YALE UNIVEWSl •SD. APR 8 1927 All Rights Raerved. Descriptive CATALOGtyS^*"^' OF THE PORTRAITS OF NAVAL COMMANDERS, REPRESENTATIONS OF NAV A L ACTIONS, RELICS, &c. EXHIBITED IN THE painted hall of greenwich hospital, AND THE ROYAL NAVAL MUSEUM, GREENWICH. LONDON- : PRINTED FOR HIS MAJESTY'S STATIO.NERY OFFICE, BY EYRE AN'D SPOT'IISWOODE, >KIMT£BS TO THE KING'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY. By 96 1906. Price Thyeepenci' '3n(^s Gift of Robert W. Neeser 191) All Rights Reseyved. Descriptive Catalogue OF THE PORTRAITS OF NAVAL COMMANDERS, REPRESENTATIONS OF NAVAL ACTIONS, RELICS, &c. EXHIBITED IN THE PAINTED HALL OF GREENWICH HOSPITAL, AND THE ROYAL NAVAL MUSEUM, GREENWICH. LONDON: PRINTED FOR HIS MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE, BY EYRE AND SPOTTISWOODE, PBINTEES TO THE KINg's MOST EXCELLENT MAJEST7. 1906. Price Threepence. .. .^W^r _ .. ^ 0.;,^"' ¦*i. ¦»' five hours, and had lost more than half her seamen, and many of hei spais, when she was boarded by a fire-ship and destroyed. Lord Sandwich remained in the ship until she blew up, and his scorched body, afterwards found floating in the sea, was buried in Westminster Abbey. 143. Vice-Admiral Sir Stafford FAIRBORNE, Kt. Died 1742. Half-length, hy Sir Godfrey Kneller. — Presented hy King George IV., 1824. Captain, 1688. Rear-Admiral, 1701. Served as second in command under Sir George Rooke and Sir C. Shovell, and was piesent at the capture of Vigo. In 1706 commanded the squadron which co-opeiated in the siege of Ostend. 144, 160, 157, 163, 170, and 185. Burning of the "Luxembourg" Galley, and escape of part of the Crew. (Six Views.) Presented by Mr. R. Parker, executor of Captain Jarvis Maplesden, Lieutenant-Governor, 1781. The " Luxembouig " galley, commanded by Captain William Kellaway, caught fiie at sea,' 25th June 1727. Twenty-thiee of the crew escaped in one of her boats, and after twelve days ot most intense suffering, seven of them reached Newfoundland alive. One of the survivors. Captain William Boys, was afterwards Lieutenant-Governor of Greenwich Hospital. 145. Admiral the Honourable John FORBES. 1714—1796.- Three-quarters, by George Romney, 1778. — Presented^by the Countess of Clarendon and Lady Maryborough, the Admiral's daughters, in 1831. X 43438. ^ 64 GALLERY OF GREEXWICH HOSPITAI^^ Captain, 1737. Commanded the " Noifolk ' with distinction in the action off Toulon, i744- Rear-Admiral in 1747, and Vice-Admiral, 1755. Commissioner ot the Admiralty, 1756: this office he held when the death warrant of Admiral the Honourable John Byng was submitted for signature, which he, for reasons stated in a protest, refused to agree to, and resigned his seat. Re-appointed shortly afterwards, and held office till 1763. Admiral, 1758. General of the Marines, 1763. Admiral of the Fleet, 1781. 146. Admiral Sir Edward THORNBROUGH, G.C.B., Vice- Admiral OF THE United Kingdom. 1754-1834. Half-length, by Samuel Lane, 1821. — Bequeathed by Lady Thornbrough, 1851. Seived and was wounded in the Ameiican wai. Piomoted to Commandei foi his dashing conduct on the captuie of "La Nymphe," Fiench fiigate, by the "Flora," 1780. Captain of the "Latona" in Lord Howe's victory, and of the "Robust" atthe capture of "La Hoche" and three frigates by Sir J. B. Warren's squadion. Piomoted to Rear-Admiral in 1801, and held several commands as Flag Officer up to 1818. 147. H.M.S. "Triton," built at Deptford, 1796, from de signs OF Admiral James Gambier. By N. Pocock. — Presented by .Admiral Gambier, 1865. 148. Captain John Kempthorne, in the " Mary Rose," of 48 guns, attacked by seven .Algerines, 29_th December, 1669. Ascribed to W. Vandevelde. — Presented by the Hon. Admiral Forbes, 1791. Captain Kempthoine (boin 1620; died 1679) while convoying a fleet of merchant ships through the Straits of Gibraltar repulsed the attack of seven Algerine corsairs. The picture beats the following inscription; — " Two we burnt, and two we sank, and two did run away, And one we carried to Leghorn Roads to show we'd won the day." For this gallant service Captain Kempthorne was knighted Dy King Charles 11. 149. Admiral Sir John Thomas DUCKWORTH, Bart. 1748- 1817. From an original picture by Sir William Beechey, i?.A.--P«- sented by Miss Duckworth Kin^, 1894. GALLERY OF GREENWICH HOSPITAL. 65 Lieutenant, 1771. Captain, 1779. Flag-Captain to Reai- Adrairal Rowley, 1780. In 1793, appointed to the "Orion," 74 guns, and took part under Lord Howe's command in the victory over the French Fleet on the ist June in the following year. Rear-Admiral of the "White," 1789. In 1800, appointed Commandei-in-Chief on the Leewaid Islands Station, and in 1801, took possession of the islands St. Bartholomew, St. Thomas, and otheis belonging to Sweden and Denmaik. Created K.B., 1801. In 1803, sent as Commandei-in-Chief to Jamaica, and directed the operations which led to surrender of General Rochambeau and the French army in San Domingo. Vice- Admiral, 1804. In 1806, defeated the French Squadron, consisting ot five sail of the line, and three frigates, capturing three sail of the line, and burning the other two off San Domingo. Awarded a pension of £1,000 a year by the State, and received from the Citv of London the freedom and a sword of honour. Admiral, 1810. Governor and Commander-in-Chief at Newfoundland, 1810-13. Created a baionet in the lattei year. Died when Commander-in-Chief at Plymouth, 1817. 150. Ses 144, &c, 151. Rear-Admiral Sir Horatio NELSON, K.B. 1758— 1805. Painted 1798, hy Lemuel F. Abbott.- -Bequeathed by Sir William Davison, of Swarland Park, Northumberland. 1873- 152. Admiral of the Fleet Sir Alexander MILNE, Bart., G.C.B. 1806— 1896. Three-quarter-length, by Walter W. Ouless, R.\.— Presented hy Rear-Admiral Sir A. Berkeley Milne, Bart., K.f^.V.O., m 1904. Captain, 1839. Rear-Admiral, 1858. Vice-Admiral, 1865. Admiral, 1870. Admiral of the Fleet, 1881. Commander-in- Chief of North America and West Indies Station i860 ^° /°ft Duiing the Ameiican Civil War it was stated that the United States Government were aware that to nothing more than his excellent judgment and firm but temperate and conciliatory conduct the maintenance of haimonious relations was due. Commander-in-Chief of the Mediterranean Station, 1869-1870. A Loid of the Admiralty, 1847-1859, 1866-1868, 1872-1876. In 1876 he was created a Baionet and granted a special pension ot Ii,ooo a year as a mark of the value of his services. 66 GALLERY OF GREENWICH HOSPITAL. 163. The Battle of the Nile, ist August, 1798. By Thomas Whitcombe. — Bequeathed to Greenwich Hospital hy the Earl of Yarborough in 1855. The Fleet, under Nelson, consisting of 13 seventy-fouis and two smallei vessels, found the French Fleet, composed of 13 line- of-battle ships, foul frigates, and two brigs, anchored in Aboukir Bay. The action commenced at sunset, and was contested with the greatest bravery on both sides. About 10 o'clock the Fiench Admiral's ship, "L'Orient," of 120 guns, blew up with a tre mendous explosion. Several of the enemy's ships continued the action, but eventually all were taken or destroyed, except two line-of-battle ships and two frigates. For this most important victoiy Sil Hoiatio Nelson was created Baion Nelson of the Nile. 154. Admiral Sir John BALCHEN, Governor of Greenwich Hospital, 1744. 