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His Majesty has been pleased to command that, with the view of doing the fullest justice to Regi ments, as well as to Individuals who have dis tinguished themselves by their Bravery in Action with the Enemy, an Account of the Services of every Regiment in the British Army shall be pub lished under the superintendence and direction of the Adjutant-General ; and that this Account shall contain the following particulars, viz. : — — — The Period and Circumstances of the Original Formation of the Regiment ; The Stations at which it has been from time to time employed ; The Battles, Sieges, and other Military Operations in which it has been engaged, particularly specifying any Achieve ment it may have performed, and the Colours, Trophies, &c, it may have captured from the Enemy. The Names of the Officers, and the number of Non-Commissioned Officers and Privates Killed or Wounded by the Enemy, specifying the place and Date of the Action. a 11 GENERAL ORDERS. The Names of those Officers who, in con sideration of their Gallant Services and Meritorious Conduct in Engagements with the Enemy, have been distinguished with Titles, Medals, or other Marks of His Majesty's gracious favour. The Names of all such Officers, Non-Com missioned Officers, and Privates, as may have specially signalized themselves in Action. And, The Badges and Devices which the Regi ment may have been permitted to bear, and the Causes on account of which such Badges or Devices, or any other Marks of Distinction, have been granted. By Command of the Right Honorable GENERAL LORD HILL, Commanding-in- Chief. John Macdonald, Adjutant- General. ( iii ) PREFAO E. The character and credit of the British Army must chiefly depend upon the zeal and ardour by which all who enter into its service are animated, and consequently it is of the highest importance that any measure calculated to excite the spirit of emulation, by which alone great and gallant actions are achieved, should be adopted. Nothing can more fully tend to the accomplishment of this desirable object than a full display of the noble deeds with which the Military History of our country abounds. To hold forth these bright examples to the imitation of the youthful soldier, and thus to incite him to emulate the meritorious conduct of those who have preceded him in their honorable career, are among the motives that have given rise to the present publication. The operations of the British Troops are, indeed, announced in the " London Gazette," from whence they are transferred into the public prints: the achievements of our armies are thus made known at the time of their occurrence, and receive the tribute a 2 IV PREFACE. of praise and admiration to which they are entitled. On extraordinary occasions, the Houses of Parliament have been in the habit of conferring on the Com manders, and the Officers and Troops acting under their orders, expressions of approbation and of thanks for their skill and bravery ; and these testimonials, confirmed by the high honour of their Sovereign's approbation, constitute the reward which the soldier most highly prizes. It has not, however, until late years, been the prac tice (which appears to have long prevailed in some of the Continental armies) for British Regiments to keep regular records of their services and achievements. Hence some difficulty has been experienced in obtain ing, particularly from the old Regiments, an au thentic account of their origin and subsequent services. This defect will now be remedied, in consequence of His Majesty having been pleased to command that every Regiment shall, in future, keep a full and ample record of its services at home and abroad. From the materials thus collected, the country will henceforth derive information as to the difficulties and privations which chequer the career of those who embrace the military profession. In Great Britain, where so large a number of persons are devoted to the active concerns of agriculture, manufactures and commerce, and where these pursuits have, for so PREFACE. V long a period, being undisturbed by the presence of war, which few other countries have escaped, com paratively little is known of the vicissitudes of active service and of the casualties of climate, to which, even during peace, the British Troops are exposed in every part of the globe, with little or no interval of repose. In their tranquil enjoyment of the blessings which the country derives from the industry and the enter prise of the agriculturist and the trader, its happy inhabitants may be supposed not often to reflect on the perilous duties of the soldier and the sailor, — on their sufferings, — and on the sacrifice of valuable life, by which so many national benefits are obtained and preserved. The conduct of the British Troops, their valour, and endurance, have shone conspicuously under great and trying difficulties ; and their character has been established in Continental warfare by the irresistible spirit with which they have effected debarkations in spite of the most formidable opposition, and by the gallantry and steadiness with which they have main tained their advantages against superior numbers. In the official Reports made by the respective Com manders, ample justice has generally been done to the gallant exertions of the Corps employed; but the details of their services and of acts of individual VI PREFACE. bravery can only be fully given in the Annals of the various Regiments. These Records are now preparing for publication, under his Majesty's special authority, by Mr. Richard Cannon, Principal Clerk of the Adjutant General's Office ; and while the perusal of them can not fail to be useful and interesting to military men of every rank, it is considered that they will also afford entertainment and information to the general reader, particularly to those who may have served in the Army, or who have relatives in the Service. There exists in the breasts of most of those who have served, or are serving, in the Army, an Esprit de Corps — an attachment to everything belonging to their Regiment ; to such persons a narrative of the services of their own Corps cannot fail to prove interesting. Authentic accounts of the actions of the great, the valiant, the loyal, have always been of paramount interest with, a brave and civilized people. Great Britain has produced a race of heroes who, in moments of danger and terror, have stood " firm as the rocks of their native shore :" and when half the world has been arrayed against them, they have fought the battles of their Country with un shaken fortitude. It is presumed that a record of achievements in war, — victories so complete and sur prising, gained by our countrymen, our brothers, PREFACE. vii our fellow citizens in arms, — a record which revives the memory of the brave, and brings their gallant deeds before us, — will certainly prove acceptable to the public. Biographical Memoirs of the Colonels and other distinguished Officers will be introduced in the Records of their respective Regiments, and the Honorary Distinctions which have, from time to time, been conferred upon each Regiment, as testify ing the value and importance of its services, will be faithfully set forth. As a convenient mode of Publication, the Record of each Regiment will be printed in a distinct num ber, so that when the whole shall be completed, the Parts may be bound up in numerical succession. INTRODUCTION THE INFANTRY. The natives of Britain have, at all periods, been celebrated for innate courage and unshaken firmness, and the national superiority of the British troops over those of other countries has been evinced in the midst ofthe most imminent perils. History con tains so many proofs of extraordinary acts of bravery, that no doubts can be raised upon the facts which are recorded. It must therefore be admitted, that the distinguishing feature of the British soldier is Intrepidity. This quality was evinced by the inhabitants of England when their country was invaded by Julius Caesar with a Roman army, on which occasion the undaunted Britons rushed into the sea to attack the Roman soldiers as they de scended from their ships ; and, although their dis cipline and arms were inferior to those of their adversaries, yet their fierce and dauntless bearing intimidated the flower of the Roman troops, in cluding Caesar's favourite tenth legion. Their arms consisted of spears, short swords, and other weapons of rude construction. They had chariots, to the X INTRODUCTION axles of which were fastened sharp pieces of iron resembling scythe-blades, and infantry in long chariots resembling waggons, who alighted and fought on foot, and for change of ground, pursuit or retreat, sprang into the chariot and drove off with the speed of cavalry. These inventions were, however, unavailing against Caesar's legions : in the course of time a military system, with dis cipline and subordination, was introduced, and British courage, being thus regulated, was exerted to the greatest advantage; a full development of the national character followed, and it shone forth in all its native brilliancy. The military force of the Anglo-Saxons consisted principally of infantry: Thanes, and other men of property, however, fought on horseback. The infantry were of two classes, heavy and light. The former carried large shields armed with spikes, long broad swords and spears ; and the latter were armed with swords or spears only. They had also men armed with clubs, others with battle-axes and javelins. The feudal troops established by William the Conqueror consisted (as already stated in the Intro duction to the Cavalry) almost entirely of horse ; but when the warlike barons and knights, with their trains of tenants and vassals, took the field, a pro portion of men appeared on foot, and, although these were of inferior degree, they proved stout hearted Britons of stanch fidelity. When stipen diary troops were employed, infantry always con stituted a considerable portion of the military force ; TO THE INFANTRY. XI and this arme has since acquired, in every quarter of the globe, a celebrity never exceeded by the armies of any nation at any period. The weapons carried by the infantry, during the several reigns succeeding the Conquest, were bows and arrows, half-pikes, lances, halberds, various kinds of battle-axes, swords,, and daggers. Armour was worn on the head and body, and in course of time the practice became general for military men to be so completely cased in steel, that it was almost impossible to slay them. The introduction of the use of gunpowder in the destructive purposes of war, in the early part of the fourteenth century, produced a change in the arms and equipment of the infantry-soldier. Bows and arrows gave place to various kinds of fire-arms, but British archers continued formidable adversaries ; and, owing to the inconvenient construction and im perfect bore of the fire-arms when first introduced, a body of men, well trained in the use of the bow from their youth, was considered a valuable acqui sition to every army, even as late as the sixteenth century. During a great part of the reign of Queen Eliza beth each company of infantry usually consisted of men armed five different ways ; in every hundred men forty were "men-at-arms," and sixty "shot;" the " men-at-arms" were ten halberdiers, or battle- axe men, and thirty pikemen ; and the " shot" were twenty archers, twenty musketeers, and twenty harquebusiers, and each man carried, besides his principal weapon, a sword and dagger. XH INTRODUCTION Companies of infantry varied at this period in. numbers from 150 to 300 men ; each company had a colour or ensign, and the mode of formation re commended by an English military writer (Sir John Smithe) in 1590 was : — the colour in the centre of the company guarded by the halberdiers ; the pike men in equal proportions, on each flank of the halberdiers : half the musketeers on each flank of the pikes ; half the archers on each flank of the mus keteers, and the harquebusiers (whose arms were much lighter than the muskets then in use) in equal proportions on each flank of the company for skirmish ing.* It was customary to unite a number of com panies into one body, called a Regiment, which frequently amounted to three thousand men: but each company continued to carry a colour. Nume rous improvements were eventually introduced in the construction of fire-arms, and, it having been found impossible to make armour proof against the muskets then in use (which carried a very heavy ball) without its being too weighty for the soldier, armour was gradually laid laside by the infantry in the seven teenth century : bows and arrows also fell into dis use, and the infantry were reduced to two classes, viz.: musketeers, armed with matchlock muskets, * A company of 200 men would appear thus : — 20 20 20 30 30 20 20 20 Harquebuses. Archers. Muskets. Pikes. Halberds. Pikes. Muskets. Archers. Harquebuses. The musket carried a ball which weighed -^th of a pound ; and the harquebus a ball which weighed ^th of a pound. TO THE INFANTRY. Xlll swords, and daggers ; and pikemen, armed with pikes from fourteen to eighteen feet long, and swords. In the early part of the seventeenth century Gustavus Adolphus, King of Sweden, reduced the strength of regiments to 1000 men. He caused the gunpowder, which had heretofore been carried in flasks, or in small wooden bandoliers, each contain ing a charge, to be made up into cartridges, and carried in pouches; and he formed each regiment into two wings of musketeers, and a centre division of pikemen. He also adopted the practice of form ing four regiments into a brigade ; and the number of colours was afterwards reduced to three in each regiment. He formed his columns so compactly that his infantry could resist the charge ofthe celebrated Polish horsemen and Austrian cuirassiers ; and his armies became the admiration of other nations. His mode of formation was copied by the English, French, and other European states ; but so great was the prejudice in favour of ancient customs, that all his improvements were not adopted until near a century afterwards. In 1664 King Charles II. raised a corps for sea- service, styled the Admiral's regiment. In 1678 each company of 100 men usually consisted of 30 pikemen, 60 musketeers, and 10 men armed with light firelocks. In this year the King added a com pany of men armed with hand-grenades to each of the old British regiments, which was designated the " grenadier company." Daggers were so contrived as to fit in the muzzles of the muskets, and bayonets xiv introduction similar to those at present in use were adopted about twenty years afterwards. An Ordnance regiment was raised in 1685, by order of King James IL, to guard the artillery, and was designated the Royal Fusiliers (now 7th Foot). This corps, and the companies of grenadiers, did not carry pikes. King William III. incorporated the Admiral's regiment in the second Foot Guards, and raised two Marine regiments for sea-service. During the war in this reign, each company of infantry (ex cepting the fusiliers and grenadiers) consisted of 14 pikemen and 46 musketeers; the captains carried pikes ; lieutenants, partisans ; ensigns, half-pikes ; and serjeants, halberds. After the peace in 1697 the Marine regiments were disbanded, but were again formed on the breaking out of the war in 1702.* During the reign of Queen Anne the pikes were laid aside, and every infantry soldier was armed with a musket, bayonet, and sword ; the grenadiers ceased, about the same period, to carry hand gre nades ; and the regiments were directed to lay aside their third colour : the corps of Royal Artillery was first added to the Army in this reign. About the year 1745, the men of the battalion companies of infantry ceased to carry swords ; during * The 30th, 31st, and 32nd Regiments were formed as Marine corps in 1702, and were employed as such during the wars in the reign of Queen Anne. The Marine corps were embarked in the Fleet under Admiral Sir George Rooke, and were at the taking of Gibraltar, and in its subsequent defence in 1704 ; they were afterwards employed at the siege of Barcelona in 1705. TO THE INFANTRY. XV the reign of George II. light companies were added to infantry regiments; and in 1764 a Board of General Officers recommended that the grenadiers should lay aside their swords, as that weapon had never been used during the Seven Years' War. Since that period the arms of the infantry soldier have been limited to the musket and bayonet. The arms and equipment of the British Troops have seldom differed materially, since the Conquest, from those of other European states ; and in some respects the arming has, at certain periods, been allowed to be inferior to that of the nations with whom they have had to contend ; yet, under this disadvantage, the bravery and superiority of the British infantry have been evinced on very many and most trying occasions, and splendid victories have been gained over very superior numbers. Great Britain has produced a race of lion-like champions who have dared to confront a host of foes, and have proved themselves valiant with any arms. At Crecy King Edward III., at the head of about 30,000 men, defeated, on the 26th of August, 1346, Philip King of France, whose army is said to have amounted to 100,000 men ; here British valour encountered veterans of renown : — the King of Bo hemia, the King of Majorca, and many princes and nobles were slain, and the French army was routed and cut to pieces. Ten years afterwards, Edward Prince of Wales, who was designated the Black Prince, defeated, at Poictiers, with 14,000 men, a French army of 60,000 horse, besides infantry, and took John I., King of France, and his son XVI INTRODUCTION Philip, prisoners. On the 25th of October, 1415, King Henry V., with an army of about 13,000 men, although greatly exhausted by marches, pri vations, and sickness, defeated, at Agincourt, the Constable of France, at the head of the flower of the French nobility and an army said to amount to 60,000 men, and gained a complete victory. During the seventy years' war between the United Provinces of the Netherlands and the Spanish mo narchy, which commenced in 1578 and terminated in 1648, the British infantry in the service of the States-General were celebrated for their uncon querable spirit and firmness;* and in the thirty years' war between the Protestant Princes and the Emperor of Germany, the British Troops in the ser vice of Sweden and other states were celebrated for deeds of heroism, j" In the wars of Queen Anne, the fame of the British army under the great Marlborough was spread throughout the world; and if we glance at the achievements performed within the memory of persons now living, there is abundant proof that the Britons of the present age are not inferior to their ancestors in the qualities * The brave Sir Roger Williams, in his Discourse on War, printed in 1590, observes : — " I persuade myself ten thousand of our nation would beat thirty thousand of theirs (the Spaniards) out of the field, let them be chosen where they list." Yet at this time the Spanish infantry was allowed to be the best disciplined in Europe. For instances of valour displayed by the British Infantry during the Seventy Years' War, see the Historical Record of the Third Foot or Buffs. t Vide the Historical Record of the First, or Royal ,'Regiment of Foot. TO THE INFANTRY. XVl'l which constitute good soldiers. Witness the deeds of the brave men, of whom there are many now surviving, who fought in Egypt in 1801, under the brave Abercromby, and compelled the French army, which had been vainly styled Invincible, to eva cuate that country; also the services of the gallant Troops during the arduous campaigns in the Penin sula, under the immortal Wellington; and the determined stand made by the British Army at Waterloo, where Napoleon Bonaparte, who had long been the inveterate enemy of Great Britain, and had sought and planned her destruction by every means he could devise, was compelled to leave his vanquished legions to their fate, and to place himself at the disposal of the British Govern ment. These achievements, with others of recent dates in the distant climes of India, prove that the same valour and constancy which glowed in the breasts of the heroes of Crecy, Poictiers, Agincourt, Blenheim, and Ramifies, continue to animate the Britons of the nineteenth century. The British Soldier is distinguished for a robust and muscular frame, — intrepidity which no danger can appal, — unconquerable spirit and resolution, — patience in fatigue and privation, and cheerful obe dience to his superiors. These qualities, — united with an excellent system of order and discipline to regu late and give a skilful direction to the energies and adventurous spirit of the hero, and a wise selection of officers of superior talent to command, whose presence inspires confidence, — have been the leading causes of the splendid victories gained by the British b xviii INTRODUCTION arms.* The fame of the deeds of the past and present generations in the various battle-fields where the robust sons of Albion have fought and conquered, surrounds the British arms with a halo of glory ; these achievements will live in the page of history to the end of time. The records of the several regiments will be found to contain a detail of facts of an interesting character, connected with the hardships, sufferings, and gallant exploits of British soldiers in the various parts of the world, where the calls of their Country and the com mands of their Sovereign have required them to proceed in the execution of their duty, whether in * " Under the blessing of Divine Providence, His Majesty ascribes the successes which have attended the exertions of his troops in Egypt to that determined bravery which is inherent in Britons ; but His Majesty desires it may be most solemnly and forcibly impressed on the consideration of every partof the army, that it has been a strict observance of order, discipline, and military system, which has given the full energy to the native valour of the troops, and has enabled them proudly to assert the superiority of the national military character, in situations uncommonly arduous, and under circumstances of peculiar difficulty." — General Orders in 1801. In the General Orders issued by Lieut.