<" \ ^ ' > !' ¦ ' .1 ¦ ii\,vl!|8-.i,i| hir'^ni- ill -1. iii liVii^' ..i'l'Hi i 'W "Reading ma\eih a full man, conference a readye man, and writing an exacte man" — Bacon YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY The Bibliographical Colledion of George Watson Cole L.H.D. THE DESCENDANTS OF ELISHA COLE WHO CAME FROM CAPE COD TO WHAT IS NOW PUTNAM COUNTY, NEW YORK, ABOUT 1745 COMPILED BY JOSEPH O. CURTIS NEW YORK ILLUSTRATED New York Tobias A. Wright 1909 ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS Page 7. Simion Dakin should read Simon Dakin. Pj^GE 27. Joshua, d. Feb. 3, 1826. Page 33. Susannah Ogden, b. June 25, 1755. She made application for a pension Dec, 1851, she being then 95 years old, and gave date of en listment of her husband, Daniel Cole, as 1778, rank as sergeant. Cap. Mead's Co., Col. Ludington's Regt., and that she was marfied to Daniel in 1771. Her claim was rejected, not enough evidence being given of his service. "N.Y. in the Revolution " distinctly shows her claim was a just one. At that time (1851) Revolutionary State Papers were not as accessible as they are today. Page 33. No. 42, Mary, b. Nov. 26, 1781; d. at home of her son-in-law, Caleb Hazen, at Penn Yan, N. Y., on Dec. 2, 1878. Page 38. No. 92 should read McKinstry. Page 53. No. 206, Mary Jane, should be Mary Ann. Page 55. No. 226, date of marriage should be Nov., 1833. Page 57. No. 49, Lydia, the 2d wife of Elisha J. Cole, was a sister of George Frost, the husband of Mary Cole, No. 42. Page 167. No. 42, Laura Frost, b. at Carmel, N. Y., Oct. 30, 1808; m. to Caleb Hazen, Jan. 2, 1828, and d. at Penn Yann, Oct. 30, 1889. Harrison Frost d. Dec. 29, 1815, aged 2 years. Sarah J. Frost, b. 1815: d. Feb. 23, 1896. Page 190. No. 398, Minor Cole Taft, should be Miner Cole Taft. Page 192. Phebe Huff, b. 1852; m. 1878. Charles Huff, b. 1854; m. 1877. Minnie Huff, b. 1856; m. 1877. Alida Huff, b. 1858; m. 1878. Page 196. No. 554 should be 555. INTRODUCTORY The Cole name in the United States is variously written Cole, Coles, Coal, Coale and Cowles. It was brought here by three distinct families. About the year 1625, Jacob Kool came from Holland to New Amsterdam, now New York, under the auspices of the West India Company, and from this man sprang a race of Coles that located at Tarrytown on the east bank of the Hudson and along the west side from its mouth to Kingston. They were distinctly Hollanders, and maintained their national custom^ and names more or less for over a hundred years. The ship Hercules from Sandwich, England, arrived at Plymouth in 1634. Among the passengers were James Cole of Sandwich, carpenter, wife Joan and two children. After their arrival, four other children are on record as born to them: Abraham, b. Oct. 3, 1636, Isaac, b. 1637, d. June 10, 1674, Mary, b. Jan. 20, 1639, Sarah, b. Boston, Nov. ( ?) 15, 1641, About 1633, three brothers. Job, John and Daniel Cole, appear in the annals of Plymouth Colony. Daniel being the ancestor of Elisha, who settled in what was then Dutchess County, N. Y., and is now town of Kent, Putnam County. All the lines from, and most of the descendants of Elisha Cole, are given in this book. Only one accustomed to work of this kind can understand the discouragements attending it. The descendants are scattered in nearly every State in the Union. Some have shown an indifference to the work that has prevented securing a complete record of their line, and many letters to those who could help remain unanswered. Many have helped, however, and especially am I indebted to Miss Harriet N. Cole, of Caramel, N. Y. ; Mrs. E. D. Cole, of Addison, Mich.; Mrs. Austin La Fever, of Coming, N. Y., 4 The Descendants of Elisha Cole and Otis, son of the late Joseph G. Cole, who gave me all of his father's records. At the time these records were collected (1866- 1 875) there was living a number of persons who had a personal acquaintance with Elisha or his children, among them being John Cole, grandson of Elisha; Joseph Hopkins, who married a grand daughter, and Naomi Ballard, who married a grandson. Included in this work will be found records of Colonial families that intermarried with the Coles, together with Colonial and Revolutionary items of interest. Where age at death is given in years, months and days, it is mostly taken from tombstones. Some names may be misspelled, and I have changed such names as Sally to Sarah, Polly to Mary, Peggy to Margaret, etc. Numerous members of the family have added an initial Iteer to their name. A man christened John Cole would call himself John W. Cole, etc. Children who died young are not indexed. In the annals of this country the Cole family is old. It has been seen and participated in everything of moment from Puritan days to the present time. In the records of great achievement it is not particularly noted, but, as a race, the Coles have proved themselves sturdy, courageous, self reliant and independent. Theirs seems to have been the story of fair intelligence, solid respectability, innate piety and consistent mediocrity. To be sure, they have produced good soldiers, prominent lawyers, fairly eminent divines and accomplished physicians, but the "even tenor of their way" seems to have been mostly in the field of pioneer agriculture. Nevertheless, they have had no criminals and very few drunkards. They have clung to the sturdy religious principles and hard-working habits of their Puritan ancestry, and through out the length and breadth of America have spread the example and gospel of the sturdier virtues which go to make a nation great. This book does not claim to be perfect. The editor has simply tried in a modest way to jot down the record as far as the limited resources at his command would permit. The usual abbreviations are used: b. for born; m. for married; d. for died; d. y. for died young; d. unm. for died unmarried, etc. The Descendants of Elisha Cole 5 During the Revolution the militia was called out when wanted, kept as long as wanted and soldiers then sent to their homes. Sometimes a regiment, or a part of a regiment, would be called out half a dozen times in the course of a year, and for a week or so at a time. In New York, the militia were in many hotly contested fights. Many men undoubtedly performed splen did service in the militia and then returned to their homes, leaving no record of their services that can now be found. The Colonel of each militia regiment was requested to see that each member present himself when "warned," each soldier to be equipped with a blanket, flint-lock rifle or musket, powder horn and a flint, and often a tomahawk. A private received per month, a pound of sugar, 2 ounces of tea and some tobacco. Their pay was six and two-thirds dollars a month. As late as April 27, 1784, a majority of the soldiers had not been paid. On this date the Legislature passed an act for such payments, and the State Treasurer was required to issue to persons to whom payment was due, or their legal representatives, certificates of indebtedness bearing 5 per cent, interest. Such certificates could be received in payment of taxes, purchase of forfeited estates, etc. In Dutchess County there were seven regiments of militia. One regiment, the "Associated Exempts," composed of men between 50 and 60 years of age, were to be called out only "in time of invasion." One regiment of "Minute Men" and one company of 69 men called "Cooper's Rangers," commanded by Capt. Ezekiel Cooper. The 7th Regiment, Dutchess County Mili tia, Col. Henry Ludington, is the most interesting to descendants of Elisha Cole, as its members were principally residents of what is now the towns of Kent and Caramel. Among the mem bers of the Cole family, or individuals who married into the Cole family, and who fought in the W^ar of the Revolution, are the following, the original spelling being given: Daniel Cole, Ebenezer Cole, Elisha Cole, Elisha Cole, Jr., Joseph Cole, and Reuben Cole, Ensign Caleb Hazen, Astin, Ager, Ballard, Barit, Berry, Bruster, Carver, Chase, Crosby, Drew, Ganog, Ganong, Ganoung, Ganung, Green, Hasin, Holmes, Hopkins, Horten, How, Howes, Hughson, Huson, Keley, Kerley, Killey, Knapp, Merick, 6 The Descendants of Elisha Cole Marick, Myrick, Odal, Odel, Odle, Odall, Ogden, Sloot, Slat, Small, Smally, Smith, Sprage, Spreg, Townsend, Weeks, Wix- som. Wood. During the summer of 1907, the writer, while seeking mate rial for this genealogy, had occasion to consult the records of the Carmel Baptist Church. To his surprise he found that the earliest records was that of "The Church of Christ in Fredericks- town," dated Oct. y' 16, 1790, and is the commencement of book I of records. Following this date is a list of those "received in fellowship," mostly undated, but doubtless received previously to 1827, as the book closes with an account of a meeting held Saturday, Aug. 25, 1827. The records, with the exception of the above list of names, contains nothing of interest to either an historian or genealogist. They contain no records of births, mar riages or deaths, being composed of accounts of the meetings held, which are without interest to those of the present time. Further research confirmed my suspicions that the Caramel Church was not the original Church, but an offshoot from it. The Baptist Church of Millerton is undoubtedly the parent church, as the following from its records will show. "Historical Sketch of the Baptist Church in North East Town.'" (Now Millerton.) "This church was constituted about the time of the remark able revival under Whitefield. A number of members from a Presbyterian church in a place then called South Precinct, Dutchess county. New York, now Franklin, Putnam Co., with drew and joined one of the Congregational order that held to open communion. Among them were Simon Dakin and others, who afterwards embraced the Baptist sentiment, and a church was constituted on Phillips patent, Nov. 6, 1753, composed of nine members. Elder Dakin was ordained about this time and continued in Pastoral care over it until his death on Sep. 19, 1803, in his 83d year. In Sep. 1771 the number of members was 67. The church removed to this town in May 1773. The cause of their coming was in consequence of a mob that arose and made considerable disturbance on the patent, together with local privileges they hoped to enjoy. The members not removing The Descendants of Elisha Cole 7 were by their own request, constituted into a church by them selves. Mr. Nathan Cole, a licentiate from this church May 2, 1772 afterwards became their pastor." The above is a copy of an ancient document among the church records, written about a hundred years ago by the then pastor, Thomas Winter. The church, of which not a vestage now remains, was located where is now the old graveyard at Spencer's Comers, about two miles from the present Millerton. Among those buried there is Hannah, daughter of Elisha Cole and wife of Freeman Hopkins. The first book of records of the Millerton church com mences as follows: "Y^ book of records of the Church of Christ in Phillips Pattant. This church was constituted in Nov., about the 16, A. D., 1 75 1 and our members were nine." Then follows the list of members, all before Jan. 3, 1761, the first nine being undoubtedly the original members : Simion Dakin, Elijah Calkin, Josiah Baker, Recompense Thomas, Matthew Rowlee, Reuben Close, Barzillai King, Elisha Cole, Heman King, Joseph Baker, Robert Fuller, Nathan Cole, Jonathan Hayes, Elisha Smith, Isaiah Robinson, Edmond Baker, Hezekiah Eastman, David Carter, Joseph Rundel, Samuel Beebe, Obed Harvey, Obed Harvey, Jr., Jesse Smith, Thomas Knapp, Martin Elmer, Amos Hanchet, Joshua Dakin, Susannah Burch, Obedience Bobbet, Rebecca Dakin, Elizabeth Willkon (?), Sarah Chichester, Jemima Stewart, Sarah Calkin, Eunice Hays, Eleaqor , Amai Robinson, Eunice Barber, Mehitable Cole, Mercy Harvey, Ann Roe, Eunice Brownel, Anna Rogers, "Liddey" Smith, Mary Rundle, Alice Willoughby, Ruth Case, Mary Smith, Anna , Joseph D. Eastman, Zeruiah Newbury. "August y= 1st 1772. Mahitibel Cole gave a relation of her experiance of the work of God in her soul." (This was the wife of Nathan Cole.) "Nov y« 5 1774. Petition from members of the church in Phillips Pattent, viz, Joseph Barber, Eunice Barber, Sarah Newbury and Susannah 8 The Descendants of Elisha Cole Parker, for dismissal from this church and recommendation to Elder Nathan Koles." "Oblong April i, 1775 The church agrees to send to the church at Dover, Batmans Pattant, Philips Pattant and Pittsfield under the care of Elder Samuel Waldo, Elder John Larrance, Elder Nathan Cole and Elder Valantine Rathbun." COLONIAL FAMILIES INTO WHICH THE COLES HAVE MARRIED BREWSTER— PRINCE— FREEMAN. William Brewster, b. England. Came to New England in the Mayflower in 1620 with his wife, Mary, and children. She died and he married for his second wife a Mrs. Southworth on Aug. 14, 1623. He d. in April 1644. He was the first Governor of Plymouth Colony. His daughter. Patience Brewster, was b. in England and followed her family to New England in 1623 in the ship Ann. She m. Aug. 5, 1624, Thomas, b. 1600, son of Thomas Prince (Prence), of Lechlade, Gloucestershire, England. She d. in 1634, and he married (2) April i, 1635, Mary, dau. of Wilham Collier. He d. at Plymouth, March 29, 1673, "leaving widow Mary." She d. Dec. 9, 1695, buried Dec. 12 in what is now North Dennis. He was one of the appraisers of Gov. William Brewster's estate. He came to New England in the ship Fortune in 1621, being then in his 22nd year. He was chosen Governor in 1634, and again in 1638. In 1657 he was living at Eastham and was chosen Governor. The law required that the Governor should live at Plymouth, but the court granted a dispensation and he continued, while holding office, to reside in Eastham. In 1665 he removed to Plymouth, where he resided until his death. His salary as Governor was £50 a year. He left seven daughters, all of whom married. His marriage to Patience Brewster was the ninth in the colony, the first being that on May 12, 1621, between Edward Winslow, of the Mayflower, and Anne (Fuller) White. She was the mother of Peregrine and widow of William. She had been a widow seven weeks, he a widower less than three months. The third child of Thomas and Patience (Brewster) Prince was Mercy, b., Plymouth, 1630-1. She m., Eastham, Feb. 13, 1649-50, John Freeman, of Sandwich, Cape Cod. He d. Oct. 28, 1719, age 98. She d. Eastham, Sept. 28, 171 1, aged 80. 10 The Descendants of Elisha Cole Their third child was Deacon Thomas Freeman, b., Eastham, Sept., 1653. He m. there, Dec. 31, 1673, Rebecca, b. Oct. 30, 1655, dau. of Jonathan and Rebecca (Bangs) Sparrow. He d. Feb. 9, 1715-16, in 62nd year. She d. Feb. 17, 1740, in 86th year. Their tombstones in Harwick. He was elected Deacon of the First Church of Harwick on Nov. 28, 1700. He was also Town Clerk, Selectman, etc. Their fifth child was Capt. Joseph Freeman, b., Eastham, Feb. 10, 1682-3. He m. there, Oct. 13, 1709, Lydia, b. there 1685, dau. of Jonathan and Lydia (Gorham) Thatcher. She d. at Harwick, Sep. 3, 1724, aged 39 (from tombstone), and he m. (2) Sept. 9, 1736, Mrs. Mary Freeman, wid. of Nathaniel, who d. Aug. 2, 1735. She was b. 1688, the dau. of Elkanah Wat- st^, of Plymouth. Cap. Joseph d. at Harwick, March, 1756. His wil.\ dated March 10, 1756, proved March 18, 1756. He was Selectman, Justice of the Peace, Captain Train Band, etc. The fifth child of Capt. Joseph and Lydia (Thatcher) Free man was Rebecca Freeman, b., Eastham, March 20, 1720. She m. there, Oct. 4, 1744, Jonathan Hopkins. HOPKINS. Stephen Hopkins, b. in England in 1585. Nothing known of his first wife. He had two children by her, Giles and Con stance. He m. (2) St. Mary's Church, Whitechapel, London, March, 1617, Elizabeth Fisher. He came over with his family in the Mayflower. He was an Assistant, 1633-1636. He d. at Plymouth between June 16 and July 27, 1644. She d. at Ply mouth between 1640-1644. He was a member of the Council of War, 1 642- 1 644. He also owned the first horse in the colony. His will, exhibited at Court, Aug., 1644, shows lands, "15 cattle including a yearling heifer without a tail. A mare, two pigs and chickens. Four silver spoons, iron pot, brass pot, a great kittle, a less kittle, a small kittle and another kittle," and also men tions son "Gyles" and his son Stephen. Giles, oldest son of Stephen Hopkins, was b. in England about 1608. He m., Yarmouth, Cape Cod, Oct. 9, 1639, "Catorne," dau. of Gabriel "Whelden." He d., Eastham, in 1690, before April 26. She d., Eastham, after March 15, 1689. They had: The Descendants of Elisha Cole ii Joshua, who m. Mary, the dau. of Daniel Cole. This was the first of many marriages between the Cole and Hopkins families. Giles and "Catorne" had Stephen, second child and oldest son, b., Yarmouth, Sept., 1642. He m.. May 23, 1667, Mary, b. Nov. 4, 1650, dau. of Ensign William and Rebecca ( ) "My rick." He d. Oct. 10, 1718, aged 76. She d. 1700-1. They both d. in what is now Brewster, Mass. Stephen and Mary (Myrick) Hopkins had Joseph (seventh child), b., Eastham, 1688; m. there April 17, 1712, Mary, b. Oct. 26, 1694, dau. of John and Hannah (Freeman) Mayo. He d., Harwick, April 24, 1771, aged 83 years. She d., Harwick, Jan. 15, 1771, aged 76 years. Tombstones both standing there. Joseph and Mary (Mayo) Hopkins had eleven children. Two of them only are of interest in this work. Joseph, the second child, b., Harwick, May 10, 171 5, and Jonathan, the fourth child, b., Harwick, Dec. 17, 1719-20. He was bap. by Rev. Nathaniel Stone, Oct. 11, 1724. He m., Eastham, Oct. 4, 1744, Rebecca, dau. of Capt. Joseph and Lydia (Thatcher) Freeman. He d. . She d., Carmel, Jan. 15, 1801, aged 81. About 1755 he, with his family, removed to the "Oblong," now a part of Putnam County, N. Y. The records of the first church of Harwick show they were dismissed "to y"= church in or near the Oblong, Aug. i, 1756 under the pastoral care of Rev. Mr. Kniblow" (Niblo). They had: Edmund, b. Oct. 18, 1745; Lydia, b. July 30, 1747, m. Nov. 3, 1774, Samuel King; Mary, b. about April 6, 1748, at Brewster, Mass., formerly Harwick; Joseph, b. April 6, 1751 ; Freeman, b. 1753, m. Hannah, dau. of Elisha Cole; Thatcher, b. 1754, m. Eleanor, b.. Pawling, Nov. 7, 1754, dau. of Thomas and Deborah (Benedict) Ragan. She d. March 24, 1786, aged 30 years (buried Gilead). He m. (2) Mary . He d. July 7, 1830, aged 76 years. She d. Feb. 17, 1839, aged 84 years 8 months. Hillside Cemetery, Peekskill. He was a tanner and shoemaker. Jonathan, b. May 27, 1756, m. Deborah . She was his second wife and the mother of all his children. Name of first wife not known. He d. Dec. 12, 1836, aged 80 years. She d. Aug. 20, 1826, aged 68 years, 8 months. 