^r -.¦:¦" .fi'Js'l'i.r , ¦r,./, i|.|. J^ I fur t .rr . tiM n'/j- : 1 jj',ip5fflS' - r;s..; -I V F. ¦ .., -¦>¦»¦ '?irlSv^i"-f 't-i., -5-1. iiSS ,.1-'' -I' .-45^;.-. V 3-f,-* L ll "I give theft: JSoois \ fvF &e J^Kodlitg Ufa Cftkgt in ff«l gg/p/gf^' BOUGHT WITH THE INCOME OF THE Alfred E, Perkins Fund ,nM. Jacob Benson, Pioneer And His Descendants; In the Towns of Dover and Amenia Dutchess County, New York and Elsewhere. Together with Some Information of the Early Members of the Benson Family in New England and New York State. Compiled by ARTHUR T. BENSON 1915 THE A, V, HAIGHT COMPANY 18 and 20 Liberty Street Poughkeepsie, N, Y, Bc^'^^ CONTENTS. Preface 5 Early History of the Family in New England 7 The Dutch Family in New York State 12 Jacob Benson, Pioneer, and His Descendants in Dover and Amenia, N. Y., and Elsewhere 15 In the Revolutionary War 103 When Amenia was a Precinct 105 In the Census of 1790 106 The Harlem Valley Benson Family Association 107 The Old Pine Tree 108 List of Post-OflBces in the United States named Benson 110 Incident and Anecdote Ill The Benson Neighborhood 118 Index 125 PREFACE. This volume is not a complete record of the Benson family either in general, or in the line we have attempted to trace. It would have been a task far beyond the resources of the compiler to have under taken to obtain data from all sections of this country where they are of record, and so research has been confined to the line of Jacob Ben son, the first one of the family to settle in Eastern Dutchess County, New York, and who is said to have come from Glouster (now Burrill- ville, Rhode Island), about 1742. In addition to the data given of his numerous descendants, I have thought it may be of some interest to add a brief account of the earlier generations in New England, as well as of the Dutch family in New York. Diligent efforts have been made to make this data as authentic and complete as possible. It has of course, been most diflScult to learn all about the earlier generations, inasmuch as some of them, imbued with the roving spirit of pioneer times, turned their faces westward, and though, in most instances, their last resting place is known, other records of them are few. From ancient family bibles, and from interviews and correspon dence with older members of the family I am indebted for whatever is herein given in relation to these early ancestors. Among those to whom I wish to express my sense of obligation for valued information of the New England Bensons, is Mb, Fred H, Benson, of Syracuse, N, Y, : who has in preparation genealogical records of the Benson family in the United States, He has given many years of his time and labor to the work, and I am certain that in the completion of it a most accurate and comprehensive history of the family will have been achieved. Miss Frances Cowles, a genealogist of New York City has fur nished much of the data contained in the account of the Dutch family. Extracts from "The Early History of Amenia," by the late New ton Reed, have been included, as showing the aspect and condition of the country during the period of its early development. For the kindly co-operation and material assistance rendered in the compilation of these records, I am most grateful to numeroua members of the family whom I have personally seen, and with whom I have corresponded in distant states, and trust that the information given will be as interesting to all of my kindred, as the quest of it has proven to be to me. It will be noted that each generation is indicated by Roman numerals, and I have departed from the usual custom in works of this kind in completing the data of one line, before taking up another. It has seemed to me more satisfactory to follow this plan than to group members of the same generation together. By consulting the index any name desired can be readily found, and no confusion need result from the repetition of so many Christian names. A feature of the book is the blank spaces interspersed through out the records for recording future data. Everyone is recommended to use these as occasion may require, and thus make their family records continuous and up-to-date. The scope of the work has been limited, for the most part, to those who bear the Benson name. To have traced the descendants of the daughters in this fruitful family, who have married, would have been a task too great for me to have accomplished. A. T. B., July 1, 1915. Dover Plains, New York. SOME EARLY RECORDS OF THE BENSON FAMILY IN NEW ENGLAND. The first one of this family in New England, was John Benson, who, with his wife Mary, and children John and Mary , then under four years of age, sailed from Southampton, England, in the ship Confidence, in April, 1638, He had a grant of land at Hingham, Mass,, but afterwards re moved to Hull, Mass,, where he died Jan, 13, 1678, His son John removed to Rochester, Mass,, in 1680, Among his children was a son Isaac, John Benson, of Newport, R, I,, was there about 1696. The family are not numerous there as the early generations were sea cap tains, and owing to that hazardous occupation, many were drowned before leaving more than a few descendants. The Genealogy of this family was published by Wendell Phillips Garrison, brother of William Lloyd Garrison, the noted abolitionist. Their mother was a Benson, There were many Bensons at Mendon, Mass. Benoni Benson settled there about 1710. There was also an Isaac Benson who shared in the 8th division of lands in Mendon in 1756, and later, in the 9th division. It is believed that Isaac Benson was the father of Jacob Benson who came to Pawlingtown, Dutchess County, N. Y. (then the Nine Partners), about 1742, as two of Jacob's sons later married their wives in Mendon. In an old book (1859), written by Preserved S. Thayer, whose wife is said to have been a Benson, is the following account of many of the family in Mendon and vicinity : "When eight years old he went to school to Timothy Mahoney at the house (then Samuel Buxton's), where Peleg Buxton now lives, in the south part of Uxbridge. The school consisted, perhaps of fifteen scholars. Among them he remembers Joseph Buxton and his sister, Judith, Allen Benson, son of Elisha, who lived in Burrillville (then Glouster), about half a mile westerly, bearing south of William Mowry's, (then Benedict Arnold's), and others of the same family not recollected. Elisha Benson sold his farm to Benedict Arnold before 1800, and removed. Baruch Benson, who lived at the place known as the "Brass Ball," in Douglass, was a brother to Elisha. He remembers one, Isaac Benson, who testified in a disputed land case at Providence, about 1810, between Lyman Emerson and Silas Comstock. Isaac Benson referred in his testimony to his brother, Jacob Benson and also to Mijamin Taft. Benoni Benson built and lived on the Benson homestead at Chestnut Hill about 1721. He continued to live there for about 40 years, until his death in 1761. He had but two sons, Joseph and Benoni. To the former who married about 1737 he made a deed of gift of the westerly part of his farm in 1734, on which he had previous ly erected a house, probably at the time of the son's marriage in 1731. He was succeeded in the occupation of the homestead by his son, Benoni, who had previously, and perhaps, sometime after his father's death, lived at Millville, and owned the grist mill, and part of the saw mill at that place. He also kept a public house at Millville on the site of which the Buflum mansion was afterwards built, and continued to keep one at Chestnut Hill after his return to the old homestead. This individual and his wife, Abigail, are still remembered by the old inhabitants as landlord and landlady Benson. The landlord and his son John, after the marriage of the latter, lived on the homestead together until the death of the father, after which time John, or Deacon Benson, by which name he was best known, lived there till he died in 1819, when his son, Jared, known as Captain Jared, and later in life as Jared Benson, Esq., succeeded to the possession and occupied it till his death in 1854. Since then, his son, Jared Benson, Jr., lived on the homestead till 1856, and then his son, Sylvanus H. Benson, who is the present occupant of a part of the same, lives in a stone house built on the south side of the road. The house on the north side of the road being the site of the ancient home stead, has been occupied by tenants since 1856 but belongs to Jared Benson, Esq., last above named, who has removed to Anoka, on the Mississippi river, 50 miles above St. Paul, Minn. The first house built on the farm owned by Leonard W. Darling, was erected about 1731 by Mr. Benoni Benson (who lived where his descendant, Sylvanus H. Benson now lives), for his son, Joseph Ben- 8 son, who continued to reside there until about 177 — , when he sold it out to Paul Warfield, and removed to Sturbridge, Mass. A house was erected where Caleb Thayer now resides by Benoni Benson, for his son, Stephen Benson, to whom he gave it together with the farm on which it was built in 1764. It was at first but one story in height, but another story was added during its occupancy by Mr. Benson, who sold to Caleb Thayer, Sr., about 179 — , and removed to the state of New York. Benoni Benson gave to his son, Henry the farm best known as the Major Aldrich place, and built thereon a house for him about 1764- 5. Henry Benson died about 1778, and his widow married Major Rufus Aldrich the next year, 1779. Major Aldrich continued to reside there till his death in 183 — . His widow continued to occupy it till near her death in 18 — , after which it was sold to Isaac Smith, its present owner. The house as originally built, is still standing without essential alteration or addi tion. Ebenezer Cook married Hannah King who was of Glouster in 1752. In Mendon, 1758, he owned and lived in a house which stood where the house now (1859), of Stephen Benson now stands. Mr. David W. Holman sold this house in 183 — to Miss Harriet Benson, who continued to live there until her death in 1855, when it passed into the hands of her brother, Stephen S. Benson, the present owner. Mrs. Polly Kempton came to Chestnut Hill with her father. Rev. John Benson, when she was ten years old, in 1790, and lived in the Balch house. Her neighbors at that time were Major Rufus Aldrich, Simon Alexander, Timothy Alexander, Levi Young, Nathaniel Taft, Japhat Taft, Daniel Day, Benoni Benson, John Benson, Stephen Benson, Eben Taft, and others. Nov. 21, 1758, Jacob Benson of a place called Nine Partners, Dutchess County, in the province of New York, conveyed half of a forty-acre lot to Daniel Southwick. Before the year 1742, he lived in a house south of said Daniel Southwick's house near the Rhode Island line, and sold Jonathan Southwick part of the farm now Daniel Southwick's. THE SHARON, CONNECTICUT, BENSONS. In the old church records at Rochester, Mass., it is recorded that Benjamin Benson of Middleboro, Mass., married Hannah Stuart, August 28, 1760. He served in some Indian campaigns and also in the Revolutionary war, and soon after its close removed to Sharon, Conn., but later removed to Binghamton, N. Y. His children were Mercy, Phebe, Hannah, Jesse, Ebenezer and Anna. Jesse married Lois Hunter about 1732. His children were, Huldah, Lorin, Ben jamin, David, Philo, Amy, Mercy and Orrin. Of these, Benjamin who was a resident of Litchfield County, Conn., was born June 18, 1817, and died June 27, 1898. He married Chloe A. Nodine, Dec. 5, 1847. Their children were Laura, Ella, Ada, Frances, Abel, and Orville. Of these Orville was born February 9, 1865, graduated from Amenia Seminary in 1884, and from Cornell University in 1888. Is a veteran of the Spanish-American war. Profession, Civil Engineer. Business address, 30 Church St., New York City. The first Benjamin's son, Ebenezer, married at Stratford, Conn. Oct. 1785, and the Census of 1790 shows that he still lived there, and had a son and daughter. He later went to Chenango County, N. Y., with his father. Ebenezer's sister, Anna, married Elijah Juckett at Stratford, Conn, in 1785. They lived at Sharon, Conn., Ebenezer Benson, the father of Benjamin first, and great-grandfather of Orville Benson, married Joannah Andrews at Rochester, Mass., Aug, 30, 1718. He joined the church at Wareham, Mass., April 17, 1743, also his wife, May 22, following. Besides Benjamin, their children were Elisha, Joannah and Thankful. Ebenezer died July 16, 1767. His wife died March 12, 1769. Samuel, a brother of Ebenezer lived at Wareham. He was married at Plympton, Mass., Nov. 21, 1728. His children were: Consider, John, Patience, Lydia, Jemima, Keziah, Faith and Hope. Keziah married Adonijah Maxam, and they were early settlers at Sharon, Conn. The Maxams had a son, Adonijah, born at Sharon, Conn., Dec. 10 28, 1754, and died there Nov. 22, 1850 at the age of 97 years. He was a soldier in the Revolution, and in the expedition to capture Montreal under Ethan Allen in 1775, he and three others from Sharon were captured and sent to England, but were returned to New York the following spring, and made their escape. In the Amenia Union Cemetery these inscriptions may be found. On the New York side: Abel Benson, 1857-1877. Benjamin Benson, 1817-1898. Chloe A. Benson, 1830- On the Connecticut side: Levi M. son of Philo and Louisa Benson, died March 17, 1853, aged, 1 month. Sarah A. daughter of Philo and Louisa Benson, died April 22, 1863, aged, 5 years. Leroy S. son of Philo and Louisa Benson, died Oct. 12, 1862, aged, 7 weeks. IN THE BOLAND DISTRICT BURYING GROUND BETWEEN AMENIA, N. Y., AND SHARON, CONN. John Benson, son of DavjdTH. and Eliza A. Benson. d. Oct. 10, 1842, aged 2/years, 9 mos. 10 days. Lois Benson, daughter/of David H. and Eliza A. d. Aug. 15, 1853, ageffl, 4 years, 2 mos. 1 day. Phebe, daughter of Diyvid H. and Eliza A. d. April 27, 1853, ageM 8 years, 2 mos. 2 days. David H. Benson, died April 29, 1847, aged 45. Evin Benson, died Oct. 3, 1885, aged 45. EUza Ann, wife of Daivd H, died Aug, 15, 1853, aged 37. Jesse (the grandfather of Orville), died, Oct. 11, 1844, aged 61. Lois, wife of Jesse, died Feb. 7, 1867, in her 87th year. Lorin Benson died Nov. 13, 1859, aged 40. Some of this family formerly lived on what is known as "SkiflF Mountain." 11 EARLY HISTORY OF THE BENSON FAMILY IN NEW YORK STATE. Dirck Bensingh, the emigrant who arrived in New Amsterdam in 1648 is said to have been the progenitor of the Dutch family in America. He was a Swede, having come from Groningen, Sweden, to Amsterdam, Holland, where he married his wife, Catalina Berck, and afterwards embarked to found his fortune and family in the Prov ince of New York. Many of his descendants were largely identified with the early history of New York city, and were also numbered among the residents of Westchester, Dutchess and Ulster Counties. He purchased a house and lot near the fort in New Amsterdam, (Now New York City), in 1649. In 1754 he went to Fort Orange, (Albany), where he built a house and assisted in the building of the new Church in 1656. He died February 28, 1659. The children of Dirck and Catalina Bensingh were: Dirck, born 1650; Samson, born 1652; Johannes, born 1656; Catrina, born 1657; Maria, born 1659. The three sons grew up in Albany and were prominent in the church. Sampson had a pottery. Dirck sailed a sloop between New York and Albany. Johannes was an innkeeper. Owing to the French and Indian hostilities they removed to New York shortly before 1700. Johannes located in Harlem, where, it is said, his descendants continued among the largest landowners, until it ceased to be an agricultural community. Johannes Benson (as the name came to be spelled), married Ehzabeth Van Deusen of Albany, July 26, 1676. They had ten chil dren of record. Sampson, Helena, Dirck, Catalina, Rachel, Matthew, Catherine, Marritie, Johannes, and Benjamin. Dirck Benson, son of the emigrant, Dirck was born in 1650, and died June 26, 1717. Married Thysie Claes, of Albany. They had six children: Catalina, Eva, Rachael, Eva (again), Derick and Thysie. 12 Sampson Benson, the third son of the emigrant, was born in 1652, and died June 2, 1730. He married Tryntie Van Deusen. They had nine children: Catalina, Derick, Tewes, Harmon, Sampson, Robert, WiUiam, Elizabeth and Henricus. Of these probably the descendants of Robert were most promi nent. He married Cornelia Roos, and they had four children: Eliza beth, Tryntie, Robert, and Tryntie (again), Robert was born in 1715 and died in 1762. He married Tryntie Van Boreum in 1738. Their children were Robert, born 1739, died 1823. Henry (Captain), born 1741, died 1823. Mary, born 1743, died young. Egbert (Judge), born, June 21, 1746, died August 24, 1833 (not married). Cornelia, born 1748, died young. Anthony, born, 1752, died 1794. Robert Benson (1739—1823), together with his brothers were enrolled among the "Sons of Liberty," and became active patriots during the Revolution. Robert was a member of the first Committee of Safety, and Secretary of the first convention, and was continued as such until the state was organized under the Constitution. He was chosen Secretary of the State Senate, and was also confidential aide-de camp of Governor Clinton. Henry Benson (1741-1823), was brought up to the sea, but sub sequently became engaged in the service of the Committee of Safety in the waters of the State and those adjacent thereto. He commanded an armed vessel of the Hudson River, and assisted in placing the chain and other obstructions in the Hudson at West Point, to in terrupt the progress of the British up the river. Egbert Benson (1746-1833), was a conspicuous patriot, scholar and jurist. He graduated from King's (Now Columbia) College in 1765, and received the degree of M. A. in 1768 from his Alma Mater. In 1769 he was admitted to the bar, after which he removed to Red Hook, Dutchess County, and practiced his profession. He never married. In 1773 he was appointed chairman of the Committee of Safety. In 1775 he represented Dutchess County in the Provincial Convention, which met in New York for the purpose of choosing 13 delegates to the second Continental Congress. May 8, 1777, he was appointed the first Attorney General of the State, and from 1777 to 1781 he was one of the representatives from Dutchess County in the State Assembly. October 26, 1781, he was appointed a member of Congress from the State of New York, under the Confederation, and re-appointed in 1784. From this time to 1794 he held various im portant oflBces, both State and Federal, and in the latter year was appointed fifth Justice of the Supreme Court, which oflBce he held until March, 1801, when he resigned on being appointed Chief Judge of the Second Circuit of the United States Court. In 1812 he was elected to Congress but resigned before the ex piration of his first term because of impaired health. He was one of the founders of the New York Historical Society, and its first President, which office he filled, successively for eleven years. "There was evidently among the leaders in this town (Amenia), a high respect for the character and services of Hon. Egbert Benson." (Reed's "Early History of Amenia.") 