhUe u 2 292 SPEECEES OF E.E.IL TEE PEINCE OF WALES. referring to these great works, which will always remain me mentoes of the ability of the civil engineers of our time, I must not forget to allude to a more distant evidence of engineering skill — viz., the Alexandra Bridge in India, which was buUt over the River Chenab, and which I had the good fortune to open now ten years ago. " I might speak for a long time if I detaUed all the important works constructed by civil engineers that I have seen, and especially if I were to mention also a string of illustrious names familiar to every one. But I shall abstain from doing so now, first because, as you hear, my voice is not very good, and in the second place because it has been agreed upon that there are not to be any very long speeches. It is my satisfaction now before sitting down to propose a toast which I am sure wiU be most gratefully and sympathetically received by the company, and that is ' The Health of your President, Sir Frederick BramweU.' I cannot allude to him in the manner I should like, or enumer ate all the distinguished services which he has rendered to his country ; but one thing I will venture to say, and that is that his name will always be honourably connected with the ad vancement of technical education. The interest he -has taken in that great subject, and the labour he has bestowed on it, have gained for him the high honour, conferred by his Sovereign, of the order of knighthood, and I am sure he will still continue to devote his time and energies to a measure which is of the greatest importance to this country. For myself I may say that I also owe him a deep debt of gratitude for the services he has rendered as chairman of the executive committee of the recent Inventions Exhibition. I have now the great pleasure of proposing the toast of ' Prosperity to the Institution of Civil Engineers,' coupled with the name of your President Sir Frederick Bramwell." Sir Frederick Bramwell made an amusing speech. In which he highly magnified the office of the Civil Engineer as contrasted with every other profession. The Duke of Cambridge spoke well, as usual, for the Army, and Lord Charles Beresford gave a supple mentary speech. In response to loud calls, after Admiral Le Hunte Ward had responded for the Navy. The improvements in both military and naval armaments due to civil engineers were duly recognized by all the speakers. ( 293 ) AT THE COLONIAL OFFICE. April 29th, 1886. Sir Heney Holland (now Lord Knutsford), as Secretary of State for the Colonies, entertained the representatives at the Colonial Conference, and various gentlemen connected with the Crown Colonies, at a dinner at the Colonial Office, on the 29th of April, 1886. The Prince of Wales, the Duke of Abercorn, the Marquis of Lome, the Earl of Carnarvon, and the Earl of Rosebery were among those present. The loyal toasts being given, Sir Henry Holland said that to the hard work and warm sympathy of the Prince of Wales the success ofthe Colonial Exhibition was largely due. The Prince, in acknowledging the toast, said : — " Sir Henry HoUand, my Lords, and Gentlemen, — When Sir Henry HoUand was kind enough to in-vite me here this evening to meet the colonial delegates I was under the impression that it was a private dinner, in so far that I should not be caUed upon to make a speech. In this respect he has sprung a mine upon me. But, notwithstanding, I beg to thank him for the very kind way in which he has proposed this toast, and to thank you for the cordial manner in which you have received it. I can only assure him and you of the very great pleasure it gives me to meet you here this evening. " In this large gathering there are many gentlemen connected with the colonies whom I have had the pleasure of knowing personally, and it affords me especial pleasure to make the acquaintance of others who have come over in connection with this occasion. I am aware that the proceedings of the con ferences which have taken place have been kept secret from the public in a most marveUous way, which is not an easy matter in these days. But from the words which have fallen from Sir Henry HoUand I am glad to hear that everything has been so prosperous, and I hope that the important and difficult questions which have been discussed during the last few weeks wiU bear fruit. Nobody wishes iriore sincerely than I do that the good feeUng, or, as the French say, the entente cordiale, between the mother country and our great colonies may be established on a stiU firmer basis. Far be it from us, and far distant may the day be, when we shaU see the colonies separated from us in any way. 294 SPEECEES OF E.E.E. TEE PEINGE OF WALES. " You have been kind enough to allude to the Colonial Exhi bition, which is .now a matter of the past. I feel sure that in that Exhibition, during the few months that it lasted, our own countrymen learnt perhaps more of the colonies than they could in any other way except by visiting them. No better means could have been adopted for bringing the colonies more promi nently before us. Most sincerely do I hope that that Exhibition may bear fruit. I most sincerely trust that the end of the Conference may also be successful, and that it may realise all that we could wish. It is true, as you have observed, that I have not yet had an opportunity of visiting the distant colomes, especially the Australian colonies and those of the Cape. Much as I may desire to go out to those distant colonies, I fear that my duties at home may prevent my doing so. However, 1 assure you that it is my wish to do so, and though I am unable, it is through circumstances over which I have no control." Lord Eosebery, in giving the toast of their Colonial guests, said, that whatever questions of home policy divided Englishmen, party feeling never Interfered In those greater Imperial questions. It was a happy innovation to Invite representatives of the colonies to meet In conference, and he trusted that the result of that meeting would hasten the welding and uniting of the Empire. INSTALLATION AS GRAND MASTEE OF MAEK MASONS. July 1st, 1886. A LAEGE and most imposing gathering, held in connexion with the Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons, took place at the'Freema sons' Hall on the 1st of July, 1886. . His Eoyal Highness the Prince of Wales, whose Installation as Grand Master of English Freemasons, at the Albert Hall, in April 1875, has been already narrated, was now Installed as Grand Mark Master. There were upwards of 1000 Grand, Past, and Provincial Grand Officers present, including many distinguished representatives from India and the Colonies, as well as from all parts of the United Kingdom. The Earl of Kintore, Grand Master, presided at the ceremony. When the Prince entered the Grand Lodge, -which had been opened by Lord Kintore, he was accompanied by a large and repre sentative body of Mark Masons deputed to conduct His Eoya INSTALLATION AS' GEAND MASTEE, MAEK MASONS. 295 Highness to the throne. He then took the customary obHgation, having been proclaimed and saluted on the throne, to which he was conducted by Lord Kintore. Addressing the Prince, Lord Kin tore expressed the feelings of loyal devotion felt by every Mark Mason in Great Britain, and in the Greater Britain beyond tho seas, at the step which the Prince was pleased to take that day. He then gave a few statistics to show the progress of Mark Masonry. In 1876 there were but 5 time-Immemorial lodges, and 18 Provin cial Grand Lodges. In 1886 there were 13 time-Immemorial lodges, and 375 warranted lodges, divided into 44 Provincial Grand Lodges, Including those in New Zealand, South Africa, Australia, India, and other parts of the globe. The consent of the Prince of Wales to be Grand Mark Master was proof of his zealous personal efforts to unite the Colonies and Dependencies of the empire with the mother country. The Prince, in his reply, said that — He thanked the Past Grand Master most heartily and sin cerely for the address he had just delivered. He feared that Lord Kintore had referred to him in terms far too kind and flattering. He assured the brethren he considered it a high honour and compUment which had been paid him that day, and he accepted the distinguished position of Grand Master of Mark Master Masons -with a deep feeling of gratitude, and as a high honour to himself. He assured the brethren that anything he could do to further the interest and welfare of the Mark Degree would be done with sincere pleasure. He was most thankful and grateful for the kind feeling the brethren had manifested towards him, and he appreciated very highly the compUment which had been paid by the Mark Masons who had attended from distant parts of the kingdom. Lord Kintore had spoken in kind and feeUng terms of his beloved mother the Queen. It would afford Her Majesty sincere gratification to know the kind terms in which her name had been mentioned, and the hearty manner in which it was invariably received, especiaUy in a meeting of this description. PersonaUy he thanked them from his heart, and he desired to assure them that all he could do for the welfare of Mark Masonry would always be done with very great pleasure. The Grand Master then appointed the Grand Officers for the ensuing year, beginning with Lord Kintore as Pro-Grand Master, Lord Egerton of Tatton Deputy Grand Master, the Duke of Con naught Senior Grand Warden, and numerous others to the usual offices. The Pro- Grand Master presented the Prince with a jewel, 296 SPEECEES OF E.E.E. TEE PEINCE OF WALES. which he accepted with pleasure, and said it would be a gratifying memento of the pleasant proceedings of the daj-. After the conclusion of the Grand Lodge proceedings, there was a luncheon at the Holborn Eestaurant, at which the Prince presided. After the customary loyal toasts had been proposed, the Prince regretted that he had to leave, having to fulfil an engagement at the East-end of London. FOUNDATION STONE OF THE PEOPLE'S PALACE. Jane 28th, 1886. There are few who do not know the history, and have not rejoiced In the success of the People's Palace for East London. The magnificent spectacle when the Queen went In state, on the 14th of May, 1887, to open " The Queen's HaU " at the Palace, will long be remembered by the multitudes who witnessed the ceremony, or who saw the Eoyal progress through the crowded streets. The foundation stone had been laid, with almost equal pomp, and amidst as great popular enthusias-m, by the Prince and Princess of Wales on the 28th of June In the previous year. On that occasion nearly 10,000 people were assembled within the space set apart for the ceremony, including 1000 delegates from the various trade, friendly, and temperance societies in East London, with 2000 or 3000 school-children. The Lord Mayor in his robes of office, and attended by the officers and many members of the Corporation, and a vast number of distinguished persons — among whom were the Chief EabbI, Dr. Adler, the Bishop of Bedford, and many of the Clergy of the neighbouring districts. Cardinal Manning, and Mr. Walter Besant — awaited the arrival of the Eoyal visitors. This was announced by a salute by the guard of honour ofthe Tower Hamlets Engineers and the 24th Middlesex Volunteers. They were received by Sir Edmund Hay Currie and the Beaumont Trustees, the Master and Wardens of the Drapers' Company, and delegates from various Committees. From the old and well-known " Beaumont Trust," and the munificent donations of the Drapers' Company, supple mented by public contributions, the large funds necessary for the People's Palace had been derived. The ceremony began by the Archbishop of Canterbury offering a special prayer, followed by the Lord's Prayer, and the singing of the Old Hundredth Psalm. Sir E. H. Currie, Chairman of the Committee, then read and presented an address, to which the Prince replied as follows : — " Sir Edmund Hay Currie and Gentlemen, — 1 thank you, on behalf of the Princess of Wales and myself, for your address,' FOUNDATION STONE OF TEE PEOPLE'S PALACE. 297 and I can assure you that we heartily iejoice that an oppor tunity has been afforded us of again visiting this important district of the Metropolis. We thoroughly appreciate the endeavour of the trustees to promote a scheme which, from the comprehensiveness and liberality of its scope, should not fail to prove advantageous to the population of the near neighbourhood in which the Palace is to be erected, and to the inhabitants of the Metropolis at large. We do not doubt that the opportunities for healthy recreation so essential in a population that is com prised mainly of artisans and mechanics and their families wUl be promptly and properly appreciated by those for whom the People's Palace had been provided. The faciUties which will be afforded for continuous education of all kinds will, we are con vinced, materially tend to stiU further develop and perfect the various handicrafts of this neighbourhood, and should therefore prove of the greatest importance, not only to the inhabitants of East London, but to the nation at large, and should enable EngUshmen to continue to maintain in the future, as they have in the past, that supremacy in the arts of peace at home which, among civUized nations, must be the invariable and necessary accompaniment of power and prosperity abroad. We congratu late the trustees upon the success which has already attended their efforts in having secured £75,000 of the £100,000 required, and we sincerely trust that the munificent donations of the Drapers' Company, Mr. Dyer Edwardes, Lord Eosebery, and the Duke of Westminster will influence others to follow so excellent an example. The ' Queen's HaU,' of which I am about to lay the first stone, will, I understand from the architect, Mr. Eobson, be capable of accommodating more than 3000 persons, and wiU be so constructed as to serve the purpose of a winter garden, affording a resort for social intercourse and entertain ment at a period of the year when the summer garden -wUl not be avaUable. We humbly join in the prayer of the Archbishop of Canterbury that God's blessing may rest upon this great work, and that, in the years to come, benefits both material and moral wUl residt to the thousands who, we trust, wiU not fail to avail themselves of the facilities which the scheme wUl afford." The stone was then laid with the usual ceremonies, the Prince's 298 SPEECHES OF E.E.E. TEE PEINCE OF WALES. declaration that It was " well and truly " laid being received with general cheers. The proceedings were concluded with the bene diction, pronounced by the Archbishop. Long before the time of the People's Palace, visits to" the East of London had not unfrequently been made by members of the Eoyal Family. On the 24th of June, 1880, the Prince and Princess of Wales, accompanied by their sons, Prince Albert Victor and Prince George, went to open a Recreation Ground in Whitechapel, for the benefit of the people of that parish, and of Bethnal Green, Spital- fields, and other adjacent districts. The ground, above an acre In extent, had formerly been a burial-ground of the Society of Friends, some of the members of which had contributed towards Its being laid out as a pleasure-garden. The Eev. J. F. KItto and the Eev. S. A. Barnett, whose names have long been associated with good deeds in East London, hoped that the presence of the Prince and Princess of Wales that day would give new impetus to the move ment for obtaining open spaces In crowded parts of the Metropolis. The Prince expressed his gratification at being present, and said he was desired by the Princess to say that she declared the Eecrea- tion Ground now open. SALE OF SHOETHOENS AND SOUTHDOWNS AT SANDEINGHAM. July 15th, 1886. To be " President of the Royal Agricultural Society of England " is an honour which the Prince of Wales gained not merely from his high position, but from his genuine love and practical knowledge of agriculture. Old King George III. was proud to be known as '" Farmer George," but his great-grandson, the " Norfolk farmer," knows vastly more about the subject, and turns his knowledge to more profitable account. This was sho-wn at the great sale of Shorthorn cattle and Southdown sheep which the Prince held at Sandringham, at the time of the Eoyal Agricultural Show at Norwich, In July 1886. The idea of holding the sale at that time was a fortunate one, for the Show had brought to Norwich breeders of stock from every part of the kingdom, and some from foreign countries. Many of tho leading members of the Eoyal Agricultural Society were the guests of the Prince at Sandringham during the week of the Show. Special trains were run to Wolferton Station from Norwich, so that there had never been seen such crowds at Sandringham, as on Thursday, the 16th of July, the day of the sale. Ample provision had been made for their reception, a large marquee capable of .8 ALE. OF SEOETEOENS AND S0UTED0WN8. 299 seating 1500 persons being erected In a field adjacent tp the homestead. Among those who sat down to the luncheon were almost all the agricultural celebrities of England, and some of the most noted breeders of cattle and sheep In France. The entrance of the Prince and his family to the tent was received with immense enthusiasm. After luncheon the Prince proposed the health of the Queen, which was duly honoured, and then the Duke of Eichmond and Gordon gave the toast of " The Prince and Princess of Wales." He said that two days before It had fallen to his lot to move a vote of thanks to the Prince in his capacity as President of the Eoyal Agricultural Society of England, which might be deemed the Eoyal Academy of farming. Now he had to speak of him in his capacity of a Norfolk farmer. Amid much cheering, the Duke went on to say that it would be well for Norfolk farmers If all of them had such a wife as It was the good fortune of the Prince to possess, and that the high qualities of the Princess had endeared her not less to the people of Norfolk. than to the other Inhabitants of her future realm. In speaking of the sale Itself, the Duke said that the quality of the stock, all of which he had personally examined, was remarkably level and good, and that the Prince was conferring a distinct benefit upon the agricultural community In the eastern counties by giving them an opportunity of obtaining such grand strains of blood as were to be found in the Sandringham Shorthorns and Southdowns. It is needless to add that this toast was received with the most enthusiastic cheering, and the plaudits were so sustained that the Prince had to wait some time before beginning his reply. He said : — "Your Grace, my Lords, Ladies, and Gentlemen, — The kind ¦way in which this toast has been proposed by the Duke of Eichmond and Gordon and received by you all cannot but give the greatest possible pleasure both to the Princess and myself. We derive the most genuine satisfaction at seeing so many of the inhabitants of Norfolk here in our country home, for I can assure you that we take the deepest interest in all that concerns the welfare of this county. This has been a week of great agricultural interest for the county of Norfolk, and we have ainong us many men eminent as breeders and farmers from other parts of the kingdom, and to them also I extend a cordial welcome. As we have a busy afternoon before .us, I will not detain you long, but before sitting do'wn I should like to say a few words with respect to the Eoyal Agricultural Benevolent Institution, which has urgent need of support, as, owing to. the rgcent depression in agriculture, the demands upon it have been' 300 SPEECEES OF E.E.E. TEE PEINCE OF WALES. so heavy that it is unable to do as much as it could a few years ago. In conclusion, let me bid you heartily welcome to San dringham, and ask you to bid well at the sale." This genial speech was received with applause, and Its closing words with cheerful laughter. The Duke of Manchester next proposed the health of Mr. John Thornton, the auctioneer, who may be regarded as the Tattersall of the Shorthorn world, and who, in responding, said that he was more anxious to hear others than others would be to hear him. The company then broke up, the Prince and Princess of Wales leading the way to the sale-ring, which had been pitched close to the homestead, with three covered stands for the Eoyal party, the auctioneer and his chief customers, and for the county people, who mustered in great force. The auctioneer gave much interesting Information as to the establishment of the herd of Shorthorns and the flock of South- downs at Sandringham. Since the herd of Shorthorns was formed the Prince of Wales has been In the habit of exhibiting at the Eoyal and other shows held within easy reach of home, and the animals selected for exhibition, but not forced into extreme condition, as Is so often done, have been very successful, for they have taken sixteen first prizes, twelve seconds, four thirds, and four special prizes, while It Is Interesting to note that at the Eoyal Agricultural Show at York three years ago the Prince obtained what Is generally regarded as the highest honour of the showyard — viz., the prize for a family group consisting of mother and several daughters. The Prince has been not less conspicuously successful with bis Southdown sheep, as this flock, first formed in 1886 by the selection of sheep from the flocks of the Duke of Eichmond at Goodwood, Lord Walsingham at Merton, Mr. Webb at Babraham, and Mr. Gorringe at Kingston, has won sixty-eight first and sixty- two second prizes, to say nothing of minor distinctions, bringing the total of prizes up to 183, while at the Smithfield Show last winter three Southdowns from Sandringham won the £50 champion cup and the gold medal as the best pen of sheep In the hall. These facts being well known to all those who attended the sale, while they had the further assurance that all the lots offered would be sold without any of those reservations which mar so many auctions, the bidding was very brisk ; but in spite of this the number of lots was so great that the sale, commencing at two o'clock, lasted until nearly six. I'he detail of the sale only concern those who have to do with buying or breeding ; and the records of the pedigree stock, and the prices obtained, and other particulars, will be found in the reports of the meeting. To the general reader of this book the whole proceedings are full of interest, as being a scene of genuine SALE OF SHOETHOENS AND SOUTHDOWNS. 301 English country life, and the Prince of Wales was thoroughly In his element as the centre of the grand agricultural assemblage. How Washington Irving would have rejoiced to be there, and what a description he would have given of the scene ! SION COLLEGE. December 15th, 1886. Sion College was founded by the Eev. Dr. White, Vicar of St. Dunstan's In the West, in the time of Charles 1. He held several other preferments, but we forgive him for being a notable pluralist because he made such good use of his money. By his will he left £3000 for the purchase of a site in the City of London, for erecting a hospital, consisting of twenty almshouses, and a college, which he endowed, with an annual revenue, not large, but sufficient In those times. Dr. White's intention was to enable the clergy of the City of London, and the Incumbents of outlying parishes, to obtain corporate existence, like other crafts and professions, and so be legally qualified 'to hold and to administer property. This was well carried out by the Eev. Dr. Simpson, Eector of St. Olave's, Hart Street, one of the executors, who gave special attention to the library, now so Important a feature of the College. The College was established by Charter in 1630, and confirmed in 1664 by Charles II. The site selected was that of the Priory of Elsing Spltal, London Wall, where a spacious building was after wards erected, and continued in use till our own day. The library gradually became an important one, especially after 1710, when the Govemment conferred upon it the privilege of being one of the libraries entitled to receive copies of all books entered at Stationers' Hall. In 1843 this privilege was commuted for an annual grant, which barely sufficed for the maintenance of the library and other expenses. At length It was determined to sell the site in London Wall, the value of which was great for business purposes, and to remove to a better site, on which more com modious buildings might be erected. By Acts of Parliament authority was obtained to sell the old site, which realized thirty- three times the amount given for it in 1627. Another Act of Parliament authorized the purchase of a site on the Thames Embankment, the freehold of which cost £31,625, and on this, at a cost of £25,000, the present magnificent building, designed by Mr. A. W. Blomfield, was erected. To open this new Sion College, the Prince of Wales, accompanied by the Princess of Wales, went to the City on the 15th of December, 1886. The Archbishop of Canterbury, and several Bishops, the Lord 302 SPEECEES OF E.E.E. TEE PEINCE OF WALES. Mayor and Sheriffs of London, the Lord Chancellor, and many distinguished persons were present, and a numerous body of the Clergy. The President of the College (who Is elected annually by the Fellows), the Eev. Eichard Whittlngton, a name of good omen, read an address, the Archbishop having previously conducted a short religious service. To the address the Prince replied : — ¦ " Mr. President and Gentlemen, — I thank you for your address, and for the kind terms in which you allude to the Princess of Wales and my children. I experience the greatest satisfaction at being present on this interesting occasion, when your ancient corporation may be said to take a new departure. I am grati fied to learn that the words of advice which I uttered two or three years ago have borne good fruit and have helped on the removal of your College from the comparative obscurity of London Wall to this central and eUgible spot. I congratulate you on the completion without any serious drawback of a work which from its nature could not but be surrounded by many administrative and financial difficulties, only to be overcome by much tenacity of purpose, energy, and hard work. Many of you will probably look back with some feeling of lingering regret upon a spot hallowed by the memories of two centuries and a half, and by the recollection that in the same place, for many years before Sion College existed, the Augustinian canons devoted themselves to the alleviation of suffering, and provid ing a refuge for the homeless and the outcast. Yet, K Sion College was to continue its work in the future as it has carried it on in the past, such a change as I inaugurate to-day was essential, On this site and ¦with this buUding, upon the beauty and convenience of which your architect may well come in for his share of congratulation and praise, Sion College may become more than ever a centre where the London clergy may meet together to exchange experiences and learn by personal inter course how substantial is the tie which results from devotion to one high purpose. Of your library I need say Uttle. The high place which it occupies among similar institutions is weU known, and the extent and excellence of its contents are universaUy acknowledged. I have to congratulate the clergy of London upon having at their command such a varied coUection of the best literature of all ages to stimrdate their studies and enrich their minds. I wUl only add an expression of my satisfaction SION COLLEGE. SOS at learning that those poor persons for whose temporal wants your benevolent founder, Dr. Thomas White, made provision have reason to claim a 'full share in the gratification which attends the proceedings to-day." The Lord Mayor said it was a great privilege for him to be called on, • as Lord Mayor, to say a few words on that most interesting occasion. He congratulated the President and Fellows that Sion College was rebuilt under such favourable auspices and so happily placed between those seminaries of the law, the ancient and honourable societies of the Temple, of which His Eoyal Highness was so distinguished a member, and the more modern institution, on which he thought the Corporation might justly pride Itself, the City of London School for the classical and commercial training of our younger citizens, which His Eoyal Highness graciously Inaugurated just four years ago. The Lord ChanceUor said there were no words of his which would adequately express the gratitude and affection which all those present felt towards His Eoyal Highness and the Princess. This was only one of a series of acts by which their Eoyal High nesses had exhibited their sympathy with the people, and there was nothing good, high, and noble that was not from time to time graced by their presence. The Prince of Wales then, amid loud cheers, declared the library to be open. The procession, having been re-formed, left the library .and descended to the hall, which was also filled with spectators. Here the President pointed out the ancient panels, the pictures, Including portrait of the founder, and other treasures removed from the old building. The Prince declared the Hall open, and their Eoyal Highnesses signed their names in the Eeglster of Benefactors. It may be added that It was a hint from the Prince of Wales that hastened the decision to remove from London Wall. He was viewing from the roof of the old library the fire in Wood Street, Cheapside, when he said to the Eev. W. H. MUman (the librarian, son of Dean MUman) that he thought It was the duty of the Governors to remove their valuable library to a safer locaHty. COLONIAL AND INDIAN EXHIBITION OF 1886. On the 10th of November, 1884, the Queen issued a Eoyal Com mission to arrange for holding an Exhibition of the products, manufactures, and arts of Her Majesty's Colonial and Indian Dominions, in the year 1886. Of this Commission the Prince of Wales was President, and Sir Philip Cunliffe-Owen Secretary. The first meeting took place at Marlborough House on the 30th of 304 SPEECEES OF E.E.H. THE PEINCE OF WALES. March, 1885. In opening the proceedings His Eoyal Highness said : — " In addressing you for the first time, I would remind you that the objects for which Her Majesty has been pleased to appoint this Commission are, briefly, to organise and carry out an Exhibition by which the reproductive resources of our Colonies and of the Indian Empire may be brought before the people of Great Britain,- and by which also the distant portions of Her Majesty's Dominions may be enabled to compare the advance made by each other in trade, manufactures, and general material progress. "This project, to the realisation of which I have looked forward for some years, is essentially one of a National and Imperial character, differing in this respect from former Exhi bitions, in which the elements of trade rivalry and profit largely existed. "No such opportunity of becoming practically acquainted with the economic condition of our Colonies and the Indian Empire has ever been afforded in this country. The attractive display in the Indian and Colonial Courts at the Paris Exhibi tion of 1878 could only be witnessed by a comparatively small number of the population of these Islands, miUions of whom may be expected to view and profit by the evidence which the Exhibition of 1886 will afford of the marvellous progress made by their fellow-countrymen beyond the seas. " I also trust that this gathering may serve even a higher purpose, and be the means not only of giving a stimulus to commercial interests and intercourse, but of strengthening that Bond of Union between Her Majesty's subjects in all parts of the Empire, the growth and manifestation of which are most sincerely appreciated by us all. " WhUst Her Majesty's Government have given their hearty approval to the objects for which the Commission has been appointed, they have not so far found it desirable to make any ¦definite grant towards it. The Commission have, therefore, to rely entirely upon the public support of the great purposes which the Exhibition is intended to promote ; and on the attrac tive form which it will be the endeavour of all concerned to give to it. COLONIAL AND INDIAN EXEIBITION OF 1^6. 305 " I cannot doubt but that, under such conditions, should no untoward events occur, the project wUl be more than self- sustaining. "At the same time, it has been thought prudent not to dispense with the usual provision of a Guarantee Fund, though I trust no circumstances may arise rendering it necessary to make any call on the guarantors. To this Fund the Indian and Colonial Governments have made liberal contributions, amount ing to £51,000." The Prince then gave detailed announcements of the responses made to appeals addressed to corporations, firms, and Individuals In Great Britain, and in the Colonies and India. He also explained the arrangements for administrative and financial affairs, and for the reception of foreign representatives. " In conclusion, let me express the hope that this great undertaking, and the many occasions for friendlj'' intercourse with our fellow-subjects from India and the Colonies which it wUl afford, may convey to them the assurance that, whUe we are deeply moved by the spirit of patriotism they have lately shown in desiring to bear their share in the graver trials of the country, we on our part wish to participate in every effort to further and develop their material interests — interests which we feel to be inseparably bound up with the prosperity of the Empfre. We must remember that, as regards the Colonies, they are the legitimate and natural homes, in future, of the more adventurous and energetic portion of the population of these Islands. Their progress, and their power of providing all that makes life comfortable and attractive, cannot, therefore, but be a matter of serious concern to us all. And, as regards India, the increasing knowledge of that vast Empire and the rapid and easy means of communication to all parts of it which now exist, render its remarkable and varied products and its social and poUtical condition a source of yearly increasing interest and irnportance to us. " For the attainment of the purposes I have indicated, I am sure I may rely on your friendly co-operation and assistance, in your several localities, and within the sphere of your indi vidual influence. Although it has been impossible from the pressure of. their duties elsewhere for some members of the X 306 SPEECEES OF E.E.E. TEE PEINCE OF WALES. Commission to be present at this meeting, I am gratified by the , assurance from them that we may none the less rely on thefr practical and earnest assistance on every occasion in furthering the work which has been entrusted to us, and achieving the important ends which I trust may flow from its successful accompUshment." May 3rd, 1886. A meeting of the Royal Commission was again held on the 3rd of May, In the Durbar Hall of the Indian Palace, when the Prince of Wales, as the Executive President, addressed the audi ence. He gave an interesting report on all the chief matters that had engaged the attention of the Royal Commissioners ; and re ferred to the co-operation received from the Colonies and India. He stated that the guarantee fund had reached the amount of £218,430, of which the City of London had voted £10,000. A vote of thanks was proposed by the Duke of Cambridge, seconded by Lord Granville, to the Prince of Wales for the able and energetic manner In which he acted on behalf of tho Commission as their President. " It Is not the first time that His Royal Highness has acted as President In undertakings of this nature, and It Is very difficult for any Individual to praise him In his presence -without appearing fulsome, but it Is not fulsome to say that he has always devoted his whole energies to bringing every thing to a successful issue with which he Is connected." The Prince, In his reply, said : — He hoped that the Exhibition would be not only entertaining to the eye, and that it wiU prove of material benefit to our own countrymen, but that it 'wUl also tend to strengthen the bond of brotherly love between ourselves and the rest of Her Majesty's subjects. April 30th, 1887. At the final meeting of the Royal Commission, held at Marl borough House on the 30th of April, 1887, the minutes of the previous meeting, held on the 3rd of May, 1886, having been read, the Prince of Wales addressed the meeting : — " Your Eoyal Highness, my Lords and Gentlemen, — I have asked you to meet me to-day, in order that I might submit for your approval a Eeport which I have drawn up upon the work of the Eoyal Commission for the Colonial and Indian Exhibi- COLONIAL AND INDIAN EXEIBITION OF 1886. 