Z^^^J EX LIBI\IS BLANCHE. B.^ FI\EDEI\ICK . R^ BURNHAM (?rJS- SIR STANLEY MAUDE ¦::UAy c_'^&^^x<:W^c-.^^z. ¦'^ si^ P J' % a « ¦ -"=;r. f ^¦% / fi^^ ¦ ^"'-f ^ %^^' f '"-— mi ; ¦ S?P^ Major F. S. MAUDE, C.M.G., D.S.O. Military Secretary, Ottawa, (1904.) CHAPTER V FROM 1905 TO 1914 On arrival in England, Maude found himself second-in-com mand of the 1st Battalion of his regiment, stationed at the moment in Wellington Barracks under Colonel Pleydell- Bouverie. After an absence from regimental work ever since the end of 1894, he was very glad to take up afresh duties which had always greatly interested him. He thoroughly enjoyed direct contact with the rank and ffle, and he main tained his enthusiasm for drill while at the same time fully alive to the importance of more advanced forms of military training for an infantry unit. His family spent much of the winter at a house lent to them at Henley, and on visits, and for a time he made Henley his personal headquarters, going up and down daily ; he was for several weeks in command of the battalion during the first two or three months, while the colonel was away on leave. Returning home and reverting to regimental duty in the Guards, with the expenses of a family to meet, he however found his financial position somewhat difficult, and he was obliged to look around for other military employment. Hear ing that the command of the Transvaal Volunteers was vacant he tried to obtain the appointment, but learnt that he was ineligible owing to not being a cavalry officer. His prolonged absence from regimental duty, and the fact of his having held a virtually non-military appointment in Canada, no doubt stood in the way of his obtaining a staff appointment for the time being, in spite of his excellent record in South Africa. The popularity which the Maudes enjoyed, coupled with the anxiety of the Coldstream to keep one of their foremost members with the regiment, helped to some extent to smooth over troubles in respect to money matters, accommodation being lent at a time when the family had no house of their own vacant. But insufficient means were for several years to handicap a soldier whose exceptional gifts for command were 86 86 SIR STANLEY MAUDE not recognised even by his most intimate friends till the opportunity provided by a great Continental war enabled him to make apparent to them and to his country the stuff that he was made of. His family were at Oakham for a long time in the summer of 1905, and he frequently managed to spend week-ends there. He astonished neighbours in that country district at this time by the knowledge which he contrived to absorb of the minutest topographical details of the region. They found that he knew more about it than they did after having lived there all their lives. It was a species of instinct with him, when bi- cychng about the highways and byways, to note such matters. Just as he made it a habit, as it were, instinctively to draw up appreciations of the situation when he was on the warpath, so also was he ever carrying out reconnaissance work in his head when walking, or riding, or bicycling, or motoring about any region with which he was not previously acquainted ; and thanks to his remarkable memory he kept all the details in his mind. This habit was due no doubt in great measure to a recognition that it was his duty to be ever preparing himself for the duties of a staff officer in the field, but he was also naturally of a very observant character and was gifted with a particularly good eye for country. He conducted a regimental tour about Basingstoke in Hampshire early in the year. Apart from this his experiences in the Coldstream were necessarily of a somewhat humdrum character, and he did not take long to make himself thoroughly conversant with the various changes which had been intro duced into the training and the organisation of the army while he had been on the further side of the Atlantic, as a result of the teachings of the Boer War. But when the battalion moved to Pirbright in July regimental work took on a more interesting form than was possible in London, and he often managed during the weeks spent under canvas there to pass some hours watching the advanced exercises of other troops around Aldershot. While he was at Pirbright he heard that his late chief. Lord Minto, was to be the new Governor-General of India ; so he asked to be taken as Mihtary Secretary. Somewhat to his disappointment, he was not however chosen. He proceeded to North Wales shortly after the retum to WelUngton Barracks FROM 1905 TO 1914 87 to take part in a special staff ride that was conducted under the aegis of the War Office, with General Sir N. Lyttelton as Director. It was to be an exercise in hill warfare as practised against warriors of the Pathan type, to be carried out amongst the crags and ravines of the Snowdon region, and the work was after Maude's own heart, involving as it did plenty of walking amidst glorious scenery, and participation in a form of military training which was quite new to him. Three parties, of wliich he was with the centre one under Colonel (now Major-General Sir Colin) Mackenzie, advanced into the heart of the mountains, and the staff duties were carried out on the assumption that the columns were operating against Afridi tribesmen swarming in the hills. ^ ' It has been a most interesting staff ride,' he wrote in his diary on the day after it came to an end, ' and I feel that I have learnt a tremendous lot about frontier fighting.' It was a few weeks after this, just at the time when the bat talion was about to move to Aldershot for a year, that he received a letter from Mr. Arnold-Forster, the Secretary of State for War, offering him the appointment of private secretary in place of (the late) Major Marker of the Coldstream, who was about to proceed to India on Lord Kitchener's staff. Maude accepted the appointment gladly and he took up the duties at once, although he contrived to combine them to a certain extent with those of second-in-command of his battahon. The family was moving to Aldershot to occupy the Com manding Officer's quarters in RamiUies Barracks, and he was hving there while at work under Mr. Forster, although he often had to remain in London. This was his first experience of the War Office, and it initiated him to some extent into the routine of that institution, with which he was to become better acquainted a few years later. He does not find fault with this in his diary — ^which is interesting seeing that he was an acute critic in respect to questions of administration, and never hesitated in his own private record to reprobate what he considered unsatisfactory. He was particularly dehghted at finding so voluminous and so well managed a library in White hall, of which he made free use during the few weeks that he held the appointment — ^for his association with Mr. Forster was of short duration. On the 4th of December the foUowing 1 The author, who was in charge of the right party, met Maude for the first time on this occasion. 88 SIR STANLEY MAUDE entry appears in the diary : ' Mr. A. F. said good-bye to me, as he is off to Ireland and will not return to the War Office. Mr. Balfour resigns to-morrow.' The out-going Secretary of State had not been seeing eye to eye with the Military Members of the Army Council, and the situation had not been an alto gether comfortable one. Maude hoped to have been taken on by his successor ; but Mr. Haldane (as he then was) did not at the moment wish to be associated closely Avith his pre decessor's entourage. For the next few days Maude was busy clearing up papers in the late Secretary of State's office — no light task — and he then settled down again to regimental life at Aldershot. In his diary while on leave for a few days after Christmas he made an entry which well deserves quoting, for it has almost a prophetic ring : I work about six or seven hours a day at mihtary subjects, although I am on leave. Some day this may be of use not only to my small self but I hope, perhaps only in a minor way, to England. At all events it is right to try to do the very best one can. Early in January he for a time had under consideration the question of applying for the command of the Macedonian Gendarmerie, which carried good pay with it and offered prospects of active duties owing to the disturbances which were perpetually breaking out in the Balkan storm-centre in those days ; but he gave up the idea. He conducted a regi mental tour about Winchester in March, and was greatly pleased with the style in which the work was carried out ; he had the gift of making such exercises interesting, he always took the utmost trouble to make them a success and he enjoyed the full confidence of those under him ; for they realised that he knew what he was about, that his criticisms were thoroughly to the point, and that his expositions were well worth listening to. Then in May he was on the directing staff .of a brigade staff ride conducted about Cirencester by Brigadier-General (now Lieut.-General Sir Francis) Lloyd, who was in command of the 1st Brigade to which Maude's battahon belonged and who was much struck with his aptitude at exercises of this kind. All this time he was, when at Aider- shot, constantly occupied with regimental duties, supervising training and busy with the interior economy qf the battahon. In June he motored down to Okehampton and spent some FROM 1905 TO 1914 89 days at the artUlery camp, which greatly interested him. In view of his experiences at a later date, it is worthy of note that, while sensible of the efficiency of the batteries and of the excellence of the arrangements for conducting the firing on the ranges on Dartmoor, he was not greatly impressed with the resultant effects of gun-fire. ' Watched artiUery practice from the target end,' he wrote in his diary on the last day. ' Very interesting, but my respect for artiUery fire is in no way increased although excellent practice was made. Its effect is, as I have always thought, mostly noise.' In July he acted as chief umpire at the brigade training under General Lloyd which took place in the Longmoor direction, and later on he commanded a skeleton force, found by the 1st Division, during Sir J. French's inspection of the 2nd Division in the field about Frensham. The 1st Division training followed. He was keeping himself thoroughly fit as usual by riding and bicycling whenever any pause in the drill season took place, and he rowed in two races at Windsor towards the end of the month. At the end of August he on one occasion rode from Aldershot to see cavalry exercises on the Berkshire Downs, starting at 4 a.m. one day and getting back at 10 p.m. on the next. ' Very dark the latter part of the ride,' he wrote in his diary, ' but horse quite fresh, although we must have done nearly ninety miles in the two days.' But all this time he was doubtful about his future, for he recognised that he would hardly be able to afford to take command of a battahon of the regiment when his turn came, and he was becoming very anxious to obtain staff employment, with a half-pay lieutenant-colonelcy ; he was much encouraged by finding himself selected to act on Sir J. French's staff during the extensive command exercises which took place in the latter part of September, covering a wide tract of country reaching from Sussex to Dorsetshire. He arrived home from this outing late on the day on which his son Eric, now nine years old, had gone off to ' Cordwalles,' a private school near Maidenhead, for the first time. A few days later he received an offer of the appointment of D.A.A. and Q.M.G. of Coast Defences at Plymouth, a post which was about to fall vacant. It was not a particularly attractive position for a soldier of his standing and experience ; but, after consulting with a number of friends who all advised 90 SIR STANLEY MAUDE him to go, he wrote an acceptance. ¦¦ On the whole it seems best, although it is difficult to say,' he wrote in the diary. ' The only way is to do one's level best, and perhaps then I may become a useful soldier some day.' He evidently was disappointed and hurt at not having been chosen for work of a somewhat higher class ; he had indeed been anxious to get a place on the General Staff at the War Office, and had enter tained some hope of being selected for something of the kind. ' We never served in the same battahon together until he became second in command to me when I had the 1st Battalion,' writes Sir W. Lambton of him ; ' in that position he was of the utmost value, organising regimental funds, institutes, and so forth ; but there was not in reality sufficient scope for his activities in such a position, and he reluctantly went on the staff, thus foregoing his prospects of command. I know that he felt this very deeply, for he consulted me. But his financial position, added to the fact that he would have to wait a couple of years or so before a battalion command would be vacant, decided the question.' The 1st Coldstream moved from Aldershot to Chelsea Barracks in October ; but Maude remained on for a few days at Aldershot, as he was to take up the Plymouth appointment in the middle of November, when he proceeded to his new station. ' Work not very interesting, I fear,' he wrote after a couple of days taking stock, ' but must make the best of it and perhaps something will turn up later ; but I feel I am rather wasting my best days when I could do so much more. Naval things wdll however be interesting.' He was on the other hand very glad to find himself so near Sir R. Pole-Carew, and during his stay in the West Country, and particularly during the first months while he was still looking out for a house, he spent many pleasant week-ends at Antony, his former chief's and brother-officer's place on the further side of the Hamoaze. The general in command of the coast defences, which in cluded the fortress of Falmouth as weU as that of Plymouth, was Sir J. Leach, an artUlery officer, and Maude found much to interest him in connection with the armaments and training, although, as his work was that of administrative staff, his duties were concerned mainly with other matters. For the first three months of his term in the appointment he lived in the Rifle Brigade barracks and he made great friends with the regiment. It took some time to find a house that was suitable, FROM 1905 TO 1914 91 seeing that he was anxious to have some little ground and a garden, and that he wished to be in a quiet neighbourhood if possible. Military conditions at Plymouth struck him as dull and the tone somewhat apathetic, after Aldershot. ' I never saw a more sleepy and dead-alive command,' he wrote. The amount of correspondence passing daily through the office seemed to him to be out of all proportion to the results which it brought about, and he set himself to work to introduce more life into the proceedings and to reduce mere ineffectual paper work as far as was practicable, although addicted to paper work himself. He was, on the other hand, greatly impressed with what he saw from day to day of the Senior Service in and about the great naval station ; its vigorous methods and the zest with which its operations were conducted appealed to him. ' It is a pleasure to see them and to see everything so well done,' he commented in his diary; his boy was in tended for the Royal Navy. He covered a great deal of ground on his bicycle in the afternoons, both for the sake of the exercise, and also with the object of famiharising himself with the country around Plymouth and Devonport, meeting with an accident on one occasion which incapacitated him for some days, although not sufficiently to obhge him to go on the sick list. He directed a staff ride near Sherborne in March, and shortly afterwards settled down with his family at ' Stone HaU,' a house in the Stonehouse area of the ' Three Towns,' belonging to Lord Mount Edgcumbe, with a garden in which he found plenty of occupation in spare times, assisted enthusiasticaUy if not very effectuaUy by his small girls. It was now more than a year since the fall of Mr. Balfour's Government, and, as it was known that Mr. Haldane had ever since been maturing a new organisation for the Second Line, his statement in the House of Commons when introducing the Army Estimates was awaited with some impatience in mihtary circles. Maude's comment in his diary on the day when he read the War Minister's speech is of particular interest, seeing how closely he was to be identified with the Territorial Forces before long. It runs as foUows : Mr. Haldane brought out his new scheme, and it is of course much criticised. Its worst point seems to be that it contemplates driU and training for six months after the outbreak of war before the troops can take the field. This time no enemy worthy of the name 92 SIR STANLEY MAUDE will give us. To-morrow there is to be a great debate in the House of Lords on the subject ; but they are apparently only going to treat it from a ' Mihtia ' point of view, instead of taking up the broader question of the defence of the Empire, and considering whether the scheme will give us an adequate force for that purpose. It looks as if Mr. Haldane was convinced that Conscription was necessary, and as if he was riding for a fall in that direction. It certainly seems almost impossible to go on as we are now, and if something is not done soon we may be beaten by Germany or some other Continental Power, and then it will be too late to set our house in order. We are as a nation too sanguine and cocksure of our own abiUties. It has always been the same story since the days of the American rebellion. Soon after this Maude made up his mind to apply for a half- pay lieutenant-colonelcy, being satisfied that he could not well for financial reasons command a battalion of the Cold stream; he would have to wait some time before obtaining command in any case, owing to his position on the list of the regiment, and he could not but remember that, under the bad old system of the adjutant being all powerful, he had virtuaUy commanded a battalion more than a dozen years earlier. His Staff College contemporaries with a good record were moreover all going ahead of him in respect to army promotion, on which the prospects of his ever rising high in the military world seemed to depend. He consulted many military friends of experience before doing so, and they one and all recommended him to take a step which was likely to help him on in the service, however much he might regret severing ties with his regiment. In due course he therefore sent forward the request officially. In the meantime he was busying himself with re-drafting the Plymouth Defence Scheme, a work to which he devoted great attention for several months, and which his liking for detaU made him especially well fitted to carry out. He flattered himself that he had considerably improved offlce procedure ; but he found it hard to make any effectual impression on the inertia existing in what he regarded as a back-water station. Moreover, although this was his flrst experience of an ad ministrative staff appointment, he was so well acquainted with army regulations and departmental procedure that the duties which he was performing from day to day could not teach him much that he did not know before. FROM 1905 TO 1914 93 The West Country is almost proverbial for hospitality, and the Maudes were during their stay in this part of the world made welcome on all hands ; but although the girls throve exceedingly, the enervating climate of South Devon did not suit Mrs. Maude, who was not at the time in very good health. This made Maude all the more anxious to get employment which would at once be more in consonance with his abilities and experience, and would be more congenial to an enthusiast for field training than an administrative offlce job ever could be. He heard privately from the War Offlce on the 16th of June that he had been chosen for a half-pay lieutenant-colonelcy by the Selection Board and received the tidings with mixed feelings. ' Delighted with the step, for there were only four vacancies in the whole army,' he wrote in his diary, ' but more sad than I can say at the prospect of leaving the regiment. . . . Ever since I have left school, for twenty-three years in fair and foul weather, the regiment has been my home, and I cannot help feeling the parting sorely.' He was enabled to pay a visit to the artillery practice camp on Salisbury Plain in July, and he went on to witness some siege manoeuvres at Chatham which greatly interested him, while next month he was for two days at the cavalry man oeuvres about Marlborough. 'I run a half to three-quarters of a mile every morning directly I get up, and this does me a lot of good and keeps me fit,' he wrote one day in August. Then in September he was selected for the umpire staff at the Southern Command manoeuvres about Sahsbury. He was afterwards on the directing staff of the Aldershot Command exercises in the Aylesbury country, and was much encouraged as regards his chances of getting a more suitable appointment before long, rather expecting to go to Aldershot. 'I am so keen about soldiering,' he wrote in his diary in November, ' and feel that I could do something big if I had the chance.' He occasion aUy went out with the harriers during the autumn and vrinter, was invited to several shoots, and, as the Defence Scheme had been got into shape and the offlce work for which he was responsible had been revolutionised, he felt more at liberty at the end of the year to devote time to private pursuits than, with his strong sense of duty and his bent for counsels of perfection, he had felt twelve months before. Early in January Maude went to hear a series of lectures 94 SIR STANLEY MAUDE by Mr. JuUan Corbett at the Naval Barracks on ' Invasions,' and a comment in his diary is worthy of note : 'Very good and interesting, as they always are ; but I think he is a little too sure that England cannot be invaded without the sea being permanently in the hands of the enemy.' A few weeks later he learnt privately from General Mackinnon at the War Office that he was to receive the offer of a General Staff appointment in one of the Territorial Divisions about to be constituted. He was somewhat sorry to leave his house, as Mrs. Maude had latterly been in much better health there, and he also felt doubt as to whether the appointment was in itself a good one from the professional point of view and likely to help him on in the service ; but on this latter point he received most satisfactory assurances from Headquarters. Therefore, when formally offered the post with the Midland Division and head quarters at Warwick, he accepted. ' I think it best to see soldiering under every form and condition,' he wrote in the diary, ' and the work ought to be interesting if I have a good general and a keen County Association.' Shortly afterwards, however, he was asked whether he would accept the same appointment in one of the London divisions instead — an arrangement which he accepted gladly — and at the end of . March he bid good-bye to his many friends at Plymouth and went up to London so as to start work on the 1st of April, when the new Territorial organisation came into force. His division was the 2nd London, under command of his old brother - officer in the Coldstream, Major-General Vesey Dawson, and he must have regarded the date of taking up his new post as somewhat appropriate, for he records in his diary that there were ' no office, no stationery, no pens, ink or paper, and no clerks.' Personally I am very keen on the scheme, and mean to work my best to make it a success. I do not in the least see why it should not succeed. But its success or failure of course depend largely upon the keenness and exertions of those composing the force. I go up every morning to 28 Lancaster Gate (General Dawson's house), and there we have a temporary office, but everything is very difficult, for we have veritably to make bricks without straw. It is nice to be with old Vesey again. Maude was however the sort of man who does make bricks without straw, and in a very short space of time had succeeded FROM 1905 TO 1914 95 in getting the Territorial Association to agree to the hire of an offlce in Craig's Court, and was installed in it and working at high pressure. He had to think of a home for himself as well as of accommodation for divisional headquarters and, after seeing two or three houses, Mrs. Maude and he chose ' Green- gates ' at Carshalton, where the number of rooms was limited, but where this drawback was compensated for by an extensive garden. He resided there with his family for four years, longer than in any other house that he occupied during his married life. ' We are -setthng down gradually into our office,' he wrote on the 21st of April, ' and are very comfortable. But one has to do every thing for oneself and organise all from the very start. No doubt the scheme is a great advance on anything we have had previously, for at least the divisions will be properly organised and on a sound mihtary footing ; but the questions as to the number of men that will come forward and as to the amount of training are critical ones for the Empire, and time alone will prove what will be the result. Possibly we may work up to the fuU numbers ultimately, but only at the expense of training ; for the tendency now very clearly is to sacrifice the amount of training to be done in order that more men may be attracted to the colours.' Although there was an immense amount of office work to be got through in the early days, Maude and his chief had also to carry out a certain amount of inspection work from the start, and early in May he was already preparing for an officers' tactical exercise. Towards the end of that month he definitely settled down at Carshalton, going up to town usually by the 8.28 train and getting back in the evening. Always looking ahead, he was already pressing upon the Territorial Associa tion the need for making all arrangements for the annual camps to take place at the end of July and beginning of August, and he found some difficulty in getting that body to move in the matter. His tactical exercises for officers were a great success from the outset, and they were highly appreciated by those attending them. Maude was particularly expert in conduct ing work of this kind ; he did not look for, nor expect, to find knowledge, but he did look for keenness on the part of those participating, and there was no lack of this. That being so he was always prepared to take an infinite amount of pains, as was apparent to the officers of his division, and they therefore invariably worked their very best when in contact with him on 96 SIR STANLEY MAUDE such occasions. He was by nature somewhat intolerant of ignorance ; but, competent craftsman as he was, he could always bring himself down to the level of his audience so long as this clearly showed that it was foUowing his expositions with intelhgence and interest, and his lectures were much valued by those under instruction. His general and he had a very busy time, involving a great deal of traveUing, towards the end of July. The division, as it happened, when out for this, its first annual training under the new organisation, was a good deal scattered. They were twice at Lydd and twice on Salisbury Plain. Maude was much pleased with the progress noticed amongst the artillery on the second visit to Lydd. The work of the infantry on Salisbury Plain was perhaps a little too far advanced, because after some nocturnal work he writes in his diary : ' Very poor, and I have learnt this week never to embark on night opera tions with Territorials if we go to war.' The troops were very fortunate in their weather this first year, for it was hot and sunny throughout — ' Vesey's face quite raw and mine be ginning to peel ' — and the period on the Plain ended with a big field day on the 12th of August in which Regulars took part. Our division, which was only 1700 strong, charged by the whole Cavalry Division and the fight given against us. It is doubtful what would have happened on service. Territorials looked at charging cavalry but never fired ! In September this year Maude joined the Directing Staff of the Aldershot Command, which was now under Sir H. Smith- Dorrien, for the manoeuvres ; they took place about Winches ter, although they included an elaborate strategical scheme beforehand. Brigadier-General (now General Sir W. R.) Robertson was Smith-Dorrien' s Chief of the General Staff at Aldershot at this time, and it was the first occasion that Maude had much to do with two officers with whom he was to be closely connected in later and more stirring times. ' I enjoyed the manoeuvres immensely,' he wrote ; ' they were very instructive.' After this Maude settled down to the usual office routine in town in connection with the 2nd London Division. He always seems at this time to have had an inordinate amount of paper work to dispose of ; General Vesey Dawson indeed declares that he never at this time succeeded in getting to Craig's Court before his General Staff Officer or in outstaying him there. FROM 1905 TO 1914 97 It is however somewhat significant that when Maude came to compare notes at conferences and meetings with officers holding the same appointment as he did in other Territorial Divisions, he was puzzled to find that they did not complain of their office duties being very onerous. It has to be remem bered that these officers were, like Maude himself, experienced in staff work and that they had been especially selected for their appointments, to which much importance was attached at the War Office. Is it to be supposed that they neglected their responsibihties ? Surely not. One gets the impression, although it may be quite a mistaken one, that Maude was — ^to borrow a sailor's expression — a little disposed to make heavy weather of office transactions. The routine at Craig's Court was however frequently interrupted by the carrying out of special exercises with officers of the division. One particular set of these which had Hatfield for its scene lasted nearly a week in the month of October. Soon after completing it Maude passed a time of great anxiety for several weeks owing to Mrs. Maude becoming dangerously ill and having to undergo a serious operation ; the operation proved quite successful, but for some months afterwards she was in dehcate health which caused him alarm at times. He attended the General Staff Conference held by General Sir W. Nicholson, Chief of the Imperial General Staff, at the Staff College in January — a gathering which came to be an annual institution from about that time. ' I had five days' leave at Christmas, which is all I usuaUy have now as work is incessant,' he wrote in his diary at this time ; ' there is no limit to the amount of work that one can do with the Territorials with a Uttle exertion ' — evidently referring to their training and to special exercises of officers. Mrs. Maude started off for a two months' tour in the Mediterranean for the sake of her health in February ; and, very shortly after she had left, he was asked by General Mackinnon to take up the appointment of Assistant Director of the Territorial Forces from the 1st of April, an offer which he gladly accepted, as it carried with it the rank of Colonel, with a rise in pay. StiU, when the time of parting arrived he wrote : ' Very sorry to leave old Vesey and the 2nd Division, where I have made many friends.' ' I knew Maude as w^U as most people,' writes General Vesey Dawson, ' for we served together for many years in the Coldstream, G 98 SIR STANLEY MAUD^ and he was afterwards on the staff of the 2nd London Division T,F. when I commanded it. His chief characteristic was devotion to duty, but he was also extraordinarily energetic, and he never thought of, or spared, himself when there was work to be done. He was also exceptionaUy modest. By nature very impatient of ignorance or slowness in others, he managed to conquer this feeling when deahng Avith the Territorial officers, and nothing could have exceeded the trouble that he took to educate them, although many were completely ignorant of mihtary duties.' He was not favourably impressed with War Office methods on joining the staff of that institution definitely for the flrst time. In connection with the administration of the Terri torials much of the correspondence was necessarily with the civil side ; he found their ways unduly deliberate, and he wrote in his diary that ' people seem to think nothing of keeping papers for days at a time, and doing nothing with them.' The office hours proved even longer than he had found them when on the staff of the 2nd Division, and there were few of those breaks caused by inspections, tactical exercises, and so forth which he had always enjoyed ; but he felt that much could be accomplished to effect improvements in the force which Mr. Haldane had done so much to develop. Still, he lost heart somewhat at times. ' The War Offlce gives one the idea of a buUding in which all the offlcials have gone to sleep for twenty years, and then wake up and carry on their work on lines which have been long out of date,' he wrote. Although General Mackinnon had agreed to his dividing the branch up into three sub-sections, each with its particular functions clearly laid down, his tendency to centralise made itself felt very plainly now that he had several junior staff offlcers under him. This tendency remained with him to the end of his career, and when he had risen very high in the service. Outspoken references to the matter wiU have to be made later in the volume, seeing that it at times created a certain amount of difflculty and that it was criticised even by those under him and those over him who had the greatest admira tion for his qualities of heart and head. A pleasant interlude came for him in July at the time of the annual camps of the Territorial Forces. He visited the divisions at work on Sahsbury Plain, in Wales, and in Lanca shire, covering a great deal of country and travelling con- FROM 1905 TO 1914 99 siderable distances, and on his retum he wrote full reports for the information of his chief. He was disposed to think that in some cases the training was too far advanced, and that these non-permanent troops were being taught to run before they could walk. Sir C. Fergusson, who was Inspector of Infantry at this time, mentions having had many dealings with him in connection with the training of the Territorials and always finding him ' most helpful and accessible.' In September he went on the umpire staff to the Army Manoeuvres held under Sir J. French, an outing which he greatly enjoyed ; he was attached to the Royal Irish Fusiliers-, to whose efflciency and good fellowship he pays a handsome tribute in his diary, and returned full of zest to the offlce routine of Whitehall. But there he found much to deplore. ' The Finance Branch are doing the Territorial Scheme grave damage by their grinding economy,' he wrote in his diary. ' They save little by it and are putting up the backs of all the County Associations and of leading men connected with business who will not stand such interference ; they will be compelled to give way ulti mately, which will only make us look foolish after the harm has been done.' StiU, it is only fair to the Finance Department offlcials of the War Offlce to observe in this connection that they are not exactly free agents in such matters as are here referred to. Only a certain amount of money is available in any case, and the Treasury — at all events in peace time — keeps a very tight hold over disbursements, besides being by no means precipitate in arriving at its conclusions. The result is that, if war supervenes, the country suffers grievously from the point of view of economy and from every other point of view, the Finance Department is shouldered out of the way by other War Offlce departments under dire stress of circum stances, and the Treasury, swept oft its legs by the flood of urgent expenditure on imperative naval and mihtary require ments, fails to recover flnancial control until long after hostilities have been brought to a conclusion. The Maude family had in the meantime settled down very comfortably at Carshalton and Maude hked the place, taking much trouble with his garden and interesting himself unob trusively, in so far as his hmited leism-e from military duties permitted, in local affairs. In the winter of 1909-10 he made a practice of going out on Saturday afternoons with the 100 SIR STANLEY MAUDE Worcester Park beagles, and he continued to do so during succeeding winters ; they generaUy met within five miles of ' Greengates,' and he used to bicycle or walk out to the rendez vous according to the state of the weather, although he some times used the railway. His friend and medical attendant. Doctor A. T. Peathng, in a letter regarding him at this time throws an illuminating sideUght upon Maude's invariable practice of keeping himself in good condition ; it shows that he had an object in aU this, quite apart from the healthy instincts of an active man who happens by force of circum stances to spend much time at the offlce desk. One Saturday he came to me just before dinner complaining of a discomfort in' his chest. I found that he had been running with the beagles hard all the afternoon, and then had a three or four mUes walk to the station. He had overdone it, and his heart was ' jib bing ' at the extra strain. I expostulated with him and told him I thought a man of his age was too old to run for any length of time. ' But I must keep fit,' he said. ' But why on earth do you want to keep in the condition of a prize-fighter ? ' was my reply. I remember so well how he leant forward towards me and said im pressively : ' Because any day we soldiers may be wanted badly ; any day we may be plunged into a huge war which one can't grasp the extent of. I shall see it, and you will live to see it. That is why I feel it my duty to keep myself in top-hole condition.' This occurred for.r or five years before the Great War. It made a great impression upon my mind at the time, and I have often re called his words since. He was churchwarden here (Dr. Peatling goes on to say) and I met him at several parish and church meetings ; he always took a very common-sense view of things, entirely free from sentiment. I envied very much his temerity in wearing white ducks at church during the summer. I have never, before nor since, seen a church warden taking the bag round dressed so coolly. He was one of the most courteous men I ever met ; I should think that it took a little time to gain his confidence, but when once obtained he would give his trust freely. As will also be seen from the Rev. G. Vaux's apprecia tion which is quoted further on, Maude took a somewhat prominent part in questions connected with the parish and with Carshalton Church, this in spite of the long hours which he passed daily in London and of generally carrying papers home with him to deal with after dinner. He was in fact spending a somewhat strenuous existence. All through his mihtary career, however, he seemed to thrive upon hard work, FROM 1905 TO 1914 loi nor did he ever grudge time and labour if he saw the shghtest prospect of his efforts leading to some tangible result. But with regard to the newly formed category of the fighting forces with which he was so closely concerned, he sometimes almost lost heart. ' Delays and procrastination stiU rife at the War Office,' he wrote in March 1910 ; ' incalculable damage being consequently done to the Territorial scheme. We have however got some improvements through. Instead of ex-regular officers, we are to have regular officers in the higher commands and a certain proportion of staff officers, but it has been a fierce struggle to get it through. StiU it is a great triumph and I feel amply repaid, for the consequences will be far-reaching.' He had attended the General Staff Conference at Camberley in January, and Mrs. Maude again went abroad for two months in the spring of 1910. King Edward died in May, and at the funeral Maude was in attendance on Queen Mary and Queen Alexandra, going from place to place in a motor to meet them, first at Westminster Hall, then at Paddington, and finaUy at Windsor. During the summer he spent a considerable time visiting Territorial camps and manoeuvres. He was on Salisbury Plain in June, he went to the exercises in Scotland in the foUowing month, and in August he attended the Eastern Command manoeuvres in which Territorials took part with Regulars. He was fairly well satisfied with what he saw, noticing considerable advance since the early days. ' Terri torial troops did fairly well, and no blame attaches to the men themselves who are wonderfully good considering the ex perience that they get,' he wrote in his diary ; but he was troubled with regard to their numbers and to their discipline in the field. ' The great trouble is that we do not sufficiently formulate our military requirements and then work on those lines,' he remarked. He was shortly afterwards offered the Assistant ControUership in the Lord Chamberlain's office. This meant a settled business practically for life and an im proved financial outlook ; but he decided to refuse. ' I am not a courtier,' he wrote in his diary, ' but wish to give my life and best days to the military service of my country. Some day I may be of use to her if I keep pegging away at the hum drum work and drudgery of peace soldiering — as I mean to do.' At the end of October General Mackinnon, to Maude's 102 SIR STANLEY MAUDE great regret on personal grounds and as it meant a break in old associations, gave up the appointment of Director-General of the Territorial Forces, taking up charge of the Western Command at Chester. He was succeeded by Major-General Cowans. Writing of his old subordinate in the Home District and in the War Office, in 1919, General Sir H. Mackinnon pays the following tribute to his memory : I was a very intimate friend of Maude's almost from the time he joined the brigade in 1884. He showed signs of his future powers when he became adjutant, which was in a surprisingly short time of his first appointment to the Coldstream., But my closest in timacy with him was when we worked together for six years, firstly on Lord Methuen's staff in the Home District, and then under Lord Haldane in the War Office during the preparation and the launching of the Territorial Force. Although one cannot say that Maude laid himself out to make hfe easy and comfortable for himself or for those he worked with, and although I have frequently known him refuse to join in sport or amusement when work was waiting, still I look back on him as the very best of colleagues, and for two reasons — firstly, because of his great knowledge of the army and of its regulations and customs, and, secondly, owing to his untiring energy. The six years we had together were pretty strenuous ones, especially those connected with the Territorial Force, and I can never remember his leaving work undone which he could finish. The heavy bag that he always took home with him testified to a great deal of night work to be got through. His judgment too was very sound, and one knew that any opinion that he gave was founded on the deep-down knowledge he possessed of all arms of the service. He had a great love of exercise, and even in his hardest periods of work he would always have a morning run to keep himself fit. His regiment and the whole Brigade of Guards mourn his loss, and I am confident that all who knew him in the army will benefit by the splendid example he set as an officer and a gentleman. The subject of this Memoir was now to serve under a chief who brought vdth him to the War Office a genius for organisation that was unvitiated by any overpowering en thusiasm for the desk. To a man hke Maude, whose bent for punctuahty and for the systematic conduct of office duties amounted almost to a passion, the somewhat mercurial exits and entrances of the new Director-General of the Territorial Forces in connection with the buildings in WhitehaU were anathema for a time. But, as he became famihar with his FROM 1905 TO 1914 103 superior's ways and was able to judge of the results, he had to acknowledge to himself — and it is characteristic of him that he should do so freely in his diary — that General Cowans did somehow get things done. Nor is it wholly unlikely that association with a successful administrator, who arrived at the same goal as he did but by a wholly different route, may have been an illuminating experience for a keen and zealous staff officer who, in spite of having subordinates with their duties definitely told off to them at his beck and call, always seemed to have almost more paper-work to get through than he could dispose of within the time at his disposal. All this time Maude practically never took any leave, except for a day or two, although* each year he allowed himself a holiday of five days at Christmas ; these latterly were gener ally spent at Carshalton and not at Henley. He was often on visits to Territorial centres with Mr. Haldane (who was raised to the peerage in 1911), but, except during the season of the annual trainings in the summer, he enjoyed little re laxation from indoor work such as he had experienced at tactical exercises when on the staff of the 2nd London Division. He attended the General Staff Conference as usual in January 1911, and on this occasion questions in connection with the Territorials were particularly brought forward and discussed. Little of interest is recorded in the diary during the early part of 1911. Maude and Mrs. Maude were present in West minster Abbey at the 'Coronation, which he describes as a most interesting and beautiful sight. ' Directly the Abbey ceremony was over, I changed my things and went down for two days to the Boat Club at Maidenhead, where I had two delightful days' rest.' He was shortly afterwards asked if he would like his name considered for the appointment of Military Secretary in India — Military Secretary to the Com mander-in-Chief, that is to say, not a virtually civilian appoint ment like that of MiUtary Secretary to a Viceroy — and he replied hoping that his name would be put forward, as it was ; but the post went to a considerably senior officer. In August he visited General Byng's Territorial Division in Norfolk at their annual training, and afterwards the two Yorkshire Divisions under Generals Bullock and Hubert Hamilton. He was not much impressed with what he saw on this occasion, and he wrote in his diary, ' It makes me shudder to think how 104 SIR STANLEY MAUDE these troops would fare in a European war.' Major Morrison- Bell mentions having once about this time discussed the Territorial Force with him, and his saying that in the event of war they would all have to go abroad, and that they ought to be told so. ' This was in the hey-day of Haldanism,' writes Major Morrison- Bell, ' and I rephed that they were only enlisted for home service. Maude's reply was very forcible and to the point ; for he was one of that comparatively small band who really did clearly foresee what was coming to pass.' Like the majority of soldiers he had never been able to reconcile himself to the idea that the Territorial Forces were to have six months' grace after mobilisation before they were to be actively employed ; he pictured them to himself as meeting Continental regulars on the outbreak of war. He observed that the ' real criminals ' were those who would not realise that ' you can both support the Territorial movement till we got something better, and yet advocate compulsory training.' He afterwards went on an offlcial visit to the Swiss Manoeuvres. 'Had a dehghtful time in Switzerland,' he wrote in his diary. ' Went first to Berne, but we were accommodated most of the time at a charming hotel in Lausanne. There were about thirty foreign officers and we were most hospitably entertained. Start out usually about 3 A.M., and most officers got home by noon ; but I liked to stay out later, and generaUy got home only about six or seven in time for dinner. We were beautifully mounted and the weather was lovely, if a Uttle hot. Not much to learn from the manoeuvres (as the troops are practicaUy imtrained hke our Territorials), except the wonderful patriotism of the people and the popularity of the mihtary service, their system of billeting, and the use made of cooking wagons generally throughout the force.' In a letter written about this time he expressed the opinion that it was perfectly feasible to devise a system of compulsory training which would not be incompatible with voluntary recruiting for the regular army, and which would not appreci ably dislocate economic conditions. He always reahsed the advantages of the Territorial Forces organisation in so far as its furnishing a framework was concerned ; but he entertained no illusions as to its efflciency on the outbreak of war, and it was obvious to him — as to all other experienced soldiers — ^that FROM 1905 TO 1914 105 "the numbers on the rolls were entirely inadequate for the purpose of immediate mobihsation in the event of a national emergency arising. He was moreover convinced that far larger numbers would have to be placed in the field in the event of a European war, than were contemplated under the scheme of organisation for the mihtary forces of the country which held good. He thought much with regard to these subjects. He clearly foresaw the coming of a great inter national crisis, in which his country would have to play a prominent part if it was to retain its position in the world. His son Eric, who had been for five years at school near Maidenhead, and who was now fourteen, was sent to Lancing College (where he had obtained a scholarship) after the summer holidays ; after passing satisfactorily for Osborne, the lad had been rejected on account of colour blindness. In the winter the family spent some time at Klosters in Switzerland enjoying winter sports, and after the General Staff Conference Maude took a very short period of leave and went out to join his eldest girl there while the others came home. Shortly after his return from abroad he received the offer of the ap pointment of General Staff Officer, 1st Grade, with the Sth Division in Ireland, headquarters at the Curragh. This he accepted at once, overjoyed to find himself once more identi fied with regular troops, and after three years at the War Office to be employed again on thoroughly congenial tasks involving much work in the open air. The appointment fell vacant at the beginning of April, and his departure from the War Office to take it up brought his close and especial con nection with the Territorial Forces to an end, although he was destined to have imits belonging to this category of the army under his command in the field in later years. Under the circumstances it will not be inappropriate to quote here the tribute paid by Lord Haldane, in the House of Lords on the Oth of March 1918, to Maude's services in connection with the Territorial scheme, on the occasion of the discussion with regard to the special grant made by Parliament to Lady Maude. After a reference to Lord Curzon's remark that war is a supreme discoverer of merit. Lord Haldane proceeded : ' To me I can scarcely say he was a discovery, because I had an opportunity of seeing those quahties very early in his career. At the time when the Territorial Forces Act passed, and when it was very doubtful whether officers and men could be got to come forward, it was 106 SIR STANLEY MAUDE necessary to make personal efforts, and night after night, afternoon after afternoon. General Maude — ^who was the General Staff Officer attached to the Territorial Forces organisation at the War Office — used to set off with me, sometimes to distant parts, to stir up en thusiasm. Mine was the ornamental part ; but his was the diffi cult business of explaining away all difficulties and of showing how the things could be accomplished. This he did with supreme abihty. He then showed the great quahty, which I think was distinctive of him afterwards, of visuahsing clearly and distinctly what was the object which he had in view, and at the same time of being conscious almost by intuition of the means by which to attain that object. That was a distinctive characteristic of him and the secret of his success in those much humbler days of his hfe. Later when he became the commander of a brigade, and again of a division, and again of a corps, and finaUy when he became commander-in-chief, he always visuahsed with the utmost dis tinctness what he was aiming at, and he always knew how to get at his object. Shortly before his death I had a long letter from him, in which he told me that he had turned himself completely into an administrator. He knew what he meant to do, and was concentrating upon that the very necessary grasp of the material facts and resources which a great general always has and always insists upon in himself before he sets out to the attainment of a new object. From the personal experience and intimacy which I was privileged at one time to have, I am able to testify, as noble Lords who have already spoken have done, to General Maude's great qualities, to his personal charm, and to his supreme combination of the two kinds of military gifts.' This staff appointment at the Curragh meant leaving Car shalton and seeking a residence on the further side of St. George's Channel, and, apart from considerations affecting his professional duties, Maude was inclined to regret leaving ' Greengates,' where he had made himself very comfortable and had greatly enjoyed developing the garden with the assist ance of his children. He was sorry to bid good-bye to a place with which he had identified himself during a stay of four years, and where he had made many friends in all classes of society. Nor was the regret entirely on his side. That he was liked and honoured by those amongst whom he lived in this temporary Surrey home of his is shown by the following striking appreciation of him, written by his friend and neigh bour of those days, the Rev. G. Vaux : Like the ' daily breaders ' of these suburban districts who only dine and sleep and breakfast, watch in hand, in their homes. Colonel Maude, as we then knew him, started each morning by an early FROM 1905 TO 1914 107 train and only returned late in the afternoon. But Carshalton was to him no mere dormitory. He threw himself with character istic energy into the social hfe and the Church life of the place. An agreeable companion, a courteous gentleman, he was to aU of us an excellent neighbour and to many a valued friend. Those who knew him best discerned the great quahties which foimd scope in larger fields. With a handsome and dignified presence he coupled entire simphcity of character. He put on no ' side,' and he was at home with all sorts and conditions of people — ^but no one ever thought of taking liberties with him. He was a welcome guest at any parish function — a supper to choir-men or altar-servers was incomplete without him. When he was wanted to give the prizes to the Church Lads Brigade he would appear in his war paint, and this in no spirit of vainglory but just to show respect to those who, in their small way, were aspiring to some measure of mihtary discipline. His industry never flagged. After a hard day's work in town, when most men claim the indulgence of a novel or a rubber of bridge, one would find Maude buried in arrears of papers or deep in a volume of mUitary history. And this was only part of that rigid self-discipline which kept him alert and fit in mind and body. When offered a cigarette he would say, ' No, since I rowed in the boats at Eton I have always been in training.' Hard worker as he was, he made time for necessary exercise. In summer he was up betimes, playing a set of lawn tennis with his children, and in winter striding across country as fast as his long legs would carry him ; and on Saturday afternoons, the half holiday of the British working man, he would run with the beagles. A tender and affectionate father, his children were devoted to him, and when the hfe of his wife was hanging in the balance, those who were admitted to share his anxiety admired the Christian fortitude and forgetfulness of self which mastered his grief. For, above all things, Stanley Maude was a man of God, a practising Christian. He never missed the early celebration on a Sunday, and he was rarely absent from the other services. To him a ' lajrman ' was no mere negative title — one not in holy orders, an individual who may be relied on for an occasional sovereign or half-crown ; on the contrary, he reahsed the true meaning of that honourable word. A layman was to his thinking one of the A.ads, the people of God, and he acted on that conviction. Colonel Maude accepted office as churchwarden, not without misgivings. He doubted if he would have time to do justice to the task. As a matter of fact he did thorough justice to it, and this thoroughness was the hall-mark of everything that he undertook. After attending the three hours' service on Good Friday, he would take his part bareheaded in a -perambulation of clergy, choir and people round the poorer districts, and listen to some poor singing and indifferent preaching. This is not a thing which a distinguished officer would do just for fun. He would take infinite trouble to help young men in their plans and prospects. 108 SIR STANLEY MAUDE So it was that we greatly missed him when he left Carshalton for the Curragh in 1912. We followed with keen interest the steps of his great career. We rejoiced over each distinction conferred upon him. And when the news came of his imtimely death, we assembled in large numbers at the parish altar to remember before God in solemn requiem the soul of his servant. Maude's new chief was Major-General W. P. Campbell, who had already been in command of the Sth Division for more than three years. The division was distributed to some extent over central and northern Ireland, although the greater part of it was collected fairly near to the headquarters. The 13th Infantry Brigade, which was at this time under the late Brigadier-General T. Capper, was quartered in Dublin, the 14th Infantry Brigade was quartered at the Curragh, the 15th Infantry Brigade, which was under Brigadier-General Count Gleichen, was stationed at Belfast and in the north of Ireland. The artillery was for the most part gathered together in County Kildare ; but one of its brigades was at Dundalk. In the nature of things, the fact that the troops were somewhat scattered inevitably involved a certain amount of travelling about the country for the divisional commander and his chief staff officer, especiaUy during the long days and fine weather. On joining at the Curragh, Maude in the first instance lived for some time with the 4th Hussars, who were quartered there forming part of Brigadier-General Hubert Gough's 3rd Cavalry Brigade. He made great friends with the Hussars, although a good deal older and much senior in the service to the majority of the members of the mess ; his keenness in respect to all matters of sport naturally commended itself to the younger officers of the regiment, even if they stood somewhat in awe of a fuU colonel. The Curragh dehghted him ; and even if he was necessarily much occupied in his office, his habit of early rising enabled him to be about, looking on with the utmost interest at units of the various arms at their drills and exercises, before the hour came for setthng down to paper- work. He had always taken the utmost pleasure in aU questions connected with the training of troops, and his position as chief of the general staff of a regular division afforded him ample scope for turning his bent for such subjects, and the knowledge which he had acquired by study and experience in connection with them, to good account. The quarters attached to his appoint- FROM 1905 TO 1914 109 ment were small and inconvenient, and eventually, in October, the Maudes settled down at Moorefield Lodge, just outside Newbridge. Inter-divisional manoeuvres between the Sth Division and the 6th Division, which was quartered in the south of Ireland, were in contemplation this year, but Maude's preparations for annual training had rather to do with the purely divisional programme. He paid a visit with General Campbell to the north of Ireland early in the summer to inspect the 15th Brigade, and they covered a great deal of ground by motor, proceeding as far as Rosapena in Donegal, as one of the battahons was quartered in Londonderry ; they returned by way of Mulhngar, where another battalion was stationed. Later on they were present at the brigade training of the 13th Brigade, which took place on the Boyne. Unfortunately, the inter-divisional manoeuvres, which were to have taken place in Carlow, had to be abandoned at the last moment owing to an outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease, and a proposal to shift the venue to Glen Imaal had to be given up owing to ob jections raised by local farmers. However in the autumn a divisional staff ride was held at Clonmel in which Maude acted as assistant-director under his general, and on this occasion he greatly impressed the officers taking part in it by his masterly summing-up of different situations, holding his own in this respect with so accomplished and practised a manager of staff rides as General Capper, who had been on the staff of the Camberley Staff College and had afterwards been commandant of the rival establishment at Quetta. Nevertheless, in spite of much hard work which "was often interrupted by traveUing on inspection duty with his chief, Maude played much lawn tennis, and he bicycled and rode aU over County Kildare. Sir W. Pitcairn CampbeU describes him as the best general staff officer he ever came across, and he won a great reputation for himself amongst the many zealous officers in the Sth Division by his thorough knowledge of his profession, by the lucidity of his expositions, and by the skill he displayed in the framing of all orders in connection with training that were issued from divisional headquarters. General Campbell's period in command came to an end early in February 1913, and he was succeeded by Sir C. Fergusson, whom Maude had known intimately since early days at Eton. 110 SIR STANLEY MAUDE During the winter time Maude hunted occasionally with the Kildare, but as the drill season approached he became wrapped up in the preparations for the various trainings, and in issuing detailed instructions concerning them. As in the previous year he covered a good deal of ground with his chief, inspecting the units included in the division at different times. The brigade trainings took place in three separate localities ; but towards the end of August the division assembled complete for a week of divisional training about Nenagh, which lasted from the 1st to the 6th of September. This was followed by inter-divisional manoeuvres between the Sth Division and the 6th Division, which were carried out in the country lying to the south of the Slieve Bloom mountains not far from the Shannon, and which were attended by General Sir C. Douglas, the Inspector-General of the Forces, although under the direc tion of Sir A. Paget, the Commander-in-Chief in Ireland. The operations passed off very successfully. Towards the end of the year Maude received a communica tion offering him the position of General Staff Officer, 1st Grade, in the Training Directorate of the War Office. He was in the first instance much disposed to dechne the offer. He had al ready laboured long in Whitehall. He had no love for service in the War Office, whereas he was thoroughly content with his work in the Sth Division, work that was most congenial, and he moreover hked the life near the Curragh. But he reahsed that his selection for an appointment in the training branch at Headquarters was a comphment, and that a refusal to take it up would not be welcome in high places ; he moreover had always entertained the view strongly that it was an officer's business to go where he was sent and to faU in with the wishes of superiors, whatever these might be. He therefore wrote an acceptance, and his connection with the Sth Division in peace time came to an end early in 1914. Of his work with the Division, Sir C. Fergusson writes as follows : In February 1913 1 went to command the 5th Division in Ireland, where I found Maude G.S.0.1. of the division, and we were to gether until January 1914 when he went again to the War Office. During this year we were of course intimately associated, and it is difficult to describe his work without appearing to exaggerate. To say he was thorough is not enough, he was a very highly trained staff officer who had mastered his profession and every detail of it. His capacity for work was unhmited. His judgment was very FROM 1905 TO 1914 111 sound. He never would give an opinion in a hurry, and would lapse into silence when tuming a matter over in his mind ; when he did speak he put the pros and cons clearly and concisely and gave a decided opinion, from which nothing would tum him. He was most helpful to every one, but may have seemed to those who did not know him well somewhat stiff and reserved in manner when discussing official details. I have at least heard that said— but it does not describe him. His preoccupied manner was not in the least due to boredom or to want of sympathy — ^no man was more sympathetic — ^but to intense concentration on the business in hand. When at work he was entirely absorbed, and he wasted no time. He was strict and unbending in working hours, and was very severe on any departure from the rules and customs in office work or routine which he laid down. Once work was over, he threw oft every care, was as bright and sunny as any boy, and enjoyed hfe to the fuU. He was a dehghtful companion to every one, entering wholeheartedly into games and sports and the interests of the moment. He was very active and athletic, a fine rider and always in the very pink of condition. As an instructor and a staff officer in the field he was at his very best. In staff and regimental exercises his schemes were always clear, interesting, and instructive, and his criticisms sound and helpful. He took an immense amount of trouble with them. A httle intolerant of stupidity, he was sympathetic and painstaking to a degree with those whom he was instructing, and he spared no trouble to make the work interesting to officers taking part. He had a wonderful capacity for drafting clear and good orders. Given the scheme or plan, he would in a few moments call a clerk and dic tate without hesitation the longest and most compHcated orders, in which not a word had to be changed and which could hardly have been improved. He was impatient of interruption or inter ference on these occasions. A more pleasant or loyal staff offlcer never existed. He was the hfe and soul of the division, and no one who served with him could fail to appreciate his quahties. On joining at the War Office at the beginning of February Maude found himself for the first time associated for a season with Sir W. Robertson, although, as already mentioned, he had been for a few days in close touch with his new chief during the manoeuvres of the Aldershot Command in 1908. He at once devoted himself wholeheartedly to a task which greatly interested him — too wholeheartedly some of his subordinates were disposed to think. His tendency to centralise has already been touched upon, and in this case he was coming in from outside to take up charge of a section of the General Staff in Whitehall which was a going concern, a section administered 112 SIR STANLEY MAUDE by an existing staff of specially selected officers, most of whom had already been serving in it for some time and who consequently were well acquainted with the scope and the details of their duties. These found it somewhat trying to be to a great extent deprived of the responsibilities that had been entrusted to them as a matter of course by Maude's pre decessor, responsibilities which corresponded more or less in respect to importance to those undertaken by staff offlcers of analogous grading in the various other War Offlce departments and branches. Still, all speedily recognised the striking ability, the heartening enthusiasm, and the exhaustive know ledge of the subjects to be dealt with, which their new section chief brought with him, and as they got to know him better they became to a great extent propitiated by his unfaihng kindhness and courtesy. The annual Army Manoeuvres were to have been held this year on the borders of South Wales, the area chosen being the intersected and hilly country beyond the lower Severn. It was a part of the country that, in so far as troops were concerned, was almost virgin soil, although it had been a field for numerous staff rides in recent years, and Maude was a good deal concerned in the preparations necessary for the contemplated exercises from an early date after taking up his appointment at the War Offlce. That question of residence, which is generally so troublesome a one for married officers whenever they change their mihtary station, had also to be considered ; but after some house-hunting a suitable abode, ' Mardale,' was found at Watford, within easy distance of Whitehall. There the family settled down in the spring. It may be mentioned here that owing to his departure from Ireland at the end of January, Maude was saved from the unpleasantness involved in being at the Curragh on the occasion of the acute problem connected with Ulster that arose soon after he left, in which the 4th Hussars, with whom he had lived when first he went to Kildare, as well as General Gough and the 16th Lancers, figured some what prominently — events which aroused strong feeling throughout the Sth Division and its 15th Brigade quartered in the north. The month of April in 1914 was, on the other hand, also a somewhat ruffled one at the headquarters of the army, as a consequence of that remarkable Hibernian imbroglio; nor was the Directorate of Military Training wholly uncon- FROM 1905 TO 1914 113 cerned in the matter. The sequel was that the Chief of the Imperial General Staff, Sir J. French, resigned, together with the Secretary of State and the Adjutant-General, and he was succeeded by Sir C. Douglas. Mr. Asquith became War Minister. During the remainder of the spring and the early summer Maude spent long hours daily at the War Office, going up and down from Watford by train. Everything in connection with the September Army Manoeuvres was already in train, and he had thoroughly settled down to his work in the Training Directorate at Headquarters when this country and Europe in general were startled by the news of the assassination of the Archduke Ferdinand at Serajevo. There is no need to tell the story here of the gradual development of the acute international differences that followed. By the end of July the Continent was in a blaze, a few days later the British Empire was at war, and, as the great conflict which followed was to afford Maude the opportunity that he needed to prove himself the great soldier that he was, this will be an appro priate place in a record of his life to indicate what was his position in the military forces at the time, and what were his prospects of mounting the ladder, before he proceeded to France on the staff of the Expeditionary Force in August 1914. ' His career as a staff officer may be said to have commenced when he graduated at the Staff College in 1895-96,' writes Lord Rawlinson. ' Though I never served in really close touch with him on the staff, he was well known for his clear ness of vision and for his indefatigable energy. The vigour with which he attacked every problem that was presented to him was quite remarkable, and, whether as a brigade-major at the Horse Guards or, later on, holding that position during the South African War, he proved himself to be possessed of outstanding abilities as a staff officer. Except in charge of a company, he held no executive command until in October 1914 he was given a brigade in France. Had he been able to accept the command of a battahon of the Coldstream (which for flnancial reasons he was unable to do) I think that he would have risen more rapidly. His enforced service on the staff failed to bring to light those great qualities as a commander in the field which became so conspicuous in his case in his last years. One is seldom as a staff officer called upon to accept heavy responsibilities, it is the commander of the formation I H 114 SIR STANLEY MAUDE on whom all responsibihty rests, so that long continued service on the staff is liable to dim, if not to stultify, the powers of a born leader of men such as Maude undoubtedly was.' When the army mobilised for war Maude was just over fifty years of age and he figured as a full colonel, about a quarter of the way up the roll of officers holding that rank. A glance at the statistics given in the Offlcial Army List of that time shows him to have been rather ahead of the majority of men of his own length of service, but not very much ahead. Many who had joined after him had moreover passed him by. In the ordinary course of things he might fairly have counted upon finding himself a major-general by the time he was fifty- two or fifty-three years of age. If his prospects, in a word, might be regarded as satisfactory, they could not have been called brilliant. Had he remained on active service in South Africa, instead of going to Canada at a time when he was doing very important work on the staff in Cape Colony, and when he would very hkely before long have been chosen after Lord Kitchener assumed control for the command of an independent column operating against the scattered burgher forces, he might well have secured by brevet so early as 1902 that pro motion which he actually only secured on the half-pay hst five years later. He might then already have been a general offlcer in the summer of 1914 when the Great War came. But, as we have seen, he had been handicapped by lack of means throughout ; and the consequence was that, even if his merits were realised throughout the Brigade of Guards, and if they had latterly become at least partially known to the highest military authorities, he was to the army at large to all intents and purposes an unknown quantity. That he suffered from disappointment himself during those somewhat lean years which intervened between his return from Ottawa and his transfer from London to the Curragh, is apparent from his diaries. Some passages from them have been quoted. But he never showed discouragement outwardly ; nor did he ever permit any mortification that he may have felt to abate his ardour in carrying out such military duties as fell to his lot, to weaken his love for the profession that he had chosen, or to deprive him of that confidence of possessing a capacity for great things which he carried with him from the days of boy hood till he had accomplished his task in Mesopotamia. CHAPTER VI ON THE STAFF OF THE 3RD CORPS IN FRANCE As a member of the General Staff at the War Office and holding a responsible position on it, Maude was naturally much better informed as to the critical