14 JACOB BENSON, PIONEER. It is established beyond doubt that the first of the family to settle in Eastern Dutchess County, New York, was Jacob Benson, who came to "Nine Partners," N. Y., from Glouster (now Burrillville, Rhode Island), about the year 1742. It will be noted by reading the extract from the book by Pre served S. Thayer included in the "Early New England Records" in this volume, that this Jacob Benson sold to Jonathan Southwick a part of his farm in Rhode Island prior to 1742. There is a tradition that he came to Dutchess County with his wife, on horseback, and the only worldly possession they brought with them was a feather bed. It is thought that his father was Isaac Benson, of Rochester, Mass. In the Vital Records of Rochester, the marriage of Isaac Benson to Mary Bumpus, of Sandwich, Mass., is registered, in 1688 or 9. The father of Isaac was John Benson, and the latter's father was also John Benson. As stated elsewhere the earliest ancestor came to New England from the mother country soon after the "Pilgrim Fathers." In a genealogy of the Brewster family, the ancestor of which was Elder WilUam Brewster, leader of the Pilgrims, it is stated that the Brewsters and Bensons intermarried. We have no record of the birth of Jacob Benson, 1st. Neither is it known whom he married. In the U. S. Census of 1790 he is enumerated as living in Pawlingtown, but his will was dated at Amenia, N. Y., AprU 19, 1800. The wiU was proven May 4, 1801, so that if he died in the latter year he would have been a resident here 59 years. His son, Jacob died in 1817 in his 83d year, and would therefore have been about 66 years old at the time of his father's decease. It fol lows, then that the pioneer of the family in Dover and Amenia must have lived to a ripe old age, — nearly or quite 90. It is not known where he first located, but presumably in the territory afterwards known as the "Benson Neighborhood," where many of his descendants have continued to reside up to the present time. 15 WILL OF JACOB BENSON, Ist. I, Jacob Benson, 1st, of the town of Amenia, County of Dutchess, and State of New York, being of perfect mind and memory, thanks be given unto God; calling to mind the mortality of my body, and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die, do make and ordain this my last will and testament; that is to say, principally, and first of all, I give and recommend my soul into the hands of Almighty God who gave it, and my body I recommend to the Earth, to be buried in decent manner at the discretion of my executrix, and as touching such worldly estate wherewith it has pleased God to bless me in this life, I give, devise and dispose of the same in the following manner and form. First, I give and bequeath to my sons, viz : Jacob Benson, William Benson, Joseph Benson and Samuel Benson, twenty shUlings apiece. Also I give and bequeath to my grandson, Jacob Benson, fourth, who is the son of my son, John Benson, all the rest and residue of my goods, chattels and personal estate whatever. I likewise constitute, make and ordain Hannah Benson, first, who was the wife of my son, John Benson, the sole executrix of this my last will and testament, in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this nineteenth day of April in the year of our Lord, Eighteen Hundred. JACOB BENSON, 1st. Signed, sealed and delivered by the said Jacob Benson, 1st as, and for his last will and testament, in the presence of us who were present at the signing, sealing and delivering thereof. ARCHIBALD ROSS. JOHN HOOFCOOT. ROBERT BENSON. Proved May 4, 1801. Gilbert Livingston, Surrogate of Dutchess County, N. Y. 16 II. Five Children. 1. Jacob Benson, 2nd. 2. Joseph Benson. 3. William Benson. 4. John Benson. 5. Samuel Benson. In the Census of 1790 three females were enumerated as members of the famUy of Jacob Benson, 1st. It seems probable that he had two daughters, although they were not mentioned in his will. There was a Hannah Benson buried at South Dover, N. Y., June 29, 1818, aged 63. As we have not been able to connect her with any other line of the family, she may have been a daughter of Jacob, who never married, and lived with relatives at South Dover. Mr. Henry Whittemore of Brooklyn, came to Dover Plains some years ago to search for information of his ancestor. Thankful Dutcher, who, prior to her marriage to Benjamin Dutcher, was a Benson. She was born in 1752. But many of the old tombstones had become broken, and thrown away, so that no record of her could be found in the cemetery. Thankful Benson would have been nearly the same age as Hannah, and the conjecture of Mr. Whittemore that she was of our famUy, seems weU-founded. Of Joseph Benson, one of the sons of Jacob, 1st, we do not know anjrthing more than that he is mentioned in the Census of 1790 as living in Pawhngtown, and having in his family two "free males over 16," and "one under 16." Also two females. We think that in 1775 he lived in Amenia precinct, as Mr. Reed in his "Early History," mentions a Joseph Benson as having signed the "Articles of Association," or "Revolutionary Pledge." WiUiam Benson, another son of Jacob Benson, 1st, has left us no record, except that he served in the 3d Regiment of Dutchess County Militia in the Revolutionary War. Whether he had a family or not can not be ascertained. 17 II. JACOB BENSON, 2nd. Jacob Benson, 2nd, son of Jacob Benson and . b. 1735. d. January 18, 1817, in his 83rd year. The Mendon, Mass., records show that Jacob Benson, of "Nine Partners," New York, and Lydia Thompson, "intend marriage" May 12, 1760. Lydia died March 24, 1822, aged 80 years. Well preserved tombstones mark their graves in VaUey View Cemetery, at Dover Plains, N. Y. Jacob Benson, 2nd, lived on the farm in the town of Amenia, N. Y., adjoining the farm of the late WiUiam F. Benson, and now owned by Thomas S. Benson. III. Six Children. 1. Jacob Benson, 3rd. 2. Susan Benson. 3. Lydia Benson. 4. Benjamin Benson. 5. Hannah Benson. 6. David Benson. 18 III. JACOB BENSON, 3rd. Jacob Benson, 3rd, son of Jacob Benson, 2nd, and Lydia Thomp son. b. June 4, 1768, at Amenia, N. Y. Married Martha Smith. She was born Oct. 2, 1768. He went from Amenia, N. Y., to Pennsylvania when middle- aged, and died at Tunkhannock, leaving many descendants. IV. Five Children. 1. Rufus Benson. 2. Sarah Benson. 3. Susan Benson. 4. Thompson Benson. 5. Chauncey Benson. IV. RUFUS BENSON, 1st. Rufus Benson, 1st, son of Jacob Benson, 3rd, and Martha Smith, born about 1790, in Amenia, N. Y. Married Mary Derthick. Died about 1872, and was buried near Prairieville, Barry County, Michigan. V. Six Children. 1. Loomis Benson. 2. Rufus Benson, 2nd. {No record) 3. Mary Benson. {No record) 4. Almira Benson. {No record) 5. Joseph Benson. {died at the age of 18) 6. Henry E. Benson. 19 V. LOOMIS BENSON. Loomis Benson, son of Rufus Benson, 1st, and Mary Derthick. b. about 1810. Married , d. , 1879. His home was near Fennville, AUegan County, Michigan. VI. Five Children. 1. Wilbur F. Benson. {No record) 2. Rufus Benson, 3rd. ( No record) 3. Mary Benson. {No record) 4. Joseph Benson. {No record) 5. Neal D. Benson. (No record) V. HENRY E. BENSON. Henry E. Benson, son of Rufus Benson and Mary Derthick. b. Either in Dutchess or Ulster County, New York, August 1, 1824. Married Lydia A. Draper, at Hudson, Ohio, Dec. 12, 1844. d. at Silver Creek, Michigan, May 24, 1891, and is b. at PlainweU, Michigan. His wife, who died at Battle Creek, Michigan, April 5, 1898, is also buried at PlainweU. VI. Five Children. 1. Adelbert L. Benson. 2. Ella L. Benson. 3. Arthur E. Benson. 4. Clinton H. Benson. 5. Milton O. Benson. 20 VI. ADELBERT L. BENSON. Adelbert L. Benson, son of Henry E. Benson and Lydia A, Draper. b. at ShalersvUle, Ohio, Dec. 20, 1845. Married Rose Morris, June 12, 1869. d. April 29, 1892, at Cannonsburg, Michigan. His wife died, Sept. 13, 1874. Both are buried at PlainweU, Michigan. VII. Two Children. 1. AUan Louis Benson. 2. Lucia Benson. VII. ALLAN LOUIS BENSON. Allan Louis Benson, son of Adelbert L. Benson and Rose Morris. b. Nov. 6, 1871. Married Mary Hugh, of Toledo, Ohio, Nov. 19, 1899. She was born . Mr. Benson is a well known writer on sociology. Among his pubUshed works are: "The Truth About Socialism." "Our Dishonest Constitution." "The Usurped Power of the Courts." "A Way to Prevent War." (1915) He resides at 1 Arthur Street, Yonkers, N. Y. VIII. Four Children. 1. Mary Benson, born at Detroit, Michigan, May 30, 1901. 2. Welton H. Benson, born at Detroit, Michigan, June 3, 1904. 3. AUan Louis Benson, Jr., born at Detroit, Michigan, Nov. 17, 1905. 4. James Adelbert Benson, born at Yonkers, N. Y., March 16, 1908. 21 VII. LUCIA BENSON. Lucia Benson Percy daughter of Adelbert L. Benson and Rose Morris. b. Aug. 10, 1893. Married Claude V. Percy, of Battle Creek, Michigan. They reside at Memphis, Tennessee. 22 VI. ELLA L. BENSON. Ella L. Benson Ball, daughter of Henry E. Benson and Lydia A. Draper. b. at ShalersviUe, Ohio, August 24, 1851. Married James M. Ball, of Lowell, Michigan. d. at Lowell, Michigan, in 1890. VL ARTHUR E. BENSON. Arthur E. Benson, son of Henry E. Benson and Lydia A. Draper. b. at ShalersviUe, Ohio, July 13, 1854. Married Sarah A. White of Otsego, Michigan, in 1883. He resides at Grand Rapids, Michigan. VII. Two Children. 1. Carrie F. Benson, b. AprU 26, 1885. Married June 16, 1909, to F. Carl Daniskey. 2. Helen Benson, b. Oct. 26, 1888. VI. CLINTON H. BENSON. Clinton H. Benson, son of Henry E. Benson and Lydia A. Draper. b. at Prairieville, Michigan, Jan. 13, 1859. Married Alice MUler in 1883. He resides on a farm near Battle Creek, Michigan. VII. One Child. 1. LuciUe Benson. {No record) VI. MILTON O. BENSON. Milton 0. Benson, son of Henry E. Benson and Lydia A. Draper. b. at PrairievUle, Michigan, Nov. 12, 1861. Married Orphea Gould in 1884. He resides on a farm near Battle Creek, Michigan. VII. Three Children. 1. Lena Benson. {No record) 2. Ida Benson. {No record) 3. Ormy Benson. {No record) IV. SARAH BENSON. Sarah Benson Nast !, daughter of Jacob Benson, 3rd, and Martha Smith. b. March 11, 1798, Married Henry I. Nase, . d. Jan. 23, 1869. He was born Nov. 12, 1790. d. Oct. 6, 1866. buried at South Amenia, N. Y. They were the parents of Mrs. Milo F. Winchester, of South Amenia, N. Y., and grandparents of Henry N. Winchester, merchant, and for many years Supervisor of the town of Amenia. In 1915 Mrs. Winchester was 88 years of age. She recalls to mind that when a young girl, she accompanied her father on a trip to Tunkhannock, Pennsylvania, to visit her uncle, Chauncey Benson. The journey was made with a horse and wagon, and consumed three days. IV. SUSAN BENSON. Susan Benson, daughter of Jacob Benson, 3rd, and Martha Smith. b. August 8, 1802. d. buried in Pennsylvania. 24 IV. THOMPSON BENSON. Thompson Benson, son of Jacob Benson, 3rd, and Martha Smith. b. May 28, 1808. d. . buried in Pennsylvania. IV. CHAUNCEY BENSON. Chauncey Benson, son of Jacob Benson, 3rd, and Martha Smith. b. Jan. 6, 1810. Married Sarah Brutzman, . d. , buried at Tunkhannock, Pennsylvania. V. Seven Children. 1. Emma Benson. 2. Etna Benson. 3. Mary Benson. 4. Susan Benson. 5. .lanette Benson. 6. George A. Benson. 7. Martha Elizabeth Benson. {No record) V. EMMA BENSON. Emma Benson James, daughter of Chauncey Benson and Sarah Brutzman. b. Nov. 17, 1835, d. . Married William James, . V. ETNA BENSON. Etna Benson, daughter of Chauncey Benson and Sarah Brutzman. b. May 29, 1837, d. . 25 V. MARY BENSON. Mary Benson Harding, daughter of Chauncey Benson and Sarah Brutzman. b. May 11, 1839. Married N. J. Harding, Oct. 14, 1860. Resides at Tunkhannock, Penn. V. SUSAN BENSON. Susan Benson, daughter of Chauncey Benson and Sarah Brutzman. b. March 2, 1841, d. . V. JANETTE BENSON. Janette Benson Jayne, daughter of Chauncey Benson and Sarah Brutzman, b, Jan, 6, 1844, d, June 25, 1900, Married Charles Jayne, , Buried at Myhoopany, Penn, V. GEORGE A. BENSON. George A, Benson, son of Chauncey Benson and Sarah Brutz man, b, July 2, 1848, Married AHce H, Graham, Jan, 2, 1871, Resides at Tunkhannock, Pa, VI, Two Children, 1, Thompson Benson, b, Feb, 14, 1875, d. May 12, 1875, 2, Warren G, Benson, 26 VI, WARREN G. BENSON. Warren G. Benson, son of George A, Benson and Alice H. Gra ham, b. Jan, 11, 1877. Married Florence Jayne, Feb. 22, 1898. Resides at Tunkhannock, Pa, VII, Five Children, 1, George Homer Benson, b, Oct, 21, 1901, d. May 19, 1905. 2. Ahce Lyda Benson, b, March 28, 1903, 3, Percy Dean Benson, b. June 7, 1904, 4, Oscar Leiphan Benson, b, October 9, 1905, d. Sept, 20, 1906, 5. Helen May Benson, b, March 30, 1907, d, Nov, 12, 1907. III. SUSAN BENSON. Susan Benson Benson daughter of Jacob Benson, 2nd, and Lydia Thompson, b. . Married John Benson, . d. . 27 Ill, LYDIA BENSON. Lydia Benson Darling, daughter of Jacob Benson, 2nd, and Lydia Thompson, b, , 1773, Married Daniel Darling, , d. Sept, 30, 1842, aged 69 years. Buried at Dover Plains, N, Y, III, BENJAMIN BENSON, 1st. Benjamin Benson, 1st, son of Jacob Benson, 2nd, and Lydia Thomp son, The dates of his birth and death are not known. He was twice married, 1st wife, Betsy Gillette, 2nd wife, Deborah Mackam, It is said that he lived at Schaghticoke, near Kent, Litchfield County, Conn, IV, Three Children, 1, Benjamin Benson, 2nd. 2, Rebecca Benson, 3, Lydia Benson, IV, BENJAMIN BENSON, 2nd. Benjamin Benson, 2nd, son of Benjamin Benson and Betsy Gillette. b, . Married Susan Kidney, . d. , There was a son, Benjamin, 3rd, but there is no record of him except that he met an accidental death on the railroad about the year 1880, 28 IV. REBECCA BENSON. Rebecca Benson Schermerhorn, daughter of Benjamin Benson, 1st, and Betsy GiUette, b, Dec, 4, 1793, Married Hiram Schermerhorn, . d. Dec. 16, 1868, Buried at Dover Plains, N, Y, IV, LYDIA BENSON. Lydia Benson Soule, daughter of Benjamin Benson, 1st, and Betsy GiUette, b, June 2, 1799, Married Nathaniel Soule, . d. Dec, 1, 1892, aged 93 years, III, HANNAH BENSON. Hannah Benson Hunt, daughter of Jacob Benson, 2nd, and Lydia Thompson. b. Married Peter Hunt, . d. . 29 III. DAVID BENSON. David Benson, son of Jacob Benson, 2nd, and Lydia Thompson. b. , 1779. Married Susan Sprague, . d. Feb. 16, 1857. She died Feb. 1, 1852, aged 73 years. He resided on the farm formerly his father's in the southern part of the town of Amenia, N. Y. His home was widely known because of its hospitality. "Uncle" David, as he was universally called, is remembered as having a de formed leg. He always rode horseback, when journeying from home. He was buried at Dover Plains, N. Y. IV. Nine Children. 1 . Joseph Benson. 2. Jefferson Benson. 3. Mary Benson. 4. David Benson, Jr. 5. Alanson Benson. 6. Jacob Benson, d. Dec. 27, 1852, aged 30. 7. William Benson, d. Feb. 10, 1852, aged 28. 8. Garner Benson. {No record) 9. Myron Benson. {No record) IV. JOSEPH BENSON. Joseph Benson, son of David Benson and Susan Sprague. b. , 1800. Married Helen Gillette. d. Feb. 21, 1877. She died some years afterwards, aged 84. Resided on the homestead farm of his father in Amenia, N. Y. Familiarly known as "White-headed .Joe." Buried at Dover Plains, N. Y. 30 V. Five Children. 1. SUas Benson, b. 1827, d. AprU, 1898 (unmarried). 2. Susan Benson. 3. Eleanor Benson. 4, Edwin D, Benson, 5, Charles Benson, b, 1838, d, Dec, 25, 1881 (unmarried), V, SUSAN BENSON. Susan Benson Watts, daughter of Joseph Benson and Helen GUlette, b, Dec, 5, 1830, Married Albert Watts, , d, Nov, 24, 1892, Buried at South Amenia, N, Y, V, ELEANOR BENSON. Eleanor Benson Nightingale, daughter of Joseph Benson and Helen Gillette, b. AprU 16, 1836, Married Edwin N, Nightingale, of Quincy, Mass. d. Sept, 15, 1905. Buried at Quincy, Mass. V. EDWIN D. BENSON. Edwin D. Benson, son of Joseph Benson and Helen Gillette. b. June , 1837. Married Adaline Powers, Nov. 16, 1860. d. Oct. 23, 1910. She was born July 11, 1843. He is buried at Dover Plains, N. Y. VI. Two Children. 1. David Benson. 2. Ellen Benson. VI. DAVID BENSON. David Benson, son of Edwin D. Benson and AdaUne Powers. b. Jan. 5, 1862. Married Henrietta Louise Benson, Oct. 14, 1885. d. AprU 2, 1888. She was born Aug. 12, 1867. He was a trainman on the Harlem Division of the N. Y. Central R. R. and was killed while on duty. Buried at Dover Plains, N. Y. VII. HERBERT E. BENSON. One Child. Herbert E. Benson, son df David Benson and Henrietta Louise Benson. b. July 24, 1886. Married Margaret Zimmerman, Dec. 16, 1908. Resides at White Plains, N. Y. Occupation, Electrician. VIII. Two Children, 1. Harold David Benson, b, Feb, 21, 1910, 2. Anna Ruth Benson, b, June 4, 1912. 