1670 — 1744. Half-length, hy Sir Godfrey Kneller, — Presented by Sir Henry E. Austen, of Shalford, 1852. Captain, 1697. Commanded the " Chester,'' 1707, but was captured, after a very gallant defence, while protecting a fleet ot merchant ships. In 1709 hewas again unfortunate enough to he taken in the " Gloucester," by Duguay Trouin's squadron. Reai- "Admiial, 1728. Commanded the Fleet sent to release Sii Chailes Hardy, who was blockaded in the Tagus, and after performing this service, was lost in the "Victoiy," no guns, with 1,200 of hei ciew, off the Aldeiney islands, in October 1744. 155. Lord NELSON, in the "Victory's" Cockpit, mortally WOUNDED, October 21, 1805. By B. West, P.R.A.* 156. Capture of the "Due de Chartres" by the "Bellona,'' Captain the Honourable Samuel Barrington, iSth August, 1747. This picture and its companion. No. 167, by Dominic Serres, R.A., presented by the Honourable Shute Barrington, Lord Bishop of Durham, in 1824. The " Due de Chartres," a French East Indiaman mounting 30 guns, was engaged by the " Bellona " off Ushant, and stiuck to her after an action of two hours' duration. » Note.— The pictures numbered 155, 158, 159, 160, j6i, 164, 165, and 166, illustrative of Lord Nelson's career, were presented by Jasper de St. Croix, Esq., and several other patriotic individuals, in 1849. GALLERY OF GREENWICH HOSPITAL. 6? 157. See 144, &c. 158. Rear-Admiral NELSON'S Conflict with a Spanish Launch, July 3, 1797. By R. Westall, R.A.* 159. Sir Horatio NELSON, Wounded at Teneriffe July 24 1797. By R. Westall, R.A.* 160. Horatio NELSON, Midshipman, 1773 ; Adventure with A Bear. By R. Westall, R.A.* 161. Rear-Admiral Horatio Lord NELSON, K.B., aged 43 1798. Three-quarters, wearing a cocked hat. — By L. F. Abbott. {Unfinished).^ 162. Lord NELSON, when wounded at the Nile. Bequeathed by Mrs. Ellis, daughter of Admiral Sir Peter Parker, 1869. This picture (which was sent to Lady Paikei, wife of Sir Peter Parker, by Lord Nelson) represents him at the moment when the French Flag Ship " L'Orient " blew up. The surgeons were dressing a severe wound which he had received in the head when, hearing that a ship was on fire, he ran up on deck. 163. See 144, &c. 164. Horatio NELSON, Lieutenant, volunteering to Board A Prize in a Violent Gale, November 20, 1777. By R. Westall, R.A.* 165. The "San Nicolas" and "San Josef" carried by boarding, February 14, 1797. By R. Westall, R.A.* 166. Apotheosis of Nelson. By B. West, P.R.A.* " See note on page 66. 68 GALLERY OF GREENWICH HOSPITAL. 167. Capture of the " Comte de St. Florentine," by the "Achilles," Captain the Honourable Samuel BAR RINGTON, 4th April, 1759. This picture and its companion, No. 156, by Dominic Serres, R.A., presented by the Honourable Shute Barrington, Lord Bishop of Durham, in 1824. The "AchiUes,'' of 60 guns, fell in, off Cape Finisteiie, with the " Comte de St. Florentine," a French privateer, also carrying 60 guns. The French ship was defended with great gallantry, and did not surrender until, after an action of two hours, she had become dismasted and lost hei captain and 116 men killed and wounded. 168. Admiral John GELL. Died 1806. Half-length, hy Sir Joshua Reynolds, P.R.A. — The hequest of Admiral Sir Hugh Palliser, Bart. Captain, 1766. Commanded the "Monaica " in Hughes's five actions in the East Indies, in 1782-83. Reai-Admiial, 1793. Captuied a lich galleon ; and seived under Lord Hood in the Mediterranean Fleet, at Toulon. Vice-Admiral, 1794. Admiial, 1799. 169. Charles BROWN, Esq., Commodore. 1678 — 1753. Half-length. — Presented hy his descendant, Edward Hawke Locker, Esq., 1838. Captain, 1709. Led the attack, undei Admiial Vernon, upon Porto Bello, 1739, when he greatly distinguished himself. Com missionei of Chatham Dockj'ard, 1741. 170. See 144, &c. 171. Capture of a French Ship. {See also No. 178.) By Peter Monamy. — Presented by Thomas Shipman, Esq., of Lewisham, 1841. 172. Vice Admiral the Honble. Sir Henry BLACKWOOD, Bart., K.C.B., G.C.H. 1770— 1832. Three-quarters. — Presented by Captain F. Blackwood, 1851. First Lieutenant of " Invincible " at the battle of ist June 1794. Captain of " Megasia " in Lord Bridport's action, 1795, and of " BiiUiant," when she beat off two French frigates of superior force, 1798. Greatly distinguished himself as Captain of "Penelope," 36, in a night action with the "Guillaume Tell," 84, which led to her capture, 1800. Rendered impoitant services as Captain of the " Euryalus " at the battle of Trafalgar, and GALLERY OF GREENWICH HOSPITAL. 6q brought home the despatches announcing the victory Com manded ''Ajax" in Sir T. Duckworth's Fleet, but his ship took fire and blew up a few days before the passage of the Dardanelles 1807. Rear-Admiral, 1814. Commander-in-Chief in the East Indies and at the Nore. Created a Baronet, 1814. 173. End of Action between the "Spartan" and "Ceres" Companion Picture to No. iSo. By Thomas Whitcombe.— Presented iu 1856 by Lady Brenton widow of Sir Jahleel Brenton, Bart.,' K.C.B., Lieut.- Governor of Greenwich Hospital. The action lepiesented in these pictures was fought by the "Spartan" alone against a greatly superior force, and ended in the capture of the brig " Sparviere," and the retreat of the "C&es," "Fama," and gunboats to the shelter ot the batteries of Baia. For his gallantry on this occasion. Captain Brenton, who was severely w.^unded, was created a Baronet. 174. Sir Chaloner OGLE, Kt., Admiral of the Fleet. 1680 — 1750. Half-length. — The bequest of Sir Charles Ogle, Bart., Admiral of the Fleet, in 1859. Captain, 1708. Knighted foi his gallant capture on the coast of Afiica of thiee piratical vessels, which had done much injury to our trade, 1722. Rear-Admiral, 1739. Served under Vernon at the attack upon Carthagena, 1741. .Admiral of the Fleet, 1749. 175. A View. — Greenwich Hospital from the Thames. By David Roberts, R..A. — Presented by Messrs. Dyer and Sons, of Mount Street, Grosvenor Square, 1898. 176. The taking of Porto Bello by Vice-Admiral VERNON, 21ST November 1739. By George Chambers. — Presented by Edward Hawke Locker, Esq., 1838. Poito Bello on the north side of the Isthmus of Darien, defended by strong fortifications, was taken by Vice-Admiral Vernon with a squadron of six ships of the line on 21st No vember 1739. Commodore Brown in the " Hampton Court " led the attack, and after the guns of the strong defence at the entrance to the harbour, called the Iron Castle, had been nearly silenced, the Admiral sent the boats ashore armed with seamen, who quickly climbed into and made themselves masters of the castle. The other defences were surrendered by the Spanish Goveinoi on the following day. 70 GALLERY OF GREENWICH HOSPITAL. 177. Vice-Admiral Sir Thomas GRAVES, K.B. i747(?)-i8i4. Half-length by James Northcote, R. A.— Presented hy King 'William IV., 1834. Captain, 1781. Commanded the " Bedfoid" in Hood's action at St. Kitts, and in Rodney's victory in 1782. When Captain of " Magicienne " fought a severe action with French frigate "Sybille," 1783. Reai-Admiral, 1801. Second in command to Lord Nelson at the battle of Copenhagen, 1801, and made a K.B. for his services on that occasion. 178. Companion Picture to No. 171. 179. Admiral Sir Robert CALDER, Bart., K.C.B. 1745- 1818. Half-length. — The bequest of Mrs. Elizabeth Cooke, 1859. First Captain of the " Victory," bearing the flag of Sir John Jervis, at the battle off Cape St. Vincent, 1797. Knighted and afterwards in 1798 created a Baronet for his services. When in command of a Fleet of 15 sail of the line brought to action, on 22 July 1805, a combined French and Spanish Fleet of superior numbers, and succeeded in capturing two of the enemy's ships. 