F^ "J^ivetAt/eBvoks %ifor He foi(7titing tf a. College m- this- Calotiy" " ILIIBI^^IFlir ° Bought with the income of the Henry W. Scott, Jr. Fund HISTORICAL EECOUD OF THE TWELFTH, OR THE EAST SUFFOLK, KEGIMENT OF FOOT, CONTAINING AN ACCOUNT OE THE FORMATION OE THE REGIMENT IN 1685, AND OE ITS SUBSEQUENT SERVICES TO 1847. COMPILED BY RICHARD CANNON, Esq. ad.tdtant-qd;neeai,'s office, horse guards. ILLUSTRATED WITH PLATES. LONDON: PARKER, FURNIVALL & PARKER, 30 CHARING CROSS. M DCCC XLVIII. LONIWS : PttlNTBB BY W. ClOWBS & SOXS, STAMFORD STREET, FOR Hkr majesty's Statiosbry Opjioe, GENERAL ORDERS. HORSE- G UARDS, 1st January, 1836. His Majesty has been pleased to command that, with a view of doing the fullest justice to Regi ments, as well as to Individuals who have dis tinguished themselves by their Bravery in Action with the Enemy, an Account of the Services of every Regiment in the British Army shall be pub lished under the superintendence and direction of the Adjutant-General ; and that this Account shall contain the following particulars, viz. : — - The Period and Circumstances of the Original Formation of the Regiment ; The Stations at which it has been from time to time employed ; The Battles, Sieges, and other Military Operations in which it has been engaged, particularly specifying any Achievement it ma)' have performed, and the Colours, Trophies, &c., it may have captured from the Enemy. The Names of the Officers and the number of Non-Commissioned Officers and Privates Killed or Wounded by the Enemy, specifying the Place and Date of the Action. a ii GENERAL ORDERS, The Names of those Officers who, in con sideration of their Gallant Services and Meritorious Conduct in Engagements with the Enemy, have been distinguished with Titles, Medals, or other Marks of His Majesty's gracious favour. The Names of all such Officers, Non-Com missioned Officers, and Privates, as may have specially signalized themselves in Action. And, The Badges and Devices which the Regi ment may have been permitted to bear, and the Causes on account of which such Badges or Devices, or any other Marks of Distinction, have been granted. By Command of the Right Honourable GENERAL LORD HILL, Commanding-in- Chief. John Macdonald, Adjutant- General. PREFACE. The character and credit of the British Army must chiefly depend upon the zeal and ardour by which all who enter into its service are animated, and consequently it is of the highest importance that any measure calculated to excite the spirit of emulation, by which alone great and gallant actions are achieved, should be adopted. Nothing can more fully tend to the accomplishment of this desirable object than a full display of the noble deeds with which the Military History of our country abounds. To hold forth these bright examples to the imitation of the youthful soldier, and thus to incite him to emulate the meritorious conduct of those who have preceded him in their honourable career, are among the motives that have given rise to the present publication. The operations of the British Troops are, indeed, announced in the " London Gazette," from whence they are transferred into the public prints : the achievements of our armies are thus made known at the time of their occurrence, and receive the tribute a 2 iv PREFACE. of praise and admiration to which they are entitled. On extraordinary occasions, the Houses of Parliament have been in the habit of conferring on the Com manders, and the Officers and Troops acting under their orders, expressions of approbation and of thanks for their skill and bravery ; and these testimonials, confirmed by the high honour of their Sovereign's approbation, constitute the reward which the soldier most highly prizes. It has not, however, until late years, been the prac tice (which appeal's to have long prevailed in some of the Continental armies) for British Regiments to keep regular records of their services and achievements. Hence some difficulty has been experienced in obtain ing, particularly from the old Regiments, an au thentic account of their origin aud subsequent services. This defect will now be remedied, in consequence of His Majesty having been pleased to command that every Regiment shall, in future, keep a full and ample record of its services at home and abroad. From the materials thus collected, the country will henceforth derive information as to the difficulties and privations which chequer the career of those who embrace the military profession. In Great Britain, where so large a number of persons are devoted to the active concerns of agriculture, manufactures, and commerce, and where these pursuits have, for so PREFACE. V long a period, been undisturbed by the presence of war, which few other countries have escaped, com paratively little is known of the vicissitudes of active service, and of the casualties of climate, to which, even during peace, the British Troops are exposed in every part of the globe, with little or no interval of repose. In their tranquil enjoyment of the blessings which the country derives from the industry and the enter prise of the agriculturist and the trader, its happy inhabitants may be supposed not often to reflect on the perilous duties of the soldier and the sailor, — on their suffijrings, — and on the sacrifice of valuable life, by which so many national benefits are obtained and preserved. The conduct of the British Troops, their valour, and endurance, have shone conspicuously under great and trying difficulties ; and their character has been established in Continental warfare by the irresistible spirit with which they have effected debarkations in spite of the most formidable opposition, and by the gallantry and steadiness with which they have main tained their advantages against suf)erior nuuibers. In the official Reports made by the respective Com manders, ample justice has generally been done to the gallant exertions of the Corps employed ; but the details of their services and of acts of individual vi PREFACE. bravery, can only be fully given in the Annals of the various Regiments. Tiiese Records are now preparing for publication, under His Majesty's special authority, by Mr. Richard Cannon, Principal Clerk of the Adjutant General's Office ; and while the perusal of them can not fail to be useful and interesting to military men of every rank, it is considered that they will also afford entertainment and information to the general reader, particularly lo those who may have served in the Army, or who have relatives in the Service. There exists in the breasts of most of thoseivho have served, or are serving, in the Army, an Esprit de Corps — an attachment to everything belonging to their Regiment ; to such persons a narrative of the services of their own Corps cannot fail to prove interesting. Authentic accounts of the actions of the great, the valiant, the loyal, have always been of paramount interest with a brave and civilized people. Great Britain has produced a race of heroes who, in moments of danger and terror, have stood " firm as the rocks of their native shore ;" and when half the World has been arrayed against them, they have fought the battles of their Country with un shaken fortitude. It is presumed that a record of achievements in war, — victories so complete and sur prising, gained by our countrymen, our brothers. PREFACE . Vli our fellow-citizens in arms, — a record which revives the memory of the brave, and brings their gallant deeds before us, will certainly prove acceptable to the public. Biographical memoirs of the Colonels and other distinguished Officers will be introduced in the Records of their respective Regiments, and the Honorary Distinctions which have, from time to time, been conferred upon each Regiment, as testify ing the value and importance of its services, will be faithfully set forth. As a convenient mode of Publication, the Record of each Regiment will be printed in a distinct num ber, so that when the whole shall be completed, the Parts may be bound up in numerical succession. INTRODUCTION THE INFANTRY. The natives of Britain have, at all periods, been celebrated for innate courage and unshaken firmness, and the national superiority of the British troops over those of other countries has been evinced in the midst of the most imminent perils. History con tains so many proofs of extraordinary acts of bravery, that no doubts can be raised upon the facts which are recorded. It must therefore be admitted, that the distinguishing feature of the British soldier is Intrepidity. This quality was evinced by the inhabitants of England when their country was invaded by Julius Ceesar with a Roman army, on which occasion the undaunted Britons rushed into the sea to attack the Roman soldiers as they de scended irom their ships ; and, although their dis cipline and arms were inferior to those of their adversaries, yet their fierce and dauntless bearing intimidated the flower of the Roman troops, in cluding Caesar's favourite tenth legion. Their arms consisted of spears, short swords, and other weapons of rude construction. They had chariots, to the X introduction to axles of which were fastened sharp pieces of iron resembling scythe-blades, and infantry in long chariots i-esembling waggons, who alighted and fought on foot, and for change of ground, pursuit, or retreat, sprang into the chariot and drove off with the speed of cavalry. These inventions were, however, unavailing against Caesar's legions : in the course of time a military system, with dis cipline and subordination, was introduced, and British courage, being thus regulated, was exerted to the greatest advantage ; a full development of the national character followed, and it shone forth in all its native brilliancy. The military force of the Anglo-Saxons consisted principally of infantry : Thanes, and other men of property, however, fought on horseback. The infantry were of two classes, heavy and light. The former carried large shields armed with spikes, long broad swords and spears ; and the latter were armed with swords or spears only. They had also men armed with clubs, others with battle-axes and javelins. The feudal troops established by William the Conqueror consisted (as already stated in the Intro duction to the Cavalry) almost entirely of horse ; but when the warlike barons and knights, with their trains of tenants and vassals, took the field, a pro portion of men appeared on foot, and, although these were of inferior degree, they proved stout hearted Britons of stanch fidelity. When stipen diary troops were employed, infantry always con stituted a considerable portion of the military force ; THE INFANTRY. XI and this arme has since acquired, in every quarter of the globe, a celebrity never exceeded by the armies of any nation at any period. The weapons carried by the infantry, during the several reigns succeeding the Conquest, were bows and arrows, half-pikes, lances, halberds, various kinds of battle-axes, swords, and daggers. Armour was worn on the head and body, and in course of time the practice became general for military men to be so completely cased in steel, that it was almost impossible to slay them. The introduction of the use of gunpowder in the destructive purposes of war, in the early part of the fourteenth century, produced a change in the arms and equipment of the infantry-soldier. Bows and arrows gave place to various kinds of fire-arms, but British archers continued formidable adversaries ; and owing to the inconvenient construction and imperfect bore of the fire-arms when first introduced, a body of men, well trained in the use of the bow from their youth, was considered a valuable acqui sition to every army, even as late as the sixteenth century. During a great part of the reign of Queen Eliza beth each company of infantry usually consisted of men armed five different ways ; in every hundred men forty were " men-at-arms," and sixty " shot ;" the " men-at-arms " were ten halberdiers, or battle- axe men, and thirty pikemen ; and the " shot " were twenty archers, twenty musketeers, and twenty harquebusiers, and each man carried, besides his principal weapon, a sword and dagger. xii INTRODUCTION TO Companies of infantry varied at this period in numbers from 150 to 300 men ; each company had a colour or ensign, and the mode of formation re commended by an English military writer (Sir John Smithe) in 1590 was: — the colour in the centre of the company guarded by the halberdiers ; the pike men in equal proportions, on each flank of the halberdiers ; half the musketeers on each flank of the pikes ; half the archers on each flank of the mus keteers ; and the harquebusiers (whose arms were much lighter than the muskets then in use) in equal proportions on each flank of the company for skirmish ing.