"I give thefe Booki ,_ ,. far pie fatiinaSkg ef a. CoUegi irir t^JSafoay" BOUGHT WITH THE INCOME ofthe D. NEWTON BARNEY FUND W.rjJWT»N,W» . NORTH CAROLINA Se.^re WILLS AND INVENTORIES COPIED FROM Original and Recorded Wills and Inventories In the Office of the Secretary of State By J. BRYAN GRIMES Secretary of State Published under Authority of the Trustees of the Public Libraries Raleigh Edwards & Broughton Printing Company, Printers and Binders 1912 ^ NOTE In the following pages are published for the first time some of the most interesting wills and inventories filed or recorded in the office of the Secretary of State. The wills and inventories give the most accurate illustration of industrial and social life in the colony of North Carolina that is obtainable, and will furnish to students of our history an invaluable source of information about economic conditions prior to the Revolution. The following paragraphs taken from the introduction to a volume entitled "Abstract of North Carolina Wills," pub lished in 1910 is applicable also to this publication: "Occasionally is it found that a testator known to be an educated person signed his will by making his mark, so it is not always an evidence of illiteracy when the will is signed by a mark, nor is the signature to the will generally a satisfactory signattire of the testator, as often he was sick, weak or infirm in body at the time of signing the will. It will be observed that the terms 'father-in-law' or 'mother-in-law' often mean stepfather or stepmother; sometimes they are re ferred to as 'father' or 'mother.' The term 'cousin' will frequently be found to mean nephew or niece. "It is interesting to note that in wills prior to 1752, two years are generally named for dates in the months of January, February and March; for instance, January 20, 1718/19; but this was not always the case, and occasionally only one year is given. "On the continent and in Scotland the Gregorian Calendar was in use, but it was not adopted in England until 1751, when Parliament passed 'An Act for Regulating the Com mencement of the Year, and for Correcting the Calendar now in use.' This act provided that the year begin on the first day of January, 1752, and not on the twenty-fifth of March, as was then the usage. The same act provided that eleven days be omitted in September, 1752, 'and that the natural Day next immediately following the said second Day of Sep tember, shall be called, reckoned and accounted to be the fourteenth Day of September, omitting for that Time only the 6 Note. eleven intermediate nominal Days of the common Calendar, and that the several natural Days which shall follow and succeed next after the said fourteenth Day of September shall be respectively called, reckoned and numbered forwards in numerical Order from the said fourteenth Day of September, according to the Order and Succession of Days now used in the Present Calendar.' If this is kept in mind, it will reconcile many apparently contradictory dates." In selecting the wills for printing it was intended to choose those that reflected most clearly the varied phases of domestic life of the colony. Not many inventories are printed, but enough are given to throw a strong side light on economic conditions in the colony at the time the inventories were made. The bad order and illegibility of many of the original wills make exact copying difficult, but every effort has been made to secure faithful copies. I desire to express my appreciation of the services of Mr. W. P. Batchelor, to whom I am indebted for reading the proof and preparing the index. J. Bryan Grimes. ABRAHAM ADAMS WILL. (Compared with Recorded Copy.) In The name op God, Aman. The Last will & Testament of Abraham Adams, Seiner, being very Sick & weak of body, but of Sound & perfect memory, and Calling To mind ye un certainty of This Transitory Life, hoping Through ye merits of Death & passion of my Saviour Jesus Christ to Inter in to Eternal Life, do, for avoiding Controversies after my Decease, make, publish & Declare This to be my Last will & Testamt. Revoking and Denying all other former wills by me made & recommending my Soul into ye hands of almighty God who gave it, and my body I commit to ye Earth to be Decently buried at ye Discression of my Exrs., hereafter mantioned, after all my Debts & funeral Charges are paid & Disbursed. Item. I give & bequeath unto my Son, abraham adams, part of my Land lying on pamlico River, Beginning at ye fork of ye branch up ye Gut That parts me from mr. Thomas Icevels, and running up noth Gut to a place Called ye Gum Going, and up along ye branch to ye back Line. Then beginning again at ye aforesd. for and running up ye Eastermost branch to a branch Called ye ISland branch: Thence up ye branch Till It Leaves ye Island, and So Still up ye branch to ye Going Over to make my Tarkiln; Thence aCross ye ridge to ye Savannah to ye back Line, Containing by Estomation Seventy Six acres of Land, which Said Land I give To my Son abraham, and To ye male heirs Lawfully begotten of his own body, wch said Land I will not have to be Sold, Let or mortgaged, but from one brother To ye other. Item. I give unto my Son, Richd. Adams, a part of ye Land I Live on in pamlico river, Joyning upon my Son Abraham and Mr. Thomas Icevel, being ye upper part of my Land, being Seventy Six acres more or Less to ye male heirs Lawfully begot ten of his owne body, wch said Land is not to be sold, Let or mortgaged, but from brother to brother. Item. I give to my Son, William, all of my Tools, my horse. Gun & new Coat. Item. I give to my Son, Willoby, a Certain Cow yearling aforsd brown, white faced & her Increase. Item. I give to my Daughter, abbia, a Certain Two year old Heifer, black pied & her Increase, one Trundled bead Stead & bed & furniture belonging to it. I give to my Loving wife, Barthia, ye use of my plantation, Whereon I now Live, wth all ye rest of my Goods, Chatties & Estate, During her widowhood, and in Case of Death or marriage, Then my said plantation I give To my son Willoby and his male heirs Lawfully begotten of his body, not to be North Carolina Wills. Sold, Let or mortgaged, but from brother to brother, and my movebles, goods & Chatties to be Equally Divided between my Son William & willoby & abia, my Daughter, and I do hereby nominate & appoint my Loving Wife to be my hole & Sole Executrix of This my Last will & Testament, Revoking all other wills by me heretofore made. In Witness whereof I have hereunto Set my hand and Seal. This Twenty-Third day of octobr., In the year of our Lord, one Thousand, Seven hundred and Thirty Three. his Abraham A Adams (Seal) mark Signed, Sealed, published and Declared In the presence of us : Phillips Shute. her MARY X Shute. mark Jno- Collison. At a Court begun & held at bath Town, ye 13 day of march, 1734. Present, Wm. owen, Robert Peyton, Henery Croston, Edward Hadley, wm, Dunbar, Esqr. The within Last will & Testament of Abraham adams, Dec'd, was proved In open Court by ye oath of John ColMson one of ye Subscribing Evidences Thereto. Ordered That ye Secretary have notice Thereof, ye Executrix having Taken Oath by Law appointed. Test. Jno- Collison, Cler. Cur.' (Endorsement) Abr. Aams Will. L'res Issd, March 27, 1734. RFDS. Recorded, ELEAZAR ALLEN'S WILL. (Compared with Original Will.) In the Name of God, Amen. I, Eleazar Allen, of New Hanover County, in the province of North Carolina, being in perfect health and of sound mind & memory do make and ordain this my last will and Testament. I most humbly bequeath my soul into the hands of Almighty God my Creator, the Infinite Father of Mercies, trusting in the alone Merits of his Son our blessed Lord & Saviour, for pardon of my Sins, and through his Mediation & Intercession hoping to be found acceptable at the last day. My Body I comit to the grave to be decently interred, attending a joyful resurrection: For such worldly goods as it has pleased God to bless me with I give and dispose of them as follows: Imps. I will that all my just Debts & funeral Charges be first, fully paid, dischargd and Satisfyed out of my Estate. Item. I give devise & bequeath unto my dear & well beloved wife Sarah Allen, all the rest & residue of my Estate both real North Carolina Wills. & personal, wheresoever lying & being which I am now pos sessed of or shall be possessed of at the time of my decease. And to her Executr:, Administrs, Assignes forever, to be disposed by her as she shall think proper. Nevertheless, It is my desire & request unto my sd Wife that she will by her last will & testamt. give devise & bequeath, unto my two Nephews, & Neice, William Daniel & Catherine Willard, Children of Josiah Willard, Esqr., of Boston, by my Sister Catherine Willard, All that part of my Estate by me accquired, (& exclu sive of what she shall be possessed, by Will, deed, or any writing whatsoever, from her Mother Sarah Trott of South Carolina) which she shall dye possessed of, or the valine thereof; first deducting my debts, and funeral Charges out of the same, to be equally divided between my said Nephews and Neice or the survivers of them, not doubting but she will fulfill this my request. Item. I do hereby constitute & appoint my sd loving wife Sarah Allen sole Executrix of this my last will & testament, desiring my good friends, Mr. James Hassell & Nathan Rice Esqrs., to assist her in the settlement of my affairs to the utmost of their Power. And Lastly I do hereby revoke and annull all former Wills by me made. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & Seal this first day of Janu in the year of our Lord 1742. Eleazr. Allen (Seal). Signd, Seal'd, published & declar'd in the presence of us, Susann Hasell, Jas. Hasell, E. Moseley. These may Certifie that James Hasel, Esqr., one of the subscribing Evidences to the within will, appeared in open Court and made oath on the holy Evangelists that he was present and saw Eleazer Allen Sign, Seal & declare the within to be & contain his last will & Testament, and that the said Eleazer Allen then at that time of Sound & Disposing memory; and that aUso he saw Susanah Hasel & Edward Mosely the other Sub scribing Evidences, Sign their names thereto. Isaac Fames, C. C. SARAH ALLEN'S WILL. (Compared with Original Will.) In the Name of God, Amen. I, Sarah Allen, Widow, relict of the late Eleazer Alien, Esquire, deceased, being weak in Body but of a sound Mind and Memory (thanks be to God) Do make this my last Will and Testament, hereby revoking all my former Wills. First, I Commit my Soul to God, in humble hopes of his 10 North Carolina Wills. Mercy through Jesus Christ, and of a joyfull Resurrection, and my body I commit to the Earth to be decently hurried, at the Discretion of my Executors, as near the Remains of my late Husband as may be, so as not to hurt the foundation of his Tomb, which was bestowed on him by my beloved Niece Mrs. Sarah Frankland. Item. It is my Will that all my Just Debts and Funeral charges be paid and satisfied as soon as conveniently may be after my Decease, hoping that Thomas Frankland, Esquire, my said Niece's husband, (whose Mortgage on the said Eleazer Allen's Estate may perhaps go near to Swallow the whole) will not avail himself of that mortgage so as to cut off the just Demands of my other Creditors. For his and their Benefit, however, and to avoid the tedious process of Law and to express the Regard I have for some other Friends and the Justice I would do them, I think it incumbent on me to make this will. And it is my Will that all the Estate, real and per sonal, whereof I am possessed, except what is in this will spe cifically bequeathed, be sold by my Executors hereafter men tioned in the manner I shall direct, that is to say, all the produce of my plantation fit for sale, and all other produce of the Labour of my Negroes, such as tar. Turpentine, Corn, and the like, all my remaining household Furniture (excepting plate, my wearing apparel and other things specifically bequeathed) and all the plantation stock of Cattle, horses and hogs, or such of that Stock as can be spared from Carrying on the Business of the plantation (which I would have continued untill advice arrives from Mr. Thomas Frankland with Direction to my Executors [or his Attorney if he appoints one], how they are to proceed in regard to the Mortgage) to be sold by public Sale to the highest bidder, allowing for enhancing the Sale a proper Credit not exceeding twelve months upon bond and Security for Sums exceeding twenty pounds. But as to the Real Estate and Negroes it is my Will that they shall not be sold but at such Time and such place, either here or in South Carolina, and in such manner as shall be directed by the said Thomas Frankland, Esquire, his Executors or Administrators having left a Letter of Advice to him on that Subject, Du plicates of which I desire may be forwarded to him by my Exec utors immediately after my decease, as also a Copy of my Will. And I do fully impower my Executors to make Sufficient titles for all my real Estate which they shall sell according to the Directions and Intentions of this my Will. And if there be any Surplus of my Estate after paying all my Debts as aforesaid, I do, in that case, bequeath the following Legacies. But in case there be no Surplus of my Estate after paying my Debts the said Legacies will depend upon the permission or approbation of the said Thomas Frankland, his Executors or Adm"ors. The Legacies are North Carolina Wills. 11 Imprimis. To my beloved Niece, Mrs. Sarah Frankland, my Wedding Ring (Plain Gold) as a particular Mark of my affec tion and a memento of my Conjugal happiness, not doubting hers is equal, and may it be as lasting. Item. To my beloved Niece, Mrs. Mary Jane Dry, I give and bequeath my Gold Watch, not of modern Taste but an excellent piece of Mechanism, the Gold Chain and all the Trin kets belonging thereto to be worn in remembrance of her affectionate Aunt, who living or dying wishes her happiness. Item. To my beloved Nieces, the Daughters of my Sister Moore, viz., Mrs. Sarah Smith, of Charlestown, Mrs. Mary Harlston, of the same place, and Mrs. Ann Swann, of Cape Fear, I give a mourning ring to each of them to be worn in remembrance of their affectionate Aunt, wishing to them and theirs a Series of many happy years. Item. To my beloved grand Niece, Miss Mary Frankland, I give and bequeath my Silver chased Tea kettle and cream pot and Lamp, as also my walnut tree fineered Tea chest containing three pieces of plate chased as the Tea kettle, in the form of Urns for Tea & Sugar which I beg she will accept as a small Instance of my affection accompanied with my blessing. Item. I give to my Grand Niece, Miss Hariet Frankland, my largest silver waiter as a small Instance of my affectionate remembrance of her, accompanied with my Blessing. Item. I give to my Dear Grand Niece, Miss Rebecca Dry, as a small Instance of my Affection, a Dozen tea Spoons and Strainer, in a black Shagreen case, almost new, designed to accompany an eight sided silver coffee pot, put into her pos session when I went to England in the year 1756 which I also give to her together with a Shagreen writing stand quite new to encourage her in that part of her Education, in which she seems to be making great progress within these late months. Item. I give to my beloved Mrs. Mary Jane Dry my Silver sauce pan. Item. I give to my beloved grand Niece Miss Susanah Hasell a Mohogony dressing table and a little gilt smelling bottle. Item. I give to my beloved grand Niece Mary Hasell a little mohogony tea Chest — these I give as small tokens of my love and kind Remembrance of them attended with my Blessing. Item. I give all the books of Modern taste which I shall die possessed of to my grand Nieces before mentioned — Re becca Dry and Susanah Hasell, to be divided between them as equally as setts can be. And it is my further Request that the books thus bequeathed may be kept for their use and behoof only, not to be lent out and by that means the Sets may be broke before they can use them. Item. It is my Will and desire that all my wearing apparel 12 North Carolina Wills. of what kind soever be immoderately put into the hands of my beloved Niece, Mrs. Dry, and my much loved and esteemed Friend, Mrs. DeRossett, Senr., to be disposed of as in their Judgment shall seem meet. Item. I give to my generous and constant Friend, William Dry, Esquire, a mourning Ring in Testimony of my Sense of his invarrying goodness to me. Item. I Give to my loved and long esteemed Friend, Mrs. DeRossett, Senr., my Silver Etice in a black Shagreen Case as a small Instance of my affection. Item. I ordain that the said Mrs. DeRossett and Mrs. Dry have the care of all my private papers. It is also my Request that all Mrs. Franklands Letters, which they will know by the Indorsement, may be sealed up without opening and be sent to her in England by the first safe hand. As to all my other Letters to and from my several Correspondents abroad and in America as also what Miscellanies I have of the amusing kind I commit them entirely to their Discretion. Item. It is my Will that my Letters and Mr. Aliens, of which there are several bundles, be kept sacred from the Eyes of any except these my two Friends whose inclination may perhaps lead them to peruse some of them, after this the fire will be the properest Repository for them and all the rest of my private Letters. The other Letters and papers relating to Business must be left with my Ex"ors after named. Item. It is my Will that One Acre of Land round the Tomb of my said deed husband be reserved sacred for the use of our Cemetery or hurrying Ground by my Executors when the rest of the plantation of Lilliput shall be sold and I do require my Ex"ors to cause a proper pailing to be made round the said Tombstone. Lastly I nominate and appoint my Friends, James Murray and William Dry, Esquires, and Henry Hyrne, Gent., Execu tors of this my last Will in this province and in case of the Decease of one or two of them I do nominate and appoint first Frederick Jones of the Oak, Gent., and next Benjamin Hyrne, Gent., to supply the place of such Ex'or or Ex'ors deed and I do further nominate and appoint William Bampfield of South Carolina, Merchant, Executor of this Will as to that part of my Estate which lies in South Carohna. In Testimony whereof I have set my Hand and Seal unto this my last Will consisting of two Pages this 28th. Day of January In the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Sixty one. Signed, Sealed, published and declared by the Testatrix, Sarah Allen, as and for her last Will and Sarah Allen (SEAL) Testament in presence of us who North Carolina Wills. 13 at her Request and in presence of each other have subscribed our names hereto, George Moore Eliz. Cath. DeRossett James Colson. Wilmington 1 April, 1761. The within written will of Sarah Alleni deed., was duely proved before me by the Oath of George Moore, one of the subscribing Witnesses thereto: At the same time James Murray and WiUiam Dry qualified before me as Executors of the within written Will. — Let Letters Testamentary issue thereon to the said James Murray and William Dry accordingly. Abthttr Dobbs. These are to Certefy that Henry Hyrne Took the oath of an Executor to the within wiU before me the 21st February, 1763. Fkbd'k Gregg. J. P. Recorded in WiU Book 8, page 193, OflBce of the Secretary of State. JOHN ARDERNE'S WILL . North Carolina, ss. In the Name of God amen. I, John Arderne, of North Carolina, though in perfect health and strength of body, of thurough and Sound understanding of mind, praised be Almighty God for it; but considering ye great uncertainty of huinan life, ye many Contingencys of it, ye certainity of Death, have therefore made this my last will and testament, by it absolutely Revoking and disanuUing all former Wills by me made, and declaring this only to be my last will and testament in maner and form foUowing: Imprimis. I do in aU humillity bequeath my Soul to God y't gave it, and my body to the Ground decently to be Interred as he I shaU hereafter Appoint my Sole Execr shaU think fitt, in hope and full assurance of a Joyful Resurection to EtemaU life, through ye alone merritts and intercession of my Blessed Saviour Jesus Christ. And in relation to my worldly Estate; Since it is too often Seen through ye mercinary and Evil designes of many wicked men, to propagate their own Interest, many plain and inter pretive WiUs have had false, misterious construction put upon y'm, Directly contrary to ye Intent and designe of ye testator, I do therefore, hereby beheving it as a Necessary introduction to ye particulars y't foUow, and tb prevent aU cavells and dis putes aft'r my death, most Slomnly declare in ye p'rsence of Almighty God, in Gen'er Terms, yt it is hereby my most true and Smcere intent & purpose to give and bequeath Every part and p'ceU of my Estate, real and personaU, whether in America, England, or any other part of ye world, imto my dearly beloved kinsman, WUham Duckenfield, Esqr., of ye Aforesd. Province, 14 North Carolina Wills. from whom I have Received ye greatest favours, and to whom I owe ye greatest respect of any person living upon ye face of ye Earth; I further Solemnly declare as a certain truth, as I hope for mercy at Gods hand hereafter, that were I worth Ten Thousand millions of money, and in ye same single state I am in, i would leave it Every farthing to my afores'd kinsman, but for forms sake I shall descend into ye particulars. I know myself to be possest of, and of w't I have a right to in England, and may hereafter be possest of. Item. I therefore hereby give and bequeath after my death unto my most Dear and Affectionate Kinsman, William Duckin- field, Esqr., all that plantation and tract of Land, called and known by ye name of Salmon Creek, as likewise all ye negro, Indian, Molato Slaves I am now in actuall possesion of, and have right and title to, togeather with all ye of horses, Mares, Colts, Cattle, hoggs, young and Old, or any thing besides I have right and title to in America, England, or any other part of ye world, I hereby give and bequeath ye whole and Every part thereof, after my death, to my dearly beloved Kinsman, Wm. Duckenfield, Esqr. Item. I further give and bequeath unto my afores'd kins man, a massy Gold ring, with ye Essines of Death Enamelled upon it, with this Inscription Engraven: post moementum Eternitas, now in possesion of my very hon'ble Relation Sr. John Crew, of Ushkinton, in ye County of Cheshire, in England. Item. I likewise give and bequeath unto my afores'd Dear kinsman, William Duckinfield, Esqr., a Legacy of two Guineys, bequeath'd to me by my dearly beloved Relation and Choice friend, ye Exelent Lady Crew, now in ye hand and keeping of Sir John Crew. Item. I likewise give and bequeath unto my Afores'd. dear kinsman, all y't part of my household goods at Clayton bridge house, where my brother Ralph lives, in ye County of Lance- Shire and Parish of Manchester. Lastly, I further appoint my dear and loving Kinsman Wm. Duckinfield, Esqr., to be my sole Exec'r of this my last will and testament, and to ye full confirmacon hereof, have here unto set my hand and Seal, in ye prsence of three writing witnesses as ye Law Requires, this 22d of October, in ye year of our Lord 1707. John Arderne. (Seal) Signed, Sealed and delivered in ye presence of Henry Lytle, Tho. Arnold, Geo Blainge, Charles Barbour, John Taylor. North Carolina Wills. 15 NosTH Cabolina ss: By the Hon'ble President and councill. We, being certified that good and lawfull proofs has been made, that the above written is the last will and testament of John Arderne, Esqr., deed., a true Coppy whereof is hereunto anexed, and hath therein appoint ed and made WilHam Duckenfield Esqr. Exec'r: These are to Impower the sd William Duckenfield, !&qr., in and upon all and Singular the Goods and Chatties, right and Creditts of the sd John Arderne Esqr., to Enter, and the same into their posesion to take, and a true Inventory thereof. Appraised according to Law, to retinal into the Sectys oflfice within one Year after the date hereof, and ye same to dispose of as by ye sd will is appointed. Given under ye Collonys Seale ye 17th day of April iu ye Eleventh Year of her Maj 'ties Reigne, annoq Dom 1712. Tho: Boyd, Tho: Peterson, Edward Htde, N, Chevin. Recorded in WUl Book IA, page 47, Office of the Secretary of State. JOHN BAPTISTA ASHE'S WILL. North Carolina, sc. In the Name of God, Amen. I, John Baptista Ashe, of Bath County, in the Province of North Carolina, Gent., being thro' the mercy of Almighty God, of Soimd Mind and Memory, Do make, appoint. Declare and ordain this and this only to be my last wiU and Testament, revoking and making void aU former Wills by me heretofore made. The Lord have Mercy on my Soul for Christs Sake. Imprimis. I wiU that aU my Just and lawfull Debts be duely paid by My Executors hereafter named; particularly that one hundred pounds, North Carohna Money, or the Value thereof be remitted or paid to the heirs, Exors. or Admins, of James Nolan, of Boston, Mariner, deceased; the Sum of Sixty pounds of thereabouts having laid in my hands for some years, the Widow who claimed not Complying with the Statute (in that Case provided) for giving Security to Admtors: but I now direct that if they cannot Comply Strictly with the Law, Yet rather than faile, their own bonds to whom the money is payable, may be taken when the money is paid, to iudenmify my Estate against any Creditors which may claim in this Province. Also, I wiU that there be paid as of Debt, to Daniel Hendrick, of South Carolina, Shoemaker, his Exors. or assigns, the Sum of fourty pounds, Current money of this Province. Furthermore, I will that there be paid to the Exce. or heirs of Robert Gamsby, of Boston, Mariner, deceased, if such be to be found, the sum of fourty pounds, Current money of this province. Item. I give, bequeath and devise (after payment of debts & legacies) to my three ChUdren, John, Samuel, and Mary, aU my personal Estate, to be Equally Devided amoungst them. 16 North Carolina Wills. Item. I give, devise, and bequeath unto my Son, Samuel, and unto my daughter, Mary, my Lands up the north west branch of Cape Fair River, called Ashwood, which are scituate lying and being on the South side of the Said River between the lands of John Porter, of Virginia, Mercht., and the Plantation whereon Daniel Donaho, lately deceased, dwelt, Together with my other Lands on the north Side of the River directly oppo site to those aforementioned, to be equally divided betwixt them, the Said Samuel and Mary, to them, their heirs and assigns forever. Item. I give, devise, and bequeath unto my Son, Samuel, a tract of land containing six hundred and fourty Acres lying on Stumpy Sound, called Turkey Point; also one other tract Containing one thousand Acres, called Stump Island or New River Banks, to him, his heirs or assigns for ever. Item. I give, devise, and bequeath unto my Son, Samuel, four hundred Acres of Land lying above William Lewis's plan tation on the Main Branch of Old Towne Creek, to him, his heirs and assigns forever: unless John Russell shall personally come and demand of My Exors. a Bill of Sale for the last men tioned four hundred acres of Land, and Shall pay the ballance of Accounts betwixt us, amounting be about fourty pounds money of South Carolina, Then my Exors. are hereby directed and empowered to Convey the said four hundred Acres of land to the said John Russell, to him, his heirs and Assigns for ever. Item. It is my will that my Sons have their Estates delivered to them as they severaUy arrive to the age of twenty and one years, and that my daughter have her Estate at the day of Marriage, or age of Twenty and one Years, which shall first happen. Item. I will that my Slaves be kept to work on my lands, and that my Estate may be managed to the best advantage, so as my sons may have as liberal an Education as the profits thereof will afford; and in their Education I pray my Exers. to observe this method: Let them be taught to read and write, and be introduced into the practical part of Arithmetick, not too hastily hurrying them to Latin or Grammar, but after they are pretty well versed in these let them be taught Latin & Greek. I propose this may be done in Virginia; After which let them learn French, perhaps Some French man at Santee wile undertake this; when they are arrived to years of dis cretion Let them Study the Mathematicks. To my Sons when they arrive at age I recommend the pursuit & Study of Some profession or business (I could wish one to ye Law, the other to Merchandize), in which Let them follow their own inclina tions. Item. I will that my daughter be taught to write and read & some femanine accomplishments which may render her North Oaeolina Wills. 17 agreable; And that she be not kept ignorant as to what apper tains to a good house wife in the management of household affairs. Item. I give to each of my Exors. a Gold Ring as a token of the respect which In my life I bore them. Item. I will that a Brick Vault may be built at Groveley, and my Dear Wifes body taken up out of the Earth & brought and laid therein; and if it should be my fortune to die in Caro lina so as my Corpse may be Conveyed thither, I desire that one large Coffin may be made, and both our body's laid together therein and lodged in the said Vault. Item. I give, devise and bequeath unto my honoured friend, Edward Mosley, Esqr., the one half or moiety of my Lands, lying near Rock Fish Creek, on the North West branch of Cape fair River, being twenty five hundred and Sixty Acres, to be equally divided between him and my heir, to him, his heirs & Assigns forever. Item. I give, devise and bequeath unto my Loving Brother, John Swann, Six hundred and fourty Acres of land lying on the North East Branch of Cape Fair River, which he bought of, and of which I have not as yet made him any Conveyance, it being land adjoining below that whereon my Brother, Samuel Swann, dwells, to him the sd. John Swann, his heirs & assigns forever. Lastly, I nominate, Constitute and appoint my honour'd friends, Edward Moseley & Nathaniel Rice, Esqrs., my good friend Mr. Roger Moore, my loving Brothers, Samuel Swarm and John Swann, my good friends, Messers. William Downing and Edward Smith, to be Executors of this my last will, Testa ment, hereby desiring & praying them to see the same duly Executed. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand & Seal, this second day of November, Anno Dom., 1731. Jno. Bapta. Ashe. (Seal) Signed, Sealed and Pubhshed in the Presence of us: her Mehittobde X Rutter mark John Hawkins Cornelius Dargan Mich. Rutter. No. Carolina, ss. I do hereby make a Codicil to be annexed to this my last will and Testament, and do hereby appoint my Loving friend. Job Hows and Thomas Jones, Executors to my last wUl and 18 North Carolina Wills. Testament, and this codicil thereunto annext, together with the several persons before named in my said last will and Testa ment as my Exors. And whereas their is a certain Saw Mill in Building between Mr. Mathew Rowan and my Self, It is my wiU that my part of the Said MiU together with my part of the lands thereunto belonging be sold by my said Exors. for the use of my three children and the money arising by the Sale thereof to be EquaUy divided amongst them. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto Set my hand and seal this Sixteenth Day of October, 1734. Jno. Bapta. Ashe. (Seal) Signed & Sealed In the Presence of, and annext : James Innes, Joseph Walters, Ed'd Smith. North Carolina, Before his ExceUy., Gabriel Johnston, Esq., Captain General, Govemor in Chief of the Province of North CaroUna, and Ordinary of the Same. PersonaUy came before me Michael Rutter, one of the Witnesses to the within Instrument, being the last Will and "Testament of John Baptista Ashe, Esq., who being duely swom on the Holy EvangeUsts, declared that he was present and saw the said John Baptista Ashe, Esq,, Sign, Seal, pubUsh and declare the same to be his last wiU; and that he was at the same time of sound and disposing mind and memory and understanding, to the best of this deponents knowledge; and that he saw John Hawkins, Cornelius Dargan & Mihitobade Rutter, three other signing witnesses, present at the execution of the said Instrument and sign their names or mark thereunto. Likewise, Personally appeared James Innis, Esq., one of the witnesses to the Codicil annexed to the said Instrument or Last WiU and Testament Afforsd, who being duely swom on the holy EvangeUsts, saith, that he saw the Said John Baptista Ashe, Esq,, duely execute and pubUsh the said Codicil as the codicU of his last Will and Testament, and that he was at the same time of sound mind and memory to the best of this deponents knowledge, and that he saw Joseph Waters and Edward Smith, the two other signing Witnesses present at the Execution of * * * Given under my hand at Brunswick, the 15th day of November, Anno Dom., 1734. Gab, Johnston. November ye 30th, 1734. PersonaUy appeared before me Edward Moseley, Roger Moore, Samuel & John Swann, Esqrs,, & took ye oath appointed by law to be taken by Executors. W. Smith, C. J. Copied from Original Will, filed in the oflfice of the Secretary of State. North Carolina Wills. 19 WILLIAM ARENTON'S WILL. In the Name of God, Amen. I, WiUiam Arenton, of Craven County, and Province of North Carolina, Planter, being in perfect Sound mind and Memory, thanks be to God, but Calhng to mind the uncertainty of this life, do make and Declare this to be my last wiU and Testament, in Maimer and form follow ing. & First, I Recommend my Soul imto the allmighty God who gave it, hoping for Pardon for all my Sins through the Merits and Mercy of Jesus Christ my Saviour and Redemer, and my body to the Earth, and as for my Temporal Estate which it hath pleased God to bestow upon me I Give and Dispose of the Same in Maimer and form following: Imprimis, my will and Desire is that my well beloved wife Mary Arenton have the use of the Plantation Whereon I now live during the time of her life. Item. I Give and bequeath unto my well beloved wife Mary Arenton One third part of all My Estate of horses. Cattle & hoggs and Household Goods to her and her heirs for ever. Item. I Give and bequeath unto my three Children, Rebec- cah, Mary and Leah Arenton, all the rest of my Estate to be EquaUy Devided Amongst them when they Come to Age or Marriage. Lastly. I Doe hereby Nominate, Constitute, Ordain and appoint my friend Henry Shippard Executor of this my last wiu and Testament, And I Doe hereby utterly Disallow and Make Void all and every Other will or wills, Legacys and bequests heretofore done or Made, Rattifying and Confirming this and no Other to be my last will and Testament. In Witness Whereof he hath hereunto sett his hand and Seal this 23d Day of January, 1761. W. A. (His Seal) Signed Sealed Published & De clared by the Said WiUiam Aren ton to be and Contain his last will & Testament in the Presence of us the Subscribers Edmund Hatch hia Martin X Shippard. mark Copied from Original WiU filed in the Oflfice of the Secretary of State . 20 North Carolina Wills. DAVID BAILEY'S WILL. In the Name of God Amen. This sixth day of October, Anno Dom. 1745. I, David Bailey, of Pasquotank County, in the Province of No. Carolina, Esqr., being not well in health, but of perfect mind & memory, thanks be given to God there fore, calling to mind the mortality of my body & knowing that it is appointed unto all men once to die, do make & ordain this, as my last wiU & Testament, That is to say: Principally & first of all, I recommend my soul into ye hands of God that gave it, &c., and my Body to the ground, to be buried at the Discretion of my Exs. hereafter named. And as touching such worldy Estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me in this life, I give demise & bestow ye same, in manner & form following: Impr. I give & bequeath to my well beloved Wife, Thamar Bailey, all the Cattle up Pasquotank River, that I had by her; and also, all other Goods & Effects that were properly her own before our intermariage, also the sum of four hundred pounds Current paper money, to be paid to her by my Exs. hereafter named. It. I give & order that my negro fellow Andrew, be sold at a publick Vendue, to help raise the afsd. money; & that my wife be not debar'd the liberty of bidding for him (if she see Cause.) It. I Give & bequeath to my weU beloved Daughter, Ehza beth Bryant, one negro wench named joney, also one Dutch Linnen wheel. It. I give & bequeath to my weU beloved son, Joseph Bailey, the Plantation whereon he now dweUs, together with aU the land thereunto belonging, to him & his Heirs for ever; also four steers runing on ye sd. Land. It. I give & bequeath my negro fellow called Jones, to my son, Joseph Bailey, also my negro wench called Moll; also my negro boy called Luke; also the one half of my Whip-saw; also one Steel-Trap; also one Corn MUl; also one Walnut-oval Table besides what he has recvd. before. It. I give & bequeath to my weU beloved son, Benjamin Bailey, one negro boy called Mosee; also Two yoke of Oxen; also my old Flat; also aU the Steers down ye River that shall be in being at my death. It. I give & bequeath to my weU beloved son, Benjamin Bailey, ye Land & Plantation I bought of Ebenezer HaU, con taining Two Hundred & six acres, lying in this County, to him & his Heirs for Ever. It. I give to my Daughter, Sarah Snowdon, the use & service of my negro wench called Ruth, during my sd. Daughter's North Carolina Wills. 21 life, and after her decease I give and bequeath the sd. negro wench caUed Ruth, and all her increase, to the Heirs lawfully begotten of my sd. Daughter Sarah's body; also three Ews & Lambs. It. I Give & Bequeath to my weU beloved son, Robert Bailey, my Land & Plantation, the Folly, to him & his heirs for Ever; also one negro boy called James; also the one half of my negro Girl CaUed Doll; also one feather Bed & furniture, wch is now down ye River; also one black mare, wch I Bought of Joseph Lowry, branded With E. L., Two Cows & Calves wch is down ye River; also one Case of Bottles; also the half of the new Schooner; also the half of my whip saw, one Steel Trap; one very large Iron Pot, one iron pot Trammel. It. I give & bequeath to my well beloved Son, Simon BaUey, my plantation & Land CaUed Piaey Point, lying at Core Sound, contianing Three hundred acres p. Patent, to him & his Heirs for Ever; also aU my Cattle upon that Plantation of the Plan tation mark, being a swaUow fork in ye right Ear, the left Ear off; also one negro feUow called Mustipher; also the other half of my negro wench caUed Doll; also my WUl & order is, That the increase of the sd. negro Doll, pass, the first child to my son, Robert, the next to my son, Simon, & so on, and if there be an odd one, the same to be EquaUy divided between them; also one bed & furniture, wch is in my Room at my son, Joseph BaUey's; also Two Cows & Calves, one young mare branded with D. B. & caUed Wren; also one small Trunk, & fifteen poimds in Gold & SUver in it of Virginia Currency; also all ye Hives of Bees on ye plantation abovesd; also Two Cows & Calves. It. I give & Bequeath to my Daughter, Tamar BaUey, the work & service of my negro Wench caUed Hannah, during my sd. daughter's life, and after her decease, I give & bequeath my sd. negro Haimah, and aU her increase, to the Heirs lawfuUy begotten of my sd. Daughter's body; also one bed & furniture, wch is down the River; also one young Mare called no-faU; one Trunk, one white Chest, one Case of Bottles, one Looking Glass, one Box-iron Heaters, Three Pewter Dishes, one set of Tea ware; also one Dutch Linnen Wheel, also one Woolen Wheel made at Core Sound; also Two Cows & Calves, one iron pot that I' bought of Sarah Snowdon; one iron pot Trammel; also one yoimg Horse caUed Button. It. I give & bequeath to my second Wife's Daughter, Miriam Overman, one negro Girl called Hagar & her increase, to her & the Heirs of her body. It. I give & bequeath to my second Wife's son, David Wallis, the work & service of a young negro Boy of mine, caUed Jeffrey, towards his maintaining & bringing up, tUl he shall arrive to ye age of Twenty one years; but if the sd. David 22 North Carolina Wills. WaUis, shall happen to die before he Shall attain to that age, then the sd. negro Jeffrey, to return to me & my heirs; but if the sd. David WaUis shall live to the fuU age of Twenty one years, then the sd. negro Jeffrey is to be his for Ever. It. I give & bequeath to my sons, Joseph Bailey, Robert Bailey, & my son in law, Simon Bryant, all my neat Cattle & Sheep marked with a swallow fork in ye right Ear, the left Ear off; also all my Horses and Mares branded with D. B., wch are running upon the banks at Core Sound, Equally among them; also all the neat cattle upon Hunting Quarter, belonging to me, marked with a Poplar Leaf in ye left Ear. & a Crop & a slit in ye right. It. I will, bequeath & strictly order, That all the rest & residue of my personal Estate, not mentioned in this will, and wch shall be found in this County, and within the Lord Carteret's line, be sold at publick Vendue to the highest bidder, and the monies thereby arising (my Wife's Legacy first dis charged), to be Equally divided between my Children, Viz: Elizabeth Bryant, Joseph Bailey, Benjamin Bailey, Sarah Snowdon, Robert Bailey, Tamar Bailey & Simon Bailey; also for my Exs. to take care of my son, Simon Bailey & bring him up. It. I nominate, constitute and appoint my son Joseph Bailey, and my son in law, Simon Bryant, Co-Executors of this my last Will & Testament, to see the same perform'd to the utmost of their power, utterly revoking, disannulling & making void all former or other Wills, Testaments, Legacies and bequests, formerly by me in any wise made, willed or be queathed. Ratifying & confirming this & no other, as my last WUl & Testament. In Witness whereof, I have hereunto put my hand & Seal, the Day & year first afore written. David Bailey (Seal). Signed, Sealed, published, pro nounced & declared by ye Sd. David BaUey, as his last WUl & Testament, in presence of us the Subscribers : Thos. Weekes, Jurat, Patrick Bailey, Jurat, John Bailey. No. Carolina. March the 29th,, 1746. Thomas Weeks & Patrick BaUey, Two of the Subscribing evidences to the Within WiU appeared before me and made Oath on the Holy Evange Usts, that they were present & Saw David Bailey, Sign, Seal, Publish and Declare the within to be & Contain his last WiU and Testament; and that the said David Bailey was then, and at that time of Sound & disposing Memory; and that they also See John Bailey, the Other Subscribing North Carollna Wills. 23 Evidence sign his Name thereto at the Same time. Then also appeared Simon Bryan & Joseph BaUey and took the Oath by Law appointed to be taken by Exrs. Enoch Hall, C. J. Copied from Original WUl, filed in the Office of the Secretary of State. HENRY BAKER'S WILL. Ix THE NAME OF GoD Amen. I, Henry Baker, of Chowan, No. Carohna, being in good health of Body & of Sound & per fect mind & Memory, praise be therefore given to almighty God, Do make & ordain this psent. last will & testament, in Maimer & form foUowing, that is to Say: First & principaUy I commend my Soul into the hands of almighty God, hoping thro' the merits. Death & Pasion of my Saviour Jesus Christ, to have full & free parden & forgive ness of aU my Sins & to Inherit everlasting life; & my Body I commit to the earth to be buried at the Discretion of my Executors hereafter named; & touching aU Such temporal Estate as it hath pleased almighty god to bestow upon me, I give as follows: First, I wiU that aU my Debts & funerall Charges be paid & Discharged. Item. I give to my Son, Henry, aU the Land whereon I now hve, to him and his heirs. Item. I give unto my Son, Henry, these Negroes, vi^: Guy, Clouse, Bobb, Ceasar, ned, Jacob, young Diner, & hagar & their increase. Item. I give unto my Son, Henry, my watch, Seal, Desk, Six msia Chares, ye great Glass, my Sword, one ovel table, besides what I have already or heretofore given him. Item. I give to my Son John aU my land at a place caUed Little Town, & my Land joining on Banks, Wynn & ascue, & the Land bought of WiUiam Garrat, aU in Bertie precinct, with ye Stock thereto belonging, to him & his heirs. Item. I give unto my Son John these negros vizt: Arthur, Juno, Finney, httle Bobb & Dick & their increase. Item. I give to my Son, Blake, my land bought of John and Thomas Wickings in Chowan, & five hundred acres thereto adj oining, wch I took up ; & my land at Ahoskey marsh in Bertie & the Stock thereto Belonging, to him & his heirs. Item. I give to my son, Blake, these negroes vizt: Cipio, Joe, Patt & Argalus & their increase. Item. I Give to my Daughter Mary, these Negroes, Vizt: Darby, Lucey, & Peter, and their Increase. Item. I give to my Daughter, Sarah, these negroes, Cato & Priss & their Increase. 24 North Carolina Wills. Item. I give to my Son, David, 130 acres of Land at Meher- ring landing adjoining to the ferry, to him & his heirs. Item. I give to my Daughter Ruth twenty shillings. Item. I give to my Son Ladock (?) twenty shillings. Item. My will & desire is that my wife, Ruth, have the use of these negroes, Vizt: Tom, Benbo, Daniel, Dinah & Joyce, Brady, during her natural life & after her Decese I give Tom & Dinah to my Son, Henry, Daniel to my Son, John, & Benbo to my Son, Blake. Item. I give to my wife, Ruth, all the rest & residue of my personall Estate whatsoever & my will & desire is that my wife, Ruth, have & enjoy the Back room and Entry & half ye Orchard to be Divided from the house Westerly & Land adjoin ing to the plantation to worke on Dureing her Naturall life or widdowhood. Item. My will & Desire is that if it so happens that my Son, John, Should Die in his Minority, that then the Land I have given him Shall go to my Son, Blake, & his heirs. My will is that my land at ye Knuckles, in Nansemond, be Sold by my Exrs. towards ye payment of my Debts. I do hereby nominate, Constitute, ordain & appoint my Brother, WiUiam Baker, to be my Executor; & in case of his Death, I do appoint my Brother, James Baker; & in case of his Death, I do appoint my Brother, Lawrence Baker, of this my last WiU & Testament, revoaking & making null & void all former Wills. In Witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand & Seal, this Ninth Day of January, 1737. Henry Baker, (Seal). Signed, Sealed, publisht & Declared by the Sd. Henry Baker as his last Will & Testament in prsence of us the Subscribers, Edward Vann, John Brady, Edward Warren. May ye 1st., 1739. Came before me Edward Vann, John Brady & Edward Warren, & Made Oath that they Saw Henry Baker Sign, Seal and pubUsh ye within as his last wiU & testament; & that he was of Sound & Disposing mind & Memory at that time & That these Deponents Subscribed as Witnesses thereto. At ye Same time WilUam Baker took the Oath appointed by law to be taken by Executors, W. Smith, C. T. Recorded in Grant Book No. 4., WUl No. 81. North Carolina Wills. 25 JOHN BARCLIFT'S WILL. No. Carolina, Perqs. County, ss. In THE Name of god Amen, the 23d of April 1759. I, John Barclift, of the County and Province aforesd, farmer, being Weak in Body, but of a Perfect mind and ^Memory, thanks be to god for the Same, Therefore CaUing to mind the Mortahty of my Body and knowing that it is appointed for aU men once to die, do make and ordain this my last wiU & T^itament, that is to say: PrincipaUy & first of aU, I Recommend my soul into the hands of God that gave it, & my Body I Recommend to the earth to be Burried in Decent Christian Burial at the Discretion of my Executors, hereafter Named; and as for Such worldly Estate it hath pleased God to bless me in this Life, I Give Devise and Bequeath in the foUowing manner and form: Imprs. I Give and Bequeath to my Loving Wife Elizabeth Barchft the use of one third part of the Plantation and Land whereon I now hve during her natural Life, together with the use of the outward Room & upper Chamber of my house & also the use of the Lower Room of my Brick house; also I give to my wife the use and Labour of one negro man CaUed Tom and the use & Labour of one Negro woman CaUed joan During her natural life; also the use of my large Looking Glass, during her Natural Life; also the use of my desk during her Natural life; also the use of one Chest; and the use of one Dozon of Chairs; also the use of one large Brass Kittle; also the use of one large iron Kittle, & the use of two iron Pots, she having her Choice; also the use of one yoke of Stears, with yoke, Ring and Staple, and two Ploughs; also the use of aU the she Cattle in my Stock that runs on the Plantation whereon I now hve; also the use of one Feather Bed & furniture, she having her choice; also the use of one large black-Walnut Table, & the use of one 15 Bottle-Case; also one 3 GaUon jugg, & one Gal lon Ditto; also the use of aU my Pewter; also the use of one Black horse, also the use of Six Ewes & Lambs; also the use of 3 Iron Wedges; also the use of one falling ax, also the use of one hilling hoe & two weeding hoes and two Pr. Pot trammels & 2 Pr. Pot-hooks & Gridiron, & ho-cake-hoe; also the use of one Box iron & heaters, & one Tea Kittle, & one Sive and one Search; also two Buckets & two tubs; also one Pr. smaU Still- iards also one hand-mill being Cullen Stones; also Six Breeding Sows. Item. I Give to my Daughter Eliza: Sanderson one Negro Girl caUed Rachel, also one Negroe Boy CaUed jemmy, also one Negro Boy caUed Toney, (being already Dehvered to her) to her & her Heirs for ever; also I give to my Daughter Eliza. 26 North Carolina Wills. Sanderson one feather Bed and furniture and one Mare, and Six head of Sheep, also one iron pot & one iron Kittle, with Sundry other things of small Value in her own Possession already deliver'd to her Since her Marriage. Item. I Give to my Daughter Eliza: Sandersons Son John Sanderson, the first Child that my Negro Woman joan shall bring after the date of this writing to him and his Heirs for erve. Item. I Give to my son Asa Barclift one hundred & Twenty five Acres of Land out of the Tract whereon I now live. Begin ning at the head of the Line & running towards the River along Joshua Maudlins line as far as the Bridge & then up the Branch as far as is Required to make out the Hundred & Twenty five Acres holding its breadth out to the head of the Land, to him & his Heirs lawfuUy begotten for ever; and in Case he should Die without Heir my Will is that my Son Demson Barclift & his Heirs Lawfully begotten shall Possess & Enjoy the sd Land. I also give to my son Asa Barclift one Negro Boy CaUed Mosey, also one negro boy Called Luke, also one Negro Girl Called Dina, to him and his heirs for ever; Also I give my son Asa one Flax hacke. Item. I Give to my Son Demson Barclift the remaining Part of the Plantation & Land whereon I now live to him and his heirs Lawfully begotten for ever; and in Case he should Die without Heir my Will is that my son Asa Barclift and his heirs shall Possess and enjoy the sd. Land. I also give to my Son Demson Barclift one Negro Boy Called Sampson, also one negro Girl CaUed Grace, also one Negro Boy Called Robin, to him and his Heirs for ever; I also give to my son Demson Barclift one Large Bible, also one young Mare, also one yoke of Stears, also one feather Bed and furniture, also one case with 15 Bottles, also one Plough Chan, also one iron Pot, also one small Gun, also my Shoemakers Tools, also one large looking- Glass and one Dozon of Chairs after my Wife's Decease. Item. I Give to my Son Benjamin Barclift the upper part of my Land at the mark-Poplar on the North Side of the Road, beginning just above the high rooted Beach Branch at a Beach, then running a Straight Course to the Corner Trees of Frances Layden & Peter Cartwright, being an Elm & a White Oak standing about 5 or 6 Steps apart then running along Peter Cartwrights line to the Road then Down the Road to the first Station, to him & his heirs Lawfully Begotten for ever: and in Case he should Die without Heir my WiU is that my Son Noah Barclift and his Heirs shall Possess and Enjoy the sd. Land; I also give to my son Benja. Barclift one Negro Boy Called Dick, also one Negro Girl caUed Nan, also one Negro Boy called Isaac, to him & his heirs for ever: I also give to my son Benja. Barchft one StiU, one 12 Bottle Case, also one feather Bed & furniture, also one young Mare, also a Set of North Carolina Wills. 27 Shoe-makers Tools, also one Pr. of Pot-trammels, also one Pr. of SheU-miU-Stones & one Plough Chain, also one small Gun. Item. I Give to my son John Barclift part of my Land at the mark Poplar lying on the South Side of the Road begining at a Red Oak, Standing in the bottom of the high-rooted- Beach-Branch, then running Down the Branch to the Creek, then down Pruze Creek to a point CaUed Aarons point then up Batemans Creek to Batemans hne, then along Batemans line to the Road, then down the Road to the first Station; to him & his Heirs LawfuUy begotten for ever; & in case he Should Die without Heir, my wiU is that the sd. Land be EquaUy divided between my two Sons Benjamin and Noah; I also give to my son John Barclift one Negro Girl caUed Tamar, also I give my son Jno. Barclift one Negro Boy CaUed jo, also one Negro Girl CaUed DoU, to him and his Heirs for ever; also one feather Bed and furniture; also one Gold-ring, one Young mare and one Pr. of Pot Trammels. Item. I give to my son Noah Barclift aU the remaining part of my Land at the Mark-Poplar (not heretofore given,) to him and his Heirs for Ever and in Case he should Die with out Heir my WUl is that my Son Benjamin & his Heirs shaU Possess and enjoy the sd. Land; I also give to my Son Noah Barclift one Negro boy CaUed George, also one Negro Girl CaUed Pleasant, also one Negro Girl CaUed Rose. I also give to my son Noah Barclift one SUver Cup after my Wife's Decease. Item. I Give to my Daughter Mary Barclift one Negro Girl CaUed Esther, one Negro Boy CaUed Anthony, and one Negro Girl CaUed Judah, to her and her Heirs for ever; also one wanning pan, also one Feather Bed and furniture after my Wife's Decease — being the Bed that I gave the use of to my wife. Item, my WUl & Desire is that my iron-tooth drag be for the use of all my sons, and the longest hver to keep it. Item. My wiU and Desire is that my three Negro Women (that is to say) Hagar, Ruth, and MoU, and their increase, also the Increase of my Negro Woman Joan that is not already given, be EquaUy Divided amongst my five Sons & Daughter Mary, when the youngest of them comes to age. Item. I Give to my son Asa Barclift one Negro woman CaUed Joan after my wife's Decease, she having the Labour of her during her Life. Item. I Give to my son Noah Barchft one Negro man CaUed Tom after my wife's Decease, she having the Labour of him during her Life. Item. My WUl and desire is that my negro man Peter be sold at the discretion of my Executors and the Money arising be apply'd towards paying Debts and Charges, & also I desire 28 North Carolina Wills. that such a part of my Estate as my Excrs shall think Perish able may likewise be sold & the money apply'd as aforesaid. Item. My WUl is that after my Wife's Decease all that I have given her the use of (Except what I have already Dis posed of) may be Equally Divided Amongst my five Sons & Daughter Mary. Item. My Will and Desire is that all the remaining part of my Estate not already given, together with the overplush of the money arising by the Sale of any of my Estate (if any there be) be Equally divided between my wife and Six Children, that is to say, Demson, Benjamin, John, Asa, Noah, and Mary as they come to Age. And I do hereby nominate, Constitute & Appoint Samll. Sutton & Thomas Stevenson, to be my whole & Sole Executors of this my last will and Testament and I do hereby utterly disallow, revoke and Disannul all and every former Testa ments, Wills, Legacies, Bequests and Excrs. by me in any way before named, Willed, and Bequeathed: Ratifying and Con firming this and no other to be my last Will and Testament. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & Seal the day and year above Written. Joseph Barclift (Seal). Signed, Sealed, Published, Pro nounced and Declared by the sd. Jno. Barchft as his last WUl and Testament In Presence of Jambs Gibson, Jurat, Samll. Barclift, Jurat, Mathias Johnson, Jurat. No, Carolina, Perqms. Coitntt, July Court, Anno Dom. 1759. Present his Majestys Justices, & This Certifies that James Gibson & Samll. BarcUft, two of the Subscribing Evidences to the within will, appeard In Court and made Oath that they were Present and Saw John BarcUft Sign, Seale, Publish & Declare the within to Be and Containe his Last will and Testament and that they also saw Mathias Jonston Sign his Name thereto at the same time. Then allso appd, Samuel Sutton & Thomas Stevenson Executors In Court, take & took the Excrs oath In Due form of Law, Ordered that the Hon, Richd. Spaight, Esqr., Secrtry of this Province have notice thereof that Lettrs. Testamentary Issue thereon as the Law Directs, &c. (Test) Miles Habvbt, Clk cr. Copied from Original WiU filed in the office of the Secretary of State. North Carolina Wills. 29 WILLIAM BARROW'S WILL. In the name of God Amen, I, WiUiam Barrow, of ye pre cinct of Hide, in ye County of Bath, in ye Prov". of North Carolina, being Sick & weak of Body but of sound and perfect mind & memory and CaUing to mind ye Certainety of Death and not knowing when it may pleas ye Lord to CaU mee out of this hfe do make and ordaine & appojnit this my last WUl and Testament, in maner and forme foUowing: Imp: I give, devise & bequeath to my three Sons, WiUiam, John & Richard Barrow, my Plantation whereon I now hve. Containing ffouerteen hundred Acres of land more or les, to be EquaUy devided between my afsd. three Sons, that is my Eldest Son WUliam Barrow to have ye maner Plantation whereon I now live after my Wifes Dec : to be held of them & Every of them their heirs and assignes in fee simple for ever. Itm. I give devise & bequeath to my Other three Sons, Samuel, Joseph and James Barrow, aU my Tract of Land lying & being upon Broad Creeke Containeing one Thousand Acres of land more or les, to be EquaUy devided between my sd. three Sons namd: Samuel, Joseph & Jams. Barrow to be held of them, their heirs & assignes SeveraUy, In fee simple for ever. Itm. I give and bequeath to my Son, WUliam Barrow, aU and every part of my Smithe tools, and my longest Gun or fouleing peace to be at his disposall when he shaU attaine to ye: age of one & twenty years. Itm. I give and bequeath to my Son, John, aU & Every part of my Coopers tooles, and my Shortest gun to be at his disposaU when he shaU attaine to ye age of twenty one years. Itm. All the rest & residue of my Estate over & above ye legasies before given So Comeing & remaineing boath personaU & reaU, the one third part of which so riseing I give to my Loveing wife Eliz. Barrow, and ye remaineing part after her fuU one third part so taken oute I give & bequeath to my six Sons before named & to my two Daughrs Ann & Sarah Barrow to be EquaUy Divided among my sd. Six Sons & two Daughs. to be at their disposall, that in my sd. Six Sons afsd. as they shaU respectively attaine to ye age of twenty one years & my two Daughs: to have at ye age of Eighteen Years or ye day of marriage. Itm. My WiU & desire is that my Lov. Wife, Eliz. Barrow, have the use and ocquepation of my plantation whereon I now hve together with all houeses, orchards & aU other Conven- iances there unto belonging with oute Molestation or Incum brance dureing her naturaU life and after her dec: then to my son, WiUiam Barrow, his heir' for ever more as afsd. that is, my wiU & desire is that my sd. three Sons, WiUiam, John and Richard Barrow, ShaU not be hendered or debarred fron Seat- 30 North Carolina Wills. ing on Conveniant parts of ye sd. Lands so given them when they shall attain Respectively to ye age of twenty one Years. Itm. I doe appoynt my Loveing wife, Eliz. Barrow, and my Son, William, to be Joynt Execs, of this my last will & Testament as witness my hand & Seal this 8th. Day of Jan'ry, 1715. Thos. Bonner, W. Barrow. (Seal) Tho. Martin, Jno. Porter. This may Certifye That on the 23d. Day of Octo., 171-6. The above written will was proved by the Oath off John Porter, before me, Gale, Ch: Just. Eliz, Barrow one of Exrs. within & above mencond took the Oath for prformance of ye before written wiU in presence of: Gale, Ch: Just Copied from Original WiU filed in Office of the Secretary of State. EDWARD BATCHELOR'S WILL. In the Name of God Amen. I, Edward Batchelor, of the Town of New-Bern, in the State of North Carohna, being Sick, and weak in Body, but of Sound Mind, memory and under standing, do make and publish this my last Will and Testa ment in manner and form foUowing, to wit: first I recommend my Soul into the Hands of almighty God; and my Body I commit to the Earth to be decently buried at the Discretion of my Executors hereafter Named; and as touching the Dis position of all my temporal Estate, I give & Dispose thereof as followeth : Imprimis. I Will that my Debts and funeral Charges shaU be paid and Discharged. I give and bequeath unto my weU beloved Wife, Francis Batchelor, all my household Furniture plate and every Article of Kichen Furniture &c; I also give and bequeath unto my Said Wife one Negro Wench named Cordera, and a negro man Named Frank for and During her natural Life and after her Decease my WUl is the Negro Wench Corderia shall go to my Daughter Elizabeth and the Negro Frank shaU go to my Son John to him and their Heirs and assines. I also give to my eldest Daughter, Ehzabeth, the increase of the above mentioned Negro Wench Cordera in case She has Children; and my Gold Watch. I also give and bequeath unto my Son, John Batchelor, a Tract of Lying on Susquehanna in Pensilvania, and my wear ing apparel. North Carolina Wills. 31 I also give and bequeath unto my Son, Edward Batchelor, a negro Boy named Moody, and also my Stock Buckel and Sieve Buttons. I also give and bequeath unto my Daughter, Frances Batch elor, a negro Wench and chUd, the Wench Named Judah and her Increase & that my estate to be charged for these two Negros, and Credit given the Partnership of Assheton & Batche lor for the Value of them when they came into the Coimtry. It is my WUl and Desire that my good friend, Thomas Asshe ton, shall have the Management and is Impowerd hereby, to Receive aU Debts due and Owing to me on my private account in Pensylvania and the Jerseys for the use of my private account and famUy, and that if my Said Thomas Assheton should Die before such Settlement is finished that then and for the Same purpose, I do hereby apoint my Good friend, John ChevUear, Esquire, to do the Bussiness for the purposes aforesaid. And it is my WiU and Desire that as soon as it may be con venient after After my Decease, that the Accounts of the Partnership of Assheton & Batchelor may be GeneraUy Settled, and for that purpose aU the Goods on Hand, and Negros, the foUowing Vessels in which the partnership of Assheton and Batchelor is concemed with other people in Interest of Vessels and Cargo, Vizt: one half of the Sloop Betsey in partnership with Seamore Hood; One quarter of the Schooner CaUed the Patrick Henry, in partnership with Stacey Hebum & Seamore Hood; One Sixth part of the Sloop Lydia, in company with Jno. Wright Stanly & others. Those Vessels being now on their Voyages at Sea to be Sold on their Retum, that is to say, that part of the Said Vessels & Cargoes which is above Men tioned belonging to the Comp'^ of Assheton & Batchelor. Three Quarters of the Ship CaUed Harmony HaU, now lying in the Harbour of New Bem with a Cargo on Board bound to France, whereof John Dar eius is One Quarter Owner, who was to get the Said Ship Insured at Charles Town, if so, I would not have Our part Sold untUl she has made the Voyage and retumed, But if the Insurance Shou'd not be made, I do in that Case WUl & require that the three Quarters of the Said Ship belong- in to the partnership of Assheton & Batchelor may be Sold immediately after my Decease before the Voyage is made. The new Ship CaUed the Harriot, now lying at my warf, also a smaU Sloop caUed the Dolphin, and the Schooner CaUed the Lively, now lying in the Dock at my Wharf, aU belonging the partnership of Assheton & Batchelor, my desire is that those three last Mentioned Vessels be also Sold for the Account of the Said Partnership. And my WiU and Desire is that the Concerns of the Partnership of Assheton and Batchelor may be as Soon as convenient GeneraUy and finaUy Settled, and that 32 North Carolina Wills. After the partnerships Debts are paid and Satisfied the Amount of My Share of the Stock in trade my Will and Desire is that the Same bed is posed of in the following manner, that is to say: I give and bequeath unto my well beloved Wife, Francis Batchelor, fifteen hundred pounds, to be paid unto her After the Settlement is made by my Executors. I also give and bequeath to each of my Children the like Sum of fifteen hundred pounds each, to be put out at Interest untill the Boyes Shall arive to the Age of Twenty one, and the Girls to the Age of eighteen years old, and do appoint my well beloved wife Guardein to my Said Children, with the Advice of my Executors. And it is my Will and desire that if After a Settlement of Partnerships Concerns there Shou'd remain more money then is required to pay the sum of fifteen hundred pounds to my wife and the like Sum to each of my Children according to the above bequists, that then the Overplus be equaUy devided between my wife and Children. And if my Interest Shou'd fall Short of the Sum of fifteen Hundred pounds each, then each of them to have as much less in proportion so that what they are to receive may be equal to each. And it is my Will & request that my children be kept at school and that they may Virtuously brought up in the Fear of God, and the Inter est of the money shall be applied to Defray the expence of Education; And it is my further WiU and Desire that if any of my Children shou'd Die before they arive at age that then their part of money &c., shall be EquaUy Devided among the Survivors. I also give and bequeth unto my Beloved wife, my Horse and two Chairs, Harness, Saddle, &c., to her only Sole use, benefit & behoof and also all the Rest and Residue and remain der of my Worldly Goods and effects whatsoever I give devise and bequeath unto my Said Wife. And I hereby Nominate and Appoint my good friends Thomas Assheton of PhUadelphia, Dr. Thos. Hashne of New Bern, & Frances Batchelor my Wife, Executors and Executrix of this my last WiU and Testament hereby revoking aU former WUl and Wills by me heretofore made. In Witness whereof I have hereunto Sett my hand & Seal this day of November, 1777. Signed, Sealed, published and (Seal.) Declared by the Above Named Edward Batchelor as and for his last Will & Testament in the pres ence of us who have hereunto Subscribed Our Names as Wit nesses thereto, and in the presence of each other: North Carolina Wills. 33 N. B. The Words interlined, between the Tenth and Eleventh Lines & to the end of that paragraph (for and during her Natural life and after her Decease my WUl is the negro Wench Corderia shall go to my Daughter, EUzabeth; and the negro Frank shall go to my Son John to them then- Heirs and Assignes) were entered so before Signing & other words Inter lined, to wit: My, her, North Carolina, Graven Coijnty ss. This day about Seven o'Clock after noon, personally appeared before me, Joseph Leech, one of the Justices for said County, Richard CogdeU, Esqr., Who being Swom on the Holy EvangeUsts Declareth, that on tuesday the twenty first. Instant, November, a Messenger came and told him Mr. BatcheUor was very IU and desired to See him, that he went to Mr. Edward Batchelor's, who sayed he had Been for some time very Sick and in a bad State of health, and was desirous of making his WiU and wanted the favour of his assistance to do it. In CompUance thereto said CogdeU took down in writing several Instructions from said Mr. Batchelor about the Same and after having prepared the same, the next day waited on Mr. Batchelor with it, and read it to him, with which he approved, and then gave him some further directions for finishing and compleating his said WiU, aU but the naming of an Executor, which he desired him to Leave a Blank for, as he had not spoken to the person he wanted to nominate, which said further directions said CogdeU also took down in writing, and the next moming, which was yesterday moming, he finished the said WiU according to Mr. Batchelor's directions as above mentioned, and Carried it to him and read it, aU of which he the said Mr. Batchelor approved off, but desired him to caU again in the Evening, to fiU up the blanks for the Executor, as he had not yet spoke to the person he wanted to ask, and then to have the WiU Executed, Which the said CogdeU accordingly did, but finding him asleep, did not care to have him disturbed, but went the next moming again, which was this moming about ten or Eleven o'Clock, with the Said WUl What is the WUl hereto annexed, and which is the WUl he drew from the said Mr. Edward BatcheUors own Instructions and read to said BatcheUor which he approved off as his Last WUl and Testament, and then desired him to fiU up the blank for the Executor with the name of Doctor Thomas Haslen as one of his Executors, which he did. And the said BatcheUor was afterwards in the aftemoon twice raised up in the bed to Sign it, but being taken with Such violent pains could not Set up Long Enough to do it, and about five o'Clock this aftemoon died away, to aU appearance in Sound Mind and perfect Sences, and further this deponant Sayeth not. Rd. Cogdell. Newbern, November 27, 1777. Swom to Before me: Joseph Leech, J. P. North Carolina, Craven County, ss. This day about Seven o'Clock after noon, also PersonaUy Appeared before me, Joseph Leech, one of the Justices for said County, Mr. Michael Gorman, who being Swom on the Holy Evangelists Declareth that he well knows that Richard CogdeU, Esqr., attended every day at Mr. Edward BatcheUor's for several days before he died for the purpose of drawing his WiU, and that he this Deponant, with Mr. John Flynn, were both called up between five and Six o'Clock this aftemoon to Mr. Batchelor's room where he was Laying sick to be Evidences to his Signing his WiU, and that the Said Batchelor was twice Lifted up in his bed to Sign it but was taken with Suoh violent pains he could not keep up Long Enough and died away before he could Sign it. Seemingly to him in Sound Mind and perfect Sences, and that the WiU hereto annexed is the Same WUl that Richard 34 North Carolina Wills. CogdeU, Esq., had in his hand which Mr. Batchelor was then going to Sign which they were called to Evidence and further this deponant Sayeth not. Michl. Gorman. Newbern, November 27th., 1777. Swom to before me, Joseph Leech, J. P. North Carolina, Craven County, ss This day also, about Seven o'Clock after noon, PersonaUy appeared before me, Joseph Leech, one of the Justices for the Said County, Mr. John Flynn, Who being Sworn on the Holy EvangeUsts Declareth, that on tuesday mom the twenty fifth Instant November, Mr. Edward Batchelor of Newbern, Merchant, Since deceased, Sent him to Richard CogdeU, Esqr., for the purpose of desiring him to Come to draw his Will for him, which Mr. CogdeU did and hath been every day Since at Mr. Batchelors about the Same, and that this aftemoon between five and Six o'Clock he and Mr. Michael Gorman were both caUed up to the room where Mr. Batchelor Lay Sick to be Evidences with Richard CogdeU Esqr to the said Will which Said CogdeU then held in his hand and which Mr. Batchelor was twice raised up to Sign, but was seized with such violent pains that he could set up to sign it, and then Soon after died away, Seemingly to him in his Sound Mind and perfect memory, and that the WiU hereto annexed is the WiU Mr. CogdeU then held in his hand which Mr. Batchelor was then going to Sign, and further this Deponant Sayeth not. John Flynn. Newbem, November 27th., 1777. ' Swom to before me, Joseph Leech, J. P. State of North Carolina, New Bern, 4th., December, 1777. PersonaUy appeared before me, Richd. Caswell, Esqr., Govemor & Commander in Chief of the said State, Richard Cogdell, John Flynn and Michael Gorman, and being swom upon the Holy evangeUsts, SeveraUy declared that the foregoing affidavits by them respectively made before Joseph Leech, Esqr., and Certified by him and Signed by the said Richd. Cogdell, John Flynn and Michael Gorman, are true, that is to say, each of the said Witnesses declare that the affidavit signed by himseU is true. At the Same Time Doctor Thomas Haslen and Mrs. Frances Batchelor appeared and Qualified as Executor & Executrix to the said Last Will & Testament by takeing the Usual Oath before me. Of the premisses the Secretary is required to take Notice and issue Letters 'Testamentary Accordingly. Rd. Caswell. Copied from Original WiU filed in Office of the Secretary of State. HENRY LAWRENCE BATE'S WILL. In The Name of God Amen, the Twelf day of may, 1740. I, Henry Lawrence Bate, being very sick & weak in Body, but of Perfect mind & memory, Thanks be given Unto God, There fore CaUing Unto mind The mortality of my Body & Knowing That it is appointed for all men once to die, do make & Ordain This my Last will & Testament: That is to say, North Carolina Wills. 35 PrincipaUy & first of all, I give & recommend my soul Into The hands of God that gave it; and my Body I recommend to The Earth, to be buried In decent Christian Burial at the discretion of my Executors, Nothing doubting but at the gen- eraU resruection I shall receive the same again by the Mighty Powers of God; And as Touching such worldly Estate where with it hath Pleased God to bless me In this life I Give demise & Dispose of the same In the foUowing manner & form. Imprimis. I Give & bequeath to my Loving son, Augustine Bate, my Lands & Plantation whereon I now Live To him & his heirs for ever. 2dly. I Give & bequeath to the Child my wife is Big with, One hundred Acres of land joyning to the Land I now live on (the sd Land I hold By deed from Jonathan Taylors), to that & its heirs for Ever. 3dly. I Give & bequeath to My son, Augustine Bate, & the ChUd my wife is Big with, One Negro woman Named Janny & her Encreas, to be EquaUy Divided between them when they are at ye Age of twenty one years, To them & Their heirs for ever. 4thly. My wiU is that if Either of my Above mention chil dren Should Die before they are of Age, the Other ShaU have all I have given them. 5thly. I Give & Bequeath to my Loving Brother, Humphry Bate, one sorrold horse with a white blaze In his face, CaUed Spark, aU my wearing apparil Except one hat at the hatters; one hackny saddle & Bridle, And one fifth Part of AU my stock of Hogs which was Raised Last Winter, he Taking Care of the Stock tiU market presents. 6thly. I Give & bequeath to my Loving Sister, Ann Bate, one gold Ring of fifteen shils price Virginia Currency. 7thly. I Give and Bequeath to my Loving wife Martha Bate the Use of my Plantation I now live on and One Negro woman Named Janney During her Natural Life. Sthly. I Give & bequeath to my Hond. mother, Sarah Sanders, the Use of one hundred Acres of Land I hold By deed from Jonathan Taylor, During Tier natural Life; & One hun dred Pounds in PubUck BiUs to be raised out of my Personal Estate, to be paid her towards BuUding a house on ye sd. Land. 9thly. After aU my just Debts & funerall Charges & Lega cies are paid, I Give & bequeath the remaining Part of my Personal Estate to be EquaUy divided between my Loving Wife & ChUdren. Lastly, I Constitute & appouit my Loving wife Martha Bate my Executrix & my Loving Brother, Humphry Bate, & my Loving Brother in Law, Thomas WhitmeU, Executors To this my Last WUl & Testament & I doe hereby revoke & DisanuU aU former wills By made and acknowledge this to be my Last wiU & Testament. 36 North Carolina Wills. In witness whereof I have hear Unto set my hand and seal the day & Year above written. Enterlind before signd with the word. Die. Henry La-whence Bate. (Seal) Signs, Sealed & Delivered In Presence of us: Will Cathcart, Henry Hunter, Sabah Hunter. Eden House, July 9, 1740. Then proved before me. Gab. Johnbton. Copied from Original WiU filed in the Office of the Secretary of State. THOMAS BELL'S WILL. North Carolina, ss. In the Name of God, Amen. I, Thomas Bell, of Albe marle County, Gentn., being of Sound and Perfect mind and memory, doe make, Ordaine, constitute and declare these presents to be and contain my last WUl and Testiament, hereby revokeing & makeing Null and Void all former and other Wills by me heretofore made or declared. Imprimis. I give devise and bequeath unto my Cousen, WiUiam Bell, and to his Heirs for ever, all my Tract of Land called Matthew's Point in Perquimains Precinct. Item. I give devise and bequeath unto my Cousen, Thomas Bele, Son to my Brother, John Bele, and to his Heirs for ever Fifteen Acres of Land out of my "Tract of Land joyning on Kendricks Creek, it being the Tract of Land on which I now live, and to be laid out according to the discretion of my Execut's hereafter named, so as to take in & include the Plantation that is cleared & the House now built at the Back Landing; Also Two hundred Acres of Land more to be laid out by my Exec ute's as aforesaid so as to joyne on the deep Runn & Swamp or division between my land and Mr. Cullen PoUocks & so as not to take in or include my Plantation that is Cleared at the deep Runn. Item. I give devise and bequeath unto my Cousens, Ann & Jane, the Children of my Brother, John Bell, the Sum of Fifty Pounds (the currancy of this Country) to each, to be paid unto them Severaly as they shale arrive to full age or day of Marriage which shall first happen. Item. It is my Will that my Execut'. hereafter named or the survivor of them doe see that out of the profitts annualy arriseing by my Estate, they doe maintain & Educate my North Carolina Wills. 37 Cousins, Thomas, and Anne, Children of my Brother, John, in as handsome and good a manner as may be. Item. Is my Will that ale the residue of my Estate boath real & personal be and remain unto my Loveing Wife, Eliza beth, dureing her life, and after her dcease unto my Cosen, WUliam Mackey, & his heirs for ever. Provided & be it here by understood that if my Cousen, WUliam Mackey, shall depart this Ufe before my Wife; or dye without Heirs lawfully begotten by him, that then aU my said Estate boath real & Personal be and remain (after the Decease of my Wife) unto my Cousen, Thomas Bell, the Son of my Brother, John Bell & his Heirs for ever. Item. It is my Will that no Sale be made of any Slaves or Stock, but that my Estate be kept intire as it now is as near as possible dureing ye life of my Loving Wife, Elizabeth, excepting my Sloop which I leave to the discretion of my Executors hereafter named to employ or dispose of as they shall think most proper. Lastly, I doe make Nominate & appoint my Loveing Wife, EUzabeth, and Loveing Cousen, WUUam Mackey, to be Execu trix & Executor of this my WUl & Teastiament whome I desire to see aU Parts of this my WiU performed. In Testimony whereof, I, the said Thomas BeU, have here unto put my hand & Seale this Eleventh day of December, One thousand, Seven hundred & Thirty three. Thos. Bell. (Seal.) Signed, Sealed, PubUshed & declared to be my last WiU & Testiament (being Interlined, with ye words [after ye Decease of my Wife]) in Presence of us. Saml. Durrance. W. Downing, her Hanah H Gibkin. marke Chowan, Sc. January Court, 1733. The within WUl of Thomas BeU was in Open Court proved by the Oath of WiUiam Downing, one of the Subscribing Evidences thereto. Test. Mobeley Vail, Cler. Cur. Copied from Original WUl filed in the Office of the Secretary of State. 38 North Carolina Wills. WILLIAM BENBURY'S WILL. North Carolina, ss. In the Name of God Amen. I, WiUiam Benbury, of ye prcinct. of Chowan, in ye Govermt. of No. Carolina, Planter, being Sick & weak in Body, but of Sound and perfect mind & memory (praised be God) Do make, ordaine, Constitute & Declare These presents to be & Containe my last wUl & Testamt., Hereby revokeing & annuUing all former & Other wills or Testamt. by me heretofore made or Declared. I wiU that all my just debts & funeral Expences be paid by my Executrix hereafter named. I give & bequeith ye plantation whereon I now live, together with my other plantation whereon my Son In Law, James Watch, now liveth, unto my loving wife, Jane, for & During ye term of her Natural Ufe; & after her Decease, I Give & devise ye plantation whereon I now live to my Son, WiUiam, & his heirs & Assigns for ever; & my other plantation whereon James Watch now liveth, after ye Decease of my sd. wife, I Give, devise & bequeith unto my Son, Jno., & his heirs & assigns for ever. I Give & bequeith unto my loving wife, Jane afsd. ye Use, Occupation of all my personal Estate wtsoever, for & duering ye terme & time She Shall remaine Sole; And I hereby Author ise & Impower my Sd wife at any time During her life, or by her last will Testamt., to Give, Devise or bequeith all my personal Estate to Such of my Children now unmarried, & in Such parts & portions as She shall think fitt; but if it so happens that my Sd. wife, Shoud after my Decease marry, Then & In such Case I Give, devise & bequeith ye two thirds of my personal Estate to be Equally Devided att Such time of marrage, amonge my Children now immarried, Vizt : William, John, Martha, and Hannah, & ye other third to my wife afsd.. Except & always reserved to my Son, WiUiam, ye MiU now Standing in my house, & to my son, Jno., As much money as ShaU purchas another, & lastly Doe make, Constitute & appoint my loveing wife, Jane my whole & Sole Executrix of this my last will & Testamt. In lestimony whereof, I, ye Said William Benbury, have hereunt put my hand & Seal, this thirteenth Day of July, Anno Dem., 1709. Wm. Benbury. Signed Sealed, published And W. B. declared in presence of: Henry Bonner. Ann Mosely. Edwd Mosely. Recorded in WiU Book 2, p. 39, Office of Secretary of State. North Cabolina Wills. 39 JOHN BENNET'S WILL. In The Name of God Amen. I, Jno. Bennet, of Coratuck P'cinct, in ye Albemarle, In ye province of No CaroUna, being of perfect mind & remembrance, praised be almighty God, Doe make this my last wiU & Testamt. In manner & forme foUowing: First, I freely Surrender my Soul unto almighty God who Gave itt unto me hopeing to receive free pardon & remission of all my Sins through ye Infte. mercy of my Infitly. Gracious Jehovah, in & through ye merits of my precious Redeemer; & for my body to be decently buried att ye Discretion of my Extrs. or Extx. hereafter nominated. I Give & bequeith unto my son Joseph one half this tract of land I now Uve upon, being three himdred & Twenty four acres, with appartenances; also from ye break to ye back ridge. Except two acres for a Chappel upon ye Back Ridge joying to Jno. Robs Land. I Give unto my Son, Benjamin, ye other moiety or half pt. of ye sd. Tract I now Uve upon with ye appartenances also & furthermore I freely fuUy & absolutely Give unto my sd. Sons, I manner & forme afsd. & to ye heirs of their Body law fuUy begotten; & for want of such issue to revert, Decend & Come to my Bro' Joseph Bennet & to ye heir of his body law fuUy begotten; & for want of Such Isue to revert, Decend & Come to my Couzan, WiUiam Jones of , In No Hampton Shire & to ye heirs of his body lawfuUy begotten; & for want of such Isue to remaine & be for ye use of poor old men or woamen that have been honest & laborious & so to Continue to ye worlds End, always provided & Excepted & So reprised that my lawfuU & loving wife, mary, shall have hold possess & quietly Enjoy my plantation I now live upon with aU Conveniences & appartinances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaineing During her Natural Ufe. & then to revert & be as Is limited & appointed afsd. I Give & bequeith to my Son, benjamin, half that Tract I bought of Jonh Nicker joyning on ye line of ye afsd. Tract on ye South Side & on ye hne of Edward Jones Senr. on ye North Side. I freely fuUy and Absolutely Give unto my sd. Son ye sd. half with ye appertenances & to ye heirs of his body law fuUy begotten; & for want of Such Isue to revert decent & Come to my Son, Joseph, & ye heirs of his body lawfuUy begot ten & for want of such Isue to revert, decend, & come to my Brother, Joseph Bennet, & to ye heirs of his body lawfuUy begotten; & for ye want of Such Isue to remaine & bee for ye use & bennefitt of poor ChUdren To pay for their Schooling & to remaine unto ye worlds End. Now for ye other moiety of haK pt. on ye North Side adjoy- 40 North Carolina Wills. ning to ye land of Edward Jones, Senr., I freely, fully & abso lutely give unto my Son, Joseph, & to ye heirs of his body law fully begotten, & for want of Such Isue to revert, decend & Come to my Son Benjamin & to ye heirs of his body lawfuUy begotten, & for want of Such Isue to be lett by ye Elders of ye Parrish to Dispose to Charitable uses & so to Continue to ye End of ye worlds End. For my Island I Doe freely & absolutely Give unto my two Sons, Jos. & Benjamin, for ye breeding young Cattle & horses & to be undevided to them & their heirs lawfuUy begotten, & for want of such Isue to revert, decend & come to my Couzan Towers frith & to ye heirs of his Body lawfully begotten, & for want of such Isue to remaine & be for ye use & benefit of ye poore of ye No west River & so to Continue to ye worlds End. Now for my Tract of land Lying on ye East Side Moyoke Creek, being three hundred & fifty acres my whole mind & wUl is that itt shall be Sould & ye money laid out to buy Servants by my Executris & my wife to have ye use & benefitt of themm During her Natural life, & then to be equally devided between my abovesd. two Sons, provided always, & my further wiU is, that if either of my two Joseph & Benjamin or ye heirs of either of them Doe attempt or Goe about to doe any act, or acts, thing or things to alien or discontinue ye lands. Tene ments & hereditamts. or any pt. or parcel thereof, to them, either or any of them by me Given & bequeithed in maimer & forine afsd. either by Testme-nt, fine, recovery or othermse by a'ny ways or means so that ye same lands & every and parcel thereof. Can not, or my not, decend, Come, remaine, revert, & be in manner & forme before this my vnll limited, declared & appoint & according to ye true Intent & meaning of this my Gift, wiU and last Testamt. yt then Immediately & from thence froth ye Estate, Enterest & Title of him or them so attempting Doeing or Going about any Such act or acts, thing or things, as afsd., then Immediately & from thence forth ye Sames shall remaine & be to such person or persons as by this my last will is limited & appointed in manner & forme & upon ye like Condi tion or Conditions as though he or they so attempting or Going about any act or acts, thing or things, in forme afsd. near & Indeede any thing in this my p'sent last will afore mentioned or declared to ye Contrary notwithstanding * * * (Illegible). "'*''' (IUegible) Estate with in ye province of No Carolina my whole mind & will is that my Wife Shall have ye one half During her Natural Ufe & then at her Decease, to Give itt to one of my Sons or both of them or to one Grandchilde of mine or to all of them or to Either during (?) one as afsd according to their Care of or Kindness to her. Now for ye other half of my afsd. Estate my whole & mind & will is that itt be equaUy devided between my above sd. two Sons, furthermore my whole North Carolina Wills. 41 mind & wiU is that my Wife shall have anything Except Cattle & hoggs of my Sons pts. paying them for what she shall Chuse for her use being Duely appraised, & my further will is that forty Shillings be taken of my whole Estate before any devesion be made to pay for ye Schooling of two poor ChUdren for one whole year. Now for my house & land & houshold Goods with all other Goods & Cattle arriving (?) to my wife by a legace of two hundred & fifty pounds Given unto her by her Grandfather Mr. Richard Nesent (?) of South pedeeton in Sumenersett Shire, with in ye realme of old England, my whole mind & will is that my wife shaU have ye one Moiety or half pt. & ye other Moiety or half pt. to be equally Devided among all my Grand ChUdren. & what is my proper rite house, Cisteme, houshold Goods, & other things I Give to my afsd two Sons, Joseph & Benjamin, yt is to say that wch. was left in Burmodas att my first wifes Coming away to me Into Corowtuck: & my further mind will is that thay my adopted Son, Sampson Goldard, shall have land upon either of my Sons Tracts by me Given with in one Quarter of a mile of either of my sd Sons plantations During his Natural hfe; & one heifer wth. Calf & one sow with pigg, provided he Uve with my wife untill he be of ye age of one & Twenty & behave himself DutifuUy towards her. And I Doe make ordaine & appoint my wife, mary, my Sole Executrix of this my last will & Testamt. If She doe live to prove this my last will & Testamt. & it Please God to take her out of this Sublunary world before ye afsd probation then my whole mind & will is that my son Joseph shall be rny Executor, & my Son Benjamin to succeed my Son Joseph in his Executorship if Death so Cause a necessity & I revoke & make void & nuU all other wills & Testamts. In witness whereof I have hereunto Sett my Seal this Tenth of December, Anno, 1710. John Bennett. George Thomson. Ann Thomson. Edwabd E C Cob. Edward E S Staffobd. Recorded in WUl Book 2, Page 49, Office of the Secretary of State. RICHARD BLACKLEDGE'S WILL. In the Name of God Amen. The 20 Day of February, in the yeare of Our Lord, one thousand Seven hundred & seventy Six, I, Richard Blackledge, Senr., of Craven County, in the provance of No. Carolina, being in Parfect Health, Sound mind 42 NoBTH Carolina Wills. & memory, Do make and ordain this my last WiUl and Teste- ment in manner and form following: Imprimis, I give unto my Loving wife, Ann Blackeldge, the use of the following Negroes Slaves, Viz. : Tanner Joe, and his wife Hannah, and her Son Nedd, negro woman Jean, and her Daughter Sebinah, and Boy Moses, & man Fryday, for and During the Term of her Natural Life, provided they are not Carryed out of the County (without Security given for thire Return, at the Decease of my said wife,) I also give unto my said wife, a negro Gairl Named MiUe & her Increase for Ever, I allso give to my said wife the use of the Land Called Hand- cocks Plantation, with all the Land I Bought of Joseph Cris pin, for and During her natural Life; & allso the Benefitt of one hundred and forty apple Trees to be laid of on the Back of the old Orchard on my manner Plantation, for the Term of Ten Yeares, after my Decease; I allso give unto my wife Sixty pounds, in money, to be laid out by my Executors for Building a house on the said Lands, and my will and Desire is, that a Sufiicient Quantity, of Scantlery and Plank be furnished, for the said House, and other out houses Nessery, from my uper Saw mill, I allso give to her my said wife the Laboure of five (?) good negro men, for the Space of three months, Imediately after Crops laid by, to help Cleare ground on said Plantation. Item. I give and Bequeath unto my Said Loving wife, Ann Blackledge, Six Cowes, & Calves, and fifteen head of Dry Cat tel, the Choice of my Stock on my Manner Plantation (work ing oxen Excepted), and all my Stock of Sheep, Excepting Six yewes and Lambs, that I Reserve for Mr. Spyers Singleton; aUso aU my Stock of Hoggs in Fork of Nuce and Contenteny, one half bf my Crop of Corn, pees, Flax, and Cotton, & Perta- toes, and all my Household Furniture one yoak of Oxen, a good Cart, and a Sufficient of Plantation Tools for the working her Plantation; allso my Riding Chaire, maire, womans Sad dle, Two horses, the Choice of what I have, to her and her Heirs and assigns for Ever. Item. I give and Bequeath unto my Son, Richard Black ledge, the Plantation where on I now Dwell, and all that part of Andrew Basse's Patent for foure hundred and fifty Acres Lying to the westward of the AUegator Branch and a line to be to be Drawn from the mouth of the said Branch, Lower Comer on the River side; allso, all that part of my Patent for Six hundred and forty Acres, Joining Brantons, Jones, and PhUlipes, which lyeth to the westward of the head of Said Branch, & Joining last mentioned old Patents; and One half part of aU my Lands and miUs on Batchelders Creek, Subject to the Reservation hereafter made, to him and his Heirs and assigns for Ever. Item. I give and Bequeath to my said son, Richard Black- North Carolina Wills. 43 ledge, The One undivided half part of Two hundred and sev enty five Acers Land on the north side of Nuce River at Pecosen Point, Taken up and Patented in the Joint names, of Chisto- pher Neale and Richard Blackledge; also the northern Quor ter part of the Lott one hundred and Eight, with the Proper Front of the said part. Lying in the Town of New Bem; Allso one Lott of Land in the said Town, on Frunt Street, Number forty Six, to him my said Son Richard Blackledge and his heirs, and assigns for Ever; aUso one sett of Smiths Tooles to be kept for the use of the mills at Batchelders Creek, and all my Library of Books, and my wearing apparel, and one peare of Gold Sieve Buttons that I ware, & my wa,tch; I aUso give & Bequeath to my Said son, Richard Blackledge, The uper half of Six hundred and Forty Acres of Land, being the uper Sur- vay for that Quantity of Land on Mosleys Creek; aUso Six hundred and forty Acres of Land Patented by John Fowler & Richard Blackledge Jur., & Son WiUiam Blackledge and Son Benjamin Blackledge Jur., now an Infant, Two hundred Acres of Land, Patented by mySelf Eleventh of March, 1775, Lying on the Eastermost Branch of Mosleys Creek, for the mutual use and benefitt, of a Reservoy of water, for all ye Lower Lands I hold on Said Creek: & this I strictly for- Bid and Disere may Never be Sold to any person Out of the FamUey while theres one of the name that hold a foot of Low grounds on Mosleys Creek. Item. I give and Bequeath to my Son, Thomas Black ledge, Blackledge, all that Tract of Land I Bought of WUham Farmer and wife, (Daughter of Caleb Mattcalf, Deceased), and One hundred Acres Land lying on the Beever Dam, Pat ented by Andrew Bass, Joining the above; and one half part of all my Lands, & mills on Batchelders Creek (Subject to the Reservation heare after made) to him his heirs and assigns for Ever. I give and bequeath to my said son Thomas, The Southermost Quorter part of Lott Number One hundred and Eight, in New Bem, with the Proper Front of Said part of Said Lott; allso one Lott in said Town, Number Foure Hun dred and four; and the One haU of my One third part of Fifty Acres of marsh Land on Trent River, Neare New Bern, Joimng the Town Line; allso One Negro Man Named Quomino, and Foure Cowes and Calves, to him my Said Thomas, and his Heirs and assigns for Ever. Item. I give and Bequeath unto my Son WiUiam Black ledge all That Tract of Land I Bought of Benjamin Keith, together with that part of Andrew Basse's Patent, for four hundred and fifty Acres of Land, which Lyes on the East Side of the Alhgator Branch, and a line to Be Drawn on Run from the mouth of Said Branch to the Lower Corner of said Patent of Andrew Bass' es; Together with a Patent for Seventy Acres; 44 North Carolina Wills. and one other Patent for Thirty Seven Acres on the Front of Keeths Place; and all the Lands I hold or own on The East side of the head of the allegater Branch, Joining caleb Wig- gines, and John Phillips; allso one hundred and Eighty Acres of Land I Bought of Richard Gibbs; and one Other Tract of Land for one hundred & Eighty five Acres on the Egle Swamp Joining Phillips; & one Other Tract that Joins Bothe these Last Patents, in my own Name; allso One Tract Patented by me, for five hundred and fourteen Acres Opposite Coxes Ferry; aUso Two Tracts of Land I Bought of John Browning; and one Tract of Land, of One hundred Acres that I Bought of Henry Darnall & .wife, these three Last Tracts Lays in Con tenteny Neck; allso half of all my Lands On Mosleys Creek, Excepting whats before given & allso Excepting one Tract for Six hundred and Forty Acres of Land that I Bought of Wm. Russell; this I Desire may be sold, by my Exec, (if Peter & David Golstrap Dont take, itt as they & I Partly agreed, & youi find ye memorandon made in the Day Book); But the half of aU ye other Lands, pine Trees that I have Reserved on Lands Sold by my Self, & Trees I Bought of Leve Trew- hett, I give to my Son WilUam his Heirs & assigns for Ever. I aUso give and Bequeth to my said son WUliam one half of a Front Lot in New Bern which I Own with Christopher Neale, whare the Slaughter house Stands; and one half of my One third part of fifty Acres of marsh Land on Trent, neere New Bern, Together with the Saw and Grist MUls, Erected on the Bever Dam near my Home plantation, with Two good yoak of Oxen, one peare of Timber wheels, Screw & Chane and Ox Cart, four Cowes and Calves and The following negroes : Sip's son George, Boy Jack, a Tanner by Trade, & Augustus Ceasar, negro wench Lucy and Daughters Dina and Temp, and thire futer Increse; which said Lands, Lotts, Slaves & thire Futer Incress To him my said son WiUiam, and his Heirs, and Assigns for Ever. Item. I give and Bequeath unto my son, Benjamin Black ledge, The Lands and Plantation given to my Said wife her Life time; allso Two hundred Acres of Land on Stonington Creek in Dobbs & Craven County; allso that Tract of Land on the south Side of Nuce River Imown by the Name of Trew- hetts old Place, with all the Lands Joining the Same and one half of all my Lands on mosleys Creek not heretofore given away, or Ordered to be Sold with the half of the pine Trees Reserved & Purchased, in order if it shold be agreeable to my Two Sons, WUUam & Benjamin, that thay might Buld a saw & grist miU on Some Conveenant place on Said Creek; I aUso give unto my said son Benjamin Blackledge, The following negroes, Dick, Fourtain, & Lidea, and half the negroes I wUled to my wife Ann Blackledge her Ufe Time, to be DeUvered to North Carolina Wills. 45 my son Benjamin Imediatly after my WKes Deceas, to him his Heirs and assigns for Ever; aUso foure Cowes & Calves, and one Lott in The Town of New Bem, Number foure hun dred and five to him his Heires and Assigns for Ever. Item. I give and Bequeath to my Son in Law, Spires Single ton, to hold in Trust for any ChUdren he may have by my Daughter Elizabeth, his wife. The One half of aU my Lands at Mattemeskeet, Patented By Christopher Neal & SeK, John Jones and Edward Spencer; allso one half of haK of a Tract of Land Patented by mr Christr. Neal in Quanitty and QualUty, so as to give the EquU One half in Value; allso one haK of my One third part in a Tract of Land Bought at mattemeskeet Betwen Cap Chris'. Neale, Capr John Jones, and SeK, aU these Lands Lays at Mattameskeet; aUso the foUowing Slaves, one Indean or Mustee Garle Named AmeUa, One negro man Named Cuff, one negro woman Floro, one negro Boy Frank, One Negro Gairl Violet, and there futer Increase, To them, there Hiers and assigns for Ever; AUso four Cawes & Calves, & six yewes and Lambs, I give and Bequeath my Said Son in Law, his heirs and assigns for Ever; I aUso give my said Son in Law to hold in Trust as afore said. Eighty pounds to be laid Out as soon as it Can be raised by my Execr. to Buy for my Said Daughter Elizabeths Children one Young Breeding wench, for her & her Increase to be Divided Amongst my grand ChUdren, K any, as foUows, Viz.: I first Disere my Daughter, Elizebeth, now wKe of Mr. Spires Singleton, may have the use & Benefitt of the Laboure of said negroes & Rente of said Lands, K any, for and During her natural LKe; the Lands to go aU to her oldest Son, K She hath any Lawfully begotten, S none, then to be EquiUy Devided amongst all her ChUdren; & ye negroes and there future Increase to be EquUly Devided amongst her Children, or the Survivers of them, there Heirs and assigns for Ever; I allso give my Daughter Elizebeth Ten pounds to Buy her a moming Ring, and a pair of Gold Buttons. The aforesaid Lands and negroes to be Devided amongst my Grand ChUdren, K any, Imediately after the dcease of my said Daughter Elizebeth, & not before unless itts agreeable to her: And in Case She Dies with Out Leiving any Children or grand ChUdren aUve behind her, then I give the afoesd. Negroes & Land to EquiUy Divided amongst my Other ChUdren Or there Heirs or assigns for Ever. Item. I give and Bequeath to my Said son in Law, Spires Singleton, the HaK of one Lott of Land in the Town of New Bem that I Bought of Joseph HaU, Number four hundred and Six, to him, his Heres and Assigns for Ever. Item. I give and Bequeath to my son in Law, Cap John Jones of Lower merian, in Penselvania, to hold in Trust for any ChUdren he may have by my Daughter EUenor, his wKe, 46 North Carolina Wills. The One half of all my Land that I hold at mattemeskeet. Patented By Capt Christo' Neal, Self, John Jones, & Edward Spencer; aUso One Lott of Land in New Bern, No. Two hun dred and thirty Six; as allso One half of my one third part of a Tract of Land Bought by Chris'' Neale, Said John Jones, & my Self, according to Quanitty and QualUty, I Desere the said Lands my be Devided, the said John Jones & Spyres Singleton, to hold in trust for the Children of my Two said Daughters; I allso give into my Said son in Law John Jones, to hold in 'Trust for the Children he may have by my Daughter EUener, now his wife, the following Slaves, Viz.: negro man Simon & his wife Hannah & her son PoUepus & gairl Rachel, Besides the Gairl Penney which She haith with her now, and thire futer Increas, to them thire Heirs & assigns for Ever; I aUso Give & Bequeath, unto my Said Son in Law, John Jones, in Trust as afoesaid for the Children he may have by my said Daughter Ellenor, the Sum of Eighty pounds, to Layd Out by my Exec', as soon as it Can be Raised out of my Estate, to buy a young Breeding negro wench with, for her and her futer Increas to be Devided amongst my Grand Children that my Said Daughter Ellenor haith by the said John Jones, if any if Shes none by him, any Other Children She may Law fully have by any Other Husband. First, I Desire my Daugh ter EUener wife of the said John Jones, may have the use & Laber of the aforeSaid Slaves for and During her natural Life; allso the the Rents and Benefitts of Said Lands &c. Then I Desire the Lands & Lotts Given to Said John Jones in Trust as aforeSaid, may all of it go to the Oldest son My Said Daugh ter EUener may have by Said John Jones, his Heres and Assigns for Ever, or K she Shold have non by him, & shold she have any other son Lawfully begotten or to be begotten, I give the said Lands & Lotts to him, his Heires & assigns. Secondly I Disere the negores & there future Increas, after my said Daughters Death, be EquiUy Devided amongst her Children, or the Surver of them, that She may have by the Said John Jones, or any Other Husband, and there Heires and assigns for Ever. The Said Lands and negroes to be Imediately Di vided after the Decase of my said Daughter, amoungst her Children & my Grandchildren, if She hath any Left alive, if not, then My will and Disere is that the aforesaid Lands & negroes, may be EquiUy Devided amongst the Rest of my Children or the Survivers of them, thire Heeres and assigns for Ever. Item. I give and Bequeath to my Daughter, Ann Black ledge, The foUowing negroes Viz.: negro man CaUed Miller George, Boy Daniel, & girle matha, & one negro wench to be Bought out of my Estate, thats young, & wiU Bread; allso, I give to my Said Daughter, Ann, the One half of the negroes North Carolina Wills. 47 wiUed to my wKe, Ann, Dureing her LKe time, to be Delivered to my Said Daughter, Ann, ImediaUy after my wKes Death, to her her Heeres and assigns; allso. One Tract of Land I hold on the Loosing Swamp, of three hundred Acers, and Two Other Tracte of Lands that I hold in Dobbs County, one Neare David Jamigan Jur. on the No side of Nuce River, that I Bought of mr peter Knights, & One Other Tract of Land that Lays On the So. Side of nuce, Neare David Jame- gan, the younger, that Mr Andrew Bass gave me; I allso give Ten "pounds a peace to my Daughters Elenor Jones, & my Daughter Ann, allso Ten pounds to my Loving wKe Ann Blackledge, to Each of them to Buy a moming Rings & a pair of gold Buttons; the afore Said Lands & negroes I give to my Daughter Ann, here Heeres and assigns for Ever. Item. I give and Bequeath to any Child, or ChUdren that my wKe may now be pregnant with, or that She may have Nine months, after my Decease; the foUowing negroes Viz.: Monday a Cooper, Comeliah, & Bay Cane, & girl Tabitha, And one other young Breeding wench to be Bought Out of my Estate as soon as the money Can be Raised, with thire fu ter Increase to him, her or them, there Heers and assigns for Ever. Item. I give and Bequeath to my son, Richard, the fol lowing negroes, Scipio, Tayler, Jack, Begg, Jem, wench Per- sUlah and hir Daughter Silve; Two yoak of Oxen, Two peare of Timber wheels, one Ox Cart, haK of aU the Tooles Belonging to the mUls & haK the Stock of Cattel and Hoggs that Runs on Batchelders Creek & Jumping Run; & half the Boates Belonging to the said Mills on Batchelders Creek, or places adjacent: and my will and Desire is that Two yeares proffitt of the aforesaid mills, at Batchelders Creek and the negroes Given to my son Richard, aUso with what I have and shall heare after give my son Thos. or so much of them as is sofee- cent, Shall be Imployed, ImediaUy after my Decease, to the Bulding of a Saw & Grist mill, up Batchelders Creek, wheare I Cleare'd to make the Dam Last Summer, a littel Below the forks of said Creek or neare that place, whare my Execr. thinks itt Can be best & most Convently be Don; & when Said mills are Buit & Desire the Neat Proffs of all ye miUs on Batchelders Creek with this to be Erected may be EquUly Devided betwen my Two Son Richard, and Thomas, & thire Heirs and assigns for Ever. I give and Bequeath to my Son, Thomas, The Other half of my Stock of Cattel & Hoggs on Batchelders and Jumping Run with ye Boates and utensUs at sd. mills, to him my Sd. Son, Thomas, His Heres and assigns for Ever, or the Survivers of them, the said Richard and Thos. thats In Case Either of them Shold Die with Out Coming to the age of Twenty one or Leaving ChUdren alive behind them Lawfully begotten. 48 North Carolina Wills. And my wUl andfPesire is, that if Either of my said Sons shold Disagree in Continuing the said mills at work that they shall not have power to Convay to others, but that the Valua tion there of shall be left to the Determenation of Two or more skUfuU Honest men and Draw by Lots for the Chance of sell ing or Buying the said mills with all the Lands I hold on the said Creek & Jumping Run the shares of the Parties Con tending and the Purchaser shaU have Twelve months Credett free of Intrust. Item. I give and Bequeath to my son, Thomas, the foUow ing negroes Besides the one heretofore given, Tony & his wife Combe, man Industry, & Boy Grigg, to him his Heers and assigns for Ever, Item. I give to mrs. mary Neal, Ten pounds to Buy a morning Ring and a pair of Gold Buttons. Item. I give to Miss Betsey Baker, Ten pounds to Buy her a Mourning Ring and a pair of gold Buttons. Item. I give and Bequeath to my Honourd Feather, Ben jamin Blackledge Senr., Ten pounds P Annum During his naturl Life, and the Labour of my negro man Ceazer. Item. I hereby Impower my Executors or any Two of them to Sign Seale and Execute any Deed or Deeds of sale for Lands to be Sold in Vertue of this will, or heretofore Sold by me and Deeds not Executed or fulfiled or perform, any Contract or Covenant in as full a manner as I Cold, ware I in Being. And to the End that my Heires, or Legatees may see how Earnestly I Recommend it to them to Shun Law Sutes, it is my will and Desire, & I hereby order that if any Misunder standing, or Dispute shold arise conconing or Relating to this my will, that the Parties Contending Shall ImediaUy make Choise of Two or more Skillfull Honest men, whoes De termination shall be final, and if any Legatee or thire Hiers or assigns Shall Refuse to Comply with Such Settlement, I hereby Declare him her or them, to be for Ever Barred from the Injoy- ment of Such Contested Legacy or Intrust in Dispute. Item. All the Rest of my Real Estate not hereby Devided I give to be EquiUy Devided amongst my Children or the Survivers of them, According to Quanitty and QuaUity in Such manner as my Exec, may think most Just & Equitable to them and thire Heirs and assigns for Ever; and all the Remaining part of my Personal Estate I Desire may be Sold Imideally after my Decease for Twelve months Credett with Intrust from the Day of sale and the money Ariseing thereby to pay of my Debts and Legacyes in this my will mentioned; aUso all Debts Dew me to be Collected as soon as possible and the Residue to be Equally Devided amongst all my Chil dren, or the Survivers of them, thire Heres or assigns for Ever. Lastly I mominate, Constitute and Appoint my Freind North Carolina Wills. 49 Jacob Blount, Esquire, Christopher Neale, my Son Richard Blackledge Jur., and my Son in Law Spyers Singleton, to be Executors, to this my mU, aUso Guardians of aU my ChUdren, of whome I Request that my Children, be weU Educated, thire Plantations weU Rented, and negroes hired out to advantage. In Witness whare of I, the said Richard Blackledge, have hereunto Sett my hand, to this my wUl Contained on Two Sheete of paper and affixt my Seal, the Day and year first above Written. Richd Blackledge (Seal) Signed, Sealed, PubUshed and Declared by the Testator as his Last wUl and Testament in the Presente of us who Signed Our Names as Evidences at the Re quest of the Testator, in his Pres ence and allso of Each Other. J. G. Blount. Haney Cannon. Reading Bloutnt. State op North Carolina. These are to Certify that on the fifteenth day of October, Anno Dom., 1777. Personally appeared Henry Cannon, one of the Subscribing Wit nesses to the foregoing instrument of Writing, Before me, Richard CasweU Esquire, Govemor & Commander iu Chief of the said State, And being Solemnly Sworn upon the Holy Evangelists Declared that He saw Richard Blackledge, the Testator, Sign, Seal publish and declare the said foregoing instrument of Writing, Comprised in three Sheete of paper, to be and Contain his Last WUl and Testament, that to the best of the said Witnesses knowledge and beUef the Testator was at that Time of Sound and disposing Mind and Memory; And that he also Saw John Gray Blount & Reading Blount, the other Subscribing Witnesses Evidence the same with him in the presence of the Testator and of each other. At the same Time Jacob Blount, Christopher Neale, Richard Blackledge & Spyers Singleton, the Executors in the said WiU named. Appeared before me and QuaUfied as such. Ordered that the Secretary have Notice of the premises and that Letters Testamentary issue accordingly. Rd. Caswell. Copied from Origiaal WUl filed in Office of Secretary of State. BENJAMIN BLOUNT'S WILL. North Caeolina. In The Name op God Amen. The first Day of febuary, 1739, 1, Benjamin Blount, Sen; of TerriU County and Province Aforesaid, Planter, being Very Sick and weak in Body But of perfect Mind and Memory, Thanks be Given unto God; There fore calling to mind ye mortality of my Body And knowing that itt is appointed for aU men once to die, do make and ordain 50 North Carolina Wills. this my last wiU and Testament, that is to Say: Principally and first of all I Give and Recommend my Soul into ye Hands of God that Gave itt and my Body I recommend to ye Earth to be Buried in Christion Burial att ye Discretion of my Exec utors, nothing Doubting but att ye Generall Resurrection I Shall Receive ye Same aGain by ye mighty Power of God; and as touching Such worldly Estate Wherewith It hath pleased God to bless me in this life I Give Demise and dispose of ye Same in ye Following Manner and form: I Desire that my Whole Stock of Cattle That is in my Proper mark may Be Equily Divided Between My Son, James and Jacob and Isaac and my Daughter Esther, and Each of Them one Bed and one Iron pot and Each of them one ew. Item. I wiU that my Son, Edmund, and my Daughter, mary, and my Daughter, Sarah, may have five Shillings Each. Item. I Give to my Sone, Benjamin, my manner Plantation. Item. I wiU yt if any of my ChUdren Dies without heirs Lawfully Begotten of them to fall then To ye youngest Son Either Land or Movables. I will and bequeath to my beloved wife, Elisabeth, ye Re mainder Part of my Estate Both of Goods and Chatties and Movables, Whome I likewise make my Executrix with my son, Benjamin, Executor, of This my Last will and Testament of all and Singular my Lands and tennem'ts, and I do hereby utterly Disalow and Revok all other former Testaments, WiUs, Legaces and Excet (?) by me in any ways Before named willed and Bequeathed, Confirming this and no other to be my last Will and testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal ye day and year above written. Benj. Blount, (Seal) Signd: Sealed Published and pronounced in presence of us : her ANN X Hollis. mark hia Zacariah X Gubkin mark June ye 1740. Came before me EUz. Blunt, Ex''' &Beiaman Blunt, Ex" to Ben. Blunt, Decesed, being duly Swom promis to fulfiU Eavery part of the within wUl. Swom before me, James Tuknbull, J. P. Ttbel County ss. June Court, anno Dom, 1740. Present His majestys Justices: These may Certifie that the within wiU was proved in open Court accord ing to Due form of Law: Test, Thos. Leary, D Cl. Cur. Recorded in Grant Book 4, WiU No. 114, Office of Secretary of State. North Carolina Wills. 51 EDMUND BLOUNT'S WILL. In ye name of God amen, the 12th. Day of Febuary, In ye year of our Lord, 1754, I, Edmund Blount, of ye County of TyrreU, Being very Sick and weak in Body but of perfect Mind and memory, thanks be given unto god for ye Same, and Calling to mind ye mortahty of my body & Knowing that it is appointed for AU men once to die, do make and ordain this my Last wiU and Testament, that is to Say principaUy and first of aU I Give and Recommend my Soul into ye hands of god that gave it and My Body I Recommend it to ye Earth to be Buried in a Christian Like and Decent Manner at ye Descretion of my Executors Nothing Doubting But at ye General Resurrection I ShaU Receive ye Same again by ye mighty power of god, and as touching Such worldly Estate wherewith it hath pleased god to Bless Me in this life I give Devise and Dispose of the Same In ye foUowing maimer and form: Imprimeses, I Give to my weU Beloved Son, Edmund Blount, my maimer plantation with aU ye Land Belonging to it. Item. I give and Bequeath to my weU beloved wKe, Elisa beth, one third part of all my movable Estate. Item. I Desire that Each of my ChUdren Excepting my Son, Edmund, may Have one Cow and CaK apeice, and ye Remainder part of my Estate I wiU that it Go to ye maintain- ence of my ChUdren. Item, and I do make ordain and appoint my wKe, Eliza beth, Executrix, and Benjamin Blount Executor of this my last wiU and testament, and I do hereby utterly Disalow, revoke and DisanuU aU and Every other former testamente, wUls and Legacies, Bequests and Executors by me m. any ways Before this time named, wiUed, and Bequeathed, RatKying and Confirming this and no other to be my last wiU and Tes tament. In witness whereof I have hereunto Set my hand and Seal ye day and year above written. his Edmund E Blount. mark Signed, Sealed and DeUvered by ye sd. Edmund Blount as his last WUl and testament in ye pres ents of us ye Subscribers, Viz : Benjamin Blount. Jacob Blount. NoBTH Carolina, Tyrell County, ss. June Court, 1754. These may Certify that Jacob Blount, one of the Subscribing Evidences to the within wiU appeared in Open Court and made Oath on the Holy 52 North Carolina Wills. EvangeUsts of Almighty God that he was present & Saw Edmund Blount, Deceased, Sign, Seal, pubUsh, pronounce & Declare the within writing to be & Contain his Will and Testament, and that he was then and at that time of sound & Disposing Memory; & that he also Saw Benjamin, the other Subscribing Evidence, sign his name thereunto at the Same time. Then Also Appeared EUzabeth Blount, wife of the Deceased, and QuaUified as Executrix by taking the Oath by Law Appointed for the QualUfication of Executors. Ordered that the Honble. James Murray, Esqr., Secretary of this Province, have notice thereof that Letters Testamentory issue thereon as the Law Directs. Test, Evan Jones, Cler. Cur. Copied from Original WiU filed in the Office of the Secretary of State. ELIZABETH BLOUNT'S WILL. North Carolina, sc In the Name of God Amen. I, Elizabeth Blount, of Cho wan Precinct, Widow, do make & Declare these presents to be & Contain my last Will & Testament, hereby Revoking all former & other WiUs by me heretofore made & Declared. Imprs. I Give and bequeath unto my Son, John Blount, Ten shillings in Publick Bills of this Province. Item. I Give unto my Son, Thomas Blount, Ten shillings in Publick BiUs of this Province. Item. I Give unto my Son, James Blount, the Negroe Woman named Cushaba and one third of the Cattle at Morat- toke, the Bed I comonly ly on, a Rugg, Bolster & pair of sheets. Item. I give unto my Daughter, Ann Worley, Thirty Pounds in Publick Bills of this Province. Item. I Give unto my Son, Joseph Blount, my Negro man Nam'd Hector. Item. I Give unto my Son, Charlesworth, my Negro man Nam'd Dick. Item. I Give unto my Daughter, RacheU, my Negro Man Named ffrank, my Side Sadie & all my wearing Cloathes. My WiU & Desire is that my Land at Bare Swamp & the Land my husband puchased of Henry Haughton be EquaUy Divided between my two Sons, Joseph & Charlesworth,, And that the Land at Barrows hole be sold by my Executors & the Doctor to be paid out of ye money Arising by the Sale thereof. All the rest of my Estate I Give unto my^two^Sons, Joseph & Charlesworth, & my Daughter, RacheU, to* be Equally Divided between them. Lastly I hereby Constitute & Appoint Jno. Lovick, Esq., Samll. Pagett & Jonathan Jeacucks, Executors of this my Last Will & Testament. North Carolina Wills. 53 & ia Testimony thereof, I have hereunto putt my hand & Seal this Sth ffebry, 1732. .^ *^ ^^'^of •" Eliz. X Blount. (Seal) Sign'd, Seal'd Pubhsh & Declar 'd in presence of: R Hicks. the mark of Maby X Coleson. North Carolina, ss. This Day came before me Robert Hicks, and made Oath on the Holy Evangelists that he saw Mrs. EUzabeth Blount, lately deceased, Sign, Seal, publish and declare the within Writeing to be her last wUl and Testa ment the day therein mentioned, & that he, the said Robert Hicks, did Witness the same, and that he saw Mary Coleson the other Witness there unto put her Mark as Witness also to the same. Given under my hand att Edenton the 12th. of March, Anno Domini, 1732-3. Geo. Bubrington. Copied from Original WUl filed in the office of the Secretary of State. JAMES BLOUNT'S WILL. In ye name of God Amen. I James Blount, of Chowan precinct, in ye Coimty of Albemarle, in ye Province of Carolina, Esqr., weU knowing the uncertainty of this hfe. Do make, Ordain & appoint this to be my Last WUl & Testament, hereby Revoking & Adnulling aU former WiUs by me Made, and this Only to be taken & reputed as my Last WUl. Imp. I Bequest my Soule to God who gave it; & my body to ye Earth to be Decently Interrd; & as for that Worldly Estate wch it hath pleased God to bestow upon me in this LKe; My Just Debte, funeral Expenses & Legaties being first payd, i give & bequeath as foUoweth: Item. I give unto my son, James Blounte, one Shilling in Countrey Commodities to be pd him by my Executrix here after named, w'thin one year after my Discease. Item. I give unto my son, Thomas Blounte, & to my two Daughters, Ann Slocom & Eliz. Hawkins, Each of them twelve pene a peice in Country Comodities to be paid them within one year after my Dissease. Item. I give & bequeath unto my Grand ChUdren, James & Sarah Blounte, the ChUdren of my Son Thomas Blount, & to Ann Slocum ye ChUd of my Daughter Ann Slocom, & to John Hawkins ye Son of my Daughter Ehz Hawkins, Each of them a Cow & CaKe to be paid to their several parents w'thin three years after my Discea.se ia some sort of Stock to run for ye use and behoofe of ye Sd ChUdren, tiU they SeveraUy Com of age or by Mariage Capacitated to receive ye Same. 54 North Carolina Wills. Item. I give & bequeath all ye Remainder part of my Effects Reale & personall whither it Consist in Lands, houses, negroes, Servants, Stock, household goods, or any other Kind of Specie w'tSoever, unto my Loving wife Ann Blounte for her to have, hold, Occupie & enjoy, During her Naturall Life w'thout Lett or Controule, and att her Death to Dispose out of ye Same to ye Value of Sixti pounds in Countrey Comodities to Whoever She Shall think fitt. And after her, my D Wifes Disease, I give ye whole remainder of my Estate to my Son, John Blount, and his heirs for ever; And I do hereby appoint and ordaine that my said son John Shall be Decently Main tained out of ye Estate During his Minority. And in Case my said Wife, Ann Should Live till after my Said Son John Should come of Age, then if he Should Happen to Marry, or to go to Live in some Other place from my Sd Wife, then Shee to pay him thirty or forty pounds wch Shee please, in Country Comodities. Lastly, I appoint my Loving Wife, Ann Blounte, my whole & Sole Executrix of this my last WUl & testament. Desiring her to be carefull in every Article & Clause thereof; & for Con firmation of ye Same I have hereunto sett my hand & Seale, this 9th day of July, In ye year of our 'Lord God, 1685. March ye 10th &c. Before signing sealing or Publishing I do hereby Appoint yt, in Case My Son Jno Should Dye w'th out heirs Male, then I give & bequeath all my lands & houses to ye Heirs Male, of My son Thomas Blounte & so successively do Entaile the Same on their Heirs Male of my Son Thomas for Ever; But in Case the heirs Male, of my Said Sons John & Thomas should both fayle, then I Intayle ye Same on ye heirs genall of my Son Jno. first, then of my Son Thomas, & if both Should fayl, then of the heirs of My Daughter Ann Slocum & EUz Hawkins. James : Blounte (Seale) Signed, Sealed & Published as his Last WiU & Testam't in presence of her mark Jane X Millbb Jno Baily William Dobson Jno Wettinhall This WiU Proved by Jno HaU and Jane MiUer on ye 17 Day of July, 1686, And by WUl'm Dobson on the llth of July, 1686, who upon their Oaths before me Duely administerd did Attest that they See ye Testator above named, James Blounte, Signe & Seale And heard him Declare the Above written to be his last WiU and Testament. Seth Sothell. Recorded in WUl Book No. 1 p. 120, Office of Secretary of State. North Carolina Wills. 55 JAMES BLUNT'S WILL. In the name of God, Amen. The tweK day of ffebuary, In the year of our Lord God, 1716. I, Jeamse Blunt, in the Prcinct Chowan, in Nor. Carohna, Being very Sick and weak of body but of perfect mind and Memory, Thanks be to God, Do make and (idain this Last WiU and Testament, In manner foUowing, That is to say: First and Chefest, I give my Sole To the hands of Allmighty God who Gave It me; and my body I Commend to the Earth to be Decently Buried in Christan Buriel, at the Discretion of my Executors, nothing doubting but at General Resurection I shaU recave the Same again by the Mighty poure of God. As Touching Worldly Estate wherewith It hath pleased God to bless me with, I give, Devise, Bequeath and Dispose of the same in manner and forme foUowing: I Leave to my Loving wife, EUzabeth Blunt, aU my personal Estate During her LKe, porvisardly that She, the Sd Elizabeth doth remain wedow, otherwaise, no longer then She the Sd Elizabeth ShaU marry; at that time of her maredge to returne to my blovd Daughter, Anne, and her heairs for Ever. I make my weU beloved wKe, Elizabeth Blunt, and my Daughter, Anne, fuU and whole Executrix, and after my Loving wKe, Elizabeth, Desease, I give to my Loving Daughter, Eliza^ beth Yelverton, a yong mare; and to my Two grand ChUdren James Yelverton and Jon (?) Yeltverton, to Each of them a Cow yearling after the Desease of my loving wKe, Elizabeth Blunt; and My Son, John Yelverton, I make over Scare of my Estate; And to my Daughter, mary, five pounds, She or her heairs; And to my Granddaughter, Sara PhUips, Two Cows with ther Calvs, to be Left in the porseon of my Daughter, arme, tUl the Day of her maredge, the Sd. Sara Phihps. Give to my Son, John Blunt, a Shilling; and to my Son James Blunt, I give a Shilling; and to WiUiam Nea — (?), a cow year ling and Iron pott and Two puter Dishes. And I Give and bequeath to my Daughter, Anne Blunt, the plantation that I now Live appone with Two hundred^ acers of Land, with aU my Cows, Calves, Stars, Buls, Sheep, horses, mars, or MUls with aU watter Crafte, with all housaU gods, with aU mannor of Implemente whateoever belongen unto me, rale or personal; and at the Day of my Daughter, anne, mar- redge, She may Seate (?) apon any part of the Sd. Land with out the least trouble of her, the aforsd Ehzabeth Blunt, or any persone, or persons whatsoEver. If It may please the aUmighty God that I Desease att this presente, that I give to my Daughter, anne, the haK of my 56 North Carolina Wills. Lether that, I, the Sd James Blunt, have by me now this psents, to her and her disposal. And I do utrly deny, disalow, revoke, annulle and Evry other formar Testament, wills and Legacies, bequests and Executors. And I give and bequeath to my Son, John Yelverton, fifty Shillings, to be paid in Starling money England. I utrly deny aU maner wills, Testemt. as aforSd mad befor this time named, willed and bquathed, ratifying this and none other to be my last will and Testement. In witness, I have heareto Sete my hand, Seale the of the Yeare above Written. James Blunt (Seal) Signed, Sealed, published and pronounced by the Said James Blunt, as his last will and Teste ment: F. Turner. her Anne N Dugles. mark John Yelverton. March the 27th, 1717. The within WUl is provd. by the Oath of Jno. Yelverton in Open Court. R. Hicks, Clk. Cur. Gen: Copied from Original Will filed in the Office of the Secretary of State. JOHN BLOUNT'S WILL. No. Carolina Sc. In the Name of God Amen. I, John Blount, of Chowan precinct Esq., Do make and declare these presents to be and contain my last Will and Testament, hereby revoking all former and other Wills by me heretofore made or declared. Imprimis, I Give, Devise and Bequeath unto my well be loved Wife, Elisabeth, all and Singular my Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments whatsoever within this Government for and during the Term of her Natural Life K she so long con tinues Sole. Item. Whereas the Land I now dwell on containing Six hundred and forty acres, fronting on Albemarle Sound is In- tailed Land, It is my Will and Desire that the one half thereof, or Such part thereof being the Westernmost part as in this my WUl is hereafter described, shaU be my Son, John, the Heir at Law, be vested in my Son, Thomas, and the Heirs of his Body Lawfully begotten, either by Act of Assembly or by North Carolina Wills. 57 some other Lawfull way or means, or that in Lieu thereof my Son John shall have such part of my back Lands as is here after described. But if some Expedient shall not be found out, by my Son, John, either by Act of Assembly, or otherwise, to vest the Westernmost part of the Land whereon I now dwell, to andjfor the Use of my Said Son, Thomas, and the Heirs of his Body lawfully begotten, then it is my Will that all my Said^back Lands containing by Estimation Twelve hundred and Sixty Seven Acres, be the Same more or less, shall be and remain to "my Said Son Thomas and the Heirs of his Body lawfully begotten; And in Case a Division of the Said intaUed Lands can be Effected, then my WiU is that my Eldest Son, John, and his Heirs lawfully begotten shall have the Eastern most part of all the Lands as well intaUed as those I have taken up myself, and my Son, Thomas, and his heirs lawfully begot- tenTto have the Westernmost part of the Said Land, all which Lands are to be divided after this Manner, Vizt : The Breadth of the Land belonging to the plantation whereon I now dweU on Chowan or Albemarle Sound, to be equally divided on the Front to the Water, and when the Middle is found, then to Set a Course which wiU take the Branch or Valley on the Back of my now dwelling House where is a Sort of a Spring of Water, and Mulbery Trees planted; and from thence down the Branch 'till it comes to a Bridge (which goes over the Swamp behind the House unto the neck caUed poplar Neck), which Bridge is now the Main Horse Road to Yawpim, and that Bridge to be the Division across the Swamp, So along the Swamp on the West Side of the Bridge 'tUl it comes to the Mouth of the Branch where there is a piece of Ground cleared, and a puncheon House built at the Head of the Branch, and that Branch to be the Division 'till it comes to the North west Comer of the Said cleared Ground; then Such a Course as will go to a Hickory, in both Patents called a Poplar, marked with this Mark *; and from that Tree the division to be ac cording to the patents 'tUl it comes to the Northernmost End of the Beech Island Land, and so to divide each Ways accord ing to, and agreeable with the Patents : But if my Son Thomas cannot by any lawfuU wayes or means have the part of all the Lands allotted him according to the Division mentioned in this Paragraph, then my WiU is as before Exprest, that all my back Lands, containing by Estimation Twelve Hundred and Sixty Seven Acres, be the Same more or less, shaU go to my Said Son, Thomas, and the Heirs of his Body Lawfully begotten. Item. My Lands lying on Welches Creek Vizt: Six hun dred and forty Acres that I bought of Roger Snell, and One hundred & Ten acres adjoinging thereto surveyed for me by Mr. WiUiam Gray, I Give, devise and Bequeath unto my 58 North Carolina Wills. Two Sons, James & Charles, to be Equally divided between them; my Son James to have the Lowermost half; and my Son Charles to have the uppermost half, To have & to hold the same unto the said James & Charles, and the heirs of their Respective Bodies Lawfully begotten, by Moieties in Sever alty and not in Joint Tenancy. Item. I Give, devise & Bequeath unto my Son, James, and his Heirs & Assigns, Two hundred forty five acres of Land, commonly called Ticers rich neck, lying on the back of Welches Creek land, he paying the Sum of Thirty pounds to my Son, Joseph, within One Year after my Son, Joseph, shall arrive to full Age, but if my Son, James, shall not think fit to accept of that Land on this Condition, then I Give the same unto my Son, Charles, and his heirs and Assignes, on the like Condi tion of his paying to my Son, Joseph, Thirty pounds within Eighteen months after my said Son, Charles, shall come to Age: But if neither my Said Sons, James and Charles, shall pay unto my Said Son, Joseph, the aforesd Thirty pounds as exprest in this Paragraph of my WiU, then I Give, Devise and Bequeath the said Two hundred forty five Acres to my Said Son, Joseph, and his heirs and Assigns for ever. Item. I Give, Devise & Bequeath unto my Son, Joseph, all my Lands at Matchapungo, known by the name of Goshen, where Thomas Davis lately dwelt, to him the said Joseph, and the heirs of his Body lawfully begotten. Item. It is my WiU, and I do hereby order the same, that in case either of my Sons John, Thomas, James, or Charles should dye without Lawfull Issue, the first of them so dying, his Lands in this WiU given, shall go to my Son, Joseph, and to the Heirs of his Body lawfully begotten forever. And if any other of my Said Sons shall Dye without Issue after my Son Joseph shall be possest of any Lands by Virtue of this paragraph of my WiU, then my WiU is that the part of such so dying without Issue, shaU go to the next heir at Law, and the heirs of his Body LawfuUy begotten forever. Item. I Give, Devise & Bequeath unto my Dearly beloved Wife, EUsabeth, all my Lands at Bear Swamp and at Barrow Hole & that piece of Land which I bought of Henry Haughton, to her, and her heirs & Assigns forever. Item. I Give, Devise and Bequeath unto my Dearly be loved Wife, EUsabeth, the use and occupation of all and Singu lar my Personal Estate during the time she shaU continue Sole, and at .her Decease (if sole), to dispose thereof as she shaU think fitting, to aU, or any of my Children; But in case my said Wife shaU Marry, then it is my WiU that my Personal Estate shaU be equaUy divided into Three parts, whereof my said Wife shall have one Third part, and the other Two third North Carolina Wills. 59 parts to be divided by my Said WKe among my ChUdren, as she shaU think most proper and convenient. Item. I Bequeath unto each of my Daughters Vizt: Mary Jacocks, Elis*. Paget, Sarah Lovick, Martha Worsley, and Hester Worley, a Gold Ring. And I do hereby make & Constitute my said WKe, EUsa beth, Executrix of this my WUl, and also do request my re spected friends John Lovick & Thomas PoUock Esqr., to be assistante to my said WiU to see every Clause and article in this my WiU performed. Lastly, It is my WUl that my Sons, John & Thomas, shaU have Liberty to BuUd & Settle on each of their respective Tracts of Land when they shaU come to Age or sooner with their mothers Consent, and that they may have Liberty to clear Groimd, Fence & Tend it & make Pasture of the clear Ground where I dweU, without too much incommoding then- Mother, to whose advice & direction I recommend them and aU my ChUdren. In Testimony whereof I have hereunto Set my hand & Seal this twenty Seventh day of January Anno Dom. 1725-6. John Blount (Seal) Signed Sealed published and declared in presence of Samll. Waenee. Wm. Benbuby. his Magnes Z Plowman. mark No. Cabolina Sc. Be it known to aU Men by these presente, That whereas, I, John Blount, of Chowan precinct, Esq., have made and de clared my last WUl and Testament in Writiag, bearing date this twenty Seventh Day of January Anno Dom: 1725-6, I, the Said John Blount, do by this present Codicil, confirm and RatKy my Said last WiU and Testament, and in Considera tion that my Daughters, Ann, and Rachel, are not mentioned in my Said Will, I do hereby desire that my Said Daughters should have a Gold Ring each, as in my WUl is directed to be given to the Rest of their Sisters, and that they also shaU re ceive of my Estate as their Mother shaU see convenient. And I also do request Christopher Gale, Esq., to be an As sistant, together with Jno. Lovick, and Thomas PoUock, Esq. mentioned in my Said Will to See every Clause and Article of my wUl performed. And my WiU and meaning is that this Codicil be, and be adjudged to be, a part and parcel of my Said last WiU and Testament, and that aU things herein Contained be as truly performed as if the Same were so de clared and Set down in my Said last WiU and Testament. 60 North Carolina Wills. In Testimony whereof I have hereunto Set my Hand and Seal, this twenty Seventh Day of January, Anno Dom. 1725-6. John Blount (Seal) Signed, Seald, pubUshed and (Coat of Arms on Seal) declared, in presence of Samll. Warner. Wm. Benbury. his Magnes Z Plowman. mark No. Carolina Sc. Sir Richard Everard, BarH., Governor, Capt General, and Admiral. These may Certify that Samuel Warner, Gent,, personaUy appeared before me and made Oath on the holy EvangeUst, that he Saw John Blount, Esq., Sign, Seal, pubUsh and declare the within written to be his last Will and Testament, and that he was then of a Sound disposeing mind and Memory; and that he saw the other Evidences that have witnessed the Same, Sign their Names to it at the Same time; and further that he Saw the Sd John Blount, Sign & Seal the Codicil annexed to this WiU, and that he was then of perfect mind & Memory, and Witnessed the Same together with the other Evidences thereto. In Witness whereof I have hereunto Set my Hand, this 18th day of May 1726. Letters Granted May ye 18th, 1726. Richd Everard. Copied from Original WiU filed iu the Office of the Secretary of State. JOHN BLOUNT'S WILL. North Carolina. In the Name of God Amen. I, John Blount, of Chowan County, do make and declare These Presents to be and contain my Last Will and Testament, hereby revoking all former and other Wills by me heretofore made or declared. Imprimis, I give, Devise and bequeath unto my beloved Wife, Sarah, the Use of the East part of the Land whereon I now Live, to begin on the Sound side. Twenty Feet to the Eastward of the North East Corner of the Barn; from thence such a Course as shall take one Third part of the Lands and Tract, difring her Natural Life or Widow-hood, And I Like wise give to my Loving Wife the Use of Three Negroes, Vizt: Fortune, Gregory, and York, during life or widow-hood. I Likewise give to my Loving Wife the Use of all my House-hold Goods, Excepting my writing Desk, she pajang to my Three Sons, James, Frederic, and Wilson, one Feather Bed and Fur niture, To Each of them when they come to the Age of Twenty One Years. I Likewise give to my well beloved Wife the Use of one fourth part of all my Cattle, Hogs and Sheep, and my Riding Horse, called Trooper, and one young Horse, called Dart, one young grey mare about Three Years Old, during North Carolina Wills. 61 her Natural LKe or Widow-hood, and after her Marriage or Decease to be EquaUy Divided amongst aU my ChUdren with the Increase thereof. I Likewise give to my beloved Wife the Use of Two Negroe Wenches, caUed Venus and DoU, reserv ing their Increase to be EquaUy Divided amongst aU my ChU dren, and at the Marriage or Decease of my said WKe, the Two aforesaid Negroes, Venus and DoU, to be given to my ChUdren as my said WKe shall think proper. Item. I give to my Loving wife, fifteen Barrels of Indian Com. Item. I give, devise and bequeath to my Son, James, my Plantation and Tract of Land whereon I now live (he not barring his Mother of her Third Part during her Natural LKe or Widow-hood), to him and his male heks LawfuUy begotten of his Body, for Ever, and in case of faUure of such Heirs of my Son, James, then to my Son, Frederic, and heirs male, LawfuUy begotten of his Body for Ever, and in case of faUure of Male Heirs of my son, Erederic, then to my Son, WUson, and his male Heirs, LawfuUy begotten of his body for Ever. Item. I give and bequeath to my Son, James, Three Ne groes Viz : Sharper, Finn, and Tom, with all my Brewing Ket tles, Tubbs and Fats, and aU my brewing works, and my writing Desk, To him, his Heirs or Assigns. Item. I give and bequeath To my Son, Frederic, Four Negroes, Viz: Potter, Frank, Charles, and WUl, his Heirs or Assigns for Ever. Item. I give and bequeath to my Son, WUson, Three Negroes, Vizt: Boston, Jack, and Mustipher, and as my Sis ter in Law, Mrs. Mary Moor, desires to have the care of my Son, Wilson, my Will and desire is that she should have the Care of his Education and bringing up, and in case that she should Die and not provide sufficient for him, then to come under the Care of my Executors herein after mention. Item. I give and bequeath To my Daughter, Elizabeth, one Negro wench, caU'd Dinah, and her Increase. Item. I give and bequeath to my Daughter, Martha, one Negroe wench, called Jane, and her Increase. Item. I give and bequeath To my Daughter, Mary, one Negroe wench call'd Sarah, and her Increase. My WiU is that five or Six of the likelyest of my breeding Mares, that is now on my Plantation or that can be rais'd, should be kept for the use of my ChUdren, and Likewise I would have all my other Stock of Cattle, Hogs and Sheep, to be kept on my Plantation To raise on, for the Use of my ChUdren. My desire is that my Chaise, Boat, Blacksmith's Tools, watch, and other Tools, or anything Else that is Likely.^to perish, should be sold at Pubhc Vandue, Excepting Sufficient Tools for the Use of the Plantation. 62 North Carolina Wills. Item. I give and bequeath To my Brother, Charles Blount, my best Broad Cloth Suit of Cloaths, rny best Beaver Hatt & Wigg. My will is that none of the Timber should be cut or Sold, Excepting for the Use of the Plantation, and that no Stranger shall be admitted to Live on any part of the back Land to Destroy the Timber, and that no Person shall on any Con sideration whatsoever be admitted to Live on any part of my Land Excepting an Overseer, my WiU is likewise that all my Negroes should be kept to work on my Plantation, and that no other Negroes shall be admitted to work on my Planta tion, Excepting they are the property of my wife or Children. And my WiU is that all the money that shall arise out of my Estate, after all Reasonable Expences is paid, should be Laid out to purchase Likely young Negroes, at the Discretion of my Executors hereafter mentioned, for the use and Benefit of my Children, and my will and Desire is that my Execu tors, hereafter mentioned, should take great Care to have my Children Educated and brought up in a Christian Like manner, and in case any one or more of the Children's Negroes should Die before they come into their Possession, then my desire is that they have others bought, of the same value as they would have been at the Devision, out of the remaining part of my Estate which is not perticularly before given, my WiU and desire is, that when the Estate of my Children that is Liveing shall come to ye Age of Twenty one Years, that if any of my Children should have lost any of their Negroes, that they should be made up to them in full Value, then all the principaU part of my Estate, with the Profits arising thereon, in the Hands of my Executors to be EquaUy Divided between my Children. And Lastly, I do nominate, constitute, and appoint my trusty and Loving Brothers, Joseph and Charles Blount, and my Two Sons, James and Frederic Blount, after they come to the Age of Twenty one Years, my Executors, to see every clause and Article of this my last Will and Testament fulfill' d. Dated the Eight Day of December 1753. John Blount (Seal) Signed, Sealed, Publish'd, and (Coat of Arms on Seal) Declar'd in Presence of J. Halsey Jurat John Beasley Jno Smith Richard Dunbar North Carolina, Chowan County, ss: April County Court, 1754. Present, His Majestys Justices. These may Certify that John Halsey, Esq' , appeared in open Court & made oath on the Holy EvangeUsts of Almighty God, that he Saw John North Carolina Wills. 63 Blount, Esqr., Sign, Seal, Publish, and Declare the within to be & Contain his Last WUl and Testament, and that he was then and at that time of sound & Disposing mind and memory, and that he also Saw John Smith, John Beasley, & Richard Dunbar, Sign their names thereto at the Same tune. Test: Will Halsey, Cler. Cur. Chowan Cotjnty, ss. May the 9th: 1754. Then Appeared before me Mr: Charles Bloimt, one of the Executors of the Last WiU and Testament of John Blount, Esqr., deceased, and was duly Qualified as Executor thereto, by taldng the Executors oath by Law appointed to be taken by Executors. Jas: Craven Copied from Original WiU ffied in the office of the Secretary of State. THOMAS BLOUNT'S WILL. NoBTH Cabolina. In ye name of God Amen. I, Thomas Blount, being in perfect health and sound Memory, Do make this my last wUl & testiment, thereby Revoke all former Wills & testemente wtever in manr. & form foUowing, viz: Impr. I Do give & Bequeath my soul to God yt gave it, Hopeing throw yr mercy & Merett of our Ld. & Saviour Jesus Christ, to receive a fuU & Genl. pardon of all my Sins; and my body to ye earth, there to be Desently Intered, acording to ye rits of ye Church of Engl., by my Execr. hereafter Named. Item. Whereas, by a former WiU I have given HaK my moveable Estate, & two plantations, known by ye names of Midle plantation, & jd; whereon I now Uve at ye mouth of Hendricks Creek, to my ever loving wife, Mary Blount, & her issue (provided it be to ye chUdren Begotten of her body by me Thomas Blount), after her Death, I Do confirm and make good ye same unto her, by this my wUl, in man'r. as is above expresst. Item. As to ye Part of my Estate, both real and personal, I give and bequeath as foUowing: unto my son, James Blount, his Chare of two negroes out of ye other halfe of my sd Estate, and my shoope of smith tooles, with ye anvell, belows, & all other tooles thereunto belonging, wt. the Iron & Steel & fiUes, and haK ye tract of land Called Cobbin Necke, yt is to say, ye Northerly part of ye plantation, to be included in ye part belonging to him & ye boye Bonner. Item. I do give & bequeath aU my whole stocke of Cattle, to be equally Devided between my chUdren begotting of sd. Mary Blount, my daughter, BiUah, who has maryed to kellem tyler, to be excepted out of this gift, she having received her portion aUready. 64 North Carolina Wills. Item. I give and bequeath to my daughter, BUlah, aforesd. one silver spoon. Item. As to ye rest of my Estate, tis my will & Desire yt it should be brought to an apprismt & out of it pay unto my three daughters, Sarah Peirce, Christian Ludford, & Ann Wilson, these sums hereafter named, yt is to say, unto my Sarah tenne pound Sterl. to be paid in Country Commodity; to my daughter. Christian, twenty Pounds Sterl. to be pd. as aforesd. & to my daughter, Ann, twenty Pounds Sterl. to be paid in like manner: and in case of the death of any of my aforesd daughters, ye same to be pd to either of their heirs: & to each of them one silver spoon: & further I Do give unto either of my two daughters last named, being. Christian, & Ann, too yews and a Ram, to each of them, and in case my sd Estate so appraised, after the things before giving away, do not amounted to ye sd sumes of money, by me giveing them, my said daughters, to be paid proportionable out of w't it is apraised to : but if it shall amount to more then it my further wUl & Desire yt my two sones, John and Thomas, shall have each of them a negro, & for want of negroes to have each of them five & twenty Pounds Sterl. apeace, to be pd in Country Comodity. Item. I do give and bequeath ye other half or Moitye of ye tract of land, called Cobbin Necke, unto my son, John, and his heirs; & for want of heirs, it to come to my sone, James, & his heir; and if my son, James shall dye w'tout heirs, his part to com to my son John & his heirs. Item. As to ye rest of my Estate, after my wife's haK paid and Delivered her, and my Above Legacys being paid as herein expressed, I Doe give & bequeath unto my son, James Blount, & his heirs forever, whom I make my fuU and sole Executer of this my last wiU and Testiment, Declaring & Publishing this to be soe: as, Witness my hand & seal, this third Day of September, in ye year of our Lord, Seventeen hundred & one, & in ye 13th. year of ye reign of our Soveraign L'd. WilUam ye 3rd, Kiag of England, &c. Thomas Blount (Seal) A CodicU to my WUl: This is my further wUl & pleasure, yt ye legacys within my said WUl giving & exprest, shaU be pd. w'thin eighteen months after my decease, as, witness my hand & seal ye year and day abovesd. Thomas Blount (Seal) Signed & seald in presence of Wm Wilkison. John Blount. Thomas Green. North Carolina Wills. 65 March 28th 1706. The within wiU was proved before me the Hon"': Thos. Cary, Esq',, D : Gov :, by ye oathes of Tho : Green & John Blount, who upon their oathes Say that they did see ye within Tho: Blount, Sign, Seal, & acknowledge ye within written, to be his last WUl & Testamt. Thomas Gary. Copied from Original WUl ffied in the Office of the Secretary of State. WILLIAM BLOUNT'S WILL. My Desire is that my True and Loving wKe, Elizabeth Blount, may be In, and hold possession of my wliole Estate dureing her natural LKe, and To make what Improvements She Can for the good of my ChUdren, and To observe alsoe my derections, as near as possible Can be Complyed with, in This my Last wUl and Tastament. Item. I give and bequeath To my Eldest son, John Blount, the Eastermost part of haKe of the Land I now Live on, with part of my Beech Island Tract, and a tract Contahiing 403 acres, Lying Eastward from Sd. part of the Beech island Tract, and northward from a peece survaid by Thomas Luten, Junr. and bounds upon the percorsson. Item. I give to my son, Thomas, the westermost part of the Land I now live on, and the Remaining part of my Beech island tract, which is not given to my son John, The Devision to be made between them as foUows : the Bredth of The Land upon the River to be EquaUy devided upon the Sound side, and when the middle is found upon the Sound, then to set a Corse which wUl Take the Branch or vaUey, on the Back of The houses I now Live, at where is a Sort of a Spring and mulberys planted; and from Thence down that branch teU It come To the Bridg which goes over the swamp on the Back side of the house, Into a neck which is CaUed popler neck, which Bridg is now the main horse Road to Yapim, the Brig to be the devision acrause the swamp; then the Swamp on the west Side of the Brig, TUl It Come to the mouth of the Branch whereon is a peece of ground Cleared, and a SmaU punchin house buUt, at the head of the Branch; that Branch to be the devision TUl It Come to the Cleared peece of Land; then from the northwest comer of which peece of Land Cleared, toward a line drawn 110 E, or there aboute, as I suppose the Corse to Bear, to a popler marked In both pattente with this mark*; Then from that popler the devision to be acording To both patente, TUl It Come to the norther- most End of the Beech Island and soe to devide Each way as the Lines of Both pattents Runs. I alsoe desire that what orchards there is at my death upon the plantation they may 66 North Carolina Wills. Both have Equal benefit, and be at Equal Charg. of fencing and manuring or pruning and If They, or Either of Them, Should Settle before there mothers death, To have Equal benefit with her of the orchards, or If they Should Live with her on the plantation after my decease They may have Liberty to Keep a stock * * * Each of their own Land, and Liberty To settle and Build, Clear, fence or Tend, or make pasture of part of the old field, not preiudging ther mother, on there own part, when they Come to the age of Eighteen years, and when they Come to that age to have foer Cows and Calves, six breeding Sows, three Ews, and a young mare, To be delivered To them on the plantation, and to Run for their use, with their Increas. And my desire is they may not hender Each other In any Common Conveniance, as a Tree for Tim ber when It groes Convenant, Either oak, siprous, or pine, or springs, or Cart Roads, Soe It be not two much to dammage. I give To my son, James, all my Land upon welchs Creek, up moratock, that is To say, Six hundred and forty acres, bought of Roger Snell; Tow hundred and forty five. Called Ticers Rich Land; and one hundred and Ten acres Survaied by mr. wm. gray, down the Creek from that of SneUs, as the severall pattents will Show, with halfe the stock of Cattle and hogs that shall be on the plantation at my death, and three Ews and a young mare, to be delivered on the plantation when Comes to the age of Eighteen years. I alsoe give To my son, Joseph Blount, all my Land at machapungo, known by the name of goshan, where Thomas davis, Lives with all the stock that shall be upon It at my death & their increase. Alsoe, I give my wife Liberty to settle a Tennant on some part of the Land Every where she hath any Stock, doeing as Little preiudice To the owner as may be, with Liberty of Clear ing, fencing, or tending part of the Land (the plantation Ex cepted), and I alsoe desire my boys may all have there Liberty at the age of 18. I alsoe give my Land at bear swamp To be Equally devided between my Son, John, and James, after there mothers death, and alsoe that I bought of Coll. maule, at barrows hole, known by the name of Tom wiUiamses, unto my son, Thomas and Joseph to be Equally devided after there mothers death; with Liberty to them all In her Life time, to settle a stock and Ten nant If they be minded, not preiudiceing there mothers If she should have any Stock or Tennant there after they Come to the age of 21 Years. I give unto my foor daughters, Sarah, Easter, ann, and Rachel, Each of Them, at the age of Twenty years, or a twelve month after marrage, Twenty barrUls of pork, to be paid them by my Executrix, or Fifty five each in Some Vendabl Speceie of the Country. North Carolina Wills. 67 I give To my daughter, mary Jacocs, and my daughter EUzabeth paget, and my daughter, martha west, to Each of them a gold Ring, of Twenty shiUings pric. In bauston or Else where to be got, to be paid them within a year after my decease. And w' Remains of my Estate, I Leave the use of It to my wKe E. B. dureing her LKe, To bring up the Children upon, and maintain them with, and at her death To be disposed of at her discrestion to some or other of my Children or amongst them as she thinks best, Soe It be some of them, whome I make my Executrix. Mrs. Blount Sole Ex. Thos. Pole, John Toons, Trustees, unles she Marries, then Joint Exrs. Copied from Original ffied in Office of the Secretary of State. JOHN BOND'S WILL. North Carolina, Beaufd County. In the Name of God amen. I, John Bond, of ye. Coimty afforsd: This Eight Day of July, 1749, being Sick and weak in Body, But of perfect mind and memory, thanks be to god therefore. Calling unto mind the Mortality of my Body and Knowing that it is appointed for aU men once to Die, I Doe therefor make and ordain this my Last wiU and Testament, that is to Say, PrincipaUy and first of aU, I give and Recommend my Sole into ye hands of god that gave it, and as for my Body I Recommend it to ye Earth to be buried in a Christian Like and Desant manner. Nothing Doubting but at ye general Reserection I Shall Receive ye. Same again through ye. mighty power of god; and as to touching Such worldly good wherewith it hath pleased god to Bless me with in This LKe, I give and Devise in maimer and form as foUoweth: Viz, Itam. I give to my Son, WiUiam Bond, aU that part of a Tract of Land yt. he now Lives on, that is, aU on the west Side of ye middel Swamp of ye head of ye Creek, to him & his Heirs for Ever. Item. I give to my Son, John Bond, the Remainder part of ye. sd: Tract of Land, from the middel Swamp of ye sd. Creek on ye East Side, to him and his Heirs for Ever. Itam. I give to my Son, James Bond, aU that Tract or percel of Land CaU'd huddles, Likewise Lying on ye: sd: Side of pamlico River; Likewise I give to my James Bond, aU that Tract or percel of Land CaU'd Roberts, Lying on ye: north Side of South Dividing Creeks, to him and his heirs for Ever. Itam. I give to my Son, Robt. Bond, this Plantation that I Now Live on, and all the Land that belongs to ye: sd: Plan tation on this side of ye: Creek up to ye: Second Large Branch 68 North Carolina Wills. that Ruins out of ye: main Branch of y": head of y": Creek; and Likewise I give to my Son, Robert Bond, the one half of a Tract or percel of Land that I have on ye. South Dividing Creeks that Joyns to this sd: Plantation, and my Desire is the sd. Robt: Bond Shall have the one half of ye: sd: Land next to and Joyning to this sd: Land that I now Live on, ye. which Land after my Son, Robt. Shall Come to Thirty years of age, I to him and his heirs for Ever, and my will and Desire is that ye: sd: Robt: Bond Shall have ye: full use and profet of ye: sd: Land in ye: mean Time fully and absolutley in all Cases, Excepting making Sale of ye. sd: Land. Itam. I give to my Son, Richard Bond, all the Land that now belongs to me over this Creek, which Land was formally CaUd: Piners; and Likewise what Land Is on this side of ye. head of this sd: Creek that above ye. Second great Branch as mentioned before which was Robt. Bond Bounds; & Likewise I give to ye: sd: Richard Bond the other half of that Land below on ye: sd: Dividing Creeks Which Robt Bond had the one half of, ye: which sd: Land I give to ye: sd: Richard Bond and his heirs for Ever Item. I Lend to my Loving wife, the use of this Plantation and house that I Now Live in and all the furinetur in or belong ing to ye: sd: house During of her Life, & Likewise I Lend to my wife the use of Two negroes Viz: one negro man CaU'd Shippy, and one negro woman Call'd Haimah, During of her Life. Itam. I Land to my wife the use of Ten Cows and Calves, & forty head of Dry Cattel, and half ye: Sheep yt: I now have, Excepting three During of her Life. Itam. I give to my Son, James Bond, two Negroes, Viz: one negro man Call:"! Ned, and one Negro woman Call:"* Sarah, to him and his heirs for Ever. Itam. I give to my Son, Richard Bond, one Negro Boy, Call :•* Littel Jack, to him and his heirs for Ever. Itam. I give to my Son, Robt. Bond, one negro Boy, Call :"^ Sam, and one Negro gari Call"* airly, to him and his heirs for Ever. Itam. I give to my Daughter, Marey, one Negro Boy Call'i Domina, to her and her heirs for Ever. Itam. I give to my Cosen, martha Spring, one Negro man Call"* Jack, to her and hir heirs for Ever. Itam. I give to my son Robt Bond, Three Small putter Dishes & for puter Plates, two Deep ons & two Shallow, ones, puter pottel Bason, to him and his heirs for Ever. Itam. My wiU and Desire is that aU ye. Remainder of my Cattel, after my Death, Should be EaquUley Divided betwen my Children, Viz: James, Richard, Robt. Sarah, & anna, & Marey, Excepting what I ShaU hereafter mention. North Carolina Wills. 