32 VI. ELLEN BENSON. EUen Benson Fox, daughter of Edwin Benson and Adaline Powers. b. Aug. 31, 1877. Married Eugene Fox, Sept, 27, 1894. Resides at Dover Plains, N. Y. 33 IV. JEFFERSON BENSON. Jefferson Benson, son of David Benson and Susan Sprague. b. Nov. 16, 1803. Married Fannie Glenn, . d. June 20, 1870. She was born about 1803. d. Feb. 10, 1878, aged 75. Buried at Dover Plains, N. Y. V. Five Children. 1. Elizabeth Benson. 2. Sylvia Benson, b. 1831, d. AprU 29, 1844. 3. Jacob Benson. 4. Manassa Benson. 6. Phebe Benson. V. ELIZABETH BENSON. Elizabeth Benson Davis, daughter of Jefferson Benson and Fannie Glenn. b. Nov. 15, 1828. Married Charles Davis, , 1848. d. March 31, 1900. Buried at Dover Plains, N. Y. V. JACOB BENSON. Jacob Benson, -son of Jefferson Benson and Fannie Glenn. b. , 1835. Married Ruth White, April—, 1857, d, Dec, 18, 1863, in a hospital at Normandy, Tennessee. She was born July 9, 1839, d, Aug, 24, 1903, Jacob Benson enlisted in Company E, 150th Dutchess County Regiment, N, Y, Volunteers on Sept, 1, 1862, and continued in the service until his death, VI, Three Children, 1, Elizabeth Benson, 2, EUa M, Benson, b. May 18, 1860, d, June 18, 1875, 3, Josephine Benson, b, Feb, 23, 1863, d, Feb, 22, 1866, VI, ELIZABETH BENSON. EUzabeth Benson Davis, daughter of Jacob Benson and Ruth White, b, Jan, 6, 1858, Married WiUiam Davis, Aug. 24, 1875, Resides at 370 Evergreen Ave,, Brooklyn, N, Y, V, MANASSA BENSON. Manassa Benson, son of Jefferson Benson and Fannie Glenn, b, 1837, d, in a hospital at New Orleans, during the Civil War, He enlisted in the 128th Regiment, N, Y, Volunteers, 35 V. PHEBE BENSON. Phebe Benson Wells, daughter of Jefferson Benson and Fannie Glenn. b. , 1839. Married Phillip Wells. d. , 1866. IV. ALANSON BENSON. Alanson Benson, son of David Benson and Susan Sprague. b. March 22, 1810. Married Rachel Patchin, . d. , 1857. She was born Sept. 7, 1810. d. Dec. 4, 1883. Resided in the town of Kent, Conn. Buried at Dover Plains, N. Y. Occupation, farming. V. Four Children. 1. Sarah Benson. 2. Lydia Benson. 3. Garner Benson. 4. William H. Benson, b. 1847, d. young. SARAH BENSON. Sarah Benson Stark, daughter of Alanson Benson and Rache^ Patchin. b. May 3, 1832. Married Cyrus Stark, Oct. 29, 1854. He was born Nov. 17, 1822, d. Oct. 14, 1910. They resided in the town of Dover, N. Y., and he is buried at Pawhng, N. Y. Occupation, farming. 36 V. LYDIA BENSON. Lydia Benson Hoag, daughter of Alanson Benson and Rachel Patchin. b. AprU 27, 1834. Married Sanford Hoag, Sept. 21, 1856. d. Nov. 18, 1901. Mr. Hoag is a resident of the town of Dover, N. Y. V. GARNER BENSON. Garner Benson, son of Alanson Benson and Rachel Patchin. b. March 27, 1836. Married Mary M. Spencer, March 23, 1858. d. April 18, 1907. She was born Dec. 23, 1834, d. June 17, 1912. They were buried at Kent, Conn. VI. Three Children. 1. Millie D. Benson, b. Jan. 12, 1859, d. Mar. 7, 1876. 2. Lucy Jane Benson. 3. WilUam A. Benson. VI. LUCY JANE BENSON. Lucy Jane Benson Pierce, daughter of Garner Benson and Mary M. Spencer. b. Jan. 21, 1861. Married Frank W. Pierce, June 30, 1891. Resides at Auburn, Mass. 37 VI. WILLIAM A. BENSON. WiUiam A. Benson, son of Garner Benson and Mary M. Spencer. b. June 23, 1863. Married Jennie Applegate, Jan. 21, 1892. d. March 4, 1905. IV. MARY BENSON. Mary Benson Watts, daughter of David Benson and Susan Sprague. b. . Married Egbert Watts, . d. about 1879. Buried at Dover Plains, N. Y. IV. DAVID BENSON, 2nd. David Benson, 2nd, son of David Benson and Susan Sprague. b. 1808, d. Dec. 25, 1842. Married Julia Cook. She was b. 1814, d. Dec. 22, 1844. Buried at Dover Plains, N. Y. One Child. 1. Mary Benson. Mary Benson HaU, daughter of David Benson and Julia Cook. b. Aug.—, 1839. Married Smith J. HaU. d. AprU 8, 1915. He died Feb. 23, 1903. His occupation was railroading. They resided at PhUmont, N. Y., but were buried at Dover Plains, N. Y. 38 II. JOSEPH BENSON, 1st. Of Joseph Benson, one of the four sons of Jacob Benson the pioneer, we have no record of much importance. Mr. Reed in his "Early History of Amenia, "mentions a Joseph Benson as having signed the "Revolutionary Pledge." His name also appears in the U. S. Census of 1790. It is probable that Joseph Benson who later settled at South Dover, N. Y., and left many descendants there, was his son. III. JOSEPH BENSON, 2nd. Joseph Benson, 2nd, whom we think was a son of Joseph the elder, was a resident of South Dover. b. 1772. d. June 13, 1812. His wiU is dated April 26, 1812. He married Lucy She was b. Dec. 13, 1775, d. Oct. 23, 1829. Buried at South Dover, N. Y. IV. Eight Children. 1. Sarah Benson. 2. Daniel L. Benson. 3. Electy Benson, d. July 25, 1811, aged 14 years. 4. Hannah Benson, b. Nov. 1, 1800, d. Aug. 10, 1803. 5. Joseph Benson, 3rd. " *' r 6. Lucy Benson, b. 1805, d. June 10, 1852 (not married). 7. EUis Benson. 8. Aaron Benson. IV. SARAH BENSON. Sarah Benson Dixon daughter of Joseph Benson and Lucy . b. Oct. 26, 1792. Married John Dixon, March 12, 1809, d. July 29, 1853. Buried at South Dover, N. Y. Data of the birth and marriage of Sarah Benson is recorded in an old Bible printed at Edinburg in 1785, and now in the possession of her grandson, Henry J. Hufcut, of Dover Plains, N. Y. IV. DANIEL L. BENSON. Daniel L. Benson, son of Joseph Benson and Lucy . b. Sept, 1794. d. Feb. 12, 1861. Married Ruth Whiteley. She was born , 1797, d. May 29, 1877. He lived near Webatuck, South Dover, N. Y. Buried at South Dover, N. Y. V. One Child, 1, Willis Benson, WiUis Benson, son of Daniel L, Benson and Ruth Whiteley. b, , 1826, d. Sept, 23, 1889, Married Mary Ann Dutcher, of South Dover, N. Y. She was born , 1820, d, AprU 9, 1902, ( No iss'ue) He resided on a farm near Webatuck, N. Y, Buried at South Dover, N. Y. 40 IV. JOSEPH BENSON, 3rd. Joseph Benson, son of Joseph Benson and Lucy . b. , 1803. d. May 22, 1881. Married Eunice Burton. She was born , 1808, d. Sept. 15, 1882, aged 74 years. Both were buried at South Dover, N. Y. He resided on "Skiff Mountain," in Connecticut. V. Two Children. 1. Ruth Ann Benson. 2. Lucy M. Benson. V. RUTH ANN BENSON. Ruth Ann Benson Dunbar, daughter of Joseph Benson and Eunice Burton. b. June 4, 1829. Married George S. Dunbar, Jan. 1, 1852, d. Jan. 17, 1890. He was born Aug. 28, 1828, d. Dec. 9, 1908. Buried in Ellsworth (Conn.) Cemetery. V. LUCY M. BENSON. Lucy M. Benson Dutcher, Peck, daughter of Joseph Benson and Eunice Burton, b. May 3, 1832. Married 1st, Newton Dutcher, March 18, 1850. Married 2nd, Watson W. Peck, He was born March 30, 1834, d. March 29, 1874. She d. May 22, 1914. Both she and her second husband resided at Torrington, Conn., and are buried there. 41 IV. ELLIS BENSON. Ellis Benson, son of Joseph Benson and Lucy . b. , 1809, d. Aug. 1, 1864. Married 1st, Judith Ann Whiteley. She was b. , 1806, d. Dec. 27, 1850. Married, 2nd, Esther Dutcher. She was b. 1812, d. Sept. 29, 1892. They were buried at South Dover, N. Y. Resided on the farm later owned by Ebenezer W. Benson near Webatuck. V. Three Children (by first wife). 1. Ann Eliza Benson. 2. Ruth Amelia Benson. 3. CordeHa Benson, b. , 1845, d. Jan. 28, 1852. V. ANN ELIZA BENSON. Ann Eliza Benson Haight, daughter of Ellis Benson and .Judith Ann Whiteley. b. , 1837, d. Aug. 20, 1861. Married Henry G. Haight. V, RUTH AMELIA BENSON. Ruth Amelia Benson Haight, daughter of Ellis Benson and Judith Ann Whiteley, b, , 1843, d. Dec, 23, 1873, Married Henry G, Haight, All of this family were buried at South Dover, N. Y, Mr, Haight resided in the town of Amenia, N, Y,, and built the house where Emanuel C, Benson now lives about 1870, He conducted a meat market at Dover Plains, N, Y, 42 IV, AARON BENSON. Aaron Benson, son of Joseph Benson and Lucy , b. 1812. Married Jane Hufcut, , d, AprU 1, 1867, She was born Sept, , 1803, d. Jan, 8, 1872, {No issue) They resided in the town of Kent, Litchfield County, Conn,, but were buried in the Cemetery at South Dover, N, Y, The records of the South Dover Bensons are far from complete because there is not one descendant living there to whom to apply for information. In addition to those of whom more or less data has been coUected there is a stone in the Cemetery there inscribed, "Joseph, son of John and (Ulegible), Benson, died in 1860 aged 22 years. Richard F. Maher says in his "Historic Dover". "On AprU 21, 1794, a petition was presented to the South Dover Baptist Church signed, among others, by|^Lydia |Benson,| Hannah Benson and Su sanna Benson." 43 II. SAMUEL BENSON, 1st. Samuel Benson, another son of Jacob Benson, the Pioneer, as mentioned ih his will, is said to have been born at Horseneck, Rhode Island, Diligent research has faUed to determine the dates of his birth and decease. It is known, however, that he was living at some time in 1814, because his son, Samuel, was married in that year, and the story is that he made him a wedding present of a bushel of rye, which Samuel, Jr., used for his fall seeding on his East Mountain farm, long known as the "Decker" place. According to a deed executed in 1816, the elder Samuel was not then living, for he had previously sold a part of his farm in the southern part of the town of Amenia, N, Y,, and which he purchased of Judah Swift, to his son, John, who in turn, sold it in 1816 to his brother Joshua, subject to the right of dower of Rachel Benson, the widow of Samuel, He married Rachel Darling of Mendon, Mass,, about 1780, Samuel Benson served in the Revolutionary war as a member of the Sixth Regiment, Dutchess County Militia, which is certified by J, A, Holden, State Librarian of New York, elsewhere in these records. III. Seven Children. 1. Samuel Benson, 2nd. 2. .Joshua Benson. 3. Peletiah Benson. {No record) 4. John Benson. 5. Philadelphia Benson. 6. Polly Benson. 7. Abigail Benson. 44 III. SAMUEL BENSON, 2nd. Samuel Benson, 2nd, son of Samuel Benson, 1st, and Rachel Darling. b, at Amenia, N, Y,, Jan, , 1783, d, July 21, 1864, Married Sally Knapp, of Lisbon, Otsego County, N, Y,, in 1814, It is related that their marriage was a romantic one, the bride accompanying her husband to his home in Dutchess County, N, Y,, on horseback, Sally was born 1796 and d, in Dover, N, Y,, March 29, 1867, aged 70 years and 9 months. They were buried in the Cemetery at Dover Plains, N, Y, Samuel and Sally began married life on a farm located on the East Mountain, but some years afterwards purchased a farm in the vaUey in the town of Dover, N, Y,, where he erected a substantial dweUing and where the remainder of their lives were spent. This farm is now owned by Joseph Ryan, who married a granddaughter of Samuel, IV, Eleven Children, 1, Joseph H, Benson, 2, Samuel Knapp Benson, 3, John J, Benson, 4, James Van Ness Benson, 5, Joshua B, Benson, 6, SaUy Jane Benson, 7. Adah H, Benson, 8, Ebenezer W. Benson, 9. Darius Sherman Benson. 10. Harriet M, Benson. 11. Charles N. Benson. 45 V, JOSEPH HARRISON BENSON. Joseph H, Benson, son of Samuel Benson, 2nd, and Sally Knapp, b. Sept, 8, 1815, d, Dec, 24, 1901, Married Helen S, HaU in 1845, She was born March 31, 1820, d, June 29, 1880, Joseph H, Benson owned much real estate in the town of Amenia, N.' Y,, his homestead farm being the same as now occupied by his grandson, Hadley H, Benson, Eight Children, 1, Helen Lavina Benson, b, Dec, 11, 1847, d, Nov, 10, 1852, 2, Frederick D, Benson, b, Jan, 9, 1849, d. May 7, 1849. 3. Mary E. Benson. 4. Platt Joseph Benson. 5. Franklin De Peyster Benson. 6. Augusta E. Benson. 7. John Homer Benson, b. March 21, 1858, d. March 12, 1863. 8. Ellen B. Benson. V. MARY E. BENSON. Mary Benson Case, daughter of Joseph H. Benson and Helen S. HaU. b. March 16, 1850. Married Truman E. Case, Sept. 24, 1867. He is a merchant, and they reside at 19 Rexford Street, Norwich, N. Y. 46 V. PLATT JOSEPH BENSON. Platt J. Benson, son of Joseph H. Benson and Helen S. Hall. b. April 29, 1852. Married 1st, Flora Dickerman, March 18, 1874. She was b. Oct. 5, 1852, d. April 3, 1893. Married 2nd, Frances Louisa Benson, Jan. 16, 1895. She was born March 3, 1859, d. Sept. 21, 1908. He is a farmer and resides near Wassaic, in the town of Amenia, N. Y. VI. Nine Children (by first wife). 1. Clarence Oakley Benson. 2. Sadie Estelle Benson. 3. Joseph Harrison Benson, 2nd, 4, Helen South worth Benson, 5. Hadley Hinman Benson. 6. Milo Benson, b. Dec, 17, 1884, d, AprU 18, 1887, 7, Anna Mary Benson, 8, Flora Dickerman Benson, b, June 8, 1891, 9, Flossie May Benson, b. June 8, 1891. The last two named are twin sisters. Flora is at home with her father, and Flossie is a public school teacher. VI. CLARENCE OAKLEY BENSON. Clarence 0. Benson, son of Platt J. Benson and Flora Dickerman. b. Jan. 31, 1875. Married Inez F. Northrup, Oct. 6, 1897. She was born April 24, 1878. He is a teacher in the public schools. Resides on "Tower Hill," in the town of Amenia, N. Y. VII. One Child. 1. Hasner Northrup Benson, b. Nov. 16, 1911. 47 VI. SADIE ESTELLE BENSON. Sadie E. Benson, daughter of Platt J. Benson and Flora Dicker- man. b. March 30, 1876. d. Feb. 18, 1910 (unmarried). She was a public school teacher. VI. JOSEPH HARRISON BENSON, 2nd. Joseph H. Benson, 2nd, son of Platt J. Benson and Flora Dicker- b. April 8, 1878. Married Alberta Carver, of Colorado Springs, Colorado, June — , 1912. VI. HELEN SOUTHWORTH BENSON. Helen S. Benson, daughter of Platt J. Benson and Flora Dicker- man. b. Dec. 31, 1879. She is a teacher of Domestic Science. VI. HADLEY HINMAN BENSON. Hadley H. Benson, son of Platt J. Benson and Flora Dicker- man. b. April 25, 1882. Resides on the homestead farm formerly his grandfather's, in the town of Amenia, N. Y. He is a Justice of the Peace, and School Director. 48 VI. ANNA MARY BENSON. Anna M. Benson, daughter of Platt J. Benson and Flora Dicker- man. b. March 30. 1887. She is a school teacher, having a position in one of the State Normal Schools. 49 V. FRANKLIN DE PEYSTER BENSON, Ist. Franklin D. Benson, 1st, son of Joseph H. Benson and Helen S. HaU. b. March 22, 1854. Married Carmel Gay, daughter of Rev. E. L. and Mary Massey Gay, of Dighton, Kansas, Jan. 24, 1887. She was born Dec. 4, 1860. He was a farmer and resided in the town of Dover, N. Y. Buried at Dover Plains, N. Y. VI. Three Children. 1. Luther Joseph Benson. 2. Franklin De Peyster Benson, 2nd. 3. Fannie Augusta Benson, b. Oct. 4, 1894. 50 VI. LUTHER JOSEPH BENSON. Luther J. Benson, son of Franklin D. Benson and Carmel Gay. I b. Dec. 2, 1888. Married Marian Gertrude Stewart, of Kent, Conn., June 16, 1911. She was b. Nov. 14, 1892. He is a graduate Veterinarian of Cornell University, and practices his profession at PawUng, N. Y. VI. FRANKLIN DE PEYSTER BENSON, 2nd. Franklin D. Benson, 2nd, son of Franklin D. Benson and Car mel Gay. b. Aug. 12, 1890. Married Ethel B. Corbin, of Pawling, N. Y., Dec. 31, 1912. She was b. May 11, 1889. He is a farmer and breeder of thoroughbred Holstein cattle, and resides at Dover Plains, N. Y. VII. Two Children. 1. Ethel Blanche Benson, b. Dec. 16, 1913. 2. Franklin De Peyster Benson, 3rd, b. May 25, 1915. 51 V. AUGUSTA E. BENSON. Augusta Benson Oakley, daughter of Joseph H. Benson and Helen HaU. b. Feb. 12, 1856. Married Clarence A. Oakley, Feb. 10, 1876. He is a merchant, and they reside at 15 Rexford Street, Nor wich, N. Y. V. ELLEN B. BENSON. Ellen Benson Irish, daughter of Joseph H. Benson and Helen S. HaU. b. AprU 25, 1860. Married Fred M. Irish, Feb. 10, 1886. d. Jan. 26, 1896. Buried at Dover Plains, N. Y. IV. SAMUEL KNAPP BENSON. Samuel K. Benson, son of Samuel Benson, 2nd, and SaUy Knapp. b. June 13, 1817. d. Sept. 8, 1888. Married Ruth Ann Wheeler, June 29, 1844. She was born Nov. 17, 1827. His occupation was farming in the southern part of the town of Amenia, N. Y. Buried at Dover Plains, N. Y. VI. Seven Children. 1. EmUy Rebecca Benson. 2. Anna Maria Benson. 3. Samuel Theodore Benson, b. July 10, 1849, d. Feb. 15, 1872. 4. Tiiomas Swift Benson. 5. William F. Benson. 6. Emanuel Coriel Benson. 7. Frances Louisa Benson. VL EMILY REBECCA BENSON. EmUy R. Benson Schermerhorn, daughter of Samuel K. Benson and Ruth Wheeler. b. March 9, 1845. d. Oct. 17, 1909. Married John L. Schermerhorn, July 12, 1862. Home was in the town of Amenia, N. Y. Buried at Dover Plains, N. Y. VI. ANNA MARIA BENSON. Anna M. Benson Jenkens, daughter of Saihuel K. Benson and Ruth Wheeler. b. Sept. 22, 1846. d. Dec. 4, 1904. Married Amos P. Jenkins, AprU 10, 1869. Home was in Amenia, N. Y. Buried at Dover Plains, N. Y. VI. THOMAS SWIFT BENSON. Thomas S. Benson, son of Samuel R. Benson and Ruth Ann Wheeler. b. Oct. 5, 1851. Married Sarah N. Morse, Oct. 15, 1878. ( No issue) Resides at the "Steel Works," town of Amenia, N. Y. 53 VI. WILLIAM F. BENSON. William F. Benson, son of Samuel K. Benson and Ruth Ann Wheeler. b. Feb. 28, 1854. d. March 1, 1915. Married Ida M. White, Feb. 3, 1898. She was born Aug. 7, 1873. He resided on the homestead farm of his father, in the town of Amenia, N. Y. VII. One Child. 1. Nellie Louisa Benson, b. Feb. 17, 1901. VI. EMANUEL CORIEL BENSON. Emanuel C. Benson, son of Samuel K. Benson and Ruth Ann Wheeler. b. May 29, 1856. Married Jennie E. Morey, Sept. 2, 1896. She was born Sept. 21, 1874. He is known as "Doctor" Benson and lives on a farm in the southern part of the town of Amenia, N. Y. VII. One Child. 1. Lawrence E. Benson, b. Aug. 19, 1901. VI. FRANCES LOUISA BENSON. Frances L. Benson Benson, daughter of Samuel K. Benson and Ruth Ann Wheeler. b. March 3, 1859. d. Sept. 21, 1908. Married Platt J. Benson, Jan. 16, 1895. Resided in Amenia, N. Y. Buried at Dover Plains, N. Y. 54 IV. JOHN JACOB BENSON. John J. Benson, son of Samuel Benson, 2nd, and SaUy Knapp. b. Oct. 2, 1819. Married 1st, Margaret Irish, Feb. 12, 1850. She was born , 1822. d. , 1867. Married 2nd, Charlotte Butts, Oct.—, 1871. She was b. Nov. 8, 1820. d. Oct.