; ' ' . ( 'j.'i ' I'l^n >il, »)v.. D'>l>^i$^^i&m.!'^/' ^""'^ ,ureit' 'viin •Y^ILIl«¥]MIIVlEIESIIir¥« CALENDAR OF CHARTERS AND DOCUMENTS relating to the ABBEY OF ROBERTSBRIDGE CO: SUSSEX PRESERVED AT PENSHURST AMONG THE MUNIMENTS OF LORD DE LISLE and DUDLEY 1873 CALENDAR OF CHARTERS AND DOCUMENTS RELATING TO THE ABBEY OF ROBERTSBRIDGE CO: SUSSEX PRESERVED AT PENSHURST AMONG THE MUNIMENTS OF LORD DE LISLE and DUDLEY 1873 LONDON: PRINTED BV SPOTTrSWOODH AND CO., NEW-STREET SQUARE AND PARLIAME.NT STREET The Documents bearing the following numbers are tied or otherwise fastened together. 4 and 5, 21 and 22, 26-28, 62-68, 77-80, 82-85, 89-92, 111-114, 130 and 131, 132 and 133, 137-144) i47-i5°> iS5 and 156, 172 and 173, 184 and 185, 195 and 196, 215-218, 237-240, 266- 270, 272-277, 295 and 296, 306-310, 364-367, 375 and 376, 390 and 391- CALENDAR I Daniel de Crevecuer to Alfred de St: Martin. Gift of the sendee due from Emma de Pirefeld in respect of the land which she held of him in the Rape of Hastings ; the same to be held of the donor and his heirs in fee ; consideration money, 2 talents. — Witnesses: J: Earl of Ow, Barth^ de Lundresfort, Walter de Gor:, Ra: Flo:, Norman, Stephen de Legi:. Seal round, 2 inches. Man brandishing sword and bestriding dragon. 2 Thomas de St: Leger to the Abbey. Grant of his pasture of Farleghe, as he had it in demesne on the day when the monks, a,d. i i 76, fined in the sum of half a silver mark to be paid yearly to him and his heirs at Michaelmas. For this the monks give him 3 marks, and his wife i talent. — Witnesses: Henry the Earl, Robert his brother, Alur: de St: Martin, A: the Countess, Ingelram de Fressenv:, Ralph de Herbervill, Stephen de St: M:, Sanson de Gestl:, Robert de Wahl:. Seal gone. 3 Alured de St: Martin to Robert de Waliland Gift of West Wateleland for his service, and in exchange for his land of . . . meliege, which Geoffrey de St: Martin had given him before he possessed land in England (bounds given), and the whole of Katebroc, and confirmation of 7 acres of his meadow of Hudeham, lying near the stream called Liminel, opposite a meadow of the Abbat of Battle ; the whole to be held of donor and his heirs as freely as said donor holds his demesne of Waliland, by the only service of i pound of pepper yearly or 6d. — Witnesses: Jona, B Prior of the Holy Trinity at Hastings, Walter, Priest of Burgherse, Alan de Lunef:, Geoffrey de Waliland, Turstian de Lide. Seal round, 2\ inches. Knight on horse at full speed and brandishing a sword, with legend. Engraved in Suss. Arch. Coll. viii. 156- John, son of Ingelram de Northie, to the Monks. Release of all the land of Worth, which he claimed under the will of his father, and of the gift of the Earl of Ow his father, quit of all service save to the Earl. Consideration money to the said John, 10 marks and 7^. and to Reinger his eldest brother 6 marks for his confirmation. — Witnesses: Alfred de St: Martin, W: de Echingeham, Walter de Scoteni, William de Bodiham, Sanson de Gestl:, Ralph de Peplesham, John de Gill:, Alan de Lundref:, Robert de Wal:. Seal gone, Renger de Northie and the Abbey. Confirmation for himself and heirs of the sale of Worth by his brother John ; receipt for 6 marks ; reservation of 100 loads of wood for his fire and timber for his houses, to be taken only with the assent of the monks who live there, and right of admission for himself, his wife and sons to the society of their house. — Witnesses : H. Earl of Ow, A. de St: Martin, A: Comitissa, Sanson de Gestl:, William de St. Martin, Robert de Walil:, John de Gill: . i5ifa/gone. Gerv: de Osp; to William de St: Martin. Gift for his homage and service of the whole land of Madresham, as a quarter of a knight's fee, and of all his land held of Robert Borne and his heirs, viz: Smalewde ; but as to this latter, subject to the payment of 12^. to Robert Borne and his heirs, 2d. yearly to the Donor at Oschedenne, and scutage to the King of zd. in the mark. — Witnesses : Sanson de Gestelinge, Stephen de St. Martin, Ralph de Elmestede, William Pefforier, Hacman de Hereffectsham, Helias de Passelea, Adam Nieha:, Osbert de Am- tune, Horm: de Ledes, Hugh Wastru, Robert del Broc, Richard de Lega, Hugh de Kechenore, Ralph Clerk of Essex. Seal gone. 7 B: Abbat of Cisteaux, and P: Abbat of Clairvaux, to Henry, Earl of Ow. Letter conferring on the Earl, and on the soul of his mother, the fomidress, all the benefits of the Order, in consideration of his affection for the house of Robertsbride, as reported to them by Dyonisius, its Abbat, and of his gift to it of the prebend of Hastings. Seal Tound, i| inches. An upright robed figure with legend. The second seal is gone. 8 Henry, Earl of Ow, to Alan Venator. Grant, in consideration of his service, and at the request of Lord Alured de St: Martin, of all the lands of Henry Justitor, who had been hung, and all the rents and issues and 'jd. yearly rent due from Roger ; the same to be held of the Abbey of Robertsbridge, by the service of i pound of pepper yearly. — Witnesses : Ralph de Alpeg:, John de Pikeney, Walter de Focarmont, William de St: Martin, Ren; de Petravill, Thomas de Lumello, Geffrey de Bello- sapo, Enq: de Estrivement. Seal round, 2^ inches. Knight on horse at full speed, with shield on his left arm and his right hand brandishing a sword. Legend, ' Sigillum Henrici Comitis Augi.' 9 Walter de Scoteny to the Abbey. Confirmation of the land bought by the house, in his fee, of Gillebert son of Gencelin, viz : the land of Wrthe ; free of all service save to the Lords. — Witnesses: Alured de St: M:, William de Eccingeham, Sanson de Gestling, Stephen de St: M:, Alan de Lundresford, Adam de Basoches, Robert de Waliland. Seal round, 2^ inches. Knight on horse with sword and shield. Legend, 'Sigillum Walteri de Scoteni.' IO Walter de St: Martin to the Abbey. Confirmation in frankalmoign of the whole fee of Waliland which Alured de St: Martin took in exchange from Geoffrey, father of the said Walter, for the land which the said Alured held of Geoffrey in Normandy, free of all service save to the King and Earl. — Wit nesses: Alured de St: M:, Ralph de Apelg:, Wermud de Luviscap, William de Pierecurt, Renald de Pierevile, Sanson de Gestl:, Alan de Lundreford. Seal round, 2\ inches, perfect. Knight on horse, with sword and shield, galloping at full speed. Legend .... TI Rainald de Meiniers and Matilda, his Wife, with the consent of Ingelram de Fressenvile, to the Abbey. Confirmation in frankalmoign of the whole tenement of Fodi- lande, with the land of Wicham and Pokelesh: and Todehurst and Bisopland, and all the land and tenement which he held in the Rape of Hastings of the E: of Ow, which Ingelr: de Fressenvil gave in marriage with his daughter Matilda, over and above the fee of Ore ; free of all services save to the King and Earl. And because this land came to him through his wife, he has given her ;^i2 of Anjou rent out of his mill at Meiniers, and she has quitclaimed to him all her land in England. In the event of no heirs by him, the said ;^i2 to remain to the heirs of Inglr: de Fressenvil. For this con cession the Abbey pays ;^i2o. — Witnesses: Alu: de St: Martin, Walter Borne, Ralph Dapelg: , WilHam de Pierecurt, Roger de Main:, Geoffrey de Baus, Simon de Gloc :, Anscier de Fressenvile, Reinald de Pierevale. Three Seals : — I. Round, 2|^ inches. Knighton horse, with legend 'Sigillum Re . . . de . . . neriis.' ii. Oval, l| inches. A grotesque figure holding, apparently, a child in swaddling clothes. Legend, 'Sigill;M. . . . de Fressenevilla.' 3. Round, 2j inches. Knight on horse. 1 2 Walter de Scotiniis to the Abbey. Confirmation of all agreements made by the monks with Reginald de Mainers and Matilda his wife, and Engelran de Fressenvill, as to purchases and gifts of lands of his tenement. Also of one fourth of Setelescumbe, which they bought of Gilebert, son of Gencelin, and 3 virgates of land in Hodleie belonging to the fee of his lorica of Haslerse. The monks to perform the services, as other free tenants, proportional to the quantity of their lands, except when they shall shew quittance by charter of the King and Ea.rl. — Witnesses : Hugh de Lundresford, William de Bodiham, John de Gestl:, Ralph le Borne, Robert de Waliland. Seal round, 2 inches. (Not the same as No. g.) Knight on horse with helmet and shield, on the latter perhaps an heraldic charge. Legend, ' Sigillum Walteri de Scoteni.' ^3 Henry, Earl of Ow, to the Abbey. Confirmation of the whole fee of Fodilande, which the monks pur chased of Regin: de Meineriis and Matilda, his wife, and of Engerh; de Fressenvill ; reserving the services due to himself and his heirs. Witnesses: Alur: de St: Mart:, Robert de Hast:, John de Pinken:, Robert de Claivill:, Walter de Fulc:, William de St: Mart:, Fulc: de Keisneto. Seal round (imperfect), 2^ inches. Knight on horse with sword and shield, the latter charged with a bordure indented. Legend, ' . . . Comitis A. . . .' 1 4 Stephen de Cnelle to the Abbey. Grant of all the land he had in the morass below Eusres, being of his fee of Cnelle, excepting one marsh previously inclosed by Samson de Gestling: subject to the yearly payment of 2 gold coins for all services. The monks to inclose and keep up embankment. Consideration money, 3 marks. — Witnesses: Alured de St: Martin, Samson de Gestl:, Robert, his son, Alan de Lunesfod, Michael de Muntes, Hugh Clerk. Seal round, ij- inches. An Eagle reguard. pruning his wing. Legend, 'Sigill: Stephi de Chnell.' 1 5 Robert de Weliland to the Abbey. Grant for the health of the soul of himself, his ancestors, and Alured de St: Martin, of all his land of Bremlesford, with the rents and villains as he held it of said Alured ; of all his land lying between the great flete and ' le fodre ' near the acre which Alured de St: Martin gave the house, and all the field near Ruele, formerly belonging to William the Canon. — Witnesses: Alured de St. M:, Alan de Lundresf:, Stephen de St: M:, William de St: M:. Seal round, 2 inches. An eagle rising. Legend, ' Sigill : Robert! de Waliland. ' 1 6 Roger de Swokenerse, son of William de St: Leger, to the Abbey. Confirmation in fee of all the land which belongs to his fee of Swokenerse, in the moor below Rie, lying between the land of Rob: de Crevequer and Winchelese, and between the land of the Arch bishop and that which the monks have in the fee of Farleghe, subject to the yearly rent of 5^'. Consideration money, 20^. — Wit- nesses : PAured. de St: M:, John de Gestl:, Robert de Gestl:, William de Hast:, William de Bodih:, Ralph le Borne, John de Gelling, Robert de Wahl:. Seal (detached) round, ij inches. A bird standing on a hand extended ; in chief a smaller bird, volant, descending. Legend, ' Sigill : Rogeri de S vorenerse. ' 17 Roger de Swokenerse, son of William de St: Leger, to the Monks. This a duplicate of No. 16. Seal and witnesses the same. 18 William de Bodiham to the Abbey. Grant in frankalmoign of 2 acres out of the meadow called Beruet, next the 2 acres he had given to the Canons of Cumbwell. Witnesses: J: prior of Hastings; Elw: dean of Hyenh:, Ralph Borne, Robert de Walil:, Richard de WaUl:. Seal round, 1% inches. Knight on horse galloping, with sword and shield. Legend, ' Sigillum Willelmi de Bodiham. ' 19 Alan Pollart to the Abbey. Grant of 2 virgates of land in Eggingethone, being of the fee of Croteslegh and of the liberty of Hastings, and bought by him of Eustace de Burna for 40J.: to be held quit of all service, save the payment of 30^. when the free men who hold of the fee of Crotes legh pay their rents. Consideration money, 5 silver marks, and to grantor's wife 2 gold coins. — Wittiesses: Alured de St: Martin, Ralph le Borne, William de Bodiham, Hugh de Lunesford, Robert de Walil:, Alan de Lunesford, Walter clerk of Burgh. Seal oval, 1 inch. A gem and legend. 20 Alan Pollard to the Abbey. Confirmation of all the lands, rents, and acquisitions which he once had in the Rape of Hastings, viz: in Robertsbridge and Bissopesland, which he sold to Alured de St. Martin for 9 marks, and which the said Alured gave in frankalmoign to the Abbey. Also of the land of Eggingeth: which he had bought of Eustace de Burne for 6oj-., and sold to the Abbey for 5 marks and 2 gold coins to his wife Albedra ; and the land of Blakebroc held of John Haring: which he had sold to the Abbey for 2 marks, and as a settlement of all claims and demands. Consideration money, 20s. — Witnesses: Ralph le Borne, Robert de Hoch:, John de North:, Michael de Munt:, Robert de Wahl:, Richard Niger, Philip his brother, Geoffrey Cocus, Malger Palm: . Seal oval, a fragment. A gem with legend. 21 William de Hastings to the Abbey. Confirmation of the land of Blakebroke of his fee, the gift of Alan Pollart, and which Alan held of John Haring : free of all service. Also 2 acres out of the donor's meadow at Heltuneshath: which his father gave them in frankalmoign. Witnesses: Alured de St: M:, Ralph le Borne, William de Bodih:, Hugh de Lund:, Robert de Walil:, John de Gill:. Seal round, i\ inch. A four-footed animal statant, with legend. 2 2 William de Hastings to the Abbey. This document is a duplicate of No. 21. 23 The Abbat of Robertsbridge and Reginald de Esburne- I Oct. ham. 1 1 94. Final concord made in the King's Court at Lewes, Saturday next after the feast of St. Michael, 6 R: I., before Gilbert, Bishop of Rochester, Osbert Fitzhervei, William de Aubervill, King's Jus tices, and others, by which Reginald grants the Abbat all the land of Dudewell, subject to the yearly rent of half a silver mark for all service save the King's. Consideration money, gs. to Reginald, and i a mark to Stephen, his son. 24 The Church of St: Mary at Hastings and the Abbey. "95' An agreemient, dated 1195, by which the Church at Hastings is to receive the tithes of all the lands of Fudiland which belong to the treasury of the said Church, except of those in the occupation of the monks; and as to the land which Alured de St; Martin held, viz: lerchneselle and Elham, which belong to the prebend of John de Calceto, the monks to pay yearly to said John and heirs 6^-. at Mich^: Also the Church of Hyeste is to receive the tithes of all the monks' lands appurtenant to it, except of such as are in the monks' occupation, and from which they take the tithe in accordance with their privilege. Grant by the Abbey to the Church of Hyerste of i^ acres of land in Bradewisse. Made in the presence of Seffrid, the second. Bishop of Chichester, and with his assent, in tlie time of William, abbat of Robertsbridge, and of Henry de Ow, dean of St. Mary's, Hastings. — Witnesses : R: abbat of Boxley, and Osbert and Henry, John, Thomas, canons of the same Church, Peter the dean, Hugh of Hyerste. .9m/ oval, 3 inches. B.V.M. seated, holding a model of a church in her right hand and a slip of lily in hei" left. Legend, ' Sigillum Ecclie See Marie de Hastiiigis. ' 25 The Church of St: Mary, Hastings, and the Abbey. 1195. Agreement, same as No. 24, but without mention of Hyeste. Made in the time of William, abbat of Robertsbridge, and Henry of Ow, dean of St: Mary's, Hastings; dated 11 95. — Witnesses: Robert, abbat of Boxley ; Osbert, canon ; Henry, canon ; Thomas, canon of the same Church of Hastings ; Peter, the dean ; Justin:; William de Sorham ; Hugh de Yherst, vicar of said Church of Hastings. &als : — I. Oval, 3 inches. B.V.M. seated, holding rtiodel of a chufch in her right hand and a slip of lily in her left. Legend, ' Sigillum Eccle .... de ... . gis.' 2. Oval, Ii inches. A priest with pastoral staff standing. Legend, ' Sigil. . . . Abbatis de Ponte Robert!.' Secretum, a hand extended holding a cross. This second seal is engraved in Suss. Arch. Coll. viii. 171. 26 H: the Dean and the Chapter of St: Mary's Church, Hastings, to the Abbey. Remission of the dispute between John the canon and the monks, relative to Elhamme, which the said John claimed to belong to his prebend ; the monks having given said John and his prebend 35 acres of latid in Iringesfeld, of the fee of Waliland, next the road from Robertsbridge to Hastings, and beside that of Robert de AVhatlingetune. — Witnesses: Zacharias the priest; Peter, Alw:, John de Farle, priests ; Robert, Justinian, Peter, Henry, vicars ; William de Bodiham, Ralph le Borne, Hugh de Lund:, Robert de Guesth. Seal ovai, 3 inches. Device, B V.M. , seated, holding a model of church in lier right hand, and a slip of lily in her left. Legend, ' Sigillum Eccle See Marie de Hastingis.' 27 H: the Dean and the Chapter of St: Mary's, Hastings, to the Abbey. Remission of dispute relative to Elhamme, similar to the preced ing. — Witnesses: Same as in 26, except that John de Farle is called John de Fale. Seal of St: Mary's Church, Hastings, the same as No. 26. 28 John de Calceto, Canon of St: Mary's, Hastings, to the Abbey. Remission of dispute relative to Elhamme, similar to the pre ceding. — Witnesses : Alured de St. Martin, Samson de Gesteling, Michael de Torneham, William de Bodiham, Ralph Strabone, Hugh de Lundresford, Robert de GesteUng, Ralph de Relesham, Stephen Haringod, Michael de Muntes, Robert de Waniland. Seal oi St: Mary's Church, Hastings, the same as No. 26. 29 Robert de Padiham to the Abbey. Sale of Robert Milo, son of Helewise widow of Padiham, quit of him and his heirs. — Witnesses : Robert de Lurding:, Reginald de Hechen:, WiUiam his son, Clem: son of Robert de Lurding:, Philip de Padiham. Seal oval, i J inch. A rade quatrefoil. Legend, ' Sigill : Roberti de Padih ;' IO 30 Randulf de Hettchdenne to. the Monks. Confirmation of the grant made them by William fitzBass and his sons of the marsh held by said William, in the parish of Stane Moxenell, of his fee of Hectin ; the same to be held of said William and his heirs, quit of all service to Randulf. — Witnesses : Sanson de Gest:, Stephen de Werch, Henry canon of Hastings, Robert de Waliland, Ormer Vigil, Walo de Maih: , Benedict de Hondhelde, Augustus, clerk of Oxenel. Matilda, his mother, assents to and approves of this deed. Seal round, 2j inches. An armed knight on horse riding to the dexter, and holding a penon charged with a saltire. Legend, ' Ranulfi de Etindene. ' 31 Randulf de Hetchinden to the Monks. Sale for 100s., on his journey to Jerusalem, of all his right in the tenement of Croke, in Oxenell, and of Wokele, and all the tenement of Fugelesbroc, and whatever interest he had in his tenement of Idenne, and the tenement of Gilbert Cinerarius of Hecthinden, which is rated as 8 acres of arable, and 4 acres of meadow, and which Widow Leuiva held; subject to the yearly payment of 6d. for all service save the King's, viz : 10s. y^d. in every 20s. scutage, and 7^. id. for marriage when it happens. The consideration is the discharge of a debt of ^^40 to the Jews. — Witnesses : Master Firm:, William Cappell:, Hamo parson of Werehorn, Amfred de Dene, William de Arderne, Ormer Vigil, Ailmer de Mapelesden, Norman de Mapelesden. Seal the same as No. 30. 32 Roger de St: Martin and the Monks. Confirmation of agreements made between them and Rand: de Echend:, as contained in a cyrograph entered into in the King's Court, and testified by Randulf 's charter. — Witnesses: John abbat of Cumbewell, Master Firminus, Amfred de Dene, Ralph le Borne. &«/ round, 1 1 inch. A plant of some kind. Legend, ' S: Rogeri de Sco: Mar. ..." Secretum, A bird pnining his wing. 1 1 33 Randulf de Hethindenne to the Monks. Confirmation of all the tenements, rents, and services they held of him under charters of his first seal, viz: those comprised in No. 31, and grant out of his demesne of 12 acres of meadow, called Fuggesbroc mead, and lying in Hethinden; subject to the yearly payment of 6d. for all service save the King's scutage, viz: •js. id. in the mark, of which scutage they are to acquit him at the Court of Maiham. For the innovation of the present seal, and for his charter, the monks give him los. — Witnesses: Ralph le Borne, Hugh de Lun:, Wilham de Bodiham, Robert son of Alan, Ormer le Waite, Gocelin and James his sons, Ralph de Mapellesden, Norman de Mapellesden, Hubert de Maiham. Seal oval, 2 inches. A leaf pendent. Legend, 'Sigill: Rand. . . . de Hethinden. ' 34 Randulf de Hetchindenn to the Monks. Grant in frankalmoign, out of his demesne, of 12 acres of meadow, called Fuggesbroc mead, to hold in their demesne, or dispose of, as they like. — Witnesses : Ralph le Borne, Gocelin and James his sons, Ralph de Mapellesd:, Norman de Mapellesd:, Hubert de Maiham. &a/ oval, 2^ inches. A leaf pendent. Legend, 'Sigill: Randulf: de He- thinde.' 35 Randulf de Hethindenne to the Monks. Authority to pay to Alan son of Henry de Lond: and his heirs at Maiham, the 6d. yearly rent issuing out of the premises com prised in charters Nos. 31 and 33. Witnesses: Ralph le Borne, William de St. Martin, Robert son of Alan, Ormer le Waite, Gocel: and James his sons, Ralph de Mapellesden, Norman de Mapellesden, Hubert de Maiham. Seal the same as to Nos. 33 and 34. 36 Randulf de Hecthindenne to the Monks. Grant in frankalmoign of all his tenement of Cnocke in Oxenell, with the brook, and all things thereto appertaining. Witnesses : 12 Ralph le Borne, Hugh de Lunesford, William de Bodiham, Robert son of Alan, Omer le Waite, Gocelin and James his sons, Ralph de Mapleresden, Norman de Mapleresden. Seal only a fragment, but apparently the same as to Nos. 33, 34, 35, 37 Roger, son of Wlnoth de Fuggelesbroch, to the Abbey. Quitclaim of all the land he had or could have in Fuggelesbroch, excepting half an acre reserved to himself and heirs, and for which he is to pay an annual rent of id. Sale of 4 acres of meadow in Fuggelesbroch mead, on which he paid rent to the monks of 5.f. and lod. yearly, and i hen and eggs. Consideration money, loj-., and the monks have acquitted him of a debt of 1 2s. — Witnesses : Randulf de Hethend:, Gocelin de Mappeled:, James his brother, Ralph de Mappeled:, William de Covent:, Thomas de Lifsele, Eailric de Fuggelesbroch. Seal round, 1^ inch. A kind of star of 8 points, with roundels between them. Legend, ' S: Rogeri de Fugesbroc' 38 Roger de Fugelesbroch to the Abbey. Sale of the land and all the field called Bochland, viz: ^^ acres of land, with the hedge adjacent, for 4s. sterling ; quit of all service. — Witnesses: Robert de Aubervill, Randulf de Hatchin- denne, Robert son of Alan, Gocelin son of Ormer Vigil, Warin de Lefsele, Eldric de Fugelesbroch, William Cor.vintre. Seal oval, 2 inches. A leaf Legend, ' SigU: Rogeras de Fugesbroc. ' 39 R: de Yssoudun, Earl of Ow, to the Monks. Grant of the dead wood {morbosium) for their uses in his forest of W , viz: in le carhine and le boul, and le algneit and lefredne, and material every year for 5 ploughs, and 5 carts, and 5 harrows ; also, pasture in every part of his forest for sustenance of their sheep, and beasts, and hogs ; but they are to pay like other men for hogs more than one year old ; young pigs and their mothers to be quit. His bailiffs and foresters not to presume to interfere. Witnesses : Hugh de Bois constable of Rochester, Walter de Scot, Gileb: de Baill:, Ralph de St: Leger, Berth: de Briuch, Geoffrey de St; Leger, i3 William de Bodiham, Ralph le Born,, Robert de Gestl:, Hugh de Lun:. Seal round, 2 J inches. Man on horse with horn slung at his back ; on horse's shoulder, a label. Le,q;end, ' Sigill : Radulfi de Is. . . n Comitis de O:.' Reverse, a shield charged with 4 bars, and in chief a label of 8 points. Legend, '. . . 1: Radulfi de Issuduu Comitis de O;'. 40 William de St: Martin and the Monks. Certificate that he has put in their custody all his lands and rents in the Rape of Hastings, except the mill of Hastings, viz: Maderes- ham, Smalewode, and Tunstalle, and the land ' des Eures,' and his marshes below Eures. Saving the services to his lords, and agree ments between him and the monks. — Witnesses : Robert abbat of Boxley, Master Firminus, Anfrid: de Dene, William de Cyrint:, Stephen de Cnelle, Robert de Waliland, Robert son of Alan. Seal torn oflF. 41 William de St: Martin to the Abbey. Grant of i virgate of land at Eures, and land of 26^-. in the moor below Eures which Bolde and Fugel, Flemings, hold, with all his right in the tenement and those men ; the Flemings to pay a yearly rent of 26^. and 26 hens. Also, of 25 acres of marsh below Eures to the east, next tlie land of Sanson de Gest ling, which he held of the heirs of Richard de Lega, subject to the yearly rent of 23^-., of which 10s. are to be paid to the heirs of Sanson de Gestling, i2j-. 6d. to the heir of Richard de Lega, viz: his son; and the remainder to grantor and his heirs. — Witnesses: R: abbat of Boxley, Master Firminus, Amfr: de Dene, William de Cyrethon, Stephen de Cnelle, Robert de Waliland, Helias Foleth, Robert son of Alan. Seal round, 2 inches. Knight on horse with shield and sword. Legend, ' S: Will. . . . Martino.' 42 William de St: Martin to the Abbey. Grant, in the event of no heir by A: his wife, of all his land of Madresham, Smalewode, and Tunstalle, but subject to the yearly payment of ^ a silver mark to whomsoever he shall make his heir, H for all service save what belongs to the capital lords, viz: to Robert Crevequer the service of ^ part of a knight's fee ; and to Ralph le Borne, whenever there shall be scutage, 15^. for every 20s. and 12^. yearly for all service. — Witnesses: Robert abbat of Boxley, Master Firminus, Amf: de Dene, William de Cyrinton, Stephen de Cnelle, Robert de Waliland, Robert son of Alan. Seal round, 2 inches. Knight on horse with shield and sword. Legend, ' S: Willelmi de Sancto . . ino.' 43 Waleran de Herste to the Monks. Grant in frankalmoign of all his tenement, being of his fee of Promhelle, subject to a yearly rent of 6d. in lieu of all service. Witnesses: R: abbat of Boxley, Master Firm:, Simon de Eching:, Amfred de Dene, Ralph le Borne, Roigus his brother, WilUam de Bodiham, Robert de Gestl:, John de Gestl:, Robert de Walil. Seal round, i| inch. Knight on horse with shield, thereon a bordure. Legend, 'Sigill: Wal . . . unceaus.' 44 Simon de Wiggeselle to the Monks. Confirmation of one virgate of land at Eures which William de St: Martin held of his fee ; to hold of said William and his heirs at the yearly rent of 5.?. for all service save the king's, viz: 2d. in 20s. scutage. Consideration money, half a mark. — Witnesses : Ralph le Born, William de Harem:, William the priest, Hugh de Boxle, Robert son of Alan, Robert de Walil:. Seal gone. 45 Symon de Wiggeselle to the Monks, Grant in frankalmoign of 6 ' ambre' of salt, part of his rent appurtenant to his fee of Wigselle, in the fee oi 'Leges.— Witnesses : Amfr: de Denne, Ralph le Borne, Robert de Waliland, Helyas Foletj Robert son of Alan. Seal round, i^ inch. A bird reguard; with something in its beak. Legend ' Sigillu; Si '. s . 15 46 R: de Hyssoud:, Earl of Ow, to the Abbey. Confirmation of all the lands, men, and rents, given in his fee by Alured de St : Martin, the founder, as testified by his charters, viz : all the land he held of Geoffrey de St: Martin in the Rape of Hastings, and all the marsh he had in Winchelese and Cliveshende, as well of the fee of Ore as of the fee of Ykelesham and of the fee of Gestling. Confirmation of the land bought by William de St: Martin in the marsh about le Fodre, and the land itself which is called le Fodre, which the said William gave in frankalmoign. Also, of all the land of Farlege bought of Thomas de St: Leger in fee farm, as testified by his charter, and that bought of Gilebert son of Gencelin of the fee of Setelescumbe, and all the fee of Fudiland with its appurtenances bought of Reginald de Maineriis and Matilda his wife, and of Engelram de Fressenvile, but subject to the service due thereon to the said earl. Confirmation of Worthe next his forest, and the land of Cumbe, and the land of Ruwindenne, with the villeins, rents, and appurtenances. Also of the pasture next his forest, given by Henry Earl of Ow, and all the land of Sner- gate, with Snelling and all his tenement, as the said Earl Henry gave in frankalmoign, and the land bought of John de St: Leger in the moor below Rie. All the above lands to be held free and quit of hundred and leets, and all service save what may be due to others of whom the Abbey holds the lands. Seal round, 2\ inches. A shield charged with Barry of 1 6 and a label of 5 points in chief. Legend, 'Sigillum Radulfi de Issoldun.' 47 King Richard to the Abbey. 9 Nov. Royal Charter confirming to the monks the lands, tenures, men, "^^' services, and rents given them by Alured de St: Martin, their founder, in frankalmoign, as testified by his charters, viz: all the land he held of Geoffrey de St: Martin and his heirs in the Rape of Hastings, and all the land they hold of the canons of St: Mary's, Hastings, and all the marsh and land they hold of the fee of Pette, as testified by their charters, and all the fee of Fudiland which they bought of Reginald de Mainers and Matilda his wife, and of Ingel ram de Fressenvill, and the land of Wicham and of Pokelesh, and of Beten:, which the said Reginald and Matilda and Ingelram sold them, together with the land of Hothleg ; and the land of Farleg, which they bought of Thomas de St: Leger, and the land they i6 bought of Gilbert son of Gencelin, of the fee of Setelescumbe, and* all the salt morass below Eures towards Rie, between the bounds of S and the fee of the abbat of Fiscamp, and between the land of Robert de Crevequer and Winch:, which they bought of John de St: Leger and Roger de Sokenerse, and the land they bought of Stephen de Cnelle at Morbregg in the morass, and the land they hold in the marsh of the fee of Hikelesham and of Gestehng, and the land of Promhelle and the land of Mapelesdenne and Cundenn, and the land of Holbemesherse and of Westhenherst, and the land of Blakebroc, and of Eggingethun, which they bought of Alan Pollar, and all the land of Snergathe and the pasture within and without the bank which they have of the gift of Alice Countess of Ow, and Henry her son Earl of Ow, viz: 70 acres, including what was bought of William de Curcy, to hold by the rent of y. a year for all service ; and the land of Werthe, and of Cumbe, and of Ruindenn, and of Dudewell, and the land they have in the manor of Helham, of the gift of Henry Earl of Ow ; and the land they hold of the fee of Randulf de Hetinden ; and all other their lands, tenements, and possessions for which they have charters. (Here follow the privileges.) — Witnesses : H : Archbishop of Can terbury, Master Roger de St: Edmund, archdeacon of Richmond ; Henry de Castell:, archdeacon of Canterbury; Robert de Harocurd, Britius Cam:, William fitzAlan. Given by the hand of Master Roscel, then acting for the Chancellor, at Roche-Andeley, 9 Nov: 10 R: I. Attached is the great seal of England, of which one-third is gone. This charter is given (without the privileges) in Dugdale's Monas- ticon, V. 667. 48 Matilda de Lundresford to the Abbey. Grant (in her widowhood) of her whole tenement of Henherst lying next the forest of the Earl of Ow, and over against Blakebroc ; to hold in frankalmoign, subject to the yearly rent of 6d~Wil nesses: Stephen le Borne, Laurence de Mundifeld, William de Sokeneirs, Richard de Glottingeham, Alan of Robertsbridge, Henry de Tyereseirs, Barth: de Haremere, Hehas Folet. Seal oval, i inch. A kind of fleur de lys. Legend, ' Sigill; Matill- . . . ndresf: . 17 49 Alured de St: Martin to William de Feme. Copy grant in fee of the land of Feme, which Elwyn, father of said ^\'illiam, held ; to hold freely by the yearly rent of s^- at Michaelmas. Elwyn gives 5 silver marks consideration money. ,^ J Fitnesses: William de Bodyham, Henry his son, Ran dulf Strabone, Hugh de Lunsford, Alan de Lunderford, Walter de Burgahasth. 50 Hugh de Lundresford to the Monks. Grant in frankalmoign at the dedication of their Church, and for its dower, one acre out of his meadow of Lundresford, near the spring in the same meadow towards the south. — J Fitnesses: Aedmund de Hastings, Richard de Lundresford, Robert son of Alan, Robert de Burg. iVa/ oval, li inch. A gem. Legend, 'Sigill; Hugonis de Londresford.' 51 Idonia de Herst to Alured de St: Martin. 1202. Receipt for 6d. sterling rent issuing out of Promhelle, and ren dered yearly by said Alured at Michaelmas for 13 years since the Coronation of King Richard. — Witnesses: Sanson de Gestel;, Robert his son, Hugh de Londrefort, Alan de Londrefort, William de Bodiahm, Michael de Munta, John de Turre, Walter de Petravill. Seal oval, 2j inches. A draped female figure standing, holding in her right hand an ornamental cross, and on her left a bird. Legend, 'Sigillum Id . . . Herst.' 52 Gilebert de Beningwrth to Hugh of Warewic and his heirs. Grant of his villein Hugh son of Reginald de Salemundebi and all his belongings. — M^itnesses : Roger the Chaplain, William de Billingaie, Geoffrey de Kales, William de Winoebi, Oliver de Areci, Hugh de Leia, Richard son of Alan, Robert son of Gilebert, William son of Alured, William de Salemundebi. Seal round, 2 inches. Knight on horse. Legend, ' Sigillum Gilberti de Behingwore. ' C 53 A: Abbat of Treport. Certificate that he has, with consent of the Chapter, granted the lands of the Abbey in the Rape of Hastings, viz: Papelesham and Pleiden, to the Abbey of Robertsbridge, as testified by charter. Seal oval, 2 inches. A priest standing and holding a pastoral staff in his right hand, and in his left a . . . Legend, ' Sigillu '• 54 Arthur, Abbat of Treport, to all his men in the Rape of Hastings. Precept that they are in future to attend and do their services to the Abbey of Robertsbridge in all things as hitherto to Trcfport ; the property in them and their tenements having been granted to Robertsbridge to be held of Treport for ever. Seal of the Chapter of Treport. Oval, 2\ inches. A priest with pastoral staff standing. Legend, ' Sigillum de Treport. ' 55 Thomas and Augustin, sons of Geoffrey Mabel, to the Monks. Grant in frankalmoign of all their own share as well as that of Adam their brother, viz: \\ acre, in the marsh of Promhelle called Spikespich. Covenant to make satisfaction to the said Adam and to pay the monks \os. if he or his heirs attempt to upset the deed. — Witnesses: Reginald son of Aug:, Robert Niger, John Rogers, WiUiam Rogers, William Lanche, William Long, William Betel, Hugh de Niweham, John his son, Hugh de Aubervile, Alan de Robertsbridge, Ralph de Feme. Two Seals : — I. Round, ij inch. An eagle rising, reguardant. Legend, ' S. Thome . . . alfridi.' 2. Round, 1 1 inch. A crescent surmounted by an estoille. Legend, ' S. Augustini fill Ga '. 56 Robert, son of Thomas Niger of Promhelle, to the Monks. Grant in fraiikalmoign of all the land he had in the marsh called Cumers, and in the marsh called Spichespich, in the vill of Promhelle. — Witnesses : Ralph son of Elyas, Walter le Galp, Regi nald son of Augustin, Hugh de Niwenham, John Rogers, William 19 Rogers, Hugh Pikenot, Thomas son of Geoffrey, Augustin his brother, David de Walla, Alan de Robertsbridge, Ralph de Feme. Seal round, i^ inch. A flower of 8 petals. Legend, ' S; Roberti filii Thome.' 57 Richard Carnifex of Winchelese to the Abbat. Letter of Attorney directing him to pay yearly to John son of Roger de Promhell, the ^d. due from the said Richard, in respect of land he held of him in Promhell, lying between the Abbey land and that of William son of said John. — Witnesses : Thomas Niger, Robert his son, Walter Galp, Geoffrey Mabels, Godfrey de Pette. Seal round, I inch. A fleur de lys, seeded in form of trefoils. Legend, 'S: Ricardi Camific' 58 Thomas, William, and Augustin, sons of Eilwin de Promhell, to the Abbey. Confirmation of sale made by Adam de Promhell their brother, of a third part of the marsh called Spikespich, in Promhell, for which the said Adam had made them satisfactory exchange ; the tenants, Hugh Long, and Boniface son of Etdieth de Winche, to do their services to the Abbey. — Witnesses : Robert de Dikest: , Robert son of Alan, Elias Foleth, Ralph de Feme, Osbert de Promhell, Thomas Niger his brother, Augustin de Promhell, William his brother. Three Seals : — I. Round, 1 1 inch. A fleur de lys seeded. Legend, ' Sigillm; Tome fil; lelwini de Pronv . . ' The letters are reversed, and read from left to right. 