development of affairs on the Con tinent during July than the general public. As soon as it became apparent that Austria-Hungary in her outrageous demands upon Serbia was acting with the full support of Germany, it was obvious to well-informed soldiers that a European War was in sight. The General Staff entertained no illusions as to the intention of the Central Powers to enter upon an aggressive campaign should it suit them to strike. The military preparations of Germany were too exhaustive, the elaborate extension of her railway systems towards the Belgian and French frontiers for purely strategical purposes too flagrant, to justify any doubt on the subject. All such steps as it had been possible to obtain sanction for had been taken by the War Office months before, and Maude was in due course informed that the organisation of the Expeditionary Force, should it be sent to -the Continent, would be in three ' Armies ' — ^the more appropriate title ' Army Corps ' was substituted after hostihties had actually broken out — and that he was to be General Staff Officer, 1st Grade, of the 3rd Army. This was to be under General Pulteney, with Brigadier- General J. P. Du Cane as chief of the staff. Pulteney was an old Guardsman friend with whom he had already once been associated on active service at the time of the South African War, as has been mentioned in the chapter deaUng with that campaign. The 1st and 2nd Armies were respectively to be under Sir D. Haig and Sir J. Grierson. ' Normally,' he wrote in his diary, ' I ought, in virtue of the appointment wliich I am holding in the Training Directorate at the War Offlce, to remain there.' He was too level-headed and clear-sighted not to realise that his absorption into the Expeditionary Force under the circumstances was inapprop- 115 116 SIR STANLEY MAUDE riate. He could not but perceive that the plan of withdrawing a considerable number of the officers who were holding the most important posts in Whitehall, just at the moment when the country was about to embark upon a great continental war, was open to many objections ; but he was naturally pleased that he should be one of those selected to go. By the 1st of August all hopes of an accommodation as between the Central Powers and the Franco-Russian allies was at an end, and during the next four days he, in common with a good many other soldiers who were more or less behind the scenes, was in a state of acute irritation at the attitude of the Cabinet. ' It looks to-night as if we were going to stand aside and not to help France,' he wrote on the 1st. ' What a disgrace ! No wonder we are caUed a nation of shopkeepers, perfidious Albion, etc., on the Continent. I believe that many, such as say openly that we ought not to fight. I could understand their point of view if there had been no entente cordiale, but surely as it is we have a debt of honour to France to pay. And, apart from the present, what of the future ? Surely no nation will trust an Enghshman's word again, and we shaU revert to our position of isolation which existed at the time of the Boer War. That wiU scarcely do nowadays, and we shall be an easy prey to any con tinental combination that chooses to attack us. StiU our pre parations at the War Office are going forward. ... I have started getting our staff together, which, as it consists of nineteen officers, takes some gathering together.' ' Every moment's delay on our part seems criminal,' he wrote next day, ' and yet the Cabinet appear to do nothing but pro crastinate. . . . The Cabinet meeting lasted this moming from two to three hours, but the only points so far apparent are the stopping of some Territorial trainings and the estabhshment of the censor ship, both of which ought to have been done before.' However, Germany's deliberate violation of her pledges in regard to Belgian neutrality, coupled with the unmistakable feehng of the nation and the attitude taken up by the Opposi tion leaders, decided the Government to send the ultimatum to Berlin which made a rupture practicaUy certain, and war was declared on the night of the 4th-5th. Mobihsation began on the Sth, the rank and ffle of the 3rd Army headquarters staff assembling at Southampton ; but General Pulteney and most of the staff officers remained in London. The comprehensive plans for the transfer of the Expeditionary Force to France, which had been prepared in the fuUest detail many months before, together with the time- ON STAFF OF 3RD CORPS IN FRANCE 117 tables and schedules in connection with transportation by land and sea, contemplated the immediate departure of the 1st and 2nd Armies. They were to be closely foUowed by the 6th Division, which was stationed (all but one of its brigades) in Ireland, and which was to embark for the most part at Queenstown, foUowing the Sth Division of the 2nd Army from that country. The 4th Division was to await events. But the plans were upset by an absurd scare about an impending German invasion — ^which incidentally very nearly caused portions of the 1st Army to be switched off to the North Country and the whole transportation scheme to be upset. This delayed the start of the Expeditionary Force for two days, and it caused the Oth Division to be brought over to England from Ireland, creating great inconvenience. The 4th Division under General Snow, stationed in peace time in the south-east of England, concentrated after mobilisation at Harrow. The 6th Division under General Keir, as it arrived in England, gradually concentrated at Cambridge, and eventually the 4th Division was allowed to follow the 1st and 2nd Armies without any delay, while the 6th Division, which took several days to arrive at its destination, remained where it was. Maude accompanied Generals Pulteney and Du Cane to Harrow on the 20th to see the 4th Division, which was to begin moving over to France on the next day, and on the 24th orders arrived for the corps staff to follow. They embarked at Southampton on the 26th in the Braemar Castle, which also carried some 2500 troops, and proceeded to Havre, where they stayed until the 29th. That night they proceeded via Paris to General Headquarters at Compi^gne, arriving on the following day, and General Pulteney then definitely took up command of his corps. This at the time only consisted of the 4th Division, which had been heavily engaged at Le Cateau and while faUing back, and the 19th Brigade, a new formation composed of four battalions which under the original scheme had been told off as ' line of communication troops.' It must be understood that at this time the Expeditionary Forc^ was still in full retreat, with the enemy pressing after it. The 3rd Corps was on the left (facing the enemy) with the 2nd Corps (which was under Sir H. Smith-Dorrien, who had taken the place of General Grierson on his death) next 118 SIR STANLEY MAUDE on its right, and the 1st Corps beyond that again. All the next day General Pulteney's troops were withdrawing through the Forest of Compi^gne, and the retirement continued again on the 1st of September and during the foUowing night. ' Exciting times sometimes,' Maude wrote home on the 2nd, ' as we have no protective troops for our headquarters, and Uhlans are plentiful and strong on the wing ! Yesterday they were aU round us, and we had to get together any stragglers we could find to help us. We accounted for three out of one lot of five.' Continuing the retirement on the 2nd and 3rd, after a rear guard action on the 2nd which somewhat delayed the 4th Division, the corps reached and crossed the Marne by the 4th, and that day it enjoyed a welcome rest. Maude wrote home that the men were in excellent spirits although tired, and that the German prisoners that were being taken were quite worn out. In his diary at this time he expressed some doubts as to the expediency of blowing up all the bridges during the retreat, as he foresaw that there must shortly be an advance ; he presumed that the French plan of falling back was the right one, but greatly disliked it. While the corps was resting on the Marne on the 4th the gradual movement of the enemy in a south-easterly direction across the front was observed. On the following day this became still more noticeable, and Maude learnt that the French Oth Army had formed up in the country to the north-west of where the 3rd Corps was halted, and was preparing to move against the enemy's outer flank. That evening the welcome orders arrived for advance to take the place of retreat. The order to advance was not confined to Pulteney's corps, nor to the British forces under Sir J. French. The entire AUied host was turning upon its pursuers, and was about to inffict upon them a very serious defeat. Now that formidable reserves called up from the extreme right of his far-fiung hne were ready to play their part, that the 6th Army under Maunoury was driving its attack home against Von Kluck on the German right, and that the enemy was manifestly ex hausted by a tremendous effort. General Joffre was ready for the counter-stroke which created what by common consent of victors and vanquished has come to be called the Battle of the Marne. Pulteney's corps on the British left was at the moment placed almost at the elbow which was created by ON STAFF OF 3RD CORPS IN FRANCE 119 Maunoury striking in as he did, practically across the front of the Alhes' forces, from the left. Consequent on Maunoury's general line of advance and on the movement south-eastwards of the German right under Von Kluck which had been proceed ing on the 4th and Sth, the direction taken by Sir J. French's army for the first three days was not northwards but almost eastwards, with a little north in it ; the 3rd Corps was prac ticaUy foUowing the 2nd Corps, but with its left flank some what exposed to hostile sheU fire. During those days Maude first received reliable tidings of the casualties that had occurred in other corps than his own during the great retreat from Mons ; news of that kind had previously been arriving rather in the form of vague rumours, some of which fortunately turned out to be incorrect. He learnt that he had lost many friends, that the Coldstream had suffered hke most other regiments, and that amongst their killed was his cousin, Viscount Hawarden. ' After our long retirement it is dehghtful to be once more advan cing,' he wrote from La Ferte sous Jouarre on the Marne on the 9th, ' and this we have been doing for some days now. Yesterday we drove the Germans opposed to us across the River Marne, and sheUed them till late at night as they were trying to get away. One of our brigades got across the Petit Morin River just before dark, and I went down to see how they were getting on. They were in a very difficult bit of country, for the Germans were above them in some woods and were firing down on them. At the end of the viUage thirty Germans had been cut off, but they would not surrender and prepared to resist till dark. They were most resolute and killed a very good officer. ... It was late when I got back, and long after dark.' Pulteney's troops had not found it by any means easy to force a passage over the Marne on the 9th, in face of the skil fully emplaced machine guns which the enemy brought to bear upon the points of passage. Lord French, who visited the corps headquarters early in the morning, refers particu larly to its fight at La Ferte sous Jouarre in his book 1914- Maude was anxious to find some place on the river where advance would be unopposed and to try and get a few men across by surprise, but the project was not entertained. All attempts by the 4th Division to ynn a way over the channel direct at La Ferte during the daytime were brought to a stand still by the machine gun and artillery fire from the further side. 120 SIR STANLEY MAUDE and it was not until after dark that the 11th Brigade found it possible actually to reach the near bank. There they managed to seize a number of boats. In these a battalion of the 11th Brigade and three battalions of the 12th Brigade succeeded in effecting a crossing, whereupon the Engineers constructed a pontoon bridge under very heavy fire — ' R. E. did excellently,' Maude notes in his diary of the lOth — and the greater part of the Brd Corps passed over the river by this bridge at a very early hour on the lOth. When Pulteney's troops resumed advance on that day it at once became manifest that the Germans were in full retreat. Many prisoners were taken, wounded were discovered in a number of houses, and the roads were found to be littered with abandoned vehicles of all kinds, with munitions and with impedimenta. The infantry were jubilant, realising that the British Regular had proved himself the superior of the vaunted foot soldier from the Fatherland at all points, and they made light of long marches that followed routes which were in in different condition, for heavy rains had set in. During the next day or two the 3rd Corps was moreover uncomfortably sandwiched in between the French and the 2nd Corps, there were misunderstandings as to the allotment of the communica tions, and Pulteney's force rather suffered in consequence. Although the staff enjoyed the advantage of horses and motor cars, and also of usually passing the night in comfortable quarters, they were very hardworked during these strenuous days. On the 11th Maude notes in his diary that, owing to orders generaUy not coming to hand before 11 p.m., to being called up frequently during the night, and to moving off daily between 4 a.m. and 5 a.m., they did not on the average get more than three hours' sleep in the twenty-four. The advanced troops of the corps reached the River Aisne at a point a httle to the east of Soissons late on the 12th, to find all the bridges along their front demolished and the enemy on the further side, well posted and readyto contest thepassage. The 11th Brigade however managed to work its way across the remains of a broken-down girder bridge during the night and to make good some important high ground beyond, a feat which prepared the way for pontoon bridges to be thrown and for other troops of the corps to pass the formidable obstacle. The arrival of the Franco-British forces on the ON STAFF OF 3RD CORPS IN FRANCE 121 Aisne, it may be observed, for practical purposes brought the prolonged Battle of the Marne and the ensuing pursuit to an end. The Germans had been worsted all along the front. They had suffered heavy losses in men and material ; and they had suffered even more in morale, for they had encountered no such defeat as this for a hundred years. The distance which the 3rd Corps had covered between the Marne and the Aisne at their heels had been upwards of thirty miles. The passage of the river by the 11th Brigade on the night of the 12th-13th may be said to have inaugurated, in so far as the 3rd Corps was concerned, that long-drawn-out combat, which eventually merged into stagnant, unprofitable, trench warfare and which has come to be known as the Battle of the Aisne. Pulteney's infantry, his gunners and his sappers per formed a valuable service to the rest of the British Expedi tionary Force on their right, as also to the French on their left, because, by securing a footing on the far side of the formidable obstacle, they in a measure paved the way for comrades on either hand to force a passage likewise. Some doubt existed for a day or two as to whether the opposition put up by the Germans on the line of the river merely meant delaying action in a naturally favourable position, while the bulk of the hostile legions pursued their way north-eastwards, or whether the enemy had resolved to make a definite stand. But it soon became apparent that the hostile retreat was at an end. The 2nd and 3rd British Corps had a severe struggle to get across the Aisne, and the French likewise only advanced on the left of the 3rd Corps under considerable difficulty. The 3rd Corps itself was brought to a standstill almost on the ground won within the first few hours, and it spent the next three weeks in that situation, ' hanging on by our eyelids to the edge of the plateau, with a river with broken bridges behind us,' as Maude expressed it. The 6th Division from England arrived near the front on the 16th, and should have completed General Pulteney's Corps, to which it properly belonged ; Sir J. French however felt himself obhged to keep it as a general reserve for the time being. The troops in contact with the enemy gradually dug themselves in. But this did not prevent them from suffering somewhat heavy losses daily owing to the German sheU fire, which was accurate and almost incessant, and the heavy howitzers 122 SIR STANLEY MAUDE which had been brought up by the opposing side caused many casualties. Maude comments in his diary and in his letters on the tremendous expenditure of artillery ammunition that was taking place, and on the great advantage enjoyed by the enemy in being much the better supphed. ' They (the enemy) are very strongly entrenched,' he wrote home on the 19th, • and we are unable to make much impression against them ; so we are just holding on to our positions, and the French are collecting a fresh army to out-manoeuvre them and tum their flank. It has been a hard week for the troops, for they have had to be in the trenches practically day and night, and it has been pelting rain almost without cessation. The shell fire has been stupendous all the week, for the Germans have 8-inch guns which throw an enormous shell, the explosion of which is ahnost deafening if you are anywhere near. . . . We are getting lots of reinforcements, so can keep merrily at it. One thousand five hundred men arrived to-day to reinforce the corps, so that replaces our casualties of the week, and leaves something to spare. . . . The Germans are evidently very nervous, for last night they opened a fusiUade at apparently nothing I I am very keen to get them to move forward by night attacks, for the Germans hate that sort of warfare, and we have practised it thoroughly. The other night an officer's patrol got right into the enemy's trenches and found them aU asleep ! So I feel that we could do a big thing that way ; but I cannot quite get them to accept my suggestion, as it is thought too risky. StiU, one cannot make war without taking some risks. I expect that we shall be here for another week or so, till the French movement develops. We have got a charming chateau for our headquarters, and I feel rather mean when it rains, thinking of aU the troops who have got to be out in the wet ; but I suppose we must be under cover to get our work done.' ' Their infantry are not much good, except for disciphne,' he wrote two days later, ' and not a patch on ours. Their artillery are exceUent and very effective, but their cavalry are not very re doubtable, and we have seen httle of the latter since we began to advance.' The trials undergone by the troops on the Aisne were, as it was to turn out, merely a foretaste of experiences which would last for months and months to come. It is doubtful if many of the tacticians on the German side had foreseen that the cam paign on the Western front — and indeed on all fronts — was to degenerate into a stalemate form of trench warfare. The British Army at aU events was wholly unprepared for such a development. Maude's hopes that the intervention of a new French army, coming up into hne on the left and tuming the ON STAFF OF 3RD CORPS IN FRANCE 123 enemy's flank, would compel the hostile legions to give way, were destined to be disappointed ; for the Germans were able to meet and to neutralise this combination, of which great things were for a time expected both by General Joffre and by Sir J. French. The army was under command of General Castelnau and it assembled on the left of the 6th French Army under General Maunoury, which hke the British Expeditionary Force had been deflnitely brought to a standstiU. Although Castehiau failed to roU up the German right as had been hoped, and thus to enable the Alhes' forces on the Aisne to advance, his intervention had within a short space of time in reality the effect of changing the main line of battle from one running east and west to one running north and south. This influence on the general situation was however gradual. Heavy fighting continued from time to time along the front that was in occupation of the British Expeditionary Force during the next ten days. The brunt of this however feU rather upon Sir D. Haig's and Sir H. Smith-Dorrien's troops than upon those of Pulteney, and in consequence of this the 6th Division, instead of remaining under the orders of its own corps commander, had to be distributed with the object of relieving or of assisting such units in the other two corps as had especially suffered or as were particularly heavily engaged. During the sedentary operations on the Aisne, Maude kept himself fit, in spite of heavy office work and of moving about "chiefly by motor, by, a run of a mile or so every moming. ' This continued inaction is very unsatisfactory,' he wrote home on the 2nd of October, ' for one feels that it is opposed to the true spirit in which war must be made, in order to bring about decisive results. Wide tuming movements as in South Africa are useful to manoeuvre an enemy out of a position, but they will never bring us nearer to the end of a campaign, which can only be effected by sledge-hammer blows against the enemy's field army. As it is, we seem to be losing our grip on the enemy here, whilst he is moving away available men to meet the French tuming movement. There is still hard fighting all along the front daily ; but we are merely on the passive defensive, and though we repel every attack handsomely we do not prevent them from detaching troops to the north. However there are indications that we may be on the move again before long, which is splendid. I should much Uke to get further forward, and feel one was doing more active work in con nection with the fighting.' 124 SIR STANLEY MAUDE The move very vaguely hinted at in the above quoted letter had in the case of the 2nd Corps actually begun on the pre vious night. Maude was careful to give no indications as to the nature of the delicate operation to which Sir J. French's army was being committed. The two commanders-in-chief had agreed that the British forces were to be extracted from their present position on the Aisne in the middle of the French host and were, together with some French troops, to be trans ported round to the north, so as to extend the front in the direction of Lille and beyond. This very important transfer of fighting resources was being undertaken, partly with the idea of outflanking the enemy, and partly with the object of establishing an army in an entirely new area which would be in a position to forestall and to confront any hostile effort that might be made to advance towards Calais and Boulogne, menacing the Straits of Dover. Both sides were, as a matter of fact, turning their attention simultaneously to the same point without either of them realising what the other was contemplating. But the result was to transfer the centre of strategical interest from the undulating, wooded country about the Aisne, to Flanders and to the low-lying country bordering on the western fringes of the French industrial and mining area of wliich Lille is the centre. In pursuance of the project, the 2nd Corps, which had been flghting in the middle of the British front, was quietly picked up out of the line by night, and its place was taken partly by troops of the 1st Corps on its right and partly by troops of the 3rd Corps on its left, these extending their flanks inwards so as to fill up the gap. The 2nd Corps moved off to the south west, and in due course it entrained for the north. Most of the cavalry started oft on the 2nd and 3rd, moving by march route in the same direction behind the French front. Then, on the night of the 6th-7th, the 3rd Corps was deftly with drawn out of front line and relieved by French troops. It moved south-westwards by road to the neighbourhood of Compi^gne and began entraining in that neighbourhood on the afternoon of the Sth. This operation, which was executed most successfully and without the enemy learning for some time what was actually afoot, threw very heavy work upon General Pulteney's staff. The orders necessarily dealt with a very complicated problem, the more so as during the struggle on ON STAFF OF 3RD CORPS IN FRANCE 125 the Aisne some units of the corps had become inconveniently intermingled with those of the 1st and 2nd Corps. ' After being a month here aU but four days,' Maude wrote on the Sth, ' we are off this afternoon to give the Germans a surprise in another direction, and as we shall be constantly on the move now you must not expect many letters. The troops, although the time has been a trying one in the trenches owing to constant shell fire, sniping and persistent attacks by the Germans, are in splendid fettle and capital spirits, and ready and anxious to take on the Germans in another direction. . . . The French did well yesterday and are very pleased with themselves to-day in consequence, so we start on the new phase under the best auspices.' Maude himself motored on ahead to St. Omer on the 10th. Most of the 3rd Corps were to detrain there and were to move up outside {i.e. on the left) of the 2nd Corps, which had already arrived in the new area and was pushing eastwards. Arrange ments had to be madje for the immediate distribution of the 3rd Corps on its detraining and for its subsequent advance. ' AU the people seem to be delighted at our arrival,' he wrote on the 11th, ' and I have had some very comphmentary remarks made to me about the men and their behaviour. One old lady said to me, " How can you possibly be anything except on the winning side with such troops as yours ! " . . . Antwerp, as you will see, has faUen and the Belgian Army has evacuated it. They did not try to defend it. Our 4th Corps, recently formed under Harry Raw linson, is covering their retirement, and we hope to get them away. I am glad in a way, although sorry for the Belgians, for there was great danger that some of our troops might have got locked up in the town, and that would have been the worst thing that could happen. It is of the greatest importance that all our field troops should keep the field and be available to manoeuvre and to fight according to circumstances. If they were to be shut up in a garrison it would probably be only a matter of time before they were captured and destroyed.' The view here expressed as to Antwerp would assuredly be endorsed by most soldiers. Maude would not seem to have been aware at the time that some British troops had actually been sent to the city, that a somewhat half-hearted attempt to defend it had been made instead of evacuating it in good time, and that the Anglo-Belgian troops concerned had suffered ap preciable losses and were perhaps fortunate in escaping at all. The infantry of the 3rd Corps began arriving at St. Omer by train on the 11th. The 2nd Corps, which had already 126 SIR STANLEY MAUDE moved a considerable distance in the direction of Lille, was in the meantime finding itself more and more strongly opposed, and it was making but slow progress ; the enemy forces in this northem area were apparently growing in num bers. The fall of Antwerp moreover seemed likely to liberate formidable German contingents which, it could safely be assumed, would hurry westwards and either try to prevent the junction of the retreating Belgian Army with the newly arrived 4th Corps, or else endeavour to intervene between the Allied forces that were now coming up from the south, and the 4th Corps and Belgian troops who were trying to form a junction with these. Orders for the infantry of the 3rd Corps to hurry forward and to come up in line with the 2nd Corps were therefore issued by Sir J. French, and arrangements were made to transport them from St. Omer by motor-bus — a plan which on this occasion did not prove an unquahfled success. ' Motor-buses rather a fiasco,' Maude wrote in his diary on the 13th. ' It was only a short march, that we could have done easily, but we waited for the buses according to orders and they were five to seven hours late, and consequently the advanced guard and mounted troops and first line transport moved at daybreak, but the two brigades of infantry moving by motors were not able to get there tiU 4 P.M., instead of 10 a.m. The first two brigades and the last two brigades had to start marching at 4 p.m. and were only picked up en route, except 1200 of the 10th and 900 of the 11th Brigades who were able to get away in motor-buses at 6 p.m. They all got scattered in the darkness, and were not able to rejoin the division until next moming. Luckily the enemy did not interfere.' This move was to near Hazebrouck, which Pulteney made his headquarters for the moment ; its position relative to St. Omer and to the region which was about to form the battle ground of the 3rd Corps is shown on the inset map on p. 127. Beyond Hazebrouck the corps was advancing on to the low- lying plains of Flanders, and it was to begin operating over a terrain very different to the chalk uplands which overlook the Aisne. There was sharp fighting on the 13th with somewhat inferior German forces, composed mainly of mounted troops but with infantry support ; these stuck obstinately to their groimd, as mist and fog interfered with the use of artiUery and made offensive operations difficult. But Meteren — a name to become very famiUar to the British Army during the next ON STAFF OF 3RD CORPS IN FRANCE 127 LA BASSEE— YPRES \ ^^t. Julien SCALE OF MILES \\l y^ /^ ? '. ? ^ 4 5 ypr|5 vf yy _-i^ %j^^ ^ OZilleb^^l^::;:;^^ Vi Gheluveldf^i:::;;^ '<^ /> yy WSt.EloA u 1. u 1 ^ -.^ // // VHollebeke •J» /7===^^I!^^La ^ 3^:::^: — j^--::::::^— ^j =^ ::^ Wulv Wytschaete \ ^^js ^Messlnes Xx/ rghem ,^^J^^ / T%-"J J L/ ^%.ik^ II ^.»^/^r\Armentieres £^^^ r^ ~>=^^^Estaires ¦'' ^ffunhirh \ ^*'*****'***"*~-,...^ _-*' \ \ ^p^ / •' J---*^ >\.Neuve WChapelle St,Omer\ / j ,,, , .^ ^_-:5===^^^icWebourg ^^ '''^**^ HqzebroucM^^^^ \\ y:^^ ^_\^ B i YS^.^r^pf^i'tneniieres 1 /y^ ''^'7ir^''^^^i::Z^::::P^ \lil^!p^ LA BASSEET (^ Vv S^^^'"''''^^ i^ ^^^^ 5ettwX^ *^« ^«ssee 128 SIR STANLEY MAUDE three years — ^was occupied, the combat continuing far into the night. Pulteney's divisions were constantly moving for ward during the next two days, Bailleul being taken on the 14th ; but progress was slow owing to the nature of the country and to the stubborn opposition offered by the hostile detach ments, which were as usual well supplied vnth machine guns, and Maude chafed at the deliberation of the advance across the flats towards the Lys, realising the importance of securing the passage of that sluggish stream. He felt sure that the enemy would not be striving so hard to maintain a hold of this ground with inferior forces, unless there was some definite object in view. The left of the corps reached the river near Estaires late at night on the ISth, and the Engineers at once started throwing bridges across. Some of the 1st Corps were passing through Hazebrouck at this time, and Maude had opportunities of meeting the 2nd and 3rd Coldstream and of exchanging notes with them. Part of the 4th Division and the 6th Division crossed the Lys during the 16th, and Armenti^res was occupied on the 17th ; the greater part of the 4th Division however worked along the left bank of the river, that being intended as its general line in the contemplated advance. Corps headquarters had re mained at Hazebrouck till the Tuesday, but were now pushed on to the little town of Bailleul, which, having been in German occupation, was in a semi-ruinous condition — pillaged ac cording to the usual practice of the brutal enemy. The 2nd Corps was advancing simultaneously on the right of the 3rd, but was separated from it by a gap which was partially filled up by French detachments. The 1st Corps was gradually detraining in rear and prepared to come up on the left, while communication had been established by the cavalry on the left with General Rawlinson's 4th Corps that was moving south wards from about Ostend and Bruges, beyond which again were the Belgians. But the whole of the front that was more or less in occupation of the British was much extended, and as they moved eastwards they were constantly meeting with more and more determined resistance ; for strong bodies of infantry were being hurried up to support the German mounted troops. The 3rd Corps continued to press slowly forward beyond the Lys from the 17th to the 20th, but by the latter day it ON STAFF OF 3RD CORPS IN FRANCE 129 found itself confronted by at least equal hostile forces and almost thrown on the defensive. ' Our line is very much strung out and we have no reserves, which reacts on the nerves of the troops,' Maude wrote in his diary. That day the 19th Brigade, which was helping to fill the interval between the 3rd and the 2nd Corps, was driven back by a resolute hostile attack, and a somewhat awkward gap was created ; but the situation was to a great extent retrieved during the night. Corps headquarters had been pushed forward from Bailleul to Armen- ti^res on the 19th ; but that town was constantly under shell fire, two of the staff were wounded on the 20th, and, somewhat to Maude's disappointment, Pulteney consequently decided to withdraw headquarters to Bailleul. The position, in so far as the 3rd Corps was concerned, had become for the time being one of stalemate, and all along the British front the enemy was showing up in strong force. Lord French states in his book that he abandoned all hope of an immediate offensive on the 21st. ' We have been having hard fighting for the last few days,' Maude wrote home on the 23rd, ' and we are still hard at it. The Germans are making a determined effort to roll us back, and have brought up every man that they can scrape together ; consequently we have our hands pretty full, but we are doing well and giving the enemy plenty of punishment whenever he attacks. But we have for the time to suspend the forward movement. The 18th, 20th and 21st were particularly heavy days for us and we had in our corps about 4000 casualties on the three days. To-day our 6th Division is being strongly attacked, but all is going well. . . . An officer from General Headquarters has just come in, 3 p.m., and has brought the news that I am to command the 14th Infantry Brigade. This will give me the rank of brigadier-general. Of course I am dehghted at getting so good a command and think myself very lucky, though naturally I wish it could have been one of the Guards Brigades. The Indian troops arrived up here yesterday, and will probably be in action in a day or two. They look very fit and weU, but the infantry do not hke the paved roads ; they hurt their feet.' Maude left to take command of the 14th Brigade that evening, and his connection with Pulteney's Corps thus came to an end, for the 14th Brigade formed part of the Sth Division in the 2nd Corps. ' His greatest asset in South Africa and afterwards in the European War,' writes Sir W. Pulteney, ' was the way he would see everything for him- I 130 SIR STANLEY MAUDE self where any doubt existed ; in fact he gave one so much confidence in this respect that it prevented one as a com mander from going oneself on §ome occasions.' Although he had spent less than two months as a pro minent member of the corps staff in the field, he had acquired much valuable experience during that strenuous period. The very fact that the 8rd Corps had been somewhat un lucky, first of all in being the last to take the field and after wards in being so long shorn of one of its divisions, had perhaps made actual staff work all the more difficult to carry out, and had caused the lessons to be learnt from it in some respects all the more valuable. In studjdng Maude's diaries and letters of these few weeks, certain of his qualities as a staff officer and as a soldier are made very apparent. As a staff officer he had the well-being of the inferior staffs and of the troops constantly in mind. He frequently complains of the late arrival of orders from above, not because of the inconvenience which this caused to himself and to his im mediate associates, but because of the still greater incon venience that it necessarily caused to divisional and brigade staffs to whom, after some unavoidable further delay, these orders had to be communicated. He attached great im portance to orders being issued with the utmost possible promptitude on all occasions, and was by no means tolerant of laxity in this respect. Still, in these matters he was merely voicing what are generally accepted principles (even if those principles are not always followed by their advocates in practice) ; he was giving expression to views that are not unusual in a highly-trained officer of wide and very varied experience, such as Maude was when he went to the front in 1914. But what is even more noticeable, alike in his diary and in the numerous letters that he managed to write home during this anxious time, is the unmistakable evidence that they afford of the qualities which make the natural leader of men, concealed though these were behind the mask of the genial, courteous, well-informed, capable, methodical administrator and office man. Maude's delight when orders came to hand that the army, which had day after day for nearly a fortnight been falUng back before the rising tide of German invasion, was to turn upon his pursuers, was shared by the whole force. ON STAFF OF 3RD CORPS IN FRANCE 131 But few belonging to it were perhaps more thoroughly dis contented than he when that force, after being brought up short on the Aisne, found the situation developing almost im perceptibly into sedentary warfare after its short sharp spell of exceedingly mobile operations. Then, when the British contingent came to be transported round to fresh fields and pastures new in the north, he was straining at the leash, im patient to press restlessly forward, bent on brushing the not very formidable opposition met with during the first two or three days unceremoniously aside if possible ; he realised that even if fighting meant losses at the moment, it would probably effect an important purpose and might perad venture save lives in the end. Even that small matter of the retirement of corps head quarters from Armenti^res to Bailleul illustrates the character of the man as a soldier in the field. From Bailleul to Armen- ti^res does not mean more than a quarter of an hour's run by motor. Dealing with delicate operations, solving problems on paper and wrestling with complicated administrative questions, can never be so easy a task when carried out under shell fire as when dealt with in quieter conditions. But the instincts of the fighter induced this member of an army corps staff to ignore the inconvenience involved, in his eagerness to be as near as possible to the thick of the fray. There are few officers whose hearts when the enemy is in the gate will not be glad dened by an intimation that they are to take up an active command. But, of the many gallant British soldiers who found themselves called upon to assume charge of brigades in the field between 1914 and 1918, not one probably received the news with greater pleasure than did Stanley Maude. CHAPTER VII IN COMMAND OF THE 14TH INFANTRY BRIGADE The 14th Brigade to which Maude had been appointed was, as it happened, one vnth which he was already familiar, for it formed part of the Sth Division which he had only left a few months before. It moreover happened to be the brigade that had been quartered at the Curragh when he was there. Sir C. Fergusson no longer commanded the division, although he had brought it out to France in August ; he had been promoted lieutenant-general in the meantime, and had been replaced by Major-General T. L. N. Morland. The division still formed part of the 2nd Corps under Sir H. Smith-Dorrien, and it was placed at the moment on the right of the British line, with the 3rd Division on its left. The 14th Brigade was the left brigade of the division, so that Maude's command was next to the 3rd Division, and it was at the time of his joining occupying trenches about Richebourg, a little to the north-west of La Bassee. The map ' La Bassee — Ypres ' on p. 127 illustrates the movements of the brigade while he was its chief. Maude motored over to take up command on the afternoon of the 23rd, and he reported himself on the way to Generals Smith-Dorrien and Morland at their respective headquarters, arriving at his own near Richebourg long after dark, and finding Lieut.-Colonel J. R. Longley of the East Surreys tem porarily in charge. The brigade at the moment consisted of the 2nd K.O.S.B., the 3rd Worcester, the 1st East Surrey, the 1st D.C.L.I., and the 2nd K.O.Y.L.I. Of these only the East Surreys and the D.C.L.I. properly formed part of it as it had originally arrived in France ; the 2nd Manchesters were temporarily detached. During his eight months in command Maude often had outside battalions temporarily under his orders, and was from time to time called upon to send off his own to be attached for the moment to other brigades ; but the battalions properly forming his brigade throughout were 132 IN COMMAND OF THE 14TH BRIGADE 133 the 1st Devons, besides the East Surreys, D.C.L.I., and Man chesters ; the Sth Cheshire was added in February 1915. He found that the strength of the flve battahons under him when he joined was 78 officers and 3209 other ranks ; so that his force was considerably below war establishment. Besides the five battalions, he had for the time being under his orders a brigade of field artillery, a field howitzer battery, a company of field engineers, and a field ambulance. Captain Dick- Cunyngham of the Gordons was brigade-major. ' Dirty headquarters in an estaminet,' he wrote in his diary next day, ' but there seems to be nothing better available, and it was under continuous shell fire all day, though luckily they never quite got the range. Plenty of Black Marias falling, and the road we walked up in the afternoon was strewed with fragments. Heavy attack in the moming on the 13th Brigade on our right, and in the evening and during the night on the 7th Infantry Brigade on Our left, but both repulsed.' The general situation at the Flanders end of the Western Front was at this time a singularly interesting one. The AlUes under Sir J. French and General Foch had been making a great effort to outflank their opponents, simultaneously with joining up with the Belgian Army coming from Antwerp ; but the associated chiefs had only just begun to realise the formidable strength of the forces gathering against them. Nor would the Germans appear to have been well posted in the dis position of the armies that were opposed to them in Flanders. In so far as the British Expeditionary Force was concerned, the 1st Corps, the 4th Corps (it only included at the moment the 7th Division), and the bulk of the cavalry, were still being pushed forward on the left; but the 2nd and 3rd Corps further to the south had already been brought to a standstill and they were holding entrenched positions along most of their front. The Indian Corps was coining up from the centre of France, and the (3rd) Lahore Division began to arrive at Estaires in rear of the 2nd and 3rd Corps on the 22nd. The Germans were about to make a determined effort to roll up the Allies' forces north of the Lys, while keeping those that were south of that river fully occupied. The position indeed was that either High Command had made plans for tuming the flank of the other, but that the Germans were in the stronger force of the two on the flank and that this had 134 SIR STANLEY MAUDE only been just discovered by Sir J. French and General Foch, The result was to bring about a great battle of encounter north of the Lys, in which the 1st Corps, the 7th Division and the cavalry, together with the French operating alongside of them, found themselves opposed to almost desperate odds while covering an unduly extended front. The furious affrays that ensued have by common consent been given the name of the First Battle of Ypres ; but determined combats were at the same time in progress south of the Lys, where the enemy also succeeded in gradually bringing somewhat superior forces to bear against the 2nd and 3rd Corps. Maude on taking over the 14th Brigade found himself involved in this struggle, his troops occupying awkward ground and under heavy artillery fire. On taking stock of his brigade and of its position, he found that it was suffering somewhat severe losses from the enemy's sheU, and that his men were very tired after nearly a fortnight of almost continuous fighting. They had been obliged to do a great deal of digging and had enjoyed very little sleep ; commanding officers, regimental officers, and rank and file were nevertheless all alike in good spirits and full of confidence. Realising that stationary operations were likely to be the order of the day in this region, he at once set to work to have ob stacles developed covering his front, to construct communica tion trenches (the importance of which he was one of the first to perceive), and to establish a system of supporting trenches with the object of permitting a larger proportion of the in fantry to be withdrawn from the actual front line. The character of the ground favoured concealment of small parties and sniping operations, and he found it difficult to reach the headquarters of his different battalions on his first day with the brigade, as the roads were under continuous rifie fire. ' Tried twice but unsuccessfully,' he wrote in his diary, and this experience confirmed him in his view that communication trenches were an absolute necessity in this kind of warfare ; it was a point that he always paid great attention to, not only as a brigadier but also later on as a divisional commander in the Gallipoli Peninsula and in Mesopotamia. The Germans kept delivering partial attacks for the next day or two against portions of the front occupied by the 3rd and 5th Divisions ; these were, however, generally re- IN COMMAND OF THE UTH BRIGADE 135 pulsed with no great difficulty and with loss to the enemy. But on the 27th the 3rd Division was heavily assailed by strong hostile forces, and was obliged to faU back at some points, the situation becoming so threatening that towards evening Maude was ordered to dehver a counter-attack with such troops of his own as he could employ, reinforced by other battahons from the Sth Division placed especiaUy under his command for the purpose. As this was practically the first occasion on wliich he had found himself in charge of a mixed body df troops undertaking a special operation of importance, his account of the action, which was written home four days later, may appropriately be quoted. The record in his diary goes into considerable detail, and it could not easily be foUowed without a plan : On the 27th the brigade on our left were driven out of a place caUed Neuve ChapeUe. I was given three and a half battahons additional to my own, and Sir Horace suggested that I should personally direct the attack, so I sent off one battahon at once to cover some ground, and hurried off the remaining two and a half battahons as soon as I could collect them. By the time however that we were all assembled and ready to commence the attack it was pitch dark, and no moon. The ground over which we were to attack was unknown to me and to the battalions with me. We had not been able to reconnoitre the positions of our troops and of the Germans beforehand, and the battalions that I had with me had been badly shaken by their losses during the last few days. Consequently I thought it would be more prudent to delay action till daylight. I therefore motored in to see General Morland, 5th Division, and General Mackenzie, 8rd Division, to represent the state of affairs, feehng that there was still time to dehver the attack before dayhght if they still so wished. However, they thoroughly agreed with my view, and Sir Horace told me next day that he was much reheved to hear that I had decided not to attack by night. The next day the attack was delivered and failed, so I don't know what woiUd have happened if we had gone forward by night. I commanded my mixed lot of battahons during the fight that day, in addition to my own regular command, and we had a very exciting day. For when the Indians were driven back I sent forward two battahons to stop the gap, and we successfuUy slack ened the German advance. It was an interesting day. The shell fire was terrific all the time. ' Only once did I see Joe Maude really rattled,' writes Lieut.- Colonel Dick-Cunyngham, the then brigade-major of the 14th Brigade, with regard to this affair, ' and that was soon after he took 136 SIR STANLEY MAUDE over command of the brigade, when we were fighting round Richebourg-L'Avoue at the end of October 1914. Our hnes had been heavily attacked and sheUed for many hours, and the Germans had captured Neuve Chapelle on our left during the evening. About 7 P.M. we got orders to make a counter-attack and retake the viUage, and certain troops were sent us from another brigade to carry out the counter-attack. When they arrived, one could see at once that they were not in a fit state to make the attack, and the circumstances under which the counter-attack had been ordered were moreover now completely altered. But Maude considered that an order was an order and had to be carried out. FinaUy he was persuaded to postpone the counter-attack and to make a personal report to the divisional commander.' Actually Maude with his special force was on the 28th attacking on the right, while other troops were endeavouring to retake Neuve Chapelle from in front. But the effort failed, and that village remained in the enemy's hands until it was captured in an important action four months later. On the night of the 29th-30th the 14th Brigade was relieved in front hne by the Garwhal Brigade of the (7th) Meerut Division which had been coming up from the south during the past two or three days. Its new commander was delighted with the behaviour and bearing of the officers and men over whom he had assumed command. The brigade had suffered heavily at Le Cateau and had been fighting hard in difficult country ever since arriving in the northern area from the Aisne ; but all ranks were in good heart. ' Troops very fit and cheery,' he wrote on the 31st, ' in spite of the severe work they have had. All four regiments have done splendidly and never budged an inch in the most trying circumstances.' The 31st of October and the 1st of November, it vdll be remembered, were especially critical days further to the north, where an attenuated Une of British infantry and cavalry, opposed to vastly superior numbers in front and to the south-west of Ypres, could barely hold their own. Only the rare grit and heroism of the troops, confidently handled under untoward conditions, prevented a disaster there which must have had far-reaching effects on the whole course of the war. The sound of incessant cannonade from that direction was heard where the 14th Brigade was, and all were aware that a desperate struggle must be in progress. The brigade now nominally formed a reserve to the Indian troops, and it was placed for the time being under their corps IN COMMAND OF THE 14TH BRIGADE 137 commander, Sir J. WiUcocks ; it had however to be constantly on the qui vive, as the enemy was particularly active just during those days, and the Indian Corps was at times hard pressed. Most of the rest of the Sth Division had gone some distance further back, and was resting in biUets. The differ ence in staff methods between those in vogue in the Indian forces and those to which Maude had been accustomed at home and with the original Expeditionary Force, gave rise to some inconvenience during the period that he found him self attached to General WiUcocks' corps, and, as it turned out, his battalions although they were supposed to be resting got very little rest. There was marching and counter marching, and eventually the brigade had to go back into the trenches as early as the night of the 7th-Sth of November in relief of the Sth Infantry Brigade. This was at a point somewhat further to the north than the old position which it had occupied south of Neuve Chapelle. It consisted now of the 1st Devons and 2nd Manchesters, besides the East Surreys and D.C.L.I. ' The part of the hne that we are holding now is as flat as the palm of one's hand,' Maude wrote home on the 10th, ' and so constantly fire swept, and it requires some skill (and luck) to get up to the firing hne, especially as one does not know quite when the outbursts of firing are going to begin. I hke to go up occasionally, as one learns exactly what commanding officers have got to say, and one gets into closer touch with the feehngs and the wants of the troops. I went up and saw all the battalions last night, but had to pick my time as the enemy had been shelhng us very hard aU day, and they had got the exact range of the road that I wanted to go by. But we managed to dodge them all right, and as a matter of fact the musketry up there was not so severe as usual last night. There is always a lot of sniping going on however, and we are bothered to a certain extent by German snipers who have crept behind our hnes and who are behind our hnes of trenches ; but I am having steps to have them stalked and shot and aU the battahons are on the qui vive for them.' Although the nature of the country rendered the construc tion of deep trenches very difficult where the Indians were, moderately good cover had been created by strenuous labour, and the line was fairly weU protected by barbed wire. On the night of the 14th-15th Maude's battahons were reheved by the newly arrived Sth Division, which properly belonged to the 4th Corps. The brigade was thereupon taken back 138 SIR STANLEY MAUDE into the Sth Division, and it again came under the orders of Sir H. Smith-Dorrien and General Morland. ' I think I am very lucky in getting such good regiments in my brigade,' Maude wrote on the 14th. ' They are all first rate, and I have every confidence in them. They are still weak — especially two of the battahons, 500 and 600 respectively — and the other two are each about 800 strong. This is owing to the heavy casualties we had about a fortnight ago, but I hope we shall soon get drafts to fUl up with. We have already had one or two, as a matter of fact, but expect more. Officers are a difficulty, but this is common to the whole army, for we have all lost heavily in officers ; and, with the best intentions in the world, it is impossible to produce trained officers (or men for the matter of that) with a few months' training. Discipline is everything in a war like this, and it is the regiments that have most disciphne that shine out above the others. But discipline, equally with training, cannot be acquired in a day, but must be the result of continuous gradual military education. But what we have lacked in peace time, owing to those who thought that they knew better than soldiers, has been compensated for as far as possible by the splendid work of the regimental officers and their men. Speaking mainly from what I have seen of my own brigade, no praise is too high for their conduct, tenacity, endurance and devotion to duty, and to my mind no reasonable amount of force brought against them will beat them.' His brigade only enjoyed one complete day's rest after quitting the Indian Corps and rejoining its own division, for on the night of the 16th-17th it was caUed upon to take over a stretch of front hne about Wulverghem, between Bailleul and Messines, from the 156th Regiment of the 39th French Division, which division had been holding the hne between the Indian Corps and the 3rd Corps. The rehef proved a lengthy and difficult business, as the advanced works were only about thirty yards from the German ones. The trenches were found to be shallow and imperfect, and much work had to be got through by night under close and harass ing musketry fire before they could be considered as giving adequate security. The brigade was joined on the 17th by the 1st Norfolks, which brought it up to a strength of five battalions. Maude also had under his orders for the time being a French battahon on the left, three British field batteries and one horse battery, also a French field battery. Wulverghem was in Belgian territory, and the roads on that side of the border were found to be much inferior to those on IN COMMAND OF THE 14TH BRIGADE 139 the French side. There was moreover a dearth of buildings and farms, which made adequate biUeting a great difficulty. The weather had turned much colder, and the troops were suffering serious discomfort in the trenches as the fuU sup- pUes of warm winter clothing for them had not yet arrived. Maude however set himself to overcome these difficulties by energetic action. Coke was available, and large quantities of this form of fuel were sent up to the troops in front hne, who succeeded in making braziers by various devices and thus turning it to account. Buildings were moreover transformed into bath-houses with the assistance of the Royal Engineers, and arrangements for warm water set on foot. That no time was to be lost in making full preparations for winter had indeed been shown by one or two cases of frostbite; but almost a superabundance of warm clothing came to hand after a few days. The Germans were mainly on the defensive in front of the brigade, and they contented themselves with shelUng the lines very heavily at times. The Prince of Wales, who had recently joined Sir J. French's staff and who was staying at Sir H. Smith-Dorrien's headquarters, paid brigade head quarters a visit on the 20th and again on the 25th. ' He was very anxious to go up with me to the front trenches,' Maude wrote home, ' but I told him it was impossible ' — ^His Royal Highness' eagerness to penetrate into zones where shells were dropping and bullets were flying, if he could manage it, caused senior officers frequent qualms at this time. Some additional battalions were attached to Maude's command at this juncture, so that he had altogether eight under his orders when the time came for his brigade to be relieved on the night of the 28th-29th. It moved back some four miles across the Franco-Belgian border and went into billets north of Bailleul. ' The men are in splendid spirits,' Maude wrote on the 80th, ¦ and very healthy considering all they have gone through. In fact in my brigade the " normal " sick as opposed to casualties are only about the same as on manoeuvres. I have been round two battahons to-day talking to the men and hearing their experiences ; they are all very keen to get on and to have another go at the Germans. The fighting has been spasmodic during the last few days. Every one is refitting and replacing casualties. But there has still been a good deal of sheUing and sniping, and in this brigade we have lost 150 killed and wounded, including five officers kiUed, during 140 SIR STANLEY MAUDE the week. There is a westerly wind blowing to-day, and for the first time for three months one is out of earshot of the cannonade ; it seems quite strange without it.' The King was paying the first of his many visits to his troops on the Western Front while the 14th Brigade was back in billets on this occasion, resting, and on the 3rd of December His Majesty inspected Maude's force. ' Parade for King at 2.40 p.m.,' Maude wrote in his diary. ' All went well. Received him with Royal Salute, troops on parade and keeping ground taking the word from me. Gave them a short practice beforehand just to brush them up. King asked me how long I had been out and what I had been doing previous to getting brigade. Said he was so glad I had got one. Asked for my arm and took me on box of his motor car till we got to end of my com mand. Gave three cheers for King after parade and another Royal Salute, aU by my word of command. Prince of Wales also present, and D.C.L.I. gave three cheers for Duke of Cornwall.' Although the 14th Brigade was performing excellent service and had full confidence in its leader, Maude would not seem to have in all respects shown himself to be an easy man for his ptaff to work with at this time, or to have quite carried the commanding officers serving under him with him in all that he did. He had a wonderful insight into every kind of adminis trative detail, and he went most carefully into the minutest points connected with the feeding and the comfort of the troops, greatly to their advantage in many cases. But he had his own ideas of what a man could do in a day's work: — and they were large ideas. Most of his commanding officers were of opinion that the men were being overworked ; but he never changed his mind, and he graduaUy trained the rank and file to get accustomed to very long hours. Always fit himself and a strong man of fine physique, he perhaps hardly made sufficient aUowances for others not possessing to the fuU those advantages. 'He was about the most systematic man I have ever met, and was known in the brigade as " Systematic Joe," ' writes Lieut.-Colonel Dick-Cunyngham ; ' he got up at the same hour and did everything at the same time every day of the week, and hated doing anything that upset his usual daily routine. Before he took over the brigade I was doing staff officer's work —writing aU orders, etc., thinking ahead, and putting the tactical situation before my brigadier. But when Joe Maude arrived I was no longer allowed to do this, and I naturally at first resented it. IN COMMAND OF THE 14TH BRIGADE 141 On one occasion indeed I had a row with him and told him I was not his staff officer, but merely his clerk. His dictation of orders and messages every day was a tiresome business ; they were long, often contained repetitions, and entailed an enormous amount of work on the Signal Section. It took me over two months to get him to condense his daily order into fewer hnes, with a "working- party table." It used to be quite a joke in the brigade when I was found fast asleep at my desk, trying to write at his dictation. Yet, although there may have been times when one felt that to serve on Maude's staff was not altogether pleasant, we got by de grees to know his ways, and I think that I am right in saying that when he left the brigade for home every one was sorry to lose him.' As has been mentioned at the end of the previous chapter, Maude attached great importance to the early issue of orders, in the interests of inferior staffs and of the units concerned. In that respect he was considerate and the troops affected benefited thereby. But promptitude in this respect is not the only point to be borne in mind. Conciseness is of almost equal importance. On active service orders and messages have to be transmitted by various means to their destination, the transaction necessarily involving labour in some quarter ; they have then to be copied by officers or clerks, working often under great difficulties ; and then every superfluous word becomes a nuisance. It is much easier for a person dictating to dictate a long message, than it is to dictate a short message which says the same thing. It is those who have to take the message down, those who have to transmit it, and those who may have to copy it, or parts of it, away out in the dug-outs, who suffer from any redundancy. The 14th Brigade went back to the front during the 4th and Sth of December, changing places with the 13tli Brigade which had relieved it less than a week before, and occupying nearly the same ground as before, with headquarters at Neuve Eglise, A Territorial battalion, the Queen Victoria's Rifles, one of the first of such units to arrive in the theatre of war, joined the brigade, mainly for training purposes and as a temporary measure, on the 4th. The return to the trenches on this occasion took place in particularly inclement and trying weather. There were torrents of rain and sleet, the cold was extreme, and as a result of the deluge the trenches were floodedfand afterwardsjproved most difficult to drain. Their sides moreover kept falling in. Maude started working 142 SIR STANLEY MAUDE parties to cut up brushwood and to make fascines for flooring the excavations and for revetting them where necessary, and the situation was graduaUy improved ; but Ufe in the trenches was becoming very trying. He moreover insisted upon a great development in respect to elaborating communication trenches and supporting trenches, as he reahsed the importance of being in a position to mass considerable bodies of infantry close up to the firing line in case of emergency, alike for purposes of defence and for purposes of offence. The enemy in front of the 14th Brigade, as also of the 3rd Division on its left, enjoyed, it should be observed, aU the advantage of ground ; all the higher portions of the Messines-Wytschaete-HoUebeke ridge were in hostile possession, so that the British were more or less dominated and overlooked by the opposing side. The Germans moreover were very strongly entrenched, their whole front was well protected by elaborate wire entanglements, and the high ground provided them with good artillery ob servation stations. It was also easier for them to drain their trenches than it was for the British troops to do so, owing to the general lie of the ground. ' Last night too the weather was very bad,' Maude wrote home on the Sth ; ' floods of rain, and you would have laughed to see me com ing back from the trenches, slipping and sliding about in the slush — which was nearly up to one's Imees in some places — tumbling into ditches and shell holes filled with water, for it was pitch black and one could not see five yards ahead. I took one header into a ditch and came out in a state somewhat similar to that after my bath when I was out with the Kildares last year, though not quite so bad ; and the excitement was intensified at one point by a sniper putting a bullet between my brigade-major — who was walking just in front of me — and myself. Of course it was only a chance shot, as he could not possibly see us.' The enemy was comparatively quiescent during the first few days that the brigade was back at the front, and on the 14th somewhat important offensive operations were started on our side. It had been arranged with the French that an attack should be delivered by the 3rd Division, acting in close co-operation with the 32nd and 16th French Corps on its left, against the uplands about Wytschaete and HoUebeke. The result of the heavy fighting of the latter part of October and the early days of November in the region to the north of where the 14th Brigade now was, had been to give the enemy IN COMMAND OF THE 14TH BRIGADE 143 possession of the highest ground round practically three sides of Ypres. Wytschaete, due south of the place and less than five miles from it, enabled the Germans to command the approaches to the town with artillery fire very effectively, and the capture of that village was therefore particularly desirable. The project was that, so soon as the 3rd Division and the French should have accomplished their purpose, Maude on their right would advance against Messines, which lay two miles south of Wytschaete ; but in the first instance he was merely to demonstrate and to keep the enemy immedi ately in front of him occupied. Suggestions were made that some of his troops should attempt minor local attacks on particular stretches of hostile trench, besides demonstrating ; but he was opposed to such spasmodic ventures. The offensive actually began on the 14th, and on that day and the following three days Maude and his staff proceeded before daybreak to a small farm well forward, from which a good view was obtainable. The operation however only pro duced minor successes, and merely enabled the line held by the 3rd Division to be slightly advanced. The high ground was not captured, and the French on the left of the 3rd Division made scarcely any way at all. Fighting went on for four days and then gradually petered out, the German entrenchments and entanglements proving too strong to be broken through without a much heavier artillery bombardment than was practicable. Maude's share in the proceedings was therefore confined to maintaining a vigorous artillery fire, while his battalions expended a large amount of ammunition with their rifles and machine guns — about half a million rounds on the first two days ; he did not altogether like these tactical methods ; they taught the infantry to fire without aiming, seeing that their task was merely to keep sweeping the ground in front of them with bullets. "The 14th Brigade was reheved on the 17th, and it went back into billets in rear for a rest, ' One of the saddest parts of my day is my daily visit to hospital,' Maude wrote on the 20th. ' I have just been to see a very sad case. One of my officers was wounded three days ago, being shot through the neck and spinal cord, so he was paralysed below the neck. He was however wonderfuUy cheery, although he could scarcely speak, and seemed such a nice fellow. He cannot Uve long, they tell me. We have wounded varying from ten to fifty a day, and in addi- 144 SIR STANLEY MAUDE tion twenty sick. I cannot bear seeing the wounded, I don't know why ; but they always seem glad to see one and to be spoken to. The men are wonderfully cheery in spite of their hardships. The other day I met a man in the Manchesters being carried to hospital with his foot bound up, so asked him what was the matter. He said " Rheumatism." I said " Nonsense, you 've got gout. You 've been drinking too much in the trenches." " Yes," he rephed, " there was plenty of water there," and roared with laughter. They are most amusing, and I hke talking to them quietly at times. Then there is the other side of the picture, when I have to jump down their throats for being slack. I have got some footballs for them, and we are having great games whilst here during these four days. They are playing league matches, which should last a long time judging by the few occasions we have for playing.' Maude not only made it a practice to visit hospital daily if he possibly could manage it, but he also invariably attended . the funeral of any one of his officers who was killed or died of wounds within reach ; he moreover often attended the funerals of non-commissioned officers and men when he was not too occupied. The brigade went back into the trenches again on the 23rd, and was therefore in them during Christmas time, the line taken up being somewhat further to the south than the section which had been in its occupation a few days before. The trenches were found to be in very bad condition owing to the wet, and, as it proved almost impossible to improve them, Maude decided to have entirely new trenches dug along certain stretches of the front by night in advance of the previous firing line. This work was skilfully and successfully carried out at most points, and without the enemy being aware of what was in progress till it was completed. Some very noteworthy changes in the organisation of the British troops were carried out at the end of the year, and ought to be recorded. The Expeditionary Force was reconstituted as two armies, the First Army under Sir Douglas Haig, and the Second Army under Sir H. Smith-Dorrien ; Sir Horace was succeeded in command of the 2nd Corps by the late head of the Sth Division, Sir C. Fergusson, so that Maude found himself again under his old chief of the Curragh period. The intention was that the Second Army, which was constituted out of the 2nd, 3rd, and Sth Corps, should be on the left, and the First Army should be on the right. The Sth Corps was being formed from the 27th and 28th Divisions, which had been organised in England out of battahons and batteries . IN COMMAND OF THE 14TH BRIGADE 146 brought home from far distant foreign garrisons. Major- General J. R. Longley, who had been commanding officer of the East Surrey since the beginning, left the 14th Brigade about this time to take up command of a brigade himself, and his views with regard to Maude as a chief may be recorded here : I was only about two months in the 14th Brigade after he took it over before passing on to a brigade command, but that was more than long enough to realise his powers of leadership. He was not altogether a stranger to us, having been previously G.S.O. to the 5th Division v/hen my battahon first joined it in 1912. We all appreciated our good fortune in having a man like him as our brigade commander. All ranks had the utmost confidence in him, and felt that all would be well in the brigade with ' Joey ' at their head. Time only served to strengthen the esteem and confidence in which he was held by his brigade, and I am sure that there was a general feeling of personal loss when he left it on promotion. Maude's brigade went back out of the line to rest for a few days at Bailleul immediately after the New Year, and re turned to the trenches on the 10th in a somewhat different sector from that left a week earlier. They were in very bad order owing to the wet, and much labour was necessary to make them more habitable and reasonably secure. General Morland, who used to visit Brigade Headquarters daily, sug gested shortly afterwards that it might be better if Maude were to take over his present position in the front permanently, and if the plan of frequent reliefs were to come to an end — a proposal entirely to Maude's taste, as he felt sure that his battalions would work even better than they had been doing under such conditions. The troops were having a trying time owing to the incessant wet weather and were suffering con siderable hardship in consequence, and this somewhat in creased the numbers on the sick list, which was a matter that always caused the brigadier concern. The enemy, on the other hand, was shovidng little activity except with artillery ; but the German guns and howitzers were very lively from time to time, and caused appreciable losses ; the village of Neuve Eglise where the Brigade Headquarters was fixed was often shelled violently. ' Shelling greatly due to stupidity of men who will stand and gape at aeroplanes,' Maude wrote in his diary in some irritation K 146 SIR STANLEY MAUDE on the 29th of January. ' On the last two occasions when we have been shelled I warned every one that in consequence of this stupidity we were certain to be sheUed, and on each occasion my prophecy came true.' A week later, on the 6th of February, occurs this entry: 'Thirty- one years' service, but don't feel hke it. What an eventful Ufe to look back upon, and how interesting.' Writing home on the 7th, he remarked : ' Nothing very exciting going on here. They have taken to shelling us pretty regularly two or three times a day in our headquarters, but for so far they have not done any very good shooting, and it is only occasionally that they get a lucky shell in. However, directly they begin to shell us, I tum all my guns on to Messines, which is the corre sponding village opposite, so I suspect we do them much more harm than they do us. Our trenches are getting on splendidly. I have about 1400 or 1500 men working at them each night, building up and repairing traverses, shoreing and revetting them, bahng them out, and draining and making shelters for the men. They work splendidly, all four battalions, and it is so satisfactory to see the progress each time one goes round. The whole line is three or four times as strong as it was when we took it over, and we have no fears if we are attacked in anything like reasonable numbers. I don't think much of the lot we have got opposite to us, as it is impossible to stir them into any sort of activity. A few days ago we bombarded them from trench mortars, then for two nights we turned machine guns on to their working parties, and last night we pelted them with rifle grenades from our nearest trenches. But none of these "insults" seemed to stir them up to any response. In fact, they seemed to be afraid to take any sort of aggressive action.' In respect to the shelling of Maude's headquarters, it may be observed that both the corps commander and the divi sional commander considered its position to be somewhat unduly exposed, and that they made representations to him on the subject. But he was unwilling to make a change, and he was a man who was not easily influenced in a matter of this kind once he had made up his mind. ' It is scarcely right for a brigadier to be always moving about from place to place, when the men have to stop where they are,' he remarks in his diary. But under instructions from the corps commander. General Morland early in March insisted on the headquarters being moved out of Neuve Eglise.