69 Itam. I give to my Cosen, martha Spring, Two Cowes and Calves, and Eight head of Dry Cattel, to be Dehvered to her by my Exc: before there is any Division made, and Likewise I give to my Cosen, Martha Spring, one feather bed, & two Sheete, & two Blankete, & one puter Dish, & one puter pottel Bason, and one pint puter Bason, & one pint porringer & two puter plates. Itam. I give to my Son, James Bond, one feather bed & two Sheets & two Blankete. Itam. I give to my Son, Richard, one feather Bed & two Sheets & two Blankes. Itam. I give to my Son, Robert, one feather Bed & two Sheete & two Blankes. Itam. I give to my Daughter, anna, one feather Bed & two Sheets & two Blankes. Itam. I give to my Daughter, marey, one feather Bed & two Sheete & two Blankes. Itam. I give to my son, John Bond, one Chest and one Looking Glass. Itam. I give to my Son, WUliam Bond, my Desk & one puter Dish. Itam. I give to my Son, Robt. my gun that I Commonly use. Itam. I give to my Son, Richard, my Swoard. Itam. I give to my Son, Richard Bond, one Black mare. Itam. I give to my Son, Robt., one Black Colt and I Leave my Bay horse CaU'^ Buet, for ye: use of the Sd: Plantation. Itam. I give ye. use of my whipsaw EaquiUey between my Sons Wm., John, James, Richard, & Robt. Itam. I give all my Carpentes Tools and Coopers Tools to be EaquiUey Divided between my sons, James & Richard. Itam. I Leave my wife, ye use of aU ye: hogs that I have to my wKe During of her Life, & after her Death to be EaquiUy Seared amongst my Children, James, Richard, Robt:, & Sarah & anna & Marey. And my wUl and Desire is that these two Negroes as I Leave ye: use of to my wKe, Viz. Shippy and Hannah, ShaU be Keep on this Plantation for the use of ye: Sd: Plantation tiU my Son Robt. ShaU Come to ye age of Twenty one Years, and as much Longer as my wife ShaU Live, and I Leave my Son, Robt., and what I have given him under the Ceare of his Brother, James, but then K there ShaU be aney Complaint of misusage by him. Then I Impower any of his Brothers to take ye. Sd: Robt. and what belongs to him out of ye: sd: Jameses Ceare, and my wiU and Desire is that my Son Robt. ShaU Come to ye age of twenty one years and my wifes Death, that then these two Negros afforsd: Shippy & Hannah ShaU be EaquiUey Divided my ChiUdren Viz: Wm:, John, James, Richard, Robt., 70 North Carolina Wills. Sarah, Anna, & Marey, and Likewise my Desire is jrt. after my wifes Death, that What Cattel, Sheep and Household Goods, She has ye: use of, be EaquiUy Divided betwen James, Richard, Robt., & Marey and my Meaning is that my Daugh ters, Sarah & anna Shall have an Eaquill Shear of ye. sd: Cattel which my has ye: use of; and my will and meaning is that if Either of my Children that is now unmarried Should Die without an Heire, then my meaing is that what I have here given him or them in this will. Shall be EaquiUey Divided amongst the Surviours of my Children, Wm:, John, James, Richard, Robt., Sarah, anna, & Marey. And I Doe hereby Constitute and appoiat my Son, WilUam Bond, and my Son, John Bond, and my Son, James Bond, Executors of this my Last will and Testament hia John X Bond (Seal) mark Signed, Sealed, and Published, In the Presents of us. Interlined before signed ye: word (or them) betwen ye 102 and 103 Line. Abba** Peitchett. John Tuenee. Philip Peitchett. Joshua Peitchett. Beauport County, ss. Septr. Court, 1749. Present His Majesties Justices: These are to Certify that the Last wiU and Testament of John Bond, late of the aforsd. County, decsed,, was proved in open Court by the oath of Ab". Pritchett, one of the subscribing evidences, who Saw that the other Subscribing evidence witness the Same; whereupon Wm, Bond, John Bond, & James Bond, were herein named, QuaUfied according to Law. Ordered that the Secretary have notice thereof. Test. Josiah Prathex. Clk. Copied from Original WiU, filed in the Office of the Secretary of State. VINYARD BOND'S WILL. In the Name op God Amen. I, Vinyard Bond, of Beau fort County, and Province of North Carolina, Being Very weak in Body but of Perfect mind and memory, and CaUing to mind That it is appointed for all men once to Dye, Do make, ordain, Constitute and appoint This and no other to be my Last Will and Testament, in manner and form foUowing, That is tosay: First, I give and Bequeath unto my Beloved Wife, Sarah Bond, the Plantation I now live on, and one other Plantation ajoyning to it on Core Point, with all my Houshold goods, furniture, Stock and Negroes, in order to support, Educate North Carolina Wills. 71 and maintain my son. Sweeting Bond, and my Daughter, Sarah Bond, untUl my said son arives at the age of Twenty one years and then I Desire that aU my furniture, Houshold goock and stock Remaining on the Said Plantation, be sold and the money arising from the sale thereof to be EquaUy Divided Between my said WKe, My said Son, and Daughter; But K it should happen that my said Son should Dye Before he arives to the age of Twenty one years, in such Case I Desire that the Sum of one Hundred Pounds Proclamation money to be Paid to my Wife out of the Estate that my said son Dyes Possest of, over and above what I have Already given her. Item. I Desire that in Consideration of my giving to my said WKe, The Several Sums of money above mentioned, my WUl and Desire is that the Estate of Mr. Southey Rew Deceased, When Settled and a Division Thereof made, whatever Part of that Estate that shall or may Come to my Said WKe, after my Decease, be EquaUy Divided Between my Said WKe and my Son and Daughter. Item. I Desire that soon after my Decease, the goods then Remaining in my Store, Consistiug of Lining and Stockings and aU other goods whatsoever in the said store, may be sold and the money arising from the sales thereof, be applyed to the use of my said WKe and son and Daughter within men tioned. According to the Directions of my Executors herein after mentioned. Item. I Desire that my Exors. herein after mentioned may Sell and Dispose of my Negro man Angus, and my Negro man Harrey, and the money arising from the sale thereof to be layd out to such Proper Uses as my Executors shall thiok Proper for the Support of my said Wife and Son and Daughter. Item. I Desire that my Plantation on the north side of Trent River, Containing two himdred Acres; and likewise my Plantation near Bath, on Town Creek, may be sold and the money arising therefrom the sale thereof, be let out on In terest for the use of my said WKe and son and Daughter, untUl my son arives to the age of Twenty one years, and then to be EquaUy Divided Between my said WKe and Son and Daughter. Item. I Desire that If my Son, Sweeting Bond, Should Dye Before he arives at the Age of Twenty one years, my will and Desire is that all the Household goods, furniture, and Stock, remaining on the Plantation at Coor Point at the Time of his Decease, may be sold and the Money Arising from the Sale thereof Be EquaUy Devided Between my said WKe, and my Daughter, Sarah Bond. Item. I Desire that after my Decease, K it should Happen that my said WKe should marry and Dye without Issue, then and in such Case it is my wUl and Desire that the one half part of what I have given and mentioned to be given to my 72 North Carolina Wills. Wife, shall be given to my said Son and Daughter, and Equally Devided Between them. Item. I Desire that all my Just Debts shall be paid out of the Book Debts that are due and owing to me, and the over Plus, if any, to be Equally Devided Between my said Wife and Son and Daughter; and as to the Negroes Remain ing of my Estate, to be sold with my Houshold goods and furniture as Before Mentioned, and the money arising from the Sale thereof to be EquaUy Divided Between my said Wifa and Son and Daughter. Item. My Will and Desire is that if my said Son, Sweeting Bond, and my said Daughter, Sarah Bond, should Dye before they come of age, then and in Such Case, my wiU and Desire is that my Sister, Susanah Kershaw, shall have out of the Por tion I have Left my said son and Daughter, fifty Pound, Proc lamation money, and the Remaining Part of their Estates to go to my Wife, Sarah Bond. Item. I give and Bequeath to my there other Sisters, Sarah, Mary, and Margaret, Each of them, one Shilling, Ster ling money, to them and their heirs forever. And I further Nominate, Constitute and appoint my Be loved Wife, Sarah Bond, Executrix, and her Brother, John Carruthers, Executor of this my Last WiU and Testament, Revoking aU former WiUs by me made. In Witness whereof, I have hereunto Set my Hand and Seal, the Twenty fifth Day of March, in the year of our Lord, one Thousand, Seven Hundred and Sixty two. Signed, Sealed, Published and Vinyd. Bond (Seal) Declared by the within named Vinyard Bond, to be his last WiU and Testament, In the Presence of us who have hereunto Put our Names as Witnesses in the Pres ence of the Testator: Willm. Peyton. Willm. Trippe. Heney Lockey. Thomas Lee. Newbern, November, the 8th, 1762. This day PersonaUy appeared before me Thomas Lee, and made oath on the Holy EvangeUsts of Almighty God, that he Saw Vinyard Bond, the Testator, Sign, Seal, PubUsh and Declare the Above to be and Contain his Last will and Testament; and that to the best of his knowledge he then was of sound mind and Disposing memory; and that he also saw Wm. Peyton, Wiffiam Trippe and Henry Lockey, sign as Concuring Evidences with him. At the same time John Carruthers, Executor therein named, quaUfied as such agreeable to Law. Let Letters Issue thereon. Arthur Dobbs. Recorded in WiU Book 8, page 263, Office of the Secretary of State. North Carolina Wills. 73 WILLIAM BOND'S WILL. North Carolina, Bufobd County, ss. In the Name God Amen. I, WUliam Bond, of ye County aforsd. This six Day of Novmber, 1757, Being Sik and weak in Body, But of parfet mind and memory, thanks be to god for it, Thearfor Calling mind the MorttiUity' of my body and Knowing that it is Apinted for all men once to Die, I doe therefore make and ordain this my Last wiU and testament, that is to Say, Principly and first of all, I Give and Recomend my SoaU into ye hand of God that give it; and as for my Body I Recomend it to the Earth to be Bueried in Chirstien Like and Disint mener; nothing Doubting but at ye Generall Reserec tion I ShaU Recive ye same again through ye Mighty Pouer of God: and as touching such worly goods wharewith it hath Pleased God Besto me with in this LKe, I give and Divise in this maner and forme as foloweth. Viz: Itim. I give to my Son, John Bond, the Plantation whearone now I doe Live, and all ye Land blonging therto. Excepting fifty acors up ye werstermost Swamp; Uk wise I give to my son, John Bond, half the old Box Neak, to him and his Hears for Ever, and one Negro Boy named Seasor, and one Negro grail named amey, to him and his Eirs for Ever, and it is my Disier that the first Child that ame has, that my Son, William Bond, shaU have to him and his Eirs for Ever, and my Disier that my Son John Bond ShaU have one par of Silver Shue Bockells and Silver Stock Clasps, and one SmaU gun, and one fether Bad and fornetud and one Dask Viz. Itim. I Give and Bequeth to my Son, Wilham Bond, one of land, ware SamuU Daves, Lives and fifty acors, ware Sarves Smith Did Live, and one Negro boy named Limes, and one par of Silver Shue BockeUs, and par of SUver nea Bockells, and one Stock BuckeU, and one fether bad and fornetud, to him and his Eks for Ever. Itam. I give to my D after, Rebaker, one Negro garll, named Rose, and one par of Silver Shue Bokels, and one fether Bad and fumetud, to her Ears for Ever. Itam. I ^ve to Kniga (?) Erkman, one Negro Boi, named Bristor, to him and his Eirs for Ever. Itam. I give to WUUam Smith, one Cow and Calf to him and his Eirs for Ever. Item. I leave my two old Negros, Sip and Easter, to be Sold to pay my LofeU Debts, and the rest of my MovebU Estat to be EquiUy to be Divided betwen my Son, John, and mary Erkman, and her Ears for Ever. 74 North Carolina Wills. And I Do Apint James Bond, and Richard Bond, and Sam uell Davis, Executors of this my Last Will and tastiment. WiLLAM Bond (Seal) Sign, Sealled and Delivered, Published In the presents of us, Frs. Gilbuet. Feances Waenee. Ann Mayo. Beaufort County, ss. Deer. Court, 1757. Present: his majesties Justices: This certified that the within last will and testament of Wm. Bond, was exhibited into Court and proved by the Oath of Ann Mayo, one of the subscribing witnesses thereto, who swore that she saw the said WUUam Bond, sign, seal & pubUsh the same as his last will and testament, and that she also saw Fra. Gilbert and Francis Wamer, the other subscribing wit nesses set their hands thereto. And at the same time James Bond, one of the Executors thereto, qualified by taking the Oath by law appointed. Ordered that the Secretary have notice that Letters Testamentary may issue. Test. Walley Chauncey, Cl. Clk. Copied from Original WiU filed in the Office of the Secretary of State. HENRY BONNER'S WILL. In the Name of God Amen. I, Henry Bonner, of Chowan precinct, in the province of north Carolina, planter, CaUing to mind the uncertainty of this life, Do make and ordain this Insturment of Writing to be and purport my Last Will and testament, and as to what Estate it hath pleased God to bless me with here, I Give and bequeath in the maimer and form following, to wit: I Give and bequeath to my son, Henry Bonner, all that my plantation, tract, or seat of Land Lying in the precinct aforesaid, and whereon I now Live, with the Appurtenances, to him and his heirs forever. I give and bequeath all that my plantation, tract, or seat of Land Lying in Greenhall, in the precinct aforesaid, and the appurtenances, to my said son, Henry Bonner, and his heirs forever. I give and bequeath to my son, Thomas Bonner, all these my three plantations, tracts, or seats of Land Lying in the precinct aforesaid, Comonly called and known by the names of Brin's, Holes's, and Jones's plantation, with their appur tenances, to him and his heirs forever. I give and bequeath all that my plantation, tract, or seat of Land Lying in the precinct aforesaid, comonly Called by the name of Bayes's plantation, to my Grandson, Richard Lewis, and his heirs forever. North Carolina Wills. 75 I give and bequeath unto my said son, Henry Bonner, aU the Stock of what nature or kind soever that is now on and belonging to the aforesaid plantation in Greenhall, and Six Negroe Slaves CaUed, to wit: Sam, James, Maria, priss, Kate and Bob, One new feather bed and furniture, one Oval table, one brass kettle, six new peuter dishes, four peuter basons, six peuter sup plates, six peuter flat plates. I give unto my said son Thomas Bonner aU and every of the stock that is now on, and belonging to the aforesaid two plantations Called Brin's and Holes's, and five Negroe slaves caUed, to wit: Cush, Suew, Cudjoe, Tomboy and DoU, One new feather bed and furniture, One Oval table, six new pewter dishes, four pewter basons, six sup plates, and Six flat plates, and One mare. I give and bequeath to my Daughter, Ehzabeth Lewis, One Negroe woman slave, CaUed Grace, One new feather bed and furniture. I give and bequeath to my Grandson, Richard Lewis, a Negroe girl slave caUed, Nann. I give and bequeath to my Daughter, Deborah Bonner, One new feather bed and furniture, and tliree Negroe slaves CaUed, Minge, Simon, and phebe. I give and bequeath unto my Daughter, Mary Bonner, One new feather bed and furniture, and three Negroe slaves CaUed, Daniel, Dinah, and Jane. I give and bequeath to my Grand daughter, Sarah Lewis, One Negroe Slave CaUed Joan. I give and bequeath unto my Grand daughter, Deborah Lewis, one Negroe slave CaUed, MoU. I give and bequeath aU the rest and residue of my personal Estate unto my said ChUdren, to wit: Henry, Thomas, Eliza beth, Deborah, and Mary, to be EquaUy divided amongst them. And aU the rest and residue of my real Estate, I Order and direct my Executor, hereafter mentioned, to dispose of, and the moneys arising therefrom to be Laid out for the Educating and maintaining my two Daughters, Deborah, and Mary, in their minority, and that they live with my Daughter, Ehza^ beth, and that she have the Care and management of them. And further it is my WiU and pleasure, that my son, Hemy, before the Negroes are Divided between him and his Brother Thomas, do make or Cause to be made upon One of the planta tions herein bequeathed unto the said Thomas, which he, the said Thomas, shaU direct sixty thousand bricks for buUding a house thereon. It is my WiU and pleasure that my said son, Thomas, do Live with my son Henry, during his minority, and I appoint my friend John Benbery to take care that the Estate herein 76 North Carolina Wills. bequeathed to the said Thomas, be not in the mean time be embeziled or wasted. And I do hereby nominate and appoint my said son, Henry Bonner, to be Executor of this my Last Will & testament, Revoking and annulling all former Wills by me heretofore made, and pronouncing, publishing and Declaring this to be my Last WUl and testament. In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal, at Chowan precenct aforesaid, the twenty first day of September, 1738. his Heney B Bonnee. (Seal) mark Sealed, pronounced, published, and Declared in the presence of: Jos. Andeeson. Abeam. Blackall. James Pottee. October ye 7th. 1738. Came before me Dr. Abraham Blackball, & James Potter, & made oath that they saw CoU: Henry Bonner, sign, seal & pubUsh ye within as his last wiU & testament, that he was of sound & disposing mind & memory, & that Mr. Joseph Anderson subscribed as a witness thereto. At the same time, Mr, Henry Bonner took ye oath appointed by law to be taken by executors. W. Smith, Clerk. Copied from Original WiU, filed in the Office of the Secretary of State. JOHN BONNER'S WILL. In the Name of God Amen. The Eleventh Day of No vember, and the year of our Lord God, One Thousand, Seven Hundred and fifty Three. I, John Bonner, of Chowan County, in the Province of North Carolina, Planter, being very Sick and weak in Body, but of perfect mind and Memory, Thanks be given unto God for it. Therefore calling unto Mind the Mortality of my Body, and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to Die, do make and Ordain tMs my last Will and Testament, That is to say, Principally and first of aU, I give and recommend my Soul into the Hanc^ of God that gave it; and my Body 1 1 recomend to the Earth, to be buried in decent Christian Burial at the Discretion of my Executors, nothing doubting but at the general Resurrection I shall re ceive the same again by the mighty Power of God: and as touching such Worldly Estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me in this life, I give, demise and dispose of the same in the following manner and Form: North Carolina Wills. 77 Imprimis. I Give and bequeath unto my God Son, Thomas Ecleston, Two Negroe Boys, Jack, and Cato., Six Cows and Calves, & my Riding Horse, to be deliver'd htm when he comes to Age, and K he should die without Heir LawfuUy begotten of his Body, the same to retum to my Brother, Thomas Bonner. Item. I give and bequeath to my Cousin, WiUiam Howcott, one Negroe Boy Named, Bob. and if he should Die without Heir, the said Negroe Boy to be Divided between his Two Sis ters, Elizabeth and Mary Howcott. Item. I give and bequeath to my Cousin, Edward Howcott one Negroe Girl Named, Grace, and K he should Die without Heir, the said Girl, to be divided between the aforesaid Ehza beth and Mary Howcott. Item. I Give and bequeath to my Sister, Sarah Howcott, One Gold Ring. Item. I Give and bequeath to my Sister, Martha Howcott, One Gold Ring. Item. I give and bequeath to my Brother, Thomas Bonner, my Plantations whereon I now Live, and all the Land that I have now in my Possession, likewise aU the Rest and Residue of my worldly Estate. (Except such as is herein before men tioned.) I Likewise constitute and Appoint the aforesaid Thomas Bonner, my Sole Executor of this my Last WiU and Testament; I likewise leave John Benbury and Henry Bonner as Trus tees to see that my WiU is fulfilled according to my Desire. And I do hereby utterly disaUow, revoke, disannul aU and every other former Testamente, WUls, Legacies and Bequests, and Executors, by me in any ways before Named, WUled and be queathed; ratKying and Confirming this and no other to be my last WiU and Testament. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my Hand and Seal, the Day and Year above written. John Bonnee. (Seal) N B — ^The above word (my) was Interhned before the Sign ing & Sealing of this WUl. Signed, Sealed and Declared by the said John Bonner, as his last WiU and Testament, in the Pres ence of us: Jeee". Michenee. Jno Smith x. Geoege Liles. Jurat Thos. Bonner QuaUfied. North Carolina, Chowan County ss. January Court, 1754. Present Hi,q Majestys Justices: These may Certify that George Idles, appeared in open Court and made oath that he Saw John Bonner, Sign, Seal, PubUsh and Declare the within 78 North Carolina Wills. to be and Contain his Last Will & Testament, and that he was then and at that time of Sound & Disposing mind and memory, and that he also Saw John Smith, & Jeremiah Mitchener, Sign there names thereto at the same time. Then appeared Thomas Bonner, Exr. to the within Will and was duly QuaUfied by taking the oath by Law Appointed. Ordered that the Secretary of sd. Province have notice that Letters testamentary issue thereon as the Law Directs. Test. Will Halsey, Cler. Cur. Copied from Original WUl filed in the Office of the Secretary of State. THOMAS BONNER'S WILL. NoETH Cabolina, Bebtie County, Nig'l. In the Name of God Amen. I, Thomas Bonner, of the County and provence aforesaid, being in my perfect Senses and Memory, I do to prevent disputes in my Family after my desese, do make this my Last Will and Testament in manner and form following: first and principally, I comend my soul to the hands of glmighty God that gave it; and my Body to be Buried in a Christian like maner. Secondly, I give to my well beloved son, Thomas Boner, and his heirs, one hundred acres of Land, be the same more or less, Lying and being, bounded the rode by hog pen Branch and knee Branch. 3'ly. I Give to my well beloved Dafter, Esther More, two hundred ackers of Land, to her and hir heirs, bounded by the rode and hintons Line and Blithehenden Line. 4'ly, I give my Son, henry Bonner, the Sum of one Shiling, sterUng Money of Grate Britain. 5'ly, I Give my Dafter, Elsebeth Wheeler, the sume of one Shiling, Starling Money of Great Britain. 6'ly. I Give my Dafter, anna Byrde, the sum of one Shiling, Starling money of Grate Britain. 7'ly. I Give my Dafter, Sarah wharton, the sum of one Shiling, Sterling money of Grate Britain. 8'ly, I Give my Dafter, patchnce Byrde , the Sume of one Shiling, Sterling Money of grate Britain. 9'ly, I Give to my son, Moses Boner, the sum of one Shiling, Starling money of .grate Britain. lO'ly, I give to my weU beloved Wife, Elsebath Bonner, aU the Rest of my Estate, both Real and personal of aU kinds whatsoever, to her disposal for Ever; I also appoint my said Wife whole and sole Ex'cutrix of this my Last wiU and testa ment. In witness whereof, I have set my hand and Seal, this Elev- North Carolina Wills. 79 enth day of november, in the Year of our Lord Christ, one thousand. Seven hundred and fifty five. ilia THOMAS X Bonner. (Seal) Sined, Seled and dehvered *^''''''- in the presante of us: Moses M Bonner, Jurat. Mark. hia Edmon E Byrde. mark. Aethue Moob, Jurat. Abbaham Blitehenden. Bertie Coxtntt, ss. April Court, 1756. The before Written wUl was Exhibited into Court and Proved by the Oaths of Moses Bonner and Arthur Moore, two of the Subscribing Wit nesses thereto, which was ordered to be Certifyed. Test. Benjn. Wynns. Cler. Cur. Bertie County, ss. This day PersonaUy appeared before me EUzabeth Bonner, and was duly qualified as Executrix to the Last WUl and Testament of Thomas Bonner, Deed. Certifyed under my hand this 4th. Day of April, Anno Dom., 1757. Wm. Wynns, P. J. Copied from the Original WiU, ffied in the Offic e of the Secretary of State. JAMES BOON'S WILL. In the name of god Amen. I, James Boone, of the pre cinct of Bertie, being Sick and weak of Body, but of Sound and perfect mind & memory (thanks be to God for the Same), calUng to mind the fraUty of my Body & the mortality of my Body, and that it is appoiuted for aU men once to die, do make and ordain this to be my last wiU and Testament in Maimer and form foUowing, that is to say: first & principally, I recom mend my Soul into the hand of almighty God who gave it, hoping through the merits, death & passion of my Saviour, Jesus Christ to have and receive fuU and free pardon & for giveness of aU my sins, and to Inherit Everlasting Ufe; after death; my Body I commit to the Earth from whence it came to be Burryed in Dacent and Chritain like Maimer at the Dis cretion of my Excrs. hereafter named; and as Touching the disposial of all Such Temporal Estate It hath pleased ahnighty God to bestow upon me (beyond my Diserts) iu this Trans itory Ufe, it is my wiU that it shaU be Disposed as foUoweth: Imprs. First I wUl that my Debts and Funerall Charges ShaU be paid & Discharged. Secondly, I give and bequeath to my Son in Law, John Early, my Negro woman Called Rose, to be DeUvered after 80 North Carolina Wills. the Decease of my Loving wife Eliza. Boone, and fifty apple trees to be Delivered on Demand. Thirdly, I Give and bequeath to my Son in Law, John Wynns, my Negro man called Charles, to be Delivered after my wifes Decease, and my Cross Cut saw and my writing Desk to be DeUvered upon Demand, and half the benefit of my Apple Orchard (which I Leave under his care) untill his Son, George Augustus Wynns, come to full age, and also my Black Walnut Table to be Delivered after my wifes Decease, and 1000 foot of new plank to be Delivered Imediately. Fourthly, I give and bequeath to my Son in Law, cuUineur Sessums, My Negro man Adam, to be Delivered after my wifes decease. Fifthly, I give, bequeath & Demise to my Grandson, George Augustus Wynns, My maimer plantation whereon I now Live, and four hundred acres of Light woodLand adjoyn ing to it, in fee Simple to him, the said George Augustus, his heirs and (and) assigns for Ever. And in case he die without any heir, or assignee, Then it is my will that the Same fall to the next heir of My Daughter, Mary Wynns' Body, to his, her, or their heirs or assigns for Ever, & in Case my sd Daugh ter, Mary Wynns, Die without such heir, Then it is my wiU that the same Decend to the heirs of My Daughter, Eliza: Early Body, Lawfully begotten & to his or her heirs or assigns for Ever. Sixthly, I Give and bequeath to my sd. Grandson, George Augustus Wynns, my Baldfaced mare Branded W, and the Choise of all the Children my negro Girl Judey brings, after the first. Seventhly, I give to my Grandson, James Early, my negro man Called Sam, to be Delivered after my wifs Decease. Eightly, I Give to James Burk, my negro woman called Moll and her Son Coaffe, and all her futer Increase and 100 Publick BUls and £21 : 12s in Gold, and my great fether bed and its furniture, or his Choise of any of my beds w'ch shall be Imediately after my wifes Decease, and my Gray young mare wch came of my Bush Mare, and a Yearling filly, and a young Gray horse wch now runs in my Pasture, and my new riding Sadie and Bridle and my Buckineer gun and Cutlash, and my new Chest, and one Learge Iron pot and pot hooks, and my own Wareing apperill to be maid in to apperill for him, All wch I Leave in the care and trust of my Son in Law, John Wynns, with him as his Tutor and Guardian untill he arive at ye age of Eighteen years, and then the sd. Estate to be Delivered to him, but not to his own Disposial untiU he arive at the age of Twenty one years, without the advice and Consent of him the sd. Wynns. Ninthly, I give unto william Burk, my Negro Girl Judey North Carolina Wills. 81 and her increase (Except the ChUd before given to my Grand son, George Augustus Wynns) and £100: PubUck BUls and £5: cash and £25 in BUls (for his Education), and one Sorriel Mare fiUy runing in my pasture, and a Large Gray mare CaUed the Bush Mare, and my little Gun, and one iron pott and pott hook, AU which I Leave in the care & Trust of my Son in Law, John Wynns, (reserving the Service of Judey to my wKe dureing her hfe) untiU he arive at ye age of Eighteen years and then the sd. Estate to be Dehvered by the sd. Wm., but not at his Dispossial without the advise and Concent of the sd. John Wynns (whom I appoint his Tutor and Guardian) untiU he be at ye age of Twenty years. Reposing only the trust of his person to my wKe while she Lives. Tenthly, And in Case Either of the sd. Brothers, James or WiUiam Burke die under age. Then it is my wiU that haK of the Deceased Estate be Delivered, when due, to the other brother, and the other haK thereof to be Devided EquiUy between the ChUdren of my sons in Law, John Early and John Wynns. Eleventhly, I give to John Asskew, two Cows and Calves, and fifty apple trees to be DeUvered on Demand; & two Ews & a Ram to be DeUvered next Spring; and £20 Currt. BiUs on Demand. TweKthly, I give to my God Daughter, Martha Davis, one mare colt to be DeUvered next Spring. Thirteenthly, I give to my Loving WKe, EUzabeth Boone, my two horses Jock & Shavers, and my Large Sorrel Mare, and my new England Saddle, and Five pounds cash, and my great kiU of Ughtwood: and aU the remainder of my Light wood I give to her and our Son in Law, John Wynns. Fourteenthly, It is my will that after my wifs Decease in whose hands I leave ye Remainder of my personal Estate what shall be remaining thereof shall be equilly Devided be tween the sd. John Wynns and John Early and James Burke. FKteenthly and Lastly, I Constitute, ordain and appoint my Loving wKe, Elizabeth Boone, Executrix, and my Trusty and weU beloved Sons in Law, John Wynns and John Early, Execrs. of this my last wiU and Testament, and I do hereby revoke, disanul and make void aU former wills and Testamente by me heretofore made. In Witness whereof, I, the said James Boone, have hereunto Set my hand and Seal, this Eighth day of June, annoq Domini, 1733 ^^ James B Boone (his seal) Signed, Sealed, pubUshed and ^^^^^ declared in the presence of us: John Willson. Thomas Lee. bis James J Martin. mark 6 82 North Carolina Wills. North Carolina. Before his ExceUy. Gabriel Johnston, Esqr., his Majestys Govr. of the Province, and OrcUnary of the Same: Personaly appeared Thos. Lee, who being duely Sworn, Sayeth that he was present and Saw the deceased James Boone, Sign, Seal, pubUsh and Declare the within, Instrument as his last will & Testament & that he was then of Sound & Disposing mind & Memory: And that he Saw John Willson and James Martin, the two other Subscribing Witnesses present & Sett their Names as Witness there- imto. Likewise appeared John Wjnms, one of the Execrs. appointed by the Above Last wUl & Testament, & took the Oath of Executor as required by Law. Given at Edenton, under my hand the 31st of March, Anno Dom: 1735. Gab, Johnston. Copied from Original WiU, filed in the Office of the Secretary of State. RALPH BOOZMAN'S WILL. In the Name of God Amen. The fift Day of January, In the Year of Our Lord, 1744r-5: I, Ralph Boozman, in the County of Perqs., Husband Man, beuig In good Health and of Perfect Mind and Memory, Thanks be given unto God there fore, calling to mind the mortality of my Body & Knowing that it is Appointed for all men to Dye, do make & Ordain this my Last Will and Testiment: that is to Say, principally, and first of all, I give & Recommend my Soul Into the Hands of God yt gave it; And for my Body I Recommend it to ye: Earth, to be Buried In a Christien like & Decent Manner, at the Discretion of my Exs. And as Touching Such Worldly Estate wherewith it hath pleased God to Bless me with in this Life, I Give, Devise, & Dispose of the Same In the follow ing manner and firm: Imprimis. It is my Will & I do Order, That in the first place, all my Just Debts and Funeral Charges be paid & Sat isfied. Item. I Give and Bequeath unto my Dearly beloved Sister, Mary BuUock, all & Singular the Lands, Messuagis and Tene ments, to her, and after her Decease, to the Children of Joseph BuUock, and Thomas Bullock, (That is to Say) the Heirs of the sd: Joseph Bullock & Thomas Bullock, Whom I Likewise Constitute, make and Ordain my Sole Exs. of this my Last will & Testiment. Item. I Give & Bequeath unto Sarah the Daughter of my Sister, Mary Bullock, five pounds, Current money of this Province, & a Cow & Calf. Item. I Give & Bequeath unto my Beloved Sister, Mary Bullock, all my Household Goods and Moveables, and after her Decease to the Children of Joseph Bullock & Thomas Bul lock as aforesd: And I do hereby Utterly Disallow, Revoke, North Carolina Wills. 83 and Disannul aU and Every Other former Testaments, WiUs, Legacies, Deed or Deeds of GKts, and Exs: by me In any Ways before this Time Named, Willed and Bequeathed. Rat Kying, and Confirming this and No Other, to be my Last WUl and "Testiment. In witness whereof, I Have hereunto Set my Hand and fixt my Seal the Day and Year above Written. the mark of Ralph R Boozman. (Seal) Signed, Sealed, PubUshed, Pro nounced, and Declared by the Said Ralph Boozman as his Last WiU and Testiment, In the pres ence of us the Subscribers, Vizt: Joshua Hobart. (Seal) Jurt. James Sitteson, Junr. (Seal) her Jurt. Hannah H Sitteson. (Seal) mark North Carolina, Perquimans County, ss. January Court, anno Dom, 1750. Present His Majestys Justices: Then was the within wUl proved in Open Court by the Oaths of James Sitterson, and Haimah Sitterson, in due form of law and at the Same time Thomas BuUock, Executor to the Within wiU, was duly QuaUfied by taking the affirmation by law appointed to be taken by Executors. Order^ that the Secretary or his Deputy of said province have Notice that Letters Testamentory issue thereon as the law Directs. Test. Edmund Hatch, Cler. Cur. Copied from Original WiU ffied in the Office of the Secretary of State. WILLIAM BOYCE'S WILL. In the Name of God Amen. The Eleventh day of June, Seventeen hundred and three. I WilUam Boyce, Merch't. of Pequimuis, in the County of Albemarle, in the Proprie- torshipp of North Carolina, being Sick and weake in body but of Sound and Perfect memory, (praise be given to God for the Same), and knowing the Uncertainty this IKe on earth, and being desireus to Settle things in order, doe make this, my last wiU & Testam't, in Manner and forme foUowing, That is to Say: First and Principally I Commend my Soul to Almighty God my Creator, assuredly beUeving that I shall receive fuU pardon and free remission of my Sins, and be Saved by the presious death and meritts of my blessed Saviour & Redeemer Christ Jesus; and my body to the earth from whece it was taken, to be buryed in such decent christian maimer as to my Execu trix hereafter named ShaU be thought meet & convenient; 84 North Carolina Wills. & As touching such worldly estate as the Lord in mercy hath lent me, my wiU & meaning is, the Same shall be Imployed and bestowed as hereafter by this my will is Expressed. And first I doe revoke, renounce, frustrate and make void all wills by me formerly made, and declare and appoint this, my last will & testam't. And first, I will that all those debts and dutyes as I owe, in right or Conscience, to any manner of Person or Per sons whatsoever, shall be well and truely Contented and payd, within Convenient time after my decease, by my Executrix hereafter named. Item. I give and bequeath unto my Mother, Mary, of Yar mouth in the County of Norfolk, in England, the Summe of fifteen Pounds, Sterling, to be remitted to her by bills of Ex change. Item. I give and bequeath unto my Brother, Robert, of the towne and County Last Named, the Summe of Twenty ShUlings, SterUng, to be payd & remitted as aforesd. Item. I give and bequeath unto Mrs Juliana Lakers the Sume of five pounds currt. money of Carolina, to be payd in Convenient time after my decease. Item. I give and bequeath unto Mr Robert Bradley, of Prince Georges County, Maryland, the Summ of five pounds Currt. money of the Said place. Item, my wiU & pleasure is y't my Executrix, hereafter Named, doe Send & buy or cause to be purchased, bought & deUvered, Eight Gold Burial Rings, which shall cost four & twenty ShiUings Each, which are to be given & Distributed in manner & forme following, (to witt). To Mrs Juliana Lakers, my Executrix hereafter named; Coll Wm. Wilkison; his wife; James Stodart in Prince Georges County ui Maryland; his wife; Mr John Cobb; & Peter Godfrey. And Lastly, I give & bequeath unto Mrs. Joanna Taylor, aU the rest & residue & remainder of all my Goods & Chatties, wheresoever or howsoever legally belonging or Due unto me, and Doe hereby make, Constitute & ordaine the Sd Joanna Tayler, my only & Sole Executrix of this my last wiU & testmt., to see the same performed according to the true intent & mean ing thereof. In Witness whereof, I have hereunto Sett my hand & Seale, the day & year above written. Wil Boyce (Sigill) Sealed & Delivered in presence of: his David X Haeeis. marke her Eliz. Eliz Stuaet. marke J. GODFEEY. North Carolina Wills. 85 North Carolina W — ^By the Hon'ble Deputy Govem'r Et. (SigiU) Whereas good & lawfuU proofs have been made, that the above written is the last WUl & Testmt. of Mr. WiUiam Boyce Deced. A true Coppy whereof is hereunto annexed, & hath therein appointed & made Mrs Joanna Tayler Executrix of the Same, These are to Impower the Sd Joanna Tayler, in & upon aU & Singular the Goods & Chattells Rights & Creditts of the Sd WUUam Boyce, to Enter wheresoever in this Govemm't to be found, and the Same into her posses sion to take, and a true Inventory thereof to retum into the Secretaryes office within one year after the Date hereof, & the Same to Dispose of, as by the Sd WiU is appointed. Given under my haiid & Seale the First day of December, Anno Dm. 1703. Robt. Daniell. Recorded in WiU Book IA, pages 26 & 19, Office of the Secretary of State. THOMAS BOYD'S WILL. No. Cabolina, ss. I, Thomas Boyd, of Bath County, in No. Carolina, remem bering the uncertainty of this fraU & Transitory Life, And the Necessity that aU human Flesh are under of departing this LKe, Do make, publish and ordain this, my last WiU and Testa ment, hereby revoking and annulling aU other WiUs or Testa ments or either of them heretofore by me made, either by Word or writing. First & PrincipaUy I recommend my Soul to Almighty God, assuredly expecting Forgiveness and Re demption from aU my Sinns thro' the precious Blood of my blessed Saviour Jesus Christ: And as to what wordly Estate the Lord heth bestowed upon Me, I give and dispose of in manner foUowing: Imprimis, I give and bequeath unto my WKe, Katharine Boyd, my best Bed and aU it's Furniture, Six Cows and Calves, four Sows and piggs, three two Year old Stears, my greatest Iron pott and Hooli, my Greatest Brass Kettle, one frying pan. Six Soop plates, Six other new plates. Two of my best pewter Dishes, Six black Chairs, my best Table, my best Chest, and the Chest of Drawers, I say to her and her assigns for Ever. Item. I give unto my Said WKe, Katharine, the profits and occupation of my plantation at Broad Creek, where I now dweU, during her Widowhood (without Suffering or making any waste thereon), in fuU of Her Dower and demand on aU or any of my Land; But K she shaU marry my WUl and Desire is that she have only one third of my Lands during her LKe and no more. Item. I give unto my Said Wife, the Labour and Service of my two Slaves, Betty which I bought of Mr. Tho. Martyn, and Transway which I bought of Mr. James Robins, upon the North Carolina Wills. plantation afsd. during her Widowhood. PROVIDED, my Wife do first give good Security to the Court that the Same two Slaves, Betty and Transway shall be delivered to my aforesaid Son, John Boyd, or his Order (Mortality in the said Slaves excepted) when she shall marry or dye, whichsoever shall first happen. Item. I give and bequeath unto my Kind Friend CoU. Edward Moseley, of Albemarle County, five pounds to buy him a Ring. Item. I give unto my loving Friend, Mr. Robt. Turner, of Bath County, five pounds, to buy him a mourning Ring. Item. I give and bequeath unto my loving friend, Capt. Simon Aldersoan, of Bath County, my Smallest Case of Bottles, my writing Desk or Buroe, and five pounds to buy him a mourning Ring. Item. I give devise and bequeath unto my dutyfuU and well beloved Son, John Boyd, my largest Case of Bottles, and aU other my personal and real Estate of what Kind or Nature soever or wheresoever to be found or Had. And it is my Earnest Desire and Will that all the Cattle and Hogs which shall belong to my aforesaid Son be put on some Land belonging to my Said Son at the Descretion of my Exec, there to breed for his only advantage and profit, And that all the Moneys arising from the Sale at Vendue of all the personal Estate which shall belong to my Son (except the Case of Bottles aforesaid and his Slaves) after all my just Debts are paid, and Legacies Satisfied, be applyed to buy Slaves for my Said Son; And that the Slaves so bought together with all those Slaves I leave him be constantly kept at Work on Lightwood on my Sons Land, thereby to raise money to buy more Slaves, with what con venient Speed my Exec, can, and to educate and School my Said Son. Lastly I do hereby nominate and appoint my trusty and loving friends Coll. Edward Moseley, & Capt. Simon Alderson, my whole and Sole Exec, of this my last WiU to see the Same performed. In Witness whereof I have hereunto Set my Hand and Seal, this 17th. Day of December., Anno Dom., 1725. Thomas Boyd* (Seal). North Carolina, Beauport C. Hyde P.cinct ss. April Court 1726. Present James Leigh, SamU. Slade, Joshua porter & Jno. Martyn, Esqr, justices of ye. Said Court: The last Will and Testament of Thomas Boyd, Gent., deceed, bearing Date ye. 17th of Decembr., 1725, was exhibited in open Court by Simon Aider- son, one of the Exec, thereof, and the Same being in his own Hand Writing without any Subscription of Witnesses, was proved by parity of Hand writing it being compared with other writings of his, and Some of the Justices members of this Court being weU acquainted with the Said Boyd's North Carolina Wills. 87 Handwriting are of the Opinion it is the Said Thomas Boyd's Handwriting. Likewise Capt. Jno, Tripp & GUes Shute Esqr. being Summoned and Swom deposed that they were weU acquainted with the Said Boyd's Handwriting, And that they verily beUeved the Said Will to be his the Said Thomas Boyd's own Handwriting, Moreover as a further adminicular proof Samuel Poyner, being Summoned and Swom declared that Thom. Boyd, afsd.. Came to Him on Friday, about one by the Clock, being the 17th. of De cembr. last past, and told him that that Night he would go in and make his WiU And his shewing great apprehensions of Dying in a Uttle Time made the said Poyner Conceive he was in Liquor tho. from no other Rea^ son he Saith he conceived it. Likewise, Mary Christmass, being Sum moned and Swom declared that on the Said 17th. of Decembr., in the Evening the Said Boyd came to her Husband's House and enquired for Her Husband, And the next Day came to the Said House three times and was desirous of her Husband's being Evidence to a WUl which he said he had made, at the Same time burning One which he said was a former WUl of His, adding that he had been a Week contriving that Mr. Moseley and Mr. Alderson might have the Management of his' Affairs after his Death to His ChUd's Benefit. And that the Said Boyd then Said that tho He should be disappointed of Hia Witnesses yet the Court weU knew his Handwriting and that he knew if he could have the Management thereof HimseK he could make it Stand for a good WiU without Witnesses. Also Jonathan Christmass, being summoned and Swom, declared that the WUl aforesaid was deUvered to him by Mrs. Catharine Boyd, Rehct of the Said Thomas Boyd, to be kept 'tiU She demanded it. She taking it out at that Time of a Chest of Drawers, but he further Saith That he Saw the Said Mrs. Boyd, before that time open the Desk or Buroe in which Mr. Boyd aforesaid kept his papers of Moment, and that the Deponent by her Direction looked over his papers for a WUl but found none. This Court being of the opimon that the said WUl has been Sufficiently proved Ordered that the Secretary have notice thereof. And for the Satisfaction of Such as it may concern this Court Has caused the foregoing proofs exhibited into Court to Support and maintain the WiU afsd. to be thereunto annexed, which together with the Said WUl, the Motion of Simon Alderson afsd. are ordered to be recorded. Then Came Simon Alderson One of the Exec, of the Said WiU into Court and took the Exec. Oath To perform the Said WUl of the Deceed. aforesaid, as the Law directs. Testis Thos: Jones Cir. cur. Recorded in WiU Book 3, page 95, Office of Secretary of State. ANNE BRYAN'S WILL. In the Name of God Amen, the 25th. Day of October, 1767. I, anne Bryan, of Craven County, & Province of North Caro- liiia, being Sick & weak in body but of Perfect mind and Mem ory, Thanks be Given Unto God therefore, CalUng Unto Mmd the Mortahty of my Body & Knowing that it is Appohited for all Persons Once to Dye, Doe make & ordain this my Last WUl & Testament, that is to say PrincipaUy, and Fu-st of all I Give and Recomend my Soul into the hands of God That Gave it; my Body I recomend to the Earth to be buried in a Desent Christian Like buriel, at the Discretion of my Executors, 88 North Carolina Wills. Nothing Doubting but at the General Reserrection I shall Receave the same by the Mighty Power of God: And as Touching such Worldly Estate where with it hath Plessed God to bless me with in this Life, I Give, Demise & Dispose of the same in the Following Manner & Form : Item. I Give & bequith to my Well beloved Son, WiUiam Bryan, One Negro Woman Named Venis, One horse Called Bull, One Large Looking Glass, One Silver spoon, One Large Ovel Table, a Safe, & the half of my Cattle on Hatterass Banks, to him and his heirs. Item. I Give & bequeath to my WeU beloved Son, John Bryan, One Negro Man Named Kent, One Peace of Land Lay ing on the No. Side of Neuse River & West Side of Island Creek, Containing 40 Acers, be the same More Or Less, which I Bought of John Starkey, Known by the Name of Fort Neck, One Mair Colt Bonney, One Cow & CaK, spise Morter & PesseU, One Silver Table spoon, the half of my Cattle on Hatterass Banks, & the Labour of One Free Born Negro Boy Named Asa, Tell his Indentuers shall be Exspierd, to him & his heirs for ever. Item. I Give & bequeath Unto my Well beloved Son, Jesse Bryan, One Peace of Land Containing 150 Acers which I Bought of Thos. Carraway, Laying on the No. Side of Neuse River & East side of smith Creek; 100 Acers which I Bought of Samuel & Isaac Easlick, on the No. Side of Neuse River & head of Orchard Creek; One Negro Man Named Seasor, One Boy Named Will, Two Negro Wimen Named Rose & Jane, & the Labour of Two Free Born Negro Boys Tell there Inden tuers is Exspierd Named. Aron & David, & Two horses Called, Frolick & Poilet, to him & his heirs for Ever. Item. I Give and bequith to my Well beloved Daughter, mary Cook, One shilling Sterling, to her & hier heirs For Ever. Item. I Give and bequith to my Well beloved Daughter, Elizabeth Dawson, one Shilling Sterling, to her & her heirs. Item. I Give and bequith to my well beloved Grandson, Joseph Stockley, one ShiUing Sterling, to him & his heirs. Item. I Give and bequith to my Well beloved Grandson, John Dawson, one Shilling Sterling, to him and his heirs. Item. I Give and bequith to my WeU beloved Son, Jesse Bryan, all the Remainder Part of my Estate, to him and his heirs. I Likewise Constitute, make & orDain my Loveing Sons, William Bryan, John Bryan, & Jesse Bryan, Executors, of this my Last Will and Testament, and I Doe here by Utterly Dis allow of and Revoke and DisanuU all Former Wills by me made, Confirming this and Noe other to be my Last will & Testament. North Carolina Wills. 89 In Witness whereof, I have here Unto Sett my hand & seale, the Day and Year above Written. Anne Bryan (Seal) Signed, SeaUed, Published, Pro nounced, and DeUvered, by the said Anne Bryan, as her Last wUl & Testament, in the Presents of us the Subscribers: James Cabbaway. Ann Cabbaway. Elies Justes. Gideon Cabbaway. The above last WiU and Testament of Ann Bryan, was proved before me this 9th. day of March, 1773, by the Oath of Gideon Carraway, one of the subscribing Witnesses thereto, who swore that he saw the "Testatrix sign, seal, pubUsh & declare the same to be her last WiU and Testament, and that at the time thereof she was of sound and disposing Mind & Mem ory. And John Bryan one of the Executors therein named, having taken the Oath appointed for his quaUfication, It is ordered that letters Testamentary issue thereon W. Martin. Copied from Original WUl ffied in the Office of the Secretary of State. EDWARD BRYAN'S WILL. In the Name op God Amen, This 28th Day of January, In the Year of our Lord, 1745, 1, Edward Bryan, being In per fect mind and memory, blessed be God for his Mercy, caUing unto Mind that it is Appointed for aU men to Die Doth make this my Last WiU and Testemt, and Dispose of my Worldly Estate wherewith God hath blessed me With, as foUoweth: Imprimis. Unto my Eldest Son, John Bryan, I give and bequeath to he and his heirs lawfuUy begotten of his body and their bodies, for Ever, Two himdred Acres And Twenty Acres of Land, being part of the Land which I bought of Martin Frank, and Edward Frank, called New Germiny, beginning at the begining bounds of the Deed, On Jacks cabin branch, and Runing the bounds of the Deed for the Two hundred and Twenty Acres, which shall be Marked out by the Exs : or Some other Appointed person; Unto my Son, Edward Bryan, I give and bequeath To him and his Heirs LawfuUy begotten of his Body and of their Bodies, for Ever, Two hundred & fifty Acres of of Land being part of the Land wch. I bought of Martin Frank and Edward Frank, caU'd New Germany, begining on the Left bounds of his brother John's and Runing Up Towards Cjrprus Creek within the Deed, For the CompUment to be 90 North Carolina Wills. Marked out by the Exs. or some other Appointed person, in any shape or Course as they shall see fit & proper. Item. I Give and bequeath to my son, William Bryan, and his Heirs LawfuUy begotten of his Body and of their Bodies for Ever, three himdred Acres of Land, more or Less, being the Remaining part of the Two Deeds as I bought of Martin Frank and Edward Frank, called. New Germany, the Four hundred and Seventy Acres given to his Two Brothers Excepted, to them, and if any one of my Three Sons should Die without Heirs lawfuUy begotten of their Bodies, his portion bequeathed as affsaid shall be EquaUy Divided between the two living Bro thers and their heirs lawfully begotten of their bodies for Ever; Also I give and bequeath to my Son, John Bryan, One lot In Newburn Town, to him, his heirs or assigns. Item. I Give and bequeath unto my son, Edward Bryan, one Lot in Newburn Town, to him, his Heirs or Assigns; and I give and bequeath to my son, William Bryan, one lot in New burn Town, to him, his heirs or Assigns. "These three lots shall be Divided by my Exs., of other appointed persons, when my son, John Bryan, shall be at Age; Also I give and bequeath to my Daughter, Penelipy Bryan, One lot in Newburn Town, The lot and Storehouse, the same lot whereon the storehouse now Stands; Also I give and bequeath to my Daughter Penelipy Five Hundred Pounds, in bills, instead of a Portion of Land, to be paid out of my Money which lies in stock of Trade, at Age, or at the Day of Mareage; also I give and bequeath One hundred pounds in bUls out of my Stock of Money in Trade, to buy her a bed and furniture, to be paid out at the Executors Discression before he comes to Age if Need be for it. Item. I Give and bequeath to my loving Wife, Arm Bryan, One Plantation and all the Survey of Land belonging to it, lying on the West side of swifts Creek, Surveyed for me in One Thousand Seven hundred and forty four-five, called paradice, to her, her heirs or Assigns. And all the Rest of my Lands as is Not Given by WiU or Deed, I give and bequeath to be Sold at the Exs. Discression, and the Sale and title shall be good to whomsoever shall buy it: also I give and bequeath to my Loving Wife One Negro Women called, Agey, and One Negro Man called Will, One Negro man called, London, One negro Man called Simon; also two plowhorses; also Five Riding horses; also all my stock of Cattle, sheep & hoggs. Except Twenty four Cows and Caves, Seven Stears only also I give aU my household Goods as beding, Cetchen Wair, and aU Ves sels of Iron, brass, Copper, or puter, or Wood, and aU other Vessels of any Kind, as ar generally Used in the house. And I give and bequeath to my Three Sons, and Daughter, John, Edward, & WilUam Bryan and Penelipy Bryan, Twelve Negroes Named as follows: Melatto, Tener, Sary, Nancy and North Carolina Wills. 91 Uttle Egey, Tom, Cesar, George, Joseph CaUed Joe, Jack, Frank, & Robin, & Primas; and also I give and bequeath to them Twenty four Cows and Calves, and four ]\Iairs. The said Negroes & Cattle and Mairs to be at their own proper Resque & Not to be Divided nor any Division made between my four ChUdren of Neither Negroes, nor Cattle, nor horse- kind, untu my Eldest son John shaU be of Age, that is to say, of Twenty One Years, and then there shaU be a Devision made by the Exs. and three other Men chosen by the Court. The Negroes and their Increase the Cattle and horse Kind & their Increase, The Cattle and horse Kind and their Increase shaU be Equally Divided between my four ChUdren and shall be at Each ones proper Resque. Also I Give unto my Three sons, Each, One himdred Poimds in bills to buy Each of them a bed and Furniture, and this Three hundred Pounds shaU be paid out of my Stock of Money that Ues in Trade. And my Desire is that my four ChUdren should have Seven Years schooling and between the Age of seven Years old and Seventeen Years old, to be given in such Siencies as the Exs: shaU think proper, and the Cost of their Cloathing, Washing, lodging, and schooling and Vittling, shaU be paid out of their Negroes Labor put to Use as the Executors shaU agree and think proper. Also I Give my loving WKe the Use of my ChUdrens Negroes the first Two Years after my Decease, she paying the ChU drens Expences, and when the Two Years is out the ChUdren to have the VaUue of their hire for the time to come. Also I Give the Money that hes in Trade, the Remaining part that is Not Given already, to be Divided, my Loving WKe to have One Third part, and the Two Third parte to my ChU dren, to EquaUy Divided. likewise I leave four Stears at Wiggiaes, One at Grimes, two at Goose Creek, and One of my Riding horses to be sold, to pay Jane Hand the Money Due to her Upon the books. I likewise Constitute and Ordain my Loving WKe, Ann Bryan, and my Loving Brother, Hardy Bryan, and my Loving Bro ther, Lewes Bryan, to be my true and LawfuU Exx. & Exec utors of this my last WiU and Testament. As Witness my hand the Day and Date above mentioned. Edward Bbyan. (Seal) Signed, Sealed & Published before Us: Wm. Whitfoed. Jane BLand. Richaed Haet. 92 North Carolina Wills. May 9th, 1746. These are to Certifie that Richd. Hart, and Jane Hand, came before me, Enoch Hale, Esqr., Chief Justice of North Carolina, and made Oath that they saw the w'thin nam'd Edwd. Bryan, in his Lifetime, Sign, seal & PubUsh the w'thin WUe & Testamt., and that he, the said Edwd. Bryan, was of sound mind and disposeing Memory at the time thereof, as also that Wileiam Whitford was a Concurring Evidence wth them. Test. E. Hall, C. J. And The said Enoch Hale, Do further Certifie, that Hardy Bryan & Ann Bryan Exr. & Exx. to the wth. Wile, QuaUfied theniselves According to Law by taking the Oath appointed. Ordd that Letter's Issue Accordingly. E. Hall C. J. Copied from Original WiU filed in the Office of the Secretary of State. HARDY BRYAN'S WILL. In the Name of God Amen. I, Hardy Bryan, of the prov ince of North Carolina, & Craven County, Planter, being sick in Body, but of sound Mind & Memory, do make my last wiU & Testament in the form & Maimer following, that is to say: It is my will that the plantation on which my son Thomas now lives, consisting of about Two hundred & Seventy acres, be divided by the ash Branch, & then I give & bequeath that part of it lying on the North Side of the ash Branch to my said Son Thomas, to him & his Heirs for ever. I further give & bequeath to my son, Thomas, one Negroe man named Edin burgh, & one negroe Girl named Lucy, which said Lucy is already in the Possession of my son Thomas. I give & bequeath to my son William, to him & his heirs forever, two hundred & seventy acres of Land, be 'the same more or less, which I bought of my Brother Lewis, & is adjoin ing to the Land of Frederick Isler. I further give & bequeath to my son William to him & his heirs for ever one hundred Acres of Land which I bought of Frederic Jones, & lying on the West side of Trent River. I further give & bequeath to my son WiUiam, One Negroe Boy named Cain, which I have already delivered into his Possession. It is my will & desire that the Plantation or Survey of Land on which I now live be equally divided, & then I give & bequeath to my son, Hardy, to him & his heirs for ever, after the Marriage or death of his affectionate Mother, the upper half of the said Plantation or Survey, or that half of it on which the houses are now erected. And I give & bequeath to my Son, Nathan, to him & his heirs for ever, the other or lower part of the said Plantation or Survey of Land. But if my son Nathan shou'd (die) -without Issue or before he arrives at the age of Twenty one Years, North Cabolina Wills. 93 then I give & bequeath the whole of the said plantation or survey of Land I now live upon, to my son Hardy, to him & his heirs for ever, after the Marriage or Death of his affectionate Mother; or K my Son Hardy shou'd die without Issue, or before he arives at the Age of Twenty One Years, then I give & be queath the said whole Plantation or Survey of Land on which I now live, to my Son Nathan, to him & heirs for ever, after the Marriage or death of his affectionate Mother. But K both of my Sons Hardy & Nathan should die without Issue, or before the Age of Twenty One Years, then whatever Land I have given & bequeathed to my Sons Hardy & Nathan, I give & bequeath to my Son Lewis, to him & his heirs for ever. I give & bequeath to my Son, Isaac, to him & his heirs for ever, one haK of the plantation or Land on which my Son, Thomas, now hves, namely, that haK of it which lies on the South Side of the Ash Branch. I give & bequeath to my Son, Lewis, to him & his heirs for ever, one front Lot in the Town of Newbern, lying upon Nuce River, & one of my Two front Lots in the said "Town lying upon Trent River, it being my wiU that my son Lewis, shall take his Choice of the said Two Lots lying upon Trent River. But if my Son, Isaac, should die without Issue or before he arrives at the age of Twenty One years then I give & bequeath to Son, Lewis, to him & his heirs for ever, aU the Land which I have given & bequeathed to my Son Isaac; But K my Son Levris shou'd die without Issue or before he arrives at the Age of twenty one Years, then I give & bequeath to my Son, Isaac, to him & his heirs for ever, all the Lots in Newbem which I have given & bequeathed to my Son Lewis. I give & bequeath to my Daughter, Mary, to her & her heirs for ever, one Front Lot in the Town of Newbern Lying on Trent, after My son Lewis has taken his Choice of the two Lots as before mentioned. It is my -wiU & desire that my loving wKe, Sarah, so long as she shaU continue my Widow or Uve unmarried, shall have one half of the plantation or Survey of Land on which I now Uve, particularly, the upper haK, or that haK or part on which the houses are now erected. And it is further my wUl & desire, that as long as my loving Wife, Sarah, shall contuiue my widow or live unmarried, she shall have the Use & profits of the follow ing five negroes, namely, one negroe Man named David, one negroe Man named Pomp, one Negroe Man named Frank, one negroe Man named Ben, & one Negroe Girl named ScyUa; But then it is my WUl & desire that my loving wife Sarah, shaU find Meat, Drmk, Washmg, Lodging, & Schooluig for my Children tiU they are married or arrive at the Age of Twenty One Years, out of the profits arising from the plantation & the Labour of the five Slaves abovementioned. And it is further 94 North Carolina Wills. my WUl that the said Five Negroes, David, Pomp, Frank, Ben & ScyUa be equally di-nded among all my Children, at the Marriage or Death of my loving Wife Sarah. I likewise give & bequeath to my loving Wife, Sarah, all my Stocks of cattle, Hogs, Sheep & Horses, all my household furniture, all my Plan tation Tools & Implements of Husbandry. It is further my wiU & desire that my foUo-wing Six ChUdren, namely. My sons, WUUam, Hardy, Nathan, Isaac & Lewis & my Daughter, Mary, or the Survivors of them, shaU have, & be equal Sharers of, all the rest of my Negroes not mentioned in this wiU, in the Manner foUowing, that is to say, the rest of my Negroes not mentioned in this Will shall not be immediately divided, but each of my said ChUdren, namely WilUam, Hardy, Nathan, Isaac, Lewis & Mary shaU have & receive his or her Share of the said Negroes & their Increase on the Day of Mar riage or at the Age of Twenty one Years, And it is my Will that when any one of my said Six Children shall have received his or her Share of the said Negroes as before directed; he or she so recei"dng his or her Share shall not have a,ny Claim or Title to the remaining Slaves or their future Increase. I do hereby nominate & appoint my Sons, Thomas & Wil Uam, Executors, & my lo-ving Wife, Sarah, Executrix, of this my last Will & testament, & I do hereby revoke & disannul all other Wills heretofore by me made. Witness my hand & Seal, this Twenty Eight Day of Feb ruary, in the Year of our Lord, One thousand, Seven hundred & Sixty. Hardy Bryan (Seal) Signed, sealed & acknowledged in the Presence of (the words "for ever" being first interlined in the Second page of this will) : James Reed. Shadbach Allen. his Matthew X Abtee. mark New Bern, 6. May, 1760. The foregoing last Will and Testament of Hardy Bryan, deceased, was duely proved before me, by the Oaths of James Reed and Matthew Arter, Evidences thereto. At the same Time Thomas Bryan, one of the Exec utors within named, and Sarah Bryan, named Executrix in the foregoing WiU, quaUfied before me by taking the Oath of Executor and Executrix. Let Letters Testamentary issue to the said Thomas Bryan, and Sarah Bryan, on the foregoing WiU accordingly. Arthur Dobbs. Copied from Original WiU, ffied in the Office of the Secretary of State. North Carolina Wills. 95 JOHN BRYANT'S WILL. In the Name of God Amen. The fourteenth day of Sept., one thousand. Seven hund.. Thirty and four, I, Jno. Bryant, of Edgecombe precinct, in North Carolina, being very weak in body but perfect of mind and memory, thanks Be to Al mighty God for it. And knowing that it is appointed for aU Men once to die. Do Make, Constitute and appoint this to be my Last wiU And Testament, Revoking and DisanuUing aU other WUls and Testamente Ever before me made: And as for the worldly Inheritance the Almighty God hath Endowed withal, I Leave and Bequeath in maimer and form foUowing: Imps. I leave and Lend to my weU Beloved -wKe, Elisabeth Bryant, During her natural hfe, A Molatto wench CaUed Bess, and her Own bed and furniture, as also another bed and fur niture wch. hath Oznabrigs Tick to it. One black walnut Safe, and half Adozn. tumd frame Rush chairs. And one trunk. And A Large Iron pot wt. A StUl made upon it, and A SmaU Iron pot, One Brass SkeUett, five tongs and Shovel, and Box Iron & ChaflSng dish, as also A grey gelding. Bridle and Saddle, & A Mare & Colt caUed Diamond, & twenty five head of cattle. Young & old, and four Sheep, as also two Basons of putre & two (fehes, four plates & haK a Dozen Spoons And an Iron Spit. Item. I Leave and Bequeath to my Son, Wm. Bryant, his heirs & Ass' . for Ever, A tract of Land Beginning in the Marsh where ye. Line Crosses it, So running thro ye. pasture along ye. water course to another tract of Land, and then Continuing ye. water course to the Lower line. I further give & Bequeath to him another tract of Land in Cupress Swamp known by the name of BaUards; I also Leave as afforsd. My other tract of Land Lying & Being in ye. East side of Deep Creek, Upon the Indian path; as also another tract of Land Lying in a Bever Dam Swamp, that Leads out of fisMng Creek, known by the name of PoUuck's Bever Dam; as also two Negroes, the One Named Robbin, the other Mingo, One- New feather Bed wt. furniture, CaUed his bed. One Large Iron pot & a smal one, One Black walnut Round table, and four Leathern chairs, One new Case of Bottles, two putre Basons, two putre dishes, Four putre plates, & haK A Dozen Spoons, One Buckaneer Gun, and whatsoever Cattle, hogs, horses and Mares that now Are CaUed his, and fifteen head of my own Stock here at Home, and four Steers that are at Canahoe, and aU the rest of My Cattle at Canahoe, to be Di-vdded betwixt he and Jno. Fort. I Further Leave & Bequeath to him A Bay horse caUed Spot, wt. A new Saddle and Bridle, and four other horses & mares And four Sheep; I also Leave him Seven pounds. Currant. 96 North Carolina Wills. Item. I Leave and Bequeath to my Son, Arthur Bryant, his Heirs and ass^^. for Ever, the plantation whereon I now live, joyning To the Land wch. I gave to my Son William, and another plantation On Deep Creek, where Richd. Camp now Liveth, And One hundred Acres of Land Lying in Cahukee Swamp. I also Leave & Bequeath to him a Negro Boy, Called Tom, and A Negro girl Named Jenny, I also give him a Large feather Bed -wt. new furniture, I also Give him A Black walnut Square table, and four Leather Chairs, two Iron pots, two putre Basons, two Do. Dishes, and four plates, and One Iron Spit, and Six head of horses & Mares, And all the Stock of Cattle and Hogs in ye. plantation where Richd. Camp now Liveth, to be Divided Betwixt Camp and he. And twenty five head of Cattle, Young and old, of my home Stock, And four head of Sheep. I also Leave and Bequeath to him Seven pounds Currant Money of Virginia, and One Silver Sack Cup, and One Small trunk, and an Iron Bound Case of Bottles. Item. I Leave and Bequeath to My Son, Davie Hopper, A hundred and Sixty Acres of Land Lying in the fork of the Bever Dam Swamp, joyning the Land I gave to My Son, WU liam, I also Leave & Bequeath to him twenty pounds Currt. Money of Virginia, due to me pr. James Barns, By a note under his own hand, appeareth to be paid at Mr. Theophilus Pughs. As also to my Son Hopper Two thousand weight Of pork to be paid at his o'wn house. I also Leave and Bequeath to my well Beloved friend, Jno. Pope One hundred Acres of Land in A place On Cahukee Line, below ye. place where Robt. Wright Now Liveth. I also Leave and Bequeath to James Turner, Living in Vir ginia, the Remainder of the tract of Land I Left to my Son Hopper. I Leave and Bequeath all the rest of My Moveable Estate, to be divided Betwixt my wife, and my Son Wm. and Arthur, at the discretion of my Executors, Whom I Constitute and appoint who are My Sons, Davie Hopper and Wm. Bryant. PubUshing, Declaring and pronouncing this and no other to be my last will and Testament. Sealed -wt. my Seal and dated the 14th day of 7 E., 1734. John Bryan (Seal) Robt Bedford, Archbald Thompson, her Ann X Teaziee. mark No Carolina. Edgecomb ss. At a Court held for the Said Precint. on the third Tuesday of May, anno Dom. 1735. Present His Majesties Justices; These may Certifie, that Anne Frazier, one of the Subscribing Evidences to the within WiU, Appeared in Open Court and made Oath on the Holy NoETH Carolina Wills. 97 Evangelists that he was present and Saw, John Bryant, Sign, Seal & declare the within to be and Contain hie Last WiU & Testament, & that the Said John Bryant was then and at that time of Sound and disposeing Memory; & that he Saw Robt. Radford, and Archd. Thompson, the other Subscrib ing Evidence Sign their names thereto at the Same time. Then also Appd. Davis Hopper, and WiUiam Bryant, Executors, in Open Court, and took the Execu. Oath in due form of Law. Ordered that the Secrey have notice thereof, that Letters Testamentory Issue there on Test. J. W. Mer (?) Cler. Cm- Copied From Original WUl ffied in the Office of the Secretary of State. SIMON BRYAN'S WILL. N. Cabolina, Beetle County. In THE Name of God Amen. I, Simon Bryan, being in my perfect Sences but in a Very bad State of health, do make this my Last wUl & testament, revocking aU former wUls what soever by me heretofore made. Constituting & appoiating my ¦wKe Ann, My Bror. Edward Bryan, & my Son, David, my Sole Exors. First my Soul to almighty God in Sure & Certain hopes of a resurection from the Dead through the merits of my Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ, my Body to be buried at the discreation of my Exors., my Worldly goods in the foUowing manner: Imp™. To my Dear & Lo-ving wKe, I bequeth one third part of aU my personal Estate after my Just debte are paid (there being nine Negros belonging to my ChUdren, Some of wch came by the death of their Bror. Jno.Armour, the rest they hold by deed of gKt; the negros are named, mz : Perry, Haimah, Feb, Dina, Ben, Lyd, Joe, Jupiter & Pina). Item. "To my Son, Da'vid, I bequeth, that tract of Land I bought of MicheU & Henry Kings, to him, his heirs & assigns; the other two thirds of my personal Estate to be equaUy di-vided amongst my three chUdren, but K my wKe is with chUd now, my wUl & pleasure is that it have one EquaU Share with my other children. As witness my hand & Seal this 26, Nov' ., 1751. Simon Bbyan (Seal) Signed, Sealed & pubUshed befor us: MARTHA Bbyan. her Isabel X Deal. mark Jas. Lockhaet. Lillington Lockhaet. 98 North Carolina Wills. Bertie County. May Court, 1753. The within WiU was Exhibited into Court by David Bryan, One of the Exors. therein Named, and Proved by the Oath of James Lockhart Esqr. and LilUngton Lockhart, Two of the Subscribing Witness's thereto; & at the same time the said Exor. QuaUifyed for said office according to Law, which was Ordered to be Certifyed. Test. Benjn. Wynns, Cler. Cur. Copied from Original WiU ffied in the Office of the Secretary of State. WILLIAM BRYAN WILL. In the Name of God amen, the Twelfth Day of December, 1746. I, William Bryan, of Craven County, & Provance of North Carolina, being Sick and weak In Body but of Parfect mind & Memory, Thanks be given unto God Therefore, Calling unto Mind the Mortality of My Body, and knowing that it is appointed for all men Once to Dye, Dow make & Ordain this my Last Will & Testament, That is to Say, principaUy & first of all, I Give & Recommend My Soul into the hands of God That Gave it, & my Body I Recommend to the Earth to be Buried in a Desent & Christian Like burial at the Dis cretion of My Executors, Nothing Doubting but at the General Resurrection I Shall Receive the Same aGain by the mighty Power of God; and as Touching Such Worldly Estate Where with it hath pleased God to bless me -with in this Life, I Give, Demise & Dispose of The Same in the following maner and form: Item. I Give & Bequeath to Anne, My Dearly beloved Wife, one third part of my Negrews, and Likewise one third of all ye Rest of my Movable Estate, and the Use of the plan tation I now Dwell on Dureing her Natureal Life. Item. I Give & Bequeath the Remaining part of my Negrews & movable Estate to be Equally De-vided amongst my Six Children, WilUam Bryan, Elizabeth Bryan, Lewis Bryan, John Bryan, Anne Bryan, Jess Bryan, to them & their heir for Ever. Item. I Give & bequeath to my well beloved Son, William Bryan, One hundred & Twenty five acors of Land the plan tation I Now Dwell on, to him & his heirs for Ever. Item. I Give and bequeath to my weU beloved Son, John Bryan, One Hundred & Twenty five acors of Land, the one half of the Tract of Land I now Dwell on, known By the Name of kits Neck, begining at the Gut which the Cart bridge is Over & So Runing up to the head Line, to him and his heirs for Ever. Item. I Give & bequeath to my WeU beloved Son, Le-wis Bryan, One hundred acers of Land Lying upon the head of North Carolina Wills. 99 Smith Creek, which I Bought of Gunston AUen, known by The Name of HoUey Neck, to him & his heirs for Ever. Item. I Give & bequeath to My weU beloved Son, Jesse Bryan, one Tract or perseU of Land Lying upon the head of Goose Creek, Joyning upon Cohoons Savanah, Which I had of John Bryan, to him and his heirs for Ever. I Likewise Constitute Make and Ordain My Lo-ving Wife, Anne Bryan, and my Brother, Joseph Bryan, and my Son, WiUiam Bryan, Executores of this my Last -wiU & Testament, & I doe hereby Uterly DisaUow of & Revoke & DisanuU all former -wills by me maiie. Confirming this & No Other to be My Last WUl and Testament. In witness Whereof, I have here unto Set My hand & Seal, the Day & Year above Writen. William Bryan. (Seal) Signed, Sealed, published, pro nounced, & DeUvered by the Sd. WiUiam Bryan, as his Last wiU & Testament, In the Presents of us the Subscribers: Lazabijs Peabse. jAltES Caeeaway. William Cabbaway, Jun. Craven County, ss. At a Court of Comon Pleas begun & held at New Bem, the third Tues day in June, Anno Domini, 1747, then the within wiU was Proved by the Oath of a Concuring E-vidence thereto, & Joseph Bryan, Executor & Ann Bryan, Executrix of the said WUl Came into Court & took the Oaths by Law Appointed for their Qualification. Ordered that they have Letters Testamentary thereon Will: Hedges: S: C. Cur. Copied from Original WUl ffied in the Office of the Secretary of State. BENJAMIN BUNDY'S WILL. In the name of God Amen, the fift day of October, one thousand, Seven hundred and tWenty Eight. Beniamen Bundy, of pascuotank, in the pro-vince of North Carohna, being Sick in body, but of Good and perfect memory; thanks be to AUmity God; And CalUng to remembrance the uncer- tenty of this transitory LKe, and that aU fiesh must yeld unto death when it ShaU plese God to CaU, Do make. Constitute, odain and declare this, my Last wiU and testament, manner and form foUo-wing, Revoking and adnuUmg by thes presents aU and Every testament and testaments, WUl and wills, here tofore by me made and declared, Eigher by ward or -writing, 100 North Carolina Wills. and this to be taken only for my Last -will and testament, and none other, I Do Gieve and dispose the Same in manner and form following: that is to Say, First, I WiU that all those debt and dues as I owe in Right or Conscience, to any manner of person or persons What So Ever, Shall be well and truly Contented and paid, within Con venient time after my decese, by my Executors hereafter named. Item. I Give and bequeve in witness unto my Loving -wife, hannah bundy, the plantation whereon I now Lieve, together with a tract of Land Containing two hundred Eakers adioyning unto my Sd. plantation, during her natereU Life: and in Case my -wife, hannah, die -without Ishue begotten by my o-wn body, then I -wiU and bequeive the Said Land unto my Lo-ving brother, Samuell bundy, to him his heirs and assigns for Ever. Item. I give and bequieve unto my Lo-ving brother, Samuel bundy, a certain tract of land Sirvaid by -william Norris, Sin- aor, Liing in griffens Swamp, to him his heirs and assigns for Ever. Item. I gieve and bequieve to my Sd. brother, Samll., one negro named tom, to him his heirs & assigns for Ever; and allso one young horse; and furthermore, in Case my -wife Should marry After my decese, then I -will and bequieve to my Sd. brother, Samll., one feather bed and furniture. Item. After the decese of my now wife, I give and bequieve my negro Jack, unto my Sd. brother, Sam'l, jjjjjj j^jg heirs for Ever. Item. I gieve and bequieve unto my Lo-ving -wKe all my parsonable Estate, both goods and Chatties, that Came to me by her; and the Rest of my personible Estate att the de cese of my Sd. -wife, to go to my Sd. brother Sam"., his heir or Assigns. Item. I Except onn mare Coalt for my Cosen, mary Jons. Item. I gieve and beqeieve Unto my loveing Brother, Sam"., all my Right and title to a tract of land Survaed by me and Tho:"" Jesup, Lieing in griffens Swamp, To him, hie heirs or assigns for Ever. Item, i do appoint my Loving wife, hannah bundy, and my brother, Sam", bundy, my Sole Executors. In -wittness I have here Set my Seal. the Ben** + Bundy. (Seal) Signed Sealed and delivered In mark of the presents of Us: Zachariah Field Thomas Woodley the John X phitt mark of NoETH Cabolina Wills. 101 No. Carolina, ss. Octbr 26th, 1728, Thomas Woodley & John Phitt, Two of the E-vidences to the afore- written wiU came before me & made Oath on the holy Evangelists, that they Saw Benjamen Bundy, deed., seal & Execute the same as his last wUl & Testamt., he then being of perfect mind & Memoiy. Gale, C. J: Copied from Original WUl ffied in the Office of the Secretary of State. JOHN BUTLER'S WILL. In the Name of God Amen, the 24th day of december, 1772. I, John Butler, of the County of Tyrrel, Farmer, being weak in body but of perfect mind and memory, thanks be given unto God therefore, caUing unto mind the Mortahty of my body and knowing that it is appointed for aU men once to die, do make and ordain this my last wiU and Testament, that is to Say, principally and first of aU, I give and recommend my Soul into the hands of Almighty God that give it, and my body I recommend to the Earth, to be buried hi decent Chris tian burraU at the descretion of my Executors, nothing doubt ing but at the GeneraU Resurrection I shaU recive the Same again by the mighty power of God; and As touching such worldly Estate where-with it hath Pleased almighty God to bless me in this Ufe, I give, demise and despose of the Same in the FoUowing manner and Form: Imprimis. I Lend unto my dearly beloved WKe El"^: five negroes, Yiz: Jack, Zepero, Nan, mereen, and mark, -with this plantation we now Uve on, -with the horsess, hoggs and Cattle, and aU the house hold Furniture. In Case there Should be any money It must be di-vided EquaUy, my WKe, WiUiam, John & James Butler: I Lend, I Say, to my dearly belov'd WKe, Elizabeth, aU the Aforsaid Articles dureing her Wido- wood. Item. I give to my Son, WilUam Butler, the plantation he now hves On, and fifty pounds prock. money, to Leved out of my Estate, and Four Cows & Calves or the Value thereof, to him and his LawfuU heirs for ever. Item. I give unto my Son, John Butler, Six negroes, Vizt : Jack, Zeperoh, Rose, Ben, Bristo and dick, after the decease or marage of my WKe EUzabeth, To him and his Lawful heirs for ever. Item. I give unto my Son, James Butler, the plantation he now Uves On, lying on Turkey Swamp, on the South Side the Sd. Swamp, Containing three hundd. acres of of Land more or less, to him and his La-wfuU heirs for ever. I Like-wise give to my Son, James Butler, four negroes Vizt. Dinah, Mark, Little Jack, and Nan, with one StUl, one desk, and Ten pounds 102 Noeth Carolina Wills. prock. money, after the Deceas. of my Wife, Elizebeth, or marrage, to him and his heirs for ever. Item. I give unto my Daughter, Phereby McHenry, the manner Plantation or the Land I now live. On dureing her Naturall Life, after the Decease or marrage of my Wife Elize beth, then to my two grand Daughters, Sarah ann McHenry, and Susanna McHenry: I Likewise give to my grand Daugh ter, Wineford McHenry, one Negro Gari Named Mereen, to her and her heirs for ever, all to be rec'^: in mater and Form As before mentioned, at the Deceas or marrage of my wife, EUzebeth. Item. I give to my Grandson, James Butler Cherry, the Son of Martha Cherry, A piece of Land Joyning to the Gum Log, and from the gum Log up to Wheatleys Old Field. I Likewise give unto Sd. James Cherry, the Son of Martha Cherry, two Negroes Vizt: one gari, named Charity, one Boy named Nedd, the Son of Negro Nann, I give it to him to be rec"*: at the years of twenty one, in matter and Form as be fore mentiond. I give unto Sd: James Cherry, one Feather Bead and Bedstead, four Basons, two dishes and Six plates, one Iron pott: in Case he should die without a Lawfull heir it must return to John and James Butler my two Sons to be Equally devided between them. Item. I give unto my Grandson, James Gainer, the Son of Arther Gainer and Sarah, his Wife, one hundred Acres of Land from the flag branch up to the head line, Joyning to his fathers Land, Likewise One negroe boy named Tom, to him and his heirs for ever: if in Case he should die -without heirs to return to John and James Butler left in manner and form As before mentiond. Item. I give unto my daughter, Mary Leggett, twenty pounds prock money, To be Levied out of my Estate, to be paid unto her; and her heirs for ever. Item. I give unto my grand Daughter, Elizebeth Cherry, Daughter of Arther Gainer and Sarah, his Wife, one negro boy named Isaac, also one Feather Bedd and Furniture or forty Shillings prock, to be rece^. in matter and form as before mentioned, to her and her Lawfull heirs for ever. Item. I give unto my Daughter, Elizebeth Johnson, Ten shillings Sterling, to be Levied out of my Estate. Item. I -will and desire that after my Deceas., and my Wife, that all the- Resedue of my Estate may be Equally Divided amongst my four Children, Vizt: Wm., John & James Butler, and Phereby McHenry, the Wife of George Augustin Mc Henry, to them and there heires for ever. Item. I give unto my two grandsons, Simon Butler, the Son of John Butler, and John Butler, the Son of James Butler, a Tract of Land or plantation Lying the north Side of Trenten North Carolina Wills. 103 Creek, Containing 640 Acres, formerly known by the name of Joseph Messers Land, To them and and their heirs for ever. Item. I give unto my Son, James Butler, the Land Whereon Mary Cage now Liveth, to him and his heirs for ever. I Likewise Nominate and appoint my loveing WKe, EUze beth Butler, and my two Sons, John and James Butler, my Sole Executors and Exx: of this my Last wUl and Testament, revokeing and making void aU other former wUls, Lagacies formerley by me made, RatKjong and confirming tliis and no other To be my Last -wUl and Testament. In Witness whereof I have hereunto Set my hand Seal, the day and date first Above Mentiond. bis John Butleb X (Seal) mark Signed, Sealed, pronounced, and declared, by the Sd John Butler to be his Last wUl and Testament in Presence of us: Edmun Andeews, John Whitehubst, Solo Wilson, Be it known to all men by these pbesents. that, I, John Butler, Senr., of the County of TyrreU, planter, have made and declared my last "wiU and Testament, in writing, Bearing date the 24th. day of December, 1772. I, the Said John Butler, by thise presents CodicU do ratify and confirm my Sd. Last WlU and Testament, and do give and bequeath unto my Grand Son, Andrew Butler, the Son of James Butler, the Herring gut Land, from the Gum Logg Branch Down to the river. I do Likewise revoke the Bedd and Furniture which I give to my grand Daughter, Lizabeth Cherrey, mentioned in my -wiU. I give to my Daughter, Pherebe McHenry, one Bedd and Fur niture which I now Lay On, after me and my WKes Deed. And my wiU and meaning is that this CodicU or Schedule be Adjudged to be a part and par'- of my last wUl and Testament, and that aU things therein mentioned and Contain'd be Faith fuUy and truly performed, and as fully and amply in every Respect As K the Same were So Declared and Sett down in my Last wiU and Testament. Witness my hand this fift day of march, 1773. his John X Butleb (Seal) mark Jacob Moeeiss. Solo Wilson. The within last WUl and Testament of John Butler, deceased, and the CodicU thereto annexed, were proved before me this fourteenth day of 104 North Carolina Wills. October, 1773, By the Oaths of Edmund Andrews, and John Whitehurst, two of the subscribing Witnesses to the said WiU, and Jacob Morris one of the Subscribing Witnesses to the said Codicil, who severally, and not one for the other, swore that they were present and did see the said Tes tator sign, seal, pubUsh and declare the same to be and contain his last WiU and Testament with his Codicil thereto annexed; and that at the several times of executing his said WiU and Codicil he was of sound and disposing Mind and Memory. And John and James Butler, the Exec utors therein named, ha-dng taken the Oaths and quaUfied as the Law directs, It is Ordered that Letters Testamentary issue thereon accordingly. Jo. Martin. Copied from Original WUl ffied in the Office of the Secretary of State. CALEB CALLAWAY'S WILL. Pequimons in North Carolina: I, Caleb CaUaway, being Sick And weak of body, butt, through the marcy of the Lord, in Sound and perfect mind And memory, And Considering ye Certainty of Death and not Knowing the time it may pleas him to take mee hence. Doe make and Ordayne this my Last -will and testament, first revoking All former will or wills by mee made. Doe Ordayne this only to Stand & remaine As my Last -will And Testament As follows: Itm. I Give and bequeath Unto my Son, Josua Callaway, the first Child that Shall bee hereafter borne by my negrow girle named Ruth, (wch negrow Girle is -wth my Daughter, RacheU, And her husband, John Wiatt) that Lives to bee two years and Half, and the Sd mother being to nurse the Sd Child tell it is Come to that Age, & then to bee Delivered to my Sd. Son, Josua, or his assins, by John Wiatt. tt. I allso give to my afore Sd. Son, Josua, All my Coopers tools. It. I Give Unto my Grand Daughter, Eliz: Wiatt, the Daughter of John Wiatt, when Shee Come to Age, Or Att the Day of marriage, her Choyse of Any one of the rest of the Children that shall bee born one my afore Sd. negrow Girle, Named Ruth. I allso give to my Sd. Grand Daughter, the first mare fould that Either of my two mare brings, to run for her Use and to bee in her Fathers Custody. And In Case Any of the Increas of the Sd mare fould Shall Grow Up fitt for saile, my -will is that my Son in Law, John Wiatt, Shall have liberty to Sell the Same for Good Housold Stuf, for my Afore Sd. Grand ChUd Use. It. It is my will that my aforeSd. negrow Girle named Ruth, bee and remain wth my Daughter, RacheU, and her Husband John Wiatt, for & During theer naturaU LKes, And yt they Shall Have ye whole profit of hir Labour, and After theare Deces, then if the Sd negrow Girle Shall bring more Children North Carolina Wills. 105 then is before Given, then Shee and Those ChUdren to bee EquaUy De-vided Among Such other ChUdren as shaU bee bee- gat hereafter one my aforeSd Daughter, RacheU, by her Hus band John Wiatt. It. I Give to my Loving -wKe, Elizabeth, K Shee stands to this my -wiU, AU my Stock of sheep and one mare. And Hors, her Choyse out of my stock of Horses. It. I Give to my Son, Josua CaUaway, one fuU third partt of AU the rest of my Personal Estate yt remains, besides wt is already Given. It is also my wUl yt in Case my Son Josua, -wiU him SeK in p'son Come And Live One my Plantation in Yawpim Creek, that he ShaU now forth wth have ye one HaK of Cleare ground, and haK ye Bam, & HaK ye Benefitt of ye Orchard, butt in Case yt my Son Dus nott Come himseK, then he ShaU nott putt a tennat theare During his mothers Widowhood. It. The Other Half of my Plantation, -wth AU the rest of the Houses thereon, & HaK the Orchard, I appoynt And Here by Ordr. that my Afore Sd -wKe, Eliz:, Shall have the Use of During her -widowhood; butt in Case yt my Sd wKe ShaU marry a Husband, then it is my wUl yt my Plantation bee Indeferantly De-vided into three parts, my Sd wKe to Choos one third part During her naturaU LKe, And my Son forth-wth to Enter on the other two Third parts. It. I Allso hereby Apoynt yt ye other two third parts of my Personal Estate not Already Given, ShaU bee and remain in the hands of my Sd Lo : wife, Eliz :, So long as Shee remains a -widow, butt in Case Shee marries a Husband, then my wUl is yt my Son, Josua CaUaway, ShaU Have one third part of those two Thirds in her Hands. And in Case that my Sd wKe ShaU Die a -widow, Soe yt the two thirds of my Sd personaU Estate Ues in her Hands Dureing her naturaU Ufe, then my wUl is yt those two thirds of my Estate in my Sd wKes possesion Att her death, ShaU bee my Son Josua CaUaways, And his Heys: for Ever, together -wth aU my reaU Estate of Lands, Houses &: It. I Do Appoynt my Son, Josua CaUaway, my Sole Exec utors of this my Last -wiU and testament, hereby requiring him to See AU my Just Debts in the first place Satisfied Oute of my Estate. In Confermacion of wch, I have here Unto Sett my hand And Seale, this 10 Day of Jun., Ano:, 1706. Caleb Salloway. (Seal) Sealed & DeUvered in presents of: Thomas Long I his mark. John Barrow. Anthony A Wherry. his mark 106 North Carolina Wills. parte Enterlined by me, Caleb Salloway. Memd. added : It tis my will that my Daughter, Elizabeth, have a yong Cow delivered to her Father, for my grandaughter owne estate, and her Father to have the same Liberty to dis pose of the Increas of the Cow, as of the mairs Colt. As witness my hand, this 13 day of June, 1706. Caleb Salloway. Proved in Court by the Oaths of Thomas Long & Anthony Wherry. This 13th Day of July, Anno Dom. 1706. Test. Tho:Snodbn, Cl. Cur. Copied from Original WiU, ffied in the Office of the Secretary of State. WILLIAM CARR'S WILL. In the Name of God Am:en. I, WiUaim Carr, of the County of Duplin, <^ Province of North Carolina, Am Sick in Body, but perfect In Memory and of a So-wn Judgment, Blessed be God for It, and ha-ving Called to Mind the Scertainty of Death and of a future State, and that it is appointed for all Men Onest to Die Do hereby Recommend My Soul to God, and my Body to the Earth to be Buried at the Descration of my Executors, whome I shall hereafter Name, And in hopes of a Glorious Res- urraction through the Merits of My Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ; Do hereby as far as Almighty God Enabels me in this My present Condition, Do Renounce the World & the Things of this Life, and by these Presents Do Constitute and Ordain, this to be my last Will & Testament, Revocking all other WiUs and Testament by me Made, Either by Word or Writing, and this only to Stand and remain for my last Will & Testament: Therefore Doth Order, Settle & Leave what Woreldey Estate God hath Blessed me with. In the foUo-wing Manner, Viz : Itam. I Order that aU my Just Debts & Funeral Expenses be first Pay'd out of my Estate, That Almighty God hath Now Blist me with, And the rest of my woreldey Substance I leve and Bequeath In the folio-wing Manner, Viz: Itam. I Leave & Bequeath to my Beloved Wife, Hannah, The one third part of all my Moveable Estate after my Lawful Debts & funeral Expences is pay'd, together -with the Houses & plantation where I now live to Such times as My Son, Archi bald Carr, comes to ye age of Twenty one years, and then the Sd. Houses & Plantation to be his for Ever. But In falure of him to ye Nixt Heir In Law & so on; And the rest of my Goods & Chatties, after my Just Debts and Funeral Expences is pay'd, and the one Third of ye rest of ym. taken off to my Wife, as afsd., then ye remainder I leave & Bequeath to be North Carolina Wills. 107 Di-vided Equaly In it's kine Amongs my other ChUdren, Viz: Archibald Carr, Jane Carr, & ye one that is yet unborn K it Should pleas God that it comes to the woreld; and In case that any of ye chUdren Should Die before that they arive to age; I order that the part of the Deceased shaU be EquaUy De-vided Amongst the rest of the Survi-ving ChUdren. To Which Last WUl & Testament, I Do hereunto set my Hand and fix my Seal, this fifth Day of December, In the year of our Lord, One thousand. Seven Hundred and fifty Three; I order & appoint my Beloved WKe, Haimah, Executor of this my Last WUl and Testament. William Carr. (Seal) Signed, Sealed, and Declared In presents of Us: John Dickson. William McRee. Susannah McAlexd. North Carolina, Duplin County, ss. October Court, 1754. This Day Hannah Carr, Fkecutrix of the last WUl & Testament of WUUam Carr, Deceased, Came Into Court & proved the sd. Last wUl & Testament of ye Deceased, And Took ye Oath of An Executrix as by Law prescribed. And produced an Inventrey Upon Oath of what Goods & Chattels & Debts Due to ye Estate of the Deceased, and Pray'd Letters Testamentorey upon the Same &c. The Court then and There Ordered that the Above proceeding of Sd. Executrix be given to ye Secretarys Office In Order to the Obtaining of sd. Letters. The Above Certified by me, October ye 9th, 1754. John Dickson, C. C. Copied from the Original WUl, ffied in the Office of the Secretary of State. WILLIAM CARTRIGHT'S WILL. In the Name of God Amen, the second day of fabury, in the year of our Lord, one Thousand, Seven hundred and Thirty and one. I, WilUam Cartright, being very sick and Weak in body but of perfect mind and Memory, Thanks be given unto God therefore. Calling unto mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for aU men once to Die, do make and ordain this my Last -wiU and Testament, that is to Say: principaUy and first of aU, I Recomend my body to the Earth to be buried In a Christian lik and Dacent Manner at the Dis crestion of my Executors, nothing Doubting but at the Gen- reU Resariction I shaU Recive the Same again by the inight power of God that gave it; and as Touching Such worldly Estate whare -with it hath pleased god to bless me in LKe, I give and Dispose of the Same In manner foUo-wing, Viz: Itm. I give unto my friend, Hannah Staford, all my Land and plantation whereon I now Liveth by her freely to be pos- 108 North Carolina Wills. sessed and Injoyed During The Term of her natural Life, and at her Death then I give it to my god Son, Joseph Stockley, to him and his heirs for Ever, freely to be possessed. Itm. I give Hannah Staford, three Cowes and a Fowe year old hefer and Two Two year old Steers, and Eight yards of Seven Eight Lining. Itm. I give unto my Sister, mary Rees, four yards of Seven Eight Lining, and one Large pertor Bason. Itm. I give unto my brother, Robert, one bason and a Dish. Itm. I give unto my brother, Thomas, one pottel bason and one Dish. Itm. I give unto Owen Rees, one gun and a new Chest, and Two Sows and pigs, and one young horst. Itm. I give to my Brother Thomas, Two Sows and piggs, and one beaver hatt. Itm. I give unto Haimah Staford, my horse Sadel and bridle, and one Little Pott and pot bucks, and one Chest, and one white mug, and two boUtes, and one hive of bees. Itm. I give my Brother Robert, Two Sows and piggs. Itm. I give to my brothers, Robert, Thomas, and Owen Rees, Each of Them, one Earthen Mugg and a glass bottle to Each of Them. Itm. I give unto my weel beloved friend, Ann Stockley, one frieing pan and one Eight Squiar bottle, and one behive of bess, and Two sows and piggs. Itm. I give unto hannah Staford, Two Sows and Piggs. Itm. I give unto John Makdaniel, Two sows and piggs. Itm. I give unto Owen Rees, one fether bed and boulster. Itm. I give unto my brother, Thomas, one Rugg and blanket. Itm. I give unto hannah Staford, one Large new Rugg. Itm. I give my ax, and Two hows unto my Brothers, Rob ert, Thomas, and Owen. Itm. I give to my Brothers, Thomas and Owen, one young mare bhay, giveing unto Elisabeth Clark the first Colt of the sd. Mare. And I doe make and ordain Jeremiah Murding and Stephen Delemare, my full and Sole Executors of this my Last -will and Testament, and I doe hereby Revoke and DisanuU and make viode all former wiUs and Testaments Whatsoever. In Witness Whareof, I have hereunto Sett my hand and seal. his William WW Cabtbight. (Seal) Marke Signed, Sealed, published and pronounced, by the sd. WilUam North Carolina Wills. 109 Cartright to be his Last WiU and Testament, in ye presence of us: her Elisabeth X Clabk. mark. Jonathan Hibbs. Maey Mueden. North Carolina, Pasqoutank prec't. sst. This foregoing wiU recorded in ye Register Book of pasquot'k, June ye 7th, 1732. Test. Wm. Minson, Regist. February, 6, 1730. Proved this WUl be fore me. Rich. Everard. No. Carolenb, Chowan, sc. These may Certify that Stephen Delemarr, personaUy appeared at Eden ton, in the precinct aforesay'd & took his Solemn affirmacon weU & Truly to perform the above written Wffi of Wm. Cartright, Deced. This 16th day of February, Anno D'ni, 1730. Before me, W. Badham, Just, Peace, Copied from the Original WiU, ffied in the Office of the Secretary of State. WILLLAM CARTRIGHT'S WILL (Senior). In the name of God Amen, the fifteenth Day of January, in the year of our Lord, one thousand, Seven hundred & thirty three. I, WiUiam Cartright, of North Carolina, In the County aUbramaU, in the precinct of pasquotank, planter, being Sick and weak, But of perfect sence and memory, thanks be to God therefore, Calling to mind the Mortahty of my Body, and kno-wing that it is apointed for all men Once to Dey, do make and ordaine this my Last -wiU and Testament, that is to say: principaUy and first of aU, I give and ReCommend my soiUe Into the hand of God that Gave it, and my Body I recommend to the Earth to be buried In Decent and Cristone maner at the discrision of my Executricks, nothing Doubting but at the GeneriU Resurrection I shaU Reseive the Same aGain by the allmighty power of God; and touching Such worldley Estate where with it hath pleased God to Bless me -with In this LKe, I Give and Demis and dispose of the Same, in the foUowing maner and forme : Item. I Give and Bequeath unto my Son, Thomas Cart right, the sum of term shillings, speasuea. Item. I Give and Bequeath unto my Son, Robert Cart right, a smaU of land aJoyninn unto his Land. Item. I Give and Beqeath unto oen Rese, Teen ShiUings. Item. I Give and Bequeth unto my son, Joseph Cart right, my plantation whare one now I DweU, after the desess 110 North Carolina Wills. of my wife, Sarath Cartright, begin att my Sons, Robert's line, up as fare as the pigg pens, and my will Is that neither he nor his mother molest one and other Dureing hir natrell Life and after hir Desese then my plantation to fall to him and his heirs Lawfully Begotten of his bodey for Ever. Item. I Give and Bequeth unto my Daughter, hannah Cartright, aU the Remaner part of the Land Belongin to my plantation patern, that Is above the pigpens and to his heirs for ever. Item. I Give and Bequith unto my Daughter, Tamer Cartright, a tract of land caUed the Little, for a Bove Oen Rese and to his heirs for Ever. Item. I give and Bequeth unto my two Sons, Caleb Cart right, and David Cartwright, my tract of Land Cominley CaUed Sandey run to be Eakqeley De-vided betwene them and to their heirs for Ever; But In case Either of my two Sons Should Dey -without heirs, then my -will is that the longest Liver to porses the hole tract of Land Called Sandy run. Item. I give and bequeth unto my son, Joseph Cartright, my hunting gun. Item. I give and bequeth unto my son, Caleb Cartright my new gun. Item. I give and bequeth unto my son, David Cart-wright, my two letle Guns. Item. I Give and bequeth unto my Daughter,, hannah Cartright, one young Black Mare Called rose, and my -will Is that the first horse Colt she brings for my Son Joseph, and the first mare colt for my Daughter, tamer. Item. I give and bequeath unto Elizabeth Cartright, to my son John Cart-wright Desesed, one two year old heffer. Item. I give and Bequeth to my Loving and lafuU wKe, Sarath Cartright, all the rest of my personell Estate, During her -widowhood, but in Case the should marry, then att the Day of marig, all the Rest of my Goods and Chatles to be Eakqley Devided amongst my five Children, Joseph Cart right, Caleb Cartright, hanah Cartright, Da-vid Cartright, Tamar Cartright. Item. I Giye and Bequeth unto my Daughter, hanah Cartr right, one likely Cow and Calfe, to have the sam Cow and Calfe this Insewing Spring after the Date hereof. Item. I Give and Bequeath unto my two Sons, Caleb Cart right and David Cartright, one negrow man. If your mother Continues a -widow she shall have the use of him Dureing the natrell Days of hir hfe, but If she shall marey, then the said negrow to be between Caleb Cartright and David Cartright, And the said David Cartright to have his Labour three Months, and Caleb Cartright to have his labour one month and so to Continew as Long as he shall Live. North Carolina Wills. Ill Item. I Give and Bequeath unto oen Rese, a Serten tract of land Containing one hundred and Eighty akers of Land, begining att a Beach one the west Side of a Branch CaUed anauereU Branch, and from thence Runing verioas Corses to the (to the) hom Beame to the lithe fork swamp, soever the swamp to a mayple which is over De-viding line, which said tract of Land I now hve one, to him and his heirs for Ever. Item. I give and Bequeath unto Elizabeth Cartright, Daughter to John Cartright, Desesed, fortey akers of Land lying one the South side of the Creeke swamp Known and CaUd. by the name of maverts, which Said land I Give for more or Less, to hir and hir heirs for Ever. Leaving my lo-ving wKe, Sarah Cartright, hole and Sole Executricks of this my Last wiU and testament, and after hir Deses, the Rest of my Estate to be EaqueUy De-vided amongst my five ChUdren. his William XX Cabtbight (Seal) mark. Signed, Sealed, published & De livered in the presents of us: Edwakd E Whokten mark. his John J Richaedson. mark. James Gbba-ves. North Carolina. Pasquotank prec't. sc. At a Court held for the sd. precinct, at the court house in Broomfield, the 19th Day of apriU, ano. Domi., 1734. Present His Majesties Justices: These may Certifie that Edward Wharton & John Richardson, two of the Subscribing Evidences to the -within WiU, appeared in Open Court and made Oath on the Holy Evengilist, that they were present & saw WU Uam Cartwright Sign, Seal & declaire the within to be & Contain his last wiU and Testament, & that the Sd. Wm. Cartwright, waa then and at that time of sound & Disposing memory; and that they also saw James Greaves, the other Subscribing E-yidence Sign his name thereto at the Same time. Then also appeared Sarah Cartwright, Extrix. in Open Court & took the Exctors. Oath in due form of Law. Ordered that the Secretary have notice thereof that letters test'ry Issue thereon as the Law Directs. By Order, Jos: Anderson, Cler: Cur: Copied from the Original WiU, ffied in the Office of the Secretary of State . 112 Noeth Carolina Wills. JOHN CARRUTHERS' WILL. North Carolina. In the name of God amen. I, John Carruthers, of the County of Craven, and Province of North Carolina, merchant, Being of perfect mind and memory and CaUing to mind and Duly Considering the unsartainty of humane IKe, Do make this, my last -will and testament. First and Principally I Commit my Soul into the hands of my blessed maker, trust ing in his mercy and in the merits of my Dear Redeemer for the Remission of my Sins; and my Body I Commit to the Earth to be Interred in such Decent and Christian like Man ner as to my Executors That seem meet. In hopes of the glori ous Resurrection of the last great Day; and as for such worldly goods that providence hath blessed me -with, after my Just Debts and necessary Expenses are Contented, Discharged, and payd by my Executors, Which I -will shall be first honestly done, then the Remainder I Bequeath in the foUo-wing maimer: Imprimis. I Give and Bequeath unto my Daughter, Rock- solnnah Witherinton, one Lott of Land lying in Newbern to-wn, and joining Pollocks Streat and Eding Streat, and kno-wn in the plan of the Sd. to-wn, by number 98, together -with all Houses and appurtenances to the same belonging, and my Deask, unto her, the said Rocksolanah Witherinton, her Heirs and assigns for Ever. Item. I Give and Bequeath unto my Daughter, Frances Hodges, one Negro girl Cald Carolina, and one feather Bed and one Boulster, 2 pillos, one Blanket, two Steats, and one Countarpen, it being the Bed that I Commonly Lodg on, and all the Cattal that I have yousing at the Francis Hodges Cow Pen, unto her, the Sd Frances Hodges, her Heirs and assigns for Ever. Item. I Give and Bequeath unto my Son, John Carruthers, my Riding Sadal and Bridal, and gun, and one pr. large money Seals, and my Silver Shubuckels and Knee Buckels, to him, his Hairs and assigns for Ever. Item. I Give and Bequeath unto my Son, Joseph Car ruthers, Six large Silver tea Spuns, and one Silver tea tongs, and Silver Straner, and fore large Silver Spuns for table use, to him and his Heirs and assigns for Ever. Item. I Give and Bequeath unto my Daughter, Sarah Rice, my gould Buttons I wear in my Sieves, and one Brase Warming Pan -with a wooden handal to it, to her and her Heirs for Ever. Item. I Give and Bequeath unto my two Sons in law, Frances Hodges, and John Witherinton, all my wearing close North Carolina Wills. 113 of aU Sorts, Except the Buckels and Buttons before men- chan'd, to be Equaly De-vided Betwen them. Item. I Give unto my weU beloved WKe, Content Car ruthers, the Labar or Serves of one Negro man, Coled Han- nabal, Dewering the time of her natrU Life or the time of her Wedowhud, and at the time of her death or the day of her marrage, my WUl and desier is that my Executors, hereafter Menchand, may taek the foreSd Negro, Hannabel, into thear Cear and Persestion, and my WUl is that thay may Set him up at Pubhck Vander to be Sould to the highest bedar for Redy money, and the money arising by the Sale of the fore Sd Negro to be Equaly de-vided amung my ChiUdring that may or shaU be then Liveing, and my WUl and desier is that the above menchand Negro man Hannabel, may not be Car ried out of Craven County with out the Leve or Consent of my Executors. Item. I Give unto my weU beloved WKe, Content Car ruthers, the Labar or Sar-vis of one Negro woman Coled Enow, dewering the tim of her, ye Sd. Content Carruthers, her NatrU Ufe, and at her Deces I Give and Bequeath the fore Sd Negro Woman Coled Enow, to Rebekah McCarthy, to her and her Heirs for Ever. Item. I Give and Bequeath unto my weU Beloved WKe, Content Carruthers, one Negro Woman Coled, Baranton, and aU my Horses and aU my Cattal that youses on trent, or any ways Belongs to my Cow Pen at my home House, and aU my hoggs and Sheep and my Cart and Plows, and axes and hows, belonging to the Plantation work, and aU my Howshould goods of aU Sorts, Except them before gaven to my ChUldrin, unto her, the foreSd. Content Carruthers, her Heirs and as signs for Ever. Item. My wiU and Desier is that my Executors hearafter menchand may and ShaU seU aU my Lands, and all my Lotts and Houses, and appurtenences thear unto belonging, in New Bem town, and aU my trading Stock of goods of aU Sorts, to be Sould at PubUck vandew to the highest biders, alo-wuig three months Credit, the Purchesars giveuig good security for the Pasmient of the moneys. My -wUl and Desier is that E-vry Lott Should be set up Singal, Except them two whear the Long house stands, and with the money arising by the fore menchand Sales, and What Redey money I may have by me, and what money may be Reeved of my outstanding debts, my -wiU and desier is that my Executors may pay aU my Just Debts and my fewnarl Exspences, and What is Remaning of the above menchand money when my debts are payd, my -wUl and desier is that that Remandar of money may be Equely de-vided betwen my three sons, WUUam Carruthers, John Carruthers, and Joseph Carruthers, and my daughter, Sarah 114 North Carolina Wills. Rice, and if my son WUUam Carruthers Shuld not be at the de-vistion of the money, I desier his Part of the money may Continue in the the hands of my Executors teU he, the fore Sd William Carruthers, Cums for it. Lastly. I do nominate, Constitute and appint my two sons, John Carruthers, and Joseph Carruthers, Executors of this my last WiU and testament, and do hereby utterly Re voke, disallow and disanuU all former Bequests, Wills and Legacies, by me heretofore made. Ratifying and Confirming this, and no other, to be my last will and testament. In Witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal, the Twentieth day of September, the year of our Lord, one thousand, seven Hundred and fifty one. (and my desk inter Uned before Assigned in the lour line of the first Side). John Cabbuthers: (Seal) Signed, Sealed, Published and Declared, by the within named tastator, John Carruthers, to be his last -wiU and testament, in presence of us the Subscribers: her Sarah X Betsworth. mark Abiah Bangs. Sol: Rew. Cra-vbn County. February Court, 1752. These are to Certify, That the within WiU of John Carruthers, Deceased, being ExMbited into Court, was Proved by the Oath of Solomon Rew, one of the Subscribing E-yidences to the same. Who swore That he saw The Testator sign, Seal & Declare the same to be his last WUl and Testa ment, and to the best of his knowledge was of sound Mind and Disposing Memory; and that he also saw Sarah Betsworts, and Abiah Bangs, the other Subscribing Evidences, sign as such in Presence of the Testator. At the same time John Carruthers, one of the Executors therein mention'd appeared in Court and QuaUfied according to Law. Ordered that Mr. Secretary have Notice that Lres may issue &c Test. Phil Smith, Cl. Cur. Copied from Original Will ffied in the Office of the Secretary of State. EDMUND CHANCE Y'S WILL. North Carolina, the Fifteenth day of March, 1753. I, Edmund Chancey, of Pasquotank County, and province aforsaid, being in perfect mind and memory, thanks be Given to god, and Calling to mind the mortallity of my body and knowing that it is appointed for man to die I do here make and ordain this my Last will and Testament, that is first of aU, I North Carolina Wills. 115 -wUl that aU my Just debts and funeral Expences be weU and Truly paid by my Executor and Executrix hereafter named. Item. I Give and bequeth unto my Grand Son, Edmund Chancey, Son of Stephen Chancey, the Easternmost part of my Plantation and for a Di-vision to begin in and by the Southeast Side of the Branch which Runs through Laurance Retons pattent then Runing north fifteen degrees west through the middle of an Island that Lies in an Elbow of the Said Branch four hundred and Ten yards then north thirty five degrees west through my Land Granted to me in two pattents and a Con- vayance from Laurance Retons pattent and a Deed from nath- inel martin according to the Di-vison aforsaid Give to my Grand Son Edmund Chancey Son of Stephen Chancey to him his heirs and assigns. Item. I Give and bequeth unto my Grand Son, Edmund Chancey, Son of Jacob Chancey, the middle most part of my plantation adjoining to the Eastermost part begining at the Di-vison aforsaid, then Riming do-wn the Branch to the mouth of it -with a Streight Corse to the main Swamp of newbegun Creek, then Riming up and Joyning to the said Swamp Various Corses to the mouth of a Cypniss Branch which Runs out of the main Swamp, aforsaid. Just below the narrow Sandhills, then Riming up and Joining to the middle of the main fork of it then north Six Degrees west through my Land I Give to my Grand Son, Edmund Chancey, Son of Jacob Chancey, to him his heirs and assigns. Item. I Give and bequeth unto my Grand Son, Edmund Chancey, Son of Zachariah Chancey, my SandhUls Land ad joining to the west Side of my Grand Son, Edmund Chancey, Son of Jacob Chancey, begining at the mouth of the Cypruss branch aforsaid, then Runing up and Joining to the East Side of the main Swamp, I Give to my Grand Son, Edmund Chancey, Son of Zachariah Chancey, to him his heirs and assigns, but if my Grand Son, Edmimd Chancey, Son of Jacob Chancey, Should die -without Esue, then it is my wUl that the Land Should faU to my Grand Son, Edmund Chancey, Son of Stephen Chan cey, to him, his heirs and assigns; and it is my -wiU that my Daughter in Law, Rachel Chancey, ShaU have the Liberty to DweU on the Eastermost part of my plantation, and to Enjoy the benefits of it -with aU the appurtenances thereunto belonging, untel my Grand Son, Edmund Chancey, Son of Stephen Chan cey, doth Come to the age of Twenty one years, and for her to pay the yearly Quitrents for the Same, and it is my wiU also, that my Daughter in Law, Rachel Chancey, Shall have fuU previUeg and use of the middlemost part of my plantation, and for her to pay the yearly Quitrente for the Same, untiU my Grand Son, Edmund Chancey, Son of Jacob Chancey, doth Come to the age of Twenty one years. 116 North Carolina Wills. Item. I Give and bequeath unto my Son, Daniel Chancey, five poimds, Virginia money, and my Two Servants, Jack Span- yerd boe and SpanyoU Boe, During the time of their Ser-vitud, by their Indenters, and Two feather Beds and Bolsters, and and "Two Ruggs, and all my wearing Cloths, and my Riding Saddle and Bridle, and Sorrel mair, and Three young horses, and Two Large pewter Dishes, and Two Small ones, and Two Large pe-wter Basons and one Small one, and one Dozn. of Spoons, and Two midling Iron pots, and a full pot, an one Gun, and my Large Bible, and a pair of Brass Scales, and five weights, and one Iron SkiUet, and Ten pounds of woll. Item. I Give and bequeth unto my Son, Zachariah Chan cey, one Shilling, Sterling money, to Cut him off from my Raiel and personal Estate, because of the -wickedness that he Committed in my house in the time of my absence. Item. I Give and bequeth unto my Daughter in Law, Rachel Chancey, my white mair, and yearling horse named Trip and go, and my mair named Trim and her Encreas, and a Spice morter and pestel, and Currying knife, and all my Coopers and Carpenters and Shoe makers Tools, and my Stakle, and Three Iron weges, and all my home Spun Linning, and wolling Cloth, and all my Thread thereunto Relating, and one Brass Candle Stick, and one box Iron, and Two heters, and Three Supe plates, and all my Sifters, "rhree Iron pots, one Large and Two midling and a brass kittle, and a Iron Skillet, and one frying pan, Two pair of pot hooks, and Two pair of Tongs and one pair of Stilerds, and a Tin funnel, and Three Vhests Two in the outward Room and one heigh Chest, and half my Leath er, and Two feather beds, and Two Bolsters, Two Ruggs and one pair of Blankets, one pair of Sheets, and Two Bedsteads and Cords, and a Large Dish and Two middling ones, and one Lare pewter Bason, and a midling one, and one Small one, and Six pewter plates, and one full pot, and a par of Talers Shears, and a Looking glass, and one Dozn. of Spoons, and one pewter Chamber pot, and all my Chears, and Two Juggs, and all my Round Bottles, and a Gun, and my wolling and Linning wheals, and Sixteen Barrels of Corn, and four hundred and fifty pounds of Dryed Meat, and Three GalUons of fatt, and Two Bushells of Salt, and my Sope, and one Quarter part of my Sweetning, and my work horses Named Rone and Roney, and Baui and Huzzes Two year old horse, and aU my plows, hoes and axes, -vrith the gears, and on grind Stone, one pair of miU Stones, and my woll Cards and Eight Cows and Calves or yerlings, and four Stears, one Quarter part of my hoggs, and my wheat patch, and all my black peper and all my flax and woll and Sheep, and also my Servants bob boe, and Rachel boe, and frank boe, and her Two Children, Durin the time of their In denters. North Carolina Wills. 117 Item. I Give and bequeth unto my Grand Daughter, Mary Chancey, Daughter of Jacob Chancey, one feather bed and a Bolster, and a Rug, and a blanket and a Sheet and Six Spoons, and Two Iron pots, and a fuU pot, and a brass Candle Stick, and Three pewter plates, and a pewter Bason, and a frying pan, and Three Sheep and Two Cows and Calves, Two Saws and Six Shotes, and one dish. Item. I Give and bequeth unto my Grand Son, Edmimd Chancey, Son of Jacob Chancey, Two Cows and Calves, and Two Sows and Six Shotes and Three Sheep, Two pots and a Pewter Bason, a Dish and Three plates, & two Razors and a hone. Item. I Give and bequeth unto my Grand Daughter, hannah Chancey, Daughter of Zachariah Chancey, one year ling mair Colt and one Iron pot. Item. I Give and bequeth unto my Grand Son, Edmund Chancey, Son of Zachariah Chancey, one Cow and CaK, and Two Iron pots, and my wUl is that my grand Daughter, mary Chancey, and my grand Son, Edmimd Chancey, and my grand Daughter, Hannah Chancey, and my grand Son, Edmund Chancey, Son of Zachariah Chancey, ShaU have their Legacies which I have Given them Dehvered to them within Three months after my Deceas, and they ShaU Run aU Resks and hazards of Loses of whr I have given them. Item. I Give and bequeth unto James Furbish, my Book no Cross no Crown. Item. I Give and bequeth unto my Grand Son, John Bakor, aU the Remainder part of my Books. Item. I Give and bequeth unto mulato Jack Ten ShiUings Cash. Item. I Give and bequeth unto my Daughter Ruths ChU dren, viz: John Bakor, mary Degrafenred, Blake Bakor, Sarah Bakor, Ruth Bakor, and Zadock Bakor, aU the Remainder part of my personal Estate to be EaquaUy Divided among them. Item. I do hereby Constitute, make and ordain my Grand Son, John Bakor, to be my Executor, and my Daughter in Law, Rachel Chancey, to be my Executrix to this my Last will and Testament and I do hereby utterly DisaUow Revoke and Disanul aU and Every other former wUl by me in any wise made Ratifieing and Constituteing this to be my Last mU & Testa ment. In witness whereof I have hereunto Set my hand and Seal, the day and date above Ritten. Edmund Chancey (Seal) Smed and Sealed by the Said Edmund Chancey, as his Last wiU and Testament in the presents of us the Subscribers: Test. Jonathan Reding. Robert Hall. Wm. Swann. 118 North Carolina Wills. North Carolina, Pasquotank County, ss July Court, Annoq Dom, 1753. Present His Majesties Justices. These may Certifie that Jonathan Reding and Robert Hall, Two of the E-yidences to the within Will, appeared in open Court and made Oath on the Holy EvangeUst that they ware present and Saw Edmund Chancey Sign, Seal, pubUsh and declare the within to be and Contain his last will and Testament, And that he, the said Edmund Chancey, was Att that time of sound and disposeing Memory, And that they also Saw William Swann, the other E-vidence Sign his Name thereto att the same time. Then appeared Rachel Chancey, Executrix, and was duly QuaUfied as Such. Ordered that the Honorable James Murray Esqr Sec. have Notice that Letters Testamentory issue &c. dated att the Clarks office the 18nth day of July, Annoq. Dom,, 1753. Test : Thos : Taylor Ck Co Copied from Original Will ffied in the Office of the Secretary of State. RICHARD CASWELL'S WILL. In the name of God Amen. I, Richard Caswell, of Dobbs County, in the State of North Carolina, Do this second day of July, in the Yiear of our Lord, one thousand, Seven hundred and eighty seven, make and declare this to be my last WiU and Testament as the one I made on the death of my dearly beloved son, WiUiam Caswell, will not suit withe my present circum stances, I declare that and all former Wills and Testaments by me made, nuU and void, holding this and this only for firm and effectual, which is as follows: First, I reserve for the use of a burying ground for all those of my family and Connections who may choose to bury their Relations and friends there, one half acre of Land where the Bones of my dear father and Mother lie, at a place called the Hill, to be laid out East, West, North, and ^outh so as to leave those Bones near the centre of the said half Acre of Ground, and I also reserve in like manner, one half Acre of Land where the Bones of beloved wife (and) and son, WUliam, now lie near the red house, to be laid out in the same manner and for the same purpose as the above half Acre is directed; and these two half Acres to be reserved for the uses afores'd for ever. And its likewise my Will that those who -wish to bury their Dead at either of the said places and coming with in the meaning of the description above, shall always have liberty of Egress, Ingress and regress to, at and from the said respective burying grounds to bury the dead or repair or raise an enclosure to the same. Secondly, To prevent any kind of Dispute which might arise between my Brother, Martin Caswell, or his heirs or Assigns with those claiminge under me, I declare all the Land comprised within his Title from Samuel Caswell or the Title to Samuel North Carolina Wills. 119 CasweU or Nathaniel Bird, I have no claim to, notwithstanding my patent may be of a Younger date, than the Deed I granted to Nathaniel Bird for the same. Thirdly, Whereas, my Brother, Samuel CasweU, in his hfe time and myseK, agreed for two hundred acres of Land whereon he Uved, immediately before his death, which was to begin at MackUwean's (comer) comer next the river, near Mrs. Skiners dweUing and run up MackUweans to Dosiers out comer, then with his line to the flat branch near the end of Mr. Coasts feUd, then with the side of the said Flat and high Land down to where a smaU branch empties into the said Flat branch, which runs through KeUings old field, then a direct line to the mouth of the Cypress Gut, then down the river a smaU distance to Boxes comer, then -with his line out to my comer, and then to the Beginning, which included part of Dosiers, KeUings, Boxes and my own former claims, for three himdred pounds and notwithstanding a very smaU part of that Sum was paid me in my said Brothers Ufe time, and knowing it would very much distress his famUy was I to require the remainder, therefore, I leave the use of the Land aforesaid with the plan tations and appurtenances to my Sister, Eleanor CasweU, the widow of said Brother, untiU her son. Shine CasweU, arrives to the age of twenty one Years, at which period I give and de-vise the same to him, the said Shine CasweU, his heirs and Assigns for ever. Fourthly, I give to my Grandson, Richard WiUiam CasweU, a negro boy named Boson, and his assigns for ever. FKthly, I give to my Grandson, Richard Francis MackUwean, a Negro boy named Daniel, and to his Assigns forever. Sixthly, If Jonathan Morris chooses to take the Land whereon old Jack Uves, which I bought at the vendue of Richard Cas well, Junrs: estate at the price I gave for it, I desire that the Title may be made to him for the same. Seventhly, Whereas, I purchased at the Vendue of the Estate of my Son, Richard CasweU, one Lot and haK a Lot of Land in Enston, with the house wherein Mrs. CasweU now hves, and the appurtenances, one Negro Woman named Sarah, one Negro girl named SaU, one Negro boy named Charles, and one Negro boy named Jim, which Lot and HaK and premisses, ¦with the said Negroes, I leave the use of to my Daughter in Law, Mary CasweU, untiU my Neice, Sarah CasweU, her duagh- ter, arrives to the age of eighteen Years, K my said Daughter should so long Uve, and at that period or at the time of my said Daughters Death, K it should happen before my said grand Daughter arrives to the age aforesaid, I give, devise and be queath the said Lot, haK Lot, and premises with the said Negroes, to my said Grand Daughter, her heirs and Assigns forever, to be deUvered over to her free of any charges or 120 North Carolina Wills. incumbrances on account of the maintenance and support of my said Grand Daughter. And as it is uncertain into whose hands she may fall, or it may so happen that she may fall into distress unless provided for by me, I therefore desire the Exec utors of this will in such case to find her reasonable and decent support, in cloathing and board, and attend to her Schooling and Education, which they shaU thenselves pay to those who may be intitled to receive the expences of the same, -without its going through other hands, and shaU be a charge against my Estate, which Support in the case aforesaid, I direct shall be made and continued to her untill she arrives at the age of eighteen years or marries. Eighthly, And, as I have heretofore virtally given to my Daughter, Anna Fon-vielle, the land I hold on the East side of the Atkin branch from the road down to the river and down the same to the mouth of the Cypress gut, bounded by the lines, from thence, of the Land herein given to Shine CasweU, and John Coasts lines and my o-wn lines to the road, and then with the road to the Begiiming, including all the Land I claim adjoining the atkin and Neuse, below the road, is what is called the walnut Hill and contains about three hundred acres. I have also verbally given to my said daughter, Anne, Negroes, Peter and his -wife Barbara, and Doll, these verbal gifts I now confirm to the said Anna Fonveille, her heirs and Assigns for ever. Ninthly, Whereas, I am engaged to pay very considerable Sums of Money on Account of purchases made of my dear son, Richard's estate, and as the articles then purchased -wUl by no means bring a sum sufficient, and as I cannot now discrim- intate what of my property may be best to dispose of, to raise money sufficient to pay all my debts, I hereby direct the Exec utors hereof or such of them as may be acting at the time it may become necessary to dispose of such part of my real or personal estate, as he or they Judge necessary and on such terms, tho I think twelve months credit -will be best, may appear most for the advantage of my Estate and I hereby empower such Exec utor or Executors to make Legal and authentic conveyances to the purchasers for the same. Tenthly, After my Debts are paid and the expences of my household, and SchooUng of my children, with every other incidental charge so as a fair and just inventory of the remain der of my estate can be made, of both real and personal property, I require my Executors or acting Executor to retum such inventory -with his or their Account of the whole transactions relative to my estate, to my friends, Spyers Suigleton, Robert White, John Herritage, Jesse Cobb, Francis ChUds, Simon Bright, Joshua Croom, Benjamin Caswell and John Coart, or the majority of them or of the Sur-vivors of them, and I request North Carolina Wills. 121 such majority, wiU arange the personal estate into five equal divisions or parts as near as may be, of which parts, I give my wKe, Sarah CasweU, one, which I request she may be aUowed to choose, at the same time I request such majority of my friends may set apart for my said wKe, in Ueu of her dower of my Lands, as she may choose to Uve on, and such part I leave her the use of during her Natural Ufe; the other four remining parts of my personal property, I request may be drawn for by my three sons, Winston, DoUam, and John, and my daughter, Susannah, and such part as they shaU respectively draw I give to the drawer of the same forever. The remainder of my real Estate, I gjve in Uke manner, and recommend an appraisment to be made by my friends or a majority of them, or the Survivors of them, so as to assertain the value, and then to put them in four Lots as nearly equal as may be, those Lots to be dra-wn by my aforesaid four chUdren, Winston, DaUam, John and Susan nah, and such Lot I ^ve to the respective drawers, his or her heirs and Assigns forever. Lastly, I nominate and appoint my said Sons, Winston, DaUam, and John CasweU, Executors of this my Last WiU and Testament, that is to say, Winston to act alone imtiU DaUam arrives at twenty one Years of age, then those two to Act untiU John arrives to the age of Twenty one years, after which the whole to act as Executors 'tiU the business is compleat, and I appoint my good friend James Glasgow, in trust to advise and direct the due Execution hereof, which I beg he -wUl attend to. In Testimoney of the premises, I have hereunto Set my hand and Seal, the day and year first herein written, contained on five sides. R. Cas-well, (Seal). Executed in presence of us, who have subscribed our names as Wit nesses in presence of the Testator, and of each other: Simon Bright. James Beight. A CodicU to the foregoing last wiU and Testament of Rich ard CasweU, made and executed the same day of the wiU and is to be considered as a part of the same, that is to say, I give to my son, Winston CasweU, Negroes Venus and Diamond, and to his Assigns for ever, to be appraised in like manner and by the persons named in my wiU, and the Value deducted from his one fourth part, with my Sons, DaUam and John, and Daughter, Susannah. It is further my WUl, that in case of the death of any of my now Uving chUdren, to wit, Winston, Anne, DaUam, John and 122 North Carolina Wills. Susannah, before marriage, arriving at lawful age or legaUy disposing of any of the property, herein given, then, that such property shall go to my surviving children and their heers and Assigns, to hold for ever. Witness my hand and seal which is affixed to the string that binds these two sheets together. R. Caswell. (Seal) Executed in presence of: Simon Bright. James Beight. State of North Carolina, Dobbs County. January Court, 1790. Then was the within Last WUl and Testament of Richard CasweU, deceas'd, exhibited into Court and proved by the oaths of Simon Bright and James Bright, the only Subscribing witnesses thereto, who swore that they saw the Testator sign, seal, pubhsh and declare the same to be and contain his last Wffi and Testament, and that they also say him Sign and Seal the Codicil thereto, and acknowledged it to be apart of his WiU; and to the best of their knowledge, he was at that time of perfect mind and memory. At the same time, Winston CasweU, one of the Executors therein named, appeared and QuaUfied as such. Ordered that Letters Testamentary issue accordingly. Test. W. Caswell, Clk. C. State of North Carolina, Lenoir County. I, Simon Bright, Clerk of the County Court Aforesaid, do hereby Certify that the foregoing is a true Copy from the Original Wffi & Probate thereof, now remaining in my Office. And that DaUam CasweU, one of the Exec utors therein named, is the only (now) Survi-ving Executor to said WiU. Given under my hand and the Seal of the County, at Enston the 20th. day of July, 1799, Sn. Bright, Cler. (Official Seal) Copy of Original Will, filed in the Office of the Secretary of State. MATTHEW CASEWELL'S WILL. In the Name of God Amen, this Twenty Fourth Day of March, Seventeen Hundred and Fifty Four. I, Matthew Casewell, of Tyrrell County, in the Province of North Carolina, planter. Being sick and weak in Body, but of Sound and per fect Memmory, thanks be Given to God for the Same, Therefore calling to Mind the Mortality of my Body & knowing that it is appointed for all men once to Die; do make and Ordain this my Last will and Testament, In the form & Manner Fol io-wing, That is to say: principaly and First of aU, I Recomend my Soul unto the hands of God who gave it me & my Body to the Earth to be Buried in a Decent Christian Buriall at North Cabolina Wills. 123 the Descresion of my Exers. hereafter Named; And as Touch ing Such Worldly Fktate where-with it hath ben pleased God to Bless me in this LKe, I Depose of the Same in the ^Manner & Form foUowing: Imprimis. I Give & Bequeath unto my Beloved son, Mat thew CaseweU, the plantation and Two Himdred and Twenty Acres of Land, being the Land formerly Belonging to Edward Phelps; and Likewise Twenty two Accres of Land out of the Loghouse Survey Joyning on SamU. SpruiU Line, Known by the Name of the Back Ridge, Unto Him & His Heirs & Assigns for ever. Item. I give and bequeath to mj- beloved Son, SamueU CaseweU, my Log House plantation -with Two Hundred Acres of Land Belonging to the same. Item. I Give and bequeath to my Beloved Son, Elisha CaseweU, my Manner plantation which I live on, with one Hundred Thirty And Six Acres, more or Less, to him, his heirs and Assigns for Ever. Item. I Give and Bequeath to my Beloved Daughter, Joanna CaseweU, the Land CaUed ye Red Banks, with one hundred acres of Land Joyning the plantation, to her, her Heirs and Assigns for Ever, with Twenty Two Acres of Land in the Log House Survey, Joyning her Brother Alatthew. Item. I Give and bequeath to my beloved Daughter, Eiza. CaseweU, the plantation and Land belonging to the Same, known by the Name of Briffits Island, to her & Her Heirs & assigns for Ever. Item. I Give and bequeath to my Beloved Daughter, Jemima CaseweU, the plantation and Land Belonging to the Same, Known by the Name of Addesons Island, and IJke- ¦wise my part of the Tract of Land Surveyd between me and James phelps. Sen., Lying on the East Side of Scuppemung River &c.. To Her, And Her Heirs and Assigns for Ever. Item. I Give and Bequeath to my Daughter, Tabitha CaseweU, Two Hundred acres of Land known by the Name of the Log House Land, Joyning my Son, SamueU, to Her and Her Heirs and Assigns for Ever, or forty Pounds, Proc'l., my Son Matthew haveing the Refuise, Then Samuell. Item. I Give and Bequeath to CaseweU HasseU, one Cow, CaKe & Her Increase. Item. I give and Bequeath to my weU Beloved WKe, Eliza beth CaseweU, One Third part of all my personaU Estate, The Remainder to be EquUy Devided between my ChUdren, to be Divided at the Descresion of my Exrs. Item. I make. Constitute and Ordain my Beloved WKe, Elizabeth CaseweU, Executrix, and my beloved Father in Law, Samuell SpruiU, and my Son, Matthew CaseweU, Exrs. of this my Last wiU & Testament, Utterly (DisannuUng aU other) 124 North Carolina Wills. AUo-wing this and no Other to be my last WiU and Testament. In Witness whereof, I have hereunto set my Hand & Seal, the Date above -written. his Matthew M C Casewell (Seal) Marke. Signed, Sealed, published, pro nounced and Declared by the sd. Matthew Casewell as his last Will and Testament, in the Presence of us: Joshua Tuenee, Jurat. Robeet Elton. Edwd. Phelps. North Carolina, Tyrrel County, ss. June Court, 1754, Present his Majesty's Justices: These may Certify that Joshua Turner, one of the Sibscribing Evidences to the within WiU, came into Open Court and made Oath on the Holy EvangeUsts of Almighty God, That he Saw Matthew CaseweU sign, seal, pronounce & Declare the within Writing to contain his last Wffi & Testa ment; and at the same Time he saw Robert Elton, & Edward Phelps, sign their names as E-vidences to the same. Then appeared Samuel Spruel & Mathew CasweU, Executors & Qualified themselves as Exec'rs., by taking the Oath as the Law in such Cases Directed. Ordered That the Hon'ble James Murray, Esqr., Secretary of this Pro-vince have notice thereof, that Letters Testamentary Issue accordingly. Test. Evan Jones, Cler. Cur. Copied from Original Wffi, filed in the Office of the Secretary of State. THOMAS CLIFFORD'S WILL. No. Cabolina sc. In the Name of God Amen. I, Thomas CUfford, Esqr., late of Charles Town in South Carolina, but at present residing in New Hanover Precinct, in North Carolina, Do Make and de clare these presents to be and contain my last Will and Testa ment: Imprimis. I Will that all those Debts which I owe in Right or Conscience be truly and Justly paid by my Executrix here after named -within some reasonable time after my decease. Item. I Give, Devise & Bequeath unto my Lo-ving wife, Mary, all the rest & Residue of my Estate whether Real or personal, to her and her heirs and Assignes for ever. Hereby naming. Constituting and appointing my said -wKe, Mary, Sole Executrix of this my Last WUl & Testament, Revokeing all other Wills by me heretofore made or Declared. In Testimony whereof I have hereto put my hand and Seal, this Nineth day of October, Anno Dom., 1735. T. Cliffoed (Seal) North Carolina Wills. 125 Signed, Sealed, published and Declared In presence of: M: MooEE. Eliza: Swann. E. Moseley. North Carolina: Personaly appear'd Maurice Moore, Esqr., one of the Evidences to the within Last Wffi and Testament, who being Swom on the holy Evange- ist of Almighty God, saieth. That he saw Thos. CUfiord sign. Seal a declare this to be and contaia is Last Wffi and Testament, and that he was of sound mind and disposing memory, and that he saw Eliz: Swann and Edward Moseley sign as Evidences thereto at the same time. Gab. Johnston. Copied from Original Wffi ffied in the Office of the Secretary of State. JOHN COLLINS' WILL. In the Name of God, Amen, the 27 Day of Dissember, 1749, I, John CoUins, of Bartee County, in the Province of North Carolina, Being sick and weake in body, but of Perfect mind and memory, thanks be unto God, therefore calling unto mind the mortality of the Body, knowing that itt is appointed for aU men once to Dye, do make and ordain this my last wUl and testement, that is to say, principaUy, and first of all, I give and recommend my sole into the hands of God that gave itt, and my Body I recommend to ye Earth to be bured in a decent chnstan BureU, at the discretion of my Executors, nothing doubting but at the General Resurrection I shall recive the same by the mighty power of God, and as touch ing such worldly Estate, warewith itt hath pleased God to bless me in this liffe I give, demise and dispose of in the fol lo'wing manner and form: Imprimis. I give and bequeath to my Son, WilUam Col lins, aU that track of land lying on Casshi River, a planta tion purehed of Jonathan Standlye containing two hundred Eakers, to him and his hears and asigns for ever, and a pare of Iron pot Racks. Eitom. I give to my Granson, John Collins, a bras kiteU, to him and his hears for ever. Eitom. I give to my two Sons, John and Da-vid CoUins, each of them a Bible. Eitom. I give and bequeath unto my Sonj Joseph Col lins, a Plantation lying the north side of Guy hall Swamp, purtered of hardy Keele, containing one hundred and fifty Eakers at the beginnin, End to him and to his Ears and asigns for Ever, all so, I give him my Cooper Tools and two Ews and Lambs, an a Cow and CaKe. 126 North Carolina Wills. Eitom. I give and bequeath unto my Son, Mikell Collins, my Surva that lys on Red bud, containg three hundred Eak ers, to him and his Ears for ever. Also, I give him a neagro Boy named Robin, and if my said Son should die -without hears of his body, then I give the Neagro to my Son lessee and to his Ears, all so, I give to Son Mikell a black Warnut table, and a Cow and Calfe and a puter dish, except two Days in weak for my Wife. Eitom. I give and bequeath unto my Son, Demsee Col lins, a plantation that henry Ballentin formerly lived on, parte of the tracte of land that I bote of Hardy Keele, lying on Gie hall Swamp by at the lower Ende of the said lane Contain one hundred and fifty Eakers to him and to his Ears and signs for ever, also, I give him an Ovel Table, mad of Maple, also, I give him Cow and Calf, and a puter dish, and a neagro man called toney, to him and his Ears for Ever, an in Case my said Sone should die before he hath anny lawfull Ears, then this Neagro I give to my Son Joseph, an to his Ears, two days every weak to worke for my WKe duering life. Eitem. I give and beques to my Son, Jesse ColUns, my Plantasion I now live on with three hundred Eakers of Land, to him an his Ears an asigns for Ever, also, I give him a Case -with fifteen botells, an a feather Bed and fumetude, an two Cows an Calves, an puter dish to him and his Ears for Ever. Eitem. I give and bequeth to my Son, Absolum Collins, two hundred and forty seven Eakers of land, part of the sur- vaye that I now live on, begining on the deep Branch an so runing to the head line, itt tis the Eastard side of my planta sion, an so to the patine line for breath, all so, I Give him a neagro gari, named Venus, and in case my said son should dye befor he Come to age of twenty one years, then I give this negro to my Son lessee. I Give the first Child this negro girl bring, if itt live tell one yeare old to my Son lessee. I all so give my son, absalom, a feather bed and furnetude, an a Cow an Calfe, a bei, metell morter and pessel, and a puuter dish an my Sorell Mare. Eitem. I Give and bequeth to my well beloved Wife a fether Bed and furnetude, and my horse and hur Sadie, one Pott, two basens and dishes two, and a Chist to Shee and hur Ears for ever, and two days qorke of my two neagro feUows du life. Eitem. All the Remainder of my Estate -within and -with out, that is after my Just debt is fully satefide and paide, I give to my Wife and six Sons, WiUiam, Joseph, mikell, Dem see, lessee an sbsalom, to be Eacally devid among them all, and my Will and desier is that my Estat shall lie in the hands of my Executors tell the youngest come to the Eage Eighteen North Cabolina Wills. 127 years, and not to be sold but to have thare Estate as they come to age of Eighteen years. I doe apint my weU beloved WKe and my Sone Mikell to be, I Leave my whole and Sole Exectricks and Execetor, and I do Revke, disanuU and disa low of aU other WiUs made by me or in my name, Ratefying and confirming this to be my lasy WUl and testament. In Witness whareof I have hereunto set my hand and Seale, interlined before asined. John Collins (L. S.) MosEs Hill, Jethro Rountbee. Edenhouse, 18th March, 1752. This Day Moses Hill & Jethro Rountree, the two Sunscribing Evidences of the last Wffi & Testament of John Collins, appeared before me & made Oath that they saw the Testator Sign, Seal & DeUver the same as and for Hi,'! last Wffi & Testament, and that at the signing thereof He was of sound & disposing mand & memory. At the same time Michael Collins & Mary Collins, Executors appointed by the said Wffi quaUfied themselves as Executors by taking the Oath appointed by Law for that Purpose. Gab. Johnston. Copied from Original Wffi ffied in the Office of the Secretary of State. MARY CONWAY'S WILL. Noeth Carolina. In the Name of God Amen. I, Mary Conway, of the To-wn of New Bern, in the pro-vince aforesaid, Widow, being sick and weak in body, but of sound and disposing mind, memory and understanding, thanks be to God for the same, Do make and pubhsh this my last WiU and Testament, in manner and form foUo-wing: (that is to say). First and principaUy, I recommend my Soul to Almighty God that Gave it, and my body to be decently interr'd at the Discretion of my Executors hereafter named; and as to the Uttle worldly Estate which it hath pleased God to bless me -with, I Give and dispose thereof as foUows: I Give and bequeath unto Margaret Gordon, Daughter of Mrs. Mary Gordon, One large Gold Ring, and my clouded silk sack and petticoat, as a token of my friendly regard to her. Item. I Give and bequeath unto Susannah Wrenford, WKe of Edmimd Wrenford, and Elizabeth Elmsley, aU the rest and residue of my wearing apparel, silk and Linen, she the said Susannah Wrenford, first making choice of such part thereof as she shaU think proper. Item. It is my wiU and desire that my Executors hereafter. Do and shaU seU and dispose of aU my Household ffumiture, together -with a Lott of Land in the said Town of New Bem, bought of John Fowler, in order to pay and satisfy my just Debts and Funeral expences, but K the same is found not 128 North Carolina Wills. sufficient for that purpose, that in such case they sell and dis pose of such other parts of my personal Estate as may be most useless to my Son, William Conway, when he shall attain the Age of Twenty one Years, or they shall in their discretion think proper, earnestly recommending to them, if possible, to preserve and keep together all such Negroe Slaves as I may die possessed of, to the intent that they may be hired out for the benefit of my said son, and defraying the charges of his main tenance and Education during his Minority. Item. I Give and de-vise and bequeath unto my said Son, WilUam Conway, aU and singular, my plantations, Lands, Houses and Lotts, in the Town of New Bern, aforesaid, and also my Negroe Slaves, male and female, together -with two pair of Gold Buttons, and the residue of my Gold rings, when and as soon as he shall attain the Age of Twenty one Years, but K my said Son, WUUam Conway, shall happen to die before he shall so attain the Age of Twenty one years as aforesaid, I Give, devise and bequeath unto my Esteemed Friend, Edmund Wrenford, All and Singular, my said plantations, houses and Lotts in the To'wn of New Bern, as aforesaid, to Hold to him, his Heirs and Assigns for ever. And I do earnestly intreat my Executors to pay a strict regard to the Educating of my said Son in such maimer as shall be necessary to qualKy him for such Business or profession as his Genius shall most incline to. Lastly, I do hereby Nominate, Constitute and appoint my Good friends, John Hawks; Esquire, and the said Edmund Wrenford, Executors of this my last Will and Testament, hereby revoking all former Wills by me made, declaring this to be my last Will and Testament. In Witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal, this Seventeenth day of August, in the Year of our Lord, One thousand, seven hundred and seventy four. Maby Conway. (Seal) Signed, Sealed, Published and declared by the said Testatrix, as and for her last Will and Testament, in the presence of us who in her presence, and at her request, and in the presence of each other, have subscribed our Names as Witnesses hereto: John Bonnee. Joseph Dowse, Heney Vipon. The above last WiU and Testament of Mary Conway, was proved before me, this 26th day of August, 1774, by the oaths of Joseph Dowse and Henry Vipon, two of the subscribing 'Witnesses thereto, who swore North Cabolina Wills. 129 that they were present and did see the said Testatrix sign, seal, publish and declare the same to be and contain her last Wffi and Testament; and that at the time thereof she was of sound and disposing mind and memory. And Edmund Wrenford, one of the Executors in the said Wffi named, having taken the oaths of Executors, and quaUfied agreeable to Law. It is Ordered that Letters Testamentary issue thereon accordingly. Jo. Martin. Copied from Ori^nal Wffi ffied in the Office of the Secretary of State. JOHN COTTON'S WILL. In the name of God Amen. I, John Gotten, of Bartie Precinct, in North Carolina, Gent., being Sick in body but of perfect Sence & Sound memory, blessed by God, doe mak and ordaine this to be my Last wiU and & Testament, in manner and forme folowing. Viz: first. Item. I Give to my Son, John Gotten, Three Hundred and twenty acors of Land, be it more or Less, whar he now lives, on the west Sid of Ahorskey Marsh, to him and his heairs for Ever. Item. I Give to my Son, Wiffiam Gotten, one hundred and fifty acors Land, be it more or Less, Ijdng in the oserow (?) Meadows, whar he now Lives, beginning at a Marked hickory at my upermost Line, So runing down a line of Marked Trees to the Lower most line, to him and his heairs for Ever. Item. I Give to my Son, SameU Gotten, a Neack of Land whar he now Lives, be the Saime mor or Less, and parte of a Survay that I bought of Charles Stevenson, being a hund. acors mor. or Less, to him and his heairs for Ever. Item. I Give to my Son, Thos. Gotten, aU the Remainder of my Land bought of Charles Stevenson, it is northerdly of wUUam Gotten, and Containes Three hund and forty acors, being a neck Called, the Green pond neck, to him and his heairs for Ever. Item. I Give to my Sons, arthur Gotten and James Gotten, my Lowermost Survay Land on fishing Creek, to Eaqualey devided betwixt ym, to them and their heairs for Ever. Item. I Give to my Son, Joseph Gotten, to hundred acors Land and to be taken oute of my uper Survay on fishing Creek, to him and his heairs for Ever. Item. I Give to my Son, Alexand'^ Gotten, one hundred acors Land out of my uper Survay on fishing Creek, to him and his heairs for Ever, and the other three hundred acors to be EquaJey De-vided be twen my my Sons, John Gotten, wUham Gotten, and SamU. Gotten, to them and their heirs for Ever. Item. I Give to my Son, Arthur Gotten, one Neagerow Man Naimed Meiago, butt Except the Labour and Sarvice of the 9 130 North Carolina Wills. sd. Neagerow, to be preformed and don for my Loveing wife, Martha Gotten, deureing her -widowhood, and my sd Son, arthur Gotten, to be and Goe for himSelf when he Shall arrive at the age of 18 Years. Item. I Give to my Son, James Gotten, one Neagerow boye Naimed peter, to him and his heairs for Ever, and that my Son, James Gotten, May Goe and for himself when he Shall arrive att the age of Eighteen Years. Item. I Give to my Son, Thos. Gotten, one Neagroe Gerlle Naimed Rose, To him and his heirs for Ever, but Except the Labour and Sarverce of the sd Neagrow Geirll to be for and with my Loveing -wife, Martha Gotten, deureing her -widowhood, and that my Son, Thos. Gotten, be free and and Goe for him Self when the sd. Thos. arrive at the age of Eighteen Years. Item. I Give to my Son, Joseph Gotten, one neagerow boy naimed Toney, to him and his heairs for Ever. Item. I Give unto ihy daughter, presseler Gotten, one Neagerow woman, named MooU, to her and her heairs for Ever, butt Except the youse and Labour of the sd Neagerow to be for my Loveing wife, Martha Gotten, Dewering her widowhood. Item. I Give to my Son, alexander Gotten, one Neagerow man, naimed Guge, butt Except the Sd. Neagerows Labour and Sur-vice to be for my Loveing -wife, Martha Gotten, During hur ¦widowhood. Item. I Give to my Son, william Gotten, one new feather bead and a woosted Sett Ruge, and one Large fine blanket, and a Sheate, to pewter bassons, and to pewter dishes, three Cowes and Calefes, to yearlings, and one three year ould heifer, and Eight Soues with their In Creese, and one baye Gelding horse, and one Large barow or Spayed Sow, and a pateran of fine druged for a Sute of Close, Coate, bretches and Jacket and Triming ans-wreable, and fifty bushalls of oyster Shells. And all that parsell of plank that wase Sawed for the meUl work, to Euqualie devided betwene my Sd. Son, wilUam Gotten, and my Son, SamU. Gotten. Item. I Give to my Son, SamU. Gotten, a p'terne of fine druged to make him a sute of Close and Triming answrable, which Cloth and triming is to be answare and Euqualey devided betwixt my Sonn, -william and SamU Gotten. Item. To my Son, Samll. Gotten, I Give one feather bead known by the naime of the Trundle bead, and a blew wostde Sett Rugg, and one blanket and Sheate, and one Square fraimed warnut table, and three Cowes and Caveles, and an in broke hors of to years ould, to puter bassons, and to puter dishes, and fifty busheUs of oyster Shells, and to Each of my Sons, Samll and -wm Gotten, a large Sheare, to purches Ym nails to buld them a howse, Each &. North; Carolina Wills. 131 Item. I Give to my Son, Alexander, Eight Sowes with their increese, and Three Cowe, one heKer yearling, and one to year ould Steare, and one three year ould Steare. Item. I Give to my Son, John Gotten, aU the Stock of both hoggs and Catte that is now in his persesion of my Marke, and fifty bushaUs of oyster SheUs. Item. I Give to my daughter, Susanah Gotten, the feather bead whar on She lyes with aU its fumeture. Item. I Give to my Son, Thos: Gotten, one Sute of new Courteins of ablew CouUer, one Large fiine bead Tick, one wosted Sett Rugg, and one Large fine blankett. I Give and bequeath to my Loveing wKe, Martha Gotten, my bead whar on I lye with aU its fumeture, Courtens, Rugg, blankets, Sheates, pelowes, and one Large new fine blanket and Quelt, beSides, and beaid Stead Corde and matt, and. Item. I Give to my Son, alexander Gotten, as much dewroys which is now by me, as wiU make him A sute of Clothes. Item. I Give to my Sons, alexander and SamU. Gotten, as much Striped holan, as -wiU Make Each of ym a Jeacket and Bretches and Trimeing to it. And I give & bequeath to my Loveing -wKe My Rideing horse, Calling his Name blaise, and a Sid Sadie. Item. I Give to my Son In Law, John Tomas, one puter dish. Item. I Give to my Son in Law, Capt. John Spears, one puter dish. Item. I Give to my daughter, Mary holand, one puter dish, and the use of the above neageroes is Left to my Sd wife for hur o-wn and my Sd fower youngest ChUdrens Maintaneance during her widowhood. Item. I Give to my Son, Joseph Gotten, three wethers and a Ranun, to yewes and a Lam. Item. I Give to my Daughter, Martha Benton, Late widow of frances Benton, decesed, "rhree Ewes with their inCrease. Item. I Give to my Sons, wm. and SamU. Gotten, 20 pound of feathers, to be Equaly devided Inlargen their beads. My wiU is furder, that my mill Stones, Spindle, Jaks and peecks, to be Sould for Silver Money, and that to be Equaley de-vided betweixt my fower SmaU ChUdren, arthur, pesseller, James, and Thos. Gotten, and aU the Rem*, of my Estate, both with in and -with oute dores, I Leave to my -wife and fower Small Children above named, to be Eaqualey devided. Item. I Give to my Daughter, Susanah, as Much fine Silk Stufe as -wiU mak hur a Sute of Clothes, and my wiU is that my mair that Runes in Tormenteing nack, the first Coult She Bringes, may be for my Son, arthur Gotten, and K the Sd mair hves to bring Aney more Coultes may be for my Son, James and Thos Gotten, and, 132 North Carolina Wills. Lastly, I doe apoint My Loveing wife to be Exetrs. of This my Last -will and testment, butt Nomonate and apoint My Loveing friend, Thos Bryant, and 'wm Benet to be over Sears, and have power, In case my wKe Should again Marey, and hur Covetor prove unhapey to hur and my fower Small Children, to Remove and Secure them and their Estate att their dese. In witness war of Asigne this to be my Last wUl and teste ment. John Gotten. (Seal) Test. Thos. Bryant, Jurat. Thomas Steange. hur Maeby M pabkees. Jurat. Bertie Sc, May Court, 1728. The above WiU was Exhibited by Martha Cotton, Widow and Sole Executrix of John Cotton, Deced. and was proved by the Oaths of Capt. Thomas Bryant, and Mary Parker, in Open Court, in due form of Law, who were E-vidences thereto. And then the sd. Martha took the the Exrs: oath in Open Court. Test. Rt. Forster, Cler. Cur, Copied from Original Will ffied in the Office of the Secretary of State. JOHN COTTON'S WILL. NOBTHAMPTON CoUNTY. The Deposition of ye under Subscribers first Sworn on The Holy Eveng ***** 1741. John Gotten who De ceast this Life ye 2d of feb., 1741; as aforsd Did make, * * * under his hand and Seal, & the Subscriber were Wittness There to, which * * * was by ye sd. Gotten Delivered Into ye Care of John Dawson, one of the Subscribeing Wittnesses, who by misfortune hath Lost ye sd will 'with Sundrey of his own papers, but ye sd subscribers being well assured in their Con sciences that they Can Remembr The whole Substance of the sd -will Declared it was as followeth, Viz: After funeral Ex pences Discharged and Debts paid, I give & bequeath my Estate as followeth: Itim. I give & bequeath To my son, John Gotten, my plan tation whereon I now DweU, to him & his heires forever, only my wife to Live thereon and to Injoy the Use thereof During her natural Life; also one gun, one feather Bed and furniture. Two Cows & Calves, Two Ews and Lambs. My will and Desire is that my Crosscut Saw & whipsaw be Equalley between my Two Sons, also, I give my Son John one Iron pot. Itim. I give & bequeath to my Son Benjamin Gotten, my plantation whereon phiUip Edens now Dwells, to him & his heires forever, only the sd Edens to Live thereon and Injoy the Use thereof During his Natural Life. My will & Desire Noeth Carolina Wills. 133 is that my Land belonging to my sd plantations be Di'vided as Equal as Possible, one half to ye one plantation and ye Other haK to ye other; also I give my sd. son my black horse, bridle and Saddle and Cane, one feather Bed and Fimiture, one Iron pot. Two Cows and Calves, Two (?) Ews and Lambs. Itim. I give and Bequeath to my Daughter, Mary Breecle Two hundred acres, be ye same more or Less, Lying at at a place CaUed Blue water, to her and her heires for Ever; also one feather Bed & fimiture, one Dish, and one Bason, one Iron Pott, one Cow and CaK, Two heiphers, and three Ews and Lambs, Ten Sows and pigs, one Iron Pot. Itim. I give and bequeath to my Daughter, Anne Gotten, one bey Mare & her Increase, Two Cows and Calves, Two Ews and Lambs, and one feather Beed and fimiture, and one Iron pot. Itim. I give & bequeath to my Daughter, Sarah Gotten, my Negroe wench, CaUed Rose, and her Increase, only, my 'wKe to have ye Labour of ye sd wench During her natural LKe; also, I give my sd Daughter, Two Cows and Calves, Two Ews and Lambs, one Iron pot. Itim. I give and bequeath to my Lo'ving wKe, anne Gotten, my Negroe feUow Mingo, to Maintain and School my -small ChUdren; also, give my sd wKe, my working oxen for the plan tation use; also, I give my sd wKe, my Grey Horse and Side Saddle, and aU my working Tools not abeadey given. Also, I Do nominate and appoint my Lo-ving -wKe, Executrix and my Lo'ving brother, WUUam Gotten, Executor of this my last 'wUl & Testament, Revoking and Disalowing of aU other wUls by me heretofore Made. In WlU : hereof I have hereunto Set my hand & Seal, 17th of Jan: 1741. & further we Say not Jno. Dawson. Richd. BeBFIELD, bis R mark. Thos. Co'wman. W hismark ***** -within Deposition ***** Rich*, Berfield & Thos. Cowman ***** on oath before Isaac Hunter * * * * * Justs of the County within Mentioned as witness my ***** & Date * * * written. Isaac Hunter. Northampton Countt, sc. May Court, 1742. The within written Nuncupative Wffi of John Gotten, Deceased, was proved in open Court by the Oaths of John Dawson, Richard Barefield, & Thomas Cowman, ye subscribing evidences thereto, & on Motion of WUUam Gotten, praying Administration on ye sd Deceased's Estate with ye WiU Annexed, which was granted, he ha-ving given Security as ye Law directs Test. J, Edwards, CUi. C. Copied from Original Wffi ffied in the Office of the Secretary of State. 134 Noeth Carolina Wills. JEAN CORBIN'S WILL. In the name of God Amen. I, Jean Corbin, of New Han over County, Widdow and Relict of Francis Corbin, late of Cho wan Coimty, in the Province North Carolina, Esqr., being weak in body, but of peifect Sound & disposing Mind and Memory, do make this my last WUl and Testament in Manner foUo-wing: And first I resign my Soul in to the hands of my all merciful! God, in hopes of a Joyfull resurrection thro' the Me diation of a Blessed Redeemer; And as to my worldly Goods and Estate I Give, De-vise, and Bequeath in manner following: First. Whereas, by a certain Marriage Settlement, or In denture Trepartite, bearing date the Twenty eight day of October in the Year of Our Lord one Thousand Seven hundred & Sixty one, and Executed between me and my said late Hus band Francis Corbin and Samuel and John Swarm Trustees named in the sd Indenture, I have an absolute and disposing right in and of a Moiety of three plantations, Tracts or par cels of land, Lying and being on the Eastermost Branch of Long Creek in New Hanover County containing in the whole Twelve hundred and Sixty Acres, Mso One Other plantation Tract or parcel of Land, lying and being on the North East Side of the North West branch of Cape Fear River, Joining the upper side of the late Henry Simmon's Land; Also One Other Plantation Tract or parcel of Land containing One hun dred & eighty Acres lying and being in Bladen County on the West side of the North west branch of Cape Fear River, Join ing Mcknight's land; Now I Give Devise & Bequeath to John Rutherfurd Junier, WUliam Gordon Rutherfurd and Frances Rutherfurd (ChUdren of my good friend of my good friend John Rutherfurd of New Hannover County Esquire) and their respective Heirs and Assigns forever, to be equally devided between them, the Moieties of the said several Plantations Tracts or Parcels of Land. And it is my WiU, Intention, and direction, that in the partition of the said Parcels of Land, Jean Cobbin. regard be had as well to the Value as the quantity, so that each Devision be in Value & quantity nearly equal. Item. I Give and Bequeath to the said John Rutherfurd Junior, WiUiam Gordon Rutherfurd, and Frances Rutherfurd, All my Negroe Slaves, wch I hold and Possess or am entitled to, as weU by Virtue of the aforementioned Indenture or Other wise, (and not Otherwise disposed of by this my Will) and wch I may at the time of my decease, hold, possess have, or be enti tled to, together -with all my Stocks of Cattle Horses, Sheep & Hogs, with All my Plate, Houshold & Kitchen furniture, Noeth Cabolina Wills. 