12 The Descendants of Elisha Cole Thomas, settled Covert, N. Y. Dau. m. Abner Bangs. Dau. m. Leverton Thomas. Joseph, son of Jonathan and Rebecca (Freeman) Hopkins, m. Elizabeth Townsend. They lived at Phillipstown. He d. Jan. 31, 1833, aged 81 years. She d. Dec. 16, 1837, aged 82 years. They had (names of these children obtained from Louise (Cole) Denison, a dau. of Sally, but not in order of birth) : Jane, d. y., Jane. Rebecca, b. Dec. 7, 1779; m. Elisha Cole 3rd; Sally, b. Sept. 10, 1781, m. Daniel Cole; Nancy, m. Joshua Cole, Chloe, Lizzie,Asenath,Adilla. Jonathan, Alvah, Leonard. Joseph, the second child of Joseph and Mary (Mayo) Hop kins, m. at Harwick, Sept. 16, 1736, Mary, or Mercy, Berry. Both joined the church Aug. 29, 1742. They dismissed to church in Oblong, care Rev. Elisha Kent, Sept. 3, 1849-50. They prob ably removed a year or two previously. He d. Jan., 1762; she d. Dec, 1798. They had : Solomon, b. May 31, 1739, Isaiah,Edward, Berry,Joseph, Mary, Hannah, bap. April 17, 1757, Eli. The first child, Solomon, m. Elizabeth Crosby. He was a Captain in the Revolution. He d. Sept. 29, 1792, aged 54 years. She d. Jan. 6, 1804. aged 62 years. Both tombstones in Gilead cemetery. They had : The Descendants of Elisha Cole 13 Jeremiah, b. Aug. i6, 1762, Bethia, Reuben, b. 1767, d. July 22, 1798, aged 31 years, Sarah, m. Philip Spencer, Aug. 20, 1788, Mary,EUzabeth. Jeremiah, son of Solomon, m., about 1783, Thankful Stone. He d. Oct. 17, 1829, aged 67 years. She d. April 18, 1833, aged 70 years. He was a Major of Militia. Both buried in Gilead. They had: Joseph, Solomon, Enos, b. Mar. i, 1789; m. Cynthia, dau. of Joseph Cole ; Naomi, Hannah, Abraham, Mirah,Nathaniel, b. Jan. 26, 1797; m. Theresa Travis. Jeremiah, Reuben, d. aged 31 years. Thomas. The earliest will of record shows that another branch of the Hopkins family settled in Dutchess County. It is that of Stephen Hopkins, of Crumelboro Precinct, Dutchess County, N. Y., and dated March 9, 1758; probated April 20, 1767. He was prob ably Stephen,* Stephen,' Giles,^ Stephen,^ and a brother of Joseph Hopkins, who m. Mary Mayo. He d. Feb. 8, 1767, aged 61 years. She d. . Both buried in Amenia burying ground. The will mentions wife "Jemina" and following children : Noah, m. Mary , Roswell, "one of his Majesty's Justice of Peace for County of Dutchess." Capt. "Michal," m. Mehitabel, dau. of Rev. William and Temperance Worthington, of Saybrook, Conn.; he d. Nov. 17, 1773, aged 39 years; she d. July 14, 1771, aged 34 years; 14 The Descendants of Elisha Cole Wright, Stephen, m. Jemima Bronson, Benjamin, m., Apr. lo, 1766, Zerush Rudd, "Ruban." HAZEN. The first mention of the name which has been found is in the records of Rowley, Mass.: "Elizabeth y^ wife Edward Hassen was buried 1649, Sept. y^ i8th." Edward Hazen probably came over with the Rev. Ezekiel Rogers and colony who settled at Rowley, Mass., in 1639. He had eleven children, all born there. He m. (2), March 2, 1650, Hannah, dau. of Thomas and Hannah ( ) Grant. He was buried at Rowley, July 22, 1683. His wid. m., March 17, 1684, George Browne, of Haverhill, who, Sept. 9, 1893, adopted her youngest son, Richard, as sole heir to his large estate. He d. Oct. 31, 1699, aged 76 years. She d. Feb., 1715-16. Edward Hazen was Judge, Selectman, etc., 1650-54-60-61-65- 66-68-69. His fourth child was Thomas, b. Feb. 29, 1657; m., Jan. i, 1682-83, Mary, dau. of Thomas Hewlet, whose father was Sergt. Thomas Hewlet, one of the first settlers in Agawam, now Ips wich, in 1632-33. He was a farmer in Rowley at the time of his father's death. He removed to Boxford, Mass., before March 22, 1689, when he was made freeman. In 171 1 he removed to Nor wich, Conn., and lived in that part then called West Farms, but now Franklin. In 1716 he and his three sons were petitioners for its incorporation as a parish. He d. April 12, 1735. She d. Oct. 24, 1727, aged 65 years. They had eleven children, the third being: John, b. March 23, 1688; m. Mercy (bap. at Topsfield, Mass., June 2, 1689), dau. of John and Sarah (Perkins) Brad- street and grand dau. of Gov. Simon Bradstreet, who was b. in Hambling, England, 1603, and came to America in the Arbella with Gov. Winthrop in 1630. He m. Anna, dau. of Gov. Thomas Dudley. He lived at Salem and d. March 27, 1697. Mercy d. at Norwich, Conn., Nov. 22, 1725, and he m. (2), May 31, 1726, Elizabeth, probably the dau. of Daniel and Elizabeth (Douglass) The Descendants of Elisha Cole i5 Dart. He d. at Norwich, 1729, leaving seven children, five having died. Of his sons — Caleb, b. April 4, 1720, in Norwich; m. there, 1739-40, Sarah, b. at Barnstable, Mass., March 16, 1721, dau. of Eleazer and Sarah (Sears) Hamblin. He d. at Carmel March 5, 1777. She d. there Dec, 1814. Both tombstones in old Gilead cemetery. Caleb came from Norwich in 1740 and settled upon what is called Hazen Hill, in the present town of Carmel. He was a farmer, and also had a furnace for smelting iron and a forge. (The biographical history of Putnam County states that Caleb and his father-in-law came to Putnam County. This is not so, for Eleazer Hamblin d. at Sharon, Conn., Oct. 31, 1771, aged 76 years, and is buried there, as is also his wife, Sarah Sears, who d. Feb. 6, 1785, aged 88 years.) They had: Sarah, b. 1742 ; m. Isaac Merrick ; Charity, b. 1744; m. in 1763 Elisha Cole; Caleb, b. Nov. 7, 1749; m. Ruth Wright; he d. March 31, 1806; she d. Dec. 18, 1828, aged Tj; Aaron, d.y., Mercy, m. Abner Mead, Capt. Eleazer, b. 1755 ; m. Oct. 14, 1784, Huldah "Rowlee"; he d. Sept. 20, 1893; Moses, b. Feb., 1758; m. Mary Caldwell; he d. Jan. 20, 1834; Abigail, b. Aug. 21, 1765; m. Abel Smith. Of the above, Aaron, Caleb and Moses were privates in the 7th Regt., Dutchess County Militia, in the Revolution, and the father was Ensign in the same regiment. DENISON. William Denison was b. in England about 1586. He m. in Bishop's Stortford, Nov. 7, 1603, Margaret Chandler. They came to America in 1631. They lived at Roxbury, Mass., where he d. Jan. 25, 1653-4. She d. there Feb. 3, 1645-6. They brought three children with them to America: Daniel, b. about 1612, who settled at Boston and was made freeman there April i, 1634. He d. in 1682. 16 The Descendants of Elisha Cole Edward, who settled at Roxbury. George, bap. at Bishop's Strotford, England, Dec. lo, 1620. He m. at Roxbury, Mass., Bridget, dau. of John Thompson. She d. 1643. He returned to England and fought under Crom well in the battles of York, Marston Moor and Naseby, rising to the rank of Captain. He was wounded at Naseby and carried to the farmhouse of John Borodel, where he met his dau. Ann, who later became his wife. They came to America and settled at Stonington, Conn. He d. at Hartford, Oct. 23, 1694. She d. at Stonington, Sept. 26, 1712, aged 97 years. Their 2nd son, George, b. about 1653, m. Mercy, b. at Barn stable, Mass., daughter of John and Desire (Howland) Gorham. He d. at Westerly, R. I., Dec. 27, 171 1. She d. there Sept. 24, 1725- John Howland, of the Mayflower, m. Elizabeth, dau. of John Tilley. They had: Desire, who m. John Gorham. John was wounded in King Phillip's War and d. two months later. George and Mercy (Gorham) Denison had: Samuel, bap. at Westerly, Sept. 26, 1686; m. (probably) Mary Minor. He settled in Saybrook, Conn., in 1716, and was probably m. there. Had: Christopher, b. about 1720; m., March, 1742, Elizabeth Kel- ley. He was a member of the "Royal Americans" under Wolfe at Quebec and was killed there. They had: Christopher, who was in the Revolution and received a pension. He lived at Hudson, N. Y., and d. in 1839, aged 96 years. John, youngest son, b. Dec. 2, 1744, in Saybrook, Conn.; m. Lydia Pratt in 1766. He was with his father at Quebec. He d. in Chenango County, N. Y., April 25, 1825. She d. Sept. 15, 1787, aged 43 years. They had: Beckwith, b. in Saybrook, Nov. 22, 1780; m. Jtme 5, 1816, Mary, b. Jan. 31, 1785, dau. of Caleb Leete and Mary (Gris- wold) Hurd. She was his second wife. She d. at Covert, N. Y., March 10, 1826, and he m. (3), Oct. 10, 1826, Desire Wixom. He d. at Covert, Sept. 15, 1859. She d. there Oct. 15, 1859. The Descendants of Elisha Cole 17 (Items regarding Wolfe and John and Christopher Denison were told by Beckwith Denison to his son, James H., the brother- in-law of Ira H. Cole.) They had: Mary Caroline Denison, who m. Ira H. Cole. LEETE. Thomas Leete, of Oakington, Cambridgeshire, England, buried there July 9, 1564. Had: Thomas, m. Nov. 12, 1548; d. Feb. 4, 1582. Had: Thomas, of Oakington, m., June 2, 1574, Maria, dau. of Edward Slade, of Rushton, Northampton. He d. Nov. 12, 1616. She d. Sept. 25, 1610. They had : John, of Dodington, Hunts, bap. May 13, 1575, in Oaking ton; m. Ann, dau. of Robert Shute, one of the Justices of the King's Bench. He d. in 1648. They had: William, named in Visitations of Hunts in 161 3. He m. his first wife, Anne, dau. of Rev. John Paine, in the Parish church of Hail Weston. The record of the church reads: "Guilielmus Leete uxorem duxit Annam Pain primo die Augusti Anno Dom 1636." They came to America in 1639 and were among the first settlers of Guilford, Conn. His wife d. Sept. i, 1668, and he m. (2) Apr. 7, 1670, Sarah, wid. of Henry Rutherford. She d. Feb. 10, 1673, and he m. (3) Mary, wid. of the Rev. Nicholas Street. He d. at Hartford, Conn., April 16, 1683, and is buried there. She d. Dec. 13, 1683. He was Colonial Governor of Connecticut for forty years. He had nine children, the second being : Andrew, b. 1643; m. in Guilford, June i, 1669, Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas and Dorothy Jordan. He d. at Guilford, Oct 31, 1702. She d. there March 4, 1702. He was made Assistant to Colony (Senator) in 1667 and served until his death. They had six children, the second being: Caleb, b. Dec. 10, 1672; m. at Guilford, Nov. 4, 1697, Mary, b. Feb. 16, 1676, dau. of Daniel and Elizabeth (Jordan) Hubbard. She d. April 22, 1719, aged 43 years, and he m. (2) May ID, 1721, Abigail, the wid. of Matthew Caldwell. He d. at 18 The Descendants of Elisha Cole Guilford, Dec. 3, 1760, aged 87 years. She d. there Nov. 10, I75S- (Daniel Hubbard lived in Guilford and m. Elizabeth Jordan, Nov. 17, 1664.) Caleb and Mary had: Dorothy Leete, b. Aug. 2, 1712; m. Dec. 17, 1750 (being his second wife), Daniel, b. 1696, the oldest child of Ebenezer Hurd. Daniel Hurd's first wife was named Smith, and by her he had three sons and three daughters. He d. at Clinton, Conn., Jan. i, 1763 or 1766. No record of her death has been found. Ebenezer Hurd was b. Nov. 1668, at Stratford, Conn. He went to Waterbury, and from there to Killingworth. He m. at Stratford, Sarah, b. there Feb. 24, 1666-7, dau. of Robert and Sarah (Picket) Lance. Daniel Hurd — Dorothy Leete had: Dorothy, d. , aged 20 years. Caleb Leete, b. Jan. 22, 1753; m., 1775, Mary Griswold, who was b. 1754. He d. 1827, aged 74 years. She d. 1819. The Leete family were prominent in Connecticut, the mem bers being better educated than the majority of the people, and were endowed with a strong tinge of aristocracy ; it being a tradi tion that, their ancestors were of the English nobility. Caleb Leete Hurd being the only son of Dorothy Leete, inherited the old homestead. He 'was an easy going man, and having a large family, did not add to his inheritance, and his children had to make their own way in life. Caleb Leete Hurd and Mary had : Dolly, b. Feb. 12, 1776; d. Aug. 31, 1779; Daniel, b. April 12, 1777; d. March 4, 1827; William, b. Oct. i, 1778; d. Aug., 1803; Elias, b. April 6, 1780; d. Nov. 25, 1840; Leete, b. Nov. 25, 1781; d. Nov., 1880. Achilles, b. Jan. 20, 1783; d. May 14, 1864; Mary (Polly), b. Jan. 31, 1785; d. March 10, 1826; m. Beckwith Denison in Covert, N. Y. ; their son James Hervey Denison, m. Louise, dau.' of Daniel Cole; their daughter, Mary Caroline Denison, m. Ira Hazen, son of Daniel Cole ; Mary Hurd Deni son was an exceptionally intelligent woman for her day and generation ; The Descendants of Elisha Cole 19 Dolly, b. Oct. 27, 1786; d. Oct. 7, 1874; Ethhnda, b. July 4, 1788 ; d. Oct. 18, 1865 ; James Hervey, b. May 31, 1791 ; d. Jan. 18, 1857; Samuel, b. Nov. 13, 1792; d. Nov. 17, 1792; Aaron, b. Sept. 10, 1794; d. July 27, 1885 ; Laura Ann, b. Aug. 3, 1796; d. Sept. 17, 1870. Of the above, Elias was a sea captain and the father of two daughters and a son. William Hurd was a carpenter and lived at Burdett, N. Y. Leete was the best off of his family and rep resented the aristocratic part. Dolly m. a Hamlin and lived at Naples, N. Y. James H. was a cabinet maker and undertaker and lived at Dryden, N. Y. His seven or eight children all died young except Laura, the last child, who m. a Griswold and lived near Dryden. Aaron lived on the homestead. Laura m. a Methodist minister while on a visit to the family of Daniel Cole at Covert in 1825. They settled in Richmond County, Ohio. COLL FAMILY About 1633 three brothers. Job, John and Daniel Cole, ap pear in the records of Plymouth Colony. Job removed to Yarmouth in 1642 and his name is on the list of able-bodied men there in 1643. In 1648 he removed to Eastham and was Deputy from there in 1654. His name appears on the list of freemen in 1670, but not on that of 1695, so he must have died between those dates. He m., March or May 16, 1634, Rebecca, dau. of William Collier. "Rebecca Cole y"= widow of Job dyed twentie ninth of Dec'' 1698 being about 88." William Collier, of London, came over in 1633, having been for several years a "merchant adventurer." His four daughters of "excellent character" came over with him. He was Assistant for twenty-eight years between 1634 and 1665, and one of the plenipoteniaries of the United Colonies in 1643. His daughter Sarah m.. May 15, 1634, Love Brewster, son of Elder William Brewster, of the Mayflower. Rebecca m. Job Cole, as above stated. Mary m., April i, 1635, Thomas Prince, who was after wards Governor. The fourth daughter, Elizabeth, m. Nov. 2, 1637, Constant Southworth, whose widowed mother was the second wife of Gov. William Brewster, who she m. Aug. 14, 1623. Job and Rebecca had: John, who m. Elizabeth Keiler, Nov. 21, 1667; Job and Rebecca (twins), b., Eastham, Aug. 26, 1654. John Cole, the second brother, never m., and d. at Plymouth in Dec, 1637. In his will, proved Jan. 2, 1638, he mentions his brothers Job and Daniel and sister Rebecca, wife of Job, and his brothers-in-law Edward, Joseph and John Collier. Daniel, the third brother, and ancestor of Elisha Cole, of Put nam County, N. Y., was granted fifty acres April 6, 1640. He was an able-bodied man, Yarmouth, 1643 ; freeman, 1645 > Deputy from Eastham, 1652-54-57-61 and until 1674; Selectman for nine 22 The Descendants of Elisha Cole years from 1667; Inspector of Shot and Lead in 1662. "Every Township in the Govern' shall provide a barrel of powder and leade or bulletts answerable to be kept by some trusty man in every towne that it may be ready for defence in tyme of neede and danger." June 10, 1661, Daniel Cole, of Eastham, licensed to retail "wine and strong waters." He was a member of Yar mouth County Train Band in 1643. He m. Ruth Chester. "Daniel Cole Dyed y'= one and twentyeth day of Dec'' in the yeare 1694 in y'= Eightyeith y"^ of his age. Ruthy y^ wife Daniel Cole dyed y* 15th of Dec in y^ year 1694 in y^ Sixte Seaventh ye of her age." Eastham records. Daniel and Ruth had: -hi John, b. July 15, 1644. 2 Timothy, b. Sept. 15, 1646. He was one of the East grantees of Narragansett township. 3 Hepzeibah, b. April 16, 1649 ; m. George Crisp. He d. and she m. (2) Daniel, b. Plymouth, Mass., 1636-37, son of Deacon John and Abigail Doane. He settled at Eastham, 1645. Prominent man and large land owner. He d. Dec. 20, 1712 in 76th year. No record of her death. 4 Ruth, b. Apr. 15, 1651 ; m. John, b. Plymouth, Nov. 16, 1649, son. of John and Abigail Youngs. He d. and she m. (2), 1720, for his third wife, Capt. Jonathan, son of Edward and Rebecca Bangs. He d. at Brewster, Cape Cod, Nov. 19, 1728. -HS Israel, b. Jan. 8, 1653. 6 "James Cole y^ sonne of Danyel borne in Dec^ in y* yeare 1655." 7 Mary, b. March 10, 1658; m. May 26, 1681, Joshua, b. 1657, the seventh child of Giles and Catharine (Whelden) Hopkins. This was the first of many marriages between these two families. He was "the most opulent man of the time." She d. March i, 1734; buried at Orleans, Mass. -1-8 William, b. Sept. 15, 1663. 9 Daniel, b. Sept. 1666; m. Mercy, dau. of the Kev, Samuel and Elizabeth Fuller. He d. Eastham, The Descendants of Elisha Cole 23 June 15, 1736, in his 70th year. She d. Sept. 25, 1735, in her 63rd year. John, m. at Eastham, Dec. 12, 1666, Ruth, probably the dau. of Lieut. Joseph Snow. He d. Eastham, Jan. 6, 1724-25. She d. there Jan. 27, 1716-17. Children: 10 Ruth, b. Mar. 11, 1667-8; m. March 26, 1689, Wil liam Twining. He was probably a son of the Wm. "Twying" who was a member of the Yar mouth Company in the expedition against the Narragansetts, Aug. 18, 1645. -l-ii John, b. March 6, 1669-70. 12 "Hephzibah," b. June 20, 1672. 13 Hannah, b. March 27, 1675 ; d. June, 1677. 14 Joseph, b. June II, 1677; m. Oct; 6, 1715, Mercy Hinkley. 15 Mary, b. Oct. 22, 1679. 16 Sarah, b. June 10, 1682. Israel, m. April 24, 1674 or 1679, Mary Rogers. He was a rep resentative to General Court of Massachusetts at Boston from Eastham, 1698. Selectman 1694 for 5 years. He was one of the proprietors of Truro, Mass., June 18, 1701. He d. before 1730. Children: 17 Hannah, b. June 28, 1681. 18 Israel, b. June 28, 1685. (Probably others.) 8 William, m. at Eastham, Dec. 2, 1686, Hannah, b. there Jan. 2, 1667, daughter of Stephen and Mrs. Susanna (Dean) Snow. At the time of Susanna's marriage to Stephen she was the wid. of Joseph Rogers and dau. of Stephen and Elizabeth (Ring) Deane. They lived at Eastham and she d. there June 23, 1737. Children: 24 The Descendants of Elisha Cole -hi9 Elisha, b. Jan. 26, 1688-89. 20. David or Daniel, b. Oct. 4, 1691. 21 Hannah, b. Dec. 15, 1693. 22 Jane, b. Jan. 4, 1695. John, m. Mary < — ; lived at Eastham. H She d. Feb. 17, 1731. Children: 23 Jonathan, b. Oct. 4, 1694. 24 John, b. Oct. 14, 1696. 25 Mary, b. Aug. 25, 1698. 26 James, b. Oct. 23, 1700. 27 Nathan, b. Jan. 21, 1702-03. 28 Joshua, b. Mar. 20, 1704. 29 Moses, b. July 22, 1707. 30 Phebe, b. Oct. 29, 1709. 31 Thankful, b. Oct. 20, 1712; d.y. 32 Joseph, b. Oct. 13, 1714. 33 Thankful, b. Oct. 19, 1716. 11 He d. Dec. 13, 1746. 19 Elisha, m. Anne. Record of them is very incomplete. There is no published record of their marriage, nor have I been able to ascertain her family name or date of their death. The only way we know that a marriage took place is from the fact that the birth of children is recorded in Eastham records as "of Elisha and Anne Cole." Children : 34 "Joshua Cole, the son of Elisha and Anne Cole, was b. at Eastham Oct. 9, 1715." 35 Eunice, b. Nov. 24, 1717. 36 Mary, b. . 37 Elisha, b. , 1719. He was the settler in Dutchess, now Putnam County. Tradition in and published records of Putnam County give his wife's name as Hannah Smalley, as also do records of Jos. G. Cole, who obtained them partly The Descendants of Elisha Cole 25 from grand children of Elisha. She must have been a second wife and the mother of most of his children. Eastham records under date of Sept. 4, 1739, state that, "Then entered the inten tion of Elisha Cole Jr. and Priscilla Smalee, both of Eastham to proceed in marriage." And again, under date Dec. 13, 1739, "Then Elisha Cole Jr and Priscilla Smally, both of Eastham, were married in Eastham by me. Isiah Lewes, Minister." Priscilla was probably a dau. of Joseph "Smale," who m., 1717, Priscilla Young, of Eastham. Priscilla (Smalley) Cole probably d. a few years after marriage, and Elisha then m. Han nah, who may have been a sister or cousin of Priscilla's. Elisha's first child, Joshua, did not come to Putnam County. He may have been the only one by Priscilla, and on Elisha's removal with second wife and family he was left with relatives. LLI5HA COLL Elisha Cole and wife Hannah Smalley came to Putnam County, N. Y., then called Fredericksburgh, Dutchess County, from Harwick, Cape Cod, in the Autumn of 1746 or Spring of 1747 and built a log house near the stream that is the outlet of Barrett's Pond in the present town of Kent. In 1748 he built a grist mill on the outlet, and it was called Cole's Mill, and since that time a mill has been in operation on or near the site of the first mill and owned by a member of the Cole family until 1888, when New York City purchased the water rights for reservoir purposes. This stream is the west branch of the Croton River and supplies Reservoir D. The reservoir was commenced Aug. 27, 1890, and completed in 1896. There appears to be no picture of the mill in existence. The following description of the prop erty appears in the condemnation proceedings : House, one story and attic; bam, 21 X32; carding mill, 36x20; saw mill, 13x46; grist mill, 21 x 22. The father of Hannah Smalley and his family moved to this section about two years before Elisha and family came. At the time of the arrival of Elisha and wife they had four chil dren. Joshua, the eldest, never came here. Why, cannot now be ascertained, but he married and left issue. EHsha was a Bap tist preacher. An unmarried sister of Elisha's, named Mary, came with him from Cape Cod. She afterward m. a man by the name of Barber or Barbour, and d. at an advanced age. Elisha was partly paralyzed and somewhat demented before his death, which took place about 1801. Hannah's mental powers gave way, while physically she was very strong. She d. in 181 1. The land upon which Elisha settled and built his mill be longed to Roger Morris, son-in-law of Frederick Phillipse. This property was confiscated by the State and was sold to Elisha by the Commissioners of Forfeiture, June 11, 1782. "The parcel containing 396 acres, more or less, consideration £234 9-1." The Descendants of Elisha Cole 27 There is hardly an old family in Putnam County that have not intermarried with the Coles, and the marriage of first and second cousins have been frequent, and in one instance a Cole became, by marriage, the aunt of her own cousins. Elisha was one of the original nine members of the Baptist church, Nov. i6, 1751. He was an elder in Carmel church, preaching in open air in the Summer and in private houses dur ing the winter, the society having no building until about 1780. He was a member of the 7th Regt., Dutchess County Militia, Col. Henry Ludenton, in the Revolution. EHsha and Hannah had: I Joshua, b. . +2 Elisha, b. Jan. 26, 1743. 4-3 Nathan, b. , 1744. -I-4 Joseph, b. Jan. 11, 1746. 5 Eunice, b. Jan. 1748; m. Hackaliah, son of Joseph Merritt. He d. and she m. (2) Nathan Crosby. He d. Oct. 27, 1805, aged 72 years. She d. Jan. 17, 1 82 1, aged 73 years. He was a private, 3rd Regt., Dutchess County Militia, in Revolution. Hackaliah and Nathan were widowers at the time of their marriage to Eunice, Nathan having five children by his first wife. -1-6 Daniel, b. Nov. 26, 1749. 7 Hannah, b. 175 1 ; m. Freeman, b. 1754, son of Jonathan and Rebecca (Freeman) Hopkins. He d. March 31, 1830, aged 76 years. She d. March 31, 1802, aged 51 years. He was a member of the 7th Dutchess County Militia in Revolution. Later a Baptist preacher. 8 Naomi, b. 1753 ; *m. Jesse Smith. He d. 1825. She d. 1794. He was b. Putnam County and was a member of the 7th Regt., Dutchess County Militia, during Revolution, and was present at the capture of Stony Point by Anthony Wayne. His son, Chas. G. Smith, m. Margaret, dau. of Ebenezer Cole. 28 The Descendants of Elisha Cole -I-9 Ebenezer, b. , 1754. 