^ The early days of the month of February passed quietly ' 'He scored off me by moving up nearly a mile closer to the front,' writes Sir C. Fergusson. IN COMMAND OF THE 14TH BRIGADE 147 in the region where the 14th Brigade was located. In the middle of the month Maude heard privately from his friend General Lambton, who was Sir J. French's Military Secretary, that it was proposed to appoint him Brigadier-General on the General Staff in the Oth Corps, which was about to be formed, and he was greatly put out by the news. ' Terrible blow,' he wrote in his diary, ' as I love my brigade, and the work is astonishingly interesting. Besides, one feels that one is doing some fighting here, whereas back with a corps one might as well be in England.' A few days later he heard that he had been mentioned a second time in despatches and that he had been awarded the C.B. The project of transferring him from his brigade to the staff eventually fell through — possibly because he did not conceal his preference for remaining where he was from Lambton, and also because Generals Fergusson and Morland were both very anxious to keep him. It had been decided at General Headquarters that an important offensive was to be carried out by the First Army in the region of Neuve Chapelle (where the 14th Brigade had been located when Maude took it over in October), and with the object of assisting this operation indirectly the 2nd Corps had been instructed to be aggressive for the time being. Maude gave his brigade directions accordingly on the Oth, explaining that the action of battalions was to be limited to organised sniping, machine gun fire, rifle and hand grenade activity, sapping, and trying to capture enemy patrols and to destroy the German vdre entanglements. He was par ticularly pleased with the work done in these directions on the following night, and especially mentions the skill and dash of two young officers in his diary. He was always very careful to recognise good service and to send his congratula tions to those concerned when any small success was achieved; when writing home on the 3rd he had expressed unbounded pleasure at seeing that his battalions had received a fair share of rewards in a recent Honours Gazette. The assistance afforded to the First Army by the 2nd Corps took a more active form on the 12th, for on that day the 3rd Division, alongside the Sth, delivered an attack, and Maude's guns gave what support they could ; the operation was not successful in itself, but it no doubt served the purpose of holding the enemy and of preventing any hostile reinforcements being 148 SIR STANLEY MAUDE sent south towards Neuve Chapelle. The attack of the First Army, although it had achieved a considerable measure of success, had not led to the complete rupture of the German front which had been hoped for, although a dent had been made in it ; and the latter part of February was unmarked by any iiicident worthy of note. Rumours reached Maude several times during the early part of March that his brigade was going to be moved north nearer to Ypres, and these reports proved to be true in a measure ; but as it turned out the move, which was made on the 24th, was only to about Kemmel, situated six miles north of Neuve Eglise. ' Very sad that we shall lose our trenches on which we have spent so much trouble and labour, and had hoped that, till the advance came, we might retain them,' Maude had written in his diary on the 19th. ' But it is the fortune of war and we must take the rough with the smooth. I fancy that those we are going to are not nearly as good as these, but luckily I have made a private hoard of sandbags, as I know that stores will be the difficulty, and I have from 15,000 to 20,000 ready to hand. The only difficulty will be to transport them.' He was much gratified after the change at receiving a message from General Pulteney, commanding the 3rd Corps (one of whose brigades had taken over the 14th Brigade trenches), that for the first time in the campaign the corps had no complaint to make on taking over other people's trenches. On the other hand, he found much work to be neces sary in the sector taken over, and as the sniping at night was heavy it made any development and improvement of the trenches difficult at first. He always paid great attention to the work of the batteries that happened to be from time to time attached to his brigade, so as to ensure immediate co operation between the guns and the infantry in case of emer gency, and so as to counter hostile shell fire promptly should tliis suddenly become troublesome. The shortage of artillery ammunition was however making itself much felt at this time, and the gunners were consequently working under consider able difficulties. Maude had seven batteries under him in his new position, but they were all field or horse artillery units, and as they were only provided with shrapnel they were of little use for battering the enemy trenches ; he however occasion- IN COMMAND OF THE 14TH BRIGADE 149 aUy succeeded in getting some of the heavy guns which were not under his orders turned on to these. Another move was however in prospect, for Maude was told on the 1st of April that his brigade was to be transferred to a position stUl further to the north, near St. Eloi, and a day or two later he learnt that he was to occupy this new sector more or less permanently, as had been the case at Neuve Eglise — an arrangement that he entirely approved of. The brigade in the meantime went back for a few days into billets ; but it moved into its new trenches on the night of the 8th-9th. These Maude regarded as very far from perfect, and he im mediately concerted means for substantially strengthening and elaborating them with the Engineers. Then, in his diary for the 12th, the following entry occurs : Back for a hurried dinner and then down to trenches again with brigade-major and Fleming. Started at 28 and went along to 23, which is the right of my hne. Wanted especially to see machine-gun positions. Twenty-eight is a curious trench, a series of bastions with nothing between. All trenches were badly deficient of parados, and many of traverses. Bullets seemed to come from every direction and we have quite a few casualties. However the men are working splendidly and we shall soon make the trenches better. On the way back got hit by a stray bullet, which went through my right arm and into my right side, finally lodging close to my spine, pointing upwards. Walked on as far as the East Surrey's dressing station, whence I was carried down on a stretcher to Lankhof Chateau. Here an ambulance met me and I was taken to 14th Field Ambulance at Ypres. Inoculated against tetanus and put to bed, having first sent a note to Charlie Fergusson asking him to wire to Eric to let him know that I had been hit. Could not sleep. He was anxious to remain in the war area and not go home, and next day he had visits from Generals Fergusson and Morland, who were extremely sorry to lose his services even for a short time. He also received a note by special messenger from General Smith-Dorrien, scribbled in pencil and running as follows : I am indeed most deeply distressed to hear you have been wounded. I am told it is not serious, but even comparatively shght wounds take a long time to heal, and all that time you, than whom there isn't a more valuable brigade commander in the army, are lost to the cause. B will teU you how a heavy one day cold prevents my coining to see you personaUy. I cannot 150 SIR STANLEY MAUDE thank you sufficiently for aU you have done and for the grand example you have set others. May you soon recover. He was strongly advised by the many friends who came to see him to go back to England ; there was doubt as to whether the bullet was still in his body (as he believed himself), and the first attempt with the X-rays at Ypres was a failure. His diary suggests that he was not in all respects a very amenable patient on the subject of whether he was to be sent home or not. It had been the same when he met vrith the accident on the day of Driefontein in South Africa, at which time the medi cal officers had failed to keep him as long in hospital as they thought desirable in view of the serious injuries he had re ceived — with the result that his shoulder was a trouble to him ever afterwards. Holding the strong views that he did on the subject of disciphne, his attitude in this matter is worthy of note, for it illustrates one side of his character. He knew that his services at the head of his brigade were of real value to the country, and that the regret expressed on all hands at his mishap was very genuine. He would have been more than human had he not been influenced to some extent by fear of losing his command if he quitted the war zone. Still, he was too experienced a soldier not to be well aware that an officer on the sick hst is under the orders of the doctors, and he event ually saw himself that it would be better for him to proceed home. He was moved to Boulogne first, where he was again X-rayed and where the exact position of the bullet was ascer tained. On the 17th he crossed the Channel, and on reaching London he found himself noted to go to Lady Ridley's Hospital in Carlton House Terrace, where his family at once came to see him. There never was any question of an attempt to extract the bullet, which in the future did not cause him much annoy ance ; but the wound took more than three weeks to heal, although within a very few days he was able to walk about a little and to do business in London. He was in a state of considerable anxiety lest he should lose his brigade, and he wrote to Sir H. Smith-Dorrien and to Generals Fergusson and Morland on the subject, undertaking that he would be back on the 2nd of May. It should be recorded here that while Maude was away from his brigade in England, the distinguished leader of the Second Army, who had been associated vrith the 5th Division and the IN COMMAND OF THE 14TH BRIGADE 151 14th Brigade from the beginning, first in the capacity of their corps commander during the critical days of the great retreat from Mons, during the advance across the Marne and the struggle on the Aisne, and during the anxious November and December period on the Flanders border, and who had then remained associated with them as their Army Chief since the opening days of 1915, rehnquished charge of the northern half of the British line and returned to England. The high opinion which Sir H. Smith-Dorrien had formed of the capacity of the brigadier of the 14th Brigade, as displayed during the previous six months, is expressed as follows in a letter written by him from Gibraltar in April 1919 : He took over command of a brigade in October 1914, and I soon discovered that I had got a brigadier of exceptional grasp, energy, and personality. He joined his brigade at a time when prospects were far from bright. The brigade had been fighting incessantly from the commencement of the campaign, at Mons, Le Cateau, the Aisne, and on the La Bass6e- Ypres front, their casualties had been enormous, they were far below strength, and in them were few representatives of the original units which had started from England. The weather was past description — torrents of rain daily — and to construct habitable trenches was almost im possible ; and yet, excepting a few days behind the Une occasion ally owing to lack of reserves, he found his battahons day after day and night after night in close contact with the enemy. Maude's untiring, cheerful nature and soldierly intuition at once infused new hfe into the brigade, and the latter, reahsing that he was a bom commander who never thought of sparing himself, quickly gave him their whole confidence and affection. The last entry in my diary when I was commanding the Second Army in France, referring to Maude, sums up fairly well my appreciation of him : 18th April 1915. — One of my best brigadiers was wounded in the trenches last night — Brig.-General Maude. He makes hght of his wound, as any one who knows him would expect. He has gone off to Boulogne to-day, and I have just heard that the bullet is still in and that they are senduig him to England. I hope that he may soon recover and come back to us, as he is an extra ordinarily valuable man. As it happened, there was severe fighting about Ypres in the latter half of April. The famous ,' HiU 60,' near St. Eloi, was captured on the 18th, and it was two or three days after this that the Germans delivered their great gas attack further north about St. Julien, drove the Entente forces back some 152 SIR STANLEY MAUDE distance, and created a critical situation for the moment. On the 25th Maude heard from Fergusson that the East Surreys of his brigade had taken part in the assault on Hill 60 and ' had done magnificently,' but had unfortunately suffered many casualties and lost both their commanding officer and their adjutant. The knowledge that fighting of this exciting character was in progress made Maude all the more anxious to get back to France, but he had been reassured as to retaining command of the brigade provided he was back reasonably soon. He went to Buckingham Palace on the 1st of May to receive the C.B. from the King, and on the 3rd he returned to the front, sleeping that night in hospital at Boulogne. Next day he motored back to St. Eloi, visiting General Headquarters, Corps Headquarters and Divisional Headquarters on the way, and not arriving until late to take over charge from Colonel G. Thesiger, who had been placed in temporary command of the brigade while he was away. (Colonel Thesiger was killed when commanding a division at Loos some months later.) He found himself at once in the very thick of severe fighting. The 27th and 28th Divisions on the left of the 5th Division had just been skilfully withdrawn some distance, reducing thp acuteness of the Ypres salient, part of which had been rendered almost untenable as a consequence of the German attack of a few days before. The enemy on discovering this retirement had become very active, and was now inclined to press forward all round Ypres. ' Found everything just as I left it,' Maude wrote home on the 6th. ' My Devons, who had been on Hill 60 for fifteen days, having been lent to the 15th Infantry Brigade, . were just coming off the hill and were relieved by the Duke of Wellington's belonging to the 13th Infantry Brigade. They had hardly left the hill four hours when the Germans turned gas on to the Duke of Wellington's and rushed the hill, capturing it and two other trenches. So all yesterday the 13th and 15th Infantry Brigades were busy organis ing a counter-attack to recapture the hiU, which was to take place at 10 P.M. It was a magnificent sight to watch, as my head quarters are within full view and within one and a half miles of Hill 60. For twenty minutes the artillery, rained shells on to the small suminit of the hill, and the bursting of the sheUs at fifty or sixty a minute simply lit up the countryside. The attack was successful ; but the enemy counter-attacked and retook the hill and they are now in possession of it and of two trenches to the north of it. The East Surreys and Devons of my brigade have done splendidly, Brig. General F S. MAUDE, C.B., C.M.G. In Hospital, Carltcn House Terrace. (April 1915. IN COMMAND OF THE UTH BRIGADE 153 and the Germans were not able to tum them off HiU 60 for eighteen days. Everyone says that they have been magnificent, and I am trying to get two V.C.'s amongst other things for the East Surreys. The Devons also did splendidly and, when the Dorsets were badly gassed and had only about half a dozen men left standing up, pushed up their companies and by their promptitude saved the situation. Several of them have been specially mentioned for decorations also. Yesterday and to-day we have had a perfect hurricane of shells passing over our headquarters, but luckily none of them were aimed at our farm, which is fairly weU concealed now that the leaf is coming out.' There was heavy fighting on the Sth and 9th north of where the 14th Brigade was posted, the 27th and 28th Divisions being assailed with great determination by formidable hostile forces ; but although some ground was lost these attacks were beaten back at almost all points. The whole situation near Ypres was however causing anxiety to General and Army Head quarters, and the question of retiring the Sth Division to a rearward position was under consideration, a plan to which Maude was strongly opposed. An elaborate offensive was being carried out by the First Army further south at this time, in conjunction with some French corps still further south ; but these operations proved to be a failure for all practical purposes, the First Army suffering heavy losses without gaining any commensurate advantage, and after a few days activity was relaxed by both sides almost along the entire front. Maude had been recommended not to walk much, as his wound was not yet quite healed, but on the 10th he never theless made a tour round his trenches, and he was much pleased at the good work that had been done and that was being done by the D.C.L.I., Manchesters and East Surreys, who were at the time occupying them ; a good deal of attention was be ginning to be given to mining by both sides at this time, in which the British troops developed, gratifying skill and dis played marked enterprise. In the diary and letters home there are, on the other hand, frequent references to lack of artillery ammunition and to the British being out-gunned. ' Germans have suffered enormously, and I think we have frightened them a bit ; where they score is in their artillery, as their guns are heavier and they have more ammunition. But when we cross bayonets there is only one in it and our men know that 154 SIR STANLEY MAUDE well and are full of confidence. . . . The country is only just beginning to realise the class of war we are engaged on. We certainly are not a nation of soldiers. Everything that the Germans do is perfect from the soldiering point of view and as regards organisation, whereas we are all unorganised and haphazard about everything and muddle along as best we can.' On the 28th the Germans attacked the 28th Division with gas which, as the wind was blowing from the north, came down upon the 14th Brigade, reaching Maude's headquarters where the staff were affected in spite of having on their masks. Reinforcements were hurried up to assist the 28th Division, and the assailants were eventually beaten oft with loss ; but there were many casualties on the British side and a number of men in the 14th Brigade suffered from the effects of the gas. The question of retiring to a line further back was still under consideration, although the brigadiers and troops alike were entirely against such a move. ' I cannot say how strongly I feel about the policy of always looking over the shoulder,' Maude wrote in the diary on the 29th. Leave for officers, which had been closed for some weeks, was now reopened, as a period of comparative tranquillity was anticipated in high places. ' We are a truly marvellous nation,' Maude wrote on hearing this. ' Here we are in the midst of a summer campaign, where every one ought to be straining every nerve to bring matters to a successful issue before the winter wet and cold set in again, and we simply sit down day after day and do nothing. Lack of fighting material is of course the cause ; but what a terrible record of bunghng and maladministration, and what needless loss of Ufe has, and will, come of it. No doubt the guilty parties will be whitewashed in due course, as usually happens.' On the 4th of June General Morland went home for a week's leave and Maude took over command of the Sth Division in his absence ; but he remained at his Brigade Headquarters, motoring over to Divisional Headquarters daily to sign papers, etc. June proved to be a quiet month for the Sth Division ; and, as the trenches occupied by the 14th Brigade were now very complete, the work for all concerned proved lighter than it had been for months. Still, in spite of the good cover now provided, the brigade continued to suffer a number of casualties from the enemy sheU at times. There was also a good deal of IN COMMAND OF THE 14TH BRIGADE 155 mining activity during these weeks, and one or two scares occurred owing to reports that the enemy was about to blow trenches up ; but neither side was at this time carrying out such operations to the extent and on the ambitious scale that they did on the Western Front at a somewhat later date. Maude's career in this theatre of war was however coming to an end, for on the 22nd he heard from General Lambton that he was to have command of one of the New Army divisions being organised in England, and that he was to go home at once. ' Although I am naturally delighted at my advancement in my profession,' he wrote in the diary, ' I feel sad, first at going home even for two months, although Billy tells me my division will come out then, and secondly at leaving this splendid brigade, which has been so magnificent throughout. It has been the finest command that I could ever wish for.' On the 24th and 25th he went round bidding good-bye to his battalions in the trenches, and on the latter day learnt that he had been promoted major-general in the Honours Gazette. His successor, Lieut.-Colonel C. W. Compton of the Somersets, did not however arrive until the 27th. On that day he gave up command of the 14th Brigade, after having been in charge of it for eight months. He went round the units that were in reserve in the afternoon, and made short speeches to each, being loudly cheered by officers and men, and he then motored to Bailleul to spend the night with General Fergusson. Next day he motored to General Headquarters and on to Boulogne, arriving in London in the evening and going on to Watford at once. On the day of his quitting his brigade he had issued the following farewell order : In relinquishing command of the brigade on appointment to command a division, the Major-General Commanding wishes to express to his Staff, and to Commanding Offlcers, Warrant Offlcers, N.C. Officers and men, his warm appreciation of the wholehearted and loyal support which he has invariably received from all ranks during the eight months that he has been in command. It will always be to him a source of pride and pleasure to look back to his association with the five splendid regiments belonging to the brigade, which already bear historic names for gallantry on many a hard fought field, and whose reputation has been so signally enhanced during this campaign, not only by heroism in battle, but also by grit, determination and sheer hard work during the winter of exceptional severity and discomfort, and by their general smartness and efficiency in billets and bivouacs. 156 SIR STANLEY MAUDE He feels confident that the grand fighting spirit existing in the brigade will carry it triumphantly over all obstacles and enable it to emerge at the close of the war with a record second to none, and with additional laurels entwined round the names of the five regiments composing it. It is with a sad heart that he severs connection with his old friends, but although separated from them he vrill still foUow their doings with the keenest interest and will wish them one and all from day to day, health, happiness and success, and ultimately a safe and victorious retum to those who are near and dear to them. During the eight months which Maude had spent at the head of the 14th Brigade in the field he had acquired much valuable experience, and he had been provided with ample opportunities of proving what a resolute soldier he was. It is true that, with the exception of the critical operations about Neuve Chapelle immediately after he took up command, he had enjoyed scarcely any opportunities of handling troops actually in attack, or in conducting operations in the open field. He indeed came upon the scene as a leader almost at the very juncture when the effort on the part of the British Army under Sir J. French to turn the German right flank was brought to a standstill, and when mobile combinations on the part of the belligerents in the northern region of the Western Front gave place almost automatically to more or less stagnant trench warfare. But although his bent was ever for the offensive if the situation at all justifled such an attitude, he proved himself a master of defensive action when this was imposed upon him. Moreover, even in the affair near Neuve Chapelle, he displayed a wise caution and a conspicuously well-balanced judgment under conditions when there existed exceptional temptation to run risks. Especially entrusted with the conduct of an attack almost immediately after exchanging staff duties for leader ship, he nevertheless, after carefully reviewing the situation, decided that the attack must be delayed and accepted the responsibihty of representing his views to be such to those set in authority ov^r him. Maude's attitude on that occasion marked him out not merely as a good judge of perplexing tactical conditions, but also as a man of strong character. Few brigadiers serving under Sir J. French probably paid such close and constant attention to the development of the front held by their troops as General Maude. He expected much from his battalions, it is true. He got an enormous IN COMMAND OF THE 14TH BRIGADE 157 amount of work out of his men. But as a consequence of his frequent visits to the trenches, of his sympathetic encourage ment alike to regimental officers and to rank and flle, and of his ready and unfailing recognition of what these accomplished from day to day, that work was always done not only willingly but even enthusiastically. He devoted every attention from the outset to the comfort and well-being of the troops under his orders, and although he was always particular on such points as tidiness and good order in the billets, his efforts to secure palliation of their hardships in so far as conditions of active service permitted made him a most popular chief amongst his men. ' We were all very sorry when he left,' remarks his old brigade-major, Lieut.-Colonel Dick-Cunyng ham, ' and personally I realise that under his tuition I learned a great deal that was of immense value to me afterwards.' Writing of him in March 1919, his former chief, Lieut.- General Sir T. Morland, pays an eloquent tribute to the value of his work as a brigadier : Joe Maude had charge of the 14th Brigade of the 5th Division under my command from October 1914 to June 1915, and I cannot speak too highly of his services as brigade commander. He took over at a most strenuous time, and he soon impressed his person ality upon the brigade. An untiring worker, he never spared himself ; always a gallant fighter, he remained cheerful in the most anxious situations. A highly educated officer who was devoted to his profession, he was a strict disciplinarian and a loyal comrade, and he always looked closely after the comfort of his men by whom he was much beloved. He had all the qualities of a great leader. As appeai'Si from some of the quotations that have been introduced into this chapter, as also from his farewell order on relinquishing command, he always took a very genuine pride in his brigade. He had fine regiments belonging to the old Regular Army under his orders. He had material to deal with that was plastic in his hands. The very high stan dard of efficiency attained by the 14th Brigade while he was at their head was primarily due to the regimental officers and to the grit and valour of the rank and ffie, but it was also in no small measure owing to the personality, the ability, and the indefatigable efforts of the general officer who was holding the command during those strenuous months on the Western Front. CHAPTER VIII THE DARDANELLES On reporting himself at the War Office on the 29th of June Maude leamt that he was to have charge of the 33rd Division of the Fourth New Army, forming in Nottinghamshire, and after a week of leave he proceeded to Mansfield and took up command. He was favourably impressed with the rank and file from the outset. ' Let me begin by saying,' he wrote on the 16th to Sir A. Murray, who was superintending at the War Office the organisation and training of the New Army divisions, ' that in practically every case the battalions consist of men of splendid physique. . . . They are also generally speaking a particularly smart-looking and well-behaved lot of men ; these remarks apply to the R.E. and Train as well.' He was unhappy at not having his artillery with him, but was reassured on learning that he would find them on Salisbury Plain, whither the division was to move very shortly. There still remained much to be done in respect to equipment and administration, as well as in the matter of training superior officers and staffs in addition to the training of units ; for Maude had been given to understand that the command would probably move over to France in September. He threw himself into the task with characteristic enthusiasm and energy. The division proceeded to Salisbury Plain between the 3rd and 7th of August, and Divisional Headquarters were established at Bulford ; but it was to lose its new chief almost before he had made his influence felt. For, on the ISth, tele graphic instructions arrived from the War Office intimating that he was to proceed forthwith to the Dardanelles, and that all arrangements had been made for him to leave overland on the moming of the 17th. Starting by motor at a very early hour on the 16th, he was able to bid his eldest daughter SteUa good-bye at Tidworth, where she happened to be staying, on his way through, and he reached Mardale early in the forenoon, 168 THE DARDANELLES 159 proceeding from thence to the War Office, where he was made acquainted with the position of affairs in the Galhpoli Penin sula. Then, after a busy day in getting outfit for a hot climate, he motored back to Watford to spend the night, his son Eric fortunately being at home for the summer holidays. At a very early hour next morning he bid good-bye to his family — for the last time — and, motoring up to Victoria to catch the boat train, started oft on the long trail which was eventually to lead him to beyond Baghdad. Stirring events had been in progress on the shores of the .-Egean while the 33rd Division had been concentrating on Salisbury Plain. Considerable reinforcements having reached Sir I. Hamilton from home during July and the opening days of August, he had on the night of the 6th-7th launched his great , attack upon the Sari Bair heights overlooking Anzac {vide the sketch map on p. 161), simultaneously with the effecting of an entirely new descent upon the Gallipoli Peninsula in and near Suvla Bay by the 10th and 11th Divisions of the Oth Corps, newly arrived under his command. But after four days and nights of combat General Birdwood's efforts to secure the crest of the mountain from Anzac had been definitely defeated, even if ground had been acquired on the slopes and if the Anzac position had been much extended northwards ; and this reverse was attributable to some extent to the failure of the 10th and 11th Divisions to assist him as the commander- in-chief had intended. The delicate operation of landing the inexperienced troops of those two New Army divisions on an unknown shore in face of a certain amount of opposition had been satisfactorily carried out ; but the advantage thus gained — ^gained in virtue of surprise — had not been followed up. The Turks had been granted leisure to assemble such formid able forces facing Suvla that when, on the Oth, the newly landed contingent had at last moved forward to the attack it had been able to make no impression upon a well-posted enemy, and so the hoped for co-operation between the Suvla force and Birdwood's battalions that were holding on grimly to the spurs of Sari Bair had come to nought. In view of what had occurred. Sir Ian had asked that a commander for the Oth Corps should be sent to him, and also two divisional commanders. Lieut.-General Sir J. Byng had been selected for the corps, and in the case of the two divisional 160 SIR STANLEY MAUDE commanders the choice had fallen upon Maude and upon Major-General E. A. Fanshawe, who, like Maude, was at the moment in command of one of the New Army divisions pre paring in the United Kingdom for service abroad. TraveUing together, Fanshawe and Maude reached Taranto near midnight on the 19th, and there they met Byng, who had proceeded thither direct from France. They sailed for the .^gean on the following day, arriving on the 22nd at Mudros, the base of the Mediterranean Expeditionary Force, where they spent the night. Next moming they continued their voyage to the island of Imbros where Sir I. Hamilton had his General Head quarters, and Maude then learnt that he was to have command of the 13th Division of the New Army at Anzac ; General Shaw, who had brought it out from home, and had commanded it in the struggle for Sari Bair, had just been invalided. He proceeded thither by destroyer in the afternoon and landed on the Gallipoli Peninsula about 7 p.m., just a week after he had received his orders at Bulford for the Dardanelles.^ The 13th Division properly formed part of the 9th Corps ; but it had been the earliest of the reinforcements to join Sir I. Hamilton, and, arriving in the theatre of operations about the middle of July, had in the first place been put ashore in the Helles area and had taken over trenches there so as to give the troops some experience in contact with the enemy. After a few days of this it had been transferred to Anzac and had played a prominent and highly creditable part in the furious affrays for the possession of the Sari Bair heights, fighting valiantly alongside the seasoned Australians, New Zealanders, and Ghurkas ; but it had suffered very heavy losses in these encounters. Referring to them afterwards in his final despatch of the 11th of December 1915, Sir I. Hamilton wrote : The 13th Division of the New Army under Major-General Shaw had alone lost 6000 out of a grand total of 10,500. Baldwin was gone and all his staff. Ten commanding officers out of thirteen had disappeared from the fighting effectives. The Warwicks and the Worcesters had lost hterally every single officer. So it came about that, when Maude assumed command, he found himself at the head of three shattered brigades of infantry, the total strength of which scarcely amounted to the ' The map ' Anzac and Suvla ' illustrates the work of the 13th Division up to December. THE DARDANELLES 161 numbers that a single brigade is supposed to muster ; the composition is given in the footnote.^ None of its artiUery -n w. :Jda2i Si A DEACll ¦ Savl a. Bay «l."l.. Kuctiuk ,. AnaFarta ) Ova I ¦d"b EACH? TuzlaGeu]/USaltLake}' rurshun Keui 65^ Mebninesc Point S' '.<, '¦¦.,! A KijcMictc- ¦ ¦' ' .../'Sdmfa'r: 't^bcilrja ..¦¦ / -"> "KaraWaA y"" S ,-,s -^ ;¦ u ¦ri ANZAC & SUVLA% Scale oF Miles. ^ Baucfioi a » o Roads Ari Burnu&H.p'/m^''^' '^ /./.¦/"'•...',! AnzacX r, -¦;: U',.- ,. (.'/ ? /v? i'""' (lY ,.—¦ :;fy ,,-¦¦ V ^ ^I 'S^.^t^jaChemiir'',^ .'. ^Fr^"^ ¦;-¦¦,¦¦ i^' '¦^¦^ i''¦ y4flzacl. Coirei (jjal GabaTep >. the final effort of the forces on the Tigris to reheve Kut, that Sir P. Lake was run ning considerable risks in undertaking offensive operations at all. Ovring to the difficulties caused by the lack of river transport there was an alarming deficiency of supphes at the front. The short campaign, Maude's share in which is about to be related, was fought vrith only three days' reserve of suppUes in the area occupied by General Gorringe's corps. The communications were no doubt fairly safe, and they were afforded useful protection on the left bank of the river by the extensive Suwaikieh marshes, which would haye obliged the enemy to make a wide detour to get at the rear of the Anglo- 206 SIR STANLEY MAUDE Indian army on that side. But could the Turks have managed to get a gun down to below Sheikh Saad and sunk a few of the river craft plying in the channel, the troops at the front might have starved. The truth was that, although experience was to prove that the relieving force was not strong enough to effect its purpose, it was in reality too strong for its own communications ; these were not fully equal to feeding three divisions, with the cavalry and attendant troops. Maude was very appreciative of the work which the 7th Division had carried out since the 23rd of March, and he was also quite satisfied vrith what had been effected by the artillery in respect to cutting the vrire entanglements in front of the Hannah lines. The plan was that the assault was to be delivered at 4.55 a.m., without artillery preparation, the guns only opening fire on the rear trenches as the assault on the front ones took place. The 39th Brigade had gone into the trenches during the night of the 2nd-3rd, and all the orders for the attack were issued on the 3rd. Maude mentions in his diary that on the afternoon of the 4th he went round the trenches and talked to some of the men in most of his bat talions. ' They were all full of fight and keenness,' he remarks. All ranks indeed realised that much depended upon them, and that much was expected of them. The arrival of an entirely British Division at the front had given great encouragement to the Tigris Army Corps, and officers and men belonging to it could not but feel that the force which was trying to relieve Kut was looking to them for a lead. They had come upon the scene in Mesopotamia, bringing vrith them a high reputation earned on the slopes of the Sari Bair mountain and during the successful evacuations of Suvla and Helles. They knew that their division had been specially selected from amongst several others to proceed to a theatre of war where all was not going weU. ' They were a cool, hard, determined-looking breed,' Mr. Candler writes, 'well seasoned now, and bumt to the complexion of Ghurkas.' They had confidence in themselves, confidence in their brigadiers, unbounded con fidence in their divisional commander, and during the next few hours they were to show that the confidence was not misplaced. The story of the fighting of the 5th may weU be told in Maude's own words, as jotted down in his diary : 5.4.16. Up at 3 a.m. and had breakfast at 4.15. Attack went THE EFFORT TO RELIEVE KUT 207 in at 4.55 and was entirely successful. Took the three Unes one after the other and pushed on at once, driring the Turks before us. We gained ground steadily till about midday, when we came up against the trenches at the Felahieh bend. I had arranged for an attack at 1 p.m., preceded by an artiUery bombardment at noon tiU 1, but corps commander came up to see me about noon and suggested waiting tiU dark. Had already pushed my headquarters forward tvrice and was now vrithin about 1500 yards of the firing hne. Here Forbes, one of my A.D.C.'s, was hit. Made all my plans for the attack in the evening and issued the orders. Told corps commander that I feared that 7.45 would be too late, by means of a message sent by one of his staff. Bombard ment began at 7, by which time it was almost dark, and at 7.45 the assault went in and the position was captured. Everything went splendidly. There were the usual lot of panic-mongers who came in and spoke of every one having been killed, but nothing could have been better than the work of the division and indeed throughout the day. Machine guns very busy, especiaUy during the last attack, and it was a pity that the assault was made in pitch darkness, as it does not do for half-trained troops. Weather fine and quite hot. 7th Division came through us and reheved us for the night, and we vrithdrew to bivouacs near the river. The casualties suffered by the division in this day of battle came to a total of 1796. General Gorringe commended Maude and all under him for their prehminary success at Hannah, and he was still more generous vrith his eulogies for what had been accomphshed in the second phase of the struggle. ' The highest praise is due to General Maude and his brigade com manders and all under their command for this successful night attack, a difficult operation at aU times, requiring dash and good leadership as well as personal bravery among the junior commissioned and non-commissioned ranks.' Sir P. Lake in his despatch of the 12th of August 1916 wrote that ' the 3Sth Infantry Brigade and the Warwicks and Worcesters of the 39th Infantry Brigade did particularly well in this assault. High praise is due to Major-General Maude, his brigade commanders, and all under them for this successful night attack.' \ The capture of the Turkish first hne had in reaUty been a simple business enough, for the enemy had offered no stubbom resistance to the assault, to the disappointment of the troops who had been most anxious to show their mettle. The attack upon the Felahieh works had been a much higher 208 SIR STANLEY MAUDE trial. There the Ottoman troops had defended themselves stoutly, and the infantry had been obhged to fight their way through vrithout artillery support and in the dark. Colonel Brownrigg describes the operations as follows : His (Maude's) operation orders for the attack on the Hannah trenches are a model of thoroughness and are a wonderful example of his own axiom for orders and instructions — that they should be ' clear, concise and complete.' As it happened, the Turk got wind of the impending move against him and, having become aware of the presence of an ' all British ' division in the trenches opposite, had made himself scarce prior to the attack, which spent itself on almost thin air. This was unfortunate, as the preparations were so complete that success was assured — as far as could be humanly seen — even if the Turks had held the Hannah position in full force. The evening foUovring the capture of the Hannah position, how ever, Maude decisively beat the Turk in an encounter battle ; and in one day he, at the head of his division, had covered six miles of the distance separating us from Kut. The troops rested on the ground won — ^but not so Maude, who spent nearly the whole night risiting and cheering the wounded and dying, and getting his first ghmpse of those insufficient medical arrangements which his own powers of organisation were so soon to put on a happier footing. The offensive on the left bank of the Tigris which had opened so auspiciously was not destined, however, to accom plish its purpose. Within a few hours of the 13th Division's triumph at Felahieh, the force endeavouring to succour Kut met vrith a serious reverse close at hand ; for the 7th Division, after reheving the 13th during the night of the 5th-6th, advanced and were repulsed in their attack upon the third Turkish set of entrenchments, that at Sannaiyat, but under circumstances that assuredly reflected no discredit on the troops. The position had not been reconnoitred effectually. The assaulting columns had to find their way through the 13th Division in the dark, and they were also greatly hampered during their advance by numerous and deep cross-trenches. The result was that, instead of their being ready to make their rush at dawn as had been intended, the battalions were stiU more than a mile from their objectives when it became hght. The ground to be traversed was flat and it was destitute of cover. No preparation by artiUery had been arranged for, as the attack was to have been delivered on the same lines as Maude's on Hannah on the previous moming. In spite of the delays, the attempt to storm the formidable hostile hnes was THE EFFORT TO RELIEVE KUT 209 actually made ; but the troops could not get vrithin some hundreds of yards of the enemy front, and they eventually had to fall back and to dig in. The situation was made the more untoward by the Tigris overflovring its banks and by a strong wind from the north causing a flood to break over portions of the ground from the side of the Suwaikieh marsh. The 7th Division, however, held on grimly in spite of the reverse, and the troops even tried to get forward gradually on the 7th. They did manage to make some progress that night. In the combats which took place at the time of the attempted rehef of Kut, and during most of the fighting indeed that occurred in Mesopotamia below Baghdad, one of the principal difficulties which commanders and subordinate leaders of troops had to contend vrith was that, owing to the flatness of the ground and to the total absence of trees almost every where, there were no points to march on. There was nothing but a dead level vrith no topographical features of any kind to help. Particularly did this happen to be the case about Sannaiyat where, to secure direction, the expedient was to some extent resorted to of sticking up posts in rear of troops as they advanced, enabhng guides to keep direction by looking backwards from time to time. Even in broad daylight, free use had to be made of the compass for making a move over a comparatively short distance. Such conditions undoubtedly favour the defending side during the progress of tactical operations, and they accentuated the obstacles to victory vrith which the Anglo-Indian troops were constantly confronted during their unsuccessful conflicts of April 1916. There had been an idea of delivering a fresh attack upon Sannaiyat, the 7th Division advancing on the right and the 13th on the left ; but it was ultimately decided to employ only the 13th for the projected undertaking. Gorringe regarded this portion of the Turkish lines that had been constructed to cover the siege of Kut as the key of the situation, and, seeing that it coincided vrith the widening out of the deflle on the left bank of the Tigris, its capture must inevitably have exerted a great influence over the campaign for the relief of General Townshend. It was arranged that Maude should make the attempt at dawn on the 9th. The 3rd Division, which was on the right bank of the river, had contrived to push forward 210 SIR STANLEY MAUDE some distance on the 7th, and this enabled him to reconnoitre the trenches about to be attacked from the flank and from their right rear, his brigadiers accompanying him. All the plans for the advance were drawn up with the utmost care. A bridge was completed over the Tigris at Felahieh on the Sth, which may have helped to mislead the Turks, inducing them to anticipate a transfer of the bulk of the relieving force from the left to the right bank; but ample enemy forces remained in the Sannaiyat lines. The attack of the 13th Division took place at dawn on the 9th, as intended, and the story of the combat may be told in Maude's words as recorded in his diary : Division moved as soon as it was dark. 40th Infantry Brigade to be at 7th Division headquarters at 8.30, 38th at 9.30, and 39th at 10.30. My disposition as follows : Troops to deploy in line 600 yards from enemy's front, 38th on right, 40th on left, 39th in second line. . . . Line deployed quite successfully, no noise, and everything vnth utmost regularity. Had staff officers out to superintend and had front hne pegged out vrith pickets. Also had a member from each battahon to mark its left. At 4.20 a.m. line moved forward to assault, orders being to rush the first three lines. Two leading ranks of platoons to carry and consohdate first line, two rear ranks of platoons to carry and consohdate second line, 39th Brigade to carry and consohdate third Une. Line advanced steadily and noiselessly till 4.28 when leading line was vrithin 100 yards of position. Then Turks sent up a flare from their left which made our left lose direction shghtly (our compass bearing was 260 degrees tme). About half a minute after, another fiare went up from the enemy's right, followed by heavy outburst of machine-gun and rifle fire. Second hne lay down while first line pushed on. Consequently first line, which did splendidly, got into Turk's trenches in a good many places. North Lancs, King's Own, Welsh Fusihers, and Wilts especially. But being unsupported by second hne had to give way. Officers most gaUant in trying to raUy second Une, but were unable to get men forward more than a few yards, and subsequently second hne recoiled carrying in a great measure hnes in rear with it. Men quite surprised by flares. We held on tenaciously where we were aU day, the troops scratch ing holes in the ground and digging themselves in as best they could, and at night we vrithdrew into the trenches we started from in the moming. Division required a good deal of sorting, so got permission to send in the 39th Infantry Brigade to Felahieh. The casualties suffered by the 13th Division in this unsuc cessful engagement amounted to 1792 of all ranks, and the THE EFFORT TO RELIEVE KUT 211 result was a grievous disappointment to Maude and to the whole relief force. The reverse foreshadowed the final failure of Sir P. Lake to save Kut, and its gravity was apparent to all concerned, foUovring as it did upon the failure of the 7th Division to force a way through three days before. Whether this formidable Sannaiyat position would have been reduced had Maude's second line performed its share in the original rush intended to vrin a way through the three hnes of entrench ments, it is impossible to say; but the 13th Division had undoubtedly been set a formidable task. It is clear that the enemy was fully prepared for an assault, and the Turks had enjoyed three clear days for perfecting their defences since being ejected from the Felahieh line and since beating oft the onset of the 7th Division on the morning of the Oth. ' In this attack the division was badly shattered,' writes Colonel Brownrigg, ' and it was perhaps on this occasion, more than any other, that General Maude proved his greatness of spirit and bigness of heart. Divisional H.Q. was well up behind the fire trenches from which the attack was to be dehvered next moming, and all night General Maude sat in a chair in a shaUow recess, wrapped up in a coat (for it was bitterly cold) receiring news of the troops arriring in posi tion, and now and again referring to a map. His staff lay huddled together in a trench beside him. There was no overhead cover for any one and there were no blankets. Shortly before dawn the final advance was made, the attack was deUvered — and failed. Then the big man showed himself vrith a cheerful face and a smile for every one. He accepted the inevitable. Kut was not yet to be reached. His staff were gloomy, but not so Maude. As soon as the position of the troops was more or less understood, he proceeded to go round the whole front hne, smiUng and whistling, and cheering the wounded. He never showed for one moment — not even to his staff — the bitter dis appointment which must have been weighing on his heart.' Maude mentions in his diary that he was so exhausted on the night of the lOth-llth, after being awake all the previous night and after the busy day that he had spent on the Oth, that he ' did not wake up, although lying in water the greater part of the night.' ' In the water-logged trenches of El Hannah,' writes Captain Ogilvie-Forbes, ' he gave what he jokingly used to refer to as his " house-party," when he inrited those who had no shelter from the torrential rain to share the hospitahty of his httle tent. He always 212 SIR STANLEY MAUDE kept open house, especiaUy when the hardships were at their worst, for any casual visitor be he ever so junior. " Ask him to dinner," " ask him to lunch," were amongst his most frequent orders.' The Tigris Corps was not merely struggling with antagonists who were holding skilfully designed entrenchments in strong force, during its gallant efforts to bring succour to the stricken garrison of Kut. It was also struggling against nature, and it was struggling against time. On the one hand, the inunda tion of much of the country, coupled with the mud that was created everywhere by temporary overflows from the Tigris and by the occasional torrents of rain, forbade any attempt to turn the formidable hostile positions, and it at the same time rendered advance preparatory to attacking them frontaUy most difficult. On the other hand, the sands were running out fast, and every day, even every hour, that was lost rendered the situation of Kut more desperate. Supported by such very inadequate artillery power as Gorringe had at command, a mere local victory at any point necessarily ranked as a fuie feat of arms under the existing conditions. But only a succession of such victories would achieve the purpose that the Tigris Army Corps had in view. Some doubt had existed as to the exact date up to which Townshend would, on the reduced rations that he was now issuing, be able to hold out ; but it was now known that if the relief was to be effected it would haye to be effected by the 25th. Sir P. Lake decided after a consultation vrith Gorringe that a fresh effort to penetrate the Turkish lines must be made, but on the right bank of the Tigris where, as already men tioned, the 3rd Division had made good some ground while the 13th and 7th Divisions had been trying to break through on the further side of the river. It was arranged that the 7th Division should remain in the trenches facing Sannaiyat, and that the 13th Division should be transferred to the southem bank and should co-operate vrith the 3rd Division. This move of Maude's troops was carried out on different dates between the 12th and the 16th, his infantry taking up positions at Abu Roman some distance in rear of the 3rd Division. He records in his diary that he had been very busy during these days writing letters to the relatives of the numerous officers under his command who had fallen in the confficts at Hannah, Felahieh and Sannaiyat. THE EFFORT TO RELIEVE KUT 213 The operations on the right bank were to start with an attack by the 3rd Division upon the end of the Turkish lines next the river at a locality named Beit Aiessa. This was situated about a mile and a half up-stream from the end of the Sannaiyat Unes on the further bank ; and there were important dykes here, which gave the Turks power to inundate considerable areas of ground when they thought fit. The 8rd Division had gained a footing in some of the forward trenches on the 15th ; its attack dehvered on the morning of the 17th was most successful, for practically the whole of the trenches that formed the objective were taken. It was arranged that its infantry brigades should be relieved by those of the 13th Division after dusk ; but at about 7 p.m., before the rehef had actually commenced, the Turks suddenly assumed the offensive in strong force and with great determina tion. A desperate affray ensued in the dark. The Ottoman assailants recaptured some guns and machine guns which they had lost in the morning, and they threw portions of the 3rd Division into confusion. Called upon urgently for aid, Maude hurried up five of his battaUons, and these played an important part in restoring the situation at some points where the 3rd Division had been compelled to give way. But there would seem in the first instance to have been some delay in the arrival of the whole of the troops of the 13th Division, who were supposed to be ready to take the hnes over ; for they should have been on the spot almost immediately after the Turkish counter-attack was delivered. Maude himself was not alto gether satisfied. ' Reinforcements from the 13th Division were already moving forward,' Sir P. Lake wrote in his de spatch of the 12th of August, ' but ovring to the darkness and boggy ground they were delayed and some hours elapsed before they arrived.' The results of this nocturnal combat were undoubtedly most unfortunate for the reheving force, as valuable ground which had been weU won in the moming, and possession of which would have greatly aided further advance towards Es Sinn, passed back into Turkish hands. Those battalions of the 13th Division which were thrust into the fray did admirably, and, had some additional ones reached the fighting front, the enemy might perhaps have been beaten off at all points and a very important victory might have been gained. Maude would seem to have disposed aU but five of 214 SIR STANLEY MAUDE them in second line after a time ; but the accounts of this combat are somewhat confficting, and his ovm view clearly was that upon the whole his command had done well. ' Division behaved magnificently during the fight last night,' he wrote in his diary next day ; ' Worcesters, East Lancs, South Wales Borderers and Wilts did especially weU.' He was deUghted vrith their performance under exceptionally trying conditions. The Turks had succeeded in re-taking some of the trenches closest to the river, and in recovering the guns and machine guns they had lost in the moming ; but they lost very heavily in the combat, and victory on the whole rested with the relieving force. In his despatch of the 12th of August Sir P. Lake estimated their casualties at from 4000 to 5000. Maude issued the following complimentary order in con nection vrith this affray : The G.O.C. vrishes to express his appreciation of the excellent work done by the dirision on the night of 17th-18th, when the 3rd Division was heavily attacked by the enemy and in a position of some danger. The readiness vrith which the reinforcing battalions moved forward, and the steadiness which they subsequently displayed, undoubtedly saved the situation and were mainly instrumental in inflicting on the Turks the huge casualties which they suffered on that occasion. The gaUantry of the division and its splendid tenacity have received the commendation of the corps commander when con versing with the G.O.C. In a letter of thanks to General O'Dowda, commanding the 38th Brigade, General Keary remarked : ' It is hardly possible that my worn-out troops could have held on vrithout the assistance so loyally accorded by your troops.' The 13th Division reheved the 3rd Division in the Beit Aiessa position on the 18th. On the foUovring morning the 39th Brigade attempted to recapture the trenches close to the Tigris, which had been taken forty-eight hours before and had been won back by the Osmanlis on the occasion of their counter-attack by night, but the operation failed. ' Want of officers chief cause,' Maude wrote in his diary ; ' casualties not too heavy though we have lost up to to-night some 800 killed and wounded in three days.' The troops on this occasion were greatly hampered by flooded ground, some of the men being drowned. THE EFFORT TO RELIEVE KUT 215 Kut could only hold out for about another week. In view of the strength of the enemy hnes in rear of Beit Aiessa which had still to be reduced if the offensive was to continue on the right bank of the Tigris, and also of the fact that Sannaiyat closed the river to steamers a mile and a half below Beit Aiessa — a point of considerable importance from the aspect of trying as a forlorn hope to run a vessel vrith supplies through to the starving garrison — Sir P. Lake resolved that there must be yet another attempt to break through on the left bank. The 7th Division were to be employed for the undertaking ; but they were to be helped as far as possible by fire from the right bank. The Sannaiyat entrenchments could be taken in enfflade, and to a certain extent in reverse, frpm below Beit Aiessa. This plan was communicated to Maude, who at once started selecting positions for his machine guns and his artillery so that they should play their part effectively in the contemplated operation. The attack was to have been dehvered on the 20th ; but ovring to a sudden inundation from the side of the Suwaikieh marsh it had to be postponed until the 22nd. Maude's guns violently bom barded Sannaiyat on the 20th and 21st. On both those days his infantry also made some progress in front of Beit Aiessa, although not vrithout encountering sturdy opposition ; the bombing parties were particularly successful, and he was much pleased vrith their performances. • Casualties especiaUy heavy in officers, and we are having bad luck in this respect,' he wrote in his diary on the 21st ; ' some of the battahons have only five or six, including the colonel and adjutant, left. Some drafts are however arriving, but not in sufficient numbers to keep pace with casualties. We lost about 8500 at Hannah, Felahieh and Sannaiyat, and about 1000 since we have been at Abu Roman. On the other hand, we have pun ished the Turks, especiaUy during the night attack on the 17th-18th, when they are reported to have lost very heavily, and in front of our trenches and quite close to them are at least 1000 bodies. Attack on Sannaiyat position by 7th Division postponed till to-morrow. Meantime I have a battery of thirty-five machine guns in position just across the river ready to rake their line.' ' 22.3.16. Up and breakfasted early. Had bombardment of the enemy in my front by my artillery early to mislead the enemy. For attack on Sannaiyat position registration began at 6 a.m., slow bombardment at 6.20 a.m., and intense bombardment at 7 A.M. Infantry 7th Division attacked at 7 a.m. They got a 216 SIR STANLEY MAUDE footing in the Turkish trenches, but could not hold on, and after fierce fighting were compeUed to give way. My guns and machine guns got good targets and did great execution among the Turks.' Mr. Candler (who vritnessed this final effort to force the Turkish entrenchments on the left bank of the Tigris from the same side of the river as Maude) gives a graphic descrip tion of the action. The 7th Division went very near to achiev ing success. They were however terribly handicapped by floods and mud, and, in spite of the heroism of troops who had forced their way well home into the hostUe position and of the effective assistance that they were receiving from the opposite side of the river, they could not maintain what had been won at the outset. It does not follow that, even if they had secured possession of the whole position, their victory would necessarily have ensured the saving of Kut. But for practical purposes their failure meant that the prolonged attempt to reheve the place had come to an end, although neither the commander-in-chief nor Maude even then gave up all hope. Maude had from the outset been of opinion that the real offensive ought to be conducted on the right bank of the Tigris, as there was elbow-room there. His appreciation of the situa tion was that the extensive Beit Aiessa— Es Sinn lines covering the approaches to Kut on that side of the river ought to have been made the objective, the main attack being delivered on the right or southem part of the enemy front which practically had an eastern and a southern face. He would have kept the Turks busy on the eastern face by local attacks and bom bardments, and would have occupied their attention on the left bank of the Tigris by a show of force, while all the time intending to break through the southern face and to roll up the line. He had a discussion vrith Sir P. Lake on the 23rd, and even at this late date there seems to have been an idea of carrying out an operation somewhat on these lines ; be cause the 3rd Division, which had been in reserve since the 18th, was sent off to the left on the moming of the 24th, when it pressed forward arid dug in about two miles from the Es Sinn position ; a brigade of the 7th Division was also brought across the river and placed in reserve. Nothing however came of these preliminary movements. That night the Julnar made its intrepid essay to run the gauntlet of the Tigris defences and to convey food to Kut. Maude, who knew of THE EFFORT TO RELIEVE KUT 217 the enterprise, had his machine guns and artiUery sweeping the further river bank after dark, and he mentions in his diary that she passed his advanced troops at Beit Aiessa at 9.15 p.m. ' without incident.' She got as far up as the river bend at Megasis, and was there brought up short by a vrire rope across the channel and captured. This was ascertained by aeroplane reconnaissance next morning. Gorringe made Maude aware on the 26th of the instructions which had been sent to General Townshend vrith regard to his getting into communication with the Ottoman commander and trjdng to secure the most favourable terms possible. Kut still had supphes enough to hold out till the 30th, and the Corps Commander asked Maude for his opinion as to whether a relief before that date could any longer be regarded as a feasible proposition. Reluctantly, Maude gave it as his view that, in consequence of the condition of the force (especially in respect to officers), of the shortness of the time available, and of the situation as a whole, the thing was impracticable. 