135 Plantation Tools, and implements of Husbandry of whatever kind or Sort they may be wch I shall die possess'd of. Item. I Give and Bequeath to the said John Rutherfurd Junier, Wm Gordon Rutherfurd, and Frances Rutherfurd all arrears of money due or growing due to me, as my Jointure or annuity of One hundred & Twenty Pounds per Annum from the Death of my said late Husband, Francis Corbin, and pro- -vided to me, by the aforemention Marriage Settlement. Item. I Give and Bequeath to my Good Friend Thomas HoUoway, the Use of my Negroe boy Exeter (wch he now has in his possession) for and during the Term of his Natural LKe, and after his decease I Give the said Negroe to John Ruther furd Junier, Wiffiam Gordon Rutherfurd, and Frances Ruth erfurd. Item. It is my WiU and desire, that my old Negroe feUow Peter, who hath Long & faithfuUy Served me, be, at the time of my death liberated & Set free, and it is my further WiU and direction that my Executors herein named, pay him Eleven poimds proc money pr Annum during his natural life, as a reward of his fideUty, and for his Support and Maintenance. Item. Whereas I have advanced & paid several sums of my own Monies, for and upon Amount of the Estate of my late Husband, Francis Corbin, wch said sums are stUl in Ar- Jean Cobbin. rear & unpaid to me; it is therefore my WUl and desire that aU the accts between the sd Estate & myseK (wch shaU be unsettled at my decease), be settled, as Soon as the same can be done; and the balances & monies due me thereon recov ered; AU wch balancies & Monies, I Give to the sd John Ruth erfurd Junier, Wiffiam Gordon Rutherfurd and Frances Ruth erfurd. Item. Whereas my good friend John Rutherfurd Esqr: has had, at different times the Labour & Service of several of my negros Slaves; now my wffi and desire is, that no Accts. or charge, be made or brought against him for the Same And my WUl & meaning is, that he be acquitted & discharged of & from any demand therefor; And Also that he be acquitted exonerated & discharged from aU Other Debts, dues, demands, or Claims of what nature or kind soever wch I may have against him. Item. It is my Wffi and direction that aU my Just debts be first paid as soon as may be, either by the hire, work & La bour of my Slaves, or by the Sale of so much of the most per ishable part of my Estate, and wch may be of the best use and benefit to the sd John Rutherfurd Junier WUUam Gordon Rutherfurd and Frances Rutherfurd; or by both, as my Exec utors shaU Judge necessary. 136 North Carolina Wills. Item. I Give Devise & Bequeath to the sd John Ruther furd Junier WilUam Gordon Rutherfurd and Frances Ruther furd All the rest residue and remainder of my real and Per sonal Estate, not herein particularly de-vised, of what nature or kind soever or wheresoever it may be found. Item. And for the more Clear, and better Understanding of this my -wiU, and to prevent disputes and contraversies thereon, I hereby declare my design to be, that all the Several Slaves, Stocks, Plate, houshold & kitchen furniture together ¦with ever Other article or Articles, thing or things De-vised, Given and bequeathed, or intended to be De-vised Given and Jean Corbin. bequeathed by this my Will to the said John Rutherfurd Jun ier, William Gordon Rutherfurd and Frances Rutherfurd, be equally di-vided among them, share and share alike, and in Case of the death of either of them, the Share to have fallen to such party, to goe to the Sur-vivors or Sur-vivor. And further, my Will and positive directions are, that All the Lands, Stocks, Plate, houshold & kicthen furniture, to gether with every Other Article or T^ticles Thing or Things, Devised, Given & Bequeathed by this my WUl to the sd John Rutherfurd Junior William Gordon Rutherfurd and Frances Rutherfurd shall be, and remain in the keeping, and Under the direction Care & management of my sd good friend John Rutherfurd Esqr.; and after the payment of my Debts, he to receive all the profits, emoluments and benefits ariseing and accruing therefrom, to enable him the better to Educate, Sup port, and Maintain his said Children, without being further accountable for the Same, untill the Marriage of the sd Fran ces Rutherfurd, at wch time the said Frances to have her Share or Portion thereof; And the Residue or the Remainding parts or Shares, to continue and remain under the Care, direction and Management of the said John Rutherfurd Esquire, and he in like manner to receive aU the profits, emoluments, and benefits ariseing and accruing from the sd residue or remaind ing parts or Shares (to enable him to Educate, Maintain & Support the sd John Rutherfurd Junier, & WUliam Gordon Rutherfurd) -without being accountable therefor, for such time, and so long as he shall think proper; to retain & keep the same. Lastly. I do nominate, constitute, and appoint, my good friends Lewis Henry Derosset and John Rutherfurd Esquires and Mr Thomas Holloway Executors of this my last Will, contained in Six pages, each page being Signed at the Bottom with my o-wn hand; revoking all former Will and Wills by me heretofore made. Jean Cobbin. Noeth Carolina Wills. 137 In Witness Whereof I have hereunto Set my hand & Seal the 10th February 1775 Jean Cobbin (Seal) Signed Sealed & Published by the said Jean Corbin for and as her last Wffi and Testament in the Presence of Sam Ashe Daniel Mobgan David Moegan This the last Wffi and Testament of Jean Corbyn deceased was proved before me this third day of April 1775 by the Oath of David Morgan one of the subscribing Witnesses thereto who swore that he was present and did see the Testatrix sign seal publish and declare the same to be and contain her last Wffi and Testament and that at the time thereof she was of sound and disposing mind and memory and John Rutherfurd one of the Executors in the said Wffi named having taken the Oaths of an Exec utor and quaUfied agreeable to Law. It is Ordered that Letters Testamentary issue thereon accordingly. Jo. Martin State op North Carolina New Bem 23d. April 1778 PersonaUy appeared Mr. Thomas HoUoway one of the executors in the within Will named Before me Richard CasweU Govemor of the said State, And quaUfied as Executor to the said Wffi of wffich the Secretary is required to take Notice & certify the Same accordingly. Rd Gas-well (Endorsement) : The Last 'Wffi of Mrs. Jean Corbin. ROBERT COURTNEY'S WILL. In the Name of God Amen, the Seventeenth day of Jan uary, in the year of our Lord, one Thousand, Seven Himdred and fifty. I, Robert Courtney, of the County of Onslow, and province of North Carolina, planter, being sick in body but of Good and perfect Memory, thanks be to Allmighty God, and CaUing to Mind the Uncertain Estate of this LKe, and that aU flesh must yeUd Unto Death when it shaU please God to CaU, Do make, Constitute, ordain and Declare this, my Last wUl and Testament in Manner and form foUowing: that is to Say, first, being pemtent from the Bottom of my heart for my Sins past. Most Humbly Desireing forgiveness for the same, I Give and Commit my Soul Unto Allmighty God my SaAdour and Redeemer, in whom and by the Merits of Jesus Christ, I trust and beleave assuredly to be saved, and to have fuU Remission and forgiveness 'of aU my sms, and that my Soul with my Body Shall Rise again with Joy at the General Resurection, and through the merits of Christs Death and passion, possess and Inherit the Kingdom of heaven pre- 138 Noeth Carolina Wills. pared for his Elect and Chosen: and my Body to be Decently buried as it shall please my Executors hereafter Named: and now for my Temporal Estate, and such Goods Chattels & Debts as it hath pleased God, far above my Deserts to bestow Upon me, I Do order, Give and Dispose in Manner and form following, that is to say, I wUl that my funeral Expences' and Just Debts be paid and Satisfyed. Item. I Give and bequeath Unto my well beloved wife, hannah Courtney, the bed and furniture whereon we now Lye, one Chest, one pot which formerly belonging to her, one pair of worsted Combs, Eight Cows and Calves, as Like-wise and Equal Share of what young Cattle shall be when they Cone to be Divided, bet-wixt her, my Sons, Robert, Jonathan, and Rowland, as Likewise and Equal part of what houshold Goods, beds and beding. Excepted one Silver head for a Cane, one Iron Kettle and one third part of the Increase of the planta tion [of the plantation] I now Live on Dureing her Natural Life, and one Mare and Colt. Item. I Give and bequeath Unto my well beloved son, John Courtney, one Shilling, Sterling money of Great Britain. Item. I Give and bequeath Unto my well beloved Daugh ter, Phebe Curtis, one Shilling, Sterling money of Great Britain. Item. I Give and bequeath Unto my well beloved Son, Robert Courtney, a Tract of Land Lying on the East Side of the Northwest beach of New River, on the half moon Creek, Containing on Hundred and fifty acres, Known by the Name of Wallins, one Riffle Gun, one Mare Sadie and bridle, one bed and furniture, one half of a Case of bottles, and Equal Share of the Implements of Husbandry and houshold Goods, (and what Cows and Calves Shall be Left after my wife has had hers as above Mentioned, and my Son Rowland, three as will be hereafter Mentioned), to be Equaly Divided between him and my son, Jonathan, as Likewise and Equal Share of the young Cattle, as Likewise and Equal Share of my wear ing Apperal, one half of my petiauqua, to him and his heirs for Ever. Item. I Give and bequeath Unto my well beloved Son, Jonathan Courtney, the plantation I now Live on, (one Hun dred Acres at the Lower End Excepted) a Quantity of feath ers, one horse for the use of the plantation, one Mare Sadie and bridle, one Gun, and Equal Share of what houshold Goods, Implements of Husbandry, young Cattle, and what Cows and Calves, shall be to be Devided between him and my Son Robert, after my wifes and my Son Rowlands Shall be taken out, as Likewise one half of my petyauqua, to him and his heirs for Ever. Item. I Give and bequeath Unto my weU beloved son, Rowland Courtney, one Hundred Acres of Land, at the Lower Noeth Carolina Wills. 139 End of the plantation I now Live on, three Cows and Calves, an Equal Share of the young Cattle acording to what Cows shaU be to be De-vided), one two year old Mare, To him and his heirs for Ever. I Likewise Desire that my Son in Law, Richard Curtis, and my Good friend, Benjamin Easom, in Case any Difference Should arise in Shareing of my Estate, that they Should be the persons to Decide it and No other person to Interfere, Unless Desired by the parties Concemed, as likewise to be as Overseers in the Distribution. I likewise Constitute and apoint my weU beloved Sons, Robert Courtney, and Jonathan Courtney, to be my Sole Execu'. of this my Last wffi and Testament, Utterly Revoke ing aU former wills and Testaments by me Made. In witness whereof, I have Set my hand and affixed my Seal, the Day and Date as above. Robeet Couetney. (Seal) Signed Sealed published and pronounced by the sd Robert Courtney as his Last wffi and Testament, in presence of us: Mathew Lewis. Jos: Stueges. Benjamin Eason. North Carolina, Onslow County, ss. At a Court begun & held at Johnston, on New Biver, in and for the County of Onslow, on Tuesday the Second of April, anno Dom. 1751, Before John Starkey, Esqr. & the Rest of the worsMpful Justices &c. The Within Wffi of Robert Courtney, was proved by the Oath of Mathew Le-wis, & Jonathan Courtney, One of the Exers. therein Named, QuaUfied. by Taken the Oaths appointed by Law. Ordered that the sd. Courtney have Letters Testamentory. Thos: Black, C. Cr. Copied from Original Wffi, ffied in the Office of the Secretary of State. JAMES CRAVEN'S WILL. In the Name of God Amen. I, James Caraven, late of Droughton, near Skipton, in Craven, in the County of York, in Great Britain, but now of Edenton, in the Province of North Carolina, Esqr., being sick and weak of body, but of Sound & perfect mind and memory, trusting & Confiding in the Mercy of Almighty God, through the Merits of Jesus Christ my Sav iour for Pardon and Redemption of my Sins and fraUtys, for a happy Etemity in the World to Come; And Touching my 140 North Carolina Wills. Estate wherewith it has pleased God to bless me with in this World: After Payment of all my just Debts and funeral Charges, I give, De'vise, Bequeath and Dispose of the Same as followeth, That is to say: First, I give. Devise and Bequeath to my Lo-ving Wife, Penelope Craven, her Heirs and assigns for Ever, all those Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments with their appurte nances which I purchased of her before our Intermarriage, the Particulars whereof -will Appear in a Deed, Dated the Eighteenth day of February, in the Year of our Lord, One Thousand Seven Hundred and fifty Two, & Executed by her by the Name of Penelope Hodgson. Item. I give and Bequeath to the said Penelope Craven, aU the Black Cattle, Sheep and Hogs, and Plantation Tools whatsoever, I shaU Dye Possessed of at the Brick house, and the Old Plantation Commonly calld. Pagetts Plantation, and in the Range Commonly Calld. the Great Marsh. Item. I give and Bequeath to the said Penelope Craven, Ten Negro Slaves and my Will is, that she have her Choice out of all the Slaves I shaU Dye Possessed of. Item. I give and Bequeath to the said Penelope Craven, Silver Plate and Household Furniture to the Amount of One Hundred Pounds, Sterling, first Cost, the whole to be appraised and Valued by the Majority of my Executors, she afterwards to take her Choice to that Amount of the Plate and Furniture, Furniture so Appraised as Aforesaid. Item. I give and Bequeath to the said Penelope Craven, Fifty Volums of Books to be Chosen by her out of all my Books I may Dye Possessed of. Item. I give and Bequeath to the said Penelope Craven, the Horse I bot. of Mr. Richmond, with her Side Saddle and furniture; and all the Pro'visions and Liquors that shall be in my Dwelling house or Cellar in Edenton at the time of my Death. Item. I give to each of my God CMldren, one Pound pro clamation Money. Item. I give to each of the ChUdren of John Hodgson Esqr., Deceased, the Sum of Twenty Shillings, Proclamation Money as a token of my friendship to them. Item. I give to Dockter Abraham Boulton, my Brother, Ten Pounds. Item. I give to Thomas Craven Hodgson, Fifty Pounds, Proclamation Money, and my Large Gold Seal. Item. I give my Godson, WUliam Badham, Six SUver Spoons Marked W. B., and Also Ten Pounds Proclamation Money. North Carolina Wills. 141 Item. I give to each of my Executors hereafter named the Sum of Three Pounds Proclamation Money to buy each of them a Ring as a Testimony of my Regard for them. Item. I Leave the use of the house wherein I DweU, and the Six Lotts thereon, to the said Penelope Craven untU aU my Affairs are Settled by my Executors, and by them so De clared, She Commiting no Waste. Item. I Wffi and Ordain that the Executrix & Executors of this my Last Wffi and Testament, And their Executors or Administrators for and towards the Performance of this my said last Wffi and Testament shaU as Soon as they have Set tled my Affairs after my Decease, bargain, seU and ahen in fee Simple aU the Residue of my Real Estate not herein before Absolutely give and Bequeathed for ever, for the Doing, Exe cuting and perfect finishing Whereof, I do by these Presents give, grant, Wffi and Transfer to my said Executrix and Ex ecutors and to their Executors and Administrators, or the Majority thereof, fuU power & Authority to Grant, Bargain, SeU, Convey and assure aU my Said Real Estate, that is to say, all my said six Lotts and Houses thereon, & my Dwelling House, the use of Which I have before Left to my Loving WKe, Penelope Craven, untffi my Affairs are Settled by my Execu tors; and also all my Lands not hearinbefore Absolutely Given & Bequeathed for Ever, to any Person or Persons and their Heirs for Ever, in fee Simple by all and Every such Law fuU ways and means in the Law as to my said Executrix and Executors or their Executor or Executors, Administrator or Administrators or their Councel Lemed in the Law, ShaU Seem fit or Necessary and the Moneys Arising by such Sale to be applyed towards payment of my just Debts. Item. I Order and Derect, and my Wffi and Pleasure is, that my Executors or the Majority of them, do make Sale of aU my personal Estate, not herein SpeciaUy Given & Be queathed at PubUck Vendue or by Private Sale at the Discre tion of my said Executrix & Executors, or the Majority of them, and the money arising by the Sale of my Real & Per sonal Estate aforementioned, after my just Debts are paid, I give and Bequeath to my said Loving Wife, Penelope Cra ven, Doctor John Craven, and my Sister, Mary Leeming, to be Equaly Di'vided between them, the said Penelope Craven, Doctor John Craven and Mary Leeming. If my Executors shall think giving a Certain Day for Payment of the Moneys Arising, or that may arise, by the Sale of my Said Real and Personal Estate wffi advance the Price thereof (as I think it 'vriU), they may, and my Wffi and Desire is that they do so, otherwise not. Item. I give unto Mr. Peter Leeming, aU my Wearing Ap- pareU and linenn of what Sort Soever. 142 North Carolina Wills. Item. I Nominate and Appoint my Lo'ving Wife, Penelope Craven, Executrix and my Good Friends, Frances Corbin, Wyriot Ormand and William Heritage, of North Carolina, Esqrs., and John Watson, of Suffolk, in Virginia, Esqr., Execu tors of this my Last Will and Testament & to see the Same duly Executed and FullfiU'd According to it's true Intent and Meaning, hereby Revoking all Other WUls by me heretofore made, Ratifying, allo'wing & Confirming this to be my last 'wiU and Testament & None other. In Testimony Whereof, I have Set my hand & affixed my Seal, this Twenty Eighth day of September, in the Year of our Lord, One Thousand, Seven Huncked and fifty five, (1755). Jas. Cea'ven. (Seal). Signed, Sealed, PubUshed and Declared by the said James Cra^ ven, as and for his Last WUl & Testament in the Presence of us the Subscribers, who at his Re quest & in his Presence put our Names as Witnesses to the same: Sabah Blount. Joseph Haeeon. John, Williams, John Pindae. North Carolina, Newbern, ss. The Execution of the witffin last WiU & Testament of James Craven, Esquire, deceased, was proved before me, Arthur Dobbs, Esqr., Gov emor & Commander in CMef of North CaroUna, and Ordinary of the Same, by the Oath of John WilUams, One of the Subscribing Witnesses thereto, the llth Day of October, 1755: at wffich Time and Penelope Craven herself, The Executrix witffin named, quaUfied herself pr. the sd. Office, by taking the Oath appointed to be taken by Executors. Arthur Dobbs. Recorded in WiU Book 7, page 12, Office of the Secretary of State. NICHOLAS CRISP'S WILL. No. Cabolina. sc. In the Name of God Amen. I, Nicholas Crisp, of Chowan precinct, in North Carolina, Gentn., Do make and declare these presents to be and contain my Last Will and Testament, hereby Revoking and making NuU and void all former & other Wills by me heretofore made or Declared. Imprimis. I WiU that all my Just Debts and Funeral Ex pences be paid and Satisfied by my Executors hereafter named. Noeth Cabolina Wills. 143 Item. I Give, Devise and bequeath unto my Grandson, Richare Crisp, and his Heirs and assignes for ever all that my Lands and plantations in Chowan Precinct whereon I now dweU, Together with the plantation commonly caUed or known by the Name of Windlys; also my Lot and Ware house in Edenton. Item. It is my wffi, that my Daughter in Law, Elisabeth Crisp, shaU have the use and benefit of my Grandson's planta tions untffi my Grandson shaU arrive at the Age of twenty one years, or day of ^Marriage, which shaU first happen; And that my Executors hereafter named shaU have the use & bene fit of my Ware house & Lots in Edenton for three years after my decease. And then my aforesd. daughter in Law to have the use thereof, untU my Grandson shaU arrive at the age of 21 Years or day of Marriage. Item. I Give, devise and bequeath unto my Said Grand son, Richard Cnsp, and his Heirs and Assigns for ever, my Land in Pequilnans precinct, known by the name of Fendals, also the Island caUed Batts's Grave. Item. I Give, Devise and bequeath unto my Granddaugh ter, Mary Durant, and her Heirs and assignes for ever, aU that my plantation & Lands in Pequimins Precinct, lying on Albe marle Sound between Norcombs & CoU. Harveys, Together 'with all the live Stock that shaU belong or appertain thereto at my Decease; Also a Mulatto Boy named BiUy. Item. I Give, De'vise and bequeath unto my Grand daugh ter, Sarah Durant, and her Heirs & Assignes for ever, aU my Lands lying on Moratoke River in Bertie Precinct, at and near Skauwaukee and Hennunteh, containing in the whole by esti mation Eleaven hundred & twenty Acres of purchased Lands, be the same more or less, together with a Girl named Maria. Item. It is my Wffi, That in case either of my said Grand daughters, Mary or Sarah, shaU depart this life before arrival to the Age of twenty one Years or day of Marriage, that then Such Legacy before m this Wffi given to such of my said Grand daughters, shaU go to the Survivor of them, my Said Grand daughters & their heirs and Assignes for ever. Item. I Give & bequeath unto my daughter in Law, Elisa beth Crisp, Widow and Rehct of my son John Crisp, lately deceased. One large SUver spoon guUt with Gold. Item. I Give, de'vise & bequeath unto my Grand son, Richard Crisp (son of my son John Crisp, deceased, to whom I advanced largely & Sufficient during his LKe Time), unto my Grandson, George Durant, to my Grand daughters, Ann, Mary, Sarah & Elisabeth Durant, ChUdren of my daughter Hagar, All the Rest and Residue of my Personal Estate, to be equaUy di'vided among them my said Six Grand ChUdren, and the Survivor or Survivors of them as they shaU severaUy 144 North Carolina Wills. & respectively attain the Age of twenty one Years or day of Marriage. Lastly, I do hereby nominate & appoint my good Friends, Edward Moseley and Jeremiah Vail, of Chowan Precinct, to be Executors of this my Last Will and Testament. In Testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and Seal, this Twenty Second day of March, Anno Dom. 1726-7. Nicholas Ceisp. (Seal) Signed, Sealed, PubUshed & declared in presence of: William Williams, Jurat. Humphey Robinson, Jurat. James Bush. No. Carolina, bs. May 23d., 1727. Came before me William Williams & Humphry Robinson, E-vidences to the afore written WiU of Nicholas Crisp, deed,. And made oath on the holy EvangeUsts, That they saw the sd. Nicholas Crisp, Seal, Sign, pub Ush & declare the Same to be his last Will & Testamt, he then being of perfect mind & Memory to the best of their apprehension. Also, That they saw James Bush, the other E-sddence, Sign the Same as an Evidence thereto. Gale, C. J. Recorded in the WiU Book 3, page 93, Office of Secretary of State. MOSES JOHN DeROSSETT'S WILL. In the name of God Amen. I, Moses-John DeRosset, of Wilmnigton, in the province of North Carolina, practioner in physic and Surgery, being of sound and disposing mind and memory, do make this my last will and testament, in manner and form following, that is to say: First of all, I order that my executors hereinafter named do pay all my just debts and funeral expences; Also I give, be queath and de-vise all my estate, both real and personal, of what kind or quality soever, to my beloved wife, Mary, and to my daughter, Magdalene- Mary & my son, Armand-John, their heirs and assignes forever, to be equally di-vided among them, share and share alike; and I do make my said wife exec utrix, and my brother, Lewis- Henry DeRosset, and my friends, John DuBois, James Moore and Marmaduke Jones, esquires, executors of this my last Will and testament, hereby revok ing all wills by me heretofore made. And I do also nominate and appoint my said executors to be guardians of my said son and daughter until they shall ar rive at the age of twenty one years of age respectively .tl And in case both my children should die before they shall arrive at North Carolina Wills. 145 age, or the day of Marriage, then it is my wffi that my whole estate should belong to my said wKe, to hold to her heirs and assigns forever. In -witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand & seal & published this as my last wffi and testament, the thirtieth day of November, in the year of our Lord, one thousand, seven hundred and sixty seven. MosEs Jno. DeRossett (Seal) Signed, sealed, published and declared by the above named tes tator as & for his last wffi and tes tament, in his presence, in the room where he was, & in the pres ence of each other: (the words "their heirs & assigns forever" being first interlined). Ann Moore. E. Justice. A. Maclaine. Wilmington, the Ist of March, 1768. Ardffibald Maclaine, Esquire, one of the Subscribing Witnesses to the within Wffi personaUy appeared before me and made oath that he saw the within mentioned Moses John DeRossett, the Testator, Sign, Seal, publish, pronounce and declare this to be his Last Wffi and Testament; and that at the Time thereof he, the Testator, was of sound and disposing mind & Memory according to the best of this Deponents knowledge and beUef. Wm. Tryon. Copied from the Original Wffi, ffied m the Office of the Secretary of State. ARTHUR DOBBS' WILL. In the name of the Almighty God Amen. I, Arthur Dobbs, of Brunswick, in New Hanover, Govemor and Cap tain General of the Province of North Carolina, in America, injoying a moderate state of health and ha-ving by tbe bless ing of the infinitely perfect and good God the Father Almighty, a perfect and sound mind and memory, do make this my last Will and Testament in maimer foUowing: First, I recommend my soul to the Almighty Triune Grod, Jehovah Elohim and his only Begotten son, Jesus Christ my God and only Saviour and Redeemer and to his Holy Spirit Blessed forever; and my Body to the Earth to be decently and privately interred, in an assured and fuU hope of a Glo rious and happy Resurection -with the Just, at the first Resur- 10 146 North Carolina Wills. ection and a Blessed immortality in the Heavenly Kingdom of Christ the Messiah, untiU he shall deliver up his Mediato rial Kingdom to God his Father when he shall be all in all his Creatures; and instead of immoderate Funeral Expenses, I desire that one hundred pounds, Sterling Money, may be paid and distributed proportionally among the Housekeepers of the Parrishes of Ballynure and Kilroot in the County of An trim, and Kingdom of Ireland, and one other Hundred pounds like Money among the poore Freemen House keepers who reside within the County of the town of Carrick fergus, in the said Kingdom, to be paid out of my Personal Estate which I may be intitled to at the time or my Decease out of my De mesnes at Castle Dobbs, or out of the arrears of Rents I re served out of a Moiety of my Lands in that Kingdom during my Life, at the Discretion of my Executors hereinafter to be named; desiring that my Body may be Buried in the parish or place where it pleases God that I shall die: And as to the Disposition of the Worldly Estate which I may die possessed of, my funeral Espences and Debts being first paid, I give, de-vise and bequeath as followeth, that is to say: First, I do confirm in the most ample manner the Settle ment made on my son, Conway Richard Dobbs, on Ms Mar riage in July, 1749, in which is included the several remain ders and Fortunes to my Younger CMldren and to his and their Issue. Item. I confirm unto my Younger Son, Edward Brice Dobbs, (over and above his fortune secured in that Marriage settlement, which I hereby limit and Ascertain to be One thousand pounds, La-wful Money of Ireland, is mentioned in my Marriage settlement upon my intermarriage -with my first WKe) all the Lands in America, which are Specified in a Deed or Deeds which I made to him and his Heirs since my Setiing at Brunswick; together -with all the Slaves, goods & Chatties, therein mentioned. Itim. I give, de-vise and bequeath unto my beloved Wife, Justina Dobbs, and her Issue, by me Begotten, in case she shall have any or be pregnant at the time of my Decease, aU the Slaves and other Chattels which was or shall be hereafter given her by her Father. Item. I give, devise and bequeath unto my said beloved WKe, all my Slaves, goods and Chatties, Plate, Money and other Effects of what Nature of Mnd soever in America (not already settled by deed upon my son, Edward Brice Dobbs), which I now have or hereafter shall have at the time of my Decease, in wMch is included the money and Interest due, or which shall be due to me by the General assembly for the North Carolina Wills. 147 Lands CaUed Tower MU, in Johnston County, purchased from me by the pubUc. Itun. I give, devise and bequeath unto my said beloved WKe, Justina Dobbs, after the payment of my D'-bts, Fun eral Charges, and Legacies, aU arrears of SaUery wMch now are, or shaU be due to me at the time of my Decease, by Virtue of my appointment by Ms Majesty to the Govemment of North Carolina. Item. Whereas, I have a right to the Moiety of Two hun dred thousand acres of Land, Granted to me by the Crown, in Sixteen Patents of Twelve thousand, Five himdred acres each, in Mecklenburgh (late Anson) County, as one of the associates of Huey and Crymble, the other Moiety having been settled by me upon my eldest son, Conway Rirchard Dobbs, upon Ms Marriage, I do hereby impower and direct my Executors, or Either of them, as soon as convenient may be after my De cease, to sell in parcells (to the present Occupants or to such others as shall incline to become purchasers), the said moiety of Lands, and that the Money arising therefrom (except so much thereof as shall, together with the Money hereinbefore bequeathed to my said wKe, make up the sum of Two Thou sand poimds, Sterling Money of Great Britain) shall be laid out by my Executors m Negroes for the sole use and benefit of such Issue by me as my said WKe shaU have Uving, or be pregnant -with at the time of my Decease, and their heirs for ever; And in case my said WKe shaU have no Issue by me alive, or be pregnant at the time of my Decease, then, and in that case, I wffi and devise the said undivided Moiety of Land shall be and remain to my son, Edward Brice Dobbs, and his heirs, upon this special pro-visor, that he makes up and pays so much Money to my said WKe, Justina Dobbs, as together with the sums herein before bequeathed to her, shaU amount to the sum of Two thousand Poimds, sterUng Money of Great Britain, wMch I Wffi and Desire that my said beloved WKe may have and receive out of the Estate I shaU die possessed of. Item. I bequeath to each of my ChUdren who shaU be alive at the time of my Decease, fifty pounds SterUng. Item. I bequeath to my beloved Brother, the Reverend Doctor Richard Dobbs, Twenty pounds Sterling, wMch two last Mentioned bequest is to buy them Mourning and Rmgs. Item. Whereas, I am intitled to a Moiety of Twelve Thou sand Acres of Land by a purchase from Mr. Patrick Smith, of Waterford, Merchant, (for wMch) for wMch a Patent was Granted to him as an associate of Huey and Crymble, Sub divided from the Great Tract Number 4, the heirs or assigns of Mr. James Beiming, of Lisburn, In Ireland, being intitled in equity, to the other Moiety of the said Patent. Whatever part of the same as may remain unsold at the time of my De- 148 North Carolina Wills. cease, I devise to my Executors, to be sold for the payment of my Debts and Legacies herein bequeathed. Item. I give and Bequeath unto my son, Conway Richard Dobbs, after his Discharging my Debts, Funeral Charges, and Legacies which shall be due in Europe at the time of my De cease, all my Plate, Goods, Household Furniture, arrears Rents, and other Chatties whatsoever which are now belonging or hereafter may belong to me, at my Decease, which now are or hereafter may be at Castle Dobbs, in the County of Antrim, and Kingdom of Ireland. Lastly, I do appoint my Beloved Wife, Justina Dobbs, and my Sons, Conway Richard Dobbs and Edward Brice Dobbs, my Residuary Legatees and Executors of this my last Will and Testament; hereby revoMng all former wUls by me here tofore made. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal, this 31st. day of August, in the Year of our Lord, 1763. Aethue Dobbs (Seal) Sign'd, Seal'd, Publish'd and declar'd to be the last will and Testament of the Testator in presence of: James Hasell, Lewis DeRosset, John Sampson. North Carolina. Wilmington, 24th, April, 1765. Then personaUy appeared Before me James Hasell & Lewis DeRosset, two of the subscribing Witnesses to the foregoing Wffi and made oath on the Holy EvangeUsts of Almighty God, that they saw Arthur Dobbs, sign, seal and pubhsh the foregoing as and for ffis last WiU and Testament; and that the said Arthur Dobbs was at the same time (to the best of their Knowledge and BeUef) of a sound and disposing mind and Memory, and that they, the said James Hasell & Lewis DeRossett, together with John Sampson, subscribed their Names as Witnesses thereto, in the Presence of the Testator. At the same time, Justina Dobbs, Executrix before mentioned, took the Oaths by Law appointed for Her QuaUfication. Let Letters Testamentary issue thereon accordingly. Wm. Trton, Recorded in Book 8, page 290. Office of Secretary of State. JAMES DOUGLASS' WILL. In the Name of God Amen. I, James Dougless, of Bartie County, of North Carolina, being not well in health of Body at this Present, but of Perfect and Sound Memory, Praised Noeth Carolina Wills. 149 be Almighty God for the same, do ^Slake and ordain this to be my only last wffi and Testament, revoaking aU other here tofore by me Made, holdmg and Declaring this only to stand as in Manner foUowing: That is to say, first and PrincipaUy I recommend My Soul to Ahmghty God who gave it me, hopemg Through the Merits and Death of my Sa-vior Jesus Christ, to have a GloryfuU Resurrection; and my Body to be Decently Buried at the Discretion of my Executriss hereafter Named; And as for my Temporali Estate, I give and Dispose of as followeth, ^Txt: That first I wffi That my Debts and funerall Charges ShaU be Discharged and paid. Item. I Lend to my Loving WKe, Eliza. DougMess, aU my land and PersonaU Estate During her time of her widdowhood or Ufe, And after her Death I give my Said land and Plantation whereon I now Uve, to my Lo'ving Son, Kesia, and the heirs of his Body LawfuUy begotten for ever. Item. I give to my Daughter, Ann, Two hundred Acres of my land over Hoske Swamp, wMch I bought of one Cocks at which end She pleaseth to have it. Item. I give the reamining part of the sd. Land to my loving Son, Kesia, and his heirs for ever, and the rest of my personal Estate after my wKes Death, to Equally Di-vided Between my son, Kesia and my Daughter, ann. Item. I give to my Son, James, five ShiUs. to be pd. him out of my Estate for his part. Item. I give to my Grand Daughter, EUzabeth Dougless, the Daughter of my Son, James, Ten Pounds, Virgima Currency to be pd her out of my Estate at the age of Sixteen years old and m case She should Die before that time appointed, That the next heir lawfuUy begotten to have the same. Item, my wffi and Desire is my lo'ving wKe have accasion to seU or Dispose of any of my land over HosMe, She shaU have fuU power to doe the same only after her Death my Son Kesia and Daughter Ann to have answering what I left them of the sd. Land or rest of my Estate after my wKe's death. And I Constitute and appomt my Lo'vmg WKe, Elizabeth Duglass, my whole & sole Excrs. of this my last wffi and Testa ment m Truth whereof, I have interchangably set my hand and Seal, this 6th: of October, 1750. James Douall (L S) (Seal) Test. John Beown. her Elizabeth X Robeetson. marke Joseph I Madlin. bis marke. 150 Noeth Carolina Wills. North Carolina. Tffis Day PersonaUy appeared before me, John Brown & EUzabeth Robertson, two of the Subscribing Evidences of the last Will & Testament of James Douglass, & made Oath that they saw the Testator sign, Seal & DeUver the foregoing, as and for his last will & Testament & That at the time of his signmg thereof. He was of sound & disposing mmd & memory; and that they saw the Joseph MedUn, the other E'vidence Sign his name thereto. At the same time EUzth, Douglass, the Executrix appointed by the sd. WiU, tooke the Oath by Law for to be taken by Executors, Given at Eden house under my Hand this llth. Jffiy, Anno Dom, 1752, (61-2 C. S.) Memoranduin. The above WiU was proved before ffis late ExceUy' Governor Johnston, according to the Tenor of the above Certificate & Letters were Issued, but ffis ExceUy being at that time indisposed he ffid not sign the sd. Certificate. Given under my Hand, tffis 16th September anno. Dom., 1752. Saml Ormbs, Secretary to the late Governor. Recorded in WiU Book 6, page 61. Office of the Secretary of State. JOHN DUBOIS' WILL In the name of God Amen. I, John DuBois, of WUmington, in the province of North Carolina, Esquire, being of sound & disposing mind and memory, do make this my last Will and testament in manner and form follo'wing, that is to say: First of all. It is my Will that all my just debts and funeral expences be first paid. Also, I give unto my eldest son, Peter, ten pounds sterling, which tho, he merits an equal proportion of my estate, 'will I flatter myself be more agreable to him (as he is already blessed 'with a plentiful fortune), than an equal distribution -with my other children. Also, I give unto my son, Walter, forty pounds, current money of the pro-vince of New York, a year to be paid him half yearly out of my estate by my executors hereinafter named during his natural life; I also give to my said son, Walter, my silver watch. Also, I give and de-vise unto my son, John and his heirs and assigns my upper brick tenement in Dock street next to the house of Wm. Campbell, -with the ground thereto belonging, together with my plantation on Smith's creek containing three hundred acres of land. I also give unto my said son, John, my fowling piece, my silver hilted sword and my case of pistols, I like-wise confirm unto my said Son, John, a large diamond ring which was formerly given him by captain Dekan. Also, I give and devise unto my daughter, Magdalene-Mar garet, & her heirs and assigns, my middle brick tenement in Noeth; Carolina Wills. 151 Dock street with the ground thereto belonging. I also give unto my said daughter, two diamond rings wMch belonged to her mother. Also, I give and de-vise unto my Daughter, Margaret, and her heirs and assigns, my lower brick tenement now occupied by Doctor Eustace, with the ground thereto belonging. Also, I give and devise unto my son, Isaac, my wooden tene ment in Dock street adjoining to the tenement where Doctor Eustace hves together with the small tenement thereto adjoin ing & the groimd belonging to the said two tenements, to hold to him, the said Isaac, his heirs and assigns forever. Also, I give and devise unto my beloved wKe, Jean, the house in wMch I now Uve, with the lott of ground belonging thereto and aU the houses and improvements thereon, together -with the lott of ground adjoining, during her widow hood and after the expiration of that term, then to my daughter Anna- Jean and her heirs and assigns forever. Also, I give and devise unto my son, James, my lott of ground in front street and running thence to the river with the two tenements, bake house, and aU other houses and improvements thereon with their appurtenances, together with my land and the Wind mill erected thereon adjoining to WUmington, to hold to the said James, his heirs and assigns forever. Also, I give and de-vise unto my daughters, Magdalene- Margaret & Margaret, and their heirs and assigns my lott of ground on the North side of Market street between the house of Alexander Ross, deceased, and Samuel Swarm's lott, share and share alike as tenants in common. Also, I give unto Caleb Gramger, son of Colonel Caleb Grainger, deceased, a montMy clock wMch I had with my third -wKe Ms aunt, but K the said Caleb Grainger should happen to die under age or unmarried, then I give the said clock to Ms brother ComeUus. Also, I give unto my beloved wKe, Jean, aU my sUver plate, household and kitchen fumiture and utensils, the said clock excepted. Also, AU the residue of my personal estate in North Carolina not heretofore disposed of, I give and bequeath unto my beloved wKe, Jean, and my chUc&en, John, Magdalene-Margaret, Margaret, Isaac, Anna-Jean, and James, to be equaUy divided among them by my executors herein after named. And whereas I am intitaled to a proportion of lands or per sonal estate, or lands and personal estate, in the pro-vince of New York, in right of my Grand-mother or other wise, I there fore give and de-vise the said estate whether real, personal or both to my executors herein after named to be sold, and the money arismg from such sale to be equally divided among aU my cMldren hereinbefore mentioned. 152 North Carolina Wills. Also, It is my -will and so the same is to be taken and under stood, that the legacies hereinbefore given to my said wife be in full of her right of dower and all other demands on my estate, and if she pretends to claim her dower that, then, and in that case, I hereby give and de-vise the house and lotts where I now live to my Daughter, Anna-Jean, immediately after my decease, and the other legacies herein given to my said -wife, in that case I give to my children, John, Magdalene-Margaret, Margaret, Isaac, Anna-Jean and James, to be equally di-vided among them. Also, It is my -wUl that my children, John, Magdalene-Mar garet, Margaret, Anna-Jean, Isaac, and James, shall not be intitaled to the profits of the tenements & lands respectively de-vised to them, till each of them shall arrive at the age of twenty one years, or day of Marriage, but that the same shall be received by my executors herein after named and applied towards the education of my said children and the maintenance of my family, and improvement of my whole estate for the joint benefit of my said Last mentioned cMldren and my wife. And it is also my wiU, that the bake house di-vised to my son, James, be kept employed for the benefit of my said wKe, and last mentioned children, & my boats and negroes kept employed in the usual manner for the same purpose, untU my son, James, shall arrive at the age of twenty one years or the day of Mar riage, and that such child or children who shall happen to marry, or may have arrived at the age of twenty one years, shall draw his or her proportion of the profits of the said boats and negroes. And in case of the death of any of my said last mentioned chUdren before such chUd or children shall have attained the age of twenty one years or day of Marriage, then it is my wiU that the share or shares hereby given to such child or chUdren so dying, both real and personal, shall go to the sur-vivor or sur-vivors of my said last mentioned children, to be equally di'vided among them, if more than one and that such part of my real estate as shall go to any of my chUdren by the death of the others or any of them shall, be held by such cMldren as as a tenancy in common. And in case of the death of all my said last mentioned children before marriage, then I give and de'vise such part of my estate as is herein given to them, to my beloved -wife Jean & her heirs and assigns forever. And lastly, I do make, nominate and appoind my beloved wife, Jean, my sons, Peter, Walter and John, and my friends, Le-wis-Henry DeRosset and Moses-John DeRosset, esqmres, to be guardians of my children and their respective estates during their minority, and also executors of this my last wUl and testament : hereby revoking aU -wills by me heretofore made. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand to this my wiU, -written on four pages of paper together with my seal North Carolina Wills. 153 and published the whole as my last WiU and testament, this thirteenth day of September, in the year of our Lord, one thousand, and seven hundred and sixty seven. Before pubUshing this my last wffi, I hereby order and direct that my said executors shall purchase out of the profits of my estate, able negroes m number four, fit to go in my boats, & that the number then on my estate shaU be kept up by my said executors as often as necessary m case of death or other wise. (The words "then on my estate" being, interlined.) John DuBois, (Seal) Signed, sealed, pubUshed & declared by the above named, John DuBois as and for Ms last wffi and testament in presence of us whose names are hereunder written, who did each of us sub scribe our names as witnesses thereto at Ms request, m Ms pres ence, and in the room where he was (the words "of twenty one years" being first mterUned in the third page.) J. Eustace. Edwaed Chivees. A. Maclaine. Wilmington, April Oth, 1768. John DuBois, one of the Executors named m the within wffi, appeared before me, and took the Oath appomted by Law for the QuaUfication of an Executor. Benj. Heron, Sec. Wilmington, the 1 March, 1768. Arcffibald Madame, Esq., one of the subscribing Witnesses to this Will personaUy appeared before me and made oath that he saw the above men tioned John DuBois, the Testator, sign, Seal, publish, pronounce and declare this to be his last wffi & testament; and that at the Time thereof he, the Testator, was of sound & disposmg mind & Memory according to the best of this Deponents knowledge & beUef. Jean DuBois, The Exe cutrix & Lewis Henry DeRossett, Esq., one of the Executors therein mentioned, took the oaths appointed by Law for their QuaUfication. Whereupon it is ordered that Letters Testamentary issue, Wm. Tbton. Copied from the Original, wffich is ffied m the Office of the Secretary of State. 154 Noeth Cabolina Wills. CHRISTOPHER DUDLEY'S WILL. In the Name of God Amen. I, Christopher Dudley, of the County of Onslow, planter, being aged and infirm, but of Sound mind and good memory (thro mercy), do make this my last -wffi and testament, in form foUo-wing: Cheife of all Com mend my Soul into the hands of almighty god, as a christian ought to do, and my Body to the Earth, to be intered at the discression of my executors hereafter named; and as for such worldly goods as pro-vidence has trusted me with, I dispose of the same as followeth: First, I will and Bequeath unto my Grandson, George, Son of my Son, Edward Dudley, after my Wifes decease my plan tation whereon I now dwell, together with one halfe of all my Lands adjoying to it, with all its appurtenances, to my said Grandson, George Dudley, and the heirs La-wfully begotten of his Body for ever; and in faillure of Ms heirs, then I Bequeath the said land unto my Grandson, Christopher, Son of my Son, Thomas Dudley, and his heirs La-wfully Begotten for ever; and in failure of such heirs then to my right heirs forever; also I -will and Bequeath the other halfe of all my Lands, that part highest up the River, together with the appurtenances, to my Son, CMistopher Dudley, and his heirs and assigns for ever; also I bequeath unto my Son, Thomas Dudley, my negro girl caUed flora, and to Ms heirs and assigns for ever; also I Be- Queath to my Daughter, Ann Houston, my negro man Called Luke, and to her heirs and assignes for ever; also I Bequeath to my son, Christopher Dudley, my negro woman called penny, and to his heirs and assignes for ever; Also, I bequeath unto my Son, WUliam Dudley, one Shilling, Sterling, I also give or forgive rather, what debt he owes me in full for his childs part. Also, I Bequeath the one halfe of my stock of Cattle and horses (except the mare and her encrease that is called my wifes), to be divided betwixt my Sons, Thomas and John, and their heirs and assignes for ever; also, I -will and Bequeath my negro Luvenieh, to work on my plantation and to belong to my wife during her Life, and then to go with the plantation to which ever has the reversion. My will further is, that in case I should die after a Crop is pitched, that no negroes as legacies shaU be delivered till the crop shall be compleated and finished. Also, I wiU and Bequeath to my -wife, Mary Dudley, the use occupation and possession Qf aU my lands during the term of her naturall life without any impeachment of waste; I also will and Bequeath unto my Said Wife, for her Comfort and Support, she paying all my debts, all the rest and remainder of my ne groes, goods, Chatties, Rights, Creditts of what kind soever or wheresoever, and to her heirs and assignes for ever. North Carolina Wills. 155 Lastly, I do constitute and appoint John Starkey and my -wKe, Executors of tMs my last 'wiU and testament; Revoking aU other or former wffis by me at any time before made, and declaring this only to be my last 'wffi and testament. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal, this 19th. of March, 1744-5. Christopher Dudley, (Seal) Signed, Sealed, published and Declared by CMistopher Dudley as his last 'wffi and testament in presence of us: ter ^^ Jane X Simpson, aUas Watts. mark John X Simpson his Mark. MaeyXTeott her mark. Newbern, Feby. 26, 1746. Then pro'v'd and John Starkey QuaUfied before me as Executor. Gab. Johnston. Recorded in Book 5, page 29, Office of Secretary of State. NATHANIEL DUCKINFIELD'S WILL. In the Name of God Amen. I, Nathamel Duckinfield, of Utkmton, in the County of Chester, Esqr., bemg of sound mind and Memory, but in a Very infirm state of health, or rather an Almost Cessacion of health, waitmg for a Comfortable Dismission from my Afflicted PainfuU Body and from aU the Sorrows, Troubles and E'vUs I have been Subject to m this Transitory, Vain LKe; but that I may;, leave notMng undone that Ought to be done, that my Mmd may free from aU EartMy incumbrances, I do make, PubUsh and Declare tMs to be my Last WUl and Testamt., in maimer and form follo'wing: Imprimis. I give, De'vise and Bequeath aU my Messuages, Lands, Tenements, Hereditaments and Premises, with their and every of their Appurtenances that I am Now Seized or Possessed of, Scituate, Lying and being in the County of Ches ter, unto my Dear Wife, Margaret Dukinfield. To hold to her and to the Heirs of her Body by me Begotten, that is to say, my Wffi is, That my Dear WKe, Margaret, shaU posssess, enjoy. Receive and take the Rents, issues and Profits of aU the said Messauges, Lancb and Tenements for and Duruig the term of her Natural LKe, if she shaU so long Continue my Widow, 156 North Carolina Wills. unmarried, and if it shall so happen that she should have no Child living by me Begotten, and she Continues my Widow During the Term of her Natural Life, then my Will is, and I do hereby give to my said Dear Wife, Margaret full Power to make a WUl and to De'vise, Bequeath and to give by Virtue of such WiU, the fuU sume of Three Hundred Pounds, SterUng Money of Great Britain, to Such of her o'wn Relation or Rela tions nearest in Blood as she may think fit, or that she may think most Deserving of her Favours, the said Sume to be Raised out of the Rents, Issues and Profits Arising from my Messuages, Lands and 'Tenements aforesaid; but K my Dear Wife, Margaret, shaU marry again, I then give and Devise aU my Messuages, Lands, Tenements, Hereditaments and Premises with their Appurtenances in the County of Chester aforesaid, unto my Brother, John Chorley, and my Nephew, Samuel Duckinfield, Son of the Late John Duckinfield, of Bristol, Esqr., and their Heirs to hold to them and their Heirs upon the Several Trusts hereinafter Mentioned, that is to say, upon trust from from and after such Marriage, and not Other 'wise, to Pay her one third only of the said Rents, issues and Profits Arising from my said Messuages, Lands and Tenements for and During the term of her Natural Life, and to Apply the Remaimn two thirds of the said Rents, issues and Profits, or so much thereof as my said Trustees in their Discretion shall think Reasonable, for the Maintenance and Education of such of my Children or Child by my said Wife as shall be Living at such Marriage; and if there shall be Any such Children or CMld Li-ving at her Death, then upon Trust my said Trustees shall Apply the Whole rents Issues and Profits of the said Premises, or so much Thereof as they shall think Reasonable, for the Maintenance and Education of Such Children or CMld untUl the Eldest of such Children or only Child shall attain his or her age of Twenty One Years, and from and after his of her Attaining such Age, Upon Trust, that my said Trustees and their Heirs shall as soon as conveniently may be, make a Proper Di-vision of Equal Proportion and of Equal Value of the said Premises, According to the Number of Such ChUdren then Li-ving, the Wliole in Equal Share and Parts, to be Di-vided and Given to them. The Necessary Expenses and Charges the said Trustees may be at in Making such Division to be first Paid to them; but if there should Happen to be but one such ChUd, then my WiU is that my said Trustees shall Convey the said Premises unto such Only Child on his or her attaimng such Age as Aforesaid and his or her heirs or Assigns for Ever; but if there should be no such ChUd or Children living, by me Begotton on the Body of my said Wife and she shaU Marry again, I Will that my said Trustees shall Receive and Take two Thirds of the said Rents, issues and Profits of the same Premises North Carolina Wills. 157 unto them, the said John Chorley and Samuel Duckinfield, EquaUy Between them, and Pay the remaining one third unto my said WKe for and During the term of her Natural Life, and from and after her Decease, I give & De-vise my said Messauges Lands and Tenements unto my Nephew, John Chorley, Son of my Sister, Jane Chorley, to him and to his Heirs La-wfuUy Begotten, he Paying to my said Nephew, Samuel Dukinfield, one third offiy of the rents, issues and Profits of the said Prem ises, untffi such time that my said Nephew, Samuel Dukinfield, should Obtain such a Support by Ms Profession m the Law as may rais him Above the Misfortune of Necessity, or shoffid Come into Possession of the Hereffitary Title and Estate Successive in the Duckinfield Family, or by any other Means shoffid Obtain the Comfortable supports of LKe, And no longer. I give and De-vise unto my Worthy Friend, Mr. Joseph CoUett, aU my Plantations, Negroes and Estate of What kmd or Nature soever, Scituate in North Carolina, m america, upon trust; that is to say, my Wffi and Desire is that the said, Mr. CoUett woffid not Refuse taldng upon him this Last Request from me, that as Soon as Convemently, he Woffid seU and Dis pose of the said Estate, both real & Personal, to such Person and Persons at and for such rate or Price as he Can Best Obtain, and do and shaU Apply the Purchase Money to Arise from such sale thereof, as I by any Writing Signed and Sealed by me m the Presence of one or More Credible Witnesses, shaU Direct or Appoint. I Give and De-vise to my said Dare WKe, Margaret, aU my Leasehold Estate in Ludgate Street, London, and also aU the rest and Residue of my Personal Estate Whatsoever and Wheresoever. FmaUy, I Constitute and Appomt my said Dear WKe, as long as she Contmues my widow. Unmarried, my Executrix, but in case of Marriage, I Constitute & Appomt my Brother, John Chorley, and my Nephew, Samuel Dukinfield afsd., my Executors of tMs my Will; and I do hereby enj oyn them to be as assistant and as Servissable to her as they Possibly can, to Act and to do upon her Request, with as much Sm- cerety, faitMffiness and Chearfffiness in all things in the best and most Comfortable maimer for her WeU bemg in LKe, as K I had Particffiarly Nominated them to be jomt Executors with her During her Contmuance my Widow unmarried. I Constitute and Appomt my Dear Friend, Mr. Joseph CoUet, my Executor of aU my Affairs m North Carolma, to Act and to do, Dispose and SeU every Part and Parcel thereof m the Best Manner he Can; and this trust I know he is best Quahfied for. But K my Brother, John Chorley and my Nephew, Samuel Dukinfield, shoffid not Behave -with that Relative Affection and 158 Noeth Cabolina Wills. Regard that is sutable and Due to her as bemg my Wife, or should refuse to Act for her in the best Manner they can, or Jointly With her whenever She either Desires or Requiers such Assistance, then in this case, I Will, impower & Authorize my sd. Dear Wife, Margaret, to make her Will and to Devise and Give every of the Premises aforesaid unto such of my Relations, Nearest in Blood, that shall Behave -with a Much Superior Degree of Sincere Affection and Respect Smtable to the Near Relation she stands in to them by being my Wife, than they have really shewen to her in my life time; but if such Respect and Esteem be not fully Given to her, then my WUl is that my said Dear Wife, shall De-vise, Bequeath and Give by her WiU all the sd. Premises, to any of her Own Relations, nearest in Blood, that my best deserve such favour from her, Pro-vided, she Continues my Widow Unmarried, During her Natural Life. I know no Reason to Subject a Good & Dear Wife to the Insults and Precarious Humours of Relations. I Will that my Dear Wife shall Bury me in the same Grave where my Dear family lies, in Bun hill burying Burying Ground, London, -without the least Pomp or Show, Which to me is a Strange Absurd Vanity, to Tarry Death Victories over Mortals in Triumph to the Grave; my Desire is to be Buried With as much Privacy as Consists With Decency, and when Pleas God, my Dear Wife Departs this Life, it is my Desire that she should be Buried in my Grave. If any one should Pretend to Dispute this, my Last WiU and Testament, in order to Give Uneasy Disturbances to my Dear Wife, in my real intention of preventing such a Vise Wicked Practice after my Death, I reqffire and Charge my Executors aforenamed if they Continue faithfull Assistance to my Dear -wife, and if otherwise, I desire my friend, Mr. Joseph Collet, Will lay this my Last Will and Testmt. Before the Right Honourable Lord High Chancellor, Who -will Determine it agreeable to my sincere intention which is the Plenory Cumfort and Welfare of my Dear Wife, and that she may possess aU that I have given her Without the least molestation. I have not studied Law Phrases but have Used Words without guUe, Suitable to the Simplicity and integrity of my O-wn mmd and With Intire Approbation of my own Reason and Consideration of things. I revoke and make Void all former Wills by me made, and I hereunto set my hand and Seal to Each side of this Paper wherein this my last Will is Contained. Written with my Own hand this fourth Day of July, in the Twentieth Year of our Most RightfuU Lord Sovereign, George the Second, King of Great Britain, France and Ireland &c. and Glorious Defender of the faith and the Libertys of Europe, Annoq. Dom., 1746. N. Dukinfield. North Cabolina Wills. 159 Signed, Sealed, Published and Declared by the said Nathamel Dukinfield, the Testator, and for his last Wffi and Testament in the Presence of us Who Sub scribed our Names as Witnesses hereto m the Presence of the Testator: William Peiob Joseph Collet. Doeothy Potts. Thomas, by Di-dne Providence Archbishop of Canterbury, Primate of all England and MetropoUtan, do by these Presents make known to all men, that the tenth Day of May, m the Year of our Lord, One Thousand, Seven Hundred and fijfty, at London, before the WorsffipfuU Robert Chapman, Doctor of Laws Surrogate to the Right WorsffipfuU John Bettes worth, Doctor of Laws, Master keeper or Commissary of our Prerogative Court of Canterbury, LawfuUy Constituted the Last Wffi and Testament of Nathamel Dukinfield, Late of the Parish of St. George, in the County of Midffiesex, Esqr., Deceased, hereunto Annexed, was Proved, approved and Registred. The said Deceased, havmg Whilst Uvmg and at the time of his Death, Goods, Chatties or Creffits in Divers Dioceses or Juris dictions, by Reason Whereof The Provii^ and Registering of the said Wffi and Grantmg Administration of aU and Singffiar the said Goods, Chatties and Creffits, and Also the Auffitmg, allowmg and final Dischargmg the Accompt thereof, are WeU known to Appertain Offiy and 'Wholy to us and not to any inferior Judge; and that Administration of all and Singular, the Goods, Chatties and Creffits of the said Deed, and any way Com mencing his Wffi was granted to Margaret Dukinfield, Widow, the ReUct of the said Deceased, and Sole Executrix Named in the said Wffi, bemg first Swom weU and faithfuUy to Administer the Same and to make a true and Perfect Inventory of aU and Smgffiar the said Goods, Chatties and Creffits, and to Exhibit the same into the Regestry of our said Court on or before the Last Day of November, Next Ensffing; and Also to Render a just and True Accompt. thereof. Given at the time and Place aforesaid and m the third year of our Trans lation. Wm. Legard (The Seal of London) Pet : J. Elot Hen: Stephens Deputy Renter. To all to -whom these Presents shall Come: I, Joseph CoUett, of London, Merchant, send Greeting: 'Whereas, Nathaffiel Duckinfield, late of Utkmton, m the County of Chester, Esqr., deed., ffid in his Life time, Dffiy make and Publish his last WiU and Testament m Writmg, bearing Date, the fourth day of Jffiy, One Thousand, Seven Hundred and forty Six, and thereof Constituted and appomted his Wife, Margaret Dukinfield, as long as she contmues his Widow Unmarried, Hia Executrix. But m Case of Marriage, the said Testator Constituted and Appointed his Brother, John Chorley, and ffis Nephew, Samuel Duckinfield, Executors of ffis said Wffi; and the said Testator ffid also by his said Wffi Constitute and Appomt me, the said Joseph CoUett, To be his Particular Executor of aU ffis Affairs in North CaroUna, To Act and to do. Dispose and SeU every Part & Parcell thereof. 160 North Carolina Wills. Wffich said Will has been Duly proved by the said Margaret, the sole General Executrix thereof in the Prerogative Court of the ArchBishop of Canterbury as by the said Will and the Probate thereof. Relation being thereunto Had, may more fully and at large appear. Now, Know ye, that I, the said Joseph Collett for Divers Good Causes and Considerations me hereunto especiaUy mo-vdng, do hereby Refuse to take upon me the Executorsffip for the Affairs of Nathaffiel Duckinfield, the Testator, in North Carolina, or Elsewhere, or to intermedle in Any Manner therewith; And do Absolutely Renounce the Probate of the said WiU and that tffis my Refusal and Renunciation may have its due Effect, I do hereby Name, Constitute and Appoint the said Margaret Dukinfield, the Widow and ReUct of the said Nathaffiel Dukinfield, to be my Pro curator and Attorney for me and in my Name to Appear before the Governor of North Carolina aforesaid, or any other Competent Judge in that behaU, to Exhibit tffis my renunciation and to do whatever Eice shall be reqffisite or Necessary to be done in and About the Premises for the Purposes Aforesaid; and I do hereby Promise and agree to ratify and hold for firm and irevocable, aU and Whatsoever my said Procuratrix or Attorney shall Lawfffily do, or cause to be Done, in and about the Premises, by Virtue of these Presents. In Witness whereof, I, the said Joseph CoUett, have hereunto set my hand and Seal, tffis 29th. day of Jffiy, 1755, and in the 29th. Year of the Reign of George the Second, King of Great Britam and soforth. Joseph Collett (Seal) Sealed and DeUverd, being first Duely stamped, in the Presence of us: Samuel Dukinfield. Benjamin Rosewill. North Carolina, Bertie Countt, ss. January Court, 1756. Present His Majestys Justices: Mrs. Margaret Dukinfield, Widow of Nathamel Duckinfield, Esqr., Late of the Kingdom of Great Britain, Deceased, appeared in Court and Produced duly proved and Certified under the corporation Seal of the City of London, A renunciation and Refusal of Joseph CoUett, of London, Merchant, to Act as Executor of the Last WiU and Testament of the said Nathaffiel Duckinfield, in which Office by the said Testator as to that Part of ffis Estate wffich is in this Pro-vince, and also Produced a Copy of the WiU of the said Testator duly proved and Certified in the Prerogative court of the Arch bishop of Canterbury, wffich Renunciation and Will are Ordered to be Recorded. The said Margaret Dukinfield then Moved the Court to Letters of Admiffistration on the Estate of the said Nathaffiel Dukmfield, with the Copy of ffis WiU Annexed, wffich is Granted on her Giving Security in the Sum of One Thousand Pounds, Proclamation Money, and Ordered that Letters Accordingly Issue. Whereupon, Samuel Ormes, Esqr., and Da-vid Ryan, Gent., offered themselves as Security for the said Admimstration and Were Approved of by the Court, Wffich was Ordered to be Certifyed. Test. Benjn. Wynns. Cler. Cur, Recorded in Will Book 7, page 144, Office of Secretary of State. North Carolina Wills. 161 WILLIAM DUCKENFIELD'S WILL. No. Cabolina. Sc. In the Name of God Amen. I, Wiffiam Duckenfield, formerly of Cheshire, m Great Britain, but now of Chowan Precmct, m North CaroUna, Esq., being of sound & perfect mmd & memory, Do make & declare these presents to be & containe my last Wffi and testamt: hereby revoking aU former & other Wills & Testaments by me heretofore made or declar'd. First, I wffi that aU my LawfuU Debts be weU & trffiy paid & satisfied by my Executor or Executors hereafter named, -within convement time after my Decease. Item. I give & bequeath unto my Loving Brother, John Duckinfield, the Sum of fourty pounds P. Annum, during the Term of his naturale LKe, to be paid unto him Yearly by me Executor or Executors hereafter named, out of my Estate wMch I shall leave at my decease, the first payment to become due & payable at the Eviration of one Year after my Decease & to be paid in Pork, Inffian Com, Pitch or Tarr, at the prices now Currant. I also Give & bequeath unto my sd. Brother, John Duckenfield, the the Bed he now Ues on, together with the Fumiture to the same belongmg. Item. I give & bequeath unto my Lovmg Cousm, Charles Barber, of North Carolina, one Young Horse & one Mare & twenty pounds. Item. I give & bequeath unto my Loving Friend, Edward Mosely, of Chowan Precmct, Gent., the Sum of Twenty pounds to buy him & Ms wife each, a Smte of Mourning. Item. AU the rest & residue of my Estate whether Reale or personale, Of what Nature, Kind or QuaUty Soever or where soever, that is now due & belongmg to me. Or wMch hereafter shall become due unto me by any manner of waise or means whatsoever, I give, de-vise & bequeath ye Same unto my Lo-ving Cousin, Nathamel Duckinfield, Son of my Brother, Sr. Robert DuckenfeUd, Baronet, and to Ms Heirs & Assignes for ever. And m case my sd. Kinsman, Nathamele DuckinfeUd shall depart this life before me havmg no LawfuU Issue, then & in such Case I give, devise & bequeath the Estate which I have mtended for my sd. Kinsman & his Heirs, unto Mary, Anne, Susanna, Jane, Sarah, Katherine & Judith DuckinfeUd, the Sisters of the Sd. Nathamel of ye whole Blood & to their Heirs & Assigns for ever. But K my sd. Kinsman, Nathamele Duckinf eUf d, shaU depart tMs Ufe before me & Leavmg Lawfffi Issue, then my Wffi, true Intent & meamng is, that ye Estate before mentioned & every part & parcele thereof shall come, 11 162 North Carolina Wills. remame & be unto ye La-wfuU Issue of my sd. Kinsman, Nathaniele, & their Heirs forever. Lastly, I do hereby Nominate & appoint my sd. Kinsman, Nathaniele DuckenfeUd to be Executor of this my Will & of all other WiUs & Testaments whereof I am Executor, particffiarly the Will of John Arderne, late of North Carolina, bearing date ye twenty second day of October, Anno Dmi. one thousand seven hundred & seven, & to have, take & receive all which shall of right appertain unto me by force of such Wills, to him ye sd. Nathaniele DuckinfeUd & his Heirs for ever. But if the sd. Nathaniele, shall depart this Life before me without having La-wful Issue then I wiU that my nieces aforsd, Mary, Anne, Susanna, Jane, Sarah, Katherine & Judith Duckinfield, shall be Exors., of this my Will & of all other Wills & Testam'ts whereof I am Executor, particularly the Will of John Arderne aforsd. And then the sd. Mary, Anne, Susanna, Jane, Sarah Katherine & Judith DuckinfeUd to have, take & receive all wch shall of right appertain unto me by force of such Wills, to them, my said Neices & their Heirs for ever. In Testimony whereof, I the sd. WiUiam DuckenfeUd, have hereunto sett my hand & Seale, this Seventeenth day of May, Anno Dmi., 1720. William Duckenfeild (Seal) Sealed, Published & declared In the Presence of us : Thomas Ashley. Jno. Po-wbll. Benj'n Soames. his John I C Cherbyholme. mark. John Duckenfeild. Ed. Moseley. North Carolina, ss. Charles Eden, Esqr., Governor. The witffin Will of WilUam Duckenfeild, Esqr., was prov'd before me by the Oaths of Thomas Ashley & John Cherryhohne, two of the E-vidences thereto. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand tffis 27th day of Feb'ry, 1721. C. Eden. Letters Granted the 1st of March, 1721. Recorded m Will Book 2, page 311, Office of the Secretary of State. North Carolina Wills. 163 ALEXANDER DL"NCAN'S WILL. No. Cabolina ss. In the Name of God Amen. I, Alexander Duncan, of Wilmington, Merchant, Intending, please God, going Soon for Great Britain & kno-wmg the uncertainty of Huinan LKe, in Case of my death do make this my Last Wffi and Testament for the ordering & Disposmg of what Worlffiy Estate or Personal Interest wMch it has pleased God to Bestow upon me. In the First place, I give and bequeath unto my Brother, Robert Duncan, K affive, the Sum of tMee hundred Pounds Sterling money, to him or his heirs; In case of his death or ha-ving no heirs, this Legacy to be ffivided equaUy between the Surviving CMldren of my Sisters, Elizabeth Ronaldson, De ceased, & ]SIargaret Henery, now Supposed to be in Edinburgh, K not there. Let enquiry be made where my said Nieces & Nephews do live; I Also Wffi & bequeath to Said CMldren of my said Sisters, as many as there may be of them, the sum of Seven hundred pounds Sterling, to be equaUy ffivided among them. Share & Share ahke, to them & their heirs. These Legacys I desire to be made to Alexander Purves, Esqr., m Edinburgh; or to John Clark, Goldsmith there; in Case of their death, to ]\Ir. Thomas Smith, Merchant there, as soon as my Executors Can, not Exceeding two years at Farthest. I Give & Bequeath to John Rutherfurd, Esqr., of this Prov ince, the Sum of One thousand pounds Sterling money, by him to be disposed of as he pleases, the same to be Remitted to his order m London, as soon as the Circuinstances of my affairs wffi permitt, not exceeding three years, to him & his heirs. My Wffi & Desire is also, that my Executors may within two years after my decease, K Circumstances wffi penmtt, purchase four young Negro Men & as many young Negro women that are likely, wMch I desire them, my Executors, to make a present of to James Moore, Esqr., for Ms use during his own Ufe; in case of his death before his wKe the said Negroes are to decend to her, and their Increase to be wffied & Disposed of as she pleases. I Also give & bequeath to Thomas Cunningham, Jumor, who has lived with me with great fideUty, the sum of four hundred Pounds, Proclamation money, to assist him to foUow Trade, K he pleases, wMch K he does, I desire That my Executors may procure for him m England, Creffit to ammount of five hundred pounds, Sterling, for the payment of wMch they are to be his Security. To Ammount of the Four hundred pounds, Proclam ation money, my Executors are to Remitt for him, it being the sum I give him & Ms heirs, the rest he to make payment of himseK. 164 Noeth Carolina Wills. I Give & Bequeath towards the fimshing, if fimshed, towards Adormng Wilmington Church, the sum of four hundred pounds, Proclamation money, to pay which the Executors of my Will are desired to make over to the Judge of the Superior court for the time Being, the ammount of that sum in some Sufficient Bond or note due to me at the time of my death, to be Recovered for this purpose. I Give & Bequeath, Frances Rutherfurd, daughter of John Rutherfurd, Esquire, the Same Legacy as I have given to Colo nell James Moore, above mentioned, in Case she returns to this Province & Marys here; But in Case of her Living in Europe & Marying there then I Leave to her four hundred Pounds, Sterling, to be paid to her when she Marys or is of Age, to her & her heirs forever. I Give & bequeath to the Daughter of John Walker, a Car penter in Wilmington, by his -wife, Isobell Walker, being Ms Last Marriage, (this girl Lives or did Live at Richard Lyons at Cross Creek) if allive at my death, three Negro Girls to be purchased in Like manner as the Others I Leave above mention ed, which Legacy is to be in Trust for this Girl till she Comes of Age or is marryed, with the Wife of Thos. Cunningham, in Wilmington, if dead, young Thomas Cunffingham to take care of them for her use forever. My desire also is, that the following Sums may be paid Soon after my Decease as a token of my friendship & Esteem for the following persons, either to purchase mourmng Rings &c in Remembrance of me, at their option, or disposed of as they think proper, Cornelius Harnett, Twenty Pounds, Ster ling, His wife the same Sum; Mary Gramger, widor of Caleb Grannger the same sum; Mr. Maurice Moore the same sum, His wife the same sum; Captain John Forster the same Sum, His wife the same sum; & to Alexander Chapman the same sum; All which is to be understood if these persons are allive at the time of my death and are in North Carolina. Having an opinion of the good qualitys of Arthur Benmng, of Wilmington, and Considering him as unfortunate in this part, I -will & Bequeath that my Executors make over to him for his Sole use if aUive, the Sum of Five hundred Pounds, Procla mation Money, out of such debts in this Province as may be due to me at the time of my death, to him & his heirs or As signs. I WiU and bequeath to Robert Schaw, my now Partner, after my debts and the afforesaid Legacies are paid, one half of all the Outstanding Debts that may be my part in this Prov ince or in America at the time of my Death, as also one quarter part of aU the Ready Effects, or Negroes that are now my part in Company with him & Mr Ancrum to him and Ms heirs forever. North Carolina Wills. 165 And Lastly, I give & Bequeath to John Ancrum, my now Partner, aU the rest of my Real or Personal Estate not before given, to him & his heirs forever, Who -with Robert Schaw, I Constitute & Appoint my Executors of this my -wffi, to see it Executed as it means 'without any form of law, wMch they know I never Choose to have any thing to say to, on wMch Account I make this wffi more for their Govemment in the distribution of my Effects, than to have it conformable to law, & I desire that they may Construct it as siich knowmg this to be my hand 'writmg without even a Witness as the Law in all Wffis directs, therefore desire that they may agree m aU things Like Brothers, live together m Harmony to perform their friend's Wffi & Remember him offiy as he has deserved. Given under my hand as my Last Wffi and Testament at WUmmgton, the llth. May, 1767. Alexr Duncan. P: S: Mrs. Elizabeth HaU may be in Orffinary Circum stances, m Case of her bemg so, my Wffi is that during her Contmuance as such, that my Executors pay her yearly the sum of Thirty Poimds, Proclamation money, for her assistance. North Carolina. The Witffin last Wffi and Testament of Alexander Duncan, deceased, was proved before me this 18 Day of May, m the Year of our Lord, 1768, by Thomas Cobham and WUUam Lord, who swore that they were well acquanted with the Handwriting of the said Alexander Duncan, the Testator, and that they verily believe the said deceases Name, as weU as the whole Body of the Wffi, is of his, the said Testators own proper Hand- writmg. The said Thomas Cobham and WUUam Lord further declare, that they were both before and since the Date of the said Wffi, weU ac quamted with the said Alexander Duncan m his Life Time, and were often m his Company, & that they beUeve at the Time of the date the Said Will He was of sound and disposmg mmd & Memory. John Ancrum and Robert Schaw the Executors therem named took the Oaths appomted for their QuaUfication. Ordered That Letters Testamentary issue thereon accordmgly. Wm. Trton. (Endorsement) Alexr. Duncan's Wffi. Recorded, Thia is the Wffi of Alexander Duncan of Wilmmgton, merchant at the time of Lea-vmg North Carolma, going for England, wffich is not to be Opened tffi Accounts are Certam of his Decease. Copied from Origmal WiU ffied m the Office of the Secretary of State, GEORGE DURANT'S WILL. In the name of God Amen, the mnth day of October, 1688. I, George Durant, of the Countie of Albemarle, m the Prov ince of Carolma, Marriner, bemg m perfect health and memory, 166 North Carolina Wills. thanks bee to Allmighty God for the same, and caUingfto mind the uncertain state of this transitory life and that all flesh must yeld unto Death when it shall please to call and being desirous to Settle things in order. Doe make this my las wiU and Testament in Manner and forme following. Revoking and Absolutly Un -willing by these presents, all and every testament and testaments, -will and wiUs, heretofore by me made and declared, either by word or by wrighting, notwith standing any promise to the contrary or clause derogatory in the same, and this to bee taken only for my last will and testament and non other. First, I bequeath my soule to God my maker and to Jesus Christ my Redeemer and to the Holy Ghost my sanctifier; and my bodie to the Earth from which it came, to bee buried in such decent and Christian manner as to my Executor shall bee fitt and convenient, there to rest untill my body and Soul shall meete again at the Joyfull Resurection; and for my worldly estate I give and bequeath as followeth: 1st. I bequeath to my son John Durant my plantation wheron I now live with the eaquall part of on half of the tract of land belonging thereto to him and his Heiyrs male, lawfully begotten of his own bodie for ever, and the other half of the said tract of land I give to my son Thomas Durant, and to his Heiyres male, of his bodie la-wfully begotten, forever, and in case of failing of Heiyrs as Aforesaid, that then the of * * either of them is * * (Illegible) . My wUl is that my Nephew George Durant, the son of my brother John Durant, of Lon don, Shall enjoy the whole tract of land, to him and his Heiyrs male, of Ms own body begotten, for ever and for want of such Heyers as aforesaid, that then the said plantation and land to fall to Henry Durant, the son of my Brother John Durant aforesaid, and for want of Heyre male as aforesaid in him, then my other Nephew John Durant, the sone of my Brother John Durant aforesaid, and his Heyres male as aforesaid, to have hold and enjoy for ever, and for want of Heyers in him I doe give and bequeath my said plantation and tract of land thereto belonging * * * (Illegible). Rights and prive ledge for ever. 21y. I doe give and grant to my loving wife, An Durant, my Said plantation, with all benefitts and profitts during hir naturall life, -without controule or any molestation what soever, and that all the remainder of my estate be equally divided between my loving wife, An Durant, and my Daugh ters Sarah, Matytya, Pertyema and Ann Durant, and like wise I doe here make my loving -wife, An Durant, to bee my whole and Sole Executrix to see this my last will performed, leaving her the trust of my Children untill they shall come to age or maried. North Carolina Wills. 167 In Witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and seale the day and year first above written. Geo. Durant (Seal) Signed sealed and deUvered m presence of John PniLPorr. The marke of Francis X Hossten. The Marke of John C Cully Proved m Court by the oath of Mr John PhUpott and Mr Francis Hossten, ye 6th day of Feby 1693-4 Attested Edward Mato Cler Recorded ye 26th day of Feby, Anno Do: 1693-4, Edward Mato Cler. Copied from Original Wffi ffied ffi the Office of the Secretary of State. GEORGE DURANT'S WILL. In the Name of God Amen, ye Twenty FKth Day of May, 1730. I, George Durant, of ye County of Albemarle, in the Pro-vmce of North CaroUna, being very Sick and weak m Body, but of perfect mind and Memory, thanks be to Almighty God for the same. Therefore caffing to mind the MortalUty of my Body, and Imowing that it is appointed for aU men Once to Dye, doe Make and Ordam this my Last -wffi and Testament, That Is to Say: PrincipaUy, and first of aU, I give and Recommend my Soffi Into the Hands of God that gave It; and my Body I Recom mend to the Earth to be Buried In decent and christian manner at the Discretion of my Executors, notMng doubtmg but at the GeneraU Resurrection, I shall receive the same again by the Almighty Power of God; and as touching Such worlffiy Estate Where-with it hath pleased God to bless me m this Ufe, I Give, Demise and Dispose of the same m the FoUowmg man ner and Form: Imprimis: I order one moyety or Tract of Land Contam- ing Five Hundred Acres, It being and Lymg on the South Shore, to be Sold by my Executors, and the one half of the Money to Paid to j^thony Hatch's Estate. Item. I give and Bequeath to my weU Beloved Son, George Durant, one Bible, one SUver beeker with G. D. A. upon It. And Further, I Desire my Executors to BuUd one Bam on the Plantation I now Live on and the Charge to be Paid out of my whole Estate. And Likewise, I Order one Brick Chim ney to be BuUt to my Daughter, Mary Durant House. Item. I Give to Anne Longlarther, Five Pounds, Currant 168 North Carolina Wills. Money. And also, my Will is that my Son, George Durant, should have as good Learing as can be had In tMs Govern ment. And after my Lawfull Debts being Paid, Then my whole Estate to be Equally Devided Between my Five Children, Arme Durant, Mary Durant, Sarah Durant, EUzabeth Durant and George Durant, and that each Child to be paid as they Come of Age; and In Case of Death Before They Injoys their Estate, That then their part to be Equally Divided between the Sur-vivors. And Likewise, I Doe hereby make my Lo-ving Brothers, Zebulun Clayton and Richard Whidbee, to be my whole and Sole Executors to see this my last will performed. Leaving them the care and tuition of my Children Untill they ShaU come to age or marryed. In -witness whereof, I have hereunto Sett my hand and Seal, the Day and year first above -written. Geo. Durant (Seal) Signed, Sealed and Delivered In presence of: his Thomas J Sno-wden. mark, Elizabeth Gibson. John Stevens. Sept. 29, 1730. Proved tffis will by the Oath of Mr. John Stephens. Richd, Everard. Copied from the Original WiU, filed in the Office of the Secretary of State. RICHARD EAGLES' WILL. In the Name of God Amen. I, Richard Eagles, of the County of Brunswick and Pro-vince of North Carolina, Gen tleman, being weak in body but of sound mind & memory, and Considering the uncertainty of this Life, do make this my Last Will and Testament in manner and form following, that is to say. Imprimis: It is my will and desire that all my just Debts be paid out of the Profits of my Estate, by my Executors here after named. I Give and Bequeath to my son, Joseph Eagles, son of Mar garet Henrietta Eagles, my -wife, formerly Call'd Marg't Hen rietta Bugmon, his heirs and Assigns forever, the House, Planta tion, Saw & Grist mills, where I now Live, together -with all the lands I am now possessed of, Except such as is hereafter given to my Daughter, Susannah Eagles, or otherwise; Also Noeth Carolina Wills. 169 I give to my Son Joseph, son to my wife ^Marg't Henrietta Eagles, formerly Called Marg't Henrietta Bugmon, fifteen Negroes, Big and Uttle, as their famffies shall be; also, his Choice of four Lotts of Land in the Town of Wilmington, together with two thirds of all the stock I am Possessed of, Cattle, Horses, mares, hogs, sheep, &c. Item. I Give and Bequeath to my Daughter, Susannah Elizabeth Eagl^, Daughter to my late wKe, Marg't Henri etta Eagles, formerly CaUed ilarg't Henrietta Bugmon, Six hundred and iort-y Acres of Land Adjoin'g the Bank'd piece now Intend for a rice field & Bought of Hugh Blenning. Also, one third part of aU the Land I now owne on the Island Com- moffij- CaU'd Eagles's Island, together with one half the num ber of Lotts in Wilmmgton, that I am possessed of Except such as are already given to mj' Son, Joseph; Also, one third part of aU the stock I am possessed of Viz: Cattle, Horses, Mares, Hogs, Sheep, &c. Item. I Give and Bequeath to my Two Cousins, Jean & Elizabeth Davis, one young Negro each, about their owne Age, to them & their Heirs for ever. Item. I give and Bequeath to my Sister, Elizabeth Davis, the House she now Uves on the no. side of the mill Pond, with the field that is fenced m, as long as she lives, after her Death, to retum to my son, Joseph Eagles. Item. I Give and Bequeath to Jeanet AIcFarUng, for and in Consideration of her faitMuU and Dffigent Care & Attend ance m Mrs. Eagles's Ufe time as weU as since; two Negroes, Vizt: a wench CaUed Caeha, and a Boy CaU'd Peter, to her & her heirs forever; And it is my Desire that she, the sd. Jeanet McFarUng, be and remame m the house I now Uve, to have the Care of the Stock, Poffitry, &c., and that my Exec- ut'rs pay her the sum of Thirty five pounds, procl., Yearly untU she is married or my son, Joseph, Come to the Years of Eighteen; Afterward as long as he shaU think proper & no longer. Item. I Give and Bequeath to John Eagleson, my Negro boy Jack, also, I do hereby Assign over to him the Mortgage of Price's Land, Commonly CaU'd Judy's Branch, & four Mares & Colts. It is my Desire that my two Alolatto Boys, Natt & George, both have their freedom, when they arrive to the Age of thirty five Years. And Also that my Negro feUow, old Larry have Ms freedom, as soon as my son, Joseph, Comes of age, 'tffi wMch time to be and remame on the plantation as usual, without being turn'd into the feUd or other hard Duty. Item. It is my -wffi & Desire that aU my Negroes, Except those already Bequeathed away, together with all my house hold Furniture, Plate, Beds, Bedding &cs., be EquaUy Divided 170 Noeth Carolina Wills. between my Son, Joseph & Susanna EUzabeth Eagles, Son & Daughter of my late wife Marg't Henrietta Eagles, formerly Marg't Henrietta Bugnion, and that the remaimng half of the Lotts of Land in Wilmington be the property of my Son, Joseph. Lastly, I do hereby Nominate & Appoint, John Gibbs, Robt' Shaw, John Ancrum, & Thos. owen. Executors of this my last -s^iU & testament, revoking aU other former -wills by me made, ratifying & Confirming this, & no other. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand & seal, this Twenty third day of March, in the year of our Lord, one thousand, seven hundred & Sixty Nine. Rich'd. Eagles ( ) Sign'd, Seal'd & PubUsh'd & Declared to be the last will and Testament of Rich'd Eagles, In PrGSGncG of * (The Date alter'd before Sign'd.) John, Walkee. Jno. Febgus. Maby Walkee. Codicil of the Last will & Testament of Rich'd Eagles. 'Tis my will and Desire that Mr. Wm. Dry, has a Title for a Certaine piece of Land Bo't of my Father, Rich'd Eagles & never yet Confirm'd lying and being on the Island near the sd. Wm. Dry's Brick house, he making my Heirs a Title for one Square acre out of the same, on the Side next Wilmington. Rich'd Eagles. Sign;d Seal'd, PubUsh'd & De clar'd in the Presence of us, this 23d March 1769. Maey Walkee, John Walkee. Jno. Feegus. The within last WiU and Testament of Richard Eagles, with the Cofficil Annexed was proved before me this thirty first day of March, 1769, by the Oaths of John Walker and John Fergus, two of the subscribing Witnesses thereto, who swore they say the Testator sign, seal, publish and declare the same to be and contain His last Will and Testament; and that at the Time thereof. He was of sound and ffisposing Mind & Memory. John Gibbs and Robert Shaw two of the Executors therein named took the Oaths appointed for their QuaUfication. Ordered that Letters Testamentary issue thereon accordingly. Wm. Trton. Copied from Original WiU, filed in the Office of the Secretary of State. Noeth Carolina Wills. 171 WILLIAM EATON'S WILL. In the Name of God Amen, February 19th, 1759. I, WU liam Eaton, of Saint John's Parish, m GranviUe County, do make & Ordain this my last Wffi and Testament, m Manner and form foUowing: to wit, First I bequeath my Soffi to God that gave it, trusting in [Merits and Advocacy of my ever blessed Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, for a Ilemission of aU my Offences, and my Body I commit to this Earth to be decently intered at the Discretion of my Executors herein after named. And as for such Worlffiy Estate as it have been pleased almighty God to commit to my StewardsMp, I give, dispose and bequeath the same in Maimer foUowmg: That is to say: Imprimis: I give and devise unto my beloved Son, Wiffiam Eaton, and to his Heirs and Assigns for ever, aU my Lands, Tenements and Hereffitaments in the Counties of Dmwidffie and Brunswick, in the Colony of Virgima, except the Land and Plantation I received of Wiffian Scoggan as Heir to John Scoggan, and my Lot and House m the Town of Petersburgh. Item. I give and bequeath unto my Daughter, Jane Edwards, WKe of Colo. Nathamel Edwards, aU the Negro Slave which I possessed her in the lifetime of Her former Husband, Anthony Haynes. And it is my Wffi and Desire that they, with aU their Increase, shaU descend, pass, go and remain according to the disposition made of them respectively by the last Wffi and Testament of the said Anthony Haynes. Also I give to my said Daughter, Jane, five Shillings, Virgima Currency. Item. I give and bequeath unto my Daughter, Anne Haynes, ReUct of Andrew Haynes, deceased, aU the Negro Slaves of wMch I possessed her in the lifetime of her said Husband. And it is my WiU and desire that the said Slaves respectively, with aU their Increase, shaU pass, go, descend and remain according to the disposition made of them by the last Wffi and Testament of the said Andrew Haynes. Also I Give to my said Daughter, fifty Pounds Virgima Currency, of the Debt owing to me by Colo: Richard Kennon. Item. I Give and bequeath unto my Daughter, Mary Jones, WKe of Robert Jones, jun: tMee Negroe Slaves, to -wit, Aggey, Annaca & Bob, and all their Increase, wMch said Negroes are now in the Possession of the said Robert Jones. Also I give to my said Daughter one hundred and eighty Poimds, Virgima Currency. Item. I give and bequeath unto my Daughter, Sarah Johnson, WKe of Charles Johnson, aU the Slaves and Personal 172 North Carolina Wills. Estate whereof I Possessed her in the Lifetime of her former Husband, John Thornton, And it is my WiU and desire that the said Slaves -with their Increase, and personal Estate, shall go, descend, pass & remain according to the ffisposition made of them respectively, by the last Will and Testament of the said John Thornton. Also I give to my said Daughter five ShiUings, Virginia Currency. Item. I give and bequeath my ten Negroe Slaves, namely, Beck, Nell, Lucy, Custom Son of Lucy, Jenny & Jenny, Daughter of Hannah, Haster, Rachel, Aggy & Essie, now in the possession of my Son in Law, Daniel Weldon, being formerly lent him, unto my Son in Law, Robert Jones, Junr. and my Son, Thomas Eaton, and their Heirs and Assignes in Special "Trust and Con fidence nevertheless and to and for the Uses, Intents and pur poses following; and to or for no other Use, Intent or purpose whatsoever, that is to say to permit and suffer my Daughter Elizabeth Weldon for and during the Term of her natural Life to take, receive and dispose of at her Will and Pleasure exclu sive of any power, authority, Interest or controul of her said Husband, and to and for her Sole separate Use, all and singular the profits arising from the Labour of the said Slaves and their Increase; so that it shall not be in the Power of her s" Husband to release, Charge, Change, alter or Incumber the same or any part thereof. And from & immediately after the decease of my said Daughter, I give and bequeath the said Slaves and their Increase, unto such Children as She shall have li-ving at her Death, equally among them to be divided. But in Case any Child or Children of my said Daughter Betty shall depart this Life in her Lifetime lea-ving Children which shall survive her, then such Children shall be admitted to Share in the s* Slaves, with the Children of my said Daughter wMch shall be living at her Death vizt: to receive the same proportion of them as the Parent or Parents of such Grand-ChUdren would be intitled to had they been living. And in Case all the CMldren of my said Daughter Betty shall depart this Life before her Death, then I bequeath the said Slaves and all their Increase, unto such Grand-Child or Grand-Children of my said Daughter as shall be li-ving dt her decease. And if it shall so happen that my said Daughter Betty shall have no Children, or Grand- Child, living at the Time of her decease, then I give and bequeath the said Slaves and their Increase to be divided into five equall parts among my Daughters and Grand Children and their Assignes for ever, to wit: One fifth part to the Chil dren of Anthony Haynes, deceased, equally among them to be divided, one fifth part to my Daughter, Anne Haynes, one fifth part to my Daughter, Mary Jones, one fifth part to my Daughter, Sarah Johnson, and one fifth part to my Daughter, Martha. Also I give to my said Daughter, Betty, five SMllings, Virginia Currency. North Caeolina Wills. 173 Item. I give and de-vise unto my Son, Thomas Eaton, and to the Heirs of his Body lawfuUy begotten for ever, the Land and plantation m Granvffie County, whereon I now live, inclu ding my reSurvey adj oinmg thereto; And for defaffit of such Heirs, I give and de\'ise the same unto my Son, Charles Rust Eaton, and the Heirs of his Body lawfuUy begotten for ever; And for defaffit of such Heirs I give and de-vise the same unto my Son, WUUam Eaton, and the Heirs of Ms Body LawfuUy begotten for ever; And m defaffit of such Heirs I give and de'vise the same to my next Heir at Law. Also I give and devise to my said Son, Thomas Eaton, and his Heirs and assignes for ever, my Plantation and Tract of Land m Granvffie County, commonly called Bowser's; Also my Two Tracts of Land whereon Lewis Ballard & CormeUal Earls Uve, being adjacent to the s'' Tract of Land caUed Bowser's; Also my Tract of Land in Northampton, commoffiy caUed Cumboe's; AU wMch said four last mentioned Tracts of Land I give and devise unto my said Son, Thomas, Ms Heirs and Assignes for ever, upon Conffition that he pay & Satisfy to my Grand-Son Eaton Haynes, twenty Pounds, Virginia Currency. Item. I give and Devise unto my Son, Charles Rust Eaton, and to his Heirs and Assigns for Ever, all my Lands, Tenements and Hereffitaments Situate in the County of HalKax, except my Lots in the Town of HalKax. It€m. I give and de'vise unto my loving WKe, ]Marj' Eaton, for and during the Term of her natural life, my Tract of Land whereon Gran'vffie Court-house is bffilt, 'with aU and Smgffiar my other Tracts of Land and Surveys of Land on Tabb's Creek and the branches thereof; and from and immeffiately after the decease of my said WKe, I give and de-vise the said Tracts of Land and the remainder and Remamders, Reversion and Reversions of each of them, unto my Son, Charles Rust Eaton, his Heirs and Assigns for ever. Item. I give and devise unto my two Sons, Thomas, and Charles, and their Heirs for ever equaUy to be divided, my Lot of Land m the Town of Petersburg, to -wit, my Son Thomas's part to include the Houses bffilt thereon. Item. I give and de-vise unto my Son, Thomas Eaton, & his Heirs for ever, my Tract of Land in Gran-vffie County, commoffiy caUed Goffid's. Item. I give and de-vise unto my Executors, herem after mention'd, my Tract of Land on Uttle fisMng Creek, commoffiy CaUed Youngs; my Tract of Land on Anderson's Swamp; and my two Tracts of Land on Smith's Creek, the one Called Hughe's and the other Raybom's, to be by them Sold for the best price that can be got, and the money arising from the Sale thereof be applied towards ffischarging the Legacies by this my Wffi bequeathed. 174 Noeth Caeolina Wills. Item. I give and devise unto my Son, Thomas Eaton, & to his Heirs for ever, my Lot in Halifax Town, adjoining the Market place and main Street, and desire that it may be saved at the Expence of my Estate. Item. I give and devise all my other Lots in Halifax Town, unto my Son, Charles Rust Eaton, and his Heirs for ever, and do desire that such of the said Lots as are not already bffilt on, shall be saved at the expence of my Estate. Item. I give and bequeath unto my Daughter, Martha Eaton, my three Negroes namely, Pud, Sarah & Suckey & three hundred pounds, Virginia Currency; Also such Horses and Mares as are commonly called hers. Item. It is my will and desire that my negroe Girl, Nanny, Daughter of Dido, now in the possession of Daniel Weldon, be returned unto my my Estate, And all and singular the residue of my Estate of what Nature or Quality soever, I give and bequeath in Manner folio-wing: to wit, one third part thereof to my beloved Wife, Mary, one third part to my Son, Thomas Eaton, and the other third part to my Son, Charles Rust Eaton. And that my s'* Wife shall and may possess and enjoy her said proportion therein, for and during the Term of her natural Life & take and receive the profits arising therefrom to her own Use, and from and immediately after her decease, I give and bequeath the same to be equally ffi-vided into nine £qual parts, to -wit, one ninth part thereof to my Son, WilUam, and his Assignes, one Ninth part to the CMldren of Anthony Haynes, deceasd, equally among them to be di-vided, one ninth part to my Daughter, Anne Haynes, and her Assignes, one ninth part to my Daughter, Mary Jones, and her Assignes, one ninth part to my Daughter, Sarah Thorton, one mnth part to the Children of my Daughter, Betty, which she shall have Uying at her death, equally among them to be divided, one ninth part to my Son, Thomas Eaton, and one ninth part to my Son, Charles Rust Eaton, and one ninth part to my Daugh ter, Martha Eaton. Item. If either of my Sons, Thomas and Charles Rust, shall depart tMs Life before they shaU attain the Age of twenty one Years, or are married, its my WiU and desire that the Survivor shaU have and enjoy the proportion of the residuum aforementioned of such of my s'' Sons as shall so happen to die. And if both my s* Sons shaU happen to ffie under the Age of twenty Years, and before marriage, then I give and bequeath their s'' two Shares in the s* Residuum as foUows: to wit, one seventh part to my Son, William Eaton & his Assignes, one seventh part to the Children of Anthony Haynes, deceased, equally among them to be divided among them, one seventh part to my Daughter, Anne Haynes, one seventh part to my Daughter, Mary Jones, and her Assignes, one seventh part to Noeth Carolina Wills. 175 my Daughter, Sarah Thornton, one seventh part to the CMl dren of my Daughter Betty Weldon, equaUy among them to be ffivided, and one seventh part to my Daughter, Martha Eaton, and her Assignes. Item. It is my Will and desire that my Negroes belonging to my Plantation on Tabb's Creek be aUoted in part my WKes proportion of the residuum of my Estate afores*, And that my Negroes at Mush Island be aUoted in the proportion of my Son, Charles Rust Eaton. And that each of my said Sons, be put in Actual possession of their Estates at the Age of eighteen. Item. In Case either of my said Sons, Thomas or Charles Rust, shaU depart this life under the Age of twenty one Years and before Marriage, its my Wffi and desire that the Survivor of them, his Heirs and Assigns for ever, shaU have, possess and enjoy the respective Lands and Tenements by tMs my Wffi devised to such of my s" Sons, as shaU so happen to ffie, in Fee Simple. And K both my said Sons shaU ffie before marriage and under the Age of twenty one Years, then I give and be queath the said Lands & Hereffitaments by this my last Wffi & Testament devised to them in Fee Simple, unto my Son, Wiffiam Eaton, his Heirs and Assigns for ever. Item. It is my Wffi and desire that my Daughter, Martha, be aUowed a Sffitable Mamtainance out of the Profits of my Estate untu she Attains the Age of twenty one Years, or is married, And that the profits arising from the Estate herein bequeathed to my Sons, Thomas, and Charles Rust, untffi my Son Thomas shaU Attam the Age of Eighteen Years, be appUed m educating and maintaining my said Sons and dis charging the pecimiary Legacies by this my Wffi bequeathed. Item. I do hereby Constitute, nominate, and appoint my beloved WKe, Mary Eaton, and my Son m Law, Robert Jones, juffior, to be ye Executors of this my last Wffi and Testament, hereby revoking, disannffiUng and making void, aU other WiUs and Testaments heretofore by me made; In Witness whereof have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Seal the Day & Year first above written. William Eaton (Seal) The foregomg Contents contained in pages one to eight mclusive was published, declared and pronounced by Wiffiam Eaton, Gent, to be his last Wffi & Testament in presence of, Wm. Person Jas. Paine Richd. Coleman 176 North Carolina Wills. At a Court held for GranviUe County, 20. March 1759. This WiU was proven by the Oath of WiUiam Person & James Paine, two of the Subscribing Witnesss thereto, to be the Act & deed of Wiffiam Eaton, Gent, late deceas'd,, then Mary Eaton & Robert Jun: the Exec utors in tffis Will named. Qualified as such according to law. Teste. Danl. Weldon C. C. Copied from Original Will, filed in Office of the Secretary of State, CHARLES EDEN'S WILL. In the Name of God, Amen. This twenty Sixth day of December, in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hun dred and twenty one, I, Charles Eden, Esqr. Governor of the Province of North Carolina, being in a very weak & lan guishing Condition, but thro' the Mercy of God in a sound, perfect, & Disposing Mind & Memory, do make & Ordaine this, my last Will and Testament, hereby revoking all other & former Wills & Testaments heretofore by me made, & Con firming this to be my last Will. Item. It is my Will and Desire, and I hereby order the same, that all my Just Debts in Great Britain be very speedily & punctually paid, after my Decease, according to a list of ye Same left in my Execut'rs Possession. Item. I give to my Dear Niece, Mrs. Margaret Rough, Youngest Daughter of Robert Rough Esqr. Decsd. Five hundred pounds SterUng Money, of Great Britain, to be paid here at London, which is to be raised out of my Estate, as soon as possible after my Debts are paid and Satisfied. Item. I give & bequeath unto my very Dear Friend, John Holloway, Esqr., of the Province of Virgima, my Negro Boy nam'd David, and my Gold Watch, to be delivered soon after my Decease. Item. I give & bequeath to Daniell Richardsaon Esqr., his Choice of my Swords & Belts, the Mourning Ring left by Col. Hecklefeild, my horse called Taffy, my second best furffiture, with my Boots & Silver Spurrs. Item. It is my Will, that presently after my Decease, my Exr. remitt out of the Money in the House, to Authur Trevor, Esqr., as much as -will pay the interest of one hundred pounds at 6 pr. Cent. p. Ann. for eight Years, the Principal being already paid. Item. I give & bequeath unto Mr. James Henderson, Twenty pounds, Currant Money, and one hundred Acres of Land lying on Deerham's Creek, in PampUcough, formerly belonging to John LiUngton, to him & his Heirs for ever w'ch sd Land is bounded upon Sparrows Plantion. Item. I give, devise & bequeath unto John Lovick, Esqr., Noeth Carolina Wills. 177 Secretary of this Province, & to his Heirs & Assignes, all my Estate, both Reale & PersonaU, to raise Money to pay off my sd. Debts & Legacies, whom I also Nominate, Constitute & Appoint Exor. of this my Wffi. Ll Witness whereof I have hereunto Sett my Hand & Seal the day & Year before Written. Charles Eden (seal) Signed, Seal'd, PubUsh'd & Declared to be Ms last Wffi & Testam't in Presence of: ]MaEY B.ADHAM. H. Clayton. W. Badham. Proved m open Court by the Oaths of Henry Clayton & W. Badham, the E\'idences thereto. April the 2d 1722. Test. W. Badham C. Cur Geffi. Mem'dum, tMs 9th day of February, 1721. It's my WiU & Desire that the Legacy of Twenty Pounds and one hundred Acres of Land, ^ven & bequeathed to James Hen derson, that the Same be not paid, he having had from me already what I thmk Sufficient, and tMs I desire may be as firm as any other part of my Wffi. Witness my hand. Chabt.es Eden. Witnesses: Geob. Allen. Katheb Linch. Proved ffi Open Court by the Oaths of George AUen one of the Evidences hereto. AprU the 2d 1722. Test. W. Badham, C. Cur Geffi. Letts Granted April the 3rd 1722. Recorded m Wffi Book 2, page 299, Office of the Secretary of State. HENRY EBORN'S WILL. In the Name of God amen, The twentieth Day of October, Anno Domim, 1732. I, Henry Ebom, of Matchapungo, in the County of Mde, and in the Province of North Carolina, being very sick and weak In body, but of Perfect mind and memory, thaiiks be given unto God, Therefore calUng unto mind the mortality of my body, and knowmg That it is appointed for aU men once to dye, I Do make and ordain This my last 'wiU and Testament, That is to say, the PrincipaUy and first of aU, I Give and Recomend my Soul Into the hands of God that Gave it; and my body I Recomend to the earth to be buried In a decent, Christian Burial at the Discretion of my Execu tors, Nothing Doubting but but at the General Resurection I shall Receive the Same again by ye mighty power of God; 12 178 North Carolina Wills. and as touching Such worldly Estate where with It hath pleased God to bless me In this Life, I Give and Demise and Dispose of the Same In the foUowing manner and form : Imprimis. I Give and bequeath unto Nathaniel Ebom, the son of Henry Elizabeth Eborn, a trak of Land butted and bounded by George Mixon on one side, and William Cambal on the other side, Joyned on the Creek of Matchapungo; and two three years old steers, two killable hogs, and a Greate Coate and herling heifer to the said Nathaniel Eborn, son James Eborn. Item. To Henry Eborn, my Dear Son, I Give and bequeath him my plantation, the Said Henry Eborn, The son of Henry and Elizabeth Eborn is to let the said Elizabeth Eborn, his Mother have the said plantation till the said Henry Eborn comes to age, and then the said Elizabeth is to Delivered up the said plantation to the said Henry Eborn, her Dear Son, and the said Elizabeth Eborn, the mother of the said Henry Eborn, is to hold half of the said plantation for her Wid owed, the horse, MiU & all things In General as belongs to the said plantation, all Chattie That are his In Generall, and two young Cows acalfs, and one old Gun, and the said Henry Eborn my Dear Son a negro man man Jack. Item. I Give and bequeath to my Dear Son, Littletun Ebom, a plantation with Chattel situated one the west Side of Broad Creek, with all the Sheep, two heifers of his marke, and a Plantation Pantego, on the East side, and if the said Henry Eborn, the son of Henry and Elizabeth Eborn, Dyes without heir lawfully begotten of his body, It falls to Littletun Eborn, the Brother of the Said Henry Eborn Plantation, and if the said Littletun Eborn enjoyed the saide Plantation of Henry Eborn, he is to Give Salathyel Layson, Son of Evens Rhoda Layson, The said Plantation of Broad Creek; and the other Plantation laying on Pantego to James Eborn the son of Nathaniel and Anne Eborn. Item. I Give to my Dear Son, Littiltun Eborn, a black wonut table and Lignumvite Punch bowle, and a large bible, a Great brass kittell, and the new Gun & a Negro Man, named Jupiter, and a Bed and a bolster; And if the Said Elizabeth Eborn Marries, the Said Henry Eborn and Littiltun Eborn, her sons, are to have aU ye plantation and Stock and hous hold Good, to be Delivered at 18 years of Age. Item. I Give to Henry Eborn, My Dear Son, three ewes to be Delivered next Spring. Item. I Give to my Dear wife, the work of the Negro Man named Jack as long as she Continues a wedower. Item. I Give to my Dear Daughter, Rhoda Layson, a Bed, Two Sheets, two Blankets, a Rog and bolster, and a small Chest, a puder Dish, two basons, a horse named byard, to have at her North Carolina Wills. 179 Mother Marriage or other husband Comeing again, two plates and three ewes, aU her chattel that was caUed hers, two heifers, three years old and a four years old one, and a Large Cheare. Item. I Give to my Dear Daughter, Mary Ebom, a bed, a bolster, two sheets, and two Blankets, and a Rug, and all the Chattel as was hers, two Plates, two Basons and a Dish, and a Iron pot & tMee ewes, a large chare and a Linnen wheel. Item. I Give to my Daughter, Rhoda Layson, a Iron pot. Item. I give to my Dear Daughter, Elizabeth Eborn, a bed, a bolster, a pair of Sheets, a pair of Blankets and a Rugg, a Iron pot, a SmaU Chest, a Chear, two basons and a Dish, and two plates, tMee ewes, aU her chattel that are hers, a young Cow, a Calf, and a horse caUed fox, to be DeUvered at the day of her marriage. Item. I Give to my Dear Daughter, Anne Jones, one sMUing. Item. I Give to my dear Daughter Rebecker Deedan, one SMffing. Item. I Desire that Wffiiam Barrow and Nathamel Ebom and Thomas Smith, May see that they may be over Seer for me the said Henry Ebom. Item. I Give to my Dear wKe, EUzabeth Eborn, aU the Chattie that is not the CMlffiens, and all the Remainder of the sheep, two workmg horses named Jack and Dobmg, a plow and harness, a cart wheels, and a new pair of wheels, and aU the Remainder of the houshold Goods. Item. I Give unto my weUbeloved wife, and Henry Ebom, my Dear Son, whome I likewise make and ordain my Sole Executors of this my wUl and testament by her and himseK freely to be possessed and enjoyed, and I Do hereby Utterly Disallowe, Revoke and Disannffi aU and every other former Testament, Wills, legacies and bequests and executors by me. In any way was before named, 'willed and bequeathed, Ratifying and Confirming this now to be my last 'will and (and) Testament. In witness whereof, I have hereunto Set my hand and Seal the Day and Year above writmg. hjs ,,-,,. Heney 0 Eboen (Seal) marke. Signed, and Sealed, pubUck, pronoimced and Declared by the said Henry Ebom, as Ms last will and testament, In the Presents of us the Subscribers: his Geoege N Mixon. mark Elizabeth Williamson. Chaeles Johnson. Bba-cfort, sc. March Court, 1732. The within Wffi was Proved m Open Court by the Oath of George Mixon. Test. Jno. Collison, Cler: Cur. Copied from the Original Wffi, ffied ffi the Office of the Secretary of State . 180 Noeth Cabolina Wills. NATHANIEL EBORN'S WILL. In the Name of God Aman. I, Nathaniel Eborn, of Hide County, and Province of North Carolina, being very Sick and weak in body but of a Sound and perfect memory of mind. Thanks be to God for ye same, Calling to Mind the mortality of my body, knowing 'That it as appointed for all men once to Die, Do make and ordain This my last will and Testament, That is to say, and first of all I Recommend my Soul into the hands of God that Gave it; and my body to be DeSently buried at the Descretion of my Executors hereafter mentioned, nothing Doubting but at the General Resurrection at the last Day, I shall Receive the Same, Through the Merits of Jesus Christ; and as to what Worldly Estate it hath pleased God to Endue me with, I Dispose of in manner and form following: Imprimis. I Desire that all my Debts and funeral Charges be fully Contented and paid. Item. I Give and bequeath to my well beloved Wife, Rebecca, the Lent of my .Negro Woman Jane, During her •widowhood. Item. I Give and bequeath unto my well beloved Son, James Eborn, my Plantation and Land whereon I live, to him and his Heirs for ever; and also one negro Man named Jefery, upon Condition that he Doth with his brothers, and his and their Negroes, work Clear my Estate of Debt, and also Raise up two young negroes named Quako and Hagur. Item. I Give and bequeath to my well beloved Son, Little ton Eborn, my plantation on the South Side of Matchapungo Creek with Two Hundred and Forty four Acres of Land, being the lower half of the sd. Land, and half the Cattle of the Stock on the South Side of ye Creek, and one young horse which I bought of John Paretree, and one negro boy named EUjah, to him and his heirs forever. Item. I Give to my well beloved Son, WUliam Eborn, one Mesage, plantation or track of Land, lying on the North Side of ye above sd. Creek, between my land and Henry Eborns holden by a bond under the hands of Thomas Barrah, George Barrah and Zacheria Barrah, bearing Date ye 19th. of July, 1753, To him and his heirs for ever; and one negro boy named Quock, to him and his heirs for ever, and one black Mare which I bought of William Winly and her Encrease. Item. I give unto my well beloved Daughter, Elizabeth Eborn, one negro Girl named Hagur, to her and her heirs Law fully begoten of her body, and if She Die without Issue, then the Said negro Girl Return to my heirs; and one mare Colt and her encrase. Item. I Give and bequeath to my weU beloved Son, Aaron North Carolina Wills. 181 Ebom, Two hundred and forty four acres Land on the South Side of ZMatchapongo Creek, binding upon Thomas Barrah's line, To Mm and his Heirs for ever; and one negro boy, Named Ishmeal, to him and his heirs for ever; and One Roan Gray Mare and her encrease. I Desire that after my weU beloved Wife, Rebecca Eborns Discease, or end of Widowhood, Then my Son, Littleton Ebom ShaU take into his possession untffi my 3'^oungest Son arive to the age of twenty one years, my negro woman Jane, and Divide her and her encrease between my four youngest CMldren, be it to them and their heirs for ever. Item. I Give and bequeath unto my weU beloved Wife, Rebecca Ebom, a third part of aU my Goods and Chattels wMch I have not Given, to her and her Heirs for ever. Item. I Give and bequeath aU the Rest of my Gods and Chattels to be equaUy Di-vided between my five ChUdren. I Desire that my Son, Wiffiam Ebom, may be kept under the care and Tusion of his brother James Ebom, untffi he arive to the age of Eighteen j-ears and then to possess his Estates, not bargaimng or Seffing without the ad-vice of his said Brother; and I Desire that my Son, Aaron Ebom, may be under the Care of his Brother, Littleton Ebom, untffi the Age of eighteen years, then to possess his Estate, not bargaining or Seling without the advice of his brother. I Do hereby make, Constitute and ordain my two Sons, James Ebom and Littleton Ebom, Executors of this my Last WiU and Testament, and I Do hereby Revoke aU other Wffi or WiUs, Testament or Testaments, and I do hereby publish, Declare and pronounce this to be my last -wffi and Testament. Whereunto I have set my hand and fixed my Seal, This first Day of October, 1753. Nathaniel Ebone (Seal) his ^^ ISEEAL I WiNDLY. mark. her Elizabeth X Windly. mark. John Houzen. Hyde CoujfTT, ss. March Court, 1754. The last wffi and Testament of NathaU. Ebeme, Dece'd, Exffibited mto Court, and proved by the Oaths of Isreal Winffiy and John Houzen, and that they Saw the Testator, Sign, Seal and acknowledge it to be his last Wffi and Testament, and that the Tratator was of sound and Disposing Mmd and Memory at that Time. Ordered that Mr. Secretary have notice thereof. And at the same time James Ebeme and Littleton Ebeme, was QuaU fied as Executs. under the said last Wffi and Testament accordmg to Law in that Case made and pro-yided. Veria Copia, pr. Stephn. DenTvING, Dep. Clk. Cot. Copied from the Original Wffi, ffied m the Office of the Secretary of State. 182 North Carolina Wills. GEORGE EUBANK'S WILL. Noeth Carolina ss. March ye 2d., 1732 — 3, In the Name of God Amen. I, George Eubank, of Bertie precinct, and Society parish, being Sick of bodey but of perfect health, Memorey, and judgment, praise to Almighty God, do make this my Last Will and testament. Imprimis. I will and bequeath to my brother, James Eubank, and my Sisters, Elizabeth and Isabell Eubanks, aU my personaU and real Esteat in the Kingdom of Great Britain, to be Joyntly devided among them. Secondly, after paying my debets and funerall charges, I 'will and bequeat all the resedue of my esteat, excepting forty pounds. Sterling, to Thomas Whitemell, Juneor, and Twenty to EUzabeth Whitemell, Juneor, and fifteen to Martha Whitemell, and fifteen pounds, SterUng, to William Gray, Juneor; and all the resedue of my esteat as aforesd, except fifteen pounds Sterling, to WiUiam Castellaw, I 'will and bequeath to my Brothers and Sisters as aforesd., and there heirs for ever. And lastly, appointing James Castellaw, Thomas WhitemeU and John Gray, Executor? to this my last will and Testament, I do revock all other wills and testaments. In witness whereof, I have put my hand and Seall to this date and delivered it in the pres ents of : George : Eubank (Seal) his James X Bulock. mark. his John B baeton. mark. Eliz : Whitmell. No Carolina, sc. March 13th, 1732. John 'Barton & James Bulock, Two of the Subscribing Evidences to the within written Instrument, personally appeared before me and made Oath on the holy EvangeUst, That they Saw George Eubank, Sign, Seal, publish & Declare the -within Written as his Last Will and Testament, in their presence & in the presence of EUza. WhitmeU, the Other Sub scribing Evidence. Sworn to before me. Geo. Burrington. Copied from Original WiU, filed in the Office of the Secretary of State. BARWELL EVANS' WILL. In the Name of God Amen. I, BarweU Evans, being sick of Body, but of perfect mind and Memory, thanks be to Al mighty God for it. I Recommend my Soul to God that Gave it; and my Body to the Earth, to be Buried in a Christion NoBTH Cabolina Wills. 183 Manner at the Discretion of my Executors; and as toucMng such worlffiy Goods as it hath pleased God to Bless me with, I bestow in foUowing manner, to wit: Item. I give and bequeath to my weU beloved Daughter, Sarah Evans, all the Land and plantation whereon I now Uve, •with aU ye Appurtenances and Pri-viliges thereunto belonging, offiy exceptmg as foUows: My WiU is that my weU beloved Wife have ye Use of ye Land and Plantation and aU pri-vUiges thereunto belonging tiU my Daughter, Sarah, comes to age or Marries; and then, that ye Land, Plantation be Eqffilly de-vided betwixt my said Wife and Daughter Sarah, -with all PrivUiges deuring my WKes Ufe, ye Houses offiy excepted, wMch my wffi and pleasure is that my wKe have ye use of aU the Houses on my sd. Plantation deuring her LKe, and after her Desease, I give it Hole and Intire to my said Daughter, Saroh. I likewise give and bequeath to my said Daughter, Saroh evans, forty Acres of land on ye South side of. the creek whereon I Uve, Joimng the Above bequeath Land, with aU the benefits and privileges thereunto belonging. Item. I give and bequeath to my well beloved Daughter, Susanah Evans, aU that Land and Plantation whereon Thomas Brantly now Uves, lying up Evans' Creek, Contaimng two hundred Acres with aU Benefits and pri-vUUges thereunto belonging. I hkewise give and bequeath to my weU beloved Daughter, Susannah Evans, TMee hunffied Acres of Land on ye mU Creek, Joimng Edward WUUams Land, -with aU the Pri-vilhges and benifits thereunto belonging. Item. I give and bequeath to my weU beloved Wife, Sus anah Evans, the use of my Negro Man peter dewring her Ufe. Item. I give and bequeath my friend, Wffiiam Stokes, Two hundred Acres of Land Joimng ye Little Fork of Edward WU Uams Branch & miming up Edward Wiffiam's Une for ye Com pliment, Including ye Plantation whereon he now Uves, -with all ye Benefits and Privffiiges thereunto belongmg, to him and his heirs or assmgs for ever. Item. I give and bequeath my Negro Man Peter, after my Wifes decease, to my weU beloved Daughter, Susanah Evans, to her & her heirs & assigns for ever. Item. I give and Bequeath to my WeU beloved Daughter, Saroh, my negro man Isaac, & my Negro wench hannah, to her or her heirs and Assigns for ever. Item. I give and Bequeath to my weU beloved Daughter, Susanah Evans, my Negro Boy Sezar & my negro Gall cresey and my Negro Man jack, to she, her heirs and Assigns for ever. Item. I give and bequeath to my weU beloved Nefew, Jacob Evans, all my Black Smiths Tools, to Mm, his heirs and Assigns for ever. Item. I give and bequeath to my weU beloved Nefew, Ber- 184 North Carolina Wills. well Evans, Three pounds, Current Money of Vergenia, to be paid by my Executors out of my Estate. Item. I give and bequeath to my well beloved Nefew, Berwell Evans, Son of Benjamin Evans, Three pound, Current Money of Virgenia, to be paid out of my Estate as abovesaid. Item. My Will and Pleasure is, that all the Residue and remainder of my Estate, Real and Personal, be Equilly Devided betwixt my well beloved Wife, Susanah Evans, my well beloved Daughter, Saroh Evans, & my well beloved Daughter, Susanah Evans. Item. I Constitute and Appoint my Well beloved Wife, Susannah Evans, my Executrix, Also my Three Brothers, Jacob Evans, Benjamin evans and charles evans, Executors, to tMs my last Will and Testament. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and Seal, this first Day of Aprel, in the Year of our lord god, 1756. Baewell Evans, (Seal) Signed, Sealed and DeUvered in presence of: Geo. Sugg. Petee Hull. his Richaed X Hubley. mark. Beaufort County, ss. This certifies that at a court Held at Bath Town, on the second tuesday in June, Ann, Dom., 1756, Present ffis Majestys Justices: the last WiU and Testament of Barwell Evans was Exhibited into court and proved by George Sugg, one of the Subscribing witnesses thereto, who Swore that he saw the said BarweU Evans Execute the sd. Last WUl & Testam't, & that he was at the time of Sound & Disposing mind and Memory; & that at the same time he saw Peter Hull and Richard Hurley, the other Subscribing witnesses, set there hands thereto; whereupon Susanah Evans, Jacob Evans, Benja. Evans & Charles Evans, QuaUfied as Ex'ors to the sd. WiU. Ordered that the Secretary have notice that Letters Testamentary may issue. Test. Wallet Chauncey, Cl. Cur. Copied from Original WiU, filed in the Office of the Secretary of State. RICHARD EVANS' WILL. In the Name of God Amen. I, Richard Evans, Gentleman, of Beaufort County, being of a low Estate of Body, But of perfect Sound Mind and Memory,, praised be almighty God, and CalUng to Ming that its appointed for all men once to Die, Do make and ordain in this my Last Wffi and Testament, in manner and form foUowing, that is to say, I recommend my North Carolina Wills. 185 Soffi into ye hands of almighty God who gave it, and my body to the Earth, to be Decently buried at the Decretion of my Exeuctors hereafter to be named. And as to the worlffiy Goods whereof I am possest, I Give and Bequeath m Manner and form FoUowing, that is to say: 1. I give and Bequeath to my Eldest Son, Richard Evans, three negro slaves, to witt: Balam, flora & maria. 2. I Give and Bequeath to my Daughter, !Mary Evans, one moUatto Slave, and two negro Slaves, to wit: NeU and nimrod and Rue. 3. I give and Bequeath to my Youngest Son, George Evans, Three negro Slaves, to witt, Robin, and Nan and Jenny. Item. I wffi that my negros, Trinkelo, Bossen and Blanford, Judah and Bess, be and remam imffivided untUl the marriage or Lawfffi age of Either of my said ChUdren wMch first shaU happen, and then to be EquaUy Divided among my aforesd. tMee CMldren. jSIy Land lying and Being in Onslow county, on ye ZVIouth of New river, on The North side, I Give and Bequeath -to my Daughter, ]\lary Evans. My Cattle of the Neats kind, I will and Desire that they be and Remain imffivi ded untffi the ^Marraige or Lawfffi age of Either of my CMldren wMch shall first happen, and then to be EquaUy Divided among my aforesd. TMee ChUdren. My horses and mares I give and bequeath To my two Sons, Richard and George, to be EquaUy Devided Between them. To my Daughter, Mary, I give and bequeath aU my China ware and Tea Spoons; ye rest of my household Goods, Plantation tools and Provisions tc be and remame unffi'vided unteU the marraige or Lawfffi ^e of Either of my CMldren wMch shaU first happen, and then to be EquaUy Divided among my aforsd. tMee ChUdren. Lastly, I do Nominate and appomt Mr. ]\Iichael Cautanche, and my Son, Richard Evans, to be Executors to this my last Wffi and Testament. Richard Evans. Signed, Sealed, Published and Declared in the presence of us. Twenty Sixth Day of December, one thousand, Seven hundred and fifty two. Edmund Peaece. Joshua Peaece. Reading Blount. Beaufort County, ss. At a Court held for the sd. County, at Bath Town, on the second tuea day m June, 1753: Present his Majesty's Justices. This Certifies that Reading Blount, one of the subscribmg Eiridencea to the within Wffi, appeared in open Court and made Oath, on the holy Evangelists, that the sd. Richd. Evans was of sound & disposing mmd & memory at the time he executed the sd. Wffi; and that he also saw Edmond 186 North Carolina Wills. Pearce & Joshua Pearce, the other subscribing Witnesses, set their names thereto. At the same time Mich'l Cautanche, appeared in Court & QuaU fied as Exer. unto the same. Ordered that the Secretary have notice thereof. Test. Walley Chauncy, Cl. Cu. Copied from Original WiU filed in the Office of the Secretary of State. THOMAS FALCONER'S WILL. In the Name of God Amen. I, Thomas Falconer, of Chowan County, this 31st. day of Janry., 1756, being Sick & weak in body, but of perfect mind & Memory, thanks be to God for the same, & calling to Mind the Uncertainty of this Life, & the Certainty of Death, do make & appoint this my last Will and Testament, in Manner and Form following: Imprimis. I give & restore my Soul to God from whom it came, hoping for a full Remission of all my Sins thro' the Merits & Satisfaction of Jesus Christ; and my Body I leave to be decently buried at the discretion of Executors hereafter men tioned. Item. I will that my Funeral Expences, & all my just Debts be paid & discharg'd, m convenient Time after my Decease. Item. I give and bequeath to my Loving Wife, Sarah, the Plantation whereon I now live, with all the land thereunto belonging, during her natural Life, and after her Decease, I give & bequeath the aforsd. Plantation with the Land thereto belonging, to my loving Nephew, James Beaseley, to him & his Heirs for Ever. Item. I give & bequeath to my loving Wife, Sarah, two Cows and Calves, two heifers, one Bull, two Steers, all of them to be of her o'wn Choosing. I also give and bequeath her my riding Gray Mare & side Saddle, as also all my Hogs both great and small, one Loom & all the utensils for Weaving, one linnen Wheel, one Long Wheel, and all the Cards; the best bed, two pair of Sheets, one Rug & one Blanket, All of her own choice; fifteen Gallons of Malasses, all the cotton pickt and unpick't, my Chest with the Lock & Key, one Tea kettle with all its Appurtenances, with all the Earthen Ware, one Flower Sifter one Search, one Walnut Table & Table Cloth, 'with all the Knives & forks, two Red Leather Trunks, one Box Iron, four Heaters, one Looking Glass, six chairs, six pewter plates, two Dishes, two pewter Basons, two pe'wter porringers, all of her Own Choice, two Iron pots, one frying pan, two Earthen fat Pots, with all the fat in them, the Potts to be of her Own Choice. Item. I give and Bequeath to my Loving Wife, Sarah, all the wool, one Candlestick, one bible, one common Prayer Book, All the wheat, two Juniper Tubs, one Large & one small, one North Carolina Wills. 187 Stone Butter Pot, all the Provision of what Sort soever, except one barrel of Port & two Hogs to be kffi'd to discharge Capt. SUvester. I also give her all the com, two Stone Jugs, One 8 GaU. Gag, one seven Gag, 1 Bolster, two Pffiows, four towels, one Case & six bottles belonging to the Case, 1 bucket with all the Sugar m it, the Loaf Sugar, aU her wearing Clothes. Item. I give and bequeath unto Sarah Freeman, Daughter of Thomas Freeman, one Cow & CaK, and two YearUng HeKers, and tMee pound, ten Shillings, Proclamation Money. Item. I give and bequeath unto Richard Leary, Senr., of Tyrrell County, one close boffied Coat, two home spun Shirts, two WMte Shirts, one Great Coat, and my Gun. Item. I give and bequeath unto John Beasley, Son of James Beasely, 2 home spun Shirts, & one White Shirt. Item. I give and bequeath to my loving WKe, Sarah, the Hand Mill & Frame, one smaU Canoe, & my bedstead. Item. jNIy Wffi & Desire is, that aU the Residue of my Estate be sold at pubUck Vendue, and after my Debts be paid to be equaUy ffivided betwixt James Beasely, son of John Beasely, and Thomas Beasely, Son of James Beasely, and Mary Pain, Daughter of James Beasely. And I hereby appoint my Friends, Col. John Halsey, and Cornelius Leary, Executors to tMs my last Wffi and Testament, requestmg and desirmg of them to make a title to John Rowsum, his heirs & Assigns, of 100 Acres of Land, his father bought of me, beginning at the mouth of Blount Creek & running up ye Courses of ye Creek to the Head so far as to conclude 100 Acres. And I do hereby Revoke & Disannffi aU former WiUs by me made. As Witness my hand & Seal, this 31st. day of January, 1756. Thomas Falconer (Seal) Sign'd, Seal'd and Acknowledged In presence of: Robt. Beasly. Jas. Feans. Ed-wd. Robins. her Elizabeth E Rowsum. mark Whereas, Col. Jno. Halsey agreed -with me for a certam parcel of Land, bemg part of the Land belongmg to the Plantation whereon I now Uve, at the rate of five Shillings, Virginia Cur rancy, Pr. Acre, the sd. Parcel of Land bemg bounded as foUows: beginning at a Hickory & nmning 60 Pole to the River, thence East and by North, 36 Pole, thence South East by South, 54 Pole, Thence a straight line to the first Station. Now, by this CofficU annex'd &" dated the 1st. of Febry., 1756, My Wffi and Desire is, that ComeUus Leary, one of my Executors, do 188 North Carolina Wills. make a good and lawfull Title of the sd. Parcel of Land to Colo. Jno. Halsey, his His Heirs or Assigns upon his or their paying five Shill. Pr. Acre, according to the aforesd. Agreemt., and this Codicil I would have to be held & taken in as full, large & ample power & Vertue, as the WiU to which it is annexed. Sealed with my Seal, and dated this 1st. day of Februry, 1756. Thomas Falconer (Seal) Sign'd, Seal'd and Pronounced, I' Presence of Thomas Pbiece. hia John I Ceeecy mark Jas. Feas. Edwd. Robins. Chowan County, ss. April County Court, 1756: Present ffis Majesty's Justices. These may Certifie that James Francis Edward Robins, Appeared in Open Court and proved the Within Wffi in due form of Law. Then also Appeared John Halsey, Esquire, and was duely QuaUvied as Executor to the Within WiU, by taking the Oath by Law Appointed for the QuaUfi cation of Executors, and thereupon Ordered that Letters Testamentary Issue thereon as the Law ffirects. Test. Thomas Jones, Cler. Cur. Copied from the Original WiU, filed in the Office of the Secretary of State. JOHN FENDALL'S WILL. In the Name of God Amen. I, John Fendall, of Pequimons Prcinct, being very Sick and weake in body tut of perfect mind and memory, God be praysed, doe make and Ordeyne this my last Will and Testament in forme following: First, I surrender my Soul into the hands of Almighty God my maker & unto Jesus Christ my only Saviour & redeemer trusting in his merritts and prcious Death to have pardon of aU my Sins; & my Body to the Earth from whence it came to be decently Interred according to the Discretion of my Executor; And for the Worldly Estate God hath given me, I bequeath as followeth : Imprimis. I give unto my Brother, Robert Fendall, all my wearing Cloathes; And aU the rest of my Estate whatsoever, be it real or personall, in any kind whatsoever, I give to my loving Wife Elizabeth Fendall, and to her heyrs forever. And I make & Ordayne my loving Father in Law, Alexander LUUngton, Executor of this my last -will and Testament. And I revoake all former Wills by me in any wise made. North Carolina Wills. 189 In -wittness whereof, I have hereunto sett my hand & Seal, the Seventeenth Day of December, 1695. John X Fendall Signed, Sealed, published & declared (after the word LUUngton interlyned) in Presence of: John Dix. Ann Walker. Henderson Walkee. Att a Court held for the prcinct of Chowan, the first Monday in April, 1696, tffis wiU of Capt. John FendaU was proved by the Oathes of Captn. Henderson 'Walker, Mrs. Ann Walker & John Dix. Attested by Nath. Cho-wtn Cler. No. Carouna. The Hono'ble the Palatmes Court. "Whereas, Captn. John FendaU, of Peqffimons, is Deceased ha-vmg made by his Last WiU and Testament, Major Alexander Liffington, his Exec utor, a true Coppy whereof is hereunto annexed. These are to impower the said Alexander LUUngton, to Enter in and upon aU and Singffiar the Goods & Chatties, Rights and Creditts of the sd. John FendaU, and a True Inventory thereof to retum, & within one year after the Date hereof, and the Same to ffispose of as by the sd. WUl. Dated the Eighth Day of April, 1696. Thos. Harvey, Daniel Abelhurst. Francis Tomes Sam'l Swann. Recorded in Wffi Book 1, page 81, Office of the Secretary of State. BARTHOLOMEW FIGURES'S WILL. In the Name of God Amen, I, Bartholomew Figures, of Northampton County, being in Perfect sence and Memory, prased be God for it, do make tMs my Last WiU and Testament, in Manner and form foUowing, Viz: First and prmcipally, I recommend my soul to the Hands of Almighty God that gave it, hoping through the Meritorous Death and Passion of my only Sa-viour Jesus CMist to have fffil pardon and free Remission of aU my Sms; and my Body to be decently Buried by my Executors hereafter Named; and for such Worlffiy Estate as it hath pleased God to Bestow on me I Dispose of as foUoweth, Viz: Imprimis. I give and Bequeath unto my son, John Figures, One tract of Land Contaimng Two Himdred Acres, and is part of that Patent Granted to Hemy Wheelor and One Hunffied & Ten Acres of Low ground which I have taken up and a Deed taken out for the same, -with Four Hunffied Acres of Pme Woods, on the West End of that Tract which I purchased of John Bond; 190 North Carolina Wills. and likewise the after Named Negroes, Sam, Sambo, Nan, Jude; and one Case of Bottles, to him and his Heirs or Assigns for ever. Item. I give and Bequeath unto my son, Richard Figures, Two hundred and Seventy five Acres of Land, it Lying Above my Plantation and part of the tract whereon I now live and to be taken from the Islands on the pasture Side, beginning Mid way Between the Lightwood Stake and My Lower fishing place, and thence up the Island Side to the fishing place, thence up the River so far as to come a strait Course to the first Station, and to contain the Above Number of Acres (One Half Acre at Each fishing place which I desire may be thus Disposed of to my three Sons, John, Richard and Bartho'w Figures, with three Sains which I Desire be Equally Devided among*' the sons Above Named, and to be neither Sold nor leased) and to Rich ard, Two Negroes Named Ned and Harry, to him and his Heirs forever. Item. I give and Bequeath unto my Daughter, Robekak Derring, One Negro Girl called Sal, to she and Heirs and As signs, And likewise One Negro Boy Named Ben, I lend the Use of During her life, and if She deceased without Issue, to fall to my Lawful Heir. Item. I give and Bequeath unto my Daughter, Mary Mosson, one Negro Girl Named Jenny, and one Boy Named Dick, to she and Heirs for ever. Item. I give and Bequeath unto my Son, Bartholomew Figures, the plantation whereon I now live, and all the land in the two Patents Except what is above given, and like-wise Three Hundred Acres of pine Woods to be laid of part on the North end and part on the Southend, to be laid of by my son, John and Richard Figures; and three Negroes Named, George, Natt and Annaca; and One Bed and furniture as it now Stands, and three pe-wter Dishes, 6 plates and six spoons, and one Iron pot and frying pan, and three Cows and Calves, to him and his Heirs and Assigns for ever. Item. I give and Bequeath unto my Son, Joseph Figures, One Survey of Land whereon he now lives and Money to take out tho Deed, and likewise one Hundred and twenty Acres on the South side of Old tree Swamp, joyning to that whereon he now lives; with two Negroes Named Jemmy and Hanner, and to Cows and Calves and one Heifer, to him and his Heirs and Assigns forever. Item. I give and Bequeat unto my Son, William Figures, Seven Hundred acres of Land which is the Remainder part of parcel of Land Which I purchased of John Bonde, and three Negros, Peter, Jacob and Lucy, and one feather Bed and fur niture as it now Stands, and three Cows and Calves, and three pewter Dishes, Six plates and Six Spoons & Iron pot and one pan, to him and his Heirs and Assigns forever. North Carolina Will,?. 191 I give and Bequeath unto EUzabeth Lewis, My Daughter, Two Negroos Named Sal and Jenny, to She and Heirs and Ass. forever &c. Also I leave my son, John Figures, and son, Bartholomew Figures, whom I do likewise Constitute, make and Ordain my only and Sole Executors of this my Last wffi and testament, and Desire that the remainder part of my Estate may be thus Dis (Over leaf Brought forward) Disposed of that the Other part of my Moveable Estat not mentioned to be EquaUy Di-vi ded, by these four men or any tMee of them to EquaUy Di-vide it Among my CMlffien then Uvmg; and 'M-y wffi is that these tMee men shaU offer every ChUd his part AUotted for him or her, and on the refusial of the Same to be taken and Divided amongst the rest of the CMldren, and he Qffite Excluded from any part or Right thereof; the men Named, Wm. Sherrod, Wm. Taylor, Joseph Dew and Charles Dew; and I also give my Son, John Figures, the liberty or L'se of aU the Said Negros aU intire as the now are to finish the Crop now begun. And I do likewise Desire that their be no Appraisment nor Sale made cf my Estate, but Divided as above mentioned, and my Desire is these my Exec'rs do see that the above Legacies and Shares be EquaUy Divided & Disposed of as heretofore mentioned. And I do hereby Utterly DisaUow, Revoke and ffisannuU all and every Other former Testaments, Wills and Legacies, Bequests and Executors, by me in any ways before tMs Time Named, Wffied and Bequeathed, Ratifymg and Confirming This and no Other to be my last WUl and Testament. In Witness whereof, I have hereunto Set my Hand and Seal, This the Sixteenth Day of March, One Thousand, Seven Hun dred and FKty Eight. his Babtholomew B Figuees (Seal) Mark. Sign'd, Seal'd, PubUshed, Pro nounc'd and Declar'd by the Said Bartho'w Figures, as his Last Wffi and Testament, m the Presence of Us the Subscribers, that is to Say: Joseph Dew, Ijurant Chaeles Dew j William Sheeabd John Dew. Be it known to all Men, by these Presents, That I, Barthol omew Figures of the County of Northampton, Planter, have made and Declared my Last will and Testament in Writing, Bearing Date the Sixteenth Day of March, 1758. I, the Said Bartho'w Figures, by this present Cofficil do ratKy and Confirm my Said last Will and Testament; and do give and Bequeath 192 North Caeolina Wills. unto my Son, John Figures, One Copper StiU, Cap and Worm and pump and likewise the Benefit of all the Crop now made, for paying my Debts, and likewise all the Cash and proclamation Money in hand or Due to me to be kept for this Service; for paying the Levies and Quitrence now Due. And Likewise I give and Bequeath unto my Son, Bartholo mew Figures, One Brass Bottle, A Whip Saw and One Cross Cut Saw; And my Will and Meaning is, that this Codicil or Schedule be Adjudged to Be a part and Parcel of my last Will and Testament, and that all things therein Mentioned and contained Be faithfuUy and truly Performed and as fully and Amply in every Respect as if the Same were so Declared an Set down in my Said last WiU and Testament. Witness my hand this the Nineteenth day of March, 1758. his Baetholomew B Figuees (Seal) ' Marke, Signed (Ut Supra) Joseph Dew, Jurat, Chaeles Dew, Jurat. WiLLIM Shebbad. No. Hampton County, ss. July Court, 1758, The -within written WiU of Bartholomew Figures, Deceased, -with the Codicil annexed, were Exhibited into Court and severally proved on the Oath of Joseph Dew & Charles Dew, two of the subscribing witnesses thereto; at the same time John Figures and Bartholomew Figures were Qualified Executors thereof; which on motion was Ordered to be Certified. Test. J. Edwards, Cler. Cur. Copied from Original Will, filed in the Office of the Secretary of State, JOHN FONVIELLE'S WILL. In the Name of God Amen. I, John Fonvielle, of Craven County and province of North Carolina, Being in perfect mind and Memory and CaUing to Mind my Mortality do make and ordain this my Last Will and Testament in Manner and form following: (That is to say), Imps. I give and Bequeath unto my Loveing son, John Fonvielle, two Hundred and forty Acres of Land where he now Lives, and a Hundred and Twenty two Acres of land Between Isaac Fonvielles And Arthur Blackman, and a Lott of Land in Newbern Town kno-wn by the no. 6 Except that part is in my Yard; and I give my said son, John, the front of the said Lott where Mrs. Hay's Now Lives; and also three negroes, (viz) Tim, Simon and RacheU, And two Beads, and Thirty five pound weight of pewter, with the House Furniture and my Riphell Gun which I delivered to him at his going to House Keepmg, to him, his Heirs and Assigns for ever. North Carolina Will.s. 193 Item. I ^ve and Bequeath to my Loveing son, Wiffiam Brice Fon-vieUe, Six Hundred and Forty Acres of Land, where he now DweUe, and a Lott of Land in Newbem Town, known by the No. 5, Except that part that is m my Yard where my two Houses Stands -with the pailUng between his house and mine, In cludmg the Shopp and L've Oaks as the pailUng of my Yard now Stands, being of John's Lott Excepted; also, I give my said son the front Lott of No. 5, Joyning to my son John's front Lott and tMee Negroes, (-viz.) Joe, Sam and Dma; and two Beads, and thirty five pound weight of pe-wter, and that house and furniture wMch I Delivered to him when he went to keep house, to him, his Heirs and Assigns for ever. Item. I give and Bequeath unto my Loveing son, Francis FonvieUe, five hunffied and Ten Acres of Land where he now Lives and a Lott of Land m the Town of Newbem, where Mr Buckston now lives, known by the No. 7, as m the Deed or plan of said To-wn, and TMee Negroes (-viz) Abram, Tom, and DoU, and thirty five pound (pound) of pewter, and a gun, and a bead and, his House Furffiture DeUvered to him when he went to House Keeping, Except the Lott, to him his Heirs and Assigns for ever. Item. I give and Bequeath unto my Lovemg son, Fred erick Fon-vieUe, the Land where he now Lives (Except the Eastermost side of the Branch that De-vides myseK and him, wMch I Reserve for my beloved wKe, Mary FonvieUe, Durmg her Widdowhood and and Then to be His), and also a piece of Land I have taken up Between Mr. Comelis Land and the said Land, and a Lott in the Town of Newbem, where Sigley formerly ffid Live, and a Bead and fumiture, & Thirty five pound weight of pewter, and a gun, and tMee Negroes, (viz) BuU, Grace, and Quacko, and sum House Furniture all DeUvered But Negro BuU and the Lott, to him, his Heirs & Assigns forever. Item. I give and Bequeath unto my Loveing son, Stephen FonveiUe, five Hunffied Acres of Land where he now lives on New River, and part of my Lower Tract on Stone Bay, to begin at the Lower part, so up the River HaK way, so to Run the Course of the Patent tffi It comes to the Road and not to Cross the Road that goes to Mrs. Walters, so that Lower part to be my said son Stephen, and I give unto my said son, Stephen, that HaK Lott of Land m Newbem Town, that Mrs. Snead formerly Lived on, and -with a Straight Course to Hatches Line, being that where Henffiick ffid Live on; and I give my said son, Stephen, a Bead, a Gun and tMee Ne^oes (Viz), Robin, Jenny, and Southey, and the Furniture I DeUvered him when he went to keep house, to him, his Heirs and Assigns for ever. Item. I give and Bequeath unto my Lovemg Son, Jeremiah FonvUle, Seven Hundred and Seventy Acres of Land on the 13 194 North Carolina Wills. Mouth of Stone Creek, where I am aBuilding, and the upper part of the Lower Tract on Stone Bay to Run Down the River Half way, and then -with the Course of the Patent till it comes to the (road) Road that goes to Mrs. Walters, and so -with the Road till it comes to Mrs. Walters at the Corner tree; also a Bead and furniture, & all the tools on The said Plantation, and a gun, and all the Hoggs and Cattle Belonging to The said place and five Negroes (viz), Charley, Muck, Priss and Isaac, and also part of a Half Lott in the Town of Newbern, Begining at the Stone that Devides Samuell Hatch and him, so with the Course of the said Lott till it comes to Stephens Line, and also my Yard and Houses, Being the two peices I Excepted out of John's Lott and Brices; and Thirty five pound wieght of pe-wter, to him, his Heirs and Assigns for ever. Item. I give and Bequeath unto my Loveing Daughter, Mary Hatch, two Half Lotts of Land in Newbern "Town, which I have given a deed for, and posession of the same, and two hundred Acres of Land on the North side of Nuce River, and Samuel Hatch Hath sold it to my son Francis; and I also give my said Daughter, two Negroes (viz), Sipp and PhiUis, and thirty five pound weight of pewter, and a Bead and furffi ture, aU Delivered at her Marrage to her, her heirs and Assigns for ever. Item. I give and Bequeath unto my Loveing Daughter, Eliz- Hatch, a Lott in Newbern To-wn, by the West gate as No. in the Deed of the sd. Lott and in the Plan of the said Town; and three Hundred and Sixty Acres of Land in New- hanover County as per the Patent; and three Negroes (viz), Amey, Will and Pegg, and Thirty five pound weight of pe-wter, and a Bead and Furniture, aU Delivered at her Marrage, to her, Her Heirs & Assigns forever. Item. I give and Bequeath unto my Loveing Daughter, Ester Fonvielle, a Lott in Newbern Town Joyning Mrs. Shin gleton, known by the No. in the Deed of the sd Lott and plan of the said Town, and four Negroes (viz), Moll, Joe, Beck and Abram, and a Bead & Furniture, and Thirty five pound weight of pewter, to her, her Heirs and Assigns forever. Item. I give and Bequeath unto my Loveiijg Grand Daugh ter, Elizabeth Fonvielle, Daughter of Frederick Fonvielle, one Negro named Silvey, to her, her Heirs and Assigns for ever only reserving the use of the (said) Said Negro Silvey, unto my Beloved Wife, Mary, During her Widdohood. Item. I Leave unto my well beloved wife, Mary, the use of the plantation where I now Live the East side of the Spring Branch with Liberty of pasterage as far as the Little gate by the Road, During her Widdowhood and no Longer; I also leave her the Use of three Negroes (viz), Dunk, Sarah & Pa tience, during her Widdowhood; I also give unto my well North Carolina Wills. 195 beloved wKe, the Bead and fumiture that she & I Beded when we were Married, and also thirty weight of pewter which she is to take her first Choice out of my pewter in the house, & two potts; a frymg pan, also my Mare, & Six Cows & Calves, and tMee Sows & piggs, and one Table & a Tea Table, haK a Dozen of SUver Tea Spoons & tea Tongs, a sett of Tea Cups & Saucers, & a Tea kettle, aU these to be DeUvered to her by my Executors without trouble & have a qffiet and peaceable possesion tffi her Marrage or Death, Then said Land to be Frederick Fonveffies, and the tMee Negroes to be EquaUy De vided amongst aU my CMlffien; the Negroes to be vaUed or Sold & the Money De-vided. Item. I give to the Church m Newbem, twenty pound, proclamation money; and it is my wiU & D&sire that aU my Lands not already Disposed of & aU moneys, Cattle, Horses and Hoggs, and aU my plantation tools and Household Fur ffiture, and all the Rest & Residue of my whole Estate that is not already Bequeathed (Except Jeremiah to have his Choies of a horse & Mare), Except a horse CaUed Forister and that sd Horse to be sold toward paying my debts, and also Easter to have a Mare, and my -wKe to have a years pro-vision of Either sort of Meat & aU the Rest & Residue to be EquaUy De-vided among my ChUffien, or theirs, after my LawfuU Debts is paid. And I do Nommate & Appomt my Loveing Sons, John Fon vieUe, Wiffiam Brice Fon-vieUe, and Francis FonvieUe, Execu tors to tMs my Last Wffi & "Testament, hereby Revokmg aU other wills heretofore by me made. In Witness whereof, I have hereunto Sett my hand & Seal tMs 25th Day of January, m the Year of our Lord, one thou sand, Seven Hunffied and Seventy tMee. John Fonvielle. (Seal) Signed, Sealed, pubUshed & De- clard in the presence of: John Tuenee. William Ballabd. Isaac Esleck. The last wUl and Testament of John Fon-ville, hereunto annexed, was proved before me this twenty seventh day of January, 1773, by the Oath of Isaac Esleck and WUUam Ballord who swore that they saw the Testator sign, seal, publish and declare the same to be and contain his last WiU and Testament, and that at the time thereof he was of sound disposmg Mmd and Memory. And John FonvieUe, WilUam Brice FonvieUe, and Francis FonvieUe, Executors therem named, ha-vmg taken the Oath appomted for their QuaUfication. It is Ordered that Letters Testamentary issue thereon accordmgly. Jo. Martin. The Annexed last Wffi and Testament of John FonvieUe, Deceased, is Recorded ffi the Clerks Office of Craven County, this 10th. September, 1773. By Chhis'r Neale C. J. C. Copied from the Original Wffi, ffied m the Office of Secretary of State. 196 Noeth Caeolina Wills. MARY FORTSEN'S WILL. Whereas there is a patent Granted unto mee, Mary Fortsen, -wife to Freffiick Fortsen, for a ffivident of twoe thousand acres of land for mee, my heirs or assignes, ye said Land Lying & being att Paspetank, of w'ch divident there is disposed by ye Said Fredrick Fortsen & my Self nine hundred Acres, my right title and intrest of w'ch I doe by these presents assigne & sett over unto my Said Husband, to enable him to give biUs of Sale for ye Same nine hundred Acres of land. Now, know yen. That I, ye said Mary Fortsen, being Sicke, yet having my perfect senses, considering ye cartainty of death & ye uncertainty of ye houre thereof, I comitt my Soule Unto God Almighty; & my body to ye Earth whence it came; De siring to dispose of ye remainder of ye said divident of land beinge elleaven hundred acres; I doe by these presents, give & bequeath unto my son, Theo philus Fortsen, all ye Said P'cell of Elleaven hundred Acres of Land, to have & enjoy ye Same after, ye decease of my said Husband, for my will & intention is y't my Said Husband shall enjoy ye same during his life. But if ihy said son shall come to dye before my said husband, then he to dispose of ye sd. land according to his pleasure. And it is also my intention & -will, y't if my said husband shall think fitt to dispose of any part or p'cell of ye sd. land, it shall be lawfull for him to doe it. Soe yt the proceed thereof be imployed in Cattle for & to ye behoofe of my Said Son, The ophilus Fortsen. Provided allwaise yt. if it shall please God to send me safely delivered of ye child I goe wth, all yt ye same shall have Equall Share -wth ye said Theophilus. In 'witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & Seale, the 20th day of June, 1663. Maby Fobtsen. (seal) Testrs. ye marke I of Jno. Laweence. ye mke W of William Emly. ye mark O Elizabeth Rosy. ye marke 0 of Ellinoe Wadell. Recorded ye 15th novemb'r 1665. Test. Thomas Harris Cie: Co. Copied from Original Will, filed in the Office of the Secretary of State. Noeth Carolina Wills. 197 JOHN MARTIN FRANCK'S WILL. In the N-\me of God Amen. I, John Martm Frank, of Craven County, in the provmce of North Carolina, bemg in good health of Body and of sound and perfect mmd & memory, praise be therefore Given to God, doe make and ordain tMs my laste 'wffi and testament m manner and forme foUowmg: that is to say, first and prmcipaUy, I Commend my soffie to almighty God that Give it me; and my Body I Commit to ye Earth to be decently buried at the discretion of my Executors heare after Named, and as toucMng the Disposal of such tem poral Estate as it hath pleased God to bestow me I Give and dispose thereof as followeth: First, I 'wiU that my Just Depts and funeral Charges be paid and satisfied. Item. I lend and bequarth to my lo'ving 'wKe, Se'vU Frank, one plantation caUed by ye name of Chinpin, 'with foure hun ffied Acors of Land, moore of less, for and Imuren her Natural LKe, and after her discease to My son, John Frank, to him and his heairs for Ever; Uke wise, I lend and bequarth to mj^ lo'ving wKe tMee Negrous (to 'wit). toney, and Rachel his wKe, and fiUes, one feather Bead and pare of pffiers, one pare of sheets, one Rug, one Blancit and Boulster, and after her disease to fall to her heairs la'wfuUy begotmg of her Body 'with me. Further, I Give to my lo'vmg -wife wKe, one pare of Curtins, and twelve Cowse and Calves, the fifth Parte of ye dry Cattle, haK of ye hogs, ye fifth parte of ye Sheep. Like wise, I Give to my lo-ving wKe, one sorrel horse Named brass, one wMte maire branded with G K, and Colte, and an Equal parte of ye Depts that is Come in after my LawfuU Depts is paid, and one lite Gray horse CaUed friday Branded M F; Uke wise, I Give to my lo-vmg wife, two small spinning wheales and one Grate spin- nmg Wheale, and one smale BeU mettle sMUet one Large Cop per Cittie I Bought from Celley, and one beU mettle Mortor, and one potrack, one SUver peper box, and one Gray horse. Item. I Give and bequarth to my Son, Edward Franck, TMee Negrows (to wet), Bungy, antoney, and tom; and twelve Coues and Calves, an Equal parte of the dry Cattle after my beloved wKe, Se-vU Franck, has her parte out, one feather Bead, one Rug, one pare of Sheets, one Boulster. Like wise, I Give to my Son, Edward Franck, tMe youse and one Ram, and one SUver Wach he has Rec'd akidy. Further, I Give to my son, Edward Franck, one Maire Called plesant, one Bay horse CaUed frolUk, and one horse CaUed Bay, and and an Equal part of my Depts that is Due to me after my beloved wife, SevU Franck, has her share out, and aU my lawfffil Depts is paid, and an Equal parte of ye moveable that is to be soffid 198 North Carolina Wills. After my beloved -wife, Sevil Franck, has her shere out of it; one Warnote Dask. Item. I Give and bequarth to my son, John Franck, Three Ne grow (to wet), tobey, farow; and one feather bead, Boulster, Rug, one pare of sheets, one silver wach, one silver Wach that I sente-out with Mr. Godfree to be mended, and one Clock, and an Equal parte of ye Drie Cattle, and twelve Coues and Calves, an Equal parte of ye Sheep after my beloved wife, (-wife) se-vil Franck, has her share out, and one mare and Colte Called flie, and Equal parte of ye Deapts that is Due to me after my law- full Depts is paid and my beloved wife has her share out, an Equal parte of ye hogs, and an Equal parte of ye Movables after my beloved wife has her share out, and two plow horsis, one Gray horse and one Bay horse. Item. I Give and bequarth to my Daughter, Susanna Franck, Three Negrows (to wet), James and his -wife Cate, and Jack, and twelve Coues and Calves, and an Equal parte of ye Drie Cattle, one silver spoone, and an Equal parte of ye Sheep after my beloved wife, sevil Franck, has her share out, and one feather Bead, one pare of sheets, one Rug, one Boul ster, one pare of pillers, and an Equal parte of ye Depts that is Due to me after my Lawfull Depts is paid, and an Equal parte of ye Movables, an Equal part of ye Land that is to be sould after my beloved wife has her share out, and ye first Choice of all ye young horses. Like-wise, I Give to my Daugh ter one young maire that Came of plesent, one little War- note Dask. Item. I Give and bequarth to my Daughter, sevil Franck, two Negrows (to wet), little Cate and Samboe, one feather Bead one pare sheets, one Boulster, one pare of pillers, one Rug and one silver spoone, and twelve Couse and Calves, and an Equal parte of ye Land that is to be sould after my Lawfull Depts is paid, and Equal parte of all ye Movables; like wise, I Give to my Daughter, Sevil Franck, ye second Choice of ye young horsis and one young maire Came of Bon ney, and an Equal parte of ye sheep after my beloved Wife has had her out, and an Equal parte of all ye Movables. Item. I Give and bequarth to my Daughter, Barbara Franck, two Negrows (to wet), little Rachel, little pater, Twelve Couse and Calves, one silver spoone, one feather Bead, one Rug, one pare of sheets, one Boulster and an Equal parte of ye Drie Cattle, an Equal parte of ye Movables after my beloved -wife has her share out, and an Equal parte of my Deapts that is due after my law depts is paid, and an Equal parte of ye land that is to be sould, and one young maire three years ould. Item. I Give and bequarth to my Daughter, Cathrine Franck, two Negrows (to -wit), Joseph and Sammuel, and Five North Cabolina Wills. 199 hunffied Acors of land, moore or less, lying upon ye North side of trente River, Joimng unto ye Land CaUed Chmpin, Runnmg up ye Crick to ye Complemmt. Like wise, I Give to my Daughter, Cathrine Franck, twelve Couse and Calves, and one feather Bead, and one Rug, one paire of sheets, one Boulster, and one sUver spoone, an Equal parte of ye Drie Cattle after my beloved WKe has her share, and an Equal parte of the movables, an Equal parte of ye Land that is to seU after aU my lawful Depts is paid, and one young maire Abought two or tMee yeare offid. Item. I Give and bequarth to my Daughter, Mary Wors ley, one Negrow man (to wet), Johnno, and an Equal parte of ye Drie Cattle after my beloved Wife, SevU Franck, has her share out like wise, I Give to my Daughter, Mary Wors ley, six hunffied and forty Acors of upon wme swamp, Com moffiy CaUed James Marchels plantation, and an Equal parte of Depts that is Due after my Lawfffi Depts is paid, and an Equal parte of ye Land that is to be sould after my lawfffil Depts is paid. Item. I Give and bequarth to my Daughter, Elizabeth Harrold, one Negrow man (to wet) Hector, and an Equal parte of ye Drie Cattle, and an Equal parte of the Depts after my beloved wKe, Se-vil Franck, has her share out, and an Equal parte of ye Land that is to be soffid after my LawfuU Depts is paid. Item. I Give bequarth to my Gran CMlffien, that is, John Worsleys CMlffien, Every one of them, one two years old hef fer apease. like Wise, I Give and bequarth to my two Gran- cMldren, Thos. Harrolds, Every one of them, one two yeare offid heffer apease. Lastly, aU the Rests and Resedue of my Estate, Both Reale and parsonal, my wiU is that it be sould and ye money Arise mg therefrom to pay and satisfie my Just depts And funeral Charges, and the surpluss money ariseing by the sd. soale to be Equailly Devided betwen my loving WKe, sevU Franck, and my ChUffien before menchened, (to wit) Edward Franck, John Franck, susanna Franck, Se'vU Franck, Barbara Franck, CatMme Franck, Mary Worsley, Elisabeth Harrold; and I appomt my lo'ving WKe, Sevil Franck, my son, Edward Franck, and my loving frind, Frederick Isler, my Executrix, Executors of this my Last will and tastamente, heareby Revokmg all other and former wiU and testamente by me heareto fore maid, RatKying, aUowing and Confirming these two sheets of paper to be my laste wffi and testamente. In Witness whereof, I have Heare unto seet my hand and seals, TMs Third Day of November in ye yeare of our Lord, 1744. John mabtin Franck. (Seal) 200 North Carolina Wills, Sined, sealed, published, pur- nounsed and Delivered by ye sd. John Martin Franck, to be his last will and Testament in ye presents of us: his Chbestian ce Isler. mark. Melcher Remm. Fredrick Isler. (Endorsement) Martin Franks WiU 1745. Copied from Original Will, filed in the Office of the Secretary of State. THOMAS FRY'S WILL. In the Name of God Amen. I, Thomas Fry, late of London in Great Britain, now of Bath County in North Carolina, Mariner, being well in bodily health, as also if sound & sane mind & memory (Praise be unto God) but calling to mind the uncertain State of this fleeting, transitory life, and willing to prepare for a future State against that unknown hour in which It shall please God to call me hence. Do (hereby revoking aU and all manner of former WiUs & 'Testaments by me made), make, appoint, ordain & declare this, and this only, to be my last Will and 'Testament. Imprimis. Into the hands of Almighty God I recommend my Soul, hoping for Salvation through the Merits & Mediation of the blessed Redeemer and Saviour of Mankind, Christ Jesus the Son of God. My Body I desire may be committed unto and interred after a Christian like Manner in the Earth, there to lye in Expection of the General Resurrection; And as to the Disposition of Such Worldly Estate and riches, as it has pleased God to bless me with in this World, I give, devise and be queath them in manner following. Viz., After all my Just & la'wfuU debts are duly and truly paid by my Executrix hereafter named, I give, devise & bequeath unto my honoured Mother, Elizabeth Fiy, of Milton, in Sothton, all such Effects, Goods, Interest or Moneys of mine, as now are in her o'wn hands and keeping. And all the rest and Residue of my Estate, both real & per sonal, of what nature or kind soever, in this Province of North Carolina, or wherewoever else, It, or any part thereof shall, or may, be found, I give, devise, and bequeath unto my true & loving wife, Elizabeth, to her & her heirs for ever. Lastly, I nominate, appoint, & ordain my aforesaid Loving Wife, Elizabeth Fry, Sole Executrix of this my last will & Testa ment. .North Carolina Wills. 