10 Priscilla Ann, b. , 1756; m. Gen. James Townsend, b. 1756, son of Charles Townsend. He d. Carmel, March 13, 1832, in his 76th year. She d. there June 11, 1839, in her 83rd year. He was a grandson of Elisha Townsend, who was b. at Oyster Bay, August, 1704, and d. North Salem, July, 1805. James was a prominent man and was a mem ber of the 7th Regt., Dutchess County Militia, in Revolution. He was a Lieutenant, 1786; Cap tain of Infantry, 1793; Lieutenant Colonel, 6th Regt., Dutchess County Militia, 1812, and on Nov. 9, 1812, Brigadier General, 30th Brigade, Infantry of Dutchess County, and until Feb. 3, 1817, when he resigned. II Mercy, b. ^, 1757; m. Tracy, b. Sept. 8, 1756, son of and Mary (Tracy) Ballard. He d. Carmel, Jan. 4, 1829, aged 72 years. She d. Feb. 8, 1826, aged 69 years. He was a private, 7th Regt., Dutchess County Militia, in Revolution. -1-12 John, b. Oct. 6, 1761. Elisha (Elisha) ; m. 1763, Charity, b. , 1744; dau. of Caleb and Sarah (Hamblin) Hazen. He d. Feb. 3, 1826, aged 83 years, 5 days. She d. , 181 1. He bought from Committee of Forfeiture, Aug. 30, 1788, a farm of 513 acres in Phillip's patent. This land is near Long Pond in the present town of Carmel, Putnam County, N. Y., and is still owned by the Coles. Elisha and wife are buried in the family plot on this farm. Elisha was a private, 7th Regt., Dutchess County Militia, Col. Henry Ludenton. His father-in-law, Caleb Hazen, was Ensign. Elisha's father, three brothers and a son of his also served in this regiment during the Revolution. (See N. Y. in the Revolution, Vol. I., p. 150.) The Descendants of Elisha Cole 29 "June the 17 1786. "Cornel ludenton sir be pleased to pay unto the barer hear of Joseph Cole the wages due to me and you will oblige your friend Elisha Cole Jun^" (Manuscripts of State of N. Y. in Revolution, Vol. 8, p. 250. Vol. 8, p. 233. Received Certificate no. 42500 amounting to £1 7s 3d for services performed in Col. Henry Ludington's Dutchess County Regiment. Said certificate delivered to Joseph Cole June 17, 1786. Elisha and Charity had: 13 Sarah, b. , 1763; m. for his second wife, Barnabas, b. 1761, son of Timothy Carver. He d. Aug. 29, 1 83 1. She d. Dec. 4, 1851, aged 88 years. No issue. His first wife was Hannah, dau. of Gen. James and Priscilla (Cole) Town- send. Barnabas Carver was descended in the sixth generation from John Carver, of the Mayflower. He and his father were privates, 7th Regt., Dutchess County Militia, in Revolution. He was Member of Assembly, 1806; Major, 6ist Regt., Dutchess County Militia, 1812, and for years Judge of Common Pleas. -hi 4 Reuben, b. — ¦ , 1765. -hi 5 David, b. , 1768. -hi6 Eleazer, b. May 17, 1770. -hi7 Obed, b. Aug. 17, 1772. 18 Elizabeth, b. June 15, 1774; m. William, son of Charles Agor. (The name originally — "McGre gor.) He d. March 16, 1848, aged 75 years, 18 days. She d. Feb. 16, 1841, aged 66 years, 8 months. Lived at Red Mills, now Mahopac Falls. -hi 9 Elisha, b. Aug. 8, 1776. 20 Hannah, b. May 18, 1778; m. Thaddeus, b. July 7, 1771, son of Thomas and Phebe (Mabie) Bax- 30 The Descendants of Elisha Cole ter. He d. Cold Spring, N. Y., Aug. 14, 1847. She d. there Dec. 14, 1840. -h2i Daniel, b. Dec. 22, 1779. +22 Joshua, b. . 4-23 John, b. Feb. 22, 1782. 24 Naomi, b. , d.u.m., aged 17 years. Nathan (Elisha) ; m. Mehitable . He d. Feb. 6, 1803. She d. Aug. 15, 1807, in S9th year. An exhaustive research has failed to discover her family name, and it will probably remain a genealogical puzzle. Par tial records of Nathan and family compiled some twenty-five years ago give her last name as "unknown." She might have been the Mehitabel, bapt. Harwich, Cape Cod, March 18, 1749, dau. of Lemuel and Lydia Berry. Lemuel and wife removed to "Oblong," in Dutchess County, about 1756, and it will be noted that Nathan and wife had a dau. Lydia, the first of that name in the Cole family. Nathan lived in a house that stood where the Smalley house now stands in Carmel. He left no will, but Abner Bangs was appointed administrator of his estate on Feb. 14, 1803, by con sent of heirs who signed He was licensed to preach by the Baptist church in Carmel, then Phillips patent, on May 2, 1772. On removal of the church in May, 1773, to North East Town, the members not removing were constituted into a church by themselves and Nathan Cole became their pastor. Among those remaining were Elisha Cole, Heman King, Barzilla King, Robert Fuller, Josiah Baker, John Wright, Recompense Thomas, Edmund Baker. On Dec. 12, 1791, the church agreed to pay to Elder Nathan Cole ii2 for the ensuing year. He preached much of the time for thirty years, and d. after only one day's sick ness. During the early part of the Revolutionary War the people in what now constitutes the counties of Putnam and Dutchess were very much divided in sentiment regarding the war; seri ously dividing neighborhoods and in some instances families. The Descendants of Elisha Cole 31 Soon after the news of the battle of Lexington reached the people in the vicinity of Putnam County, then Fredericksburg, they met in public meeting and adopted resolutions expressing their sentiments in the form of a pledge. The following is the "June 1775. one adopted, and to which Nathan subscribed : "This may certify to all people whom it may concern, that I the subscriber, am willing to do what is just and right to secure the privileges of America both civil and sacred and to follow the advise of our reverred Congress so far as the word of God and the example of Jesus Christ and I hope in the grace of God no more will be required. As witness my hand." This section was "between the Unes," and soon became in fested with "cowboys," who made raids upon the property of the Whigs, so in order to protect themselves, the inhabitants organized into what was called the "minute men," subject to call at any moment. Elder Nathan was one of these until 1777, when he enlisted as a private in the regular army and was with Washington at White Plains and along the Hudson. This information was obtained from John Cole, a nephew of Elder Nathan, and from Mrs. Jane Hopkins, who lived near Nathan; and although but a young girl at the time, was inti mately acquainted with him and his family. Jane Hopkins, mentioned above was a dau. of Tracy and Mercy (Cole) Bal lard, and wife of Joseph Hopkins. Nathan's tombstone in the old graveyard at Carmel con tains a quaint inscription in verse. A copy will be sent to any subscriber to this book who may desire it. Nathan and Mahitabel had (b. at Carmel) : -h25 Nathan, b. March 7, 1783. 26 Mehitabel, b. . 27 Lydia, b. ; m. Nathan Crosby, Jr., son of Nathan Crosby and his first wife. 4 Joseph (Elisha) ; m. Rebecca, b. Jan. 21, 1752, dau. Jabez Berry. She d. Feb. 15, 1801, aged 49 years, 24 days, and is buried on 32 The Descendants of Elisha Cole Cole farm near Long Pond. He m. (2) Susan Berry, b. March 15, 1744, and wid. of Obediah Chase, who d. July 4, 1799, 56 years. She was probably a sister of Joseph's first wife. At the time of the marriage of Joseph and Susan (Berry) Chase, they each had eleven children. He d. Feb. 24, 1814, aged 68 years, I month, 13 days. She d. 1836, aged 92 years. Joseph Cole, Jabez Berry and Obediah Chase were mem bers of the 7th Regt., Dutchess County Militia, in the Revo lution. Children by first marriage: -h28 Berry, b. Feb. 24, 1769. 29 William, b. , 1771, d.u.m. 30 Susannah, b. Sept. 23, 1773 ; m. Henry, b. Reading, Conn., Dec. 12, 1769, son of Josiah and Eliza beth (Bouton) Nichols. They lived at Kent, Dutchess County, N. Y. He d. Feb. 10, 1849, aged 79 years, i month, 14 days. She d. Oct. 2, 1856, aged 83 years, 2 months, 10 days. Josiah Nichols was a cavalry officer in the Revolution. 31 Anna, b. — , 1775; m. Charles Green. -h32 Joseph, b. Oct. 29, 1775. -h33 Samuel, b. Dec. 24, 1777. -h34 Nathan, b. Aug. 17, 1780. 35 Ruth, b. Jan. 19, 1783 ; m. Sept. 12, 1801, Alvin, b. Kent, Oct. 4, 1778, son of Obediah and Susan (Berry) Chase. She d. April 17, 1832, in her 49th year, and he m. (2) Sept. 16, 1832, Martha Elizabeth, b. Kent, 1789, dau. of David and Clara Northrup (Kelley) Dingee. He d. Feb. 26, 1853, in Pawling, N. Y. She d. Oct. 23, 1857, in Fishkill, N. Y. +36 Asahel, b. May 31, 1786. 37 Cynthia, b. Sept. 4, 1788; m. Dec. 6, 1809, Enos, b. March i, 1789, son of Jeremiah and Thankful (Stone) Hopkins. He d. March 23, 1859, aged 70 years, 22 days. She d. April i, 1864, aged 75 years, 6 months, 28 days. Three of their chil dren m. Coles. Jeremiah Hopkins was a member The Descendants of Elisha Cole 33 of 7th Regt., Dutchess County Militia, in Revolu tion. 4-38 Levi Hall, b. July i, 1791. +39 Ramah, b. Feb. 27, 1795. 6 Daniel (Elisha) ; m. Susannah Ogden. She was b. June 25, 1775. Have been unable to discover who were her parents, but Daniel and his brothers, Ebenezer and John, married sisters. He d. Dec. 10, 1834, aged 85 years, i month, 14 days. She d. Nov. 3, 1857, aged 102 years, 4 months and 8 days. Daniel was a member 7th Regt., Dutchess County Militia, in Revolution. He was b., m. and d. at Cole's Mills, in the town of Kent, which property was sold to the City of New York and is now ten feet under water, being part of the West Branch Reservoir. He was ordained a deacon of the Baptist Church Nov. 22, 1798, being the first man of record set apart as a deacon by ordination in the Carmel church. He was widely known as Deacon Cole. Children: -h40 John, b. Aug. 29, 1775. 41 Margaret, b. , 1776; m. Jan. i, 1795, Levi, b. April 13, 1771, son of Caleb Hall. He d. near Sussex, N. J., Aug. 31, 1821. She m. (2) Asa Wilson. He d. . She d. June 24, 1857, at the home of her daughter Susan Adams, Sus sex, N. J. Rev. Levi Hall was licensed to preach by order of the Peekskill Baptist Church in 1793. He was ordained as pastor of the Baptist church at Pleasant Valley, N. Y., Sept. 9, 1794, by Elder Freeman Hopkins, of Patingtown; Elder Ebene zer Cole, of Phillipstown, and Deacon Cole, of Frederickstown. He and family moved to Sus sex, N. J., where he farmed and preached, being pastor First Baptist Church of Wantage from 1815 until his death. 42 Mary, b. , 1777 ; m. George Frost. He d. June 28, 1815, aged 43 yrs. 34 The Descendants of Elisha Cole 43 Eunice, b. 1781; m. Ehner, b. Kent, Oct. 4, 1778, son of Obediah and Susan Berry Chase. They removed to Tompkins County, N. Y., then to Delaware County, Ohio. 44 Sarah, b. 1783; m. Nathan Hall. His descendents say he was a son of Caleb Hall, Jr., and nephew of Rev. Levi Hall. +45 Jesse, b. Sep. 10, 1784. +46 Daniel H., b. Aug. 24, 1786. 47 Ivah, b. Sept. 4, 1788; m. Hosea, b. 1785, son of Thomas and Rachel (Sunder Iin) Townsend. He d. June 24, 1833 in 48th year. She d. Apr. 10, 1838, aged 49 years 7 months 6 days. 48 Henah, b. 1790; m. Silvanus, son of Thomas and Rachel (Sunder Iin) Townsend. 4-49 Elisha J., b. Mar. 30, 1793. 50 Havilah, b. Oct. 2, 1795; m. Charles B., b. Dec. 23, ^795, son of Issachar and Esther (Buckingham) Norton. He d. July 22, 1879. She d. Mar. 11, 1861. 51 Hannah, b. Jan. 17, 1798; m. Levi Hall, b. July i, 1791, son of Joseph and Rebecca (Berry) Cole. 9 Ebenezer (EHsha) ; m. (i) Mary Ogden. She d. Aug. 30, 1806, aged 44 years. He m. (2) Mrs. Mary Wilson, widow of Thomas, who d. Oct. 7, 1807, and dau. of Joseph Ogden. He d. Aug. 18, 1815, aged 61 years. She d. Apr. 16, 1825, aged 62 years, 11 months 27 days. Ebenezer lived and died in Philipstown. He was a private, 7th Regt. Dutchess Co. Militia in the Revolution. He was deacon in the Baptist church and became pastor in 1802 at a yearly salary of $30. He performed the marriage ceremony for each of his twelve children. His daughters, Vashti and Azubah were married at the same time. Children: 52 Azubah, b. ; m. Silas, b. 1775, son of Gould John and EUzabeth (Miller) Selleck. Lived at The Descendants of Elisha Cole 35 Putnam Valley, N. Y. He d. Apr. 6, 1830, aged 75 years. She d. Oct. 2, 1853. 53 Vashti, b. ; m. William Farrington. Lived at Putnam Valley. 54 Eliza, b. ; m. Ezra, son of John Kelley. Set tled in Iowa. 55 Annis, b. ; m. Ira, son of John Kelley. Set tled in Iowa. 4-56 Nathaniel, b. Mar. 7, 1783. -h57 William, b. . +58 Ebenezer, b. Dec. 27, 1786. -h59 Joseph, b. Feb. 25, 1789. 60 Naomi, b. 1801 ; m. John, son John and Susan (Cronk) OdeU. He d. July i, 1855, aged 54 years 10 months 8 days. She d. Sept. i, 1880, aged 79 years, 9 months. 61 Mary, b. Dec. 14, 1791 ; m. Apr. 20, 1809, John, b. Oct. 6, 1790, son of John and Martha (Barrett) Lickley. They lived at Putnam Valley. He d. Jan. II, 1843, aged 52 years 3 months 8 days. She d. July 18, 1876. She was well known and liked by her nephews and nieces and was always called "Aunt Pop Lickley." This name is variously spelled. Pel- litreu has "Likely." On John's tombstone is "Lickly," and on his wife's, "Lickley." 62 Junia, b. ¦ — , d. y. 63 Margaret (Aunt Peggy), b. Feb. 4, 1794; m. Chas. G., b. Feb. 13, 1789, son of Jesse and Naomi (Cole) Smith. They lived at Putnam Valley. He d. Apr. 5, 1875, aged 86 years i month 23 days. She. d. Nov. 18, 1871, aged ^'7 years 9 months 14 days. No issue. -h64 James, b. Feb. 3, 1803. 12 John (Elisha) ; m. Ogden. He was one of the three brothers who married three sisters. Their children were born 36 The Descendants of Elisha Cole at Carmel. They moved to "between the lakes" or Western New York. He d. Sept. 24, 1850. The above Ogden marriage is from records of Jos. G. Cole and must be an error, for in the John Cole bible his wife's name is given as Mary Washburn, date of her birth as Feb. 2, 1767, and date of m. of John and Mary as Aug. 21, 1783. He was Ensign 1786, Lieut. 1793, Capt. 1797, and Lieut. Col. Elijah Townsend's Regt. of Dutchess County. Children: -h65 Lewis, b. Aug. i, 1785. 66 Libbeus, b. May 7, 1788. Drowned in Cayuga Lake, Mar. 4, 1810. 67 Cyrus, b. May 17, 1791 ; m. May 7, 1815 Hannah Kelley. They settled in Ohio. 68 Phebe, b. Feb. 4, 1795; m. Sept., 1814, David Thomas. 69 Thurza, b. Sept. 21, 1797; m. Sept., 1817, Lewis Porter, b. Conn. May 24, 1786. She d. at Covert, N. Y., Oct. 20, 1867. She was his 2nd wife, his first being Samantha King, who d. Mar. 21, 1817. -h70 Harvey, b. Apr. 9, 1800. 71 EHza, b. Mar. 21, 1803; m. Oct. 29, 1836, Amial T. Wixom and had Ann Thurza, b. Oct. 15, 1837. 4-72 Ogden, b. Nov. 4, 1805. 73 Lydia Ann, b. Sept. 5, 181 1; d. y. 14 Reuben (Elisha, Elisha) ; m. Elizabeth, b. Sept. i, 1766, dau. of Heman and Elizabeth (Cartright) King. They lived at Carmel. He d. Oct. 30, 1840, in 75th year. She d. Dec. 26, 1858, aged 91 years 3 months 26 days. Reuben was a member of 7th Regt. Dutchess Co. Militia during the last years of the Revolution, and in 1806 was a captain in Lieut. Colonel James Townsend's 6ist Regt. Dutch ess Co. Militia. His father-in-law, Heman King, was also in the same regiment during the Revolution. Children: -h74 Heman, b. Sept. 6, 1785. The Descendants of Elisha Cole 37 +75 Charies, b. . 76 Hannah, b. , 1788; m. Eleazer Henry, b. 1784, son of Henry and Mary or Eliza (Sears) Baldwin. They lived at Mahopac He d. Aug. 27, 1868, aged 84 years. She d. Jan. 7, 1874, aged 85 years. Henry Baldwin was a member of the 7th Regt. Dutchess Co. Militia in Revolu tion. 77 Sarah, b. 1790; m. Frederick, son of John Knox. He was alive in 1842, d. at Lake Mahopac. She d. Oct. 10, 1854, aged 64 years. +78 Ebenezer, b. Aug. 20, 1793. 79 Zillah, b. Sept. 16, 1795, d. u. m. March 24, 1818, aged 22 years 6 months 8 days. 80 John, b. — , 1798, d. u m., March 24, 1828, in his 30th year. 81 Adah, b. , 1802; m. Lewis, b. Sept. 21, 1797, son of Henry and Susannah (Cole) Nichols. He d. Jan. 5, 1888, in 91st year. She d. Feb. 2'/, 1868, in 66th year. On her tombstone she is called "Adelia." In her father's will she is "Adah." 82 Elizabeth, d. May 6, 1815, aged 9 years. 15 David (Elisha, Elisha) ; m. Hannah Bangs. They lived at Fred erickstown, Dutchess Co., N. Y. He was assessor there 1788- 91. About 1800 he removed with his family to Edmeston, Ot sego Co., N. Y., where he died. He was a farmer. He d. Feb. 13, 1833. She was b. June 10, 1779; d. May 3, 1842. David and wife left Dutchess Co. for Columbus, Chenango Co. Their son Eli was born on the journey. In crossing the North (or Hudson) River their sleigh broke through the ice and they lost most of their effects. Children: +83 Eli, b. Feb. 14, 1796. 84 Bethia, b. Mar. 28, 1798 ; m. Columbus, N. Y., Jan. 30, 1817, Rev. William, b. Whitestone, N. Y., Jan. 5, 1795, son of Israel and his 2nd wife 38 The Descendants of Elisha Cole Ursula (Wood) Greenleaf. They moved to Wisconsin and died there. He d. Nov. 12, 1850. She d. Apr. i, 1879. +85 Abner Bangs, b. Dec. 8, 1799. 86 Polly, b. Apr. 28, 1801 ; d.u.m., at Edmeston May 3, 1842. +87 Nathan, b. Sept. 7, 1803. 88 David B., b. Nov. 7, 1805, at Columbus, Chenango Co., N. Y. +89 Elisha, b. Mar. 2, 1807. +90 John, b. Jan. 26, 1809. +91 Chester, b. Oct. 18, 1810. 92 Sarah Maria, b. Jan. 15, 1813 ; m. Friendship, N. Y., Aug. 25, 183s, Rev. William McKinstrey, b. Windom Co., Vt., June 14, 1795. He d. Minn. Nov. 22, 1882. She survived him. He removed with his parents in 1810 to Ontario Co.., N. Y. To Cattaraugus Co. in 1820. He was one of a family of twelve children. He was ordained deacon of the Methodist church in 1834. Lived at Olean, N. Y., and in 1867 removed to Minne sota. 93 Amorilla, b. Apr. 21, 1815 ; d. Apr. 29, 1816. +94 Alonzo, b. Sept. 21, 1817. 16 Eleazer (Elisha, Elisha) ; m. June 30, 1793, Sarah Hitchcock. She b. May i, 1773; d. Aug. 30, 1826, aged 53 years 4 months. He m. (2) Elizabeth (Washburn) Cole, widow of his brother John. He was a farmer. He d. May 29, 1838, aged 68 years II days. She d. May 3, 1857, aged 71 years. Her tombstone reads "Betsy wife of Eleazer Cole and formerly widow of John Cole. Children (i) marriage: +95 Hiram, b. June 3, 1796. 96 Naomi, b. Oct. 5, 1799; m. John Reynolds. 97 Almon, b. Feb. 27, 1802; d. u. m. in the West. +98 Eleazer H., b. May 4, 1804. +99 David, b. May 4, 1807 ; d. Sept. 4, 1807. ' f f / ft li^O J ///*'/ >' / / v/ V' . .,' i ^<- = ¦V i I V. ¦ I i /'t L ¦ y f. ^...^--/'t ? i -:/. y ^ „# ^ ^"/-i t c ^' "^ i-^'^ ,C - ''- •'¦'¦ ' r-t^^ .' /;•"*/ ,.»..- ./•¦ j feC-"**-^^ TV i'vfe4ti';«. tV ''-^l/¦./¦i'¦'">: - ¦ •'¦ ' ^ ' ./' ¦f -^ // t' >/-/ I ¦ r C 9i:::'^u:-- ^nM^x'! y^- -V */ . . * -^ ^ /. i-;^ ^V , . " % .^ '¦' 6> Jkl/\,./lv: .U-.X-- /i^^ /%/ji ^ / \ The Descendants of Elisha Cole 39 +IOO Harrison, b. Sept. 23, 1808. loi Sarah Jane, b. Mar. 23, 181 1 ; m. Jesse, b. Nov. 23, 1803, son of James and Abigail (Roberts) Hugh- son. He d. Feb. 23, 1862. She d. near Naples, Ontario Co., N. Y. 102 Harmon, b. Apr. 6, 1813 ; m. JuHa, b. Feb. 28, 1817, daughter of Daniel H. and Sarah (Tillott) Cole. No issue. He d. Mar. 8, 1883, aged 69 years 11 months 2 days. She d. Dec. 2, 1885, aged 68 years 9 months 5 days. 103 Laura, b. May 4, 181 5; m. at Carmel to Russell, b. Aug. 29, 1805, son of James and Abigail (Rob erts) Hughson. She d. Aug. 8, 1832, aged 17 years, 3 months, 4 days, and he m. (2) Esther, b. Nov. — , 1820, in South East, N. Y., daughter of Edmund and Sarah (Kent) Haines. He d. Feb. 3, 1881. She d. Apr. 26, 1879. Rus sell Rughson-Laura Cole had only: George M., who married Mariette Townsend. Eleazer had by 2nd marriage, born at Carmel : +104 Theron, b. Oct. 5, 1827. 105 Theda, twin of above; she m. at Carmel by Rev. Chas. B. Keyes on Nov. 28, 1848, to Erastus, b. Carmel June 17, 1821, son of Enos and Cynthia (Cole) Hopkins. He dj June 9, 1902. She still lives at Brewster, N. Y. 17 Obed (Elisha, Elisha) ; m. Nov. 17, 1794, Lydia, b. Jan. 23, 1775, daughter of Henry and his second wife Mary (Lounsbury) Baldwin. He d. Aug. 26, 1841, aged 69 years. She d. Oct. 23, 1858. Lived at Carmel. He was probably baptized Obe diah. Children : 106 Henry, b. Apr. 21, 1796, d. Sept. 24, 1814, from dis ease contracted in the War of 1812. 107 Rachel, b. July 27, 1798; m. Oct. i, 1817, Mentor W., b. July 2"], 1795, on Hazen Hill, Carmel, son 40 The Descendants of Elisha Cole of Caleb and Ruth (Wright) Hazen. He d. Feb. 1 6, 1 88 1, aged 85 years, 6 months, 21 days. She d. May 3, 1874, aged 75 years, 11 months, 11 days. He served in the War of 1812 and was stationed at Harlem, N. Y. City. 108 Alanson, b. May — , 1800, m. (i) Oct. 14, 1842, Naomi, b. 1808, dau. of John and Rachel (Sun- derlin) Kelley. She d. Feb. 16, 1867, having been a member of the Carmel Baptist church for 37 years. He m. (2) Sept. 9, 1868, Calista, b. Lake Mahopac, dau. of Joseph and Chloe (Pinckney) Ganong and wid. of Samuel Miller who d. Dec. 6, 1845. He was a farmer. No issue by either marriage. He d. Sept. i, 1889, aged 84 years, 4 months. She d. July 24, 1882, aged 68 years. 109 Mary, b. Dec. 22, 1802; m. Jan. 25, 1827, Bailey Howes. He b. Mar. 20, 1798; d. Jan. 19, 1872. She d. Jan. 3, 1867. +110 Alfred, b. Jan. 28, 1805. Ill Ansel, d. Aug. 20, 1808, aged i year. 112 Elizabeth, b. Oct. 19, 1810; m. Oct. 4, 1835, Edson, b. Dec. 20, 1812, in Carmel, son of James and Mehitable (Warren) Sloat. She d. Oct. 6, 1843, aged 3' years, 5 months, 7 days, and he m. (2) Apr. 17, 1846, Jane, b. Jan. 14, 1820, in Carmel, dau. of Lewis and Martha (Ganong) Wright. He d. Patterson, N. Y., Mar. 19, 1886. She d. there July 21, 1886. 113 Minerva Ann, b. Oct. 13, 1815; m. Oct. 30, 1842, William, b. Oct. 19, 1812, son of and Hannah (Baldwin) Clausen. He d. Napoli, Catt. Co., N. Y., Jan. 13, 1857, and she m. (2) James M. Brown. She d. Jan. 14, 1894. Had by 1st marriage : Olan, b. Oct. 2, 1849; d. u. m. Feb. 24, 1879. No issue by 2nd marriage. The Descendants of Elisha Cole 41 19 Elisha (Elisha, EHsha) ; m. Oct. 29, 1797, Rebecca, b. Dec. 7, 1779, daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth (Townsend) Hopkins. He d. July 18, 1851, aged 74 years, 11 months, 11 days. She d. Dec. 31, 1862, aged 83 years 24 days. He was a farmer and bought, Feb. i, 1830, upon the payment of $291.60, from Mary Gouverneur, the daughter of Frederick Philipse, the north part of the Philipse farm, he having bought the south part from Frederick Philipse, Dec. 2, 1828, having previously leased it at an annual rental of £7. Upon this farm is the Gilead burying ground in which is buried Enoch Crosby, the Revolutionary spy, who is the "Harvey Birch" of Cooper's novel. The oldest inscription there is to Sarah, wife of Jesse Smith, d. Nov. 17, 1766, 62 years. On Nov. 9, 1812, Ensign Elisha Cole, Jr., of Lieut. Colonel James Townsend's 6ist Regt. of Dutchess Co. Militia, was ap pointed lieutenant. Elisha's father-in-law, Joseph Hopkins, was a member 7th Regt. Dutchess Co. Militia in the Revolu tion. Children : +114 Laban, b. Sept. 17, 1798. 