—, 1874. He d. May 8, 1886. He was a farmer, and resided in the town of Washington, N. Y., near "Little Rest." Buried at Dover Plains, N. Y. V. Three Children (by first wife). 1. Ovid P. Benson. 2. John J. Benson. 3. Hannah Benson, d. Nov. 2, 1880, aged 16 years. V. OVID P. BENSON. Ovid P. Benson, son of John J. Benson and Margaret Irish. b. Aug. 22, 1853. Married Martha Dutcher, Sept. 25, 1873. She was born Oct. 30, 1850. Resides on a farm in the town of Washington, N. Y. VI. Two Children. 1. Frederick Benson. 2. Ovid P. Benson. Jr., b. Nov. 8, 1890. 55 VI. FREDERICK BENSON. Frederick Benson, son of Ovid P. Benson and Martha Dutcher. b. Aug. 13, 1878. Married Hattie Snedeker. Nov. 5, 1903. She was born June 9, 1876. He died May 13, 1905. Resided with his father in the town of Washington, N. Y. Buried at Dover Plains, N. Y. VII. One Child. 1. Paul Benson, b. Sept. 9, 1904. V. JOHN J. BENSON, 2nd. John J. Benson, 2nd. son of John J. Benson and Margaret Irish. b. Sept. 20, 1862 (unmarried). Resides with his brother in the town of Washington, N. Y. 56 IV. JAMES VAN NESS BENSON. James V. Benson, son of Samuel Benson, 2nd, and Sally Knapp. b. April 20, 1823. d. Jan. 2, 1902. Married 1st, Marietta Hufcut, of Denmark, N. Y.. on Feb. 23, L She was born April 23, 1832. d. Oct. 3, 1872. Married 2nd, Caroline Hufcut. of Denmark, N. Y., on Feb. 7, I. She was born Sept. 21. 1840. He is buried at Dover Plains, N. Y. V. Seven Children (by first wife). 1. Clark H. Benson. 2. George Van Ness Benson. 3. Martha Benson, b. Aug. 14, 1858, d. March 15, 1875. 4. Sarah CaroUne Benson, b. Aug. 7, 1860, d. Sept. 25, 1860. 5. Caroline Louisa Benson, b. Oct. 5, 1862, d. May 15, 1873. 6. Mary Josephine Benson. 7. Harriet Maria Benson, b. July 15, 1871 (not married). 57 V. CLARK H. BENSON. Clark H. Benson, son of James V. Benson and Marietta Hufcut. b. Dec. 25, 1854. Married Nina Oxley. of Dighton. Kansas. Nov. 27, 1887. She was born in Clermont Co., Ohio, , 1863. d. May 16, 1911. He resides on the homestead farm of his father in the town of Dover, N. Y. VL Seven Children. 1. Frederick Chester Benson, b. July 31, 1892. 2. Robert Oxley Benson, b. Sept. 13, 1893. 3. Jessie Gertrude Benson, b. Sept. 13, 1895. 4. Mortimer James Benson, b. June 4, 1897. 5. William Sharpe Benson, b. March 29, 1899. 6. Clark Henry Benson, b. Dec. 14, 1901. 7. Martha Adelia Benson, b. AprU 1, 1904. 58 V. GEORGE VAN NESS BENSON. George V. Benson, son of James V. Benson and Marietta Hufcut. b. July 18, 1856. Married Carrie E. Fry, Nov. 22, 1888. She was born July 29, 1864. He is a retired farmer, and a former Supervisor of the town of Dover, residing at Dover Plains, N. Y. VI. Two Children. 1. James Albert Benson. 2. Julia Caroline Benson, b. June 22, 1893. VI. JAMES ALBERT BENSON. James A. Benson, son of George V. Benson and Carrie E. Fry. b. April 2. 1890. Married Ida Hoag. , 1913. She was born Aug. 17, 1892. He lives on his father's farm, Dover Plains. N. Y. VII. One Child. 1. Lester Hoag Benson, b. AprU 12. 1914. 59 V. MARY JOSEPHINE BENSON. Mary J. Benson Bird, daughter of James V. Benson and Marietta Hufcut. b. Feb. 28, 1867. Married James Bird, Oct. 10. 1891. They reside at BradleyvUle, Conn. HORATIO SEYMOUR BENSON. One Child (by second wife) of James V. Benson. Horatio S. Benson, son of James V. Benson and Caroline Hufcut. b. Dec. 24. 1874. Married Emma Frances Butts. Jan. 4. 1899. She was born March 11, 1875. He has taught for many years in the public schools, and was the first principal of the Union Free School at Dover Plains. Resides at Dover Plains, N. Y. VI. One Child. 1. Horatio Seymour Benson, Jr.. b. May 15, 1913. 60 IV. JOSHUA B. BENSON. Joshua B. Benson, son of Samuel Benson, 2nd, and Sally Knapp . b. July 9. 1826. d. June 4. 1894. Married Susan Tarpenning, Nov. , 1862. She was born May . 1841. He formerly lived on the fariQ in Dover, N. Y.. now owned by James McCarthy. V. Three Children. 1. Mary Jane Benson. 2. Sarah Elizabeth Benson. 3. Alice Benson. V. MARY JANE BENSON. Mary J. Benson Sturges, Litchenfeld. daughter of Joshua B. Benson and Susan Tarpenning. b. AprU , 1867. Married 1st, Edward Sturges, June . 1894. He died . Married 2nd. Litchenfeld. Resides in New York City. V. SARAH ELIZABETH BENSON. Sarah E. Benson Weaver daughter of Joshua B. Benson and Susan Tarpenning. b. Jan. . 1880. d. March 17. 1903. Married Weaver. , 1901. Resided at Gaylordsville, Conn. 61 V. ALICE BENSON. Alice Benson Cypher, daughter of Joshua B. Benson and Susan Tarpenning. b. June , 1885. Married George Cypher, Feb. , 1907. Resides at Mill Plain, Conn. IV. SARAH JANE BENSON. Sarah Jane Benson Irish, daughter of Samuel Benson, 2nd, and Sally Knapp. b. Dec. 14, 1829. d. May 22. 1876, Married Elias Irish. Feb. 18. 1857. She was buried at Dover Plains, N. Y. IV. ADAH H. BENSON. Adah H. Benson Dutcher. daughter of Samuel Benson. 2nd, and Sally Knapp. b. March 14, 1832. d. March 3, 1903. Married John Q. Dutcher, Nov. 11, 1857. He was b, , d. . They were buried at South Dover, N. Y. They resided on a farm near Webatuck, N. Y. 62 IV. EBENEZER W. BENSON. Ebenezer W. Benson, son of Samuel Benson. 2nd, and Sally Knapp. b. Nov. 19, 1834. d. Feb. 27, 1908. Married EmUy Deuel, . She was born . 1837. d. Sept, 21, 1905. He resided on a farm near Webatuck, South Dover. N. Y.. formerly owned by EUis Benson and is buried in the Cemetery at the latter place. V. Two Children. 1. Jacob Benson, b. 1864, d. 1865. 2. Elme Benson, b. 1867, d. 1867. IV. DARIUS SHERMAN BENSON. Darius S. Benson, son of Samuel Benson, 2nd, and Sally Knapp. b. Nov. 24, 1836. Married Polly Jane Dutcher, April 1, 1865. She was born Aug. 29, 1843. d. April 25, 1902. He resides in the town of Amenia. N. Y.. on the farm he purchased some years ago of the estate of John M. Swift, and which he later sold to his son, Ernest C. Benson. V. Seven Children. 1. Myron D. Benson. 2. Charles H. Benson. 3. Samuel A. Benson. 4. Herbert Benson. 5. Carrie Amelia Benson. 6. George M. Benson. 7. Ernest C. Benson. MYRON D. BENSON. Myron D. Benson, son of Darius S. Benson and Polly Jane Dutcher. b. March 31, 1867. d. Aug. 22, 1902. Married Edna D. Beeman, April 11. 1888. She was born at Kent, Conn., July 23. 1868. She resides at Kent Plains. Conn. Buried at Dover Plains. N. Y. VI. Three Children. 1. Roland Garner Benson. 2. Howard Leroy Benson, b. July 17, 1892. 3. Kent Holt Benson, b. Nov. 6. 1896. Howard L. is an engineer and resides at Derby. Conn. 64 VI. ROLAND GARNER BENSON. Roland G. Benson, son of Myron D. Benson and Edna D. Bee- man. b. Jan. 14, 1889. Married Elsie Talmadge, of Derby, Conn., Nov. 3, 1910. She was born Nov. 3, 1889. His occupation is die maker, and his residence is at Derby, Conn. VII. One Child. I. LueUa May Benson, b. March 21, 1913. V. CHARLES H. BENSON. Charles H. Benson, son of Darius S. Benson and Polly Jane Dutcher. b. Dec. 28, 1868. Married Bereniece Yetter, Nov. 7, 1887. She was born Sept. 1. 1868. He resides at Wakeeney, Kansas, where in 1915, he is serving his second term as County Clerk. VI. One Child. 1. Judd Benson, b. July 2, 1899. V. SAMUEL A. BENSON. Samuel A. Benson, son of Darius S. Benson and Polly Jane Dutcher. b. Oct. 23. 1870. Married Ella Franks, Feb. 25, 1891. She was bor tf Feb. 7, 1871. He is a farmer in the town of Amenia, N. Y. 65 VI. Ten Children. 1. Mary Jane Benson, b. Aug. 22, 1892, d. Nov. 2, 1895. 2. Samuel Darius Benson, b. Dec. 14, 1893, d. Sept. 2, 1894. 3. Lena Anna Benson, b. Oct. 7, 1895, d. Nov. 12, 1895. 4. Lewis Chester Benson, b. Oct. 10, 1896. 5. Bernice Marian Benson, b. Nov. 6, 1900. 6. Charles Harold Benson, b. May 5, 1901. 7. LueUa MUdred Benson, b. Aug. 9, 1902. 8. Ebenezer Wing Benson, b. Aug. 24, 1905. 9. Darius Sherman Benson, b. Aug. 18, 1906. 10. Myron Edmonds Benson, b. Oct. 13, 1910. 66 V. HERBERT BENSON. Herbert Benson, son of Darius S. Benson and Polly Jane Dutcher. b. July 27. 1872. Married Anna LueUa Anderson, Oct. 3, 1901. She was born May 30, 1880. Their residence is at Ogallah. Kansas. VI. Two Children. 1. Carl Benson, b. Feb. 6, 1903. 2. Lulu Benson, b. July 4, 1905. V. CARRIE AMELIA BENSON. Carrie A. Benson Ryan, daughter of Darius S. Benson and Polly Jane Dutcher. b. June 21, 1876. d. Jan. 22, 1914. Married Joseph Ryan, Feb, 19, 1902. Resided on the homestead farm of her grandfather, Samuel Ben son, in the town of Dover. N. Y. Buried at Dover Plains, N. Y. V. GEORGE M. BENSON. George M. Benson, son of Darius S. Benson and Polly Jane Dutcher. b. July 8, 1877. Married Inez Butts. July 4, 1902. She was born Jan. 15, 1878. He lives in Amenia, N. Y. VI. One Child. 1. Earl Stanley Benson, b. June 3, 1903. 67 V. ERNEST C. BENSON. Ernest C. Benson, son of Darius S. Benson, and Polly Jane Dutcher. b. May 8, 1884. He owns the John M. Swift farm in the southern part of the town of Amenia, N. Y. IV. HARRIET M. BENSON. Harriet M. Benson Dutcher, daughter of Samuel Benson, 2nd, and Sally Knapp. b. Dec. 24, 1838. Married J. Van Ness Dutcher, April 18, 1861. He was born Jan. 31. 1823. d. Jan. 24, 1902. He resided on a farm near Wingdale, South Dover, N. Y. IV. CHARLES N. BENSON. Charles N. Benson, son of Samuel Benson, 2nd, and Sally Knapp. b. June 13, 1842. d. March 14, 1860. He was buried at Dover Plains, N. Y. 68 III. JOSHUA BENSON. Joshua Benson, son of Samuel Benson, 1st, and Rachel Darling. b. May 6, 1786. d. Feb. 11, 1880. Married Amanda Hopkins, of Warren, Conn., April 26, 1817. She was born Nov. 17, 1796. d. July 31, 1873. Buried at Dover Plains, N. Y. He was born, and lived on the homestead farm of his father, Samuel Benson, all his life, — a period of nearly 94 years. This farm is in the southern part of the town of Amenia, N. Y., near the Dover line. At the present time it is occupied by his grandson, Arthur T. Benson. His children are of the fifth generation in direct descent, to live there. IV. Fourteen Children. (AU of whom lived to mature years.) 1. Lodema Cordelia Benson. 2. Henry Davis Benson. 3. George Sheldon Benson. 4. Jacob Van Ness Benson. 5. Amanda Marietta Benson. 6. PoUy Jeannette Benson. 7. Zadie Jemima Benson. 8. Joshua De Witt Benson. 9. Rachel Ann Benson. 10. Sarah Cornelia Benson. 11. John Edwin Benson. 12. Maria Lorena Benson. 13. Theresa Amelia Benson. 14. Egbert Hopkins Benson. 69 IV. LODEMA CORDELIA BENSON. Lodema C. Benson Pray, daughter of Joshua Benson and Amanda Hopkins. b. Feb. 14, 1818. d. Oct. 28, 1895. Married Milton Pray, Nov. 14, 1856. Resided at Chapin, Franklin Co., Iowa. IV. HENRY DAVIS BENSON. Henry D. Benson, son of Joshua Benson and Amanda Hopkins. b. Feb. 2, 1820. d. Oct. 26, 1896. Married Annis E. Ferris, Aug. 31, 1851. She was born Aug. 1. 1834, d. . 1895. They resided at Clinton, Iowa. For more than a quarter of a century he was employed in the repair shops of the C. & N. W. R. R. Co. at Clinton. Iowa. Buried at Clinton, Iowa. V. Seven Children. 1. Florence Agatha Benson. 2. Alice A. Benson. 3. Byron A. Benson. 4. Annis A. Benson. 5. Robert Henry Benson. 6. Emma E. Benson, b. April 17, 1864, d. . 7. Festus Elucius Benson. 70 V. FLORENCE AGATHA BENSON. Florence A. Benson Davis, daughter of Henry D. Benson and Annis E. Ferris. b. May 15, 1853. Married Charles L. Davis. , 1873. He was born Nov. 9, 1839. d. Oct. 10, 1913. He was a veteran of the civU war, having been a quartermaster in the Navy. He was a classmate of the late President McKinley at AUegheny College, Pa. For thirty-five years he was employed in the Money Order Department of the Chicago post-office. V. ALICE A. BENSON. AUce A. Benson Tarr. daughter of Henry D. Benson and Annis E. Ferris. b. Nov. 5, 1854. Married WUliam Tarr, . He died . She resides in the West. V. BYRON A. BENSON. Byron A. Benson, son of Henry D. Benson and Annis E. Ferris. b. AprU 14, 1857. Married NeUie A. Pfeil, Oct. 7, 1885. She was born . No issue. He is employed by the C. & N. W. R. R. Co., at Clinton, Iowa. V. ANNIS A. BENSON. Annis A. Benson Deming, daughter of Henry D. Benson and Annis E. Ferris. b. Oct. 6, 1859. Married OUn L. Deming, Oct. 6, 1885. Was born Sept. 4, 1860. Residence, 16 Morsemere Place. North Yonkers, N. Y. Mr. Deming is associated with the American Can Co.. in a responsible capacity. 71 V. ROBERT HENRY BENSON. Robert H. Benson, son of Henry D. Benson and Annis E. Ferris. b. Dec. 17, 1862. Married Jessie Leake. Resides at Clinton, Iowa. Occupation, merchant. VI. Four Children. 1. George F. Benson, b. Feb. 15, 1894, d. Oct. 25, 1895. 2. Robert W. Benson, b. Aug. 17. 1896. 3. Florence J. Benson, b. May 31, 1900. 4. Eugene E. Benson, b. July 21, 1902. 72 V. FESTUS ELUCIUS BENSON. Festus E. Benson, son of Henry D. Benson and Annis E. Ferris. b. June 25, 1870. Married Odie Hefly, June 27, 1894. She was born . Resides at Clinton, Iowa. Occupation, mechanic. VI. Seven Children. 1. Elsie Irene Benson, b. March 30, 1895. 2. Gladys M. Benson, b. July 24, 1896, d. Oct. 24, 1896. 3. Orrin Wayne Benson, b. Nov. 13, 1897. 4. Lyman F. Benson, b. Nov. 11. 1899. 5. James Byron Benson, b. Dec. 23. 1904. 6. Maynard H. Benson, b. May 1, 1906. 7. Virtus M. Benson, b. AprU 22. 1908. 73 IV. GEORGE SHELDON BENSON. George Sheldon Benson, son of Joshua Benson and Amanda Hopkins. b. April 23. 1822. d. April 11, 1847. At the time of his decease he was a student at the Nine Partners Boarding School in the town of Washington. N. Y. Buried at Dover Plains. N. Y. IV. JACOB VAN NESS BENSON. J. Van Ness Benson, son of Joshua Benson and Amanda Hop kins. b. April 24, 1824. d. July 23, 1894. Married Frances J. Tompkins, Aug. 4, 1859. She was born Nov. .21, 1837. In 1865 he purchased the homestead farm of his father in the town of Amenia, N. Y., and spent the remainder of his life there. Buried at Dover Plains, N. Y. V. Three Children. 1. Arthur Tompkins Benson. 2. Catherine Amanda Benson. 3. Walter Hopkins Benson. V. ARTHUR TOMPKINS BENSON. Arthur T. Benson, son of J. Van Ness Benson and Frances J. Tompkins. b. May 20, 1860. Married Kate Clark Bartlett, at Teeds, Iowa, Oct. 7. 1890. She was born at Southford, Conn., Dec. 21, 1867. Resides on the homestead farm of his father, grandfather and great grandfather, in the southern part of the town of Amenia, N. Y. 74 VI. Seven Children. 1. Marian Jeannette Benson, b. Sept. 29. 1891. 2. Rachel Theresa Benson, b. Oct. 28, 1892. 3. Frances MUdred Benson, b. July 29, 1894. 4. James De Witt Benson, b. Jan. 29, 1896. 5. Arthur Darwin Benson, b. Oct. 17. 1897. 6. Byron Millard Benson, b. Dec. 26, 1899. 7. Ralph Lucius Benson, b. Jan. 18. 1906. 75 V. CATHERINE AMANDA BENSON. Catherine A. Benson Dutcher, daughter of J. Van Ness Benson and Frances J. Tompkins. b. Aug. 14, 1861. Married John Dutcher, AprU 21, 1898. He was born July 16, 1841. Mr. Dutcher served all through the Civil War, and was imprisoned for a long time in the rebel pen at Andersonville. After the close of the war he was on the frontier with the regular army fighting Indians. Subsequently he was appointed on the police force in New York City, and later he became an engineer on the Harlem Division of the N. Y. Central R. R. retiring some years ago to his farm at Dover Plains, N. Y. V. WALTER HOPKINS BENSON. Walter H. Benson, son of J. Van Ness Benson and Frances J. Tompkins. b. July 23, 1870. Married Mary Bierce, of Pawling, N. Y., Feb. 8, 1893. She was born Oct. 24, 1870. Resides at Chatham, N. Y. Occupation, engineer on Harlem Division of New York Central R. R. Co. VI. Three Children. 1. Walter Van Ness Benson, b. Jan. 31, 1894. He is a student, (1915) at Cornell University. 2. Frances May Benson, b. May 27, 1896. 3. Katherine Irene Benson, b. Dec. 19, 1906. 76 IV. AMANDA MARIETTA BENSON. Amanda M. Benson Darling, daughter of Joshua Benson and Amanda Hopkins. b. March 11, 1825. d. Feb. 5, 1894. Married Charles P. DarUng. June 1. 1846. Soon afterwards removed to Wisconsin, and subsequently to Teeds. Iowa, where they died and are buried. IV. POLLY JEANNETTE BENSON. PoUy J. Benson Dutcher. daughter of Joshua Benson and Amanda Hopkins. b. March 11, 1825. d. Sept. 25. 1893. Married WUliam H. Dutcher. March 18. 1852. He was b. AprU 29. 1887. d. May 13, 1904. They resided at Dover Plains. N. Y., and are buried in the cemetery there. 77 IV. ZADIE JEMIMA BENSON. Zadie J. Benson, daughter of Joshua Benson and Amanda Hop kins. b. AprU 21, 1827. d. March 23, 1899 (not married). Buried at Dover Plains, N. Y. IV. JOSHUA DE WITT BENSON. Joshua D. Benson, son of Joshua Benson and Amanda Hopkins. b. April 24, 1829. d. AprU 29, 1889. Married Susan A. Bartlett, Dec. 2, 1856, She was born Feb, 11, 1835, {No issue) Resided at Teeds, Iowa. IV. RACHEL ANN BENSON. Rachel A. Benson, daughter of Joshua Benson and Amanda Hopkins. b. AprU 28, 1831. d. March 2, 1864 (not married). Buried at Dover Plains, N. Y. IV. SARAH CORNELIA BENSON. Sarah C. Benson Walker, daughter of Joshua Benson and Amanda Hopkins. b. May 13, 1833. d. Feb. 1, 1869. Married Henry Walker, , 1858, at Elk River, Iowa. She was buried at Teeds, Iowa. 78 IV. JOHN EDWIN BENSON. John E. Benson, son of Joshua Benson and Amanda Hopkins. b. AprU 22, 1834. Married Emily Ensign, Oct. 17, 1861. She was born Nov. 24, 1837. d. March 9. 1905. V. Two Children. 1. AdaUne Cornelia Benson, b. Jan. 30. 1869. d. Oct. 17, 1871. 2. Annie Laurie Benson. V. ANNIE LAURIE BENSON. Annie L. Benson Hutchinson, daughter of John E. Benson and EmUy Ensign. b. Feb. 3, 1871. Married Samuel Hutchinson, Oct. 10, 1894. Mr. Hutchinson is a conductor in the passenger service of the N. Y. Central R. R. Co. Resides at Chatham, N. Y. IV. MARIA LORENA BENSON. Maria L.Benson Morgan, daughter of Joshua Benson and Amanda Hopkins. b. July 7, 1836. d. April 30, 1895. He was b. Sept. 14, 1832, d. Oct. 21, 1883. Married Henry Morgan, May 28, 1858. He died and was buried at Denver, Colo. She was buried at Dover Plains, N. Y. 79 IV. THERESA AMELIA BENSON. Theresa A. Benson Ryan, daughter of Joshua Benson and Amanda Hopkins. b. Sept. 19, 1838. Married Robert Benson Ryan, April 14, 1864. He was born July 28, 1837. He is a retired business man of White Plains, N. Y., where they reside at 31 Grand St. V. One Child. 