307 tion, a draft of which has already been forwarded to each of you for consideration. "The contents of this Eeport are so exhaustive, and the information afforded so full and complete, that it seems scarcely necessary that I should detain you ¦with many explanatory remarks. " You will remember that the last occasion on which I had the pleasure of meeting you was on the eve of the opening of the Exhibition by Her Majesty the Queen. You are all aware of the success of that opening, and you, I am sure, appreciated the keen interest which the Queen took in the Exhibition, both by performing that imposing ceremony, and by the frequent visits which Her Majesty afterwards paid to the various Sections. " The great importance attached to the objects of this Exhi bition was evidenced by the striking manner in which it was visited by the pubUc. You wUl have seen by the Eeport that it was attended by no fewer than 5,550,745 persons. Of this number, a large proportion were admitted under schemes in which I took a deep personal interest, by means of which admission was granted to provincial and metropoUtan artisans, with their ¦wives and famUies, at greatly reduced rates. " It may safely be asserted that a vast amount of public good has arisen from the holding of this Exhibition. No one can have faUed to notice the earnest attention paid by all classes of the visitors to the contents of the Exhibition ; and the in struction which was derived from an examination of the varied objects displayed therein cannot but tend to a better knowledge of the outlying portions of the Empire, among the inhabitants of the mother country. " At a pre-vious Meeting I referred to the appointment of the Finance Committee, to its enlargement, and to the manner in which its labours were being conducted, and I would now speciaUy draw your attention to the Eeport they have pre sented to me. The accounts now before you, which have been circulated for your information, have been subjeet to a con tinuous and careful audit. They have been made up at the earUest possible day consistent -with the proper reaUzation of the assets belonging to the Eoyal Commission, and with the X 2 308 SPEECEES OF HE.E. TEE PEINCE OF WALES. settlement of the many and varied claims presented after the close of the Exhibition, and which the Finance Committee had necessarUy to adjust. You wUl see that the fuUest information in ample detaU is given under appropriate heads of the entire receipts and expenditure of the Eoyal Commission up to the 23i-d April, and I am sure that you will share my satisfaction at the gratifying result of a substantial surplus of £35,235 7s. 8d. remaining in the hands of the Eoyal Commission. " I am anxious that the appropriation of this surplus, and the objects to which it should be devoted, should be in harmony with the wishes of the entire body of the Eoyal Commission. I desfre, therefore, to draw your attention to a paragraph in the Eeport of the Finance Committee, to the effect that in view of the fact that this Exhibition, and those which preceded it, have to a certain extent been considered as one series, consideration might be given to the requirements of any former Exhibition, the financial results of which have been less satisfactory than those of the present undertaking. In this recommendation I entirely concur, and a Eesolution in that sense -will be submitted for your approval. " I would also suggest to you the advisability of retaining for the present a certain sum for the purpose of meeting any unforeseen contingencies ; which sum should for the next few years remain vested in the names of trustees, but should ultimately be applied to the same purpose as that to which the residue is devoted. " As regards the balance of the surplus, I would commend to your consideration the propriety of transferring it to the funds of the Imperial Institute of the United Kingdom, the Colonies, and India (in the promotion of which the Queen and I both take so warm an interest), the more especially as we may regard the Institute, to a certain extent, as the outcome of the Exhibition which was closed in November last. " Before moving resolutions to this effect, I would wish to express to you my deep gratitude for the support which you have at all times given to me in the duties which I, as your Executive President, have had so much pleasure in performing ; and I am sure you wUl join -with me at this our last Meeting in expressing most heartily our appreciation bf the co-operation . COLONIAL AND INDIAN EXEIBITION OF 1886. 309 which the Eoyal Commission received from the Colonies and India, and of the exertions of the gentlemen representing these Governments, which tended in so marked a degree to the success of the past Exhibition. " The enthusiastic manner in which the proposal for holding this Exhibition was received in all portions of Her Majesty's Empire, the energy displayed in realising the views of the Eoyal Commission, and the continued support rendered to us by the Colonial and Indian Governments and their repre sentatives in London, resulted in the achievement of a work of which all those who participated in it may be justly proud, and which formed a fitting prelude to an undertaking intended to commemorate the Jubilee of Her Majesty's reign, by per manently gathering together in one building the varied produc tions of the whole of tjhe British Empire, in the interchange of which its past prosperity is so much due, and by which its future development may be promoted. " In closing these observations, I would desire to convey to the gentlemen composing the Finance Committee, my warm personal acknowledgments for their unremitting attention, and the great services they have rendered, at so much sacrifice to their time and convenience. I equally desire to acknowledge the admirable and efficient arrangements made throughout by the Executive Secretary, and to return, my thanks to the whole staff employed on the Exhibition. Their zeal and readiness at all times to promote its success demand special recognition at our hands. In all this, I feel assured I give expression to the sentiments of every member of the Eoyal Commission." In the speeches of those who moved and seconded the resolu tions submitted to the meeting, reference was repeatedly made lo the permanent Imperial Institute, of which the Indo-Colonial Exhibition seemed the precursor. The Prince, In acknowledging the vote of thanks at the conclusion of the meeting, said: — " I most truly hope that the words which fell from Lord Derby and Lord Kimberley with respect to the Imperial Institute may come true. If I may use the allegory, now that we have, as it were, burnt the late Exhibition to-day, I hope the Imperial Institute may be a Phoenix arising out of its ashes. I trast that it may be a lasting memorial, not only of that but of the Jubilee of Her Majesty the Queen." The Exhibition was opened by Her Majesty on the 4th of May, 31D SPEECEES OF E.E.H. TEE PEINCE OF WALES. and those who were present will not readily forget the impressive nature of the proceedings on that memorable day. The Official Eeport of the Eoyal Commission (printed and published, as all the Exhibition Eeports have been, by W. Clowes & Sons) is a most valuable manual on all matters relating to the Exhibition — the most imposing and Interestmg of any since that of 1851. It was also the most successful as to finance, there being a surplus of no less than £35,285 7s. 8d. Of this £25,000 was voted to the Imperial Institute fund, and the remainder applied to liquidate the debt remaining from the Inventions Exhibition, and the formation of a reserve fund connected with other Exhibitions. THE IMPEEIAL INSTITUTE. January 12th, 1887. The Imperial Institute, while It will be the grandest and most enduring memorial of the Queen's Jubilee, will also be associated in history with the name of the Prince of Wales. It was by him that the idea was first entertained, and the proposal first made ; and to his zealous and persevering efforts the successful carrying out of the project is due. There had been various circumstances preparing this way for the great undertaking, but It was the success of the Indo- Colonial Exhibition, held In 1886, that led to the proposal of a permanent Imperial Institute. It would be a visible emblem of the unity of the Empire, and a place for illus trating its vast resources ; a museum for exhibiting its manifold products and Industries ; a centre of information and communica tion for all the countries throughout the world under the British sovereignty ; and be helpful to the Increase and the distribution of the wealth of the nation. It would co-operate and not conflict with older institutions of tried utility, such as Colonial museums and exchanges, emigration societies, technical colleges, and other organizations for the welfare of the people. The scheme was worthy of being adopted as a national memorial of the Jubilee of the Queen's reign, and was fittingly Inaugurated by the heir appa rent to the throne. Of the progress of the movement, and of the home for the Insti tute at South Kensington, It is not necessary here to speak, but the following speech of the Prince of Wales, at St. James's Palace, on the 12th of January, 1887, gives the best summary of all that is designed and expected In regard to the Imperial Institute. Letters had been sent out Inviting many influential persons to meet His Eoyal Highness as chairman, and the members of the organizing committee of the Institute. The banqueting room at the old Palace was filled with an audience such as has rarely been THE IMPEEIAL INSTITUTE. 311 brought together on any occasion in recent years. Many of the most distinguished men in all departments of public life, the Lord Mayors of London and York, with nearly 200 Mayors, Provosts, and Chief Magistrates of English and Scottish boroughs, Masters and Wardens of City Companies, and Directors of great corporate bodies and societies were present. The Prince of Wales, on entering the room, accompanied by Prince Albert Victor, was warmly received ; and thus he addressed the meeting : — " My Lords and Gentlemen, — You are doubtless aware of the general feeling on the part of the public that some signal proof of the love and loyalty of Her Majesty's subjects throughout her widely extended Empire should be given to the Queen when she celebrates the fiftieth year of her happy reign. In order to afford to the Queen the fuUest satisfaction, the proposed memorial should not be merely personal in its character, but should tend to serve the interests of the entire Empfre and to promote a feeling of unity among the whole of Her Majesty's subjects. The desire to find fitting means of drawing our colonies and India into closer bonds vsdth the mother country, a desire which of late has been clearly expressed, meets, I am sure, with the Queen's warmest sympathy. It occurred to me that the recent Colonial and Indian Exhibition, which presented a most successful display] of the material resources of the colonies and India, might suggest the basis for an institute which should afford a permanent representation of the products and manufactures of the whole of the Queen's dominions. I therefore appointed a committee of eminent men to consider and report to me upon the best means of carrying out this idea. " Upon the report of the committee being submitted to me, and after giving every clause my full consideration, it so entirely met with my approval that I accepted all its suggestions, and I therefore directed that a copy of that report should be sent to each of you. As I trust you have mastered the suggestions of that report, 1 do not purpose re-stating them to you in detail, but I would remind you that I propose that the memorial should bear the name of the Imperial Institute of the United Kingdom, the Colonies, and India, and that it must find its home -within buildings of a character worthy to commemorate the JubUee year of the Queen's reign. 312 SPEECHES OF E.E.E. TEE PEINGE OF WALES. " My proposals also are that the Imperial Institute should be an emblem of the unity of the Empire, and should illustrate the resources and capabUities of every section of Her Majesty's dominions. By these means every one may become acquainted with the marvellous growth of the Queen's colonial and Indian possessions during her reign, and will be enabled to mark by the opportunities afforded for contrast how steadily these possessions have advanced in manufacturing skill and enterprise step, by step with the mother country. A representative institute of this kind must necessarily be situated in London, but its organi zation -will, I trust, be such that benefits will be equally conferred upon our provincial communities as well as upon the colonial and Indian subjects of the Crown. It is my hope that the institute will form a practical means of communication between our colonial settlers and those persons at home who may benefit by emigration. Much information and even instruction may beneficially be imparted to those who need guidance in respect to emigration." You are aware that the competition of industry all over the world has become keen, while commerce and manufactures have been profoundly affected by the recent rapid progress of science and the increased facilities of inter-communication offered by steam and the electric telegraph. In consequence of these changes aU nations are using strenuous efforts to produce a trained inteUigence among their people. The working classes of this country have not been slow to show their desire for im provement in this direction. They wish to place themselves in a position of intellectual power by using all opportunities offered to them to secure an understanding of the principles as well as of the practice of the work in which they are engaged. No less than 16,000,000 persons from all parts of the kingdom have attended the four exhibitions over which I presided, representing fisheries, public health, inventions, and the colonies and India, and I assure you I would not have undertaken the labour attending their administration had I not felt a deep conviction that such exhibitions added to the knowledge of the people and stimulated the industries of the country. " I have on more than one occasion expressed my own views, founded upon those so often enunciated by my lamented father, TEE IMPEEIAL INSTITUTE. 313 that it is of the greatest importance to do everything within our power to advance the knowledge as well as the practical skill of the productive classes of the Empire. I therefore commend to you as the leading idea I entertain that the institute should be regarded as a centre for extending knowledge in relation to the industrial resources and commerce of the Queen's dominions. With this view it should be in constant touch, not only with the chief manufacturing districts of this country, but also with all the colonies and India. Such objects are large in their scope, and must necessarily be so, if this institute is worthily to repre sent the unity of the Empire. " To some minds the scheme may not be sufficiently compre hensive, because it does not provide for systematic courses of technical instruction in connection with the collections and libraries of the proposed institute. I would be the last person to undervalue this suggestion. I am well aware that the advantages we have enjoyed in the competition of the world by the possession of fuel, combined with large mineral resources and hj the maritime habits of our people, are now becoming of less importance, as trained intellect has in other countries been more and more appUed to productive industry. But I know that this truth has already penetrated our centres of manufacturing acti'vity, for many of the large towns have founded colleges and schools of science and art to increase the intellectual factor of production. London, also, has taken important steps in the same direction. The Imperial Institute should be a supplement to, and not a competitor with, other institutions for technical education in science and art both at home and in the colonies. At the same time, I trust that the institute will be able to stimulate and aid local efforts by directing scholarships for the working-classes into suitable channels, and by other simUar means. " Though the institute does not engage in the direct object of systematic technical education, it may well be the means of promoting it, as its purpose is to extend an exact knowledge of the industrial resources of the Empire. It will be a place of study and resort for producers and consumers from the colonies and India when they visit this country for business or pleasure, and they, as well aa the merchants and manufacturers of the 314 SPEECHES OF E.E.E. TEE PEINCE OF WALES. United Kingdom, wUl find in its collections, libraries, conference and intelligence rooms, the means of extending the commerce and of improving the manufacturing industries of the Empfre. I trust, too, that colonial and Indian subjects visiting this country will find some sort of social welcome within the pro posed building. This institute wiU thus be an emblem, as well as a practical exponent, of the community of interests and the unity of feeling throughout the extended dominions of the Queen. "From the close relation in which I stand to the Queen, there can be no impropriety in my stating that if her subjects desire, on the occasion of the celebration of her fiftieth year as Sovereign of this great Empire, to offer her a memorial of their love and loyalty, she would specially value one which would promote the industrial and commercial resources of her dominions in various parts of the world, and which would be expressive of that unity and co-operation which Her Majesty desires should prevail among all classes and races of her extended Empfre. " My lords and gentlemen, I have invited you to meet on this occasion in order that I may appeal to you to give me your assistance in establishing and maintaining the Imperial Institute. If you approve of the views I have expressed, I am certain I may rely upon your strenuous co-operation to carry them into effect. I admit that, it has not been without anxiety that I resolved to make the propositions I submitted to you, but con fidence and support have come to me in the knowledge that I can appeal to you, and through you to the whole country, to give your aid to a work which I believe wUl be of lasting benefit to this and future generations." Eesolutlons were proposed and speeches made by Earl Spencer, the Lord Provost of Edinburgh, Viscount Hampden, the Lord Mayor of London, the Mayor of Newcastle, and the Marquis of Lome, approving the scheme, and promising hearty support. The Lord Mayor proposed a vote of thanks to the Prince, who tendered his thanks for the attendance at the meeting, and the approval given to the proposal. " I am glad, gentlemen, to have this opportunity of expressing to you collectively and individuaUy my deep feeUngs of gratitude, in seeing you aU here to-day at a time of year when travelling is neither easy nor pleasant, considering the distances which you ' TEE IMPEEIAL INSTITUTE. 315 have had to come ; and also for the kind response which you have made to my appeal It augurs well for the future, and I feel convinced you will do aU in your power to assist me in making this Imperial Institute worthy of the name of our Queen and of her Empire. The promotion of this scheme is with me a labour of love, and it must, I am sure, strike you aU that, apart from -wishing to do honour to the name of my beloved mother, nobody is more desirous than I am that a monument, K I may use the term, may be erected worthy of her Empfre." A public meeting was held the same day at the Mansion House, attended by a large number of the most infiuential men in the City. The Lord Mayor (Sir Eeginald Hanson), Earl Granville, Mr. Plun- ket, M.P., Mr. MundeUa, M.P., Mr. Goschen, M.P., and Lord Eoths- chUd, were among the speakers, and resolutions were passed with an enthusiasm which gave good augury for the success of the Imperial Institute. THE LONDON OEPHAN ASYLUM. March 12th, 1887. The. London Orphan Asylum, for the maintenance, clothing, and education of Fatherless Children, Is one of the oldest and best charities of its class. The Prince of Wales presided at the Jubilee Festival, at the Hotel Metropole, on the 12th of March, 1887. Among the numerous friends of the charity present were the Duke of Abercorn, the Earl of Clarendon, Sir Donald Stewart, Sir Dighton Probyn, and many distinguished men. The Prince, in giving the toast of " The Queen," said It was the first public dinner at which he had presided in the Jubilee year of the Queen, and this was also the jubilee of her connection with the London Orphan Asylum, of which she had been for fifty years Its patron. The toast was received with more than usual enthusiasm. Alderman Sir E. N. Fowler, M.P., in giving the next loyal toast said that the charity had been already deeply indebted to the Prince of Wales, who had, along with the Princess of Wales, laid the foundation stone of this Asylum at Watford. Other loyal and patriotic toasts having been given, the Prince rose to propose the toast of the evening. He said :— " My Lords and Gentlemen, — The London Orphan Asylum is an old institution ; it was founded in 1813, two years before the battle of Waterloo ; and it owed its origin to a distinguished 316 SPEECEES OF E.E.E. TEE PEINCE OF WALES. philanthropist of the time. Dr. Andrew Eeed. Of course it began on a very small scale, for the old proverb applied in this as in so many other cases that you must cut your coat accord ing to your cloth. It commenced in the first year of its organi zation with only three children ; but in 1822 there were as many as 126 children in the school. Twenty years later there were as many as 326 ; twenty years later still there were 414; and now it affords me the greatest pleasure to announce to you that we have upwards of 500 chUdren. " The first subscription Ust contained the names of 255 sub scribers, and among them was my grandfather. He was the first patron and headed the list with 50 guineas ; and in 1823 my grand-uncle, the late Duke of York, laid the foundation stone of the institution at Clapton ; while two years later the late Duke of Cambridge, who was always foremost in all great charitable undertakings in this country, presided at its annual festival. The institution continued to grow and more children had to be admitted, until at last there was not sufficient room in the old home. A new one was, therefore, instituted at Watford, ahd in 1869 the Princess and myself were asked to lay the foundation stone of your present home. Having taken part in that ceremony, it gives me much gratification to learn in what a flourishing condition the institution now is, which is exemplified by the presence of ujiwards of 500 in the home. And when I look at the young ladies and the boys before us I think you wiU come to the conclusion that the management of the institution is thoroughly good. During the 74 years of the existence of the asylum something over 5000 orphan chUdren have been maintained, clothed, and educated. " The great Duke of Wellington took very great interest in the institution, and I believe I am not wrong in stating that he presided at its festivals on five different occasions. A remark able and very important fact in connection with the institution is that those who have received education and aid from the society are those who do all they can to give it support at the present time, and part of the institution at Watford was buUt by subscriptions of the old scholars, and I am told that there are as many as ten old pupils of the institution in one commercial house in the City, while many are present here to-night who TEE LONDON OEPEAN ASYLUM. 317 are prepared to give liberal donations. The education they receive is a thoroughly sound and practical one, and when they leave every effort is made to find them situations, and they are sent out with proper clothing. As a proof that it is managed on economical principles I need only say that the cost per head in the past year amounted to little over £30. The amount dis bursed in the 74 years since its foundation has reached the large sum of £700,000 — all of this large sum, with the excep tion of £1000 a year which you can rely upon, having been derived from voluntary contributions. "This year being the JubUee of Her Majesty's reign the managers are most anxious to mark the epoch in some manner which wUl benefit the institution, and they have resolved to add 100 scholars, of whom 50 were admitted in January and 50 more wUl be admitted in June. The cost of this will, un doubtedly, be very great, the ultimate amount being between £18,000 and £20,000. I am here, therefore, as your chairman, to ask you to contribute as liberally as you can for the main tenance of this ancient and most creditable institution. I am well aware that now and for some years past there has been both agricultural and commercial depression, but I feel con vinced that in the cause of charity — and what greater charity can there be than providing for orphan children ?— I shall not appeal in vain to my countrymen to do all in their power as phUanthropists to support an institution which has been carried out on the best and most economical principles." The toast was drunk with much enthusiasm, and acknowledged by Mr. Capell (the treasurer). The total amount of the subscrip tions announced during the evening was £5000, including an annual subscription of 20 guineas from the Queen and 100 guineas from the Prince of Wales. When the foundation-stone was laid by the Prince and Princess of Wales, in 1869, 250 purses were laid on It, containing in all about £8000. For the chapel £6000 was given by one whose early days were spent in the Asylum. The Grocers' Company contributed £3000 to build one house ; the Countess of Verulam and the Countess of Essex raised another sum of £3000, as a kind of welcome to the county. The income in 1887 was £15,000, but the invested funds give Httle more than £1000, so that there is constant need of new "voluntary contributions," to maintain the 650 orphans now in the houses. 318 SPEECEES OF H.E.E. TEE PEINCE OF WALES. THE COLLEGE OF PRECEPTORS. March 30th, 1887. The associated teachers who, under the name of the College of Preceptors, have for above forty years laboured to raise the standard of middle-class education, deserve praise and honour for what they have accomplished. Without Government aid or grant, and unpatronlzed by dignitaries of Church or State, these learned and patriotic men have succeeded, by training teachers, establishing examinations, and granting certificates, in acquiring a reputation and Influence now very generally recognized. Their work Is truly of national importance, and this His Eoyal Highness the Prince of Wales declared when he readily assented to formally open the new building of the College, In Bloomsbury Square, on the 30th of March, 1887. This College is self-supporting, and the cost of the erection and equipment of the new building was defrayed out of savings that had accumulated in the hands of the treasurer during the previous seven years. A very large numberof persons Interested In' education assembled in the lecture-hall to witness the ceremony, among whom were Sir Lyon Playfair, Sir Eichard Temple, Mr. Lyulph Stanley, the Dowager Lady Stanley of Alderley, the Presidents of several societies, and the Head Masters of Harrow, Charterhouse, and Mer chant Taylors' Schools, of Marlborough and Dulwich Colleges, and of Christ's Hospital. On the arrival of the Prince of Wales, accompanied by the Prin cess of Wales, and their daughters Princesses Victoria and Maud, an address was presented by the Eev. Dr. T. W. Jex-Blake, Presi dent of the Council. The Prince, in replying, said : — " Dr. Jex-Blake, Ladies, and Gentlemen, — It gives the Princess of Wales and myself great satisfaction to have been able to accede to the request of the councU, and to open the new buUding of the College of Preceptors. I am reminded, by your reference to the circumstances that this buUding is opened during the year of the Queen's jubilee, of the many and im portant improvements that have taken place in Her Majesty's dominions during the last fifty years, and especially in the advancement of education among aU classes of the people, a share of which progress is due to the excellent work undertaken by this self-supported institution. " For over forty years the College of Preceptors has exercised a marked and growing influence for good upon the education given TEE COLLEGE OF PEECEPTOES. 319 in some of our endowed schools, and more particularly in the numerous private schools for boys and girls which are an im portant feature in the educational system of this country. The value of your work is sufficiently shown by the high reputation of your examinations and by the' constantly increasing number of your candidates, and I sincerely congratulate you on the results you have achieved. In the further development of the work of training teachers you have before you a future of great usefulness, for there can be no doubt that the pro-vision of properly-trained teachers for middle and higher schools is almost, if not quite, as necessary as for our public elementary schools. " The key of the buUding which you have presented to me I shaU retain as a memento of this ceremony, and in declaring this building open I fervently hope that the influence and teaching which will go forth from it may tend to improve and to raise to a yet higher standard the education given in the private and secondary schools of our country. I declare this buUding now open." The Eoyal party were afterwards conducted through the build ing, the arrangements of which are justly admired. The entrance corridor Is -wide and lofty. On one side of It there is a club-room for members, and on the other the secretary's and clerks' offices. The council-room Is large and handsome, and the lecture-room occupies the whole of the second story, and Is surrounded by book cases capable of holding 10,000 volumes. THE MANCHESTEE EXHIBITION. May 3rd, 1887. The great Exhibition at Manchester during the Queen's Jubilee year is too recent an event to need any remark prefatory to the statement that it was opened by the Prince and Princess of Wales on the 3rd of May, 1887. Their Eoyal Highnesses, who were guests at Tatton HaU, drove -with Lord Egerton through the park to BJnutsford, where -they stopped to 'witness the cro-wning of the May Queen, and other old English May Day customs which have been revived In that quaint little town. The Prince gave the permission asked by the Committee to add the title of Eoyal to the Knutsford May Day Sports. They then traveUed in a saloon 320 SPEECHES OF E.E.E. TEE PEINCE OF WALES. carriage to Manchester, accompanied by Lady Sefton and Lord Egerton. On arriving at the Town Hall an address was presented, to which the Prince read the following reply: — " It gives me sincere pleasure to be permitted on behalf of the Queen, my dear mother, to visit the city of Manchester for the purpose of opening the extensive and interesting Exhibition which the inhabitants of Manchester have organized with such admirable zeal and energy, particularly as it is associated with your congratulations on Her Majesty's attaining the fiftieth year of her reign. In her name I thank you for your loyal and dutiful address. It has been a source of much gratification to the Queen to receive assurance of unfaltering attachment to her throne and person from all parts of the Empire on the occasion. The Princess of Wales and I desire to express our admiration of the noble building which you have provided for the conduct of your municipal affairs, and we think it worthy of the vast wealth and importance of the city of Manchester. It gives us great satisfaction to be able to promote and encourage all charitable works and institutions designed for the social and educational improvement of the community. We thank you for your good wishes for the welfare of ourselves and our chUdren, and we hope that prosperity and happiness may ever attend on the labours of the loyal and industrious inhabitants of this great city." The route of the procession from the Town Hall to the Exhibi tion was a very long -one, being chosen by the Prince In preference to a shorter one submitted to him, on the ground that he would rather afford pleasure to a larger number of people than see the finer edifices* on the shorter route. In the Palm House of the gardens luncheon was served, and then the opening ceremony took place In the nave of the building, in the position known as the Music Eoom. Mr. Halle's orchestra was In front of the organ, and the National Anthem was performed with fine effect, the vocal rendering being also given by Madame Albani and the full chorus. The Bishop of Manchester offered prayer, and the choir sang the Old Hundredth Psalm. To the address read by Sir Joseph Lee, the Prince replied : — " 1 receive with great satisfaction your address on the opening of this large and instructive Exhibition. On behalf of Her Majesty I declare it open from this day. The iUustra- TEE MANCHESTEE EXHIBITION. 321 tions which you have coUected on 'engineering and chemical industry, and the products of manufacture and usefiU toU, afford ample testimony to the skill and ingenuity and steady perseverance of the inhabitants of this district, and prove how justly they hold a high and an honourable place in the in dustrial ranks of the Empire. The coUection of natural products and manufactures of Ireland, and the gratifying display of EngUsh works of art, add much to the interest and value of this Exhibition, in which I recognise a worthy mark of your desfre to do honour to an occasion so auspicious as the celebra tion of the fiftieth year of Her Majesty's reign. The Princess and I desfre to thank you heartily for your good wishes on our behalf, and for the cordial welcome which you have given us." The Prince, in the name of the Queen, declared the Exhibition open. A fanfare of trumpets was then given and a feu de joie fired. The proceedings closed 'with a procession through the different departments, while the " Lobgesang " or " Hymn of Praise " was rendered by the full orchestra and chorus. At the Exhibition station a special train was waiting to take the Eoyal party back to Tatton Hall. THE LONDON HOSPITAL NEW BUILDINGS. May 22nd, 1887. The London Hospital has many and special claims on public sympathy and support. Its position, in Whitechapel, surrounded by poor and crowded parts of East London ; its small endowments compared with some of the other great hospitals ; the vast number of patients annually relieved, both in the house and as out patients ; and its being virtually a " free " hospital, nearly three- fourths of the in-patients being received without letter or recom mendation ; all these circumstances appeal to liberal charity. In 1887 there were 8863 in-patients admitted, of which 6019 were freely received, without letters of subscribers. There are children's wards where, during the same time, 1717 were admitted; and Hebrew wards, where 623 received treatment. The total number of out-patients, treated either at the Hospital or at their homes, was nearly 100,000, including reUef given in less serious and protracted illness. The Income from endowments is little more than £15,000 a year, while the annual cost of maintenance is Y 322 SPEECEES OF HE.E. TEE PEINGE OF WALES. £50,000. The Medical School is supported by the fees of pupils, but for the general maintenance of the Hospital appeal must be made to the public for voluntary subscriptions and contributions. A Nursing Home, to accommodate 100 nurses, a new Library, and other buildings having been recently added, the Prince and Princess of Wales were invited by the Governors, of whom the Duke of Cambridge is President, to Inaugurate these additions to the institution. This was done, with suitable ceremony, on Saturday, the 21st of May, 1887. The Princesses Louise and Victoria of Wales, and the Crown Prince of Denmark were also present. The Governors and pfficers of the Hospital, with many distinguished persons, were in attendance, and great interest was sho-wn by the crowds of people who thronged the streets on the occasion. The Royal party visited several of the wards, where the Princess of Wales showed kindly sympathy with many of the poor patients, especially In the children's wards. On arriving at the dinlng-haU of the nurses and sisters, who wear a plain and tasteful uniform, a hymn was sung, and a prayer offered by the Bishop of Bedford, after which, at the request of the Duke of Cambridge, the Princess of Wales formally declared the Nursing Home to be open. The Medical College was then visited, and In the new library an address was presented by the President. The Prince of Wales, in acknowledging the address, said : — " Your Eoyal Highness and Gentlemen, — The Princess and myself thank you for your address, and can assure you that we have much pleasure in coming here to-day to open the nursmg home and coUege buUdings of this important institution. The Hospital, which is the largest ci-vU one in the United Kingdom, which contains 800 beds and which suppUed medical and surgical assistance to 80,000 out-patients last year, may be regarded almost in the light of a national institution, as every description of case, excepting those of an infectious or incurable nature, is admitted. Such a Hospital cannot faU to be of inestimable value to the population of over a miUion persons residing in its vicinity, and especiaUy to the labouring class, who are so extensively employed in connection -with the raU ways and docks. But it has other and additional claims upon pubUc sympathy and assistance. First, although its annual ¦expenditure amounts to nearly £50,000, it is mainly supported by voluntary contributions ; secondly, it has undertaken the difficult task of improving the system of nursing and of pro viding a higher class of nurses, with better discipUne and TEE LONDON EOSPITAL NEW BUILDINGS. 