115 Jacob, b. Nov. 22, 1800; d. May 12, 1803. 116 Eliza, b. Jan. 25, 1803; m. Oct. 12, 1822, Floyd, b. Putnam Valley, son of Gilbert and Sarah (Field) Bailey. He d. Livonia, Livingston Co., N. Y., July 21, 1865. She d. there Nov. 28, 1876. +117 Jacob, b. June i, 1805. +118 David, b. Dec. 5, 1808. 119 Son born and died Mar. 7, 1810. +120 Jonathan, b. Feb. 5, 181 1. 121 Chloe Ann, b. Apr. 26, 1814; d. Carmel (unmar ried). May 7, 1903, aged 89 years. 122 Huldah, b. July 4, 1817; m. Dec. 10, 1836, Harry, b. South Salem, N. Y., Nov. 13, 1810, son of Lewis and Debra Ann (Webb) Hanford. He d. Norwalk, Ohio, Jan. 27, 1890. She d. there Jan. 30, 1892. 123 Antoinette, b. June 8, 1820; m. Dec. 3, 1837, Isaac, b. South East, Putnam Co., N. Y., Dec. 20, 1813, 42 The Descendants of Elisha Cole son of Jesse and Eleanor (Foster) Kelley. He d. Feb. 21, 1886, aged 72 years, 2 months. She d. Feb. 14, 1890, aged 71 years 6 months. Isaac was a farmer, and in 1871, no acres of his land was taken for reservoir purposes by the city of New York. +124 Rufus, b. Apr. 26, 1823. +125 Byron, b. June 30, 1825. 21 Daniel (Elisha, Elisha) ; m. Carmel, Jan. 5, 1801, Sarah, b. Carmel, Sept. 10, 1781, dau. of Joseph and EHzabeth (Town- send) Hopkins. She d. Covert, N. Y., July 2, 1841. On her tombstone is 1842, but family Bible has the date as above. He m. (2) at Covert, Sept. 15, 1845, ^^s. Mary Beadle, nee Os born, b. Lyons, N. Y., 1803. He d. Covert, Oct. 12, 1848. She d. Easton, Washington Co., N. Y., about 1855. He was a farmer and removed from Carmel to what is now Covert, N. Y., in 1808. He served for about three months in the War of 1812. The name of his father-in-law, Joseph Hopkins, appears in New York State Manuscripts of the Revolution,Vol. 8, page 235, as having received certificate 42,578 for £2 7s. id. for services in Col. Henry Ludenton's Dutchess County Regt. Jo seph's father, Jonathan Hopkins, and brother, Jonathan, Jr., also served in this regiment, as did Daniel's father and grand father. "Daniel was 5 feet 10 inches in height, broad shoulders and robust frame. Large blue eyes, dark brown hair. Quite pas sionate in early life, but later learned self control. Fair edu cation, quite a thinker and student and great Bible reader. People of recent years have no idea of the poverty of reading matter that their grandparents endured. Have heard mother say that all the books they had in her house were the Bible and 'Pilgrim's Progress.' Mother was tall, weighed 160 pounds, black hair and eyes, broad forehead, nose medium, fair com plexion and resolute disposition. Her opportunities for educa tion were very limited. She could barely read and write, but ?3%*'*^iaL>fVjR*»'ik;s«-*j;3<:i^.-«-jSt»-'«'ifeW*d^ DANIEL COLE No. 21 u < N w S The Descendants of Elisha Cole 43 had a taste for picking up knowledge and a good memory and judgment." (Above from their daughter, Mrs. Louise Denison.) In Daniel's family are the oldest living Coles, viz. : Elizabeth Cole Terry, 98; Ira H. Cole, 91, and a son-in-law, James H. Denison, 91. (Since this was written Mrs. Terry has passed away.) Children: 126 Julia, b. Nov. 6, 1801; m. Nov. 26, 1820, William, b. 1796, in New Jersey, son of Claudius Tuni- son. He d. Lucas Co., Ohio, Apr. 2, 1850. She d. Weston, Mich., Aug. 14^ 1877. 127 Anna, b. July 10, 1803 ; m. Mar. 2, 1820, Thomas, b. New Jersey Aug. 10, 1797, son of John P. and Elizabeth (MiUer) Tunison. He d. Sept. 30, 1886. She d. at Fairfield, Mich., Mar. 26, 1886. He was a shoemaker, then farmer. They lived in Seneca and Schuyler counties in New York State, and in the faU of 1849 removed to Lucas Co., Ohio. In 1868 they moved to Fairfield, Mich. John P. Tunison was born in New Jer sey, 1762, and was in Revolution. 128 Lydia, b. Oct. 8, 1805; m. May 19, 1825, Charles, b. Covert, June 17, 1806, son of Samuel and Anna (Tidd)) Ogden. She d. Covert, Oct. i, 1825, and he m. (2) Fanny Waddell. He d. Covert, 23, 1894. +129 Ezra, b. Mar. 30, 1808. 130 Elizabeth, b. Nov. 10, 1810 ; m. Aug. 28, 1831, John, b. River Head, R. I., 1805, son of Samuel and Irene (McClure) T?rry. He d. Peru, Huron Co., Ohio, July 3, 1859. She d. Oct. i, 1908, at Law rence, Kansas. Great industry characterized her entire life, working constantly until her eyesight became poor. She was the champion spinner in all the country around her girlhood home. She left ten grandchildren and ten great-grandchildren. , +131 Aaron Hazen, b. Feb. 20, 1813. 44 The Descendants of Elisha Cole 132 Minor Thomas, b. Apr. 26, 1815; d. u. m. Hector, N. Y., July 6, 1842. +133 Ira Hazen, b. July 26, 1817. 134 AdeHa, b. Sept. 19, 1819; m. Covert, N. Y., 1839, John Chapman, b. Putnam Co., N. Y., Feb. i, 1808, son of John and Hannah (Chapman) Hall. He d. Covert, Dec. 21, 1882. She d. Interlaken, N. Y., Feb. 25, 1897. 135 Sarah Roxanna, b. Dec. 22, 1822; m. Covert, Sept., 1846, Pierpont, b. Covert, Feb. 21, 1818, son of Lemuel and Julia (Bennett) Bassett. He d. Covert, Dec. 18, 1881. She d. there Oct. 14, 1851. 136 Louise, b. Mar. 22, 1826; m. Sept. 2, 1846, at Covert, to James Henry, b. Covert, June 13, 1817, son of Beckwith and Mary (Hurd) Denison. Removed to Sheboygan Falls, Wis., 1846. He is living there. She d. there Nov. 13, 1902. 22 Joshua (Elisha, Elisha) ; m. Nancy, dau. of Joseph and Eliza beth (Townsend) Hopkins, being the third brother to marry a daughter of Joseph Hopkins. He removed from Carmel and settled at Tecumseh, Mich. He d. . She d. . Some correspondents give him as a son of Elder Nathan, but records of the late Joseph G. Cole, compiled some thirty years ago, place him as above, and Ira ,H. Cole, of Covert, (133) states that his father, Daniel, had a brother by the name of Joshua who went to Michigan. At the time Mr. Cole was collecting his records a number of aged people were living who were acquainted with Elder Nathan's family, and had he a son Joshua, they would have known of it. Children : 137 Adeline, b. ; m. Morris, b. , son of George and Mary (Cole) Frost. He d. . She d. . 138 Alvah, b. . 139 Ansel, b. . The Descendants of Elisha Cole 45 140 Annis, b. . 141 Alzada (Azra), b. 142 Almeda, b. 23 John (EHsha, Elisha); m. Jan. 11, 1806, Betsey Washburn, b. Feb. 5, 1786, dau. probably of Jonathan and Mary (Merritt) Washburn. Mary Merritt was a dau. of Hackaliah and Eu nice (Cole) Merritt. John lived on what is still the Cole farm near Long Pond, town of Carmel, and is buried in the family plot there. He d. Feb. 3, 1822, aged 39 years. His wid. mar ried his brother Eleazer. Children : +143 Hymen, b. Oct. 10, 1806. 144 Son, b. Sept. i, 1809; d. Sept. 2, 1809. 145 Lydia, b. Nov. 5, 1810; m. Elah, b. Sept. 2, 1804, son of Joseph and Rachel (Wood) Ballard. He d. Oct. 10, 1844. She d. Mar. 21, 1876. Had: Susan, Mariette and Eliza Ann, who married Elah Hopkins. 146 Susan, b. Mar. 22, 1813; m. Jan. 29, 1840, Allen, son of Jesse and Mary (Organ) Cole. 147 Son, b. and d. Feb., 1816. 148 Henry, b. May 11, 1817; d. u. m., Nov. 15, 1838, aged 21 years, 6 months, 4 days. +149 Jarvis Washburn, b. Apr. 30, 1819. 25 Nathan (Nathan, Elisha) ; m. Franklin, Dutchess Co., N. Y., Dec. 24, 1803, Esther Northrup. She d. Ovid, N. Y., Aug. 17, 1805, and he m. (2) at Ovid, Oct. 11, 1807, Sarah Scott, b. Ridgefield, Conn., Nov. 16, 1790. He d. Chester, 111., June 8, 1840. She d. there Apr. 22, 1876. In 1820 Nathan went to St. Louis, Mo. In 1821 his wife and six boys followed him, floating on a raft, with twelve other families from Olean Point, N. Y., to Shawneetown, 111., and from there across. Illinois to St. Louis in an ox-cart. For sev eral years he was engaged in the beef and pork packing busi- 46 The Descendants of Elisha Cole ness at East St. Louis. In 1837 he moved to Chester, 111., bought land and started a saw mill, with a corn-stone attach ment. In 1839 he built a flour mill with two run of four-foot stones. He was succeeded by his third son, Hermon C, who operated the mill until 1855, when he built a new and up-to-date one. During a part of the time from 1840 to 1861 H. C. Cole's eldest brother, Abner B., was associated with him. In 1868, H. C. Cole admitted his sons Chas. B. and Zachary T. as part ners. In 1888 the business was incorporated as the H. C. Cole Milling Company. The mill now has a capacity of 700 barrels per day, with a trade that takes the full output. For sixty-seven years the mill has been run continuously by three generations, and is so far as known, the oldest mill in the Mississippi Valley that has been conducted by the same family. The records of the "Council of Appointment of New York State" show: 181 1. Seneca Co., Nathan Cole, Ensign Col. Hugh Graham's Regt. 181 5. Seneca Co., 38th Brigade Infantry, John Sayler, Adjutant, vice N. Cole, promoted. 1816. Seneca Co. Nathan Cole, 2nd Brigade, Major and Inspector. 1821. Seneca Co. 38th Brigade, Anthony Schuyler, -vice Cole, removed. Children (i) marriage: 150 EH, b. Aug. I, 1805; d. Aug. 23, 1805. Children of (2) marriage (born at Ovid, N. Y.) : +151 Abner Bangs, b. May 8, 1809. 152 Burt Scott, b. May 5, 1811; d. u. m., Chester, IH., Aug. 13, 1855. He owned and operated a ferry across the Mississippi from Cole's Mills to a point directly opposite. +153 Hermon Camp, b. May 9, 1813. 154 Oliver C, b. Nov. 3, 1815 ; m. May, 1836, at Han nibal, Mo., to Louise Stowe. He was an engi neer and was killed by the blowing up of a steam boat on the Mississippi River near Alton, 111., June I, 1836. No issue. She married (2) Harry Veech. 155 James Monroe, b. Dec. 26, 1817; d. u. m., in Texas, Aug. 29, 1839. plant OF H. C. COLE MILLING CO. THE ORK-ilNAL OF THIS RliCORD IS IN COLORS AND STILL IN THE POSSESSION OF A DESCENDANT OF BERRY COLK No. 28 The Descendants of Elisha Cole 47 +156 James Madison, b. May 27, 1819. +157 Nathan, b. St. Louis, July 26, 1825. 28 Berry (Joseph, EHsha) ; m. (i) Feb. 16, 1794, Hannah, b. Feb. 21, 1777, dau. of Joseph and Sarah (Carpenter) Lewis. She d. Dec. 25, 1824, aged 47 years, 11 months, 2 days. He m. (2) Dec. 25, 1825, Adah, dau. of and Tamar ( ) Carl. He d. Carmel, May 29, 1835, aged 66 years, 4 months, 5 days. His wife, Adah, was dismissed from Carmel Baptist Church and with her three children removed to Central Illinois. Sarah Carpenter was the dau. of John Carpenter, one of the oldest settlers of Dutchess Co. Berry, like his grandfather, owned and operated a grist mill. The mill was located on his farm in the town of Carmel. The motive power was water from the Long Pond outlet. A short time before his death he moved to near Red Mills, now Maho pac Falls. In his will he leaves "to daughter Harriet Jane, $91 and one feather bed and straw tick which is the remainder of her setting out." Children: 158 Melinda, b. Sept. 24, 1795; m. June 5, 1813, Selah, b. Mar. 24, 1792, son of Tracy and Mercy (Cole) BaUard. He d. Carmel, May 2, 1870, aged 78 years, i month, 8 days. She d. there. Mar. 18, 1873, aged TJ years, 5 months, 24 days. 159 Alveyson, b. Oct. 25, 1797; d. Apr. 9, 181 1. 160 Rebecca, b. May 31, 1799; m. May i, 1816, Stephen, b. South East, Dutchess Co., N. Y., 1796, son of Jedediah and Abigail (Ganong) Wood. They lived near Penn Yan, N. Y. She d. there Sept. 15, 1848. He d. at Painted Post, N. Y., Apr. 28, 1878. Jedediah's father was Nehemiah Wood who came to Dutchess County from Long Island be fore the Revolution. He d. 1857. His wife was also a Ganong. 161 Alzada, b. Feb. 26, 1801 ; m. June 4, 1818, Zeba, b. Feb. 16, 1796, son of Tracy and Mercy (Cole) 48 The Descendants of Elisha Cole Ballard. He d. Mar. 24, 1862, aged 66 years, i month, 8 days. She d. Mar. 11, 1859, ^g^d 58 years, 11 months. 162 Neurissa, b. Oct. 15, 1802; m. Sept. 9, 1819, Ar- dalia, b. Oct. 26, 1801, son of James and Priscilla (Cole) Townsend. They lived at Carmel. He d. Oct. 29, 182 1, and she m. (2) William, b. Apr. II, 1816, son of Darius and Clarissa (Fairchild) Smith. He was a hatter. He d. Apr. 2, 1859. She d. Mar. 10, i860, aged 57 years, 4 months, 25 days. 163 Abiatha, b. Sept. 22, 1804; d. July 12, 1825. +164 Ormond Hayes, b. July 6, 1806. 165 Clarinda, b. Jan. 6, 1809; m. Jan. 31, 1821, Jonet, b. Carmel, June 6, 1808, son of Daniel and Adah (Ganong) Ganong. He was a farmer. Lived at Union Valley, and was one of the largest land owners in Putnam County. He d. Oct. 3, 1888. She d. May 15, 1885, aged 76 years, 4 months, 13 days. This name is mostly spelled Ganong, but also Gannong, Gan- nung, Ganoung, Ganun and Ga Nun. The first emigrant of the name was Jean Guenon, who landed at New Amsterdam in 1657, and settled at Flushing, L. I. John, great-grandson of Jean was, in 1756, one of the signers to a call for a pastor to Westminster Congl. Society in what is now Carmel. He lived at Lake Maho pac. His will, dated Feb. 12, 1786, in which his name is spelled Genung. John, Jacob, Marcus, Isaac and Reuben Ganong were pri vates 7th Regt. Dutchess Co. Militia in the Revolution. 166 Uretta, b. Sept. 14, 1810; m. Feb. 10, 1831, Thomas, b. Cold Spring, N. Y., Apr. 28, 1806, son of Thaddeus and Hannah (Cole) Baxter. He d. Tarrytown, N. Y., Nov. 17, 1884. She d. Aug. 27, 1867, aged 56 years, 11 months, 13 days. 167 Amanda, b. Apr. 30, 1813; d. Nov. 16, 1825. 168 Hannah Jane, b. Nov. 22, 1815 ; m. Nov. 29, 1839, Hosea, b. Sept. 21, 1812, son of James and Sally The Descendants of Elisha Cole 49 (Townsend) Carver. They lived at Red MiUs. He d. there Apr. 25, 1854. She d. there Nov. 27, 1890. 169 Adaline, b. Nov. 22, 1826 ; m. John Thatch er. No issue. 170 States G., b. Apr. 15, 1829; m. EHzabeth, dau. of Archibald Birdsall. No issue. 171 Jordan J., b. Apr. 16, 1833. 32 Joseph (Joseph, Elisha) ; m. Carmel, Feb. 2, 1797, Phebe, b. Jan. 28, 1776, daughter of David and Sarah (Hyatt) Frost. He d. Beaver Dams, Schuyler Co., N. Y., Mar. 9, 1855. She d. there May 26, 1862. David Frost and family lived at Pleasant Valley, Dutchess County, N. Y. He was a private, 7th Regt. Dutchess Co. Militia, in the Revolution. David was a "bound out boy" when young. His parents came from England, the father dying on the voyage or soon after reaching America. The mother m. (2) a Mr. Thorn and lived on Lopg Island. Joseph Cole set tled at Beaver Dams about 1833. He served in the War of 1812, and was granted a warrant of 40 acres of government land for his services, but he never took up this land, probably sold his right to it. Beaver Dams so named because of the fact that there were two dams, one at and one near by. First called Beaver Dams in 1843, formerly West Catlin. First store there in 1832. Dates of births, marriages and deaths taken from Joseph's family record, now in possession of his great-grand son, Mortimer Cole. Children : 172 George Frost, b. Dec. 23, 1797; m. May 5, 1822, Elizabeth Merrick. He d. Dec. 4, 1826, aged 28 years, 1 1 months, 1 1 days, and is buried on Cole's farm near Long Pond, in the town of Carmel. Children : 173 Infant daughter "buried Oct. 5, 1822." 174 Harry, b. 1824. Started to visit his grand mother, Phebe, at Beaver Dams, was taken sick, returned home and died. 50 The Descendants of Elisha Cole +175 Chas. Green, b. Aug. 14, 1800. +176 Ira, b. Mar. 15, 1804. 177 Harlem, b. Feb. 4, 1810; d. u. m., Oct. 20, 1838 +178 Asahel, b. June 5, 1814. 179 Minerva Ruth, b. Aug. 30, 1817; m. Beaver Dams, Oct. 17, 1843, Uriah R., b. Hornby, N. Y., 1825, son of George and Phebe (Rockwell) Patchen. He d. 1894. She d. New York City, Mar. 21, 1904. 33 Samuel (Joseph, Elisha) ; m. Prudence Barrett who was b. Jan. 2, 1779. They moved from Carmel to Western New York and in 1835 to Livingston Co., Michigan, being among the first settlers in that part of the State. His descendents are mostly farmers. He d. Mar. 26, 1851, at Oceola, Mich. She d. Aug. 4, 1847. Children bom Tompkins County, N. Y. : 180. Elizabeth, b. July 10, 1798 ; m. Benjamin Jefferson. She d. in N. Y. State, Aug. 24, 1841. +181 Joseph, b. Nov. 22, 1799. 182 Anna, b. Mar. 9, 1801 ; m. Abram Hendrickson. He d. and she m. (2) at Dearfield,, Mich., William Sherborne. She d. at Byron, Mich. He d. at Detroit, Mich. +183 Enos, b. Aug. 30, 1802. 184 Zillah, b. June 5, 1804; m. George Lawrence. She d. at Mason, Mich. 185 Catharine, b. May 6, 1806; m. Dec. 14, 1828, John Allen, b. in New Jersey, Aug. 4, 1808, son of William and Anna (Allen) Van Camp. He d. at Hartland, Mich., Jan. 12, 1892. She d. at Parshallville, Mich., Sept. 14, 1890. 186 Samuel, b. Aug. 24, 1808; m. Melinda Kellogg. Lived Otsego Co., N. Y. They had a son named Marcus. 187 Marcus, b. Mar. 14, 1810; m. Hannah White; lived Huron Co., Ohio. 188 Minor, b. Mar. 15, 1812; d. May 13, 1812. NATHAN COLE SON OF JOSEPH COLE No. 34 The Descendants of Elisha Cole 51 189 Dr. Ebenezer, b. May 24, 1813; d. Apr. 20, 1864; m. Martha Downer, and had one son : 190 Milo, b. Feb. 2, 1837. Unmarried and living in Texas in 1880. +191 Rev. Nathan, b. Jan. 30, 1815. 192 Louisa M., b. June 8, 1817; m. John, son of Ed mund and Betsey (Edwards) Beach. 193 Ada Jane, b. June 4, 1819 ; m. Riley, son of William Earl. Both died at Oceola, Mich. +194 Isaac Thompson, b. June 21, 1821. 34 Nathan (Joseph, Elisha) ; m. Apr. 26, 1800, Anna Rowland. She was b. Sept. 6, 1782. At the time of his marriage he lived in Kent, Dutchess Co. On Oct. 14, 1809, "Brother Nathan Cole received letter of recommendation from Carmel Baptist church as he was about to move to another part of the vine yard." He soon afterwards settled in Covert, N. Y. He was a farmer. He d. there Feb. 10, 1877. She d. there Jan. 26, 1849. He was a man of exemplary habits and an earnest Christian. Held office of deacon for half a century. His face was always illuminated with a smile and he was loved by all. Children : + 195 Watson, b. May 9, 1801. 196 Cynthia, b. Nov. 28, 1802; m. Nov. 11, 1821, Wal ker Bennett. She d. May 9, 1834. He m. a sec ond time and died at Danby, N. Y. 197 Ursula, b. Oct. 26, 1804; m. Feb. 26, 1826, Benja min Arrowsmith. He was b. in New Jersey, Apr. 17, 1795. She d. Covert, Aug. 13, 1836, and he m. (2) Hannah M. Durrand. He d. Cov ert, May, 1867. 198 Sarah Anna, b. Oct. 10, 1807; m. Feb. 22, 1824, Syl vester, b. Mar. 14, 1800, at Covert, son of Asaph and Deborah (Ferris) King. He d. Covert, June II, 1889. She d. there Nov. 16, 1885. +199 EH, b. Jan. 17, 1809. 52 The Descendants of Elisha Cole +200 Edwin Wildman, b. May i8, 1814. 201 Myron Rowland, b. Jan. 27, 1816; m. Covert, 1840, Eliza, b. July, 1820, dau. of Isaac and Elizabeth (Auble) Emmons. He d. Kidder's Ferry, N. Y., Aug. 6, 1894. She d. there Feb. 26, 1907. No issue. +202 Milo Van Duzen, b. Sept. 26, 1819. 36 Asahel (Joseph, Elisha) ; m. Jan. 13, 1808, at Carmel, EHzabeth, b. Nov. 13, 1790, daughter of Jedediah and Abigail (Ganung) Wood. He d. Oct. 23, 1875. She d. May 20, 1857. He was a farmer by occupation, and lived for many years In the very south-east corner of the town of Kent. He pos sessed a very strong mind, and when once convinced that a course was right, followed it without regard to consequences. He outlived his wife by many years and died at the residence of his son Milan in Carmel Village at the age of 89 years. Chil dren bom at Kent: 203 Hannah, b. Dec. 5, 1808; m. Jan. 2, 1834, Ezra, b. Kent, Dec. 15, 1811, son of Thomas and Char lotte (Kelley) ColweU. He was a farmer; d. Apr. 20, 1882, aged 70 years. She d. May 10, 1882, aged 73 years. 204 Azmon Wood, b. Nov. 17, 1817; d. u. m. Oct. 20, 1857- 205 Milan Jedediah, b. Dec. 16, 1819; m. Nov. 15, 1870, Susan, b. May 8, 1837, daughter of Ebenezer and Huldah (Foster) Kelley, and wid. of Jerome B. Hazen. He d. Aug. 10, 1899, aged 79 years, 7 months, 25 days. She d. Nov. 30, 1905, aged 68 years, 6 months, 23 days. No issue. Asahel's is the first Cole line to become extinct. Ebenezer Kelly, 1797- 1877. Huldah (Foster) Kelley, 1800-185 1. Jerome B. Hazen, d. Sept., 1866. The Descendants of Elisha Cole 53 38 Levi Hall Cole (Joseph, EHsha) ; m. Dec 3, 1814, by Elder Ebenezer Cole to Hannah, b. Jan. 16, 1798, dau. of Daniel and Susan (Ogden) Cole. She was his own cousin. In his early married life he lived in what was called "Cole's Street," the highway leading from Cole's Mill to Mahopac, but later pur chased a farm in the south-west part of the town of Carmel on which he lived until his death. For many years he was a deacon of the Baptist church at Red Mills. He was a good neighbor, a true friend, a respected citizen and a zealous Christian. He d. Oct. 17, i860, aged 69 years. She d. Dec. 16, 1876, aged 78 years 11 months. Children: 206 Mary Jane, b. July 31, 18 15; m. at Red MiUs, Nov. 14, 1837, Dr. Isaac, b. July 16, 1808, at Red Mills, son of Marcus and Mary (Barrett) Barrett. They lived at Red MiUs and two of their children mar ried Coles. He d. Feb. 29, 1880, aged 71 years, 7 months, 13 days. She d. Aug. 20, 1895, aged 79 years, 11 months, 10 days. He studied the Thomsonian practice of medi cine. He never claimed to be a physician, yet was very skillful in compounding extracts and syrups from native herbs that were efficacious in purifying and giving tone to the system. He was a disciple of the healing art, but never ac cepted any pay for his services. +207 Ramah, b. Oct. i, 1818. +208 John Berry, b. Apr. 10, 1821. 