180. Action between "Spartan,'' Frigate, Captain Jahleel Brenton, and the French Frigate "Ceres" and Consorts, in the Bay of Naples, 3RD May 1810. (Sre Companion Picture No. 173.) 181. Rear-Admiral Basil BEAUMONT. 1669— 1703. Half-length, by Michael Dahl. — Presenled by King George IV., 1824. Captain, 1689. Commanded the "Rupert" at Baifleui, 1692. Captuied and destioyed seveial privateers. Rear-Admiral, 1703. Lost, with his crew, in H.M.S. " Mary " in the great storm which occurred in November of that year. 182. Admiral Sir William Sidney SMITH, G.C.B. 1764-1840. Bronze Medallion by David, 1834. Presented by Lady Isabella de Chahot, 1841. Served at captuie of American frigate "Raleigh,"' and in Rodney's two actions and Admiral Graves' action. Captain, 1782. Volunteered to burn French Fleet on evacuation of Toulon, 1793, and succeeded in destroying 10 ships of the line. Taken prisoner in boats of the " Diamond " at the mouth of the Seine and confined two years in the Temple at Paris. Effected his escape, 1788. Greatly distinguished himself by his defence of Acre against Napoleon. 1799, and by his triumphs in GALLERY OF GREENWICH HOSPITAL. 71 Egypt. Foi these biilliant seivices he received the thanks ot Parliament, and a pension of i,oooZ. a yeai. Rear-Admiral, 1805. Passed the Dardanelles with Duckworth, 1807. Held several important commands. Admiial, 1821. Lieut.-General of Maiines, 1830. Died at Paris, 1840. 183. Vice-Admiral Lord NELSON. 1758— 1805. By James No-rthcote, R.A. — Bequeathed to Greenwich Hospital by John C. McGrath, Esq., in 1893. 184. Rear-Admiral Thom.as GRAVES. 1 680-1 755. Half-length. — Presented by King William IV., 1834. Captain, 1713. Distinguished himself when Captain of the ¦'Norfolk," in the attack on Carthagena, 1741. Reai-Admiial, 1747- 185. See 144, &c. 72 GALLERY OF GREENWICH HOSPITAL. ROYAL NAVAL MUSEUM. Paintings and Drawings, &e., belonging to Gpeenwieh Hospital. Captain Robert MAUNSELL capturing French Gunbo.ws off Java, July 31ST, i8n. By William Huggins. — Presented by John E. MaunseU, Esq., 1846. The "Procris" fell in, on the coast of Java, with six gun boats and a convoy of proas, but was prevented by shallow water from following them. Her commander. Captain MaunseU, therefore proceeded to attack them in the boats of his ship accompanied by two flat boats containing soldiers of the 14th and 89th Regiments, and gallantly boaided and captured five of them. The sixth was blown up. French Fire Ships defeated by Admiral Sir Charles SAUNDERS AT THE Siege of Quebec, 28th June, 1759. On the airival of the expedition under General Wolfe and Admiral Saunders at Quebec, the French attempted with seven fire ships to destroy the English Fleet, but, by skilful exertions, the boats of the squadron towed them ashore, where they were consumed without effecting their object. Second Attempt to destroy the English Fleet at Quebec, 28TH July 1759. On this occasion the French floated down the streara about 100 rafts loaded with combustibles, but their object was again defeated. These two pictures, hy Dominic Serres, R.A., were bequeathed hy Admiral Sir Hugh Palliser, Bart., Gouernor of Green wich Hospital, in 1796. Ships of War, XVI. Century. Presented by Colonel Birch, R.A., of Kilquade, countv Wick low, 1841. Lord HOWE'S Victory, ist June 1794. The French Fleet under Rear-Admiral Villaret Joyeuse was brought to a general action by the British Fleet under Lord GALLERY OF GREENWICH HOSPITAL. 73 Howe, off Cape Ushant, on ist June 1794. Seven of the French ships were .captured, but one of them, the " Vengeur,' sank soon afterwards. The rest weie taken as prizes to Spithead. Lord HOWE'S Victory. Return of the Fleet .\fter the Battle of the ist of June. Lord St. VINCENT'S Victory, 14TH February 1797. The Biitish Fleet undei Admiial Sii John Jeivis engaged a Spanish Fleet of superior force, commanded by Don Josef de Cordova, off Cape St. Vincent. The action lasted about five hours, and resulted in the capture of four of the Spanish ships, two of which were boarded by Nelson. For this victory Sir John Jervis was created Earl of St. Vincent. Lord DUNCAN'S Victory at Camperdown, iith October 1797. Defeat of the Dutch Fleet under Admiral de Winter after a severely contested action with the British Fleet under Admiral Duncan, who succeeded in taking eleven of the enemy's ships. The action lasted from 12.30 until about 3 p.m. The four foregoing pictures, and that numbered 153 {see p. 66) in the Nelson Room, painted by Thomas Whitcombe, were bequeathed to Greenwich Hospital by the Earl of Yarborough in 1855. Rear-Admiral Sir William Edward PARRY, Kt., D.C.L., F.R.S., Lieut.-Governor of Greenwich Hospital. 1790—1855. Three-quarters, hy Charles Scottowe. — Presented hy Lady Parry, 1872. Accompanied Sir John Ross on his expedition to the Polar Sea, 1818. Sailed in command of the "Hecla" and "Griper" to discover a north-west passage, 1819. Engaged fiom 1821 to 1825 in other voyages of discovery in the Arctic regions, and in 1827 attained lat. 82'^ 45' in an attempt to reach the North Pole. Hydrographer to the Admiralty. Knighted, 1829. Reai- Admiral, 1852. Lieut. -Goveinoi of Gieenwich Hospital, 1853. Captain Sir John FRANKLIN, Kt., K.C.H. , F.R.S., 1786— 1S47. Water-colour, by William Derby.— Presented by Mr. Henry Graves, 1865. Enteied Royal Navy, 1800. Piesent at the Battle of Copen hagen, 1801. Accompanied Captain Flindeis in a voyage of discoveiy to Austialia. Served in the "Bellerophon'' at Trafalgar, 1805. Wounded in the Expedition to New Orleans, 1814. Commanded the " Trent " in a voyage of discovery in the neigh bourhood of Spitzbergen, 1818. Conducted anoveiland expedition 74 GALLERY OF GREENWICH HOSPITAL. from Hudson's Bay to the shores of the Polar Sea, 1819-22, From 1825 to 1827 was engaged in a second expedition to the same regions. Knighted, 1829. Governor of Van Diemen's Land for seven vears. Sailed with "Erebus" and "Terror" in a fresh attempt to explore a north-west passage in 1845, and perished with the whole of his crew, 1847. The fate of his expedition was discovered in 1857 by the expedition undei Sii Leopold F. M'Clintock. Captain James FITZJAMES, R.N. 1813— 1847. Crayon Drawing. — Presented by W. J. C. Coningham, Esq., on behalf of his deceased father, 1885. Enteied the Navy, 1827. Rewaided for his heroism in saving life, 1835. Served in the Euphrates expedition, 1835-37 '< ^'^'^ ^^ Lieutenant of the " Ganges " at the bombardment of Beyrout, and- in operations on the coast of Syria, 1840. Piomoted foi distinguished services when Lieutenant of the " Cornwallis " in the war with China, 1842. Severely wounded at the storming of Ching-Kiang-Foo. Captain, 1845. Commander of the "Erebus," and perished with Sir John Franklin in his attempt, to explore a north-west passage, 1847. Comm.vnder Alfred PIGOTT. 1846 — 1885. Half-length, hy Mrs. H. M. Munro. — Presented in 1886 by his Brother Officers who served with him in H.M.S." Inconstant," 1869-72. First Lieutenant of the " Alexandra " at the bombardment of Alexandria, 1882. Killed when leading the first division ot the Naval Brigade in the battle fought at Abu Klea, in the Soudan, 17th Januaiy 1885. Greenwich Palace, 1690. By J. Vorsterman. — Presented by the Executors of the late Samuel Enderby, Esq., 1830. Windsor Castle, 1690. By J. Vorsterman.— Presented hy the Executors of the late Samuel Enderby, Esq., 1830. Greenwich Hospital from the West Side, 1850. By James Holland.