;,ic''f •'*/;'¦ ;is,'' ^ .' -**S' : ^'^1 Wesley, John Sermon on Romans VIII, 29, 30 London, 1817 — Jf "" ¦ '^^3ii*^;^ -yt v^ > £!£ ??5* SrVi* v. 4"--'. '. » - ' ,^t,^^ f„ ' sS- '"i/^. ','vi L^^'^'S-cl' ^#^^V^'^ *. * * ^ * r '^ *¦» St" ,4 SERMON, ON ROMANS VIII. 29, 30. .^¦^ #sr #^»^\r .#»* ^\^.F«»*\* *i^ f\^ BY JOHN WESLEY, M.A. LATE FELLOW OF LINCOLN-COLLEGE, OXFORD. LONDON: Printed al the Confer ence ^Office, 14, City Road, THOMAS CORDEUX, Agent. Sold by T. BlansbArd, i4, City-Road- and at all the Helbodist Freacbing-Honses in Town and Country. ' 1817. SERMON. Romans viii. 29^ 30. Whom he did foreknffw, he did predestinate to he conformed to the image qf his Son: — Whom he did predestinate, them he also called: whom he called, them he also justified; and whom he jus tified, them he also glorified. 1. /~\UR belofoed brother Paul, says St. Peter,* \J according to the wisdom given to him, hath Written imto you : as also in all his epistles, speak ing in them (f these things : in which are some things hard to be understood; which they that are un learned and unstable, wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, to their own destruction. 2. It is not improbable, that among those things spoken by St. Paul which are hard to be understood, the apostle Peter might place what he speaks on this subject, in the eighth and ninth chapters of his epistle to the Romans. And it is certain, not only the unlearned, but many of the most learned men in the world, and not the un stable only, but many who seemed to be well est*- blished in the truths of the gospel, have for several centuries, wrested these passages to their own des- struction. 3, Hard to be understood we may well allow them to be, when we consider, how men of the * 1 Pet. iii. 15, 16. A 2 strongest understanding, improved by all the ad< vantages of education, have continually differed in judgment concerning them. And this very consideration, that there is so wide a difference upon the head, between men of the greatest learn ing, sense and piety, one might imagine" would make all who now speak upon the subject, ex ceedingly wary and self-difKdent. But I know not how it is, that just the reverse is observed, in every part of the christian world. No writers upon earth appear more positive, than those who write on this difficult subject. Nay, the same men, who writing on any other subject, are re markably modest and humble, on this alone lay aside all self-distrust. " And speak ex cathedra infallible." This is peculiarly observable of almost all those,' who assert the absolute decrees. But surely, it is possible to avoid this : whatever we propose, may be proposed with modesty, and with deference to those wise and good men who are of a contrary opinion. ,And the rather, because so much has been said already, on every part of the question, so many volumes have been written, that it is scarce possible to say any thing which has not' been said before. All I would offer at present, not to the lovers of contention, but to men of piety and candor, are a few short hints, which perhaps may cast some light on the text above recited. 4. The more frequently and carefully I have considered it, the more I have been inclined to think, that the apostle is not here (as manj' have supposed) describing a chain cf causes and effects ; (this does not seem to have entered into his heart ;) but simply shewing the method in which God works ; the order in which the several branches of salvation constantly follow each other. And this, I apprehend, will be clear to any serious and im- partial enquirer, surveying the work of God either forward or backward: either from the beginning to the end, or from the end to the beginning.' 5. And first, let us look forward on the whole work of God in the salvation of man, considering it from the beginning, the first point, till it termi nates in glory. The first point is, the fore-know ledge of God. God foreknew those in every nation, who would believe, from the beginning of the world, to the consummation of all things. But in order to throw light upon this dark ques tion, it should be well observed, that when we speak of God's fore-knowledge, we do not speak according to the nature of things, but after the manner of men. For if we speak properly, there is no such thing, as either fore-knowledge or after- knofwledge in God. All time, or rather all eter nity, (for time is only that small fragment of eter nity which is allotted to the children of men) being present to him at once, he does not know one thing before another, or one thing after ano ther: but sees all things in one point of view, from everlasting to everlasting. As all time, with every thing that exists therein, is present with him at once, whatever was, is, or will be to the end of time. But observe. "VVe must not think, they are, because he knows them. No: He knows them, because they are. Just as I (if one may be allowed to compare the things of men with the deep things of God) now