2. Round, 2 inches. A bird with one foot raised, and its tail ending in an heraldic sprig embowed. Legend, ' Sigill; Willi de Pnhell.' 3. Round, 2 inches. A leaf. Legend, ' Sigill: Agustini de Prnele. ' 59 WiUiam son of Eilwin of PromheU, to William son of Wlfwin, William Wither, Richard Stokes, and James Clerk son of Godfrey. Notice of transfer to the Abbey of the services hitherto due to him in respect of their lands, and likewise of the mill. Seal same as the second seal to No. 58. c 2 20 6o [William de Promhell.] The greater part of this document has been torn away. — Witnesses : Robert son of Alan, Helyas Folet, Ralph de Feme, Osbert and Thomas sons of Walter de Promhelle, Thomas son of Ailwln de Promhelle, Osbert and Roger sons of Robert de Promhelle. Seal the same as the second seal to No. 58. 61 The Abbey and John de Northie. Agreement by which the monks give up to John their tenement in Pleidun, to hold to him and his heirs in fee farm at the yearly rent of 60s. and 5 ' ambre ' of salt for all service, save to the King and Earl, and relief: the salt-pan being excepted, which belonged to the monks before they held the tenement of Pleidun of the monks of Treport. — Wittiesses : Amf: de Dene, William de St. Martin, Hugh de Lun:, Ralph le Borne, William de Haremere, Ingelr: de Manekes:, Robert de Walil:. Seal oval, i J inch. A priest standing with pastoral staff in his left hand, and his right raised for benediction. Legend, ' Signum Abbatis de Ponte Roberti.' Reverse, lozenge shaped, l^ inch. A hand cuffed at the wrist issuing from the dexter, and holding between the finger and thumb an ornamental cross. Legend, ' Signum Secreti.' 62 Richard, son of Geoffrey de Waliland, to the Abbey. Quitclaim of the land called Craneham, as having been a pur- presture made by his father Geoffrey out of their fee of Waliland. Grant of the land of Hudiham and his part of Jerkeshell, in ex change for the land called Cumbe, next Worth, not including that of the turner. A yearly rent of 5^-. reserved to himself and his heirs. — Witnesses: Symon de Eching:, William and Henry his brothers, Symon de Sumeri, Hugh de Lund:, William Gulafre, Thomas de Essetes, William de Harmere, Richard de Tirdesherse, Robert son of Alan, Ralph de Feme. &d. each, half a ^pondus' of cheese, 500 herrings, half an ambra of salt, half a bushel of oatmeal, 2 bushels of beans, 10 wagon loads of wood, 2 wagon loads of straw, a pair of felted boots in winter and a pair not felted in summer. — Witnesses : Wil liam de Sokenesse, Robert de Glottingham, Robert de Sedelecombe, Alan of Robertsbridge, WUliam Long, Henry de Thirhs. Two Seals -. — I. Round, l| inch. A fleur-de-lys. Legend, ' S : Stephani de Bem- linge.' 2. Round, if inch. A star of 8 leaves. Legend, 'S: Mabilie de Walilonde.' 195 William Abbat of Robertsbridge v. Stephen de Barme- 25 Nov. linge and Mabel his wife. ^ ¦ Final concord made in the king's court at Westminster 15 days from the feast of St: Martin, 31 H. 3, before Henry de Bathon and Alan de Wadsend, justices, and others, by which Stephen and Mabel recognize to the Abbat all their right in a caiacate and 5 acres of land in Yweherste, subject to the yearly rent of ^ a pound of cumin, and the services due to the capital lords of the fee Indorsed ' Contra Mabiliam de Welilonde. . . . de Egilintune.' 64 196 William Abbat of Robertsbridge v: Stephen de Barme- 2 Dec. linge and Mabel his wife. '^'^ ¦ Final concord made in the king's court at Lewes, three weeks from St. Martin's Day, 33 H. 3, before Henry de Bathonia, Alan de Wasand, William de Wilton, Reginald de Cobeham, WiUiam le Breton, justices itinerant and others, by which Stephen and Mabel recognize to the Abbat 60 acres of land in Yueherst and all their right and claim in all other lands and tenements held of them in fee in the same viU by the Abbat. The Abbat for this concord gives them during the Ufe of Mabel an annuity of 20^., with power of distress on the chattels found in the tenements in case of failure of payment. Indorsed ' Contra Steph: de Barmelinge et Mabi liam de WalUonde uxorem ejus de terra que vocatur BadUond.' 197 Mabel de Welilonde, daughter and heir of Robert de Welilonde, to the Monks. Confirmation, in frankalmoign (in her widowhood), of all the lands they have of the gift of the said Robert her father viz: 3 acres of meadow in Hodihamme, and all the land which lies between the great flete and le Fochre being i acre which they have of WiUiam de St. Martin, and all that field next Ruhele which was WiUiam the Canon's, and the land of Grave and the field caUed Brodeham and the field called Elfwiellond which lie next the great wiUow which stands on the road running in front of the house, once Roger Scot's, to the top of an ancient street which leads to the piece of water called Bodeshelle over against the land of Watlintone, and again from the said willow to the lake by the road from Stapele to YerkneseUe; and all the land of Bremlesfricht, and 2 fields next Ruele wood which her father gave in dower to their church; also the land lying between her house and the demesne of the monks and extending to the stream over against the tenement of Watiin- tune, to be held by the free service of i2d. yearly to her and her heirs, and aU the lands and groves lying between the road from Stapele to YerkneseUe and their wood called Ruhele and which they have in exchange for the land called Lentuneslond held by the free service of 2od. — Witnesses : Robert de Glotingeham, Adam his son, John de Peplesham, Bartholomew, Thomas, and Osbert de Haremere, Alan of Robertsbridge, Geoffrey le Bcrde, Henry de Padiham, 65 Ralph de Feme, Alan his brother, John de Sedlescumbe, Richard Venator. ^ffl/ round, I J inch. A star of 8 points. Legend, ' S: Mabilie de Welilonde.' 198 Mabel de WelUonde, daughter and heir of Robert de WelUonde, to the Monks. Grant, during widowhood, in frankalmoign, of all the land called Lentuneslond, viz: 23 acres and 13 perches lying next the road which leads from Stapele cross to Genneselle gate (bounds given) to hold of her and her heirs. — Witnesses: William de Sokenasse, Robert de Glotingeham, Adam his son, Robert Basoc, Michael de Beche, Osbert de Haremere, Alan of Robertsbridge, Geoffrey le Bodere, Henry de Padiham, Ralph de Feme, Alan his brother, Richard Venator. Seal round, if inch. A star of 8 points. Legend, ' S: MabiUe de WeUlonde.' 199 Mabel, daughter of Robert de WeUlande, to Henry de H echene. Grant in fee, of the field called Goldinesland, and 2 acres of land formerly Reginald's, and 2^ acres of land near Burne next Wardul- lesland with right of road thereto; subject to the yearly rent of 3^. payable at her house in WeUlande for all service save to the King and Earl. Consideration money 5^-. — Witnesses : WiUiam de Houtune, Alexander de Robert de Setelescumbe, Henry de Padihamme, Robert Cocus, Robert de la Hamme, John de Dus- teme, WUliam and Luke de Echene, Godfrey de Broc, Hamo and Robert his ... . Seal loviiid, if inch. A rose. Legend, 'S: MabiUe de Walilonde.' 200 William Abbat of Cumbwell, and F: Prior of Ledes. Confimiation of an agreement arrived at between John de Aubeni and the Abbey of Robertsbridge in a cause that had been argued before them in obedience to letters from the Pope conceming a claim of tithes from Worth. The Abbey for the sake of peace and for good will to the said John give him for Hfe a personal annuity of 12^. a year and the land is to be quit of all exactions either on the F 66 part of John or of any one else ; the Abbat is absolved by authority of the pope from payments of tithes in respect of Worthe. Two Seals : — I. Oval, l| inch. A priest in his robes standing with pastoral staff in his left hand and a book (?) in his right. Legend, ' Sigillum WUlelmi Abbatis de CombweUa.' 2. Oval, i^ inch. A female head. Legend, ' Cave Caute Age.' 20 1 William Abbat of Cumbwelle, and F: Prior of Ledes, to c. 1250. Master Thomas Rector of the Church of Salherst. Precept, reciting letters from Pope Innocent dated at Rome, 13 kal: May, the 7th year of his Pontificate (19 April, 1250), Thomas's citation before them in obedience thereto under pain of ecclesiastical censure, and his contumacious failure to appear, and notifying their decree that he has no right to seize tithes on lands cultivated at the expense of the monks of Robertsbridge, and imposing on him perpetual silence in respect thereof Two Seals, both gone. 202 W: Abbat of Cumwell, F: Prior of Ledes, R: Prior of c. 125 1. Faversham, to William Chaplain of Pette. Precept, reciting letters from Pope Innocent dated at Rome, 16 kal: April, 8th year of his Pontificate (17 March, 1251), Williams's citation in obedience thereto, the charge of the Abbat of Robertsbridge that after appeal to the Pope WiUiam by force had spoiled his house, under pretence of taking tithe of corn in respect of its marsh lying between the mill of Fochie and Rameshom and being in its own occupation, assaulted certain monks and professed persons, and interposed delays and contumaciously absented himself, and the proof of these charges, and notifying their decree that he pay 15 silver marks damages and looj. costs and abstain in future from taking tithe from lands in the monks' own cultivation as contrary to the tenor of their privileges. Three Seals : — I. Oval. The same as the first seal to No. 200. 2. Oval, I ^ inch. A robed figure standing. Legend, ' SigiU : Fulconis Prioris de Led. . . .' 3. Oval, i^ inch. A human head. Legend, 'Sig: R: Prioris de Favs:.' 67 202* William Abbat of Treport and William Abbat of Roberts- fg; bridge. Convention by which the Abbat of Robertsbridge and his convent agree to pay annually to the Abbat of Treport and his convent 9 marks steriing on the feast of St: John the Baptist, one year at Treport and the other at Robertsbridge, for the lands caUed Bolinton, Peplesham, Pleyden and Stande held of Treport in the Rape of Hastings ; also to keep them harmless of the warranty which Lord Laurence late Abbat of Treport made them at Westminster in the King of England's Court and of all amercements, expenses, &c. suffered in respect of these lands in the King's Court before his justices there or elsewhere. The Abbat of Treport is to join in all legal proceedings necessary, when required, at the expense of the Abbat of Robertsbridge and at the Kke expense to be entertained whenever he comes to England on this business ; and for the above service he confirms to them all right and claim they have acquired and whatever they shall be able justly to acquire in demesne, whether in lands rents or services, of his fee in the rape of Hastings. Done in the year of grace 1252 in the month of April. Two Seals : — I. Oval, 2 inches. An upright robed figure holding in his left hand a pastoral staff. Legend, ' S: Willi Abbatis de Ultriportu. ' 2. Imperfect. St: Michael slaying a dragon. 203 William Abbat of Treport and the Convent, to the Abbat May, of Robertsbridge. Power of attorney authorising the Abbat of Robertsbridge and his convent to receive their rents and services in Bolinton, Peples ham, Playdene and Stande and to represent them in all pleas relating thereto. Dated May 1252. Two Seals : — I. Only a small fragment remaining. 2. The seal of the Abbey of Treport, representing St: Michael slaying a Dragon. But only a fragment. 204 W: Abbat of Robertsbridge. May, Notice that the Abbey of Treport has made the Abbey of '^^^' Robertsbridge its attorney for receiving its rents and services in the 68 rape of Hastings, viz: in the places called Bolsitonne, Peplesham, Plaiden and Stand, and also in pleas &c. relating to the said lands, with power to make composition as it shall think proper, but at its own charges in all things. Nine marks to be paid yearly to Treport under all circumstances. Seal oval, iJ- inch. A priest standing with pastoral staff in his left hand and his right in the posture of benediction. Legend, ' Signum Abba nte Roberti.' 205 The Abbey of Treport and the Abbey of Robertsbridge. Agreement as to 9 marks yearly rent due from the latter in respect of lands held of Trdport in the rape of Hastings, viz: Bolinthon, Paplesham, Plaidanne, and Stand, the same to be paid one year at Treport and the other at Robertsbridge, on the feast of St: John the Baptist, except when the wind shall be contrary. Seal of the Abbat of Boxley affixed. Three Seals : — I. Oval, i;^ inch. An upright figui-e with legend, ' Signu ' 2. Oval, about 2j inches. St: Michael slaying a Dragon. Legend, only 2 or 3 letters legible. 3. Lost. 206 The Abbey of Tr6port to the Abbey of Robertsbridge. This deed is a duplicate of No. 205. Seals. Only the second seal remaining, the device being St: Michael and the Dragon but it is less perfect than that attached to No. 205. 207 Herbert de Burgersse to Gervase son of Andrew. Grant in fee of aU the land he held of Lady Clarice late the wife of Robert de AuberviUe in Egelinton; subject to the yearly pay ment of 2s. for all service. Consideration money 22 silver marks. Witnesses: Robert de Glotingeham, Alan of Robertsbridge, Walter de Burgersse, William his brother, WUliam de Sokenersse' Stephen Andrew, WUliam Alard, Mathew son of Stephen, Godfrey Poinz, Henry Alard, Henry de Bredhurst, William le Franceis. &a/ round, I inch. A gem. Legend, ' SigiU: Herberti Clici.' 69 2o8 King Henry III. to the Abbey. 8 June, Confirmation, in frankalmoign, of all the lands and tenements ^3- given them by Cecily de Averenches in the manor of Sutton, and all those which they held of the Abbey of Treport, viz: Bolinton, Peplesham, Playdenne and Stande ; and the annual rent of 28 ster lings given by Hugh Abbat of Ow and the convent of Ow to be received of Ralph de Peplesham, the porter, as the said Ralph was wont to pay them out of the alms of Peter le Vislet ; and all the lands and tenements given by Adam de Cobeford, viz: Slohtre and Edbrichtesham, with the homages, rents, services, &c. ; and those given by Mabel de Tcclesham in the parish of Bridge, Edelniy and Cudenn, and those which Robert de Canvill, Lord of Westerham, confirmed to them by charter, and those given them by William de la Warre, clerk, and Robert son of Helewise, in Lamberherst as well in Kent as in Sussex, of the fee of Nicholas de Lenham and confirmed by him, and those given them by Mabel de Welilond in the vill of Iweherst. Together vnth their liberties and free customs to them by the king granted, as testified by their charters. — Wit nesses : P: Hereford, H: Ely, Guido de Lezignan our brother, Peter of Savoy, John Mansell constable of Beuerk, Master William de Kilkenny archdeacon of Coventry, Bertram de CrioUl, John de Lessinton, John de Croy, Robert Walerand, Henry de Wengham, William de Grey, Nicholas de St: Maur. Dated at Westminster, 8 June, 37 H. 3. Seal gone. 209 Memoranda of Law proceedings. Letter from King Henry to the Sheriff of Sussex directing him to order Herbert de Burgherse to give up to the Abbey 100 acres of land in Burherse to which the monks have no ingress except by suffrance of William de Dudewell to whom William late Abbat of Robertsbridge demised them for a term which has expired. If he fail and the Abbey gives security to prosecute its claim, then the said Herbert to be summoned before the justices ad Banchum at Westminster in the quinzaine of St: Michael. Tested by the King himself at Mertune. 39 H. 3, Oil this writ being impleaded before Master Symon de Wauton and Lord Robert de Sotynd: the king's justices in the 39th year of King Henry, the peac? was proclaimed as follows, viz: that said 70 land should remain to the said Herbert subject to 2Si-. yearly rent to the Abbey, without warranty ; that he should do suit of court to the Abbey every 3 weeks and render relief from heir to heir : but before the peace was fully concluded Herbert was dead and after him John his son and heir. On the petition of the Ulustrious Queen of England, the parties met at Westminster in her presence, viz: the attornies of the said Abbey and Reginald son and heir of the said Herbert and the same peace was conceded as had been proclaimed between the Abbey and Herbert, and the peace was concluded between the parties Dec. 2, before the Queen on the morrow of Advent Sunday, 42 H. 3, and ¦^57- for confirmation a fine shall be levied. 210 William Abbat of Treport and John de Peplesham. Easter, Final concord made in the king's court at Westminster 15 days from Easter, 42 H. 3, before Henry de Bath:, Robert de Brywes and Nicholas de Handlo, justices, and others ; by which the abbat recognises John's right to a carucate of land in Bewes and Bur herse ; the same to be held of Roger Abbat of Robertsbridge and his successors, subject to the yearly payment of ^£4 sterling for all services : warranty by the Abbat of Robertsbridge. 2 1 1 Richard Prior of Ledes and Roger Abbat of Roberts- Aprii, bridge. Ratification of an agreement entered into by them in pursuance of an award made by Master Robert de Hastings oflScial of the Bishop of Chichester, Master Geoffrey de Gates canon of Chi chester, and Masters Stephen de Robeland and Roger of Canter bury, conceming the tithes of the parish church of Lamberhurst. Two Seals. I. gone. 2. Round, 2 inches. The front of church with legend. Reverse imper fect, a robed figiire standing. Legend '. . . . 11 Scrti: Ledensis eccli . . .'. 2 1 2 William Maufe, knight, to the Abbey. Grant in fee of all the land called Elrethfeld in the parish of Waldeme, with the wood growing thereon, and aU other lands they have of his fee in the parishes of Walderne and Chitingeleghe. — Witnesses: Henry de Byreth:, AVUliam Davi, William Herth:, 71 Robert de Berthe, Richard de Tunebruge, Henry de Bodyham, WUliam de Ferruge, Thomas Alayn, Stephen de Otham, Symon de Feme, Robert ly Colier, WUliam le Venur. ^Vfl/ triangular, i inch. A lion rampant Legend, 'Sig Maufe.' 213 Reginald de Burhasse. ^i2^r Notice that he has attorned John son of Gervase of Wynchelse for payment of the rent and services which he was wont to pay in respect of a certain land in Egelington in Yweherste parish which Herbert his father gave to Gervase father of the said John, saving to John and his heirs the warranty of himself and heirs as contained in Herbert's charter. Dated the day of St: Thomas the Martyr, 46 H. 3. Seal torn oft. 214 Margaret relict of Robert son of Thomas Niger to the 25 Jan. Abbey. 1262. Quitclaim of her dower out of lands given by her late husband. Dated the day of Conversion of St: Paul, 46 H. 3. — Witnesses: Walter Clerk bailiff of Wynchelese, John Andrews, Alan Godfrey, John son of Hugh of Niweham, WUliam Rogers of Promhelle, John his brother, John son of Hugh Pikenoth. Seal gone. 215 William Erkebaud and the Monks. 13 Dec. Convention dated St: Lucy's day virgin and martyr, 44 H. 3, 1259- 1259; whereby the said William leases to them for 10 years all the land he bought of Richard son of William de Cobeford in the parish of Weldeme and of Chidigeleh:, reserving to himself the wood standing thereon, except what the monks may require for their fences and enclosures. Consideration, 10 marks sterling and a yearly payment of 'j^d. for all service. — Witnesses : Henry de Bireche, Peter de Werthe, Robert Cobeford, Alan of Robertsbridge, Ralph de Middelton, William de Ferrugge, WiUiam Lambin, Alan his son, WiUiam le Cohere, WUliam Venator, Henry Luggere. Seal oval, i^ inch. A priest standing with a pastoral staff in his right hand and a book in his left. Legend, 'Sigillum Abbatis . . Ponte Rober . .'. On this deed is endorsed an account of the services due to the capital lords, viz: suit of court to the heirs of John de Gatesdene at Walderne, y^d. a year castieguard, 20^. scutage and 20^'. to making the king's eldest son a knight. 216 WiUiam Erkebaut and the Monks. '3 Dec- Counterpart of convention No. 215, and having the same witnesses. Seal round, i ^ inch. Eight leaves in form of a star. Legend, ' S; Wil elmi de Aula. ' 2 1 7 William de Aula son of Robert Erkebaud to the Monks. ^1263' Conveyance of all the land he had of Richard son and heir of the late William de Cobbeford in Walderne and Chitingeleghe with the profits thereof to secure repayment of a loan of 32! silver marks. Dated at Robertsbridge on St: Edward's day king and confessor, 47 H. 3. — Witnesses: Ralph de Grestune, Hugh de Codynge, Roger de Sokenesse, WUham de Fermgge, Symon de Feeme, Alan Lambyn of Robertsbridge, William Venator, Geoffrey le Venur, John de Lamberherste, Henry Luggere. Seal the same as to No. 216. 218 WiUiam son of Robert Erkebaud to the Monks. ^1263.' Receipt for 32I sUver marks and conveyance' of all the land he had of Richard son and heir of the late WiUiam de Cobbeford in Walderne and Chitingeleghe with the profits thereof to secure re payment. Dated at Deerne, St: Leger's day, 47 H. 3. Seal the same as to No. 216. 219 William de Aula son of the late Robert de Erkebaud to the Abbey. Grant, in frankalmoign, of aUthe land which was onre William de Cobbeford's in the parishes of Walderne and Chitingeleghe and 73 which the grantor formerly had of the gift of Richard son of WiUiam de Cobbeford, quit of all service to himself — Witnesses: William Erche, WiUiam de Byestenouere, Gervase his brother, William de Sywelle, Henry his brother, Nicholas Lurdun, Robert de Cobbe ford, Symon de Lundreford, William de Ferrugge, Thomas Alan, WUliam Levenur, Geoffrey le Venur, Henry Luggere. Aff/ round, li inch. A star. Legend, ' S : Willmi de Aula. ' 2 20 John son of the late Gervase Andrews of Wyncheles to the Monks. Grant, in frankalmoign, of the homage and service of Robert Bryd of Yweherste, together with his own body after death to be buried in their abbey ; also of 13^. yearly rent paid by the said Robert in respect of 9 acres of land held of the grantor in the parish of Yweherste (bounds given). — Witnesses: Robert Basoc, Roger de Sokenerse, Hugh de Codinge, Michael de Beche, Ralph de Grestune, Robert Marscot, Ralph de Mideltune, Daniel Kichen ham, Luke Swinham, Renger de Watlingetune, Alan of Roberts- bridge, Walter le Bodere, Richard de Gocele. Seal gone. 221 Henry de Echene to the Abbey. Grant, in frankalmoign, of all his land and rights in the parish of Iwherste. — Witnesses: Nicholas Lurdun, WiUiam de Suwelle, Henry his brother, John de Sedelescumbe, Alan Lambin, WiUiam Venator, Symon de Feme. Seal ronnd, i inch. A quatrefoil. Legend, ' S: Henrici de Echene.' 2 22 Walter de Feme to God and St: Mary and the Gate and Gatekeeper of the Abbey. Grant, in frankalmoign, with the assent of his wife Alice, of 1 2d. yearly rent out of the tenement he held of Siinon de Feme to find a lamp to bum in the gate, viz: in the chapel, the same to be paid quarterly in the chapel next the gate : Power of distress. — Wit nesses: Alan Lambin, Thomas Aleyn, Simon de Feme, John Skinner, Henry le Luggere, William de Fermgge, Geoffrey Venator, Adam de Otham. Seal gone. 74 223 William de Northye to the Abbey. Grant, in frankalmoign, for the soul of his deceased son John, of aU the land called Maderesham in the parish or viU of Beckeleshe and aU other lands and tenements to which he was entitled by descent or escheat in the said parish or viU ; quit of all service save to the capital lords of the fee. — Witnesses : Lord Mathew de Hasting, Lord John Moyn, Geoffrey de St: Leger, Symon his brother, Walter Clerk of Wyncheles, Nichol: Lurdun, WUliam de Bodyham, Henry his brother, Reginald de Tyresesse, Roger de Sokenesse, WiUiam de Fermgge, Thomas Alani, Alan Lambin. Seal gone. 224 John son and heir of Walter and Burgonia de WalUonde to Mathew de Knelle. Quitclaim, in fee, of all his right in the half fee of WalUonde formerly held by his father and mother ; to hold of him and his heirs subject to the yearly payment of i pound of pepper at the house of Knellee. Consideration money, ;^6o. — Witnesses : John de Kechenore, John de Feldemere, Walter de Hamme, WiUiam de Kechenhamme, Stephen and Ralph de Gotele, Robert le Hore, Thomas de Palst:, Richard de la Leghe, Edme de Knelle, John the priest's son, John de Sedlescumbe, Robert Giffbre. Seal gone. This document has been cut through with a knife in 4 places. 225 Roger Abbat of Robertsbridge and the Convent to Thomas son of Thomas de Haremere. Grant, in fee, of the tenement called Levingeslond in the parishes of Watiingtone and Mundefeld subject to the yearly rent of half a silver mark, scutage of iid. in the mark when it happens, and 2 suits of court a year. Consideration money, ;^io sterling. — Witnesses : Lord Mathew de Hastings, Lord John Moyn, knights, Symon de Someri, Henry de Peneherst, John de Pising:, Walter de Beche, Alan Lambin, Symon and WiUiam de Haremere, Thomas de Watiington, James le Hore goldsmith, Adam Clerk. Seal broken, round, | inch. A shield charged with 3 fleur-de-lys. Legend, ' Hareme ....'. 75 226 William de Northye, knight, to the Abbey. Grant, in frankalmoign, of 2 acres of land in the parish of Beckele, lying next the bridge of Meytham, east of the road running from that bridge to Rye and extending to Lymen on the North. — Witnesses: Lord Robert de Crevequer, Lord Ralph de Otering- denne. Lord Mathew de Hastings, Mathew de Knelle, Henry de Losseham, Ralph de Eslinge, Hamo Curthosse, Richard his son. Seal round, | inch. A shield charged with a canton in sinister chief and another in dexter base. Legend obliterated. 227 Robert de Crevequer to the Monks. Grant, in frankalmoign, of all his interest in the services due in respect of the manor of Maderhesham, which manor the monks possessed by grant of William de Northye, and which grant is now confirmed. — Witnesses: Lord John Tregoz, Ralph de Boteringer- den, John Tregoz junior, knights, Walter de Wincheles called Clerk, Henry de Chivene, William de Suwell, Henry his brother, Mathew de Cnelle, Pharaon de Porta, Alan Lambyn, Thomas Alan, John de Godecombe. Seal round, if inch. A shield, thereon a cross urdee voided. Legend, ' S: Roberti de Crevequer.' 228 Roger Abbat of Robertsbridge to Alan Lambin of Robertsbridge. Grant, in fee, of aU the field caUed la Binne once held of the Abbey by John de Lambherste, together with a smaU portion of the same field once held by John son of Robert le Marchaund ; which field lies between the Abbey's grove and the king's highway leading from Robertsbridge to Battle, and is bounded by Henry le Lug ger's land on the south and that which was Ralph de Bradstede's on the north : subject to the yearly rent of 12^: for aU service. — Witnesses : Lord WiUiam de Northye, Lord Mathew de Hastings, William de Echingham, Reg: de Burgherse, WiUiam de SuweUe, Henry his brother, Hugh de Coding:, Stephen de Hokham, Simon de Luneford, William de Ferreges, WiUiam de Haremere, John de Heleherste. Seal oval, if inch. The impression is obliterated. 76 2 29 Mathew de Hastings, son and heir of Robert de Hastings, 20 April, to the Abbey. " '¦ Grant of a virgate of land with appurtenances in Sandregg:, being of the fee of Ytintun, and which the monks once held of Richard de Ytintun; subject to a yeariy rent for aU service : and they are to be quit of all aids for the marriages of his sons and daughters and of all other services save those due to the king and earl, viz: iid. in the mark scutage. — Witnesses: Lord Henry de Burne, Lord WiUiam de St: Leger, Walter clerk of Winch:, Michel de . . . , . . . de Grestun, Hugh of Battie, William de Bodiham, Henry de Bodiham, Roger de Sokenesse, Heniy de Peneherst, Henry de Tyresesse, Joceus de Wattiingetun. [A portion of this deed is destroyed. ] Seal oval, l^ inch. An ornamental cross. Legend, ' S : Mathie de . . . inge.' Indorsed is the date, 12 kal; May, 45 H. 3, 1261. 230 Robert Poinant to John de Bokeselle. Grant, in fee, of a yearly rent of 2s. which Thomas Sutor was wont to pay him in respect of a tenement in Saleherst, with the seiTices, customs, and escheats due thereon to the grantor, and of another tenement in the same parish called Garit, which extends to the king's highway leading from Henherst to Winchelse : the said rent and tenement to be held subject to the yearly render of a rose in the octaves of St: John the Baptist in the cemetery of Salherst, for all service. Consideration money, 2 marks. — Witnesses : John de Belherst, WiUiam de Haremere, Robert de Bemherst, Robert Firman, WiUiam le Hunte, Henry le Luggere, John le Luggere, Thomas le Luggere, William de Ferregges, Alexander de Ferreges, Adam of Battle, Adam de Otham. Seal gone. 231 Roger Abbat of Robertsbridge, with the assent of Lord Robert Abbat of Boxley, to Eustace Tanner and Matilda his wife, and the heirs of Matilda. Grant of a messuage with buildings and curtilages in the viU of Robertsbridge, and lying towards the house of Ralph de Bradstede on the south and towards le Orspend on the north, extending 77 lengthways from the great flete of the viU on the east to the meadow of Peter son of John Smith on the west; and 7^ acres of land in a place called Bomeland adjoining the Abbey's wood on the south, Robert Chapman's land on the north, Adam Lambin's on the east, and Geoffrey Venator's on the west, with right of ingress and egress by a way leading from the high road between the house of Alan son of Robert and that of Robert Chapman ; also a certain field called Stonnepettefeld adjacent to the way leading from Robertsbridge to the Abbey on the north, as shown by hedges and ditches metes and bounds : subject to the yearly rent of 6s. for all services — Witnesses : Hugh of Battle, Ralph deGreston, Roger de Swokynerse, Henry de Bodiham, Simon de Feme, Simon de Haremere, Henry le Lugger, Geoffrey Venator, William Venator, Alan Lambyn, Alan of Roberts- bridge, Michel de Beche. Seal gone. 232 Roger Abbat of Robertsbridge to Walter de Bocstede. Lease of a field once held by William Lambyn called Berereste, lying to the south, next the way leading from Robertsbridge to the abbey, and abutting on the land of Alan Lambyn on one side and that of Alan le Blake on the other ; to hold so long as he and his heirs shall wish to abide there, subject to a reserved rent of j,s. a year, 2 suits of court, and the condition that the field shall be thrown open at fair time for 3 days before and after the feast of the exaltation of the Holy Cross. — Witnesses : Henry de Bodiham, Geoffrey his brother, Alan Lambyn, Thomas Alan, Simon de Feme, WiUiam le Hunte, Henry Luggere, Adam de Othamme, WUUam de Ferregg:. .SVa/finch. An eagle displayed. Legend, ' S: . . . geri de Asingg.' Indorsed is the inscription ' Walterus de Bocstede vel de Bodyham.' 233 Henry de Bodiham to the Monks. Grant, for the soul of his brother WiUiam deceased, in frankal moign, of the yearly sum of 6^. to be rendered by John de la Crane out of a meadow called Bardewyse which he holds of the grantor, of which the south end abuts on the monks' brook called Huddeshammesbroke, the north end Othammeswode street, the 78 west side adjoins an acre of meadow held by Robert Chicheli, and the west {sic) side a meadow of the Abbat of Battie called Batay- leswyse. — Witnesses : Nicholas Wacelin, Simon de St: Leger, Regi nald de Betrindene, Reginald Tyrsesse, Simon de BodUiam, Geof frey my brother, Alan Lambin. Seal. A fragment only remaining. 234 Roger de Cobbeford son and heir of Geoffrey de Cobbe ford to the Abbey. Confirmation, in frankalmoign, of all the lands and tenements they have of the gift of any of his ancestors in Chidiggel: and Wandeme. — Witnesses: Henry de Bodiam, Geoffrey his brother, Alan Lambin, Thomas son of Alan, William Venator, Henry Luggere, Roger de Saleherste called priest. Seal round, f inch. A bird reguard: pruning its wing, with legend. ^JD Alan Nitherin to Alan Lambyn of Robertsbridge his cousin, and Matilda his wife. Grant to Alan and Matilda and heirs of Alan of all the land he once held of William de Fermgge in the vill of Saleherste, lying be tween the land of Thomas Alan and that of WiUiam de Ferragge, and extending from east to west lengthways from the land of Thomas Alan to that of WiUiam de Fermgge and from north to south breadthways from the land which was once Ralph de Brad stede's to that which was once Robert Nitherin's ; subject to the yearly rent of 15^. to WiUiam de Fermgge and his heirs, the capital lords, for all service : also of all the land once Henry Coding's, with one tenant there residing, which land extends lengthways from east to west to the land which was once Robert Nitherin's and from north to south breadthways to that which was once Robert le Deth's; and aU his interest in the land which was given in frank- marriage with his mother. — Witnesses: William de SuweU, Henry his brother, Symon de Lunesford, John de Porta, John de Beleherste, WiUiam de Haremere, Symon de Haremere, Thomas Alan, William le Venur, Henry Luggerre, Geoffrey le Hunte, Stacius Tanner. Seal round, i\ inch. A kind of star. Legend, 'S; Alani Niterini.' 79 236 The Abbey and Robert son of the late Adam de Cobe- c. 1263, ford. Lease granted by Robert for 11 years, from the feast of St: Andrew, 1263, of a piece of land called Elretesfeld with right to wood, other than oak and beech, for enclosure and the abbey's own use. Consideration money lo^'., of which the receipt is ac knowledged, arid the lease is to hold good as against his heirs. — Witnesses : William de la Sale, John de Pesigewerthe, Andrew de Eylsbricteham, Robert de Wanderne clerk, John Frilende, Geoffrey de Cobeford, Symond de HUlingele. Seal round, i^ inch. A fleur-de-lys seeded in form of trefoUs. Legend, 'S: Roberti de Cobford.' 237 Roger de Cobbeford son and heir of Geoffrey de Cobbe ford to the Abbey. Confirmation, in frankalmoign, of all the lands and tenements they have of the gift of his ancestors in Chytingeleye and Wal deme. — Witnesses : WUliam Maufey knight, Thomas and Wale rand his brothers, William Erch, William Erkembaud, Richard de Runtynton, WiUiam de la Forde. Seal round, I5 inch. Eight leaves in form of a star. Legend, ' . . . . de Cobeford.' 238 Roger son of Robert de Cobbeford to the Monks. Grant, in frankalmoign, of all the land called Ebretsfeld in the parish of Waldeme, with the growing wood and appurtenances ; quit of all service. — Witnesses : Lord Walram de Munsceauz, Lord WUliam Maufe, Lord WiUiam de Northye, WiUiam Herche, WiUiam Herkebaud, Richard de Tonebregg: , Alan Lambin, Henry de Bi reche, Robert his brother, Robert de Estime, Ralph de Middel ton, Laurence de Pasingewerthe, Nicholas Giffard. Seal round, i inch. A bird reguardant at a star. Legend, ' S: Rogeri de Cobbeford.' 239 Roger de Cobeford to the Abbey. Quitclaim, for the soul of his father Robert, of an annual rent of j^d. they used to pay the said Robert in respect of lands of the 8o fee of Cobeford given them by Adam his grandfather and Robert his father, and confirmation of the said grants. — Witnesses: WUliam Erche, WUliam Erkebaud, Henry de Birche, Robert his brother, Laurence de Posingewerthe, Thomas son of Alan of Robertsbridge, Alan Lambin, Simon de Feme, William Venator, Geoffrey Forestar, Henry Luggere, Gilbert le Turnur of Robertsbridge. Seal the same as to No. 238. 240 to the Abbey. 8 July, Quitclaim of all his right in the lands and tenements caUed I337' Denulee in Waldeme given them by Thomas his father. Dated at Robertsbridge Tuesday after the translation of St: Thomas the Martyr, 11 E. 3. — Witnesses: Lord Andrew P .... knight, Thomas Heryngaud, WiUiam de Cassyngehame, Robert de Cla- vregga, Phillip de Eudlenewyke, WiUiam de Garland, Wilham de Erch, Geoffrey Coker, John atte Gonne, James Erch, Thomas de Prestone clerk. Seal round, f inch. Two birds fighting, with legend. 241 Edward firstborn son of the King of England to the IS April, Abbey. Inspeximus of Charter No. 223 granted by WUliam de Northie, and of another by Robert de Crevequer granting to the monks all the services owing to him out of the manor of Maderesham, which manor had been given them by William de Northie, and which gift he confirms : this latter charter had been witnessed by John Tregoz, Ralph de Oteringdenn, Matthias de Hastings, John Tregoz junior, John Mowin knights, Geoffrey de St: Leger, William .... Henry his brother, Henry de Chiven, Walter de Winch: caUed clerk, Pharaon de Porta, John de Godecumbe. The Inspeximus states that the rape and honor of Hastings were then in the Prince's hands; it is witnessed by Thomas de Clar:, John de Muce- gros, Otto de Grawntsun, Hugh son of Otto, Stephen de Penecestre, Roger de Rennes, Robert Burnel archdeacon of York, Ralph de Freningham, and is dated at the Tower of London, 15 April, 53 H. 3. Seal one half gone ; what remains appears to be similar to the first of his seals as given in Sandford's History, p. 120. 