* It was customary to unite a number of com panies into one body, called a Regiment, which frequently amounted to three thousand men ; but each company continued to carry a colour. Numer ous improvements were eventually introduced in the construction of fire-arms, and, it having been found impossible to make armour proof against the muskets then in use (which carried a very heavy ball) without its being too weighty for the soldier, armour was gradually laid aside by the infantry in the seven teenth century : bows and arrows also fell into dis use, and the infantry were reduced to two classes, viz. : musketeers, armed with matchlock muskets. * A company of 200 men would appear thus : — d 20 20 20 30 0 30 20 20 20 Haiquebuses. Archers. Mubkets. Pikes. Hulberde. Pikes. Muskets. Archers. Harqaebiises. The musket carried a ball which weighed ¦Ay of a pound ; and the harquebus a ball which weighed 4z of a pound. the infantry. Xlll swords, and , , , Moore's, afterwards disbanded. Caulfield's , , , , Townshend's, , , , , Wynne's, , , , , Dragoons embarked from Dover ; — Carpenter's, now third. | Essex's, now fourth. c 2 20 THE TWELFTH, OR EAST SUFFOLK nosstructed some works, and established a post at that village. At this period, the army before Lisle was deficient in ammunition for carrying on the siege, and the Duke of Marlborough, having heard of the arrival of the troops at Ostend, and of their having established a post at Leffinghen, sent seven hundred waggons thither, under a strong guard, for supplies. The soldiers of the Twelfth, and other corps at Ostend, were em ployed in draining the inundations; they built abridge over the canal of Leffinghen, opened a communication with the grand army, and assisted in loading the seven hundred waggons with ammunition and other neces saries. The waggons left Ostend on the 27th of September ; the troops employed to guard the convoy, under Major- General Webb, were attacked on the following day in the wood of Wynendale, by twenty -two thousand French and Spaniards, under Count de la Motte, who was repulsed, and the convoy arrived in safety at the head-quarters of the army. Major-General Webb received the thanks of Parliament for his conduct on this occasion. The Duke of VendSme was so chagrined at this success, that he advanced with a numerous army to Oudenburg, posted his men along the canal between Plassendael and Nieuport, and caused the dykes to be cut in several places, in order to let in the sea, and lay a great extent of country under water. The Twelfth, and other corps under Major-General Erie, were en camped on the high grounds of Raversein, and watched the enemy's movements ; at length, the Duke of Marl borough put the covering army in motion, to attack the enemy, when the Duke of Vendome made a precipi- regiment of foot. 21 tate retreat. The Twelfth were afterwards employed 1708 in conveying another supply of ammunition and other necessaries, for the besieging army, across the inunda tions in boats, which enabled the generals of the allied army to continue the siege of Lisle, and insured the reduction of that fortress. The Duke of Vendome sent a body of troops to besiege Leffinghen, which was captured after a short resistance ; the enemy also menaced the camp at Raversein, when the Twelfth, and other regiments under Major-General Erie, retired into the outworks of Ostend. The supplies furnished to the army, howevei', proved sufficient, and the citadel of Lisle surrendered on the 9th of December. The service, for which the regiment was sent to Flanders having been accomplished, it returned to England in the early part of 1709, and was stationed 1709 in garrison at Portsmouth. On the 4th of July, 1710, the regiments of Livesay 1710 (Twelfth), and of Montandre, Lord Mark Kerr, and Windsor (afterwards disbanded), were reviewed at Portsmouth by Lieut.-General Erie. The regiment was detained on home service in 1711. 1711 Colonel Livesay was succeeded in the colonelcy of the regiment by Lieut.-Col. Richard Phillips, whose commission was dated the 16th of March, 1712. 1712 Being in an efficient state, the regiment was embarked for Spain, to reinforce the allied army in that country. In the summer of 1712, preliminary articles for a treaty of peace were agreed upon, which was followed by a cessation of hostilities, and the Twelfth regiment proceeded to the island of Minorca, which had been captured by a body of troops under Major-General Stanhope in 1 708. Minorca was ceded to Great Britain by the treaty of 1713 22 THE twelfth, or east SUFFOLK 1713 Utrecht in 1713, and the Twelfth regiment was one of the corps selected to form part of the garrison of that island. 1717 Colonel Phillips was appointed to the command of the fortieth foot, on the formation of that regiment from non-regimented companies in America, and was suc ceeded in the colonelcy of the Twelfth by Colonel Thomas Stanwix, from the thirtieth foot, whose com mission was dated the 25th of August, 1717. 1719 Having been relieved from duty at Minorca, in 1719, the regiment returned to England, where it arrived in October of that year. 1722 In the summer of 1722, the regiment was encamped on Salisbury Plain, and it was reviewed on the 30th of August by King George I., and His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, afterwards King George II. 1725 On the 14th of March, 1725, Brigadier-General Thomas Stanwix died, and King George I. conferred the colonelcy of the regiment on Major-General Thomas Whetham, from the twenty- seventh foot. 1739 The regiment was employed on home service for several years ; and on the breaking out of the war with Spain, in 1739, its establishment was augmented to nine hundred officers and soldiers. 1 740 In the summer of 1 740, the regiment pitched its tents near Newbury, where an encampment was formed of two regiments of horse, three of dragoons, and four of infantry, under Lieut.-General Wade. It afterwards served on board the fleet as marines. In the autumn of this year, Charles VI., Emperor of Germany, died, and the succession of his daughter Maria Theresa, as Queen of Hungary and Bohemia, was disputed by the Elector of Bavaria, who was aided by a French army. regiment of FOOT. 23 King George II. resolved to support the house of 1741 Austria, and the Twelfth was one of the regiments selected to proceed on foreign service. It was encamped, in the summer of 1741, on Lexden Heath, and was held in readiness to embark ; in the autumn it went into cantonments. General Whetham died on the 28th of April ; and the colonelcy remained vacant until August, when His Majesty conferred that appointment on the lieut.-colonel of the regiment, Scipio Duroure, who had performed the duties of commanding officer with reputation during the preceding seven years. During the summer of 1742, King George II. sent an 1742 army lo Flanders under Field-Marshal the Earl of Stair, to support the house of Austria, and the Twelfth foot embarked on this service under Colonel Duroure. The regiment passed several months in Flanders, and 1743 in February 1743 it commenced its march for Germany. It was encamped a short period near the forest d'Armstadt, and afterwards at Aschaffenburg, where the King and His Royal Highness the Duke of Cum berland joined the army. On the 27th of June, as the forces commanded by His Majesty were marching along the bank of the river Maine, the French under Marshal Noailles crossed the stream and took post near Dettingen, to intercept the march. The allied army formed for battle and a severe engagement took place, in which the Twelfth had an opportunity of distinguishing themselves under the eye of their Sovereign. On one occasion they re pulsed a charge of the French cavalry, and afterwards engaged the enemy's infantry with signal intrepidity and determination. The opposing army was forced to give way before the steady valour of the infantry of the 24 the twei^fth, or east Suffolk 1743 allied army, and the charges of the British cavalry completed the overthrow of the French host, which was driven across the river Maine with severe loss. The Twelfth regiment had Captain Phillips, Lieutenant Monro, and twenty-seven rank and file killed ; Captain Campbell, Lieutenant Williams, Ensign Townshend, three serjeants, two drummers, and sixty rank and file wounded, on this occasion. After passing the night on the field of battle, the regiment marched to Hanau ; it was encamped several weeks on the banks of the Kinzig, and in August marched towards the Rhine. It crossed that river above Mentz, and was employed in various services until October, when the army marched in divisions back to Flanders. The Twelfth formed part of the fifth division,under Major-General the Earl of Rothes, and arrived on the 22nd of November, at Brussels, from whence they proceeded to Ostend for winter quarters. 1744 The Twelfth regiment served the campaign of 1744 under Field-Marshal Wade : it was encamped some time on the banks of the Scheldt, and took part in several operations, but no general engagement occurred: in the autumn it was again stationed in Flanders. 1745 In the spring of 1745, a very powerful French army appeared in the Austrian provinces of the Netherlands, and commenced the siege of Tournay. His Royal Highness the Duke of Cumberland assumed the com mand of the allied army, and advanced to the relief of the besieged fortress ; and the Twelfth regiment of foot was withdrawn from garrison to take part in the enterprise. The French army took up a position at the village of Fontenoy ; and the allies, though much inferior to the enemy in numbers, resolved to hazard a general engagement. regiment of foot. 25 At two o'clock on the morning of the 11th of May, 1745 the allied army advanced to attack the formidable position occupied by the enemy, and the Twelfth regi ment, commanded by Colonel Duroure, was detached with several other corps, under Brigadier- General Ingoldsby, to attack a large fort, mounted with cannon, in the wood of Barri. Against this post the regiment advanced, but the fort was found too formidable to be attacked without artillery, and some delay occurred. Brigadier-General Ingoldsby did not clearly understand his orders, and the regiment was detained a long time in a state of inactivity exposed to a heavy cannonade ; during which time the British infantry had forced the enemy's centre, but were obliged to retire in conse quence of the Dutch having failed on Fontenoy, and Brigadier-General Ingoldsby having lost the opportu nity of attacking the batteries in the wood of Barri. A second attack was, however, determined on, in the hope that the Dutch would make a more determined effort, and the Twelfth were brought into action; Brigadier-General Ingoldsby was wounded at the head of the regiment, and removed to the rear. Impatient of the state of inactivity in which they had been de tained, the soldiers of the Twelfth rushed into action with distinguished ardour, and were conspicuous for their gallant bearing throughout the remainder of the contest. '^They were exposed to a heavy fire, and had to contend against very superior numbers. Their com manding officer. Colonel Duroure, fell mortally wounded; Lieut.-Colonel Whitmore was killed ; Major Cosseley was wounded, and the command devolved on Captain Rainsford, who was also wounded : but the regiment preserved its firm array, and when more than half the non-commissioned officers and soldiers had fallen, the 26 the twelfth, or east Suffolk ] 745 survivors continued the fight, advancing over the killed and wounded of both armies. The Dutch, however, failed a second time ; the British who had penetrated the enemy's line became insulated, and constantly ex posed to the attack of fresh troops, and a retreat was ordered ; the army withdrawing from the field of battle to Aeth. The conduct of the Twelfth regiment was com mended in the Duke of Cumberland's public despatch ; its loss was greater than any other corps in the army, and amounted to three hundred and twenty-one officers and soldiers : viz., Lieut.-Colonel Whitmore, Captain Campbell, Lieutenants Bockland and Lane, Ensigns Cannon and Clifton, five serjeants, and one hundred and forty-eight rank and file killed; Colonel Duroure, Major Cosseley, Captains Rainsford and Robinson, Lieutenants Murray, Townshend, Millington, and Del- gaire. Ensigns Dagers and Pearce, seven seijeants, and one hundred and forty-two private soldiers wounded ; Captain de Cosne, Captain-Lieut. Goulston, and Lieut. Salt, missing. Colonel Duroure died of his wounds, and was succeeded by Brigadier-General Henry Skelton, from the thirty-second regiment of foot. Major Cosseley recovered of his wounds, and was promoted to the lieut.- colonelcy, and Captain Rainsford was appointed Major. The regiment was encamped with the army on the plain of Lessines, and afterwards near Brussels ; and the French, by their superior numbers, were enabled to capture several fortified towns. In the meantime a rebellion had broken out in Scot land, headed by Charles Edward, eldest son of the Pretender. This adventurer, being guided by despe rate and designing men, — urged on by the wily politics REGIMENT OF FOOT. 27 of France, — personaUy sanguine in his disposition, and 1745 disposed to listen to every representation that flattered his views, embarked on his expedition in a style little adequate to the extent of his designs, which were to dethrone the reigning monarch, and to overturn the constitution of a brave and free people. Arriving in Scotland, he was joined by several of the Highland clans, and the King's troops being in Flanders, suc cess attended his efforts for a short period. The Twelfth regiment was one of the corps ordered to return to England on this occasion : it arrived at Gravesend on the 4th of November, afterwards formed part of the army assembled under the Duke of Cum berland, when the clans penetrated England as far as Derby. Being little accustomed to hear the sound of war at their own gates, the British were at first alarmed at the novelty ; but soon recovering, they evinced loyalty and union in sustaining the fixed rights of their sovereign, and in defending their own liberties. Addresses, backed by associations, were daily made to the King ; the army arrived from Flanders, and the Pretender made a precipitate retreat back to Scotland. The Twelfth regiment pursued the Highlanders as far as Carlisle, and was before that town when the rebel garrison surrendered. In the early part of 1746 the regiment was with- 1745 drawn from the north of England; but after the loss of the battle of Falkirk by the troops under Lieut.- General Hawley, it was ordered to proceed to Scotland. Various circumstances occurred to prevent its proceed ing thither immediately ; but it embarked from Ply mouth towards the end of March, and sailed for Scot land in the early part of April. 28 the twelfth, or east Suffolk 1 '46 Before the regiment joined the army under the Duke of Cumberland, the battle' of Culloden had decided the fate of the young Pretender, who was transformed, by the events of that day, from an imaginary monarch to an humble fugitive, and after concealing himself some time in the Highlands and Hebrides, he escaped to the continent. The regiment was stationed several months at Perth. 1747 During the summer of 1747 the Twelfth were encamped in a rugged valley, surrounded by gloomy precipices, near Fort Augustus, in the Highlands of Scotland ; in the autumn the regiment was with drawn from North Britain and stationed in England. 1748 In the meantime, the war on the Continent had been continued, and in the beginning of the year 1 748, the regiment embarked at Shields for Holland, to join the allied army in that country. In the spring, the regiment took the field, and was engaged in several services : hostilities were afterwards terminated by a treaty of peace concluded at Aix-la- ChapeUe, and during the winter the Twelfth foot returned to England. 1749 Immediately after its arrival from Holland, the regiment embarked for the island of Minorca, where it was stationed three years. 