know, the sun shines. Yet the sun .does not shine, because I know it : but I know it, because he shines. My knowledge supposes the sun to shine ; but does not in any wise cause it. In like manner, God knows, that man sins ; for he knows all things. Yet we do not sin, because he knows it ; but he knows it, because we sin. And his knowledge supposes our sin, but does not in any wise cause it. In a word, God looking on all ages from the creation to the con summation as a moment, and seeing at once what- A 3 ever is in the hearts of all the children of men, knows every one that does or does not believe in every age or nation. Yet what he knows, whether faith or unbelief, is in nowise caused by his knowledge." Men are as free in believing or not believing, as if he did not know it at all. 6. Indeed if a man were not free, he could not be accountable, either for his thoughts, words or actions. If he were not free, he would not be capable, either of reward or punishment. He would be incapable either of virtue or vice, of being either morally good or bad. If he had no more freedom than the sun, the moon, or the stars, he would be no more accduntable than them. On supposition that he had no more freedom than them, the stones of the earth would be as capable of reward," and as liable to punishment, as man : one would be as accountable as the other. ' Yea, and it would be as absurd to ascribe either virtue ¦ or vice to him, as to ascribe it to the stock of a tree. 7. But to proceed. Whom he did foreknow, them he did predestinate, to be conformed to the image of his Son. This is the second step, (to speak after the manner of men : for in fact, there is nothing before or after in God.) In other words, God decrees, from everlasting to everlasting, 'that all who believe in the Son of his love, shall be conformed to his image, shall be saved from all inward and outward sin, into al) inward and outward holines=!. Accordingly it is a plain, un deniable fact; all who truly believe in the name of the Son of God, do now receive the end of their faith, the salvation of their souls : and this in vir tue of the unchangeable, irreversible, irresistible decree of God, He that belifveth shall be saved ; he that believeth not shall be damned. 8. Whom he did predestinate, them he also called. This is the third step: (still remembering, that we speak after the manner of men.) To exprefes it a little more largely. According to his fixt decree, that believers shall be saved, those whom he foreknows as such, he calls both outwardly and inwardly : outwardly by the word of his grace, and inwardly by his Spirit." This inward applica tion of his word to the heart, seems to be what some term effectual calling. And it implies, the calling them children of God, the accepting them in the Beloved; the justifying them freely by his grace, through the redemption that is in Jesus Christ. 9. Whom he called, those he justified. This is the fourth step. It is generally allowed, that the word justified here is taken in a peculiar sense; that it means, he made them just or righteous. He executed his decree, conforming them to the image qf his Son, or (as we usually speak) sancti fied them. 10. It remains, whom he justified, those he glo rified. This is the last step. Having made them meet to be partakers of the inheritance ofthe saints in Ught, he gives them the kingdom which was pre pared for them before the world began. This is the order wherein, according to the counsel qf his ttill [the plan he ' has laid down from eternity] he saves those whom he foreknew, the true believers in every place and generation. 11. The same great work of salvation by faith, according to the fore-knowledge and decree of God, may appear in a still clearer light, if we view it backward, from the end to the beginning. Suppose then you stood with the great multitude which no man can number; out of every nation, and tongue, and kindred, and people, who give praise unto him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb for ever and ever : you would not find one among them all, that were entered into glory, who was not a witness of that great truth. With out holiness no man shall see the Lord : not one of all that innumerable company, who was not sanc tified, before he was glorified. By holiness he w.as prepared for glory, according to the invariable will of the Lord, that the crown purchased by the blood of his Son, should be given to none but those who are renewed by his Spirit. He is be come ^Ae author of eternal salvation only to them that obey him : that obey him inwardly and out wardly ; that are holy in heart, and holy in all manner of conversation. 