— Presented by l\Irs. Hollier, 1856, to carry out the wishes of her late husband, Mr. Richard Hollier, of Maze Hill, Greenwich. GALLERY OF GREENWICH HOSPITAL. 75 View of Greenwich from the Park, 1558, and View of Greenwich from the River, Showing the old Palace of Placentia. Copies in water-colour from originals by Antonio Van den Wyngaerde in the Sutherland Collection in the Bodleian Library. East Front of King Charles's Building (an old Architectural Drawing). The " Red Lion " in the Dock, and West Side of Greenwich Hospital, prior to 1804. Water-colour by Thomas Rowlandson. — Presented hy Francis Hobler, Esq., 1847. Fishers' Alley-, Greenwich, 1848. Removed by the Commissioners of Greenwich Hospital to improve the neighbourhood of the Hospital. Water-colour hy Clarkson Stanfield, R.A. — Presented by the Artist, 1848. Greenwich Hospital, River Front, both Wings, and River Front of King Charles's Building. Architectural drawings by H. Cumings, mhich gained ihe Silver Medal of the Royal Academy, 1850. — Presented by the Artist. Designs by Sir James Thornhill for Decorations of the Painted Hall. Presented by James Stuart, Esq., Architect, 1781. Design foi Ceiling. Design foi Wall Painting. Sketch, Sii John Jennings showing plan of the Hospital to the Piince of Wales. Presented by the Rev. M. T. Cox, of Badby, Northamptonshire. Sketch foi Frieze, small figures. A similar sketch. Funeral Procession of Lord Nelson up the Thames. Coloured print. — Presented by Mr. Thotnas Lauder, of Bristol, a Naval Pensioner, 1886. 76 GALLERY OF GREENWICH HOSPITAL. Original Sketches in Sepia for Decorations of the Chapel. Executed by Benjamin West, R.,A., 1786-89, for the Directors of Greenwich Hospital. Sketch toi Altai Piece— St. Paul shaking ofl the viper. Conversion of St. Paul.- Vision of Cornelius. St. Peter released from prison. Elymas struck blind. St. Paul preaching at Athens. St. Paul before Felix. St. Bartholomew. St. Matthias. St. Jude. St. Matthew. St. Simon. St. Mark. St. Philip. Design for a Tympanum. Design by Benjamin Greenwich Hospital. St. John. St. Peter. St. Luke. St. Andrew. St. Thomas. St. James, Major. St. James, Minor. Daniel. Micah. Malachi.Zechariah.Faith. Hope. Charity.Meekness. Subject, Immortality of Nelson. West, P.R.A., for the Directors of 1810. Design for a Tympanum. Subject, Immortality of St. Vincent (Earl of St. Vincent). Designed by Benjamin West, P.R.A., for the Directors of Greenwich Hospital, 1812. Admiral Sir Edward CODRINGTON, G.C.B., G.C.M.G., F.R.S. 1770— 1851. Half-length, by G. F. Clarke, after the original by H. P. Briggs, R.A. — Presented by Lady Bourchier, the Admiral's daughter, 1881. Entered the Navy, 1783. Lieutenant of Lord Howe's flag-ship in the battle of the ist June, 1794. Commander of "Babet" sloop in Lord Bridport's action, 1795. Captain of " Orion," 74, at Trafalgar. Commanded the " Blake," 74, in the Walcheren Expedition, and on the coast of Spain during the Peninsular War, 1809-1813. Captain of the Fleet at Baltimore and New Oileaiis in the American war, 1814. Commanded the com bined fleets of England, France, and Rus^a, at the Battle ot Navarino, 1827, in which the Turco-Egyptian fleet acting against Greece was destroyed. Admiral Sir Henry John CODRINGTON, K.C.B., Admiral or the Fleet. 1808 — 1877. Half-length, by Lowes Dickinson. — Presented by Catherine Lady Codrington, the Admiral's widow, in 1880. Son of Admiral Sir Edward Codrington, G.C.B. Severely wounded as midshipman of the "Asia" (his father's Flag Ship), GALLERY OF GREENWICH HOSPITAL. 77 at the battle of Navarino, 1827. Captain of the "Talbot" at the siege of Acre, and of the " Royal George " in the Russian ¦War, 1854-5. Ci-iARLES SAUNDERS, afterwards Admiral Sir Charles Saunders, K.B. Half-length.— Presented by Admiral Herbert de Kantzow, 1892. (For services, see No. 63, page 31.) Deptford Dockyard, with a Ship on the Stocks ready for Launching. 1752. Oil painting, by J. Clevely. — Presented by E. W. James, Esq., of Greenwich, 1873. Drawing of the Painted Hall of Greenwich Hospital. By Paul Sandby. — Presented by Messrs. Dver and Sons, ot Mount Street, Grosvenor Square, 1895. Six Engravings of the Siege of Gibraltar. Presented by Miss .A. M. Dixon, of Blackheath, 1896. Picture on Panel of a Model of the "Royal George.' Presented by Mr. W. G. Porter, 1897. View of Greenwich Hospital and the Bellot Memorial. Bequeathed by Mr. J. Barrow, 1899. Sir ^Samuel BENTHAM (Knight of the Russian Order of St. George), Inspector of Naval Works, and later A Commissioner of H.M. Navy. 1757 — 1831. Half-length. — Presented hy Sir Joseph D. Hooker, K.C.S.I., 1895. SCULPTURE. Sir John FRANKLIN. Cast of a Medallion. — Presented by Admiral Sir T. L. McClintock, K.C.B., 1895. Sir John FRANKLIN. Bronze cast of a bust, by A. C. Lucchesi. — Presented by W. T. Rawnsley, Esq., J. P., 1899. 78 GALLERY OF GREENWICH HOSPITAL. RELICS, &c. Four small brass Cannon, taken at Copenhagen, i8oi. Bequeathed by Sir William Davison, 1873. An Astrolabe constructed for Sir Francis Drake, and said to have been presented to him by queen Elizabeth. Presented by King William IV., 1833. Relics of Sir John Franklin's Expedition, recovered by Dr. Rae in 1854. Presented by the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty. Drawing of the above Relics. Made by Mr. E. 0. Pulleyne for the Commissioners of Green wich Hospital. Chinese Flag, captured at Fatshan by Captain C. C. For syth, R.N. Presented hy Queen Victoria, 1858. Chinese Flag, captured at C.\nton by Captain Fellowes, R.N. Presented by Queen Victoria, 1859. The old Colours of the Corps of Royal Marines. Sent to Greenwich Hospital by command of King William IV. French Tricolor (the last captured in the War) taken by Captain Edmund Palmer in the action between the " HeBRUS " AND "L'EtOILE," 1814. Presented to Greenwich Hospital hy Captain Palmer's widow, 1866. The original " Chatham Chest." "An iron box, supposed to be of the time of queen elizabeth, in whose reign THE Chatham Chest Fund was instituted. Sent to Greenwich Hospital by the Admiralty in 1845, to be preserved as a memorial. With this Chest are exhibited an original Account Book ot money received and paid by Edward Hayward, clerk and accountant of the Chatham Chest, 1654, 1655, and a similar Account Book kept between the years 1637 and 1642. The latter was presented by the Right Honourable the Earl of Northbrook, G. C.S.I. , First Lord of the Admiralty, 1882. GALLERY OF GREENWICH HOSPITAL. 