8i 242 Gilbert de Wodestronde and Beatrix daughter of Martin to the Abbey. Grant, in frankalmoign, of a yearly rent issuing out a tenement held by Norman and his brother in the marsh of ... . — • Witnesses: Andrew de Oxerode, William la We . . . and others. Seals, I. Oval if inch. A crescent and star. Legend, ' S: Gileberti fil; Alani.' 2. Gone. This document is much injured by damp. 243 The Monks of Robertsbridge and Richard perpetual vicar of the parish church of the Prebend of Salherst. Rough draft of agreement, reciting that differences had arisen with regard to certain tithes, which the vicar asserted had always been received by himself and his predecessors from time imme morial and the monks pretended ought to belong to them as _ rectors or prebendaries of the prebend of Salherst, and settling that in future the monks shall receive the tithes of corn, and the vicar, all oblations, small tithes, and tithes of hay. 244 John de Gesteling to Robert Fot of Winch el:, Luke son of Reinger, Walter and Hugh nephews of Lambsin Batan, Hugh nephew of Lambraht Benstele and Walter his brother, Ralph nephew of Luke, Boidin Fos, and Lambsin Bret. Grant of a moiety of all his land which they have reclaimed with the help of the Abbat of Robertsbridge and the men of Promhell, and also | an acre out of the other moiety, to hold to them and their heirs subject to the yearly jrent of 2,d. an acre for all service. For this grant they have reclaimed the other moiety and to the best of their power will defend it with banks and waterways and will with their comrades reclaim it if lost at their own expense. Grant that under no circumstances shall they be required to follow his court out of the above lands and if any one of them shall be in his mercy the fine shall not exceed 2^. Power to sell or pledge sub- G 82 ject to the service due to him and his heirs, the fine of a penny on alienation from vendor and purchaser, and reUef. Of the above land Robert Fot receives a third part, Luke son of Reinger a sixth part, Walter and Hugh nephews of Lambsin Batan a sixth part, Hugh and Walter nephews of Lambraht a sixth part, Ralph nephew of Luke, Boidin Fos, and Lambsin Bret a sixth part. — Witnesses : Gerard de le Flesham, Lambsin Batan, Simon son of Reinger, Lambrath Benstele, Hugh son of Lambsin, Alard son of Swottive, John son of Geoffrey. Seal, obverse, the letters ' lOHS ';— reverse, round, if inch. A griffin passant, wings elevated. Legend, ' Sigill; Johannis de Ges . . ges.' 245 Adam de Winchelese son of William Busard to the Monks. Grant, in frankalmoign, of a parcel of land in the vill of Win chelese, 28 feet in breadth, between the house of Roger White of Colchester on the west and the land of Petronill sister of the late Robert Fooster on the east, and 50 feet in length, between the public highway on the north and the sea on the south. — Witnesses : Henry Alard, Godfrey Alan, Stephen Andrew, Roger de Granges, Walter Clerk, Laurence de Katefeud;, Henry Bercelin, John son of Stephen Andrew, John Gervase, Robert Coleman, Willes le Passur, Roger White of Colchester. Seal oval, if inch. A ship on the sea. Legend, ' S: Adan Busart.' 246 Walter Kovent to Alice daughter of William Palmer of Hastings. Confirmation of all his land in Reinger's marsh, being 3 Flemish acres with the water and flete appurtenant, lying between the land which belonged to Symon son of Reinger and that which belonged to Ralph parson of Ikelesham, and which he had given to the said WiUiam Palmer for 8 silver marks and i6d., and of which William had given seizin to the said Alice ; subject to the yearly payment of 3^. for all service, save the care of the banks and waterways. Consideration money, 4^^. — Witnesses : William de Farlee, Alan de London:, Stephen son of Andrew, Godfrey son of Alan, Geoffrey de Fremingliam, Ralph son of Elias, William son of Alard, Roger 83 Scampp, Alexander his son, Adrian Cordel, Reinger Paris, Henry Batan, Hugh son of Elyas. Seal round, i^ inch. An eagle reguardant, wings elevated. Legend, ' Sigill; Walteri Cuvent.' 247 Henry de Winchelesse son of Mainard to the Abbey. Quitclaim of all the right he had ' in galeio ' of Promhille, lying on the south side of the road leading from Winchelesse to Rumenel, between the land of Roger de Promhill and that which was WUliam Halfiet's, concerning which there was dispute between them : Quit of all service, but subject to a yearly rent of ¦},d. — Witnesses : Richard Abbat of Battle, John de Wadetun then sheriff" of Kent, Laurence de Mundefeld, Nicholas de Hore, Geoffrey de Wichtriechessa, Thomas son of Godfrey, Henry son of Reginald, Robert Foster, Palinus of Winchelesse, William son of Alard, Henry Boidun, Philip de Hesseteford. &a/ oval, f inch. A lobster. Legend, ' S; Henrici deWinart.' 248 Ralph son of PhUip to William de Farlegh late constable of Winchelese. Grant of a yearly rent of 1 2d. in satisfaction of all claim which the said William had in a sixth part of the land called Festendenn, with power of distress on the tenement of Festendenn. — Witnesses : Walter Clerk, Symon de Mora, William de Sponlegh, John and Henry his sons, Walter of the Monastery, Robert de Elmundenn, Alan de Lond:, Godfrey son of Alan. Seal ronnd, if incli. A geometrical figure. Legend, 'SigiU: Radulfi de Festinden. ' 249 Osbert de Stonlhinka to William de Farlegh. Grant, in fee, of all his land lying between Redwisse and Alse- ham next that which John Long held, besides 14 acres he gave his brother Gilbert, and with the above land, Isabella widow of Richard Lefrid and aU her land she held of him, and \ acre of meadow lying next that of Martin Clivesend, and the meadow of William son of Alard ; with all the land John Long held lying 84 next the fee of the Abbat of Fescamp which Martin de Clivesend held, and a certain house, with all the rents and services which the said John yearly paid him ; also 6 acres of land lying below Tun- grave next the land of the Abbat of Fescamp, which Martin de Clivesend held, and all his meadow lying below John Long's house to the north, from the meadow which Martin de Clivesend held of him to the west, as far as the meadow which the same Martin held of the Abbey of Fescamp to the east, and 2| acres of his land called Fethex lying between the land of the said Martin on one side and that of Winemer on the other, with all the small meadow which is below that land and reaches to his own land: together with i2d. yearly rent out of the land called le Helde and I pound of cumin which the said Martin was wont to pay him and his ancestors in respect of \ an acre of meadow he held of him ; also 2 acres of land called Survedeteghe and \ an acre of land lying next the bridge called Glinde, extending from east to west above the stream as far as the new ditch. To hold to him and his heirs subject to the yearly rent of 3^-. for all service save to the king and earl, viz: scutage, 151^. in 20i-., castleguard, 3//., justice money, id. The consideration is 7 marks, 3J-. 2\d., half a seam of com, and to the grantor's wife i pair of shoes of the value of i2d. — Witnesses : Henry Pohun, Thomas son of Godfrey, John son of Roger, Stephen son of Andrew, Alan of London, Reginald Pohun, Godfrey son of Alan, Godfrey de Pette, Stephen Prat, John de Stonhlink, Wizo his son, Stephen de Clivesend. Seal round, if inch. A bird. Legend, ' S; Hosberti de S ' 250 Mabel widow of Hosbert de Stanlinkes to William de Farlee and his heirs. Release of all claim she had against him in respect of the dower which accrued to her on the death of her husband Hosbert. Con sideration money, i silver mdccV. — Witnesses : Thomas son of Godfrey, Ralph son of Elyas, Alan of London, Godfrey Poun, Godfrey son of Alan, Stephen son of Andrew, Gervase his brother, Wydo de Stanlinkes, Reginald his brother, Adam the writer of these presents. .Seal oval, if inch. A fleur-de-lys, seeded in form of Ulies. Legend, ' S: Mabilie Rele: Osberti de Stanlink.' 85 251 William de Farlegh to Peregrine de Hastings. Permission to Peregrine to buUd his house on the same wall as that on which his own is built, but subject to the condition of his making and keeping in repair a gutter between the two houses. — Witnesses: Henry Pohun, Thomas son of Godfrey, Henry son of Reginald, Paulinus de Mora, WiUiam Bordwhate, Stephen son of Andrew, Godfrey son of Alan, Henry Alard, Reginald Pohun, Godfrey Pohun, Thomas Clerk. Seal round, J inch. 252 James (Alard ?) son and heir of to . . . The writing of this document is so faded as to be iUegible. Seal round, I inch. A star and legend. 253 WUliam Godfrey to the Abbey. 3' '^^'^- Acknowledgment that he has unjustly entered into litigation with the Abbey conceming the exit of a certain marsh in the parish of Stane ; regretting the offence, he has withdrawn his suit, and has sworn on the relics neither directly nor indirectly to offend again. Dated at Robertsbridge on the eve of the Circumcision, 1273. Seal, a gem with legend. 254 John de Cameys to the Abbey. 29 Mar. Grant of free ingress to a certain tenement of his fee, which the '^' monks assert that they have of the gift of William Erchenbaud in the parish of Walderne, and which the said William held of him in capite ; reserving the services due to himself and his heirs. Consideration money 8 silver marks. Dated at West Cote Friday next after the feast of the Annunciation, 3 E. i, 1275. Seal gone. 255 Peter de Ros to the Abbey. 29 Sep. Grant in fee of the advowsons of the churches or prebend of '^^^' Salherst, Odymere and Mundefeld with aU his rights therein. Dated at Salherst on the feast of St. Michael the Archangel, 86 3 E. 1.— Witnesses : Lord Robert de Passelegh, Henry Wardedeu, Baldwin de Stowe, knights, Henry de Schamdenne, Richard de Codingge, Olyver de Cressy, Robert de Langherst, Joceus de Feme, Roger de Sokenersse, Robert Braban, WiUiam de Ferregg. Seal round, i^ inch. An eagle tearing a rabbit. Legend, 'S: Petri de Ros.' 256 Roger Abbat of Robertsbridge to Richard Curthose and 24 July, Joan his wife. 1276. Grant in fee of 2 fields in the parish of Northiham which Rosa de Seyeveton had held of the monastery in viUenage, of which one lies alongside of the land of Stephen de Dixteme to the west, and a certain way belonging to Hamo Curthose to the east, and the other which is called Hothfeld and Cortone hes at the top of Godfrey de Todilonde's land to the west, and Richard de Ber- hamme's to the east ; also of a certain parcel of land called Breggeland, which Benedict Holestot once held of the monastery, abutting on Hamo Curthose's land to the north and south, and another parcel of land called Symonesland and Longereche lying along Thomas de Padiham's land to the west and the said Hamo's to the east ; subject to the yearly rent of Si'., 2 suits at the Abbey's court of Robertsbridge, wherever held, reliefs and heriots ; and the grantees are to put up an edifice on the premises. Done on the eve of St: James the Apostle, 1276. — Witnesses: Nicholas Wacelyn, Henry de Bodiham, Stephen de Gotele, John de Porta, Thomas de Padiham, Robert Gisor. Seals, 1. Round, I inch. A man with shield and sword attacking a lion rampant reguardant. Legend, ' S; Ricardi.' 2. Gone. 257 Henry Lord of Bodyham to the Monks. ^1^76? Grant, in frankalmoign, to the monks of the homage and service of John de Wybbel with his tenement in Yweherste, viz: the land which was once Hugh de Pralle's, together with the wards, mar riages, rents, reliefs, heriots, and escheats ; with reservation to the grantor of M. in the mark scutage when imposed, 2d. castieguard, and 2\d. Justicesyeld ; the said John to pay the monks loj-. a year, but to be quit of suit of court to the grantor. Witnesses: 87 Nicholas Wacelin, Stephen de Goteley, Thomas de Padyham, Thomas de Wathngetun, Richard Curthose, Reginald le Hore, Symon de Feerne, Alan Lambyn, WiUiam le Hunte, Henry Luggere, Thomas Alan, Walter de Feerne. Two seals, both gone. 258 Walter Abbat of Robertsbridge to John de Sontyng and Mabel his wife. Grant to John and Mabel and the heirs of John, of 9 acres of land in Tycheshurst, which the nief John Wudewerm held of the Abbey in villenage, and lying between land of the said John de Sontyng on one side, and land held by John Wudewerm on the other ; subject to the yearly rent of 6d. for all service. — Witnesses : Robert de Burenhesse, Thomas de Padiham, Robert his son, Reginald le Hore, Thomas de Watlyngton, Ralph Smith of Werye, Henry le Luggere. Two seals, both gone. 259 S: minister of the Church of Chichester to the Rectors, 16 Nov. Vicars, and Prelates of the diocese. 1276. Letter reciting a mandate of Pope Honorius, under the seal of R: late Bishop of Chichester, dated at Viterbo 7 Id: Nov: in the 4th year of his Pontificate, and addressed to the archbishop, abbats, &c: of the province of Canterbury, directing them to give redress to the monks of Robertsbridge for the injuries done to their persons, goods, and possessions, by punishing laymen with the lesser excom munication, clerks, canons regular and monks by suspension from office without appeal (both laymen and clerks, who for using vio lence have been anathematized, to be absolved only on going to the apostolic seat with letters from the diocese), and the vills, where the goods of the monks are detained by force, by putting them under an interdict. In pursuance of this mandate the rectors, vicars, and prelates of the diocese of Chichester are ordered to exercise these powers whenever required by the monks. Dated at Bissopeston 16 Kal: Dec: 1276. Seal, a fragment. A robed figure seated. 88 26o Thomas son of Alan of Robertsbridge to God and St: II June, Mary, and the Gate and Gatekeeper of the Abbey. Grant, in frankalmoign, of 6^. yearly rent with power of distress on his tenement on failure of payment. — Witnesses: Alan Lambyn, Simon de Feme, Henry Luggere, William Hunte, John de Hors- bregg, Gibert Turnur, Walter de Feme, Stephen Turnur. Seal oval, l^ inch. A star. Legend Attached to this document is a strip of parchment on which is a memorandum that it was made on the day of St: Bamabas the Apostle 6 E. i. 261 William de Echyngham v. the Abbey. 'livV' Final concord made in the King's Court at Chichester, 3 weeks of St: John the Baptist's day, 7 E. i, before John de Reygate, William de Northbury, Geoffrey de Leukenor, Salomon of Ro chester and Richard de Boylaund justices itinerant, by which the abbey recognizes to William 8 acres of land and 4 acres of wood in Salherst, subject to the yearly rent of i clove of gilliflower; and for this recognition William gives the abbey in frankalmoign ^s. rent issuing out of 30 acres of land in Salherst held of him by Thomas Ale)m. 262 The Custos and Chapter of the Chapel of St: Mary in 29 Feb. the Castle of Hastyngs. Notification that, in pursuance of a writ of King Edward, dated at Chilterne, 3 Nov., in the 7th year of his reign, and which notifies that he has by letters patent licensed the Abbat of Robertsbridge and his successors to hold the prebend of Salherst, and the churches of Odymer and Mundefeld, and to be canons of the chapel, they have on the day before the kalends of March, 8 E. 1, admitted Abbat John de Wormedale to be canon and brother, and on his taking the oath in form as by composition agreed on between them and confirmed by the King, have assigned him a staU m the choir and a place in the chapter of the chapel. Seal, a fine one, but only a fragment. A robed figure in profile seated. 89 263 John son and heir of Laurence de Posingeworth to Lord 7 Aug. William Harengaud and Marcfaret his wife. 1281. . . ° o Confirmation in fee of all the tenement of Possingeworth, in the viu of Wandeme, which had descended to him on the death of his father, as fiiUy as contained in his charter of feoffment to Margaret and WiUiam and Margery. Dated at Ykelesham Thursday next after the feast of St: Peter ad Vincula, 9 E. i, viz: 1281. — Witnesses: Lord Luke de Poninges, William de Echingham, Hugh de Boucy, Lord Luke de Vienne, Robert de Cokefeud, Symon de Perepunt, knights. Lord Walter rector of Hertefend, William Giffrey, Lampsin Covent, WiUiam de Sneysham, Hamo de Stoke, Oliver Heved. Seal round, I inch. A fleur-de-lys seeded. Legend, ' S: Joh . . . Po . . . . wer . e.' 264 John son and heir of Laurence de Posingeworth to Lord 7 Aug. William Harengaud and Margaret his wife. This document is a duplicate of No 263, but the seal is gone. 265 William Bremlelbus de Hestsetshe to the Abbey. Grant of half an acre of land lying between the Abbey's land on the south and the land of Richard Tipe on the north, and abutting on that of William de Witerichesham to the west and that of Adam Geoffrey to the east ; subject to the yearly rent of i\d. — Witnesses : Helias vel Thuia de Amiotesune, Richard Tipe, John Gefrei, Luke de Vythes, Augustin Gefrei. Seal gone. 1285. 266 John de Suntmges to Gabriel de Teudele, Robert Wyther, 9 Aug. Robert Miller, and Hamo Serreve. Confirmation of leases granted them by the Abbat of Roberts- bridge of land at Hothlege in Ticheherste, for terms of 10, 7, and 6 years, all commencing at Michaelmas, 1283, and engagement on the part of himself and his heirs to defend them from molestation under a penalty of p£'io to the King's Exchequer. — Witnesses: Lord William de Echingeham, Simon his brother. Master Henry de la Nesse, Robert de Passelegh, Simon de Lundresford, Reginald de Tyresherse. Dated at the Abbey of Robertsbridge on the eve of St: Laurence the Martyr, 1285. Seal gone. 90 267 WUliam de Grafteghe and Alice his wife, Simon de Ilbenerse and Albreda his wife, and William de Trindleghe to the Abbey. Quitclaim in fee of aU their right in the lands tenements and woods which Robert Sleybrond, a nief of the Abbey, and Matelina his wife, mother .of the said Alice and Albreda, and grandmother of the said William, held of the Abbey in villenage at Hodleghe in the parish of Tycheshurst. Consideration money 40J. — Witnesses : Robert de Passeleghe, Reginald de Tyrshersse, Benedict de Flotia- den, Richard de Browlesherse, John de Suntinges, John Bure . . ys, William de Fugelesbrok, WiUiam Hunte. Five Seals, of which the 3rd is round, I inch. A star. Legend, ' S ; WiUi.. .Grft.' 4th, oval, i\ inch. A mother and chUd, and legend. Sth, round, •§ inch. A star. 268 John de Sunting to the Abbey. ^128^ Quitclaim in fee of aU the lands and tenements which he has by demise from Gilbert and Philip de Betenersh in the parish of "Tichesherst and all his right therein. Dated at Robertsbridge, Thursday, the eve of St: Lawrence, 1285.- — Witnesses: Lord WUliam de Echingeham, Robert de Passelegh, Simon de Eching ham, Reginald de Tireshers, Simon de Londreford, Alan Lambin, WUUam le Hunte, Henry le Luggere, John de BokesuU. Two lines of letters beneath a crescent. 269 John de Sunting to the Abbat. "235^' Release of the warranty to which the Abbat was bound by reason of the homage done him by the said John in respect of the land of Sleybrond in the viU of Tychesherst. Dated at Roberts- bridge on the morrow of St: Lawrence the Martyr, 1285. — Wit nesses : Lord William de Echingeham knight, Simon his brother, Robert de Passele, Reginald de Tyresherse, Simon de Lundesford, Roger Doget. Seal the sam? as to No. 268. 91 270 John de Sunting to the Abbat. This document is a dupUcate of No. 269, but has the additional names as witnesses of Robert de Burgherse, William le Venur and Henry Loggere. II Aug. 1285. 271 The Abbey of Robertsbridge and Richard de Doresle 24 June, and Alice his wife. 1287. Agreement made on the day of the Nativity of St: John the Baptist 15 E. I, by which the monks demise to Richard and Alice for their lives all the tenement, which Alan Ganter once held in Robertsbridge ; at the yearly rent of 5^-. for all service. The tene ment is to be delivered up at the end of the term in as good or better condition, the lessees are to build a mill on it within the first year of their entry, and if the rent is in arrear for 2 years the monks are to be allowed to re-enter. Seal, rovmd,- 1 inch. A star. Legend, ' S: Ricardi de Dor. .' EXTRACTS FROM RECORDS. 272 Pleas between the Abbat of Robertsbridge and Ralph 16 Oct. de Freningeham. 1265. Letter obligatory from Roger the Abbat for payment to Ralph of TOOJ-. every year at Easter. Dated at Robertsbridge, the Friday before the feaSt of St: Luke the Evangehst, 1265. 12 March, Letter from Ralph de Freningham quitclaiming to the monks the ¦^74- above debt and yearly pension. Dated at Freninggeham, Pope Gregory's day, 1274. Proceedings of the Plea. 27 Jan. Memorandum that on the quinzaine of St: Hillary, 14 E. i, 1286. Master Ralph de Freningham and the Abbat of Robertsbridge pre sent themselves after a judicial writ ol Pone per vadios, &>€., and by prayer of the parties a day is given for the morrow of St: John the 92 Baptist, on which day the Abbat essoigns himself, and a day is given for the morrow of St: Martin. On the morrow of St: Martin both parties appear, and at their prayer a day is given when the justices itinerant come into Sussex. ^72> 1284. Pleas at Westminster before Thomas de Weyland and others, justices de Banco. Easter term, 12 E. i, nearly at the end of the Roll (Sussex). The jury come to recognise whether a vfrgate of land in Salherst is frankalmoign appurtenant to the church of Brightling, whereof Items de Ingolism is parson, or a lay fee of the Abbey of Robertsbridge ; whereon Items says that Rorerus his pre decessor, formerly parson of the said church, was seized of the land in right thereof in the time of King Richard by taking the esplees, and afterwards alienated it. The Abbat appears by his attomey and says that Items has no right to it as appurtenant to his church, because he is seized of a yearly rent of 6^-. by virtue of an agreement dated 11 95 and made between the Abbey and St: Mary's Church, Hastings, in which Items is canon, and of which the church of Brightling is a prebend to which Items claims the land to be frank almoign ; and the agreement is produced. Afterwards the said Abbat says that the land is his.lay fee and not frankalmoign appur tenant to the church of Brightling, and he thereupon puts himself on the country : Items likewise : therefore let a jury be had ; it is respited to the octaves of St: John the Baptist for default of jurors, on which day the jury come and say on oath that the said tenement is a lay fee of the Abbat and not frankalmoign of the church of Items of Brightling. So let Iterus take nothing by his writ, but be in mercy for false claim. 274 1284. In a plea between Henry de Setelescumbe and Geoffrey de la Cumbe concerning 4 messuages, 20 acres of land, and 2 acres of meadow in Iwerst, the jury say on their oath that the tenements are a lay fee of the Abbat and not frankalmoign appurtenant to the church of lerus de Brythling ; so it is decreed that leras take nothing by his writ, but be in mercy for false claim. 93 Note that this plea was for the land of Egelintune, for which a rent of 1 2d. is paid to the church of Brihtlinge together with 6s. which we pay yearly to the same church for the land of lerkneselle and of Elam. 1284. Pleas at Westminster before Thomas de Weylond and others, justices de Banco, Easter term, 12 E. i. At nearly the end of the roll is this memorandum, ' When this plea was before the Bench in London, King Edward was in Wales in the 12th year of his reign, 1284, and subdued all Wales and did with it as he pleased, Lewyn Prince of Wales having been slain in battle, 1283, and his brother David the same year taken and imprisoned and after Michaelmas of the same year basely condemned to death at Shrewsbury and the magnates of the kingdom invited to the spectacle.' 275 1284. This document relates to the pleas between the Abbat of Roberts- bridge and Items de IngoUsm, and between Henry de Setelescumbe and Geoffrey de la Cumbe, and the matter is all contained in Nos. 273, 274- 276 1284 Memorandum that 12 E. i in the octaves of St: John the Baptist on the 4th day the jury come before the justices at Westminster, viz: Thomas de WelUond and John de Lovetot, knights (WUliam de Brumton, clerk, assisting them), and Lord I. de Kyrkebi then treasurer of the king's exchequer, in a plea between Items de Engolism, plaintiff, and the Abbat of Robertsbridge, defendant, conceming a virgate of land in Salherst and 4 messuages 50 acres of land and 2\ of meadow in Ywherst, and they recognise that the premises are a lay fee of the Abbat, and not frankalmoign appurte nant to the church of Brithling of which Iterus is parson. These are the names of the jury : Lord .William de Echingeham, Lord Roger de I-euekenor, knights, Robert de Passele, Simon de Catte- feld, Ralph de Rademelde, Adam de Selvestrode, Saer de Bosey, Hamo de Stokk, John de Bromham, John atte Grove, Stephen de Diksterne, Robert de Burton. 94 277 Memorandum that we were seized of the rent comprised in the above charter by the hands of John de Vitele, afterwards of WiUiam de HoUington, and lastiy of WUham de Hastinges when he first purchased the land of Sutilande out of which the rent issues ; he ceased to pay the rent, and a distress was made of 2 cows which he thereupon replevied in the Sussex County Court in the time of Walter Abbat of Robertsbridge ; the said Walter appeared at the first court, and WUliam de Hastings made satisfaction before the second, both as to the rent and the arrears, viz: on the Saturday next after the Feast of the Holy Cross, 11 E. i, in the hall of the Abbey, paying 19^. into the Abbat's own hands in the presence of William de Borstall and Reginald the monk, Nicholas Wasselyn, Clement at that time marshal to the Abbat of Battle, John de Bugesell, and John de Suntinges. Meanwhile, as is said and before satisfaction was made, the said William sold the land of Sutilande to James Paulyn, who being distrained caused replevin of his cattle to be made at the court of the Earl of Richmond in the Rape of Hastings, whereupon the Abbat by writ, provided under the new statutes, removed the plea from that court to the bench. The writ which the Abbat brought. {Record recorded by the Sheriff.'] 4th June, R: de Pevenes, Sheriff of Sussex, 4 discreet knights of the 1286. county being associated with him, viz: WiUiam de Echingham, WUliam Maufe, William de Hastings, and Robert Lyvet, on Tuesday in Pentecost week, 14 E. i, in full court of John of Brittanny, Earl of Richmond, of the Rape of Hastings, recorded a suit which is before the same court between James Paulyn and the Abbat of Robertsbridge and others in the writ named, conceming the said James' cattie taken, &c: and it is recorded as follows : — ' James Paulyn complains of the Abbat of Robertsbridge John de Bert- linde and Benedict le Messer, concerning his cattie taken and unjustly detained. Sureties, Martin de Cliveshend and Reginald le Rede.' And it is to be known that James Paulyn in full court as afore said came and said that the Abbat and John and Henry took his cattie at La Berndedune on the fee of the Prior of Hastings and not upon the Abbat's fee, and moreover they took the said James' 95 cattie at SotUande on the fee of the Prior of Hastings and not on the Abbat's fee. And the said Abbat came and said that he took the said James' cattle by the hands of John de Bertland in Soti- londe on his own fee, for the customs and services due to him for the said tenement, viz: 19^. rent in arrear ; and at another time he sought to take other cattle of the said James by the hands of Benedict le Messer, in Sotilonde, on his own fee for the customs and services aforesaid. Proceeding of the Plea. 8 July, Memorandum that on the quinzaine of St: John the Baptist, 1286. j^ £_ j^ ^^g jj^g gj-gf jj^y^ g^j. Yjrhich time both parties were essoigned and a day was given them for the quinzaine of St: Martin. 25 Nov. On the quinzaine of St: Martin both parties appeared, and at '^^^- their prayer they had a day for the quinzaine of St: HUlary. 27 Jan. Memorandum that at the first day the Abbat made his attorney, 1287. William Godfrey or Adam Roswist. And John de Berglynde and Benedict le Messer made their attomey, Adam Roswist or William de Wyvekehame. 27 Jan. Memorandum that on the quinzaine of St: Hillary James '2°7- Paull}^ appeared in person, and the Abbat of Robertsbridge by attomey, and by prayer of the parties a day was given them for a month from Easter at the instance of Richard Gosefeld. 3 May, On which day James essoigned himself, but the Abbat appeared 1287. ]-,y attorney, and a day was given them for 3 weeks from Michael mas. 19 Oct. On which day the said James made default, but the Abbat 1287. appeared by attomey, and it was decreed that the said Abbat should depart sine die, and James and his sureties should be in mercy by writ as follows : — ' Edward by the Grace of God, &c: to the Sheriff" of Sussex greeting. Know, that inasmuch as the Abbat of Robertsbridge was summoned before the Justices in our court at Westminster to answer to James Paulyn in a plea why he took the cattle of the said James and unjustly detained them against gage and pledge, and the said James afterwards in the same court made default, by reason whereof it was decreed in the said court that 96 the said Abbat should depart thence sifie die, and the said James and his sureties should be in mercy, and the Abbat should have return made him of the cattle; therefore we command thee to cause return to be made of the cattie without delay, and not deliver them at the plaint of the said James without our writ expressly making mention of the said judgment. — Witness : Thomas de Weylond, at Westminster, 15 Nov: 15 E. i. Proceeding of the Plea against 'jFohn le Rede. On the quinzaine of St: Hillary the Abbat essoigns himself against John le Rede, and likewise John against the Abbat. A day is given them for the quinzaine of the Holy Trinity. On the quinzaine of St: Martin the Abbat made his attomey against Ralph de Mosewell, Robert de Lem or Adam Roswyft, in a plea of trespass, whereon the Abbat brought the suffixed writ. On the same day he made his attorney against WUliam de Stokes, brother Robert de Lem or Adam Roswyft in a plea of debt. Oct. 1286. Memorandum that Ralph de MoseweU took the Abbat's cattie in the viU of R next before the feast of all Saints, 14 E. I. 278 William Heringod and Margery his wife to Margaret their daughter. Grant of the manor of Posingewurthe in the parish of Waldeme with all the Inlands, lands and tenements, rents, homages, reliefs, heriots and escheats. To hold to her and her heirs, subject to the yearly rent of 6^. for aU service, save to the capital Lord, with remain ders in default of issue successively to Alice her sister and Thomas her hrother. — Witnesses : Lord Luke de Punninges, WiUiam de Echyngeham, Roger de la Ware, William Maufe, knights, John de Rademelde, Richard le Brade, Richard de Buncyngton, John de Ferles, Sim-on de Echyngeham. Two Seals: — I. Round, Ii inch. A shield, semee of cross crosslets and 3 herrings haurient. Legend, ' SigiUum WiUelmi Harengod.' 2. Oval, ij inch. A lion rampant. Legend, ' Sigill: . , .arete.' 97 2 79 G: minister of the Church of Chichester to Lord William 6 Jan. Herigaud. 1290. ... License (with the assent of Henry rector of Walderne) to Lord WUliam, who is afflicted with an incurable disease and partially de prived of the use of his limbs, to have masses and the divine offices celebrated in the oratory at Posingworthe in Walderne by his own chaplain tUl he shall have fully recovered, after which time a chantry in his oratory is granted him; but this license is not to extend to his heirs. Dated at Aumb: 8 Id: Jan. 1290, and in the third year of his consecration. Two Seals, both gone. 280 Stephen Abbat of St: Michael's, Treport, to the Abbey. 20 Not. Receipt for 120 marks sterling for the use of his monastery, and quitclaim of a yearly rent of 9 marks due in respect of lands held of his abbey in the Rape of Hastings, and which are to be hence forth quit of all' secular service and demand. — Witnesses : Lords Henry Abbat of Battle, Richard Abbat of Begeham, Alexander Prior of Hastings, Roger Prior of Michelham, Lords WUUam de Echyngeham, WUliam de Hastyngs, WUliam Heryng:, Roger de Leukenore, WiUiam Maufe, Robert de Borenherse, knights, Simon de Echyngeham, Simon de Lonesford, Reginald de Tyresesse, John de Sontynges. Dated at the Abbey of Treport, 20 Nov:, 1290. 1290. Two Seals: — I. Oval, 2 inches. A priest in his robes standing. Legend, ' Sigill: . . . atis de Ulteriori Port. ' . . 2. Round, the lower part gone. St: Michael slaying a dragon. Legend, 'HocUltr betu. . .' 281 H: Garlande official of the Bishop of Chichester to the 19 May, Rectors Vicars and Prelates of the Diocese. This document is similar to No. 259, and is dated at Roberts- bridge, 14 Kal; Jun: 1293. Seal, oval, only a fragment. A bishop's head under a canopy. Legend, ' is Cicestrie. ' H 1293. 1293. 98 282 John de Bogeselle to the Abbey. '°,-^"^' Release, in frankalmoign, of all his right in the field called Stompettefeld which is adjacent to the road leading from Roberts- bridge to the Abbey, quit of all service. Dated at the Abbey of Robertsbridge on St: Laurence's day 1293, 21 E. i. — Wit?iesses : Lord William de Echingeham, William de Hastyngs, John de Mun ceus, Robert de Burgherse, Robert de Passelegh, Henry Wardedeu, knights, Simon de Echingham, John de Ore, Reginald de Tires herse, Simon de Lonsforde, Edmund de Passelegh, John de Suntyng, Adam de Hochamme, William de Ferryng. Seal round, ij inch. An eagle displayed, its head being between a crescent and a star. Legend, ' S : Johan; fil ... . armoron. ' 283 PhUip de Beeche to the Abbey. Quitclaim for himself and his wife Hewysa of all their right in the tenement called Levingeslond in Watlingeton and Mundifeld which Thomas son of the late Thomas de Haremere holds of the abbey ; consideration money 5 silver marks and i seam of corn {summam frumenti). — Witnesses : Lord William de Echingeham, Symon his brother, Symon de St: Leger, Symon de Lundreford, Henry Wardu, John de Suntinge, Thomas de Watlinton, WUham de Haremere, Ralph his brother, Henry Luggere, Robert de Ponte, Adam de Ottham. Seal gone. 284 John de Somerfeld. 23 E. I. Acknowledgment that he has received from WiUiam de Aldrynge- denne, son of Gilbert de Aldryngedenne, the land called Shaftes- denne in the parish of Sandherst, and which the said William gave him on the condition of his paying 9^-. a year to the monks of Robertsbridge, being the rent which had been given them in frankalmoign by Eustace son of the late William de Shaftesdenn. Dated 23 E. i. — Witnesses: Reginald de Beteryngdenn, Robert le Waldeys, Henry de la More, John de la More, WiUiam de Fol- kyndenn, Goldyng de Mapelesdenn, Robert his son. &a/ round, i inch. A star. Legend, ' S; Johis f. . . artini.' 