-General Sir John Hope (after wards Lord Hopetoun), congratulating the army upon the successful result ofthe Battle of Corunna, on the 16th of January, 1809, it is stated : — " On no occasion has the undaunted valour of British troops ever been more manifest. At the termination of a severe and harassing march, ren dered necessary by the superiority which the enemy had acquired, and which had materially impaired the efficiency of the troops, many disad vantages were to be encountered. These have all been surmounted by the conduct of the troops themselves; and the enemy has been taught, that, whatever advantages of position or of numbers he may possess, there is inherent in the British officers and soldiers a bravery that knows not how to yield, — that no circumstances can appal, — and that will ensure victory, when it is to be obtained by the exertion of any human means." TO THE INFANTRY. XIX active continental operations, or in maintaining colo nial territories in distant and unfavourable climes. The superiority of the British infantry has been pre-eminently set forth in the wars of six centuries, and admitted by the greatest commanders which Europe has produced. The formations and move ments of this arme, as at present practised, while they are adapted to every species of warfare, and to all probable situations and circumstances of service, are well suited to show forth the brilliancy of military tactics calculated upon mathematical and scientific principles. Although the movements and evolutions have been copied from the continental armies, yet various improvements have from time to time been introduced, to ensure that simplicity and celerity by which the superiority of the national military cha racter is maintained. The rank and influence which Great Britain has attained among the nations of the world have in a great measure been purchased by the valour of the Army, and to persons who have the welfare of their country at heart the records of the several regiments cannot fail to prove interesting. b 2 THE EIGHTEENTH, OR THE ROYAL IRISH REGIMENT OF FOOT, BEAKS ON THE REGIMENTAL COLOUR "THE HARP AND CROWN," AS THE BADGES OP DISTINCTION CONNECTED WITH ITS ROYAL TITLE ; THE ARMS OF NASSAU, WITH THE MOTTO " V1RTUTIS NAMURCENSIS PREMIUM," AS A LASTING TESTIMONY OF THE GALLANTRY DISPLAYED IN THE STORMING AND CAPTURE OF THE CASTLE OF NAMUR IN 1695 IN THE PRESENCE OF HIS MAJESTY KING WILLIAM III. ; THE WORD " EGYPT" WITH THE '• SPHINX," IN COMMEMORATION OF ITS DISTINGUISHED SERVICES IN THE EXPULSION OF THE FRENCH ARMY FROM EGYPT IN THE YEAR 1801 ; THE WORD " CHINA" WITH THE " DRAGON," FOR ITS SERVICES IN THE WAR WITH CHINA FROM 18-10 TO 1842. EIGHTEENTH, OR THE ROYAL IRISH REGIMENT OF FOOT. CONTENTS OF THE HISTORICAL RECORD. 1684 Formation of the regiment in Ireland . . 1 Arthur Earl of Granard appointed to be Colonel 2 1685 Decease of King Charles II. . . . . - Accession of King James II. - Eebellion of the Duke of Monmouth . . - Embarkation ofthe regiment for England . — Capture and execution of the Duke of Monmouth - Regiment re-embarked for Ireland 1686 Proceedings in Ireland in favour of the Eoman Catholics .... .3 • Arthur Lord Forbes appointed Colonel in suc cession to the Earl of Granard - 1687 Encamped on the Curragh of Kildare . . - 1688 Embarked for England • . . . 4 The Prince of Orange arrived from Holland . - Adhesion ofa certain number ofthe officers and soldiers to the Protestant cause . . 5 The Protestant officers and soldiers marched into Hertfordshire with the regiment . 6 ¦ The Irish Eoman Catholic soldiers sent to the Isle of Wight ..... - CONTENTS. 1688 Lord Forbes retired from the service, and suc ceeded in the Colonelcy by Sir John Edge- worth ....... Colonel Talbot, . Earl Tyrconnel, ap pointed by King James II. as Lord-lieutenant of Ireland ...... The Prince of Orange elevated to the throne with the title of King "William III. . 1689 Eegiment marched to Chester Sir John Edgeworth deprived of his commission, and succeeded in the Colonelcy by Edward Earl of Meath Arrival of King James II. in Ireland, with troops from France .... King William III. assembled an army at Chester Eegiment marched to Highlake, and embarked for Ireland ..... Engaged at the siege of Carrickfergus Encamped at Dundalk Quartered at Lisburn during the winter . 1690 King William III. arrived in Ireland and as sumed the command of the army ; Battle of the Boyne .... ¦ Marched to Dublin, and reviewed at Finglass Detached against Castle Connell Engaged in an unsuccessful assault upon Limerick Siege of Limerick raised Marched towards Mullingar . - — ¦ Proceeded to the relief of Birr Stationed at Mullingar during the winter 1691 Detachment advanced towards Dunmore . Quitted M ullingar, and engaged in the siege of Ballymore ..... Engaged in the siege of Athlone . at the battle of Aghrim . Marched against Galway ¦ ¦ Engaged in the siege and capture of Limerick Termination of hostilities in Ireland 10 11 CONTENTS. xxvn 1692 Eegiment embarked for England . Naval action off La Hogue, and French fleet nearly destroyed .... ¦ ¦ Menace of French invasion ceased . Projected expedition to the coast of France • Certain regiments ordered to Flanders Eegiment landed at Ostend . ¦ Capture of Furnes and Dixmude . ¦ Ee-embarked for England Lieut.-Colonel F. Hamilton promoted to the Co lonelcy in succession to the Earlof Meath, retired 1693 Embarked as Marines on board the fleet . Disembarked and proceeded to Norwich . ¦ Marched to London, and reviewed by Kin: William III. in Hyde Park Embarked for Ostend .... 1694 Proceeded to Louvain .... Engaged in the siege of Huy Marched into winter quarters at Ghent . Eank of the regiment fixed as eighteenth of the infantry of the line . 1695 Engaged at the siege of Namur in storming the castle of Namur King William III. conferred on the regiment the title of the royal regiment of foot OF IRELAND, with the HARP IN A BLUE FIELD and the crown over it, the privilege of bearing his own arms, the lion of Nassau, on its colours ; with the motto Virtutis Namurcensis Premium .... Title afterwards changed to " the royal irish REGIMENT OF FOOT " .. Surrender ofthe fortress of Namur ¦ Marched into winter quarters at Ghent 1696 Served under the Prince of Vaudemont Keturned to Ghent 1697 Joined the army of Brabant under King William III PAOE 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 CONTENTS. 1697 Termination ofthe war, and treaty of Eyswick Embarked at Ostend for Ireland . Arrived at Cork .... 1699 Marched to Waterford, thence to Dublin 1700 Eemoved to Kinsale .... 1701 Hostilities recommenced with France Embarked for Holland Eeviewed on Breda Heath by King William III 1702 Proceeded to Eosendael Engaged at the siege of Kayserswerth in skirmish near Nimeguen The Earl of Marlborough assumed the command of the allied army .... Engaged in the siege of Venloo Extraordinary attack of Fort St. Michael Engaged at the siege and capture of Euremonde of Liege 19 Eetired to Holland, and entered winter quarters at Huesden ..... 1703 Engaged at the siege and capture of Huy at the siege and capture of Limburg Marched to Breda 1704 Proceeded from Breda to the Danube Joined the Imperial army Battle of Schellenberg Crossed the Danube . Siege and capture of Eayn . Battle of Blenheim Marshal Tallard and many officers and soldiers made prisoners Eeturned to Holland . 1705 General Ingoldsby appointed to be Colonel, in the place of General Hamilton (retired) Marched to Maestricht Engaged in the recapture of Huy . Passed the works of Helixem and Neer-Hespen Eeturned to winter quarters in Holland 1706 Advanced to Tongres . 20 21 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 CONTENTS. XXIX YEAR 1706 1707 1708 1709 1710 Battle of Eamilies .... Surrender of Brussels, Lierre, Ghent, Bruges, &c of Oudenarde and Antwerp Siege and surrender of Ostend Attack and surrender of the fortress of Menin Capture of the fortress of Aeth Eeturned to winter quarters at Ghent Engaged in active field-movements Ee-embarked at Ostend for England to repel invasion by the Pretender Eeturned to Flanders .... Eecaptured Ghent and Bruges from the French ..... Battle of Oudenarde .... Siege and surrender of Lisle of Tournay Battle of Malplaquet .... Extraordinary collision between the two regi ments called " Royal Regiments of Ireland one in the English service, the other in the French service, both regiments bearing the Irish Harp ..... Employed in the siege of Mons Marched into winter quarters in Ghent . Engaged in forcing the lines at Pont-a-Vendin at the siege of Douay — at the siege of Bethune — at the siege of Aire 1711 1712 Eeturned to Ghent .... Passage of the French lines at Arleux Siege and capture of Bouchain Marched into winter quarters at Lisle Lieut.-Colonel Stearne promoted to be Colonel in succession to General Ingoldsby (deceased) Marched from Lisle, and encamped beyond Bouchain ...... Joined the army under the Duke of Ormond Suspension of hostilities .... PAGE 30 31 32 33 34 35 3637 38 40 xxx CONTENTS. PAOE YEAR 1713 Eank of the Eoyal Irish Eegiment as 18th regiment of foot in the English army, directed to take date from the time of its arrival in England, in 1688 40 Conclusion of the treaty of peace at Utrecht . — 1714 Eemained in the garrison of Ghent until the Barrier Treaty was signed . . . 41 Eeception of the Duke and Duchess of Marl borough on passing through Ghent . . — 1715 Eeturned to England on account of the rebellion ofthe Earl of Mar, leaving the Lieut.-Colonel and 100 men in the castle of Ghent . . — Landed at Greenwich, marched to Gloucester, and thence to Oxford .... — 1716 Eencontre at Oxford, in consequence of acts of disloyalty evinced in that town . . — 1717 Marched to Portsmouth .... 42 Lieut.- Colonel William Cosby promoted to the Colonelcy in succession to General Stearne, who retired ...... — 1718 Embarked for Minorca .... — 1 727 Detachment of 500 men proceeded from Minorca to reinforce the garrison of Gibraltar, be sieged by the Spaniards .... — 1732 Sir Charles Hotham, Bart., appointed to the Colonelcy in succession to General Cosby, appointed Governor - in - Chief of New York — 1735 Colonel John Armstrong appointed to the Colonelcy in succession to Sir Charles Hotham ...... — 1742 Colonel John Mordaunt appointed to the Colo nelcy in succession to General Armstrong . . — Eeturned from Minorca to England . . — 1 744 Eeviewed on Hounslow Heath by Field-Marshal the Duke of Cumberland ... 43 1745 Embarked for Flanders .... — Landed at Ostend, and marched to Mons . 44 CONTENTS. 1745 Ee-embarked for England in consequence of Charles Edward, son of the Pretender, having landed in Scotland .... 45 Landed at Gravesend, and embarked for Leith — 1 747 Colonel John Folliott appointed to the Colonelcy in succession to General Sir J. Mordaunt . 46 1748 Eeturned from Scotland to England Conclusion of the treaty of peace at Aix la Chapelle 1749 Embarked for Ireland . 1751 Eoyal warrant issued for regulating the clothing. colours, &c. . 1755 War recommenced with France ... 47 Embarked for England, marched to Edinburgh — 1757 Ee-embarked for Ireland, and remained there during the Seven Years' War ... — 1762 General Sir John Sebright, Bart., appointed to the Colonelcy in succession to General Folliott (deceased) ...... — 1767 Embarked from Ireland for North America . ¦ — 1775 Commencement of war with America . . • — Engaged at the village of Lexington . . 48 Proceeded to destroy American stores at Concord — Engaged in the battle at Bunker's Hill . . 49 1776 Quitted Boston and embarked for Nova Scotia . • — Embarked for England and stationed at Dover Castle .... 1778 Encamped at Coxheath 1779 — at Warley 50 1780 at Finchley 1782 Termination ofthe American war Embarked for Jersey . 1783 Eemoved to Guernsey Engaged in quelling a mutiny in the 104th Eegiment ...... Eeceived the thanks of the Lieut.-Governor and of the States of the Island, accom panied by one hundred guineas for distri- xxxii CONTENTS. bution among the non-commissioned officers and soldiers, for their loyal and spirited conduct ...... 50 1783 Proceeded to Portsmouth, and embarked for Gibraltar ...... — 1793 Embarked from Gibraltar to take possession of Toulon in aid of the French loyalists and in the name of Louis XVII. ... — Evacuated Toulon after destroying the shipping, arsenal, and magazines .... 52 1794 Embarked for the Island of Corsica . . — Siege and capture of the town and fortress of Calvi ....... 53 • General Sir James Pulteney, Bart., appointed to the Colonelcy in succession to General Sir John Sebright, Bart., deceased . . 54 1796 Withdrawn from the Island of Corsica . . — ¦ Proceeded to the Island of Elba ... — ¦ Embarked for the coast of Italy, and took pos session of Campiglia, Castiglione, and Piombino ..... Ee-embarked for Elba .... 55 1797 Eemoved to Gibraltar 1800 Embarked from Gibraltar for service in the Mediterranean .... Proceeded to Minorca Sailed to Genoa to co-operate with the Austrians ..... • Eeturned to Minorca .... Embarked on an expedition against Cadiz Sailed to Gibraltar on the design of the expedi tion being relinquished . Proceeded again to Minorca Sailed to Malta, and joined the armament under Lieut.-General Sir Ealph Abercromby . 56 . Sailed to Marmorice Bay Proceeded to Alexandria, and anchored in th Bay of Aboukir .... CONTENTS. xxxii 1801 Landed at Aboukir .... Advanced to Alexandria Battle of Alexandria on the 21st of March Death of Sir Ealph Abercromby . Proceeded to Eosetta .... Captured Fort St. Julian Advanced up the banks of the Nile Engaged in operations at El Aft and Eahmanie Siege and capture of the city of Cairo Surrender of Alexandria, and expulsion of ih French from Egypt Authorized to bear the Sphinx with the word Egypt Proceeded to Malta .... 1802 Treaty of Peace concluded at Amiens Embarked for Ireland 1803 War with France recommenced Augmented to two battalions Two battalions embarked for Scotland Eeceived a complimentary letter from the magistrates and clergy of Haddington 1804 Proceeded to England Landed at Eamsgate and encamped on Barham Downs ..... Second battalion embarked for Jersey 1805 First battalion embarked for Jamaica 1807 Second battalion embarked for Curaijoa . 1809 First battalion embarked for St. Domingo St. Domingo surrendered by the French . First battalion returned to Jamaica . 1810 Second battalion embarked for England . 1811 proceeded to Jersey General Lord Hutchinson, afterwards Earl of Donoughmore, appointed to the Colonelcy in succession to General Sir James Pulteney, Bart., deceased . . , 1814 Termination of the war with France Disbandment of the second battalion 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 xxxiv CONTENTS. VEAR PAOE 1817 Eeturned to England from Jamaica . . 63 1817 Proceeded to Brighton Furnished the guard of H. E. H. the Prince Eegent at the Pavilion . 1818 Marched to Gosport . Embarked for Ireland Eeceived the thanks and approbation of the public authorities of several of the principal places in Ireland ..... — 1820 Marched to Cork — 1821 Embarked for Malta — 1824 Embarked for the Ionian Islands ... 64 Eeceived the testimonial of General the Marquis of Hastings . . . . . . — • 1832 Embarked at Corfu for England ... 65 ¦ Appointment of General Lord Aylmer to the Colonelcy in succession to General the Earl of Donoughmore, deceased ... — 1834 Embarked for Ireland ..... — 1837 Formed into Six Service and Four Depot Com panies preparatory to embarkation for , Foreign Service ..... — Service companies embarked for Ceylon . . 1838 DepGt companies embarked from Dublin for England ...... — 1 839 Eemoved from Colombo to Trincomalee . . — Three companies embarked from Portsmouth . — 1840 War commenced with China ... Six companies embarked from Ceylon for China 66 ¦ ¦ Capture of the Island of Chusan ... 67 city of Ting-hae-hien . . — 1841 Possession taken of Hong-Kong ... Eegiment sailed up the Canton river, and the City of Canton surrendered ... 69 Capture of the Island and City of Amoy . . 70 Island of Koolangsoo . . — Island of Chusan again taken possession of . 71 Capture of the City of Chinhae — CONTENTS. xxxv YEAR HAOE 1841 Capture of the City of Ningpo ... 72 1842 Four companies stationed at Ningpo, and five companies at Koolangsoo .... — Defeat of the Tartars and Chinese in an attack upon Ningpo ..... — Capture of Tsekee, and heights of Segaon . 73 Forced the Chankee Pass .... — Attack and capture of the city of Chapoo . — Employed on an expedition up the Yangtse- Keang river ...... 74 Capture of Woosung, Poonshau, and the city of Shanghae ... ... Capture ofthe city of Chin Keang-foo by storm — Embarked for Nankin, the ancient Capital of China ....... 75 ¦ Conditions of Peace agreed .... — The word " China " and the device of the " Dragon " authorized to be borne on the colours and appointments Proceeded from Nankin to Chusan . 1843 Head-quarters at Koolangsoo removed to Chusan. 1845 to Hong-Kong 1847 Embarked at Hong-Kong, and engaged in opera tions on the Canton Eiver Eeturned to Hong-Kong Embarked for Calcutta 1848 Arrived at Fort WiUiam, Bengal . The Conclusion .... 1848. 76 77 PLATES. Colours of the Eighteenth, Eoyal Irish Eegiment, to face 1 Eepresentation of the Battle of Blenheim, on the 13th August, 1704 28 Costume of the Eegiment ..... 80 CONTENTS. SUCCESSION OF COLONELS EIGHTEENTH, OR ROYAL IRISH REGIMENT OF FOOT. YEAR 1684 Arthur, Viscount of Granard 1686 Arthur, Lord Forbes . 1688 Sir John Edgeworth . 1689 Edward, Earl of Meath 1692 Frederick Hamilton 1705 Eichard Ingoldsby 1712 Eichard Stearne 1717 William Cosby . 1732 Sir Charles Hotham, Bart. 1735 John Armstrong. 1742 Sir John Mordaunt, K.B. 1747 John Folliott . 1762 Sir John Sebright, Bart. 1794 Sir James Murray, Bart., afterwards Pulteney 1811 John Hely, Lord Hutchinson, K.B,, afterwards Earl of Donoughmore 1832 Matthew, Lord Aylmer 81 82 83 84 8587 8889 9091 EiiG-inriEifi'tf Tii . .ffl TAIL IJR-lfSB XiXiliraiX FOS CAIUOMi MILITARY RECOR HISTORICAL RECORD THE EIGHTEENTH, ROYAL IRISH REGIMENT OF FOOT. The Royal Irish Regiment of Foot existed many 1684 years, as independent companies of pikemen and mus keteers on the establishment of Ireland, previous to the formation of the regiment in 1684 ; several of these companies having been in the service of the Common wealth in the time of Oliver Cromwell. At the Re storation in 1660, King Charles II. disbanded the army ofthe Commonwealth in England, and embodied several new corps. Little alteration was, however, made in the Irish forces, excepting the formation of a regiment of foot guards, called the " Royal Regiment of Ire land," which, with about twenty independent troops of horse and eighty companies of foot, constituted the military force of Ireland. Towards the close of his reign, King Charles II. took particular interest in improving the organization of the military establish ments of his dominions, and the Irish independent troops of horse were embodied into three regiments of cavalry ; at the same time the companies of foot were B £0 2 HISTORICAL RECORD OF THE EIGHTEENTH, OR 1684 constituted seven regiments of infantry. The colonelcy of one of these corps was conferred on Arthur Earl of Granard, by commission dated the lst of April, 1684 ; it is the only one of these ten regiments which has continued in the service of the British crown ; and it now bears the title of the Eighteenth, or the Royal Irish Regiment of Foot.* 1685 On the 6th of February, 1685, King Charles II. died, and was succeeded by his brother, James II. ; and in June following James Duke of Monmouth erected the standard of rebellion in the west of Eng land, and asserted his own pretensions to the throne. On this occasion the Earl of Granard's regiment was ordered to proceed to England : it embarked from Dublin, landed at Park Gate, and marched to Chester. In a few days after its arrival in England the rebel army was overthrown at Sedgemoor, and the Duke of Monmouth was subsequently , captured and beheaded ; when the regiment returned to Ireland. 1686 The King, being of the Roman Catholic persuasion, soon evinced a determination to use his utmost endea vours to subvert the Protestant religion and the con- * This regiment has furnished several historians of its early ser vices, The first is General Richard Stearne, who was nominated ensign of one of the independent companies in 1678, and colonel of the regiment in 1712 : his narrative comprises a period of forty-one years, — viz. from 1678 to 1719, and is continued hy an officer of the regiment fo 1759 : this work is in manuscript, The journal of Captain Parker, who entered the regiment as private in 1689, rose to the rank of captain, and retired in 1718, embraces the services of the regiment during that peripd, and was afterwards published by his son. General Richard Kane, who was many years an officer of the regiment, gives an account of its services, in the wars of King William III. and of Queen Anne, in a work on military discipline. Private Millner also published a journal of the campaigns from 1701 to 1712. No other regiment has produced so many historians of its services. THE ROYAL IRISH REGIMENT OF FOOT. 3 stitution of the kingdom ; commencing in Ireland, 1686 where the Catholics were more numerous than the Pro testants. The Earl of Clarendon was nominated Lord- Lieutenant ; but " Colonel Talbot, afuriousPapist, " was empowered to model the army, and he dismissed " the greater part of the Protestant officers, filling " their places with those of his own religion. After " having performed this signal service, he came over " to England, where he was created Earl Tyrconnel " and lieut.-general of the Irish army."* The Earl of Granard, not approving of these proceedings, re signed the colonelcy of the regiment in favour of his son, Arthur Lord Forbes, whose commission as colo nel was dated the lst of March, 1686. In the summer of 1687, the regiment was encamped, 1687 with the other Irish corps, on the Curragh of Kildare ; and the Earl Tyrconnel made a minute inspection of every troop and company, inquiring the name of every man, and discharging many because they were the descendants of men who had served Oliver Crom well. When the regiment went into quarters, nearly all the Protestant officers and soldiers were dismissed from the service, a few only being retained to discipline the recruits, and the ranks were completed with men ofthe Roman Catholic religion. f Colonel Lord Forbes being a spirited young nobleman of the Protestant religion, Earl Tyrconnel paid some deference to his Lordship, to avoid an open collision with so chivalrous an officer ; and more Protes tants were retained in Lord Forbes's regiment than in any other Irish corps. * Smollett. . t General Stearne, Captain Parker, Bishop Burnett, Smollett, &c. B2 4 HISTORICAL RECORD OF THE EIGHTEENTH, OR 1688 I" the summer of 1688, the regiment was again en camped on the Curragh of Kildare. Meanwhile the proceedings of the Court in favour of Papacy and arbitrary government, had alarmed the kingdom, and a number of noblemen and gentlemen had invited the Prince of Orange to come to England with an army to support the Protestant interest. On this occasion Lord Forbes's regiment was ordered to proceed to England : * it landed at Chester, marched to London, and was quartered in the borough of Southwark. The Prince of Orange having passed Dover with a powerful armament, the regiment was ordered to march to Salisbury, where it joined King James's army a few days after the Prince had landed at Torbay, and marched to Exeter. The English army, which amount ed to thirty thousand men, had not been remodelled as the Irish forces had been, but consisted principally of Protestant officers and soldiers, who refused to fight in the cause of Papacy and arbitrary government, and many of them joined the Prince of Orange. Under these circumstances, the King ordered the army to withdraw towards London, and Lord Forbes's regi ment marched to Colnbrook, where it was quartered * List of Irish Troops which came to England at the Revolution in 1688. Number of Officers and Soldiers. Colonel Butler's dragoons, disbanded by the Prince of Orange 635 Battalion of Foot Guards . . . ditto 641 Lord Forbes's Regiment, now the Eighteenth, or Ro val Irish 771 Major-General Hamilton's regt., disbanded by the Prince of Orange 771 Total .... 2818 Official Records. THE ROYAL IRISH REGIMENT OF FOOT. 5 when King James attempted to escape to France- 1688 Lord Forbes waited on the Prince of Orange, who directed him to disband the Roman Catholic officers and soldiers, and to keep the Protestants to their colours : upwards of five hundred officers and soldiers were dismissed, and about two hundred Protestants, of all ranks, remained with the colours. In a few days after this event, a report was circulated that the Irish soldiers had commenced murdering the country people and setting fire to the villages in the south of England. This proved false ; but on the first circulation of the report, Major Sir John Edgeworth, who commanded the regiment in the absence of Colonel Lord Forbes, who was with the Prince of Orange in London (the Lieut.