1 .^.'^ ° ILlIIBIg^lRlf » Bought with the income ofthe Henry W. Scott, Jr. Fund IV2 HISTORICAL RECORDS OF THE BRITISH ARMY. GENERAL ORDERS, HORSE-GUARDS, 1st January, 1836, His Majesty has been pleased to command, that, with a view of doing the fullest justice to Regi ments, as well as to Individuals who have distin guished themselves by their Bravery in Action with the Enemy, an Account of the Services of every Regiment in the British Army shall be published under the superintendence and direction of the Adjutant-General ; and that this Account shall con tain the following particulars, viz., The Period and Circumstances of the Ori ginal Formation of the Regiment ; The Stations at which it has been from time to time employed ; The Battles, Sieges, and other Military Operations, in which it has been engaged, particularly specifying any Achievement it may have performed, and the Colours, Trophies, &c,, it may have captured from the Enemy. The Names of the Officers and the number of Non-Commissioned Officers and Privates, Killed or Wounded by the Enemy, specifying the Place and Date of the Action. IV general orders. The Names of those Officers, who, in con sideration of their Gallant Services and Meritorious Conduct in Engagements with the Enemy, have been distinguished with Titles, Medals, or other Marks of His Majesty's gracious favour, — — The Names of all such Officers, Non-Com missioned Officers and Privates as may have specially signalized themselves in Action. And, The Badges and Devices which the Regiment may have been permitted to bear, and the Causes on account of which such Badges or Devices, or any other Marks of Distinction, have been granted. By Command of the Right Honourable GENERAL LORD HILL, Commanding-in-Chief. John Macdonald, A djutant- General. PREFACE. The character and credit of the British Army must chiefly depend upon the zeal and ardour, by which all who enter into its service are animated, and consequently it is of the highest importance that any measure calculated to excite the spirit of emulation, by which alone great and gallant actions are achieved, should he adopted. Nothing can more fully tend to the accomplishment of this desirable object, than a full display of the noble deeds with which the Military History of our country abounds. To hold forth these bright examples to the imitation of the youthful soldier, and thus to incite him to emulate the meritorious conduct of those who have preceded him in their honourable career, are among the motives that have given rise to the present publication. The operations of the British Troops are, indeed, an nounced in the ''London Gazette," from whence they are transferred into the public prints : the achievements of our armies are thus made known at the time of their occurrence, and receive the tribute of praise and admiration to which they are entitled. On extraordinary occasions, the Houses of Parliament have been in the habit of conferring on the Commanders, and the Officers and Troops acting under VI PREFACE. their orders, expressions of approbation and of thanks for their skill and bravery, and these testimonials, confirmed by the high honour of their Sovereign's Approbation, constitute the reward which the soldier most highly prizes. It has not, however, until late years, been the practice (which appears to have long prevailed in some of the Con tinental armies) for British Regiments to keep regular records of their services and achievements. Hence some difficulty has been experienced in obtaining, particularly from the old Regiments, an authentic account of their origin and subsequent services. This defect will now be remedied, in consequence of His Majesty haVing been pleased to command, that every Regi ment shall in future keep a full and ample record of its services at home and abroad. From the materials thus collected, the country will henceforth derive information as to the difficulties and privations which chequer the career of those Avho embrace the military profession. In Great Britain, where so large a number of persons are devoted to the active concerns of agriculture, manufactures, and commerce, and where these pursuits have, for so long a period, been undisturbed by the presence of war, which few other countries have escaped, comparatively little is known of the vicissitudes of active service, and of the casualties of climate, to which, even during peace, the British Troops are exposed in every part of the globe, with little or no interval of repose. In their tranquil enjoyment of the blessings which the PREFACE. Vll country derives from the industry and the enterprise of the agriculturist and the trader, its happy inhabitants may be supposed not often to reflect on the perilous duties of the soldier and the sailor,— on their suft'erings, — and on the sacrifice of valuable life, by which so many national benefits are obtained and preserved. The conduct of the British Troops, their valour, and endurance, have shone conspicuously under great and trying difficulties ; and their character has been established in Con tinental warfare by the irresistible spirit with which they have effected debarkations in spite of the most formidable opposition, and by the gallantry and steadiness with which they have maintained their advantages against superior numbers. In the official Reports made by the respective Com manders, ample justice has generally been done to the gallant exertions of the Corps employed; but the details of their services, and of acts of individual bravery, can only be fully given in the Annals of the various Regiments. These Records are now preparing for publication, under His Majesty's special authority, by Mr, Richard Cannon, Principal Clerk of the Adjutant-General's Office ; and while the perusal of them cannot fail to be useful and interesting to military men of every rank, it is considered that they will also afl'ord entertainment and information to the general reader, particularly to those who may have served in the Army, or who have relatives in the Service. There exists in the breasts of most of those who have VUl PREFACE. served, or are serving, in the Army, an Esprit de Corps — an attachment to every thing belonging to their Regiment ; to such persons a narrative of the services of their own Corps cannot fail to prove interesting. Authentic accounts of the actions of the great, — the valiant, — the loyal, have always been of paramount interest with a brave and civilized people. Great Britain has produced a race of heroes who, in mo ments of danger and terror, have stood, " firm as the rocks of their native shore ;" and when half the World has been arrayed against them, they have fought the battles of their Country with unshaken fortitude. It is presumed that a record of achievements in war, — victories so complete and surprising, gained by our countrymen, — our brothers, — bur fellow-citizens in arms, — a record which revives the memory of the brave, and brings their gallant deeds before us, will certainly prove acceptable to the public. Biographical memoirs of the Colonels and other distin guished Officers, will be introduced in the Records of their respective Regiments, and the Honorary Distinctions which have, from time to time, been conferred upon each Regi ment, as testifying the value and importance of its services, will be faithfully set forth. As a convenient mode of Publication, the Record of each Regiment will be printed in a distinct number, so that when the whole shall be completed, the Parts may be bound up in numerical succession. FIPTT-SIXTH REGIMENT OP FOOT. [To face page 1. HISTORICAL RECORD OP THE FIFTY-SIXTH, OK THE WEST ESSEX REGIMENT OF FOOT: containing an account op THE FORMATION OF THE REGIMENT IN 1755, AND OP ITS SUBSEQUENT SERVICES TO 1844. ILLUSTRATED WITH PLATES. LONDON; PARKER, FURNIVALL, AND PARKER, ¦MILlTARr LIBRARY, WHITEHALL. M.DCCC.XLIT. LONDON: [lAftRiSON AND CO., PE.INTKRS, .ST. martin's lank. THE FIFTY-SIXTH, OR THE WEST ESSEX REGIMENT OF FOOT, BEARS ON ITS REGIMENTAL COLOURS, THE WORD "MGR O," TO COMMEMORATE ITS GALLANTRY AT THE CAPTURE OF THE MORO FORT, AT THE HAVANNAH, IN 1762; ALSO THE WORD "GIBRALTAR," WITH THE CASTLE AND KEY; AND THE MOTTO MONTIS INSIGNIA CALPE, TO COMMEMORATE ITS DISTINGUISHED CONDUCT IN DEFENCE OF THE FORTRESS OF GIBRALTAR DURING TUB YEARS 1779, 1780, 1781, and 1782. CONTENTS, Year 1755175617571700 1762 1763 1770 17791780 17811782 1783 17841788 17931794 17951796 Formation of the Regiment , , , . Uniform — Names of Officers Marches to Scotland Returns to England Embarks for the West Indies .... Siege of the Moro Fort, and capture of the Ha vannah ....... Proceeds to Ireland Embarks for Gibraltar .... A light company added to the establishment Engaged in the successful defence of the im portant fortress of Gibraltar Styled the West Essex Regiment Embarks for England Proceeds to Scotland . . . . Embarks for Ireland .... Riot at Wexford — Major Valloton killed . Embarks for the West Indies Capture of Martinico . . . . St. Lucia Guadaloupe . . . . Returns to England — Proceeds to Ireland Embarks for the West Indies Page 9 10 11 12 14 1515 to 21 22 23 24 25 VI CONTENTS. Year Page 1796 Detached for St. Domingo .... 25 Capture of Bombarde .... 1797 Attack on Port Jack Thomas Defence of Irois .... Attack on St, Mary's .... Proceeds to Jamaica .... 1798 Embarks for England .... 1799 Expedition to Holland .... Battles of Bergen and Egmont-op-Zee • . 26 Returns to England ..... 27 1 800 Embarks for Ireland .... 1801 Recruited with men raised for European service only, who volunteer to extend their services to any part of the world .... 28 1804 A Second Battalion added to the establishment 29 1805 First Battalion proceeds to the East Indies , — 1807 Second Battalion proceeds to the East Indies . 30 1809 Detachment to Bourbon and the Mauritius . — Capture of Mallia 31 Capture of St, Paul's on the Island of Bourbon 33 Detachments serve as Marines ... 34 Services in consequence of disaffection in Native Corps ....... 35 1810 Capture of the Island of Bourbon . . . 36 Mauritius .... 37 1811 New Colours presented by the East India Company 38 1813 Services with the Guicwar's subsidiary Force 39 A Third Battalion added to the establishment . 40 Capture of Canool and Raree , , . 1814 Third Battalion serves in Holland ... 41 Action at Merxem, &c. . — returns to England ... 43 disbanded at Shcerness . . 1815 First Battahon proceeds to the Mauritius . 44 CONTENTS. Vll Year Pago 1816 Second Battalion serves with the Poonah Sub sidiary Force ...... 45 1817 Second Battalion returns to England and is dis banded ....... 46 1826 The Regiment returns to England ... 48 1827 Embarks for Ireland — 1829 Court of Enquiry to investigate Regimental Books and Registries .... 49 1831 Embarks for Jamaica ..... 50 1840 North America . ... 51 Detachments employed in the Disputed Territory during the unsettled state of the Boundary Question ....... — 1842 Embarks for Ireland 52 1844 The Conclusion 53 SUCCESSION OF COLONELS, 1755 Lord Charles Manners 1761 The Honorable William Keppel 1765 James Durand .... 1766 Hunt Walsh 1795 Samuel Hulse . . , , 1797 The Honorable Chappie Norton 1818 Sir John Murray, Baronet . •1827 Matthew Lord Aylmer, K.C.B. 1832 Sir Hudson Lowe, K.CB. . 1842 The Earl of Westmorland, K.C.B. & G 55565758 59 60 .CH. . — SUCCESSION OF LIEUT.-COLONELS • 61 SUCCESSION OF MAJORS .... 62 Vlll CONTENTS. PLATES. Page Colours of the Regiment . . . to face 9 Uniform of 1843 „ 52 FIFTY-SIXTH KEGIMBNT OP FOOT. HISTORICAL RECORD FIFTY-SIXTH, THE WEST ESSEX REGIMENT FOOT. The aggressions of foreign Princes, possessing 1755 extensive military establishments, have repeatedly ren dered considerable augmentations to the British army necessary, for the preservation of the kingdom and its numerous colonial possessions; and a circumstance of this character occasioned the formation of the Fifty- sixth Regiment, during the winter of 1755-6. The unjustifiable claims of France on certain por tions of North America, — the forcible expulsion of a company of British settlers from a tract of land beyond the Allegany Mountains, and near the river Ohio, by a body of French troops, — and the building of a fort to command the entrance into the country on the Ohio and Mississippi rivers, thus excluding the English from a valuable portion of their possessions, gave indication of an approaching War. In December, 1755, an order was issued for adding ten regiments of infantry to the regular army. The seventh of these new regiments was raised in the north of England, under the superintendence of Lord Charles Manners, who was nominated to the 56. fe 10 historical record of 1755 colonelcy, his commission bearing date the 26th of December, 1755. It was numbered the Fifty-eighth Foot; but two inefficient colonial corps being soon afterwards disbanded, (viz., Major-General Shirley's and Major-General Sir William Pepperel's,) it ob tained the rank of the Fifty-Sixth Regiment. 