1751 On the 1st of July, 1751, a royal warrant was issued regulating the standards, colours, and clothing of the several regiments. At this period the costume of the Twelfth foot was — cocked hats, bound with white lace, scarlet coats faced and lined with yellow, and orna mented with white lace ; scarlet waistcoats and breeches, and white gaiters. The first, or King's colour, was the great union ; the second, or regimental colour, was of yellow silk, in the centre XII. in gold characters. TWEI.FTH REGIMENT or FOOT regiment of foot. 29 within a wreath of roses and thistles on the same stalk, 1751 and the union in the upper canton. Towards the end of the year 1751 the Twelfth 1752 were relieved from duty at Minorca by the fifty-first regiment, and returned to England, where they ar rived in the beginning of 1752. The progress of colonization in North America in- 1755 volved Great Britain in disputes with the French government respecting the country near the river Ohio, which occasioned the commencement of the Seven Years' War, in 1756. The establishment of the 1756 Twelfth regiment was augmented on this occasion; 1757 and in 1757 it consisted of two battalions. General Skelton died on the 9th of April, 1757, and King George II. conferred the colonelcy of the Twelfth foot on Major-General Robert Napier, from the fifty-first regiment. In 1758 the second battalion of the Twelfth foot 1758 was constituted the sixty-fifth regiment, under the command of Colonel Armiger, from captain and lieut.- colonel of the first foot guards.* Meanwhile the war, which commenced in America, had extended to Hanover, and the electorate was over run by the armies of France. A body of Hanoverian, * The second battalions of the regiments undermentioned were formed into distinct corps, in April, 17.'58, and numbered from 61st to 75th regi ments, as shown in the following list, viz. : — 2 Batt. 3rd Foot, constituted 61 rcg. ituted 6.") reg. 70 ,, 71 ,, 72 ,, 73 ,, 74 ,, 75 ,, The above 71st, 72nd, 73rd, 74th, and 75th regiments were disbanded in the Year 1763, after the peace of Fontainbleau. 4th 62 8th 63 nth 64 12th 65 19th' 66 20th 67 23rd 68 2 Batt. 24th Foot, constit , 32nd , , 33rd , , 34th , , 36th , , 37th , 30 THE TWELFTH, OR EAST SUFFOLK Hessian, and Brunswick troops, commanded by Prince Ferdinand of Brunswick, opposed the forces of the enemy, and in the summer of 1758, the Twelfth regiment, after encamping a short time in the Isle of Wight, was ordered to proceed to Germany to join the allied army. The regiment arrived at Embden on the 1st of August, landed a few miles above the town on the 3rd, and on the 5th commenced its march to join the army, which it accomplished in twelve days, and was re viewed on the 20th of that month by Prince Ferdinand. 1758 During the remainder of the campaign, the regi ment was actively employed, and performed many fatiguing services. Towards the end of November it marched into quarters in Munster, a city situate in a fruitful and agreeable country on the river Aa. 1759 Operations were commenced early in the spring of 1759, and the allies gained some advantage; but when the French forces were assembled, they possessed so great a superiority in numbers, that Prince Ferdinand was obliged to fall back as the enemy advanced. A series of retrograde movements brought the allied anny to the vicinity of Minden, situate on the bank of the river Weser, in Westphalia. The French army, commanded by Marshal de Con- tades, took possession of Minden, and occupied a strong position near that city. Prince Ferdinand of Brunswick manoeuvred : he de tached one body of troops under his nephew, the Hereditary Prince of Brunswick, and appeared to leave another exposed to the attack of the whole of the opposing army. The destruction of this corps was resolved upon by the French commander, and he put his army in motion for that purpose, during the night between the 31st of July and the 1st of August. While REGIMENT OF FOOT. 31 the French were on the march. Prince Ferdinand ad- iijsg vanced with the allied army, and early on the morning of the 1st of August, as the leading column of the enemy attained the summit of an eminence, it was sur prised at discovering, instead of a few weak corps, the allied army formed in order of battle. Thus the French marshal suddenly found himself committed, and under the necessity of fighting upon unfavourable ground. After some delay he formed line, and the battle commenced. The Twelfth, commanded by Lieut.-Colonel Wil Uam Robinson, with the twenty-third and thirty- seventh British regiments, followed by the twentieth, twenty-fifth, and fifty-first, under Major-General Waldegrave and Major-General Kingsley, flanked by two battalions of Hanoverian foot guards, and the Ha noverian regiment of Hardenberg, and supportedby three regiments of Hanoverians and a battalion of Hessian foot guards, advanced to attack the left wing of the French army, where Marshal de Contades had posted the elite of his cavalry, the carabineers and gendarmes. The Twelfth, twenty-third, and thirty- seventh, led the attack with signal intrepidity : as they moved forward in firm array, the enemy's artillery opened a tremendous fire, which rent chasms in the ranks, and the French carabineers advanced to charge them ; but a rolling volley from the three British regi ments smote the hostile squadrons, when many men fell, and the survivors reined up their horses, wheeled about, and gaUoped to the rear; their artillery re commencing its fire as the repulsed squadrons with drew. The Hanoverian brigade came up on the left of the Twelfth, twenty-third, and thirty-seventh, and the other three British regiments on the right. 32 THE twelfth, OR EAST SUFFOLK 1759 Soon, another line of French cavaliers, ga^ in splendid uniforms, and formidable in numbers, came forward, the soldiers shouting and waving their swords ; but they were struck in mid-onset by a tempest of bullets from the British regiments, broken, and driven back with severe loss. Still pressing forward with a con quering violence, the three brigades became exposed to the fire of the enemy's infantry on their flanks ; but nothing could stop them : encouraged by success, and confident in their own prowess, they followed up their advantage, routed the whole of the French cavalry, and drove it from the field.* Two brigades of French infantry endeavoured to stem the torrent of battle ; but they were quickly broken and dispersed. f A body of Saxon troops made a show of coming down upon the conquering British regiments, but they were soon put to flight, and the triumphant English continued their splendid career, overpowering all opposition. The action commenced between six and seven o'clock * ' Notwithstanding the loss they sustained before they could get up ' to the enemy ; notwithstanding the repeated attacks of the enemy's ' cavalry ; notwithstanding a fire of musketry well kept up by the ' enemy's infantry ; notwithstanding their being exposed in front and ' flank, such was the unshaken firmness of those troops (12th, 20th, 23rd, ' 25th, 37th, 51st, and brigade of Hanoverians) that nothing could stop ' them, and the whole body of French cavalry was totally routed.' — Campaigns of Prince Ferdinand of Brunswick. t ' The brunt of the battle was almost wholly sustained by the English ' infantry and some corps of Hanoverians, who stood the reiterated ' charges of so many bodies of horse, the strength and glory of the ' French armies, with a resolution, steadiness, and expertness in their ' manoeuvres, which was never exceeded, perhaps never equalled : they ' cut to pieces, or entirely routed those bodies. Two brigades of foot ' attempted to support them ; but they vanished before the English ' infantry.' — Annual Register. ' Six regiments of English infantry, and two battalions of Hanoverian ' guards, not only bore the whole brunt of the French carabineers and ' gendarmerie, but absolutely broke every body of horse and foot that ' advanced to attack them on the left and in the centre.' — Smollett. REGIMENT OF FOOT. 33 in the morning; about nine the enemy began to give 1759 way ; a general confusion followed ; and at ten o'clock the whole French army fled in disorder, with the loss of forty-three pieces of cannon, ten stand of colours, and seven standards. The Twelfth regiment had Lieutenants William Falkingham, Henry Probyn, and George Townsend, four serjeants, one drummer, and seventy-seven rank and file killed ; Lieut.-Colonel William Robinson, Captains Mathias Murray, William Cloudesley, and Peter Campbell, Captain-Lieutenant Peter Dunbar ; Lieutenants Thomas Fletcher, William Barlow, Thomas Lawless, Edward Freeman, John Campbell, and George Rose; Ensigns John Forbes, David Parkin, and John Kay, eleven serjeants, four drum mers, and one hundred and seventy-five rank and file wounded ; Captains Peter Chalbert, and Robert Ack- land, and eleven rank and file missing. The Twelfth regiment was thanked in orders, in common with the other British regiments, on the follow ing day ; and its distinguished conduct on this occasion was afterwards honoured with the King's authority to bear the vr or A. " Minden"" on its colours and appoint ments in commemoration of its gallantry.* Minden was taken possession of on the following day, and the French army was forced to make a pre cipitate retreat to a distance of about two hundred miles. The allies followed the retiring enemy with great energy, ascending precipices, passing morasses, overcoming numerous difficulties, and pressing upon and attacking the retreating army, with so much reso- * The six British regiments of infantry, which took part in the glo rious battle of Minden, were the 12th, 20th, 23rd, 25th, 37th, and 51st regiments. 34 THE twelfth, or east SUFFOLK l759lution, that several French corps were nearly annihi lated, and many prisoners, with a great quantity of baggage, were captured. The Twelfth foot shared in the hazards, toils and conflicts of this brilliant success, and when the weather became too severe for the troops to remain in the field, the regiment went into canton ments in the bishopric of Osnaburg in Westphalia. The regiment left its quarters on the 5th of May, 1760, to take the field, and on the 12th of that month it arrived in the vicinity of Paderborn ; it was joined by a numerous body of recruits from England, to re place the losses of the preceding campaign. A hundred thousand French troops took the field under the Duke of Broglio, with a separate corps under the Count de St. Germain, and so far outnumbered the allied army, that the latter was obliged to act on the defensive. The Twelfth took part in numerous operations. Towards the end of May they were en camped on the heights near Fritzlar ; in July they pro ceeded to the vicinity of Saxenhausen, from whence they retreated towards Cassel, and encampednear Kalle. Upwards of thirty thousand French troops crossed the river Dymel, and took post near Warbourg, to cut off' the communication of the allies with West phalia, when Prince Ferdinand of Brunswick quitted the camp at Kalle, and crossed the river to attack this portion of the French army. The battle com menced on the morning of the 31st of July, at which time the Twelfth, and other British infantry corps, were several miles from the scene of conflict. The soldiers hurried forward to share in the action with extraordinary zeal : it was a hot summer's day ; they had a rugged country to traverse, morasses to pass, and numerous difficulties to overcome, and they REGIMENT OF FOOT. 35 exerted themselves with so much energy, that several 1750 men dropped on the road;* but before they arrived at Warbourg, the French troops had retreated across the river. During the remainder of the campaign, the regi ment was employed upon the Dymel ; and the allied army, by secret and expeditious movements, by daring and rapid advances, and by sudden and unexpected attacks, kept the enemy in constant alarm. In the winter, the regiment went into quarters in the bishop ric of Paderborn. The enemy having amassed immense magazines in the country of Hesse, and on the Lower Rhine, the allied army made a sudden advance into the enemy's cantonments, in February, 1761, captured several 1761 strong towns, and seized on numerous stores of pro vision. The Twelfth shared in this enterprise, advancing through a deep snow, and taking part in several important captures : when this service was performed, they retired to their former quarters. In June, 1761, the regiment again took the field, and was employed in several operations ; it was formed in brigade with the fifth, twenty-fourth, and thirty- seventh regiments, under the command of Brigadier- General Sandford, and was posted in the Marquis of Granby 's division. After several harassing marches, the regiment was stationed in front of the village of Kirch Denkern, and near to Vellinghausen, in the bishopric of Paderborn. The French, commanded by Marshals Soubise and the Duke of Broglio, attacked this post on the 15th of July; but the ground was * London Gazette. 36 THE TWELFTH, OR EAST SUFFOLK 1761 maintained with firmness and resolution by the British infantry, and the enemy was repulsed with loss. The fire of the skirmishers was continued during the night, and on the following day the attack was repeated with fresh troops, when the Twelfth evinced great gallantry in the defence of the position. After five hours' sharp fighting, some disorder appeared in the enemy's ranks, when thp brigade charged and routed the opposing battalions with great slaughter. The loss of the regiment, on this ocasion, was limited to three private soldiers killed, and nine wounded. The Twelfth were stationed near Kirch Denkern until the 27th of July: they were subsequently employed in manoeuvring and skirmishing in various parts of the bishopric of Paderborn and on the river Weser, and in September they were employed in the country of Hesse. They were engaged in several skirmishes in the electorate of Hanover in the early part of November ; and were subsequently quartered for several months in the bishopric of Osnaburg. 