12. And could you take a view of all those upon earth, who- are now sanctified, you would find, not one of these had been sanctified, till after he was called. He was first called, not. only with an outward call, by the word and the mes sengers of God, but likewise with an, inward call, by his Spirit applying his word, enabling him to believe in the only begotten Son of God, and bearing a testihiony with his spirit, that he was a child of God. And it was by this very means they were all sanctified. It was by a sense of the love of God, shed abroad in his heart, that every one of them was enabled to love God. Loving God, he loved his neighbour as himself, and had power to walk in all his commandments blameless. This is a rule which admits of no exception. God calls a sinner his own, that is, justifies him, before he sanctifies. And by this very thing, the con sciousness of his favour, he works in him that grateful, filial affection, from which spring every good temper, and word, and work. 13. And who are they that are thus called of God, but those whom he had before predestinated, or decreed to conform to the image of his Son ? This decree (still speaking after the manner of men) precedes every man's calling. Every be liever was predestinated, before he was called. For God calls none, but according to the counsel of his will, according to this itpsSeat^, or plan of acting, which he had laid down before the founda tion of the world. I*. Once more. As all that are called were 4 Eredestinated, so all whom God has predestinated e foreknew. He knew, he saw them as believers, and as such p/edestinated them to salvation, ac cording to his eternal decree. He (hat believeth shall be saved. Thus we see the whole process of the work of God, from the end to the beginning. Who are . glorified ? None but those who were first sanctified. Who are sanctified? None but those who were first justified. Who are justified ? None but those who were first predestinated. Who are predestinated ? None but those whom God foreknew as believers. Thus the purpose and word of God stand unshaken as the pillars of heaven. He that believeth shall be saved ; he that believeth not shall be damned. And thus God is clear from the blood of all men; since whoever perishes, perishes by his own act and deed. They will not come unto me, says the Saviour of men : and there is no salvation in aiiy other. They will not believe ; and there is no other way either to present or eternal salvation. Therefore their blood is upon their own head : and God is still justified in his saying. That he willeth all men to be saved, arid to come to the knowledge of his truth, 15. The sum of all this is. The Almighty all- wise God sees and knows from everlasting to ever lasting, all that is, that was, and that is to come, through one eternal now. With him nothing is either past or future, but all things equally pre sent. He has therefore, if we speak according to the truth of things, no fore-knowledge, no after-knowledge. This would be ill-consistent with the apostle's words. With him is tio variable ness or shadow of turning : or with the account he gives of himself by the prophet, I the Lord change not. Yet when he speaks to us, knowing whereof we are made, knowing the scantiness of our un derstanding, he lets himself down to our capacity, and speaks of himself after the manner of men. Thus in condescension to our weakness, he speaks 10 of his own purposcf counseli platti forcktiowkc^ei Not that' God has any need of counsel, oi purposei or planning \as work before hand. Far be it from us, to impute these to the Most High; to measure hiin by ourselves ! It is merely in com passion to us, that he- speaks thus of himself, as fore-kncnmng the things in heaven or earth, and as predestinating or Jbre-ordMning' theioi. But can we possibly ¦ imagine, that these expressions are to be taken literally?' To- one- who was so gross in his conceptions,- might he not say, Thinkest thou I am such a one as thyself? Not so. As the hea vens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than thy ways, I know, decree, work, in such a manner, as it is not possible for thee to con- ceivCi But to give thee some faint, glimmering knowledge of my ways, I use the language of men, and suit myself to thy apprehensions, in this thy infant state of existence. 16. What is it then that we learn from this whole account? It is this, and no more. 1. God knows all believers, 2. Wills that they should be saved from sin, 3. To that end justifies them, 4. Sanctifies, and 5. Takes them to glory. O that men would praise the Lord for this his goodness ! And that they would be content with this plain account of it, and not endeavour to wade into those mysteries, which are too deep for men to fathom ! Armagh, June 5, 1773. FINIS. Cuiiference-Office, 14, City-Road: T. CoRDEUX, Agent.- »* ^ ^' * «'» YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Manu/actufed bp II III III II II III I III I II It III I 111 I III II III I III I III II llll III 3AYLORD BROS. Inc? 111^ Syracuse, N. Y. II I II III 11 11 111 I III I II llll! I 111 llll 1 1 III I III I 111 llll III I Mil I Stockton, ciif. 3 9002 04077 3906 .* ,^ •*• — ' ^ - ^ ^- -—'! i ""^ ¦"„ jj^"- ;^-s#' ~ 'I.j.i'* JT :K '<-!*' J- ,*. . *" v;wc^-'.i ' ''., _^ r- ^-^ Z '^ '< •