1756 Active measures were adopted in the beginning of 1756, for completing the numbers of the regiment to its establishment of ten companies, of seventy-eight non-commissioned officers and soldiers each; and its quarters were established at Newcastle and Gateshead. Its costume was scarlet, faced, lined, and turned up with deep crimson; a few years afterwards the facing was changed to a purple, which had been denominated "Pompadour" colour: this circumstance gave rise to the Fifty-sixth Regiment being commonly styled " The Pompadours," The following officers received commissions in the regiment: — Colonel, Lord Charles Manners. Lieut. -Colcmel, Peter Parr, Major, John Doyne. Captains. Lieutenants. Ensigns. James Stewart Wilson Marshall John Brereton William Skipton Jolm Forster Edward Jenkins William Playstowo Thomas Harrison James Lyons Wm. Earl of Sutherland Edwin Eyi-e Archibald Wight Tliomas Hargrave John White Joseph BailUe John Heighington James Perrin WiUiam Sandys John Deaken John Ingram Rennes Jenkinson John Archer Christopher Hales Captain-Lieutenant. David Dundas* John Woodford Francis Gregor St. John Pierce Lacy Cliaplain, John Halsted ; Adjutant, John Hardy ; Quarter-Master, William Lamplow; Surgeon, William Pitman. * Afterwards General Sir David Dundas, K.B., author of a valuable work on' the principles of military movements, which be came the basis of regulations for tlio field exercises of the British army. the fifty-sixth foot. 11 In April, 1757? the regiment marched to Berwick, 1757 from whence it afterwards continued its route to Scot land, where it was stationed several years, occupying quarters at Aberdeen, and its vicinity, in 1758; and in J 758 the following year at Edinburgh, from whence a detach- 1759 ment proceeded to Germany, to recruit the regiments serving in that country. Embarking from Leith, in July, 1760, the regiment 1760 proceeded to Hilsea barracks, where it was stationed during the year 1761. 1761 On the l7th of December, Lord Charles Manners was succeeded in the colonelcy by Colonel the Honorable William Keppel, fourth son of William-Anne, second Earl of Albemarle, from the First Foot Guards. In the mean time, France had been deprived of all 1 762 her possessions in North America, and British troops, then employed in Germany, were opposing formidable resistance to the schemes of the court of Versailles; but the celebrated treaty, called the " Family Compact," between the sovereigns of France and Spain (both Bourbon princes), gave a new character to the war. Confiding in the prowess of his seamen and soldiers, the British monarch did not shrink from the un equal contest, but proclaimed war against Spain on the 4th of January, 1762; and an expedition was after wards prepared for the attack of the valuable Spanish settlement of the Havannah, in the island of Cuba. The Fifty-sixth Regiment, being selected to take part in this enterprise, sailed from Portsmouth on, the 5th of March, and on arriving in the West Indies, it joined the armament under General the Earl of Albe marle: the colonel of the Fifty-sixth Regiment, the Honorable William Keppel, had the local rank of Major-General in the expedition. Passing through the dangerous navigation of the Straits of Bahama without accident, the fleet arrived B2 12 historical record of 1762 off" the Havannah on the 6th of June, and a landing was eff'ected on the following day. The Fifty-sixth Regiment mustered nine hundred and thirty-three officers and soldiers, under Lieut.-Colonel James Stewart, and were formed in brigade with four com panies of the Royals, and a battalion of the Sixtieth, under Brigadier-General Haviland. The Havannah, from its great importance, had been carefully fortified; the entrance to the harbour, which is one of the finest in the world, was secured on one side by the Moro fort, built of solid masonry on a projecting point of land, and having an immense ditch cut out of the rock. The west side of the harbour was defended by the Puntal fort, and the town was sur rounded by a rampart, flanked vnth bastions, and strengthened by a ditch. The reduction of the Moro fort was the first object which engaged the attention of the troops, and this service was intrusted to Major- General the Honorable William Keppel (colonel of the Fifty-sixth), his own regiment forming part of the force placed under his orders, and having repeated opportunities of evincing its spirit and perseverance in this arduous undertaking, rendered particularly difficult by the oppressive heat, a scarcity of water, the necessity of dragging the artillery along a rocky coast, and from the thinness of the soil; so great was the labour in carrying on the approaches, that several men were daily lost by diseases produced by their extraordinary exertions. The destruction of the grand battery by fire augmented the labours of the besieging troops; but they resumed their work, repulsed a sortie of the Spaniards, and erected new batteries. On the 30th of July, a storm ing party was formed under the orders of Lieutenant- Colonel Stewart, of the late Ninetieth Regiment (dis banded on 18th March, 1763) : two mines were sprung, a small practicable breach made, and the British sol- THE FIFTY-SIXTH FOOT. 13 diers rushed in at the aperture with so much impetuo- 1762 sity, that the Spaniards were instantly overpowered. Nearly one hundred and fifty of the enemy were killed; four hundred threw down their arms and were made prisoners; upwards of two hundred endeavoured to escape in boats, but lost their lives in the attempt. The spirited capture of the Moro fort was followed by the erection of a line of batteries on Cavannos Hill, commanding the eastern side of the city, and the guns of the captured fort were also turned against the Spaniards. On the 1 1th of August the batteries opened a well-directed fire on the Puntal fort and the town; and so severe was the cannonade, that in less than six hours the enemy's guns were silenced, and the white flag hoisted. A capitulation was concluded on the 13th, and possession was taken of the town and Puntal fort on the following day. This valuable conquest was achieved by a division of the royal navy, and a land force of fourteen thousand men ; and it cost upwards of a thousand officers and sol diers in killed and deaths from extraordinary exertions. The Fifty-sixth Regiment had twelve rank and file killed; one officer and twenty-three rank and file wounded: the regiment also sustained the loss of many brave men from diseases. For its distinguished conduct on this occasion, the regiment was honored with the royal authority to bear the word "Moro" on its regimental colours, which forms a conspicuous feature in its Record; few corps having acquired an honorary inscription for their colours on their first service. The regiment remained at the Havannah several 1763 months, the garrison being under the order of its colonel, Major-General the Honorable William Keppel. A treaty of peace was soon afterwards concluded; and the Havannah was restored to Spain in exchange for 14 HISTORICAL RECORD OF 1 763 Florida: it was, accordingly, delivered up to the Spanish troops on the 7th of July, 1763. In September, the Fifty-sixth Regiment em barked for Ireland, and landing in the following month, marched to Limerick, its numbers being completed by volunteers from other corps. 1764 At this period, several changes were made in the clothing and equipment of certain regiments of cavalry and infantry; and a communication, dated Dublin, 9th October, 1764, made known to the Fifty-sixth Regi ment — " His Majesty's pleasure, that the facings of the " clothing of the Fifty-sixth Regiment of Foot, under " the command of Major-General Keppel, be changed " to B. purple colour; that the men have white breeches; " that the accoutrements be white; and that the gre- " nadier caps be plated instead of embroidered," &c. 1765 Leaving Limerick on the 2nd of May, the regiment proceeded to Dublin, where it was stationed two years. On the 15th of May, 1765, Major-General the Hon orable William Keppel was removed to the Fourteenth Foot; and in June His Majesty conferred the colonelcy of the Fifty-sixth on Lieut.-General James Durand, from the lieut.-colonelcy of the First Foot Guards. 1766 Lieut.-General Durand died in 1766, and was suc ceeded by Colonel Hunt Walsh, from the lieut.-colonelcy of the Twenty-eighth Regiment. 1767 The regiment quitted Dublin in October, 1767, and proceeded to Waterford, where it remained seven 1768 months, and in May, 1768, it returned to Dublin. By the Royal Warrant, dated 19th December, 1768, the facings of the Fifty-sixth Regiment were continued to be purple. 1769 After performing Dublin duty two years, the regi ment received'orders to transfer its services to Gibraltar. 1770 It accordingly marched to Cork in May, 1770, and em barked from thence for that important fortress. THR FIFTY-SIXTH FOOT. 15 In December an order was received for augmenting 1770 the regiment, by the addition of a light infantry com pany of three serjeants, three corporals, two buglers, and sixty-two private soldiers; also an addition of twenty- one rank and file to each of the other companies. The regiment was stationed at Gibraltar during the l77l following twelve years. The American war commenced in 1775, and three Hanoverian regiments afterwards 1775 joined the garrison of Gibraltar. In 1 778 France united 1778 with the revolted British subjects, and the Spanish monarch contrived to introduce himself into the dis pute, in the character of a mediator; but his proposals were of so injurious a character to the interests of Great Britain, that they were instantly rejected. The King of Spain then seized on what appeared to be a 1779 favorable opportunity to declare war, and to wrest from Great Britain the important fortress of Gibraltar, which had resisted every attempt to retake it, since its capture by the British in 1704. In June, 1779? the intercourse of the garrison of Gibraltar with the Spanish territory was suddenly stopped, so that several officers on leave of absence, experienced difficulty in rejoining their corps. A nu merous Spanish army speedily blockaded the fortress on the land side, and the garrison became insulated from the rest of the world. Resolving on a desperate de fence of the fortress intrusted to their care, the troops undertook the task with cheerfulness, and severe toil and spare diet were sustained without complaint. The works were increased; the pavement of the streets was taken up ; the towers of conspicuous buildings pulled down; the stone sentry-boxes removed; guard-houses unroofed; traverses were raised in difi^erent places, and a covered way begun. Several staff appointments took place; among others. Major Hardy, of the Fifty- sixth, was nominated quarter-master-general; Captain 16 historical RECORD OF 1779 Valloton, aide-de-camp to the governor; and Lieutenant S. Wood, assistant town-major: the regiment was com manded by Major BuUeine Fancourt*. 1780 A. rigorous blockade being established by sea and land, a scarcity of provision was soon experienced; the soldiers, being resolutely determined to defend their position, submitted to privations which were unavoid able, altnough the scurvy made great ravages among them, and reduced their numbers. Early in 1780 Admiral Sir George Rodney arrived with a convoy, to the great joy and relief of the garrison, which was augmented by the second battalion of the Seventy- third Regiment. The British fleet having departed, the Spaniards renewed the blockade by sea, and attempted to destroy the vessels in the harbour by fire-ships, but failed. * Strength of the garrison of Gibraltar, at the commencement of the blockade, 21st June, 1779- British, Royal Artillery . Royal Engineers 12th Regiment 39th „ . . . 56th „ . . . 58th „ ... 72nd, or. Royal Manchester Volunteers (disbanded 1783) Hanoverians. Hardenberg's Regiment Reden's „ , De la Motte's „ Total Officers Staff. Ser jeants. Drum mers. Rank & File. 25 8 26 .^25 23 25 }29 161517 0 0 3 443 4 131216 17 C 2929 30 29 4742 42 42 15 \2 22 22222222 141414 428 106 519 506 508 526944367361 367 209 59 313 169 4,632 Governor, General George A. Eliot t, afterwards Lord HEATHrlELD. Lieut.-Governor, Lieut.-General R. Boyd. Commanding the Hanoverian Brigade, Major-General De la Motte- THE FIFTY-SIXTH FOOT. l7 Towards the close of the year, provision again became 1780 short; a limited supply was occasionally obtained from the Moors; the effects of the scurvy were mitigated by cultivating TCgetables on the rock ; and the gallant defenders of Gibraltar maintained their attitude of defiance to the power of Spain. In April, 1781, the garrison was again relieved by the 1781 arrival of a numerous fleet under Vice-Admiral Darby. This success occasioned the Spaniards to lose all hope of being able to reduce the fortress by blockade, and they resolved to try the power of their numerous artillery. Scarcely had the fleet cast anchor, when the enemy's batteries opened, and the fire of upwards of one hundred guns and mortars enveloped the fortress in a storm of war; a number of gun-boats augmented the iron tempest which beat against the rock, and the houses of the inhabitants were soon in ruins. Surgeon Thomas Chisholm, of the Fifty-sixth, was severely wounded by the splinter of a shell, on the 15th of April; Lieutenant Edward Vipars of the regiment was also wounded on the 26th of October, and Ensign Richard Edgar on the 3rd of November. Europe watched, with intense interest, the heroic conduct of the garrison; and the English governor deliberately observed the approaches of the enemy, and seized, with the keenest perspection, the proper moment to make a sortie with success. This occurred on the night of the 26th of November, when the flank companies of the Fifty-sixth had an opportunity of distinguishing themselves. The moon shone bright on the sands as the soldiers assembled at midnight; between two and three o'clock, darkness overspread the country, and the troops issued silently from the fortress. They were challenged and fired upon by the enemy's sentries; but the British soldiers rushed forward with their native ardour, overpowered the Spanish 18 historical RECORD OF 1781 guards, and captured the batteries in gallant style; the defenders ofthe works flying in dismay, and communicat ing the panic to the troops in their rear. The wooden batteries M'ere soon prepared for fire; the flames spread with astonishing rapidity, and a column of fire and smoke arose from the works,illuminating the surrounding objects, and shedding a fiery lustre upon this unparalleled scene. In an hour the object of the sortie was eflfected; trains were laid to the enemy's magazines, and the soldiers withdrew: as they entered the fortress tremendous explosions shook the ground, and rising columns of smoke, flame, and burning timber, proclaimed the destruction of the enemy's immense stores of gun powder to be completed. General Eliott declared in orders, — "The bearing and conduct of the whole detach- " ment, — officers, seamen, and soldiers, — on this glorious "occasion, surpass my utmost acknowledgments." The Spaniards appeared astounded at this disgrace ; they made no attempt to extinguish the flames; but appeared at a loss how to proceed. Early in December they began to arouse themselves, and to restore the bat teries; but were retarded by the fire of the garrison. While the besiegers were using diligence in repairing the old works, and constructing new ones, the gallant defenders of the fortress were equally indefatigable, — every Serjeant, drummer, musician, officer's servant, and private soldier was required to use the musket, shovel, and pickaxe, as his services were necessary. 