201 In testimony hereof, I have hereunto set my hand and Seal, this 18th. Day of March, 1724/5. Thos. Fey. (Seal) Signed, Sealed, Publish'd and declared, m presence of: Pat. Maule. Thomas Haeding. Sabah Swann. Jno. Babta. Ashe. North Carolina, Beaufort and Htde Prect's. ss. Jan. Court, 1726. The Withm Wffi was Exhibited in Open Court, by EUza. Fry, the -withm mentioned Execrx., And proved by the Oaths of Patr. Maule and Jno. Bapa. Ashe, Two of the Subscribmg Evidences thereto, who likewise Deposed that they Saw Thomas Harffing & Sarah Swann, the other E-vi dences Sign the Same; and she likewise took the Execxs. Oath by Law Appomted. Testis. Tho. Jones. Cler. Cur. Copied from the Original WiU, ffied ffi the Office of the Secretary of State. ALEXANDER GOODLATT'S WILL. In the NAiiE OF God Amen. I, Alexander: Gooffiatt, Younger Sone to Abbottshaugh, m SterlmgsMre, in that part of ye Kingdom of Great Britain formerly CaUed Scotland, Now of North Carohna, Merch't, Doe make, Ordeyne, Constitute and declare these presents to be and Conteyne my last WiU and Testam't, hereby revokeing & makemg void aU former and other wUes or "Tes am'ts. by me heretofo e made or Declared. Impris. In case it shaU Soe happen that I shall Dye 'without Issue by my lovemg 'wife, EUzabeth Goodlatt, I Give, De'vise & bequeath unto my said Lovemg wKe, Eliza Goodlatt, All my Estate of w't Nature, Kind or qualUty soever, which is in North CaroUna, but if it shaU happen that I shall have Issue by my said Wife, then it is my wUl, true Intent & Meamng, that four hunffied pounds of my Estate in North Carolma be paid unto such Issue as I shall have by my said 'wife, at and upon his, or her, Arrivall to ye Age of Twenty Years. Itm., all ye rest of my Estate whatsoever in America, together w'th ye Sume of tMee hunffied and thirty pounds sterl. Money, Due from my bror:, James Gooffiatt, Younger, of Abbottshaugh, as appears by accoimts made up by John Cimninghame, writer, to ye Signett in Effinburgh, the Second of ffeby., 1708/9, And Deposited in ye hands of John Cunmnghame, Sone of ye above Named w'th twenty pounds Sterl. to raise & Process on ye Same, I Give, Demise & Bequeath unto ue Issue I shall have by my sd wiie to be paid, at and upon Ms Arrivall to ye Age of Twenty Years. But, m Case I shaU dye 'without Issue, then to my next of Ban. 202 North Carolina Wills. Lastly, I doe Nominate and appoint my sd. loveing -wife, EUza. Goodlatt, Sole Executrix of this my last WiU & Testam't. In Testimony whereof, I have hereunto put my hand & Seale (after erasing ye two last lynes of ye first Article) this 12th. of Octor., 1710. Alexe. Goodlatt (Seal) Sealed, Signed, and Declared In ye presence of: Eliza Hecklefield. Goenelius Ratslitt. Edw. Moseley. North Carolina. By the Honble. the Presid't, &c.. It being Certifyed to me that Alexr: Goodlatt, late of this province, Merch't, is Dead, and hath made & put ffis last WiU & Testam't in writeing, a true Copy whereof is hereunto annex'd and hath therein appointed EUza Goodlatt, widow & ReUct of ye said Alexr., his Sole Excx., These are therefore to Impower her, ye sd. EUzabeth Goodlatt, to Enter in & upon, aU & Singular, ye Goods & Chatles, rights & Credits of ye said Alexandr. Goodlatt, wherever in this Governm't to be found and ye Same into her possession to take, and a true Inventory thereof. Appraised according to Law, to returne into ye Sectys. Office within One Yeare after after ye Date hereof, and ye Same to Dispose of as by ye Said WiU is appointed. Given und'r my hand & ye Seale of ye CoUony this 1st. day of Augt., Ano. Dni., 1713. Thomas Pollock. Recorded in Will Book 2, page 4, CALEB GRAINGER'S WILL. NoBTH Caeolina, ss. In THE Name of God Amen. I, Caleb Grainger, of New Hanover County, in the Province of North Carolina, Esqmre, being in Perfect health and of Sound and Disposing mind and Memory, but knowing the Incertainty of human Life do make Ordaine and Declare this to be and Contain my Last WUl and Testament, hereby Revoking all former And Other Wills by me at any time heretofore made. Imprimis. I give and Bequeath my Soul to Almighty God, the Giver of all things, hoping at the Last day to Inherit Eternal Life; And as to Such Worldly Substance wherewith it hath Pleased God to Bless me with, I Give, Devise, And Bequeath m Manner and form following, that is to Say: I Give, Devise and Bequeath unto my Loveing Wife, Mary Grainger, and to her heirs and Assign's for ever, one fifth Part of all my Personal Estate after My Just Debts is Paid off and discharges, Except what or Such Part as I hereinafter give and Bequeath to my Daughter, Mary Grainger, which Fifth Part as aforesaid is for and in Lieu of Any Thirds or Dower, She, my said wife, May Claim out of My Estate herein Devised and Bequeathed. Noeth Carolina Wills. 203 Item. I Give, Devise and Bequeath Unto my son, Caleb Grainger, aU my Houses and Lands on Smiths Creek, and the No. Et. River on the Northermost side of the Main or Kings Road that leads frcm Smiths Creek Bridge to Blakes Ferry, wMch said Land as aforesaid, I give. Devise and Bequeath unto him, my said Son, Caleb, his heirs and Assign's for Ever, But my wffi is that my said Son shaU not seU said Land imtUl he arrives to or at the Age of Twenty five Years, wMch wUl be in the Year of of Our Lord One Thousand, Seven Hunffied and Seventy tMee, on the 20th day of April. Item. I Give, Devise and Bequeath unto my son, ComeUus Hamett Grainger, aU my Houses and Lands on Smiths Creek on the Southermost side of the ]\Iam Road that Leads from the Bridge to Blakes ferry, that is to say, aU my Lands between said Road and Air. Sam'l Swanus Land on said Creek, wMch said Land as aforesaid, I Give, De-vise & Bequeath unto my said Son, ComeUus, to him, Ms heirs and Assigns for Ever. But my wffi is that my said Son, Cornehus Harnett Grainger, shaU not sell said Land Untffi he arrives to, or at, the Age of Twenty five Years. Item. I Give, Devise and Bequeath unto my son, Wiffiam Gramger, aU that Tract of Land on the Sound wMch I purchased from Charles Harrison, where I have Settled a New Plantation, to him, My son Wffiiam, Ms heirs and Assign's for Ever. Item. I Give, Devise and Bequeath Unto my Daughter, Mary Grainger, Two Negro Wenches and what CMlffien they now have, or May hereafter have, the Names of wMch Wenches is, little Hager and Vemce, wMch Said Negroes as aforesaid, 1 give. De-vise and bequeath to my said daughter Mary, to her, her heirs and Assigns for Ever. My farther WiU is, that m Case either of said Wenches Hager of Vence should die before my said daughter comes to the Age of Seventeen of day of Marriage, that then, and in such Case my Executors shall replace such Negro or Negroes out of My General Stock of Negroes, and said Negro or Negroes, so replaced, to be a Breed- mg Wench or Wenches. Item. I Give, Devise and Bequeath unto my Daughter, Mary Gramger, one Lott of Land in Wihmngton, Contaimng Thirty feet front upon the Street, and the Common Debth of Lotts wMch I have sold upon said Street, Unto her, her heirs and Assigns for Ever; wMch said Lot as aforesaid my WUl is shall be laid off and given to her, my said Daughter, by My Executors hereinafter Named, in Such Street or Part of the Town where they thmg most Proper that is to say, where I own the Land: I also give, devise and Bequeath to my said Daughter, Mary, one Good Bed & Fumiture, two Mahogany Tables, Six Mahogany Chairs, one Large Mahogany fraimed Looking Glass, and Such of my Plate as I shall leave a List 204 North Carolina Wills. of Inclosed in my WiU; all which things as aforesaid shall be delivered to her at the Age of Seventeen Years, or day of Mar riage. Item. My Will is that My Exec'rs sell my House and Land at Masonborough for the Use of my three Sons. Item. My WiU is that my Bridge on Smiths Creek, be keep in repair and in Case of a New One being wanted that it be built out of my Personal Estate, and that the Money Arising by the Rent of the Same go towards the Victualing, Clothing & Educating my Children, and that my -wife have her Propor tion of the Same dureing her remaining My Widdow. Item. All the rest an . Res-.due of My Estate, both real and Personal, I Give, Devise and Bequeath, Unto and Between, my three Sons, Caleb, Cornelius (Harnett), and William Grain ger, to them Respectively, and to their several and Respective Heirs and Assign's for Ever, to be Equally Devided Between them, Share and Share Alike, by my Executors or the Sur vivors of them, when or as soon as my son Caleb, shall arrive to the Age of (Twenty) Twenty One Years; and in Case of the death of either of My said ChUdren, before they or either of them shall come of Age or Day of Marriage, that then, such Part of my Estate, both Real and Personal, hereby intended for such Child so dying, I give. Devise and Bequeath to the three surviving Children, to them, Their Heirs and Assign's for Ever, and in Case of the Death of any two of My said Children, before they shall come of age or Marr' age that then such Part intend (that is to say of my Estate both real and Personal) for such Children dying I Give, Devise & Bequeath to the two Survive- ing Children to them their heirs & Assign's for Eever; And in Case any Three of my Children should die before they become of Age, That then Any Part of my Estate, both Real and Personal, intended for such three deceased Children, I Give, Devise and Bequeath to the One Surviving Child, to him or her heirs and assigns for Ever. Item. It is my Will and Desire (after my Debts is Paid) that then my Executors Pay over and Deliver unto my Wife, Mary Grainger, all and every Part of my Estate herein Before given and Bequeathed unto her, and it is my Will, that my said wife have the Use of My Household goods untill my son, Caleb Grainger, is of Age, she giving Security to my Executors (if required), to return the same in good Order, all that does not fall to her share, and I hereby begg and desire my Executors to take an account of my Plate, Other furmture, Stock of Cattle &c. My farther Will is, that after my Wife has had her Share of Negores and Slaves, that then the Negroes and Slaves remaining I do hereby Order, direct and Appoint shall be kept to work together or hired, wherever or which ever, my Execu tors shall think Most Advantagious and the Money arising North Carolina Wills. 205 from their Labour and the rent of the Bridge, I woffid have laid out m board, CloatMng and Education of my CMlffien, either m this Pro-vince or wherever my Executo s May tMng most Propper, and K any Overplus Remam of the Profits Arising from the Negroes Labour, & Rent of the Bridge, as afores'd, that the same shaU be laid out in buying young Negroes to add to the General Stock, for my CMlffien. Item. It is my farther -vriU, that my WKe have the use of My Plantation tiU my Son Caleb, become of Age. Pro-vided she remains my W ddow Solong, but She is not to have it Any Longer than her Remainmg so. Lastly, I Nommate, Constitute and Appomt Maurice Moore, ComeUus Hamett, Saml. A — e and Alexander Duncan, Esquires, Executors to this my Last WiU and Testament, And My WKe, Mary Gramger, Executrix duremg her Remaining my Widdow; hereby revoakmg aU other and former Wills by me at any time heretofore made, and Acknowledge tMs, Con taining two Sheet of Papper, to be my Last Will and Testament. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal this day of in the Year of His Majestys Reign and in the Year of Our Lord, One Thousand, Seven hunffied and Sixty TMee Signed, Sealed Published and declaired by the Testator, Caleb Gramger, as and for his Last wffi and Testament m Presence of us, who in his Presence and at his request have hereunto Set And Subscribed Our Naims as Witnesses, the word (Creek) be tween the tenth & Elevent Unes from the bottom of the first Page being first intelmed and the word "ComeUus" between the Seventh & Eights Unes from the bottom of same Page interlined, and the word "Hamett" between the Sixth & Seventh Unes interlmed from the bottom, And the Naim "ComeUus" Putt m the Margin of the Same Page. The Word "Bequeath" interUned between the fifth and Sixth lmes from the bottom of the Second Page interlined, aU the above before sealing. Sam'll Green. Anth'y Ward. Joseph Stockley. Caleb Grainger (Seal) 206 North Carolina Wills. Account of Plate Left my Daughter, Mary Grainger. 1 Doz. Table Knives & forks, Silver Handles. 1 Doz. Desart Ditto Silver Handles. 1 Silver Butter Boat, 1 Do. Tea pott. 1 Ditto Milk Pot. 1 Dz Silver Salts & Shovels. 1 Silver Salver. 1 Set of Casters -with Silver Tops. 1 Soop Spoon, Silver Half a Dozen Silver Table Spoons, Tea Spoons August 23d., 1760. Caleb Geaingbb. Test. Joshua Foemee. Thos. Weight. (Turn Over) As it will be of no Real Service to my Friends, the giving of Scarfs &c (I desire that I be Buried in a Decent Manner and as a Mason), with a Plain Blacked Coffin, not Covered -with Cloth, And that my Dear and ever Worthy Friend Mr. Corn. Harnett have purchased out of my Estate a neat Mourning Ring which I begg he may wear in remembrance of his Sinciar Friend & Brother, Caleb Geaingeb. Feb'ry 16th., 1761. Be it kno-wn unto all men by these presents, that I, Caleb Grainger, of New Hanover County, in the Province of North Carolina, Gentleman, have made a declared that my Last WUl & Testament In Writing bearing date the day of in the year of our Lord, One thousand and Seven hundred and sixty three to which said will, this Codicil is annexed. I, the said Caleb Grainger, Do by these presents CodicU, Confirm & ratify my said Last WUl and do give & bequeath unto the Child My wife, Mary Grainger, is now Pregnant with whether it be a Male or a female, his, or her heirs & Assigns forever, all my Moiety of the Land on Smiths Creek adjacent to the Saw Mill & Grist MUl now buUding by my friend, Cor nelius Harnett & mysell, together with a proportionate part (with the rest of my chUdren), of my personal Estate. It is also my Will that the said Saw miU, to wit, my Moiety, be com pleated & finished by by Executors out of the Profits of my Estate; the profits arising from the said MUls, to go to the use of my Estate until the said child come of age or day of Marriage; and my will is that this Codicil be adjudged a part of my said WiU. North Carolina Wills. 207 In Witness whereof, I have hereunto Set my hand & seal this fifth day of October, in the Year of our Lord, One thousand Seven hundred & Sixth five. Caleb Geaingeb (Seal) Signed, Sealed, delivered, pub lished & Declared, to be a CofficU to the said Caleb Graingers Last WUl & Testament, (the words "his or her assigns for ever" bemg first interlmed) in presence of: ISIaby Geaingeb. ]Maegabet Douglass. Edmond Foyeb. Brunswick, Slat. Octb., 1765. Sir: This day personally appeared before His Honour, the Lieutenant Govemor, Mr. Anthony Ward, one of the subscribmg Witnesses to the Wffi of Caleb Grainger, dec'd, & made Oath on the Holy Evangelists of Almighty G!od, that he saw the said Caleb Gramger sign, seal and publish the said Wffi as for his last Wffi and Testament, & that the said Caleb Gramger was at the same time (to the best of His Knowledge and beUef) of a sound and disposmg mmd & Memory; & That he the said Anthony Ward, together with the other Witnesses, subscribed their names to the said Will m the Presence of the Testator. At the same time appeared before His Honour, Miss Mary — Gramger, subscribmg 'Witness to the CofficiU Annexed to the said Wffi, who also made Oath According to the above Meanmg ffi Respect to the said CofficiU. Also appeared at same time Mary Gramger, Widow & Executrix to the said Wffi who took the Oaths by Law Appomted for her QuaUfi cation. Lett Letters Testamentary issue thereon Accordmgly. I am;. Sir, Your most Obed't Servant. Fouxt'n El'win. Copied from the Origmal Wffi, ffied ffi the Office of the Secretary of State . JOHN GRAY'S WILL. Nobth Caeolina. ss. In the Name of God Amen. I, John Gray, of the County of Bertie, Surveyor, being m good health & perfect and sound in my mind do make & Ordmn my last WUl & Testament m manner and form foUowing: that's to say, first I Commend my soffi to God that gave it; and my Body to the Dust; as to my worUdy goods I ffistribut as foUows: Imprimis. I give and Bequeath to Anne, my lovmg WKe, tMee feather Beds and their Appurtenances, all my Houseld Furmture belonging to the lower Rooins, except one Desk, aU my pe'wter and brass Pots &c. at her own Disposal; aUso, the meal, Cattle belongmg to this Plantation, and fifteen Cows & Calves, and my Hoggs, two Horses at her choice, and a Mare and one haK of the Sheep as afors'd; aUso, the use of my Plantation were I now Uve as its bounded wt. a branch caUed 208 North Carolina Wills. Aunt Sarah's, by estimation four hundred Acres; and all the working Tools for the Plough or field; the use and labour of my Negroe Men Charles and Ned, and a woman called Sarah. I give and bequeath to my eldest son John, all and singular my Lands lying in Northampton and Edgecombe Countys; three hundred Pounds of this Currency. I do not get him a Negro man before this will's proved a negroe girl called Frank, the remaining part of my Sheep, half the Cattle on the Planta tion after his mother gits her quota, a feather bed and the ap- purtinances; a Desk in the North Room, a doz. of new pew ter Plates, ditto of Spoons, two dishes, all my bred of horses at Needhams Marsh. I give and bequeath to my son, William, my Plantation where I now live, containing by es imation eight hundred acres, begin at the broad Branch runnin i; up to a branch opisit to the Plantation knowen by the name of Aunt Sarahs, y'n runing up that Branch to the Line that Divides the Land I bought from Robert Hicks, y'n running West to the next branch, y'n down the branch to the broad branch, y'n up the broad branch to the East Line, then along that to a Pine on Cashia River side, then doun the River to the first Station, to him and his Heirs for ever. If he dies before he arives at the Age of twenty one, or has not a child living in la'wfuU wedlock, in such case the land & all I bequeath him, is to be sold by my executors by and with the consent of my Daugh ters, Anne and Barbaras husbands, if they have any, but noth ing to be disposed of before my Wifes death, nor in less than Six Months after, and after Sold the Money arising from the seal of the Land and Chatties, to be divided equally amonges my five youngest daughters. Viz: Barbara, Anne, Lucretia, Amelia & Louisa. I furhter give him a Negro Boy called Jamey, and after the Decease of His Mother, a negroe Wench Called Sarah, A Horse, two Mares, twenty Head of Cattle, my Gun and Saddle and Bridle. I give to my Daughter, Janet McKinzie, one Shilling, Ster ling, having already given Her a portion. To my Grand son, John Mckenzie, a breding Mare, to be delivered him Six months after my deceas. I give and bequeat to my daughter, Barbara, five hunffied Acres of Land lying in Bertie county, on the West Side of Cashia River, joining her brother Williams, begining at the mouth of the broad branch running 'wt. his boundarys to the Line of the survey, from thence to Thomas Turner's corner, y'n along his Several lines to make up the complement, to witt: one hundred pole along his line South to an Oak in His line, y'n East to the River, then up the River to the 1st. Sta tion; also, A Negro Girl Called "Thomasin, to Her and Her Heirs for Ever. North Carolina Wills. 209 I give and bequeath to my Daughter, Ann, and her heirs for ever, a 1 the residue of my Land lymg m Bertie County, on the West Side of CasMa river, beginmg at Her Sister Bar bara's comer, runnmg thence west to Her other, then along Thomas Turner's line South to WilUam Grigoreys corner, then along his line to the river, then up the river to the first Statione; and a negroe girl caUed Moll. I give and bequeath to my Daughter, Lucretia, and Her heirs for ever two hunffied acres of land lymg m Craven County, joyning Maffies branch, and Six Cows and Calves and a breedmg Mare upon it, and a Negroe Girl called Pat. I give and bequeath to my daughter, AmeUa two hunffied and fifty Acres of Land, lymg m the County of Bertie, m the Inffians Woods, and a negroe boy caUed Cooper, to her and her heirs for Ever. I give and bequeath to my daughter, Louisa, a negro boy called Marke, and a Negroe Girl caUed Linda. My Wffi, and I do hereby order, that six Months after the deceas of my WKe, all my negroes not here bequeathed, cattle horses or any kmd or manner of Goods whatsoever, be got together by my Executors and my ChUffien, at any time or times & to be ffivided into Six equal parts and each of my Six youngest chUffien is to have one, -viz: Barbara, Ann, William, Lucretia AmeUa and Louisa, and John and Janet is to have no share either of the Negroes left to their mother during her natural Ufe, or those not mentioned m tMs Wffi, each to have there part the day of Marriage of the girls & Boys the same. Revoking aU former Wills by me made I do constitute and appomt my lo'ving Br. Edward Bryan, and my lo-ving Nephew, Thomas WMtmeU, to be Joyn Executors, and Anne, my lo'vmg WKe Executrix, to tMs my last Wffi and testament. In wi ness whereof, I have hereunto set my Hand and afixed my seal, tMs 20th. day of September in the eighteen year of the Reign of our sovering Lord, King George, the 2d. Annoq. Domi. 1745. John Gray. (L S) Signed, Sealed and published as the last Wffi and Testament of John Gray m Presents of: David Geay. Jas. Watson, witness. Dugald McKichen. North Carolina, ss., 1750. Nov'r. 16 This day the witffin Wffi of John Gray, Deed., was proved before me. And Ann Gray, reUct of ye sd. John Gray, and Thomas WffitmeU, an Exec utrix & Executor to the sd. Wffi qualffied by takmg the Oaths accordmg to Law. Gab. Johnson. Recorded in Wffi Book 6, page 1, Office of the Secretary of State, 14 210 Noeth Cabolina Wills. FARNIFOLD GREEN'S WILL. In the Name of God Amen. I, Famifold Green, in County of Bath & Province of No. Carolina, Planter, being of a Sound & perfect memory, but Seriously Considering ye Frailty & uncertain State of ye Life at all times. Especially Especially in ye dreaffiuU times of Almighty God's Visitation by Sword & fier under which we tremble & to wch. do humbly submitt, I do make & Ordain and Constitute ys my last Will & Testament, In manner & form follo'wing, Vizt: First, I render my Speritt in ye hands of Almighty God, my Creator, stedfastly trusting in Jesus Christ, my Redeemer, for ye free remission of all; my Body to be Ijuryed after ye discretion of my Executrix hereafter mentioned. I give. Devise & bequeath all yt Tract of Land whereon my now Dwelling House stands w'th all its buildmgs Improve- m'ts & appurtenances, beginning at a Live Oak w'th Severall Forks Standing at ye upper Side of ye first long Gutt below my house, near ye Mouth of ye Gutt being w'th severall marks; thence runing up ye River to a Corner Pine betwixt me & Dawson, Esqr., Standing near a small Marsh & by ye Dawsons old Corn feild fence, & runing from ye forementioned Live Oak up ye afsd. Gutt; thence into ye woods No. untiU three quar ters of a mile from ye River be Compleated; thence by a Line run an equal Distance from ye River to ye afsd. Dawsons Line. And also, one Plantacon and all my lands Lying ye Lower side of broad Creek of ye No. side of Neus River, neer to Piney pointe & near ye mouth of ye sd. River, unto my Son, Thos. Green, & to ye heirs of his Body for ever. I Give, devise & bequeath a Plantacon, 'with a Tract of land Begining at a Live Oak neer to ye mouth of ye Gutt aforesd. so runing down ye sd. River of Neus three quarters of a mile, thence No. Cross into ye Woods half a mile, and from ye afore mentioned Live Oak No. One mile, And from there to ye End of ye Lower half mile Line, -with all the Improvem'ts & Appur tenances thereto belonging; And also, my Entry and right to one Tract of Land Lying and being on ye lower side of ye first broad Creek above Captn. Jams. Beards Creek, begining a quarter of a Mile above ye Indian landing, by Computation thence down ye sd. Creek half a mUe, with all ye Priviledges & appurtenances thereto belonging unto my Son, John Green, & to ye Heirs of Ms Body for ever; And for want of such Heirs to my Son, Famifold Green, & the heirs of his Body for ever; & for want of heirs of ye sd. Farnifold Green, to my son, James Green, & ye Heirs of his body for ever; & for want of Heirs of ye sd. Jams. Green, to my two Daughters, Elizabeth & Jane Green, & their Heirs for ever. North Carolina Wills. 211 I give, devise & bequeath a Tract of Land begining at my upper Comer Tree, on ye Creek, & runmg down ye Creek to ye first branch below the Plantation whereon his Brother, Titus Green now Lives; thence to ye fork of ye sd. branch, & thence up ye Westermost parts of ye branch to ye head a Une parale'U ye head line qffite a Cross to ye aforesaid Daw sons Line, unto him ye sd. Titus Green, and his Heirs for ever. AU ye rest of my land in Greens Neck, whereon I now Live, I Give, ffi-vise & bequeath my two Sonns, FamKold & Jam's Green, to be di-vided mto two Equall parts by a Line Drawn from ye No. Most Comer of Jno. Green's Land to ye, Vizt: the upper part to FamKold & ye heirs of his body for ever, and ye other part to James & ye heirs of his body for ever, re serving to James Egress & Regress mto ye Woods tMough FamKolds parts. And also, I give, ffi-vise & bequeath unto my Son, FamKold, One Tract of Land Lying in Green point neck on ye No. Side of Neus River & unto ye Heirs of Ms body for ever. I Give, ffivise & bequeath ye Lower survey of Land wch. I made m Greens bay of ye No. Side of Neus River to him & ye heirs of his body for ever, Provided yt in my WiU, yt In Case my Son FamKold shoffid dye without Heirs of his Body, then aU ye land hereby Divided unto him shall decend, be & remain unto my sd. Son, James & ye Heirs of Ms Body for ever; And In Case my sd. Son James shoffid dye without heirs of his Body- as aforesaid, then aU ye Land Divided unto my Sons, Farm- fold and James, shaU Descend and be, remam unto my Two Daughters, EUzabeth & Jane, & to their Heirs for ever. I Give, Divise & Bequeath unto my Daughter m Law, Ann SmitMck, one Tract of Land Lying on ye No. side Neus River, CaUed Nottingame pomts, yses: Two hunffied & fifty Acres, to her & her Heirs for ever. I Give, di-vise & queath aU ye rest of my Lands, Tenements or hereffitam'ts, not hereby before Divided I Give, ffivise & bequeath unto my Loving WKe, Hannah Green, & her heirs for ever. I Give & bequeath unto my Son, Thos. a Young black Mare branded with F G & a Young gray Horse branded with F G on ye neer Butlock, and my bullet Gun, one Feather Bed & boulter, one PiUow, one Rugg & two blanketts & two sheets. And unto my son Jno., One Negro Woman Called Filiis, one Trumpett mussell Gun, One Grey Mare ab't two Years oK, branded w'th F G on ye neer butlock. And unto my Som, Farmfold, One Bay Mare branded w'th F G & her Coiilt w'ch is now by her Side, & one half of a Sixty pound BiU of Exchange now sent to Virgima, In Order for to be sent for England, & a Couple of Cows w'th Cow Calves, & my black Gunn, to be mark'd in his proper Mark ye next 212 North Carolina Wills. Spring after my Decease; ye Guns to be deliver'd to each of them well fixt & in good Order. And to my Son, James, One SorreU Mare branded w'th F G on ye near buttock, and her Coult by her Side, & one Negro man CaU'd Nick, and ye other half of ye afsd. Sixty pound Bill of Ex. as aforsd. And my Will is yt my sons abovemention'd shall be Deem'd at full Age when they shaU arrive at ye Age of Eighteen years respectively. And to my two Daughters, Eliz. & Jane Green, I give & bequeath four young Cows w'th Cow Calves with their female Increase to mark'd in their proper marks ye next Spring after my Decease. All ye rest of my goods & ChatteUs, rights & Creditts, my Debts being pd. & funerall Charges Def ray 'd, I Give, & Be queath unto my Loving Wife, Hannah Green, whom I also make & appoint my Sole Executrix of ys my last Will & Tes tam't & utterly making Void all Wills & Testamt's by me here after made. In Testimony whereof, I have hereunto fixt my hand & Seale, this 26th. day of October, Anno Dom., 1711. (Interlined in ye 36th. Line, ye words Call'd Nottingame point). Fabn. E'G' Gbeen Sign'd Seal'd & Publish'd in ye Presence of us: Titus Gbeen. Rt. Beuce. Edwd. Beedy. (?) FiSHEE. Recorded m Wffi Book 2, page 10. EDWARD GRIFFIN'S WILL. In the Name of God Amen, The Twenty Seaventh Day of aprel, 1753. I, Edward Griffin, of the County of tyrrel, plantor, being Very Sick and weake in body, but of perfect mind and menory, -i hanks be given unto God Therefore, Calhng unto mind the mortality of my body, and Knowing that it is ap pointed for all men once to Die, Dow Make and ordaine this my Last will and testament, that is to say, principally and first of all, I Give and Recommend my Soul into the hands of God that Gave it, and my body to the Earth to be buried in Decent CMistian buriall at the Discretion of my Executors, Nothmg Doubting but at the Generall Resurrection I shall Receive the same agam by the mighty power of God; and as touching such worldly Estate wherewith it has pleased God to bless me North Carolina Wills. 213 in this LKe, I Give and Demise and Dispose of the Same in the foUowmg manner and forme: Imprimis, I Give and bequeath unto my two Soons, Edward Griffin and Wiffiam GriflSn, a sertam Tract of Land m beartey County, Lymg on a branch CaUed Croofoot branch, and Jom- mg MikeU Hills line, the Same to be EquaUey Devided be twene my two Soons at the Discretion of two persons appomted by them or my SeKe, so that each of them Ma have an EquaU part of the Good Land. Item. I Dow likewise Lend to my beloved wKe, Grace Griffin, the servis of my Negro man Roben as long as she Re mains a Widdoe, and K the Negro Shoffid prove Obstinant and Cross in the famUy, that they Can not Rffie him, that then, he shaU be sold and the moneys arismg by that Sale to be EquaUey De-vided betwene my son, Edward Griffin, and my Soon, Wiffiam Griffin, and my youngest Daughter, Ann Griffin. Item. I Give and bequeath to my Soon, Edward Griffin, my Gun and Cutlass, and one yearUng horse to his proper use for Ever. Item. I Give and bequeath to my two Daughters, one Mare CaUed the old mare to Mary and Sarah Griffin, the mare is branded with the brand 22 to their uses forever. Item. I Give to my Soon, WUUam Griffin, my Daughter, Ann Griffen, one mare CaUed the young mare male and female, to their use for Ever, Exceptmg the first Mare Colt the Young mare Rase, to Rhoda Coopers, to her proper use for Ever. Item. I Dow likewise Give to my son, Edward Griffin, one horse Colt wich Came of the mare branded 22. Item. I Give unto John Griffin, ye Soon of Sarah Griffin, one YearUng heffor to be marked for him in the Spring 1754, to Run on male and female, to Ms use for Ever. Item. I Give and bequeath to my Son, Wiffiam Griffin and Ann Griffin, my youngest Daughter, Each of them one Iron Pott. Item. I Give and bequeath to my Daughter, Elisabeth Cooper, my Loome and the Geare belongmg, to Mr for Ever. Item. I Give and bequeath unto my beloved wKe, Grace Griffin, all and Smgffier my my household Goods not aU Ready bequeathed, to hir Dispose During Mr life, and if any Remains at Mr Death, to be Equaly De-vided amongst my CMlffien, one and aU; and allso, I Give to my WKe my Ridmg horse to her use for Ever. Item. I Give and bequeath unto my two Daughters, Mary Griffin and Sarah Griffin, the Bemfit of a Note of hand of the Valew of twelve pounds, ten ShilUngs, Virgima monyy, to their sole use, bemfit for Ever, and to be paid to them by Edward Cooper in the year 1757. 214 North Carolina Wills. Ratifying and Confirming this to be my Last Will and testa ment and Dow hereby Constitute my well beloved brother, John Griffin, and Edward Cooper, to be my Lawfull Execu tors to this my last Will and "Testament and Do hereby Ut terly Disallow, Revoke and Disannul, all and Every other former testaments, -wills, Legacies, and bequests, and Execu tors, by me in any wais named. Willed, and bequeathed. Rati fying and Confirming this and no Other to be my Last -will and testament. In Witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and Seale, the Day and year above Writen. Sined, Sealed and Delivered in the presents of us: Edward Griffin. (Seal) Testis, William Gabdnee, Jurat. John Geiffin. Edwabd Coopee, Jurat. Tyrel County, ss. March Court, 1754. Then was the Within WiU Duly Prov'd in Open Court by the Oaths of WilUam Gardner, and Edwd. Cooper, Two of the Subscribing Witnesses thereto; and at the Same time John Griffin and Edward Cooper were Duly QuaUfied as Executors thereto. As the Law Directs. Ordered that the Honourable Jas. Murray, Esqr., Seer., have Notice thereof that Letters Testamentary Issue thereon Accordingly. Testis. Evan Jones, Clk. Cur. Copied from Original WiU, filed in the Office of the Secretary of State, RICHARD GRIST'S WILL. In the Name of God Amen. I, Richard Grist, of the County of Beafort, In province of North Carolina, planter, being of a weak and Lo Condition of boddy, but of a sound mind and memory Praised be Allmighty God; but Caling to mind the uncertainty of This Life, and knowing that It is apointed for all men once to Die, do make, ordain, Constitute and apoint this to be my Last -will and "Testament, That is to Say, my Soul I Bequeath to God that Gave it to me, my Bod dy I Commit to the Earth from whence It was taken To be Interred In a Christianlike maner at the Discretion of my Executors, nothing Doubting but at the GeneraU Resurection at the Last Day I Shal Receive The same again by the myty power of God; and now Touching such Worldly Goods as has been pleased God to Bless Me In this Life, Principally and first of all I do order and Desire that all my Just Debts and my funeraU Charges be fuly paid. Discharged and Satisfied, and Legeases paid, Which I Depose of In the fol lowing manner. North Carolina Wills. 215 Item. To my well Beloved WKe, frances Grist, I Do Give and bequeath the use of one feather bed and furmture, and one bay horse Caled Robm, for and During her Widoohod. Item. To my Daughter, frances NoueU, I Do Give and Bequeath one ShUling, SterUng monney of Great Britton, and no more. Item, to my Son, John Grist, I do Give and Bequeath one himffied and ffitty acres of Land at the Beginning, bemg part of a mesage or track of Land purchased by me; and one negroe man named Dublin, bemg now In the posesion of the aforesaid John Grist, and one negroe man named Dublin. Item, to Elizabeth pinor, I Do Give and Bequeath one Cow and CaK. Item, to my Grandaughter, mary Grist, I do Give and Bequeath one two year old hefer. Item, to my son Wiffiam Grist, I Do Give and Bequeath one negroe man named Quamana. Item, to my Duaghter, Elisabeth WaU, I Do Give aiid Bequeath one negroe Wench or forty pounds proclatation Money, to be paid after the Decease my Beloved WKe, afore mentioned. Item, to my son, Richard Grist, I Do Give and Bequeath my manner plantation and forty five pounds, ten Shiffings, proclation money, and one Gray horse Caled tobey. The rest, Remamder and Residue of my Estate and Worlffiy Goods, Chatels, Tenements, negroe Slaves, Cattel, house hold Goods, and aU other Goods and Chattels to me In any Wise Belonging or apertainmg, It is my wffi shoffid be EquaUy Devided Between my two sons, WUUam and Richard Grist, aforementioned. Farthermore, It is my -wffi that my Legases afore mentioned, be Justly paid, the Rest, Remamder and Residue of my Estate and Worldly Goods not Given by Legases, my Beloved WKe, frances, shoffid keep the Use During her Widoohod. I Do nommate, Chose and apomt my Beloved wKe, frances to Executrisse, and my Beloved son, WUUam Grist, and my Beloved son, Richard Grist, to be Executors of this my Last Wffi and Testament, Richard Gbist. (Seale) Sined, Sealed, PubUshed and Declared this first Day of June, In the year our Lord God Ever lasting, one thousand, seven hun ffied, fifty and two In the pres ence off: William Willis, William Laniee, "The mark X of Elisabeth Hill. 216 Noeth Cabolina Wills. Beattport County, ss. At a Court held for the said County, at the Court house in Bath Town, on the second Tuesday in March, and 13 day of the same Month, Anno Domoq, 1753. Present ffis Majesty's Justices. These are to certify, that Wiffiam WilUs, oneof the subscribing Witnesses to the witffin WiU appeared in Open Court & made Oath on the holy Evan geUsts, that he was present & saw Richard Grist Sign, Seal and Declare the within Insturment of writing to be Ms last Will & "Testament, & That the said Richard Grist was at that time of Sound and ffisposing mind and Memory; and that he also saw WilUam Lamer & Elizabeth HiU the other subscribing Witnesses, sign their names thereto at the same time. Then Wiffiam Grist & Richard Grist Exors. of the said Will appeared in open Court & Took the Oath of an Exor. in due form. Whereupon It was Ordered by the said Court that Mr. Secretary have Notice thereof that Letters Testamentary Issue thereupon as the law diiects. Test. Will Ormond Cler. Cur, Copied from the Origmal WiU, filed in the Office of the Secretary of State . EDWARD HARE'S WILL. In the Name of God Amen. I, Edward Hare, of North Carolina, in Hertford County, Being in Perfect Sence and memory, I Do make and ordain this my Last Will and Testa ment, first I Give and Recommend my Soule to God that Gave it; and my Body I Commit to the Earth to be Buried in a Christianlike manner, and I am in hopes of a joyful Resur rection; and my Worldly Goods and Estate, I Give and Dispose of in the folio-wing manner and form : Item. I Lend unto my Mother, Mary Hare, the Use and Profits of all my Lands and all my Negros, and all the Remain der Part of my Estate, Except money, for and During the Term of her Natural Life. Item. After my mother, Mary Hares, Decease, I Give and Bequeath unto my Brother, Thomas Hare, one Negro man Named frank, and one Negro man named arthar, and one Negro man Named Ben, and one Negro Boy named Jo, and one Negro Boy named Dave, and one negro Boy named Sam, and one Negro woman Named amy; and allso, all my Stock of Cattle, and all my Stock of Hogs, and all my Stock of Sheep, and all my Stock of Horses, and all my Household furniture, and a Debt that is Due to me from Colonel Benjn. Wynn. by bond, to him and his heirs and assigns. Item. I Give and Bequeath unto Mary Hare, Daughter of Thomas Hare, one Negro Boy Named nimrood, to her and her heirs and assigns. Item. I Give and Bequeath unto Wynne West, Daughter of Peter West, one Negro Girl Named Rachal, and one Par of Silver Sleave Buttons, and one Gold Brouch, to her and her Heirs and assigns. Noeth Carolina Will,s. 217 Item. I Give and Bequeath unto my Sister, mary Burges, One Negro mand Named Isaac, and one Negro Boy Named Tom, to her and her heirs for Ever. Item. I Give and Bequeath unto my Sister, ann Scost, one Negro man Named Bob, and one Negro Girl Named Daphny to her and her heirs for Ever. Item. I Give to Luke Le-wis, Son of John Le'wis, the money that is Due to me from Jesse Barnes for the Hier of a hors, the Said Barnes is to Pay one ShUling Pr. Day, Virginia money, for Evry Day he hath him in use, the said Money to be DeUv ered to the Said Luke Lewis, by my Executors hear after men tioned. Item. I Give and Bequeath unto Lucretia Hare, Daughter of Bryan Hare, four DoUars in Silver, to her and her heirs and assigns. Item. I Give and Bequeath unto Edward Bryan Hare, Son of Bryan Hare, one Gun and one Ewe and Lamb, to him and his heirs and assigns. Item. I Give and Bequeath unto John Pipken, Son of Isaac Pipken, one Gun, to him and Ms heirs and assigns. Item. I Give and Bequeath unto (Bra) Warren, Son of Joseph Warren, one Par of Pistols and Holstens, to him and his heirs and assigns; and also one Brinded Three year old Heffer to him and his heirs and assigns. Item. I Give and Bequeath unto Eff Lewis, Son of John Lewis, one Red TMee year old Heffer, to him and his heirs and assigns. Item. I Give and Bequeath unto John Mffier, one Large Dressed Buck Skeen and ^Pounds Proclamation Money, to him and his heirs and assigns. Item. I Give and Bequeath unto Edward Warren, one Large Church Bibel, and one four year old Stear, to him and his heirs and assigns. * * * (tom) Bequeath unto my Brother, John Hare, one SUver Tancard, to him and Ms heirs and assigns forever. Item. I Give and Bequeath unto MUls Le'wis, Sone of John Lewis, Two SUver DoUars, to him and Ms heirs and assigns. Item. I Give and Bequeath unto Wiffiam Warren, Son of Edward Warren, Deceased, Two * * * (tom) DoUars, to him and his heirs and assigns. Item. I Give and Bequeath unto Phiffip Lewis, Son of John Le-wis, Two SUver DoUars, to him and his htrs and assigns. Item. I Give and Bequeath unto John Gatteleen Two, SUver DoUars, to Mm and Ms heirs and assigns. Item. I Give and Bequeath unto Isaac Pipken, one Pistol in Gold, and one Brown HoUand Coat, to Mm and his heirs and assigns. 218 North Carolina Wills. Item. I Give and Bequeath unto Jesse Barnes, Two Silver Dollers, to him and his heirs and assigns. Item. I Give and Bequeath unto Francis Speight, Son of Joseph Speight, Tenn Shillings Cash, to Mm and his heirs and assigns. Item. I Give and Bequeath unto Henry Speight, Son of Joseph Speight, Teen Shillings Cash, to him and his heirs and assigns. Item. I Give and Bequeath unto John Goodman, Son of WiUiam Goodman, Two Silver DoUars, to Him and his heks and assigns. Item. I Give and Bequeath unto Benjn. Wynne, Junr., Teen Pound Proclamation Money, to him and his heirs and assigns. Item. I Give and Bequeath unto Solomon King, forty Pistreens Silver, to him and his heirs and assigns. Item. I Give and Bequeath unto William West, Son of Peter West, Two Pounds, Proclamation money, to him and his heirs and assigns. Item. I Give and Bequeath unto my Brother, Thomas Hare, one Large Trunk and Small Trunk, and all that is in them, to him and his heirs and assigns. Ite. I Give and Devise unto my Brother, Thomas Hare, all may Land With all its appurtinances to him and his heirs and assigns for Ever — and also I Give and Bequeath unto my Brother, Thomas Hare, all the Remainder Part of my Estate, to him and his heirs and assign forever. Lastly. I Constitute, make and ordain my Brother, Thomas Hare, my Soul Executor of this my Last Will and Testament. I hear by Revoke all other former Wills Executed by me any ways before this time Named, and Confirming this and no other to be my Last Will and Testament. In Witness Whereof, I have hear unto Set my hand and Seal, this Sixteenth Day of May, one Thousand, Seven Hunffied and Seventy Two. Ewd. Hare. (Seal) Signed Sealed and Pronounced and Delivered by the Said Edward Hare as his Last Will and Testa ment in the Presence of us: Interlined befor Signed Solomon King. John Lewis. Isaac Pipkin. Edwabd Wabeen. North Carolina. New Bern, 22d. AprU, 1777. I, Richard CasweU, Esqr., Governor, &c., of the State of North CaroUna, Do hereby Certify that Isaac Pipkin, one of the Subscribmg Witnesses to North Carolina Wills. 219 the withm last Wffi & Testament of Edward Hare, Deceased, this day appeared before me and being Swom upon the Holy Evanjelist Ddeclared, that he saw the Testator si^. Seal, publish & declare the said Writing to be & Contain his Last Wffi & Testament; that he also saw Solomon King, John Lewis and Edward Warren, Sign as concuring Witnesses with him, but that he cannot declare the Testator was of Sound Mind; that John MiUer was present when the said Wffi was executed, who bemg also Swom declares that He verily beUeves from many circumstances wffich he mentioned that the said Edward Hare was at the Time of the execution of the said Wffi of Sound & Disposmg Mind & Memory. Thomas Hare also appeared & QuaUfied as Executor to the said Wffi. The Secretary is therefore required to issue Letters Testamentory Accord ingly. Rd. Cas-well. Copied from Original WUl, ffied m the Office of the Secretary of State. JOHN HARRELL'S will. In the Name of God Amen, the Eight day of November, 1755. I, John HarreU, jun., of Bertie County, in the Provmce of North Carolina, being Very Sick and Weak m Body but of Perfect mind and memory, thanks be to God therefore. Calling to mind the mortaUty of my Body, and Knowing that it is appomted for aU Men Once to Die, do make and Ordam tMs my Last Wffi and Testament, that is to Say, PrmcipaUy, and firet of aU, I Give and Recommend my Soffi mto the hands of God that gave it; and my Body I recommend to the Earth to be Buried in a Decent Christian Burial at the Discretion of my Executor, nothin Doubting but at the General Resur rection to Receive the same again by the mighty Power of God; and as ToucMng my Worldly Estate, I Give, Demise and Dispose of the same in "The foUowirig Manner and form: Imprimus. I Give and Bequeath to my WeU beloved Son, George HarreU, to him and his Heirs for Ever, One Negro boy Named Cato, and one Mare and Two Colts, and one horse and TMee Cows, and Two Calves, and "TMee Two Years old Heffers, and One Year Old Steer, and all the Hoggs that Are of his Mark, Except two Grown Sows, aU WMch Creatures are CaUed Ms. I also give and Bequeath to the Above said George HarreU, to him and Ms Heirs for Ever, a Certain Peice or Parcel of Land lying between Thomas WilUams and John Rhodes, beginning at a Pme my Own and Thomas Wiffiamsis Comer, then along a line of Marked Trees To John Rhodses Comer, Near a Place known by the name of Rhodses hogg Pen, then along Rhodes's line a Cross the road to a Comer of Rhods's, then along Ms Une td a Read Oak John Rhodes's Comer, and formerly was Robert McClarys Comer, then along Rhodes's line to the Center of TMee WMte Oaks near Burks branch, then along my Une and Thomas WUUames to the first Station, Contaimng One Hunffied and TMrty five Acres, more or Less. 220 North Carolina Wills. Item. I Give and Bequeath to my four Sons, Vizt: George, and Jesse, and Elisha, and Benjamin, to them and their Heirs for Ever, a Certain Peice of Parcel or Land lying in the Low Grounds of the river, Beginning at a Gumb in a Swamp, kno-wn by the Name of Conaquina Swamp, then along Norflets road to a live Oak in the Marsh to Norflets line, then along Nor flets line to James Bro-wns Corner, then along Browns line to the Swamp aforesaid, then up the Water Course of the sd. Swamp to the first Station, Containing One Hundred Acres, more or less, to be Equally Divided Between my four sons aforsaid, at their Coming to Age, Item. I Give and Bequeath to my Three Sons, Jesse, and Elisha, and Benjamin, to them and their Heirs for Ever, a Certain Peice or Parcel of Land beginning at Thos. Williamses and Nicholas Skinners, then along Williamsis Line to a Pine Williams's and my Corner, then on the North side of Cashi, then along the afsd. George Harrells line to John Rhodes's Corner, then along Rhodes's line to Samuel Andrews's Line, then along Andrews's Line to James Bro'wns and my Corner, then along Browns and my line a White Oak On the North side of Cashi, James Browns Corner, then along Bro'wns and my line to my Corner, a White Oak, then along my Old Patent to against James Seays Corner at a White Oak in a New Patent line of mine, then along the said line to my Own and James Seays Corner in Richard WUliams's Line, then along Williams's Line to John Glasses Corner, then along Glasses line to little John Harrells Corner, then along Ms Line to Nicholas Skinners Corner, then along Skinners line to the first Station, Containing Seven Hundred and Seventy five Acres, more or Less, to be Divided Between my Three Sons aforesaid after the following Manner: to Jesse HarreU a Peice of Land binding On James Seays's Line, then along my line to James Browns line, then along my line and Bro'wns aCross the WiUow branch to the North side, then a line of Marked Trees from the aforesaid Branch to a Place known by the name of the Saw Scaffold, from thence a Continued Line of Marked Trees to a Pine, a Marked Tree, standing John Glasses line, then Down Glasses Line to Richard Williams's Line, then down Williams's line to James Seays, aforesaid, Containing Two Hundred and Twenty Acres, more or less; To Elisha HarreU, a Peice of Land Binding on the aforesaid Jesses line, then along my line and James Browns to a White Oak, Browns Corner then, along a line of Marked Trees to a Place known by the name of John Skinners Spring, in the Mill branch, then Down the Water Course of the Branch aforesaid to Nicholas Skinners and Little John Harrells Corner, then a' ong my line and John Harrells aforesaid to John Glass's Lme, then along Glass's line to a Pine the aforsaid Jess's Corner in Glass's Lme aforesaid, Containing Two hundred and Twenty North Carolina Wills. 221 Acres more or Less; To Benjamin HarreU, my Plantation on Where I now Uve & aU my Land joyning to it. Except What I have already Disposed of to my TMee Sons aforesaid, Con taimng TMee Hunffied and Thirty five Acres, more or Less. Item. I leave my MiU and all my Land joyffing to it for the use of my four Sons aforesaid, and K my Ibcecutors and my Sons that is of Age shaU at any time thmk it Proper that the said MUl and land Shoffid be sold, that my Executors shaU Act in BehaK of my Sons WMch are not of Age, and shaU seU the said Mffi and Land, and K Either Peice of land wMch I have left to my "TMee Sons, Vi^t: Jesse, EUsha, and Benjamin shaU Prove or be thought by my Executors not so Good as the Other two, or K any Two of the aforesaid peices shaU Prove not so Good as the Other one, that they shall be made up to an Equal Value out of the money WMch the aforesaid Mffi and land shall be sold for. and K any of the Money afsd. shall be left, to be EquaUy Di-vided Between my WKe and all my ChUffien. Item. I Give and Bequeath to my four Sons aforesaid, to them and their Heirs for Ever, aU my Smith's Tools, and neither of them shaU buy or SeU their Part of them tffi they shaU Come to Age. Item. I give and Bequeath to my Son, lessee, to him and Ms Heirs for Ever, my Negro man Sam, and one Bed and fumiture, and One Young mare, and Two Cows, and Calves, and aU the Hoggs that are CaUed Ms Hoggs, and One Iron Pot. Item. I Give and Bequeath to my Daughter, Mary, to her and her Heirs for Ever, one SmaU Black mare and Colt, and One Bed and furmture, and tMee Cows and Calves, at the Day of her Marriage, and one Iron Pot. Item. I Give and Bequeath unto my Son, Elisha, to him and his Heirs for Ever, One Bed and fumiture, and four Cows and Calves, and five Sows and Pigs, And One Iron Pot, and one Young likely Mare of "TMee or four Years Old. Item. I Give and Bequeath to my Son, Benjamm, to him and his Heirs for Ever, One Negro Boy named Ned, and one Bed and fumiture, and four Cows and Calves, and One Likely Young horse of Three or four Years Old, and five Sows and Pigs, and one Iron Pot, and the Second CMld that my Negro Girl Jude shaU bring. Item. I Give and Bequeath to my Son, George, to him and his Heirs for Ever, The first CMld that my Negro Woman PhiUis shaU brmg, and one Bed and Fumiture, and One Rffied Gun, and One Iron Pot. Item. I Give and Bequeath to my Son, jesse, to him and Ms heirs for Ever, the Second ChUd that my Negro Woman PhiUis shaU Bring, and my Old Gun. Item. I Give and Bequeath to my Son, Elisha, to him and his Heirs for Ever, the first ChUd that my Negro Girl Jude shall bring, and my Negro Woman PhUlis. 222 Noeth Carolina Wills. Item. I give and Bequeath to Daughter, Mary, to her and her Heirs for Ever, my Negro Girl Jude. Item. I lend unto my WeU Beloved Wife, Mary, aU my Land and Negroes and Stock and household Goods during her natural Life, after her Decease, to be Equally Divided between aU my ChUdren at the Discretion of my Executors, I also, Constitute, make and ordain my Son, George HarreU, and my Brother, Jesse HarreU, and my Brother, Israel Hardis HarreU, and Richard WiUiams, Thomas WUUams and WiUiam Anffiews and John Rhodes, my Sole Executors of this my Last Will and Testament, and Every thing mentioned in this my Last Will and Testament to be fffily settled and Determined by my afore mentioned Executors, and I Do hereby utterly Disalow, revock and DisanuU, all and every other former Testament, WiUs, legacies, and Bequeaths and Executors by me in any Ways before named, Willed and Bequeathed, ratify ing and Confirming this and no Other to be my Last WUl and Testament. In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal, the Day and Year above Written. Jno. Haeeell (Seal) Signed, Sealed, Published, Pronounced, and Declared by the sd. Jno. HarreU, as his Last WUl and Testament in the Presence of us the Subscribers: Thomas Williams. William Andrews. his John Z Skinnee. mark Bertie County, ss. Jany. Court, 1756. The Before Written Wffi Was Exhibited into Court by Jesse HarreU and Israel Hardy HarreU, Two of the Executors therein Named, and Proved by the Oaths of WilUam Andrews and John Skinner, Two of the Subscribing Witness's thereto, and at the same time the said Executors were Qualifyed &c, Wffich was ordered to be Certifyed. Test. Benjn. Wynns, CUs. Cur. Recorded in WiU Book 7, page 164. JOHN HARRELL'S WILL. Noeth Cabolina, Beetie County. In the Name of God amen. I, John HarreU, of the County and Province aforesd., being of Body but of Perfect and Sound Mind and Memory (Thanks be to God), Do make. Ordain, Constitute and Appoint this my last Will and Testament, Hereby Revokmg and Disannulling aU others heretofore by North Carolina Wills. 223 me made, & this offiy to be made & held as my last Wffi and Testament, in manner and form foUowing &c*: Imprimis. I Leave to my Beloved WKe, Grace HarriU, Duremg her Natural IKe or Widowhood, the Use of the Planta tion whereon I now Uve, & aU the Land thereunto Belonging, and aU my Stock of Horses, Cattle, hoggs & Sheep, & aU my Houshold furmture & Plantation utensils; and the use of the foUowing Ke^oes, (to wit) Patt, Bett, Rachel, Sambo, Jemmy, Jenny, PhiUis, & Jack, and after her Decease or Marriage, to be Given & Di-vided m the foUowmg Legacies. Item. I Give and Bequeath to my Son, Jesse Harril, his heirs and Assigns for ever, the Plantation whereon I Now Uve, and all the Land thereunto belonging, and two Negroes (to wit) Patt & Jack. Item. I Give and Bequeath to my Son, David HarreU, his heirs and Assigns for ever, the Plantation whereon he now Uves, Containing One hunffied & Sixty Acres, being part of the Tract of Land I bought of Mr Thomas Barker, and One Ne groe Girl Nam'd Filiis. Item. I Give & Bequeath to my Son, Josiah Harrill, his heir? & Assigns for ever, the Plantation whereon he now lives, containing One hunffied & Sixty Acres, being part of the Tract of Land I bought of Mr. Thomas Barker; and One Negroe Wench Named Bett. Item. I Give and Bequeath to my Son, Ezekiel HarriU, his heirs and Assigns forever, the Plantation whereon he now Uves, Containing One hundred & Sixty Acres, bemg part of the "Tract of Land I Bought of Mr. "Thomas Barker, and One Negroe Boye Named Jemmy, and aU the Cattle that is of Ms Deceas'd Brother Hardys Mark. Item. I ^ve and Bequeath to my Grandson, Esias HarriU, son of Esias HarreU, Dece'd, the Plantation whereon Jona than Spivey now Uves who married the Widow of the said Esias HarrUl, Deceas'd, it being part of the Tract of Land I Bought of Mr Thos. Barker, WMch sd. Land I give to my sd. Grandson, Esias HarriU, his heirs and Assigns for ever. Item. I give and Bequeath to my Grand Daughter, Sarah HarriU, Daughter of I^ias HarreU, Dec's'd, one Negroe Girl named Jenny, offiy, Reservmg that my Grandson, Esias Har riU above Mentioned, shaU have the first CMld that the sd. Negroe Girl Jenny brings and Raises to the Age of Two years old. and m case my said Grand Daughter, Sarah Harrill, ffie without LawfuU Issue of her Body, then my Wffi and Desire is that the said Negroe Girl Jenny and he Increase, faU to my sd. Grandson, I^as HarriU, his heirs and assigns forever. Item. I give and Bequeath to my Grand CMlffien, the CMlffien of my Son, John Harrffi, Deceased, the Sum of Thirty Pounds, Virginia Currancy, to be paid after the Decease of 224 Noeth Carolina Wills. my Wife, Grace, and then to be Equally Divided among them, share and share alike. Item. I give and bequeath to my Grand Chilffien, the Chilffien of Sarah Wilhams, Dec'd, the Sum of Twenty four Pounds, Virginia Currancy, to be paid by my Exors. after the Decease of my Wife, Grace, and then to be Equally Divided between my sd. Grand Child'n Share and Share aUke. Item. My WUl and Desire is that my Two Sons, David & Josiah Harrill, Pay the above Sums of Money to my Grand Chilffien above Mentioned, and that my son, David, for Paying his part of the Money shall have one Negroe Girl named Rachel, for which he is to pay Thirty Pounds Virgima Money, & my Son Josiah shall have One Negroe Boy Named Sambo, for which he is to pay Twenty four Pounds, like money, offiy in Case the sd. Negroes or either of them shall die before my Wife, Grace, dies then, and in that Case, the sd. Money is to be paid out of my whole Estate, and my sd. Grand Children shall allow a Proportionable abatement with the Rest of my Children. Item. I give and Bequeath the use of my Copper StiU, to my four Sons, only, that they shall still all their Mother Liquor during her life, and after her Decease, I give the sd. Still to be Equally Divided Between my said four sons & their Heirs. Item. I give and Bequeath my whole Estate that is not above Given in Legacies, After the Decease of my Wife, Grace, to be Equally Divided Between my four sons, lessee, David, Josiah, and Ezekiel HarriU, and there Heirs & Assigns forever. Lastly, I Nominate, Constitute & Appoint my three Sons, Jessee, David, & Josiah HarriU, Executors to this my last Will and Testament. In Witness whereof, the sd. John HarrUl hath hereunto set his hand and Seal, the first Day of November, Anno. Dom., 1756. John Harrell. (Seal) Sign'd Seal'd PubUshed & De clared by the sd. John HarrUl, to be his Last Will and Testament in Presence of us: Witness. Wm. Williams. Edward Toole, Jurat. JoNATHN. X TooLE Ms mark, Jurat. Memorandum, Octr. 10th., 1758. Whereas, in this my Will above Written, I have not given any Legacies to EUzth. Spivey, formerly -wife to my Son, Esias Harrill Deceas'd, nor to Thomas Williams, who Married my Daughter, Sarah Harrill, now Deceas'd, nor to Mary Harrill, now widow of my son John Harrill, deceas'd; But what I North Caeolina Wills. 225 intended for my said Deceas'd CMlffien in case they had Uved, I have given to my Grand CMlffien, the Children of my said Deceas'd CMlffien above mentioned and I do by these pres ents Declare that it is my Will and Desire that Eliz. Spivey, Thomas Wffiiams nor Mary HarriU shall have no part of my Estate of any Kind mentioned m this my last Wffi and Testa ment above written. John Haeeell. Witness. Wm. Williams. Edwabd Toole, Jurat. Jonathan Toole, Jurat. Behtib County, ss. AprU Court, 1759. The Annexed Wffi and Testament of John HarreU, Deed, with the CofficU thereto, was Exffibited mto Court by Jesse HarreU and Josiah HarreU, two of the Executors therem appomted, and Proved by the Oaths of Edward Toole and Jonatham Toole, two of the Subscribmg Witnesses thereto, and at the same time the same Exors were dffiy Qualifyed. Wffich was Ordered to be Certifyed. Test. Benjn. Wynns Cler. Cur. Copied from Original Wffi, ffied m the Office of the Secretary of State. , JOHN HARRIS' WILL. In the Name of God Amen. I, Jno Harris, m ye County of Albemarle, in ye precmct of Chowan, in ye province of North CaroUna, planter, bemg sick & weak m body, but of perfect sound mind & memory. Doe make this my last wffi & Testi mony, revokemg aU other wiUs, verbal or writemg, made before by me. I Commit my Soffi To almighty God that Gave itt me; & my body to ye Dust from whence itt came, to be De cently buried accorffing to ye rffies of ye Christian burial, in fuU & certam hopes of ye Glorious resurrection att ye last day; & as for aU my personal & real Estate wch itt hath pleased God to Endew me withaU I bequeith & bestowe as followeth, after my Debts is paid & my funeral Expences is Discharged. I Give & bequeith unto Harris, ye Son of Sarah Tmer, ye plantation whereon I now DweU & aU ye land belongmg to itt, after my wKes Decease, when he shaU Come to ye Age of twenty one years, to Mm ye sd. Harris, & to ye heirs of his Body lawfully begotten for ever, not to SeU any part or parcel w'tsoever, Likewise, I Give unto Harris, ye Son of Sarah Tiner, my Gunn & also my proper marke after my Decease, which is a crope & Slite m ye right year & a swaUow forke in ye left yeare. I Give & bequeitt unto Wiffiam, ye son of Sarah Tmer, two plantations leymg on ye head of Machacomack Creek, call by ye najne of ye holes, with all ye land thereunto belongmg, 15 226 North Carolina Wills. to ye sd. WilUam, & the heirs of his body la-wfully begotten for ever, to be possessed when he shall Come to ye Age of twenty one years, not to Sell no pt. nor parcel of it w'tsoever; & if any one of these Sons of Sarah Tiner, Either Harris or William, Dye before they Come to ye Age of twenty one years without heirs of their Body la-wfully begotten, then it is my Desire ye land of him that Dyes Shall to Sarah, ye Daughter of Sarah Tiner, for a legace to ye said Sarah & to ye heirs of her body lawfully begotten for ever; & K ye said Sarah, ye Daughter of Sarah Tiner, Dye without heirs lawfully begotten, then ye land to fall to ye son that's living & to ye heirs of his body lawfully begotten for Ever. Like-wise, I Give unto Sarah, ye Daughter of Sarah Tiner, one young Gray mare runing in rockahock neck, with all her Increase, to ye sd. Sarah & her heirs for Ever. I Give & bequeith unto Sarah Tiner one plantation & all ye tract of land belonging to itt, lying in Rockahock neck, is nowne by ye name of Jno. fryers, to ye sd. Sarah Tiner & her heirs for Ever; & as for my personal Estate, my stock & housall Goods I bestow as followeth: I Give & bequeith unto my loving wife, Mildred Harris, ye one half of my Estate During her life; & all ye rest of my Estate moveables & Immoveables, I Give & bequeith as legace unto Harris & William, ye sons of Sarah Tiner, to be equally & farely devided between them ye sd, Harris & WU liam when they Shall arive to ye age of Eighteen years. & I Doe here Impute Constitute & appoint my true & Trusty friends, Jno Mixon & Sarah Tiner, to be my whole & Sole Exectr. & Extrx. of this my last -will & Testamt. As wittness hereof, I have fixed my hand & Seal this 16th(?) Day of December, 1711. John X Haeeis Signed Sealed & DeUvered in ye p'esence of us : Edwabd E Ratchet. John X wells. Maby M Tinee. Recorded m Wffi Book 2, page 48. HUMPHREY HARRINGTON'S WILL. In te Name of God amen, ye Second Day of November, in ye year of our Lord, 1713. I, Humphrey Harrington, of North Carolina, in perquomons Precinct, Black Smith, being very sick & weak in body, but of perfect mind & memory, thanks be Given to God therefore, calling to mind ye mor- Noeth Carolina Wills. 227 taUty of my Body & knowing it is appointed for men once to dye, doe make & ordain this my last wiU & Testament, that is to say principaUy & first of aU; I Give and recommend my Soffi into ye hands of God that gave it, hopeing tMough ye Merits, Death & passion of my Sa'viour Jesus Christ To have fffil & free pardon & forgiveness of aU my sins, & to mherit Everlastmg Ufe; And my Body I commit to ye Earth, to be decently buried at ye discretion of my Executrix hereafter named, nothing doubtmg but at ye Genii, resurrection I ShaU receive ye same again by ye mighty power of God; & as touch ing such worlffiy Estate as it hath pleased God to bless me with m this Ufe, I demise & dispose of ye same in ye foUowmg man ner & forme, that is to say: I -wffi that aU those debts & duties as I doe owe in right or Conscience, To any manner of person, or persons, whatsoever shaU be weU & truely contented & paid, or ordained to be paid, m Convement time after my decease, by my Executrix here after named. I Give & bequeith unto my daughter, Ann, my Plantation that I now Uve on, with one hunffied and twenty of land, & to ye heirs of Body lawfuUy begotten, & She to be posesed at ye age of Sixteen years. I Give & bequeith Unto my daughter in law, Ann Majour one hunffied & twenty acres Joymg to ye aforesd. Plantation of a Tract of land of 340 Acres, & to ye heirs of her body law fuUy begotten. I give unto Elizabeth Major, whom I have taken to be my wKe, whom I like-wise Constitute, make & ordame my onely & Sole Executrix of tMs my last wffi & Testamt., by her freely to be posses'd & enjoyed, & I doe hereby utterly disallow. Revoke & disannffi aU & every other Testaments, wffi & leg aces beqts. & Exts. by me m any ways before this time named, wUled & bequeithed, RatKying & Confirming this & noe other to be my last wffi & Testament. in witness whereof, I have hereunto Set my hand & Seal, ye Day & ye year above written. Humphrey Haebington. Signed, Sealed, published. Pro nounced & declared bye sd. Hum- pMery Harrington, as his last wffi & Testament in ye presents of ye Subscribers, Vizt: Richaed Moeeis. Feancis P. Thomas. Recorded in Wffi Book 2, page 18. 228 Noeth Caeolina Wills. THOMAS HARVEY'S WILL. In the Name of God Amen. I, Thomas Harvey, of ye County of Albemarle, in ye Province of North Carolina, Esqr., being of sound and perfect memory, but considering ye un certainty of this life, Doe make and Publish this my Last WiU and Testament as followeth, Viz: I Humbly render my Soul unto Almighty God my Creator whensoever he shall in Ms Mercy call me out of this transitory life, Stedfastly belee-ving ye free remission of my Sins tMough ye pr'tious Meritts of Jesus Christ my Lord and my Redeemer; And my Body I give to ye Ground from whence it was taken, decently to be buried at ye discretion of my Executrix hereafter named. And I doe hereby appoint and make my beloved Wife, Sarah Harvey, Executrix of this my last -will and testament. WiUmg that all my just Debts be paid as soon as possibly may be after my death; And ye rest of my Personal Estate, I give one tMrd part to my Sd. Wife, and ye rest to be devided between my Son, Thomas Harvey, and my Daughter, Mary Harvey; And if it shall happen that my Sd. Wife, shall after my decease bear to me a Child, my Will is that Such my poshume Child shaU have equal share of ye two thirds of my p'sonel estate w'th my son and Daughter above named; and my will is that ye parts or portion above bequeathed to my Children, shall be paid to them respectively, -viz: to my Son or Sons at ye age of twenty one yeares, and to my daughter or daughters at ye day of their Marriage or age of twenty one yeares, w'ch shaU first happen ; and if it shall hapen that one or any of my Chilffien shall depart this life before ye time hereby appointed for the recei-ving of his or their part or portion above mentioned then I Will that the Survivor or Survivors Shall have ye Whole; and if all my Chilffien die as aforesaid, then I Give all my p'sonel Estate to my said loving WKe, Sarah Harvey. Ite. I give, Devise and Bequeath my Land and plantation which I purchased of Roger Snell, and my land called Faulks Point, containing in all five hunffied acres of land, w'th ye appurtenance, lying upon Pequimons River, in ye County aforesaid, unto my Daughter, Mary Harvey, and to ye heirs of her Body for ever, and for want of Such heirs to my Son, Thomas Harvey, and ye Heirs of his Body for ever, and for want of Such heirs to siich issue as is hereby appointed. Item. I give, Devise and Bequeath my plantation whereon I Uve w'th five hunffied acres of Land thereunto adjoying, w'th all and Singular, ye appurtinances unto my Loving Wife, Sarah Harvey abovenamed, for and During the 'Terme of her naturall life, and I wUl that the houses and fences thereupon be Kept in good and Sufficient repair. North Caeolina Wills. 229 Item. I Give, Devise and Bequeath my Plantation CaUed ye Quarter, w'th aU my land not Bequeathed and the Remainder of ye Plantacon and land whereon I Live, to my Son, Thomas Harvey, & to ye Heirs of his Body for ever, and for want of Such Heirs to my Daughter, Mary, and the heirs of her body for ever. And rf it shall happen that there remain none heires of ye body of my said son or Daughter then I give. Devise and Bequeath aU my lands and temements above said (reservmg to my WKe her estate for Ufe as is above mentioned), unto ye next heirs of my own body K any Such ShaU be. And for want thereof to my Nephew, "Thomas Harvey, Son of my Brother, Richard Harvey, late of London, Currior, and to ye Heires Male of his Body for ever; and for want of such heires to his Brother, John Harvey, and ye Heires Male of his body for ever; and for Want of Such heires to ye Eldest Son of my Brother Robert Harvey, of ye Heath in Sinter field Parish, m Warwick Shire, and to ye Heires male of his Body for Ever; and for Want of Such heires to his next eldest Brother and the Heires male of his brother; and for want of Such heirs to ye next Brother m like manner, and K noe Brother remain to ye next heir Male of my Sd. Brother, Robert Harvey, forever, (and) And it is my WUl that K I shall have more CMldren than my Son and Daughter w'tMn mentioned, then my personal estate to be devided equaUy between my WKe and ChUffien. And I doe Give to my Sd. Lovemg WKe, Sarah, my SUver Tankerd over and above her part of my personal estate. And I Doe hereby make void all wills by me formerly made. In testimony Whereof, I have hereunto Sett my hand and Seale, ye 31 day of March, Ano. Domi., 1696. Thomas Haevey, (Coat of Arms on Seal) Signed, Sealed and Published in presence of: Signum Heney HA Noeman Robeet Fendall. John Pleet, W. Gloveb. Item. A Cofficil. I do make & appoint CoU. Wiffiam Wilkinson, Executor in my room as I am an Executor unto the Estate of John Harvey, Esqr., deceased, and this I do ordain to be my last wffi to be joyned to the above, written March 23d. Ano Dom., 1698/9. Thomas Hae-vey (Coat of Anns on Seal) Signed and published in the presence: Richd. Feench. Ruth Lukbe. November, y't 2d, 1699. The CodfficeU proved by the Oaths of Mr. Rich. French & Mrs. Ruth Luker before mc. Hjinderson Walker. Copied from Origtnal Wffi ffied in the Office of the Secretary of State. 230 Noeth Cabolina Wills. THOMAS HARVEY'S WILL, Nobth Caeolina, ss. In the Name of God Amen. The 10th. Day of ApreU, in ye year of our Lord, one Thousan, Seven hundred & Twenty mne. I, Thomas Harvey, of ye precinck of perquimens & Pro'vince of North Carolina, Gent., Being of perfickt mind & memory. Thanks be to AUmitey God. Thare fore, Calling unto mind ye Mortality of my Body & kno'wmg yt it is apointed once for aU men to Dye, do make & ordain this my last Will & Testement, yt is To Say, Principally & ferst of aU, I Recomend my Soul into ye hands of God yt Gave it; & my Body I Recomend to ye Earth to be buread m a Decent & Cristeon maner, at ye Des cration of my Exetors. Hareafter named, nothing Doubting but Genarll. Resuration, I shall Receive ye Same aGain by ye Power of AUmitey God; and as Touching Such Worldly Estate where'with it hath pleased God to bless me with in ys. Life, I Give & Demise & Dispose of ye Same in ye following maner & Forme : Imprimis. I will & Desire yt as Sune as my Death, all my Just Debts yt in vwite or Conchinnces I owe To Eney person or persons be Deschard. & payd, with Justes. Item. I Give to my Dear beloved wife, Elizabeth Harvey, ye one thuerd part of my personell Estate, to be Equally Taken out of ye Hole, both in quantity & Qualety of ye Same, after all my Just Debts are payd. But all Legeaseys to be payd out of ye other Two Thurdes of my Estate. Item. I Give to my Beloved 'wife aforesaid, my Negro Man Called Jamey. Item. I Give To my beloved Wife aforesaid, My Plantation whareon I now Live, dureing her Natrall Life & at hur desse., To be Injoyd by my soun, Thomas Harvey, and his aires for Ever. My WiU is, That ye Said Thos. Harvey, shall not be debard or hindread from bulding or leivmg on Eney Part of ye Lands so Sune as he Shall arive to ye Age of Twenty one yers, Ye Clear'd land & Dweling house Exceptd. Item. I Give To my Soun, Thomas Harvey, my Negro Boy, Callead Ned, and my Negro Gall, Called Dinear, to be Injoyd by him & his ares for Ever. Item. I Give to my Soun, John Harvey, my Negro Boy, called Frank, and my Negro Gall, called Marey ann, To be Injoyed by him & his ares for Ever. Item. I give to my Son, Benjn. Harvey, my Negro Boy CaUead Willcock & my Negro Gall Callead Hannah, To be injoyd by him & his ares for Ever. Item. I Give to my Soun, Miles Harvey, my Negro Boy CaUead Jack & my Negro Gall Called filles, & my Negro GaU Callead Pegg, To be inJoyed by him & Ms ares for Ever. North Carolina Wills. 231 Item. I Give To my fore Souns, namely: Thomas, John, Benj'n. & MUes, My fore plantions or Pasealls of Land; To my Soun Thos. Harvey, My Plantion whareon I now Uve, after Ms Mothers Desese as above said. To be in Joyd for Ever; To my soun, John Harvey, My Plantion, Callead ye Quarter, with ye Lands beLoing thare to, To be mJoyd by him & his ares for Ever; To my Son, Bejn. Harvey, my Plantion CaUed Foleks Pmt, 'with the Lands belonging thareto, To be Injoyd by him & his ares for Ever; To my Soun, Miles Harvey, all my Lands on Chowan River, Ung in Rockahock neck, ye lands I Bought of Samuel Woodard, To be InJoyd by him & Ms ares for Ever. Item. I give to my Brother, MUes Gale, of Boston, in Newengland, one Quarter or forth part of the Slupe Called The two Brothers, whare at this Time I own TMee partes & he one. Item. I Give To Each of CoUo. Robad Wests Dafters, wMch he had by my Sester, marey Harvey, Namely: Mathe, Sarey & Marey, one Gold Ring, To Each of them, to ye valey of fortey Shillings Each. And I like'wise Give to my two Sis ters, Elizabeth Clayton, and Penelopy LetteU, WKe of Mr. Willm. LetteU one Gold Rmg apes, or fifty Shillings each. Item. I Give to The CMlffien, or so many of them as is now Li'vmg, Belongmg to ye WKe of James Settersen, & ye Wife of WiUm. "Tetterten, fortey ShUUngs a pese, or to ye Valey of ye Said Money m what my Exceters. hareafter named ShaU Tink fitt. Item. I Give to John Cole, Soun of John Coles, of Nances- mun m Virieny, one tree year old Hores. Item. I Give to Josway Wherey, Soun of Antoney Wherey, one Bed and Fumeture, To ye Valey of Tenn pounds. Item. I Give to EUzabeth Wherey, Dafter of Antoney Wherey, one feather Bed, To ye Valey of Ten pounds, & Ten pounds m Current Money of North CaroUna. Item. I Give one Hunffied Pounds, Cunent Money of North CaroUna, To be EmpUd & Lade oute for ye youse & benefett of ye pore & pore CMlffien belomg to ye precmck of Perquimons, Such as are Mentanead by ye paresh Excepted out. But ye money to be Ametadatly Layd out at ye Descretion of my Excetr. hareafter namead, but to ye youse aforesaid. Item. I Give To Mr. WUhn. LetteU of North CaroUna, & my Friend, CoUo. Edward Moseley, & my Friend, Mr. Thos. PoUock, & To Each of Them, one Gold Rmg a pesese to ye Valey of Ten pounds, Cunant Money of North CaroUna, Each Ring to be purehed out of my Estate by my Excetrs. hareafter named. Item. I Give aU ye Rest & Residue of my Estate, Both ReaU and PersnaU, be it m North Carolma or Eleswhere, be it in wot 232 Noeth Caeolina Wills. kind or maner SoEver, To my foure Sounes, namely; Thomas Harvey, John Harvey, Bejn. Harvey, & Miles Harvey, To be EquaUy Sheard & De-vided betwene them & To them & thare ares for Ever. And If Either or Eney of Them shaU Diye before thay ARive to ye age of Twenty one Years, that then, & in Such Case, that part of ye Estate as beloingd to ye Desesead, to be Equally Devided among ye Sir-vi-vrs & thare ares for Ever, both reU and persnall. And my -wiU is that the Money ariseing out of my Estate, Either by ye Sale of Good, Hire of Negroes, or by Eney ways or menes wot Ever, To be Emplid in Trade or Lett To Entrest for ye Benefett of my Chilffien after an alo-wnces for thare Edecation. And Lastly, I do aPint my Brother, MUes Gale, of Boston in Newengland, & my Knnsman, Mr. WUlm. LetteU, My Friend, Collo. Edward Mosley, Mr. Thos. PoUock, Excters. & my Lov ing Wife, Elizabeth Harvey, Excetres, of this my Last WUl & Testement, To Se it Strickely fuUfiUd in aU its parts, Revocking & disallowing all other will or -wills by me mayd, Ratefying & conffiming This To be my Last Will & Testament. In Witness whareof, I Have hareunto Sett my Hand & Sele ye Day & Year above written. Thos. Hae-vey, (Seal). Sind, Seid, Publeshid, pro nounced & Declared by the Said Thos. Harvey, To be his Last WUl & Testement, in presences of us ye Subskribers : Thos. Noecom. (Seal) Richaed Sutton. (Seal) John Wiat, Jurat. (Seal) I, The Thomas Harvey, doth further apomt my friend the Honble. John Lovick, Esq.,one of my Executors to this my above will, Provided my Kinsman, Mr. William Little is not Capable Of Acting, In the proformance of this my will, and tis my wUl that my Sd. friend, John Lovick, Esq., have one gold Ring to the Valine of ten pounds, current money of No. Carolina. Thos. Hae-vey (Seal) Smgd. Seald, and DeUvered In presence of: Chaeles Denman, his John X Mitchel mark « Memd. That about Three Dayes before his Death The within Men tiond, Thos. Harvey, payd me to take notice that it was his desire that Mr. Lovick shoud Act with the other extrs., notwithstanding the manner North Carolina Wills. 233 of Expression as to Mr. Little's IUness or mcapacity of Acting, men tioned m the CofficU as a conffition wch might imply the contrary. Gale. Novbr. 10th, 1729. Proved This wffi before me, Richd. E-vbrard. Copied from Original Wffi, ffied in the Office of the Secretary of State. ANTHONY HATCH'S WILL. In the Name of God Amen, "This first Day of august, Anno, 1726. I, Anthony Hatch, of the precinct of pequimons, m the Coimty of Albemarle and pro-vmce of North Carolina, Gent., bemg of Sound Mmd & perfect Memory, Doe Declare, make & ordain this to be my Last Will and Testament, Re voking and disannulUng & making voyd aU & every other Wffi & WUls by Me at any time heretofore made, m any kind whatsoever, m maimer & form foUowmg, that is to Say, first and principaUy I Recomend my Soffi into the hand of god almighty, who first gave it, Hopmg for Salvation tMough mercy & the Merrits of Jesus my Sa'viour; & my Body I Com mit to the Earth from whence it was "Taken to ,be decently brffied at the discretion of my Executors hearin after min- tioned & appomted; And to what Worlffiy Estate it has pleased god to bestow upon me (after my Debts & Funeral Expences thereout paid and Sattisfied), I give and bequeath, order and dispose of as foUows: hnprimis, I give & bequeath aU that my plantation & Lands thereunto belonging or appertaining, Lymg m Neuse, m the County of Bath m the provmce afforesaid, m as fuU and ample man as I my SeKe now doe, might or Could hold & enjoy the Same, unto my Two Sons, Edmond Hatch and Lamb Hatch, to he eqffiUy de-vided between them, to their Heirs and assigns for ever. Item. I give and bequeath aU this my plantation & lands thereunto belongmg or appertainmg lymg m perquimons afore sd. and where I Live, m as fiffi & ample manner as I my SeKe now doe, might or coffid hold, occupie & enjoy the Same, unto my Dear & Lo-vmg wKe, EUzabeth Hatch, for and Durmg the Term of her Natural LKe, and from & after her Decease, I give and bequeath the Same plantation and Lands m Lake Manner as afforesaid, unto my Son, Anthony Hatch, Ms Heires and assigns for Ever. Item. I order and Direct that aU that my moyety or haKe part of a tract or parcel of land lymg m AlUgator, and by. me held m partnersMp with my brother in Law, George Durant, to be Sold by my Execut's as soon after my Decease as Con vemently may be, & to the best Advantage, & the Money or 234 North Carolina Wills. Commoffities the Same shall be for, to be Devided, Disposed of in the very same manner as the rest of my personal Estate is to be, by this my Last WUl & Testament. Item. I give and bequeath my great Bible unto my Son, Anthony Hatch, after his Mothers Deceases, and it is my WiU and Desire and I doe hearby order and direct the Same ac cordingly, that all my personal Estate in any Kind or Respect whatsoever, belonging unto me at the time of my Decease, shall be equaUy devided between my sd. Dear wife, EUiza beth Hatch, my three Sons, Vizt: Anthony Hatch, Edmond Hatch, & Lamb Hatch, and my Daughter EUizabeth Hatch, to be and Remain, to them, and their heirs for ever, and her & their proper use and behoof. And Lastly, I doe nominate, Constitute and appoint my afforesaid Dear & Loving Wife, EUizabeth Hatch, my true & Lo-ving Brothers in law, Richard Whidbey and George Durant, to be my Executrix and Executors of this my Last Will and Testement. Antho. Hatch. X Signed, Sealed, published, pro nounced, and declared to be the Last Will & Testament of Antho ny Hatch, m presence of: J. Sweeny, his Thomas T Penrice, mark John Stevens, her Parthenia L Stevens. mark NoRH Carolina ss. Sr. Richd E-verard Barrt. Govemor and Orffinary. The above Wffi was proved before Me by the Oaths of Thomas Penrice and John Stephens, Evidences thereto, in due form, tffis 16th. Day of Novr. 1726. Richd. E-verard. Copied from Original WiU ffied in the Office of the Secretary of State. JOHN HAYWOOD'S WILL. In the Name of God amen, the twenty third Day of July, in the Yeare of our Lord, one thousand, Sevin hunffied & fifty Six. I, John haywood, of the County of Edgcomb, in the Provmce of North Carolina, being Sick & weake of Body but of perfect mind and memory, thanks be Given to God therefore, Calling unto mind the mortalety of my body & Knowing its appomted for all men once to die, do make and ordaine this my laste will & testement, that is to say, prmcipaUy & first North Cabolina Wills. 235 of all, I give and Recommend my soffi into the hand of God that Gave it; & for my body, I recommend it to the earth, to be buried in a Christian maimer, and as touching such worlffiy Estate whare with it hath pleased God to bless -with, I Give, de-vise and dispose of the m foUowing manner & form: Imprimis, I give & bequeath unto my son, Wiffiam hay- wood, ten SMllings, Sterimg for Ms Birth Right, he havmg already Land, and Chatties. Item. I give and Bequeath to my Daughter, mary hay- wood, hur heirs & assigns for ever, a bond of thomas Da-vis, dated the Sixteenth day of febrary, 1754, by wMch the Sd. Davis stand bound m the sum of forty pound, Conffitionally, for the makmg a title for two hunffied, thirteen acres & half of land. Item. I give & bequeath one haK of the two tracts of land I now Uve on, -witth the new house, milk house & 1 Com Crib, to my two daughters, Deborah & mary haywood, to be by them possesed as long as they or either of them shall Contmue Sm- gal & after that to my son, Egbert hajrwood, Ms heirs & assigns for ever. Item. I give the other haK of the two aforesd. tracts of land to my son Egbert haywood, Ms heirs & assigns for ever, he paying out of the sd. Land when he Comes In possestion of the whole, ten pounds Sterimg to his brother, John haywood. Item. Its my wffi that aU other my Estate, Reile & personal, be EquUy Di-vided between my Six CMlffien, that is to say, Deborah haywood, mary haywood, WUUam haywood, Her- wood haywood, John Haywood, Egbert Haywood; further, that each Render an account of what they have alresdy Re ceived m part of thare potion &c. And Lastly, I appomte all my aforSaid Six CMldren, Excrs. of this my las-te will & testament. Jno. Haywood. (Seal) Signed, Sealed, PubUshed, and pomouneds by the John Haywood as his last -wffi & testement In presents of: Edward Ceowell. Wm Campbell. Thomas Mebbit. Edgecombe County, sc. December Court, 1758. The witffin Wffi was in open Court Exffibd. on oath by the Excors, & prov'd by the Oath of Edward CroweU & Thomas Merrit, Two of the Subscribing Witnesses; & at the same time Wiffiam Haywood & Egbert Ha3rwood, two of the Exors. witffin mentioned were dffiy Qualifyed for that Office, wliich is ordered to be Certif^d. Test. Jos. Montford, Cler. Cur. Copied from Origmal WiU, ffied m the Office of the Secretary of State. 236 Noeth Caeolina Wills. JOHN HECKLEFEILD'S WILL. In the Name of God, Amen. I, John HecklefeUd, of the Precinct of Pequimmons, in the County of Albemarle, in the Province of North Carolina, Gent., being sick & weak of Body, but of sound mind & memory (Blessed be God for the Same) & Knowing ye Certainty of Death, to hereby make, Ordain, Constitute & Appomt this to be my last Will & Testament, hereby revoMng& making void all former WiUs by me made, & this only to stand & be of force in Law. First & principally I recommend my Soul to God that gave it, hoping and Assuredly trusting in & thro' the Meritts of my Blessed Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ, to obtain full & free pardon of all my Sins; My Body I committ to the Ground to be decently interr'd at the discretion of my Executors hereafter mentioned, according to the manner I buried my last WKe. As for w't worlffiy Goods it hath pleas'd God to bestow on me in this Life, I give, de-vise & bequeath the Same in manner & forme folio-wing: Imprim. I give to the Hon'ble Charles Eden, Esqr., Gov ernor, my Mourning Ring w'th a Death's Head & y'e Christall Item. I give to Mr. Edm'd Gale, ye Diamond Rign I for merly us'd to wear, being all Diamonds. Item. I give to Mr. George Durant one Mournmg Ring, value thirty ShiUings. Item. I sett at perfect freedom from all Slavery to be claimed by my Heirs, Executors, &c., my Negro Woman Jane, for her diligent care had of me in my Sickness. All the Rest, Residue & Remainder of my Estate W'tsoever & wheresoever to be found I give & bequeath to my Son, Hecklefeild, & I further Nominate, make, constitute & appoint Mr. Edmond Gale & Mr. George Durant, Executors of this my last Will & Testam't, & Guardians to my sd. Son, John HecklefeUd, that they my afors'd Executors shall have the Tuition & Education of my sd. Son until he arrive at the age of Twenty & one years after the best thought manner this Country will admitt. What Negroes he hath Capable of it, I desire they may be hired yearly to Good paymasters for the better Support of my Sd. Son. And I further desire, that watsoever of his Estate will not be thought Serviceable to him when he shall come of Age, may be disposed of for good pay & converted into Young Negro Women for his use. But if my sd. Son do die before he be of the Age of Twenty & one years w'ch (by Gods blessing) -will be in the year one thousand, Seven Hundred & Thirty seven, then w't Estate I have by this WiU given to him, I give & bequeath as follows, viz: the one half p't thereof to my Sister in Law, Mrs. Mary Noeth Caeolina Wills. 237 Cox, or her heirs, Uvmg near Essex Bridge,'m Dublin, in Ire land; the other half p't to Mr. Edm'd. Gale. In Witness whereof, I hereto set my hand & seal this thir tieth day of May, in ye year of our Lord, 1721. John Hecklefeild (Seal) Sign'd, Seal'd, pubUsh'd & Declar'd by the Testat'r to be his last wm & Testam't m Pres ence of: William Bueclift. Darby O O'Beyan. marke Enoch Flowee. North Carolina ss. Charles Eden, Esqr., Govem'r &c. Darby O'bryan this day came before me & made Oath that he saw CoUo. John Hecklefield, Seal & declare the within Wffi to be his last WUl & Testam't & y't 'Wm. Berclift & Enoch Flower, the other two E-vidences thereto were then Present; that ye Sd. HecklefeUd was then of Sound Memory & sign'd the same without any Constramt or compulsion. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto sett my hand at Chowan, Aug'st ye Sth, 1721. Charles Eden. Recorded in Wffi Book 2, page 305, Office of the Secretary of State. PETER HENLEY'S WILL. In the Name of God Amen. I, Peter Heffiey, Esquire, CMef Justice of the Province of North CaroUna, Do make tMs my last Wffi and Testament m Manner & form foUowmg, Viz: Imprimis. I direct all my just Debts & funeral Expences to be paid; And whereas, just before my leavmg England I was on the point of bemg married to Agnes Tucker of Corytown, near Homton, m the County of Devon, Spinster, & Some Money was wantmg to make the necessary preparations for that purpose wMch money, amountmg to, £400 Sterling, she advanced out of her own private fortune, & a short time after, to the great Disappomtment of us both, the Marriage was postponed to be compleated at a future Day, after w'ch Marriage so postponed I gave her my bond bearmg Interest after the rate of £5 per Cent per Annum for the sd. Sum of £400. wMch yet remams unpaid. My Desire is that the said Bond may be discharged Out of any Moneys that may be m my posession, or the first that shall or may be collected after my Decease, with all the Interest that shaU be found due thereon accordmg to the Tenor of the Sd. Bond. There is also a Bond of mine of £40: to Mr. Simon Bunker, of Axminster, in the County of Devon, attorney at Law, of 238 Noeth Caeolina Wills. which I am informed he has received part by a Cask of Indigo weighing 1371, but how much I cant tell, because I have never had the Account of Sales. There is also a trifiing Debt to Mr. Benjamin Mayberry, Taylor, of Craven Buildings, near Drury Lane, London, All which I desire may be paid & the Bonds canceUed. I Know of no others, & the first of these would not have been at all necessary but upon the critical Occasion on which it was advanced. With Respect to the rest of My Estate, Plantations, Negroes & Moneys with w'ch it has pleased God to bless me (except hereafter excepted) I hope they -wiU be so managed & expended as to be most for the Interest and Advantage of my Son John Henley, to whom I devise all my Lands, Tenements & Heredit aments, and all my personal Estate that shall not be disbursed for the payment of my Debts, Investing them however in John Campbell of Lazy Hill, Esqr., for whose humanity & Integrity I have the highest Honour & Regard. In trust, nevertheless to & for the Only Use & behoof of my sd. Son, John Henley, His Heirs and Assigns forever. And I earnestly entreat the sd. John Campbell, whom I hereby appoint Executor of this my last WUl & testament to forward the Education of my Son as much as he can, & to endeavour to make him an usefffi Mem ber of Society. And, whereas I have a great Deal of Good furmture, w'ch it -will be better to Dispose of than keep, as also sundry parceUs of Liquors, Molasses & Sugar, I wo'd chuse they should aU together -with my Chariott, be sold at publick Auction some Day During the Supreme Court at Edenton, which shall be held next after my Decease, for ready money offiy, (I mean all except my plate, w'ch I would have reserved), after ha-ving been first advertised for some time in the Carolina & Virginia Gazettes. And the moneys arising from such Sale to be applied for the purchasing of Negroes for the better stocking & improv ing my plantations. And as I have observed great Losses & Damages arising to Orphans from the Buildings upon their plantations being suffered to run to decay, My desire is that every Edifice or Building upon my plantation in the county of Edgecombe, be kept in due repair at the Expense of my Estate, and that the Negroes w'ch I now have or w'ch hereafter may be purchased, May be constantly employed upon it under a proper Overseer, so as to make it tum to most account, & whatever money it may annually produce, the expence of my Sons Education and other Disbursements being first Deducted, my Executor to apply the Overplus most beneficially for my sd. Son, either in the purchase of young Slaves or any thing else he shall judge most proper. North Carolina Wills. 239 Item. I beg my said Executor woffid accept of 201 procla mation Money, for Mourning & a Ring & I hereby revoke aU & every other WUls or Wills by me heretofore made. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my Hand and Seal, this 23d. Day of November, 1757. Peter Henley (Seal) Signed, Sealed, published & declared as & for the sd. Peter Heffiey, Esqrs. last Wffi & Testa ment. Also m Our presence & We in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as Witnesses the 23d Day of November, 1757: Sarah McCulloch. Joseph Montfobd. Richd. Beowneigg, Jurat. North Carolina, Chowan County, ss July County Court, 1758. Present His Majesty's Justices. The above last WiU & Testament of the Honourable Peter Heffiey, Esquire, deceased, was duely proved m open Court by the Oath of IVfr. Richard Bro-wnrigg, accorffing to Law; and at the Same time John Camp beU Esquire, Qualffied as Executor to the said Last Wffi and Testament, by taldng the Oath Prescribed by Law for the QuaUfication of Executors. Ordered that the Secretary have notice that Letters Testamentory may Issue thereon. Test. Tho. Jones, Cler. Cur. Endorsement on Back of Wffi. The Last Wffi & Testament of Peter Henley, Esqr., who departed this life on Tuesday the 25th. day of Aprffi, 1758, about nine O'clock in the mommg, & was interred ffi the church ffi Edenton on the eveffing the 27th. of Same month, at six o'Clock ffi the eveffing, m a Decent manner, and much Lamented by his Acquaintance. Copied from the Original WiU, ffied m the Office of the Secretary of State. WILLIAM HERITAGE'S WILL. In the name of God Amen. I, WUUam Herritage, of Craven County, in the Provmce of North Carolma, Gent., Bemg Weak m Body But of Sound and Disposmg Mmd and Memory, Do this Eighth Day of March, m the Year of Our Lord, One "Thou sand, Seven Himffied and Sixty Nme, make and Declare this to be my Last Wffi and Testament in manner and Form foUow ing, that is to say: Imprimis. I Will and reqffire that my Body be Decently Intened at the Discretion of my Executors heremafter named; and that my Just Debts and Funeral Charges be first paid and satisfied. Item. I give and De-vise to my Son, Heneage Herritage, the Land and Plantation where on I Dwell, commoffiy called 240 Noeth Cabolina Wills. Sprmgfield, on the East Side of Jemmys Creek; the Land I bought of George Metts, lying on the West side of Jemmys Creek; and Fifty Acres of Land, which I took up in the front of the said Land I bought of George Metts, and Patened in my own name. Also, the Land I had of Adam Moore, Grand Father to my said Son, Heneage, called Jemmys Neck lying on the East side of Jemmys Creek, at and below the Mouth thereof; and Five hunffied and twenty Acres of Land joining the above mentioned Land, Called Springfield, and the Lands of Adam Moore & others as per. the Patent for the same wiU at large appear. And to his Heirs Male Lawfully Begottn; and in de fault of such Issue, to my right Heirs forever. I also Give and Devise to my said son, Heneage Herritage, one Lott of Land lying in Newbern Town, and known in the plan of the said to-wn by the number (21) to him and his Heirs and Asignes forever. Item. I Give and Bequeath to my said Son, Heneage Heri tage, One Negro Man Named Mingo, One Negro Man Named Sherbro, One Negro Woman Named Tamer, One Negro Man Named Ben, One Negro Man Named Bill son of a Negro Woman named Bettress, One Negro Man Named Sam, one Negro Woman named Betto, one Negro Woman Named Kate, and all the Children she, the said Negro Woman Named Kate now hath or hereafter shall have, one Negro Woman Named Tor- tola and one Negro Child named Phebe, And to his Asignes forever. Item. I Give and Devise to my Son, John Heritage, all that Tract of Land or Plantation Called Harrow, Situate m Dobbs County (but formrly Called Johnson County); and also my other Lands adjoining or lying or being -within three miles of my said Plantation called Harrow; and also my Land on the North side of Neuse River called Atkins Banks, contaimng as per Patent, Six Hunffied and Forty Acres: be the same more or less, and whereon the To-wn of Kingston now is Situate And to his Heirs Male Lawfully Begotten Forever and In Defaffit of such Issue to my Right Heirs forever. Item. I give and Devise to my said Son, John Heritage, one Lott of Land situate lying & being in New Bern To-wn, and kno-wn in the plan of the said town by the number (79), and to the Heirs Male lawfully begotten of his Body forever; and in Default of such issue then to my Right Heirs forever. Item. I Give and Bequeath to my said son John, Heritage, One Negro Man Named Pompey, one Negro Man Named Joe, one Negro Man Named Peter (a cooper), one Negro Man Named Jack, who once belonged to John WiUiams, One Negro Woman Named Venus, Daughter of my Negro Woman Named PhiUis, one Negro Woman Named Maria, one Negro Boy named Solo mon, one Negro Boy Named Jacob, one Negro Girl named MoU, North Carolina Wills. 241 one Negro Woman Named Lucy, and one Negro Boy Ben, her son, and also the Money due me by Bond from Stephen Lee for a Negro Woman Named Venus, wMch I sold to him, to the said John Heritage and His Asignes forever. Item. I Give and De-vise to my Son, Wiffiam Martm Heri tage, aU that Tract of Land or Plantation Situate m Craven Coimty, Commoffiy CaUed Fort BamweU, and also aU my lands Contiguous and adjoiffing thereto, and withm tMee inUes of any part thereof, which I now have or hereafter may have take up or purchase; And also, four hunffied Acres of Land I Bought of Robert Hays, Situate m Dobbs County (but then called Johnston County), and alsc, aU the Land I have. Or shaU take up, or Purchase, adjoining the same, and to Ms Heirs Male, LawfuUy Begotten forever; and m Default of such Issue to my Right Heirs forever. I also Give and De-vise to my said son, WUUam Martm Heritage, one Lot of Land Situat* In the Town of New Bem, and kno-wn in the Plan of The said Town by the Nimber (22) and also the Front of the said Lot, to hold to Mm and Ms Heirs Male LawfuUy Begotten, forever, and m Defaffit of such Issue to my Right Heirs forever. Item. I Give and Bequeath to my said son, WUUam Martin Heritage, one Negro Man Named Scipeo, One Negro Man Named Caesar (a cooper), one Negro Man Named Tom, one Negro Man named London, One Negro Woman Named Jude Daugh ter of my Negro Woman Named PhiUis, one Negro boy named Tom, one Negro Boy named Stephen, one Negro Alan Named Balaam, one Negro Girl Named Suse Daughter of my Negro Woman Named Juffith (Stephens WKe), one Negro Girl Named Wimfred, and one Negro Girl Named Abigaal, two others Daughters of my Negro Woman Named Big B&ss, and one Negro Boy Named VirgU son of my Negro Woman Named Priss, and to his Asignes forever. Item. I Give and Devise to my Son in Law, Richard Cas weU, a Piece or Parcell of Land, Situate in Dobbs County near Bear Creek, and above the Land Commoffiy CaUed Judge Smiths, on the North side of Neuse River, at or near a place caUed Herritages's Banks and the Lot or Land Situate m New Bem To-wn on the North Side, whereon Mary Dupree Uved, and is kno-wn in the Plan of the said Town, by the Number (190) , to him and Ms Heirs and Asignes forever; and also one Negro Man Named Prince, one Negro Woman Named Big Rose, one Negro Woman Named PMlUs, one Mffiatto Boy Named Hes keth, one Negro Boy Named Isaac, one Negro Girl Named Sabina and one Negro Man Named Stephen, and to Ms Asignes forever for the use and subject to the Incumbrances herein mentioned that is to say; That He, the said Richard Caswell, his Executors or Administrators, shaU AnnuaUy pay to my Daughter, Susanna, and During her Nateral hfe the Sum of 16 242 North Carolina Wills. Forty Poimds, Proclomation Money, one Fourth part thereof to be paid to her once in every three Months in each Year, during the Time of her life. Which said Forty Pounds to be paid as aforesaid, I Give to my said Daughter for her seperate Maintenance and Support, -without being subject to the pay ment of Debt or Debts now due, or which may hereafter become due, to any person or persons from the present Husband of my said Daughter, or to his -will or demand in any Respect What soever; And the said Negro Man Named Stephen to be Em ployed in Tanning and Making of Shoes for my several Chil dren herein mentioned and their FamUies and Slaves. Item. I Give and Devise to my Daughter, Elizabeth Heri tage, one Lot of Land Lying in NewBern To'wn whereon Mary Dupree formerly Dwelt, being a Corner Lot and Numbered in the Plan of the Said Town (191), and also one other Lot of Land lying in the said Town of NewBern and Numbered in the Plan of the said Town (84), and to her Heirs Male La'wfuUy Begotten forever and for Default of such Issue then to my Right Heirs forever. Item. I Give and Bequeath to my said Daughter, Elizabeth Heritage, one Negro Man Named Jack, which I bought of Mr. John CampeU, one Negro Woman Named Clarinda, one Negro Woman Named Judith (Stephens 'wife), one Negro Man named Harry, one Negro Boy Named Carolina, one Negro Man Named Mercury, one Negro Woman Named Big Bess, one Negro Girl named Jenny, Daughter of Big Bess, one Negro Girl Named Moll, Daughter of Clarinda, one Negro Girl Named Amy, and one Negro Boy Named Sam, the Two Chilffien of Tamer, one Negro Boy Named Jupiter, one Negro Girl Named Hannah Daughter of Tortola, and one Negro Woman Named Priss, and to her Asignes forever. Item. I Give and De'vise to my Son in Law, Richard Caswell, Thirty Eight ft. of Land in Front, lying in NewBern Town running Easterly and Westerly and Southerly Down or across near the mouth of Trent River, which said piece of Land I bought of Nicholas Routledge, and is the same whereon my two Stores are situate, opposite the Lot Known m the Plan of the said Town by the Number (15) with its Appurtenances, to hold to him his Heirs and Asignes forever. Item. I Give and Bequeath to my Daughter, Anna, now Wife of George Lovick, Esq., One Negro Woman Named Little Rose, one Negro Man Named Cado, son of my Negro Woman Named Clarinda, one Negro Man Named Frank, one Negro Girl Named Sail, Daughter of my Negro Woman Named Judith, and one Negro Man Named Billey, my late Waiting Man, and to her Asignes forever. Item. I Give and Bequeath to my Daughter Sarah, Now Wife of Richard Caswell, one Negro Man Named George, one North Carolina Wills. 243 Negro Man Named Moses, Ms Brother, one Negro Man Named Cato son of my Negro Woman Named PhiUis, one Negro Boy Named Darnel son of my Negro Woman Named Tamer, one Negro Woman Named Judy Mother of my Negro Woman Named Tamer, and one Negro Woman Named Rachel, And to her Asignes forever. Item. It is my Wffi and Desire that my Son m Law, Richard CasweU have the Tffition and GuarffiansMp of my Daughter, Elizabeth Heritage, and my Son, WUUam Martm Heritage, and I do appomt the said Richard Caswell Guarffian to my said Daughter and Son accordingly durmg their Mmority. Item. I wffi and Ordam that the Executor of this my last Wffi and Testament shaU, -with aU convement speed for and toward the performance of tMs my last Wffi and Testament (after my Decease) Bargain, Sell and Alien aU those my Lands I shaU be possessed of at my Death, except such as are by this WUl Specially Given and Devised, and for the Domg, Executing and perfect finisMng whereof I do by these Presents Give, Grant, WUl, and Transfer to my said Executors and the Sur vivors or Survivor of them fffil power and Authority to Grant, AUen, Bargam, SeU, Convey, and Assure aU my said Lands Except as before Excepted, to any Person or Persons and their Heirs forever, by aU and every such Lawfffil Ways and Means m the Law, as to my said Executors or Survivors or Survivor of them, as their CouncU Leamed m Law shaU think Necessary. Item. I Wffi and Desire "That aU the rest of my Personal Estate not herem particffiarly Given, be sold at PubUc Vendue to the Highest Bidder at twelve months Creffit, the Purchaser or Purchasers to Give Bond with Sufficient Securities, on Interest, before the DeUvery of the Article or Articles, he, she or they, may or shaU Purchase, and the Momes arismg there from, together with the Monies arismg from the sale of my Lands above directed to be sold, together with my outstanding Debts be Divided EquaUy among my CMlffien hereafter Named, tbat is is to say: my Son Heneage Heritage, my son John Heritage, my son Wiffiam Martm Heritage, my Daughter Sarah CasweU, wKe of Richard CasweU, my Daughter Anna Lo-vick, wKe of George Phenny Lovick, and my Daughter EUzabeth Heritage, they first paymg thereout to the ChUffien my Daughter Susannah may, have LawfuUy Begotten before she shall be a Widow K it shall so happen, on the arrival of the Eldest of them to the age of Fourteen Years, the sum of FKty Pounds Proclamation Money with Interest from the Sale of my said Estate above mentioned until the same shaU be paid to the said ChUffien of my said Daughter Susannah, but m case she shaU ***** anive to the age of Fourteen, that then and in such case the said FKty Pounds above men- 244 North Carolina Wills. tioned shall be paid to her my said daughter Susannah with the Interest due to the time the same shall be paid her, for her own proper use and behoof forever. Item. I Will and Direct that my Executors hereafter named, out of the Monies arising by and out of the sale of my Lands and Personal Estate above directed to be sold, pay unto the Servant I may have living with me as a House keeper at the time of my Death, the sum of Ten Pounds Proclomation money Unto whom I give and Bequeath the same forever, to be paid within Six months after my Decease. And Whereas I, the Said WUliam Heritage, some time between the Years of our Lord, one thousand seven hunffied & forty four, and One thousand seven hundred and forty eight, did by four several Deeds of Gifts Give to foure of my ChUdren, to wit: Heneage Heritage, Sarah Heritage, Anna Heritage, and Su sannah Heritage, Sundry Pieces or parcels of Land lymg in Cra ven and Johnston Counties; and also sunffiy Goods and Chattels, Which said Several Deeds I kept in my own Custody not having suffered them or any of them to be proved or acknowl edged in order to Alter, Destroy, and Revoke, or other wise to make void the same as I thereafter should or might think proper. Since the Execution of which said Deeds, the same are lost, mislaid or privately taken out of my Custody so that I could not now cannot Alter, Revoke, Destroy and make void the same as my intention is to do could I find and get Possession of them. Wherefore, to prevent any Disputes or Law Suits which may arise Between my Children after my Decease, for or by Reason of, the Gift to them, or any of them of any Lands, Goods or Chattels, contained or mentioned in the above mentioned Deeds, which said Deeds I do hereby Revoke, Disannull, and Make Void, to all intents and purposes as if the same had never been made. Therefore, it is hereby, Pro vided always, and my further Will is, and I hereby Expressly Declare, that if my Son or Sons, Daughter or Daughters, Legatees, and Divisees herein mentioned or their or either of their Husbands, or their or either of their Heirs, or other Legal Representative or Representatives, shall at any time hereafter Controvert or Oppose any Part of this my Will, or shall Obstruct or hinder the admittance of all or any of the before mentioned Legatees and Devises or their Heirs, or any other Legal Representatives or Representative, of, m, or to, any of the Hereditaments, Lands, Tenements, Goods or Chattels, or other the Premises hereby Respectively given them as aforesaid, or shall at any time after such their, or any of their Admittance and Possession either in Law or Equity or otherwise Molest, Sue, or Trouble any such Legatee or Divisee whereby, to put him, them, or any of them, out of or get, or take possession of the same Premises or any part North Carolina Wills. 245 thereof, for or by Reason of the Deeds of Gifts as aforesaid Made and above mentioned, or for, or upon account of mj' not having canceUed or otherwise made Void the same * * * j^^^ not otherwise, & I hereby Revoke and make Void the Legacy, Estate, Share, and Interest of her, him or them, my above men tioned mentioned Son, or Sons, Daughter, or Daughters, Legatees or Devisees aforesaid, or her or their Respective Husbands, and of their Respective Heirs, Executors and Adminstrators, and other Legal Representative or Representatives, of, m and unto, the before mentioned Legacies and De-vises so given to them as aforesaid, and then, and in such case, but not Otherwise, I hereby Give, De-vise, and Bequeath aU such said Estate & Estates, Legacies, and Bequests heieby given, from such of them, my said Son or Daughter, or their, or either of their. Legal Representative or Representatives as shaU so Contrevert, Obstruct, oppose or Molest aU, or any of the before mentioned Legatees or Divisees in manner aforesaid, unto such Legatee or Legatees, Devisee or Devisees, who by Means thereof shall be Prejufficed or suffer thereby, the same to go and be paid to * * * use of, and be paid to such Legatee or Legatees, Devisee or Devisees so Prejufficed, and to their Respective Heirs, Executors and Admiiiistrators, or other Legal Repre sentative or Representatives proportionably accordmg to His Her, or their, loss or damage sustamed by means thereof. Pro vided, nevertheless, that K my said Son or Sons, Daughter or Daughters, Legatee or Legatees, aforesaid and aU other persons LawfuUy Claimmg Any Estate, Right or Interest of in or to the Premisses by, from or under them, — either of them shall and do as soon as may be, or can be after my Decease RatKy and confirm this my Wffi, and also Release unto the said other Legatees or Devisees Respectively aU their Estate Rights Title and Interest of, in, and to the several Estates, Momes, Legacies, Devises & Premises so by me hereby Respectively Given as aforesaid, then; — ^and m that case, the last before mentioned Proviso shaU be void and of none effect, anything therein contamed to the contrary in any wise Notwithstandmg. And Lastly, I hereby Make, and Ordain, and Appomt, my Son m Law, Richard CasweU, and my Sons, Heneage Heritage and John Heritage, Executors of this my Last Wffi and Testament, wMch is comprised in tMee sheets of paper Wrote on Every side thereof, hereby Revoking all other and former. Wills by me heretofore made, and RatKymg and confinmng this to be my Last Wffi and Testament and none other. In Wittness whereof, I have hereunto put and affixed my Hand and Seal the day and year first above -written. William Herritage (Seal) Signed, Sealed, published and Declared by the said Wiffiam 246 North Carolina Wills. Heritage as and for his Last WUl and Testament, in the presence of us who have Subscribed our Names as Wittnesses, and not only Wittnesses to the signing on this Sheet but also to the Testator affixing his Name to Two other sheets which are to this annexed and the whole complete his Will. Bayley (?) Will, Banks. Danl. Barry. CODICIL. I, William Heritage, of Craven County, Gent., do this tenth day of April in the year of Our Lord, One Thousand, Seven Hunffied and Sixty Nine, make and Publish this Codicil to my last Will and Testament, in manner foUo-wing, that is to say: I Give and Bequeath to my Son, Heneage Heritage, my Gold Watch and One Negro Girl named Bella and to his Asignes forever. Also, I Give and bequeath to my Son, John Heritage, my Silver Watch, commonly worn by my Son, Heneage Heri tage. And whereas, in and by my last Will and Testament I have Given and Devised to my aforesaid Son, Heneage Heritage, the Land a Plantation whereon I Dwell commonly called Springfield on the East side of Jemmys Creek, and sunffiy other Tracts or Parcels of Land Situate in Craven County adjoining the same, which are Particularly described in and by my said last Will and Testament and to his Heirs Lawfully Begotten, and in Default of such Issue to my Right Heirs for ever; and whereas, I am Apprehensive it will be for the Benefit and Advantage of my said Son, to have a Fee Simple Estate in all those Lands, I do therefore give and Devise to my said Son, Heneage Herritage, all those Lands commonly called Springfield and other Tracts or Parcels of Land Adjoining the same, which are Particularly mentioned and Described in my last Will and Testament to be given and Devised to him, in manner aforesaid, To hold to him and Ms Heirs and Asigns forever, without any manner of Limitation or Condition what soever, any thing in my said last WiU and Testament to the Contrary Not'withstanding. And lastly, it is my Desire that this Codicil be annexed to and made part of my last Will and Testament to aU intents and purposes. In Wittness Whereof, I have hereunto set my Hand and Seal the Day and Year above -written. William Herritage, (Seal) North Carolina Wills. 247 Signed Sealed Published and Declared by the above named WUliam Herritage, as a CofficU to his last Will and Testament m the Presence of us : David Goedon. her Maegaeet X Wiggins. mark Elizabeth Blount. Rd. Cas-well. Copied from Original Wffi, ffied ffi the Office of the Secretary of State. HARMAN HILL'S WILL. In the Name of God Amen, the 4th of December, 1752. I, Harman Hill, of the County of Beaffiort, m the Pro-vmce of North Carolina, bemg very Sick and Weak of body, but of Perfect mmd and ^Memory, thanks be to God therefor, CalUng unto mind the Mortality of my body and kno-wnmg that it is Appomted unto aU men once to Die, Do make and Ordam tMs my last Wffi and Testament, that is to say, PrincipaUy and firet of all, I give and recommend my soffi mto the hands of God that gave it and for my body, I give to be buried m a Christian like and Decent manner at the Discretion of my Exec utors, Nothing Doubtmg but I shaU receive the same agam at the General resurect'n, by the Mighty Power of God; and as touching such worldly Estate where-with it hath Pleased God to bless me m this life, I give, Devise and Dispose m the foUowmg manner and form: Imprimis. It is my Wffi, and I do order, that m the first Place aU my Just Debts and Funeral Charges be Paid and Satisfied. Item. I Lend unto my Dearly and weU beloved wKe, Sarah HUl, two Negroes Named Scipio and Sarah, with two Large Feather beds and Furmture, One Desk and Four Chairs, one Chest. I like-wise lend unto the said Sarah Hill, one fourth of my Plantation, and two Horses Named BaU and Primas, One Midffie Siz'd Table, Two Pe-wter Dishes and one Dozen of Plates, one SmaU WaUnut tree fram'd Lookmg Glass, 6 Oecamy Spoons, Four Cows and Calves, Two Sheep, Namely, one Wether and one ram, untffi the Decease of the said Sarah Hffi, then after to Descend to the heirs, offiy my Desk to retum to my Son, Harman HiU. I also Lend unto my WKe, one Midffimg iron Pot and one brass Kettle, During the term afores'd, then to descend to my heirs. Item. I give and bequeath unto my said WKe, four of my best Steers for ever. 248 North Carolina Wills. Item. I give and bequeath unto my Dearly and Well beloved son, Harman HUl, A Tract or Parcel of Land lying and being in the County of Beaufort, formerly Called Callums Creek, the said Land Containing Four hund'd and Thirty Acres and taken in Cary's time, only, Near about Thirty Acres of the said Land belonging to Capt. Richard Evans, and Joyns his Land and one Negroe Boy named Jack, one Duck Gun, and a Mare Called Chance, and one Cow and Calf, two New Club Axes, One Iron Pot, Four Plates, unto him for ever. Excepted, that the said Harman HUl dies without Issue, then the said Land to be equaUy divided among my heirs. I Likewise give and bequeath unto my Son afores'd. One Silver Stock Buckle, and one fifteen Bottle Case and Bottles, and one Beaverett Hat, and one Small Oval Table, and my Chest, to him, Ms heirs and Assigns forever. Item. I Lend unto my Daughter, Elizabeth Hancock, one Negro boy Named Cuffy During her Life, and after the Decease of the said Eliz. I give the said Negroe to be De-vided between her two Sons, (Viz), James & William, to them for ever. Item. I give and bequeath unto the said Eliz. Hancock one Mare Called Fancy, Two Plates, to her, her heirs and Assigns for ever. Item. I give and bequeath unto Sarah Rice, One Negroe boy Named Cezar, One Feather bed and Furniture, "Two Cows and Calves, One Mare Called Jenny, Two Plates, one Small Iron Pot, to her and her heirs & Ass'gs for ever. Item. I give and bequeath unto my beloved Daughter, Ann Slade, One Negroe boy Named Quacko, and one Large Feather bed and Furniture, to her, her heirs and Assigns for ever. I hkevrise give and bequeath unto my afr'sd Daughter, Ann Slade, a Tract or Parcell of Land, Containmg Three hundred and fifty Acres, Lying and being on the South side of Pamplico River, begining at a Poplar and running So. 35 D. -wt. 290 Pole to a Pine, and the Lines as is in the Patten. Provided, that the Husband, Joseph Slade, does in Consideration of this Gift, buUd a House 25 foot long, 16 foot Wide, where the Wife of me shall appoint, then within two years after the Decease of me, then the the said Land to be and remain forever. Other-wise the said Gift to be Void, and Descend to my heirs; I Likewise give unto the said Ann Slade a Trading Gun for ever. Item. I give and bequeath unto my beloved Daughter, Mary Smith, One Negro Girl Named Pegg, Two Cows and Calves, one Iron Pot now in her Possession, Three Plates and one Large Pe-wter Dish, one Walnut tree Fram'd Looking Glass, one Case of Nine Bottles, to her, her heirs and Assigns for ever. Item. I give and bequeath unto my beloved Daughter, Rachel HiU, One Negro Girl Called Sall, One Large Oval North Carolina Will,^. 249 Table, two Cows and Calves, one ]Mare Colt, Six Pe-wter basons, TMee Plates and one Pewter Dish, to her, her heirs and Assigns for ever. Item. I give to my WKe and ChUffien £32— 12s— lid, Virg'a Money, to be equaUy Di-vided to them, their heris and Assigns for ever; and aU the remamd'r Part of my Estate to be equaUy De-vided among my heirs afors'd to them for ever. I Likewise make and Ordam and Constitute my WKe, Sarah Hffi, and Joseph Slade, and Mr. John Barrow, my Whole and Sole Executors of this my last WiU and Testament, and Do Deny, Revoke and Disanffi aU other former WUls, Legacies, Testaments by me in any Wise before Named, Wffi'd and bequeath'd, RatKymg and Confirmmg this, and no Other, to be my Last wiU and Testament. In Testimony hereof, I have hereunto fixed my hand and Seal the Day and Year afores'd. Haeman Hill (Seal). Sign'd, Seal'd, Pronounc'd and Declared by Harman Hffi, to be his last Wffi and Testament in Presence of us: Edmund Peabce, Joshua Peaece, Geiffbth Howell. Beaufort Cocjot. ss. At a Court held for the sd. County, at Bath Town, on the second tues day iQ March, Anno Dom., 1755. Present his Majesty's Justices. This certifies that the last Wffi & Testament of Harman Hffi, deed., was exffibited mto Court & proved by Edmond Pearce, one of the sub scribing witnesses, who swore that he saw the sd. Harman Hffi execute the same and publish it as his last Wffi & Testament, & that he was then of sound & disposing mind and memory; & also that he saw Joshua Pearce & Griffeth HoweU, the other subscribmg Witnesses, Set their Hands thereto at the same time. And Sarah Hffi, Joseph Slade & John Barrow, quaUfied as Exor's thereto, by taking the Oaths accordmg to Law. Ordered that the Secretary have notice that Letters Testamentary may issue. Test. Wallet Chatjncet, Cl. C. Copied from the Origmal Wffi, ffied ffi office of Secretary of State. ISACK HILL'S WILL. In the Name of God Amen. The "Third Day of March, m ye year of our Lord God, One thousand, Seven himffied & Ten, I, Isack Hffi, of Chowan prcmct, m ye province of North Carolina, planter, being sick of Body, but of Good & perfect Memory (God be praised), Doe Make & ordame this my last 250 Noeth Caeolina Wills. will & Testam't (& I utterly revoke & Disannull Every other former Testaments, WiUs, legaces, & bequeiths. Executor & overseer by me in any wise before this time, made, named, -willed & bequeithed), in manner & forme following: First, I Commend my Soul mto ye Hands of God my maker, hopeing assuredly through ye onely merits of Jesus Christ my Saviour, to be made partaker of life Everlasting; & I Commend my Body to ye Earth where It is made, to be Decently buried by my Executors hereafter named; & what Estate God Allmighty has been pleased to bless me with in tMs world I will Give & bequeith in manner following, Vizt: My Tract of land I now live upon. Containing Six hunffied & forty Acres, to Be Equally De-vided between three of my Sons, Vizt: Michal, John & Isack, that is two hundred & Thirteen Acres & one third part of one Acre to My Son Michal (wMch he now lives upon) & ye same quantity of land Adjoyning to my Son Michals (which he now lives upon his land) I Give to my Second Son, Isack, & ye other Devidend of ye tract I Give to my Third Son, John. & to my Youngest Son, Nathaniel, I Give three hunffied & twenty acres of land I bought from Thomas Pollock adjoymng to that part of ye foresd Tract I have Given to my Son Michal. Ye above quantity of land I have Given to Each of my Sons by this my last -will & Testam't, I intale on them, their heirs & assigns for Ever, & when it shall please God to CaU one or any of them, haveing no Issue, males then their land to be equally Devided among their Surveying Brothers, & having Given my Eldest Son, Michal, his Share of ye Cattle & hoggs, ye remaining part, that is those that Shall be found properly belonging to me at my Death, I Give unto my three Sons, Isack, John, & Nathaniel, & my Dear Daughter, Martha, shall have her choice of ye Cattle & Hoggs for her share, not Exceeding ye Same Number her Brother has, & their Shares I leave to be Given them by my Executor, & I further wiU that ye hand mill shall remaine for ever were she now is, & that all my Chilffien shall have equal previledge to use her were she now stands, & this Dwelling house & all ye other houses on this plantation to me, I Give to him whose land they happen to be upon, & Commit ye Emediate Care of my hand MiU to him. I 'vrill that all my houshold furniture to be Equally De'vided between my three, Sons Isac, John & Nathaniel, & my Daughter, Martha, always letting he Chose for her Share, & theirs to be Given them according to ye pleasure of my Executors. I 'will that my horse & mare remaine at ye Plantation were they now are for ye use of ye Same till they Increase to four, & then to be De'vided to my tMee Sons last named, & my Daughter, Martha, & I appoint Capt. Robt. west, Executor of this my last 'will & Testam't, likewise, I leave to his Care my youngest Son, Nobth Carolina Wills. 2.51 Nathamel tffi he be Capable to provide himseK a UveUhood, or tffi he be INIajour, & Desire he may Endeavour to keep my two sons, Isack & John, on ye plantation where their Sister Martha, tffi they Can better provide for themselve. In wittness whereof, I have hereunto Subscribed my name & Seal, to this my last wiU and Testament, before these wittn^ses : Edward Bryan, WiUiam Maffie & John Hale. Isack Hill X (Seal) William ^Iaule. Edwaed Bbyan. John Hale. Recorded m Wffi Book 2, page 33. JOHN HASSELL'S WILL. In the Name of God Amen. John HasseU, of the Prov ince of North Carolina and Coimty of Tyrrel, being Sick and Weak of Body but of Sound and perfect Mind and Memory, thanks be to alnughty god for the Same, and CaUing to Mmd the MortaUty of my body, and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die. Do make and ordain this to be my last wffi and testament, first and principally I Recommend my Soffi to God that gave it, and my Body to the Earth to be Buried in a Deacent and Christian Uke manner, at the Descre tion of my Executors hereafter ^Mentioned; And as Touching such Worlffiy Estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me with In this Ufe, I ^ve and Dispose thereof in manner and form foUowing: Imprimis. I give unto my Dearly beloved WKe, Rachel HasseU, aU my movable Estate of what Nature & Kind soever, to her projier use forever, Except Such legacies as are partic ularly otherways mentioned and Disposed of. Item. I give and bequath unto my weUbeloved Son, John HasseU, a Plantation on the West Side of Scupperlong River, Containing one Hunffied acres and kno'wn by the Name of the Plains, unto him his heirs and assigns for ever. Item. I give and bequeath unto my weU beloved Son, Joseph HasseU, one hunffied acres of Land on the East Side of Scupper- long River lying on the North Side of the Leading Swamp, Begimng at the head of the Leaffing Swamp at a goom, from thence to the popler line, unto him and his Heirs and Assigns for ever. Item. I give and bequeath unto my well beloved Son, Isaac HasseU, one himffied acres of Land on the East Side of Scupperlong River, on the north Side of the Leading Swamp, begining at the popler line, from thence to the tMee marked pins at Phelpsis Swamp, to him & Ms heirs and assigns for ever. 252 North Carolina Wills. Item. I give and bequeath unto my well beloved Son, Ben iamin Hassell, my Manner Plantation and the Said Land belong ing to it, after his Mothers Deceas, to him and his heirs and assigns for ever. Item. I give and bequeath unto my two Sons, Isaac Hassell & Beniamin Hassell, a negro man named Robin, after their Mothers Decease, to them and their Heirs and Assigns for ever. Item. I give to my Daughter, Mary Wynne, Five Shillings Currant money of Virginia, to her & her Heirs and assigns for ever. Item. I give to my Daughter, Rachel ward. Five Shillings, Currant Money of Virginia, to her and her heirs and assigns for ever. Item. I give to my Daughter, Sarah fox, five Shillings, Currant Money of Virginia, to her and her heirs & assigns for ever. Item. I give to my Daughter, Esther Hassell, five Shillings, Currant Money of Virginia, to h'r and h'r heirs & assigns for ever. Item. I give unto my fore Sone before mentioned, my Saws, and Carpenters tools, & Coopers tools, and Shoemakers tools, after their Mothers Deceas, to them and their Use for Ever. Lastly, I Constitute, ordain and apoint my beloved Wife, Rachel Hassell, whole & Sole Executrix of this My last will and testament, Utterly Renouncing and Revoking all former Wills by me heretofore made. Ratifying & Confirming this to be my last Will & Testament. In witness whereof, I the said John Hassell, have hereunto Sit my Hand and Af&xed my Seal, the Twenty fifth day of March anno: Domini, 1754. Signed Sealed Pronounced and Declared by the said John Hassell in the Presents of us: John Hassell, (Seal) Thos. Wynne. Jeremiah Wynne, Jurat. Peter Wynne. Exrs Qualifd. North Carolina, Tyrrell County, ss, June County Court, 1754, Present his Majestys Justice's: These may Certify that Jeremiah Wynne, One of the Subscribing Evi dences to the Within WiU, personally appeared in open Court and made Oath on the Holy EvangeUst of almighty God, that he was Present and Saw the witffin named John HasseU Sign, Seal, publish, Pronounce and Declare the within to be and Contam his last WiU and Testament, and that he was then, and at that time, of sound and Disposing Memory; and that he also saw Thomas Wynne and Peter Wynne Sign their Names North Carolina Wills. 253 thereto at the same time; Then also Appeared Rachel HasseU and QuaU fied as Executrix by taking the Oath by Law appomted for the Quahfi cation of Executors. Ordered that the Hon'ble James Murray, Esqr., Secretary of this pro-sdnce, or his deputy, have notice thereof, that Let ters Testamentary Issue thereon as the Law Directs, Test. Evan Jones, Clk. Cur. Copied from Original Wffi, ffied m the Office of the Secretary of State. JAMES HODGES' WILL. In the Name of God Amen, the Second Day of February, one thousand. Seven Hunffied, fifty Eight. I, James Hodges, of Pasquotank, North Carolina, bemg very Sick & weak m body but of Prefect mind & Memory, thanks be therefore given unto God, "Therefore calUng unto mind the mortality of my Body and knowing that it is appomted for aU Men once to E^e, do make and ordain this my last WiU & testament, that is to say, PrincipaUy and first K aU, I give & recommend my Soffi, mto the Hands of god that gave it; and my Body I Recommend to ye earth to be Buried m decent order, at ye Discretion of my Executors. Item. I give & Bequeath to my Son, Josiah, that Planta tion & Islands on the N. E. Side pasquotank River Bridge to him & his heires for ever. Item. It is my Will & Desire that K my loAring Farther, Joseph Hodges, as Wffied any part or Parcel of his Estate to me, I humbly beg him to give & Bequeath it to my weU beloved Son, Jams. Hodges, Jun., to him & his heires for Ever, & farther, it is my desire yt my lovmg Brothers, Joseph & Stephen Hodges shall coUect aU my Debts on the Great Bridge Books, and to Pay aU my Just Debts that I owe in Norfolk & theire Lawfffil Commissions. Item. I give & Bequeath to my Son, WUUs Hodges, wt. over Rush of my Book debts, K any Remaining, to him & his Heires for Ever. Item. I Give and Bequeath to my lovemg Son, Samuel Hodges, Negro boy named Peter, to him & his Heires for ever. Item. I also give a bequeath to my Lovemg Son, WUlis Hodges, Negro boy Named Sam, to him, & his heires for Ever. Item. I give & bequeath to my weU beloved WKe, my writmg Desk & bigest ovel Table, my Painted Chest & Seal Skin trunk, one Set of SUver Teaspoons & Tong's, & aU my Pewter I brought out of Virginia, Two Frymg pans, five Iron pots, & all ye Plan tation utensiels, & Sufficiant of household Meat to Support ye FamUy untel New years day, & fat. It is my Wffi that my Estate shaU Pay for ye BuUding of a New Kitchen, w'th one smaU Brick Chimney in room of the old 254 North Carolina Wills. wood Chimney. And farther, I give & Bequeath to my loveing wife all Small Furniture, such as Earth'nware & Coopers, &c., and ten old chairs and Six red Do., & one Safe Bought of Tim othy Hickson, one Iron Chafeing dish, & all ye aforsd. men tioned, to her and her Heires for ever. I Ukewise desire that none of my Children shall lay any Clame to any Part or parcel, or any part, of my Wifes Estate that she was Posest of before I married her. Item. I give & Bequeath to my Loveing Son, James Hodges, my lot of Land & Marsh on the west Side of the road going to the Great Bridg accord'g to ye bounds that Thomas Manning formerly held by, & give him my Storehouse standmg by brick hous formerly belonging to Mr. Charles Sweny, and I give him my Roan horse called Rock, & a dark bay Horse wch. I had in Swop of Solomon Timple, & my Riding Saffie and housing. Item. I give, bequeath to My loveing Wife, the use of my Negor Woman call'd Phebe, tell my Son, Portlock attains to the age of Twenty one years, and then the sd. negro Phebe & her increase to return to ye sd. Portlock & his heires for Ever. I likewise give him ye Horse I bought of David Cook, Call'd Ball, to be sold by Ferebe Hodges & the Money Laid out in Goods to support ye sd. Portlock. Item. I give & Bequeath to my well beloved Wife, my horse call'd Dultage, to her & her Heires for ever, & the use of Sam & Peter tell my two Sons, Willis & Josias Hodges comes to La'wful age; & it is my desire that my two sons, Josias & WiUis Hodges, shall not in any 'wise ffisanul my part of the sd. Clause before mention'd. Item. I Give & bequeath to my daughter Kesiah Curlin, Negor girl call'd Sarah, & one feather bed & fumiture, spining wheel, pe-wter, one chest deliver'd to her when Marri'd, in fuU of her Portion, to her & her heirs for Ever. Item. I give & Bequeath to my Daughter, Molly, the Negro Girl call'd Rachel, to her & her heirs for Ever. Item. I give & bequeath to my Daughter, Frances Hodges, one negro Girl CaU'd Hannah, to her & her Heirs for Ever, I likewise give to ye use of my wife, ye use of the two Negro Gerles Hannah & Rachel, tell my two Children, Molly & Frances Hodges Comes to La'wful age. Item. I give & bequeath to my Son in Law, Joseph Stokely, my new Survey over ye River on ye N. E. side Pasquotank River, & I give him Cash to Purchase a grant for ye sd. Survey of Land, to him & his heires for Ever, & I desire that my Exe'or or Executors to take out the grant Soon after my decease. Item. I give & bequeath to my Daughter, Miriam Hodges, one Negro Girl call'd Nan, to her & her heires for Eyer. North Carolina Wills. 255 Item. I gjve & bequeath to my lovemg Son, James Hodges, my negro man CaU'd Boatswain, to him & his heires for Ever. Item. I Give & bequeath, & it is my Wffi & desire, that my Brother, Joseph Hodges, Pay to Colo. Robert Tucker, thirty Pound wch. I owe him upon Balce. of old Bond, & ye Jomt Bond Brother Joseph Hodges & I ower ye sd. Robert Tucker, m Part of Eighty five Pounds that Brother Joseph Hodges owes to me, & uppon Settlem't wn. I was Last m Virgima in December last; & I further desire, that my lovemg Brother, Joseph Hodges, shall Com m here & take aU ye Invoics that is in PardonSMp between him & I, at Spraules, Newtons, Atchison, & Sum them up & see wt. the Amounts is, & then go to ye sd. Sprcffies, Newtons & Atchison, & take true Copys of what we have Paid in company & see K I faU m Debt to pay it, givemg me Creffit for ye one haK of all ye money he pays away of mme, m my Old Bcok list; aU ye Moneys that can be got m, Brother Joseph Hodges must have one haK & ye other haK to my weU beloved WKe, Miriam Hodges in Concideration of Supporting & Schooling ye CMlffien, & after my beloved WKe, Miriam Hodges & Brother Joseph Hodges & ISlr. Anffiew Mffier, Merch't, K any remains to be Equal Divid' d between my two Sons & Daughters, Lamb, Portlock, MoUy & Frances Hodges. It«m. I give & bequeath to my lovmg WKe, Side Sadffie & my longest Gun, Some wite &nd Brown Sugar Bought of Capt. Headly and Part of a Ban'l Molasses. It«m. I give & bequeath my short Gun I brought from Virginia, to my Son, Lamb Hodges, & one pair of hand Mffi Stones bemg now in Possession of Solomon Temple. Item. I further give strict orders that no Person or Persons shaU Pretend to make PubUck vandue of any Part or Parcel of my before Mentioned Estate, under Penalty of one hunffied Pounds, proc. Money. Item. I give & Bequeath to my lovmg Wife, Mariam Hodges four feather beds and furniture I brought out of Virgima, to her & her heires for ever. Item. I give to my Daughter, MoUy Hodges, tMee new Black Chairs, & one smaU Ovel Table, to her & her heires for Ever. Item. I give & bequeath to my daughter, Frances, tMee new black chaires, & one Square Table. I do hereby appoint my real friend, Colo. Robert Murdon, & ferebe Hodges, my whole & Sole Executors of this my last Wffi & Testament. And I do hereby utterly disaUow, revoke and disanffi aU & every former testaments, Wills, Legacies & bequests & Exers., by me in any ways before bequest, and Executors by me m any ways befere named, Wffied, & be- 256 North Caeolina Wills. queathed, Ratifying & Confirming this & no other to be my last WiU & Testament. In Witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand & Seal, the day & year above Written. James Hodges, (Seal) Signed, Seal'd, published, Pro nounc'd & Declared by the sd. Jams. Hodges as his Last Will & testament in ye Presence of us ye Subscribers: Test. John Haeeis, Jurat. Daniel Koen. the mark John J. M. Mueden. of North Carolina, Pasquotank County. March Court, 1758, Present His Majesties Justices: Theses may Certify that John Harris, one of the Evidences to the within WiU, Appeared in open Court and Made Oath on the holy Evan geUst, that he was present and James Hodges, sign. Seal, pubUsh and de clare the -witffin to be and Contain his last wiU & Testament, and that he was at that hime of Sound & disposmg memory, and that he also saw Daffial Coin & John Murden, the other two E-vddences, Sign their names thereto at the same time. Then appeared Joseph Hodges, Exe'r in Vir- giffia and was duly Qualified. Ordered that the Honle. Richd. Spaight, Esq., Secretary, have notice that Letters may issue. Test. Thos. Taylor, CU£. Cou. Copied from the Original Will, filed in the Office of the Secretary of State. JOSEPH HOLEBROUGH'S WILL. In ye Name of God Amen. The Eighteenth day of October, 1711. I, Joseph Holebrough, of ye County Bath, & Pamli- coth precinct, Being very Sick & weak in Body, but of perfect mind & memory, Thanks be Given Unto God. Therefore calling to mind ye mortality of my Body & knowing that It is appointed for all men once to dye, Doe make & ordain This my Last will & Testament, That is To Say, prmcipaUy, & First of all, I Give & recommend my Soul into ye hands of God That Gave it, & my Body I recommend To ye Earth, To be buried in decent & Cristian manner at ye discretion of my Executor, nothing doubting but at ye General Resurrection I Shall receive The Same again by ye mighty power of G d; and as touching Such worldly Estate wherewith it hath pleas'd God To bless me in This Life, I Give, devise And dispose of ye Same in ye folio-wing manner & forme: I Give bequeith unto My dearly beloved friend, Alexander Avera, One Gun, one Chest, one white Coat, & all my Carpen ters Touls. Noeth Caeolina Wells. 257 I Give & bequeith mto Elizabeth avera one Gold Ring, one peuter dish & four plates. I Give unto my beloved friend. Swan Swanson, Two Cowa & CaKs wMch ffid run this Summer at Mr. price Plantation, & one heKer at Mr. Holms. I Give & bequeith unto my weU beloved Brother, John Holebrough, fourteen Shillings Due me, from Martenquam, deceased. I Give & bequeith unto my Brother, John Hole brough, 1 younge horse. I Give & bequeith unto my Brother, John Holebrough, aU my wearing Cloths, offiy one wMte Coat excepted. I give & bequeith unto my Brother, John Holebrough, two Ewes, one ram & aU my Cattle in GeneraU; offiy, two Cows & Cdves & one heifer Excepted. I Give & bequeith unto my Brother, John Holebrough, Seventeen ShiUings and Six pence due upon accompt. from Patrick Pendal. I Give my weU beloved Brother, John Holebrough, whom I Uke-wise Constitute, make & ordain my Sole Executor of this my last wiU & Testam't, all & Singffiar my lands, messauges & Tenements, & wffis, legacies & bequeits, & Executors by me in any ways before named wffied & bequeithed, & ratKying, & Confirmemg this & noe other To be my last wffi And Testam't. In witness whereof I have hereunto Sett my hand & Seal ye Day & year Above written. Joseph H Holebbough (Seal) Signed, Sealed, publishd, pro nounced & declared By ye Sd. Joseph Holebrough as Ms last wffi Testament, m ye presence of us ye Subscribers: Dai«el Hallsey. James Leigh. THOMAS HOSKINS WILL. In the name of God Amen. The 24th. of October, 1733. 1, Thomas Hoskins, of The precmct of Chovan, m the County of Albemarl bemg weak m body but of perfect mind & memory. Thanks be To God Therefore, CalUng to mind ye mortality of my body & knowmg yt it is appomted for aU men once to Dice, do inake & ordain This my Last will & Testament, "That is to Say, principally, & first of all, I give & recommend my Soffi into ye hands of God That Gave it; and my body I recommend to ye Earth to be buried in a Decent & Cliristian Manner at ye Discression of my Exrs., notMng doubting but at ye General Resurrection I Shall receive ye Same again, I Shall receive ye same again by The mighty power of God; & ToucMng such 17 258 Nobth Caeolina Wills. Worlffiy Estate where-with it hath pleased ye Almighty to bless me -with in This Life, I give. Demise & Dispose of ye same in The in ye following manner & form: Impr. I give to my daughter, Sarah Charlston, one Gold ring, I give to willm. Luton, husband to my Daughter, Ann, Deseaset ten ShilUngs. Item. I give to my Son, William Hoskins, whome I Like-wise Constitute, make & Ordain one of my Exrs. of This my Last wiU & Testament, All my Estate Excepting These few articles Here mentioned. I give to my Daughters, Mathew the Stone Called fib, and one fether bed and furniture, one hundred pounds province bUls, one pot, one pan, one Table, Two Dishes, four basons & Six plates, four Cows & Calves, TMee Ews and Lambs. I give to my Daughter, mary, one negro to her Liking, Which is to be raised out of The Estate, & one hunffied pounds province Bills, one feather bed, one pot, one pan, one Table, two Dishes, four basons, & Six plates, four Cows and Calves, "Three Ews & lambs. Which is to be raised & Levied out of ye Estate; And I do hereby DisaUow, revoke & Disanul all & Every other former wills. Legacies & bequests & Exrs. by me in any ways before named, WUled, & bequeathed. Ratifying and Con firming This & no other to be my Last will & Testament. In -witness whereof I have hereunto Set my hand and Seal ye Day & year above Written, & Lastly I do make Consti tute ordain & appoint my Son, William Hoskins, and John Benburry Exrs. of This my Last WUl and Testament. In Witness Whereof I have hereunto Set my hand & Seal. Thomas Hoskins, (Seal) Signed, Sealed, Delivered in ye presence of us: John Mitchenoe, James Smith. Chovan. ssc. April Court, 1734. The Within Will of Thomas Hoskins was proved In open Court by ye oath of John Michneor, an Evidence Subscribing Thereto, who deposed he saw James Smith Sign ye sd. Will as an E'vidence. Test. Moseley Vail. Cie. Cour. Recorded in WiU Book 3, page 304. ISAAC HUNTOR'S WILL. In The Name of God amen. I, Isaac Huntor, of Chowan County, Being of perfect Memory and minde and Calling to minde the Uncertainty of this Transitory Life, Do make and or dain this my Last -will and Testament, in manner and forme following, first, I Bequeath my Soul to almighty God; and my Body to the Earth to be Buried at the Discretion of my Ex- Noeth Caeolina Wills. 259 ecut'r, hereafter named; and as for my worlffiy Estate wMch it hath pleased God to Bestow upon me, I Give and Dispose of as foUoweth, Vizt: First, my -wffi and Desire is, that aU my Just Debts be Trewly paid and Discharged by my Execr. Item. I Give and Bequeath to my Son, Elisha Huntor, my plantation whereon I now Live, and the plantation whereon he now Lives, together with all the Land thereunto Belongmg, I Say to my sd. Son, Elisha Huntor, and his heirs and Assignes for Ever. I also give to my Sd. Son, Elisha Huntor, my Negro man named Duke, to him and Ms heirs for Ever. Item. I Give and Bequeath to my son, Jesse Huntor, aU my Land and plantation Purchased of Thomas Morris as Pr. (Deed) Deed of Sale Containmg tMee himffied Acres, be it more or less, I Say to my son, Jesse Huntor, and Ms heirs and assignes for Ever. I also give to my sd Son Jesse Huntor, my Negro boy named Toney, I Say to him and his heirs and assigns for Ever. Item. I Give and Bequeath to my son, Isaac Huntor, aU my Land m Bartea County, as by a pattent Dated the twenty Eighth day of Febuary, 1744/5, for one hundred and fifty acres; also, a Deed of Sale for 170 acres, Dated April, 20, 1745, and Joyning to Elisha Huntors Lands, I Say to my Son, ISaac Huntor, and his heirs and assignes for Ever; I also give to my sd. Son, Isaac Huntor, my Negro Girle named Venus, she and her Increase; also, one Good feather Bed and fumiture there unto belongmg; also tMee meffie Sized puter Dishes and one puter Bason, and one Iron pott of forty pounds weight, one frymg pan, and two Cows and Calves, to him and Ms heirs for Ever. Item. I Give to my Son, Darnel Huntor, Seventy five pounds, Cunant Money of Virgima, to be Raised out of my Estate, it bemg m Consideration as I have not Given him any Land or negroe, I also Give to my sd. Son Darnel Huntor, one Gcod feather Bed and the fumiture thereunto belongmg, also tMee Meffie Sized puter Dishes, one puter bason, and one Iron pott of about forty Pounds weight, one frymg Pan, and two Cows and Calves, I Say to him and Ms heirs for Ever. Item. I Give to my Daughter, Alee Perry, my Negro man named Tobey, to her and her heirs for Ever. Item. I Give to my Daughter, Hannah Riddick, my Negro Girle named Lucey, She and her Increas, to her and her heirs for Ever. Item. I Give to my Daughter, Elizabeth Perry, my Negro Girle named Kate, pro-vided She pay to my Daughter Alee five pounds Currant money to make the Valine of Tobey Equill -with her negro Kate, and then I Say to her and her heirs for Ever. 260 North Carolina Wills. Item. I Give to my Daughter, RacheU Walton, my negro woman named Hagor, to her and her heirs for Ever. Item. I Give to my Daughter, Sarah Huntor, my Negroe Girle named Tresea, also my Side Saddle, and my Leather Trunk with a Date of 1734 on it, and a Horse or mare of four pounds Valine, and three Meddle Sized puter Dishes, one puter Bason, one Iron pott, one frying Pann, two Cows and Calves, and one Good feather bed and the furniture thereunto belonging, I Say to her and her Heirs for ever. Item. I Give to my Grand ChUffien, ye Sons and Daughters of my Daughter, Jean Deceast, namely Jesse Phillip, & Mary Perries & Sarah field, to Each and Every of them the Sum of five pounds, Currant money of Virgima, to them and their heirs for Ever. Item. I Give to Zilphea Parker, Daughter of Jonathan Parker, one Good feather Bed and furniture, and two Puter Dishes & three puter plates provided, that if She Stays and Lives with me or in my family till She Cumes to the age of Eighteen years and Behaves well, or at ye day of Marriage, if to my, or friends Satisfaction, then I say, to her and her heirs for Ever. Item. All the Rest and Residue of my Estate not before given, be it of what nature or Kindsoever, It is my Will and Desire that it be Equally Devided between my Sons and Daughters Namely: Elisha, Jacob, Jesse, Isaac, Daniel, Alee, Hannah, Elizabeth, RacheU, and Sarah, Share and Share a Like; it is also my Desire that my Son, Jacob Huntor, have & injoy all my Right of the Water Mill. Lastly, I Nominate and appoint my Son, Elisha Huntor, my whole and Sole Executor to Se this my Will duly fulfiled and performed, and I do hereby Revoak and Make Null & Void all former or other will or wills heretofore by me made, pub lished, or Declared, Either by word or wrighting, and if my Son EUsha Should happen to Die before this my wiU be fulfiled, then, and in that Case, I Do hereby appoint my Son, Jacob, and John Gordon, or Either of them, to Se this my Last WUl and Testament Duly fulfiled. In witness whereof, I have hereunto Sett my hand and fixed my Seal this Seventeen day of aprill, 1752. Signed, Sealed, published, and Declared by the "Testator to be his Last Will and Testament in the presents of us: Moses Sumner. Samuel Sumner, Jurt. John Sumnee, Jurt. Isaac Huntoe (Seal) Noeth Caeolina Wills. 261 Chowan County, ss. April Court, Anno Dom., 1753. Present Hk Majestys Justices: These may Certffie, that the witffin Wffi was Dffiy Proved m Open Court, by the Oaths of Samuel Sumner and John Sumner, two of the Subscribmg E-»idences thereto; and at the same time appeared Elisha Huntor, Executor, in Open Court and was Dffiy Qualffied thereto by takmg the Executors Oath by law appomted. Ordered that the Secretary of Said Provmce have Notice thereof that Letters Testamentary issue thereon as the Law Directs. Test. James Craven, Qer. Cur. Copied from the Original Wffi, ffied in Office of Secretary of State. HENTIY HYRNE'S WILL. Noeth Cabolina ss. In the Name of God Amen. I, Henry Hyrne, of New Han over County, in the Province aboves'd, Gentleman, bemg in an IU state of health but of a sound mind and memory, blessed be God, Do make, Declare and Publish this my last Wffi and Testament, hereby revoking and Declaring Niffi and Void aU former or other Wills by me heretofore made. First, I recommend my Soffi to almighty God, hopmg and beUe-vmg a remission of my sins and the Enors and failings of my IKe tMough his mercy and the mediation of my Redeemer, Jesus Christ; And my body to the Earth to be Decently buried at the discretion of my Executors herem first after Named. And as to my Worlffiy estate with wMch it hath pleased God to bless me, I Give, Be queath, de-vise and dispose of it m maimer and form foUowing: Imprimis. I Give, Devise, and Bequeath to my Nephew, Henry Walters, and his Heirs and Assigns forever, all that my plantation and six hunffied & fourty acres of Land whereon I now dweU m New Hanover County, caUed New Hymham, to gether with the five hunffied and fifty tMee Acres of Land ad- joynir^ and contiguous thereto, de-vised to me by my Honoured Father, Colonel Edward Hjrme, being Part of a larger Tract of Land belongmg to my said Father m his hfe time (as by a Plan thereof Annexed to Ms last Wffi and Testament may at large appear). Item. I Give, De-vise and Bequeath to my said Nephew, Henry Walters, and his heu^ and Assigns for ever, aU that my other Plantation containmg about Seventeen hunffied and fourty seven Acres of Land m New Hanover Coimty whereas ***** (IUegible) and De-vised by me said Father to my said Brother, George Hyrne (as by a Plan thereof annexed to the last -wffi and Testament of my said Father may at large apear) and by the death of my said Brother George descended to me. 262 Noeth Carolina Wills. Item. I Give and Bequeath to my said Nephew, Henry Walters, my negroe man Call Casar and my Negroe_Girl called Hannah. Item. It is my will that my House, plantation and lands be rented out by my Executor first Named, for the benefit and advantage of my said Nephew, Henry Walters, at a moderate rent with a covenant in the lease that the person renting the same shall, at the Expiration of such lease, leave the Said Houses & plantations in the same good repair they are in when he leases them, or any of them he shall so lease. Item. I Give and bequeath to my Neice, EUzabeth Walters, my Negroe Girls Betty and Calia. Item. I give and Bequeath to my Nephew, Joseph Walters, and my Nephew, George Walters, Ten pound, proclamation money, to each of them. Item. I Give and Bequeath, I give and Bequeath to my Nephew, Moses Britten, my Geld Sleeve Buttons. Item. Item. I Give and Bequeath to my Niece, Mary Britton, my shagarene case of Silver Instruments, also my Six Silver "Tea spoons, silver Tea Strainer and Tongs. Item. I Give and Bequeath to my Nephew, Henry Britton, my silver Watch and Silver pepper Castor, in rememberance of his regard and kindness shown me, in coming to see me and staying some time with me. Item. I Give and Bequeath to my Nephew, Francis Brit ton, my Gold Stock Buckle (and) And my six silver table Spoons, in remembrance of his regard and kmdness Shuon me in coming to see me and staying some time with me. Item. Whereas, I have been greatly aflicted -with Sickness and thereby rendered incapable of going about or transacting my own business, except for about fourteen months, for more than twelve years past, and since my makmg a former Will, And my Good Friend and Neighbor, Frederick Jones, Esquire, having aU the said time (except the said fourteen months) Trans acted my business, settled my accounts, and also as my Attorney during my absence when I went to Philadelphia for the recovery my health managed and directed my Whole Affairs and business to my satisfaction and the benefit of my Estate, I therefore, Give and bequeath to the Frederick Jones, and Ms Assignes, my Negro Called or Named Tobey. I also Give and Bequeath to the said Frederick my Negroe Woman called old Lucey, he paying into my Estate so much proclamation money for the Said Lucey as she shall be appraised at, by three honest and credible persons to be worth, the said Lucey having been a good Slave, it is my desire my said friend, Frederick Jones should have her, as I am Sensible his humanity is such that he would treat her well. Item. I Give and Bequeath to my said Friend, Frederick Jones, my stand of Cruits I bought of Mr. Smith, also my two North Carolina Wills. 263 volumes of Chambers Dictionary, and such of my other books as he shaU choose to have. Item. It is my further Wffi, and I do hereby Order and direct that my Executor, the said Frederick Jones, shall have and take five per centuin Commission on aU moneys that shall arise the by sale of such of my Estate as is or shall be in — ^my WiU ordered is to be sold * * * (IUegible). Item. I Give and Bequeath to my God Daughter, EUzabeth Jones, Daughter of my Friend, the said Frederick Jones, my Negroe Woman caUed Flora, -wKe to my Negro man caU Toby, together with her tMee chUdren by Name, Bessy, Toby & Guy. Item. It is my Wffi and I do hereby order and direct that all my Negroe Slaves, household Goods, Stocks of weak ? Cattle, horse, Hoggs, Sheep, Geese, Turkeys, Ducks and Fowls of every kmd, Carts, Waggon and Plantation Tools of every kind, and aU the rest and Residue of my Estate of what kmd or nature Whatsoever, not in this my wUl by me before bequeathed and disposed of, be sold by my Executor, the said Frederick Jones; and in case of his death by my Nephews, Moses Britton & Frances Britton, and the money arismg by the sale thereof, after payment of my just debts and Funeral Expenses & the Commission aforesaid before Given & Orderd to my Executor the said Frederick Jones, I give and Bequeath to my Nephews, Moses Britton, Francis Britton, Henery Britton & my Niece, Mary Britton to be EquaUy distributed among them, Share & Share Alike. Item. It is my WiU & I desire my Executor, Frederick Jones do imeffiately after my decease, send my Negro man Cato with an anon'mt of my death to my Nephews, Moses Britton & Francis Britton, and is is my desire that my wffi be not opened till they have such Notice. Lastly, I Nominate & Appomt my aforesaid Friend, Fred erick Jones, Esquire, Executor of this my last wUl & Testament & after Ms death I Nominate & Appomt Moses Britton & Fran ces Britton, Executors thereof. In Testimony whereof, I have, to tMs my last Wffi & Test ament, set my hand and seal this ffith — day of September, in the year of our Lord, one thousand and seven hunffied and Seventy two. Henry Hyene (Coat of Arms on seal) Signed, Sealed, Published and declared by the said Henry Hyrne, as, and for Ms last Wffi & Testament m the presence of us. Saml. Gwann. John Bufobd. Benjamin Williams. William Bufobd. 264 Noeth Carolina Wills. N. B. The words "and fourty" between the thirteenth and fourteenth lines from the Top of the first page, first inter lined; and the Words "fourty" in the twenty second line, and Hannah, in the twenty nith line of the said first page blurred, before the Signing of the WUl on the other haK of this Sheet, by the said Henry Hyrne in the presence of us. Sam Gwann, John Bufobd, Benjamin Williams, William Bufobd. Noeth Caeolina. ss. Codicil. I, Henry Hyrn, of New Hanover county, in the Province abovesaid. Gentleman, Do this day make and declare this my Cofficil in manner folio-wing, that is to Say, Whereas, In my WiU bearing date this ninth day of Sep tember, in the year of our Lord, one thousand, Seven hunffied and Seventy two, I have forgot to dispose of my wearing apparell I Do now by this my CodicU Give and Bequeath all my Wearing apparel to my Nephews, Joseph Walters, Henry Wal ters & George Walters (except my Shirts or Wearing Linnin) to be Equally divided amohg them. And my shirts or Wearing Linnin, I Give and Bequeath to my said Nephews, Joseph Wal ters, Henry Walters Gorge Walters, and my Neice, Elizabeth Walters, to be equaUy * * * (Illegible) I Give and Be queath to my friend * * * (Illegible) in transacting my Law business the sum of Ten pounds proclamation money, to be paid him out of the money arising by the Sale of the resi duum of my Estate. And Lastly, It is my WiU and desire that this present Codicil, wrote in the same Sheet of paper whereon my will is wrote, be made a part of my Last Will & Testament to all intents and purposes. In Witness whereof, I have hereunto put my hand and Seal, this ninth day of September, one thousand Seven hunffied and seventy two. Heney Hyene (Coat of Arms on Seal) Signed, Sealed, Published & declared in presence of us: (The word "Elizabeth Walters" be tween the tenth & eleventh line from the Top of the Codicil first interlined). John Rufoed. Benjamin Williams. William Bufobd. The witffin last Wffi and Testament and Cofficil thereto, of Henry Hyrne, deceased, was proved before me tffis 26th. day of October, 1773, North Carolina Wills. 265 by the Oath of WUUam Buford, one of the subscribing Witnesses thereto, who swore that he was present and ffid see the withm named Testator Sign, Seal, publish and declare the same to be and contam ffis last Wffi and Testament, and that * * * (Line lUegjble). And the Said Frederick Jones, the Executor m the said WiU named, ha-vmg quaUfied by takmg the Oaths of an Executor agreeable to Law. It is Ordered that Letters Testamentory issue thereon accordmgly. Jo. Martin. Copied from the Original Wffi, ffied m the Office of the Secretary of State. JAMES INNES' WILL. In the Nam of God Amen. I, James Innes, of Cape Fear, in North Carolina m America, CoU. of the Regement of sd. Pro-vince, (Raised for His Majestys imeffiate Service and Com manded m CMef of this Expeffition to the OMo, Against the French & there Indeans, whoe have most unjustly Invaided & fertffied Them Selves on Hi? Majestys Land), Being now readdey to enter upon Action & of Sound minde, Memory & Understandmg, Do make this my Last Wffi & Testament, in Manner & Forme foUowing, viz: I recomend my Soffi to the Almighty God that gave it, relymg on the merits of Jesus Christ for Mercy at the last day. My Bodie, I most freely Offer to be disposed off as God m His wise pro-vidence shall please to direct. I recomend the paymg of aU my Just & Lawfffi Debts, instantly or when demanded. I direct a remittance may be made to Edmburgh, Sufficient to pay for a Church BeU for the Parish Church of Cannesby, in Caithness, agreeable to my Letter to mr. Jams. Broadee, Minister there. I also appoint and direct, that there may be a furder remittance made of one himffied Pounds, Steril., for the Use of the Poor of the said Parish of Cannesby, and the said summ of One hunffied Pounds, to be put to Interest for the use of the Poor of Said Parish, as formerly directed by me. I also give & bequeath, att the Death of my Lo-vmg WKe, Jean Innes, my Plantation CaUed Point Pleasant, & the Op posite mash Land over the River, for wMch there is a Separate Patent, Two Negro young Women, One Negro young Man, and there Increase; aU the Stock of Cattle and Hogs, haKe the Stock of Horses belongmg att the time to that Plantation With aU my Books, and one hunffied Pounds Sterling, or the Eqmvalent thereunto in the currency of the Coimtry, For the Use of a Free School for the Benefite of the Youth of North Carolina. And to see that this part of my Wffi be dewly Executed att the time, I appomt the Colonell of the New Hanover Regiment, the Parson of WUlmington Church & the Vestrey for the tune 266 Noeth Carolina Wills. being, or the Majority, of them as they Shall from time to time be Choised or Appointed. The Residue of my Estate, both reall and personall, I lave to the Sole disposall of my Loving Wife and companion of my Life, Jean Innes, whome I appoint to be Sole Executrix of this my last will and Testament, which I desire may be recorded in the Publique Regester. In testimony hereof, I have put my hand and Seall, this fift day of July, and in the Year of our Lord, God, One thousand. Seven hundred, fifty and four. James Innes (Seal). Done at Winchester, in Virginia, in presence of us, Sign'd, Sealled, & published: John Caelyle. W. Cocks. Caleb Geaingeb. The foregoing Last Will and Testament of James Innes, Esquire, was duly proved before me by the oath of Caleb Gramger, who made Oath on the holy Evangelists, that he saw and heard the said James Innes, sign, seal and pubUsh the foregoing as, and for, his last WiU and Testament in the presence of the said Caleb Grainger, John Carlyle, and William Cocks, who subscribed their* respective Names as E-vidences thereto, m presence of the Testator, who was at the same time of sound and Dis posing Memory and Understanding. Let Letters Testamentary Issue hereof to Jean Innes, Executrix m the foregoing Will named, Brunswick, 9th., Octor., 1759. Arthur Dobbs. Copied from the Original Will, filed in the Office of the Secretary of State. CHRISTIAN ISLER'S WILL. In the Name of God aman. The Fourth Day of October, one Thousand, seven Hundred and forty Seven: I, Chrystian Isler, of the County of Craven, In the provins of North Carolina, Blander; being Very Sick and Weak In the Body, but of perfect Mind and memory, thanks be given unto god, therefore Calling unto Mind the Mortality of my body and kno-wing that it Is appointed for all men once to die, do make and ordain this my Last Will and Testament, that is to Say, principally and first of all, I Give and Recomment my Soul Into the hands of God that Gave it; and my body I Recomment to the Earth, to be buried in decent Christian Burial at the Descretion of my Executors, not doubting but at the General Resurrection I Shall Receive the Same again by the mighty power of God; and touching Such worldly Estate wherewith it hath pleased almighty god to bless me in this Life, I Give, Demise and dispose of the same m the following maner and form: Noeth Carolina Wills. 