-Colonel, Lord Brittas, being a Papist, had left the regiment), assembled the men at his quarters, and formed them on parade in the court of Lord Oslington's house, which was walled in. " The " country people, hearing that an Irish regiment was " there, came flocking from all parts to knock us on " the head ; but Sir John bid them, at their peril, not " to approach, and told them we were not Irish Papists, " but true Church of England men; and seeing among " the crowd a gentleman, called to him, and desired he *' would send to the minister of the parish to read " prayers to us, and if the minister did not^ convince "¦ them we were all of the Church of England, we would " submit to their mercy. The minister was soon sent " for, and to prayers we went, repeating the respon- " ses of the Liturgy so well and so exactly, that the " minister declared to the mob he never before heard " the responses of the Church of England prayers re- " peated so distinctly and with so much devotion, 6 HISTORICAL RECORD OF THE EIGHTEENTH, OR 1688 " upon which the mob gave a huzza, and cried 'Long " live the Prince of Orange !' and so returned home."* Soon afterwards the regiment marched to Hertford shire, and the Protestant officers of Hamilton's Irish regiment were added to its numbers. The Irish Roman Catholic soldiers were sent prisoners to the Isle of Wight, and afterwards transferred to the service of the Em peror of Germany. Lord Forbes retiring from the service at this period, the Prince of Orange conferred the colonelcy of the regiment on Major Sir John Edgeworth, by commission dated the 31st of December, 1688: at the same time measures were adopted to recruit its diminished numbers. 1689 In the beginning of April, 1689, the regiment marched to Chester, where it was stationed several weeks. Colonel Sir John Edgeworth having been guilty of irregularity in procuring clothing, viz., purchasing the old clothing of disbanded Roman Catholic soldiers, from the Jews, to supply the recruits, instead of pro^ viding new clothing, was deprived of his commission ; and on the 1 st of May, 1689, the colonelcy was conferred on Edward Earl of Meath: Major Newcomb was appointed Lieut.-colonel, and Captain Frederick Hamil ton major. Early in May the regiment marched into Wales. Meanwhile the Prince of Orange had been elevated to the throne; but Earl TyrconneL who had been nominated lord-lieutenant of Ireland in the preceding General Stearne's Journal. A similar statement is also given in Captain Parker's Memoirs. THE ROYAL IRISH REGIMENT OF FOOT. 7 year, had retained that country in the Roman Catholic 1689 interest ; King James had arrived there with a body of French troops, and the whole country was subject to him, excepting Enniskillen and Londonderry, which were defended by Protestants. To rescue the suffering Protestants of Ireland from the power of their enemies, King William assembled an army at Chester, under Marshal Frederick Duke Schomberg ; and the Earl of Meath's regiment being selected for this service, marched to Highlake, where it embarked for Ireland, and landing at White-house, near Belfast, on the 22nd of August, joined the troops under Duke Schomberg, who had commenced the siege of Carrickfergus, which fortress surrendered a few days afterwards. The regiment advanced with the army to Dundalk, where a camp was formed on low, wet ground, which occasioned great loss of life among the troops from disease. No action of importance occurred during this campaign, and the regiment passed the winter in quarters at Lisburn, where it furnished a daily guard at Duke Schomberg's quarters : its ranks were com pleted by zealous Protestants, who were eager to enrol themselves under its colours, and it was the strongest corps in the army. In the summer of 1690, King William arrived in 1690 Ireland, and the officers and soldiers of the regiment had the honor of serving under the eye of their Sove reign. They took part in the memorable battle of the Boyne, on the lst of July, when the army of King William forced the passage ofthe river in the face of the French and Irish forces under King James, and gained a decisive victory. From the Boyne the regiment marched with the army towards Dublin, and at the general review at 8 HISTORICAL RECORD OF THE EIGHTEENTH, OR 1690 Finglass, on the 7th and 8th of July, it mustered six hundred and seventy-eight rank and file. It afterwards proceeded towards Limerick, where the defeated army of King James had rallied, and was prepared to make a determined stand. On arriving before the town, the regiment was detached, with three other corps, against Castle- Connell, which surrendered on being summoned. The British battering train was destroyed by a detachment of the enemy, before it arrived at the camp ; but the King resolved to prosecute the siege, and on the *20th of August the grenadiers of the regiment, commanded by Captain Needham, with those of Lord Cutts's regiment under Captain Foxon, entered the trenches to storm one of the outworks near the south-east corner of the wall. At two o'clock in the afternoon the signal was given, when the grenadiers rushed forward under a heavy fire, threw a shower of hand-grenades into the outwork, and scaling the wall with distinguished gallantry, captured the fort, killing about fifty men, and making a captain and twelve men prisoners : the remainder of the garrison escaped into the town. The grenadiers maintained the post they had captured ; a sortie of the enemy was repulsed ; and when the soldiers of the regiment were relieved, they retired : as they withdrew, Captain Needham was killed by a random shot from the town.* A breach being made in the wall, and the approaches carried to the foot of the glacis, the King ordered a general assault to be made, on the 27th of August, by half the grenadiers of the army, supported by seven battalions, to capture the covered way and two towers near the breach : the Earl of Meath's regiment was * Story's History of the War in Ireland. THE ROYAL IRISH REGIMENT OF FOOT. 9 one of the corps selected for this service. The assault 1690 was made with great gallantry ; but, owing to some misapprehension of orders, the attack failed, and the several regiments engaged were forced to retire to the trenches, with the loss of five hundred officers and soldiers killed, and upwards of a thousand wounded. The regiment had Lieutenant Latham and Ensign Smith killed; Lieut.-Colonel Newcomb died of his wounds ; Colonel the Earl of Meath, Lieutenants Blake ney and Hubblethorn, wounded ; and upwards of a hundred soldiers killed and wounded.* The failure of this attack, with the approach of unfavourable weather, occasioned His Majesty to raise the siege, when the regiment marched with several others, under Major-General Kirke, towards Mullin gar ; but afterwards proceeded to the relief of Birr, which was besieged by a body of the enemy under Major-General Sarsfield, who retired behind the Shan non on the approach of the British troops. The regiment was afterwards stationed at Mullingar, which was one of the frontier garrisons, and was actively employed during the winter in making incursions into the enemy's cantonments. Towards the end of April, 1691, a detachment of the 1691 regiment, commanded by Lieut.-Colonel Hamilton, accompanied a party under Colonel Brewer in a sudden advance towards Dunore, to surprise two thousand armed Roman Catholic peasantry, who had taken post near that place. At daybreak on the follow- ingmorning thedetachment approached the post, and the * This list is from Story's History of the War in Ireland ; the Journals of General Stearne and Captain Parker say six officers killed and eight wounded, but do not give their names. 10 HISTORICAL RECORD OF THE EIGHTEENTH, OR 1691 enemy formed for battle, but soon fled, and the soldiers pursued and killed about fifty fugitives. Quitting Mullingar in the early part of June, the regiment was engaged in the operations of the army under Lieut.-General Baron De Ghinkel, afterwards Earl of Athlone : * it took part in the siege of Ballymore,. which place was captured in a few days ; and after wards appeared before Athlone, in the siege of which fortress it had several men killed and wounded. A strong detachment of the regiment took part in the capture of Athlone by storm, on which occasion the assailants rushed through the rapid stream of the Shannon, which was breast high, carried the enemy's1 works in gallant style, and in less than half an hour were masters of the town, to the surprise of General St. Ruth, who commanded King James's army, which was encamped near the fortress, and who was giving a public entertainment in his camp, when the news of the loss oi Athlone reached him. After putting the captured fortress in repair, the army marched towards the enemy, who occupied a strong position near the castle of Aghrim, and on the 12th of July a general engagement took place, in which the Irish forces were overpowered and driven from the field with severe loss, including General St. Ruth, who was killed by a cannon ball. On this occasion. the * The Baron De Ghinkel was born in Guelderland : he commenced his military career in early life, and obtained the Order of the Elephant from the Prince of Orange for services in Flanders., He accompanied King William III to Ireland in 1690, and served under Marshal Duke Schomberg, and afterwards under Count Solms : he was appointed to succeed the latter in the chief command of the army in Ireland, and after the termination of the war in 1691, his Majesty conferred on him the honor of the Irish peerage with the title of Earl of Athlone and Viscount Aghrim : he died at Utrecht in 1705. THE ROYAL IRISH REGIMENT OF FOOT. 11 regiment formed part of the brigade under Major- 1691 General Talmash : it had seven rank and file killed ; one major, two captains, one lieutenant, one ensign, and eight rank and file wounded. After this victory, the army marched to Galway, which surrendered in a few days ; and the victorious English troops proceeded to Limerick, where the remains of the defeated Irish forces had assembled, and appeared determined to make a resolute stand, in the hope of being reinforced from France. The regiment had the honour to take part in the siege of Limerick ; and, the army having crossed the river Shannon and completed the investment of the place, the Irish soon afterwards surrendered the city, and with it every other part of Ireland of which they retained possession, the Irish regiments being per mitted to follow King James to France, or remain in their own country, as they should choose : the " Royal Regiment of Ireland" was one ofthe corps which pro ceeded to France, and was taken into the service of Louis XIV. The Earl of Meath's, now eighteenth regiment, was the only one of the eleven Irish corps embodied by King Charles II. which remained in the service of the English crown, Ireland being rescued from the domination of King James, the regiment went into quarters in the county of Wicklow, and in December it proceeded to Water ford and Youghal. In the spring of 1692, the King of France assembled 1692 an army near La Hogue, and prepared an immense fleet to convey the troops to England, to replace King James on the throne. When this menace of invasion was given, the Earl of Meath's and several other regiments embarked at Waterford for England, 12 HISTORICAL RECORD OF THE EIGHTEENTH, OR 1692 and landing at Bristol, proceeded from thence to Portsmouth. Meanwhile the British and Dutch fleets had put to sea, and while the nations of Europe were gazing, in anxious expectation, at these preparations, the French navy was nearly annihilated in a decisive action off La Hogue, when the alarm of invasion ceased. Soon after this victory a powerful armament was placed under the orders of Lieut.-General Meinhardt Duke of Leinster" (afterwards Duke Schomberg) for the purpose of making a descent on the coast of France, and the Earl of Meath's regiment was one of the corps which embarked on this service. The court of France had, however, drawn so immense a number of troops to the coast, that it was not thought advisable to land, and the fleet sailed to the Downs, where orders were received for a number of regiments to proceed to Flanders. The transports sailed to Ostend, where the Earl of Meath's and several other corps landed, and being joined by a detachment from the confederate army under King William, they took and fortified the towns of Furnes and Dixmude. This service being completed, the regiment embarked for England ; it encountered a severe storm at sea, and the transports were separated, but no loss was sustained ; part of the regiment arrived in the Thames, the remainder landed at Harwich, and the whole were united at Bristol. The Earl of Meath, being desirous of devoting his attention to the interests of Ireland, retired from the regiment, and was succeeded in the colonelcy by the lieut.-colonel, Frederick Hamilton ; Major Ormsby' was promoted Lieut.-Colonel, and Captain Richard Stearne Major. 1693 From Bristol the regiment marched in May, 1693, to Portsmouth, where it embarked on board the fleet to THE ROYAL IRISH REGIMENT OF FOOT. 13 serve as marines, and in June sailed to Torbay, where 1693 the Dutch squadron joined. The first service under taken was the protection of about four hundred merchant ships belonging to England, Holland, Denmark, Sweden, Hamburg, and Flanders, engaged in the Mediterranean trade. As the fleet proceeded through the Channel, it presented a splendid appear ance. Captain Parker states — " All the sea, from the " line of battle to our English coast, seemed as a float- " ing wood covered with canvass ; and as the weather " was very fair, the whole made a most glorious appear- " ance." After protecting the merchant- vessels through the Bay of Biscay, the grand fleet returned, leaving a squadron under Admiral Sir George Rooke, to con tinue the voyage with them. The French monarch had made powerful efforts to send to sea a formidable fleet, which attempted to intercept the merchantmen and convoy under Sir George Rooke. The English admiral avoided an engagement with so superior a force, and brought off the greater part of his fleet ; but many valuable vessels were captured or destroyed by the enemy. On receiving news of this event, the combined fleets of England and Holland attempted to intercept the French naval force, but it got safe into port. In the autumn the regiment landed and marched to Norwich. During the campaign of this year, the confederate army in Flanders had sustained severe loss at the battle of Landen, and efforts were made to increase its numbers, for which purpose Colonel Hamilton's regi ment was ordered to proceed abroad. It marched to London in December, was reviewed by King William in Hyde Park, and embarking on the Thames, sailed to 14 HISTORICAL RECORD OF THE EIGHTEENTH, OR 1693 Ostend, where it landed, and was' stationed several months. 1694 Taking the field in the spring of 1694, the regiment proceeded to the vicinity of Louvain, where it was reviewed by the King, and afterwards took part in the operations of the army. At the camp near Ramilies it was formed in brigade under Major-General Ramsay, and posted between two divisions of cavalry, in the left wing; it afterwards shared in many toilsome marches, also formed part of the covering army during the siege of Huy, and subsequently marched into winter quarters at Ghent. During this campaign a question arose respecting the rank of regiments, and the King directed the subject to be submitted to a board of general officers.* Captain Parker states, — " As the general officers were " most of them colonels of regiments raised in England " by King James IL, they showed great partiality on " this occasion, for they would not allow the regiments, * The rank of the several regiments of the British Army was first regulated by a Board of General Officers assembled in the Netherlands, by command of King William III., on the 10th June, 1694. ! Another Board of General Officers was assembled by order of Queen Anne in 1713, to decide on the rank and precedence of regiments raised subsequently to 1694. A third Board was assembled, by command of King George I., in 1715, for the same purpose. These Boards recommended that English regiments, raised in England, should take rank from the dates of their formation ; and that English, Scots, and Irish regiments, raised for the service of a foreign power, should take rank from the dates of their being placed on the English establishment. The numerical titles of regiments, as fixed on the principle laid down in the reports of the Boards of General Officers, above alluded to, were confirmed by the warrant issued by authority of King George II., dated lst July, 1751, — and also by the warrant of King George III., dated 19th December, 1768. THE ROYAL IRISH REGIMENT OF FOOT. ] 5 " raised in Scotland or Ireland, to have any rank in 1694 " the army previous to the time of their coming to " England and entering upon English pay. By this " regulation, ours, that had been regimented in the time " of King Charles 1 1., lost rank of eleven regiments, " that had been raised by King James II. The King " thought it very hard ; but as he had left the matter " to them, he confirmed their sentence." The rank of the regiment was thus fixed as eighteenth in the British line ; numerical titles were, however, not gene rally used until the reign of George IL* Taking the field to serve the campaign of 1695, the 1695 regiment was formed in brigade with the Fifth, Seventh, Twenty-third, Collingwood's (afterwards disbanded), and La Meloniere's regiment of French Protestants, in the English service, under Brigadier-General Fitz patrick. When King William undertook the siege of the important fortress of Namur, the regiment formed part of the covering army under the Prince of Vaudemont, against which a French force of very superior numbers advanced under the orders of Marshal Villeroy. During the night of the 14th of July, the hostile columns con fronted each other; the French, confident of success, detached a body of troops to gain the rear of the allies, and anxiously waited for daylight to commence the action. The Prince of Vaudemont ordered his cavalry forward ; the dragoons dismounting and forming on foot, while the artillery, and infantry with pikes trailed, withdrew unobserved. The French prepared for the attack, when the dragoons of the confederate forces retired a few paces, mounted their horses, and retreated. presenting to the surprised French what appeared to be * See Note inserted at page 46. 16 historical record of the eighteenth, or 1695 the magic spectacle of an army vanishing out of sight. The enemy pursued, but the allies retreated in good order, and took up a position in front of Ghent. This retreat has been celebrated by historians as a fine specimen of the art of war. The eighteenth were afterwards engaged in several manoeuvres for the preservation of the maritime towns of Flanders ; in the early part of August they were encamped between Genappe and Waterloo, and after wards joined the forces under King William. In the mean time the town of Namur had surrendered ; but the castle, a strong fortress situate on a rock, still held out, and, on the Uth of August, the eighteenth relieved one of the regiments which had suffered se verely in the siege, and took its turn of duty in the trenches. A breach having been effected, arrangements were made for a general assault. Three thousand British, under Lord Cutts, were to attack the counter scarp and the breach of the Terra Nova ; three thousand Bavarians the breach of the Cohorn; two thousand Brandenburgers (Prussians) the upper point of the Cohorn; two thousand Dutch the Casotte; and six hundred men were to storm the lower town : the eigh teenth formed part of the British storming party. The regiment marched into the trenches on the 20th of August, to take part in storming the Castle of Namur, and the soldiers were elated with the expecta tion of distinguishing themselves under the eye of their Sovereign. The trenches being crowded with troops, the eighteenth and two other regiments were ordered to Salsine Abbey, half a mile from the breach to be attacked. A little before mid-day the assault was made with heroic ardour, but, owing to some mistake in the signal, all the corps did not advance simul taneously, and the British grenadiers, who headed the THE ROYAL IRISH REGIMENT OF FOOT. 1 7 storming party, were opposed by very superior numbers, 1695 and sustained severe loss; Lord Cutts being among the wounded. Hurrying from Salsine Abbey to share in the assault, the eighteenth approached the scene of conflict a few moments after the grenadiers had been repulsed and forced to retire ; the regiment, however, rushed forward, stormed the breach with signal gallantry, and planted the regimental colours on the summit ; but the enemy had constructed a strong work within the breach, which the utmost efforts of the officers and soldiers could not force, and after performing "prodigies of valour" they were obliged to retreat with severe loss. The other attacks were more successful ; and lodgments were effected in the works. Captain Parker states — " The King saw " this action from a rising ground at the back of " Salsine Abbey, and took particular notice of the be- " haviour of our regiment ; for ours, only, mounted the top " of the breach, and we planted our colours thereon, but " could not proceed farther, because a strong retrench- " ment had been thrown up on the inside, which we " could not see till we had mounted the very top of the " breach, so we were obliged to follow the crowd. His '' Majesty, on this occasion, was pleased to honour us ' with the title of " the royal regiment of foot of " Ireland."* The King also conferred on the regi ment the privilege of bearing his own arms, " the Lion of Nassau," on its colours (on which the cross of St. Patrick had previously been displayed) ; also the " Harp in a blue field and a crown over it," and the motto, " Virtutis Namurcensis Prcemium." * A similar statement is made in General Stearne's Journal, and is corroborated by other evidence. 18 HISTORICAL RECORD OF THE EIGHTEENTH, OR 1695 The title was afterwards changed to " royal irish REGIMENT."' The regiment sustained severe loss on this occasion ; Lieut.-Colonel Ormsby, Captains Ptirefoy, Pinsent, and Cateret, Lieutenants Fitzmorris and Bamme, Ensigns Fettyplace, Blunt, Baker, and Hayter, with eighty-six non-commissioned officers and soldiers, were killed : Captain John Southwell and Ensign Lister died of their wounds ; Colonel Frederick Hamilton., Captains Kane, Duroure, Seymour, and William South' well, Lieutenants La Planche, Brereton, Hybetft, Arphaxad, and Rolleston, Ensigns John Gifford, Orms by, and Blakeney, with one hundred and eighty-five non-commissioned officers and soldiers, wete wounded.* The fire against the castle was cohtinued> and pre parations were made for another assault, which was prevented by the surrender of the garrison. Thus was captured the celebrated fortress of Namur, which re flected great credit on the confederate armies. This conquest terminated the campaign, and the regiment passed the winter in garrison at Ghent. 1696 During the campaign of 1696, the regiment served with the army of Flanders under the Prince of Vaude mont ; and was formed in brigade with a battalion of the Royials, the thi8d,fifth, and seventeenth regiments under Brigadier- General Selwyii ; and its services were limited to the protection of Ghent, Bruges, "and the maritime towns of Flanders. In the autumn it returned to Ghent. 