1782 All ordinary means of attack appearing to be un availing against the resolute garrison of Gibraltar, stupendous preparations were made on a new principle, and floating batteries were constructed with great art and labour, and were accounted the most perfect con trivance of the kind ever seen. The combined power of France and Spain was directed against the fortress ; the Duke of Crillon took the command of the besieging THE fifty-sixth FOOT. 19 army, and he was assisted by a celebrated French engi- 1782 neer. Monsieur d'Arcon. As the summer of 1782 pro gressed, the garrison was aware that a crisis was approaching, and awaited with cool determination the hour of trial. Sickness and the enemy's fire thinned their numbers (Lieutenant White, ofthe Fifty-sixth, being among the wounded); yet their efforts were not relaxed. New subterraneous works were constructed; and furnaces prepared for heating red-hot shot. A trial of hot shot was made in the early part of September, and some of the enemy's works were set on fire. This unexpected disaster provoked the Duke of Crillon to hurry the attack of a number of new batteries, which opened with a yolley of sixty shells, and was followed by the fire of one hundred and seven guns of large calibre.' A tremendous storm of bullets and shells thundered against the fortress; and soon after, the immense battering-ships approached and took their station : princes of the royal blood of France, — Spanish nobility, — dignified characters of Europe, — and an amazing concourse of persons filling the enemy's camp, and covering the adjacent hills, to witness the fall of the fortress under the fire of these stupendous vessels. The batteries of the garrison opened their fire, and the roar of four hundred heavy guns proclaimed the dreadful conflict. The battering ships proved powerful; the heaviest shells rebounded from their tops, and a thirty-two pound shot scarcely seemed to make an impression on them. Sometimes smoke arose, but the engines in the ships soon caused it to disappear. The effect of the red-hot shot was doubted ; the result uncertain ; but the fire was persevered in, and showers of balls, shells, and carcasses, flew through the air. For some hours the attack and defence were so equally well supported, as scarcely to admit of any appearance 20 HISTORICAL RECORD OF 1782 of superiority in the cannonade on either side. The wonderful construction of the battering ships appeared to bid defiance to the powers of the heaviest ordnance and of red-hot balls. In the afternoon (13th Sep tember) the face of things began to change, and the smoke issuing from the upper part of the enemy's flag ship became more voluminous. A second ship soon appeared in the same condition. Confusion prevailed. The enemy's cannonade began to abate. Signals of distress were made to their fleet ; and groans and cries of suifering came from the burning ships. Soon after midnight one battering ship was in flames ; in a short time a second appeared in the same state ; and between three and four o'clock, six more exhibited the effects of the red-hot shot. A dreadful scene of conflagration illuminated the bay of Gibraltar, and the British seamen were seen rescuing their enemies from im pending destruction. Although defeated in this grand effort, the Spaniards entertained some hope of being able to reduce the garrison to submission from the want of provision ; and the siege was continued : but in October the combined fleets of France and Spain were damaged by a storm. After this event the garrison was again relieved; supplied with provisions, and reinforced with troops; and the officers and soldiers were encouraged to per severe in their gallant efforts, by a letter from the principal Secretary of State, published in orders, in which it was stated, — "I am honored with His " Majesty's commands to assure you, in the strongest " terms, that no encouragement shall be wanting to the " brave officers and soldiers under your command. His " Majesty's Royal approbation of the past will, no doubt, " be a powerful incentive to future exertion : and I '^ have the King's authority to assure you, that every " distinguished act of emulation and gallantry, whi.ch the fifty-sixth FOOT. 21 " shall be performed in the course of the siege, by any, 1782 " even of the lowest rank, will meet with ample reward " from his gracious protection and favour." Thus encouraged, the brave garrison of Gibraltar stood firm and determined in the defence of the fortress, and the enemy lost all hopes of being able to gain possession of the place. Preliminary articles for a treaty of peace having 1783 been signed, hostilities ceased in February, 1783, and Gibraltar remained one of the gems of the British Crown, after a determined siege of three years, seven months, and twelve days, from the commencement of the blockade. Thus terminated the celebrated siege of Gibraltar; the nations of Europe were struck with admiration of the gallant defenders of the fortress ; the British people applauded their governor and his brave garrison ; and the officers and soldiers received the thanks of Parlia ment and the approbation of their Sovereign. " In commemoration of the glorious defence made " by the regiments of infantry which composed the " garrison of Gibraltar during the late memorable ," siege of that fortress," the Fifty-sixth Regiment received the royal authority to bear on its regimental colours the word " Gibraltar," with the device of a "Castle and Key," and the motto "Montis Insignia Calpe," In pursuance of an arrangement made by His Majesty's command, the several regiments were at this period directed to assume County Titles, and to cultivate a connexion with such parts of the kingdom, with the view of promoting the recruiting of the army. The Fifty-sixth received the title of the West Essex Regiment. In the month of October of this year, the Fifty- sixth Regiment was relieved at Gibraltar, and em- 22 HISTORICAL RECORD OP 1783 barked for England: having landed at Portsmouth in December, it marched from thence to Chatham. 1784 In the beginning of 1784 the regiment marched to St. Albans, and in the spring commenced its route to Scotland, proceeding first to Glasgow, and afterwards to Aberdeen. 1785 On the Sth of April, 1785, the regiment commenced its march from Aberdeen for Fort George, where it 1786 was stationed twelve months," and, in April, 1786, marched to Perth: in June it proceeded to Edinburgh Castle. 1787 Leaving Edinburgh in May, 1787} the regiment proceeded to Ayr, and in September to Glasgow. Its establishment was reduced from eleven to ten com panies. 1788 In January, 1788, the regiment embarked from Glasgow for Ireland, and, landing at Belfast, proceeded from thence to Galway, where it was stationed during 1789 the following year. 1790 From Galway the regiment marched, in the autumn of 1790, to Dublin, where it was stationed during the 1791 year 1791, its lieutenant-colonel. Colonel Peter Craig, commanding the garrison. 1792 From Dublin the regiment marched, in June, 1792, to Drogheda. In the mean time a revolution of a violent and dangerous character had taken place in France, and the French monarch was placed under restraint. These proceedings, with the attempts made by the French to promulgate their democratical doc trines in other countries, appearing to render a war inevitable, the army was augmented, and two companies were added to the Fifty-sixth Regiment. 1793 Several changes of quarters took place in the early part of 1793. Brevet-Major Valloton, being stationed with his company at Wexford, was employed, on the 11th of June, 1793, in suppressing a tumult at that THE FIFTY-SIXTH FOOT. 23 place, and, advancing in front of his men, to expostulate ] 793 with the rioters, he was cut down by one of the mob with a scythe; his men fired on the assassin, and several rioters were killed and wounded. A monument was erected to the memory of Major Valloton near the town of Wexford, where the occurrence took place. In August the regiment marched to Cork, and was held in readiness to proceed on foreign service. The French republicans had added to their other atrocities the decapitation of their sovereign; war had com menced, and the Fifty-sixth Regiment was selected to join an expedition to the West Indies, under General Sir Charles (afterwards Earl) Grey, to deliver the French West India islands from the power of the republicans. The regiment embarked for this service in November, and sailed for Barbadoes, where it arrived in January, 1794. The flank companies of the regiment were formed in 1794 grenadier and light infantry battalions, and, with the battalion companies, proceeded against the island of Martinico. A landing was effected at three different points in the early part of February, 1794, and some sharp fighting occurred, in which the Fifty-sixth, particularly the flank companies, had the honor to take part, and in a short period this valuable island was captured by the British arms. Sir Charles Grey stated in his despatch, — "The general and field officers " and the commanding officers of corps, have set such " an example of zeal, activity, and animation in this " service, which has been so laudably imitated by all " the officers and soldiers of this little army, that they " merit the greatest praise." Leaving the battalion companies at Martinico, the flank companies proceeded with the expedition against St, Lucia, the grenadiers being in the brigade under Prince Edward (afterwards Dukeof Kent), and the light 24 HISTORICAL RECORD OF 1794 company in that commanded by Major-General Dundas. The troops employed on this service arrived at St. Lucia on the 1st of April, and the conquest of that fine island was achieved in three days. The army afterwards proceeded against the island of Guadaloupe, and the Fifty-sixth had the honor to share in this enterprise. A determined resistance was made by the French republicans ; but the island was captured before the end of April, and the commander of the forces declared he could not find words to express " the high sense he entertained of the extraordinary merit " evinced by the officers and soldiers in this service." The regiment was afterwards stationed at Grenada and Martinico, and a great loss of life having been sustained from the effects of climate and other causes, an order was received in October, to transfer the men of the Fifty-sixth, fit for duty, to the Sixth, Ninth, and Fifteenth Regiments. 1795 On the 3rd of January, 1795, the officers, staff", and such non-commssioned officers and soldiers as had not been transferred to other corps embarked from Marti nico, and sailed for England; they arrived at Graves end on the 18th of February, and were stationed at Chatham : active measures were adopted to recruit the ranks of the regiment. After commanding the regiment nearly thirty years, General Walsh died, and was succeeded in the colonelcy by Major-General Samuel Hulse, from the lieut.- colonelcy of the First Foot Guards, by commission, dated the 7th of March, 1795. In September the regiment marched to Gravesend, where it embarked for Cork, and landed at Spike Island on the 1st of October. 1796 Great success had attended the recruiting and training of the regiment, and although one year only had elapsed since its return from the West Indies a skeleton, it had THE FIFTY-SIXTH FOOT. 25 attained so perfect a state of discipline and efficiency, that 1 796 in the early part of 1796 it proceeded to Barbadoes, from whence it was detached to St, Domingo, where it served under Major-General White, by whom it was employed at the taking of Bombarde in the district of Mole, St. Nicholas, which was captured, and the works destroyed. On the 24th of January, 1797, Major-General Hulse 1797 was removed to the Nineteenth Regiment, and the colonelcy of the Fifty-sixth was conferred on Major- General the Hon. Chappie Norton, from the Eighty- first Regiment. In this year the regiment was employed in the dis trict of Grand Ance in the island of St. Domingo; it took part in the attack of Port Jack Thomas, and in the defence of Irois, under Major-General Brent Spencer, also in the attack made on the town of St. Mary's ; after which it returned to Port St. Nicholas. When the island was given up, the regiment proceeded to Jamaica, where it remained until November, 1798, 1798 when it embarked from Kingston, for England. Arriving at Gravesend on the 31st of January, 1799, 1799 the regiment landed, and proceeded to Chatham, It was afterwards removed to different counties in England, and active measures were adopted with success to recruit its diminished numbers. At this period a favorable opportunity appeared to present itself for rescuing Holland from the power of France, into which it had fallen during the early part of 1795, and a plan of co-operation was concerted between Great Britain and Russia, in the expectation that the Dutch would rise against the French, and, aided by the Anglo-Russian force, would exert themselves to effect their emancipation. The Fifty-sixth being selected to share in this enterprise, joined the troops at Barham Downs on the 3 1st of July, and in the middle of Sep tember embarked at Deal for Holland. 