79 An Ornamental Shield, composed of 125 unclaimed War Medals and Clasps of deceased In-Pensioners of Greenwich Hospital. Bronze Howitzer captured by Admiral Sir Charles Napier, K.C.B., AT the Island of Ponza on the 13TH of February 1813- Presented by his Daughter, Mrs. Henry Jodrell, 1890. Weapons taken by Lieutenant Rotely, R.M., at the Capture OF THE French vessel " Cl:£opatre." Bequeathed by his Daughter, Miss Jane D. Rotely, 1896. The following Models of Ships belong to Greenwich Hospital, and include some that weie foimeily exhibited in the Painted HaU. They are now arranged with other Models of similar description in the Museum. " Royal George," sunk at Spithead, 1782. "Lion,'' Ship of War (full-rigged). "Winchelsea," Line-of-Battle Ship. "Victory,'' Ship of War, lost 1744. The above Models, four in number, were presented by King William IV., 1830. "Centurion,'' 50 guns. — Lord Anson's ship, made from her davit, 1748. Presented by the Executors of Captain William Browell, Lieutenant Governor of Greenwich Hospital. Ship of War, of 20 guns, on a launch. Ship of War, full-rigged. The two last Models were presented by E. W. James, Esq., of Greenwich. "Nelson," 120 guns, launched at Woolwich, 1814. (Launching Model.) Presented hy Rear-Admiral Sir Charles Cunningham. "Duke of Kent," four-decked ship, 170 guns, full-rigged; planned in 1809 BY Joseph Tucker, Esq., Surveyor of THE Navy. Presented by My, Tucker's widow, 1853. X 43438. ' 8o GALLERY OF GREENWICH HOSPITAL. " Triton," Frigate. Presented by Admiral Gambier, 1865. "Ariel," Tea Clipper. Bequeathed by Mrs. Mary Adela Taylor, 1897. Section of a Mortar Vessel, with swivel guns, on her bulwarks. Model of Surf Boat for landing Troops. Model of an Admiral's Barge. Presented by Rear-Admiral Sir Charles Cunningham. Model of the Battle of Trafalgar. Presented by Mr. T. B. Simpson. A Model in Wood of Greenwich Hospital as orIginally designed. The Autograph Roll of original Donors to Greenwich Hospital (facsimile copy). A volume containing Plans and Drawings for the fittings and additions to the building erected by King Charles II,, with the warrant approving the same, signed by King William IU., and dated 29th April 1696. Three volumes of Plans relating to the buildings and pro perty of Greenwich Hospital in Greenwich. Case containing specimens of Ores, &c. found in the Northem Estates of Greenwich Hospital. Case containing specimens of Minerals from the Arctic regions, and from the Northern Estates ot Greenwich Hospital, presented by Mr. W. E. P. Hooper, late of the Admiralty, 1896. The Statue of George II., in the centre of the Great Quad rangle, was sculptured by J. M. Rysbrach from a block of marble taken from the French by Sir George Rooke, and was presented by Sir John Jennings, Governor of Greenwich Hospital, in 1735- The Bronze Bust of Nelson, in the centre of the Upper Quadrangle, was executed by Sir Francis Chantrey, R.A., in 1834, and presented by his widow. Lady Chantrey, in 1851. The Gun opposite to the North Gate was found sunk in the mud in St. Mary's Creek, below Chatham. It is of iron, believed to have 'been cast in the reign of Queen Elizabeth, and is supposed to have formed part of the armament of the " Mathias," a ship set on fire and sunk by the Dutch under De Ruyter when he sailed up the Medway to attack' Chatham, 12th June 1667. GALLERY OF GREENWICH HOSPITAL. 8 1 THE CHAPEL. ON the 2nd Januaiy 1779, the dome, the roof, and the interior of the Chapel were destroyed by fire. Having been restored in an elegant style of Grecian architecture, from designs by James Stuart, Esq., Surveyor ot the Hospital, the celebrated author of the "Antiquities of Athens," and under the superin tendence of Mr. William Newton, Clerk of Works (translator of Vitruvius), the Chapel was re-opened for Divine Service September 20th, 1789. In 1 85 1 and 1882, it underwent a complete renovation. The entrance is by an octangular vestibule, in which are statues, in four niches, of Faith, Hope, Charity, and Meekness, from designs by West, with appiopiiate inscriptions. In the vestibule are also placed the. model for the monument erected to the memory of Sir George F'rancis Seymour, G.C.B., G.C.H., Admiral of the Fleet, who died in 1870, executed by Count Gleichen, by whom it was presented ; a Ta'blet to the memoiy of the Officers and Men who were lost in the wreck of H.M.S. "Orpheus" on Manukau Bar, New Zealand, 7th February 1863, with a basso-relievo in bronze, executed by Count Gleichen. lepiesenting the wreck ; a tablet to the Officers and Men who lost their lives in H.M.S. " Doterel," 26th April 1881, when she was sunk by the explosion of her fore-magazine ; and a tablet to the memory of Rear-Admiral H. J. May, C.B., who died in 1904. From the vestibule a flight of semi-ciiculai steps leads into the Chapel, thiough folding doois of mahogany, highly enriched with an architrave, frieze, and cornice of statuary marble. The jambs are in one piece, twelve feet high, and beautifully sculptured. The frieze, which is the work of Bacon, consists of the figures of two Angels, with festoons, supporting the sacred writings. In the leaves is the following inscription : " The law was given by Moses, but Grace and Truth came by Jesus Christ." The whole compo sition of this portal " is, perhaps, without parallel in this or any other country."** The Chapel is iii feet in length and 52 feet in width ; and the aisle and spaces lound the altar and beneath the organ gallery are paved with black and white marble, having a border of the same, corresponding in size with, and in imitation of, a first-rate's hempen cable. In the centre of the aisle are representations of an anchor (the crown bearing due north) and the mariners' compass. * Historical account of the Royal Hospital for Seamen at Greenwich, by Rev. lohn Cooke, A.M., and Rev. John Maule, A.M., Chaplains, 1789; from whicii work this description of the Chapel is principally derived. Sa GALLERY OF GREENWICH HOSPITAL. The ceiling is divided into compartments, and ornamented with foliage, and other designs in the antique style. The Chapel is lighted by two ranges of windows, between which are the galleries, containing pews used by the Officers of the Royal Naval College and the Royal Hospital School and their families. The boys of the School occupy seats in the lower part of the Chapel. Two of the windows on the south side have been filled with stained glass to the memory of Admiral Sir Charles Shadwell, K.C.B., and Vice-Admiral Sir William Edward Parry, Kt. Within the entrance is a portico of six fluted columns, sup porting the organ gallery, with capitals and bases of the Ionic order, after fine Greek models; each column is 15 feet high, and formed of one entire block of veined marble. On the tablet, in front of the organ gallery, is a basso-relievo, representing angels sounding the harp ; and on the pedestals, on each side, are ornaments consisting of instruments of music. Beneath the organ gallery, to the right and left of the door way, are fixed, on sculptured statuary marble pedestals, busts ot Admiral Sir Richard Goodwin Keats, G.C.B., and Vice-Admiial Sir Thomas Masterman Hardy, Bart., G.C.B., two successive Govemors of the Hospital. The bust of Sir Richard Keats is a fine head by Sir Francis Chantrey, presented in 1836 by King William IV., in testimony of His Majesty's personal esteem for the Admiral (in whose watch His Majesty when a midshipman was stationed), and in commemoration of the valuable services he rendered to his country. The bust ot Sir Thomas Hardy, whicii is a faithful likeness, executed by Belines, was presented by a few of the Admiral's admirers and friends in 1842, and records the grateful sense entertained of his good qualities as a Naval Commander, of his distinguished professional character as Nelson's Captain, and of his worth as a Governor. On each side of the organ gallery are four grand columns, with shafts of scagliola, in imitation of Siena marble, and capitals and bases of statuary marble. At the eastem end of the Chapel are four others of a similar description supporting the roof. These columns are of the Corinthian order, and are 28 feet in height, exclusive of the pedestals. Underneath the galleries are ranges of fluted pilasters; the cantilevers which support the galleries are decorated with marine ornaments, festoons, &c., and the pedestals of the balustrade in front of the galleries, with tridents and wreaths. The tablets in the middle of each balustrade contain the Hospital arms, and the frieze below is richly carved with foliage. Over the lower range of windows are paintings in chiaroscuro, com- memoiative of some of the principal events in the life of oui GALLERY OF GREENWICH HOSPITAL. 