1762 The regiment left its cantonments in Osnaburg iu the spring of 1762, and was formed in brigade with the same regiments as in the preceding year. It was engaged, on the 24th of June, in the surprise of the French army encamped at Groebenstein : on the morn ing of that day it was in motion at an early hour, crossed the river Dymel at Liebenau at four o'clock, and advancing several miles through a woody country, arrived in front of the enemy's camp. The French were surprised and confounded ; they abandoned their camp, leaving their tents standing, and retreated towards Cassel; one division, under General Stain- ville, throwing itself into the woods of Wilhelmsthal, to cover the movement. This division was attacked. REGIMENT OF FOOT. 37 and nearly annihilated ; and after the loss of many men 1 762 killed and wounded, the remainder surrendered to the fifth foot, which was the leading regiment of the bri gade to which the Twe lfth belonged. After the action, the regiment encamped on the heights of Wilhelmsthal; it was subsequently em ployed in various operations ; and on the 23rd of July its grenadier company took part in driving the Saxons, under Prince Xavier, from their post at Lutterberg, and in the capture of thirteen pieces of cannon. On the 24th of July a hundred men of the Twelfth foot were engaged in dislodging a detachment of the enemy from the heights oi Homburg. The regiment was afterwards employed in operations on the rivers Ohm and Lahn, and in covering the siege of Cassel, which fortress surrendered in the beginning of November. A suspension of hostilities took place soon after the surrender of Cassel, which was followed by a treaty of peace, concluded at Fontainbleau : the regiment was quartered in the bishopric of Munster about ten weeks. In the beginning of 1763, the thanks of Parliament 1763 were communicated to the army for its conduct during the war. In February, the regiment marched through Holland to Williamstadt, where it embarked for Eng land : its effective strength, according to the embark ation return, was twenty-seven officers, six hundred and eighty-nine non-commissioned officers and soldiers. On arriving in England, from Germany, the Twelfth 1754 were ordered to proceed to Scotland, where they were 1 755 stationed during the following three years. 2766 Lieut.-General Napier died in November, 1766, when King George III. conferred the command of the regiment on Colonel Henry Clinton, from captain and lieut.-colonel in the first foot guards. 36 THE TWELFTH, OR EAST SUFFOLK 1761 maintained with firmness and resolution by the British infantry, and the enemy was repulsed with loss. The fire of the skirmishers was continued during the night, and on the following day the attack was repeated with fresh troops, when the Twelfth evinced great gallantry in the defence of the position. After five hours' sharp fighting, some disorder appeared in the enemy's ranks, when the brigade charged and routed the opposing battalions with great slaughter. The loss of the regiment, on this ocasion, was limited to three private soldiers killed, and nine wounded. The Twelfth were stationed near Kirch Denkern until the 27th of July : they were subsequently employed in manoeuvring and skirmishing in various parts of the bishopric of Paderborn and on the river Weser, and in September they were employed in the country of Hesse. They were engaged in several skirmishes in the electorate of Hanover in the early part of November ; and were subsequently quartered for several months in the bishopric of Osnaburg. 1762 The regiment left its cantonments in Osnaburg in the spring of 1762, and was formed in brigade with the same regiments as in the preceding year. It was engaged, on the 24th of June, in the surprise of the French army encamped at Groebenstein : on the morn ing of that day it was in motion at an early hour, crossed the river Dymel at Liebenau at four o'clock, and advancing several miles through a woody country, arrived in front of the enemy's camp. The French were surprised and confounded ; they abandoned their camp, leaving their tents standing, and retreated towards Cassel ; one division, under General Stain- ville, throwing itself into the woods of Wilhelmsthal, to cover the movement. This division was attacked. REGIMENT OF FOOT. 37 and nearly annihilated ; and after the loss of many men 1752 killed and wounded, the remainder surrendered to the fifth foot, which was the leading regiment of the bri gade to which the Twe lfth belonged. After the action, the regiment encamped on the heights of Wilhelmsthal; it was subsequently em ployed in various operations ; and on the 23rd of July its grenadier company took part in driving the Saxons, under Prince Xavier, from their post at Lutterberg, and in the capture of thirteen pieces of cannon. On the 24th of July a hundred men of the Twelfth foot were engaged in dislodging a detachment of the enemy from the heights of Homburg. The regiment was afterwards employed in operations on the rivers Ohm and Lahn, and in covering the siege of Cassel, which fortress surrendered in the beginning of November. A suspension of hostilities took place soon after the surrender of Cassel, which was followed by a treaty of peace, concluded at Fontainbleau : the regiment was quartered in the bishopric of Munster about ten weeks. In the beginning of 1763, the thanks of Parliament 1763 were communicated to the army for its conduct during the war. In February, the regiment marched through Holland to Williamstadt, where it embarked for Eng land : its effective strength, according to the embark ation return, was twenty-seven officers, six hundred and eighty-nine non-commissioned officers and soldiers. On arriving in England, from Germany, the Twelfth 1 754 were ordered to proceed to Scotland, where they were 1755 stationed during the following three years. IIQQ Lieut.-General Napier died in November, 1766, when King George III. conferred the command of the regiment on Colonel Henry Clinton, from captain and lieut.-colonel in the first foot guards. 38 the twelfth, or east Suffolk 1767 In 1767, the Twelfth were stationed in England; 1769 ^^^ ^^ 1769, they proceeded to Gibraltar, to relieve the twentieth regiment on garrison duty at that fortress. 1775 The American war commenced in 1775, and the colonel of the regiment, Lieut.-General Sir Henry Clinton, distinguished himself in that country: in 1778 December, 1778, he was appointed colonel of the eighty-fourth regiment, or Royal Highland emigrants, then first embodied for service in North America, and 1779 afterwards disbanded . The Colonelcy of the Twelfth foot remained vacant until the 21st of April, 1779, when it was conferred on Colonel William Picton, from the seventy-fifth regiment; a newly-raised corps, which was disbanded at the peace in 1 782-3. The Twelfth regiment remained at Gibraltar. The possession of this fortress by the English, with a British garrison on the top of the rocky promontory overlooking the provinces of Spain, had been regarded by the Spaniards with great jealousy : every attempt to retake it had failed. Great Britain attached much importance to the possession of it; but the contest between the revolted provinces in North America and England appeared to present to the Spanish monarch a favourable opportunity for regaining possession of this valuable fortress. When the French monarch acknowledged the independence of the United States, and commenced hostilities against Britain, the time appeared particularly favourable for another effort to recapture Gibraltar, and in the summer of 1779, that fortress was beset, by sea and land, by the Spanish fleets and armies. The garrison consisted of the Twelfth, thirty- ninth, fifty-sixth, fifty-eighth, and (late) seventy-second REGIMENT OF FOOT. 39 British, with the Hanoverian regiments of Hardenberg, 1779 Reden, and De la Motte, and a proportion of artillery and engineers. The Twelfth mustered twenty-nine officers, twenty-nine serjeants, twenty-two drummers, and five hundred and nineteen rank and file, under the command of Lieut.-Colonel Trigge : the garrison mustered five thousand three hundred and eighty-two men, under the orders of General Eliott, afterwards Lord Heathfield.* Being blockaded by sea and besieged by land, the troops at Gibraltar became cut off from communication with all countries, and the garrison was like a little world within itself. The arrangements for the defence were devised with judgment, and executed with skill. The soldiers conformed to the strict rules which their circumstances rendered necessary, and severe exercise and short diet became habitual to them; at the same time the extensive preparations of the enemy, the great importance of the fortress, and the deter mined character of General Eliott and his garrison. * Strength of the Garrison of Gibraltar at the commencement of the Blockade, 21st June, 1779:— British. Officers. Men Royal Artillery .... 25 460 Eoyal Engineers .... 8 114 12th Foot 29 570 39th ,, 29 557 56th ,, 27 560 58th ,, 28 577 72nd , , (Eoyal Manchester Volunteers,) disbanded in 1783 33 1013 4030 Hanoverian. Hardenberg's Regiment . . 29 423 Eeden's , , - . 27 417 De La Motte's , , . . 33 423 1352 Total . . . . 5382 40 THE TWELFTH, OR EAST SUFFOLK 1779 occasioned this siege to become a subject of universal interest, and the eyes of all Europe were directed towards Gibraltar, watching the result of the contest. As the enemy's works progressed, the pavement of the streets was taken up, the towers of conspicuous buildings were pulled down, the guard-houses un roofed, the stone sentry-boxes removed, traverses raised, a covered way begun, and every measure adopted to prevent the bombardment of the place being attended with serious results. 1780 Early in 1780 provisions became short, and the soldiers cheerfully submitted to privation ; but soon afterwards the garrison was relieved by a fleet from England : the wants of the troops were, however, not supplied in many important articles. 1781 The Spaniards renewed the blockade by sea, and sent nine fire-ships into the harbour, but failed in the attempt to destroy the shipping. Provisions soon be came deficient again ; vegetables were cultivated on the rock with some success ; a precarious supply of several articles was obtained from the Moors, and in April, 1781, the garrison was again relieved. The siege was continued, and a severe bombardment reduced a great part of the town to a heap of ruins. General Eliott deliberately watched the progress of the enemy, and kept his garrison close within the for tress, until a favourable opportunity presented itself for a sally, when the following ' Evening garrison order ' was issued, dated November 26, 1781: 'Countersign, ' Steady. — All the grenadiers and light infantry in 'the garrison, and all the men of the Twelfth and ' Hardenberg's regiments, with the officers and non- ' commissioned officers on duty, to be immediately re- ' lieved and join their regiments, to form a detach- regiment of foot. 41 ' ment, consisting of the Twelfth and Hardenberg's i7gi ' regiments complete ; the grenadiers and light infantry ' of all the other regiments ; one captain, three lieute- 'nants, ten non-commissioned officers and a hundred ' artillery ; three engineers, seven officers, ten non-com- • missioned officers, overseers, with a hundred and sixty ' workmen from the line, and forty workmen from the ¦ artificer corps; each man to have thirty-six rounds of ' ammunition, with a good flint in his piece, and another fin his pocket ; the whole to be commanded by Briga- ' dier-General Ross, and to assemble on the red sands, ' at twelve o'clock this night, to make a sortie upon ' the enemy's batteries. The thirty-ninth and fifty - ' eighth regiments to parade at the same hour, on the ' grand parade, under the command of Brigadier-General ' Picton, to sustain the sortie if necessary.' The Twelfth appeared on parade at the appointed hour, and mustered twenty-six officers, twenty-eight Serjeants, two drummers, and four hundred and thirty rank and file, ready to engage in this enterprise. It was the hour of midnight ; the moon shone brightly, and all was still in the enemy's camp. The soldiers waited two hours, when the moon set, darkness overspread the sky, and they issued silently from the fortress. The Spanish regiments were asleep in the camp; their guards at the batteries were also reposing, when sud denly the sound of a trampling multitude was heard approaching them ; their sentries called, and receiving no answer, fired their muskets and hurried to the guards. They were followed by the British at a running pace ; the guards were surprised, the batteries captured, and two Spanish officers, with sixteen soldiers, were made prisoners ; the Spanish guards were astounded by the suddenness of the onset in the dark ; they hurried to 42 the twelfth, or east Suffolk ^ '°^ their lines, communicating a panic to the troops in their rear. The British instantly commenced the work of destruction. 