56. c 26 historical record of 1799 The regiment joined the Anglo-Russian army, under His Royal Highness the Duke of York, in time to take a distinguished part in the attack of the enemy's posi tions on the 19th of September, On this occasion the first operations of the several columns were success ful; but the hopes, which a brilliant commencement afforded, of a general and decisive victory, were destroyed by the hasty valour, and the want of that precaution which the art of war prescribes, on the part of the Russians under General Hermann, who were repulsed by an enemy inferior to themselves in numbers and valour, but superior in science and prudence. This disaster rendered it necessary for the army to resume its position. The Fifty-sixth Regiment had thirty rank and file killed on this occasion ; Captains King and Gilman, Lieutenant Prater, thirty-three rank and file, wounded; one Serjeant, one drummer, and fifty-seven rank and file, missing. The Duke of York stated in his public despatch, — "The gallantry dis- " played by the troops engaged — the spirit with which " they overcame every obstacle which nature and art " opposed to them, and the cheerfulness with which " they maintained the fatigues of an action which " lasted, without intermission, from half-past three "o'clock in the morning until five in the afternoon, " are beyond my powers to describe. Their exertions " fully entitle them to the admiration and gratitude of " their king and country." On the 2nd of October a successful attack was made on the enemy's positions between Bergen and Egmont- op-Zee ; and the action " was* sustained by the British " columns under those highly-distinguished officers, " General Sir Ralph Abercromby and Lieut,-General » The Duke of York's despatch. TIIE FIFTY-SIXTH FOOT. 27 " Dundas, whose exertions, as well as the gallantry of 1799 " the brave troops they led, cannot have been surpassed " by any former instance of British valour," During the night the enemy fell back; and the British advance-posts moved forward on the following day. On the 6th of October the enemy's posts were again attacked with success, and the British maintained a forward position. Although the army under the Duke of York was victorious in its engagements, yet the Dutch people were not stimulated, by these spirited exertions, to rise in arms against their oppressors ; and several circum stances having occurred which indicated that the expedition was not likely to be eventually successful, the Duke of York resolved to evacuate the country. The regiment embarked from North HoUand on the 18th of November, landed at Yarmouth on the 20th, and marched to Chelmsford. In December it proceeded to Horsham, Leaving Horsham on the 26th of January, 1800, the 1800 regiment proceeded to Portsmouth, where it embarked for Ireland, and landingon the 25th of February, marched to Kilkenny, from whence it afterwards proceeded to Clonmel, Fermoy, &c. Two companies, of one hundred rank and file each, were added to the establishment. While at these stations, the regiment was con spicuous for its correct discipline and efficiency, and after the usual inspection, on the 29th of October, the following garrison order was issued : — " Major-General " Sir Charles Ross is happy to have this opportunity " of expressing his approbation of the steadiness and " appearance of the Fifty-sixth Regiment this day, " and returns his thanks to the officers and men for the " zeal and attention which they have displayed on all " occasions since he has had the honor of com- " manding them." c 2 28 HISTORICAL RECORD OF 1801 The regiment, after its return from the West Indies, in the early part of 1799, had been recruited with men for limited service in Europe; but when the glorious triumphs of the BritLsh army in Egypt, under General Sir Ralph Abercromby, K.B,, were made known to the corps in general orders, this announcement of splendid victories, gained by English troops, created so lively an interest in the regiment, that the soldiers instantly responded with a tender of service in any quarter of the globe, which was communicated to the general officer of the district, Brigadier-General Champagne, by Major H. S. Keating, commanding the regiment at the time, in the following terms: "Sir, — I have the honor to inclose you the offer " of the Fifty-sixth Regiment, of serving in any " part of the world, where His Majesty may deem it " necessary; which I beg you will have the goodness " to lay before his Excellency the Commander-in-chief, " I should consider myself acting with injustice, were I " not to notice the very enthusiastic manner in which "the orders of the 16th May, 1801*, of His Royal " Highness the Duke of York, were received, and the " consequent tender of those services excited by a con- "templation of the animated conduct of our gallant " army in Egypt; and I feel a confidence in adding, that " should they be accepted, I have every reliance, that " the spirit and energy of the regiment, wiU support " with honor the interest of its king and country." The commander of the forces in Ireland directed the adjutant-general to convey to the non-commissioned officers and privates of the regiment, " his thanks and " approbation of their spirited offer of general service, "which is transmitted to His Royal Highness the ^ These orders are printed in the Record of the Second or Queen's Royal Regiment of Foot, page 81. THE FIFTY-SIXTH FOOT. 29 "Commander-in-chief, to be laid before the King," 1801 The Duke of York also communicated " his thanks " to the corps for their spirited and loyal offer to extend " their service to any part of the world," This tender of service was, however, so speedily 1802 followed by the peace of Amiens, concluded in the early part of 1802, that no call was made, at this period, for the regiment to proceed on foreign service. In October it marched to Limerick. Hostilities were resumed in 1803, and Bonaparte's 1803 threat of invading England was answered by a sudden assumption of arms throughout the kingdom, which produced an array of military power, that proved how highly the British people prized their constitution and liberties, and deterred the French from quitting their own coast. The regiment proceeded to Galway in August, and was afterwards removed to Tuam, Loughrea, and Kinsale. Among the measures adopted to repel the French 1804 invasion, an additional force act was passed in June, 1804; and four hundred of the men, raised under its provisions, in the county of Surrey, were constituted the second battalion of the Fifty-sixth Regiment; they were embodied at Farnham, and the battalion was placed on the establishment of the army on the 25th of December, 1804: it was augmented soon afterwards to six hundred and fifty-six non-commissioned officers and soldiers. The first battalion remained in Ireland until 1805 January, 1805, when it embarked at Kinsale for the Isle of Wight, where its establishment was augmented to one thousand rank and file, which was speedily com pleted, and in April it embarked in three divisions for the East Indies: it landed at Bombay in August, and was stationed at that city several years. In May the second battalion left Farnham, and was 30 historical RECORD OF 1805 stationed a short time at the barracks at Forton and Gosport; in August it proceeded to the Isle of Wight, where a pair of colours was presented to it on the 28th of November. Its establishment was augmented in December to eight hundred and sixty- six non commissioned officers and soldiers. 1806 From the Isle of Wight the second battalion pro ceeded to Guernsey, in March, 1806, and its estab lishment was fixed at a thousand rank and file. 1807 After remaining at Guernsey twelve months, the second battalion returned to the Isle of Wight: it was in a high state of discipline and efficiency, and in June it embarked in two divisions for India. The fleet encountered a severe gale of wind, and the vessels of the first division parted company, and put into Simon's Bay to refit. They remained at the Cape of Good Hope a month, and afterwards continued the voyage to Madras, where they arrived in December, under convoy of the Greyhound frigate. On arrival in India the several companies proceeded to Bombay, 1808 where both battalions were stationed in 1808: the success which attended the recruiting of the regiment, occasioning the establishment of the first battalion to be augmented to thirteen hundred non-commissioned officers and soldiers. 1809 In January, 1809, the second battalion marched to Barachie, near Surat. Meanwhile British commerce had experienced con siderable interruption and some loss from the French naval force stationed in the Indian Sea, which force rendezvoused at the Island of Bourbon, and the Isle of France (or the Mauritius) . In January two hundred men of the first battalion were detached from Bombay, to join the troops assembling at the Island of Roderigue, under Lieut.-Colonel Keating, of the Fifty-sixth Regiment, for the attack of the French islands in the Indian Sea. .THE fifty-sixth FOOT. 31 While this detachment of the first battalion was on 1809 the voyage, four companies of the second battalion marched to Baroda, under the orders of Captain D. Daly, and joined the force assembling at that place, under Lieut.-Colonel Walker, for the reduction of the fort of Mallia, in Kattawar, which was the stronghold of a numerous body of marauders, who plundered and devastated the surrounding territory, and had success fully resisted the attacks of powerful native chiefs, which had procured for their fort the reputation of being impregnable. The position was naturally strong, the fortifications good, the garrison, being fully aware of the approach of the British troops, was prepared, and, to gain additional security, had surrounded the wall with a strong embankment of earth and thorns. After a long and fatiguing march the British troops arrived before Mallia on the 6th of July; and the garrison returning a vaunting answer to the summons to surren der, the fire of the artillery commenced on the following day, and a practicable breach was effected in a few hours. At four o'clock in the afternoon the storming party, of which the Fifty-sixth furnished a proportion of one hundred and fifty rank and file, advanced; the forlorn hope being under the command of Captain McKenzie, of the Bombay European Regiment, who was gallantly supported by Lieutenant Newman of the Fifty-sixth, a volunteer on the occasion. Rushing forward with heroic valour, the soldiers soon forced the breach, and in less than three-quarters of an hour they were in possession of the greater part of the town. As they advanced, the resistance became more determined ; the banditti fighting with great spirit, and eventually retiring into an inner fort, which was inaccessible to an assault ; when, the evening being far advanced, ope rations ceased for the night. Before the following morning the defenders of Mallia withdrew through a 32 HISTORICAL RECORD OF 1809 sally port, and fled ; a few men remaining to keep up an occasional fire, and these retired before daylight; when the fort was occupied by the British troops. This place having been accounted by the natives of the Kattawar as impregnable, its early reduction, with the cool and steady valour by which it was carried, filled with astonishment and admiration the several vakeels of the diiferent chieftains, who were in attend ance on Lieut.-Colonel Walker, and afforded them proof of the irresistible effects of British discipline, skill, and prowess. This afterwards operated bene ficially in producing the organization of so rude and uncivilized a tract of country, as the greater part of the peninsula of Guzerat then was. In the general orders issued on this occasion, it was stated : — "To Captain D, Daly, the officers and men of " the Fifty-sixth Regiment, the commanding officer " returns his particular acknowledgments ; they have " nobly supported the reputation of the senior battalion, " in all the characteristics of good soldiers," , . , " The " commanding officer cannot omit the expression of " his warmest acknowledgments to Captain Arnot, of " the Fifty-sixth Regiment, for his exertions at the " erection of the batteries, and for his conduct at the " storm ; and it would be injustice to withhold his " thanks to Lieutenant Newman, for his spirited sup- " port of Captain McKenzie in the advanced party," The casualties, amounting to eighty- two killed and wounded, prove the arduous nature of the enterprise ; and of this number the Fifty-sixth Regiment had six rank and file killed; Captain Arnot, and twelve rank and file wounded. In December the troops were ordered to return to their former stations, and the detachment of the Fifty-sixth rejoined the head quarters of the second battalion at Barachie, Meanwhile the party of the first battalion at the THE FIFTY-SIXTH FOOT, 33 Isle of Roderigue had sailed from thence with the forces 1809 under Lieut,-Colonel Keating, to co-operate with the British navy in blockading the Isles of France and Bourbon, and in attacking the enemy's ports. At five o'clock on the morning of the 21st of September, six hundred men landed in three columns, seven miles from the port of St. Paul's, in the Isle of Bourbon, then called by the French the Isle of Bonaparte, and by a forced march crossed a causeway extending over the lake, before the enemy discovered their disembarkation or approach to the town ; they also passed the enemy's strongest position by seven o'clock, and gained posses sion of two batteries before the enemy could form in force. Captain Imlack, of the Bombay Native Infantry, was detached with one hundred and fifty men to take possession of a third battery ; and on his way he encoun tered the French forces, concentrated behind a stone wall, with eight field-pieces on their flanks. This post was instantly attacked in a most gallant manner ; Cap tain Hanna of the Fifty-sixth Regiment arrived with the third column, and charging, captured two guns ; and Captain Forbes, of the Fifty-sixth Regiment, advancing with the reserve, the enemy was compelled to retreat with the loss of his artillery. A few men were detachedjin'pursuit ; two additional batteries were captured, and by half-past eight o'clock the town, batte ries, magazines, eight brass field-pieces, and one hundred and seventeen new iron guns, were in possession of the British troops : at the same time the enemy's shipping were forced to surrender to the British naval force. Thus was accomplished a most brilliant exploit, in a few hours, and it reflected great credit on the commanding officer, Lieut,-Colonel Keating, of the Fifty-sixth, and on all the troops engaged. The loss of the regiment was one Serjeant, and five rank and file killed; one Serjeant and twenty-six rank and file wounded. The town being commanded by the British naval 34 historical record of 1809 force, the troops returned on board the fleet; part of the enemy's stores and the guns were destroyed; the remainder were embarked on board the company's recaptured ship Streatham, which, with the Europe, were placed under their former commanders. In October the troops sailed for the Isle of Roderigue. The conduct of Ensign Pearce, of the Fifty-sixth Regiment, was highly commended in the public de spatch of Lieut.