267 Imprimis, I Give and bequeath unto Elizabeth Isler, my dearly beloved Wife, one negro man Caffit Cato, and one negro women CalUt judee, -two plow horses under Ceers and one plow and fluck, one pay Mare Callit jan, and one tMee year old horse; and the third of aU my Houshold goods, and of all my Chattie, to her, the Said Elizabeth Isler, my WKe, her heirs. Executors or asministrators or assigns for Ever, and her Widow Sead on the blantation I now LKe on by her freely to be possessed with out ang Interruption & * * * Item. I give and bequeath to my weU beloved Sonn, John Isler, one negro man Caffit Embero, and one horse Caffit Zany, -with my Saffie and briffie, and five four year old Steers, five tMee year old heafers -with Calvs, and one YearUng horse, I give to Mm, his heirs, Executors, administrators and assigns for Ever. It«m. I Give and bequeath to my weU beloved Son, Wil liam Isler, my land and blantation I now Live on, and one negro boy Caffit Simon, and one maladder boy CaUet Scot, and four Ews and lambs, and one Ram, and Eight Sows and picks, I give to him, the said WUUam Isler, Ms heirs. Executors, admin istrators, and assigns for Ever. Item. I give and bequeath to my weU beloved Daughter, Elizabeth Isler, one feather bed, one negro boy CalUt Nooris, and one Sonel mare and Cold, all of wMch I Give to her, the Said Elizabeth Isler ]\Iy Daughter, to her, her heirs, Executors, administrators and assigns for Ever; and also, the third of all my household goods, and the third of aU my Chattie, to her for Ever. Item. I Give and bequeath to my weU beloved Daughter, Susanna Isler, one negro boy Caffit Charles, and one Two year old mare that Came of old Jan; and also, the third of aU my Houshold goods, and the third of aU my Chattie, aU of wMch I Give to her, her heirs, Executors, administrators and assigns for Ever. Item. I to Elect and Choose my well beloved brother, Fred erick Isler, and John Isler, and Wiffiam Isler, my Sons, for my Executors, to act acordmg to this my last wffi and Testament, and I do here by utterly disallow, Revoke and disanffi, aU and Every other former testament, wills, Lagacies and Requests and Executors by me m any ways before named, Willed and bequeathed, RetKjffiig and Confirming this, and no other, to be my Last wffi and testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto Set my hand and Seal the day and year above written. his Cheistian C E Isleb (Seal) Signed, Sealed, pubUshed, pro- '^^ nounced and declared, by the Said Christian Isler, as his Last 268 Nobth Carolina Wills. will and testament, In the pres ence of us the Subscribers: Melcher Remm. James Marshel. her Sarah X Lickblat. marke On the Oaths of Melcher Remm and Sarah Lickblat, of the due Execu tion of this WiU, Let it be Registered. The witffin named John Isler and William Isler ha-ving taken the oath of Extors. Dated this 7th day of November, 1747. E: Hall, C: J: Copied from Original WiU, filed in the Office of the Secretary of State. JOSEPH "JENORE'S WILL. In the name of God Amen. I, Joseph Jenore, Surveyor Generale of North Carolina, being Sick and weak, but of Sound mind and memory, do make and ordain this my Last will and Testament, desiring my body may be decently buryed, And recommending my Soul humbly to the mercy of God. Impris. I -will That all my Just Debts be payed as soon as Conveniently may be, and after my funeral Expences & Debts are payed, I Devise & bequeath all my Estate, real & personal whatsoever and wheresoever, to my Dear -wife, Anne Jenore, to her, her heirs & assigns. And I do hereby appoint my sd. wife sole Executrix of this my last wiU and 'Testament. My son being already provided for & under the Care of his grandfather, I give him one Shilling only, not doubting but due Care -wiU be Taken of him. And I do hereby revoke all other wills by me made. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto Set my hand & Seal. This 30th. (30 ) day of Sept., 1732. Jo. Jenobb. Signed, Sealed, published & declared, to be his last will and Testament in presence of us: Wm. Little. R. Fostee. Williams. No. Carolina, ssc. Jan'ry 13th., 1732. Ayleffe WilUams Personally appeared before me and made oath on the holy EvangeUst, that he Saw Joseph Jenoure, Esqr., Sign, Seal, publish & Declare the within written Instrument to be & contain his last will and Testam't, and that he Saw WiUiam Little & Robt. Forster sign as Evidences at the same time. Geo. Burrington. Copied from the Original WiU, ffied in the Office of the Secretary of State. Nobth Cabolina Wills. 269 GABRIEL JOHNSTON'S WILL. Noeth Caeolina. In the Name of God Amen, This is the last -wiU and Testa^ ment of Gabriel Johnston, Esquire, Govemor of North Caro Una. Imprimis, I give and bequeath unto my Dearest Wife, Frances Johnston, a Plantation caUed Possum Quarter, lying and bemg m Gran-vffie County. I also give and bequeath unto her another Plantation CaUed Conahoe, with the Three Himffied Acres lymg near it by Gainers Plantation, both m Tynel Countys, together -with a smaU Plantation lying on Salmon Creek in the County of Bertie, wMch 1 lately pur chased of Lamb Hardy, to her & her Heirs for Ever. Item, it is my WiU that the said Frances Johnston shaU at a Time she ShaU Think proper and Convement for her own Interest and that of my Daughter, Purchase for her own Use, and in Order to Manage and Stock the aforesaid Planta tion, Twenty Worldng Negroes, Seventy Head of black Cattle, and a Proportional Quantity of Hoggs, which Purchase I aUow her to make Either aU at Once or GraduaUy as it shaU best Sffit her Interest; or K it can't be done Easily to take the said Negroes out of the Estate of my Daughter, Penelope, and take Care to have the Gradually Replais'd. 2° I give & bequeath unto my Dearest Daughter, Penelope Johnston, all my Lands lying the Counties of Bertie, North ampton and Gran-vffie wMch I had by her Mother, to her and her Heirs for Ever, and aU the Slaves I had by her Mother when I married her, Together with their Increase. And in Case my Wife shall Choose to Remam in North Carolma and Reside upon the Lands of, and Uve with my Daughter (wMch is my Hearty Wish), my wiU is that she, my said Wife, shall have the Use of aU my said Daughters Plantations, and for her Encouragement to Cultivate & Improve these Planta tions, EspeciaUy in Raising SUk, and she, my said WKe, shaU Receive and Enjoy for her own Proper Use, One Half or Moiety of the Yearly Produce of the said Plantations, untUl the Time of my said Daughters Marriage, or her Attaimng the Age of One and Twenty, I likewise give my Daughter aU the live Stock which shall be on my said Plantations at the Time of my Decease. And I Earnestly Request my Dearest Wife to be a kind tender Mother to my Dear Uttle Girl, and to bring her up in the Fear of God and under a deep Sense of her being always in his Presence, and m Sobriety and Moderation Con- fimng her Desires to thmgs Plain, neat and Elegant, and not aspiring after the Gayety, Splendor and Extravagances; and EspeciaUy, to take Care to keep witMn the Bounds of her Incomes, and by no Means to Run in Debt. 270 Noeth Carolina Wills. And in Case it shall please Almighty God to remove my Daughter -without her leaving any Children behinde her, it is my WiU that the Above Estate shaU go to my Brothers Sons and their Heirs Heirs forever; and that in such Case my Dearest Wife, Frances Johnston, may Enjoy, Possess and live upon any One of my Plantations she shaU Choose Within Twelve Months after my Decease, and my Brother, Samuel Johnston, may in like Manner Choose any other of my Plantations to be Enjoyed during their Natural lives. It., I give and bequeath unto Henry Johnston, now at School in Newhaven, in the Colony of Conecticut, a Tract of One Thousand Acres of Land Lying on Cypress Creek on the South Side of Trent River in Craven County; and a Tract of Nine Hundred and Eighty Acres lying on the South Side of Trent, to CaroUna Johnston, his Sister; and a Tract of Four Hundred and Odd Acres lying on the Head of Trent and New Rivers to my Neice, Penelope Johnston, to them and their Heirs for ever. All which Lands formerly belonged to William Smith, Esqr., CMef Justice of tMs Province, and were left to me by his Will. Item, I give and bequeath unto my Brother's Two Son, Samuel Johnston and John Johnston, a Tract of Land of Seven Thousand Acres lying on Deep River in Bladen County, which I hold under the Name of Edward Griffith, Esqr., to be Equally Divided between them, to them their Heirs, Execu tors for Ever. It, I give unto my Daughter, Penelope, all the small Islands lying in Roanoke River, and in the neighbourhood of Mount Gailard. It., I do -will, and hereby Impower my Executors here after Named, to Sell all the Remainder of my Real Estate to the best Purchaser within Two Years after my Decease, and the Monies arising from the Sale thereof, I do hereby Order to be appUed to the Payment of my Just Debts. I leave all my Houshold Furniture, Plantation Tools and Necessaries to my Wife and Daughter in Case they Remam in this Province; My Books, I leave to William Cathcart, Esqr., after my Wife and Brother have Choose out them any Number not Exceeding Forty Each. It, To my Sister, Elizabeth Smear, of the County of Fife, North Britain, my large Repeating Gold Watch after it has been put in Order at the Expence of my Estate. To CaroUna Johnston, so be she settles at her Plantation, Ten Cows and Calves, with Hoggs in Proportion, and Five Negroes, And to Each of my Brother's Daughters, at the Day of their Mar riage, Two Negroes. And all that Distressed poore Family I Recommend to the Kindness and Protection of my Dear Wife, not Dareing to leave more to my Brother least it should North Carolina Wills. 271 be Seized to his Creffitors, and his FamUy have no Benefit by it. As for aU the Remamder of my Estate, after Payment of my Just Debts as above Directed, I Order aU may be sold and my Creffits and Arrears of SaUary to be Divided in Five Parts; One FKth to my WKe, Two FKths to WUUam Cathcart in Trust for my Brother for the Education of his FamUy, One Fifth for my Sister, Elizabeth Smear and her Heirs, and One FKth to Henry Johnston. It., I give unto my Dearest WKe, One Negro Female ChUd CaUed Titty, and leave her Sole Executrix of tMs my last Wffi; And in Case of her Death or Absence, Samuel Johnston and Wiffiam Cathcart, Esqr., Executors, Done at Edenhouse this Sixteenth Day of May, 1751. Gab: Johnston. (Seal) "This last Wffi and Testament aU written with my Own Hand and Contained m this & the Two Proceeding Pages was signed. Sealed and Declared to be my last WiU and Testament m Pres ence of: Andw. Leake. Saml. Ormes. Thos. Whitmell. North Carolina. I, Matthew Rowan, Esqr., President & Commander m Cffief in and over the said Provuice, Do hereby Certify that this Day Samuel Ormes PersonaUy appeared before me and made Oath that he saw ffis late Excel lency Gabriel Johnston, Esqr., late Govemor of the said Provmce, sign. Seal and Declare the above Instrument of Writmg as & for his last Will and Testament, and that at his Signmg thereof he was of sound & Dispos ing Mmd and Memory; and also, that he saw Andrew Leake and Thos. WhitmeU sign their Names at the same Time as Evidences thereunto. Given at Newbem under my Hand, tffis Fourth Day of AprU, Anno Dom., 1753. Math: Rowan. North Carolina. This Day Frances Johnston, Widow, ReUct of the late Gabriel Johnston, Esqr,, late govemor of this Province, Personally appeared before me as Excutrix appomted by the WUl of said Gabriel Johnston, Esqr., and took the Oath appointed by Law to be taken by Executors. Given under my Hand this 16th. Day of April, Anno Dom., 1753. Jas. Hasell C. Sc. Bertie County. May Court, 1753. The withm written last Will and Testament of ffis late Excellency, Gabriel Johnston, Esqr., late Govemor of North CaroUna was further proved by the Oath of Thomas WhitmeU, One of the Subscribmg Wit nesses thereto, Ordered to be Certffied. P Order of Court. Copy, Saml. Ormes, Cl. Cur. Recorded in Wffi Book 6, page 153. 272 North Carolina Wills. SAMUEL JOHNSTON'S WILL. North Caeolina, ) Onslow County, ) In the Name of God Amen, This is the last Will and Testam't of Saml. Johnston, of Onslow County, in the Province aforesaid. Imprs., after paying my lawful Debts both in Great Britain and here, .1 give and bequeath to my Son, Samuel and John, Six thousand, five hundred Acres of land lying on the NorthEast of Capefear River, contained in four Patents. Item, I give and bequeath unto my Daughter, Jean, Penelope, Isobell, Ann, Hannah, all my lands on Tuckahoe, and Two hundred Acres on Beaver Creek including the Mouth thereof, both in Craven County, and all my lands on the Branches of New River, in Short all my real Estate except what is given away above. Item, I Give and bequeath unto my said Daughters Jean, penelope, Isobel, Ann and Hannah, all my Personal Estate, my Nigers to be Divided among them in Manner following, (Vizt.) one Wench Named bigless and her increase to my Daughter Jean, I mean Dinah and Lydia bess her two Chil dren; to Penelope, little Bess and Susannah; to Isobel Inda and Sall; to Ann, Juno and peter; to my Daughter Hannah, Sapho and her Daughter Cary and Black Hannah. The Negro Men to be divided amongst my Daughters, Vizt., Fordune, Frank, Cato, Le-wis and Dundree, My Stock of Horses, Black Cattle and Hoggs, Houshold Goods, Plantation Tools, and every other thing belonging to my Personal Estate as if they were herein Particularly Mentioned, to be divided amongst my Daughters; and in Case any of them Should be called of by Death, that their portion Shall go to the Surviver or Survivers of my Daughters. It is my Will that my hands may be kept at work on my plantation for payment of my Debts so far, or be hired out, at the Discretion of my Execu tors after mentioned, and it is my desire that my Daughters should Stay -wth. Mrs. Pheebee Warburton as long as She lives and is -willing to keep them, or till they are Married. lastly, I declare this to be my last Will and Testament, Making Void aU former Wills, and I hereby appoint John Starkey, Esquire, my Exr. In witness whereof I have hereunto put my hand and seal before Cary Godbe, William WilUams and John Melton, Subscribing Evidences, this 13th. Day of November, in the Year of Our Lord, one thousand, Seven hundred and fifty Six Years, and in the 30th. Year of our Sovereign Lord the King, his reign. Saml. Johnston. (Seal) Gaby Godbe. Wm. Williams. Jno. Milton. Nobth Cabolina Wills. 273 North Carolina, Onslow County. At a Court begun and held at the Court Hous on New River, the first Tuesday in Janry. being the 3d. Day, in and for the County of Onslow, Before John Starkey, Esquire, & the rest of the Justices, the within Will was proved by the Oath of John Milton, and John Starkey the Exor. therein Named, QuaUfied by takeing the Usual Oath. Ordered that he have Letters Testamentary Recorded m Wffi Book 8, page 133. Willm. Cray, C. C. FREDERICK JONES' WILL. No. Caeolina. sc. In the Name of God Amen. I, Frederick Jones, of the Precmct of Chowan, m No. CaroUna, Esqr., being sick and weak in body, but of Sound and perfect mind & memory, Do Make and Declare these Presents to be and contain my Last Wffi and Tesament. Imprimis, I Give, devise and bequeath unto my Eldest daughter, Jane, My Indian Girle named Nanny, My Negro woman named Dmah, together with her tMee Chilffien, and all the increase that shaU be bome of any of them; Her Mothers Diamond weddmg ring, and large pair of Diamond Ear-rings, Gold Watch, with the Chain, Seal & other thmgs fixed thereto; AU her Mothers wearing AppaneU Such as is already made up & Such thmgs as was designed for her but not made up, All her Mothers CMld bede Linnen, with white silk Damask Gown; AU the China ware and Tea fumiture, with the Dressmg Table and fumiture; also, a Dozen of my finest Damask Napkins and Table Clothe, a Dozen of fine Diaper Napkins & Table Clothe, One pair of my finest holland Sheets with Pffiow Cases; and one other pair of holland Sheets with piUow Cases. Item, I give, devise and bequeath unto my Daughter, Mar tha, four young Negroes, two male and two female not under ten years of Age, to be set apart from the rest of my Estate for the use of my said daughter, together with the Increase thereof; Also, the smaUer pair of Diamond Ear-rings, one Diamond rmg, her Mothers Gold Shoe Buckles, thimble & Bodkm; one Dozen of my finest Damask Napkins and table Clothe; one dozen of fme Diaper Napkins & Table Clothe, One pair of my fmest hoUand Sheets & pffiow cases, and one other pair of hoUand Sheets with Pffiow Cases. Also, the Sum of one hunffied and fifty pounds, Boston Money. Item, I Give, devise and bequeath imto my daughter, Rebeckah, four young Negroes, two male & two female, not under ten years of Age, to be set apart from the rest of my Estate for the use of my said daughter, together with the Increase thereof; One Diamond Rmg, One Dozen fme Damask Napkins and Table Clothe, One Dozen fine Diaper Napkins 18 274 Noeth Caeolina Wills. and Table Clothe, Two pair of fine holland Sheets and pillow Gases. Also, the Sum of Two hundred pounds, Boston Money. It is my WUl, True Intent & meaning, That these Three Legaceys before given unto my three Daughters, be paid and deUvered unto them as they shall respectively attain the age of twenty one Years, or day of Marriage, which shal first happen, and if it shal happen that either of my said Daughters shal depart this life before Marriage or Age of twenty one years, Then it is my Will, true Intent and meaning, that the Legacyes so given shall go to the Sur-vivors or Survivor of my Said Daughters. Item, I Give, Devise and bequeath unto my Eldest son, WUliam Harding Jones, all my Land on the South side of Moratoke River, being part of a large tract of nine Thousand, one hundred Acres by me taken up. Also, all my Lands in Hyde precinct, To have and to hold the aforesaid Lands on the South side of Moratoke River, and in Hyde precinct unto my said Son, William Harding Jones, and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten; And for want of such heirs Male, then to my Son, Frederick and the heirs Male of his body lawfully begotten; And for want of such heirs Male, then to my Son Thomas, and the heirs Male of his body lawfully begotten; and for want of such heirs Male, then to the Right heirs of my Son, William Harding Jones. Item, I Give, devise and bequeath unto my said Son, William Harding Jones, All the rest of my Lands in Albemarle County, and in Beaufort and Hyde precincts, as well what I shal here after Purchase, as what I am now possessed of, (Excepting my Lands near and adjoining to Meherrin Creek, and my Lands on the North side of Moratoke River). To have and to hold ye Same, Excepted as before Excepted, unto my said Son, William Harding Jones and his Heirs and assigns for ever. Item, I Give, devise and bequeath unto my Son, Frederick Jones, all my Lands in Craven precinct, To have & to hold the same, unto my said Son, Frederick Jones, and the heirs male of his body la-wfully begotten; and for want of such heirs male, then to my son, WilUam Harding Jones, and the heirs male of his Body la-wfully begotten; and for want of such heirs male, then to my Son, Thomas Jones, and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten; and for want of such heirs male, then to the right heirs of my said Son, Frederick Jones. Item, I Give, Devise and bequeath unto my Son, Thomas Jones, all my Lands at, or near, Meherrin Creek, in Chowan Precinct; Also, those Lands belonging to me on the North side Moratoke River, in the Precinct aforesaid, being part of the tract of nine thousand, one hundred acres by me taken up, To have & to hold the same unto my said Son, Thomas, his heirs and assignes for ever. Nobth Carolina Wills. 275 Item, After the Slaves before m this my Wffi given to my Daughters, are set apart, I Wffi, That aU the rest of my Slaves be equaUy divided as near as may be accordmg to age and goodness, among my tMee Sons aforenamed, to be delivered them by my Broth'rs as they shaU respectively attain the age of twenty one Years or day of blarriage, wMch shaU first happen, this Clause to be understood of what Slaves I shal hereafter purchase, as weU as what I am now possessed of. Item, I give unto each of my Sons one Diamond Rmg. Item, I Give unto my tMee Sons, to be equaUy divided among them, aU my Library of Books, Except those books commoffiy used by my wKe, wMch I have ordered to be put mto her Closets; wMch books I give unto my Daughter Jane. Item, aU my Plate, and household Fumiture, with the Appurtenances belongmg to the Plantation whereon I now Dwell, I give unto my Son, Wm. Harding Jones, he paymg to my two Sons, Frederick and Thomas, to each of them, one third of the value thereof as it shal be adjudged by my brother, when they shaU attam the Age of twenty one years or day of Marriage. Item, I give unto my Son, Wffiiam Hardmg Jones, aU my Stock of Cattle, horses, Sheep and hogs, he paying & delivering unto my son Frederick, fifty Cowes & Calves & twenty Steers, not under four Years old when my said son, Frederick, shall attam the Age of twenty one Years or Day of Marriage. Item, If any of my Sons, shal depart this Ufe before they attam ye age of twenty one years or day of Marriage, Then it is my Wffi, true Intent and meaning, that the Portion of my Personal Estate given in this my Will to such Son or Sons, shal go to the Survi-vmg Son or Sons. Item, If any Doubt shal arise about the Construction of this my WiU, or any part thereof. It is my Desire that the Same be refened to the Decision of my Brother, to be by him determmed without gomg to Law. Item, I do hereby Authorize, Impower & Appomt my Love mg Bror., "Thomas Jones of Virgima, Gentn., to make Sale and dispose of all my Lands lymg m King Wiffiam Coimty m Vir ginia, commoffiy called Homs Quarter, to such person or persons m fee Simple as he shal think fit, And the moneys ariseing by such Sale to Appropriate to the benefit of my tMee Sons, as he in his discretion shaU think fit. Item, I Give unto my Lovemg Brother Ten pounds, Sterling, to buy a Sffit of Mourffing. AU the rest and residue of my Estate of what nature, kmd or quaUty soever, I give, de-vise & bequeath unto my tMee Sons, to be equaUy ffi-vided among them by my brothers aforesaid. Lastly, I do hereby Nominate & Appomt my Lovemg 276 North Carolina Wills. Brother Thomas Jones, of Virginia, Gent., and my Two Sons, Wm. Harding Jones & Frederick Jones, to be Executors of this my Last WiU & Testament, hereby Revokeing all former & other Wills by me heretofore made or Declared. In Testimony whereof, I, the said Frederick Jones, have hereunto Set my Hand & Seal, this Nineth day of ApriU, Anno Dom., 1722. Fred. Jones, (Seal) (Impression of Coat of Arms on Seal) Signed, Sealed, Published & Declared In the presence of: mark of Sabah X Stewaet Jur. RoGEE Hazard. John Ansley, Jure. E. Moseley, jure. No. Carolina, ss. Memd. That the afore written will was proved before me by the Oaths of Sarah Stewart, John Ansley, & Edwd. Moseley, Evidences thereto, March the 26th., 1723. At the Same time Thomas Jones, Gent., one of the Exrs. therein appoint ed, came before me and tooke the Oath of an Exr. as pr. Law reqffired. Gale, C: Just: No. Caeolina. sc. A Codicil to be annexed to the Will of Frederick Jones, Esqr. I Give and bequeath unto my daughter, Jane, My wives Side Saddle and furniture thereto belonging, with the horse called Blaze. To my daughter Martha, a Set of Silver tea Spoons, double guilded. To my daughter Rebeckah, to pair of filigreen gold Shift buckles, and all the gold rings and Ear rings. To my good friend and Neighbour, Edward Moseley, of Chowan precinct, my pair of PistoUs, mounted with Silver Caps, &c., with bridle Locks and stocked -with EngUs Walnut. In Testimony whereof, I, the said Frederick Jones, have hereunto set my Hand and Seal, this thirteenth Day of ApriU, 1722. Feed: Jones. (Seal) Sealed, Published & Declared to be annexed to the Will, In presence of us and was annexed before Witnessing. iSaeah X Stewaet, Jur: Ann Moseley, E. Moseley, Jur: No. Carolina, sc. Memd. That the above CodicU was duely proved before me, by the Oaths of Sarah Stewart & Edward Moseley. March the 26th. 1723. Gale, Ch: Just: Copied from the Original WiU, ffied in the Office of Secretary of State. Noeth Caeolina Wells. 277 JAMES JONES' WILL. In the Name of God, amen. I, James Jones, of the Provmce of North Carolina and m the Coimty of Tyrrell, Cooper, being at Present m sound Mmd and memory, thanks be given to God for it, and calemg to mind the mortality of my Body and Knowir^ that it is appoynted for aU men once to Die, Do make and ordam this my last wffi and Testament, that is to say: Prmcipaly and first of aU, I give and Recomend my soul into the Hands of Ahmghty God that gave it and my body I Recom mend to the Earth to be Bureyid at the Discretion of my Executors, Nowthing Doubtmg but at the general Resunec tion, I shaU Receve the same agam by the mighty Power of God; and as ToucMng Such worlffiy Estate, wherewith it hath Pleased God to Bless mee in this LKe, I give and Dis pose of m the Form and Manner FoUowing: Imprams., I ^ve and bequeath to my Lovemg wKe, Mary Jones, Dureing her NaturaU LKe, one Hunffied and FKty Acres of Land, Includmg my uper Plantation. Item, after the Death of my said WKe, my Wffi and Desire is, that the said one Hunffied and fifty Acres of Land, m- cluding my Said uper Plantation, be my Son, James Jones, to him and his heirs for Ever; and m Case my Son, James, should Die in his menority, then my Wffi and Desyer is, that the sd. upper Plantation, with one Himffied and fKty acres of Land, be my Son, Traley Jones, to him and his heirs for Ever. Item, I give and bequeath to my son, Benjamm Jones, one hunffied and fKty acres of Land, bemg the Remammg Part of the Land belongmg to my sd. uper Plantation, to him and his Heirs for Ever: and m Case my son Benjamm should die ui his Menority, then the sd. Hunffied and fKty Acres of Land to be my Son, Traley Jones, and his Heirs for ever. Item, I give and Bequeath to my Daughter, Mary Drapk, one young Mare. Item, I give and Bequeath my Personal Estate to my Sever- aU Chilffien hereafter mentioned, offiy, my wKe to have the use thereof Dureing her LKe; and m Case she mary again, then to have the use of my sd. PersonaU Estate During her Wido- Hood. my Said PersonaU Estate I Desyer shoffid be EquaUy Devided Betwen my ChUffien after the Death or Marage of my said WKe, To wit: Evan Jones, James Jones, Traley Jones and Benjm. Jones, and Ann Jones and Elizabeth Jones. Item, I give to John Ray the Liberty Duremg his Life and his Wifes WidoHood, the Pri-vUege of DewUing on Part of my Land Called the folley. I do herby appoint and constitute my Lovemg Wife, Mary Jones, Exectrx. Together With my Two Sons, Evan and James 278 Noeth Carolina Wills. Jones, Hole and soul Executors of this my Last Will and Testement, and I Do hereby utterly Disalow, Revoke and DisanuU all and Every other former Testaments, Wills, Legaces and Bequests and Executors by mee in any Ways before Named, WiUed and Bequeathed, Ratifying and confirming this and No other to be my Last Will and Testament. In Witness whareof, I Have hereunto Set my hand and Seal this third Day of August, in the year of our Lord, one thousand, Seven Hundred and fifty. James Jones. (Seal) Signed, Sealed and Delivered in the Presence of us : John Ray. his William MC Howard, Jurat, mark Elizabeth && Howaed. her Mark James Jones Qual'd Exer. Copied from the Original WUl ffied in the Office of the Secretary of State. WILLIAM HARDING JONES' WILL. To All Christian people. To whom this present writing Shall Come, I, Wm. Harding Jones, of ye Eastern Parish of Chowan, and Precinct in Allbemarle Coimty, Send Greeting in our Lord God Everlasting: Know ye, That I, the said Wm. Hard: Jones, as weU for and in Consideration of the Tender Love & good will wch I have & do bear unto my well beloved -wife, Ann Jones, As also for diverse other good causes and Consideration me at This present Especially moving, have given & granted and by these presents do give, grant & confirm unto the said Ann Jones, my -wife, her heirs and assigns for ever, one certain piece or parcel of Land containing four thousand Acres on Roanoak river in Bertie Precinct, it being That Trackt of Land out of Wch, I have sold three hunffied to Ellis Hodges of the same precinct; I also give to her during her natural Life, the house & plantation whereon I now Uve, -with all & Singular, the rights, heridatements, appertenances & ap pendants whatsoever, to the said peice or parcel of Land in any -wise appertaining; with aU Cattle, hoggs, horses. Sheep, belonging to the sd. plantation, with one third part of the Negroes I now possess; also, all my houshold goods belonging to the sd. house, Excepting the family pictures and Court of Armes, which I give to my well beloved brother, Freddick Jones; & Ukewise all my books in ye sd. house, I give to my Noeth Cabolina Wills. 279 brothers, Freddick and Thomas Jones, EquaUy to be ffivided. All the residue of my Estate, I give to my two weU beloved brothers aforesaid, both real & personal, after a discharge of aU Just Debts. To have and To hold aU and Singffiar, the above mentioned premises to the said Ann, Frederick & Thomas, and to their heirs for ever, m as clear and ample manner to all mtents and purposes, as a pure and indeazable Estate m fee Simple and Absolute can be held or Enjoy'd, and such an Estate m and To ye premises I bmd my Self, my heirs for ever, to warrant and defend unto the said Ann, Frederick & Thomas, and Their Assignes for ever. In -witness whereof, I have hereunto affixed my hand & Seale, this Second day of January, m the year of our Lord God, one thousand Seven & Thirty. Wm. Harding Jones. (Seal) Sign'd, Seal'd & deUver'd in Presence of us: Geoege Alleign. Samll. Snowden. Matthew Young. Proved before me by ye oath of George AUeyn, and Samuel Snowden and that they also Saw Mathew Young, Sign as an Evidence to the Same. The 27th. day of Jffiy, 1732. Jno. Paun, Ch: Just: Copied from Original WiU, ffied m the office of the Secretary of State. LEWIS ALEXANDER KNIGHT'S WILL. In the name of God amen. I, Lewis aUexr. Kmghts, of pasquotank, in the province of North Carolina, being sick and weake in body but of perfect mmd & Memory, Thanks be unto ye ahmght God for the Same, & knowmg that all men Must Certaiffiy Die, doe in order Thereunto make This last wffi & Testament, in manner & form foUowing, (Thats to Say), first and principaUy, I give and bequeath my Soffi mto the hands of almight God that gave it, trusting m the merits of my blessed Saviour Jesus CMist; and my body to the Earth from whence it was taken, at the discressions of my Executors hereafter named; and as ToucMng Such Est Ate as the aU mighty god hath bestowed upon me in "This LKe, I give and bequeath the same as foUoweth: Impr., I give and bequeath unto my Loving Wife, ann Knight, this my plantation whereon I now live, during her natural LKe; and after her Decease, I give and bequeath unto my Son, Emmanuel Knight, this part of my plantation on the River; and the other part Joying to Thomas Armours, I give 280 Noeth Caeolina Wills. to my son, Lewis Knight, de-vided at the middle of the piney ground, to them and the heirs of their body Lawfully begotten for Ever. And alsoe, my -will is that my two Sons before mentioned, Shall be at their Uberty at the age of Eighteen years from the Command and Service of any manner of persons Whatsoever, as also the Rest of my ChUdren to be there o-wn men at the age aforesaid. Item, I give and bequeath unto my son, Emmanuel Knight, my Chest. I give and bequeath all the rest of my Estate unto my wife, whom I appoint and Nominate my whole and sole Executrix of This my Last wiU and. Testament, Revoking & Renouncing all other wills and Testaments by me heretofore made or nominated. Witness my hand and Seale, this 17th. Day of March 1731/2. Lewis: alexnd: Knight. (Seal) Signed, Sealed, pubUshed, pro nounced, declared to be the Last wUl & Testament of Lewis Alex. kmght, m presence of: Jee — . Sweeny. Timothy Meades. her Maey X Sweeny. mark Pasquotank precinct. Aprile Court, 1732. The above wiU was proved in open Court by ye oath of Timt. Meadea and That he say mary Sweeny & Jerame Sweeny, Sign ye same. Test: W. Minson, Cie: Cou: Copied from Original Will, filed in the Office of the Secretary of State. JOHN LAWSON'S WILL. No. Caeolina. Bath Towne. In the iNAMB OF GoD, Amen, ye 12th. day of August 1708. I, John Lawson, of Bath To-wne, in the Province of North Carolina, Gent., being of perfect mind & memory, thanks be given unto God therefore, calling to mind the mortality of my body & knowing that it is appointed for men once to dye, Doe make and Ordayne this my last will and testament, that is to Say, principally & first of all, I give a recomend my body to ye Earth, & my Soul to Allmighty God that gave it. Impris., I give & bequeath to my Dearly beloved Hannah Smith, the house & Lott I now live in, to enjoy the same North Carolina Wills. 281 during her NaturaU Ufe & also one third part of my Personale Estate m No. Carolina to her own proper Use & behoofe & for her to dispose of ye Same as She Thinks fitt. Item, I give ye remamder of my Estate, both PersonaU & reale, to my Daughter, Isabella, of Bath Town and to the brother & sister (which her mother is w'th CMld off at this present) to them EquaUy to Enjoy (-vizt.) that Each of them two shaU Enjoy & iiffieritt alike an EquaU part of aU my Estate that I dye Possessed of, the Land to be parted & de 'vided when they shaU arrive att twenty one years of age or Marry. And K it shall please God that her Mother, Hannah Smith, shaU have more than one CMld at a Birth, wMch she is now with Child off, that then, every CMld of hers by me shaU Enjoy an equaU part of my Estate. And Doe hereby Constitute, make & Ordayne ye Commis' of ye Court of Bath County w'th Mrs. Haimah Smith, the Exr's. of this my last wffi and Testament aU & Smgffiar my lands tenem'ts & Messauges, & I doe hereby utterly disaUow, revoke & disanuU aU & every other former Testaments, WUls, Legacy's & Bequests & Exrs. by me in any way before named, Wffied & bequeathed, ratyfying & Confirmmg this & no other to be my last wiU & testament. In Witness whereof, I have hereunto Sett my hand & Seal ye day & Year above Written. John Lawson. (Seal) Signed, Selaed, pubUshed & declared by ye sd. John Lawson, as his last will & testament in the presence of us ye Subscribers: Wm. W. Hawkock. Rich'd Smith. James Leigh. Recorded ffi Wffi Book 2, page 98, Office of the Secretary of State. JOHN LEAR'S WILL. In the Name of God Amen, The twenty first day of No vember in ye year of our Lord, one thousand, six hunffied, ninty and five. I, John Lear, of ye county of Nancemond m Virga. bemg weak in body and m good and perfect memory, thaaks be to God, Doe make this my last wffi & Testament m maimer and forme following, "That is to Say, first I bequeath my Soffi and Spkit unto ye hands of God, my heaveffiy father, by whome of his mercy and only grace I trust to be saved and received unto etemal rest tMough ye death of my Saviour & Redeemer Jesus Christ, m whose precious blood I sett ye hope of my salvation; and my body, m hope of a joyfuU resurection 282 North Carolina Wills. I committ to ye earth to be buried decently as my deare rela^ tion shall think fitt. And touching ye disposition of my worldly goods, I dispose of ye same as foUoweth: First, I wiU that all such debts as I owe shall be truely paid. Imprimis, I give to ye widow Pitt, my Sister, besides what she owes me, five pounds. Item, I give ye poor widow Perdue of ye Isle of Wight county, five hundred pounds of tobaco a yeare, so long as she lives. Item, Ye bottles of all sorts, Silk, Silver & gold fringes, as aU dresses fitted and made — now in ye house w'th belonging to my widow and daughter, as also New wearing linen, I Give to be Equally devided betwixt my daughter Burwell and my daughter, Elisabeth Lear, widow of my deceased son, Thomas Lear. Item, I give and bequeath my Grandaughter, Elizabeth Lear, aU that tract & devidend of Land w'ch I leased to Coll. James Jewell and is now in possession of Capt. Robert Randall, for her Ufe, and after her death to ye heirs of her body lawfully begotten, and for default of such heirs, I give ye said tract of land, being aboute two hundred & fifty acres, lying in Nar- rowsquick bay to John George, and ye heirs of his body; & in default of such heirs I give ye same to my grand Son, John Lear, to him and his heirs la-wfully begotten for ever. Item, I give unto Charles Goremge, all my lands in Surry County w'th I was about selling to William Brown, as per pattent about three hundred & thirty acres, to him & his heirs for ever, and I also give ye said Charles Goremge, ye negro boy Charles at Kerotan, and ye negro girle Fanny there also, & Six Cows and A buU. Item, I give unto John George, ye negroes Jack & Fido & to use & plant, if he see good, only, point land whereon ye said negroes are till his own land, given by Coll. George, shall come into his hands, & I also give him what cattle is on ye said point belonging to me. Item, I give my buff suit with fringe jacket & Silk hose unto James Mountgomery, in full compensation of his trouble from first to last. All other my wearmg clothes Imen & woolen I desire may be devided between John George & Charles Goremge. Item, I give & bequeath unto my grand son, John Lear, aU other my landes, tenements & hereditements nature, quality, together with what leased & for tearme of years, to him & his heirs of his body lawfully begotten. As to all other my accompts, estate, whether merchantable goods, household goods, plate, money, bills, lands and ac compts, or any other goods, wares, or merchandizes, of what nature soever, either here or in England, Carolina or elsewhere, North Carolina Wills. 283 my will and desire is, that it be equaUy shared after a true accompt taken m tMee parts. The ffist parte, I give to my grand son, John Lear, for ever, ye second third part thereof to my two grandaughters, Elizabeth & ]\Iartha, chilffien of my offiy son, Thomas Lear, deceased, and in case of mortaUty ye survivors to enjoy ye deceased or deceases's parte; & ye third and last parte I give betwixt my daughter Martha BurweU & her chUffien she had by Col. Cole & to ye survivors of them. And ye land I bought of George PoweU and addmg ye plan tation whereon John ]MackwUliams ffid live, & contaimng aboute tMee hunffied & fifty acres, with aU houses, orchards, tenements, hereffitaments to ye Same belongmg, to her, her heirs for ever, anytMng to ye contrary notwithstandmg. And Lastly, I doe appomt my son m law, Maj. Lenoard BurweU, & my good friend Capt. Thomas Godwm, my abso lute, whole & Sole Executo'rs of this my last wffi & 'Testament, & every parte & Clause therem contamed, makmg nuU & Void aU other wills & Testam'ts whatsoever, & tMs offiy to be my last wUl & Testament and no other. In witness whereof, I have hereunto sett my hand & fixed my Seale ye day & year above written. Jno. Lear (Come SigUU) Signed, Sealed & deUvered in ye presence of: Signum William W Coffeild John Lowe. Elizabeth Beidgebs. signum Ann a Coffeild. Copia Vera. Test. Andeew Ross, dept. Cl. Court. At a court held for Nansemond County, Feb'y ye 12th. 1695, proved by ye oathes of mr. William Coffietd, Mr. Jno. Lowe & Mrs. Arm Cof- feUd, and by ye affiemation of Mad'm Elizabeth Bridgers with order to record & it recorded. Test. Andrew Ross, dept. Cl. Court. Copied from Original WUl, FUed m the Office of the Secretary of State. FRANCIS LEYDON'S WILL. In The name of God amen, This Twenty Third Day of februry, In the Second year of the Reign of our Sovgram Lord King George, and In the Year of our Lord God, one Thousand, Seven hunffied Twenty Seven-Eight. I, Francis Layden, of the provmce of North Carolina, In the County of albemarie, In the precmct of perquimons. Being Verey Sick and weak In body, but of perfect mind and memory, Thanks be 284 Noeth Carolina Wills. Given unto god; Therefore CalUng Unto minde the mortality of my body, and Knowing that It Is appointed for aU once to Dye, Do make and ordain my Last will and Testement, that is to Say, principaUy and first of all I Give and Recommend my Soul Into the hands of God that Gave it; and my body I Recommend to the Earth, to be Buried in Decand and Christian manner at the Discretion of my Executrix, nothing Doubting but at the General Resurection I ShaU Receive the Same again by the all mighty power of god; and as Touching Such worldly Estate where-with It hath pleased God to bless me In this Life, I Give, demise and Dispose of the Same In the following manner and forme: Imprimis, I Give and bequeath to my Dearly Beloved -wife, Elizabeth Layden, whom I Likewise Constitute and appoint my Executrix, the benefit and use of all my Estate, both Real and personal. During her -widow hood. Item, I Give and bequeath to my well beloved Son, WiUiam Layden, the plantation I now Live upon, Containing Two hundred and Thirty Seven acres; the Same to Remain free and Clear for Ever, to him and his Heirs. It is further my -will that my Son, William, when possessed of the manor, ShaU pay unto his Three younger Brothers, Frainces, George, and Isaac, the sume of Teen pounds, to Each, In bills. It Is my will that if my Son, WilUam, Should Dye before he Is possessed of the Land that Then It shall become franceis and his heirs. Item, I Give and bequeath to my well beloved Son, franeis Layden, all that Tract of Land Situat, Lying and being In the precinct aforesaid, Joyning to John Stevens Land, Contaimng one hundred and Six acres; the Same to be possessed by him and his heirs, and to Remain Clear and free for ever; But In Caise he Should Dye before he is possessed of It, Then It Is my -will that his Brother George shall have It, and so to Re main to him and his heirs; and Likewise, further my will, that In Caise George Should Dye before he has possessed It, that Then, and in That Caise, my will Is that It be posse'ed by Isaac, and so to Remain to him, his heirs; but In Caise of his Death before possesion, then the Land to be my Daughter marys, and so to remain to her and her heirs for Ever. It is further my -will, that if my son franeis. Should Live to possess the Land, that then and In that Caise, he to pay unto his Brother George and Isaac, the Sume of teen pounds In bUls to Each, and likewise teen pounds to his Sister mary; and It Is also my wiU, that after my widow has her Third out of my moveble Estat, that Then, the Remander be Eaqly Divided between my son franeis, George and Isaac, and my Daughter, mary. North Carolina Wills. 285 Item, I Give and bequeath to my Cousm, WUUam Miffiton, my musket; and my other Gun to my Son, Wffiiam. Francis Laydain. (Seal) Signed, Sealed, Published, Pro nounced and Declared By the Said Franceis Layden, In Pres ence of: John Stevens, William Evens. his William X midlton. mark. Proved by ye Oaths Wiffiam Middleton, & WiUm. Evens, Evidences In open Court. Test: Charles Denman, Clk. Letters granted 22th. april, 1728. Copied from Original Wffi, ffied m the Office of the Secretary of State. ALEXANDER LILLINGTON'S WILL. In the name of God Amen. The ninth Day of September, Anno. Dom., 1697. 1, Alexander LilUngton, of Prcint of Peque- mons, bemg Sick & Weak m Body, But of Good & perfect mind and memory, praysed be God, Doe make and ordayne this my Last WUl and Testament m forme foUowmg: First and principaUy, I sunender my Soffi to Jesus CMist my offiy Saviour and redeemer trustm his Merritts & Precious ? Death tohave fffil pardon of all my Sinns; and my Body I remitt to the Earth from whence it came to be decently mtened accord ing to the Discretion of my Executor hereafter named; and for my worffiy Estate, after my Debts and funeraU Expenses are paid, I give as foUoweth: Imprimis, I give and bequeath unto my Son, John LilUngton, and his heirs forever, my plantation whereon I now Uve, and the plantation wMch was formerly Stephen Hancocks over agt. mme, and all the Land to each of them belonging, to gether with my Still & the Implements to them belongmg, also my Silver hUted Sword and Belt, the MiUs, and my Long Gunn. I give to my Son John my ffeely'. Gunn and Backsword. Item, I give to my Son, George Lillington, and to his heirs forever, my plantation att Yawpins River, caUed my Quarter, and my plantation att Little River whereon Francis Penrme Uved, w'th aU the Land to Each of them belongmg. And K in Case that either of my Sons Dyes before they come to age, I give the part of him Soe dying to the Surviver and his heirs, and K both of them Dyes before they come to age then I give my plantation I now Uve on to my Daughter, Ann Walker & her heirs; and my plantation att Little River to my Daughter, Elizabeth FendaU, and her heirs; and my plantation caUed my Quarter, to my Daughter, Mary Lffimgton, & her heirs; and 286 Noeth Caeolina Wills. my plantation which was Stephen Hancocks to Sarah Lilling ton, and her heirs. Item, I give and bequeath to my Children, Mary Lillington, John Lillington, Sarah Lillington & George Lillington, & to Each of them thirty pounds apeece, to be paid them by my executors hereafter named, when they shall Severally come to age or Marriage. I having advanced Soe much already to my Eldest Daughters in Marriage. Item, I doe Will that my wife, Ann Lillington, have a Decent UveUhood out of my Estate Soe long as Shee keeps her self a Widow; and that She Shall have the management of my plantation in buying and SeUing, Soe as that my Said Wife shall dispose of nothing but of the ground of the Said planta tion, and that for and towards the maintenance of her Self and my Children, and to noe other use. Item, I will that my wife shall have the disposall of fifty pounds att her Decease to be paid to whom Shee shall give it to, by my Executors hereafter named. Item, I will that my children Shall like-wise have their maintenance out of the produce of my Stock and plantation, Soe long as they live together on the Same. Item, I will that all the rest and residue of my Estate, be Equally divided among all my Children, to Say, Ann, EUz., Mary, John, Sarah, and George, and to the survivors of them. Item, it is my Desire that what I have given to my Daughter, Sarah, be laid out to buy her a negro, to be delivered to her att age or Marriage. Item, I -will that if any of my children dyes before they come to Enjoy the Thirty pound I have given them, the same ShaU fall to the rest of my Children or the Survivors of them. Item, I will that my Executors carry on my Son, John, in his learnings as I have begun, and that All my Children be brought up in Learmng as conveniently can bee. I doe appoint my Son in Law, Henderson Walker, ex'tor to John Fendall, dect. Item, I doe appoint Coll. WUlm. Wilkerson & my said Son, Henderson Walker, Executors of this my last WUl and Testa ment and if Either of them dyes before this my -will is Executed, I appoint my Son, John, ex'tor in his Roome. Item, I doe WiU that my Executor have the management of my other plantations tiU my Children comes to age. And I revoake aU other Wills by me made, as Wittness my hand & Seal this Day and year above Written. Alex Lillington (Seal) (Impression of Coat of Arms on Seal) Sealed and Delivered in pres ence of. Caleb Calloway. John Baebon, Robeet Haeman, Sen. Noeth Caeolina Wills. 287 Att a GenraU Court held S'ber the 8th, 1697, this wiU was proved by the Evidences Subscribed thereunto By the hono'ble, the Palatin of Court. N. Glover, C. Cor. North Carolina. Whereas, Major Alexander LilUngton is deceased, havmg made by his Last Will & Testament, a true Coppy whereof is hereunto Annexed, Coll. WUliam WUkeson and Captn. Henderson Walker, ffis Executors. These are to impower the Said Wm. Wilkison & Hen. Walker, to Enter in & upon all & Smgular the Goods & Chatties, Rights & Credits of the Sd. Alex. Lillington, dc. And a true Inventory thereof to returne w'tMn one year after the Date hereof, and the Same to ffispose of as by the Sd. WUl. Dated the 9th. day of October, 1697. Fra. Tomes, Saml. Swann, Tho. Harvby, Dan. Ahehurst. Recorded in Wffi Book 1, page 78. Office of the Secretary of State. JOHN LILLINGTON'S WILL. In the name of God, amen. I, John LUUngton, of the County of Bath, m North Carolina, Gent., bemg Sick and weak of Body, but of Sound & perfect mind & memory, and CaUing to mind the Sertamty of death and not knowmg when it may pleas the Lord to caU me out of this life, do make, ap point and ordam this to be my last WUl and Testament, in maner and form foUowing, that is to Say, after My Just & lawfffil Debts are paid. Impr's. I give bequeath & Devise unto my Loveing wife, Sarah Lffimgton, tMee of my negro slaves, Named, SMppy & Jupiter, two men; and marya, a woman, to her proper use forever. Item, I give, bequeath & Devise unto my Son, Alexander, one Thousand Acres Land bemg the one moiety of this parcel of Two thousand Acres of land whereon I now Uve, to be held of him, Ms heirs or assignes in fee simple forever. Item, I give and Devise to my said Son, two of my Negro Slaves, Named Danger & Jack; also Tenn Cowes with Calves by their Sides, and Six Sowes and a Boar, and Six Ews and a Ram, aU to- be likely and good, and apair of hand mUl CuUen Stones, and my large Family Bible, all to be deUvered to my said Son, by my Executors hereafter named, when he shal attam to the age of Twenty one years, for his proper use forever. Item, I give, bequeath & Devise unto my Eldest Daughter, Elizabeth, one of my Negroe Slaves Named Roas, a wench; also Ten likely good Cowes with Calves by their Sides, and One Feather Bedd, bolster and PUlow with a sute of Curten & VaUens, to be deUvered to my said Daughter by me Exetrs. 288 Noeth Cabolina Wills. hereafter named, when she shall attaine to the age of Twenty one years or day of marryage, for her proper use forever. Item, I give, bequeath, & Devise unto my Daughter, Mary, one of my Negro Slaves Named Judy, a Guirl; also Term Cowes with Calves by their sides to be likely & good; and one Feather Bedd, bolster & Pillows, -with a sute of Curtains & VaUens, to be delivered to my Said Daughter by my Exec'tr hereafter named, for her proper use forever, that is to say, when she shaU attain to the age of Twenty one years or day of Marryage. Item, I give, bequeath & Devise unto my youngest Daughter, Ann, one of my Negroes Named moll, a Guirl; also Tenn likely good Cowes with Calves by their Sides, and a Feather Bedd, bolster and PiUoes with a Sute of Curtains & VaUens, to be Delivered to my said Daughter by me Exesrs. hereafter named, when she shall attain to ye age of Twenty one years or day of Marryage. Item, I give, bequeath & devise al the rest & Residue of my Estate not before mentioned and given (the better thereby to Inable my sd. wife to bring up my sd. Children in Schooling &c.) unto my afsd. Loveing Wife, for her proper use forever. And lastly my will and desire is, that aU my lawfull debt be paid out of the profits arriseing by the labour of my slaves before nominated & given, and that they be kep together under the Care and ordering of my said Wife, and so to re maine untel all my debts be fully paid & discharged thereby. I do hereby nominate and appoint my Loveing -wife, Sarah Lillington, Maurice Moore, John Porter and John Bap'a. Ash, to be my Exers., Joyntly or Severally to doe and Execute all and every part of this my last will and testament. (Turn over) In Witness whereof, I have hereunto Set my hand [and Seal, this 19th day of March, Anno. 1721/2. John Lillington (Seal) Signed, Sealed & Delivered, in presents of us: Pat. Maule. Samuell Cooppeb. the mark of John I Teantee No. Carolina. Beauport and H-ydb Precincts, bct. At a court held for the said Precincts, at Bath Towne, on Tuesday ye 2d. July, 1723. Pres't 7 Esqr. His Majesties Justices. The Last Will and Testam't of Mr. John Lillington, dec'd, was by the Exors. therein named. Exhibited in this Court and proved by the oaths of Sam'll Cooper & John Tranter, two of the Witnesses thereunto, who also deposed yt they saw Patrick Maule, the other Witness evidence the same. Ordered that notice be given to the Secretary of the Same & that it be Recorded. Jno. Bap'ta. Ashe, Cler: Cur: Copied from the Origmal Wffi, filed in the Office of Secretary of State Noeth Cabolina Wills. 289 WILLLAM LITTLE'S WILL. In the name of God Amen. I, WUUam Little, of North Carolina, do make this my last wffi & Testament, trusting in Gods great Mercy for my Everlasting State. Imprim's, I make my dear & loving -wife, Penelope Little, my good friends, CMistopher Gale, Edmond Gale & Edward Salter, and my brother, John Arbuthnot, Exec's, of this my last will & Testament; and I do hereby give & bequeath to my lovmg wife Penelope Little, her heirs & assigns, my house m Edenton lately leased to mr. Rice, together with ye gardens, outhouses, pastures, & all the lands, and aU appurtenances; She dischargmg ye hunffied pound taken up of ye pubUck, for wMch it is mortgaged; also, I give to my sd. wife my negros, Harry, Darnel, Phoebe, Maggy and her chUd Phibby, & my best horse, and one haK of my household goods & fumiture; the other haK I give to my Daughter, Penelope Little; also, I give to my sd. Daughter, Penelope Little, & her heirs and assigns, my half ye mUl att Hnskins bridge near Edenton; & my half ye tMee tracts of lightwood land att mehenin, patented in John Bonds name, but I pay'd ye purchase & he is to make a title; also, I give my sd. Daughter, my negro Girl Hannah, and I appomt CMistopher Gale, Esqr., Guarffian of my sd. Daughter, & I do hereby Impower him, or on his decease, ye Survivors of my Exrs. Such of them as shall be m Carolina, to Sell any of her Estate, real or personal, if thought for her benefit, & I woffid have her stffi kept at Boston & mamtained out of ye Income of her mUl, and what Can be made of ye light wood lands & other Estate. Also, I give my Son, George Little, his heirs & assigns, aU my lands in meherrin neck, with what Stock is, or shall, at my decease be thereon, Includmg also ye land whereon Tayler Uved adjacent to ye sd. neck, and whereas in my purchase patent for the sd. lands, there is Included some lands of the Poweys & others, with mtent to buy their right out, my wUl is that out of my debts (or goods to hereafter sold), that are due to me if it shaU more than pay ye Debts I owe, that my Execrs. therewith, if to be done at a moderate price, do buy out the Same, or what they can thereof, & if John Ryly wil qffit his Claim there, I de-vise to ye sd. John Ryly & his heirs my land bought of John Badsey? near where Joseph Durds Uved, but if not, then I devise ye Same to my Son, George, & his heirs, together with what shaU be bought as afsd. Also, I wffi that my books lent out, be got in, & aU my books sold, & out of ye produce two negros to be bought, viz: one feild negro woman likely for breedmg, whom I give to my 19 290 North Carolina Wills. Son, George, & one young negro woman or girl of about four teen years, which I give to my daughter, Penelope. Also, I give my son, George, my negros Sampson & Scipio, only my will is that my Son, Georges negroes be kept att work on ye plantation at occaneechy -with ye others, which I hereby give my Son, WiUiam Little, viz: Boston, Plymouth, Jock, Dinah & her Child, & Jap. I wil that out of ye produce of their labour & ye hoggs & Stears fit for kUling, & what ShaU be raised, be apply'd towards paying of the four himdred pounds taken up on mortgage from ye Country, viz: two hundred pounds on ye meherrin lands & Two hundred pounds on my Occaneechy land by Edward Hocot. Also, I give & devise to my Son, William, his heirs & as signs, all my lands in occaneechy & that near ye Court house in Bertie, given my by Wm. Banks, and all my land att Shac & Swift Creek & places adjacent; also ye lands whereon John Pratt lives, and all other my lands & real Estate Whatsoever & wheresoever, Saving yt my -wil is, if ye sd. John Prat, who is Considerably in my debt wil Com to a fair acc't & discharge ye Same, I -wil & Impower my sd. Exec's., or ye Survivors of them, or Such as shall be in Carolina, to make ye sd. Prat a title in fee, to one half of ye sd. land he lives on, which I bought of Watkins. Also I give my sd. Son, WUUam Little, all ye Stock of Cattle, hoggs, horses, & all tools & utensUs att my sd. plantations at occaneechy. Except ye use & produce thereof til ye aforsd. publick money be raised & discharged. in my publick accts. as Recr. Genii, made up a filed in ye Council Office, there is a Smal Ballance of bills now due from me, provided what is outstanding can be got in which has been stopt. but Since that there is much * * * (illegible) my labour as cheif Justice & holding the courts of oyer & Terminer, which I Expect my Execr. to receive in proclamation money or Equivalint, and when my debts I owe & Legacyes are payed out of what is due to me, & other my personal Estate as herein disposed of, I devise ye sd. residue of my sd. personal Estate, ye one half to my -wife, ye other half to my children, to be Equaly devided between them. Also, I give my wife ye use & Uberty of living on any of my plantations during her widohood & ye use of any Stock or houses for her & her childrens maintenance. And I do ap point her guardian of my young Son, George, & I appoint my friend, Edward Salter, Guradian of my Son, WilUam & his Estate, to let, dispos & manage ye same in ye most beneficial manner, & to Educate him ye best he Can, trusting in his Care & friendship to my dear Child. Also, I give to my -wife ye use of and Service of my. molatto Girl, Jenny alt. Jemima, & her negro Girl Bess, till free, with whom I have been at great Expense, & my will is that altho North Carolina Wills. 291 ye sd. Jemima hath no title to any of ye lands mtended for her by ye old negro Bunch, yet as there was an Eqmtable Intent of some benefit to her, I wffi that there be payd to her & her Sister, at Capt. Bryants, five pounds Each, as they Come of age respectively, in Virgima Currency or EqffivaU. & I leave it to my wifes discretion do discharge ye sd. Jenny als. Jemima at ye age of Twenty one or to hold her tU thirty one years of age after ye Custom of molattos. Also, I give to my friend, Robert Forstor, my Sword & Cloaths, left me as a legacy by my dear friend mr. Lovick; & ye rest of my Cloaths I leave at my wKes discretion to be disposed among my friends. Also, I give to a ^Mourning ring, and one to each of my execrs. & to my brothers, Isaac Little & John Arbuthnot & my Dear Sister aubuthnot & My Sister Barker; also a handsome ring to mrs. Penelope Lo-vdck, widow of my Dear friend, John Lovick, as a SmaU token of my Es teemed Value for her. Lastly, I hereby revoke aU other wills by me made, & ap point this my last wffi & Testament. In Testimony whereof, I have Signed & Sealed & published ye Same to be my wffi, this 2.5th. day of June, 1734. William Little. Signed, Sealed & published in presence of us: Test: John Bo-td. John Crowell. John Paekee. No. Carolina, sc These may certify That the Reverend Mr. John Boyd, and John Parker, Two of the Subscribmg Evidences to this WiU, made Oath on the Holy Evangelists, that they saw William Little, Sign, Seal, publish & declare these presents to be & contain his last wffi & Testament. Swom before me the Sth, Septr., 1734. Geo. Bitrringtox. Copied from Origmal Will, FUed in the Office of the Secretary of State. JOHN LOVICK'S WILL. In the Name of God Amen. I, John Lovick, of North Carolina, bemg Sick and weak, but of sound mmd and Memory & Remembering it is appointed for aU Men to Dye, do for the Settling my Estate after my Decease make & Ordain this my Last Wffi & Testament, after my just Debts are paid. Impr. I Give & Bequeath to John Lovick, Son of my Broth er, Thomas Lovick, the negro Boy caUed Ned now at the sd. Thomas Lovicks; and also the "Tract of Land & Plantation called the Horse Meadow or Pasture adjacent to Plowmans 292 North Carolina Wills. Land, to him and his heirs; & if the sd. John Lovick Dye before he comes of Age, my Will is that what I Give him, his said Father shall have. Item, I Give to my said Brother, Thomas Lovick, a mourmng Ring and a Suite of mourning. Item, I Give to the Hono'ble Sir Richard Everard, Bart., & Govn. a Gold Ring, and another to Christopher Gale, Esqr., and another to Edmond Gale, Esqr. & another to Mr. Robert Forster. Item, I Give to my Friend, WiUiam Little, Esqr., a Gold Ring and a Suite of Mourning, and Six of my best Shirts, my best Hat, Wigg, & Sword, my Gold Buttons, all my Law Books & Lord Clarendens History. I do not mention any Legacy to my Brother, John Galland, and because I Leave to my Loving Wife, his Sister who I know -will always be ready to do for him while he deserves it. Item, I Give to my Dear & Loving Wife, Penelope Lovick, all the moneys and Effects in George Lovicks hands; and all the Goods I have Sent for & A Legacy due by my Uncle Parrs Will, on the death of Mrs. Fuller, who I hear is Dead, and also all the rest and Residue of my Estate, Real & Personal what soever & wheresoever, and of what Nature or kind soever. And I appoint my said Wife Sole Ex'x. of this my Last WiU & Testament, desiring her in all affairs of Moment & weight to be advised & Directed by my Friends, Christopher Gale & William Little Esqrs. who, I am Sure will be very FaithfuU and ready to assist her; I also appoint my sd. Ex'x. to be Executor of the WiU of John Plowman, Deceased, to whom I am Exr. ; I also appoint my sd. Wife, Ex'r of the Will of Charles Eden, Esqr., Deced., to whom I was Executor, and for as much as the said Charles Eden on his Death Bed did charge me if I met with any Trouble about his WiU from Roderick Loyd, or any of his FamUy, that I should not pay the Legacy of Five hundred Pounds, sterUng, in the sd. Charles Edens WUl, given to Mrs. Margaret Pugh, I do therefore forbid my said Executrix to pay the same, I having met with great Truu- ble. Vexation & charge about the said WUl from ye Roderick Loyd, and several of his Family, and the sd. Mrs. Pugh having once refused the said legacy too and endeavoured to defeat and overthrow the sd. Charles Edens Will; and also I hereby appoint a joyn with my sd. Wife, Christopher Gale, Edm'd Gale & Wm. Little, to be Executors of the said WiU of Charles Eden & of the sd. John Plowman. And, Lastly, I do hereby Revoke all other Wills by me made & comfirm this to be my last Will & Testament. In Testmmony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand & affixed my Seal, this 27th. day, August 1727. J. Lovick. &a. (Seal) North Carolina Wills. 293 Signed, Sealed, published & pronounced to be his Last WiU & Testament by the sd. John Lovick in-the presence of us: Sign. Robebt R Weeks. Frances F Razoe her mark. William Little. Edw'd Howcott. No. Carolina, sc. His ExceUy., George Burrington, Esq., Go-vn. & Ordmary &ca. These may certify that Edward Howcot, one of the Subscribing Wit nesses to the Witffin Will personaUy appeared before me tMs Day, and made Oath on the Holy Evangelists that he saw Mr. John Lovick, Deced., Seal, pubUsh & Declare the witffin writmg to contam ffis last Wffi & Testa ment, that he was of sound mind & no Compulsion offered. Given under my hand at Edenton, the 10th. Novm. 1733. Geo. Bttbrington, No. Carolina, sc. Depositions taken De bene esse, to prove the RepubUcation of Mr. John Lo-vicks WiU during his last Sickness whereof he Dyed. The Deposition of Christopher Gale, Esqr., Swom on the Holy Evange lists Saith, That John Lo-vick, Esqr., Deced., as he Las upon his Death Bed, about two Days before he Dyed, taking tMs Depon't. by the hand desired him very prassmgly to assist to assist his wife ffi the Settlement of her Accounts, and m every tMng Else that he could; (and inter alia) he then told this Depon't. that he had got his WiU read over ance he was Sick (which it was a lond time before then could ffiid). And that there were some few triffing tffings in it wffich he could have wished to have altered or added, But that the principal thmg in it which the depon't then appre hended from what he had often heard him say was the giving aU to his, WiU was as he always intended it so that it so that it should now Stand as it was, Or words to that Import. C. Gale, Swom to, March the 9th., 1733. Before: Nath. Rice, Sec. No. Carolina, sc. The Deposition of Doctor Abraham BlackaU, Swom on the Holy Evan geUst, Saith, that he attended John Lo-vick, Esqr,, during his asd Sickness whereof he Dyed, and that he being asked by Mr. Little a few Days before Ms Death if he had made ffis WiU or Settled Ms affairs, Answered there is a Will but it was made a long timo agoe, & Desired Mr, Little to take and Peruse it, wMch he accordmgly did, and bemg asked by John Lovick his opmion of it, Mr. Little Reply'd he beUeved it woffid do weU enough or words to that Effect. Whereupon Mr. Lovick, sayd there were a few Trifling things in it wMch he could wish were altered but that the Prin cipal tffings m regard to his Wife waa as he always intended and therefore he woffid e'ne let that WiU stand as it is, and further said to his Wife, he wish'd that when she Dy'd she would Leave that Plantation he then Lived on, together with four Negroes to Thomas Lo-vicks Son, and that he would not add it in the WiU but wish'd she would do as above mentioned. And thia Depon't further Saith, that the same day or Day after Chris topher Gale, Eaqr., came to Mr. Lo-vicks, with Doctor George Alleyn and heard Mr. Lo-vick request of Mr. Gale to aid and assist Ms Wite in the 294 North Carolina Wills. Settling her affairs and accots., & repeated what he had Determined about Ms WUl much to the same purpose as above mentioned, and Declared it should Stand as it was. Abraham Blackall. Sworn to, March ye f)th., 1733. Before : Nath. Rice, Secty. No, Carolina, sc. The Deposition of William Little, Esqr., who being duly Swom on the holy EvangeUsts, Sayeth, That some Years agoe John I^ovick, Esqr,, now Deceased, desired tffis Depon't to draw his Will for him, and gave him directions for .several Legacy's, and the rest of Ms Estate Real and Personal to give to his Wife Penelope Lovick, now Ms Relict, and accord ingly, this Depon't drew the Will, wch is the same Will that has been produced and proved since the sd, Lovicks Death, as his last WUl & Testa ment, wMch this Depon't saw the sd, John Lovick Sign, Seal & Publish, this Depon't being one of the Witnesses, And that this Depon't at the time of making the Will & ever since apprehended that the sd. John Lo- vick's intent was to give his Lands in Fee to his Wife & so this Dept. meant it in drawing the Will tho the word heirs is Omitted, And further, this Depon't Saith, that some time agoe about a Year as this Dep't can remember, the sd. Lovick Observed to this Depon't that the word heirs was not Incerted in the Devise to his -wife in his Will, signifying he intended a Fee to her, and asked tMs Depon't if he thought it would, and this Depon't told the sd. Lovick, that the words all Ms Estate real & Personal in a will, would pass the Fee; and the said John Lo-vick further ask'd this Depon't upon it, Whether it would pass the Lands &c. he pur chased after making the WiU as well as before, to which tMs Depon't reply'd he believed it would as it was there worded; upon which the sdi Lovick seem'd satisfyed, signifying that he would have it so. And further, this Deponent Sayeth, that in the sd. John Lovicks last Sickness, a few Days before he Dyed, tMs Deponent ask'd Mm if he had Settled Ms Affairs, to wMch he answered he had made no other Settlement but the old Will, that This Depon't Drew, and desired tMs Depon't to look at it & Read it over to see if it would Do, wMch this Depon't according ly ffid. And the sd. John Lovick, ask'd this Depon't with Quickness & concern whither it would do, and if it was firm, & this Depon't, told Mm he thought it was Firm & Good & Excepting a few Legacys it passed all his Estate to his Wife to which the sd. John Lovick Reply'd, Ay so I would have it, there is some small Legacy's I would have altered if I had done it over again, but as the Substantia! and Main part of the WUl is as I would have it. It shall stand, I will not alter the Will but it shall stand as it is. And then Speaking to his Wife then present, as followeth: My Dear, I wish when you Dye, you would give this Plantation and four Negroes to Tom Lovick's Son, I Will not put it into my Will but 1 wish you would Do it. And this Depon't saith, that he several times formerly he heard the sd. John Lovick, Express himself so as to Signify he intended the plantation where he Lived for John Lovick, Son of sd. Thomas Lovick, but doth not Remember he ever heard the sd. John Lovick, Esqr. so particular as to Express how much Lands he should Give Mm, nor does he Remember to have heard him talk about it since Ms purchasing the adjoyffing Lands. William Little. Sworn to, March ye 9th., 1733. Before: Nath Rice, Secty. Copied from the Original WiU, Filed in the Office of Secretary of State. North Carolina Wills. 295 EMANTJEL LOW'S WILL. In the Name of God, Amen, the Second Day of the First Month m the Year of our Lord, 1726/7. I, EmanueUe Low, of the prec't of Pasquotanck, & Province of North CaroUna, bemg Sick of Body but or perfect mmd & memory, considering that it is appointed for aU men once to dye. Do make & ordam this to be my Last Wffi & Testament, m Manner foUowing: 1st., I bequeath my Soffi to Almighty God, my maker; and my body to the Earth to be mterred by me Executrix hereafter named, without any funeral pomp, offiy about Six of my Friends & Neighbours. 2'ly. I Give & bequeath unto my Lovmg Daughter, Anna Letitia Low, and to her heirs for ever, my Plantation whereon I now Live, w'th five hunffied Acres of Land Adjoining to it; also, one negro Girl CaUed ZUpah w'th her Increase for ever; also, one bed & fumiture, to her, the sd. Anna Letitia Low, and her heirs for ever. 3'ly. I give & bequeath unto my Grandson, George Low, Son of my Beloved Son, Ne-vU Low, Deed., and now in the Kmgdom of Great Britain, the Plantation where my Cousin Robinson now Lives & the Plantation caUed New Abbey, with four Hunffied Acres of Land adjoynmg to it, to him, the Sd. George Low, & to his heirs for ever; also, one feather Bed & furmture, & one Negro boy caUed Pompey; also, my Seal Scutcheon of Arms. 4'ly. My Wffi & meaning is that either my Daughter, Anna Letitia Low, or my Grandson, George Low, they or either of their Heirs, shaU be disposed to seU the Lands by me given, that the same shaU be sold and disposed of to one or the other of the partyes aforesd, and to no other person or persons whatsoever. To prevent any Dispute that may arrise after my Decease, by any pretension my Grandson may make as heir to his father, Ne-\ril Low, to the Lands emm offiy caUed the To-wn pomt, Lymg on the mouth of the North West side of Newbegun Creek, & now m possession of Jno. Conner; It is my Wffi that my Daughter Anna, Letitia, her heirs or assigns shaU keep m possession aU ye before mentioned Legacies, w'th Lands & aU other things by me bequeathed to him, ye Sd. George Low, m this my last WUl, untffi he renounce aU Such pretensions m Such manner as the leamed m the Law shall think proper: but is my sd. Grandson refuse to comply as befor.e mentioned & offer to Molest the Sd. John Conner, his heirs or assmgs m his Just Right and Title of the Said Tract of Land by me Sold & conveyed to him & his heirs, Then, I Do revoke aU that part of this my Wffi, unto my sd. Grandson, And Do give & be queath ail that Legacy, as Lands, & other thmgs therem 296 North Carolina Wills. mentioned, unto my Daughter, Anna Letitia Low, and her heirs for Ever, she paying him Twenty pounds. Item, My Will is, that all my Estate, both Real & Personal be & remaine in the possession of my Loving Wife, Ann Low, during Life, the personall Estate to be disposed of by her between my Loving Daughter, Anna Letitia Low. & my Grandson George, as shee shall think most proper. Lastly, I appoint my Loving Wife, my whole & Sole Execu trix of this my Last Will & Testament, to see the Same duly Executed. In witness whereof, I have hereunto Set my hand and Seal the day and year afosd. Emanl. Low. (seal) Signed, Sealed & delivered in the presence of: W. Norris, Edmd. Gale. Chas. Bull. A Codicil: In the name of God Amen, The last Will of the afsd. Emanl. Low as follows: Whereas in the former Words of my Will was omitted my Intentions about my Grandson, George Low, therefore to prevent Disputes, My WiU is that my Grand son, George Low, ShaU not Enjoy the Legacy by me given untill he come to the age of Twenty one Years & in the mean time to continue in the Hands of my Executrix. Item, I give unto Johanna Pearce, five pounds. In Testimony whereof, I have hereunto Set my hand & Seal this Sth. Day of March, 1726/7. Emanl. Low (Seal) Test. Whoreis Joseph Jobdan. FiLECHEISP JOEDAN. A CodicU: Item, Whereas, in my last wiU & Testament, I appointed my loveing Wife my sole Executrix, I doe now no ways to Ab brogate or make Voyde any part of my sd. Sill, but Joine my Daughter, Anna Letitia Low, Executrix, with my loveing wife Ann Low, to See this my Last WUl & Testament duly Executed. Item, Whereas, I am administrat'r to Wm. Vaughn, Deed. I do appoint my said Executrixes to be Executrix's or admims- tratr'xs, giving and bequeathing to my Sd. Executrixs aU my right or interest in and to my Sd. Administratorships. In testimony whereof I have hereunto Sett my Hand and Seal, this. 20th. day of Febry. 1726/7. Emanl. Low. (Seal) Test: John Connee, Joshua Scott. her JoHanna X Peaece mark. Noeth Caeolina Wills. 297 Pasquotank Pr'ct, Court. Jffiy 18, 1727. The Two foregoing Cofficile annexed to this Will was proved ye first by the solenm affirmation of Mrs. Filia Chrish Jordan, one of the Evidences thereunto. The other by ye Uke solemn affirmation of Joanna Pearce, one of ye Evidences thereunto, who Ukewise attested that she Saw the other Evidences Sign thereunto. Test, Tho: Weeks, Cl. Cur. Pabqxtotanck. Sc. These are to certify, that on this 24th Day of July, 1727, personally came before me Mrs. Anna Low and Anna Letitia Low, Execxs. to the above Wffi and made their Solemn affirmation to the performance thereof. Certifyed Pr. Me, Jno palin. No. Carolina. Sc. The above WUl wa.s proved in due Form by the Oath of Edmond Gale, Esqr., one of the Evidences, Augt. ye 2d, 1727. Before Me, Richard Everard. Recorded m Wffi Book 3, page 156. ROGER MASON'S WILL. Nobth Caeolina, Htde County. In the Name of God Amen. I, Roger mason, Sr. bemg Sick and Week of body, but of perfect mind and memory, Thanks be to God for the same, and knowmg that it is ap pomted for all men once to Die, first, I Recommend my SouU to God that Gave it me, and my body to be Buried m a Christian Like manner at the Discresion of my Executors hereafter named, first of aU, I Give and Bequeath what the Lord hath been pleased m his Infinate marcy to bestow on me of worlffiy afairs, I Give and Bequeath as foUoweth. Item, I Lend my lovmg wife, mary mason, the use of half my Estate, after the Legaces is paid out, During hur Natural life, and "Then to be Equally Divided between my two Sons Benja. mason and Thos. mason. I Likewise Lend hur the use of half my house and plantation During her natural Life and no Longer, and then as foUows: Item, I give to my Grand Son, Christopher mason, one two year old heffer to be in Benja. possession teU he Comes of age Item, I Give to my Son, Benjamin mason, aU GaUars ham mocks, and the upper old feild and aU that Belongs to it. Item, I give to my two Sons, Benjamin mason and Thos. mason, aU my worMng tools, and wearing apperiU, and negro Boston, to be EqueaUy Divided Between them. Item, I give to John Mason and Roger Mason, my two Sons, one ShilUng Starling apeace and they there-with to be Content. Item, I give to my Grand son Roger mason, Jur., my now Dwellmg place, if he Lives to the age of twenty two years old, and if he the sd. Roger shoffid Dice before he Comes to the above age, I give it to my Grand Son, Da-vdd Mason, offiy my 298 North Carolina Wills. my wife is to have the use of one half During her naturell Life, and to be in my Son, Benjamin Possession tell ther Come to that age. Item, I give to Thos. mason, my Son, all my Land up Roes Do-wn to the Great Bridges. Item, I give to my Grand Son, Da-vid mason, one peace of Land CauUed the paupoy Ridge, and if my Grand Son Should Die, Roger mason before he Comes of twenty two years old I give the Said Peace of Land CauUed the paupoy Ridge to my Grandson, Samuel mason. Item, I give to my Grand Son, moses mason, twenty five acars of Land Joymng on his plantation his father Left him, as is marked out by a Line of trees. Item, I give to my Grand Son, Roger Mason, two Cowes and Calves, and one bed and Covering to it, to be in my Son Ben jamin mason possession tell he Comes to the age of twenty two years old; and Eighteen months Schooling. Item, I give to my Grand Daughter, Susannah mason, twelve months Schooling. Item, I give to my two Sons, Benjamin and Thomas masons, one half of my estate after the Lagaces is paid out, to be Equally Divided Between them. I Lastly, Ordain, Constitute and apoint my two Sons, Benjamin Mason, and Thomas Mason, my whole Executors of this my Last WiU and Testament, Disalowing and Dis anuUing and Revoking all former WiUs by me Before made, and this to Stand and Remain my Last WiU and testament. as witness whereof I have hereunto Sott my hand and Seall this 23th Day Decer. 1754. Roger Mason. (Seal) Signed, Sealled and Delivered in the presence of us to be the Last will and testament of the testator. John Tule. her Jean X Tule. mark Jacob Tule. Hyde County, ss. June Court, 1766. This may Certifie that the Within Last Will and Testament of Roger Mason, Esqr., of the said County, Deed., was Exhibited to the said Court by Benjamin Mason and Thomas Mason, Exors. of the Within, and proved by the Oaths of John Tuley and Jacob Tuley, who Deposed they saw Jane Tuley Set her Mark as Te.stamoney as Such; and at the Same time the said Benjamin Mason and Thomas Mason, who are Exors., took the Exors. Oath as is by Law Appointed. Ordered that Mr Secretary have Notice thereof. Veria Copia Pr. Stephen Denning, Cie: Cur: Copied from Origmal WiU, filed in the Office of Secretary of State. North Carolina Wills. 299 JOHN ALAlULE'S will. North Carolina. In the name of God Amen. I, John 2klaffie, of Beaffiort County and Provmce aforesaid, bemg m a very poor state of Health but of sound & perfect mind & memory, Do make this my last -wffi and Testament m manner & form foUowing, to- Wit: After my decease my Body to be Decently Inter'd at the Discretion of my Executors hereafter mentioned; my just Debts and funeral Expenses to be paid out of my Estate, and the Remamder part of my Estate I Dispose of as foUows: Imprimis, I lend the use of the mannor plantation Whereon I now Live, to my beloved Wife, EUzabeth !Maffie, with aU the Land belonging to the same, wMch was Given to me by my father, Patrick Maffie, Dureing that time that she shaU and wffi contmue thereon, and after her Death or Removal from of the said plantation, I give & bequeath the said plantation and Land, to my Son, Moses Maffie, to him & his heirs Law fuUy begotten for Ever. I like-wise give to my wife aforesd., seven Negroes, whose names are as foUoweth: Donas, Tom, Cesar, FareweU, Hannah, Venus, and Bess. I likewise give her aU my household furm ture, and aU my stock of Cattle, Elxcept twenty cows & Calves w'ch is to be disposed of in maimer hereafter first mentioned. I likewise give her aU my stock of hogs and sheep, and two horses. Jack and Ughtfoot, to her and her heirs for Ever. Item, I give further to my son, Moses Maffie, six Negroes named as foUoweth: Adam, Harry, Jem, Grees, Little and PMUis; I likewise Give him aU my Right & titles to my mill on Blounts Creek, like-wise, aU the Land that was given to me by my Father, Patrick Maffie, wMch Joyens the Said miU, Except the pme timber on two hunffied Acres of Land that joynes waiter Evetts line; and my Wffi is that my Executors shaU make John Neal a Deed for sd Land; I also give him 4 cows and Calves. Item, I give to my Daughter, Elizabeth Maffie, my Quarter Plantation and Lands thereunto belonging, which I bought of Moses Nevil, to her and the Heirs of her body for ever. I like-wise give her the the foUowmg Negros: Frinkalo, gabe, Bioah, Beck, Abigal, and DoU; also four cows & Calves, to her and her Heirs for Ever. Item, I give to my Daughter, Anne, one piece of Land with the Plantation that I bought of John NevU, and also one Tract of Land wMch I purchased of Wffiiam Morris and Katherine, his wife, containmg 400 Acres, to her and the Heirs of her body for Ever; also, the folowmg Negros, Ben, Asia, Sandy, Ede, & CeUa; and also four cows and calves, to her and her Heirs for Ever. 300 North Carolina Wills. [¦^Item, I give to my Daughter, Penelope, the lands I pur chased of Susanna Waggonner, Containing 640 Acres, lying on Blounts creek, and also 250 Acres joyning Wm. Morris's Land, to her and the Heirs of her body for Ever. Also the following Negros, Quamans, Nel, Kate, Sid, & Dorcas; also four Cows and calves, to her and her Heirs for Ever. Item, I give to my Daughter, Jemima, 220 Acres lying on the head of Blounts Creek wch. I purchased of Benjamin Fathree; Also a tract of Land lying on Novels Creek which I bought of Jacob Giddings lying on Nevils Creek, and two hun dred & thirty Acres of Land lying in Pitt County, to her and her heirs for Ever; also the folio-wing Negros, Pegg, Tony, Lit tle Ben, Little Hannah, Rose and Kate, also four Cows & calves, to her and her Heirs for Ever. My Will is further that my Executors cause to be finished my new house as soon as they conveniently can, and that they coUect the Debts Due to me as soon as they can, and that they sell my half of a Schooner belonging to me and Capt. Seth Doane, and the money arrising therefrom, together -with my ready money, be put to Interest, and also the money arrising out of the several Legacys given to my ChUdren, Except so much as shall be necessary to Educate and Support them, till they receive their Estate, w'ch shall be at the age of twenty one years or marriage. I further -will, that if any of my before named CMldren shall die in their minority, or before they reeeieve their for tunes, that then their fortune shall be Equally Divided be tween the Surviving ones, and Likewise the Increase of aU the negros given to them, shaU be Equally Divided amongst them as they come to the Age of twenty one Years or married as aforesaid; and also, all the remainder of my Estate not men tioned shaU be Devided in the same manner, lands only Ex cepted. Lastly, I nominate and appoint my Beloved Brother in Law, Moses Hare, my beloved and faithful friends, John Patten, Reading Blount, Junr., and Joseph Blount, all of the County aforesaid, to be my Executors of this my last WUl and Testament and and I hereby Revoke all former Wills made by me. In Witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and Seal, this llth. day of December, in the Year of our Lord, one thou sand, Seven hundred and Seventy three. John Maule (Seal) Signed, Sealed, Published and Declared, in the presence of: William Gerrard. Forbis Gerrard. hig John X Nevil mark. North Carolina Wills. 301 The above last Will and Testament of John Maffie, deceased, was proved before me this 16th. day of Febr'y, 1774, by the Oath of John Ne-vil, one of the subscribing Witnesses thereto, who swore that he was present and did see the said Testator, sign, seal, publish and declare the same to be and contam his last wiU and Testament, and that at the time thereof he was of sound and ffisposing Mmd and Memory; and Moses Hare, John Patten, Reading Blount, Junr., & Joseph Blount, the Executors m the said Will named, havmg quaUfied agreeable to Law, It is Ordered that letters Testamentary issue thereon accordmgly. Jo. Martin. Copied from Original Wffi, FUed m the Office of the Secretary of State, PATRICK MAULE'S WILL. North Carolina, Beafoed Precinct. In the Name of God Amen. I, Patrick'Maffie, of Bath County, Gent., being m my Right Senses do make this my last wUl & testament, m manner & form foUo-wmg: I give to my lo-ving -wife, Elizabeth Maffie, & to her Assigns for Ever, the foUowmg Negroes, Vizt: Angus, Hannah, Affrica, Robin, & London, to be deUvered after the tar kilns are off & the Crop finished; also, I give unto her the houshold fumi ture. Except the Eatmg Spoon & five SUver teaspoons. I give to my wife aforesd., fifteen cows, their calves, ten four year old Steers, & two third parts of the hogs on my Plantation at Rumney Marsh, also the young horse, the foregomg to be deUvered after my Interment. And further, I leave my Plantation at Rumney Marsh to my -wife durmg her Natural Life, with a dweUmg house to be bffilt for her by my Execu tors, twenty foot long & Sixteen foot wide; Also, I give unto my sd. -wife fffil pri-vUedge for making tar & Turpmtme of my land on Jacks Creek durii^ her Natural Life. I give & bequeath to my Son, John Maffie, his heirs & as signs forever, the foUo-wmg Slaves, Vizt: Cazar, Farewell, Bma, Tom Richards, Young Hannah. I give & bequeath to my Son, John aforesd., my Lands at Smiths pomt, also my lands at Blunts Creek, also my Saved lot in Bath town, aU to him & to his heirs forever. Also, I give & bequeath to my Son, John aforesd., two hunffied Acres of Land Adjacent to Roger Kenyons Plantation, to him & his heirs for Ever. I give to my son John, fifteen cows, their calves, at Blunts Creek, with their Increase. I give to my daughter, Sarah Maffie, the foUowmg Slaves Vizt: EUeck, great Tom, Peg, Anffiew, & Kope; Also I give & bequeath to my daughter aforesd. & to her heirs for Ever, my Land at Tranters Creek, also fifteen Cows & Calves with thek Increase. I give & bequeath to my daughter, Barbara Maffie, the fol- lowmg Slaves, Vizt: ChanceUor, Jenny, Bess & Nanny; Also, 302 North Carolina Wills. I give & bequeath unto my sd. daughter my land on Match- apunga Swamp, as also, I give my sd. daughter, my plantation at Rumney Marsh; also fifteen Cows & Calves with their Increase, the lands aforesd. I give to her & her heirs for Ever. I give & bequeath to my daughter, Mary Maule, the follow ing Slaves, Vizt: Hector, Sue, Mustapha, & Dick; also, I give to my sd. daughter, Mary, & her heirs for Ever my Lands on North Dividing Creeks; also my lands on Jacks Creek, also I give her fifteen Cows & Calves with their Increase. And as to Lands or any other goods or Chatties not allready disposed of, I wUl it, or they, be Equally devided among my Said ChUdren, and as to the Legacies & fortunes aforesd. they are all payable at the day of Marriage or age of twenty one years; Also, If any young Negroes shall be born, they shall be Equally divided among the ChUdren aforesd. And I further wUl, that after the marriage of sd. Children they shall not be Entitled to any Increase of Slaves hapening by births of Ne groes belonging to the other Children, Except in Case of Mortallity. And I further will, that if any of the Children aforesd. dye before Marriage or Age of twenty one years, I then wiU that their fortuns be Equally divided Among the Surviving Chil dren. I will that my loving Cusens, John Gray & William Gray, be Guardians of my Children during their Minority, & have then Carefully Educated to best Advantage. Lastly, I nominate & Appoint my beloved Friends, Mr. John Gray, Mr. WilUam Gray, Mr. John Caldom & Mr. Robert Boyd, to be my Executors of this my last -will & testa ment, & I hereby revoke all former wills by me made. In witness whereof, I have hereunto put my hand & Seal, this Ninteenth day of April, one thousand, Seven hunffied & thirty Six. Pat. Maule. (Seal) Sign'd, Seal'd, Publish'd, & Declared in Presence of: Bart. Fleming. her Elizabeth E Montgomeey, mark. Nehemiah Monk. The Last Will and Testament of Patt. Maule, Deceased, was proved in Open Court, by the Oaths of Barnabas Fleming & Nehemiah Monk, Two of the Subscribing Evidences thereto. Ordered yt. Mr. Secretary have Notice Thereof. Robt. Boyd, one of the Exors. therein mentioned ha-ving taken the Oath by Law Appointed. Test. Jno. Collison, Cler. Cur, Lts. issued June, 1736. Copied from the Original Wffi, filed in the Office of the Secretary of State. Noeth Caeolina Wills. 303 WILLIAjSI MAULE'S WILL. In the Name of God Amen, this Twenty first day of Feb ruary, m the Year of Our Lord, One Thousand, Seven hunffied and twenty five. I, WiUiam ]Maffie, of the precmct of Bertie, m the Pro-vmce of North Carolma, Gent., bemg Sick and week, but of sound and perfect mmd and memory, Do make and ordam this my last Wffi and Testament, hereby revokmg and making NuU and Void aU former and other WiUs by me made. First, It is my Wffi that aU my Debts and Funeral Charges be paid by my Executor. Item, I Give, Devise and Bequeath to my Wife, Penelope Maffie, my Plantation caUed Scotts HaU, and allso, my Plan tation caUed Mount Galland, to her and hers and Assigns forever. Item, I Give, Devise and Bequeath to my Daughter, Penel ope Maffie, aU the rest and residue of my Estate, both Real and Personal, to her and her heirs and Assigns forever. Lastly, I Do hereby Nominate and appoint my Brother, Patrick Maffie, Sole Ikecutor of this my last Wffi and Testa ment, whom I also Constitute Guardian of my said Daughter, Penelope, hereby Givning Mm fffil Power to make Sale of any of the lands before bequeathed to my Said Daughter, for and toward her Education. In Testimony whereof, I have hereunto Sett my hand & Seal, the day and Year first above -written. Will Maule, (Seal) Signed, Sealed Published & Declared to be his last Wffi & Testament m presence of us: Robt. Foestee, John Nairnb. Jones Eagles. (?). North Carolina, sb. Sr. Richard E-verard, Bart., Gov: These may Certify that Robert Foster, Gent., one of the E-vidences to the within WiU, Proved the Same upom Oath m due form, this SOth. day of March, 1726. Richd. Everard. Copied from the Origmal Wffi, ffied m Office of the Secretary of State. 304 North Carolina Wills. HENRY McCULLOCH'S WILL. North Carolina. In the Name of God Amen, I, Henry McCulloch, Esqr., Secretary of the Province of North Carolina aforesaid, being sick and weak in body, but of sound and disposing mind and memory, praised be God for the same. Do make and Ordain this to be my Last WiU and Testament, in manner following, that is to say: First and principally, I recommend my Soul into the hands of Almighty God who gave it; and my Body to the Earth to be decently intered according to the discretion of my Executors herein after named: And as for such Tempo ral Estate as it hath pleased God to bless me with, I Give and dispose thereof as followeth, to wit: I Give unto my Dear Wife, Mary McCulloch, All that my Real and personal Estate, Goods and Chattels whatsoever and wheresoever, and of what Nature or kind soever, to be divided equally between my said Wife and my four Daughters, Henri etta Mary, Dorothy Berisford, Elizabeth Margaret, and Penelope Martha McCulloch, Share and Share alike. Provided always, and the treu intent and meaning of this my Will is, that my sd. Wife shall be at Liberty to pay my said Daughters their several proportions or Shares of my said Real and person al Estate, at their several age or Ages of Twenty one Years, or days or days or Marriage, which shall first happen, and in the mean time, shall, and may reimburse herself thereout the Costs, Charges and Expences she may be at for their several Maintenances and Education. And Lastley, I Do hereby Nominate, Constitute, and Ap point my said Wife, Mary McCulloch, and my worthy frend, John Campbell of Bertie County, in the sd. Province, Esqr., Executors of this my Last Will and Testament, hereby re voking and making Void all other and former Wills by me heretofore made, Declaring this and now other, to be and Contain my Last WiU and Testament. In Witness whereof, I have here unto Set my hand and Seal. The twenty fith day of October, In the Year of our Lord, 1755. his Henry Hen:mCl. McCulloch, (Seal) Mark. Signed, Sealed, PubUshed and Declared, In the presence of us, who have Subscribed our names as witnesses hereto in the pres ence of the Testator, (the names, Mary, Barisford, Margaret and North Carolina Wills. 305 Martha, being first InterUned between the Ninth & Tenth Line from the beginning of the Wffi). Wm. Powell. Isc. Arthaud. Wm. Robeetson. On the 15th. day of November, 1755, the Above WUl was proved by WilUam PoweU and WUliam Robertson, two of the subscribmg evidences, who at the same time made Oath that they saw, Isc. Arthaud, the other Subscribing E-vidence, set Ms hand as a Witness thereto, and then also John Campbell, Execrs. named In the said Wffi, Appeared & Quaffiyd himself by taking the Oath by Law Appomted. Arthur Dobbs. Copied from Original Wffi, ffied m the Office of the Secretary of State. JOHN McKINZIE'S WILL. In The Name of God, Amen. I, John McKinzie, minister of Suffolk Parish m Nansemond Coimty, being perfect and sound both m Body and mind, do make and ordam this my Last Wffi & Testament in manner and form foUow'g, that is to say, first, I Commend my soffi to my Good and Gracious God of whom I humbly & earnestly beg and trust to obtam mercy and pardon by ye merrits & Intercession of Jesus CMist my blessed Savour and Redemer, m whom alone I put my trust and whom I flee to ye mercies of God hopmg he wiU accept of my smcere Repentance and that he wUl assist me with his Holy Spirit and Guide me tMough ye VaUey of ye Shadow of Death and Receive me mto his Kmgdom & Glory. As to my worlffiy Goods or Estate, first I give & bequeath to my Eldest Son, John, seven hunffied and mnety five Acres of my Land at skeehawkee which I lately purchased of John Spier, joimng to the manner place lymg m Torril County and tMee hundred and five acres m the Island of Carorme lymg in Bartee County to him and his heirs forever. Item. I give to my second son, Kenneth, thousand acres of my Land at said Skeehawkee m Includmg a watermffi & ye parcel Land thereto adjoining lying m the County aforesd. together with ye. priveledge of pasturage in the above Name Island of Carorine to him and his heirs forever. Item. I give and bequeath to my third Son, WUUam, tMee hunffied acres of my land lymg on Roanoke River in Bartee County Lately purchased of Wiffiam Word to him and his heirs forever. Item. I give and Bequeath to each of sd. tMee sons one hunffied pounds Curt, money of Virgima part of which sum to be laid out and appUed towards trainmg & Educatmg to such 20 306 North Carolina Wills. crediable calling or mechanick business as shall appear to be most fiting and suitable to their Geneous & Capacities. Item. I give and Bequeath to my Eldest Daughter, Janet, one hundred and fifty pounds money aforesd. to her & her heirs forever. Item. I give to my second Daughter, Anne ye. like some of one hundred and fifty pounds money aforesd. to her & her heirs forever. Item. I will and ordain that ye several sums of money Bequeathed to my said children be settled upon Good security and the Interest thence accruing, if Necessary, to be applied toward their maintenance and Education. Item. I will and ordain that in case any of my children should die in their menority that then the Deceased portion shall be Equally shared and divided among ye. surviving. Item. I -will and ordain that my Negroes shall not be divided , during ye. minority of my children unless my Exrs. shall think fitt to sell one of my fellows Named Bristo & buy another younger in his room, and afterward he be equally shared among them. Item. I will and ordain that all my cattle hogs sheep crop at ye. Glebe, what sallary may be due to me from Suffolk parish, and whatever part of my household goods, &c., my Exrs. shall fitt to Dispose of for saving ye. Trouble and charges of Transportation to be sold and fifty pounds of the price thereof to be allowed my Exers. towards Defraying ye charges of Removing my family from hence to Carolina & settling them. Item. I will and ordain that ye Remainder of my house hold goods be managed at ye Discretion of my Exors. to ye benefit of my family. I will and ordain that my Exors. & family shall have Uberty to remove from hence with what ever part of my estate they shall think fit to carry along with them without giving any security in this County. Item. I constitute and appoint Wm. Gray, my Brotherin law, Capt. John Hill, of Bartee County, James Pugh and Pasco Turner of Nansemond County, Exrs. of this my last will and testament. In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal, this second day of March in ye year of our Lord one thousand, seven hundred & fifty four. Signed, sealed and delivered in ye presents of James Pugh, Jas. Wright, her Christian X Good mark. John Mackinzie. Noeth Cabolina Wills. 307 At a Court held for Nansemond County Apl. 8, 1754, The Last Wffi and Testament of John Mackinzie was proved by ye oathe of Jas. Wright and Christian Good, two of ye Witnesses thereto, also by ye oaths of Wm. Gray, John Hill & James Pugh three of ye Exors. therem Named who gave bond with Josiah Riddick, WilUs Riddick, and Darnel Pugh, Gent., their securities. Certificate for obtaimng Letters Testamentory on ye sd. Will granted unto ye sd. Exors. m due form, Pasco Tumer ye other Exor. m ye said Wffi mentioned came into Court & refused to take on himself ye Burthen & Execution thereof. Test. Lemuel Riddick, Cl. Ct. True Copy, Test: Lemuel Riddick, Cl. Ct. Copied from Original Wffi, ffied m the Office of the Secretary of State JOHN MONCREIF'S WILL. The Last Wffi and Testament of John Moncreif, of north CaroUna, bemg weake in Body, but of perfect memory, doe give and demise my Temporal Estate wMch god of his mercy hath endued me with aU, ass foUoweth: Imprimis, I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife, Mary Moncrief, "The manner plantation duremg her Ufe, and after her decease to my youngest son, george moncrief, Contaimng one hunffied and sixty Acckers of land; and if ye said george moncreif liveth to Come to mans Estat, he shaU have the Uberty to seat any part of ye Said hunffied and sixty Ackers of land not disturbmg his Aforesaid mother. 2'ly, I give unto my son, Thomas Moncrief, one himffied and sKty Ackers of land Joyning to the manner plantation. 3'ly. I give to my son, Wffiiam Moncrief, one himffied and sixty Ackers of land Joymng to my Son, Thomas monerief, land. 4'ly, I give to my son, John moncrief, one hunffied and sixty Ackers of land Joymng to my son, WUUam moncrief, land, to them and there heirs for ever; onely if one or more shoffid shoffid die without lawfuU heir or Isue, the same land to be Eaqualy de-srided amoungst ye Rest. Every one of my sons ShaU begm at ye pecoson and soe take there due part to ye head lme. Item, I give to my beloved wife, mary moncrief, one Cubard with 3 pewter dishis, 2 pewter poringers, and 6 IngUsh spoons, and ye mill and ye peck, and one new fether bed and furmture belonging to it, and one great pot, and ye young bay mare and her Increas, onely my beloved wife, mary moncrief, shall give my son, george moncrief, a young mare of 3 years old when he Comes to age; aU ye Aforesaid housalgoods After the decease of mary moncrief shaU be given to my son, george moncrief. 308 Noeth Carolina Wills. Item, I give to my beloved wife, mary moncrief, 2 deep dishis and one great bason, and 2 poringers, and 6 spoons, one paer of fier tongs, 4 botls, and one fryingpan, and ye great greater, and ye great Chest, and ye litel box with a lock and key to it, and one great table, 4 Chears, and one great tankert, one iron pestel, one drawing knife and handsaw, and ye Cuting knife, one great narow ax. Item. I give to my daughter, mary moncrief, one fether bed, one great Rugg and one paer of sheets and bed stead, one Chest that is next to yt of my wifes, one paer of fier tongs, 4 Chears, one litel pot, 4 hotels, 2 pewter basons, one tankert, to litle flat dishis, 6 Inglish spoons, 2 poringers, 2 pewter plats. Item, I give to my son, John Moncrief, 2 pe-wter dishis, two poringers, 6 spoons, 2 plats, 1 Cheare, one litle Chest with lock and key, one Cros Cut saw, one small auger, one adds. Item, I give to my son, wUliam moncrief, 2 pewter dishis, 2 poringers, 3 spoons, 2 Iron wegges, one narrow ax, one litle Chest with lock and key. Item, I give to my son, Tho: moncrief, 2 pewter dishis, 2 poringers, 3 spoons, one long pot, and a Chear, one linin bed and one Rugg, and one paer of sheets and bed stead, one broad ax, one great gimblit, 2 Iron wedges, one spade, one great Auger, 2 Chisels. Item, I give to my beloved wife and my son, george, 6 Cows and 4 Calves, and ye 2 great steers, one yeo and yeo lamb. Item, I give to my daughter, mary moncrief, 3 Cows and Calves, one sow and piggs, to be paid upon her marriage day. Item, I give to my son, John moncrief, when he Comes to age, one Cow and Calfe, and 3 two yeare old hefers, and one sow and piggs. Item, I give to my son, William moncrief, one Cow and Calfe, and 3 teers, one sow and piggs if ye sows has them. Item. I give to my son, Thos. moncrief, 4 steers, one sow and piggs if ye sows has them, and one young horse. Item, I give to my daughter, mary moncrief, my black mare yt I sold to Craft if he Returns her, if not ye bill. as for ye linin and wooling, I give to my wife for ye use of ye small Children and her o-wn use; and for my wareing Cloaths, I leave ytm to my -wifes disposisan, to devide as she thinks fitt amoungst ym; and ye Cart and wheels for ye use of ye plan tation, and all my hoogs I give to my wife to pay my debts, and what debts there is due to me fer her to Receive; the 2 meale sifters I give to my wife; as for ye wooden ware, devide it amongst them as you shaU think fit. Item, I give to my son, george, my gun; and my sword to my son, Thomas. And as for all other things yt is not mentioned, I leave to Nobth Caeolina Wills. 309 my beloved wife, mary moncrief, and I doe heareby ordaine, Constitute, and appomt my beloved -wife, mary moncrief, to be my offiy Executrix of this my last wiU and testament, and I doe heareby Revoke and disanffi aU former -wffi or wills by me made, ass wittness my hand and seale this 22th. day of June, 1712. John Muncibeef. (Seal) Signed, Sealed m ye presents of us: Adam Peabby Thomas Davis. his Daniel OX Glascoe. marke Tffis Within Written Wffi was Proved in Open Court in La-wfuU Manner the 14th. Day of Aga: Anno Dom., 1713, By The Oaths of Thos. Davis And Dan: Glasco. Tets. Jos: Wilker, Clk. Cout. Copied from Original WiU, ffied m the Office of the Secretary of State. ROGER MOORE'S WILL. Nobth Caeolina, New Hanovee County. In the Name of God Amen, the Last wiU and Testament of Roger Moore, of the Parish of Saint PhUips. Imprimis, I doe give, Devise and Bequeath unto my Son, George Moore, and his Heirs forever the FoUowmg Tracts or Parcells of Lands, Vizt., AU that Part of my Plantation CaUed by the Name of KendaU, Boundmg to the Southward by the Creek that runs up to my Mffi as far as there is a Post to be fixt about tMee Hunffied yards up the Creek above the House where Gready Lately removed from; and from thence a Due west Line to be Continued as far my Lands runs up the Neck, and Bounded to the Northward by Mr. AUens Creek, with the Little Island of Marsh fronting the said Plan tation in the River. And aU Other my Lands boundmg on the said Creek; and aU Other my Lands Lymg between the Thoro- fare and Black river, in the Neck known by the Name of Maffitby's Pomt, with aU my Lands on the Island Opposite; And One haU of the Tract of Land in the fork of the river known by the Name of Mount Misery; the Same to be Di vided m Such Manner as my son, George, shaU think Proper to Direct; and them my Wffiiam to Take his Choyce, & that to be Done in One year After my Decease. And five Himffied Acres on the Northwest river, Lymg Between the Lands of Mr. Job Howes and the Land that was Mr. DaUisons, Deed. ; and aU that Tract of Land I bought of Mr. John Porter, Deed., on the No. West River at or Near the Saxapahaw Old fields, bemg TMee Thousand & Twenty five Acres; And the Lott of Land in the Town of Brunswick where Mr Ross at Present Dwells, 310 Noeth Caeolina Wills. being five Poles wide & runing from the river as farr as the Street before Doct. Fergu's House, with the Wharf and all Other Improvements thereon. Item, I doe give unto my Aforesaid Son, George, my Negro man Higate the Carpenter, His wife Rose, with all her Issue & Encrease. Item, I doe give. Devise & Bequeath unto my son, WiUiam Moore, & his Heirs for ever all that my Plantation Called Orton where I now dwell, Joyning on Kendals, as its before Bounded by this my Will, with all my Land Bounded to the Southward on the Creek where My Mill now is, being in aU about 2500 Acres; & also, 640 Acres at Rockey Point, bounding on Mr. Aliens and the river, and the Remaming half of Fifty five Thousand Acres in the Neck knoAsm by the Name of Mount Misery, and all the Tract of Land bounded by the River & Smiths Creek; and 5000 Acres at or near the Haw or Eno old Fields. Item, I doe Also give. Devise, and Bequeath unto my Said Son, WUliam, One fuU fifth Part of the Slaves I Shal Dye Possessed of; and its my WUl that all my Slaves Shall in One Month After my Decease be Devided into five Equall Parts, as near as mybe, by himself and my Son George, & when so done that my son, WiUiam, take his Chance by Lott for such his Part. And I doe Also give unto my said Son, WUliam, aU the Stock of Horses & Cattle & Sheep that Shall Properly belong to, & be on my Plantation Orton at my Decease, with all my Plate & Household furniture, Hee, my son William, Paying to my son George, in Two years After my Decease, the Sum of One Hundred Pounds, Proclamation Money or the Value thereof. Item, I doe give unto my Daughter, Sarah Smith, the Sum of five Pounds, being in fuU for her Fortune; She having Al ready reed, from me, with the Legacy Left her by Her Grand Mother, by my Computation, at Least £1600 SterUng. Item, I doe give unto my Daughter, Mary Moore, the Sum of Eighteen Hundred Pounds, Proclamation Money, or the Value thereof, to be Paid Her, or sure'd to be paid Her, in Two years after my Decease; but on the Condition Only my Exors. then Taking a Release for the Legacy left her by Her Grand Mother, Mrs. Sarah Trott, and Also, that she Doe not Marry but with the Consent of my Exors. & her Aunt, Mrs. Sarah AUen, or the Majority of them. Item. I doe give unto my Daughter, Anne Moore, the Sum of Eighteen Hundred Pounds, Proclamation Money, or the Value thereof, to be Paid her, or sured to be paid Her, in Two years after my Decease; But on the Same Terms & Conditions as Her Sister Mary before Mentioned. Item, I doe give unto my son in Law, Mr Thomas Smith, & North Carolina Wills. 311 his Heirs for ever, aU that Lott of Land m the Town of Bruns wick where Mr. WUliam Lord at Present resides, Besides with the BuUdmg thereon. Item, I doe give. Devise & Bequeath unto my sons, George & Wffiiam Moore, and their Heirs forever, all the rest & Residue of my real & Personal Estate, to be EquaUy Divided Between them, After the Payment of aU my just Debts & Legacys, but on these Conditions, that they, at the expence of my Estate, Mamtam their Said Sisters, Mary & Anne aforesaid, untffi their Legacy become Due, imless they shaU Marry before, but Nevertheless, if my Two Sons ShaU Choose to pay their Legacy Out of my Principal Estate, they shall be at their Liberty so to doe soe as not more then One third of the same be Paid to Each m Land; & the Lands & slaves to be VaUued to them by Indifferent Persons, to be Choose by each Party, & they on Oaths, there bemg Twenty Odd Thou sand Acres of Land & Near Two Hunffied & fifty Slaves, with the Stock of Hor es, Cattle, &c., & besides the Debts Due To me not before Bequeathed m this my Wffi. Item, I doe De-vise & Bequeath unto my Dear beloved Wife, Mary Moore, aU the Estate that was her o-wn at the Time of Her Marriage, be it of any Nature and Kmd Whatsoever, with the Profits arising Since Such her Marriage; as also the Saw Mill I entend to Bffild on Brices Creek, with the Slaves & all Utensils that shaU Properly Belong to them. And if it shal soe Happen that I shal Dye Before the said MUl shaU be Compleatly finished, that She, my said Wife, is to have the work of my four Carpmters now at Nuce, untU they be Compleatly Finished; and the aforesaid Land & Mffi I doe give unto my said Wife, & Hurs forever, & in fuU Considera^ tion of her Dower & any Claim She may have by Law to any Part of my real & Personal Estate. Item, it is my WUl that each of my Daughters, Mary & Anne, Doe at their Marriage, take Each their Choyce of any One of the House Slaves, Except the Negro wench Bess, who I leave to Her Liberty to make Choyce of any One of my Chilffien for her Master or Mistress. Lastly, I doe Nominate and appoint my Two Sons, George & Wiffiam Moore, Exors. to this my Last wiU & Testament, Revoakmg aU Other WiUs herefore made by me. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto Set my Hand & Seal, this 7th. Day of March 1747/8. RoG. MooRE (seal) Signed, Sealed, Published & Declared to be my Last WiU & Testament m the Presence of: Wm. Forbes. Richd. Quince. Geo. Logan. 312 Nobth Caeolina Wills. A CodicU to this my Last will & Testament: Whereas, it is Apparent from the Late Storm, that the Legacy I have Be queathed unto my Loving Wife, Mary, The giving her my saw Mill and the Appurtenancys thereunto Belonging, may, Instead of being a Yearly Profit to her, Prove rather an Ex- pence, therefore I doe Absolute Declare that Part of my will soe much as relates to the Saw Mills and appurtenancys there unto Belonging to be Void and of none Effect; & in Lieu of the Same, do give unto my said Loving Wife, Mary, One Hundred Pounds, Sterling Money, or the full Valine thereof, to be Paid her Yearly by my Exors. During the Time she Does remain my Widdoe, and noe Longer, and the same to be in full for her right of Dower, & in full for any Claim or Demand of any kind Whatsoever She may have Legffily to any Part of my Estate. In Testimony' Whereof I have here unto Set my Hand & Seal, the 30th. Day of June, 1750. R. Mooee. (seal) Signed, Sealed & Published in the Presence off us: Wm. Ross. Rebecca Coke. Geo. Logan. Att a Court held at Wilmington, On the Last Tuesday in May, in the Year of Our Lord, One Thousand, Seven Hundred and ffity One. On Motion the Last Will & Testamt. of Roger Moore, late of the Pro-vince of North Carolina, Esqr., Deceased, was Proved in Due form of Law By the Oath of George Logan, One of the Subscribing Witnesses to the said Will and Codicil, by which Will George Moore and WiUiam Moore are Appointed Exors. of the Last WiU and Testament of the said Roger Moore, Deed., which said WUliam Moore and George, Appeared in Court and Took the Oath of an Executor According to Law. Therefore it is Ordered that Letters Testamentary do issue to the said George Moore and WiUiam Moore, to Impower them to Take upon them selves the Execution of the said, of the said Roger Moore, Deed. By the Court. Isaac Faries, C. C. Mr Rice's Ex'or, Dr for tffis, 16 Cash. Copied from the Original WiU, FUed in the Office of the Secretary of State. THOMAS MOOR'S WILL. Wilmington, 3d. february, 1735. I, Thomas Moor, Late of New. York, now in Wilmington, Being Sick of Body but sound of Judgment, Doe make This my Last Will and Testament. In Primis, I appoint and Constitute Cosmas Farquharson, Doctor of Physic, my Sole Executor and Administrator of aU the Debts, Effects and Moneys I Can Lay any Claim to in Noeth Cabolina Wills. 313 North Carolina, in Order that he, the said Cosmas Farquharson, may Remit the Same to New York to be Dispos,d off there as my former WUl, in the hands of Mr. Alsop and Carroll there Directs, and this My Last WiU and Testament Day And Date foresaid, I have signd, seald and Delivered m presence of: Thos. Moob (Seal) Witness: Caleb Mason. Simon Payne. Rd. Habtlby. At a Court begun and Held for the County of New Hanover on Tuedsay the 4th. Day of February, 1753. Present His Majestys Justices: These may Certify that Richard Hartley, one of the subscribing E-yi- dences to the Withm WiU, appeared m Open Court & made Oath on the holy Evangelist that he was Present and saw Thomas Moor, sign. Seal and Declare the withm to be and contain Ms last WiU and Testament; and that the Said Thomas Moor was then & at that time of sound and disposing Memory; and that he also saw Caleb Mason and Sjmion Payne, two other Subscribmg Evidences, sign their names thereto at the same Time: then also appeared Cosmas Farquharson, Executor, m open Court and took the Executors Oath in Due form of Law. Isaac Faeries, Cl. Cu. •Copied from Original Wffi, ffied in the Office of the Secretary of State. EDWARD MOSELEY'S WILL. No. Caeolina, sc. In the Name of God Amen, I, Edward Moseley, of New Hanover County, Esqr., do make and Declare these Presents to be and Contam my Last Wffi & Testament Rovoking aU Other. Imprimis, I wiU that aU my Debts be weU & Truly paid, within Convement time after my Decease, Out of the Profits arising from the Labour of my Slaves. Item, It is my Wffi that as soon as it weU may be done After my Decease, a True and Perfect Inventory be made of aU my Personal Estate, and that the Same be Retumed upon Oath mto the Secretary's Office, as also into the Office of the County Court of New Hanover, within Ninety Daies After my Decease. Item, I give and Bequeath unto my Eldest Son, John Moseley, my Plantation at Rockey Pomt, where I Frequently reside, on the West side of North East Branch of Cape Fear River, Together with aU my Lands Adjacent thereto, Contaimng in the whole about 3500 Acres, be the Same more or Less, To Have and To Hold the same to him, the said John Moseley, & his heirs male of Ms Body LawfuUy begotten for ever. And 314 Noeth Carolina Wills. for want of Such Heirs then to my Second Son, Edward Moseley, and his Heirs Male of his Body Lawfully Begotten for ever; and for want of Such Heirs, then to the next of my Sons as Shall Attain to the Age of 21 years, intail male as above men tioned; and for want of Such to my right Heir infee Simple. Item, I give to my Second Son, Edward Moseley, my Plan tation where I formerly Dwelt in Chowan County, and the Lands adjacent thereto. Containing by estimation 2000. Acres, be the Same More or Less, To Have & to Hold the Same to him & the Heirs male of his Body Lawfully Begotten infee tail; and for want of Such, then to my Son, Sampson Moseley, & the Heirs Male of his Body Lawfully Begotten infee tail; & for want of Such, then to my Son, James Moseley, infee tail Male as above exprest; & for want of Such, Then to my Fifth Son, Thomas Moseley, and His heirs for ever. Item, I give and Bequeath unto my Son, Sampson Moseley, and his Heirs and Assigns, all my Lands On the East Side of the North East Branch of Cape Fear River, Lying Between Holly Shelter Creek and the bald white Sand hiUs, Containing by Estimation 3500 Acres, be the Same More or Less. Item, I give & Bequeath unto my Son, James Moseley, and his Heirs & Assigns, all my Lands on the East side of the North East Branch of Cape Fear River Opposite to my Rocky Point Plantation, Contaimng by Estimation 1650 Acres, be the Same More or Less. Item, I give & Bequeath unto my Son, Thos. Moseley, & his Heirs and Assigns, all my Lands on the North West Branch of Cape Fear River, Vizt: 1280 Acres I had by the WiU of John Baptista Ashe, Esq"., at Rockfish Creek on both sides the River; and 600 Acres on the East side of the North West branch of Cape Fear River, Near Opposite to the Lands Where on M'. Mitchell Formerly Dwelt. Item, I give & Bequeath unto my Son, John Moseley, and his Heirs and Assigns, my Lot and Houses in Brunswick where my Habitation usuaUy is at Present, After the Decease of my Loving Wife, to whom I give it During her Natural Life. I also give to my said son John & his Heirs and assigns, my Plantation below Brunswick, Commonly Called Maclmights. Item, I give and Bequeath unto my Son, Edward Moseley, and his Heirs and Assigns, my Lot & house in Wilmington; Also, 600 Acres of Land Opposite to Cabbage Iffiet; Also 500 Acres of Land in Tjrrel, Commonly Called Coopers; & 450 Acres of Land in Tyrrel County, Commoffiy Called White- marsh, aU these to him & his Heirs & Assigns. Item, I give and Bequeath to my three Sons, Sampson, James and Thomas, all my Lands on the East side of Cape Fear River on Part, whereof M^ Bugnion dwelleth, to be Divided into three Equal Parts, as near as may be; Thom" North Caeolina Wills. 315 to have his first Choice, and Jam" the Next, the Division to be made by my Wife. Item, I give to my Loving Wife, Ann Moseley, During her Natural Life, my Plantation at the Sound wMch I bought of John Hodgson, Wheron there is a Large Vmeyard Planted; Also 3200 Acres of Land in EdgComb, CaUed Alden of the MU, be the Same More or Less, Lymg on a Branch of Fishing Creek, by Some CaUed Irwins by Other Butterwood; Also 1650 Acres, be the Same More or Less, upon the West side of Neuse River, about Twenty four Miles above New Bem Town. With fffil Power to her by any Deed or wffi, to give the first Mentioned to all or any of my ChUffien She pleases, to be held by Such in fee Simple, and the two Last Mentioned Tracks, Vizt: 3200 & 1650, to aU, or any of my four Youngest Sons, as She shall think they best deserve or may most want the Same, in Such Proportion as She ShaU think Proper, to be held by Such as she shaU Appomt, the same m fee simple. Item, I give and Bequeath unto my five Sons, John, Edward, Sampson, James, & "Riomas, & their Heirs & assigns, to be held m Severalty, & to be EquaUy Divided, my Large Tract of Land m EdgComb County, CaUed Ciur, Contaimng by Estimation Ten Thousand Acres, be the same more or Less; & it is my Wffi that m Case Any of my Sons ShaU Dye before they attam the Age of 21 Years, or Without Leavmg La-wfuU Issue, that then the Lands of Such so Dying ShaU be EquaUy Divided Among the Survivours, to be held by them mfee Simple, Except those first Mentioned Lands Given to my Two Eldest Sons in taU Male, wMch m Case of their Or either of their Death is to go as I have before exprest. Item, It is my Wffi that no part of my Stocks, Houshold Goods, Slaves, or Other Personal Estate, be Sold for Payment of my Debts; but that the Same ShaU be Paid Out of the Money's Arising by Crops or Other Labour of my Slaves; hereby Direct ing that what Products of the Labour of my Slaves Shall be in being at my Decease, the Same ShaU go towards Payment of my Debts, and that my Slaves that work in the field or on Tarr Work &c'', to be kept to Labour m Such Manner, on aU, or any of my Lands as ShaU best serve, to raise most Money for Discharge of my Debts. Item, After my Debts are Paid by the Labour of my Slaves, I give and Bequeath unto my Dear & Loving Wife, Ann Mose ley, these 21 Slaves FoUo-wing, Vizt: Robm & his wife Dmah & their CMlffien, Little Mustapha, Csesar & Jonathan; Kate & her CMlffien, WiUy & Abram, Simon, Gabriel, Jacob, Primus, Francis, Abigail, Hager, PMUida & her Two CMlffien, Quashey & Bffiey; Drago & Ms Wife Nan; and MoU Statiras Daughter. Item, I give and Bequeath unto my Daughter, Aner Moseley, these Eleven Slaves, Vizt: Sarah, Mustapha's Wife; Hannah & 316 North Carolina Wills. her Two Daughters PMUida & Bessy; Cudger & his Wife Bolin- der & their Daughters Betsy, Sarah & Lucy, Esther Sunons wife; and Little Esther, Jennys Daughter. Item, I give & Bequeath unto my five Sons, John, Edward, Sampson, James & Thomas, these 56 Slaves, to Wit: Manuel & his Wife Maria & their Children, Manuel, Frank, Jenny, and Yauna; Robin & his wife Doll; Judith and her Sons, Henry, Tony, Tom & Ben; Jenny & her Sons, Andrew & Ned; Bacchus & his wife Yanbo & her ChUdren, Jupiter, Sarah and hannah; Mat, a Cooper, & his -wife Mercy, & their Children, Mat, Frank & Peggy; Jemmy & his -wife Sarah; Tom a Cooper & his wife Jenny; Joe & his wife DoU, & their Daughter Doi; Jemmy & Cooper, Sambo & Cooper, Scipio, Roger, Sandy, Cook, Button, Cyrus, Peter, Zebedee; Flora & Diana, the Daughters of Dinah; Nancey & her Children, Alden, Jacob & Suckey; Cudgeo, Kates son Statara, Peg & her Daughter Sarah Membo; BeUndas Daughter Jenny; Esthers Daughters, Cates Daughter Hagar. Item, I give and Bequeath unto my Loving Wife, Ann, my New Chaise Harness and the Pair of Bay Horses, Smoker and Toby, which I bought of John Hull, Esqr, for that use, I also give Unto her Out of my Stocks, Ten Cows & Ten Calves, Ten Steers of Differant Age's, & Twenty Sheep & the horse Spark. Item, it is my Will that my said Wife have the Care, Tuition and Guardianship of my Daughter, Ann; & in Case of her Death, then to my Honour'd Mother in Law, Mrs. Susannah Hasell. Item, It is my WUl that the Slaves now usually kept about the house, shall be kept in the same Employment for my Wifes easier Life, and Care of my Children, untill She Marries, or One of my Sons Arrives at Age of 21 Years, then they are to go to those I have before Bequeathed them. Item, It is my Will that my Wife Shall have the Use of my Lot & houses in Brunswick; and also of my Dwelling house, Kitchen &c. at Rockey Point, untill She shall Marry or that One of my Sons Shall Attain in the Age of 21 years. She keep ing all my Houses in Repair. And when Any of my Sons Shall Attain 21 years of Age, then my -wife Shall have her Choice Whether She -wiU Dwell in my houses at Brunswick or at Rockey Point; it is also my WiU, that she may work so many of the Slaves on any of my Lands as she ShaU choose, along with my Childrens Slaves for which She may Draw a Pro portionable Part with Such Slaves of my Children as shall be thought most for their benefit to be worked with hers; The Barns to be for the Use of my Children as well as for my Wife. Item, it is my WiU that after my Debts are Paid, my Sons Slaves Shall be Employ'd on all, or any of my Lands, and no where else, in the Most Beneficial Manner that may be for North Carolina Wills. 317 the Profit of my said Sons; and AnnuaUy Accts. to be rendered to the County Court of New Hanover, of the Profits Arising thereby, which Profits are to be Accompted for without Any Charge of Commissions, &'., Other than the Overseers Share. Nor shall my ChUdren's Estate be made any way Less Under pretence of Commissioners, &c*.. But all that I have or shaU leave them m this my Last Wffi is to go Clear to them. Except what shall be hereafter exprest Concerffing my Sons Education. Item, I give unto my Six Children aU my Stock of horses Mares, Neat Cattle, Sheep and Swine, to run & encrease for ther Benefit; and I wiU that proper Slaves be Appointed for Managing thereof of, which increase & profit made thereby of Such as are necesarily to be sold or Kffied at Proper Sea^ sons, Accot. to be rendered to the County Court, for my cMl dren advantage, without Charges, Deductmg first thereout what may be necessary of such kmd of Pro-vision for house- keepmg for my said wife & Children. Item, It is my WUl that the Profits Arismg by the Labour of my Two sons Slaves, & their part of the profits Arismg by the Stocks, be laid Out m purchasing Young Female Slaves to be Added to their Stocks of slaves; And it is also my will that if any of the Female Slaves given be my m tMs -wiU shaU breed, m Such Case I give the issue to go along with the Mother. Item, When it shaU be necessary to give aU or any of my sons Other Education than is to be had from the Common Masters m this Provmce; for I woffid have my ChUffien weU Educated, it is then my Wffi that Such expence be Defrayed Out of the profits of Such Childs Estate & not Otherwise. Item, I Recommend it to my Dear & Lo-ving Life that one of my sons, as shaU be Thought best Qualffied for it, be bred to the Law, it being MgMy necessary m so Large a FamUy; and to him I give all my Law Books, bemg upwards of 200 Volumes, wMch are now or ShaU be in My Closet at Bruns wick, and are Exprest in a Catalogue of my Own hand Writmg, in a Marble Cover Book in my Closet. Item. I give to my Dear wife, Blomes History of the Bible in folio, 3 Volumes m folio of Arch Bishop Tffiotsons Works, four volumes m Octavo of Dr. Stanhopes on the Epistles & Gospels, and aU the Books of Physick. Item, I give to my Daughter, Ann Humfries, 3 Volumes in foho on the Old & New Testament, and I wiU that my Exors. buy for her, the work of the Anther of the whole Duty of Man. I give to the Eldest of my Sons, that shaU not Study the the Law; Chambers Dictionary, two Volumes in foUo; Locks Work, tMee Volumes m foUo; MiUers Dictionary; 2 Vol""" m foUo, and LeBlond of Gardemng in Quarto: AJad the rest of my Books, about 150 Volumes, to be Divided among my Other tMee Sons. 318 North Carolina Wills. Item, I give & Bequeath unto my Eldest Son, John, my Large Silver Tea Kettle, Lamp, & Server for it to stand on, weighing in aU about 170 Ounces. To my Son, Edward, my Large Silver Coffee Pot Pott; to my Son, Sampson, my Large SUver Tea Pot; to my Son, Jam'", my Large Silver Tankard, & to my Son, Thomas, a pair of Large Square SUver Servers; my Cases of Knifes, forks, Spoons, Salts, Casters, & Other my Plate, to be Divided Between my wife & Daughter, my wife to have Two Thirds, & my Daughter One Third. Neverthe less, my wife to have the use of my Children's plate untill She shall Marry, or they respectively Attain to age of 21. But if any shall Depart this life before that Age, such Childs part of the plate or Other Personal Estate I shaU & Hereafter in this wUl give to them, to be Equally Divided among my sons Surviving. Item, in Case my Wife shall marry, or as Soon as Any of my sons ShaU Attain to 21 years of age, which shall first Hap pen, I wiU that my household goods & Other Personal Estate not before by me given shaU be Equally Divided mto four Parts; One thereof to be for my Wife, the Other three Parts among my Six Children. Item, As there are very Considerable Debts due to me I expect more than Sufficient to pay the Debts I owe, I leave it to my Wife either to Apply the Same for Payment of my Debts, or in Building for aU or any Of my Son's as She shaU think Proper, if she shall Choose to Apply it in Building, I would have the house at the Vineyard Fiffished Fit for Use, and as She knows my mind -with Regard to a handsome large Dwelling house to be built at Rockey Point, the Foundation whereof is Dugg, She may, if She pleases, Proceed thereon And use all the Materials Already Provided by me, And Also, the Sum of One Hundred Pounds SterUng, or the Value thereof in Products, yearly for Two Years, Out of the Labour of all my Sons Sla-sres, And all or any parts of the Debts Due to me. Item. I give & Bequeath unto my very Good Friend, Sam uel Swann, Esq'., Major John Swann & my Brother in Law, Mr. Jas. Hasell, Jr., the Sum of Ten Pounds SterUng, each, or in Products; hereby Requesting there Advice & Assistance in having this my Will fullfiUed. And to Mr. Jeremiah VaU & Mr. Alexander Lillington, the Sum of Five Pounds Sterling, Each, or Value in Products; & to my Very Good Friend Jas. Hasell, Esqr., & to my Sisters in Law, Mrs. Mary VaU & Mrs. Sarah Porter, I give to Each a ring of two Guineas price; & to Each of the Children of my Sister in Law, Mrs. Mary Vail & of her sister Elizabeth, late the Wife of Collo. Maurice Moor, and to the Children of my Late Brother in Law, Mr. John Lil Ungton, & to Colo. Maurice Moor's three youngest ChUdren, I give to Each a ring of a Guinea price. North Carolina Wills. 319 Item, I give to my Honoured Mother in Law, Mrs. Susannah HaseU, a ring of tMee Gffineas price. Item, the rest & Residue of my Estate, Real & Personal, I ^ve to be EquaUy Divided among my Sons & the Survivours of them. Lastly I nominate & Appoint my Dearly beloved Wife, Ann Moseley, & my Two Eldest Sons, John & Edward, to be Executors of this my Last Wffi & Testament (Containing m Eight Pages aU of my Own hand Writmg) In Testimony whereof, I have Hereunto Set my Hand & Seal, this Twentieth Day of March, Anno Dom., 1745. E. Moseley, (Seal) Signed, Sealed, Published, & Declared In presence of: Eleaze. Allen. Roge. Mooee. Wm. Foebes. Matt. Rowan. August Court, 1749. A CofficU to the Last WiU and Testament of Edward Moseley, dated JMarch 20th., 1745. hereunto annexed. To my Son WUUam, bom since my said Last Wffi was made, I give & bequeath my two round SUver Servers; Also, the tract of Land in my said Wffi mentioned, lymg in Edgecombe County, caUed Alden of the Hffi, containmg 3200 acres, be the same more or less; Also about 300 acres more, contiguous thereto, wMch I have Entred in Earl Granvffie's office. To hold the same, about 4000 acres, to him & his heirs forever. It is also my wffi, that my said Son, Wiffiam, shaU have an equal share of the Slaves & personal estate left to be di-vided among my other five sons in that my wffi. It is also my -wffi, that if I shaU have any more cMlffien, They shaU be intitled to an equal part of my slaves & personal Estate left to my sons in that my Wffi mentioned, and that aU my sons bom or to be bom, shaU have an equal share or divi dend of that my large tract of 10,000 Acres caUed Ciur, men tioned in my said wffi. I give to my dear wife Ann, my negro woman named Jane, for her better care & management of my chUffien, she having been much employed about them I give to my Dai^hter Nancy, Peggy's youngest mffiatto chUd named Abram. My slaves Mustapha, Cush & MoU havii^ behaved very weU I order them to be free, but if it shaU not be aUowed them. Then it is my wUl that my executrix shall place them jomtly or severally as they shaU choose, on any of my lands, to make what they shall judge most for their advantage, rendering one tenth part of the profits to my executrix. 320 North Carolina Wills. Lastly, I make my dear wife Ann, Executrix, and my two Eldest Sons, Executors, of this CodicU which I wiU shaU be taken & deemed as a part of my last Will & Testament. In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this Nineth day of June, Anno Dom., 1748. E. Moseley (seal) Signed, sealed, published & Declared in presence of: John Cochran. John Hancock. John Cooke. N B, This Codicil is fixed to the WiU by Mr. Sampson's Seal (my Wife's Father) mine being lately lost. New Hanover County. August Court, 1749. The within WUl of the Honb'. Col. Edward Moseley, Esq'., lately de ceas'd was proved now here in open Court by the oath of the Honb'. Mathew Rowan, Esq',, one of the Subscribing E-videnoes thereto in due form of Law, and the Codicil hereto the said -will annext was Proved Like wise at the Same time by the oath of M'. John Cook, one of the Subscrib ing Evidences thereto in open Court also in due form of Law. Test. Isaac Faries, C. C. June, 1750. Personally appeared before me Mrs, Anne Moseley, and was duly swom to the just & faithfuU Execution of the within Will & Codicil. Nath. Rice. Registered in Book C Fol 741, 742, 743, 744, 745, & 746. Isaac Farries Register. Copied from Original Will, FUed m the Office of the Secretary of State. SAMUEL NICHOLSON'S WILL. No. Carolina, The 22 of ye: 1: Month, 1727/8. Know ye, that I, Sam. Nicholson, am week in body but of parfect mind and memory, thanks be to the Lord for it: Do make this my Last and Testiment, Revoking all other WiUs heretofore maid by me, first of all, I comit my Soul unto the Lord and by body to the Earth from whence was, to be desently buriad after the discresion of my Executors hereafter named. Saconly, my wUl is that my dear and weU beloved wife, Elizabetli Nicholson, Shall have the whole Use and Benifit of all my Lands and houses and plantation during har life; and after har discs, my will and pleasure is that my daftor, EUs abeth Anderson, shaU have and injoy all my Lands, planta tions houses and profits, Shee and her Lawful hares for Ever. AUso, i give to my Said daftor, Elizabeth Anderson, a Negro woman caled bes. North Carolina Wills. 321 I g?ve to my daftor, Sarah Nicholson, one Neigro boy caled Sesor, during her natuall Life, and at har discs, to fall to them of har Kinffied which she may think fitest to Life with. I allso give to my Said Daftor, Sarah Nicholson, a father bed and fumiture. I aUso give to my Gran CMlffien, forty shUlings a peas, to be pid to them or thare fathers for them. I allso give to my Friend, Sarah Gloster, as much good fine Silk Crape as wffi make har a Sffit of Close, a pare of good Stays, tMee yards of muslin, a pare of worsted hoes, two Yards of Holen, as much fine Garlick, as wffi make har a SMft. And as for the Rest of my Estate of what Remains after Lagists and Just debts are dffiy paid, I give to my Lovemg Wife, Elizabeth Nicholson, to be at har disposmg. I also make and ordain my Loveing Wife, Elizabeth Nicholson, and my SomnLaw, John Anderson, Executrex and Executor of this my Wffi. As witness my hand, Ttiji mark Samuel S Nicholson. (Seal) Witnes by us: Zachariah NrxoN. John Keatten. Elisabeth S Montecu. Proved by ye oath of Mr. John Keatten, and affirmation of Mr. Zach- riah Nickson, in open Court. Test. Chables Denman, Clk. Mrs. Eliz Nicholson, one her Solemn affirmation In Open Court, ffid declare that She would proforme the withm wiU Accordmg to ye Law of this Govemment, She bemg Executrix. Test. Charles Denman, Clk. Letters granted the 23d. Jan'y, 1727. Copied from Original Wffi, ffied m the Office of the Secretary of State. FRANCES OLIVER'S WILL. In the Name of God Amen. I, Frances OUver, of Edenton, in the County of Chowan & Provmce of North Carolina, the Widow & ReUct of Anffiew OUver, deceased, Bemg weak of Body, But of sound & disposing Mmd & Memory, praised be God for the Same, and Knowing that It is Appointed for aU Persons once to die, and after Death the Judgment; Do make & Ordam this my Last Wffi & Testament, m Manner & Form foUowing, (that is to say) Fust and principaUy, I Comit my Soffi into the Hands of Ahmghty God, my Heavenly Father; and my Body, I Commit to the Earth, To be decently buryed, at the Discretion of my Executors herein after named. 21 322 Nobth Carolina Wills. And as for such Worldly Goods & Estate, as it Hath pleased God to bestow upon me, I Give & Dispose there of as followeth, Vizt: Imprimis, I Order & Appoint that all my Just Debts, Lega cyes and Funeral Expences shall be paid, as soon as con veniently may be after my Decease. Item, I Do hereby Give, Devise & Bequeath unto my Son in Law John Davison, of Edenton aforesaid, Marriner, his Heirs & Assignees for Ever, All my Real and personal Estate of what Nature & Kind so Ever, Scituate, lyeing and being in this Pro-vince, and not herein Other-wise disposed off; and my Will & meaning is. With Respect to my Negroe Woman, called Rachel & her Three Grand Children (that now live with me), I Give & Bequeath them all unto the- said John Davison & the Heirs of His Body Lawfully Begotten; and in case of His Death without Such Issue, I Order & Appoint that all my said Negroe Servants shall immediately be dis charged from all Manner of Bondage & have their Liberty to work for Themselves as Other Free Negros have. Item, I Give & Bequeath unto Each & Every of the Daugh ters of my Brother & Sisters in Virginia, All My Wearing Ap- parrel, both Linnen & Woolen, of what Nature & Kindsoever, To be Equally divided between Them, and to be sent or de livered unto 'Them by the said John Davison. Item, I give & Bequeath unto Ichadah Davis, Spinster, (Who now Lives with me) her, Her heirs and Assigns, One Bedstead, & Feather Bed & Bolster, Two Blankets & a Pair of Sheets. And Lastly, I do hereby Constitute & Appoint the said John Davison, to be the Sole Executor of this my Last WiU & Testament, Hereby Revoking & Making Void all former & Other Wills by me heretofore made, and hereby Declaring the within Written Instrument To be my Last Will & Testa ment. In witness whereof, I, the -within named Frances OUiver, have hereunto set my Hand & Seal, The Twenty Sixth Day of February, In the Twenty Seventh Year of the Reign of Our Sovereign Lord, George the Second, by the Grace of God, King of Great Britain, &c., Annoq Domini., 1754. Frances Oliver. (Seal) Signed, Sealed, Published and Declared by the Above named Testatrix, as & for her Last Will and Testament In the Presence of us: Anthony Carteel. her Elizabeth El Flood. mark Leonaed Cotton. Noeth Caeolina Wills. 323 October County Court, 1756. Present His Majesties Justices: The Last WUl and Testament of Francis OUver, deceased, was proved in Court Accorffing to Law, by the Oath Elizabeth Flood. Test. Thomas Jones, Cler. Cur. North Carolina, ss. PersonaUy Appeared before me John Da-vison, the -witMn named Execu tor and QuaUfied by taking the Oath by Law Appomted for that purpose. Octr. 14th., 1756. Let it be Registered. Peter Henlet, C. J. Copied from Orival Wffi, ffied in the Office of the Secretary of State. WYRIOTT ORMOND'S WILL. In the Name of God amen. I, Wyriott Ormond, of Beau fort Coimty, m the provmce of No. Carolina, Gentleman, am in health of body and sound mmd, therefore put my Last Wffi and testament in Writing as foUows: I Give and bequeath to my Lovmg Wife, Mrs. EUzabeth Penelope Ormond, Five hunffied pounds, proclamation money; Six Negroes, includmg those two she had from her Father, that is to say: Stephen, Ben, Lankeshire, Sam, Lmda, Mariah; My English Bey Mare, And Such of my fumiture as She shall Choose, not exceedmg one himffied pounds value, to be assessed by My Executors, or the Survivor of them. And my desire is that My Executors deUver my Said Wife, the above men tioned Legacies as soon as Convement after my death, wMch said Several Legacies and every part thereof, I Give to my said Lo-ving Wife, and to her heirs and Assigns for ever. Item, I Give to My Loving Daughters Nancy Ormond, and Sarah Ormond, the (Remamder) Remamder of my estate both Real and personal (Wearing Cloathes excepted), to them the said Nancy and Sarah, their heirs and Assigns for ever to be EquUy Devided between them, when they or either of them shaU arrive to the age of eighteen Years old, or day of either of their Marriage, the said Devision to be Made by my Execu tors and Executrix or the Survivors or them. Nevertheless, it is my WUl and desire that my Exers. or the Survivor of them from time to time, and at any time before such Division to be made between my two daughters, SeU and dispose of any or part of the Estate by me Given to my two Daughters, either Real or personal, at pubUck or private Sale, as they shall think proper, for the Benefit of my Said CMlffien. AJad the mony arismg from Such Sale, to be put on Interest or purchase likely Young Negroes and hire them out, together with those Negroes which I have herein Left them. And further, I do Impower my Executors or the Survivor of them to transact. And Manage the Estate herem Given to my two Daughters, as 324 North Caeolina Wills. they shall think necessary for the Benifit of my said (Daugh ters) Daughters, without Respect or Controle of the Law. My principle desire is that of the Education of my two Daughters, which I strongly Rely on the Care of my Execu tors and each of them, Begging in my Last Moments that they wiU Continue their Love and Friendship to those little Orphans; And I die Satisfyed, that this request wUl be put in Execu tion, and that no Expense be thaught too Great provided it doth not effect the principal of their Estates; I not only mean that part of their Education which Respects their Schooling, but Every Other that Can be had for their Advantage. My Will is that if either of my Daughters die, before they arrive to the age of eighteen Years of day of Marriage, the Surviver shall have the Whole of the said Estate, to them Given. And if Both of them should die before they Arrive to the age of eighteen years or Day of either of their Marriage, then it shall go, and I Give the same to my Brother, Roger Ormond, and his heirs And assigns forever. I Give and bequeath my Wearing Cloaths to my Executors, to witt: my Loving Brother, Mr. Roger Ormond, and my Worthy and Honest Friend, Mr. George Barrow; and My Daughters, Nancy Ormond (And) and Sarah Ormond, I also appoint Executrix of this my last Will and Testament. Signed, Sealed, Published and Declared in the presence of the Witness thereunto Subscribed, March the Ninth, one thousand. Seven hundred and Seventy three. Wy. Ormond, (Seal) The above and within Testament of Wyriott Ormond, deceased, was proved Before me this first day of December, 1773, by the Oaths of Rich ard Caswell, Thomas Respess, and Thomas Rispess, Junr., who deposed that they are well acquainted -with the Hand writing of the said Testator and that to the best of their Belief, the same is wholly of his own hand writing. And Roger Ormond, one of the Executors by him thereby appointed, having qualified, by taking the Oaths agreeable to Law, It is ordered that Letters Testamentary issue thereon accordingly. Jo. Martin. Copied from the Original WUl, filed in the Office of the Secretary of State. JOHN PAINE'S WILL. Noeth Caeolina. In the Name of God Amen. I, John Paine, of WUmington, in the Province of North Carolina, Merchant, being sick and weak in Body, but of sound and disposing Mind, Memory and understanding, Do make, publish and declare this my Last will and Testament, in manner following. That is to say, Noeth Carolina Wills. 325 First, I recommend my soffi to God who gave it and my Body I desire may be decently Buried at the discretion of my Execu tora herem after named. Item, I wffi, Order and direct that aU my Just Debts and Funeral Expences may be paid by my Executors herem after named, so Soon as Convemently may be after my decease. Item, I Wffi, order & Direct that aU my real Estate, Lands and Tenements be Sold by my Executors herein after named, if they shaU think proper to sell & dispose of the same; And I do hereby Impower them m Case of sale, to give good and sufficient TTitles m Law for the same to the purchaser or pur chasers. Item, I Give devise & Bequeath aU my Estate whatsoever and wheresoever, unto my Loving wife, Catharine Paine; To my loving Daughter, Catharme Musgrove Pame, and to the CMld or CMlffien that my wife now goes with to be equaly divided between them, share and share alike, and to their heirs and assigns for ever; my CMlffiens Portions to be paid to them by my Executors when they respectively attain the age of Eighteen years or day of Marriage which shaU first happen; And if Either of my CMlffien die before they Attain the age of Eighteen years or day of jMarriage then, and in that Case, I give, devise and Bequeath the same to my sd. wife, Catharine, to the survivor or survivors of them, and their heirs & aligns; and m Case aU my CMlffien ffie, then I give, Devise & Bequeath aU my Estate to my lovmg wife, Catharine, and her heirs forever. And whereas there is a Legacy of Nine hundred pounds, South Carolina Currency, directed & ordered to be by me paid, (by the Last wffi & Testament of my Mother, ^lary Brewton, Deed.), to the ChUffien of my Sister, Elizabeth Arthur, wife of Francis Arthur, now in Georgia, I do therefore hereby Wffi, order and direct that my Executors after named, Do pay or cause to be paid unto the said CMlffien of my Sister Elizabeth Arthur, m Georgia, the said Legacy of mne hunffied pounds, South Carolina Currency; together with lawfuU Interest for the same tUl paid, and that the same be paid them so soon as may be after my decease. Item, I Wffi, order & direct that my Executors herem after named, withm three years after my decease, or sooner if con vement. Do pay mto the hands of the church Wardens of everj' county in this Provmce, thirteen pounds, proc. money, to be by them distributed amongst the poor Inhabitants of the said several & respective Counties. Lastly, I appomt, constitute & nommate my Lovmg Wife, Catherine, Executrix of this my last wffi and Testament during the time she remains my Widow; and I direct that she may have the Tuition & GuarffiansMp of my CMlffien, But 326 North Carolina Wills. in case she marry, then, I nominate, constitute & appoint my good Friends, Maurice Moore & William Hill, Executors of this my last Will & Testament, and desire they may take possession of my Childrens Estate if they think proper. And I do hereby Revocke all former & other wills by me at any time heretofore made, and declare this Only to be & Contain my last Will and Testament. In Witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand & seal at Wilmington, this ninth day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand Seven hundred & Sixty Seven. John Paine. (Seal) Signed, sealed, published, pro nounced & declared by the Tes tator, to be, and contain his last will and Testament, In presence of us, who in his presence, and at his request, Subscribed our names as witnesses thereto at the same time, (the words, my wife Cath arine, being first interlined) Mary Snow. Ann Mouat. Will: Mouat. The within last Will and Testament of John Paine was proved before Me, this day, by the Oath of Ann Mouat, one of the subscribing Witnesses thereto, who deposed that She saw the Testator sign, seal, publish and declare the same to be and contain his last Will and Testament and that at the Time thereof he was of sound disposing Mind and Memory, Cath erine Paine, the Executrix therein named, QuaUfied as such agreeable to Law. Letters Testamentary have therefore issued Accordingly, Wm. Trton. Brunswick, the 14th. March, 1767. FRANCIS PARKER'S WILL. In the name of God Amen, the the 26th. day of AprU, 1746. I, Francis Parker, of Edgcombe County, and Province of No. Carolina, being in health of Body and in perfect mind and Memory, Thanks be given unto God therefore, calUng unto mind the MortaUty of my body, and kno-wing that it is ap pointed for all men once to die, do make and ordain this my Last Will and Testament, that is to say, principaUy and first of all, I give and recomend my Soul unto the hands of God; and for my body, I reccommend it to the Earth to be buried at the Discretion of my Executor : and as Touching such Worldly Estate wherewith it hath pleased god to bless me -with in this Life, I give and bequeath the same in manner and form following: North Carolina Wills. 827 Imprimis, I wffi that my Just debts and funeral Charges be paid out of my principal Estate. Item, I give & bequeath unto my Loving son, Francis Parker, a Pair of Iron wages, to him & his heirs or assigns. Item, I give and bequeath unto my son, Joseph Parker, one Cow Yearlin, to him, Ms heirs or assigns. Item, I give and bequeath unto my Daughter, EUzabeth Foreman, one Cow Yearlin, to her, her heirs or assigns. Item, I give and btequeath unto my Daughter, Charity Brett, one Cow YearUn, to her, her heirs or Assigns. Item, I give unto my Daughter, Catherine Hodges, one Large Pamted Trunk, to her, her heirs or Assigns. Item, I give and bequeath unto my Son, Simon Parker, One Feather Bed, a green rugg and Blanket, and Sheet; and one Oval Table, to him, his heirs and a^gns. Item, I Lend unto my Beloved Wife, EUzabeth Parker, the use of my Plantation where I now Live, and aU my Personal Estate, not already bequeathed, during her Widowhood or natural Life. Item, I give and bequeath unto my son, Simon Parker, the Plantation where I now Live Containing 200 Acres, more or less, after his Mothers Decease or Marriage; and one Tract Containing 80 Acres, where he, the said Simon, now Lives; One Tract Containing 200 Acres of Land, to him, his heirs or Assigns for ever. Item, I wffi that aU the rest and residue of my Estate, I wffi that it be EquaUy Divided between my Lovmg ChUffien, Francis Parker, Joseph Parker, Elizabeth Foreman, Charity Brett, Catherme Hodges, and Simon Parker, after the De cease or Marriage of my Wife, EUsabeth Parker. Item, I Constitute and ordain my Beloved Wife, EUzabeth Parker, and my Loving son, Simon Parker, Executors of this my Last Wffi and Testament, disanuUing aU former WiUs by me before this Time Made, Confirming this to be my Last Wffi and Testament. Feancis Paekee (Seal) Signed, Sealed Published and Pronounced, by the said Francis Parker as his Last Wffi and Tes tament in Prsence of us: his Gbbeaed X Wall, Jurat. Mark John X Knight. Jurat. Hark Waltee M" Foelan. Exer: QuaUfied, Simon Paekee. 328 North Carolina Wills. Edgconb County, ss. August Court, 1757. The within Will waa in open Court Exhibited by the Exors, therein Named, and proved by the oaths of Gerrard Wall and John Knight, Evi dences thereto; and at the same time the Exors. within Named Qualified for sd. office according to Law, which is ordered to be Certified. Test. Jos: Montford, Cl:Cur: Copied from Original WiU filed in Office of the Secretary of State. JOHN PFIFER'S WILL. In the name of God amen. I, John Pfifer, of Mecklenburg County & Province of North Carolina, being of sound mind and memory and considering the uncertainty of life, & knowing it is allotted for all men Once to dye, do make & publish this my last Will & Testament in manner following: first and of all things I recommend my soul in the hands of almighty God who gave it, hopeing to find mercy; and as for my Body, I Recommend it to the Earth to be Buried in a decent like man ner at the descretion of my Executors hereafter named; and it Is my will that my just debts & Funeral Expences to be duly paid and discharged. Item, I give, Bequeath & demise unto my beloved Son, Paul Pfifer, the Tract of Land, together with Mills and all other improvements on which I now Uve, only as sd. Land was not as yet conveyed to me, I therefore, beseech my Honored Father, Martin Pfifer, to Grant & convey unto my sd. son, Paul Pfifer, the above sd. Lands in as full & ample a manner as he ingaged to do to me. Item, I give, bequeath and demise unto my Beloved daugh ter, Margaret Pfifer, her Heirs, Executors, Administrators or assigns, a Certain "Tract of Acres of Land lying on both sides of english Buff eio Creek, joining on the upper side of Alexander Penneys Land, being Land Conveyed by John Penney & lying in Rowan County. Item, I give, bequeath & demise unto my beloved daughter, Anne Elizabeth Pfifer, her Heirs, Executors, admns. or Assigns, tvi^o Tracts of Land Lying on big Cold water Creek, nearly joining each other, the one known by the name of the Chris topher Wolbirts old place, the other known by the name of the Meeting House Lands. Item, I give & Bequeath unto my Beloved wife, Catherine Pfifer, during her life, a tract of Land Lying on the Nine mile Branch, being land bought of Mickel Raddought. to the end that she, the sd. Catherine, (is to) is to have free Liberty and access to act and do as she shall think fit during her life time, and all profits & advantages to be clear & free to her, provided she does not ask, & demand her Right of dowery in & on any other of my Lands which are WUl'd, or to be WiU'd, and after Noeth Carolina Wills. 329 her death the sd. Land is to be sold to the best advantage; & the money so arising from such sale, to be equaUy devided Between the above Said, Paffi Pfifer, IMargaret Pfifer & Ann Elizabeth Pfifer; and it is likewise my WiU that such Lands as are WUled to my sd. CMldring as above, is to be leased and Rented from year to Year, & the Rents of each Childs Land is to be appUed to the end of Clothing & Schooling them untffi they shall come of age. Itim, I give & Bequeath unto my son, Paul, a Negro Fellow named David; & Also a Negro Wench named Jude, together with their Issue, except the first child the said Jude shaU be delivered of, which is to be disposed of as shaU be hereafter mentioned. Itim, I give & Bequeath to my Daughter, Margret Pfifer, a Negro feUow named Charles, & Negro woman named Nanny, ¦together with their Issue that they shaU hereafter have. Itim, I ^ve and Bequeath to my Daughter, Ann Elizabeth, Pfifer, a Negro Boy named Charles & the first bom ChUd of the Body of the above mentioned Jude. Itim, I Give & Bequeath unto my Beloved Wife, A Negro FeUow Named WaU, & a negro Girl named Dina; also, it is further my wffi, that if any of my ChUffien shoffid ffie before he, her or them, shall be of fffil age, that then & m that case, the Estate of the deceased shaU be equaUy de-vided Between the surviver or survivers of my CMlffien: and father it is my wffi, that so long as my sd. Wife does continue to live single, & in Capacity of a widow, she may contmue to Uve on the Premises wMch I have Hetherto Uved on, & have all the profits of mills & Plantation, offiy to make no destructive use of Timber, except so much as wUl be wantmg for repairing & keeping the fences & Plantation in good Order, and for House ase; to the end that she shall Raise my ChUdren; but m case she shoffid alter her station of life & Marry, it is then My WiU & Meaning, that my sd. ChUffien shaU be under the care and direction of my Executors herem hereafter ^Mentioned; & that as soon as they shaU derect her, my sd. wife, to quit the sd. premises unto them, the Executors of my wiU, upon which they are forthwith directed to Rent or lease the sd. Premises as above mentioned; and farther, as to touching my personal Estate, It is my wiU that as soon as my debts is paid, my Funeral expences ffischarged, and my Executors Each Receive the sum of Six pounds as an Acknowledgement to them, to gether with a Reasonable allowance for their trouble, that whatsoever there is remainmg, if any, it is my wUl, that the one third part of my sd. personal Estate, be given to my sd. wife, the Remaimng Two thirds to be devided equaUy Between my ChUffien. It is also my Wffi, & I do humbly Request my Executors to 330 North Carolina Wills. take all Reasonable pains to have my before mentioned Chil dren instructed in the Christian Faith, & to have a reasonable Education, & in perticular my sd. son, Paul, to be put through a liberal Education & CoUeged, if there should be any suffi ciency of my personal Estate left to his Share. Also, I do hereby direct a Tract of Land Ijdng on the head of Little Cold water Commonly Called Cains Place, to be sold & disposed of by my sd. Executors and the Money arrising from such sales to be appUed to the End to the End of purchasing of some Vacancy ajoining the land on which I now Uve, in the name of my son, Paul Pfifer, if to be had from the proprietor, & if not, to be applyed to the use of my son, Paul Pfifer in schooling him or to be declared a part of his Estate. And I do hereby nominate & appoint my Honoured Father, Martin Pfifer, & my Honoured Father in Law, Paul Barringer, to be my Executors of this my Last Will & Testament, Re vokeing aU other Wills & Testaments heretofore by me made. In Testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand & seal this 17th. Day of August, 1775. John Pfifee (Seal) Signed, wrote & sealed -with my own hand and PubUshed as my Last WiU & Testament: Benjamin Patton, Wm. Wallace, Samuel Patten. North Carolina, Mecklenburg County, ss. This sheet contains a just & perfect copy of the Last Will & Testament of Colo. John Pfifer, Deceased. Given under my hand at Charlotte, the 22 Day of Jany., A.D., 1777. Sam. Martin, Cl. C. North Carolina, Mecklenburg County. I do hereby certify that the Original WiU of John Pifer, Esquire, deceased, (of which the above is a True Copy) was Duly proved before the Justice of said Court in their Sessions in Jany. Term, 1777, by the Oath of Wiffiam Wallace, one of the Subscribing Wittnesses thereto. Certifyed by me this day of Feby., 1774. North Carolina, Mecklenburg County ss. AT an Inferior Court of &c. Jany. Seun., 1777. Whereas, it appears to this Court that Col. John Pfifer, is Dead and hath' made a Will in Writing, whereupon proof thereof being made. Nom inating C9I. Martin Pfifer and Paul Berringar, Esqrs., Executors and Paul Berringer aforesaid by an Instrument of writing relingffisMng Ms right of said Executorship, being produced in open Court Here, It is there fore ordered that Letters Testamentary Issue to Said Col. Martin Pfifer, with a Copy of the wiU annexed, of all and singular the Goods & Chatties, Rights and credits of the said Deceased, (except in those particular Para graphs which mention the land whereon the Deceased aforesaid Uved, and also some other Articles not being the Estate of the Deed, but the Estate of the said Martin Pfifer) and the same in Ms possession take North Carolina Wills. 