'In such flghting as this,' he wrote in his diary, 'the officer is all- important, and right well he does it. But vrithout him even the RegiUars will not go on, and when it comes to partially trained troops such as the New Army Divisions the position is quite impossible.' Two days later, on the 28th of April, Kut surrendered after its garrison had made a glorious defence of five months, and after 24,000 troops had been killed, wounded and taken prisoner in trying to bring it aid. Of the 24,000 casualties 10,000 had occurred since the 4th of April, the day before the 13th Division was first engaged. ' You will have read in the papers,' Maude wrote a few days later to Colonel J. MagiU, ' the fuU narrative of our failure to reheve Kut. Its fall has been very disappointing, but I do not think that the fault hes with the soldiers, although no doubt an attempt wiU be made to saddle them with the responsibility. The local diffi culties, the long line of communications, the water transport (or rather the lack of it), the menace from floods and rains, the barren ness of the country — all these factors rendered the most careful organisation and liberal expenditure necessary as a prehminary to success. The obstacles in our way were enormous, hampered as we were by floods and restricted as our movements were by being tied to the river — but we did our best, as I think vrill be admitted when the story is known.' Then, after a brief resume of the various actions up to the repulse of the Turkish counter-attack on the night of the 17th-l8tb 218 SIR STANLEY MAUDE of April, he goes on : ' During the next few days the dirision dis tinguished itself by some very good grenade work, during which we infficted many casualties on the Turks and drove them back, and then on the 22nd the 7th Division failed once more in an attack upon the Sannaiyat position. After this it was adjudged that we could not continue our attempt to reheve Kut, and here we are, holding on to the position we held previously. Kut has faUen, Townshend, I understand, haring previously destroyed his guns and munitions. An attempt to re-provision him by running a ship through failed, the stream being too strong and the ship too noisy. It was a good attempt however. We were beat by want of time to clear away the remaining obstacles in our way, and by want of drafts to replace our casualties and especiaUy those amongst officers.' Maude goes on to refer to a point that he also mentions more than once in his diaries, and which would seem to be deserving of note in summing up the causes of Sir P. Lake's failure. The importance of the relieving force knowing the exact date up to which the besieged place of arms could hold out would not seem to have been quite sufficiently reahsed vrithin the place itself. It may be observed that it is not un usual for some doubt to exist upon this point under similar conditions, and that beleaguered garrisons have on many occasions in the past held out a few days longer than had been expected. They have even been succoured at a later date than that laid down as the date beyond which defence was im possible. When Maude attacked Sannaiyat on the Oth of April, vrith troops who had gained very substantial successes three days before and who were full of confldence, he was under the impression that Kut could only hold out till the 13th — ^that only four days in fact remained for the garrison to be saved. As it tumed out, the garrison could have held out, and did hold out, for nearly another three weeks. Had the commander of the 13th Division known this he would have proposed to sap up much nearer to the position to be attacked before delivering his assault upon it ; and, as General Gorringe had readily agreed to his proposals hitherto, Maude would no doubt have been granted the additional time that he asked for. Whether an attack by the 13th Division under such conditions would have proved successful is a matter of conjecture. But its leader was a master of the art of thorough preparation for an enterprise, when given facihties for making such prepara- THE EFFORT TO RELIEVE KUT 219 tion, and he seems to have thought himself that two or three days' grace might have changed the result. ' I need not enlarge upon the bitter disappointment felt by all ranks on the Tigris line at the failure of their effort to relieve their comrades in Kut,' Sir P. Lake wrote in his despatch of the 12th of August. Maude shared in this feehng of dis appointment to the full ; but he never showed it. Nor in his diary nor yet in his letters does he offer any criticisms or complaints vrith regard to the handhng of the force, except on quite minor points, although the plan of operations actu ally adopted in April was not in accordance vrith his own appreciation of the situation. It may be mentioned here that the diary, as it has come to hand, closes on the 1st of May 1916, practically synchronising vrith the fall of Kut. He had kept it carefully ever since the outbreak of the Great War, and he continued to do so. But the portions of it subsequent to May 1916 were in his room when he died in November 1917, and they had to be destroyed for fear of infection. The Army Commander had fortunately taken off the embargo which had previously been placed upon references to past events in Mesopotamia, and consequently Maude's letters, which during the previous weeks had been uninformative, became full of interest again from about the date of the fall of Kut onwards. CHAPTER XI FROM DIVISIONAL TO ARMY COMMANDER The weeks immediately subsequent to the surrender of General Townshend's force constituted a particularly trying and tragical period for the Tigris Army Corps, - All ranks were to a greater or less extent depressed by the sense of failure. The troops had suffered hardships of no common order, buoyed up by the hope that they would, somehow, succeed in bringing succour to comrades in sore distress. The losses suffered since January had been very heavy. The yawning gaps in the ranks were but slowly being fflled up. Exhausting operations had been carried out by an army, beset by inundations, struggling through sticky mud, drenched at times by violent rain-storms, and carrying out an almost impossible task on rations that were barely sufficient. Officers and men could not but be aware that, although the medical arrangements had been amehorated within the past two or three months, they still fell short of what soldiers have a right to expect when cam paigning in a theatre of war where hostilities have already been for a considerable time in progress. The fall of Kut moreover occurred just at that season of the year when the hot weather sets in vrith intensity in Mesopotamia, and when the troops necessarily began to experience the trials which sojoum in encampments or bivouacs in simamer in desolate tropical lands carries vrith it. When an army on fleld service in a hot country settles down to a condition of comparative quiet after having been engaged on extremely active operations, sickness almost invariably sets in. Maude had experienced this fifteen years before when he joined up vrith the Coldstream on the Modder during the lull between Lord Methuen's vigorous effort to relieve Kimberley and the cominencement of Lord Roberts' great forward movement into the enemy's territory. It is a ques tion of reaction. There was however bound to be disease in May and June on the Tigris even had the army been on the «8Q " DIVISIONAL TO ARMY COMMANDER 221 move, even had it been furnished with ample supplies and com forts of all kinds, and even had perfect hospital arrangements been the order of the day. As the floods dry up under the rays of a burning sun, the climate naturally becomes unhealthy. Strong vrinds, which incidentally create almost suffocating dust-storms, distribute the germs that are bound to be created in camping grounds no matter how carefully sanitation is attended to. The heat is intense. Flies, insects and creeping things become a torment, and in the case of General Lake's forces these untoward conditions were confronting a soldiery who were already somewhat debilitated, who were suffering from a not unnatural despondency, and who were therefore particularly liable to contract any ailments that are common in Irak. Maude's division was, it is true, somewhat better situated than those alongside of it in this respect, seeing that his troops had enjoyed a fair amount of rest and much change of scene on their travels from the Helles beaches to the plain of Sheikh Saad ; but no one would realise more clearly than he did how imperative it was to look after the well-being of his men under the circumstances, to watch with jealousy all matters connected vrith the sanitation of his encampments, and to stimulate by precept and encouragement the morale of troops of whom he was the trusted chief. There had already on the 24th of April been some suspicious cases of cholera in the 13th Division ; these foreshadowed an epidemic which however happily did not prove very serious. Maude records in his diary that on the 28th there were twenty to thirty cases daily and five to eight deaths — ' cause obscure, some people say water, some that it comes from the Wadi, probably the latter.' All manner of precautions were taken, and the outbreak was kept well in hand ; Maude insisted on visiting the cholera camps from time to time, against the vrishes of the medical officers. His troops were still in the early part of May holding the hne about Beit Aiessa in the right of the front south of the Tigris, with the 3rd Division on their left ; the 35th Brigade of the 7th Division (which re mained on the other bank of the river) was temporarily under his orders. Those of his troops not actuaUy in the trenches were inspected by Sir P. Lake early on the 1st of May in their various encampments, and Maude mentions in his diary that, after going round the trenches a little later on that day, he 222 SIR STANLEY MAUDE was badly sniped on the way back. ' A frightful sand-storm all day, bUnding every one and smothering things with dust ; rain in the evening. Decided to move our camp to-morrow.' So runs the last entry in this particular booklet of the diary and closes a most valuable personal record. Little of special importance occurred for some three weeks subsequently, but that Maude had lost none of his enthu siasm for action and that he found plenty to occupy him, is shown by what he wrote to Colonel MagiU on the 10th of May, in the letter of which part has already been quoted on p. 217. Now I am busy reorganising my division, and only hoping that an advance by the Russians will bring about a corresponding advance on our side, for one would dearly love to enter at least Kut — if not Baghdad — so as to settle matters vrith the Turks. However we shaU see how matters develop. The weather gets hotter day by day, but the nights though somewhat stuffy are not yet unpleasantly so. But by night every creeping thing imaginable appears, fiying bugs and quaint animals of sundry descriptions, including sand-lhes, many of which bite badly. The ffies too in the daytime are rather a plague. However none of these things vriU matter if we can get a move on ; it is inaction that I dread, and we seem in danger of relapsing into trench warfare, which, in this country at all events, ought to be unnecessary. The wastage in my staff has already begun again, and I have one sick and one (an A.D.C.) wounded vritMn the last month. Dust-storms are trying, and I hardly like to estimate the amoimt of sand that I swallowed going round the trenches the day before yesterday. At all events one came back black as a nigger minstrel. At this time Maude was still Uving in a single-fly tent in spite of the heat. ' Shorts ' and shirt-sleeves had come to be the recognised parade costume for officers ; but he himself never appeared outside his tent vrithout a jacket. Every Sunday, if he possibly could, he visited every tent in his three field ambulances and he saw, if he did not actually speak to, every patient — and there were by this time generaUy large numbers of patients. He was greatly pleased one day to see in a newspaper arriving by the mail that his son Eric had passed into Woolwich from Lancing. A few days after this circumstances suddenly arose calUng for prompt action, in which he showed that neither heat, nor the discouragement so generaUy felt throughout the force, had affected his vigour DIVISIONAL TO ARMY COMMANDER 223 as a leader and his capacity for correctly appreciating a military situation at short notice. As will be seen from the sketch map on p. 195, the Tigris between the Megasis bend and Beit Aiessa runs north-east wards. The general direction taken by the enemy trenches from where they quitted the river bank in front of Beit Aiessa was southerly, down to a point about three miles east of the Megasis bend and some way north of the Dujaila Redoubt. The Turks had always looked for a British advance along the river bank, and their main Es Sinn position, designed to meet such a move, faced almost northwards and at right angles to their general line. The enemy front between the right of the Es Sinn position and where this met the Tigris facing Beit Aiessa was known by the name of the Chehala hnes. Suppos ing Maude's division to advance, it would first have to force the northern end of these Chehala hnes, and would then in the nature of things make a left wheel and push almost in a southerly direction towards the Es Sinn position, with its right foUovring the Tigris bank. Early in the moming of the 19th a message came to hand from the 40th Brigade trenches that the enemy had disap peared from in front of them, information which was speedily found to be correct by patrols. Maude at once ordered two battalions to press forward vrithout delay, and by 9 a.m. they had occupied the part of the Chehala lines facing his division, while patrols were already on their way towards Es Sinn. This was reported to be vacated both by the patrols and also by aeroplanes, and he was anxious to advance forthvrith to take possession of the position and to hurry up guns into it, so as to bear upon the retreating enemy. But the Corps Commander was unfortunately away at Sheikh Saad, and an opportunity of harassing the Turks, and of shovring them that there was plenty of fight left in the army opposed to them, was lost. The Turks had a bridge over the Tigris between the Megasis loop and Kut, and this they removed during the night. Next morning the cavalry made a vride sweep south of the Dujaila Redoubt, and reached the vicinity of the Tigris and of the Hai near Kut, while the 3rd Division, after making a detour involving an exhausting march, occu pied the Es Sinn position vrithout opposition. The enemy, in so far as the right bank of the Tigris was concemed, had 224 SIR STANLEY MAUDE quietly retired to fresh ground close to Kut, a withdrawal on the part of the Osmanli forces which appreciably altered the general situation on the Mesopotamian front. In consequence thereof. General Lake was now in a position to push forward his advanced hne on that side of the river as far as the Megasis loop, to vrithin about five miles of the position where General Townshend had maintained himself so long. The Svdtan's troops were however maintaining their grip upon the Sannaiyat entrenchments on the further side of the great waterway ; so that the retreat of the Turks on the right bank did not, under the conditions existing at the moment, in reality benefit the British very much. So long as Khahl Pasha's forces had been in the position of besiegers of the stronghold, they had been obhged to maintain a line of defence at a distance of several miles from Kut, so as to keep the relieving army at arm's length. Now, however, that the place had fallen and was in their hands, it was in many respects of advantage to the Turks to shorten their front on the right bank of the Tigris and retire in that quarter — so long as they held Sannaiyat. Supposing their opponents to follow such retirement up, as they were almost obliged to do, the immedi ate result was automatically to lengthen their opponents' land communications — for British vessels could not pass Sannaiyat — and the abandonment of a few square miles of barren country was a matter of small moment to the Turks. The Ottoman retreat did, on the other hand, bring a certain amount of encouragement to the Tigris Army Corps at a moment when this stood much in need of some such stimulus. There had been several references in Maude's diary since the beginning of the World War to the unsatisfactory character of the staff methods in vogue, and comments of the same kind had also appeared in the diary which he kept in South Africa, This was a subject which he thoroughly understood and which he had closely studied, and he was (perhaps more than the majority of British officers of experience) convinced of the vital importance of regularity and system in the conduct of such transactions. His own abnormal acquaintance vrith de tail enabled him to detect failures in this respect more readily than would be the case with most soldiers of authority and standing, and it undoubtedly made him a somewhat exacting critic. Ahke on the Western Front, in the Gallipoli Peninsula DIVISIONAL TO ARMY COMMANDER 225 and during the short time that his division spent in Egypt, he had found grounds for complaint. In Mesopotamia matters appeared to him to be even more unsatisfactory. ' Staff work,' he observed in a letter written home on the 22nd of May from near Beit Aiessa, ' has been a shortcoming throughout this war. Our number of trained staff officers was even at first scarcely adequate, but now, vrith our large army, it is dreadful. I speak with some knowledge, having been in eight different army corps during the war, and the 2nd, 3rd and Oth were the best in this respect. It is one of the chief points towards which we shall have to turn our attention at the end of the war, this training of the staff. The broad principles are in many cases unknown.' He was much interested in riding over the ground which the enemy had abandoned, noting the character and the de tails of the Ottoman trenches, and he mentioned in a letter home that at this time he was keeping all the three horses which he had busy. A 14th Division had been constituted at Sheikh Saad on the 12th, and it was in contemplation that this should shortly relieve the 13th at the front. The Arabs had latterly been becoming somewhat aggressive against convoys and isolated parties, and the question of deahng vrith the marauders was exercising the various staffs. The 40th Brigade, the first portion of the 13th Division to move back from the front, started for Wadi on the 29th. An interesting event had taken place in the middle of the month, which deserves mention although Maude was in no way directly concerned — a Cossack sotnia had ridden through from Persia to Ali Gharbi, on the line of communications below Sheikh Saad, and it remained with the Mesopotamia Army until the 4th of June, when the visitors rode back to rejoin the Russian general, Baratoff, beyond the Turko-Persian frontier. By the 13th of June the whole of the 13th Division was back about Sheikh Saad and Wadi. ' Life is very uneventful and supremely uninteresting,' Maude wrote home on the 28th. ' It is certainly not the country to select for campaigning, for in summer you cannot move ovring to the heat and sickness, and in the winter you are beset vrith cold and floods. AU the offices close from 12 to 4, some of them from 10 to 4, and consequently everything gets blocked. As you will reahse, this is little to my taste, and the thing that would reaUy amuse me would be to see some one like ' (a very well-known and dashing commander) p 226 SIR STANLEY MAUDE ' wrestUng under such conditions ! Of course one must keep the men under cover during the heat of the day or they would go down hke ninepins ; but I fkid no difficulty in working from 8.15 tiU 5, with short intervals for meals, and I do my riding in the early moming and late in the evening. What a lot there will be to talk about when the war is over ! I only vrish that we were not so far away and that visitors could run out here and tell us, and get, all the news. Heat is intense — 117 degrees and 118 degrees under cover and little wind, but the nights are cool or comparatively so. We are fairly free from flies nov? as the heat has killed them off, but mosquitoes and sand-flies abound and are troublesome. Arabs are fairly active and tmcu- lent ; they are the most accomphshed thieves you ever saw, and will get into your tent and steal your things without thinking twice about it. They have not paid me a visit yet, but my people have been robbed of rifles, clothing, stores, horses, etc. told me that he had lost most of his things. I shaU be glad to get back to an active and vigorous life. As I told them at the War Office the other day, although I have been steadily at it from the start of the war, I feel as ready as ever to take on anything reasonable, and long for a sustained offensive. I would have loved to join those Cossacks who came down to see us the other day and to join them in their roring life about the country, travelling light and covering the ground quickly. We understand the science of mobility so little.' The day after this letter was written an event which was to exercise a considerable influence over the operations in this theatre in future, and under Maude's own control, took place. This was the beginning of a railway from the left river bank opposite Sheikh Saad, which was to lead in the direction of the Dujaila Redoubt, and which would in due course overcome much of the difficulty that was at present felt in respect to supplying the troops that were pushed forward south of the river ovring to the use of the river itself being closed by tbe Sannaiyat position above Felahieh. It may be remarked here that the effect of general control of the operations having been taken over by the War Office was making itself felt at last in many directions, and that it was about this date that the Mesopotamian campaign came to be managed practically entirely from WhitehaU, although supphes and stores con tinued to be very largely provided from India. Sir W. Robertson, the Chief of the Imperial General Staff, fuUy realised that if the forces under Sir P. Lake were to retrieve the disaster that had occurred at Kut, means of transport of DIVISIONAL TO ARMY COMMANDER 227 all kinds, whether by river, or in the form of railways, or in the matter of motor lorries and animals, must be provided on a generous scale ; and steps had been, and still were being, taken to fit out the army operating in this region vrith the means of acting on the offensive when at a later period of the year the climate would permit of active movements. Con siderable reinforcements in respect to artillery of comparatively heavy type also had already arrived in the country and had reached the front. Much was, however, still lacking in the matter of material, especially in respect to that which was needed for the long line of communications. At Sheikh Saad, Maude was in a position to attend closely to the comfort of his troops, and he was constantly being seen by them in the mornings and evenings as he rode about the encampments and watched them at their work and at their various exercises. It was to a certain extent a period of rest for the 13th Division, although rest under most trying climatic conditions. The Arabs occasionally caused some excitement, however, quite apart from their nocturnal depredations. The War Diary of the Tigris Army Corps records that, to try and put a stop to the nuisance at night. General Gorringe on the 4th of July issued an order that sentries were to fire first and to challenge afterwards, but that Maude pointed out that in the case of his division and of their system of patrols this would be too dangerous. His career as a divisional commander was however draw ing unexpectedly to a close. ' One day at the beginning of July,' writes Colonel Brownrigg (it apparently was on the 10th), ' he summoned an early morning conference of all brigadiers, comrnanding officers, senior chaplains, and heads of services and departments. At this conference he told us that he was leaving us to assume command of the Tigris Corps. One was stunned by the suddenness of it. He was nearly the junior major-general in Mesopotamia, and some people felt that the division could never be quite the same vrithout him. His personality had permeated into every corner of its organisa tion, and he had been such a real "commander" in every sense of the word.' He had received a cipher telegram on the Oth, which he was told to decipher personally. This in formed him that he was to take up command of the army corps. He proceeded up the Tigris to corps headquarters, 228 SIR STANLEY MAUDE which were near the river on its right bank in the bend op posite Felahieh, on the foUovring day, arriving at noon. lEs intimate connection vrith the ISth Division, which had lasted for ten and a half months, thus came to an end, although the division was within a very few months to win fresh laurels under him as commander-in-chief. Brigadier-General Cayley, who had been in charge of the 39th Brigade from the outset, took over command, and was confirmed as leader of the division in due course. It should be mentioned here that the K.C.B. was conferred upon Maude at a somewhat later period, but antedated Sth June 1916, and this honour therefore represented a recog nition of his services as divisional commander. Of the many distinguished British officers who led divisions during the World War, few perhaps were so completely identi fied vrith the troops under their control while divisional commander as was Maude. With the precious gift of a singularly attractive personality were combined in him a fine physique and an inexhaustible energy that enabled him to keep touch with those under his orders to an extent which not all men of his age would have found possible. ' The hardest and most efficient worker I have ever met,' was General O'Dowda's description of him in a letter home. When officers and rank and file leamt that he had left them for a higher sphere they hardly knew whether to be glad or sorry. For while they deeply regretted losing him as their divisional chief, they had such a belief in him that they knew that his rise in the hierarchy of command in Mesopotamia vastly improved the prospects of British arms in that region henceforward. Many sympathetic appreciations of Maude have been written by subordinates of his in the division which he loved so weU and for which he did so much ; but of these the following must suffice : In a letter to his mother (written on the day after the death of the famous soldier at Baghdad) an engineer officer expressed the affectionate remembrance he entertained of his former dirisional chief very happily : ' From the day he first took over command of us at Anzac he has been universally respected and admired. In Galhpoh, Egypt and Mesopotamia every one has felt that in com mand he had a friend — a strong man who has done his best for the soldier and for the country's good. I shall never forget his kindness to me on three occasions. Once at Suvla during the DIVISIONAL TO ARMY COMMANDER 229 deluge, when he went 200 yards out of his way through the most appaUing water and mud to thank my company for what we had done under somewhat trjdng conditions. Again when he asked four of us to dinner to celebrate the 4th of June last year ; and then this year on the Sth of June he asked again those who had dined with him last year. On each occasion he was charming — most cordial and quite unassuming. As a commander he was cheerful and would never entertain any suggestion that we were not a hundred times better than the enemy, and yet he was by no means foolhardy and always took the very greatest pains to see after the soldier's welfare. ... I believe no commander in this war would have been followed further or with more trust and confidence by his men. T. Atkins as a rule does not know or think much about those in high authority. But in General Maude's case it was different. In this division at any rate every man had .the highest regard for him and confidence in him.' ' From a staff officer's point of view,' writes Brigadier-General R. Hildyard, who was the principal General Staff Officer of the 13th Dirision most of the time that the subject of this Memoir was in command, ' what appeared to me to be General Maude's most outstanding characteristics were his devotion to duty, his method, his profound knowledge of detail and his thoroughness. He mapped out his day so that he never had an idle moment. I never knew him to take five minutes off to read a paper or a book which did not deal vrith mihtary matters. He rose before dawn, then went through all the messages and correspondence of the prerious day, bringing out any points at a conference of all his divisional staff. He then spent six or seven hours visiting the front-hne trenches, which he did every day except Sunday, when he inspected hospitals. This routine he never varied while his troops were in the trenches, and every regimental officer when speaking of Maude always mentions the way he came up in the mud and cold to visit them when the big blizzard of November 1915 raged for four days in Gallipoli, causing 2000 casualties to the dirision and obhterating the trenches. His knowledge of detail was wonderful. Nothing was too trivial for him to examine and to give orders about. As well as being a commander, he was his own staff officer, dictating his own orders. This procedure may not, from his staff officer's point of riew, have been altogether pleasant ; but the Service gained, as his orders were models of lucidity and conciseness.' ' I knew him first when I was assistant to the principal chaplain in Galhpoli and he was in command of the 13th Division,' writes the Rev. A. C. E. Jarris, principal chaplain. * No G.O.C. ever took a greater interest in the chaplain's work than he. As a matter of fact, as divisional commander, he arranged their weekly duties personally. He had a high ideal of the possibiUties of a chaplain's 230 SIR STANLEY MAUDE work, not only as a spiritual and moral infiuence but as a corporate factor of real military value. He held strongly that the chaplain's department was a vital part of the army organism.' Sir W. Gillman, in an appreciation of Maude as a dirisional commander, pronounces him to have been ' an indefatigable worker. No day was too long for him and his powers of endur ance were remarkable. He was furthermore as brave as he was indefatigable, and he possessed the highest sense of honour based on strong religious conrictions. Revelling in hard work himself, he expected others to do the same. His rare powers of appUca tion had given him as thorough an insight into General Staff duties as into those connected with the administration of an army, and no one was more fully quaUfied than he was to criticise details of schemes submitted to him by his subordinates. He aimed at a pohcy of perfection, and expected those under him to be imbued vrith the same lofty sentiments.' ' He has been criticised as a centraUser,' General Gillman goes on to say, ' and no doubt vrith justification. He insisted on keeping Ius hand on the reins, and considered it essential for him self not only to direct but also to watch how his directions were carried out. His habit of centralising did not imply that he did not trust his subordinates ; rather was it second nature vrith him to look into the details of everything. If the work was not being done to his satisfaction, he took over the guiding himself. As G.O.C. of a dirision in Galhpoh and Mesopotamia he was easily able to keep all the reins in his own hand, and did so with markedly good results. He took over the 13th Division just after it had been shot to pieces, and he worked it up in six months to a pitch of perfection that made it second to none.' Maude assumed command of the Tigris Corps at noon on the 11th of July, which automatically gave him the temporary rank and position of a lieutenant-general. It will be con venient before proceeding with the narrative of his services as a corps commander to indicate the composition and the general distribution of the troops which had come under his orders. The force — ^which in reahty represented more than an army corps although it was known as the 3rd Army Corps or Tigris Corps — comprised the Oth Indian Cavalry Brigade; the 3rd Division under General Keary ; the 7th Division imder Major-General A. S. Cobbe (he had recently taken charge in place of General Younghusband who had been invahded some weeks before) ; the 13th Division, now under General Cayley ; the 14th Division under Major-General R. C. Egerton ; corps artiUery, which included two brigades of field DIVISIONAL TO ARMY COMMANDER 231 hovritzers, a brigade of 60-pounders, some other heavy pieces and anti-aircraft guns ; various departmental units. The 14th Division was in front hne on the right bank of the Tigris, about the old Es Sinn position, the Dujaila Redoubt and Megasis. The 7th Division was on the left bank, in the narrow strip stretching from the trenches facing the Sannaiyat posi tion eastwards to Hannah. The 3rd Division was distributed so as to act as a reserve to the 14th Division on the right bank of the river. The 13th Division was back about Sheikh Saad. The cavalry and corps artiUery were distributed throughout the area in occupation of the corps. It should be added that the light railway was now under construction all the way to Es Sinn and that railhead was temporarily established about five miles out from Sheikh Saad. There was one bridge over the Tigris at Sheikh Saad and another a little above Hannah. The Turks were holding Sannaiyat, and they occupied some newly constructed lines near Kut on the right bank of the Tigris ; but south of the river the opposing lines were not in the same close contact as was the case at Sannaiyat. With his usual energy, and in no way deterred bj"^ the intense heat, the new Corps Commander set to work at once to make himself thoroughly acquainted vrith the situation within his extensive and important area of command. He devoted special attention to the question of utilising the newly arrived Stokes mortars to the best advantage. After a discussion which he had vrith General Cobbe vrith regard to position and possibilities in the zone on the left bank of the Tigris, that general arranged for a special reconnaissance to be carried out on the night of the 13th-14th to ascertain whether an operation through the rapidly drying Suwaikieh marsh could be regarded as a practical proposition ; the result was dis couraging. On the 14th, Maude moved out to Es Sinn and spent the foUowing day there, examining the defences of that advanced front. He decided that the defences required strengthening, and particularly vrished those that were pushed furthest forward to receive attention ; two existing posts were to be substantially strengthened and a section of 60-pounders was to be placed in either of them, when completed. The guns were not to be fired (except in case of emergency) without leave from corps headquarters ; from so forward a position these powerful weapons could sweep most portions of the Kut 232 SIR STANLEY MAUDE defences, and Maude contemplated giving the Turks an un pleasant surprise with them should a favourable occasion present itself. On the 18th he went down-stream to Sheikh Saad to meet the Army Commander who was coining up to pay a visit of inspection. Sir P. Lake, it may be observed here, had already spent some years in India before taking up, at an inauspicious moment some seven months earher, the very serious respon sibihties of commanding ' D ' Force, the army in Mesopotamia. Townshend had then already been invested for six weeks, the reheving force had met with a decided check at Hannah, there was a serious lack of everything that an army requires for conducting an active campaign, and the task to be performed was in any case one of extraordinary difficulty. Td the last, during the desperate efforts made to save Kut, he had kept in good heart — Maude in his diary pays a signal tribute to his chiefs resolution at the very end — ^but he had seen those efforts fail. Senior by some years to his principal lieutenant and not fitted out vrith the same iron constitution, the trying climate was telling upon Lake, and Maude, realising that the commander-in-chief was by no means in robust health, did what he could to lighten the fatigue that was inseparable from the carrjdng out of inspection duties under the existing con ditions. ' Sir Percy has been up here for the last few days, and so I have been pretty busy,' he wrote home on the 23rd. ' I have taken him round and shovwi him as much as possible, but he is not too strong, and naturally one must be careful to see that he does not overdo things. Our longest journey was out to the Dujaila Redoubt, and the fact that it gets hot so early increased the difficulty. Moreover he did not want to stay a day out there, so we came straight back which made it longer. I generally send tents out on these sort of occasions and stay 24 or 48 hours ; then one can see and do more. But it is a big command to get about over, and especially so when communications are so difficult. Some people motor, but I find riding best, as the bumping on the motor cars is far worse than Ireland at its worst.' The commander-in-chief paid especial attention to the hght railway ; this was making excellent progress, railhead at the time being roughly half-way between Sheikh Saad and Dujaila. He finished up his visit by seeing the 13th Division at Sheikh Saad, and he left for Basrah on the 26th. Maude had been DIVISIONAL TO ARMY COMMANDER 233 able to discuss a number of matters with him and was taking several important questions of organisation in hand, notably in respect to machine-gun companies and artillery distribution. The Arabs were continuing to provide local excitement ; their depredations were not sufficiently important, however, to give grounds for any real anxiety, and they kept the troops on the alert vrithout throwing an undue strain upon the soldiery. In a letter to Colonel MagiU, dated the 4th of August, Maude, after speaking of his good fortune in finding himself a corps com mander, goes on : ' But it is such an absorbingly interesting command. First and foremost it has such a large proportion of Indian troops, and it is strange that I, who have never been in India, should be commanding them. Secondly, it is so much bigger than most corps, comprising as it does four divisions and a Cavalry Brigade. And finaUy it is a campaign so full of diffi culties and complications as can hardly be realised at home. Again, I was only the third senior dirisional commander here, and so I was lucky to be selected. It is all a big business. First, the expedition wants organising — not only the fighting troops, but also the hne of communications ; and with difficulties as to river transport, suppUes, intense heat and sickness to contend vrith, it is far more difficult a matter than the armchair critics think. Still every one from the commander- in-chief downwards is working with a will, and good results are sure to foUow. I only hope that I shall do my part all right — ^it certainly will not be for want of trying. The last two months have been intensely hot — up to 126 degrees under cover sometimes, and generally over 120 degrees. So we have stewed pretty well, and all work has to be done before 8 and after 6 ; and even after 7 a.m. it is almost too hot for white men to stir. We have a headquarters camp on the river within 4000 yards of the Turks' first line, and they occasionaUy shell us but do little damage. I get a bathe (just a dip) at 4 a.m. daily, which freshens one up, and I don't stay in long enough to get slack. Most people tum in in the middle of the day, but I prefer to go to bed at 8.30 P.M., and my daily programme is work 5.30 to 7.30, then breakfast, work till luncheon, work till 4, tea, ride 5 to 7, dinner 7.30. Of course this is often varied by inspections of ground and positions. For instance, the night before last I shifted my camp and spent the whole of yesterday going round one of my dirisions. I have a most palatial dug-out, built by my predecessor, of mud and very airy, so I am not to be pitied. Flies are all dead long since from excessive heat, and so we are spared that trouble. Also most of the fiying bugs, etc., that used to annoy us at dinner have disappeared.' 284 SIR STANLEY MAUDE i Although he would have been more than human had he not felt gratified at having so large a body of troops under his immediate orders, and at controlhng so extensive and so im portant an area of country, Maude was too accomplished an organiser not to realise that he was responsible for an unwieldy charge, and that it would be desirable to assimilate the organisa tion more closely to that generally accepted as the right one in the British army. His experiences gained in command were of great use to him when, shortly afterwards, he found himself transferred to an even higher sphere, enabling him to decide upon a number of improvements in the order of battle of the forces on the Tigris front, which a practical acquaint ance with their requirements had shown him to be necessary. An interesting correspondence that took place early in August between corps headquarters and the 14th Division, which was holding the advanced position about and beyond Es Sinn, illustrates his theory as to how the campaign on the Tigris ought to be conducted. The division was disposed to regard the works which it had been constructing purely from the defensive point of view. A memorandum, signed by Maude's chief staff officer, but bearing unmistakable signs of being virtually his own handiwork, begins : ' The notes as to the position at Es Sinn by your C.R.E. seem to be drawn up under a misconception of the policy which is to be followed. The line now held by your division is to be held offensively, not defensively ; that is to say, it has been secured as a jump- ing-off place for further aggressive operations as the oppor tunity offers.' Further on, referring to three strong points which had been developed and which were to have appreciable garrisons, the memorandum observes : ' As regards the suggestion made that the Pentagon, Imaal Mansur and DujaUa Redoubt might become miniature "Kuts," this is a situation that we should earnestly vrish for. Kut, it must be remem bered, had no relieving force at hand ; here we have ample forces to strike instantly, and the phght of the Turks who had the temerity to attempt such a move would be a pitiable one.' The memorandum concludes : ' If your division were at tacked, it would not be so much a question of sending up another division to reinforce it, as of a force being sent up to counter-attack the Turks vigorously from such direction as would be most hkely to give the most favourable results.' DIVISIONAL TO ARMY COMMANDER 235 ' Like aU, I think, who had to do with Maude during his service, I formed a high opinion of his mihtary capacity during the time when he was serving under me in Mesopotamia,' writes Sir P. Lake, ' and particularly after he had succeeded to the command of the Tigris Army Corps. His work at this time was especiaUy valuable, for his close touch vrith his subordinates, and his knowledge of his men and their wants, did much to maintain morale under the trying conditions of a prolonged hot season in a treeless country, of unavoidable sickness, and of an almost entire absence, due to shortage of river transport, of creature comforts. He was a gaUant soldier and an inspiring leader, for his cheerful ness, optimism and energy gave him a remarkable influence over those whom he commanded, while his careful and thorough working out of his plans went far to ensure the intelhgent co-operation of all ranks. For his personal character we all had the highest respect. He was a true gentleman and Christian.' Maude was wrapped up in the work connected vrith his corps, and he was particularly interested in the question of utilising the river transport to the best advantage, consequent upon a request from the Army Command for his views on the subject ; he had also expressed his agreement vrith a proposal from Basrah that the 13th Division should be moved back to Amarah so as to relieve pressure in respect to supplies at the front and so as to liberate some of the daily arriving stores for the purpose of building up a reserve. But on the 21st of August he received a cipher message directing him to hand over command of the Tigris Corps to General Cobbe, and to proceed to Basrah to take over command of the army from Sir P. Lake. He consequently went down by steamer to Sheikh Saad on the 22nd. There he had a three hours' con ference vrith his successor, who met him by arrangement, and he then continued his voyage down to the Shatt-el-Arab. The War Council at home had for some time been watching the course of events in the Asiatic theatre of operations vrith grovring solicitude. Since the War Office had begun to take general charge of the campaign, much had been done to ameliorate the position of ' D ' Force in respect to war material and means of transportation, even if the effect of this could hardly yet be fully felt. But reports coming to hand from various sources were all pointing to the morale of the troops having gravely suffered, as a result of the Kut disaster and of the defeat of all their efforts to relieve General Townshend's 236 SIR STANLEY MAUDE gallant garrison. It was realised that chmatic conditions in the summer time in this torrid region were not calculated to invigorate, mentally or physically, a mihtary personnel which was suffering from depression and which was weakened in health. The condition of the army in August, immobile on the Tigris and the Euphrates, was not such as to promise its embarlring on an active and effective campaign as soon as the cold weather should approach. The revelations that had been made in connection with the prosecution of this under taking in jits earlier stages had aroused in the minds of many members of the Home Government a certain distrust of India and of matters Indian. There had also been a tendency latterly to entrust high command in the various theatres where our forces were carrying on operations against the enemy, to men somewhat junior in years to those upon whom at the outbreak of the Great War these heavy responsibilities had almost automatically been placed. The War Council had therefore come to the conclusion that the chief command of the army in Mesopotamia ought to be entrusted to a man younger than the distinguished officer who had been holding that arduous and responsible position since the beginning of the year, and to one whom recent experience had kept thoroughly in touch with the War Office and the home forces. It was a stroke of good fortune for the country under these circumstances that Sir W. Robertson, the Chief of the Imperial General Staff, had been closely associated vrith Maude just before the outbreak of hostihties in August 1914, and had then enjoyed opportunities for gauging the capabilities as an organ iser and administrator as also for estimating the character of a soldier who, since that date, had proved himself a doughty commander of men in the fleld. Maude was on the spot. He was nine years younger than Sir P. Lake, he was known to possess a strong constitution, and he never seemed to be sick or sorry. Although he was the junior in respect to permanent military rank of every divisional general in Mesopotamia except General Cobbe, although his standing in the mihtary forces was considerably lower than that of many officers who had proved their capacity for high command on the Western Front and who could easily have been sent out to Basrah, although he had never been in India in his hfe and ' D ' Force was composed largely of Indian troops, Sir W. Robertson DIVISIONAL TO ARMY COMMANDER 237 accepted the responsibihty of recommending that Maude should take over the charge of the Asiatic campaign, and Sir P. Lake received instructions to hand over command to him and to proceed to England. The War CouncU at the same time ordered that charge of the Tigris Corps should be assumed by General Cobbe in place of Maude, although he was junior in grading to the other divisional commanders and was considerably younger in years than any of them. Steps were at the same time taken to procure the services of certain staff officers and directors of departments from other theatres of war. Maude arrived at Basrah on the 24th of August, and he then enjoyed the advantage of spending some days in consultation vrith Sir P. Lake before that general sailed for England on the 2Sth. There was a bond of sympathy and a complete under standing between the outgoing chief and his successor ; for no one reahsed better than Maude what difficulties had been contended vrith and in many instances overcome during the past eight months under most trjdng conditions by the re sponsible head in Mesopotamia. ' I am more sorry than I can say for him,' Maude wrote home when announcing to his family the advancement to the chief command, ' and have a great admiration for him ; for he has battled splendidly against ill-health practically all through.' This feeling was common throughout the forces. One of General Cobbe's first acts on assuming control of the Tigris Corps was to despatch a gracefuUj'^ worded message of farewell on behalf of all ranks under his orders to the departing commander-in-chief, which was cordially acknowledged. Then a page was turned over in the history of the Empire, as the vessel vrith Sir P. Lake on board cast off and steamed down the Shatt-el-Arab. CHAPTER XII PREPARATIONS FOR AN OFFENSIVE CAMPAIGN The new Army Commander of the Anglo-Indian forces in Mesopotamia had brought his two aides-de-camp. Captains Ogilvie-Forbes and Musgrave, with him. Apart from them, he took over the headquarters staff as tliis had been constituted under his predecessor ; this included the Assistant Mihtary Secretary, Lieut.-Colonel L. G. WilUams, who vrith the two A.D.C.'s henceforward constituted his personal staff. The two principal members of the staff at Army Headquarters were Major-General A. W. Money, Chief of the General Staff, and Major-General M. Cowper, D.A. and Q.M.G., who being an officer of the Indian Army was fully acquainted with the conditions of service, and so forth, of the native troops under Maude's command. The important post of Inspector-General of Communications was in the hands of Major-General G. F. MacMunn, with whom Maude had had frequent dealings while in the Gallipoli Peninsula and while in Egypt, as he had then held a high position on the line of communications in the Eastern Mediterranean. There is also always a ' Political Officer ' in Asiatic campaigns which are being carried out under the orders of the Indian Government ; this appointment had been held by Sir P. Cox for some con siderable time in Mesopotamia, and he retained it under the new order of things, acting under the instructions of the Army Commander. In so far as the distribution of the forces is concerned, the situation in respect to the Tigris Corps (which represented the bulk of the fighting forces) has been indicated in the last chapter ; it had already been arranged before the change took place in the command of the corps that the 13th Division should be vrithdrawn from it and be stationed at Amarah temporarily, and that it should come direct imder the orders of Army Headquarters for the time being. StiU, these troops up the Tigris did not represent the whole of Maude's army. 238 FOR AN OFFENSIVE CAMPAIGN 239 There was also the 15th Indian Division, under Major-General H. T. Brooking (who had passed out of Sandhurst at the same time as Maude and had gone into the Indian Army), which was situated on the Euphrates and was assembled for the most part about Nasirieh. There was furthermore a body of troops who were distributed along the line of the Karun River, and who were particularly charged with the defence of the important oU-fields in that region. A detachment stationed at Bushire down the Persian Gulf was also under the orders of Army Headquarters. Finally, and in some respects by far the most important of all, there were the numerous im portant base estabhshments at Basrah itself upon which almost everything depended, together vrith the garrisons of the links on the chain of communications. On the way down-stream from Sheikh Saad to take over his new responsibilities, Maude had written a very interesting letter to Colonel MagiU, which deserves to be quoted in full as it serves to illustrate his point of view at the time of his assuming chief command, as also to indicate his plans for the immediate future. These had to be modified in some respects, for he found it necessary to remain somewhat longer at the base than he had originally contemplated. ' No doubt you vrill have heard before this reaches you,' he wrote, ' of my appointment to command the army in Mesopotamia, as foUovring quickly on my prerious appointment last month to command the Tigris Corps. It is a great advancement for me and I look upon myself as being exceptionaUy lucky. It is of course a great responsibility. The conduct of any expedition naturaUy must be this, but here there are such pecuhar difficulties in connection vrith the campaign that it makes this far from easy to control. There is the long and vulnerable line of communications, shortage of river transport, the absence of roads and railways, the intense heat, the floods, the non-existence of local supplies, and the time which it takes at this distance to get our supplies and war stores here. These all complicate matters tremendously, and constitute an interesting though a stiff problem. However, here we are, and the only thing is to get at it heart and soul, for difficulties exist only to be overcome, and I cannot help feeling that with vigour and determination we may bring the campaign to a fairly speedy and successful conclusion. But we shaU have to work hard, and the delays, the lethargy and the apathy apparent now in some quarters must cease once and for all. The political questions, of which there are many too in connection 240 SIR STANLEY MAUDE vrith Persia and Arabistan, will be pecuUarly interesting, and with them I shall have to deal very largely. I propose to put in two or three weeks at Basrah so as to talk over matters very thoroughly vrith the I.G.C., let him know my plans, see how he proposes to carry them out, give him clear in structions, and then leave him to settle the details himself. Then I hope to get a bit nearer the front, for although there are columns under my command in various directions, still the place where a decision will be sought is on the Tigris, and it is there that, being in chief command, I should be. Basrah is far too distant for the commander's headquarters, for down there one would know Uttle or nothing of what is going on. The heat is diminishing gradually and we have cooler mornings, evenings and nights— -although the middle of the day is still hot enough for any one. Next month I understand it gets cooler, and almost cold in October. Organisa tion is what we want more than anything at present, and, that once obtained and our supphes and transport put on sound Unes, it vrill then be possible to set to and tackle the enemy.' The last paragraph of this letter is especially noteworthy, and is to some extent very typical of Maude. It displays that same determination to be well up to the front which was noticeable in his actions right through the Great War, whether as a general staff officer repining at the withdrawal of his corps commander from a headquarters that was a shell trap to a locality slightly further back from the firing line, or as a brigadier, when ordered by superior authority to move it on account of its exposed position, shifting his headquarters forward instead of backward as was intended, or as a divi sional commander ever going on in advance of his division on the occasion of any move of the force under his control. It serves to show moreover that, at all events in theory, he vvas in favour of decentralisation. His forecast however was, as vrill be seen, too sanguine on the subject of the period that would suffice for him to revolutionise the conditions at the base, and of the date when he would be able to quit Basrah and move his Army Headquarters nearer to the fighting front. Finally, the letter indicates his firm intention, even before he had taken up his charge, to institute vertebrate offensive operations against the Ottoman forces as soon as he had satis fied himself that all was ready. Ever since he had arrived in this theatre of war, Maude had been taking careful note of the general situation from the point of view of supply, in so far as he could judge of such FOR AN OFFENSIVE CAMPAIGN 241 matters as a subordinate commander. During his short stay at Basrah before going to the front in March he had taken stock of many points which appeared to him to call for modi fication or improvement. Much had as a matter of fact been done since that date to accelerate the unloading of ships, to develop store accommodation, to improve the hospitals, and to raise the river port more nearly to the level of what was required in the case of a locality which was serving as the base for a great military force. But even before he returned to the Shatt-el-Arab and revisited this focus of the fighting organisation of which he was now taking up charge, he was fully persuaded that any prospect which there might be of undertaking an offensive campaign against the Turks as soon as the great heats of summer came to an end, must hinge abso lutely upon a substantial development of the establishments at Basrah taking place, on a generous expansion of means of transport in all its forms being secured, and upon the accom plishment of a thorough-going development of the whole ad ministrative system behind those divisions and brigades with which he hoped, when the time came, to transform the situa tion in the theatre of war. On his way down-stream from Sheikh Saad, and during the few days before Sir P. Lake left, he made up his mind to devote himself personally to setting the house in order in rear of the army in the immediate future. But he desired also to impress his views as to the need of pre paring for an early offensive upon commanders at the front, and, before recording his labours as an administrator and organiser at Basrah and on the communications, a memoran dum ought to be mentioned which he issued on the 1st of September, three days after taking up the office of commander- in-chief. This document, while referring to the difficulties in respect to communications which the army had been suffering from during the summer season, intimated that there was good prospect of these matters being placed on a satisfactory basis vrithin a couple of months. It enjoined on commanding officers the importance of utiUsing every available moment in developing the offensive spirit amongst the troops, and in training them for active operations in the field by day and by night. Sannaiyat and Es Sinn were to be held defensively for the time being ; but this was not to prevent local offensive Q 242 SIR STANLEY MAUDE movements should a favourable opportunity present itself. All possible information of the area which might be traversed in case of an advance was to be obtained ; but the work was to be carried out by aeroplane in preference to reconnaissance on the part of mounted troops, for fear of putting the enemy on the alert. The memorandum advocated minor local offensive operations in the form of patrolling, laying ambushes, and throvring hand-grenades, with a view to inculcating dash and enterprise amongst the soldiery ; but it deprecated under takings such as the destruction of bridges, and any enterprises of that kind that would be of a purely temporary nature and which would be more usefully associated with a definite scheme of operations. Maude in fact was anxious by every means to raise the morale of the troops and to prepare for an offensive campaign ; but he did not wish any steps to be taken which might indicate to the enemy that the apparent stagnation behind the outposts of his legions was shortly to give place to a very pronounced and purposeful activity. The climate of Basrah in September is not an invigorating one, many of the staff at the base were feeling the effects of the summer temperature, and a certain air of lassitude hung about the place for which there was a good deal of excuse. The new commander-in-chief perceived at once that it was imperative to infuse energy into the aggregate of personnel working in close contact with Army Headquarters, to im prove methods in most directions, to divide up certain branches of administration and to create certain new ones ; but he introduced such changes as he considered necessary, tactfully, and he stimulated his subordinates to display alacrity and animation by force of example rather than by injunction. To poke a stick into the heap and start all the ants tearing about frantically was not his way. But it was wonderful how speedily he made the presence of his vigorous personality felt, and how the stir which it almost imperceptibly created at Basrah vibrated in all directions throughout that portion of the theatre of war which was under control of the British forces. He was joined at the end of the month by Brig.- General F. F. Ready as D.A.G., Brig.-General H. O. Knox as D.Q.M.G., and Brig.-General G. L. Holdsworth as head of his Remount Department. The inadequacy of the river transport had admittedly been FOR AN OFFENSIVE CAMPAIGN 243 one of the main causes contributing to the iU-success of the mihtary operations ever since General Townshend had been compelled to fall back from Ctesiphon after having been committed to an enterprise for which no adequate prepara tions had been made. Much had been done by General Lake to develop this, and valuable accessions in river craft arrived just at this time. But very much still remained to be done, and Maude at once went into the whole question and was not long in deciding what further material must be asked for. Some of the difficulty experienced in this respect at an earlier date had been removed by the construction of a light railway from Kurna to Amarah, which to a considerable extent elimin ated a particularly awkward stretch of the Tigris, but tbe total absence of stone made the construction of permanent- way very difficult. This railway was being transformed into a metre- gauge hne ; Maude saw to it that the work should be actively proceeded with, and that there should be an adequate staff to ensure full use being made of the line when completed. Although operations in Mesopotamia had commenced in the latter part of 1914, scarcely anything had been done to improve fhe wharves, to create new jetties, or to supply floating landing-stages until General Lake took this all-im portant question up after arriving in January. Still, a meta morphosis could not be effected in a matter of such magnitude as this in a day. Much still remained to be done before the original programme would be completed, and the contem plated developments did not in all respects go so far as Maude deemed to be absolutely necessary. There had been grievous delays in getting the ocean-going ships discharged at the base and at Kurna during the spring and the summer, ships which were bringing the war material and the food supplies upon which the army depended. Big vessels some times remained for weeks moored in the Shatt-el-Arab waiting to unload — ^this at a time when the available tonnage was in sufficient to meet the requirements of the Empire. So, calUng in expert advisers to his aid, Maude set himself to think out what further developments of a practical nature the situabion called for, and to decide how these could most rapidly be carried into effect. Then again, a deplorable deflciency of labour was hampering operations at the base; the Army Commander perceived that it would be necessary to import personnel to 244 SIR STANLEY MAUDE overcome part of this want, but he also perceived that a certain amount of quite appropriate local personnel existed, and that this only stood in need of organisation to bring it into play. Moreover, while speedily making up his mind on the subject of the material requirements, the supply of which appeared to him to be indispensable for prosecuting the operations which he was already visualising in outline, Maude also satisfied himself on the subject of to some extent remodelling the exist ing staff organisation on the line of communications and at the base. Some entirely Jiew branches, he came to the conclusion, must be set on foot. Certain existing branches, he determined, should be split up and their duties decentralised. Already, before his predecessor quitted Basrah, he had drawn up a long telegram to Sir W. Robertson, indicating a number of requirements that he vrished to have met and enumerating a list of articles of war material that he desired to have despatched to him as soon as possible, and no sooner had the ship with Sir P. Lake on board dropped down the reach than he saw to it that this message was promptly despatched. Besides Sir W. Robertson, another former chief of Maude's was installed in high office in Whitehall, for Sir J. Cowans, who had been Director-General of the Territorial Forces in succession to Sir H. Mackinnon, was Quartermaster-General. From the time that Maude assumed the chief command, a complete understanding was established between General Headquarters at Basrah and the War Office — ^to the great advantage of the Anglo-Indian Army that was campaigning in Mesopotamia. What he asked for he got, if it could possibly be provided ; and the friendly consideration with which his demands were treated by the military authorities in England he was the first to acknowledge himself. ' Whenever I telegraph for anything — and this I do most days — I almost invariably, unless there is a good reason to the contrary, get a reply promising supply,' he wrote home on the 9th of Sep tember. ' I cannot of course for obvious reasons mention the various items that I have demanded during the bare fortnight that I have been in command, but almost without exception I have received an instant reply sajdng that they vrill be sent. ... So I am very hopeful that when we have had a httle time to get things running and to collect ourselves for our spring, we may be able to tackle the Turks to some effect. But this of course vrill depend on the FOR AN OFFENSIVE CAMPAIGN 245 instructions which I shaU receive from time to time as to the general pohcy of the Government. I am busy all day seeing my directors of the various departments, my staff and the senior officers responsible on the hnes of com munications, speeding up things, making suggestions as to possi- bihties and trjdng to see our way through difficulties. The fall of the river is hampering us a good deal, but it is only one of many difficulties wliich have to be got over. Every one is working with a will, and as things improve from day to day we are bound to feel the machine moving vrith increased speed. In the evenings I ride, or go by launch on the river, to risit any thing that wants looking into. I am at this moment on my way back from the Anglo-Persian Oil Company's works, where we have a dockyard for putting our barges and boats together as they arrive. The delay and chaos there in the past have been stupendous, but we are now shoring along with increased speed daily, and I have some reaUy capable men in charge. Other nights recently I have been through the Ordnance Stores, Supply Depots, Hospitals, Red Cross Department, Remount Depots, Aircraft Park, along the railway to railhead, and to visit numerous outlying detach ments. There is always something to be done, and I keep my horses busy, though I have not got the full number (6) that I am entitled to yet.' Amongst the new directorates that were set on foot was that of Inland Water Transport, a department which as soon as it had been properly constituted effected something in the nature of a transformation in connection with the manage ment of the multifarious river craft plying on the waterways, and which succeeded in utilising to the best advantage the important reinforcements of material which were now coming to hand. Maude also recognised at once that considerable additions were required to the available skilled personnel in respect to the administration of the Works Department, to the railways (with the progress of which he was not wholly satisfied), to the Ordnance Department, and to the central control of the Supply and Transport services. He had no hesitation in putting forward requests for expansion of the existing administrative staff regulating these matters, and, vrithin a very few weeks of his taking up the chief command, important accessions of experts had landed at Basrah to aid him in reorganisation. The whole subject of hospital accom modation was also carefully reviewed, and although immense improvements had been introduced in respect to this under Sir P. Lake's regime, a further expansion of estabhshments 246 SIR STANLEY MAUDE was deemed to be expedient and was carried out. The Re mount organisation was overhauled and placed on an improved footing, and the Veterinary branch was to a certain extent reconstituted. Thanks to the amphtude of his acquaintance with the administrative requirements of an army, Maude was in a position to go very closely into the minutice of the majority of these problems himself, and most of the modifications that were introduced bore the stamp of his own hand. No detail was too insignificant for him to concern himself with ; he indeed centralised control in himself to an extent that might have been mischievous, but for his indefatigable energy and his abnormal powers of getting through work. In respect to matters of which he possessed no knowledge, such as dockyard operations, wharfage questions and troubles in connection vrith the unloading of ships, he contrived to select the very best men available to act as his advisers and to control the opera tions. It is true that under the conditions that he found existing at the base and on the hne of communications, he was per haps to some extent hampered by his own warm-heartedness and kindliness of disposition. Mr. Candler hints at this when he says that the commander-in-chief was ' more ready to make allowances than most disciplinarians.' The very last man to tolerate sloth or procrastination for a moment on the part of any individual under his orders, Maude would hesitate to rid himself of a subordinate who was doing his best, but who was not inteUectuaUy equal to the task. He would in fact be disposed to do the work himself rather than to take the more drastic course which many soldiers similarly placed would adopt vrithout hesitation and as a matter of course. Medioc rity was distasteful to him ; and yet he would put up with mediocrity at times in preference to hurting another man's feelings. He very soon discovered that his original hope of being able to push Army Headquarters forward well in advance of Basrah vrithin two or three weeks of his assuming the chief command, was doomed to disappointment. Resolved not to commence serious operation in the field until all was absol utely ready, until the estabhshments in rear of the fighting front were in perfect order, until ample reserves of suppUes, FOR AN OFFENSIVE CAMPAIGN 247 ammunition and stores had been accumulated vrithin reach of the troops who were to carry out the active campaign, and until the organisation on the Une of communications could be thoroughly relied on, he found it impossible to quit the base so soon as he had originally contemplated. He remained at and about the port on the Shatt-el-Arab during the whole of September, and he was still there in the third week of October when Sir C. Monro, the newly appointed Commander-in-Chief in India, arrived on a visit of inspection on his way out from home to take up his appointment. This visit of General Monro's was a most opportune incident, and was welcomed by Maude. Not only did it afford the in-coming Commander-in-Chief in India the opportunity of acquainting himself at first hand with the situation in Meso potamia and of discussing questions in connection with it on the spot vrith the commander of the forces operating there, but it also gave no small encouragement to the army as a whole. The troops were already beginning to realise the driving power penetrating through the ramifications of the rearward services from Basrah almost to the very trenches, a driving power which emanated from Maude. General Monro's appearance amongst them, of which all ranks speedily became aware, served to assure them that the Mesopotamian Field Force was no longer a Cinderella, apparently looked upon vrith comparative indifference by Government Departments in Simla and in Whitehall. After the fall of Kut, and during the torrid summer that was now over, the morale of the army had suffered to some extent. It was already improving rapidly, just as its health was improving with the gradual setting in of cooler weather, and Sir C. Monro's visit put a finishing touch to the ameUoration that was being effected. Maude accompanied him up the Tigris to the Front, and the inspection served to some extent as one by himself, as all the superior commanders and the principal staff officers were seen by General Monro and also some of the troops. One point that particularly struck Maude was the marked advance which had taken place in the appearance of the rank and ffle within the two months that had passed since he had last seen much of them. Then they had been, as he expressed it, ' all parched and dried up by the sun,' now they looked healthy and were evidently in good heart. The trip up-stream was 248 SIR STANLEY MAUDE made under fairly pleasant conditions in a new steamer, which nevertheless was not altogether comfortable in the middle of the day when the sun was in full force. General Monro had unfortunately met with an accident some time before which somewhat interfered vrith his activity ; but he went out to Es Sinn by railway, and he saw something of all the divisions and cavalry brigades under General Cobbe's orders. On the way back a halt was made at Amarah, where Maude's old Division, the 13th, was inspected. Sir C. Monro altogether spent about a fortnight in the country, and he managed to see a great deal, even if he was unable to visit Nasirieh or the Karun River line. ' What impressed him more than anything, I think,' Maude wrote home, ' was the magnitude of the under taking : in fact, he said to me that this would be reckoned in history as about the biggest expedition of its kind that England had ever sent out.' Two or three days after General Monro's departure for India on the 26th of October, Maude started on a visit to the Karun line and the Anglo-Persian Oilfields. He had been somewhat unwell, and on the 27th Colonel Willcox, consulting physician to the force, saw him and found him suffering from sand-fly fever. ' His only care then was,' writes Colonel Willcox, ' for the important duties that he was engaged on, and after hearing what his illness was and the treatment necessary, his anxiety was that his work should be interfered vrith as little as possible. Removal to hospital was not necessary, and part of the time required for rest was occu pied in his journey up the Karun River to visit the oilfields area. General Maude made a complete and rapid recovery from this iUness, which to most patients means a week or more in hospital, but to him was two days' rest in bed, after which he was able to resume his duties with certain restrictions as regards over-exertion.' The Army Commander's own account of the river trip hardly conveys the impression that it represented a period of repose. He proceeded on the 29th by steamer up the Karun as far as Ahwaz, where he inspected the troops and defences, and he then went on to the oilfields. First we motored some fifty miles over the desert, crossing three rivers, and then we had a hght luncheon and got into some American buck-boards, in which we drove through the mountains — thirty-five miles over roads which only exist in name. It was a wild journey, and we only reached the oilfields after dark, having in the course FOR AN OFFENSIVE CAMPAIGN 249 of our drive crossed one river, which zig-zagged continuously, no less than thirty-nine times. We stayed the night at the oilfields I should have liked to have stayed several days and to have in vestigated the oilfields, not only from a mihtary but also from a business point of view ; but time pressed, so, after a cursory look round in the moming, we were off at 5.45 a.m., driring five miles in American buck-boards and then riding sixteen miles through the mountain passes. We then had lunch and drove another nine miles in American buck-boards, after which we motored about a hundred miles to rejoin our ship, which had gone some distance down the Karun. . . . Of course you understand the reason of my risit to this quarter. It is because my responsibihties extend not only over the Tigris and Euphrates fronts, but also right into Persia as far as a hne drawn north and south through Ispahan, where we get into touch with the Russians. So I felt that I ought to make myself acquainted as far as possible with all this neighbourhood. On the day after getting back to Basrah he started for Nasineh, going by train as far as the railway was completed — ninety miles — and then motoring on the remaining forty-five miles. Next day he inspected the troops there under General Brooking, rode through the remains of Ur of the Chaldees, and afterwards went by gunboat some distance up the Euphrates. Next day, the 2nd of November, after inspecting the troops at another station near Nasirieh, he returned to Basrah, spent the afternoon there interviewing heads of depart ments and other officials, and at night proceeded up the Tigris to Amarah, on the way up to the front where he now pro posed to fix Army Headquarters. He was satisfied that the arrangements at the base and on the line of communications were sufficiently advanced to admit of his quitting Basrah for good. He had indeed been very well pleased latterly vrith the progress that had been made, and he was confident that he could now rely upon the services in rear of his fighting army keep ing this supplied regularly with all that it was likely to need. It should be mentioned that during a stay of a few hours at Amarah he performed a service which gave him great pleasure. I had a parade of my old dirision for the purpose of presenting the ribbon of the Victoria Cross to four members of the division who earned it in the fighting last April. The parade was a fine one and the division looked magnificent. It is extraordinary how the men have picked up during the last few weeks, and they looked not only clean and smart, but they stepped briskly and looked healthy. It was a red-letter day for the dirision, for I fancy that 250 SIR STANLEY MAUDE there are not many — ^if any — dirisions that can say they have had four V.C.'s presented on the same day. During the weeks when he had been so constantly busy vrith the development of the base and the line of communications during September and October, Maude had not overlooked the desirability of effecting certain changes in the order-of-battle of the troops on the Tigris line. The arrangement under which all of these, from Sheikh Saad forward to the advanced trenches, constituted one single Army Corps was not a satisfactory one on paper, and he had experienced its inconveniences in prac tice himself, both as a divisional general and as the Corps Commander. Soon after reaching Basrah he had requested Sir W. Robertson to send him an additional corps commander with the requisite staff, and the choice had fallen in London on General Marshall, who was commanding the division in Egypt which had been under him at the DardaneUes, and with whom Maude had been associated closely at the time of the evacuation of Suvla. A reorganisation was carried out on the 15th of November under which the Tigris Corps (vrith the 13th Division which was to move up from Amarah) was split into two army corps, while the Cavalry Brigades became independent of the corps organisation and were formed into a division. The title ' Tigris Corps ' was finally dropped ; a 1st Indian Army Corps, consisting of the 3rd and 7th Divisions with corps troops, was constituted under General Cobbe ; a 3rd Indian Army Corps, consisting of the 13th and 14th Divisions with corps troops, was constituted under General Marshall. As regards general distribution, the 1st Corps was to be on the right on both sides of the river, vrith the 3rd Corps on its left, the latter taking over some of the ground previously held by troops of the 1st Corps as soon as the 13th Division came up to the front from Amarah. These changes were brought fully into force during the second half of November. Maude was deUghted to be at the front again and was much pleased with the appearance of the troops and with the general outlook. As regards supphes, the situation was now improv ing from day to day, the hght railway was completed to Es Sinn and beyond, railhead being close up to the most advanced trenches, and although the days were getting shorter the weather had now become suitable in all respects for campaign- FOR AN OFFENSIVE CAMPAIGN 251 ing. He felt that the era of preparation was nearly at an end, and that the hour for action was approaching. The varied nature of the questions with which at this time he occasionaUy had to deal is Ulustrated by the following extract from a letter of his to his family : My chief pohtical officer, Sir Percy Cox, has been off touring with a Potentate who lives some two hundred miles west from here, and whom we are anxious to get to help us in that direction. He has been presenting him vrith K.C.S.I.'s and things like that, and now he is bringing him to Basrah where we have got up a great pro gramme for him. He is to have salutes fired for him (which those sort of people love), an aeroplane display, an artiUery display, a tour to see the development of the Port of Basrah; etc., so that I think he will be impressed. I have sent him a personal message regretting my absence, and Cox wired yesterday to know whether he might present him with a jewelled sword from me, to which I replied ' Certainly, provided that I do not have to pay for it.' Such a funny thing to be able to produce at a few minutes' notice on active service ; but I suppose that political officers are rather like the professional ladies who make long journeys on hners, and who produce the most elaborate fancy dresses for dances on board. By the early days of December the protracted period of preparation was virtually at an end, although a few finishing touches to the organisation as a whole still remained to be added. A steady stream of reinforcements had been moving up the Tigris for some weeks, and a generous supply of drafts which the War Office and the military authorities in India had taken care to despatch betimes, were filling up the gaps in the units at the front and were providing depots for rapidly making good the wastage to be expected during the fights which Maude contemplated. The troops were in good health, partly owing to improved food arrangements and partly ovring to the arrival of the cool weather, and they were now full of confidence and looked forward eagerly to trjdng con clusions afresh vrith the Turks. The training camps which had been formed at Amarah had been broken up, and the units that had been stationed there for some time past were now in their places at and beyond Sheikh Saad. The general concentration was in fact completed, and the accumulation of supplies and war material in advanced position was in a very forward condition. The army commander felt sure that, vrith General MacMunn as Inspector-General of Communica tions and vrith ample reserves of everjrthing actually in the 252 SIR STANLEY MAUDE country, the flow of personnel and material from the base up to the front, as required, was assured, Lieut.