-Colonel Keating. In the beginning of this year, a detachment of the regiment, under Lieutenant John Elliot Cairnes, per formed duty as marines, in the Indian Sea, on board of His Majesty's ship Psyche, which was engaged in the war with the Rajah of Travancore, who governed a populous province at the south-west extremity of Hin- doostan. This province was indebted for its indepen dence to the valour of British troops, who rescued it from the power of Tippoo Sultan, when the forces of the Mysore had overrun the country, in 1790; and in 1795 a treaty of alliance was concluded with the rajah, who engaged to subsidize three battalions of British Sepoys for the defence of his dominions. Some disputes arising from the payments to be made in consequence of this treaty, produced war; the British Sepoys stationed at Quilon were menaced with anni hilation; the house of the resident. Colonel C. Macauly, at Cochin, was attacked; and the Twelfth and Nine teenth British regiments were suddenly ordered to the scene of contest, A detachment of the Fifty-sixth, on board the Piedmontaise frigate, were employed in services connected with the safety of the troops at Guilon, and the preservation of the life of the British resident. This frigate cannonaded the port of Aleppi, where a party of the Twelfth Foot had been treacherously seized, their wrists broken with a heavy piece of iron, their hands tied behind them, and after lying several days in a dungeon, were precipitated from a rock into THE fifty-sixth FOOT. 35 the sea. This detachment of the Fifty-sixth landed 1809 at Quilon, under Lieutenant Warren, to co-operate in the preservation of the life of the British resident, who had escaped from Cochin. The services of the detach ment under Lieutenant Cairnes, on board of the Psyche, were connected with the operations of the army under Brigadier- General the Honorable A, St. Leger; and under the cover of the frigate's broadside, the soldiers of the regiment stormed and captured a strong battery, commanding Colatchi Bay; thus co-operating in the capture of Travandrum, the capital, which reduced the refractory Rajah of Travancore to submission. Measures for enforcing a system of economy, having interfered with the emoluments which British officers in the command of native regiments had been accus tomed to receive, from the contract for supplying their corps with camp equipment, the civil and military authorities of Madras became opposed to each other; from this misunderstanding resulted serious disaffec tion and disobedience of orders in the native army; and the head-quarters and companies of the first battalion of the Fifty-sixth at Bombay, were sud denly ordered to Madras. They embarked on board the Cornwallis frigate and two transports, on the 30th of July, under secret orders, and landed at Madras on the 11th of August, before any disclosure of the approach of this reinforcement had reached the army of that presidency. The governor addressed a com munication to the regiment on this occasion, in which he stated he felt — "particular satisfaction that the " selection for this delicate service had fallen to the first " battalion of the Fifty-sixth Regiment, whose dis- " tinguished and characteristic zeal for the maintenance " of professional subordination to the authority of legal "government, must so powerfully tend to recal the " misguided to a sense of their duty." 36 historical record of 1809 The regiment proceeded to the Marmalong camp im mediately, and after the return of the native corps to their duty, it received the thanks of the Governor in Council, in general orders, — " for the manner in which His Ma- "jesty's officers and soldiers, who rallied round the cause " of government, loyalty, and duty, conducted them- " selves." In October the battalion proceeded to Bellary. 1810 These troubles being suppressed, the governor- general conceived the idea of clearing the Indian Ocean of all that was hostile to Great Britain, and a consider able force was placed under the orders of Lieut.-Colonel Keating, ofthe Fifty-sixth, including a strong detach ment of the first battalion of the regiment, for the cap ture of the Island of Bourbon. On this occasion Lieut.- Colonel Keating resolved to make his first attack on the capital, in the expectation that, with its capture, the re duction of the island would be accomplished, A landing was eff'ected at Grand Chaloupe on the 7th of July, 1810; and Captain Hanna was detached with two com panies of the Fifty-sixth to La Possessime, " the bat- " teries of which place he took by assault in the most " gallant manner*;" and with the trifling loss of two men killed, and two wounded: thus proving the advan tage of making attacks with spirit and resolution. All the troops of the expedition conducting themselves with heroic ardour, the opposition of the enemy was speed ily overcome, and the conquest of the island accom plished in so short a period of time, that Lieutenant- Colonel Keating stated in his public despatch, — " In " all the operations the troops evinced the native " energy and gallantry of Britons, and in a few hours " this rich, extensive, and valuable colony was added " to the British dominions," Lieutenant Mallet and a party of the regiment, proceeded with the French troops which had surrendered, to the Cape of Good Hope, * Lieut,-Colonel Keating's despatch. THE FIFTY-SIXTH FOOT. 37 Additional troops arriving at this part of the Indian 1810 Ocean, Major-General J. Abercromby assumed the command, and an expedition proceeded against the Isle of France, which was afterwards restored to its original designation of the Mauritius, and the detach^ ment of the Fifty-sixth Regiment had the honor to serve in this enterprise; the party which proceeded, under Lieutenant Mallet, in charge of French prisoners to the Cape, arriving in time to take part in this ser vice, A landing was effected in the Bay of Mapon on the 29th of November, and the troops advanced through a thick wood, when some skirmishing occurred, and Lieut,-Colonel Keating, of the Fifty-sixth Regiment, and twelve men of the piquet, were wounded. Pene trating the open country on the following day, the troops experienced great inconvenience from the want of water, and halted at the streams of the powder-mills, five miles from Port Louis, After passing the night at this place, they resumed the march, and were opposed in their progress by a strong body of the enemy, when some severe fighting occurred, in which the British soldiers were triumphant: the Fifty-sixth Regiment had five men killed and several wounded. Pursuing their victorious career, the British troops advanced to the enemy's lines; and on the following morning the French Commander, General de Caen, proposed to capitulate; thus was this valuable colony wrested from the enemy, and it has continued to form part of the possessions of the British crown to the present time. During this year the star of Britain shone bright on the naval and colonial affairs of this great maritime power, whose enemies were deprived of the last estab lishment which they had possessed beyond the Cape of Good Hope, and the Pompadours had the honor of sharing in these brilliant adventures. 38 HISTORICAL RECORD OF 1810 The second battahon remained at Barachia; and so successful was the recruiting of the regiment, under the influence and zealous efforts of its colonel, Lieut.-General the Hon. Chappie Norton, that the establishment of the second battalion was augmented to one thousand three hundred and six non-commissioned officers and soldiers ; making the number of the two battalions in India, two thousand six hundred and twelve, and, notwithstanding the casualties of war and climate, the effectives approxi mated the establishment. A strong detachment of volun teers from the militia, to the Fifty-sixth, arriving in India in May, was stationed at the Portuguese establish ment at Goa. The detachment under Lieutenant Cairnes continued to serve as marines. 1811 In March, 1811, the party from Goa joined the head-quarters of the first battalion at Bellary; and towards the close of the year, Lieut.-Colonel Keating returned with the detachment from the capture of Bour bon and the Mauritius. The Honorable the East India Company expressed its sense of the valuable services of the regiment, by presenting the first battalion with a pair of new colours, during its stay at Bellary. This year the second battalion returned to Bombay. 1812 ^^ May, 1812, Lieut.-Colonel Kingscote arrived from England, and took the command of the second battalion; which, in October, marched from the town barracks, Bombay, to the pendals on Colabah. The first battalion quitted Bellary, and in Septem ber joined the field-force assembled in the southern Mahratta country, under the command of Colonel Dowse, of the East India Company's Service, for the purpose of enforcing the payment of the arrears of the customary tribute, withheld by the Ranee of Raree; and took part in all the operations consequent upon the performance of this duty. TIIE FIFTY-SIXTH FOOT, 39 Two companies of the second battalion were ordered 1813 to garrison Surat, in February, 1813; andthe head quarters embarked for the Guzerat, where they arrived at the Dutch Bundes in Surat on the 9th of March; and owing to the bad and unhealthy state of these quarters, the battalion was removed in April, to Domus, where it was encamped : but re-occupied the Dutch Bundes in June, with two companies at Surat. Four companies were detached, in the same month, under the command of Captain Barrington, to join the Guicwar's subsidiary force, under the orders of Colonel Holmes, of the East India Company's ser vice. On the third day the four companies marched from Khim to Oclasceer, a distance of eighteen miles, the last six of which were across an arid plain, destitute of shelter, and exposed to an unusual degree of heat, when many men fell from complete exhaustion ; three died where they fell; and seven others expired during the day, after they had been removed to quarters by the natives. These four companies were followed, in Sep tember, by two others, under Lieut.-Colonel Kingscote who assumed the command of the six companies with the force under Colonel Holmes, which was employed in operations for the re-establishment of the rightful heir to the throne, which had been usurped by the uncle. On the 15th of November this force took pos session of the fort of Palampore, which the Scindians had evacuated early in the morning. The troops remained in the neighbourhood of this place until the end of the year, when the companies of the Fifty - SIXTH marched back to the camp at Domus, where the Guzerat fever deprived the corps of many valuable soldiers. Notwithstanding its numerous losses, the recruiting of the regiment was conducted with great success, under the influence and zealous eiforts of its colonel, and its ranks received a constant supply of young men, many -40 HISTORICAL RECORD OF 1813 of them from the county of Surrey. At this period the war in Europe had attained a crisis : the British forces had triumphed in Portugal and Spain, and had forced the barrier of the Pyrenees and penetrated France; the Emperor Napoleon had lost a numerous army in the north; the forces of Russia, Austria, Prussia, and the German States, were in arms against him ; and a powerful effort promised complete success to the cause of the allies. Measures were adopted to augment the British army at this interesting period; and the facility with which the Fifty-sixth had been recruited, holding put the prospect that its establish ment might be increased, a warrant was issued by the Prince Regent in the early part of November, for add ing a third battalion to the corps. This battalion was embodied at Horsham, its establishment was six hundred and fifty non-commissioned officers and soldiers, and its ranks were so speedily completed with disciplined men, by volunteers from the militia, &c., that in one month from the date of the order for its formation, it was ready for foreign service. At this period a body of British troops proceeded to Holland, under Lieutenant- General Sir Thomas Graham (late Lord Lynedoch), to co-operate with the forces of the allied sovereigns, and the third battalion of the Fifty-sixth embarked for this service at Ramsgate, on the 9th of December, under the orders of Lieut,-Colonel John Frederick Brown; it was posted to the third