323 superior training and instruction. To effect this object house accommodation was essential, and instead of closely-packed dormitories the new home pro-vides separate rooms, a cheerful dining haU, and other advantages, aU tending to brighten the lives of the inmates, while reserving for them the necessary quiet and rest. " The new Ubrary and buildings which I am now about to declare open belong to a college over 100 years old. It was the first in the Metropolis in which a complete curriculum was estabUshed, and being attached to the largest Hospital in the coimtry, and situated in the midst of the most populous artisan neighbourhood in London, it offers greater faciUties for the acqufrement of medical and surgical knowledge than perhaps any other coUege of a scientific character. I understand that among the important duties which the students perform are those of dressers, cUnical clerks, maternity pupUs, and other assistants, and from their number the resident officers are selected after having become quaUfied practitioners. The Princess and I most earnestly pray that every blessing may attend the labours and efforts of aU those who are working among the sufferers in the Hospital, and you may rest assured that we shall always take the warmest interest in the weKare and prosperity of your noble institution." Dr. Langdon Down, the senior physician, in thanking His Eoyal Highness on behalf of his colleagues and the students, explained that the new buildings did not diminish the funds of the Hospital, as a rent was paid for them by the teaching staff of. the medical school. The Prince then declared the new buildings and the Hbrary to be open. The Dake of Cambridge then called for three cheers for the Prince and Princess, which were given with great heartiness, followed by " one chepr more for the Duke," who has always been a zealous and generous friend of the London Hospital. Y 2 324 SPEECEES OF E.E.E. TEE PEINCE OF WALES. DEACONESSES' INSTITUTION AND HOSPITAL AT TOTTENHAM. May 28th, 1887. The object of the Deaconesses' Institution at Tottenham Is "the training of Christian women to serve as deaconesses " — that is to say, as sisters trained for working, teaching, and nursing, without being subject to any obligation or vow of celibacy, as is usual in the sisterhoods of Eoman Catholic communities. The training of nurses Is one of the chief purposes sought, foUo-wing In this the example of the celebrated institution of Kaiserwerth, where, under Pastor Pliedner, Florence Nightingale and other English as well as German nurses were trained. In fact the full title of the establishment at the Green, Tottenham, is the " Evangelical Protestant Deaconesses' Institution and Training Hospital." The Hospital contains 100 beds for the sick poor, and there are also a few private rooms for paying patients. Thousands of the poor are also attended every year In the neighbourhood. From the commencement of the work, in 1867, the late Samuel Morley, M.P., took warm Interest In it, and at his death two of his sons, Howard and Charles Morley, erected a new -wing to the building, as a memorial of their father. It was to open the " Samuel Morley " memorial wing that the Princess of Wales, accompanied by the Prince and their three daughters, visited Tottenham on the 29th of May, 1887. A large number of persons were assembled, including deputations from foreign countries, Pastor FHedner from Kaiserwerth, Pastor Nehmitz from Berlin, and other Pastors, Lady Superintendents, and Deaconesses from German and Danish Institutions. When the Royal party had been conducted to the marquee where the ceremony was to take place an address was read to the Princess of Wales by Dr. Laseron, the medical director. The Prince, in replying on behalf of the Princess, said : — " Dr. Laseron, Ladies, and Gentlemen, — The Princess of Wales desires me to express her sincerest thanks for the address which has just been read to her, and to express to all who take an interest in this institution the great pleasure and gratification it affords her to take part in to-day's proceedings. There can be, I am sure, nothing more noble or more praiseworthy than an institution like this, in which women give up thefr Uves to the object of philanthropy in order to heal and mitigate the sufferings of the sick. An institution like the Deaconesses'' Institution is one weU worthy of the support of all. I am sure DEACONESSES' INSTITUTION AND EOSPITAL. 325 that the proceeding of to-day; in opening a fresh -wing of this hospital, is a sincere gratification to the Princess, and especiaUy that it should be called after the name of one whom I have had the privUege of knowing, and whom you aU knew, at any rate by name, and whose loss we must aU deeply deplore — the late Samuel Morley. I am sure no more fitting name could be given to the new wing than that it should be caUed after him who, with the members of his famUy — one of whom I am glad to see here to-day — ^has contributed so much to the prosperity of this institution. In the name of the Princess I beg to express to you the pleasure it gives us to be present here to-day." Purses were then presented to the Princess by many girls, as gifts to the funds, and Dr. Laseron handed to her Eoyal Highness a key to unlock the new wing. The Eoyal party were then conducted to the hall, where the Princess unveiled the " Samuel Morley Tablet," bearing an inscription commemorative of the occasion. THE FEEEMASONS AND THE QUEEN'S JUBILEE. June 13th, 1887. Heb Gracious Majesty being the chief patroness of the Order of Freemasons, and of the Masonic charities, it was deemed fitting that an address should be presented to her on the occasion of her Jubilee. Accordingly, the Prince of Wales, with the Duke of Con naught and Prince Albert Victor, and a vast company of officers and members of the Order, representatives chosen by lodges in different parts of the empire, assembled In the Eoyal Albert Hall on the 13th of June, 1887. The number present was about 7000. No such scene has been witnessed since that day, twelve years before, when the Prince was instaUed as Grand Master of English Freemasons. The procession which received the Grand Master and conducted him to the throne was a magnificent affair. The assemblage, we are told, although " tyled," was not held as a lodge. The business of the meeting being opened, his Eoyal Highness the Grand Master said : — " Brethren, — This is, 1 think, one of the greatest gatherings of Freemasons I have ever seen, with the exception of the occasion when, after election by the craft, I received the honour of installation as your Grand Master. It is most gratifying to me. 320 SPEECEES OF E.B.E. TEE PEINGE OF WALES. as I feel sure it wiU be to the Queen, that so large a gathering has assembled here to-day to do her honour on the fiftieth anni versary of her reign — the JubUee of her accession. This gather ing wiU be a proof to her, as it is also to me, of the great devotion and loyalty of the craft to the Throne — a devotion and loyalty which have ever animated the Free and Accepted Masons of England. We are here, brethren, as you are aware, for the purpose of moving an address to the Queen, congratulating her upon ha-ving attained the fiftieth anniversary of her reign. You are well aware that my ancestors — -some of them former Sovereigns of this nation — did much in support of Freemasonry, and, though they well knew it to be a secret society, they were well assured that it was in no -wise a dangerous one. Among our tenets of motives ' loyalty ' and ' phUanthropy ' stand out prominently, and we are proud of the fact. I assure you, brethren, that it is most gratifying to me to receive so large, important, and influential a gathering as tins to-day, and I am rejoiced that in the many events whieh are to be the signs of the people's rejoicing at the JubUee of the Queen, this meeting, at the Eoyal Albert HaU, of the Free and Accepted Masons of England wiU be first on the list. I wiU now caU upon Grand Secretary, Colonel ShadweU E. Clerke, to read the proposed address, and then our worshipful brother the Earl of Carnarvon wUl move its adoption." The Address and the Speech were on the same lines as most of the Jubilee addresses, but of course with special reference to the loyalty and the devotion of Freemasons. The great company having chanted the National Anthem, the ceremony of giving Jubilee honours was performed, among the numerous recipients of which were the Maharajah of Kuch-Behar, the Lord Mayor of London, Sir Francis Knollys, Sir Philip Cunliffe Owen, and Sir Charles Warren. The Grand Master announced that the amount paid by the mem bers that day amounted to upwards of £6000, the whole of which would go to the Masonic charities for children and the aged, under the rules of the Order. ( 327 ) THE SHAFTESBUEY HOUSE. June nth, 1887. The Prince and Princess of Wales, accompanied by Prince George and Princess Louise of Wales, went on the 17th of June, 1887, to lay the foundation stone of a central building for the " National Eefuges for Homeless and Destitute Children." There are many Institutions In London for similar objects, but this charity Is one of old standing, and one of the most important and best. It was established in 1843 under the patronage of Lord Shaftesbury, In Great Queen Street. The income ofthe Society was only £180 In the first year, and aU that could be attempted was to shelter and teach a few poor children In a " Eagged School," open two evenings a week. The efforts of Mr. W. WUUams, the Secretary, and zealous coadjutors, were successful in gradually Increasing -the operations of the Society, till. In the year of the Queen's Jubilee, the Com mittee had the satisfaction of managing seven industrial homes, in to'wn and country, with more than 1000 children, and two training ships, the Chichester and the Arethusa, with an annual income of about £20,000. The good work in its various departments con tinues to prosper. All this and more was stated in an address by the Earl of Jersey, Chairman of the Eeception Committee. Among the friends of the Society who had witnessed its progress, and helped it from the beginning, was Mr. John MacGregor, the founder of the Shoe-black Brigade, and the chief helper of the Secretary In bringing the Chichester to Its high excellence as a training-ship. The ceremony was performed In a tent erected on the site of the new Home, in Shaftesbury Avenue, close to the once notorious Seven Dials. The building Is intended to provide shelter for 100 homeless boys, a home for 35 working lads, a club for " old boys " trained in the institution, and the central offices of the Society. After the address had been read, the Prince of Wales thus spoke : — " Lord Jersey, Ladies, and Gentlemen, — In thanking you for the address wMch you have just read, allow me to express to you, and to this great assemblage, the very great gratification it gives both the Princess and myseK to be here to-day, to take part in so interesting and what I may also call a most important ceremony. You are weU aware of the deep interest and soUcitude we take with regard to aU classes of the community in this great Metropolis, but we claim that we take especial interest in what concerns the weU-being and the weKare of the working classes and of the poor of London. It is therefore a great gratification to us that I should be afforded the opportunity to- 328 SPEECEES OF E.E.E. TEE PEINGE OF WALES. day of laying the foundation stone of a home to be called ' The Jubilee Memorial Home,' in commemoration of the fiftieth year of the Queen's reign, and, at the same time, I rejoice to think that this building is to be named ' The Shaftesbury House,' as a memorial of the great and distinguished phUanthropist whose loss we must always and shaU ever deeply deplore. Most sincerely do we hope that this home may be the means of bringing many of those waifs and strays always existing in so great a metropoUs as ours ; we trust, too, that they may have such an education and training that, as they grow older, they may be able to go out into the world honest and respectable citizens, and have an opportunity of gaining their livelihood. I thank you again, Lord Jersey, for this address, and assure you that it gives us the greatest pleasure to be here to-day." The stone was then well and truly laid, and his Eoyal Highness was presented with the trowel. A paper was laid 'by the Prince upon the stone, and Lord Jersey announced the gift of £50 from his Eoyal Highness, £30 from Sir Eobert Garden, and other donations. " God bless the Prince of Wales," and the' " National Anthem " were then chanted. The Eoyal party left amidst enthusiastic cheering. A large number of the boys from the country homes were present, and from the training-ships In their sailor costumes. CONSECEATION OF TEUEO CATHEDEAL. November 3rd, 1887. The foundation stone of Truro Cathedral was laid In 1879 by the Prince of Wales, with Masonic ceremony. He was accompanied by the Princess of Wales, Prince Albert Victor, and Prince George. The Prince was again asked to be present at the Consecration, when the building was completed. The ceremony took place on the 3rd of November, 1887. On arriving at the station, the Mayor of Truro presented an Address, to which the Prince thus replied : — " I thank you for your loyal address and for the kind words with which you receive me on this memorable occasion. It affords me the most unfeigned satisfaction to be able to attend the great religious service which is held here to-day, and to be present at the consummation of the important ceremony in which I took a leading part more than seven years ago. The CONSECEATION OF TEUEO CATHEDEAL. 329 , interest which the Duchess of CornwaU and I liave felt in the progress of the work has continued unabated since that period, and she commissions me to assure you how deep is her regret and disappointment that unavoidable causes prevent her from accompanying me to the consecration of the first Protestant cathedral erected in England since St. Paul's in London. I join most heartUy in the expression of your hopes that the western part of the building may ere long be completed, and I trust that cfrcumstances wiU then aUow me once more to visit a town which can boast of ha'ving been mentioned tn Domesday Book 800 years ago. Let me in conclusion, gentlemen, express my warm acknowledgments to you for the loyal and cordial terms in which you allude to the Queen and the Duchess of CornwaU." The Archbishop of Canterbury, the predecessor of the present Bishop, and a large number of the Episcopal body, with many of the clergy and laity of the diocese, were present In the Cathedral. The service, including the administration ofthe Holy Communion, 'occupied nearly four hours. After the service the Prince drove to the Truro Public Eooms, where about four hundred of the principal residents of Cornwall assembled for luncheon, Lord St. Germans, Lord Lieutenant of the County, presiding. The noble Chairman, after proposing the toast of " The Queen," gave that of " Their Eoyal Guest," who, he trusted, felt at home in his ancient Duchy. The Prince, in reply, said : — "Lord Mount-Edgcumbe, Ladies, and Gentlemen, — I am deeply touched by the very kind manner in which this toast has been proposed by our Lord Lieutenant and by the way in which it has been received. Although it has not been my good fortune to come as often to this ancient Duchy as I could have wished, stUl among the different visits which I have been able to pay you none has given me greater pleasure and satisfaction than that which I am paying at the present moment. You may rest assured that I feel proud of the ancient title that I bear. The interest that I take in the welfare of the county -wUl never be diminished. Seven years and a half ago I was enabled to lay the foundation stone of this cathedral with Masonic honours. To-day I have been present at its consecration. The most interesting ser-vice and reUgious ceremony at which we have assisted to-day are not likely to be forgotten by me, nor by any 330 SPEECHES OF H.E.E. TEE PEINGE OF WALES. of you. It is the event of a IKetime, and I congratulate you, the Duchy, the county, and all connected with it, on the erec tion of so noble an edifice, and 1 trust that before long we may see the completion of the buUding. It is a real sorrow to me that the Princess of Wales and some of my chUdren should not have accompanied me on this occasion as they did when the foundation stone was laid. Although they are far away, you may feel sure that they take a great interest in what is being done here to-day. Time is short and we have to leave. If, therefore, the words I have uttered to you to-day are few, you must not question their sincerity and heartiness. I thank you for the kind reception that you always give me when I come among you. Before sitting down I wish to give one toast, which 1 am sure you wiU drink with pleasure. It is 'The Health of our Lord Lieutenant.' You know how much is due to him and to your Bishop. I am sure that it is a source of great satisfaction to them to see so many distinguished prelates around them on this great occasion and so large a body of the laity." The toast was received with enthusiasm, and the company would have remained standing while the air " God bless the Prince of Wales" was being played upon the organ, had not the Prince motioned to them to resume their seats. NEW COLOUES TO THE OLD 46th EEGIMENT. November 4th, 1887. The visit of the Prince of Wales to the West of England closed with the ceremony of presenting new colours to the 2nd Battalion Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry at Devonport. On his arrival, an address was presented by the Corporation. The Prince replied : — " I have had much satisfaction in receiving your address, and 1 thank you for your kind welcome to a borough in which on more than one occasion I have experienced a very cordial reception. I have a perfect recoUection of the cfrcumstances of my departure for Canada to which you aUude. ^ It is hardly necessary for me to remind you of the many important events which have occurred in the history of this kingdom, and in my NEW COLOUES TO TEE OLD 46TE EEGIMENT. 331 own Ufe, since the day on which I embarked for North America from your port; twenty-seven years ago. Let me express to you my warm acknowledgments for your gratifying recognition of my earnest endeavours to encourage all undertakings tending to promote the welfare of this great country. I am weU aware that the position which I occupy as the eldest son of the Sovereign entaUs upon me the performance of duties which it always has been my most earnest desire to fulfil to the utmost of my abiUty, and I can assure my fellow-countrymen that in the future, as in the past, they wiU at all times find me anxious to respond to any caU which they may make upon me to aid them in the advancement of any object either of charity or of pubUc utility." The Prince then drove to the Eaglan Barracks, where the regiment awaited his arrival. The usual ceremonies on such occasions were proceeded with, and the old colours, which had been borne by the 46th, or South Devon Eegiment, as it was formerly called, through the Crimean War and in Egypt, were taken to the rear to the music of " Auld Lang Syne." The new colours, after the prayer of consecration by the chaplain of the garrison, were presented to the lieutenants. The Prince then addressed the troops : — • " Colonel Grieve, Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers, and Men of the 2nd Battalion Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry, — You have conferred a great pleasure and satisfaction upon me in ha-ving asked me to give your efficient regiment new colours. I do so -with the greatest pleasure, because I know that, in gi'ving these new colours, 1 intrust them to the care of a regi ment which has distinguished itseK for many years in every part of the globe, and that they are certain to be in safe hands, and wUl continue to do honour to their Sovereign and country as heretofore. I am proud to be associated with your regiment as Honorary Colonel of the 3rd Battalion. I am aware that, perhaps, the old name of the 46th is more dear to you ; but I feel sure that, whether under that name or under the present one, you -wUl continue to bear the high state of efficiency which has always existed ever since the regiment was raised. Your regiment was raised, as I am aware, in 1741, and you distinguished yourselves in the War of Independence. In con sequence, in 1777, of your Light Company at Dominica ha-ving 332 SPEECEES OF E.E.E. TEE PEINGE OF WALES. gaUantly defended General Wayns, you were awarded the privUege of wearing red feathers, a distinction which you stUl bear in the shape of red cloth on your helmets, and of which you feel very proud. I am also aware that your regiment served -with distinction in the Crimea, and these old colours, which are to be carried by the old regiment no more, were given to you on board ship, prior to landing in the Crimea, and have been used for many years. You have since served in different parts of the Empire, and especiaUy in the recent campaign in Egypt and in the NUe Expedition, under the command of the late gallant and lamented General Earle. There is much more that I could say in connection with your distinguished services, but, owing to the want of time and the unfortunate inclemency of the weather, I do not wish to detain the regiment longer than is necessary on parade. Let me congratiUate you. Colonel Grieve, on the smart appearance of your regiment and the admirable way in which they look. I sincerely hope the regi ment, as opportunities offer, though I hope they may not, whether in the defensive or offensive, wiU continue as it always has to distinguish itself. I can congratulate you, Colonel Grieve, upon the honour of commanding so fine and efficient a regiment." THE GLASGOW EXHIBITION OF 1888. May 8th, 1888. On the 8th of May, 1888, the Exhibition at Glasgow was opened by the Pj Ince and Princess of Wales. There have been many Exhi bitions, international and national, since the famous "World's Fair" of 1851, but few of them have surpassed, in variety of interest, that which the Glasgow people have successfully carried out. In the spacious and picturesque building In Kelvin Grove Park. Certainly, not one of the national Exhibitions has offered so wonderful a display of the wealth, enterprise, and versatility In productive Industry, of the subjects of the British Crown. There was at Manchester an unrivalled collection of art-treasures, and at other places there have been special features of distinction. But, on the whole, the Exhibition at Glasgow has been one of most varied excellence, worthy of the Queen's Jubilee year, when the preparations were made for It, and worthy of the sUver-weddIng year of the Prince and Princess, whose presence was welcomed on, TEE GLASGOW EXEIBITION OF 1888. 333 the opening day. The experience of other Exhibitions has not been lost, and one of the most interesting portions of the show has been the antiquarian and historical collection displayed in the Old " Bishop's Palace," after the manner of the artificial constructions first made familiar in the streets of " Old London " at South Kensington. Before opening the Exhibition, the Prince and Princess were received in the Corporation Chambers by the Lord Provost, magistrates, and a distinguished assembly. An address of welcome was read by Dr. Marwick, the Town Clerk, some of the points of which may be gathered from the reply of the Prince, which was as follows : — "My Lord Provost and Gentlemen, — 1 have received your address -with feelings of sincere satisfaction, and I thank you on behalf of the Princess of Wales and myself for your cordial words of welcome and your kind reference to our SUver Wedding. We have come here to-day to celebrate, in one of the most prosperous cities of the United Kingdom, the inauguration of a great national work of the highest and most varied interest, and one altogether worthy of your important city. I can assure you I thoroughly understand and appreciate the anxious desfre which has prevaUed among you that an Industrial Exhibition should be held this year in Glasgow, and I consider that with the commercial, manufacturing, and mercantUe eminence which she enjoys, such a desfre is not only right and proper in the highest degree, but natural and commendable. We warmly sympathise -with you in this feeUng, and I would that my lamented father were aUve now to witness the development of the general idea of which he was the originator. The relations of this city with all the markets of the civUised world have long been weU known, but they have been immensely extended during the present century by the energy and enterprise of those merchants and citizens, who, by deepening the Clyde and pro viding the extensive harbour and dock accommodation which now exists, have overcome the natural disadvantages of its position, and given it a permanent place among the shipping ports and commercial centres of the Kingdom. Let me, my Lord Provost and Gentlemen, sincerely thank you for the loyal terms in which you alluded to the Queen. I shaU have much pleasure in com- mimicating to Her Majesty the hope that you have expressed that she wUl visit your magnificent Exhibition, and I wUl not 334 SPEECEES OF E.E.H. TEE PEINCE OF WALES. fail to acquaint her likewise with your words of devotion to her throne and person." The Eoyal party left the Council Chamber for the Lord Provost's residence, where they partook of luncheon. After the luncheon the Eoyal party passed under a triumphal arch at the West-end Park main entrance, and over the Prince of Wales Bridge, opposite the Exhibition gate. Sir Archibald Campbell, President of the Executive Committee, here met the Prince, and a number of gentlemen who have been instrumental In promoting the Exhi bition were Introduced to his Royal Highness. Sir A. Campbell handed to the Prince a gold key, and his Royal Highness, amidst cheers, opened the east door of the vestibule, and entered the Exhibition. The Prince and Princess walked to the front of the platform of the Grand Hall, the Glasgow Choral Union meanwhile , singing the National Anthem, and the Artillery on the neighbour ing heights firing a salute of twenty-one guns. After their Eoyal Highnesses were seated and prayers had been read by the Rev. Dr. D. M'Leod, Sir A. Campbell presented an address. The Prince of Wales, accepting the address, said : — " Sir Archibald Campbell, my Lords and Gentlemen, — I thank you for your address, and I can assure you that it affords the Princess of Wales and myseK very sincere pleasure to be present on this important occasion. That gratification is increased by the sense of the connection which you have recognised as existing between this International Exhibition and that in winch my revered father took so deep an interest and so active a part. The various Exhibitions which have been held since 1851 have undoubtedly done much, not only to enUst the sympathy of the nations of the world and to engage them in friendly rivalries of industrial competition, but largely to extend our knowledge of every branch of manufacture, and to afford pleasure to all ranks and classes of society in every country in which these Exhibi tions have been held. Recognising the benefits which they have thus conferred, such Exhibitions can never faU to enlist the sympathy ofthe Queen and command the support of the Princess and myseK. We are here to-day to give personal testimony to that feeling, and to express our satisfaction not only ¦with the public spirit with which the undertaking has been supported financially, but with the enthusiasm -with which exhibitors from all parts of the world have enriched the collections of science, art, and industry gathered witlfrn these buUdings. TEE GLASGOW EXEIBITION OF 1888. 335 " Nor is it possible to overlook the special appropriateness of such an Exhibition in this city, in which the researches and discoveries of Black, of Watt, and, in our own day, of Thomson, have been productive of world--wide benefits to mankind. In the appUcation of science alsOj Glasgow can point with just pride to Bell, whose ' Comet ' is stUl preserved as a memorial of the first attempt to apply the forces of steam to the propulsion of ships, and to the multifarious industries which have here found a home. To the widely different character of these industries, which secure to the population of this district immunity from many of the risks which necessarily attend devotion to one special department of labour, it is only possible to aUude in general terms. Here there exist and flourish side by side great establishments for shipbuilding, the production of marine machinery, locomotives, miU machinery, and mechanical appU ances for the working of fron and coal for the production of inineral oU, the manufacture of thread, glass, and pottery, carpet- weaving, dyeing and printing. It must not likewise be over looked that Glasgow was the cradle of the steam-carrying trade vsdth America and the great mercantUe centres of the world. It is gratKying to me to learn that, in the comprehensive col lection to be found here, due regard has been paid to the exhibition of works of art, and that the waUs of your galleries are enriched by many and valuable paintings and works of sculpture. . Here, as in the Exhibition at Manchester, are to be found evidences of the fact that the successful prosecution of trade, manufacture, and commerce afford not only the means of gratKying, but of developing the taste for art. " Not the least interesting of aU is the section in which an honourable place has been given to the works of artisan exhibitors. In every industrial community, and nowhere more so than in Glasgow, the development of the taste, ' skUl, and handicraft of its operatives must always command a respectful consideration and interest. To the Women's Industry Section we shaU also look -with special sympathy, recognising the im portance of encouraging every means by which women's work may be made productive. " It is also a gratification to us to observe that the artistic buUding in which the Exhibition is contained occupies an 336 SPEECHES OF H.E.E. TEE PEINCE OF WALES. appropriate position within, I may almost say, the shadow of the University of Glasgow, the second in antiquity of the old Universities of Scotland. The site of the University is no doubt modern ; but it is satisfactory to see the Institution which was founded through the influence of King James II. in 1450 in a more flourishing state at present than at any previous period of its history. It only remains now for the Princess and myself to express our earnest hope that this great Exhibition may prove an immense success, and that the thousands who, we trust, wUl visit it may derive such instruction from an examina tion of its various sections as wiU prove of material advantage to them for years to come." After an Inauguration Ode had been sung, the Prince declared the Exhibition open, amid much enthusiasm. The Hallelujah Chorus was then given by the choir. The Eoyal party spent con siderable time In inspecting various parts of the Exhibition, the Princess being specially Interested In the " Women's Industries " Section ; after which they returned to the Central Railway Station, en route to Hamilton Palace. On the same day. May 8, the Queen, accompanied by the Princess Christian, and other members of the Royal family, honoured by her presence the performance of Sir Arthur Sullivan's Golden Legend, given by command at the Eoyal Albert Hall. Later In the year, on the 22nd August, she gratified the citizens of Glasgow by visiting the Exhibition, in response to the loyal Invitation from the Corporation and the Committee given to the Prince on the opening day. The Queen honoured Sir Archibald CampbeU, of Blythswood, Chairman of the Committee, by being his guest on that occasion. The opportunity of this Royal visit was taken for opening the new municipal buildings In George Square. It was nearly forty years since Her Majesty, along with the lamented Prince Consort, had visited the western capital of Scotland. No city In her Majesty's dominions has made more wonderful progress than Glasgow, or made more eager use of its natural advantages. The visit of the Prince of Wales at the opening of the Exhibition, and the subsequent visit of the Queen will make the year 1888 ever memorable In the annals of Glasgow. ( 337 ) SIE BAETLE FEEEE'S STATUE. June 5th, 1888. Among the memorials of illustrious men in the gardens of the Thames Embankment, no one will be honoured more than the statue to Sir Bartle Frere. It was erected by public subscription. In memory of his private virtues and of his public services. The grand bronze figure of the patriotic Englishman is much admired. The likeness is good, and the whole monument, with its pedestal of Cornish granite, imposing. Many distinguished men were present to witness the unveiling of the statue by the Prince of Wales on tho 5th of June, 1888. He was accompanied by the Princess, and their two daughters, the Princesses Maud and Victoria. Among the company were the Duke of Cambridge, the Archbishop of Canterbury, Lord Napier of Magdala, and Sir Eichard Temple, M.P., who asked the Prince of Wales to perform the ceremony. The Prince said : — "Sfr Eichard Temple, Ladies, and Gentlemen, — It gave me great pleasure, after the lamented death of Sfr Bartle Frere, to accept the post of President of the Committee, especiaUy when we found that a Memorial Uke this statue was to be erected to the memory of a great and valued pubUc servant of the Crown, and at the same time to a highly esteemed and dear friend ot myself." His Eoyal Highness then briefly recounted the chief points in Sfr Bartle Frere's long and distinguished career in India and Africa, a career -with which aU present were doubtless acquainted. Continuing, His Eoyal Highness remarked : — " For his ser-vices in India, whither he first went in the year 1834, in the service of the East India Company, Sir Bartle Frere t-wice received the thanks of both Houses of Parliament. On his return home he successfuUy conducted negotiations with the Sultan of Zanzibar for the suppression of the slave trade, and, later, I had the good fortune to have his ser-sices during my journey to India in 1876. The last, but no means the least, important of Sfr Bartle Frere's duties was as Governor- General of the Cape of Good Hope and Lord High Commissioner to South Africa. There is much more that I might say, but the facts are known to history, and I will, therefore, in conclusion, merely express my thanks for having been asked to perform z 338 SPEECEES OF E.E.E. THE PEINCE OF WALES. this ceremony, and remind those present that, on this very day four years ago, when the late Sfr Bartle Frere was laid to his rest, the procession passed by the spot where the statue now stands." NEW GYMNASIUM IN LONG ACEE. July 6th, 1888. The Prince of Wales, accompanied by Prince Albert Victor, opened the new gymnasium connected with the Central Young Men's Christian Association, on the 6th of July, 1888. The gymnasium is in Long Acre, in what was formerly the Queen's Theatre. The King of Sweden and Norway, Lord Aberdeen, President of the Gymnastic Club, Mr. J. Herbert Tritton, President of the Young Men's Christian, Association, Lord Charles Beresford, Lord Kinnaird, the Earl of Meath, the Bishop of London, Lord Brassey, Lord Harris, and other distinguished persons were present. The Bishop of London offered a dedicatory prayer. The Earl of Aberdeen read an address, in which it was stated that the Young Men's Christian Association, which had Its head-quarters at Exeter Hall, was founded forty-four years ago, and had at the present time nearly 4000 affiliated branches scattered throughout the Colonies and the civilised world (seventy-seven of which are In London), with an aggregate membership of 250,000. It formed a rendezvous for young men, and a centre for the development of a strong, healthy, religious life among them. In recent years the value of athletics had been more fully recognised, and the Committee of the Central Association had availed themselves of that valuable adjunct In the work. The Exeter Hall Gymnasium Team having won (in open competition) the 200-guinea Challenge Shield and Gold Medals offered by the National Physical Eecreation Society, it would be deemed a circumstance of the utmost honour by the recipients to have received their medals at the hands of the Prince of Wales. Moreover, the Gymnasium was able to supply voluntary teachers who instructed children and others of the poorer classes in the exercises which they had acquired in that place. The Prince of Wales said :— "Your Majesty, Lord Aberdeen, my Lords, Ladies, and Gentlemen, — I am most grateful to you, indeed. Lord Aberdeen, for the address which you have just read to me. I can assure you aU that by coming here I receive very great satisfaction, and I am glad to take part in a work in which so many of you are interested. From the account you, Lord Aberdeen, have NEW GYMNASIUM IN LONG ACEE. 339 given us of the Young Men's Christian Association, I have little doubt but that it is an association- founded upon excellent and practical principles, and that it is an association likely not only long to continue in existence, but Ukely to be greatly augmented in its usefulness, as weU as in the numbers benefited by it. I am glad that you combine with Christian education healthy recreation, which must, no doubt, tend to be of the greatest benefit to the community at large, and especiaUy to young men who are exposed to so many temptations in a great city Uke this. It is a great advantage to aU young men to have the opportunity of enjoying healthy and useful recreation. Thank you for asking me to take part in the proceedings of the day. And we must aU tender our thanks to the King of Sweden and Norway for coming here to-day, knowing, as we all do, how deeply interested his Majesty must be in work of this kind, and of the important part drUl has played amongst his people. I have now great pleasure in declaring this gymnasium open." Mr. Herbert Gladstone, M.P., President of the National Physical Eecreation Society, informed the King and Prince that the ¦ 200-guinea challenge shield offered by that Society had this year been won by the team of eight sent from Exeter Hall Club to the contest in Dundee, and he asked the Prince of Wales to do them the honour of presenting the shield and gold medals to. the winners. Thereupon Mr. E. Sully, the instructor, at the head of the victorious team, advanced up the room, and, after receiving: a gold medal each from the Prince, they shouldered the handsome^ and massive shield, and, at a run, raced away with the trophy; Then followed an exhibition of drill by thirty members chosen^ out of 400 members of the Club. These were clad in flannels, and wore red or black stockings. They went through an exposition of musical driU, accompanied by the piano, the exercises consisting of those with dumb-bells, clubs, and bars, Mr. Sully gi'ving the word of command. Occasionally the athletes sang as they drilled, at other moments they whistled as they swung their clubs or poles about. At the close of the exercises the King rose and said : — " Your Royal Highnesses, I cannot leave this hall without expressing the. satisfaction I have had In witnessing the exercises here. I wish also to add my good wishes for the progress and prosperity of this. Association. I feel great satisfaction in witnessing the execution of the gyninastic exercises this morning— exercises which are very highly appreciated In my country." Z 2 340 SPEECHES OF H.E.H. THE PEINCE OF WALES. The Prince of Wales ' summoned Mr. Sully, shook hands with him, and congratulated him upon tho admirable display made by his pupilsi The King of Sweden did the same, very highly praising the manner in which the drill had been executed. The Prince of Wales, Prince Albert Victor, and the King of Sweden then left the haU amid the cheers of those assembled. The heartiness with which the Prince spoke, and the interest which he showed In the whole proceedings, greatly delighted all who were present. THE ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTE FOR GIRLS. July 6th, 1888. The centenary festival of the Royal Masonic Institute for Girls was held on the 6th of July, 1888, In the Royal Albert Hall, the Prince of Wales, Grand Master, presiding. Between two and three thousand members of the Craft were present, amongst them being the King of Sweden and Norway, Prince Albert Victor, the Earl of Carnarvon, the Earl of Lathom, the Earl of Zetland, Lord Egerton of Tatton, Lord Leigh, and many other eminent Masons. The gal leries were filled by a large number of ladles. After dinner, the Prince of Wales gave the first toast, which was that of " The Queen and the Craft," and was received with the greatest enthusiasm, the whole of the vast audience rising and joining in singing the National Anthem. The Prince of Wales then said :• — " Your Majesty and Brethren, — A very high honour and a very high compliment has been conferred upon us this night. ALt this great and important gathering, probably the largest aneeting for a charitable object that has ever taken place any where, we have as our guest his Majesty the King of Sweden. I little doubted the manner in which you would receive this toast, because not only are we honouring a distinguished guest, but also a brave aUy of ours, and we are further honouring the ¦Grand Master of the Freemasons of Sweden. We aU know the deep interest which his Majesty takes in our Craft, and what -exceUent Masons the Swedes are. In proposing this toast it is .speciaUy gratifying to me, for I have looked forward to this occasion for many years, because it was through the King and liis late brother that, twenty years ago, Iwas initiated into the mysteries of the Craft, and I am proud to be one of you, and, THE EOYAL MASONIC INSTITUTE FOE GIELS. 