-General Sir A. Cobbe, who played so prominent a part in the campaign now about to be launched, writes of Maude's share in preparing for the operations which led to the conquest of all Lower Mesopotamia within the next few months that ' he took over command of the force at a time when the country was aroused by the misfortunes of Kut. He thus enjoyed the advantage, as he himself said, of drawing to the full on the resources of the Empire. But it is one thing to have the power and it is another thing to have the capacity enabhng that power to be effectively used, and it is here that his remarkable military knowledge and foresight were dis played. From guns and ammunition, river and land trans port, to rations and clothing for his men and the thousand other details required in war, he personally worked out the requirements for his future operations ; the results gained are the most convincing proofs of his prescience.' The three and a half months which had passed since Maude had taken up his highly responsible position at the head of the forces of the Empire in the Asiatic theatre of war had pro duced nothing to interest the outside world, and, except in Irak itself and amongst the few in England and India who were behind the scenes, the situation on the banks of the Tigris and Euphrates appeared to be one of unprofitable stagnation. But a dramatic change was about to take place. Great events were at hand. CHAPTER XIII THE CAMPAIGN OF BAGHDAD The Turldsh army on the Tigris front occupied the same positions in the early part of December as they had been occupjdng ever since their withdrawal from the Es Sinn position in the previous May. On the left bank of the river they were still holding the Sannaij^at position ; but, during the months that had intervened since the last attack made by General Gorringe's forces upon those formidable entrenchments, the Ottoman defence system in that area had been much developed, a series of elaborately fortified positions now ex tended right back to Kut, and the river bank between Kut and Sannaiyat was effectively secured by earthworks and armament. On the other bank of the Tigris (as shown in the map ' Kut, December 1916 to February 1917,' on p. 195) new lines had been taken up in May, which extended from a point on the river three miles north-west of Kut in a south-westerly direction across the Khaidiri Bend to the Shatt-el-Hai, and then turned north-west on the further bank of that stream. Within their entrenched position the Turks had a pontoon bridge across the Hai near its exit from the Tigris ; and the enemy also possessed another pontoon bridge on the eastern side of the Shumran Peninsula, which afforded access across the main river. Ottoman and Arab posts moreover extended for some miles down the Hai, to the south of the entrenched bridgehead. On the left bank of the Tigris, Maude's advanced troops were disposed in trenches vrithin 120 yards of the Sannaiyat defences. On the other bank his foremost detachments were situated eleven miles up-stream from Sannaiyat, and there also were advanced posts vrithin a couple of miles of the Ottoman lines across the Khaidiri Bend and within about five miles of the enemy position on the Hai. Strategically, as Maude pointed out in his despatch of the 10th of April 1917, the Turks were in a somewhat uncomfortable position ; be- 253 254 SIR STANLEY MAUDE cause their line of communications to Sannaiyat ran more or less parallel to the British front facing the Tigris from the south-east. The danger represented by this was fairly obvious, and the Ottoman commander had prepared against it by the very elaborate system of entrenchments in rear of the Sannai yat position to which reference has been made above. Any British advance across the Hai necessarily threatened the enemy's communications on the left bank of the Tigris in sectors still further back from Sannaiyat, whereas the extensive Suwaikieh marshes provided a natural protection to Maude's communications against any effort that the Turks might make to strike at Sheikh Saad or the Tigris line of communications lower down. His plan, as indicated in his despatch, was designed to make the most of this significant strategical situation. It was : ' First to secure possession of the Hai ; secondly, to clear the Turkish trench systems still remaining on the right bank of the Tigris ; thirdly, to sap the enemy's strength by constant attacks and give him no rest ; fourthly, to compel him to give up the Sannaiyat position, or in default of that to extend his attenuated forces more and more to counter our strokes against his communications ; and lastly, to cross the Tigris at the weakest part of his line as far west as possible, and to sever his communications.' All being ready for the offensive. General Cobbe's artillery opened a heavy bombardment of the Sannaiyat position on the 13th of December to convey the impression to the enemy that this was about to be assailed. Then, after dark, the Cavalry Division, and the 3rd Corps under General Marshall, made a night march from about Es Sinn and to the south, heading for the Hai, and they effected a complete surprise although the river itself proved to be a somewhat awkward obstacle to get across. ' Yesterday moming,' Maude wrote home on the 15th, ' after a night march, very creditably carried out by the Cavalry Dirision and the 3rd Corps, we threw our left forward to the River Hai and obtained a footing there. This I was most anxious to do as it gives us control of the Hai waterway, stops the Turks from dravring supphes from Hai Town, gives additional security to Nasirieh, separates the Turks from the turbulent Arabs about Shattra, who will now become more peaceably disposed towards us, and incidentally places us in a more satisfactory position. Whilst the ground which we had secured was being consolidated, /w^''*w-u-^-.^ /]2- /7- 2 ¦/; -7 The Army Commander with his A.D. C.s. moving to Advanced G.H.Q., 13th Dec. 1916. (With facsimile of his note sent to Lady Maude with snapshot.) THE CAMPAIGN OF BAGHDAD 255 the 3rd Corps swung northwards and cleared the left bank of the Hai of hostile troops to within three miles of Kut, whilst the cavalry — moving with great dash — got within 700 yards of their bridge over the Tigris and sheUed the Turks fairly heavily. These movements, which were made against the Turkish right, had been preceded by a strong feint extending over some thirty-six hours which I made with the 1st Corps against the Turkish left at Sannaiyat, so as to try to mislead him and draw his attention away. In this we had a great measure of success, for he reinforced his left at the expense of his right. During last night one of our aeroplanes paid three visits to Kut and found the Turks trying to tow their bridge up-stream. The pilot dropped bombs on each occasion and the pontoons were cut adrift and are now all over the river. They are consequently without bridges over the Tigris or the Hai now. During to-day, whilst the 1st Corps still continue bombarding the Sannaiyat position and attracting a certain amount of Turkish attention in that direction, the 3rd Corps gained further ground towards Kut, and are now within about a mile of the loop of the river on which Kut stands. The cavalry have also worked forward well, and have given the Turks a busy time. Consequently we are well satisfied with our two days' work. We have also had to deal with a certain number of marauding Arabs, but we have managed to keep them at a respectful distance and to give them more than they bargained for. The weather has been beautiful and most suitable for operations —nice and cool even in the middle of the day, although perhaps the nights have been too cold for the troops bivouacking. But still one cannot have everything, and on the whole we have been very lucky, and supphes, transport, ammunition, etc., have been excellent. The troops have done splendidly, and the reconnais sance work of the Flying Corps has been quite first rate and most useful to us.' Pressure was maintained on the Turks during the next two or three days, and by the end of that time a position had been secured on the bank of the Tigris opposite Kut, although the enemy held on grimly to the entrenchments across the Khaidiri Bend and also to the Hai bridgehead. Maude now deter mined to consolidate his position on the Hai and to improve communications before developing fresh offensive operations, while keeping the opposing side busy by means of raids and bombardments, and while the hght railway was being pushed on to the Hai. Soine delay was then caused by heavy rains towards the end of the year, and by a sudden rise of the Tigris which caused considerable areas of the country to be flooded and damaged the permanent- way of the Ught railway, 256 SIR STANLEY MAUDE so that it was the 5th of January before resolute active operations could be resumed. These in the first place took the form of a prolonged attack by portions of General Cobbe's 1st Corps upon the elaborately constructed system of defence works stretching across the Khaidiri Bend, which secured to the Turks a footing on the right bank of the Tigris below Kut. This undertaking brought about a period of almost continuous trench combats and bombardments, which lasted a fortnight and in the course of which the enemy displayed a most un yielding spirit, frequently counter-attacking with vigour and intrepidity and suffering heavily in the process. But the Ottoman power of resistance was gradually, sapped, line after line was wrested out of hostile hands, and on the night of the 18th-19th the Turks finally abandoned the position and retired across the river. ' We have had some very strenuous fighting during the last ten days,' Maude wrote home on the 21st with reference to these opera tions, ' but it has all been eminently successful, and we have driven the Turks from the whole of their trench system on the right bank of the Tigris north-east of Kut, back across the river. The 3rd Division did most of the fighting and did it splendidly. As you know, the Turks are very stubborn fighters, especially in trenches ; but our men fairly beat them at their own game, and with bomb and bayonet drove them steadily back, foot by foot, tiU by the moming of the 20th they were all pushed across the river. . . . The men are tremendously pleased with themselves — as well they may be, for their conduct has been splendid.' Already before this set of operations had been brought to its triumphant conclusion. General Marshall was getting to work against the hostile entrenchments that stretched athwart the Hai River and formed the bridgehead in the enemy's hands on the right bank of the Tigris to the south and south-west of Kut. This offensive likewise gave rise to protracted and bitter affrays, in which somewhat heavy casualties were suffered by both sides. But Maude's heart never failed him on such occasions. Although the progress of the assailants was checked from time to time at some particular section of the defensive line, and although the Turks would occasionaUy deliver some resolute counter-stroke which would win a patch of ground back for them temporarily, progress was for all practical purposes continuous, so that by the 4th of February the enemy had been forced to quit the whole of the lines east THE CAMPAIGN OF BAGHDAD 257 of the Hai. The whole of the right bank of the Tigris from opposite Sannaiyat up to the point where the Hai flows out of the main waterway, had thus been brought under Maude's control. He was more than satisfied with what his troops were accomplishing, and he was particularly pleased one day when a brigade of his old division picked up 343 dead Turks in the trenches which it had captured with the loss of only 224 casualties altogether. The hospital arrangements also were working most satisfactorily, for whereas in the previous April it had taken three days to evacuate wounded personnel from about Beit Aiessa back to Sheikh Saad, the injured now were within a few hours on board very specially fitted up ships which conveyed them from Sheikh Saad' to Amarah. The whole journey sometimes took less than thirty-six hours. No pause took place in the offensive. General Marshall proceeded to extend his left, vrith a view to ultimately en closing the Dahra Bend, and a fresh set of offensive opera tions thus developed which led ultimately to the whole of the enemy's forces within that segment of a circle being destroyed, or surrendering, or fleeing across the river. By the 13th the Turks had been definitely enclosed within the bend, and were fighting with their backs to the Tigris. Then on the 15th a general assault was delivered on the inner position which the enemy had gradually been forced back upon, and it became apparent during the course of the battle that the Ottoman power of resistance in this quarter was virtually broken. ' To-day we have had a very heavy fight,' Maude wrote on the 15th. ' We had previously ringed in the Turks into the Dahra Bend on the right bank of the Tigris, and this moming, after a heavy bom bardment against their left centre, we attacked their right centre and immediately estabhshed ourselves in our objective, and con- sohdated it, the whole assault being carried out under a heavy bombardment. ArtiUery work went on for some hours after this, and then we launched a second attack against the enemy's left centre, which was also completely successful. We of course have not got the details yet, for the fight is stiU progressing, and I do not wish to exaggerate ; but I think that I can safely say that we have taken a thousand prisoners; and General Marshall — ^who commands the 3rd Corps which has been engaged — ^assures me that it wiU be nearer two thousand. Still we shall see, and of course there wiU be many dead and wounded Turks as well, besides masses of arms and equipment, and possibly machine guns, etc. So this is a very heavy blow for them, coming as it does on the top of two B 258 SIR STANLEY MAUDE months of 'continuous fighting vrith scarcely any success. I fancy too that the Turks are getting short of food and ammunition, whilst we have plenty of both, and that aU helps to make people feel happy and confident. They are wonderful stickers, those Turks, and there are few troops that would fight hke they do. I think that they are bound to crack before long ; but till they do we shall keep hammering at them, and I have already planned some more operations to keep them on the move which we shaU carry out vrith the least possible delay. The weather has been wonderfully mild lately and we have no complaints on that score ; but the rain is a nuisance, to-day it is raining hearily — the result of a thunderstorm. It does not matter to me personaUy as I have a httle tent, but I am sorry for the troops, most of whom have to be out in the open ; besides, it com plicates our movements. The Turks have cut the bund up-stream of Kut and have flooded the country westwards, so that it makes it difficult for us to operate. But I must not complain, for we have been extraordinarily lucky taking all into consideration. Things could not have gone better for us than they have done.' The victory of the 15th proved to be as complete as General Marshall had promised the Army Commander. By nightfall all resistance had ceased except along a short stretch close to the river bank at a point where the remnants of the Turks were trjang to escape across the channel. This was to have been dealt with by a combined operation during the night, but two Ghurka companies forestalled the contemplated movement by delivering an assault on their own initiative, which was completely successful. The total number of prisoners taken on the 15th and 16th in the Dahra Bend amounted to 2005 ; many rifles, five machine guns and great quantities of ammunition, hand-grenades and other war material were also captured. In his despatch of the 10th of April Maude gave warm praise to the infantry and artillery for an operation ' brilliantly carried out,' which had had the effect of driving the Turks finally from the right bank of the Tigris in the neighbourhood of Kut. The first three phases of the commander-in-chief's plan of campaign, as explained in his own words in the passage quoted on p. 254, had now been brought to a successful conclusion. Although the fighting had been very severe at times and al though casualties had on some occasions been regrettably heavy, the Anglo-Indian forces, even if occasionally temper- THE CAMPAIGN OF BAGHDAD 259 arily brought to a standstiU, had invariably been completely victorious in the end, and Maude had good reason for feehng gratified at the fine spirit that had been displayed by the soldiers flghting under his orders. ' The troops are on the top of their toes now,' he wrote, ' and one can hardly hold them in, they are so keen to get at the Turks.' Moreover, everything had proceeded smoothly in rear of the fighting front as a result of the carefuUy thought out preparations in the elaboration of which he had borne so prominent a part. There had at no time been any anxiety on the score of supplies. The river transport was worldng admirably, and it was as a matter of fact also gaining valuable accessions of tonnage ; the railways were pulling their fuU weight ; and the animal transport, although at times sorely hampered by the mud following the occasionally heavy rains, was performing what was required of it. The administrative personnel had worked wholeheartedly throughout, and its enthusiastic co operation vrith the actual combatants had played, and was playing, a dominating part in breaking Ottoman fighting power in Mesopotamia. Even the fact of the enemy cutting the bunds some distance further up the Tigris than where the advanced portions of the Anglo-Indian army was awaiting the next move, in reahty proved to be a blessing in disguise, seeing that it enabled the Cavalry Division to find water where there othervrise would have been none. Moreover, although the Osmanh troops in the Dahra Bend had undoubtedly been highly tried by artillery fire on the 15th and were batthng under perilous and discouraging conditions, their readiness to yield themselves up on that day suggested that the enemy's morale was deteriorating. The further operations which Maude had in mind and to which he referred in his letter of the 15th, quoted above, consisted of an attack upon Sannaiyat by troops of the 1st Corps, and of the passage of the Tigris at a point above the Dahra Bend by a portion of General Marshall's command. As vrill be seen from the sketch map, there is ^a very well defined loop in the river's course immediately above Dahra which came to be known as the Shumran Bend. The com mander-in-chief's design was to force a way across the river channel at about the southern end of this loop, and prepara tions for embarking on this daring venture were set on foot 260 SIR STANLEY MAUDE as soon as the Dahra Bend had been cleared of the enemy. In the meantime the Army Commander published the foUow ing Order of the Day, in recognition of what his army had already accompUshed, and as an encouragement in \'iew of what it was still to be called upon to perform : After a period of severe and strenuous fighting, extending with only short pauses over a period of two months, I vrish to express to the Navy, to Lieut.-Generals Marshall and Cobbe, to the dirisional and brigade commanders, to the staffs, including my own, and to aU ranks of the fighting troops, my warmest thanks for their splendid work, and my congratulations on their brilliant successes. To the regimental officers, non-commissioned officers and men a special word is due for their matchless heroism and fighting spirit, and for their grit and determination so fully in accord with the best traditions of British and Indian regiments. Whilst regretting deeply the casualties necessarily incurred in the attainment of our object, the series of stinging blows dealt to the enemy, his severe losses which are out of all proportion to the size of his force, and his obriously faUing spirits, afford ample proof to all ranks that their sacrifices have not been made in vain. My thanks too are due to Major-General MacMunn, to the directors and their assistants, and to all ranks of the Administrative Serrices and Departments, both in the field and on the lines of communication, who, in the face of unexampled difiiculties, have by sterhng work and energy risen superior to tbem and have regularly met the needs of the fighting troops vrith ample supplies, stores and munitions, without which the loss of life would have been considerably increased and success rendered impossible, and have been the means of providing every comfort attainable for the sick and wounded. To each and every member of the Navy and Army, and to those who though not belonging to either of the Services have helped to bring about the results achieved, I tender my warmest thanks for their whole-hearted and magnificent support. The end is not yet ; but with such absolute co-operation and vigour animating all, continuance of our success is assured. F. S. Maude, Lieutenant-General, Commanding Indian Expeditionary Force ' D.' Uth February 1917. General Cobbe had been keeping the enemy on the qui vive in the Sannaiyat lines while the Dahra Bend operations were in progress, helping to distract the attention of the Turks, and Maude now issued instructions that the formidable position on the left bank of the great river, which three times over had proved too strong to reduce in the previous April, THE CAMPAIGN OF BAGHDAD 261 was to be assaUed on the 17th. The attack proved a failure. Heavy rains on the previous day had converted the approaches into a quagmire, and although the two front series of entrench ments were captured in gallant style, a determined counter attack on the part of the defenders led to the ground which had been so secured passing back into Ottoman hands again. The water-logged condition of the country and a sudden rise of the Tigris then put a period to further efforts for five days, although an almost incessant bombardment was kept up with the object of deceiving the enemy as to when a fresh attack might be expected. ' On Sunday, the 18th, I did duty vrith the advanced section,' writes the Rev. A. Jarvis. ' Before returning to Sheikh Saad on the Monday the army commander told me that he particularly wanted a celebration on the Wednesday moming ; all the preparations for the advance on Kut and Baghdad had been kept a profound secret. On the moming of the 21st, a cold, dark, ghmmering davsm with a hoar frost on the ground, the guard tent was prepared and our simple altar erected, and there we gathered for the Holy Mys teries. After the serrice he remained for a long time in silent prayer. There were perhaps a dozen of us present ; some of the General Staff knew what the day meant for the campaign. After breakfast I saw him walking alone to a nullah overlooking Sannaiyat, and almost immediately afterwards the artillery opened an overwhelming fire. The advance to Baghdad had begun, and it never stopped until we were beyond the city. That historic event vriU always be associated in my mind with the sohtary figure kneeUng before the Ughted altar in the presence of his God in the grey hght of a winter mom, and I have often wondered how much those silent moments contributed to the great achievement with which Maude's name will ever be associated.' The final attack on Sannaiyat was delivered on the 22nd. The two front lines were not only captured on this day but were also effectively consolidated in preparation for a further bound forward towards Kut. Feints of crossing the Tigris near Megasis and at Kut from the right bank of the river were also carried out on this date, while the finishing touches were being quietly put to the paramount design — that of forcing a way across the great obstacle at the apex of the Shumran Bend. Winning a passage over the mighty stream when almost at its highest, in defiance of an enemy sustained by a formidable assemblage of guns, was a project recalhng Welhngton's 262 SIR STANLEY MAUDE forcing of the Douro and of the Bidassoa during the Penin sular War. In his The Long Road to Baghdad, Mr. Candler, an eye-vritness of this memorable operation of war, pro rides us with a stirring description of the adventures met vrith by the parties which enjoyed precedence in the adventure. Maude makes clear in his despatch how great were the diffi culties which had to be overcome, and he at the same time indicates how far-reaching was the success that attended the efforts of those who led the way. The scene opened just before dawn on the 23rd vrith the ferrying of detachments of infantry across the channel at three points, down-stream from the spot where the bridge was to be thrown. All three advanced parties made good a footing ; but owing to the very heavy fire brought by the Turks to bear upon the water, the two lower ferries were speedily abandoned and all the remaining troops were put across at the point highest up. Gradually the leaders pressed forward within the loop of the river, and the construction of the bridge was promptly taken in hand. At 4.30 P.M. this was completed, and reinforcements there upon began to pour across. ' By nightfall,' Maude wrote in his despatch, ' as a result of the day's operations, our troops had by their unconquerable valour and determination forced a passage across a river in flood, 340 yards wide, in face of strong opposition, and had secured a position 2000 yards in depth covering the bridgehead, while ahead of this hne our patrols were acting vigorously against the enemy's advanced detachments, who had suffered heavy losses, including about 700 prisoners taken in all. The infantry of one division were across and another division was ready to follow.' Nor were the triumphs of that day of victory confined to the stirring events on the extreme left of the Anglo-Indian army, for General Cobbe's troops followed up their success of the 22nd by securing possession of the third, fourth and fifth hnes at Sannaiyat, so that by the evening they had placed themselves in a dominating position on the extreme right of Maude's far-flung front. General Marshall's forces were in considerable strength on the left bank of the Tigris by the morning of the 24th, and they continued their pressure on the enemy vrithin and beyond the Shumran Bend the whole day long, gradually overcoming aU resistance other than what was offered by a stalwart Turkish THE CAMPAIGN OF BAGHDAD 263 rearguard, as the enemy retired in disorder up the river. 1650 prisoners, 5 guns and 8 machine guns were included in the day's booty. General Cobbe simultaneously gained pos session of the last hne of trenches at Sannaiyat, whereupon his troops moved forward rapidly, almost unopposed, through the successive defensive systems which the enemy had con structed between Sannaiyat and Kut, his advanced guard reaching the vicinity of the latter place before dark. The Turks, it may be remarked, had regarded Sannaiyat as impreg nable, and, taking into consideration the comparatively weak support in respect to heavy artillery which the 1st Corps had at its disposal, it seems doubtful whether the position could have been captured, even in spite of the valour of the assailants, had it not been for the influence exerted upon the defenders of the hnes by events in the Dahra Bend and at Shumran. Even so, the garrison of Sannaiyat had manifested a rare tenacity and fortitude, as was evidenced by the very heavy losses which they had endured. ' Many trenches were choked vrith corpses,' Maude wrote, ' and the open ground where counter-attacks had taken place was strewn vrith them.' When darkness closed in on the 24th, what was left of the Ottoman forces was in full fUght from the scene of their triumphs of a few months before, and that night the British gunboats, pushing up froin Felahieh, moored off Kut. Maude was the very last man to rest on his laurels and to allow a discomfited antagonist breathing space to recover from defeat. The events of the 22nd-24th of February may never theless fairly be said to have placed the coping-stone on the series of offensive operations which had commenced a little more than two months before, when he of a sudden pushed forward his left and secured the passages over the Hai. The lines of entrenchments on which the Turks had expended infinite labour on both sides of the Tigris, defences which converted the environs of Kut into one huge stronghold, were now all in the hands of his troops. The enemy, almost bereft of armament and war material, was in full retreat. The Tigris was open as a line of communications for supphes to be brought up abreast of the leading troops of the Anglo-Indian army, and armed river craft could now be depended upon to take a prominent part in such further offensive operations as Maude might contemplate. The disaster which had befaUen 264 SIR STANLEY MAUDE General Townshend's force ten months before, and the suc cession of reverses which the troops under Aylmer and Gor ringe had met vrith when engaged on an almost impossible task, were amply avenged. Not often in the history of war has so dramatic a transformation been recorded in the rela tive positions of opposing belligerents. It is difficult to pick a hole either in the conception or in the execution of this two and a half months' campaign, which entirely revolutionised the military situation in Mesopotamia. If the plan was a bold one, it was also at the same time a reasonably safe one, and evefy fresh undertaking in connec tion with its execution had been thought out in advance. It might be suggested that the attack deUvered upon Sannaiyat (which in the first instance was unsuccessful) was unnecessary, seeing that the enemy was bound to abandon that formidable position should the passage of the Tigris at Shumran prove successful. But that forcing of the river was in reality by far the most hazardous undertaking of all the various enterprises comprised in the scheme of operations as a whole, the realisa tion of the plan in full hinged upon its success, and to facili tate the crossing by every means that Maude had at his disposal was imperative. The attack on Sannaiyat on the 17th chained large Ottoman forces to the spot on that day as also on the following days — infantry and artillery — and it auto matically diminished the resistance that was bound to be encountered at Shumran ; moreover the Turks as a matter of fact lost the more heavily of the two contending sides on that day, even if they repulsed General Cobbe's troops. One of Maude's outstanding merits as a commander in the field indeed was that, in spite of his constant solicitude for the comfort and well-being of the troops serving under his orders, he never shrank from losing men when there was a definite strategical or tactical object to be gained by doing so. A success at Sannaiyat on the 17th would naturally have been preferable to a set-back ; but whether the result of the operations at that point was to be a success or to be a set-back meant a matter of secondary consideration. The point of real importance was that the Turks should be kept fully occupied opposite Maude's extreme right at the moment when he was striking the decisive blow vrith his extreme left. Messages of congratulation poured in upon the Army THE CAMPAIGN OF BAGHDAD 265 Commander after the news of his triumphs became known ; for the recovery of Kut, although the place was of no importance in itself, appealed warmly to the imagination of the people all over the Empire. Maude received cable grams from the King, from the War Office, from the Com mander-in-Chief in India, from Sir Douglas Haig, and from Sir A. Murray ; these were pubhshed, with his rephes, in an Order of the Day for the information of his troops. But the completeness of his success was hardly known even to himself imtU two or three days later. For even on the 25th, when General Marshall pressed on vigorously after the re treating enemy on the left bank of the Tigris, with cavalry pushing forward on his right and the gunboats steaming up stream on his left, he was met with some stubborn opposition after advancing some eight miles ; and he had to deploy his guns and infantry and to deliver an attack before the Turks gave way. During that night however the Ottoman forces became utterly demoralised in the course of a hurried retreat, and this retreat developed into a veritable rout on the follow ing day, as a result of daring action on the part of the Royal Navy and of relentless pressure by the mounted troops. For the three gunboats, reheved to some extent of fear of heavy artillery fire from guns concealed in pits, pushed boldly ahead of the army, and they became completely separated from it for a time owing to the sinuosities of the ri ver channel. Although strongly opposed at one point by rifle and gun fire from the banks, the httle fleet steamed hard against the current, and in the afternoon came up vrith the heterogeneous Turkish flotilla of fighting craft, transports and barges. This armament was attacked at once. The hostile crews fought their vessels gallantly enough ; but the British gunboats proved very much more than a match for the enemy armada and gained a complete \actory, capturing or destroying the entire flotilla but for a couple of patrol boats which managed to escape up-stream. The flying Ottoman army had in the meantime entirely outstripped Marshall's infantry ; but the British and Indian cavalry kept well up with the fugitives, accelerating their movements, maldng imposing captures, and pressing so close on the heels of the fugitive foe that on the evening of the 27th the foremost echelons of the mounted troops reached Azizieh, half-way from Kut to Baghdad. 266 SIR STANLEY MAUDE • At the commencement of operations,' writes Sir A. Cobbe, ' the Army Commander was hampered by the necessity of avoiding losses — a policy which so often defeats its own ends and leads to extravagance in this direction ovring to effecting nothing. When given a freer hand he framed his plans with the intention of defeat ing the enemy's forces before they could be reinforced, and of inflicting such blows on the Turks that their morale would be lowered for the future. This could only be attained by hard fighting, seeing that his opponents were fiushed vrith their successes at Kut, and were confident that their own fighting powers far sur passed ours. Having made his plans, Maude carried them through vrithout a falter. Unaffected by temporary set-backs, always eager for action, chafing at inaction though suffering it when necessary (such as during the halt in pursuit to Baghdad in order to let rations come forward and keep pace with his rapid advance), he inspired those under him vrith the same spirit. He fiUed them vrith confidence that they would be backed up in what they undertook and that the serrices behind them would not faU.' THE CAMPAIGN OF BAGHDAD 267 ' I fancy that in my last letter I told you aU about the crossing of the Tigris, and the magnificent way in which the troops accom phshed it,' Maude wrote home on the 28th. ' Nothing could have been finer, and, as Sir Charles Monro said in his telegram to me, it wiU take a very high place in the records of the British Army. Since then we have been pushing on merrily. First the whole army was in pursuit, and then, as the infantry became less and less able to keep up with the fiying enemy, the gunboats and Cavalry Division took it up, and they are still at it now. The enemy is absolutely demorahsed and streaming away towards Baghdad in confusion, leaving guns, trench mortars, machine guns, rifles, ammunition, equipment, tents and stores of all kinds scattered along the road, whilst they have bumt and buried a certain amount. Then, on the river, the gunboats have captured quite a lot of shipping — four ships (including one of our gunboats which we lost in the retirement from Ctesiphon), launches, barges, mahalas, pontoons and a considerable amount of bridging material. The Turks have thrown some guns into the river, and altogether it is a complete rout. Since we started operations in December we have taken something hke 7500 prisoners, including over 2500 yesterday, and this, added to the dead whom we have actually counted and buried, and aUowing for a reasonable proportion of wounded, means — placing it at a low figure — that we have accounted for over three-quarters of the Turkish army which was opposed to us. NaturaUy the troops are dehghted at their excellent per formance, as they may well be. I have called a halt temporarily just to pull things together and to reorganise our communications, which have unavoidably become somewhat dislocated by the transfer from our former system back to the river line only. It is a great thing to have got control of the Tigris once more, and it will help us enormously in our future operations which I trust that the Government wiU allow me to undertake. We have again had some more rain, but luckily only for a short time, and the strong north wind which came soon dried up things generally. As soon as we got the narigation of the river again I came right forward, and it is interesting to see closely much of the ground over which the fighting had been near the river, such as the Khaidiri Fort Bend, the Dahra Bend, and the actual place where the passage was forced. Looking at the ground, it scarcely seems feasible that a force should have crossed as we did, first in loose pontoons and then by a bridge, in face of an enemy entrenched and holding ' the far bank with infantry, machine guns, and artillery. But we managed to help matters by ha^dng a semi-circle of artillery and machine guns right round the bend on the day in question, and their fire simply smothered the Turks. Still, even with that, it was a great performance and one that those who took part in it ought to remember for the rest of their Uves. I did not think much of Kut as we passed it, and did not stop 268 SIR STANLEY MAUDE to go into it. It has been badly shelled and the minaret had been knocked over by our artillery, and it really possesses no interest except from the sentimental point of riew. I am now hring once more on a river steamer, and shall probably do so for the present, as one has to be constantly on the move and it is the easiest method of getting over the ground ; but as soon as we can get more or less settled down I shall get ashore again.' The Army Commander was intent upon giving the enemy no rest, but, as mentioned in the letter quoted above, he had been compelled to stay the forward movement for fear of entirely outrunning his supplies. The staff had found some difficulty in persuading him of the need for this pause ; but the arrival of General MacMunn with a flotilla of vessels crammed with food and stores as soon as navigation was safe, and his representations as to the imperative need of getting these forward before a fresh rush to the front was undertaken, decided the matter. The Inspector-General of Communications went aboard the steamer on which Maude vrith Army Headquarters was on the point of moving up stream. The staff feared that further advance was for the moment premature, and they urged General MacMunn to make representations. ' I was hteraUy pushed into his curtained-oft space,' is General MacMunn's account of what followed. ' He said, " How are supphes ? " I said, " Coming on well, but it is two miles of river for every one mile by land, and I can't feed you and supply ammunition if you move another yard yet." He looked at me quizricaUy and asked, " When may they start ? " So I said, " Not before the 5th," when aU he remarked was " Right." By that time we had the show in hand. You see, I had received no warning of his proposed push for Baghdad.' From the 28th of February to the 4th of March the move ments of combatant units consisted in the main of a general closing up towards the front at Azizieh, where the moimted troops had come to a standstill, having outrun their supplies. The 1st Corps was pressing up in rear of the 3rd Corps, and a satisfactory concentration of force was effected vrithin the week in anticipation of a fresh advance. Very heavy ad ministrative work had to be got through during those few days, ending in a triumph of organisation; for when the pause came to an end everything was ready for a final move on Baghdad. Amongst other things it had suddenly become THE CAMPAIGN OF BAGHDAD 269 necessary to transfer some of the great accumulations of goods assembled at the terminus of the hght railway between Sheikh Saad and the Hai, from that locality to the river, partly by employing motor and animal transport across the space between the terminus and the Tigris by Kut, and partly by evacuating the stores back by rail to Sheikh Saad. ' Sinn railway station,' as Mr. Candler puts it in his compelUng picture of how the communications of the army were transformed, ' which had seemed the centre of our universe, was left out of the scheme of things. The S. and T. staff who were needed for the advance were locked up in the depots as caretakers, or to evacuate supplies down, not up the line. Three or four thousand tons of ammunition and R.E. stores had to be cleared, and local transport was necessary to collect it and get it away. Thirty train-loads of empty shell cases and empty boxes alone were removed, and the Arabs were kept oft while the gleaning was going on. But the abandonment of the main artery at Sinn was merely a temporary dislocation ; the river was the permanent and com pensating gain. Not that it was all plain sailing. Every division had so many ships aUotted to it. But some were slower than others ; some ran against mudbanks ; the channel had changed its course many times since Ctesiphon, and the pilots did not know the way ; in some cases coal gave out, and there were knavish units on the banks commandeering other people's food. Often at first we looked anxiously for the smoke of the supply steamers. Once or twice emergency rations were consumed. But soon anxiety was forgotten. " Q " never failed us. When a day's rations went wrong, a camel convoy would emerge out of the blue, or a leisurely cortege of Ford's vans would traverse the BibUcal plain. During the whole pursuit only one division was on half rations, and that only for one day. How it was done Providence alone knows, and Proridence was " Q." ' The reference to the Arabs above suggests mention of their operations directed against the fugitive Osmanhs during their hurried retirement from Kut to beyond Azizieh. The beaten army had not been harried during its retreat by the speedy gun boats and the eager horse alone. They had also experienced extremely rough treatment at the hands of the Arabs, who, as is not unusual in the case of warriors of that predatory char acter, swarmed on the flanks and the rear of the beaten side, cutting off and murdering stragglers, increasing the panic and the rout, and appropriating any booty that was sufficiently hght to be carried oft. It may moreover be mentioned here that the continuous victories of Maude's forces had latterly 270 SIR STANLEY MAUDE been exercising a most pacifying influence over the nomads and villagers dwelUng in the area of Mesopotamia Ijring below Kut.' This gratifying state of things held good both along the line of the Tigris and also in the region to the south along the Hai and the lower Euphrates, where General Brooking and the 15th Division were vrith some impatience awaiting orders to push forward. By the 4th of March the administrative situation was completely restored, and Maude had received a guarded ap proval from home for his continuing the advance on Baghdad. It is in this connection a matter of regret that the commander- in-chief's diaries during the last eighteen months of his life had to be destroyed afterwards; because in his numerous letters to his family and to many soldier friends during the long period of preparations that led up to his starting his offensive in December 1916, as also during the succession of combats around Kut, he would never appear to have mentioned any intention of pressing on to the City of the Caliphs. He does in his letter of the 28th, which has been quoted on p. 267, it is true, speak of further operations for which he hoped to get Government consent ; but even at that late date, and after so much of the programme had been carried out, he does not name Baghdad. Still, Mr. Candler is probably right when, in a flne appreciation of the army commander after his death, he puts it thus : ' And yet, I believe. General Maude saw Baghdad in his grasp all the while, his own personal objective, for he had no orders from home in which the city was written large as a definite goal.' The truth indeed is that, had Maude, before he commenced his offensive campaign in the Kut region, suggested to the War Council that he proposed — or even that he merely hoped — ^to gain possession of the capital of Mesopotamia, that body would, after their untoward ex periences at the Dardanelles and in connection with General Townshend's force, have had some justification for placing a curb on the activities of so enterprising a commander and for tying him down very tightly to the achievement of some strictly limited object. His theory and practice of making war was to bide his time until all was properly in train for an effort, and then to move rapidly and to strike hard. All being ready at nightfaU on the 4th of March, the mounted troops, with General Mar- THE CAMPAIGN OF BAGHDAD 271 shall foUovring ahd the 1st Corps bringing up the rear, surged forward on the left bank of the Tigris on the moming of the 5th, and during that afternoon the cavalry came upon the enemy in position at a place called Lajj, some twenty-five miles from Azizieh.^ At the expense of somewhat heavy losses to themselves, the 13th Hussars by their intrepid action here helped very materially to dislodge the Turks, and to constrain them, in face of the arrival of further troops from the south, to effect a precipitate retreat during the night. Next day the mounted troops, still pushing ahead at speed, found a carefully prepared position near the famous arch of Ctesiphon evacuated by the Turks, and that night the horse men were close to the Diala River, the channel of which created a very formidable obstacle barring the road which led along that bank of the Tigris to Baghdad. In a letter home, written on the Sth, Maude gives a concise and graphic de scription of the course of events on the first four days of the advance from Azizieh : We were off on the moming of the 5th towards Baghdad. We did twenty miles on that day to Zeur, and the cavalry got a bit beyond that and had a stiffish fight with the 51st Division, v(fhich was the only one remaining intact, in the neighbourhood of Lajj. However during the night the Turks withdrew, and pretty fast at that for we found it difficult to catch them next day, although we got a number of prisoners who were straggUng. Next day we pursued our course to Bustan, and on the 7th we got to the hne of the Diala, where the enemy — though not in strength — ^managed to hold us up on the river, mainly by a few guns and a number of machine guns. During the night we tried to force a passage at one or two places, but the machine guns in the moonhght were too much for us vrithout incurring heavy casualties, which hardly seemed justified. Meantime the 1st Corps was coming up steadily behind the 3rd Corps. I had taken the precaution of ordering a bridging train and a half forward in case of need, and so it seemed to me that the best way would be to tum the line of the Diala by moving up the right bank of the Tigris. I therefore ordered a bridge to be thrown at Bavri. This was completed in four hours this moming (Sth), and the Cavalry Division are now across, and the 1st Corps leading division are foUovring them. Their instmctions are to press on to Baghdad, which is twenty-one miles from where they are at present, whilst I have given full instmctions to the 3rd Corps which i trust wiU ensure the passage of the Diala being forced during the night. ^ The operations in Mesopotamia subsequent to the advance from Azizieh are illustrated by the map ' Environs of Baghdad ' on p. 266. 272 SIR STANLEY MAUDE Yesterday we passed Ctesiphon, and though the Turks had prepared a very strong position — almost a fortress — they went straight through it, and I think that the rapidity of our advance had something to do with their not stopping. All the work there was new and very well designed and strong. Yesterday afternoon there was a series of explosions in Baghdad, and to-day fires are burning fiercely in many directions. We hear stories of reinforce ments coming from various directions, but I fancy that the Turks wiU clear if we can only press them sufficiently strongly. Our great difficulty now wiU be the fioods, which will be a serious problem to tackle ; but if we can get into Baghdad vrithin the next few days we shall get to work determinedly to combat this disability, and no doubt we shall find a way out of it. I have been busy drafting proclamations, orders, etc., to come into effect when we get to Baghdad ; but I think that we have broken the back of it now. Supplies are coming up well, and it is quite an imposing fleet to see on the river. It is a terribly long line of communica tions, and so I hope when we get into Baghdad we may be able to organise a good supply system there locally. The country seems very fruitful up here — large vegetable gardens and any amount of live stock — so it all looks promising. AU is quiet on other fronts. The troops throughout have done magnificently, and the number of regiments which have specially distinguished themselves is very large, both British and Indian. The men are at the top of their form, and although tired after their recent marches, owing to the fact that they have done so much trench Ufe and because of the gale of wind and dust that we have had, they are most cheery. The actual occupation of the capital of Mesopotamia was not to be effected without some severe fighting, in which the enemy was greatly aided by the topographical difficulties which the lie and the nature of the country placed in the way of Maude's forces, and in which the enemy was in particular aided by the existence of the Diala, a river 120 yards vride, vrith houses and walled gardens on both sides of the channel favouring defence while opposing obstacles to the bringing up of pontoons. There could be no question of surprise here as there had been at Shumran. The bold attempt of portions of the 13th Division to force a crossing on the night of the 7th-8th had failed completely and vrith loss. A fresh effort, made the foUovring night and preceded by a bombardment, only succeeded in very limited degree and ahnost by a miracle, in spite of devoted gallantry on the part of the troops con cerned. Some of the Loyal North Lancashire did manage to gain a footing on the further bank, and they not only gained a footing but they maintained their grip upon a small THE CAMPAIGN OF BAGHDAD 273 loop in the river embankment, unsupported except by fire from the other side, for nearly twenty-four hours in spite of every effort of the enemy to dislodge them. Early on the morning of the 10th the passage was really effectively forced ; other troops of the 13th Division were ferried over at two points and they joined hands vrith the Loyal North Lanca shire men. More infantry followed, a bridge was thrown and completed by noon, and then General Marshall pressed for ward in the afternoon up to near a position which the enemy had taken up barring the way to Baghdad. ' The passage of the Tigris and the Diala in face of an enemy in position,' Maude wrote to Lord Dundonald a few days later, ' stand out as episodes which will take some beating.' Sir Arthur Lawley, who was superintending the working of the Red Cross, had been invited by the Army Commander to come up the river in view of the expected taking of Baghdad. ' Yesterday moming at breakfast-time we passed close to the great Ctesiphon Arch, and an hour later we anchored just south of the bridge of boats which carried over the Tigris all the troops operating south west and west of Baghdad, to the right bank of the river,' he wrote home on the 10th. ' There was a ceaseless fiow of traffic until about 3 o'clock, when they opened the bridge to let through our ship and a good many others that were eager to get forward. The next bend of the river brought us vrithin sight of H.P. 53, which is the boat in which General Maude and all his headquarters staff are estabhshed. We anchored just astern of them and then pitched our tents on the bank just opposite H.P. 53. We found Joe Maude in great spirits and full of confidence, as indeed he well may be, in spite of a temporary check at the Diala River — a very strong position occupied by the Turks. The night before last about 100 men of the East Lancashires (?) got over the river and hung on all day under cover of our guns, and a bad time they must have had ; but they stuck it out, and last night a lot more of our men got over. . . . I hear that there were about 600 wounded in this force yesterday on the right bank, so there must have been some sharp fighting. The cavalry are there, and they have had a great time since the operations in December began ; since the Sannaiyat and Shumran actions they have had an opportunity which has not been given to a British Cavalry Division for the last hundred years. The move has been amazingly rapid, which shows how admirably thought out and laid down were the prehminary preparations. The strain on every department has been tremendous ; but each one has stood the strain, and when you reaUse that Joe Maude has gone into every detail of every department himself, and is personally responsible for the setting up and working of the whole s 274 SIR STANLEY MAUDE machine, you vriU see that he has proved himself a great adminis trator as weU as a great soldier.' While the operations for the forcing of the Diala were in progress, the cavalry and the 1st Corps on the right bank of the Tigris had been much impeded by dry watercourses, and there was moreover a complete lack of water away from the river bank. They were however within about seven miles of the city by the evening of the 9th, and their advance was continued on the morrow in spite of a blinding dust-storm, meeting with opposition sometimes fitful and sometimes determined, and delayed almost as much by physical diffi culties as by the efforts of the Turks ; but at nightfall the advanced troops were very near to Baghdad. That night the Turks gave up the idea of trying to stay the advance of the conquering army, and drew oft to the north, so that the city was occupied by troops especially detailed for the purpose early on the 11th, the Black Watch, on the right bank, having the honour of being first in the place and of seizing the rail way terminus of the line leading to Samarra, a section of the contemplated German Baghdad Railway. ' We were now vrithin close range of the city,' Maude wrote home of the night of the lOth-llth, ' and I think the Turks saw the game was up ; for during the night they fell back all along the hne and made off as fast as they could along both banks of the Tigris, the remnants of the 4th, 51st and 52nd Divisions by the right bank, and the remnants of the 14th and 45th Divisions by the left bank. Our patrols were in close touch with them all night, and as soon as we found that there was movement going on we followed up, though the difficulty of moring as fast as they did with our imper fect knowledge of the ground was almost insuperable. However by daybreak the Black Watch had occupied the railway station, and Baghdad feU into our hands shortly after that. The cavalry followed in pursuit ; but the exhaustion of the troops after their severe fighting and unavoidable shortage of water lessened the vigour of the pursuit. The cavalry however occupied Khadimain and got over 100 prisoners and four aeroplanes. The gunboats joined in the chase as soon as possible, and at dusk the enemy were reported to be entrenching in a new position fifteen miles north of Baghdad, covering the entrainment of their troops. More prisoners were captured by the 3rd Corps, and they also got large quantities of arms, ammunition, and equipment.' As for the Army Commander himself, his steamer proceeded up the river comparatively early in the morning and, it being THE CAMPAIGN OF BAGHDAD 275 known that the troops which had been told off to enter the city and to keep order had taken up their stations, the vessel quietly brought up alongside the building which had been the British Residency in peace days, and which the Turks had been using as a hospital, at 3.30 p.m. Maude stepped ashore accompanied by his personal staff. It was somewhat char acteristic of the conqueror of Baghdad that he should have made his entry into the ancient seat of the Cahphs in this undemonstrative fashion; and some even think it was a mistake. The Oriental believes in display. Impressed by pomp and circumstance in placid times of peace, the spectacle of a victorious commander entering a captured city almost like an ordinary traveller arriving to make a stay, amounts in his eyes to something like an anachronism. But the citizens of Baghdad had here to do vrith a conqueror who would never take credit to himself for what he had accom plished, but who always gave the credit to those under him who had co-operated in the achievement. What Maude no doubt above all things vrished to avoid was to convey the impression, by making a formal entry into the city at the head of his troops, that this chmax to a campaign, as well as the signal successes which had preceded it, were — as they undoubtedly were — primarily his own handiwork. It is interesting to contrast the details of his entry into Bagh dad vrith those of his entry into another capital, Pretoria, sixteen years before. ' As we steamed up into the city with the gunboats escorting us on the 11th, the day we got the tovm,' he wrote home a few days later, ' the banks were hned on both sides by crowds of inhabitants, who applauded vociferously at intervals, and altogether ninety per cent, of the population seemed dehghted that we had arrived. The city was in rather a turmoil, for directly the Turks went out at 2 o'clock in the moming, Kurds and Arabs began looting everywhere, and although we got into the city by about 6 a.m. there was time for them to do a considerable amount of damage. StiU we soon reduced them to order.' The actual occupation of Baghdad by no means connoted an immediate cessation of active operations. Maude was much too far-seeing and resolute a soldier to check the advance of his troops for one moment, so long as the enemy displayed the shghtest symptoms of recovering from the shocks sustained, 276 SIR STANLEY MAUDE or while any strategical points of importance situated vrithin the immediate zone of campaigning remained in hostile hands. Already on the 12th, portions of the 3rd Corps were on the move, pressing forward on the left bank of the Tigris to secure possession of certain important embankments up-stream which, were they to be cut by the Turks, would cause disas trous floods lower down. By the 14th, the troops had flxed their grip upon these bunds nearly thirty miles above the city, after encountering but feeble opposition on the way. But the enemy at flrst displayed a much more unyielding disposition on the opposite side of the river. In that direc tion the Turks were moreover in more formidable force. A considerable body of Ottoman troops of all arms were found to have taken up a strong position near Mushaidieh on that bank of the Tigris, some twenty miles or so north of Baghdad. There General Cobbe attacked them on the 14th. After a prolonged and at times well-contested engagement, in which all arms of the Anglo-Indian forces co-operated to admiration and the gunboats on the river played an effective part, the Turks were completely rolled up. They were kept on the move aU night by Cobbe's eager infantry and dispersed so rapidly towards morning that all touch with them was practically lost next day. Then the town of Bakuba, which is situated in a productive district on the left bank of the Diala, was taken on the morning of the 18th, after a surprise crossing of the stream during the night ; and the very next day Feluja on the Euphrates, on the opposite flank of the arena of operations to Bakuba, was occupied with little difficulty. Reports to the effect that the Turks had started breaching the bunds of the great western waterway and were flooding the country had caused Maude anxiety ; but the stories proved to be exaggerated, and the prompt action taken prevented much harm being done. Thus, by foUovring up his victories below Baghdad immediately and relentlessly, the Army Commander had, within ten days of his securing possession of the city, virtually occupied all the surrounding country, had got the river embankments absolutely under his control, and had secured for the use of his army the abounding produce of a considerable tract of fertile and thickly populated country. The second phase of the campaign for the conquest of Baghdad hardly caUs for lengthy comment. It nevertheless THE CAMPAIGN OF BAGHDAD 277 illustrates Maude's methods of making war to the fuU as effec tively as do his victorious operations around Kut. Prepara tions for an active campaign had been so complete beforehand, that elaborate additional administrative processes were not necessary to enable him to make a fresh rapid advance from Azizieh. But he took care not to move forward from that half-way house between Kut and the Mesopotamian capital until all was absolutely ready for the delivery of a decisive stroke, and, in spite of the temptation to push on the leading portions of his army in hot pursuit of the retreating enemy, he paused for a week to ensure his supply system and to enable the whole of his troops to take part in the flnal move. The consequence was that, vrithin a fortnight of his pushing for ward from Azizieh, the programme was complete and the Turks were scattered. Most commanders would probably have done as he did in respect to throwing a bridge across the Tigris below the junction of the Diala with the main river. But not all commanders, having done so, would have kept practically half their force on the left bank of the Tigris and have accepted the risks involved in forcing a passage across the tributary stream, when the enemy's front along it would virtually be turned by the troops who were advancing up the right bank of the main river. Maude however meant to infUct an absolutely crushing defeat upon his antagonists. It was no part of his theory of operations that the enemy should be manoeuvred out of a position and be allowed time to vrithdraw northwards at leisure. By attacking the Diala line, while at the same time moving up the further bank of the Tigris, he pinned down the Turks who were on the one bank, while part of his army was pressing forward to attack those who were on the other bank, and in consequence he signally defeated both hostile forces in actual encounter. By the procedure adopted he won a total victory instead of only a partial one. Nor would his victory have been so complete as it was, but for the decision and ruthlessness with which the enemy was followed up immediately after the occupation of Baghdad. The taking of the place was in itself such a triumph, and the moral effect of its fall was bound to be so great that, seeing what a strain had already been put upon the successful troops, a good excuse undoubtedly existed for sanctioning a temporary yelaxation of effort. But that was not Maude's way. Like 278 SIR STANLEY MAUDE Nelson, he would not be satisfied with any but the utmost results. ' Had ten ships been taken and the eleventh escaped, we being able to get at her, I should never consider it well done,' was the great admiral's doctrine, and Maude conducted operations on land in that same spirit. Tidings of the capture of Baghdad aroused enthusiasm, not only throughout the confines of the British Empire, but also in all the Allied countries. It was the first conspicuous and dramatic triumph that had been achieved by Entente forces on land since the Battle of the Marne, and the likelihood of its exercising a far-reaching effect over the whole course of the war in Eastern regions was manifest. A message of hearty congratulation was received from the King, and telegrams also came to hand, amongst others, from the Viceroy of India, from the Grand Duke Nicholas of Russia, from the Secretary of State for War, from the Commander-in-Chief in India, from Admiral Sir David Beatty on behalf of himself and the Grand Fleet, from the commanders of the British armies in all the other theatres of war, and from the Lord Mayor of London. Vice-Admiral Sir Rosslyn Wemyss, the Naval Commander-in- Chief in the East Indies, expressed particular gratification that the Royal Navy had been able to co-operate with the troops in their triumph. Nor did the Home Government faU to give their recognition of what the Army Commander in Mesopotamia had accomplished in practical form, for Maude was definitely promoted to the rank of lieutenant-general. CHAPTER XIV CONSOLIDATING THE CONQUEST If the capture of Baghdad and the subjection of the im mediately surrounding district in some respects changed the character of Maude's preoccupations, these highly important events rather increased his labours and responsibilities than diminished them. In the first place, the great Oriental city itself required to be organised, although this work was rendered the easier by the fact that the inhabitants in general were delighted to be relieved of the presence of the Turk. Mar auders and similar evil-disposed persons had to be laid by the heels. A military administration had to be set up, and correct relations had to be established vrith such remnants of the former civil power as it seemed desirable to retain. The question of sanitation in particular was promptly and ener getically grappled vrith. Then again, cbmmunications had to be improved, and the matter of throwing bridges had straightway to be taken in hand ; a boat bridge over the Tigris had already been completed by the 17th of March. A house-to-house search for arms was instituted, and this proved highly productive even if the weapons secured were of a varied character. Hospitals were fitted up in suitable buildings, and even at this early date arrangements for the comfort and the housing of the troops during the coming summer were already being devised. Then there was also the question of developing and making full use of the produce of the fertile tracts around Baghdad, so as to reheve some of the strain on the very long line of communications which reached back to the Shatt-el-Arab. Maude was well aware that this region contained considerable resources of grain, of fodder, of meat, and of fruits and vege tables, as also of fuel (a commodity of great importance to the army ovring to the extent to which the river transport depended on its supply), and he was determined to get value out of what could be made available. He had therefore 279 280 SIR STANLEY MAUDE arranged to have a Local Produce Controller on his staff, and this official. Colonel E. Dickson, lost no time in setting to work on duties which were to prove of great assistance to the main tenance of the army and to the prosecution of its subsequent operations in the field. The Army Commander was much impressed vrith what he noted as regards the fertility of the country during his first few days near and in Baghdad, and in his letters home he made comparisons between the agricul tural wealth of the region where the bulk of his troops now foimd themselves, and the arid tracts where they had under gone such extremes of fortune during the preceding fifteen months. It should also be mentioned that the moral effect which the triumphant advance of the Anglo-Indian forces from Es Sinn to the City of the Caliphs was exerting all over Lower Meso potamia had become distinct and pronounced. This relieved Maude of a certain amount of anxiety concerning his rear. Arab sheikhs kept coming in to pay their respects at local posts all along the line. The tribesmen were displaying less and less bent for turbulence. Even marauding was on the dechne. Certain exiguous Turkish detachments which had been dis posed in posts along the lower Euphrates had withdrawn up that river as the invaders from the sea swept forward up the Tigris, and, gathering as one body at Feluja, they had repre sented the garrison of that place which was so summarily ejected on the 19th of March. The situation on the Karun and between Kurna and Kut was quite satisfactory, and at Nasirieh much had been done by energetic measures of ad ministration to develop and to settle the surrounding region. All the time that Maude had been busy elaborating his plans for a far-reaching offensive campaign, which was to make him virtually master of all Lower Mesopotamia and its capital, and had been carrsdng them out, the question of Russian co-operation from the side of Persia had been a subject of inter-communication between London and Petrograd. It had indeed been at one time hoped that the Anglo-Indian army would receive very substantial assistance from tMs quarter, even before it had penetrated beyond Kut. The Tsar's forces were in occupation of all northem Persia, with bodies of advanced troops pushed forward generally to about Kerman- shah, and it had been fairly obvious that any progress on their CONSOLIDATING THE CONQUEST 281 part directed in a westerly or south-westerly direction must automatically threaten the communications with Mosul and Aleppo of such Turks as happened to be operating in regions to the south-east of Baghdad. StrategicaUy speaking, the situation had in fact appeared to be fuU of promising possi bilities. But the Russian forces available for action were not large, they were opposed by the Turkish 13th Corps, they were hampered by having to rely upon lengthy and indifferent communications with their own home territory, and they were not, as a matter of fact, handled vrith any remarkable enter prise during the early stages of Maude's offensive campaign— at the time, that is to say, when they appeared to be offered somewhat tempting opportunities for delivering an effective stroke. Now, however, that Baghdad was in his hands and that news from Persia pointed to the Ottoman 13th Corps being in full retreat from the region about Khanikin, east of the upper Diala River, the Army Commander was particu larly anxious to arrange for effective conjunct operations between portions of his own forces and such troops as the Russians might be able to push forward from the direction of Kermanshah. He was anxious to prevent the junction of the enemy 13th Corps (14th and 45th Divisions), which had retired northwards from Bakuba after that place had been occupied, vrith the enemy 18th Corps (4th, 51st and 52nd Divisions) part of which had crossed the Tigris from the right to the left bank, and to complete the overthrow of the latter. There appeared to be a good prospect of dealing the Turks a heavy blow if the Russians would press forward strenuously. So Maude obtained leave from London to make all arrange ments direct with General Baratoff, who was in command of the Russian forces. Information as to the actual position of affairs as between the Russians and the Turkish 13th Corps was however somewhat defective. The Ottoman force was entitled to more respect than was believed to be the case, and General Baratoff's troops were advancing under considerable difficulties and without any compelhng impulse. Maude constituted a ' Khanikin Column ' under charge of General Keary, which pressed north from Bakuba on the 20th of March ; but it found itself strongly opposed by the 18th Corps in hilly ground on the 23rd, and a vigorous attack was deUvered that proved 282 SIR STANLEY MAUDE unsuccessful. This enabled the 13th Turkish Corps to cross the Diala about Kizil Robat and to get touch vrith the 18th Corps, so that Maude had to push forward additional troops to help the ' Khanikin Column.' Several encounters took place during the closing days of the month, in which the enemy suffered heavily. But the Russians failed to come up, no decisive success was achieved by the Anglo-Indian forces, and the results of the operations were indeed less far-reach ing than had appeared probable when the scheme was being drawn up. It was not till the 2nd of April that direct touch was at last gained between the British and Russian patrols about Kiril Robat. By that time the strategical advantages of the situation had disappeared, for the Turks had succeeded in vrithdrawing more or less intact to the general line of the Shatt-el-Adhaim. It moreover had become apparent that the Russian forces were in no condition for prosecuting an active campaign, and that they could therefore hardly be relied upon to afford any really effective aid, although arrange ments had been made to afford them substantial assistance in respect to supphes and transport. ' We have been busy again out here,' Maude wrote home on the 31st of March, ' and on the 25th we had a big fight vrith the Turks coming down from Persia. Although we were not able to tum them out of their positions — which are very strong — we hung on to them tenaciously, and that is what I wanted to do, so as to pre vent their getting away before the Russians come along. We know that the Russians have very few troops in front of them, because we have identified nearly all the regiments in front of us ; but I suppose that they have difficulties vrith transport and supplies, and the things that have happened recently in Russia do not I expect help them much. However I hope that they vrill come along soon. In the meantime we are keeping the Turks busy, and the day before yesterday my old division attacked the 51st and 52nd Turkish Division and gave them a good beating, driving them back across the river which they had advanced from, and infUcting very severe losses upon them, besides taking many prisoners. It was a capital performance, and as the 14th Division is also retreating towards Kifri, this has rid us of three of the five Turkish divisions opposed to us. The other two I should very much hke to keep here tiU the Russians arrive, if they ever do ; but we can hear httle or nothing of them, and although we send out aeroplanes constantly to look for them they are not to be found anywhere. The weather CONSOLIDATING THE CONQUEST 283 still continues fine, and the river is wonderfully low for the time of the year ; but I expect that we shaU be baring floods before very long now, as the thaw must have begun up in the Caucasus.' So long as the situation on the left bank of the Tigris had not been satisfactorily cleared up, Maude had not been pre pared to push his troops forward on the right bank so as to secure the terminus of the railway at Samarra. But as soon as the Turks fell back on the left bank behind the Shatt-el- Adhaim, the 7th Division pressed forward from Mushaidieh, the scene of General Cobbe's victory of the 14th of March, and after overcoming some stubborn opposition it advanced to beyond Beled, capturing useful rolhng stock on the hne. Then it found itself strongly opposed. As it had now advanced further forward along the Tigris on its right bank than the hne of the Shatt-el-Adhaim (on the left