1. Irving Benson Ryan, b. July 25, 1878, d. Aug. 29, 1907. Buried at Dover Plains. N. Y. IV. EGBERT HOPKINS BENSON. Egbert H. Benson, son of Joshua Benson and Amanda Hopkins. b. Feb. 26, 1842. d. Feb. 2, 1914. Married Sarah Hopkins, Aug. 31. 1872. She was born Feb. 5, 1849. Residence Rockford, Floyd Co., Iowa. V. Two Children. 1. Irving Hopkins Benson. 2. (died in infancy) Aug. 27, 1873. 80 V. IRVING HOPKINS BENSON. Irving H. Benson, son of Egbert H. Benson and Sarah Hopkins. b. . 1873. Married 1st, TUlie Pfiel, of Clinton, Iowa. Dec. 18, 1895. She was born Jan. 27, 1869. d. . Married 2nd. Agnesia Cynthia Prentice, of Walden. IU., Sept. 19, 1914. She was born Dec. 21, 1868. at Galesburg. IU. His occupation is City Collector of the Chicago & N. W. R. R. Co.. at Chicago. III. Residence. 657 North Central Avenue, Austin. III. VI. One Child (by first marriage). 1. Egbert Hopkins Benson, 2nd, b. Dec. 16, 1896. 81 II, JOHN BENSON, 1st. John Benson, son of Jacob Benson the 1st, lived and died on a farm in the southern part of the town of Amenia, N, Y,, near the Dover line. The farm is now owned by Emanuel C, Benson, The original house was replaced about 1870 by a modern dweUing built by the late Henry G. Haight, who then resided there. The date of John Benson's birth can not be ascertained. His will is dated, Amem'a, N- Y.. March 25, 1800, which corresponds with the date of his death. Intention of marriage with Hannah Darling of Mendon, Mass,, was registered in that place Nov, 28, 1776, It is of record that he served in the Sixth Dutchess County MUitia in the Revolutionary war with his brother, Samuel, He has left many descendants, most of them of his eldest son, Robert, who was twice married, and had 17 chUdren. III. Five Children. 1. Robert Benson, 2, Hannah Benson, 3. Ruth Benson, 4, Jacob Benson, 5, Abigail Benson, In his will John Benson bequeaths 20 pounds to a grand-daughter, Patty Marke, It would thus appear that he had another daughter in addition to those of record. 82 III. ROBERT BENSON. Robert Benson, son of John Benson, 1st, and Hannah Darling. b. AprU 20, 1778. d. Dec. 23, 1854. Married 1st, Charlotte Ward, about 1797. She was born Dec. 18, 1777. d. July 23, 1823. Married 2nd, Mary Jane Tanner, Oct. 26, 1823. She was born AprU 26, 1800. d. Sept. 6. 1897, aged 97 years. She is buried at Genoa Junction, Wisconsin. Robert Benson resided at Singpak. in Amenia. He and his first wife are buried at Dover Plains. N. Y. IV. Eight Children (by first wife). 1. Mary Benson. 2. Hannah Benson. 3. John F. Benson. 4. Marjorie Benson, 5, Lavina Benson, 6, Schuyler W, Benson. 7. Sally Ann Benson. 8. Sherman Benson. IV. MARY BENSON. Mary Benson Darling, daughter of Robert Benson and Charlotte Ward. b. Oct. 22, 1798. Married Abner Darling, d. AprU 14, 1879. He was born Feb. 12, 1796. d. Sept. 12, 1875, They lived in Iowa, and are buried at Teeds, Clinton County, in that State. 83 IV. HANNAH BENSON. Hannah Benson Ryan, daughter of Robert Benson and Charlotte Ward. b. July 2, 1801. Married James Ryan, . d. AprU 29, 1856. He was born , 1792. d. July 3. 1875. Buried at Dover Plains. N. Y. IV. JOHN F. BENSON. John F. Benson, son of Robert Benson and Charlotte Ward. b. AprU 2, 1804. Married Lucy Lee. d. July 9. 1843. V. Seven Children. 1. Elmer Benson. 2. Jane Ann Benson. 3. Sarah Benson (married George Davis). 4. Lyman Benson. 5. Robert Benson. 6. Amelia Benson. 7. Amanda Benson. Of these we have very meagre records. Jane Ann Benson married Robert H. Benson, July 4, 1848. She died about 1896, and was buried at Clinton, Iowa. Robert Benson, a son of John F. died at Hebron, IU., about 1912. He had three children, Mrs. Archie Ehle, Hebron, III. Mrs. Gray, of Kal amazoo, Michigan, and Mrs. Gilbert. 84 V. LYMAN BENSON. Lyman Benson, son of John F. Benson and Lucy Lee. b. , d. . Married Hannah Lee. She was born May 20, 1835. d. Feb. 15, 1913. They resided at Ottawa, Iowa. VI. Four Children. 1. John Benson (married Gay Snell). 2. LueUa Benson. 3. Harriet Benson. 4. Elmer Benson. IV. MARJORIE BENSON. Marjorie Benson, daughter of Robert Benson and Charlotte Ward. b. April 22, 1806. Married Wheeler, . d. . They resided in Pennsylvania. 85 IV. LAVINA BENSON. Lavina Benson Woolsey, daughter of Robert Benson and Char lotte Ward, b. Nov. 17, 1807. Married Woolsey . d. Aug. 25, 1833. IV. SCHUYLER WARD BENSON. Schuyler W. Benson, son of Robert Benson and Charlotte Ward. b. Nov. 8, 1810. Married 1st, Genette Hillard, Dec. 5, 1831, of Amenia Union, N. Y. She was born, Sept. 17, 1811. d. Aug. 29, 1877. Buried at Genoa Junction, Wisconsin. Married 2nd, Emma McKoy. b. at Kent, Litchfield County, Conn., Aug. 24, 1828. He died Dec. 29, 1884. Buried at Genoa Junction, Wisconsin. She was living in 1915 at Green Bay, Wis. He was a merchant. V. Three Children (by first wife). 1. Charlotte Abiah Benson. 2. Eliza Jane Benson. 3. William Sanford Benson. V. CHARLOTTE ABIAH BENSON. Charlotte A. Benson McCalvy, daughter of Schuyler W. Benson and Genette Hillard. b. Dec. 17, 1832. Married George W. McCalvy, Dec. 17, 1854. d. . She is buried at Kansas City, Missouri. 86 V. ELIZA JANE BENSON. Eliza J. Benson Maine, daughter of Schuyler W. Benson and Genette Hillard. b. June 23, 1834. Married D. B. Maine, June 6, 1852. d. Nov. 28, 1876. Buried at Genoa Junction, Wisconsin. WILLIAM SANFORD BENSON. William S. Benson, son of Schuyler W. Benson and Genette HiUard. b. at Sharon, Conn., June 6, 1836. Married Ellen Maria Dickinson, Nov. 24, 1859. d. July 9, 1909. She was born at Boston, Mass., July 13, 1841. She died March 7, 1906. They are buried at Genoa Junction, Wis. He was a farmer, and afterwards a merchant. VI. Two Children. 1. L. Jeannette Benson. 2. Charles Ward Benson. VI. L. JEANNETTE BENSON. L. Jeannette Benson, daughter of William S. Benson, and Ellen M. Dickinson. b. Nov. 2. 1867. Unmarried. Resides in Chicago, IU. Occupation, with Laird & Lee, publishers of Chicago. 87 VI. CHARLES WARD BENSON. Charles W. Benson, son of William S. Benson and Ellen M. Dick inson. b. March 29. 1870. Married Gertrude Devle, Dec. 5. 1895. She was born at Frankfort. N. Y., Oct. 12, 1869. They reside at Bridgeport, Conn. He is a machinist. VII. One Child. 1. Helen Margaret Benson. b. at Pittsfield, Mass., Nov. 6, 1897. IV. SALLY ANN BENSON. SaUy A. Benson Tanner, daughter of Robert Benson and Char lotte Ward. b. Feb. 9, 1813. Married Henry Tanner, . They lived somewhere in the West. 88 IV. SHERMAN BENSON. Sherman Benson, son of Robert Benson and Charlotte Ward. b. Dec. 18, 1814. Married Jane Shaw, of Columbia County, N. Y., Oct. 18, 1835. d. about 189,0. She was born . d. July 21, 1898 at Loveland, Colorado. V. Three Children. 1. Aaron Shaw Benson. 2. Shadrach S. Benson. 3. Schuyler F. Benson. V. AARON SHAW BENSON. Aaron Shaw Benson, son of Sherman Benson and Jane Shaw. b. June 14, 1837, at Sharon, Conn. Married 1st, Eliza Cleghorn, of London, England, Feb. 2, 1857. She was born Feb. 1, 1835. d. Dec. 21, 1862. Married 2nd, Marion Vanderburg, of Broome County, N. Y., May 2, 1864. She was born Nov. 26, 1844. He was for 27 years president of a bank at Loveland, Colo. VI. Three Children (by first wife). 1. Perry C. Benson. 2. Mary J. Benson. 3. Charles S. Benson. 89 VI. PERRY C. BENSON. Perry C. Benson, son of Aaron S. Benson and Eliza Cleghorn. b. AprU 28, 1858. Married Emma Redman, of Jones Co., Iowa. VII. Four Children. 1. William A. Benson. 2. Robert C. Benson. 3. Marion E. Benson. 4. Forrest P. Benson. VII. WILLIAM A. BENSON. WiUiam A. Benson, son of Perry C. Benson and Emma Redman. b. . Married Nora Grobe. VIIL Two Children. 1. Eugene Benson. 2. Agnes Benson. VII. ROBERT C. BENSON. Robert C. Benson, son of Perry C. Benson and Emma Redman. b. . Married May King, of Loveland, Colorado. VIIL Two Children. 1. Ralph Benson. 2. Pearl Benson. VII. MARION E. BENSON. Marion E. Benson, daughter of Perry C. Benson and Emma Red man. b. Married Clarence King, of Loveland, Colorado. 90 VII. FORREST P. BENSON. Forrest P. Benson, son of Perry C. Benson and Emma Redman. b. . Married Josephine Berner, of Loveland, Colorado. VI. MARY J. BENSON. Mary J. Benson, daughter of Aaron S. Benson and Eliza Cleghorn. b. Jan. 12, 1860. Married James A. Lewis, at Golden, Colorado, Sept. 4, 1878. VI. CHARLES SHAW BENSON. Charles Shaw Benson, son of Aaron S. Benson and Eliza Cleg- 1. b. Feb. 28, 1862. Married Nelhe Herndon, of Jones Co., Iowa. VII. One Child. 1. Lawrence Benson. VI. Four Children (by second wife of Aaron S. Benson). 1. Clarence V. Benson. 2. Velma V. Benson. 3. Franc V. Benson. 4. Aaron V. Benson. VI. CLARENCE V. BENSON. Clarence V. Benson, son of Aaron S. Benson and Marion Vander- b. Sept. 27, 1868. Married Lucy BeU, at Fort Collins, Colorado, Nov. 29, 1893. He is County Judge of Larimer County, Colo. 91 VII. One Child. 1. Laneta Benson. VI. VELMA V. BENSON. Velma V. Benson, daughter of Aaron S. Benson and Marion Van derburg. b. July 26, 1871. Married Alfred Beebe, of Loveland, Colo., Dec. 30, 1891. VI. FRANC V. BENSON. Franc V. Benson, daughter of Aaron S. Benson and Marion Van derburg. b. Dec. 28, 1876. Married James Irvin Lanham, of Loveland, Colo., Dec. 25. 1901. VI. AARON V. BENSON. Aaron V. Benson, son of Aaron S. Benson and Marion Vanderburg. b. Dec. 25, 1878. Married NeUie E. Rozelle, Aug. 30, 1905, at Loveland, Colo. He is cashier of a bank at Loveland, Colo. VII. Two Children. 1. Ada Marion Benson. 2. Lucille G. Benson. V. SHADRACH S. BENSON. Shadrach S. Benson, son of Sherman Benson and Jane Shaw. b. AprU 20, 1841, at Union Vale, N. Y. He enlisted in the Union Army in the Civil War in 1861, and died in September, 1861. 92 V. SCHUYLER F. BENSON. Schuyler F. Benson, son of Sherman Benson and Jane Shaw. b. Sept. 27, 1843, in Dover, Dutchess Co., N. Y. Married Clara Raser, of Fairport, N. Y., Nov. — 1864. VI. Two Children. 1. Grant Benson (married and has two children). 2. Marion Benson (married and has two children). Residence not known. IV. Nine Children (by second wife of Robert Benson). 1. Charlotte J. Benson. 2. Robert H. Benson. 3. Jacob Newton Benson. 4. Frances Emma Benson. 5. Catherine T. Benson. 6. Sarah Benson. 7. Bryant Steven Benson. 8. Martin Van Buren Benson. 9. Myra A. Benson. IV. CHARLOTTE J. BENSON. Charlotte Benson DarUng, daughter of Robert Benson and Mary Jane Tanner. b. Aug. 23, 1824. Married WUHam R. Darling, Aug. 1, 1852. d. Oct. 6, 1855. and was buried at Genoa Junction, Wis. He d. , 1901, and was b. at Teeds, Iowa. 93 IV. ROBERT HENRY BENSON. Robert H. Benson, son of Robert Benson and Mary Jane Tanner. b. July 16, 1826. Married Jane Ann Benson, July 4, 1848. d. in 1896. She died in 1897. Resided at Clinton, Iowa. Occupation, Superintendent of Repair Shops of the C. & N. W. R. R. Company. V. Two Children. 1. Robert Benson (died in infancy), March 21, 1850. 2. Kate Benson. V. KATE BENSON. Kate Benson Snell, daughter of Robert H. Benson and Jane Ann Benson, Benson. b. . Married George Snell, . d.^ . IV. JACOB NEWTON BENSON. Jacob N. Benson, son of Robert Benson and Mary Jane Tanner. b. Sept. 3, 1828. Married Charlotte Louisa HaU, Oct. 9, 1853. d. AprU 24, 1902. She was born March 5, 1831. He resided at Sharon, Conn. Buried at Dover Plains, N. Y. Occupation, commission merchant. V. Two Children. 1. Walter N. Benson. 2. Miles H. Benson. 94 V. WALTER N. BENSON. Walter N. Benson, son of Jacob N. Benson and Charlotte L. Hall. b. Oct. 13, 1856. d. June 8, 1900. Married 1st, Sarah Palmatier, , 1874. Married 2nd, Harriet C. Lockwood, of Sharon, Conn., Feb, 16, 1881. Buried at Dover Plains, N. Y. VI. One Child (by second marriage). 1. Lewis Jacob Benson. Lewis Jacob Benson, son of Walter N. Benson and Harriet C. Lockwood. b. Sept. 15, 1883. Married Clara H. Lumb, of Seymour, Conn. . She was born AprU 9, 1885. They reside at Seymour, Conn. VII. One Child. 1. Florence H. Benson, b. March 23, 1911. V. MILES H. BENSON. MUes H. Benson, son of Jacob N. Benson and Charlotte L. HaU. b. Aug. 22, 1867. Unmarried. Re-sides at Sharon, Conn. Occupation, electrician. 95 IV. FRANCES EMMA BENSON. Frances E. Benson Andrews, daughter of Robert Benson and Mary Jane Tanner. b. June 6, 1831. Married William H. Andrews, Feb. 12, 1851. d. March 17, 1910. He was born Sept. 13, 1827. d. March 21, 1904. They resided at Great Barrington, Mass. Buried at HUlsdale, Columbia County.N, Y. IV. CATHERINE T. BENSON. Catherine T. Benson, daughter of Robert Benson and Mary Jane Tanner. b. July 21, 1833. d. Jan. 8, 1853 (unmarried). Buried at Dover Plains, N. Y. IV. SARAH J. BENSON. Sarah Benson Robinson, daughter of Robert Benson and Mary Jane Tanner. b. Nov. 8, 1835. Married Martin Robinson, Nov. 28, 1854. d. AprU 11, 1911. He was born in Dutchess County, N. Y., June 15, 1823. d. June 21, 1884. Buried at Richmond, III. IV. BRYANT STEVEN BENSON. Bryant Steven Benson, son of Robert Benson and Mary Jane Tanner. b. AprU 21, 1838. Married 1st, Emma L. Avery, . She was born . d. April 7, 1878. Married 2nd, Mary Adelaide Shuey, Mar. 23, 1880. She was born May 3, 1853. He is a farmer and resides at Genoa Junction, Walworth County, Wisconsin. 96 V. Two Children (by first wife). 1. Florence Myra Benson. 2. George Tanner Benson. V. FLORENCE MYRA BENSON. Florence Myra Benson Conklin, daughter of Bryant S. Benson and Emma L. Avery b. Oct. 14, 1867. Married Elbert Conklin,^ , 1885. d. Aug. 13, 1889. V. GEORGE TANNER BENSON. George T. Benson, son of Bryant S. Benson and Emma L. Avery. b. Oct. 9, 1871. Married Nina K. Shuey, Oct. , 1893. No issue. V. Two Children (by second wife of Bryant S. Benson). 1. Bryant Shuey Benson. 2. Nina LueUa Benson. b. Aug. 7, 1888 (unmarried). V. BRYANT SHUEY BENSON. Bryant Shuey Benson, son of Bryant S. Benson and Mary Adelaide Shuey. b. AprU 7, 1882. Married Mary E. Bacon, June 27, 1907. They reside at Bristol, Wisconsin. VI. Two Children. 1. Bryant Bacon Benson, b. Oct. 7, 1909. 2. William George Benson, b. Oct. 11, 1912. 97 IV. MARTIN VAN BUREN BENSON. Martin V. B. Benson, son of Robert Benson and Mary Jane Tan ner. b. Oct. 2, 1840. Married Anna Sophia Chappell, Jan. 15. 1867. She was born March, , 1850. They reside at Denver, Colorado. Occupation, State Agent and Adjuster for the Insurance Co. of North America. V. Four Children. 1. Helen Benson, b. June , 1868 at Green Bay, Wis., d. , 1871. 2. Mary Eva Benson, b. Oct. 3, 1873, at Green Bay, Wis. 3. Paul B. Benson, b. Mar. 17, 1874, at Denver, Colo., d. AprU — , 1913. 4. D. Elbert ChappeU Benson, b. Dec. 1, 1885, at Pueblo, Colo. IV. MYRA A. BENSON Myra A. Benson Mead, daughter of Robert Benson and Mary Jane Tanner, b, Nov. 6, 1844, Married I, N, Mead, , d, Dec, 6, 1906, Resided at Janesville, Wisconsin, 98 III. JACOB BENSON Jacob Benson, son of John Benson, 1st, and Hannah Darling, b, June 2, 1786, Married Polly Hopkins, of Warren, Conn,, in 1807, She was born July 30, 1789, d, March 30, 1854, He resided in the town of Amenia, N, Y., part of his farm being in Dover, and part in Amenia, His house was burned in March or AprU, 1864, and he died soon afterwards. The farm is now owned by Wright P, Tabor, Buried at Dover Plains, N, Y, IV. One Child. 1. MUes Hopkins Benson. MUes H. Benson, son of Jacob Benson and Polly Hopkins. b. July 17, 1808. d, March 29, 1857 (unmarried). Miles Benson seems to have been a sort of "Beau Brummel." as his contemporaries speak of him as a leader in the social life of the community, and of his popularity, among the young people. He resided with his parents in the town of Amenia. Buried at Dover Plains, N. Y. III. HANNAH BENSON. Hannah Benson Hufcut. daughter of John Benson, 1st, and Hannah Darling. b. Aug. 16, 1780. Married George Hufcut, , d. May 3, 1848, She was the mother of "Squire" Hufcut, and grandmother of Horace D, and Henry J, Hufcut, of Dover Plains, N, Y, Buried at Dover Plains, N, Y. 99 III. RUTH BENSON. Ruth Benson l^utcher, daughter of John Benson, 1st, and Hannah Darling, and twin sister of Hannah Benson Hufcut. b. Aug. 16, 1780. Married Cornelius Dutcher, d, Nov, 21, 1862, buried at Dover Plains, N, Y, Some of her grandchildren are John Dutcher, Miss Amelia Dutcher, Mrs, Ruth A, Proper, Mrs, John D, Cameron, Mrs. W. J. White, Milton K. Rodgers, Mrs. Augusta R. N. KenwiU, Mrs. Mary B. Tompkins, Mrs. Theresa Bremmeline and Enos Dutcher. Ill, ABIGAIL BENSON. Abigail Benson Soule, daughter of John Benson, 1st, and Hannah Darling, b, Dec, 24, 1788, Married Henry Soule, , 1804. d. Dec, 24, 1860, Buried at Dover Plains, N. Y, In 1915 her daughter, Mrs. Maria Dutcher, of Sharon, Conn., was living, at the age of 92 years. 100 Ill, JOHN BENSON, 2nd. John Benson, 2nd, son of Samuel Benson, 1st, and Rachel Darling, was born in Amenia, N. Y,,in 1794. When about 21 years of age he went to the town of "Butternuts," Otsego County, where he died March 17, 1841. He married Polly Bard, who was born in 1798, and died April 29, 1881, They were buried at Garratts ville, N, Y, VI, Eight Children, 1, Berthana Benson, b. May 27, 1822, 2, John Benson, Jr„ b. Feb. , 1823, d. Sept. 29, 1830. 3. Polly Jane Benson, b. July 1, 1824. 4, Richard Delarr Benson, b, Dec. 25, 1826. 5. Rachel Benson, b. April 5, 1831. 6. Maria Henrietta Benson, b. July 25, 1833. 7. Sarah Jeannette Benson, b. July 26, 1837. 8. Annette Polly Benson, b. Sept. 27, 1840, d. June 22, 1858. All these are deceased except Sarah J., who married "Doc" Mulkins, and resides at Laurens, Otsego County, N. Y. III. PHILADELPHIA BENSON. Philadelphia, or "Phila", Benson Cooper, daughter of Samuel Benson, 1st, and Rachel Darling, b, April , 1792, in Amenia, N, Y, Married Preserved Cooperof Amenia, N, Y, Her declining years were spent with her daughter, Mrs, Marshall Odell, at Peoria, III,, where she died Sept, 6, 1876, III, POLLY BENSON. Polly Benson Wheeler, daughter of Samuel Benson, 1st, and Rachel Darling, b, about 1796 in Amenia, N, Y, Married John Wheeler, Went to "The Butternuts" Otsego County, N, Y,, to live, d,- — -. 