341 stiU more, to be at your head. I am grateful to the King for having made me one of us. Brethren, I know you -wUl drink this toast with cordiaUty, and at the same time I feel that it vnU be right to give this toast MasonicaUy, for in doing so we do honour to our guest and to ourselves." The toast was drunk with Masonic honours. The King of Sweden, who was loudly cheered on rising, said : — " Most Worshipful Grand Master and Brethren, — The toast I have the honour of replying to I acknowledge, not only on my o-wn behalf, but on behalf of all the foreign Lodges and Masonic con gregations whose principles and constitution are in conformity with yours. On their 'behalf I would also express the great satisfaction I feel at the honour and distinction to-day conferred upon me by your Grand Master and by you In constituting me a member of your honoured body. I feel much satisfaction in being present at such an enormous gathering as this, and one assembled for pur poses of so noble a kind. Patriotic feelings are always noble and honourable, and nowhere have they taken deeper root than In this country, for whose people, ever since my young days, I have felt the most profound esteem. But tkere is one feeling still more noble than patriotism, and that Is the feeling which has its founda tion in the Word of God, and unites us in love and charity to man kind. As we sing at Masonic gatherings in my o-wn country, ' There is one God, our Father, so be His sons then, brethren.' This is the bond which exists between us, the raUyIng cry which unites us, and the lasting tie which binds us. I have the greatest pleasure in giving you ' The Health of our Grand Master, the Prince of Wales.' " The toast was drunk with full Masonic honours. The Prince of Wales, in reply, said :¦ — ¦ " Your Majesty and Brethren, — You are well aware that during the fourteen years I have held the high office of Grand Master I have striven not to be unmindful of your interests and of those of the Craft, and, though I am prevented by my many duties from meeting you as often as I should like, still I hope that you are con-vinced that your interests are none the less dear to me. We have heard an address from the King of Sweden this evening which none of us are likely to forget, and I think, K he wUl aUow me to say so, that we Englishmen have reason to en-vy his facUity in speaking our lang-uage. It is, I believe, the first time that a foreign Sovereign has honoured a gathering of this kind. I think that we may look upon this as a red-letter day, and we are not Ukely to forget the King's 342 SPEECHES OF E.E.H. THE PEINCE OF WALES. presence, or the kind and useful words which he has spoken. Our watchword, ' ReUgion and Charity,' is one which has been inculcated in us ever since we belonged to the Craft, and it is one which we shall do well to remember. If we uphold those principles, and, above aU, that idea of patriotism of which the King has spoken, there is little doubt that the Craft wUl remain as prosperous as it is now, and that our lodges and members wiU increase. I do not -wish to allude to foreign lodges with whom we are not in accord ; but I would ask that at any rate we should strive to pick out what is good in them, and remember that we are not only EngUsh Freemasons, but Freemasons of the entire universe. I trust that as long as I live, or as long as I may be permitted to hold the high office of your Grand Master, I may continue to do my duty to the Craft and to my country. I wish now to ask his Majesty the King of Sweden to accept the Steward's badge of this festival." His Majesty was then invested with the badge, amidst loud cheers. The Grand Master then said he had much pleasure in reading a telegram from New York to the foUo-wing effect: — " Grand Lodge in annual communication congratulates the frater nity In England on the one-hundredth anniversary of the founda tion of the Eoyal Masonic Institute for Girls." Again rising, the Prince of Wales said : — "Your Majesty and Brethren, — I have now the honour to give you the last toast, though it may be safely caUed the most important, as the object with which we have met at this enormous and unprecedented gathering is to celebrate the centenary of the Royal Masonic Institute for Girls. That an institution should have existed a hundred years is one proof that it is a good one, and we have every reason to be grateful to those who, from the commencement up to the present time, have given thefr- energy and their labours to keep going so thoroughly Masonic an Institution. "As you are aware, the Institution was founded by the ChevaUer Ruspini. King George IV. and King WUUam IV. were patrons, besides many members of the Royal FamUy, and Her Majesty the Queen is patroness now. The school at first contained only fKteen chUdren ; it now contains 243, and they are educated up to a high religious standard, combined with education of a general character, including music. Particular TEE EOYAL MASONIC INSTITUTE FOE GIELS. 343 attention is paid to needlework and cooking and domestic duties. Only a few days ago I was present here and saw the girls- go through thefr marching exercise, and I never saw anything more satisfactory. There are many commanding officers who would be proud to see their men march and go through their exercise as we saw them performed. I may state the system was estabUshed by Miss Da-vis, who was appointed head governess in 1861, and I am glad to think that at this moment she retains her post. She has been eminently successful, as is manifest by the Cambridge Local, College of Preceptors, and the Science and Art Examinations. It is also satisfactory to notice that, with the exception of Miss Da^vis, every member of the staff has been educated at the Institution. The Head Governess of the Female Masonic School at DubUn and the Head Governess of the British Orphan Asylum were educated at our school, and during a period of eighty-four years there have been but two matrons, one of whom held the appointment over fifty-two years. " As you are aware, the object we have in -view in meeting here to-night is to make important additions to the present buUdings, and pro^vide accommodation for an increased number of chUdren. These additions wUl cost at least £20,000. In 1838, on the occasion of the jubUee of the Institution, £1000 was subscribed at the annual festival, and in 1871, when I had the honour of presiding, as much as £5200 was coUected. But I have now an announcement to make which I think ¦vidU interest you beyond measure, and that is that I have received the assurance of the Secretary that we have obtained at this centenary festival over £50,000. I may safely chaUenge any body to dispute the statement that so large a sum has never been subscribed at a charity dinner. It now affords me great pleasure to propose ' Success to the Institution,' coupled with the name of the Deputy Grand Master, the Earl of Lathom, Chafrman of the Executive Committee, and an old and personal friend of my own." The Earl of Lathom replied, and the proceedings terminated. The grand total of the subsorip-tion was £50,472, of which London contributed £22,454, and the Provinces, India, and the Colonies £28,018. 344 SPEECEES OF H.E.H. TEE PEINCE OF WALES. WEST NORFOLK HUNT. April 9th, 1888. Among the many memorial gifts of the Silver Wedding of the Prince and Princess of Wales was one which would have delighted Sir Roger de Coverley or the Squire of Bracebridge Hall. The members of the West Norfolk Fox Hunt presented a handsome silver figure of Reynard in full gallop, mounted on a dark mahogany stand. A beautifully bound morocco album contained the names of the subscribers. The presentation was made on the 8th of April, the day of the Annual Steeplechase at East Winch, near Lynn. A marquee had been erected, and a large company assembled. The Prince and Princess of Wales and all the family were present. Mr. Hamond, for many years Master of the Hunt, made the presentation, he having 'been tlie Chairman of the Committee who had carried on the Hunt during the past two years, In the temporary absence of the Master, Mr. A. C. Fountaine. He believed that the West Norfolk were the first pack of hounds that the Princess hunted with when she came to England. The Prince and Princess had entered into the sports and recreations of all classes of Her Majesty's subjects, and the sport which the members of the Hunt had enjoyed with their Eoyal Highnesses and thefr sons and daughters would long be remembered. He asked the acceptance of their gift by the Prince and Princess. The Prince of Wales said : — " Mr. Hamond, Ladies, and Gentlemen, — I can assure you that no present which has been offered for our acceptance has been received by us -with more pleasure than the one which you have given us to-day — a model of the wUy animal that we are all so fond of foUowing. Norfolk has always been considered to be a shooting county ; that may be so to a great extent, but I feel convinced that the hunting is quite as popular, and I sincerely hope that it wUl long remain so. There may be difficulties in preserving foxes, but I feel sure that where there's a wiU there's a way. For twenty-five years we have enjoyed hunting with the West Norfolk Hunt — both the Princess and myself ; and our children have been brought up to foUow that Hunt. I sincerely hope that for many long years we may be able to continue to do so. We have grateful memories of the master ship of one whose loss we aU regretted, the late Mr. ViUebois, and also of Mr. Hamond, then Mr. Fountaine, and next of the WEST NOEFOLK EUNT. 345 gentlemen of the Committee who have of late ably carried on the Hunt, whilst Mr. Fountaine was unfortunately away. Most sincerely do I thank you again, in the name of the Princess and myseK, for the kind terms in which you have presented us with this handsome and appropriate gKt, and most sincerely do I wish prosperity to the West Norfolk Foxhounds, which, I trust, may long continue to exist in this county." AT BLACKBUEN. May 9th, 1888. On the return from opening the Exhibition at Glasgow, It was arranged that the Prince and Princess of Wales should visit Black burn, for laying the foundation-stone of the new Technical and Trades School in that fiourishing Lancashire town. The borough was in high festival, the more so as It was the first time on record that it had been honoured with the presence of royalty. At the entrance of the town, the Mayor and Corporation met the Eoyal party, and conducted them to the marquee which was to be the scene of the ceremony. Here the Prince was presented with the freedom of the borough — being the first honorary freeman — and with an address, to which he replied : — "Mr. Mayor and Gentlemen, — I can assure you that the Princess of Wales and myself feel very great pleasure in accept ing your address, and we thank you warmly for the kind and cordial words of welcome 'with which you have received us on the occasion of our first visit to the important borough of Blackburn. We thank you most sincerely for your congratula tions on our SUver Wedding, and we desire to take this oppor tunity of publicly stating how infinitely we have been touched by the affectionate tokens of attachment and regard which have universaUy been shown towards us throughout the whole country on the occasion of that event. We appreciate very highly your allusions to the interest which we take in all things related to the progress and welfare of the kingdom, and more especially to the interest we have taken in the subject of technical educa tion ; and I rejoice, therefore, to find that I am able to come here to-day to lay the foundation-stone of an institution which I trust will afford material assistance in maintaining and ad- 346 SPEECEES OF E.E.E. TEE PEINCE OF WALES. vancing the industries and commercial enterprise of your town. I have very much gratification in complying with your request that I would accept the honorary freedom of your borough, and I shall experience a feeling of pride in signing my name as the first honorary freeman of a town so loyal and prosperous, and that, I am persuaded, has so great a future before it as Black burn." To another address by the Freemasons of Blackburn the Grand Master expressed his sense of the compliment paid him by their words of fraternal friendship, and gladly acceded to the wish that the first stone of so Important and useful an Institution should be laid with Masonic honours, — which was done accordingly. The Mayoress of Blackburn then, on behalf of the ladles of Blackburn, presented the Princess of Wales with a magnificent diamond brooch representing Industry. Her Eoyal Highness said a few happy words In acknowledgment. The Prince, it should have been mentioned, received the roll of freedom enclosed in a very handsome gold casket. The Eoyal visitors were afterwards entertained at luncheon In the Town Hall, where numerous guests were present. In responding to the loyal toasts the Prince said : — " You may be assured that we are not likely to forget our visit to Blackburn. The cordial and enthusiastic manner in which you have received us, the beautiful way in which your streets and houses have been decorated, and the wonderful order that was kept throughout wUl not be forgotten by us. It -wiU afford me, also, great gratification and pleasure to acquaint the Queen 'with the loyalty which has been shown to the Princess and myseK, who are the first members of the Eoyal famUies of England who have visited your borough. The objects we have had in view in coming here are, we are sure, excellent ones ; and we rejoice that there has been afforded to us the oppor tunity of laying the foundation-stone of an institution which is Ukely to do so much good. As the Mayor has said, I do take a sincere interest in aU that concerns technical instruction, be cause I feel convinced that, in a vast country Uke ours, where so many trades and different manufactures exist, nothing is of such great importance to the weU-being of its manufactures and trades as a good sound technical education. We cannot erect too many schools or institutions of the kind in the various parts of the country. The school the foundation-stone of which we have laid to-day has been properly started as a remembrance of AT BLACKBUEN. 347 the Queen's JubUee, and, as the special object of it is for the technical education of the operative classes, I sincerely hope that they also wUl show that they take a great interest in it, and ¦wUl thoroughly support it. I am glad to hear that there is already existing in this borough a Technical and Art School, which for two years has been in existence. I am told that there are as many as 300 students, and those students who have gone up to London to be examined by the Technical Institute have, I understand, passed the very highest and best examinations. The interest which this town takes in the subject of technical education is a very gratifying one. You must remember that improved talent for the production of more varied and artistic designs in the staple manufacture is essential for the continued prosperity of the to^wn, and the more artisans learn what is necessary to beautify the trade to which they belong, and vary the different specimens which they bring forward, the more likely the to^wn is to flourish. Before sitting down I have a toast to propose to you, ' The Mayor and Corporation of Black burn, and success to the Blackburn Technical School.' In pro posing this toast I am glad to have this opportunityof thanking the Mayor for his kind hospitality and the cordial weloome he has afforded us. He may be assured we shaU never forget the kind reception we have received at Blackburn." The Mayor briefly responded to the toast. The Eoyal party afterwards proceeded to the Blackburn Eailway Station, and left for London. THE ANGLO-DANISH EXHIBITION. May 14th, 1888. The Anglo-Danish Exhibition at South Kensington had nOt the official origin of some other similar displays, but the nationality of the scheme, and the promise of Its proceeds being applied to a charitable object, secured the patronage of the Prince and Princess of Wales at Its opening. This ceremony took place in the Albert HaU, on the 14th of May, 1888. Their Eoyal Highnesses were accompanied by the Princesses Louise, Maud, and Victoria of Wales, the Princess Mary of Cam bridge and her daughter the Princess Victoria, Prince Karl of 348 SPEECEES OF H.E.H. THE PEINCE OF WALES. Denmark, Prince George of Greece, the Danish Minister, and many distinguished persons. They were received by Lord Amherst, Chairman of the Committee, who presented an address, to which — after the musical and other ceremonies, and the formal opening of the Exhibition by the Princess of Wales — the Prince replied : — " Lord Amherst, Ladies, and Gentlemen, — In your address you have expressed the hope that the Exhibition ¦wUl be a success. We most sincerely hope it wiU be a success in every sense of the word. The objects, as you are weU aware, are, first, to pay a compUment to us in respect of the twenty -fifth anniversary of our wedding-day ; and, secondly, to aid an institution which is much in need of funds, and one which is most meritorious and useful. You are anxious that money should be obtained in order to buUd a new Home for Incurables. Very appropriately this Exhibition has been connected with the institution which was the first with which the Princess became connected when she came to this country. 1 sincerely hope that the endeavours you have made wUl be successful, and that the Exhibition wUl be instructive, agreeable, and useful. It must be gratifying to you to see that the King of Denmark has sent over one of his war ships, manned by all those fine young men who are around us, and it is gratKying to aU of us, I am sure, to welcome these ladies whose costumes lend such picturesqueness to the scene. We thank you for your very kind reception of us, and I can only assure you that it has given us the greatest pleasure to take part in this very interesting ceremony, and that we wish the Exhibition the most thorough success." In the evening, the Duke of Cambridge 4)reslded at a special festival, In aid of rebuilding the British Home for Incurables at Clapham, which was held In the Conservatory of the Anglo-Danish Exhibition. There was a numerous attendance, and the donations to the building fund amounted to nearly £5000. This Institu tion, founded in 1861, provides home with every comfort for hopelessly Incurable sufferers (except the Idiotic, insane, and the blind, for whom there are other asylums), and also gives pensions to out-patients of £20 per annum. ( 349 ) GREAT NORTHERN HOSPITAL, HOLLOWAY EOAD. July nth, 1888. The Prince of Wales performed the ceremony of opening the new buildings of the Great Northern Hospital, at Islington, on the 17th of July, 1888. He was accompanied by the Princess of Wales, and by the Princesses Louise, Victoria, and Maude. The event caused much interest In the northern part of London, and vast crowds filled the streets and roads. The Rev. W. H. Barlow, Vicar of Islington, and many of the clergy, Mr. Murdoch, M.P., Chairman of the Hospital, and other official persons, received the Eoyal visitors in a gaUy decorated tent. Their Eoyal Highnesses, how ever, were attired In deep mourning, on account of the death of the Emperor Frederick of Germany. An address was read, In which it was stated that Islington Is the largest parish in England in population. At the beginning of the reign of the Queen it had 40,000 inhabitants, now it has 320,000. The Great Northern Hos pital was established In 1867, but in 1882 It was resolved to erect a building more suitable for the Increased population. The wish was to make the new hospital a thanksgiving memorial of the Jubilee year. The Prince of Wales, In replying to the address, said : — " Ladies and Gentlemen, — I am most anxious, in my own name, and also in that of the Princess, to acknowledge the most cordial and kind words of the address which we have just heard read by the Vestry Clerk, and also for the kind expressions which have faUen from Mr. Murdoch. We are very glad to be able to take part in so interesting a ceremony as this, and we are glad to think that in so large and ever-increasing a popula tion as this in the North of London is, the project of com memorating the Queen's JubUee should have been so appro priately celebrated by the buUding of a hospital. We shall shortly have an opportunity of ¦visiting the wards, and I have little doubt that we shall find everything in the most admirable and efficient state. Amongst the many duties we have to perform, none, I assure you, ladies and gentlemen, gives us greater gratification and pleasure than such a function as this, where we come to give our assistance and support to a phUan thropic object, and to a cause the object of which is to alle^viate the sufferings of our feUow-creatures. I can only express the pleasure it has given us to have it in our power to open this 350 SPEECEES OF E.E.H. THE PEINCE OF WALES. hospital to-day. You are weU aware how much we regretted that it was not in our power to come here and open the hospital on the date originally fixed. You are also aware of the cause, and I well know how much you aU sympathise -with us and the other members of our family in our sorrow and grief. I am glad to have the opportunity of saying, on this pubUc occasion, that my sister has felt deeply that, although thirty years have elapsed since she left this country, her compatriots have not forgotten her, and that they have sympathised with her, that they have felt for her, in the great and overwhelming sorrow which it has pleased God to inflict upon her. I beg to thank you once more for your kind reception of us to-day, and again to assure you of the sincere gratification it has given us to be present. The Prince resumed his seat amidst loud cheers, and a number of children and young ladies then presented purses to the Princess, the names of the donors being announced by the Secretary. The total of these subscriptions was £1060. This ceremony being finished, their Eoyal Highnesses left the pavilion to visit the hospital. The opening of the new Northern Hospital In London was the last public function performed by the Prince of Wales before his autumn visit to Austria and other regions of Southern Europe. With it our record of his presence at charitable institutions must close. It has been necessary to make only a selection of his speeches on such occasions. The Hospital for Sick Children, the Chelsea Hospital for Women, Queen Charlotte's Lying-in Hospital, Hospital for Diseases of the Chest, the Holloway Sanatorium at Virginia Water, the Cottage Homes at Weybrldge, St. Mary's Hospital, "LTnlversity and King's College Hospitals, the Fever Hospital; these, and many other institutions for the help of the poor or the suffering, have had the advantage of the Prince's advocacy. There have been also many occasions where he has assisted by his presence or his voice other institutions for educational and philan thropic objects, such as the Marine Society's ship " Warspite," and the training-ship "Worcester," the Windsor and Eton Albert Institute, the Church for the Deaf and Dumb, the Dwelling Houses for working people In Soho, the Alexandra Home at Kensington for pupils at the Schools of Art and Music; besides more important educational and charitable establishments, such as the St. Anne's Schools at EedhUl, for children of the Clergy, and of others whose means are not equal to their position in life. To have given an MULTIPLICITY OF ENGAGEMENTS. 351 account of the proceedings, and reports of the speeches on all these occasions would have required the space of two volumes instead of one. For the same reason it is with regret that the ¦ Editor has to omit descriptions of many important and interesting functions both in the Metropolis and throughout the country. The truth is there are few parts of England, certainly few of the great centres of population and industry, which have not been visited by the Prince, generaUy accompanied by the Princess of WalesJ for some purpose of local and often of ilational utility. Now It Is at Birmingham, to open a new Hospital or an Art Gallery. Now it is at Sheffield to open the Park, which was the munificent gift of its Mayor, Mark Ffrth. Now it Is at York, for opening the New Institute. Now it is at Leeds, for inaugurating the Art Exhibition ; and at Leeds the Prince addressed an audience which Included the Lord Mayors of London and York, and the Mayors of almost every town In York shire, in the Town Hall, opened many years before by the Queen and the Prince Consort. Another year there was a Eoyal visit to Lancashfre, where a new Infirmary was opened at Wigan, an institution praised by the Prince as due as much to the gifts of the working classes as to the liberality of the employers of labour In that great mining district. At Bolton, for the first time In its history honoured by a Eoyal visit, the Prince opened the Town HaU, one of the finest edifices of the kind In the provinces. At Hull the new Albert Dock was opened, and new docks at Grimsby. Another time the Prince is among the agricultural people, at Dorchester for a Cattle Show, or at Hunstanton for opening a Convalescent Hospital. Or he is at Newcastle, opening the Coble Dene Dock for the Tyne Commission. Or he is at Southampton laying the foundation-stone of a new church for Canon Wilberforce. Another time he is at Worcester, admiring with the Princess of Wales the splendid Porcelain Works, as well as the Cathedral and antiquities of the loyal city. Many other expeditions have been made during these twenty-five years, and It Is noteworthy that In places supposed to be the most democratic and independent, as Birmingham and at Sheffield, the reception of the Eoyal visitors was the most hearty and enthusiastic. Opening the Victoria Hall at Ealing on December the 15th was the occasion of the latest public appearance In 1888. It adjoins the Parish building, and the Free Library, to which the Prince alluded In his brief speech. Eeference has not been made to occasions of a private kind, such as Eeglmental and Club Dinners, where the presence of the Prince is always welcomed, and what he says Is remembered, though not reported. Perhaps It is right to mention the Savage Club, of which many Press reporters are members, and where the Prince made one of his genial addresses, and drew from the Club very acceptable aid towards founding the Musical Scholarships in which he was then interested. 352 SPEECHES OF H.E.E. TEE PEINGE OF WALES. Any one who could see the engagement book of the Prince of Wales during a season would think there Is little exaggeration when it is said he is one of the most busy and hard-working of public men. If It cannot be said nulla dies sine lined, there are few days on which some important business has not to be attended to, besides his personal or private affairs in town and country. In one of his early addresses, he said that, being excluded by his position from taking active part in political life, he would devote his time to " duties connected with works of charity and of public utility." How far this resolution has been carried out, the readers of this volume have the means of judging. In many of his speeches the Prince has, In grateful and touching terms, referred to the useful and beneficent ser^vices rendered by his revered and lamented father, whose example he desires to follow. That example also influenced the character and the life of the late Emperor of Germany, " Frederick the Noble." In the introduction to the brief biographical memoir of ' Frederick, Crown Prince and Emperor,' recently published by Mr. Eennell Eodd, the widowed Empress — our own Princess Eoyal — expresses a hope that the book will make his name better known to the English public, and give him a place In their affections beside that of her father, the Prince Consort, " for whom he had so great love, admiration, and veneration." The words of Lord Tennyson are thus recalled with new power : — " Dear to thy land and ours ; a Prince Indeed Beyond all titles, and a household name Hereafter through all times — Albert the Good." SPEECHES AT EOYAL ACADEMY BANQUETS. 2 A ( 355 ) SPEECHES AT EOYAL ACADEMY BANQUETS. The first appearance of the Prince of Wales at the annual dinner of the Eoyal Academy, with the short speech made on the occasion, has been given under the date, May 4th, 1863. In many subse quent years the Prince has been a welcome and honoured guest, and has been called to address the company. Instead of giving these speeches in the years when they were delivered. It seems better to group them together. The guests at the banquet are in the main the same year by year. After the Eoyal and official personages, and notable public men always present, and the Academicians and their friends, there remains not much room for variety in the invitations. If any very distinguished stranger is in London at the time, or some hero of the day, he Is pretty certain to be invited, and the speech of such a guest is a distinctive feature in the yearly record of the banquets. There is also effort made to secure some eloquent speakers to reply to some of the toasts given from the Chair. But on the whole there is consider able sameness In the reports, the same toasts being always given, and often the same speakers responding. The Prince of Wales has been more than once complimented, for his being able to find fresh material for his speeches at these dinners. The simple art In effecting this is that he takes some topic which Is before the public at the time, or refers to his o-wn public acts, which interest the audience on account of his personal popularity. We cannot give all the speeches on these occasions, but the foUo-wing show the general spirit of them, and the variety of subjects touched by him. 1866. At the banquet of 1866, on the 5th of May, the President, Sir Francis Grant, then recen-tly elected, for the first time occupied the chair. In proposing the health of the Prince of Wales, Sir Francis wished to his Eoyal guest,- '" amidst the cares and labours of his exalted station, all the soothing influences of a love of art. He inherits the enlightened appreciation of art, which had dis tinguished both his illustrious parents. But the title of artist is not confined to the subjects which occupy the Eoyal Academicians. 2 A 2 356 SPEECEES OF E.E.E. TEE PEINCE OF WALES. In England, especially In the Midland counties, a gentleman who particularly distinguishes himself in riding across country after hounds Is popularly called an artist. Gentlemen," continued the President, himself an artist of high repute in both senses of the word, " I am able to assure you from my o-wn personal obser vation, and I feel sure his Grace the Duke of Eutland wUl bear me out, that His Eoyal Highness in his recent visit to Leicester shire, in two very severe runs across the Vale of Belvoir, proved himself a first-rate artist in that particular department of art. Since His Eoyal Highness has proved himself In one sense an artist, may I, If His Eoyal Highness will forgive my boldness, claim his sympathy for his brother artists of the brush ? Allow me to add, the brush Is an important element In both departments of art. I beg to say on the occasion alluded to His Eoyal High ness was most deservedly presented with the brush. I have the honour to propose ' The health of their Eoyal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales and the other members of the Eoyal Family.' " The Prince, In responding, said : — " Sir Francis Grant, your Eoyal Highnesses, my Lords, and Gentlemen, — I thank you most sincerely for the very kind manner in which you have proposed my health, that of the Princess of Wales, and the other members of the Eoyal Family, and for the cordial manner in which it has been received. I need hardly assure you that it is a source of sincere gratification for me to be present a second time at the annual dinner of the Eoyal Academy, more especially as I am enabled to have the opportunity of supporting you. Sir Francis, on the first occasion that you take the chair as President of the Eoyal Academy. Although we are assembled on a festive occasion, I cannot omit referring to the memory of one whose loss we must aU deeply deplore. I allude to your late President, Sir Charles Eastlake. You Eoyal Academicians aU knew him so weU, and how justly popular he was for his many distinguished quaUties, that it would be superfluous for me to pass any eulogy on his name. But I cannot forbear offering my small tribute to his merits, ha-ving always considered him as an old friend, and ha-ving known him, indeed, since my chUdhood. I now take the opportunity of thanking you. Sir Francis, for the very kind manner in which you- have adverted to me in connection with art. I need not assure you that I shaU always be most ready to do my little best in assisting to promote the welfare of art SPEECEES AT EOYAL ACADEMY BANQUETS. 