1299- 99 285 Thomas son of Thomas Alan of Robertsbridge. ^^297" Inspeximus of his father's charter (see No. 260), granting to the gate and gatekeeper of the abbey, in frankalmoign, a yeariy rent of 8s. — Witnesses : Adam de Ocham, William de Ferruge, Robert of Bridge, John his brother, Gilbert Tripelere, John le Luggere, John le Hunte, Reginald le Vox. Dated at Robertsbridge Abbey on the morrow of St: Anthony the Confessor, 1297. Seal gone. 285* Pleydenn, Bolinton, Peplesham and Staunde. ^T^nn' Inquisition made at Robertsbridge 9 Nov. 27 E. i, before the king's escheator for Sussex, whether the Abbat of Robertsbridge ac quired 9 marcates of rent with appurtenances in the vills of Pley denn, Bolinton, Peplesham, and Staunde, before the publication of the statute of mortmain or since ; and if before, when and how ; by the oath of WUliam Maufe, William de Hastings, John de Mounceus, Robert de Hugham, knights, John Heringaud, Simon de Shirinton, Hugh ate Chaunbre, Richard de Runcinton, Robert de Berche, Peter de Heggingewerthe, Robert le Coker, Simon de la Chaunbre, John de Codinghe, Roger de Mosewelle, Roger Doget, WUliam de Lonesford, Reginald le Hore, WiUiam de Pen herst, John de Soswell, William de Bromham, John de Smalefeld, Robert de Laungeherst, William de Holindale, John Aunger, Philip ate Wode, William clerk of Iklesham, Roger de Couelingg, John de Belhurst, Robert de Berachurst, Simon ate Hagh;, William son of Simon de Harend:, Bartholomew Estomie, John Symound, Gilbert de Genesing, John ate Beche, John de Batelesford, Gilbert de Scardenn, Richard clerk of Werling, Richard Scot of Brenchurst, Thomas de Pelham, William de Chenham, Geoffrey de Ocstepe, Hamo de Assche, Rikeward le Coupere, John Bordoun, John le Souter, John de Penlesworthe, and Richard de Goteshole, who say that William de St. Noet late Abbat of Robertsbridge acquired the said 9 marcates of Arthur late Abbat of Trdport in Normandy and his convent, 7 H. 3, by purchase, for the sum of 100 marks ; that the said abbat and his successors continued in possession till Wed nesday in Pentecost week, 27 E. i, when William de Leghe sub- escheator for Sussex took them into the king's hands, understanding that they had been acquired since the publication of the statute of mortmain. lOO 286 Leveva de Bruero to Alan Toke of Kerkestune. Grant (in her widowhood) for his homage and service and in consideration oii2d., of 4 pieces ofher land in the parish of Kerke- tune, whereof one piece hes between the land of William Gunter and that of William Gerard, and one side abuts on the meadow of William Gunter towards the north and the other on the bush which stands next the land of the said Alan Toke. The second piece lies in the field called Newdich between the land of William de Bruer and that of said Wm: Gerard, and one side abuts on the land of Norhin of Kerket: towards the west, and the other on the land of Robert de Bosco towards the east. The third piece lies between the land of William de Bruer on the east and the abuttals of New dich on the west, and one side abuts towards the south and the other towards the north. The fourth piece lies between the land of WiUiam de Bmer towards the west and that of said Alan Toke towards the east, and one side abuts towards the south and the other towards the north. To hold in fee by the yearly render of a rose at feast of St: John the Baptist. — Witnesses: Robert de Bram- ford, John de Langestune, William Burrich, Richard Wamer, John Andreu. Seal gone. -87 Margery widow of William Heringaud, knight, to Mar- 7 June, garet Heringaud her daughter. 1 304. Release, m fee, of aU her right in the tenement of Possingeworth in the parish of Waldeme, together with the buildings, homages, rents, services, wards, reUefs, escheats, suits of court, pleas and -gerqmsites.-Witnesses : Lords William Maufe and WiUiam de Hastings, knights, John de Radmelde, Robert de la Birch:, Richard de Ratton, Richard de Rontindon, Richard de la Hoke. Dated at Langestok, co. South:, Sunday next before the feast of St: Barnabas the Apostle, 32 E. i. .y^/ oval, li inch. A lion ramp. Legend, 'Sigillum Secreti.' ?88 Alan de BokesheUe, son and heir of John de BokesheUe, 13 Dec. to the Abbey. ' 305- Release, m fee, for 40 marks and the yeariy present of a robe lOI during his life, of all his right in 2 gardens and 2 watermiUs of Retherlonde with their appurtenances in the parish of Salherst, lying lengthways between the king's highway which leads from Robertsbridge to the Abbey on the south and the course of the stream which runs to the said Abbey on the north, and abutting on land of his own and in his own occupation in Robertsbridge to the west and- the bridge of Retherlonde to the east. Dated at the abbey on the day of St: Lucy the Virgin, 1305. — Witnesses: Lords WiUiam de Echyngham, Robert de Burghesse, Robert de Echyng ham, Robert de Passelegh, William de Hastings, Henry Wardedu, Baldew3'n de Stowe, John Heryngaud, WiUiam Maufe, knights. Lord Robert Bardelby then rector of the church of Sandherst and clerk of the king's chancery, Symon de Echyngham, Edmund de Passelegh, William de LoUesforde, Thomas de Hastyngs, WiUiam de Harmere, John de Belherst. Seal ova.1, l inch. An oak branch (?). Legend, ' S; Alani de Bokeselle.' 289 Laurence Abbat of Robertsbridge to Thomas son of Gil- 30 July, bert Wendout and Robert his brother. 1308. Grant to them and the heirs of their bodies of a piece of land called Evotelond in the parish of Sedelescumbe adjoining land of the Abbey called Waleslond on the east, land called St: Maridonne on the west, the king's high road on the north, and the Abbey's wood on the south ; subject to the yearly rent of gs. 4^. for all ser vice save suit twice a year at his court of Robertsbridge. — Wit nesses : Jocius de Feme, WiUiam de Hodesdale, William Atewode, Geoffrey de Chitelesbirthe, Jocius de Finhaghe, Reginald de Echene, Ralph Kenne, John Fletcher, John and Roger le Wilde, Walter le King, Robert Clerk. Done at Robertsbridge, 3 kal: Aug: 2 E. 2. Seal gone. 290 King Edward to the Abbey. I March, Royal Charter granting to the monks, in consideration of their '^°^' losses by inundations of the sea in their marshes of Wynchelse' Rie and PromhuU, licence to acquire 100 Ubrates of land and rent 1309. I02 either of their own fee or of that of others, notwithstanding the statute of mortmain. Done at Westminster, i Mar: 2 E. 2. Seal, Great Seal of England, as engraved in Sandford's 'Genealogical History,' p. 121, but not in perfect condition. InroUed amongst the Charters of 2 E. 2. 2QI Peter de Ros to Lord William de Echingeham. ^^,™'^*' Grant of the advowsons of the churches of Salhurst, Odimer, and Mundefeld, which he had of the gift and feoffment of the said WiUiam ; to hold the said advowsons together with the presentations to Eastden to the said William his heirs and assigns of the capital lords of the fee by the service due in respect thereof. Dated at Salherst on the day of the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary, 2 E. 2. — Witnesses : Lords Henry Wardedeu, Robert de Passelegh, John Harengod, Baldewyn de Stowe, knights, Symon de Echinge ham, Andrew Peverel, Eadmund de Passelegh, WiUiam de Lun dresford, Thomas de Yardhurst, Alan de BukesheU, William of Bridge. Seal, round, i^ inch. An eagle seizing a hare. Legend, 'S: Petri de Ros.' 292 King Edward to WiUiam de Echingham and the Monks. 20 May ijog Royal Charter reciting No. 290, and licensing William de Echingham to grant and the monks to hold the advowsons of the churches of Salherst, Odymer and Mundifeld, worth 50 marks a year, according to the extent made by Walter de Gloucester the escheator this side Trent. Tested at Westminster, 20 May, 2 E. 2. Seal, the Great Seal of England, being the same as to No. 290, but also imperfect. 293 King Edward to WiUiam de Echingham and the Monks. 20 May, 1309. This document is identical with No. 292, and dated 20 May, 2 E. 2. Seal the same as to Nos. 290 and 292, but also imperfect. 103 294 John of Brittanny, Earl of Richemond, to the Abbey. 8 Aug. Confirmation of the grant made by William de Echingham, in '^°^" frankalmoign, of the advowsons of the churches of Salherst, Odymer and Mundefeld, in his Rape of Hastings ; but on condi tion that the Abbat and his successors shall find a chaplain to do daily service for the said John and his heirs, and make special memory at the high altar. If the Abbat fail the Earl's bailiffs are to have the right to distrain on all his lands, tenements, and chat tels in the rape. — JFitnesses : I^ord John Russebe, Lord Richard de Beringham, knights, WiUiam de St; Pierre, Aumfrid de Momborchis, PhUip de la Marche, Jamettus de St: AU^in. Dated at Fodering- hey, Friday before the Feast of St: Lawrence, 1309, 3 E. 2. Seal, the greater part gone. On a diapered ground a knight on horse at full speed, the shield and caparisons charged with chequy and a canton ermine aU within a bordure of lions passant ; on the horse's neck a label. Legend, ' S' : J ' The counterseal is a shield of the same arms within a gothic design. 295 John de Cranebrok and Belcencia his wife to the Abbey. 18 Jan. Grant, in frankalmoign, of a piece of land in the parish of ^ ' Iweherst called Le Strake, adjacent on the east and south to the meadow the Abbey holds of the manor of Fudylond, on the west to the King's highway which leads from Bodyham to Hastings, and on the north to land of Cecily de Ocham ; subject to the yearly rent of 12^. during the lives of the grantors. — Witnesses: Lord Henry Wardedeu, knight, Reginald le Hore, Peter de Lur- dingstrete, Reginald de Echene, William ate Wode, Simon ate Haghe, Nicholas de Ocham, Rice: ate Brok, Robert Feagh. Dated on the Feast of the Chair of St: Peter, 3 E. 2. Two Seals : — I. Round, I inch. A star. Legend, ' S: Johis d'Cranebrok.' 2. Round, I inch. A fret. Legend, ' S: Belcenc' d'Echeng.' 296 Reginald de Echene to the Abbey. 9 March, Release of all his right in the piece of land called le Strak in 131°- Iweherst, which the Abbey had of the gift of John de Cranebrok and Belcencia his wife. — Witnesses : Lord Henry Wardedeu, knight, Reginald le Hore, Peter de Lurdingstrate, William ate Wod, Simon ate Haghe, Nicholas de Ocham, Rice: ate Brok, Robert Feagh. Dated at Iweherst 7 Id: Mar: 3 E. 2. Seal in fragments. I04 297 Roger of Canterbury, shoemaker, to the Abbey. i,jo ¦ Grant of an acre of land in Salherst adjoining in breadth abbey land to the east and a field of Alan de BokeshuUe called le Milne- feld to the west, and in length the King's highway leading from the Abbey to Robertsbridge to the north ; also i acre of his brookland in Salherst lying lengthways between abbey land on the east and land of Alan de BokeshuUe on the west. — Witnesses : Lords, WiUiam de Echingham, Robert de Passelegh, Henry War dedeu, Robert de Echingham, Baldewin de Stowe, knights, William de Lonesford, William de Haremere, Joceus de Feme, Peter de Lurdingstrate, Reginald de Echene, William atte Wode, Henry de Sharman. Dated at Robertsbridge, Tuesday next before the Puri fication of tiie Virgin Mary, 3 E. 2. Seal gone. 298 Alan de Bokeselle to the Abbey. 2 July, 131 1. Grant in fee farm of 8 acres of his brookland in Salherst, lying between the stream from Robertsbridge to Ritherelonde mill on the north, and his own land on the south, and abutting on the land of Robert of Bridge to the west, and Ritherelande garden to the east ; also a piece of his land in Salherst, 16 feet wide, lying between Ritherelande garden on the east, and his own land on the west, and extending from the road between Robertsbridge and the Abbey on the south, to the said 8 acres of brook on the north ; subject to the yearly rent of 30^-. for all service, for pay ment of which the Abbey pledges all its lands of Ritheriande as well as the above premises. — Witnesses: Lords WUliam de Echingham, Robert de Passelegh, Henry Wardedeu, Robert de Echingham, Baldewin de Stowe, knights, Simon de Echingham, William de Lundresford, Roger Doget, Joceus de Feme, WiUiam de Haremere, Reginald de Echene, Richard Herin. Dated at Robertsbridge, Friday next after the Feast of SS: Peter and Paul, 4E. 2. Seal round, i inch. On a crouching lion 3 shields in point ; the first charged— 3 crescents, over all a canton ; the second— a canton, over all a bend charged with ; the third-fretty. Legend, 'S: Alan de BukeshUle.' I05 299 Prebend of Hastings. 27 April, . .^ , . 1313. Anno 13 13. — Indic: 11, Pontif; of Clem.'V. 8, 5 kal. May. Nota rial instmment certifying that on this date, in the presence of Arnald priest of St. Prisca and cardinal, papal nuncio, John Bishop of Chi chester, and John Abbat of Robertsbridge, came Henry de Garland, chanceUor, and Robert de Leycester, archdeacon of Chichester, as proctors for the Dean and Chapter of Chichester by letters patent under their seal, and WUliam of Battle, monk of Robertsbridge, as proctor for the said abbat and convent of Robertsbridge by letters patent under the seal of the abbat ; and the said proctors for the Dean and Chapter said and proposed before the said cardinal — that in a certain amicable award which he had lately made and pronounced by virtue of a certain compromise or submission which the Bishop of Chichester for himself and his successors and in the name of the Dean and Chapter of the church of Chichester and of John Arch deacon of Lewes for the church of Chichester, and WUliam called Young rector of Mondefeld on the one part, and the said abbat on the other part, made to the said cardinal, by authority of a papal privilege to the said abbat and convent, regarding a controversy which had arisen between them conceming the fmits rents &c. of a certain prebend of the chapel of Hastings and the curacy of the said chapel of Mondefeld — he, the said cardinal, in one article of his decree which begins ' we decree that of the said portion of the fmits and rents, &c. of the said chapel we have ordained to belong to the abbat the whole alterage by which we understand, &c.' as in an instrument under his hand and seal made, on the compromise appears, was deceived as to the value of the said alterage, inasmuch as it had been in that article assigned to the future vicar in the said chapel of Mondefeld and his vicarage charged with the payment of looj'. to the chantor in a certain chantry by the cardinal in the said decree constituted in the church of Chichester, and endowed with the said looj-. ; whereby it would appear that the said vicar was bound to pay the said 100s., and in common estimation the alterage could not in any year produce that sum. And they suppli cated the cardinal to amend his decree, &c., &c. And the cardinal decrees that the said 100s. shall be paid by the abbat out of the fruits rents and offerings of the chapel of Mondefeld to the person who shall be chantor in the said chantry, at the terms fixed in the article above referred to : and that the fruits rents and offerings be To6 charged with the payment thereof; but if the abbat shall fail and these shall prove insufladent, so that the bishop cannot well proceed to sequestration, that then the fruits rents and offerings of the pre bend of the said chapel of Hastings, appropriated to the abbat shall be charged with the said payment and may be sequestrated by the bishop tUl payment be made. And so by the transfer of this charge to the abbat he ordains that the said alterage and vicar shall be free from the said payment, and that the alterage shall remain for the sustenance and hospitahty of the vicar, and that the fmits rents and offerings of the chapel of Mondefeld shaU be charged with the payment of 7 marks a year instead of i r to the vicar, and that the vicar shall have no further claim upon the abbat, except only that the abbat shall assign a fitting habitation for the vicar who shall be first appointed and his family, and assign it to him and his successors. The remainder of his former decree is confirmed. The respective parties are to swear on the Gospels to the observance of this decree and to express their approbation of the papal privi lege granted to the abbat : the bishop and proctors of the Dean and Chapter to renounce all appeals against the privilege and letters and appropriation, the Dean and Chapter to ratify these proceedings within 15 days, and the bishop and Dean and Chapter to append their greater seals both to the above public instrument and the pre sent, and the abbat and convent to do the same. — Here follow letters from the Dean and Chapter of Chichester, appointing Henry de Garlaund chancellor, and Robert de Leycester archdeacon of Chichester, both canons, their proctors, dated at the Chapter house of Chichester, Saturday in Easter week (21 Ap.), 1313. Letters of the abbat and convent appointing WUliam of Battle their proctor, dated in the Chapter of Robertsbridge, 9 kal: May (23 Ap:) 1313- — After this the said bishop and abbat and the proctors of the Dean and Chapter and William of Battie ratified and swore on the Gospels to observe the decree. — Of all which the cardinal commands him, Pontius Marguntquus, to make one or more public instruments and seal with his seal, and also the other parties. All the above things were done on the above date in the Bishop of Lon don's house where the cardinal lived, in the presence of . . . arius de . . largus of Narbonne, Peter Raffini of Maine, Hugh Warknethby of Chichester, canons of churches, Robert de Kirkeby priest of the said bishop, Guill: de Villars, monk of the monastery Fontis frigidi of the Cistercian order in the diocese of Narbonne, I07 and John de Midford public notary. Afterwards prid: non: Mail (6 May) in the same year, in the presence of the same notary and the underwritten. Brothers Jonas de Iclesham custos of the order in the place of the prior, John of Battie, ceUarer, John of Lamberhurst, chantor, William of Battle, sacrist, Laurence of Canterbury, John of Watiington, Richard of BorstaUe, John of Promhelle, John de Mor gan, John of Maydstone, Gregory of Maydstone, Richard de Bocfast, Stephen de Hastyngs, John of Ledes, Laurence of Maid stone, John of Molton, Thomas of Battle, monks of Robertsbridge, assembled in their chapter, after hearing the instmment read, rati fied it and sanctioned the sealing of it by the abbat. Done in the presence of Lawrence de Tonebregg monk of Caldra of the Cister cian order, Thomas Erchinbaut of Chichester, John Constantine of Worcester, Thomas de Ivelde of Canterbury diocese, and others. On 8 Id; Man (8 May) in the same year, in the notary's presence, John de St: Leophard, dean, Henry de Garlaund, chancellor, WiUiam de Thesford, treasurer. Richer de Syddelesham and William de Estden, canons of Chichester, in their chapter have ratified and sanctioned the sealing thereof. — Concerning all which things the said Dean and Chapter and Brother William of Battle proctor for the abbat, desired the notary to make public instruments. Done on the said day, &c., in the presence of William Prik . . love, Richard Bartholomews, John Lynetun, Robert de la Grave, Henry de Lys priests, and Stephen de Whatelie, subdeacon of the church of Chichester. Four Seals : — I. Oval, 2 inches. Virgin and child under a canopy, a robed priest kneeling before them. Legend, ' S; Johis de Ge.tino Archid; Lewens.' 2. Oval, 3 inches. Under a canopy a robed priest standing, his right hand raised for benediction, in his left a pastoral staff. 3. Oval, 3 inches. A cross divided into 5 niches or compartments ; in the first God the Father seated ; in the second a robed figure stand ing ; in the third the Virgin and Child ; in the fourth a. priest kneeUng ; in the fifth a priest kneeling. Legend, ' S : Fratris Arnaldi Dei Gra; See Prisce Pbri Cardinalis.' 4. Seal of the Church of Chichester, the same as the second of the three seals engraved on [age 37 of Dallaway's ' History of the City of Chichester. ' io8 300 William de Echingham to the Abbey. 16 June, Grant in fee of a messuage, garden, 12 acres of land, and io2j. '3H- and id. rent in Salherst, which he had of the feoffment of Lord Alan de Bokeselle ; also of 11s. and id. rent out of his tenements of Todehurst in the same vUl ; and the homages and services of John le Turnur, Gilbert Tripilere, WUliam de Iregge, Peter de Eselinge, Roger Sutor, the heir of John le Blake, John de Finaghe, Alan le Beche, Robert Luggere, PhiUp Burel, Robert le FuUere, Peter de Ocham, Matilda Batayle, WiUiam Foglyling, John de Pesemershe, Thomas le Hunte, Adam le Blak, WiUiam Bram- belonde, Alan Tinctor, Alan le White, John Cuteler, Adam de Idenne, Adam le Hiwe, Robert de Bodekesherst, Gilbert le Puke, John de Bradstede, Thomas de Yardhyrst, Roger le Wise, Robert Henry, William de Ferregge, Ringer de Wathngton, Thomas de Winekeham, John Havek, Robert Finch, Walter le Turnur, WUliam Godday and their heirs, due to him in respect of their tenements in the same vill ; also of 42 acres of land, 4\ acres of meadow, and 40 acres of wood in the same vill, which Thomas de Yard hurst holds of him for life ; and release of a fee farm rent of 30^-. issuing out of 8 acres of brookland held of him by the Abbey in the same vUl. The above premises are given subject to the con dition that the Abbey shall at its own charges find two chaplains, monks or seculars, to do daily service for the soul of himself, Eva his wife, and his heirs, in the chapel in the said vUl on the spot where the Abbey was originally founded. Good Friday and Easter eve only excepted, and find them in bread, candles, vestments, and other ornaments necessary for the chantry. Dated at Roberts- bridge, Sunday next after the Feast of St: Barnabas the Apostie, 7 E. 2. — Witmsses : Lords Robert de Echingham, Alan de Boke- seUe, Baldewin de Stowe, John Haringaud, GUes de Briaunson, John de Munceaus knights, Edmund de Passelegh, WiUiam de Lonesford, Robert de Peplesham, Joceus de Feme, WUliam de Haremere, Henry de Schordenne. Seal round, l| inch. A knight on horse galloping, with shield and trap pings marked fretty : in the corners 4 shields, the first charged with a chief ; the second 3 crescents, over aU a canton ; the third 3 bars, and over aU a bend ; the fourth 7 lozenges conjoined. Legend, ' S'; Domini Willelmi de Echingeham.' Counterseal i inch. Four shields in point ; the first charged with a fret, the second with 2 mullets on a chief, the third with 7 lozenges conjoined, and the fourth with 3 crescents and a canton. Legend, ' S: WiUi; de Echingham.' (See No. 322.) I09 30I William Tuse to the Abbey of Boxley. Sale, for a silver mark and an upper tunic of the value of s^., of all his right in that piece of land and buildings in Littie Northtun at Gennemuthe, which he held of the said Abbey, and which lay between the land of the Abbey of Beaulieu on the north and that of the Abbey of Boxley on the south, and abutted to the east and west on land of the said Abbey of Boxley. — Witnesses: Robert Kiffe, Robert Esseman, Thomas Brice, Thomas le Grom, David Hacon, William Bartholomew, Thomas de Capeton, John de Bosco, Phihp Brun, Symon Box, Henry Rolond, Thomas Crede. Seal round, ij inch. A star of leaves. Legend, ' S: Will; Tovse.' Helewye widow of WUliam de Orewell to the Abbeys of Robertsbridge and Boxley. Quitclaim of her right of dower out of the land of her late husband in the parish of Gememuthe, lying between the land of John Grave to the south and the land of Henry de Geme muthe to the north, and abutting on the marsh of the said vill to the west and the gate to the east. — Witnesses : Alard de Wyncheles:, Reginald his brother, Robert PauU, John his brother, Bartholomew Godard, Stephen le Gric, Gervase de Lord, Geoffrey Helye, Adam Clerk. Seal oval, if inch. Virgin and child. Legend, ' S : Helewise uxor. . . . 303 Alan de Bokeselle knight to William de Ponte of 20 Dec. Robertsbridge. 1314- Grant in fee of a rent of 2S. and the services due from John de Berewerthe in respect of a tenement he held of the grantor in Robertsbridge in the parish of Salherst, and which tenement had once been Thomas Sutor's. Dated at Robertsbridge, Friday next before Christmas, 8 E. 2. — Witnesses: WiUiam de Lonesford, WiUiam de Haremere, Robert Brabon, Joceus de Feme, Simon de Borgham, Adam de Idenne, Thomas Honte, Thomas de Coresle. Seal gone. no 304 Thomas de Promhelle to Richard le Lad and Matilda his wife. Lease, for Ufe of said Richard and Matilda, of a tenement in Salhurst late Richard de Idenne's, at the yeariy rent of 4^.— Witnesses: John Turnur, John de Fynhage, Robert de Bekeleshst, Robert Fynch, Thomas de Gynekeham. Seal round, I inch. A flower of 8 petals. Legend, ' S: Thome Promhell.' 305 Alan de Bokeselle to Robert Henry. Grant to Robert Henry, with remainder to Robert Thomas his son and the heirs of his body, remainder to the heirs of the body of Robert Henry, of \ an acre of land in Le feyre feld in the viu of Salherst, and another 1 acre of land in the croft next the garden of Retherlande in the same vill ; subject to the yeariy rent of 3 J', lod. for all services, save heriot and reUef on the death of every tenant, and suit of court at Robertsbridge on reasonable summons. — Witnesses: Robert of Bridge, Robert le FoUere, Thomas le Hunte, Gilbert TrapUer, Roger le Wyse, John de Pese- mers, Henry Alban (clerk). Seal gone. 306 Alan de Bokeselle to Peter de Ochame. I Feb. Grant to Peter and the heirs of his body of 3 acres of meadow called Walpelmed in Salherst, adjoining on the east a meadow of Walter de Winekham, on the south a meadow of Thomas de Yard- herst, on the west land of William Fugelyng, and on tiie north land of WUham de Iregge, together with a road thereto 14 feet broad through the middle of Tripeleresgate ; subject to the yearly rent of 8s., suit at his court of Robertsbridge, and relief Con sideration money 6 marks. Dated at Salhurst, Thursday next after the Purification of the Blessed Mary, 6 E. 2. — Witnesses: Robert le FuUere, Robert of Bridge, William Flecher, Thomas le Hunte, John Poynont, John Cuteler, Robert de Ocham, Adam de Ydenne, Gilbert Tripelere, Thomas Erkebaud (clerk). Seal the same as to No. 298. Ill 307 Peter de Ocham to Thomas de Yardherst. 'ivT Grant of the same premises as in No. 306, and subject to the same yearly rent, suit of court and relief, but these are aU to be paid to the Abbey of Robertsbridge. Dated the Feast of St: Peter ad Vincula, 8 E. 2. — Witnesses: Robert FoUere, Gilbert Tripeler, Roger de Sokenersse, WiUiam Flecher, Thomas le Honte, Adam le Blake, Robert ate Coumbe, Peter de Eslyngge. A?a/ round, I inch. A star. Legend, 'S; Petri de Ochame.' 308 Peter de Ocham to Thomas de Yardherst. 29 Sep. Demise of 3 acres of meadow caUed Walpelmed in Salherst, ad- ^ *' joining on the west land of William Fugheling, on the east a meadow of Walter de Winelham, on the south a meadow of the Abbey, and on the north land of WiUiam de Iregge. To hold, to gether with a road through Tripeleresgate, for a term of 30 years from the feast of St: Alban 8 E. 2, at the yearly rent of 3 marks. — JFitnesses: William Flecher, Robert ate Coumbe, William de Dalynthon, John Fynhagh, Robert Vynch, Peter de Crosham, Robert of the Abbey gate, John clerk. Dated at Robertsbridge, Michaelmas, 8 E. 2. Seal the same as to No. 307. 309 Thomas de Yardherst to the Abbey. Grant, in frankalmoign, of 3 acres of meadow called Walpelmed which he had of the gift of Peter de Okham, together with the road thereto through Tripeleresgate. Dated at the Abbey, Tuesday next before the feast of St: Margaret the Virgin, . . E. 2. — Witnesses: Robert of Bridge, Robert FuUore, Robert de Coumbe, Adam le Blake, WiUiam de Dalynthon, Peter de Eshyngge, Peter de Okham, Thomas Erkebaud. Seal, a fragment only. 310 Johan daughter and heir of WiUiam Brewere to James 19 Oct. Bodiham. ^'^' Grant of a piece of meadow in Robertsbridge next that called Waspelmed, which William her father acquired from John Curtays ; 112 to hold of the capital lords of the fee by the services due in re spect thereof. — Witnesses: Robert Mortimer, Alan Ryngdenn, John Whyte, William Idenn, Stephen Curtays. Dated at Roberts- bridge, on the morrow of St: Luke the Evangelist, 47 E. 3. Seal round, I inch. A shield of arms and legend, but both effaced. 311 Thomas le Hunte of Robertsbridge to the Abbey. Grant, in frankalmoign, for the purposes of hospitality, of a piece of meadow in Waspelmed in Saleherst parish, below the vill of Robertsbridge, 18 feet in breadth and 3 rods in length lying to the east of his meadow and to the west of that of the monks as marked out by metes and bounds. — Witnesses : John de Grove, John de Fynhage, Alan de Ryngdenne, Adam le Blake, Roger le Wyse, Thomas Erkebaud clerk. Seal round, only a fragment. A star. Legend, 'S: unte.' 312 Nicholas le Hunte son of Thomas le Hunte the younger to the Abbey. Release, in frankalmoign, for the purpose of hospitahty of a piece of meadow in Waspelmed in the parish of Salherst below the viU of Robertsbridge, 18 feet broad and 13 rods long, adjoining on the east a meadow of Thomas le Hunte his grandfather, and on the south, west, and north, a meadow belonging to the Abbey. Wit nesses: John de Fynhage, John de Ryngdenne, Peter Dyn, Adam le Blake, John de Fynhage the younger, Thomas de Erkebaud. ' Seal in fragments. 313 Matilda relict of Richard le Lad to Thomas de Prom- 19 Dec. helle. 1316. Quitclaim of aU her right in two tenements in Salherst and in the viU of Robertsbridge, adjoining on the east land of Alan le Wite, on the south and west the King's highway leading to Battie through the middle of the vill of Robertsbridge, and on the north land of Matilda ate Cruche. Consideration money ^s. Dated at Salherst Sunday next before the feast of St; Thomas the Apostie "3 10 E. 2.— Witnesses ; William de Iwregge, Thomas de Wynekeham, Gilbert Tumur, Robert Fynch, Thomas Erkebaud. Seal oval, broken. A star with legend. 314 WiUiam de Echingham and the Abbey. ^1317? ^^"^ concord made at Westminster in the quinzaine of Easter, 10 E. 2. before the justices, WiUiam de Bereford, GUbert de Rou- biry, John de Benstede, Henry le Scrop, John Bacun, and John de Mutford, by which WiUiam recognises to the Abbey a messuage, 54 acres of land, 4^ acres of meadow, 40 acres of wood and 7 Ubrates 3 soUdates and 2 denariates of rent in Salherst, but as to 42 acres of land, 4I acres of meadow, and 49 acres of wood sub ject to the life interest of Thomas de Yardehurst. Consideration money 100 pounds sterling. Indorsed, ' De Todhurst.' 315 Alan Abbat of Robertsbridge v. Ralph de Cameys. ^°ni?' "^* ^ ^^^"^ °^ '^^ sate of the Castle of Pevenese held on Mon day the morrow of the Holy Trinity, 10 E. 2, the Abbat appears against Ralph in a plea of cattle taken, and says that on a given day Ralph took 3 of his beasts in the vill of Chidinglegh, in a place caUed Sabinelond, and drove them to the house of Walter at Gloustre and impounded them there tiU the bailiff of the gate set them free, to his damage of 40^-. Ralph appears, and says that WUliam Erkebaud once held a messuage and 60 acres of land in the said vill of John de Gatesden his grandfather, by homage, scutage of ^ a mark in 40^-., a yearly rent of 6s. 8d. and suit of court at Friland every 3 weeks ; that William sold to Robert Abbat of Robertsbridge who did fealty and suit to Margaret de Cameys, to whom the demesne came on the death of the said John de Gates den ; and that Alan, now Abbat, did fealty and suit to him the said Ralph as lord of the fee, and because he had never done him homage he distrained 3 beasts as he had a right to do. The Abbat allows that he holds the premises by fealty and suit but by no other service, Ralph puts himself on his country. 12 July, At a court of the gate of the castle held on Monday next after '3'7- the feast of the translation of St: Martin, 11 E. 2, in an inquisi- I 114 tion made before Elias clerk, deputy of Robert de Sapi constable of the castie, it is found that the Abbat holds of Ralph a messuage and 60 acres of land by fealty and suit at his court of Foxhunt every three weeks and by no other services, that Ralph has unjustly distrained, shall pay the Abbat his damage, and be in mercy. 316 The Abbat of Robertsbridge and John Flecher. 24 June, Agreement by which the abbat gives John and the heirs of his body a piece of land in the parish of Yewherst, lying in a field called Joan Andrewes land, abutting on the King's highway leading from Bodyham to Hastings towards the east, lengthways towards the south on land which the said John bought of Simon Brid, and on abbey land to the north; subject to the payment of 4^. a year, heriot on the death of every tenant if John or his heirs shaU build on the land, suit of court twice a year at Robertsbridge and relief — JVitnesses : Joceus de Feme, Reginald de Echene, Peter de Luidynstrete, WUUam ate Wode, Nicholas de Okham, John ate Strete. Dated at the Abbey on the feast of St: John the Baptist, 10 E. 2. .Seal in shape of a shield, A star of 6 leaves. Legend, ' S: Johans: Flecher.' 3 1 7 Gilbert de Crouherst to Thomas de PromheUe. ^\ ti^' Grant in fee of a piece of his land which he purchased of MatUda ate Cruche of Robertsbridge adjoining breadthways to the east land of Thomas son of Alan le Hunte, to the west the King's highway leading from Robertsbridge to Battie, lengthways tp the south a tenement of the said Thomas, and to the north a tenement of Robert ate Wode and a curtilage of Thomas Erkebaud; subject to the yeariy payment of 4d. to the Lord of the fee for all services. Dated at Salherst Sunday next after the feast of St: Bartholomew the Apostie, 12 E. 2. — Witnesses : John de Auntesham, Adam de Idenne, John Turnur, Walter Burel, Thomas de Wynekeham, Robert ate Wode, Richard Cornere, Walter Turnur, Thomas Erkebaud clerk. Seal ound, I inch. A star of 8 leaves. Legend ' S: Gilb'ti de Crouh'st.' 115 3 1 8 Nicholas Abbat of Robertsbridge to Robert son of Walter 20 Jan. de Wockele. 1320. Grant to Robert and the heirs of his body, remainder to Henry his younger brother and the heirs of his body, remainder to the Abbat and his successors, of a messuage and garden and i acre of land in Hauekherst ; the messuage extending east and south to land of Geoffrey le Glovere, west to . . ., stret, and north to land of Geoffrey and Richard sons of Robert de Wockele ; the i acre extending eastwards to the tenement of the said sons of Robert de Wockele, and westwards to land of the said Robert son of Walter, and abutting southwards on the said garden and northwards on land of WiUiam Tubert; subject to the yearly payment of 3^. 8^d. Dated at the Abbey, 13 kal: Feb: 13 E. 2. — Witnesses : John de Kungherst, John de Betheryndenn, Thomas ate Cherche, Ralph de Delmyndenn, Geoffrey le Glovere, Robert ate Forde, WUham Ford- man, Richard Reelf, Henry de Delmyndenn, Simon Friyman. 5i?iz/ round, I inch. A star of 8 leaves. Legend, ' S: Robtid'Wockel.' 319 John Bishop of Chichester. i^^"^' Inspeximus under his seal dated at London the day before the Ides of May, 1324, of a Bull of Pope Boniface, dated at Lateran 15 Kal: Jan: the eighth year of his pontificate, and granting to the Cistercian order exemption of their lands from tithes as well those in their own occupation as those they have demised or shall demise to others. Seal, a fragment. A bishop sitting under a canopy, his right hand raised for benediction, in his left a pastoral staff Legend. 320 Thomas son of John de Bokeselle to John Abbat of 23 June, Robertsbridge. 1324- Release of action, and grant of a water course through his land to the abbey miUs of Retherlond and the right of shutting off" the water there notwithstanding that the reflux might cause submersion of his land. Dated at Robertsbridge, Saturday the eve of St: John the Baptist, 17 E. z. — Witnesses: William de Haremere, William ii6 of Bridge, Robert of Bromhamme, Elfer Foghelyng, Simon de Burghamme, William de Ferregge. Seal round, | inch. Between 2 heads facing each other a quatrefoil slipped issuing from a heart. Legend. 321 Lord William de Echingeham knight and the Abbat. 24 Aug. Agreement dated at Robertsbridge on the Feast of St: Bar- ' tholomew the Apostle, 19 E. 2, whereby the Abbat, after reciting the grants made to the house (see Nos. 292, 300 and 314), binds himself and his successors in consideration of the gift of the ad vowsons of Salherst and Odymere, to find at his own expense two chaplains, monks or seculars, to perform daily service in the Abbey Church for the souls of the said Lord WiUiam, Eva his wife, and their heirs and antecessors, excepting on Good Friday and Easter eve ; one to celebrate at the altar of the Holy Cross and the other at the altar of St: Giles ; and in consideration of the advowson of Mundefeld i chaplain to do daily service in the chapel of St: Mary at the ab.bey gate, excepting on Good Friday and Easter eve ; and in consideration of the rents and tenements two chaplains, monks or seculars, to do daily service in the Abbey Church at the altar of martyrs on the right side of the choir, where the bodies of the said lady Eve and of Joan daughter of the said Lord William lie, excepting on Good Friday and Easter eve ; all the chaplams to say daily before the altar of niartyrs aforesaid. Placebo and Dfrige, with the commendation, i.e., on the days customary with tiie Cistercian Order. If this obHgation is not compUed with Lord William is empowered to distrain on all the above hereditaments and also on the Abbey manors of Berne, Werthe, Park, and Ody- humme.