331 wheresoever to be found m this State, and an Inventory on Oath Retum into the Court here, witffin ffinety Days from the Date hereof, and all Just Debts of the said Deceased to pay so far as the Estate wUl extmd or amount to. In Testimony hereof, I have fixed the pubUc Seal of this County, at Charlotte, the 23d. Day of Jany., A.D., 1777. Sam. Martin, C. C. (Official Seal). Copied from Wffi ffied m the Office of the Secretary of State. GEORGE PHENNEY'S WILL. In the name of God Amen. I, George Phenney, Surveyor GeneraU of his Majesties Customs in the Southem District, on the Contment of America, Do make and Ordain this to be my last wffi and Testament in inanner foUowmg: Imprimis, I bequeath my Soffi to Allmighty God, most humbly beseeching him to receive the Same to Ms Mercy. Item, I give to ^Ii. Ralph Noden, of London, Merchant, one hunffied Pounds, Sterling, to be disposed of as foUows (vizt), That the said one hunffied pounds be by him paid unto Elizabeth Kirk, (formerly Eliz. Houghton), of London, and to her offiy use in such manner as the said Ralph Noden ShaU think necessary for her support. Item, I give to mary, a Negro girl, Daughter of Jettimair, her freedom as soon as she shaU attain the age of twenty years, or at the Decease of my Executrix which, shaU first happen. Item, I give and bequeath unto Penelope phenney, my wife one fuU third part of all my Estate, Real and personal what soever (my Debts and Legacys being first paid and deducted), to her sole use and behoof. Item, I give and bequeath aU the rest and residue of my said Estate, LMids, Houses, negros, moneys, goods, chatties, plate and Jewells, unto the sd. Penelope, my wife, for the uses fol lowing, (that is to say), if it shaU please god that the said Penelope be DeUvered of the ChUd with which She is now preg nant, then my wffi is that she, the said Penelope, have the use of my said Estate During the term of her naturaU Life, and after her Decease I give and bequeath aU my Said Real and PersonaU Estate unto Such cMld, and to his or her heirs for ever, and if ther shoffid be more than one, then to be equaUy Divided between them, share and Share alike, But if such CMld or ChUffien shaU happen to Dye before the Decease of the said Penelope or before he, She, or they shaU attam the age of one & twenty years, then, and m Such Case, I give and be queath unto Joseph Harrison, my Nephew, the sum of five hunffied pounds, Sterling, to be paid unto him at the Decease of the sd. Penelope or of Such CMld or ChUffien as aforesd, wMch ShaU last happen. 532 North Carolina Wills. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and Seal in North CaroUna, this twenty third Day of June, in the year of our Lord 1736 G. Phenney (his Seal) Signed, Sealed, published and Declared in the presence of: Sam'l Jolly. Thomas Ashley, J. Butler. June, ye 23d., 1737. Came before me Thomas Ashley and made Oath on the holy Evangelists that he Saw George Phenney, Esqr., Deceased, Sign Seal & publish the above as his last -will & Testament; that he was of sound & Disposeing mind & memory at that time; & that Sam. JoUy, Esqr,, & Thomas Butler, Did Subscribe as witness thereto. W. Smith, C. J. Recorded in Grant Book 4, WiU No. 68. Office of the Secretary of State. GRACE PILSON'S WILL. North Carolina, ss. In the name of God Amen, I, Grace Pilson, of the County of Craven, and province of North CaroUna, Widdow, being sick a weak in body but thro' mercy, of Sound mind & per fect memory, & being mindfull of Mortality & desirous to settle my affairs, do make this my Last Will & Testament, as follows: Chief of all, being pemtent for my Sins past & in love & Charity with all men, I commend my Soul into the hands of God, my Maker, & Jesus Christ my Redeemer, as every Christian ought to do; and my Body to the Earth to be Interred in Such Decent & Christian like manner as to my Executors shall seem meet, in hopes of the glorious Resurrection of the Last great Day; & as for Such Worldly Goods that providence hath blessed me with, after my just debts, necessary Expences & Acco'ts bal- lanc'd are contented discharged & paid by my Executors wch I will shall be first honestly done, the Remainder I bequeath as followeth: First, I will & bequeath unto my well beloved Sister, Mrs. Mary Fox, Living at Perth Amboy, near the Province of New York, Two Negro Men, Named, WiU the cooper, & Phillip; One Negro Woman Named Moll; Two Negro boys named Quastree & Boatswain; Two Negro Girls, named Sabona & PMUis; Two Feather Beds & furniture, four SUver Spoons, three Large Looking Glasses, one SmaU Do. one Silver Cann, Two , Six Leather Chairs, one Two armed Ditto, Three Dozen of pewter plates, one Doz. of pewter Dishes, Three Oval Tables, Three pr. of brass Candlesticks, One Copper kettle, & all my wearing Apparrell; Also, Three gold Rings. Item, I give & bequeath unto my Kinswoman, Grace Fox, North Carolina Wills. 333 Daughter of my Sister Mary Fox, TMee Negro Men, Named BeeUford, Caesar, & Thoms; One Negro Girl Named Jane, aUas Jenny; One Feather Bed & furmture. One Two quart SUver Tankerd, Two Silver Spoons, one Lookmg Glass, one Gold Cham & Two Gold Rmgs. Item, I give & bequeath unto my kinswoman, EUinor Fox, Another Daughter of my said Sister, Mrs. Mary Fox, Two Gold Rmgs, & one pr. of Gold Ear Rings. (Tum over) Item, I give & bequeath unto Mr. Richard Scott, one Negro Man Named Scipio. Item, I give & bequeath unto my Brother, Mr. Thomas Fox, one SUver Watch. And all the Residue & Remamder of my Estate, both real & personal, as homed Cattle, Horses, Hoggs &c. with Goods & Chatties, & aU other properties of what kmd Soever, to me appertammg, I give, devise and bequeath, to my sd. weU beloved Sister, Mrs. Mary Fox. Item, I Do Constitute & appoint Mr. Richard Bidder, of the pro-vmce of New York, Marriner, whole and Sole Execu tor of this my Last WiU & Testament; And I do hereby utterly revoke, disallow, & disanffi all former requests, Wills and Leg acys, by me heretofore in any wise Left or made, declaring & ratifying, & Confirmmg this & no other to be my Last Will & Testament. In Witness whereof, I have hereunto Set my Hand & Seal, this seventeenth Day of September, in the Year of our Lord, One Thousand, Seven hunffied & forty tMee. Grace Pilson. (Seal) Sign'd, Seal'd, published & De- (Coat of Anns on Seal) clared, by the withm named Tes tatrix, Mrs. Grace Pilson, to be her Last Wffi & Testament, m presence of us, who Subscribed our Names, in presence of the Said Testatrix. Geoege pope. James Whiting. James Cooe. Graven County. This said 17th. Sept., 1743. This is to certify, whom it may concern, that whereas, I, Grace Pilson, Testatrix of this WiU, have constituted & ap pomted, Mr. Richard Bidder, whole & Sole Executor of of the Same, It is my further Will & desire. That Thomas Pearson, Esqr., of the County of Craven, and province of North Caro Una, Should & do Joyn with the aforementioned Richard Bidder in the ExecutorsMp & Due performance of this my Last Wffi and Testament. 334 Noeth Carolina Wills. As Witness my hand and Seal, this said 17th. Septemb'r, 1743. Grace Pilson, (Seal) (Impression of Coat of Arms on Seal) Sign'd, Seal'd, publish'd & de clar'd in the presence of Us: Joshua Ackis, William Webb, James Whiting, James Coob. Edenton, Deer. 23, 1743. Then the above will was proved before me, And Richard Bidder took the Oath of Executor appointed by Law. Gab. Johnston. Copied from Original WiU, filed in the Office of the Secretary of State, SETH PILKINGTON'S WILL. In the Name of God Amen. I, Seth Pilkington, of Beaufort County, and Province of North Carolina, Gentn., being sick and weak of body but of Sound and perfect mind and memory, and calUng to mind the Certainty of Death, not knowing when it may please the Lord to call me out of this life, do make appoint and ordain this to be my last WiU and testament, hereby Revoking all former Wills by me made, in Manner and form following, my desire is to be buried in a Desent and Chris tian Manner according to Custom, and form, of the Established Church of England. Imprimis, My desire is that my just debts be punctually paid as soon as Money can be raised as hereafter mentioned. Item, I give, bequeath and devise unto my loving Wife, Sarah Pilkington, five of my Negroe Slaves, Viz: Jupiter, Fortune, George, Men and Catherine, & Jenny Women. Like wise, one third part of All my household furniture, her choice of two of my horses, and all the stock of Catle and hogs, with one third of the Sheep, on or belonging to her own plantation, known by the Name of Weerenunteh, to her and her heirs or assigns. Likewise, my desire is that she have the use and occu pation during her Natural life, or Widowhood, and no longer, the Labour of my Negro fellow named Tom, and Hannah a Girl; and after her decease or Day of Marriage, the afforsaid Negroe fellow Tom, and Haimah a Girl, I bequeath to my Daughter, Winifrid. Item, I Give, bequeath and Devise unto my Daughter, Sarah Cautanche, Seven of my Negroes, Viz: Lancashire, Dublin, Jack, fellows; Mustapher, York, and Lonnon, boys; and Jenny a Girl; my Silver Watch, and one third part of My Houshold Furniture, to her and heirs and Assignes; likewise, halfe my Horses and Mares, and one third of my Sheep. North Carolina Wills. 335 Item, I Give and bequeath unto my Daughter, Winifrid PUldngton, ten of my Slaves, Viz: Cato, Derby, Cudgoe, Prince, Men; Cam a boy; Africa, Grace, Betty, Flora, Wenches; Phebe a Gnl. Likewise, I Give, bequeath and Divise to my Daughter, Winifrid, the Plantation or Tract of Land whereon I now DweU, together with aU the bmldiogs, ]\Iarshes, Meadows, Woods and aU appurtenances thereunto belongmg; likewise, two tracts of Land Contaimng twelve hunffied and Eighty Acres, Situate on Lemuel Cherry herrmg runs, and Purchased of Mr. AUexander LUUngton; one third part of my houshold furniture, and AU my Catle and Hogs belonging to the Plan tation aforsd. one third of the Whole stock of Sheep, and haUe the Horses and Mares belongmg to me, to her, and her heirs and Assigns m fee simple. Item, I Give and Devise unto my Daughter, Sarah Cautanche, upon Condition my Daughter Winifrid shou'd die before Mbt- riage, or without LawfuU Issue, aU that Part, or Portion, of Land, Slaves, and Stock before mentioned and given to the Aforsaid Wimfred; but m case that my Daughter, Sarah, shaU ffie first and without lawfuU Issue, that then, the aforsaid Portion of Lands, Slaves, and Stocke, be Equally ffivided be tween My Wifes, Daughter and GrandDaughters, Viz: Ann Lillington, Catherine Lockhart, and IMary Evans, and their lawfuU heirs. Lastly, My wffi and desire is, that what Cash I leave m hand, AU bonds, bills, and book debts, be CoUected and my Debts punctuaUy paid, and that the Surplus be equaUy divided be tween my son m law, ^Michael Cautanche, and my Daughter, Wimfrid. Likewise, my desire is, that my other lands. Goods and Chattells of all kinds not be mentioned and Given be Sold; or Equally divided between my Afforsaid Son m law, Michael, and my Daughter, Winifrid, as they shaU think for. And I do hereby Nominate and appoint my Son in law, Michael Cautanche, to be my Executor, and my Daughter, Wimfrid Pilkington, to be Ebcecutrix, jomtly and SeveraUy, to do and Execute, aU and Every part of this my last Wffi and testament. In Wittness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and Seal this Seventh day of October, in the Year of our lord, one thousand, Seven hunffied fifty and one, 1751. (the words fumiture, and Issue, being mterUned before Signmg and Sealmg hereof.) Seth Pilkington. (SEAL) Signed, Sealed and DeUvered m presence of: John Fry. W:M. Stubbs. Michael Coutanche, june. 336 Noeth Caeolina Wills. Beaufort County, ss. At a Court held for the sd. County, at Bath Town, on the second tuesday in March, 1754. Present his Majesty's Justices. The last will & testament of Seth Pilkington was exMbited into Court & proved by the Oath of John Fry, who swore on the holy EvangeUsts, that the sd, Seth Pilkington was of sound & disposing mind & memory when he executed the same; & that he also saw Wm. Stubbs & Mich. Ooutanche, Jun"-,, the other subscribing Evidences, set their hands thereto at the same time: And Michl. Coutanche & Winifred Pilkington qualified as Extor. & Extrix, to the same. Ordered that the Secretary have notice hereof that Letters Testament may issue. ^ Test, Walley Chauncy, cl. cu. Copied from Original Will, ffied in the Office of the Secretary of State. CULLEN POLLOCK'S WILL. Noeth Caeolina. ss. In the Name of God Amen. I, Cullen Pollock, of Tyrrel County, Gen., calUng to mind the uncertainty of ye mortal Ufe & yt all Flesh must dye, Do make & Ordain this to be my last Will & Testament hereby Revoking, disanuling, & makeing void aU former WUls & Testaments by me heretofore made. Imprimis, I Bequeath my soul unto almighty God; And my Body to be decently Buried at ye discietion of my Excrs. here after named; And as to what worldly Estate it hath pleased God to bless me with, I Give & dispose of as followeth: Item, I Give & Bequeath unto my dear & loveing Wife, Frances Pollock^ one Plantation & Tract of Land at Matcha pungo River, in Hide County; And also, one Lott of Land in Bath Town in Beaufort County, And also, ye Negroes follow ing, (Viz.) Bess & her Seven Chilffien, Harry, Morea, Prince, Caesar, Bristoll, Betty, & Edenbourg, boath the Lands & Negroes, to her Heirs for Ever; with one Sixth part of aU my Houshold-Goods, Stocks of Horses, Cattle, Sheep & Hoggs, to her & her Heirs for Ever. Item, I Give & Bequeath unto my loveing Wife, Frances Pollock, ye use & Occupation of any one of my Plantations, yt she shall chuse, wth ye use of the Negroes following, (viz.) Pappa Seesar & great Rose, Cajo & his Wife pegg, WiU & his wife Sarah with their Daughter Moll & Son Pomp, (the Land llnterlin'd in the original] & Negroes dureing her life), And after my Wifes death it is my WiU & desire yt ye Land & negroes herein left to Her dureing Life (& not to her & her Heirs for Ever.), go to my Children as hereafter directed, yt is to say, to be equaUy di vided betwen my Sons, George & Cullen, wth ye oyr Land & Negroes hereafter given them. Noeth Caeolina Wills. 337 Item, I Give & Bequeath unto my Nephews, Cullen & Thomas Pollock, Sons of my Bror. Thomas Pollock, Deceased, aU yt Stock of Cattle at the Plantation on Salmon Creek where my Bror. George Pollock, deceased, about fifty & four head wch were drove to my sd. Nephews Quarters above black rock; And also the Negroes following, (-viz) Frank & his Wife Dinah with their CMldren, George, Frajik, Joshua, old Nanne now old Dicks Wife, Bodwin & his wife Hoope & their four CMlffien Jamie, Seesar, Todge, & Moses, the Boy Dowe, Jamie & Ms four CMlffien yt he had by Ms wife Patience, or rather Patiences four CMlffien; Jamie & Hanna, Pat & Mingo: Jack the Cooper, Uttle Rose & her two CMlffien, Dmah, & Seesar, wth their Increas, to be delivered to my sd. Nephews when they arive at the age of twenty & one Years, to them & their Heirs for Ever; But if neither of my sd. nephews shall arrive to the age of twenty & one Years, nor at their Deceas leve any LawfuU Issue, That m such Cases it is my Wffi that the Legacy hereby given to them goe to my CMlffien to be devided as foUoweth: yt is to say, two seventh parts to my Son George, Two Seventh parts to my son CuUen, one Seventh part to my Daughter Martha, one Seventh part to my Daughter Frances, & one Seventh part to my Daughter Mary, to them & their Heirs for ever: and I do hereby decree yt ye Legacyes by me given in tMs WiU to my nephews, ye Sons of my Bror. Thomas Pollock, are given m conformity to a Trust lodged & reposed m me by my Bror. George PoUock, the consideration for two BiUs of Sales & wch I declared in my answer to Mr. Thomas Blount & his Wife's Petition to the Genii. Court of tMs Provmce: and further in conformity to ye same it is my WUl yt if any part of my Bror. George Pollock's P'sonaU Estate is or shall be recovered by ye suit yt Mr. Thomas Blount, Deceased, & Ms Wife formerly brought for one haUe of the sd. Estate; or if any part of ye sd. Estate be hereafter recovered by any sffit that may hereafter be brought by Mrs. EUzabeth Blount, now Widow of the sd. Thomas Blount, or oy' Person on account of Her claim to my sd. Brother's PersonaU Estate by bemg Ms Widow; That m such case the aforsd. Legacyes to my sd. Nephews, CuUen & Thomas, be charged with one halfe yt may be recovered as aforsd. and also one halfe of the Charges yt I have been at in defending ye sd Estate, and also, one halfe of ye Uke charges yt may accrue hereafter, to be paid out of the Legacyes given to my sd Nephews. And the other halfe to be paid proportionaUy out of ye Legacyes given to my Wife & CMlffien of my Personal Estate yt is, those yt have litle pay Utie, & those yt have more pay more, m proportion to what they have, so as to pay one hafte so recovered, with one halfe the Charges. Item, I Give & Bequeath unto my Daughter, Martha Pol- 22 338 North Caeolina Wills. lock, all the Plantation & Tract of Land lying upon a Branch of Trent River, called the halfe way House, in Craven County, containing about Seven hunffied & tenn Acres, on wch Jacob Sheets now Uves; -wth Thirteen Negro Slaves; that is my Negroes or Slaves being devided thirteen in each parcell or Lott, & each parceU or Lott to be as near as possible of equal Value, & my sd Daughter Martha, to have one parcell or Lott, with one Sixth part of all my Houshold Goods, Stocks of Horses, Cattle Hogs & Sheep; all which negroes, -wth the Sixth part of the Stocks & houshold Goods aforsd. to Her & her Heirs for Ever. Item, I Give & Bequeath unto my Daughter, Frances PoUock, one Plantation & Tract of Land in "Tyrrel County, called the deaded Woods, contain'd in two Pattents, one in the name of WiUiam Milton, ye oy"' in the Name of Richard Milton, & by them sold to Jno. adderly, of whom I have his Deed for 1280 Acres, lying on Coneto Creek in Tyrrel County; and also, thirteen Negroes or Slaves of equal goodness & Value to those I by this WiU give to my Daughter Martha, wth one Sixth part of aU my Stocks of Horses, Cattle, Sheep & Hogs; and also one Sixth part of all my Houshold-Goods; aU which Land, negroes, houshold-Goods, & Stocks aforsd., I give to my Daughter Frances, to Her & Her Heirs for Ever. Item, I Give & Bequeath unto my Daughter, Mary, one Plantation & Tract of Land in Bertie County, containing Six hundred & forty Acres, on ye Roonaroy Meadows, lying be twen Land yt belonged to my Bror. Thomas, Land yt be longed to Collo Jones, & land that belonged to Collo. Maule, ye Pattent in my Bror. George's name, & dated ye second day of august, anno Dom., seventeen hundred & Twenty Six; And also thirteen negroes or Slaves of equal goodness & value of those yt I by this WiU give to my Daughter Martha; And also one Sixth part of aU my Houshold-Goods, Stocks of Horses, Cattle, Sheep & Hogs, AU wch Land, Negroes, Houshold Goods, Stocks of Horses, Cattle, Sheep & Hogs, I give to my sd. Daughter Mary, to Her & her Heirs for Ever, (vide margin) and it is my Will & desire 3^ y'. Legacy herein given to my Daughters be deUvered to each of them as they shaU arive at twenty one Years or at ye day of their marriage, wch first shall happen. Item, I Give & Bequeath unto my two beloved Sons, George PoUock & Cullen Pollock, all my oy' Estate, boath real & PersonaU, wch is not before in this Will bequeathed, to be equally devided betweem them & each of them to have his equal part to Him & his Heirs for ever; my Son George to have his part when He shall arive at the Age of twenty one Years: And my Son Cullen to have his part delivered to him when He shall arive at ye age of twenty & one Years; & that my Son George have the first choise in the Devision. Nobth Cabolina Wills. 339 Item, It is my Wffi & desire yt if one of my Sons, either George or Cffilen, shaU Dye before He arrive to ye age of twenty & one Years, or day of marriage, yt ye Legacy of my PersonaU Estate by this WUl given to him yt so dyeth, be devided amongst my CMlffien sur-viving as followeth; (Viz), one haUe to my Son survivemg, & ye other halfe to be de-vided equally amongst my tMee Daughters aforsd. Item, It is my Will & Desire yt if one of my Daughters Martha, Frances or Mary shaU dye before she arrive to the age of twenty & one years, or day of Marriage, yt ye Legacy of my personall Estate by this WUl given to her yt so dyeth, be devided amongst my CMlffien survivemg as foUoweth: (viz), two thirds to my two Sons, George & CuUen, to be equally devided between them, & the other third to be equaUy devided amongst my Daughters survivemg: and it is my Will & desire yt if two of my sd. Daughters shaU deceas before they arrive to the Age of Twenty & one Years, or day of Mar riage, that the Legacyes given them by this Wffi of my Person- all Estate, that so dyeth, be devided amongst my ChUffien survivemg as foUoweth, (Viz), four fifths to my two Sons George & CuUen, to be equally devided between them & ye other fifth to my Daughter surviveing. Item, It is my WiU & desire yt. whatever Just Debts appear against my Estate (except what I have before directed) jrt it be immeffiately paid out of the ready money yt I leve, or out of ye Debts due to me. Item, It is my WiU & desire that my tMe Daughters have as good Education as can be had in this Provmce, & that my two Sons when they have got what learmng they can have m this Province, that they be sent to Boston for farther Edu cation, & their to remain untffi they be eighteen Years of Age in ye care of some discrete Person to direct what Educa tion wiU be most usefuU for them; & yt aU charges arisemg for & towards Educateing my ChUdren as forsd. be paid out of the Profits of my whole Estate Bequeathed to my CMlffien. [In the Origmal here is seventeen Lmes erased with the foUowmg wrote m the margin, (Vizt) "Note this Clause was Wrote when my Wife was bigg with Mary, my Youngest Daughter, now of no use".] Item, I Give & Bequeath unto my Daughter, EUzabeth, to her & her Heirs for Ever, Two Thousand Acres of Land to be laid off out of a Tract of Land yt my Bror. George PoUock, formerly Rented to Edward Buxton in Bertie County, The Pattent contains 4700 Acres, & Dated ye 13th. day of May, Anno Dom., 1714: 1 also Give & Bequeath unto my sd. Daugh ter, Eleven Negroes to be taken out of the foregomg Legacyes as foUoweth: (Viz) one from my Wife Frances's part, two from each of my aforsd tMee Daughters parts, & four from those 340 Noeth Caeolina Wills. Negroes before Given to my two Sons, to be devided, or shared out to Her, in the same manner as before by this WiU is Di rected for my oy' Children; And also I Bequeath yo my sd. Daughter, one seventh part of all my Stocks, of Cattle, Horses, Sheep, Hogs & houshold-Goods, to be taken out of the Lega cyes in this Will before Bequeathed to my Wife & Chilffien, So as yt my Wife & ChUdren may each of them have an equal part thereof. Furthermore, it is my WiU & desire yt this Legacy be delivered into the Possession of my sd Daughter (if it be a Girl) when She arrives at the Age of twenty & one Years or day of marriage, wch first shaU happen, but if She should decease before She arive at the Age of Twenty & one Years, or day of marriage, In that Case it is my Will yt tMs Legacy be utterly Void, and the foregoing Legacyes remain in every respect as they are. Lastly, I Nominate & appoint my beloved Wife, Frances, Executrix & my Loveing Bro':, Colo. Robert West, Stevens Lee, Esqr., Wm Cathcart, Esqr., & Mr. Robert West, Execu tors of this my last Will & Testament, hereby revokeing all other Wills & 'Testaments by me in any ways heretofore made, & hopeing (if occasion be) that my said Executrix & Executors will see the same duely Executed. In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my Hand & Seal this 13th day of August, Anno Dom., 1749. The Words (my Daughter Elizabeth to Her) ware interlined before the Sighning, Sealing & publishing of this present WiU, as also, Wm. Cathcart, Esq. Cullen Pollock (L S) Signed, Sealed, Published & declared in the Presence off: Elizabeth Lee. John Gomm. William Hansaed North Carolina, Tyrrel County. June County Court, 1751. Present Ms Majestys Justices: These may Certifie that the within -wiU was proved in open Court by the Oaths of John Gum, and WilUam Hansford, subscribing Evedences thereto, that they saw the Hon. CuUen Pollock, Esq., Deceased, Sign, Seal, PubUsh & declare the within contains His last Will and Testament; and that he was then and at that time of sound and disposeing Memory; then also appeared Col. Robert West, and Capt. Robert West, Execu tors to the said Will and were duely Qualified by taking the Oath by Law appointed to be taken by Executors. Ordered that the Hon. Nathaniel Rice, Esq., Secretary of this Province, or his Deputy, have notice thereof that Letters Testamentary Ishue thereon as the Law Directs. Test. Evan Jones, C. C. Recorded in WUl Book 5, page 23. Noeth Carolina Wills. 341 GEORGE POLLOCK'S WILL. In the Name of God Amen. I, George PoUock, of North Carolina, Merch't, being of Perfect Mmd & Judgment & Memory, (Praised be god for the Same) Do make this my last Wffi & 'Testament, Hereby absolutely revoakmg all others, and this to be taken offiy as my last wiU & testament. Imprimis, I give & bequeath my Soffi to allmighty God & my Body to the Ground to be Decently Buried by my Execu tors hereafter named; and for what Estate it hath pleased God to bestow upon me I give & bequeath as foUoweth: Item, I give & bequeath unto my Lo-ving Brother, CuUen PoUock, aU my land on Salmon Creek & Chowan River, wch is Contained m tMee Pruchase pattents; also a tract of land on the South Shore, where Loftm Uved; also, eleven himffied & forty Acres of land on the South Side of Morattock River, mgh Canaho Creek; also, four thousand. Seven hunffied Acres on the North side of Moratock River wch I had of mr. Thos. Jones; also, two other Tracts of Land adjoyning to ye Land wch. I had of Mr. Thos. Jones, also seven himffied & ten acres of land on ye North side of Trent River m Nuse; aU of wch. Land I give & bequeath unto my Brother, CuUen PoUock, to him & his heirs for Ever. Item, I give & Bequeath unto my two Nephews, CuUen Pol lock & Thomas PoUock, five thousand acres of Land at the Haw-Fields, also tMee thousand, tMee hunffied acres on Tan- River also two thousand, two himffied Acres lymg in ye fork of Coor Creek & Nuse River, also two hunffied & twenty acres of Land on ye Est. Side of Coar Creek, also one hunffied & fifty Acres at Bennys Creek, also five hunffied Acres of Land on Wecone Creek, also Six hunffied & forty Acres on Morat tock Island, all wch. Land I give & bequeath unto my Nephews, CuUen PoUock & Thos. PoUock, to them & their heirs for ever. Item, I give & bequeath unto my Brother m Law, Colo. Robert West, four tracts of Land wch I hold by Entry & Survey upon Trenters Creek & a tract or Parcell of Land wch. I hold by Entry & Survey upon or near to hom Creek, aU wch. Land I Give & Bequeath unto my sd. Brother m Law, Colo. Robert West, to him & his heirs for ever, w'th a Sufficient Sum of Money to be paid out of my Estate to purcure Pattents for aU the sd. Land and also an Island caUed Crow Island lymg in Currituck, unto him & his heirs for ever. Lastly, I make. Constitute & appomt my Lovmg Brother, CuUen PoUock, & my Brother m Law, Collo. Robert West, to be my whole & Sole Execrs. of this my last Wffi & Testament. 342 North Carolina Wills. In Witness whereof, I have hereunto set my Hand & Seall this 18 Day of October, Anno Dommini, Seventeen hundred & thirty Six. George Pollock, (Seal) Signed, Sealed & Declared to be his last WUl & Testam't in ye presence of: Thomas Ashley. his William W Feyley. Marke. Nehemiah Waebing. July ye 29th. 1738. Came before me Nehemiah Warring & made Oath that he Saw George Pollock, Gent., Sign, Seal, pubUsh ye witffin as he last wffi & testament, that he was at that time of sound mind and memory, & that Thomas Asheley & William Fryley, Subscribed as evidences thereto. W. Smith, C. J. Recorded in Grant Book 4, WiU No. 82. THOMAS POLLOCK, SR.'S WILL. In the Name off God, Amen, I, Thomas Pollock, Senr., off Chowan Precinct, in North Carolina, Mercht., being off Perfect Memory & Judgem't (Praised be God ffor ye same), Doe make ys my Last Will & Testament, Hereby absolutely Revokeing all others, And this to be Taken only as my Last WiU & Testament. Imprimis, I give and Bequeath my soul to Almighty God; and my Body to ye Ground to be Decently Buried by my Execu tors Hereafter mentioned; And ffor what Estate it hath Pleased God to Bestow upon me, I Give & Bequeath as Followeth: Item, As for my Daughter, Martha, Lately maryed to Mr. Thos. Bray, I haveing Given & Delivered to her already Her full Portion, Therefor I Hereby Cut Her of ffrom any part more of my Estate whatsoever, Either By Pretence of Deeds of Gift, or any other wise Whatsoever. And more Especially, I Hereby Make NuU and Void and of None Effect, A Deed of Gift to her, Dated June, 1709, Being to Mr. David Henderson, for her use, and recorded by Nathaniel Chevin (?) Esqr., in ye Secretarys Office: ApriU: the 15: 1712: Being therein a Clause Giveing me Power of Revocation and makeing of it Null, Void & of None Effect by any Writing under my Hand & seall. Item, I Give and Bequeath unto my Son, Thomas, his Heirs & Assigns for Ever, Fifteen Hundred & ffity Acres of Land, Contained in one purchas lying on ye South west side of Chowan River, Between Mr. Kings & Thos. Daniels Old ffield; The Land Lately Purchased of of Thomas Daniel, Lying Between Noeth Cabolina Wills. 343 the upper side of the forsd. Land & John Rasberrys Lowest Lme; also, ye Land Purchsed of James Wilkeson, Bounded Between ye said Air. King and the forsd. fifteen Hunffied & fifth acres; Also, the Land Lately Purchased of Martm Fred erick Rasor, The five Back Tracks of Lightwood Land Between the forsd. Lands & Eastermost Swamp of Samon Creek, The Land where flSrebent BuUt ye Mffi; and also, Eight Thousand ffive hunffied on Mffi-Creek, with fifteen Hunffied acres to be added to ye same; according To a Warrant for ten thousand acres from ye Lords Propiertors to w'ch Now I have ye Right, Lying on Mffi-creek in Bath County; and also, two thousand ffive Hunffied & sixty acres in the ffork of Raquis, CaUed Springfield. AU wMch Land I Give & Bequeath to my sd. son, Thomas, Ms Heirs & assigns for Ever. Item, I Give & Bequeath unto my son, CuUen, Ms Heirs & assigns for Ever, Two thousand and five Hundred Acres of Land lying on the South Side of Moratock River, CaUed Cane- carora; Also, ye six Himffied & fforty acres of Land Joymng to ye sd. CuUens Lapsed Land on Bridges Creek, at Weeka- canaan. A Tract of Land containing Two thousand. Eight Hunffied acres Lying on Cassayah, caUed Rose-field; AU ye Land on Moratock Joyning to Wliere Bowman now Livra; Likewise ye Land Purchased of Richard Rose, Joyning to ye Lower-Side of ye Land Last mentioned; and also, ye Land on the South side of moratock-bay. Where my Negros are now Cleareing; Also, Nine hunffied Acres of Land on Neus River fork. Called New-Bern. AU w'ch Land, I Give & Bequeath to my sd. son CuUen, his Heirs & assigns ffor Ever. Item, I Give & Bequeath unto my Son, George, his Heirs & assigns ffor Ever, The Land Lately Bought of Major Robert West, on Vch I now Live; The Land belonging to me Joyning ye sd. Land where I now Live, and ye Land Joinii^ on yt W'ch I bought of Cary Gobbee; Also, A tract of Land I Lately bought of Thos. West, Joymng to Parrots Land. The Land wher SamU. Edmunds Lived; Wher John Griffin Lived, Neare Bavie swamp; Where Wilson Lived att Weekacoon Creek; And wher John Mainard Lived at Pettishore; also, two thou sand ffour hunffied acres CaUed Crany Island; Two-thousand, Two Hunffied acres lyeing on ye south-side of Neus River & west-side of Core-Creek; also. Seven Himffied and Ten acres, Lying on the North side of Trent River caUed, ye Halfe-way House; Two Hunffied & twenty acres Lyemg on ye Est-side of Core-Creek; The Land wher Leonard Lof ten Lived on ye South Shore; TMee hunffied and sixty acres of Land lying on Boag Sound; Two Hunffied and flSfteen acres Lyeing in the fork of Chester Creek On White-Oake River; One Himffied & fifty acres lyeing on ye south-side of Nuse River at ye head of Bennys Creek; Also, five thousand Acres to be taken up to 344 Noeth Caeolina Wills. ye southward of Nuse River by a Warrant from ye Proprieters to w'ch now I have a right; also, six-hundred & forty Acres on Nuse River, Called WUkesons Point, in One Purchased Patent; AU w'ch Land, I Give & Bequeath to my Son, George, his Heirs & assigns for Ever. Item, I give and Bequeath to my son, Thomas, his Exers., admrs. or assigns: Pompey, Molaina, Maneuell, Cate, Scipio & Moll, wth ye Children Ruth, Joe, & MoU; Abraham & Dina his wife; Notoose Cesar, his wife Bess Tody; Scipio & Coylo, Harry, Jack-fiddle, Goffe Jackco, & Joe, franks son; Charls & Becke, tottes Daughter, All w'ch Negroes or slaves, I Give & Bequeath unto my son, Thomas, his Excrs. adms., or assigns for Ever. Item, I Give & Bequeath to my Son, Cullen, his Exers., admrs., or assigns: Diego, Long Mingo, old mingo, Young mingo, Cajo & Venus, Stevens, George, papa Ceasar, Bowman, Jueda, Long-Dick & Bess, Wife; Little-Dick & Bess, & Debora, Little Bette, West & Ceasar; Cottoes Children, Pattey & Jack; tom's Children, Sarah & Toms Eldest-son next to Jack; & Ruth, Hannas Daughter. All w'ch Negroes or Slaves I Give & Bequeath unto my son Cullen, his Exrs. Admrs. or assigns for Ever. Item, I Give and Bequeath unto my son, George, his Exrs., admrs. or assigns; Franke, Sambo, Cesar I bought of Gainsbe; Peter, Little-Will & Caramante Will, Dowe, Sharper & Frank, old tom and naney, London & Bettey; Little tom, Mois Son; Little Nane; Little ManeweU, Nane's youngest Garle; Venus's Child, Patience; Dina, Jeneys daughter; Tomboy, & Ceasar, his son; and all toteys Children w'ch She will have hereafter; all w'ch Negroes or Slaves, I Give & Bequeath to my Son, George, his Exrs. admrs. or assigns for Ever. Item, I give and Bequeath to my son, Thomas, Ms Heirs & assigns for ever, Eight-thousand, Nine-Hundred acres of Land Lying on ye West side of the Eastermost Branch of Sahnon- Creek, Reserving free liberty to my son George, to make what Pitch and Tar he sees fitting on ye same, -with his hands, for the space of three or four years after My Death. Item, I Give & Bequeath to my son, CuUen, One hundred pound to be paid in Boston, and also, five thousand foot of plank which I have sent for from Boston. Item, I give & Bequeath to my son George, his Heirs or as signs for Ever, a Tract of Land lyeing on South-Lancaster, formerly belonging to CoU'U William Wilkeson. Item, I Give & Bequeath to my son, George, sixty pound to be paid in Boston. Item, I Give and Bequeath to my three sons, Viz: Thomas, Cullen, & George, all my other Lands, Tenements, Mortgages, Extents, Annuities, annuel Rents, Remainders, Revertions or Noeth Caeolina Wills. 34^ any Other Heridatements, whatsoever. In what part of ye World soever, Whether here in america, or Scotland, or any other part of ye World, whereunto I have any Right, Title or Laterest, To be EquaUy, Devided by ym & to be Held in Common & not in Jomt-Tenancy. Item, as to aU my other PersonaU Estate, whatsoever, not hereabove Bequeathed, of what Kind soever. Debts Due to me, Negros, Stocks of Horses, cattle. Hogs, &c.; What monay may Be Due to me m New England or any other Place m ye World, Money, Plates, Jewels, Books, Arms, Household-goods; and Every thing else of whatever Kind m Whatever Place or Countery, Properly belongmg to me; I Give & Bequeath to my forsd. TMee Sons, Thomas, CuUen & George, EquaUy to be Devided among them. Item, as to the Warrants for fifteen Hunffied acres of Land to my son Thomas, & five thousand acres of Land to my son George, if it be Not Layed out and surveyed to them, & Each of them, their Heirs or assigns wth One year after my Death, Then, that they have a porpotionable aUowance from ye others as to ye Quantity of the land they Loose ; of the f uU Value thereof as they Can agree. Item, as to ye crop Now on ye Ground, and what Pitch & Tar ye hands m ye woods makes untU ye first of aprffi Next, shaU be EquaUy Divided amoungst my tMee Sons, Thomas, CuUen & George. Lastly, I Make, Constitute, & Appomt my tMee Sons, Thomas, CuUen, & George, my whole & sole Executors of this my Last Wffi & Testament, and they to pay aU my LawfuU & Just Debts; lipeciaUy, ten Pound, Ten sMUmgs, that I owe to one Joseph Mills, of Bermudas, Marrimer, Bemg Part of Twenty four pounds yt I owe him, ye other Thirteen pound, teen Shillings bemg paid by Captn. David Henderson, unto one Boas BeU, of Bermudas, by his order, & a Receipts thereof given on the Back of my Note to him; also aU Charges for ye BuUdmg the House at Black-Rock, to be Paid out of ye Tar & Pitch, first made by ye Hands. Item, To Explain & make more Clere Som Land Wffied before to my son, CuUen, Lymg on ye south-side of Morat- tock-River, on both sides Roses Creek, thes are to Certify yt it contains TMee thousand five hunffied & fifty acres of Land in one Purchase Patent; also ye Land on Casaya River, to Contam Two-thousand, Eight hunffied & tenn acres m a purchased Patent; also, ye Land on Moratock Called Cona- caroro, to Contaon two thousand, five himffied & sixty Acres m one Purchased Patent, aU Vch Land I have given, & Doe hereby Give unto my son, CuUen, his heirs & assigns for Ever. Thos. Pollock. (Seal) 346 Noeth Caeolina Wills. Signed, Sealed, Published by the sd. Thomas Pollock as his Last will & Testament, in the Presence of us the Subscribers : John Buennell, his William Haedy, W. mark. James Castelaw, David Hendeeson. Laweance Saeson. James Castellaw. Robeet Wicks, X. hia mark. (the Two Interlineations set Down in ye margin of this WUl was acknowledged by the Testator to Be Done Before the sign ing, before us the subscribers, this Eighth Day of august, 1721.) David Hendeeson. Laweance Saeason. James Castellaw. And, whereas. Since the publishing of my above written will and Testament, I have Expended and Laid out for a house at Black Rock (when mr. West the Carpentare is paid what is due to him for his worke there) for my Son; Thomas, Twoe hundred Pound, and also Ten Pound more for New England plank, makeing in all Twoe hundred and Ten Pound, And, whereas also, I have been out and expended upon a House for my Son Cullen, on the South Shore (when mr. West the Carpentare is paid for what worke he hath done ther, (to wit) the covering the house, doeing the Dormant Win- does, and makeing upe the Gavell end of the Sd. House, and when Cullen hath what Glass is in the House that will answer his purposes, and what nailes he will have occasion of for the Said House, The Sume of Three hundred Pounds I Reckon (?) and being -willing for my Sons all Equall, so near as I can Judge, Doe Therefore by this Codicil, will and bequeath to my Son, George, (he haveing no House buUt) besides his EquaU Share of aU the rest of my Moveable Estate, Two hundred and eighty Pounds ,whereof one Hundred pound to be paid in New England, and the other one hundred and eighty to be paid out of my moveable and personall estate here, w'th Twenty Pound, that I value the old houses here where I live, will make upe the Three hundred Pound equall to my Son, CuUens. Also, To make upe my Son, Thomas Part, equaU w'th cullens, I valueing the Houses at Black Rocke at Ten Pound, doe hereby give and bequeath to my sd. Son, Thomas, Eighty Pound, to be paid out of my moveable and Personall estate in this Provence. In my accounting above in this codicill concerning Cffilens North Carolina Wills. 347 House standing m TMee Hunffied Pound, I made a mistake m not mentioning That mr. Coke, the Bricklayer, wages for mak ing, Laying the Bricks m the chimneys, SeUar, underpining, and doeing aU the other worke agreed fer, is part of the "TMee hunffied Pound, and is to be paid out of my personaU estate. Also, he is to have what lands ar necessary for him for Burning the ***** Bricks, or what other worke he hath occasion for, to finish the worke he hath agreed for, where fore my wffi is that the Bricklayer aforsd. be paid out of my personaU estate befor Shared. Also, I give and bequeath unto my Son, Thomas, one "Thurd Part of aU the vessels, clearances, whether it be m money, * * bils to New England or Elsewher. also, I give and Bequeath to my Son, CuUen, Six Pound to be paid him m the first goods from New England, at first cost, I owing him so much, also, I give and bequeath to my Son, George, Twenty Pound to be paid him m the first goods I have come m from Boston, I oweing him so much. also, EUsebeth Hawkins, wife to Thomas Hawkins at the South Shore, havemg lived with me about twoe year after the Expiration of her time of servitude, Wherefore, I hereby order and appomt my Executors to pay to whomsoever she shaU order them to pay, by a writtmg m her hand m whole or m Part (Her husband not to have therem) Fourty Pound currant money of this Provence. in presence of I sett my hand and Seal, 20 day of Jffiy 1722: Tho. Pollock. (Seal) Signed, Sealed, and deUvered ye as my last wiU and Testament be for the foUowing witness: Thomas Ne-wnam. William Little. his Joseph X Skittlethobp. mark Bertie Precinct. Sc. February Court, 1722. The Revd. Thomas Newnam Clark came mto Court and made Oath That he Saw Thomas PoUock Sign the above and acknowledge the same as his last Wffi and Testament. Test. F. Forster, Cler. Cur. Bertib Precinct. Sc. Februeary Court, 1722. James Castellaw came mto Court and produced the above WiU being an Evidence to Seven Several places m the sd. Will and made Oath that he saw the Sd. Thos. PoUock Sign & publish the sd. Wffi as his last WiU and Testamt. and that the several Interlineations in sd. WiU was writ at the time of the Signing thereof Test. Fr. Forster, Cler. Cur. Copied from Original Wffi, FUed in the Office of the Secretary of State. 348 Nobth Caeolina Wills. THOMAS POLLOCK'S WILL. In the Name of God Amen. I, Thomas Pollock, of Bertie Precinct, in North Carolina, Being of perfect memory & Judgment, (praised be God for ye same), do make this my last Will & "Testament, hereby revoking all others, & this to be taken only as my Last Will and Testament. Imprs., I give & bequeath my soul to Allmighty God; & my Body to the Ground to be decently Buried by my Execs. hereafter Named; and for what Estate it hath pleased God to bestow upon me, I give and bequeath as followeth: Item, I Give unto my Dear & loving -wife, all my plantation caled Black Rock, during her Natural Life; and after her decese, I give & bequeath Said plantation to my Son, Cullen, Ms heirs & Assigns for Ever. Item, I give & bequeath unto my Son, Cullen, his heirs & assigns for ever, my plantation called ye Great quarter, & my plantation called Manuels or Crickits; also, all my other Land lying between ye Easter most swamp of Salmon Creek & Chowan River. Item: I give & bequeath to my Son, CuUen, a Tract of Land Adjoining on ye back of ye forsd. Land, Containing Eight thousand, Nine hundred Acres, which Land my WiU is, that my Executors, sell or dispose of as they shall think best, for my Son, Cullens, interest; & Such part as remains unsold when my Son Cullen comes to ye Age of one & twenty, I give to my Son Cullen, his heirs & assigns for Ever. Item: I give & bequeath to my Son, Thomas, his heirs & assigns for ever, aU my Land on 'Trent River in Bath County, Contained in two pattents, one for Eight thousand, five hun dred Acres, ye other for fifteen hundred Acres. Item: I Give and bequeath to my Son George, his heirs & assigns for ever, a Tract of Land Containing two thousand, five hundred & Sixty Acres, Laying in ye fork of Roquis, called Springfield; also, all my Land at ye Unaroye Meadows, being in two pattents ; also, two tracts of Land nigh of Tuskarora Indian Town; also, three hundred Acres of Land on ye South side of Moratuck River; also, two hundred & thirty five Acres on ye Side of Moratuck River; also, four Tracts of Land Lay ing one Fishing Creek. Item, I give & bequeath to my three Sons, CuUen, Thomas & George, these negroes, viz: Tomboy, Becke Rachel, Janey, Catto, Pomp, Molany, Grists, Cipeo, Moll, Ruth, Joe Manuel, North Carolina Wills. 349 Kate, London, Nany, Dick, Coyler, George, Betty, Frank, Hary, Bess, BristoU PMUis, Hary, Toby, Betty, Cecero, Jaco, & Abraham; to be equal Divided among my three Sons when they come of Age, by my Executors, or those they shall ap point; & my Will is yt ye Negros aforsd. be for ye Use of my tMee sons from my deces till they be of Age. Item, I ^ve unto my Dear & Lo-ving wife. During hir Natu ral life, these Negro, viz : Charles, & MoU & her CMld, Cooper, Bess, James, & two Boys, Cipeo, Nany, Jack, Jane, WiU, Dina, Dick, and Nansey; & after my wifes decease, I give ye aforsd. Negroes & their increse to my Sons, Cffilen, Thomas, & George, to be equaUy ffivided among them. Item, I give to my Sons, tMee Negroe viz: Rose, PMUis, & quash, which I had by my wife. Item, as to the Eight Thousand nme hunffied Acres before given to my Son Cullen, I give & bequeath tMee himffied Acres of yt Tract of Land to Jacob Parat, Ms Heirs & assigns for ever. Item, I give & bequeath to John Hailes, his heirs & assigns for ever, a Tract of Land Lajffiig on ye Briery Branch, con- tainrng near five hundred acres of Land, begimng at a marked pine withm ye midle Swamp, runmg thence to tMee marked pines Thomas Yeats, his Comer, & so Ms Lme to John Cokes, So aUong other Unes tUl it comes mto my own, & So all do-wn ye Miffie of ye Main Branch untill they come to ye foresd. markd Pme; wMch Land is allso to be taken out of ye foresd. Eight thousand, nine himffied Acres given CuUen. It-em, I will & Order & give by this my wffi, to aU Such persons who are Setled on my lands at "Trenton, Conffition of a Certam writmg I give to Jacob Mffier, that those already Setled thare, have leases on ye Same termes I promised them. Item, I give to my Dear & lovmg Wife, one fourth part of all my Catle, Horses, hogs, & Sheep; & also ye Houshold Stuffs. Item, I give to my Sons, Cffilen, "Thomas, & George, tMee fourth parts of aU my Catle, Horses, hog!-, & Sheep. Item, my WUl is that if one of my sons Desese before he be of Age of one & twenty, yt then his portion of Land & of ye present Estate, be Equally Divided between ye other two. Item, my WUl is that aU my Debts be paid out of ye whole Estate by my Executors. Item, I give to Mrs. EUz : Dickson, one hunffied pound. Lastly, I do hereby Nommate & apomt my Lo-ving Brothers, CuUen Pollock, George Pollock, & Robert West, to be my true & Lawfffil Exec, to Execut tMs my last wiU & testament. 350 North Carolina Wills. In Witness whereof, I have hereunto Set my hand & Seale this Sixteenth of Aprile, in the Year of our Lord, Seventeen hunffied & thirty two, my will Containing one Sheet. Thos. Pollock. (Seal) Signed & Sealed in ye presence of : George Pollock. his Jacob JP Rabat. mark her Elizabeth E Deckson. mark his Feancis FR Rasoe. mark his Robeet R Minoe mark North Carolina, ss. Jany. ye 20th, 1732. Jacob Parrot, one of the E-vidences to this will, came before me & Made oath that he See Thomas PoUock, Above name. Sign, Seal & pubUsh ye foregoing Insturment as Ms Last will & Testament, & that he was of Sound & Disposing mind & Memory; & that this Deponant at ye Same time in ye presence of ye Said Thomas PoUock, Sett to Ms mark as an Evidence, & yt ye Other Evidences Above named he See at ye Same time Sign as Evidences thereto in ye presence of the Said Thomas Pollock; & also, that ye said Thomas Pollock Signed & Executed ye sd. Will in ye presence of tffis Deponts & ye rest of ye E-vidences whose names are Set thereto as Witnesses. Capt. & Jurat, ffie preffict. Coram me W. Little Ck: Jur. Copied from Original Will, Filed in the Office of the Secretary of State. In the Will of Thomas Pollock, is the foUo-wing Legasee Item, I give unto my dear and loving wife dureing her natural life these Negroes Viz, Charles and Moll and her child, Cooper Bess Jamey and two Boys Cipio, Nany, Jack Jane Will Dina Dick, Naney and after my wife deceases I giye the aforesaid negroes and thire increse to my sons Cullin, Thcmas & George to be equally devided among them dated the 16th of November 1732. JOHN PORTER'S WILL. In the Name of God, Amen. John Porter, of Cape Fair in North Carolina, at present being weak & III of body, but of sound mind and memory, doe make and ordain this to be my last Will and Testament m manner and form folio-wing: Imps. I give and bequeath to my son, John Porter, my negro named Jack and my negro boy named Mars, to be de livered him when he shall attain to the age of Twenty one Years, or day of marriage. Nobth Carolina Wills. 351 Item, I give and bequeath to my daughter, Sarah Porter, my negro g^l named Beck, to be delivered her when she shall attain to the age of Eightteen Years or day of marriage; also a likely young negro man, sound of wind and limb, to be procured out of that part- of my Estate wMch is not Already mentioned, to be given & in like inanner as aforesaid, to be deliverd unto my Daughter by my Executrix hereafter men tioned. Item, I further give and bequeath to my daughter all the increase that shaU be hereafter bom of my negro wench Nan. I Give, Devise and Bequeath, to my Dear and Loving Wife, Sarah Porter, all the rest and residue of my Estate not before given, to say, all my lands to Dispose and do with as she shall see proper and convement, and a Title thereof to make to any person or persons that shall buy or purchase any of my lantk of and from my said wife, Also, all the rest of my Goods, Chattels, Rights and Properties, in whatever kind, either here or whereever to be found; and further, that aU my lawfull Debts be paid, out of that part of my Estate so commg by tMs my Will to my loving Wife. Item, My Wffi is that in case either of said cMlffien should ffie before they attain to the age above mentioned, or be pos sessed with the legacies before given them, that then the sur vivor thereof shaU have his or her part of the legacy before given to him or her so Dying, and further my wffi is, that m case both of my sd. chUdren shoffid ffie before they attam to the age aforesd. or be possessed with the legacies herem given them, that then, & in such case, their parts or portions herem given shall come to my Loving Wife, Who I make my whole and sole Executrix of this my last WUl and Testament. In witness whereof, I have herewith Sett my hand and seal this Eleventh day of October, 1727. John Poetee. (Seal) Signed, Sealed and delivered, in the presence of: Seth Pilkington, Jurat John Wobth, T. Knight, By the Honoble the Gov'r &c Mr. Seth PiUdngton, PersonaUy appeared before me & proved the above WiU m due form of Law. Given under my hand the 6th Day of Janry, 1728. Richd. E-verard. Copied from the Original Wffi, FUed m the Office of the Secretary of State. 352 Noeth Caeolina Wills. JOHN PORTER'S WILL. In the Name of God Amen. This Twentieth Day of November, In the year of our Lord, One Thousand, Seven Hundred & Fifty one. I, John Porter, of the County of Hide, Being Sick and Weak of Body, but of Perfect Sence & Memory, Blessed be God for it, & Knowing that it is appointed for all men once to Die, Do make & Ordaine this my Last Will & Testament ; & first & Principally I Recommend my Soul into the hands of God that Gave it; And as Touching such Worldly Goods as it has pleased God to Bless me With in this Life, I Give & Dispose of the same in the Following Manner & form: Imprim: I Give & Bequeath to my Son, WUlm. Porter, one half the Land Whereon I now live, Including the Houses & Plantation, to him & his heirs for Ever; also, my Gun & Sword. Item, I Give & Bequeath to my son, John Porter, the Other half of my Plantation above Mentioned to be Divided by Themselves. Item, I Give to my Daughter, Patience Porter, My Negro Girl Nam'd PhiUis, after my Wifes Decease, to her & her Heirs for Ever. Item, I leave to My Well Beloved Wife, EUsabeth Porter, all the Rest of my Estate, Both Real & Personal, During her Natural Life, for the Education & Bringing up of my Children, & after Her Decease to be EquaUy Divided amongst said ChUdren, if there is any of my Said Estate Remains * * * * Hereby appoint & ordain Thomas Smith & John Smith * * * Executors to this my Last WiU & Testament, Ratifying and Confirming this & no other to my be my * * * * Last Will & Testament. in Witness whereof, I have hereunto set My Hand & Seal the Day & Year above Written. John Poetee. (Seal) Sign'd Seald & Pronounced to be The Last WUl & Testament of the Testator, in the presence of us, the Subscribers: Thos. Smith. Maey Smith. her Maey X Rhodes. mark ' Hyde County. December Court, 1751. The within WUl was Exhibited into Court and proved by the Oaths of the Subscribing Evidences, the within Thos. Smith, was quaUfied Exr. persuant to Law. Ordered that Mr Secretary have Notice thereof. Thos. Lovick, Clk. Court. Copied from the Original Wffi, ffied in the Office of the Secretary of State. Noeth Carolina Wills. 353 JOHN PEYTON POR"rER'S WILL. In the Name of God Amen. I, John Porter, Of Beaffiort Co. & Province of No. CaroUna, Gent., bemg of Sound & Perfect Mmd, memory & judgement, & caffing to mind the certamty of Death and my Infirmity of body, do by these presents, revoke and make Void all former WUls & Testaments by me heretofore made or Executed, & do by these Presents make, constitute & ordam, this my Last Wffi and Testament in Manner & Form Following: Imprimis, I render my Soul to Almighty God; My body to the Earth to be decently Interr'd. Item, I wffi & bequeath unto my weU beloved Wife, Eliza beth Porter, one half of my Plantation Situated on the 1 East Side of Durham's Creek, Commoffiy Called the Garrison, containing 644 acres, be the same more or less, -wth aU and Smgffiar, its rights, Priveleges, & appurtenances for & during, the term of her natural Ufetime; and it is my Wffi and pleasure, that after her decease, the said one half descend to my eldest Daugh ter, Mary Porter, & her LawfuU Issue; & on failure thereof, to my younger Daughter, Sarah Porter, & her Lawful Issue; & on failure thereof to my Sister, Sarah Richardson, & her LawfuU Issue, to posess & enjoy the same for ever. Item, I Wffi and bequeath to my eldest Daughter, Mary Porter, the other half of my Plantation aforsd. on the 2 East side of Durhams Creek, Commoffiy caUed the Garrison, & to her LawfuU Issue forever; & on faUure thereof, to my Daughter, Sarah Porter, & her LawfuU Issue, & on faUure thereof to my sister, Sarah Richard son, & her LawfuU Issue for ever. Item, I WUl and Bequeath to my Daughter, Sarah Porter, (all my plantation on the East side of Durhams Creek, 3 commoffiy call'd Harffings Plantation, be the same more or less, and now adjoynmg my Plantation called the Garrison), and to her Lawfull Issue forever; & on failure thereof, to my Daughter, Mary Porter, & her LawfuU Issue; and on failure thereof to my sister, Sarah Rich ardson and her heirs forever. Item, I WiU and bequeath, that my tract of land beginning at Snoads Une, from thence to the Savanna, from thence 4 to the Horse-penn Swamp, & from thence to the Dismall ; be the same more or less, with aU and singffier it's 23 354 North Carolina Wills. Rights, Members, Privileges and Appurtenances, to be occupied in manner & in form foUowmg; Viz., They are to keep my Negroes, Or a suff 't Number of them, on said Tract to make Tar, Turpne: &c, in order to raise money to pay my funer'l charges and all other Law- full demands, that may come ag'st my said Exrs. or agst. the Legattees of my Estate; & that afterwards the same shall descend, to my Eldest Daughter, Mary Por ter, & her Lawfull Issue; & on failure thereof to my younger Daughter, Sarah Porter, & her Lawfull Issue; & on failure thereof to my Sister, Sarah Richardson; & her Lawfull Issue forever. Item, I Will and Bequeath that all my Negroes or a sufft. number of them, togeather with my Horses, Oxen, Cows, 5 Calves, & Sheep, be kept und the care of my Extrs. untill such Time as my aforsd. Debts & Funer'l charges be fuly discharged & satisfied. & Likeways, it is My Will & Pleasure, that all my Hoggs, household Furni ture, & other Personall Estate, by sold at PubUck Vendue, by my said Exrs., in order to discharge the Charges && Lawfull Debts aforsd ; & my will and pleasure is, that w:n those Funerl Charges, & La-wfuU Debts are fully & Justly sitisfied & discharged, That then, aU my Negroes, Horses, Oxen, Cows, Calves, & Sheep be fairly, Justly, and Equally, divided into three Equal Parts br Proportions (after the Following manner), by my Exrs. — Viz: One third Part or Proportion, I be queath to my lo-ving Wife, Elizabeth Porter, during her natural Life; one third part to my Eldest Daughter, Mary Porter, her Lawfull heirs forever; & the the Remaimng third Part to my younger Daugh :r Sarah Porter, & her Lawful heirs forever, Item, I Nominate, ordain. Constitute & apoint by these pre sents, my Lo-ving Wife, EUz. Porter, Executrix; to gether with Mich'l Coutanche, Mar' & Nathan Rich ardson, Mariner, to be Executors of this my Last WiU & Testament. In Wittness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand & seal this, Twenty Ninth day of April, one thousand, seven hund'd fifty Four. John Peyton Poetee, (Seal) Signed, sealed & Published in the presence of us : Thos. Lough. William Tbipf. Chaeles Lowthee. Noeth Caeolina Wills. 355 Beaufort County, Ss. At a Court held for the sd. County at Bath Town, on the second tues day in March 1755. Pres': his Majesty's Justices: This certifies that the withm last -wffi & Testament of Jno. Peyton Porter, deed., was exffibited into Court & proved by the Oath of Wffi Trippe, who swore that the sd. Jno. Peyton Porter was of sound & dis posing mind & memory at the time he executed it; and that he saw Thomaa Lough and Charles Lowther, the other subscribmg Witnesses, sign their names thereto at the same time; and Eliza Stewart (formerly named Eliza Porter) appeared m Court & quaUfied as Extrx. and Nathl. Richardson appeared & qualffied as Ext'or unto the same; and it was ordered that the Secretary have notice that Letters Testamentary may issue. Test. Wallet Chauncey, Cl. Cur. Copied from Original Wffi, filed m the Office of the Secretary of State. JOSHUA PORTER'S WILL. In the Name of God Amen. I, Joshua Porter, of Bath Coimty, m ye Provmce of North CaroUna, Esq., bemg of Sound & perfect mind & memory & Caffing to mmd ye Cer tainty of Death, & not kno-wmg when it may Please ye Lord to caU me out of this Life. Revoking & by these presents make Void aU former & other wills by me heretofore made, do now make, Constitute and Ordain this to be my Last WUl and Testament, m Manner & Form foUowmg: Imprimis, I render my Soul to allmighty God; & my Body I Commit to ye Earth to be Buried m a Decent Manner. Item, I give ye Use & Occupation of all yt Tract of Land & Plantation whereon I now Live, lying on ye East Side of Derhams Creek in Bath County in ye Pro-dnce afsd., Contam- mg by Estimation four hundred & Seventy five acres, be ye Same more or less, it bemg ye Lands yt I bought of Mr. "Thomas Harffing, Deceasd., with all & Singular ye Houses & Apperti- nance thereunto belongmg, unto my Son, John Peyton Porter, & to ye heirs of his Body Lawfffily begotten; & for default of Such Issue, I Give ye use & Occupation of ye afsd. Land & Plantation unto my Daughter, EUzabeth Porter, & to ye heirs of her Body Lawfffily begotten; & for default of Such Issue, I give ye use & Occupation of ye afsd. Land & plantation unto my Cousm, John Fry, & to his heirs of his Body LawfuUy begotten; & for defaffit of Such Issue, I give ye use & Occupa tion of ye afsd. Land & Plantation, unto my Cousm, Anne LUUngton, & to ye hears of her Body LawfuUy begotten. Item, I give unto my Daughter, Elizabeth Porter, One "Thousand Acr^ of Land lying on ye South Side of Deshams Creek, Joymg on ye upper Side of Majr. Robert Turners Lands, & Commonly goes by ye Name of ye Sand HUls, to her & her heirs for Ever. 356 Noeth Caeolina Wills. Item, I give ye Use & Service of three Slaves unto my Sd. Daughter, Eliza. Porter, to ye heirs of her Body, Vizt: Patt, Jane, & Simon, I allso give unto my Said Daughter ye first Slave ChUd yt shall be bom in my family after my Decease; but my WUl is yt if my Said Daughter should Dye -without Issue, yt then I give ye Use & Service of ye Sd. Slaves unto my Son, John Payton Porter, & to ye heirs of his Body Law fully begotten. Item, I give my Said Daughter, Elizabeth Porter, fifteen Cows & Calves, & ye Sum of One hundred & fifty Pound, Currant Money of this Province, to be paid her at ye Day of Marriage or when she arrives to ye age of Twenty One Years, which shall first happen. Item, I give ye Use & Service of One third Part of my Person al Estate unto my beloved Wife, Dorothy Porter, for & dureing her Natural Life & after my Said Wifes Decease, it is my WiU & pleasure yt ye afsd. third part of my Estate may be Equally Devided between my Son, John Payton Porter, & my Daughter, Elizabeth Porter, to them & their heirs for Ever. Item, I give ye Use & Service of all ye rest of my Moveable Estate not herein before given, be it of what kind So Ever, as Negros, Musters, or Indians, & their Increase, unto my Son, John Peyton Porter, & to ye heirs of his Body La-wfully Be gotten; & for Default of Such Issue, I give ye Use & Service of ye afsd. Moveable unto my Daughter, Eliza. Porter, & to ye heirs of her Body La-wfully begotten; & for default Such Issue, I give ye afsd. Moveable Estate & Slaves unto my Cusin, John Fry, & to ye heirs of his Body Lawfully begotten; & for default of such Issue I give ye afsd. Moveable Estate & Slaves unto my Cousin, Eliza. Fry, & to ye heirs of her body La-wfully begotten; & for Default of Such Issue I give ye afsd. Moveable Estate to my Cousin, Anne LilUngton, & to ye heirs of her Body for Ever. Item, I give unto my Loving friend PhUip Cremer, Ten pound, to Buy him a Mourning Ring. Item, I give unto my God Son, William Trippe, Ten pound for ye Uke use. Item, it is my WiU & Desire yt none of my Slaves be re moved from my Said Plantation, but yt they be put Under a Carefull Overseer, & kept to work in Order to raise Money to Discharge my Just Debts & Legacies, & it is my further Will & desire yt my Execs, hereafter named see yt my Son & Daughter may be CarefuUy learnt to read & write & to Cypher, & yt they may be duly Educated, & yt a Sufficient Sum of Money may be raised out of my Estate by me Execs. m Order for my Said Son & Daughters Education as afsd.. Item, I do nominate & appoint, yt my Lo-sdng Brother, Edmund Porter, & my two Brother in Law, Messrs. Patrock Noeth Caeolina Wills. 357 Maffie & Seth Pilkington, & my Trusty & Loving friends, Colonel Edward Moseley & Capt. John Trippe, to be Joynt Executors of tMs my Last Will & Testement. In Witness whereof, I have hereunto Set my hand & Seal tMs Seventeenth Day of January, One Thousand, Seven hunffied & thirty tMee. Joshua Pobter. (Seal) Signed, Sealed & Published m Ye Presence of: Churchill Reading. John Caloom. William Whitford. No. Carolina, Sc. These may Certffie that William WMtford, one of ye Subscribing E-vidence to this will, Appeared before us & proved ye Same m due form of Law, Septr. ye 14th., 1734. Geo. Burrington. Recorded m Wffi Book 3, page 329, MARY PORTER'S WILL. North Carolina, ss. In the Name of God Amen, this 12th. day of November, anoq Domi., 1717. I, Mary Porter, of Chowan Precinct, in the County of Albemarle, in the Provmce of North Carolina, Widow, being of sound and Perfect Memory, doe make, Consti tute and ordain, Declare and appoint this to be my last Wffi and Testiament, Revokemg and annuling by these Presents aU former and other Wffi or WUls heretofore by me made. In manner and forme foUowmg, That is to say: Imprimis, I recomend my Soffi mto the hands of almighty God, who gave it; and my body I comit to the earth to be decently Buried at the discretion of my Exors. herem After nommated and apomted. Item, I give and bequeath unto my weU beloved Sonn, John Porter, my Negroe man Knowne by the Name of Sandy, haff a dozen Rusia leather Chairs, my large oval Table, one midle Sized Pewter Dish, Two large Pewter basons. & a Shovel and tongs Tiped with brass. Item, I give and bequeath unto my weU beloved Sonn, Edmund Porter, my Negroe man knowne by the name of OUver, one large Plank Chest, one Silver Drinking cup with Two hanffies, haK a dosen Silver Spoons, one large China bason already (?) in his possession, the large pair of Tongs and Shovel, one Bedstead one couch, the largest of the SmaU lookmg , the largest Cedar Table, haK a dosen painted ChauB, and my whole Stock (?) of hogs 358 Noeth Caeolina Wills. that I shall leave at my decease. After my Debts and legacies paid; and one pound of Iron Doggs, fifty pound weight of feathers; and all the money due to me lyeing in the hands of Mr. Welstead and Oliver, Merchts., in Boston, he paying out of the sd. mony, within Six months After the receiving it, unto my beloved Daughter, EUz: Porter, Six Silver Spoons, each weighing Ten Shillings, Sterling at least; and one Iron pott & pott hooks, and Twelve Soup Plates. But it is my WiU and pleasure that if the Said Edmund Shall not be in this Govern ment at my Decease, that then, and in Such Case, aU and every of the legacys here left to the Sd. Edmund, shall remain m the Exors. hands hereafter Named, until his arrival here, or until he shall impower any person After my Decease to take and receive the Same, and if it shall happen that ye Sd. Ed mund, Shall never arrive here, nor impower any person as Aforsd. after my Decease, then all and every of the legacys Aforsd. I give and bequeath unto my Sons, John Porster and Josua Porter, and to my Daughter Eliz: Porter, to be equaly Divided amongst them. Item, I give and bequeath unto my Wel beloved Son, Josua Porter, a tract of Land lyeing in Yawpim, bounded by Mr. Clayton's & Mr. Clarks lme, to him, the sd. Joshua, and his Heirs for ever; my Negroe woman knowne by the Name of Edy, one Ticken feather bed and bolster, and Two pUlows, one feather bed covered with Canvas and bolster, and one Pillowe, tMee pillow cases Sffitable, two pair fine Sheets, Two pair Coarse Sheets, one Set of red watered Curtains and Wallons, one Spotted worsted Riigg, Red Rug, Two pair good Blankets, 1 Flowered Bed Coverlid, Bedsted that Stood in the Hall Chamber, Six Rusia leather Chairs, one one of the large looke- ing glasses, and my largest and one midling Iron pott, the large Anffirons, a large double brass Skillet and Trevit, one brass Candlestick, one pair brass Scales and weights, one pair of StilUards, two Diaper towells, a pe-wter mustard pott, the Coarsest of brass ridles, my Dantzick locks Chests, a lime Sifter, a Case of Knives and forks, a Cross cut Sawe, a writeing Desk, four Pewter Porringers, one earthen Porringer, ten Pe-wter Plates, 1 Iron pestle, 1 Ash Table, 1 large Soup Pewter dish, one large shall Dito, one midle Sized Dito, 1 large and 1 Small Pewter bason, 2 Earthen bason, and 2 Pe-wter D°, one Set of Wedges and Six wooden Chairs, 2 Joint Stooles to wooden turned Chairs, 2 Iron tramels 1 ss butter(?) ladle, 1 SmaU brass Ketle, 1 pewter Chamber pott, MiU and Salt, 1 Iron Chafing dish, a pair all my reap Cloth brush afroe and Currying and the half of my Sheep and Cattle, and the half of a now f and the half of all my Crop now in the Noeth Cabolina Wills. 359 Ground, with a pottle pewter pot and a pmt Pewter pott, one Glass GaUon Bottle, and one broad Axe; my Debts first to be deducted. Item, I give and bequeath unto my beloved Daughter, Sarah Lffington, my Negroe woman caU'd Maria, 1 Chest of Drawers, six painted Chairs now m her possession, one pair of Iron fire doggs, one smaU Cedar table, 1 pair of fine Sheets, two pair Coarse Sheets, and "Two pffiow cases, "Two ffiaper towells, my largest Qffilt, one Lignum Vitae Spice Mortar, one large Soup dish, one miffie Sized pewter ffish, 1 SmaU pewter bason, 1 brass Skimer, 1 SmaU Iron Ketle, the least of my pamted Trunks, "Two earthen bason, and plates, 1 English Flasket, 1 large glass bottle, 1 Stone Jugg, 1 pewter Chamber pott, 1 bed pann, tMee of my other which she likes best, and the fuU third part of the Gotten and WooU that shaU belong to me at my decease. Item, I give and bequeath unto my beloved daughter, Eliz. Porter, my Inffian woman called Judith and her Daughter Named Sukey, 1 Chest of Drawers, 1 oval Table, my best Sett of red Curtains & Valent belongmg to my lodgmg roome, 1 Ticken feather bed and bolster, four pffiows, 1 bedstead be longing also to my lodging roome, tMee pair fine Sheets, Two pair Coarse sheets, four pillow Cases, my Green Rugg made of worsted, 1 pair of the best rose blankets, the least of my QuUts, my Gallico Counterpaine and Jester cloath, my Bible, my Spice box, 1 warmemg pann, 1 pair Chamber Doggs with brass, 1 Black Trunk and one painted Trunk, a large brass Keetle and Two Skimers, a Brass Shie(?) and "Two Iron potts one linked "Tramel, a brass Flam, one Copper Chocolate pott, 1 1 white rugg, 1 Gridiron, four matted Chairs, my Silver Salt Marked, I P M, and SUver peper box with the Same marke, one large pewter Soup dish 1 ShaUow D°, two midUng pewter dishes, 1 large and one SmaU pewter basons, 10 pewter plates, Six pamted Chairs, five pewter porringers, 1 pr. brass Candle sticks, Snuffers and Snuff dish, my Smoothmg Iron heaters and Frame, 1 GaUon Stone Jugg, 1 Glass Crmt, Two glass cups, one mustard pott, Two peivter Chamber potts, three earthen Bason, 1 large Dish D°., & Two plates, 1 Tm puffing pann, 1 Spitt, 1 leaden pann, and 2 pamted brushes, a brass Shovel and Tongs, 1 large looking Glass, the best of the Bed panns, 1 pewter Salt, 1 Glass Decantor, 2 tm ffish Covers, 1 brass Ridle, a large tumed Elbow chair, 1 Drippen pann, 1 Case of bottles, one haK of my Sheep and Cattle that shall remam after my Debts and legacys paid and half of the now on foot and haK the Crop now in the ground, 12 diaper N ffiaper Table Cloath, Two diaper Tow , one BeU mettle SkUlett, and bequeath unto my G Porter, 1 360 Nobth Caeolina Wills. Young Cowe , 1 Young Ewe, to run for his Benefit, Increase to be Delivered to him with the in crease at his age of one and twenty or Day of Marriage which shaU first happen & also my Silver tankard marked I P M, to be delivered at ye same time. Item, I give and bequeath unto my Grandaughter, Sarah Porter, one young Cowe and one young Ewe at my decease, to run for her benefit, and also Six Silver Spoons Marked I P M, to be delivered to her with the encrease at the age of eighteen years or day of Marriage which Shall first happen. Item, I give and bequeath unto my Grandaughter, Eliza beth LiUngton one Young Cowe and one Young Ewe, and my Smallest looking Glass, to be delivered with the encrease at the age of eighteen Years or day of Marriage. Item, I give and bequeath unto my Grandaughter, Mary LUington, one young Cowe, and one Young Ewe, and my Silver Dram Cup. marked I P M, to be deUvered to her with their increase at the age of eighteen Years, or day of Marraige, which Shall first happen. Item, I give and bequeath unto my grandaughter, Sarah LUington, one Young Cowe and one young Ewe, to be delivered to her with their encrease at the age of eighteen Years or day of Marriage, which shall first happen. Item, I give and bequeath unto Robert Herrick, if alive, and in this Government at my decease, the Sum of five pounds to be paid out of my Estate. Item, all the rest and residue of my Estate not herein and hereby disposed of, Debts being thereon first Deducted, I give and bequeath unto my Sonn, Joshua Porter, and my Daughter, Elizebeth Porter, to be equaly Divided between them; and lastly, I doe hereby nominate and appoint my Said Sonns, John Porter and Joshua, to be exors. Jointly and Sepe- ratly of this my Said last Will and Testament; but it is my Will and pleasure, and I doe hereby nominate and apoint my Sonn, Edmund, upon his Arrival in this Government After my Decease Joint Exor. with his Two Brothers. Mark Maey M Poetee (Seal) Signed, Sealed and DeUvered (the interUneing about the Silver tankard being first made) in the presence of: Lovick. Jurat Maby X Heney. Chowan ss. Jany, ye 2lBt. 17—. Proved in Open by the oath of ick. R. Hicks, Clk. Cur: Copied from Original WiU, ffied in the Office of the Secretary of State, Noeth Cabolina Wills. 361 NICHOLAS PORTER'S WILL. In the name of God amen, the twenty forth day of augost, in the yeare of our Lord Crist, one thousand, Seven hunffied and forty nme. I, Nicoless porter, being Sick in body, but of Good and perfect memory, thanks be to allmighty God, and Calling to remembrance the uncertam estate of this Life, must yeald unto Death when it Shall please God to Call, Do make. Constitute, ordam and Declare this my Last will and testament, In maner and forme folo-wing; revoking and annffiUng by these presents all testements and wffis here to fore mentioned, or declared by word, or by writmg, and this offiy is to be taken for my Last will and testement: I do order, give and Dispose of my Estate m maner and forme foUowing, that is to Say, furst, I wiU that aU those Debts and Dewes that in Right or Con science to any person whatsoever, Shall be weU and tnUy Contented and paid, or ordered to be paid, by my Executors m Convement tine after my Deceas. Item, I Give and bequeath. In witness, my maner plantation with one hunffied acors of Land belongmg to it, laid out at the uper End of the Sd. tract that the plantation is on, to my, to my beloved Daughter, Jeane porter. I Give and bequeth one hunffied and forty fore acors of the Same Tract, Jojming to Jeans, to be Laid out a Cross the Sd. Land, to my beloved Daughter, EUzabeth porter. I give and bequeath one himffied and forty tMee acors of the same tract, to be laid out a Cross the Sd. Land Joymng to Elizabeths, to my beloved Daughter, Anne porter. I Give and bequeeth one hunffied and forty three acors of the Same tract, being the Lower End of the Sd. Land, to my beloved Daughter, Agness Porter. Also, I give and bequeeth my polecat Land to my beloved Son, Samuell porter, it being in two patens. I give and bequeth my negrow felow toney to my beloved wife, Elizabeth porter. I Give and bequeth aU my Stock of Catle, and horses and mairs, to be Equaly devided betwen my wife and all my CMlffien. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and Seal. Nicholas Poetee. (Seal) In witness, I do opmt my be loved Wife, EUzabeth porter, and my weU beloved and truste James farmer, to be my Executors. test. Needham Bbyan. ) Maey X Debs, f mark 362 Noeth Caeolina Wills. Johnston County, sst. Sept. Court, 1749. Prest. His Majesties Justices: Then the within Last WiU & Testament was prov?d in Open Court by the Oaths of the witffin Needham Bryan & Mary Dees; & Like-wise the Executrix & Exor. appeared & were Qualifyed Agreeable to Law, Ordered that the Secretary have notice thereof that Letters Testamentory issue, &c. Test. Richd. Cas-well, Cl. Cu. Copied from Original Will, filed in the Office of the Secretary of State. FRANCIS PUGH'S WILL. In the Name of God Amen. The 5th. Day of July, 1733. I, Francis Pugh, of Bartie precinct, In North Carolina, being well and of good Health in Body, and of perfect Mind and mem ory, thanks be given to Allmighty God therefore, CalUng unto Mind the mortalietie of my body, and knowing that it is ap pointed for all men once to Die, Do make and ordain this my Laste Will and Testements, that is to Say, principally, and first of all, I give & Reccommend my Soule into the Hands of God that Gave it; and my body I Recommend to the Earth to be buried in Decent Christian Buriale at the Discretion of my Executors; Nothing doubting but at the Generale Resur rection I shall Receive the Same agam by the mighty power of God; and as thouching such worldly Estate, wherewith it hath pleased God To Bless me in this Life, Doe give. Demise and Dispose of the Same in manner and form following: Imprimus, I give and bequeath unto my well beloved Wife, tMee Negroes, -viz.. Barns, Lymus, and affrow, a wench which is now with Samuell Wiggins, for Ever: and Like-wise, I lend the Rest of my Negroes to her Dureing the time She lives a widow, and in order to keep to their buissiness in makeing Corn and Tobacco, towards bringing up my Children at Scoole, and finding them in Cloaths; and if my well beloved Wife should marry, I Desire the reste of my negroes which I have not already Given to my wife for Evee, to be put to work, and what they Gite, put to the Use of bringing up my Dear beloved ChiUffien as aforesaid, and Like-wise I Desire my well beloved Wife may Live upon the plantation where I now live, dureing her Life, and after her Death to return to my well beloved Son, John Pugh; and like-wise, I Desire my well beloved -wife may KiU provissions out of my Stock of Hoggs and Cattle dureing the time She lives a -widow, and the Rests of my Stock which is Killable yearly, I Desire it may be Sold, and the money to be Laid up, for to be Equally Divided between all my ChiU ffien; Likewise, I give to my well beloved Wife, two Feather Beds and urniture and half the rest of my House hold Goods. Item, I Give and bequeath unto my well beloved Son, John Noeth Carolina Wills. 363 Pugh, the plantation whereon I now Uve, after the Death of his mother to him and his heirs for Ever Item, I give and bequeath to my weU beloved Son, "Thomas Pugh, my plantation at the Emperors fields which I bought of Christian Hitteburgh to him and his heirs for Ever. Item I give and bequeath unto the CMld my wife now goes with, it K is a boy the plantation where Samuele Wiggins Lives at Grindale Creek and K it is a Girl to be EquaUy Divided between my two Sons John Pugh and Thos. Pugh and likewise if it is a boy I give and bequeathe aU the rests of my Lands wMch I have not already given wMch Ues in Bartie precmct and Edge- Combe precmct, wMch is already patend and likewise the Entries made, to be EquaUy Divided between my Sons, John Pugh, Thos. Pugh and the CMld my weU beloved WKe now Goes with K it is a boy, and K it is not a boy, to be EquaUy Divided between my Two Sons Jno. Pugh and Thos. Pugh Share and Share alike, to them and there heirs for Ever, and the lands wMch I have m Virgima, and m Chowan precmct I Desire they may be Sold and the money to be EquaUy Divided between my Dearly beloved wKe and all my CMldren Share and Share aUke, and it is my Desire that aU my Stock of Cattle and Hoggs, and Horses & mares may be put out -to plantations, and when the Stears Comes of fffil Grooth to be Sold and what is not made use of by my wKe towards bringing up my ChUffien, the money to be Laid up, and EquaUy to be Divided amongst my CMlffien Share and Share alike, and likewise my Hoggs the Same the Horses the Same, my weU beloved WKe aU waies haveiog an Equale Share with my ChUffien. And it is my wffi that my weU beloved wKe ShaU have the management of the Ferry where Henry Home Lives and receive the money towards maintam- mg her and her ChUffien, Duremg the time She Uves a widow, and K She Shoffid Change her Conffition, then it is my Desire that the Incomes of the Ferry may be EquaUy Divided be tween all my CMlffien, wMle the Youngest ShaU Come of age or marry; and after that I give and bequeath it unto my two Sons John Pugh and "Thos. Pugh and aU the rest of my personaU litate I Give and bequeath to be EquaUy Divided between aU my ChUffien; and it is my wffi and Desire that none of my Estate ShaU be Sold at pubUck Vanffieu or outCry but that my Executors and "Trustees may manage it accordmg to my Wffi and Desire before Expresst and aU my Negroes wMch I have not aU- readye Given to my wKe for Ever I give and bequeath unto all my Children to be EquaUy Divided amongst aU my ChU ffien, both them and there Increase for Ever to them and there Heirs for Ever. And as for the Debts wMch I have now Due to me, I Desire that they may be Received by my Executors and "Trustees, and pay aU my Just and tme Debts, wMch I am Indebted to 364 North Carolina Wills. any prson whatsoever and the overplus to be Laid out in Young Negroes, and be Equally Divided amongst all my Chil dren and Ukewise all my Merchantizeing Goods I Desire they may be Sold and the Effects that Comes for it to be Laid out in Young Negroes and to Remain with my Wife Dureing the time she Lives a widow and afterwards to be EquaUy Divided amongst all my Children. And it is my will and Desire that if my Sons Should Die without Heirs Lawfully Begotten of their Body, that then the lands which I have heretofore Given may may return to their Sisters Share and Share aUke. And I Do hereby Constitute, make and Ordain, my weU beloved Wife, and Colin. Robert West my Sole Executors of this my Last will and Testament, and Mr. Cffilm PoUock to be my Trustee to the Same. And I Do hereby Utterly Disallow, Revoke and DisannuU all Every other former Testaments, Wills, Legacies and Be quests, and Executors, by me in any ways before named, WUled and Bequeathed, Ratifieing and Confirming this and no other to be my Last will and Testament. In Witness whereof, I have hereunto Set my hand and Seale the Day and Year Above Written. Francis Pugh (SEAL) Signed, Sealed, pubUshed pro nounced and Declared by the Said Francis Pugh as his Last will and Testemt. In the presents of Us Needham Bbyan 1 J Heney Hoene j""""" Willm. Jones Bertie Precinct sc May Court 1736 The above WUl of Francis Pugh was proved in open Court by the Oaths of Needham Bryan & Henry Horne Two of the Subscribing witness thereto. And Also Pherebe Pugh Relict Widow and Executrix therein Named took the oath of and Exect by Law Reqffired Test. Jno. Wynns d: cler Cou. A CODICIL to be annexed to the last Will and Testament of Francis Pugh gent. Whereas since the makemg of my last Will and Testament I have begun to build a Brigantine which is now on the Stocks m Bertie prect. It is my Will and Pleasure that my Executors m my last Will named, do proceed and out of all & every part of the debts which shall be due to me at the time of my death, and out of the produce of my Stock of Cattle, Horses, Mares, and Hoggs, they finish and Compleat the said Brigantine with Anchors, Masts, Cables, Sails and all other Appurtenances. Noeth Cabolina Wills. 365 Item, it is my wffi and pleasure that after the said Vessel is finished, my Executors & my Trustee herem named do out of the debts due to me and my foresaid Stock, purchase a Loadmg of Tobacco black WaUnut or other merchandize fitt for the British market and that they do send the said Vessel to great Britam from thence to retum to No. Carolma, and afterwards to be employed or disposed of as my said Executors & trustee shall think proper Item, I give and bequeath the said Brigantme to my dear Wife and to my dear CMlffien, both Sons and Daughters, and likewise the Cargo to be purchased as aforesaid, with the profits m trade arisemg thereby, Share & Share alike. Item, I give to my dear vrife, the plantation, & house wherein I now live in Bertie, for and duremg the term of her natural Ufe, and after her death it is my Wffi the same shall go as by my said Wffi is directed. Item, I do hereby constitute & appomt John Montgomery Esqr., "Trustee and Supervisor of my last WiU and Testament m the place & stead of CuUen PoUock, Esqr. Item, it is my Wffi and pleasure that after my Sloop CaroUna retums from New England, that my Executors & "Trustee do out of her Cargo Inwards, purchase a Cargo and send the said Sloop to the West Indies with the said Cargo, & that the said Sloop & Cargo be there sold for the benefit and use of my WKe and CMlffien, Share & Share alike. Item, It is my Will that my Trustee herem named may have freight for about twenty Barrels free & clear, and for the usual freight a Carryage for what more he shall desire m the said Brigantme to Great Britain. Item, It is my Wffi that my dear wife & Eexcrs. do receive from Captn. Gramger the Cargo now brought m A Schooner mto this province wMch belongs to Mr. Coleman, provided the said Grainger aUows to my Execrs. twelve pounds pr. Barrel for good and weU pickled pork, vizt., for so much as is produced from my own Stock, and at the same price for the remainder wMch I paid to others. In Testimony whereof, I have signed, Sealed & pubUshed this as a CofficU to be annexed to my last wiU & Testament, this tweKth day of April, one thousand, seven hunffied & thirty Six. Fean (Remamder of Signature is gone) Signed, Sealed & published, In the presence of: Jon Chancel (?) & S. Plummbe Peteb Bbitton. 366 North Carolina Wills. October 4th., 1736. Doctor Saml. Saban Plummer made oath before me that he is a subscrib ing witness to the within Codicil, and that he saw the withm named Francis Pugh, sign. Seal & pubUsn the same as a Codicil to be annexed to Ms last Will, and that sd. Pugh was at the time when it was perfected of sound understanffing. Gab. Johnston. 1736 Oct. 6th appeared Col. Rob. West and took oath of Executor in due form of Law. Gab. Johnston. Copied from Original Will, filed in the Office of the Secretary of State. CHURCHILL READING'S WILL. In the Name of God Amen, the nineteenth day of Sep tember, 1734. I, ChurchUl Reading, of Bath County, being very Sick and weak in body but of Perfect mind and memory, thanks be given unto God, Therefore, calling unto mind the mortality of my Body, and knowing that it is apointed for aU men once to Dye, do make and ordain this my last WiU and Testament, that is to Say, Principally, and first of aU, I give and Recommend my Soul into the hands of God that gave it; and my Body I recommend to the Earth, to be buried in decent Christian Buriel at the discretion of my Executors, nothing doubting but at the General Resurrection I shall receive ye Same again by the mighty power of God; and as touching Such worldly Estate where with it hath pleased God to Bless me in this Life, I give, demise and Dispose of the Same in the follow ing manner and form: Imprimis, I give and bequeath to my Nephew, ChurchUl Caldom, my manner Plantation where I now Uve on, to him and his heirs forever. My Dearly beloved wife, Martha Read ing, shall enjoy ye sd Plantation and the profits thereof Durmg her widdowhood. Item, I give and bequeath to my nephew, John Blount, my Plantation at Swifts Creek, to him and his heirs forever. Item, I give and bequeath to my nephew, Jacob Blount, the land a took up at Catachney, to him and his heirs forever. Item, I give and bequeath to Martha Reading, my dearly beloved wife, the land att Cathney, her Father, Robert West gave me, to her and her heirs forever. Item, I give and bequeath to my nephew, ChurchiU Caldom, my land att Hickrey Neck, and all my back land Joining upon it, to him and his heirs forever. My Dearly beloved wife, Martha Reading shall have ye Use of ye light wood belongmg to the sd. land During her widdowhood. Item, I give and bequeath to Martha Reading, my Dearly beloved wife, five Negroes named, Jeek, Quamiers, Boston Tom, Dmah and Maud, -with all my hushold Stuff, and all my Sheep, Noeth Carolina Wills. 367 and aU my Cart horses, and aU my Cattle, exceptmg 8 wmter Cows and CaKs to my Nephew, John Blount, to her and her heirs forever. I desire that my Brother, Thomas Reading, shaU Uve with my Dearly Beloved wKe, martha Reading, and care may be Taking of Mm. Item, I give and bequeath to my Dearly beloved WKe, Mar tha Reading, tMee Negroes Named, George, Joan, and Rose, to her and her heirs forever, (carried over) Item, I give and bequeath Unto my Brother m law, John Caldom, my old wMte mare and Colt, to him and his heirs forever. Item, I give and bequeath to my Nephew, Jacob Blount, one young Mare of a black Colour, To him and his heirs for ever. Item, I likewise Constitute and ordam ye persons hereafter named, to be my Sole Executors, Named: CoU. Robert West, my Dearly beloved Wife, martha Readmg, Mr. "Thomas worsley, Gent., and John Caldom, of this my last wffi and Testa ment, and I do hereby utterly disaloaw, Revoke and Disanffi aU and every other former Testaments, Wills, Legacies and bequests, and Executors, by me m any ways before Named, wffied and bequeathed, RatKymg and Confirmmg this and no other to be my last wffi and Testament. In witness whereof, I have hereunto Set my hand and Seal, the Day and Year above written. Chu'l Reading, (Seal) Signed, Sealed, Published, Pro nounced and Declared by the said ChurcMU Readmg, as his last -wffi and Testament, m the Pres ence of us the Subscribers: Edw'd Travis. Haeman Hill. Edwaed Salteb. No. Carolina. Before Hia ExceUy. Gabriel Johnston, Esqr., His Majestys Govemor m CMef, and Ordinary of the said Pro-vmce: Personally appeared Harman Hill, one of the Witnesses to the Annexed last WUl and Testament of Churchill Readmg, who bemg duely Swom, Sayeth That he was present and Saw the said Church'l Reaffing, Sign, Seal, Publish and Declare the Same to be his last WiU and Testament, and that he was then of Sound & Disposing Mind and Memory to the best of Ms knowledge. And that he saw Edward Travis present & and sign his name as witness to the said last WiU & Testament; and likewise that he belives the worda, Edward Salt«r, being the Name of the third Subscribmg Witness to be the handwritmg of Edward Salter, late of Bath, Deceased. Given at Edenton, Under my hand the 14th Day of February Anno Dom., 1734. Gab. Johnston. 368 Nobth Caeolina Wills. Likewise appeared John Caldom, one of the Executors of the Annexed Last Will and Testament and took the Oath of Executor as reqffired by Law. Given at Edenton, under my hand the 14th. Day of February Anno Dom., 1734. Gab. Johnston. Copied from the Origmal WUl, filed in the Office of the Secretary of State. LIONEL READING'S WILL. No. Cabolina, Bath County. Sc. In the Name of God Amen, The Twelfth day of July, 1708, I, Lionel Reading, of this County, Esq., being of perfect mind, menory and health. Thanks be given to God, Therefore Calling unto mind the mortality of my body and Knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die. Doe make & ordain this my Last WUl & Testament, That is to Say, PrincipaUy, and First of all, I give and Recommend my Soul into ye hands of God that gave it & my body I Recommend to the Earth, to be buried in a decent Christian BuriaU, at the discretion of my Executors, nothing doubting but at the Generall Resurrection I Shall Receive the Same again by the mighty power of God: And as touchin Such Worldly Estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me in this life, I Give, Demise & ffispose of the same in the folio-wing Manner & Form: Imprimis, I Give & bequeath unto mary, dearly beloved Wife, One Negro Woman called Joan, the same to enjoy & possess during her naturall Life; and after her decease, the Said Negro woman, with her Increase, to be disposed on to any of the Children born of her Body, as my Dear wife shall think fitt to bequeath the Same thereto. Likewise, I give her one Bed w'h its Furniture; with one third part of the pewter potts and Brass ware that I shall be possessed withall at my Death; and Four Cows & Calves; & also, all the male Cattle -wth what hogs and Sheep shall be found on & belonging to ye Plantation I now live on, to be Injoyed during her natural Life, & after her decease to be disposed on to the Child or children of mine, born of her body, as she thinks fitt; & also, three horses; & also, ye Plantation I now live on to Injoy ye Same during her natural Ufe. Item, I give & bequeath to my well beloved Son, Nathaniel Reading, the Said Plantation after his mother's decease, to him & his heirs for Ever, Provided he returns back from Eng land & personally Enjoy ye Same, But if he should not return from England, to Live on & enjoy ye Same, That then, my Son, Churchill Inherit & possess, to whom I Give and bequeath it, to him & his heirs forever, provided his brother Nathaniell Return not to Claun & Injoy the Same; & Likewise, to my Son Nobth Carolina Wills. 369 Nathamell, I Give one Negro Man called George, to him and his heirs for ever, provided he retums (as aforesd.) to Injoy the Same; and one Feather bed with Furmture, with a hand Mill, w'th four Young Cows and Calves, the Said Cattle, Negro and Houshold Stuff, to be deUvered to him when he shall arrive at the age of fifteen years, with their Increase, male and Fe male, to him & his Heirs; and the Same not to be paid out of his own Cattle -w'ch are of a different mark from mme, as by Record appears. Item, I give & bequeath to my Daughter, Sarah, thirty pound, money of this Pro-vdnce, to be paid at my decease; & one Cow & CaK, I bequeath to her first born Child; & ye young est of my horses now running m the Woods, I bequeath to her husband, David Dupuis. Item, I Give and bequeath to my daughter Mary, my Negro Man called Jeffery, w'th one Bed & Fumiture, one Iron pott, -w'th five pound, current money; -with four Cows & Calves, ye said Legacy to be deUvered her att ye Age of fiveteen Years or att ye day of her marriage with her Mothers Consent. Item, I Give to my daughter, Ann, one Negro woman caUed Diana, w'th one bed & Fumiture, one Iron pott, w'th Five pound current money; & four Cows & Calves, to be DeUvered att the age of fifteen j-ears, or at ye day of her marriage; -w'th her Mothers Consent. Item, I Give & bequeath to my son, Thomas, one Negro Boy called Tom, with a Bed and Furmture; w'th four Cows & Calves, to be paid him att ye age of fifteen years. Item, I Give and bequeath to my Son, Churchffi, one Negro Girl, called Han, w'th one bed and Furmture; & also Four Ccws & Calves, the Same to be paid him at the age of fifteen years. Item, my WiU & Intent thereof, is so, That K it shoffid please God that any of my CMldren shoffid die unmarried & under ye Age, that ye Same part & Legacies to them bequeath'd, Shall be Equally ffi-vided & Given to those of my CMldren yt shall be aUve, & likewise -wt Estate & Effects to me belonging, not herein mentioned, after my la-wfull debts are paid & discharged, I leave to my wife's DisposaU & that att her death, to give & leave to any one or more of our CMlffien she shall best ap prove of. And hereby, I Constitute & ordam my Dear WKe & Mr. Davis Dupuis, & Mr. Humphry Legg, my Executors of this my last WiU & Testament; and I do hereby utterly ffisallow, disannul & Revoke all & every other Former WUl or Testament, Legacies & bequests, or Executors by me made or named, RatKying & Confirming tMs my Last Wffi & Testament. 24 370 North Carolina Wills. In witness whereof, I have hereunto Sett my hand and Seal, the day and year above written. Lionel Reading. (Seal) Signed, Sealed, Published, Pro nounced & Declared by the Said Lionell Reaffing, as his last Will & Testament in the presence of us: the Subscribers: James Leigh, Henry Brook. Jno. Lawson. (Negro and Houshold Stuff, the Said Legacy, David Dupffis, these Words Interlined before Signed & Sealed.) Sr. Richard Everard, Barrt., Gov. These may certify that the within Will was proved upon Oath in due form by the Oath of James Leigh, Esq., one of the E-vidences. Given under my hand, this 18th. Day of Febry., 1725. Richd. Everard. Letters granted ¦with the Will annexed, to Grace Reaffing, the Widow, the Exors, refusing to Act. Copied from Original Will, filed in the Office of the Secretary of State. JOHN REDDING'S WILL. In the Name op God, Amen, the Twentyeth Eight day of January, 1754. I John Redding, of Perquimons County, being very Sick and weak in body but of perfect mind and memory, Thanks be given unto God; Therefore Calling unto mind the mortality of my body, and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to Dye, do make and ordain this my Last WiU and Testament, that is to Say, Principally, and first of all, I Give and Recommend my Soul into the hands of God that gave it; and my body to be buried in a decent Christian burial at the Discretion of my Executors, notMng doubting but at the general Resurrection I shaU Receive again by the Mighty Power of God; and as touchmg Such Worldly goods and Estate where-with it hath Pleased God to bless me in this Life, I give, demise and Dispose of the Same in foUo-wing Manner and Form: Imprinais, I give and bequeath to Elizabeth FuUenton, my Dearly beloved and Intended Wife, my Plantation and Land next to Jesse Eason's to the Deviding, "Together with my horse, bridle and Sadie, & three Cows and Calfs, to her and her heirs for ever. Item, I Give and bequeath unto my three Sisters all my North Carolina Wills. 371 Other Lands, Together with all my others Goods and Estate, to be Equaly Devided between them tMee. and their Heirs for ever. Item, I Give and bequeath unto my Cousm, John EUis, one Mare Colt, to him and his heirs for ever. Lastly, I Nommate and appomt my to Brothers m Law, John Davis, & Joshua SmaU to be my Executors to this my Last WUl and Testament, and do hereby Revoke, Dissanull and make void all other former Wills by me heretofore made, and this Offiy to be my Last WiU and T^tament. In Witness whereof, I have hereunto Set my Hand and fixed my Seal the Day and year above Written;John Redding. (Seal) Signed, Sealed, PubUshed, Pro nounced, & Declared by the said John Redding as his last WiU and Testament, m the Presence of us the Subscribers, Jesse Eason, Joseph Sketo. John Haeeis. Perquimans Coxtnty. ss. April Court, Anno Domim, 1754. Present his Maiest«ies. These may Certify that the witffin wffi was Dffiy prov'd by the Oath of Jesse Eason, one of the Evidences thereto and at the Same time appeared Joshua SmaU, Executor, and was duly qualifyed by takmg the Oath by Law appomted. Ordered that the Secutary of Sd. Provmce have Notice that Letters Testamentory Issue thereon as the Law Directs. Test. Willm Sklnner Cir. Cur. Copied from the Origmal Wffi, ffied m the Office of the Secretary of State. JOSEPH RIDDICK'S WILL. Noeth Caeolina. Ss. In the Name of God Amen. I, Joseph Riddick, of the County of Perquimons, In the Province of North CaroUna, planter, bemg at this time In a weak and Low Conffition, but of Sound mmd and memory, blessed be the Almighty God for the Same, but Dffiy Considering the Incertain State of this mortal LKe, and bemg Desirous of Setlmg and Disposing tMs, my temporal Estate, which it hath pleased God to bless me with, I hereby make and Declare this present Writing to be my Last will and testament wMch is In manner following: Imprimis, I wUl, order and apoint, that U my funeral Charges and Expences, together with my Just Debts be trffiy paid and Satisfied by my Executors hereafter Named, and that the Same be Deducted out of my Estate which I shall Leave behmd me at my Decease. 372 Nobth Cabolina Wills. Item, I Leave to my Loving wife, Hanah Riddick, the use of my whom plantation. During her life, with the use and work of two Negros, Named will and Luce, and also, my Riffing horse, bridle and Sadie. Item, I Give, Devise and bequeath unto my Son, Joseph Riddick, the Same plantation, -with aU the Lands aJoyning to it, which I bought of "Thomas Ward, to Mm and his heirs for ever, and it is my will and Desire that my Wife, hanah Ridffick, Do not Debar my Son, Joseph Riddick, from Selling and living on Some part of the plantation and land when he Comes of LawfuU age, -without any Mnderance or molestation of his mother. Item, I Give, Devise and bequeath unto my Son, Kadak Riddick, all the tract of land and plantation Which I bought of WUliam Rountree, and moses fields and James Price, to Mm and his heirs for Ever; and also, I give and bequeath unto my Son, Kadak Riddick, my plantation and all the Lands which I bought of WUliam moor and WUliam Wilson, that Lyes In Balahack, to him and his heirs for Ever. Item, I Give, De-vise and bequeath unto my son, • Isaac Riddick, all the tracts of Lands and plantation Which I bought of John Barclif and George Shell, that Lyes over little River upon deep Creek, to him and Ms heirs for Ever; and also, the Sum of twenty pounds, Virginia money, and all the Stock of Cattle that belongs to the plantation, to him and Ms beirs for Ever. Item, I Give, de-idse and bequeath unto my Daughter, mary Riddick, the Sum of twenty pounds, virgmia money, to her and her heirs fcr Ever. and It is my WUl and Desire that all the Rest or Residue of my Estate, of what Nature or kind Soever, Shall be EqueUy Devided amongst my Wife and Children, Viz : Kadak Ridffick, and Joseph Riddick, and Isaac Riddick, and Mary Riddick, to them and their heirs for Ever; and If In Case Either of my afore Named Children Should Dye without Isue, it is my will and Desire that all their part or Share of my Estate, then be Equelly Devided amongst the Survivers, to them and their heirs for Ever, and it is my will and Desire that the same two Negros, Named Will and Luce, which I have Left my wife, Hanah Riddick, the use of, after her Death, them and their Increase to be EqueUy Devided amongst my four Children, or the Survivors of them, to them and their heirs for Ever. and Lastly, I Do hereby Nominate, make and apoint my Loving Wife, Hanah Riddick, and my Son, Kadak Riddick, and my Brotlier, Robert Riddick, my Sole Executrix and Execu tors of this my Last will and testament, Desiring them to Se the Same fully Executed and performed. In -witness Whereof, I the said Joseph Riddick the testator Noeth Caeolina Wills. 373 have hereunto Sett my hand and Seal, this twentyeth Day of September, In the year of our Lord God, one thousand, Seven hunffied and fifty Nine. Joseph Riddick (Seal) Signed and Sealed, Published and Declared to be the Last Wffi and Testament of the Testator In the Presents of Us: Joseph Peeey, Jurt. Benjamin Peeey, Jurt. Job Riddick. Perqms County. October Court, Ann Dom., 1759. Present Hia Majestys Justices. Thia that Joseph Perry & Benj, Perry, two of the subscribmg Evidences to the -sdtMn wUl, appd. m Court and made Oath on the holy Evangelist that they were present & saw Joseph Ridffick sign, seale, publ&h & declare the withm to be and contam Ms Last wUl and Testament, & that the Joseph Ridffick was then & at that time, of Sound & Disposmg Memory, then allso appd. Hannah Ridffick, as Ex", m Court and took the Exor's. Oath m Due form of Law. Ordered that the Hon'. Rich*. Spaight, Esq'., Secty. of tMs Provmce, have Notice thereof thet Lerr' Testamenty Issue thereon as the Law Directs, &c, Trat. Miles Harvby, Clk: Cr. Copied from Original Wffi, ffied m the Office of the Secretary of State. PETER RIEUSSETT'S WILL. No. Caeolina. sst. In the Name of God Amen. I, petter Rieussett, of Bath County, In ye provence of Afforsd., bemg of Sound and perfict Memory, praised be God for the Same, do Make, ordaine this My Last wffi and testament, In Manner and form foUowmg: that is to Say, first and principally, I Commend my Soule to the hand of Almighty God that Gave it, Hopmg through the Merrits, Death and passion of My Sa-vdour Jesus Christ have pardon and forgiveness of all My Sins and to Inhearit Everlastmg LKe; and My Bodey I Commit to the Earth to be Buried att the Discretion of My Executors Hereafter Named; and as tutcMng the Disposition of all such temporaU Estate as it hatt pleased God to Bestow upon Me, I Give and Bequaith In Manner and forme as followeth: Imprimis, I Will that all My Just Debts and funeraU Charges be first payed And Discharged. Itm. I Give and Bequaith unto My Lovemg Nice, Ann Galaber, forty pound. Current bUls of this pro-vince. Itm. I Give and Bequaith Unto my Lovmg Nice, Jean Caila, fiifty pound. Current bills of this provmce. 374 Noeth Caeolina Wills. Itm. I Give and bequaith unto My Lo-dng Nephew, Peter Rando-wn, fortey pound. Current biU of this province. Itm. I Give and Bequaith unto My Loving Nice, Mary Covee, fortey pounds, Current bUls of this province. Itm. I Give unto the Church att Bath To-wn, ten pounds, Current bills of this province. Itm. I Give unto the branch Church in potters Street, In DubUn, five pound Starling, Now in the Hands of Mr. WilUam Espinah, In Dublin. Itm. I Give and Bequaith unto My Naturell Son, John Bell, In Dublin, one Hunffied pound, starling. Now in the hands of William Espinah, and to be Disposed of by my Dearly Beloved Brother, Jno. Rieussett, att His Discretion, for the Best use of my afforsd. Son, Jno. Bell, when He arrives att ye Age of Twenty one years. Itm. I Give and Bequeath all the Rest and Residue of My Estate both in ye kingdom of lerland and In ye provence of North Carolina, In Americka, to my Loveing Brother, John Riusett. I do hereby Constitut and appoint my trusty and weU Be loved friend, Thomas Hanes and Vinson Hurrard? my Execttr. of all My Estate in the kingdom of lerland. I Liekewise Con stitut and and appoint my trustey and well Beloved frends, Edward Salter and Oliver Blackburn, My Exetrs. of aU My Estate In the pro-vince of North Carolina. I do Hereby Revock, Disanffil and Make Voide all wills and testaments Heretofore by Me Made. In Witness whereof, I the sd. petter Riussett, to this my Last will and testament, have hereunto sett my hand and Seal this forthtenth Day of Januarey, In the yeare of our Loard God, one thousand, Seven Hundred and thirtey foure, 1734. his Pettee X Rieussett. (Seal) marke. Signed, Sealed, and Delivered in presence of uss : Olivee Blackburn. Petee Randon. Mathias Colliee. No. Carolina. Before Ms ExceUy. Gabriel Johnston, Esq., His Majestys Governor in Chief of the said Province, and Ordinary of the Same: Personally appeared Peter Randon and Mathias Collier, Two of the Witnesses to the witffin last Will and Testament of Peter Rieusett, late of Bath Town, Deceased, who being duely Sworn, Say, That they were present and Saw the Said Peter Rieusett, Sign, Seal, Publish and Declare the same to l)e Ms last WiU & Testament, and that he was then of sound and disposing Mind and Memory to the best of their knowledge. And that they saw OUver Blackburn, the third Subscribing Witness present and Sign his Name as Witness thereunto. Nobth Cabolina Wills. 375 likewise appeared OUver Blackburn appointed Executor to the said Last Wffi and Testament and took the usual Oath of Executor as required by Law. Given at Edenton, under my hand, the 21st. Day of February, Anno Dom., 1734. Gab. Johnston. Copied from the Original Wffi, ffied m the Office of the Secretary of State. SUSANNA ROBISSON'S WILL. In the Name of God Amen. Aprill ye 30th: one Thousand, Seven Hunffied & nme, I, Susanna Robisson, bemg Sick & weak but of Sound & perfect memory. Thanks to God for it, do make This my last will & Testament, In maimer & Forme FoUowing; First I Give & bequeath my Soffi to Allmighty God my maker & Redeemer, Assureffiy beleivmg m ye Resurrection of ye dead: & my Body to be buried att ye ffiscretion of my Executor hereafter nam'd. Imp'. I Give & bequeath To my well beloved Daughter, Elizabeth Bond, one Feather Bed & Covering now m her pos session; like unto my well beloved Son, Luke Grace, one SMl- Ung, & for ye rest of my Estate, both real & Personal, after my just debts are paid; be ye same of what nature Or Quality soever, I Give & Bequeath to my well beloved Son, Henery Grace, to him & Ms heirs, Executors or assignes for ever; Likewise do Constitute & Ordame my well beloved, Son Henery Grace, to be my Whole & Sole Executor of tMs my last wUl & Testament, utterly Revokemg ffisanffiUng & make ing Voide aU other wUls & Testamts. By me heretofore made. in Wittness whereof, I have hereunto Sett my hand & Seal ye day & ye year above written. Susanna X Robisson. Signed, Seald & DeUverd In ye Presence of. EuEiAE Hudson. Elizabeth X Jenkins. Joseph Jessup. Recorded m Wffi Book 2, page 13. JAMES ROBERTSON'S WILL. In the Name of God Amen. I, James Robertson, of the County of Pasquotank, in the Province of North Carolina, being of sound and perfect Memory, Do make this to be and Contam my last wUl and Testament, in manner and form foUowing; that is to saw: 376 Noeth Caeolina Wills. I Give and bequeath to my weU beloved son, Mordecai, my manner plantation whereon I now live, contaimng fifty Acres, More or less, to him and to his heirs forever. I likewise give and bequeath to my beloved son, Malachi, my Road Plantation, Containing fifty Acres, to him and to his heirs for Ever. I also give to my son Mordecai, one Ram and one Ewe, two Sows, two Cows, and one beehive, to him and to his heirs forever. I likewise give to my son, Malachi, two Sows, one Ewe and Ram, two beehives, and one Cow and Heiffer, to him and his heirs forever. I Give to my Daughter, Euphan, one Feather bed and furni ture, three pe-wter Basons, and one Dish, one Sow, and one Cow, to her and her heirs forever. I Give to my Daughter, SaUey, three Basons, and one pewter dish, one Fethar Bed and Furniture, one Sow, and one Cow, to her and her heirs for ever. I also give to Each of my Daugh ters one Chest. I also give all the rest of Moveable Estate to my Dear and Well beloved Wife, Sarah Robertson, and to her Disposal, whom I Nominate my Executrix, and my Trusty friend, Thomas Taylor, Executor to this my last will and Testa ment, hereby revoaking all other wills heretofore made. Jams. Robeetson (Seal) Signd, Seald and Declared, this to be my last will and Testa ment, the 17th. day of January, Annoq Dom. 1753, in the pres ents of: Samuel Okely, William Woodly. Maey Tayloe North Carolina, Pasquotank County, ss. October Court, Annoq Dom., 1754. Present His Majestys Justices: These may Certifie that that William Woodley, one of the E-vidences to the Within Will, appeared in open Court, & made Oath, on the Holy Evangelist, that he was present & Saw James Robertson Sign, Seal, pub lish and declare the within to be and Contain Ms Last Will & Testament; and that he was at that time of sound and Disposeing memory; that he also Saw the other Evidences Sign their Names thereto att the same time: then appeared Sarah Robertson, Executrix, and was duly QuaUfied as Such; ordered that the Honorable James Murray, Esqr., Secretary, have Notice that Letters issue, &c., dated at the Clerks office, the 22d. Day of January, 1754. Test. Tho. Taylor, ck. Cu. Copied from Original WUl, ffied in the Office of the Secretary of State. Noeth Carolina Wills. 377 MATTHEW ROWAN'S WILL. In the Name of God aacen, I, Matthew Rowan, of New Hanover County, Esqr., in ye Province of North CaroUna, being of Sound and disposmg mind, Memory & Understandmg, do make and Ordain this to be my last WiU and Testament m maimer foUowing: Imprimis, I bequeath my Soffi to God who gave it; & my body to be decently Interred; & aU my just. debts and funeral Expence to be first paid. Item, I give to my Niece, Rose Rowan, daughter of my Brother Anffiew Rowan, ye Sum of One hunffied and thirty tMee pounds six ShUUngs & Eight pence, proclamation, to be paid one year after my decease. Also, I give to Mathew Rowan, son of my Brother, Atchey- son Rowan, the sum of One hunffied & thirty tMee Pounds, six shiUings & eight Pence, proclamation Money, to be paid two years after my decease. Also, I give to my Niece, Ann Rowan, daughter of my Brother, Wiffiam Rowan, ye Sum of four himffied pounds, Proclamation Money, to be paid tMee years after my decease. Also, I give to Richard Lyon, Esqr., of Sprmg MU, in the County of Bladen, ye sum of tMee hundred and thirty pounds, proclamation money, bemg the remainder of ye Sum I m- tended to give him with my Niece, Margaret Rowan. Also, I give ye Negroe Boys named Dickey, Sam, Johney, Hecton and Africa, together with ye Negroe Wenches, named Black Mffiey, Lucmda, BeUa, Maria, Bess, with their In crease, to MUffied Lyon, Daughter of John Lyon, & MUffied Lyon; but m Case ye said MUffied Lyon, shoffid dye before she is married or of Age, then I Give said Slaves to her Sister, Mary Lyon. Also, I Give & Devise aU that tract of Land Situate on ye North East Side of Ye No. East River, Opposite to Stag Park, m New Hanover County, containmg five hunffied acres, unto Frederick Gregg, of Wilmington, Esqr., to him & his Heirs. I also give unto ye said Frederick Gregg, my Negroe FeUow Ogee & Uttle peg & My Gold Watch. Also, I give & bequeath all those two tracts of Land, ye one Containing five hunffied acres, ye other four hunffied acres, situate on ye White Marsh, m Bladen County, bemg land m the possession of Robert Rowan, upon part of wMch ye said Robert Rowan now Uves, & ye foUowing Negroes, Jack, Sanca, Africa, Boatswam, John Lindsey, & Joan a Negroe Wench, unto ye sd. Frederick Gregg, & Richard Lyon, m trust for Esther Rowan, wKe of said Robert Rowan, and ye Heirs of her Body LawfuUy be gotten, to ye Sole use and benefit of ye said Esther Rowan, free from ye power & Controffi of her husband, Robert Rowan, 378 Nortbl Carolina Wills. nor in any wise subject to his Debts, my meaning in this de-\nse being no more than to vest ye said two tracts of land & Ne groes last mentioned in ye sd. Frederick Gregg & Richard Lyon as Trustees for ye use of ye sd. Esther Rowan, so as to bar any rights to ye sd. lands & Negroes last mentioned which ye said Robert Rowan might Claim as Husband to ye sd. Esther Rowan. Also, I Give ye Sum of twenty six Pounds, thirteen shiUings, and four pence, proclamation money, a year, to be paid Annu aly out of my Estate not heretofore disposed of, unto ye said Frederick Gregg & Richard Lyon, in Trust for my Daughter in Law, Elizabeth Maclaine, Wife of Archibald Madame, of Wilmington, Mercht. to be paid annually to ye said Elizabeth Maclaine, to her sole use, free from ye po-wre of her husband, Archibald Maclaine, nor in any -wise Sibject to his debts. Also, I Give and devise all my three parcels of land ye. one being on ye South West Side of ye. N. West River, Situate on ye. lower side of land belonging to Henry Simmonds, de ceased, Containing 320 acres; ye other on ye No East Side of sd. River, Situate as aforesaid Containing 640 Acres; ye third on ye No East Side of sd. River Joyning ye above, 297 Acres, all in Bladen County, and all that tract on ye No. East Side of ye No. West River, lying betwixt Judge Lenards Land, & Nelltown in Bladen County, aforesaid being 640 Acres; & all that Parcill of Land part of ye Marsh on ye River trent, Oppo- sit to Newbern, in Craven County, contaimng 197 acres unto my Executors hereafter Mentioned, to sell and ffispose of in ye best maner they can, & to apply ye money arising by such Seale in discharge of ye Legacies heretofore given, and lastly, I give & devise all my Estate of what kind soever, both real & personal, not heretofore disposed of after my Death, to John, ye Son of Jane Stubbs, of Bath to-wn, in ye Province aforesaid, & Commoffiy Called & kno-wn by the Name of John Rowan, now of ye Island of Barbadoes, Mariner, & ye Heirs of his body la-wfully begotten; and in default of such Is sue, then to ye said mentioned Mathew Rowan, son of my brother Atcheyson Rowan, & his Heirs and Assigns. And I do make John Rowan, Frederick Gregg, & Richard Lyon, Executors of this my last -will, hereby revocking aU lormer WUls by me heretofore made. In Witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and Seale this 18th Day of April, in ye year of our lord, 1760. Matt. Rowan, (seal) Signed, Sealed PubUshed and declared in ye Presence of us, whose Names is hereunto affixed, Sam''. Watters. Geo: Gibbs. Thos: Clark. North Carolina Wills. 379 Personally Came before me Thomas Clark, one of the Subscribing Witness to the above Wffi, who bemg dffiy swom, deposed that he saw the above Testator, Mathew Rowan, Esqr., Subscribe Seal & Publish the above wffi as Ms, as also that he saw this m presence of the other Wif^ nesses Saml Watters & George Gibs & farther says to the best of his knowl edge the said Testator was perfectly m his Senses. Wilmmgton, 15 Jffiy, 1760. Given under my hand, Ordered therefore that Letters Testamentarj- may issue. Arthur Dobbs. No. Carolina New HAN0^'ER Couxty. These are to Certify that Frederick Gr^g and Richard Lyon, Esqrs. , Qualified as Executors to the Last WiU and Testament of The Hon'ble Matthew Rowan, Esqr., Deceased, accordmg to Law, before me. Given under my hand this 19 day of Jffiy, 1760. Corns. Harnett, J. P. Copied from Original Wffi, ffied m the Office of the Secretary of State THOMAS RYAN'S WILL. In the Name of God Amen. I, "Thomas Ryan, of the coimty of Bertie, m the Provmce of North Carolina, being of a very sick & infirm Body, but of sound & Good Memory, & Calling to rememberrance the uncertainty of Human Life, doe constitute, make & appoint this my Last wffi & Testament, in maimer & form foUowing: First & PrincipaUy, I Commend my Soffi to God who gave it, in certam hopes ot the Resurrection of the Dead; & my Body to the Groimd to be decently in ter'd & buried at the discretation of my Executors hereafter mention'd. ToucMng my Worlffiy Estate, I give, dispose & bequeath of "That as foUows: Imprimis, I give, & bequeath unto my Son, David Ryan, two himffied acres of Land, more or less, lying m the Bottom of Cashy Neck, on the thorough-fare, commoffiy known by the name of The Old House; also four hunffied & fifty Acres, being one half of the Land "That John Holdbrook Uv'd on; also six hunffied & forty acres of Land, more or less, lymg upon the great Beaver dam; Also four hunffied & fifty Acres of Land, more or less, lying upon Cypress Swamp, wMch Land I sold to Wiffiam Lane, conffitionaUy, and if the said Lane pays the purchase Money, wMch is "ITwenty five pounds, current money of Virginia, which money I give & bequeath to my Son, David aforesd. as a compensation or in Lieu of the said Land sold to the said Lane. But if the said Land makes defaffit of Payment, "That then if recover'd by Law, I give the afor'sd. Land to my Son, David, afores'd. Also, I give unto my son, Da-dd, foor Negroes, to-wit: Casar, Phoebe & Peter, Taffay. Also, one Briffie & Sadffie, & my Shooe & Knee (Buckles) Buckles; & my Wffi & Desire is That the afors'd Legacies, as 380 North Carolina Wills. well Real as Personal, Which I have here Bequeath'd to my son, David, Be to Him, his Heirs & Assigns for ever. Item, I give & bequeath unto my Son, James Ryan, three hundred & fifty Acres of Land, or there-abouts, upon Mysattick River in Tyrrell County. Now This Land is conditionally sold to Matthew Thomas, late of Edenton, Merchant, who is to pay the purchase money, to--wit: one hundred & seven pounds, ten Shillings, Current money of Virginia, payable on the Eleventh day of November in the present Year of our Lord, one thousand, seven hundred & Fifty Three. If the said Matthew pay the money due, at the time afor'sd, then my -will & Desire is that the said money be put to Interest upon Good Security; The Bond or Bonds which shall be gave as Security or Securities of the said money to be renewed every Year. But in Case the said Matthew should make Default of Payment, it is then my WUl & Desire that the said land be in the Possession of my Son, James, aforesd. And Either the said Land, or the said Money (if paid), -with the Interest thereof, I give unto my son, James Aforesd., his Heirs & Assigns forever. Also, I give unto my Son, James aforesd., five hunffied & fifty Acres of Land, the Remainder part of Holdbrooks Land & where the faid Holdbrook dwelt. Also, four hundred & forty acres of Land lying in Cashy Neck, formerly the Estate of James Castello. Also, one hundred & thirty Acres of Land joyning the Land of Thomas Sutton, deceased. Also, I give unto my Son, James afores'd, Three Negroes, towit: London, Jacob & Ned; Also, a Bay horse which now runs in the woods. All the Legacies aforesaid which I have (here) here bequeathed unto my Son, James aforesd., My Will & Desire is that they Be to Him, his Heirs & Assigns for ever. Item, I give & bequeath unto my Son, George Ryan, my my Plantation Containing five hundred Acres, lying in Roeguis, formerly known by the name of James CasteUo's Islands. Also, I give & bequeath unto my Son, George afores'd, my Plantation on the Head of Salmon Creek, together with my water Mill; & also two Plantations lying up Chowan, formerly belonging to John Rogers & John Graves; Also, one hunffied Acres of Land lying upon Cashy River, where Garrett Vanup- shall now lives, together -with three Negroes, to wit: Tom, Jack & Rose. Also, two Mares, the one a Bay, the other a grey Mare. All which Legacies, I have here bequeath'd unto my Son, George aforsd., my Will & Desire is that they, as well Real as Personal, Be to him, his Heirs & Assigns for ever. Item, I give & bequeath unto my Son in Law, Cornelius Campbell, & his wife, my Daughter EUzabeth, my Plantation contaming two hundred & twenty five Acres, lying in TyrreU North Carolina Wills. 381 County, & upon Albemarle Sound; also, two Plantations in Bertie County, formerly belongmg to "Thomas Mewbem & Wffiiam Goodwm. Also, the plantation m Bertie aforesd. whereon John Nicholls now dwells. Now the said Nicholls has made a purchase of this Land & paid some part of the purchase money, but the whole bemg not paid -withm the time limited by Agreement, the said John Nicholls has forfieted his Title to the said Land; my Wffi therefore is that if my son, Cor nelius & his Wife, Elizabeth, please, they may either receive the Remainder of the money due from the said NichoUs, as an equivalent for the said Land, or enter upon the said Land, on the surrender of the said Nicholls; Also, two hundred acres of Land lying upon upon the Southside of the Middle Swamp; also, two Negroes, to-wit: Jenny & Lucy. The Legacies aforesd. which I have here bequeath'd to my Son, Cornelius & Ms Wife, Eliaabeth, as weU Real as Personal, my Wffi & Intention is that. That they be to them & their Heirs for ever. But with this restriction to the Heirs offiy of my son, ComeUus begotten of the Body of my Daughter Elizabeth. Item, I give & bequeath unto my Daughter, Mary Ryan, two Plantations lymg on Chowan River, contaimng five hun ffied Acres; Also, two Plantations lying on Black WalMut Swamp, containing four hunffied & Eighty Acres; Also, two Negroes, to wit: great Jane & Esther; Also, fifty pounds cur rent money of Virgima, to be paid unto my Daughter, Mary Afores'd, from out of the outstanding debts due to me; Also one Bay horse. All which Legacies, as weU Real as Personal, wMch I have here bequeath'd unto my Daughter, Mary afors'd. My wffi & Intention is. That they be to her & her Heirs for ever. Item, I give unto my Lo-dng Wife, Martha Ryan, the Use & Occupation of my Manor Plantation, together with the dweUing house, Utensils, Stock, Smith's Tools & other ap purtenances whatsoever, to the said Plantation & House be longmg, during her natural Life, together with the profits arismg from the Servitude & labour of these tMee Negroes, to wit: Ben, Bess & MoU, lUiewise of the mdented Servants. Also, I give & bequeath unto my said Wife, my Ridmg horse Pompey & her own Riding Horse, Ruffin, as also my watch & Sleeve Buttons. Also, One hundred Pounds, Current money of Vu-gima, which will be due to me from John Hardisson, on the Nineteenth day of December, m the present Year of our Lord, One thousand, seven hundred & fifty tMee. And my WiU is, that the aforesaid horses, watch, money & sleeve Buttons, Be at her own absolute power & disposal. And my farther WUl & Desire is, That after the decease of my said Wife, That the Manor house & Plantation aforesaid, shaU devolve to my Son, "Thomas Ryan, Together with the aforemention'd 382 Noeth Caeolina Wills. Negroes, Benn, Bess & Moll, & their increase, & I doe declare. Will & Desire that the aforesaid Legacies, both Real & Person al, are for, & shall Be, to my Son, Thomas aforesaid, his Heirs & Assigns for ever. Also, I give unto my son, Thomas aforesaid, One hunffied Acres of Land, joyning to David Thompson's & Edward Bird's line upon Cashoak Swamp, & my will, Intention is that these last Legacies also, together with the abovementioned, be to my Son, Thomas aforesaid, his Heirs & Assigns for ever; and I also give to my sd. son, "Thomas, & his heirs or assigns forever, four hundred Acres of Land joining to the manor Plantation & known by the name of Jacob Hardy's Old field. Item, I give a bequeath unto my Worthy Friend, Capt. John Campbell, ten Spanish Pistoles, or their value in Current money of Virginia. I likewise hereby authorise & impower my Executors, to make Titles unto all Those Purchasers of the Land which I have sold, upon Such Purchasers paying in of the Respective moneys due for the Purchase of such Land. Provided the Legatees of those Lands shall be contented -with such payment for & as an Equivalent for their Several & Respective Lands. My will & Intention farther is. That the Mill which I have bequeath'd unto my Son, George aforesaid, be repair'd & kept in constant repair from out of the profits of my whole Estate, Each Child or Legatee contributing thereto his or her equal Share in proportion, tUl the said George shall arrive to the age of twenty one Years, And in Consideration thereof each of my ChUdren shall be entitled to the benefit of having their Corn and the like, ground therein free of all toll or ex- pence whatsoever. Touching the Education of my Children, my Will & Desire is that each of my three younger Sons, to wit: James, George, & Thomas, shall be paid for from out of the Outstanding Debts, But if the Outstanding Debts fall short & are insufficient to discharge my Own Debts & Legacies, that then my whole Estate shall equally contribute towards such their Education. My WiU & Desire is That my Wife, Martha Ryan, have the Care & Guardianship of my Children who are not of full Age, untill they shall respectively arrive to the age of twenty one years. But if in the mean time, my Wife should intermarry, then upon such her marriage, my -will & Intention is That she shall not any longer continue Guardian, But shall justly account for the profits of, as well also as for the separate Es tate, of each CMld with & To my Son, David, Their Eldest Brother, who I desire may then have the care. Guardianship & Tuition of his Brothers Aforesaid, and their Estates. My WUl & desire farther is, That the Brig be sold & that the money arising from such Sale, be appropriated to the North Caeolina Wills. 38? payment of my just Debts, & "That immediately after the Sale, my Executors pay unto "Thomas CasteUo, the sum of one hunffied twenty five pounds, current money of Virgima, Ex empt from aU manner of Deduction or abatement. And after the said CasteUow be paid, my wffi & Intention is "That the Residuum or Remainder of that & the Outstandmg debts be equaUy ffivided betwixt my Wife & CMlffien, share & share alike. My WiU & Intention is, that if any of my CMlffien dye be fore he or She before such cMld be of fffil Age, or Dye without Issue, that the rest of his or her brothers, survivmg Shall be entitled to an equal Share of Such Decedents Estate. My Farther Wffi & Intention is, That those Negroes, (whose Servitude during the Nat'ral Ufe of their Mistress, IsabeUa Dyal, I bought of John Holdbrook, to whom such servitude was before made over by Edward Dyal, during the Nat'ral Life of Ms Wife, Isabella aforesaid), be equaUy divided be twixt my wife & CMlffien share & alike. I Likewise Desire & mjoyn my Executors to offer no other money than Gold or SUver to any of my Creffitors m discharge of my Respective Debts, imless any Creditor shoffid particu larly prefer the Proclamation Money, or Commoffities of the Country, in Ueu of his respective Debt. And I doe hereby appoint my Lovmg Wife, Martha Ryan, & my Son, David, Capt. John CampbeU & ComeUus CampbeU, & Thomas Turner, Executors of "This my Last Wffi & "Testa ment, bearing Date the twenty mnth day of January, m the Year of our Lord, One thousand, seven hunffied & fifty tMee. Thos. Ryan (T. R.) Sign'd, seal'd, publish'd & de clar'd m the presence of: Edwd. Undeehill. David Allen. Humphey Nichols. By way of Cofficffi to this my Last Wffi & Testament, I now declare that, any Clause whatever m my aforesaid Wffi to the Contrary notwithstanding that it is my wffi & Inten tion that if my Son, "Thos. Ryan, Shoffid dye, without Issue, that then my Manor house & Plantation shaU faU & devolve to my Son, David Ryan & Ms heirs forever, & that the sd. ]Manor house & Plantation shaU not be divided as is mentioned m my Wffi aforesd. but shaU immeffiately ffivolve to my son, David Ryan, his heirs & Assigns forever, in witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand & seal, this twelfth day of February, in the Year of our Lord, One thousand, seven hunffied & fifty tMee. Thos. Ryan, (T. R.) 384 Noeth Cabolina Wills. February, ye 12th, 1753. Thos. Ryan, pubUsh'd & de- clar.d the above Codicill to his Last Will & Testament on the day of the date hereof in the presence of us: Edwd. Undeehill. David Allens. her Elizabeth I Ashbuen. Mark. her Maey X Caphaet. mark, March General Court, 1753. The within Last will & Testament of Thomas Ryan, Dec'd., was Proved by the Oaths of Edward Underhill & Da-vid Allen, two of the subscribing Witnesses to the same, & The above Codicil Proved by the Oath of David AUen & Mary Caphart, each of which evidences made Oath that the said Thomas Ryan, was at the time of Executing the said will & CodicU of sound and Disposing mind & memory. And David Ryan, ha-ving taken in the Oaths of an Executor, Ordered that Mr. Hand, the Secretary have Notice thereof that Letters Testa mentary Issue Accordmgly. Jno. Snead, C. G. C. Copied form Original WiU, filed in the Office of the Secretary of State, EDWARD SALTER'S WILL. Nobth Caeolina. sc. In the Name of God Amen. The Sixth day of January, in the year of our Lord Christ, one thousand seven hundred thirty, and four, I, Edward Salter of Bath County, in the Province aforesaid, Merchant, being sick in body but of sound and perfect mind and memory, (God be praised) Do make and ordain this my Last WUl and Testament in manner and Form following, That is to say: Imprimis, I Commend and Resign my Soul to Almighty God, my Maker, hoping for Salvation through the Merets of My Blesed Saviour Christ Jesus. My Body, I desire may be decently interred according to the Discretion of my wife and Executors hereafter named. Item, I will and Desire that all my Just Debts may with all Convenient speed be truly and honestly paid. Item. I Give and Bequeath unto my loving Wife EUzabeth, (after the payment of my Debts and Legacies), One Third part of all my personal Estate on or after a Just Division by my Executors to be made, but so to be apportioned as that none of the slaves hereafter named by me devised and alloted to be part of the Residue or other Two Thirds of my personaU Noeth Carolina Wills. 385 Estate given and bequeathed unto my ChUffien, be taken or mcluded as part of her said "Third part of my personal Estate. Item. I Give, Devise and bequeath unto my ChUffien, Vizt: unto my son Edward, and unto my Daughters, Sarah, Mary, and Susannah, aU the Rest and Residue of my personal Estate Wheresoever bemg, or to be found, to be Divided amoi^ them in and among wMch, and as Part of the said Residue by me hereby to my Chilffien given. My Wffi is that the Slaves by me hereafter immediately named shaU be accounted, taken and reserved for my said ChUffien. Vizt: Diego, Peter, George, Priamus the Shoe maker, Toney and Black WaU both Coopers, young Priamus, Aberdeen, Cimrick, Tom a boy which I bought of Mr. PUkmgton, Moses Nann, a negro woman which I Purchased of IVIr. ChurchiU Readmg, Mary Ann a negro woman wMch I purchased of the Executors of the Estate of Colonel "Thomas Harvey, deceased, Violet a negro woman wMch I purchased of Mr. Cannon, and haimah a negro Girl, together with their mcrease wMch shaU or may belong to me at my decease, as also my largest Periauger with her Anchor, Cable and Sails. And My Wffi is That none of these Slaves by me afore mentioned and named, be Sold or disposed of on any consideration whatsoever otherwise than to be divided among my Said CMlffien, (as foUows) and their respective parts together with the rest of their respective por tions or parts of my Estate to be delivered to them by my Eixecutors accordmg to my Direction herem. Vizt: First, I Bequeath unto my Daughter, Sarah Salter, what ever she hath now m her possession at Cape Fear, together with Sundry necessaries That I have sent for to Mr. George Monk, of Boston, to be Directed to Mrs. Porter for her use, which above articles I desire may not Come mto the Di-vosion of my Estate. Item. I Further Bequeath unto my said Daughter Sarah, my Negro man Aberdeen, my Negro man Tom, my negro Girl Named Hannah, also my Negro Girl named Teresa now about Sixteen or Eighteen months old, bemg the CMld of Mary Ann, also Twenty Cows and twenty Calves, Ten (two year old) Cattle, Five (tMee year old) steers, and Five (one year old) heifers, Two likely young Mares and one likely young Stone horse, also two hunffieds pounds (or value) of the said province Bffis as their Value now is. And if Madam Sarah Porter of Cape Fear (in whose care my said daughter, Sarah, now is) shaU think proper after my decease to contmue her Care and Tuition of her, my desire is that my Executors hereafter named may (immediately after my decease, on the motion of the Said Madam Porter), deUver the negroes and other Effects by me bequeathed unto my said Daughter, Sarah, (Excepting the two hunffied pounds which is not to 25 386 Noeth Carolina Wills. be paid tUl Eighteen months after my decease) unto Madam Sarah Porter, so that the said Madam Porter may have the Labour of the Slaves for the maintenance of my sd Daughter Sarah Salter. My -will is that my Executors may take Se curity of the said Mrs. Porter, for the Delivery of the Slaves and other Effects as above said, unto my said Daughter, Sarah, at her day of marriage or when she arrives to the full age of eighteen years (mortality excepted), and in Case my Said Daughter, Sarah Salter, should die before she be of the age Eighteen years, or day of Marriage; I -will that then what Estate she shall own or which of right shall then to her belong shall be equally Divided between her said Brother and said Sisters. Note, my Executors are to Observe that my Daughter Sarah Salter is to be no ways burthened -with any of my Debts. Item. I give and bequeath unto my Daughter, Mary Salter, the plantation which I purchased of Charles Smith, lyeing on Pamplico River, quantity about three hundred and six acres, CaUed in the patent. Mount Colvert; also twenty Cows and twenty Calves, five (three or four year old) steers, five (one year old) heiffers, two Mares, one young stone horse; all to be branded M S when she arrives to the age of twelve years, also, one hundred pounds of the Currency of this province to be applied by my Executors towards improving the last mentioned plantation to my said daughter, mary Salter's use. My further Will is that my said Daughter Mary may have two able slaves, (one of them being a man the other a woman) not to exceed the age of thirty years each, delivered unto her by my Executors, also one negro boy, and one negro Girl not to Exceed ten years of age each, also one feather bed and furniture, all the above effects to be deUvered by my Execu tors unto my said daughter, Mary Salter, at the day of her marriage or at the time that she shall arrive to the age of Eighteen years. Item. I give and Bequeath unto my Daughter, Susannah Salter, my Negro woman Mary Ann, and one negro man about thirty years of age, my negro Boy Named Tom (if he should live to the time alloted) if not, another in lieu of him; also, one negro Girl, not under six nor above twelve years of Age; and a good feather bed and furniture agreeable; also twenty Cows and twenty Calves, five (three or four year old) steers, five (one year old) heifers, two mares, and one young stone horse; And in Consideration that she has no Land, my -will is that she, my said Daughter, Susannah, shaU have five hundred pounds of the currency of this province, as the Value at this time is. All the above mentioned money and effects to be delivered by my executors to her at the day of her mar riage, or at the time that she shall arrive to the age of Eighteen years; My Further will is that if my Executors should find North Carolina Wills. 387 that the sum of money bequeathed unto my daughter, Susan nah, can convemently be spared any time after my decease, and a Tract of Land or a plantation should offer for Sale, then it shaU and may be la-wfffi for my Executors to purchase the same, and to have sufficient Deeds passed as may secure it to my said Daughter, Susannah Salter, wMch affair I leave m- tirely to their Discretion. My WUl is that my -wife, Elizabeth may have the use of the plantation whereon I now dwell (wMch I purchased of Robert Gampain), during the time that she remains my Widow, or m case the CMld shoffid Uve wherewith She now is big with, (to whom I shall hereafter give the said Land); also that my said Widow shall not be debarred from ha-ving the use of the Back Land wMch I purchased of John Swann for tar or Turpen tine or as she shall think proper. My Will further is that if it shall please God the CMld that my wife now goes -with, shoffid live, that then my said wife shaU have the care and management of the last mentioned plantation for the use of the said CMld. Item. I give and Bequeath the plantation whereon I now dwell, also the Back Land wMch I purchased of John Swann, of Cape Fear unto the ChUd that my -wife is now big with; if a Boy to be DeUvered to him at the age of one and twenty years; if a Girl to be Delivered to her at the day of her mar riage, or when she shaU arrive to the fffil age of Eighteen years. But m case the said last mentioned ChUd shoffid die before it shaU arrive to the day of marriage or age of Eighteen years; Then it shaU be la-wfuU for my Executors to take the said plantation and Land mto their Care and possession (observing my Directions heremafter expressed for that purpose). Whereas, I have sold a negro Girl named Haimah, wMch I had given to my Daughter, Sarah Salter, m tMs my Last wiU and Testament as above, In Consideration whereof My WUl is that therfe may be a likely negro-man, not to exceed Twenty years of age, purchased out of my Estate and given to my said Daughter, Sarah Salter, m lieu of the said negro Girl Hannah. Item. I bequeath unto my Godson, John Watkins, (son of -wiffiam Watkins) a negro or MuUato Boy now about eighteen months old (bemg the CMld of my said negro woman Nann, wMch I purchased of Mr. Churchill Readmg), to him and his heirs for ever. Item. I Bequeath unto my son-in-law, MUes Harvey, one hunffied pounds to be paid him m four years after my De cease, bemg the Value as the BiUs now stand at, and no other wise. Item. I Bequeath unto my son m law, John Harvey, Ten pounds in order to purchase him a good Beaver hat and a pair of Gloves, wMch money is to be paid when called for after my Decease. Item. I bequeath unto my beloved Son, Edward Salter, my 388 North Carolina Wills. best Saddle and Bridle, and one pair of Silver Spurs and Rich ard Bloom's History of the Holy Bible, together -with aU the books that I shall o-wn at my Death (be they Divinity, Law History or Mathematical), which are to be found by the Cata logue, also my Large China Punch Bowl (which I purchased of Mr Edmond Gale). The above Goods I give to my said son, Edward Salter, as a Legacy and not to be brought into the Division of my Estate. My -will is that my Brigantine now in the stocks at John Smith's, be got finished and made fit for the Sea as soon as may be (By Name The Happy Luke) and may (after she is ready for the Sea) be loaden with tar which I have in my hands, belonging to Sundry Gentlemen m Boston, as -wiU ap pear by my Book and papers, or by a list which I shall leave to inform my Executors; My Will also is that James Rostern proceeds Master of her. My WiU further is that my Execu tors may -write two or three ways (before she Sails out of the Port of Bath) to Collo. Jacob Windall and Company, to In sure the sum of Twelve Hundred pounds, (Boston Money) upon the said Brigantine, The Happy Luke, And my -will further is, that my Brigantine The Happy Luke, may be Con signed to Collo. Jacob Windall and Company, with positive orders for them to make sale of her to the best advantage for the use of my wife and Children; my -will further is, that the money that may arise, by the Sale of the said Brigantine shall be remitted in youngable Slaves, (none to exceed the age of twenty years). Item. I bequeath unto my Said beloved Son, Edward Salter, all the remianing part of my personal Estate I have not already bequeathed, provided that he or my Executors see my Daughters fuUy contented, satisfied and paid their above mentioned portions, given them by me, their father, Edward Salter. Item. I further bequeath unto my Said Beloved Son, Edward Salter, all my lands scituate and lyeing on the south side of Pamlico River (excepting what I have before bequeathed to my said loving Daughter Mary Salter) also my whole right, title and mterest of all the Lands that I have under Surveys. My further Will is, that the Six hundred and fourty acres of Land lyeing on Bear creek be immediately secured by my Executors on the best terms the country -will afford, which Land was formerly Surveyed by WiUiam Bartram, whose right I purchased, (Consideration twenty Cows and twenty Calves); also that the Six hundred and fourty acres of Land lyeing and being on the West Side of the Bever Dam of Grays Creek, (whereon John Arrington now dwells my tennant) be secured on the best terms my Executors can have it done. But my -will and orders is that my Executors may not neglect upon any terms whatsoever to Secure the two last mentioned North Carolina Wills. 389 Tracts of Lands to my said beloved son, Edward Salter, let the Costs be small or great to perfect the same. My wUl is, that m case any of the aforementioned Children should ffie before they shaU arrive to the age before men tioned, or day of marriage, whatsoever then may be belongmg to them by this my will, that then it shall be equally ffivided among my survivmg CMldren let, them be j-oimger or older which may first happen; but if any of them shall happen to ffie and leave any heirs LawfuUy begotten of their boffies, that their heirs shaU have the same right, title, and mterest to the Estate as they themselves might have, if U-vmg. IMy WiU and desire is "That my last wffi and Testament may be proved immeffiately after my death, and Letters Testamentory obtained so a a Division may be made with al possible expeffition, that my vriddow may have her third part deUvered to her after payment of my Debts and Legacies, or her gi-ping good Security to pay her third part of them. Item. My -wiU, intent and desire is that my Executors have the care, custody, keeping and educatmg my chUffien aforesaid 'till they shall arrive to the age of twenty one years or their day of marriage. My will is that aU my ChUdren's Slaves may be kept to gether to labour upon the Land that I have given to my said beloved son, Edward Salter, under the Care of some good honest man Such as my Executors may think proper, for the Support and education of my said ChUdren. My smgffiar will further is, that my said beloved son, Edward Salter, may have a thorough education to make him a compleat merchant, let the expense be what it wiU. My WiU is that my said son, Edward Salter, may have his Estate DeUvered him by my Executors, heremafter named, when he shall arrive to the age of twenty one years, and no sooner. Lastly of this my Last wffi and Testament, I Make, con stitute, nominate, appomt and order my "Trusty and well beloved friend, Colo. Edward Mosely, Mr. John Odeon, Mr. John Caldam, IMr. Thomas Bonner, Mr. WUUam Willis, and Mr. WiUiam Adams, Executors. And I hereby utterly re voke and annffi aU other and former wUls and Testaments by me before this time m any wise made. In Witness whereof, I have subscribed my name and Set my Seal unto this my present wiU and Testament, the day and year first above written. Edwaed Salteb. (Ms Seal) Sign'd, Seal'd and Published, In the presence of: Walley Chauncey, Benjamin Rigney, Walten DrxsoN. Rogt. Jones. 390 North Caeolina Wills. No. Carolina. Before his ExceUy,, Gabriel Johnston Esq., His Majesty's Govemor in Chief and Ordinary of the said Province: Personally appeared Benjamin Rigney and Roger Jones, two of the Witnesses to the -within Last WiU and Testament of Edward Salter, deceased, who being duely sworn Say, That they were present and Saw the said Edward Salter Sign, Seal PubUsh and Declare the Same to be his last wiU and Testament; and that he was at that time of Sound and ffisposing Mind and Memory: And that they Saw Walley Chauncy and Walter Dixon the two other Witnesses Sign their Names as Witneeses thereunto. Given at Edenton, under my hand the 5th day of February, Anno. Dom,, 1734. Gab. Johnston. No. Carolina. Before Ms ExceUy. Gabriel Johnston Esqr. His Maj 'tyes Govemor in Chief and Ordinary of the Said Pro-vince: Personally appeared Edward Mosely Esqr., and William Adams, Two of the Excrs. as required of the within last Will and Testament & took the Oath of Executors as required by Law. Given at Edenton under my hand this 5th. Pebruary, anno Dom., 1734, Gab. Johnston, Recorded in will Book No. 3, p 256, Office of Secretary of State. RICHARD SANDERSON'S WILL. In the name of God Amen. I, Richard Sanderson, of the Precinct of Perquimons and County of Albemarle, Gent., Being very Sick and weak of Body but of perfect mind & memory, (thanks be given to God therefore) caUing unto Mind the Mortality of my body and kno-wing that it is Ap pointed for all men once to Die, do make and Ordain this my Last Will and testament: That is to say, Principally, and first of all, I Give & recommend my Soul into the hands of God that gave it; and for my Body, I Recommend it to the Earth, to be Buryed in a Christian-Uke and Decent Manner at the Discretion of my Executors, nothing doubting but at the General Resurrection I shall receive the Same again by the mighty power of God: and as touching Such Worldly Estate where-with it hath pleased God to bless me in this Life, I Give, Devise, and Dispose of ths Same in the following manner: Imprimis, I Will & Desire that all my Lawful Debts may be payed & Discharged by my Executors hereafter named. Item, I give And Bequeath unto my well beloved Son, Richd. Sanderson, ye Island of Ocreecock w'th all the Stock of Horses, Cattle, Sheep & hoggs, thereunto belonging or Appertaining, To be Enjoyed by Mm & Ms heirs (LawfuUy begotten) for ever; and in Case my sd. Son should die & leave no heirs Male, I Give & bequeath the Said Island of Ockrecock w'th all & Singular the Sd. Stock, Goods & Chatties, thereunto Noeth Carolina Wills. 391 belonging, Unto my Nephews, Joseph & Richd. Sanderson, & their Male heirs (LawfuUy begotten) for ever; to be Equallj' Divided between them two & Enjoyed by them And their heirs for ever. Item, I give & bequeath unto my well beloved Son, Richd. Sanderson, Four Slaves, -viz: three Negros Named Cooper- Jack, Sam, & Sarah; -wth one Indian Named Tom, to him & his heirs La-wfuUy begotten for ever; & m Default of Issue I give & bequeath the aforesaid Slaves, unto my Son m Law, Tffily Williams, & his Wife, my Daughter Grace, & their heirs On her body begotten, for ever. Item, I Give & bequeath unto my Son m Law, Tffily WUUams, & his wife Grace, & the heirs on her Body begotten, Five Slaves, viz: Curratuck Jack; Commoner; Sandy; MoU, & One IMffiattoe Boy named Jack, to them & theix heirs for Ever. Item, I give & bequeath unto my Brother m law, Henry Woodhouse, One Mustee Fellow named Arthur, w'ch is m part of the Money due to him of my Fathers Estate; and I further -wUl & Desire that If in Case that my Son Richd. had rather have the Said Arthur that. he pay unto my Brother m Law, Henry Woodhouse, According to the Just Value of ye af orasd Slave, namf d Arthur. Item, I give & bequeath Unto my WeU beloved Sister, Susanna Erwm, During her Natural Life, Two Negro Slaves named Dye & Kate, Provided, & is to be Understood, So long as She Abides, Dwells & Remains on the Mannour Plantation whereon I now dwell; and- after her Decease I give and bequeath the Sd. Slaves & their Increase unto my Son, Richd. & his LawfuU heirs for ever; & in defaffit of Issue, I give & bequeath the Said Slaves & their Increase unto my Nephews, Samuel & Joshua Sanderson, & to their heirs for ever; and I wUl & De sire that my Sister Susanna, have a Maintenance During her Natural Life on the aforesd. Mannour Plantation; and also a Bed & fumiture; a Pot & a SkiUet, two pewter Dishes & four Plates; & after her Decease to Devolve unto my Son, Richd & his LawfuU begotten heirs for ever. Item, I Give & bequeath unto my well beloved Daughter, EUzabeth Pollock; one third part of my flock of Sheep; w'ch be at this time on my Plantation whereon I now dwell. Item, I give & bequeath unto my Cousin, Elizabeth Dickson, One black Horse now mnning in my pasture to be DeUvered unto her by my Executors hereafter named. Item, I give & bequeath unto my Nephew, Hezekiah Wood- house, a certain Tract of Land lying on the Sandy Bank by the name of Point Lookout, to be Enjoyed by him & his heirs for ever. Item, I Give & bequeath unto my Son, Richd. Sanderson; & my son m Law, "Tully WilUams, the Mannor Plantation 392 Noeth Caeolina Wills. whereon I now Dwell to be by them freely Possessed & En joyed for the full Term of Six years after my Decease, -wth aU profits & Commodities thereby ariseing yearly, or Accruing from the Same, to be Equaly Divided or shared between them, during the Sd. Term of Six years, at the Expiration of w'ch Term the Sd. Mannor Plantation wth. all Buildings, Houses, Messuages & Tenements, as also, Orchards, Gardens; wth. all Uve Stock or whatsoever els belongs or Appertains unto the Said Plantation, to Devolve wholly to my Son, Richard Sanderson, & his Lawfull begotten heirs for ever; & in default of Issue, unto Tully WiUiams & his Wife, my Daughter, Grace, & their heirs on her Body begot-ten for ever to be by them freely Possessed & Enjoyed. Item, I give & bequeath unto my Son, Richd. One Spay'd Mare branded R:S: Item, I give & bequeath unto my Son in Law, Tully WiUiams and his wife, my Daughter Grace, & the heirs on her body begotten, a Tract or Parcel of Land Containing one hundred forty & Seven Acres, Lying Perquimons Precinct bordering on my Son, Richd. his Line; formerly John Willoughby's; Item, I Give & bequeath unto my Son, Richd. Sanderson, all my Lots in RoanOak To-wn, -wth all the Lands thereunto belonging. Item, I Give & bequeath unto my Son, Richard, & my Son in Law, Tully WiUiams, aU my Other Lands, Messauges & Tenements, -wth aU my Rights & Titles to Lands, as by Deeds & Pattents are to be found; to be Equaly Di-rided betwixt them. Item, I give & bequeath unto my Son Richd. & my Son in Law Tffily WUUams, all my Other Stock of Horses, Cattle, Sheep & Hogs, wth all my houshold Goods & Moveables to be EquaUy Divided betwixt them (excepting what is aheady Given) or bequeathed in this Will & Testament, Item, I Give & bequeath unto my Son, Richd. Sanderson, two thirds of the Sea flower, Brigantine, & one third part unto my Son in Law, Tully WiUiams. Item, I Give & bequeath unto my Son Richd. Sanderson, & my Son in Law, Tully Williams, the Sloop Swallow, to be Equally Divided betwixt them; wth AU appurtenances there unto belonging. And lastly, I Constitute, make, Ordain & Appoint my only & weU beloved Son, Richard Sanderson, & my Son in Law, TuUy WilUams, to be my only Executors of this my Last Will & Testament; and I do hereby utterly Disallow, Revoke & Disannul, aU & every other former Wills & Testaments, Lega cies, Requests, & Executors, by me in any vrise before this time Named, Willed & Bequeathed; Ratifying & Confiiming this & no other, to be my Last Will & Testament. Nobth Caeolina Wills. 393 In witness whereof, I have hereunto Sett my hand & Seal this Seventeenth Day of August; m the Year of our Lord, One Thousand, Seven hunffied & Thirty tMee. Richd. Sandeeson. (Seal) Signed, Sealed, Published, Pro nounced & Declared by the Said Richard Sanderson, as his Last WUl Testament; In the Presence of us the Subscribers, viz: Clemt. Hall. Thomas T T Teumbal. mark "Thomas T S Snowden. mark Perqms. prect: At a Court held October the 15th., 1733. The witffin WiU of Colo. Richd. Sanderson, was proved by the oaths of Mr. Clement HaU, Mr. Thoms. Snowden, Mr. Thoms. TrumbaU, whereupon the Executors took the Oathes Injoyned by Law, & Requested Orders for Letters Testa mentary. Ordered that Letters Testam'y Issue on Said Wffi. Test. Charles Denman, Clk. Cr. Copied from Ori^nal Wffi, ffied m the Office of the Secretary of State. MACRORA SCARBROUGH'S WILL. In the Name of God Amen, I, Macrora Scarbrough, of Pequimons County, m the Province of North CaroUna, Gent., Being m good health of Body and of Sound & perfect Mmd and Memory, Praise be therefore Given unto Almighty God for the Same; But CalUng to Mmd the Mortality of My body, and knowmg that it is Appointed for all Men Once to die, but not how Soon or Sudent it May be. Do therefore make & Ordame this my Present Last WUl and Testament m Manner and forme foUowmg (that is to Say), first & prmcipaUy, I commend my Soffi mto the hands of Almighty God, hopemg tMough the Merits, death, & Passion, of my Saviour Jesus Christ, to have fffil and free pardon & forgiveness of aU my Sios, and to inherit Everlastmg Ufe; And my body I commit to the Earth to be decently Buried at the Discretion of my Ekecutors hereafter Named, nothing Doubting but at the General Resurrection, I shall receive the Same agam by the Mighty Power of God. And as ToucMng the Dispossion of aU Such Temporal Estate, as it hath pleased Almighty God to bestow upon me m this Life, I Give & Dispose thereof as foUoweth: 394 North Carolina Wills. Imprimis, I Will that all my Just debts & funeral Expences be first paid and discharged in reasonable and convenant Time after my Decease. Item, I Give & bequeath unto My welbeloved Wife, EUza beth Scarbrough, and to her Disposial, all that part of my Estate that may or will become due to me upon the Division of Mr. William Reeds, (Mr former Husbands) Estate. I also give unto my said Wife, the use and Labour of two Negros, Vizt:, Miak a fellow & Pasquotank Rose, a wench, During hir widowhood. And after that, to be Divided as my Other Estate is hereinafter Directed To be. I give likewise unto my said Wife, My Chest of Draws, and the Six SUver Tea? Spoons, Strainer & Tongs, which is more commonly used?. Item, I Give, bequeath & devise unto my Son, Benjamin Scarbrough, and his heirs forever, the land & plantation where on I now Dwell, called Springfield, and all other the lands gave to me by Mrs. Juliana Lakers, which may appear By hir Deed of Gift to me, bareing date, ye 20th. day of July, Anno Dom. 1731., reserving only the Use & Occupation of the houses, Plantation and that part of the land whereon I Now Dwell, unto my weUbeloved Wife, Elizabeth, Dureing hh Widowhood, if She thinks fitt to live thereon. I also Give and bequeath unto my Said Son, Benjamin, four Negros, Vizt: Nicholous, Dennis Two fellows, Nann & Venus, two wenches, Sbc Silver Spoons Marked P., my Silver Headed Cane, Silver Shoe Buckles, Knee buckles, fourteen Silver vest bottons, Black walnut Desk, and all my wearing apparU. Item, I Give, bequeath. Devise Between my two Sons, Benjamin, and Macrora, and their heirs forever. My Land & plantation at Ya-wpim, wch I Bought of Thomas Wyatt, and now CaUed point Pleasant, Divided Between them as foUow- est, Vizt., Beginning at ye Mouth of a Small branch Issueing out of ye River, Neare the Mouth of Yawpim Creek, Thence running up the Middle of the Said branch to a forked Sweet Gum, at the head of ye Said branch, Thence about a west Course thorough the Clear'd ground to a Small Dubble Dick, so along the Same to the End thereof, and from thence a Strate Course about ye middle of the Neck of Land to a Marked tree a Standing between a Small pond & the head of a branch makeing out of the Beaver Cover, Thence the Same Course until it Intersexs the line of WilUam Wyatts land adjoining thereto; and my Son, Benjamin or his his heirs to have the part binding on Yawpim River, and my Son, Macrora or His heirs, the other part, binding on Yawpim Creek; Both parts of the said land, I give and Devise under This Restriction and Directions, "That neither of them nor their heirs, ShaU sell or Give their Divident or Part of the land afsd. (uffiess it be either to one other) or any part or parceU North Carolina Wills. 395 thereof, tmless they be or their heirs, joyntly agree to Dispose of the Same, or any part of it, but if either of my two Said Sons, or their heirs shaU presume (Contrary to this my Wffi & Desire), To make any deed or Conveyance Other ways than herem Directed, Then m Such case, I hereby Revocke the Devise of their part in This land, and then I do hereby abso lutely give and De'vise aU the aforesaid land unto him and his Heirs forever, either of which of them my two sons, Ben jamin or IMacrora, their heirs that shaU Com with the Conffitions of this my Wffi and Testament. But if Either of My two Said Sons, Benjamm or Macrora, Should happen to Die before they To the age of twenty one years. Then, and m Such Case, my Wffi is that the Survivers or his Heirs have the whole tract or ParceU of Land forever. And further IMy Wffi is, "That my Son, Benjamm, have the Use & Benefit of that Part of Pomt Pleasant land which I have herein given unto my Son, Macrora, untffi he, my said Son shaU come To the age of fifteen years; Uffiess there be a aeasion to Dispose of the Same for the purchase of Other Lands as hereafter Directed, and Provided, he my Said Son, Benjamm, wffi let his Mother in Law, my wife, Elizabeth, have the Use for the Same time of fourteen yrs. of that part of the plan tation whereon I Now DweU and wch is given to him by his Grandmother, JuUana Lakers, other wise, this bequest to be void. And my said wife, Elizabeth, to have the Use & benefit thereof, the better to Enable hir to brmg up the said ChUd So long as She ShaU have the Care of him. Item, I Give, Bequeath, & De-^rise unto my Son, Macrora, and his heirs forever, My Oak Ridge land, Contaiomg Two hunffied & one Acres, as per the Patent granted to me m the year of Our Lord, 1744. And I also Give and Bequeath unto my said Son, Macrora, four Negros, vizt., Little Rose, Welcome, Grace & Suana; a Quart SUver Can, my SUver Watch, Pmch back headed Cam, one good Black waMut Deask, To be bought for him, if the Same be not don before my Decease, my Copper Stffi & fumiture thereunto belongmg. Item, I Give, Bequeath & De-(rise Unto my Son, WiUiam, and his heirs forever, My land adjoynmg the Land of Mr. Harvey, Containmg tMee hunffied & Ten acres, which I bought of John Pettiver & Benjamin Talbot, as may appeare by their Several Deeds or Conveyances, Now upon record m the Registers Office of Pequimans County, and also I likewise. Give, bequeath & Devise unto my said Son, WUUam, and his heirs forever, the land I bought of Robert WUson, Contammg Thirty acres as by the Conveyance may And I also Give and bequeath unto my Son WUUam, four 396 North Carolina Wills. Negroes, -vizt: Sam, Doll, Tamer, and Pasquotank Dinah; a pint Silver Cann, my Silver Snuff box, and Mohogina Desk. Item, I give, bequeath & Devise unto my Daughter, Elizar beth, and the heirs of her body lawfully Begoten forever; the land & Plantation I bought of Joseph Stewart, Containing Two hundred & thirty Eight Acres, as may Appear by the Patent Thereof Assigned to me by ye said Joseph Stewart, And in the falier of such heirs of my said Daughter, I Give the said land & Plantation unto my Son, Macrora, and his heirs forever. And I also give & bequeath, unto my Daughter, EUzabeth, Three negros, Vizt:, Pompey, Dianna and Margaret, Six Silver Tea Spoons, a creem Spoon, suger Tongs, and a new Straner that came with them. And further my Will is, and I do hereby Order and direct, That in Case any of the Slaves herein Given to any of my ChUd afsd. Should Happen to Die or otherwise be lost be fore they be of Age to receive them, That then they shaU be made up unto Them Out of the Negros not herein given By Name, and the increase that may hereafter arise from any of the Female Negroes before They are Delivered to them they may belong. So that every Childs part of Negros, May be made as good In Value to them at the Receiving, as they would have been had there not happened any Death or other misfortune to Them as aforeSaide. Item, I Give & Bequeath unto my two Sons, Macrora Scar brough and WiUiam Scarbrough, One hundred pounds Starling Money of Great Britain, Equally to be Di-vided between Them, And to be Disposed of at the Discretion of my Executors hereafter Mentioned towards purchasing Each of them a piece of good land and for no other use whatsoever. Further to make provision for a good settlement of land ior my two sd. Sons, I hereby Order and Impower my Exrs. herein Named if Need shall Require (that is if the land that may Happen to be bought is of greater Value then can be had for the Money here allotted), to Sell the land herein Given to Each of my two said Sons, or so much thereof as may be Sufficient for that purpose. And in Case my Exrs. Should happen to disagree, of Differ in Opinion about the Purchase of the said Land as to place or price of the land to be bought, or that wch may be to be sold, in Such Case It is my Will That they Apply to the Court of Pequimons to appoint three of as Honest & indUferent Men in the Matter, and that is of knowledge & understanding, as they can git in the said County, Whose oppinion of any two of shall be binding on my Exrs. as to that Matter. Item, I Give & bequeath unto the Children of My Cowzen, Mary AtMnson, Twenty pounds Curt. Money of Virginia, or the Value thereof in the Produce of this country, To be paid for and toward Schooling Them of any of them that can git North Carolina Wills. 