357 and science, and thus following the bright example of the Queen and my lamented father. I thank you, also, for the allusion you made to me as a brother of the ' brush.' Although, as I observed before, I wiU do my utmost to support art, stiU I am afraid I shaU never be able to compete with you as a painter, but at the same time I shaU always be ready to enter the Usts with you in the hunting field as long as you do not attempt to ride over me at the first fence. With respect to the present Exhibition, it may, I think, be said that the pictures in a great measure not only show the progress of art, but record the times in which we Uve. Taken as a whole, the Exhibition is one of a peaceful character, and indicative of peace. There is only one picture to which I would refer which, at the present moment, bears anything of a warlike character — I mean ' Volunteers at a firing point,' in which there is a picture of a distinguished Highlander (Mr. Eoss), a countryman of your own, who is represented as shooting for a prize. That is a very- interesting p)icture, and it reminds us forcibly that the Volun teers who came forward for the protection of thefr country have not been requfred in that capacity, and are now employing their time usefully in the art of rifle shooting. Without further trespassing on your time, permit me once more to thank you for the manner in which you have proposed and drunk my health." The Duke of Cambridge, in responding to the toast of the Army, referred to the distinction In art attained by the President, the brother of one already highly distinguished in arms, his friend Sir Hope Grant. Prince Alfred responded for the Navy. An interesting fact, not generally known, was mentioned by Sir Francis Grant, who had been called the successor of Sir Charles Eastlake. Sir Edwin Landseer had been elected ; and, although he could be only persuaded to retain the office for one week, the Academy had the proud satisfaction of knowing that his name is registered among Its Presidents. The other speeches at this banquet were of unusual interest, from the Archbishop of Canterbury, Earl Eussell, and the Earl of Derby. Allusions were made to the loss of Lord Palmerston, and of Mr. Gibson, the sculptor, and also to the approaching marriage of the Princess Mary of Cambridge, for whom the Duke of Teck responded. The Earl of Derby made special reference to the National Exhibition of Portraits at South Kensington, interesting alike to the artist and to the student of histoiy. 358 SPEECEES OF E.E.E. TEE PEINCE OF WALES. 1867. After dinner, the customary loyal toasts were proposed and responded to, the President making special reference to the severe and protracted Illness of the Princess of Wales, which they all -deplored, -vrith the trust that it would please God soon to restore her to perfect health. The Prince, on rising, was loudly applauded, and spoke with evident emotion, in witnessing the warm sympathy sho-wn by the assembly : — " Sir Francis Grant, your Eoyal Highness, my Lords, and Gentlemen, — I beg to tender you my warmest thanks for the very kind manner in which you have proposed and received the health of the Princess of Wales and myself. I feel sure she will be deeply gratified for the kind words you have this evening uttered, and I am glad to say that, although she has now for very nearly two months been kept to her room by a long and tedious iUness, she is now progressing towards recovery. I know 1 can have no more pleasing announcement to make to her Eoyal Highness than to tell her of the very kind feeUng which has always been exhibited to her since her first coming to this country. I beg also. Sir Francis, to thank you for the very kind manner in which you have alluded to the interest I take with regard to science and art. I need not tell you that I do take such an interest. If I may say so, I take the same interest which my parents have always taken, although I may not have the same experience or knowledge ; still, I hope I shaU always tread in their footsteps in that respect. " I am flattered. Sir Francis, by your statement that I have shown an appreciation of art in becoming the possessor of a work by so celebrated an artist as Sir Edwin Landseer. I think it would be impossible to find at this table any one who would not feel the same appreciation of so admirable a work of art. I obtained the picture under somewhat peculiar circumstances. It had been painted for a private person who was kind enough to give it up to me. Sir Edwin Landseer, although he has been before the pubUc for many years as a painter, has within the last two months achieved great distinction as a sculptor, and has produced one of the finest monuments of art that exist in this country. He kept us perhaps some time in waiting for his Uons, but the result has certainly been a most magnificent one. SPEECEES AT EOYAL ACADEMY BANQUETS. 359 " With reference to the Exhibition now before us, I think I may say that for many years we have not seen a finer exhibition. The names of Grant, Watts, MUlais, and others I need not particularise. Last year we had to mourn the loss of Sir C. Eastlake, and now we have to lament the departure from among us of another Eoyal Academician, Mr. PhiUp, to the vivid truthfulness of whose pictures from Spanish Ufe I myseK, from having been in Spain, can amply testKy. I beg, my lords and gentlemen, again to thank you for the kind manner in which you have proposed and received my health, and the stiU kinder maimer in which you have received the health of the Princess of Wales." 1870. The Eoyal Academy banquet for 1870 fell on the 30th of AprU. Sir Francis Grant, the President, In proposing " The Health of the Queen," stated that Her Majesty had, in May of the previous year, conferred on the Academy the honour of visiting the new gaUeries in state, and was pleased to express her high approval. At that visit she gave commissions for pictures to several young artists of rising fame ; and she presented to the Academy the beaur tiful marble bust of herself, executed by her accompHshed daughter the Princess Louise. In next proposing " The Health of the Prince and Princess of Wales and the rest of the Eoyal Family," the President said that they were aU glad to welcome the Prince, for the first time, In the new gal leries. " Last year His Eoyal Highness was well employed elsewhere ¦visiting the historic wonders of ancient Egypt, accompanied by the Princess of Wales, whom we must all rejoice to see returned to this country in perfect health. It must 'be a gratifying circum stance to all Her Majesty's loyal subjects that the Eoyal Princes, her sons, are not too delicately reared, as Princes were of old, bu't are all manly English gentlemen and great travellers, who seek to elevate and enlarge their minds by studying the custonis and policy of foreign nations, and to strengthen the cords of sympathy and loyalty which bind our colonies to the mother country. I read with pleasure of His Eoyal Highness recently presiding at a meeting of the Society of Arts, and the able sentiments he then expressed on the subject of education. I am glad also to learn that the Prince has succeeded the late lamented Lord Derby as President of the Eoyal Commission of 1851 — an institution, if I may so call it, which has done such great things for the progress of art, especiaUy in connection with manufactures, and which owes so much, I might say entfrely its great success, to the enlightened genius and active support of the Prince's illustrious father." 360 SPEECEES OF H.E.H. THE PEINGE OF WALES. His Eoyal Highness the Prince of Wales, who was received with much cheering, said : — " Mr. President, your Eoyal Highness, my Lords, and Gentle men, — I beg to tender you my warmest thanks for the kind way in which this toast has been proposed and received. It has afforded me great gratification once more to attend the hospitable board of the Eoyal Academy, and especially as I have this evening for the first time had the pleasure of dining in these new rooms. As the President has remarked, he was kind enough last year to invite me to inaugurate these rooms, but, being abroad, I was unfortunately unable to do so. I regret it, especially as that was the one hundredth anniversary of the Royal Academy. I think I may be allowed to congratulate the President and all the Royal Academicians on the Exhibition of this year. Of course, every artist strives each succeeding year to produce still better pictures and statues, and I think the Academicians have no reason to complain on the present occasion. We must regret, as I am sure aU Academicians will, the death of Mr. Maclise, and it is with feelings of sorrow that we shall now for the last time see a picture of his adorn these walls. The President has kindly alluded to me as having recently presided at a meeting of the Society of Arts, and I cannot but thank him for the compUment he has paid me in connection with the observations I made upon that occasion. It afforded me great pleasure to preside at that meeting, and, although my position as President of the Society is to a certain extent an honorary one, I promise that I shall be ready on every occasion to come forward and give as much time as I can in promoting any of its very important objects. I beg also to thank the President for having aUuded to me as President of the Commission of 1851. It is with deep regret that I have had to succeed one whose presence we must all miss on occasions Uke these — one whose name can never be forgotten in the country's history, and who always took the highest interest in the welfare of all our great institutions, and more especially those connected with art — I aUude to the late lamented Lord Derby. My lords and gentlemen, I assure you the Princess of Wales will be highly gratified to hear how kindly on this, as on every other pubUc occasion, you have received her name and health, and I SPEECEES AT EOYAL ACADEMY BANQUETS. 361 beg to thank you for the kind manner in which you have Ustened to- the few remarks I have made." The usual toasts were afterwards given, and responded to by eminent men. Including Mr. Motley, the American Minister, and Charles Dickens. 1871. At the Eoyal Academy banqu'et of 1871, the President, Sir Francis Grant, in proposing " The Health of Her Majesty the Queen," referred to the recent opening of the Albert Hall, a proceeding which, in some degree, tended towards the realisation of the late Prince Consort's constant efforts for the promotion of Science and Art in this kingdom. In proposing " The Health of the Prince and Princess of Wales and the rest of the Eoyal family," Sir Francis referred to the zeal of the Prince in the encouragement of Art, and said that he was shortly to preside on two different occasions In connection with Art, at the opening of the International Exhibition, and at the dinner of the Artists' General Benevolent Institution. The Prince, in responding, said : — " I feel very much touched by the kind way in which you, Sfr Francis, proposed my health, and this company received it, and I beg also to thank you for the very kind terms in which you alluded to the name of the Princess, who, I am confident, wiU be deeply gratified by the kind way in which you alluded to her name and the company have received this toast. You have referred to the opening of the International Exhibition next Monday, and I sincerely trust that the opening of that series of Exhibitions may be as successful as the others which preceded it, and that the promotion of science and art may be carried forward by the means of these numerous Exhibitions. It is always a great pleasure for me to meet you here at this annual gathering, to see so many distinguished and celebrated persons, and to be surrounded on all sides by the pictures of the most celebrated artists of our own country, and also, by the permission of the Academicians, by the pictures of the most distinguished foreign artists. I feel sure that the artists of this country take it as a great compliment that these pictures should be sent here for exhibition. With respect to the present Exhibition, it must strike all of us on looking around these waUs that some pictures are wanting — ^pictures from an artist 362 SPEECEES OF E.E.H TEE PEINCE OF WALES. whose health, I fear, is faUing, although I am sure we aU hope most heartUy he may yet be spared to us ; stUl we do miss the pictures of Sir Ed-win Landseer. GratKying as it must be for distinguished artists to see their pictures exhibited, and to hear the remarks made on them by critics and others, there are two beautiful drawings in this Exhibition of which, alas ! the artists will never hear the praise that may be bestowed upon them, and I feel sure that it wUl not be considered out of place if on this occasion I offer my condolence to the Royal Academicians for the absence of one of their number, and the cause of it in the terrible bereavement he has sustained (alluding to the death of the son of Mr. Goodall, E.A.). My lords and gentlemen, I thank you for listening to these few remarks, and as many speeches have to be made I will not trespass further upon your attention than by again thanking you for the very kind manner in which my health and that of the Princess have been received by this distinguished assembly." 1874. The chief Interest of the evening was In the speech of Sir Garnet Wolseley, the " hero of Coomassie." His health was proposed by the Prince of Wales, who said he would have preferred that the toast should have been given by some one better qualified, but that he felt It a pleasure and honour to fulfil the duty laid on him by the President. The Duke of Cambridge, In responding for the Army and Navy, had In very happy terms also referred to the services of Sir Garnet Wolseley, who In his speech gave well-merited praise to the Com mander-in-Chief, for his efforts to raise the standard of military edu cation. Eeturning to earlier proceedings of the evening, the President of the Academy, Sir Francis Grant, In proposing " The Health of the Prince and the Princess of Wales and the other members of the Eoyal Family," said : — " It Is a subject of Infinite satisfaction to the members of the Eoyal Academy to observe the unmistakable and earnest love of art which His Eoyal Highness the Prince of Wales manifests on all occasions. Notwithstanding the numerous calls that are made on the time of His Eoyal Highness, to which he assiduously responds, we learn through the Press of his occasionally visiting the studios of some of our leading artists, thus honouring and encouraging Art In the most gratifying manner. We have also to thank the Prince for the active assistance he gave us In promoting the success of the Landseer Exhibition. It was owing SPEECEES AT EOYAL ACADEMY BANQUETS. 363 to his personal influence that we are enabled to thank his Majesty the King of the Belgians for two beautiful pictures sent from the royal collection at Brussels, and also his Serene Highness the Duke of Coburg, who sent from Coburg one work of great interest, and besides several other valuable pictures, one of Van Amburgh and the Lions, the property of his Grace the Duke of Wellington, •a picture that possesses this special interest, that the subject was suggested and the picture commissioned by the Duke's illustrious father. I am glad to be able to announce that the Prince and Princess of Wales, accompanied by the Duke and Duchess of Edin burgh and the other members of the Eoyal FamUy, honoured the Exhibition with their presence on Thursday. I hope the Prince wIU forgive me for the liberty I take, If I venture to mention that we members of the Academy always witness with pleasure the honest and zealous way in which both the Prince and Princess go over the Exhibition, beginning catalogue -with pencil In hand, at No. 1, and working steadily through all the galleries. It cannot but be gratifying, even to the humblest artist who Is so fortunate as to obtain a place on these walls, to know that he has good reason to hope that his labours will not escape the observation of the Prince and Princess of Wales." His Eoyal Highness the Prince of Wales, who was received with much cheering, said : — " Mr. President, your Royal Highness, my Lords, and Gentle men, — I beg to thank you for the very kind manner in which you, Sfr Francis, have proposed my health with that of the Princess of Wales and the other members of the Royal Family, and for the cordial way in which you, my lords and gentlemen, have been pleased to receive it. I can assure you, Sir Francis, and the members of the Royal Academy, that it affords me the greatest pleasure and satisfaction to have been able to accept your kind invitation. It is now two years since I had the opportunity of partaking of your hospitality, and you may be sure that whenever 1 am able to come to the Royal Academy it -wUl always give me the greatest pleasure. Sir Francis Grant has been kind enough to allude to me with reference to the Exhibition at the Royal Academy of pictures by his late dis tinguished and never-to-be-surpassed colleague. Sir Ed-win Landseer. I wUl only say that any efforts of mine — the efforts were but smaU, but such as they were, any efforts I could make — were most cheerfully devoted to give the country the oppor tunity of seeing those magniflcent works, some of which, having fpr many years been in the possession of their proprietors, had 364 SPEECEES OF E.B.H. THE PEINGE OF WALES. not been placed before the eyes of the public. It gave me very great pleasure to help in any way such an exhibition. Thanks to the efforts of the President and the members of the Royal Academy, that exhibition was a great success, and afforded the utmost interest and pleasure to aU who saw it. I feel assured that you must all deeply deplore the loss of that great man. Last year he was still living, though, alas ! his health was such that it was impossible for him to come among his colleagues as he used to do. At any rate, he Uved to render his name iUus trious, and we can never hope to see his fame excelled. Sfr Francis, I hope you will allow me to congratulate you on this most exceUent Exhibition. When we see these waUs sur rounded with pictures — when we look at the catalogue and see the names of yourself, of Messrs. MUlais, Leighton, Prinsep; Watts, Ward, Frith, Graves, Calderon, Sant, Alma-Tadema, and many others I might mention, it is unnecessary to say that we have here a collection of pictures of the greatest artists which this country can produce. I am glad to take this oppor tunity of saying that I hope those gentlemen who have come to the Royal Academy on this occasion have not forgotten to look at one picture in the next room, which I think weU deserves attention. It is numbered 142 in the catalogue, and is entitled ' CaUing the Roll after an Engagement in the Crimea.' This picture, painted by a young lady who, I am given to understand, is not yet twenty-three, is deserving of the highest admiration, and I am sure she has before her a great future as an artist. In the next room, the Lecture Eoom, is a statue of ' A Horse and his Master,' by Boehm, which I am confident all who take an interest in sculpture will agree with me is one of the finest pieces of sculpture of modern times. The name of the artist is so well known that it is superfluous for me to make any remarks upon it. 1 only hope that at no very distant day he -wiU have the pri-vUege of writing R.A. after his name. My lords and gentlemen, I beg to thank you for the very kind way in which this toast has been proposed and accepted by this distinguished company." The marked way In which the Prince called attention to the now celebrated picture of " The Roll Call " was a generous tribute The young artist thus signalised has more than SPEECHES AT EOYAL AGADEMY BANQUETS. 365 fulfilled the anticipations formed of her. The name of Elizabeth Thompson soon became distinguished in Art, and she continues to excel in depicting mlHtary scenes, now that her name, Lady Butler, is associated with that of a most gallant and distinguished officer, Sir William Butler, K.C.B. The praise bestowed on " The Roll Call " by the Duke of Cambridge was equally hearty, and was a high compliment as coming from the head of the British Army. May, 1875. The President, Sir Francis Grant, In proposing "The Health of the Queen," referred to Her Majesty's constant and cordial encourage ment of Art. " In carrying out our Winter Exhibition of the Ancient Masters, Her Majesty has always given us her cordial support ; and 1 hope I may 'be allowed to remind you that last year, when we held an exhibition exclusively of the works of the late Sir Edwin Landseer, the Queen was so kind as to contribute no fewer than sixty works by that eminent artist. For that and other gracious acts the Academy desire to record their grateful acknowledgments." On giving the toast of " The Prince and Princess of Wales and the other members of the Eoyal Family," Sir Francis Grant said : — " I beg to assure His Eoyal Highness that the members of the Eoyal Academy are very sensible of the honour he confers on us by his presence on this as on many former occasions. They especially value the compliment as an additional proof of the Interest His . Eoyal Highness has at all times manifested in the promotion and encouragement of Art. I am glad to say the Prince and Princess of Wales, accompanied by the Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh and other members of the Eoyal Family, honoured the Exhibition with their presence on Thursday, and after their usual careful examination of the works of Art were pleased to express their approbation. We cannot but be Impressed by the cordial and zealous manner In which both the Princess and the Prince fulfil the many onerous duties which devolve on their exalted position. We can scarcely take up a newspaper -without reading of their Eoyal Highnesses performing some public duty or lending their presence for the support of some charitable institution, combining as they do this honourable desfre to do good -with the most gracious manner — a graclousness which, I venture to say, does not proceed from mere courtly education, but from the genuine impulses of good and noble natures." The toast was drunk with aU the honours, and His Eoyal Highness, who was received with much cheering, said : — "My Lords and Gentlemen, — For the exceedingly kind manner in which my health and that of the Princess of Wales have been proposed by you, Sir . Francis, and received by the 366 SPEECEES OF E.E.E. TEE PEINCE OF WALES. company here present allow me to return my most sincere thanks. The President of the Eoyal Academy and the Eoyal Academicians may be assured that it affords us the greatest pleasure on all occasions to come to the Royal Academy, to attend their annual Exhibition. I am sure. Sir Francis, that you and your brother A.cademicians have no cause to complain of the Exhibition this year. I am certain that all who have any knowledge of Art wUl agree with me that this is a very fine Exhibition, in no way inferior to any of its predecessors. For myself, 1 wUl only say that it affords me the greatest gratifica tion to be present on an occasion when one meets with the most distinguished men — men of the highest position and talent, surrounded by aU that is most beautiful in Art. I beg to return my best acknowledgments for the kind manner in which you have received the health of the Princess of Wales, of myself, and of the other members of the Royal Family, and I sincerely hope that on many future occasions I may have the happiness to be present at the annual gatherings of the Royal Academy." In responding for the Army, the Duke of Cambridge referred with high praise to the picture of " The Last Muster," and also to that of the young lady who has again distinguished herself by a military picture, " The Square of the 28th Regiment at the Battle of Quatre Bras," and also the picture by a foreign artist In another room delineating an historic " Charge at Waterloo." In speaking of the Navy, the President said that Mr. Brassey had presented to the nation the fine picture of the Devastation. " I believe," said Sir Francis, " this Is the first representation of an Ironclad that has found a place on these walls — a picture of the Devastation — of which the genius of the talented artist has made quite a picturesque object by concealing more than half the vessel in smoke, and adorning what remains with a variety of flags." 1879. After having missed the anniversary festival at Burlington House for four years, mainly on account of pressing work, partly In connection with Art, the Prince of Wales honoured the President and Council by his presence on the 3rd of May, 1879. There was the customary number of Royal and distinguished guests, but another President now filled the Chair, and other changes were -witnessed among the Academicians. Sfr Frederick Leighton, In proposing " The Health ofthe Queen," said that, " as members of the Royal Academy, we acclaim in this SPEECHES AT EOYAL AGADEMY BANQUETS. 367 toast the head and immediate patron of this institution — a patron whose patronage has been for forty years not formal merely, but whose Interest in its well-being has constantly shown. and still shows itself in acts of gracious and enlightened generosity and high examples of support, a generosity and support the fruits of which were but a few weeks ago again magnificently evident on our walls. Deep gratitude, therefore, mingles with loyalty Id the toast which I have now the honour to propose — ^' The Health of Her Majesty the Queen.' " The President said of the Prince of Wales, that " his absence for a time had not been caused by any diminution of the interest which he has ever evinced in this Academy and in the arts which are its care, but, on the two last occasions at least, by the performance of self-imposed and onerous duties In whicli the furtherance of English Art had no smaU share. Those who had the honour to co-operate with His Royal Highness In the work to which I allude — and not a few are seated at this table^know by- experience with what steadfast zeal and devotion and with what Inexhaustible kindness in his dealings with all he carried it out ; but no one, perhaps, so well as myself knows how desirous the Prince of Wales has been throughout that English Art should receive at the International Exhibition that recognition and honour which in his view it deserved, and which in the event was measured out to it by the opinion of Europe." The Princess of Wales, as all knew, co-operated with never-failing grace with the Prince In fulfilling the duties of their high station. As to the other members of the Royal Family, " all had gro-wn up In the love of arts, and several of them practise one or other of those arts with enthusiasm and with marked success. I give ' The Prince and Princess of Wales, and the rest of the Royal Family.' " The Prince, in responding, said : — " Sfr Frederick Leighton, your Royal Highnesses, my Lords, and Gentlemen, — I am very grateful for the excessively kind manner in whieh this toast has been proposed and received by this large and distinguished company. As the President, Sir Frederick Leighton, has said, it is four years since I last had the advantage of being present at your annual celebration. It was a matter of great regret to me that so long a time should elapse, but it has given me great pleasure to come here to-night and take part in your proceedings. During those four years events have. occurred in the history of the Royal Academy which have awakened deep regret. The members of the Royal Academy — I may say aU who sit at these tables — feel that they lost a friend in the death of Sfr Francis Grant, who so long presided 'vidth so much geniaUty and kindness at these anniversaries. 368 SPEECHES OF H.E.H. THE PEINGE OF WALES. But of the Academy, as of Royalty, it may be said, ' Le Eoi est mart ! Vive le Roi I ' The President is dead ; another President is elected. Sir Frederick Leighton is an old friend of mine — a friend of upwards of twenty years' standing. I congratulate him most cordiaUy and sincerely on the high office he now holds. I may also congratulate the Royal Academy on having such a man to preside over their meetings. " I have to return my thanks, and those of my colleagues, to Sir F. Leighton for the able assistance he has rendered during the recent International Exhibition in Paris. Your President was unanimously elected chafrman of the Section of Fine Arts, and he presided over a jury of at least forty members, and I think we have every reason to congratulate ourselves on the results: " Let me now congratulate you, Sir Frederick, and the Royal Academy generally, on the magnificent Exhibition which we see before us this evening. I have not yet had sufficient time to enable me to speak to its merits, but I hope on some future occasion to have the opportunity of going over it more carefuUy. I thank you again for the kind way in which my health and that of the Princess of Wales have been proposed and for the very warm reception you have given me." The Duke of Cambridge, in responding for the Army, referred to wars now being carried on in different parts of the world. He also spoke with praise of two pictures in this year's Exhibition by Miss Thompson. Mr. W. H. Smith spoke for the Navy. Lord Beaconsfield responded for Her Majesty's Ministers, Mr. Froude for Literature, the Lord Chief Justice for the Guests, and the Lord Mayor for the Corporation of London. The Lord Chief Justice (Sir Alexander Cockburn) gave an eloquent desoriptlou of the chief works of Sir Frederick Leighton, beginning with the " Procession of CImabuc," nearly a quarter of a century ago, from which men felt that " a new genius had arisen who was to add to the lustre and renown of British Art." Sir Frederick Leighton, In his concluding speech, paid a generous tribute to the memory of Sir Francis Grant, and also of Mr. E. M. Ward, in whom the Academy had lost " one of the few artists who made the history of our country a constant subject for study." 1880. At the annual banquet in 1880, the President, Sir Frederick Leighton, paid to the Prince of Wales a handsome compliment SPEECHES AT EOYAL AGADEMY BANQUETS. 369 when he said : " Sir, of the graces by which your Eoyal Highness has won and firmly retains the affectionate attachment of English men, none has operated more strongly than the width of your sympathies ; for there Is no honourable sphere In which English men move, no path of life in which they tread, wherein your Eoyal Highness has not, at some time, -by graceful word or deed, evinced an enlightened interest." Coming from Sir Frederick Leighton, this was not the mere language of flattery. In replying, the Prince, after expressmg his sincerest thanks, said : — " Year by year the members of my famUy and myself receive invitations to take part in the proceedings at this anniversary banquet. You can therefore well understand that I find some difficulty in replying to the toast. At the same time I can assure the President and the members of the Academy that, though year by year we visit these exhibitions and take part-at these banquets, the interest we take in them does not in any way diminish. I may be aUowed to congratulate him and his coUeagues on the very great success of this Exhibition. I had the opportunity two or three days ago of going through these rooms, and, though I do not profess to be in any way an art critic, I am quite sure they have no reason to fear any criticism upon the works of art which adorn these walls. " I have been charged by my brothers, who generally take part in this day's proceedings, to express their great regret that they have not been able to be present. My brother, the Duke of Edinburgh, has been for the last five or six weeks absent on duty in Ireland, where he is employed on an important and, I ¦trust, useful mission, not only as Admiral Superintendent of the Naval Eeserve, but in doing what he can to relieve the distress which exists in Ireland. He has lately had the oppor tunity of taking the supplies for distribution on the West Coast from that gaUant ship the Constitution, sent over by our American cousins, so nobly and generously, to afford relief to thefr distressed brethren in Ireland. In a letter I received from him two days ago he says the distress stiU exists, and both food and clothing are much wanted ; in many instances the corn is not yet sown. I wUl not touch more upon this topic, and I should not have mentioned it had I not been par ticularly requested to do so." 2 B 370 SPEECEES OF E.E.H. THE PEINCE OF WALES. 1881. At the banquet of 1881, the most notable incident was the special toast In honour of Sir Frederick Eoberts. The President, Sir Frederick Leighton, said that " it was unusual at that table to single out a guest, however distinguished, when the profession to which he belongs has already been made the subject of a toast. But the brilliant achievements of Sir Frederick Eoberts, especially the now famous march from Cabul to Candahar, had stirred aU. hearts." Sir Frederick, while grateful for the hearty weloome, spoke of the services of Sir Donald Stewart, and said 'that officers and men were all animated by one spirit — to do their duty, and to uphold the honour of their Queen and country. Other events, that had occurred since their last assembly, were touched upon by the Prince of Wales, In responding to the toast with which his name Is usually associated at these banquets. He said : — ¦ " It is always a great gratification to myseK and any other members of our family who may be present to come to this annual gathering of the Eoyal Academy, and we greatly regret when any cause arises to prevent us being present. It is a matter of great interest not only to be surrounded by aU that is finest in modern art, but also to meet so distinguished an assembly, although we who come year by year find that gaps ¦are made which we must aU deeply regret. One of the most Tecent of these has been occasioned by the death of the great statesman just taken from us, who but two years ago made in this room one of his most eloquent speeches, which must be in the memory of aU who were then present, many of whom are here to-night. I will not allude to the late Earl of Beacons field further than to say how gratifying it is to see that fine portrait of him in the next room, executed by one of our first artists, Mr. MUlais. I might also allude to the removal from among us of the late Lord Chief Justice of England, opposite to whom I had often the pleasure of sitting at this table. The Academy, 1 am sure, also deplores the loss of Mr. Elmore, and Mr. Knight, who was many years Secretary, and we must aU sympathise with the Academy for the loss they have thus sustained. " It is not for me on this occasion to offer any criticism on the pictures which adorn these waUs. I have only had the SPEECEES AT EOYAL ACADEMY BANQUETS. 371 opportunity of taking a very cursory glance at them, and even K I were able I should not indulge in any critical remarks. But I will say this — neither the President nor the members of the Academy have any reason to deprecate fair and just criticism. One of the greatest pictures in the Exhibition is the portrait of the President, painted by himself. In this he has only followed the example of some of the great masters, who painted their own portraits. As there are so many more speeches to be made — some of the greatest possible interest — I will not weary you with more words. I -will only again thank you, in my own name, in the name of the Princess, and of my brothers who are present, for your very kind reception." The Duke of Cambridge said the Artists' Corps was one of the smartest and most efficient in the Volunteer Army, and he was glad of the opportunity of paying this tribute tq them. 1886. At the banquet of 1885, the Prince of Wales was accompanied for the first time by Prince Albert Victor. In the speech in reply to the usual toast from the Chair, the Prince referred to his being accompanied by his son in a very different place from the Academy of Art. " You, sir " (addressing the President), " have kindly alluded to our late visit to Ireland. I can only assure you that, if that ¦visit was a labour at all, it was a labour of love. We had for a long time past looked forward to a fitting opportunity for once more visiting Ireland, and we were glad to avail ourselves of the opportunity recently afforded us. I was sure that on going there we should meet with a kind and hearty reception, and such was the case -with very few exceptions. We received as kind and loyal a reception as it could be the good fortune of any one to meet with. You, sir, have touched upon a subject of interest to us. My son and I had the opportunity of visiting, although the time aUowed us was too short to do all that we could have wished to do, those districts of the town of Dublin in which the houses, although they might have picturesqueness, were certainly not calculated to promote the happiness and welfare of their inhabitants. This reminds me that I have had the honour of serving for upwards of a year on the Commission 2 B 2 372 SPEECEES OF E.E.E. TEE PEINCE OF WALES. which has for its object the improvement of the dwelUngs of the poorer classes of this country. 