bank) which the Turks were holding, the situation obhged the Army Commander to call a halt. The position on the 10th of April on the left bank of the Tigris was that the bulk of the 18th Turkish Corps was holding the Une of the Shatt-el-Adhaim near the junction of that stream vrith the main river, while the 13th Turkish Corps was for the most part disposed in the stretch of the Jebel Hamrin which extends between the Diala and the Shatt- el-Adhaim, threatening any Anglo-Indian forces in flank that might advance with the idea of forcing a passage across the latter stream and of defeating the 18th Turkish Corps. It had been intended that General Marshall should attack the line of the Shatt-el-Adhaim on the night of the lOth-llth vrith his 3rd Corps ; but the enemy 13th Corps suddenly came down on the 10th from the Jebel Hamrin on Marshall's flank. This Turkish move gave rise to some lively encounters which lasted over two days, but which by the 14th had ter minated in a notable triumph for the 3rd Corps, the enemy dravring oft northwards through the defUes of the Jebel Hamrin. Having thus settled the 13th Corps for the moment, Marshall now turned his attention afresh to the Shatt-el-Adhaim, and his troops forced the passage of that river in brilUant style on the night of the 17th-18th. This success made an advance on the right bank of the Tigris at last justiflable, and the force on that side of the river at once moved forward. The Turks had created defensive 284 SIR STANLEY MAUDE lines barring the way, and the troops had severe flghting before they made railhead opposite Samarra good. But this was taken on the 23rd, and the victory achieved on this occasion was very complete : for over 700 prisoners were secured, 15 guns were taken, and a large quantity of rolhng stock, of which only part had been seriously damaged by the Turks before they beat a retreat, fell into the hands of the 7th Division which had carried the operation out. The division had been appreciably assisted by artillery fire from the other bank of the Tigris during the fighting. The Turkish 13th Corps, which throughout the weeks immediately foUovring the British occupation of Baghdad was handled by its commander vrith creditable enterprise, had been moving down the right bank of the Shatt-el-Adhaim vrith the intention of trying to save Samarra, a circumstance which afforded General Marshall a welcome opportunity for dealing this hostile force a crushing blow. The position held by one of its two divisions was captured by a surprise attack at night on the 24th of April, and the corps thereupon re treated hastily up the right bank of the river. Marshall followed the enemy up with vigour, in spite of heat and trans port difficulties, and attacked the defeated corps again by surprise on the 30th at a point some thirty miles from the Tigris. The result was a complete victory. The Turks were rolled up and driven north in disarray, and this gratifying success may be said practically to have closed the prolonged series of operations on a large scale on the part of Maude's army which had been in progress since the previous December. ' Altogether I do not think that they (the Turks) can have been pleased vrith their experiences during the last month,' Maude wrote home on the 4th of May, ' as the 18th Corps have been beaten five times, and the 13th Corps three times. They have lost very heavily in casualties, whilst we have taken 17 guns, close on 3000 prisoners, and masses of other things, including a large amount , of rolling stock and some barges. AU this time the Russians have been quite inactive, which has been a thousand pities ; because they might have done a lot while we were engaging both corps, for there was httle or nothing left for them to fight. But I suppose that they are all at sixes and sevens, and cannot get anything done properly. StiU, it is to be regretted, as we ought by now to have got them well estabUshed on the Tigris above us, and that would have simphfied the situation tremendously for the next autumn, when we begin fighting again,' CONSOLIDATING THE CONQUEST 285 He had had a visit from two Russian generals at the end of April and had arrived at a certain understanding with his allies ; but he realised himself that the results of the Revolu tion of the previous month were bound to exercise a disastrous influence over their military dispositions and their mihtary efficiency in the future, even if he could hardly yet foresee the total collapse that was to supervene before long. Russian forces still practically dominated Armenia, and the Army Commander no doubt at this time, when already beginning according to his custom to look forward to what the strategical situation was hkely to be some months later, pictured to himself that this promising condition of things would still exist when the season arrived for starting offensive operations in the autumn. In the meantime, however, the time had come to effect a redistribution of his forces, seeing that the hot weather had practically set in. While the strenuous operations beyond Baghdad, of which a brief account has been given above, were being carried out under the general direction of the Army Commander in the latter part of March and throughout April, he had been devoting close attention to the question of ensuring general security during the period of comparative inactivity that would ensue in the hot weather, and he had also been concerned vrith arranging for the welfare of his troops during that trying time. Tents were brought up from the rear. Encampments were laid out on carefully selected sites. Well-organised canteens were provided. Supplies of comforts were distributed. Pro vision for the recreation of men and officers was not forgotten. Arrangements had moreover been made for laying a metre- gauge railway from Kut to Baghdad, so as to reheve the strain on the water transport to some extent, in view of the coming season of low water. Orders had furthermore been sent for the infantry of the 15th Division to move up from Nasirieh to the front so as to increase the strength of the forces in immediate contact with the Turks — ^this although the Arabs had been displaying a good deal of effervescence at the time when the Sheikh Saad-Es Sinn railway was being pulled up and removed. The Tigris, it should be mentioned, had given less trouble than had been anticipated in respect to inundations ; the river had kept particularly low this year, and in this respect the army enjoyed better luck in 1917 than had been the case twelve 286 SIR STANLEY MAUDE months before when Maude's division was participating in the endeavour to relieve Kut ; anxiety on this score was indeed virtually at an end by the beginning of May. The question of local supphes had already been placed on a sound footing, and the situation in this respect was improving from day to day as better relations were established vrith the Arab producers. Maude's genius for organisation and his forethought at this time were almost as valuable to his army as was the influence of his personaUty over the course of the warlike combinations which were being carried out by Generals Marshall and Cobbe. Much of his time, moreover, was taken up vrith political and administrative questions in connection vrith the territory which he had conquered. ' I have some quaint interriews from day to day,' he wrote on the 14th of April, * and I have been obhged to hmit them considerably, as they take up so much of my time. One of my recent ones was vrith a Chaldean priest who came on Easter Sunday to give me his blessing. He had asked preriously if he might do so, and I said ' ' Certainly.' ' When he came in he proceeded to give me his blessing, and said that he hailed me as the first Christian conqueror of Bagh dad, so I immediately interjected " How do you know I am a Christian ? " This seemed rather to upset him. However he started again and finished off vrithout interruption. He is a very nice old thing, and he did a lot of good work for our prisoners. . . . I forget whether I told you that we have got a most comfortable house which used to belong to Khalil, and we have settled down very happily in it. Everything is most comfortable, and we have even got electric hght now and double doors to keep the mosquitoes out, so we are not to be pitied. We are doing a lot in the towa. We have practically remade the streets, which were full of holes and indeed full of chasms. We have also organised a mihtary and ciril police, and we have got a system of night watchmen for night work. The people are aU dehghted to see us, and whenever I ride out in the evening one is met vrith smihng faces and salutations everywhere. I have only been tvrice assaulted so far, once by a man and once by a woman, who rushed out from the crowd and insisted on kissing my boots, which I hope they hked. All round outside, too, our troops are received in a most friendly manner, though of course, as you know, the Arab character is a treacherous one. Still, whenever we occupy places which the Turks have been holding preriously, they cheer our arrival. Everything is pretty quiet elsewhere, and the country seems to be setthng down well. I have had the Chief of the Indian General Staff, General Kirkpatrick, who was vrith me at the Staff CoUege, here recently and he has seen as much as possible in the time at his disposal.' CONSOLIDATING THE CONQUEST 287 By the end of April the heat was getting severe, and during the closing stages of their offensive the troops suffered con siderably from it, the water difficulty also presenting itself from time to time. Maude was therefore very glad to be able to call something in the nature of a halt, so as to give the troops that rest which they had so fully earned after five months of very strenuous fighting. The Mesopotamian Comforts Fund,^ in the organisation of which Lady Maude and her daughters had taken a prominent part, was beginning to bear fruit even up at the front, luxuries of various kinds coining to hand for the troops. Bands were arriving in the country. The Army Commander knew well that there would be a risk of sickness spreading as soon as the rank and file became sedentary for the summer after their exertions, and he was determined that plenty of recreation should be provided for them. The health of the force was however still most satisfactory, and, as it turned out, it remained satisfactory upon the whole through out the hot weather. ' Personally I look forward to a busy summer,' Maude wrote to Sir W. Lambton on the 17th of May, ' as there is much to do. Future operations, restless Arab tribes all round, reorganisation of civil and miUtary administration of Baghdad and surrounding country, reconstruction of our communications, development of local supphes, new railway hnes, the proximity of the Russians, pohtical questions, and a thousand and one other items give one plenty to do and to think about. But we are all in tearing spirits, and shall be quite ready for the Turks when they feel hke trying conclusions again.' Actually, the whole of the troops could not even yet settle comfortably because some punitive work had to be under taken against the Arabs. In the middle of May the Russians moreover suddenly proposed to undertake an offensive from where they were drawn up east of the Diala, towards Kifri, and they asked for co-operation by Anglo-Indian troops. This was prepared in haste and a couple of columns moved out ; but the Russians were incontinently hustled back again after crossing the Diala, and the undertaking thereupon • It may be mentioned that in the middle of October 1917 the receipts of this fund amounted to nearly £57,000; over £18,000 was collected on ' Flag Days.' At the end of the campaign there was a balance of some £9000 left over, and this sum is being set apart to endow a ' Stanley Maude Ward ' in the Endell Street Hospital for Tropical Diseases. 288 SIR STANLEY MAUDE collapsed. Maude was sufficiently satisfied vrith the progress of the various matters that he had been occupying himself vrith at Baghdad towards the end of the month, to admit of his paying a visit to Samarra, going out by train on the 18th and returning next day. On the way back a quantity of sand had been blown on to the line at one place, the engine was derailed and the first five trucks were telescoped, four men unfortunately being killed and seven injured. A few days later he paid a visit to the front about Deltawa and Bakuba, and he would have hked to take a run down to the base and to see how matters were progressing at Basrah, Nasirieh and Ahwaz ; but he could not find the time to do so, as such a trip would have taken several days. By the end of May matters had settled down for the summer, June proving a very quiet month except for an important punitive operation against the Arabs in the Diala valley, in which 14,000 sheep, 240 camels and large quantities of grain were captured ; 80 of the tribesmen moreover were killed. A number of officers, in cluding General Money, Chief of the General Staff, had gone away on leave at the end of April, but these began returning in the latter part of June. ' We held a most successful 4th of June dinner,' Maude wrote home on the Sth. ' About twenty-eight were present and I made General Holdsworth take the chair, as he was senior to me at Eton. He and I used to have great races there ; he beat me in the Mile and I beat him in the Steeplechase, and I won the Mile next year. We had dinner at the Hotel Maude, and every one enjoyed them selves immensely. I left about half-past ten, but I beheve that the others stayed till nearly one o'clock and played footbaU, etc., in the courtyard of the hotel.' ' I ride most evenings and occasionally go by launch,' he wrote on the 27th, ' but always to inspect something as there are such numbers of things to look into. Last night I was down at the Expeditionary Force canteen — we have got eight canteens running at different places about here now. I saw one man buying a number of things there, and I asked him whether he was hungry, and he said "Yes." So I said, "That means that you do not get enough to eat?" And he said that he had never been so weU fed in his hfe, but th,at he hked a few extras to go vrith it. That is just the advantage that the canteen gives us, as it enables the troops to get httle luxuries to supplement their already substantial rations. . . . Things are going along very satisfactorily in every direction. My only worries are the Russians and pohtical questions, but I do CONSOLIDATING THE CONQUEST 289 not let them worry me too much. I just say what I think and leave it at that. . . . I had a capital fUght by aeroplane the day before yesterday. The 7th Division were very anxious that I should present their Football Cup to the winning team after the final match, but the train would have taken eight hours each way to Samarra and bapk. So we flew there in an hour and fifty minutes, and came back in fifty minutes — eighty miles each way. It took us a long time to get there as there was a strong Shamal blowing, which made us rock unpleasantly at times. I went out in dayhght and flew back by moonlight, so that I had the experience of day and night flying.' The action of the Army Commander in pajdng this aerial visit to Samarra was very highly appreciated by all ranks. It appealed to their sporting instincts, and it demonstrated to the 7th Division what a lively interest Maude took in their welfare and in their occupations. Sir C. Monro in India was somewhat concemed on learning that the commander-in-chief in Mesopotamia had taken to making flying trips, and he conveyed a hint to Baghdad on the subject. ' The answer seems to be that you can lose your life walking down stairs,' was Maude's comment when mentioning the matter in a letter home ; but that same answer might, after all, be made to a remonstrance vrith regard to any reckless act. Although he could not keep so closely in touch vrith regimental officers and rank and fUe, now that he was in control of a great army distributed over a vride area of country, as had been possible for him when at the head of the 13th Division, he never missed an opportunity of going among the troops when one offered, and he made a point of presenting ribbons of decorations personally after having awarded them, if it could be managed. The consequence was that his army not merely entertained a feehng of profound confldence in his soldiership, but that British and Indian troops ahke also felt a genuine affection for this chief, whose manner and bearing were ever so sym pathetic and who was so prompt with his commendation when any good work had been performed. The story of his frequent visits to the station hospitals, and of his kindly inquiries when making his rounds on these occasions, was carried out to the distant camps by convalescents. All hands moreover fuUy reaUsed how much the vastly improved conditions in which they were living, as compared to earlier experiences, were attributable to initiative and drive at the very top. 290 SIR STANLEY MAUDE ' Few could visit an hospital as he did,' writes the Rev. A. C. E. Jarris, principal chaplain. ' No one knows better than a chaplain how difficult this gracious ministry is, but he possessed the gift In a rare degree. Entering a ward he took possession of it; rank made no difference, he was equally at ease with all — always saying and doing the right thing, always apparently knowing something about everybody, and always cheerful. His presence radiated confidence and hope.' The Army Commander had been supplied with a singular craft known as a ' glisseur ' or ' scooter,' driven by a powerful motor engine, which skimmed along the surface of the water at a great rate and making a fearsome noise. This contrivance enabled him to travel at speed about the waterways imme diately round Baghdad, and it assisted him considerably in respect to carrying out inspections and visits by adding to the time at his disposal. Amongst his many duties was that of conducting interviews with local notabilities, and he was ^Iso eso offitno charged vrith exercising general control over the administration of the country. How effectively he performed this service is shown by the fact that Mesopotamia has perhaps been the most peaceful region in British occupation during the months following the Armistice. Colonel Willcox gives an interesting description of Maude's work in connection with the medical arrangements and of the care of the sick during the summ'er months : It was frequently my privilege to meet General Maude, and to discuss with him matters relating to the prevention of illness amongst the troops, and any practical suggestions always received his utmost support. He took the greatest interest in the pre vention of scurvy, which had been a great scourge to the Indian troops, and he gave instractions to Colonel Dickson that at all costs fresh vegetables and supplies were to be issued up to the fullest medical requirements. These instructions were faithfully carried out and as a consequence scurvy speedily disappeared from the force. After the occupation of Baghdad General Maude took the keenest interest in every detail of the medical arrangements, and it was largely due to his active support that so very high a degree of efficiency was attained. The hospitals at Baghdad and the medical arrangements generaUy were as satisfactory in every way, as regards medical care, nursing and equipment, as any hospitals in London or in any theatre of war. He personaUy visited the hospitals at least twice a week, and by his kindly interest did a very great deal to alleviate the sufferings of the patients and to encourage them in CONSOLIDATING THE CONQUEST 291 their progress towards recoveiy. He took a special interest in the Indian patients, and as an example of his thoughtfulness and sympathy he leamt Hindustani in order to be able to converse with them on his visits to the Indian hospitals. It is impossible to exaggerate the great help and sympathy which the Medical Serrice in Mesopotamia received from him during the whole time of his serrice as G.O.C. His personal interest and great sympathy were the prime causes of the perfection of the medical arrangements in the hospitals and in the field. Maude had always, alike as a brigade commander, as a divisional commander and as a corps commander, kept a watchful eye over the Chaplain's Department, and had in terested himself particularly in its work, forming close re lations with its personnel. The Rev. A. C. E. Jarvis writes as follows of his work in this connection when Army Com mander in Mesopotamia : I met him officially for the first time when I was sent by the War Office to Mesopotamia to report on the Chaplain's Department on its transfer from the Indian Ecclesiastical Department. He gave me all faciUties and a free hand. He told me that he was seriously understaffed, and at once stated the total number of all denomina tions he required, — a figure which I found, after careful investiga tion, to be absolutely correct. Haring made up his mind he never rested until he got his men. The Army Council appointed me Principal Chaplain to the force, and I took over in January 1917, and it was then that I was brought into close personal touch with him. Persistent in inquiry, un failing in solicitude in aU that concemed the Department and the spiritual and moral welfare of the men, he always stood by me. ' My chaplains,' as he always referred to us, meant as much to him as did any other branch of the service. The year 1917 was one of climatic extremes in Mesopotamia. The heat during the month of July was intense, the tempera ture rising considerably higher than it had done during either of the previous summers passed by Anglo-Indian troops in this tropical part of the world. Thanks, however, to the excellent arrangements which had been made in the matter of tentage accommodation, the health of the troops gave rise to httle real anxiety, even if there were an undesirable number of cases of heat-stroke. One operation undertaken during this torrid period did not prove successful, and what occurred rather suggested that active work in the field ought to be avoided until the weather grew a httle cooler. News had come to hand 292 SIR STANLEY MAUDE that the Turkish garrison of Ramadi, their furthest advanced post on the Euphrates above Feluja, was scanty in numbers. So Maude gave directions for a portion of the 1st Corps to fall upon the place. The enterprise took place on the night of the lOth-llth of July ; but the result was disappointing, the failure being largely due to a very severe dust-storm — a form of atmospheric disturbance that was very common during the summer months. The losses sustained in the affair were chiefly owing to the temperature, and as a matter of fact a number of Turks from Ramadi came in afterwards and voluntarily surrendered, which indicated that the garrison had been roughly handled even if the attack had been un successful. General Money, who had been in indifferent health ever since Maude had taken up the chief command, had to be in valided soon after his return from leave, and it is worth mentioning that when referring to this in a letter home the Army Commander remarked that he ' did most of the General Staff work himself ' — an admission of his system of centraUsa tion. Colonel H. R. Hopwood became Chief of the General Staff. Suggestions had been made to Maude that he should himself take short leave of absence to India ; but, although he fuUy realised that men who had severely felt the strain of the campaign or whose health was suffering ought to be aUowed a change, he would not hear of it. ' The cases I cannot under stand,' he wrote, ' are those that are well and strong and have nothing the matter with them. Surely it is a time when every day and every hour should be utilised to the full by everybody to try and bring this war to a successful conclusion.' That life in Baghdad was none too pleasant at this time is shown by the following extract from a letter of his of the 20th of July : My house at night is literally like an oven, for the sun bakes the bricks in the walls and the tiles on the floor throughout the day, and they give off the heat all night. I vrish that I could get out under canvas ; but there is too much to be done, although as soon as all the reorganisation and preparation is finished I mean to get back to tent life as early as possible. It is so much more satis factory being right up vrith the troops and seeing and hearing all that is going on at first hand ; and although some people do not like losing their little comforts it is unquestionably in my opinion the right place to be. CONSOLIDATING THE CONQUEST 293 The raUway from Kut to Baghdad was completed before the end of the month ; this proved a great boon, for the Tigris was now getting very low, and navigation along some of its stretches was becoming liable to interruption. The two lengths of rail way Kurna-Amarah and Kut-Baghdad avoided the shallowest portion of the waterway, upon the uninterrupted naviga tion of which the very existence of the army would othervrise have depended, and vrithin a month half a dozen trains a day were conveying war material and food supphes up to the advanced base. It was becoming more and more apparent to Maude as the summer wore on that no reliance could be placed upon Russian assistance from the side of Persia, and that the situation in Armenia was coming to be such that he must be prepared for considerable bodies of Turkish troops being Uberated from that mountainous region for action against himself. That the fall of Baghdad had aroused consternation in Berlin as well as in Constantinople was well known. Every thing pointed to the Anglo-Indian army in Mesopotamia being called upon during the coming cold season to withstand determined efforts on the part of the enemy to recover pos session of the city and the territory which had been wrested out of the hands of the Osmanlis. It was understood that General AUenby, who had just assumed command of the British forces on the borders of Palestine, would shortly commence active operations in that quarter ; but, even allovring for the effect of an offensive from the side of Egypt, the position of Maude's army around Bagh dad, dependent on its long line of communications, was not wholly without anxiety. Report at one time declared that the very successful German commander, Mackensen, was about to take charge of hostile operations in Northern Meso potamia. This story proved to be incorrect ; but it transpired, on the other hand, that general superintendence over the Ottoman operations was going to be exercised by another dis tinguished German soldier. Von Falkenhayn. The Army Com mander at Baghdad had therefore to be prepared for an active offensive campaign on the part of the enemy, conducted under skilled leadership, when the cooler weather set in. But he was nowise dismayed. He indeed looked forward vrith calm confidence to the future, well aware of the adequacy of his own arrangements and placing the fullest reliance on his troops. 294 SIR STANLEY MAUDE The earlier days of August were signalised by no occurrences of importance, although the great heat was beginning to pass away and the health of the army remained satisfactory. A memorandum was issued on the 7th urging upon subordinate commanders the importance of getting all ranks fit for rapid marching and entrenching, and by the middle of the month Maude had decided that a beginning of active operations might now be made. Sharaban, twenty-five miles north-east of Bakuba, was occupied on the 20th and fortified, the Army Commander paying a visit of inspection to the place at the end of the month. Orders were also issued for more or less con tinuous reconnaissance work to be carried out by the Air Force, which had received substantial additions to its strength in personnel and material, with the object of locating and of harassing the enemy. About this time Maude was a good deal disappointed at only seeing a precis of his despatch of the 10th of April ap pearing, in which he had recorded the results of his campaign of conquest up to the end of the previous March. ' I see that they have only published a resume of my despatch,' he wrote home, ' which of course is very different from the real article ; a paraphrase such as this will convey little or nothing to the troops for whom, so far as I am concemed, it was primarily intended. So I am having it printed in full and will distribute copies throughout the army, so that they may see at least how much their work is appreciated. I realise of course that paper is getting scarce in England, and if they were simply to publish my next despatch in an abbreriated form I would have nothing to say. But it seems to me that a place hke Baghdad is not captured every day, and this fact might have justified a httle more extravagance, so that every one might know exactly what had happened.' He would, however, appear to have been under a misappre hension in this matter. The despatch was published in full in the London Gazette of the 10th of July. It was a long com munication, however, so the various newspapers only made extracts from it, or published it in the form of a summary. The same thing happened to many other despatches sent in to the War Office by commanders-in-chief during the pro gress of the Great War. The mistake in such cases seems to be — and it is one especially to be avoided where operations are being carried out in lands far away from home like Meso- CONSOLIDATING THE CONQUEST 295 potamia or East Africa — that a liberal consignment of copies of the Gazette is not sent out to the scene of operations as a niatter of course by the War Office. Despatches sent in by a victorious general (that institution should remember) serve a twofold purpose. They furnish the Government and the country with information. They also acquaint the army concerned that its leader has brought to the notice of the Government and the country what his troops have done, and that he has given them the credit that they deserve for the trials they have undergone uncomplainingly and for the resolution and hardihood they have displayed when at grips with the foe. While quietly making preparations for the offensive cam paign which he had been planning, Maude was also continuing to devote attention to the innumerable questions that arose in connection with the comfort and contentment of the troops under his command. He was particularly pleased with the development of the hospital arrangements in Baghdad and with the results obtained by the Local Produce Control which he had set up on first arrival at the city. The place was indeed assuming many of the characteristics of an Indian cantonment of old standing. ' I am sending you the programme of the races which we had last week,' he wrote home on the 6th of September ; ' they were a great success and will, I hope, be the beginning of a succession of meetings in years to come. The new club is being laid out with polo groimd, racing tracks, lavni tennis courts, cricket and footbaU grounds, golf course, and arrangements are being made for aquatics in connection with it. We are also starting an Officers' Club in the city, and it ought to be open in two or three days' time. I went over it yesterday and it ought to be a first-rate institution. A few nights ago the Nursing Sisters here gave a moonhght party to which they asked me, and it really was very well done. They have a nice house on the river bank about one and a half miles above Baghdad. They prevailed on me to play a game of musical chairs, for which about twenty or thirty people started, and finaUy I won the competition, although not without a struggle. Later on in the eveningi suggested that they should have two or three dances, which all the nurses loved, although there were some very black looks amongst the matrons and senior medical officers who seemed to think that there was something very dreadful in dancing. I never can follow the thoughts of such people ; for dancing in itself is quite harmless, and considering the splendid way in which these young girls have worked throughout the intense heat all this summer I think that they deserve any reasonable relaxation one can give them. . . . 296 SIR STANLEY MAUDE I get so impatient sometimes because things do not go as quickly as I could vrish, but one is apt to forget the difficulties of our com- mimications and the length of the river hne. It is indeed wonderful how things are coming along, and the work of the railways and inland water transport is quite magnificent — especially the latter, as the river is dovra at its very lowest, and yet groundings are few and far between. We have got simply masses of men, munitions, and supplies coming along, and everything looks most prosperous.' ' The general was strict, but not unreasonably so,' Captain Musgrave, Maude's aide-de-camp, writes of him ; ' if he gave an order for a thing to be done at a certain hour he expected it to be done at the hour named. Those who knew him always had suffi cient tmst in him to feel sure that he would not attempt to carry out impossible projects. His great power of inspiring confidence in those under him was perhaps one of his most remarkable char acteristics ; this went through the whole of the force — right down to the private soldiers. Very precise in respect to punctuahty, I never knew him to be late for anything. Nor was he ever before his time. A favourite sajang of his was that every officer ought to have written up over his shaving glass in order to be perpetually reminded of it, " In war, time is everything." When at home in his own house with his personal staff he would at meals and such times put business away from him as far as possible, and the conversation would carry one far away from Mesopotamia. But if an important message or telegram arrived he would attend to it at once and dictate the reply.' During the closing days of September two important opera tions were carried out with a view partly to extending the area under control of the Anglo-Indian forces, and partly to depriving the enemy of valuable sources of supply. The first was the occupation of Mendali on the Persian frontier about fifty miles east of Bakuba, which was effected on the 29th by a cavalry force after a sharp skirmish. The second, a much more serious enterprise, was a carefully prepared attack by General Brooking vrith his 15th Division upon Ramadi on the Euphrates above Feluja, where a Turkish force had been in position all the summer. This undertaking proved a signal success. The place was surrounded on the 28th after a night march and its main defences were captured, and then, when the attack was resumed next morning, the Turks sur rendered almost to a man : 3500 prisoners, 13 guns and 10 machine guns fell into the hands of the victors, besides launches, barges and armaments of various kinds — a most satisfactory CONSOLIDATING THE CONQUEST 297 opening to the autunm campaign. The capture of the few river craft was especiaUy useful in connection vrith estabhshing a water transport service on the Euphrates. Major-Generals R. Stuart Wortley and W. GiUman (who had been Maude's G.S.0.1. in the 13th Division when he first joined it in GaUipoU) arrived during the month, Stuart Wortley becoming Deputy Quartermaster-General and GiUman being appointed to take command of the 17th Division which was to be formed at Baghdad. Having rendered the position on the Euphrates secure, Maude now tumed his attention to his right flank beyond Sharaban, and in the middle of October a number of columns operating in concert succeeded in occupying the whole of the section of the Jebel Hamrin range of hills which is situated to the west of the Diala, and also portions of the range to the east of that river. This was accomplished without encounter ing much opposition. The weather was now very pleasant and was even cold at night. Maude wrote home in excellent spirits, delighted at the prospect of active operations and at the success which was attending their opening stage. ' I forget whether I told you that I flew out to Ramadi in an aeroplane shortly after the fight,' he mentioned in a letter home, ' starting at 6 a.m. and getting there soon after 7 o'clock. I then rode round the battlefield and saw everything in detail, and later inspected the captured. In the afternoon I went out and planned the new defences for the place with the general in command there, and in the evening I flew back, taking just an hour to do so. It was much the best way of getting there as I could not well spare much time, and if I had motored it woiUd have meant seven and a half hours each way at least, and the jolting and jerking would have been dreadful. In fact it was this question of bad communications which required so much careful preparation before we attacked Ramadi, and although things are much better in this respect they are still very bad. But we are hard at work on them and matters are improving.' The Army Commander always had twenty-four orderhes about him, who had been especially chosen from his old divi sion, four being on duty at a time. His immediate entourage, as also the military police authorities in Baghdad, were anxious about his safety. There was some reason to believe that fanatical elements were plotting against his Ufe, and a report reached Headquarters one time in the autumn that an attempt 298 SIR STANLEY MAUDE would actually be made against him. Although rather dis posed to pooh-pooh such stories, he allowed himself to be persuaded that special preventive steps were called for, and he agreed to the guards over his personal quarters in the house where he resided being doubled. His rides and motor drives through the streets caused those in charge of the police con siderable apprehension at times, and special precautions were taken if it was known beforehand what route he was going to follow and where he was going to. The caravan route that for centuries has led from Baghdad to Mosul does not coincide with the hne of the Tigris. It skirts the foothills that project outwards from the upland regions of Kurdistan and Luristan into the great plain of Babylon and Chaldea. In his plans for prosecuting further offensive operations against the Ottoman forces, Maude had ever kept his eye fixed on Kifri and Kirkuk as a next objective, and in the early days of summer, before the utter collapse of fighting potentialities in the Russian hosts consequent upon the Revolution became apparent, he had always contemplated joint combinations by the Allies in this region. Although any aid worthy of serious consideration from the side of Persia could be regarded as at an end by the autumn of 1917, and although this circumstance, coupled with the disquieting situation in Armenia, necessarily added to the difficulties of any advance northwards from the Jebel Hamrin, the Army Commander had evidently proposed to act in this direction in due course during the cold weather that was now setting in. The opera tions of October had indeed made a good commencement for such a plan of campaign. But before committing any large portion of his army to offensive operations on an ambitious scale directed towards Kirkuk, the commander-in-chief deemed it necessary to dispose effectually of the Turkish contingents which all the summer had been assembled on the Tigris to the north of Samarra. The enemy, as it happened, made the first move in this quarter, advancing somewhat unexpectedly but in tentative fashion down both banks of the river towards the end of October, General Cobbe from Samarra prepared to fall upon this hostile armament, but it drew back. Maude thereupon sent orders that it was to be dealt vrith where it had halted, about midway between Samarra and Tikrit. The CONSOLIDATING THE CONQUEST 299 enemy position on the right bank of the Tigris was in con sequence attacked and taken on the 2nd of November, and Cobbe followed this up three days later by a successful onset upon the hostile forces gathered at Tikrit, the fruits of the victory being a number of prisoners and some valuable booty in war material and river craft, while the discomfited Turks retreated precipitately up the Tigris. This very satisfactory encounter proved to be the last triumph on the battlefield to be placed to the account of the ever victorious army that had grown out of ' Force D,' while it served under the orders of Sir Stanley Maude. The fight has therefore a tragic signifi cance of its own. For a very few days later, the British and Indian detachments that were spread out over a wide stretch of country fanwise round . Baghdad, and that were holding the chains of communications that led back from the city to the Persian Gulf, learnt vrith profound grief, and at first vrith consternation, that they had lost their beloved chief. But there were no grounds for consternation. The con queror had consolidated his conquest. If his task was not in a military sense completed, such substantial progress had been accomphshed towards its completion, so surely had the foundations been laid, that the Anglo-Indian army had now no grounds for fearing a reverse of fortune in Mesopotamia, nor for anticipating that yet further triumphs would not fall to its lot under the guiding hand of the distinguished soldier who took Maude's place. In this and in preceding chapters references have been made to the mutual confidence that sprang up between Maude and those serving under him in the field, as he passed upwards through the various stages of Brigade Commander, Divisional Commander and Corps Commander up to that of Army Commander. But he possessed the precious gift of inspiring trust in those set over him as well as in subordinates of all degrees, and this was one of the secrets of his achieve ments at the head of formidable legions. From the time that he had assumed supreme control in Mesopotamia he had enjoyed, and had been sustained by, the full confidence of his military superiors at home and in India. The extent to which this mutual reUance held good, and the benefit which it conferred upon the State and upon the forces engaged in an arduous campaign, is expressed by Sir W. Robertson, to SOO SIR STANLEY MAUDE whose unvarying support — practical support and moral sup port — Maude and his men owed so much, in the following tribute to the memory of the conqueror of Baghdad : I saw much of Maude and his work for some years before the war, especially when he was one of my chief assistants in the Directorate of Mihtary Training in 1914, and was greatly impressed, not only with his professional attainments and his love for the army, but also with his sincerity of purpose and his high standard of honour and justice. In my opinion these are amongst the first quahfica tions required in a leader of men, and without them no man is fit to lead. Therefore, when it became necessary in August 1916 to appoint a new commander to our forces in Mesopotamia, I had not a moment's hesitation in recommending Maude for the place. It was very important that no mistake should be made in the selection, for the campaign had hitherto been a series of dismal failures and disappointments, and had entailed great hardships and suffering upon the troops. Further, Maude was then prac tically an unknown man to the War Cabinet, while there were not a few other officers, some of whom were known to the War Cabinet, whose fitness for the post could not be overlooked. I consequently reaUsed that I was taking upon myself a great responsibihty in recommending Maude, and him alone ; but it sat lightly upon me, because I always felt satisfied that he would do everything that was humanly possible to retrieve the situation. How weU he retrieved it is one of the finest pages in the history of the war, and from first to last our relations were of the most cordial and mutually helpful kind. This was the more remarkable seeing that we could communicate vrith each other only by telegraph, and, as everybody knows, it is always difficult in these circumstances to convey one's real meaning. But I cannot recall a single instance of misunderstand ing arising between us as to our respective wishes and intentions, and this satisfactory result could not have been achieved but for Maude's clear mihtary vision and his single-minded devotion to duty. Throughout the war I was fortunate in having to deal with commanders in the different theatres of operations whose one desire was loyally to play the game and, ignoring self, to advance the general cause. No one was more conspicuous in these en deavours than was Maude. He was a gentleman and a soldier in the best sense of the word, beloved by aU who had the pririlege of knowing and of working with him. What might be caUed the combatant side of the r61e enacted by the Anglo-Indian forces in the Mesopotamian theatre from April to November, furnishes convincing testimony as to the understanding which existed between the Army Commander and those, high and low, who were serving under his orders. CONSOLIDATING THE CONQUEST 301 The operations of April and early May, which rendered the position around Baghdad absolutely safe from real danger, and which during the summer months caused the troops to be virtually immune from molestation even in minor degree, were carried out under no inconsiderable conditions of diffi culty. They called for rapid movements and exhausting marches effected in great heat by troops who had already gone through a strenuous campaign, troops who had passed through the wilderness, who had reached the promised land, and who might reasonably hope for a respite. But even if their chief could not from the nature of the case be up and amongst them in those trying days, his unconquerable spirit animated them all. The nomadic events on the Shatt-el-Adhaim, the dram atic capture of Samarra, the dash across the desert to Feluja on the Euphrates, all in their way threw a heavy strain for the time being upon the personnel of the forces entrusted with the tasks ; but officers and men made light of this. Every undertaking of those few weeks moreover, with the exception of some of the earlier work on the Diala that went partly awry owing to the fully expected co-operation of the Russians failing to materialise, was wholly triumphant; moreover, even there, the balance of success was, in the end, emphatically on the side of the Anglo-Indian forces engaged. ' I hope always to cherish his memory as I saw him in Baghdad on the occasion of my visit,' General Kirkpatrick wrote of Maude at that particular time ; ' calm, cool, determined to pursue his success to the utmost of his means, and enjoying the con fidence of all. He has indeed left the heritage of a great name.' The following appreciation by his distinguished subordinate. Sir A. Cobbe, serves to indicate how the conqueror of Baghdad was regarded by an experienced soldier, who enjoyed the privilege of commanding one of his army corps and of con tributing to, and sharing in, his anxieties and his triumphs : Maude's greatest weakness perhaps was that he undertook too much himself, so that his staff were apt to feel themselves in the position of confidential clerks. Methodical to a degree and punctual to a minute, his day was mapped out from the time when he rose until he went to bed. Engrossed in his work, a slave-driver of himself perhaps more than of those under him, he gave one the impression of a cold, calculating nature, which was almost repellent at times. That this was not his real nature was shown by his 302 SIR STANLEY MAUDE impetuosity in the hour of victory, by his humanity, by his care and thought for those under him, and also — as I can testify — ^by his large-hearted and very human acceptance of sharp differences of opinion vrith his subordinate commanders. As he once said to me in reply to an apology for a somewhat heated conversation over the telephone, ' I never remember those things. I know that it is only keenness.' His standard of duty and self-sacrifice was a high one. He re warded those who came up to it generously. He was coldly just to those who in his eyes fell short of full performance of their miUtary duty. He possessed most of the attributes of a big com mander. His plans were always laid with the larger possibiUty in riew, whilst he was meticulous in working out the details for the initial stroke. He was a past master of that systematic staff work which is so necessary when conducting a campaign. A httle apt to be impatient by nature, he could nevertheless keep himself in check owing to the self-control he always exercised. If ever a man gave all his thoughts and his life to his country it was Maude. He died in the hour of victory, a victory secured in a distant and minor theatre of operations, but one which un doubtedly exercised its effect upon the general fortunes of the Great War. He lived and he died a very gallant EngUsh gentleman. Sir George MacMunn, who had played so important a part in rendering possible the brilliant campaign carried out by the Army Commander and who assumed command on the return home of Sir W. Marshall, sends the following account, dated the 17th of July 1919, of the relations that existed between them, and of what Maude accomplished during his period of service in Mesopotamia. I write this note on our late chief from his quarters in Baghdad (where died also Von der Goltz), and from the room in which he died, in which I work in some hope that his hand may rest on my shoulder. I first met Maude at the War Office in those strenuous years of preparation before the war. We next met in Gallipoh where I had official dealings with him as commander of the 13th Dirision. But we first came really together when, one of the last to leave Suvla Bay, he landed on peaceful Imbros to find his tired men drawing hot Maconochie rations as they stepped off their hghters. That gift of the old officer, care and thought for his men, lay very deep within him. In Egypt I helped to equip his division for Mesopotamia, following him thither shortly afterwards as Inspector-General of Commimications. In May 1916, just after the fall of Kut, I found him at Sheikh Saad on the Tigris, once again re-forming that dirision that had so often been battle-swept ; and we talked CONSOLIDATING THE CONQUEST 303 far into the night of how to maintain the army in health and efficiency in an undeveloped land of great extremes. It was not however until September 1916, when he had succeeded to the command of the army and I was constantly thrown vrith him, that I came to appreciate and to understand the determination, the vision, and the knowledge of principle and detail that animated him. Few knew how anxious were his days from the advance beyond Kut to the last days in 1917. The army hung by a thread and the enemy attempts to expel us were considerable ; but main tenance was his chief anxiety in my interriews vrith him during and after the advance, and at times he would wire to me twice or thrice a day. It was this strain on mind and body, continued through a long and abnormally hot summer, that left him httle strength when the trial came. Efficiency and thoroughness had been his watchword, and he died at the height of his achievement. One great difficulty which Maude imavoidably laboured under in Mesopotamia, at all events during the earlier days of his occupying high command in that theatre of war, was the fact of his never having served east of the Red Sea before 1916, vrith the result that he necessarily at first was wholly unacquainted with the language and the customs of a con siderable proportion of the soldiers under his orders. Until he took over charge of the Tigris Corps in July 1916 he had never been closely associated with Indian units. He had seen something of native troops at Suakin and at Tofrek for a few weeks as a youngster, and he had met them again from time to time on the Western Front ; but for all practical purposes he had had nothing to do with them. Of the five divisions vrith which he carried out his victorious operations of advance and consolidation for eleven months in the Cradle of the World, four, however, were on Indian estabhshment, with three-quarters of tljieir infantry composed of native troops, as were also his cavalry. But he set himself to get over this difficulty by studying the habits of the Indian portion of his army as far as time permitted, and by learning Hindustani. With the aid of officers of the Indian Army on his staff he contrived to ascertain a great deal about the peculiarities of those warriors who were recruited in the great British Dependency in Asia and on its border land, and whom he led to victory. They discovered this and appreciated it, and so, by force of his sympathetic personality and as a result of his continuous success, he won the confidence 304 SIR STANLEY MAUDE of Punjabis and Sikhs and Rajputs as fully as he did that of EngUshmen and Scots. In all questions connected vrith these troops he was moreover aided by the very close understanding secured between himself and the military authorities at Simla, by whom, under the impulse given by the newly-arrived Commander-in-Chief, the existing resources in personnel and material of all parts of Hindustan were developed and turned to account to a wonderful extent during the months when Maude was Army Commander in Irak. The following apprecia tion of him, written by Sir C. Monro, is proof of the mutual trust which existed between two of the foremost soldiers produced in the critical days of the four years' war. Maude was a typical Guardsman — thorough in every sense. He had the invaluable gift of inspiring those under him to great efforts at critical moments. His rare military instinct and judg ment, combined with his infinite capacity for attention to detail, made him a commander who, but for his untimely death, would have achieved even greater successes in war than the defeat of the Turks in Mesopotamia. His sad end, coming as it did at the height of his achievements, was an irreparable loss to the Empire, for it is to the skill and tenacity of such men as Maude that we owe in a large measure our successes in the Great War. His was no hght task in Mesopotamia. He assumed command of the Force at a critical time and under difficult conditions. After long-sustained and unsuccessful efforts, suffering from heat, priva tion and sickness, the Force over which he assumed command was well-nigh exhausted. But the morale was there. The tradition of the unbeaten 6th Dirision of Kut fame still remained, and within three months Maude infused fresh determination into his troops, who in their unbounded confidence in their great leader were pre pared to respond to any call, however arduous, that he made upon them. His briUiant advance, including the capture of Kut, Baghdad and Samarra, constituted the most glorious stage of the Mesopotamian Campaign which, commencing with the capture of Basrah by the 6th Division, terminated in the destruction of the Turkish Army near Mosul. During the heats of a particularly torrid summer season there was probably no single man between the Jebel Hamrin Hills and the Persian Gulf who worked so hard and so con tinuously as did the Army Commander. Purposeful, method ical and untiring, his reserves of energy astonished all who were brought into contact vrith him ; and of the results of his labours it might, when the cold weather at last arrived, vrith justice have been said, si monumentum quaeris, circum- s2O o >scc < X CONSOLIDATING THE CONQUEST 305 spice. Baghdad was a transformed city. A railway con nected the place with Kut. Agricultural pursuits were flourishing in the surrounding country, as they had not flour ished since the setting up of Osmanh power in this historic region centuries before. The troops abode in comfort, in so far as comfort was obtainable in what is one of the hottest regions on the face of the globe. The magnetism of his personality had brought it about that all heads of departments and services, together with their subordinates, vied vrith himself in their enthusiasm for furthering the common cause, and delighted to carry into execution any suggestion with regard to their labours which he might happen to make. In so far as the medical side of the administration arrangements in connection vrith the army was concerned, their efficiency manifested itself in the admirable state of health in which the. rank and file, both British and Indian, found themselves when the season approached for resuming active operations. Speak ing of the labours of Colonel Willcox, his consulting physician, to Colonel Dickson, the Controller of Local Produce, one day, Maude said, ' I consider his work in improving the health of my forces equal to two divisions. Whatever it costs in work and money you must see that the country provides everything that Willcox thinks necessary.' Nor did the commander-in- chief confine his attention in respect to the well-being of his men to matters concerning their comfort and their health. The ample provision made for their recreation bore the mark of encouragement, of foresight and of incessant driving power exercised at the top. ' It is true he centraUsed,' Maude's Deputy Adjutaiit-General, General Ready, writes of him, ' but his general miUtary know ledge both of principles and of details was so great that this, combined vrith his wonderful energy and unique capacity for work, surmounted all difficulties. His power of concentration was remarkable. Even during operations when the closest attention to the situation was necessaiy, he was able to discuss questions of minor administrative work with enthusiasm. In disciplinary cases he gave full waming as to how he would deal with serious offences, but he always took a " human " view of what might be called errors of judgment or offences due to excitement or impetuosity. Slackness he would never tolerate. Nothing could submerge his sense of humour. It was his in variable habit before operations commenced to reriew the arrange ments made for the transport and care of the wounded. His U 306 SIR STANLEY MAUDE soUcitude for those in hospital was evident to all who knew his daily hfe. He often spoke to me even early in 1917 of the acute shortage of man-power, which would arise from the prolongation of the war, and the necessity of continuaUy making efforts to ensure that every available fighting man should be with the units in the field. He was a deeply religious man ; few, if any, Sundays passed that he did not attend an early celebration of the Holy Communion.' ' As his successes increased,' writes Sir W. Gillman, who was appointed Chief of the General Staff to Sir W. MarshaU shortly after Maude's death, ' so did the area over which he had charge. But his hand remained ever the guiding one. The control of one brain over troops fighting astride the Tigris, as well as of the initial superrision of the measures for pacifying the newly conquered Irak, brought about decisive success and at the same time ensured a continuity of policy that proved of the utmost value later. When he died, the pulse of the army stopped for quite an appreciable time. The guiding hand had gone, and as he seldom confided his plans to others, the blank caused by his death took a long time to fill up.' It has been said of him that he did too much himself, that he left too little initiative to his subordinates, that he central ised staff work to an undesirable extent, and that by doing so he created a dangerous system of undue dependence on one single man. The proof of the pudding is after all in the eating. His campaign in Mesopotamia, lasting from August 1916 to November 1917, stands for one of the most uniformly successful sets of military operations recorded in the annals of war, and when he was of a sudden struck down and dis appeared from the scene of his triumphs, no serious collapse of organisation of any kind occurred and after a pause the army carried on. In his despatch of the 29th of August 1918, Sir W. Marshall summed up the services of his predecessor in a paragraph which the whole of that army vriU have warmly endorsed, except the reference to Maude's loss being irreparable in the theatre of war. The foundations had been too surely laid for that by the chief who was gone. ' General Maude,' he wrote, ' whose genius had altered the whole face of affairs in Mesopotamia, was an almost irreparable loss. He had taken over an army whose morale had been severely tried by the failure of their efforts to reheve Kut, whose health had been sapped by a very trying chmate, and he consequently had a very difficult task in restoring its fighting efficiency. But in a few CONSOLIDATING THE CONQUEST 307 inonths, by his hard work and his great gifts of organisation, clear sightedness, determination, and above aU by his sympathy with and love of his soldiers, a very different state of affairs had come into being. Strongly backed by His Excellency the Viceroy and the Government of India, and by the War Office, he thoroughly reorganised the transport serrices, and the troops were as well fed and made as comfortable as circumstances permitted, though training and disciphne were never relaxed. When he considered that all was ready, and not till then, he moved, and from that time the force never looked back. When therefore I had the honour of being appointed his successor the army was magnificent, whilst organisation and training had reached a high state of efficiency.' Moreover, even granting that Maude was disposed when in chief command in Mesopotamia to centralise staff work and administration in himself to a somewhat unusual extent, as had been his practice when at the head of the 14th Brigade and of the 13th Division and also when holding certain appoint ments in peace time, no soldier in high position was ever more generously emphatic in giving the credit for all that was accomplished under his orders to his subordinates, and in refusing to take any to himself. Just as he would never admit that his own foresight and the impulse given by him to a successful operation influenced the result, so also was it according to him the skill, the resource and the organising ability of his various directors and their staffs, not of himself, that made it possible for a great army, amply supplied vrith war material of all kinds, to conduct a brilUant campaign in a theatre of war where nature was a more formidable and a more insidious enemy than was the opposing host. CHAPTER XV THE DEATH OF MAUDE AxTHOUGH he had never spared himself and had worked in cessantly, vrith no alleviation other than that provided by the evening rides to which he always looked forward or by visits of inspection, during weeks of broiling sunshine followed by nights of suffocating heat, Maude had kept in fairly sound health all the summer, while others amongst his entourage, even when not seriously ill, were often somewhat out of sorts. Thanks, no doubt, to the possession of a vigorous constitu tion and exceptional strength of will, thanks also perhaps to his custom since boyhood of always keeping himself more or less in training by regular habits and by exercise in so far as circumstances permitted, he withstood the trying cUmate of Mesopotamia in the hot weather better than the majority of the British personnel at Baghdad and of the army under his command. His devoted personal staff always tried their utmost to make things easy for liim. But they received scanty encouragement if they ever suggested that he should slacken the strain that he was constantly placing on himself, or that he should take better care of his own health while ever solicitous as to the health of others. A charming host, determined to make the stay of such visitors as came to put up in his house — the house in which Von der Goltz had died — pleasant for them, his letters home nevertheless indicate that he did not always welcome the presence of outsiders at his personal headquarters. They inevitably trenched to some extent upon his time. It so happened however that a proposal emanating from Lord WiUingdon, the Governor of Bombay, who was an old friend of his, came to hand in Baghdad to the effect that a lady, Mrs. Egan, who represented an important syndicate of Ameri can newspapers, should be permitted to proceed to Mesopo tamia and to the headquarters of the Anglo-Indian Army. The proposal had the approval of Simla and also of Sir W. wa THE DEATH OF MAUDE 309 Robertson. The United States were now associated vrith the Entente in the contest with the Central Powers, although Washington was not at war with the Subhme Porte, and from the pohtical point of view there was much to be said for making the pubhc in the Western Hemisphere acquainted with the position of affairs in the one theatre of war where fighting forces on the side of the Alhes had unquestionably gained the upper hand. So Maude consented, and Mrs. Egan duly arrived on the 11th of November to stay with the Army Commander. All that was possible was done for the visitor's comfort. Maude interested himself personally in ensuring that she should see all that was worth seeing in and around Baghdad, and in her book The War in the Cradle of the World, she pro vides us with a sympathetic and animated description of the Army Commander's mode of hfe and of his bearing as it appeared to her. He was anxious that she should be made acquainted with the condition of hfe in the great oriental city under British governance, and he arranged to take her one night to a singular variety and theatrical entertainment got up by a Jevrish school, which (as it turned out, although he was un aware of it beforehand) had been arranged especially in his honour. Of this she gives a vivacious account, as also of the elaborate precautions for guarding the route that she noted. In the course of the proceedings coffee was brought for Mrs. Egan and her host. He took milk vrith it and she did not. Two days later, on Friday the 16th of November, Maude when he went to the office at Army Headquarters as usual in the morning felt and looked unwell, and at 7.45 a.m. he sent for the Staff Surgeon, Lieutenant Moloney, I.M.S., who pre scribed quiet with milk diet. After returning home at lunch time the Army Commander remained in his room during the afternoon, although he did some work, dictating correspondence to his confidential clerk. The Staff Surgeon brought Colonel Willcox, the Consulting Physician to the Forces, with him when he called in to see the patient at six o'clock, and Colonel Willcox then firmly vetoed Maude's proposal to fulfil an engagement to dine that evening vrith Colonel Dickson, although at that time no serious symptoms were present. But when the Staff Surgeon called in again a little later he noted with concern that 9, change for the worse had t?iken place in 310 SIR STANLEY MAUDE the condition of the sick general, and Colonel Willcox was summoned afresh. They took a serious view of the case, and the malady was definitely diagnosed to be cholera in a virulent form. Maude had refused to let himself be inoculated against this fell disease, although insisting on his staff submitting to the process ; Mrs. Egan had on arrival been inoculated at his express vrish, but it may be observed that this would afford no protection for fourteen days ; his excuse as regards himself always was that a man of his age was immune. The medical assumption is that the Army Commander was infected by the milk that he had taken vrith the coffee at the Jewish school entertainment. Colonel Willcox gives the following account of the course of the illness : About 7.45 P.M. an acute attack of cholera commenced with great suddenness, and in a few minutes a state of extreme collapse occurred. Without delay immediate treatment was adopted, and everything possible was done to combat the acute symptoms. Lieutenant Moloney and myself as consulting phy sician remained with General Maude throughout his illness. Colonel Legg, A.M.S., and Colonel Hugo, I.M.S., consulting sur geons to the force, were called into consultation and remained in attendance during the illness. Miss Walker, the matron of No. 31 British Stationary Hospital, and four speciaUy selected nurses carried out with the greatest care and devotion their nursing duties. A slight improvement followed and some of the acute symptoms were alleviated, but the condition of extreme cardiac weakness remained throughout, and there was httle if any hope of recovery from the very onset of the symptoms of cholera. No permanent improvement followed on the intravenous saline treatment, which was carried out vrithout delay from the onset of the acute symptoms. General Maude retained his mental activity in spite of his great weakness until two hours before the end. He instinctively knew after the onset of the acute symptoms that he was suffering from cholera, and his first request was that none of his staff should run any risk of infection. During his illness his constant thought was the army under his command ; he anxiously inquired as to certain recommendations for awards to his men which he had made, and it was necessary for him to be assured that these had been forwarded. Within a few hours of his death he received a telegram from Lady Maude and dictated an encouraging reply. At 4.30 P.M. on Sunday, November 18th, 1917, unconsciousness supervened, and he passed peacefully away at 6.25 p.m. The cause of death was cardiac failure consequent on the toxaemia of a very severe cholera injection. Some mmours occurred in Baghdad, and I beheve in England, as THE DEATH OF MAUDE 311 to the possibihty of General Maude's illness being due to poison. I would Uke most emphatically to contradict the possibihty of this haying been the case. Throughout the illness most careful bac teriological examinations were made at the Central Laboratory, Baghdad, and most definite evidence was obtained of the presence of a very virulent infection of cholera, thus confirming entirely the chnical diagnosis. As regards the date of infection, it seems very probable that this was contracted on Wednesday evening, November 14th, 1917. At the performance he partook of some hght refresh ment and had coffee with which he took some milk. In that area of the city at that time it would be very hkely that the milk would be infected vrith cholera organisms, and it seems very probable that the actual infection occurred in this way. There is no reason to suspect that the infection of the milk was otherwise than an acci dental infection from the water of the area, which was known to be under great suspicion at the time, cholera being present in that part of the city. ' I was vrith him during the last hours of his life,' writes the Rev. A. C. E. Jarris. ' Of some of these things I cannot write ; but what follows should be placed on record, for the passing of the first Christian conqueror of Baghdad was a triumphal entry into the presence of his Lord and Master. He died as he had lived. The simplicity of his life was reflected in everything about him, the ordinary camp bed, the army blankets — he never carried more than the normal officer's kit allowance. For physical reasons he could not partake of the elements of the Sacrament ; but, deUrious and semi-deUrious as he was for the greater part of the time, he knew that he was in the presence of the Reserved Sacrament ; he joined in all the prayers and, suffering as he did, the calm joyous peace light which irradiated his face betokened that, whilst tem poral shadows were receding, the glory of the spiritual world was already becoming more real. At the end it was all very beautiful. His immediate personal staff, the doctors, nurses and orderly stood round the bed. Out side the measured tread of the Ghurka guard. A peaceful calm fUled the room. I began the serrice of Commendation at five minutes past six, and at twenty-five minutes past, just as I was uttering the words : "Rest Eternal grant to him, O Lord, And let Light Everlasting shine upon him," he peacefully entered Paradise. Thus our beloved commander left us, victor, as always, over the last great enemy.' The news of this sudden and tragic termination to a great career aroused profound concern throughout the Empire. Maude's continuous record of success in the field had sounded a trumpet call of encouragement at a juncture when the Alhes' 312 SIR STANLEY MAUDE prospects of final victory in the world contest had been affected most adversely by the disastrous consequences of the Russian Revolution. The transformation which had taken place in a theatre of operations where British arms had been signally worsted vrith deplorable results to the troops concerned, had fired the imagination of his countrymen. Sheafs of letters, scrawled in pencil by officers and rank and file amid dust- storms and downpours in a distant land, had been testifying for months past to the extent to which the triumphs in Irak were the direct and immediate handiwork of the commander- in-chief himself. In his message to Sir W. Marshall, who had been summoned in haste to Army Headquarters as senior lieutenant-general on the spot, the King voiced not only his own sentiments, but also those of the nation at large : November 19th. I have just heard with the deepest regret of the death under such sad and tragic circumstances of General Maude, who has rendered incalculable services to India, the Empire and the AlUes. I join with My Army in Mesopotamia in mourning the loss of their gallant and beloved commander, but I am con fident that his memory will ever be an incentive to the completion of the work for which he laboured and died. George, R.I. General MarshaU issued the following Special Order of the Day: It is with feehngs of the deepest regret and sorrow that I announce the sad death from cholera on the afternoon of the 18th November, 1917, of Lieut-General Sir F. S. Maude, K.C.B., C.M.G., D.S.O., General Officer Commanding-in-Chief, of this Force. Lieut.-General Sir F. S. Maude gave nearly thirty-four years of distinguished service to the State, and it is due to his remarkable ability, unwearying energy and admirable example that the Army in Mesopotamia gained its successes in the past and is to-day so grandly upholding the traditional glories of our Empire. He will be mourned by the nation, the Army and by all ranks in Mesopotamia, as a great soldier, who rendered valuable and devoted serrice both in the Army and the State. W. R. Marshall, Lieut.