— Witnesses : I,ords Godfrey de Walleys, Alan de Boke selle, Baldewin de Stowe, Giles de Bryamsoun, knights, Richard Wardedieu, Richard de Codyng, William de Lonesford, Henry de Schamdenne, WUliam of Bridge, WiUiam de Haremere, Robert Braban, Joceus de Ferae. Seal the same as to No. 300. 322 WiUiam de Echingham knight to the Abbat. 26 Aug. Release from the obligation of finding chaplains in respect of the advowsons of Salherst and Odymer till those churches shaU be 117 vacated by the death or resignation of John de Godele or other wise, and in respect of the advowson of Mundefeld, till they shall be in quiet possession of it. Dated at Robertsbridge, Monday next after the feast of St: Bartholomew tiie Apostie, 19 E. 2. Seal the same as to No. 300, but on the reverse the charge on the 2nd shield is clearly maiked ' on a chief 2 mullets.' 322* John Alard of Mesham to the Abbat of Robertsbridge 20 Nov. and others. 1329. Rough draft (partly cancelled) of a confirmation to the Abbat, WUliam de Ore, John PauUyn of Rye, John PauUyn of Nitherchene, and William de Redwasshe of their lands in the marshes of Ram- meshome, AVestbrok, Coubrok, and Daunsesmersh, and i^ acres of land in his marsh for making a fence for the inclosure and preserva tion of his and their lands, and grant of a sewer called Watergang from Rammeshome to the sea between the Abbat's land and his own ; to hold to them their heirs and assigns for ever : warranty of all the above premises. Dated at La Fochie, 20 Nov: 3 E. 3. — Witnesses : Wal . . R:, Robert AUard, Walter Briggel, John and Bartholomew atte Carte, WiUiam Couelard, WiUiam Hugh:. Edw. 2. Indorsed is a fafr copy of a letter (in French) by John Abbat of Robertsbridge to the Mayor and Barons of Winchelsea. In answer to their letter conceming the claim of debt by the executors of Robert Alard, then late combaron, and by John Vinch their com- baron, against Adam Blake and requesting him (the Abbat) to dis train Adam Blake to make him pay the residue of the debt — he tells them that Adam is in a bad case by reason of the part pay ment which he made, and that he has nothing whereby he can be distrained. So begs to be excused from doing what they ask. 323 John de Passelegh son and heir of Edmund de Passelegh 26 Jan to the Abbey. I330- Release in fee of 5 soUdates of rent and the services the monks were bound to do to his father and himself for their manor of Madresham. — Witnesses: Richard Wardedeu, WUliam of Bridge of Robertsbridge, William de Haremere, Robert de Bromhamme, ii8 Thomas de BokeseUe, John de Bokeselle. Dated at London on the morrow of the Conversion of St: Paul, 4 E. 3. Seal round, f inch. In base a crouching beast, in chief 3 ( ? ears of barley), and legend. 324 John le Whyte of Rye to the Abbey. ^ -^"S- Release of aU his right in certain tenements in the viU of '^''°' Robertsbridge which he had of the gift of Hugh de Yardherst, of which one was formerly Nicholas Osmund's and the other John Otes'.^ — Witnesses: Roger de Sokenersse, John Hervy, Thomas le Hunte, WiUiam de Ferregge, Stephen de TunstaUe, Walter Wilde. Dated at Robertsbridge, Monday after the Feast of St: Peter ad Vincula, 4 E. 3. .Seal gone. 325 WiUiam de Cobbeford to the Abbey. Confirmation in frankalmoign of the grants of divers of his ancestors in Chytingelegh and Waldern, and particularly those of his father Roger, and quitclaim of all customs and services what soever in respect thereof. — JFitnesses : Thomas Heringaut, Robert de Clavregg, Peter de Hegyngwerth, John MarescaU, Robert de Birche, Thomas le Cober, Geoffrey his brother, Richard atte hok. Seal round, -f inch. Two figures half length facing each other, and legend. 326 Simon de Echyngham brother and heir of Lord WiUiam ID Oct. de Echyngham to the Abbey. 1331. Release of all his right in i acre of brookland in Salherst, together with the advowsons of Salherst, Odymere, and Mundefeld, all which the monks had of the gift of his brother William, the churches being a prebend in the King's free chapel in his castle of 'Rs&tmgs. — Witnesses : John of Ore, WUUam of Robertsbridge, William de Haremere, Joceus de Feme, John de BokeseUe, Thomas de BokeseUe, WiUiam de Berewyk, Simon de Burgham. Dated at the Abbey on the morrow of SS: Dionisius and his companions, 7E. 3. Seal round, I inch. A shield charged fretty. Legend, ' Sig: Simonis de Echingham.' 119 327 King Edward to the Abbey. 20 Jan. Royal Charter by which after reciting charters Nos. 290 and 292, and that the monks when the license was given them to hold the advowsons of Salhurst, Odymer, and Mundefeld, had omitted to make mention of an acre of land in Salhurst, and had since made fine to him for pardon of the transgression, leave is given them to hold the said acre (valued at 6d. by William de Northo his escheator in Kent, Surrey, Sussex, and Middlesex, according to an inquisition made and returned into the Chancery), as part of the TOO librates of land and rent, but subject to the services due to the capital lords of the fee. Tested at York, 20 Jan: 6 E. 3. Seal, the King's first great seal, as above. 328 Prebend of Salherst. 20 Feb. Notarial exemplification of a procuratory of this date by which York Robert de Tauton appoints Thomas de Stowe, canon of the church of St: Martin the Great, London, and Geoffrey de Clare, clerk, his proctors to prosecute his presentation, institution and induction, to the prebend of Salherst in the King's free chapel of Hastings, to which he had been nominated by Lord William de Echingham the patron. The exemplification is dated 27 Mar. 1333. 329 Prebend of Salhurst. 24 Feb. Certificate under the seal of John de Wiggepirie, dean of Battle, '^^^' that on this date and in the prebendal church of Salhurst, Walter Krips a monk of the Abbey of Robertsbridge appeared as its duly constitiited proctor, and then and there exhibited and read an appeal, by which to avert anticipated infringements of its rights in respect of the churches of Salhurst and Odimere which constituted the prebend of the King's free chapel of Hastings, he demanded the protection of the Apostolic see and the court of Canterbury for the Abbey and its adherents : all which was done in the pre sence of Richard, vicar of Salherst Church, Lord Henry de Stoke- bmgg, Nicholas Brom, chaplains, WiUiam de Stamynden, Henry Lovekot, clerks, Peter Dyn, John de Kingesnode. Seal oval, i inch. A head in profile with shaved crown, above it a han extended. Legend, ' . . . . ecani de Bello.' 1332- I20 330 Thomas son of Lord William Heryngod to William de 25 Feb. Stampyndenn of Lamberhurst and Roger Laket of Blechynton next Sefiford. Release of all his right in the tenement of Possingwerth in Walderne, which they purchased of Margaret Heryngod his sister by charter of feoffment. — Witnesses : John atte Chaumbre Lord of Benton, WiUiam de Cessingham, Richard de Aula, William Bosse of Sefford, Geoffrey atte Brok, Philip de Andlevewyk, WUUam de Berewyk. Dated at Robertsbridge on the Feast of St: Matthias the Apostle, 6 E. 3. Seal gone. 331 Prebend of Salhurst. 6 Mar. 1332. Notarial copy of letters of this date from the official of the Arch deacon of Lewes to John, Bishop of Chichester, acknowledging the receipt of his mandate directing inquiry into the matter of the prebend held by the late John de Godelee in the King's chapel in the castle of Hastings (which mandate was dated at Ferryngg, 10 Kal; Mar. 1332 and in the 28th year of his consecration), and announcing that in pursuance thereof an inquisition was taken at Hoo, Tuesday next after the feast of St: Matthias the Apostle, 1332, in full chapter in the church there by William Rector of Warbleton, William Rector of Mundefeld, John Rector of Idenne, Stephen Rector of Cattesfeld, John Rector of Beckele, Peter Rector of Playdenne, John Rector of Watlyngton, Thomas Vicar of Ticheshurst, Robert Vicar of Bourghersh, John Vicar of Pese mershe, and Thomas Vicar of Hoo, who found as foUows, viz: that the prebend held by John de Godelee called Salehurst and Odymer in the King's chapel of Hastings is not vacant because it is fiUed by the Abbat and Convent of Robertsbridge, who have the prebend appropriated to them : whether John in his lifetime held any other prebend in the chapel the inquisition is silent ; that the Abbat and convent are the tme patrons and possessors of the prebend which John de Godelee held during his life, that William de Echyngham last presented to it, that the life and morals of the party presented are praiseworthy, that he is in priest's orders, it is believed, and has a benefice elsewhere. 121 332 Prebend of Salhurst. ^\^l^' Notarial certificate that on this date, and in the presence of the notary and of Richard vicar of Salehurst, Walter the said vicar's chaplain, WUUam Jevene rector of Mundefeld, Symon rector of St: James's chapel next Seford, William atte Hese, Nicholas de Brome, and Richard de Ouera, chaplains, WiUiam Berewyk, John Curtays, John de Stamyngdene, and Robert Wogge, parish ioners of Salhurst, there presented themselves in the porch of the prebendal church of Salehurst, William of Wynchelsee and Walter Crips, monks of Robertsbridge, and Richard Clappe rector of Westdene next Seford, as proctors for the Abbat John and his con vent of Robertsbridge under a procuratory dated 15 Kal: Jun. 1332 ; that they there constituted Ralph de Vesci their mouthpiece, and that Ralph read a protest which is given at length, and which states — that the prebend of the King's free chapel whose revenues consisted of the tithes of Salehurst and Odimere was appropriated to the Abbey by Pope Clement V. with the consent of William de Echyngham then patron and confirmation of King Edward ; that it was then provided that, upon a vacancy by resignation or death, the monks should enter into possession of the prebendal church and its revenues, the consent of the ordinary being first obtained ; that the appropriation to the said prebend had been formally pub lished in the diocese of Chichester, and that there was a public report of the death of John de Godelee ; that Richard Clappe therefore, in the name of himself and his co-proctors took corporal possession of the prebend for the monks, protesting at the same time, that if it should ever appear that it was really not vacant but fiiU and provided for by John de Godelee, he would give up pos session on behalf of the monks without further dispute or diflaculty. 333 King Edward to the Abbey. 26 Nov. Royal Charter reciting charters Nos. 290 and 292, and granting '^32" that in consideration of the fine the Abbat has made him, he and his convent may appropriate and hold the churches of Salhurst, Odymere, and Mundifeld, to their own uses notwithstanding they are a prebend in his free chapel of Hastings, saving to the chapel in all things its rights. Dated at Knaresburgh 26 Nov: 6 E. 3. Seal. The King's first great seal as engraved in Sandford's ' Genealogical History,' p. 123. 122 334 King Edward to the Abbey. 26 Nov. Royal Charter identical with No. 333, and having the same seal. 1332. 335 Margaret, daughter of Lord WiUiam Heryngod, knight, 18 Jan. to William de Stampyndenn of Lamberhurst and '¦^¦'^' Roger Laket of Blachynton next Sefford. Grant of all the tenement in Walderne caUed Posyngwerth, which she had of the gift and feoffment of WUliam her father and Margery her mother, with the homages, heriots, reliefs, escheats, &c. Also 4 solidates, 5;^ denariates of rent issuing out of the tenement at Watere which John de Meryham holds of her ; sub ject to the services due in respect thereof to the capital lords of the fee. Dated at Posingwerth, in the chair of St: Peter the Apostle, 6 E. 3. — Witnesses: Lord Nicholas de Beche and Andrew de Mested, knights, Andrew Peverel, Andrew Maufee, Robert de Clavregg, Robert de Burche, WiUiam de Garlaund, Peter de Wylegh, Peter de Heggyngwerth, Thomas le Coker, . Geoffrey le Coker, Richard atte Hok. Seal gone. 336 Margaret Heryngod to WiUiam de Stampyndenn and 18 Jan. Roger Laket. 1333. _ This document is identical with the preceding. Seal oval, 2 inches. A long-necked bird with wings displayed, its taU in form like a fish bone. Legend, 'S:Mar .... Har . . god.' 337 Salhurst Prebend. 2*7 M3.r 1333. ¦ Notarial certificate under the hand of Walter Gest of Ideshale, public notary, that on this date, at Bysshopeston the manor of John Bishop of Chichester, in his presence, and that of Master John de Aumble, public notary, WUUam de Brunneby, Geoff"rey de Sydlesham, Robert de Aumble chaplain, Henry de Midhurst and John de Ferryngg, clerks of the bishop's household, presented himself, Master Geoff"rey de Clare, as proctor of Robert de Tauton by virtue of a procuratory (see No. 328) which was thereupon read, that the said Master Geoffrey then exhibited certain letters to the 123 Bishop of Chichester from the official of tlie Archdeacon of Lewes (see No. 331), and having read them demanded that Robert de Tauton should be admitted to the said prebend, and that the bishop replied that the inquisition showed that the Abbat and Convent of Robertsbridge were patrons and possessors of the prebend, that by them it was full and not vacant, and therefore he could not be admitted. 338 William de Stamyndenn of Lamberherst to Roger Laket 26 Aug. of Blachynton. 1333- Release of aU his right in the tenement of Posyngwerthe in Wal deme, which he had of the gift and feoffment of Margaret daughter of Lord William Haryngod, knight. — Witnesses : Joceus de Feme, Simon de Feme his son, Elfer Fogheling, WUliam de Berwyk, Thomas de BokeseU, John de Stamyndenn, Robert Wogge. Dated at Robertsbridge Thursday next after the feast of St: Bartholomew, 7 E. 3. Seal round, } inch. Device ? 339 King Edward to the Abbey. '333-' Royal Charter reciting that of his father and his own previous ones, and extending the license thereby given so that the abbat and his successors may be admitted by the dean, or custos, and chapter of the Free Chapel of Hastings as canon and brother, and have a StaU in the choir there, and a place in the chapter. Tested at ChUteme 6 Nov: 7 E. 3. Seal. His first great seal as before. 340 Stephen Loveras to WiUiam de Stamyndenne of Lam- 14 Feb. berhurst and Roger Laket of Blachyntone next Seford. Release of aUhis right in the lands and tenements called Posynge- worthe in Waldeme. — Witnesses: John de Winterboume, John de Shirfeld, John Whiton, John Payne, John de Scoteneye. Dated at Tydderie, Monday, St: Valentine's day, 8 E. 3. Seal gone. 124 341 Thomas Haryngod, son and heir of John Haryngod 24 Feb. knight, to WiUiam de Stampyndenn of Lamberherst and Roger Laket of Blechynton. Release of all his right in the tenement of Posyngewerthe in Walderne and in 4 soUdates and 5^ denariates of rent paid by John Meryham in respect of his tenement at Watere in the same vill ; all which WiUiam and Roger had purchased of Margaret daughter of Lord WiUiam Haryngod. Warranty against Alice daughter and heir of the body of, and Thomas son of, the said Lord WiUiam. — Witnesses : William de Cessyngeham, Master Andrew Maufee, Henry Maufee, William de Garlaund, John de Perchyngg, Robert de Clavregg, Peter de Haggyngewerth, Geoffrey le Coker, John de Sutton, John atte Doune, John de Sutton, junior. Dated at Robertsbridge the day of St: Matthias the Apostle, 8 E. 3. Seal gone. 342 Thomas Haryngod, son and heir of John Haryngod, to 14 June, Roger Laket of Blechinton. Release of all his right in the tenement of Posyngewerthe in Walderne and in 4 soUdates and 5^ denariates of rent issuing out of the tenement at Watere. Warranty as in No. 341. — Witnesses: WUliam de Cessyngeham, John le Mareschal, WiUiam de Garlaund, Philip de Endelevewyk, Geoffrey le Coker, John de Sutton, John atte Doune, John de Sutton junior, Richard atte Hoke, Peter de Haggyngewerth. Dated at Robertsbridge Tuesday next after the feast of St: Barnabas the Apostle, 8 E. 3. Seal round, | inch. Within a gothic border a shield with heraldic bearing. Legend, .... 343 The Abbat of Robertsbridge and Geoffrey Cade. 'i^33S°" ^^- Hilary's day, 8 E. 3. Demise to Geoffrey for 40 years from this date of a tenement in the vill of Rye, with the quay {Caya) and aU the appurtenances, at the rent of 10s. a year; Geoffrey to up hold the tenement at his own expense, and the Abbat the quay, and the latter to do the services due to the community of the' said 125 vUl. — Witnesses: Robert Marchaunt, James Marchaunt'his brother, John Paulyn, John Aumbereys, Simon Meresey, John Hesoghel, John de Courthope. Seal gone. 344 Peter de JocaUis Prior of St: Pancras Monastery, Lewes, 1 6 Feb. to Roger Laket I33J- _ .^ License to give to the Abbey of Robertsbridge the lands and tenements, together with the rent and service of John de Meriham, which he held of the Priory in capite at Posingewerthe in Walderne. The Abbey to hold the same of the Priory subject to the accustomed services, viz. los. yearly rent, suit of court at Lewes or Horsted every 3 weeks, heriot on the death of every tenant, and relief : all which the Abbat agrees on behalf of his house to perform. Dated, in the Chapter of the Priory, 16 Feb. 1334, the beginning of 9 E. 3. The seal (which is that of the Chapter) is imperfect : it represents the martyrdom of St: Pancras by a Roman soldier, and may be seen engraved in Suss: Arch: CoUns: ii. 19, but the helmet of the soldier is there incorrectly drawn. 345 Roger Laket of Blechynton next Sefiford to the Abbey. I33S- Grant of all the tenement in Waldeme caUed Posyngwerth which he had of the gift of Margaret daughter of Lord WiUiam Heryngod, together with the rents, homages, heriots, reliefs, escheats, &c. Also of 4 solidates and 5^ denariates of rent issuing out of a tene ment held of him by John de Meryham at Watere in Waldeme. To hold of the capital lords of the fee subject to the services due in respect thereof. Dated at Posyngwerth, Thursday next after the feast of the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary, 9 E. 3. — Witnesses : Lord Andrew Peverel, Nicholas de Beche, and Andrew de Med- stede, knights, Andrew Maufee, Henry Maufee, WUliam Cessyng- ham, Robert de Clavregge, William de Garlaund, Peter de Wylegh, Peter de Hegyngwerth, Geoffrey le Coker, Richard atte Hoke. Seal round, l| inch. A gaUey, the mast of which is between a star and a crescent. Legend, ' S: Rogeri Lacat.' 126 346 King Edward to Roger Laket and the Abbey, I May, Royal charter licensing Roger to grant and the Abbey to hold as part of the loo librates of land and rent mentioned in the charter of K. E. 2 (see No. 290), a messuage and caracate of land and 4 solidates and 5^ denariates of rent in Waldeme, not held of him self, and worth, as to the messuage and land, 26s. g^d. a year according to a valuation made by William de Northo the escheator for the counties of Surrey, Sussex, Kent and Middlesex, and retumed into the Chancery ; the whole to be reckoned as worth 40s. a year. Tested at Clipstone, i May, 9 E. 3. Seal, the King's first great seal, as before. 347 King Edward to Roger Laket and the Abbey. ' il^' Royal charter, identical with the last and having the same seal. 348 Roger Laket of Blechyngton next Sefiford to the Abbey. ^'^,^2^^' This document is identical with No. 345, and has the same witnesses and seal, but is dated Saturday, the feast of St: John the Baptist, 9 E. 3. 349 John de Beterinden to Margery widow of John le Hunte 21 Sept. and WUliam her son. 1335- Release of all his right in the lands which he had by demise of Margery in the vill of Salhurst. Dated Thursday, tiie feast of St: Matthew, 9 E. s-— f^Hnesses : Thomas de Wynekehame, Alan Meiner, John his brother, WiUiam Palmere, Roger de Aldrinde, WUUam le Yonghe, Thomas de Cungherst. Seal round, | inch. Device ? 350 William Pyrieman to Robert Somer. * 133^ " ^^^^^ ^^ ^^^ °^^ ^°'^ °^ ^^'^^ adjoining land of Stephen Meltsop west and east, land of Robert Salomon south, and the garden of the said Robert Somer north : to hold of the lords of the fee by the services due in respect thereof Dated at Chydyngstane, Tuesday 127 next before Michaelmas, 9 E. 3. — Witnesses ; Robert and George Cubbel, WUliam Cubbel, John MaUingh, Robert son of John Cubbel, Stephen Meltsop, John de PoUe, clerk. Seal round, | inch. Device and legend ? 351 Odimere Church. 12 Aug. Notarial certificate by Henry de Colecestre of the diocese of ¦ ' London, pubhc notary, that on this date, in his presence and in that of Thomas rector of the church of St: Vedast, London, John Joce, clerk, and other witnesses, in the cathedral church of St: Paul's, London, came Simon de Maydestan, a monk of Robertsbridge, as proctor for John the Abbat and his convent under a procuratory dated in thefr chapter 10 kal: Jan: 1334, and openly exhibited in writing before the venerable Adam Merimouth, official of the court of Canterbury, certain petitions and appeal to the apostolic see and that court, swearing that neither the Abbat nor himself till the 4th of August had knowledge of the charges noticed in the appeal and showing that all diligence had been used to discover Nicholas Paulyn and Paul Marchaunt of Rye, the party appealed that they might be notified thereof, but that nothing had been heard of them 10 days after the notice ; that he then gave up the documents to the official, desiring him to give his decision in the absence of Nicholas and Paul. That the official took the appeal in his hands and pro nounced the notice sufficient ; the contents of which document were to the effect that the monks were canonically possessed of the parish church of Odemere, and had always quietly enjoyed the same, and with it the tithes issuing from the new marsh next the manor of Levelesham within the said parish or tythings thereof : that having good reason to expect injury in respect of the same, they had appealed to the apostolic see and the court of Canterbury : that Nicholas and Paul had nevertheless despoiled them of the tithes, and that therefore they renewed their appeal. XK2 John son and heir of Thomas Berteline to the Abbey. 8 July, Release in fee ofaU his right in the lands and tenements in 1337- Waldeme caUed Daunlee, of which Thomas his father died seized : to hold of the capital lords of the fee by the services due in respect thereof. — JFitnesses: Lord Andrew Peverel, knight, Thomas 128 Heryngaud, WUliam de Cessyngehame, Robert de Clavregge, Philip de Endlevewyke, "WUliam de Garlonde, William Erch, Geoffrey Coker, John atte Doune, James Erch, Thomas de Pres tone. Dated at Robertsbridge, Tuesday next after the Feast of the Translation of St: Thomas the Martyr, 1 1 E. 3. Seal round, \ inch. Device and legend ? 353 PetronuU Celiissh daughter of John Celfissh to the 19 Aug. Abbey. 1337. ¦' Release of all her right in a field called Fairefeld next the viU of Robertsbridge in the parish of Salherst. Dated at Roberts- bridge, 14 Kal: Sep: 11 E. 3. — Witnesses : William de Berewyk, Thomas de Bokeselle, Joceus de Feme, William de Hukstepe, WUliam de Ferregge, Roger leWyse. Seal round and small. Device ? 354 John Abbat of Robertsbridge to Robert AUard son of 25 April, Robert Alard of Wynchelese. 1340. •' Grant of a plat {platiam) of land in the vill of Rye (the bounds of which are set out in a charter of James son of Gervase Alard) in the Abbat's possession ; subject to a yearly rent of 2s., the ser vices due to the King, ^md all scot and lot {scotia et Ihotia) due to the community of the said viU. Dated at the Abbey on the day of St: Mark the Evangehst, 14 E. 3. — Witnesses: Thom'as atte Nasse then Mayor of Rye, John PauUyn, Robert Marchant, Paul Marchant, Stephen Russel, Simon Merseye, Nicholas Paulyn, John Dykes. Seal gone. 355 John son and heir of John Faber of Coubrugg to Philip 31 May, Terry of Coytis. 1343- Grant of 7 acres of land which his father held in the demesne of Coytis, as they lie together in one parcel in the western part of Penchoit, and which Lord Gilbert de TurberviUe with the consent of Matilda his wife formeriy gave to John Mapseis ; to hold together with the easements comprised in the said Gilbert's charter to PhUip 129 and his heirs of the capital lords of the fee by the services due in respect thereof — JFitnesses : John Deneys, John de Cantelo, William Deneys, Robert Nichol, John le Spenser. Dated at Coytis the last day of May, 1 7 E. 3. Seal round, ^ inch. Five feathery leaves in the form of a star. Legend, ' S: Johis Smith.' 356 King Edward to the Abbey. I Nov. Royal Charter reciting Nos. 292, 333 and 339, and the legal pro ceedings taken against tiie monks under a writ of Quare impedit, (see No. 359,) pardoning their transgressions and licensing them to hold the 2 carucates of land, advowson of the prebend, advowsons of the churches of Salhurst and Odymere, and of the church or chapel of Mundefeld, and the advowsons of the vicarages of Sal hurst and Odymere, and in right of the said prebend to have their vicar and all other privileges in the chapel the same as other pre bendaries. Tested at Ditton, i Nov. in the year of his reign 17 th of England and 4th of France. Seal (more than a quarter gone) the great seal of England as engraved in 'Sandford's History,' p. 124. 357 King Edward to the Custos of the Free Chapel of Has- I Dec. tings or to the Deans and Custodians thereof. 1343. Letters patent reciting certain royal charters to the Abbey of Robertsbridge, and directing that the Abbat and his successors be allowed to have their vicar in the chapel in right of their prebend the same as other prebendaries and canons have, and that the said vicar be aUowed the same advantages and emoluments as the other vicars have. Tested at Westminster, i Dec: in the year of his reign 17th of England and 4th of France. Seal imperfect, the great seal of England, the same as to No. 356, 358 Salhurst Prebend. 21 Feb. Notification by Walter de Lindregg, custos of the free chapel in '344' j.jjg King's Castle of Hastings, that he has received a mandate from the King (recited at length), tested at Westminster, i Dec: 17 E. 3, stating that by reason of a certain recent collation to the prebend K I30 of Salhurst, a cause was pending in the King's bench against the Abbat and Convent of Robertsbridge under a writ of Quare im pedit in which it was alleged that there was no mention in the letters patent of the acquisition of the advowson of the said pre bend and 2 carucates of land with which it was endowed, and" that the said advowson was held of the King and could be held of no one else ; and then proceeding to pardon the Abbat for acquiring the said advowson and 2 camcates and licensing him and his suc cessors to hold the same, and also to have their vicar as other pre bendaries and canons of the same and other prebends in the chapel had hitherto had, and granting that such vicar should enjoy the emoluments attached to the office the same as the vicars of the other prebendaries and canons did, and commanding him the said custos and the deans of the chapel to admit the said Abbat and his successors to the enjoyment of the above privileges. That in obedience to this mandate on a certain day he caiised the pre bendaries and canons to be summoned to the chapel and then and there, after the mandate had been read and considered, by common consent granted to the Abbat and his successors that they might enjoy all the above privUeges, and should be quit of all expense for the support of such vicar, &c. Dated in their chapter at Hastings 9 Kal: Mar. 1343, 18 E. 3. Seal oval, 2|- inches, in good preservation. B. V. M. in profile seated on a throne, holding in her right hand a model of a church and in her left a sceptre headed with a fleur-de-lys. Legend, 'SigiU: Commune Ecce Sancte Marie d'Hastinge.' It is engraved in Suss: Arch: Coll: xiii. p. 133. 359 John Wade, dean of the King's Free Chapel in the 13 Oct. Castle of Hastings, to the Abbey. Inspeximus and confirmation, under the seal of the dean and chapter, dated in their Chapter of Hastings, 3 Id: Oct. 1344, 18 E. 3, of letters of the Reverend Walter de Lindregg, custos of the free chapel (see No. 358), sealed with his seal and testifying that in obedience to the King's mandate (see No. 357), and which is set out at length, he had summoned the prebendaries and canons, and with their consent had approved and confirmed the.mandate, and granted that the vicars of the Abbat and his successors should have their commons and stipends the same as other vicars, free of expense to the Abbey ; but if the chapel should be washed away 131 by the sea or otherwise devastated, or the accustomed oblations should fail, that then the Abbat should assist in repairing the fabric and supporting the vicar; these letters are dated 9 Kal: Mar. 1343- Seal the same as to No. 358. 360 King Edward to the Abbat. 5 Nov. Royal Charter promising that the grant of sustenance for life made by the Abbat (whose Abbey is not held of the King in capite) to his valet Richard Vigerous, the same as Thomas Breton had whilst he lived, should not be made use of as a precedent. Tested at Sandwich 5 Nov. in the year of his reign 22nd of England and 9fh of France. Seal, nearly perfect, the great seal of England, being the seal of absence, engraved in No. 31 of the 'Journal of the Archaeological Institute.' 361 Ralph de Poling to WiUiam Testard, vicar of Westang- 16 May, mering, Matthew le Want, chaplain, and John atte '^'- Huche. Grant of a messuage and 5 acres of land in Westprestone in the parish of Rust}'ngton which had descended to him as an escheat on the death of John son of Walter Bedenye, and an acre of land lyiiig in middelfeld in the parish of Rustyngton which descended to him as an escheat on the death of John of Rustyngton ; all to be held of the capital lords of the fee by the services due in respect thereof. — Witnesses: William de Prestone, Elias de Clympesfolde, John RychuUe, Thomas Wodelande, John de Threele. Dated at Estpreston, Saturday next after the feast of St: Pancras, 23 E. 3. Seal round, ^ inch. On an eagle displayed a shield charged with a bend ; all within a legend, iUegible, 362 WUliam de Echingham, knight, son and heir of James de 11 Sept. Echingham, knight, and the Abbey. 1356. Agreement by which William releases the Abbat and his successors from finding 2 chaplains for the chapel formerly built in the vill of Robertsbridge and providing them with food ; but the Abbat is to 132 remain bound to find 5 chaplains to do daily services and say Placebo and Dirige with commendation in the Abbey accordifig to the tenor of an agreement made between him and WiUiam de Echingham ante cessor of the said WUliam, but the said WUliam and his heirs are not to be prevented by that agreement from presenting a fit parson to the Abbat when the time arrives, as provided by an agreement between the Abbat and Simon de Echingham. Dated at Salherst, Sunday next after the Feast of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, 30 E. 3. Seal round, \\ inch. Within a triangular gothic design a shield fretty. Legend, ' . . . gillum W . . . de Echi ' 363 Adam Abbat of Robertsbridge to Simon atte Bergh: and 2 Oct. Isabel his wife and Thomas and John their sons. '357- Grant to Simon and Isabel, Thomas and John of 10 acres of land newly assarted on his hUl ground at Posingwerth, lying between Breitesdyk on the west and the king's highway leading from Waldern to Dodeslonde on the east : to hold to them and the heirs of the body of Simon subject to the yearly rent of rod., heriot of 3^. 4^., and relief, and 2 suits of court at Posingwerth, viz: at those held next after Michaelmas and Easter respectively. Remainder to John atte Bergh; brother of the said John {sic) and the heirs of his body. Remainder to the abbat and his successors. Dated at Waldem, Monday after Michaelmas day, 31 E. 3. — Witnesses: Richard' Prestele, Edmund atte Fryth, Richard Coudon, Robert Dodes londe, WUliam Merpham, William Castelayn. Seal round, f inch. A squirrel sejeant. Legend, ' I crare rotis gode. ' 364 The Abbey of Robertsbridge and John son of Gervase 29 Sept. Andrews. 1270. Convention by which John releases to the Abbey his land in Ywerste caUed EgUnton, with the homages, services, rents, escheats, &c., being the land his father bought of Herbert de Borgherse and the services of which Reginald son of the said Herbert sold to the Abbey. A rent of 4^-. is reserved and a power of distress on tiie Abbey's chattels and vUleins at Winchelese and Rye. Dated Michaelmas, 1 2^0. — Witnesses : Lord William de Echingeham, Mathias of Hastings, John Moyn, William de Northye, knights. '359- 133 Stephen de Gocele, Robert le Hore, Thomas de Padyham, Henry Alard, Reginald his brother, John Rogers, Geoffrey Elyas. Seal roxmd, l^ inch. A star formed of 4 leaves and 4 swords. Legend, ' S: Johs: fil: Jervasii An:.' 365 Stephen Andrew of Rye to the Abbey. 'l^f^^' Release of all his right in the lands and tenements known as Eglinton or Andrewesland, together with a rent of 4 marks issuing thereout. Dated at Robertsbridge, Friday next after the feast of St: Matthew the Apostle, 33 E. 3. Seal oval, | inch. An old man's face, and legend. 366 The Abbey of Robertsbridge and Stephen Andrew of 30 Sept. Rye. 1359- Grant to Stephen heir of John son of Gervase Andrews, in con sideration of his release of a rent of 4 marks (claimed by him of the Abbey under the terms of the said John's charter to them, but alleged by the Abbey to have been payable only during the said John's life), of a rent of 4o.f. during the lives of himself and his wife Joan, and after their death of 26s. to his heirs, out of the manor of FodUand and lands caUed Eglinton or Andrewesland, with power of distress. Dated at Robertsbridge, Monday next after Michael mas day, 1359. — Witnesses: William de Echingham, knight, John de Ore, WiUiam de Haldenn, Robert Amald, Vincent Fynch, Wil liam TaUlor, Seal oval, J inch. An old man's face, and legend. 367 The Abbey and Stephen Andrew. Memorandum conceming the 4 marks rent ; that it was paid to John son of Gervase and his heirs from 1270 to 1357, when Stephen heir of the said John harshly distrained for it, that the Abbat then referred to the charter and came to the conclusion that the rent was only payable to Stephen and not to his heirs ; that the difference continued from Christmas, 1356, to the Thursday before the Nativity of the Blessed Mary, 1359, on which date a concord was 134 made at Ikelesham ; the arrears amounting tO;^6 Bs. 4d., axe released to the Abbey, and Stephen receives a pipe of wine. This was done whilst Adam Wyse was Abbat. 