1 wUl not anticipate our first report, which will be shortly issued. I will only say before sitting down that not only has it been to me a sincere pleasure and satisfaction to have aided so important and valuable a work, but I have had the advantage of working with some of the most distinguished of my countrymen, some of whom are here to-night." The Duke of Cambridge made touching reference to the death of General Gordon. " I feel that the remarks of the President call for a sympathetic sentiment on my part and that of the Army. The allusion to General Gordon is one that touches the heart of every English soldier, from myself down to the youngest soldier of us all. I can only deplore the fact that he is no longer among us, and that his brilliant career is now over." 1888. At the banquet of 1888, the President, Sir Frederick Leighton, after the toast of " The Queen," in proposing " The Prince and Princess of Wales and the rest of the Eoyal Family," referred to this year being the "Silver Wedding," and also alluded to the anxiety then darkening the home of " the Princess Eoyal of England," the Empress of Germany. The Prince, In reply, said : — " Mr. President, my Lords, and Gentlemen, — This toast has, been proposed in far too flattering terms, but the words which have fallen from Sir Frederick Leighton have not failed to touch me deeply, as they also wUl touch the Princess. I thank you, therefore, Mr. President, for the kind manner in which you have given the toast, and you, gentlemen, for the way in which you have received it. My coming here this evening marks, as it were, a double anniversary. This is not only the year of my sUver wedding, which your President has kindly referred to, but it is now just a quarter of a century ago since I first had the pleasure and gratification of accepting the kind hospitaUty of this great Academy. There have, no doubt, been many changes during that interval in this body. Many illustrious and distinguished members of the Academy have passed away; but, whUe we cannot but regret them, we know that there has been no lack of others to fill their places. When one thinks of SPEECEES Al EOYAL AGADEMY BANQUETS. 373 the old buildings in which we used to assemble, which are now devoted to the purposes of the National Gallery, and when one sees this new edifice, which has existed now for nineteen years, and the beautiful objects that adorn its waUs, one can form some idea of the great progress that has been made in art in tliis country. It is a remarkable fact that, although many new galleries are constantly springing up, there appears to be no difficulty in adorning their walls and filling them with pictures and sculpture. In 1869, 3000 works of art were offered for acceptance by this Academy ; but this year, I am told, no less than 9300 were sent in. Unfortunately, of that number upwards of 7000 had to be returned, because you have only room for 2000 odd. The responsibility which rests upon the President, and especiaUy upon that most hard-working and perhaps I may say also best-abused body, the hanging com mittee, is very great, and their labours increase as years go on. They, of course, cannot give satisfaction to everybody; but those distinguished artists who must be disappointed at not seeing their works upon these walls may perhaps find some consolation in observing how very high is the general standard of exceUence attained by their more fortunate brethren whose works have been accepted. " Before sitting down I wish to acknowledge on behalf of my sister and her husband the kind sympathy which you, sir, have expressed to-night in such feeling words. I wish it were possible for me to give on this occasion greater hopes of the life of one so near and dear to me, of one of such value, not only to his own country, but, 1 maintain, to the world at large. The recent news which we have received has been rather more favourable, and God grant that such news may continue. At any rate, as long as there is life there is hope. I thank you once more, Mr. President, for the cordial terms in which you liave proposed my health and the kind way in which you have alluded to the members of my family." The Duke of Cambridge, who has the pleasurable duty every year of responding to the toast of the Army, must naturally feel increasing difficulty in varying the subject of his discourses. He was, however, never more happy In his remarks than at the banquet of 1888. "Every year that I come here," said the Duke, " i feel more at home among you, and for this reason, because I 374 SPEECHES OF H.E.E. TEE PEINGE OF WALES. believe that there is great sympathy between artists and military men. It has been said that the services seem to some extent out of place in a company composed of artists, because artists are concerned with art and science and peaceful pursuits ; but I beHeve, on the other hand, that artists derive a great advantage from observing our profession, because It supplies them with many subjects which they love to portray. And the military sentiment among artists Is by no means to be considered as effaced. When I see what a splendid corps of Volunteers the artists supply, I think I may claim them as one of the elements of strength which we should use should any emergency arise. God forbid that it should ever arise ; but, if it should, may the services be In a con dition to prevent danger from approaching this country." These last words form the burden of most of the 'vrise and patriotic speeches which the Duke of Cambridge delivers at the Academy and elsewhere. EOYAL BANQUETS AT TRINITY HOUSE. ( 377 .) EOYAL BANQUETS AT THE TEINITY HOUSE. July 2nd, 1866 The Corporation of the Trinity House received its first charter in 1514, from King Henry VIII. It was then a guild or brotherhood for the encouragement of the science and art of navigation, and was first empowered to build lighthouses and erect beacons by an Act passed Iu the reign of Queen Elizabeth. This has gradually come to be the chief duty of the Corporation, and a very important one it Is to a nation with such vast commerce. The Scottish coasts are under a separate Board, but all others are under the charge of the Trinity House. The Mastership of the Company has in recent times been an honourable post, held by Princes and Statesmen. Lord Liverpool was Master In 1816, and was followed by the Marquis Camden, the Duke of Clarence, afterwatds William IV., the Duke of Wellington, the Prince Consort, and Lord Palmerston, since whose death the office has been held by the Duke of Edinburgh. The post was offered to the Prince of Wales, but was declined by him, in behalf of his saUor brother, " with graceful delicacy and characteristic manliness," as Sir Frederick Arrow, the Deputy- Master said, in proposing his health at the first banquet where he was a guest. This first festival meeting after the election of the Duke of Edinburgh as Master took place on the 2nd of July, 1866. Among the guests were the King of the Belgians, the Prince of Wales, the Premier and several members of the Cabinet, the Lord Chief Justice, the Lord Mayor, and other distinguished persons. The guests were received by the Elder Brethren in the Court Eoom of the Corporation, a stately apartment, adorned with portraits of Eoyal personages and of former Masters. His Eoyal Highness the Master proposed the health of " Her Majesty the Queen," and then that of the " King of the Belgians," who In his reply warmly thanked a Corporation which rendered im portant services to all maritime and commercial nations. In giving the toast of " The Prince of Wales, the Princess of Wales, and the other members of the Eoyal Family," the Master said : " It has never before been my pleasing duty to propose the health of my brother In his presence, and I should feel very shy If I were to make any remarks further than that, as Master of your Corporation, and as his brother, I beg you to give him a most hearty welcome." 378 SPEECEES OF E.E.E. TEE PEINCE OF WALES. His Eoyal Highness the Prince of Wales said : — " May it please your Majesty, your Eoyal Highness, my Lords, and Gentlemen, — Under any circumstances it would have been a source of gratification to me to be present on such an occasion as this, but more especially when I have been in-vited by my own brother and have the pleasure of supporting him on the first occasion of his taking the chair as Master of this Company. Perhaps you wUl allow me on this occasion merely to mention that, after the death of that distinguished and lamented states man whose loss we must always deplore, the office of Master was most kindly offered to me by the Brethren of this Company. I begged to decUne — at least, I begged to offer the suggestion that the office should be offered to my brother, who was far more fit to undertake its duties. Among the distinguished personages who are present on this occasion it is, you will aUow me to say, very gratifying to have the honour of the presence of his Majesty the King of the Belgians. After the very kind manner in which he has spoken of his attachment to this country, which I know is a real attachment, and not merely a form of words, because I have often heard the same sentiment expressed by him in private — after such expressions from his Majesty I think 1 may say that we as Englishmen feel a strong attachment to his country — a country distinguished in its own position among the nations of the Continent, and a country for which his ever lamented father did so much. I beg to thank you for the honour you have done me in drinking my own health in connection with the health of her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales and the other members of the Royal FamUy." July 20th, 1868. At the banquet of 1868, on the 20th of July, the Prince was formally installed as one of the " Younger Brethren " of the Trinity House, the oaths having been administered by the Duke of Edinburgh, as Master. In proposing the usual loyal toasts, the Master said it gave him much satisfaction to be supported by his brother, who, however, on this occasion was present as a member of the Corporation. The Prince, on speaking to the toast, said : — " Your Royal Highnesses, my Lords, and Gentlemen, — I return my best thanks to my Ulustrious relative for the kind way in EOYAL BANQUETS AT THE TEINITY EOUSE. 379 which he has proposed this toast, and for coupling with it the health of the Princess of Wales and that of the other members of the Eoyal FamUy. I am very grateful for the reception which has been accorded him in this room, and I have great pleasure in being here this evening. This is not the first time I have been present at the hospitable board of the Trinity House. It is the second time I have, supported my brother, and 1 come here now in a double capacity, for I have the honour of being present to-day as a member of this Corporation and as hife ' younger brother.' I am sure I may say even in his presence that it is a source of the greatest satisfaction to me to be present at the first dinner at which he has presided since his return from AustraUa. 1 know I am only speaking his wishes when I say that, although the season is now far advanced, he thought, con sistently with the duties he had to perform on board the Galatea, now off Osborne, he could not refrain from taking the chair at the anniversary dinner of this ancient Corporation, of which he has the honour of being the Master. I thank you for the kind way in which this toast has been received." The Duke of Eichmond, as President of the Board of Trade, acknowledged the great services to the Mercantile Marine rendered by the Trinity House. Lord Napier of Magdala, In response to the toast of " The Visitors," spoke of the efficient manner In which the Transport Service had been carried out during the Abyssinian Expedition. July 4th, 1869. In 1869 the Duke of Edinburgh was absent, and the Prince of Wales undertook the office of presiding at the dinner on the 4th of July. Sir Frederick Arrow, Deputy Master, and the Elder Brethren, among whom were Mr. Disraeli and Mr. Gladstone, honorary Brethren, received the invited guests, among whom were Prince Arthur, Prince Christian, Prince Teck, Prince Edward of Saxe Weimar, and numerous men of high distinction in public life. The Prince having proposed " The Health of The Queen, the protectress of this ancient Corporation," Sir Frederick Arrow gave " The Health of the Prince and Princess of Wales and the rest of the Eoyal Family." The Deputy Master referred to the sympathy of the Prince with naval service in all departments, and especially his love of yachting. He also, referred to his tour in the East, since they last assembled at their annual festival. The Prince replied: — 380 SPEECEES OF E.E.E. TEE PEINGE OF WALES. " Your Eoyal Highnesses, my Lords, and Gentlemen, — I am gratified by the honour you have done me in drinking my health and that of the Princess of Wales and the other members of the Eoyal FamUy. I can assure you it has given me great pleasure to be present on this occasion, but I feel I have hardly any right to occupy this chair. The last time 1 was here I was elected a younger member of your Corporation. To-day I have become an elder member, and Sir Frederick Arrow asked me to take the chair in place of my brother, the Master, who is now in a far distant land. You may be sure that I shall always be ready to assist in every way I can to promote the good of this excellent institution. Sir Frederick Arrow has been pleased to allude to my yachting. It is true I am fond of yachting, but I cannot claim to be either a nautical or a naval man. You may, however, always reckon upon any services 1 can render in any way in which you may think I can be useful to your Cor poration." Other customary toasts were then given, and responded to. To the toast of " The Master of the Corporation," his Eoyal High ness the Duke of Edinburgh, " wishing him a happy, prosperous, and safe voyage fiomthe Southern hemispheie, and a quick return home," the Prince of Wales replied : — " Your Eoyal Highnesses, my Lords, and Gentlemen, — I feel I am in rather a difficult position in having to return thanks for one who is absent. At the same time, 1 feel assured my brother would be gratified by my thanking you for the manner in which his health has been proposed and welcomed. According to the French proverb, ' Les absens ont toujours tort.' But I hope you wUl think differently, seeing that my brother is a post captain in Her Majesty's Navy, and is visiting one of Her Majesty's far distant colonies. I am sure if he knew you were drinking his health at this time his heart would be with you. Before I sit down I have the honour of proposing to you a toast — the principal toast of the evening. 1 call upon you to drink, ' Prosperity to the Corporation of Trinity House.' It would be almost superfluous in me to make any remarks on the Corpora tion or its present or future development. It has existed since the time of Henry VIIL, and ever since that time to the present the community has taken the deepest interest in its prosperity. EOYAL BANQUETS AT TPE TEINITY EOUSE. 381 It has also been connected through its honorary Brethren with some of the most distinguished men, and many of those honorary Brethren are present here this evening. Its object is to protect our ships and our saUors, and that object is never forgotten. As ¦ the First Lord of the Admiralty has just said, whUe the Na-vy is called upon to protect our commerce, the Corporation of Trinity House is called upon to protect our sailors and our ships. The first electric light put up in this country was that at Dungeness, and the great Wolf Eock, which has long been the terror of our sailors, will before long cease to be so. This will show you that the Trinity House authorities are anxious to do their duty and to maintain their great name, which I am sure is honoured here and in other countries. Before I resume my seat I give you ' The Health of Sir Frederick Arrow, the Deputy Master,' and I am sure you wiU drink it with enthusiasm, knowing as you do how justly he merits your applause. He has done his duty in every way to maintain the interests of the Corporation, and I think the honour was eminently due which his Sovereign con ferred in making him Sir Frederick Arrow. I call upon you to drink ' Prosperity to the ancient Corporation of Trinity House,' coupling with the toast the name of Sir Frederick Arrow." Sir Frederick Arrow, having briefly responded, gave the toast of " Her Majesty's Ministers," saying that, although politics are unknown at the Trinity House, it was their duty to mark their respect for the Government of the day. Mr. Gladstone responded. The toast of " The Maritime and Commercial Interests of the Country," was coupled with the name of Mr. Bright, as President of the i3oard of Trade. Mr. Bright made an eloquent reply, dis coursing on the benefits to this nation, and to all nations, of the works of the Trinity House Corporation. He said that he believed that' " at this time the merchant ships of England are equal, or nearly equal — I have heard it said they surpass — in number and tonnage the seagoing merchant ships of all other countries In the world. This Is an extraordinary thing, if it be true. But, whether it be exactly true or not, there can be no doubt with regard to foreign commerce — with regard to ships on the ocean — this country has a position at this moment which I believe It never held before, and one I think we may fairly be proud of. I delight, therefore, to dilate on the grandeur of our merchant navy, and I agree with Mr. Cardwell In hoping that the time is coming when the resources of this country may not be expended to an extravagant extent in maintaining our military establishments." In dilating on the magnitude of British commerce and the 382 SPEECEES OF E.E.E. TEE PEINCE OF WALES. number of British merchant ships, it probably never occurred to Mr. Bright that In case of war, a few swift armed cruisers would make these ships fiy, Hke doves before hawks, and the seas be cleared of our now countless merchant steamers. The Alabama and a few swift rovers speedily swept all the commerce of the United States from the sea ; and the same would be the fate of the vaster com merce of Great Britain, if there are not armed vessels, swift, powerful, and numerous, to protect our mercantile navy in every region of the globe. There Is no political question in this, but the common prudential principle of insurance against possible peril and disaster. Our coasts may be adequately defended, but there is need of a naval volunteer service as well as of volunteer riflemen and gunners on land. It may be one of the future national services rendered by the Prince of Wales to get the yachting men of the day to form themselves into naval volunteers, in case of the protection of swift armed cruisers being needed for protecting the fleets of merchantmen on which the people of England depend for supplies. After Mr. Bright's speech, the toast of" The Honorary Brethren" was responded to by Mr. Disraeli, who was followed by Sir Stafford Northcote, Sir E. Phillimore, and Sir John Burgoyne. Seldom has the banqueting hall of the Trinity House been honoured by the presence of so many iUustrious and eloquent guests. June 24th, 1871. In 1871, the Duke of Edinburgh, Master of the Trinity House, had returned to England, and on the 24th of June took his place as President at the annual banquet. The Prince of Wales was present, and a distinguished company. In proposing the health of the Prince of Wales, the Master thanked him for having performed the duties of the Mastership during his absence. Three years before he had jocularly called the Prince his younger Brother. He had since become an Elder Brother, but, In respect of the Trinity House, he, as Master, was still the eldest brother. The Prince, in reply, said :— " It is a great pleasure to me to have my health proposed by my brother in the kind manner in which he has proposed it. He has been pleased to aUude to what I call the smaU duties which I have had to perform at the Trinity House in his absence. I think aU the Brethren are weU aware that it gave me great satisfaction to be able to do anything during my brother's absence ; and I only regret that I had not more to do ; but the real duties were, in fact, performed by a gentleman who now sits on my right (the Deputy Master), and I have to thank him EOYAL .BANQUETS AT THE TEINITY EOUSE. 383 and all the Brethren for the assistance they rendered during the interregnum. My brother is now on half-pay, but the time may come when he wUl again have an important command. In that event I shall be glad again to be of any service during his absence, and the Trinity House may always count upon my placing myself at their disposal." The usual toasts were given, and responded to. His Eoyal Highness the Prince of Wales gave Her Majesty's Ministers, saying : — " To whatever party they belonged, so long as they performed thefr duty to the Crown and upheld the dignity and honour of the country, they were entitled to the compUment he now asked the company to pay to them, and he had great pleasure in coupUng the toast -with the name of his noble and learned friend the Lord ChanceUor." The Lord Chancellor responded, saying that there was not among the methods of preserving peace any greater or more effective means than that of maintaining In its full force and activity the great Navy of England, which must be looked upon by every Govemment -with unmixed admiration ; and he trusted, whatever differences might exist on other subjects. Her Majesty's Government would show that they had one common object, the maintenance of the maritime reputation, honour, and dignity of the country. Mr. Milner Gibson, by command of the Master, proposed a toast always given at the Trinity House anniversaries : " The maritime and commercial interests of the country, and the President of the Board of Trade." Ha-ving himself long held the oESce of President of the Board of Trade, Mr. Milner Gibson bore testimony to the efficient administration by the Trinity House of the funds placed at their disposal. As the funds came from a tax on the shipping and trade of the country, it Is a right and constitutional thing that the expenditure should be controlled by the Minister of Commerce, responsible to Parliament. He could say that the •lights on the coast of the United Kingdom were equal, If not superior, to the Hghts which existed in any other country in the world. Under the control of the Board of Trade we had made great improvement in the system of lighting our coasts, coupled with a reduced charge upon the trade of the country. It might have been added that It was when the Prince Consort was Master that more constitutional relations between the Trinity House and the Govemment came Into operation, the funds being supplied by the Board of Trade, and administered by the Corpora tion, who then had what they called " new Sailing Orders " for their guidance. 381 SPEECEES OF E.E.E. TEE PEINGE OF WALES. June 2-th, 1874. The banquet at the Corporation Hall on June 27, 1874, was presided over by His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, In the absence of the Master, the Duke of Edinburgh. The Deputy Master Sir Frederick Arrow, after the usual loyal and patriotic toasts, gave " The Health of the Prince of Wales," who responded in brief and appropriate terms, and afterwards proposed the toast of " Prosperity to the Corporation of the Trinity House." He said : — " Your Royal Highnesses, my Lords, and Gentlemen, — I have now the honour of proposing to you a toast which I only wish had been placed in better hands than mine. Although I have the honour of being connected with this ancient Guild, I do not feel that I possess that nautical knowledge which a person ought to have who proposes a toast like ' Prosperity to the Corporation of Trinity House ' ; but I am sure it is a toast which wiU meet with your approval this evening. I wUl begin by stating that the few remarks with which I shaU preface the toast are not of my own knowledge, the facts having been suppUed to me by the kindness of the Deputy Master, and if I get out of my depth or among the quicksands 1 must trust you will excuse me. I speak Avith sincerity when I say that since we met here last year the duties of the Trinity House have been carried on as successfuUy as on any previous occasion, and that the whole of its proceed ings have been of a highly satisfactory character. There have been several new lighthouses built — one, I believe, has been completed to-day, and is to be opened on the 1st of July. It is on Hartland Point, and, with reference to our commercial interests, is considered to be of great importance. It will do much to facUitate our trade with the Welsh coal ports. The Goodwin Sands is a name which fills every sailor with alarm ; and, although everything has been done to [prevent the fearful wrecks with which the name is associated, we have only to read the daily newspapers to be aware of the fearful disasters that often occur at sea outside those terrible sands. The Trinity House has lately put a second lighthouse eastward of Beachy Head. "There is another subject in connection with which the Trinity House has taken a very active part,- and it is one of : EOYAL BANQUETS AT TEE TEINITY EOUSE. 385 great importance, especially to nautical men. I mean the subject of sound-signals in foggy weather. The Trinity House has every reason to feel deeply indebted to Professor TyndaU, who, I regret to say, could not be with us upon this occasion owing to liis absence from England. Some most interesting experiments in connection with sound-signals have been carried out by him, and a most able report has been written by him on the subject. I am sure you -will all agree with me in thinking this a most important matter, and one in which it is natural that the Trinity House should take a prominent interest. At a great many stations it has been determined to place these fog-signals where lights can be of no avaU. " There is another matter in connection with which the Trinity House has every reason for congratulation. I mean the reduc tion of dues to the amount of £80,000, in addition to the reduction of £60,000 in 1872. There are many other important facts connected with the Trinity House which the Deputy Master has been kind enough to place at my disposal, but which I need not now detain you by mentioning. In proposing the toast of ' Prosperity to the Corporation of the Trinity House,' it is my pleasing duty to connect it with the health of one who not only does everything to make our annual gatherings here most agreeable, but who performs the arduous and responsible duties which he has to discharge in a most praiseworthy and effective manner. I am sure that you wUl drink most cordially the health of the Deputy Master. My Lords and gentlemen, I give you ' Prosperity to the Corporation of the Trinity House, coupled with the name of Sir Frederick Arrow, the Deputy Master.' " At a later period of the evening His Royal Highness proposed the toasts of " Her Majesty's Ministers," to which the Lord Chancellor responded, and the " Distinguished Visitors," coupling with it the name of the Lord Chief Justice of England (Sir Alexander Cockburn). June 2nd, 1876. In 1875 the Duke of Edinburgh was not abroad, and presided at the annual dinner on the 2nd of June. The seamen of the Galatea lined the way to the Hall, on Tower Hill, in honour of the occasion, and of the presence of their captain. In the room where . 2 C 386 SPEECEES OF E.E.H. TEE PEINGE OF WALES. the guests were received was a portrait of the Master, painted as a companion picture to those already on the walls, by a Russian artist, G. Koberweln. Count Shouvaloff, the Eussian Ambassador, was among the guests. In responding to the customary toast of " The Eoyal Family," the Prince of Wales expressed his gratification at his brother Prince Leopold having become a member of the Corporation. The Duke of Cambridge responded for the Army. 1877. The banquet of 1877 was again presided over by the Prince of Wales, in the absence of the Master, the Duke of Edinburgh. There was the usual select company, Including Eoyal and other distinguished guests, especially General Grant, who, in his travels throughout the old world, was received with as great honour as any king could be. In proposing the health of the Prince of Wales, the Earl of Derby said : — " No one particularly likes to listen to his own panegyric, even at a pubHc dinner, and therefore I wUl say nothing -with regard to the illustrious subject of my toast beyond that which you aU know to be the simple and Hteral truth. His Eoyal Highness has not only now, but for many years past, done all that Is in the power of man to do, by genial courtesies towards men of every class, and by his indefatigable assiduity In the performance of every social duty, to secure at once that public respect which is due to his exalted position and that social sympathy and personal popularity which no position, however exalted, can of itself be sufficient to secure. We regret the absence of the iUustrious Master of the Corporation, the Duke of Edinburgh, but we regret it the less because he is doing what each of us In our humble spheres desires and endeavours to do — he is serving his country. I give you " The Health of His Eoyal Highness the Prince of Wales and the rest of the Eoyal FamUy." The toast was drunk with all the accustomed honours, and the Prince in reply said : — " My Lords and Gentlemen, — I return you my sincere thanks for the kind way in which the toast of my health has been pro posed and the manner in which it has been received. I can assure the whole company that I feel it a great honour to be present on this occasion, especially connected as I have the honour to be with your Master. I regret that my brother is not here this evening. It is now two years since I was present at this annual gathering, and I regret to say I miss the kind and genial face of the late Deputy Master, Sir Frederick Arrow ; but in Admfral CoUinson we have an exceUent substi- EOYAL BANQUETS AT TEE TEINITY EOUSE. 387 tute. On the present occasion it is a matter of peculiar gratifi cation to us as EngUshmen to receive as our guest General Grant. I can assure him, for myself and for all the loyal subjects of the Queen, that it has given us the greatest pleasure to see him as a guest in this country. My lords and gentlemen, before resuming my seat, it is my privilege to propose to you another toast — one which always recommends itseK most heartUy to the pubUc, and that is ' The Army, Na-vy, and Eeserve Forces,' connecting with it on this occasion the name of a dis tinguished officer, Lord Strathnaim, and that . of the Hon. Sir Henry Keppel." The toast was received with three times three. Lord Strathnaim and Sir H. Keppel replied to the compliment, and the Chancellor of the Exchequer responded to the toast of "Her Majesty's Ministers," proposed by His Eoyal Highness the Chairman. Other toasts ha-sdng been given and acknowledged, the Earl of Carnarvon proposed " The Health of the Guests," coupled -with the name of General Grant; saying that "there never has been one to whom we willingly accord a freer, a fuller, a heartier welcome than we do to General Grant on this occasion. We accord it to him, not merely because we believe he has performed the, part of a distinguished General in many a ' weU-foughten field,' nor because he has twice filled the highest office which the citizens of his great country can fill, but because we look upon him here present to-night as representing, so to speak, that good- will and that affection which ought to subsist between us and the United States of America. It is not a century since there befell this country what we believe to have been the greatest misfortune that her pages record. Not a hundred years ago the States of America separated from us ; and, great as the loss was, I do not think that the separation was the greatest part of the calamity. The disaster lay in this, that the separation on each side was effected amid the storms of "passion, resentment, and animosity. Yet not a century has rolled by, and I beHeve, and thank God for believing, that in a great measure that animosity and resentment have passed away, and we are entering on a new stage of mutual trust, of mutual sympathy, and of mutual support and strength. I have had, perhaps, special opportunities of observing this In the office I have the honour to hold. It has been my duty to be connected -with the great dominion of Canada, stretching, as it does, several thousand mUes along the frontier of the United States, and during the last three or four years I can, truthfully say that nothing impressed me more or gave me Uvelier satisfac tion than the interchange of friendly and good offices between the two countries under the auspices of President Grant. 2 c 2 388 SPEECEES OF E.E.E. TEE PEINCE OF WALES. General Grant was loudly cheered on rising to respond. He spoke in such a low voice as not to be heard distinctly, but he was understood to say that he felt more impressed than possibly he had ever felt before on any occasion. He came there under the impression that this was the Trinity House, and that the trinity consisted of the Army, the Navy, and Peace. He therefore thought it was a place of quietude, where there would be no talk or toasts. He had been therefore naturally surprised at hearing both one and the other. He had heard some remarks from His Eoyal Highness the President ofthe evening which compeUed him to say one word In response to them. The remarks he referred to were compH- mentary to him. He begged to thank His Eoyal Highness for those remarks. There had been other things said during the evening highly gratifying to him. Not the least gratifying among them was to hear that there were occasionally in this country party fights as well as In America. He had seen before now as much as a war between the three departments of the State — the executive, the judicial, and the legislative departments. He had not seen the political parties of England go so far as that since he had come to this country. He would imitate their Chairman, who had set the good example of oratory— that was brevity — and say no more than simply to thank His Eoyal Highness and the company for the visitors. This Is one ofthe longest speeches ever made by General Grant, whose allusion to party fights was suggested by what had been said by the Chancellor of the Exchequer : " There have been reports and rumours of dissensions In the Cabinet, and of them I do not mean to say anything but this — there Is one subject on which there Is no dissension. Among all the ministers who have ever dined at the Trinity House there Is no dissension as to the manner in which they have been received In this hospitable hall." THE EOYAL COLLEGE OF MUSIC. ( 391 ) THE EOYAL COLLEGE OF MUSIC. The Eoyal College of Music has occupied so much of the time and labour of the Prince of Wales, and promises to be an institution of so great national importance, that It seems well to present in order the various movements that led up to the foundation of the College, and to group together the sucoesdve speeches of the Prince on this subject. NATIONAL TEAINING SCHOOL FOR. MUSIC. June 15th, 1876. The need for extending musical education, and for Improving musical taste in England, has long been felt. That there Is no lack of musical genius or skill In our country Is sufficiently attested by the great array of eminent composers and distinguished performers, whether in vocal or instrumental music, both In former and in recent times. Nor has the love of the art, and delight in its exercise, ever been wanting. There was a time when what we now call " old English " rounds and catches, glees and madrigals, and all kinds of choral compositions, were popular, in the widest sense of the word. The love of orchestral harmony has also been great in England, where Handel found his home, and the best field for his wonderful powers. In those days Ireland was truly one -with England, in appreciation of high classical music. It was in DubHn that the Messiah was first heard, and best appre ciated. Even in the depressed period of music, in the early decades of this century, there were always competitions of weU- trained choirs and bands, which showed the love and practice of musical art to be still -widely diffused and ardently cultivated. Notwithstanding all this, it had come to be necessary to take some measures for advancing musical art throughout the country, where great to-wns and busy centres of industry had multiplied, without the civilising influence of music being to a corresponding degree diffused. No one felt this more strongly than the Prince Consort, but the opportunity of carrying out his ideas did not arise in his Hfetime. The Eoyal Academy of Music, founded in 1822, and incorporated in 1830, did good service in its Hmited 392 SPEECEES OF E.E.E. TEE PEINCE OF WALES. way, for training its pupils and awarding a few scholarships; but some institution was needed, with larger expansiveness, and capable of diffusing the love and the practice of music more widely among the people. It was in furtherance of this national purpose that the Prince of Wales, who put himself at the head of the movement, held a conference at Marlborough House, on the 15th of June, 1875. The immediate object was to promote the establishment of free scholarships, to be held in the National Training Schools for Music, then being erected, close to the Royal Albert Hall, at Kensington Gore. The Duke of Edinburgh, Prince Christian, and the Duke of Teck were present ; and representatives of many public bodies in Church and State, including the Archbishops and several Bishops, the Lord Mayor of London and the Mayors of many provincial towns, the Masters or Prime Wardens of the City Companies, the head masters of public schools, the Chalrmau and members of the London School Board, the Parliamentary representatives of the Metropolitan boroughs, and a very numerous company, of the most distinguished name and position. The Prince of Wales, in opening the proceedings, expressed his gratification at the large attendance, which augured well for the object they all had in view. He then called on the Duke of Edin burgh to move the first resolution, in introducing which he gave a lucid and interesting statement of the history of the movement. In 1854, the Royal Academy of Music made an application to the Commissioners of the Exhibition of 1851 to grant a site upon their estate for a building In which they could carry on their labours. The negotiations were not successful, and matters remained In abeyance until 1865, when the Society of Arts appointed a Com mittee to consider and report on the whole subject of musical education In this country. Of this committee the Prince of Wales consented to act as chairman. Inquiries were made as to the methods employed In the management of musical academies in Paris, Berlin, Munich, Milan, and other Continental schools. Beports were drawn up, one of the main points In which dealt with the necessity for Instituting scholarships to be competed for openly, so as to draw out the best musical talent throughout the country. Assistance should be given In cases where the scholars were unable to provide education for themselves. In 1872 negotiations were reopened with the Royal Academy, with the idea of removing the head-quarters of the Academy from Tenderden Street to South Kensington. It became more evident that the purposes contemplated by the Committee of the Society of Arts could be better accomplished by the establishment of a new and Independent Institution as a National Training School for Music. The foundation-stone of the new institution had been laid in 1873, at which time a member of the Council, Mr. Freake, had liberally offered to undertake the whole cost of the building. At first Mr. Freake Intended to give the use only of the building NATIONAL TEAINING SCEOOL FOE MUSIC. 