101 Ill, ABIGAIL BENSON. Abigail Benson Bard, daughter of Samuel Benson, 1st, and Rachel Darling. b, August 1799, in Amenia, N, Y, Married Brice Bard Baird, He was born in 1804, d, AprU 1, 1888, She d, Dec, 12, 1880, Buried at Garrattsville, N, Y, 102 SOME BENSONS WHOSE LINEAGE CANNOT BE TRACED. AMBROSE BENSON. The name of Ambrose Benson appears in the Census of 1790 as a resident of Pawhngtown, The town of Dover, formerly a part of Pawlingtown, was not organized until Feb, 20, 1807, Ambrose Ben son was probably related to the early members of this family then living here. His will is dated Oct, 20, 1791, He mentions his wife. Patience Benson, daughter, Mary Matidoff, and grandsons. Joseph Clear, Ambrose Benson Simpson, and Henry Lyman Matidoff, In the cemetery at Dover Plains there is a stone bearing the in scription, "John Benson, b, 1767, d. March 31, 1835," Also another stone adjoining that of John Benson's inscribed. "Benjamin Benson, b, 1786, d, Jan, 24, 1838," IN THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR Records of those who served in the Revolutionary war are meager and incomplete in respect to details of enlistment and discharge. The author of the "Early History of Amenia" says, "There were undoubtedly a large number of privates who went into the service from Amenia whose names cannot be given, as there are no records within reach of the compiler, and he is obliged to draw only frora tradition. and' the very meager records of family history," The following authentic statement refers to Samuel Benson, of Amenia, N, Y,, one of the sons of Jacob Benson, the pioneer, "The name of Samiiel Benson appears as a private in the list of Dutchess County MiUtia (Land Bounty Rights), Sixth Regiment, to be found in 'New York in The Revolution,' by James A, Roberts, Albany, 1898, Page 247," J, A, HOLDEN, Albany, N. Y, State Librarian. In addition to the above, John Benson of Amenia, N, Y,, was also in the Sixth Dutchess County Militia, and William Benson was in the Third MUitia, John Benson of Amenia, N, Y,, was in the "Levies," (Con tinental Army), 103 It must be remembered that there were very few Bensons here at this period. When the war broke out, but little more than thirty years had elapsed since the coming of Jacob and his sons of whom three have been recorded as patriots. As an historical incident which will no doubt be interesting to members of our family we insert here the "Revolutionary Pledge." THE REVOLUTIONARY PLEDGE. On April 29, 1775, a few days after the battle of Lexington, an Association was formed in New York County, and a "Pledge" adopted, the purpose of which was, as stated by Hasbrouck, in his History of Dutchess County (19()9) "to bring the people up to the point of associated effort, and had no direct reference to an appeal to arms and separation from the English government." The "Pledge"' reads: "Persuaded that the salvation of the rights and liberties of Amer ica depend, under God, on the firm union of its inhabitants in a vigor ous prosecution of the measures necessary for its safety, and convinced of the necessity of preventing anarchy and confusion which attend a dissolution of the powers of government. We, the Freemen, Free holders, and Inhabitants of Dutchess being greatly alarmed at the avowed design of the Ministry to raise a revenue in America, and shocked by the bloody scene now acting in Massachusetts Bay, do, in the most solemn manner resolve never to become slaves, and do associate under all the ties of religion, honor, and love to our country, to adopt and endeavor to carry into execution whatsoever measures may be recommended by the Continental Congress, or resolved upon by our Provincial Convention, for the purpose of preserving our Con stitution and of opposing the several arbitrary acts of the British Parliament, until a reconcilation between Great Britain and America, on constitutional principles (which we most ardently desire) can be obtained, and that we will in all things follow the advice of our Gen eral Committee respecting the purposes aforesaid, the preservation of peace and good order and the safety of individuals and property," Mr, Reed says in his "Early History of Amenia", that there were 435 signers to this "Pledge" in Amenia, and only six refused or delayed to sign. In the list he gives, the names of Joseph and John Benson appear as signers, 104 EXTRACTS FROM "THE EARLY HISTORY OF AMENIA," (1875) BY NEWTON REED. AMENIA "PRECINCT. ' The "Precinct" of Amenia was formed by an act of the Colonial Legislature, March 20, 1762, The geographical limits were the same also of the "town" of Amenia, which was formed March 7, 1788, and continued the same till March 26, 1823, when the towns of Amenia and Northeast were so reorganized as to change the boundary between them as it is at present. The name Amenia was first used about the time of the organiza tion of the Precinct, and owes its origin to Dr, Thomas Young, a learned gentleman who resided several years at Amenia Union, Hon, Egbert Benson, in a Memoir read before the N, Y, Historical Society (p, 126, N, Y, Hist, Collection, Vol, II,) in 1816, says "'Ver mont — Green Mountains — and the town of Amenia — pleasant — owe their names to the fancy of Young, the poet, I mean the Ainerican and not the English Young, He had a peculiar facility in making EngUsh words from Latin ones," ASPECT OF THE COUNTRY. "There was not an unbroken forest here when the first settlers came; as the fires of the Indians, in their pursuit of game, had destroy ed the timber on the dry lands, except a few isolated specimens of oak, white wood, and wild cherry, some of which attained great size. On the plains there were scattered small oaks, which had sprung up after the fires, and by the creeks and in wet lands, there were large buttonwood and black ash trees; and all the streams were overhung with a mass of alders and willows The mountains, being burned over by the Indians, were so bare, that the wild deer were plainly seen from the valleys below. At this early period there were a few scattered remnants of the Pequod Indians, who had their hunting grounds up and down the valleys. There were a few Indian wigwams near the outlet of Swift's Pond," 105 "When Richard Sackett, the pioneer settler of Amenia came, previous to 1711, there was not another white family in the County nearer than Poughkeepsie, and the whole population of Dutchess County then including Putnam, was only about 450, From 1740 to 1750 the immigration from New England was evidently large. The price of land then was a dollar and a half per acre. In 1760 it was about two dollars and a half per acre. The population of Amenia in 1790 was 3,078. The price of wheat in 1776 was five shillings a bushel, and that was the price of a day's work in harvesting. Butter was ten pence per pound. The wages of a hired girl at housework or spinning was five shillings a week. They were not servants as a class, but were many of them equal in social position to their employers. Joseph Benson was an early resident of the south part of the town where the family have remained in considerable numbers," IN THE FIRST UNITED STATES CENSUS, 1790, EASTERN DUTCHESS COUNTY, NEW YORK. • First Column indicates free males over 16 years of age. Second Column, those under 16 years. Third Column, females. Ambrose Benson, Pawlingtown '2- 2- — — 2 Jacob Benson, 1st, Pawlingtown 3 2 3 Jacob Benson, Jr., Pawlingtown 1 1 ^2 John Benson, Jr., Pawlingtown 1 1 3 Joseph Benson, Pawlingtown 2 1 2 John Benson, Amenia 3 2 5 Samuel Benson, Amenia 1 3 2 Elisha Benson, Clinton 1 2 2 The Dutch family of Bensons in the Western part of Dutchess County numbered 13 heads of famUies in the State, of whom 10 had slaves — 32 in all. Judge Egbert Benson of Red Hood, owned one slave. 106 BENSON FAMILY ASSOCIATION. On Wednesday, August 26, 1914, there was organized at the home of Mrs, Carmel G, Benson, and her son, Frank D, Benson, Dover Plains, N,Y,, an Association of the Benson family in the Harlem Valley. On that day they held their first Annual Re-union, and it was decided to meet at the home of some member on an appointed day in each succeeding year. There were about 75 members of the family present on this oc casion, besides a number of invited guests, including Rev, Hugh Win- ton, pastor of the Baptist Church, with his wife and child. Principal Bayard Matthews, Mrs, William Sharpe of Clay Center, Kansas, Mr, Harmon Stewart of Pawling N, Y., and others. Dinner was served on the lawn at noon, after which short addresses were made by Rev, Hugh Winton, Mrs, Augusta KenwiU of Pleasant Valley, Mrs, Harriet M, Dutcher, Mrs, John Dutcher, Mrs, Horatio S, Benson, Henry J, Hufcut and Arthur T, Benson, Officers of the Association elected for the first year were: President — Arthur T, Benson, Vice-President — Mrs, Carmel G, Benson, Secretary-Treasurer — Mrs, Horatio S, Benson, EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE, Clarence O, Benson, Elmer Dutcher, Mrs, Emanuel C, Benson, Fred M, Irish, Mrs, George V, Benson, Mascot Ethel Blanche Benson, The following named were registered: Mrs. Carmel G, Benson, Mrs, Carohne Benson, Mrs, Frances J, Ben son, Darius S, Benson, Mrs, Harriet M, Dutcher. Mrs, Adaline Benson. Platt J, Benson, Clark H, Benson, George V. Benson. Arthur T, Benson, Fred M, Irish, Walter H, Benson. Mrs. Katherine A, Dutcher, Hattie M, Benson, Mortimer L, Dutcher. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel A. Benson, Bernice Benson, LueUa Benson. Harold Benson, Ebenezer Benson, Darius S. Benson, 2nd, Myron E. Benson, Mrs. Emanuel C. Benson, Lawrence E. Benson, James A. Benson, Mrs. James A. Benson, Mortimer Benson. 107 Adaline E, Fox, Martha Benson, Harvey Ryan, Dr, Luther J, Benson, Mrs, L, J, Benson, Joseph Ryan, Harry S, Dutcher, Ethel Dutcher Cutler, Francis N. Cutler, Elmer W. Dutcher, William S, Benson, John Dutcher, Clarence O, Benson, Jessie G, Benson, Rachel T, Benson, Mabel C. Dutcher, Anna M. Benson, Flora D. Benson, Prof, and Mrs. Bayard Matthews, MUdred Benson, Frances M, Benson, Helen Irish, Mrs, Walter H, Ben son, Laura M. Bird, Marian J, Benson, Walter V, Benson, Mrs, William Sharpe, Mrs. Arthur T, Benson, Mrs, George V, Benson, Mrs, John V, Cutler, .JuUa C. Benson, Ida M, Rumph, Mrs, George B, Cutler, Mrs, Elmer W. Dutcher, Mrs, Frank D, Ben son, Mrs, Mary B, Tompkins, Mrs. Ruth A. R. N. KenwUl, James KenwiU, Evalina B. Irish, Clark H. Benson, Jr., Ed ward Ryan, Katherine Benson, Fannie A. Benson, Emma F. Benson, Ethel Blanche Benson, Rev. Hugh Winton, Mrs. Hugh Winton, Hugh Winton, Jr., Ralph L. Benson. THE OLD PINE TREE. When Joshua Benson, son of Samuel, 1st, and grandson of Jacob, the pioneer, was a lad of fourteen he transplanted a pine sapling in the door yard of his home. This was about 1800. The tree was standing in 1915 but showing advanced signs of decay. It was the largest of its kind in the vicinity; was recognized as a land-mark, and was re swered for the associations of a century and more, not alone by the immediate family of the one who planted it, but by the entire nieghborhood, as well. One of Joshua's sons who succeeded him on the old homestead, was in later years inspired by the muse to write the following verses in review of the passing scenes and incidents in his domestic life of so many and fruitful years: THE OLD PINE TREE. By j. Van Ness Benson. In yonder grove, 'neath forest trees, I have been told in years lang syne. Deep in a gorge, without a breeze. There sprang a young and tender Pine. 108 Young Joshua, then just in his teens, Roving the giant oaks among, By chance espied this evergreen — The burden of my theme and song. With careful hand and patient toil. Uprooted from its native loam. Transplanted in more genial soil Close by the old, ancestral home, The sapling grew as years passed on, And cast a broad and cooling shade. Where Pell, and Sam, and Josh and John, And Abigail and Polly played. Aunt Rachel there with matron's pride. Enrobed in petticoat and gown, With Uncle Samuel by her side. Was pleased to see the mirth go round. The love of sports in youth displayed. Precedes more sober scenes of life. Young Joshua wooed a Yankee maid. And brought her home, his happy wife. No sentimental bridal tour For this young rustic bride and groom, The dearest spot — his Pine-tree bower. For them to pass their honeymoon. To labor then, through woe or weal. He fed his flocks and tilled the soil. Her hands prepared their frugal meal. Her spinning wheel the hours beguiled. Succeeding years their cares increased And fourteen children blessed their home. In home-spun garments neatly dressed, Their joy, their hope, in times to come. 109 When bowed beneath the weight of years. Still lingering on the verge of time. They oft were seen in old arm chairs Upon the green, beneath the Pine, For them, no more it casts its shade. For them, no more returns the Spring, Each to their rest forever laid. Its swaying boughs their requiems sing. May yet, for many years to come. Thy boughs still wave, old tree sublime, Firm rooted here, in this old home, A land-mark on the shores of time. Through Winter's cold and Summer's heat, They hand in hand,, serene and hale. Trod duty's paths with willing feet, Along through Ufe's sequestered vale. POST-OFFICES IN THE UNITED STATES NAMED BENSON. Benson, Alabama. Benson, Arizona. Benson, Kentucky. Benson, Louisiana. Benson, Maryland. Benson, Minnesota. Benson, Nebraska. Benson, New Mexico. Benson, New York. Benson, North Carolina. Benson, Vermont. Benson Center, New York. Benson Mines, New York. Benson Landing, Vermont. no INCIDENT AND ANECDOTE. Away back in early times after the white settlers became establish ed in the Oblong Valley, roving bands of Indians would appear at times, set up their wigwams, hunt and fish, and perhaps, trade a little with the inhabitants. They are said to have belonged to the Pequod tribe in New England. There is a tradition that no less than six of them returned no more to the land of their fathers, having had a "little difference" with the settlers in Amenia, on one of their expeditions, which culuminated in their slaughter. It is said that all six were buried in one grave at the foot of "Cedar Hill," on the west side, and at a point nearly op posite the residence of Frank Jenkens. But it must not be inferred from this incident that there was ever much trouble in the Nine Partners district between the settlers and the Indians. There was not. While block houses and other means of defense were common as near by as Litchfield, Conn., amicable re lations were the rule here, owing in great part it is said, to the in fluence of Mr. Winegar, one of the Amenia pioneers. It is related that an Indian one winter lived in a wigwam near the "Fuller" spring (on the farm of the late WiUiam F. Benson), and took care of some cattle that "Uncle" David Benson had in winter quarters there. That must have been more than 100 years ago. The writer remembers having seen a camp of squaws from the Schaghticoke reservation south of Kent, Conn., near the highway by the "'Roaring Brook," — so called because at times of high water its descent along the precipitous slopes of the East Mountain, makes an uproar akin to Niagara. Those squaws used to weave baskets both plain and fancy, de signed for hard usage about the farm, as well as for the more careful handling accorded the housewives' receptacles of sundry articles of utility. They accepted in payment such commodities as salt pork, flour, and wearing apparel. Some of their baskets were dyed in attractive patterns of bright colors — which have never faded. Some of them are in use at the present day. In addition to this accomplishment in basket making, some of the squaws were wise in medical lore. They knew the virtues of 111 roots and herbs, and were not slow in ways and means of first aid to those afflicted by disease or injury. Their advice and treatment was in frequent demand in those times, and some of their remedies are now in use. "UNCLE " DAVID BENSON AND THE INDIANS. "'Uncle" David Benson (1779-1857), Uved on the farm in the southern part of Amenia, N. Y., now in the possession of Thomas S. Benson. For some years this farm was occupied by George W. Chap man. One hundred or more years ago a band of Indians camped on his farm for a whUe, and members of his family made the discovery that they had in their possession some copper utensils, which fact inspired a covetous feeling within the Benson breasts. Accordingly they went into executive session, with ""Uncle" David as chief adviser, and it being pork-killing time he suggested to the boys that negotiations for the copper ware be opened by a pro posal to exchange a fat pig for the same. But when the proposition was duly submitted, the Indians, for some reason demurred. They were perhaps mindful of past ex periences with the "Yankees," whereby their "goat" had vanished. They seemed suspicious of a scheme to poison them. After some parleying it was stipulated that if the Bensons would slaughter the pig, and cook a portion of it, first partaking of the same in their pre sence, they would close the deal, providing, of course, that no ill effects followed the indulgence in pork steak. The result of the test proving entirely satisfactory, the copper utensils were passed over to "Uncle" David's family, afterwards com ing into the possession of his daughter, Mary, who married Egbert Watts of Dover Plains, N. Y. Some time after her decease, they were given to Mrs. Sarah A. Belding of Dover Plains, who, in turn presented them to Judge Olcott of New York City. "UNCLE " JACOB BENSON AND HIS HIRED MAN. "Uncle" Jacob Benson (1786-1864), son of .John and grandson of Jacob, the pioneer, used to live in the town of Amenia, N. Y., near the Dover line, on the farm now owned by Wright P. Tabor. His house was burned in 1864, and he then went to live with his nephew, "Squire" Hufcut. 