1697 Leaving Ghent in the spring of 1697, the regiment joined the army of Brabant under King William,* and * This list is from D'Auvergne's History of the Campaigns in Flanders. General Stearne gives a greater number ; as he appears to include slight wounds not noticed in the official returns. Captain Parker's statement agrees with the above. THE ROYAL IRISH REGIMENT OF FOOT. 19 took part in the movements of this campaign ; which 1697 were terminated by the treaty of Ryswick, when the British monarch saw his efforts for the liberty of Europe, and the preservation ofthe Protestant religion, attended with success. On the termination of hostilities, the regiment marched to Ghent, where it was quartered several weeks, and on the 10th of December embarked at Ostend for Ireland. As two of the transports ap proached the Irish coast, they were chased by a Sallee man-of-war of eighteen guns, carrying Zealand colours. Seeing his brave soldiers in danger of being made slaves, Lieut.-Colonel Stearne called them on deck ; the whole resolved on a desperate defence; and it was arranged that when the Sallee man-of-war attacked one transport, the other should come to its assistance, and the enemy should be boarded by the soldiers sword in hand, not doubting but that they would over power the Turks and Moors, and capture the ship. With this view the soldiers were kept out of sight to induce the enemy to make an attack, and every man was ready for action. " The Sallee man-of-war kept " us company about an hour, and was once, as we " thought, coming up to board us; however, she " thought better of it, fell astern, and stood off without " firing a shot."* During the following night the two transports narrowly escaped destruction from a storm ; they afterwards arrived safe in Bantry Bay ; the soldiers landed on the 24th of December, and marched to Cork, where the regiment was assembled. From Cork the regiment marched, in July, 1698, to 1699 Waterford ; in the spring of 1699 it proceeded to Dublin, and in 1700 it was removed to Kinsale. * General Stearne's Journal. c2 20 HISTORICAL RECORD OF THE EIGHTEENTH, OR 1700 Pursuing those schemes of aggrandizement which had repeatedly involved Europe in war, Louis XIV. procured the accession of his grandson, Philip Duke of Anjou, to the throne of Spain, in violation of exist ing treaties ; seized on the Spanish Netherlands ; and made prisoners the Dutch troops in garrison in the barrier towns. The sudden acquisition of the Spanish monarchy by a grandson of the most ambitious and potent monarch of Europe, with the prospect of France and Spain being eventually united under one sovereign, affected the interests and agitated the public mind of all countries. 1701 War was resolved upon : the standing armies were augmented ; and while the din of hostile preparation was heard on every side, the royal irish regiment was placed upon a war establishment, and embarked for Holland, where it arrived, with several other corps, in July, 1701, and was placed in garrison at Huesden. On the 21st of September it was reviewed on Breda- heath by King William III. 1702 Quitting Huesden in March, 1702, the regiment proceeded to Rosendael, where the British infantry was assembled under Brigadier-General Ingoldsby ; and at this place the troops received information of the death of King William III., on the 8th of March, and ofthe accession of Queen Anne. From Rosendael the regiment marched to the duchy of Cleves, and formed part of the army encamped at Cranenburg during the siege of Kayserswerth, on the Lower Rhine, by the Germans. A French force of very superior numbers attempting to cut off the com munication of the army at Cranenburg with Nimeguen, the troops struck their tents on the 10th of June, and by a forced march during the night arrived within a few THE ROYAL IRISH REGIMENT OF FOOT. 21 miles of Nimeguen as the French legions approached. 1702 Some sharp fighting occurred, in which the British corps in the rear -guard evinced great gallantry, and the army effected its retreat under the works of the fortress. Additional forces having arrived from England, the Earl of Marlborough* assumed the command of the allied army, and by a series of skilful movements he forced the French army to make a precipitate retreat from the frontiers of Holland to their own lines, and he twice attempted to bring on a general engagement under advantageous circumstances, but was restrained by the Dutch field deputies. The French forces having fled to their lines, the English General resolved to attack their fortified towns, and the royal irish regi ment was one of the corps detached from the main army to undertake the siege of the fortress of Venloo, situate on the east side of the river Maese, in the province of Limburg.t On the west side of the river was a detached fortification of five bastions, called Fort St. Michael, against which the British troops carried on their approaches ; — the Dutch and Germans attack ing other parts of the town : the whole were under Veldt-Marshal Prince Nassau-Saarbruck. The ap proaches being carried to the foot of the glacis, orders were given to storm the covered-way, and make a lodgment on the top of the glacis ; and the royal irish regiment, being on duty in the trenches at the time, was appointed to make the attack, together with the * Colonel John Churchill was created Baron Churchill on the 14th May, 1685 ;— Earl of Marlborough on the 9th April, 1689 ;— and Duke of Marlborough on the 14th December, 1702. t The British regiments at the siege of Venloo were the eighth, thirteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth, under Brigadier-General F. Hamilton and Lieut.-General Lord Cutts, 22 HISTORICAL RECORD OF THE EIGHTEENTH, OR 1702 grenadiers of the brigade, attd a party of chosen fusi liers. Captain Parker has given the Following account of this attack : — "The Lord Cutts sent for all the officers, arid told " them, the design was to drive the enemy from the " covered-way, that they might not disturb the wbfk- " men in making a lodgment; however, if the enemy "gave way with precipitation, we were to jump into " the covered-way, and pursue them, let the conse- " quence be what it would. We all thought these " were very rash orders, contrary both to the rules of " war, and the design of the attack. "About four iri the afternoon (18th September), the " signal was given, 1uia, according to our orders, we " rushed up the covered-way ; the enemy gave us brie " scattering fire, and away they ran : we jumped into " the covered-way, arid ran after them. They made *' to a ravelin, which covered the curtain of the fort " in which were a captain and sixty men. We, seeing " them get into the ravelin, pursued them, got in with *' them, and soon put most of them to the sword. They *' that escaped us fled over a small Wooden bridge, " that led over the moat to the fort ; and 'here, like " madmen, without fear or wit, we purslied them over " that tottering bridge, exposed to the fire of the great " and small shot of the fort. However, we got over " the fausse-braye, where we had nothing for it but to " take the fort or die. They that fled before us "climbed up by the long grass that grew out of the "'fort; so we climbed after them- Here we were hard " put to it to pull Out the palisades, which ipointed " down upori us from the parapet, and, was it not for " the great surprise and consternation of those within, *' we could never have surmounted this very point : THE ROYAL IRISH REGIMENT OF FOOT. 23 " but, as soon as they saw us at this work, they quitted 1702 " the rampart, and retired down to the parade in the " body of the fort, where they laid down their arms *' and cried for quarter, which was readily granted " them. Thus were the unaccountable orders of Lord " Cutts as unaccountably executed, to the great sur- ¦" prise of the whole army, and even of ourselves, when " we came to reflect on what we had done." The enemy had about four hundred killed, and two hundred made prisoners. The British loss, in killed and wounded, did not exceed forty men. Captain Parker, of the royal irish regiment, adds, — " This affair was the occasion of another almost as ,f surprising. An express came to Prince Nassau which *' gave an account that Landau was taken ; whereupon " he .ordered the army to draw down near the town, to ¦" fire three rounds (as a feu-.de-joie) ; the cannon also " of all the batteries, the mortars, and cohorns, were " ordered to fire, with the troops, into the town. " When the garrison and inhabitants saw us drawing " down on all sides, they judged it was with a design " of making such an attack on the town as we had " made on the fort, which struck such a terror into " them, that the magistrates begged the Governor to " capitulate, and not suffer them all to be put to the " sword. The first round of all our batteries, and the " small shot of the army, so affrighted them, that men, " women, and children, came flocking to the ramparts " with white cloths in their hands, crying, ' Mercy ! " mercy !' and the .Governor, in as grqat a consterna- " tion as the rest, sent out an officer to the Prince to " desire a capitulation, which was immediately granted ; Xaswe had other sieges to carry on this season, the " Prince allowed them honourable terms." 24 HISTORICAL RECORD OF THE EIGHTEENTH, OR 1702 After the capture of Venloo, the regiment was employed in the siege of the fortress of Ruremonde, which was captured in a short time ; and Stevenswart having also been reduced by a detachment from the covering army, the navigation of the Maese was thus cleared of the enemy up to Maestricht. Rejoining the main army after this achievement, the regiment advanced towards the city of Liege, the French forces retiring as the British approached, but leaving a strong garrison in the citadel and Chartreuse. The royal irish regiment was employed in the siege of the citadel of Liege, and its grenadier company had the honour to take part in the capture of that fortress by storm, on the 23rd of October, when the British soldiers highly distinguished themselves. They were permitted to appropriate a large quantity of dollars and silver plate, captured on this occasion, to their own use. From the pleasant valley of Liege, the regiment commenced its march, on the 3rd of November, back to Holland, and passed the winter in garrison at Huesden. 1703 Quitting its winter quarters in April, 1703, the regiment traversed the country to Maestricht, and was in position near that city when the French forces, under Marshals Villeroy and Boufflers, made a sudden advance to surprise the British troops in their quarters, but were defeated in their design. The Duke of Marlborough assembled the army near Maestricht, and the royal irish regiment was formed in brigade with the eighth, thirteenth, seven teenth, and thirty-third, under its colonel, Brigadier- General F. Hamilton; and it advanced with the army towards Tongres, when the French quitted their THE ROYAL IRISH REGIMENT OF FOOT. 25 post and eventually retired within their fortified lines, 1703 where the English General was desirous of attacking them, but was prevented by the Dutch commanders and field deputies. The services of the regiment were afterwards connected with the siege of Huy, which fortress was captured in ten days. The royal irish regiment formed part of the covering army during the siege of Limburg, which was commenced on the 10th of September, and on the 27th of that month the Governor surrendered. Spanish Guelderland being thus delivered from the power of France, the Dutch were freed from the danger of an invasion. After taking part in these services the regiment marched to Breda : during the severe frosts of winter it proceeded to Bergen-op-Zoom, to reinforce the garrison of that fortress, and afterwards returned to Breda, from whence it detached three hundred men to Maestricht, to join the garrison of that city, while the Dutch soldiers were working at the entrench ments on the heights of Petersberg. Meanwhile the united French and Bavarian armies 2704 had gained considerable advantage in Germany, and the Duke of Marlborough resolved to lead his British brigades from the ocean to the Danube, to rescue the Emperor of Germany from the menaced danger. To engage in this splendid undertaking, the royal irish regiment marched from Breda on the 5th of May, N.S., and proceeded towards the Rhine ; being joined at Bedburg by the detachment from Maestricht. Continuing its route, the regiment proceeded to Coblentz, where it passed the Moselle and the Rhine, and afterwards traversed the minor states of Germany towards the seat of war on the Danube; 26 historical record of the eighteenth, or 1704 all Europe being surprised at the ability evinced by the British commander in conducting this daring enterprise. Having united with the forces of the Empire, the British advanced on the 2nd of July to attack a body of French and Bavarians under Count d'Arco, in an entrenched camp on the heights of Schelknberg, on the left bank of the Danube. About six in the evening the leading division, of which a detachment of the royal irish regiment formed part, moved forward under a heavy fire, and attacked the enemy's entrench ments with distinguished gallantry. The enemy made a determined resistance, and the assailants, were re pulsed ; but the attack was renewed with heroic courage, and, after a protracted contest, the Germans eo-operated in the attack, when the entrenchments were forced, and the JFrench and Bavarians driven from the heights with great slaughter. The British cavalry, .charging, completed the discomfiture of the enemy, and sixteen pieces of ordnance, a number of standards and colours, with the enemy's tents, and the equipage and plate of the Count d'Arco, were captured. The regiment had one serjeant and eleven rank and file killed ; Captain Lea, Ensigns Gilman, Walsh, and Pensant, three .serjeants, and thirty- two rank and file wounded.* The victory at Schellenberg was followed by the flight of the enemy from iDonawerth.; and the regiment was engaged in 'the operations :of the army which penetrated Bavaria, and captured Rayn after a short * Boyer's Annals of Queen Anne. The regimental historians do not give'the names ofthe officers in their lists of killed and wounded on this occasion. THE ROYAL IRISH REGIMENT OF FOOT. 27 siege. The Elector of Bavaria formed an entrenched 1704 camp at Augsburg, to which city the allied army ad vanced ; but found the enemy's camp too strong to be attacked with any prospect of success, and the troops retired a short distance. The siege of Ingoldstadt was commenced by the Germans, and the royal irish regiment formed part of the covering army. Quitting his camp at Augsburg, the Elector of Bavaria joined a strong body of French troops sent to reinforce his army, and the united divisions encamped in the valley of the Danube, near the village of Blenheim. At three o'clock on the morning of the memorable 13th of August, 1704, the allied army advanced towards the enemy, and about three o'clock in the afternoon the British developed their attack against the French brigades posted in the village of Blenheim ; thus commencing an engagement in which the English troops acquired great distinction. The village being found strongly fortified, it was environed by a few corps, and the army passed the little river Nebel to attack the enemy's lines. The royal irish regiment directed its attacks against the right wing of the Gallo- Bava rian army, and was engaged with the chosen troops of France, under Marshal Tallard ; its heroic conduct reflected the highest lustre on the British arms, and it contributed materially to the complete overthrow and discomfiture of the opposing host. The French were chased from the field with great slaughter, and the loss of their cannon, baggage, and many troops captured, including the brigades posted in the village of Blen heim : Marshal Tallard, and several officers of distinc tion, weTe among the prisoners. The left wing of the enemy was also overpowered by the Germans, and the 28 historical record of the eighteenth, or 1704 victory was complete and decisive : the powerful armies of France and Bavaria being literally destroyed. Thus, on the banks of the Danube, was achieved by British valour a trophy which will serve as a monu ment to commemorate the national glory to the end of time. The conduct of the brave soldiers who conquered in the interior of Germany was the admira tion of surrounding states, and has been lauded by numerous historians : the Duke of Marlborough was elevated to the dignity of a Prince of the Roman Empire. The loss ofthe royal irish regiment was Captains Brown, Rolleston, and Vaughan, Ensign Moyle, five serjeants, and fifty-two rank and file killed ; Major Kane, Captains Lepenitor and Hussey, Lieutenants Smith, Roberts, Blakeney, and Harvey, Ensign Trips; nine serjeants, and- eighty-seven rank and file wounded.* From the Danube, the regiment traversed the country to the banks of the Rhine, crossed that river at Philipsburg on the 7th of September, and formed part ofthe covering army encamped at Croon- Weissem- berg during the siege of Landau, which was under taken by the Germans. When the siege drew towards a close, the regiment marched to Germersheim, where it embarked in boats on the Rhine, and in twelve days arrived at Nimeguen, where it landed, and, marching to Ruremonde, passed the winter at that place. * This list is taken from General Stearne's Journal ; he, being lieut.-colonel commanding the regiment at the time, had every opportunity of being well acquainted with its loss*. His list does not correspond exactly with that given by Captain Parker. In the list in Boyer's ' Annals of Queen Anne,' there is another wounded officer included, viz. Lieutenant Weddle. THE ROYAL IRISH REGIMENT OF FOOT. 29 Brigadier-General Hamilton, having become ad- 1705 vanced in years, retired from active service, and was permitted to dispose ofthe colonelcy of the regiment to Lieut.-General Ingoldsby, from the twenty-third foot, who was appointed colonel of the royal irish regi ment by commission dated the lst of April, 1705. From Ruremonde the regiment marched to the vicinity of Maestricht, where it joined the army ; and afterwards proceeded by Juliers, through a mountainous country, to the valley of the Moselle, where it encamped near the city of Treves. The army passed the Moselle and the Saar in the early part of June, with the view of carrying on the war in that direction ; but the Duke of Marlborough, being disappointed of the co-operation of the Germans, marched his army back to the Netherlands, which occasioned the soldiers much fatigue. On arriving at the Maese, a detachment was employed in recapturing Huy, which the enemy had taken during the absence "of the army up the Moselle. A formidable barrier of forts and entrenchments had been constructed with great labour and expense to arrest the progress of the British General ; but by menacing the lines to the south of the Mehaine, to draw the French army to' that quarter, and afterwards making a forced march to the right during the night of the 17th of July, these stupendous works were passed at Helixem and Neer-Hespen, with little opposition ; and the French and Bavarian troops, which hurried to the spot to drive back the leading corps of the allied army, were re pulsed with severe loss. The royal irish regiment was formed in brigade on this occasion with the twenty-fourth, twenty-ninth, and Temple's (afterwards disbanded), under Brigadier-General Webb, and, being in the main body of the army, did not sustain 30 HISTORICAL RECORD OF THE EIGHTEENTH, OR 1705 any loss. After this brilliant success, the designs of the British commander were frustrated by the oppo sition of the Dutch Generals, and little further advan tage was gained. The regiment returned to Holland for winter quar ters, and was stationed at Worcum. 1706 Taking the field in May, 1706, the regiment pro ceeded to the general rendezvous of the army near Tongres, and, advancing from thence in the direction of Mont St. Andre, on Whit Sunday the 23rd of May, the British commander discovered a powerful French army, under Marshal Villeroy and the Elector of Bavaria, in position at that place, with their centre at the village of Ramilies, which was occupied by a con siderable body of troops. Diverging into the plain, the allied army formed line and advanced towards the enemy; the royal irish regiment, being in the right wing, formed on t^he heights of Foulz, and, descending intothelqw grounds near the Little Gheet river, menaced the enemy 's left, at Autreglise and Offuz, with an attack. This move ment occasioned the enemy to weaken his centre to support his left flank, when the Duke of Marlborough instantly reinforced his centre, and made a determined attack upon the enemy's position at the weakened point. For some time the officers and soldiers , of the royal irish regiment were spectators pf the fight; but at a critical moment they were brought forward, and they contributed to the complete overthrow ofthe forces of France, Spain, and Bavaria. The warlike brigades of the enemy, a few hours before so formidable and menacing, were driven from the field ,with great slaughter, and the loss of many officers and soldiers taken prisoners, a}so of their cannon and many stand- THE ROYAL IRISH REGIMENT OF FOOT. 31 ards and colours. After pursuing the fugitives a 1706 considerable distance, the regiment halted for the night, surrounded by the ensanguined trophies of this day of glorious triumph to the British arms. Retreating to Louvain, the broken remains of the enemy's splendid army halted a short time, and soon afterwards abandoned that city, and also Lierre, Ghent, Damme, and Bruges. The magistrates of these towns, together with those of Brussels, Malines, and Alost, renounced their allegiance to the Duke of Anjou, and declared in favour ofthe House of Austria. The garrisons of Oudenarde and Antwerp surrendered ; Ostend withstood a short siege and then capitulated. Thus the successes of the allied arms were splendid beyond all precedent. Towards the end of July, the royal irish regiment was detached from the main army to take part in the siege of the fortress of Menin, which was considered one of the masterpieces of Vauban, the celebrated French engineer, and was provided with a numerous garrison well supplied with everything necessary for a protracted defence. The garrison disputed every yard of ground with sanguinary tenacity ; but the allies carried on the siege with vigour, and brought their approaches to the foot ofthe glacis, where a storming party was assembled to attack the covered-way. The royal irish regi ment was appointed to take part in this service. The signal being given, the assailants rushed forward to the palisades, and threw a shower of hand-grenades into the covered-way ; then, entering amidst the confusion, overthrew all opposition. General Stearne states, — "This proved warm service ; for though we drove the " enemy at once out of the counterscarp, they sprung 32 HISTORICAL RECORD OF THE EIGHTEENTH, OR 1706 " two mines upon us, and from their works plied us " with a most violent fire, which we lay exposed to " until our workmen had thrown up an entrenchment " sufficient to cover us. In this action our regiment " had six officers and upwards of eighty soldiers killed " and wounded."* The Governor, finding himself unable to arrest the progress of the besieging force, surrendered. The fortress of Aeth was afterwards captured, and this event terminated the campaign. Thus fortresses which had resisted powerful armies for months and years, and provinces disputed for ages, were the con quests of a summer : the nations of Europe witnessing with astonishment the splendid achievements of the forces under the Duke of Marlborough. After sharing in the brilliant successes of this campaign, the royal irish regiment passed the winter at Ghent. 