393 for some years, but he now requested the acceptance of it as a free gift. It was further stated by the Duke of Edinburgh that there was ample accommodation for above 300 students. It .only remained to obtain the foundation of Scholarships in sufficient numbers for the appointment of a permanent Staff of Professors, and other arrangements for efficiently carrying on the new training school. The Duke of Edinburgh then moved a resolution for the appoint ment of a Committee for taking steps to found Free Scholarships for the City of London and the Metropolitan districts. This resolution was seconded by the Archbishop of Canterbury, and supported by the Lord Mayor and the Archbishop of York. The Prince of Wales, in responding to a vote of thanks for having convened and presiding over the meeting, said, "he thought the initiative in this matter was really due to his brother, the Duke of Edinburgh, who had taken great interest in music since his chUdhood. The same was the case with their father, the late Prince Consort, whose name would always be remem bered with gratitude for the powerful influence he had exercised on the intellectual advancement of the country, and to whose efforts might be traced in great measure the important place which music now held in the estimation of all classes. " On the whole, they had reason to congratulate themselves on the success of the meeting, and he was glad to have the oppor tunity of returning his thanks to the Lord Mayor and to aU the gentlemen representing the great City Companies for their co operation on this occasion, feeling that that meeting would be the commencement of a movement which he trusted would be a success. In conclusion, he wished to move a resolution con veying a vote of thanks to Mr. Freake for the handsome and Uberal manner in which he had so kindly behaved in giving the building for the National Training School of Music. It was already a great exercise of UberaUty to offer the use of it rent free for five years, and certainly he was sure none present could have expected that he would have made them a present of it. He was therefore anxious that they should on that occasion record a unanimous vote of thanks to him for his great UberaUty, and for the interest he had taken in the welfare of that which they had so much at heart." The Duke of Edinburgh seconded the resolution, which was carried unanimously. 394 SPEECEES OF E.E.E. TEE PEINCE OF WALES. FOUNDING THE EOYAL COLLEGE OF MUSIC. February 28th, 1882. As far back as June, 1876, the Prince of Wales, we have seen, had taken steps to secure improvement of musical education throughout the kingdom. With this purpose he had Invited many Influential persons to a Conference at Marlborough House, which was held on the 15th of June of that year, and which resulted in the establish ment of the National Training School of Music, with Sir Arthur Sullivan as Its Principal. Ten years earlier. In 1866, the Prince had Induced the Society of Arts to appoint a Committee to consider and report on the whole subject of musical education In this country, and of this Committee he gladly consented to act as President. In 1878 the Prince summoned a number of gentlemen to a meeting at Marlborough House, where the proposal to found a National College of Music, uniting the Academy and the Training School, was first mooted. A committee was appointed, and the assent both of the Academy and the School had been obtained, when the Academy withdrew, and declined to accept the proposals of union. It was not till after the lapse of several years that the way was clear for the establishment of a new and truly national institution. On the 28th of February, 1882, the Prince of Wales presided at a meeting held in the Banqueting Hall, St. James's Palace, for the purpose of soliciting public support for founding a "Eoyal College of Music." This meeting Is destined to be a memorable event, not only In musical annals, but In the history of the nation. What was the character and influence of that meeting was stated In eloquent terms by Sir George Grove, In his speech at the inaugu ration of the Eoyal College in the following year. This statement will be given In full on a subsequent page, the following words being sufficient to quote here : " A meeting so truly national In Its aspect gave, If I may use a not Inappropriate figure, the key-note of the movement ; and the key-note thus struck at St. James's Palace resounded through the country, and met with a ready and harmonious response." Larger meetings the Prince has frequently addressed, but never one more broadly representative of all the most distinguished and influential classes in the kingdom. The Ambassadors and Ministers of most of the Continental Powers were also among the audience. The Prince of Wales, who on rising was most cordially greeted, opened the proceedings by reading letters from the Duke of Con naught and Prince Christian, expressing regret that circumstances prevented them from being present, and their hearty sympathy with the objects of the meeting. Prince Christian in his letter FOUNDING TEE EOYAL COLLEGE OF MUSIC. 395 briefly recounted the history of the fruitless attempt which had been made to induce Professor Macfarren and the directors of the Eoyal Academy of Music to consent to a union of their institution with the National Training School of Music, with a view to form a Eoyal College of Music on a more extended basis. The Prince of Wales then said : — " My Lords and Gentlemen, — I have caUed you tpgether to day, the representatives of the counties and towns in England, the dignitaries of the Church and other religious and educational bodies, distinguished colonists now resident in England, and the representatives of foreign Powers, to aid me in the promotion of a national object by obtaining contributions for the establish ment of a Eoyal College of Music. Were the object less than of national importance, I should not have troubled' you — the heads of social IKe — to meet me here to-day, and I should not myself have undertaken the responsibiUty of acting as the leader and organiser of the movement. 1 have invited to meet you the leading musicians and pubUshers of music, the most. eminent musical instrument makers, the most influential amateurs and patrons of music, and I trust that by the co operation and union of some of the most powerful elements of society, we may succeed in estabUshing a Eoyal CoUege of Music on a more extended basis than any existing institution ih United Kingdom ; worthy alike of this meeting and of this country, for whose benefit you are asked to give your time, your money, and your influence. " I do not propose to trouble you with any proofs of the advantages that would be derived from the estabUshment of a National CoUege of Music. That subject has been fuUy dis cussed by the Duke of Albany at Manchester, and his address is before the world. He showed that relatively to foreign countries England occupied three centuries ago a higher place in the musical world than she does at the present time, and he proved that the almost universal estabUshment of central and national musical institutions abroad, and the want of such an institution in England, had been one cause why musical progress has not in this country kept pace with the increase of wealth and population and the corresponding development of science and art. " Again, the necessity of pubUc aid formed the groundwork of 396 SPEECEES OF E.E.E. THE PEINGE OF WALES. the appeal made at Manchester by the Duke of Edinburgh and Prince Christian. Music, as they showed, is far more expensive to teach than other arts, and the natural capacity for instruction in music is more rare than in almost any other art. You are compeUed, then, if you would have good musicians, to provide means by which those to whom nature has been bountiful in gi'ving good ears and good voices, but niggardly in giving worldly wealth, may be sought out in their obscurity and brought up to distinction by a proper course of instruction. ' "What I have said naturally leads me to deal with free education in music, coupled in certain cases with free main tenance of the pupil as the first branch of the subject on which I desire to engage your sympathies and ask your aid. This system of gratuitous education is one of the principal features which will distinguish the new college from the Eoyal Academy and other excellent existing schools of music. I do not mean to say that we intend to exclude paying pupUs. To adopt such a course would be to deprive musical abiUty in the upper classes of any means of access to the college, and would stamp it -with a narrow and contracted character, which is above all to be avoided in a national institution intended to include in its corporate character aU classes throughout the United Kingdom. What 1 seek to create is an institution bearing the same relation to the art of music as that which our great public schools — ^Eton and Winchester, for example — bear to general education. On the one side you have scholars who are on the foundation and educated by means of endowments; on the other side, pupils who derive no direct benefit froni the foundation. Both classes of pupils follow the same course of study ; their teachers are the same, their rewards are the same. They differ only in the fact that the coUegers derive aid from the college, while those who are not on the foundation pay for the whole of their education. I lay great stress on this combination of the two systems of education — that by endowment and that by payment. Finan ciaUy, it enables us to have salaried teachers of the greatest eminence, who wUl give so much of their time as they devote to teaching exclusively to the instruction of pupils at the coUege. But, more than aU, a union of different classes in a common and elevating pursuit is the best mode of binding in one tie of FOUNDING THE EOYAL COLLEGE OF MUSIC. 397 common enthusiasm the different grades of society, varying alike in wealth and social influence. Each has much to learn - from the other, and this learning is best acquired in an institu tion where all meet on common ground, and on a footing of artistic equaUty. A further object, and one most material, is sought to be attained by including in our college persons who do not intend to make music their profession. To advance music as an art in its highest aspects, resort must be had to those who possess the best opportunities for general mental culture. The most '. highly educated classes are those who have the greatest power of disseminating the influence of art throughout the country. They are the sources from which the civUising stream proceeds do-wnwards, and penetrates through every channel of our complex social life. " I wUl now proceed to explain the detaUs of the scheme for which I ask your support, beginning with the foundation, as being that branch of the college for which public money wiU be requfred. The least number of scholars which would be worthy to constitute a foundation for the college would be 100. Of these, 50 should have their education free and 50 should be maintained as weU as educated. These scholars wiU be selected by open competition throughout the United Kingdom. A system of examination -will be organised by which every town — nay, every -viUage — in the kingdom may be afforded a chance of participating in the public benefaction. Only let eminent abiUty be found in the viUage choir, the pupil will be brought to London and may, if he do but possess the requisite abUity, become a Beethoven or a Mendelssohn, and any school of music may put forward its best pupU as a candidate for coUegiate honours. The expense of maintenance and education of pupils I estimate at about £80 a year; that of education alone at about £40 a year. I should hope also that your UberaUty wUl grant me means to found at least two fellowships, in order that rising musicians, who have acquired distinction at the college, may not be tempted on commencing their professional career to sacrifice the higher aspfrations of their art to the necessity of pro-yiding immediate means of subsistence. " Ha-ving settled the number of our foundationers, where are we to place them ? In London, I need not say, land is sold by 398 SPEECEES OF E.E.E. TEE PEINCE OF WALES. the yard, and not by the acre, and a square yard in a good locality is often equal in value to a square acre in a remote district. Yet, for the health of a young communi'y, we must have open space and pure air, and space is particularly neces sary in a music school, for, as the Duke of Edinburgh showed in his address at Manchester, pupUs in an ordinary school may be grouped and classified, but musical pupUs require space for the performance either of vocal or instrumental music, and the indi-vidual attention of their masters to an extent quite unknown in the education of pupils in other branches of knowledge. Again, the locaUty in which a school is placed must be easy of access in order to accommodate the staff of teachers, for, though I hope to have a resident staff to a greater extent than has yet been tried in any other musical school, yet undoubtedly ex traneous teaching must form a considerable portion of our , instruction. Now, on the point of site, I am happy to say I can give the meeting the most satisfactory assurances without making any caUs on their UberaUty. It is due to the foresight of my father, the Prince Consort, that at a time when South Kensington was comparatively remote from London, the large estate held by the Exhibition Commissioners was purchased with a view to furnish sites for future public buUdings. In the few years that have elapsed since that purchase a suburb has been converted into a city. The estate Ues between two stations of the Metropolitan District Eailway, and is skirted on the north by one of the most frequented roads in the MetropoUs. Here already we have a nucleus for the coUege in the building constructed by the great UberaUty of Mr. Freake, and I am enabled to state, as Chafrman of the Commission of 1851, that, in proportion as the public contributions enable us to construct our buUdings, in the same proportion wiU the Commissioners be prepared to grant a sufficiency of site on which to erect them. The Commissioners have also a considerable portion of the Albert Hall under their control, and, by connecting that hall with the new coUege by a tunnel or a bridge, practising rooms, sitting-rooms, dining-rooms, and two smaU theatres wUl be im mediately at the disposal of the college. The Commissioners wUl also be prepared to assist the college vnth an annual grant of money. To maintain the college with 100 pupUs on the FOUNDING TEE EOYAL COLLEGE OF MUSIC. 399 foundation apart, from the expense of buildings an income of not less than from £10,000 to £12,000 a year wUl be required. The plan will admit of any degree of development in proportion as. the munificence of the pubUc or the Government supplies the requisite funds. A charter for incorporating the coUege has already been prepared and laid before the Pri-vy CouncU. I have myseK undertaken to be President. The governing body consist of a councU, intrusted -with the function of making by laws for the regulation of the college, and of an executive com mittee charged -with the detaUs of the administration. The names of the gentlemen who form the councU and the executive committee wiU be published, and wUl, I am satisfied, command the confidence alike of the public and of the musical world. " I haye now laid my plan before you. I commend it to your favourable consideration. A few words I would fain add to prevent any misunderstanding of my intentions. I have not brought you here to ask your aid for the support only of a school calculated to advance music by giving the best instruction continued over a course of years. This might be done by strengthening exis|bing schools. I have not brought you here for the sole purpose of asking for assistance whereby to educate young and deserving musicians. Such an institution is but a branch, of what I desfre to found. My object is above and beyond aU this. I -wish to establish an institution having a -wider basis and a more, extended influence than any existing school or college of music in this country. It wiU teach music of the highest class ; it wUl have a foundation for the education, and. in some cases for the free maintenance, of scholars who have obtained by merit the right to such privUeges. But it wiU do more than this. It wUl be to England what the BerUn Conservatofre is to Germany, what the Paris Conservatoire is to France, or the Vienna Conservatoire to Austria — the recognised centre and head of the musical world. Why is it that Germany, France, Italy have national styles of music ? Why is it that England has no music recognised as national ? It has able composers, but nothing indicative of the national IKe or national feeUng. . The reason is not far to seek. There is no centre of music, to which English musicians may resort with confidence and thence derive instruction, counsel, and inspiration. I hope 400 SPEECEES OF E.E.E. TEE PEINCE OF WALES. by the breadth of my plan to interest aU present in its success. You who are musicians must desire to improve your art, and such wUl be the object of the Eoyal CoUege. You who are only lovers of music must wish weU to a plan which pro-sides for all classes of Her Majesty's subjects a pleasure which you yourselves enjoy so keenly. To those who are deaf to music, as practical men I would say thus much — to raise the people, you must purify thefr emotions and cultivate their imagina tions. To 'satisfy the natural cra-ving for excitement, you must substitute an innocent and healthy mode of acting on the passions for the fierce thirst for drink and eager pursuit of other unworthy objects. Music acts directly on the emotions, and it cannot be abused, for no excess in music is injurious. " In laying this great national question before you, I have foUowed the example of my father, by offering to place myself at the head of a great social movement. I have asked you for assistance, I await your answer with confidence. I am sure that it wUl be worthy of the nation of which you are repre sentatives. To you, my Lords-Lieutenant, I would address myself with an intimation that I trust you ¦wiU assemble meetings throughout your counties, for it is desirable that ¦contributions should be received from aU parts of the country as sho^wing the interest taken by the people in music. My Lord Mayor of London and other Mayors who are here, — I am sure I may hope that you will assist me by presiding at assem- bUes of your fellow-townsmen, and wUl urge them to contribute to so national an institution. I may, I doubt not, look with confidence to the representatives of the Church and of other reUgious and educational denominations who have been good enough to attend here, to remind thefr chofrs and their flocks that any contributions ¦wiU be a grateful testimony that the population of England are interested in impro^ving an art which, more than others, excites devotional feeUngs, and inspires with enthusiasm pubUe and private worship. From those who are directly interested in music, either professionaUy or as amateurs, 1 trust I have a right to expect the greatest measure of assist ance which they can afford; for on thefr behaK, and with a ¦view to extend the influence of the science to which they are devoted, we are met here to-day for the purpose of estabUshing FOUNDING TEE EOYAL COLLEGE OF MUSIC. 401 a national central musical institution. I know the loyalty of our Colonial brethren ; they ¦wiU not be behindhand in aiding the mother country. From foreign countries I have ever received so many tokens of regard and sympathy, that I may look with confidence to them to give their support to an institution the doors of which wUl be thrp-wn open to all nations. One prac tical observation in conclusion. I trust that those present here to-day -wiU each and every one of them from time to time communicate to me the steps they are taking to procure con tributions, and wUl forward to the honorary secretaries the amount of contributions they may receive. For my part, I wiU take care, as soon as I am enabled to form some judgment of the extent to which the nation ¦wiU support this demand, to communicate to the contributories and to the pubUc the detaUs of the foundation and estabUshment of the CoUege, of which I have only set forth in my address the general outline." The first resolution was proposed to the meeting by the Duke of Edinburgh, and seconded by the Archbishop of Canterbury. The speech of the Duke of Edinburgh was so clear and practical, supplementing and confirming that of the Prince of Wales, who has always generously attributed to his brother the initiation in this great national movement, which, however, could not have been carried out without the personal aid and influence of the Prince. He thus concluded : — " I wish to express my own personal hope that the Eoyal College wiU not be a mere teaching institution, but will become a centre for groups of affiUated coUeges, the members of which will, with the Council of the Eoyal College, form a musical senate, to which aU questions of importance relating to music and musicians may be referred for determination. This may perhaps be deemed somewhat Utopian, but I do not despafr of a time when the musical coUeges throughout the country wiU ally themselves with the Eoyal CoUege, and form a body united by a common tie and a general system. I will go one step further, though I do not conceal from myself that I am treading on somewhat deHcate ground, and possibly trenching on the honoured privileges of the "Llniverslties ; yet I will express my personal hope that, as London is the chief City of the United Kingdom, so the Eoyal College should be the chief musical coUege, invested ¦with the power of conferring musical degrees, and the source from which all musical honours should legitimately flow. " In proposing the first resolution, it only remains, my lords and gentlemen, for me to express my hope that the Prince of Wales will be supported on the present occasion earnestly and faithfully. 2 D 402 SPEECEES OF E.E.E. TEE PEINGE OF WALES. A large sum of money is required for our enterprise. England is rich, and ready at all times to forward a worthy national under taking. Why should I say England only, when we are assured of the generous support of our Colonial brethren, and when we trust that our American cousins ¦will not be behind in furthering the foundation of an establishment which may act as a home to their musical students on this side of the Atlantic ? The representatives of many foreign countries are here also. We look to them in many cases as examples in our new enterprise, and I feel sure that their kind advice and co-operation will not be wanting when we have occasion to seek them. I will now read the resolution intrusted to me : — " ' That this meeting approves of the proposal to establish a Eoyal College of Music as a national institution, and undertakes that meetings shall be called throughout the country, and the utmost exertions used, individually and collectively, to forward the movement by obtaining the necessary funds for founding and endowing a College of Music for the British Empire.'" The speeches of the Archbishop of Canterbury, of the Earl of Eosebery, the Lord Mayor, and of Mr. Gladstone all touched upon points iUustrating the importance of the movement, and the national benefits to be expected from It. It is a wonder that no reference in this matter has been made to the great German reformer and patriot, Martin Luther, who was a strenuous advocate of State education. Including music. He placed music as next to religion In the training of the young. He would have every schoolmaster a lover of music, and capable of teaching it. This training of teachers is one of the most important functions of the College, and should be steadily kept In mind. When the thanks of the meeting had been moved, by Sir Stafford Northcote, to the Eoyal Chairman, and carried with acclamation, — The Prince of Wales mentioned, in his reply, that " he had received a touching letter from some one who had anonymously sent £50 for the Eoyal CoUege of Music — one whose earUest recoUection was the singing of the National Anthem on the Coronation of the Queen, when as a poor lad he joined in the procession of Sunday-school children." Many munificent donations and subscriptions were announced, ibut none more touching and interesting than this. (403 ) THE COLONIES AND THE COLLEGE OF MUSIC. March 23rd, 1882. The meeting at St. James's Palace on the 28th of February, 1882, was followed up by other important, though subsidiary meetings, at the instance of the Prince of Wales, who was now fully set on the success of his grand scheme. As, formerly, he had been ably supported by the speeches of the Duke of Edinburgh, the lamented Prince Leopold, Duke of Albany, and Prince Christian, at influ ential meetings In Manchester, so now he enlisted the Duke of Connaught in the cause, who addressed, with great abUity and tact, a meeting of Merchants, Bankers, and leading men in the City, at the Mansion House, on the 20th of March, the Lord Mayor in the Chair. Not satisfied with this, the Prince of Wales invited a large number of influential gentlemen connected with the Colonial Empire to meet him at Marlborough House, on Thursday, the 23rd of March, 1882, to consider what steps could be taken to secure the benefits of the Eoyal College Of Music for all parts of the Empfre. The record of the origin of this great institution would not be complete ¦without giving the speech of His Eoyal Highness on that occasion. The following Is the address delivered at that meeting : — " You are, doubtless, aware of the efforts at present being made to establish a Eoyal College of Music — a work whieh, I venture to think, is one of national importance. " It is intended to place the institution on a broad and Uberal basis ; that its advantages shall not be confined to residents of the United Kingdom, but be open to our fellow-subjects in all parts of the Empfre ; and the gratuitous education of scholars, selected by competition on the claim of merit only, ¦will be one of its principal features. " The scheme has been received with marked favour throughout the United Kingdom, but I should consider it wanting in one of its main objects if I did not succeed in enUsting the sym pathy and co-operation of our feUow-subjects residing in the Colonial portions of the Empfre. " I have on so many occasions experienced the advantages of their ready and earnest concert in promoting schemes of public utUity in relation to material progress, that I have some confi dence they -wiU exhibit the like friendly rivalry fri furthering 2 D 2 404 SPEECEES OF H.E.H. THE PEINGE OF WALES. our efforts in favour of an elevating pursuit, which in all ages and among aU communities has exercised no slight influence on national character, and the promotion of which may constitute a bond tending to unite us as strongly in sentiment and feeUng as we now are in loyalty and material interest. "For these reasons I was anxious to meet as many of the leading gentlemen connected with the Colonies as might now be temporarily in London, as weU as those who permanently reside here ; and I am gratified at the readiness with which so many of you have acceded to my invitation. " My object is partly to make it understood how much im portance I attach to the element of Colonial co-operation and sympathy, not only as affecting the immediate success of the work, but bearing on the higher objects of national unity, by inspfring among our fellow-subjects in every part of the Empfre those emotions of patriotism which national music is calculated so powerfuUy to evoke. " I further desired to apprise you of the steps which had been and were being taken to carry out this purpose. " Immediately after the Meeting at St. James's Palace I directed that full reports of the proceedings should be prepared, with the view of transmitting them to Lord Kimberley, the Secretary of State for the Colonies, to be forwarded by him for the information of the Governments of the various Colonies, in the hope that the good-wiU of these Governments might be attracted in our favour, and such pubUc encouragement afforded as they might feel it becoming to extend. '' It seemed doubtful, however, whether an official communi cation of this character was calculated to accomplish the full object we had in view, viz. to stimulate popular feeling and sympathy among our Colonial fellow-subjects. It was thought that such an end might be better attained by a direct appeal to themselves and by a more general distribution of the reports of our proceedings among the various institutions, reUgious bodies, heads of municipalities, and leading persons in the Colonies. " I accordingly propose to supplement this communication by a further letter, and to send a sufficient number of copies of our proceedings to meet the necessary requirements, for transmission to the Colonies. TEE COLONIES AND TEE COLLEGE OF MUSIC. 405 " I am not insensible to the engrossing nature of the pursuits of Colonial Ufe, nor to the claims which material interests have on young communities. We must all recognise with pride and admiration how much the enlightened enterprise and perse verance of our Colonial fellow-subjects have already contributed to the greatness and wealth of the Empire ; and I am far from suggesting any relaxation of these efforts. " My purpose is to pro-vide for the leisure hours which must come to the busiest among us — no matter where we, live or what sphere of Ufe we occupy — an elevating source of enjoyment, which is at the same time calculated to strengthen those emotions that have so much influence in perpetuating a common love of coimtry. " I have endeavoured in my further letter to Lord Kimberley to convey fully the object I have at heart ; and, although its terms are in some measure a repetition of what I have now stated to you, I think it well you should be apprised of its contents : — "' ' My Lokd, — I am anxious that no possible steps should be omitted which may be calculated to bring the proposal to found a Eoyal College of Music under the favourable notice of Her Majesty's subjects in the Colonies. " ' It appears to me that the communication which I request you in the accompanying letter to be good enough to transmit for the information of the Governments of the various Colonies might advantageously be supplemented by a somewhat more general distribution within these Colonies of the proceedings which have taken place here in connection -with the movement. " ' The objects of such distribution would be to awaken public interest among all classes of Her Majesty's subjects more thoroughly than even proposals on the part of any of the Colonial Governments to extend their practical aid are calculated to do. " ' I have therefore directed further copies of these proceedings to be transmitted to you, and would again request that you will be good enough to forward these further copies, for distribution among such reUgious or educational institutions. Municipal or other PubUc Bodies, or private persons in the various Colonies, as may be thought most likely to help the project. " ' I trust that the efforts now being made here may meet 406 SPEECEES OF E.E.E. TEE PEINGE OF WALES. with general support on the part of the Clergy of all denomina tions in the Colonies, and that they, as< well as the Heads of CoUeges and Municipal Bodies, may interest themselves in their several locaUties to make known the advantages offered by the establishment of the Royal College of Music, and especially that all these advantages (including free instruction) wiU be open as unreservedly to Her Majesty's Colonial subjects as to those residing in the United Kingdom. " ' Her Majesty's Colonial subjects have indeed already shown that the possession of musical talent exists among them in as great a degree as in any other nation, for they may claim -with pride that they have produced one of the most accompUshed vocalists of the present age. " ' I have in past years had occasion in many ways — especially through the medium of the various International Exhibitions over which I have presided — to notice the manKold benefits which have resulted from the combined action of the Colonies and the Mother Country in the development of commerce and the advancement of industrial and other material interests, and I cannot but think that the friendly rivalry of aU portions of the Empire wiU not now be wanting in the effort to cultivate a refined and elevating pursuit which in all ages and among all nations has exercised so important an influence on national character, and done so much to strengthen the common love of country. " ' I have the more confidence in making this appeal, from the readiness and public spirit which the Colonies have always evinced to promote every object tending to strengthen the ties that now so happUy unite us. " ' Your Lordship wUl, I am sure, be glad to learn that I have had the advantage of communicating -with a number of gentlemen resident in several of the Colonies, who are temporarUy in England, as weU as with former Colonists permanently residing here, and they have kindly undertaken by thefr individual exertions to further the present more extended movement, which I trust will also meet with your Lordship's encouragement and approval. " ' I have the honour, &c., " ' ALBEET EDWAED, P.' TEE COLONIES AND TEE COLLEGE OF MUSIC. 