'The batteries (constructed of wood upon ' the sands) were soon in a state for the fire-faggots to ' operate, and the flame spread with astonishing rapidity ' into every part. The column of fire and smoke which 'rolled from the works, beautifully illuminated the ' troops and neighbouring objects, forming altogether a ' coup-d'osil not possible to be described.' * In one hour the object of the sortie was fully effected ; the Spaniards, being dismayed, did not venture to in terrupt the work ; and trains being laid to the enemy's magazines, the Twelfth, and other troops which had made the sally, retired; as they entered the fortress tremendous explosions shook the ground like the shocks of an earthquake, accompanied by rising volumes of smoke, flame, and burning timber, which proclaimed the destruction of the enemy's immense stores of gun powder. Thus was completed, with success beyond the expec tations of every one, an enterprise of the greatest mag nitude ; and General Eliott declared in orders, ' the ' bravery and conduct of the whole detachment, officers, 'soldiers, and sailors, on this glorious occasion, sur- ' passed his utmost expectation.' The loss of the Twelfth regiment was limited to Lieutenant Tweedie and four private soldiers wounded : the total loss of the garrison was four soldiers killed, one officer and twenty-four soldiers wounded, one man missing.f "¦ The Siege of Gibraltar, by Captain Drinkwater, of the late seventy- second regiment, who was in garrison at the time. t It is a remarkable circumstance that the Twelfth foot, and the Hanoverian regiment of Hardenberg, fought alongside each other at the battle of Minden, and they were the only two entire regiments employed in the sortie from Gibraltar. REGIMENT OF FOOT. 43 For several days the Spaniards appeared con- i781 founded at their disgrace ; the smoke of the burning batteries continued to rise, and no attempt was made to extinguish the flames ; but several executions took place in their camp, probably of persons who fled so precipitately from the batteries. In the beginning of December they began to arouse themselves, and a thou sand workmen commenced labouring to restore the bat teries, in which they were retarded by the fire of the garrison. The Spaniards, by their heavy fire on the fortress, had already spoiled three sets of guns; but the court of Madrid appeared bent on capturing Gibraltar. * An immense quantity of ordnance of larger calibre was provided, numerous batteries were prepared, and the Duke of Crillon assumed the command of the besieging army. He was assisted by a celebrated French engi neer, Monsieur d'Arcon, and by Admiral Moreno, and a French army arrived to take part in the siege. At the same time stupendous preparations were made on a new principle, and floating batteries were constructed with great art and labour, aud were accounted the most perfect contrivance of the kind ever seen. A crisis was evidently approaching, and in the spring i782 and summer of 1782, the garrison of Gibraltar made preparations with cool determination for the hour of trial : the officers and soldiers appeared to be impressed with their peculiar situation ; an important fortress was confided to their protection ; they had defended it against the efforts of the Spanish army and navy up wards of two years ; and the eyes of all Europe were directed towards them. The damaged works were carefully repaired, new ones were constructed, exten sive subterraneous works were prepared, and forges for 44 the TWELFTH, OR EAST SUFFOLK 1 782 heating red-hot shot were got ready ; every serjeant, drummer, musician, and officer's servant, as weU as the corporals and private soldiers, used a shovel, pickaxe, or musket, according as their services were required. The effect of the red-hot shot was proved on some of the enemy's wooden batteries on the sands, which were speedily destroyed. The Duke of Crillon anticipated the most signal success from the extensive preparations he was making ; his camp was visited by princes of the royal blood of France, by Spanish nobility, and other dignified cha racters of Europe, who came to be spectators of the fall of the fortress under the heavy fire of artillery which was about to be opened upon it. The new bat teries on shore were unmasked, and fired a volley of sixty shells, which was followed by the thunder of one hundred and seventy guns of large calibre. Thus was Gibraltar assailed by a storm of iron, which threatened to reduce the fortress to a heap of ruins, and this was only a prelude to the tremendous fire which was after wards opened upon the garrison. On the 13th of September,, the ten battering ships took their station before the fortress, in the presence of the combined fleets of France and Spain : the enemy's camp and neighbouring hills were crowded with spec tators from various parts of Europe, to witness the effect of these stupendous vessels, and such a storm of war was opened upon the garrison, as Avas probably never heard before since the invention of cannon. The bat teries of the fortress answered this tremendous fire with vigour, and the deafening thunder of four hundred pieces of heavy artillery was heard for many miles. For some hours the attack and defence were so equally well supported, as scarcely to admit any appearance REjSIMENT OF FOOT. 45 of superiority in the cannonade on either side. The 1782 wonderful construction of the battering ships seemed to bid defiance to the heaviest ordnance; shells re bounded from their tops, and a thirty-two pound shot scarcely seemed to make any impression on them. The effect of the red-hot shot was doubted; sometimes smoke came from the ships, but the fire-engines within soon occasioned it to cease, and the result was uncertain ; the fire was, however, persevered in, and incessant showers of red-hot bullets, shells, and carcases flew through the air. In the afternoon the eff'ects of the red- hot shot became apparent, and volumes of smoke issued from the flag-ship ; the Admiral's second ship was perceived to be in the same condition, and confu sion prevailed. The Spaniards expected that the firing of red-hot bullets could not be persevered in beyond a few rounds ; but the fire was continued with the same precision and vivacity as cold shot. The eff'ects of the hot balls occasioned the enemy's cannonade to abate, and about eight o'clock it almost totally ceased. The battering ships made signals to inform the combined fleets of their extreme danger and distress, and several boats were sent to their aid. At this period the fire of the garrison produced great carnage, and the most pitiable cries and groans were heard, as the incessant showers of shot and shells were poured into the floating batteries. Soon after midnight one ship was in flames, and by two o'clock she appeared one sheet of fire from head to stern ; a second was soon in the same state ; the flames enabled the British artillery to point their guns with precision, and soon after three o'clock six more ships exhibited the effects of the red- hot shot. The burning ships exhibited one of the grandest spectacles of destruction ever beheld; and 46 THE TWELFTH, OR EAST SUFFOLK 1782 amidst this dreadful scene of conflagration, the British seamen in boats were seen endeavouring to rescue the Spaniards from the blazing ships. They preserved between three and four hundred ; and while they were thus engaged, one of the ships blew up with a dreadful explosion ; four others met the same fate before seven o'clock, and another shortly afterwards, and the re mainder burnt to the water's edge, their magazines having been inundated ; not one could be preserved as a trophy. Thus did the mighty efforts of France and Spain end in defeat and destruction, and the gallant efforts of the brave soldiers who defended Gibraltar elicited the ad miration of the nations in Europe. In England the most enthusiastic applause was universal ; illuminations and other modes of testifying the joy of the people followed the receipt of the news of the destruction of the boasted invincible battering ships, and every family which could boast a defender of Gibraltar belonging to it, was proud of the honour. The loss of the garrison, on the 13th and 14th of September, was limited to one officer, two serjeants, and thirteen private soldiers killed ; five officers and sixty-three rank and file wound ed ; that of the enemy exceeded two thousand officers and soldiers. Although the enemy gave up aU hopes of reducing Gibraltar by force of arms, yet some expectation was entertained, that, if the blockade were continued, the garrison might be forced to surrender from the want of provisions ; the combined fleet therefore remained in the bay, the besieging army continued in the lines, and about a thousand shots were fired every day from the Spanish batteries. The garrison was encouraged to continue resolute in the defence of the fortress by REGIMENT OF FOOT. 47 assurances of their Sovereign's favour and high appro- 1732 bation. The principal Secretary of State, writing to General Eliott, stated, — 'I am honored with His ' Majesty's commands to assure you, in the strongest ' terms, that no encouragement shall be wanting to the ' brave officers and soldiers under your command ; his ' royal approbation of the past will, no doubt, be a ' powerful incentive to future exertions, and I have the ' King's authority to assure you, that every distin- ' guished act of emulation and gallantry, which shall be ' performed in the course of the siege, by any, even of * the lowest rank, will meet with ample reward from ' his gracious protection and favour.' In October, the combined fleet was much damaged by a storm ; and soon afterwards a British naval force jhqo arrived, and the garrison was again relieved ; when two regiments, the twenty-fifth and fifty-ninth, landed to take part in the defence of the fortress. After the garrison was thus relieved and reinforced a third time, the Court of Madrid gave up all hopes of gaining possession of Gibraltar either by force or stratagem : negociations ensued, and in February, 1 783, the Spanish army decamped ; the preliminary articles for a treaty of peace having been signed in the pre cedingmonth. Thus ended the siege of " Gibraltar," which is celebrated in the military annals of the eighteenth century, and the successful defence of that fortress, ranks among the noblest efforts of the British arms : it exceeded in duration the famous siege of Ostend, in the beginning of the seventeenth century.* The Twelfth regiment of foot was rewarded, with the other corps which took part in this long and ar- * fide the Eecord of the Third Foot, or the Buffs, from page 69 to 74. 48 THE TWELFTH, OR EAST SUFFOLK 1783 duous service, with the thanks of its Sovereign, and of the Houses of Parliament, and with the honour of bear ing on its colours the word 'Gibraltar,' with the ' Castle and Key,' and the motto ' Montis Insignia Calpe,' in commemoration of its services during the siege.* The loss of the regiment during the siege of Gibral tar was — Officers. Serjeants. Drummera. Kank and FUe. Killed Died of Wounds .... Disabled by Wounds . Wounded, that recovered Died of Diseases .... Total . . . 1 i 2 3 "4 3 I "7 13 10 10 89 32 4 10 8 ,« During the period the Twelfth were engaged in the glorious defence of Gibraltar, county-titles were given to the several regiments of infantry, and the communication with England having become free, the Twelfth received directions to assume the title of the 'East Suffolk Regiment,' and to cultivate a connection with that part of the country, in order to facilitate the recruiting of the regiment. In November, the Twelfth were relieved from duty at the fortress of Gibraltar, which they had so * Cai-p^, in the south of Spain, and Abyi-a, on the opposite Coast of Africa, (about eighteen miles distant) were celebrated as the Pillars of Hercules; and according to heathen mythology, these two mountains were united, until that hero separated them, and made a communication between the Mediterranean and the Atlantic seas. Calpe received the present designation of Gibraltar from the Arabic " Gih-eUTarif,'' or " Mountain of Tarif," being the spot where that Moorish Chieftain landed on his invasion of Spain in the Year 71). The device of the " Castle and Key," the present arms of Gibraltar, was given by Henry IV., King of Castile, upon his capturing the place from the King of Granada in 1462, in allusion to its being the Key to the Mediterranean. regiment of foot. 49 gallantly defended, and returned to England; they 1783 landed at Portsmouth, from whence they proceeded to Hilsea barracks, and in December, they marched to Windsor. King George III. was highly gratified at having a 1784 corps^ which had distinguished itself during the memo rable siege of Gibraltar, employed near his person, and on the 1st and 8th of June, 1784, His Majesty reviewed the Twelfth regiment in Windsor Park, in the presence of the Royal Family, and many distin guished personages, and expressed, in very gracious terms, his high approbation of its appearance and discipline, and of its conduct during the siege of Gibraltar. The regiment remained at Windsor on the King's duty until November, when it proceeded to Chatham. During the years 1785, 1786, and 1787, the regiment 1785 was stationed successively at Newcastle, Tynemouth, I'jge Sunderland, Musselburgh, .Ayr, Edinburgh, and Ply- iijgij mouth; on the 10th of January, 1788, it was reviewed jtjgg by His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, afterwards King George IV., who was then in the seventeenth year of his age, and his person and accomplishments excited the admiration of all who beheld him. In a few days after the review, the regiment proceeded to the islands of Jersey and Guernsey. The Twelfth were relieved from duty at Jersey ,^_ and Guernsey in March, 1790, and sailed to Ports mouth. Two months afterwards, orders were received for the regiment to serve on board the fleet as marines, and in the middle of June it embarked on board of His Majesty's ships ' Barfleur,' ' Carnatic,' ' Bellona,' ' Impregnable,' 'Magnificent,' and 'Edgar'; at the same time the staff officers, musicians, and £ 50 THE TWELFTH, OR EAST SUFFOLK jijgo a few soldiers who were not employed on this service, proceeded to Hilsea barracks. After six months* service as marines the companies landed and joined the head-quarters at Hilsea barracks ; towards the end of December the whole embarked for Ireland. , BQi The regiment landed near Cork on the 5th of Ja- . ^^ nuary, 1791, and marched to Kinsale ; in the summer of 1792, it proceeded to Dublin, from whence it was removed in March, 1793, to Drogheda. In the meantime a revolution had taken place in France; men of violent republican principles had seized on the reins of government, beheaded their Sovereign, and involved Europe in another war. The pernicious doctrines of liberty and equality had been disseminated in the French West India Islands, and the European planters had soUcited the protection of the British arms against the fury of the mulattoes and negroes. War was commenced to arrest the tyrannical proceedings of aggression pursued by the French republic ; — a British army was sent to Flanders under His Royal Highness the Duke of York ; additional orces were sent to the West Indies, and in November the flank companies of the Twelfth foot, commanded by Captains Tweedie and Perryn, Lieutenants Mathews, Leister, Leister junior, and O'Brien, embarked for the West Indies. 