112 "Uncle" Jacob was a very shrewd, thirfty farmer. Dividing his time between laying stone walls and keeping a watchful eye on his hired men, seemed to be his most congenial occupation. In those times farm help was plentiful. "Labor" had but few innings, and but little opportunity for bargaining to advantage with employers. But it so happened there was a man who got the best of "Uncle" Jacob. It happened in haying time. It frequently occurred on his farm that more grass would be cut in the morning than could be cured and drawn to the barn in the afternoon. So, at dark there would be hay left in the meadow, that "Uncle" Jacob was determined should be put under cover. As a result, the men were ordered out after supper to clean up the field. On this particular occasion, one of the men who was driving the oxen and cart out for a load, hatched a scheme out of the gathering darkness in the meadow and the effulgent wit in his own "dome." After the load had been pitched on. it had be come quite dark, and having singled out a good sized boulder near by. and removed the pin from the axle, he "geed" or "hawed" right over the obstruction with the load, turning it over, and losing the wheel in the bargain. Of course, he had a hard luck tale ready for the irate "Uncle" Jacob, but it is needless to say. there was no more "haying" it that night. HOW "BEN " BENSON CLEANED HOUSE. Benjamin Benson, son of Jacob Benson. 2nd, lived at one time at Schagticoke, Conn. There were Indians in the neighborhood who were disposed to make him trouble. It was necessary for him to drive his cattle across a stream to pasture, and these Indians greatly annoyed and bothered him by flaunting blankets and throwing mis siles which frightened the cattle so they could not be managed. "Ben" naturally got indignant. He read the riot act to his tormentors, and the situation became acute, culminating one day by a call from "Aunt" Eunice Mahwee, a squaw who had been converted to the Christian faith, and was always afterwards loyal to the white people. She could not speak English very well, but when she told "Ben" to "Urry, urry," he knew what it meant. He did not, however, run away, but converting a stout chair into a weapon of defense, awaited the approach of the band of Indians, and single-handed laid all of them low as they entered his house. This incident probably happened prior to the year 1800. 113 ONE ON THE BENSONS. When John M. Swift a young college graduate from Poughkeep sie first moved to his farm on Poplar Hill, in the town of Amenia, N. Y., now owned by Ernest C. Benson, he was not very well versed in farm economics, and was therefore influenced at times to proceed to his own disadvantage, and to the profit of those more "knowing." It was on one of these occasions that hog-killing time being at hand. Mr. Swift sent for Harvey Schermerhorn, an expert butcher, as well as an expert joker, to take charge of the killing, and afterwards to cut up the carcasses in preparation for pickling. During the process of dissection, Mr. Swift was a most interested spectator. "Harv," deftly removed the heads, and leaf lard, and neatly split the plump, corn fattened animals in halves along the spinal column. He then proceeded to remove those juicy steaks that are attached to the loins in the region of the hams. "Harvey," inquired Mr. Swift. "What might those portions be?" "Them," said "Harv," who was by no means destitute either of wit, or a sense of the fitness of things, "them is what they call the tenderlines." "Are they fit to eat," asked Mr. Swift? "Wall," replied "Harv." with his characteristic drawl, "The Bensons sometimes eat 'em." To which observation Mr. Swift responded, by saying, generously. "Well, Harvey, you may have those if you care for them." AN ANCIENT JACK-KNIFE. Jacob Benson 2nd (1734-1817) lived on the farm known as the "Cedars," which lies about midway between the residence of Frank Jenkens on the Amenia-Dover line and the homestead of the late William F. Benson. Jacob Benson's farm descended to his son, David (1779-1857), and to David's son, Joseph (1800 1877), known as "white headed 'Joe'". The latter's son. Edwin (1838-1910). continued there for some years after his father's death, when the late Samuel K. Benson purchased the farm, and it is now in possession of his son Thomas S. Benson. 114 One day when Edwin was plowing he turned up a quaint old jack knife that had evidently been buried in the soil for a long time. Pieces of bone inserted in the handle had entirely decayed. It had one large blade of excellent temper, and when the rust was removed was found to be in good condition except as noted. The old relic was identified by Joseph Benson as having belonged to his grand father, Jacob, 2nd, and the incident of his losing it was recalled. That was more than 100 years ago. The knife is now in possession of the compiler of this volume. HENRY D. BENSON AND HIS MISSING GRAIN CRADLE. Henry D. Benson (1820-1896), having heard his father, Joshua. say that a man formerly in his employ had once cradled ten acres of rye in one day, and he had followed after, raking and binding the grain in the same length of time, determined to show them that he was made of equally as good stuff. Accordingly, a ten-acre field of oats being ripe for the harvest, Henry shouldered his cradle bright and early in the morning, and "struck" around it. It is recorded of him, that he had a fine physique, being six feet tall, inured to the hardest kind of labor, and what was of great advantage in his self-imposed task, he was gifted with a long reach. His father, who had been keeping a watchful eye on him, had noted his progress during the day, and observed in the latter part of the afternoon that only a small piece remained in the middle of the lot. But there were indications that a ""tired feeling" was creeping over Henry, and when, finally, he sought the cooling shade of a con venient tree, one of his brothers was dispatched to the field with in structions to "swipe" the cradle and hide it. But it transpired that he was nearly exhausted, so that he had to be assisted to the house. In a letter written in 1843 to a brother then in Wisconsin, he refers to the unfinished stunt by saying that he had a recurrence of "lame back," such as laid him out whUe cradling in the "old field." That day's work seems rather strenuous when compared with what a team of horses on a reaper or binder will do, or with the man who laboriously cuts a swath around the field in preparation for those modem outfits — and the average farm helper now is both awkward and shy in cultivating the use of the grain cradle. 115 The writer can vouch for the above incident as being absolutely true, as he has heard it related not alone by the principal, but from disinterested sources as well. We chronicle it here as an instance for the rising generation of what their ancestors were capable of accomplishing in those times when farm machinery was unknown, and hardened muscles were de pended on to do practically all that was done. SAMUEL BENSON (1783 1864), AND HIS "BURNED " COAL PIT. Samuel Benson, generally known as ""Uncle" Sam by his contem poraries, lived in the town of Dover where Joseph Ryan now resides. He was a congenial man, and among his fraternal associates were John Tabor, George Schermerhorn and Alfred Wheeler, three well- known residents of the town. They were much addicted to playing practical jokes upon one another, as well as upon other unsuspecting victims outside their immediate circle. Among the stories that have been handed down is this one: It seems that '"Uncle "Sam had a coal pit all ready to "burn," and as his friend Schermerhorn was an expert collier, what more natural than that he should bargain with him to do the job. "Scher merhorn," said he, ""if you wUl burn the pit for me, I will give you a yearling bull." "It shall be done," agreed Schermerhorn, who lost no time in acquainting his. friends Tabor and Wheeler with the proposition, in order that they might be ""in at the finish" of the little scheme he had in mind. One night not long thereafter, the torch was applied, and the pit duly burned. Nothing but a pile of ashes remained. The following morning "'Uncle" Sam was advised that the con tract had been executed. Directing his gaze towards the site of the pit, he saw, — nothing. Tabor and Wheeler had in the meantime arrived to jollify a little, but "Uncle" Sam, being a man of honor, and somewhat of a philosopher only said, "Schermerhorn, the bull is yours." 116 THE CIRCUS IN SQUIRE TABOR'S STORE. Once upon a time it happened that "Uncle" Sam Benson "met up" with his genial friends in 'Squire Tabor's store, which was located near the residence of Thomas P, Whalen, Dover Plains, N. Y. On this occasion, "Uncle" Sam, who used to ride a black mare on his ex cursions to the village, had hitched her under the shed, near by. He was telling his friends how the mare would respond to the sound of his step or voice by neighing, which assertion was questioned, whereupon he walked out on the porch, ahemed and cleared his throat, when, sure enough the mare neighed, "I'll bet you," said Schermerhorn, "that she will whinner if I walk out there and attract her attention," "No, she won't" declared "Uncle" Sam, "I'll bet you," said Schermerhorn, "I'll take you," rejoined "Uncle" Sam, Then Schermerhorn went out on the porch, paced up and down once or twice, — at the same time exercising his vocal organs persuasively. But there was nothing doing. The mare was silent, so Schermerhorn had to "set 'em up," After this fiasco it was proposed to bring the mare up on the porch, which stunt having been accomplished, she was led inside the store and mounted by one of the party, who was evidently bent on getting "Uncle" Sam into trouble. He rode around the store a few times, when his progress was interrupted by an exclamation from "Uncle" Sam, who had thrown a buffalo robe over his head and was shouting, "I might be liable but I can't see!" THE MAPLES ON PLYMOUTH HILL. It is not generally known who planted the rows of beautiful maple trees that have adorned Plymouth Hill so long, Joseph H, Benson (1815-1901) worked for Isaac DeForest, a farmer on Plymouth Hill in 1826, when a boy 11 years of age. It was he who set out all those trees, and in after years he was heard to say that he could not wish for a better monument. He predicted, when some of them were trimmed, years ago, that they would begin to de cay, which prediction has been verified. Probably the lower branches encroached upon the highway, making their removal necessary, but it is understood to be fatal to a maple to prune it severely, Joseph H, Benson was father of Platt J, Benson of Wassaic, N, Y., and grand father of Frank D. Benson of Dover Plains, N. Y. 117 SOME QUAINT EPITAPHS. In Valley View Rural Cemetery at Dover Plains. N, Y., are two tombstones inscribed as follows: Jacob Benson (1735-1817), "Stop, my friend, as you pass by. As you are now, so once was I. As I am now, so you must be. Prepare for death, to follow me," Lydia Benson, his wife (1752-1822), "Mortals behold, as in a glass. And here behold your doom. Death is the door through which you pass. To your eternal home," NOTES OF THE BENSON NEIGHBORHOOD, For a great many years the extreme southeastern part of the town of Amenia, N,Y,, has been known as the "Benson Neighborhood," Formerly there was quite a compact settlement there of members of the family, their farms in most instances, adjoining. More recently some of these old homesteads have passed to other names, but the Bensons are yet there in considerable numbers. In the towns of Dover, Amenia, Pawling and Washington, there are now (1915) 74 of them. The oldest homestead is that formerly owned by Samuel Benson, 1st, son of Jacob, 1st, who lived there about the period of the Revolu tionary War. The farm has been in continuous possession of his de scendants up to the present time, his great grandson, Arthur T. Benson, now residing there. Other homesteads long in the famUy are those where Platt J. Benson lives, near Wassaic, N. Y., andthe place on the State road south of the "Steel Works," where his son, Hadley H. Ben son has but recently built a new house to replace the one where his grandfather, the late Joseph H. Benson lived so long, and which was burned several years ago. The farm of Emanuel C, Benson in Amenia, N, Y,, was owned be fore 1800 by John Benson, and afterwards by Jacob Benson his son, but it passed out of the family from about 1860 to 1897, 118 "Aunt" Ruth Benson, widow of the late Samuel K, Benson has lived in her present home since 1845, Clark H, Benson succeeded his father, the late James V, Benson, on the farm long owned by him, in the town of Dover. N. Y. Jacob Benson, 2nd, his son David, and his grandson Edwin, lived on the farm adjoining that of the late William F. Benson in the town of Amenia, N. Y. It is yet in the Benson name, but the buildings have faUen into decay and no one lives there now. John J. Benson in early life located on a farm in the town of Washington, N. Y. His sons, Ovid and John J., Jr.. continue there. In South Dover. N. Y., Joseph Benson (1772-1812) probably lived on the farm now owned by Mr. Rosenbaum, as he mentions in his will a certain parcel of land near the "Great Pond" — meaning Lake Ellis. His son, Daniel L. succeeded him there, and another son, EUis, owned the farm nearby that later came into the possession of Ebenezer W. Benson. Subsequent to 1840 there was a large exodus of the young men and women to the then territories of Wisconsin and Iowa, and their descendants from a considerable part of the records in this volume. THE BEAVER DAM. Across a swamp on the farm of Wright P. Tabor, in Amenia, N. Y., formerly Jacob Benson's, can be plainly seen from the highway the remains of a beaver dam. It extends diagonally, in a southeast and northwest direction, terminating near the foot of the hill. "Swifts' Pond, at one time covered all the area north of this dam. NEGRO BURYING GROUNDS. On this same farm, in a field near the highway not far west from the former home of "Uncle" Jacob Benson there is or was a plot called the "Negro Corner," It is apparent that there were many colored people here in early times. This was one of their burial grounds. Another one is said to be on the old Hufcut place on Preston Moun tain. There was a slave in the family of Thomas Swift at Singpak who was called "Cuffy," 119 THE MILL ON THE MOUNTAIN. On the East Mountain near the old "Decker" place there was formerly a dam and mill. As there was quite a settlement up there once, the mill was probably erected as a matter of convenience in grinding their grain, as trips to the valley were laborious. The stream utilized was the "roaring brook." WHO THEIR NEIGHBORS WERE. William Tanner, grandfather of Doctor Tanner, lived where WiUiam S. Ketcham now resides. William Fry where Wright P. Tabor does. David Johnson in what is now Mr. Tabor's tenant house. Daniel Somers, lived where Joseph Ryan does. Moses Swift on "Poplar Hill," and Thomas Swift, known as "Saxony" Swift beyond, at the foot of the hill. Alexander Grant owned the farm, now Horatio N. Bain's. On the Mountain were, Clark Preston, Horace Cook, Allan Kennedy, and other good substantial citizens Uke the Patchins, Ortons, Wolcotts, Hufcuts, and others. THE DISTRICT SCHOOLS IN THE BENSON NEIGHBORHOOD. Probably the first common school to be established in the neigh borhood where most of the Benson famUies lived was the one near the house of Jacob Benson, a grandson of Jacob the pioneer. This was in the town of Amenia, on the Amenia-Dover line, and on the highway leading west from Emanuel C. Benson's. The school building, which was a small, unpainted one, was located at the southern point of the hill just west of "Uncle" Jacob's. It was unoccupied for many years previous to being torn down — as we think between 1880 and 1885. It is not known when it was erected, but Miss Polly Hopkins taught there previous to her marriage to Jacob Benson, which was prior to 1808. Afterwards her sister. Miss Lodema Hopkins taught there for a long time. She was succeeded by Abbie Harris. About the period of her incumbency some objection was raised to continuing the school which developed into a neighborhood feud. One night the windows of the school house were smashed, and feeling ran high so that the school was closed in consequence. 