83 Saviour. Of these paintings, the first four, situated at the east end ot the south side of the Chapel, are by De Bruyn, and represent The Nativity, The Angel appearing to the Shepherds, —The Magi Worshipping, and The Flight into Egypt. The following four on the same side are by Catton, and represent St. John baptizing. Calling of St. Peter and St. Andrew, Our Saviour preaching from a Ship to the People on the Shore, and The Stilling of the Tempest. The four subjects at the west end of the north side are painted by Milbourne, and represent Our Saviour Walking on the Sea and saving St. Peter from sink ing. The Blind Man cured by a touch, Lazarus raised from the Dead, and The Transfiguration. The remaining four, on the same side, are by Rebecca, and represent The Lord's Supper, Our Saviour carried before Pilate, The Crucifixion, and The Resurrection. Above the galleries is a richly carved stone facia, on which stands a range of pilasters of the composite order, their shafts being of scagliola, to correspond with the eight columns before mentioned, and with them appearing to support the epistylium which surrounds the Chapel ; this epistylium is enriched with angels bearing festoons of oak leaves, dolphins, shells, and other ornaments. Between the upper pilasters are recesses, in which are painted, in relief, the Apostles and Evangelists, by Rebecca, atter West's designs. At each end of the galleries are concave recesses, the coves of which are ornamented with coffers and floweis carved in stone ; in these recesses are the entiance doors to the galleries, decorated with enriched pilasters and entablatures, and a group of omaments, consisting of the naval crown, wreaths of laurel, and tridents. Above the doors are circular recesses containing paintings, in chiaroscuro, of the patiiarch Moses, of David, and of the prophets Isaiah and Jeremiah, from designs by West, also executed by Rebecca. The communion table is a semi-oval slab of statuary marble, nearly 8 feet in length, supported by six cherubim in stone, standing on a marble step of the same dimensions as the table ; the ascent to it is by three steps of black marble. The painting over the altar is by West, representing the "Preservation of St. Paul from Shipwreck, on the Island of Melita." This picture is 25 feet in height, and 14 feet wide, and consists of three principal groups ; the first, or lower group, repiesents the maiineis and piisoneis bringing on shore the various articles which were preserved from the wreck ; the central and principal group represents St. Paul shaking into the fire the viper which had fastened on his hand ; and the figures above, forming the third group, represent the hospitable islanders lowering, from the summit of the rock, fuel and other necessaries 84 GALLERY OF GREENWICH HOSPITAL. for the relief of the sufferers. The sea and wrecked ship appear in the background. In the arch above this picture are two angels of statuary marble, by Bacon, one bearing the Cross, the other the emblems of the Eucharist; and in the segment, between the cornice and the ceiling, is a painting of the Ascension in chiaroscuro designed by West, forming the last of the series of paintings, representing the life of our Saviour. The pulpit, which is circular, is supported by six columns of lime tree with entablature, richly carved. In the six inter- columns are alto-relievos of the following subjects from West's designs, taken fiom the Acts of the Apostles :— The Conversion of St. Paul, Cornelius' Vision, Peter released from Prison, Elymas struck blind, St. Paul preaching at Athens, and St. Paul pleading before Felix. The organ, which is by Samuel Green, was erected in 1787. It was added to and renovated in 1872. GALLERY OF GREENWICH HOSPITAL. 85 ROYAL NAVAL MUSEUM, The Royal Naval Museum contains Models of Ships of War and other Vessels, and specimens of fittings and stores con nected therewith. They are arranged in the following classes :— Models rigged and not rigged, and half-models of Ships of War fiom the time ot Henry VIII. to the present time ; also of armoui-plated ships, gunboats, troop ships, and yachts. Sections showing construction of iron and wooden ships. Plans for securing armour-plating, fitting hawse holes, &c., and for stowing and letting go anchors. Specimens of magazine indicators and light boxes. Plans for fitting sashes, dead lights, hatch and ladder ways, gun deck ports, &c., for venti lation ot ships, for securing and raising propellers, &c. Speci mens of pumps, capstans, anchors, cables, bits, compressors, and stoppers. Plans for internal fittings. Specimens of engine room telegraph, alarms, shot-plugs, lightning conductors, cook ing galleys, steam-lights, and signal lanterns. Specimens showing the effect of corrosion in boilers, &c. and samples ot iion and steel, and articles showing the result of experimental tests, &c. Aictic and other relics, and the paintings and drawings, of which a list is given on pages 73 to 79. Models of masts, yards, &c., and plans for fitting caps, tops, cross-trees, &c. Models of boats, lifeboats and rafts, and plant for lowering boats; apparatus for saving life at sea, &c. Plans for launching, hauling up, and heaving down ships ; construction of docks ; floating docks ; caissons, &c. Models of dockyards, victualling yards, hospitals, &c. Permanent and temporary steering apparatus. Models of engines, machinery, &c. Specimens of worm-eaten wood, and specimens showing galvanic action upon iron and copper under water. Compo sitions for preservation of iron ships bottoms, &c. GALLERY OF GREENWICH HOSPITAL. The following Paintings and Drawings, in addition to those belonging to Greenwich Hospital enumerated on pages 72 to 77, are exhibited in different parts of the Naval Museum : — Portrait of Sir Thomas Slade, Surveyor of the Navy from 1755 to 1771. Portrait of Joseph Tucker, Esq., one of the Surveyors of the Navy, 1813 to 1831. Presented by his widow. The " Great Hariy," Ship of Wai, launched 1514. Designs by Peter Pett for the " Sovereign of the Seas,'' built in the reign of King Charles I., 1637, Old'engiaving of the "Sovereign of the Seas," built 1637. View of Deptford Dockyard. View of Woolwich Dockyard, painted by Nicholas Pocock, 1790. View of Chatham Dockyaid. View of Plymouth Dockyard, painted bv Nicholas Pocock in 1798. Eighteen Crayon Portraits of South Sea Islanders drawn by William Hodges, R.A., who accompanied Captain Cook in his second voyage of discovery in 1774 ^^^ i775- Portraitof Sir John Franklin, from the original by Thomas Phillips, R.A., presented by his niece, Mrs. Austen Lefroy. 87 INDEX OF PORTRAITS, &c. No. Aboukir Bay, Nelson's victory over the French Fleet in Action at St. Lucia, 15th December 1778 „ between "Spartan" and French frigate f "Ceres " ) „ in 1805 between two British sloops and two French frigates „ ot ist June 1794 „ off Cape Barfleui, 19th May 1692 „ off Negapatam, 6th July 1782 „ off Sicily, nth August 1718 Adam, Sii Charles Albemarle, George Monk, Duke of .Algiers, Battle ot AUen, Sir Thomas Anson, George, Lord... Arctic Relics ... Armada, Defeat ot the Spanish Aylmer, Matthew, Lord Ayscue (Ayscough or Ascue), Sir George BaiUie, Captain Thomas Balchen, Sir John ... Ball, Sir Alexander J. Banks, Sir Joseph Barfleur, Battle off Cape Barrington, Hon. Samuel „ „ „ Beating off a French squadron at St. Lucia ... „ „ „ Capture of the " Compte de St. Florentine " ,, ,, ,, „ " Due de Chartres " Beauclerk, Lord Amelius Beaufort, Sir Francis... Beaumont, Rear-Admiral Basil Benbow, 'Vice- Admiral John Bentham, Sir Samuel Berkeley, James, Earl of r Berkeley, Sii WiUiam Beriy, Sir Edward ... Blackwood, Hon. Sir Henry X 43438. 