1 794 rpjjg deUverance of the French West India Islands from republican domination, was undertaken in Ja nuary, 1794; the flank companies of the Twelfth joined the expedition under General Sir Charles Grey, K. B. (afterwards Earl Grey), at Barbadoes, and were engaged in the attack of Martinico. A landing was effected at three different points in the early part REGIMENT OF FOOT. 51 of February, and after some sharp fighting, in which the 1794 companies of the Twelfth signalized themselves, particularly the grenadier company, forming part of the brigade commanded by Prince Edward (afterwards Duke of Kent), which captured Fort Royal by esca lade on the 17th of March, and carried Morne Tar- tisson by storm, the island was captured. In his despatch. Sir Charles Grey stated, — ' All the officers ' and soldiers of this little army merit the greatest ' praise.' The loss of the Twelfth foot was limited to a few private soldiers killed and wounded. From Martinico the flank companies of the Twelfth sailed with the expedition against St. Lucia, where the troops arrived on the 1st of April, and the companies of the Twelfth took part in the reduction of that island, which was accomplished in three days without loss. The flank companies were afterwards engaged in the capture of Guadaloupe and its dependencies, in which service they lost several men. The rapid success with which the British empire was thus extended, by the addition of three valuable islands and their de pendencies, excited great admiration ; and Sir Charles Grey stated in his de.spatch, that he ' could not find ' words to convey an adequate idea, or to express the * high sense he entertained, of the extraordinary merit • evinced by the officers and soldiers in this service.' While the flank companies were engaged in the capture of the French West India Islands, the regiment was withdrawn from Ireland to reinforce the troops under the Duke of York in Flanders; it embarked from Drogheda on the 7th of March, landed at Park- gate on the 14th, re-embarked at Greenwich on the 1st of May, and landed at Ostend on the 6th of that month. E 2 52 the twelfth, OR EAST SUFFOLK 1794 On arriving at the seat of war, the regiment was ordered to join the corps under the Austrian General Count Clerfait, who. commanded the troops in West Flanders, and it was attached to the division under Major-General Hammerstein, together with the thirty- eighth and fifty-fifth regiments, and the eighth light dragoons. The Twelfth regiment, commanded by Major Frederick Bowes, consisting of eight hundred and fifteen rank and file, took part in numerous operations, and was engaged in the general attack on the French positions on the 17th and 18th of May. On the latter day, the Twelfth were engaged in driving the enemy from Werwick, and in forcing the passage of the river Lys, on which occasion they highly distinguished them selves ; but the operations on the above two days were not successful, from the want of a more perfect combi nation in the movements of the several divisions, and from the superior numbers of the enemy. In division orders, dated Camp near Tournay, 20th May, 1794, Major-General Whyte stated 'he had ' great pleasure in informing the British troops, that ' General Count Clerfait has highly approved of their ' spirited conduct in the field, and great exertions in ' going through such excessive fatigues, as they neces- ' sarily have had since their first movement from 'Ostend. Major-General Whyte laments the loss sus- ' tained by the eighth light dragoons, whose spirited ' and distinguished gallantry, led on by Lieut.-Colonel ' Hart, has gained them the highest honour ; and he ' desires his thanks may be accepted by the command- ' ing officers, and all the officers and men of the thirty- ¦ eighth and fifty-fifth regiments ; and also by Major 'BowKs and the officers and men of the Twelfth regi- regiment of foot. 53 ' ment, whose conduct has been highly approved of by 1794 'Major-General Hammerstein, under whose immediate •command they served. To Lieut.-Colonel Hart, 'who led on the squadron of the eighth light dra- ' goons to the attack at Rousbeck, his best and dis- ' tinguished thanks are due ; and also to Lieut -Colonel 'M'Donald, who led on the fifty-fifth regiment to ' support the attack on the front. He is perfectly con- ' vinced the same praise would have been due to Lieut.- ' Colonel Pitcairn of the thirty-eighth, had they been * called into action.' The Tweltfh foot continued to serve under General Count Clerfait, and when the French besieged Ypres, with thirty thousand men, with a covering army of tv^nty-five thousand, the regiment was engaged in the attempt to relieve that fortress. The Austrian advance-guard was repulsed at Olglede on the 7th of June ; but the French were defeated in their attempt on Rouselaer. Still entertaining hopes of being able to raise the siege, Count Clerfait attacked the French again on the 13th of June, at Hoogledge, and Major- General Hammerstein engaged a body of the enemy, of very superior numbers, at Kootmarke, and was re pulsed. He afterwards retreated to Bruges, detach ing the eighth light dragoons, and thirty-eighth and fifty-fifth foot to Ostend. The very superior numbers of the enemy gave them so gi-eat an advantage, that the aUied army was forced to commence retrograde movements. The Twelfth foot remained with Major-General Hammerstein's di vision untU the 9th of July, when the foUowing para graph appeared in the division orders issued at the camp at Contiche,— ' As the Twelfth British regi- * ment is going to leave Major-General Hammerstein's 54 THE TWELFTH, OR EAST SUFFOLK 1 794 ' brigade, he takes this opportunity to assure the regi- ' ment of his best acknowledgments for the good and • gallant behaviour it has shown during the time the ' general has had the honour to command it ; he like- ' wise thanks it for the readiness and good will with ' which it has borne so many and great fatigues.' On its removal from Major-General Hammerstein's command, the regiment was formed in brigade with the thirty-third, forty-second, and forty-fourth foot, under Major-General Balfour. In August it was in position near Breda, and in the beginning of Septem ber retired to the vicinity of Bois-le-duc. In the middle of September the enemy advanced in great force, and attacked all the British posts on the right ; the outpost at Boxtel, being most advanced, was forced, and the troops of Hesse D'Armstadt, who occupied it, sustained a severe loss. The post, occupied by a detachment of the Twelfth regiment, was en vironed and assailed by very superior numbers ; it was defended with great gallantry for a short time, but the soldiers were unable to withstand so overwhelming a force as that by which they were assailed. The regi ment had a few soldiers killed and wounded, and Lieu tenant Eustace, three serjeants, one drummer, and forty-four rank and file taken prisoners. The British troops afterwards retired beyond the river Maese. In the meantime, the flank companies had been en gaged in the defence of the island of Guadaloupe, where about two thousand French troops had arrived from Europe, and being joined by a multitude of mulattoes and blacks, among whom the doctrines of liberty and equality were disseminated, they gained possession of part of the island, and frightful outrages were perpe trated. The companies of the Twelfth were engaged regiment of foot. 55 in an attempt to regain possession of Grand-Terre; 1794 but the troops employed in this service were not suffi ciently numerous. The Twelfth had Lieutenant John Leister and several soldiers killed, and others wounded. The companies of the Twelfth were employed in the defence of Guadaloupe under great disadvantages, and they were nearly annihilated. The island was given up in October, and the few remaining officers and soldiers proceeded to St. Domingo. Meanwhile the Twelfth regiment, serving under the Duke of York, in Holland, was exposed to much suffering and privation. The Dutch, having imbibed the revolutionary doctrines of equality, beheld the ad vance of the French without alarm, and surrendered their fortresses without much resistance. The British troops had no chance of ultimate success, yet they held their positions with firmness, and they did not fail to impress the enemy with a just idea of British valour. The Twelfth were in position near Nimeguen in September, and afterwards attempted to defend the passage of the Waal. During the winter the river Waal became frozen, so 1795 as to admit the immense masses of the enemy to pass on the ice, and the British were obliged to retreat through Holland to Germany. The sufferings of the soldiers during this retrograde movement were very great; long marches, exposed to snow-storms and tempests, along roads choked with ice and snow, and a deficiency of provisions, put to a severe test the strength of the officers and soldiers. In March, 1 795, they arrived at Bremen, where the hardships they had endured were ended. The Twelfth regiment lost so many men during the campaign and retreat through 56 the twelfth, or east Suffolk 1 795 Holland, that its numbers were reduced from eight hundred and fifteen to four hundred and twenty-five rank and file. The regiment embarked from Bremenlee on the 11th of April, landed at Gosport on the 12th of May, and marched from thence to Portchester, where it was joined by Lieutenant O'Brien, one serjeant, and one private soldier from the West Indies ; being the only surviving individuals of the two fine flank companies which proceeded to the West Indies in 1793. Every effort was made to recruit the regiment as speedily as possible, and on the 2nd of July, it was reviewed by His Royal Highness the Duke of York, who expressed his approbation of its ap pearance. On the 1 9th of October, the regiment embarked from Southampton, and sailed to Spithead, where it re mained a few days, and afterwards put to sea. On the 5th of October, it landed on the Isle de Dieu, in con junction with a small force under Major-General Needham, and a body of French emigrants, accom panied by the Count D'Artois, brother of the King of France. No circumstances occurred to favour any further attempts connected with this enterprise, and in December the regiment left the island ; it was exposed to several violent storms at sea, but arrived safely at Southampton in ten days, and marched from thence to Iron-hill barracks. 1795 The regiment was stationed in the neighbourhood of Southampton, and in the Isle of Wight, until the 8th of June, 1796, when it embarked in the ' Rocking ham,' 'Hawksbury,' ' Airly castle,' and 'Melville- castle ' Indiamen, under the command of Lieut.- Colonel Henry Harvey Aston, in order to transfer its regiment of foot. 57 services to the East Indies. The regiment sailed from 1795 St. Helens on the 27th of June, and on the 19th of September anchored in Table Bay, Cape of Good Hope; that colony having been captured from the Dutch a short time previously. The regiment re mained on board, but small parties landed daily for the benefit of their health. While the Indiamen were in Table Bay, a dreadful hurricane threatened the de struction of every ship, and they all sustained some injury, several losing their anchors. Serious apprehen sions were entertained for the safety of the regiment ; but providentially it did not sustain any loss, and it sailed from the Cape of Good Hope on the 10th of No vember. On the 10th of January, 1797, the Indiamen an- 1797 chored in Madras roads; the regiment landed on the foUowing day at Fort St. George, and mustered eight hundred and seventy rank and file, whose appearance excited admiration. The regiment was employed on garrison duty at Fort St. George until the middle of August, when it embarked for ManiUa, the capital of the Spanish set tlements in the Philippine Islands, situate on the banks of a bay, at the mouth of the river Pasig, in the island of Luconan. On the 23rd of August six companies proceeded on the voyage ; the other four companies were embarked on board of men-of-war, and were about to follow, when orders were received for their disembarking, in consequence of intelligence from the Mysore country, indicating a projected irruption into the British territory by the celebrated Tippoo Saib. The six companies continued the voyage, and arrived in September at the Prince of Wales's Island, called also Penang, or Betel Nut Island, situated off the west 58 THE TWELFTH, OR EAST SUFFOLK 1797 coast of the Malay peninsula, from which it is sepa rated by a narrow strait. At this place a large fleet was assembled, with a numerous body of troops, from the Presidencies of Bengal, Madras, and Bombay, for the expedition against Luconan and the other Philip pine islands; the Prince of Wales's Island having been selected for the rendezvous of the forces to be employed in this enterprise. The prospect of the services of the troops being speedily required in more important military operations on the continent of India, occasioned orders to be issued for their immediate re turn. .Towards the end of September, the 'Express' sloop arrived with despatches from Madras, and in a few days afterwards the six companies of the Twelfth sailed from the Prince of Wales's Island. They en countered contrary winds, and it being found impossible for the transports to contend against the north-west monsoon, the Twelfth returned to the island in Oc tober. They again sailed for Madras on the 15th of November, and landed at Fort George on the 12th of December ; during their absence the other four com panies of the regiment had exchanged a few shots with a French squadron, which had appeared in Madras- roads, and succeeded in driving an Indiaman on shore under the works of the fort. 1798 Among the various schemes of aggrandizement en tertained by the republican government of France, was the wild and extravagant idea of being able to gain possession of the British territory in the East Indies. To strike an effectual blow at the naval, commercial, and colonial greatness of the British nation, was an object of primary consideration with the French direct ory, and to excite the jealousy of the native princes of India, and induce them to take up arms against the regiment of foot. 59 English, was one of the means used to accomplish this 1793 object. In the ruler of the fruitful province of Mysore, the celebrated Tippoo Sultan, the French found a chief tain eager to seize on the first opportunity for being revenged on the British, who had punished his former aggressions by depriving him of a considerable portion of territory, and inflicting a fine equal to three and a half millions sterling. This chief entered zealously into the design to drive the English out of India, and endea voured to induce other princes to join in the enterprise. After the discovery of the designs of the enemy, hostili ties were delayed some time, and the Twelfth regi ment marched for Tanjore, the capital of a well-culti vated province in the Carnatic, where it arrived on the 1st of March, 1798. The regiment was reviewed at Tanjore, by Major- General Floyd, who expressed in orders to Colonel Aston, the officers, and soldiers, ' the satisfaction he ' received on inspecting the eight companies of the ' Twelfth regiment of infantry at the station ;' and added — ' In the masterly hands of their commanding ' officer, there is every reason to expect that His ' Majesty's Twelfth regiment of infantry will, when- ' ever called upon, be ready and disposed to renew in ' the east the glories of Minden and Gibraltar.' Preparatory to the grand enterprise of driving the English out of India, General Bonaparte was sent with a French army to Egypt ; many French officers and men were introduced into the army of Tippoo Sultan, and other measures were adopted calculated to forward the design. Under these circumstances the Governor- General of India, Lord Mornington, deemed it necessary to assemble a body of troops on the coast of Coromaudel, and to engage the Nizam of the Deccan to furnish an 60 the twelfth, or east SUFFOLK 1793 auxiliary force. The Twelfth regiment marched from the fortress of Tanjore, on the 22nd of July, to join the army assembling under the orders of Lieut.