209 Caroline, m. Sidney Brooks, b. June 22, 1830, in Courtlandtown, Dutchess County, son of Elias Querereau and EHza (GriflSn) Tompkins. He d. Nyack, N. Y., about 1900. She d. Brooklyn, N. Y., 1861-62. 210 Amanda, b. Oct. 4, 1826; m. Jan. 14, 1854, Theron, son of Eleazer and Betsey (Cole) Cole. +211 Alonzo Ojida, b. Oct. 8, 1827. 212 Cynthia, b. Nov. 6, 1829; m. Nov. 14, 1855, Amos Lane, b. June 10, 1827, son of Silas and Elizabeth 54 The Descendants of Elisha Cole (Tompkins) Austin. They lived at Red Mills. He d. Apr. 21, 1897. She d. Aug. 12, 1906. 213 Adaline Minerva, b. Feb. 6, 1832; m. Feb. 18, 1857, Ira Travis, b. at Red Mills, Feb. 4, 1833, son of Elijah and Betsey Ann (Travis) Horton. He is still living. She d. Oct. 29, 1877. +214 Joseph Watson, b. May 20, 1834. 215 Antoinette, b. Feb. 18, 1837; m. Jasper, son of Laban and Ann (Sheldon) Cole. 216 Daniel Webster, b. 1840; d. u. m. at New Orleans, La., July 20, 1863. "Died a soldier while in the service of his Country." 39 Ramah (Joseph, EHsha) ; m. Esther MiUs. He m. (2) Cynthia Martin; m. (3) Lucy Winans. He d. near Byron, Mich., May 31, 1865, aged 70 years, 3 months, 4 days. She d. about 1852. Ramah settled at Ovid, N. Y. He removed from there about 1824 and took up east half of section 24 in Troy, Oakland Co., Mich. He afterwards went to Shiawassee Co. His wife Esther, who died at Troy in 1826, was the first grown person to be buried in the Crook's Cemetery. During the winter of 1825-26, he taught in a log schoolhouse. He was a tender hearted man, and although his discipline was lax, his pupils loved him dearly. The benches in the school house were made from basswood logs split through the center, flat side up and raised from floor by legs inserted in under side, no cushions and no backs. The school was warmed by wood in a Dutch fireplace where half a dozen boys and girls would be standing in turn trying to warm themselves. Later he kept a hotel and helped many a new settler with gratuitous meals and lodging. Cynthia Martin died six months after the birth of her son, William M. Cole. Lucy Winans died three weeks after Mary Jane Cole. Children by ( i ) marriage : 217 Freeborn (the mother and child died soon after its birth) ; The Descendants of Elisha Cole 55 (2) marriage: 218 Mary Jane, b. at Troy, Mich.; d. u. m., aged 22 years. +219 Adoniram Judson, b. Apr. 18, 1831. +220 William Martin, b. . By (3) marriage, no issue. 40 John (Daniel, Elisha) ; m. Mary (Polly), b. Apr. i, 1780, dau. of Philip Smith. He d. Jan. 14, 1867, aged 91 years, 4 months, 15 days. She d. July 16, 1862, aged 82 years, 3 months, 16 days. In Carmel church records he is mentioned as "for many years a zealous consistent christian," and same records under date of July 16, 1862, mention death of PoUy and "that her eyes had long been shut upon things of earth." Also, "died July 29, 1862, Eliza, daughter of John and PoUy — ^thus mother and daughter separated for a few days, have commenced a com panionship never to be broken." Children b. at Carmel: +221 Levi, b. . 222 Lovisa, b. 1798; m. for his (i) wife, Zachariah Smalley. She d. May 9, 1840 in her 43d year. No issue. 223 Ivah, m. Lauren Newton. Had Louisa, who m. ( i ) Henry Woodin; m. (2) Frederick Abbott. +224 Horace, b. July 8, 1806. +225 Hiram, b. June 25, 181 1. 226 Viola, b. Dec. 27, 1813 ; m. there Nov., 1883, Mar cus, b. , son of Samuel and (Wil liamson) Barrett. He d. Tyrone, N. Y., Aug. 27, 1880. She d. there Dec. 19, 1894. 227 Eliza, b. Oct. 2, 1816; d. unm., July 29, 1862, aged 45 years, 10 months, 27 days. 45 Jesse (Daniel, Elisha) ; m. Apr. 19, 1807, Mary, b. Nov. 15, 1788, dau. of Cornelius and Rachel (Barrett) Organ. They lived at 56 The Descendants of Elisha Cole Kent and he was an invalid for many years. He d. Feb. 26, 1861, aged 76 years, 5 months, 10 days. She d. Sept. 23, 1857, aged 69 years, 8 days. Cornelius Organ enlisted at the age of 16 years in the 2nd Regt. Westchester Co. Militia and served 7 years during the Revolution. He was born in Virginia and d. at Carmel, Oct. 5, 1818, aged 57 years. His wife, Rachel, d. Sept. 18, 1836, aged 73 years, 3 months. Children, born in Kent : +228 Allen, b. Jan. 27, 1808. 229 Jesse, b. Nov. 29, 1809; d. May 29, 1812, aged 2 years, 7 months. 230 Rachel, b. Jan. 31, 1813; m. May 13, 1832, to her cousin, Eleazer H. Cole. +231 Reuben, b. Jan. 6, 1816. 232 Norman, b. March 21, 182 1 ; m. Phebe J., dau. of Morris and (Brown) RusseU. He d. Peekskill, April 19, 1898, aged ']'] years, 23 days. She d. South East, April, 1904. They had : Elon G., who d. y. 46 Daniel H. (Daniel, Elisha) ; m. Sarah, b. Nov. 9, 1791, dau. of Josephus and Ruth (Owen) Tillott. They lived at Coles Mills. He d. Nov. 2, 1856, aged 70 years, 2 months, 9 days. She d. May 21, i860, aged 68 years, 6 months, 12 days. Chil dren born Kent: +233 Ogden, b. March 14, 1810. +234 Tillott, b. Dec. 29, 181 1. 235 Julia, b. Feb. 28, 1817; m. Harmon, son of Eleazer and Sarah (Hitchcock) Cole. No issue. 236 Emily, b. March 6, 1818; m. Chauncey, son of Lewis and Adah (Cole) Nichols. He was a brother of ZiUah Nichols, the wife of Tillott Cole. She d. Carmel, Dec. 20, 1864, ag'ed 46 years, 9 months, 14 days. He left Carmel and was never heard from. They had a son Edward, who died unmarried. -^ '-k '"'V * ^•^S%'.^ • tf'***'*'^-' pre-revolutionary church Hillside Cemetery, Peekskill, N. Y. The Descendants of Elisha Cole 57 49 Elisha J. (Daniel, EHsha); m. (i) Rachel, b. 1793, dau. of Josephus and Ruth (Owen) Tillott. She d. Jan. i, 1815, in her 22nd year, and he m. (2) 1815, Lydia, b. 1799, dau. of Frost. He d. Kent, June 4, 1879, in 87th year. She d. there Oct. 14, 1873, in 74th year. Children — ist marriage: +237 Thomas Owen, b. Dec. 22, 1814. +238 George Harrison. 239 Zillah, d. Nov. 10, 1821, aged 2 years. +240 Charles Norton, b. Jan. i, 1820. 241 Antoinette, d. July 23, 1837, aged 12 years, 9 months, 7 days. 56 Nathaniel (Ebenezer, EHsha) ; m. Ann pHzabeth, b. 1785, in New York City, dau. of Anthony and Katharine (Brown) Woolheizer. She was the only one of her family born in America. Other children of her family were Jacob, Frederick, John, and Katharine, who m. Wm. Steele. Nathaniel was a farmer and lived in what is now Putnam Valley, which was taken from the town of Carmel in 1861. He was Supervisor, 1839-43-45; Sheriff, 1832. It is claimed that he served in the War of 1812. She d. April 28, 1863. He d. May 4, 1868. Both buried in Hillside Cemetery, Peekskill, N. Y. Children, born Putnam Valley: +242 Nathaniel, b. 1807. +243 Ebenezer, b. 1809. 244 Mary Margaret, b. April 3, 1812; m. Oct. 25, 1834, Alanson, b. Oct. 29, 1802, son of John and Charlotte (Dingee) Adams. He d. Nov. 7, 1839, in North Fenton, N. Y., and she m. (2) April 21, 1841, at Greene, N. Y., Ephriam, b. Nov. 23, 1817, at Walton, N. Y., son of Thaddeus and Hannah (Seymour) Hoyt. He d. at Port Jervis, N. Y., April 15, 1868. She d. there April 14, 1868. +245 Henry, b. , 1813. 58 The Descendants of Elisha Cole +246 Anthony William, b. March 16, 1818. 247 Katharine Ann, b. April 16, 1820; m. Washington Wiloby Mead, who was b. Putnam County, Oct. 14, 1818. He d. Sun Prairie, Wis., Sept. 29, 1877, aged 59 years. She d. there Oct. 25, 1873. 248 James Ogden, b. March 30, 1823. He d. unmarried at Carmel, May 15, 1888, aged 65 years, i month, 15 days. Supervisor, 1877. Sheriff of Putnam County, 1873-79, ^"d at the time of his death. 249 Maria Elizabeth, b. Feb. 22, 1826 ; d. Aug. 22, 1829. 57 William (Ebenezer, Elisha) ; m. , SaUy, b. July 20, 1786, dau. of John and Susanna Odell. He was a farmer and miller and lived near Craft's Corners. He was a soldier in War 1812. He d. . She m. (2) Absalom Likely. Children: +250 John Benjamin, b. May 28, 1811. 251 Mary, b. ; m. Nathaniel Tompkins. 252 Vashti Susan, b. March 16, 1817; m. March i, 1835, to George Washington, b. Sept. 9, 1813, son of George Washington and Deborah (Jacobs) De- pew. She d. Oct. 21, 1849, aged 32 years, 7 months and 5 days. He m. (2) Elmira Cole. He d. at Baltimore in 1872. She d. there . 253 Elmira, b. ; m. her brother-in-law, Geo. W. Depew. 58 Ebenezer (Ebenezer, Elisha) ; m. , Elizabeth, b. July 18, 1792, dau. of Jeremiah and Lurana (Ferris) Chapman. He was a farmer and d. at Putnam Valley, June 2, 1855, aged 69 years. She d. there May 26, 1876, aged 84 years. Children: 254 Child, d. y. +255 James, b. Dec. 22, 1807. +256 Charles. The Descendants of Elisha Cole 59 +257 WiUiam, b. Dec. 5, 1814. 258 Lucretia, b. June 3, 1819; m. Jan. 28, 1837, Charles, b. Nov. 7, 1814, son of Silas and Azubah (Cole) Selleck. He d. March 23, 1903. She d. June 28, 1894. 258^^ Mary, b. May 5, 1823; m. Feb. 4, 1849, Abijah, b. Sept. 5, 1820, son of WUliam N. and (Morris) Piatt. Lived at PeekskiU. He d. AprU 20, 1900. She d. AprU 25, 1894. Their chil dren were: WiUiam C, b. June 20, 1857, and Ebenezer, b. April 2, 1859. 259 Jeremiah, b. Jan. 26, 1826; d. unm. Jan. 21, 1871. 260 Lurana, b. June i, 1828; m. WiUiam, b. Dec. 27, 1828, son of John Richards. He d. April 16, 1904. She d. April 24, 1891. 59 Joseph (Ebenezer, Elisha) ; m. EHzabeth Redfield. They lived at Caramel. He d. Jan. 28, 1843, ^g^d 53 years, 11 months, 3 days. She d. May 5, 1871, aged 75 years. He was Sheriff of Putnam County in 1829. (Jos. G. Cole's record gives wife's name as above, while another record calls her Betsy Odell.) Child: 261 Mary, d. Feb. 7, 1848, aged 16 years, 9 months, 12 days. 64 James (Ebenezer, Elisha) ; m. at Kent, Sept. 15, 1825, Adah, b. there Feb. 3, 1805, dau. of Thomas and Charlotte (Kelley) Colwell. He d. May 22, 1872, aged 69 years, 3 months, 18 days. She d. Oct. 26, 1878, aged 73 years, 8 months, 23 days. James was born, lived and died in the town of Kent. He was a farmer, stone mason, and Justice of the Peace for six teen years. In his father's will he is mentioned as the young est son. Children: +262 Thomas, b. March 21, 1822. +263 Edwin, b. Sept. 18, 1824. 60 The Descendants of Elisha Cole +264 William, b. July 4, 1825. +265 Alvah, b. AprU 26, 1827. 266 Catharine, b. , 1829. 267 Susan, twin of the above. Catharine d. Dec. 2, 1842, aged 13 years, 10 months, 20 days; Susan d. y. 268 Mary, b. Oct. 21, 1832; m. Nov. 23, 1875, at Mar- tindale, Columbia County, N. Y., Howard Tomp kins. She was his second wife and they lived at Kent. He d. Mar. 3, 1899. She living. No issue. +269 Ebenezer, b. Jan. 14, 1834. +270 Charles, b. Aug. 14, 1836. 271 Charlotte, b. Dec. 21, 1838; m. May 12, 1881, Edward, b. April 12, 1849, son of John and Mary (Heacock) Metcalf. He living at Dan bury, Conn. She d. Jan. 27, 1899. No issue. 272 Amanda, d. Jan. 27, 1843, aged i year, 8 months, 29 days. +273 James Wood, b. . 65 Lewis (John, Elisha) ; m. Feb. 4, 1805, Hannah Rogers. She d. , and he m. (2) Aug. i, 1819, Fanny, dau. of Moses and Mary (Caldwell) Hazen. Lived at Hector, Tompkins County, N. Y. He d. April 15, 1854. Children, born at Hec tor, N. Y. : +274 Amos Rogers, b. June 23, 1806. 275 Cyrus, b. Sept. 5, 1809. +276 Darius, twin of above. Cyrus, m. Potter and moved to Wiscon sin about 1842. Had a son. +277 Elvin CHnton, b. Dec. 4, 1812. +278 Elmer C, twin of above. 279 Adaline, b. May i, 1820; d. unm. Feb. 10, 1854. 280 Moses Hazen, b. Dec. 8, 1824, d. unm. Jan. i, 1863. 281 Dewitt Clinton, b. Jan. 14, 1828; d. Jan. 14, 1868. The Descendants of Elisha Cole 61 70 Harvey (John, EHsha) ; m. Aug. i, 1819, Anna, b. Feb. 17, 1801, dau. of Moses and Mary (Caldwell) Hazen. He d. June 20, 1892. ChUdren: 282 Mary Washburn, b. Dec. 31, 1820. 283 Eliza, b. Oct. 12, 1823. 284 Fanny Hazen, b. April 15, 1826. 285 Marvin, b. June 15, 1828. 286 Adelia Tidd, b. Dec 31, 1830. 287 Washburn Ogden, b. Feb. i, 1834. 288 Ann Elizabeth, b. July 18, 1836. 72 Ogden (John, Elisha) ; m. June 15, 1839, Clarinda Smith. ChU dren: 289 John Elkanah, b. Sept. 7, 1840. 290 Romaine Harvey, b. Aug. 2, 1848. 74 Heman (Reuben, Elisha, EHsha) ; m. November, 1806, Chloe, b. Feb. 12, 1785, dau. of Joseph and Elizabeth (Townsend) Hopkins. Lived at South East, Dutchess County, N. Y. Farmer. He d. Jan. 19, 1832, aged 46 years, 4 months, 12 days. She d. Jan. 30, 1865, aged 79 years, 11 months, 18 days. ChUdren : 291 Ira, b. Dec. 18, 1807; d. unm. Nov. 18, 1859, aged 52 years, i month, 22 days. 292 AdUla, d. y. 293 ZUlah, b. AprU 7, 1815; m. Sept. 23, 1834, in South East, Jeremiah, b. Woodbridge, Conn., Jan. 20, 1795, son of Charles and Anna (Baldwin) Hine. He graduated at Yale in 1815. Was Surrogate of Putnam County, 1822-23. Elected District Attorney in 1829 and served until his death, Aug. 24, 1838, aged 43 years, 6 months, 28 days. She m. (2) May 31, 1842, WiUiam Edgar, b. 62 The Descendants of Elisha Cole Apr. 30, 1824, son of Nathan Alva and Clara (Crosby) Howes. He d. Oct. 12, 1849, aged 25 years, 5 months, 12 days. She d. April 16, 1876. 294 Edwin, b. Feb. 21, 1822. +295 Edmund, twin of the above. Edwin disappeared. +296 Heman Hopkins, b. , 1823. 75 Charles (Reuben, Elisha, Elisha). Hem. . Went West. Alive in 1840. Children: 297 Le Grand, b. . 298 EHza, b. . 78 Ebenezer (Reuben, Elisha, Elisha) ; m. Betsey Ellis. Lived at Carmel. He d. Feb. 6, 1870, aged 76 years, 5 months, 16 days. She d. June 30, 1873, aged 76 years, 10 days. Chil dren: 299 Ellen, b. Jan. i, 1819; d. unm. April 16, 1867, aged 45 years, 3 months, 15 days. 300 Mary Ann, b. Sept. 22, 1819; m. at Carmel Aug. 20, 1840, Benjamin, b. Sep. i, 1806, son of Major and Martha (Watts) Fowler. He d. Sep. 8, 1858, aged 52 years, 2 months, 7 days, and she m. (2) for his third wife, on Nov. 5, 1867, at Brewster, N. Y., George Doughty, b. May, 1814, at Beekman, N. Y. He d. at CarmeL March 16, 1889, and she d. at Brewster Jan. 17, 1890. +301 John, b. , 1822. 302 Nelson, b. Aug. 15, 1826; d. unm. Nov. 14, 1890. 83 Eli (David, Elisha, Elisha) ; m. at Cazenovia, N. Y., May 29, 1825, Malina, b. there March 2, 1803, dau. of Abner Sweet- The Descendants of Elisha Cole 63 land. Farmer. He d. Geneva, O., Aug. 14, 1881. She d. Saybrook, O., Dec. 4, 1873. Children born at Cuba, N. Y. : 303 Amarilla, b. and d. Jan. 7, 1826. +304 Abner Sweetland, b. Dec. 22, 1826. +305 David Orlando, b. Oct. 13, 1828. 306 Clarissa MaHssa, b. July 18, 1830; m. Oct. 14, 1851, Caleb M. Rude. She d. at Cuba, N. Y., July, 1833. 307 Mary Elizabeth, b. July 27, 1832; m. Aug. 17, 1854, Daniel L. Hart. She d. at Geneva, O., June 16, 1884. 308 Hannah Maria, b. Sept. 12, 1834; d. unm. at Cuba March 10, 1863. 309 Caroline DeForest, b. May 27, 1837; m. Sept. 6, 1866, Effingham Bower. +310 Lyman Mason, b. Aug. 7, 1840. 311 Harriet Albing, b. Oct. 3, 1842; d. at Cuba, N. Y., Sept. 24, 1848. 312 Susan Adelia, b. and d. May, 1846. 85 Abner Bangs (David, Elisha, Elisha) ; m. July 10, 1827, Lucy, b. July 21, 1809, dau. of Chester and Abigail (Hackett) Scott. She d. in Wisconsin, 1847. He d. at Friendship, N. Y., June, 1876. Soon after his wife's death, he, with his two sons, returned to Friendship, his former home. In 185 1 he m. a Mrs. McCall, who d. the following year. No issue by second marriage. Children (b. Friendship, N. Y.) : 313 Clemina, b. Aug. 6, 1829; d. 1847 in Winconsin. +314 WiUiam Wallace, b. May 24, 1831. +315 Chester Scott, b. July i, 1836. 87 Nathan (David, Elisha, Elisha) ; m. in N. Y. State Dec. 5, 1831, Louisa, dau. of James and Lavina (Hodge) Henderson. She d. at Lyons, Mich, 1851. He m. (2), 1854, Susan C. 64 The Descendants of Elisha Cole Bailey. Farmer. He d. at Lyons, Mich., 1878. Children (b. at Charlotte, Chautauqua County, N. Y.) : +316 Horace, b. March 19, 1833. +317 James, b. July 22, 1835. +318 Leander, b. May 24, 1837. +319 Dwight H., b. Oct. 9, 1842. 320 Florence, b. 1855 ; d. i860. 88 David (David, Elisha, Elisha) ; m. at New BerHn, N. Y., Sept. 7, 1837, AHnira, b. at Mamlius, N. Y., Jan. 10, 181 1, dau. of Perese and Mary (Nickerson) Bradford. Farmer; lived at South Edmeston, N. Y. He d. Aug. 12, 1888. She d. March 24, 1887. ChUdren: 321 Juliette, b. Dec. 12, 1841 ; m. Oct. 15, 1863, Henry L., b. West Laurens, N. Y., Feb. 6, 1838, son of Benj. J. and Ruth (Smith) Haight. She d. July 25, 1906. He living. 322 Lewis, b. Oct. 29, 1843; d. 1847. 323 Augusta, b. Feb. 22, 1845; m. Feb. 20, 1868, Her bert Walker, b. at New Berlin Aug. 11, 1841, son of Albert W. and Roxie B. (Babcock) HUls. Both living at New Berlin, N. Y. 324 Eugene, b. April 17, 1846; d. 1848. 325 AHce E., b. June 5, 1849; d. 1853. 326 Charlotte Eva, b. Nov. i, 1852; m. April 8, 1878, William, b. New York City Feb. 22, 1830, son of Joseph and Nancy (Sigerson) Ward. He d. in Michigan April 14, 1907. She living in Oregon. 327 Adelia, b. Feb. 8, 1855 ; m. August, 1883, John, b. Feb. 12, 1852, son of John and Elspeth (Oliver) Rutherford. 89 Elisha (David, Elisha, Elisha) ; m. Nov. 27, 1836, Delia, dau. of Rev. Henry Chapman. He d. Jan. 9, 1844. Children: The Descendants of Elisha Cole 65 +328 Charles Henry, b. Dec. 2, 1837. 329 Merrick L., b. June 3, 1843. 90 John (David, EHsha, EHsha) ; m. Jan. 25, 1833, EHza E., dau. of Chester and Abigail (Hackett) Scott. She d. 1846, and he m. (2), 1847, Mary, dau. of Lyman and Fanny (Mason) Scott. Abigail's father, Josiah Hackett, was a Captain in the Revolution. Chester's father, Nathaniel Scott, was also a Cap tain in the Revolution. ChUdren: 330 Henrietta, b. ; m. 185 1, George Scott. 331 Warren, b. ; m. , May Marsh. 332 John Tyler, b. ; m. 1882, Franc Stratton. 333 Lester, b. 1844 ; d. 1853. 334 ArabeUa, b. 1850; d. 1853. 335 NelHe BeUe, b. 1856; d. 1877. 91 Chester S. (David, Elisha, Elisha) ; m. May 6, 1835, at Sinclair- ville, N. Y., Virtue Elvira, b. there Feb. 3, 1815, dau. of Maj. Samuel Sinclair and his second wife, Mrs. Fanny Edson. He was a hatter and lived at Hillsdale, Mich. He d. there Feb. 2, 1885. She living in 1896. Chester lived at Edmeston, N. Y., at the time of his mar riage and lived at Mayville, N. Y., before going to Michigan. (Maj. Samuel Sinclair served in the ist N. H. Regt., Col. John Stark, in the Revolution. He enlisted in Capt. Amos Mor- rell's company on June 20, 1777, for 3 years. At the time of his enlistment he was in his i6th year. Was at Fort Ticon deroga, Bemis Heights and Valley Forge, at which place his brother, Bradley Sinclair, died from exposure. He was dis charged at West Point April 6, 1780.) Children: 336 Chester Sinclair, b. March 8, 1836; d. Jan. 28, 1839. 337 Frances Eliza, b. Oct. 26, 1839; m. July 5, i860, Nathaniel L. Randall. Lived at Hillsdale, Mich. Their children were Frankie, Emma and Na than. 66 The Descendants of Elisha Cole +338 Henry Clay, b. Aug. 4, 1841. 339 Walter Sinclair, b. June 21, 1851; m. Sept. 30, 1874, Julia Randall. Live at Hinsdale, Mich. No issue. 94 Alonzo (David, Elisha, EHsha) ; m. Louisa Lewis. They had 340 One child. 95 Hiram (Eleazer, Elisha, EHsha) ; m. Rachel Organ. She is said to have been a dau. of Cornelius and Rachel (Barrett) Organ and an aunt to wife of Hiram's brother, Eleazer H. Cole. Children : 341 Green, b. ; m. Haight. 342 Barnum, b. . 343 Hiram, b. . 344 Laura J., b. . 98 Eleazer H. (Eleazer, EHsha, EHsha) ; m. May 13, 1832, Rachel, b. Carmel Jan. 31, 1813, dau. of Jessie and Mary (Organ) Cole. He d. April 13, 1834, aged 29 years, 10 months. She d. May I, 1883, aged 70 years, 3 months, i day. Child : 345 Louisa Jane, b. March 7, 1833 ; living unm. at Peek- skill. 100 Harrison (Eleazer, Elisha, Elisha) ; m. Oct. 26, 1828, Anna EHza Philips, b. Nov. 22, 1808. Lived in Ohio. Children : +346 Edward Eleazer, b. Nov. 19, 1829. 347 Mary Ann, b. ; m. Dec. 30, 1851, Thos. H. Brown. 348 Almeda, b. ; d. y. 349 Walter Todd. Member Company G., 49th Ohio. KiUed in battle, Chicamaugua, Sept. 20, 1863. The Descendants of Elisha Cole 67 350 Althea, b. ; m. 1861, James Boyd. Had NeUie. 351 Ann Amanda, b. ; m. Feb. 22, 1866, Henry A. Saliers. 352 Harriet Eliza, b. ; m. Feb. 22, 1874, Ira Geo. Labounty. 104 Theron (Eleazer, Elisha, EHsha) ; m. Jan. 14, 1854, Amanda, b. Oct. 4, 1826, dau. of Levi H. and Hannah (Cole) Cole. She d. Oct. 6, i860. He m. (2) Jan. 13, 1862, Amanda Longwell, wid. of Andrew Houch. She d. Sept. 9, 1877. He m. (3) at Peekskill, N. Y., Oct. 16, 1884, Antha Jane, b. Mahopac FaUs, Aug. 21, 1840, dau. of Isaac and Mary Ann (Cole) Barrett. She was a niece of his first wife. He d. CampbeU, N. Y., Dec. 16, 1906. She stiU Hving. Child: 353 Spencer Houghton, b. Brooklyn, N. Y., Oct. 20, 1855; m. Jan. i, 188^1., Minnie, b. Nov. 30, 1863, dau. of Elah B. and Eliza Ann (BaUard) Hop kins. He living at Savona, N. Y. Their chil dren were: Leon Edwin, b. Jan. 6, 1885. Theron Hopkins, b. Feb. 28, 1888. 110 Alfred (Obed, EHsha, EHsha) ; m. at Carmel, June 19, 1836, CaHsta Jane, b. May i, 1819, dau. of Jeremiah and Fanny (BaUard) Wilson. Farmer and lived and d. at Black River Falls, Wis. He d. March 24, 1874. She d. May 11, 1903. (Fanny Ballard was a dau. of Tracy and Mercy (Cole) Ballard. She m. (i) Jesse WUson, a brother of her second husband, Jeremiah Wilson.) ChUdren (b. at Carmel) : +354 Henry B., b. July 6, 1838. 355 Hortense, b. Aug. 10, 1840; d. May 10, 1845. 356 Jerome, b. Oct. 15, 1842; unmarried. 357 Francis Wayland, b. Aug' 8, 1846. 