368 King Edward and the Abbey. ^° gQ*^' Exemplification tested at Westminster by Gervase de Wilford 20 Feb: 34 E. 3, of the process of a record amongst the memoranda of the Exchequer of HiUary term, 19 E. 2, as follows : The king by writ under the great seal of the 1 7th year of his reign, after re citing that the Abbat had exhibited charters to show that he had always held his lands and tenements in frankalmoign and free from aid towards the marriage of the eldest daughter of the late king, but that the sheriff" of those counties had distrained for an aid of this kind, commands the treasurer and barons of the Exchequer to inspect the said charters, and if they confirm his statement, to order the sheriffs to remove the distress : this writ is tested at Ravenes- dale, 26 Nov: 17 E. 2 (1323.) The Abbat then comes and com plains that the sheriff of Sussex has distrained for 50^-. in his manor of Sutton in the Rape of Pevenesye and the sheriff" of Kent for 30^-. in his manor of Lamberhurst in that county, unjustly, because he held his lands in frankalmoign under charters confirmed by King Henry, this king's grandfather, and quit of all aids of this kind. The Abbat produces a charter of Cecily de Avrenchis widow, wit nessed by WiUiam Earl Warenne, WUUam third Earl of Sussex, Gilebert de Aquila, Simon de Echingeham, WiUiam his son, WiUiam de Munceaus, Richard de Cumbe, WUUam Gulafre, Walter de Denne, Reginald Giffart, Robert son of Alan, and Helyas Foleht, grant ing to the Abbey, with the assent of WUliam her son and heir, out of her marriage portion in Sutton next Seford her capital messuage demesnes and pasturages belonging to this manor and 9^ acres of meadow also belonging thereto and a denne caUed Omble, witii all customs and liberties appurtenant to the manor, to hold in frankal moign. He then produces a charter of Robert de Crevequer heir of Lord Hamo de Crevequer, witnessed by Lord Fulco Paiferer, Lord Mathias de Hastings, Lord WiUiam de Northye, Lord Ralph de Eteringeden, Lord John Mowyne, Lord John de Suane, Walter clerk of Wynchenese, Richard GUndel, Richard de Legh, John de Kechenore, William de Snelham, and Hugh de Chodinge, confirm- 135 ing to the monks all the lands and tenements they hold of his fee in the parish of Lamberhurst, with the rents, services, customs, liberties, &c., to hold in frankalmoign. Also a confirmation charter of King Henry (3rd) set out at length (see No. 152), and a charter of King Edward (ist) tested at Westminster, to June, 21 E. i, by which, after reciting that homage had been done him by Mainard late Abbat in respect of the manor he held of him in L-amberhurst, which is of the barony of Ledes, and of which barony Robert de Crevequer had enfeoffed him and his late consort Alianor in fee, he releases the said homage to Abbat Thomas inasmuch as it had been found that tiie Abbey had held the manor of the said Robert in frankal moign, so that no homage was due. And the Abbat seeks to be relieved from the exaction of the aid. And the records are searched, and it is found that soj-. are demanded in respect of 2 fees of Mor- teyn in Sutton in the Rape of Pavenesye, as appears from the great roU of 16 (E. 2), Sussex, and the great roll of the third year, in the roll of compotuses, in the compotus of John Hemeys sheriff" of Sussex and his companions late collectors of the aid for Sussex, &c. : and that 30J. are demanded in respect of lands in Kent, viz. 20^-. for half a fee in Lamberhurst in the hundred of Brenchesle, and IOJ-. for |- of a fee in the hundred of Rolfnyndenne, as appears from the great roll of 18 (E. 2), Kent and the great roll of the third year, in the roll of compotuses, in the compotus of Henry de Cob- ham late sheriff" of Kent and his companions late collectors of the aid for Kent, &c. And as to all the lands in the hundred of Rolf nyndenne, the Abbat says that he and his predecessors have always held them of the manor of Lamberherst, and that they held this manor at the time of the confirmations by Kings Henry and Edward as also now in frankalmoign. And inquisition is directed to be taken whether the Abbat's predecessors held the manor of Lamberherst at the date of King Henry's confirmation charter, viz: 8 June, 37 H. 3, and whether the tenements which the present Abbat holds in the hundred of Rolfnyndenne were at that date and since held of that manor, and if so, whether the Abbat or his pre decessors after that date altered their estate with regard to the tenement he holds in that manor or the tenement he holds in the said manor of Sutton, or whether they possessed by purchase or otherwise any tenements in the said manors in the said i8th year of K. E. I, in which year the aid was granted, or any since other than those they held at that date. And the sheriff of Sussex is 136 required to bring before the barons here in 3 weeks of Easter 18 knights, &c. of the venue of Sutton, and the sheriff" of Kent on the same day 18 knights, &c. of the venue of Lamberherst, or before any one of the barons of the Exchequer if he shall previously come into those parts, &c. And the same day is given to the Abbat, and meanwhUe respite is given him of the said demands. On which day comes the said Abbat, and inquest comes of the county of Sussex by Geoffrey atte Broke and others, as appears in the panel of the said inquisition preserved amongst the king's writs of this year. And the jurors say on their oaths that neither the Abbat nor his predecessors held any lands or tenements in Sutton 18 E. 1, or since, other than those his predecessors held there of the gift of Cecily de Avrenchis on the said 8th of June, 37 H. 3, and have never altered their estate, &c. And inquest comes of the county of Kent by Alexander atte Bourns and his companions, &c., and the jurors say on their oaths that the Abbat's predecessors held the manor of Lamberhurst on the said 8th day of June, and that all the tenements he has or his predecessors had in the said i8th year in the hundred of Rolfnyndenne are, and on the said 8th day were, of the manor and within the parish of Lamberhurst, and that they have never changed their estate with regard thereto. And that neither the present Abbat holds nor his predecessors held in the said 1 8th year any tenements there other than those which now are, and on the said Sth day of June were, of the manor and in the parish of Lamberhurst. It is therefore decided that the Abbat shall be exonerated from the said aid. Seal only a fragment. The king on horseback, his shield and the horse's trappings charged with 3 Hons passant guardant. Legend, . . . Reverse : Within a Gothic design a shield of arms as above. Legend, .... 369 Ralph de Harmere, son of William de Harmere of the 9 May, parish of Salhurst, to the Abbey. 1361. -' Release of a yearly rent of 2s., which he acquired of William de Fynhagh, of the parish of Whatlington, as appears by his charter. Dated at Robertsbridge, Sunday next after the feast of St : John the Ev.angelist ad Portam Latinam, 35 E. 3. Device and legend ? ^^7 370 [Copies of Charters. "] Adam de Cobeford to Rikeward son of Osmund, Confirmation of 3 acres of his land in the field called Botynge- land at Hetheford, next the high road, and lying at the west end of the same field ; to hold in fee subject to the yearly rent of 12^/. for all service; consideration money i8d. — Witnesses: John de Posyngworth, Andrew de Mich : , Walter Roger, John Friled, Henry Messey, Geoffrey de Runter, Ralph de Runter, Thomas Colebrener, WilUam de Prestele, Robert son of the priest, Simon de Runter, Luke Walewerd. Adam Abbat of Robertsbridge to William son of John atte Forde. 22 Sept. Confirmation of a tenement of 3 acres of land and a garden in '^ '¦ Waldem, which he had purchased of WiUiam atte Gate of Chytingelegh ; to hold of him and his successors as capital lords of the fee by the services due in respect thereof Dated at Roberts- bridge the morrow of St: Matthew the Apostle, 35 E. 3. — Witnesses : Robert de Clavregg, Thomas de Hyham, Edmund atte Fryth, Simon atte Grove, John atte Grove, Richard Creppe. And John atte Forde, father of the said William, puts his seal to this copy in testi mony. Dated at Robertsbridge monastery, Saturday the feast of St: Edmund King and Martyr, 35 E. 3 (20 Nov: 1361). — Wit nesses: WUUam de Pos)mgwerth, John Godreve, John de Elham, John de Hidenye, in the Abbat's chamber. 371 Giles Abbat of Robertsbridge to William called Meyde- kyn junior, son of Nicholas Meydekyn. Grant for life of 3^ acres of land in la Eldelonde in the parish of PromheUe, subject to the yearly rent of 5.?. payable at the Abbey's grange of Promhelle (bounds given). — Witnesses : Robert Willem, Lovekot Thomas, Henry Thomas, Thomas de Santherst, Geoffrey Swart, Richard Meydekyn. Seal gone. 138 372 Edward Dalyngeregge, knight, Lord of Bodyhame, to 26 March, the Mouks. 1383- Confirmation of the grant made them 4 E. i of the homage and service of John de Wybbele with his tenement (see No. 257), and release in the presence of John Cresseferde the then tenant of all his rights therein excepting scutage, castleguard, and justicesyeld. — Witnesses : Robert Echyngehame, John Edward, WilUam Beteryn- denne, John Padyhame, John Pieres. Dated at Bodyhame, Thursday in Easter week, 6 R. 2. Seal, only a small fragment remaining. • 373 James son of Stephen Andrew of Rye to William Abbat 20 April, of Robertsbridge. 1391. Release of a yearly rent of 26s. 8d. issuing out of a manor of the Abbey called Fodelonde for the next 7 years, in consideration of a sum of money paid into his hands. — Witnesses : Ralph rector of the church of Iwherst, Richard Meriweither chaplain, John Con- ver, WiUiam "Whyton, Robert atte Cherche. Dated Thursday next before the feast of St: George, 14 R. 2. Two Seals : — I. Gone. 2. Round. Device? 374 Robert Fletcher and Richard Cousterve of Ewherst to I March, John Abbat of Robertsbridge. Grant in fee of 26 solidates and 8 denariates of yearly rent, pay able by the Abbat in respect of the lands and tenements rents and services in Ewherst caUed Eglynton or Andrewyslonde, and which rent, inter alia, the grantors together with Robert de Heelde of Brede (since dead) lately acquired of James son of Stephen Andrew, and release of aU their right in the same. Dated i Mar: II H. 4. Seals : — I. Imperfect, 2. Round, J inch. A monogram. 139 375 John Abbat of Robertsbridge to Robert BokeseU senior and Joane his wife of the parish of Salehurst. Grant of 2 acres of land in a field at Salehurst, caUed Parsons- felde, adjoining on the south a road leading from the vicar's tene ment to Bodyham, and on the east a road leading from Street to a spring called Parsoneswell ; to hold to Robert and his wife and the lawfiil heirs of their bodies by the service of i2d. yearly, 2 suits of court at his rectory of Salhurst, heriot, and reUef of 12^. on the death of every tenant ; remainder to John bastard son of Robert and the lawful heirs of his body ; remainder to Thomas brother of the said John and the lawful heirs of his body ; remainder to Elen daughter of the said Robert senior and the lawful heirs of her body; remainder to Robert BokeseU the younger and the lawful heirs of his body ; remainder to the Abbat and his successors. Dated in the Chapterhouse, Thursday next after the feast of the Annuncia tion of the Virgin Mary, i H. 5. — Witnesses : Thomas BokeseU, Robert Carstrete, Robert Braban, Henry Westebome, Robert atte Reed. Seal unimportant. 376 Thomas Abbat of Robertsbridge to Thomas Yarrad and 5 Jan. Beatrice his wife of the parish of Salehurst. 1427. Grant of 2 acres of land, &c. (being the same as comprised in No. 375) in Salhurst ; to hold to Thomas and Beatrice and the lawful heirs of their bodies by the services, &c. (see No. 375) ] remainder to William their son and the lawful heirs of his body ; remainder to Robert brother of William and the lawful heirs of his body ; remainder to Johane daughter of the said Thomas and the lawful heirs of her body ; remainder to IsabeU sister of Johane and the lawful heirs of her body ; remainder to Helena sister of IsabeU and the lawful heirs of her body ; remainder to Katherine sister of Helena and the lawful heirs of her body ; remainder to PetronUl sister of Katherine and the lawful heirs of her body ; remainder to Anne sister of PetroniU and the lawful heirs of her body ; remainder to Thomasine sister of Anne and the lawful heirs of her body ; re mainder to the Abbat and his successors. Dated in the Chapter house, Friday next before the feast of the Epiphany, 18 H. 8. Two small seals attached. I4I9- 140 377 John Abbat of Robertsbridge to Adam Ywode and John 22 Jan. Stevenes. Grant in fee of the land called Willardeslond with the rents be longing thereto in the parishes of Dalyngton and Bryzthling all of which John Sandregge of Bryzthling had held for the term of life of AUce Holte with reversion to the Abbat ; to hold in fee farm at the yearly rent of y. for all service. Dated in the Chapter house on St: Vincent's the Martyr's day, 6 H, 5, 1431 (?)• 377* John Reyner of Salherst to the Abbey, f^Pfs'" Release for himself and heirs of all claim, present and future, to all the lands and tenements called Reynerslond in the parish of Salherst of the Abbey's tenure. In witness whereof he has affixed his seal. Dated at the Abbey on the day of the eleven thousand Virgins, 10 K, Henry, — Witnesses: John Vannere, William "Whyton, John R: Wrton, William Stapylman, Thomas Frend, A small seal attached. 378 Richard a Beche, son and heir of John a Beche of Sedely- 28 Jan. scumbe, to John Yhamme of the Vill of Roberts- bridge in the parish of Salhurst. Release of all his right in a tenement and garden called Gres- lyes- tenement in the viU of Robertsbridge. Dated at Salhurst 28 Jan: 11 H. 6. Small seal attached. 379 John Abbat of Robertsbridge to Thomas Harry of the 15 April, parish of Westefeld. 1435. Grant hi fee of a tenement caUed Sowthynne's tenement, con sisting of 45 acres of arable and woodland in the parish of Weste feld of which Robert Carstrete of Salehurst was lately tenant at will ; subject to the yearly rent of 2s. 6d., 2 hens or 6d. at Christ mas, suit at his Court of Robertsbridge every 3 weeks or a fine of 4d. for each suit, heriot, and reUef. Dated in the Chapterhouse, IS Ap: 13 H. 6. — Witnesses: John Oxenbregge, John Fynhaghe, Tanner, John a Wyke senior, William Martyn, John a Grove. Seal attached. 141 380 John Abbat of Robertsbridge to Thomas Whyton. 10 Jan. _, ¦ r r 1436. Grant in tee of a tenement and 30 acres of land, more or less, in the parish of Iwherst, formeriy held by William Stapylman of Iwherst ; subject to tiie yearly payment of 4^-. to the treasurer of the Abbey, 3d. to tiie sacrist, and a cock and 2 hens to the cel larer, and suit at the Court of Robertsbridge every 3 weeks or 8d. yearly as a fine for neglect. Dated at the Chapterhouse of Robertsbridge 10 Jan: 14 H. 6. — Witnesses: John Perys, John Oxenbregge, Simon Tomset, WiUiam Mexefet (?) Small seal, a gem, attached. 381 King Henry to the Abbat. 17 July '437- Royal Charter granted at the request of the communities of the kingdom made in the last Parliament, and with the assent of the lords spiritual and temporal in the same Parliament assembled, pardoning the Abbat and convent for all kinds of transgressions and offences committed before 2 Sep: 10 H. 6; and for all alienations, donations, and purchases made - by them of lands and tenements held of him or any of his progenitors. Kings of England, in capite, and all alienations and purchases in mortmain made without license ; remitting all fines and amerciaments, reliefs and scutages, and all demands he had against them before the day of his corona tion, and aU securities for peace ; pardoning offences against the statute in receiving papal bulls, and releasing to them all jewels which had been deposited with them as security for war-loans, and for the expenses of the passage of the late King to the vill of Har- flewe and parts of France and Normandy, unless the same be redeemed within a year of the 7th of March last ; but upon this condition that the Abbat shall not put forward any further demands in respect of the late King's wars and journeys over and above what may be due to him for custody of the castle and vill of Calais, and the marches there in the late King's time. Tested at West minster 17 July, 15 H, 6. [By the King in Pariiament,] Seal, the great seal of England, the same as that used by K, H, 4, and en graved on p, 244 of ' Sandford's History.' 142 382 Margery Tamworth of Robertsbridge, widow, to John 20 May, Haylok. 1450- Grant in fee of a garden in the vill of Robertsbridge, late Thomas Bremleng's, adjoining abbey land called Totehurst on the south and west, the said John's land on the north, and the King's high way leading from Robertsbridge to Battle on the east, and which she and her late husband John Hemmyng bought of the said Thomas : To hold of the capital lords of the fee by the services due in respect thereof — Witnesses: John W}mder, John Corsley, John Brykynden senior, John Craddok, John Iham. Dated 20 May, 28 H, 6. Seal, a. monogram, M.T. 383 Thomas Echyngham Lord of Echyngham to John Fuller 20 Oct. and Alice his wife. 1452. Grant of a tenement in Saleherst, late John Dyne's, containing by estimation 14 acres, and lying on the south side of the cemetery of Saleherst church ; to hold for their lives of him and his heirs, subject to the yearly rent of 15^., 2 capons at Easter, suit at his court of Saleherste, and heriot on the death of the said John and Alice. Dated 20 Oct: 31 H. 6. Seal, a shield fretty. 384 William Abbat of Robertsbridge to John Whytyng, 12 June, junior, and Robert Andrewe. HS9- -• Grant in fee of 2 tenements in Westfeld, one caUed Southyns tenement and containing by estimation 60 acres, and the other caUed Lucas tenement and containing by estimation 10 acres ; to hold of the Abbey subject to the yearly rent of 2^. 8,^., suit at his court of Robertsbridge whenever held, a heriot of 6s. 8d. on the death or quitting of every tenant, and a relief of the value of the rent upon the alienation of both or one of the tenements. Power of distress. — Witnesses: John a Grove, John a Wode, Thomas Martyn, Thomas Vynaw, John a Wyke. Dated in the Chapter house 12 June, 37 H, 6, One smaU seal of two remaining. Device a W surmounted by a crown. 143 385 Elen Heylok of London, widow, to John Heylok her son IjeT °^ *^^ P^"^^ °f St: Martin's next Charing Cross and Westminster. Appointment of John Heylok as her attorney with full powers to represent her for the purpose of regaining a tenement with bam annexed and 2 crofts lying in Robertsbrigge in the county of Sussex. Dated at London 28 June, 5 E. 4, SmaU seal attached. 386 Thomas Echyngham knight, son and heir of Thomas ^\l^^ Echyngham knight, deceased, and Lord of Echyng ham, to John Westburn, John Valance, Robert Bra bon, and Thomas Grove. Grant in fee of all the tenement called FuUars tenement in Sal herst, lying next the church there which John FuUar senior and Alice his wife, both now dead, lately held of him for hfe : to hold subject to the yearly rent to him and his heirs of 2 capons at Easter and i suit at his court of Salherst for all services. — Witnesses : Robert Ponte, John Pippesden, Richard Tyrell, Peter Waterman, John Stamden. Dated at Salherst 23 Sept: 9 E. 4. Seal round, i^ inch. A shield fretty surmounted by a helmet and manthng. Legend, ' Sigillum Thome Echyngham militis.' 387 Thomas Echyngham knight and Lord of Echyngham to 10 Feb, the Monks, 1474- Grant, in frankalmoign, of a parcel of land in Salherst called Wepeshale, adjoining lands of John Stamden and Robert Brabon to the west, lands of Richard Burkham to the east, a certain tene ment late John FuUar's to the north, and a watercourse called Lymne to the south. Dated at Salherst 10 Feb: 13 E. 4, — Wit nesses: Robert Oxenbregge esq:, Thomas Oxenbregge, Robert Brabon, Richard Burkham, Robert Ponte, William atte Rede, James Carre, Seal the same as to No. 386, 144 388 John Standen of Salherst to Thomas Abbat of Roberts- 14 Feb. bridge, 1474- ... Release for himself and heirs of all his right m a parcel of land called Wepshale in the parish of Salherst, adjoining lands of his own and Robert Brabon to the west, lands of Richard Burkham to the east, a tenement once John Fuller's to the north, and a common watercourse called Lymne to the south, and of which the Abbat is possessed in frankalmoign by grant of Thomas Echyngham, knight. Dated 14 Feb: 13 E. 4. A small seal attached. 389 Thomas Abbat of Robertsbridge to Thomas Fynawe. 8 May, Grant in fee of 10 acres of land called Partlyngton lying above ^ '^' the denne of Partlyngton in Westfeld, and which Thomas Harry held of the Abbey in neifty ; subject to a yearly rent oi 4d., suit at his court of Robertsbridge, 3^-. as heriot on the death or quitting of every tenant, and 4^. for relief on ahenation. Dated in the Chapterhouse, 8 May, 14 E. 4. A small seal, broken, attached. 390 Thomas Abbat of Robertsbridge to Thomas Grove of 16 March, Bodyham, 1476. ^ Grant in fee of 3 parcels of brookland {brocalis) in Bodyham and Ewherst, on either side of the salt stream next Bodyham bridge on the east ; adjoining the bank of Bodyham miU pond to the north, a watercourse leading from ' le melshote' of Bodyham to the said salt stream to the east, land of George Pers and the garden belonging to a neifs messuage caUed Taveners, in which Peter Cloket now dweUs, to the south, and neif lands belonging to the said messuage and 'leflote- of Bodyham to the west, and which parcels were anciently caUed Frerynmede and contain by estimation 8 acres of land, more or less ; all right in die said salt stream reserved. Also a grant of land 12 feet wide and materials for making a road to the same premises. The whole to be held subject to the yearly rent of 4d. and 2 suits at his court of Robertsbridge for all services. Dated 145 in the Chapterhouse, i6 Mar: i6 E. 4.— Witnesses : George Pers, Nicholas a Lye, John Mandby. A small seal, thereon a monogram, attached, 391 William Abbat of Robertsbridge to Thomas Grove of 27 Dec, Bodyham. i486, ^ Grant of a messuage and garden and 2 parcels of land containing by estimation 2 acres lying in the parish of Ewhurst and tything of Stretfeld next Bodyham bridge, caUed Swyfte, and which John Swyfte once held of the Abbey in bondage ; to hold subject to the yearly rent of 2s., 2 suits a year at his court of Robertsbridge or a fine of 2d. for each suit, and a heriot of 12^^. on death, for aU service : appointment of John Mattey as his attorney to give pos session. Dated in the Chapterhouse, 27 Dec: 2 H. 7. A smaU seal, a monogram, attached. 392 Thomas Abbat of Robertsbridge to John Hayes, 15 March, Grant, in fee, of a messuage and garden adjacent in Robertsbridge, 1478. containing by estimation 1 acre, more or less, which Richard Alayn once held of the Abbey in bondage, and being 42 feet wide along the king's highway in its eastern boundary, and 46 feet vride in its western boundary where it adjoins a meadow called Westpelmede ; on the north adjoining a public path {venell:) which is between the said messuage and garden and' lands late John Wyndar's, and on the south another public path between the same messuage and garden and lands of Thomas Upton and Richard Keneward ; to hold subject to the yearly rent of 14^^., suit at his court at Roberts- bridge every 3 weeks, and 6s. 8d. for heriot on death, for all services. Dated in the Chapterhouse 15 Mar: 18 E. 4. — Witnesses: Martin Bras, John Ensyng, Thomas Westburn. A small seal attached : a monogram formed of a cross and an S. 393 Richard GUdford esq: to Thomas Grove, Robert Braban, 20 April, and John Smyth. 1480. •' ^ ,.••,, Grant in fee of 300 acres of marsh in Playden, adjoining lands of the Archbishop of Canterbury on the east, lands of Roberts- bridge Abbey on the north, and lands of the said Richard Gyld- L 146 ford on the south and west, aU which together with other marsh lands he had obtained under Royal license by gift of the Abbey ; appointment of John Clerk as his attorney for giving possession. Dated at Playden 20 Ap: 20 E. 4.— Witnesses: John Oxen bregge, Henry Walter, John Schodewell, John Herward, Richard Petynden. Seal round, l^ inch. A shield quarterly, in the ist and 4th quarters a saltire between 4 . . . ; the shield surmounted by helmet and manthng and for crest, a chapeau with feather erect. Legend, ' S: Ricardi Gild- ford Armig:.' 394 John Valance, Robert Brabon, and Thomas Grove to 3 Sept. WiUiam Abbat of Robertsbridge. Grant in fee of all that tenement caUed FuUar's tenement in Salherst lying next the church there, and which they together with John Westburn, now dead, had of the gift of Thomas Echyngham, knight, son and heir of the late Thomas Echyngham, knight ; to hold of the capital lord of the fee by the services due in respect thereof Appointment of John Motey and Robert Baseley as attornies for giving possession. Dated at Salherst 3 Sep: i R. 3. — Witnesses: Richard Burkham, John Smyth, John Goodgrove, Thomas Bett, Thomas Clerk. Three small seals attached. 395 WUliam Abbat of Robertsbridge to John Amyot of K) Oct. Sedlyscombe. 1483. ^ Grant m fee of 2 tenements at Alkysford in Sedlyscombe, con taining by estimation 68 acres of arable and wood land, adjoining the King's highway leading from Sedeliscombe to Bredehey on the west and north, lands of the heirs of Richard Hukstepe caUed Worth on the east, and lands of the heirs of John Oxenbregg on the south, of which 2 tenements one was formerly John Hunt Trolbell's and the other John Edney's. Also of 2 parcels of land in the same parish called Hothlands, lying on either side of a certain path leading from Alkysford to ' le Galowes ' of Horn, and adjoining the King's highway on the south, lands of the heirs of Richard Hukstepe on the east and west, and lands of Thomas Byschoppe's and lands called Le Horn on the north, containing by estimation 147 24 acres more or less and lately held of the Abbey by Robert Bourner by copy of court roll : to hold subject to the yeariy rent of los. 8d., a heriot of 6.f. 8^. on the death of every tenant change of tenancy or alienation, and relief, and 2 suits of court a year at Robertsbridge or a fine of 3^. for each default. Dated in the Chapterhouse 10 Oct: i R. 3.— JFitnesses: Thomas Byschoppe, Alexander Byschoppe, Richard Schypperd. Attached is a seal sewed up in leather. 296 John Smyth of Robertsbridge, 30 April, An indenture of this date, being the last will of John Smith, 1501- by which he gives the Abbat of Robertsbridge his successors and assigns a meadow of 4 acres in Salherst adjoining abbey lands on the south, lands late Robert Sever's (?) on the south-east, lands of William Petyr on the north, and the said abbey lands on the west ; and dfrects his feoffees Edward Guldeforde, George Guldeforde, Nicho las Guldeforde, WiUiam Fynch, John Assborneham, George Mercer, Thomas Ensynge and John Mottey to give possession and seizin when and as required ; the Abbat and his successors to pay the accustomed rent and services due to the capital lord of the fee, and one part of the indenture is to remain with them and the other with the feoffees, — Witnesses: John Westbourne, John Norman, John Goodgrome, Robert Eston, Richard Petter, John Ladde, George Culpepyr, Thomas Cowt notary public by apostolic authority. A small seal attached. 1501. 397 John Abbat of Robertsbridge and Richard Brokysbe 10 Oct. clerk, Dean of St: Mary's Chapel in the Castle of Hastings. Agreement by which the Abbat promises to pay the said Richard or his chaplains, so long as Richard shaU be dean there, the yearly sum of 4 marks, beginning at Easter next, for the celebration of services in the chapel, in satisfaction of all claims there might be against him in respect of his pension to the deanery or chapel of Hastings. Dated 10 Oct: 1501. Seal oval, i| inch. A ship on the sea. Legend ? IS" 148 398 John Abbat of Robertsbridge to the Mayor and Com- Aug, munity of the ViU and Port of Rie. Grant in fee of a piece of land called Newlondesgarden in Playden lately held by John Tresgeugh, adjoining a mount there called le melbeigh and a road leading to it on the east, lands of George Mercer, late WiUiam ParneU's, on the south, the king's high way on the west, and a pathway leading from the said highway to Goldhopemell on the north ; subject to the yearly rent of i2d. of usual English money. Appointment of George Mercer as attomey to give possession and seizin. Dated 8 Aug: 3 H, 8, Nicholas Sutton being then Mayor of Rie. Seal round and perfect, 3 inches. A ship in full sail, on the poop a man in armour standing and holding a standard, thereon a cross. Legend, 'SigiU: vill: Baronum de Rya. ' Reverse: A Virgin and Child under a Gothic canopy ; in the rear a church with Gothic window and clere story. Legend, ' Ave Maria gratia plena dns tecum benedicta tu in mulieribus. ' < 398* John Prior of St: Pancras, Lewes, to WiUiam Abbat of 12 March, Robertsbridge, Receipt for 23^-. 4^. in full payment for relief and heriot due of ancient custom on vacation by death or otherwise in respect of his land of Posyngworth in Waldem, as appears by a composition dated i6th Feb: 1333. Acknowledgment that it has been paid by George Mercer the Abbat's proctor, and that the Abbat and his successors are quit. Sealed 12 Mar: 4 H, 8. Signed by John Prior of Lewes. Seal oval, i^ inch, a fragment : in a Gothic niche an upright figure draped about the middle holding a staff in each hand. ' Legend, ' Lewen:.' 398** Prebend of Saleherst. 15 Sept. Letters of Robert Bishop of Chichester, by which, after re citing that the prebend of Saleherst, otherwise the prebend of Sale herst and Udymer, in the free chapel of the Castie of Hastings, had been in time past appropriated to the monastery of Robertsbridge, and that a perpetual vicarage had been founded in the said church of Udymer, but that there were doubts as to the endowment of the said vicarage— he decrees with the assent and consent of the Abbat 149 and convent patrons thereof, that in lieu of the endowments hitherto made by tiiem, it shall be newly endowed as follows : 8 librates sterimg to be paid by tiie Abbey by quarteriy instalments to the perpetual vicar out of the receipts of the church of Udymer for his support; the said vicar to be entitled to all and singular the tithes, parson's oblations, off"eruigs of the people, mortuaries, fees for mar riages, churching of women, exequies, and roll of Sunday prayers, and all other emoluments, together with 7 acres of land known of old as vicarage land; the Abbey to rebuild at its own expense within a year a house fit for tiie vicarage there, and which is as signed to the vicar for the time being for residence ; the vicar for the time bemg to undertake the cure of souls of the parishioners, divine services, the administration of sacraments and offices of a sacramental nature, and synodal payments, to find bread and wine and wax for the services of the church, and to keep in repair the vicarage house at his own expense ; aU other burdens ordinary and extraordinary aff"ecting the church (excepting tithes and royal sub sidies for which the vicar is to be responsible) are to be discharged by the Abbey. Executed in triplicate and the several parts are to be preserved in the said monastery, the chapterhouse of Chichester, and the custody of the said vicar respectively ; dated in the bishop's manor of Aldyngbourne 15 Sep: 1534, in the 26th year of his translation. Confirmation by Thomas Abbat of Robertsbridge for himself and his successors, dated in the Chapterhouse of the monastery 22 Sep: 1534. The document is signed ' Rob: Cicest:', Seal oval, only a fragment. A Gothic niche in 3 compartments, in the first of which is a priest standing and holding in his left hand a pastoral stafi", and in the second a figure, of which the crowned head only re- 399 Edward Elryngton Esquyer to Thomas Abbat of Roberts- 7 July, bridge, 1535- Receipt (in English) for the sum of ^^70 given him in considera tion of his release of all his right in the patronage of the parsonage of the church of Udymer, and in the patronage of the vykerage of the same church, and in the church of Udymer, and the glebe ISO lands to the same perteynyng, and acknowledgment that he is fully satisfied therewith. Signed and sealed : on the seal a shield, thereon, between 5 herons, a fess dancette charged with as many roundles. 400 Thomas Abbat of Robertsbridge to William Pooke of 24 Sept. Robertsbridge, 1537. ^ Counterpart grant of a tenement with garden annexed caUed ' le BuUe ' in Robertsbridge street, and a barn and piece of land adjacent called ' le BuUoksfayerfeld ' lying in the parish of Sale herste and tything of Robertsbridge, containing by estimation 4 acres, more or less, all of which premises were lately held by the said WUliam of the Abbey by copy of court roll of the manor of this name ; reserving to the grantor and his successors the profit of the field for three days in the year, the vigil, the day, and the morrow of the feast of the exaltation of the Holy Cross, being the days set apart of old for holding the fair. To hold the said premises to William his heirs and assigns of the Abbey, subject to the yearly rent of 4^. 4d. payable half-yearly at Lady-day and Michaelmas, . suit of court every 3 weeks, heriot and relief. Power of distress, warranty, and appointment of Henry Upton as attomey to give seizin. Dated in the Chapterhouse of the Abbey 24 Sep: in the year of the reign of our Lord Henry VIII., by the grace of God, of England and France King, Defender of the Faith, Lord of Ire land, and on earth, under Christ, of the English Church supreme head, 29. A small round seal attached. 151 ROLLS. I A rental without date of the abbey's tenements in the parishes of Sandherst, Henynden, and Rulvynden. i skin (beginning of 14th century). 2 Rental, without date, giving the names of tenants of the abbey lands in Robertsbridge, Stretfeld, Hothleye, Bethenerse, and Piri feld, and also of lands in Kent, i skin (temp, Edw. 2). 3 Robertsbridge Court Rolls for the period between Wednesday the morrow of the Epiphany 11 E, 3 and Thursday next- after the feast of St: Lucy the Virgin, 12 E, 3 (7 Jan:-i7 Dec: 1338), 10 skins. 3* A membrane of a roll of 22 E. 3 measuring 6 in. x 11 in., being a terrier of the manor of Todehurst and a rental of Fryth- wynesland, 4 A portion of a cartulary on a skin, 14 inches x 21 inches, com prising Nos, 290, 292, 327, 333, and 339 (temp, Edw, 3). 5 Compotus of brother John Othawy, Bursar, from the feast of St: John the Baptist, 5 H, 5 to the same feast 6 H. 5 (24 June, 141 7- 24 June, 1418). RoU of 4 sheets of paper. 6 Rental (date Ulegible) of abbey lands in the dens of Mapysden, Osynden, and Ukley. Two skins tacked together : (probably temp. Hen, 6), 7 Maplesden Court Rolls for period between 7 May, 21 H. 6 (1443), and 24 Nov: 1445, Do. for I E, 4. Do. for period between 6 Mar: 13 E. 4 (M73), and 18 Feb: 2 H. 7 (1505), in aU 3 skins. 152 8 Rental of Abbey lands in Robertsbridge, Farlegh, Hodlegh, Peryfeld, and Stretfeld, for the year 49 H, 6 ; total ;^30 6^. ']d. 2 skins tacked together, 9 Roll of the names of the tenants of the manor of Robertsbridge and the relief due from each i R, 3. 6 H, 7. 3 sheets of paper tacked together, ID Robertsbridge Court Rolls from 8 Aug: 14 H, 7 (1499), to 23 June, 17 H, 7 (1502), 7 skins, 1 1 Rental of Veloden in Hawkherst, made 4 Nov: 8 H, 8 (15 16). I small skin. INDEX. Abbey Gate, Robert of the, W. 308 Adam, W. 250 Aedvri, Wulwin son of, 165, 166. Seal, 165, 166 Alan, GodSirey son of, W. 246, 248, 249, 2S0, 251 — Nicholas brother of, W. 184 — Richard son of, W. 52 _ Robert son of, W. 33, 35, 36, 38, 40, 41, 42, 44. 4S> SO, 58. 60, 62, 63, 64, 67, 70, 71, 77, 78, 79, 82, 84, 85, 86, 88, 90, 91, 92, 94, 95, 99, 102, 112, 113, 120, 122, 123, 125, 126, 368 — Thomas, W. 257 — Thomas son of, W. 234 — Thomas son of Thomas (of Roberts- bridge), 285 — WiUiam son of, W. 47 Alayn, Godfrey, W. 245 — Richard, 392 — Thomas, 235, 261, W. 212, 219, 222, 223, 227, 232, 235 Alard, Henry, W. 106, 141, 207, 245, 251. 