-General Harris. On the 1st of January, 1799, the regiment joined the camp of the army advancing towards Mysore, and negociations having failed, the troops penetrated the territory of Tippoo Sultan in the beginning of March. The Twelfth, seventy-fourth, and Scots brigade, formed the first brigade of infantry under Major- General Baird. During the night of the 7th of March, the regiment was employed, under Major-General Baird, in an attempt to surprise the camp of a body of the enemy's cavalry, but the Mysoreans obtained information of the design and made a precipitate retreat. On the following day, the light company of the Twelfth, commanded by Captain Woodhall, took pos session of Neldroog without opposition. 1 799 The British advanced direct upon the capital of the Mysore country, Seringapatam,* and Tippoo endeavoured to harass the march by skirmishes, and impede the pro gress of the troops by burning villages and laying waste the country. The regiment having entered upon active warfare, the Commanding Officer issued the following order : — ' As the Twelfth regiment, from having the ' honour to be the eldest King's regiment with the ' army, is more liable to be called on for immediate • service than other corps, the Commanding Officer ' expects the Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers, and ' Private Men, will be ready, night or day, to turn out ' at the shortest notice, and to parade under arms ' without noise or confusion. On all sudden alarms * The proper name of that city is Siri Runga Patan. regiment of foot. 61 • the light infantry is instantly to accoutre without 1799 ' waiting for orders, and to be in readiness to march ' whenever their services may be required.' On the 27th of March, as the Lascars were pitching the tents of the army on a fine plain beyond the fort of Malleville, they were suddenly assailed by a heavy cannonade from an eminence in front ; at the same time the advance-piquet, under Captain McPherson of the Twelfth regiment, was attacked by a force of very superior numbers, but repulsed its assailants with distinguished bravery- The army arriving on the plain, advanced in close column of regiments towards the eminence, upon which large bodies of Mysorean cavalry and infantry were formed, who withdrew their heavy guns, but annoyed the advancing columns with rockets. As the British columns approached the height, they formed line, and ascended to the summit, which was abandoned by the enemy, but a short distance beyond the eminence appeared the army of Mysore in order of battle. As the Twelfth moved forward, a large body of Mysorean cavalry formed in the shape of a wedge, having an elephant with ahowdah on his back in front, appeared advancing to charge the regiment, and the British line halted to receive the attack. Im mediately afterwards two other very large bodies of the enemy were discovered in two topes, or woods, preparing to support the first charge. Lieut.-General Harris, seeing the danger which menaced the regiment, placed himself in its rear, frequently repeating the words, 'Steady, Twelfth!' ' Steady, old Twelfth! 'and when the wedge approached within a hundred yards of the line, the Mysoreans discharged their carbines and 62 THE TWELFTH, OR EAST SUFFOLK 1799 pistols, but without doing execution. The Twelfth re mained steady, with their muskets at the recover, until the enemy arrived within about thirty yards, when a well-directed volley, followed by a rapid file firing, carried destruction into the enemy's ranks ; a rampart of killed and wounded men and horses lying along the front of the regiment. The rear of the wedge was em barrassed by the killed and wounded in front, and could not continue their charge. The elephant was severely wounded, his conductor killed, the chiefs on his back had fallen, and he turned round and directed all his fury upon the Mysoreans, overturning everything in his retrograde movement, and producing great havoc with a prodigious chain, which he swayed. A few Mysorean horsemen broke through the regiment, but they were instantly shot in its rear, and the British artillery arriving, and opening its fire, the enemy's cavalry fell back ; at the same time the British line advanced, and decided the fate of the day at that part of the field ; a distant cannonade, however, indicated that the battle was raging elsewhere. The left of the right wing was opposed to Tippoo's infantry, and gained a complete victory ; between seven and eight thousand Mysoreans being put hors de combat: the loss of the British did not amount to so many hundreds. In general orders issued on the same evening, it was stated, ' The Commander-in-Cliief congratulates the ' army on the happy result of this day's action, during 'which he had various opportunities of witnessing its ' gallantry, coolness, and attention to orders :' and in brigade orders, ' Major-General Baird, with the ' most heartfelt satisfaction, congratulates the brigade regiment of foot. 63 • on the victory obtained this day over the enemy; it 1799 ' is sufficient for him to say, that the valour of the corps ' fully answered his expectation.' On the following morning, the army continued its advance upon the capital of Mysore, and the enemy used various stratagems to retard the movement until the approach of the rainy season should render the siege of Seringapatam impracticable. The water was found impregnated with poison ; many men were taken seriously ill, and several horses feU down dead while in the act of drinking ; the smoking ruins of villages, and other scenes of devastation presented themselves; at the same time large bodies of hostile cavalry hovered round the army, and the camp was often annoyed by rockets ; but the British forces moved steadily forward, and on the 3rd of April they arrived within four miles oi Seringapatam, — a city and fortress, which had attained considerable strength and splendour under Hyder Ali and his son Tippoo Sultan : it is situate at the upper end of an island, four miles long, and a mile and a half broad, in the river Cavery. About six o'clock on the evening of the 3rd of April, the Twelfth regiment, with the flank companies of the seventy-fourth and Scots brigade, assembled under Major-General Baird, to beat up the enemy's cavalry encampments : they were out all night without efiecting the surprise of any of the enemy's detachments ; but about three o'clock on the foUowing morning they came suddenly upon a numerous body of Mysorean cavalry, when they rushed forward and bayoneted nearly every man before the Mysoreans could mount their horses, which were led into the British camp at six o'clock, at the moment the army was about to commence its march. On the 4th of April, the army arrived in sight of 64 the twelfth, or east Suffolk 1799 Seringapatam ; the soldiers had skirmished with the enemy's cavalry and rocket men, during the march, and in the evening a general order was issued, in which it was stated, — ' The Commander-in-Chief takes this ' opportunity of noticing the high sense he has of the •general exertion of the troops throughout the long ' and tedious march, with the largest encampment ever ' known to move with any army in India ; and in con- ' gratulating them on a sight of Seringapatam, he has 'every confidence that a continuance of the same ' exertions wiU very shortly put an end to their ' labours, and place the British colours on its walls !' The army took up a new position on the 5th of AprU, and in the evening the Twelfth regiment was ordered to advance, supported by two battalions of Sepoys, and take possession of a nullah, or bed of a river or aqueduct, about a mile and a half in front of the camp. The night was very dark, but the regiment had scarcely cleared the outposts, when the air was illuminated by hundreds of fire-balls thrown up by the enemy, who thus detected the advance of the British troops, and immediately commenced a heavy fire of musketry and rockets, under which the Twelfth continued to advance in open column of companies. Suddenly, regular platoon firing was heard in front, and showers of bullets assailed the regiment on both flanks and in front, when it formed line. The tramp ling sound of approaching troops occasioned the regi ment to prepare to charge with the bayonet, which was about to be executed, when it was discovered that the approaching troops were one of the battalions of Sepoys which had been ordered to support the Twelfth. This battalion had lost its road, moved to the front, and become exposed to the attack of very superior regiment of foot. 65 numbers of the enemy, whom it had engaged upwards 1799 of an hour, which accounted for the platoon firing heard in front; it was retreating, bringing off its killed and wounded, under Major Colin Campbell, and being pursued, forined in the rear of the Twelfth regiment. When the pursuing Mysoreans discovered, by their fire-balls, the line of Europeans before them, they fell back to a greater distance, but without any relaxation in their fire, and so many spent balls struck the officers and soldiers of the Twelfth, that they were ordered to sit down to await the approach of day for the completion of the enterprise ; the nullah was at some distance, and it could only be approached by a road of difficult access. The regiment did not fire a shot, but large quantities of ammunition were sent from the camp ; the incessant firing having given rise to the expectation that the soldiers must have expended their cartridges. About two o'clock on the following morning the enemy's firing ceased, and at four the Twelfth ad vanced. When the morning light appeared, the regiment found itself in the rear of a long mud wall and frag ments of a ruined village, three hundred yards from the nullah, which was occupied by thousands of Mysoreans and French, with large masses of infantry on both flanks. Under these circumstances, the regiment halted, and the pioneers threw up an embankment on both flanks, to preserve it from enfilade, This work was scarcely completed, when day-light enabled the Mysoreans to discover the position and insignificant numbers of the regiment, compared with their host, and they endeavoured to destroy it by a storm of bullets, but the soldiers were sheltered by the mud 66 the twelfth, or east Suffolk 1799 walls, and very few cannon-balls from the fort took effect, on account of the distance. Lieut.-General Harris, observing the unequal contest, ordered the artillery to fire on the enemy's ranks, the balls passing over the heads of the Twelfth, and the British line advanced. The commanding officer of the detachment, Lieut.-Colonel Shaw, saw the line moving steadily forward to his support, and having entire confidence in the valour of the Twelfth, he resolved to attack the opposing legions with the bayonet ; he cautioned the soldiers to prepare, and giving the word ' Charge, Twelfth,' they sprang from behind the mud wall, raised a loud shout, and rushed forward towards the nullah. The Mysoreans were confounded by the suddenness of the attack ; they saw the sparkling steel bayonets of the Twelfth approach, and aban doned their post in a panic. As the Twelfth rushed forward, several lines of Mysoreans fired voUeys at them, but the balls struck the sand many yards from the regiment, and in five minutes the nullah was cap tured. The enemy rallied behind a high bank, and made a show of a design to retake the post, but the Twelfth and Sepoys ascended the bank, and kept up a weU-directed file firing, which occasioned the Mysoreans to retreat : a party of French were also driven from a post on the left of the regiment. The nullah being thus carried, the artillery of Seringa patam opened a heavy fire, which obliged the soldiers to take shelter in the bed of the river. The post thus captured, was designated ' Shaw's Post,' in honour of the commanding officer of the detachment, Lieut.