103 67 173180 131137 45 737466 13 80 15 33'26 130 "14 121 154 3473 135 67 167 156 109 64 181141 9 116 108 172 88 GALLERY OF GREENWICH HOSPITAL. No Page. Blake, Robert Boscawen, Hon. Edward Bowen, Rear-Admiral James Brenton, Captain Jahleel Bridport, Alexr. Hood, Viscount ... Brown, Commodore Charles Bullen, Sir Charles Byng, Sir Geo,, Viscount Torrington )> ») .,, ,, „ „ Action off Sicily... Calder, Sir Robert Cape Barfleur, Battle off Cavendish, Thomas ... Chapel, Description ot „ Sketches for decorations of Chatham Chest „ Dockyard, View of Chinese Flags... Churchill, Admiral George... Clements, Captain John Cockburn, Sir George Codrington, Sir Edward Codrington, Sir Henry J Collingwood, Cuthbert, Lord Colours of lioyal Marines Columbus, Christopher Cook, Captain James Death of ... Cooke, Captain John Copenhagen, Cannon taken at Cornwallis, Sir William Cumberland, Prince George, Duke of „ Prince Rupert, Duke of Dartmouth, George, Lord Denmark, Prince George of De Ruyter, Michael A De Saumarez, James, Lord De Winter, Dutch Admiral... "Defence," H.M.S. ... Deptford Dockj'ard, View of ') )> J, "Devastation," H,M,S, Dilkes, Sir Thomas ,.. 25 20 49 27 53 28 173 69 180 70 36 23 169 68 105 43 61 31 no 44 66 32 179 70 73 34 24 20 81 — 76 — 78 — 86 — 78 16 17 119 47 68 32 — 76 — 76 101 42 — 78 4 14 55 29 57 29 29 21 78 128 59 69 33 127 49 94 40 69 33 139 62 79 36 — 50 50 28 134 60 — 77 — 86 6 H 47 27 GALLERY OF GREENWICH HOSPITAL.' 89 No, Donors, Roll of Original Doria, Andrea "Doterel," Memorial tablet Drake, Sir Francis „ „ Astrolabe constructed for Duckworth, Admiral Sir John Thomas Diiitt, Captain George Duncan, Adam, Lord • '„ „ „ Victory over the Dutch Fleet at • Camperdown, nth Oct, 1797 .,. ,, J, ,, IJ ^ '. Duquesne, Abraham, Marquis Durham, Sii PhiUp Elphinstone, George K,, Viscount Keith ., Exmouth, Edward Pellew, Viscount „ J) " >i Fairborne, Sir Stafford Fairfax, Sir William George Fisher's Alley, Greenwich, View of ' Fitzjames, Captain James , ,, Forbes, Hon, John Franklin, Sir John 1 24 149 2865 50 5 102138 85 143 50 145 „ , „ Relics of Fiench Fire Ships, Defeat of , Ship, Capture of ,, ,, ,, , , , , . ¦ ... , • , „ Tricolor Gama, Vasco de " Gardner, Alan, Lord , , , i: GeU, Admiral John ,,, George II, , Statue of,,, : George 111, presenting Sword to Earl Howe ' George, Piince ot Denmark - Gibraltar, Siege of ' Gibson, Patrick Goodenough, Commodore James G, ,., Gordon, Admiral of the Fleet, Sir James Alexander Graves, Admiral Thomas Graves, Sir Thomas , Giaydon, Vice-Admiral John ,,, "Great Harry" Ship of War 171178 51 168 3969 93 184177 136 O 2 go GALLERY OF GREENWICH HOSPITAL. Greenwich Hospital Buildings, Views and Plans of Model of ... '.[ „ Roll of Original Donors ... Palace, 1690 Gun opposite North Gate Haddock, Admiral Nicholas Hamilton, Captain Edward, Recovery of the " Hermione ' Hardy, Sir Charles „ Sir Thomas M. Hargood, Sir 'William Harman, Sir John Hawke, Edward, Lord Hawkins, Sir John Henry VIII. in the " Harry-Grace-a-Dieu " "Hermione" cut out by the "Surprise" Holburne, Admiral Francis ... Hood, Alexr., Viscount Bridport Hood, Samuel, Viscount Hope, Sir James Hopson, Sir Thomas Howard, Charles, Earl of Nottingham Howe, Richard, Earl ... .. „ „ Victory over the French Fleet, ist June 1794 ... Hughes, Sir Edward ,. „ Action otf Nagapatam, 6th July 1782 James, Duke of York, afterwards King James 11. " " ., )) ,, Jennings, Sir John Jervis, John, Earl St. Vincent [\] '" ' " '» " " "Jeune Richard," French privateer. Capture of .. Jordon, Sir Joseph Keats, Sir Richard G. No. Page 175 69 — 74 — 75 — 77 — 80 , — 80 — 80 — 74 • — 80 62 31 76 35 56 29 88 39 — 82 37 24 2 13 30 22 24 20 126 49 76 35 140 62 36 23 23 20 46 26 120 47 117 47 38 24 31 22 18 39 24 45 26 — 72 — 73 48 27 74 34 7 15 71 33 70 33 — 18 42 25 125 49 114 46 — 82 GALLERY OF GREENWICH HOSPITAL. 91 No. Page. Keith, George Keith Elphinstone, Viscount 138 61 Kempenfelt, Rear-Admiral Richard 99 41 Kempthorne, Captain John, attacked by Algerine Corsairs 148 64 La Hogue, Destruction of Division ot French Fleet at 59 30 Lawson, Sir John 3 14 Legge, George, Lord Dartmouth 94 40 Liardet, Captain Francis — 57 Locker, Edward Hawke 92 40 Locker, Captain William 132 60 Louis, Sir Thomas, Relics of — 54 "Luxembourg" Gallery, Burning of the, &c. ,,, 144 &c. 63 Martin, Sir George 83 37 " Mary Rose " attacked by Algerines 148 64 Mathews, Admiral Thomas 54 29 MaunseU, Captain Robert, capturing French gunboats — 72 May, Rear-Admiral H, J — 81 Memorial windows — 82 Milne, Admiral Sir Alexander 152 65 Milne, Sir David 87 38 Models ot Ships, &c — 79 Monk, George, Duke of Albemarle , 13 16 Montagu, Edward, first Earl ot Sandwich 41 25 Montagu, John, fourth Earl of Sandwich 43 25 Mulgrave, Constantine J, Phipps, Lord . 27 21 Munden, Sir John 100 i^ Museum, Royal Naval — 85 Myngs, Sir Christopher" 40 24 Napier, Sir Charles 75 34 „ „ Howitzer captured by,. — 79 Napoleon on board the " Bellerophon " , 20 19 Nelson, Horatio, Viscount — 18 96 41 — 52 — 56 ') )) J) » „ 5) )) » " 151161 183 5867^0 Adventure with a Bear , 160 67 Apotheosis of 166 67 Battle of Trafalgar 98 41 the Nile 153 66 Boarding a Prize in a G ale , . . 164 67 92 GALLERY OF GREENWICH HOSPITAL. No. Page. Nelson, Horatio, Viscount — Boarding the "San Joset " ), JJ JJ „ „ " San Nicolas " Conflict with a 'Spanish Launch Death of Funeral Procession ImmortaUty of (a design) Mortally wounded Relics Victory in Aboukir Bay Wounded at Teneriffe ... „ „ the Nile ,,, Nile, Battle ot the ,,, JJ JJ • - ¦ ¦ • ¦ ¦ , • Norris, Sir John Northumberland, Algernon Percy, Earl of Nottingham, Charles Howard, Earl of Ogle, Sir Chaloner Ores found in the Northern Estates, Specimens of Orford, Edward RusseU, Earl ot ,,, Original donors to Greenwich Hospital, Roll of "Orpheus," Memorial Tablet Otway, Sir Robert Waller .,, Painted Hall, Designs for decorations of,.. • „ „ Drawing of Interior Palliser, Sir Hugh Palmer, Captain Edmund Parker, Sir Hyde Parker, Sir Peter (Admiral) J. ,j (Captain) ... Parry, Sir Edward JJ JJ , ¦ , , ¦ , ,. , Peel, Sir Williara Pellew, Edward, Viscount Exmouth Penn, Sir WiUiam Percy, Algernon, Earl of Northumberland Phipps,, Constantine J,, Lord Mulgrave ... Pigott, Commander Alfred ... Plymouth Dockyard, View of ... Portlock, Captain Nathaniel ¦ •. Porto BeUo, The taking ot ..'. Quebec, Attempt to destroy English Fleet at 122165113165158 91 155103 159162153103 90 115 31 174 97 58 129 95 81 124 85 12 115 27 77 176 GALLERY OF GREENWICH HOSPITAL. 