brigade, commanded by Major-General Sir Herbert Taylor; the British troops were concentrated in and near Williamstadt. About the same period the first battalion took the field in India, and formed part of the force assembled at Goute, from whence it proceeded against Canool, where it arrived on the 25th of December, and batteries were erected during the night, but a flag of truce being sent out on the following morning, hostilities ceased. The battalion was also at the reduction of the fort of THE fifty-sixth FOOT, 41 Raree, GoosecuU; and passed the monsoon iri quarters 1814 at Cataubaugy ; afterwards returning to Goute, it was relieved in the field by the second battalion of the Royals ; it had lost three hundred and fifty meii from disease, and was so reduced, that it was oi^dered to return to Bellary ; it subsequently marched to Fort St, George, Madras, The third battalion did not remain many days in quarters in Holland before it was employed in active operations, in consequence of a request of the Prussian general, Bulow, that the British would make a forward movement upon Antwerp, to favour his operations; the English general accordingly advanced to make a reconnoissance, and approaching that fortress on the , 13th of January, attacked a body of French troops at the village of Merxem. On this occasion the Fifty- sixth supported the Seventy-eighth Highlanders, in a charge with the bayonet, on a French column, which was driven from its ground. The Fifty-sixth were engaged in a sharp skirmish, arid had four men killed and four teen wounded. The object of this movement having been accomplished, the British troops marched to Rosendael. A serious attack on Antwerp was afterwards con certed, and General Bulow engaged to support the British with his Prussian corps. An advance was accordingly made, and on the 2nd of February the English again approached the village of Merxem, where a numerous body of French troops were stationed, and had fortified their post. The light troops com menced skirmishing about nine o'clock in the morning ; and the Fifty-sixth, having cleared the wood on the right and left, formed line and advanced ; when they were ordered by Sir Thomas Graham, in person, to move to the right, — charge through the village, — ford the dike on the other side, — take the enemy's battery, — '¦ and attack them on the left of their line. These orders" 56. D 42 HISTORICAL RECORD OF 1814 were gallantly executed, and two guns, which had annoyed the advance, were captured. The Fifty-sixth sustained some loss from the enemy's fire, and had several men drowned in crossing the dike; but they succeeded in gaining the left flank of the enemy, and were warmly engaged until the French retired under the guns of Antwerp, when they pursued until recalled, and ordered to take post under the embankment of St. Ferdinand's dike, which was not accomplished before several round shot had passed through the ranks. The regiment had thirteen rank and file killed; Ensign Sparks, and twenty-four rank and file wounded. Lieut.- General Sir Thomas Graham stated in his despatch, — "All the troops engaged behaved with the usual spirit " and intrepidity of British soldiers ;" and the conduct of Lieut.-Colonel Brown of the Fifty-sixth was par ticularly noticed. After this success the British troops were employed in constructing a breastwork and battery, and the Fifty-sixth took their share in this labour, the men working all night. On the 3rd of February, several pieces of heavy ordnance opened upon the city of Antwerp, and on the French shipping in the Scheldt, and the cannonade was continued until the 6th, the Fifty-sixth taking their turn in the trenches, and being under fire each day ; but General Bulow having received orders to march southward, to act with the grand army of the allies, it became necessary to relinquish the attack on Antwerp, when the British retired towards Breda, — the Fifty-sixth halting a few days at Rysburg, ten miles from Breda. In the beginning of March the battalion again moved towards Antwerp, and was employed in services connected with preventing the enemy throwing a relief into Bergen-op-Zoom, which fortress Sir Thomas Graham had resolved to attack; and the battalion afterwards the fifty-sixth foot. 43 raade a forced march towards that place, where it arrived 1814 in time to witness the failure of the attack. The services of the battahon were afterwards connected with the operations against Antwerp, and preventing supplies of provision and troops joining the garrison. In the mean time Napoleon was pressed on every side by overwhelming numbers, which he was not able to withstand, and he was forced to abdicate the throne of France. Peace was restored, and the battahon of the Fifty-sixth marched into Antwerp ; from whence it proceeded to Ostend, where it embarked for England in September, and landing at Deal, marched to Sheerness. The army being reduced on the restoration of peace, the third battalion was disbanded at Sheerness on the 24 th of October ; its men fit for service being transferred to the first and second battalions in India, for which country they embarked about three months afterwards. The second battalion continued to suffer severely from disease at the camp at Domus; its loss from March 1813, to December 1814, amounting to three hundred and twenty-nine non-commissioned officers and soldiers. The conduct of the men, during this distressing period, called forth the approbation of the commander of the district, expressed in division orders, in the strongest terms. During the year, it proceeded to Barachia, subsequently embarked for Bombay, and after occupying the pendals at Colabah a short period, marched into Fort George barracks. Considerable improvement having taken place in 1815 the health of the men, the second battalion embarked for Panwell in January, 1815, and mustered upwards of nine hundred non-commissioned officers and soldiers ; it joined the Poonah subsidiary force under Colonel Lionel Smith, encamped on the celebrated plain of Assaye, where the troops remained until the 27th of February, when they marched northward. In May D 2 44 HISTORICAL RECORD OF .1815 they entered cantonments at Jaulna, where they re mained during the monsoon, and in August marched in three divisions to Seroor, from whence the grenadier and rifle companies proceeded to Poonah under Colonel Smith, who left Lieut.-Colonel Kingscote in command at Seroor: these companies returned in October. In the mean time occurrences iri Europe had occasioned the removal of the first battalion from Madras. The sudden return of Bonaparte to France, and the astonishing facility with which he regained temporary possession of the throne of that kingdom, was followed by a manifested disposition to revolt on the part of the French settlers at the Mauritius, and the first battalion of the Fifty-sixth, which had been joined by three hundred men from the third, embarked on board the Salsette frigate, and the company^s ships Rose and Streatham, to reinforce the garrison at that station, on which occasion the following general order was issued : — "His Majesty's Fifty-sixth Regiment being " under orders to embark on service at a considerable " distance from the presidency, the Right Honorable " the Governor cannot refrain expressing his warmest " approbation of the uniform good conduct of the " regiment, while it remained .in garrison at Fort St. " George, under the able command of Colonel Barclay, " assisted by the zealous exertions of a distinguished " corps of officers ; and the Right Honorable the " Governor begs leave to assure Colonel Barclay, and " the officers of the regiment, that he participates in " the sentiments of regret, felt by the settlement at " large, for the loss sustained, in the circles of social " life, by their departure," During the voyage the ships were separated by a violent hurricane, and each supposed the other lost; but they arrived safe at Port Louis, where they were the fifty-sixth foot. 45 stationed until November, when they marched to 1815 Mahebourg. The overthrow of Bonaparte on the field of Waterloo, and the restoration of peace, removed all cause of apprehension for the tranquillity of the Mauritius at that period. The second battalion again took the field with the 1816 Poonah subsidiary force, in the early part of 1816; and in May it went into cantonments at Jaulna; from whence Lieut.-Colonel Kingscote, of the Fifty-sixth, was detached in September, with a light battalion, comprising part of the regiment, in pursuit of a native chief,! called Trimbuckjee Dainglia, who had murdered the minister of state of Guzerat, escaped from prison, and was suspected of a design to assemble a force on the frontiers of the dominions of his late sovereign, the Peishwa. The pursuit of this chieftain occasioned the soldiers many fatiguing marches, and on one occasion the fortified village of Nimgaum, on the banks of the Peera, was surrounded in the expectation that the chief was there; but when, on the advance of the artillery, the inhabitants opened the gates, he could not be found: the pursuit was afterwards discontinued, and the detachment re-joined the Poonah subsidiary force at Seroor, whither it had been removed from Jaulna in October. At the close of active operations. Colonel Lionel Smith expressed the high opinion he entertained of the battalion, in division orders, dated Seroor, 31st of October, in the following terms: — "There is no "language of praise, or thanks. Colonel Smith could " feel to be too strong in describing the merits of such " a corps." In August the first battalion returned to Port St. Louis; and about a month afterwards so serious a con flagration occurred at that place, that the destruction of the town appeared inevitable; but this calamity was averted by the efforts of the soldiers of the Fifty- 46 HISTORICAL RECORD OF 1816 SIXTH, who prevented the fire communicating to the government buildings, and thus saved the town: two men of the regiment lost their lives, in attempting to arrest the progress of the flames. The daringconduct of Serjeant James Hasty was particularly conspicuous and successful in checking the progress of the flames; and the governor expressed the following opinion of his merits in a letter to Colonel Barclay: — "I conscientiously " believe, that it was in a great measure owing to " Serjeant Hasty, of your regiment, that the whole " town of Port Louis was not swallowed by the flames. " His persevering fortitude and intrepid confidence " enabled him to save the government house, by " remaining among the flames when most others had " despaired ; and it is universally allowed, that had the " government house been burned, the remainder of the " town must immediately have followed, and the whole "population of Port Louis left houseless among the " smoking ruins*." The peace of Europe appearing to be estabhshed upon a sound foundation, a considerable reduction was made in the strength of the British army, and the second battalions of regiments were directed to be disbanded: the second battalion of the Fifty-sixth was conse quently ordered to march to Bombay in November. 1817 On the 7th of January, 1817, the foUowing general order was issued : — " His Majesty's second battalion " of the Fifty-sixth Regiment, being under orders for • Serjeant' Hasty was afterwards discharged and appointed to a situation in the service of the governor. He proved a man of talent, and was selected to take charge of, and educate iu the English language, two of the princes of Ova, in Madagascar, where Radam was king. He was afterwards nominated British Resident at Madagascar ; and on a visit to the Mauritius, he was received by a guard of honour of his old corps, commanded by his former captain. He died at Madagascar. the fifty-sixth foot. 47 "embarkation for Europe, aff'ords an opportunity to 1817 "the Right Honorable the Governor in Council, of "expressing his approbation of the conduct of that " valuable corps, whilst serving on the establishment of "this presidency, and as a testimonial of the sense " entertained of its important services in this country, "is pleased to aUow three months full batta to be " issued to the officers of the battalion, previous to " their departure from India." Four hundred men volunteered to remain in India, and transferred their services to the Sixty-fifth Regiment: and on the 9th of Januaiy, the battalion companies embarked for England. They landed at Liverpool in May, marched to Rochester, and were disbanded at that place on the 25th of June. The flank companies left Bombay in July, landed at Portsmouth on the 10th of December, and were disbanded at Chatham on the 29th of that month. The regiment left Port Louis on the 1st of March, for Flacq, and in July to Mahebourg, where it received the colours of the late second battalion. It was employed in patrolling and other duties for the suppres sion of the slave trade. After commanding the regiment twenty-one years, 1818 General the Honorable Chappie Norton died; and was succeeded in the colonelcy by Lieut.-General Sir John Murray, Baronet, from the third West India Regiment, by commission dated the 31st of March, 1818. In July, 1819, the regiment returned to Port Louis, 1819 where it was inspected by Major-General Darling, who stated in orders dated the 16th of August, — " The inspec- " tion has afforded the Major-General much real satis- " faction. A finer body of men than compose this regi- " ment is perhaps nowhere to be seen; they are clean " and soldierlike in appearance, well appointed, and in "no respect deficient: in short, the care and attention 48 historical record of 1819 " of Lieut.