- Colonel Shaw of the seventy-fourth foot. When the Twelfth rushed forward to storm the REGIMENT OF FOOT. 67 post, the army suspended its advance, awaiting the 1799 result, and a brigade afterwards drove a body of the enemy from a wood on the right of Shaw's Post. A breast-work was subsequently made to cover the troops from the guns of Seringapatam, and the Twelfth had the honour to break ground before that important fortress. About seven o'clock in the evening, the regiment was relieved by the seventy-fourth foot : its loss was Lieutenants George Nixon and T. Falla, and ten rank and file killed ; Captain Whitler, Lieu tenants R. Nixon, Percival, King, and Neville, and a considerable number of non-commissioned officers and soldiers, wounded. The siege of Seringapatam was prosecuted with vigour ; and in the early part of May, a practicable breach was ready, when the Twelfth were selected to take part in storming this important fortress. For this service, the flank companies of the European corps left in the camp, the Twelfth, thirty-third, seventy- third, and seventy-fourth regiments, three corps of grenadier Sepoys, two hundred of the Nizam's troops, a hundred of the artillery, and the corps of pioneers, the whole under the orders of Major-General Baird, took post in the trenches, to make the attack during the heat of the day on the 4th of May, when the My soreans were likely to be surprised. At one o'clock the signal was given, when the forlorn hope sprang forward ; six flank companies, and the Twelfth regi ment, also issued from the trenches at a running pace, and were followed by the remainder of the storming party ; they passed the rocky bed of the Cavery river under a heavy fire, crossed the glacis and ditch, as cended the breaches in ihefausse braye and rampart in f2 68 the twelfth, or east Suffolk 1799 gallant style, and overcame all resistance, with a reso lution and valour which proved the innate bravery of the officers and soldiers. The Mysoreans were unable to withstand the prowess of the British troops, and they were overpowered at all points. During the heat of the conflict. Captain WoodhaU was detached with the light company of the Twelfth, and a few men of the battalion companies, to reinforce the troops fighting upon the inner rampart ; this party proceeded by a narrow path, passed a deep ditch to the inward wall, and flanked and took in reverse the enemy's traverses, which were defended by the Sultan in person, who was forced to retire. As Tippoo and his suite were passing the small gate on the northern face, into the body of the town, the light in fantry of the Twelfth arrived at the inner side of the gate, and fired upon him and his followers with such effect, that the gateway was choked with killed and wounded, and the body of the Sultan was afterwards found among the slain. After the firing had ceased at all other points, resistance continued to be made at the palace ; but upon assurance of safety to the sons of Tippoo, the enemy surrendered, and the capture of this important city and fortress was achieved. The regiment had seventeen men kiUed, and forty- nine wounded during the siege, and Lieutenant Shawe was shot through the leg in the assault ; the following officers died during the siege from extraordinary fatigue and the effects of the climate ; Major AUen, Captain Buckeridge, Lieutenants Percival and Gahan, and Assistant Surgeon Bacot. On the following day it was stated in orders : — ' The 'Commander-in-Chief congratulates the gaUant army regiment of foot. 69 ' he has the honor to command on the conquest of yes- 1 799 ' terday ; the effects arising from the attainment of ' such an acquisition as far exceed the present limits ¦ of detail, as the unremitting zeal, labour, and unpa- * ralleled valour of the troops surpass the power of 'praise for services so incalculable in their conse- ' quences : he must consider the troops well entitled ' to the gratitude of their country.' The Governor-General stated in a letter to Lieut.- General Harris, ' With the warmest sensation of admi- ' ration, affection, and attachment, I offer my cordial ' thanks, and zealous congratulations to you and all the ' officers and privates composing the gallant army, ' which has achieved this glorious and decisive victory, ' with a degree of energy, rapidity, and of skill, unpa- 'raUeled in this quarter of the globe, and seldom ' equalled in any part of the world.' In general orders by Government, it was stated — ' The Right Honorable the Governor-General in 'Council, having this day received from the Com- ' mander-in-Chief of the alUed army in the field, the 'official detail of the glorious and decisive victory ' obtained at Seringapatam, on the 4th May, offers his 'cordial thanks and sincere congratulations to the Com- ' mander-in-Chief and all the officers and men composing ' the gallant army which achieved the capture of the ' capital of Mysore on that memorable day. ' His Lordship views with admiration, the consum- ' mate judgment with which the assault was planned, ' the unequalled rapidity, animation, and skill, with ' which it was executed, and the humanity which dis- ' tinguished its success. ' Under the favour of Providence and the j ustice of 70 THE twelfth, or EAST SUFFOLK 1799 'our cause, the established character of the army had ' inspired an early confidence that the war, in which t we were engaged, would be brought to a speedy, 'prosperous, and honorable issue; but the events of ' the 4th of May, while they even surpassed the san- ' guine expectation of the Governor-General in Council, ' have raised the reputation of the British arms in ' India to a degree of splendour and glory, unrivalled ' in the military history of this quarter of the globe, ' and seldom approached in any part of the world. ' The lustre of the victory can be equalled only by ' the substantial advantages which it promises to es- 'tablish, by restoring the peace and safety of the ' British possessions in India, and a durable foundation ' of genuine security. ' The Governor-General in Council reflects with pride, ' satisfaction, and gratitude, that in this arduous crisis, ' the spirit and exertions of our Indian army have kept ' pace with those of our countrymen at home ; and that ' in India, as in Europe, Great Britain has found in the ' malevolent designs of her enemies, an increasing 'source of her own , prosperity, fame, and power.' The territory subject to the late Tippoo Sultan was divided : to Great Britain was aUotted the capital and several extensive districts ; another portion was given to the Nizam ; and a third to the Mahratta power ; the remainder continued to form an independent state under a descendant of the ancient rulers of Mysore. Thus was the hostile combination againt England confounded, British territory extended, and its power and revenue increased. The Twelfth regiment was afterwards rewarded with the royal authority to bear the word Seringapatam on its colours, to com- regiment of foot. 71 memorate its gaUant conduqt during this war, and the ] 799 officers received medals from the East India Company.* The regiment captured eight stand of colours from the troops of Tippoo Sultan at the storming of the capital. After encamping a short time near Seringapatam, and afterwards near Yarriagoranelly, the regiment marched into garrison at the captured fortress ; but while it was stationed there, a partisan, named Dhoon- dia, excited the Mysoreans to take arms in opposition to the allied powers, which occasioned orders to be issued for the Twelfth foot again to take the field. This partisan assembled an irregular force, and gained possession of several fortified places. When a small body of troops was sent against him, he fled, and was pursued to the frontiers of the Mysore country. The regiment was afterwards encamped near Se- 1300 ringapatam, where it was joined in December, 1800, by the seventy-seventh foot, some battalions of Sepoys, and a proportion of native cavalry, forming a small army under Colonel Pater, for the purpose of reducing the warlike tribes of the Wynaad country, — a moun tainous district overrun with woods, and comprising about twelve hundred square miles, situate in the pro vince of Malabar. Leaving the vicinity of Seringapatam on the 26th of December, five companies of the regiment arrived at Manantoddy on the 9th of January, 1801, and igoi were employed until the 23rd of that month, in stock- " The following regiments received the Koyal permission to bear on their standards, colours, and appointments, the word "Seringapatam," in commemoration of their gallantry in the storming and capture of that city and fortress on the 4th May, 1799 ; viz.— the 19th and 22nd (late 25th), Light Dragoons; the 12th, 33rd, 73rd, 74th, 75th, 77th regiments, and the Scots Brigade, afterwards the 94th regiment. 72 THE TWELFTH, OR EAST SUFFOLK 1801 ading the small hill fort, and in making arrangements for entering the woody districts of the Wynaad country. From Manantoddy the Twelfth proceeded to Peria Colgum, where they constructed a redoubt : they afterwards marched to Lackerry Cottah, at which village another redoubt was constructed. The little army under Colonel Pater traversed the country in almost every practicable direction, ascend ing hills, cutting roads through almost impenetrable jungle of bamboos, skirmishing with the warUke in habitants, and forcing them to submit, in which service the Twelfth had several men killed and wounded : the climate, and extraordinary fatigue undergone by the troops, also occasioned the loss of many lives from disease. The Wyndad country having been forced to submit, and the hostile rajah taken prisoner, the com panies of the Twelfth regiment employed in this service returned to Seringapatam. The regiment quitted Seringapatam in the middle of October, 1801, and proceeded to Trichinopoly, a celebrated city and fortress, situate on a hill, or rock, three hundred and fifty feet high, on the south bank of the river Cavery, opposite the island of Seringam, famous for its magnificent Hindoo temples. 1802 ¦^t Trichinopoly the regiment was joined in January, 1802, by the remains of two companies, which had em barked on board of His Majesty's ships, at Madras, for Batavia. These companies had suffered severely from the climate of the island of Java ; and of the five officers and one hundred and twenty-five men who embarked at Madras, only three officers and sixty-three soldiers returned ; Lieutenants Gordon and Neville and sixty- two men died of fevers, and other diseases. regiment of foot. 73 Three companies had been stationed under Major 1^^^ John Picton, at Vellore, in the Carnatic, the residence of the family of the late Tippoo Sultan, consisting of his brother, twelve sons, eight daughters, and an immense number of women ; and these companies were after wards employed against the insurgent sect caUed the Polygans, in which several non-commissioned officers and soldiers were killed and wounded; Lieutenant William Firth was also wounded, and Lieutenant Parker died of the j ungle fever. After the perform ance of this service, the three companies joined the regiment at Trichinopoly, where the Twelfth "were 1803 stationed during the years 1803 and 1804. 1804 In August, 1805, the regiment marched to Seringa- 1805 patam, where a very fatal fever broke out in 1806, i^qq when the Twelfth removed to an encampment at some distance from the fortress ; but they lost many officers and soldiers in that and the following year. In April, 1807, more than half the surviving officers 1807 and men were suffering from disease, when an order arrived for the remainder to march to the coast of Malabar, and occupy quarters at the port of Cannanore, where the regiment was stationed upwards of eighteen months. At Cannanore the health of the men was restored, and 1808 when inspected in 1808, by Colonel Cuppage, a district order was published, in which the colonel expressed 'his thanks to Captain Eustace and the officers and ' men of His Majesty's Twelfth regiment, for their 'handsome appearance at the review. The dress, ' steadiness, and general appearance of the men, marked ' the great attention paid to their discipline, and their 74 the twelfth, or east Suffolk 1808 ' uniform good conduct and friendly disposition towards ' the natives reftect every credit on the corps.' WTiile the Twelfth foot were at Cannanore, some disputes, of a tedious and complicated character, oc curred between the British and the Rajah of Travaneore, a province situate at the south-west extremity of Hin- doostan. In 1795, a treaty of alliance was concluded between the British and the Rajah, who agreed to sub sidize three battalions of Sepoys for the defence of his dominions ; when the disputes with the Rajah came to a crisis, these battalions were at the port of Coulan (or Quilon), and they were threatened with destruction by the natives, together with every person in the British interest. While the execution of these menaces was delayed, the Twelfth regiment embarked, towards the end of December, 1808, in potamars (smaU un decked vessels), to proceed along the coast a distance of three hundred miles to Coulan, in the Travaneore country. Four of these boats, having three companies and a half on board, arrived at their destination in a few days, and were immediately landed, to the great joy of the Sepoys. A severe gale of wind dispersed the boats containing the other companies of the regi ment, and several of them were wrecked on the coast of Cochin, a smaU province on the north of Travan eore, but by great exertions the soldiers were saved ; others gained the port of Cochin, where they remained until the storm was over. One potamar, containing Serjeant-Major Tilsey and thirty-three rank and file, was driven on the coast of Travaneore, near Alleppi, when the natives sent off several small canoes. The soldiers, believing they had arrived at the friendly port regiment of foot. 75 of Coulan, went on board the canoes two or three at a 1808 time, but on landing they were overpowered by the natives, their wrists broken with an iron bar, their hands tied behind them, and they were cast into a dungeon, where they remained several days without food. They were afterwards conducted, when scarcely able to walk, to a high ground near the sea, and pre cipitated into a watery grave. The serjeant-major was reserved to the last, and as he witnessed his com panions in arms successively hurled headlong into the deep, he struggled to release himself, and tore pieces of flesh from his shoulders with his teeth, exclaiming ' Let me die like a soldier !' but the barbarians derided him, and eventually put an end to his torments in the same manner as the others. A negro youth, who ac companied this portion of the regiment as cook, wit nessed this tragic scene, and was menaced with the same fate, but was spared, and he afterwards made known the fate of the party. Another potamar, having nearly a company on board, under Lieutenant George Blanchard Gray and Adjutant Hayes, approached the coast a few miles from Coulan, and were, in consequence of the shattered state of the vessel, deciding on the pro priety of landing, when a volley of musketry from the shore announced the hostile intentions of the natives. The vessel was bound together with some large tents, to prevent its splitting, audit arrived safely at Cochin, but went to pieces in the harbour. All the potamars being damaged, other vessels were procured to con tinue the voyage. The officers and men of the regiment, who arrived at Coulan on the 29th of December, joined the Sepoys en camped near the town. On the evening of the same 76 the twelfth, or east Suffolk 1808