93 No. Raleigh, Sir Walter "Red Lion," Greenwich, prior to 1804 ,,, Rich, Robeit, Earl of Warwick Richards, Admiral Sir Frederick W, Rivers, Lieutenant William ... Rodney, George B., Lord „ ,, „ Defeat of Spanish Fleet Rogers, Captain William Rooke, Sir George Ross, Sir James C Rotely, Lieut., Weapons captured by "Royal George," Picture of model of "Royal James," The burning of the Rupert, Prince Russell, Edward, Earl of Orford Ruyter, Michael A. de St. Kitts, Repulse of the French Fleet at St. Lucia, The British beating off a French Squadron at St. Vincent, John Jervis, Earl of . j^ Victory over the Spanish Fleet, 14th February 1797 118III 35 123125 44 78 142127 97 139 23 67 42 113122 ',' „ ,, Immortality ot (a design) "San Joset," Nelson boarding the "San Nicolas,'' „ „ j. Sandwich, Edward Montagu, Earl of Sandwich, John, fourth Earl of Saumarez, James, Lord de JJ JJ JJ Saunders, Sir Charles ," ,',' Defeat of French Fire Ships Seymour, Sir George Francis Seymour, Lord Hugh Shadwell, Sir Charles Shield made of War Medals, &c Ships of War, XVI. Century ShoveU, Sir Cloudesley Slade, Sir Thomas Smith, Sir Jeremy Smith, Sir Sidney Sm'i'th, Admiral Thomas 122 "3 4143 79 63 52 10 II 182 60 94 GALLERY OF GREENWICH HOSPITAL. No. Page. South Sea Islanders, Portrait ot ,,, "Sovereign of the Seas," Designs for Spanish Armada, Defeat of Spanish Fleet under Langara, Defeat of Spanish Treasure Ships, Capture of "Spartan," Action with French frigate ' Stopford, Hon, Sir Robert "Surprise" cutting out the "Hermione'' Thornbrough, Sir Edward ,.. Torrington, Geo. Byng, Viscount Trafalgar, Battle 'of Ceres ' " Triton," H.M.S. Model Tromp, Marten Harpertz Tschitchagoff, W., Russian Admiral Tucker, Joseph Tyddiman, Sir Thomas Vernon, Admiral Edward The taking of Porto Bello Warren, Sir John B. ... Warwick, Robert Rich, Earl of Whetstone, Sir William Whitshed, Sir James H. William IV Willoughby, Sir Hugh Windsor Castle, 1690 "Windsoi Castle" Packet .., Wishart, Sir James Woolwich Dockyard, View of Worley, John .,, York, James, Duke of 26 123 17 173180 86 76 146 61 no 147 133 19 176 104118107 72 82 125 32 io5 7 71 95. INDEX OF ARTISTS. No, Page, Abbott, Lemuel F. (b. 1762, d. 1803) 95 40 Ditto 151 65 Ditto 161 67 Allan, Sil William, R.A., P.R.S.A. (b. 1782, d. 1850)... 113 45 Arnald, George, A.R.A. (b. 1763, d. 1841) 103 43 Ainulphi (Flourished about 1750} 54 29 Bacon, John (b. 1740, d. 1799) — 81 Ditto — 84 Baily, Edward Hodges, R,A, (b, 1788, d, 1867) — 18 Beechey, Sit WiUiam, R,A, (b, 1753, d, 1839) 68 32 Ditto 82 37 Ditto (after) Behnes, WiUiam (b, 1790?, d, 1864) 149 64 82 Bookman, R. (Flourished 1725) 97 41 Briggs, Henry P,, R.A, (b, 1793, d. 1844) 25 20 Ditto 39 24 Ditto (atter) — 76 Brompton, R, (b. , d, 1782) 63 31 Catton, Charles, R,A. (b, 1728, d, 1798) — 83 Chalon, J, J„ R,A, (b. 1778, d, 1854) 20 19 Chambers, Geoige (b. 1803, d, 1840) 59 30 Ditto 80 36 Ditto 176 69 Chantrey, Sir Francis, R,A, (b, 1781, d, 1841) — 50 Ditto — 80 Ditto — 82 Claike, G, F 87 38 Ditto — 76 Cleveley, John (b. 1745?, d. 1786) — 77 Collins, — (aftei) ^ ¦•¦ ¦¦¦ 128 59 Cooke, Edward William, R,A, (b, 1811, d, 1880) 6 14 Cope, Arthur, A.R,A, •¦• • in 45 Coplev, John Singleton, R.A, (b, 1737, d. 1815) 108 44 Cotes,' Fiancis, R.A. (b, 1726, d. 1770) 30 22 Ctuickshank, F, 84 37 Cumings, H ~ 75 Dahl, Michael (b. 1656, d, 1743) 10 15 Ditto ,¦• 32 22 96 GALLERY OF GREENWICH HOSPITAL. No, Page Dahl, Michael (b, 1656, d, 1743) Ditto Ditto Ditto ...- . Ditto Dance, Nathl., R.A. (Sir N. D. Holland, Bart., R.A.), (b. 1734, d. i8n). Ditto (after) David (Pierre Jean), (1834) b. 1792 Davison, J. (b. 1695, d. 1745) De Bruyn, Theodore (d, 1804) De Keyser, W. (b, 1647, d. 1792 ?) Derby, WilUam (b, 1786, d. 1847 Devis, A. W, (b, 1762, d, 1822) Dickinson, Lowes Drummond, Samuel, A.R.A. (b. 1763, d, 1844) Ditto Evans, Robert (b. 1784, d. 1871) Flaxman, John, R.A. (b. 1755, d. 1826) Fonicca, A. M.... Francis, J, (b, 1780, d, 1861) Furze, w. H ;;; ;;; Gainsborough, Thomas, R.A, (b, 1727, d, 1788) Ditto (after) GeroffGleichen, Count Ditto .'.'.' '.'.' '.'.' "¦ GreenhiU, John (b. 1649, d. 1676) .'' ,,, Hodges, Sidney Hodges, WUliam, R.A. (b. 1744, d. 1797)" .'.'.' ... Holland, James (b. 1800, d. 1870) [,, Hone, Nathaniel ,. Hoppner, John, R.A. (b. 1759, d. 1810) ... DittoDitto (after) Ditto ]¦] Howard, Henry, R.A. (b. 1769, d. 1847) ,',',' Huggins, Williams (b. 1781 ?, d, 1845) ... Humphrey, Ozias, R.A, (b. 1742, d, 1810) • ,,, ''' Jones, George, R,A, (b. 1786, d. 1 Joy, Thomas Musgrave 38 44 It 100 42 107 44 181 70 55 29 58 182 3°' 70 no 44 8.3. 7 15 — 73 91 50 39 28 125 49 88 39 — 18 8 15 — 57 I 13 43 46 28 2526 21 ll 119 47 117 tl 121 'i2 7428 81 3& 4296 25 41 IOI 42 72 27 21 122 48 75 34 GALLERY OF GREENWICH HOSPITAL. 97 No. Page. Kettle, TUly (b. 1740, d. 1786) Kirk, Thomas, R,H,A. (b, 1784, d, 1845) Knapton, George (b. 1698, d, 1778) Ditto Kneller, Sir Godfrey, Bart, (b, 1648, d, 1723) Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Landseer, Charles, R,A, (b. 1799, d, 1879) Lane, Samuel (b, 1780, d, 1859) Lawience, Sir Thomas, P.R,A, (after) (b, 1769, d, 1830) Lely, Sir Peter (b, 1617, d, 1680) Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto (atter) Ditto Lievens, J. (b. 1607, d, 1663) Loutherbourg, P, J. de, R.A. (b, 1740, d. 1812) Ditto Lucas, John (b, 1807, d, 1874) Lucchesi, A, C, ,,, -?vft!l3.C3.rt3.Tl I lllCG . . - • ¦ ¦ • ¦ * ' ' ' ' " ' 'McDoweli, Patrick, R.A. (b, 1799, d. 1870) MilbourneMilnes, T Ditto Monamy, Peter (b, 1670, d, 1749) Ditto Morton, Andrew (b, 1802, d. 1845) Ditto .,, Munro, Mrs, H. M ¦¦¦ Mytens, Daniel (after) (b, I590j d- 1^60) 99 6290 16 47 6169 136141143 154 83 146 83 2 3 II 121314 15 19 40 41 114 116 71 127133 2645 124 18 171178 72 109 24 98 GALLERY OF GREENWICH HOSPITAL. No. Northcote, James, R.A. (b. 1746, d. 1831) Ditto 177183 Opie, John, R.A. (b. 1761, d. 1805) Ouless, Walter W Owen, WiUiam, R.A. (b. 1769, d. 1825) .. Ditto .104 152 85 138 Parmigiano (after) (b, 1503, d, 1540) Paton, Richard (b, 1721, d, 1791) ,,, Ditto Ditto Pearce, Stephen Ditto PhiUps, Charle,s (atter) (b, 1708, d, 1747) PhiUips, Henry Wyndham (b, 1820, d, 1868) ... Phillips, Thomas, R.A. (atter) (b, 1770, d, 1845) Ditto PickeisgiU, H, W,, R,A, (b, 1782, d, 1875) Piombo, Sebastian del (aftei) (b, 1485, d, 1547) Pocock, N, (b, 1741, d, 1821) Ditto Ditto Ditto Pulleyne, E, O, 66 73 123 64 78 112 927934 I 2376 134 147 Raeburn, Sir Henry, R.A. (atter) (b. 1756, d. 1823) Ranson, Matthias Rebecca, Biagio, A.R.A. (b. 1735?, d. 1808) Reynolds, Sir Joshua, P.R.A. (b. 1723, d. 1792)... Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto (after) Ditto Ditto Ditto Richardson, Jonathan (b. 1665, d. 1745) Roberts, David, R.A. Romney, George (b. 1734, d. 1802) Ditto Ditto Roubillac, Louis Franfois (after) (d. 1762) 87 36 48 135140168 3335 49 120 70 175 56 129 H5 GALLERY OF GREENWICH HOSPITAL. 99 No, Rowlandson, Thomas (b. 1756, d, 1827) Rysbiach, J, M, (b, 1693, d. 1770).., Sandby, Paul ... Say, F. R, Ditto Scottowe, Charles Senes, Dominic, R,A. (b. 1722, d, 1792) ., DittoDittoDitto Ditto Ditto Skinner, W. N, Stanfield, Clarkson, R,A, (b, 1794, d, 1867) Steell, John, R,S,A. Steuben, Charles (b, 1788, d, 1856) Stone, Heniy, the eldei (d. 1653) Stuait, Gabriel (b, 1755, d, 1828) 37 866774 126156167128 5 "5 132 Thaller, Franz 'Theed, William ThomhiU, Sir James (b. 1676, d, 1734) .,. Ditto Turner, J, M, W,, R.A, (b, 1775, d, 1851) TuineieUi, P, (b. 1774, d, 1839) io5 Vandevelde, Wilhelm (The Old) (b, 1610, d. 1693) Ditto Vandyek, Sir Anthony (atter), b, 1599, d. 1641),.. Ditto Vorsterman, Jan (b. 1643, d, 1699) 142148118115 West, Benjamin, P,R,A, (b, 1738, d. 1820) DittoDittoDittoDitto (after) Westall, Richard, R,A, (b, 1765J d, 1836) Ditto Ditto DittoDitto 155 166 59 158 159160 164165 IOO GALLERY OF GREENWICH HOSPITAL. No, Page, Westmacott, Sir Richard, R,A, (b, 1799, d, 1872) Whitcombe, Thomas (b. 1760?, d, 1825) Ditto Ditto Ditto Wilson, Richaid, R,A, (b. 1714, d, 1782) Wood, John (b, 1801, d, 1870) Ditto Wyngaerde, Antonio Vanden (after) Zoffany, John, R,A, (b, 1735, d, 1810) Zucchero, Federigo {h, 1543, d, 1609) Ditto (after) 153173180 60 573121 iS 666970 7330 26 42 75 2922 19 YALE UNIVERSITY UBRARY 3 9002 04067 8972