-Colonel Barclay, and of the officers, and the " good disposition of the men, are evident, and could " alone have led to the state in which the Fifty-sixth " Regiment now is." 1820 The regiment was stationed successively at Port 1826 Louis and Mahebourg until 1826, when, after upwards of twenty years' service abroad, it embarked at Port Louis for England, on which occasion the governor stated in general orders, dated the 27th March, — " If cir- " eumstances should again call for his Excellency's servi- " ces in the field, he will feel happy in having the Fifty- " sixth Regiment placed under his orders, as experience " has fully proved to him, that a corps distinguished "for good conduct in quarters, is always to be the " most depended upon in the presence of the enemy." After landing at Portsmouth in June, the regiment marched to Cumberland Fort; in September it embarked at Portsmouth for Hull, where it joined the depot companies. 1827 In January, 1827, the regiment quitted Hull for Manchester, and in October it marched to Liverpool, where it embarked for Dubhn. On the 29th of October Sir John Murray died, and King George the Fourth was pleased to confer the colonelcy of the regiment on Lieut.-General Matthew Lord Aylmer. 1828 New colours bearing the words "Moro" and "Gibraltar;" with the device of a Castle and Key, and the motto Montis Insignia Calpe, (which had been confirmed to the corps on the 27th of December, 1827, in consequence of an appUcation from Colonel' Barclay,) were presented to the regiment, with the usual solemnities, on the 4th of April, 1828. In May the regiment marched to Londonderry; in the autumn the head-quarters were removed to Newry; 1829 and in August, 1829, to Birr. THE FIFTY-SIXTH FOOT. 49 In the year 1829, His Majesty's government deemed 1829 it necessary to direct courts of inquiry to be instituted in the several regiments, in consequence of numerous frauds having been committed by certain soldiers, who, on being discharged, had given false statements of their ages, dates of enlistment, and of the periods of their former services, by which many had obtained undue rates of pension, and had thus imposed on their com manding officers, and on the bounty of their sovereign and country. The court held to investigate the books of the Fifty-sixth Regiment reported, that the description- book had been well kept, and afforded a practical example of a system which it was proposed to adopt generally, namely, to give each man on joining a regi ment a number, to be marked on his attestation, and placed against his name in the description, and other record-books of the regiment; that the book of -the Fifty-sixth Regiment contained nearly two thousand names, the plan and arrangement of which were highly creditable to the zeal and industry of Colonel Barclay, and that few instances of error, or of fraud, had been detected. The court concluded their report with a well- merited compliment to Colonel Barclay, whose long service in the regiment had been characterized by zeal and attention to his duties. This report was submitted to the Secretary at War, and Sir Henry Hardinge sig nified to the General Commanding in Chief, Lord Hill, his cordial concurrence in the •observations made by the court, SO highly honourable to Colonel Barclay, and his lordship directed it to be announced, that, in the midst of the irregularities which had been made mani fest by the investigations of these courts of inquiry in the several corps, it was peculiarly gratifying to him to bear testimony to the successful and unremitting exer- 50 historical record of 1829 tions of Colonel Barclay, which, while they reflected credit upon him, proved that, with diligence and a due adherence to regulations, the disreputable errors and frauds, which had been discovered in other regiments, could not have been effected*. 1830 In March, 1830, the regiment proceeded to Lime- 1831 rick; in June, 1831, to Fermoy; and in November to Cork, where arrangements were made for transferring its services to Jamaica, for which island six service companies embarked in the first week of December under Lieut.-Colonel H. H. Prichard. They were detained some time by contrary winds; but sailed on 1832 the 26th, and arriving at Port Royal in February, 1832, landed and were stationed at Up Park Camp. Lord Aylmer was removed to the Eighteenth (Royal Irish) Foot on the 23rd of July, and King William the Fourth was pleased to nominate Lieut.-General Sir Hudson Lowe, K.C.B., from the Ninety-third High landers to the colonelcy of the Fifty-sixth Regiment. 1833 In April, 1833, the regiment proceeded to Spanish Town, with two companies to Fort Augusta; in May^ 1834 1834, it embarked for Falmouth, at the north side of the island; and was stationed at that place, with detach- 1835 ments at Phenix Park, Sans Souci, and Montego Bay, 1836 during the years 1835 and 1836; and in January, 1837., 1837 it quitted the north side of the island, and was stationed at Up Park Camp, where it sustained the loss of three officers and sixty men from yellow fever. 1838 The head-quarters were removed to Fort Augusta * Colonel Fletcher Barclay was appointed Ensign in the Fifty- sixth on the 30th of June, 1791, and served in the West Indies, in Holland, and in the East Indies, In 1804, he was promoted to the rank of Major, and in 1811, to Lieutenant-Colonel. In 1831, he re tired, after a diligent and faithful service of forty years, liaving passed through the several grades, and attained the rank of Colonel in the Army. the fifty-sixth foot. 51 in March, 1838, and the health of the men was much 1838 improved; in January, 1839, they were removed to 1839 Spanish Town; but returned to Fort Augusta in August, and furnished detachments at Port Antonio, Up Park Camp, Port Royal, &c. Leaving Jamaica in March, 1840, the regiment 1840 sailed on board Her Majesty's ship Apollo, for North America, passing within sight of the Havannah, — the scene of its former gallant exploits, — and arriving at Halifax, where it was detained ten days in consequence ' of the navigation of the river St. Lawrence being closed by the ice. On the 24th of April it again put to sea and arrived at Quebec, on the 7th of May. At this period the Maine and New Brunswick boundary ques tion affected the amicable relations between Great Britain and the United States ; and the extensive system of aggression pursued by the people of the State of Maine, rendered certain defensive arrangements neces sary for the protection of the interests of the British subjects. The ship conveying the Fifty-sixth to Quebec had not been at anchor two hours when Lieu tenant Turner and thirty men landed at Point Levi, and were sent forward in caleshes, with orders to proceed by forced marches to the disputed territory, and relieve a detachment of the Eleventh Regiment at Lake Temiscouata. This party was followed by three com panies under Major Palmer, on the 9th of May, to occupy Riviere du Loup, Fort Ingall on Lake Temis couata, and Degele. The march of the detachment from Riviere du Loup to the two latter places by the Grand Portage, a dreary pass of thirty-six miles through a dense forest, across an uninhabited country, by a road in the worst possible order, consequent on the breaking up of a Canadian winter, with mud and water frequently up to the knees, proved very trying to soldiers just arrived from a tropical climate, and having been fifty- 52 HISTORICAL RECORD OF 1840 six days on board of ship. The remainder of the regiment proceeded up the river Saint Lawrence to Sorel, leaving the light company at Three Rivers. On the third of June Lieut.-Colonel William H. Eden arrived with a strong detachment from the dep6t companies, and assumed the command of the regiment. On the 27th of November, the light company, mustering one hundred men, marched for the Mada- waska settlement, under Lieut.-Colonel Wm. H. Eden, in consequence of the Americans having offered insults to the warden and magistrates there, and intimated a design to take forcible possession of that part of the country. After traversing two hundred miles of bleak country, covered with snow, in cars, sleighs, &c., the thermometer varying from zero to twenty below, the company arrived at its destination without a casualty. 1841 The head-quarters were removed to Chambly, in June, 1841, and in August, the detachments from the disputed territory, having been relieved by the Sixty- eighth light infantry, arrived at head-quarters*. 1842 '^^^ period having arrived for the return of the regi ment to the United Kingdom, its strength was reduced to three hundred and thirty-three men, by volunteers to remain in the country and to join other corps. In the beginning of July 1842 it proceeded to ,Quebec, where it embarked in Her Majesty's troop-ship Resistance, and after an extraordinarily quick passage of seventeen days, arrived at Cork on the 22nd of July. It was joined by the depot companies on the 3rd of August. In the * While detachments of the regiment were in the disputed territory, several desertions occurred, and in the beginning of March, 1841, Lieutenant T. Johnes Smith evinced signal energy and discretion in the apprehension of a deserter from the party under his orders, who had taken refuge in the American Block Houses at Fish River, for which he received the thanks of Major- General Sir James Macdonell, commanding at Quebec. THE fifty-sixth FOOT. 53 autumn the regiment proceeded to Birr, with detach- 1842 ments to Kilkenny, Banagher, Carlow, and Shannon- bridge. On the 17th of November, Lieut,-General Sir Hudson Lowe was removed to the Fiftieth Regiment, and the colonelcy of the Fifty-sixth was conferred on Lieut,- General the Earl of Westmorland. In March, 1843, thei several detachments were or- 1843 dered to head quarters at Birr; but the regiment had been collected little more than a week, when it was again found necessary to detach four companies to Cashel, Tipperary, Bansha, and Dungarvon. In April, the head-quarters marched to Fermoy, and from thence to Cork, where the regiment was concentrated, in expectation of being removed to England. The pubhc service, however, required that it should remain in Ireland, and it has since furnished detachments to Bal- lincoUig, Bandon, Buttevant, Mallow, Dummanway, Skibbereen, Millstreet, &c., in order to be in readiness to aid the civil power, if its services should be required, in consequence of meetings of large masses of the people, to agitate the repeal of the union between Great Britain and Ireland. At the close of 1843, to which this Record is brought, the head-quarters were at Cork, with four companies, under the command of Major Norman, detached to Clonmel, and one company at Millstreet. The Fifty-sixth Regiment is distinguished for 1844 its career of valuable service to the crown and kingdom; and it was conspicuous for its pre-eminent efficiency in point of numbers and discipline during the war from 1803 to 1815, during which period it was augmented to three battalions, which were all employed on foreign service. It was a favourite corps in England, particu larly in the county of Surrey; and although many men were lost by casualties abroad, yet its effectives 54 RECORD OF THE FIFTY-SIXTH FOOT. 1844 generally amounted to two thousand rank and file. Its gallantry in the field, and its conduct on colonial service, and in the United Kingdom, have enhanced the value of this corps in the estimation of the government and country. 1844. Note. In producing the foregoing details of the services of the Fifty-sixth Regiment, the compiler of the Records of Regiments deems it incumbent to acknowledge the very able assistance he has received from Lieut.-Colonel Eden, and from Captain T. Johnes Smith, who have been most anxious to collect and arrange whatever circumstances they have CA)nsidered would do justice, and reflect honor on the Regiment to which they belong. SUCCESSION OF COLONELS OF THE FIFTY-SIXTH REGIMENT op FOOT. Lord Charles Manners. Appointed 26th December, 1755. Lord Charles Manners, ninth son of John, second Duke of Rutland, was many years an officer in the Third Regiment of Foot Guards, in which corps he was promoted to the rank of captain and lieutenant-colonel, on the 27th of May, 1745. On the breaking out of the seven years' war, he was commis sioned to raise, form, and discipline a regiment of foot, now the Fifty-sixth, of which he was appointed colonel in December, 1755. In 1759 he was promoted to the rank of major-general. He died on the Sth of December, 1761. The Honorable William Keppel. Appointed IJth December, 1761. The Honorable William Keppel, fourth son of William- Anne, second Earl of Albemarle, was gentleman of the horse to His Majesty King George II. ; and was nominated captain and lieutenant-colonel in the First Regiment of Foot Guards, on the 28th of April, 1751 ; in July, 1760, he was promoted to second major, with the rank of colonel. On the 1 7th of December, 1761, His Majesty appointed him to the colonelcy of the FiPTY-sikiH Regiment, with which corps he embarked with the expedition against the Havannah, in the island of Cuba, with the local rank of major-general. He commanded the troops which besieged the fort of Moro, which was cap- 56 SUCCESSION OF COLONELS. tured by storm on the 30th of July, 1762; and his own regiment having evinced signal gallantry on this service, he afterwards obtained the King's permission for it to bear the word " Moro'' on its colours. On the day after the capitu lation of the Havannah, he took possession of the fort La Punta; and he was subsequently left in command of the gar rison of that city, which he restored to the Spaniards in July, 1763, according to the articles of peace concluded a few months before. In 1765 he was removed to the Fourteenth Foot; in 1772 he was promoted to the rank of lieutenant- general; and in December, 1773, he was nominated com mander-in-chief in Ireland; in October, 1775, he was ap pointed colonel of the Twelfth Dragoons. He was represen tative in parliament for the borough of Windsor, His decease occurred in March, 1782, James Durand, Appointed I3th June, 1765, This officer served many years in the First Regiment of Foot Guards, in which corps he was appointed captain and lieutenant-colonel, in 1748, and was advanced to the majo rity, with the rank of colonel, in 1753. He obtained the rank of major-general, in 1759, and the lieutenant-colonelcy of the First Foot Guards in 1760. In the following year he was pro moted to the rank of lieutenant-general ; and, in 1765, King George III. conferred on him the colonelcy of the Fifty- sixth Reginieiit. He died in 1766. Hunt Walsh. Appointed 22nd May, 1766, After a progressive service in the subordinate commis^ sions, this officer was appointed major in the Twenty-eighth Foot, in August, 1753, and promoted to the lieutenant-colo nelcy of the regiment on the 2nd of February, 1757, He commanded the 28th in America during the Seven years' war, when that corps had the honor to serve at the capture of Louisburg, in 1758; at the reduction of Quebec, in 1759, under Major-General Wolfe; and at the conquest of Canada, in 1760. He was promoted to the rank of colonel in 1762, SUCCESSION OF COLONELS. 