1707 In May, 1707, the regiment again took the field, and was formed in brigade with the second battalion of the Royals, the eighth, twenty-fourth, and Temple's regi ments, under Brigadier- General Sir Richard Temple (afterwards Viscount Cobham). During this campaign the French army avoided a general engagement, and the summer was passed by the opposing armies in manoeuvring and watching each other's movements. In the autumn, the regiment marched to the castle of Ghent, of which its commanding officer, Colonel Stearne, was appointed governor. 1708 Finding his armies beaten on the continent, the French monarch fitted out an expedition for the pur- * The names of the officers killed and wounded are not given. Captain Parker states that he was wounded ; his list says seven offi cers killed and eight wounded. THE ROYAL IRISH REGIMENT OF FOOT. 33 pose of landing the Pretender in Scotland, to embroil 1708 Great Britain in civil war ; and the eighteenth regiment was one of the corps ordered home to repel the invad ers : it embarked from Ostend in the middle of March, 1708, and sailed to the river Tyne ; but the English fleet chased the French squadron from the British coast, and the regiment returned to Flanders. When the opposing armies took the field, the French had obtained possession of Ghent and Bruges by trea chery ; but the English General surprised the French on the march near Oudenarde on the 11th of June, and gained a decisive victory. The eighteenth regiment formed part of the leading brigade of the van of the army, under Major-General Cadogan, and with the eighth, twenty-third, and thirty-seventh regiments, de. scended from the high grounds between Eyne and Bevere, forded a rivulet, and attacked seven batta lions of the Swiss regiments of Pfeffer, Villars, and Gueder, which' had taken post at Eyne : after a sharp contest British valour prevailed, and Brigadier-General Pfeffer, with three entire battalions, were made prison ers of war : the remainder were either killed, or inter cepted in their attempt to escape, and made prisoners. The eighteenth afterwards attacked a body of troops posted in the enclosures, and soon drove the French from their ground. As tbe regiment was advancing in pursuit, a numerous body of French cavalry menaced it in front and flank, and it fell back to the hedges, where it repulsed the French horsemen. Other British brigades arriving, the whole advanced ; a fierce conflict of musketry ensued, and charge succeeded charge until darkness put an end to the conflict, and thus saved the French army from complete annihilation. 34 historical record of the eighteenth, or 1708 The enemy made a precipitate retreat during the night. Lieut.- Colonel Steajrne commanded the regiment, on this occasion, and he states in his journal,— '¦' Our regi- " ment, though the first that engaged, had only one " lieutenant and eight men killed, and twelve men " wounded." The royal irish regiment formed part of the force employed in the siege pf the important fortress of Lisle, the capital of French Flanders, and the regiment had numerous opportunities of distinguishing itself during the long and determined defence made by a numerous garrison under Marshal Boufflers. The citadel did not surrender until the 9th of December. The eighteenth had two captains and three subalterns killed, the major and several other officers wounded, and two hundred non-commissioned officers and soldiers killed and wounded. 1709 A strong detachment of recruits replaced the Josses of the regirnent, and it was in a highly efficient state when it tppk the field to serve the campaign of 1709. The Dukq of Marlborough menaced the French army with an attack, which occasioned Marshal Villars to weaken the garrisons of the fortified towns to strengthen the army in the field, when the allies besieged Tournay, The eighteenth were deta, we slipped off " undiscovered, and were a good way down the hill " before they perceived that we were retiring, and " then they let fly all their great and small shot after " us ; but as we were by this time under the brow of " the hill, all their shot went over our heads." This statement of a distinguished officer of the eighteenth regiment shows how fully the great Duke of Marl borough possessed the confidence of his troops. During the siege of Bouchain, the royal irish regiment was actively engaged in the trenches and the attacks ; but did not sustain a very severe loss. Lieut.- Colonel Stearne states, — " In this siege our regiment " had four officers wounded but none killed, and about " forty men killed and wounded ; the grenadiers suffered " most. Bouchain being taken, our regiment was or- " dered to Tournay, where we were quartered the " remaining part of the campaign, from whence we 40 HISTORICAL record of the eighteenth^, or 1711 " escorted what provision came that way to the army " which continued about Bouchain." In October the re giment marched to Lisle, where it passed the winter. 1712 In February, 1712, Lieut.-General Ingoldsby died, and was succeeded in the colonelcy of the regiment hy Lieut.-Colonel Stearne, who* had held a commission in the corps thirty-four years, and wrote an account of its services.* From Lisle the regiment advanced in April to some high ground beyond Bouchain, where a camp was formed of several corps, and entrenchments thrown up. The royal irish regiment afterwards joined the army under the orders of the Duke of Ormond, and its grenadier company advanced on a reconnoitring party into Picardy ; but a suspension of hostilities took place soon afterwards, and the army withdrew to Ghent, where the regiment passed the winter. The power of France was reduced, its armies defeated, its frontier towns captured, its ambitious monarch was forced to sue for peace, and the treaty of Utrecht gave repose to Europe. 1713 The royal irish regiment had acquired a high reputation during the war ; and a board of officers being assembled in London, to decide on the rank of regiments, Colonel Stearne sent Captain Parker to England to claim rank for the regiment from the date of its formation in 1684, which would have given it rank as fifth foot ; but this was not granted, and it continued to take date and rank in the English army from the time of its arrival in England in the autumn of 1688.f * On the appointment of Lieut.-Colonel Stearne to the colonelcy, Captain Parker states, — " He had served in the regiment from its " establishment, and, being a brave and gaUant man, he rose gradu- " ally, by long service and good fortune, until, from an ensign, he " became our colonel." ¦(¦ See Note inserted at page 14. THE ROYAL IRISH REGIMENT OF FOOT. 41 During the winter, a very serious mutiny occurred 1713 among the troops stationed at Ghent, to which the soldiers were incited by a man, whom Captain Parker calls " a pettifogging attorney from London," who had entered the eighteenth regiment. This dangerous combination was suppressed, and ten of the ringleaders were executed. After the conclusion of the treaty of peace, the 1714 British regiments quitted Flanders, excepting the eighth and eighteenth, which were appointed to garrison the citadel of Ghent until the barrier treaty was signed. The Duke and Duchess of Marlborough passing through Ghent, the officers of the two regiments met His Grace without the town, to show their respect to the character of their former commander. On the breaking out of the rebellion of the Earl of 17 15 Mar, in the autumn of 1715, the regiment was ordered to proceed to England, leaving the lieut.-colonel and a hundred men in the castle of Ghent; it landed at Greenwich, and marched to Gloucester, where it was joined by the party from Ghent in February following. From Gloucester the regiment marched to Oxford; 1716 many persons at this celebrated university were disaffected to the government of King George I., and on the Prince of Wales's birthday, when the officers of the regiment were assembled at one of the inns, to* celebrate the day, they were assailed by stones thrown from a house on the opposite side of the street. A number of soldiers, hearing that their officers had been thus assailed by the Jacobites, came running to the spot, and soon destroyed the windows of the house from whence the stones had been thrown. They after wards went from street to street, and broke the windows of persons who refused to illuminate for the Prince of Wales's birthday. The Vice-Chancellor sent a com- 42 HISTORICAL RECORD OF THE EIGHTEENTH, OR 1716 plaint to His Majesty's privy council, and the officers were called upon for an explanation. The subject was afterwards investigated by the House of Lords, and, after several debates, the university was censured for not observing the birthday of the Prince of Wales, afterwards King George II. 1717 In May, 1717, the regiment marched to Portsmouth, where it received, orders to hold itself in readiness to proceed abroad. Brigadier- General Stearne obtained permission to dispose of the colonelcy of the regiment to Lieut.- Colonel William Cosby, from the first troop, now first regiment of life guards. 1718 Soon afterwards the regiment embarked for the island of Minorca, where it arrived in the early part of 1718, and it was stationed there many yearsy during which period little occurred worthy of being recorded. 1727 In 1727, when the Spaniards besieged Gibraltar,- a detachment from the regiments at Minorca proceeded to that fortress, under Colonel Cosby of the royal irish regiment, to reinforce the garrison. This de tachment took part in the successful defence of Gibraltar against the power of Spain, and when the siege was raised, it returned to Minorca. 1732 While the regiment was at Minorca, Colonel Cosby was succeeded by Sir Charles Hotham, Baronet, in 1735 1732; and, in 1735, King George II. nominated Colonel. John Armstrong to the colonelcy. This officer, 1742 dying in 1742, was succeeded by Colonel John Mor- daunt, from the forty-seventh regiment. In the same year, the royal irish regiment was relieved from duty at Minorca, and returned to England : it landed at Portsmouth and Southampton, and marched to Taunton, and the neighbouring towns, where it passed the winter. THE ROYAL IRISH REGIMENT OF FOOT. 43 From Taunton the regiment marched, in the spring 1743 of 1743, to Exeter and Plymouth, where it was re viewed by Lieut.-General Lord Tyrawley. In the spring of 1744, the regiment marched to 1744 Richmond, and other towns near Hounslow Heath, and was reviewed by His Royal Highness the Duke of Cumberland. " The regiment gained great reputation " by its discipline and good appearance, and had the " pleasure of being assured of His Royal Highness' " approbation."* After the review, the regiment marched to Fareham, and mounted guard over the French and Spanish prisoners at Portchester Castle. At the battle of Fontenoy, the British troops, support- 1745 ing the interests of the house of Austria against the power of France and Bavaria, were repulsed in their attempts to raise the siege of Tournay, and sustained severe loss; and the royal irish regiment was ordered to join the British army in Flanders. The eighteenth embarked at Gravesend, with a detachment of foot guards and the fourteenth regiment, landed at Ostend, and, advancing up the country, joined the army, com manded by His Royal Highness the Duke of Cumber land, at the camp at Lessines, in May, 1745. The French, having a great superiority of numbers, captured several strong towns, and besieged Ostend, when the royal irish were selected to reinforce the garrison of that fortress. The regiment accordingly marched to Antwerp, where it embarked on board of Dutch billan- ders, in which it sailed to Flushing, where it was removed on board of transports that conveyed it to Ostend, which town was found abandoned by the in habitants, and besieged by a numerous French force. The garrison did not exceed three thousand men, a number very inadequate to the defence of the place; * Continuation of General Stearne's Journal. 44 HISTORICAL RECORD OF THE EIGHTEENTH, OR 1745 the fortifications had been neglected and were out of repair ; and the Austrian governor permitted the enemy to gain possession of the sluices before he had inun dated the country round the town. The means of a long defence were wanting, and, after holding out until the ammunition was nearly expended, and the guns of the fortress dismounted, the governor capitulated, on con dition that the garrison should march to the quarters of the allied army. The writer of the continuation of Gene ral Stearne's journal complains of the treacherous con duct of the French on this occasion, in causing the garri son to make a considerable detour, employing agents to induce, by promises of reward, the soldiers to desert, and, after a march of twenty miles in one day, deliver ing the garrison up at a frontier village cantonment about seven in the evening, and having a numerous force ready to cut off the fatigued men at an early hour on the following morning. This was, however, defeated ; the Duke of Cumberland sent a General officer to take charge of the troops on their arrival, and, instead of allowing the tired soldiers to go into quarters, he ordered them to load their muskets, fix their bayonets, and march for Mons. The writer, before alluded to, states, " As we every moment expected the " enemy, we continued our march in the greatest "order; not a whisper was to be heard : the officers who " were present will always remember with pleasure " the discipline and good disposition every regiment " showed on that occasion." ..." So narrow was our " escape, that the French got to their ground within " an hour of our passing it, and we saw them in the " morning encamped about two miles from Mons." The eighteenth regiment, and other corps from Ostend, remained at Mons about three weeks, watched by a numerous French force ; but on the approach of a THE ROYAL IRISH REGIMENT OF FOOT. 45 detachment from the allied army, the enemy retired: 1745 the regiments then marched out at midnight, arrived at Charleroi on the following day, and afterwards joined the army near Brussels. In the autumn of this year, Charles Edward, eldest son of the Pretender, raised the standard of his father in Scotland, and, being joined by a number of Highland clans, penetrated into England. On this occasion the royal irish regiment marched to Williamstadt, where it embarked for England, and, arriving at Gravesend on the 5th of November, landed and joined the camp at Dartford, where it remained several weeks, arid lost the surgeon and a number of men from diseases pro duced by being exposed to severe weather in a camp in the winter months. The regiment returned to Gravesend in March, 1746, and embarked for Scotland, with the twelfth, sixteenth, and twenty-fourth foot. These corps arrived at Leith on the 19th of April, as the guns of Edinburgh castle were firing for the victory gained over the rebels at Culloden, and this terminated the rebellion. The regiment waited at Leith until the return of an 1746 express from the army, when it received orders to sail northward; it landed at Nairn on the lstof May, was can toned in the neighbourhood of that place three weeks, and afterwards joined the army at Inverness, at which place the regiment was encamped until the autumn, when it marched into quarters at Nairn, Elgin, &c. In the summer of 1747, the regiment marched to 1747 Fort Augustus, and encamped among the mountains near that place, under the orders of Major-General Blakeney, until October, when it marched to Edinburgh castle, and Stirling. Major-General Sir John Mordaunt was removed to 46 HISTORICAL RECORD OF THE EIGHTEENTH, OR 1747 the twelfth dragoons in December of this year, and was succeeded in the colonelcy by Colonel John Folliott, from the sixty -first foot, a newly-raised corps, afterwards disbanded. 1748 Returning to England in the spring of 1748, the regiment was stationed at Berwick, Newcastle, and Carlisle, where it remained until the peace of Aix-la- Chapelle, when it marched to Glasgow, and embarked 1749 for Ireland on the 18th of February, 1749. It was stationed at Enniskillen and Ballyshannon twelve 1750 months, and was removed in 1750 to Kinsale, and in 1751 to Cork. 1751 In the Royal warrant ofthe lst of July, 1751, the uniform of the regiment is directed to be scarlet, faced with blue. The First, or King's colour, to be the great union ; the Second, or regimental colour, to be of blue silk with the union in the upper canton ; in the centre of the colour, the Harp in a blue field and the Crown over it ; and in the three corners of the colour, the Lion of Nassau, the arms of King William III. On the grenadier caps, the Harp and Crown, as on the colours. The Harp and Crown to be painted in the same manner on the drums and bells of arms, with the rank of the regiment underneath.* 1752 From Cork the regiment , marched, in 1752, to * The Warrant of the lst July, 1751, issued by command of King George II., contained regulations for the Standards, Colours, Cloth ing, &c,, of the regiments of Cavalry and Infantry, in order to ensure uniformity throughout the army. In this warrant it was directed, that in the centre of each colour the Number of the rank of the regiment should be painted or embroidered in gold Roman characters. In the colours of those regiments authorised to bear any Royal Devices, or Ancient Badges, the Rank ofthe regiment should be painted, or embroidered, towards the upper corner. A Warrant was also issued by King George III., on the 19th December, 1768, containing regulations on the same subject. THE ROYAL IRISH REGIMENT OF FOOT. 47 Waterford; in 1753 it proceeded to Dublin, and in 1753 1754 to Londonderry and Ballyshannon. 1754 Disputes having arisen between Great Britain and 1755 France, respecting the extent of the British territories in North America, hostilities commenced, and the regiment was suddenly ordered to England in the spring of 1755. It landed at Liverpool on Easter Sunday, the 3rd of April,' and marched to Berwick, where the establishment was augmented to seventy- eight men per company, and two companies were afterwards added : in October the regiment marched to Edinburgh, where it was stationed during the winter. In February, 1756, the two additional companies were 1756 incorporated in the fifty-sixth regiment, then newly raised; and in May the eighteenth were reviewed by Lieut.-General Bland, commanding the forces in North Britain, and afterwards marched to Fort William, with numerous detachments at various posts in the High lands. Orders were received in February, 1757, for the 1757 regiment to proceed to Ireland, and it was stationed in that part of the United Kingdom during the remainder of the seven years' war. Lieut.-General Folliott died in January, 1762, and 1762 in April King George III. conferred the colonelcy of the eighteenth regiment on Major-General Sir John Sebright, Bart., from the eighty-third foot, which corps was disbanded in 1763. In 1767 the royal irish regiment proceeded from 1767 Ireland to North America, where it was stationed when the unfortunate misunderstanding occurred between 1775 Great Britain and her North American colonies on the subject of taxation. The Americans manifested 48 HISTORICAL record of the eighteenth, or 1775 a disposition to violence, and three companies of the eighteenth were stationed at Boston, the capital of the state of Massachusetts, under the Governor of the province, General Gage. General Gage, having ascertained that the Americans had collected a quantity of military stores at Concord, detached the grenadiers and light infantry, including the companies ofthe eighteenth, to effect the destruc tion of t^hese stores. These companies embarked in boats, under Colonel Smith, of the tenth, on .the evening of the 18th of April, 1775, and sailed up Charles river to the marshes of Cambridge, where they landed and marched towards Concord. At the village of Lexinyton they were opposed by a party of American militia; some firing occurred, and several men were killed and wounded : thus the first blood was spilt, and open resistance followed. The King's troops continued their march to Concord, and effected the destruction of the stores. In the meantime the country had been alarmed for many miles, and, when the soldiers commenced their journey back to Boston, they were fired upon from behind the walls, trees, fences, barns, &c, on both sides of the road, and skirmish succeeded skirmish until they arrived at Lexington, where they were met by Earl Percy's brigade, with two field-pieces. The fire of the artillery checked the Americans, and the troops continued their march to Boston. The flank companies of the royal irish regiment had two men killed and four wounded on this occasion. This open resistance to legal authority was fol lowed by the appearance of multitudes of armed Americans in the neighbourhood of Boston, and on the night of the 16th of June they commenced throw- THE ROYAL IRISH REGIMENT OF FOOT. 49 ing up entrenchments on the peninsula of Charles- 1775 ton, on a height called Bunker's Hill; and on the following day General Gage detached a body of ¦ troops, of which the flank companies of the royal irish regiment formed part, to drive the Americans from the hill. The attack was made about three o'clock in the afternoon, and British valour was conspicuously displayed ; but the Americans had a great superiority of numbers and a strong post. The King's troops were twice arrested in their progress, but by a de termined effort they carried the height at the point of the bayonet, and triumphed over thrice their own numbers. The loss of the eighteenth was limited to three rank and file killed, Lieutenant William Richardson and seven rank and file wounded. Although the valour and discipline of the British corps in North America were so conspicuous as to excite the admiration of their country, yet the few corps at Boston were beset by such multitudes of opponents, that it became impossible for these ex cellent qualities to be exercised with any prospect of ultimate success ; and in the middle of March, 1776, 1776 the town was abandoned, the British troops embarking for Nova Scotia. Soon afterwards the regiment received orders to transfer its men fit for service to other corps, and return to Europe : it arrived in England in July, 1776, and was stationed at Dover Castle, where it remained during the year 1777. *777 From Dover, the regiment proceeded to Coxheath, 1778 where an encampment was formed of the Royal Dragoons, five regiments of infantry, and fifteen battalions of militia. In the summer of 1779, the regiment was encamped 1779 e 50 historical record of the eighteenth, or at Warley, in the Essex district, with three other corps of regular infantry and ten battalions of militia, under Lieut.-General Parker. 1780 The regiment was encamped at Finchley in 1780, 1782 and afterwards in Hyde Park; and in 1782 it pro ceeded to the island of Jersey, where its numbers were reduced to the peace establishment in conse quence of the termination of the American war. Leaving Jersey in February j 1782, the thanks of the Commander of the forces at that station were conveyed to the officers and soldiers of the eighteenth, for their conduct while under his command. The regiment was afterwards stationed at Guernsey, where an alarming mutiny occurred among the soldiers of the 104th regiment, who fired upon their officers, and took possession of the fort. They were invested by the royal irish regiment, commanded by Major Mawby> and a battalion of militia, and were forced to submit. The lieut. -governor thanked the royal irish regiment, in orders, for its loyal and spirited conduct on this occasion, in the strongest terms, and promised to take the earliest opportunity of bringing its meritorious con duct before the King. The States of the island also conveyed the expression of their thanks and approba tion of the excellent behaviour of the eighteenth regi ment, accompanied by a yote of 100 guineas, to be di vided among the non-commissioned officers and soldiers-. 