-General, Commanding-in-Chief Mesopotamian Expeditionary Force. General Headquarters, Baghdad, 19th November 1917. Lady Maude received telegrams and letters of sympathy from all quarters of the Empire, from the Kin^ and Queen, THE DEATH OF MAUDE 313 from the Government of India, from the Army Council, from many public bodies, and from numberless private individuals, and two of these messages may perhaps be quoted. The Under Secretary of State for India wrote : In pursuance of a resolution passed to-day by the Council of India, I am requested to state that the Council have received with the profoundest regret intelligence of the sudden and lamentable death of your gaUant and distinguished husband, Sir F. S. Maude, K.C.B., C.M.G., D.S.O., and that they desire respectfully to express their deep sympathy with you in your great bereavement. The Council have followed with the UveUest interest the achievements in Mesopotamia of the army under his leadership, and the series of brilliant victories which have restored the fame of British arms in that region. They have frequently noted with pleasure the tributes which at various times he paid to the valour and endurance of the Indian troops serving under him, and they feel assured that the Indian Army deeply deplores the loss of a wise and skilful commander who ever had their fuUest confidence and affection. The Premier of Canada cabled : My colleagues and I desire to express to you on our own behalf and that of all Canadian people the deep sorrow felt universally throughout the Dominion at the untimely death of your gallant husband, whose career has been so splendid and whose serrice to the Empire has been so conspicuous. A special memorial service was held on the 4th of December at St. Paul's, under arrangements made by the Order of St. Michael and St. George, of which Maude was a Commander. It was attended by representatives of the King and Queen and of Queen Alexandra, by the Duke of Connaught and a special contingent of officers and men of the Guards, by the War Cabinet, by the Lord Mayor and Sheriffs in state, and by numbers of officers and public men of note. The musical portion of the service was provided by the Coldstream Guards. But if grief at the death of an eminent public servant was general in the United Kingdom, in India, in the British Dominions and Colonies beyond the seas, and in the theatres of war in France, in Egypt and at Salonika, where Maude's fellow-soldiers had been following the course of events on the Tigris with interest and admiration, the distress was incom parably more pervading and deep-seated amongst the troops who had actually lost their own immediate leader and chief. The evil tidings of the Army Commander's grave condition 314 SIR STANLEY MAUDE had travelled fast through the encampments on the Saturday and Sunday ; the news that all was over gave rise to an out burst of emotion. For in some undefinable way Maude had come to be regarded even amongst the lowest grades of the thousands who obeyed his behests, and who looked up to him trustfully for guidance, as a friend. While the numberless letters received by Lady Maude from Mesopotamia a few weeks later, many if not most of them emanating from soldiers and others vrith whom she was unacquainted, contained eloquent tributes to what he had accomplished, they almost vrithout exception sounded the prevailing note of personal loss. To make a selection from them or to quote extracts would be out of place. Suffice it to say that they represent in themselves a not unworthy memorial to the commander who was gone. The proposal that the country should make a special grant to the widow and family of Sir Stanley Maude afforded re presentative statesmen an opportunity, a few months later, for paying striking tributes to the memory of the victorious general who had one day steamed quietly up to a wharf on the riverside of the City of the Caliphs, and had stepped out without ceremony to take possession on behalf of his country of one of the most important places in all Asia. ' The services which Sir Stanley Maude rendered to the Empire, notably in Mesopotamia,' said Mr. Lloyd George as Prime Minister in the House of Commons, ' were distinguished, far-reaching and permanent in their effect. He found British prestige at a very low ebb in a quarter of the globe where prestige counts for much. The British Army in the East had suffered a series of severe reverses. One great enterprise on which a good deal of the strength of the Empire had been concentrated had to be abandoned. One British Army had surrendered to the Turkish forces, after another British Army had been defeated in a series of attempts to relieve it. In Egypt we had a large force sheltering behind the desert and the Canal from an inferior Turkish Army. This tale of discomfiture and humiliation spread throughout every bazaar in the East, and, hke a tree, grew as it spread. Before it ran into irreparable mis chief for the Empire the genius of Sir Stanley Maude had changed and restored the position. I know well how much of this success was due to the reorganisation of the transport service by Sir John Cowans and his able staff, the reorganisation of the medical service by Sir Alfred Keogh and his assistants, and the reinforcements brought in by Sir WilUam Robertson and Sir Charles Monro. But the enemy also had time to reinforce, and to strengthen his forces. THE DEATH OF MAUDE 315 The ground lent itself to entrenchments. Those entrenchments were constructed under the adrice and direction of German en gineers. The Turk was fighting at his best in a chmate which suited him and did not suit us. But against aU these obstacles the leadership of Sir Stanley Maude and the valour of his army triumphed. The highest proof of generalship is not so much in the vrinning of a victory as in its exploitation. No general ever made better or wiser use of his victory than did Sir Stanley Maude. The re lentless pursuit of the defeated army, which ultimately destroyed it, and ended in the dramatic capture of Baghdad, sounded throughout the East. These were amongst the finest feats in military history, and they had a magical effect on the fame and position of Britain throughout the whole of the East. The Germans realised it. Sir Stanley Maude's achievements had destroyed their cherished dream. They sent one of their ablest generals there to effect a reconquest, and I do not think it is too much to say that their abandonment of that enterprise was due very largely to their appreciation of the fact, when they came there, that they were confronted by a leader of exceptional resource and power. But Sir Stanley Maude's real greatness was displayed in the use which he made of the victory after it had been obtained. He showed as much vrisdom as an administrator as he displayed skill as a general. Every great general has a strain of statesmanship, and Sir Stanley Maude exhibited great gifts of statesmanship in his administration of that difficult country. Whilst ruling vrith a firm hand, he won the esteem and affection of that gifted but suspicious race, not merely by the equity of his rule, but by the intelUgent sympathy which he displayed. He possessed that rare tact which is a blend of gentleness and understanding, and the article that appeared in an Arab paper after his death, and which was, I think, reproduced in the British Press last week, is the highest tribute that could have been paid to his great qualities as a governor and a man. . . . Sir Stanley Maude vrill always be remembered as one of the great figures of this War, not merely for what he achieved, but for what he was. I know not what destiny may have in store for the famed land which he conquered, but of two things I am certain. The first is, that the whole course of its history will be changed for the better as a result of the victory and the rule of Sir Stanley Maude ; and the second is, that his name will always be cherished by the inhabitants of that land as that of the gentlest conqueror who ever entered the gates of Baghdad.' ' In 1916,' said Earl Curzon of Kedleston, the Lord President of the Council, in the House of Lords, ' General Maude was sent with his dirision to Mesopotamia, and there he took part in the arduous operations that were then in course of being carried out for the rehef of the beleaguered garrison of Kut. As your Lord ships vrill remember, that place feU after an heroic defence by 316 SIR STANLEY MAUDE General Tovmshend and his brave men ; and in August of that year General Maude succeeded Sir Percy Lake as Commander-in- Chief of the British Expeditionary Force in Mesopotamia. It was a dark moment in the history of the war. It was a critical moment in the fortunes of Great Britain in the East. The issues of the con fUct themselves trembled in the balance, and the prestige of the British Empire may be described not unfairly as having been at stake. General Maude had to deal vrith an enemy fiushed with victory, entrenched in a position of exceptional strength, prorided vrith aU the scientific mihtary resources which he had received from his European aUy. The advance upon Baghdad in the month of December 1916, the dramatic crossing of the Tigris, the forced evacuation of Kut by the Turks, the disorderly retreat of the fleeing enemy upon Baghdad, the rapid pursuit by General Maude and his men, constituted a mihtary achievement of no mean order. But General Maude was by no means content with his initial victory ; he was not the kind of man to rest upon his laurels. FoUowing the Turks vrith great speed up the Diala River in one direction, up the Tigris in another, and, at a later date, up the waters of the Euphrates, he infUcted upon them a series of cmshing defeats which rendered them incapable of any further sustained military effort. He lifted the danger which overhung the Persian border, and which might, unless arrested, have reacted, through Persia, upon Afghanistan and upon India itself, and he occupied the whole of the Baghdad vilayet. And be it remembered that he carried out the series of operations which I have described, labouring under a sense of bitter disappointment at the failure of our Russian Allies, who were at that time in the north-western part of Persia, to extend to him the support which he had reason to expect. The last few months of General Maude's life were devoted to the task of organising and administering the territories which he had won ; and there in November 1917, in an act of unthinking courtesy, he contracted that fatal pestilence which always broods behind the atmosphere of the East, and in a few hours had passed away. Thus in a few months of time it was given to General, Maude to achieve what many military commanders do not attain in a lifetime. He retrieved a great disaster ; he won a resounding victory ; he recovered a prorince — almost a country — once one of the gardens of the East, which had mouldered for centuries under the bhght of Turkish misrule. Nay, more. By a single stroke, or series of strokes, he may be said to have altered the history of the world. It is surely inconceivable that the inhabitants of those fair regions can ever be thrust back into the servitude from which General Maude and his forces succeeded in emancipating them. And then in the hour of his triumph the General was stricken down, not, indeed, on the battlefield, but, as I have pointed out, by a death not less honourable and infinitely more pathetic. My Lords, if we turn from the contemplation of the soldier to that THE DEATH OF MAUDE 317 of the man, there is a consensus of opinion among those who knew General Maude vveU — of whom, unfortunately, I was not one — that not merely did he possess the genius of a mihtary commander, but that he had many of those quahties of personal character which endeared him to aU those vrith whom he was associated. The soul of chivalry, he was not less strict in the disciphne that he apphed to himself than he was in that which he apphed to others. A non-smoker, almost a total abstainer, he set an example of con scientious abnegation and self-control which profoundly affected the conduct of those whom he either commanded or who served under him. At the same time, he was kind and thoughtful to a degree of his soldiers, and, as abundant testimony confirms, he was exceptionaUy considerate to the native inhabitants of the countries that had passed under his sway. Thus I think we may say of the departed general that in manifold respects he fulfiUed the ideal of the Happy Warrior which was drawn for us in such moving terms by one of the greatest of our poets more than a century ago.' ' My Lords, this motion is so sure of receiring the universal assent of your Lordships' House,' said the Marquess of Crewe, ' that it is really more for my own satisfaction as a very old friend of General Maude — shaving faiown him in the days when he was a subaltern in the Coldstream Guards — that I rise to say a word in its support, although, indeed, that is not necessary after the eloquent statement which has been made by the noble Earl who leads the House. General Maude was a man who was always greatly regarded and beloved by his friends. He was a quiet and dignified man even in his younger days. He had the reputation of being a most excellent regimental officer, and he also became a careful student at the Staff College. I know very well that the senior officers of that day always looked upon him as a man who, if the time of test came, would prove himself to be in all respects an admirable soldier. How the test would come, and how severe it would be, of course nobody in those days could foretell ; but that it was met not merely with the gallantry which everybody would have ex pected of General Maude, but also with a degree of mihtary skill which was to a great degree the reward of the hard work that he had exercised in his younger days, will not be denied by anybody. As the noble Earl has stated, the circumstances of General Maude's death were singularly pathetic. He knew, of course, the admiration which his conduct and that of his troops had won from his fellow-countrymen, but he was not spared to receive at home those tributes of respect and affection which would have been larished on him had he returned here. We all, I am certain, feel that this small tribute is the least that the country can pay to his memory.' The burial took place on the afternoon of the 19th in the 318 SIR STANLEY MAUDE desert cemetery beyond the North Gate. Every officer and man who could be present was there to pay a last tribute of respect and affection to their departed chief, the pall-bearers were commanders who had over and over again led their men to victory under his supreme control, a special contingent of officers from his old division, far away, contrived to arrive in time, the people of the city assembled in great numbers to do honour to their liberator and patron. ' Coming generations,' says Mr. Candler, ' will perhaps class General Maude as a great leader with Alexander and Julian, who conquered the ungrateful soil and became its victims. He fixed a memorable link in the continuity of history when he entered Baghdad ; and one may safely predict that his name will be associated with a more lasting and beneficent change in the fortunes of the country than can be credited to Roman, Persian, or Greek. But at the moment, the men who helped him to make history were not concerned vrith posterity. The thought that troubled them, recurring at all hours, was that of the two or three new graves in the British cemetery, one covered the bones of the man they least could spare, of the commander whose quiet and confident smile was an assurance that no sacrifice that he demanded of them would be in vain.' The following lines written by Lieutenant J. G. Fairfax, serving in the army which expelled the Osmanlis from Meso potamia, are proof of the respect and affection in which its commander was held : — 'AVE ATQUE VALE' F. S. M. Hail and farewell, across the clash of swords ! Hail and farewell, all laurels to the dust, So soon returned, so bitterly ; farewell ! The dark clouds. Sisters to the solemn hour. Wait on thy passing, and the heavy air Bears, as we bear our sorrow silently. The leaden burden, and there is no voice — Mute, with bent heads, before the open grave. We stand, and each one feels his pulses ache, And his throat parches, and the unspoken grief Closes an iron hand upon his heart. Three times the volley strikes the solemn vault Of that imprisoning arch, and piercing clear The bugles cry upon the dead. ' Arise 1 ' THE DEATH OF MAUDE 319 And thou shalt rise, yet we turn sad away : The scarlet and blue pennants droop ; the night Draws darkly on, and dawn, when dawn shall come, Throws a drear light upon the Eastern sky. And Dome and Minaret wake ghostly grey, And in the trees a little wind will sigh. Hail and farewell ! the laurels with the dust Are levelled, but thou hast thy sure crown, Peace and immortal calm, the victory won. Somewhere serene thy watchful power inspires ; Thou art a living purpose, being dead. Fruitful of nobleness in lesser lives, A guardian and a guide ; Hail and farewell ! A simple cross marks the spot where Maude of Baghdad lies, surrounded by the last resting-places of soldiers whom he loved and who loved him. Monuments to his memory may take, and have taken, various forms. A statue of their famous chief is to be set up in the capital of Mesopotamia by the army which he led. Roads especially laid out beyond the North Gate and an arch, the cost defrayed by subscriptions of its citizens, are a tribute of the chief place in Irak to the man who freed the city from the Turkish yoke. Hospitals and schools, erected by the inhabitants of other towns vrithin the liberated territory, commemorate what he achieved and stand for tokens of gratitude to a benefactor and a friend. An obelisk erected by the 13th Division towers amongst the rocky fastnesses of the Jebel Hamrin, coupling Maude's name vrith the names of all ranks belonging to the division who laid down their lives for their country in the far-off land of the Two Rivers. Yet the finest memorial perhaps to the con queror is to be found in a redeemed region and a contented people, which have taken the place of territories that he found waste and desolate and of races who had been for ages victims of oppression and misrule. CHAPTER XVI AN APPRECIATION When endeav^ouring to sum up the salient features in the char acter, the qualifications and the methods of Sir Stanley Maude as soldier and man, the biographer enjoys this great advan tage : the achievements of the subject of this Memoir were so conspicuous, his popularity amongst those who came into close contact with him was so unquestionable, and his nature was so unselfish, that there is no temptation to gloss over such minor shortcomings as ought in the interests of truth and of example to be touched upon. Where assets are so rich and overflowing, there is no excuse for concealing a few liabilities. Maude's fellow-countrymen will ever regard him primarily as a soldier, and it is in his capacity of soldier that he will in the flrst instance be discussed here. Nor can an examination of his attributes as an officer be more appropriately initiated than by indicating certain points in his disposition and in his normal procedure which lay him open to some tempered dis paragement. Reference has already been made to them in passages scattered through earlier chapters of this volume. By nature Maude was exceedingly tenacious — an invaluable trait for a soldier to possess in many situations. As one of his warmest friends indeed says of him in the striking apprecia tion quoted on p. Ill : ' When he did speak he put the pros and cons clearly and concisely and gave a decided opinion, from which nothing would turn him.' (The italics are the author's.) Fixity of purpose was one of his most valid pro fessional resources, because he was generally right. But no man can always be right, and if Maude by any chance hap pened to be wrong, this characteristic of his lost its merits — as is illustrated by an incident which occurred when he was serving as a regimental subaltern in the Coldstream Guards. One day during the progress of some field operations that were being carried out vrith other troops, Maude was in com mand of his company; it was engaged alongside another S20 AN APPRECIATION 321 company of his battahon under charge of a captain, an officer senior to himself and admittedly an extremely capable soldier. A tactical situation arose in the course of the proceedings which suggested to this captain that it would be well for Maude's company to do a certain thing, so, neither the com manding officer nor the second-in-command happening to be about, he expressed a vrish that Maude should carry out the movement. Maude however demurred. The captain pressed the matter. Maude remained obdurate. Finally the captain formally ordered Maude to execute the movement, and Maude, equally formally, refused. Now, the senior may perhaps have acted a little tactlessly in the first instance, and it is conceiv able that impartial observers would have ruled that in the existing situation on the field of manoeuvre the senior's project was miUtarily unsound. But in deliberately refusing to obey an order given under such circumstances by a superior officer, Maude put himself entirely in the wrong, disciplin arian as he was. Some commanding officers holding rigid views on the subject of military subserviency would be dis posed to take a very serious view of an episode of this kind when it was reported to them — as this episode of course was. Instances of what practically amounted to obstinacy on Maude's part have cropped up occasionally in the narrative of his career recorded in foregoing chapters. Thus he could not be induced to remain on the sick list so long as his medical advisers prescribed after the accident that befell him at Drie fontein, and the result was that his shoulder gave him serious trouble during several subsequent months of strenuous work in the field, when he needed to be at his best ; it indeed never wholly recovered from the injury. The fact would seem to be that he regarded sickness as a sign of weakness which would be overcome by the individual exercise of wUl-power. At the same time, if medical advice was forcibly put and was clearly based on grounds of reason, he accepted it readily. For instance, he allowed himself to be persuaded not to under take a journey by ' glisseur ' from Baghdad to Basrah in the heat of summer, on Colonel Willcox urging that he would run great risk of heat stroke were he to venture on such an expedition. When at the head of the 14th Brigade, he turned a deaf ear X 322 SIR STANLEY MAUDE to the friendly suggestions of his divisional commander and his corps commander concerning the undue exposure of his headquarters near Neuve Eglise ; and when he was at last ordered to move them, he moved them nearer to the enemy instead of further away as had been intended. When the arrangements vrith regard to the evacuation of Anzac and Helles were being debated, he was almost the only one of the generals concemed who advocated retiring to an inner Une ; and it proved hard to persuade him that the course actuaUy adopted was the right one, although when the question had been decided against him he executed the alternative plan to admiration. But it must be remembered that it was this same obstinacy — ^to repeat a somewhat disagreeable word — which was at the root of Maude's confidence in himself and in his plans, and that it was this confidence in himself and in his plans which kept him undisturbed and of good cheer when the temporary discomfitures, the heavy losses, and the un toward conditions of weather which chequered the course of the confUcts to the south of Kut, might have caused a less resolute commander than him to hold his hand. Accounts practically all agree that paper-work took up much of his time and that he was always thoroughly at home in the labours of an office. As adjutant, and later as brigade- major, he developed a propensity for issuing numerous and somewhat lengthy memoranda, and (although opinions are not unanimous on this point) his orders in the field — ^which while a brigade commander and a divisional commander he generally prepared himself, contrary to the normal practice — would seem to have inclined towards prolixity at times. AU those who were associated vrith him while he was holding staff appointments testify to his rare powers of work, and enlarge on the long hours that he was in the habit of passing at his desk ; but there are indications that his indefatigable efforts in this field of endeavour may not invariably have been profitable efforts, and that he may even occasionally have made work — as many soldiers proficient in office pursuits have a tendency to do. Seeing that he was by bias the very reverse of an indoors man, the amount of time that he was in the habit of spending in his bureau during these periods is at all events evidence of a single-minded devotion to duty ; but miUtary men of experience will not perhaps be quite so favourably AN APPRECIATION 323 impressed with this particular feature in his mode of life as outsiders have been. The truth is that, if Maude had not been a most earnest student of his profession in all its branches, had he not been a particularly keen and effective exponent of tactical procedure out in the open, had he not been an enthusiastic trainer of troops and ever ready to take part in exercises and manoeuvres, flnally, had he not proved himself to be a rare leader of men when his opportunity came, he would have run considerable risk of being set down as an ' office man ' by brother-soldiers. But this tendency had the result that when he was on active service he was tireless in writing letters, not only to his family and to friends but also to military authorities to whom the letters were as useful as they were interesting. Constant practice had given him a facility of expressing himself clearly and to the point, and, considering the difficulties and discom fort under which his correspondence was carried out in France, at Suvla and during the earlier part of his time in Mesopotamia, his letters from the front must be acknowledged to be ex tremely informative documents. Nor should it be forgotten that, while he was in command of a brigade and of a division in presence of the enemy, Maude never failed to communicate his regret and his sympathy to the relatives of any officer under his command who had died for his country, and un happily he had only too many of such letters to write. But the characteristic of Maude which was the most strongly marked and was the most open to objection from the soldier's point of view was his tendency to centralise, his almost irrepressible instinct for doing whatever had to be done him self, his plan of keeping everything in his own hands. That this was his habit is notorious and is acknowledged by those who knew him best and who admired him most. ' If he had a fault,' writes Sir W. Lambton, ' it was that of centralising and of attempting too much himself.' All who came into contact vrith him officially vouch for his abnormal dihgence, and depose to the protracted hours which he spent on his military duties ; but if you db everybody's work as well as your own you must labour abundantly or the machine will come to a standstill. Special mention must be made of this, and the objections to such procedure when practised by a staff officer or a commander pointed out, because the very great- 324 SIR STANLEY MAUDE ness of Maude's triumphs in the field might induce the idea that his methods in this respect were methods to be imitated. The fact that gratifying results have been arrived at in spite of a thing having been done the wrong way, does not make the wrong way right. This bent for absorbing control and administration in him self displayed itself constantly during his military career, and it manifested itself in connection vrith almost every form of question with which he had officially to deal. In Canada his duties were scarcely of a military nature ; but he kept aU details in connection with the Governor-General's tours and entertainments and public observances in his own grip. When holding high appointment on the War Office staff, his sub ordinates were deprived of the initiative and of the responsi bility usually permitted to individuals occupying their posi tions. It was the same when he was in command of a brigade and of a division on active service. It was to a great extent the same when he was at the head of a mighty host fitted out with all the impedimenta found necessary by a modern army when on the war-path. But what was perhaps most remark able about this feature in Maude's character and disposition was that the centralisation which he practised was not the outcome of any desire for self-advancement. It was wholly disinterested and altruistic. Having done what it was a subordinate's business to do, he gave all the credit to the subordinate and he took none for himself. His abnegation, his modesty, and his ready and chivalrous recognition of the services of those working under him, sugared the pill, and induced capable and self-reliant officers under his orders, who at the outset were disposed to resent his system, to accept it loyally in the long run and to prove themselves his compliant assistants. The objections to the practice of centralisation are a matter of common knowledge. Some of them are indeed obvious. The commander, or the superior staff officer as the case may be, who keeps all the strings in his own hands is subject just as others are to the ills that flesh is heir to, and he may break down temporarily or permanently at some critical juncture. He may, again, happen to be absent on some special duty just at the moment when a vital problem unexpectedly arises which, owing to his system, cannot be solved without his AN APPRECIATION 325 presence. Undue dependence upon any individual is in the nature of things unsound, and it may become a grave peril. Centralisation moreover inevitably discourages the efficient subordinate, while it is apt to serve as a cloak conceahng the unfltness of an incompetent underhng. It in reahty sets at deflance the fundamental principles upon which command and administration in the mihtary world are supposed to be conducted. It is an obstacle in the path of the junior officer who desires to learn his work and who hopes to quahfy him self for rising to higher grades, and on this point Maude by his methods was, without perhaps reahsing it himself, contravening his own theories. For he always took the utmost interest in the training of the staff in peace time, and in promoting its efficiency for pur poses of war. His standard of efficiency was moreover a very high one. In his diaries kept during the South African Cam paign and during the Great War, frequent entries occur condemning the staff work, as its practice on active service came to his notice. Even in the early days of the operations of the British Expeditionary Force in France in 1914, at a juncture when the highly trained and specially selected staff vrith the troops was probably as competent as the staff of any army in the field in existence, he finds grounds for disapproba tion at times — and, no doubt, reasonably, seeing that there is no such thing as perfection in such matters. But unless there be judicious decentralisation, unless the various individuals who form the aggregate of the staff in brigades, or divisions, or army corps, or armies, are allowed to perform the duties which they are supposed to perform, and are trusted by those set over them until found wanting, the staff as a whole does not enjoy the practice nor does it acquire the experience, in the absence of which that body cannot be expected adequately to fulfil its functions. Situations will arise in war, it is true, and they may some times even arise in time of peace, where it is expedient and where it may even be imperative for a superior officer to take the entire control of matters into his own hands and to trans form his subordinates for the time being into virtual ciphers. When Maude was called upon to assume supreme control over the operations in Mesopotamia, the machine as a whole was running none too smoothly, some of its parts were the worse 326 SIR STANLEY MAUDE for the wear, certain new devices had to be introduced, nor was the available driving power being effectually exercised throughout the whole of the complicated works. A man in sound health and of inexhaustible energy, a man immune from the lassitude which a debilitating climate is apt to induce, a man fitted out with ample knowledge concerning the bulk of the questions that called for investigation and settlement, and fortified by a clear conception of what objects the army could and should fulfil in the early future, was needed ; and the newly appointed Army Commander was most fully justified in going himself thoroughly into every detail of organisation and administration before he committed his troops to an offensive campaign. Whether it was indispensable for him to retain the close control that he did over the administration at a later date, when all was in working order and proceeding satisfactorily, seems open to question. But in the first in stance, centralisation would appear not only to have been permissible, but to have been in the highest degree appropriate. There is also this to be said. Centralisation is in principle fundamentally unsound. It to all intents and purposes sets army regulations at defiance. In the case of an officer who has passed through the mill of staff training its practice ignores precepts that have always been strongly inculcated at Camberley. Nevertheless Maude's custom of doing himself so much that ought properly to have been done by his subor dinates does afford convincing testimony of his having been equipped with other precious and engaging qualifications. The fact that in spite of suffering from this drawback he should have accomplished such great things, serves to prove how deft an organiser, what an ardent worker, and what a com petent master of the art of war he must have been. The way that he managed to get the best out of capable men holding positions of responsibihty under him who found themselves in a manner thrust on one side, is clear indication of the confidence which he inspired, of the knowledge of his pro fession that made itself apparent to all who were associated with him, and of his own magnetic charm. It may be observed here that in many eulogistic references to him that appeared when he was carrying all before him on the Tigris, and in those which saw the hght after untimely death at Baghdad had robbed his country of his services, AN APPRECIATION 327 reference is constantly and with justice made to the fact that no detail was too small for him to interest himself in. That is a most valuable quahty in an administrator and in a com mander, always provided that it is, as in his case, combined with a sense of proportion. He never allowed his concern for questions of second and third rate importance to stand in the way of attention to matters of major moment. Nor must vigilance in respect to detail be confused with centralisation. By making inspections take the most searching form possible, a superior officer ensures that duties are being correctly carried out in all their various branches. Suggestions from a high quarter in connection with even trivial points act as a tonic. Maude's heedf ulness and sohcitude in connection with in considerable questions was combined vrith a very thorough knowledge of military requirements and of the best method of meeting them, which was the result of years of study, of constant application to professional pursuits, and of the pos session of an exceptionally retentive memory. He indeed to a strange extent resembled in some vital respects the greatest of all modern soldiers. Widely as they differed in general character and in their outlook upon life, Maude in his military capacity had much in common with Napoleon. Both of them were signalised by an almost uncanny familiarity with the details of the require ments of an army, both were pertinacious students of the principles and practice of prosecuting hostilities, both were gifted with unusual powers of concentration on the thing in hand, both could lay claim to abnormal memories, both were by instinct and by habit centralisers, both had mastered the closeness of the connection which exists between adequate preparation for operations in the field and their effective execution, neither of them shrank from incurring reasonable losses if by incurring those losses gains might be achieved, neither of them hesitated to run risks when the occasion caUed for it, both must be classed as egregiously sedulous workers, both — from dissimilar causes and as a result of different methods — contrived to vrin and to retain in ex ceptional measure the confidence and the affection of the men whom they led, and both were absolute masters of the art of controlUng hosts to good purpose in a theatre of war. In one notable respect however Maude was almost the 328 SIR STANLEY MAUDE antithesis of the illustrious Corsican. He was business-like to a degree, and punctuaUty vrith him amounted almost to a rehgion. Napoleon, on the other hand, although his mind acted systematically, was the very reverse of methodical in his dealings vrith others, and was so irregular — and even so irresponsible — in regard to his hours for meals and his hours for work as often to cause his staff and his suite grave per plexity. That combination of instinctive orderliness with briUiant gifts of leadership, which was one of Maude's char acteristics, is indeed somewhat unusual in a Great Captain. To compare Maude to Napoleon as a tactician, to contrast them as handlers of legions actually on the field of battle, woidd be absurd. The whole aspect of combat has been transformed since the days of Austerlitz and Jena. Progress in armament has created conditions which deprive the superior commander as a rule of openings for disclosing genius in this connection. No opportunity for his manifesting tactical aptitude of a high order ever presented itself to Maude while a simple brigadier. His masterly withdrawals from Suvla and from Helles were the result of forethought and of effectual administration, and no affrays took place during their critical stages. Even on the occasion when, at Felahieh, he was suddenly faced with a situation for which no elaborate pre paration had been, or could be, made and his division gained so gratifying a victory, the Turks who were opposed to him were not in truculent mood and they offered no very spirited resistance to his troops. During the course of that trium phant series of operations which carried his army from Es Sinn to Baghdad, actual tactical direction was in the hands of subordinates even if he was giving the impulse to the combinations. A staff officer whom Mr. Candler quotes sums up Maude's qualifications as a commander in the field very aptly : ' There are three things necessary for carrying on a campaign. You want the fighting man whose genius is strategy and tactics, and you want the man who understands everything about staff work ; but these may be wasted without the brain for organisation and the interior economy of the army. I don't think that I had ever struck a man who combined two of these quahties, certainly not three, until I met Maude.' But the staff officer omitted two other attributes, to both oi AN APPRECIATION 829 which Maude could lay claim and which are almost as valuable to a commander in the field as those indicated — sympathy with those commanded, and serenity of temper in the hour of adversity. A successful commander will always enjoy a certain popu larity amongst those serving under his orders, no matter what his personahty may be. Unsympathetic as he was by nature, despising sentiment, a stem disciplinarian who v/as economical of praise and who troubled himself httle concerning the com fort of his troops, Wellington, although not exactly beloved, was nevertheless looked up to by his men in the Peninsula and could always get the very best out of them so l-ong as fighting was actually in progress. Napoleon, on the other hand, not merely fired the enthusiasm of the soldiers vrith whom he overran Europe by the splendour of his victories, but he lost no opportunity of appealing to the emotional side of the Gallic character ; his custom was ever to pose as chief and to be the central figure in skilfully staged pageants ; but he combined this with the display of keen interest — which may or may not have been feigned — ^in the welfare of his men, and he won them by his camaraderie and apt chaff when he moved about unceremoniously amongst the bivouac fires or rode alongside columns on the line of march. Maude's personality exercised its influence after another fashion, and he had acquired the confidence of those under him before he had made his mark as a leader in the field. No triumph was registered by the 14th Brigade while he was their brigadier ; nor, until its tail- most echelons had slipped quietly away by night from Suvla Bay, had the 13th Division accomphshed anything especially noteworthy under his command ; and yet the brigade and the division, alike, elected to put their trust in him, one had almost said, on sight. He no doubt enjoyed certain natural advantages in pos sessing a tough frame, a strong constitution and a commanding figure. But his inexhaustible energy and his frequent ap pearances amongst them made him also familiar to the troops under his orders. His unaffected solicitude concerning their food, their clothing and the alleviation in so far as this was practicable of their ordeals, won the hearts of the rank and file, both British and Indian. His practice of always getting his own way impressed those who saw him at close quarters. His 830 SIR STANLEY MAUDE sanguine disposition infected others vrith his own confidence. His insensibility to danger and his wont of frequently visiting the most advanced trenches and of traversing the most ex posed approaches when he was a brigadier and a divisional commander, were warmly appreciated by those under him, even if they caused some apprehension in those over him. That absence of pose which came natural to him fitted in with the temper of British troops, just as Napoleon's liis- trionic procedure suited the French. While his devotion to duty, his ability and his exhaustive knowledge of his pro fession aroused the admiration of his staff and of those senior officers vrith whom questions of importance had to be discussed, his sympathetic bearing and his cheery greetings delighted non-commissioned officers and men whom accident brought momentarily into close relations with him, and these spread the tidings far and wide. His letters are evidence of the genuine affection that he felt for the regimental officers and the rank and file serving under him in the field, and of his eager appreciation of their work. A commander always gives credit to his troops in his official despatches for any success that may have been achieved. That goes without saying. Most commanders perhaps vidU do so even in their private letters. But Maude was con stantly expressing his warm admiration of his troops, not only to outsiders but also to himself, i.e. in his diaries. There never was any pretence or make-believe about it — he wrote down just what he felt. On the one occasion when his men, or some of them, undoubtedly failed him, it is noteworthy that he would seem to have been unwilling to fully admit this even to himself; the passage is quoted on p. 210. Officers and rank and file soon came to realise his feeling towards them and to reciprocate it, because although by nature undemon strative he had a particularly happy way with him when proposing to show friendliness to subordinates, especiaUy when off duty. An inherent buoyancy of temperament in Maude assumed the form of an unconquerable spirit when dangers gathered thick. His attitude at the moment when the attack of the 18th Division on the Sannaiyat Unes miscarried is a striking example of that. Unruffled demeanour in the chieftain is the first step towards repairing defeat when fortune has been AN APPRECIATION 331 unkind in war, and his habitual self-possession and his fortitude were priceless assets during the dark days of April 1916 on the Tigris. Although they could not change the aspect ot affairs even in respect to his own division, his troops noted and remembered them ; and other divisions which had met with discomfiture hke unto his heard tell of this general whom his men all swore by. So, when the Tigris Army Corps learnt that Maude was their commander, and when it became known a few weeks later that he was supreme chief in Meso potamia, the Anglo-Indian forces welcomed with enthusiasm the appointment of a leader whom most of them had never seen and whom many of them four months before had never even heard of. His personahty had already put new life into the army before the influence of his reforming activities and of his energetic administration had made themselves felt outside of Army Headquarters on the Shatt-el-Arab. In the estimation of posterity, Maude vrill inevitably be judged by the campaign which virtually gave him Mesopo tamia. That campaign was a masterpiece. Its salient features have been discussed in previous chapters, and they need not be dealt with further. Suffice it to say that, recognising from the outset how neither skill nor valour in the absence of effective organisation vrill command success, the Army Com mander invariably made strategy and administration move hand in hand throughout its progress. The plan was bold ; some of its details — the crossing of the Tigris at Shumran, for instance — might be characterised as audacious. But it was as comprehensive as it was bold, and its designer ever had the destruction of the foe for objective rather than mere winning of territory or the achieving of some local triumph. Victory, until hostile resistance had been beaten down, was not victory to him. The Turks were appalled by the relentless energy of this formidable antagonist, who was as vehement in tread ing a fugitive enemy underfoot as he had been calculating in his preparations for putting the antagonist to fUght. Maude was as thorough as a conqueror as he had been thorough in elaborating his scheme for making himself master in the theatre of war, and this, more perhaps than anything else, singles him out as one of the foremost soldiers of his time. But it was not only when the enemy was actually in the gate that Maude gave indications of an instinct for war. 832 SIR STANLEY MAUDE Frequent references have occurred in foregoing pages to his zeal for military study ; but that he also closely foUowed the progress of international events and that he foresaw clearly whither they were leading, is made evident by quotations from his diary and from his conversations which have been given. That talk of his with Doctor Peatling one evening at Carshalton which is mentioned on p. 100, his insistence that the Territorials ought to be warned that they would all be needed for war work overseas when the national emergency arose, point unmistakably to his conviction that a great European war was impending ; and they prove furthermore that he entertained no illusions as to the immensity of the struggle's scope when it should come. Moreover even at an earlier date, during those years immediately after his return from Canada — somewhat lean and discouraging years in so far as his pro fessional prospects were concerned — a prophetic instinct seems to have moved him at times to foresee that one day he might play a great part in the affairs of his country. Most thinking officers in the United Kingdom no doubt perceived what was looming ahead, and deplored the inadequacy of the Government's preparations for meeting the storm. Few of them, however, visualised the situation which was to arise quite so clearly as did Maude. But we have not here to consider him only in his capacity as a soldier and commander in the fleld. He was a type of man bound to make his mark in any walk of life as a consequence of natural ability, of exceptional application, and of being governed by a lofty sense of duty. The sense of duty in him was moreover fostered by strong religious convictions, to which Mr. Vaux of Carshalton has paid a remarkable tribute in the passages quoted on p. 107. Maude's diaries bear indirect testimony to this. Even during the most strenuous days of his experiences in the fleld from 1914 onwards, he scarcely ever missed attendance at the early celebration of a Sunday mom ing, and he always made a point of joining in at least one other service if it could possibly be managed. Although it was impossible to make the Sunday a day of rest when in presence of the enemy, Maude tried to preserve it as a day set apart by devoting his spare hours to visiting the sick and wounded when a brigadier ; and at a later date when he came to occupy higher military positions he made it his day for going round AN APPRECIATION 333 hospitals. He gave every possible encouragement to the army chaplains who were at different times serving under his orders, as also to others vrith whom he happened to come into contact, frequently mentioning them by name in his diaries. In no department indeed did he take a warmer and more practical interest than in that which is devoted to the spiritual welfare of the troops. His principal chaplain in Mesopotamia, the Rev. A. C. E. Jarvis, who was with Maude at his death, writes of the Army Commander in eloquent terms : For many months I acted as Church of England Chaplain at General Headquarters. It was during this period that, outside of official intercourse, the veil was hfted and that I got to know more of the man. He was very reserved, the innermost was not revealed, and it was thus that some misunderstood him. To me he was great, and great because he was good. He was an essentially good man. He was not ashamed of his rehgion ; he did not make a parade of it, but it formed a vital part of a wholly disciplined life, always simple, always devout. He never missed a Communion — ^not once, and he was a very busy man, while frequent celebrations were the rule in Mesopotamia. In an indefinable way he differed from any man I have ever known. Of him it may truly be said that he possessed a distinctive and unique personality. At the Memorial Serrice held at Baghdad the week after his death, in trying to find one word to express it, I chose the word ' intense.' His virihty, his simplicity, the thoroughness with which he did everything, are all summed up in that word — intensity of thought, intensity of insight, intensity of action. He was a strong man, quiet, self-effacing, but it was the strength of the great flood which, moving, seems asleep. Careless ness and slackness he abhorred, and he had no mercy on offenders ; yet he was essentially generous and kind. In thousands of lives at home, in India and in the East, he lives enshrined for ever — a. great soldier, a keen sportsman, a typical Enghsh gentleman, a good man. ' His splendid abilities as a soldier,' Maude's old chief of Home District days. Lord Methuen, wrote of him after his death to Lady Maude, ' were apparent to all from the time when he was the best of adjutants. But there are other men who have risen to height in the Army, but yet have not suc ceeded in gaining the love of all as he did. No one ever grudged him his glory. There are some like him — I vrish there were more — who never seek their own interests, who play the game, and in whose minds jealousy finds no place. As Burke puts it, " to bring dispositions that are lovely in 334 SIR STANLEY MAUDE private hfe into the service and conduct of the commonwealth ; so to be patriots as not to forget we are gentlemen." This is why so many feel they have lost a friend that cannot be re placed, and why we feel so much for you and yours in your grief.' ' Having been closely associated with him all his life, I think that the cause of his success was his thoroughness in whatever he undertook,' is the view of his old friend Sir W. Lambton ; ' whether it was soldiering or sport he threw his whole heart and energy into what was on hand. No detail was too small for his notice, and no trouble too great, and that he achieved so much was due to the charm of his character as well as to his driving power. He had an intense love for his old school, Eton, and for his Regiment, and however great might be the stress of work at any time he always managed to keep touch with his old comrades.' It was those who knew him the most intimately who re spected him the most highly and who liked him best. His old schoolfellows remember him as ever intent upon whatever he happened to be engaged on, and yet a bright and merry lad withal. The sunny side of his disposition came to be less apparent to those who met him casually or to mere acquaint ances, as he grew older ; but it was there all the time, although cloaked by a form of reserve and held in check by absorption in official duties and in the cares of life. As a man he required knowing ; and yet no one who came into contact with him could fail to be struck by his courtesy, his accessibility and his readiness to enter vrith interest into any matter put before him. He liked to take the measure of any new acquaintances before granting his confidence or acquiescing in intimacy; but amongst those admitted to his friendship he unbent entirely and proved to be a most attractive companion. His quiet sense of humour came to his aid alike with acquaintances and vrith friends ; it was turned to account to smooth over difficulties in the one case, and it made association with him all the more agreeable in the other case. His addiction to sport of all kinds commended him alike to equals and to inferiors, and he was moreover of the class of sportsmen who prefer performing — even performing indiffer ently — ^to looking on. Running vrith him was a natural gift ; but he made the most of the gift by his abstemiousness, and this self-denial also aided him in his feats on the river as a AN APPRECIATION 335 young man and in later days. Although he played most out door games he had no special aptitude for those demanding skiU ; he was, however, a good shot, considering that he was too intent on his military duties from the time of his leaving Sandhurst to devote much time to this form of sport. Omng to his weight and to the expense involved he only hunted occasionally, but when he did he went well to hounds. Most mounted officers got falls during the South African War ovring to the treacherous nature of the ground, but were little the worse ; the fact that Maude met with two accidents and suffered considerable damage each time, viz. at Driefontein and on the day before Diamond Hill, suggests that he was a somewhat reckless horseman, as he had excellent sight. Thorough in all things, he was also thorough in respect to sport so long as he was actually engaged in it — whether he was playing lawn tennis, or was foUovring the beagles, or was taking part in a sculling match at Maidenhead — and he always inculcated this same wholeheartedness in others. An appreciation of this distinguished public servant would be incomplete without some brief reference to his home life. He was one of those men whom brains, character and the force of circumstances thrust into the limelight ; but who nevertheless are happiest in the domestic circle, for he was wrapped up in his family. That they were ever in his thoughts is made manifest by his diaries. In moments of stress and worry in the field he would remember that it was the birthday of one of his children and would note it down. If a mail arrived at the Dardanelles or in Mesopotamia which, owing to those accidents that are ever occurring in postal arrange ments on field service, brought him no letter from Mardale, he was much put out. Devotion to his military duties never prevented his settling down in the temporary homes that he occupied and, glad as he was on Service grounds to quit Plymouth and to exchange Carshalton for the Curragh, he hated leaving his retreat on the shores of the Stonehouse creek and shrank from bidding good-bye to his garden at ' Greengates.' He ever loved to be with those nearest to him, sharing alike their pleasures and their troubles. Take him for all in all, soldier, student, thinker, sportsman, gentleman, friend, Maude was an arresting and in many respects a fascinating figure. He proved himself a man of war. He 336 SIR STANLEY MAUDE left no stone unturned to ensure his mastery of any subject which he felt he ought to fathom. He took the long view in questions which the statesman too often hesitates to grapple with. He played the game through life as he had played it as a fag in Cornish's House at Eton. He won the regard and admiration of those who saw most of him and were best fitted to appraise his merits, and only those who enjoyed the privilege of his friendship realised how great that privilege was. Few men of the day have set a more shining example for the rising generation to follow, have consecrated themselves more whole heartedly to the service of their country without thought of self, and have left a deeper and a more enduring footprint on the sands of time. INDEX Abu Roman, 13th Division at, 212. iEgean, the, references to, 159, 160. Afghan frontier, events on, accelerate decision as to Sudan, 20. Afghan War, Sir F. F. Maude in, 3, 4. Ahwaz, Maude visits, 241 ; reference to, 288. Aisne, passage of the, 120 ; battle of the, 121-123 ; reference to the, 151. Alaska, difficulty concerning the boun dary of, 82. Aldershot, ist Coldstream at, 13 ; 2nd Coldstream at, 25 ; Maude's move to, 87 ; reference to, 96. Alderson, Lieut.-General Sir E. A., at the Staff College, 27. Aldis House, Maude goes to school at, S- Aleppo, reference to, 281. Alexander, reference to, 318. Alexandria, 1st Coldstream at, 20 ; drafts go to, 168 ; Maude reaches, 189. Ali Gharbi, arrival of Cossacks at, 225. Aliwal North, references to, 64, 65. Allahabad District, Sir F. F. Maude in command of, 3. AUenby, General, at the Staff College, 27 ; expected advance of, 293. Altham, Lieut.-General Sir E. A., letter from Maude to, 75. Amarah, references to, 235, 250, 251 ; 13th Division proceeds back to, 238 ; railway from Kurna to, 243 ; Sir C. Monro inspects 13th Division at, 248 ; Maude presents V.C. ribbons at, 249, 250. Anglo-Persian oilfields, Maude visits, 248, 249. Antony, Maude stays at, 90. Antwerp, question of, 125 ; fall of, 125, 126. Anzac, operations at, 159; Maude arrives at, 160; 13th Division leaves, 162; principle of retirement from, 172; General Godley in command at, 172 ; part of, force moves into Maude's sector on last night, 173 ; final with drawal from, 176 ; reference to, 322. Arabian Sea, reference to, 194. Arabs, trouble caused by, 225, 227, 233, 2S4. 255, 285 ; turn on the Turks, 269 ; influenced by Maude's victories, 269, 270 ; effect of capture of Baghdad on, 280 ; punitive expedition against, in Diala valley, 287, 288. Ardgillan Castle, reference to, 24. Armenia, situation in, 285, 293, 298. Armenti^res, occupation of, 128 ; 3rd Corps headquarters at, 129, 131. Army Commander. See Sir S. Maude. Army Corps — 1st, under Sir D. Haig, 115; move ments of, 118, 128 ; some of, pass through Hazebrouck, 128 ; gradual detraining of, 128 ; at First Battle of Ypres, 134. 2nd, under Sir J. Grierson, 115; Sir H. Smith-Dorrien takes command of, 117; movements of, 117, 121, 126, 128 ; moves north, 124 ; placed in Second Army, 144 ; supports the First Army, 147. 3rd, Maude appointed G.S.O. i of, 115; position of, 1 17; crosses the Marne, 118; follows the 2nd Corps, 119; uncomfortable position of, 120; on the Aisne, 121; moves north, 124 ; arrives at St. Omer, 125 ; Maude's services with, 130, 131 ; placed in Second Army, 144. 4th, arrives, 126; moving southward from Bruges and Ostend, 128. 5th, in Second Army, 144; composi tion of, 144. 6th, proposal as to Maude joining staff of, 147. Sth, composition of at Helles, 168. gth, references to, 159, 160. 15th, 13th Division joins, in Egypt, 189. Indian, in France, begins to arrive, 133- Tigris, composition of, 197 ; condition of, 197 ; difiiculties of, 212 ; trying time of, after surrender of Kut, 220 ; improved position of, after the retreat of the Turks from Es Sinn, 224 ; Maude assumes command of, 227 ; composition of, 230, 231 ; 337 388 SIR STANLEY MAUDE Army Corps {continued) — command of, handed over by Maude to General Cobbe, 235 ; references to, 238, 239, 303, 331 ; split in two, 250. Ist Indian, constituted under General Cobbe, 250 ; attacks Khaidiri Bend works, 256 ; advances on Baghdad, 274; portion of, moves against Ramadi, 292. 3rd Indian, constituted under General Marshall, 250 ; advances, 254 ; pushes on beyond Baghdad, 276 ; defeats Turkish 13th Corps, 283. Arnold-Forster, Mr., letter from Maude to private secretary of, 78 ; Maude becomes private secretary to, 87 ; resignation of, 88. Artillery, Maude on German, 122, 146, 153 ; Maude's attention to, 148 ; Maude dissatisfied with arrangements in Gallipoli ' Peninsula, 165 ; Maude gets his own way as to, 1 65 ; Maude's anxiety as to, during final evacuation of Suvla, 173. Asquith, Mr., becomes War Minister, 113- . Austerlitz, reference to, 328. Australians, reference to, 160. Austria-Hungary, demands of, on Serbia, "S- Avoca, S.S., Maude sails to South Africa in, 34- Aylmer, General, in command of Tigris Corps, 197 ; attack on Dujaila Re doubt, 200 ; reference to, 201. Azizieh, advanced troops reach, 265 ; halt at, 268-270 ; references to, 271, 277. Baghdad, references to, 2, 159, 190, 209, 26s, 268, 271, 273, 275, 277, 279, 280, 285, 288, 295, 301, 308, 321 ; General Townshend's advance on, 190 ; guarded approval of Govern ment for advance on, 270 ; occupation of, 274 ; Maude's entry into, 274 ; enthusiasm over capture of, 278 ; rail way from Kut to, 285 ; heat of, 292 ; effect of fall of on enemy side, 293 ; caravan route from, to Mosul, 298 ; a changed city, 305 ; memorials to Maude at, 319. Bailleul, references to, 128, 129, 131 ; 14th Brigade in billets in, 139 ; Maude spends night at, 155. Bakuba, capture of, 276 ; references to, 288, 294, 296. Balfour, Mr., references to, 89, 91. Banff, stay made by the Royal Party at, 74- Baratoff, General, references to, 225 ; Maude to arrange direct with, 281. Barberton, capture of, 60 ; references to, 61, 62. Basingstoke, Maude conducts staff tour at, 86. Basrah, Maude arrives at, 194 ; refer ences to, 198, 199, 200, 232, 234, 236, 239, 246, 247, 288, 321 ; General Lake quits, 237 ; improvements to port of, 241, 243 ; work of Maude at, 242-247, 249 ; climate of, 242. Beatty, Sir D., Maude receives message of congratulation from, 278. ' Beetles,' the, description of, 182. Beit Aiessa, fighting at, 212-214; refer ences to, 215, 216, 217, 221, 223, 225, 257. Beled, reference to, 283. Belfast, occupied by i ith Division, 60. Belgians, position of, 126 ; reference to, 133- Bell,, Major A. C. Morrison-, on Maude, 74, 81 ; conversation of, with Maude, 104. Belmont, action of, 34. Berber, proposed railway to, 14. Berkshire Downs, Maude at cavalry exercises on, 89. Bergendal, action of, 58. Bethulie, reference to, 65. Bidassoa, passage of, 262. Birdwood, General, operations of, at Anzac, 159 ; takes over command from Sir I. Hamilton, i66 ; in command of the Dardanelles Arniy, 168 ; Maude meets, at Mudros, 177 ; appreciation of Maude by, 186. Bisshopp, Very Rev. Sir G., Sir F. F. Maude marries the daughter of, 2. Black Watch capture terminus of Sa marra railway, 274. Blizzard, the great, in the Gallipoli Pen insula, 168, 169. Bloemfontein, references to, 37, 51 ; ad vance on, 40 ; occupation of, 42 ; pause at, 44-46 ; epidemic at, 44 ; advance from, 46 ; Guards Brigade headquarters moves to, 63. Boer Executive moves to Machadodorp, SI- Borden, Sir F., Minister of Militia, 77. Boscawen, Lieut.-Colonel Hon. E. See Falmouth, Lord. Botha, General Louis, in command of Boers, 49 ; sends in despatch riders, 50 ; in position east of Pretoria, 51, 52 ; position of, near Belfast, 57 ; retires on Lydenburg, 59. Boulogne, reference to, 124 ; Maude at, 150, 152, iss- INDEX 839 Boyne, Maude at brigade training on the, 109. Braemar Castle, s.s., 3rd Corps staff cross the Channel in, 117. Brandfort, advance to, 47. Brandwater Basin, General Hunter's success in, 56. Brigade — Guards, sent to Suakin, 15 ; at Hash- in, 17 ; proceeds to Tofrek, 18 ; proceeds to Cyprus, 20 ; formed to go to South Africa, 32 ; advance of, to Modder River, 34; remains on Modder, 39 ; moves to Klip Drift, 39 ; moves up to Poplar Grove, 40 ; reaches Bloemfontein, 42 ; headquarters at Bloemfontein, 44 ; included in nth Division, 45 ; in operations east of Bloemfontein, 46 ; advance of, to Karee Siding, 46 ; marches into Kroonstad, 48 ; halts at Germiston, 50 ; at Diamond Hill, 52, 53 ; returns to Pretoria, 54 ; goes back to, near Diamond Hill, 55 ; on the railway, 56 ; moves north from Belfast, 59 5 moves to Water val Onder, 60 ; moves on Komati Poort, 60, 61 ; distributed along Orange River, 64. Ist, Brig.-General F. Lloyd in com mand of at Aldershot, 88. 7th, attack on, 133. 8th, 14th Brigade relieves, 137. nth, crosses the Marne, 1 20; forces passage over the Aisne, 120. I2th, crosses the Marne, 120. 13th, in the 5th Division, 108 ; attack on, 133 ; 14th Brigade changes places with, 141. 14th, in the 5th Division, 108 ; Maude appointed to command, 129 ; Maude joins, 132 ; Maude's previous ex perience of, 132 ; constitution of, 132; condition of, 134, 136; re lieved by Garwhal Brigade, 136; goes back into the trenches, 137 ; relieved by 8th Division, 137 ; take over line near Wulverghem, 138; in billets, 139; inspected by the ICing, 140 ; good work of, 140 ; returns to front, 141 ; operations of near Wytschaete, 143 ; goes back into billets, at Bailleul, 143 ; Sir H. Smith-Dorrien's association with, 151 ; gas reaches, 154 ; Maude gives up command of, 155 ; Maude's services with, 156, 157 ;. high stan dard of efficiency of, 157 ; references to, 163, 187, 197. 307, 321, 329- 15th, in the 5th Division, 108 ; refer ence to, 112. Brigade [continued) — 19th, joins the 3rd Corps, 117 ; driven back near the Lys, 129. 3Sth, under Maude's orders, 221. 38th, composition of, 161 n ; in right sector, 174; under Brig.-General O'Dowda, 189 ; embarkation of, at Port Said, 193 ; moves up river from Basrah, 199 ; at Sheikh Saad, 201 ; moves to Wadi, 204 ; relieves 7th Division, 204 ; General Lake commends, 207. 39th, composition of, 161 n ; comes under General Fanshawe, 174; arrives at Helles, 178 ; under Brig.- General Cayley, 189 ; reaches Sheikh Saad, 201 ; marches to Wadi, 204 ; General Lake commends, 207 ; attack of at Beit Aiessa, 214. 40th, composition of, 161 k; in right sector, 174 ; arrives at Helles, 178 ; under Brig.-General Lewin, 189; moves up river, 201 ; reaches Sheikh Saad, 20I ; relieves 7th Division, 204 ; detects retirement of Turks, 223 ; moves back to Wadi, 225. Brigade of Guards, Maude appointed brigade-major of, 28 ; peculiar organ isation of, 31. Brooking, Maj.-General Sir H. T., leaves Sandhurst with Maude, 11 ; in command of 15th Division, 239 ; Maude visits, 249 ; reference to, 270 ; capture of Ramadi by, 296. Brown, Sir Sam, reference to, 2. Brownrigg, Lieut.-Colonel W. D., Assistant Adjutant and Quartermaster- General of the 13th Division, 163 ; on Maude, 163, 164, 194, 208, 211, 227. Buckingham Palace, Maude at, 152. Buffs, The, Sir F. F. Maude's career in, 2, 3- Bulford, headquarters of the 33rd Divi sion, 158 ; reference to, 160. Buller, Sir R. , army of, in Natal, 34, 43 ; to unite with Lord Roberts, 56 ; approaches Belfast, 57 ; left south of the railway, 58 ; attacks Bergendal, 58 ; sent to Lydenburg, 59 ; reference to, 76. Bullock, General, Maude visits the Ter ritorial division of, 103. Buluwayo, reference to, 34. Burke, quotation from, 333-334. Burton's Court, reference to, 13. Bushire, detachment at, 239. Byng, Lieut.-General Sir J., Maude visits Territorial division of, 103 ; Maude meets at Taranto, 160 ; Lord Kitchener visits, at Suvla, 168 ; praises 13th Division, 168 ; approves 340 SIR STANLEY MAUDE plans for special works, 170 ; confer ence between, and General Godley, 172. 'C Beach, reference to, 170. Calais, reference to, 124. Calgary, Royal Party at, 73. Camberley, Maude at, 26-28 ; references to, IOI, 326. Cambridge, Duke of, gives Maude a nomination for the Staff College, 25. Cambridge, 6th Division concentrates at, Campbell, Sir W. Pitcairn, in command of the 5th Division, 108 ; on Maude, 109 ; succeeded by Sir C. Fergusson, 109. Canada, Maude offered post of M.S. in, 55, 56 ; Maude proceeds to, 70 ; Lord Minto's position in, 7 1 ; public opinion in, as to defence, 77 ; telegram from Premier of, to Lady Maude, 313 ; reference to, 324, 332. Canadian defence, ' question of, 76, 78, 79- Candler, Mr. , reference to, 202 ; on the 13th Division, 206 ; witnesses attack of 7th Division on Sannaiyat, 216 ; on Maude, 246 ; an eye-witness of pas sage of Tigris at Shumran, 262 ; on reconstruction of the army's communi cations, 269 ; on Maude's intention all along to advance to Baghdad, 270 ; appreciation of Maude, 318 ; quotes staff officer's summing up of Maude, 328. Cape Colony, danger to, 64 ; invasion of, 65-68 ; reference to, 1 14. Cape Town, reference to, 32, 43 ; Maude arrives at, 34 ; Maude leaves, for home, 68. Capper, Maj.-General Sir T., at the Staff College, 27 ; promoted for service in the Sudan, 32 ; reference to, 49 ; in command of 13th Brigade, 108 ; at staff ride, 109. Carlow, manoeuvres in, abandoned, 109. Carshalton, Maude settles at, 95 ; life at, 99, 100 ; Maude's regret at leaving, iq6 ; references to, 332, 335. Carter, Maj.-General Sir E., at the Staff College, 26 ; appreciation of Maude by, 28. Castelnau, General, reference to, 123. Cavagnari's Mission, destruction of, 4. Cavalry Division formed, 250 ; advances, 254 ; enabled to find water, 259. Cayley, Maj.-General J. de S., reference to, 169 ; in command of 39th Brigade, 189 ; takes command of 13th Division, 228, 230. Cely-Trevilians, Maude spends his holidays with, 5. Censorship, the, in Mesopotamia, Maude on, 202, 203 ; relaxed by General Lake, 219. Centralisation, Maude's inclination for, 31, 98, 112, 140, 141, 194, 229, 230, 292, 30s, 306, 307, 323-326. Chailak Dere, Maude visits troops in, 162. Chaplain's Department, Maude's interest in, 291. Chatham, Maude at siege operations at, 89. Chatham, H.M.S., Maude proceeds to Mudros in, 185. Chehala lines, position of, 223 ; evacuated by Turks, 223. Chelsea Barracks, references to, 13, 21, 25, 9°- Cheshire, 5th, in 14th Brigade, 133. Chocolate Hill, 13th Division takes over trenches north of, 163 ; taken over by Maude, 165; reference to, 164, 174. Cholera, epidemic of, in spring 1916, 221 ; Maude seized with, 310. Christian Victor, Prince, death of, 63. Cirencester, brigade staff tour near, 88. Clonmel, Maude at staff ride at, 109. Cobbe, Lieut.-General Sir A. S., re places General Younghusband in com mand of the 7th Division, 230 ; Maude discusses situation with, 231 ; farewell message of, to General Lake, 237 ; references to, 248, 283, 286 ; to command 1st Corps, 250 ; on Maude, 252 ; bombards Sannaiyat, 254 ; attacks works in Khaidiri Bend, 256 ; unsuccessful attack of, on Sannaiyat, 261 ; capture of Sannaiyat by, 262, 263 ; defeats Turks at Mushaidieh, 276 ; defeats Turks at Tikrit, 298, 299; appreciation by, of Maude, 301, 302. Coblentz, Maude at, 5. Codrington, Sir A., in 1st Coldstream, 12. Coldstream Guards, Maude joins istBn., 12 ; 1st Bn. proceeds to Suakin, 15 ; 1st Bn. in the convoy fighting near Tofrek, 18 ; ist Bn. returns to Sua kin, 18 ; 1st Bn. proceeds to Handub and Otao, 19 ; ist Bn. proceeds to Cyprus, 20 ; ist Bn. returns home, 20 ; 1st Bn. at Windsor, 21 ; Maude adjutant of ist Bn., 22 ; Maude joins 2nd Bn., 24; 3rd Bn. raised, 30; 1st and 2nd Bns. proceed to South Africa, 30 ; Maude joins 2nd Bn., 34 ; 1st and 2nd Bns. at Diamond Hill, 54; Maude second - in - command of 1st INDEX 341 Bn., 85 ; 1st Bn. leaves for Aldershot, 87 ; Maude's regret on leaving, 93 ; losses in, 1 19 ; ist and 2nd Bns. arrive at Hazebrouck, 128 ; band of, at Memorial Service, 313; reference to, 320. Colesberg, reference to, 41. Colley, Sir G., reference to, 9. Colvile, Sir H. E., in command of Guards Brigade for South Africa, 32 ; appointed to command 9th Division, 37- C.M.G., Maude receives, 75. C.B., Maude receives, 147, 152. Compiegne, Forest of, reference to, 1 18 ; 3rd Corps entrains near, 124. Compton, Lieut.-Colonel C. W., takes over 14th Brigade from Maude, 155. Connaught, Duke of, attends the Memo rial Service, 313. Constantinople, references to, 166, 293. Corbett, Mr. J., Maude attends lectures by, 93. 94- Cornish, Mr., letter of, to Miss Alice Maude, 6. Cornish's House, Maude in, 6 ; reference to, 336. Corps. See Army Corps. Corry, Colonel Hon. H. W., in com mand of 2nd Coldstream, 24. Cossack sotnia, arrival of at Ali Gharbi, 225 ; Maude's reference to, 226. Cowans, Sir J., succeeds General Mac kinnon, 102 ; Quartermaster-General at the War Office, 244. Cowper, Maj.-General M., Deputy Adjutant-General, 238. Cox, Sir P., Political Officer, 238; and a local magnate, 251. Craig's Court, Maude's office in, 95, 96. Crewe, Marquess of, on Maude, in the House of Lords, 317. Crimea, Sir F. F. Maude in the, 2, 3. Cronje, General, entrenched near the Modder River, 36 j operations against, on the Modder River, 37 ; retreat of, 38 ; surrounded at Paardeberg, 39 ; surrender of, 39 ; arrives at Clip River, 39. Ctesiphon, defeat of Turks at, 190 ; references to, 243, 272 ; Turks evacu ate, 271. Curragh, the, Maude goes to, 106 ; references to, 108, no, 112, 335. Curzon, Earl, on Maude in the House of Lords, 317. Cyprus, Guards Brigade in, 20. 'D' Force, references to, 197, 232, 235, 236; composition of, 197; last victory of, lender Mwde, 299. Dahra Bend, fighting in the, 257, 258 ; reference to, 263. Dardanelles, Maude ordered to, 158 ; Maude's hopes of vigorous policy in, position of army in, 166 ; reference to, 335- Davies, Lieut.-General Sir F. J., in command at Helles, 177 ; receives order to evacuate, 178 ; letters from Maude to, 179, 180, 183, 184. Dawson, Maj.-General Vesey, joins Guards Camel Corps, 14 ; in command of 2nd London (Territorial) Division, 94 ; Maude with, 95-97 ; on Maude, 97, 98. De Aar, .references to, 64, 67, 68. De la Rey, at Driefontein, 41. De Montalt, Barons, record of, i. De Wet, approaches Paardeberg, 40 ; retires from Poplar Grove, 41 ; east of Bloemfontein, 46 ; cuts communica tions near Kroonstad, 52 ; reference to, 59 ; to proceed to Cape Colony, 67 ; the ' Great, Hunt,' 67, 68. Debden Hall, Maude spends holidays at, 5. Deccan,s.s., 1st Coldstream leave Suakin in, 20. Deltawa, references to, 288. Dervishes. See Hadendowa. Devonport, reference to, 91. Devons, ist, in the 14th Brigade, 133 ; at Hill 60, 152, 153. Dewetsdorp, operations near, 45, 46. Diala River, cavalry reaches, 271 ; pas sage of the, 272, 273 ; references to, 276, 277, 283, 287, 297. Diamond Hill, action of, 52, 53 ; refer ence to, 335. Diamond Jubilee, references to, 4, 72 ; Maude at, 29, 30. Dick - Cunyngham, Lieut. - Colonel, brigade-major of the 14th Brigade, 133 ; on Maude, 135, 141, 142, 157. Dickson, Colonel E., appointed Local Produce Controller, 280 ; conversation of Maude with, 305 ; Maude to dine with, on the evening he fell ill, 509. D.S.O., Maude receives the, 69. Division — South Africa — Ist, Lord Methuen commands, 32, 34. 5th, Major Capper with, 49. Sth, under General Kelly-Kenny, 37 ; advance of, 38 ; at Driefon tein, 41. 7th, under General Tucker, 37 ; advance of, 38 ; at Karee Siding, 45 ; in centre column, 46 ; at S^nd River, 48 ; march past of, 842 SIR STANLEY MAUDE Division (continued) — in Johannesburg, 50 ; prepares to attack near Pretoria, 50. 