68 The Descendants of Elisha Cole 114 Laban (Elisha, Elisha, Elisha) ; m. Oct. 29, 1827, Esther, dau. of William Fowler. She d. Sept. 10, 1833, aged 33 years, 5 months, 16 days, and he m. (2) Aug. 30, 1835, Ann, b. Dover, Dutchess County, April 12, 1800, dau. of Ebenezer and Han nah ( ) Sheldon. Lived at Red MUls. He d. May 2, 1848, aged 49 years, 7 months, 5 days. She d. Aug. 20, 1887, aged 86 years, 8 months. Child : 358 Jasper, b. 1828; m. Antoinette, dau. of Levi and Hannah (Cole) Cole. Lived in New York City. She d. Dec. 22, 1878, aged 41 years, 10 months, 4 days. No issue. A few years before his wife's death he left his home one evening and was never seen or heard from afterwards. He had quite a sum of money with him and it was thought he was robbed and murdered. 117 Jacob (EHsha, Elisha, Elisha) ; m. June 5, 1834, Jane, b. Aug. 4, 1805, dau. of John and Rachel (Sunderlin) KeUey. She d. Dec. 7, 1849, aged 44 years, 4 months, 7 days, and he m. (2) March 14, 185 1, Mrs. Julia Augusta, b. in FrankHn County, dau. of Gates Hoyt and wid. of Dr. George W. Paddock. He lived at South East, having gone there from Carmel AprU, 1833. Farmer. He d. Sept. 23, 1883, aged 78 years, 3 months, 23 days. She d. at Salt Lake City, 1890. (John Kelley was a son of John Kelley who came from Cape Cod. Rachel (Sunderiin) KeUey m. (2) Epenitus Yeo mans and d. March 4, 1850, aged 72 years.) Children: 359 Antoinette KeUey, b. May 16, 1836; m. Feb. 17, 1858, Theodore F., b. South East, Jan. 10, 1832, youngest son of Jesse and Eleanor (Foster) Kel ley. He d. May 7, 1897. She Hving at Carmel. (Three of the children of Jesse and Eleanor Kelley married Coles. Susan m. Jonathan ; Isaac m. Antoinette (dau. of EHsha Cole 3d), and The Descendants of Elisha Cole 69 Theodore m. as above. Antoinette, by her mar riage to Theodore, became the aunt of her own cousins.) 360 Harriet Newell, b. June 4, 1838. Still living at Carmel. She furnished many records and a great deal of information concerning the Cole family, and greatly aided in the compilation of this work. 361 Minerva, b. Feb. 6, 1841 ; m. April 7, 1870, Irvin, b. Lagrange, N. Y., Aug. 12, 1843, son of Anson Lawrence and Hannah Simmons (McOmber) Thomas. He living at Cuba, N. Y. She d. Franklinville, N. Y., June 18, 1891. +362 EHsha Kelley, b. Lodi, O., May 26, 1843. 363 Emma Jane, b. Aug. 7, 1845; m. Nov. i, 1878, George, b. June 29, 1847, at Bolton, Canada, son of Henry and Maria (Bolton) Nunn. He living at Hamilton, Canada. She d. Aug. 19, 1887. 365 Susan, b. Sept. 18, 1847. Living at Carmel, unm. 118 David (EHsha, Elisha, Elisha) ; m. May 14, 1836, Emily Pres ton, b. Sept. 25, 1812, dau. of WiUiam Sheldon. She d. at Greenfield, O., May 19, 1839, aged 26 years, and is buried there. He m. (2) Aug. 31, 1840, Amanda, b. Carmel June 2, 1810, dau. of Andrew and "Anor" (Kniffen) Ferris. He d. July 9, 1844, at Steuben, O., aged 36 years. She d. at Cleve land, O., Dec 28, 1898. David was a pioneer farmer in Greenfield, now Steuben, Huron County, Ohio, locating there about 1835. Andrew Ferris, b. June 15, 1769; d. June 15, 1837. "Anor" Ferris, d. at Carmel Feb. 8, 1837. Children (first marriage, b. at Greenfield) : +366 Norman Sheldon, b. Sept. 3, 1837. 367 EmUy, b. . Children (second marriage) : 70 The Descendants of Elisha Cole 368 Emily, b. May, 1842 ; d. Nov. 14, 1843, aged i year, 6 months. +369 David Elliott, b. AprU 16, 1844. 120 Jonathan (Elisha, EHsha, Elisha) ; m. June 19, 1836, Susan, b. South East Nov. 17, 1820, dau. of Jesse and Eleanor (Fos ter) Kelley. He was an undertaker and farmer and was ordained a min ister by the Carmel Baptist Church April 10, 1844. He d. May 2, 1884, aged 73 years. She d. Jan. 3, 1899, aged 78 years, i month, 17 days. Children (b. at Carmel) : 370 Eli Kelley, b. Jan. 14, 1837; d. unm. at Donaldson- viUe, La., Oct. 5, 1865, aged 23 years, 3 months, 21 days. He was a surgeon, 8th N. Y. Cavalry. Buried at Carmel. 371 Mary Elizabeth, b. June 23, 1838; m. Feb. 17, 1858, James Alonzo, b. 1831, son of Henry and JuHa (Dean) Knapp. He d. March 22, 1865, aged 33 years, 7 months, 6 days. She d. Nov. 19, 1858, aged 20 years, 4 months, 6 days. No issue. +372 Onken Willard, b. Aug. 27, 1846. 124 "Rufus (Elisha, Elisha, Elisha) ; m. in Siskayon County, Cal., May 19, 1869, Ellen, b. West Jefferson, Me., Dec. 4, 1842, dau. of John and Nancy (Boynton) Clary. He settled on a ranch in the northwestern part of California. The S. P. R. R. was built through his land and a station built and named "Coles." His wife went West as a teacher. He d. Nov. 24, 1889. She stiU living. Children (b. at Coles, Cal.) : 373 Irma EsteUe, b. Oct. 11, 1871 ; d. unm. AprU 10, 1889. 374 Rufus Jay, b. Jan. 5, 1873. Unmarried and lives at Hilts, Cal. He is a farmer and stock raiser. The Descendants of Elisha Cole 71 125 Byron (Elisha, EUsha, EHsha) ; m. at Norwalk, Conn., May 3, i860, Chloe Ann, b. at Carmel Sept. 9, 1838, dau. of Edmond and Hannah (Henion) Knox. Lived in Oregon. He d. Jan. 18,1894. She living at Martinez, Cal. In 1850 he went to Califomia by the way of Panama and settled in Oregon. A mineral spring was found on his farm. He started a sanitarium and caUed it "Colestin." Children (b. at Colestin) : 375 EUa Ann. b. May 4, 1861 ; m. at Sisson, Cal., Oct. 2, 1881, Charles Frank, b. HawkinsviUe, Cal., May 16, 1857, son of WiUiam and Mary (Par ker) SuUaway. Both Hving at Sisson. He is a lumberman. 376 Jules Francis, b. May 28, 1863 ; m. Isabel WiUiams ; have children, Edith and Aileen. 377 Emma Jane, b. June 5, 1866; m. Oct. 25, 1890, Joseph, b. Portland, Me., Dec. i, 1864, son of Fred Allen and Annie Maria (Mowe) Poor. Both Hving at Ashland, Ore. Their children are: Herbert Knox, b. April 8, 1894. Alice Mowe, b. Aug. 19, 1899. 378 WUlard Leonard, b. Jan. 6, 1868; m. Shasta, Cal., June 29, 1903, Alice, b. Melville, Cal., Feb. 18, 1879, dau. of Thaddeus Fairbanks and Alice Jane (Wilkinson) Harvey. Both living at Mar tinez, Cal. Children, b. in San Francisco, Cal. : AUce, b. June 27, 1905. Willard, Harvey, b. Aug. 8, 1906. 379 Hugh Franklin, b. Dec. 14, 1868; m. Yreka, Cal., Nov. 14, 1894, LiUie, b. Woodville, Oregon, May 5, 1872, dau. of Stephen and EHzabeth (Evans) Beers. Both living at Hilts, Cal. Have an adopted son, Howard Loud. 380 Grace EHzabeth, b. Apr. 8, 1871 ; m. at Yreka, Cal., Sept. 8, 1892, Frank Lane, b. May 11, 1867, 72 The Descendants of Elisha Cole Thornton, Ind., son of Alexander and Mary (Williams) Park. Both living at Camino, Cal. Their children are: Jessie Cecil, b. Apr. lo, 1895. Percy Cole, b. Oct. 29, 1896. Lloyd Clayton, b. June 23, 1899. Gertrude Celia, b. Aug. 25, 1905. 381 Byron Hopkins, b. Dec. 28, 1873. 382 Jessie Edith, b. Jan. 16, 1875; m. Dec. 25, 1897, Isaac Chase, b. June 25, 1868, Toledo, Ohio, son of Isaac Weaver and Mary (Ruland) Zent. Both living at Mercid, Cal. Their children are: Grace Zerelda, b. Apr. 28, 1899. WUlard Qinton, b. Jan. 15, 1901. Claude Raymond, b. Oct. 26, 1902. 383 Herbert BaUey, b. July 5, 1877; m. Yreka, Cal., Sept. 20, 1905, Mary A., b. Hamburg Bar, Cal., June 7, 1887, dau. of John and Mary (Murphy) O'NeiU. ChUd: Gladys Colestin, b. Ashland, Ore., May 26, 1907. 384 Henry Clay, b. June 8, 1880; m. Talent, Ore., Nov. 30, 1904, Frances Ellen, b. there Feb. 23, 1880, dau. of Welborn and Mary Catharine (Brophy) Besson. Both living at Talent. He is a railroad engineer. ChUd : Kenneth Besson, b. Ashland, Ore., Feb. 24, 1907. 129 Ezra (Daniel, EHsha, Elisha) ; m. Feb. 2, 1828, Angeline Porter, b. Oct. 6, 1810. Ezra went West while a young man and set tled near Adrian, Mich. He d. Weston, Mich., Mar. 12, 1895, aged 86 years, 11 months, 12 days. She died there Dec. 26, 1886. Children : The Descendants of Elisha Cole 73 385 Orville Porter, b. Nov. 10, 1828, d. unm. Nov 12, 1851. 386 Samantha, b. Jan. 5, 183 1 ; m. May 8, 1849, Cor nelius Quick. She d. Jan. 4, 1870. 387 Lydia, b. Sept. 28, 1832; m. Apr. 28, 1852, George Holden. She d. July 21, 1903. 388 Lois S., b. Jan. 10, 1834; m. Dec. 25, 1854, George Price. He d. and she m. (2) Mar. 22, 1877, George Acker. She d. May 3, 1902. 389 Harriet Pixley, b. June 23, 1836; m. Oct. 4, 1859, David Holden. She d. Oct. 10, 1899. 390 Sarah H., b. Jan. 19, 1838. Living at Weston, unm. 391 Daniel Harrison, b. June 24, 1840; d. unm. Nov. 29, 1900. 392 Jane Thursey, b. Feb. 4, 1842; m. Dec. 19, 1867, to William Tenbrook. 393 Miner, b. Jan. 4, 1845 ; d. Apr. 24, 1846. 394 Matilda Louisa, b. Mar. 30, 1847 ; m. Apr. 13, 1868, William Henry, b. Sept. 19, 1840, son of Eli and Harriet R. (Horton) Cole. 395 John HaU, b. Dec. 21, 1848; m. Nov. 30, 1876, Min nie Rappleye. 396 Asaph E., b. Oct. 26, 1850; d. Sept. 26, 1851. 397 Adelbert, b. Dec. 4, 1853 ; d. Feb. 4, 1854. 131 Aaron Hazen (Daniel, Elisha, Elisha) ; m. at Covert, N. Y., March 21, 1835, Lydia Bloomer, b. there Feb. 18, 1817, dau. of William and Barbara (Swick) Rappleye. They moved from Covert to Spencer, O., in June, 1835. He took up 240 acres of heavy timber land. He invented a buckle known as "Cole's Wedge Trace Buckle." He was licensed to preach by the Baptist Church. He d. Adrian, Mich., Oct. 27, 1867. She d. Dallas, Tex., Oct. 8, 1889. ChUdren (b. at Spencer) : 398 Harriet Calista, b. Dec. 20, 1835; m. West Barre, O., June 30, 1861, Rev. Howard Bailey, b. Aug. 74 The Descendants of Elisha Cole 8, 1830, Baldwinsville, N. Y., son of Dea. Amos and Sarah (BaUey) Taft. She d. Salem, Mich., March 4, 1868, and he m. (2) Nov. 26, 1868, Emma F. Brigham. He entered Kalamazoo Col lege in 1855 and graduated in 1859. In 1861 he graduated from the Theology Seminary and was ordained pastor of the Baptist church at Per- rysburg, O., the same year. He living at Wes ton, Mich. +399 William Rappleye, b. Sept. 25, 1837. +400 Miner Thomas, b. July 3, 1839. 401 Adoniram Judson, b. Oct. 11, 1843; d. West Barre, O., Jan. 4, 1861. +402 Frank Marion, b. Dec. 25, 1851, Manmee City, O. +403 Ralph Tunis, b. Dec. 25, 1853. +404 George Ide, b. April 24, 1857, Grand Blanc, Mich. 133 Ira Hazen (Daniel, Elisha, Elisha) ; m. at Covert, N. Y., Jan. 3, 1849, to Mary Caroline, b. there Oct. 11, 1822, dau. of Beckwith and Mary (Hurd) Denison. She d. Sept. 26, 1892. Ira H. Cole was b. on his father's farm in the town of Covert, Seneca County, N. Y., in the house where he now lives, a hale and hearty man for one well into the last decade of a century's span of life. All his Hues of ancestry run back to the earliest New Eng land families. Through his father he is descended from the Daniel Cole who came to Plymouth from England in 1632, and through his mother, from Elder William Brewster and Stephen Hop kins, of the Mayflower. His grandfather and great-grandfather, both named Elisha Cole, and his grandfather Joseph Hopkins, were revolutionary soldiers, all serving in the 7th Dutchess County Regt. He is the last of a family of eleven children, four boys and seven girls, all of whom reached maturity, seven living to advanced old age, one being 96 and five over 85 years of age at death. IRA H. cole No. 133 The Descendants of Elisha Cole 75 Mr. Cole has spent his whole life without interruption on the farm of his nativity. He m. Jan. 3, 1849, Mary Caroline Denison, dau. of Beckwith Denison, a neighbor. Through her father she was a descendant of Capt. George Denison, of Stonington, Conn., and John Howland, of the Mayflower. And through her mother she traced her lineage to William Leete, the first Governor of Connecticut. Her great-grand father, Christopher Denison, died in the military service under Wolfe at Quebec. To this woman's Christian character and strength and refinement of mind this branch of the Cole family is much indebted. Ira H. Cole has always been a respected and influential mem ber of the community in which he has lived for nearly ninety- two years. Always possessing the full confidence of friends and neighbors, and looked up to by them as a strong man, both mentally and physically, he never sought political pre ferment, choosing rather to pursue the even tenor of a quiet life. He has, however, creditably filled political offices of minor importance, and has always held a keen and intelligent interest in politics. His first vote was cast in 1838; his first in a Presidential election in 1840, for WiUiam Henry Harri son. He was a strong supporter of Henry Clay in 1844, but went with the Free Soilers under Van Buren in 1848, voting again with the Whigs in 1852. His training, cast of mind, and predilections lead him to espouse the cause and principles of the Republican party, which he joined upon its organization, voting for Fremont in 1856, for Lincoln in i860, and for every Republican candidate for the Presidency since. While possessing, primarily, but a common' school educa tion, years of reading and study on broad and liberal lines, has made him a very well-informed man. Bringing a strong and naturally free mind to the study of questions political, social and religious, he has, notwithstanding the narrowness of his environment and field of activity, developed into a man of rare, broad, independent judgment on almost every ques tion of the day. His life and growth well illustrate the truth that while the city develops best the objective, the country best develops the subjective man. 76 The Descendants of Elisha Cole His is a character of great native strength and nobility. We assert with confidence that none have ever honestly assailed or had reason to assail the absoluteness of his integrity. To him it is as natural and necessary to be honest, open and direct, both in act and word, as to breathe. Hardly willing to tolerate the ordinary social conventions, hypocrisy and all forms of pretence are entirely foreign to his nature. Deceit and trick ery are with him simply impossible, and in others unpardon able. Whatever the quality or appearance, he loves and wants to know naught but the genuine. No less strong is his sense of justice and his uncompromising adherence to it regardless of results. If slow to forgive the wounds of malice, he has always been quick and unhesitating in the recognition and just estimate of others' virtues. In religion he has been, and is still, a conscientious, sincere and logical investigator, loathe to accept any conclusion that does not appeal to reason and rationality, regardless of tradi tion or creed. But convictions once formed he never would, or could, deny until sound reason moved them. Reared amid religious teachings severely orthodox and strongly sectarian, yet by his native strength and original and independent mode of thought, he long ago reached an attitude upon this sub ject, forcing the conviction that true religion is the religion of universal law; perhaps the same attitude to which the world, through the stress and storm of centuries of religious controversy has been steadily tending, and wiU, eventuaUy, attain. While not a communicant in the church, he would as soon deny the sunshine of a cloudless summer day as to deny his God. Reason, conscience and rationality working on the broad plane of nature and the universal, with simple right and justice as standards, rather than the comparatively nar row man-made doctrines and dogmas of orthodoxy, are and have always been his guides. Mr. Cole, we believe, is the oldest living resident of his county. The playmates of his boyhood, friends and asso ciates of his young manhood, and most of his acquaintances of middle life have passed on. He stands, as it were, an aged oak, alone in the midst of a clearing, bearing rugged evidence of strength that is waning, full of suggestions of departed The Descendants of Elisha Cole 77 fellows and a long gone past, but still bravely shooting its leaves to the sun. A true child of nature he is passing on as naturally and normally as he came and has lived. Patient and confident, courageous but resigned, he is ready at any time for the end. To us of the younger generations, it is interesting, almost incomprehensible, to note some of the conditions existing, and some of the great changes which have been wrought in the world, aU within the lifetime of this man with whom we may talk face to face. George III. was still on the throne of England when he was born. Napoleon Bonaparte had met his Waterloo almost within the year, and was then living in banishment at St. Helena. The associates and co-laborers of Washington were the statesmen of our country. Madison, just retired from the Presidency, was still in the vigor of his statesmanship. Mon roe was but five months in his first term as President. John Adams, Thomas Jefferson and John Jay all lived several years after. Louis XVIII. ruled France. The preaching of John Wesley still rung in the ears of living men and women. The associates of Voltaire and the courtiers of Frederick the Great were still in the prime of life. Lafayette made his last visit to this country seven years after. The tragedy of Hamilton was still being told by its witnesses. Goethe and Warren Hastings had just passed maturity. Keats and Charles Lamb were young men. Bismark and Bronte were babies. Lincoln, Gladstone, Darwin, Tennyson and Poe were all lads of eight, Dickens and Thackeray of five and six, Longfellow of ten, and Emerson, Hugo and Dumas of fourteen. Webster, Clay and Calhoun had but commenced their political careers. The charm and power of the eloquence of Chatham, Burke and Fox were being extolled by their colleagues. Queen Victoria, Vic tor Emanuel, Tyndall, Huxley, George Eliot, Grant, Sher man, Sheridan, Blaine, Garfield and McKinley have all since come upon the scene, starfiped their lives upon the world and passed beyond. The religious world was still narrow, dogmatic and intol erant — almost fanatical. New England puritanism was stiU 78 The Descendants of Elisha Cole predominant. Science was in its infancy. Metapsychics as a science was unthought of. The difference between the world then and of to-day as regarding all the arts of civilization is beyond wildest imagin ings. Most aU the uses of steam and electricity were un dreamed of. Every method of lighting except by the wax and tallow candle, and of heat except by the woods of the forest, and of locomotion except by man and beast were practicaUy unknown. Coal was just dis.covered. Twenty-eight years were to elapse before the discovery of petroleum. It was the day of the household spinning wheel and loom. No means of travel except by foot or sail. The use of steamboats had barely begun. Then it was a question of weeks and stage coaches. Now the traversing of a continent is but a question of hours. Then to encircle the globe was an adventure of years. Now it is a holiday excursion of forty days. Then the sending of a message of a few hundred miles was a matter of weeks and slow mails, while now the subject of this sketch can sit by his fireside and flash his word to the world's capital or actually converse at any moment with most any city on the continent. Then when the slow-going ocean-crossing vessel was lost to sight below the horizon it was for months beyond the ken of man. Now we communicate in a moment with the mariner anywhere on the broad seas. The railroad, telegraph, telephone, phonograph, locomotive, automobile, photograph, artesian well, sewing machine, matches, in fact most of the principal mechanical inventions, were things of the future. The then higher grades of education were beyond the reach of the masses. Now it is almost thrust upon them. In that year the Erie Canal was but started. But seven States had been added to the original thirteen. The great body of our country's territory was yet a howling wUderness. Our population was but eight million, while now it is eighty million souls. From one of the smallest and poorest, we have grown to be the greatest, richest and most powerful nation on earth. And this is due in no smaU degree to the thousands of strong and simple men our country produced in the first half of the nineteenth century, of the stamp of Ira H. Cole. The Descendants of Elisha Cole 79 Children : 405 George Herbert, b. Jan. 3, 1850; unm.; living at Seattle, Wash. 406 Adelaide, b. July 25, 1851; m. March 6, 1878, at Farmer Village, N. Y., to Dr. Mathew L., b. Geneva, N. Y., Oct. 20, 1845, son of Henry A. and Mary Ann ( King) Bennett. He Hving at Watkins, N. Y. She d. May 11, 1889. 407 William Denison, b. March 30, 1853; d. unm. at Seattle, Wash., Sept. 18, 1906. 408 Sarah Louisa, b. April 14, 1855 ; m. Nov. 26, 1879, at Covert to Charles Samuel, b. April 6, 1856, at Varick, N. Y., son of Harry and Electa (Blaine) Sniff en. Both living at Interlaken, N. Y. Their child: Edna Caroline, b. July 24, 1884. +409 Fremont, b. Sept. 18, 1856. +410 Irving W., b. Sept. 21, 1859. +411 Hervey Denison, b. Aug. 25, 1861. 412 Wirt, b. June 3, 1863; d. Feb. 7, 1865. 413 Elbert, b. Sept. 19, 1865 ; d. unm. AprU 29, 1896. 143 Hyman (John, Elisha, EHsha) ; m. Mary, b. Jan. 7, 1814, dau. of James and Abigail (Roberts) Hughson. She d. April 14, 1838, aged 24 years, 4 months, 7 days, and he m. (2) April 25, 1839, Hannah, b. Nov. 14, 1809 (Jos. Cole records Nov. 8, 1808), dau. of David and Mary (Fowler) Merrick. He d. at Mahopac March 9, 1881. Was a farmer. She d. at Car mel March 12, 1895, aged 85 years, 3 months, 26 days. Chil dren: +414 John Roberts, b. Nov. 4, 1832. +415 Addison, b. Jan. 24, 1840. +416 Amanda L., b. May 12, 1842; d. unm. April 16, 1901. 