1783 In July, 1 783, the regiment proceeded to Portsmouth, and in October it embarked for the fortress of Gib raltar. 1793 While the royal irish regiment was employed in protecting the important fortress of Gibraltar, a re volution occurred in France ; Louis XVI. was beheaded by his subjects in 1793 ; and while anarchy and blood- THE ROYAL IRISH REGIMENT OF FOOT. 51 shed prevailed in France, the republicans of that 1793 country sought to involve other nations in the same calamities. War was the result. A powerful party favourable to monarchy still existed in France, many patriots stood forward in the cause of royalty, and the inhabitant. s of Toulon joined with Admiral Turgot in delivering up that port to the British, who took possession of the place in the name of Louis XVII. A numerous republican army advanced against Toulon, and the allies made exertions to procure troops for the defence of the town and harbour. Some corps of French loyalists were embodied ; detachments of Spaniards, Neapolitans, and Sardinians were procured, and the royal irish regiment was withdrawn from Gibraltar to aid in the protection of this important place. The regiment arrived at Toulon in November, and was actively employed in the defence of the place upwards of a month, during which period it was fre quently engaged with the republican troops of France. A battery having been erected by the enemy on the heights of Arenes, which much annoyed one of the principal outposts, a party of the eighteenth joined the troops under Major-General David Dundas, which issued from Toulon on the morning of the 30th of November, crossed the river, traversed olive-grounds, intersected with stone walls, ascended a height cut into vine-terraces, and, surprising the French on their post, drove them from the battery with signal gallantry. The object in view was thus accomplished, but the impetuosity of the soldiers could not be restrained; they pursued the enemy too far, and, encountering fresh adversaries, were forced to retire with loss. The royal irish regiment had seven men killed on this e2 52 historical record of the eighteenth, or 1793 occasion, twenty-four wounded, four serjeants, one drummer, and twenty-nine rank and file missing. Much difficulty was experienced in defending Toulon with twelve thousand men, of five different nations, against thirty to forty thousand French troops ; a circumference of fifteen miles having to be oc cupied by a number of posts which required nine thousand men for their protection, so that three-fourths of the men were constantly on duty. On the 17th of December, the French attacked the British quarter under Captain William Conolly ofthe eighteenth, who defended his post with great gallantry until the enemy had forced the Spanish side, when he fell back fighting to another position. The regiment lost Ensign George Minchin and two rank and file on this occasion. The enemy afterwards attacked the posts on the mountain of Pharou, where another party of the eighteenth was engaged, and lost one serjeant and five rank and file. The line of posts being forced, it was found impos sible to preserve the town and harbour, and the French shipping, arsenal, and magazines were set on fire, and the troops of the several nations embarked on board of the fleet on the 19th of December. 1794 After the evacuation of Toulon, the fleet proceeded to the bay of Hieres, and arrangements were made for attacking the island of Corsica : the fleet weighed anchor on the 24th of January, 1794; but was dispersed by a gale of wind. Early in February a landing was effected in the gulf of Fiorenzo in the island of Corsica, and a series of operations were commenced by which the greater part of the island was speedily reduced, and an assembly of Deputies afterwards agreed to unite Corsica to the British dominions. The fortified town of Calvi, situate on a tongue of THE ROYAL IRISH REGIMENT OF FOOT. 53 land which forms a beautiful harbour thirty-three miles 1794 from Bastia,s the capital of Corsica, still held out in the French interest, and the eighteenth regiment, com manded by Lieut.-Colonel David Douglas Wemyss, was selected to join the troops, under Lieut.-General C. Stuart, appointed for the reduction of this fortress. The regiment accordingly sailed from Bastia, and, having landed near Calvi on the 19th of June, took post on a ridge of mountains three miles from the town. Owing to the numerous rocky heights and steep accli- viiies before the town, the soldiers and seamen had to make roads along difficult precipices, to drag guns> up the mountains, and to carry up materials for erecting the batteries, which they performed with cheerfulness. A practical breach having been made in the west side of the Mozello, on the 18th of July the light infantry (including the light company of the eighteenth) and the second battalion of the Royals, commanded by Lieut.-Colonel Moore, "proceeded with a cool steady " confidence, and unloaded arms, towards the enemy, " forced their way through a smart fire of musketry, " and, regardless of Hve shells flung into the breach, or " the additional defence of pikes, stormed the Mozellp ; " while Lieut.-Colonel Wemyss, with the royal irish " regiment, and two pieces of cannon under the direction " of Lieutenant Lemoine ofthe royal artillery, equally " regardless of opposition, carried the enemy's battery " on the left, and forced the trenches without firing a " shot."* After the capture of these important posts, the siege of Calvi was prosecuted with vigour, and on the 10th of August the garrison surrendered. * Lieut-General Stuart's despatch. 54 historical record of the eighteenth, or 1794 The loss of the royal irish regiment was limited to six rank and file killed ; Lieutenant William Johnston, one serjeant, and ten rank and file wounded. In the early part of this year, General Sir John Sebright, Bart., died ; and the colonelcy of the regiment was conferred on Major-General Sir James Murray, Bart., who afterwards took the surname of Pulteney. 1795 The royal irish tegiment was stationed in the island of Corsica during the year 1795, and nine 1796 months of 1796. In the mean time the success ofthe French arms, particularly the brilliant career of Gene ral Bonaparte in Italy, had produced a change of sentiment among the inhabitants of Corsica. Bonaparte was a native of the island ; the Corsicans gloried in him as a man who reflected honour on their country, and they regretted that the island had become annexed to Great Britain, as this event placed them in hostility to their victorious countryman, and they began to plot measures to effect its separation. It appearing evident that the expense of the defence would exceed the advantage derived from the possession of the island, the British troops were withdrawn in October, and the eighteenth proceeded to the island of Elba. Soon afterwards the regiment was detached, with a small force under Colonel Wemyss, to the coast of Italy ; the troops landed on the 7th of November, and, having driven the French from the principality of Piombino, occupied the towns of Campiglia, Castiglione, and Piombino, with some advanced posts in the Tuscan states. The royal irish were commanded by Lieut.- Colonel H. T. Montresor, and distinguished themselves on several occasions. They waded through an inunda tion of near three miles, to attack the town of Campiglia, THE ROYAL IRISH REGIMENT OF FOOT. 55 and made the French garrison prisoners. The enemy 1796 receiving considerable reinforcements, and advancing in force against those towns, the British troops were withdrawn from Italy, and returned to Elba, During the winter, the eighteenth regiment sailed for Gibraltar, where it arrived in the beginning of 1797, 1797 and was stationed at that fortress during the two i7gg following years. 1*799 In the spring -of 1800, the regiment was withdrawn 1800 from Gibraltar, to join the armament preparing for active service in the Mediterranean : it proceeded to Minorca, where the land-forces were assembled, and in the summer sailed under the orders of Lieut.-General Sir Ralph Abercromby for Genoa, to co-operate with the Austrians ; but the victories gained by the French in Italy occasioned this enterprise to be abandoned, and the eighteenth returned to Minorca. The regiment afterwards sailed with the expedition against Cadiz, and it had entered the boats of the fleet for the purpose of effecting a landing and attack ing Cadiz, when orders were received to return on board the shipping ; the attack of this place having been relinquished in consequence of an infectious disease of a -fatal character ravaging the city ; and the arma ment sailed to Gibraltar. After some delay, the eighteenth regiment again proceeded to Minorca. In the meantime a powerful French army had taken possession of Egypt, with the view of colonizing that- country, and making it the base of future conquests in the east, and the royal irish regiment was called from Minorca to take part in the expulsion of the boasted invincible legions of France from Egypt. The regiment accordingly quitted Minorca without landing, 56 historical record of the eighteenth, or ] 800 and sailed to Malta, where it joined the armament under Lieut.-General Sir Ralph Abercromby, and was formed in brigade with the thirtieth, forty-fourth, and eighty- ninth, under the orders of Brigadier- General Doyle. The troops were soon restored and reanimated, after having been so long at sea, by the abundance of fresh provisions which the island of Malta afforded, and the comforts of the beautiful city of Valetta, and qn the 20th of December the fleet sailed for the bay of Marmo- rice, in Asiatic Turkey, where it arrived in nine days. 1801 In this bay, environed by mountains covered with the foliage of trees, the troops remained several weeks, while preparations were being completed, and a plan of co operation was arranged with the Turks, whose tardy proceedings detained the expedition some time. On the 23rd of February, 1801, the fleet again put to sea, presenting a splendid sight ; the magnitude of the armament, and the gaiety of the brave men on board, being calculated to excite emotions of an interesting character. On the lst of March, the armament arrived off the celebrated city of Alexandria, and anchored in the bay of Aboukir. Early on the morning of the 8th of March, five thou sand British troops entered the boats to effect a landing in the face of an adverse army, and the royal irish regiment, having j oined the second brigade under Major- General Cradock, entered some small Greek ships to be in readiness to support the gallant men who should first land on the shores of Egypt. A rocket gave the expected signal, and the clear silence of the morning was instantly broken by the deep murmur of a thousand oars urging forward the flower of a brave army, whose polished arms gleamed in the rays of the morning sun. Suddenly the thunder of artillery shook THE ROYAL IRISH REGIMENT OF FOOT. 57 the ground, and a tempest of balls cut the surface of 1801 the water ; but the British soldiers speedily gained the shore in the face of this tempest of war, and, rushing forward to close upon their enemies with the bayonet, soon decided the contest and forced the French to retreat with loss. The eighteenth regiment, com manded by Lieut.-Colonel Montresor, was one ofthe first corps which landed to support the leading division, and to participate in this splendid triumph of British valour. Advancing towards Alexandria, the British troops encamped near Mandora Tower, and on the 13th of March they proceeded through a wood of date-trees to attack the French forces posted on a ridge of heights in front. The royal irish deployed under a heavy fire, with the other corps of their brigade, and executed the manoeuvre with admirable order and precision ; and, advancing upon their adversaries, com pelled the French to retire from their position. A strong body of French cavalry charged the leading corps of the British right column, but was repulsed. Under the cover of some sand-hills, a body of French dragoons rode towards the British second brigade, and attempted to penetrate the interval between the eighteenth and the regiment on their left : the French troopers were checked by a prompt and well-directed fire from the light company of the eighteenth, which was followed by a rapid platoon fire from the regiment, and the French horsemen made a precipitate retreat. They belonged to the eighteenth French dragoons, and had been mistaken, by one British battalion, for a foreign corps in the English service. The French, having been driven from their post, fell back to an entrenched position before Alexandria ; and the British, after reconnoitring the ground, en- 58 historical record of the eighteenth, or 18.01 camped in front of the enemy's lines. Speaking of the conduct of the army, on this occasion, in general orders, Sir Ralph Abercromby stated that he felt it "incumbent on him particularly to express " his most perfect satisfaction with the steady and " gallant conduct of Major-General Cradock's bri- " gade." The conduct of the brigade was also com mended in the General's public despatch. The loss of the royal irish regiment was Captain George Jones, killed ; three officers, one serjeant, and forty-five rank and file wounded. On the morning of the 21st of March, the French issued from their position, and attacked the British line ; but they encountered an opposition which they were unable to overcome, and the English army was once more triumphant over the numerous veteran troops of France. This action afforded the royal irish regiment another opportunity of gaining honour on the distant shores of Egypt ; and its gallant bearing throughout the day was conspicuous. This victory was however clouded with the fall of the brave Sir Ralph Abercromby, who died of wounds received in action. He was succeeded in the command of the army by Major-General (afterwards Lord) Hutchinson. Soon afterwards a body of British troops traversed the country to Rosetta, where a small force of British, Turks, and Greeks was assembled, and took post at Hamed. The eighteenth regiment, and two other corps, followed on the 13th of April, and, after the surrender of Fort St. Julian, a strong division of the army advanced up the banks of the Nile, to attack the French troops in Upper Egypt. The royal irish regiment took part in the opera tions by which the French were driven from El Aft, THE ROYAL IRISH REGIMENT OF FOOT. 59 and from the fortified post of Rahmanie, and forced to 1801 retire upon Cairo. Following the retreating enemy up the country, the eighteenth arrived, with the army, at the vicinity ofthe celebrated pyramids of Egypt, in the early part of June ; and after a halt of several days they ad vanced upon the city of Cairo, which was besieged by the united British and Turkish forces, and in a few days the garrison surrendered, on condition of being sent back to France. The capture of the capital of Egypt added fresh laurels to the British arms ; and the troops which had acquired these honours retired down the Nile to the vicinity of Alexandria, and, having driven in the French outposts, commenced the siege of that place with vigour. In the beginning of September, the garrison sur rendered, on condition of being sent back to France. Thus was Egypt delivered from the power of France ; and the British troops, which overcame the boasted invincible legions of Bonaparte, and forced the Army of the East to surrender its conquests, were rewarded with the thanks of Parliament, the approbation of their Sovereign, and the royal authority to bear on their colours the " Sphinx," with the word " Egypt ; " and the officers were permitted to receive gold medals from the Grand Seignior. Immediately after the conquest of Egypt, the British generals and admirals endeavoured to promote still further the interests of their country by preparing to make additional acquisitions, and the royal irish regiment was one of the corps selected to proceed on another expedition. Several corps sailed on the 12th of September ; but were met at sea by a ship of war bringing information that the preliminaries of a treaty 60 HISTORICAL RECORD OF THE EIGHTEENTH, OR 1801 of peace were signed; the troops proceeded to Malta, where the royal irish regiment arrived in October. After performing garrison duty at Valetta for six weeks, the regiment proceeded to the island of Elba, and occupied the fortress of Porto Ferrajo, the French being in possession of other parts of the island. t 1802 The treaty of Amiens being concluded, the regiment sailed for Ireland in the summer of 1802, and after landing at Cork proceeded to Armagh. 1803 War was resumed in 1803, and in the summer of that year the regiment marched to Newry, where it was augmented to two battalions, from the army of reserve. Both battalions were completed fo 1100 men each in less than two months, and in October the first battalion embarked from Ireland for Scotland; it landed at Greenock, and proceeded from thence to Edinburgh. It was followed to Scotland by the second battalion, which was stationed a short time at Stirling castle ; but on the removal of the first battalion from Edinburgh to Haddington, the second battalion pro ceeded to Dunbar. 1804 The threat of invading England made by Napoleon Bonaparte, with the progress of the naval preparations on the coast of France, and the presence of a numerous French army at Boulogne, occasioned the regiment to be withdrawn from Scotland in the summer of 1804, and to proceed to the south of England, to be in readiness to repel the invaders, should they venture to land. On quitting Haddington, Lieut.-Colonel Mon- tresor received a highly gratifying letter from the magistrates and clergy of that place, expressing their admiration of the peaceable and regular behaviour of the non-commissioned officers and soldiers of the first THE ROYAL IRISH REGIMENT OF FOOT. 61 battalion during their stay at Haddington, and a tribute 1804 of public respect to the officers for their gentlemanly deportment towards the respectable Inhabitants in the neighbourhood. Both battalions landed at Ramsgate, and joined the troops encamped on Barham Downs. On the breaking up of the camp, the second battalion embarked for the island of Jersey. Towardsthe end of January, the first battalion em- 1805 barked-for the island of Jamaica, where it arrived in May. In 1807 the second battalion proceeded to the 1807 West Indies, and was stationed at the island of Curaqoa. The royal irish regiment being employed in 1808 guarding the colonial possessions of Great Britain, its 1809 services were valuable to the Crown and to the kingdom, and the exemplary conduct of both battalions was commended by the general officers under whom the regiment served ; but the performance of this duty precluded the eighteenth sharing in the brilliant campaigns of the British army in the Peninsula, where several corps acquired numerous honorary inscriptions for their regimental colours. The first battalion sailed from Jamaica on the 7th of June, 1809, with the troops under Major-General Sir Hugh Lyle Carmichael, to aid the Spaniards in their attempt to reduce the city of St. Domingo. The British troops landed about thirty miles from the place, and, advancing to the besieged fortress, found the Spanish army greatly reduced by sickness. Prompt measures were adopted for an attack on the place by storm by the British troops, and the eighteenth were under arms to take part in this service, when hostilities 62 historical record of the eighteenth, or 1809 were suddenly terminated by the surrender of the French garrison. After the deliverance of the city of St. Domingo from the power of France, the royal irish returned to Jamaica. 1810 Very severe losses having been sustained by the second battalion from the climate of the West Indies, it was directed to transfer its men fit for service to the first battalion, and embark for England to recruit. It arrived at Ottery barracks, in Devonshire, in October 1810, and was joined by the regimental depot, amount ing to upwards of five hundred men. jgii In the spring of 1811 the second battalion proceeded to the island of Jersey. On the decease of General Sir James Pulteney, Bart., His Royal Highness the Prince Regent con ferred the colonelcy of the royal irish regiment on Lieut.-General John Lord Hutchinson, K.B., after wards Earl of Donoughmore, from the fifty-seventh regiment, by commission dated the 27th of April, 1811. 1814 The second battalion was employed on garrison duty in the island of Jersey until the power of Napoleon Bonaparte was overthrown by the armies of the allies, and the Bourbon family was restored to the throne of France, which was accompanied by the restoration of peace to Europe. A reduction was, in consequence, made in the strength of the British army, and the second battalion of the royal irish regiment was disbanded at Jersey on the 24th of October 1814, transferring its non-commissioned officers and private soldiers fit for duty to the first battalion. 1817 After twelve years' service in Jamaica, during which time it had suffered severely from the effects of THE ROYAL IRISH REGIMENT OF FOOT. 63 climate, and had lost upwards of fifty officers and 1817 nearly three thousand non-commissioned officers and soldiers, the royal irish regiment received orders to return to England. It landed at Portsmouth in March, 1817, in so complete a state of discipline and efficiency, that it was ordered to proceed to Brighton, where it had the honour of furnishing the usual guard for the Prince Regent during His Royal Highness' stay at the Pavilion. The regiment was afterwards removed to Chatham and Sheerness, and in August it proceeded to Hilsea barracks. Early in 1818 the royal irish regiment marched to 1818 Haslar barracks and Gosport; in December it em barked for Ireland, and, after landing at Cork, pro ceeded to Fermoy. From Fermoy the regiment marched, in January, 1819 1819, to Waterford, Wexford, Carlow, Duncannon-fort, and Kilkenny ; and the excellent conduct of the men, during their stay in these quarters, elicited the admira tion and gratitude of the public authorities of the several places, which was communicated to the corps in the strongest terms. In July, 1820, the regiment marched to Cork. 1820 Orders having been received for the regiment to 1821 transfer its services to Malta, it embarked from Cork in February, 1821, and after its arrival on that island the head- quarters were established in the Cottonera district, with one company detached to the small island of Gozo. In November, 1822, the regiment was removed to St. 1822 Elmo barracks and Valetta, where the detached com pany joined from the island of Gozo. After remaining twelve months at St. Elmo barracks, 1823 the regiment was removed to Floriana barracks in 64 HISTORICAL RECORD OF THE EIGHTEENTH, OR 1823 November, 1823, detaching two companies to Fort Manuel and Tignie. 