364 — James, 252. Seal, 252 — John, 322* — John brother of Henry, W. io5 — Richard brother of Henry, W. 364 — Robert, 322* - — Stephen brother of Hemy, W. 106 — WiUiam, W. 141, 207 — WUliam son of, 249. W. 246, 247 AUard, James son of Gervase, 354 — Robert, W, 322* — Robert son of Robert (of Winchel ese), 3S4 Alban, Henry (clerk), W, 305 Aldrinde, Roger de, W. 349 Aldryngedenne, Gilbert de, 284 — WiUiam de, 284 Aldyngbourne manor, 398** Alehste, Andrew de, 158 Alfricheston, Hamo de, W. 147 — Walter de, W. 147 Alkysford,in Sedlyscombe, 395 Alpeg, Ralph de, W. 8, 10. See also Dapelg. Alsceston, Robert de, 129, 130, 137. Seal, 130 — Hodiema vrife of Robert de, 129, 130, I3i> 137, 142, 144. Seals, 137, 142, 144 — Robertsonof Adam de, 131. Seal, 131 Alseham, 249 Alured, William son of, W. 52 Amiotesune, Helias vel Thuia de, W, 265 Amtune, Osbert de, W. 6 Amyot, John (of Sedlyscombe), 395 Andlevevi^k, Philip de, W. 330 Andrew, John, W. 286 Andrew, Gervase son of, 207 — Gervase brother of Stephen, W. 250 — James son of Stephen, 373, 374 — John son of Gervase, 364. Seal, 364 — John son of Stephen, W. 245 — Joan, 316 — Robert, 384 — Stephen, W. 106, 141, 207, 245 — Stephen (of Rye), 365, 366, 373. Seals, 365, 366 — Stephen son of, W. 246, 249, 250, 251 Andrews, see also under Winchelese — Gervase brother of Stephen, W, 106 — John, W. 214 — Johnson of Gervase, 367 — Stephen heir of John son of Gervase, 366, 367. Seal, 366 Andrewesland or Eglinton, 365, 366 Angemare, Nigel de, W. 1 19 154 Angmering, WiUiam Testard, Vicar of West, 361 Apeldre, Thomas clerk of, W. 182 AquUa, Gilbert de, W. 368 Arden, Ralph, W. 76 Arderne, William de, W. 31 Areci, Oliver de, W. 52 Amald (Cardinal and Papal Nuncio), 299. Seal, 299 — Robert, W. 366 Arundel, WUliam Eari of, W. 76 Asling, Ralph de, W. no Assborneham, John, 396 Assche, Hamo de, 285* Assete, Robert de, W. 137 Aswisse, 149, 150 Atewode, Robert, 317. W. 317 — WiUiam, W. 289, 295, 296, 297, 316 Aubeni, John de, 200 Aubervill, Hugh de, W. 55, 76 — Robert brother of Hugh, W. 76 — Robert de, 38, 170, 172, 207 — Clarice wife of Robert, 172, 207 Auch, Hugh de (clerk), W. 168, 192 — Peter de, W. 192 Augustin, Reginald son of, W. SSi 5^ Aula, Richard de, W. 330. See Erke baud Aumb:, 279 Aumberys, John, W. 343 Aumble, John de, 327 — Robert de, 327 Aunger, John, 285* Auntlesham, John de, W. 317 Avrenches, de Abrincis, Cecily mother of William, 121, 208, 368 — Geoffrey de, W. 121 — Simon de, W, 121 — Thomas de, W. 121 — William de, 121. Seal, 121 — WiUiam son of Cecily, 368 Baderse, Algar de, 129 Badebur:, Richard de, W. 182 Badilond in Yweherste, 187 BaiU:, Gilbert de, W. 39 Bardewyse, 233 Barmlinge, Stephen de, 187, 194, 195, 196. Seal, 194 — Mabel de Welilonde wife of Stephen de, 187, 194, 195, 196. Seal, 194 Bamdedune, on the fee of the Prior of Hastings, 277 Barre, Gilbert (sheriff), W. 114, 174 Bartholomew, Richard, 299 Bartholomew, William, W. 301 Baseley, Robert, 394 Basoches, Basog, Basokes, Adam de, W. 9. See also under Setelescumbe — Alfred de, 93. Seal, 93 — Robert de, W. 103, 104, 169, 175, 176, 198, 220 — Robert de (of Setelescumbe), 177. W. 127, 174. Seal, 177 Bass, William son of, 30 Batan, Henry, W. 246 — Hugh nephew of Lambsin, 244 - — Lambsin, 244. W. 244 — Walter nephew of Lambsin, 244 Batayle, MatUda, 300 Batayleswyse, 233 Batelesford, John de, 285* Battle, 228, 313 — Abbat of, 3, 233 ¦ — Henry Abbat of, W. 280 — Richard Abbat of, W. 117, 247 — Monks of, 96 — Clement Marshal to the Abbat of, 277 — John de Wiggespirie Dean of, 329. Seal 329 — Adam of, W. 230 — Hugh of, W. 229, 231 — John of (cellarer), 299 — William of, 299 — William of (sacrist), 299 — Thomas of, 299 Baus, Geoffrey de, W. 1 1 Beaulieu, Abbey of, 301] Beche, 177 — Helyas de (chaplain of Dalinton), 72, 73. Seal, 72 — Alan le, 300 — John ate, 285* — Michael de, W, 159, 187, 188, 190, 198, 220, 229, 231 — Nicholas de, W. 335, 345 — Oger Daneys de (brother of Helyas), 73. Seal, 73 — Philip de, 283 — Richard a, son and heir of John, 378. Seal, 378 — Walter atte, 189 — Walter de, W. 225 Beckele, 226 — John Rector of, 331 Beckleshe, ViU of, 223 Bedenye, John son of Walter, 361 Begham, Jordan Abbat of, W. 170 — Richard Abbat of, W. 280 Bekeleshst, Robert de, W. 304 155 Belherst, John de, W. 230, 235, 288, 28s* Bello sapo, Geoffrey de, W. 8 Beningworth, Gilbert de, 52. Seal, 52 Benstele, Hugh nephew of Lambracht, 244 — Lambracht, W. 244 — Walter brother of Hugh, 244 Bercelin, Henry, W. 245 Berche, Robert de, 285* Berererste, 232 Berewerthe, John de, 303 Berewic, 68 Berewyk, WUliam de, 332. W. 326, 330, 338, 353 Beigh, Simon atte, 363 — Isabel wife of Simon, 363 — John and Thomas sons of Simon and Isabel, 363 Berhamme, Richard de, 256 Beringham, Richard de, W. 294 Beme manor, 32 1 Bemherst, Robert de, W. 230 — Walter de, W. 177 Bemhus, WUliam, W. 114 BerteEne, John son and heir of Thomas, 352. Seal, 352 Berthe, Robert de, W. 212 Bertliude, John de, 277 Berachurst, Robert de, 285* Bervet meadow, 18 Besingham, Alwin de, 86 Bestenore, Thomas de, W. 142, 152 Betel, WiUiam, W. 55 Beten, 47 Betenerse, 76 Betenershe, GUbert de, 268 — PhiUpde, 268 Beterinden, John de, 349. Seal, 349 — WiUiam de, W. 372 Betheryndenn, John de, W. 318 Betrindene, Ralph de, W. 233 Bett, Thomas, W. 394 BeuceUne, 98 Bewes, 210 BiUche, Henry de, W. 157 Billingaie, William de, W. 52 Binne la, 228 Birch, Berche, Bireche, Henry de, W. 134, 136, 138, 139, 140, 142, 143. 144, 145. 146, 147, 149, 151, 152, 153, 155. 156, 158, 159, 212, 21S, 238, 239 — Robert de la, W. 287,325 — Robert brother of Henry de, W. 238, 239 Bisopsland, ii, 20, 117 Bissopesdenn, John de, W. 171 Bissopestone, 259 — manor, 337 Blake, Adam le, 300, 322*. W. 307, 309, 311, 312 — Alan le, 232 — John le, 300 Blakebroc, Blakesbroc, 20, 21, 47, 48, 76, 163 Blechynton next Sefford, ^^o, •jtc Blund, Hugh, W. 160 — Roger, 106 Bocfast, Richard de, 299 Bochland, 38 Bocstede, Walter de, 232 Bodekeherst, Robert de, 300 Bodere, Geoffrey le, W. 161, 178, 179, 180, 185, 192, 197, 198 — Walter le, W. 220 BodeseUe water, 94, 197 Bodiham, Bodyham, 295, 390 — bridge, 72, 73, 194, 390 — rnill-pond, 390 — Bartholomew, de, W. 86 — Geoffrey brother of Henry de, W. 232, 233, 234 — Henry de, 233, 257. W. 212, 229, 231, 232, 234, 241, 256 — Henry brother of WiUiam, W. 223 — Henry son of WiUiam, W. 49, 87,88 — Isabel sister of WiUiam son of Henry, 170 — WiUiam de, 18, 86, 87, 122. W. 4, 12, 16, 19, 21, 26, 28, 33, 36, 39. 43. 49. 51. 64, 70, 71, 81, 84, 85, 89, 98, 99. 100, 112, 113, 177, 223, 229, 233, 241. Seals, 18, 86, 87 — Margaret wife of William de, 87 — Margaret widow of Henry son of WiUiam, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 170. Seals, 89, 90, 91, 92 — Burgunnia mother of Margaret, 88, 90 — Alured de St. Martin uncle of Mar garet, 88, 90 — WiUiam son of Henry son of Wil liam, 122, 170. W. 90, 91, 92. Seals 122, 170 — Simon de, W. 233 Bogedene, 121 Boidin, Henry, W. 182, 247 Bois, Hugh de. Constable of Roches ter, W. 39 Bokelie, Robert de, I58_ 156 Bogesell, BugeseU, John de, 277, 282. Seal, 282 BokeseUe, BokesheUe, Bukeshelle, Alan de, 297, 298, 300, 303, 305, 306. W. 291, 300, 321. Seals, 298, 306 — Alan sole heir of John de, 288. Seal, 288 — John de, 230. W. 268, 323, 326 — Robert de, 375 — Thomas son of John de, 320. Seal, 320 — Thomas de, W. 323, 326, 338, 375. Bolinton, Bolsintone, 202*, 203, 204, — 205, 208, 285* Boniface, Bull of Pope, 319 Borde, Ralph le, 86 Bordesbroc, 86, 122 Bordoun, John, 285* Bordwhate, William, W. 251 Borgham,' Simon de, W. 303 Bome, Ralph le, 42. W. 12, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 26, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 39, 43, 44, 45. 48, 61, 70, 71, 81, 84, 85, 86, 88, 89, 94, 95, 97, 98, 99, 100, 109, III, 112, 113 — Ralph son of Robert, 102 — Reigus brother of Ralph, W. 43 — Robert, 6, 102 — Stephen, brother of Ralph, W. 100 — Stephen le, 105, 128. W. 105, 127, 182 — Walter, W. 11 Bomeland, 231 Borstall, Richard de, 299 — WiUiam de, 277 Bosco, John de, W. 301 — Remiger de, W. 136, 138, 139, 140, 143. 146 — Rob: de, 286 — Simon de, W. 168 Boser, WUliam le, 105 Bosey, Saer de, 276 Bosroart, Robert de, W. 117 Bosse, WiUiam (of Sefford), W. 330 Boteringerdenn, Ralph, de, W. 227 — Reginald de, W. 284 Botyngeland at Hetheford, 370 Boucy, Hugh de, W. 263 Bourraer, Robert, 395 Bourns, Alexander atte, 368 Boser, WiUiam le, 105 Box, Symon, W. 301 Boxley Abbey, 301, 302 — Abbat of, W. 89 — J: Abbat of, W. 182 — John Abbat of, W. 183 Boxley, R: Abbat of, W. 24, 25, 40, 41. 42, 43, "2, 113 — Robert Abbat of, 231 — Daniel Monk of, W, 182 — Hugh de, W, 44 — Martin de, W. 85 — Richard de, W, 75 — William Monk of, W, 182 Brabon, Braban, Robert, 386, 387, 388, 393, 394- "W, 255, 303, 321, 375, 387 Brade, Ralph, 149 — Randulf, W, 130, 131, 135, 148, 149. 150 — Richard le, W. 278 Bradeflete, 124 Bradesflet, 183 Bradstede, John de, 300 Bradstede, Ralph de, 228, 231, 235 Bradewillhe, 70 Bradewisse, 24 Brambelonde, William, 300 Bramford, Robert de, W. 286 Bras, Martin, W. 392 Brede, 105 — Robert de, W. 175, 176, 178, 179, 180 Bredehey, 395 Bredhurst:, Henry de, W. 141, 207 Breggeland, 256 Breitsdyk, 363 Bremlelbus, WUliam (of Hestsetshe), 265 Bremleng, Thomas, 382 Bremlesford, 15 Bremlesfricht, 197 Brenchurst, 285* Bret, Gerard le, W. 136, 151, 155 — Lambsin, 244 Breton, Thomas, 360 Brewere, Johan daughter and heir of William, 310. Seal, 310 Briaunson, Giles de, W. 300, 321 Brice, Thomas, W. 301 Brid, Simon, 316 Bridge parish, 308 — John brother of Robert of, W, 285 — Robert of, 298, W. 285, 305, 306, 309 — WiUiam of, W. 291, 320, 321, 323, See also under Ponte, Bridling, Brithling, BrightUng, 76, 168, 175. 377 — Church, a prebend of St. Mary's, Hastings, 168, 273, 274, 276 — Forest, 168 157 Brithling, Iterus de Ingolism, parson of, 273, 276 — Roreras, parson of, 273 Briggel, Walter, W. 322* Briuch, Berth: de, W. 39 Broc, Broke, Brok, Geoffrey atte, 368, W, 330 — Geoffrey de, W. 181, 199 — Hamo de, W. 199 — Richard ate, W. 295, 296 — Robert de, W. 6, 199 Brodehamme, 94, 197 Brokysbye, Richard, 397 Brom, Nicholas, 329, 332 — Richard le, 119 Bromham, John de, 276 — Robert de, W. 320, 323 — William de, 285* Browleshorse, Richard de, W. 267 Bruer, Leueva de, 286 — William de, 286 Bnm, PhUip, W. 301 Bnmneby, "WUliam de, 337 Bryd, Robert, 220 Brykynden, John (senior), W. 382 Bryngdenne, Alan de, W. 311 Buchart, Buschart, "WiUiam, W. 124, 125, 126 Buncyngton, Richard de, W. 278 Burche, Robert de, W. 335 Burel, PhiUp, 300 — Walter, W. 317 Bure . . ys, John, W. 267 Bvirenherse, Robert de, W. 258, 280 Burg:, Robert de, W. 50 Burgh:, Church of, 76 — Walter, clerk of, W. 19 Burghamme, Simon de, W. 320, 326 Burghershe, Burgherse, Burgerse, Bur raherse, Burgahasth, 209, 210 — forest of, 168 — Herbert de, 207, 209, 364. W. 138, 139, 140, 143, 146, 183, 192. Seal, 207 — Walter de, W. 49, 141, 207 — Walter, priest of, W. 3 — John Son and heir of "Walter, 209 — Reginald de, W. 228 — Reginald son of Herbert, 364 — Reginald son and heir of Walter, 209, 213 — Robert de, W. 270, 282, 288 — Robert vicar of, 331 — WUliam son of Aubert de, 98. Seal, 98 Burghershe, William brother of Walter de, W. 141, 207 Burkham, Richard, 387, 388. W. 387, 394 Burna^ Eustace de, 19, 20 Burne, 199 — Henry de, W. 229 Burnel, Robert (Archdeacon of York), W. 241 Burrich, WiUiam, W. 286 Burstowe, Roger son of Stephen de, 160. Seal, 160 Burton, Burtune, Burghtun, Robert de, 276 — Thomas de, W. 130, 131, 134, 135, 137, 138, 139, 140, 142, 143, 144. 146, 147. 151. 152, 155, 159 — William de, W. 130, 131 Busard, Adam son of WiUiam, 245 Byestenoure, Gervase brother of Wil liam de, W. 219 — WiUiam de, W. 219 Byschoppe, Alexander, W. 395 — Thomas, 395. W. 395 Cade, Geoffrey, 343 Caines, WiUiam de, W. 129 Calceto, John de, 24. W. 90 — John de (Canon of Hastings), 91, 92, 122 Camera, Richard de, W, 152 Cameys, John de, 254 — Margaret de, 315 — Ralph de, 315 Canon, WUliam the, 15, 197 Canterbury, Archbishop of, 393 — H: Archbishop of, W. 47, 76 — Henry de Castell: Archdeacon of, W. 47 — Laurence of, 299 — Roger of, 211, 297 Cantelo, John de, W. 355 CanviU, Robert de (Lord of Wester ham), 208 Capell, WiUiam, W. 31 Capeton, Thomas de, W. 301 Carbonel, Andrew, W. 168 Carnifex, Richard (of Winchelese), 57. Seal, 57 Carre, James, W. 387 Carstrete, Robert, W. 375 — Robert (of Salherst), 379 Carte, John atte, W. 322* — Barth: atte, W. 322* Cassin, Luke, W. 181 158 Cassyngeham, William de, W. 240 Castelayn, William, W. 363 Castro Ayraud, Reginald de, W. 168 Cattefeld, Simon de, 276 Cattesfeld, Stephen rector of, 331 Celfish, Petronill daughter of John, 353. Seal, 353 Cessingham, William de, W. 330, 341, 342, 345, 352 Chalemay, Walter, 74 Chamberlain, Britius the, W. 47 Chaplain, Robert, W. 130, 131 Chapman, Robert, 231 Chaumbre, John atte (Lord of Benton), W. 330 — Hugh ate, 285* — Simon de la, 285* Cherche, Robert atte, 373 — Thomas ate, W. 318 Chiceli, Robert, 233 Chichester, chantry in church of, and Mondefeld chapel, 299 ¦ — G: bishop of, 279 — John bishop of, 299, 319, 331, 337. Seal, 319 — S: bishop of, 259. Seal, 259 — Seffrid II., bishop of, 24 — Simoh bishop of, 63 ¦ — R: bishop of, 193 ¦ — Seal of church of, 299 — Robert bishop of, 398**. Seal, 398** Chinne, Hugh, W. 154 Chitelesbirthe, Geoffrey de, W. 289 Chitingelegh, 149, 212, 215, 217, 218, 219, 234, 237, 315, 325 ¦ — ¦ Aswisse in, 149 Chivene, Henry de, W. 227, 241 Chodinge, Hugh de, W. 368 Chopewisse, 74 Chydyngstane, 350 Chyselbergh, Robert de, 1 34 Cinerarius, Gilbert, 31 Cisteaux, B: abbat of, 7 Clairvaux, P: abbat of, 7 ClaivUl, Robert de, 109, in, 112. W. 13. Seals, 109, III Clar:, John de, W. 241 Clare, Geoffrey de (clerk), 328, 337 Clavregga, Robert de, W. 240, 325, 335, 341, 345, 352, 370 Clement V. Pope, 332 Clerk, Adam, W. 225, 302 — James son of Godfrey, 59 — Hugh, W. 14 — John, 393. W. 308 Clerk, Robert, W. 289 — Thomas, W. 251, 394 — Walter, W. 245, 248 — William, 76 — pf Winchelese. See under Winchelese. Cliveshend, 46 — Martin, 249, 277 — Stephen de, W. 249 Cloket, Peter, 390 Clympesfolde, Elias de, W. 36 1 CneUe, fee of, 14, 76 — Geoffrey son of Stephen, 127, 174. Seal, 127 — Matthew de, 224, 226, 227 — Stephen de, 14, 47. W. 40, 41, 42. Seal, 14 Cobbeford, Coppeford, Adam de, 129, 134, 135, 136, 138, 139, 140, 142, 145, 146, 147, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 370- "W. 157, 177, 188. Seals, 135, 140, 145, 146, 147, 151, 152, 153, 154, 15s, 208 — Hodiema sister of Adam, 129, 137. Seal, 137 — Adam grandfather of Roger, 239 — Geoffrey de, W. 236 — Geoffrey brother of Hugh, 156. W. 157 — Hugh son of Adam de, 154, 156. W. 157. Seal, 156 — Robert de, W. 188, 189, 215, 219- — Robert son of Adam de, 136, 157, 159. 236. Seal, 157, 159, 236 — Robert son and heir of Adam de, 158. Seal, 158 — Robert brother of Hugh, 156 — Richard son of WiUiam de, 215, 218, 219 — Roger son and heir of Geoffrey de, 234, 237. Seals, 234, 237 — Roger son of Robert de, 238, 239. Seals, 238, 239 — Simon de, W. 129, 130, 131 — William de, 217, 219 , — William son of Roger, 325. Seal, 325 — Fee of, 130, 144 Cober, Geoffrey brother of Thomas, W. 325 — Thomas le, W. 325 Cobham, Henry de, sheriff of Kent, 368 Cocus, Geoffrey, W. 20 — Robert, W. 170, 199 Codynge, Hughde, W. 2 1 7, 220, 228 — John de, 285* — Richard de, W. 255, 321 159 Cokefeud, Robert de, W. 263 Coker, Geoffrey, W. 240, 335, 341, 342, 345 — Robert le, 285* — Thomas le, W. 335, 352 Colebrener, Thomas, W. 370 Colebrond, John, W. 160 Coleman, Robert, 245 Colescestre, Henry de (notary), 351 Cohere, Gilbert son of Robert le, 188 — Robert ly, W. 212 — WiUiam le, 178. W. 215 Constantine, John (of Worcester), 299 Conver, John, W. 373 Cordel, Adrian, W. 246 Coresle, Thomas le, W. 303 Comere, Richard, W. 317 Comerbrok, 70 Corsley, John, W. 382 Cortone, 256 Coterel, 71 Coubrok marsh, 322* Coubragg, 355 Coudon, Richard, W. 363 Couelard, WUliam, W. 322* Coueling, Roger de, 285* Coumbe, Robert ate, W. 307, 308, 309 Coupere, Rikeward de, 285 * Courthope, John de, W. 343 Cousterve, Richard (of Ewhurst), 374 Covent: Covintre, Lambsin, W. 263 — WUUam de, W. 37, 38 Coventry, WUliam de Kilkenny arch deacon of, W. 208 Cowt, Thomas, 396 Coytis, 355 Craddok, John, W. 382 Crane, John de la, 233 Cranebroc, John de, 295, 296. Seal, 295 — Belcencia wife of John, 295, 296. Seal, 295 Craneham, 62, 64 Crede, Thomas, W. 301 Creppe, Richard, W. 370 Cresseford, John, 372 Cressy, Olyver de, W. 255 Crevequer, Daniel de, I. Seal, I — Hamo de, 182, 183. Seal, 182 — Johnde, W. 182, 183 — Robert de, 16, 42, 47, 97, 124, 125, 126, 227, 241. "W. 226. Seals, 124, 125, 126, 227 — M: wife of Robert, 125 — Robert heir of Hamo de, 368 Crioill, Bertram de, W. 208 Crokeredie, 121 Crosham, Peter de, 308 Croteslegh, fee of, 19 Croy, John de, W. 208 Crouherst, Gilbert de, 317. Seal, 317 Cruche, Matilda ate, 313, 317 Cruzt, Algar le, 130 Cubbel, George, W. 350 — Robert, W. 350 — Robert son of John, W. 350 — William, W. 350 CiUpepyr, George, W. 396 Cumbe, Geoffrey de la, 274, 275 — Giles son of Robert de, 104. Seal, 104 — Emma mother of Giles, 104 — Richard de, W. 140, 146, 368 Cumbe, 46, 47, 62, 64, 68, 76, 168 Cumbwell, canons of, 18 — H: prior of, 191 — John abbat of, W. 32 — William abbat of, 200, 201, 202. Seal, 200 Cumin, Bartholomew, 70, 71, 75, 76, 100. W. 75. Seal, 70 Cudenn, 208 Cundenn, 47 Cungherst, Thomas de, W. 349 Curcy, William de, 47 Curia, Pagan de, 177 Curtays, John, 310, 332 — Stephen, W. 310 Curthose, Hamo de, 256. W. 226 — Richard son of Hamo, W. 226 — Richard, 256. W. 257. Seal, 256 — Joan wife of Richard, 256 Curtinghope, 76, 178 Cuteler, John, 300. W. 306 Cyrinton, Cyreton, WUliam de, 40, 41, 42, 76, 107, no, 117, 124 Dalinton, 76, 377 — Helyas chaplain of, 72. Seal, 72 Dalynthon, William de, W, 308, 309 Dalyngeregge, Edward, 372. Seal, 372 Dapelg, Ralph, W. II. See also under Alpeg. Daunlee in Walderne, 352 Daunsesmersh, 322* Davi, Eari, W. 76 — WUliam W. 212 Delmyndenn, Henry de, W. 318 — Ralph de, W. 318 Dene, Amfred de, W. 31, 32, 40, 41, 42 43. 45, 61, 76, 97. 109. I" — Walter de, W. 122 Denne, Walter de, W. 92, 107, 170, 368 i6o Deneys, John, W. 355 — WiUiam, W. 355 Depham, Peter de, W, 1 60 Deme, 145, 159, 218 Deth, Robert le, 235 Dikest, Robert de, W. 58 Dikesterne, Adam, W. 181 Dixteme, Stephen de 256, 276 Dodeslonde, 363 — Robert, 363 Doget, Roger, 269, 285*, 298 DoUing, Eadwin, 171 — Martin son of Gedwin nephew of Eadwin, 171 Doresle, Richard de, 27I'. Seal, 271 — Alice wife of Richard, 271 Doune, John atte, W. 341, 342, 352 Drichnesell, Juliana de, mother of Theob: de TurteUescumbe, 79, 80. Seals, 77, 78 — Richard de, 81. Seal, 81 — Walter de, 82 — Philip son of Walter, and brother of Richard, 82, 83, 84, 85. Seals, 82, 83, 84. 85 Drui, Simon, W. 80 — Richard son of Simon, 179, 180, 181. Seal, 180 Dudeman, 104, 160 Dudewell, 47, 76, 116 — William de, 116, 209. Seal, 116 Dune, Maufer de la, W. 119 Dunmawe, Gilbert de, 100 — Warin de, lOl. Seal, loi Dusteme, John de, W. 199 Dykes, John, W. 354 Dyn, Peter, W. 312, 329 Dynes, John, W. 383 Eastden, presentatioii to, 291 East Preston, 361 Ebrichtesham, Eylbrichtesham, 1 54, "155, 156, 158, 159, 208 — Ralph de, 156 Echene, Henry de, 221. Seal, 221 — Luke de, W. 199 — Reginald de, 296, W. 289, 295, 297, 298, 316 — William, de, W. 199 Echingham, Henry brother of Simon de, W. 62 — Eva wife of WiUiam de, 300, 321 — Joan daughter of William, 321 — Robert de, W. 288, 297, 298, 300, 372 Echingham, Simon de, 362, W, 43, 62 67, 94, 120, ;i68, 268, 278, 280, 282, 288, 291, 298, 368 — Simon brother of WiUiam, 326. W. 266, 269, 283. Seal, 326 — Thomas de, 383, 387, 388. Seals, 383, 387 — Thomas son and heir of Thomas de, 386, 394. Seal, 386 — WilUam de, 261, 276, 277, 291, 292, 293, 294, 300, 314, 321, 322, 326, 328, 331, 332. W. 4, 9, 187, 228, 263, 266, 268, 269, 278, 280, 282, 283, 288, 297, 298, 364, 366. Seals, 300, 321, 322 — William brother of Simon. W. 62, 67, 94, 120 — William son and heir of James, 362. Seal, 362 — William son of Simon, W. 368 Edelmy, 208 Edelnix, Valentine, W, 181 Edney, John, 395 Edward, John, W. 372 Egelintune in Yweherste, 177, '95, 207, 213, 274, 364, 374 Eggingethone, 19, 20, 47, 76 Eldelonde in PromheUe, 371 Eldric, 98 Elfwiesland, 94, 197 EUiam, 24, 26, 28, 168, 274. See also Helham — Geoffrey Rector of Church of, W. 192 — John, de, W. 370 — Roger Vicar of, W. 168 Elmstede, Ralph de, W. 6 — Walter de, W. 75 Elmundenn, Robert de, W. 248 Elrethfeld in Waldeme, 212, 236, 238 Elrington, Edward, 399. Seal, 399 Elyas, Hugh son of, W. 246 — Geoffrey, W. 364 — Ralph, son of, W. 56, 246, 250 Ely, H: Bishop of, W. 208 Endelevewyke, Philip de, W. 240, 342, 352 Ensyng, John, W. 392 — Thomas, 396 Erche, James, W. 240, 352 — WiUiam, W. 219, 237, 238, 239, 240, 352. See also Herthe Erchinbaut, Thomas (of Chichester), 299 Erkebaud, Thomas, 317. W. 306, 309, 3>>, 312, 313, 317 i6i Erkebaud, William, 215, 216, 254, 315. "W. 237, 238, 239. Seal, 216 — WUUam de Aula son of Robert, 217, 218, 219, Seals, 217, 218, 219 Esbumeham, fee of, 116 — Bartholomew, de, W. 159 — Reginald de, 23 — Richard de, W. 169 — Stephen son of Reginald, ^3, 95 Eselinge, Peter de, 300. W. 307, 309 Eslinge, Ralph de, W. 226 Esseman, Robert W. 301 Esseteford, Geoffrey de, W. 121 — Lambinus de, W, 121 Essetes, Richard de, W. 129 — Thomas de, W. 62 Estden, WiUiam de, 299 Esteme, Robert de, W. 238 Estiond, 175, 176 Estomie, Bartholomew, 285* Eston, Robert, W. 396 Estrivement, Enq: de, W. 8 Eteringedenn, Ralph de, W. 368 Ethend: Rand: de. See Hetchindenne Eures, 14, 40, 41, 44, 47, 124 Evotelond in Sedelescumbe, 289 Ewhurst. See Yweherst Eylsbricteham, Andrew de, W. 236 Faber:, John son and heir of John (of Coubragg), 355. Seal, 355 Fairefeld, next the vill of Roberts- bridge in Salherst, 353 Farlegh, Farlee, Farley, 2, 46, 47, 95 — fee of, 16, 69, 76, 97 — John de (priest), W. 26 — WUliam de, 248, 249, 250, 251. W. 69, 106, 141, 165, 246. Seals, 248, 251 Faversham, R: Prior of, 202, Seal, 202 Feagh, Robert, W. 295, 296 Felde, la, 70 — John de la, W. 1 19 — Wlstan de la, 70 Feldemere, John de, W. 224 Feringes, Anfrid de, W. 140, 146 Ferles, Geoffrey de, W. 130, 131 — John de, W. 278 — Robert de, W. 137 — William de, W. 134, 135 Feme, Alan brother of Ralph de, W. 145. '53, 156, 179, 180, 189, 197, 198 Feme, Alicp wife of Walter, 222 — Elwyn father of WiUiam, 49 — Joceus de, W. 255, 289, 297, 298, 300, 303. 316, 321, 326, 338, 353 — John de, W. 169 — John brother of Ralph de, W. 161, 184 — Ralph de, W. 55, 56, 58, 60, 62, 64, 67, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 80, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 88, 90, 91, 92, 94, 95. 99, 100, loi, 102, 103, 105, 106, 107, 113, 115, 117, 128, 136, 142, 144. 145, 149, 153, 155, 156, 159, 160, 161, 163, 169, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 184, 185, 186, 187, i88, 189, 190, 191, 192, 197, 198 — Simon de, W. 212, 217, 231, 222, 231, 232, 239, 257, 260 — Simon son of Joceus, W. 338 — Simon brother of Ralph, W. 70, 72, 73, 74, 80, 85, 149, 161, 169 — Walter de, 222. W. 257, 260 — William de, 49 Ferreges, Ferrugge, Ferring, Alex ander de, W. 230 — John de, 337 — Richard de, 81 — Walter brother of WiUiam, W. 191 — WiUiam de, 235, 300. W. 191, 212, 215, 217, 219, 222, 223, 228, 230, 232, 255, 282, 285, 320, 324, 353 Ferring, 331 Festenden, 248 — Ralph son of Philip de, 248 Fethex, 249 Feyrefeld in Salherst, 305 Finche, Fynch, Robert, 300. W. 304, 308, 313 — Vincent, 184, 1 85, 366. W. 186. Seals, 184, 185. See also under Winchelese — WiUiam, 396 Finchesflet, 182, 183 Finhage, Fynhage, Jocius de, W. 289 — John de, 30D. W. 304, 308, 31 1, 312 — John de (the younger), W, 312 — John (tanner), 379 — WUUam de, 369 Firman, Robert, W. 230 Firminus, Master, W. 31, 32, 40, 41, 42, 43, 89, 109 Fiscamp, Abbat of, 47, 249 Fitzherbert, Matthew, 118. W. 117 Flecher, Robert, 374. Seal, 374 M l62 Flecher, WiUiam, W. 306, 307, 308 Flemings, Bold and Fugel, 41 Fletcher, John, 316. W. 289. Seal, 316 Flesham, Gerald de la, W. 244 Flo: Ra: W. I Flotinden, Benedict de, W. 267 Focarmont, Fulcarmont, Walter de, W. 8, 13 Fochie mill, 202 Fochre, le, 197 FodUond, FudUond, 11, 13, 24, 46, 47, 76, ICO, loi, 117, 118, 373; manor, 366 Fodre, le, 46 Foglyling, Elfer, W. 320, 338 — WiUiam, 300, 306, 308 Foleth, Gilbert brother of Walter, W. 136, 145, 153, 156, 175, 178, 179, 180 — Helyas, 102, W. 41, 45, 48, 5?, 60, 64, 67, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 80, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 88, 90, 91, 92, 95, 99, 100, loi, 103, 104, 105, 112, 113, 115, 117, 120, 122, 125, 126, 127, 149, 161, 163, 165, 174, 186, 368 — Mabel wife of Helyas, 102 — Robert, W. 169 — Thomas brother of Walter, W. 136, 175. 178, 179, 180 — Walter, W. 136, 142, 144, 145, 153, 155, 156, 175, 176, 178. 179, 180, 185, 191, 192 Folkyndenn, William de, W. 284 Forde, John atte, 370 — Richard de la, son of Osmund, 155, 159 — Robert ate, W. 318 — WUUam de la, W. 237 — WiUiam son of John atte, 370 Fordman, WiUiam, W. 318 Forestar, Geoffrey, W. 239 Forester, Ralph, W. 168, 192 Forster, Petronill sister of late Robert, 245 Fos, Boidin, 244 Foster, Robert, W. 247 Fot, Robert (of Winchelese), 244 Foxhunt, Court of, 315 Frakelyn, John, W. 151, 152, 154 Franceis, Robert, 98 — William, 141, 207 Freendenn, Robert de, 149 Freinshope, Robert de, 1 60 Frend, Thomas, W. 377* Frerynmede, 390 Fres=enviU, Anscier de, W. 1 1 — Ingelram de (father of Matilda de Meiniers), 11, 12, 13, 46, 47, 120, 191. W. 2. Seal, II — Matilda de, 118 Fressinghaih, 272 — Geoffrey de, W. 246 — Ralph de, 272. W. 241 Friland, 315 Friled, John, W. 370 Frilende, John, W. 236 — William, W. 129 Fristune, Hamo de, W. 149 — Hugh de, W. 147 — Richard de, 121 Frit, Richard, W. 130, 1 31 Friyman, Simon, W. 318 Fryth, Eadmund atte, W. 363, 370 Fudilond manor, 295 Fugelesbroc in Hechinden , 31, 33, 34, 37 — Eailric de, W. 37, 38 — John de, W. 267 — Roger de, 38. ' Seal, 38 — Roger son of Wlnoth, 37. Seal, 37 — Wlnoth de, 37 Fugesham, 127 — Luke son of Ingleberd de, 1 79, 181 FuUarstenement in Salherst, 386, 388, 394 FuUer, John (senior), 383, 386, 387, 388 — Alice wife of John, 383, 386 FuUer, Robert le, 300, 309. W. 305, 306, 307 Fynawe, Thomas, 389 Galp, Walter le, W. 56, 57, 106 Gare, Richard de la, W. 114, 134, 138, 139, 140, 142, 143, 144, 146. See also under Ware Garlande, Garlaund, H. Official of the Bishop of Chichester, 281. Seal, 281 — Henry de (chancellor), 299 — WiUiam de, 335. W. 341, 342, 345. 352 Garpunvill, William de, no Gate, William atte (of Chytingelegh), 370 Gates, Geoffrey de (Canon of Chiches ter), 211 Gatesden, John de (grandfather of Ralph de Cameys), 315 Geffrey, Geoffrey, Gefrei, Adam, 265 — Augustin, W. 265 — Augustin brother of Thomas, W. 56 i63 Geoffrey, John, W, 265 — John son of, W. 244 — Thomas son of, W. 56, 247, 250, 251 — WiUiam, W. 263 Gelling, John de, W. 16 Gencelin. Gilbert son of, 9, 1 2, 46, 47, 120 Genesing, Gilbert de, 285* Gerard, William, 286 Gememuthe, parish of, 302 — Little Northtun at, 301 — Henry de, 302 Ceroid, Robert, W. 135, 149 Gervase, John, W. 245 Gest, Walter (of Ideshale, notary), 337 Gestling, fee of, 46, 47 — Bertin son of Samson de, W. 102 — Geoffirey de, W. 121 — John de, 244. W. 12, 16, 43, 81. Seal, 244 — Robert de, W. 16, 26, 28, 39, 43, 81 — Robert son of Samson de, W. 14, 51 — Samson de, 14, 41. W. 2, 4, S, 6, 9, 10, 14, 28, 30, 51 Giffard, John, 135, 142, 144 — Nicholas, W. 238 Giffart, Reginald, W, 36S — WUliam, W. 104 Giffore, Robert, W. 224, 256 Gilbert, Robert son of, W, 52 GUdford, Richard, 393, Seal, 393 GiU:, Johnde, W. 4, 5, 21 Glindel, Richard, W. 368 Glisye, John son of WiUiam, W. 181 — WiUiam de, W. 181 Gloc:, Simon de, W. n Glotingham, Adam son of Robert, 178. W. 145, 153, 154, 156, 176, 187, 197, 198 — Alienor wife of Robert de, 175, 176 — Richard de, W. 48, 64 — Richard son of Robert de, W. 161 — Robert de, 74, 75, 175, 176, 192. W. loi, 134, 141, 145, 151, 153, 154, 155, 156, 170, 177. 183, 184, 185, 188, 189, 192, 194, 197, 198, 207. Seals, 74, 75, 175, 176 — Robert son of Gervase de, 175 Gloucester, Walter at, 315 — Walter de (escheator), 292 Glovere, Geoffrey le, 318. W. 318 Godard, Bartholomew, W. 302 Gode, Henry, 185 Godecumbe, John de, W. 227, 241 Godday, WUliam, 300 Godele, John de, 322, 331 Godfrey, Alan, W. 214 — Thomas, W. 106 — Thomas son of, 160, 249 — William, 253. W. 277. Seal, 253 Goding, Henry, 235 Godreve, John, W. 376 Goldhope mell, 398 Goldinesland, 199 Gonne, John atte, W. 240 Goodgrome, John, W. 396 Goodgrove, John, W. 394 Gor, WaUer de, W. i Gosfeld, Richard de, 277. W. 76 Gosseville, GusovUle, Robert de, 168, 192 Gotele, Ralph de, W. 224 — Richard de, W. 220 — Stephen de, W. 224, 256,, 257, 364 Goteshole, Richard de, 285* Grafteghe, AUce wife of WUliam de, 267 — William de, 267. Seal, 267 Granges, Roger de, W. 245 Grawntson, Otto de, W. 241 Gresl:, Henry, W. no Greslyestenement in Robertsbridge, 378 Grestune, Ralph de, W. 217, 220, 229, 231 Grey, William de, W. 208 Gric, Stephen le, W. 302 Grikes marsh, 185 Grisilun, WUUam, W. 152 Grom, Alan brother of William de (?brother ofRalphde Ferae), W. 178 — Thomas le, W. 301 — WUliam le, W. 178, 179, 180 Grove, Grave, 190, 197 — John, 276, 302. W. 311, 370, 379, 384 — Robert de la, 299 — Simon de, W. 148, 150, 152, 370 — Thomas, 386, 390, 391, 393, 394 Gulafre, John, W. 135, 137 Richer brother of William, 86 — William, W. 62, 86, 368 Guldeforde, Edward, 396 — George, 396 — Nicholas, 396 Gunter, Adam, 271 _ WUliam, 286 Gynekeham, Thomas da, W. 304 Gyvey, John, W. 119 164 Hachwude, William de, W. 1 19 Hacon, David, W, 301 Hagginge worth, Robert de, W. 129 Haghe, Simon ate, W. 295, 296, 285* Haldenn, William de, W. 366 Halfiet, WiUiam, 247 Hamme, Robert de la, W. 199 — Walter de, W. 224 — WiUiam de la, 98 Hammes, Robert de (clerk), W. 1 19 Hamo, William son of, 160 Hangleton, Richard de, W. 140, 146 Haremere, Bartholomew de, W. 48, 105, 174, 184, 185, 186, 191, 197 — Osbert de, W. 134, 174, 176, 177, 185, 190, 191, 197, 198 — Ralph son of WUliam de (of Salherst), 369. Seal, 369 — Ralph brother of WUliam de, W. 283, 300 — Simon de, W. 225, 231, 235 — Thomas de,W. 119, 138, 139, 140, 143, 144, 146, 152, 156, 183, 184, 197 — Thomas brother of Osbert, W. 134, 174, 176, 185 — Thomas son of Thomas de, 225, 283. Seal, 225 — WiUiam de, W. 44, 61, 62, 64, 67, 77, 78, 79, 80, 94, loi, 102, 104, 225, 228, 230, 235, 283, 288, 297, 298, 303, 320, 321, 323, 326 — Wocelin de, 170 Harend:, WiUiam son of Simon de, 285* Haring :, Hering:, John, 20, 21 — William, W. 280 Haringaud, Heryngod, Haringod, Alice daughter and heir of Thomas son of WiUiam, W. 341 — Alice sister of Margaret daughter of WUliam, 278, 330 — John, 285*. W. 291, 300 — Margaret daughter of William, 263, 278, 287, 335, 336, 338, 341, 345. Seal, 336 — Margaret wife of William, 263, 278, 287, 335. Seals, 278, 28^ — Thomas brother of Alice, 278, 330 — Thomas, W. 240, 325, 352 — Thomas son and heir of John, 341, 342. Seal, 342 — Stephen, W. 28 — WiUiam, 263, 278, 279, 335. Seal, 278 Harocurd, Robert de, W. 47 Harry, Thomas, 379, 389 Haslerse, 12, 120 Hastings, 295 — liberty of, 19 — mill, 40 — prebend, 7, 76, 299 — Alexander Prior of, W. 280 — Jona Prior of the Holy Trinity at, W. 3, 18 — The King's Church or free Chapel of St. Mary in the Castle at, 24, 76, 190, 273, 326, 331, 333, 339. Seals, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 187 — Canons of St. Mary's, 47, Seal, 187 — Heniy, Canon of St, Mary's, W. 30, 93 — Osbert, Henry, John, Thomas, Ca nons of St. Mary's, W. 24, 25 — John the Canon, 26 — Custos and Chapter of St. Mary's, 262, 357. Seals, 262, 358 — Walter de Lindregg, Custos, 358, 359 — Henry of Ow Dean of St. Mary s, 21, 25, 26 — John Wade Dean of St. Mary's, 359. Seal, 359 — Richard Brokysbie Dean of St. Ma ry's, 397 — Vincent Canon and Dean of St. Ma ry's, 187 Hastings, rape of, 241 — Castellans, of, 167 — Aedmund de, W, 50, 163 — Matthias de, W. 223, 225, 226, 228, 241, 364, 368 — Matthias son and heir of Robert de, 229. Seal, 229 — Peregrine de, .251 — Robert de, "W. 13, 123, 127 — Robert de (Official of Bishop of Chichester), 211 — Stephen de, 299 — Thomas de, W. 288 — William de, 21, 123, 277, 285*, W. 16, 280, 282, 287, 288. Seals, 21, 123 — Vincentius de, 165 Haswisse. See Aswisse Hauckeswelle, Daniel de, W. 107 Haulo, Nicholas de (Sheriff of Kent), W. 160 Haveginorigge, William de, W. 150 Havekherst, 318 — Avice sister of Walter de, 186. Seal, 186 — Walter de, 186. Seal, 186 Havok, 300 165 Hayes, John, 392 Hebrithesham, mead, 135 Hechene, Henry de, 199 — Reginald de (imcle of Helyas de Beche), 29, 72, 73 — WUliam son of Reginald, W. 29 Heelde, Robert de, of Brede, 374 Hegyngwerth, Peter de, W. 325, 335, 341, 342, 345. 285* HeiUesham, John Parson of, W, 147 Helde, le, 249 Heleherste, John de, W. 228 Helewise, Robert son of, 208 Helham, manor, 47. See also Elham Helias, Ralph son of, W. 69, 165 Helye, Geoffrey, W. 302 Helierwrthe, 76 HeUingeleigh, Avice widow of Rike ward de, 148, 150. Seal, 148 — Richer de son of Richuard de, 149, 150, W, 130, 131. Seals, 149, 150 — Simon de, W. 151 — Roger Chaplain of, W, 147 Heltuneshath, 21 Hemmyng, John, 382 Hendene, Gerard de, W, 151, 155 Henherst, 48, 163, 168, 230 Henlee, Richard de, W. 140, 146 Henry, Robert, 300, 305 — Robert Thomas son of Robert, 305 — John, W. 324 Herbervill, Ralph de, W. 2 Herefectsham, Hocman de, W. 6 Hereford, P. Bishop of, W, 208 Hereward, Nicholas, W. 137 Herin, Richard, W. 298 Hermit, Godfrey the, 106 Hemeys, John (Sheriff of Sussex), 368 Herste, Idonea de, 51. Seal, 51 — Manasser de, W, 72, 73, 74, 161, 169, 174 — Roger de, 148, 150 — Thomas de,W. 144, 175, 176, 178, 179, 180, 181 — Waleran de, 43, 103. Seal, 43 Herstbrigge, Philip de, W. 150 Hertefeud, Walter Rector of, W. 263 Herth, WiUiam, W. 212 Herward, John, W. 393 Hese, WUliam atte, 332 Heseldenne, 76 Hesoghel, John, W. 343 Hesseteford, Philip de, W. 247 Hestsetshe, 265 Hetchinden, 31 Hetchdenne, Hectin, Hechinden, Etin dene fee of, 30, 33 — Randulf de, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 38, 47, W. 37. Seals, 30, 31, 33. 34. 35. 36 Hetheford, 370 Heved, Oliver, W. 263 Heylok, Haylok, Elen (widow), 385, Seal, 385 — John son of Elen, 385 — John, 382 Hidenye, John de, W. 370 Hiham, 77 Hikelesham, fee of, 47 HUlingele, Symond de, W. 236 Hoch : , Robert de, W. 20 Hocham, Occham, Adam de, W. 64, 282 — Robert de, W. 81, 134, 175, 177, 183, 184, 185 — Stephen de, W. 228 Hod, William, 106 Hodesdale, WiUiam de, W. 289 Hodihamme, 197 Hoke, Richard de la, W. 287, 325, 335. 342, 345 Holbemershe, 47 Holbemesherst, 76, 99 Holefelde, 71 Holendale, WiUiam de, 285*, W, 130, 131 Holestot, Benedict, 256 HoUington, William de, 277 Holt, Houlte, Hout, Alice, 377 — Thomas de la, W. 114, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 142, 143, 145, 147, 149, 153 — WiUiam de, W. 12 1, 142, 144 ¦ — WiUiam brother of Thomas, W. 1 34 — WUUam son of Thomas de, W. 136, 137, 138, 139, 143, 145, 147, 152, 153, 156 Holy Cross, Altar of, in Robertsbridge Abbey, 321 Hondhelde, Benedict de, W. 30 Honorius, BuUofPope, 167, 259 Hoo, 331 — Thomas, Vicar of, 331 Hope, Hamo de, W. 160 Hore, James de (Goldsmith), W. 225 — Nicholas de, W. 247 — Reginald de, W. 257, 258, 295, 296, 285* — Robert le, W. 224, 364 Horn, le, 395 — le Galowes of, 395 1 66 Home, road, 105 Horsbregg, John de, W. 260 Hothfeld, 256 Hothlands, in Sedlyscombe, 395 Hothlege, in Ticheherste, 266, 267 Hothlege, Hodlie, 12, 47, 76, 120 — Henry de, 191 — William Chaplain of, W. 147, 151 Houton, WiUiam de, W. 199 Hucham, Robert de, W. 121 Huche, John atte, 361 Huckestepe, John de, W. 190 Huckstepe, Richard, 395 — WiUiam de, W. 353 Huddeshammesbrok, 233 Hudeham, 3, 62, 63, 64, 67 Hudiham, Richard de (son of Geoffrey de Waliland), 64, 65. Seals, 64, 65 Hugham, Robert de, 285* Hugh:, WiUiam, W. 322* Humphrey, Thomas, W. 160 Hunte, Geoffrey le, W. 235 — John le, W. 285 — Margaret widow of John le, 349 — Nicholas son ofThomas the younger, 312 — Thomas grandfather of Nicholas, 312 — Thomas le, 300, 311. W, 303, 305, 306, 307, 324- Seal, 311 — Thomas son of Alan le, 317 — WUliam le, W. 230, 232, 257, 260, 267, 268 — William le, son of Margaret, 349 Huse, Adam le, 300 Hydenye, Simon de, W. 138, 139, 140, 143, 146, 152 Hyenh:, Elw: Dean of, W. 18 Hyerste, Hugh of (Vicar of Church of Hastings), W, 24, 25 Hyeste, Church of, 24 Hyham, Thomas de, W. 370 Iclesham, Jonas de (Custos of the Order in the place of the Prior). 