57 and in 1766 his services were rewarded with the colonelcy of the Fipty-sixth Regiment, He attained the rank of major- general in 1772; that of lieutenant-general in 1777; and of general in 1793. He died in 1795. Samuel Hulse. Appointed "Jth March, 1795. This officer was appointed ensign in the First Foot Guards in 1761, and rose to the commission of captain and lieutenant-- colonel in 1776. In 1780 he was promoted to the lieutenant- colonelcy of his regiment, and was employed in suppressing the riots in London in that year. At the commencement of the French revolutionary war he was called into active ser vice, and commanded the first battalion of his regiment in Flanders, in 1793. He served at the siege of Valenciennes; and distinguished himself on the 18th of August, in the action at Lincelles, for which he was thanked in orders by the Duke of York. He shared in the operations before Dunkirk, and in the subsequent movements until October, when he waa promoted to the rank of major-general, and returned to Eng land. In May of the following year he again proceeded to Flanders, and commanded a brigade in several partial actions near Tournay, and in the retreat to Holland. Returning to England early in 1795, he was appointed, colonel of the Fifty-sixth Regiment, and placed on the home staff, where he continued three years; in 1797 he was removed to the Nineteenth Foot.. On the 1st of January, 1798, he was pro moted to the rank of lieutenant-general; and during the troubles in Ireland, in the summer of that year, his services were extended to that part of the kingdom ; but he returned to England in November, and resumed his command on the staffi He served in Holland under His Royal Highness the Duke of York, in 1799, and was at the several engagements from the 19th of September to the 6th of October. On returning to England he was appointed to the command of the southern district, in which he continued until the peace in 1802. He was advanced to the rank of general in 1803; appointed lieutenant-governor of the Royal Hospital, Chelsea, in. 1806, and removed to the Sixty-second. Foot in 1810. He was one of the earliest servants, placed by King 56. 58 SUCCESSION OF COLONELS. George III. on the establishment of the Prince of Wales ; was many years His Royal Highness's treasurer and receiver- general; and on the accession of the Prince to the throne. General Hulse was nominated treasurer of the household, and governor of Chelsea Hospital. In 1821 he was knighted. He was also appointed ranger of Windsor Home Park ; a privy councillor ; and knight grand cross of the royal Hano verian Guelphic Order. On the accession of King William IV., General Hulse was promoted to the rank of field-marshal by commission, dated the 22nd of July, 1830. He died at his apartments in Chelsea Hospital, in 1837, at the advanced age of ninety years. The Honorable Chapple Norton. Appointed 2Ath January, 1797- Chapple Norton, third son of Sir Fletcher Norton, who was many years Speaker of the House of Commons, and after wards created Lord Grantley, entered the army in the reign of King George II., and was appointed captain in the Nine teenth Foot in June, 1763. He served with his regiment at Gibraltar; and, in 1769, purchased a majority in the First, the Royal Regiment of Foot, from which he was promoted to. captain and lieutenant-colonel in the Second Foot Guards in 1774. He served with the brigade of Foot Guards in North America, and took part in most of the principal occurrences. He particularly distinguished himself in February, 1780, and was thanked in orders in the following terms : — " His Excel- " lency Lieutenant-General Knyphausen desires his thanks " may be given in public orders to Lieutenant-Colonel Norton " of the Guards, for his good conduct and gallant behaviour " in attacking and forcing a considerable body of rebels, " advantageously posted at Young's house, in the neighbour- " hood of White Plains." In November following he was promoted to the rank of colonel ; and, in ] 786, he obtained a majority in his regiment; in 1787 he was advanced to the rank of major-general; in 1797 to that of lieutenant-general, and at the same time he received the colonelcy of the Fifty- sixth Regiment; in 1802 he was promoted to the rank of general, and he was afterwards appointed governor of Charle- mont. He took great interest in everything connected with SUCCESSION OF COLONELS. 59 his regiment: having considerable influence in the county of Surrey, where the estates of his family were situated, his corps received many recruits from that part of the country ; he represented Guildford in Parliament many years. He was a generous and good man, and was honored with the favor of the Duke of York. He died on the 19th of March, 1818, at Wonersh in Surrey, t,he seat of Lord Grantley. SiK John Murray, Baronet. Appointed 2\st March, 1818. Sir John Murray, a baronet of Nova Scotia, entered the army as ensign in the Third Foot Guards in 1788, and rose to the rank of lieutenant and captain in 179.3. He served in Flanders as aide-de-camp to FieldMaishal Freytag, and afterwards to His Royal Highness the Duke of York; and was at the actions of St. Amand and Famars, and the siege of \ alenciennes ; also at the siege of Dunkirk, and the engage ments at Maubege and near Cambresis. In the spring of 1794 he was promoted to the rank of major, and a few weeks afterwards to the litutenant-colonelcy of the Eighty-fourth Regiment. He was present at the various actions near Tour- nay, in the same year, and in the retreat to Holland. He afterwards served under General Sir Alured Clarke, and was at the capture of the Cape of Good Hope in September, 1795. In 1799 he commanded a body of troops on the Red Sea; and, in 1800, he was promoted to the rank of colonel. He performed the duties of quarter-master-general to the troops which proceeded from India to Egypt under Majoi-General Sir David Baird; and afterwards, returning to India, com manded the Bombay division of the army which joined Major-General the Honorable Arthur Wellesley, at Poonah, during the Mahratta war, in 1803. He also commanded a body of troops during the subsequent hostilities with Sclndeah and Holkar. Having been promoted to the rank of major- general in 1805, and returned to Europe, he served on the staff of the eastern district, from December of that year to April, 1808 ; and he subsequently commanded the King's German Legion in tho expedition to the Baltic, &c., under Sir John Moore, whom he accompanied to Portugal. Re maining in that country, he served under Lieutenant-General e2 60 SUCCESSION OF COLONELS. Sir Arthur Wellesley, in the operations against the French under Marshal Soult, and took a conspicuous part in the expulsion of the French from Oporto. On the 27th of May, 1809, he was appointed colonel of the Third West India Regi ment; and on the 1st of January, 1812, he was promoted to the rank of lieutenant-general. Early in 1813 he took the command of the Anglo-Sicilian army in the south of Spain, and was engaged in operations to create a diversion in favour of the grand allied army under Lord Wellington, and to pre vent Marshal Suohet detaching troops to Castille. His pro ceedings on this occasion did not realize the expectations which had been entertained, and a general court-martial, assembled after his return to England, found him guilty of error of judgment. In 1818 he was appointed colonel of the Fifty-sixth Regiment ; and, in 1825, promoted to the rank of general. His honorary distinctions were those of knight grand cross of the Royal Hanoverian Guelphic order, and the first class of the order of St. Januarius of Naples. He died in 1827. Matthew, Lord Aylmer, K.C.B. Appointed 2Qth October, 1827. Removed to the Eighteenth or the Royal Irish Regiment, in 1832. Sir Hudson Lowe, K.C.B. Appointed 23rd July, 1832. Removed to the Fiftieth Regiment in 1842. The Earl op Westmorland, K.C.B. & G.C.H Appointed I'Jth November, 1842 61 SUCCESSION OF LIEUTENANT-COLONELS OP THE FIFTY-SIXTH, OR WEST ESSEX, REGIMENT OF FOOT, Names, Dates of Appointment. Date of Removal, &c. Peter Parr John Doyne . James Stewart . Alexander Monypenny John Caulfield H enry Johnson . Peter Craig William Earle Bulwer John Whitwell . Thomas Picton P. K. Skinner . Samuel Keating Fletcher Barclay Boyle Travers . Nigel Kingscote . J. Frederick Brown . Henry Sullivan . John William Mallet Sir Charles P. Belson, 1 K.C.B. f H. H. Prichard G. M. Eden Robert O'Hara William Hassel Eden Dec. 26, 1755 June 30, Feb. 20, Sep.Oct. Nov. Jan. Sep.Nov. May Dec.Aug. June 27, Jan. 2, 1, 3, 6, b 18, b 11, 1, 1760176217621776 1778 1779 17951795 17961799 180418111812 Oct. 17, 1811 March 5, 1812 July 1, Nov. 6, May 9, April 26, May 20, July 5, Aug. 16, 1813 1813181618311836 1839 1839 J Removed to Fourth Foot, June 1 30, 1760. Retired February 20, 1762. Died September 1, 1762. Retired Octobers, 1776. Retired November 6, 1778. J Removed to Seventeenth Foot in i 1778. I Removed to Sixty-second Foot, (November 25, 1799. ( Placed on half-pay, November 118, 1795. Died in 1796. ( Promoted to the colonelcy of < Seventy-seventh Foot, October 1 15, 1811. Removed July 25, 1814. j Promoted to Bourbon regiment, \ March 5, 1812. Retired April 26, 1831. Removed July 25, 1814. J Placed on half-pay, December 25. U818. S Exchanged toTwenty-eighth Foot, < May 9, 1816, with Sir Charles I Belson. r Placed on half-pay, on the redue- < tion of second battalion, on Sep- ( tember 6, 1817. ( Placed on half-pay, December 25, 1 1814, on the reduction. I Placed on half-pay, on September < 6, 1817, on the reduction of se- I cond battalion. Retired May 20, 1836. J Removed to Scots Fusilier I Guards, on July 5, 1839. {Exchanged to the Eighty-eighth on August 16, 1839, with Lieut.- Colonel W. H. Eden. At present in command. 62 SUCCESSION OF MAJORS OF THE FIFTY-SIXTH, OR WEST ESSEX, REGIMENT OF FOOT. Names. John Doyne James Stewart - John Heigliinglon Alexander Milbanke William Forbes Thomas Johnston "" - Henry Fringle - John Caulfield Bulleine Fancourt Hon. Vere Poulett - Patricls Tytlcr - John Alexander James Barrington Robert Douglas Henry S. Keating - Robert Owen George Andrew Armstrong Robert O'Neill ( "'^"S" I men- Fletcher Barclay (_ tation. William Brooke John Mc Leod - Henry R. Knight Boyle Travers • Samuel B lyiey Thoma.s Walsh John WiUiam Mallett Sir Charles Wyndham 1 Burdett, Bart j Robert Grant Joseph Hanna - William S. Forbes Henry Capadose George WroughtonMontagu John Gualey - - - Howell Harris Frichard - John Elliot Cairnes - John Peddie William Gun William Mitchell George Morton Eden John Wilson Forrester Owen Leighton - Peter Shadwell Norman - Edmund Wm.Wilton Passy Dates of Appointment. Dec. June Feb. Snp.Nov. Oct. Sep. Aug. OctAug. Aug. Oct.Sep. 26,17S530,1760 20, 1762 9, 1762 4, 1762 31, 1762 11,176516, 1770 3,1776 fi, 178S 31,1793 8, 1794 1,1795 March 10, 1797 Sep. 3, 1800 Aug. 27, 1803 Aug. 1,1804 Aug. 2, 1804 Aug. 27,1804 Jan. 6, 1805 Feb. JulyJuly June .Tune Aug. Nov. 21,18052S. 1805 17,1806 9, 1808 23,180829, 1810 29, 1810 June 27, 1811 Jan 2, 1812 Nov.Oct. 6,1813 17,1816 April 12,1821 July 26, 1821 July 26, 1821 May 26, 1823 March 29, 1827 Aug. 28, April 26, Oct. 11, June 13, May 20, July 15, Sep. 12, 1827 1831 1831 18341836 18371843 Remarks. Promoted to Lieut.-Colonel, June 30, 1760. Promoted to Lieut.-Col., February 20, 1762. Resigned September 9, 1762. Died November 4, 1762. ( Removed to Thirty filth Foot, October 81, \ 1762. Resigned September 11, 1765. Promoted to Lieut.-Colonel Fifty-first Foot, August 16, 1770. Promoted to Lieut.-Col., October 3, 1776. Retired August 6, 1783. I Promoted to Lieut.-Colonel Sixtieth Regi- l ment, iugust 31, 1793. Retired October 8, 1794. Retired March 10, 1797. Resigned September 3, 1800. (Promoted Lieut -Colonel Eighteenth Foot, I July 9, 1803. (Promoted August 1, 1804, by Augmenta- l tion. Placed upbn halt-pay, February 21, 1805. Exchanged to halt-pay, January 5, 1805. f Exchanged to hall-pay, June 23, 1808, I -with Lieut.-Colonel Thomas Walsh. Promoted June 27, 1811. Exchanged to Fifth Dragoon Guards, July 23, 1803. I Promoted Lieut.-Colonel Ninth Garrison I Battalion, May 5, 1808. Exchanged to half-pay, July 17, 1806. Promoted January 2, 1812. Died in 1810. Died in 1810. Promoted November 6, 1813. Retired July 26, 1821. ( Exchanged to Eighty-second Foot, April \ 12, 1821. ^ Died in 1816. (Placed on half-pay on September 6, 1817, ) on the disbandment of second battalion. (Promoted to Lieut.-Colonel unattached 1 May 19, 1823. Cancelled.Promoted to Lieut. Colonel, April 26, 1831. J Promoted to Lieut -Colonel unattached ] March 29, 1827. jPromoted to Lieut.-Colonel unattached \ August 28, 1827. Retired October 11, 1831. Exchanged to halt-pay, June 13, 1834. Promoted to Lt-Colonelcy, May 20, 1836 Died at Jamaica, July 14, 1837. Retired September 12, 1843. 1 Now serving. London : HAKRrSUN AND Co., PRINTERS, St. Marti.v's Lanb. 2626 /hiiL