1824 On the 8th of May, 1824, the first division of the regiment embarked from Malta for the Ionian Islands, and was followed by the head-quarters in June, on which occasion the following general order, dated Malta, 18th of June, 1824, was issued: — " The ]Marquis of Hastings, having been long ac- " quainted with the high character of the royal irish " regiment of infantry, cannot suffer that distinguished " corps to quit this island without expressing his " regret at losing its services. The report made to " him, by Major-General Sir Manley Power, of the " uniformly excellent conduct maintained by the officers " and men of the regiment, during their residence here, " authorizes the Marquis of Hastings to request that " they will accept his applause, and his sincere wishes " for their future welfare. " By command of His Excellency, "C. Bayley, A.M.S." The last division of the regiment arrived at Corfu on the 24th of June, and occupied quarters in the citadel. 1825 In July, 1825, four companies and the head-quarters proceeded to Fort Neuf, leaving the remaining compa nies in the citadel. In August the regiment was formed into six service and four depot companies. The head-quarters and flank companies returned to the citadel on the 14th of November, and on the same day four battalion companies embarked for Santa Maura, furnishing detachments at Calamas, Magnassia, Fort Alexandria, San Nicolo, Fort Constantine, Scorpio, San Nichola, and Vassaliki. THE ROYAL IRISH REGIMENT OF FOOT. 65 The regiment remained at the Ionian Islands until 1832 February, 1832, when it embarked from Corfu for Eng land, and landed at Portsmouth on the 7th of March. The decease of General the Earl of Donoughmore occurred in the summer of 1832, when King William IV. appointed Lieut.-General Matthew Lord Aylmer, K.C.B., from the fifty-sixth foot, to the colonelcy of the royal irish regiment, by commission dated 23rd of July, 1832. The regiment remained in England until May, 1834, 1834 when it embarked from Liverpool, and, landing at ]835 Dublin, was stationed in Ireland nearly three years, 1836 during which period it preserved its high character. Having received orders to transfer its services to 1837 the British possessions in Asia, the royal irish regi ment was divided into six service and four dep6t companies, and on the 10th of January, 1837, the service companies embarked for Ceylon, under the orders of Colonel George Burrell : they landed at Colombo on the lst of June, and were stationed at that place and at Galle. In the autumn of 1838 the depot companies em- 1838 barked from Dublin, and, landing at Portsmouth, were stationed in South Britain. The service companies remained at Colombo and 1839 Galle until February, 1839, when a change of quarters took place, and they were stationed at Trincomalee and Galle, where they continued until March of the following year. In the mean time a course of violence and spoliation 1840 had been commenced by the Chinese government against the persons and property of the British mer chants trading with that empire, in consequence of the introduction of opium into China, which was prohibited 66 HISTORICAL RECORD OF THE EIGHTEENTH, OR 1 840 by the Chinese laws, but was tacitly admitted by the local authorities, who did not enforce the law. At length, however, the Chinese authorities commenced summary measures without sufficient previous notice, and the British superintendents of trade found it necessary to apply to the Governor-General of India for a number of ships of war and armed vessels for the protection of life and property. The violence of the Chinese, however, could not be restrained by reason or menace, but the thunder of British artillery was necessary to enforce forbearance. The British government found it necessary to send an expedition to the Chinese seas, to compel the government of the " Celestial empire " to acknowledge the principles of international law, as adopted by civilized nations, and the royal irish regiment was one of the corps selected for this service. Three companies from the depot embarked from Portsmouth in October, 1839, and arrived at Bombay in March, 1840, and they afterwards sailed for China : three companies embarked from Trincomalee in May, and three from Galle in June, and sailed for the Chinese seas. Hostilities having been found unavoidable, it became important to gain possession of a portion of the Chinese territory, and the governor of Chusan, an island lying off the coast, and comprising in its jurisdiction a small group of islands, was summoned to surrender in the beginning of July. He, however, made dispositions to defend the place, and on the morning of the 5th of July the shore was crowded with Chinese troops, and the .landing place, wharf, and adjoining hill displayed an array of military power. The British shipping - silenced the enemy's war-junks and batteries ; and the THE ROYAL IRISH REGIMENT OF FOOT. 67 right wing of the royal irish regiment, commanded 1840 by Major Henry William Adams, with the Royal M arines ofthe fleet, forming the advance, landed. They were followed by other corps, and the British troops, commanded by Brigadier-General George Burrell, Lieut.-Colonel of the eighteenth, took up a, position in front ofthe fortified city of Tiny-hae-hien, from whence a sharp fire was kept up for some time ; but before the following day the Chinese soldiers fled in a panic. The city was taken possession of, and this success gave presage of future conquests ; but the climate proved injurious to the health of the troops, and many soldiers died. This display of British prowess was followed by negotiations ; and in August the other three companies of the regiment landed on the island of Chusan, a detachment taking post at Tsin-Kong. The tardy councils of the Chinese were expedited by 1841 the activity of the British naval force, and in the early part of 1841 they agreed fo give up the island of Hong- Kong, pay an indemnity of six million dollars, and open a direct intercourse for trading upon an equal footing. The detachment of the royal irish stationed at Tsin- Kong joined the head-quarters, and on the 17th of February the regiment embarked for Hong-Kong, where it arrived in seven days, and the island was taken possession of; but the Chinese authorities ap peared by their conduct to have no intention of fulfil ling the other stipulations of the treaty. Hostilities were in consequence resumed, and the royal irish regiment sailed with the expedition up the Canton river. The fleet silenced the batteries of Wantong, and a body of troops landing, the island was captured without the loss of a man, thirteen hundred Chinese f 2 68 HISTORICAL RECORD OF THE EIGHTEENTH, OR 1841 soldiers surrendering prisoners of war. Continuing the voyage up the river, the fleet arrived at the bar, destroyed the enemy's war -junks, and the works were stormed and captured by the Marines, &c. As the expedition pursued its voyage up the river, the Chinese abandoned several batteries and armed rafts, and solicited terms of peace ; but procrastination appeared to be their only object, and the British fleet advanced. The forts in front of Canton soon fell under the fire of British artillery, the Chinese flotilla was destroyed, and terms of peace were again solicited by the authorities of the " Celestial empire." While negotiations were pending, bodies of Tartar troops were arriving at Canton, which exposed the object of the enemy ; and on the 24th of May the royal irish regiment and other British troops landed. On the following day they advanced against the fortified heights on the north of the city, and dispositions were made for the attack, when the eighteenth, commanded by Lieut.-Colonel Adams, supported by the Royal Marines, the whole under Major-General Burrell, we're directed to carry a hill in their front. Major-General Sir Hugh Gough stated in his public despatch, — " About half past nine o'clock the " advance was sounded, and it has seldom fallen to " my lot to witness a more soldierlike and steady "advance, or a more animated attack. Every indi- " vidual, native as well as European, steadily and " gallantly did his duty. The eighteenth and forty- " ninth were emulous which should first reach their " appointed goals ; but under this impulse, they did " not lose sight of that discipline which could alone " ensure success." •The heights were carried by a spirited effort, the THE ROYAL IRISH REGIMENT OF FOOT. 69 British colours waved triumphantly on the captured 1841 forts, and the soldiers looked down on Canton within a hundred paces of its walls. A fortified Chinese camp had been established on the high ground on the north-east of the city, and from this camp bodies of the enemy advanced against the British troops. The eighteenth, forty-ninth, and a company of Marines, met and repulsed the principal attack, and, following the fugitives along a causeway, stormed and captured the entrenched camp in gallant style. Major-General Sir Hugh Gough stated in his despatch, — " I have to record my approval of the " spirited conduct of Captain John Grattan, who " commanded the two leading companies of the " eighteenth across the causeway." The camp was burnt, and the magazines were destroyed. On the following morning a flag of truce was seen on the walls, and hostilities were suspended ; but procrasti nation still appearing to be the object of the Chinese, preparations were made to attack the city by storm, and the royal irish were under arms waiting for the signal to rush forward and achieve the conquest of the cele brated city of Canton, when an agreement to terms suddenly prevented further hostilities, the Chinese paying six millions of dollars for the redemption of Canton, and opening the port for trade. The royal irish regiment, commanded by Lieut.- Colonel Henry William Adams, had two men killed ; Captain John James Sargent, Lieutenants George Hilliard and David Edwards, and sixteen men wounded. On the 2nd of June, the regiment embarked for the ceded island of Hong-Kong, where it arrived in a few days ; and this station proving healthy and convenient, works were constructed for its protection. 70 historical record of the eighteenth, oh 1841 The Emperor of China disregarded the stipulations of treaties, and issued a mandate for the extermination of the English who dared thus to insult his coasts and capture his towns, offering, at the same time, immense rewards for the heads of the British commanders, and even a large sum for the head of a private soldier. His decrees were responded to by depriving him of a greater extent of territory; and on the 22nd of August the royal irish sailed on an expedition against the island and city of Amoy, situate in a fine gulf in the province of Fokien, the great tea district of China. On the 25th of August the fleet arrived before Amoy, which was defended by five hundred pieces pf cannon and a numerous force ; but nothing could withstand the combined efforts ofthe British naval and land force. On the following day the works were bombarded two hours. The royal irish landed about three o'clock, with little opposition, and escaladed a castel lated wall with great gallantry. They were speedily within the works, and afterwards charged up a precipi tous gorge in the face of two posts of defence, and rushing forward with great gallantry, the Chinese and Tartar soldiers fled in dismay, after firing a few shots. The regiment remained on the heights above the city during the night ; and on the following morn ing the troops advanced towards the wall. No resist ance was made, the advance of the eighteenth escaladed the walls, — opened the gates, — and the city was taken possession of. The small island of Koolangsoo was captured on the preceding day. The loss of the regiment was limited to two men wounded. On the 5th of September, the regiment sailed with the expedition for the recapture of Chusan, which island had been given up in consequence of the stipu lations of the first treaty. The place was found more THE ROYAL IRISH REGIMENT OF FOOT. 71 strongly fortified than before, and a resolute stand was 1841 made by the Chinese; but British skill and valour prevailed. The eighteenth landed on the lst of October, stormed the enemy's works with great gallantry, under Lieut.-Colonel Adams, and occupied the Joss-house hill, Captain Francis Wigston particu larly distinguishing himself at the head of the grenadier company of the regiment. The royal irish , afterwards entered the city of Ting-hae-hien at the western gate, and the British colours were speedily planted in triumph on the walls. The regiment had one serjeant and six rank and file wounded on this occasion. On the following day the regiment traversed the island to Tsin-kong, and afterwards proceeded to Sahoo ; but returned to Ting-hae-hien on the 4th of October, and on the 6th embarked with the expedition against the city of Chinhae, the military depot of the province, situate on the mainland opposite Chusan, and surrounded by a wall of extraordinary height and thickness. The troops landed on the 10th of October, advanced through a difficult country towards the city, and stormed the works covering the approach to the place, overthrowing all opposition. " The eighteenth " charged up a deep gorge to the left, and broke " through the central encampment, carrying every- " thing before them."* The city was captured, and in it was an extensive- arsenal, and cannon foundry, with military stores. The eighteenth crossed the river and entered the city on the same evening : their loss was one man killed and three wounded, From Chinhae the royal irish proceeded up the river on the 13th of October, against the fortified city * Major-General Sir Hugh Gough's despatch. 72 HISTORICAL RECORD OF THE EIGHTEENTH, OR 1841 of Ningpo, where no resistance was met with. The troops landed and formed on the ramparts, the band of the eighteenth playing " God save the Queen," and they took possession of the second city in the province of Che-Keang, containing a population of three hundred thousand souls. The regiment was afterwards stationed in the city of Ningpo some time ; and the Chinese having garrisoned several forts up the river, the flank companies embarked on the 27th of December, with an expedition to dislodge the Chinese and Tartar soldiers from their posts, but the enemy fled without waiting to be attacked, and the companies returned to Ningpo. 1842 The flank companies proceeded to You- You on the 10th of January, 1842, and were engaged in routing the enemy, and destroying their encampment the day following. During the first three months of the year 1842, four companies of the regiment were stationed at the city of Ningpo, under Major Nicholas R. Tomlinson, and five companies at Koolangsoo, nnder Major Jeremiah Cowper. On the 10th of March a numerous army of Tartars and Chinese made a sudden attack upon Ningpo, esca- lading the walls, and forcing some of the gates, with great spirit, and the few British forces in garrison were enveloped by crowds of assailants ; but the bravery of the British was conspicuous, and they triumphed over their numerous opponents. A guard of the regiment, consisting of Lieutenant Anthony W. S. F.Armstrong, one serjeant, and twenty-three rank and file, stationed at the West-gate, being attacked by large numbers, behaVed steadily, and gallantly drove the enemy back, capturing two banners, the bearers of which had been shot at the gate : the spirited behaviour of Lieu- THE ROYAL IRISH REGIMENT OF FOOT. 73 tenant Armstrong was commended in the public de- 1842 spatches. Five days afterwards, the eighteenth embarked from Ningpo, and sailed up the river to attack the enemy's posts. On the 15th of March they were engaged at Tsekee, and the heights of Segaon, which were captured; and the royal irish also took part in forcing the Chankee-pass :, they returned to Ningpo on the 17th of March. Three companies of the eighteenth were withdrawn from Koolangsoo at the end of March, and proceeded in a steam- vessel to Ningpo, to reinforce the garrison : in April two companies proceeded from Ningpo to Chinhae. One company was afterwards withdrawn from Chinhae and five from Ningpo, to take part in the expedition against the fortified city of Chapoo, under the command of Lieut.-Colonel Tomlinson. A landing was effected on the 18th of May; British prowess was again conspicuous, and the eighteenth were distin guished for their heroic bearing at the attack and capture of this place, on which occasion Lieut.-Colonel Nicholas R. Tomlinson fell at the head of the regi ment, "in full career of renown, honoured by the " corps, and lamented by all."* The loss of the regiment at the capture of this place was Lieut.-Colonel Tomlinson, one serjeant, and three rank and file killed ; Lieutenants Edward Jodrell and Alexander Murray, one serjeant, one drummer, and twenty-seven rank and file wounded. Major Jeremiah Cowper was promoted to the rank of Lieut.-Colonel on the 19th May, 1842, in succession to Lieut.-Colonel Tomlinson ; and Brevet Major John Grattan received the Majority. .These brilliant successes had taught the * Sir Hugh Gough 's despatch. 74 historical record of the eighteenth, or 1842 Chinese the true character of British skill, spirit of enterprise, and valour, yet, with unaccountable infa tuation, the authorities of the " Celestial empire" still looked for success, and their resistance gave the eighteenth opportunities of gaining additional honours. In June six companies of the regiment were employed in an expedition up the Yangtse-Keang river, and took part in the capture of the fortified post of Woosung, and also in the capture of Poonshau ; they afterwards advanced against the city of Slianghae, which was taken possession of without opposition. The company of the regiment stationed at Chinhae was withdrawn to take part in active operations, and seven companies sailed with the expedition to carry on operations against Chin-Keang-foo, one of the strongest and most important cities of China. To proceed on this enterprise the fleet left Woosung on the 6th. of July, the Chinese troops were driven from Suyskan, and on the 20th of July the armament approached Chin-Keang-foo. A landing was effected, and the eighteenth evinced the same intrepidity and valour in the attack of the enemy's entrenched camp, and at the capture ofthe city by storm, on the 21st of July, for which they had previously been distinguished. On passing through the city and suburbs, the troops witnessed the painful spectacle of hundreds of the dead bodies of men, women, and children, lying in the houses, numerous families having destroyed themselves sooner than outlive the disgrace of their city being captured by foreigners. The royal irish regiment had Captain Charles J. Russell Collinson and two soldiers killed ; Lieu tenant Scroope Bernard, one serjeant, and fifteen rank and file wounded. THE ROYAL IRISH REGIMENT OF FOOT. 75 This brilliant success of the British arms filled the 1842 Chinese empire with consternation and dismay, and the English General prepared to carry his victorious troops into the heart of the empire, and attack Nankin, the ancient capital of China, to which place the fugitives from Chin-Keang-foo had fled for refuge. Embark ing on the 29th of July to carry out this important object, the armament proceeded against the celebrated city of Nankin, where the royal irish and other corps arrived on the 9th of August, when a great portion of the troops landed, and the ancient capital of China was environed by the British naval and land forces. This decisive step produced the desired results ; the court of China could no longer hope that its legions would eventually arrest the victorious career of the British arms, and conditions of peace were acceded to ; the Chinese paying an indemnity, and ceding a portion of territory to the British crown. Thus terminated a war in which the eighteenth, or the royal irish, regiment, had acquired additional reputation ; a hostile nation had been impressed with a just sense of the capabilities of the English arms ; and important commercial and national advantages had been acquired for the British empire. Her Majesty, in consideration of the gallantry dis played by the troops employed on the coasts and rivers of China, was graciously pleased to permit the eighteenth (royal irish)/ twenty-sixth, forty-ninth, fifty-fifth, and ninety-eighth regiments, and Royal Artillery, to bear on their colours and appointments the word " China" and the device of the " Dragon," in commemoration of their distinguished services. After the termination of the contest, the eighteenth sailed from Nankin to the island of Chusan, where 76 HISTORICAL RECORD OF THE EIGHTEENTH, OR 1842 they arrived in October : the head-quarters sailed for Koolangsoo on the 17th of November, leaving four companies of the regiment at Chusan. 1843 The regiment remained at Koolangsoo during the year 1843. 1844 On the lst of April the light company embarked at Koolangsoo, and arrived at Chusan on the 10th of that month. The head-quarters proceeded from Koolangsoo to Chusan in the middle df May, and remained there during the year. 1845 The head quarters of the regiment proceeded from Chusan to Hong Kong on the 22nd of February: the left wing arrived at Hong Kong from Chusan on the 12th of May. 1846 During the year 1846 the regiment remained at Hong Kong. 1847 The head-quarters, consisting of twenty-four officers, thirty- four serjeants, seven drummers, and four hundred and sixty-eight rank and file, embarked at Hong Kong for active service on the lst of April, 1847, and were employed during the combined naval and military operations on the Canton river under Major-General D' Aguilar, C.B., and returned to Hong Kong on the morning of the 9th of April, 1847, leaving a detach ment at Canton of three officers, six serjeants, and sixty-two men, which returned to Hong Kong on the 2nd of June following. The regiment, consisting of twenty-five officers and six hundred and fifty-two men, embarked at Hong Kong for Calcutta on the 20th of November, 1847. 