397 the Opportunity thereof, and no other Use whatever, but In lammg them to Read & writmg English, and thereby the better to interest them m the prmciples of the CMistian Religion. And it is my Wffi & Desire there may be all the Care possable takon that That they or of them IMay have this Item, I Give & bequeath unto my Son m law, — ¦ — my Black waMut Desk, and Case of Five, five pint Bottles now in the house at Pasquotank. And foras Much as the Slaves herem gave unto my two youngest Sons, Macrora & WiUiam Scarbrough, are very young and caimot be sufficient for their Effication and bringmg up m any CMistianUke Maimer, Therefore, it is my Wffi and I do hereby order and Direct That my Melato FeUow Harry, shall be Sold or hired out for IMoney for their further Support, and that the Dispossion of the Said Slave be under these Restrictions and Directions, That is to Say, m Case the said feUow Can produce the Some of Forty pounds Currant Gold & SUver IMoney of Virgima, or any friend for him, "Then he shaU be his Own man, and at his Liberty, But if Neither can be complied with, "Then my Exrs. hereafter nam'd, that is the acting ones, are to make Sale of him to any person That -wiU Give fifty pounds of the Currancy Afsd. for him, and if None wffi do that Then it is my Wffi for him to be hired out for yearly or MontMy wagers, for So much as can be got for him, UntU the Said Sum of fifty pounds afsd. be AccompUshed, "Then for him to be free and at his liberty, as afsd. Aid it is my Wffi and Desire that the money Arismg by the sal or wages be applyed to no Other Use then m SchooUng & Edi- cating my two Sons, Macrora & WiUiam, and for buymg them good & usefffi Books Such as may Instruct them in Laming and the true Prmcipalls of CMistiomty. Item, I Give and bequeath aU the rest of my Estate be it of what Nature, kind or Quality Soever (and not herem be fore given). To be EqueaUy Divided amongest my Welbeloved Wife & my four CMlffien, Vizt., Benjamm, Elizabeth, Macrora, & Wiffiam, And I do hereby order & Desire, and it is my Wffi, That In Case Any of my ChUffien afore Named Shoffid Die before they come to Age or Married, that then the Whole part by this my wffi given be EquaUy Di-dded amongest the Sur- ATivers of them. And in Case the Several Legacys m this Wffi given to any of my ChUffien of Negros by Name, ShaU Happen not any of them to Die before they be received by them they belong to, so that then there wffi No Accasion of Makeing any Loss Up, out of the mcrece as is before Directed, Then it is my wffi that AU Such Increace ShaU be EquaUy Divided amongst my Said ChUffien or the Survivers of them. That shaU not be fore have recaived their Legacys of Negros as afore Said. 398 North Carolina Wills. And furthermore, my WUl and Desire is, That upon any Division of my Estate, That part comeing or belonging to either of my two youngest Sons, Macrora or WilUam, "That is by Law Deemed perisable and May Grow Much worse in. Keeping untill they come of Age; Be appraised on Oath by three honest Men, apointed by Agreement of my Exrs. or Order of Court, and Kept or Sold by the Acting Exrs. who are to acct. and pay the Same according to the apraisement, either in Money or things of the Same Kind & Equall Value in the Judgment of them, under the Same restrictions as aforesaid. And, I Do hereby Nominate, Constitute and appoint my Dear and welbeloved Wife, Elizabeth Scarbrough Executrix, and my welbeloved Son, Benjamin Scarbrough, Macrora Scar brough, and William Scarbrough, Executors of this my last Will and Testament, And do hereby Revock, Disanul and Make Void, all former Wills and Testaments, by me heretofore Made. But if it shall so happen (which God forbid it Should), That my Wife & Eldest Son, who are most likely to be the acting Exrs. in this my WUl, Should quarel, Differ, Disagree, and Suffer the Adversary to Peace to git the Uper hand of them, so that to render their Joynt Acting as Exrs. Ought to do for the Intrust of Every one concerened in the Will, and thereby not to Answer the trust imposed in them, Which in my life I have too offten Sean, where o-wn Mother & Son as weU as other They have Spent great part of their o-wn Intrust as well as that of the orphans & Others no ways Concemed In there Differences, Which, I hope in the God of all Mercy peace & Truth, will not be the Case heare. But if it Should, Then it is my Will and I do hereby Nominate, Constitute & Appoint my loveing Brother, John Scarbrough, my brother in Law, Edmond Hatch, and my friend, WUliam Burgis, Senr., To be overseers or trustees of all that part of my Estate Given by Legace or other ways becoming Due by this my WiU to any of my three ChUdren, vizt., Elizabeth, Macrora, & William, as also that Legace Given to the ChUdren of my Cozen, Mary adkinson, Hereby Desireing you my friends, To Accept & take upon you the trust hereby required if ac casion Shall be, on the bahalf of Orphans and their Estate, According to the true Intent & Meamng of this my Will, Hereby giving & granting unto you all the Power, & Authority So to do as can be Required Either in Law or Equity. In Witness whereof, I the said Macrora Scarbrough, to this my present last will & Testament have set my hand and Seal. This 31st. Day of Jan'ry, Anno Dom., 1752. Ma'c. Scaebeough (Seal) (Impression of Coat of Arms on Seal) The above writing was Signed, Sealed, PubUshed, Acknowledged Noeth Caeolina Wills. 399 & pronounced by the said Mac rora Scarbrough the day & year aforeSaid, To be and Contam his last Wffi and Testament, writ with his own hand and Contamed witMn Two Sheets of paper an nexed togeather with tMee Seals of black wax and Silk Ferretmg, In the Presents of us, who was Desired to Signe as Evidences thereto: Waltee Kipptn. Joshua Hobaet. Goenelius X Mullin mai'k Robeet Atert. Mabthaan kippin. North Carolina, Edenhouse, Feby. 18, 1752. This Day Walter Kippm & ComeUus Muffin, two of the Subscribmg Evidences to the last Wffi & Testament of mcRora Scarbrough, late of Perquimons County, Esq., Deed., wMch is hereunto annexed, personaUy appeared before me, Gabriel Johnston, Esq., Captain General, Govemor & Conaander m CMef in & over the sd. Province, & Ordinary of the same, and made Oath that they saw the sd. Mcrora Scarbrough, Sign, Seal & deUver the same as & for his last WUl & Testament, and that they saw Joshua Hobart, Robert Avery & Martha Ann Kippin, sign as Evi dences to the said Wffi. Gab. Johnston. Copied from the Original Wffi, ffied m the Office of the Secretary of State. ELIZABETH SCOLLAY'S WILL. In the Name of God Amen, I, Elizabeth ScoUay, of the County of Bertie, m the Province of North CaroUna, Widow, beii^ low m Health, but of Sound Disposing Mmd, Memory & understandmg, and CalUng to Mmd the Uncertamty of this Transitary Life, do make, & Declare tMs to be my Last Wffi & Testament; hereby Revokmg and Annuling every wUl Heretofore by me made. Imprimis, I Surrender my Soffi to Almight God that Gave it, and Desire that I may be decently Buryed by the side of my Late Husband, Samuel ScoUay, and that a Genteel Tombstone be provided by my Executors to place over me; as to my Worlffiy Estate, I Give and dispose of it m Maimer FoUowmg: Item, 1st. I Give and Devise to my son, Thomas Pollock, my Negro wench DoU, and aU her Children (Except a Negro Boy named Charles wMch I Have herem after otherwise Disposed off), and my Negro Wench Susannah and aU Her 400 North Carolina Wills. CMlffien, Also, aU my plate (to Wit) Tea Pott, mUk Pott, Tankard, two Salts, three table spoons, & a Large Soop Spoon, and all my Tea Spoons but in Case my said son should die without Issue then and in that Case, I Give the above men tioned Negroes & Plate, to be Equally Divided, the one Half to the Children of TuUey Williams, and the other Half to the Children of Richard Saunderson, share and share alike, I Desire the Negroes & Plate given to my son, Thomas, may be in the Care of Doct'. Robert Lenox untill otherwise Ordered by the said Thomas Pollock. Item, 2ndly. I Give & De-vise unto my son, Cullen PoUock, all my Books, also a Mourning Ring. Item, 3rdly. I Give & Desire to Mrs. Fanny Lenox, wife of Doctr. Robert Lenox, my Side Saddle, Cover & Bridle. 4thly, I Give & De-vise to Doct'. Robert Lenox, my StiU ¦with the Appurtenances; also my Negro Wench named MoU, and my My Negro Boy, named Charles. Item, 5thly. I Give & Devise to John ScoUay of Boston, in Consideration of a Debt I owe the said John ScoUay, my Negro man named Rum, and also Two Bonds now ia the possession of Cullen Pollock, (to wit) one of Joseph Robinson's of Perquimons County, and the other one the Hon"'' John Rutherfurd 's, and in Case the said John ScoUay should not be satisfied there-with, then, I desire the Negro Man Rum may be sold and the above two Bonds may be Collected and so much Money be Remitted by my Executors to the said John ScoUay as will pay him the said Debt I owe Him, But m Case Cullen Pollock should Choose to Keep the above two Bonds and pay the said John ScoUay so much Money out of the Estate herein after given said CuUen Pollock as wiU Amount to the same sum, then I desire He may Have his Choice. Item, 6thly, I Give & Devise to Peggy Cathcart, Daughter of Docf' WiUiam Cathcart, my Negro girl named Ruth. Item 7thly, I Give & De-vise to Sarah Blount, Daughter of Joseph Blount, my Negro Girl named Bridgett. Item, Sthly, My wUl & Desire is that all my Household Fumiture (not before Given) and all my Stock of Horses, Cattle, Hogs & Sheep be sold to satisfy my Debts, and if any Money Remains, I Give & De-vdse the same to Cullen & Thomas PoUock, share and share alike. Item, 9thly, I Give & Devise to Sophia Rasor, Daughter of Edward Rasor, my Negro Girl Named Hannah. Item, lOthly, I Give & Devise to Fanny Cathcart, Daughter of Doct' William Cathcart, my Negro Girl named Polley. Item llthly, I Give & Devise to Thomas Blount, Son of Joseph Blount, my Negro wench named Sarah and all Her Children. Item 12thly, I Give aU the Residue of my Negroes and other Noeth Carolina Wills. 401 Estate of aU Kmd Whatsoever or Wher^oever to be found, to be EquaUy ffivided Between CuUen PoUock & Thomas PoUock, share & share ahke. They & each of them Paying Mrs. Sarah Vaughan the Sum cf Eight Poimds, Proclamation Money, Yearly, & Every Year during her Natural Life. Item, ISthly. I Remit aU IMoney due to me from TuUey WUUams. Item, 14thly, Whereas, I Have herem Given Sundry Ne groes, Legacies to my Kmffied & friends, and not to my CMl ffien & Perhaps it may be thought some of them might Belong to the Estate of my former Husband Mr. Thomas PoUock, tMs may Certify all who may think so; that none of the said Negroes so Given Belongs to my sd. Husband, IMr. Thomas PoUock's Estate. Lastly, I Constitute and Appomt "Thomas PoUock, Doctr. Robert Lenox, Richard Saunderson, and Joseph Blount, Execu tors of this my Last wUl & Testament. In Witnes Whereof, I have hereunto Set my Hand & Seal the First day of December, In the year of our Lord, One thou sand Seven hunffied & Sixty Six. Elizabeth Scollat. (seal) Seigned, Sealed & Declared to be the Last Wffi & Testament of Elizabeth ScoUay m the presence of us: Haedt Haedison. Feedeeick Haedison. The Witffin Last Wffi and Testament of Elizabeth ScoUay was proved before me this day by the oath of Hardy Hardyson, one of the subscrib ing Witnesses thereto, who swore that he saw the Testatrix sign, seal Publish & Declare the same to be and Contain her last wffi and Testa ment. Given under my Hand at Newbem, this 12 January, 1767. Wm, Trton, Copied from the Original Wffi, ffied m the Office of the Secretary of State. SAMUEL SCOLLAY'S WILL. In the Name of God Amen. As It is appomted for aU Men once to Depart this Life, I, Samuel ScoUay, bemg sound of judgment and of Perfect memory, I resign my Soffi to him that gave It and my Body to the Ground. I make this my last WUl hereby revokmg aU Wills, Deeds and Grants what soever before made by me, and this only to be taken as my last. What Estate it hath pleased God to bestow on me I give and bequeath as FoUows: I Give and bequeath unto my Dear and weU beloved Friends, Thos. GUford, of Busty, Esquire, In Zetland, and to Magnis 26 402 North Carolina Wills. Henderson, of Guarde, Esquire in Zetland, and to George Triel, of Broh, Esquire, I Orkney, In the Island of Sandy, Fifty Pounds Sterling, each, to them, or their Heirs Surviving. Item I give and bequeath unto my beloved Friend, Mrs. Margaret Stewart, Alias Triel, late Lady of Eleoness in Orkney, in the Island of Sandy, or hir Heirs Surviving, Twenty Pounds Sterling. Item, I give and Bequeath unto my beloved Friend, Mrs. Mary Tulinton, Alias Davis, Spouse of the Deceased Mr. Robert Davis, Shipbuilder, In Leath in Scotland, to Mr or any of her Heirs sur-vivmg. Fifty Pounds Sterling. Item, I Give and Bequeath unto my Brother, Jerman Robert ScoUay, of Lerwick, Esquire, in Zetland, to him or his Heirs Surviving, one hundred Ponds SterUng, and it is my WUl that these legacies be immediately remitted to Mr. Hugh Black burn at Norfolk, By my Executors, and by the Said Mr. Hugh Blackburn to be remitted to his Friends for an equal Di-vision. Item, I Give and Bequeath to my loving Spouse all my houshold Furniture and all this Stock of Catle and li-ving Creatures. Item, I give unto her two hundred pound, Virginia Currant, to be paid out of the first money that rais'd upon these Goods, Now In the House. Item, I Give and bequeath unto her two hundred Pounds, Virginia Currant, to be paid out of the Pasquotank Debts. Which Debts amounts to in BiUs Bonds Eight hunffied & twenty odd Pounds. Item, I Give unto my loving Friend, Doctor WUliam Cath- Cart, one hundred Pounds, Virginia Currant, to be paid out of the Pasquotank Debts. - ' Item, I Give unto my beloved Friend, Mr. Robert Todd, of Norfolk one hunffi-ed Pounds, Virginia Currant, to be paid out of the Pasquotank Debts when Collected. Item, I Give unto my beloved Sons in Law, Cullen and Thos. Pollock, all the dry goods lately imported from Virginia, excepting two hunffied Pounds, Virginia Currant, which my beloved Spouse is to have in Cash or Goods at her Pleasure. Item, I Give and Bequeath unto my beloved Sons in law, Cullen and Thos. Pollock, The Remainder of the Pasquotank Debts, when my beloved Spouse hath Drawn her Legacy of two hundred Pounds, Virginia Currant, and Doctor William CathCart and Mr. Robert Todd of Norfolk hath dra-wn theirs two hundred, Virginia Currant, Then I Give and Bequeath unto my beloved Sons in Law, Cullen & Thos. Polloek, the remainder which amounts to about four hundred Pounds. I give and Bequeath unto my beloved Sons in Law, Cullen and Thos. Pollock, Part of a Track of Land containing about seventy Acres, or thereabouts, laying near the Plank Biidge Noeth Carolina Wills. 403 In Pasquotank. It is my WUl that CuUen & Thos. Pollock collect the Debts, clear of all Charges at their own Expence. Item, I Give unto Tffily Williams, his Fathers Sword, also the Stock of Cattle at Kettyhauk. It is my Will that CuUen and "Thos. Pollock pay off the baUance of that Bond In Vir gima Due to WMte and Scott. Lastly, It is my WiU that my beloved Spouse, and my sons in Law, Cullen and Thos. PoUock, be Executors to tMs my last Testamt. my WUl contains one sheet of paper. Sam. Scollat. (Seal) Signed, Sealed, deUvered this 15 Day of December, In Presence of Testis. Ann Anderson. . Ed. Rasoe. John Nicholls. Edenhouse, 18 Feby., 1752. This day Edward Rasor & John Nichols, two of the Subscribmg E-vidences of the foregomg Will, personaUy appeared before me & made Oath that they saw Samuel ScoUay Sign, Seal & DeUver the same as & for his last Wifl & Testament, and that he was at the time of his Signmg thereof of sound & disposing mmd & memory; & at the same time CuUen PoUock & Thomas Pollock two of the Executors appomted by the sd. Wffi quaU fied themselves by taking the Oath prescribed by Law for that Purpose. Gab. Johnston. Copied from Origmal Wffi, ffied in the Office of the Secretary of State. DAATD SHEPARD'S WILL. In the Name of God Amen, I, David Shepard, of Carteret County, m the Province of North Carolina, bemg weak m body, but of Sound Mmd and Memory, and calUng to mind the MortaUty of my Body, that it is appomted for aU men once to ffie, do make and Ordain this my Last Will and Testa ment, m maimer and form following: I committ my Soul unto the Hands of God that gave it, hopmg tMough the Merits and Meffiation of my Blessed Saviour to receive free pardon of aU my sins; and my body I committ to the Earth from whence it was taken, to be buried m ChristianUke manner at the Discretion of my Executors. And as to such Worlffiy Estate as it has pleased God to endow me with, I Dispose of it m the foUowmg maimer, to wit: First, I give and bequeath to my son, Solomon Shepard, a piece of Land on the West side of Black Creek which I bought of Lankisthur Lovett; and a piece joimng to it wMch I took up myself; and a piece of Land on Boague Sound, known by the name of Smiths Hammock whereon he now lives; and a Piece on the head of Broad Creek wMch I took up myseff; and 404 Noeth Caeolina Wills. a Negroe man named Sanko, and a negro man named Fryday, and a Negro man named Jim, to him and his Heirs forever, he paying Sixty pounds to my Estate for the said Negro Jim, to be ffisposed of as hereafter shall be mentioned 2th. I give unto my Grand son, Da-dd Shepard, son of Solomon Shepard, One Plantation on Boague Sound, at the Mouth of Goose Creek, which I bought of Thomas To-wnley, and known by the name of To-wnleys Point; And a Negro Girl named Seaney, to him and his Heirs forever. 3th. I give and bequeath unto the Heirs of my Son, Jacob Shepard, Deces'D, a piece of Land on Boagues Sound, called Whitehall, and a piece of Land on the South Side of Newport River, known by the name of Mount Pleasant; and a piece on the North side of Newport River whereon John Barber once lived; and a Negro man Named Harry, which said Lands he was possessed of in his lifetime & Disposed of in his Will to his Heirs. 4th. I give and bequeath to my son, EUjah Shepard, the Plantation whereon I now live, and a peace of Land on the South side of Newport River Called Snows Neck, and a piece of Land on Boagues Sound known by the name of Bartroms Point, whereon he now lives; and a Negro man named Cuff, and a Negro man named Darbey; and a Negro man named Felix; and a Negro woman named Rachel, he pajdng for the two last Negroes mentioned to my Estate the sum Twenty Pounds, to be di-vided as shall hereafter be mentioned; and if my son Elijah should die -without Heirs La-wfully begotten of his Body that then, the Plantation on Boagues Sound whereon he now lives, shall be given to my grand son John Shepard, son of Jacob Shepard Dr and his Heirs forever; and the Plan tation I now live on to be given to my grand son, Da-vid Shep ard, son of Solomon Shepard, to Mm and Ms Heirs forever. I also give unto my Two sons, Solomon and Elijah Shepard, a piece of Land on the South side of Ne-wport River known by the name of Reads Neck; a piece joining to it which I bought of John Harmon, to be Equally ffi-vided between them, they paying to my Estate the Sum of Forty Pounds, to be di-vided as after mentioned. 5, I give and bequeath to my Daughter, Sarah Wallis, a Negro Woman named Cate, and her four Chilffien her Ufe time; and after her death the said Negroes, and the increase of them, to the La-wfull Heirs of her Body forever. 6. I give and bequeath to my Daughter, Rebeckah Sanders, a Negro Girl named Savinour, During her Life; and after Death to the Lawfull Heirs of her Body forever. 7th. I give and bequeath to my Daughter, Abigail Ward, a Negro Woman named Tab, and her four chUffien and a Negro woman named Thamer and her child, for her Ufetime, Noeth Caeolina Wills. 405 and after her death to the LawfuU Heirs of her Body forever; I also give unto my Grand son, Da-vid Ward, son of Abigail Ward, one Negro boy named Anthony. Sth. My WiU further is, that Wffiam, Wilkins Taylour, have nor Possess no part nor parcell of my Estate as hereafter shall be mentioned. I give unto my Daughter, Elisabeth Taylours Heirs, Lawful of her Body, a Negro Woman named Venus & her CMld, and a boy named Abram, and Negro Girl named Cloey, -with their Increase. I also give unlo my grand son, Da-vid "Taylor, son of Elisabeth Taylor, One Negro boy named Peter, and if my Daughter Elisabeth Taylor shoffid necesiated for a support, I leave it to the Discretion of my Executors to assist her, out of the Money & others of the Di vision of my Estate which is left to the Heirs of her Body, and if her Heirs should ffie before they come of age, or -without Heirs LawfuUy begotten, that then the above Legacy be ffi-vided EquaUy Between my Heirs. 9th, I give and bequeath un my beloved Wife, One Negro Girl named Tillar, her Lifetime and to be maintained out of my Estate, and after her decease the said Negro girl named Tffier, be given unto my grand sons Absolom, and Solomon Shepard. 10th. I give and bequeath unto my Grandson, Da-vid Sanders, Son of Rebeckali Sanders, one Negro Girl named Rhoady. llth, I give and bequeath unto my Grand son, Solomon Shepard, a Negro Woman named VUot, and her cMld; I also give a Negro Woman named Dmah, and her tMee CMlffien, to be equally ffi-vided between my Grand Sons, Absolom and Solomon Shepard. 12, I give and bequeath unto my Grand son, Solomon Shep ard, that Tract of Land on Boague Sound wMch his Father lived on, and wMch sd. Land I Bought of Habbicock Rustel, and to him and Ms Heirs forever, but ff Solomon shoffid Die without Heirs of his Body LawfuUy begotten, that then the said land shaU be given unto David Taylor, son of Elisabeth Taylor. 13th, I further Leave one Negro Girl named Annes to be sold by my Executors at their Discretion, and the money for said Negro, together with that afore mentioned, to be paid by my two sons, Solomon & EUjah Shepard, and aU other money belongmg to my Estate, together with my Houshold Furniture, and moveables, and Stock of Cattle, to be Equally Divided Isetween my Legatees, to wit, Solomon Shepard, Ehjah Shepard, Sarah WalUs, Rebecah Sanders, Abigail Ward, the Heirs of Jacob Shepard Deacst, the Heirs of EUsa beth Taylor, & (the Heirs of) Absolom & Solomon Shepard, jr., wMch sd. Last tMee mentioned shall in proportion be Equal 406 Noeth Caeolina Wills. to one Shear. But if the said Negroes, Felix, Jim, or Rachel should die, or either of them, before Solomon or Elijah should be Pocest of them that then they shall not pay the sum agreed they was valued to. Lastly, for tbe better Executing this my Last WiU and Testament, I Constitute and appomt Colonal William Thom son, and my two Sons, Solomon and EUjah Shepard, my Executors, and I do hereby Utterly Disallow, revoke & Dis annull, All and every other Will or Will by me made. Rati fying and Confirmmg this and no other to be my Last Will & "Testament, in Wittness whereof, I have hereunto set my Hand and Seal this 30th, day of May in the Year of Our Lord, One thou sand Seven Hundred & Seventy four. David Shepaed. Signed, Sealed, Published and Declared in Presence of us: COENELIAS CaNADT. her Elisabeth Canadt. X mark Gideon Canadt. The last Will and Testament of David Shepard, deceased, hereunto- annexed, was proved before me tffis tffirteenth day of January, 1775, by the Oath of Gideon Canady, one of the Subscribing Witnesses there unto, who swore that he was present and ffid see the said Testator sign, seal, pubUsh and declare the same to be and contain Ms last WiU and Testament; and that at the time thereof he was of sound and disposing mind and memory. And Solomon and Elijah Shepard, two of the Execu tors in the said Will named, having taken the Oaths of Executors and Qualified agreeable to Law, It is Ordered that Letters testamentary issue thereon accordingly. Jas. Hasell. Copied from Original Will, filed in the Office of the Secretary of State. DANIEL SHINE'S WILL. Noeth Caeolina, Ceaven County. In The Name of God Amen The 9th Day of May, 1757. I, Daniel Shine, being Sick but of Perfect mind and memory thanks be given unto God therefore. I make this my Last Will and Testament, first of all, I give my Soule into the hands of God that gave it, and my Body to the Earth to be Buried after a Christian like Manner at the Discretion of my Executors is as Thuse(?) Item, I give and Bequeath unto my Son, John Shine, Out of Love and Good WiU, One English ShUling. Item, I give and Bequeath unto my Son, Thos. Shine, One Horse Named Roger, One Bead and furniture, and half a Dozen Puter Plats and Two Sisable Dishes, and One Sisable Iron Pot Noeth Caeolina Wills. 401 new; and One Negro FeUow Named Tow, after my Debts are Paid, and aU my Wareing AppareU. Item, I give and Bequeath unto my Son, Wffiiam SMne, when he Comes to the Age of Twenty One years, One Negro Gurl Named Judah, and One Negro Boy Named Gabriel, and One Horse Named Dolphin, And One Bead yt is CaUed my Bead and furmture, and One Pot, and Six Puter Plates and Two Sisable Dishes. Item, I give and Bequeath unto my Daughter, Elizabeth Vaughan, out of Love and Good Wffi, One English SMffing. Item, I give and Bequeath unto my Son, James SMne, Out of Love and Good Wffi, aU the Rest of my PersonaU and Rale Estate as Negroes, Lands, horses. Cattle, Hogs, Household furmture, And Out Standing Debts, And I make and Ordam my hole and Sole Executors, James Shine and John OUver, Revockmg and DisanuUing aU Other WUls and Lagacis before made by me. Deniel Shine (Seal) Sealed, Signed, and Published, Pronounced and Declared, by the Said Darnel SMne, as his Last Wffi and Testament m the Pres ence of us the Subscribers: Gbeen. John Williamson. Chaeles Shinewolf. Craven County ss. August Court 1757. Present his Majestys Justices: Then was the Last Wffi and Testament of Daffiel Shine Exffibited mto Court and Proved at the Oath of Charles SMnewolf, "^"ho Swor that he Saw the Deed. Sign, Seal, Publish and Declare the WitMn to be Ms Last Wffi and Testament. And that to the Best of Ms Knowledg he was of Sound Mind and Disposmg Memory; and that he also saw the Other E-»idences Sign as Concuring Evidence with him: at the Same time Appeared James SMne, Executor therem Mentioned, and Qualffied by Taking the Exors. Oath. Ordered that Mr. Secy, have Notice that Letters Testamentory Issue Accordii^y. Test. Peter Conwat. D. C. C. Copied from Original Wffi, ffied m the Office of the Secretary of State. RICHARD SKINNER'S WILL. In the name of God Amen, this 18th. day of May, m the Year of our lord, 1752. I, Richard Skinner, of the County of Perquimans, & Provmce of No. Carolina, bemg Sick in body but of perfect mind & memory, "Thanks be to Almighty God Therefore, CaUing unto mind the Mortality of my boddy and knovring that it is appointed for all men once to ffie, doe make 408 North Carolina Wills. & ordain this my last will & Testament, That is to say, prin cipally, & first of all, I give & Recomend my Soul into the hands of God that gave it ; & my boddy I Recomend to the Earth to be buried in a Decent & Christian manner at the Discretion of my Exrs. hereafter Namd, Nothing doubting but at the Gen erall Resurection I shall Receive the same again by the power of Almighty God my Redeemer. And as touching Such Worldly Estate wherewith it hath pleasd God to bless me -wth. in this life, I give, Demise & Dispose of the Same in the following manner & form: Imprimis, I will & desire that as Soon as my Death all my Just Debts, that in Right or Conceine I owe to every person or persons, be dischargd & payd wth. Justice. Item, I give & Bequeath to my Dearly belov'd wife, Sarah Skinner, the plantation whereon I now live, wth. the liberty of Timber for the plantation's use, but none to be Sold nor Carried Away, During her widdowhood, as farr back as the main Road. And in Case Marrys, my -will is that she have the one half of said plantation, wth. the dwelling house, milk house, Smoke house & Kitchen During her Naturall life. Item, I give & bequeath to my belovd Son, Saml. Skinner, the plantation whereon he now lives -wth. the lands belonging thereto, to be Enjoyd by him & his heirs for Ever. Item, I give & bequeath to my belovd Son, Eavens Skinner the plant'n. whereon John Simpson now lives, Lying in Chowan County, wth. Two hundred & Ninety Acres of Land, to be Enjoyd by him & his heirs for Ever. Item, I give & Bequeath to my Belov'd Son, Joshua Skinner, my plantation Lying on the Sound Side, formerly call'd Fen- dells, Containing One hundred & fifty Acres of Land whereon he now lives, Beginning at the Sound Side & Runmng to the back head line, being the one half of the land I purchasd of Christian Reed, to be Enjoyd by him & the heirs of his Boddy La-wfuUy Begotten; & in Default of Such heirs to my Beloved Son, John Skinner; & the heirs of his boddy Lawfully Begotten. Item, I give & Bequeath to my Belov'd Son, WiUiam Skinner, my back plantation adjoyning the plantation whereon I now live, from the back head Une unto the Main Road, & in case my wife marrye I give the other half of the plantation whereon I now live Unto my Said Son, WUliam, & After her Death I give the Said Plantation -wth. the houses & lands belonging thereto, unto my Said Son, WiUiam Skinner, to be Enjoyd by him & the heirs of his boddy la-wfully begotten; & in Default of Such heir, unto my belov'd Son, Samuel Skinner, & the heirs of his boddy lawfully begotten; And in default of Such heir, unto my Son, Joshua Skinner, & the heirs of his Boddy lawfully begotten; & in Default of Such heir to my Son, John Skinner, & the heirs of his boddy lawfully Begotten. North Caeolina Wills. 409 Item, I give & bequeath unto my Son, John Skinner, my plantation Lymg on the sound Side, formerly caUed Petifers, wth. one hunffied & fifty Acres of land, bemg the other half of the land I Purchased of Chris'r. Reed, to be enjoyd by him & the heirs of his boddy lawfuUy begotten; and m Defaffit of Such heir unto my belov'd Son, Joshua Skinner, & the heirs of his boddy lawfully begotten. Item, I give and bequeath I give & Bequeath unto my Dearly Beloved Wife, Sarah Skinner, the Sole use of the plantation whereon "Thomas Munds now Uves, lymg m Chowan County, during her widdowhood, & at or after her IMarriage or Death, I give & Bequeath unto my belovd Son, Saml. Skmner, the said plantation wth. one hunffied & fifty Acres of land, to be enjoyd by him & his heirs for ever. Item, I give & Bequeath unto my belov'd Son, Sand. Skinner, my Negro Girl namd Serenah, to be enjoyd by him & his heirs for ever. Item, I give & Bequeath unto my belov'd Son, Joshua Skin ner, my negro Girl Venus, to be enjoyd by him & his heirs for ever. Item, I give & bequeath unto my belov'd Son, WiUm. Skin ner, my negro Girl nam'd Hannah, one feather Bed & furmture, four Cows & Calves, Six head of Sheep, two Iron potts & one OveU Table, to the Value of twelve SMUmgs & Six pence Virga. bloney. Item, I give & Bequeath unto my beloved Son, John Skmner, my negro boy namd Frank, one feather bed & furniture, four Cows & Calves, Six head of Sheep, two Iron potts & one OveU Table to the Value of twelve ShiUs. & Six pence Virga. money. Item, my wiU & desire is that my two Negroes, Namly, SaU & Zangoe be Continued m the possession off, & for the use of my wife Untffi her Marriage, or death, & then my wffi is that the above namd two Negroes & their Encrease, if any, be EquaUy Devided between my five Sons, Namely: Samuel, Eavens, Joshua, WiUiam & John, to be enjoyd by them & their heirs for Ever. Item, I give unto my belovd wffe, Sarah Skinner, the use of my Negro woman namd Flora, & her Increase, if any, Durmg her NaturaU lffe, & at her Decease my wffi & Desire is that the said Negro woman Nam'd Flora, & her Increase if any, be EaquaUy Devided between my five Sons, Namely: Samuel, Eavens, Joshua, WUUam, & John, to be enjoyd by them & their heirs for Ever. Item, I give unto my Dearly belovd wife, Sarah Skinner, the use of all the rest & Residue of my PersonaU Estate During her Widdowhood; & after her Marriage, to have one third of sd. personaU Estate to her own use & Benefitt; the other two thirds of said Estate after my wffe's part is taken out, to be 410 North Caeolina Wills. EaquaUy Devided between my five Sons, Namely: Samuel, Eavens, Joshua, WiUiam, & John, to be enjoyd by them & their heirs for Ever. It is my -will & Desire that in case Either one or more of the Young Negroes bequeathed my Sons, Should Die before the Devision of my Estate, or they are possesd wth. them. It is my Desire that the Value of Such Negroes or negro, as may happen to die as afforsd. Shall be made Good unto him or them out of my Estate. My Will & Desire is that in Case there should hereafter arrise any Disputes or Differences between my wife & CMldren, or any of them, that Joseph White, John Harvey, & Benjamin Harvey, or any two of them, doe Decide or determine the Same, and they, the said Joseph White, John Harvey & Benjamin Harvey, or any two of them, is hereby Appointed whole & Sole Arbitrators of any Disputes or Differences that may arise be tween my wife & Children, or any of them, by Virtue of tMs my WiU, And Lastly, of this my last -will Testament I doe Nominate, Constitute, Ordain & Appoint my Dearly belov'd Wife, Sarah Skinner, Executrix, My belov'd Son, Samual Skinner, my Be lov'd Son, Joshua Skinner, my belov'd Son, William Skinner, & my belov'd Son, John Skinner, Executors to this my last will & Testament, to See it Strictly fullfiU'd in all its parts. Revoking & Disallowing all other will or -wills by me made, Ratifjdng & Confirming this to be my last will and Testament. in Witness whereoff, I have hereunto sett my hand & Seal, the day & Year Above Written. his Richaed X Skinnee (Seal) mark Sign'd, Seal'd, Publish'd, Pro nounc'd & Declar'd by the Said Richd. Skinner, to be Ms last will & Testament in Presence off us who are likewise Witnesses to the under written Memdm. at same time Joseph White, affd. Petee Jones, affd. John Haevet. Memerandum: that it is my -will & desire that my Grand Daughter have, & doe hereby Give & bequeath unto my Said Grand Daughter, Sarah Skinner, one Cow and Calf. As Witness my hand the Date Above Mentiond his Richaed X Skinnee (SEAL) mark Saeah ) Qualified affm Joshua J & Willm Qualified by Oath North Carolina Wills. 411 PBRQtnMANB CouNTT. SS. Jffiy Court, anno Dom., 1752. Present His Majestys Justices: These may Certffie that the -wiU hereunto annexed and the Memoran dum, was duly Proved in Open Court by the affirmations of Joseph WMte & Peter Jones, two of the Subscribmg Evidences thereto, and at the Same time appeard. Sarah Skinner Exx. & Joshua Skinner Exr. who was dffiy QuaUfied thereto by taldng the affermation by law appointed & Wiffiam Skinner another Exr. was dffiy QuaUfied thereto by taldng the Oath by law appointed. Ordered that the Secretary or Ms Deputy of Said Provmce have notice, that Letters Testamentary issue thereon as the law Directs. Test. Edmund Hatch, Cler. Cur. Copied from Original WiU, ffied m the Office of the Secretary of State. JOHN SLADES' WILL. In the Name of God Amen. "TMs Sixth Day of September, Anno, Seventeen hunffied & forty tMee. I, John Slade, of Hyde County, m the province of North Carolina, bemg Sick & weak of Body, but of Perfect Sense & Memory, Blessed be God for it, do Constitute & Ordain this my Last Will & Testament, That is is to Say, first, I Give & bequeath my Soffi to God that Gave it me; & my body I Commit to the Earth to be buried in a CMisitan Like Maimer; and as for what worlffiy Goods the Lord in his Mercy hath been pleased to bestow on me I Give & bequeath as foUoweth, Viz. : Imprimis, I Give unto my Eldest Son, John Slade, the plan tation he now Uves on, with a himffied & twenty five Acres of Land, it bemg the Land I bought of John Smith, Cooper, to him & his heirs for ever. Item, I Give to my Son, Benjamm Slade, the plantation I now dweU on with a Lme that I have made adjoynmg to the Land I bought of John Smith, Cooper, & So mnning up the Creek to a Pme Markt, & So round to the Said Land that I bought of the Said Smith, to him & his heu-s for ever. Item, I Give to my Son, Wiffiam Hodges Slade, the remamder Part of the Manner Plantation wMch in my Patent is five hun ffied & Eighty Acres, of what is Left out of the Patent o*" my Son, Benjamm Slade Land, wMch I have bounded by Markt trees; & Also a tract Land one hunffied & fifty Six Acres of Land & ad- jommg to the former pieces of Land, to him & his heirs for ever. Item, I Give unto my Son, Hezekiah Slade, the Remamder part of two hunffied & fifty Acres as by patent doth appear; & also the remamder part of one hunffied & fifty Acres I bought of Francis Banks, it being the remamder part of both parcels I haveing abeady made a deed of Gift & Given to my Daughter, Mary Jewel, & her husband Ben: Jewel, as by bounds doth appear that I have made be the Same more or Less, & the re mainder of the said two parcels of Land I Give unto my Son, Hezekiah Slade, & his heu:s for ever. 412 North Carolina Wills. Item, I have already Given to my Daughter, Mary Jewel, & Benj: Jewel, her husband, two hundred Acres of Land, be the Same More or Less, as by a Deed a Gift More & at Large appears bearing date the Sixth Day of September, Anno, 1737: & also a parcel of Cattle, which is to be there fuU part & portion of My Estate & I Demise that they shall not Come in for no more. Item, I Give unto my Son, Hez : Slade, one Gun. Item, I Give unto my Son, Wm: Hodges Slade, one Gun. Item, I Give unto my Son, Benjn: Slade, one Gun. Item, I Give unto my Son, Hez: Slade, one Cow & Calf. Item, I Give unto my Son, Wm: Hodges Slade, what Cattle is in his Mark which is under Square the Left ear. Item, I Give unto my Son, Benjn: Slade, what Cattle is in his Mark which is Crop & an under bit & one Slit in the Right Ear. Item, I Give unto my Daughter, Sarah Slade, what Cattle is in her Mark which is under Square the Right Ear. Item, I Give unto my Daughter, Kezia Slade, one feather bed & furniture. Item, I Give unto my welbeloved Wife, Abigal Slade, aU the rest of my Moveables within Doors & Without, that I have not already, be it of what kind Soever, or in any wise appertaining to me, to her & her Disposals. And I will that my Wife, Abigal Slade, be my Sole Executrix of this my Last Will & Testament & that She Satisfie aU my Debt that I Justly owe to any Person. his John X Slade. (SEAL) mark Signed, Sealed & Pronounced in the Presence of us, to be the Last Will & Testament of the Testator: Richaed Leath. William Wilkinson. Ubiah Collins Htde County, Decbr, Court, 1743. (1743) The with in will was proved in open Court by the oath of Richd. Leath & Wm, WUkerson, two of the Subscribing Evedences thereto, ordered that Secretary have notice thereof. Wm. Barrow, Clk. Cr. Copied from Original WiU, filed in the Office of the Secretary of State, SAMUEL SLADE'S WILL. In the Name of God Amen, I, Samuel Slade, of Beufort County, within the Province of North Carolina, Planter, being in good Health of Body & in Perfect Sound Mind & Memory, North Carolina Wills. 41'; praised be God for it. But Knowmg the uncertamty of this Life and that it is appointed for aU men One to die. Do make, Ordam, Constitute & appomt This to be my last Wffi & Testa ment, To Say, First, I WUl that all my Just Debts be paid, my Funeral Rights ffiscMged & satisfied; And as ToucMng my Worlffiy Goods I give, bequeath & Devise m Manner foUo-wing to: First, to my beloved Daughter, EUzabeth, Wife of Wffiiam Dunbarr, give my two Female Slaves known by the Names Serey & Judey, but the ChUd that Serey is at this Time preg nant with I give unto my Grand Daughter, Mary, the Eldest Daughter, of Wffiiam Dunbarr & my Daughter EUzabeth. I also give unto my Daughter, EUzabeth, aforesaid, One Bed of Feathers, One Pair of Sheets, One Rugg & a Bed stead & tMee Cows & their Calves. Unto my Grand-Son, Samuel Dunbarr, I give & bequeath aU that Tract or Parcel of Land, bemg & lymg on the South Side of Pamtico River, at the Head of Blounts Creek, & on a Branch known by the Name of Good Neighbour hood Branch, & near this Land whereon I now DweU, which Land was granted Unto me by his Excelency Gabriel Johnston, the Present Govemor of this Pro-vmce. unto my beloved Daughter, Hanah, the Wffe of Wiffiam Tossyue (?) I give two ShUlings, Sterling, with fuU Value m Current Money of the Provmce. unto my Grandson Samuel Blount, son of James Blount, begotten on the Body of my Daughter and his late wffe Jane, I give my Negro Male Slave Named Joshawa, that is now a CMld about four Years of Age; and also two Cows & their Calves. Unto my Grand Daughter, Mary Blount, Daughter of James & Jane Deceesed as aforesaid. I give my Negro Female Negro Slave named Charley, now an Infant, an also two Cows & their Calves. Unto my Dearly beloved Daughter, Susana Slade, I give. Devise & bequeath tMs my Manner Plantation, whereon I now DweU with aU the BuUdmgs, Houses, Edffices and Improve ments thereon & aU the Tools, "TackeU & utinsils thereunto be longmg, with all other my Lands not before given, to be holden to her & her Heirs, as also all the Rest, Remamer & Residue of my Estate as Goods, Chattels, ApperreU, HouseHold Furm ture, & Slaves. EspeciaUy Jack & Jerome & Sam & Nan, and aU other thmgs or Part of my Worlffiy Estate unto me belong ing, or any wise appertainmg, aU these I give unto my Daughter, Susana, aforesaid. I Do nominate & appomt my beloved Daughter, Susana, to Executrix & Benjamin Rigney & Jacob NeveU, both of the County, Executors of this my last Wffi & Testament. Samuel Slade (SEAL 414 North Carolina Wills. Signed, Sealed, PubUshed & De clared this Seventeenth Day. of March, in the Year of Our Lord God 1746. In the Presence of: Richard Evans. Thos. James. Phillip Shute. her Mart X Dunbare. mark Beauport County, ss, December Court 1746. Present Ms Majesty's Justices: These are to certify that the within last Will & Testament of Samuel Slade, late of the said County, Planter, Deceased, was exhibited into open Court & proved by the Oaths of Thos. James & Phillip Shute, Sign ing Evidences thereto, who swear that they see'd the afsd. Deceasd Sign, Seal, PubUsh & Declare the WitMn to be his last Will & Testament, and that they seed the other Subscribing Evidences witness the Same. Benja, Rignie Exor. witMn named quaUfied himself by taking the Exor's Oath according to Law. Ordered that the Secrty. have Notice thereof. Testis. John Forbis. Cler. Curill. Recorded in Will Book 6, page 45. SAMUEL SLOCUMB'S WILL. Noeth Caeolina. May Sth : 1712. In the Name of God Amen. I, Samuell Slocumb, of Bath County, in ye province of North Carolina, Planter, tMs being my last WUl & Testamt: All my wearing Clothes I Give to my bror: John Slocumb, I Give to my bror. Wm. Smyth two Cowes & Calves and to my bror. Solemn: Smyth, two more Cowes & Calves. And to my sister, Isabel Smyth, two Cowes & Calves more. I Give to my Mother, ten Cowes & One bed tick; And one bed tick to Margt: Davis, the rest of my Estate I Give to my Mother & my bror. John Slocumb & Margt. Davis, to be equally Divided between them. his Samll: X Slocumb (SEAL) mark Signed, Sealed & Delivered In ye presence of: Wm: Beice. Lovick Thomas. Ann Beice. North Carolina, ss. By the Honble. the Presidt. &ca. It being Certifyed unto me that Samll. Slocumb is Dead & hath made and 'put Ms last will & Testament in writeing, a true Copy whereof is hereunto annexed. And not haveing appointed any Execrs. therein; & North Carolina Wills. 415 Ms Mother, Eliza Smyth, & his bror. John Slocumb, and Mai^. Davis, being therem mentioned Grenll. Legatees, by wch: they have right to be AdmiB. -wth ye said Wffi Annexed. These are therefore to Impower them, ye Said EUza Smyth, John Slocumb, & Margt: Da-vis, to enter m & upon, aU & Singffier, ye Goods & Chatties, rights and Creffits, of ye Said SamueU Slocumb whereevtr in tMs Governmt: to be found and ye Same mto their posession to take, and a true Inventory thereof, appraised accordmg to Law, to returne mto ye Secys. Office withm One Yeare after the Date hereof, and aU ye Just Debts of ye Deed, to pay Soe farr as ye Said Estate wiU Extend or amount to. And the remamdr: to dispose of as by the Said Wffi is appointed. Security bemg ^ven for ye true performance hereof. Given und'r my hand & ye Seale of ye CoUony, tffis 3d: day of Augt: 1713. Tkos. Pollock. Copied from Original WiU, ffied m the Office of the Secretary of State. JOHN SNOAD'S WILL. Nobth Caeolina. Sst. In the Name of God, Amen. I, John Snoad, of the Countj- of Beaufort, Province Afsd., bemg m Great weakness of body but of Sound & Perfect mind and memory, Doe make & ordain this my Present Last Wffi & Testament, In manner & form FoUowing, Vizt., First & PrincipaUy I Commend my Soffi Into the hands of Almighty God, hopmg tMough the Meritts and Death of my Savour Jesus Christ, to have FuU & Free pardon of aU my Sins, and to Inherit Everlasting Ufe; & as toucMng the DisposaU of aU such Temporal Estates as itt hath Pleased Almighty God to Bestow upon my, I give & Dispose thereof m Manner FoUowmg: Imprimis, I wffi that aU my Just Debts shall be paid & Discharged. Item, I give and Bequeath unto my son, Henry Snoad, my Plantaion I now DweU on, Contaimng two Hunffied & Twenty Five Acres of Land, to him and his heirs For ever, reservmg one third for my wife, ye use & Benefitt of the two front rooms, & the tMee Front Chambers of my DweUing House, w'th the Pri-viledge of the Smoak house to Smoak her meat & the Bam to put her Grope In; & I also Give & Bequeath unto my Son, Henry Snoad, a Certam tract of Land Containing Six hunffied and Forty Acres Ljdng on the West side of the Uttle Beaver Dam, m maules Neck; and I give and Bequeath unto my son, Henry Snoad a Certam tract of Land on the North side of PampUco River, and on the west side of the herring run, boundmg on Sam'le BoutweU Land; & I also Give & bequeath unto my Son, Henry Snoad, a Certam tract of Land Contam ing Six hundred and forty Acres of Land Ijong In the County of Beaufort, on the north Side of pampUco River & on the west side of GrindeU Creek, & was by me purchased of Mr "Thompson, & by Mm purchased of "Thos. Roper. 416 North Carolina Wills. Item, I give and Bequeath unto my Son, Wm. Snoad, a Certain tract of Land Containing Six hunffied & Forty Acres of Land lying on the west Side of the mouth of white oak River, & on Queens Creek, & was taken up by Capt. Joell Martin; & I give & Bequeath unto my Son, Wm. Snoad, a Certain tract of Land Containing one hundred Acres Lying on the North Side of Pamplico River & was by me purchased of Thos. Norcom; and I Give & Bequeath unto my son, WUUam Snoad, one Moiety of a Certain tract of Land Containing Six hundred & Forty Acres, lying on the north side of PampUco River & was by me purchased of Wm. Little, Esqr., & by him purchased of Thos. Roper; and I Give and Bequeath unto my Son, Wm. Snoad, a Certain tract of Land Contaimng Six hunffied & Forty Acres, lymg on the north Side of pamplico River and In the Fork of Moy's Beaver Dam. Item, I Give and Bequeath unto my Son, John Snoad, one Moiety of a Certain tract of Land containing Six hunffied and Forty Acres of Land, lying on the North Side of pampUco River on the west side of GrindeU Creek, & was by me pur chased of Wm. Little, Esqr., & by him purchased of Thos. Roper. Item, I give & Bequeath unto my well Beloved -wife, EUzth Snoad, my Negro Man Robin & his -wife Africa, my Negro man Aungus & his wife Hannah, & my Negro man London. Item, I give and Bequeath unto my Son, Henry Snoad, my MuUato man Pompey, and my Negro man Huffey. Item, I give and Bequeath unto my Son, Wm. Snoad, my Negro man Kent, and my Negro man Salem. Item, I Give & Bequeath unto my Daughter, Mary Snoad, my Negro man Windsor & his -wife Rose. Item, I give & Bequeath unto my Daughter, Anne Snoad, My Negro man WiU & his wife Venus. Item, I give and Bequeath unto my Daughter, EUzth Snoad, my Negro man Patrick and his wife Martha. Item, I give & Bequeath unto my son, John Snoad, my two Negro Children, Vizt: VirgiU and Homer. Item, I give & Bequeath unto my Daughter, Sarah Snoad, My two Negro CMlffien, Scanderbeg & Tamerlane. Item, I Give & Bequeath unto my Son, John Snoad & my Daughter, Sar Snoad, my Negro Man Cato, to be Equally Divided Bet-wixt them. Furthermore, itt is my -wiU that none of these Legacies are to be Delivered tiU the Afsd. ChUffien are of Age, or till the Day of Marriag. Item, I Give and Bequeath unto my weU Beloved wife EUzth Snoad, two of the Largest & one of the Smaller Feather Beds w'th Fumiture, & one of the Sack Bottom Bedstea -• North Carolina Wills. 417 Item, I Give and Bequeath unto my son, Henry Snoad, one Feather Bed with Furmture. Item, I Give and Bequeath unto my Son, Wm. Snoad, one Feather bed with Furmture. Item, I Give and Bequeath unto my Daughter, Mary Snoad one Feather bed w'th Fumiture. Item, I Give and Bequeath unto my Daughter, Anne Snoad, one Feather bed with Fumiture. Item, I Give and Bequeath unto my Daughter, EUzth Snoad, one Feather bed w'th Fumiture. Item, I Give and Bequeath unto my weU beloved wffe, Eliz'th Snoad, AU the pewter, brass & Iron potts that I had by her. Likewise the Chest of Drawers Standmg In the new Chamber and the table Standmg in the New ro'm. Item, I Give and Bequeath unto my Son, Henry Snoad, Yizb: all the Chairs, Tables, Chests, Chest of Drawers, Desks, Pictures, books, Silver Spoons, Tea Spoons, Pewter, Brass, Iron potts and Kettles & what ffid belong to me, as also the New Gun hangmg over the Midffie room Door and my small sword and belt. Item, I Give and Bequeath unto my Son, Wm. Snoad, My Hangers, Hanging In the new Room. Item, I Give and Bequeath unto my Son, Henry Snoad. & my Son, Wm. Snoad, aU my Cloaths and Sadffies to be EquaUy Divided Between them. Item, I Give and Bequeath unto my Daughter, mary Snoad, my New Side Saddle. Item, I give and Bequeath unto my weU Beloved wffe, Efe'th Snoad, aU the Cattle, horses, Mares, hoggs &c, that Runs at Rumney Marsh, and a third part of the Sheep. Item, The rest of my Cattle, horses, hoggs. Sheep &c, to be Equally Divided Amongst my ChUffien, Henry Snoad, Wm. Snoad, Mary Snoad, Anne Snoad & Eliz'th Snoad. Item, I give & Bequeath unto my Son, Henry Snoad, the my Part of the Great Pettiauger. Item, I Give & Bequeath unto my Son, Wm. Snoad, my Uttle Peteiauger. Item, I Give & Bequeath unto my Son In Law, John Fry, my black mare Branded I — I — I S. Item, I Likewise Give & Bequeath unto my WeU Beloved wife, Eliz'th Snoad, a third part of Debts that is Due to me at the tune of my Decease, the paying a third part of Charges For CoUectmg; & I give & Bequeath unto my well Beloved wffe Eliz'th Snoad, a third part of Merchandize I shall be possest w'th at that time, Either at home or abroad; & a third part of Bottles, Earthenware &c. Item, I Give & Bequeath unto my well beloved wffe, Eliz'th Snoad, one of my plows. 27 418 North Carolina Wills. Item, I give & Bequeath unto my Son, Henry Snoad, my three MiUs & my Cross Cutt Saw. Item, I give and Bequeath unto my well beloved -wife Eliz'th Snoad, my horse Cartt. Item, I Give & Bequeath unto my Son Henry, Snoad, my two large Looking Glases. Furthermore, itt is my will that my son, Henry Snoad, shaU pay unto my Children the Sum of Sixty pounds when they are of age or att the Day of Marriage. Furthermore, itt is my -will that my son, Henry Snoad, shall have the Care & Management of the Negroes till the time of Delivery as Afsd., he, ye Sd. Henry Snoad, Allowing Ms Broth ers & Sisters Vizt: Wm. Snoad, Mary Snoad, Anne Snoad & Eliz'th Snoad, a handsome and proportionable maintainance. Furthermore, itt is my -will that my Son, Wm. Snoad, shall be possest w'th the Benefitt of his Negroes att Eighteen years of Age. Furthermore, itt is my -will that all those Legacies that 1 have given to my Children is to them & their Heirs Forever. And, I Doe hereby Consitutte & Appoint My Brother In Law, Wm. Martin, my Brother In Law, Walley Chauncey, & my Son, Henry Snoad, Executors of this my last -wUl & Testa ment; hereby Revoking aU former wills by me made. In -witness whereof, I, the said John Snoad, have to this my last will and Testament, Hereunto Sett my hand & Seall, this 21st. day of June, Anno Dom., 1743. Jno. Snoad, (Seal) Signed, Sealed & Delivered In the Presence of us: Henry Lucas. Elizabeth Leaks, Sabah Lucas. No. Carolina. This day Henry Lucas and Sarah Lucas, two of the Subscribing Evi dences to the execution of the witMn will appeared before me and on the Holy Evangelists made Oath, that they saw the Testator, John Snoad, sign, seal And pubUsh the witffin Instrument as his last will and Testa ment; and that the Sd. Testator was then of perfect & sound ffisposing mind & Memory. Bath Town, Septr. 1st, 1743, J. Montgomery, C. Septr. 1st. 1743. Then appeared before me WilUam Martin and Henry Snoad, two of the Exec'rs appointed by the within Will and took the Oath by Law ap pointed to be taken for the qualification of Executors. J. MONTGOMREY, C. J. Copied from the Original Will, filed in the Office of the Secretary of State. Noeth Caeolina Wills. 419 HENRY SNOAD'S WILL. In the Name of God, Amen. I, Henry Snoad, of the Coimty of Beaufort, m the Pro-vmce of North Carolina, bemg Sick & weak m Body, but of Sound mind, do make & ordam this my last Wffi & Testament : First & principally, I recommend my Soffi mto the Hands of Almighty God, hopmg tMo' the merits & intercession of our Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ, to have fffil & free pardon of all my Sins & to inherit everlastmg Ufe; and as toucMng aU such temporal Estate as it hath pleased Mm to bestow upon me, I do dispose of it m manner foUowmg, Viz: Imprimis, I vrill and desire that aU my just Debts & Funeral Ekpenses be paid as soon as possible after my Decease. Item, I give & bequeath unto my Son, John Peyton Snoad, the Plantation whereon I now Uve, containing four hunffied & fifty acres of land; and also the Plantation I bought of John Lane, together with aU the Houses, Fields, Improvements & Appurtenances belongmg to both & either of them, to him & his Heirs for ever: Provided, nevertheless, & I do declare it to be my Intent & meaning, that my Sister, IMary Lane, have the qffiet use & Occupation of the plantation I bought of John Lane aforesd., during her Life. Likewise I give & bequeath unto my Sd. son, John Peyton Snoad, my Planta tion lying on the Herring Run, bmding on the Plantation, I bought of John Lane, containing tMee hunffied acres of Land. Likewise, I give & bequeath unto my sd. Son, John Peyton Snoad, my Silver Watch, my SUver Mlted Sword (now m the possession of Stephen Cade), my SUver Shoe & Knee Buckles, Six Large Silver Spoons, my SUver Can, my Gold Sleeve But tons, my Mahogany Desk, & my gilt fram'd Lookmg Glass, & my large China Bowl. Item, I give & Bequeath unto my Son, Benja. Snoad, my Plantation lying m the Cow pen Neck, below Wm. Spear's, containmg Six hundred & fourty Acres of Land. Likewise, I give & bequeath unto my sd. Son, Benja. Snoad, My Plan tation lymg at the Mouth of wMte Oak River, on Queens Creek, containing Six hundred & fourty Acres, to him & his Heirs for ever. Likewise, I g?ve & bequeath unto my sd. Son, Benja. Snoad, my SUver Mlted Sword that was my Fath er's, Six large SUver Spoons, my black WaMut Lookmg Glass, & all my China Ware that is now at home, exceptmg what is before bequeathed. Item, I give & Bequeath unto my Daughter, Ann Snoad, my Plantation lymg at the Mouth of Blunt's Creek, conta'ing four hundred & fourty Acres, to her & her Heirs for ever. Likewise, I give & bequeath unto my sd. Daughter, Ann Snoad, 420 Noeth Cabolina Wills. Six Silver Tea Spoons, my Silver Tea Tongs, my Silver Pepper Box, my Tea Table, & all my China Ware & cloaths that were her Mothers, now in Possession of my Aunt Chauncy.. Item, I Give & Bequeath unto my sd. Sons, John Peyton Snoad & Benja. Snoad, all my Books to be equally ffivided between them. Item, I give & Bequeath unto my Sisters, fourty ShiUings sterl. apiece, to buy each of them a Ring. Item, I Give & Bequeath unto my Sister, Mary Lane, enough Money to purchase a couple of Slate Grave Stones, for her Son Jno. Snoad Lane, who Ues buried in my Orchard. Item, Like-wise, I give & bequeath unto my Friend Walley Chauncey, hereafter named my Executor, my black Stallion, wch I bought of Stephen Cade, together with my best Bridle, Saddle, Case of Pistols, & Gun that was my Fathers; and I also give & bequeath unto his Wife, my Aunt Chauncy, fourty ShiUings sterl., to buy her a Ring, & also Five pounds sterl. to be disposed of (as) she shall think fit. Item, I give & Bequeath unto my Friend, James Bonner, hereafter named my Executor, my Gun & Sword that was my brother WUUam's. Item, I Give & Bequeath unto William Oglesby, My Ap prentice, A set of Carter's Tools, & a new Suit of Cloaths. Item, I give & Bequeath unto my sd. Chilffien, John Peyton Snoad, Benja. Snoad, & Ann Snoad, all the remaining part of my Estate, wether real or Personal, to be equally ffivided be tween them. And it is my WiU & Desire, that my Executors hereafter named, keep my Estate together & employ the Same to support, maintam & educate my ChUffien until they, or either of them, shall arrive to the Age of twenty one Years, or marry, then to be divided by my Executors, & each ChUds portion delivered, as above bequeathed, unto them; but in case two of my Executors shall decease, before the time, then the sd. Division & Delivery to be made by the Surviving Executor in Conjunction with two of the Court to be ap pointed for that purpose; but if none of the Executors should Sur-dve then, the sd. Di-vision & delivery to be made by tMee members of the Court, to be appointed for that purpose. It is Ukewise my WUl & Desire, that what Money arises out of my Estate more than will maintain & Educate my sd. ChUffien, be applyed to purchase young Negores for my sd. ChUdren. Like-wise it is my WiU & Desire that my Executors sell such of my Lightwood Lands, as shall become useless to my Es tate, both the Lands At Brush Fare, & wch I took up in con junction -wth Jos. Hardee, and likewise the perishable Move ables, reserving the Leather Chairs & three of the best Feather Beds & Furffiture, & also the MiU situated on the Herring Run. It is likewise my WiU & Desire that my Executors brmg up my Noeth Caeolina Wills. 421 Son's to some reputable Caffing, according as their Gemus shaU incUne. Likewise it is my Desire that my Executors procure Gravestones for aU my deceased Friends that ly buried m my Plantaion. And, I do hereby constitute, authorize & appomt my trusty Friend, Walley Chauncy, my trusty Friend James Bonner, my trusty Friend, John Hardee, & my trusty Friend, Edwd. Salter, Executors of this my last Wffi & Testament, hereby revoking aU former & other WUls by me made. In Witness whereof, I have hereunto set my Hand & Seal, This 20th day of May, 1752. Heney Snoad. (Seal) Signed, Sealed, published & declared by the Testator, to be his last Will & Testament m pres ence of: Saml. Boutwell, Ann Willoubey. Geiffeth Hovstell. Beaufort County, ss. At a Court held at Bath Town for the said County, at the Court house, on the second tuesday in December, and 12th. day of the same Month, Anno Dom., 1752. Present Ms Majesty's Justices. These are to certify that Griffith HoweU, one of the Subscribmg e-tddencea to the -withm WiU appear'd in Open Court and made Oath on the holy Evangelists, that he was present and Saw Henry Snoad Sign, Seal and declare the withm Instrument of writmg to be Ms last Wffi and Testament, and that the said Henry Snoad was at that time of Sound and disposemg mmd and Memory; and that he also saw Samuel Boutwell and Anne WUloughby, the other subscribmg Witnesses sign their names thereto at the same time. Then WaUey Chauncy and John Hardee, Exors. of the said Wffi appear'd m Open Court and took the Oath of Exors, m due form. Whereupon it was Ordered by the said Court that Mr. Secretary have notice thereof that Letters Testamentary Issue thereupon as the Law directs. Test. Will Ormond, Cler Cur. Copied from the Original WUl, filed m the Office of the Secretary of State. SETH SOTHELL'S WILL. In the Name of God Amen. I, Seth Sothel, of the County of Albemarle, wthm ye pro-vmce of CaroUna, Esqr., bemg (tMoug Mercy) of Perfect Mmd and Memory, Doe ordame and Make tMs my last WUl and Testament m Manner and forme folio-wing: Imprs. I give and bequeath unto my Lo-vmg frien, Francis Hartley, the plantation where he now dwells for the tearme of five years, wch is to Commence from the day of my death, 422 North Caeolina Wills. and two thirds of my Signory, bounding on flatty Creeke and Pasquotank River, for and during the Naturall Live of him the Said, Francis Hartley, and his Wife, and after their dis ease, to Anna Sothell my Wife, her heirs and assigns for ever. Item, I Give and Bequeath to Edward Foster, Esqr., my father in Law, all that my Plantation at Cuscopinum, to him, his heirs and assigns for ever; and Thirty heads of Cattle be longing to the Said Plantation, & one Negroe Man. Item, I Give unto WilUam Duckinfield, Esqe., five pounds to buy him a Gold Ring: Item I give unto William Wilkison, five pounds to buy Mm a Gold Ring: Item I give unto Mr. Henderson Walker five pounds to buy him a Gold Ring. Item, I Give unto Edward Wade all y my Plantation where Mr. Thomas Evins now dwells in Little River, to Mm & his assigns, for and Dureing his Naturall life, and after his dis ease to Anna Sothell, my Wife, her heirs and Assigns for ever. Lastly, I Give and bequeath unto my Deare & entirely well beloved -wife, Anna Blunt, all my Lands, Plantations, Tenna- ments, and Hereditaments wch I Now have (in ye Pro-vince of CaroUna Adjoining or Bounding on Salmon Creek, Kendricks Creeke, Little River, Flatty Creeke, and the River of Pasquo tank, to her, the Said Anna Sothrel, her heirs & assigns for ever: excepting the Tearme of five years to Mr. Hartley, and that the Sd. Mr. Hartley and his Wife, and Mr. Edward Wade, may hold aU the Lands above bequeathed to them for their Natural lives, and the Said Anna, my Wife, to have it in Reversion, and I Give and Bequeath unto the above Named Anna Sothell, my Wife: AU my Personall Estate whatsoever, to -witt., all my goods and Chatteles, Mouvables and Immouvables, Rights and Creditts wthin the abovesaid Province of Carolina, for ever, And I doe make the Said Anna Sothell, my Wife, my Whole and Sole Executirx of this my last Will and Testament. In Testimony whereof I have hereunto Sett my hand and Seale the five and Twentyeth day of January, one thousand, Six hundred eighty nine. 1689/90 Seth Sothell. (Seal) Sealed, Signed & Delivered in the presence of: Wm. Wilkison. Hendeeson Walkee. John Lowes. Wm. Wollabd. Signum Sabah X Wollabd. Proved by the oath of Sarah WoUard before mee, the Subscriber the 3 day of February, Anno Do: 1693/4. William Wilkison. North Carolina Wills. 42.3 Proved in Court by the oath of CoUoll Wm. WiUdson, and Capt. Hen derson Walker, ye oth of Feb'ry, Anno Do., 1693/4, Attested Edward Mato, dr. Whereas .AnTia Sothell hath upon the 5th day of February Anno Di.. 1693, m open Court proved ye above written to be the last wiU testum of Seth SotheU, esqr., her deceased husband, and shee bemg thereby consti tuted sole executnx of the Same, th^e are to empower the Said Anna SotheU to take into her Posse^on aU & every the estate of the said Seth SotheU wherever in this govenment to be found, and the same to ffispose of according to the import and Meaning of of the said last wiU and testa mt. Given undr our hands, and the Sea! ofthe County, the 26th. dav of March. Ano Dim., 1693. regett the 26th of March 1693. W. Glo-ver, PfTTT.TP LtJDWELL. Tho. Haevt. Francis Jones. Wii. Wilkison. Saul. Swaxxe. Tho. Pollock Daniel Alkzhtrst, Sect. Copied from Recorded Copy of Wffi, ffied m the Office of the Secretari- of State. -ARON SPRINGS' WILL. In the Name of God Amen, I, Aron Spring, of the Coimty Beaufort, and in the provmce of North Carolma, CalUng to mind uncertainty of this Transitory Life, & bemg weU As sured that aU men are bom to Dye, & not knowing how Soon it may please the Almightj' God to CaU me out of this present State of life, Do make, ordain, Constitute and appoint tMs to be my last WiU & Testament, m manner and form as fol lows: Imprimis, I Give and Devise & Bequeath to my Son, Robert Spring, the plantation whereon he now Lives, & one hundred Acres of Land belongmg to the aforesaid plantation, wMch said Land I give to my said Son, Robert, & to Ms heirs and Assigns for ever. Item, I Give, Devise & Bequeath to my Two Youngest Sons, James Spring, & Abraham Spring, four hundred & forty Acres of Land to be Divided between the two; that is to say, Abraham to have my manner plantation f p the Swamp to the Brink, from thence South to the Back Lme; & aU the Land on the North side of JMarch, to my Son, James; wMch said Land I ^ve to my Two Sons & their heirs osession to take, and a true Inventory thereof to returne mto the Sectys. Office, -withm one yeare after ye Date hereof, and ye Same to dis- pose of as by the sd. WiU is appomted. Given und'r my hand and ye Seale of this CoUony, this 28th. day of May, Ano. Dm., 1708. W, Glover. (Official Seal) Copied from the Original Wffi, ffied m the Office of the Secretary of State. tho:mas swann's will. The Tth. Day of ^lay, in ye Year, 1733. Be it rememered that I, Thomas Swann, of the preci't of pasquotank and prov mce of North Carolma; bemg very Sick of body but of Sound & perfect mind & memory, thanks be Given to God, therefore calling to mind ye ^MortaUty of my body, & knowing yt it is appomted for aU men once to Dye; Do make & ordam this to be my last WUl & testament m manner & form foUowing, Vizt: 1st. I wiU y' aU those Debts or Duteys y' I owe to be weU & truly Contented & paid m Some Convement time after my Decease by my Exors. here after named. 2d'ly, I Give & bequeath to my Son, Samuel Swann, ye Plan tation were I now DweU, to him & his heirs for Ever. 3d'ly, I Give & bequeath to my Son, WUUam Swann, my other plantation wch I bought of ye heirs of Robert Wallis, to him & Ms heirs for Ever: Butt m Case Either of my sd Sons shall SeU, aUen, Mortgage, or any other way convey. Either of ye Sd Plantations hereby Given out of the name cf ye Swanns, that then it shaU & may be La-wfuU for the other of my sd sons to reEnter & take Pos session of ye Same. Item, I Give and bequeath to my Son, WUUam Swann, my Negro boy Named Jack. Item, I Give & bequeath to my Son, Samuel Swann, my negro Girl named Dido. Item, my WiU is yt my other plantations at Moyock and in ye prect: of Curratuck, be Sold for money wch I give to my two Daughters, Rebeca & Elizabeth Swann, Equaly to be Di vided between them. Item, my wUl is yt my part of ye Sloop Swann be Sold. Item; I wiU yt a Sufficient quantity of com be reserved for the faniUy Use & Stock, & ye Remamder be Sold for money. Item, my wUl & Desire is y' my Estate consistii^ m negrows, other Creatures or whatsoever it may, be & Continue & re main in ye possesion of my Dear & Loveing wife, Rebeca Swarm, & ye Use of them for & towards the Mamtenance & Chris tian Education of my ChUdren; & when my sd. CMldren shaU 430 North Carolina Wills. attain to Age, then to Draw out of my Estate there proportion able part, or share of Young Negroes, as shall be raised in their Minority. Item, I give and bequeath to my Dear & Loveing wife my Best feather bed & furniture. Item, I give & bequeath to my two sons, WilUam & Samuel Swann, Each of them a feather Bed & furniture. Item, I give and bequeath to my two Daughters, Rebeca & Eliz". Swann, Each of them a feather Bed and furniture. Item, I give and bequeath unto my two Sons, Samuel & William Swann, Each of them a horse, bridle and Sadie. Lastly, I will that all ye rest of my personable Estate remain Intirely whole in the Possesion of my Wife, Rebeca Swann, untill my Children arrive to there respective ages, or Day of marrage and then to be Equally Divided among them. And, I Do hereby nominate and apoint my loving wife, Rebeca Swann and my Respected frend Colo. Edward Moseley to be my whole & Sole Exors. of this my Last Will and Testa m't hereby Revokeing & DisanuUing all other wills & Testaments heretofore in any wise by me made, Rattifying & Confirming this to be my Last will & Testam't and no Other. In Witness whereof, I have hereunto Sett my hand & Seal the Day and Year above written. Thomas Swann. (Seal) Sign'd, Seal'd, pronounc'd and Declared by Thos. Swann, as his Last will & Testament in the presence of: Ben.ia. Pritchard. Mary Edwards. Sam^: Wise. TMs Day personaly appeared before me Benjm. Pritchard, who De clared on the SoUemn affirmation of a Quaker that he Saw Collo: Thomas Swann, lately Deceased, Sign, Seal & Declare the foregoing writeing to Contain his last WiU & "Testament, and that he was in his full Sences and no Compulsion was offered; and that also he Saw Mary Edwards & Samuel Wise, the other two Subscribeing Witnesses set their hands thereto. Given under my hand at Edenton the Oth. of Augt. 1733. Geo. Burrington. Copied from Original WUl, filed in the Office of the Secretary of State, FRANCIS TOMS' WILL. I, Francis Toms, of Pequimons, being Sick and weak of Body, but of Sound mind and memory. Do make this my Last will and testament in maner and forme following, Viz: I will that my Just Debts be paid by my Executors here after named, North Carolina Wills. 431 Item, I Give and Bequeath to my Doughter, mary Newby, the Plantation I Bought of James TMckpen, to her and her Husband for and during their NaturaU Lives, and after their Decease to their Son, Francis Newby, to him, his heirs and assigns for Ever; and for want of Such Heirs to the Next of Kinn. And, also, to my Sd. Doughter and to her. Her Heirs or assignes, my Tract of Land on Usess Creek and Bounding on ye Said Creek and the Land he, N : Newby, bought of WU liam More; and allso, to my Said Doughter, the Labour of my Negro Wench named Nan two days in a week, viz: the Days Commonly CaUed Mondie and Tusday, from the day of the date hereof, to the fuU End and term of ten Years, ]Mj' Daughter finding the Said Negro Woman a New Cotton and WoU Coat and Jackit duimg the above terme of ten years, yearly. Item, I Give and Bequeath unto my Doughter, Elizabeth Pheli)s, the plantation and tract of Land I had m Exchange from Stephen Gibbons for my Land CaUed ye Image, to her and her heirs for Ever; allso, I Give to my Said Doughter, Elizabeth, forty Acres of Land lymg at ye head of RacheU Barrows Land and that which was formerly CaUed Clagisters, to her and her Heirs for ever. I Give and Bequeath unto my Doughter, PriscUla Jones, a Negro Wench named Jenney and aU her futer Increse, Save the first CMld She ShaU Bring, wMch I Give to my Wife, wheth er male or female, and when ye Said Jenney does Appear to be with CMld, She ShaU be Retumed to my wife or ReUct, and Remam with her tiU her CMld is weanable, and the Wench Naney to Serve m her Stead to my Said Daughter during the Said time. Item, I Give and bequeath unto my Doughter Margret Tomes, my Land on Both Sides of Long Branch, as far as the head of BuU Branch on ye north Side, and on ye South Side, as far as first big Branch that Comes out Long Branch below Stephen Gibbons Brid, and to the head of the Said Branch to my Said Doughter, Margaret and to her Heirs for ever; Likewise, a Negro Boy CaUed Jack and, a young Horse Named Smoaker, and a feather beed and fumituer Equivlent to the Beed and Fumituer her Sister Pleasant had. Item, I Give and Bequeath to my Doughter, Pleasant Wins- lowe, two hundred acres of Land on Usess Creek, Joynmg on ye Land Given to Francis Newby by my father, wMch two hundred Acres of Land, I Give to my Said Doughter, Pleasant, and to her heirs or assignes for ever. Item, I Give and Bequeath to my Loveing Wife, Rebekah Tomes my Negro man named Guy, to be disposed of at hir discretion; Likewise the Labour of my Negro Mingo boy, from the date hereof to the fuU End and term of twelve years. 432 North Carolina Wills. if my Said wife Live So Long, and at ye Expiration of ye above mentioned twelve years, or at my Said wifes decease which ShaU first happen, I -wiU the Said Boy to my Son, Francis, to him, his Heirs or Assigns. Likewise, I Give to my said Wife, one hundred Acres of Land I Bought of John Porter, and fifty acres out of the Tract I now live on Joynmg to the Sd. hundred acres of Land; and the one halfe of my orchard, She keeping the same in Repair for and During her Naturall Life; and allso, I Give to my Said wife, the one third of my Moveable Estate, Shee taking what was Hers before our Marige in part of the Said third; and allso, I give my said wife all her wearing apparell; and allso I Give to my Said wife, the Labour of my Negro Naney, Save the two days heretofore in a Week Given to my Doughter Mary, untill my Son Francis be marryed, and then I will he may have the one third of the Said Negros Labour; and the Said Negro Naney at his Mother in laws Decease. And also, I Give to my said Wife the one halfe of my bedding the whole of my Remaimng Beding to be Eaqualy Devided betwixt my -wife and my Son franeis. Allso, I Give to my Said Wife my horse Named Fox and Side Sadie and Bridle and allso my horse Named Dick. Item, I Give and Bequeath to my Doughter Pleasant, my Negro Boy named Pompey, to her, her Heirs and assignes for ever. Item, I Give and Bequeath to my Son, Francis Tomes, the Plantation whereon I now Live acording to his Granfathers Will; and to my Said Son, my Negro Girle named Naney, and One Gray maire I Bought of William Jackson, and my Riding Saddle, to him his, heirs or assignes for ever. Item, all the Remaining part of my Estate after my wife's part is taken out, be the Same of what kind or Quality So Ever, or whereEver to be found, I Give and Bequeath to my Doughter, Margret Pleasant and my Son, Francis, to be Eaqual- ly Devided amongst them, there, to be devided by the Judgment of Joseph Jessop, Thos. Jessop, Thomas Winslow and WUliam More, or any three of them. Lastly, I do ordain, Constitute & appoint My Loveing -wife, Rebekah Tomes, and my Son in Law, Nathan Newby, to be my Executors to see this my will full filled, Revoakmg all former wills by me heretofore made. as witness my hand, this 5th. of Sept, Ano. Dom., 1729. Francis Toms. (Seal) Witness: J. Jessop. Richd. Cheston. Ralph Fletcher. Octbr. 7th., 1729. Proved this will by the Aflferm. of Jos. Jessop. R. E-VERARD. Copied from the Original Will, filed in the Office of Secretary of State. Noeth Caeolina Wills. 433 JAZMES TURNBULL'S WILL. Nobth Caeolina. In the Name of God, Amen. I, James TurnbuU, of Tyr rel County and provmce Aforesaid, Marchand, bemg m haith and of sound and disposing mind and memory, do make and ordam this my last wUl and Tastement m maimer and form as foUows : Imprimis, I Give, bequeaf & di%Tse, unto Mr. Yreot ormond and Six. Thomas Barker, attorneys of this province, one half of my Negrows that is Keept and detaned from me by WUliam Alckey or proviso, tha, the above Said Yreot ormond & Thomas Barber will or do Sue for & Recover the the whole Nunber of negroes and DeUver the Othar half according to my wiU and clear of aU Coste & Charge, m that Case, I wiU them the above Said half the number of my above Said iSTegros & their incres, to tham and thair assigns for ever: I mean my Negroe Woman Phebe and har dafter Scotta, and her Sun London, & har dafter Phebe, and har dafter pege, & har dafter ianne. I beared the wench head one boye smce, Named Charls, he is dead by neg lect, &c. Item, I Give, Bequeaf and divise unto my Nece, Mary Pantry, har two Suns, Robert & James, the one half of the abovemen tioned Negroes, To be Delevered by ]Mr. Ormond & Mr. Barker, to tham or thau* assigns, Clear of Chargis, if tha Sue & Recover as Aforesaid; if the above Said Mr. Yreot ormond & Mr. Thomas Barker wiU not Exsept of the above Legasy, m that Case, I give, Bequeaf and di-vise aU the above Said Negrows, to the above said Robart & James Pantry and thair hairs for Ever, and to be Sued for at the Charg of my Estate, and to be Repaid if the Negrows are Recovered. I likewise order, that the above Said Robart, James be mentaned on my Estate if tha wUl assist to Kepe the plantation m order untUl they are at fuU Age; then, & in that case, tha, the Said Robart & James, ShaU have and injoye my Two peac^ of Land at Scupemung, CaUed the Brak oake Land, and the Rich LevUs; & one quarter part of my female black Cattle; & one quarter part of my beadmg and puter; and one quarter part of my horsis. ^My mtent & meaning is, that the Said Robart & James Cume from london hear, at lest, one of tham, or luse thare legasys, but if tha Cum over Sea with Capttn. DaUey, or Otharwise, my Estate must pay thare passage, ten pound StarUng for both; if tha parf orm all that I inj oyne, then I Give Bequeaf and di-vise to the abov said Robart & James Pantry, as above mentioned, to tham and the hairs of thare body lawfuUy beoten; and for wont of Such, to Eithars hairs; & for want of Such, to the heairs of theb- 28 434 Noeth Caeolina Wills. Sister in london; & for want of Such, to my legateas heare m Carolina, I dont mean Mr. Barker nor Mr. Ormond. Item, I Give, bequeaf, & divise unto mary Turnbull Butcher, one half my parsonal Estate, after the above Legaseys are paid, "To har and the hairs of har body lawfully begoten; & for want of Such, to Mary Pantry, har hairs if tha are hear, if not, to har Brother, Bell Butchar, or my hairs. Item, I give, Bequeaf, divise unto Bell Butchar, all my land not allredy given, I mean Bells gift and gards island, and my land in Edenton, and the Remainder of my Parsonall Estate, to him and his hires of his body lawfully begoten, and for want of Such, one half to the Mars of mary Pantry, and the othar half to the hairs of Mary Turnbull Butchar, or the Surviver of tham to have all. Item, I Give, Bequeaf and divise unto Mary Butchar, the use of all my Estate both real and Parsonall untill the legates cum to the Age of twenty one years, Exsept har dafter, Mary Turnbull Butchar, She ma keep har Legasy during har Ufe if She pleasis, and the one half of Bells gift land &c, , to har use during har life, my intent is that non of the legates Shall have thare legaseys, untill untill, tha are twenty one years olde. Item, I order & direct that all mu Just debts, be paid by the Sails of my Scooner & paryagor & Conews, and marchanddiz, at vandue for Redy money, or private Sail as my Executrix & Trustte pleasis as Soon as posable, and Collecting my Debts or Sue derectly all that will not Pay on Sight of the list of Debets or the accounts, Since. My, WiU and Desire is that Mary Butchar doth mantain and Edecate all the minors above mentioned as well as She can aford with the use and Intrest above Given Har; if She make any waste of my Estate the County Court is Required to make har give Securyty or tha are derected to appoint gardians for the children or tha chuse them if of age. Item, I order that nomoney be paid to any parson but Mr. Hanry Jordan that his mothar,, Elizabeth Hanmore, left him, nor to him untill my hairs be indamnified from danel Hanmore & his hairs. Item, I order that the ballance due to the hairs of Mrs. Ann Mountgumry be paid as it Now stands, deducting the quit- rents since paid. Item, I order that the title and bounds of the land that I now Live on be defended according as the Survaer hath made out a plott and Sartificate agreeable to my deed, which I nayer Rec'ved, any consideration for of any Parson, all the foregoing legates Shall beare thare proporationable part of the Charg if Accation, And on thare RefusaU, forfit thare Legasey to the Rest of the Legatyes. I order the quitrents of all my land to paid yearly. Noeth Carolina Wills. 435 I order that my Qoths be made up for BeU Butchar and Robartt & James pantry, if tha are hear as tha want Cloths; likewise, my books and instruments to be divided amoungst tham three boyes. My wUl is if my Neace, Mary Pantry should Cum over sea to see me, I order her the Use of my dweUng House m Edenton and the Smoke house & oven during har and har huseband, PhilUp Pantry, thare natral Uves, Rent free, but must Keep the same in good Repare &c.; my mtent and meamng is, that my EiXecutrix shall do & parform Every thing and thmgs that I have given, bequeafed, devised, wUled ordered and derected as much as lyes in har power, with the advice and concent of my truste hearafter Named. My Truste must be waU paid Every Year for Ms Truble. Lastly, I Nominate and appomt Mary Butchar to be my Executrix and Wiffiam gardnar, Esqr., to be a truste to this my laste WUl and Testament. In witness hear of, I have hear unto Sett my hand and Seal, this twenty Sixth day of September, one thousand, Seven hun dred and fifty tMee. James Turnbull. (seal) Signed and deUvered m pubUc presence of : (interUned before signed, bove) Ann Denem. John Mathews. Chables Denem. James Tattebton, Jurat. North Carolina, Tyrrel County, ss. June Court, 1754. Present his Majesty's Justices: These may Certifie that John Mathews & Ann Denam, Two of the Sub scribmg Evidences to the WitMn Wffi, came into open Court and made Oath on the Holy Evangelists of Almighty Giod that they Saw James TumbuD Sign, Seal, publish, pronounce & declare the WitMn Writing to Contam his last WiU and Testament; & That he was at the same time m perfect sound mind and disposmg memory, and that they also at the Same time. Saw James Tatterton & Charles Denon Sign their Names as E-(ridences to the said Wffi. Then also Appealed Mary Butcher, Execu trie & QualUfied herself by taking the Oath as the Law m such Cases Directs. Ordered, that the Hon'ble James, Murray, Esqr., Secretary of this Provmce, have Notice thereof, that Letters Testamentory Issue Ac cordingly. Test. Evan Jones, Qer. Cur. Copied from the Ori ginal WiS., ffied in the Office of the Secretary of State. 436 North Carolina Wills HENDERSON WALKER'S WILL. In the name of God Amen. I, Henderson Walker, being well in body and of perfect mind & memory. Considering the uncertainty of this life Doe make & ordeyne this my Last WUL & testam't. Impri., I Surrender up my Soul to God yt gave it, beUeving that through ye prehous death & passion of my Saviour, I shall have full pardon of my Synns, and my body I comitt to ye earth from whence it came to be Interred; and for my Estate, I give as folt: Imps. I give to Elizabeth Walker, now w'th me, and to her heirs for ever, my Plantation at Yawpim, as alsoe Six Cowes, & Calves, Six Sowes, Six Yewes, one Young Mare, one good Feather Bed, bolster. Hooks, Rugg, Blankett, one Larg Iron Pott & frying pan, two pe-wter dishes, two plates, and my Negro Frank, all to be delivered her at ye sd. plantation at age or Marriage, but if She dyes before, I give sd. Land to my Execu trix & her heirs. I give to Maj . Swann, my Swoard, and to Samll. Swann, my Seale Ring, and to tenn poore people tenn Barrells of Corne; and Five Pound to ye building of a Church, and Five Pound to ye Minister who preaches my Funerall Sermon. And to John, George, & Sarah Lillmgton & ye sd. Elizabeth Walker, each of them, a Silver spoone. And all ye rest of my Estate, bothe reall & personaU, what soever, I give my wife, Ann Walker, and to her heirs; and this my Will to be taken & looked upon as firme for ye guifts above- said as if it were made in ye ample manner as ye law ran. I devise and I make my said wife Ann, Executrix thereof. Do revoake all others by me made. Witness my hand & Seale, the 27th. of Octor. Anno. 1701. Henderson Walkee. (Seal) Sealed, published & delivered in presence of: P. GODFBEY, The marke of RoBT. 0 Haeman, Sene. Geoege Chambees I, the Subscriber do Declare in ye Presents of god & under ye Peanallty of Perjary, that 1 saw the Hon'ble Henderson Walker, Esqr., Sign, Seale & PubUsh the -witMn written to be Ms Last WUl & Testament, & that he was then in Perfect Sence & Health to ye Best of my Judgment. Sign, Robt. O Harmon Proved in Court, July 4th, 1704. By ye Oathe of Mr. Peter Godfrey & Geo. Chambers and ye Subscri- tion of Robt. Harmon, Senr. Test: Nath. Chevin, Cl. Copied from the Original WiU, filed m the Office of Secretary of State. NoETH Caeolina Wills 437 ABRAHAM WARREN'S WILL. In the name of God amen, the 26 Day of Octobr., 1739. I, Abraham Warrin, of ye Provence of North Carolina, m the County of Perquimanes, Planter, being vary Sick and weak in Body, but of Perfect mide and memory, thanks be given unto God therefore, CalUng unto mide ye mortaUty of my Body, and Knowing yt It is appomted for all men Once To Dye, do make and Ordame this my Last wiU and testament, yt is to say, PrincipaUy, and first of all, I give and Recommend my Soule mto ye Hands of God yt Gave It; and my Body I Recom mend to ye Earth to be buryed in a Decent and CMisan mannar at ye Discretion of my Exesetricks, nothuig Doubting but at ye General Resurrection I ShaU reseive ye Same Agam by the Almighty Power of God: and as toucMng Such worldly Es- teate wharewith It hath Pleased God to Bless me m this Life, I Give, Demise and Dispose of ye Same m ye foUowmg maimer and form: Imprimis, I Give and Bequeath to my weU beloved wife, Sarah Warrin, my Rideing Hors, bridle and Saddle, and tMee Cows and a buU Stag, ye names of ye Cows are as followeth, wmter, red head and pmck; also, I give unto my wife, Sarah Warrm, Six tMee yeare Old Stares and aU my Stock of Hoogs, als, all my Eiam tools: yet It is true Intent and meaning of this My Last wiU and testament yt my wife, Sarah Warrin, Pay out of my Stock of hoogs, what hoogs I Oeth to Sarah Sutten and Suseanah Sutten; also, to pay what Pork I Oeth to Jeames Sumner. Item, I give and Bequeath unto my Son, Henery Warrin, my Plantation and tract of Land I now Live on; also my Little gunn, and Stone Colte. Item, I give unto my five CMldren now Bom my Rideii^ mare and my young mare at ye Sound Side, them and there Increce, To be EquaUy Devided betwen my five CMldren. Item I give unto John Chesson and Jeames Chesson tMee Pound m Provence bUls to be paid them when they Com of age: Item, I give unto Christopher Denman twenty ShilUngs, m Provence bUls. Lastly, after aU my Just Depts are paid, I Give aU ye rest of my Estate to be EquaUy Devided betwen my Wife and ChUdren; also. It is ye true mtent and meaning of ys my Last -wiU and testament, yt If my Wife be now with ChUd, yt ye ChUde have an Equal part of my Estate with ye rest of my of my ChUdren; also I Doo Constute and ordain my weU beloved wife, Sarah Warrm, and my tmsty frind, Richard Skinner, Senr., my Sole Exsetrick and Executor of ys my Last wiU and 438 Noeth Caeolina Wills. testament: and I Doo Likewise give and request My trusty and well beloved frind, John Stepney, to be an adviseer and a trustee to my wife and CMldren. And I Do heareby utterly Disallow, re-(^oke and Disanul, all and Every other formar testaments, wUls, bequests, And Executors, by me in any ways named. Willed, and Bequeathed; Ratifying and Confirming this, and No other, to be my Last will and testament. in witness whareof I have heare unto set my hand and Seal the Day and yeare above Written. his ^^ Abbaham A Waeein (Seal) mark Signed, Sealed, Published, Pro nounced and Declared, By the Said Abraham Warrin, as his Last Will and testament in the Presence of us the Subscribers: his John X Ceeese, Juret. mark her Maey X Ceeese. Mark John Stepney, Juret. Perquimons County ss. July Court, 1740. Present His Majestys Justices: Came before them in open Court John Creasey and John Stepney, and made oath on the holy Evangelists that they saw Abraham Warren Sign, seal & pubUsh the above as Ms last will & Testament, and that he was of sound & disposing mmd & Memory at that time; & that these deponants Subscribed as Witnesses thereto; at the Same time Sarah Warren took the Oath appointed by Law to be taken by Executors, Test. James Cra-sten, Cir. Cur. Sarah Warren QualUfied as Exx. Copied fr6m Original WiU, ffied in the Office of the Secretary of State. THOMAS WATKINS' WILL. Noeth Caeolina. In the Name of god Amen. I, Thomas Watkins, of the County of Perquimans, Being of sound mind and memory, thanks be given to god for the same, and CalUng to mind the mortality of my' Body, and Knowing that it is appointed for all men once to Dye, Do make and ordain this my Last WUl and Testament, that is to say, Principally, and first of all, I Recomend my soul to god that gave it, and my Body to be Buried in a Decent Christain Manner at the Discretion of my Executors; and for what Temporali Estate it hath Pleased god to Bestow upon me, after aU my Just Debts is Paid, I give and Bequeath the use as followeth: Noeth Cabolina Wills. 439 Imprimis, I give to my Friend, John Whedbee, aU the Ditch ing that I Cutt for him, and An four Pound, Seven ShUUngs, and Six Pence, Virgima money, to him and Ms Heirs. Item, I give to Richard Whidbee all the Ditching I Cut for him. Item, I give to John Morris aU my wearing Close. Item, I give aU the Remaining Part of my PersonaU Estate to Samuel Newbey, being near Little River Bridge in Pasquo tank County, and I hereby Nominate, Constitute and apoint my loving friend, John Whidbey my Executor of this my last WiU and Testament, Holden for Firm this and no other to be my last WiU and Testament. m Witness whereof I have hereunto Set my hand and Seal this 3rd Day of January 1740(?) his Thomas X Watkins (Seal) mark Signed, Sealed, Pronounced and Declared by the said Thomas Watkins as his Last WUl and Testament In Presence of: William Foster, Jurt. Potsefdll Plebce. Maey Whedbee. Jurt. North Cabolina, Pebqm. Coifntt. Janury Court Anno Dom. 1754. Present his Majesty's Justices: Then was the within WUl proved m open Court by the Oaths of WiUm. Foster & Mary Whedbee in due Form of Iaw, at the Same Time John Whedbee, Exor, to the withm Wffi was dffiy QuaUfied by taking the Oath by Law appomted. Ordered that Letters Testamentary Issue thereon as the Law directs. Test. Edmund Hatch. Cler. Cur. Recorded m Wffi Book 6, page 225. WILLIAM WATKINS' WILL. In the name of God Amen. I, WilUam Watkins, of Pitt County, in the Pro-dnce of North Carolma, Planter, bemg in a Week low State of health & calUng to mind the uncertainty of this life, Do therefore make this my last WiU & Testament, Revokeing & disannuUmg AU other & former WiUs by me here tofore m^Se; And first, I Recommend my Soul mto the hands of Almighty God that gave it me, hopemg tMough the Merrits of Jesus Christ to Obtain everlastmg Salvation; And my Body I desire to be buried m a Christian like manner; And as to my Worldly Estate, I dispose of it in manner & form foUowmg, to wit: 440 Noeth Caeolina Wills. I give & bequeath unto my beloved Wife, Christian Watkins, & to my two Sons, John Watkins & WilUam Watkins, & to my four Sons in Law, Francis Buck, James Cason, William Or mond, & James Jones, aU my Ready money that I leave at the time of my Death, to be Equally divided betwean them, Share & Share alike. And, Whereas, I have Some time ago made & Executed in an open & lawful manner, Deeds of Gifts to my Sons & Sons in Law, for my Land & Plantation & all my Negroes & my Still & Worm, which was then immediately before the Execu tion of the said Deeds, my Right & Property, & which was done Agreeable to & by & with the free & mutual Consent & Agreement of my aforesaid Wife, & Sons, & Sons in Law, And my said Wife, as I married her a Poor Woman -without any Estate at all, at the same time Agreed & Concluded to Re nounce & quit all manner of Wright or Dower in, or to, the said Land & Plantation in two of the aforesaid Deeds men tioned, either in law in equity, or any other ways howseover, on Condition that I would leave her at the time of my Death the one third part of all my Personal Estate, except the Ne gros, the StiU, & the Worme; Therefore, I do hereby Give & bequeath in behalf of the said Agreement as also for the love that I bear unto my said Wife, Christian Watkins, to her & her heirs for ever, The one third part of all my personall Es tate, of all kinds whatsoever, except the Ready money al ready Given, (and) And, I do hereby Give & bequeath unto my said Sons in law, Francis Buck, & James Cason, the other two thirds of all my personal Estate of all kinds whatsoever (except the ready money already given), to be equally di-vided between them. Share & Share alike. And the reason why I Give no more to my Sons, John & William Watkins, and to my Sons in Law, William Ormond & James Jones, is because I have heretofore provided for them in the before mentioned Deeds of Gifts. I give & bequeath unto my Daughter, Sarah Buck, one ShiUing, la-wful money of Great Britain. I give & bequeath unto my Daughter, Elisabeth, one Shilling. I give & bequeath unto my Daughter, Ann, one Shilling. I give & bequeath unto my Daughter, Rachael, one ShilUng, And the Reason is because I have provided for them in the name of their Husbands in the aforesaid Deeds of Gifts. Lastly, I appoint my beloved Wife & my Son in Law, James Cason, Executrix & Executor of this my last WiU & Testament. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto put my hand & Seal, this Ninth day of November, Anno Domini, 1771. Wm. Watkins (Seal) Noeth Caeolina Wells. 441 Signed, Sealed, published & declared by the Testator to be his last WUl & Testament m the presence of us: Catheeine — Ceofton. her mark. John Salteb. Randel McDaniel. The -withm last Wffi and Testament of WUliam Watkins was proved Before me, tffis fourteenth day of October, 1773, by the Oath of John Salter one of the Subscribing Witnesses thereto, who swore that he was present and ffid see the .said Testator, sign, seal, publish and declare the same to be and contam his last Wffi and T^tament; and that at the time thereof he was of sound and disposing Mmd & Memory. And James Cason, the Eexcutor therem named, ha-vmg taken the Oaths of Executors and quaUfied as the Law directs. It is Ordered that Letters Testamentary be granted thereon accordingly. Jo. Martin, Copied from the Origcnal Wffi, ffied ffi the Office of the Secretary of State. BINGIVLIN WEEKS' WILL. In the Name of God Amen, ys. Ninth Day of November, m the Year of our Lord, One thousand, Seven hundred & Forty Four. I, Bingman Weeks, of Cartwright County, m North Carolina, bemg very sick & weak of Body, but of Per fect Mind & Memory, Thanks be given unto almighty God for it, & Knowmg it is appomted for all Men Once to Die, Do make & Ordam this to be my last WiU & Testament, that is to say; First of all I give my Sold mto the Hands of God that gave it; & for my Body, I recommend to the Earth to be buried m a Christian lUie manner at the Discretion of my Executors, Nothing Doubtmg but at the General Resurrection I shal receive the same again by the noighty Power of God that gave it; And as for ToucMng such Worldly Estate where-with it has pleased God to bless me with, I give & Dispose of the same m the Maimer & form foUo-Rong. Item, I give & bequeath unto my two Sons, Isaac Weeks & Jabas Weeks, the Tract of Land that I now dweU on with the Marsh thereunto belongmg, to be EquaUy di-vided between them and their Heirs & Assigns for Ever. That is to say, my Son Jabas to have that Part of the Land that the Plantation & Houses is on, and Isaac to have the other Part with haU the Marsh. Item, I give to my Son, Theofiis Weaks, on SMlUng, Sterimg. Item, I give unto my Son, Archelas, One Shilling, SterUng. Item, I give to my Son, Bmgmam, One Shilling SterUng. Item, I give to my Daughter, Lidde Witton, One ShilUng Sterimg. 442 North Carolina Wills. Item, I give to my Dafter, Mary WiUiams, One ShUling, Sterling. Item, I give to my Dafter, Christian Weake, One ShiUing Sterling. Item, I give to my Dafter, Thankful Hicks, One SMUing Sterling. Item, my Will & Desire is for my Wife to have the Planta tion in her Lifetime. I give to my Dafter, EUzabeth Weake, one Shilling Sterling. Item, my Will & Desire is that my two Sons, Isaac & Jabas, do Each of them pay unto my Grand Son Edward Weaks, the Sum of Ten Pounds, current Money of Carolina, & upon Failure thereof to be Dispossessed of the Land before given. Item, I give unto my well beloved Wife, Mary Weake, Two Beds & Furniture, Two Cows & , and all other Hous hold Goods & aU the Remaining Part of my Estate that is not yet given During her Widowhood, She paying all my Lawful i Debts. I also Depute and apoint my sd. Wife to be my whole & sole Executor of this my last Will & Testament, Ratifying and alo-wing this & no other to be my last Will and Testament. DisanuUing all other WiU formarly by me made. In Testimony hereunto I have Set my Hand & Seal the Day & Year above -written. his Bingman B Weaks (Seal) mark Signed, Sealed in the Presence of us, Jehosaphat Holland. Francis Burns. his Thos. T Person. mark Carteret County, North Carolina. June Court, 1745. These may certify that Thomas Person, One of the Evidences to the Within WUl, in open Court made Oath that he Saw Benjamin Weeka, Deed., Sign & Seal the same; and that he also saw Jehosaphat HoUand & Francis Burns, E-vidence the same. And Mary Weekes, Widow, hath taken the Oath of an Executrix, and by the Court admitted to Record. Dated at the Court House the 6th. Day of June, Anno Domini, 1745, Tess. Geor, Read, Clk. Cur, Recorded in WUl Book 6, page 62. THOMAS WEST'S WILL. In the Name of God Amen. I, Thomas West, of Bertie County and Provmce of North Carolina, Ye-wman, being very sick and Weak in Body, but of perfect mind and Memory, thanks be to God for it, Do hereby make this my last WiU & Testament, first and Principally I Commend my Soul into North Caeolina Wills. 443 the hands of Almighty God, hopmg for Remission of aU my sins tMo' the Merits of Jesus Christ, my biased Sa-viour and Redeemer; and my Body to the Earth to be decently buried at the discretion of my Exors: and as for sutch Worlly Estate and Effects as it hath pleased God to bless me -with I Give and bequeath as foUoweth: Item, I Give and bequeath to my loving Wife, Elizt" West, tMee Negroes. Harry, Tom. Amey, with one third of all my Personal Estate. Item, I Give and bequeath to my Daughter, Fij zabeth W^, Merear & ^Slelenor, with one third part of my Estate mat is not already given, to her and her heirs for Ever. Item, I Give and bequeath to my son, WUUam West, Bess and Taiffy, with aU my lands, to him and Ms heirs for Ever; also, with one third part of my Estate that is not already Given in this WiU. I do here appoint my loving Wife Executricks, and my Brother Robert West Fkecutricks of this my last WiU and Testament, and I Do hereby disaUow, Revofi; and Disannul aU and every other former wills, Testaments, by me made, wiUed or bequeathed, Ratifymg and Confirming this and no other to be my last WiU and Testament. m Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and fixed my Seal, this six Day of November, one thousand, Seven hundred and fifty six. T, West. (Seal) Sign'd, Seal'd, published, and declared in the presence of: John Corbebt, Jurat. Joseph White. Wm. Fleetwood, Jurat. Behtib Countt. ss. April Court, 1757. The above written Wffi was Exffibited into Court by EUzabeth West, Widow, ReUct & Exx. of said Wffi, and Robert West, Exr. thereof, and proved by the Oaths of John Corbert & William Fleetwood, two of the Subscribmg witnesees thereto, and at the same Time the same Exx. & Exor" was Qualify'd for said office m due form of Law, which was ordered to be Certifyed. Test. Benj, Wynns, Cl. Cur. Copied from Ori^nal Wffi, ffied ffi the Office of the Secretary of State. THOMAS WHITEHURST'S WILL. Nobth Caeolina. In the Name of God Amen. I, Thomas WMtehurst, Lieu tenant in the Royal Navy, being Weak m Body, but of Sound Mind, Memory and Understanding, Do make and Ordam this to be my last WiU and Testament in Writing, in Manner and Form, foUowing, that is to say: 444 Noeth Caeolina Wills. First, I Desire that all my Just Debts and Funeral Expences be first Discharged. Also, I Give and Bequeath the Sum of fifty pounds, Lawful money of Great Brittain, belonging to me in the hands of my Agent, Mr. George Marsh, of Savage Gardens, Tower Hill, London, unto William Grenfell Lobb, Youngest Son of Jacob Lobb, Esquire, Commander of his Majesty's Sloop, the Viper. Also, I Give and Devise all that peice of Land, Commonly known by the Name of Styles Copp, -within Six Miles of the To-wn of Stafford, in the County of Stafford, in the Kingdom of Great Brittain, (Subject to a Lean made from me unto my Uncle, John Whitehurst), unto My Sister, Ann Whitehurst, her Heirs and Assigns for Ever. And Whatever Estate, Real and personal, not heretofore bequeathed, I dye Possessed of; I Give, Bequeath and Devise unto my said Dear Sister, Anne Whitehurst, her Heirs and As signs for Ever. And I do hereby publish and Declare this to be my last will and Testament and appoint my said Sister, Executrix and the said Jacob Lobb, Executor of this my last Will and Testa ment, hereby Revoking all other -wills by me heretofore Made. In Witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and Seal this Twenty second day of March, in the year of our Lord, One thousand, Seven hundred and Sixty five. John Whitehubst. (Impression of Head on Seal) Signed, Sealed, published and Declared by the Testator in the presence of us, who have subscrib ed our Names in his presence, and in the presence of Each other : (the words "not heretofore bequeath ed" being previously inserted in the Seventeenth line from the Top). J. Eustace. Thos. Cobham. Thos. McGwire. North Carolina, Brusnwick, the 23, June, 1766, Then personally Appeared before my Thomas Cobham, one of the sub scribing Witnesses to the foregoing WiU, and Made Oath on the Holy Evangelists of Almighty God, that he saw Thomas Whitehuist, sign, seal and Publish the foregoing as and for his last Will and Testament; and that the said Thomas WMtehurst was at the same Time (to the best of His knowledge and Belief) of a sound and disposing Mind and Memory, and thathe, thesaid Thomas Cobham, together with John Eustace, and Thomas McGwire, subscribed their Names as Witnesses thereto in the Presence of , the Testator. Wm. Trton. Copied from the Original Will, ffied in the Office of the Secretary of State. North Carolina Wills. 44t THOMAS WHITMELLS' WILL. In the name of God Amen. I, Thomas Whitmell, of Bertie precinct, bemg Sick of Body, but of Perfect memory & Judg ment, first Recommendmg my Soul to God that Gave it and my Body to be buried at the discretion of my Executors, doe make this my last wiU & testament, this 23d. Day of November, one thousand, Seven hundred & Thirty five. Imprimis, I -wiU & bequeath to my DutyfuU Son, Thos. WhitmeU & his heirs for ever, my Plantation where I now live, on Kesia River, which Contains tMee hundred & Sixty acres of Land as by Deeds past to me by Gardner, as also tMee himdred & twenty acres of Land Lymg on Buck, it bemg of a survey by pattent, Dated m ApriU, one thousand. Seven hundred & twenty six; as also half of aU my Stock of horses. Cattle & Sheep as also two negro boys (-viz.), Jupiter & Caloe, as also one fether Bed and furniture & one Desk; and whereas, there is a Stock ye Original of wMch was one hundred & fifty poimds, Sterimg, Imployd in ye Indian trade by my Son, Thomas, one half of ye sd. Stock I further vriU and bequeath unto him, with one half of the profits arising from ye sd. Stock, one negro mand Called peter, to him & Ms heirs for ever. 2d., I wiU & bequeath to my lo-vmg wife, Elizabeth Whitmell aU my houshold furmture of what sort so Ever thereunto Be longmg, viz., Deds, Sets &c. She * * * (Illegible) my Daughter Martha WhitmeU, fifteen pounds, Sterling, Money, at ye Day of her Mrrriage, or when at age By law, and after ye payment of the above Sums, I further -wiU and Bequeath to her, the one half of my Tradmg Stock m ye hands of my Son, Thos. Whitmell, & one haK of the Profits arismg from ye sd. Stock, and half of aU stocks of Cattle, horses, Sheep, belonging unto me, to her and her heirs for ever, & further, I Leave unto her, for her naturall Life, the use of my plantation where I now Live, & ye Use & Labour of tMee negro Slaves, CaUed Mmgo, Bess & Peter. 3rd., I wiU a Bequeath to my Second Son, Lewis WMtmeU one himdred & fifty Acres of Land Joynmg to my Son, Thomas and John Grays lmes; & TMee hundred & Twenty acres of Land Lymg on Buck Swamp, Bemg ye other half of the tract of Land bequeathed to my Son, Thomas; & one negro Boy CaUed BristoU & one fourth of ye Increase of A negro Woman CaUed Bess, her first CMld Excepted, as also the fourth part of two negro Girls, CaUed phillis & penney, and one fourth of their mcrease, to him & his heirs for ever. 4tly., I will and bequeath to my Infent Son, to Be Baptized WiUiam, the fourth part of ye Increase of one negro wench, CaUed Bess, the Mst Child Ikcepted & one fourth part of two 446 North Carolina Wills. negro Girls, Called phillis & penny & their Increase, to him & his heirs forever. 5'hly. I wUl and bequeath to my loving Daughter, Eliza beth Pollock, one Shilling. 6thly. I will and bequeath to my loving Daughter, Sarah Whitmell, thirty pounds, Spanish Silver money at fifteen penny weight to the ounce, to be pd. by my loving wife, Elizabeth Whitmell, & one negro Woman Called Bess, her increase Ex cepted untill Devided, to her and her heirs forever. 7thly. I will & bequeath to my loving Daughter, Martha Whitmell, fifteen pounds SterUng money, and one negro Man, Called Mingoe, to her & her heirs for ever. Sthly. woman called Bess, alive Otherwise, ye first Child that shall be born alive of the sd. Bess, & one fourth part of two negro Girls CaUed phiUis & penny, & their Encrease, to her & her heirs for ever. 9th., I will a bequeath to my Loving Daughter, Mary Whit mell, one forth part of two negro Girls, Called phiUs & penny & their Encrease, to her & her heirs forever. Lastly, Constituting my Duty full Son, Thos. WhitmeU, & my loving Brother, John Gray, Joynt Executors & my lo-ring wife, Executrix, of this last my will & Testament, Declaring all former wills to be void I doe pronounce & Declare this to be my Last -will & Testament &c. hia Thomas T Whitmell (Seal) mark Signed, Sealed & Delivered in the presence of: Simon Gale. Garrad Van Upstall. her Mary U Cannaday, mark North Carolina. Before his ExceUy., Gabriel Johnston, Esqr., Govr., and Ordinary of the sd. Pi ovince: Personally appeared before me Simon Gale & Garrard Van UpstaU, two of the Subscribing Evidences to the within Will & made Oath on the Holy Evangelists, that he was present and Saw Thomas WhitmeU, Sign, Seal, publish and Declare tMs to be his last will & Testament; & that he also Saw Mary Cannaday sign her name thereto at the same time; he was of Sound mind & disposing Memory at the time he Executed the Same, And at the Same time, Thomas WffitmeU, one of the Executora to ye within will took the Executors Oath in Due form of Law. Given under my hand, tffis 17th of Deer,, 1735. Gab. Johnston. Recorded in Grant Book 4, No. 22, Office of the Secretary of the State North Carolina Wills. 447 WILLIAM WICKLIFFE'S WILL. In the Name of God, Amen, I, WiUiam Wickliffe, of the County of Craven, in the pro-vince of No. Carolina, Bemg of a Sound & perfect Memory, thanks be to God. I Make & Ordain this to be my Last -wiU and Testament, In Maimer & form following, that is to Say first, No. 1, 1 Give to my God who gave it, & my body to the Earth from whence it Came to be Decently Buried at ye. Discretion of My Executors Hereafter Named; and as foUo-wmg what Worldly Estate God of His Mercy hath Been Bestowed upon me, I Give and Bequeath in Manner & form foUo-wmg: Imprimis, I Give and Bequeath unto my Loving Son, Wil liam Wickliffe, and his heirs, One Negroe feUow Named peter, And one Wench Named Jenny, -with her Increase. Likewise, I Give unto my Son, WiUiam, all my Waremg Apparel, both woolen & Linnen, and What Silver & Gold I wear in AppareU; aU my books, Riding Horse, Bridle and Saddle; Two feather beds with bedmg and Bolsters; One Desk, one Black WaMut Table that is m House. Likewise to give unto my abovesaid Son, WiUiam WicMiffe, the One forth Part of aU my Cattle and Horses, mares and Colts, The One forth Part of aU the Moneys, household Goods, Merchant Goods, and wares I have, Both at home and aBroad, after my just Debts and Legacies Paid, Exclusive of a Bond Indorsed Over to Jas. Hannis for 208, Two Hundred and Eight Pounds, Proc, and another of £20ulk 8 proc, AprU 30th. 1754. Dosed. Item, I give and Bequeath unto my Lovmg Daughter, Eliz*. Wickliffe, which is now Eliza Franks, to her and her Heirs, One Negro FeUow named Pompee, One Bed, Bolster and Beding, her Mother Pounk, Likewise, I give unto my afore said Daughter, Eliz". the Oneforth Part of all my Cattle and horses, mares and Colts, the One forth Part of all the Money's, Household Goods, Merchts. Goods, and wares, both at home and abroad, after my just Debts and Legacies Paid. Item, I give and Bequeath unto my Daughter, Alee Wick liffe, and to her Heirs, "TMee Negros: One Negro fellow Named Adam, One Negro wench Named Haimah, And One Negro Girl Named Phillis. Likewise, I give unto my aforesaid Daugh ter, One Desk with four Draws, One Feather bed, Beding and Bolster, One Chinee Gown and a Blue Mantle which was her Motiier, One Limng Wheel; the One forth Part of all my Cattle and Horses, mares, and Colts; the One forth Part of all the Money's, Houshold Goods, marchts. Goods and wares, have Either at home or aBroad, After my just Debts and Legacies Paid, Exclusive of a Bond made Over of Mr. Jno. Rice for One Hundred and Forty Pounds, Sterling, and Another of Docter 448 North Carolina Wills. Bryan, for Two Hundred and Twenty Pounds Sterling, Be tween AUce and Katharine Wickliffe. Item, I give and Bequeath unto my Loving Daughter, Katharine Wickliffe, and her Heirs Three Negroes, (to wit) One Negro Fellow Named WUl, One Negro wench Named MoU, and her Child Named Grace. Likewise, I give unto my afor Daughter Katherine, all her Mother Wearing Cloath's, with all the Table Lining, One Chester Draws, One Bed, Bolster, and Bedding, One lining Wheel and Wooling Wheel. Likewise, I give unto my said Daughter, the One forth Part of all my Cattle and Horses, Mares and Colts; the One fourth Part of aU the Money's, Household Goods, Merchant Goods and wares, I have Either at home or abroad. After my Just Debts and Legacies paid. Exclusive of a Bond of Mr. John Rice for One Hundred and forty Pounds, Sterling, and Another of Doctr. Bryan, for Two Hundred and Twenty Pounds, Sterling, Between Alee & Katherine Item, I give and Bequeath unto my Grandsones, which is Sons to my Son, WUliam Wickliffe, which is Truly Begotted After Mariage, Equally to be Divided Amongst them all, my Lotts, Lands, Houses and Tenements that is in the Province of North Carolina, or in any Other of Ms Majesty's Dominions, to them or their Heirs forever. But if in Case my aforesaid Son WiUiam, Should die without issue as foresaid, then, I give And Bequeath unto my Grand Children, which is Children to my Children, Eliz"., Alee & Katherine Wickliffe, which is Truly Begotten after Mariage, all my Lotts, Land's, Houses, and Tenements as above Mentioned, Equally to be Divided Amongst them and their Heirs for Ever. Item, All the remainder Part of my Estate, not before Given of what kind and Nature soever, I give and Bequeath unto my Loving Son, William Wickliffe, and my Daughters, Alee and Katherine Wickliffe, Equally to be Divided amongst them, their Heirs and Assigns Forever, But in Case any of my Chil dren should Die in their Minority, that then, their Part of my Estate Divided to them shall Equally be Divided Amongst the Survivors of my above Mentioned Children, William, Alee & Katherine Wickliffe. Item, I Constitute, Ordain and appoint my weU Beloved friend, my Loving Son, William Wickliffe, and Son in Law, John Frank's, all also my Loving Friend, John Starkey, in Craven County and Province of North Carolina, to be my Exors. to This my Last Will and Testament. Revoking all Other Wills by me Before made. Ratifying and Confirming this and no Other to be my Last Will and Testament. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto Set my Hand and fixed my Seal this 30th. day of September, In the Year of Our Lord, One Thousand Seven Hundred and fifty three. Wm. Wickliffe, (seal) North Caeolina Wills. 449 Signed, Sealed, Published, and Declared m Presence of: The words in the Original WUl (my Lovmg friend Jno. Starkey being first In terlmed and Samuel Hat<;h Scratch!. Out.) Je. Vail. Daniel Dupee. SouTHY Rew. The above Wffi was Proved before me by the Oath of Jeremiah VaU, who also made Oath that he Saw Daffiel Dupee and Southy Rew, Sign the Same as Concuring E-vidences thereto. Let Letters Testamentory Issue Accordmgly. Deer. 16th. 1754. Arthur Dobbs. Att the Same time WiUiam WickUffe and John Frank's were Qualifyed as Exors. as the Law Directs. Arthur Dobbs. Recorded m Wffl Book 8, p^e 127. THOMAS WILLL^MS' WILL. In the Name of God Amen, I, Thomas Williams, of Beau fort County, m North Carolina, Mariner, Do make, ordain and declare this to be my last WUl and Testament, beii^ at the same Time of sound mind and Memory. Imprimis, I Give & devise unto my Wife, Ann WilUams, durii^ her Natural life, half a Tract of Land containing Two hundred Acres Lymg on the East side of the ]Mouth of Bath Town Creek, bemg the Land that I bought of Wm. Baker, wMch formerly belonged to Benjamin Forbes. I also give and bequeath unto her, two Negroe Men Slaves, named Chep stow and Cezar, for her use and behoof for Ever. Item, I Give unto my Eldest Son, Thomas WiUiams, the other half of the said Tract of Land I have given Ms Mother during her Life: after her decease I give the same Land unto my Son, Thomas, his Heirs and assigns; and I likewise give and devise unto him one Lott of Land m Bath Town, Known by the number, 39; and my SUver Watch. Item, I Give one Tract of Land, containing Two hundred and twenty five acres, that lyes m the Fork of Cuckolds Creek, imto my two Youngest Sons, Charles and John, to be equaUy divided between them, their heirs or assigns. Item, As I have given unto my Daughter, Temperance, a Negro Boy Named Quammo Ever smce he was born, so that She may have no Greater share than the rest of my Daughters, I WiU & bequeath unto her only one Bedd and Fumiture of the Fourth Choice, and aU the Cattle that I have formerly given her, and that she has no further Share with the rest of 29 450 North Carolina Wills. my Children, In my Estate in North Carolina, the said Legacys to be given her at the Age of "Twenty one. Item. And all the remaining part of my Estate, both real & Personal, may be Equally divided between my wife, Ann Williams, and all of my Children, (Excepting Temperance, my third Child, unto whom I have given certain Share of what I possess in North Carolina as aforesaid, (vizt) Elizabeth Pritch ard, Thos. Williams, Ann, Mary, Robert, Charles, Sarah, Hanah and John Williams, unto which Children my desire is that they have them respective their shares when they are Married, but not before they are of Twenty one Years of Age. and my Will and desire is that my lawful Debts & Funeral Expenses be first paid before my Legacys are paid or any division made of any part of my Estate Item, And as for what Estate I have belonging to me in England Or Wales, I do WUl and bequeath them to be equally divided between my Wife and all my Children as aforesaid, only prefering my Eldest Son, Thomas Williams, to whom I Give a Double Share of my afd. Estate in England or Wales. Item, I have given my certain Attys. my Wife Ann WiUiams, and Wyriott Ormond, Esquire, orders to purchase a Tract of Land in the Fork of Nevils Coak, formerly Nichols Garganers, which I give and devise unto My Son, Charles, his heirs and assigns. And the Tract of Two hundred and twenty five acres I have before devised to my son Charles and John (if the sd. Purchase is made) I give to my son John, his heirs and Assigns. And if please God my wife should be with Child -with any more Children by me begotten, not now Born, I bequeath unto it, or them, an Equal share of all my Estate in North CaroUna or Else where (Excepting as aforesaid. And for the Executing of this my last Will and Testament, I do hereby appoint my wife, Ann WilUams, Executrix, Wyriott Ormond Esqr., James Ellison, Esqr., Mr. Coleman Roe, & Thomas Williams, my son, Exrs. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seale this 17th. Day of Feb'y, 1757. Thomas Williams. (Seal) Signed, Sealed & declared to be the last Will & Testament of the Testator in the Presence of us the Subscribers : William Dowd. Jacob Nevil, Jun. Mark MosES 0 Nevil. his Beaufort County, ss. March Court, 1758, Present his Majesties Justices: This Certifys that the Last Will & Testament of Thomas Williams, Deceased, was Exhibited into Court and proved by the Oath of Jacob North Carolina Wills. 451 Nevil, Jun., who swore that he was of sound and disposing mmd and Memory at the time he Executed it, and that he saw WUUam Doud and Moses Ne-vU, the other Subscribmg Witnesses set their hands thereto: at the same time Ann Wiffiams and Thomas WUUams Qualffied as Exrs. thereto, by takmg the Oath by Law appomted. ordered that the Secretary have notice that Lett,er8 Testry. may issue. Test. Wallet Chaunct, Cl. Cur. Copied from Original Wffi, ffied m the Office of the Secretary of State. WILLLAM WILLI AIMS' WILL. In the Name of God Amen, the 2d. Day of Feb'y, Anno, 1724/5. I, WiUiam WiUiams, of Currituc precmct. In the Coimty of Albemarle, and In the provmce of North CaroUna, Being Very Sick and weak of Body, But of Sound and perfect mmd and Memory, praise Be therefore given to almighty God for it, and Callmg to Mmd the mortaUty of my Body, and Knowmg that Itt is appomted for aU men once to Die, Do Make and ordam This my present Last WiU and Testament, In Manner and form foUo-wmg: That is to say, first and prm- cipale of aU, I Give and Recommend my Soul In to the hands of almight God That gave it hoppmg tMough my Blessed Saviours Death and passion to have fuU and free pardon of aU my sins wMch I have Committed In this wicked world; and my Body I Commit to the Groimd to Be Buried In Such Decent CMis tian manner as my Ex'rs hereafter named ShaU Think fitt: and as for aU Such Worldly Estate as In hath pleased almighty to Bless me m this Life, I give and Dispose thereof as foUow eth: First, I wiU that aU my Debts Be paid and Discharged. Imprimis, I give and Bequeath unto My Son, Thomas WiUiams, That Tract of Land where I formerly Lived Up Tulls Creek, to him and his heirs for Ever: and also, one Negro Garle I give unto my Sd. Son, Thomas, CaUed Sew and aU her Increase, to him and his heirs and assigns for Ever; and also, my WUl and Desire is that my -wife Mary WiUiams, have the profit. Use and possison of the plantation I now Live on During her Widowood, oMy the New groimd, Item, I except for my Son, Stephen wiMams, and one of the houses to DweU m; and after my Wife, Mary WiUiams, marries, my -will and Desire is, that she have one third of the plantation aforesaid, and other Two Thirds to my son, Stephen, and after my sd. Wife's Decst. Item, I give and Bequeath aU my plantation and Land Be longing to Itt That I now Live on at the moth of TuU's Creek, Exc'pt part of the Island CaUed In-the-Woods, at the head Line, Joymng to the Land I bought of Mr. WiUiam Swann, to him and his heirs and assigns for Ever; and if my Son, 452 North Carolina Wills. Stephen, Should Die without Isue, then to fall to my Son, TuUe WiUiams; and also, I give to my Sd. Son, Stephen, one Negro woman Call'd Bess and aU her Increase, to him and his heirs and assigns for Ever, only excepting to my wife her Service During her -widowood; and further, my will is that my Son, Stephen, have the SorreU horse cal'd whipster. _ Item, I give and Bequeath to my son. Tulle WilUams, Two hundred and Ninty Seven akers of Land that I Bought of Mr. William Swann; and the part of That Island Excepted In the Land given to my Son, Stephen, to him and his heirs for Ever; and if my Son, TuUe, Should die without Isue, to fall to my Son, Stephen, him and his heirs for Ever; and also, my will is, That my Son, TuUe WUliams hath one Negro woman cal'd Sylvia and al her Increase, only wife to have her in possion During her Widowood, Tell my Son, Tulle Williams Comes to the age of one and Twenty Years, Then to him and heirs and assigns for Ever: But if my -wife shoul Die or marie, Then, my will is That my Son, Tulle, Should medeaintly take her Into his o-wn possison, and all her Increase for Ever; and also, I give to my Sd. Son, Tulle, one young Rone mare Coalt, with a Stare in her face and all her Increase, to him and his Heirs for Ever. Item, I give and Bequeath to my Three Sons, Thomas, Stephen and Tulle one hundred and fifty akers of timber Land Lying up Tuls Creek cal'd Long Leet, to Be Eaquailly De vided amongst them. Item, I give and bequeath to my Daughter, Jann Brent, the Use of My Negro Garle Cal'd moUe, and the Use of al her Increase, During her Natural Life, only, I Except the first Child the Sd. Negro Garle Brings, for My Grand Son, Joha- than Brent, and his heirs for Ever; and after my Daughter, Jann Brents decs. I give and Bequeath to my grand Daughter, Mary Brent, the Sd. Negro Garle, and al the Rest of her In crease, to her and her heirs for Ever. Item, I give and bequeath to my Daughter, Abigarle Philips, one Negro Boy, cald Jack, and to the heirs Lawfully Begotten of her Body, Body; and for want of Such heirs to fall to Tulle Williams and his heirs for Ever. Item, I give and bequeath to my Two Sons, Stephen and Tulle, one hundred accores of marsh Lying In the Island Cal'd Gibeses Island, to them and their heirs for Ever. Item, I give and Bequeath to my Loving Wife, mary Williams, one Negro Man cal'd Glasso, to her and her heirs for Ever, and also the horse cal'd Dick & al my parsonalle Estate, During her Widowood, only, I Except five pounds to pay for my son Tulle's SchooUng one year; and further, my WiU and Desier is, That if my wife, mary, should marrie or Die that Then, my Two Sons, Stephen and Tulle, Should Each of them, have North Carolina Wills. one Cow and Each two Yeows, a peace, out of my Estate, and Then to be EaquaUy Devided amongst them aU; and also, I wiU that a True Inventory of al my Estate, persionalle and that None be Imbasaled. and also I make, ordame and appoint my Lo-sring wife, Mary WUliams, True, Sole and LawfuU Eixetrix with my Son, TuUe, of this my Last WUl and Testam't. As witness my hand and Seale, this 2d. Day of feb'y. Anno (?) Domini, 1724/5. William Williams. (Seal) Signed, Sealed and DeUvered In the pres. of: William Davis, his Chaeles C Beent mark Robeet Eevtn. L'res. Granted 7 Jan'ry, 1725. Copied from Origcual Wffl, ffied m the Office of the Secretary of State. ANN WINRIGHT'S WILL. In the Name of God, Amen. I, a^nn Winright, Of Neuport River, m the County of Carteret, widdow, being of Sound Mind, do maike and Ordam this, my last wiU and Testement m Menner and form foUowing; that is to Say, first I commend ]My Soul mto the hands of Almighty God, and my body I comimt to the Earth, to be desently buried, at the discretion of My Executors hereafter Named; and as thoucMng the disposition of aU my Temporal Estate, I give and dispose thereof as Fol loweth: Imprimis, I wiU that my debts and funeral Charges ShaU be Paid And Discharged. Item, I give and bequeath unto Sarah Lovick, and Betsey Lovick, daughters to Thoms. Lovick, the ten Pounds, Sterimg, left me by the wUl of My late husband, James winright, de ceased, to be equeUy Divided between them. Item, I give unto Sarah Lovick, that is now wife of Thoms. Lovick, my Gould Rimed Snuff Box, the large loockmg Glass and aU my Sheep. Item, I give unto Mary Lovick my large Oval table, and ahalf Dozen of Black Chairs, and a bed, and one SUver Spoone. Item, I give unto Penelope Lovick, my Second best table, ahaU Dozm of my best Chears, and one of my Best Beads, and two SUver Spoones. Item, I give unto Sarah Lovick, the Daughter of Thoms. Lovick, My Desk, one Bead, and one Table, and the SmaU loockmg Glass. Item, I give unto Sarah Benners, And Penelope Lovick, 454 North Carolina Wills. the Silver that is in John Davisis hands to be made in two large Silver Spoones to be Aquelly divided between them. Item, I give unto Mary Lovick, Penelope Lovick, and Sarah Lovick, the Remainder of My house and Goods to be Aquelly Devided between them. Item, I give unto Mary Lovick, Penelope Lovick and Sarah Lovick, all my wearing Aperrell, to be Aquelly Devided be tween them. Item, I give unto my Molattah Whinch Named Judy her Freedom after my Desces. Item, I give unto Thoms. Lovick, My Molatah Boy Named Thomas Harris, to sarve Mm till the said boy Comes to the Years of one and Thirty, And if the Said Thoms. Lovick should desces before the Said Boy Comes to that eage, the Said Thoms. Lovick ShaU leve him to his Daughter, Betsey Lovick. Item, I give unto Sarah Benners, My Molatah girl Named Cathrin Zift, to Sarve her till the Said Catherin Zift, is of the Eage of one and Thirty, And if Sarah Benners Should goe out of the Cuntry to Carry the Girl with her, if not to leve her, to her mother Sarah Lovick, the wife of Thom's Lovick. Item, I give unto Sarah Lovick, the wife of Thoms. Lovick, And thair Daughter Betsey Lovick all my hoggs to be Aquelly Devided between them. Item, I give unto George Phen'y Lovick, my hors. Item, I give unto John Benners, my Spey Glass. Item, I give unto Penelope Lovick, My white handle kmves and forcks, My Welnitt hood, And all the Tea Spoons. Item, I give unto Thoms. Lovick, all my Cattle, And aU the Rest and Residue of my Personell Estate, goods and Chat ties whatsoever, whome I do hereby Make and Appoint Joint Executrixes, with Sarah Lovick, wife to Thoms. Lovick, And Penelope Lovick, of this My Last will and Testament, And I do hereby revoke, disannal and Make Voyd all former wiUs and testaments by me heretofore made, either by word of Mouth or in Writing. In witness whereof, I, the Said Ann Winright, to this my last will and Testament, Contained on three Sides of Paper, have Set my hand and Seal this 7 Day of March, 1751. her Ann X Winright Mark (Impression of Coat of Arms on Seal) Signed, Sealed, Published and Declared by the Testator in the Presents of us, and attested by us in the Presents of the Said Tes tator. John Benners. David Evans. North Caeolina Wills. 4.") 5 Carteret Countt, At a Court of Common pleas, begun and Held at Beaufort Town on the first Tuesday in June, 1751. Present ffis Majesties Justices: These are to Certify, that Mr. John Benners m Open Court made Oath that he Saw Ann Winright, deceased. Sign, Seal, PubUsh and Declare the WitMn Insturment of- Writmg to be her Last wffi and Testament, & that David Evans were present at the Signmg of the said Wffl and that Thomas Lo-vick, Esqr., Executor therein Appomted, Qualifyed himself as the Law Directs. Test. Geo. Read, CUs. Cur. Copied from the Original Wffi, ffied in the Office of the Secretary of State. JAMES WINRIGHT'S WILL. In the Name of God Amen I, James Winright, of Carteret County, m the Pro-vince of North Carolma, GentM. Do make and Ordam this my Last WiU & Testament, In Maimer and form foUowing, (Vizt). Imps. I WlU and Desire that my Just Debts and Funeral expences be Mst paid and Discharged. Item, I WUl and Desire that aU my Lands & Tenements on the North east side of New Port River (lymg between Col. Lovicks & Mr. Da-vid Shepards Cow pents) with the Stock of Neat Cattle thereon be sold as soon as Convemency -wiU permit, and That My Beloved Wife, Ann, Shall be paid the Sum of Ten pounds, Sterling, out of the Money Arismg thereby, and the Residue thereof ShaU be Applyed to the Several Uses hereinafter Mentioned. Item, I WiU and Desire that my Beloved Wife, Ann, shaU have the Labour of my Negros During her Widdowhood & not be sold or any other Ways disposed off by her or any person Intermarrying with her, But if so Happen that my sd. Wife should Marry, than Immediately the said Negros be Sold by my Executors and the Moneys Arismg thereby to be Applyed as is hereinafter Mentioned. Item, I Give and Bequeath unto my said Wife & her assignes The Mulatto Girle CaUed Judy, also aU my Houshold Goods, Horses, Sheep and Hoggs. Item, I WiU and desire that my said Wife may have the use & Yearly profitts of a P'cel of Land on Ne-wport River CaUed NewfoimdLand, with the Yearly profitt of the Stock thereon. During her Natural Ufe; and after her decease I give and Bequeath the said Land and Stock Which Shall Consist of Twelve Cows and Calves unto my Nephew, James Malm, & to his Heirs & assignes for Ever; the aforsed. James bemg the Son of my Sister Sarah, Now m London. Item, I WUl and Desire that my said Wife Durmg her Natura , May have the Use and Yearly profitts 456 Noeth Caeolina Wills. of all my Lands & Houses in Beaufort Town which I bought of John Pindar. Item, I Will and Desire that a Likely Negro Boy, of the age between Twelve and Twenty, be purchased as soon as Can be after My Decease, to be paid unto Charles Cogdell being the Consideration money due for the Negro Malborough, if not paid before my Decease. Item, I Give and Bequeath unto my Sister Elizabeth White, now in Boston, the Summ of Ten pounds, Sterimg, to be paid as soon as it Can be raised out of my estate. Item, I Give and Bequeath unto Elizabeth and Susannah Mabson the Sum of five pounds, Sterling, each, to be paid as soon as it Can be Raised out of my estate. Item, I Give and Bequeath unto Mrs. Ann Blount, ye Wife of Mr. James Blount, the Sum of Five pounds. Sterling, to be paid as soon as it Can be Raised out of my estate. Item, I Give and Bequeath unto Thomas Flybus, junr., the Son of Thomas Flybus, so much money as shall be Sufficient to pay & Defray the Costs and Charges of Taking up and patenting of One Hundred Acres of Land, Where he may find it in the Province aforesaid. Item, I Give and Bequeath unto each of my Executors & their Heirs the Sum of Ten pounds, Sterling, after their Lawful Charges are paid. Item, I WiU and Appoint that the Yearly Rents & Profitts of all The Town land and Houses in Beaufort Town, Belonging unto me, with the other Land Adjoining thereto (Which I purchased of John Pindar), after the Decease of my wife Ann, to be Applyed to the Uses hereinafter Mehtioned for Ever, (to Wit) for the encouragement of a Sober, discreet, QuaUifyed Man to teach a School at Least Reading, Writing, Vulgar & Decimal Arithmetick, in the aforesd. Town of Beaufort, wch. said Man Shall be Choosen and Appointed by the Chair Man (& the Next in Commission) of Carteret County Court, and one of the Church Wardens of St. John parish in the aforesd. County and Their Successors for Ever. Also, I Give and Bequeath the Summ of Fifty pounds SterUng (provided that my estate Shall be Worth so much after my Just Debts and other Legacys are paid and Discharged) to be Applyed for the Building and finishing of a Creditable House for a school & DwelUng house for the said Master to be Erected and Built on Some part of my Land Near the White house Which I bought of the aforesaid Pindar, and my True Intent and Mean ing is, that all the Yearly profitts & advantages Arismg by the aforesd. To-wn Lotts and Lands thereunto adjoining as aforesd., with the Use of the sd. Land for Making & Improving a plan tation for the planting & Raising of Corn &c. (if the aforesd. Master or teacher of sd. School shall think proper to plant & Noeth Caeolina Wills. 457 Improve the Same) be entirely for the use & Benefitt of ye sd. Master and his Successors During his and their Good Be haviour. Also, that the sd. ]Master shaU not be obliged to teach or take under his Care any Scholar or Scholars Imposed on him by the Trustees herein Mentioned, or their Successors, or by any other person. But shaU have free Liberty to teach & take under his Care, Such, and so many Scholars, as he shaU think Convenient and to Receive Ms Reward for the TeacMng of them as he and the persons tendering them ShaU agree. Item, I Give and Bequeath unto Col. Thomas Lovick my Shooting Gun. Item, I Give and Bequeath unto Robert Read the Sum of Five Pounds SterUng, to be paid as soon as it Can be raised out of my estate; and My R^eUed Gun. the sd. Robert being the Son of George Read. Item, I Give and Bequeath unto George Read aU my Books in my Librya. Item, I Give and Bequeath unto Capt. Arthur Mabson my large Case with the Bottles Therem. Item, I Give and Bequeath unto my Brother ih Law, WUUam WMte, My Boat and Sails thereto Belonging. Item, I Give and Bequeath unto George Read: my Watch wMch I How Useth, being a SUver Watch. Item, I Give and Bequeath unto George Read my Cedar Desk (or Duroe). Item, I WiU and Desire that a P'cel of Land on the West side of Suttons Creek, on Perquimon River, in Perquimon County, be Sold and the money Arising thereby to be Applyed to the Uses of my Legacys. Item, I Give and Bequeath unto my aforesd. Nephew, James Malm, his Heirs and assignes for ever, aU the Rest. and Residue of my Estate, Both Real and personal, (not herein before Devised) When he ShaU Arrive to the Age of Twenty one Years. Lastly, I Appomt my Trusty Friends, Col. Thomas Lovick and George Read, of Carteret County aforesd., Executors of tMs my Last WUl and Testament; and I do hereby Revoke, DisaniU & make Void, aU former WiUs and Testaments by me heretofore Made. In Witness Whereof, I, the said James Winright, to tMs my last WiU and Testament have Set my Hand & Seal the Thir teenth day of August, in the Year of our Lord, One Thousand Seven Hundred and forty four. Jas. Wineight. (Seal) Signed, Sealed, published, & Declared m the presence of us : David Shepaed, Jur. David Shepaed, Younger. WiLLLiM X Dennis mark 458 Noeth Caeolina Wills. No. Carolina Carteret Countt March Court, 1744. David Shepard, Junr. and Da-rid Shepard, younger, made Oath that they Saw James Winright, deced.. Sign & Seal the same and by that Court ordered to be Recorded. Test. Geo. Read. Clk. Cur. Copied from the Original WiU, filed in the Office of the Secretary of State. JAMES WOOD'S WILL. In the Name of God Amen, this 25th. day of June, in the Year of our Lord Christ, 1751. I, James Wood, Sener, of the North wess Parish in Northampton County, in the Province of North CaroUna, being of perfect mind & memory. Thanks be given to almighty God therefore, calling into mind the moi-tality of my body, and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die, I do make & ordain this my Last wiU and Testament, that is to say, Principally & first of all, I give & recommend my soul into the hands of God that gave it me; & my body I recommend to the Earth to be Buried in a decent Christian Buriall at the discretion of my Executors hereafter named, nothing doubting but at the generall resur rection I shall receive the same again by the mighty power of god; and as touching such worldly Estate wherewith it hath pleased god to Bless me in this life, I give, demise & dispose of the same in the following manner and form: Imprimis, I Lend to my beloved wife, Elezabeth wood, two Negros Named Pompy & Hanner, induring her -widowhood, and after her marriage, I give pompy to my Daughter, Eleza beth Wood, & hanner to my Daughter, Susannah Wood; and I give unto my Wife all my share of the stock of hogs that John Parker leves for me and the rent of that Plantation whereon he now Lives. I likewise Lend to my Wife, Eleza beth Wood, one bed and furniture, one Iron pott & pott hooks, one peuter dish & Bason, two Plates, Six Spoons & five cows & calves, Induring the time of her Naturall Life; & after her decease I give it to my Youngest Daughter, Mary Wood. Item, I Give unto my beloved Son, Jame Wood, the Plan tation whereon he lives, with all my Lands lying upon the North Side of Cuttowhisky marsh & half the pasture; & I give unto my Son, James wood, another tract of Land lying upon Cuttowhisky Swamp, begining at the mouth of tare arse Branch, and runing up the swamp to the head Line, the down the branch to the first Station, containing 250 acres, be the said more or less; and I give unto my Son, James Wood, a Plantation lying on the head of Tar River, on both sides of the river, with all the Land belonging thereto; & five Negros named will and tony & Bob and dick & young peter; and one ShiUing Serling. North Carolina Wills. 459 Item, I give unto my daughter, Mary Outlaw, one Shilling^ Sterling. Item, I Give unto my Daughter, Sarah Duffield, one ShiUing, Sterling. Item, I Give to my Son, Moses Wood, one ShUUng, Sterimg. Item, I Lend to my Daughter, Rosannah Bond, one Negro Girl named Jude she and her increase, during of her Naturall Life, then to the la-wfull Heirs of her Body; & for want of such heirs shaU retum & be equaUy di-vided between my tMee sons here named, James, Joseph & Jonas; & I give to my Daughter, Rosannah Bond, one ShUUng, Sterling. Item, I Give unto my Son, Joseph Wood, a tract of Land lying upon Cuttowhisky Swamp, containing 650 acres of Land, be same more or less, beginmg at the mouth of the hog pen branch and nming along a Une of markt trees to horsky marsh, & the mcluding aU the lands up the said marsh and swamp to tare arse branch; and Six Negroes, old peter and Cader, roben & rose, pat and filiis, they, and their increase for ever; and twenty pounds m cash; and one Bay horse and my great troopmg Saddle. Item, I give unto my Son, Jonas Wood, Plantation whereon I now Live, bounded as followeth: begimng at the mouth of hog pen branch, runmg aforesaid lme of marked trees to ahorsky marsh, and all my land on the South side of CuttowMsky marsh, and half the pasture; Likewise, Six Negros, named Cudger & Venus, & Jack, & pegg, nead & nan, they, and their in crease for ever; and one Horse, & my rifield gun, and my still; & if either of my sons, Joseph Wood or Jonas Wood, dies with out heir, the Land to faU to the other. Item, I give unto my Daughter, Elezabeth Wood, two Negros named Tom & Jenny, they, & there mcrease for ever. Item, I give my daughter, Susannah Wood, two Negros named hardy & Cate, they, & there increse for ever. Item, I do leave my Plantation and land at the head of Coniritratt to the use of my tMee sons, James, Joseph and Jonas. Item, I give unto my daughter, Winny Wood, 50 Pounds m Cash, and two Negros Nel & Scipio, the, & there increse for ever. Item, I give unto my Youngest daughter, Mary Wood, 50 Pounds in Cash, and two negros named wicket & lucia, they, & there increase for ever. Item, I lend unto my sister, Sarah KiUingsworth, one negro Girl named dmah During her naturall life, she and her m- crease; and after her decease I give the said Girl to her two Youngest Daughters, Ann & Charity, to be equaUy di-dded betwen them. and aU the rest of my Estate, Stock of Creatures, Household 460 North Carolina Wills. Goods, Debts & moveable effects, I leave to be equally di vided amongst my Children here named: Joseph & Jonas, Elezabeth & Susannah, by my Executors which are my two Sons, Joseph Wood and Jonas Wood, whome I constitute & make and ordain Sole Executors of this my Last Will and Testament, and I do hereby utterly disallow, revoke and dis annull, all and every other former Testaments, wills, leagaces, bequeaths and Executors, by in any ways before named, Willed and bequeathed, ratifying and confirming this, and no other, to be my last Will and 'Testament. In Witness whereof, I hereunto set my Hand and Sealed, the day and year above written. his James Wood W (L S) Mark Signed, Sealed and Delivered by the said James Wood as his Last Will and Testament in the Presents of us the Subscribers: his Barnaba X Baggott. mark his John X Pebkeb. mark Wm. Feyee. In Obeffience to your Excellency's Command I went to the Hous of WilUam Fryer and took the Deposition of his Oath as followeth; WilUam Fryer, aged about forty five years, first swom, and then saith: I was at the hous of James Wood in Jffiy or August, in the year one thousand, seven hundred & fifty one, & James Wood was in a Low State of health and he told me he had made his will and he desired me to Witness it, he told me he had two witness to it and they never had heard it read, and he ordered his son to fetch the will and Read it to me, and to the houshold, and after it was Read he takes the Will and Laid it down and took the pen and said to me that was his Last wiU and testament, and in the presents of the said Fryer he signed, Sealed and acknowledg tffis to be his last will and testament, and that he see Barnaba Baggotts mark and John Perkers mark before he witnesseth, and then he witnesseth underneath and that he acknowledged that to be his hand, and further saith not. March 18, 1752. Taken before me, John Alston, North Carolina, Edenhouse, 26 March, 1752. I, Gabriel Johnston, Esqr,, Governor and Comander in Chief, &c., in and over the sd. Pro-vince of North CaroUna, do hereby Certifie that tffis day Personally appeared before me John Perker, one of the Subscribing Evidences of the witffin last Will & Testament of James Wood, late of Northampton County, Deed., and made Oath that he saw the sd. Testator sign. Seal & deUver the same as & for Ms last Wffi & Testament, and that at tlie signing thereof he was of sound and disposing mind & memory; and Ukewise at the same time the annexed Deposition of WiUiam Fryer, taken by Virtue of a Dedimus to John Alston, Esq., of Chowan County, directed was produced to me as farther proof of the sd, last Will & Testa ment of the sd. Testator, the sd. WilUam Fryer being another of the Evi- Noeth Caeolina Wills. 461 dences thereto; and Ukewise at the same time Joseph Wood one of the Executors appomted by the said Wffi, qualffied himself as Executor, by taking the Oath appomted by Law for that purpose. Gab. Johnston, Copied from Original WiU, filed m the Office of the Secretary of State. LO\TCK WORLEY'S WILL. Noeth Caeolina. ss. In the Name of God Amen. I, Lo-vick Worley, of the County of TyreU, bemg Sick and weak m Body, but of Perfect Memory and Judgment, thanks be Given to God, Therefore do make and Ordain this to be my Last WiU and Testament, First of aU I Recommend my Soul to God that Gave it; and my Body to the Earth, to be Buried m a CMistian Like Manner at the Discretion of My Executors hereafter Mentioned; And as for my Worldly Estate, I Dispose of the same m Manner and Form as foUoweth, Viz: Imprimis, my WiU is that my Two Negro Girls (Viz.) MoU and Bess and their Increas (If any they should have), be not Divided untiU my Lovmg Daughter, Ann Gray Worley, be Twenty One Years Old or Married, &c. 2d'ly, I Give and Bequeath to my Lovmg Wife, Ann Worley, after My Just Debts are paid, the One Half of aU My Personal Estate, to her, her heirs and Assigns for ever. I also lend to my Said Wife the use of My Lands and Plantation whereon I Now Live During her Natural Life. 3d'ly, I Give and Bequeath to my Lovmg Daughter, Ann Gray Worley, (after my Just debts are paid) the one half of aU my Personal Estate m case she Lives to be Twenty One Years of Age or is Marryed; and if m Case my sd dau^ter should die before she is Twenty One Years of age or Marryed, I Give and Bequeath to my Lovmg Brother, John Worley, Ms Heirs and Assigns, Ten Pounds Lawful Money of great Brittain, to be raised Out of that Part of my Personal Estate I have Given to My sd Daughter; and the Remamder of that Part of My Per sonal Estate, I Give and Bequeath to my Loving Brother m Law, WiUiam Gray, and my Lovmg Sisters m Law, Lucretia Gray, Amelia Gray & Louisa Gray, to be EquaUy Divided Amongst them Share & Share alike, to them, their heirs and assigns for ever. 4tMy. I Give and Bequeath to my Lovmg Daughter, Ann gray Worley, aU my Lands that I am Now Possessed of, on Pro-dso she lives to have a Lawful Heu" begotten of her body and her said heir lives to the Age of Twenty One Years or is Marryed, On such Provisoes, I Give her the sd. Lands; Other wise, I Give and Bequeath unto my Lovmg Brother, John Worley, aU My sd Lands, to Mm and his heirs forever. 462 Noeth Carolina Wills. Lastly, I Constitute and Appoint My Loving Wife, Ann Worley, My Executrix, and My Loving Brother in Law, WUliam Gray, my loving Uncle, James Blount, and My Loving friend, Thomas Whitmell, My Executors to this My last Will and Testament, Revokeing and DisanuUing AU former Or Other Wills by me made, acknowledging and Ordaining this to be my last Wil and Testament. In Witness whereof, I have hereunto set my Hand and afiixed my Seal, this 24th. Day of January, Anno Dom:, 1754. Lovick Worley. (Seal) Signed, Sealed, Pronounced and Declared by the said Lovick Wor ley to be his last Will and Testa ment Before us : Test. David Jebnigan. Thomas Kinsy, Jurat. David Canaday, Jurat. Ttrell Countt. ss. March Court, 1754. Then was the within WiU duly proved in Open Court by the Oath of Thomas Kimsey and David Canady, Two of the Subscribing Witnesses thereto; and at the same Time William Gray & Ann Worley was duly Qualified as Exor. and Exrx. thereto as the Law Directs, Ordered that the Honble. James Murray, Esqr., Secretary, have Notice, that Letters Testa mentary Issue thereon accordingly. Test. Evan Jones, Clk. Cu, Copied from Original WiU, filed in the Office of the Secretary of State. WILLIAM YEATES' WILL. In the Name of God Amen. I, WilUam Yeates, of the County of Bertie, & Province of No. Carolina, being sick and weak in Body, but of sound & perfect sence and memory, thanks be to Almighty God for it, and calling to mind the uncertainty of This Transitory life. Do Make and Ordain this to be my last Will and Testament, in manner & form foUow ing, that is to say, first I give and Bequeath my Soul to Almighty God that gave it; and my Body to be buryed in a Decent maner by my Exctr. hearafter named. Item, I Give and Bequeath to my Daughter, mary Yeates, one negro Boy calld. Jupiter, to Hir & Hir Heirs for ever, only, if my sd. Daughter Mary should Dye Before She Marreys, then, the sd Negro Jupiter to Belong to my Son, Richd. Yeates. Item, I Give to my Daughter, Susanah Pipkin, one negro Boy Named Nearo, to Hir & Hir Heirs for Ever. Item, I Give & Bequeath to my Son, WiUiam Yeates, five Pound, Currt. money of Virginia, to be Paid him by my Exetrs. hearafter Named. Nobth Carolina Wills. 463 Item, I Give & Bequeath to my Son, Robert Yeates, One Hundred Acres of Land lymg m Bertie Coimty, Beginmg at Pottecasie Creek, at a Mgh Island; from Thence Runmg Up A flat Branch to a smaU marsh; from thence up a little Branch to a markd white Oak; from thence to a smaU Branch runmg out of the Indian marsh to where Bryan Hare's path Crosses; from thence along the sd. Path to Bryan Hares Lme, to him and to his Heirs for Ever. Item, I Give and Bequeath to my Daughter, ^Martha Langs- ton, one Negro Boy Named Joe, to Hir & Hir Heirs for Ever. Item, I Give & Bequeath to my Son, Richard Yeates, One Hundred Acres of Land Lymg in Bertie Coimty, Begmmg Att Blew Water Branch at the old Bridge; from thence Up A Little Branch to a marked wMte Oak standimg On the Chapel Path; from Thence Runing to a Little marsh caU'd the Rackcoon Marsh; from Thence to Bryan Hares Comer Tree. Allso, one negro man caUed Pompy after the Death of his ]\Iother. Allso, One Gray Horse CaUd DaulpMn, Ms choice of my Guns, and a feather Bed and fumiture to it. Item, I Give & Bequeath to my Son, Charles Yeates, one hundred Acres of Land Lying m Bertie County, Begimng On Cuttewhiske Swamp at A Little Branch; from Thence Runmg Up the sd. Branch to a Marked Pine, then to a Red Oak Stand ing On Carters Path, then Along the sd. Path to Bryan Hares Lme. Allso, One feather bed and fumiture to it, One Gray Coult Runing with his Dam caUd. Tibb, two Cows & Calves, one Gun, one Iron Pott, two pe-wter Dishes & tMee pewter Plates. Item, I Give and Bequeath to my Son, Darnel Yeates, My Plantation I Now Live Upon, with AU the Remamder Part of my Land Undisposed; One feather Bed & furmture to it; One Bay mare caUd. Jone, One Iron Pott, two pewter Dishes & tMee Pewter plates, & aU my Cooper's Tools. Item, I Give and Bequeath to my Daughter, Judith Yeates, one negro Boy named Catoe, and two Cows & Calves, to Hir & Hir Heirs for Ever. Item, I Give & Bequeath to my Daughter, Amy Yeates, one Negro Boy named Seesar, two Cows & Calves, two Pewter Dishes and tMee Pewter Plates. Item, my WiU is that if my Daughter Judith, or Amy Yeates, Or Either of them, should Dye Before they, Or Either of them, should Marrey, then there, Or Either of there Negros Given to them by me, shaU faU to & Belong to my son, Robert Yeates. Likewise, if my Daughter Mary Yates, Should Dye Before She Marreys, then the Negro Boy Given to her by me ShaU fall to and Belong to my Son, Richard Yeates. Likewise, if My Sons, Richard, Charles Or Darnel Yeates, Should Dye Before they come to Lawfull Age, Or Without Issue, then the Land 464 North Caeolina Wills. given to them. Or Either of them, By Me is to fall to and Belong to the Surviveung Brothers and So To Redo-wn to them As Long as Either them Lives. Item, I Lend to my Beloved Wife, Mary Yeates, the Use of One negro Man Named Pompy, & One Negro Woman named Venus, dureing hir Natural life, and after hir Death, my sd. Negro Pompy to Belong to my Son, Richard Yeates; and my Negro Woman Venus and hir Increase to Belong to my two Sons, Charles and Darnel, and there Heirs for Ever. Item, I Give and Bequeath to my Beloved Wife, Mary Yeates, All the Rest of My Personal Estate, Both Moveable and Un moveable. I Allso Appoint my Beloved Wife, Mary, and my Son, Richard Yeates, my Whole & Sole Executors of this my Last Will & Testament. Hearby DisannulUng all Other Wills by me Made Or Directed to Which Said Last WUl and Testa ment I have Hearunto Sett my Hand and fixt my Seal, This Twenty third day of December, Anno Domim, one Thousand, Seven hundred and fifty one. William Yeates (L S) Sign'd, Seal'd, Publish'd, & de clared in Presants of Us: Jno. Bbickell. Isaac Cabtee. Bbyan Haee. Bertie Countt May Court, 1752. Present ffis Majesty's Justices The last Will & Testament of WilUam Yeates, Deed., exMbited into Court by Mary Yeates & Richard Yeates, Executx. & Executr. of the sd. WiU, & proved by the Oaths of Jno. Brickell, Isaac Carter & Bryan Hare, the Evidences thereto; at the same Time the sd. Executx. & Executr. quaU fied themselves by taking the Oath appointed by Law for that Purpose. Ordered to be Certified By Order of Court Test. Saml. Ormes, Cl. Cur. Copied From Original Will, filed in the Office of the Secretary of State. Noeth Carolina Wills. 465 JOHN HARDY'S WILL. In the name of God Amen. I John Hardy of Chowan m the CoUony of North Carolina &C Being weak in body Butt in perfect & sound mmd and memory praise be therefore given to aU mighty God Do make and ordain this my present last wUl & T^tam* m manner & form foUowing (That is to say) first & princapaUy I commend my Soul mto the hands of AU nughty God hopeing tMough the merritts death & passion of my Saviour Jesus Christ to have fuU & free pardon & forgive ness of aU my Sins And to Inherritt Everlasting life. And my body I committ to the Earth to be Decently buried att the descretion of my Executors hereafter named, And as touching the Deposision of aU my TemporaU wMch itt hath pleased allmighty God to bestow on me I give & Dispose as foUoweth Item, I give imto my Loving Brother WilUam Hardy one Black hors of five year ould, And the best shute of Cloaths I have, AUso my Buckanear gun Item, I ^ve unto my brother Thomas Hardy one hundred acers of Land out of the tract where he now DweU on the upper side of the Une Joyning to Le-wis Da-ds beginmg on the pocoson then running up to the head of the line And one gray broad cloath coate Item, I give unto my brother Jacob Hardy one gray drugett coate Item, I give unto katherine StanceU Widdow one cow & calfe Item, I ^ve unto Richard Pickering one young mare two years ould Item, I give * * * all Johnson other * * * John Butler a certain debt of twenty two pound for wMch I have his land mortgaged. And I do hereby give him the said debt And allso Discharge the said mortgage Item, I ^ve & bequeath unto my loving Daughter EUzibeth Hardy both my plantations lying on casiah river where Thomas Williamson now DweU And contayning Six hundred & forty Acers Each as appears by the pattents bearing date november the forth 1707, AUso another tract of Land over casiah river caUed Hendersons foUy contayning four hundred & forty acers as appear by the pattent bearing date aprUl the first 1719 AUso I give unto my Daughter EUzibeth another tract of Land on the East side of rockquess contayning four hundred and twenty four acers Excepting the one himdred acors ^ven to my brother Thomas Item, I give unto my Daughter EUzibeth one tract of Light- wood land Lying on bucklesbury swamp so runnmg back to 30 466 North Carolina Wills. Esq"' Duckinfield line contaymng five hundred acers as appear by the patent bearing date octor 20": 1717 All which said lands I give unto my said Daughter EUzibeth And to her heirs Lawfully begotten of her body Item, I give unto my beloved daughter mary hardy TMs my maner plantation where I now dwell contayning Six hun dred and forty acers as appear by the patent bearing date november 11" 1707 And allso another tract of Land Lying on the head of my said plantation And runmng to John Marshalls line contayning Six hundred & forty acers as appear by the patent bearing date the 20": of July 1717 John Hardy Allso I give unto my Daughter mary one plantation Lying on Casiah river on the East side contaymng six hundred & forty acers as appears by the patent bearing date november the Mst 1712 AUso I give unto my Daughter mary one plan tation in the fork of Casiah river where mary Lee now Dwell contayning Two hundred & five acers as appear by the convey ance from the patent All which lands & plantacons I give & bequeath unto my said Daughter mary and her heirs Lawfully begotten of her body Item, I give unto my well beloved wife Rebecah Hardy one tract of Land Lying aLong the pocoson or Bucklesbury swamp contayning four hundred & seventy acers as appear by the pat tent bearing date October 19": 1716 And called the gum swamp As allso another tract of land between Da-vid Hicks line & John Marshalls so along the pocoson side contayning Six hun dred & forty acers as appear by the patent bearing Date the 20" day of July 1717 All which said land I give unto my -wife Rebecah and to her Dispose Now in case my -wife Rebecah should be -with cMld & De livered within nine months from the date hereof: Then in such case being a son I give him this my manner plantation And also the other tract on the head of itt both willed to my daugh ter mary And allso both my plantations on cashia river both -willed to my Daughter EUzabeth And in case itt shold be a daughter I give her one plantation Lying on the East side of cashia river willed unto my daughter mary Allso one tract of Land over cashia river called Hendersons folly willed unto my Daughter EUzibeth And in case of the Death of Either my Daughters or a child that may be born in the time above men tioned the sir-vivers shall EquaUy Divid the part of the De ceased both personall & Reall between them Item, I give unto my Daughter EUzibeth these negroes here after mentioned — Viz Scipio: grace: Sharpor: MaU & Morea with all their Increase unto her my daughter EUzibeth Item, I give unto my Daughter mary these negroes herafter mentioned Viz kent Joane quasha & toney with all their In crease unto my said Daughter mary Noeth Cabolina Wills. 467 Item, I give unto my wife Rebecah these negroes hereafter mentioned Viz Jack: Nanney george & Dido And my half of hector & qoininsorer(?) and m case of a son or Daughter bom as above mentioned the said son or daughter to have an equaU share with the other chUdren of aU my personall Estate Item, my money in England I give EquaUy to be Divided between my wife & the cMldren Each chUd havmg an ElquaU part with my wife Item, I ^ve aU my horsis cattle and sheep to be EquaUy Divided between my my wife and the ChUdren Each having an EquaU part. And wMle my wife shaU remam a Widdow she has hereby Liberty to kiU out of aU or any the stock of Cattle or Sheep for her fanuly use Item, I g^ve aU my houshold Stuff and Toles both within and vrithout I give aU EquaUy to be Divided between my wife & ChUdren EquaUy Item, I give unto my Daughter EUzibeth thirty pound in pubUck money to pay the pubUck dues & quittrents of her Lands Item, I give unto my Daughter mary thirty pound m pubUck money to pay the pubUck dues & quittrents of her Land Item, for aU the rest of my pubUck bills With my debts by biU account or any other ways whatsoever I wold have aU Reserved to aU my Just debts from me due to any person Now here I would itt understood I wold have aU my Just debts paid in pitch & not in paper Excepting ElUotts debt And that not Excepting they sue for the same And aU over & Above paying my debts I give unto my -wife Rebecah Hardy And m case my wife should marry I wold have the negroes belonging to the ChUdren & Imployed on their own Lands & plantations wholy for their own benefit And the r^t of their Estates to remain m their mothers hands : Except my Executors see apparent cause to take itt away Lastly, I do hereby nominate and appomt my weU beloved wife Rebecah Hardy Excutrix: And my weU beloved Brother WiUiam Hardy And my trusty and weU beloved friend Thomas PoUock Jumor And my Trusty and weU beloved friend Major Robert West my true & LawfuU * . * * * * these my forementioned friends aU joyntly my true and Lawful Executors to this my last wUl & Testament hereby Declaring owing & Confirming this as my Last wUl & Testa ment Revokmg & DisanuUing aU other wUls & Testaments for nuU & Voide In Witness whereof I have hereunto Sett my hand and fixed my Seall this mneteenth day of January And the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred & nineteen And the 468 Noeth Caeolina Wills. sixth year of the Reign of our Soveragn Lord king George, of Great Britton ffrance and Ireland King Defender of the faith Contained in tMe sheetts of paper John Haedy (Seal) Signed Sealed Declared and Published as my last will & Testa ment in presence of hollbeookLaueence Saeton John Lueeton North Carolina ss By the Honble the Govemor John Holbrook came before me and made Oath that he see Mr John Hardy Signe Seal and pubUsh the witffin will to be Ms last WUl and Tes- tiam' Given under my hand tffis 16th day March 1719 Charles Eden Copied from Original Wffi, filed in office of Secretary of State. Inventobles. 