299 — Mabel de, 208 — WiUiam clerk of, 285* Idenne, 31 — Adam de, 300. W. 303, 306, 317 — John Rector of, 331 — Richard de, 304 — William de, W. 310 Iham, John, W. 382 Ikelesham, 367 Ilbenerse, Albreda wife of Simon, 267 Ilbenerse, Simon de, 267 Ingolism, Iteras de, 273, 275, 276 Innocent, Bull of Pope, 193, 201, 202 Iregge, William de, 300, 306, 308. W. 313 Iringesfeld in the fee of Waliland, 26 Ivelde, Thomas de (of Canterbury dio cese), 299 JarmeshuU, 128 Jerkneselle, Gemeselle, 24, 62, 64, 94, 197, 198, 274 Jew, Walter the, W. 109; in Jocalis, Peter de (Prior of St, Pancras, Lewes), 344. Seal, 344 Joce, John (clerk), 351 John (the priest's son), W. 224 Justin, W. 25, 26 Justitor, Henry, 8 Justices — (Lewes, Oct. 1194), Gilbert Bishop of Rochester, Osbert fitz Hervei, William de AubervUl, 23 — De Banco (temp. Joh.), Henry de Puntaudemer, Robert Huschard, Martin de PatishUl, 116 — Itinerant (Lewes, May, 1219, Can terbury, June, 12 19), B. Bishop of Rochester, John de Gestling, James Salvage, Henry de Cobeham, Ralph Tablel, Gilbert de Abingeworth, 132, 172 — Itinerant (Lewes, Nov. 1229), Tho mas de Muleton, Robert de Lexinton, John Marescall, Geoffrey de Luscy, WiUiam de London, William de Insula, 1 73 — (Westminster, Nov. 1246), Henry de Bathon:, Alan de Wadsend, 195 — Itinerant (Lewes, Dec. 1248), Henry de Bathonia, Alan de Wasand, Wil liam de Wilton, Reginald de Cobe ham, WUliam de Breton, 196 — (Westminster, 39 H. 3), Simon de "Wauton, Robert de Sotind, 209 — (Westminster, Easter, 1258), Henry de Bathonia, Robert de Brywes, Nicholas de Handlo, 210 — Itinerant (Chichester, July, 1279), John de Reygate, WiUiam de North- bury, Geoffrey de Leukenor, Salo mon of Rochester, Richai-d de Boy laund, 261 — De banco (Westminster, Easter, 1284) Thomas de Weyland, 273 167 — (Westminster, June, 1284), Thomas de WeUlond, John de Lovetot, J. de Kyrkebi then Treasurer of the King's Exchequer, 276 — (Westminster, April, 1317), William de Bereford, GUbert de Roubiry, John de Benstede, Henry le Scrop, John Bacun, John de Mutford, 314 Kales, Geoffrey de, W. 52 Katebroc, 3 Katefeud, Laurence de, W. 245 Kattesfeld, fee of, 76, See also Cat tefeld Kechenhamme, WilUam de, W. 224 Keisneto, Fulc de, W. 13 Kenne, Ralph, W. 289 Kenneward, Richard, 392 Keitet, Norhin of, 286 Kerketime, 286 Kichenham, Daniel de, W. 188, 189, 220 — Ralph de, W. i8i Kichenore, Kechenore, Hugh de, W. 6, 181 — John de, W. 224, 368 — John de, brother of Hugh, W. 181 — Robert (of Diedsteme), brother of WiUiam, W. 127 — WiUiam de, W. 127 Kiffe, Robert, W. 301 Kin, Walter, 81 King, Walter le, W. 289 Kingesnode, John de, 329 Kirkeby, Robert de, 299 KneUe, Edme de, W. 224. See also CneUe Kovent, Walter, 246. Seal, 246 Krips, Walter (a monk of Roberts- bridge), 329, 332 Kungherst, John de, W, 318 Kyrkebi, J, de (Treasurer of the King's Exchequer, 1284), 276 Lacford, Simon de, 121 Lad, Matilda wife of Richard le, 304, 313. Seal, 313 — Richard le, 304 Ladde, John, W. 396 Laket, Roger (of Blechynton next Sefford), 330, 335, 336, 338, 340, 341, 342, 344, 345, 346, 347, 348- Seals, 345, 348 Lamberhurst, 208, 211 Lamberhurst, half fee in hundred of Brenchesle, 368 — manor of, 368 — John de, 228. W. 217 — John de (Chantor), 299 Lambin, Alan (of Robertsbridge), 231, 232, 235. W. 221, 222, 223, 225, 227, 231, 232, 233, 234, 238, 239, 257, 260, 268 — Alan son of William, W. 215, 217 — Matilda, wife of Alan, 235 — William, W. 215 Lambsin, Hugh son of, W. 244 Lanche, Thomas, 160 — Hamo, William, Augustus and Adam sons of Thomas, 160 — William, 161. W. 55 Langestune, John de, W. 286 Langherst, Robert de, 285*, W. 255 Langport, fee of, 160 Laurence (clerk), W. 168 Ledes, Barony of, 368 — Hormer de, W. 6 — John de, 299 — F. Prior of, 200, 201, 202, Seals, 200, 202 — Richard Prior of, 211, Seal, 211 Lefford, 71 Lefrid, Isabella widow of Richard, 249 Lefsele, Warin de, W. 38 Lega, Leges, fee of, 45, 76 — Richard de, 41. W. 6 — Stephen de, W. 124 Leghe, le, 71, 182 — Richard de, W. 224, 368 — Seffrid de, W. 182, 183, 189 — WiUiam de, 285* Legi, Stephen de, W. I Leia, Hugh de, W. 52 Lem, Robert de, 277 Le meiene. See Meiene Lemlesham, Gerald de, 102 Lenham, Nicholas de, 208 Lentunesland, 197, 198 Lesignan, Guido de, W. 208 Lesnes, M. Abbat of, 167. Seal, 1 67 — W. Prior of, 167 Lessington, John de, W, 208 Leuiva, widow, 31 Leukenor, Geoffrey de, 261 — Roger de, 276. W. 280 Levelesham manor, 351 Leveresham, Samson de, W. 182 Levesham, Girard de, W, 124 Leving, Ailmer, 70 — Reginald son of Ailmer, 70 1 68 Levingeslond, in Watiington and Mun- difield, 225, 283 Lewes, John Archdeacon of, 299. Seal, 299 — Nicholas of London, Offtcial of, W. 128 — WUliam de, W. 160 Leycester, Robert de (Archdeacon of Chichester), 299 Lhoses, William de, 174. Seal, 174 Lide, Turstian de, W. 3 Lifsele, Thomas de, W. 37 Liminel stream, 3, 85, 226 Little, Robert, 81, 83 — WiUiam, 84 Livet, Robert, W. 158 LoUesford, WUUam de, W. 288 Lond;, Alan de, W. 106, 248 — Alan son of Henry de, 35 — Henry de, 35 London, Alan of, W. 246, 249, 250 — house of Bishop of, 299 — WUliam Bishop of; W. 76 Long, Hugh, 58 — John, 249 — WUliam, W. 55, 194 Longereche, 256 Lord, Gervase de, W. 302 Loseham, Henry de, W. 226 Lovekot, Henry, 329 Loveras, Stephen, 340 Luggere, Henry, 228, W. 215, 217, 219, 222, 230, 231, 232, 234, 235, 239, 257, 258, 260, 268, 270, 283 — John le, W. 230, 285 — Robert, 300 — Thomas le, W. 230 I..uke, Ralph nephew of, 244 — Lullington, Richard de, W, 149 Lult, Robert le, 119 Lumello, Thomas de, W. 8 Lundresford, Lunesford, Lunef: , Adeliz widow of Richard son of Hugh de, 99. Seal, 99 — Agatha widow of Hugh de, 163, 164 — Alan de (W.), 3, 4, 9, 10, 14, 15, 19, 49, 51, 107 — Bartholomew de, W. I • — Hugh de, 50, 76, 99, W. I2, 19, 21, 26, 28, 33, 36, 39, 49, 51, 61, 62, 67, 82, 83, 86, 88, 94, 95, 97, 98, 102. Seal, 50 — John nephew of Hugh de, 169. Seal, 169 — Matilda de (widow), 48. Seal, 48 Lundresford, MatUda de (widow) daugh ter and heir of Hugh, 161, 162, 163, 164, 169. Seals, 161, 162, 164 — Richard son of Hugh, 99 — Richard de, 50. W. 50 — Robert de, W. 75 Robert son of Alan de, W. loi — Simon de, W. 219, 228, 235, 266, 268, 269, 280, 282, 283 — Waher de, W. 190 — WiUiam de, 285*. W. 291, 297, 298, 300, 303, 321 Lurding Clement son of Robert de, W. 29 — Robert de, W. 29 Lurdingstrete, Peter de, "W. 295, 296, 297. 316 Lurdun, Nicholas, W. 219, 221, 223 Luviscamp, Wermud de, W. I® Lye, Nicholas a, W. 390 Lymne, 387, 388 Lynetun, John, 299 Lys, Henry de, 299 Lyvet, Thomas, 277 Mabels, Adam, brother of Thomas and Augustin, 55 — Augustin son of Geoffrey, 55. Seal, 55 — Geoffrey, 55, 57 — Thomas son of, 55' Seal, 55 Madresham in Beckeleshe, 6, 40, 42, 223, 227, 241 — Manor of, 323 Maih : Walo de, W. 30 Maiham, 33, 35 — Hubert de, W. 33, 34, 35 Mainard, Henry, W, 106. See under Winchelese MaUingh, John, W. 350 Mandby, John, W. 390 Manekes, Ingelram de, 61 Manekesye, Robert de, W. 142, 144, 152 Mannesbroc, 76, 168 Mansell, John, W, 208 Mapelesden, 47 — Ailmer de, W. 31 — Gocelin de, W. 37 — Goldyng de, 284 — James brother of Gocelin, W. 37. See Vigil — Norman de, W. 31, 34, 35, 36 — Ralph de, W. 33, 34, 35, 36 — Robert son of Golding de, 284 169- Mapseis, John, 355 Marcellus, John son of, W. 1 19 Marchaunt, James brother of Robert, "W. 343 — John son of Robert le, 228 — Paul (of Rye), 351. W. 354 — Robert le, W. 343, 354 Marche, Philip de la, W. 294 Mareltresden, 171 Marescall, John, W. 325, 342 Marguntquus, Pontius (Notary), 299 Mari, Geoffrey de, W. 119 — John brother of Geoffrey, W. 1 19 Marscot, Robert, W. 187, 220 Martin, Beatrix daughter of, 242 Martyn, Thomas, W. 384 — WiUiam, W. 379 Maufe, Maufye, Malfe, Andrew, W, 335, 341. 345 — Heni7, 341. W. 154, 158, 345 — MUo, 130, 134, 13s, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 152, 153, 156, 159- Seals, 138, 139, 143 — Philip, W. 130, 131 — Thomas brother of William, W. 237 — Walerand brother of William, W. 237 — WilUam, 129, 212, 277, 278, 280, 285* W, 129, 159, 237, 238, 287. Seal, 212 Maydstone, Gregory of, 299 — John of, 299 — Laurence of, 299 Medsted, Andrew de, W, 335, 345 Meiene, Geoffrey de la, W. 109, in Meiner, Alan, W. 349 — John brother of Akn, W, 349 Meiniers, miU, n — Roger de, W. 11. — Rainald or Reginald de, n, 12, 13, 46, 47, 120, Seal, II — Matilda wife of Rainald, n, 12, 13, 46, 47, 117, 118, 120. Seals, II, 117 Melbeigh le, a mount in or near Play den, 398 Melnefeld le, 297 Meltsop, Stephen, 350. W. 350 Mercer, George, 396, 398, 398* Mereland, 98 Meresey, Simon, W. 343, 354 Merimouth, Adam (Official of Court of Canterbury), 351 Meriwether, Richard, W. 373 Merpham, WiUiam, W. 363 Meryham, John de, 335, 341, 344, 345 Mesham, 322* Messer, Benedict le, 277 Messey, Henry, W. 370 Metulo, William de, W. 168 Mexefet, WUUam, W. 380 Meydekyn, Nicholas, 371 — Richard, W. 371 — William son of, 371 Meydestan, Simon de(monk of Roberts- l>ridge), 351 Meytham bridge in Beckele, 226 Michelgrave, 119 Mich:, Andrew de, W. 370 Michelham, Andrew de, W. 136, 151, 154. 155, 157, 158, 159 — Gilbert son of Andrew de, W. 136 — Peter son of Andrew de, W, 157 — Peter Prior of, W. 147 ' — Roger Prior of, W. 280 Middeland, Amod de, W, 81 — WiUiam de, W. 77, 78, 79 Middeltun, Gerold de, W. 149 — Ralph de, W. 215, 220, 238 Midford, John de (notary), 299 Midhurst, Henry de, 337 Miller, Robert, 266 Milo, Robert, 29 Molendino, Richard de, 128. Seal, 128 — Godeleva wife of Richard, 128 Molton, John de, 299 Momborchis, Amfrid de, W. 294 Monastery, Walter of the, W. 248 Monk, Reginald the, 277 Mora, Paulinus de, W. 251 — Simon de, W. 248 Morbregg, 47, 124, 183 More, Henry de la, W, 284 — John de la, W. 284 Morgan, John de, 299 Morgtheue, 190 Mortimer, Robert, W. 310 Morton, fee of, 158 Mosewell, Ralph de, 277 — Roger de, 285* Mottey, Motey, John, 391, 394, 396 Moyn, Mown, John, "W. 223, 225, 241, 364, 368 Mucegros, John de, W. 241 Munceaus, John de, 285*. W, 282, 300 — Waleran de, W, 130, 131, 238 — WiUiam de, W. 130, 131, 368 WUUam de (son of Waleran de Herste), 103. Seal, 103 170 Muncels, William de, W, 107, 138, 139, 143 Mundifeld, 225, 255, 262, 291, 292, 294. 299, 321, 322, 326, 327, 333, 356 — Laurence de, 107, 108, 171. W, 48, 69, 72, 73, 80, 88, 90, 91, 92, 103, 104, 105, 106, 114, 115, 119, 127, 128, 134, 137, 161, 163, 165, 169, 174, 182, 183, 184, 185, 247, Seal, 107 — Jevene rector of, 332 — WiUiam Young rector of, 299 — William Rector of, 331 Muntes, Montes, John de, brother of Michael, 114, 115. Seals, 114, 115 — Michael de, 109, in, 112, 113, 114, 115. W. 14, 20, 28, 51 Narbonne, . , , arius de . largus of, 299 Nasse, Thomas atte. Mayor of Rye, "W. 354 Neddrefeld, 76, 168 — the Earl's Court at, 98 Nesse, Henry de la, W. 266 Newdich, 286 Newenden, 77 — bridge, 80 Newlondesgarden in Playden, 398 Nicha:, Adam, W. 6 Nichol, Robert, W. 355 . Niger, Margaret widow of Robert son of Thomas, 2 14 — Philip brother of Richard, 20 — Richard, W. 20 — Robert, W. 55 — Robert son of Thomas (of Prom heUe), 56, 57. Seal, 56 — Thomas, W. 57 Nitherchene, 322* Nitherin, Alan (cousin of Alan Lam bin), 235. Seal, 235 — Robert, 235 Niweham, Hugh de, W. 55, 56 — John son of Hugh de, W. 55, 214 Noet, WiUiam de (late Abbat), 285* Nordhi, Thomas de, 108 Norherton, WiUiam de, W, 148, 150 Norman, 242, W. I — John, W. 396 NormanvUle, Nicholas de, W. 125, 126 Northie, Northye, Earl of Ow, father of Ingelram de, 4 Northie, Ingelram de, 4 — John de, 61. W. 20 — John son of Ingelram de, 4 — John son of William de, 223 — Reinger elder brother of John, de, 4. 5 — WiUiam de, 223, 226, 227, 241, W. 228, 238, 364, 368. Seal, 226 North Hyham, Nordhyam, 78, 79, 126, 172, 179, 180, 256, See also Hiham — Church, 80 — John de, W, 95 Northo, WUUam de (escheator), 327, 346 Norwich, John Bishop of, W, 76 Ocham, Cecily de, 295 — Nicholas de, W. 295, 296, 316 — Peter de, 300, 306, 307, 308, 309, W. 309. Seals, 307, 308 — Robert de, W, 306, See also Otham and Hocham Ocstepe, Geoffrey de, 285* Odyhamme manor, 321 Odymere, Udymer, 255, 262, 291, 292, 294, 321, 322, 326, 327, 329, 331, 332. 333. 351, 356. 399. 398* Offetone, no Omble, 368 Omblee, WUliam de, W, 149 Ore, fee of, 46 — John de, W, 282, 326, 366 — Richard de, W. 187 — William de, 322*- W. -99 OreweUe, Helewise vridow of WiUiam de, 302. Seal, 302 Orspend le, 231 Oschedenne, 6 Osindenn, 88, 89, 90 Osmund, Rikeward son of, 370 Osp:, Gervase de, 6 Oteringdenne, Ralph de, W, 226, 241 Otes, John, 324 Otham, Adam de, W. 222, 230, 232, 283, 285 — Stephen de, W. 212, See also Ocham and Hocham Otteham, Canons of, 66 — J: Abbat of, W, 63, 64 Ottehammeswode street, 233 Otto, Hugh son of, W, 241 Ouera, Richard de, 332 Oxenbregg, John, 395. W. 379, 380, 393 171 Oxenbregg, Robert, W. 387 — Thomas, W. 387 Oxenel, Augustus clerk of, W. 30 — Matilda mother of Augustus, W. 30 — Cnoke in, 31, 36 Oxerode, Andrew de, W. 242 Ow, Alice countess of, 47. W. 2, 5 — Alice countess of, daughter and heir of Earl Henry, 168, 192. Seals, 168, 192 — Henry of, 24 — Henry earl of, 7, 8, 13, 46, 47, 76, 89. W. 2, 5, Seals, 8, 13 — Henry son of Alice, earl of, 47 — Earl of (father of Ingelram de Northie), 4 — Hugh Abbat of, 208 — J, Eari of, W, I — John of, son of Earl John, 76. Seal, 76 — Ralph de Yssoudun earl of, 39, 46, 168. Seals, 39, 46 — Robert brother of Earl Henry, W. 2 Padiham, Helewise de (widow), 29 — Henry de, 188. W. 175, 176, 178, 179, 180, 181, 184, 197, 198, 199- Seal, 188 — John de, W, 372 — PhiUp de, 80. W. 29, 74, 163, 169, 174, 184. Seal, 80 — Matilda wife of PhUip, 80 — Robert de, W. 125, 126, 174 — Robert son of Helevsdse, 29. Seal, 29 — Robert son of Thomas de, W. 258 — Thomas de, 256, W. 256, 257, 258, 364 Paiferer, Fulco, W. 368 Palinges, Thomas Staveley, master of the hospital of, 142 Pahner, Alice daughter of WilUam (of Hastings), 246 — Malger, W. 20, 93 — WUliam, W. 349 Palst:, Thomas de, W. 224 Paris, Reinger, W. 246 Park manor, 321 PameU, William, 398 Parsonesfelde, in Salehurst, 375 ParsonesweU, 375 Partlyngton, 389 — denne of, in Westfeld, 389 Passelea, Helias de, W, 6 Passelegh, Edmund de, W. 282, 288, 291, 300 Passlegh, John son and heir of Edmund de, 323. Seal, 323 — Robert de, 276, W. 266, 267, 268, 269, 282, 288, 291, 297, 298 Passing, John de, 119. Seal, 119 Passur, "Willes le, W. 245 Pauli, John brother of Robert, W. 302 — Robert, W. 302 Paulyn, James, 277 — John (of Rye), 322* — John, W. 343, 354 — John (of Nitherchene), 322* — Nicholas, 351, W. 354 Payne, John, W. 340 Pedlinges, 1 60 Pedun, Pethun, Henry, W, 69, 115, 165 Pefforier, WiUiam, W. 6 Pelham, Thomas de, 285* Penchoit, 355 Penecestre, Stephen de, W. 241 — Thomas de, W. 125, 126 Penherst, Henry de, W. 225, 229 — Reginald brother of William de, W. 122 — Robert brother of WUUam de, W, 122 — WiUiam de, 285* W, 122 Penlesworthe, John de, 285* Peplesham, 53, 76, 203, 204, 205, 208, 202*, 285* — John de, 210. W. 197 — Ralph de, 208. W. 4 — Robert de, W, 300 Perchyng, John de, W. 341 Perepunt, Symon de, W. 263 Pers, George, 390. W. 390 Pertlingetun, 114, 115 Pertiington, WiUiam de, 167 Pesemershe, John de, 300. W, 305 — John vicar of, 331 Pesselegh, Giles de, 191. Robert de, "W. 255 Petelesham, Pedelesham, 109, in, "3 Peter the dean, W, 24, 25 Petravill, Ren: de, W. 8 — Walter de, W, 51 Pette, 47 — Gilbert de, 76 — Godfrey de, W, 57, 69, 160, 175, 176, 183, 249 — WiUiam chaplain of, 202 Petter, Richard, 396 Petynden, Richard, W, 393 Petyr, William, 396 172 Pevenese, Pevenesel, Castleguard, 158, 159 — Court of gate of castle of, 315 — R. de, sheriff of Sussex, 277 — Robert de Sapi, constable of castle of, 315 Peverel, Andrew, W. 240, 291, 335, 345. 352 PhUip, Ralph son of, 248. Seal, 248 Pierecurt, Roger de, W. 109, in — WUliam de, "W. 10, 1 1, 109, III Pieres, John W. 372, 380 Pierevile, Pierevale, Renald de, W, 10, n Pikeney, John de, W. 8 Pikenot, Hugh, W. 56 — John son of Hugh, W. 214 Pinken:, John de, W. 13 Pippesden, John, W. 386 Pirefeld, Emma de, I, 125 Pising, Henry de, W. 225 Playden, 53, 61, 76, 203, 204, 205, 208, 398, 202* 285* — Marsh, 393 — Peter, rector of, 331 Pohun, Poun, Godfrey, W. 141, 250, 251 — Henry, W. 249, 25 1 — Reginald, W. 249, 251 Poinant, Robert, 230 — John, W. 306 — William, W. no, 112, 113 Poinz, Godfrey, W. 207 Pokeleshe, 11, 47 Pokelesherse, 74, 76, 107, 117, 175, 184, 186 PoUng, Ralph de, 361. Seal, 361 Pollard, Pollart, Alan, 19, 20, 21, 47, Seals, 19, 20 — Albedra wife of Alan, 20 — Walter, W. 99 PoUe, John de (clerk), W. 350 Poninges, Luke de, W. 263, 278 Ponte, Robert de, W. 283, 386, 387 — WiUiam de, 303, See also under Bridge Pontun, Gilbert de, W, 124 Pooke, WiUiam, 400 Popenhodhe, 71, 100 — ford, 190 Porta, Jolm de, W, 235, 256 — Pharaon de, W., 227, 241 Posingeworth in Waldeme, 263, 278, 287, 330. 335. 338. 340, 341. 342. 344. 345, 363, 398* Posingeworthe, Oratory at, 279 — Andrew de, W, 129 — Johnde, W, 151, 154, 155, 157, 158, 159. 236, 370 — John son and heir of Laurence de, 263. Seal, 263 — Laurence de, W. 238, 239 — WUliam de, W. 370 Posterneham, 162, 169 Pralle, Hugh de, 257 Pratte, Stephen, 69, W, 169, 249 Prestele, Richard, W, 363 — William de, W, 370 Prestone, WUliam de, W, 361 Prestune, Henry de, W, 136, 138, 139, 140, 143, 145, 146, 147, 151, 153, 155, 156, 158, 159 — Thomas de, W. 352 -^ Thomas de (clerk), W, 240 Priests, Zacharias, Peter, Alw:, W, 26 Prik , , love, William, 299 Promhelle, 43, 47, 51, 56, 57, 58, 76, 160, 165, 214, 247, 290 - - Adam brother of Augustin de, 58 — Augustin de, W, 58, 1 10 — Augustin son of Eilwin, 58 — Edelonde in, 371 — Eilwin de, 58 — John de, 299 — John son of Roger de, 57 — Osbert de, W. 58 — Osbert son of Robert de, W, 60 — Osbert son of Walter de, W. 60 — Roger de, 247 — Roger son of Robert de, W. 60 — Thomas de, 304, 313, 317, Seal,' 304 — Thomas son of Eilvsdn de, 58, 60, Seal, 58 — Thomas son of Walter de, W, 60 — Thomas Niger brother of Osbert de, W. 58 — WUliam son of EUwin de, 58, 50, Seal, 58 ' 3 . ay — William son of John de, 57 — William brother of Augustin, W, 58, 60, no — men of, 244 Prake, Thomas brother of WUliam, 177 — William, 177 Puke, Gilbert le, 300 Pukewisse, 74, 176 Purifend, Purifeld, 173, 174 Pyrieman, WiUiam, 350. Seal, 350 173 Rademelde, John de, W. 278, 287 — Ralph de, 276 Raffini, Peter (of Maine), 299 Raldeslohe, Roger de, W. 123 Ralph (clerk) of Essex, W, 6 Rameshom, 202, 322* Ratintune, Richard de, W, 135 Ratton, Richard de, W. 287 Rede, Reginald le, 277 — WiUiam atte, W, 387 Redwasshe, WilUam, de, 322* Red\visse, 249 Reed, Robert atte, W. 375 Reelf, Richard W. 318 Reginald, 199 Reginald, Henry son of, W. 247, 25 1 Relesham, Ralfe de, W. 28 Remger, Luke son of, 244 — Simon son of, 246. W, 244 Renger's marsh, 246 Rennes, Roger de, W, 241 Retherland, 305 Retherlond water mUls, 288, 298, 320 — bridge, 288 RejTier, John, 377* Reynerslond in Salherst, 377* RicarvUe, Richard de, W, 135, 137 — WilUam de, W. 135, 137 Richard, Geoffrey son of, 160 Richmond, Court of the Earl of, in Hastings rape, 277 — John of Brittany, Earl of, 277, 294, Seal, 294 — Roger de St. Edmund, Archdeacon of,'W, 47 Rie, 16, 46, 47, 97, 124, 182, 183, 226, 290, 343, 354, 364 — Mayor smd community of the vill and port of, 398. Seal, 398 — Nicholas Sutton, Mayor of, 398 — Robeland, Stephen de, 31 1 Robert the monk, W, 63 Robert son of the priest, W, 370 Robert, Alan son of, 231, W, 69, 80, loi, 103, 105, n7 Robertsbridge, 20, 231, 244, 385 — le Bulle in, 400 — chapel in vill of, 362 — claim on abbey for aids, 368 — monks of, 259 — names of monks of, 299 — Abbey seals, 20, 25, 61, 163, 182, 205, 215, 231, 244, 385 — Abbats of, Adam (1357), 363. Seal, 363 Robertsbridge, abbats of, Adam Wyse, 367. Adam (1361), 370 — Alan (1317), 315 — Dionysius, 7 — GUes, 371 — John (1313), 299, (1324) 320, 322*, 332, (1334) 351. (1340) 354, (1410) H^' \"^'i\ H^' i'419) 377, (1435) 379, (1436) 380, (1501) 397, (15,1) 398. Seal, 397 — Laurence (1308), 289 — Mainard (before 21 E. i), 368 — Nicholas (1320), 318 — Robert, 315 — Roger (1258) 210, 211, 225, 228, 231, 232, (1276) 256, (1265) 272, Seal, 232 — Thomas (temp. E. 2), 368, (1527) 376, (1474) 388, 389, (1476) 390, (1478) 392, (1535) 399, 398**, (1537) 400. W. (1252) 204. Seal, 204 — Waher (former abbat), 277 — William (1 195), 24, 25, (1219) 132, 133, 170, 172, 181, (1246) 195, (1248) 196, (1252) 202*, (late abbat) 209, 258, (1391) 373, (1459) 384. (1483) 394. 395, (i486) 391. Seal, 25, (15 13) 398*. — WUham de St. Noet (late abbat, 1299), 285* Robertsbridge, J. Prior of, W. 63 — Alan of, W.48, 55, 56, 104, 106, 114, 115, "9. 134. 13s. 136; 138, 139. 140. 141. 142, 143. 144. 14s, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 153, 154. 155. 156. 159. 160, 161, 163, 165, 169, 171, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, i8i, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 194, 197, 198, 207, 215, 220, 231 — Alan son of Robert of, W, 72, 73, 74. 128 — Gilbert le Tumur of, W, 239 — Robert of, W. 83 — Robert son of Alan of, W. 100 — Nicholas brother of Alan of, W, 186 — Thomas son of Alan of, 260, W. 239. Seal, 260 — WiUiam de, W. 326 Roche Andely, 47 Rochester, Gilbert Bishop of, W. 76 — W, Prior of, 167 Roger, 8 — the Chaplain, W, 52 r74 Roger, John son of, 249 — Walter, W. 370 Rogers, John, W. 55, 56, 364 — John (of PromheUe), W. 214 — WUliam, W. 55, 56 — William (of Promhelle), W. 214 Rolfyndenne, quarter fee in hundred of, 368 Rolond, Henry, W. 301 Ronde, Lord of, 156 Ros, Peter de, 255, 291. Seals, 255, 291 Rossel, Master (Vice-Chancellor), W. 47 Roswift, Adam, 277 Royal Charters (R. l) 47. (H. 3) 208. (Pr: Edw:) 241. (E. I) 368. (E. 2) 290, 292, 293. (E. 3) 327, 333. 334. 339, 346, 347, 356, 357, 360, 368. (H. 6) 381 Royfer, WiUiam, W. 152, 154, 158 Rue, Harold, W. 98 Ruele, Ruhele, 15, 197 Rumenale veteri, Lady Albreda de, 104, no. Seal, no — Gilbert de, no — Alexander, Simon and Henry sons of GUbert de, no — Luke sergeant of, W. no — fee of, 160 — Hugh Rector of Church of, W. 160 Rumenel, 247 Rummdenne at Burghershe, 46, 47, 76, 168 Runter, Geoffrey de, W. 370 — Ralph de, W. 370 — Simon de, W. 370 Runtyngton, Runthinton, Geoffrey de, W. 154 — Ralph de, W. 154 — Richard de, 285*. W. 237, 287 Russebe, John, W. 294 Russel, Stephen, W. 354 Rustyngton, 361 — John of, 361 RychuUe, John, W. 361 Rye, James son of Stephen Andrew of, 373 — Thomas atte Nasse Mayor of, W. 354 Ryngdenn, Alan, W. 3 10 — John de, W. 312 Sabineland in Chidinglegh, 315 St. Albin, Jamettus de, W, 294 St. Anieto, Sr: Roger de, W. 192 St. German, Joel de, W, 187, 188, 189, 190 St. Giles, altar of in Robertsbridge Abbey, 321 St. Leger, Geoffrey de, 97. W. 39, 223, 241. Seal, 97 — Geoffrey son of John de, 95, 96. W. 117. Seals, 95, 96 — Henchart widow of John de, 69. Seal, 69 — John de, 46, 47, 69, 95 — Ralph de, W. 39, 97 — Simon de, W. 233, 283 — Simon brother of Geoffrey de, W. 223 — Thomas de, 2, 46, 47 — Thomas grandfather of John son of Geoffrey, 95 — WiUiam de, 16. W. 229 St. Leophard, John de (Dean of Chi chester), 299 St. Maridonne, 289 St. Martin, Alured de, i, 3, 8, 10, 15, 20, 24, 46, 47, 49, 51, 88, 89, 90, 114, 115. W. 2, 4, 5, 9, 10, n, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 21, 28. Seal, 3 — Geoffrey de, 3, 46, 47 — Geoffrey father of "Walter de, 10 — Roger de, 32. Seal, 32 — Stephen de, W. 2, 6, 9, 15 — Walter de, 10. Seal, 10 — William de, 6, 40, 41, 42, 44, 46, 76, 108, 197. W. 5, 8, 13, 15, 35, 61, Seals, 41, 42 — A. wife of William de, 42 St. Mary, Chapel of at the Abbey gate, 321 St. Maur, Nicholas de, W. 208 St. Pancras Monastery, Lewes, 344. Seal, 344 — John, Prior of (1513), 398* Seal 398* St. Paul's Cathedral, London, 351 St. Pierre, WilUam de, W. 294 St. Vedast, London, Thomas Rector of, 351 Sale, WiUiam de la, W. 236 Salehurst, Salhurst, 230, 235, 261, 273. 276, 288, 291, 294, 297, 298, 300. 303. 304. 305, 306, 309, 313, 314. 321, 322, 326, 327, 329, 331, 332, 333. 349, 356, 377*. 394. 39^ — advowson, 292 — cemetery, 383 — Prebend, 243, 251;, 262, 327, 328, 329. 332. 333. 337, 356. 358, 398** 175 Salehurst, Richard perpetual vicar of, 243 — Richard Vicar of, 329, 332 — Roger called priest of, 234 — Thomas Rector of, 201 — Walter chaplain to Richard Vicar of, 332 Salemundebi, Hugh son of Reginald de, 52 — Reginald de, 52 — WiUiam de, 52 Salomon, Robert, 350 Salvage, Robert, W. 82, 83 Sandherst, Santherst, 284 — Bardelly, Rector of and clerk of the King's Chancery, W. 288 — Thomas de, W. 371 Sandr^e, 123, 229 — John (of Brightling), 377 Saxingehurst, Geoffrey de, 191 Savoy, Peter of, W. 208 Scampp, Alexander son of Roger, W, 246 — Roger W. 246 Scardenn, Gilbert de, 285* Schamdenne, Henry de, W. 255, 300, 321 Schypperd, Richard, W. 395 Scot:, Scoteni, Walter de, 9, 12. W. 4, 39. Seals, 9, 12 Scot, Richard, 285* Scotenye, John de, W. 340 Scoth, Roger, 94, 197 ScotinUs, Escotiniis, Henry de, W. 120 — Peter de, 120. W. 117, i68. Seal, 120 Sedelescumbe, Setelescumbe in Worth, 12, 120, 177, 289, 395 — fee of, 46, 47, 76, 105 — Henry de, 274, 275 — John de, W. 187, 188, 189, 190, 197, 221, 224 — John chaplain of, W. 93 — Robert de, W, 159, 187, 188, 189, 190, 194, 199 — Robert de (son of Adam de Ba sokes), 105. W, 120. Seal, 105 Seford, Symon, rector of St. James' chapel next, 332 Selvestrode, Adam de, 276 Serreve, Hamo, 266 — Malger, 123 Severs, Robert, 396 Seyeveston, Rosa de, 256 Shaflesdenne, in Sandherst, 284 — William de, 284 Sharman, Henry de, W, 297 Shepherd, Brixi, 121 Shirfeld, John de, W, 340 Shirinton, Simon de, 285* Shodewell, John, W. 393 Sibdelwalde, Firminus de, W. 150 Skinner, John, W. 222 Sleybrond, Matelina wife of Robert, 267 — Robert, 267, 269 Slochtre, 134, 135, 136, 147, 151, 152, 153, 155, 157. 159. 208 Smalefeld, John de, 285* Smalewode, 6, 40, 42 Smith, Smyth, John, 393, 394 — John (of Robertsbridge), his last wUl, 396. Seal, 396 — Ralph (of Werye), W. 258 — Peter son of John,' 231. See also Faber Snelham, WiUiam de, W. 368 Snelling, 46 Snergate, 46, 47, 171 Sneysham, William de, W. 263 Soekene, 165 Sokenerse, Swokenerse, fee of, 16, 76, 97 — Roger de (son of WiUiam de St. Leger), 16, 47 — Roger de, W. 112, 113, 217, 220, 223, 229, 231, 25s, 307, 324. Seal, i6 — WiUiam de, 175. W. 48, 138, 139, 141, 143, 155, 161, 169, 175, 176, 177, 185, 187, 188, 189, 190, 194, 198, 207 Somer, Robert, 350 Somerfeld, John de, 284. Seal, 284 Sorham, WUliam de, W. 25 Sontyng, John de, 258, 266, 268, 269, 270. W. 267, 277, 280, 282, 283. Seals, 268, 269 — Mabel wife of John, 258 SosweU, John de, 285* SotUande, Sutilande, 277 Souter, John le, 285* Spenser, John le, W. 355 Spikespich, 55, 56, 58 Sponlegh, Henry son of WiUiam de, W. 248 — John son of WiUiam de, W. 248 — WiUiam de, W. 248 Spumeprad, John son of Geoffrey, 165. Seals, 165, 166 — Thomas son of Aelwin, 165, 166, Seals, 165, 166 Stakend, Richard de, W. 190 176 Stampynden, Stamynden (of Lamber hurst), WiUiam de, 329, 330, 335, 336, 338, 340, 341- Seal, 338 Stamyngdene, John de, 332, 387, 388. W. 338, 386. Seal, 388 Stande, 202*, 203, 204, 205, 208, 285* Stane, parish of, 253 Stane Moxenell, 30 Stanling, Gilbert de, W. 69, 93, 115 Stanlinkes, Stonhlink, Hosbert de, 249, 250. Seal, 249 — John de, W. 249 — Mabel widow of Hosbert de, 250, Seal, 250 — Reginald brother of Wydo de, W, 250 — Wydo de, W. 250 — ^ Wizo son of John de, W. 249 Stapele, 94, 197, 198 Stapylman, William (of Iwherst), 380 Stapylman, William, W. 377* Stephen, Matthew son of, W. 141, 207 Stevenes, John, 377 Stok, Hamo de, 276. W, 263 Stokebrugg, Henry de, 329 Stokes, Richard, 59 Stonnepettefeld, 231, 282 Stowe, Baldwin de, W. 255, 288, 291, 297. 298, 300, 321 — Thomas de, canon of St, Martin's the Great, London, 328 Strabone, Ralph or Randulf, W. 28, 49 Strake, le (in Iweherst), 295, 296 Strete, John ate, W. 316 Stretfeld, a tything in Ewhurst, 391 Stretfelde, Gilbert de, 177 Suane, John de, W. 368 Suanilda, Elwin son of, 1 65 Sumeri, Simon de, W, 62, 72, 73, 88, 90, 91, 92, 103, 104, 105, 114, 115, 225 Survedeteghe, 249 Sussex County Court, 277 — William, 3rd earl of, W. 368 Sutor, Roger (heir of John le Blake), 300 — Thomas, 230, 303 Sutton, 2 fees of morteyn in, 368 — manor of, in Pevensey Rape, 368 — John de, W. 341, 342 — John de (junior), W. 341, 342 — Nicholas, 398 Suttune, 121, 208 Swart, Geoffrey, W. 371 Svirynham, Luke, W, 220 Swottive, Alard son of, W. 244 Swyfte in Ewhurst, 391 — John, 391 Sydlesham, Geoffrey de, 337 Syddelesham, Richer de, 299 Symonesland, 256 Symound, John, 285* SyweUe, Suwelle, Henry brother of William de, W. 219, 221, 227, 228, 23s — WiUiam de, W. 219, 221, 227, 228, 23s TaiUor, William, W. 366 Talun, Roger, "W. 121 Tamworth, Margery (of Robertsbridge), 382. Seal, 382 Tanner, Eustace, 231. W. 235 — Matilda wife of Eustace, 231 Tauton, Robert de, 328, 337 Taveners, 390 Terry, Philip (of Coubragg), 355 Testard, WiUiam, 36 r Teudele, Gabriel de, 266 Thesford, WilUam de (treasurer of Chichester), 299 Thirhs, Henry de, W, 194 Thomas, Lovekot, W, 371 — Henry, W. 371 Threele, John le, W. 361 Ticheshurst, 258, 268, 269 ¦ — Thomas vicar of, 33 1 Tinctor, Alan, 300 Tipe, Richard, 265. W. 265 Tiresherse, Tirdesherse, Tyerdesherse, Tyrsesse, Henry de, W, 170, 171, 174, 176, 184, 190, 229 — Reginald de, W. 223, 233, 266, 267, 268, 269, 280, 282 — Richard de, W. 62, 64, 86, 122 Tyereseirs, Henry de, W, 48 Todehurst in Salhurst, n, 76, 117, 300, 314, 382 Todilonde, Godfrey de, 256 Toke, Alan (of Kerkestune), 286 Tokenton, John de, W, 123, 125, 126 Tomset, Simon, W. 380 Tonebregg, Laurence de (monk of Cal dra), 299 Tonebmge, Richard de, W. 212, 238 Torneham, Michael de, W. 28 — Robert de, W, 95 Tomur, Sielmi, 83 Tregoz, John, W. 227, 241 — John (junior), W. 227, 241 Treport, Abbey of, 204, 205, 206, 208, 280, Seals, 205, 206, 280 177 Treport, A. abbat of, 53. Seal, 53 — Arthur abbat of, 54. Seal, 54 — Arthur late abbat of (1299), 285* — William abbat of, 203. Seal, 203 — WUliam abbat of (1252), 202* Seal, 202*, (1258) 210 — Stephen abbat of St. Michael's, 280. Seal, 280 — Laurence late abbat of, 202* Tresgeugh, John, 398 Trindleghe, William de, 267 Tripelere, Gilbert, 300. W. 285, 305, 306. 307 Tripelersgate, 306, 308, 309 Trobell, John Hunt, 395 Trath, Robert, 129 Tubert, WUliam, 318 Tungrave, 249 Tunstalle, 40, 42 — Stephen de, W. 324 TurbervUl, GUbert de, 355 ^ MatUda wife of Gilbert de, 355 Tumur, Gilbert, W. 260, 313 — John le, 300. W. 304, 317 — Stephen, W. 260 — Walter le, 300. W. 317 — WiUiam, W. 154 Turre, John de, W. 51 Turroch Church, Hugh de Auch rector of, W. 192 Turstan, W. no TurteUescumbe, Ralph de, 78. "Seal, 78 — Theobald son of Ralph de, 78, 79. Seals, 78, 79 Tuse, WiUiam, 301. Seal, 301 Tuttesham, Amfrid de, W. 124 Twinehamford, 83 Tydderie, 340 TyrreU, Richard, W. 386 Udymer. See Odime Ulescumbe, Humfrey de, W. 63 Upton, Thomas, 392 — Henry, 400 Valance, John, 386, 394 Vannere, John, W. 377* Venator, Alan, 8 — Richard, W. 145, 153, 156, 177, 178, 179, 180, 191, 197, 198 Venator, le Venur, Geoffrey le, 231. W. 217, 219, 222, 231 — WiUiam, W. 212, 215, 217, 219, "221, 231, 234, 235, 239, 270 Vend, Ralph de, 332 Vicars, Robert, Justinian, Peter and Henry, W. 26 Vienne, Luke de, W. 263 Vigerous, Richard, 360 Vigil, le Waite, Gocelin son of Ormer, "W. 33, 35, 36, 38, 171 — James son of Ormer, W. 33, 35, 36, 171 — Ormer, W. 30, 31, 33, 34, 35, 36, See also under Maplesden ViUars, GuiU: de, 299 Vinch, John, 322*. See also under Finch and Winchelese Vinaw, Thomas, W. 384 Vislet, Peter le, 208 Vitele, John de, 277 Vox, Reginald le, W. 285 Vytheo, Luke de, W. 265 Wacelin, Wascelin, Nicholas, W. 177, 233, 256, 257, 277 Wadetun, John de (Sheriff of Kent), W. 247 Waite, see Vigil Walderne, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 143, 144, 146, 155. 159. 212, 215, 217, 218, 219, 234, 237, 240, 254, 263, 325, 363, 370 — Henry rector of, 279 Waldeys, Robert de, W. 284 Walensis, le Waleys, Godfrey, W, 114, 119, 321 Walerand, Robert W. 208 Wales, Lewyn Prince of,' 274 Waleslond, 289 Waletune, 121 Walewerde, Luke, W. 370 Waliland, 3, 10, 194, 199 — fee of, '26, 76, 224 — Alan father of Robert de, 93 — Burgonia de, 224 — Elyas de, W. 128 — Geoffrey de, 62. W. 3. See also Hudiham WaUland, John son and heir of Walter and Burgonia de, 224 — Mabel daughter and heir of Robert de, 102, 190, 197, 198, 199, 208, Seals, 197, 198, 199 — Richard de, 63, 66, 67, 68. W. 18, 71, 77, 78, 79, 80, 93, 102, 123. Seals, 66, 67 — Richard son of Geoffrey de, 62, Seal, 62 N 178 Waliland, Robert de, 15, 93, 94, 102, 197. W. 2, 4, 5, 9, 12, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 28, 30, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 61. 75. 77, 78, 79 (?), 81, 82, 83, 89, 97, 98, 123. Seals, 15, 94, 102 — Walter de, 224 — Wimarc widow of Richard, 132, 133 WaUa, David de, W. 56 Walreg, Symon de, 177 Walter, Henry, W. 393 — Osbert brother of Thomas, W, 165 — Thomas son of, W. 165 Wandeme, Robert de (clerk), W. 236 Want, Matthew le (chaplain), 361 Warbleton, William Rector of, 33 1 Ward: (? error for Waliland), Robert de, W. 79 Wardedeu, Henry, W. 255, 282, 283, 288, 291, 295, 296, 297, 298 — Richard, W. 321, 323 WarduUesland, 199 Warenne, WUUam Earl of, 118, W, 117, 368 Warewic, Hugh de, 52 Warknethby, Hugh (of Chichester), 299 Wamer, Richard, W. 286 Warre, Roger de la, W. 278 — William de la (clerk), 208. See also Gare Wascra, Hugh, W. 6 Waspelmed in Salherst, 306, 308, 309, 310, 311, 312, 392 Watere in Waldeme, 335, 341, 342, 345 Waterman, Peter, W. 386 Watiington, Wethlingeton, 26, 70, 7', 94, loi, 189, 197, 225, 369 — Henry de, W. 71 — Joceus de, W. 229 — John de, 299 — John Rector of, 331 — Renger de, 189, 190, 300. W. 159, 187, 220. Seals, 189, 190 — Richard de, 100. Seal, loo — Thomas de, W. 225, 257, 258, 283 — Warin Chaplain of, W. 93 Wells, Savaric Bishop of, W. 76 Wendout, Robert brother of Thomas, 289 — Thomas son of Gilbert, 289 Wengham, Henry de, 208 Wepeshale in Salherst, 387, 388 Werehorn, Hamo parson of, W. 31 — Stephen de, W. 89 WerUng, Richard clerk of, 285* AVerye, 258 Westbourne, 396 — Henry, .W, 375 — John, 386, 394 Westbrok marsh, 322* Westbum, Thomas, W, 392 West Cote, 254 Westdene (next Seford), Richard Clappe Rector of, 332 Westefeld, 379, 384, 389 — Lucas tenement in, 384 — Sowthinne's tenement in, 379, 384 Westerham, Lord of, 208 Westhenhurst, 47, 76 Westifeld, Oliver de, W, 103, 106, 107, 137, 185 Westprestone, 361 Westun, Henry de, W, 1 60 West Wateleland, 3 Whatelie, Stephen de (Sub-deacon of Chichester), 299 White, Alan le, 300 — John, W, 310 — Roger (of Colchester), 245, W. 245 Whiton, John, W. 340 Whyte, John le (of Rye), 324 Whyton, Thomas, 380 — WUliam, W. 373, 377* Whytyng, John junior, 384 Wicham, 1 1, 47, 76, 117 Wichtriechessa, Witerichesham, Geof frey de, W. 182, 247 — William de, 265 WigseUe, fee of, 45 — Simon de, 44, 45. Seal, 45 — Thomas de, W. 177, 188, 189 Wilde, John le, W. 289 — Roger le, W. 289 — Walter, W. 324 Wilford, Gervase de, 368 Willardeslond in Dalyngton and Bright Ung, 377 WiUem, Robert, W. 371 William the priest, W. 44 Winche, Boniface son of Etdieth de, 58 Winchelese, 16, 46, 47, 97, 165, 230, 245, 247, 290, 364 ^ Adam of (son of William Busard), 245. Seal, 245 — Alard of, W. 302 — Vincent Finche of, 1 84, 185. W. 186. Seals, 184, 185 — Gervase son of Andrew of, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 14s, 146, 147, 159. Seal, 141 179 Winchelese, Henry de (son of Mainard), 247. Seal, 247 — John son of Gervase Andrews of, 213, 220 — Paulinus of, W. 247 — Ralph son of Eyas of, io6. Seal, 106 — Reginald brother of Alard, W. 302 — Walter Clerk of, W. 214, 223, 227, 229, 241, 368 — WiUiam of, 332 — William de Farlegh late Constable of, 248 — Mayor and Barons of, 322* Winelham, Walter de, 308 Winemer, 249 Winham mill, 192 Winoebi, WiUiam de, W. 52 Winterbome, John de, W. 340 Winterdune, 121 Wise, Roger le, 300. W. 305, 311, 353 Wite, Alan le, 313 Wither, William, 59 Wockele, Geoffrey son of Robert, 318 — Henry brother of Robert, 318 — Richard sou of Robert, 318 — Robert son of Walter de, 318. Seal, 318 Wode, 76 — John a, W. 384. See also Atwode. — Philip ate, 285* Wodelande, Thomas, W. 361 Wodestronde, GUbert de, 242. Seal 242 Wogge, Robert, 332. W. 338 Wokele, 31 Wormedale, John de, Abbat of Roberts- bridge, 262 Worthe, Werthe, 5, 9, 46, 47, 62, 64, 76, 81, 84, 120, 168, 200, 395 — forest of, 39, 76 ¦ — manor of, 321 — Hamo de, 105 — Peter de, W. 215 — Stephen de, W. 30 — William de, 177 Wudeh:, William de, W, 120 Wudewerm, John, 258 Wlfwin, William son of, 59 Wlurineslinke, 121 Wrton, John R. W, 377* Wybbel, John de, 257, 372 Wyke, John k, W, 384 Wylardesby, Thomas de, W. 1 63 Wylegh, Peter de, 335. W. 345 Wynder, John, 392. W. 382 Wynekehame, Walter de, W, 306 — Thomas de, 300, W, 313, 317, 349 — William de, 277 Wyther, Robert, 266 Yardhurst, Hugh de, 324 — Thomas de, 300, 306, 307, 309, 314. W. 291. Seal, 309 Yarrad, Ann sister of Petronill, 376 — Beatrix wife of Thomas, 376 — Helena sister of IsabeU, 376 — Isabel sister of Joane, 376 — Joane daughter of Thomas, 376 — Katherine sister of Helena, 376 — PetroniU sister of Katherine, 376 — Robert brother of WilUam, 376 — Thomasine sister of Anne, 376 — Thomas, 376 — William son of Thomas and Bea trice, 376 YerkneseUe, 197 Yhamme, John (of vill of Roberts- bridge in Salherst), 378 Ykelesham, 263 — fee of, 76 — Ralph parson of, 246. See also Hikelesham Yssoudun, Ralph de (Earl of Ow), 39, 46, 168. Seals, 39, 46 Ytenton, fee of, 76, 123, 229 — Richard de, 123, 229 Young, Yonghe, WiUiam, 299, 349 Yweherste, 132, 187, 188, 195, 196, 213, 220, 221, 257, 274, 276, 295, 296, 316, 380, 390, 391 — Ralph Rector of Church of, W. 373 Ywode, Adam, 377 LO.NDON : PRINTED BV SPOTTISWOODE AND CO., NEW-STREET SQUARE AND PARLIAMENT STREET YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 3 9002 04078 6106