1848 The regiment arrived at Calcutta on the 10th of January, 1848, and occupied the barracks at Fort William, where it continued to be stationed on the lst of June, 1848, at which period the record is concluded. THE ROYAT. IRISH REGIMENT OF FOOT. 77 The foregoing pages, after diligent research, contain, 1848 as far as possible, a faithful detail of the services of the EIGHTEENTH, ROYAL IRISH, REGIMENT OF FOOT. The career of this highly honorable corps can only be appreciated as a public body, and as a portion of the military force of the British empire, after a perusal of its gallant deeds in the various situations and services on which it has been employed. The circumstance of its first formation in the reign of King Charles II.,— of its adhesion to King James II. on his succeeding to the British throne in 1685, — and ofthe severe test to which the army was exposed at the Revolution in 1688, — all prove the value of the corps, and the difficulties with which its principal officers had to contend at a period when the English nation was endeavouring to rid itself of a sovereign of Popish principles, and to establish a Protestant Government. The decided conduct of the eighteenth, royal irish, regiment on the commencement of the Revolu tion in 1688, and throughout the contest in Ireland until 1691, evinced a steady loyalty and determina tion, on which King William III. found he could rely. The same confidence was placed in this regiment by King William during the campaigns in Flanders from 1691 to 1697, for which the -most distinguished honours were conferred by His Majesty on the corps on account of its heroic services. In the war of the Spanish Succession, during the reign of Queen Anne, from 1702 to 1712, the eigh teenth, royal irish, regiment is recorded as having shared in the numerous sieges and victories under the Duke of Marlborough, as detailed in the Regimental Record. After the cessation of hostilities by the Treaty of 78 HISTORICAL RECORD OF THE EIGHTEENTH, OR 1848 Utrecht, in 1713, the services of the regiment were equally efficient and useful in the British possessions, particularly at the island of Minorca, from whence it proceeded in 1727 to Gibraltar, when the Spaniards again besieged that fortress. The royal irish regiment was again employed in Flanders during the war of the Austrian Succession, from 1743 to 1748. The regiment shared also in the arduous duties of the British troops employed during the early part of the American war, which commenced in 1775. Thenext important service on which the eighteenth, royal irish, regiment was engaged, was the ever- memorable campaign of the British army in Egypt, which succeeded in repelling from that country the French army, which had vainly styled itself "invincible," and through the efforts of which Napoleon Bonaparte intended to open a route to India, and thereby disturb, if not annihilate, the British possessions in Asia. After returning from Egypt, the services of this valuable regiment were employed in guarding the colonial possessions in the West Indies for a period of twelve years, during which the British army acquired additional honours and distinctions by its services in the Peninsula, which terminated in 1814, and after wards by the decisive battle and overthrow of the French army at Waterloo. The eighteenth was employed on garrison duty from 1821 to 1832 in the islands ofthe Mediterranean. In 1837 the regiment was embarked for Ceylon, and in 1 840 itformed part of the expedition to the Chinese seas, and by its gallantry eventually compelled the govern ment of the " Celestial empire " to cede a portion of territory to the British Crown, and to pay an indemnity THE ROYAL IRISH REGIMENT OF FOOT. 79 lor losses sustained : the word China and the device of 1848 the Dragon, authorized by Her Majesty to be borne on the colours and appointments of the regiment, are proud memorials of its services in this distant scene of warfare, which was a novel arena, not only to the eighteenth, but to European troops generally. The regiment was again employed during the military operations on the Canton river in 1847, and towards the close of that year proceeded to the East Indies. After a service of twelve years in the eastern parts of the world, the eighteenth, royal irish, regiment has received instructions to be prepared to return to its native country, on being relieved by the ninety-sixth' regiment from the New South Wales Colony. In drawing this summary, the compiler could not con clude the record of the arduous services of so merito rious a regiment, without an endeavour to do justice to its loyaltyand devotedness to ten successive sovereigns, and to its zeal and usefulness in the cause of its country, during a period of one hundred and sixty-five years. 1848. EIGHTEENTH , 1R.0XA1 imiSll XEG-IIDEB'T ;a ]&<^-- ¦'.'¦¦ ¦ X+*'.fx- *?X£. ,-,,^X. -:,, f'' mid*: iC i- li* ^y FOR CANN0N5 UIUTARY RECl?.D5 81 SUCCESSION OF COLONELS OP THE EIGHTEENTH, OR THE ROYAL IRISH REGIMENT OF FOOT. Arwiur Viscount or Granard. Appointed lst April, 1684. Arthur Forbes, son of Sir Patrick Forbes, a Baronet of Nova Scotia, was a cavalry officer in the Royal army during the rebellion in the reign of King Charles I., and attained the rank of Colonel in 1646. In 1651 he held a considerable command in the north of Scotland, and after the defeat of the Scots army at Worcester on the 3rd of September, 1651, Colonel Forbes opposed the progress of the English under General Monk, afterwards Duke of Albemarle, but was eventually defeated, and fled to Ireland, where he was permitted by Oliver Cromwell to possess his paternal estate. He took an active part in bringing about the Restoration in 1660, and was appointed one of the commissioners of the Court of Claims jn Ireland : he was also nominated captain of an independent troop of horse, and elected a member of Parliament for Mullingar. He took an active part in pre venting the breaking out of a conspiracy against the govern ment in Ireland, in 1663 ; in 1670 he was sworn a member of the Privy Council, and nominated Marshal of the army, — a rank not continued in the service; and in 1671 he was constituted one of the Lords Justices of Ireland. His 82 SUCCESSION of colonels. services were rewarded, in 1675, with the dignity of Baron Clanehugh, and Viscount of Granard ; and in April, 1684, his Lordship was nominated Colonel of one of the regiments, formed of independent companies in Ireland, at that period, now the eighteenth, or the royal irish regiment. In September following he was promoted to the rank of Lieut.-General, and two months afterwards he was advanced to the dignity of Earl of Granard. In March, 1685, King James II. nominated the Earl oe Granard one of the Lords Justices of the kingdom, and he was also appointed Chairman of the Council ; in 1686 his Lordship resigned the colonelcy of the regiment in favour of his son, Arthur Lord Forbes. Being pressed upon to proceed with unusual severity against the Protestants, he wrote to the King for permission to resign ; but His Majesty wrote an answer with his own hand, requesting him to continue in office : he, however, advocated the cause of the Protestants with so much warmth, that he was dismissed by King James in March, 1689. The Earl of Granard attached himself to the interests of King William III. He was sworn of the Privy Council in December, 1690 ; and he commanded the troops at the reduction of Sligo, in 1691. The Earl of Granard built the Church of Castle-Forbes, and established the linen manufactory at that place. He died in 1694. Arthur Lord Forbes. Appointed 1st March, 1686. Arthur Lord Forbes, son of the Earl of Granard, held a commission in the army in Ireland in the reign of King Charles II. , and in 1666 he succeeded his father in the colonelcy of the regiment which is now the eighteenth, or the royal irish regiment. He was a spirited young nobleman, and succeeded in retaining more Protestants in his regiment than, were to be found in any other corps in the army in Ireland. He joined the Prince of Orange at the Revolution in 1688, when he withdrew from the service. He succeeded to the dignity of Earl op Granard on the decease of his father in 1694. He died in August, 1734. succession of colonels. 83 Sir John Edgeworth. Appointed 31st December, 1688. This officer held a commission in the army in the reign of King Charles II., and was appointed Captain of a non- regimented company of pikemen and musketeers in Ireland. He was afterwards promoted to the Majority of the Earl of Granard's regiment, now eighteenth, which corps he accompanied to England at the Revolution in 1688, when he joined the Prince of Orange's interest, and was promoted to the Colonelcy of his regiment. Being afterwards found guilty of irregularity in providing clothing for his regiment, he was dismissed the service. Edward Earl of Meath. Appointed lst May, 1689. The Honourable Edward Brabazon, second son of Edward, second Earl of Meath, was appointed Captain of a non-regimented company of pikemen and musketeers in the summer of 1661, and he was afterwards nominated keeper of the royal parks in Ireland, and ranger of Phoenix Park, near Dublin. He subsequently commanded a troop of cuirassiers ; but falling under the displeasure of the lord-lieutenant, the Earl of Essex, he was removed from his appointments : he was, however, restored to favour at a subsequent period. In 1684 he succeeded, on the death of his brother, to the dignity of Earl op Meath. He joined the Prince of Orange at the Revolution of 1688, and in May, 1689, he was appointed Colonel of the eighteenth regiment, which corps he accompanied to Ireland, and ser\ed at the siege of Carrickfergus and at the battle of the Boyne ; he also evinced great gallantry at the siege of Limerick, where he was wounded. He was sworn a member of the Privy Council in December, 1690. After the deliverance of Ireland from the power of King James was accomplished, he chose to remain in that country in order to devote himself to its interests, and withdrew from the army. He died in 1708. 84 succession of colonels. Frederick Hamilton. Appointed 19th December, 1692. Frederick Hamilton rose to the command of one of the independent companies in Ireland in the reign of King Charles IL, and in 1684 his company was incorporated in Lord Mountjoy's regiment. Being a zealous Protestant, Captain Hamilton was deprived of his commission by Earl Tyrconnel, and remained unemployed until the Revolution of 1688, when King William III. gave him a company in Lord Forbes's, now the eighteenth foot, and promoted him to the Majority of the regiment. He accompanied the eighteenth to Ireland, served at the siege of Carrickfergus, the battle of the Boyne, and at the storming of Limerick, where he distinguished himself, and was promoted to the Lieut.-Colonelcy of the regiment, in succession to Lieut.- Colonel Newcomb, who was mortally wounded. He served at the siege of Athlone, and at the battle of Aghrim, in 1691 ; also at the second siege of Limerick : and in 1692 he com manded the regiment in the expedition under Meinhardt Duke of Leinster ; in December of the same year he succeeded the Earl of Meath in the Colonelcy of the eighteenth regiment. He served the campaign of 1694 under King William, and in 1695 he distinguished himself at the siege of Namur, and was wounded at the assault of the Castle. In May, 1702, he was promoted to the rank of Brigadier-General, and the four regiments under his command were engaged in the sieges of Venloo and Ruremonde. He also commanded a brigade during the campaign of 1703 ; was promoted to the rank of Major-General on the lst of February, 1704, and served the campaign of that year in Germany, taking part in gaining the victories at Schellenberg and Blenheim. Having become advanced in years and infirm, he retired from the service in 1705, Queen Anne giving him permission to sell the colonelcy of his regiment to Lieut.-General Ingoldsby. SUCCESSION OF COLONELS. 85 Richard Ingoldsby. Appointed 1st April, 1705. Richard Ingoldsby entered the army in the reign of King Charles II. , his first commission being dated the 13th of June, 1667. He adhered to the Protestant interest at the Revolu tion in 1688, and served under King William III., who promoted him to the Colonelcy of the Twenty-third Regiment in February, 1693. He commanded the Twenty-third at the siege of Namur, in 1695, and in June, 1696, he was promoted to the rank of Brigadier-General. On the breaking out of the war in 1701, he was sent to Holland with a body of British troops, and he highly distinguished himself during several campaigns under the great Duke of Marlborough. He was promoted to the rank of Major-General on the 9th of March, 1702, and served in that capacity during the campaigns of that and the following year. In January, 1704, he was pro moted to the rank of Lieut.-General, and his name is found among the officers who distinguished themselves at the battles of Schellenberg and Blenheim. After acquiring a high reputation in the field, he was honoured with the appointments of one of Her Majesty's Lords Justices, and Master of the Horse for Ireland. He died on the 29th of January, 1712. Richard Stearne. Appointed 18th February, 1712. This officer commences a journal of his services in the fol lowing words : — " In the year 1678 I got a commission from " King Charles II. to be Ensign to Captain John St. Ledger's " company, then one of the independent companies of Ireland ; " and in the following year I was made Lieutenant to the " same company. In the year 1684 all the independent " troops and companies in Ireland were incorporated into " regiments ; Captain St. Ledger's company being one of " those that composed the regiment commanded by the Earl " of Granard " — now the eighteenth, or royal irish 86 SUCCESSION OF COLONELS. regiment of foot. He accompanied his regiment to England at the Revolution in 1688, and on the lst of March, 1689, he was appointed Captain of the company to which he belonged. He served with his regiment in Ireland, at the siege of Carrickfergus, the battle of the Boyne, the sieges of Limerick and Athlone, the battle of Aghrim, and the second siege of Limerick, besides several detached services. In 1692 he was promoted to the majority of his regiment. He served in the expedition under the Duke of Leinster ; and afterwards joining the army in Flanders, was at the siege of Namur, where his regiment distinguished itself and acquired the title ofthe royal irish regiment : Lieut.-Colonel Ormsby being killed on this occasion, King William promoted Major Stearne to the lieut.-colonelcy of the regiment. He served in the Netherlands and Germany during the whole of the wars of Queen Anne, was at the battles of Schellenberg, Blenheim, Ramilies, Oudenarde, and Malplaquet, and also at the forcing of the French lines in 1705, 1710, and 1711, and took part in numerous sieges, at which the eighteenth distinguished themselves. Lieut.-Colonel Stearne was pro moted to the rank of Colonel in 1 707, and to that of Brigadier- General in 1711 ; in 1*712 he was rewarded with the colonelcy of his regiment ; he was also nominated Governor of the Royal Hospital at Dublin. He concludes the journal of his nume rous, distinguished, and meritorious services in the following words : — " In the month of May, 17 17, the regiment received orders " to march to Portsmouth, and there I take my leave of them, " for, in the month of January following, His Majesty gave " me leave to resign my regiment to Colonel William Cosby, " after having served six crowned heads of England, and been " forty years attached to one company without ever being- "removed from it; having made twenty-one campaigns; " having been in seven field-battles — fifteen sieges — seven " grand attacks on counterscarps and breaches — two remark- " able retreats — at the passing of four of the enemy's lines " — besides several other petty actions ; and, through " God's assistance, never had one drop of blood drawn from " me in all those actions. After I had disposed of my " regiment, I went to my government in Ireland." Brigadier- General Stearne died on the lst of November, 1732. succession of colonels. 87 William Cosby. Appointed 24th December, 1717. Willam Cosby was many years an officer in the cavalry of the royal household, and rose to the rank of Lieutenant and Lieut.-Colonel of the first troop, now first regiment, of life guards ; from which he was promoted, in December, 1717, to the colonelcy of the eighteenth, or the royal irish regiment. He accompanied the eighteenth to Minorca, and commanded a detachment of five hundred men sent from that island to Gibraltar, when the Spaniards besieged that fortress in 1727. He was subsequently nominated Governor of the Leeward Islands, and in January, 1732, he was appointed Captain-General and Governor-in-Chief of New York and New Jersey, when he relinquished the colonelcy of his regiment. In 1735 he was promoted to the rank of Brigadier-General. He died on the 2nd of May, 1737. Sir Charles Hotham, Bart. Appointed 7th January, 1732. Charles Hotham entered the army in the reign of Queen Anne, and served on the Continent under the great Duke of Marlborough. In 1723 he succeeded to the dignity of a Baronet. He was nominated to the colonelcy of the eighteenth, or the royal irish regiment, in 1732, and removed to the second troop of horse grenadier guards in 1735. He died in 1738. John Armstrong. Appointed 13th May, 1735. This officer entered the army in 1704, and served with re putation under the celebrated John Duke of Marlborough. After distinguishing himself on several occasions he was pro moted to the lieut.-colonelcy of the fifteenth regiment, and was promoted to the rank of Colonel in December, 1712. In 88 SUCCESSION OF COLONELS. 1717 he obtained the colonelcy of a newly- raised regiment, which was disbanded in the following year. He was rewarded with the colonelcy of the eighteenth, and promoted to the rank of Brigadier-General, in 1735, and in 1739 he was advanced to the rank of Major-General. He died on the 15th of April, 1742. Sir John Mordaunt, K.B. Appointed 18th December, 1742. On the 25th of August, 1721, this officer entered the army, and after a progressive service of several years he rose to the rank of Captain and Lieut.-Colonel in the third foot guards, from which he was promoted to the colonelcy of a newly- raised corps, now forty-seventh, in 1741, and was removed to the eighteenth regiment in the following year. Having been promoted to the rank of Brigadier- General in June, 1745, he commanded a brigade against the rebel army, and dis tinguished himself, at the battle of Falkirk, on the 17th of January, 1746. He afterwards served under His Royal High ness the Duke of Cumberland, and was detached with two regiments of dragoons, and the Campbell Highlanders in pur suit of the rebels on their retreat from Stirling. At the decisive battle of Culloden he commanded a brigade of in fantry, and gained additional reputation ; and afterwards proceeding to the Netherlands, he distinguished himself at the head of a brigade at the battle of Val, in 1747. In the autumn of the same year he was promoted to the rank of Major-General ; he was afterwards removed to the twelfth dragoons, and in July, 1 749, to the fourth horse, now seventh dragoon guards ; in November following he was removed to the tenth dragoons. He was promoted to the rank of Lieut.- General in 1754, and to that of General in 1770. His services were also rewarded with the dignity of Knight of the Most Honourable Military Order of the Bath, and the government of Berwick. He died in October, 1780. SUCCESSION OF COLONELS. 89 John Folliott. Appointed 22nd December, 1 747. Apter serving with reputation in the subordinate commis sions, this officer was promoted to the lieut.-colonelcy of the seventh horse, now sixth dragoon guards, in June, 1737, and his constant attention to all the duties of commanding officer of that distinguished corps was rewarded, in June, 1743, with the colonelcy of the sixty -second regiment (afterwards disbanded) ; from which he was removed, in 1 747, to the royal irish regiment. He was promoted to the rank of Major-General in 1754, and to that of Lieut.-General in 1758 ; he was also nominated Governor of Ross Castle. He died in January, 1762, at which period he was Member of Parliament for Sligo. Sir John Sebright, Bart. Appointed lst April, 1762. John Sebright was many years an officer in the first foot guards, in which corps he was promoted to the rank of Captain and Lieut.-Colonel on the 2nd of May, 1749 ; and in October, 1758, he was nominated to the colonelcy of the eighty-third foot. In 1761 he was promoted to the rank of Major-General ; and was removed to the royal irish regi ment in the following year. On the decease of his brother in 1765, he succeeded to the dignity of Baronet. He was promoted to the rank of Lieut.-General in 1770, and to that of General in 1T82. His decease occurred on the 23rd of February, 1794. Sir James Murray, Bart. Appointed 26th February, 1794. James Murray served in the army in the Seven Years' War, and was appointed Major in the ninety-seventh foot in April 1762 : in the following year his regiment was disbanded. In 1771 he succeeded, on thedecease of his father, to the dignity of Baronet. He was promoted to the rank of Lieut.-Colonel in 1772; and served with reputation in the American war, particularly at the defence of St. Christopher. In 1789 he was honoured with the appointment of Aide-de-camp to the H 90 SUCCESSION OF COLONELS. King, with the rank of Colonel ; and in 1793 he was appointed Adjutant-General to the army in Flanders, commanded by His Royal Highness the Duke of York, and promoted to the rank of Major-General ; and while employed on the StafFin Flanders he was nominated Colonel of the eighteenth regiment, his commission being dated the 26th of February, 1794. Having married the Countess of Bath, he assumed the surname and arms of Pulteney. In the summer of 1800 he commanded an expedition against the fortress of Ferrol, in Spain ; after viewing the town and defences he resolved not to lose time in attacking this place, but to join the armament under Lieut.- General Sir Ralph Abercromby. In 1807 he was nominated Secretary at War, and held that appointment two years : in 1808 he was promoted to the rank of General. His decease occurred on the 26th of April, 1811, and was occasioned by an injury received from the explosion ofa powder-flask while shooting on his estate at Buckenham, in Norfolk. John H. Lord Hutchinson, K.B. Appointed 27th April, 1811. The Honourable John Hely Hutchinson entered the army in January, 1774, as Cornet in the eighteenth light dragoons, and in October, 1776, he was promoted Captain ofa company in the sixty-seventh regiment : in 1777 he was elected a Member of Parliament for Cork. On the 21st of September, 1781, he was advanced to Major in the seventy-seventh, or Atholl Highlanders, in which corps he rose to the rank of Lieut.-Colonel in 1783 ; but his regiment was disbanded soon after the termination of the American war. Having pre viously studied tactics at Strasburg, he again visited the Continent, and acquired additional information on military subjects. Soon after the commencement of the French revo- . lutionary war he returned to the United Kingdom ; was pro moted to the rank of Colonel on the lst of March, 1794 ; and, taking great interest in raising the ninety-fourth regiment, he was appointed Colonel of that corps in October. He served two campaigns in Flanders, as extra Aide-de-camp to Sir Ralph Abercromby. He was promoted to the rank of Major-General in 1796 ; and, serving in Ireland during the rebellion in 1798, he was second in command at the action at Castlebar. He also served in the expedition to Holland in SUCCESSION OF COLONELS. 91 1799, and honourable mention is made of his gallant conduct in the public despatches. Having given proof of his capa bilities as a General officer, he was nominated second in command in the expedition to Egypt, under Lieut.-General Sir Ralph Abercromby ; and after the death of that officer, from wounds received in the action ofthe 21st of March, the command of the troops devolved on Major-General Hutchin son, who found himself suddenly placed at the head ofthe army under circumstances of a peculiarly difficult character. In the subsequent operations in Egypt he evinced talent and energy, sustaining the honour of his Sovereign, promoting the glory of his country, and forcing the French " Army of the East" to evacuate Egypt. For his services in this enterprise he twice received the thanks of both Houses of Parliament ; he gained the approbation of his Sovereign, was nominated a Knight of the Bath, received the Order of the Crescent from the Grand Seignior, was elevated to the peerage by the title of Baron Hutchinson op Alexandria and of Knocklofty in the county of Tipperary, and received an important addition to his income : he was also nominated Governor of Stirling Castle. In 1803 his Lordship was pro moted to the rank of Lieut.-General. The subsequent services of Lord Hutchinson were ofa dip lomatic character : in November, 1806, he proceeded on an extraordinary mission to the Prussian and Russian armies ; and he afterwards proceeded to the court of St. Petersburg. In 1806 he was nominated to the colonelcy of the fifty-seventh regiment, and was removed, in 1811, to the royal irish regiment : in 1813 he was promoted to the rank of General. On the decease of his brother, in 1825, he succeeded to the title of Earl of Donoughmore. He died on the 6th of July, 1832. Matthew Lord Aylmer. Appointed 23rd July, 1832. the end. London : i'rinted by William Clowes and Sons, Stamford Street, For Her Majesty's Stationery Office. YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 3 9002 04078 3079 YALE BRITISH HISTORY PRESERVATION PROJECT! SUPPORTED BY NEH