9th, under General Colvile, 37 ; advance of, 38. nth, under General Pole-Carew, 45 ; operating east of Bloemfon tein, 45, 46 ; advances to Karee Siding, 46 ; to remain in centre, 46 ; halt at Brandfort, 47 ; at the Zand River, 48 ; reaches Ger miston, 49 ; march past in Johan nesburg, 50 ; prepares to attack near Pretoria, 50 ; halts at Pre toria, 51 ; moves ^ast, 52 ; at Diamond Hill, 53 f advances, 56 ; guards railway, 56, 57 ; occupies Belfast, 57 ; end of, 63. Territorial — 2nd London, Maude joins, 94 ; references to, 96, 97, 103. Home, Regulars — 5th, Maude appointed G. S. O. i of, at the Curragh, 105 ; composition of, 108 ; at manoeuvres, 109, no; Maude leaves, no. 6th, at inter-divisional manoeuvres, no. Great War — 3rd, position of, near the Lys, 132 ; obliged to fall back, 135 ; before Messines, 142 ; delivers attack, 147. 4th, to await events, 117 ; proceeds to France, 117 ; General Pulteney inspects, 117; difficulties of, on the Marne, 119, 120; part of, crosses the Lys, 128. 5th, sails from Ireland, 117 ; posi tion of, on the Lys, 132 ; General Morland in command of, 132 ; Sir H. Smith-Dorrien's associa tion with, 150 ; question of retir ing, 153, 154 ; Maude tempo rarily in command of, 154. 6th, to sail from Ireland, 117 ; con centration at Cambridge, 117; arrives at the front, 121 ; crosses the Lys, 128. 7th, operating alongside the 1st Corps, 134. Sth, relieves the 14th Brigade, 137. loth, reference to, 1 59 ; leaves for Salonika, 164, 165. nth, references to, 159; in the ISth Corps, 189; takes over Canal defences from 13th Division, 193. 13th, Maude assumes command of, 160; properly part of the 9th Corps, 160 ; condition of, wlien Maude took over, 160, 161 ; Sir Division {continued) — I. Hamilton on, 160 ; composition of, 161 n; in reserve at Suvla, 162 ; replaces the S3rd Division, 163 ; takes over trenches on Choco late Hill, 165 ; Maude becomes a familiar figure in, 167 ; during the great blizzard, 168, 169 ; much of impedimenta got rid of before definite order for evacua tion, 172; to relieve 42nd Divi sion, 177; plan for withdrawal of , from Helles, 180; Turks attack, 180, 181 ; at Mudros, 185 ; pro ceeds to Egypt, 189 ; arrives at Port Said, 189 ; inspection of, by Sir A. Murray, 192 ; re-equip ment of, 193 ; nth Division takes over defences from, 193 ; high opinion of Maude entertained in, 199 ; complete at Sheikh Saad, 201 ; dependence of the troops of the relieving force on, 206 ; Mr. Candler on, 206 ; casualties in, 207 ; relieved by 7th Division after capture of Felahieh, 207 ; attack of, on Sannaiyat, 210; casualties in, 210 ; crosses the Tigris, 212 ; comes to support of 3rd Division during the Turkish nocturnal counter-attack at Beit Aiessa, 213; relieves the 3rd Division at Beit Aiessa, 213; fails in attack, 214 ; cholera in, 221 ; position of, in May, 221 ; General Lake inspects, 221 ; at Sheikh Saad, 227 ; Maude and the, 228- 230 ; to move back to Amarah, 235 ; directly under Army Head quarters, 238 ; Sir C. Monro in spects, 248 ; Maude presents V.C. ribbons to, 249, 250 ; in 3rd Corps, 250 ; passage of the Diala River by, 272, 273 ; references to, 289, 307 ; obelisk erected by, in the Jebel Hamrin, 319 ; references to, 329, 330. 27th, in 5th Corps, 144 ; withdrawn near Ypres, 1 52 ; attacked, IS3- 28th, in 5th Corps, 144 ; withdrawn near Ypres, 152 ; attacked, 153 ; gas attack on, 154. 29th, reference to, 168 ; at Helles, 179; to embark at 'W' Beach, 180. 31st, in 15th Corps, 189. 33rd, Maude in command of, 15^; moves to Salisbury Plain, 159. 42nd, reference to, 168 ; 13th Divi sion relieves at HeUes, 177. INDEX 343 Division {continued) — | 52nd, reference to, 168 ; at HeUes, 179. SSrd, 13th Division replaces, 163; references to, 164, 174. S4th, takes over trenches at Anzac from the 13th Division, 162. Royal Naval, reference to, 168 ; at Helles, 179. 2nd Mounted, reference to, 174. Indian — 3rd (Lahore), arrives at Estaires, 133 ; in Tigris Corps on the right bank of the Tigris, 197, 204 ; gains ground on right bank of the Tigris, 209, 210 ; fight of, at Beit Aiessa, 213 ; relieved by 13th Division, 213; approaches Es Sinn, 216; on the left of the 13th, 221 ; occu pies Es Sinn, 223 ; position of, 230 ; in the Ist Corps, 250 ; in Khaidiri Bend operations, 256. 6th, shut up in Kut, 197 ; reference to, 304. 7th (Meerut), begins to arrive, 136 ; in Tigris Corps, 197, 204 ; in front of Hannah, 204 ; relieved by 13th Division, 204 ; work done by, before Hannah, 206 ; relieves 13th Division, 207 ; defeated in attack on Sannaiyat, 208, 209 ; second attack of, on Sannaiyat, 215; near achieving success, 216; brigade of, brought across Tigris, 216 ; position of, in 1st Corps, 250 ; captures Samarra, 284 ; highly appreciates Maude's visit by air, 289. 14th, formed, 225 ; references to, 231 ; position of, 231 ; correspon dence of Corps headquarters with, 234 ; in 3rd Corps, 250. 15th, General Brooking in command of, at Nasirieh, 239 ; references to, 249, 270 ; ordered forward to the front, 285 ; capture of Ramadi by, 296. Dominion Government, and defence, 76, 77 ; difficulty with the United States over Alaska boundary, 82 ; and Lord Dundonald, 83. Dongola, reference to, 200. Douglas, Sir C, at manoeuvres in Ire land, 109 ; becomes Chief of the Im perial General Staff, 113. Douro, passage of, 262. Driefontein, action at, 41 ; references to, 44, ISO, 321, 335- ^ . . Drummond-Hay, Colonel J. A. G., ]oms Coldstream, 12. Dublin, Maude's early days in, 4 ; Maude stationed at, 23, 25. Du Cane, Brig.-General H. J., at the Staff College, 26 ; at Cape Town, 34. Du Cane, Brig.-General J. P., Chief of General Staff of the 3rd Corps, 115; goes to Harrow, 117. Dujaila Redoubt, references to, 197, 223, 226, 231, 234; General Aylmer's attack on, 200. Duke of Cornwall. See Prince of Wales. D.C.L.I., 1st, in the 14th Brigade, 132 ; reference to, 153. Dundonald, Earl of, arrives in Canada, 76 ; success of, 77 ; dismissal of, 83 ; appreciation of Maude by, 83, 84 ; letter to, 273. Dundrum, reference to, 9. Dunvegan Castle, s.s., Maude proceeds home in, 68. Durnford, Mr. W., in charge of Army Class at Eton, 9. East Lancs, Maude commends, 214. East London, reference to, 43. East Surreys, ist, in 14th Brigade, 132 ; reference to, 145, 153 ; at Hill 60, 152. Eccleston Square, Sir F. F. Maude settles in, 4, 13, 24. Edenburg, General Pole-Carew at, 43 ; reference to, 45. Edward in., reference to, 1. Egan, Mrs., visit of, to Baghdad, 308, 309 ; inoculated against cholera, 310. Egerton, Maj.-General R. C, commands the 14th Division, 230. Egypt, references to, 14, 185, 192, 193, 202, 225, 313. Ehrenbreitstein, Maude gets access to, 5. Empress qf India, s.s.. Royal Party pro ceed to Vancouver Island in, 74. Enniskillen, reference to, 2. Enslin, action at, 34. Esquimault, Regular garrison in, 71. Es Sinn, references to, 197, 213, 241, 248, 280, 328 ; Turkish position at, 223 ; evacuation of, by the Turks, 223 ; Maude inspects, 231. Estaires, 3rd Corps reaches, 128'; Lahore Division arrive at, 133. Eton, Maude goes to, 6 ; Maude's life at, 6-10; Maude's affection for, 10, 334; references to, 11, 13, 22, 27, 109, 298, 336, Eton College Chronicle, quotation from, 7- Euphrates, 15th Division on the, 239 ; Maude makes short trip up by steamer, 249 ; references to, 270, 276, 280, 292, 296. 344 SIR STANLEY MAUDE Eustacius de Monte Alto, founder of the Maude family, i. Expeditionary Force, Maude accom panies, 113, 117; organisation of, lIS, 117 ; plans for transfer of, to France, 1 16 ; reconstituted, 144. Fairfax, Lieut. J. G., lines by, 318- 319- Falkenhayn, General von, to take charge of the Turks in Palestine and Meso potamia, 293. Falmouth, in Plymouth command, 90. Falmouth, Lord, commands Guards Camel Regiment, 14 ; in command of 2nd Coldstream, 24. Fanshawe, Maj.-General E. A., proceeds to Dardanelles with Maude, 160 ; in charge of Suvla Point evacuation, 174. Farquhar, Lieutenant F., A.D.C. to General Pole-Carew, 37. Felahieh, position at, 205 ; capture of, 207, 208; references to, 210, 211, 328. Feluja, occupation of, 276, 280 ; refer ences to, 292, 296, 301. Ferdinand, Archduke, assassination of, "3- Fergusson, Sir C, on Maude's running, 7 ; in Army class with Maude, 9, 10 ; dealings with Maude as regards Terri torials, 99 ; succeeds to command of 5th Division, 109 ; on Maude as a staff officer, no, in; no longer in com mand of 5th Division, 132 ; given com mand of 2nd Corps, 144 ; visits Maude in hospital, 149 ; Maude writes to, 150; tells Maude about Hill 60, 152. Finance Branch of the War Of&ce, Maude on, 99. Flanders, situation in, in October 19 14, 133- Flint, reference to, i. Foch, General, efforts of, to outflank enemy, 133. Follett, Colonel, on Maude, 20 ; in com mand of 1st Coldstream, 23. Fortescue, Leiut. -Colonel C, Maude in company of, 15. Fourth Hussars, Maude with, 108 ; refer ence to, 1 12. Fremantle, Maj.-General Lyon, com mands Guards Brigade at Suakin, 15. French, Lord, advance of, on Klip Drift, 38; relieves Kimberley, 38; cuts Cronje's line of retreat, 39 ; cuts across railway near Bloemfontein, 42 ; in operations east of Bloemfontein, 45, 46 ; outflanks Botha, 50 ; at Diamond Hill, 52, 53 ; occupies Middelburg, 56 ; in touch with Sir R. Buller, 57 ; moves north, 58 ; sent south, 60; occupies Barberton, 60; inspection of, at Aldershot, 89; Maude attached to staff of, 89 ; Army Manoeuvres under,. 99 ; resigns position of Chief of the Imperial General Staff, 113; position of army of, 118; refer ence to book by, 119; keeps 6th Division in general reserve, 121 ; hopes of turning movement on the Aisne, 123 ; orders infantry of 3rd Corps to hurry forward, 126; abandons hope of immediate offensive, 122 : efforts of, to outflank the enemy, 133 ; reference to, 156. Frensham, Maude has house at, 25 ; 2nd Division at, 89. Gallipoli Peninsula, references to, 3, 6, 16, 134, 160, 162, 168, 190, 202, 224 ; position in the, 159 ; Sir C. Monro recommends the evacuation of, 166 ; great storm in the, 168, 169 ; final evacuation of, 182-185. Gandamak, Peace of, reference to, 4. Garwhal Brigade relieves 14th Brigade, 136. Gatacre, General, advance of, from Cape Colony, 42 ; General Pole-Carew and Maude meet, 43. Gazette, the, Maude disappointed about the publication of his despatch in, 294, ¦ 295. Germiston, references to, 49, 50, 55. Ghurkas, references to, 160, 206 ; success of two companies of, in the Dahra Bend, 258. Gibraltar, Sir F. F. Maude at, 3 ; Maude born at, 3 ; 2nd Coldstream proceed to South Africa from, 32; reference to, 151. Gillman, Maj.-General Sir W., G.S.O. i of the 13th Division, 162 ; leaves the 13th Division, 165 ; on Maude, 230, 306 ; takes command of the 17th Division, 297. Gladstone, Mr., Government of, 14. Gleichen, Brig.-General Count, in com mand of the 15th Brigade, 108. Glen Imaal, reference to, 109. 'Glisseur,' Maude supplied with, 290. Godley, General, in command at Anzac, 172 ; conference with, 172, 173, Gordon, General, at Khartum, 14. Gorringe, General, relieves General Aylmer, 201 ; accepts Maude's pro posals, 204 ; Maude consults witb, 204 ; commends Maude, 206 ; refer ences to, 212, 217, 218 ; order of, as to sentries at night, 227. Gough, Brig.-General H., reference to, 1X2. INDEX 345 Government, the, Maude on, Ii6 ; vacillation of, as regards the evacua tion of the Gallipoli Peninsula, 170, 176, 177 ; decides to move a division from Egypt to Mesopotamia, 192. Graham, Sir Gerald, arrives at Suakin, l6 ; makes reconnaissance to Hashin, 16, 17 ; advances against Hashin, 17 ; advances against Tamai, 19. Graham, Captain H., appreciation of Maude by, 80. G.C.B., Sir F. F. Maude receives, 4. 'Greengates,' Maudes settle at, 95; Maude regrets leaving, io6 ; reference to, 33S- Grenadiers, 3rd, proceed to Suakin, 15 ; proceed to South Africa, 32 ; escort to Paardeberg prisoners, 40 ; move by rail towards Norval's Pont, 42 ; false alarm about, going home, 63. Grenfell, R., joins Coldstream, 12. Grierson, Sir J., in command of 2nd Corps, 115; death of , 117. Guards Camel Regiment, formation of, 14. Gully Beach, proposal to use, for evacu ating the 13th Division, 180; Maude's difficulties at, 182, 183 ; last detach ments move from, to ' W' Beach, 183, 184. Gunboats, moor off Kut, 263 ; defeat Turkish flotilla, 265 ; assist at Mushai dieh, 276. Gwalior Campaign, Sir F. F. Maude in the, 2. Hadendowa, the, nature of, 15 ; posi tion of, 16 ; at Hashin, 17 ; attack of, on convoy, 18 ; damage of railway by, 19. Hai. See Shatt-el-Hai. Hai bridgehead, operations against, 255- 257- Haig, Sir D., at the Staff College, 27 ; promoted for service in the Sudan, 32 ; ¦ reference to, 49 ; takes command of the mobile columns in Cape Colony, 66 ; in command of the 1st Corps, 115; troops of, on the Aisne, 123; given command of the First Army, 144; Maude receives telegram of con gratulation from, 265. Haking, Lieut. -General Sir R. C. , at the Staff College, 27. Haldane, Lord, succeeds Mr. Arnold- Forster, 88 ; starts his Territorial scheme, 91 ; references to, 98, 103 ; appreciation of Maude in the House of Lords, 105, lo6. Halifax, Regular garrison in, 71 5 the Ophir starts from, 74. Hall, Colonel R. S., in command of 1st Coldstream, 21. Hamilton, Royal Party at, 74. Hamilton, General Hubert, Maude visits Territorial division of, I03. Hamilton, Sir I., operating east of Bloemfontein, 45, 46 ; outflanks Botha, 50 ; at Diamond Hill, 52-54 ; reinforcements reach, 159 ; asks for fresh generals, 159 ; headquarters of, at Imbros, 160 ; on the 13th Division, 160 ; gives up command of the Medi terranean Expeditionary Force, 166 ; appreciation of Maude by, 166 ; men tions Maude in despatches, 188. Hand grenades, Maude's interest in, 201. Handub, occupation of, 19. Hannah, references to, 196, 204, 231 ; position at, 205 ; capture of, by the 13th Division, 206, 207. Hartington, Lord, Maude's A.D.C, 163 ; invalided, 189. Hashin, reconnaissance to, 17 ; action of, 17. Hatfield, staff exercise at, 97. Hawarden Castle, Barons de Montalt of, I. Hawarden, Viscount, Sir C. Maude created, 2. Hawarden, Viscount, Maude stays with, 9- Hawarden, Viscount, killed, 1 19. Hawke, Lord, on Maude as his fag, 6. Hawtrey, Rev. J. , Maude goes to school of, 5, 6. Hazebrouck, 3rd Corps moves to near, 126 ; Maude at, 128 ; Coldstream Guards at, 128. Helles, references to, 16, 26, 168, 201, 206, 221, 322, 328; 13th Division at first in, area, 160; 13th Division to go to, 176; situation at, 177; Maude leaves his division to go on to, 177 ; Government inclined to cling to, 178 ; principle of withdrawal from, 180 ; Government decide to abandon, 178; evacuation of, 182-185. Hemming, Maj.-General F. W., married to Sir F. F. Maude's eldest daughter, 21. Henderson, Lieut.-General Sir D., at the Staff CoUege, 26. Henderson, Colonel G., at the Staff College, 26. Henley, Maude disappointed of rowing at, in the Eight, 8 ; Maudes at, 85, 86. Henniker-Major, Colonel Hon. A., on staff of Home District, 29 ; in com mand of 2nd Coldstream, 36. Henry, General St. G,, reference to, 57. 346 SIR STANLEY MAUDE Henry II., reference to, i. Herbert, Colonel I. See Treowen, Lord. Hertzog, irruption of, into Cape Colony, .'^5,. 66. Higginson, General Sir G., appreciation of Maude by, 25, 26. Hildyard, General Sir H. J. T., Com mandant of the Staff College, 26. Hildyard, Brig.-General R., G.S.0.1 of the 13th Division, 167 ; goes home, 189 ; appreciation of Maude by, 229. ' HiU 60,' fighting at, 151, 152. Hindustani, Maude learns, 303. Holdsworth, Brig.-General G. L. , head of Remount Department, 242 ; refer ence to, 288. HoUebeke, reference to, 142. Home District, Maude appointed brigade- major of, 28 ; staff of, 28 ; references to, 30, 333- Hopwood, Colonel H. R., becomes Maude's Chief of the General Staff, 292. Home, Lieut.-General H. S., in com mand of the 15th Corps, 189 ; informs Maude that he is to go to Mesopotamia, 192. Hospitals. See Medical Service. Hunter, General, successful operations of, in the Brandwater Basin, 56 ; in command at Bloemfontein, 63, 64, 65. Hutton, General, occupies Middelburg, 56. Imaal Mansur, reference to, 234. Imbros, Sir I. Hamilton's headquarters, 162 ; Maude proceeds to, 176 ; arrives at, 185. Isabella, Queen, reference to, I. Jacobsdal, reference to, 38. Jarvis, Rev. A. C. E., appreciation of Maude, 229, 230 ; on Maude, 261, 290, 291 ; account of Maude's death by, 311 ; appreciation of Maude, 333. Jebel Hamrin, Turkish 1 8th Corps in, 283 ; references to, 283, 298, 304 ; clearing of, 297 ; obelisk erected in the, 319. Jena, reference to, 328. Jewish school, Maude's visit to, at Baghdad, 309. Joffre, General, ready for counter-stroke, 118; hopes of, of successful turning movement on the Aisne, 123. Johannesburg, occupation of, 50. Johnstone, Hon. G., on Maude at Haw- .trey's, 5 ; tells Maude he is not to row in the Eight, 8. Jones, Maj.-General I., takes command of Guards Brigade, 45 ; will not let Maude go to Canada, 62 ; at Norval's Pont, 64 ; in charge of Western Area of Cape Colony, 65 ; placed in charge of sedentary troops, 66. Julian, reference to, 318. Julnar, unsuccessful attempt of, to reach Kut, 216. Kalaya, s.s., Maude sails for Basrah in, 193 ; arrives at Basrah, 1 94. Karee Siding, fight at, 55 ; Guards ad vance to, 46. Karun River, troops guarding the, 239 ; Maude makes trip up the, 248 ; refer ences to, 280. Keary, General, in command of the 3rd Division, 204 ; letter of, to Brig. - General O'Dowda, 214 ; reference to, 230 ; in charge of the ' Khanikin Column,' 281. Keir, General, in command of the 6th Division, 117. Kelly-Kenny, General, commands the 6th Division, 37, 41. Kemmel, reference to, 148. Kermanshah, references to, 280, 281. Keyser, Miss, Maude in hospital of, 70. Khaidiri Bend, reference to, 253 ; enemy hold on to, 255 ; ist Corps attacks works in, 256 ; clearing of, 256. KhaHl Pasha, references to, 224, 286. Khanikin, references to, 281. ' Khanikin Column,' formation of, 281. Khartum, Gordon invested in, 14 ; fall of, 14 ; reference to, 20, 32. Kifri, reference to, 287, 298. KiggeU, General, letter of Maude to, 175, 176. Kimberley, siege of, 34 ; reference to, 37, 68, 220 ; relief of, 38. King Edward, funeral of, 101. King George, visit of, to Canada, 7I-74 i inspects 14th Brigade, 140; invests Maude with the C.B., 152; Maude receives telegram of congratulation from, 265 ; Maude receives message of congratulation from, 278 ; telegram from, to Sir W. Marshall on death of Maude, 312 ; represented at Memorial Service, 313. King's Own, Maude commends, 210. K.O.S.B., Maj. McNeile in command of, battalion, 6 ; 2nd, in the 14th Brigade, 132. K.O.Y.L.I., 2nd, in the 14th Brigade, 132. Kingston, Royal Party at, 74. Kirkpatrick, Lieut.-General Sir G. M., at the Staff CoUege, 26 ; reference to, 286 ; on Maude, 301. INDEX 347 Kirkuk, Maude contemplates line of operations towards, 298. Kitchener, Lord, references to, 32, 87 ; arrives at Modder River, 36 ; Maude takes despatch riders to, 50 ; takes up command in South Africa, 64 ; unable to let Maude return home, 67 ; anxie ties of, as to Cape Colony relieved, 68 ; visit of, to Suvla, 168. Kizil Robat, references to, 282. Klip Drift, cavalry move on, 38 ; the Guards move to, 39. Klosters, Maude family at, 105. K.C.B., Sir F. F. Maude given the, 4; Maude given the, 228. Knox, Brig.-General H. O., appointed Deputy Quartermaster-General, 242. Komati Poort, Lord Roberts decides to move on, 55 ; Pole-Carew advances on, 60, 61 ; occupation of, 61. Korti, reference to, 200. Kritzinger, invasion of Cape Colony by, 6s, 66. Kurdistan, reference to, 298. Kurna, references to, 243, 280. Kroonstad, occupation of, 48 ; halt at, 49; references to, 51, 52. Kruger, President, at Machadodorp, 59 ; to proceed to Europe, 59. Kut, General Townshend's column ad vances from, 190 ; invested by the Thrks, 190; critical conditions at, 196 ; General Townshend's position at, 196, 197 ; risks run as regards supphes in attempting the relief of, 205; references to, 203, 211, 215, 219, 223, 231, 232, 234, 252, 258, 265, 270, 280, 322 ; flat nature of ground adds to difficulty of relief of, 204 ; Sannaiyat, key to, 204 ; doubt as to how long, can hold out, 212 ; Julnar attempts to reach, 216, 217 ; surrender of, 217 ; Turkish defences around, 253 ; General Cobbe reaches vicinity of, 263 ; gunboats moor off, 263. La Bassee, reference to, 132. La Fert^ sous Jouarre, fighting at, 119, 1 20. Lajj, fight at, 271. Lake, Sir P., appointed Chief of General Staff in Canada, 83 ; Maude reports to, at Basrah, 194 ; army under, 197 ; work of, at Basrah, 198 ; arrives at the front, 201 ; relaxes censorship, 203 ; risks run by, as regards supplies, 205 ; commends Maude, 207 ; refer ences to, 211, 243, 244; determines to try the right bank of the Tigris, 212 ; on fight of 17th of April, 213 ; determines to try a break-through on the left bank, 215 ; despatch of, report ing failure to relieve Kut, 219 ; inspects 13th Division, 221 ; health of, 221 ; Maude on, 232 ; inspection of front by, 232 ; appreciation of Maude by, 235 ; Maude to replace, 235 ; Maude takes over from, 237 ; leaves Basrah, 237 ; work of, at Basrah, 243, 245. Lala Baba, 13th Division in reserve at, 162 ; special works designed at, 162, 170; references to, 174, 175. Lambton, Colonel A., commands ist Coldstream, 1 2 ; insists on his young subalterns accompanying battalion to Suakin, 15. Lambton, Maj.-General Hon. Sir W. , joins Coldstream, 12; senior to Maude, 12 ; on Maude as stroke, 21 ; on Maude as adjutant, 23 ; on Maude as second- in-command, 90 ; as Sir J. French's Military Secretary, 147 ; tells Maude he is to be B.G.G.S. in the 6th Corps, 147 ; informs Maude he is to have a New Army division, 155; letter from Maude to, 287 ; on Maude's tendency to centralise, 323 ; appreciation of Maude, 334. Lankhof Chateau, reference to, 149. Laurier, Sir W. , references to, 75, 13. Lausanne, reference to, 104. Lawley, Sir A., description by, of Maude's operations beyond Azizieh, 273, 274- Lawrence, General Hon. Sir H. A., at the Staff College, 26 ; Maude has dis cussions with, at Helles, 179 ; in charge of embarkation at Helles, 179 ; a lyric fathered upon, 184 k. Le Cateau, reference to, 136. Le Roy Lewis, Colonel, on Maude as his fag, 6. Leach, Sir J. , in command at Plymouth, 90. Legge, Colonel Hon. Sir H., adjutant of the Ist Coldstream, 12 ; on Maude at time of joining the Coldstream, 13. Legion of Honour, Sir F. F. Maude, Knight of, 3 ; Maude Commander of, 188. Lewin, Brig. -General A. C. , in command of 40th Brigade, 189. Lille, Allies' front to be extended beyond, 124. Liman von Sanders, Marshal, references to, 176, 181. Lloyd, Lieut.-General Sir F., in com mand of 1st Brigade at Aldershot, 88, 89. Lloyd George, Mr., speech of, on Maude in the House of Commons, 314, 315. 348 SIR STANLEY MAUDE Local Produce Control, work of, 295. Local Produce Controller, Colonel E. Dickson appointed, 280. London, Maude in, 13, 150-152, 158, 159- Longley, Maj.-General J. R., in com mand of the 14th Brigade, 132 ; on Maude, 145. Loos, reference to, 152. Lord Chief Justice, on the Alaskan Boundary Commission, 82, 83. Lord Mayor, sends Maude congratulations, 278 ; attends Memorial Service, 313. Loyal North Lancashire force a passage over the Diala, 272, 273. Luristan, reference to, 298. Lusitania, s.s., Maude sails for Canada in, 70. Lydd, Maude at, 96. Lydenburg, Botha retires to, 59 ; Sir R. Buller moves on, 60. Lys, operations on the, 128, 129. Lyttelton, General, in Cape Colony, 67 ; conducts staff ride in North Wales, 87. Machadodorp, Boer Executive pro ceeds to, 57 ; references to, 52, 60, 62 ; President Steyne arrives at, 59. Mackensen, General, reported to be taking command of the Turks in Palestine and Mesopotamia, 293. Mackenzie, Maj.-General SirC, Maude at staff ride under, 87 ; in command of 3rd Division, 135. McKinley, President, assassination of, 73. Mackinnon, General Sir H., on staff of Home District, 28 ; at Diamond Jubilee, 29 ; quits the Home District, 32 ; replaces Colonel I. Herbert, 33 ; Maude hears from, as to an appoint ment with the Territorials, 94 ; Maude with, at the War Office, 97-102 ; leaves the War Office, 102 ; appreciation by, of Maude, 102 ; letter from Maude to, 199 ; reference to, 244, MacMunn, Maj.-General Sir G., Inspec tor-General of Communications, 238 ; Maude's confidence in, 251 ; meeting of, with Maude near Azizieh, 268 ; brings up supplies, 268 ; points out that halt is necessary, 268 ; appreciation of Maude by, 302, 303. McNeile, Major J., in Cornish's House and the Coldstream with Maude, 6. McNeill, Sir J., at Tofrek, 17. MagiU, Colonel, anxious about Maude's shoulder, 62 ; letters from Maude to, 217, 218, 222, 233, 239, 240. Magersfontein, action of, 36 ; reconnais sance to, 38. Mahratta War, reference to, 30. Majuba, references to, 9, 39. Malta, Sir F. F. Maude at, 2. Manchesters, 2nd, in the 14th Brigade, 132 ; reference to, 153. Manorah, s.s., 1st Coldstream sail in, 15. Mansfield, Maude at, 158. ' Mardale,' Maudes take, 112; references to, 158, ass- Marker, Major, reference to, 87. Marlborough, Maude at cavalry man oeuvres near, 93. Marne, 3rd Corps crosses the, 118; diffi culty as to passing the, 119, 120. Marne, Battle of the, references to, 118, 121, 151, 278. Marshall, Lieut.-General Sir W., in charge of embarkation in Maude's sector at Suvla, 174; selected for Corps command in Mesopotamia, 250 ; advance of, 254; attacks the Hai bridgehead, 256 ; victory of, in the Dahra Bend, 258 ; portion of, com mand to cross the Tigris at Shumran Bend, 259 ; defeats Turks within the Shumran Bend, 262, 263 ; presses enemy vigorously, 265 ; advances from Azizieh, 270, 271 ; operations of, against the Turkish I3tii Corps, 283; forces the Shatt-el-Adhaim, 283 ; de feats the Turkish 13th Corps decisively, 284 ; references to, 286, 302 ; refer ence to Maude in despatch, 306, 307 ; telegram from the King to, 312 ; General Order of, on death of Maude, 312. Maude, Andomar, exploits of, 1. Miss Alice, reference to, 5, 6. ¦ Miss Beryl, birth of, 28. Sir Cornwallis, becomes Viscount Hawarden, 2. Capt. Hon. C, killed on Majuba Hill, 9. E. F., birth of, 30 ; goes to school, 89 ; goes to Lancing, 105 ; at Mar dale, 159 ; passes for Woolwich, 222. family, origin of, I. General Sir F. F. , career of, 2-4 ; in the Crimea, 2-3 ; receives the V.C, 3 ; goes to India, 3 ; in the Afghan War, 3-4; K.C.B., 4; returns home, 4, 9 ; G.C.B., 4 ; death of, 4, 30. Sir G. A. , record of, 2. Rev. John Charles, father of Sir F. F. Maude, 2. Lady, marriage of, 24 ; Maude consults as to the MUitary Secretary appointment in Canada, 56 ; proceeds to Canada, 70 ; accompanies the Royal Tour, 75 ; climate of Plymouth does not suit, 93 ; serious iUness of, 97 ; goes abroad, 97 ; in charge of Meso- INDEX 349 potamian Comforts Fund, 287; tele grams and letters of S3mipathy to, 312; letter to, from the India Office, 313 ; telegram to, from the Premier of Canada, 313; letter to, from Lord Methuen, 333. Maude, Robert, founds the Irish branch of the Maude family, i. Maude, Sir Stanley, birth of at Gibraltar, 3 ; as a small boy in Dublin, 4 ; to go to Eton, S ; at Mr. Hawtrey's school, 5 ; holidays of, at Debden Hall, 5 ; goes abroad and to Coblentz, 5 ; Hon. G. Johnstone on, 5 ; goes to Eton, 6 ; early days at Eton, 6 ; Colonel Le Roy Lewis on, 6 ; athletic successes of, 7 ; on the river, 7, 8 ; JMr. F. I. Pitman on, 8, 9 ; joins Volunteer Corps, 9 ; often asked to stay at Dun drum by Lord Hawarden, 9 ; in the Army Class, 9, 10 ; elected to ' Pop,' 19 ; goes to Mr. Northcote's, 10 ; joins the R.M.C, 10 ; makes his mark at Sandhurst, 10, 1 1 ; passes out of Sand hurst, II ; joins the ist Coldstream, 12; known as 'Joe' Maude, 13; in London, 13 ; Sir W. Pulteney on, 13 ; sails with the Ist Coldstream for Suakin, 1 5 ; experience of, of naval searchlights at Suakin, 15 ; in action at Hashin, 17 ; keeps fit during the campaign, 19 ; returns home, 20 ; re ceives the medal and Khedive's star, 21 ; stationed at Windsor, 21 ; death of eldest sister, 21 ; Sir W. Lambton on, as stroke, 21 ; appointed adjutant, 22 ; Sir W. Lambton on work of, as adjutant, 23 ; stationed in Dublin, 23 ; death of his mother, 23 ; joins 2nd Battalion, 24 ; marriage of, 24 ; works for Staff College, 24 ; receives a nomi nation for the Staff College, 25 ; joins at Camberley, 25 ; Lord Rawlinson's appreciation of, as a regimental officer, 25 ; Sir G. Higginson's appreciation of, 25, 26 ; contemporaries of, at the Staff CoUege, 26, 27 ; promoted captain, 27 ; second year of, at the Staff Col lege, 27 ; bent of, for making military appreciations, 28 ; Sir E. Carter's ap preciation of, 28 ; appointed brigade - major of the Brigade of Guards, 28 ; labours of, in connection with the Dia mond Jubilee, 29 ; death of father of, 30 ; present at great parade at Aider- shot, 30 ; birth of son, 30 ; work as brigade-major, 31 ; suffers heavy finan cial losses, 31, 32 ; promoted major, 32 ; disappointed of going out to South Africa as brigade-major, 32, 33 ; sees Coldstream off at Nine Elms, 33 ; ordered to South Africa, 33 ; sails, 34 ; joins 2nd Coldstream at Modder River, 34 ; health suffers at first, 36 ; quota tion from diary, 36 ; becomes brigade - major of Guards Brigade, 37 ; discovers departure of' Cronje, 38 ; accompanies reconnaissance to Boer position, 38 ; anxiety as to sanitation, 39 ; gets bad fall at Driefontein, 41 ; entry in diary, 41 ; returns to work, 42 ; entry in diary, 42 ; staff officer to General Pole- Carew on expedition to Norval's Pont, 42 ; note of, as to Norval's Pont, 42 ; suffers from effect of fall, 44 ; rides out to see fight near Karee Siding, 45 ; GeneralPoIe-Carewasksfor,asA.A.G.,45 ; Sir W. Pulteney on, 47 ; quotation from diary, 48 ; dissatisfied with the staff work in general, 48, 49 ; quota tion from diary, 49 ; takes despatch riders from General Botha to Lord Kitchener, 50 ; quotations from diary, 50, 51 ; enters Pretoria 50, 51 ; disappointed with the advance, 51 ; gets another fall, 52 ; account of Diamond Hill from diary, 53, 54 ; his action on day of Diamond jfill, 54 ; experience at a farm, 55 ; offered post of Military Secretary to Lord Minto, 55, 56 ; consults Mrs. Maude and ac cepts, 56 ; quotations from diary, 57, 58 ; comment on description by, of fight north of Belfast, 59 ; work of, during advance on Komati Poort, 60, 61 ; Sir W. Pulteney on, 61 ; returns to Pretoria, 62 ; War Office order home, but he is kept, 62 ; trouble with shoul der at Pretoria, 62 ; staff officer of column sent west, 62 ; Sir R. Pole- Carew's appreciation of, 63 ; makes arrangements for Prince Christian Vic tor's funeral, 63 ; proceeds to Bloem fontein, 63 ; anxious to go home, 64 ; fear of invasion of Cape Colony, 64 ; holds important position at this time', 65 ; very hard work gone through by, at Naauwpoort, 66 ; extract from diary, 67, 68 ; ordered home, 68 ; services of, in South Africa, 68 ; action of, in agreeing to go to Canada, 69 ; receives the D.S.O., 69 ; arrives home and goes into hospital, 70 ; proceeds to Canada, 70 ; nature of appointment in Canada, 70, 7 1 ; work of, in connection with the Royal Tour, 71-75 ; criticisms of, in the local Press, 72 ; Major Mor rison-Bell on, 74 ; receives the C. M. G. , 75 ; letter to Major Altham, 75 ; in terested in Canadian defence, 76, 77 ; letter to Mr. Arnold-Forster's private secretary on defence and Militia ques- 350 SIR STANLEY MAUDE tions, 78, 79 ; Sir J. Pope on, 79 ; social duties, 80 ; in charge of cere monial matters, 80 ; Captain H. Gra ham on, 80 ; runs with the harriers, 81 ; at winter sports, 81 ; trips by water, 81 ; visits the United States, 82 ; Lord Dundonald's appreciation of, 83, 84 ; on the prairies with Lord Minto, 84 ; returns to England, 84 ; second-in-command of ist Coldstream, 85 ; applies for command of Transvaal Volunteers, 85 ; at Henley and Oak ham, 85, 86 ; practice of, to study the district, 86 ; conducts regimental tour, 86 ; at Pirbright, 86 ; applies for ap pointment of Military Secretary to Lord Minto in India, 86 ; at a staff ride in North Wales, 87 ; becomes private secretaryto Mr. Arnold-Forster, 87 ; quotation from diary, 88 ; thinks of going to Macedonia, 88 ; conducts a tour, 88 ; on staff of brigade at brigade staff ride, 88 ; goes to Oke hampton, 89, 90 ; views of, on artillery, 89 ; rides to Berkshire downs to see cavalry manoeuvres, 89 ; on Aldershot Command staff at annual exercises, 89 ; appointed D.A.A. and Q.M.G. at Plymouth, 89; quotation from diary, 90 ; Sir W. Lambton on, at this time, 90 ; first experiences of Plymouth, 90 ; finds difficulty about house, 90 ; not impressed with his new work, 91 ; in terested in naval matters, 91 ; com ments of, on the start of the Territorials, 91, 92 ; decides to ask for a half-pay lieut. -colonelcy, 92 ; re-drafts the Ply mouth defence scheme, 92 ; regret at leaving the Coldstream, 93 ; at siege manoeuvres at Chatham, 93 ; visits artillery camp on Salisbury Plain, 93 ; on staff of Southern Command for manoeuvres, 93 ; on Aldershot Com mand staff for manoeuvres, 93 ; attends naval lectures, 93, 94 ; appointed to staff of the 2nd (Territorial) London Division, 94 ; quotation from diary, 94 ; settles into office at Craig's Court, 95 ; quotation from diary, 95 ; arranges tactical exercises for the Territorials, 95 ; visitsthe annual trainings at various places, 96 ; quotation from diary, 96 ; on Directing Staff of the Aldershot Command, 96 ; meets Brig. -General Robertson, 96 ; office work of, with the 2nd London Division, 96, 97 ; at the General Staff Conference at Cam berley, 97 ; goes to the War Office as Assistant Director of the Territorial forces with the rank of colonel, 97 ; General Vesey Dawson on, 97, 98 ; goes to War Office, 98; impression of the War Office, 98 ; tendency to centralise, 98 ; attends some divisional trainings, 98 ; Sir C Fergusson on, 99 ; on the Umpire Staff at Army Man oeuvres, 99 ; views of, on the Finance Branch of the War Office, 99 ; at Car shalton, 100 ; runs with the Worcester Park beagles, 101 ; Dr. Peatling's ac count of an interview with, loi ; quota tion from diary, loi ; at General Staff Conference, 10 1 ; at the funeral of King Edward, loi ; opinion of, con cerning the Territorials, 101 ; offered appointment in Lord Chamberlain's office, IOI ; Sir H. Mackinnon's ap preciation of, 102 ; comes under General Cowans, 102; never takes leave, 103; at the Coronation, 103 ; visits a number of Territorial divisions at training, 103 ; Major Morrison-Bell on, 104 ; at the Swiss Manoeuvres, 104; quotation from diary, 104 ; views of, on compul sory training, 104, 105 ; attends the General Staff Conference, 105 ; makes a trip to Klosters, 105 ; Lord Haldane on, in the House of Lords, 105, 106 ; offered the appointment of G.S.O.i with the Sth Division, 105 ; leaves Carshalton, 106 ; Rev. G. Vaux' ap preciation of, 106-108 ; lives with tlie 4th Hussars at the Curragh, 108 ; likes the Curragh, 108 ; visits the north of Ireland, 109 ; at a divisional staff ride, 109 ; Sir W. Pitcairn CampbeU on, 109; hunts with the Kildare, no; offered the appointment of G.S.O.i in the training branch of the War Office, which he accepts with regret, no; SirC. Fergusson's appreciation of, iio-ili ; under Sir W. Robertson, III; tendency to centralise at his new work. III, 112; preparing for the annual Army Manoeuvres, 112; saved from the unpleasantness at the Curragh about Ulster, 112; Lord Rawlinson on, 113; position of, in the army at the time of the outbreak of the Great War, 114; informed that he is to be G.S.O.I of the 3rd Army, 115; sees that he ought to have been left at his post in the War Office, 115 ; quotation from diary, 116 ; goes to Harrow with Sir W. Pulteney, 116 ; embarks on the Braemar Castle, 117; extract from letter, 118; experiences during the re treat, 118; hears of casualties amongst friends, 119 ; extract from letter, 119; anxious to find a crossing place over the Marne, 119; note in diary, 120; disappointed in his hopes of an effec- INDEX 351 tive French turning movement on the Aisne, 122 ; extracts from letters, 122, 123, 124; proceeds to St. Omer, 125; extract from letter, 125 ; extract from letter, 126 ; chafes over slowness of advance to the Lys, 128; disappointed at withdrawal of Corps headquarters from Armentieres, 129 ; extract from letter, 129 ; appointed to command the 14th Brigade, 129 ; Sir W. Pulteney on, 129, 130 ; work of, with the 3rd Corps, 130, 131 ; keenness of, for offensive action, 131 ; instincts of, those of a fighter, 131 ; joins the 14th Bri gade, 132 ; extract from diary, 133 ; takes stock of brigade, 134; ordered to deliver counter-attack under difficult conditions, 135 ; extract from diary as to fight near Neuve Chapelle, 135 ; Lieut. -Colonel Dick-Cunyngham on, 135-136; attack by, 136; extract from letter, 136; remains temporarily under Sir J. WiUcocks, 136 ; extract from letter, 137; the troops under, 138; sees to the comfort of his men, 139 ; receives visits from the Prince of Wales, 139; extract from letter, 139; brigade inspected by the King, 140 ; works his brigade very hard, 140 ; orders issued by, open to some criticism, 140-141 ; arranges for a great development of trenches, 142 ; extract from letter, 142 ; in offensive operations near Wytschaete, 143 ; extract from letter, 143, 144 ; visits hospitals and attends funerals, 144 ; has entirely new trenches dug, 144; Maj.-General Longley on, 145; to take up a section of trenches perma nently, 145 ; extracts from diary and letter, 145, 146 ; exposed headquarters of, at Neuve Eglise, 146 ; disturbed on hearing that he is to be appointed to the staff, 147 ; given the C.B., 147 ; readiness of, to recognise good service of subordinates, 147; hears his brigade is to be moved north, 148 ; extract from letter, 148 ; interest of, in artil lery, 148, 149 ; extract from letter, 149; wounded, 149; receives letter from SirH. Smith-Dorrien, 149-150; anxiety lest he should lose his brigade, 150; pro ceeds to London, 150; at Lady Ridley's hospital, 150 ; Sir H. Smith-Dorrien's appreciation, 151 ; hears of good work of his brigade at HiU 60, 152; invested with the C.B., 152; returns to the front, 152 ; extract from letter, 152 ; strongly opposed to the idea of retiring the line, 153 ; extractfrom diary, 153- 154 ; gas reaches headquarters of, 154 ; extract from diary, 154; temporarily in command of the 5th Division, 154 ; hears that he is to take over command of a New Army division at home, 155; promoted major-general, 155 ; makes his farewells tothe 14th Brigade, 155 ; farewell order, 155, 156; work of, as a brigadier, 156, 157 ; General Morland on, 157; returns home, 158; in com mand of the 33rd Division, 158; letter to Sir A. Murray, 158 ; ordered to the Dardanelles, 158 ; leaves Salisbury Plain, 158 ; starts on journey from London, 159; arrives at Imbros, 160; joins the 13th Division at Anzac, 160 ; start of, with his division, 162 ; writes his own orders, 162 ; worried about artillery, 162 ; extract from letter, 163 ; Lieut.-Colonel Brownrigg on, 163, 164 ; inculcates the offensive spirit, 164 ; extract from letter, 164- 165 ; handwriting of, 165 « ; Choco late Hill under control of, 165 ; hopes to move to Salonika, 165; and Colonel Gillman, 165 ; hopes that arrival of Sir C. Monro will mean assumption of offensive, 166 ; Sir Ian Hamilton's appreciation of, 166 ; meets Sir C Monro, 167 ; extract from diary, 167 ; good health of, 167 ; does not see Lord Kitchener, 168 ; starts evacuating stores, 168 ; services of, during the great blizzard, 168-170; extract from diary, 169 ; extract from letter, 169 ; busy on the problem of withdrawal, 169, 170; extracts from diary, 170; habit of writing, 171 ; doubtful as to plan of evacuation decided upon, 172, 173; extract from diary, 173; busy on defence works, 173 ; anxious about the artillery stopping too long, 173 ; sector told off to, 1 74 ; tactical position at Suvla at the end, 175 ; final with drawal from the right sector, 175, 176 ; extract from diary, 175 ; proceeds to Imbros, 176 ; letter to General Kig geU, 175-176; proceeds to Mudros, 176 ; learns that his division is to go to Helles, 176 ; leaves for Helles, 177 ; uncomfortable position of, at HeUes, 177 ; has discussions with General Lawrence, 179 ; distressed at the amount of stores remaining to be evacuated, 179 ; extract from letter to General Davies, 179-180 ; division attacked, 180, 181 ; extract from diary, 180- 181 ; move off from Gully Beach to W Beach, 182, 183 ; letter to General Davies, 183-184; 'Come into the lighter,' 184 «; deplores loss of stores, 185 ; proceeds to Mudros, 185 ; embarks for Egypt, 185 ; ser- 352 SIR STANLEY MAUDE vices of, at the Dardanelles, 186-188 ; General Birdwood on, 186; mentioned in despatches, 188 ; receives the Legion of Honour, 188 ; learns that his divi sion is to go to Port Said, 189 ; pro ceeds to Port Said, 189 ; glad to have the whole of his command collected under him, 189 ; Captain Ogilvie- Forbes's description of Maude, 189- 190 ; informed that he is to go to Mesopotamia, 192 ; satisfaction of, at news, 192 ; extract from letter, 192 ; confidence of, in his division, 193 ; satisfied as regards progress of re- equipment, 193 ; proceeds to Suez, 193 ; embarks on the Kalaya, 193 ; letter to Sir A. Murray, 193; Lieut.- Colonel Brownrigg on, 194 ; studies Mesopotamia on board, 194 ; arrives at Basrah, 194 ; extract from diary, 198 ; anxiety as to small-arms ammu nition, 198 ; action of, in case of a court-martial on officers, 199 ; im pressed with the new conditions, 199 ; letter to Sir H. Mackinnon, 199 ; starts up the river, 199; reaches Wadi and meets General Gorringe, 201 ; returns to Sheikh Saad, 201 ; extract from diary, 201 ; pleased to find good training ground at Sheik Saad, 201 ; keenness of, about hand grenades, 201 ; anxiety owing to non-receipt of letters from home, 202 ; on the censor ship in Mesopotamia, 202, 203 ; pre paring for the offensive to be under taken by his division, 204 ; goes round the 7th Division trenches, 204 ; goes up to Wadi, 204 ; extract from diary, 204-205 ; grateful for work done by the 7th Division, 206 ; attack of, on Hannah and Felahieh, 206-208 ; ex tract from diary, 206-207 ; praise of work of, by Generals Gorringe and Lake, 207 ; Lieut. -Colonel Brownrigg on, 208 ; to attack Sannaiyat, 209 ; extract from diary as to failure at San naiyat, 210 ; Lieut.-Colonel Brownrigg on, 211 ; Captain Ogilvie-Forbes on, 211-212; letters from, to relatives of fallen officers, 212 ; called upon by the 3rd Division for help during Turkish nocturnal counter-attack, 213 ; not quite satisfied wtth work of division, 213 ; commends certain battalions, 214; complimentary order by, 214; supports attack of 7th Division on Sannaiyat by gun-fire, 215, 216; ex tracts from diary, 215, 216 ; had favoured advance on right bank, 216 ; discussion with General Lake as to possibility of further effort to save Kut, 216 ; General Gorringe informs, that Kut is to be surrendered, and asks if he thinks any more can be done, 217 ; considers that no more can be done, 217 ; extract from diary, 217 ; letter of, to Colonel MagiU, 217, 218 ; han dicapped during operations by doubt as to how long Kut could hold out, 218; diary of, comes to an end, 219; effect of relaxation of censorship on letters, 219 ; previous experience of sickness setting in during pause after active operations, 220 ; care of, for his men's health in connection with cholera epidemic, 221 ; letter to Colonel MagiU, 222 ; living in single-fly tent, 222 ; hears of son passing for Wool wich, 222 ; action of, on hearing of Turkish retirement from Es Sinn, 223 ; criticism of staff work by, 224, 225 ; rides over ground evacuated by the Turks, 225 ; letter home, 225-226 ; at Sheikh Saad, 227 ; appointed to com mand the Tigris Corps, 227 ; services of, as divisional commander, 228 ; appreciations of, by Brig.-General O'Dowda, an officer of R.E., Brig.- General Hildyard, Sir W. Gillman, and the Rev. A. C E. Jarvis, 228- 230 ; becomes lieutenant-general auto matically, 230; energy of, 231; in spects Es Sinn, 231 ; meets General Lake, 232 ; on General Lake, 232 ; extract from letter home, 232 ; extract from letter to Colonel MagiU, 233- 234 ; realises the unwieldiness of his charge, 234 ; memorandum by, on active defence, 234 ; appreciation of, by General Lake, 235 ; directed to take up command of army, 235 ; meeting with General Cobbe, 235 ; proceeds to Basrah, 235 ; reason for appointment, 235, 236 ; sympathy of, for General Lake, 237 ; letter of, to Colonel MagiU, 239-240 ; desire of, to be well up to the front, 240 ; deter mines to deal fully with organisation at Basrah, 241 ; instructions to troops at the front, 241, 242 ; infuses energy at the base, 242 ; takes up question of river transport, 243 ; deals with the landing problem, 243 ; takes up question of labour, 243, 244 ; re models staff, 244 ; telegram to Sir W. Robertson, 244 ; help received by, from the War Office, 244 ; letter home, 244, 245 ; deals with the various de partments, 24s ; goes closely into all detaUs, 246 ; hesitation of, to get rid of inefficient subordinates, 246 ; finds that he must remain longer at Basrah INDEX 358 than he had intended, 246 ; glad of Sir C. Monro's visit, 247 ; accom panies Sir C. Monro during inspec tion, 247, 248 ; unwell, 248 ; Colonel Willcox on, 248 ; visit to the Karun, 248 ; description of trip, 248, 249 ; visits Nasirieh and Ur, 249 ; proceeds tothe front, 249; presents four V.C. ribbons to the 13th Division, 249 ; re organises his 'order of battle,' 250; delighted to be at the front again, 250 ; varied nature of questions, has to deal with, 251 ; extract from letter, 251 ; confidence of, in success, 25 1 ; General Cobbe on, 252 ; plan of, for offensive, 253 ; letter of, describing advance, 254-255 ; extract from letter as to fighting in the Khaidiri Bend, 256 ; confidence of, 256 ; pleased at success of old division, 257 ; letter of, describ ing the fighting in the Dahra Bend, 257-258 ; praise of work of troops in the Dahra Bend, 258 ; trust placed by, in his troops, 259 ; first three phases of plan of, completed, 259 ; plan of, to force the Tigris in the Shumran Bend, 259 ; Order of the Day by, 260 ; Rev. A. C. E. Jarvis on, 261 ; on the passage of the Tigris, 262 ; on the fighting at Sannaiyat, 263 ; decides to follow up success, 263 ; brilliancy of operations, 264 ; receives warm con gratulations, 265 ; letter from, 267- 268 ; General MacMunn and, 268 ; receives guarded approval to advance on Baghdad, 270 ; always had Baghdad in mind, 270 ; theory and practice of making war, 270 ; letter home, 271- 272 ; on passage of Diala River, 273 ; Sir A. Lawley on, 273-274 ; letter from, describing the occupation of Baghdad, 274 ; arrival in the city, 27s ; pushes troops after enemy, 276 ; comments on campaign of Baghdad, 276-278 ; receives messages of con gratulation from the King and others, 278 ; promoted substantive lieut. - general, 278 ; preoccupations of, after the occupation of Baghdad, 279 ; makes the most of local resources, 279, 280 ; anxious for Russian co-operation, 280, 281 ; to make arrangements direct with General Baratoff, 281 ; constitutes the 'Khanikin Column,' 281 ; letters home, 282, 284 ; visited by two Russian generals, 285 ; arrangements made by, for hot weather, 285 ; genius of, for organisa tion, 286 ; letter home, 286 ; calls a halt for his troops, 287 ; anxious about health of array, 287 ; letter to Sir W. Lambton, 287 ; visits Samarra, 288 ; in railway accident, 288 ; visits Del tawa and Bakuba, 288 ; anxious to visit base but unable to, 288 ; extracts from letters, 288-289 ; fiies to Sam arra, 289 ; close toucii kept by, with troops, 289 ; visits of, to hospitals, 289 ; Rev. A. C. E. Jarvis on, 290 ; supplied with a 'glisseur,' 290; exer cises general civil control, 290; Colonel Willcox on, 290-291 ; interest of, in the Chaplain's Department, 291 ; Rev. A. C E. Jarvis on, 291 ; orders attack upon Ramadi, 292 ; disapproval of, of officers going on leave, 292 ; realises that no reliance can be placed on the Russians, 293 ; confidence of, as to the future, 293 ; disappointment of, as regards the publication of his first despatch, 294 ; work of, at Baghdad, 295 ; letter home, 295-296 ; Captain Musgrave on, 296 ; turns attention to his right flank, 297 ; flies to Ramadi, 297 ; letter home, 297 ; the orderlies attending, 297 ; personal safety of, 297, 298 ; eyes of, turned upon Kifri and Kirkuk, 298 ; deter mines to deal with the Turks beyond Samarra, 298 ; Tikrit the last victory of Force ' D ' while under, 299 ; refer ence to death of, 299 ; task of, nearly finished, 299 ; confidence of superiors in, 299 ; Sir W. Robertson's apprecia tion of, 300 ; understanding between, and subordinate commanders, 300, 301 ; General Kirkpatrick on, 301 ; General Cobbe on, 301-302; Sir G. MacMunn on, 302-303 ; overcomes difficulty as to Hindustani, 303 ; appre ciation of, by Sir C Monro, 304; labours of, during the hot weather, 304, 305 ; affection of troops for, 305 ; anxiety of, as to health of troops, 305 ; General Ready on, 305-306 ; Sir W. GiUman on, 306 ; note on centralisa tion practised by, in Mesopotamia, 306 ; Sir W. Marshall's reference to, in his first despatch, 306-307 ; credit always given by, to his subordinates, 307 ; health of, during the summer, 308 ; as a host, 308 ; Mrs. Egan visits, 309 ; visit of, to the Jewish school, 309 ; taken ill, 309 ; illness and death of, 310, 311 ; grief throughout Empire at deatli of, 311, 312; telegram from the King to Sir W. Marshall as to, 312 ; Sir W. Marshall's General Order conceming, 312 ; Memorial Service to, in St. Paul's, 313 ; grief of Meso potamian army at death of, 313, 314 ; Mr. Lloyd George on, in the House of 854 SIR STANLEY MAUDE Commons, 314-315 ; Earl Curzon on, in the House of Lords, 315-317 ; Marquess of Crewe on, in the House of Lords, 317; burial of, 317, 318; lines on,3i8-3i9;graveof, 319; memo rials set up to, 319 ; tenacity of, 320 , a story of, when he wag a subaltern, 320-321 ; inclined to regard illness as a sign of weakness, 321 ; readiness to accept medical advice when forcibly put, 321 ; instances of fixity of pur pose of, 322 ; in the office, 322, 323 ; tendency of, to centralise, 323-326 ; Sir W. Lambton on, 323 ; credit always given by, to subordinates, 324 ; interest of, in staff training, 325 ; centralisation of, in Mesopotamia in general justifiable, 325, 326 ; attention of, to detail, 326, 327 ; comparison of, with Napoleon, 327, 328 ; as a tactician, 328 ; a staff officer on, 328 ; confidence in, placed by troops under him, 329 ; sympathy between, and his troops, 329, 330 ; serenity of, in adversity, 330-331 ; campaign of, in Mesopotamia a masterpiece, 331 ; determination of, to make the most of victory, 331 ; foresight of, 331, 332 ; religious side of character of, 332, 333 ; Rev. A. C E. Jarvis's apprecia tion of, 333 ; Lord Methuen on, 333- 334 ; Sir W. Lambton on, 334 ; affec tion with which he was regarded by his friends, 334 ; addiction of, to sport, 334, 335 ; as a horseman, 335 ; home life of, 235 ; final appreciation of, 335-336. Maude, Miss Stella, birth of, 25 ; refer ences to, 81, 158. Maunoury, General, references to, 118, 123. Medical services, Maude's interest in, 39, 143, 144, 14s, 208, 221, 245, 287, 290, 291, 295, 305 ; satisfactory working of, 257, 305. Mediterranean Expeditionary Force, Mudros the base of, 160 ; Sir C Monro takes command of, 165, 166. Megasis, references to, 217, 223, 231, 261. Mendali, occupation of, 296. Mesopotamia, references to, 3,9, n , 28, 39, 114, 134, 162, 190, 209, 225, 228, 244, 259, 278, 290, 291, 293, 306, 308, 314, 323, 331, 335; situation in, 190, 194-198 ; Maude informed he is to go to, 192 ; censorship in, 202, 103 ; tactical effect of flatness of, 205 ; question of Army Commander in, 235, 236 ; effect of Maude's victories on Lower, 269, 270. Mesopotamia Commission, reference to, 202. Mesopotamian Comforts Fund, reference to, 287. Messines, references to, 138, 143, 146. Meteren, occupation of, 126, 128. Methuen, Lord, in command of Home District, 28 ; at the Diamond Jubilee, 29 ; at Aldershot, 30 ; succeeded by Maj.-General Trotter, 30; commands 1st Division in South Africa, 32 ; ad vance of, to the Modder River, 34 ; duty of, during Lord Roberts' advance into the Orange Free State, 37, 38 ; reference to, 220 ; appreciation of, of Maude, 333-334. Middelburg, occupation of, 56. Midland Division, Maude offered staff appointment with, 94. Military Training, Directorate of, Maude joins the, in. Militia, Canadian, references to, 71, 76, 77,. 78, 79- Militia Act, Canadian, new, introduced, 77 ; Maude on the new, 78, 79. Militia Council, creation of, in Canada, 83. Minto, Lady, accompanies the Royal Party, 73 ; remains at Banff with the Duchess of York, 74. Minto, Lord, offers Maudepostof Military Secretary, 55 ; position of , 7 1 ; accom panies the Roj^l Party, 73 ; appoint ment of, extended, 82 ; farewell tour of, 84 ; leaves Canada, 84 ; Governor- General ih India, 86. Modder River, fighting on the, 34 ; Maude reaches, 34 ; references to, 38, 220. Mold, corruption of Montalt, i. Moloney, Lieutenant, attends Maude during his illness, 309, 310. Money, Maj.-General A. W., Chief of General Staff in Mesopotamia, 238 ; goes on leave, 288 ; invahded, 292. Monro, Sir C, takes command of the Mediterranean Expeditionary Force, 166 ; decides that evacuation of the Gallipoli Peninsula is imperative, 166 ; Maude meets, 167 ; delegates com mand of the Dardanelles Army to General Birdwood, 168 ; Maude meets at Mudros, 177 ; mentions Maude in despatches, 188 ; visit of, to Meso potamia, 247, 248 ; dislikes Maude's fiying trips, 289; appreciation of Maude, 304. Mons, losses in retreat from, 119; refer ence to retreat from, 151. Montalt, Barony of, i. Montreal, reference to, 70 ; Royal Party arrives at, 73. INDEX 355 Moorefield Lodge, Maudes settle at, 109. Morland, Lieut.-General Sir T. L. N., in command of the Sth Division, 132 ; Maude visits, 132 ; visits of, to Maude, 145 ; insists on Maude's headquarters being shifted from Neuve Eglise, 146 ; visits Maude in hospital, 149 ; Maude writes to, 150; goes home on leave, 154 ; appreciation of Maude, 157. Mosul, references to, 281, 304. Mount Edgcumbe, Lord, reference to, 91. Mudros, base of the Mediterranean Expeditionary Force, 160 ; Maude proceeds to, 176 ; 13th Division at, 177 ; Maude moves to, from Imbros, 185; 13th Division quits, for Egypt, 189. MuUingar, Maude visits, 109. Murray, Sir A., letter from Maude to, 158; inspects the 13th division, 192; pressed by the War Office to get the 13th Division off, 193 ; letter to Maude, 193; Maude receives telegram of congratulation from, 265. Musgrave, Captain F. P., A.D.C. to Maude, 189; remains with Maude on his becoming Army Commander, 238 ; on Maude, 296. Mushaidieh, General Cobbe's victory at, 276. Naauwpoort, headquarters of General I. Jones, 65 ; Maude's work at, 65, 66 ; Maude leaves for home, 68. Napoleon, comparison of Maude with, 327, 328 ; enthusiasm of his soldiers for, 329. Nasirieh, 15th Division at, 239 ; Maude- visits, 249 ; references to, 285, 288. Natal Army, advanced troops of, reach Germiston, 55. Nebrunesi Point, references to, 173, 174. Nelson, doctrines of, followed by Maude, 278. Nenagh, sth Division trains near, no. Neuve Chapelle, attempt to retake, 136 ; references to, 137, 147, 148, 156. Neuve Eglise, Maude's headquarters at, 141, I4S, 322. New South Wales contingent at Suakin, 18, 19. New Zealanders, reference to, 160. Niagara, Royal Party visits, 74. Nicholas, Grand Duke, Maude receives message of congratulation from, 278. Nicholson, General Sir W., at Staff College Conference, 97. Nile Expedition, references to, 14, 200. Nine Elms, Maude sees 1st Coldstream off at, 33. Norfolks, 1st, join the 14th Brigade, 138. North Gate, cemetery near, 318 ; memo rial at, 319. North Lancs, Maude commends, 210. North Wales, Maude attends a staff ride in, 87. Northcote, Mr., Maude at educational establishment of, 10. Norval's Pont, railway through, 37 ; occupation of, 43 ; Maude's description of, 43 ; importance of, 44 ; General I. Jones' headquarters at, 64 ; reference to, 67, 68. Oakham, the Maude family at, 86. O'Dowda, Brig.-General J. W., in com mand of the 38th Brigade, 189; letter of General Keary to, 214 ; on Maude, 228. O'Grady Haly, General, in command of the Canadian Militia, 71. Ogilvie-Forbes, Captain, A.D.C. to Maude, 189 ; first interview of, with Maude, 189, 190; on Maude, 211, 212 ; remains with Maude as Army Commander, 238. Okehampton, Maude at, 81, 89. Ophir, S.S., Royal Party cross the Atlantic in, 73. Orange Free State, references to, 37, 55, 56, 63, 67, 68 ; Lord Roberts' in vasion of the, 38. Orange River, references to, 34, 37, 42, 44 ; defence of the line of the, 64, 65 ; Boers cross the, 65, 67 ; Boers re- cross, 68. Orange River Colony. See Orange Free State. Orders, Maude's methods in connection with^ 47, HI, 141, 162, 208, 229. Orontes, s.s., 1st Coldstream in the, 20. Osmanli. See Turk. Osnaburgh House, Maudes settle at, at Camberley, 26 ; Miss Beryl Maude born at, 28. Otao, 1st Coldstream at, 19. Ottawa, Maude arrives at, 70 ; Royal Party arrives at, 73 ; departure of Lord Dundonald from, 83; reference to, 114. Ottawa Harriers, Maude attends meet of, 81. Ottawa Riv*, boating on the, 81. Paardeberg, Cronje surrounded at, 39 ; references to, 56. Paget, Sir A., at inter- divisional man oeuvres in Ireland, 1 10. Palestine, expected campaign in, 293. 356 SIR STANLEY MAUDE Peatling, Doctor, account of talk with Maude, lOO ; reference to, 332. Pentagoii, the, reference to, 234. Persia, references to, 194, 280, 281, 293, 298. Persian Gulf, references to, 239, 299, 304. Petit Morin River, reference to, 119. Pirbright, 1st Coldstream at, 21, 23 ; Maude at, 86. Pitman, Mr. F. I., appreciation of, of Maude as an Etonian, 8, 9. Pleydell-Bouverie, Colonel, in command of 1st Coldstream, 85. Plumer, General, in Cape Colony, 68. Plymouth, Maude appointed to staff at, 89 ; references to, 90, 91, 94, 335 ; Maude and the defence scheme, 92. Pole-Carew, Lieut.-General Sir R., in 1st Coldstream, 12; in command of Guards Brigade in South Africa, 37 ; undertakes reconnaissance to Magers fontein, 38 ; moves on Norval's Pont, 42, references to, 43 ; given command of nth Division, 45; at Vet River, 47 ; at Diamond HUl, 53 ; occupies Belfast, 57 ; to take the central line beyond Machadodorp, 60 ; advances on Komati Poort, 60 ; occupies Komati Poort, 61 ; appreciation by, of Maude, 63 ; Maude stays with, at Antony, 90. ' Pop,' Maude elected to, 10. Pope, Sir J., on Maude, 79. Poplar Grove, Guards move forward to, 40; operations at, 41. Port Elizabeth, reference to, 37, 43. Port Said, Maude proceeds to, 189 ; animals loose in, 193; nth Division takes over defences near, from the 13th Division, 193 ; Maude leaves, 193- Portugal, King of, celebration of birth day of, at Komati Poort, 62. Pretoria, references to, 32, 46, 55, 57 ; operations before, 50 ; Maude rides into, 50 ; occupation of, 50 ; Guards return to, from Komati Poort, 62. Prince of Wales, The, visits Maude at his brigade headquarters, 139; present with the King at the inspection of the 14th Brigade, 140. Pulteney, Lieut.-General Sir W., on Maude as a runner, 13 ; on Maude as a staff officer in South Africa, 47 ; on Maude's work during the advance to Komati Poort, 61 ; in command of 3rd Corps, IIS; remains in London at first, 116; goes to Harrow, 117; crosses to France, 117; advance of. Corps, 118; withdraws headquarters from Armentieres to Bailleul, 129 ; on Maude, 129, 130 ; compliments Maude on condition of his trenches, 148. Punjabis, reference to, 304. Punniar, Sir F. F. Maude at, 2. Quebec, Royal Party arrives at, 73. Queen Alexandra, Maude attends, at funeral of ICing Edward, 101 ; repre sentative of, attends Memorial Service at St. Paul's, 313. Queen Mary visits Canada, 71-74; remains at Banff, 74 ; Maude attends, at funeral of King Edward, loi ; represented at the Memorial Service, 313. Queen Victoria, Sir G. A. Maude Crown Equerry to, 2. Queen Victoria's Rifles attached to Maude's Brigade, 141. Raglan, Lord, reference to, 2. Railway, project to construct, from Suakin to Berber, 14 ; force advances along, 19 ; project of Suakin-Berber, aban doned, 20 ; from De Aar to Buluwayo, 34 ; General French's troops reach, near Bloemfontein, 42 ; to Nerval's Pont, 42 ; break in, at Nerval's Pont, 43, 44 ; Lord Roberts decides to clear, to Portuguese frontier, 55 ; Guards on the, 56 ; start of, from Sheikh Saad to front, 226 ; references to Sheikh Saad-Es Sinn, 232, 250, 285; from Kurna to Amarah, 243, 293; from Kut to Baghdad, 285, 293 ; accident on the Samarra line, 288. Rajputs, reference to, 304. Ramadi, unsuccessful attack on, 292 ; capture of, 296 ; Maude flies to, 297. Ramleh, 1st Coldstream encampments at, 20. Rawal Pindi District, Sir F. F. Maude in command of, 4. Rawlinson, General Lord, in Cornish's House with Maude, 6 ; leaves R.M.C. with Maude, n ; appreciations of Maude, 25, 113, 114; references to, 27; promoted for services in Sudan, 32 ; in command of the 4th Corps, 128. Ready, Maj.-General F. F., Deputy Adjutant - General in Mesopotamia, 242 ; appreciation of Maude, 305, 306. Redan, the, Sir F. F. Maude at, 2, 3. Reed, Major-General H. L., on Maude's memoranda at Suvla, 171, 172. Regina, Royal Party at, 73. Richebourg, the 14th Brigade near, 132. Rideau Canal, the Maudes visit the, 81. Rideau Cottage, Maudes settle in, 70. INDEX 357 Rideau Lakes, the Maudes visit, 8i. Ridley, Lady, Maude in hospital of, 150. Riet River, operations on the, 37. Rifle Brigade, Maude lives with the, at Devonport, 90. River transport, inadequacy of, in Meso potamia, 198, 206, 23s, 242, 243 ; Maude goes into question of, 242, 243; development of, 245 ; works admir ably, 259; references to 279, 285, 296. Roberts, Lord, at the Diamond Jubilee, 29 ; arrives at Modder River, 36 ; plan of advance into the Orange Free State, 37 ; orders up the Guards Brigade, 39; decides to make a dash for Bloemfon tein, 40 ; enters Bloemfontein, 42 ; plans of, for advance, 46 ; halts at Kroonstad, 49 ; entry of, into Johan nesburg, 50; entry of, into Pretoria, 50; orders of, for the operations at Diamond HUl, 52 ; intention of, to advance to Komati Poort, 54, 55 ; preparations of, completed, 56 ; moves to Belfast, 57 ; leaves for home, 64 ; references to, 76, 220. Robertson, Sir W"., Maude meets at man- CEuvres, 96 ; Maude under, at the War Office, in ; action of, in connection with Mesopotamia, 226, 227 ; recom mends Maude for Army Commander, 237 ; Maude's telegram to, 244 ; Maude asks for a Corps Commander, 250 ; appreciation of Maude by, 300 ; refer ence to, 308-309. Rochester House, Maude at, 10. Rosapena, Maude visits, 109. Ross of Bladensburg, Colonel Sir J. , in Ist Coldstream, 12 ; account of, of the attack on the convoy near Tofrek, 18. Royal Irish Fusiliers, Maude attached to, 99- R.M.C, Maude goes to the, 7, 10; Maude's record at, 10, II; references to, 12. Royal Party in Canada, tour of the, 73- 75- Royal Toiir in Canada, 73-75. Russians, references to, 194, 225, 301 ; Russian co-operation, hopes of, 280 ; forces opposed by Turkish 13th Corps, 281 ; fail to come up at Khanikin, 282 ; visits of two generals to Maude, 285 ; still dominating Armenia, 285 ; inefficient offensive by, 287 ; little hope of assistance from, 293 ; influence of revolution on, in Persia, 298. St. Eloi, 14th Brigade moves to near, 149. St. George's Road, Sir F. F. Maude re sides in, 4. St. John's, Royal Party at, 74. St. Julien, gas attack at, 151. St. Michael and St. George, Order of, arranges the Memorial Service at St. Paul's, 313. St. Michael's School, Maude goes to, 5. St. Omer, Maude proceeds to, 125 ; 3rd Corps arrives at, 125. St. Paul's, Memorial Service at, 313. St. Paul's, Knightsbridge, Maude's mar riage at, 24. Salisbury, Maude at manoeuvres near, 93- Salisbury Plain, Maude with the Terri torials on, 96 ; the 33rd Division pro ceeds to, 158. Salonika, loth Division proceeds to, 165; Maude hopes to go to, 165 ; reference to, 168, 313. Salt Lake, reference to, 170. Samarra, railway to, 283 ; capture of, 284 ; references to, 283, 301, 304 ; Maude visits, 288 ; Maude flies to, 289 ; advance from, 298, 299. Sandhurst, references to, 10, 11, 13, 25, 27, 239. Sanitation. See Medical Services. Sannah's Post, fight at, 45. Sannaiyat, position at, 205 ; references to, 209, 213, 215, 231, 241, 253, 254, 262, 330 ; attaclc of 7th Division on, 208 ; General Gorringe regards, as key to Kut, 2og ; importance of, 209 ; at tack of 13th Division on, 209, 210; 7th Division remains facing, 212; second attack of 7th Division on, 215, 216 ; Maude believed Kut could only hold out four days when he attacked, 218; importance of, 224; General Cobbe bombards, 254 ; General Cobbe's unsuccessful attack on, 260, 261 ; cap ture of, 261, 263. Sari Bair, references to, 159, 160, 206. Scots Guards, 2nd proceed to Suakin, 15 ; 1st proceed to" South Africa, 32 ; 1st move by rail towards Norval's Pont, 42 ; 1st at Diamond Hill, 53. Serajevo, assassination of the Archduke Ferdinand at, 113. Serbia, demands made upon, 115. Sevastopol, Sir F. F. Maude at, 3, 4. Sharaban occupied, 294 ; reference to, 297. Shatt-el-Adhaim, Turks withdraw to, 282 ; Turkish I Sth Corps on line of, 283 ; operations of General Marshall's forces near, 283, 284; reference to, 301. Shatt-el-Arab, Kalaya reaches, 194 ; re- 858 SIR STANLEY MAUDE ferences to, 235, 243, 279, 331 ; ques tion of landing facilities in, 243. Shatt-el-Hai, references to, 196, 197, 2*3, 257 ; Maude's cavalry reach the vicinity of, 253 ; Turkish bridge over, 253 ; passage of the, 254 ; fighting on the, 256. Shaw, General, invalided, 160. Sheikh Saad, Turks advance to, 196 ; references to, 201, 221, 225, 232, 235, 239, 241, 254 ; Maude returns to, 201; 13th Division arrives at, 201 ; 13th Divi sion at, 227 ; railway from, started, 226. Sherborne, Maude conducts staff ride near, 91. Sherbrook, the Royal Party at, 74. Shumran, the Peninsula, 253 ; the Bend, ! - 261 ; passage of the Tigris at the Bend, t]262; fighting in the Bend, 262, 263 ; (¦references to, 263, 272, 331. Sickness. See Medical Services. Sikhs, reference to, 304. Sixteenth Lancers, reference to, 112. Sixth Indian Cavalry Brigade, reference to, 230. Skeffington-Smyth, Captain, references to, 24, 50. Slieve Bloom Mountains, manoeuvres near, 113. Sloane Street, the Maudes settle in, 25 ; Maude purchases lease of house in, 29. Small-arms ammunition, Maude's diffi culty about, for his division, 198, 199. Smith-Dorrien, Sir H., Maude with, 96 ; succeeds Sir J. Grierson in command of 2nd Corps, 117; troops of, on the Aisne, 123; Maude visits, 132; Prince of Wales staying at headquarters of, 139 ; given command of 2nd Army, 144 ; letter from, to Maude, 149 ; Maude writes to, 150 ; appreciation of Maude by, 151 ; gives up command of the 2nd Army, 151 ; report as to tak ing command at Salonika, 165. Snow, General, 4th Division under, 117. South Wales, Army Manoeuvres, 1914, to take place in, 112. South Wkles Borderers, Maude commends the, 214. Southampton, Maude sails for South Africa from, 33 ; Maude lands at, 68. Springfontein, reference to, 64. Staff College, references to, 10, 31, 113, 179; Maude goes up for, 24; Maude receives nomination for, 25 ; staff of, 26 ; Maude's contemporaries at, 26, 27. Staff work, Maude's criticisms of, 48, 49, 130, 224, 225 ; comments on, 141, 325. Steyne, President, arrives at Macha dodorp, 59. Stokes mortars, Maude and the, 231. ' Stone HaU,' Maudes settle at, 91. Stonehouse, reference to, 91. Stuart Wortley, Maj.-General R., be comes D. Q.M.G. in Mesopotamia, 297. Suakin, force sent to, 14 ; the 1st Cold stream arrive at, 15 ; references to, 16, 1 7, 3°3 ; the campaign abandoned, 20. Suez, Maude embarks at, 193. Suez Canal, defences of, 189 ; nth Divi sion takes over defences of, 193. Suvla, the landing at, 159 ; 13th Division proceeds to, 162 ; situation at, 162 ; troops at, suffer especially from the blizzard, 168 ; preparations for evacua tion of, 170 ; principle of withdrawing from, 172 ; strong position at, formed by Maude, 173 ; final withdrawal from, 174-176 ; reference to, 201, 206, 322. Suvla Point, reference to, 168; north ern sector to embark at, 174; General Fanshawe in charge of evacuation at, 174 ; guns from Maude's sector sent to, 175- Suwaikieh marshes, strategical import ance of, 196, 205 ; references to, 209 ; overflow from, 215; reconnaissance of, 231. Swiss Manoeuvres, Maude attends, 104. Tamai, Sir J. McNeill advances towards, 17 ; occupation of, 19. Taranto, reference to, 160. Taylor, Miss C See Lady Maude. Taylor, General Sir R., Governor of the Royal MUitary College, 10 ; high opinion formed of Maude by, 1 1 ; Miss C Taylor niece of, 24 ; Maude married from house of, 24. Taylor, Right Hon. Colonel T. E., re ference to, 24. Tel-el-Kebir, reference to, 10. Territorials, organisation of, started, 91, 92 ; Maude joins the staff of, 94 ; re ferences to, 95, 104, 105 ; Maude be comes Assistant Director of, 97. The Long Road to Baghdad, references to, 202, 262. The War in the Cradle of the World, re ference to, 309. Thesiger, Colonel G., temporarily in command of 14th Brigade, 152. Thirteenth Hussars, fight of, at Lajj, 271. Thousand Islands, the, visit of the Maudes to, 81. Tidworth, reference to, 158. Tigris, General Townshend's advance up, 190 ; references to, 196, 199, 200, 209, 210, 216, 219, 247, 251, 253, INDEX 859 256, 276, 326, 331 ; rising of, in March, 197 ; in flood, 201 ; General Lake determines to try attack on right bank of, 212 ; effect of direction of, between the Megasis Bend and Beit Aiessa, 223 ; Turkish bridges over, 231 ; Kurna-Amarah an awkward stretch of, 243 ; Maude proceeds up from Basrah, 249; Turks cut the bunds of, 259 ; passage of the, at Shumran, 262 ; bridges constructed over, 271, 273, 279; floods of, give less trouble than had been feared, 285 ; getting very low, 285. Tikrit, General Cobbe defeats the Turks at, 298 ; the last victory won in Mesopotamia under Maude's general command, 299. Times History of the War in Sotith Africa, quotation from, 46, 47. Tofrek, action of, 17 ; Guards Brigade moves to, 18 ; references to, 19, 303. Toronto, the Royal Party at, 74 ; Lord Dundonald's speech at, 83. Torquay, death of Sir F. F. Maude at, 30- Townshend, General, advances up the Tigris, 190 ; references to, 194, 198, 209, 243, 264 ; instructed to enter into negotiation with Turks, 217. Treasury and War Office, relations between, 99. Treowen, Lord, succeeds Colonel Mac kinnon in the Home District, 32 ; leaves for South Africa, 33. Troodos, 1st Coldstream at, 20. Tucker, General, in command of the 7th Division, 37. Tunisian, s.s., Maude returns from Canada in, 84 ; headquarters of the 13th Division proceed to Egypt in, 189. Turkish 13th Corps opposes the Russians, 281 ; constitution of, 281 ; unites with the Turkish 18th Corps, 282; advances suddenly from Jebel Hamrin and is defeated, 283 ; completely de feated by General Marshall beyond the Shatt-el-Adhaim, 264. Turkish i8th Corps, constitution of, 281 ; opposes the 'Khanikin Column,' 281 ; holds the line of the Shatt-el-Adhaim, 283. Turko-Persian frontier, references to, 225, 296. Turks, action of, during the Suvla fight, 159; references to, 165, 173, 176, 182, 223, 25s, 256, 258, 296; have strong forces about the Dardanelles, 171 ; attack of, on the Helles positions, 180, 181 ; defeated at Ctesiphon, 190; invest Kut, 190 ; advantageous position of, at Kut, 196, 197 ; preparations of, at Hannah and Felahieh, 205 ; well prepared at Sannaiyat, 205 ; counter- stroke of, at Beit Aiessa, 213 ; retirement of, from Es Sinn, 223 ; positions of, about Kut, 253 ; show signs of demoralisation, 259 ; counter- stroke of, at Sannaiyat, 261 ; collapse of, 265 ; defeat of flotUla, 265 ; evacuate Ctesiphon, 271, 272 ; propose to cut the bunds above Baghdad, 276 ; retire up the Euphrates, 280 ; , Von Falkenhayn to command, 293 ; north of Samarra, 298 ; defeat of, at Tikrit, 299. Ulster, the trouble about, 108. Under Secretary of State for India, letter of, to Lady Maude, 313. United States, Maude visits the, 82 ; associated with the Entente, 309. Upper Cromwell Road, Maude in the, 4. Ur of the Chaldees, Maude visits, 249. 'V Beach, references to, 179, 183. Vaal River, reference to, 46, 52 ; the army crosses the, 49. Vancouver, the Royal Party at, 73. Vancouver Island, the Royal Party visit, 74. Vaux, Rev. G., appreciation of Maude by, 106-108; reference to, 332. Vet River, i ith Division reaches, 47. Viceroy of India, Maude receives message of congratulation from, 278. V.C, Sir F. F. Maude awarded the, 3; ribbons of, presented by Maude to the 13th Division, 249, 250. Victoria, the Royal Party at, 74. Victoria (Station), Maude starts east from, 159. Volunteer Corps, Maude joins, 9. Von der Goltz, references to, 302, 308. Von Kluck, General, references to, 118, 119. 'W' Beach, references to,, 179, 182, 183 ; 29th Division and part of the 13th Division to embark at, 180 ; difficulties of embarkation at, 184, 185 ; Maude leaves, 184. Wadi, the, references to, 196, 225 ; Maude reaches, 201 ; Maude's troops move up to, 204. War Cabinet attends Memorial Service in St. Paul's, 313. War Council decides to appoint Maude Army Commander in Mesopotamia, 236, 237 ; selects General Cobbe for the command of the Tigris Corps, 237. 860 SIR STANLEY MAUDE War Office, references to, 33, 77, 97, 99, 158, 159, 192, 23s ; Maude uses the library of the, 87 ; Maude becomes Assistant Director in, 98 ; Maude joins the Training Branch of, 1 1 1 ; Maude reports at, 158; takes over general charge of the Mesopotamian campaign, 197 ; making itself felt in Mesopotamia, 226 ; good understanding between Maude and, 244, 245 ; Maude receives message of congratulation from, 265 ; action of, in connection with Gazettes, 294, 295. Warwicks, General Lake commends, 207. Waterval Onder, the Guards Brigade occupy, 60. Watford, Maudes settle at, 112; Maude goes to, 155, 159. Wellington, passage of the Douro and Bidassoa by, 261, 262 ; reference to, 329- Wellington Barracks, references to, 13, 15, 22, 23, 24, 85. Welsh Fusiliers, Maude commends, 210. Wemyss, Sir R., message of congratula tion from, 278. Wepener, siege of, 45, 46. WiUcocks, General Sir J., in command of Indian contingent, 137 ; reference to, 137- Willcox, Colonel W. H., on Maude at Basrah, 248 ; on the work of Maude, 290 ; importance of labours of, 305 ; with Maude during his illness, 309, 310; account by, of Maude's illness, 316, 311 ; Maude abandons trip to base on advice of, 321. WiUiam the Lion, reference to, i . Williams, Lieut.-Colonel L. G., Maude's military secretary, 238. WiUingdon, Lord, references to, 202, 308. Wilts, Maude commends the, 210, 214. Winchester, Maude at manoeuvres near, 96. Winchester, Lord, Maude spends part of honeymoon at place of, 24. Windsor, Maude at, 21 ; Maude rows in races at, 89. Winnipeg, the Royal Party at, 73. Wolseley, Lord, reference to, 10; com mands the Nile Expedition, 14 ; visits Suakin, 20 ; reference to action of, in going ahead of his army to Dongola, 200. Woolwich Cadets, Maude defeats, at Annual Sports, 11. Worcesters, 3rd, in the 14th Brigade, 132; General Lake commends, 207; Maude commends, 214. Wormald, Captain, references to, 163, 189. Wulverghem, 14th Brigade in trenches near, 138. Wyndham, Rt. Hon. G., in 1st Cold stream, 12 ; Colonel Follett on, 20. Wytschaete, operations near, 142, 143. X-RAYS, Maude examined by, at Ypres and Boulogne, 150. York, Duchess of. See Queen Mary. York, Duke of. See King George. Younghusband, General, in command of 7th Division, 204 ; relieved by General Cobbe when invalided, 230. Ypres, First Battle of, 134; hard fight ing near, 1 36 ; enemy hold high ground round three sides of, 143 ; severe fighting near, 134, 136, 151 ; reference to, 148, 150; anxious position about, 153. Zakka Khel Afridis, Sir F. F. Maude in charge of expeditions against, 4. Zand River, fight on the, 47, 48. Frinted by T. sind A. 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