149 Jarvis Washburn (John, Elisha, Elisha) ; m. Carmel Jan. i, 1845, Phebe Jane, b. Jan. 24, 1826, at Philipstown, dau. of 80 The Descendants of Elisha Cole Levi and Mary (Colwell) Kelley. He was a farmer and enHsted Sept. 13, 1862, for three years in Company A, 4th Regt., N. Y., Hart's Volunteers. Discharged May 22, 1865. His health was affected by exposure during service and his death resulted therefrom. He d. at Carmel April 9, 1868, aged 48 years, 11 months, 10 days. She d. at Stamford, Conn., May 23, 1894. Children: 417 Albert, b. Carmel Dec. 15, 1846; d. unm. at Wil liamsport, Pa., May 30, 1891. 418 Mary Jane, b. Nov. 20, 1848; m. May 11, 1889, at Stamford, Conn., to John V. Laethum. He is dead. She d. in New York City May 27, 1907. 419 Emma Frances, b. Mahopac Feb. 4, 1852. Living unm. +420 James Kelley, b. Mahopac Oct. 22, 1853. 421 Thaddeus, b. Apr. 7, 1855. Living at Sheridan, Wyo., unm. 422 Florence Nightingale, b. Aug. 26, 1868; unm. 151 Abner Bangs (Nathan, Nathan, EHsha) ; m. at Chester, lU., Nov. 22, 1837, Nancy R. Cochrane, b. Dec. 17, 1816. She d. at Chester, and he m. (2) Jan. 13, 1853, Jeannette, b. Rox- buryshire, Scotland, Sept. 25, 1816, dau. of James and Jean nette (Lo) Douglas. He d. at Turner, Ore., June 3, 1890. She d. at Portland, Ore., Feb. 23, 1899. Children (b. at Chester) : +423 John Peck, b. Nov. 7, 1838. 424 Abner Bangs, b. May 24, 1840 ; d. May 8, 1846. 425 Mary, b. Aug. 8, 1842; m. Oct. 16, 1866, Morris Cocks, b. New Cannan, Conn., May 11, 1837, son of Frederick and Mary (Cocks) Crissey. Both living at Chester. 426 WiUiam Van Zant, b. April 21, 1845. Living in Alaska; unm. +427 Oliver Garrison, b. March 23, 1849. 428 Circassia Jenette, b. AprU 12, 1858; unm. HERMAN CAMP COLE No. 153 The Descendants of Elisha Cole 81 429 Agnes Olympia, b. Nov. 3, 1861 ; m. i at Turner, Ore., June 14, 1888, Jarvis Varnel, b. Millport, Mo., Jan. 31, 1854, son of Harney H. and Eleanor Isabella (Henry) Beach. Both living in Portland, Ore. Their chUdren: Varnel Douglas, b. Nov. 9, 1889. Jarvis Douglas, b. April 15, 1891 ; d. July 23, 1895. 153 Hermon Camp (Nathan, Nathan, EHsha) ; m. in New York City June 26, 1844, Emily Cocks; b. April 16, 1821 ; d. Chester, lU., Oct. 14, 1859. He m. (2) at CarroUton, lU., Feb. 13, 1862, Mrs. Sarah Jane, b. at Winfield, N. Y., March 24, 1832, dau. of Rev. Isaac D. and Sarah (Green) NeweU and wid. of Joseph Sheppard Flanagin. He d. at Upper Alton, lU., Oct. 20, 1874, and she m. Nov. 24, 1879, John C. Clark. (For account of his life see his father's record.) Children : +430 Charles Briggs, b. May 6, 1845. +431 Zachary Taylor, b. July 4, 1847. 432 AHce Emily, b. Feb. 21, 1850; m. at Alton, 111., Sept. 24, 1873, William EUiot, b. St. Louis Dec. 31, 1844, son of WiUiam Henry and (his second wife) Ellen (Smith) Smith. Their children: Eunice, b. . EUen, b. . +433 Henry Clay, b. May 13, 1852. 434 Eunice Elizabeth, b. Sept. 16, 1854; m. George J. Kendall. They had three children: Alice, b. . Eugene, b. . Henry C, b. . +435 Edward Everett, b. March 6, 1857. 436 Cora Verna, b. Sept. 3, 1863; d. Feb. 19, 1892. 437 Grace, b. Dec. 9, 1865; living; unm. 82 The Descendants of Elisha Cole +438 Hermon C, b. July 15, 1868. 439 Nathan, b. May 27, 1874. 440 Newell, twin of above. Nathan m. at Boston, Mass., Aug. 31, 1907, Estelle, b. Logan County, 111., June 18, 1884, dau. of Charles Steinberger and Eliza (West- fall) Lawrence. He an investment broker living at Springfield, 111. Newell d. unm. Jan. 24, 1896. 156 James Madison (Nathan, Nathan, Elisha) ; m. at Chester, 111., Jan. 5, 1843, Eleanor Clement, b. Westerlo, N. Y., Oct. 11, 1824. He d. Chester AprU 22, 1855. She d. there July 18, 1904. In September, 1850, he and his brother Abner went overland to California. He returned the following spring. Was a farmer and stock raiser. Children: 441 Sarah Louisa, b. Dec 10, 1843 ; d. May 12, 1846. 442 Clementina, b. March 12, 1846; living. 443 Anna Maria, b. Sept. 11, 1848; d. Feb. 26, 1854. 444 Agnes Eleanor, b. Nov. 20, 1850; m. at Chester Oct. 24, 1877, Albert Stephen, b. GreenviUe, 111., July 17, 1848, son of Kendall Parker and Eliza beth Brown (Holden) Morse. Both living. Their child : Edwin, b. Jan. 10, 1879. 445 Edwina Jeanette, b. April 17, 1853; d. March 9, 1854- 446 Jennie Medora, b. March 30, 1855 ; d. Dec. 26, 1857. 157 Nathan (Nathan, Nathan, Elisha) ; m. at St. Louis Jan. 30, 1851, Rebecca Lane, b. at Richmond, O., June 29, 1832, dau. of Aaron W. and Sarah (Bradbury) Fagin. He d. at St. Louis March 4, 1904. She living. He was born in a house that stood at what is now Eighth Street and Lucas Avenue, St. Louis. He was first employed The Descendants of Elisha Cole 83 in the wholesale grocery firm of Wm. L. Ewing & Co. Later founded the Cole Brothers grain business and the Nathan Cole Investment Company, of which he was president until his death. In 1868 he was elected Mayor of St. Louis and was a member of Congress, 1876-1878. He was president of the Merchants' Exchange and a director of the Bank of Com merce for forty-three years, and most of this time was vice- president of the institution. He was prominent in church and charitable work and a life-long member of the Second Baptist Church. Children : 447 Sarah Fagan, b. Dec. 30, 1851 ; d. Dec. 9, 1854. 448 Burtena Scott, b. Aug. 13, 1853; d. Dec. 21, 1854. +449 Amedee Berthold, b. Sept. 21, 1855. 450 Henry Ernest, b. Dec 9, 1857; unm. +451 Nathan, b. March 16, i860. 452 Rebecca Genevieve, b. July 2, 1863; d. May 17, 1868. 453 HaUie Rachel, b. May 17, 1864; m. March 20, 1888, Joseph Louis Hebert. He d. in California Dec. 18, 1896. 454 Richard Hood, b. Nov. 13, 1866; unm. 455 Rebecca Lane, b. Dec. i, 1868; m. May 27, 1897, Harry Wilson, b. March 6, 1875, at Savannah, Mo., son of Lewis Cunningham and Catharine (Ford) Stiles. Living at Ann Arbor, Mich. Their children: NaUie C, b. 1898. Susan Jane, b. 1900. 456 Hermon Camp, b. May 24, 1871 ; m. at Galena, Kans., Mae, b. there Sept. 23, 1872, dau. of John and Elizabeth (Lyons) Rawson. No issue. 457 Percival Victor, b. May 25, 1874; d. unm. at Den ver, Col., June 26, 1901. 164 Ormond Hayes (Berry, Joseph, EHsha) ; m. at Carmel Dec. 30, 1830, Mary, b. there Feb. i, 1813, dau. of Alexander and 84 The Descendants of Elisha Cole EHzabeth (Dean) Ganong. He d. March 3, 1875. She d. AprU 29, 1879. He was born in the town of Carmel on the farm since owned by Jeremiah L. Green, and spent his youth there. When about eighteen he started traveling with a circus and menagerie owned by his father, his brother-in-law, Selah BaUard and Jared Crane, and during the following seven years visited every State in the Union and the principal cities of the United States and Canada. About 1835 he purchased a part of his father's farm and resided there untU his death. At one time he was in the blacksmithing business and ironed in his shop the first spring wagon made in that part of the country. Children : +458 Joseph Ganong, b. June 30, 1832. 459 Amanda Jane, b. July 12, 1834; d. Sept. 3, 1834. 460 Mary Fayette, b. Aug. 20, 1837; m. Dec. 28, 1886, Alonzo O. Cole. No issue. 175 Charles Green (Joseph, Joseph, Elisha) ; m. Jan. 14, 1824, Susan Wood. She d. Feb. 9, 1827, aged 21 years, 4 months, I day, and he m. (2) Feb. 6, 1830, Mary, b. Dec. 12, 1808, in Brewster, N. Y., dau. of Samuel and Hannah (Wright) Bailey. He d. at Beaver Dams April 7, 1846. She d. June 17, 1897. Charles G. and his brother Ira settled near Beaver Dams, Schuyler County, N. Y., in 1830, their father and brother Asahel followed a few years later. They came from Carmel via the Erie Canal to Geneva, up Seneca Lake to Watkins and from there to Beaver Dams. The journey took one week. Their mother's brother. Underbill Frost, had previously set tled there. The two brothers bought a farm of 64 acres and worked it together and lived in a log house with their famiUes for three years. Then Charles G. built another log house in the same yard and they lived in this way until the death of Charles. Each family had seven children. ChUdren: 461 William F., d. July 21, 1827, aged 11 months, 21 days; buried in family plot on farm near Long Pond. The Descendants of Elisha Cole 85 462 John Wood, d. in 24th year. +463 Joseph BaUey, b. Sept. 2, 1832, at Catlin, N. Y. +464 Harvey Townsend, b. Oct. 31, 1834, at Catlin, N. Y. 465 Jane Ann, b. Feb. 28, 1837; m. at Beaver Dams Jan. 24, i860. Otto MarshaU, b. at Wheeler, N. Y., Nov. 3, 1839, son of James, Jr., and EHza beth Maria (Fritcher) Paris. She d. at Jersey- ville, lU., Feb. 11, 1872, and he m. (2) Oct. 2, 1889, to Rebecca Gay. He living in California. Pie descended from Col. Isaac Paris, who came from Strasbourg and settled near Stone Arabia in the Mohawk Valley. He and his son Peter, who was not yet eighteen years of age, were both killed in the battle of Oriskany Aug. 6, 1777. At this time Isaac was somewhat over sixty, yet had children at home scarcely out of the cradle. He was a member of the State Sen ate and one of the Committee of Safety. 466 AureUa, b. Feb. 12, 1839; m. there Oct. 16, i860, Francis L., b. in Wyoming County, Pa., July 6, 1837, son of Jacob and Christiana (Lockhart) Koons. They living at Vinton, la. 467 Caroline, b. April 13, 1841 ; m. Feb. 6, 1867, to Leroy Deven, b. at Reading, N. Y., July 6, 1842, son of Peter and Maria (Cross) Obert. He d. at Bancroft, Mich., Oct. 19, 1906. She living at Corning, N. Y. +468 Jarvis Asahel, b. Nov. 6, 1843. 469 Martha, b. Sept. 30, 1846; m. Beaver Dams, Mar. 2, 1869, to Charles Nehemiah, b. Hornby, N. Y., Aug. 27, 1847, son of Silas Mathias and Jane Ann (Ferro) Masters. They Hving at De- corah, la. 176 Ira (Joseph, Joseph, Elisha) ; m. Brewster, N. Y., Mar. 10-18, 1826, Nancy, b. there Apr. 7, 1807, dau. of Samuel and Han nah (Wright) Bailey. He d. Beaver Dams, Mar. 3, 1877. 86 The Descendants of Elisha Cole She d. there Nov. i6, 1868. He was a farmer. ChUdren: b. Catlin, N. Y.: 470 George, d. June 12, 1827, aged 2 months. Buried in family plot near Long Pond. 471 Phebe Ann, b. Mar. 26, 1828; m. Catlin, N. Y., July 4, 1844, WiUiam, b. July 24, 1824, at Can dor, N. Y., son of Harrison and Nancy (Petty) Loomis. He enlisted in 1862 in Co. F., N. Y. State Engineers, and d. in hospital in Virginia, Sept. 2, 1864. She d. Post Creek, N. Y., Nov. 5, 1856. +472 George Frost, b. Apr. 2, 1829. 473 Minerva, b. Dec. 9, 1832. 474 Marinda, twin of the above. Minerva m. Beaver Dams, Aug. 6, 1850, to Thomas K., b. Hornby, N. Y., July 10, 1828, son of WiUiam and Mary (Mapes) Hurley. He living Paris, Mich. She d. Beaver Dams, May 30, 1858. Marinda m. July 3, 185 1, to James Lion, b. Mar. 9, 1829, at Wayne, N. Y., son of John Lion and Mrs. Sarah (Hodge) Schuyler Gard ner. He d. Luther, Mich., Feb. 25, 1901. She living at Clarkstown, Mich. 475 Susan, b. Feb. 8, 1838; m. Horseheads, N. Y., Oct. 3, 1855, Lovett, b. Reading, N. Y., Sept. 8, 1828, son of Minard and Margaret (Obert) La Fever. He d. Beaver Dams, Aug. 13, 1894. She living at Corning, N. Y. +476 Charles Lewis, m. Mar. 21, 1842. +477 Samuel Bailey, b. Jan. 24, 1847. 178 Asahel (Joseph, Joseph, Elisha) ; m. June 23, 1835, Mary Ann Ball, b. Marcellus, N. Y., June 3, 1817, dau. of Ira and La vina (Richardson) Savory. He a farmer. The Savorys came to Beaver Dams from Hartford, Conn., and Ira's father The Descendants of Elisha Cole 87 was b. in England. He d. Havana, N. Y., Sept. 25, 1884. She d. Moreland, N. Y., Mar. 21, 1889. Children: 478 MeHssa, b. June 23, 1836; m. June 22, 1869, to Charles, b, Montour FaUs, N. Y., June 11, 1826, son of Col. Green and Cynthia (McClure) Ben nett. Both living at Watkins, N. Y, +479 Harlem, b. Nov. 7, 1837. +480 Ira Savory, b. Mar. 28, 1839. 181 Joseph (Samuel, Joseph, EHsha) ; m, EHzabeth Wicks. She b. Aug. 30, 1806. They went to Oceola, Mich., about 1833. He d. ParshallvUle, Mich., May 11, 1878. He a farmer. She d. at Parshallville, Apr. 17, 1898. (ParshallviUe was first settled by Isaac Parshall. He built a grist mill and named the place after himself. He was b. Chemung, N. Y., Feb. 5, 1798, and was the oldest of 17 chil dren. Israel Parshall, his brother, after clearing up a farm moved to Parshallville, a distance of two miles, bought the grist mill and opened a general store in connection with it. He drew his flour 50 miles to Detroit by team and brought goods for his store on the return trip. He moved to Havana in 1855, and built a grist mill. He was a great hunter and was killed by his own gun while standing on a log watching for dogs to drive deer in the river. His gun slipped down and discharged. The bullet entered his chin and came out of his temple, killing him instantly. Warren R. Cole was hunting with him at the time.) ChUdren: 481 Minerva, b. Dec. 8, 1823; m. May 19, 1839, Israel, b. Chemung, N. Y., May 4, 1815, one of 17 chU dren and son of Asa and Susannah (Kinney) ParshaU. He d. at Chesaning, Mich., Aug. 25, 1865, and she m. (2) Dec. 31, 1871, Guy, b. Che mung, N. Y., Nov. 25, 1835, son of John and Sarah (Baldwin) Van Gorder. She d. at Ha vana, Mich., Feb. 15, 1899. He d. May 22, 1907. 88 The Descendants of Elisha Cole 482 Warren Ramah, b. June 17, 1827; m. 1850 Catha rine, b. in New York State, dau. of John N. and Sarah (Sutphen) Huff. She d. and he m. (2) Mary Horton, dau. of Matthew and Esther Marie (Mudge) Palmer. He d. Aug. 21, 1907. Farmer at Gaines, Mich. She still living at Parshallville. Children by first marriage: Fremont, b. , d. y. Jay, b. , d. y. 483 Prudence, b. Jan. 28, 1830; m. Feb. 20, 1850, Jesse, b. Chemung, N. Y., son of Asa and Susannah (Kinney) ParshaU. He d. ParshallvUle, Mich., July 22, 1893. She d. Fenton, Mich., Oct. 29, 1900. 484 EUzabeth, b. Aug. 23, 1832, at Harrison, Pa.; m. Feb. 8, 1850, Aaron, b. Ovid, N. Y., Mar. 6, 1821, son of John N. and Sarah (Sutphen) Huff. +485 Yates Thompson, b. Apr. 24, 1836. 486 Maria, b. , d. at the age of 12 years. +487 Joseph W., b. Apr. 16, 1842. +488 Charies C, b. Jan. 17, 1852. 183 Enos (Samuel, Joseph, Elisha) ; m. Dec. 16, 1830, Laura, dau. of Hiram and Lena (Jefferson) Mason. He d. Oct. 24, 1865. She d. Feb. 8, 1856. Children : 489 Fidelia Elizabeth, b. Jan. 31, 1832; m. Jan. i, 1852, Robert Wesley, b. Maryland, Feb. 5, 1832, son of Henson and Matilda (Arnold) Walker. Both living at HoweU, Mich. +490 Delevan Samuel, b. Apr. 21, 1833. 491 Sarah A., b. July 3, 1835; m. July 8, 1856, Aaron B., b. July 21, 1833, son of Borden and Mary A. (Haslet) Durfee. He d. Oct. 8, 1879. She Hv ing at Fowlersville, Mich. 492 Ada Olive, b. Aug. 5, 1837; m. at Corunna, Mich., Feb. 25, 1862, Edgar Lucius, b. Hannibal, N. Y., The Descendants of Elisha Cole 89 Jan. 9, 1837, son of James W. and Eunice (Wiltse) Rathbun. Both living at FowlersvUle, Mich. +493 Hiram Mason, b. June 12, 1839. +494 Webster Knapp, b. Jan. 19, 1841. +495 Arthur Enos, b. Oct. 3, 1853. 191 Nathan (Samuel, Joseph, EHsha) ; m. Green Oak, Mich., Feb. 10, 1836, Esther M., b. in Connecticut Sept. 15, 181 1, dau. of Edmund and Betsey (Edwards) Beach. She d. Osceola, Mich., Nov. 3, 1853, and he m. (2) April 2, 1854, Mrs. Adaline, wid. of Giles Barbour. He was a Baptist minister and came to Michigan in 1835. He d. West Bloomfield, Mich., July 21, 1865. She d. in Michigan, 1877-8. ChUdren, b. Osceola: 496 Betsey, b. Mar. 5, 1838; m. Oct. 11, 1859, at Troy, Mich., David, b. Orange County, N. Y., Nov. 22, 1820, son of Frederick Roat. He d. at Pontiac She d. West Bloomfield, Mich., Jan. 25, 1880. No issue. 497 Adah, b. June 29, 1841 ; m. Dec. 26, 1866, Frederick, b. Orange Co., N. Y., Oct. 18, 1844, son of David Roat. Both living at McMUlan, Mich. 498 Zuba, b. Mar. 24, 1843; m. Osceola, Mich., Apr. 3, 1859, GUes, son of GUes and Adeline (Rich mond) Barbour. He d. Osceola and she m. (2) Charles Benjamin. She d. Conway, Mich., Aug. 27, 1866. Children, (i) marriage: Chas. N., b. ; m. Emma Young; (2) m., no issue. 499 Hannah, b. Nov. 18, 1845 ; m. at Commerce, Mich., Feb. 8, 1865, Robert, b. Dec. 16, 1837, son of Edward and Jane (Mourtland) Clendening. He d. Ventura, Cal., Feb. 24, 1878. She living at Pontiac. 500 Maria, b. Aug. i, 1847; m. Pontiac, Oct. 20, 1880, Geo. W., b. Elba, Lapeer Co., Mich., Mar. 20, 90 The Descendants of Elisha Cole 1845, son of Abel and Clarissa (Davenport) Hubbard. Both living at White Lake, Mich. No issue. +501 Adelbert, b. Jan. 14, 1851. 194 Isaac Thompson (Samuel, Joseph, Elisha) ; m. Livingston Co., Mich., May 2, 1847, Harriet B., b. Sodus, N. Y., Mar. 20, 1829, dau. of Jacob and Sarah (Mudge) Debar. He a farmer. He d. Livingston Co., Mich., June 28, 1897. She d. there May 18, 1894. ChUdren: 502 Alfred, b. Jan. 8, 1848, d. Jan. 11, 1848. 503 Guy A., b. Dec. 30, 1848; m. Livingston Co. July 3, 1883, Alma R., b. in Michigan Jan. 8, 1863, dau. of Alonzo and Mary C. (Hawley) Doolittle. No issue. He a carpenter and hay dealer. Both living at Owosso, Mich. 504 Harriet, b. Apr. 30, 1851, d. May 24, 1853. 505 Laura J., b. Nov. 30, 1852; m. Apr. 6, 1875, Ed ward, b. Penn Yan, N. Y., son of and Lydia (Bristol) Townsend. He d. Michigan, Dec. 30, 1903. She living at HoweU. 506 Ira T., b. May 28, 1855; rn. Malcourt Co., Mich., Jan. 25, 1884, Mary Von Deleer. No issue. 507 Frank J., b. Jan. 22, 1863, d. Jan. 11, 1872. 195 Watson (Nathan, Joseph, Elisha) ; m. Feb. 10, 1825, Nancy, b. May 31, 1802, at Hopewell, Orange Co., N. Y., dau. of Alex ander and Mary (Shaw) Thompson. They Hved at Moreland, N. Y., where he was a farmer. Their children were born there and the dates regarding births, deaths and marriages were taken from their Bible. He d. Coming, N. Y., Oct. 12, 1889. She d. there Nov. 4, 1887. Children : 508 Mary Ann, b. Feb. 5, 1826, d. Oct. 29, 1843. +509 Alexander Hamilton, b. Feb. 8, 1827. The Descendants of Elisha Cole 91 510 Nathan Thompson, b. Aug. 4, 1830; m. Dec. 20, 1870, Mrs. Nancy, b. Montour Falls, N. Y., Nov. 13, 1842, dau. of Peter and Loraine (Bryant) Fero, and wid. of Pulaski Miller. He d. at Corn ing, N. Y., June 17, 1892. She living. No issue. 511 Edwin, b. Apr. 3, 1835; m. Frances Delaney. 199 Eli (Nathan, Joseph, EHsha) ; m. Covert, N. Y., Nov. 17, 183 1, Harriet Rebecca, b. Aug. 6, 1810, in Connecticut, dau. of Jesse and Lydia (Darrow) Horton. He was a farmer and moved to Michigan about 1878. He d. Cedar Springs, Mich., Mar. 21, 1895. She d. there Feb. 13, 1893. ChUdren: 512 Mary Louisa, b. May 29, 1834; m. Covert, N. Y., Dec. 25, 1855, Thomas Judson, b. there Sept. 29, 1832, son of Thomas Anson and Eliza (De Groot) Hopkins. He d. Jan. 28, 1905. She living in Michigan. 513 Harriet Ursula, b. June 23, 1836, d. Feb. 19, 1837. 514 Oscar T., b. Jan. 21, 1837, d. July 2, 1842. +515 WiUiam Henry, b. Sept. 19, 1840. +516 George Washington, b. Feb. 3, 1843. 517 Emma Louisa, b. Sept. 6, 1845; m. Dec. 12, 1866, WiUiam R. Murphy. He living. She d. Sept. 14, 1869. ChUdren: Fred, b. '. Lena, May, b. . 518 Julia Fenn, b. July 27, 1848; m. Covert, N. Y., Dec. 6, 1876, Charles Samuel, b. Covert, June 28, 1847, son of Thomas Anson and Anna Eliza (De Groot) Hopkins. Both living in Michigan. 519 Ada Frances, b. July 14, 1851; m. Mar. 19, 1873, Edmund C, b. Covert, Nov. 3, 1849, son of Nes tor and Phebe (King) Woodworth. Both Hving in Michigan. +520 Edgar Thomas, b. July 26, 1855. 92 The Descendants of Elisha Cole 521 Anna Sarah, b. Apr. 23, 1858; m. Sept. 16, 1886, Arthur Bates. She living at Craik, Canada. 200 Edwin Wildman (Nathan, Joseph, Elisha) ; m. Sept. 10, 1835, Emma, b. Covert, N. Y., July 7, 1814, dau. of Lewis and Samantha (King) Porter. She d. Nov. 27, 1848, and he m. (2) Mary Ann, b. Apr. 7, 1825, dau. of Peter and Mary (Everitt) Quick. He was a farmer. In 185 1 a merchant in Adrian, Mich. He d. Adrian, Mich., Jan. 6, 1861. She living. Chil dren, b. Fairfield, Mich.: (i) marriage: 522 Wilbur Milton, b. Sept. 3, 1836, d. Mar. 7, 1839. +523 HascaU Myron, b. Oct. 7, 1838. +524 Nathan W., b. Feb. 11, 1841. 525 Harriet Porter, b. Oct. 4, 1842, d. Mar. 27, 1845. 526 Ursula, b. Jan. 31, 1845; rn. June 18, 1873, at Cov ert, Herbert, b. there Oct. 23, 1845, son of Tm- man and Aurilla C. (Whitney) Boardman. He d. Rochester, N. Y., July 4, 1875. She Hving Toledo, O. 527 Lewis Porter, b. Weston, Mich. M,ar. 3, 1847; m. Beloit, Wis., June 12, 1889, Mary Ann, b. Troy, Wis., Nov. 26, 1844, dau. of Augustus and Al mira (Stiles) Smith. He d. Beloit, Mich., May 28, 1901. She living there. He was cashier MU. & S. P. R. R. No issue. (2) marriage: 528 Rachel Emily, b. Nov. 27, 1849; ni. Aug. 12, 1869, WUliam H., b. Brockport, N. Y., Oct. 19, 1837, son of John and Jane (Graham) Parker. 529 Maria, b. Aug. 25, 1851 ; m. June 30, 1867, Henry Clay Clements. 