120 Among those who attended there were David Benson's children, as well as grandchildren, among the latter being Mrs. Cyrus Stark (then Sarah Benson), of Dover, N. Y. One of Joshua Benson's sons, J. Edwin Benson of Dover Plains, also recalls going to school there, when a very smaU boy. Mrs. Stark, now (1915) 83 years of age told the writer that she was three years old when she first attended school there. SCHOOL DISTRICT No. 1, DOVER. It is beyond the ken of anyone now living to give any information about the date of the formation of school district No. 1, Dover. The present school building was erected before 1860, but has been remodel ed to some extent since that time. There are a few living now who went to school there in the late forties. They say that the old red school house of that period had apparently been there a long time. The teachers, so far as their names can be recalled, have been as fol lows: Homer WaUer, Ezra Howland, Miles Andrews, Abigail Hoag, Keziah Brady, Elizabeth Foss, Miss Simmons, Maria Benson, Mr. Brady, Baldwin Stevens, Alexander Grant, Amelia Coffin, De Peyster HaU, Horace D. Hufcut, WUliam Wilbur, John B. Soule. Sarah C. Benson, Mrs. Betsy Patchin, Miss Jerusha Stark, Miss Addie De Lavergne (now Mrs. William WiUiams, of Wassaic, N. Y.), Miss Theresa, A. Benson (now Mrs. R. B. Ryan, of White Plkins, N. Y.), Mr. Ferguson (stern, but efficient). Miss Jones, Miss Kate Butts, Miss Gregory, Miss Reynolds, Frank ConneU, Miss Ella Griffen, Miss Olivia Griffen, James H. Boyce, S. B. Shaw, Grover Kisselbrack, Miss AngeUne Lee, Miss Emma Lee, Duane Hall, Arthur E. Bangs, Miss Annie L. Benson (now Mrs. Samuel Hutchinson, of Chatham, N. Y.), Miss Jeannette Morgan, Miss Jennie Benson (now Mrs. Litchen feld, of New York City), Miss Kittie A. Benson (now Mrs. John Dutcher, of Dover Plains, N. Y.), Samuel B. Irish, WiUiam Tabor, Miss Brown, Mr. Fleming, Miss Julia Hennessey, Milton Preston, Horatio S. Benson, Miss Sarah Thompson, Charles J. Dutcher, Miss Pulver, Miss Sadie E. Benson, Miss Mary Mahoney, Mr. Fletcher, Miss Laura Bird, Miss Harriet Paulsen, Miss Nettie Trowbridge. These names are not given in the order of incumbency, for it has not been possible to obtain data of the service of many of them. When Ezra Howland taught there about 70 years ago he punished a boy 121 named Tarpenning, (Zillah Tarpenning's son), so brutally thathe died soon afterwards as a result of the injuries received. The next morn ing after the incident occurred, some of the young men of the district went to the school house with the intention of punishing Howland, but he had decamped, and the opportunity to administer justice never came. RETROSPECTIVE. We boast no crest nor Knightly crown. By tyrant's favor won For darksome deeds of much renown. In royal service done. Ours but the common, humble span. In field and workshop spent, The love of home and fellow-man, Of duty and content. The lonely rock-bound barren shore. Where Pilgrim fathers tread, Could offer nothing, then, much more. Than scant supply of bread. And freedom, too, of honest thought. Was to their souls refused. That liberty that they had sought. Their leaders, stern, abused. Chafed by the Puritanic reign. That privilege denied. Our fathers ventured to obtain Rights, in new lands espied. Thus, Jacob and his comrades true. Turned westward, toward the Oblong's vale. Eager the trail to find, pursue. Found homes none could assail, 122 TUled by the sturdy Pioneer, The virgin soil surpassed in yield. And as the record would appear. Content was bred in field. The generations came and went, Ambitious each for greater stores. Rich blessings, multiplied were sent. In children, flocks by scores. UntU, with passing of the years. Since early settlers blazed the way. Our number, never in arrears. Proclaims we're here to stay. Thus, spreading wide, the family tree, Its outstretched arms enfold The generations, eight, you see. These records now have told. From city, town and distant state. Are gathered here relations, all, With name, and age, and sex and date, And stories some recall. Go little book, to homes away. With past and present blended, Point out the branch since Jacob's day. From which we are descended. A. T. B. 123 INDEX. Benson, Aaron (son of Joseph, 2nd) Benson, Aaron S. Benson, Aaron V. Benson, Abigail (daugbter of John, 1st) Benson, Abigail (daughter of Samuel, 1st) Benson, Ada Marion Benson, Adah H. Benson, Adaline C. Benson, Adaline Powers Benson, Adelbert L. Benson, Agnes . . . Benson, Agnesia Prentice Benson, Alanson . Benson, Alberta C. Benson, Alice . Benson, Alice A. Benson, Alice Graham Benson, Alice Lyda Benson, Alice Miller Benson, Allan Louis Benson, Allan Louis, Jr. Benson, Almira Benson, Amanda (daughter of John F.) Ben.son, Amanda H. Benson, Amanda M. Benson, Ambrose Benson, Amelia Benson, Ann Eliza Benson, Anna Anderson Benson, Anna Chappell Benson, Anna M. Benson, Anna Maria Benson, Anna Ruth Benson, Annette Polly Benson, Annie Laurie Benson, Annis A, Benson, Annis Ferris . Benson, Arthur Darwin Benson, Arthur E. . . . Benson, Arthur T. . Benson, Augusta E, . Benson, Benjamin (unknown) Benson, Benjamin, 1st . . Benson, Benjamin, 2nd Benson, Benjamin, 3rd Benson, Bernice M, Benson, Bereniece Yetter . . 65 43 Benson, Berthana . 101 89 Benson, Betsey Gillette . . 28 92 Benson, Bryant Bacon 97 Benson, Bryant S. . . 96 100 Benson, Bryant Shuey 97 Benson, Byron A. 71 102 Benson, Byron M. . 75 92 Benson, Carl .... 67 62 Benson, Carmel G. 50 79 Benson, Caroline Louisa 57 32 Benson, Caroline Hufcut 57 21 Benson, Carrie A. 67 90 Benson, Carrie F. 23 81 Benson, Carrie Fry 59 36 Benson, Catherine A. 76 48 Benson, Catherine T. 96 62 Benson, Charles . 31 71 Benson, Charles H. 65 26 Benson, Charles Harold 66 27 Benson, Charles N. 68 23 Benson, Charles Shaw 91 21 _ Benson, Charles Ward 88 21 Benson, Charlotte A. . 86 25 Benson, Charlotte Butts . 55 Benson, Charlotte J. . . 93 84 Benson, Charlotte L. . 94 69 Benson, Charlotte Ward 83 77 Benson, Chauncey . 25 103 Benson, Clara Lumb 95 84 Benson, Clara Raser . . . 93 42 Benson, Clarence 0. 47 67 Benson, Clarence V. 91 98 Benson, Clark H. . 58 49 Benson, Clark H., Jr. 58 53 Benson, Clinton H. . . 23 32 Benson, Cordelia . . 42 101 Benson, D. Elbert Chappell . 98 79 Benson, Daniel L. 40 71 Benson, Darius S 63 70 Benson, Darius S., 2nd . . 66 75 Benson, David 23 (son of Edwin D.) . 32 74 Benson, David, 1st 30 52 Benson, David, 2nd .... 38 103 Benson, Deborah Mackam . 28 28 Benson, Earl S. . . 67 28 Benson, Ebenezer W, 63 28 Benson, Ebenezer Wing . . 66 66 Benson, Edna Beeman . . 64 125 Benson, Edwin D. . . Benson, Egbert H., 1st Benson, Egbert H., 2nd Benson, Eleanor Benson, Electy Benson, Elizabeth (daughter of Jacob Benson, Elizabeth (daughter ot Jefferson) Benson, Ella L. Benson. Ella M. (daughter ot Jacob) Benson, Ellen . Benson, Ellen B. Benson, Ellis Benson, Elme Benson, Elmer (son of Lyman) Benson, Elmer (son of John F.) Benson, Eliza Cleghorn Benson, Eliza Jane Benson, Elizabeth (daughter of .Jacob) Benson, Elizabeth (daughter of Jefferson) Benson, Elsie Irene Benson, Elsie Talmadge Benson, Emma (daughter of Chauncey) Benson, Emma Avery Benson, Emma E. . . Benson, Emma F. Butts Benson, Emma McKoy Benson, Emma Redman Benson, Emanuel C. Benson, Emily Deuel Benson, Emily Ensign Benson, Emily R. Benson, Ernest C. Benson, Esther D. Benson, Ethel Blanche Benson, Ethel Corbin Benson, Etna Benson, Eugene (son of William A.) Benson, Eugene E. . . Benson, Eunice B. Benson, Fannie A. . Benson, Fannie Glenn Benson, Festus E. Benson, Flora D. (daughtcx of Platt J.) Benson, Flora Dickerman Benson, Florence A. Benson, Florence H. . Benson, Florence J. Benson, Florence Jayne 32 Benson, Florence Myra 97 80 Benson, Flossie May 47 81 Benson, Forrest P. . 91 31 Benson, Franc V. 92 39 Benson, Frances Emma 96 Benson, Frances Louisa 54 35 Benson, Frances May 76 Benson, Frances Mildred 75 34 Benson, Frances Tompkins 74 23 Benson, Franklin D., 1st . 50 Benson, Franklin D., 2nd 51 35 Benson, Franklin D., 3rd 51 33 Benson, Frederick . 56 52 Benson, Frederick C. 58 42 Benson, Frederick D. 46 63 Benson, Garner (son of Alanson) 37 86 Benson, Garner (son ot David, 1st) . 30 84 Benson, Genette Hillard 86 89 Benson, George A. 26 87 Benson, George F. 72 Benson, George Homer 27 35 Benson, George M. 67 Benson, George S. 74 34 Benson, George Tanner 97 73 Benson, George V. . . 59 65 Benson, Gertrude Deyle 88 Benson, Gladys M. 73 25 Benson, Grant 93 96 Benson, Gay Snell 85 70 Benson, Hadley H. 48 60 Benson, Hannah . 29 86 Benson, Hannah 90 (daughter of Jacob, 2nd) 29 54 Benson, Hannah 63 (daughter of John, 1st) . 99 79 Benson, Hannah 53 (daughter of John J.) 55 68 Benson, Hannah 42 (daughter of Joseph, 2nd) 39 51 Benson, Hannah 51 (daughter of Robert, 1st) 84 25 Benson, Hannah Darling 82 Benson, Hannah Lee 85 90 Benson, Harold David 32 72 Benson, Harriet 41 (daughter ot Lyman) . 85 50 Benson, Harriet Lockwood 95 34 Benson, Harriet M, 68 73 Benson, Harriet Maiia . 57 Benson, Hattie Snedeker . . 56 47 Benson Helen 47 daughter of Martin Van- 71 Buren 98 95 Benson, Helen 72 (daughter of Arthur E.) 23 27 Benson, Helen Gillette . 30 126 Benson, Helen Hall 46 Benson, Helen Lavina 46 Benson, Helen Margaret 88 Benson, Helen May 27 Benson, Helen S. 48 Benson, Henry D. 70 Benson, Henry E. 20 Benson, Henrietta 32 Benson, Herbert . 67 Benson, Herbert E. 32 Benson, Horatio S., Jr. 60 Benson, Horatio S., Sr. 60 Benson, Howard L. 64 Benson, Ida (daughter of Milton 0.) 24 Benson, Ida Hoag . 59 Benson, Ida White 54 Benson, Inez Butts 67 Benson, Inez F. . 47 Benson, Irving H. 81 Benson, Jacob, 1st 15 Benson, Jacob, 2nd 18 Benson, Jacob, 3rd 19 Benson, Jacob (son ot David, 1st) 30 Benson, Jacob (son of Ebenezer) 63 Benson, Jacob (son of Jefferson) 35 Benson, Jacob (son of Jefferson) 35 Benson, Jacob (son of John, 1st) 99 Benson, Jacob Newton 94 Benson, Jacob Van Ness 74 Benson, James A, . . 59 Benson, James Adelbert 21 Benson, James Byron 73 Benson, James De Witt 75 Benson, James V, 57 Benson, Jane Ann 94 Benson, Jane Hufcut 43 Benson, Jane Shaw 89 Benson, Janette 26 Benson, Jefferson ... 34 Benson, Jennie Applegate . 38 Benson, Jennie Morey . . . 54 Benson, Jessie G. . 58 Benson, Jessie Leake . . 72 Benson, John (husband of Susan) 27 Benson, John (unknown) . . 103 Benson, John, 1st (son of Jacob, 1st) 82 Benson, John, 2nd (son of Samuel, Ist) 101 Benson, John (son of John, 2nd) . 101 Benson, John Benson (son of Lyman) Benson, John Edwin Benson, John F, Benson, John Homer Benson, John Jacob, 1st Benson, John J., 2nd Benson, Joseph, 1st Benson, Joseph, 2nd . . Benson, Joseph, 3rd (son ot Joseph, 2nd) Benson, Joseph H., 1st . Benson, Joseph H., 2nd . Benson, Joseph (son ot David) Benson, Joseph (son of John) Benson, Joseph (son of Loomis) Benson, Joseph (son of Rufus, 1st) Benson, Josephine .... Benson, Josephine Berner . Benson, Joshua Benson, Joshua B, . . Benson, Joshua De Witt Benson, Judd . . . Benson, Judith Ann . . Benson, Julia C. . Benson Julia Cook . Benson, Kate (dau, of Robert Henry) Benson, Kate Bartlett . Benson, Katherine I, . . . Benson, Kent Holt . Benson, Laneta . . . Benson, Lavina Benson, Lawrence (son of Charles S.) Benson, Lawrence E Benson Lena . ... Benson Lena Anna . Benson, L, Jeannette Benson, Lester H. . Benson, Lewis Chester . Benson, Lewis Jacob Benson, Lodema C, . . Benson, Loomis Benson, Lucia . Benson Lucille Benson, Lucille G Benson, Lucy . ... Benson, Lucy (daughter of Joseph, 2nd) Benson, Lucy BeU Benson, Lucy Jane . Benson, Lucy Lee . . Benson, Lucy M 8579 84 46 555639394146 48 30 43 20 19 35916961 78 65 4259 38 947476649286 915424 668759 6695 7020 22 23 39 913784 41 127 Benson, LueUa (daughter of Lyman) Benson, Luella Franks Benson, Luella M. (daughter of Samuel A.) Benson, Luella May , . , , Benson, Lulu . Benson, Luther J. Benson, Lydia (of South Dover, N. Y.) Benson, Lydia (daughter ot Alanson) Benson, Lydia (daughter of Benjamin, 1st) Ben.son, Lydia (daughter of Jacob, 2nd) Benson, Lydia Draper Benson, Lydia Thompson Benson, Lyman (son ot John F.) Benson, Lyman F. Benson, M. Gertrude . Benson, Manassa . . Benson, Margaret Irish Benson, Margaret Zimmerman Benson, Maria Dickenson Benson, Maria Henrietta Benson, Maria L. Benson, Marian J. . . . Benson, Marietta Hufcut Benson, Marion (daughter of Schuyler F.) Benson, Marion E. Benson, Marion Vanderburg Benson, Marjorie Benson, Martha (daughter of James V.) Benson, Martha A. (daughter of Clark H.) Benson, Martha Dutcher . Benson, Martha Elizabeth. Benson, Martha Smith (wife of Jacob, 3rd) Benson, Martin Van Buren Benson, Mary (daughter of Allan L.) Benson, Mary (daughter of Ambrose) Benson, Mary (daughter ot Chauncey) Benson, Mary (daughter of David 1st) Benson, Mary (daughter of David, 2d) Benson, Mary fdaughter of Loomis) Benson, Mary (daughter of Robert, 1st) Benson, Mary 85 (daughter of Rufus, 1st) 19 65 Benson, Mary Ann 40 Benson, Mary Bacon 97 66 Benson, Mary Bierce . . . 76 65 Benson, Mary Derthick 19 67 Benson, Mary E. 46 51 Benson, Mary Eva 98 Benson, Mary Hugh 21 43 Benson, Mary Benson, Mary 26 37 (daughter of David) Benson, Mary J. 38 29 (daughter ot Aaron S.) . Benson, Mary J. 91 28 (daughter of Samuel A.) . 66 20 Benson, Mary Jane 18 (daughter of Joshua B.) 61 Benson, Mary Josephine . . 60 85 Benson, Mary J. Tanner 83 73 Benson, Mary Shuey . 96 51 Benson, Mary Spencer . 37 35 Benson, May King . 90 55 Benson, Maynard H. 73 32 Benson, Miles H. 87 (son of Jacob) . . 99 101 Benson, Miles H. 79 (son of Jacob N.) . 95 75 Benson, Millie D, . 37 71 Benson, Milo 47 Benson, Milton 0. . 24 39 Benson, Mortimer J. 58 90 Benson, Myra A. 98 89 Benson, Myron 86 (son of David, 1st) 30 Benson, Myron D. 64 71 Benson, Myron E. 66 Benson, Neal D. 20 72 Benson, NeUie Herndon 91 55 Benson, NeUie L. 54 25 Benson, Nellie Pfiel. 71 Benson, Nellie Rozelle 92 19 Benson, Nina Luella 97 98 Benson, Nina Oxley . 58 Benson, Nina Shuey 97 21 Benson, Nora Grobe 90 Benson, Odie Hefly . . 73 103 Benson, Ormy .... 24 Benson, Orphea Gould . . 24 26 Benson, Orrin Wayne 73 Benson, Oscar Leiphans . 27 38 Benson, Ovid P., Jr. 55 Benson, Ovid P., Sr. . 55 38 Benson, P. Jeannette . 77 Benson, Patience . 103 20 Benson, Paul (son of Frederick) 56 83 Benson, Paul B. . 98 128 Benson, Pearl . 90 Benson, Peletiah 44 Benson, Percy Dean 27 Benson, Perry C. 90 Benson, Phebe 36 Benson, Philadelphia . . 101 Benson, Platt J. . 47 Benson, PoUy (daughter of Samuel, 1st) 101 Benson, Polly Bard . . . 101 Benson, Polly Hopkins 99 Benson, Polly J. (daughter of John, 2nd) 101 Benson, Polly J. Dutcher . . 77 Benson, Rachel (daughter of John, 2nd) 101 Benson, Rachel Ann . 78 Benson, Rachel Darling 44 Benson, Rachel Patchin . 36 Benson, Rachel T 75 Benson, Ralph (son of Robert C) 90 Benson, Ralph L, 75 Benson, Rebecca 29 Benson, Richard Delair. 101 Benson, Robert (son of Robert Henry) . 94 Benson, Robert, 1st (son of John, 1st) 83 Benson, Robert, 2nd (son of John F.) . 84 Benson, Robert C. (son ot Perry C.) 90 Benson, Robert H. (son of Henry D.) . 72 Benson, Robert Henry (son of Robert, 1st) . 94 Benson, Robert 0. . . 58 Benson, Robert W. . . 72 Benson, Roland G. . 65 Benson, Rose Morris 21 Benson, Rufus, 1st 19 Benson, Rufus, 2nd 19 Benson, Rufus, 3rd . . 20 Benson, Ruth (daughter of John, 1st) . 100 Benson, Ruth AmeUa 42 Benson, Ruth Ann .... 41 Benson, Ruth Ann Wheeler 52 Benson, Ruth White . 35 Benson, Ruth Whitely 40 Benson, Sadie E. ... 48 Benson, Sally Ann (daughter of Robert, 1st) 88 Benson, Sally K. . 45 Benson Samuel 1st 44 Benson, Samuel, 2nd 45 Benson, Samuel A. 65 Benson, Samuel D. . . . 66 Benson, Samuel K. 62 Benson, Samuel T. . 52 Benson, Sarah 24 Benson, Sarah (daughter of Alanson) 36 Benson, Sarah (daughter of John F.) 84 Benson, Sarah (daughter of Joseph, 2nd) 40 Benson, Sarah Brutzman 25 Benson, Sarah Caroline . . 57 Benson, Sarah Cornelia . . 78 Benson, Sarah Elizabeth 61 Benson, Sarah Hopkins . . 80 Benson, Sarah J, (daughter of Robert, 1st) 96 Benson, Sarah Jane 62 Benson, Sarah Jeanette 101 Benson, Sarah Morse . . 53 Benson, Sarah Palmatier 95 Benson, Sarah White . 23 Benson, Schuyler F. . 93 Benson, Schuyler W. 86 Benson, Shadrach S. 92 Benson, Sherman . . 89 Benson, Silas . . . 31 Benson, Susan (daughter ot Chauncey) 26 Benson,. Susan (daughter of Jacob, 2nd) 27 Benson, Susan (daughter of Jacob, 3rd) 24 Benson, Susan (daughter of Joseph) . 31 Benson, Susan Bartlett , , . 78 Benson, Susan Kidney 28 Benson, Susan Sprague 30 Benson, Susan T, 61 Benson, Susanna . 43 Benson, Svlvia . . 34 Benson, TiUie Pfiel . 81 Benson, Thankful 17 Benson, Theresa A. . 80 Benson, Thomas S. 53 Benson, Thompson 25 Benson, Thompson (son ot George A.) 26 Benson, Thompson (son of Jacob, 3rd) 19 Benson, Velma V. . 92 Benson, Virtus M. . . . 73 Benson, Walter H. . . . 76 Benson, Walter N. 95 Benson, Walter V. . 76 Benson, Warren G. 27 Benson, Welton H. . 21 Benson, Wilbur F. . . 20 Benson, WUliam Hunt, Peter 29 (son of David 1st) . . 30 Hutchinson, Samuel 79 Benson, William Irish, Elias . 62 (son ot Jacob 1st) . 17 Irish, Fred M 52 Benson, William A. 38 James, WiUiam 25 Benson, William A. Jayne, Charles 26 (son of Peiry C.) 90 Jenkins, Amos P. 53 Benson, WiUiam F. 54 KenwiU, Augusta R. N. 100 Benson, WiUiam George. 97 King, Clarence 90 Benson, WiUiam H. ... 36 Lanham, James Irvin 92 Benson, William Sanford 87 Lewis, James A, . 91 BeuLon, WiUis . 40 Litchenfelds 61 Benson, Zadie J. 78 Maine, D. B. . . 87 Marke, Patty 82 Andrews, WiUiam H, 96 Matidoff Henry L. . . 103 Bard, Brice . 102 Mead, I. N. 98 Ball, James M. 23 McCalvy, George W. 86 Beebe, Alfred 92 Morgan, Henry 79 Bird, James .... 60 Mulkins, "Doc" 101 Bremmeline, Theresa . 100 Nase, Henry I. 24 Cameron, M/s. John D. 100 Nightingale, Edwin N. 31 Case, Truman E. 46 Oakley, Clarence A. 52 Clear, Joseph . . 103 OdeU, Mrs. MarshaU 101 Conklin, E bert . 97 Peck, Watson W. 41 Cooper, Preserved 101 Percy, Claude V, 22 Cypher, George . . 62 Pierce, Frank W 37 Danisker F. Carl 23 Praper, Ruth A. 100 Darling, Abner 83 Pray, Milton ._ 70 Darling, Charles P. 77 Robinson, Martin 96 Darling, Daniel . 28 Rodgers, MUton K. 100 Davis, Charles L. 71 Ryan, Irving B. 80 Dutcher, Amelia . 100 Ryan, James 84 Dutcher, Benjamin 17 Ryan, Joseph ... 67 Dutcher, Cornelius 100 Ryan, Robert B. . 80 Dutcher, Enos 100 Schermerhorn, Hiram 29 Dutcher, John 76 Schermerhorn, John L. 53 Dutcher, John Q. . 62 Simpson, Ambrose B. 103 Dutcher, J. Van Ness 68 Snell, George . 94 Dutcher, Mrs. Maria 100 Soule, Henry 100 Dutcher, Newton 41 Soule, Nathaniel . 29 Dutcher, WiUiam H. 77 Stark, Cyrus . . 36 Deming, Olin L. 71 Sturges, Edward 61 Dixon, John 40 Tanner, Henry. 88 Dunbar, George S. 41 Tarr, WUliam . . 71 Ehle, Mrs. Archie 84 Tompkins, Mary B. 100 Fox, Eugene 33 Walker, Henry 78 Gay, Mrs. Watts, Albert . 31 GUbert, Mrs. Watts, Egbert . 38 (daughters ot Robert, 2nd) 84 Weaver 61 Haight, Henry G. 42 Wells, Philip . . 36 Hall, Smith J. . 38 Wheeler . . 85 Harding, N. J. 26 Wheeler, John .... 101 Hoag, Sanford 37 White, Mrs. W. J. . 100 Hufcut, George . . 99 Winchester, Henry N. . 24 Hufcut, George, Esq. . 99 Winchester, Mrs. MUo F. . 24 Hufcut, Henry j. . . 99 Woolsey, 86 Hufcut, Horace D, 99 130 n^'^mM