407 " I have no doubt but that the different Colonial Governments wUl exercise a judicious discretion in the use of these papers, and that we may rely on their hearty co-operation and support in applying them to the best advantage. " If there are any gentlemen present who may think them selves warranted by their connections with the Colonies in aiding to insure a friendly reception of my communication there, it wUl be a source of gratification both to me and my coUeagues to view such efforts, so entfrely in unison with our own, and to welcome them as feUow-workers in the same cause. " I have thus endeavoured to place before you the object we have in view, and the means by which we hope to accompUsh it, and I trust you -vdU find both worthy of your support. " I do not, therefore, presume to indicate the precise course which it might be expedient to adopt in any of the Colomes, beUe-fing that this had better be left to the practical sagacity and zeal of our friends there, who must be considered to have the best knowledge of what plans are most calculated to insure local success. I have, however, thought that a brief reference to some of the steps which are contributing to our success here, as weU as an enumeration, in a comprehensive form, of some of the advantages which the CoUege offers to Colonists, might be attended -with advantage, and, at all events, serve as a ground work for thefr operations. " I have, accordingly, directed a memorandum in that sense to be prepared, which -wiU be forwarded, with the other papers, to the proper quarter. " In conclusion, I cannot but again express my cordial thanks to the many gentlemen connected with the Colonies who have favoured me -with thefr attendance to-day, and repeat the ex pression of my hope, not unmixed with a large measure of confidence, that your encouragement and help may not be -with held from an undertaking which may, I trust, in the fulness of time prove to be one more of the many fibres in the sUken cord that binds the Mother Country to her Colonial offspring. " I would finaUy say that we shall be most happy to receive any practical suggestion from our Colonial friends either here or resident in the Colonies." Lord Kimberley said that, as Colonial Minister, he would give 408 SPEECEES OF E.E.E. TEE PEINCE OF WALES. every assistance in his power, by forwarding papers and informa tion. Private individuals in the Colonies might be willing to found scholarships, and have the nomination of students ; but any response on *he part of the Colonial Governments must be from their free and spontaneous action. The Prince of Wales said, at the opening of his speech, that he deemed this work as " one of national Importance." It is because of the high " imperial " tone and spirit of the address, a spirit which It is pleasant to witness in all the Prince's public actions, that there is especial Interest attached to this meeting at Marl borough House in 1882. INAUGUEATION OF THE EOYAL COLLEGE OF MUSIC. May 1th, 1883. The ceremony of inaugurating the Eoyal College of Music took place on the 7th of May, 1883, in the presence of a small but select company. The building, hitherto used by the National Training School of Music, has rooms amply sufficient for teaching purposes, but not large enough for a large assembly. By per mission of Her Majesty's Commissioners for the Exhibition of 1851, the use of rooms In the Albert Hall for choral and Instru mental practice was granted to the College. The Prince, accompanied by the Princess of Wales, the Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh, and the Princess Christian, was received by the Trustees, the Duke of Westminster, Lord Charles Bruce, Sir Eichard Wallace, M.P., Sir John Eose, Sir George Grove, and the honorary secretary, Mr. Charles Morley. Among the company were many distinguished persons and eminent musicians. The Archbishop of Canterbury offered the following special prayer : " 0 God, who art the only author of order and beauty, Bless, we beseech Thee, this College to the perfecting of science and skill In Thy pure gift of Music ; and grant that the good Intent of Its Founders may be so answered In the diligence and virtue of its students, that both the restful delight of man, and the glory of the Divine worship may be enhanced ever more and more ; through Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen." The collect, " Prevent us, 0 Lord," and the Lord's Prayer, closed the religious service. Sir George Grove, Director, then said : " It Is now almost exactly fourteen months since your Eoyal Highness held the remarkable meeting which assembled at St. James's Palace on the 28th of February, 1882, and in which your proposi tion of the Eoyal College of Music was launched on the country. INAUGUEATION OF EOYAL COLLEGE OF MUSIC. 409 It may well be called remarkable — first, because of the place in which it was held ; secondly, because of the lucid and exhaustive statement which your Eoyal Highness vouchsafed to address to it ; thirdly, because for the first time in English history music was taken out ofthe domain of personal and professional questions to which it is too often relegated, and placed upon that national basis which its social and civilising powers entitle it to demand. Your Eoyal Highness's hearers embraced many of the most dis tinguished English musicians of the day, but these were not the main constituents of the meeting. The bulk of your audience consisted of the representatives of the counties, cities, and towns of England, the lords lieutenant, mayors, and town clerks of the United Kingdom, while surrounding your Royal Highness on the platform were His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh, the leader of the Government, the leader of the Opposition, the head of the Established Church, an eminent Scotch peer, and the Lord Mayor of London. A meeting so truly national In its aspect gave, if I may use a not inappropriate figure, the key-note of the move ment. " The hope so long entertained by your Royal Highness, and your advisers, that the chief existing musical institution of the country would join your movement, was unfortunately dissipated. But the absence of the Eoyal Academy of Music from your Eoyal Highness's project was counterbalanced by the active adherence of the towns and cities of the country which through their municipal officers, with hardly an exception, rallied as if by instinct round a movement so boldly conceived and so happily Inaugurated. The key-note thus struck at St. James's Palace resounded through the country, and met with a ready and harmonious response. Meet ings were speedily organised by the lords lieutenant and mayoi-s in the provinces. In the short period of fourteen months forty- four meetings have been held — from Exeter, Plymouth, and Hastings, in the South, to Newcastle-on-Tyne In the North ; from Swansea and Shrewsbury, on the one hand, to Lincoln and Norwich on the other ; while the great manufacturing and com mercial centres of Nottingham, Leicester, Leeds, Bradford, Liver pool, and Blackburn, have all testified their Interest In your Eoyal Highness's new Institution. In the City of London several meetings were held at the Mansion House, and a remarkable gathering of provincial mayors, under the sympathetic presidency of Sir. J. Whittaker Ellis, the then Lord Mayor, gave your Eoyal Highness an opportunity of again enforcing your views upon your audience. By these meetings, and by the personal exertions of your Eoyal Highness and your Illustrious brothers, a sum of money, amounting to over £110,000, has been raised, of which nearly £5000 was due to the gracious action of Her Eoyal Highness the Princess of Wales." Sir George Grove announced " the foundation already of many scholarships for tuition, fifteen of which Include maintenance. »' 410 SPEECEES OF E.E.E. TEE PEINCE OF WALES. Four of the scholarships were founded by private liberality, and two by Australian benefactors." He then announced " the names of the professors selected by the Prince of Wales for the teaching of the College, who were such as to. give assurance as to the quality and range of the instruction. The piano is in the hands of Mr. Pauer, Madame Arabella Goddard, Mr. Franklin Taylor, and Mr. John Francis Barnett. To forward our interests, Madanie Lind- Goldschmidt has emerged from her retirement, and singing will be taught by her, Mr. Deacon, and Signor VIsetti. The violin Is In the charge of Mr. Henry Holmes and Mr. Gompertz ; the organ of Mr. Walter Parratt. Counterpoint and composition are taught by Dr. Bridge, Mr. Villiers Stanford, and Dr. Hubert Parry; while among the professors of other Instruments are the honoured names of Harper, Lazarus, Thomas, and other ornaments of the English school. Declamation will be specially cared for, and for this the names of Mrs. Kendal and Mrs. Arthur Stirling are sufficient guarantee. "The competition," continued Sir George Grove, "which hastaken place throughout the country for the fifty scholarships is In Itself an ample proof, If proof were needed, of the justness of your Eoyal Highness's Idea. Following the method adopted in launching the institution, your Eoyal Highness appealed to the mayors, corpora tions, and Local Boards throughout the country, and In the Metro politan districts to the Vestries, to make known the fact of the competition, and to organise the preliminary examinations, select ing the examiners from the most eminent local musicians. The result was as successful as might have been anticipated. The municipal buildings were put at the disposal of the College, and the best musicians were prompt to give their services as honorary local examiners to a task which in many cases involved great labour and severe sacrifice. Throughout the United Kingdom and Ireland 1588 candidates sent In their names as competitors. Of these 480 were sent up to the final examination, which was con ducted personally In this building by the various professors in sections; and, lastly, before the entire Board of Professors and myself as Director. The result was the unamlnous election of seventeen scholars for the pianoforte, thirteen for singing, eight for the violin, six for composition, two for the violoncello, one for the organ, one for the clarionet, one for the flute, and one for the harp. In addition to the fifty scholars, forty-two persons have entered their names as paying students In the College. Time will not allow me more than an allusion to various acts of private generosity by which the College has benefited. Prominent among them is the gift of the library of the late Sacred Harmonic Society, through Sir Philip Cunliffe Owen, and various other gifts of pianos, furniture, &c., by Sir Charles Freake, Messrs. Broadwood, Messrs. Erard, Messrs. Chappell, Messrs. Holland, Feetham, and others. The professors, scholars, and students are awaiting your Eoyal Highness's notice at the close of these proceedings, and I trust INAUGUEATION OF EOYAL COLLEGE OF MUSIC. 411 your Eoyal Highness will believe that we are all alike animated by a sincere and enthusiastic desire to carry out to the full those wise and gracious designs which have brought us to this first step in our career. That your Eoyal Highness may long live to preside over us and guide us in the right path is, Sir, our humble and earnest hope and prayer." The Prince of Wales, in reply, said :— " I have heard your address with pleasure, and I feel great gratification in opening to-day the Eoyal CoUege of Music, in the promotion of which I have taken so deep an interest. I avaU myseK of this, the first pubUc opportunity that has offered itseK, of expressing the deep personal gratification I feel at the manner in which the country has replied to my appeal for aid in estabUshing the CoUege. There is no class of Her Majesty's subjects capable of affording assistance to which 1 have addressed myseK in vain. The Corporation of London and the London companies have led the way in giving pecuniary assistance ; and I owe a debt of gratitude to the Mayors throughout the kingdom for the valuable aid they have afforded by granting facUities for holding local examinations essential to the proper selection of scholars. I thank these great bodies for their services, and I trust that I may yet expect from them further help in' com pleting the task so auspiciously begun. I thank the donors of scholarships for thefr UberaUty. I thank the general pubUc for the sums they have subscribed at a time when agriculture has been depressed and the prospects of trade have not been encouraging; and, above aU, I thank the many kind friends who have responded so cordially and UberaUy to my appeal for assistance. I have noticed also with the greatest pleasure the contributions for Colonial scholarships that have been given by two eminent colordsts, the one on behaK of the colony of Victoria, and the other on behaK of the colony of South AustraUa. The object I have in view is essentiaUy Imperial as weU as national, and I trust that ere long there wiU be no colony of any import ance which is not represented by a scholar at the Eoyal CoUege. " Much, indeed, has been done, but I am aware that much remains to be done. I am conscious that I may be thought to have taken a bold step in beginning so great an enterprise with only the resources at present at my command. But I am un- wilUng that any delay should take place in giving effect to the 412 SPEECHES OF E.E.E. TEE PEINGE OF WALES. generous intentions of those who have already contributed so liberaUy. 1 am sanguine enough to think that the example set during the last year by corporate bodies, representatives of the colonies, private donors, and the general pubUc wUl be foUowed in ensuing years. Ours is an institution which admits of almost indefinite extension, for, wherever a scholarship is founded, we know now that we shall find a deser^ving candidate to hold it. " Let me now pass to an account of what has been actually accomplished. Fifty scholarships have been established, of which thirty -five, confer a free education in music, and fifteen provide not only a free education, but also maintenance for the scholars. Of these scholarships half are held by boys and half by girls. I observe with pleasure that the various districts from which the scholars are drawn indicate the widespread dis tribution of a taste for music, and an adequate cultivation of music throughout the United Kingdom. London, witli its vast population, sends only twelve out of the fifty. The remaining thfrty-eight come as follows : — twenty-eight from fourteen different counties in England, two from Scotland, six from Ireland, one from Wales, and one from Jersey. The occupations of the scholars are as various as the places from which they come. I find that a mill-girl, the daughter of a brickmaker, and the son of a blacksmith take high places in singing, and the s6n of a labourer in ¦violin playing. "The capacity of these candidates has been tested by an examination of unusual severity. Each of these scholars who returns to his native place furnished with the highest instruction in music will form a centre from which good musical education wiU spread around; whUe those who obtain musical engage ments elsewhere will stimulate and encourage by their success the cultivation of music in the places whence they have come. Surely, then, it is not too much to expect that many years will not pass away before our College has so popularised music as to place England on a par with those countries on the Continent which have acquired the distinction of being called musical people. " I feel, then, that one great object of a College of Music has been secured — namely, the discovery of latent musical abiUty and the extension to those who, with great natural gifts, have been blessed with little of this world's goods, of the opportunity of INAUGUEATION OF EOYAL COLLEGE OF MUSIC. 413 obtaining instruction in music, to say the least, not inferior to any which this kingdom can afford. That these words are not the language of exaggeration wUl be apparent to those who read the names of the eminent staff who have placed their services at the disposal of the CoUege. Side by side with these scholars ¦will be educated a group of paying pupUs, who think that music is an art which, if worth studying at all, is worth studying weU. They are, then, prepared to enter on a systematic course of in struction, of less severity and continuance than that of the scholars, but stiU far removed from the musical dUettantism of those who, induced by fashion, not by taste, to study music, make progress enough to torment themselves and distract their friends. " I lay great store by the meeting of the various classes of society in pursuit of a common yet elevating study. Such a union softens asperities, inspires kindly feeUng between various classes, and proves that all mankind are akin when engaged in an art which gives the highest expression to some of the best and purest feeUngs af the human heart. " The observations I have hitherto made relate only to the Eoyal CoUege of Music in its character of a teaching body. It is not proposed, however, that the functions of the College should be restricted to teaching. The charter under which we are incorporated provides that the council are to cause examinations to be held of pupUs of the College, and of other persons who may present themselves for examination, and after examination to confer on those who deserve such distinctions the degrees of Bachelor of Music, Master of Music, and Doctor of Music, certificates of proficiency, and other rewards. I propose that this power should be exercised by an independent board of examiners chosen by the Eoyal CoUege in conjunction with the Universities, and after consultation -with the great musical authorities of the United Kingdom. I trust thus to secure an examining body whose impartiality wUl be above suspicion and capacity beyond aU question. I hope thus, through the instru mentality of the Eoyal College, to raise the standard of music throughout the United Kingdom and to create a central influence which may be beneficially exercised over all music-teaching bodies who recognise the advantage of a common system of examination. 414 SPEECEES OF E.E.E. TEE PEINCE OF WALES. "Beyond and above all this I trust, as I stated on a previous occasion, that the College wUl become the recognised centre and head of the musical world in this country. It has been a reproach to England that, with her vast resources, her large benevolence, her eagerness to instruct all classes of society in other branches of knowledge, one thing has hitherto been wanting — a national institution for music. Yet music is in the best sense the most popular of all arts. If that government be the best which provides for the happiness of the greatest number, that art must be the best which at the least expense pleases the greatest number. I trust that to-day we have removed the reproach. England, by a national subscription, has acqufred an institution worthy to be called national, and -with the estabUshment of such an institution we may look forward with confidence to the creation of a national school of music. England has the composers already ; all she wants is a general centre, such as a Eoyal College of Music, to which they may resort for mutual aid and common inspiration. " Such are the aims, not mean nor ignoble aims, proposed for the CoUege which we open to-day. It remains for you, gentlemen of the councU, to be careful that the aims are fully reaUsed. A young institution requires fostering care and constant super vision. You [must not relax your efforts, no pains must be spared to gain fresh support and obtain the estabUshment of new scholarships. We want much ; we are, I trust, entitled to ask for much of the public. In "addition to scholarships we want more extended premises, a music-haU, lodgings for our scholars, houses for masters, and aU the appurtenances of a great CoUege. I am sure I may trust to the generosity of the pubUc to supply these wants ; but you, gentlemen, must by your careful supervision make our institution worthy of support, and no efforts of mine shaU be wanting to secure the objects we have in -view. " I yviU say only one word in conclusion. The establishment of an institution such as I open to-day is not the mere creation of a new musical society. The time has come when class can no longer stand aloof from class, and that man does his duty best who works most earnestly in bridging over the gulf between different classes which it is the tendency of increased wealth INAUGUEATION OF EOYAL COLLEGE OF MUSIC. 415 and increased ci-viUsation to widen. I claim for music the merit that it has a voice which speaks, in different tones, perhaps, but with equal force, to the cultivated and the ignorant, to the peer and the peasant. I claim for music a variety of expression which belongs to no other art, and therefore adapts it more than any other art to produce that union of feeling which I much desire to promote. Lastly, I claim for music the distinction which is awarded to it by Addison — that it is the only sensuous pleasure in which excess cannot be injurious. ¦What, more, gentlemen, can I say on behalf of the art for the promotion of which we are to-day opening this institution — an institution which I trust wiU give to music a new impulse, a glorious future, and a national life ? Before I quit this room a further duty devolves on me — a most gratifying one, I admit. I am caUed upon to announce a most gracious act by which the Queen has been pleased to mark her interest in the opening of the Eoyal CoUege. Her Majesty authorises me to say that she proposes to confer the honour of knighthood on Professor Macfarren and Dr. Sullivan. If anything could add to' my satisfaction in making this statement it is this, that these honours are bestowed by the ad-vice of the Prime Minister, -who has taken so kind an interest in the promotion of the Eoyal CoUege, and who could have de-vised no better mode of cele brating its opening than by recommending that honour should be done on this occasion to music by conferring knighthood on men so celebrated in their art as Professor Macfarren and Dr. SuUivan,.and that honour should be done to our coUege by awarding a Uke distinction to its dfrector, Dr. Grove, who, eminent in general Uterature, has specially devoted himself to the preparation and publication of a dictionary of music, and has earned our gratitude by the skill and success with which he has worked in the difficult task of organising the Eoyal Cojlege. I, have only to add that the Prime Minister (Mr. Gladstone) by his presence to-day proves that neither the cares of State, nor the overwhelming press of business by which he is sur rounded, prevents him from giving personal countenance to a national undertakmg which, if I am right in what I have said, is calculated to advance the happiness and elevate the character of the English people." 416 SPEECEES OF E.E.E. TEE PEINGE OF WALES. The Eoyal College of Music, incorporated by Eoyal Charter In 1883, is now one of the established institutions of the Empire. There lies before us the Eeport of the Fifth Annual Meeting of the Corporation, with Eeport of the Council and other official documents and statements. This meeting was held at the Concert Hall of the Alexandra House, adjoining the CoUege, on Tuesday, July 24th, 1888, Prince Christian, K.G., one of the "Vice-Presidents, In the chair. There was a very large attendance of the Council, members of the Corporation, teachers and pupils of the College. The Eeport of the Council was of the most satisfactory nature. The progress of the pupils has been very encouraging, and the discipline and efficiency of the CoUege thoroughly well maintained. The number of foundation scholars at the end of April, 1888, was fifty-nine. Its number of paying students on the books at the same date, was 170, an Increase of 24, during the preceding twelve months. These students were In various years of their training. The total number of pupils was 229. The Examiners, Mr. W. G. Cusins, Sir Charles Halle, Mr. C. H. Lloyd, Mr. A. Eandegger, Mr. Carl Eosa, and Mr. Prosper Sainton, gave a most favourable report of steady progress, especially by the students of stringed Instruments, piano, and organ. As an educa tional institution, the Eoyal College has already proved itself able to exert a powerful influence on the condition of musical art in this country. The results of examinations and competitions were then given in detail, and various incidents of the year were recorded, including visits of Dr. Joachim and Dr. Hans Eichter, who delighted the pupils by their presence and their performing. Various changes In the teaching staff were announced. The finances ofthe CoUege are In good state, the available balance at the close of the year being nearly £2484, a clear increase during the past year of nearly £470. Various donations and benefactions were reported, but the great event of the meeting — which H.R.H. Prince Christian announced with a cheerful emphasis, in keeping with the warm interest he has always taken in the College — this was the generous gift of £30,000 by Mr. Samson Fox, for a building worthy of the institution ; met by Her Majesty's Commissioners of 1851 by the grant of a site on their estate at South Kensington. We must not give more space to this subject of the Royal College of Music. Those who wish further Information must apply to the Secretary or Director of the College. In connection with the present volume it only remains to congratulate His Royal High ness the Prince of Wales on the successful accomplishment of a work, which Is an honour to the reign of Queen Victoria, and will be of perennial benefit to the British Empire. ( 417 ) GENEEAL INDEX. A. Aberdeen, Earl of, 338 Abolition of Slavery, Jubilee of the, 252 Adult Orphan Institution, 201 Agricultural Benevolent Institution, the Eoyal, 175 Society of England, Eoyal, 298 Society of Norfolk, 132 — Show at Dublin, 122 Albany, The Duke of, 215, 272 Albeit Hall, Opening of the Eoyal, 107 Medal, 103 Statue at Cambridge, IJnveiling, 190 Statue, Unveiling the Holborn, 145 Alexandra Dock at Lynn, Inaugura tion of, 73 Home, 350 America, 'Visit to, 7, 212 Ancient Britons, Society of. Annual Dinner, 1867, 44 Anglo-Danish Exhibition, 347 Anti -Slavery Society, Meeting in Guildhall, 252 Argyll, The Doke of, 244 Arrow, Sir Frederick, 377, 381 Arthur, Prince, 122 Artists' Benevolent Institution, 111 Orphan Fund, 111 Art Treasures, Manchester, 1857, 4 Ashantee Expedition, The return of the, 148 Australasian Colonies, 212 Austria, The Emperor of, 165 B. Baker, Sir Samuel, 69 Battle of Dorking, 121 Beaumont Trustees, 296 " Belgians," The " King of the," 377 Benson, Mr. (now Archbishop), 29 Beresford, Lord Charles, 137, 292 Beust, Count, 165 Birkbeck Institution, opening of the new building, 272 Birkbeck, Sir Edward, 229, 232 Birkenhead, 286 Bicmingham, 351 , Visit to, in 1874, 156 Bingley Hall, Exhibition at, 156 Blackburn, New Technical and Trades' School, 345 Bolton Town Hall, 351 Bombay Durbar, The, 184 Bramwell, Sir P., 291 Bright, Mr., 381 Britannia, The training ship, 195 British and Foreign Bible Society, The Laying of the Foundation Stone, 33 British Orphan Anniversary Festival, 15 2 E 418 GENEEAL INDEX. British Orphan Asylum Festival, The, 146 , speech, 14 Bruce, General, 5 Buccleuch, The Duke of, 120 Buckingham, Duke of, 247 Buckland, Frank, 233 Buckstone, Mr., 92 Buxton, M.P., Mr. E. N., 189 C. Cabdrivers' Benevolent Association, 198 Caledonian Asylum, The Eoyal, 120 Cambridge Asylum, The Eoyal, 159 Cambridge, The Duke of, 149, 160, 225, 284, 374 Cambridge University, Election of Prince Albert to the Chancellorship of, 190 , Prmce of Wales at, 192 Campbell, Sh: Archibald, 332 Canadian tour, 8 Canning, Lord, 181 Carnarvon, Earl of, 170 Caxton, -William, 16 Chamberlain, Mr. Joseph, 157 Charterhouse School, 163 Chelsea Hospital for Women, 350 Christian, Prince, 416 City and Guilds of London Institute, 215 City of London College in Moorfields, 239 School, The New, 237 Civil Engineers, Institution of, 31, 290 Clerkenwell explosion sufferers, 65 Clowes & Sons, Messrs. 'Wm., 310 Coble Dene Dock at Newcastle, 351 " Coke of Norfolk," 134 Colet, Dean, 16 " College of God's Gift," "The," 96 Colonial and Indian Exhibition, Meet ing of the Eoyal Commission, 303 Colonial Institute Banquet, 211 Colonial OfBce, At the, 293 Colquhoun, Sir Patrick, 114 Companions of the Prince on his Indian Tour, 181 Connaught, Duke of, 124 Convalescent Home at Swanley, 276 Cork, The Prince of -Wales at, 270 Cornwall Eegiment, The, 269 Costa, Sir Michael, 41 Cottage Homes at 'Wey bridge, 350 Crimea, British Graves in the, 225 Cunliffe-Owen, Sir Philip, 303 Currie, Sir E. H., 296 Oust, Sir Edward, 162 D. ' Dark December ' of 1861, 128 Darwin Memorial, The, 271 Deaconesses' Institution, The, 324 Deaf and Dumb, Church for, 350 Denmark, King of, 348 Derby, Earl of, 258 Derby Grammar School, 140 Derby, Prince of Wales at, 140 Dibdin, Mr. C, 244 Dickens, Charles, 361 Diseases of the Chest, Hospital for, 350 Disraeli, Mr., 382 Dorchester Cattle Show, 351 Dramatic College, Eoyal, 26 Dublin, Prince of "Wales at, 21 in 1868, The Prince of "Wales in, 55 Chamber of Commerce, 262 , Demonstrations at, 21 Agricultural Show, 122 , Speeches of the Prince of "Wales at, 22 Dulwich College, 96 DwelUng-Houses for "Working People, 350 E. Earlswood Asylum, 71 Festival, 116 East End of London, At the, 351 Eastlake, Sir Charles, 11 GENEEAL INDEX. 419 Edinburgh, Master of Trinity House, 377 , Speech of the Duke of, on College of Music, 401 Educational Jilxhibition, International, 87 Education, The Prince of "Wales on, 87, 216 Egypt and Palestine, 67 Elizabeth (Queen) and Sir Christopher Hatton, 152. F. Fairfax, Captain, 196 Famingham, Cottage Homes at, 118 Fenians, 65, 122 Fever Hospital, 350 ' First Ironclad ' on the Academy walls, 366 First public speech, 11 Fisheries Exhibition, The Interna tional, 228 , The opening of the, 230 -, The closing of the, 231 , The surplus fund, 233 , Financial results, 235 Fishmongers' Company's dinner, 27 FitzwUliam Museum, 191 Foreign tour, 1868-9, 67 Foreigners in Distress, Society of Friends of, 59 Forster, Mr. W. E., 253 Freake, Su: C, 393 " Frederick the Noble," 218, 352 Freedom of the City of London, 12 Freemasonry, Duties of, 171 Freemasons and the Queen's Jubilee, The, 325 French Ambassador, 248 Frere, Sir Bartle, 261 Frere's Statue, Sir Bartle, 337 Friend of the Clergy Corporation, Six teenth annual festival, 36 Fusiliers, Eoyal "Welsh, Presenting new colours, 205 G. Geographical Society, The Eoyal, 69 German Hospital, The, 165 Gladstone, Mr., 154, 381 , Mr. Herbert, 339 Glasgow Exhibition, Inauguration of, 332 University, Laying foundation- stone of, 66 Gordon Boys' Home, 282 - — , General, 285 Grammar School at Yarmouth, New, 135 Grand Master, The Prince of "Wales installed as, 169 Grant, Sir Francis, 355, 362 , General, 386 Granville, Earl, 185, 258 Graves of soldiers in the Crimea, 225 Great Northern Hospital, Opening of new buildings, 349 Gresham, Sir Thomas, 16 Grimsby, New docks, 351 Grove, Sh George, 394, 408 Guards' Industrial Home, 243 Guildhall and Law Courts, Plymouth, The new, 154 Guilds of London Institute, Opening of the, 248 Gymnasium in Long Acre, New, 338 H. Hartland Point, New Lighthouse, Health Exhibition, The, 246 Higginson, General, 243 Highland honours, 120 Holland, Sir Hemy, 293 Holloway Sanitorium, 350 Holyhead, New Harbour at, 203 Homeless and Destitute Children, National Eefuges for, 327 Homes for Little Boys, 118 House of Lords, Speech of the Prince of Wales, in the, on the Housing of the Poor, 241 Housing of the Poor, 125, 241 420 GENEEAL INDEX. Hull, The Albert Dock, 351 Hunstanton Convalescent Hospital, 351 Huntly, Marquis of, 120 Huxley, Professor, 271 L Idiots, Earlswood Asylum for, 116 Illness of December, 1871, The, 128 Imperial Institute, 310 Imperial Policy, The Prince of Wales on, 311 Indian Embassy, The, 180 Tour, Places and Courts visited by the Prince of Wales, 182 Infant Orphan Asylum, Wanstead, 193 Installation as Grand Master of Eng. lish Freemasons, 169 Institution for Girls, EoyalMasonic, 114, 340 of Civil Engineers, 31, 290 International Education Society, 47 Exhibition of 1871, 110 Eeformatory Exhibition, 24 Inventions Exhibition, 234, 292 Ireland, "Visit to, iii 1885, 261 Irish International Exhibition of 1865, 21 Militia, 126 Ismail Pasha, Eeception at the Man sion House, 49 J. Jenner, Sir "W., 218 Jersey, Lord, 327 Kimberley, Earl of, 53, 214 King George IIL, 298 King's College, 209. Hospital, 350 Kintore, Lord, 295 Knight of St. I'atrick, Prince of Wales made, 55 Knollys, General Sir "W., 177, 188 Sir Francis, K.C.M.G, 158 Lambeth, and Doulton Works, 104 Landseer, Sir Edwin, 31, 357, 363 Lawson, Sir "Wilfrid, 252 Leeds Art Exhibition, 351 Leighton, Sir Frederick, 366, 368 Leopold, Prince, 246, 386 Lesseps, M. de, 104 Letter of the Queen, 129 Licensed Victuallers' Asylum, 185 Lifeboat Institution, E. National, 42, 244 Lindsay, Colonel Loyd, 121 Liverpool, 288 Livingstone and Gordon, 259, 260 London Hospital New Buildings, 321 Institute, City and Guilds of. Laying the Foundation Stone, 215 International College, 47 Lome, Marquis of, 122, 314 Lowell, the Hon. J. Eussell, 222 Luther, Martin, 402 Lynn, The Grammar School at, 74 M. Macaulay, Zachary, and Lord, 257 Macfarren, Professor, 395 MacGregor, Mr. John, 327 Maohpelah, Cave of, 67 Magdala, Lord Napier, 283 Manchester Exhibition ot 1887, Open ing of the, 319 , Eoyal Agricultural Society at, 71 , Visit to, 74 Manning, Cardinal, 259 Mark Masons, Installation of Grand Master of, 294 Martin, Sir Theodore, 9 Masonic Institution in Ireland, Prince of Wales as Grand Patron, 127 Gathering, Great, 325 Institution for Boys, Eoyal, 85 GENEEAL INDEX. 421 Masonic Institution for Girls, 340 Maxwell, Sir J. Heron, 177 Mayors, Meeting of 200, 311 McArthur, M.P., Sir William, 211 Mechi, Mr., 180 Medical Benevolent College, The Eoyal, 150 Congress, The International, 218 Eeglster, The English, 218 M. de Lesseps, Presentation of the Albert Gold Medal to,' 103 Mercers' Company, Freedom of the, 16 Merchant Seamen's Orphan Asylum, Opening of New Dining Hall, 39 Taylors' School, at, 163 Mersey Tunnel, Opening of the, 286 Middle and the Inner Temple, at the Opening of the New Library, 152 Milne, Sir A., 121 Morley, Samuel, 324 Morrison, Lady, 40 Motley, Mr., U.S. Minister, 80 Munster, Count, 166 Murchison, Sir Eoderick, 12 Museum of Science and Art of Dublin, 265 Music, Free Education in, 396 , Free Scholarships, 393 , Inauguration of the Eoyal Col lege of, 408 , National Training School for, 391 , Eoyal Academy of, 392 , Scheme for the CoUege of, 396 , The Colonies and College of, 403 , The Power of, 414 , The Eoyal College of, 389 N. Napier of Magdala, Lord, 283, 379 National Training School for Music, 391 Newcastle, Duke of, 7 Nightingale, Florence, 324 Nile Expedition, 332 Norfolk Agricultural Society, 132 Norfolk Artillery Militia, 135 North Breakwater at Holyhead, 203 Northbrook Club, The, 238 Lord, 184, 238 Northcote, Sir Stafford, 252 Norwich Musical Festival, 41 , Opening of Drill Hall, 42 , Eoyal "Visit to, 41 0. O'ConneU, Daniel, 128 O'Connor, Colonel, 206 Old 46th Eegiment, New Colours to, 330 Orphan Asylum, The London, 315 Owen, Prof. (Sir Eichard), 31 Oxford, At, 7 Paget, Sir James, 129, 218, 247 Palmerston, Lord, 12, 26, 258 Pauper Schools, Eeview of the Boys of the, 138 Peabody Memorial, Unveiling the, 78 Pembroke, Earl of, 125 People's Palace, Laying the foundation stone of the, 296 Phillips, Sir Benjamin, 79 Phoenix Park, Eeview at, 23 Playfair, Sir Lyon, 6 Porcelain "Works at Worcester, 351 Portland Breakwater, The, 139 Preceptors, The College of, 318 Prince Albert Victor, 195, 371 Prince George of Wales, 195 Prince of Wales, early years of, 1-10 Princess Helena College, 201 Princess of Wales, 9, 351 Probyn, Sir Dighton, K.C.B., V.C, 181 "Prosperity to Ireland," 124 Q. Queen Charlotte's Lying-in Hospital, 350 422 GENEEAL- INDEX. E. Eaikes, Mr. Cecil, 286 Eailway Benevolent Institution, 142 Guards' Friendly Society, 274 Eeading, New Grammar School at, Laying foundation stone, 100 Eecovery of the Prince of Wales, Na tional rejoicing at the, 130 Eeed, Dr. Andrew, and Su- Charles, 71 Eefuge Union, 24 Eichard, Mr. Henry, 252 Eichmond, The Duke of, 230, 379 Eifle Volunteers, 223 Eoberts, Sir Frederick, 370 Eosebery, Earl of, 294, 402 Eosslyn, Lord, 174 Eoyal Academy Banquets, The speeches at, 353 Banquet, First speech at a, 11 Eoyal Albert HaU, Great Masonic gathering, 325 College of Music, Founding the, 394 , 384 Family, The, 159 Literary Fund, The, 17 National Lifeboat Institution, Annual Meeting, 42, 244 Eussell, Dr. W. H., 181 S. Sailors' Home, London Docks, The, 25 Salford, At, 75 Salisbury, Lord, 31 , The Marquis of, 181, 241 Sandringham, 41, 298 Sandwich Islands, The King of the, 211 Savage Club, 351 Saxe-Weimar, Prince Edward of, 138 School DriU Eeview, The, 138 Scottish Corporation, Anniversary of the, 81 Hospital, The, 81 Seamen, Schools for the Children of, 98 Selborne, Lord, 215 Shaftesbury House, The, 32 , Lord, 24, 33, 242, 327 , The Earl of, 252 Sheffield, 351 Shorthorns, Sale of, at Sandringham 298 Shouvaloff, Count, 386 Sick ChUdren, Hospital for, 350 Sion CoUege, Opening of, 301 Slavery, The Prince of Wales on, 253 Smith, Mr. W. H., 197 Society of Arts, 87, 103 Soldiers' Widows, Eoyal Cambridge Asylum for, 161 Southampton, New Church, 351 South Devon Eegiment or Old 46th, 331 Southdowns, Sale of, at Sandringham, 298 Spencer, The Earl, 125, 271 Spicer, Mr. James, 28 Stanley, Memorial to Dean, 220 St. Anne's School at Eedhill, 350 St. Bartholomew's Hospital, 62 St. George's Hospital, 93 St. Mary's Hospital, 350 St. Patrick, Festival of, 50 St. Paul's, Thanksgiving Service inj 129 Sullivan, Sir Arthur, 394 Swanley Convalescent Home, 276 Swanley, Orphan Homes at, 120 Sweden, The King of, 338, 341 Sydney, Lord, 201 T. Tait, Dr. (Archbishop of Canterbury), 222 Technical instruction, 313 Teck, Duke of, 164 , Princess Mary of, 164 Temple, Sir Eichard, 318, 337 Thackeray, Mr., 12 Thames Embankment, Opening of the, 105 Thanksgiving Collect, 129 GENEEAL INDEX. 423 Thanksgiving Day, 129 Hymn, 131 Theatrical Fund, Eoyal General, 91 « The EoU CaU," 364 Thompson, Elizabeth, 365 Thwaites, Su- John, 105 ' Times,' The, on the Irish visit, 57 Tite, Sir W., 113 Tower Bridge, The new, 351 Training ship Britannia, 195 Training ships, Eeview of the boys of the, 138 Trinity College, Prince of "Wales made LL.D. at, 57 House banquets, 375 , Past Masters of, 377 , The Corporation of, 377 , The Prince of Wales in stalled as a " Younger Brother," 378 Truro Cathedral, Consecration of, 328 " Tu Marcellus eris," 129 TyndaU, Professor, 385. U. University Hospital, 350 of DubUn, 267 V. Virchow, Professor, 220 Volunteers, Civil Service, 223 "W. Warehousemen and Clerks' School, Formal opening, 38 "Warehousemen and Clerks' School, The laying of the foundation-stone, 38 Warspite training ship, 350 Washington, At the tomb of, 8 Waterlow, Sir Sydney, 277 Wellington College, Speech day at, 29 •, Duke of, 116 , " The great" Duke of, 316 West Norfolk Hunt, 344 Weymouth, Prince of Wales at, 139 Whittington, Sir Eichard, 16 Wigan Infirmary, 351 Wilberforce, WiUiam, 254 Wilson, Sir Erasmus, 151 Windsor and Eton Institute, 350 "Wodehouse, Sir Philip, 184 Wolseley, Banquet to Sir Garnet, 148 , Sir Garnet, 362 Women and Children, Eoyal Hospital for, 208 Wcyrcester training ship, 350 Working classes. The, 241 Workmen's International Exhibition, 106. Yarmouth Hospital, Laying founda tion-stone, 137 , Prince of Wales at, 135 Yorkshire College at Leeds, Inaugura tion of the, 278 Young Men's Christian Association, Opening of the gymnasium, 338 LONDON: FEINTED BY WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS, Limited, STAMFORD STREET AND CHARING CROSS. 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