469 INVENTORIES. AN INVENTORY of the Estate of WUliam Bartram Senr Deceased Taken by the Administrators: 25 old Books of Dif erent sorts & percU of other old Books 30 New i>ewter plates 18 old puter plates & 26 spoons 11 puter Basons 5 puter Dishes 1 Tm pan 14 Earthen plates 1 Salt Sellar & peper Box 3 Tea Kittles 4 Tea pots & one Coffee pot 12 Tea Cups & sassers 4 Candel Sticks & 1 pair Snuffers 3 Earthern butter pots & 1 pan 2 pair fire Dogs & 1 old one 2 pair fire Tongs & 2 Shovels 8 Iron Pot & 2 Iron Kittle 4 pair pot hooks 1 pot Tramel 1 Flesh fork & Skimmer 2 Skffiets & Frymg pan 1 Iron Spit & Gridiron 1 Iron trivet & bread Tester 6 Wme Glasses & one Decanter 12 Kffives & Forks 2 punch bowles & 1 Case & Bottles 6 Beads & furmture 4 bead Steads 7 Chests & 11 Chairs & 14 Sickels 1 pair of Stiliards & Scales & Weights 2 Brass Morters & 1 Iron Morter 3 Tables & 1 Safe & 4 Jugs 2 Wier Sives & 2 pair flat Irons 2 Lookmg Glasses & 1 Desk 3 pails 2 piggens & 1 tub 2 Chums & 2 Keelers 1 pair of hand Mffi Stones 1 Grinding Stone & whet Stone 1 AvU BeUos & 2 Vices 3 hammers 1 Sledges & 2 Service plates 3 pair of tongs & a percU of ffles 1 Rost Meet hook & Melting Laffie 1 pair of Brass button Molds 1 pffir of Spoon Molds 1 pair of Shot Molds 2 Big wheals & 2 Little Wheals 2 pair of Cards & 1 pair Tow Combs 2 Hackels & 1 pair wosted Combs 3 pair bar plow Irons 2 Flacks Iron without Colters 6 pair of Iron Traces 12 Weadmg hows & Six axes 3 Iron wSiges & 1 frow 1 Cross Cut Saw & 1 Tennent Saw 3 hand Saws 6 Chissels 1 gaug 1 Ads & 2 Augers & 2 old Cross Cut Saws 1 pair Timber wheals & 1 pair Cart wheals 4T0 Noeth Caeolina Wills. 2 Ox Chams & 1 Timber Cham 2 Grubbing hoes & 3 Spaids 1 StiU & worm 1 Iron Cotton Gin & 1 Coffee MiU 6 old Gun Barrels 2 Iron Cart hoops & 3 smaU Boxes 3 old Guns & 1 CooMn Iron 7 Rasors & a percil of Sffipe BiUs 1 Good MiU Saw & 5 old MiU Saws 2 Cooper howels & 6 pair Bridel bits 1 Surveyers Cumpas & Chain 4 pair of Sturrip Irons & one odd one 1 pair of Money Scales 3 old Swords & 3 Trupers Pistols 2 horse Locks & 1 pair tooth Drawers 1 pair Dore Mnges 1 pair of Window Ditto 1 Gun Lock & Staples & ring for Ox Yokes 6 Ox or horse BeUs 1 piece & }^ of gert webmg 1 Cag with some powder & a peice of Lead 1 Shoe Maker hammer & pinchers & Some other Shoe Maker Tools 1 old Steal MiU 1 Set of Brass for a Gun 8 New beUs Not Brased 1 Mouth peice to put on Negros 1 pair Iron hoppels for Negros 1 hand vice & 1 peice of old Copper Kittle & 4 plow Clevis 1 Glue pot & a percil of Glue 2 puter quarts & 1 puter Tankerd 1 pair of Leather Bags 1 peice of old Crank & a percil of old Iron 5 Hogsheads & 2 Powdering Tubs 2 yards of Black Cotton Velvit li4 yards of Snuff Colered Velvit 63 head of hogs of Diferent Sorts 11 two year old BuUs 14 Barren Cows 4 three year old BuUs 8 year old heffers 34 Cows & Calves 8 two year old heffers 2 one year old Bulls 2 three year old stears 6 for year old stears 2 five year old stears 3 two year old stears 11 working Oxen 3 Stallions 5 Mairs 3 one year old Mairs 1 two year old Mair 1 Mau- & Colt 4 plow horses 3 Riffing horses 1 four year old horse 1 horse sold by W Bartram Junr 23 head of Sheep 2 Guages & 1 hand Saw 2 Chissels 3 Augors 2 Drawing kffives 2 Ox or hoise Bells Invextorles. 471 1 Cuning knife & Steal 2 Flats one m the river the other m the }vIiU pond 1 old pair of Timber Wheals 1 old pair of Cart Wheals 4 Ox Yokes 1 prunmg knife 3 horses 4 Barrels Locks instead of pad locks 1 Harrow with 10 Iron teeth 1 Iron Instrument to Make lines or Ropes & a parol of Gun Worms 1 Little Old Conno 1 two foot Scale 11 Negro Men & Boys 8 Negro women & Girls 3 Negro ChUdren 8 N^ro ChUdren Bojb & Girls percU of Notes of hands & orders if Can be recovd to the Amount of £143: 11: 1:M To a proved Accoimt £20: 14: 8 To 23 pounds m Cash To a percU of Sundrey Book Account unSettled the Amount Not kno-wn To Some horses & Mairs & Some Cattle Supposed to be ruffing m the woods the Number Xot known 17 Thousand feet of MarcMnt Lumber 5 Thousand feet Marchantbb m town A percU of Slaves the number Not known About 240 Bushels of Indian Com 9 head of Cattle kffied for use 11 head of hogs kffied for house use The withm is a Just & true Inventory taken by us to the best of our Knowledge Wm. Bartram Thos Robeson Junr AN INVENTORY of the Estate of Wm. Bartram Junr Deceased Acres To 1 peice of Land at the Wacanaw Lake Containmg 120 To 1 peice of Land at the Lake known by Bartram Lake Con tainmg 320 Ditto to 320 Acres on Bartram Lake 320 To 1 peice on the Bluff at the Sugar Loaf Containmg 215 To 1 peice of Land CaUed ashwood Containmg 640 To Ditto 1 Peice on the Xo, Est side of the river CaUed ashwood Contaimng 640 To 1 peice of Land at Bartram Low or Lake Containmg 150 To 1 peice at the wMte Marsh Contaimng 120 To 1 Peice at the WMte Marsh Contamg 100 To 1 Peice at the WMte Marsh Containing 100 To 1 peice at the Mouth of Donohue Creek Contaimng, 3 To 1 peice of land on the No Est side of the River containmg 500 To 1 peice adjoiffing to Ashwood Containmg 150 To 1 pdce adjoinii^ to Hezock Davis Containing 50 To 1 peice on plummers run to be taken at two tffirds the Value To 2 peices on Carvers Creek & belongmg to the Mffi Contaimng of Land 490 & MUls & Iron works & Utentials belongiog to them To 1 Lot m Wilmington bought of Kinny 23 feet front 33 feet Back 472 North Carolina Wills. To 1 Lot Leased to Burgwin To 2 Lots from Isaac Hill To other Lots the Deeds in one Keen Name To 1 Lot in Campbelltown To Doctor Books & Docter's Mefficens & Vials & pots the Number unknown & aiticels to me To Some Docter Instruments To a percil of Docter Drugs the Article & Do Not known 1 Rifel Gun Ditto 1 Smooth Gun 1 Good Saddle Ditto 1 MidUng Saddle 1 Silver Watch 1 Pair Silver Shoe Buckels Ditto 1 pair Nee Buckels 1 Stock Ditto 1 Hone 1 Hown harne & 2 razars & a Case To a percil of Book Accounts for practise of PMsick 1 Iron Tea Kittle 1 Chest 1 Large Cutto knife 1 pair of Shot Moles 1 pair of BuUet Moles To a percil of wearing apperil To 1 Mouth peice for a Negro To 1 Rat Trap to 1 pair Iron Traces To 1 Fleshing knife To 1 Iron to Bake Bread A Just & true Inventory taken by Thos. Robeson Junr Admimstrator To the Best of my Knowledge (FUed Nov, 17, 1772,) Albemarle August 2d 1680 Wee the Subscribers being Ordered by the Grand Councell for the appraismt of ye Estate of Capt, VaUentine Bird Deceased wee doe In order hereunto appraise the sd Goods and Chatties as is brought before us to the best of our SkiU and Judgment: Imprimis 3 pr fine hoUand Sheets at 50 SffilUngs per paire 07:10 :00 3 Pr of Course Ditto att 30 s pr 04:10:00 1 Ditto Course at 01:05:00 2 Prs halfe wome Ditto 15 s Pr 01:10:00 3 browne Orsenbrigg Sheets at 5 s. 00:15:00 1 Pr worne Sheets 00:08:00 11 pillows at 2s 6p _ 01:07:06 6 Ditto at 2s, 6p 00:15:00 4 Cubboard Cloathes _ 00:16:00 1 fine Holland Cubboard Cloth 00:08:00 1 Dozn Daipr Napkins & Table Cloth 01:10:00 1 Dozn and 9 Daiper napkins 01:18:00 3 Table Clothes 00:18:00 6 course Table Clothes 01:10:00 2 dozn & 4 Course Napkins 01:10:00 16 Course Towells 01:10:00 1 fine holland ToweU 00:05:00 1 Tankard and 1 Dozen Silver Spoons 13:07:04 1 Sett Curtains vaUens & Counterpans 01 :10 :00 1 Sett of old Curtains and VaUens 00:10:00 1 fringed Shoulder belt 00:10:00 Inventories. 47-3 1 gray Shagd Ru^ 00:10:00 1 green Shagd Rugg 01:00:00 1 Shagd Rugg 01:05:00 1 Ditto att 01:02:00 1 Dark CuUowed Ru^ Shagd 01:00:00 1 Large Black Trunck 00:15:00 1 SmaUer Ditto with Drawers 00:15:00 1 smaU Chest 00:10:00 1 Iron bound Chest 01:00:00 1 Iron bound Ditto 01:00:00 1 Xew ffeather and boulster 06:00:00 1 ffeather Bed and Boulster 04:00:00 1 Hammacker 00:18:00 1 bed boulster and pffioe 05:10:00 1 bed boulster Coverlet & pffiow 04:10:00 1 Lookmg glass 00:05:00 1 Glass Case 00:10:00 1 dressmg box 01:00:00 1 Warming Pann 00:10:00 1 Bed Stead 00:08:00 One PceU of books 06:00:00 2 hair Brushes 00:01:06 23 Round and Square Bottles 00:12:00 15 yd of Keu-sey 01:17:06 11 Prs plain Shoes at 3s Pr 01:13:00 1 Black walnut Table & frame 01:00:00 10 Chairs 02:10:00 1 Couch at 01:00:00 1 Table and frame 00:13:04 1 Table Qoth 00:06:08 1 Striped Carpet 00:05:00 1 WMp saw 01:00:00 1 bed stead and Cradle 00:10:00 1 fowUng piece 01:10:00 1 musket and fowling piece... 01:15:00 2 Smoothing Irons att 00:10:00 1 pair of Stffiiards and pea 00:08:00 1 Dozen pewter plates 01:10:00 1 Dozn Ditto 01:04:00 19 pewter poringr at 01:08:06 6 SmaU Salts 00:06:00 2 Large Ditto at 00:06:00 2 pewter Canffiesticks 00:05:00 SSawsersat Is 3p per lb 00:04:06 51 Pewter Dishes at 03:03:09 4 pewter Basons 01:12:00 3 old pewter plates 00:05:00 2Large brass Candlesticks 01:10:00 A parcel of Tming ware 02:00:00 2 pewter Chamber potts 00:08:00 1 pewter Tankard 00:03:00 1 paire Tongues & Kre ShoveU 00:05:00 1 brass Kittle: 32 pound at 02:00:00 3 skffiets at 18 sMUmgs 00:18:00 6 beU mettle mortor & pearseU 00:10:00 1 posnet at 00:04:00 1 brass (?) and Ladle 00:05:00 1 frying pann at 00:06:00 Sspitts 00:10:00 1 paire andirons 00:15:00 474 North Carolina Wills. 3 paire pothooks 00:06:00 1: paire racks 00:03:00 1 iron pott wt 60 lb at 4p pr lb 00:16:08 1 ditto wt 36 lb at 4p pr lb 00:12:00 2 dittoes wt 33 lb at 4p per lb 00:11:00 1 Lignum vitee punch bowl 00:15:00 1 Lignum vitee mortor 00:02:06 1 flesh forke 00:01:00 1 Cradle 00:05:00 Negro men; (vizt: Mingo at 40:00:00 Andrew and Thom: at 35 lb Sterling pr each 70:00:00 women: negroes Hanna; Betty; Betty; & Bess at 30 lb SterUng each-- 120:00:00 Mary ye Indian 20:00:00 Negro boy mustapha 20:00:00 1 SmaU Ditto named Robin at 15:00:00 1 small negro Girl named Jane 15:00:00 1 Negro Child George 10:00:00 1 Woman Servant named Ann ffarmer of 4 years to serve- . 08:00:00 1 hand MiU 06:00:00 1 sett of wedges 00:10:00 7 weeding howes at Is: 6p: 00:10:06 8 hilling howes at 00:07:00 2 old Axes at 00:02:00 1 spaid att 00:06:00 1 TroweUat2s: 6p: 00:02:06 1 broad ax at 00:04:00 1 hand saw at 00:02:00 1 Lathing hamer at 00:01:06 1 coopers adze & rift 00:03:00 22 sheep at 10s: 11:00:00 plantation andhousen 80:00:00 12: old Sowes 09:00:00 30 Shotes 07:10:00 6 barrows and board 05:05:00 12 cowes and calves at 30s 18:00:00 6: 2 year old beasts 06:00:00 Total is 583 lb— 01s— 03p Samuell Daviss Wm. Nevell Jno Die Signum Tobacco lb By 2000 pounds of tobacco Due from Capt Zacha GiUam &c 2000 I the Subscriber Doe present In humble Manner this as A True Inven tory of the Estate of Capt Bird of this County Late Deseased I being Ms Executrix The Debts of ye Estate being drawne up; I forgott to Bring them; which I humbly Crave Leave to the Next Session of ye Grand Councell; for presentmt of them and that to tMs Inventory Credits they may bee annexed; November 8th 1680 Margaret Bird The pettionar is Lt Allowed for ye Bringing in of the Debts Robt Johnson Holden, Secrata IrrvENTORiES. 475 INVENTORY of the Real & Personal Estate of Richard Blackledge Esqr. Deceased taken October 20th 1777 Vi^t: 15530 Acres of Land or there .\bout 49 Negroes 320 Head of Cattle or there Abouts J^ Lott No 108 Lott Xo. 46 Do 36 Do 404 Do 405 Do 406 & Do 236 with Half a Front Lott held with Mr Xeale where the Slaughter House Stands Salt Works as they now Stand at the Mouth of Cour Creek bemg 50 Acres of Land with a Salt Pann Abt 2-3 done 14 by 18 feet Squair about 1700 wt Barr Iron & a Suff ciency of Plates to finish the Pann About 700 wt Lead 8 Kittles fixed for BoyUng 3 Yoke of Oxen 2 Carts 1 Set of Smiths Tools 3 Boats 2 Cows & Calves & Sundry Tools Consistmg of Axes, Hoes, Spades, Sa-ws &c &C for the use of the Works with some Little fur ffiture for use of the Works People Beds &c abt 20M Bricks to put the Pann up with & Abt. 4 IM of Lumber to make Resurvoys &c Half the Bii^ Ann with Capt. Stephen WiUiams now Abt Cadiz or up the Straits & Half her Cargo out of wMch Stephen Wffiiams has Remitted three Hundred Pounds Sterimg 14, of 5-16 of a Schooner caUed the Beaffiort on a Voyage to the West Inffies Commanded by Capt. Anffible 1-6 of a Brigg now BuUdmg at Beaufort by Peter Xowe & Robert Walpoole 3-16 of a Schooner Called the Effinor now BuUdmg at Otter Creek by Mr. Adam Tooley 60 Head of Sheep 250 Head of Hogs or there Abouts Crop on the Grounds 10 Horses 1 Riding Chair & 1 Sulkey One Womens Sadffie 1 SUver Mounted Gun 1 P Pistols & a SmaU Sword 3 Pr Timber Wheels & 2 Screws, 2 Scows belonging to the Mills & 1 Canow, 2 Canows belongmg to the Plantation &1 Old Bay Boat 1 Set of Smiths Tooles 1 Set of Gun Moimting a ParceU of Old Iron belongmg to Batchelors Creek Mffi abt 200 wt 4 Spare Saws & 1 Dozen FUes, 3 P£tU Locks 3 Barrs of Run Steele 6 Scythes 2 Cane Kffives 2 Old Pistol BarreUs, 15 Old Gunns & Gun BaU. 22 Bayonetts, 3 Old Mffi saws 2 Sets of Steele Jinn Rowlers 8 Sets of Wood en Ginn Rowlers 1 Ginn 50 wt XaUs 1 Pr Hayforks 53 wt Iron Hoops 80 pains of Glass 1 Crucible 4 Jamaca Mffi Cranks 41 Iron Mffi Roimds abt 250 wt Iron 200 wt XaU Rods abt 550 Sides of Leather m the Tan Yards 1 Copper Distffi abt 50 wt Old Brass 1 SmaU Old Stffi 1 Old Tea Kittle 3 Pair of Hmges 8 Xarrow Axes Pr Wedges 2 Broad Axes 1 Iron Tooth Harrow 5 Grubffig Hoes 15 Weeding & HiUin Hoes 1 Dutch Fann 1 Brass Swivffi 3 Bitts 2 Pr Styrup Irons 2 Mens Sadffies 1 Bryer Hook 7 Cart Boxes 7 Flecke Plows 5 Barr Plows 3 Grind Stones 4 Setts of Plow Geers & 2 Snaffle Bridles 1 New Coopers Axe & 1 Set of Coopers Tools & Some Spair Truss Hoops 2 Brass Cocks 2 Trucks 2 Carts some Old Blocks a Parcel of Brick Moffids abt 400 wt Old Iron Consisting of Axes, Hoes Plows &c the Sweepmg of the Smiths Shop Abt 500 wt Old Iron that came out of MUl that was Burnt belonging to Wm Blackledge Pr Worsted Combs 3 Stone OU Jarrs & Abt 30 GaUons of OU 7 Pr Cards 6 Woolen Wheeles 2 Linnen Ditto 2 Lumes 3 Pair of Harness 5 Stays 2 Pair of Stul- yards & P Seales & Weights 3 Hackels 1 Wire rim Sive 1 Pr Sheep Shears 1 Ginn Case & Abt 6 Doz Qt Bottles 2 Dozen Flat 2 GaUon Ditto & 2 Dozen Round 2 GaUon Do 1 GaUon Pott 1 Qt Pott FunneU & Libra of Books Abt 70 Barrells of Pork 1 Set of Tools for use of the Tan Yards & for Currying Household Fumiture &c Vizt 6 SUver Table Spoons 1 Soop Ditto 12 Tea Do 1 Punch Ladle 1 Set of Caster with four Stands 1 Tea Chest 1 Glass Stand 7 SyUabub Glasses 2 Decanters 10 Wme Glasses 1 Large Tumbler 3 SmaU ffitto 3 Lookmg Glasses 3 Hash Dishes 1}^ Dozen Cffinae Plates 3 CMnea Bowls 2 ditto Tea Potts 1 Do MUk Pott 1 Stone Tea Pot 1 Coffee Pott Queens Ware Six CMney Coffee Cups & Saucers 6 Do Tea Cups & Saucers 1 Queens China SaUet Dish 2J^ Dozen Queens CMnea Flatt Plates 2J^ Dozen Do Soop Ditto 4 Lai^e Queens Ware Dishes 4 SmaU Ditto 1 Stone Dish 1 Queens China Chocolate Pott 10 Large Case Kffives & forks 6 Breakfast Kffives & forks 476 North Carolina Wills. 1 Queens CMna Boat 2 Delf Bowls 11 Butter Potts 1 Japaned Sugar Dish 3 Earthen Pans & 14 Tart Molds 2 Chests 2 Trunks 1 Port Mantau Trunk 1 Diffing Table 2 Tea Tables 12 Winsor Chairs 1 Couch 1 Canffie Stand 1 Pr Hand BeUows 4 Pr Hand Irons 2 Shovels & 1 Pr Tongs 4 Large Pe-wter Dishes 6 small Ditto 5 Pewter Basons 25 Pewter Plates & Iron Potts 1 SmaU Iron Kittle 1 Large Brass Kittle 1 SmaU Ditto 3 Frying Pans 1 BeU Mettle Skiffit 1 Iron Do 1 Pr Waffle Irons 5 Pr Pott Hooks 3 TrammeUs 1 Pr flatt Irons 3 Candle Sticks 2 Pr Snuffers 1 Wire Sive 2 MUk Pans 3 Salts 1 Pewter Tureen & 1 Cffilender 1 Close Brush 3 Suits of Curtains & 5 Fea ther Beds & Furmture 6 Beadsteads & Chords. Richd Blackledge, Exr. AN INVENTORY of aU the Goods & Chattels belonging to the Estate of Daffiel BUnn Deceas'd 1753. 4 Feather beds & Bolsters 5 PUloes 3 Pillowbers, 1 Rugg 2 Qmlts 3 Counterpins 2 Blankets 4 pr Sheets 4 Bed steads 4 Cane Chairs 3 Trunks 1 large Chest 1 Old Warming pan 1 Close Stool & pan 1 Hatt Case 3 Earthen Chamber pots 1 Small looking Glass 1 Pr Chamber hand Irons 1 Low Chair 2 Large looking Glasses 1 Large Walnut oval Table 1 SmaU Do 1 Mohogginey Tea Table 1 China Bowl & 6 Cups & Saucers 1 Block Tin Tea pott & MUk pott 15 Chairs 1 Arm Chair 1 Chest of Drawers, 1 Desk 1 joint stool 14 Pictures 1 Decanter, 1 Crffitt 7 Drinking Glasses: 1 Jelly Glass 4 Tumblers: 2 Glass Salt CeUers 14 Punch Bowls, 2 Pockett Bottles 1 Mustard pot: 3 Earthern wash Basons 4 Earthen plates 2 wMte Earthen Bowls 5 White Cups & Saucers 1 Box Iron & heatters: 1 Lawn Cive 1 Coffee MiU: 1 Tea Chest 1 Case with 9 Bottles 1 Large Vicar Bottle 1 GaUon Glass Bottle 7 Douz Glass Bottles 1 Pr BeUows 2 Tea Canisters 2 old Do 1 Sugar Tubb: 1 Pint Silver Mugg 1 Old Sloop & Sails: 1 large Grater 3 SUver Spoons: & 6 Teaspoons 1 Gun: 3 Cloth Bruches 1 Broad Cloth Sute of Cloaths 1 Pr Cloth Breeches 1 Red Cloth Jacket 1 Double Night Gown 3 Holland Shirts 2 Cravits 4 Pr Stockings: 1 Pr hand Irons 3 Pr Tongs: 1 Iron SUce 1 Fire Shovel 1 Dozn & Ten Pewter plates: 8 Dishes 1 Pewter Bason: 1 SmaU brass kettle lNTB::^TOErES. 477 4 Brass Skffiets: 1 Iron Do 4 Iron Pots: 1 Iron Dripmg pan 2 Frring Pans: 3 Spitts 1 Pr flesh forks & ijadle 2 Sauce pans: 1 Chaffin Dish 1 Iron Gridle: 1 Grid Iron 2 Iron Tramels: 6 Milk pans 1 Puddmg pan: 6 pattey pans 6 Earthern Pickel pots: 3 butter pots 1 Three Gal Jugg; 2 Tea Kettles 1 Pestle & Morter: 1 brass Morter 1 Jack: 3 .Axes: 1 weedmg hoe 3 Matts: 1 Bread Tray 1 Grind Stone: 1 Saw: 2 hammers 2 Bra^ Canffie Sticks: 2 Iron Do 1 Hand Mffi: 1 Pr StiUiards 1 Pr of Scales: 1 Meal Tub 1 Basting Ladle: 1 Mans Sadffies 1J4 Dozn Kffives: 1 punch Stramer 4 Table Cloths: 8 Diaper Napkins 3 Hackabuch Napkins 2J^ yds of Bear SMn: 8 old Barrels 1 Beer Cask: 4 old pipes 1 old Cable: A ParceU of old Iron 2 Cows: 1 heifer: 1 two year old heifer 1 Yearling Steer: 1 horse & Cart 1 Canoe: 40 lb Wool 1 White Dimity Jacket 1 Pr SUver knee Buckles 1 Shagareen Case Watch 1 Pr Brass Shoe Buckels 1 Castor Hatt : 1 Bucket 1 PaU: 1 Piggin: 1 Pr Shoes 3 SmaU Baskets: 1 pewter pmt pot 1 Leaden Tobacco Box 1 Wash Bason Stand 3 Fatt Pots: A Parcel of old Tubs 2 Pr Snuffers: 1 Tm M pmt pot 1 Gffi pott: 1 Small butter Chim 11 Tin Canffie Moffids 1 Lanthorn: 1 Tin pepper Box 1 Large Earthen pan 3 Sm^ Baskets: 1 Iron Sledge 1 Cutlass: 1 Oyl jarr 1 Sea Compass 6 Iron Scures 1 Box & Parol old Books 1 Bible: 1 Sermon Book 1 Shot Bag & iK)wder hom A parcl old Blocks 2 Tndian Barks 1 WMte Stone Tea pot 1 Glass pmt Mug 3 WMte Mettle Spoons: 6 pe-wter 5 Blue & wMte Stone Tea Cups & Saucers 1 Woolen Wheel 1 Negro Man Named Prince 1 N^ro Wench Named Rose 1 N^ro Girl aprentice Named Sal 1 Pr Money Scales June 4th — 1753 Mourntng Blin Extx.- 478 Noeth Caeolina Wills. -Countt April 17th 1753. AN INVENTORY of the goods and Chattels belonging to the Estate of WiUiam Brice Deed as foUows Vizt: 7 Negro men 3 Do Women 13 Do Boys & Girls in all 23 and 51 head of Cattle 18 Sheep 20 Hoggs 5 horses 3 guns 7 fether beds 2 Desks 4 Tables 3 Chests 8 Chairs a persil of old pewter a percil of Chaney and DeK Wair 1 Looking Glass a persil of Old Books Tee 8 Iron pots 1 beU mettle Scillit 3 Brass Canffie Stick 1 pair Iron Doggs 1 pair Tongs 1 hand MiU 2 Chest 3 be 2 Tarkffis Ready Sett 5 Spinffing Wheels 1 Hanger 1 Cross cut Saw 1 Grindstone Retumed in May Cort 1753 Pr Nathan Smith Exectr. A INVENTORY of Anne Bryan Estate Dect 7 Negros 3 Feather Beds & Furmture 1 CMst of Drawers 1 Desk 2 Tables 2 CMst 1 Case of Bottles 3 horses 16 ;head of Cattle 12 Sheep 20 Head of Hogs 3 Iron Pots 2 Brass Kittles 1 Iron Do 6 Puter Dishes 4 Basons 18 Plates a ParceU of DeK and Glass 6 Chaney Cups & Soycers 3 Brass Candle Sticks 2 Iron Do 1 Case of Kffives & forks 1 Tea Chist 6 Silver Table spoons 6 Do Tea spoons Straner & Tongues A ParceU of Old Books 2 Bee Hives 2 Gunns 33 Bbl of Inffian Corn 13 Bushels of Wheat 1 Cart & Wheals A ParceU of Old Plows & Axes 1 Spice Morter A smaU Stock of Cattle on Hatterass Banks 1 Boor Iron 1 Trivett & Griffie 1 Large Looking Glass 17 pounds Prock John Bryan Extr North Carolina ss John Bryan Executor of Ann Bryan deceased maketh Oath and Saith that the above is a true Inventory of the Effects of the said Anne Bryan come to the hands power or possession of tffis Deponent Sworn this 28th day of ") May 1773 Before me V John Bryan Jo Martin J INVENTORY of the Estate of Mr. Edw: Bryan Decsd. 16 Negros 1 Steel trapp 14 Head of Horses 8 Iron potts 13 Head of Sheep 3 Kittels 6 fether Beds 3 Skffitts 1 Brass Do. 6 Ruggs 8 Blankitts 1 Tee KitteU 1 Bed qffilt 1 pees Gnts Wad ? 10 Sheets 6 pair poot hoocks 1 Dusk 1 Table 1 Cut Lash 10 Cheears 3 Spiffing Wheeals 4 Cheests 5 par of Cards 1 Cobard 1 pack of Cards 4 Bed Stitts 2 Grind Stons 3 Cords 2 pair MiU Stones 1 Case of Bottels 3 plows 1 harrow 11 puter Basens 1 fery flatt 10 Dishes 410 pound pott Iron 32(?) plats 1 Iron Rack 2 puter potts 2 Cros Cutt Saw 1 panger 1 Hand Saw 36 Spoons 1 wMp Saw 3 Tee Canestors 1 pees Cloth & trim 1 pound Tee & Canesters 1 par wosted Hos Inventories. 479 1 SmaU Compus 2 pair StUards 4(?) frien pans 1 pair Scales 1 warmen pan 1 womens SadeU 1 Hand B^es 5 Razer 1 :1 hone 1 pr: tongs & ShuveU 5 pound Indego 2 CandeU mold 6 pound powder 3 CandeU Sticks 50 pound Shott 7 Locks Sum Rements of Goods 1 Hatt & Case a paseU of Coopers tuls 1 Bar: Brown Shuger and Carpentors Tooles 1 Grater and a small parsel of nales 1 Box Iron & heete' a parseU of Glass & Earthen ware 4 Cheests old a parseU old Hogshets 5 Saddels & Bridels and BarreUs and old Iron and a parseU of Axes and Hoes quenty not known 165 Head of Cattel Bffi money L 539: 15: 00 Vorgina Cur: 44: 2: 09 Debts Reed: 20: 11: 6 1 Spise morter 4 mear Sifters a parseU of Books 8fiUs?2 Graters a parseU of Ho^s a parseU of Kffives and forks a pair of Cart wheeals a parseU of woU and Gotten flax and hamp 1 Ink Gla^ & Tabel Lining 2 Guns and waren appareU a parseU of wooden ware 7 Combs 1 pair of hackeUs 325 Deear Skins 16 Ditto 6 Stocks of Bees 1 Looken Glass 2 Hids 170 Emtey BareUs 2 frows Erows Excepted Hardy Bryan Execr. Le-wis Bryan A SECOND IN^VENTORY of the Goods wMch is Com to my hands Sence the the first wffich I Gave m be Longm to the Estaet of Edwd: Bryan Deesed — 3 Tarkffis wffich was Seet 1 Tarkffi haUed to Gather 1 Steedr & 13 Sides of tand Lather 3 Skins & 2 Shew Lastes 1 pair of money Scales 2 Iron wedges and 1 troweU a parceU of old Rotten Dear Skins 1(K) tarr BarreUs m four hoops Debts Reed. £ 2262-04-2 V^ old BUls Hardy Bryan Exr. march the 15 day 1749/50 R«i Sence £ 10:00:00 old tenner Debts Reed 03-07:-6 old tenner 480 North Carolina Wills. North Carolina, Cra-ven County. A TRUE & PARFECT INVENTARY of the Estate Goods & Chatties of Wffieam Bryan late of this County Decesd: 1747 as foUoweth Viz— TMee Negro Men TMee Negro woman Two Negro ChUdren Sixty Six pounds One ShUUngs & Eleven pence Vkgima Currancy Thirty pounds Thirteen Shiffings & Ten pence Bffi Money five Beds & furniture One CMst of Drawers Two OvU Tables Two SmaU Square Tables Two SmaU Round Tables One SUver Tankard Eight Silver Spoons One Desk One Large Lookmg Glass Two Large Brass Kittles One SmaU Brass Kittle Two bell mettle Skffiets four Large Iron pots TMee SmaU Iron pots One SmaU Iron Skffiet Two Iron Citties TMee pistles four Smooth Bord Guns One Rifle BarreU Gun Two CMsts One Large Old Trunk One beU mettle Spice Morter & PesseU One Box Iron & Two heaters Six GaUon Basons Thirteen Dishes Twenty five plates Two TMee Quarts Basons Two Two quart Basons One pair of SmaU hand Irons One Grid Iron Two Trammels four pair of pot hooks Two pair of Tongs & One ShoveU One brass Candle Stick Two Iron Candle Sticks One pair of Snuffers One hand MiU of CuUen Stones One hand Mffi of SheU Stones One Spit one Brass Laffie One Old Iron Dripmg pan One frying pan One Ditto Old One WMp Saw One Cross Cut Saw One hand Saw One Tennant Saw One Broad axe One Old Ditto One Case of Bottles One SmaU Case with five floward Bottles TMee Stone Jugs TMee Gars One old puter Churne One puter Limbrick Two warmmg pans Eighteen Black Bottles Two SmaU Case Bottles Thirteen punch Boles Delph Ten Delph plates One mettle Tea pot Thirteen Delph Tea Cups Seventeen Delph Sasers four Delph Tea pots One Spoon Boat One canter One pint Black Jack Ten Tumbler Glasses Seventeen Wme Glasses One Delph Dish One Vmegar Crmt one Glass mustird pot tMee Stone Butter pots Two Earthen Butter pots One Delph Cream pot One Chamber pot one Large pair of Stffiyrds One SmaU Ditto One Jack Spit One pair of SmaU money Scales Two pair of Scales & weights of Other Sort Two WooUng Wheels Two Liffing Wheels Two pair of Old wool & Gotten Cards Two meale SKters One Grmd Stone One pair of Brass Shot Molds One pair Spoon Molds One Match Lock One flat Break One Case Kffives & forks One Safe One Slate One Large Church Bible and a parseU of Other Books Two Brushes Thirteen Chairs Two peper boxeses One Nutmeg Grator One Two quart pot One pint one funnel aU of Tin One haK pmt pot of puter forty Six head of Sheep four' Riding horses One mair & Colt five Bed Steeds TMee plows One Tap borer One Carpenter Adds Three Gimb- lets four Augres One froe TMee horse Bells One house BeU Two Drawmg Kjiives One TroweU Two Corkmg Irons TMee goughes One Saw Set One Round Shave Eight CMsseUs One Gun Stocking plain Two SmaU plams One hand Joynter four Reep hooks Two SmaU hammers One SmaU Sledge hammer Eight ffies One Box Rffie One paur of Carpenters Cum- passes One pair Nipers One Set of horse flegms One pocket Cumpas One gun Scraper One hone One razor Two Coopers Axeses Two Addses One troweU One Joynter Stock & Iron One Grose ? One Iron Pessel Two Grub hows five Old weeffing & hUUng hows TMee Old Narrow Axeses Twenty head of Cattle & a parseU of hoggs Two mens Sadffies & briffies One womans Sadffie & briffie Twenty nme pound wt old puter & a haK four Viols & Two pocket Bottles One Glass Salt pot One Brown pmt mug one flesh fork One Scimmer One StiU Thirteen puter Spoons a parsel of paUs Tubs & peggins One pair of Spring Tongs one pair Tailors Shears One Iron Laffie & A parseU of Old Lumber March 9-14th 1747/8— Joseph Bryan Pr Anne Bryan Invbntoeils. 4S1 A TRUE .AND PERFECT IX'VEXTORY of the Goods and Chattels of Mr Le-vy Creecy Deceas'd. Nme Negroes, to Wit Cato, Wffi, Peter. London, Cate, Dinah, Dorcass, Piias, Gene, Two Boys Xamely Jacob & Squire, Ten CMldren Vitzt Venus, Rachael. Xan, Esther, Rose, PMUis, Cloe, Sam, James, Zango,maU Twenty one. Eighty three Pound Eight Shillings and two pence Proclamation Money, Xctes with their Interest to the Amount of TMee Hundred & Sixty three Pounds Proc. some unsettled -\ccompt. Five good Feather Beds one old do. Six Bed Steds Four Hides two Mats five Cords Eleven Pffiows Ten pair Sheets Xme pair of Pffiow Cases three good Homespun Counter panes one old Do. Four new Bed Spreads, one Rug, three Bed Qmlts three Dutch Blankets five Homrepun Do. one large DiscpeT Table Cloth four Homespun Do. four Napkins Six Towels, one Maple Desk one Square Walnut Table, one do Oval Two do Tea Tables, one pme Table four Chests one old do. Six Walnut Chairs Damask Bottoms, one Arm'd Do one dozen maple flag Bottom do Five WaMut do. flag Bottoms, three low Chairs, one CMlds do. one large Glass one small Do one Beaufat three Earthen dishes Twenty wMte Stone Plates Ten earthen do, five China Bowls one Dozen China Cups & Saucers, four Tea pots Seven Cups Xme Saucers five Glass Tumblers .Six Wme Glasses, three Cruets, three Salts, three Cream pots, one Pitcher, one Spice Mill, two mustard pots, one pocket Bottle one pair SUver Tea Tongs one Dozen SUver Table Spoons one do Tea, one Silver Soop Ladle one do punch do, one SUver Watch, one Pair of SUver Shoe & faiee BucMeSj^ one pair Clasps, one pair of SUver Studs with Gold Tops Twenty Seven New Pewter plates Six old do. Six pewter dishes Nme pewter Basons, one old Dish Six Pewter Spoons, one Can one fifteen Bottles Case, one do Ten do, one small Trunk, one .small Cubbard, one Safe, one Large Flower Chest, one Comb, four Staj^ & Girts two linnen wheels, two old do, three WooUen do one pair of Cards, four do one small Sem unhung one litt nett four stone Juggs one earthen do four Stone Chambers Pots two & half Dozn. Round Bottled three Brass Canffiesticks two Iron do one Brass Kittie one Iron Tea Kettle one old Copper do, one old Copper Pott one Tin Funnel, three Skffiett, two pair of Iron dogs, two pair of Stiliards one Box Iron & Heaters one pair of Flat Irons one dozen kffives & Forks four Guns three pair Ton^ two Shovels, one poker, one spice morter & Pestle three large Iron pots, five smaU do, three Iron pot trammels, three psur Pot hooks, one Frymg pan, one Spit, one Gridiron, one Iron Ladle, one pair flesh forks, three bon Spindles, one pair of Sheep Shears, Sis reap hooks, two Sythes, two WMp saws, ohe Cross cutt Do, one Hand saw, one Currying knife & Shel, Forty two sides of Leather m Tan, three CaK Skins, one mans Sadffie, one old do. three old Bridles, two Broad .Axes, Six faUing Axes, five Weeding Hoes, three Grubbing Hoes, two Carpenters Adzs. one Coopers Do One Howel, one Sett of Shoemakers Tools, Six old ChisUs two Gauges two old Planes two drawing kmv^, two old Claw hammers, three old Augers one Smiths An-vU ounds eight ShiUings and two pence Virginia money. In Proclamation Bills one hundred and ffinety five pounds five shiffings and eight pence alsoe Creffited. In Accot, as like ways is the Tobacco's and whatever has been Sold from off the Plan tations, and now reinains unsold belonging to the Estate. Jewels Belonging To Miss Johnston are as foUows vizt. five gold Lockets, 1 garnet necklace Sett in SUver one Bristol Stone Necklace sett m Sflver, one Gold Watch & Chain, one Sett of Gold Tweezers, these exceptmg the Gold Watch she used to wear In her fathers Ufe time. The Gold Watch was made a present off to the late Mr. CMef Justice Hall and afterwards exchanged by his late EkceUency on Accot. of His Daughter, for a large SUver Repeating Watch given to Mr. HaU In Ueu Thereof. The foUow ing Rings were given to Mrs. Rutherfurd one large Gold Diainond ring one plain Do. one Gold Diamond hoop ring two mourning Gold rings of wMch Miss Johnston now has at WiUiamsBurgh with her, the Gold Diamond ring the Diamond hoop Do. and one mourning ring) The remamder of Miss Johnstons Jewels are as foUows. one niother of Pearl Snuff box Sett m Gold one Gold Girffie Buckle one Bristol Stone Do. Sett m SUver, one SmaU Picture Sett in Gold. The Gold Repeating Watch Sent to Scotland agreeable to Wffi to !Mrs. Ferrior. What articles were for the use of the fanffiy are not Sett down In the Inventory as not advised usual or necessary no accot. was taken of these things, therefore the particulars not Remembered as Inconsiderable excepting about one hhd. & a haK of West India and not qffite one iid. of Jamaica Rum. The Chapel plate 2 SUver flaggons 1 SUver Cup two SUver Salvers not mcluded m the Inventory Jno. Rutherfurd Frances Rutherfurd. North Carolina, ss. John Rutherfurd Esqr. and Frances his Spouse severaly make oath on the holy Evangelists that the foregomg is a just and true Inventory of the Estate the late Gabriel Johnston Esqr taken as exactly as the Situation of the Estate woffid permit and that there is not to the best of their knowl edge any material omission to the prejuffice of any party Swom Feb 20th 1756 before me Ja Murray J. S. C. (The foUowing affidavit is to a former Inventory, of wffich the above Inventory is an exact copy.) North Carolina ss. John Rutherfurd Esqr for and m behaK of Frances Johnston (?) the Executrix of the last Wffi & Testament of His late ExceUency Gabriel Johnston Esqr. dec^ maketh Oath that the witffin & above, to the best of His this Deponents knowledge & behef contains a just and true Inventory of all & Singular the Goods & Chattels of the said deced Jno, Rutherfurd Swom the 29th day of Jffiy Anno Domim 1754 & ffied m my Office Ja Murray Sec. 506 North Carolina Wills. Accot. of Lands left by WiU To Miss Penelope Johnston his Daughter. Counties T> _+• ( Eden house pianta 900 ^^"1® ( Back of Do. Sahnond Creek., 2,000 T.T ,, , ( Mount GaUand pianta 560 Northampton -j lovicks Island, , 640 Edgecomb Lo-vicks field 4, 600 Craven Mouth of Swifts Creek (disputed)., . 640 GranviUe FisMng Creek 3, 200 12,440 Northampton SmaU Island opposite to Mount GaUand pianta 154 Acres 12, 694 Bladen To Sam'l & John Johnston's 7, 664 ( To Henry Johnston 1,000 Craven ¦] To CaroUna Johnston 988 ( To Penelope Johnston 460 To Mrs, Johnston now Mrs. Rutherfurd Tyrrel Conahoe old feUdes 866 Gran-vffie Possum Quarter 1, 250 Salmond Creek I beUeve it is 320 2,425 25, 111 In aU About twenty five thousand one hundred & Eleven Acres of land Left to the above named persons Accot. of the Rights & Creffits of the late Gabriel Johnston Esqr. not included in a former Inventory Given in to the Secretary's Office. 10,439J^ Acres of Land in Orange, Bladen & New Hanover Counties to be disposed of by Will 200 acres more in New Hanover County for wffich Mr. Saml. Johnston Sayes he made a deed to the late Govr. — no Such deed has yet appeared 1 Lott in Newbern Disputed Due by the Crown to the late Go-vr 13,462, 19.2 by Do. in part of the late CMef Justice Smith's Salary . Two Notes of the late Robert Forsters bbls ? Jno. Tinffings Note Benjn, Wynn Clk of Edgecomb Wm. Ormond Clk of Beaufort Stephen Cade Clk of Thos. Robeson Clk of Bladen Due on two Patents by Edwd. UnderMU P Note By the late Nathl. Rice's Estate Sum unknown By Patents in the Secretary's office unknown By Clks of the different Counties unknown By james Abercrombie Esqr of London to be appUed towards Recovery of Arrears of Salary P Ms Accot. . 13,940.11,2 In aU When Reced the Sum of tMrteen thousand Nine hundred & forty pounds 11.2 Str. money, besides the above unkno-wn Sums. Jno. Rutherfurd. The above Inventory of the late Govt. Johnston's Credits was given in Sepr 28th 1764 by John Rutherfurd Esqr upon Oath before me Ja Murray Sec 251,6,0 7.16,0 7,00,0 6,15.0 6,00,0 8,00,0 60,00,0 .10.0 16.00.0 13,826.05.2 114.06.0 Inventories. 507 INVENTORY of the Estate of WUUam Kennon deceased this 8th of Octbr: 1777 Schooner Nancy, Lumber, Staves, Sloop Robert, Sloop SaUy, Brigan tine Hector, Schooner Dispatch, J^ of the Brigantine Dobbs, J^ of the Brigg SaUy, 1/3 of the Brigg Mariane, 1/3 of the Sloop CasweU, 14 Horses & Mares, one Coach, one Phaeton, one Chariot, one Chair, 2 Waggons, Severall refuse Store Goods, 1000 Bushels Salt (Supposed) 1 Carpett, 1 doz Chai^ 4 Mahogany Tables, 6 Looking Glasses, 2 Setts tea china, 9 Windsor CHiairs, 1 Castor, 2 Cups, — ? Waiters, 4 plated Candlesticks, 1 doz Spoons, Almost 2 Setts of table china, 6 Beds, 5 Bedsteads, 12 pair Sheets, 7 Table cloths, 3 pair Curtains, 3 Pair Musqffito Nets, 12 Pillow Cases, In Bills drawn by the President of Charleston to the amou of — 8584 Dollars In other money and Notes about 600 Dollars The above is en Inventory of the forementioned Efetate as far as can be at present ascertamed, there shall he an exact Inventory of the re mainder made as soon a possible by me. Priscilla Kennon Administratricks Sworen to before me this Sth Day Octr. 1777 Wm. Purviance J. P. INVENTORY of the Goods and Chattels, Rights and Creffits of Pierre Le Blanc late of Brunswick deceased at the Time of his Death on the 9th of August 1766 taken by the Administrator (Foimtain Etwm) to said Estate. Proclamation Money & Specie £4 — 2 (Four Pounds & two Pence) a Sflver Watch with two seals and a Key a Book of Accounts, a Pocket Book and Sundry Papers an Hair Trunk with Padlock & Key, containing the foUowing Cloaths A Coat and Waistcoat, Second Mourning Cloth, trimmed Coat and Breeches, Silk and Worsted, brown Colour Do. and Do Brown Cloth Two Frocks, One Waistcoat & 2 pr. of Breeches (aU Fustian) a Waistcoat, Red doth; another. Black Silk kmt a Pair of Red Stocking Breeches Do Black Do Do Do Buff Do Do Do Leather Do a Pair of Boots, 5 pr. of Old Shoes, One pr. Shoe Buckles, One Hat, Two Razors and a Case, an old Gold Hat Lace with Loop, a pr. of red Worsted Gauters, Four Old Black Cravats, a String of Black Beads, an Tnlr Stand, 14 Wffite Metal breast Buttons a Kttle WMte Tliread & Black Worsted, a small Piece of Fustian Linnen Twenty Shirts (most of them very bad) Seventeen Stocks ( Do ) 4 Linnen Waistcoats 9 HandkercMefs 16 Pair of Stockings, (most of them very bad) 12 Linnen Night Caps a Pair of Check Linnen Bags; another Check Linnen Bag .508 North Carolina Wills. Books, Histoires francoises, GaUantes & Comiques Les Vrayes Centuries & Propheties de Maitre Michel Nostra Damus a French Prayer Book 2 Volumes, Comte de Warwick a Grey Gelffing, Bridle & Saddle, and a Pair of Spurs Credits Due from His ExceUency Governor Tryon for Wages to the 9th Aug 1766 the Sum of TMrty Seven Pounds fifteen SMffings & Eight Pence SterUng, Say £ 37, 15, 8 SterUng Newbern the 16th December 1766 FouNTN Et-win Adminr. sworn before me the 17th December 1766 Jas Hasell Csc AN INVENTORY of the Goods and Chattels of Mr. Richard Lovett Late of Craven County Deceased that came to the hands of the Admrs taken and given in by John Starkey one of the Said Admrs. To Wit Negroes LamrickPerroStepneyDubUn [ Men 7 Peter Jackson Casar Horses Black Gray Hard bargin Fly y Women 2 Children 4 in aU 4 Horses MoU HaimahEssexNimrod PerthenaQuash In all 13 Negroes Mairs in the Woods not known Catle 6 Cows'! 4 YarUngs >¦ 12 m all 3 Calves ) What Catle in the woods not known Hogs — 3 Sows and Pigs and some in the Woods not known 1 Ox at Doctr Bryans 1 Ox Cart and Chain at Mis HarroUs 1 Tar kil old Cart and Pott in the Woods 99 Tar Barrells 1 Hand mill in the Woods Some Plantation tools as in the Acct of Sales 5 hoes 2 axes 1 Draw- kffives only 1 Chair and Harness 6 Leather Chairs 1 SmaU Desk 3 Tables 3 Iron Potts and Hooks 5 Do SkiUets 1 Prying Pan 2 Iron Dogs 1 Do Trefoot Some Woodn Ware Do Earthen Wares as Pr Sales Do Glasses Tumbler offiy 2 Table Cloths Some Wearing Cloths as by Sales Coat and Breeches offiy Also Books as by Do 21 Books in all 3 Pewter Dishes 6 Plates 5 Spoons Inventories. 509^ 3 Feather Boxes and Furffiture 1 Cow and YarUng at Mr. McCubbios's %, Parts of Scooner Gabriel Some old Hewd Logs Brick and other SmaU thmgs as by Acct: of Sales M of 80 foot Red Cedar 1/6 of a Nett for HsMng Debts Received m aU £33.03.10 ProcM. An Acct what moneys are not CoUected belongmg to Mr Lovetts Estate this 7th Janry 1754 £ s.d. Samuel Ratcliff and others for Negro DubUn Bon 21. 05. 0 Samuel McCubbins for Cow and YarUng 1 . 10. 0 Arthur Johnston for N^ro Essex part 10. 13. 6 Edward Franks part of Note given for Vendue 3.00.0 George Komagee part of Note for Vendue 29. 15. 8 Nathan Srffith for Wm Brices Estate note for Vendue. . 39. 00. 0 505. 04. 2 in aU I am told of five pair of mUstone, left at Core Sound found but not come to hand yet Also one Abram Sheperd owns he is m debt two dollars also a smaU debt or two I have warranted for not not determmed yet An Inventory of the Goods and Chattels of Richard Lovett of Craven County Deceased and the Prices they were sold at PubUck Vendue Septr 21st and October 2d 1752 By John Davis Vendue Master m order to Enable Ehas Legarffiere and John Starkey Survivmg Admrs: to pay the Deceased just Debts. To Wit To John KUbee £ s. a Horse and Chair 20.10 Negro Lemrick 66.00 9fi in n Charles Adams Black Horse 16.10 SmaU Cart 1.12 Negro Stepney 50. Negro CMld 18. 2 Books .08.06 Iron Pot .04.08 86.16.2 Edward Griffith Bay Horse 5.00.00 Negro Casar 22. Terimy Veal A Bay Horse 3. 15 Negro Woman and CMld 63. 00 EUas Legarffiere M of a Scooner 257.00 Boys Bed and Bedstead 1 . 10 Iron of hand Screw . 14 Iron Pot . 12 2 Books .08.06 12 Pin Stocks . 04 _ ^260. 08. 06 27. 66.16.0 510 North Carolina Wills. John Clatherall Negro Peter 50. 10 Negro MoU 41 Stephen Lee Negro Boy Nimrod 30 91.10 -648.18.08 Brought Over 648. 18. 08 Thomas Lovick Negro Peroe 51.00.00 Arthur Johnston Negroe Essex 35. 10 WilUam Brice Negro Ralph 64 John Bryan Ox and Yoke 2.12.00 Cart and Chain 1. 17 4.09.00 Samuel McCubbins Cow and YarUng 1 . 10 . 00 Edward Franks A Tar Kiln 8. 15 Hand MiU 0.04.04 5 Leather Chairs 2. 10 Joseph Balch 11.09.04 Small Iron Pot 03.00 Joseph Caruthers 8 Books 0.17.04 5 Hoes 2 Axes & 1 Draw- knive 0.07.00 A Parcell Brick 1.02.00 George Kemegee 99 Tar BarreUs 4.19 Negro Jackson 67. 1 Book .19 12 Cattle at Home 6. Cattle in Woods unknown 6. Right to Mares in Woods 2. Hogs unknown 3. SmaU Dish .18.06 A Table 1.12.06 Bed and Furffiture 1.00.04 3 Pewter Dishes ) 6 Plates 6 Spoons f 1.00.04 Two Square Tables 5. Pair Iron Dogs 6.06 Skillet & frying 1 Pan Trypod j' 2.06 Coat and Breeches 4. Table Cloth 3 Knives & forks .03 Glass Tumbler .01.08 90 "tK 09 • TotaU 909.02.00 Inventorles. 511 6.17.10 Brought Over £909.02.00 John Starkey Bed and Furmture 4. 06 8 Books 2.11.10 Negro DubUn Sold at Johnston Court 21.05.00 John Snead 1/6 Part of Xett . 17. 02 Mr. KUbee M of 80 Foot Red Cedar 2 TotaU of things Sold £940. 02. 00 Debts Received From Doctr Bryan for Xegroes work . 7 . 02 . 10 J^ From Capt Spers 24. 01 From John WUUams 2. Whole of Debt 33 . 03 . 10 J^ Amount of whole £ 973. 05. 10 J^ N B it is sayd there is 5 pair of MiU Stones left at Core Sound but not come to hand Also Abram Shepard owns he owes two DoUars and one or two Small Debts of hand Warranted for but not Determined yet An Acct of Titles to Land Belongii^ to Mr Lovetts Estate DeUvered to Mr. EUas Legarffiere to keep he ha-ving Thomas the Eldest Son. To Wit A Patent for 66 Acres on Trent River joynmg John Murpheys Do for 130 Do on Do Joyning the Land he formerly Uved upon Do for 320 Do on Acron Branch between Nuce and Trent River a Deed from John Slocumb for 640 Acres on Contentay Creeks also the Patent Do from Martin Franks for 640 Acres Atkins up Nues sold for the use of the PubUck also the Patent and Mortgage for the Same Do from John Beeton and WKe for 200 Acres on Trent where Mr. Lovett Died Also Deed from Adam Moore to George Motts for some Land Deed from James Wimble to Widw Harwood for Lott m Wilmington No 132 Deed for Lot in Newbem No 45 A Bunffie of Papers and Deeds for 6 Lotts m Brunswick Warrant for 6^ Acres on WMte oak An Acct. how the said Estate has been Administred and pay'd away to the Several Creffitors foUowmg as by Vouchers by John Starkey Admr Paid to Doctr Robert Moor Acct 10. 02. 04 John Foster Acct 14. 07. 06 Fountain and Da-vds Acct 24. 08. 01 John Wiffiams Acct 2. 11.04 Richard Cogdalde Acct 13. 10.08 Richard CaseweUs Acct 5. 01. 01 Lawrence Donolson Acct 8. 11. 01 James Da'vis Acct 1. 09. 08 Doctr. Henry HeyUn Acct 2. 03. 06^ John Starkey Bond 58. 140.05.03M 512 North Carolina Wills. Ebenezer Young Bond 32. 00, 08 WilUam Wicklife Bond 39. 08, 00 WiUiam Wicklife Acct 1, 13.00 Edward Griffith Bond 46. 06. 01 J^ Mrs. Mary Moor Bond 30. 13. 04 John Kilbee Acct 87. 02. 06 WilUam Coale Acct 2. 09. 08 Rice and Company Acct 8. 03. 02 John Grandine Bond 3. 09. 03 J^ ReveU Monroe Acct 17. 02, 00 268.07.09 Da-idd Smith Note 4. 16. 06 George Minot Note 7. 01, 09 John Grandins Note 8, 14. J^ James Wilnot Acct 1. 00. 05 James Craven Note 1 , 16. 10 Ann Neeffiand Acct: 2. 00. 08 Sheriff for Taxes 4. 12 Charles Adams Acct: 18.05 Edward Franks Acct 4. 18. John Leat Acct Signed 14, 07, 10 ¦ 67.12.J^ Stephen Lee Acct 10, 06. 06 WUkins and Wards Note 3. 06. 08 George Johnstons Acct 11. 17. 04 Arthur Johnstons Acct: : 10. 06, Francis Coddingtons Acct: 3. 13. 10 Joyn ClatheraU Note 19. 14, 05 59.03.09 Total £ 535.08.10Ji Brought over 535. 08. lOJ^ WilUam Nicholsons Acct & Note 3. 04. 06 John Stephensons Acct: 8. 03. 09 J^ John Fon-sdlle Acct: 2. 02. 08 Mr. Samuel Johnstons Acct 6. 13. 04 Doctr Francis Stringer Award 13. 17. 08 Ann Higgens Act: 2 Capt. Beaton Portage BiU paid 26. 18, 00 Da-vid Bumpas Acct Sign'd 4. 17. 10 Samuel CorneUe Acct 16. 00. 09 Mrs, Mary Moors Note 8. 11. 06 91.10.— J^ Elias Legarffiere Acct: 38. 05. WUliams and Company Acct 3. 05. 10 Do for Burial and for Estate 30. 16, 09 Joseph Baleh Estate Acct 107. 18. 03 J^ Widdow Pearsons Note 6, 18. 08 Henry Chew Acct 4. 06. 08 Saml Chadwicks Estate note 6. 13. 04 Joseph Falford Junr Acct 3. 17. 01 Robert Hogs Estate Acct 2. 04, 08 Mr Phillips New York Acct 60 _ , „ , 264.06.03J^ Donolson expences Vendue 3. 19. 00 Charles Adams 2 Vendue .12 Fees for Patents in Office 4. 16. Mr Jno Da-vis as Vendue Master 5 Fees Letters and Court fees 1. 06. 08 Inventories. 51-3 Freight of N^ro Ralph from West Inffies. 1. 15. 10 Charg and expense to Negro DubUn at Johnston Court 1. 05. 00 My Forrages expenses and very many times at Xewbem and Johnston and elsewhere 6 Mr Swann 3 fees for Sffit brought against the Estate 6 30.14.06 Total £ 921.19.08Ji Whole Pay'd to Deter. 1753 921. 19. 08J^ Amount of the Sale and some Debts Received 973.05. lOJ^ In hand when aU is CoUected 51. 06, 20 Ji To 1 fee paid Mr Swann Estate Agt Arthur Johnston 2 More Debts I have the Acct: but not yet payd because there are Sffit against Estate Dependmg to a Large Sum John Holden N. Y. Acct 8. 08. Mr Wffim Heretage Acct o.Ol.OlJi Also for Mr Roberts Estate 4. 08. Stephen Dare Acct 6. 10. 02 Nathan Yeoman about 11 . WUUam Da-sris says 9. 10. 09 Doctr Duncan says 26. 06. 08 Frederick Keble says 7. 18. llj^ Zachary Fields says 20. 13.04 John Isler says 1. 10. Richard Canady 1. 09. 04 Daffi Dupee he says 3. 14. 01 Thomas Brame N York 33.07.00 some more tho not proved TotaU £ 139.17.05 N B of the £139.17,5 yet Claimed I have a deal of it not due so shaU pay the most Eqmtable as far as the witMn BaUance wffi go when the Law Sffits are ended Querie shoffid not some be retam'd to Defend any Sffits that may come hereafter N B m the witffin Acct no Commissions Charged nor ClerksMps North Carolina Beaufort County Deer, ye 22d 1773 AN IXVEXTORY of the Personal Estate of John Maffie Esqr Deed. Vizt. 35 negros a parcel of Cattle the number unknown a parcl of hogs the number unknown 44 head of Sheep Six horses Six feather Beds & furmture one Desk one case of flasks three Tables ten Chairs a parcel of puter five Iron pots 2pr. of fire tongs on shovel one frymg pan one Loom and weavmg gear one ridii^ Chair one Copper Stffi one Cart and 3 pair wheels four Plows and several Axes and hoes the Exact number not known Some Cooppers tools some Carpenters Ditto, two Chests a parcl of China a parcel of DeK ware parcel of stone Ditto pr. of hand Irons two guns some wearing Apparrel one hogshead of Rum a smaU Quantity of rum in another hogshd two hogshead with a smaU Quantity of molases in Each a parcel of salt Exact Quaty not known a parcel of Com the Exact Quantity not known one haK of a Schooner with her Rig- 33 514 North Carolina Wills. ging &c a smaU Quantity of Saw'd Lumber at the Saw miU, one womans saddle two mens Do 2 Bridles a small parcel of Books 2 Tea Kettles haK Dozn Silver Tea spoons pr. Silver tongs a parcel Chunk Bottles parcel Juggs five Barrs of Iron smaU Quantity of Powder in a Kegg one Silver watch Sixteen ShiUings in SUver one himdred an twenty Seven DoUars & five haK Johannas; one saddle housing North Carolina ss. Moses Hare John Patten Reading Blount Junr. & Joseph Blount Execu tors of the last Wffi and Testament of John Maule deceased severaUy make Oath that the above account contains a true & perfect Inventory of the Goods & Chattels of the said John Maffie come to the Hands custody power or possession of them these Deponents any or either of them. Reading Blount Junr Joseph Blount MosEs Hare John Patten Sworn this 16th day of Febry 1774 Before me Jo, Martin A TRUE AND PERFECT INVENTORY of aU the goods, and Chatties, Rights and Credits, that were of James Milner, Esqr. deceased, So far as they have come into the Hands or Possession of Joseph Mont- font and Andrew MiUer Executors of the said James — ¦ Vizt. One Fosters Crown Law, 1 Burrows Reports, 1 Wilsons Reports, 1 Hales Pleas of the Crown, 1 Gilberts C. Pleas, 1 Elements of Criticism, 1 Burke on the SubUme, 1 Voltairs Essay on Crimes & Pumshments, 1 Bffilders Pocket Treasure, 1 Thompsons Works, Money found in the House £ 167,11,8 Currency of No CaroUna, 1 Powdering Machine, 1 Set of Curting Irons, 1 Negro Boy named Bob, 1 Folding Screen, 1 Mem orandum Book, 1 Clarinda Cathcart, 1 Pair of Shoes, 1 Portmanteau, 1 Negro Woman named Ester, 1 Horse Bald Eagle, 1 Horse Young Black, 1 Grey Horse, 1 Pair of Pistols, 1 Magazine Pistol, 1 old Cart, 1 GaUon of Wine, money found in the House £ 17,14,1 Currency as above, 1 Memorandum Book, 3 Gallons Rum, 1 Fire Screen, 1 Negro Man named Jamaica, 1 Negro Boy named PMl, 2 Spades, 10 Sickles, 1 Cheselden's Anatomy, 1 Tytlers Enqffiry, 1 Fordyces Sermons, 1 Voltairs Philosophy, 3 Sticks of Black Wax, 1 Pair White Silk Breeches, 3 Pair Russia drUl Breeches, 3 Pair of Shoes, 6 Stamped Handkerchiefs, 6 Pair TMead Stockings, 1 Pair Raw SUk Stockings, 3 Pair fine white Silk Stockings, 1 ,Jacobs law dictionary, 1 Attorney's Practice C, C, Pleas, 1 Attorney's Practice C, K, Bench, 1 Every man Ms own Lawyer, 1 Attorney's Pocket Book, 1 Attorney's Practice Epitomized, 1 Rffies of Pleading, 1 Reflec tions on the Study of the Law, 1 Mairs Bookkeeping, 1 Smelling Bottle, 1 Hair Pin, 1 Negro Woman named Susan, 1 Lawyers Gown, 2 Spades, 1 Iron Pot 1 Bason, 18 Bottles of Arrack, 2 Grubbing Hows, 2 Plew Hows, 1 Lock, 3 Grubbing Hows, 2 Grubbing Hows, 2 Weeding Hows, 2 Axes, 2 Weeding Hows, 4 Axes, 2 Iron Wedges, 2 Pair Sheep Shears, 9 Hogs, 19 Pigs, 1000 lbs of Fodder, 2 Weeding Hows, 1 Cross Cut Saw, 5 Barrels of Corn, }4 a Bushel of choice Pease, 2 Weeding Hows, 2 Weeding Hows, 1 Hand Saw, 1 dra-wing KnKe, 1 Frow, 1 Gouge, 1 Chissel, 1 Stone Jug, 1 Grindstone, 1 Red Cow, 1 YearUng, 1 Wide Horn Cow & CaK, 1 Brinded Cow & YearUng, 1 Red Cow wffite Face, 1 Lock, 1 Sithe, 1 File, 1 Rake, 1 Bridle, 2 BeUs, 1 Garden Line, 18 Barrels of Corn, 6 Barrels of Corn, 1 Table, SH Bushels of Wheat, 7J^ Bushels of Pease, 10 Barrels of Corn, 4 Barrels of Com, 1 Bushel of Pease, 500 lbs Fodder, 9 Sheep, Green HiU Plantation, 5 Barrels of Corn, 1 Fry pan, 1 Pail, 1 Tub, 3 Bush els of Pease, 1 Brinded pied Cow & Calf, 1 Negro Woman named Sarah Inventories. 515 with her 4 Chfldren, 5 Bushels of Pease, 90000 Bricks, A N^ro Man named Squire & Ms WKe deb, 1 negro lad named Sam, 1 mulatto Girl named Nancy, 1 n^ro Man named Tom & his WKe Phebe, 5 Negroes & negress's, Wffi, Pat, Sam Psilla & SaUy, 1 Mare and 1 Colt, 1 Historical Law Tracts, 1 Sorrel Horse, 1 N^ro Man named Jacob, 1 Mulatto Lad named Aaron, 1 Horse named old Black, one Horse named SUm Black, 1 Horse named Blaze Black, 1 Horse named pacing Bay, 1 Horse named Buffelo, 1 Black Horse named uffiucky, 1 Muses deUght, 1 Fools Works, 1 Don Quixote, 1 Phoedrus, 1 Vicar of Wakefield, 1 Sermoffis Mewrsic, 1 Musical miscellany, 1 Musick Book, 1 Pair of Stockings, 1 Cham Ring, 1 Pair of Gloves, 1 Comb, 1 Memorandum Book, 9 SmaU Books, 15 Prints, 3 Blank Books, 1 Set Mathematical Instruments, 1 Gemian Flute, 5 MiLsick Books, 1 Spy Glass, 1 Muroscope & Apparatus, 1 Magnet, 1 Prism Glass, 1 Camera Obscura, 1 Solar Telescope &c. 1 diagonal MacMne, 1 PoHtical Iissays, 1 dictionary of Arts & Sciences, 1 Annual Register from 1758 to 1770, 1 CUo & Euterpe, 1 Xew dispensatory, 25 Volumes of the Critical Review to 1768, 1 Johnston's Dictionary, 1 SmaU vocabulary, 1 Qmncey's Elements of Physick, 1 Mackenzie on Health, 1 SwKts Worli, 1 Beauties of History, 1 Tristram Strandy, 1 Humes Essay on Several Subjects, 1 Armstrongs MisceUaffies, 1 Yoricks Sermons, 1 Cambray's dialogue, 1 Man after Gods own Heart, 1 Portmanteau Trunk, 1 Observa tions on Gardemng, 1 Indentured Servant named Jno, Chavis, 1 Laws of Xo Carolina to 1765, 3 Blank Books, 4 Ji Quire of Bonds, Bffi & Indentures, 4 Quires declarations, 1 Mffier's Gardners ffictionary, 1 Adventures of a Gumea, 1 Tissot on Health, 1 Wyld's Art of Surveymg, 1 Effusions of FriendsMp, 1 Ferguson on CivU Society, 1 Thompsons Seasons, 1 Church- flls Works, 1 pair of dice, 2 Books Gold Leaf, 1 Small Flute, 1 Celestial & Terrestrial Globe, 1 Prism Glass, 1 Bureau, 1 Walnut Book Case, 1 Mahogany Folding Table, 2 large Walnut Tables, 1 WaMut Folding Table, 1 WaMut dressU^ Table, 1 Hair Bottom Chair, 6 Mahogany Hair Bottom Chairs, 6 Hair Bottom Walnut Chairs, 1 dressing Glass, 1 WaMut Wash ing Stand, 15 Copper plate Pictures m Frames, 1 Back Gammon Table, Box & ffice, 1 Wiip, 3 Pair Stockings, 3 Brass Knob Locks, 1 WMp, 1 Piece Leading line, 1 Cartridge Box, Some Rope & Twme, 22 Yards of, Tweels, Some Buttons & Button Moffids, 1 Piece Blue Stroud, 1 Set Black Buckles, 1 Pair shoe Pmcers, 1 Sithe, 1 dweffing House Out Houses m wMch Mr. MiMer hved at Halifax with the Severel Lots thereunto belongmg, that is to say Lot Xo 16. 17. 18. .38. 39. 57 & 58 and 4 Acres of Land, 1 Corderius, 1 Etwee Case 1 Knife, 1 Fme Knife, 1 Ink Stand, 1 KnKe, 3 Pair Stocking 1 Table 3 Yds Cloth & Trimmings 1 Grindstone & Screw, 1 Vemons Cases, 1 Hawkins's C. Pleas, 1 Cunninghams Law ffictionary, 1 Woods Institutes, 1 Abridgt. Cases m Eqffity, 1 Bacons Abridgt. of the Law, 1 Bunburys Reports, 1 Vmers Evidence, 1 Hard- urick's Cases, 1 Comyn's digest, 1 Peere WiUiams Reports, 1 Bemadistons Reports K. B. Principles of Eqffity, 1 Crokes Reports, 1 Kelynge's Reports, 1 Atkyns's Report of Cases, 1 Modern Reports, 1 Vezey's Cases, 1 Sir William Jones's Reports, 1 RasteUs Entriffl, 1 Cokes Reports, 1 Jacobs Law dictionary, 1 LflUes Conveyance, 1 Levinzs Reports, 1 Cokeen Littleton, 1 LUlies Entries, 1 Vmcer's Abridgment, 1 Swmbum of WUls, 1 Barlows Justice, 1 Tremaine's Pleas of the Crom, 1 Lffiy's Register, 1 Repertorium Juridicum, 1 Fitz gibbons's Reports, 1 Rudunents of Law & Eqffity, 1 Kebles Reports & Table, 1 Kebles Reports & Table, 1 Ray monds Reports, 1 Saunders's ditto, 1 Salkelds ffitto, 1 Carthews ffitto, 1 Stranges ditto, 1 Registrum Bre-vium, 1 Precedents m Chancery, 1 Comyn's Reports, 1 Bro-wffiows Entries, 1 Jones's Reports, 1 Yelvertons Reports, 1 Bulstrodes Reports, 1 Wingates Maxims, 1 Blackstones Commentaries, 1 Observations on the Statutes, 1 Statues at large Ruff head, 1 Sheppards. G. abridgt. 1 Pleader, 1 Bre-via Judiciala, 1 Orphans Legacy, 1 Bums Ecclesiastical Law, 1 Blackstones Law Tracts, 1 Bums Parish Officer, 1 Barnes's Practice, 1 Hales Crown Pleas &c. 1 Wentworth of Executors, 516 North Carolina Wills. 1 Law of Evidence, 1 Gilberts Exchequer, 1 Law of Uses & Trusts, 1 Law of Tenures, 1 Treatise on distresses, 1 Cokes Reports, 1 Jacobs Con veyancer, 1 Instructor ClericaUs, 1 Laws of the Admiralty, 1 Instituteo LegaUs, 1 Morgans Pleader, 1 Attorneys Practice, C, C. Pleas, 1 Attorney Practice C. K, Bench, 1 Crown-Circle Companion, 1 Officeum Clerici Pacis, 1 Astrys Charge, 1 Hawkins's Abridgt. 1 Law of Exchange, 1 Harri son's Practice Chancery, 1 Law of Securities, 1 EngUsh Pleader, 1 Doctrine of demurrers, 1 Trials per Pais, 1 Law of Inheritance, 1 Praxis Almae, 1 Crouches Customs, 1 Copious Index to the Law, 1 Clerks Associate, 1 Gilberts Reports, 1 Maxims of Eqffity, 1 Cases in Chancery, 1 Formffiae, Bene, Placetandi, 1 Moores Reports, 1 Gilberts Law of de-vises, 1 Clerks Manuel, 1 Hawkins Abridgt, of Coke, 1 Andrews Reports, 1 Raymonds Reports, 1 Nelsons Lutuyche, 1 Modern Entrees, 1 Cays Abridgt. 1 Hobarts Reports, 1 Ventrees ditto, 1 Common Law Common placed, 1 Vaughans Reports, 1 Blackstones Commentaries, 1 Brownlows Reports, 1 Frederican Code, 1 Gilberts Cases in Law, 1 Doctor & Student, 1 Jacobs Statute Law Common placed, 1 Rules of Practice, 1 Essay for Gen. Regu lations of the Law, 1 Attorney's Pocket Compamon, 1 ditto, 1 Attorneys Pocket Book, 1 Woods civil Law, 1 Kelyng, Charles 2d. 1 Hales Natura Brevium, 1 Spirit of Laws, 1 Erskins Institutes, 1 Practice in Chancery, 1 Practical Register, 1 Virgiffia Laws, 1 Hales of Parliament, 1 Juffical Authority of the Master of the Rolls, 1 Bacon's Law Tracts, 1 Impartial La-wyer, 1 Cursons Compendium, 1 Law of Ejectment, 1 Law of Execu tions, 1 Law of Evidence, 1 Lawyers Office, 1 British Antiqffities, 1 Cases in Equity, Talbots Time 1 Jacobs Treatise of Laws, 1 Fmches Common Law, 1 Justices Case Law 1 Noys Reports, 1 Young Lawyers Recreation, 1 Virgima Laws, 1 Practical Part of the Law, 1 Bohun's English Lawyer, 1 Wood of Ci-vil Laws, 1 Hales of Parlements, 1 La-svyers Magazine, 1 Hales History of the Common Law, 1 Virgima Laws, 1 Cerpus, Juris Civile's, 1 Jacobs Law dictionary, 1 Terms of Law 1 Noy's Maxims, 1 Law of Covenents, 1 Laws of No CaroUna to 1762, One Cookes Reports & Cases & Rffies C, Pleas, 1 Register Common Pleas, 1 Law Qffibbles, 1 Students Compamon, 1 Analysis of the Laws of England, 1 Dyers Re ports, 1 Virgiffia Justice, 4 Blank Books, 7 ditto, 1 Ink Stand, 1 Pen KnKe, 1 Parcel of Musick 1 ditto, 4 Prints, 1 Pair of Shoes, 1 Bridle, 3 Sursingles, 1 Walking Stick, 1 Velvet Cap, 1 Pair black silk gloves, 1 Humes History of England, 1 Tom Browns Works, 1 Tom Jones's Works, 1 Memoirs of Several Ladies, 1 BoUngbroke on History, 1 Fordyces Sermons, 1 Rices art of Reading, 1 Aoonomy of Human Life, 1 Fable of the Bees, 1 TurnbuU on Education, 1 WilUams's Gummery, 1 Cambray on Existence, 1 Huxham on the Air, 1 Meads Medical Precepts, 1 Parcel of Blank books &c, 1 Halshams Lectures, 1 Pair Celestial Hemispheres, 1 German Flute, 1 Hymn to the Creator, 3 Musick Books, 1 Bed Stead with Curtains, 1 dodsley's Fables, 2 Carpets, 1 Trunk, 1 SmaU Pistol, 6 Padlocks, 1 Saddle Bridle &c., 1 Piece of Trace Roop 2 6/8 Yds Satinet, 1 Shovel, 1 Poker, 1 Pr, Tongs, 1 Pair dog Irons, 1 Herveys Meditations, 1 Ignorant Phil osopher, 1 Steths History, 1 BibUa Sacra, 1 ReUgious PMlosopher, 1 VirgU, 1 O-vids Epistles, 1 Gauger, 1 Ju-vinel & Perseus's Satyrs, 1 Pusten, 1 Clarks Introduction, 1 SaUust, 1 Caesars Commentaries, 1 Court Calender, 1 Angler, 1 Beaver Hatt, 8 Quire of Paper, 1 Ream Paper, 8 Blank Books, 1 Ivory Memorandum Book, 1 Parcel of Playing Cards, 1 Bag of Triffies, 1 EoUan Harp & Maps, 2 Brushes, 1 Candle Box & Lanthern, 1 Bag of Trifles, 2 Curtains 7 Curtain Rods, 4 Window Curtains, 1 Chocolate Pot, 1 Window Curtain, 2 Presses, 1 Bed Stead with Curtains, 1 Close Stool Pan, 1 Cheese Toaster, 1 Coat, a Parcel of Brass Pins, 1 Walnut Bedstead, a Parcel of Large Nails, Some Window Glass, a Box of Old Iron, a Parcel of Barrels, a Parcel of Bricks, 2 Save aUs, 1 BaU of Blacking, 18 Yds Caffico, 1 Riding Chair & Harness, 1 Velvet Cap, 13 Pair Hinges, 4 Yds Black Persian, 1 Key Swivel, 2 Windsor Chah-s, 1 Elemt's of Na-viga/- tion, 1 floor Cloth, 1 Mahogany Writing Desk, 1 Garden Scraper, 1 Smiths Inventories. 517 Moral Sentiments, 1 Bakers Remarks, 1 description of Ammals, 1 Fletcher of Salton's Works, 1 Charles 12th, one Instructions for young Ladies, 1 History of PhUosophy, 2 Southem Hemisphers, 1 Common Flute, 3 Musick Books, 5 Ink Pots, 1 Pounce Box, 1 Ink Stand, 1 Sand Box, 1 Box of Red & WMte Wafers, 1 dum Waiter, 1 Rat Trap, 1 Fan, 3 Tortoise SheU Combs, 1 diamond Ring, 1 Fan, lib Hyson Tea, 1 Paste Necklace, 1 Pair of Stone Knee Buckles, 1 Gold hat Lace, Some SUver lace, 2 Snuff Boxes, 1 WMplash, 1 Flower Pot, 1 OU Hat Cover, Blanks, 1 Quire Marble Paper, 1 Box Fish & Counters, 1 Pair of Gloves, 2 Pair of SUk Stockings, 11 Caps, 23 Canisters, 1 Ink Stand, 1 Xoctumal, 1 Quadrant, Some Snuff, 2 Sets Quadrffie Boxes & Fish, 3 Japan Waiters, 1 Extinguisher & 2 Snuffer Stands, 1 Case of Knives, 1 Tea Chest, 2 China ^Nlugs, 1 Bag of Triffies, 1 Brass ft Weight a Parcel of Hat Pins, 1 Tea Kitchen, 1 Cur- tam, 2 Pau- Bottle SUders 2 Glass Sugar dishes, 1 Pme Table, 1 Tea Kettle Stand, 1 -iir Pump, 1 Chest, 2 pairs SUver Candlesticks, 1 Trunk, 1 Shot Bag, 1 Powder Horn, a Parcel of Watch Strings, 1 Set of Pmch beck Buckles, Watering Pot, 1 Trussel, 1 Portmanteati, 1 Plew Hew, 1 Ax, 1 Pair Brass Canffiesticks, 2 pair of Snuffers, 1 Pair of Spectacles & Case, 1 Masons Compaffion, 1 Johnston's ffictionary, 1 Blank Book, 1 History of England, 1 Rffie, 28 Uttle Books Blank, 1 Sand Box, a Parcel of large Paper, 1 Ring, 1 ffitto, 1 ffitto, 1 Gold Broach, 1 ffitto, 1 Pocket Book, 1 Book, 1 Powder hom, 2 pair Sleeve Buttons, 2 Ink Pots, Some Pencils & Trifles, 3 Pau- of Stockmgs, 3 Bottle SUders, 1 Brass Kettle, 1 Pattem for a Jacket, 1 Pattem drab Cloth, 2 pair of Stockmgs, 3 Trunks, 1 Pair of Pistols Shot Bag &c. 1 Rope & Twme, 7 Yds Jeans, 3 pair Xut Crackers, 1 Pair Pistol Holsters, 5 Broken Canffi^iicks, 4 Cakes of Blackmg, 1 Hatchet, 1 Hammer, 1 ]Matttess, 1 Pffiow, 1 Pair Blankets, 1 Grammar, 1 Coffier's directory, 1 Clarks Attributes, a Parcel of Cut Paper, a Parcel of Quils, 1 Bed Stead with Curtains, 1 Fme Fan, 1 Pocket Book, 3 Kmves, 2 Cork Screws, 2 Pair Scissors, some Watch Keys & a Ring, 4 Brushes, 1 Snuff Box, 1 Pearl ditto, 1 Quire of Marble Paper, Some Blotting Paper, 8 Towels, 1 Pair of Money Scales, 3 Money Weights, 1 Pair of plyers, 1 Bag of Trifles, some Pearl Barley, 1 Coffee Roaster, 1 China Bowl, 5 China Coffee Cups, 1 Press, 1 Cooler, 1 Fry Pan, 1 Griddle, 1 Trunk, 1 Walking Stick, 1 ditto, 1 Set Connoisseur, 1 Francis's Horace, 1 Seaches Light of Nature, 1 dodsleys Poems, 1 Hutchisons PMlosophy, 1 Sherridans Lectures, 1 Blank Book, 1 Common place Book, 3 Blank Books, 1 Iffier, 2 Blank Books, 1 Rude's Enquiry, 1 Laws of Virgima, 1 Morgans Phisico Theology, 35 Small Blank Books, 1 Rffie, 1 Ream Quarto Paper, 1 Ream of Paper, 7 Stocks, Ji Ream GUt Quarto, 1 Trunk, 1 Barometer, Thermome ter, & Hydrometer, 2 Barometer Glasses, 1 Portmanteau, 3 Pair of Stock ings, some Worsted Bmdmg, 2 Pocket Books & Pen Cutter, 2 Shirts, 1 Bag, 1 Raven grey Coat, 1 Jacket & Breeches, 1 Pair of Boots 7 Rush Bot tom Chairs, 1 Chair, 1 KeUys Scotch Proverbs, 1 Pair of HaK Boots, 1 WMp, 2 Cases of Razors, Shaveing Implements, 1 Sithe, 1 Piece of Lmen, 3 Yds ditto, 1 Stock Lock, 1 Pair BeUows, 1 Brush, Sundry SmaU Articles, 1 Churchills Works, 1 Brackens Farriery, 1 Elssay on Husbandry, 1 Laws on Oratory, 1 Ray on the Creation, 1 System of Oratory, 1 Rollins BeUe Lettres, 1 Knoxes Sermons, 1 Watts Logick 6 Vo. Select Plays, 1 Muschem- brock's PMlosophy, 1 Bacons Xatural History, a Quantity of Plank & Scant ling, 19 Uttle BlMik Books, 1 Rffie, some FoUo Post paper, 6 Books, 12 ditto, 12 ffitto, a parcel of ffitto, a Parcel of Scotch Magazmes, a Parcel of Uffiversal ffitto, 1 Art of PreacMng, 1 pair gold Sleeve Buttons, 1 Convex Glass, 1 Parcel of Triffies, 1 Box Shavmg Powder, 1 House & Lot m Haffiax No 56. 3 Comb Brushes, 1 Bayonet, 9| Yds Unen, 1 dozen Packs of Cards, 1 Memorandum Book, 1 Bag of Tnfles, 1 ditto, 4 Jugs, a Parcel of China, 6 CoBee Cups, 1 China Tea pot, 1 Japan Teaboard, 2 decanters, 1 ffitto, 1 Westons Bookkeeping, 2 Windsor Curtains, 1 Pruning Chissel, Hook &c. 2 Sithes, 2 Reap hooks, 7 Cruppers & WMp lashes, 2 pair Straps, 2 Cruppers, 3 Girths, 1 Briffie, ViTiip lashes, 1 Farriers dictionary, 4 Curry 518 North Carolina Wills. Combs, 3 Brushes, 3 Horse Combs, 1 Grubbing Ax, 1 Riffing Belt,|l Piece of Girth Web, 1 Pair Screwdees, 1 lb Crewel, 18 Yds of Blue & White CaUco, Black Hat band, 2 Set pinch beck Buckles, 2 Pair of knee buckles, 1 Pair of NaU Cutters, 2 Silver Smiths Tools, 2 pair CMm- ney Brasses, 1 pair Pistol Holster, 1 Table Cloth, a Parcel of Metal But tons, 1 Pair of dog Irons, 1 Shovel, 1 Pair Tongs, 1 Back Iron, 1 Tea Kettle, 1 Pair Curling Tongs, 1 pair BeUows, 2 Brushes, 1 Hand Bell, 1 Coopers Anatimy, 1 Brook's Practice 1 Brooks's Introduction, 1 Bible, 1 Prayer Book, 1 SpelUng ffictionary, 1 Prayer Book, 1 Frances's Horace, 1 Westminsters Jests, 1 Set Homes Plays, 1 CoUection of Songs, 6 Small Blank Books, 1 Critical SpelUng Book, 1 lock on Human Understanffing, 1 Reflections on Education, 1 Ju-vinels Satyres, 1 Holmes Rhetorick, 1 Jones's Mathematicks, 1 Newtens Optics, 1 Everards Gauging, 1 Ter- ences's Comedies, 1 Clarks Grotius, 1 Epictitus, 1 Horace, 1 Sallust, 1 Blank Book, 1 Pomfrets Poems, 1 Grotius de Vendate, 1 Etropheus, 1 Mairs Introduction, 1 Plume Volant, 5 Silver Tea Spoons, 1 Strainer & Tongs, 2 Snuff Boxes, 1 Pocket Compass, 5 Books, 4 Trifles, a parcel of broken Brass Cocks, 1 lb of Chalk, 1 Piece drum Une, 3 HandkercMefs, 1 dozen Whip lashes, 4 Coat Straps, 2 pair Window Curtains, 1 CaUco Bed Cover, 1 Quins Jests, 1 Whip, 1 pair Brass Candlesticks, 1 Pair WMte SUk Gloves, 1 SUk Neck Cloth, 1 Theodolite with a Chain &c. 4 Windsor Chairs, 1 Kitchen's Map of Europe, 1 Stone's Mathematical Instruments, 1 Emerson's Astronomy, 1 James on Gardemng, 1 Treatise on Agriculture, 1 Fergusons Astronomy, 1 Machiavels Works, 1 Stewarts PoUtical Ocon- omy, 1 Umbrella, 1 Moores Fables, 1 Bacons Essays, 1 Friar Gerund, 1 Masons Poems, 1 drummonds Hisy. of Scotland, 1 Greys Huffibrass, 1 Emersons Mechanicks, 1 Shaftsbury's Characteresticks, 1 Smiths Optics, 1 Mustons Astronomy, 1 Conversation & Beha-viour, 1 Palaso's Maxims Compass rectified, 1 GeograpMa Classica, 1 Fergusons Lectures, 1 Pine Gun, 1 Old laced Hat, 1 Powder horn, 4 Skins of Parchment, a parcel of Views & Prints, 1 Celestial hemisphere, 4 German flutes, 1 Fiddle Bow, 2 Musick Books, 3 ditto, 1 Camera Obscura & Prints, 2 Ink Pots & a square, 2 Pair of dice, 1 Ink Stand, 1 Box Wafers, 1 Bunffie WMte Sheet Wafers, a Parcel of Gilt Paper, ffitto, 1 Mahogany Writing table, 1 Bed Stead with Curtains, 12 Books, a Parcel of Latin Books, 1 pair of Slippers, 1 pair of Garters, 1 Hair Pin, 1 Kmfe, 1 Seal & pMal, 1 Silver Punch Laffie, some Sewing Silk, 1 Button loop &c. 1 leather Snuff Box, 3 Purses, a parcel of Medals, 1 Ring dial, 1 Candle Shade, 1 pair Silk Breeches, 1 Sffit of Livery, 1 Table Cover, a Parcel of Blanks, ditto, 1 Qffire gilt marble paper, 1 parcel of paper, 1 Bevel, 1 Square, 6 Handkerchiefs, 6 New Shirts, 12 Stocks, 1 dark Lanthorn, Sundry Tipes, 1 Brass Pen, 1 pair ffividers, 1 Magnet & Case, 1 Pair Money Scales, 1 dodgion & Case, 2 Curtains, 5 Castors, 1 Walnut Table, Some Silver Bluffing, 1 WMp, some Thread & Twist, 2 Tin Measures, 1 Grater, 3 Grass Sithes, 7 Yds Russia driU, 1 Hank of leaffing Une, 1 Set of Pinch beck buckles, 1 Queens CMna Tea & Sugar Pot, 1 Parcel of Painted Room Paper, 5 Tiles, 1 Bffilet Moffid, Some lead, a piece of Pocket Fustain, 3 Padlocks, 1 Keg Contaimng a Variety of Iron & Brass, Some Screws, 1 Book, 1 Tweezer Case, 1 Cork Screw 2 Rings, 1 Surtout, a pair of Riffing breeches, 1 Hussar Cloak, 2 pair of Stockings, 2 Aprons, a Riband & 1 Square, 1 Cooler, 1 Book, 1 Stone Jug, 1 Pocket Book, 1 Lot N 99, Gran-viUe Street Halifax, 1 Ham mer, 1 pair Sheep Shears, 1 Saw, 1 Gimblet, Remnants of Cloth, 1 piece Swanskine, 2 Old Sadies, 1 Table Cloth, 3 Hinges, 2 Saw Sets, some old Carpet, 1 Blanket, 4 Pair Stockings, 4 Padlocks, 1 Academy of Comple ments, 1 PMlpay's Fables, 1 Vol. Shinstone, 1 Guardian 1 Persian Tales, 1 Sheep Skin dressed, 3 Pieces Bed Tyck, 11 Window Bolts, 5 Brass Knob Locks, 1 Old laced Hat, 3 Thumb Latches a Parcel of Seals, 12 Yds of Jeans, 1 Scotch Almanack, 1 Cotton Velvet Coat & Breeches, 1 Coat, Jacket & Waiscoat, 1 Pair of BucksMns Gloves, 17 Stocks IJi Yds Irish Sheeting, 1 Chest of drawers, 1 Prayer Book, 1 Pair of Blankets, 1 Pair IirVENTOELES. 519 SUk Mitts, Remnents of Cambrick, 1 Pair SUver Buckles, 3 Tnk pots, 1 Silk Jacket & Nankeen Breeches, 1 Coat & WesCoat, 2 pair of Stockmgs, 1 Sugar Canister, 1 Coffee pot, 2 Jugs, 2 ffitto, 4 ffitto, 1 Canister, 3 Bottles, 1 Tea Board, 4 Plates, 1 dish, 6 CMna Cups & Saucers, 3 Cups & 4 Saucers, 1 KnKe, lib Wheted Bro-wn Thread, 9 Gimblets, 2 Pair SUk Breeches, 2 Stamped Lmen HandkercMefs, 2 ffitto. Some tobo. a Livery Lace, 1 Scrub- ing Brush, 3 pamt Brushes, 1 Coffee pot. Some Vemffiion, a Bag of Tiffies, a Parcel of locks, some naUs & Tacks, a Parcel of OU & Pamt, 1 Chocolate Pot, 1 Coffee !MiU, 1 Iroffing Box, 2 Clamps, 1 Funnel, 2 Bowls of Pamt, 1 Table, 1 Cart, 1 Bottle Case, 1 Pair of Blankets, 1 piece of Sheetmg, 1 Table Cloth, 1 Sugar Canister, 1 Stone Stock Buckle, a Parcel of Buttons, a Gauze Handkercffief, 2 pair Breeches, 2 pair drawers, 2 pair Stockings 2 handkfs, 2 ffitto, 6 Towels, 5 Cffina Cups & Saucers, 4 Cups, 3 China Saucers, 1 Bed Cover, 1 Pewter dish, 1 Tm Pan, Some odd Kffives & Forks, 2 Vests, 1 pair drawers, 1 Green Coat, 3 Shirts, 1 Piece Buff Cloth, 2 Waist coats, 2 pair Tongs, 1 Piece WMte Cloth, 1 Piece Flannel durant, 1 Piece WMte silk, 1 Pocket Book, 1 KnKe, some Watch Strings, Parcel of Combs, a Coat & Jacket, 2 pair Breeches 1 Pair Gloves, a Pair Stockmgs, 1 Pair BeUows, 1 Box of Wafers, 2 pair SUk Stockmgs, 1 piece ShaUoon, 1 Coat, 2 Vests, a Set of Pmchbeck Buckles, 6 Funnels, 1 Cheese Toaster, 1 Velvet Cap, 1 Rollins Ancient history, 1 Parsons Analogy, 1 Historical Dictionary, 1 Annual Register, 1 Lelands demosthene's, 1 Smith on Govemment, 1 Martins PhUosophy, 1 Fergusons Institutes, 1 Letters to Married Women, 1 Voltaires War, 1 Fitzosboms Letters, 1 Addisons Works, 1 La BeUe Assemblee, 1 Elements of the History of France, 1 LoveU, 1 Salmons Grammar, 1 Sterlings VirgU, 1 GU Bias, 1 !Map of the World, 1 Map of America 12 Wme Glasses, 1 Velvet Cap, 1 Pair wMte silk Gloves, 1 Shag reen Case & Tooth pick, 2 Bffilet Moffids, 2 Fenders, 1 Feather Bed, 1 Bolster & Pffiow, 9 ChUdrens Books, 1 Hoyle's Games, 1 Complete Gamster, 1 Fender, 1 Parcel of deeds, 1 Chess Board & Men, 1 Fme Hat, 2 pair Silk Garters, 1 Counterpane, 1 Websters Book keepmg, 1 Pair SUk Stock mgs, 2 pair Scissor, 1 Green Coat, 1 Black Coat, 2 pair of Worsted Stock ings, 2 Pair of Gloves, 3 China Bowls, 6 Japan Waiters, 10 Wme Glasses, 1 old Table, 3 Slates, 1 Fool of quaUty, 2 Foimtain Pens, 1 PencU, 1 Grind stone, 1 Fme Hat, 1 Knife, 4 Bottles Snuff, 1 Tea pot, 1 Sugar Dish, 1 MiUc Pot, 2 Presses, 3 Pewter Ink Pots, 9 Masons Glasses, 8 Plates, 2 Spoons, 4 Kffives, 7 Forks, 1 Pair Steelyards, 1 Shovel, 1 Pair Tongs, 1 Pair BeUows, 1 Candle Box & Lanthern, 3 FoUs, 1 Ramsays Songs, 1 Blank Book, 3 Ink Pots, 1 Parcel of Screws, 1 Chair Bridle 1 Bag of Trifles, 6 Wmdow Bolts, 1 Scale, 2 Sjjeffing Books, 1 Monroes Anatomy, 1 Farmers Gffide, 1 Letter Writer, 2 Town & Country Magazmes for 1769 & 1770. 4 Vols. Xewbery's Sciences, 1 Hattons Merchants Magazine, 1 Leybums dialing 1 Flute, 1 Parcel of Musick, 1 ffitto, 1 ffitto, 1 ffitto, 1 ffitto, Two SUver Bases, 6 Musick Books, 1 Box Black Wafers, 1 Ream Quarto Paper, 4 Kffives, 1 Pair SUver buckles, 6 SUver tea Spoons, 1 pair sUver Sugar Tongs, 3 Sleeve Buttons, 1 Grater, 4 Ink Pots, 1 Spectacle Pocket Glass, 1 Jacket & Breeches, 1 Pair Buckskin Gloves, 1 Pair Cotton ffitto, 1 Pair Brass ffividers, 2 Pair Spectacles, 1 Tobacco Box, 2 Hair Ba^s, 1 Cusffion, 1 Pot, 2 Lead Canisters with Snuff, a Parcel of Queens China, 2 Bags of Trifles, 1 ffitto, 1 ffitto. One Ji lb Brass Weight, 4 Window Curtams, 7 Mason Glasses, a Parcel of Paper 17 Vols. Travels, 1 Pair of WMte sUk Gloves, 1 Shovel, 1 Pair Tongs, 1 Pair WMte SUk Gloves, 1 Pair of money Scales, 1 Lock on human Understandmg, 1 Shaftsburys Characteristicks, 1 Robertsons History of Scotland, 1 Gordons Accountant, 1 Cambray on Eloquence, 5 Musick Books, 1 Rosseau Eloisa, 1 Blacklocks Poems, 1 Letters from the north, 1 Pair of Pistols Key & BuUet Moffid, 4 Irons for Sithes, 1 Key Swivel, 1 Shakespears Works, 1 Essay on Shakespears Learffing, 1 Peregrine Pickle, 1 Book Stand, 1 Set Spectators, 1 Sentiments of Pamela, 1 Pair old Sheets, 1 Pair ffitto, 1 SometMng new, 1 Tissot on Sedentary deseases, 1 Natural History, 1 History of England, 1 Art of 520 North Carolina Wills. Speaking, 1 Dowglas on the Muscles, 12 lb Quick Silver, 1 Set Select Plays, 1 Cims EucUd, 1 Borchave's Medicine, 1 State of Britain, 1 Sharps Surgery, 1 Court Plaister, 1 Method of Studying Medicine, 1 Le Cat on the Senses, 1 Lobs Compendium, 1 Pantheon, 1 Paths of Virtue, 1 Masons Companion, 1 Van Sweetens Abridgt, 1 Ledrans Surgery, 1 Parcel of Medicines, 7 Quire blue & blossom Paper, 1 Tffily's Offices, 4 Musick Books, 1 Pocket Book, 1 Virginia Laws, 1 Pocket Book, 1 Kmfe, 1 Hair pin, 1 Rule, 1 Kffife, 2 Pair Scissors, 1 Silver Seal & Chain, 1 Chain, 1 Seal, 1 Pr. Scissars, 1 door Stopper, 1 Lock, 1 Box of Rose SheUs, Some Nitre & some nutmegs, 1 Gold Lace for a hat, 5J^ Yds Gold Lace, 2 Snuff Boxes, 1 ditto, 1 Coat, 1 Pair Breeches, 1 Waistcoat, 1 Cloth Cloak, 1 Silk Vest, 1 Pair Breeches, 4 Pair of Leggings, a Parcel of Wffite Gloves, 2 pair Stockings, 3 Shirts, 9 Towels 1 Pair Money Scales, a quantity of Rotten Stone, 2 Tooth Brushes, 2 Chamber Pots, 1 Pocket Microscope & Glass, 2 Caffister of Snuff, 2 BUnds, 2 Brushes, 1 tea pot sugar dish etc, 6 decanters, 1 bag of trifles, 1 brass fender, 1 iron pot, 1 gold medal, 1 silver medal, 1 Seal, 1 Book, 1 Brush, 2 Bags Grass Seeds, Some Sulphur, 1 Pair Stirrup Irons, 1 Garden Scaper, 1 Cutting Box, 1 Cutting Knife, 1 Counterpane, 1 Pair dog Irons, 1 Shovel, 1 Pair of Tongs, 1 Pair ditto, 1 Pair dog Irons, 1 Poker, 1 Feather Bed, 1 Bolster, 1 Feather Bed, Bolster & Pillow, 1 Feather Bed, Bolster & Pillow, 1 Bed Stead with Curtains, 1 Set of Cups & Saucers, 1 Set of Coffee Cups, 1 China Bowl, 1 ffitto, 1 ffitto, 1 Pair dog Irons, 1 Shovel, 1 Pair Tongs, 1 Poker, 1 Shovel, 1 Poker, 1 Molls Atlas, 1 Youngs Night Thoughts, 1 Ainsworth Latin dictionary, 1 Bell, 1 Ruler, 1 History of England, 1 Maolaurins Algebra, 1 Sainte Bible, 1 Emmersons Fluctions, 1 Brightlands Grammar, 1 Telemaque, 1 French Grammar, 1 Pistol Mounted Hanger, 1 Fan & Case, 1 Pair silk Stockings, 1 Pair leggings, 3 Pair Stockings, 1 Silk HandkercMef, 1 Brush, 2 pair breeches, 1 Pair drawers, 1 Volo, Blackstone's Commentaries, 2 Parcels of Silk, 2 Yds Linen & some Buckram, 1 Ink Stand, 1 Small Flute, A Parcel of Fig Blue, 6 Leather bottom Chairs, 1 Lot & House in Halifax No, 50, One Lot in Halifax N 28, with the Stables thereunto belonging, 1 Box of Spermacete Candles, 1 Sand Box & Wafers, 1 Pair of Sheets, 1 Pair ditto & Pillow Case, 1 Fiddle & Bow, some Fiddle Strings, 1 Punch Ladle, 2 pair of Stockings, 32 Bottles Wine, 2 Coolers, 2 Glass Constables, 6 Beer Glasses, 5 Window Curtains with Rods, 1 Prayer Book, Ji lb Hyson tea, 1 Pair knee Buckles, 1 Pair Scissars, 1 Smelling Bottle, 1 House-svife & TMead &c,, Some Remnants of Linen, 1 Raven Grey Coat, 2 Pair Breeches, 1 Pair ditto, 1 Jacket & Breeches, 1 Coat & Waiscoat, 2 Waiscoats, 1 Surtout, 2 Pair of Stockings, a Parcel of Paint & PencUs, 1 Sword Belt &c,, 1 Prayer Book, 1 Old Beaver Hat, A Bag of BuUets, Shot Buttons &c, 1 Roderick Random, 1 Set Mallets Works, 1 Penkffife, 1 Pair of Gloves, 1 Kmfe, 1 Dressing Table, 1 Bible, 1 Pestle & Mortar, 2 Queens CMna Mugs, 1 Turine, a Parcel of Queens CMna a Parcel of NaUs, 3 Jugs, 8 Wine Glasses, one Tea Board, 1 Stewpan, 1 Stand, 1 How, 1 Snuff Box, 1 pair Blankets, 2 Table Cloths, 1 Pffial Red Ink, ,1 Box Wafers, 1 Coverlet, 1 Fan, 4 Caps a Breast Cloth &c. a Parcel of Queens CMna, 1 Book Stand, 1 Geographical ffictionary, 1 New Italian Master, 1 Gays Fables, 1 Practical Geometry, 1 Tacitus 1 Simpsons Convick Sections, 1 Potters Mathematicks, 1 Gerrard on Taste, 1 Aristotles Ethics, 3 Pillows, 1 Pasts Comb, Some Remnants of Silk, 2 Ink Pots, Piece Non so pretty, a Broken Box of Pipes, 1 Towel, 1 Set of Cups & Sawcers, 1 Parcel of Queens CMna, 1 Piece of Huckaback, a Tea Board &c. 1 China Bowl, 12 Wine Glasses, 1 Pine Table, 1 Chaffing dish, 1 Popes Works, 2 plays, 1 Blank Leger, 1 BeUisarius, 1 Sidney Biddulph, 1 Steths History of Virgiffia, 1 Testament, 1 Ben Johnston's Tests, 1 Beaver Hat, 1 Old Hat, 1 Map of Great Britain & Ireland, 1 SUk Vest, 2 Striped Waistcoats, 4 Sffirts, 2 Table Cloths, 1 Warming Pan, 4 Glass Tumblers, 1 Table Cloth, 1 Pair of Sheets, 1 Sharps Geometry, 1 Martins Trigonometry, 1 British Grammar, 1 Set Humes, Britain, 1 Barrows EucUd 1 Gordons In-tentorles. 521 Grammar, 1 Shervins Fables, 1 Wards Mathematicks, 1 Martins Logar ithms, 1 Parcel of Paper, 1 MalCombs Book keepmg, 1 Wrights Arith metick, 1 Simpsons EucUd, 1 Sacred Classicks, 1 Freeholder, 1 Wise Mans Grammar, 12 Copy Books, 1 Letter Writer, 1 Young Mans Com paffion, 1 Fishers Arithmetick, 1 Brookes Xatural History, 1 Ink Pot, 2 Pounce Boxes, 7 Ink Powders, 1 PMal Red Ink, 1 Box of Wafers, 1 Bed Cover, 1 Bed Carpet, 1 Towel, 1 Pocket Book, 1 KnKe, 1 ffitto, 1 ffitto, 1 Pair knee buckles, 1 Purse & Pocket, 1 Ring i Seal, Some FUnts, a Snuff Box, 1 Silk Coat, 1 Vest, 1 Parcel of Blanks, 1 Case of Instruments, 3 Pair of Stockings, 2 Rffiers, 2 Folders, 1 Ink Pot, 1 Parcel of Trifle, 1 Bag of Trifles, 2 Glass Constables, 2 decanters, 2 Salts, 1 Pair Stone Buckles, 1 Loves Surveying, 1 Apothems of the Ancients, 1 KnKe, 1 Snuff Box, 1 Postlethwaits ffictionary, 1 Fme large Piere Glass, 1 Map of North America, 1 Map of Europe, 2 Celestial Hemisphers, 1 Sand Box, 1 Parcel of Paper, 1 Loogmg Glass, 3 Watch Chains, 3 Keys, some rt & Vest Buttons, Cravats & Stocks, 2 Brushes, 4 Leggmgs, 7 Pffiow Cases, 1 Chafing dish, mats & Basket, 4 Japan Waiters, 1 China Bowl, 1 ffitto, 10 China Cups, 3 Glass Constables, 8 Beer Glasses, 11 Wme Glasses, 2 de canters, 1 Chest, A SmaU Iron Pot & Hooks, 5 Books, 6 ffitto. Parcel Latin Books, 1 Pair SUver Spurs, 1 Fan, 1 Black Riband, 1 Fme Seal, 1 Paste Pin, 1 Watch Cham, 1 Rmg with a Seal 1 SUver Watch, 1 Fan, 2 SUver Pens, }4 U Hyson Tea, 1 Pearl >secklace, 2 Packs Message Cards, 1 KnKe & Fork, a Parcel of GUt Paper, 6 Books, 12 ffitto, 6 ffitto, J^ Hyson Tea, 1 Knife and Fork, 6 Books, 1 Pair of Tongs, a Parcel of Rib ands, 4 Pieces of Worsted Bmding, 1 Ink Pot, 1 Parcel of declarations, 1 Book of Precedents, a Parcel of Blanks, a Parcel of ditto, 1 Qffire Blue Marble Paper, a Parcel of Blanks, 2 Magnets, 1 Book, 1 Pair SUver, Buckles, 1 Pair gold knee Garters, 2 Pieces of Black Riband, 1 Piece of SUk Bmdmg, 3 Pair of Worsted Stockmgs, 1 Stamped Lmen HandkercMef, 1 Pair of Stockings, 2 Pair of SUk ffitto, 3 Shirts, 6 Coffie Cups, 2 Jugs, 1 BaU of Twine, a Parcel Of Quart Bottles, 1 Table, 1 Chair, 1 Bruss, 1 Queens China Tea pot, 1 Queens Chinia Sugar Pot, 1 Press, 1 foot Rule, Cloaths & Trimmings for 2 Sffit Cloaths, 3 Hhds under Tobo, 1 Martins PMloso phy, 1 Fergusons Astronomy, 1 Reflections on Rifficffie, 1 Po & Odyssy, 1 Dialogues Moral & PoUtical, 1 Thomsons Antonim, 1 Ram bler, 1 Lady Marys letters, 1 Ossians Works, 1 SmoUets Mstory of aU nations, 1 World, 1 MUtons Paradise lost, 1 Youngs works, 1 Ladys magazme, 1 Plutarchs Uves, 1 Oconomy of LKe, 1 Sir Charles Grandison, 1 MarmonteU, 1 Gays Poems, 1 Guthries General Mstory, 1 Seamans Astrology, 1 Wrights Arithmetick, 1 Lawyers Wig, 1 Umversal Arith metick, 1 Treatise on Algebra, 1 I/illys Grammar, 1 Watts Logick, 1 Law Grammar, 1 Vaux Mathematicks, 1 Wilsons Trigonometry, 1 Boerhaves Aphorisms, 1 Boerhaves Institutes, 1 HaUers PMlosophy, 1 Walkers Particles, 1 ComeUus Xepos, 1 Rudimans Grammar, 1 French Ruffi- ments, 1 Boyers Dictionary, 1 Boyers Grammer, 1 Ciceros Oratory, 3 Latm Books, 1 HefficUs Antiqffitys, 1 Rohauls Physicks, 1 Qffintius Curtious, 1 Gradus ad Pamassus, 1 Plautius Comedies, 34 Latm Books of different kmds, 1 BrograpMca Britaffica, 1 Sffit WMte Cloaths, 1 Sffit of blue Laced, 1 Smt wffite Laced, 1 Laced Jacket, 2 Sffits of Black SUk, 1 Jacket, 1 SUk Sffit, 1 Jacket, 3 Jackets, 3 Pr. Breeches, 2 Sffit Cloaths, 2 pair Breeches, Jacket, 5 Jackets, 1 Pr Breeches, 2 Jackets & 1 Bag, 8 Jackets, 1 Tract of Land on Miery Branch, 1 Bureau, el of Hebrew and Greek Books dehvered to the R r WyUe as Be queathed, A Xumber of Book Debts, Judgement Xotes and other Spe- cialtys due to him amount uncertain, 1 ParUamentary History, 1 Parlia mentary Debates, 1 BiograpMca Britaffica, 1 Thesarius Bre-vium, 1 com mon place Book, 1 Puffendorf, 1 Amolffi Vereci, 1 Heneciis Commen tary, 1 Godolphin abridged, 1 Jacobs Merchants Compaffion, 1 Retoma Brevium, 1 History of the Law, 1 Modus Instanffi 2 Vols, 1 Burlamaque Elements, 1 Complete Soffidtor, 1 Law of Errors, 1 Juris civitatis &c, 1 522 North Carolina Wills. Rffies of Pleaffing, 1 Bacons Elements, 1 Observ: Theo: Prae: ad Panda, 1 Hawkins Abridgement, 1 Prin-Legis et Eqffitatis, 1 Clerks Associate, 1 Littletons Tenures, 1 Blackerbys Reports, 1 Bay Mare, Strayed away 200 Acres of Land in Gffilford county, formerly the property of Husbands North Carolina ss. Andrew Mi one of the executors of Da-vid Milner de ceased Oath and saith that the above account con tains a true & perfect Inventory of singular the Goods chattels & Effects of his said Testator come to his Hands custody po or possession or into the Hands custody power or possession of Joseph Mont fort one other of the Executors of the said deceased to 'Ms Knowledge or BeUef. Andw Miller Sworn tffis 17th day of Decemr, 1773 Before me Jo. Martin. AN ACCOUNT OF SALE of part of The estate of Thomas Nelson de ceased. Sold at public vadue, on May the 22 by Order of The Court. 1751 1751 An Anvil, Sledge, hammer. Brick-iron and £ s, d bellows 7. 12. 00 34 Ox hides 6.07.01 A Linen-Wheel 0, 16, 00 A Linen-Wheel 1. 00. 00 A ReU 0.03,00 A WooUen Wheel 0, 05. 00 A WooUen Wheel 0. 06. 00 An old hand MiU, Frame & Stones 0, 03, 00 An hand Mffi, frame and Stone 0. 09. 06 A pair of Millstones 0, 10. 06 A padling Canoa 0, 08. 10 An hand Mill, frame and Stone 0, 08. 06 A Stock of Bees 0, 13, 11 2 Stocks of Bees 1. 07, 00 A Grinffing Stone 0, 12, 08 A large Pereauger and furniture 7, 13, 06 A SmaU Trading gun 1,01,00 A Gun 1,01,00 A Musket 1. 02, 00 A Buckeneer Gun 1 , 05, 06 An Old Gun 0, 12, 00 A Gun 0,09,00 A Gun 0.10.06 6 Hooks 0, 02, 10 6 Do 0.02. lOJi 6 Do 0.02,10 £ B d 35,08.00J4 2. Brought from The other Side 35, 08, 00 Ji 6 Hooks 0, 02, 10 6 Do 0,03.00 2 Do 0,10.00 3 Do 0.01,03 A Case and 12 bottles 1 . 06. 00 A Case and 16 bottles 1. 11. 00 A Case and Eleven bottles 1 . 01 , 00 Inventoeies. 523 £'s. d 27 Yards of Coarse Lmen @ 3 Pr 4.01.00 A Case and 15 bottles 1. 01. 06 An Old Chest 0.06.06 A Chest 0. 14. 06 A Smne, and fumiture 3. 05. 00 A Box of pipes 0. 11.00 A Chest, and a parcel of Lumber 1. 10. 11 A pair of SUver Shoe Buckles, a SUver. "| Neck buckle, & a pr of Brass Shoe !• 1. 08. 00 buckels J A Chest, and a parcel of Lumber 2. 04. 02 68 lb of Feathers at 1/4 4.10.08 A Coat, jacket and breeches 2. 12. 00 2 Coats, and A pair of breeches 0. 08. 09 3 Unen Jackets and a pair of breeches. ... 0. 16. 06 A pair of leather breeches 0. 18. 00 A pair of Do 0. 14. 03 An hand Saw 0, 06. 00 A parcel of Coolers Tools 1. 16. 00 A pair of Boots 0. 04. 00 A Brick Trowel 0.03.02 A large WiUow Bottle 0. 10.06 A Dozen glass bottles 0. 02. 08 A pair of Old Wool Cards 0.01.00 9 glass Bottles 0. 02. 07 A flax breake 0.02.06 68. 02. 03 J^ Brought from the other Side 68. 02. 03 Ji 3 Shirts 0. 10. 00 A pair of SmaU StiUyards 0. 06. 05 A pair of large Do 0. 17. 02 A pair of StiU-yards 0. 11. 00 half hour glass and Cann 0. 02. 09 A Nocturnal Quardrant 0. 16. 02 An Ox BeU 0. 03 . 07 A Saw 0. 06.06 A Coffee Mffi ? 0. 05 . 09 A drinking Glass, 2 Crffits, and Tumbler 0. 01 . 03 A Hackel 0. 10, 06 4 Old Chairs 0.04.06 A gau^ng rod and brush 0. 08. 00 A box Iron, and a pr of Cotton Cards. ... 0. 07. 02 A slate 1. 06. 00 A Brass canffie Stick, & pr of Snuffers 0. 03. 00 A Dizen of pewter Spoons 0. 00. 04 A pair of fire tongs 0.04.00 A SUver Watch 4. 10. 00 A Great Coat 0. 12. 00 A WMp Saw 1. 12. 00 A Cross Cut Saw 1. 10.00 A Cross Cut Saw 1.08.00 A Remnant of bending Unen 0. 07. 00 A pair of Scales and Waites 1. 07. 08 7 pair of Cards 0. 11. 02 24 yards of Canvass 3.06.00 A Box and a parcel of Old lumber 0. 08. 00 A parcel of Sickles and Augures 0. 05. 06 A Shirt lancet 0.02. 01 A Chizle, a pr of Sheep Shears & 6 Spurs. 0. 02. 08 £ s. d 90. 04. 05 J^ -524 North Carolina Wills. £ s. d Brought from The other Side 90. 04, 05 Ji 129 lb of Tann'd leather 0, 13. 07 A Pea jacket 0. 05, 02 190 Sheafs of flax 1. 11,06 A flax breake 0. 06. 00 A parcel of Unbroke flax 0. 15, 00 A Sadie and briffie 1. 02, 07 A Chest 1, 02. 00 A parcel of earthen Ware 1 . 11 . 00 A pair of Turns for Lines 0, 03. 00 A large butter pot, & 1 SmaU Do 0. 06. 01 A large butter pot, & 1 SmaU Do 0. 06. 00 A large butter pot, & 1 SmaU Do 0. 04. 06 A Carpenter's Adds 0. 06. 11 4 earthen pans 0. 03. 06 3 Clubs, Axes, & 1 brad Do 0. 12. 06 A Narrow How 0. 04, 04 A RoU of Spun Yarn 0, 05. 00 A Pot rack 0. 07, 00 A broad Hough 0. 07, 00 5 Old broard houghs 0. 16. 00 5 Old hoes 0. 06. 00 An old Gun 0. 15. 06 2 Ploughs, and A harrow 1. 01. 00 18 Yards of Striped HoUand at 4/0 3. 12. 00 A Weaver's Loom 0. 18. 06 2 Suiters of Slays and gears 0. 17. 06 A Parcel of old rope 5. 00. 00 A pair of Oyster Tongs 0, 07. 00 100 lb of Wool at lOdJ^ 4. 07, 08 100 lb of Do. at lOdJi 4. 07. 06 £ s. d Brought from the other Side 123. 03, 07Ji 100 lb of WooU at 3. 15. 00 100 lb of Wool at 8 3. 06. 06 100 lb of WooU at 7d 2. 18, 04 100 lb of Do at 7d 2. 18, 04 98 lb of Do at 6J^d 2. 13, 01 100 lb of Cotton at 6 in the Stone 2. 10. 00 100 lb of Do at 4 J^d in The Stone 1 . 17. 06 100 lb of Do at 4d in Do 1. 13.04 73 lb of Do at 4d in Do 1. 04, 04 A StiU, and aU The Appurtenances there unto belonging 36, 00. 00 A Copper Kittle 18. 00. 00 A brass Kittle 17. 10. 00 A SmaU brass Kittle 3, 00. 00 29 J^ lb of Pewter at 3/— Pr 4, 07. 09 15 lb of Do at 2/4 3. 15, 00 A Quart, a Pint and a Tumbler 0. 13 , 00 A Quart & a Tea Pot 0, 10, 00 A Tea Kettle 1. 08. 00 A BeU Mettle Spice Mortar & Pestle and a Copper pot 1 , 10. 00 An Ink Stand, 2 Tin Funnels, 2 Tin pepper boxes, and 1 brass Do 0. 07, 00 15 lb of Pe-Prterat 2/. 2d 1.12.06 A Gun a braod Hough, a parcel of Pew ter 2.04,00 123. 03. 07 Ji Inventories. 525 £ s. d A Feather Bed, and furffiture 16. 00. 00 A Bed, pffiow. Sheet & Blanket 7.00.00 A Bed, Boulster, Sheet and Rugg 7. 10. 00 A Bed, blanket, Sheet and Boulster 4. 00. 00 A Bed, Sheet and Blanket 4. 18. 00 A Sea Bed and Boulster 2. 00, 00 A Bed, 4 blankets and a Boulster Case. . . 5.01,00 £ s. d 283.06.05Ji Brought from the other Side 283.06.05J^ 5 Pots and 2 Kittles and 2 Pot Hook 3.01.06 1 large Pot and Hook 1.05.00 a brass Stew Pot, a brass Skffiet and . . "j a brass Sauce Pan with a Tramel [• 1. 05. 02 A Chafing dish, and a ffie j A Marriners Compass & Speakg Trumpet 7. 00 176 lb of old iron at 5d pr 3. 13. 00 An Oval Table 2.00.01 A Parcel of Wooden Ware 1. 14. 06 3 Frymg Pans 0. 15. 06 A large Gun 7. 15. 01 ^£305 . 03 . 07}i John Davis Vandue Master. DARBY O'BRIAN INVENTORY. August ye. 5th 1725. AX INVENTORY of the Estate of Darby Obrian deceed To 4 Head of Cattie £4: 10: 0 To an Horse 4 £ To 21 Head of Hogs£ 6:6:0 To one old Bridle and Saffie 8 shU To a parcel of pewter and a tin funnel 10 shU. To a parcel of Glass Ware 8 shU. To a stone jugg 3 shU. To one Brass Skffiet a Brass slice and Brass Box 2/6 To an Handsaw 6 shU. To an Ivory Comb 1/8 To a Hone Razor Vial and KnKe 4/6 To a parcel of old Iron 15 shU. To one old CoverUd 6 shU. To 3 pair of old Breeches 7/6 To 2 shirts 12/6 To an old Coat 10 shU. To an old Hat Cap and Jacket 4 shU. To one pair of Yam Stockins 3 shU. To an old Lock and Key 21 shU. To an old Chest 12 shU. To a parcel of Leather 8 shU. To one JBee BUve and Bees 5 shU. To 100 lb. of dried pork & Beef £ 1: 6: 0 To 1 BusM. J^ Com 3 shU. To 6 lb Hogs Fatt 2 sffil. To a pair of Stffiyds. £1: 5: 0— Antho. Hatch Jno. Bateman This Inventory was proved by the Oath of Wm. Evans the 13th of Septbr. 1725. before Me Greo. Durant. INVENTORY of the Estate of Seth Pilkington Decsd taken by MicU Coutanche Feb. 27th 1754. In the Store 9Ji yds Broad Cloath 1 WMp Saw 1 Doz pair mens Stockmgs 3 old Siths 94 EUs of ozenbrigs about 60 lb of old Iron 1 Solffiers Coat IJi busa wheat 1 pr Stockmgs in a Chest 11 pair yam stockmgs 1 Gotten handkersMef 1 Doz Clap Knives 26Ji yds read Plains loope 19 quire paper 1 Conoo SaU 23 printed handkersMefs 8 Black Walnut Chairs & bottoms. 14Ji yd SMdown 18Ji yd Candele Cottens i8% yards checks 31 yd Dito 526 North Carolina Wills. 14Ji yd Coarse Blankettmg 11 Smal Blanketts 1 Cadis 4 Small Ruggs 32 felt hatts 1 Powder Caffister 3 White tea pots 1 White Strainer 1 Carving KnKe 1 old Caffister 10 round hotels 2 Jointer Irons 1 plane Iron a Yalow Jackett 2 Club Axes 1 pr SilUards 4 Narrow hoes 1 Shugr Tub 36 lb Shot & buletts 1 mans fine new Sadffie & brd 1 old Chest 6 Turpentine hatchets 1 troweU 1 Inck stand 1 Narrow CMzzeU 1 Crossing Iron 3 SmaU Gimbletts 1 Saw Sett 6 pegging Awls 8 Corke Screws 5 Doz Butts. 12 sticks Mohair 10 Doz Shirt Butts 4 Large files 6 Whimble Bitts 6 Smal files 2 Basketts 11 lb bees wax 5 Curried Calves Skins 1 Calf Skin not Curried 2 pices Lather 37 lb Powder about 16 lb of Gotten in the Store 1 Large Chest 1 oyl Jugg 1 Linning Spinffing Wheel 1 4 GU Jugg 6 Chain Plates 66 lb Talow 35 lb of Dear SMn 3 loaves Shugr 1 old half bushell in the Celler Remd of a hhd Rum 11 In d molasses 14 Inches 18 Sides of Lather 1 lb Cyder 64 hotels fayall wine IJi doz round hotels 3 Case Botels 6 Empty barils J of a baril Pork IJi baril fine Salt 1 pot hoggs fatt Ji of Smal Tub Butter Ji pot butter 1 tin Gallon Pott 1 Pewter pint pot 1 funnel! 1 Cag 1 Small Iron Pot with fatt in the Store Loft 2 hand saws 1 frame Saw 1 Cross Cut Saw 2 Whip Saws 1 adds 2 Broad Axes 3 Augers 1 old Club ax 2 Drawing Kffives 4 CMzells 1 Gough 1 Saw Sett 4 files 1 Grindstone 3 planes 1 old Cooper adds 1 plow shear & Coffiter 1 old bed steed 1 Lathing Hammer 1 Grubing hoa In the Kitchen 2 old Ladles 1 peck 2 Plows 1 Garden Pot 1 Cullender 4 Pewter Dishes 4 Tubs 1 frjdng Pan 6 Iron Potts 1 Ketie 1 Large Brass Ketle 1 Brass Scillet 1 Grid Iron 1 Spit 4 pot tramells 2 hooks 5 pr pot hooks 1 pair hand Irons 1 pair Tongs 1 Wooling Wheel 3 washing Tubbs 4 Water pails 2 pair old wool Cards 1 Smal funneU 1 flesh fork & 1 Brass Scimmer 1 Kitchen table out of Doors 1 Plough 1 large pitch ketle 4 Bay boat bars 1 Bay boat 2 Canoos 1 flat 1 Large boat anchor 1 pair hand Screws 1 Grmdstone 1 hhd Lime 1 flax Brake Inventories. 527 in the Bam about 40 lb Com 27 bus Pees 4 bus smaU 1 lb & 2/3 of fine salt abont 6 bus Coarse Salt 11 old hhd 11 old bb about 12 bus beens in the house 2 SUver Salts 2 SUver Spoons 1 SUver Pepper Box 2 Glass Canns 6 Wine Glasses 1 China Jack 2 Decanters 2 Delph Punch Bowls 1 Black Pitcher 2 Glas Viffiger Crffits 1 Glass tankard 6 beakers 6 China Chocolate bowls 6 1 tea Pot SUver tongs & 6 teasi>oons 1 pr hand Irons 1 fire Shovel & tongs 1 Qock 1 Great Chair 6 flagg Chairs 1 Elbow Dito 4 Blak walnut framed Chairs &c 1 maple table 1 Black WaMut Do 1 Oak Desk 1 Broken lookmg glass 2 pr money scales m the Desk 1 pr shot mollis 1 pr Kmpers 1 Shoe hammer 1 Pr Marking Irons 1 pr bffilet Moffids 1 brass Cock 1 pr Shoe Pmcers 1 pr Spoon Moffids 5 awls & 2 Gimbletts 1 Seringe 1 hoan 2 Rasors 1 Rasor strap about 500 Needls horse flems 1 fountain pen 2 Sticks hair 11 Doz shirt butt 2 pr Sleave butts 3 mend Books 2 Smal ffies 1 pr Compasses 2 Westband Buckely 2 Doz butts, 2 pen BJoives 2 pr Specticals 1 burffing Glass 2 Inck glasses 1 Gunter Scale 12 feet Rffie 1 pr thumb screws 1 hotel Batemens Drops 1 pr nail Cutters Some Rats been about 3 Doz fish hooks 1 glass Ink stand 1 Sand Box 1 SUdmg Rffie 2 Saw Setts 1 Pockett Book 1 Pr SUver Shoe buckeles 1 SUver Watch 2 Lancetts 1 pr SUver Knee buckles 14 SUver Jackett butts 1 SUver Neck buckle 13 SUver SmaU buttons 1 piece of SUver watch chain 1 Smal pad lock 1 SUver Knee buck 1 Green SUk Purse lOJi pisterins 1 pr Smal Scalra 1 pr beUows m Back Room 1 Smal WMte Table 1 Black waMut Do 1 Warmmg pan 1 Close Stool 3 old Chairs 1 Large Bed & fumiture 1 Smal Bed & Dito 1 Chest Drawers 1 lookmg glass Smal 1 pr hand Irons 1 pr Shovel & tongs 1 black tea Pot 1 black Jack 1 earthen bowl 3 Glasses 1 pmt mugh 1 Pitcher 1 tea pot 1 tea Chest 1 Canister 3 Doz round botells 1 Case with 28 botels Ji gal pot 6 lb Soap 6 f ayaU Basketts 2 Box Irons & heaters 1 Stan Ji gl Peuter Pot 1 Chest 1 Cotton Mffi 3 pr Snuffers 4 brass Canffie Sticks 2 Guns 2 hammers 2 Spinning Wheels 3Ji Doz tin Candle Moffids 1 pr boots 1 Smal StUliard 1 pr old boots 1 pr stUliards 1 Case & 12 botels 1 tm Canffie Box 1 hatchett 1 Coffee pot 1 pickle Pot 2 tea Ketles 1 Grater 1 Copper Sauce pan 1 Cannister 2 Shoe brushes 1 Doz Case Knives 1 D forks 4 pr shoes 1 new Sffit Broad Cloth 5 flaneU Jacketts 3 Coats 3 bever hatts 1 Read Jackett & britches 1 gray Jacket 1 morffing gown 9 pr Stockmgs 3 pair gloves 1 pair Lather bridches 8 wffite shirts 2 check Dito 1 par Garters 3 neckleths 4 doz & 8 plates 7 Dishes 1 Gl Bason 3Ji Gal Dito 3 3 pmt Do 528 North Carolina Wills. 2 2 quart Do 1 Doz milk pans 1 Doz Chairs at Bath town 1 Great Coat D. J of 3 New Cables D I of 3 Anchors Do 6 Volumes Doctr. Scots Sermons 1 Map North America the Compleat Surveyor 1 Vol Laws of Virgiffia 1 D The Atheffian Oracle 1 Beveridge thoughts on Crist Life A Geographical Dictionary 1 Bishop Hoadlys Sermons 1 John Hill Arithmetick 1 16 Sermons by Durham 1 new Calender feast & fast of the Church Etimological Dictionary 1 Cores Exposition Merchants Magazine 1 Wells Geography 1 Popes Essay on Man Practice Piety Stanupe on Salvation Smal Book of Rates 2 Psalm Books Henrey's Sermons New Atlantis 1 testementEtinuler's Practice of PMsick Decimal Arithmetick 2 old Epitome 1 old grammar Geography of Children famiUar Letters Margl of Argyle Instr to Ms son Doctr Hammon works 2 Vol Introdn to the Lord Supper Marriner Compass Instruction for the Inffians 1 Large Common Prayer 3 Small Common Prayer Books 1 Large Bible 2 SmaU Dito 4 Ledgers A B C D & Sundry Day Books 3 Canes 1 Gauging Rod about 5 m New Engld Bricks 6 Dry Mdes 1 CaK Skin 1 horse Bell 2 ox Belles 2 wheel Barrows 18 plant axes 12 hoes 2 pr Iron Wedges 2 Grubing hoes 3 Carts 1 pair of Oxen 6 Cows & Calves 4 Cows not Calves 22 young Catle to 3 years old 4 horses & 1 mare 29 Sheep & 7 Lambs 10 Breeding Sows & 9 Pigs 20 Shoats 1 Large Iron Pot 16 new Oak Barels 2 hand miUs 1 Conner table up Stairs 6 Chairs flag bottoms 1 Trunck Ji minute glass 5 Bed & furffiture 1 trunk 1 pair tongs 1 Small looking Glass 2 Chest 3 SKters 5 pair Cards 4 Bowls 1 Sffit Curtains 6 old barils & Gags 1 buckett 1 pr Lather Bags 3 bags 6 Bowls 4 pint mugs 6 half pints D a Small persell wool Cotton & flax yarn & Gotten Spun a SmaU quan tity 3 Chamber pots 1 SmaU Box Wind Glass 1 Cedar Desk 8 pair Sheets 1 pr Blanketts 2 bed qffilts 1 Rugg 4 Diaper Table Cloths 4 Linnen Table Cloths 6 Tow eUs D 6 Diaper Napkins 6 pr thread Stockings Negroe Men Jupiter, LankesMre, Catto Darby, Cudgo, old Tom young Tom, Jack, Pomp, Fortune, George, DubUn, Noridge Negro Boys Mustifer, Cain, York, London, Bristol, Wenches Africa, Grace, Jenny Florra old Betty, Giris Jenny, Pheby, Hannah, WMte Boys 4 prantices at Plantation War)munty 7 Cows & Calves Cows 1 Steers j- yett unknown Steers J 2 Plows 1 P Cartwheels 1 horse 2 mares & Colts 1 ax 1 hoe at Plantation up the River Cows & Calves l Steers [• yett unknown Hogs J Tar at the Lanffing 163 bb on floyd Creek not fiUed 1 Large Tar Kill runffing off Inventories. 529 2 SmaUer to runn off James Event for 0.10.0 Vir cur & about 200 bbSett up for Tar Abram Tyler 6. 0.0 2 Iron Potts at Tar Kffi Griflm Floyd for28bb* * * Notes of Hand John CampbeU 1,17.6 Vir WUlm BaUard for £4. 6.0 Proc. Charles Pringle 3.16,6 Vir John Porters for 12. 6.9 Sterimg John Knowis BaU 2, 1.6 Proc Michl Coutanche Exectr Winifred Pilkington INVENTORY of Sundreys the Goods & Chattels Rights & Creffits of Captn. James PoUard & Anne Ms wKe both Desct. taken by James Innes Administrator to Said Estate, Viz as it is found to Ms knowl edge. 1750, June llth. JraSy**^ \ ^'^«™ ^°™^° Sam'U 1 Nanney }¦ three Do CMldren Charles ) Nme Cowes five CaKes two old Steers Six three Yeer Old Do three Mares two YearUng Coffits two Horses One YearUng horse Coffit One Do winffing m two years three Breedmg Sowes Sixteen Shotes One Iron Pott One Large Copper Kittle One SmaU Iron Skffiett tMee Spitts, One CUver, One Bffi One flesh fork. One P Tongues One Pr. Iron Dogs. SixPewterKshesjoi^p^^ twmty Do Plates J 3 TunneUs, three Baisons One SmaU Dish One Cotton Counterpinn two pair & one Odd Sheets linnen One Demety QuUted Coat One Old Gown, One Do Cloack One Scarlett Do One CMntz Gown, One Do Camblett Four Table Cloaths Two SmaU Do, Two Towells a paper containing ten P Brass SUve buttons Two Owy Nuns thread & head wears Two ps Bobbmgs Two pr Speek & Sealing Wax One QuUted Gown One Caffico Do One QuUted SUk Coat One Flowed Go-wn Do two Under Coats 34 530 North Carolina Wills. Twelve SMrts Nine Aprons One Bed Gown Five Lased Capes tMee Do Eadgin Eleven plain Do Six wMte Handkerchefs three Hoods One Velvett hood & Bonnett One pair Lasd Ruffels two pair Pocketts One Linnen Handkerchef two pr SUk Stockings two Pr Thread Do One Pray Book One pair Everlasting Shooes Six Pillow Cases thre Small Do Some Scraps Velvett A paper with some thread One Gold workt Knott two plain Do Two Old Fanns, One pin CusMng & Pins 7 Yards Striped new Stuff A Meddarl & pockett Book two silver Spoons, One CMlds pap Spoon Six Teaspoons, Tongues & Strainer One peper box. One punch Ladle One Silver childs nipple One Stone Girffie Silver Buckle One Gold Ring 1 Ps Do Silver One Silver Snuff Box Halfe of Eight, Eight & three Bits One Bugle Hatt Band, One Tobacoa Box One Tea Kettie 1 ^ One Coffee Pott /Copper One Brass Chafing Dish three Do Canffie Sticks Snuffers & Stand One Flatt Tinn Candle Stick two Pinte Glass Decanters One Small Tea Board three Glass Salts One Milke Pott Twelve Small Plates 1 xn , , two Dishes I Earthern ware JEight Large Tea Cups CMna Nine Sawsers tMe Small pleats three large Cupps Six Coffee Cupps One three pinte BoweU One Pint Do One Stone Tea Pott Two Earthen quart Bowels Two Wine Glasses One Chamber Pott One Mahogeney Tree One Brass, two Leaden Weights Six Kmves Six forks One Dressing Glass four Picturs Silver Work Inventorles. 531 One Tea Chest with a Utie Tea & Coffee Eight Books a japann Cabmett A SmaU Oak Table One Fffibow Mohogeney Chair & Cushing One Cane Do Six Do Chaire without Bottomes One Old Deske One pair Brass Scales Six Candle Moffids One Earthen Butter Pott four Straw Bottome Chairs One Small hand BeU One Powder Box & beads two Bed Steads One pr VaUance Curtings & Rods One Feather Bed One Boulster & three Pffiows two SmaU pffiows two QuUts One Couch & Bed for ye Couch One Counterpme One Old Hoop two Cloaths Brushes One Small Jarr One Box hand & 3 heaters 1 pr hand nnill stones two Ho^s in Backon One Small old Table One Old Lanthome One Grand Stone tMee Iron wedges three old axes five old Hoes One Spaid One SmaU PesteU & Morter One Woomans Side Saiffie One large Mogoheney Table One Chest of Drawers The Plantation containing two hundred and fifty acres of Land lightwood gaithered for a SmaU Tar Kill James Innes October 16th 1750. Then appeared before me James Innes Esqr. and made Oath on the hold Evangelists that the within is a just true & peifect Inventory of the Goods & ^ects of James Pollard Deceased as far forth as have come to his hands or Knowledge Joseph Baleh Recorded m ffied in H foUo 16 AN rXVENTORY of the Estate of the Honble. CuUon PoUock Esqr: Deed: Viz: Names of N^roes. West little Seazar SaUey Rachael Cate MoU Sam Hannah Hannah Jack Do 2 CMldren TCilah Toddgy 532 North Carolina Wills. Franks ChUd Beck Hopeey SaUy Young Rachael Janey CatoeStevensSarah Young Stevens BettyHenry Robin SarahHoopey Do Abraham Sipico MarmuweUPrimasFrankNedJohnny Juda Yoimg Primas Boman SeazarDonas Scllah Betty Priscilla Jack Venice JennyBettyJoeTmker Mannewell do Tom Dinah Scipio Do Joe Do Ruth Cate Do Cutto Do Mannewell Do Anthony Charles Do Da-vid Venuce Cate Do Joe Jack George Do Charles George Do George Do Charles Do Mingo Molenah Judith Do Exbeah Dick Nancy BodweU Jamemy Dowey Mingo Do Joshway Stohan Jenny Hannah Do West Do Patience Popo. Seazar Rito Rose Betty do Dmah Judge Seazar WUl Jane Sarah Adam George Do Eve MoU Do Rose Pomp Do Peter Young WiU Frank Do Suah Suokay Sam Betty Do Malenah Nancy Cutto Cate John Dide Nancy Do Nancy 2 Children Simon Toe Seazar Peggy Mingo Bess Do Dick Billy Harry Tom Thum Steven Do Tom Foot Nancy Sam Grave Jack Do Con Caskey Patty George Moses Harry Young Seazar Brister Betty TaffeyEdenburah GeorgePrinceMorear 150 Negroes in all 176 head of cattle and Some out Lymg Cattle Part of tMrty mne head of Cattle Part of 43 head of Hoggs part of 20 head of Sheep 34 sheep 46 head of Hogs 7 horses and Two old Mares 37 hoes 13 Grubing hoes 19 axes 12 Grubing hoes do about 130 BushaUs of Salt Two Sets of Black Smith Tools 2 pairs of Bellows 2 Vices 2 Anvells 2 Beaking Irons and as many other Tools as make the Sett 3 Branffing Irons 23 Barrels of Beef 5 Barrels of Pork 1 Thousand lb of Tallow 55 Mdes 2 Barrels of Tallow one Book Case with a parcill of Books 4 Guns 23 Leather Chears 10 old Chears & parcil of old frames 2 old chists of Drawers one Desk one Bofet one small Desk 2 Black Walnut Tables Inventories. 533 2Jold Black WaMut Do one old Cedar Table one pme Plank Table 3 old Trunks 1 Old Safe 3 cases with about 16 bottles 1 Large Lookmg Glass 3 SmaU Do 2 Puter Glasses 6 Bear Glasses duble flmt 2 Glass Decanters 4 Glass Tumblers a Uttle flowerd Bottle 11 Dram & wme glasses 1 Glass Punch Bowl 2 Glasses Viffigar Cruats 2 Glass Salt SeUers 10 Chany Chocolate Cups 16 Cheny Tea Cups 15 Saucers 9 Mais 29 Botties of Wme 21 Round Bottles Emty 1 Box -with some Glass 4 Earthen Bowls 7 Earthen plates 1 Chocolate Cup Earthen 2 Tea ketties 2 Mettle Tea pots 4 GeUy pots 4 SUver Tea Spoons 1 SUver Stramer 1 SUver Tea Tongs 2 SUver Salt SeUers wt. £1:10:3 2 SUver Cups -wt £1 :17 :6 1 SUver peper Boxes wt £2 :7 :0 1 SUver Poringar W. £3:7:01 16 SUver spoons Wt £7:17:8 2 SUver Tankard Wt 3:8 oz by the steUards 3 old Beds Wt 34 30 Boys Sam ) DoU, Rose — Wenches Sarah, Jenny, MoU — Girls 5 Beds of furmture 1 Sea Bed & Some furffiture 2 Pair Andirons 2 pr fire Dogs 11 Pots & Kettles 4 Pot TrammeUs 3 Tea Kettles 1 Handmffi 4 Work Steers 2 Young Do unbroke 32 Head of Cattle at the Plantation & three for famfly use 91 Head of Sheep 66 Head of Hogs some left for f amUy 10 Goats 9 Horses Mares &c One tMrd part of the Sloop Charm ing Betsey a SmaU Vessel on the Stocks 1 Set Carriage Boxes & some old Iron 1 Carriage Chain 4 Rope Irons 5 Plows, some of them old 1 Large Earthen Jar 26 wmdow Springs & Some Catches 15 Bottles 1 Ax Chisel & Bolt Some old Iron a piece of old Cable 1 Box & 4 old Gags 2 Chums some wmdow Glass &c 1 old Trussel 3 Servers 9 Stone plates 3 CMna Bowls & some Cups & Saucers & 2 Tea potts 1 Stand 2 Holders, 2 Coffee potts 1 China Tea pott 6 patty pans & Canister 5 Bottles & two Cannisters 2 Beauf ats 1 Clock 6 Tables 1 Back Gammon Table 1 Lookmg Glass 2 Desks 8 Pictures 21 Books, besides some lent out & not Ret'd 1 Chist of Drawers 1 Tea Chist 3 Cases & some bottles 1 Cannister 1 Ridmg Chair & Harness 1 Watering Pott 1 Ox Cart & Wheels 1 Horse do & Wheels 1 Blunderbuss 2 Guns 1 Brass Kettle 1 Griffiron, Griffie morter & pestle 2 Box Irons 2 Candle Moffids 3 pair StUyards 1 Hand saw 1 Lanthorn 1 Spade 1 Cheese Toaster 1 Cag and SKter 1 Shaving box 1 Case and Razor Strap & Hone 1 pair of SheU MUstones 1 Grindstone a parcel of Ceder Timber 6400, 18 Inch SMngles Some Wharf Frammg 1 Powdering Tub a Parcel of Old Casks as Pr Acct of Sales 1 Old Canoe 9 Oars and two masts 481 feet 2 Inch plank 1 Arm & 6 WaMut Chairs 1 Horse WMp 27 lb Ocum 7 Chaira 1 pr Cart wheels 1 Sett of Black Smiths Tools Some Iron m the Shop to be worked up 1 Grind stone m the blacksmiths Shop 1 Iron Tooth Drag 5 Axes 6 Hoes SSythes 10 Reap hooks 1 Dutch Frame (?) 1 Cutting Box & Kffife 4 Setts Hems and Traces 544 North Carolina Wills. 1 Saddle & Briffie 2 Salt SeUers some of wMch is old 1 Coffee MUl & broken 1 Coffee pott 6 Silver Tea Spoons & 1 pair 1 pair of Pocket Pistels Tea Tongs 1 Ox Chain & 2 yokes 1 Case Kffives and forks 2 Dozan Pewter plates 6 Pewter Spoons 1 Pewter Turene 3 Table Cloths 3 Silver Table Spoons & Punch 7 Pewter Basons Laffie 3 Ditto Dishes Some Stock at AUegator, also Sundry Articles wffich we expect is not come to hand, wffich we intend to Inventory hereafter Debts due the Estate wMch we must refer to the Settlement of our Accots. Perquimans County The above Inventory was proved Accordmg to Law, the 20th day of Jffiy, 1772 by the Oath of TaUe WilUams & Andrew Knox Before me Thomas Har-vey A TRUE INVENTORY of the good and Chatties belongmg to the Es tate of David Shepard Deceased WMch come to the Hands of the Executors March 1st 1775 Negroes, Peter, FeUx, Rachel, FilUs, Anffis, Cuff, Darbey, Jem, Dinah Peter, Jem, Antoney, Rhoda, Cate, Hanner, Sam, 25 puter plates 8 Basons 1 puter Quart 1 Pint pot 1 Ji pint 1 Jill 10 puter Dishes 6 puter spoons 4 Mettle spoons 34 Kffives & forks 1 Puter Tankerd 9 Chests 1 Chest Drawers 2 Desks one Small the Other large 2 LooMng glasses 7 feather Beds — —Furmture 6 Bedsteads & cords 5 Tables 4 Plows 1 Loom 9 Iron Pots 2 Kettles 8 pairs hooks 1 pair flesh forks 6 reap hooks 2 fish Giggs 3 Grindstones 2 Linnen Wheels 1 Cross cut saw 8 Cffiping Hatchets 3 Round Shaves 1 Iron scraper 1 Mortis Ax 1 Branffing Iron 1 horse Bell 3 Saddles 3 Bridles 1 Side Saddle 1 Jointorestock 2 Iron wedges 3 Oil Jars 1 Iron spit 3 Iron scrapers 24 Axes 9 pair Harnesses 4 Slays 1 sail Cloath 2 Barrels Cotton 2 fish Nets small Quantity of Wool 1 side Sole lether & some Curred lether Small quantity of Nai,s small quantity of Flax 2 pair Lether Bags 3 Iron hoops 3 Cart boxes 1 Bung bore 3 Hammers 1 Broken frow 1 Saw sett 4 CMzels 1 Gaige 2 Iron Squares 1 wood Square 1 Carpenters Adds 6 Augres Inventories. 545 2 large GimbUts 3 Hatchets 1 Broken Ox Cham 2 Trowels 2 fire shovels some old Iron 1 plam 1 Pr. fire tonges 1 pair sharp sheares 1 Hatchet 1 box iron 1 flatt Iron 2 heatore 1 pair Hand Irons 5 Trammels 1 Spice Mortor Wooden & PesseU 1 Tea Kittle 6 Punch bowls 5 mugs 4 Earthen Plates 3 Teapots 2 wine Glasses 2 Brass Canffiestands 4 Iron stand 2 pair stiliards 1 skiffit some smaU Bowls some Earthen Pots 3 mice traps 2 hand saws 1 small saw 1 Slaight 1 Stow 20 Cheirs 6 Juggs 1 Raisor & hone 1 pair shot moffids 1 pair buffit moffids 3 pair Single Buffitt moffids 2 pair spoon moffids 2 pair markmg Irons 2 ffies 2 lancets ¦ 2: Tables & prcU of old chairs J 03:00:00 Inventories. 561 Injthe dairy house m like Manner given 1 pann att 01 :00:00 1 plough Share & CoUoratt 00:10:00 In the Chamber 1 Bedd & Boulster att 02:00.-00 6 Chaire att 01:00KX) 2: pre: Old Andirons 00:16:00 m the Kitchen given as before 3 old iron potts, frymg panns. . , . ) 1 pr Andirons: 1: pr: pott Hooks, \ 04:00:00 1 spitt J A SmaU pareeU of old pewter 00:06:00 A SmaU parceU old Brass att 00:10:00 1: hand Mffi & 1: Grindstone 01:00:00 88:07:00 We the apprisore whose names are under written did appraise the above prmses as we judged them Worth m Currant Country Commoffities according to Act as Wittness our hands this Oth day of Jffiy 1695: Ed: Smtthwick Hanniball Hoskins Geo: D. Deare his marke Wm X Bembry his marke SOMMOBY Test & NicHO. Semmons Jno Porter, Junr. I the Subscriber do hereby acknowledge to have aU the above Goods accordii^ to the above apprisment amounting to Two hundred & Eighty pounds twelve shilUngs & three pence I Wts of John Porter junr as Wittness my hand this 9th day of Jffiy 1695 Tho: Pollock Testra Edward Smtthwick Nath Chevin In Tho: PoUocks Hand 281:12:03 In Wm Duckinfields Hand 020:00:00 301:12:03 Six pra : Blanketts & 1 Rug & a Remnant of Satton INVENTORY of ye Sundrie Goods & Chattels of the Esta of Jererffiah VaU Esqr Deceased Late of Newbem in the County of Craven in No Carolina taken ye 17th day June 1760 by Jno. Starkey Admr: Five Negroe Men Household Furmture Four Negro Boys 4 Beds & furffiture TMee N^ro Women 12 Leather Bottom Chaira Two N^ro Girls 6 straw Bottom Chaire Three Negroe ChUdren Two Desks IN AU Nmeteen one Book Case Cattle m Town Three Oval Tables 4 Cows & 3 Calves one Tea Table 2 Steare Two Cases and Bottles Cattle at Plantation Some CMna & Delph ware 25 head of hom'd Cattle one Large Lookmg Glass 19 head of Sheep Two Pr Dogg Irons 50 or 60 head of Hoggs Two Brass Kettles 6 Horses and Mares one Skffiett 36 562 North Carolina Wills. one Pott Trammell Four Iron Potts Two Pott Hooks one Iron Kettle one Tea Kettle one Copper Coffie Pott Two Iron spitts Three pr. Brass candlesticks Two Dutch ovens one Copper Still & Worm TMee Hand Mills Five stone Juggs Six pewter Dishes Eighteen pewter Plates Two pewter Basons One Siler Watch ohe Silver Punch Ladle Six Silver Tea Spoons one Pr Silver Tea Tongs Three Glass Decanters Wine Glasses one Tea Chest Six Dozn Bottles one Water stone Two Pr StiUiards two sets money scales & weights Five Gunns one P of PistoUs & boulsters one Cutlass one small sword four chests one Leather Trunk one square Table four spinning wheels one Cotton Ginn some wooden Vessells Plantation tools Four Ploughs six Hoes seven wood axes one Broad Ax two hand saws three Wedges two Reap Hooks two frees tMee grubbing hoes two hammers two Ox chains & Yoakes two Brans four scyths one bill hook two wire Sives two Carts and Gear Five Augers Five Ads two Cutt saws four Chizzells one square one Howell one file one drawg kffife one gauge one Cooper Ax Two Grinstones Some Wearing ApparreU Mr. Merricks Bond for £266. 13.4 in Bills About 10.00.0 At Cape Fear Five head of Cattle gentle some wild cattle in ye Woods one Iron Pott five Do Wedges three old hoes two old axes one old trap and Chain one Plough share Law Books Cooks Reports Cooks Institutes ye 1st part Cook Upon Littleton Wingate Maxims Kibbles Reports 2 VoUs. Modem Entries 2 VoUs. Cowells Law Dictionary Danvers Abridgment 3 Vol. Finches Reports Nelsons Abridgment 3 VoU Larkutts Reports 2 VoU Levints Reports 3 VoUs Cases in Chancery Woods Ci-sdl Law New Abridgment 2 VoUs. Jacobs Law Dictionary Carters Reports Province Laws Conneticut Laws Plewdens Comentaries Pufendos Law of Nature & Nations Hughes Abridgment 2 Vol! Hobarts Reports State Tryalls 2 VoU Stattutes 1 VoU Stattutes Abridged 6 VoU Hawkins Grown Law 2 VoU Jacobs Statutes Abridged Ti-yaUs P Pais 2 Book Boham Cursus (?) CommeUarius (7) Compleat Attorney Attorney Practice 2 Vo Lutwich Reports Law of Evidence Stiles Practical Register Jacobs Common Law Kilbourns Justice Claytons Reports Attorney Pockett Book 2 Vol! Jacob Treatise of Law Boham Institatis Clerricus Boham Cancellaria Fitz Harbertes Natura Brevum Inventories. 563 Presidents in ClerksMp Law Qffibbles Woods Institutes 2 Volls Law of Errora Shepherds President of Presidents Godolphins Orphan Legasy Carry Reports m Chancery Godolphins Admiralty Junsffic- tion Modem Conveyency Goest (?) Scrivenera Gffide Moores Cases Abridged Morgans Modem Pleader 2 Vo English Liberties Kinchm on Courts MeUoy ? Jure Maritime Mareh's ? New Cases GiUtons Law Epitomied Hales Pleas of the Cro-wn Magna Charta with notes Law Abridged Pleadere Abridged Argument abt SMp Money Book of Presidents Presidents of Inffictment Wmgates Common Law Practice of Chancery 2 Vol! Jacob Law Dictionary Abridged Modem Entries Topick on ye Laws of England Dawsons C&igma Legam Books of Divimty A Large Bible m f oUo One Do Do Quarto One Prayer Book Bish W on ye Trimty ReUgious PMlosipher 3 VoU Barrows Sermons N England Psalms 2 Books Petere Revelation Revealed Scripture Sufficiency View of Popery Doctrines of CJiigmaU sin Mahews Sermons 2 VoUs ReUgion m Nature DeUneated ReUbewells Practical BeUever Lock on Education Essay Against Popery Blackmore on Job Courae of Catechising Hammons Practical Catechism Watts Hjmins English Manual Thoughts on Education Essay on Man Youngs Poems on ye Last Day Defence of ye 3 Letters Some Loose Sermons History &c &c Bundys Roman History Gages Survey wth Notes Telemachus Marriners JeweU Jenkins Tracts History of Pirates Baffies English Dictionary Cole Do Do 2 Books Chubs Tracts Plutrachs Lives Ware of Ittaly Oats Narrative Echards History of Flngland Bacons SUva Silvanum Lattm Dictionary Hattens Merchants Magazine Ovids Epistles Latm EucUd Elements Thompsons Seasons Plutrachs MorraUs Ciceros MorraUs LKe of Kmg David 2 VoU Hammons Surveyor Present State of Flngland Latm phrase Book Lettera on Several Ocassions Ovid in Latin Discourse on ye Revenue & Trade Walkera Engl&h Particles Salmons Surgery 2 VoUs Echards Classical Dictionary Latm Rudiments Hadneys Trigonometry Cicero Orationis Marcus Antoffius Annals of King George 6 yeara Lelands Works Locks Letters Derhams Lectures MaUbranch after Truth Turkish Spy 7 VoU Rapmes Critical work 1st VoU Toland PMUpic Orations Etheringedels Works 2 VoU Popes Poems VirgU m Latm 2 Greek Lexicons History of Georgia EngUsh Gramar Kmg of ye Heathen Gods Greek Grammar History of ye Popish Plots Mageas French Grammar Virgils Travettae Present State of Europe 3d VoU State of Perigrine Pickle 2 VoU Cato's Letters 6 VoU Joe Anderson 2 Vo Ovid in Latm Cockera Arithmetick 564 North Carolina Wills. Spaffish Dialogues Latin Tragodys Marsays TraveUs Lives of Illustrious Men Latin Escharts Discription of Ireland Meade on Poisons Corderi Latin Ingarties Guager Joumey through England Bre-vium Concillium Lucans PharsaUa Romand Antiquities Marshalls Epigrams Mathematicale Dictionary De Clerks Surgery Bohuns GeograpMcal Dictionary Drydens Poems John Starley Esqr. Admr of all and Singffiar the goods & Chattels rights & Credits that were of Mr. Jeremiah Vail deceased personaUy appear ed before me & made Oath in due form of Law, that the above is a just & true Inventory of the Goods & Chattels above mentioned that have come to Ms hands. Fredk Jones North Carolina, Pitt County AN INVENTORY of the Goods and Chattels of the Estate of WilUam Watkins Deceasd. one Case & Eleven Bottles 1 Case twelve 1 Do twelve 1 Do Nine Bottles 1 Desk 2 small tables 1 square table 2 Chests 14 Chairs 1 small Loking Glass 1 Slate 3 tin Canesters 1 pickle Bottle 1 tin Canffiestick 2 Do iron 2 Hackkles 1 oyl flask 1 pair Stilyards 1 Lantern 1 Iron Ladle 1 pair fier tongs 1 pair hand BeUows 1 Box Iron 2 heater 2 hors bells 1 Gunshot Bag powder horn 1 pr Candle snufs 2 Bibles 1 psalter 1 prayer Book 1 sermon Book 1 old Book 1 almanack 1 kee hole saw 1 haK hour Glass 1 Courriers knife & steal 1 Box & old Irons 1 tin CoUender 1 Chafen dish 6 files 4 Rasps 1 saw set 4 spike Gimblets 3 plaig Irons 1 pr Pinchers 1 pr Nippers 2 Cross saw files 1 ink Bottle 1 Shoe knife 6 shoe awls 3 Small Bottles 2 Small Vials 1 Cowshen 11 Gimblets 1 Carpenters Rule 1 ffie 3 pr. Money Scales & Weights 1. Griddle 3 Spectacles 1 paper fish hooks 2 peice SealUng wax 1 paper awl blades 1 pack Cards 1 Nutmeg greater 4 pen kmves 2 pr. harness 6 stays 14 Earthen Bowles 1 flask Bottle 1 Pr hors fleams 1 Leather pocket Book 1 Bridle Bit & Spur 1 Stock Lock 8 Candle molds 6 Earthen Dishes 6 gallon porrengers 14 teaspoons 12 stone Cups & 10 Sausers 1 gallon Porrenger 6 Earth en plates 2 Quart pots 2 Ji pints 1 pint 1 Gil pot 4 tea pots 1 sugar bowl 1 muster'd pot 1 Salt seller 1 peper Box 2 horn tumblers 1 horn Drinking Glass 2 Dippers 6 mugs 1 Tea kittle 1 Coffee pot 1 Copp sauce pan 3 old mugs 7 tumblers 4 Drinking Glasses 6 SmaU Bowls 8 Club Bottles 2 stone mugs 1 Butter Boat 6 silver teaspoons 1 silver sugar tongs 1 Glass milk pot 6 Chainy Cups 6 saucers 1 tea stramer 1 peic hourglass 2 Enjoin pots 1 pan 1 pint Scilet 12 Case Kmves 21 forks 2 gack knives 2 Earthen Butter pots 2 sugar Boxes 2 sugar tubs 1 wood funneU 1 Brass Ladle 1 Chopping knife 1 Dryping pan 6 Stone Jugs 4 Stone pickles 1 stone pitcher 1 Earthen pitcher 1 small Earthen Dish 25 pewter plates 13 pewter Basons 6 pewter Dishes 14 pewter spoons 3 Earthen pans old pewter Dishes &c 1 yellow porrenger 1 tea cup 2 hones 1 Rasor 2 small Vials 1 pr. Spoon molds 1 Copper Cock 5 Large Drum Hooks 2 Dawlen bits 2 kffife Cases 1 Girt & web 1. Bag peper 1 Bag alspice senek snakeroot 1 Bag Coffee 1 pr. Iron Dogs 3 old Sifters 1 old search 3 Cakes Choco late & 2 pieces 1 Cork scrue 5 Rep Hooks 9 pr. old Cards 1 Coffee mill 1 Pr Leather Bags 3 Straw Baskets 2 baskets 1 Linning wheel small matter yewpon 2 Buckets 1 old Real 1 Flower tub 1 old powdering tub 4 pr wood scales 1 peice Cholk 6 Bedsteds 6 Beds 2 Rugs 3 Bed Qffilts 3 Blankets 6 Mats Inventories. 565 1 Mde 10 Sheets 5 Bolster 4 pffiar 4 table Clothes 4 Napkins 9 BoUs yam 8 Bolls tow 3 Combs 1 Bunch Cord Une 3 Money Bags 7 old knives 13 pipes 1 Lump AUom parcel old Almanacks 2 fisffing Unes 1 paper salt peter 1 Cork scrue 1 Cork scrue 33 Bois Gotten 1 Bob hook 4 peices Brimstone 2 Lancets 2 Iron ScUlits 13% yards homspun Cloth 1 sword 1 smaU Baskets 47 fowls 18 Sheep 7 Geese tMrteen pounds five shilling & eight pence prock money 4 Iron pots 2 frymg pans 3 Club axes 1 Broad 2 Grubffig 4 weeding hoes 2 hilling hoes 2 pr pot hooks 3 Rack hooks 1 horee 2 mares 1 New sadffie 1 old Do 1 halter 1 Bridle 1 old halter 1 hand saw 2 old Coopere axes 1 Croze 1 trowel 1 Bung borer 2 azdees 2 Draw kffifea 1 hatchel Lathen hamer 1 pr. wood Compasses 4 augere 5 Chizels 1 gauge 1 Rown shave 1 pr Sheep Sheare 1 pr old Sheare 1 -vice 1 hand Jomter 1 Brand Iron 1 taper bit 1 pr Lead Lines 1 old ax 3 old hoes 2 Iron Rmg 2 Iron hanffies 2 harrow hoes 1 Loom 4 shkels 1 pr tempels 1 Iron Spit 2 scures 2 pr hand Irons 2 old Linffing wheels 1 Cloth Rake 2 Co-(vpere Gomtrs 2 woolling wheels IJi Barrel salt 4 old Barrels 1 old keg 1 Do 1 Dying tub 1 Vmegar Barrel 1 Chest with tobacco 1 Sadffie Cloth some oyl 1 Dowlen bit 1 frow 4 Iron wedges 1 steal trap Cros cut saw Carpentere adze 3 peices Sea Cow Mde 4 fisMng lines 29 tras hoops 4 Brick molds 1 Gord with trumpery 5 Iron Hoops 1 wMp saw 1 square 1 Rope 4 piecies Large parcel wool parcel tow parcel flax m the straw 2 Cags Feathers 3 sider Barrels 1 old Barrel 2 peicies Drift Leather 2 peicies Leather 9 smaU mugs 1 pewter tankard 5 smaU pitchera 1 Brass pepper box 1 Egg sheer 1 stone mug 1 butter pot 1 pickle tub 2 wmdmg Blades 2 sider Barrels 2 Large fat Gords 2 Earthen pecies 1 peice Beas wax few peicies taUow 1 old Ridffie 2 old Bowls & 1 old tray 2 old Earthen pots 1 powdering tub 2 fat gords 3 GaUon hogs fat 2 miffiens bacon peice Barrel soap 1 hand mU 2 tubs 2 pales 1 piggen 2 smaU ropes 2 Cart Boffies 1 pr wheels 2 Cart saddle 1 pr hames 3 pieces Leather 5 Raw Mdes 1 Rope 7 Baskets 2 Ridffies 22 sider Barrels 4 old hogsheads 6 old Barrels 1 old keg 1 Large Gord 5 tms hooks 1 Large Box 1 worping Box & Bare 8 trushooks parcel Green tobacco 1 Garden Rake trifle Cedar parcel peas m huU 3 Bushels peas about five Bushels wheat about 2 Bushels Flax seead 1 Byshel Beans about 3 Barrels Com 2 Grmd stones 1 sider trough & Basket 1 feriy flat 2 Flax Brakes 2 old Barrels 1 peck lime 1 keg wffite oak Barrel timber 2 plows 1 Stffi tub 1 Gallon Molasses 4 pound Brown sugar 2 Do Loaf Sugar 1 haK Bushel 2 Barrels Brandy 1 Do with twenty eight GaUon 2 Bottles Rum 7 Bottles Brandy 1 Bottle 1 flat iron 1 Bag 8 Candles haK a Bushel of flor haK a bushel of risce a pareel of Cotton Som broke flat 3 Chamber pots 5 sides of Lather 1 yarUng skm and 2 peceis of Lather 1 pack of mgons 1 woUet 2 gallons of honny monney 6 shilUngs and a pence quart of oyle 3 skanes and 1 baU of yearn a smal remnent of spun Gotten and tow, a few oyster shells a few Bricks, fother in Stacks 16 head of Cattle 63 head of hogs 64 barrels 2 Bushels of Com 62 Bushels of Poatera & a SmaU parcel of Powder and Shot James Gabon North Carolina ss. James Cason Executor of the last Wffi and Testament of Wiffiam Wat kins deceased maketh Oath and Saith that the foregoing Accoimt contains a true and perfect Inventory of the Goods and Chattels of his said Testator come to this Deponent hands Custody Power or possession James Cason Swom tffis 4th day of November 1773 Before me Jo. Martin (Pitt Co.) 566 North Carolina Wills. A JUST AND TRUE INVENTORY of the Goods and Chattels Rights and Credits that were of Sarah West at the time of her Death, taken the 25th day of January, 1758, Vizt. Four Houses and Lots on Pollocks Street, No. 360, 361, 362, 363 Fourteen Pounds, Eight Shillings in SUver Five Pounds Sixteen Shiffings and six Pence in Bills Four Feather Beds and four Bedsteads Two Rugs and four Blankets Four Gownes, Six Petticoats A Piece of Country Cloth Patter for a Go-wn 1 Gallico Bed Gown 1 Flannel Bed Go-wn 1 blue Broad Cloth Cloke 1 yard Ji Calico 1 Silk Bonnet & 1 check'd one Quarter of a yd Country Cloth 2 SMfts & Caps, 4 Ribbands 2 Silk HandkercMefs 1 Checked Apron, 2 Pair of Stockings, 2 Pair of Shoes, 1 Pair of Leather Gloves 1 Pair of Silver Sleeve Buttons 3 Mats, 1 small Trunk, one Chest, 6 new Dishes and 4 old one, 12 new Plates, and 6 old ones, 2 new Basons and 4 old ones, 6 new blue and wffite Earthen Plates 4 Pewter Spoons, 5 Earthen Dishes, 4 Earthen plates 2 Earthen Pans, 3 Earthen Butter Pots, 1 Earthen pitcher 7 Earthen Coffee Cups, J^ Gallon Earthen Jug, 6 Coffee Bowls 2 Stone Muggs, 2 Earthen Pint Muggs, 1 large stone jugg 9 Iron Potts, 1 Iron Kettie, 1 SkUlet Five Tongs, Box Iron & Heaters 1 Tea Pot, 6 Cups & Sasers a House Lock 4 Punch Bowls Four Dozen Bottles 7 Glass Tumblers 1 large Tray 2 drinking Glasses 2 Butter Tubbs 1 Funnel 2 Pepper Boxes 2 SKters 2 Pair Pot hooks 2 Pair Scales & Weights 1 Pot Rack 8 lb spun Cotton 2 Candlesticks 1 Water Pail 6 Tea Spoons 2 Sugar Boxes a Sun. Dial 8 wooden Trenchers 8 Kn}ves & 5 Forks 2 Wooden Bowls old F'esh Forks 1 Wooden Ladle 2 Linnen Wheels Twenty Barrels 2 Woolen Wheels One Bear Barrel 3 Tables 1 jiU Pot 8 Cheers 1 Tin Sauce Pan 5 Stools 1 Butter Churn 1 Looking Glass half a Bushel 1 Chamber Pot 1 Pair Pockets 2 Pair of Cotton Cards Shoe Buckles 2 wasMng Tubs Two Combs 1 Spice Mortar 1 Pair of Spectacles 1 Iron Pesel 1 Iron Ladle 2 Axes 2 Hoes one Pound 11 Shiffings that was owd 1 Hand Mill her at her Death, unpaid 8 Basketts 33 yeards of Cloth 1 Tea Canester 3 quarters of a yd of Linnen Inventories. 567 Quarter yd of CaUcoe 2 Pocket Books 1 Cow BeU 1 Hamer 6 Pounds & haK and 5 ounces of Cotton 1 pair of winding Blaids 1 Bawl of yam 2 Rowlmg Pins and a smaU quantity of Nails Three yeards and better of Country ClothNmeteen Fowls Two Gimbletts 6 Books AN INVENTORY of the Goods in Store, Household, Goods Negroes, Horses, Cattie and other Effects belongiDg to the Estate of the late CoU Caleb Wilson of Currotuck m North Carolina Deceas'd as taken August the SOth 1764 Goods m Store Rum 4 Hogsheads TaUow 10 Pounds Wax 75% Pounds Gunn Powder 3Ji Pounds Salt Petre 26% Pounds AUom 29% Pounds Leather Chaire 1 Dozen SmaU Trunks Two Stffi Worm, &c a Capp One each Spinffing Wheels Three Scythe & Stone One ScUdes Eight Vicos Two Brass Cocks Three Case of Bottles Two Tinn Funnels Four Fishing Scein One Fish Giggs Two Iron Barre Three NaUs Double Tens Ten Thousand Old Gunns Three Heatera One pair Razore 2 Doz 4 r Spectacles Three pair Snuff Box One Clasp Kmfe One Shoemaker Awls 4 Doz & 10 awl Gimbletts 2 Doz & 1 G DowUng Bitts Four Plainmg Irons Ten Canffie Snuffere Four pair Croze Irons Two FUes Five Augere Eight Chizel One Drum Hooks Four Marking Irons One pair Womens TMmbles 6 Doz & 10 ths Sewing Needles FSght Papera Kffitting Needles Five pair Crane One Old Mffi Stone One paur Slaizos Four Fishing Hooks Five Ink Stand pewter Two Measures pewter three Gunn FUnts 240 Leaden Weights 14, % Pounds Scales Large One pair Money Do & Weights One Pair Earthen Bowls large Forty Six smaU Twenty four Cups & Saucere 1 Doz & J^ Dishes FKteen Plates 12 Doz & }4 WMte Linnen 6 pieces & 17 yards Brown Holland 6% yards Flower Chints 6J^ yards Caffico 1% yards MusUn 1% yards Buckram 1 piece & J^ Tape 10 small Bunches Silk Laces Fourteen Old Fann one Stockmgs woreted Two p^ N^roes 26 pair Waddmg 13 Yards Duroy 9 Yards ShaUoon One Yard German Serge One Yard Paper 3 Rhine: 18 Quires Playmg Cards Six packs Testament One Ginger 44 Pounds BraddB200 TMead 12 Pounds Buttons Mettal Large 61 Ji Doz SmaU 24 Doz Mohair Large 32 Doz SmaU lOJi Doz Mohair IJi Pounds Hatt Bands Two Woman's Short Cloak One Spades Two Stffiyards One pair ChaUi 71 Pounds Old Iron 520 Pounds 568 North Carolina Wills. Old Lead 91 Pounds Deer Skin Drest Two Pounds Pork 109 Barrels Raw 1% Pound Salt a large Quantity the Number of Old Chest One Bushels as yet unknown Old Cases without Bottles Two Cork Wood 3Ji Pounds Beans 8 Bushels Small Paterera One Sheep Sears Two pair Negroes. Men Women Boys Girls Harry Vinor George Pender Pomp Phillis Bristol Rose Coffee MoU PhilUp Suckie Ocra Beauty Ambrose CMna Phillip Nany Jo Patience Charles Dinah Sam Abba No Sarah Tom Dinah 6 Amber Ishmael Sarah TaUaMn Affrica Rachel RacheU Daffiel Rachel Kink Ned No No Peter 10 11 Jeffry Tom WiU Da-vy Dick No 17 The Whole Number being 44 Household Goods Stock &c Chairs Flagged Three Beds -with Fumiture Seven Candlesticks Five Beds -with Sheet & Rugg Three Warming pan Brass One Chest of Drawers One Sett Spice Mortar One Desk One Cold StiU One Desk with Looking Glass One Pewter Basons Five Looking Glasses Four Dishes Eight Chair Leather Six Plates 2 Doz & 11 Cain Ten Tea Pott One Leather Couch One Iron Kettle One Tables Oval Five Potts Six Square Two Pestal One Chests Cedar Two Spitts Three Trunks Leather Two Doggs Two pair SmaU Five Pot Hooks Five pair Silver Tankard One Pott Tramels Four pair Spoons large Twelve Box Iron & Heater One Tea Eight Flatt Irons One pair Watch One Augers Eight Hilted Sword One Knives Seven Gold Button Sleeve four pair Forks Ten Rings Six Ladle, Grid Iron, Frying pan, One Bobs Two pair each CMna Bowles Three Flesh Forks One pair Plates Eleven Fire Tongs One pair Cupps and Saucers Five Toaster & Bird Spitt Milk Pott One Axes Nine A Small parcell of Glasses Cards TMee pair Pictures with Frames Three Hoe's Weeding Twelve Without Eleven Grubing two Inventories. 569 Pad lock Three Cross Cutt Saw and FUe One Saw Rest One Plows Weeding Four Sheer two Brass Kettle old One SkeUett One Candle Molds Seven Tinn panns Eight Cannistera Four Gunns Three Pockett Pistols One pair Spinning Wheels Three Saddle & Bridles Mens Two StiU Cap & Kettle old One Tinn FunneU One Spoon, Button & Bffilet molds One pr each Razore Two Stone One Old Iron A Small parceU Carts old Four Gau^g Rod One Wooden PaUs Two Piggins Two Cann One Waiter One Flower & Soap Tubbs One each Basketts Two Large Bottles Two Carboy One Juggs Stone Two Butter Potts Six Measures Wooden Three Grind Stones One Search One SKtere Two Chamber potts Two Chocolate grater One Books of Dif ft Sorts One Doz: Ladle tree One Money Scales old One pair Earthen Bowles Ten Cask Hogshds 38 BarreUs 43 SmaU Nme Chest & Box old One each Leather Nine sides Cow Hides Three Snuths Tools A ParceU Coopera Tools A ParceU Horees Ten Mares Eight Colts Four Sheep 142 Hd Cows and Claves 51 Other Cattle 192 Hd Hoggs, Sows, Shoates Barrows, piggs &c 454 Hd £ s d Cash 20:19:4 Steel Trapps Two Case Bottles Five Pettioger, Anchor & Cable, One each Cedar posts for House Framing, Fourteen Sarah Wilson Daniel Sweeny September Geffi Court 1764 The witffin Inventory was Swom to by Sarah WUson & Daffiel Sweeny in open Court ordered to be Certffied Jno Snead Clk INVENTORY of the Estate of WUUam WUton Deed Taken Newbem 14th January 1773 One Negro Woman & CMld One Map three Bedds, 2 bolstera, 1 Pr pffiows 5 Blanketts, 2 Pr Sheets 1 Coverlaid, Curtam Teaster &c not Compleat 2 Bedsteds 1 Large Mahogony Square Table 1 WaMut Tea Table 1 SmaU Maple Table 1 Pine Iroffing Table 6 Rush Bottom Cheere 1 Winsor Chair 1 Pr of Large brass headed hand Irons 1 pr brass headed Shovel & tonges 1 pr Common hand Irons 1 pr Do Tongs 1 Warmmg Pan 1 Large heir Trunk 1 SmaU Trunk GUt 1 Mehogony Tea Chist 1 Large Pamted Sygar Cannister 7 SUver Table Spoons 6 SUver Tee Spoons 1 Pr SUver Tea Tongs 1 Sett of CMnea Cups & Saucere not Compleat 3 Stone Teapots & 1 Coffee pott 3 Delph Bowls 3 Glass Tumblere 570 North Carolina Wills. 1 Small Looldng Glass 1 Pr -wme Glasses 6 Yellow Stone Plates 2 Pr of Brass Candle Sticks 3 Smoothing Irons 1 Iron Tea Kettle 2 Iron potts; & pott Hooks 1 Small Iron Kettle 1 Large Brass Wash Kettle 2 Smaller Brass Kettles 1 pr of Pott Racks 5 pewter dishes 2 pewter Basons & 1 porringer old 5 Soop Plates pewter 6 flatt Do Do 1 pewter Quart Mug 1 Frymg Pan 1 Grid Iron 1 Iron Dutch Oven 1 baking Iron or Griddle 5 wMte Stone Oval ffishes 4 wt Stone Plates 2 pr Stilyards 1 Tin Cffilender 1 Saftre 1 Wollen Spinffing Wheel a parcel of Old Books Lex Mercatorie in folio New 1 Walnut Cradle 1 pr of Chair Wheels Old 3 Handsawes 4 Cart Wheel boxes 1 Hiffing Hoe 5 Narrow Axes (New 2 Broad Axes (Old 1 Hatchett & 1 Wood Axx 1 Cooper Ades 1 Howel 3 Drawing kffives 6 Spoke Shaves 1 Cooper Crose Iron & Stock 10 Augres of different Sizes 2 broad CMzzels, 1 Wimble 6 Iron Hinges Old 4 Rasps 3 files 1 House Bell 1 Iron Dogg for timber 4 Narrow ChizzeUs 1 Pr Coopers Compasses 2 Goughes 1 Spike Gimblet 2 Steel Gun Chargers 3 Brass Cocks 2 old do the Remains of an Old Clock Some Old Iron Trumpery a Parcel of Slate Pensils 2 Lead Weights 3 Barrells of Oakam 1 Small box of Inffigo 2 Old Tea Kittles 1 Watering Pott 1 Spare Girt 1 Mans Sadffie 1 ChoUar & Hames old 1 pr Joyners Compass 6 Jarrs & Crocks 6 Juggs wth Vinnegar &c 2 WUlow Baskets 1 Tap borer a Parcel of Bottles 4 Wooden Tubs & pails 2 Keggs IGun1 Large Steel MiU 1 Gray Horse 1 Mare 36£ Cash or Prock in Mrs. Jane Wiltons hands TMrty five Pound. From St. Eustatia Came to hand the 8 of April 1773 A chest;,Con- taiffing 1 Silver watch 1 pr Goold buttons 2 Silver table spoons four Do. Tea Spoons one pr Silver Knee buckles two Silver Stock buckles one Brass Cock a burning Glass one Cloth & one bucke brush a Case with 4 Razors 1 old bottle one Hone & one pr Suzors two small Hammers tMee old Coats five pair old breeches 1 Sutffit Coat five linnen westcoats one Cloth Do three pair drawers one Pr wffite Gloves Eight White SMrts two Check Do two pr trowsers four Hand towels Four Stocks one Linnen & two Woollen Caps one pair Mitts Seven pair Thread Stockings three pair worsted Do three pieces bed Curtains twenty two feet Ught CoKd Silk twenty two Do dark brown Do twenty one Do MusUn a Gown & two Sheets one Table Cloth & one Old Hatt one Cut & two tail wigs one pr Books a pair Shoes & pr Slippers a Cott feather bed pillow & blanket a Chart for the EngUsh pilot a Do for the W India Do a Callender two pocket Books with papers In-ventorles. 571 two pffioe Cases two linnen Handns one SUk Do one Old Gun tMee pieces Chec one Remnant Do A Pair SUver Shoe buckles a Tuffick PersonaUy appeared before me Wiffiam Rumsay the Acting Executor the WKe of WilUain WUton deceased and made Oath on the Hold Evan gelist of Almighty God that the foregomg Account contains a true Inven tory of the Estate & Effects of his said Testator as has as yet come to Ma Hands powor or possession Jo. Martin Sale of Sundrys belongmg to the Estate of Wiffiam WUton deed. Sold at Venue this Eleventh day Feby. 1773. 1773 Goods Sold. To Whom 69 weight okam at 20s P Mr Thos Haslen 13. 9 2 Narrow Axes do 6.0 2 Old Axes Martm Woraley 4. 1 2 broad Axes do 3. 1 Grabmg hoe & 1 axx Thos Haslen 8. 1 Old hand saw Cash 2.7 1 do do TUny Clear 2. 10 Ido do Ednd Wrenford 3. 6 2 Drawmg kmves Cash 3.4 1 do do Martin Worsley 1.6 1 Gimblet & 1 Tap borer WUliam Ramsey 1 . 5 2 Augere Timy Clear 2. 2 do Timy Clear 2. 2 do Cash 2.7 2 do Cash 2. 3 2 do Cash 2. 2 do Wm Ramsey . 4 4 Spoke Shave Cash 2. 3 SmaU ChizeUs Timy Clear 1. 2 do. do. Wm Ramsey 1.2 2 Compasses CounsU Bryan . 9 1 Chizzel &c Martm Woreley 1 . 4 4 Brass Cocks do 7. 1 gun Charger &c CouncU Bryan . 7 1 SmaU beU & Charger John Edge Thomlinson 3 1 Pewter Pmt & Pr Sheeres Martm Woreley 2 Parcel of Old Tasps & ffies do 1.2 2 Old Tea Kittles Martm Woreley 2. 1 Cooper Compass & Howell do 3. 1 Croze do 3. 10 1 Adds Wimble &c do 2.4 1 Grubmg Hoe Timy Clear 2. 2 Lead wieghts Martm Worsley 2. 7 1 Hold fast & tasp Tuny Clear 1.6 1 Psur of fire Tongs Martin Worsley 3.6 5 Old Hmges CounsU Bryan 3.7 1 Draw of broken ware Martm Woreley 1 . 4 1 Girt, MaUet & Hammar BazU Smith . 8 1 Old Jack Tuny Clear 3. 6 Parcel Slate Pensffis BazU Smith 2. 9 Carried over £5.16.1 572 North Carolina Wills. Brought forward £5.16.1 1 Box of Fish Hooks & ffints Counsil Bryan 1. 1 Pr of Cart Boxes BazU Smith 1.6 IPr do Timy Clear 1. 1 pr of mens Old boots do .6 1 Pott Trammel Martin Worsley 5. 1 Pr of Steelyards do 5 1 pr do do 10. 1 1 pr of pott Trammels do 5.5 I Hoe & garden rake Council Bryan 3.9 1 Spit & old frying Pan Martin Worsley 4. 1 Mans Saddle BazU Smith 9.6 1 Pr Iron Hand Irons Edmd. Winford8.6 1 Pr ChoUar & Hames John Kennedy Sr 2. 10 1 Woollen Wheel Jno Harris 6. 10 5 Empty Cask at 4d Martin Worsley 1.8 1 Old Chair Wheels & body CouncU Bryan 2. 16.0 1 Gray Horse Timy Clear 8.0.0 Some old books Mr. Hatch 1.4 2 Books No Carolina Laws Timy Clear 1.10 1 Lex Merestorie Wm Rumsey 1.0.0 2 old Books do 2.2 1 old Case do 1.1 1 Bed & furffiture Jane Wilton 3.0.0 1 Bed bolster & PiUows do 3.5 IBed do 2.0,0 1 Large Mehogony Table do 2. 15 1 Sugar Canister Tea Chest & Trank do 1.0,0 1 Pr brass head Hand Irons, Shovel & tongs do 1.6 1 Warming Pan do 1.0.0 1 doz Rush bottom Chairs do 1.1 1 Small Case & bottles do 5 1 Walnut Tea Table do 1.6 1 SmaU Table do .6 1 Old Pine table do .2.4 7 Silver Table Spoons at 17s pr do 5.19.0 6 Tea Spoons & a pr of Tonges do 2.7 y^ doz YeUow Stone Plates do 0.3.6 a parcel of Trumpery on the Man tle piece do 0. 10 1 Hair Trank do 17.8 Some Old Delph Bowles &c do 3,4 Carried forward £48.11.1 brought forward £48.11.1 1 Map & SmaU Looking Glass Jane WUton 0.2.4 3 white Stone ffishes & Cheese toaster do 0.10,4 Ji doz wffite Stone dishes & plates do , 4 2 Pewter Dishes David Evens 6. 8 1 do do cash 2.4 5 do Soop plates DavdEvens9,4 7 do flat plates Jane Wilton 7.4 1 Pewter Bason &c do 2.6 1 Porringer & 1 decanter do 1.0 1 pewter Quart & Some Patty pans do 2.8 1 pair Brass Canffiesticks David Evans 10. 8 Inventories. 573 1 pairTdo 1 Gridffie 1 Iron Tea Kettle 1 Dutch Oven 1 Iron Pott 1 Iron Do. 1 Gridffie Bearer 1 Brass Kettle 1 large Do. 1 Old do 1 Frymg Pan 1 Washmgtub 1 Grid Iron 3 Smothmg Irons 1 Hammer & Funffil ISafe1 Cradle, 1 Chest 1 Trunk & Water paU 2 doz Empty bottles 1 Bedstead & Cord the remffins of an Old Clock 1 Silver Watch 1 Pr Gold Sleeve buttons 2 SUver table spoons carried over Brought Over 4 SUver tea Spoons 1 pr Do Shoe buckles 1 Cloth & buckle brush 1 Case Razore &c 2 Hammere a parcle of Old Clothes Ac. 2 piecis SUk 7 yds. MusUn 1 Cut & 2 taU wiggs 1 pr Books 1 pr Shoes & SUppere 1 Cott, Feather Bed, pUlow, Blanket 2 Charts & Calander 1 SUver Stock buckle IGun 1 Do 1 piece Checs 33 EUes is 39% yds 1 piece do 34 EUs is 42Ji yds 1 ps do 34 Do 42Ji yds 1 doz Tea pots 1 doz do 1 doz Do 1 doz do 1 doz do 1 doz plam do 1 doz do 1 doz do 1 doz do 1 doz do 4 Tea pots Jane Wilton 4. 4 do 2.4 do 2.0 do 6.8 do 5.0 do 2.0 do .8 do 7.4 do 2.0.0 Levy GiU 2. 5 Jane WUton 5.6 do 3.0 do 2.8 do 6.8 do 1.6 do 6.6 do 12.4 do 2.4 do 1.0 do at 2d pr 4.0 do 5.0 William Tisdale 3.0.0 Jane Wilton 2.11.0 do 1.6.4 do 1.3.0 £67.16.5 £67.16.5 Jane WUton 14.0 do 14. 8 do 2. 10 Captn. Jaines Roberts 1. 0. 4 Jane WUton 2.6 do 2.2.6 >• Claim'd by Jane WUton James Aront 2. 10. 0 John Duff 14.0 Jane WUton 10.0 & do 2.0.0 Capt. James Roberts 1. 1.0 Jane Wilton 6.10 Tunothy Clear 17.4 Jno. CouncU Bryan 17. 1 Jane WUton @ 21d yd 2. 19. 6% John Rumsey @ 21 Ji yd 3. 16. IJi Edward Franks 22 yd 3. 17. 11 CouncU Bryan 13. 1 Wffiiam Rumsey 12. 7 Do 12.6 Do 12.6 John Johnston 12,6 Wiffiam Rumsey 7.6 do 6.0 do 6.0 do 7.0 do 6 do 1.10 574 North Carolina Wills. 5 Butter boats Jane Wilton 4,0 14 Cups & Saucers John Davis 4. 0 2 Sugar Dishes Jane Wilton 4. 2 2 Wash Basons do 2.6 £97.16.11% Sheriffs Commission at 2 Ji P C Deducted 2. 8. 8% £96. 7. 3 Wm. Bryan Sher AN INVENTORY of the Estate of Mr. James Winright deed Taken the 2l3t Day of Maye 1746 and Appraised by us the Subscribers Vizt . one old Negro Man CaUed Paul £80 One Man York 150 One Ditto Newton 200 One Ditto George Runaway if found & Retumed sound & good 250 One Boy Bedford, . ,' 150 One Woman, MoU old 100 One older Ditto Pegg 000 One Mulatto Wepch Judy bound until she be 30 years old 26 One Horse Diamond 40 One Ditto Prince a StalUon 20 One Ditto Brandy 30 One Ditto Spring 26 One Ditto Squirrel 17 One boat 25 One petty Augre 20 One large Connoe 8 One Silver Watch — One old Rifled Gun 2 One looking glass 15 Two Oval Tables 10 One old Desk 5 One old Ditto Cedar 8 One large Case of Bottles 10 8 ews and Lambs 24 7 Rams 10. 10 4 dry ews 8 3 Weathers 6 a Peel of fish hooka 3. 18 a Peel of Books old 10 13 qffires of paper 3 part of Two Setts of Surveyors Instruments 40 One Small looking glass, one brass ffilted Sword & one large Seal 6 Three old Guns one no lock 5 One Bffilett Gun 10 One pair of Money Scales & weight 3 two pocket pistoUs 5 Two bridle Bits, one pair of Shot moulds, two ffies old pr Small StylUards 3 Carried over £1353 Inventories. 575 Brought Over £1353 7 old chaira, 3.10 2 pwr StylUards old, one large & one SmaU 4. 0 3 old pewter dishes & 1 doz plates 7. 0 3 Razora one brass cock, 2 lancets, one tap borer &c 6. 0 2 New Sails for a boat not finished 16. 0 Ji Doz kffives & forks & pr Sheep Sheare 3.0 One pair of SmaU Hand Irons & 2 SmootMng Irons 2. 10 2 brass Canffie Sticks 2 pr Snuffera 1 . 10 One large Pott, Three SmaU Do & a pffir of trammels 9. 0 Two old Beds one Sea Bed old Three Ruggs & Two Blancketts 45.0 a Peel of Earthen Ware 5. 0 One old Warmmg pan one Spy glass 2 old Chests one old Grindstone 4. 10 One old Sadffie and Bridle 1. 10 6 Cows and Calves 48. 0. 0 One Cow & YearUng 2 Three year old Heffera 2 Three year old Steara One Bffil Hef era at New found land plantation 9.0.0 2 Yearling Heffera 9 Cows and Calves 72. 0. 0 3 Cows and YearUngs 27. 0. 0 6 Dry Cows 36.0.0 3 four year old Steere 27. 0. 0 2 yearUngs 8.0.0 One Two year old 4.0.0 One old BuU 7.0.0 £1742,10.00 13 barrels of Turpentme m the woods K fuU & Trimed 19, 10 £1762. A Mabson Da-vid Shepaed Chas Cogdell Thos Austin Brought Over £1762.00.0 131 Ji pounds Courae Musco Sugar at 4d P pound 26. 6. 0 14Ji gaUons Rum at 3s P GaUon 21. 15.0 In paper Currency 171. 1.0 £1981.2.0 No. Carouna, Cartehet County These may Certffie that Col. Thomas Lovick and George Read Exra of Mr. James Winright deed Came before me One of his Majesties Jus tices of the Peace and made Oath that the above is a just Inventory of the estate of the aforad James deced. And m the Hands of the Widd Given imder my Hand the 19th Day of June Anno Domini 1745 A Mabson J P (Recorded in Book H Page 112) 576 North Carolina Wills. September the 8th Day 1750 A TRUE AND PERFECT INVENTORY of the Goods and Chattels of John Worsley Juner Deed. Wearing Apparell 1 Whitne Coat 1 Dorged (?) Dito 1 Ozbrs, Dito 1 Home Spun Dito 1 Pr of Duroys Breeches 1 Pr of home spun do 1 old Green Cotton Vest 4 Pr of Stockings 2 Country Cloath Vests 1 Caster Hatt 1 old Rackcoon Hatt 3 Shirts 1 Pr of SUver Shoe Buckels 1 Pr of nee Buckels Dito 3 feather Beds 3 Boasters 3 Rugs 4 Pr of Sheets 3 tabels 1 Chest of Drawers 1 Chest 1 Dozn of Black Cheare 1 Coffee MUl 1 Looking Glass 4 Bed Steeds 3 Linnen Wheels 2 Woolen Ditto 2 Pr of Cards 1 Case with Eight Bottles 4 Guns 1 Weaving Loom 3 Stays 1 Pr of Worping Bars and Boxes 3 Gallon Basons 3 Large Supe Dishes 4 flatt Dishes 1 Small Supe Dish 12 Plates Pewter 1 Box Iron 2 heetors 2 Weeding hoes 2 hilling hoes 1 Grubing hoe 4 Club axes 1 Broad ax 2 Coopers axes 3 Cooppers add'es 2 Drawing Kmves 2 Coopers Joyners Stocks & Irons 1 Pr of Coopers Compass 1 Croes and Iron 1 Round Shave 1 Dowling Stock & Bitt 1 hand Saw Ji a Cross Cut Saw 2 hand Mills 1 Pr of MUl Stones 15 Sides of tan'd Leather 2 Water Pales 2 Piggons 5 Iron Potts 2 Iron SMUets 1 frying Pan 1 Scimer 1 Pr of flesh forks 3 Pr of Pott hooks 2 Pr of Pott tramels 1 Copper tee Kittel 1 Iron Spitt 1 Large Stone Buttor Pott 1 Earthen Pott 1 new Saddel 1 old Dito 2 Bridels 1 horse Cart & Wheel 2 Punch Boles 6 Chyne Sasors 3 Cups Dito 1 old Brass Candelstick 2 Earthen Jugs 1 flax hackel 1 Pr of StiUard 1 Pr of Sheep Shears 1 flack Brake 1 Small Ink Jugg 4 old VoUoms of Books 1 Spaid 1 Chesel 1 frow 3 old hogsheads 3 old Barrels 1 Syphering Slate 1 Large Cannue 1 Weeding Plow 1 Shear Plow 7 mares 5 horses 14 Cows 7 Calves 7 year Olds 2 too year old heffors 2 4 Year Old Stears 2 three Year Old Dito 3 too year Old Dito 2 BuUs 2 hogs young & old 8 yews 8 Lambs In-ventorles. 577 2 Weathera 1 Branding Iron 3 Negro feUora 2 Old awgere 1 Negro Woman 4 Reep Hooks 2 Negro Boys 1 Rasor 1 Negro Gari 1 Grmdstone 1 Meal SKter 1 Brass Cock 1 Pare of hand Irons 1 pair of Wedges Iron 1 Box Iron Stand Mary Worsley admr Marey Worsley Porduced tMs witffin Inventory upon oath m Cort ordered that the Secretary have Notice thereof Test Phtll Pritchett C Cort FUed 16th Novr. 1750. Recorded in folio 26, Book H. 37 INDEX PAGE. Adams, Abraham 7 Allen, Eleazar 8 Allen, Sarah 9 Andrews, John 13 Arenton, William 19 Ashe, John Baptista 15 Bailey, David 20 Baker, Henry 23 Barclift, John 25 Barrow, WiUiam 29 Bartram, WiUiam, Inventory 469 Bartram, WilUam, Jr., Inventory 471 Batchelor, Edward 30 Bates, Henry Lawrence 34 Bell, Thomas 36 Benbury, William 38 Bamet, John 39 Bird, Valentme, Inventory. . 472 Blackledge, Kichard, Sr 41 Blackledge, Richard, Inventory 475 BlLnn, Daniel, Inventory . 476 Blount, Benjamin 49 Blount, Edward 51 Blount, Elizabeth 52 Blount, James 53 Blount, John 56 Blount, John 60 Blount, Thomas 63 Blount, WilUam 65 Blunt, James S5 Bond, John 67 Bond, Vinyard 70 Bond, William 73 Bonner, Henry 74 Bonner, John '. 76 Bonner, Thomas 78 Boone, James 79 Boozman, Ealph 82 Boyce, WiUiam 83 Boyd, Thomas 85 Brice, William, Inventory. . . 478 Bryan, Ann 87 Bryan, Ann, Inventory 478 Bryan, Edward 89 Bryan, Edward, Inventory... 478 Bryan, Hardy 92 Bryan, Simon 97 Bryan, William 98 PAGE. Bryan, WilUam, Inventory.. 480 Bryant, John 95 Burial Gbouttds: Allen, Sarah 12 Caswell, Richard 118 Bimdy, Benjamm 99 Butler, John 101 Calloway, Caleb 104 Carr, William 106 Carruthers, John 112 Cartwright, WiUiam 107 Chauncey, Edmud 114 Charitable, Educational, akd Religious Uses, Bequests FOE, BY: Bennet, John 39 Duncan, Alexander 164 Harvey, Thomas 231 Innes, James 265 Paine, John 325 Rieusett, Peter 374 Walker, Henderson 436 Winright, James 456 Casewell, Matthew 122 Caswell, Eichard 118 Clifford, Thomas 124 Collins, John 125 Conway, Mary 127 Corbin, Jean 134 Corbin, Jean, Inventory 482 Gotten, John 129 Gotten, John 132 Courtney, Eobert 136 Craven, James 139 Creecy, Levy, Inventory 481 Crisp, Nicholas 142 DeRossett, Moses John 144 Dobbs, Arthur 145 Dobbs, Arthur, Inventory.... 484 Douglass, James 148 DuBois, John 150 Dudley, Christopher 154 Duckenfield, Nathaniel 155 Duckenfield, William 161 Duncan, Alexander 163 Durant, George 165 Durant, George 167 580 Index. PAGE. Eagles, Eichard 168 Eagles, Richard, Inventory. . 486 Eaton, William 171 Ebom, Henry 177 Eborn, Nathaniel 180 Eden, Charles 176 Educational (see Charitable, ete. Purpoaes ) . Eubanks, George 182 Eustace, Dr. John, Inventory 490 Evans, Barwell 182 Evans, Eichard 184 Falconer, Thomas 186 Family Pictures Devised by — Jones, Wm. Harding 278 Fendall, John 188 Figures, Bartholomew 189 Fonvielle, John 192 Fortsen, Mary 196 Francks, John Martin 197 Fianeks, Martin, Inventory,. 494 Fry, Thomas 200 Goodlatt, Alexander 201 Grainger, Caleb 202 Gray, John 207 Gray, John, Inventory 498 Green, Farnifold 210 Griffin, Edward 212 Grist, Eichard 214 Hardy, John 465 Hare, Edward 216 Harrell, John 219 Harrell, John 222 Harrington, Humphrey 226 Harris, John 225 Harvey, Thomas 228 Harvey, Thomas 230 Hassell, John 251 Hatch, Anthony 233 Haywood, John 234 Hecklefield, John 236 Hecklefield, Jno., Inventory.. 499 Henley, Peter 237 Heritage, William 239 Hill, Harman 247 Hill, Harman, Inventory. . . . 500 Hill, Isack 249 Hodges, James 253 Holebrough, Joseph 256 Hoskins, Thomas 257 Hunter, Isaac 258 Hyrne, Henry 261 Innes, James 265 PAGE. Inventories : Bartram, William 469 Bartram, William, Jr 471 Bird, Valentine 472 Blackledge, Eichard 475 BUnn, Daniel 476 Brice, WiUiam 478 Bryan, Ann 478 Bryan, Edward 478 Bryan, William 480 Creecy, Levy 481 Corbin, Mrs. Jean 482 Dobbs, Arthur 484 Eagles, Richard 486 Eustace, Dr. John 490 Francks, Martin 494 Gray, John 498 Hecklefield, Jno 499 Hill, Harman 500 Isler, Christian 501 Johnston, Gabriel 501 Kennon, William 507 LeBlanc, Peirre 507 Lovett, Eichard 508 Maule, John 513 Milner, James 514 Nelson, Thomas 522 O'Brian, Darby 525 Pilkington, Seth 525 Pollard, James and Ann . . 529 Pollock, Cullen 531 Porter, John Peyton 534 Porter, John Swann 534 Reed, James . . . .' 537 Sanderson, Joseph 542 Sanderson, Eichard 543 Shepard, David 544 Shepard, David, Jr 547 Shepard, Jacob 548 Shine, Daniel 553 Simpson, Charles 555 Snoad, Henry 557 Additional 559-560 Sothell, Seth 560 Vail, Jeremiah 561 Watkins, William 564 West, Sarah 566 Wetton, William 559 Wilson, Caleb 537 Winright, James 574 Worsley, Jno., Jr 575 Isler, William 265 Isler, Christian, Inventory. . . 501 Jenore, Joseph 268 Index. 581 PAGE. Jewelry (see Plate and Jewelry). Johnston, Gabriel 269 Johnston, Gabriel, Inventory 501 Johnston, Samuel 272 Jones, Frederick 273 Jones, James 277 Jones, WilUam Harding 278 Kennon, WiUiam, Inventory. 506 Knight, Lewis Alexander .... 279 Land Entailed bt — Adams, Abraham 7 Barclift, John 26 Bennet, John 39 Blackledge, Eichard 45 Blount, James 54 Blount, John 56 Blount, John 61 Blount, Thonias 64 Boozman, Ealph 82 Bryan, Edward 89 Dudley, Christopher 154 Duckenfield, Nathaniel . . . 155 Durant, George 166 Eaton, William 173 Green, Famifold 210 Hardy, John 466 Harrmgton, Humphrey . . . 227 Harris, John 225 Harvey, Thomas 228 Heritage, WilUam 240 Hill, Isack 249 James, TurnbuU 434 Jones, Frederick 274 Knight, Lewis Alexander . . 279 Lear, John 282 Moseley, Edward 313 Porter, John Peyton 353 Porter, Joshua 355 Pugh, Francis 364 Ryan, Thomas 381 Sanderson, Eichard 390 Shepard, David 404 Sldnner, Richard 408 Swann, Samuel 425 Swann, Thomaa 429 Toms, Francia 431 Williams, WilUam 451 Worley, Lovick 461 Lawson, John 280 Lear, John 281 LeBlanc, Peirre, Inventory . . . 507 Leydon, Francis 283 38 PAGE. LiBBABIES OB BoOKS BEQUEATHED BY Allen, Sarah 11 Blackledge, Eichard 43 Comns, John 125 Craven, James 140 Durant, George 167 Falconer, Thomas 186 Hare, Edward 217 Hatch, Anthony 234 Hyme, Henry 263 Innes, James 265^ Johnston, Gabriel 270 Jones, Frederick 275 Jones, Wm. Hardmg 278 Lillmgton, John 287 Little, WiUiam 289 Lovick, John 292 Moseley, Edward 317 Pollock, Thomas, Sr 345 Salter, Edward 388 ScoUay, Elizabeth 400 Swann, Samuel 427 Wmright, James 456 Lillmgton, Alexander 285- Lillington, John 287 Little, William 289 Lovett, Kichard, Inventory. . 508 Lovick, John 291 Low, Emanuel 295 McCulloch, Henry 304 McKenzie, John 305 Mason, Eoger 297 Maffie, John 299 Maule, John, Inventory 513 Maffie, Patrick 301 Maule, William 303 MiMer, James, Inventory.... 514 Moncrief, John 307 Moore, Eoger 309 Moore, Thcmas 312 Moseley, Edward 313 Negroes (see Slaves and Ne groes). Nelson, Thomas, Inventory. . 522 Nicholson, Samuel 320 O'Brian, Darby, Inventory.. 525 Oliver, Frances 321 Ormond, Wyriot 323 Paine, John 324 Parker, Francis 326 Pfifer, John 328 Phenney, George 331 582 Index. PAGE. Pilkington, Seth 334 Pilkington, Seth, Inventory.. 525 Pilson, Grace 332 Plantations : Adderson's Island 123 Arden of the Hill 315 Ashewood 16 Atkins Banks 240 Aunt Sarah's 208 Back Eidge 123 Ballards 95 Bartrom's Point 404 Batts' Grove 143 Bayes' 74 Bell's Gift 434 Black Eock 348 Bowser's 173 Brak Oake Land 433 Brick House 140 Breffit's Island 123 Brin's 74 Broad Creek 178 Butterwood or Irwin's. ... 315 Cabbin Neck 63 Cain's Place 330 Canecarora 343 Chinpin 197 Christopher Wolbert's Old Place 328 Clagister's 431 Ciur 315 CoUenn's Creek 248 Conahoe 269 Cooper's 314 Crany Island 343 Crickets or Manuel's 348 Cumboes 173 Deaded Woods 338 Faulk's Point 228 Fendals 143 Fendell's 408 Folek's Pint 231 Folly 21 Fort Barnwell 241 Gards Island 434 Garrison, The 353 Goshan 66 Goshen 58 Goulds 173 Great Quarter, The 348 Gum Swamp 465 Halfe Way Houae 338 Halfe- Way House 343 Handcocks 42 PAGE. Plantations — cont. : Hardings Plantation 353 Harrow 240 Hendersons Folly 465 Holes, The 225 Holes' 74 Holley Neck 99 Horse Meadow 291 Hunting Quarter 22 Hughes 173 Image, The 431 Irwins or Butterwood 315 Jennings Neck 240 Jones' 74 Jno. Fryers 126 Judys Branch 169 Kendalls 309 Kits Neck 98 Lillingtons Quarter ...... 285 Lilliput 12 Little, The 110 Little To-wn 23 Log House 123 Manuels or Crickits 348 Morerts Ill Matthews Point 36 Maultbys Point 309 Meeting House Lands 328 Mount Calvert 386 Mount Galland 303 Mount Misery 309 Mount Pleasant 404 Mush Island 175 New Abbey 295 New Bern 343 New Germany 89 New Hymham 261 New Eiver Banks 16 Nottingame Point 210 Old Boz Neak 73 Old House, The 379 Orton 310 Pagetts 140 Paradice 90 Paupo/ Eidge 298 Petifers 409 Piners 68 Piney Point 21 Point Pleasant 265 Point Pleasant 393 Pollueks Bever Dam 95 Possum Quarter 269 Quarter, The 229-231 Rayborns 173 Reads Neck 404 Index. 583 PAGE. Plantations — eant. : Red Banks 123 Eich Levels 433 Eose-field 343 Salmon Creek 14 Sandey Eun 110 Sand HiUs 355 Scotts HaU 303 Sprmgfield 239 Springfield 343 Springfield 348 Sprmgfield 393 Smiths Hammock 403 Snows Neck 404 Stump Island 16 Ticers Eich Land 66 Ticers Eich Neck 58 Tower Hill 147 To-wn Point 295 Townleys Point 404 Trewhetts Old Place 44 Turkey Point 16 Wallms 138 WaMut Hill 120 Whitehall 404 Whitemarsh 314 Wilkersons Point 344 Windleys 143 Youngs 173 Plate and Jewelry Bequeathed BT — Allen, Sarah 11 Andrews, John 14 Ashe, John Baptista 17 Barclift, John 27 Batchelor, Edward 30 Bates, Henry La-wrence. ... 34 Blackledge, Eichard 43 Blount, John 59 Blount, Thomas 64 Blount, William 67 Bond, William 73 Bonner, John 77 Boyce, WiUiam 84 Boyd, Thomas 86 Carruthers, John 112 Conway, Mary 127 Craven, James 140 Crisp, Nicholas 143 Dobbs, Arthur 146 DuBois, John 150 Durant, George 167 Eden, Charles 176 Fonveille, John 195 PAGE. Plate and Jewelby — cont.-. Frank, John Martin 197 Gramger, Caleb 203 Hare, Edward 216 Harvey, Thomas 229 Harvey, Thomas 231 Hecklefield, John 236 Henley, Peter 237 Heritage, WilUam 246 Hill, Harman 248 Hodges, James 253 Holebrough, Joseph 257 Hoskms, Thomas 258 Hyrne, Henry 262 Johnston, Gabriel 270 Jones, Frederick 274 Little, William 291 Lovick, John 292 Maule, Patrick 301 Moseley, Edward 318 PiUdngton, Seth 334 Pilson, Grace 332 Pollock, Thomas, Sr 345 Porter, lilary 357 Eyan, Thomas 379 Scarborough, Macrora .... 393 ScoUay, Elizabeth 400 Snoad, John 417 Snoad, Henry 419 Swann, Samuel 426 Swann, Samuel 427 Walker, Henderson 436 Williams, Thomas 449 Winright, Ann 453 Wmright, James 457 PoUard, James and Ann, Inventory 529 Pollock, Cullen 336 Pollock, Cullen, Inventory. . . 531 Pollock, George 341 Pollock, Thomas, Sr 343 Pollock, Thomas 348 Porter, John 350 Porter, John 352 Porter, John Peyton 353 Porter, John Peyton, Inv... 534 Porter, John Swann, Inv .... 535 Porter, Joshua 355 Porter, Mary 357 Porter, Nicholas 361 Pugh, Frances 362 Readmg, Churchill 366 Eeading, Lionel 368 Bedding, John 370 Eeed, James, Inventory 537 584 IWDEX. PAGE. Eeligious Uses (See Charitable, etc.. Uses). Eiddick, Joseph 371 Eieussett, Peter 373 Eobisson, Susanna 375 Eobertson, James 375 Eowan, Matthew 377 Eyan, Thomas 379 Salter, Edward 384 Sanderson, Joseph, Inventory 542 Sanderson, Eichard 390 Sanderson, Eichard, Inventory 543 Scarborough, Macrora 393 ScoUay, Elizabeth 399 ScoUay, Samuel 401 Shepard, David 403 Shepard, David, Inventory. . . 544 Shepard, David, Jr., Inventory 547 Shepard, Jacob, Inventory... 548 Shine, Daniel 406 Shine, Daniel, Inventory.... 553 Simpson, Charles, Inventory. 555 Skinner, Eichard 407 Slade, John 411 Slade, Samuel 412 Slaves Bequeathed by — Allen, Sarah 11 Arderne, John 14 Ashe, John Baptista 16 Bailey, David 20 Baker, Henry 23 Barclift, JohR 25 Batchelor, Edward 30 Bates, Henry Lawrence... 34 Bell, Thonias 37 Blackledge, Eichard 42 Blount, Fllizabeth 52 Blount, John 60 Blount, Thomas 63 Bond, John 68 Bond, Vinyard 71 Bond, William 73 Bonner, Henry 75 Bonner, John 77 Boone, James 79 Boyd, Thomas 85 Bryan, Anne 87 Bryan, Edward 90 Bryan, Hardy 92 Bryan, Simon 97 Bryant, John 95 PAGE. Sla-ves Bequeathed — cont.: Bundy, Benjamin 100 Butler, John 101 Calloway, Caleb 104 Carruthers, John 113 Cartright, William 110 Chancy, Edmud 114 Caswell, Richard 118 Collins, John 125 Cotton, John 129 Gotten, John 132 Corbin, Jean 134 Craven, James 140 Crisp, Nicholas 143 Dobbs, Arthur 146 DuBois, John 152 Dudley, Christopher 154 Duncan, Alexander 163 Eagles, Eichard 168 Eaton, William 171 Eden, Charles 176 Eborn, Henry 178 Eborn, Nathaniel 180 Evans, Barwell 182 Evans, Eichard 185 Figures, Bartholomew .... 189 Fonvielle, John ,¦,...;. 192 Frank, John Martm.. .Ti. 197 Grainger, Caleb 202 Green, Farnifold 210 Grifl3n, Edward 212 Grist, Eichard 214 Hardy, John 466 Hare, Edward 216 Harrell, John 219 Harrell, John 222 Harvey, Thoinaa 230 Hassell, James 252 Hecklefield, John 236 Henley, Peter 237 Heritage, William 240 Hill, Harman 247 Hodges, James 253 Hoskins, Thomas 258 Huntor, Isaac 258 Hyrne, Henry 262 Isler, William 265 Johnston, Gabriel 269 Johnston, Samuel 272 Jones, Frederick 273 Jones, Wm. Harding 278 Lear, John 282 Lillington, Johh 287 Little, William 289 Lovick, John 291 Index. 585 page. Slaves Bequeathed — cont. -. Low, Emanuel 295 McKenzie, John 306 Mason, Eoger 297 Maule, John 299 Maule, Patrick 301 Moore, Eoger 310 Moseley, Edward 315 Nicholson, Samuel 320 Oliver, Frances 321 Ormond, Wyriot 323 Pfifer, John 329 Phenny, George 331 Pilson, Grace 332 Pilkington, Sarah 334 Pollock, Cullen 336 Pollock, Thomas, Sr 344 Pollock, Thomas 348 Porter, John 350 Porter, John 352 Porter, John Peyton 354 Porter, Joshua 355 Porter, Mary 357 Porter, Nicholas 361 Pugh, Francis 362 Eeading, Churchill 366 Eeading, Lionel 368 Riddick, Joseph 372 Eowan, Matthew 377 Ryan, Thomas 379 Salter, Edward 384 Sanderson, Eichard 390 Scarbrough, Macrora 393 Scollay, Elizabeth 399 Shepard, David 404 SMne, Daniel 407 Skinner, Eichard 409 Slade, Samuel 412 Snoad, John 416 Springs, Aron 423 Swann, Samuel 426 Swann, Samuel 427 Swann, Thomas 429 Toms, Francis 431 Turnbull, James 433 Walker, Henderson 436 Watkins, William 440 West, Thomas 443 WMtmeU, Thomas 445 Wickliffe, WilUam 447 WiUiams, Thomas 449 WilUams, William 451 Wmright, Ann 453 Winright, James 455 Woods, James 458 Yates, William 462 PAGE. Slocumb, Samuel 414 Snoad, John 415 Snoad, Henry 419 Snoad, Henry, Inventory. . , . 557 Additional 559-560 SotheU, Seth 421 Sothell, Seth, Inventory 560 Springs, Aron 423 Swann, Samuel 425 Swann, Samuel 427 Swann, Thomaa 429 Testatobs : Adams, Abraham 7 Allen, Eleazar 8 Allen, Sarah 9 Arderne, John 13 Arenton, William 19 Ashe, John Baptista 15 Bailey, Da-vid . . .-. 20 Baker, Henry 23 Barclift, John 25 Barrow, WiUiam 29 Batchelor, Edward 30 Bates, Henry La-wrence. ... 34 Bell, Thomas 36 Benbury, William 38 Bennet, John 39 Blackledge, Eichard, Sr. . . 41 Blount, Benjamin 49 Blount, Edward 51 Blount, EUzabeth 52 Blount, James 53 Blount, John 56 Blount, John 60 Blount, Thomas 63 Blount, William 65 Blunt, James 55 Bond, John 67 Bond, Vinyard 70 Bond, WiUiam 73 Bonner, Henry 74 Bonner, John 76 Bonner, Thomas 78 Boone, James 79 Boozman, Ealph 82 Boyce, William 83 Boyd, Thomas 85 Bryan, Ann 87 Bryan, Edward 89 Bryan, Hardy 92 Bryan, Simon 97 Bryan, William 98 Bryant, John 95 Bundy, Benjamin 99 Butler, John 101 586 Index. PAGE. Testators — cont, -. Calloway, Caleb 104 Carr, William 106 Carruthers, John 112 Cartright, William 107 Casewell, Matthew 122 Caswell, Richard 118 Chancy, Edmund 114 CUfford, Thomas 124 Collins, John 125 Conway, Mary 127 Gotten, John 129 Gotten, John 132 Corbin, Jean 134 Courtney, Eobert 136 Craven, James 139 Crisp, Nicholas 142 DeEossett, Moses John. . , . 144 Dobbs, Arthur 145 Douglass, Jamea 148 DuBois, John 150 Dudley, Christopher 154 Duckinfield, Nathaniel . , . 155 Duckenfield, William 161 Duncan, Alexander 163 Durant, George 165 Durant, George 167 Eagles, Eichard 168 Eaton, William 171 Eden, Charles 176 Eborn, Henry 177 Eborn, Nathaniel 180 Eubanks, George 182 Evans, Barwell 182 Evans, Eichard 184 Falconer, Thomas 186 Fendall, John 188 Figures, Bartholomew 189 Fonvielle, John 192 Fortsen, Mary 196 Francks, John Martin 197 Fry, Thomas 200 Goodlatt, Alexander .' 201 Grainger Caleb 202 Gray, John 207 Green, Farnifold 210 GrifBn, Edward 212 Grist, Eichard 214 Hardy, John 465 Hare, Edward 216 Harrell, John 219 Harrell, John 222 Harria, John 225 Harrington, Humphrey . . . 226 Harvey, Thomas 228 PAGE. Testatobs — oont. -. Harvey, Thomaa 230 Haasell, John 251 Hatch, Anthony 233 Haywood, John 234 Hecklefield, John 236 Henley, Peter 237 Heritage, William 239 Hill, Harman 247 Hill, laack 249 Hodgea, Jamea 253 Holebrough, Joseph 256 Hoskins, Thomaa 257 Hunter, laaac 258 Hyrne, Henry 261 Isler, WilUam 265 Jenore, Joaeph 268 Johnston, Gabriel 269 Johnston, Samuel 272 Jonea, Frederick 273 Jonea, Jamea 277 Jonea, William Harding. , . 278 Knight, Lewia Alexander. . 279 Lawson, John 280 Lear, John 281 Leydon, Francia 283 Lillington, Alexander 289 Lillington, John 287 Little, WiUiam 289 Lovick, John 291 Low, Emanuel 295 McCulloch, Henry 304 McKenzie, John 305 Mason, Roger 297 Maule, John 299 Maule, Patrick 301 Maule, William 303 Moncrief, John 307 Moore, Roger 309 Moor, Thomas 312 Moseley, Edward 313 Nioholaon, Samuel 320 Oliver, Frances 321 Ormond, Wyriot 323 Paine, John 324 Parker, Francis 326 Pfifer, John 328 Phenney, George 331 Pilkington, Seth 335 Pilson, Grace 332 Pollock, Cullen 335 Pollock, George 341 Pollock, Thomas, Sr 343 Pollock, Thomas 348 Porter, John 350 Index. 587 PAGE. Testatobs — cont. : Porter, John 352 Porter, John Peyton 353 Porter, Joahua 355 Porter, Mary 357 Porter, Nicholas 361 Pugh, Francis 362 Reading, ChurchiU 366 Readmg, Lionel 368 Bedding, John 370 Eiddick, Joseph 371 EieuBsett, Peter 373 Eobertson, James 375 Eobisaon, Susanna 375 Eowan, Matthew 377 Ryan, Thomaa 379 Salter, Edward 384 Sanderson, Eichard 390 Scarbrough, Macrora 393 Scollay, Elizabeth 399 Scollay, Samuel 401 Shepard, David 403 Shine, Daniel 406 Skinner, Richard 407 Slade, John 411 Slade, Samuel 412 Slocumb, Samuel 414 Snoad, John 415 Snoad, Henry 419 Sothell, Seth 421 Sprmgs, Aron 423 Swann, Samuel 425 Swann, Samuel 427 Swann, Thomas 429 Toms, Francis 430 Turnbull, James 433 Walker, Henderson 436 Warren, Abraham 437 Watkms, Thos 438 Watkins, WiUiam 439 PAGE. Testators — cont. -. Weeks, Bingman 441 Weat, Thomaa 442 Whitehurst, Thomas 443 Whitmell, Thomaa 445 WickUffe, WiUiam 447 Williama, Thomas 449 Williama, WilUam 451 Winright, Ann 453 Winright, James 455 Woods, James 458 Woods, James 458 Worley, Lovick 461 Yates, WiUiam 462 Toms, Francis 430 TurnbuU, James 433 Vail, Jeremiah, Inventory. . . 561 Walker, Henderson 436 Warren, Abraham 437 Watkins, Thos 438 Watkms, WiUiam 439 Watkms, William, Inventory 564 Weeks, Bingman 441 West, Sarah, Inventory 566 Weat, Thomas 442 Whitehurst, Thomas 443 Whitmell, Thomas 445 Wickliffe, WilUam 447 Williama, Thomas 449 Williama, William 451 Wilaon, Caleb, Inventory 567 Wilton, William, Inventory. . 569 Account of Bales 571 Winright, Ann 453 Winright, Jamea 455 Winright, James, Inventory.. 574 Worley, Lovick 461 Woraley, Jno., Jr., Inventory 576 Yates, WiUiam 462 YALE UNIVERSITY LIBHARY 3 9002 04081 2472