530 Edwin, b. June 29, 1853; d. y. 202 Milo Van Duzen (Nathan, Joseph, Elisha) ; m. at Elysses, N. Y., Nov. 23, 1843, Druzilla, b. there Feb. 17, 1819, dau. of Ed- The Descendants of Elisha Cole 93 mund and Mary L. (Estrange) Hopkins. He d. Covert, Oct. 24, 1902. She d. there Apr. 23, 1895. He a farmer. Chil dren: 531 Carrie Frances, b. Nov. 17, 1844; m. Covert Oct. 6, 1869, Ira Cole, b. there Oct. 9, 1846, son of John Chapman and AdeHa (Cole) HaU. He d. Interlaken, N. Y., Apr. 27, 1908, She living. The following is from the Interlaken (formerly Farmer Village) Review of May i, 1908: IRA cole hall. Ira C. Hall, a life-long resident of the town of Covert, and one of the best known and honored citizens of Seneca County, died at his home in Interlaken, Monday evening, Apr. 27, 1908. Mr. Hall was a man of wide acquaintance, of broad sym pathies, of pure and noble character. His father was a member of Assembly from Seneca County, and for several terms a mem ber of the Board of Supervisors. Ira C. Hall was graduated at the Trumansburg Academy in 1864 and at Yale College in 1868. He was a member of the Alpha Delta Phi fraternity, of the senior "Scroll and Key," and one of the nine "Wooden Spoon Men" in the junior class. He was a member of the surveying corps of the Geneva and Ithaca Railroad, and was the first station agent at what was then, Farmer Village. In company with his father, he conducted for many years a coal, hay and grain business. For four years he served as Supervisor for the town of Covert, and for two years was chair man of the board. Although not a member of the Baptist church, he was deeply interested in its wellfare, and for many years was a member of its board of trustees. Funeral services held at the home yesterday afternoon were conducted by Mr. HaU's former pastor and life-long friend, Rev. Lewis Halsey, D. D., of Clyde, assisted by Rev. Dr. T. A. Hughes and C. W. McNish. Many friends were in attendance, including the members of the Board of Supervisors of Seneca County, and delegations from the Masonic lodges of Ovid, Lodi and Trumans burg. The burial service was conducted by the Masonic fra ternity, under direction of Past Master Rev. E. B. Van Arsdale. 94 The Descendants of Elisha Cole The Board of Supervisors were the honorary pall bearers, the active bearers being members of Farmersville Lodge, Messrs. E. C. Grant, W. E. Peterson, E. F. Chase, J. B. Moore, T. P. Hause and C. W. Bogart. Many loving friends will say, "Farwell my brother!" and will remember Ira C. Hall as a man true to his friends, loyal to his convictions, faithful in the discharge of every duty. +532 Arvah Hopkins, b. Oct. 17, 1847. 533 EUa Louise, b. Dec. 27, 1849; unm. 534 Anna Mary, b. June 19, 1852 ; m. at Covert, N. Y., Sept. 29, 1877, John George, b. at Schney, Ger many, Nov. 12, 1848, son of John George and Elizabeth (Schramm) Mohr (Moore). Living at Minneapolis, Minn. Child: William C. 535 Sue Alida, b. Nov. 20, 1854, d. July 10, 1855. 536 Evalina Hall, b. Apr. 19, 1862; m. at Covert Dec. 5, 1889, to Frank Loren, b. Enfield, Conn., Apr. 30, 1858, son of Loren and Maria (Loomer) Griswold. Living at Hazardville, Conn. 207 Ram.c.h (Levi H., Joseph, EHsha) ; m. Charlotte, b. Carmel, Dtc. 27, 1821, dau. of James and Sarah (Townsend) Carver. He d. at Brooklyn, May 8, 1892. She d. there Nov. 30, 1888. Children : +537 WaUace Henry, b. Dec. 16, 1844, at Mahopac, N. Y. 538 Abiather BaUard, b. July 30, 1847, d. Feb. 11, 1851. +539 Frank Josiah, b. Brooklyn, N. Y., Dec. 7, 1858. 208 John Berry (Levi H., Joseph, EHsha) ; m. Apr. 28, 1853,, Maria, b. Mar. 20, 1826, dau. of James and Tamar (Sloat) Hart. She d. Sept. 16, 1881, at Brooklyn, and he m. (2) Aug. 8, 1889, Margaretta Crocker, b. New York City July 30, 1850, adopted dau. of John and Catharine (Brazin) Gold. He d. June 27, 1893. She Hving. ChUdren, b. Brooklyn: ?J O X I "^ ^ ? a The Descendants of Elisha Cole 95 540 Hester Amelia, b. Dec. 8, 1853; m. Brooklyn Dec. 8, 1879, Henry Morgan, b. Elba, N. Y., June 24, 1847, son of George Hall and Elizabeth (Mor gan) White. Living at Lee, Mass. 541 Ella Euphemia, b. New York City, Sept. 28, i860; m. at Brooklyn June 4, 1889, Harry Whitehouse, b. Brooklyn July 30, 1864, son of Andrew Jack son and Sarah Emma (Cross) Doremus. Both living at Staten Island, N. Y. 542 Alice, b. May 8, 1864, d. May 2, 1868. +543 Herbert Milton, b. Apr. 10, 1871. 211 Alonzo Ojida (Levi H., Joseph, Elisha) ; m. EmUy Augusta, dau. of L Augustus and Jane (Jessup) Reed. She was b. Apr. 8, 1834; d. Sept. 14, 1856. He m. (2) Emma MatUda, dau. of Jacob and Sarah (Russell) Browner. She was b. Dec. 27, 1834, d. Nov. 20, 1873. He m. (3) Mrs. Sarah C, b. Dec. 7, 1832, dau. of Frederick and Mary E. (Kohler) Hede- rick, and wid. of Abiather R. Ballard, who d. Feb. 28, 1875. She d. Nov. 4, 1885. He m. (4) Dec. 28, 1886, at Carmel, Mary Fayette, b. Aug. 20, 1837, dau. of Ormond Hayes and Mary (Ganong) Cole. He was in the trucking business. He d. Brooklyn Mar. 12, 1899. All buried at Mahopac Falls. Fourth wife living. No issue 3rd and 4th marriages. Chil dren by 1st marriage : 544 Jennie Augusta, b. New York City Oct. 8, 1854; m. at Brooklyn, Jan. 21, 1885, Millard Fillmore, b. Mahopac FaUs, Jan. 10, 1858, son of EHsha Cole and Agnes Ann (Horton) Agor. She d. at Ma hopac Falls, July 14, 1901, and he m. (2) Jan. 19, 1903, Mrs. Sarah Amanda, b. Oct. 2, 1863, dau. of Peter B. and Sarah K. (Smith) Curry, and wid. of Kelsie Agor. (Elisha Cole Agor, mentioned above, was a grandson of Elizabeth (Cole) Agor, dau. of Elisha Cole. Millard F. Agor is a merchant and postmaster at Mahopac Falls.) 96 The Descendants of Elisha Cole By 2nd marriage : 545 Carrie Adina, d. Apr. 6, 1862, aged 5 years, 9 months. 546 Sarah Browner, b. i860, d. Apr. 8, 1862. 547 Edwin D., b. Aug. 3, 1863, d. Aug. 23, 1864. 548 Annie Louise, b. June 6, 1865 ; m. Brooklyn, Apr. 20, 1 886, Dr. William Fenton, b. Buffalo, May 28, 1855, son of Edwin H. and Rebecca (HoUedge) Millington. He graduated from New York Uni versity Medical College and was house physician and surgeon at Seamen's Retreat, S. I., N. Y., 1878-80. Both living in Brooklyn. 549 Hattie Isabel, b. Oct. 10, 1868, d. unm.. Mar. 11, 1892. 550 Fanny EsteUe, b. Sept. 13, 1870; m. Brooklyn, Feb. 21, 1894, WiUiam Ross, b. Nova Scotia, July 4, 1858, son of Ebenezer and Jane (Ross) Kinsnlan. 214 Joseph Watson (Levi H., Joseph, Elisha) ; m. New York, Oct 29, 1859, Mary Elizabeth, b. New York, Sept. 4, 1837, dau. of James and Rachel (Dargavel) Pope. She d. Feb. 15, 1872, and he m. (2) New York, Jan. 20, 1875, Mrs. Ann W., b. 1832, dau. of WiUiam T. and Caroline L. (Wood) Ryer, and wid. of Chas. A. Hilliker. She d. June 15, 1891. He living in Brooklyn. ChUdren : 551 NeUie Louise, b. Sept. 9, i860, unm. 552 Carrie Augusta, b. Apr. 8, 1864; m. Apr. 8, 1885, David Campbell Austin. She d. Mar. 18, 1893. 553 Jessie Lena, b. Oct. 12, 1866; m. May 30, 1888, to Chas. Irving, b. New York, Feb. 17, i860, son of John H. and Hannah M. (Onderdunk) Smith. 554 William Sylvester, b. Sept. 17, 1870; m. Roslyn, N. Y., June 30, 1905, Ruth Payne, b. there July 8, 1876, dau. of John Weeks and Hannah Maria (Axtell) Wood. The Descendants of Elisha Cole 97 219 Adaniram Judson (Ramah, Joseph, Elisha) ; m. Linden, Mich., May 2, i86i, Augusta Malvina, b. Sacket Harbor, N. Y., Dec. lo, 1840, dau, of Samuel Reed and Mary Kendall (Stone) CampbeU. He was a farmer and was killed by a bull while driving it out of his corn-field. He d. Byron, Mich., Sept. 22, 1882. She living at Shepard, Mich. Children, b. Byron: 555 Belle Frances, b. Jan. 20, 1862; m. Nov. 30, 1882, Rev. Sidney Cornish, b. Wiggaton, England, Oct. 24, 1858, son of WUliam and Elizabeth (Daw) Davis. He is a Baptist minister and both living at La Junta, Col. +556 Edward Judson, b. June 13, 1864. 557 Loella Augusta, b. Aug. 29, 1872; m. Cheyenne, Wyo., May 24, 1899, to WiUiam Henry, b. Eng land, Sept. 16, 1866, son of WUliam Davis and a nephew of Rev. Sidney Davis. Both living. Children : William Howard, b. May i, 1900. Philip Judson, b. Sept. 12, 1901. 558 Grace Emma, b. Dec. 17, 1879; m. Nov. i, 1897, Rev. George Washington, b. Lindon, Mich., 1873, son of Verge and Annie (Green) Bedell. Chil dren: Clara, Frank, Paul, Lula Bell. 220 William Martin (Ramah, Joseph, EHsha) ; m. Byron, Mich., Sept. 2, 1858, Alice, b. Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Apr. 25, 1841, dau. of John and Maria (Doughty) WUliams. He was a farmer and d. Fitzgerald, Ga., Mar. 19, 1904. She d. Mar. 17, 1907. Children : +559 Charles, b. Byron, Mich., Jan. 20, i860. 560 Claude, b. Lansing Mich., Mar. 18, 1867; m. Cadil lac, Sept. 2-j, 1893, Zora BeUe, b. Olivet, Mich., Apr. 5, 1871, dau. of James M. and Maria L. 98 The Descendants of Elisha Cole (Day) Flagg. Both living at Kalkasha. No issue : +561 Clyde, b. Dewitt, Feb. 19, 1869. 221 Levi (John, Daniel, EHsha) ; m. Abigail Smalley. Lived in Michigan. Children : 562 'Zillah; m. John English; m. (2) Larzalese. 563 Cyrus, b. . 564 James W., b. , d. unm. 565 Zachariah, b. , d. unm. 566 Mary, b. ; m. Augustus Schigler. 224 Horace (John, Daniel, EHsha) ; m. Carmel, Oct. 5, 1833, Goolda Ruth, b. there May 8, 1812, dau. of Enos and Cynthia (Cole) Hopkins. He was a farmer at Bradford, N. Y. He d. July 29, 1894. She d. Dec. 17, 1903. ChUdren: +567 Chester Enos, b. Carmel, June 6, 1835. 568 Mary Cynthia, b. Bradford, Jan. 18, 1841 ; m. there Nov. 13, 1861, Hosea, b. May 8, 1841, son of Hosea and Harriet (Brundage) Longwell. He d. Oct. 6, 1905. She living. 569 Ansel L., b. Mar. 18, 1852; d. Aug. 31, 1864. 225 Hiram (John, Daniel, Elisha) ; m. Fanny, b. Carmel, Nov. 2, 1821, dau. of John and Sarah (Drew) Barrett. He was a farmer and lived at Carmel. He d. June 5, 1888. She d. Sept. 4, 1888. Children: 570 Annie Augusta, b. Nov. 1840; m. Oct. 26, 1859, Byron E., b. Aug. 14, 1835, son of Ansel and Eliza A. (Hopkins) Hazen. She d. June 6, 1862, and he m. (2) June 11, 1868, ZiUah, dau. of Samuel Addison and Hannah (ColweU) The Descendants of Elisha Cole 99 Townsend. He d. Mt. Vernon, N. Y., May 12, 1906. She living. +571 Charles WiUiam, b. June 15, 1845. 228 Allen (Jesse, Daniel, Elisha) ; m. Jan. 29, 1840, Susan, b. Mar. 22, 1813, dau. of John and Betsey (Washburn) Cole. He was a farmer and Hved at Carmel. He d. Dec. 28, 1880. She d. July 16, 1887. ChUd: +572 Henry Day, b. May 12, 1841. 231 Reuben (Jesse, Daniel, Elisha) ; m. Dec. 19, 1859, at Roxbury, Conn., Harriet L., b. there May 9, 1829, dau. of Sherman and Jerusha Esther (Morton) Minor. He d. Dec. 28, 1891, aged 75 years, 11 months, 22 days. She d. May 13, 1897. He was born at Kent and his early Hfe was spent on a farm. Later he taught school. He was one of the early settlers of St. Paul, Minn., and made considerable money in real estate in that city. He also owned property in North and South Da kota, California and Washington. He d. at Rock Elm, Wis., and is buried at Sleepy Hollow, Tarrytown, N. Y. Child: 573 CorneHa Minor, b. Roxbury, Conn., Nov. 2, i860; m. in New York City, Dec. 9, 1889, Clinton Sears, b. New York City, Aug. 16, 1858, son of James and Mary (Bourbon) Arnold. Both liv ing at Scarboro, N. Y. 233 Ogden (Daniel H., Daniel, EHsha) ; m. Sarah, dau. of Harry White. He d. Dec. 29, 1849, aged 39 years, 9 months, 15 days. She d. about 1855 at the home of her sister, Mrs. Solomon Barrett, and is buried at Farmers MiUs. ChUdren: +574 Theodore Frelinghuysen, b. at Cole's MiUs, 1844. 100 The Descendants of Elisha Cole 575 Charles E., b. Jan. 7, 1847 ; d. unm. at Atlanta, Ga., July 30, 1864, from a wound in the head. He enlisted in the 6th N. Y. Heavy Artillery in 1862, and was later a private in Co. E., 5th Regt. Conn. Vols. 234 Tillott (Daniel H., Daniel, Elisha) ; m. Zillah, b. Kent, Mar. 23, 1823, dau. of Lewis and Adah (Cole) Nichols. They lived at Cole's MiUs. He d. June 4, 1890, aged 78 years, 5 months, 9 days. She d. May 11, 1905, aged 82 years, i month, 18 days. Children : +576 George Richardson, b. Oct. 28, 1845. +577 Lewis Edgar, b. Oct. 13, 1850. 237 Thomas Owen (EHsha J., Daniel, EHsha) ; m. Jan. 8, 1837, Antha Jane, b. Apr. 17, 1814, dau. of Enos and Cynthia (Cole) Hopkins. She d. Sept. 13, 1840, and he m. (2) Sept. i, 1847, Marie Antoinette, b. June 24, 1824, dau. of Ira and Phebe (Merritt) Terry. He d. July i, 1871. She d. Feb. 17, 1907. Children : 578 Newman, b. July 20, 1840, d. Jan. 29, 1842, aged i year, 6 months, 2 days. 579 Emma Eliza, b. Jan. 9, 1856; m. Oct. 16, 1878, at Bethel, Conn., Coleman Robinson, b. Kent, Jan. 20, 1843, son of Steven R. and Emily (Town- send) Barrett. Both living at Carmel. No issue : 580 Jessie Fremont, b. Mar., 1857; m. Nov. 7, 1878, John Francis, son of Joseph and Loretta (North rup) Nichols. He d. Jan., 1904. She living. No issue. 238 George Harrison (Elisha J., Daniel, Elisha) ; m. at Croton Falls, Charlotte, dau. of Cyrus and Zillah (Colwell) Chase. The Descendants of Elisha Cole 101 He was a wholesale liquor dealer. He d. at Chicago, May 20, 1903. She d. there June 24, 1898. Children: 581 Cyrus E. ; m. Clara W. Beardsley. He d. Chicago, in the '8o's. She still living. They had two sons, Walter and George. 582 Gertrude O., b. , d. unm. at Chicago, Mar. 29, 1903. 583 (Daughter), d. aged 3 years. 240 Charles Norton (EHsha J., Daniel, EHsha) ; m. Jane Ann, b. Nov. 23, 1826, dau. of James and (Sowber) Budd. He was a school teacher and farmer. He d. Sept. 4, 1891. She d. at Poughkeepsie, July 28, 1908. Children, b. Pleasant Val ley, N. Y. 584 Edward, b. , d. y. +585 Mortimer Belding, b. Dec. 13, 1854. 242 Nathaniel (Nathaniel, Ebenezer, Elisha) ; m. Jane GaUoway. He d. at Sun Prairie, Wis., June 30, 1882. She d. there Sept. 13, 1889, aged 76 years, 10 months. Children, b. Chenango Co., N. Y.: 586 Sarah, b. Apr., 1833 ; m. Jenkins. She died Oct. 29, 1859, aged 26 years, 6 months. 587 Anthony WiUiam, b. , 1838; m. Annie Ham- mersley. Lives at Zanesville, Wis. 588 Malvina, b. Oct., 1840, d. unm. Dec. 26, i86o. 589 Mary Ellen, b. Dec, 1842, d. unm. July 7, 1857. 590 Adoniram Judson, b. , 1845. 591 Charles Ogden, b. ¦. 592 Maria Elizabeth, b. . 593 Jennie, b. . 594 George Henry, b. , 1854; m. Harriet E. MUes, b. Jan. 6, i860. Have two children; Frank Na thaniel and Alice Jane. 102 The Descendants of Elisha Cole 243 Ebenezer (Nathaniel, Ebenezer, EHsha) ; m. Eliza Horton. He d. at Sun Prairie, Wis., Mar. 4, 1884. Children: 595 Margaret Ann, b. 596 WiUiam H., b. . Lives Mineral Point, Wis. 597 Emeline, b. ; m. (i) Raymond; m. (2) Shaw. 598 John Emory, b. . Lives in Iowa. 599 Mary Elizabeth, b. ; m. Jenkins. 245 Henry (Nathaniel, Ebenezer, EHsha) ; m. Betsey A. Purdy. She d. Mar. 16, 1849. He m. (2) . Lives in Cali fornia. Children : (ist) marriage only: 600 Esther Ann, b. , 1840. 601 George, b. , 1842, d. in Civil War. 602 Ogden, b. , 1843, d. in CivU War. 603 Angevine, b. , 1845 ; m. Jennie Norton. He d. Argentine, Kans. They had Charles, Edith. 604 Francelia, b. , 1846; m. Charles Pease. 605 Joseph, b. Apr. 3, 1848, d. Nov. 14, 1849. 246 Anthony William (Nathaniel, Ebenezer, Elisha) ; m. about 1843, Mary, dau. of Cyrus Horton. She d. at North Fenton, N. Y. He m. (2) in the spring of 1845, Frances, b. 1819, dau. of Capt. James and Ann (Curry) Sherwood. She d. at North Fenton, Dec. 5, 1861, and he m. (3) in 1863, LetUia, b. North Highland, N. Y., Mar. 9, 1819, dau. of James CargiU. He d. Putnam Valley, Dec. 9, 1891. He was a farmer. She d. Feb. , 1894. ChUdren : 606 Child — died at birth with mother. 607 Two children, b. at North Fenton; d. y. +608 Horton Sherwood, b. Jan. 28, 1850. The Descendants of Elisha Cole 103 609 Mary Frances, b. May 16, 1853; m. Reuben Burr Gilbert. 610 Herbert, b. Oct. 14, 1856, d. Apr. i, 1871, aged 14 years, 5 months, 15 days. 611 Emma Louise, b. Sept. 21, 1861 ; m. Shrub Oak, N. Y., Mar. 27, 1889, to Chas. Barmore, b. Putnam VaUey, May 29, 1865, son of James Henry and Lucy (Lickley) Travis. Both living at Peeks kiU. 250 John (Benjamin, Ebenezer, Elisha) ; m. , Mary Jane, b. , dau. of Thomas and (Pratt) GiUett. She d. 1835, at Adams Corners, and he m. (2) Mrs. Sarah, b. , 1804, dau. of , and wid. of James Sherwood. She d. Aug. 27, 1876, and he m. (3) Apr. 17, 1877, Mrs. Margaret Hawkins. He d. Virginia, Jan. 22, 1896. She d. Aug. 8, 1886. He was a carpenter. Child : +612 WiUiam John, b. Putnam VaUey, Oct. 28, 1832. 255 James (Ebenezer, Ebenezer, Elisha) ; m. 1847, Sarah, b. Jan. 18, 1826, dau. of Peter and Elizabeth (Haight) Mekeel. He was a farmer and Hved at Putnam VaUey. He d. Jan. 26, 1869. She d. Mar. 3, 1891. The Mekeels were French and the name originally was Me- keer. There were three brothers; one settled in Westchester County, one in Putnam County, and the third disappeared. ChUdren : 613 Ann EHzabeth, b. Sept. 11, 1841, drowned Aug. 4, 1862. +614 Charles Ogden, b. July 2, 1852. +615 Peter James, b. Feb. 9, 1854. 256 Charles (Ebenezer, Ebenezer, Elisha) ; m. Melissa Kimbel. She d. and he m. (2) PrisciUa Moore. He d. Apr. , 1894. Children : 104 The Descendants of Elisha Cole 6i6 Mary, b. ; m. Tremaine Finch. 617 William R., b. . Lived at Susquehanna, Pa. 618 Elmer, b. . 619 Lurana, b. ; m. Jacobs. 257 William (Ebenezer, Ebenezer, Elisha) ; m. Apr. 29, 1837, Het- tie Maria, b. Mar. 22, i8j7, dau. of Lemuel and Charity (Kirk- ham) Smith. Farmer and lived at Putnam Valley. He d. Dec. 3, 1892. She d. Dec. 25, 1901. ChUdren: 620 Susan Jane, b. Apr. 9, 1838; m. Apr. 9, 1861, to the Rev. Thomas Stockton, b. Nov. 23, 1839, at PhiUipstown, N. Y., son of Benson Oakley and Julia Ann (Gilbert) Lent. Both living. Chil dren: Hettie A., b. Aug. 4, 1863, d. Aug. 9, 1894. WiUiam Benson, b. May i, 1865. 621 EHzabeth, b. May 9, 1840, d. y. 622 Julia Frances, b. Oct. 12, 1842; m. Dec. 19, i860, to William Benjamin, b. Dec. 3, 1840, in Putnam County, son of Steven V. and Phebe Ann (Terry) Weeks. Both living at Peekskill. Chil dren: Libbie, b. Nov. 23, 1861. Arthur, b. Oct. 16, 1868. 623 Margaret, b. Oct. 12, 1843 '> ^- Oct. 22, 1862, to Selah b. Apr. 15, 1840, son of Alexander and Sarah A. (Chapman) Armstrong. Both living. Chil dren: Harriet R., b. . Emma B., b. . 624 Ebenezer, b. Oct. 14, 1848; d. at age of 6 years. 262 Thomas (James, Ebenezer, EHsha) ; m. at Kent, Nov. 3, 1849, to Polly (Mary) b. there Dec. 20, 1827, dau. of Morgan and The Descendants of Elisha Cole 105 Hannah (Ketcham) Brownell. He was a farmer and d. at Danbury, Conn., Mar. 6, 1903. She d. at Kent, N. Y-, May 29, 1899. ChUd : +625 James Henry, b. Kent, N. Y., July 15, 1851. 263 Edwin (James, Ebenezer, Elisha) ; m. Catharine, b. Sept. 29, 1829, dau. of Freeman and Eunice (RusseU) Sprague. He was a farmer, and Hved at Kent, N. Y. He d. Apr. 20, 1876. She d. June 20, 1894. Children : +626 Theron, b. Dec. i, 1852. 627 Lavenia, b. Apr. 16, 1853 ; m. at Kent, Feb. 17, 1875, to Abel Evans, b. there Dec. 29, 1849, son of WiUiam and Elizabeth (Selleck) Ballard, both living at Paterson, N. Y. +628 Ebenezer, b. Feb. 7, 1855. 629 Estelle, b. Nov. 18, 1856; m. Nov. 12, 1879, to Chas. E. (No. 635), son of Alvah Cole. No issue. 630 Charlotte, b. Sept. 16, 1858; m. at Paterson, Dec. 6, 1882, to Charies L., b. East Fishkill, Apr. 16, 1857, son of Albert and Sarah (Davis) Turner. Both living at Paterson. Child: Georgiana, b. Kent, Nov. 18, 1890. 631 Eunice, b. Apr. 7, i860; m. Freeman SmaUey. 6312 Gilbert, b. Sept. 19, 1869; m. Louise, dau. of Caleb and Louise (Russell) Smalley. 264 William (James, Ebenezer, Elisha) ; m. Susan Elizabeth, b. at Carmel, Mar. 22, 1827, dau. of Robert and Nancy (Tompkins) Wixson. He d. Sept. 2, 1873, aged 48 years, i month, 29 days. She d. Nov. 16, 1892. (Tombstone gives her age 65 years, 7 months, 24 days. Town records, as 64 years, 9 months, 24 days. (Robert Wixson was a son of Shubel Wixson, who came with his brother Pelig from Cape Cod and bought land in Kent in 1782.) Children: 106 The Descendants of Elisha Cole 633 Mary, 634 Martha, twins, b. Jan. 17, 1855. Mary d. Mar. 4, 1861. Martha m. in New York City, May i, 1872, Freeman, b. Dec. 26, 1849, in Carmel, son of Edwin and Marion (Hop kins) Fisher. Both living at Carmel. Child: Bertha, b. May 15, 1873. 265 Alvah (James, Ebenezer, Elisha) ; m. at South East, Apr. 26, 1851, Louisa, b. there Sept. 26, 1829, dau. of Charles and EHza beth (Hoyt) Everett. They moved from Kent to Northfield, Minn., in 1856. He d. there Mar. 9, 1863. (She m. (2) at South East, Mar. 15, 1864, Orson Beach, and had a son Leon ard D. Beach). She d. Brainard, Minn., Mar. 15, 1895. By first marriage: 63s Charles E., b. Northfield, Minn., Mar. 26, 1859; m. at Kent, Nov. 12, 1879, his cousin Estelle, b. Nov. 18, 1856, dau. of Edwin and Catharine (Sprague) Cole. He is a machinist. Both living at Brainard, Minn. No issue. 269 Ebenezer (James, Ebenezer, Elisha) ; m. at LudingtonviUe, Put nam County, Oct. 28, 1857, Rachel Jane, b. at Kent, Feb. 3, 1834, dau. of Freeman and Eunice (Russell) Sprague. He was a farmer and lived at Kent. He d. Jan. 31, 1896. She living at Holmes, Dutchess County, N. Y. Children : +636 Eugene, b. June 3, 1861. +637 Albert G., b. Mar. i, 1864. +638 Ferris E., b. Oct 22, 1865. 270 Charles (James, Ebenezer, EHsha) ; m. at Carmel, Oct. 31, i860, Sarah Jane, b. there July 14, 1836, dau. of Reuben and The Descendants of Elisha Cole 107 Minerva (Hughson) Hopkins. He d. New York City, June i6, 1895, she living at PeekskiU. ChUdren, b. Carmel: 639 Georgiania Irene, b. Oct. 3, 1861 ; m. PeekskiU, Nov. 24, 1895, John Wildy, b. in Illinois, Aug. 2, 1858, son of John Joseph Wildy and Mary Elizabeth (Baker) Place. Both living. 640 NeUie Josephine, b. New York City, Oct. 13, 1871 ; unm. 273 James Wood (James, Ebenezer, Elisha) ; m. Elizabeth A., b. Paterson, N. Y., June 25, 1849, dau. of Alvin and Betsey ( ) Eastwood. She d. Danbury, Conn., Apr. 9, 1888, and he m. (2) Carrie L., b. Norwalk, Conn., May 17, 1871, dau. of Henry and Harriet (Vany) Rotherforth. He d. . She d. Danbury, June 6, 1902. Children: 641 Oliver, b. , d. y. 642 Ida, b. , d. y. 274 Amos Rogers (Lewis, John, Elisha) ; m. at Egypt, Monroe Co., N. Y., May 14, 1829, Hannah Gannett, b. there Oct. 11, 1806, dau. of Gideon and Hannah (Smith) Randall. He d. at Rochester, N. Y., Jan. 29, 1882. She d. May 5, 1881, at Pitts- ford, N. Y. He was a farmer. Children: +643 Otis, b. Egypt, N. Y., Sept. 14, 1834. 644 Lydia Hathaway, b. Egypt, N. Y., Mar. 28, 1841 ; m. there Apr. 6, 1861, Albert, b. May 14, 1839, son of Nathan and Margaret (Pierce) Case. Both living in Michigan. 276 Darius (Lewis, John, EHsha) ; m. New York State, Feb. 4, 1841, Mary Ann, b. Sept. ,1818, dau. of Spencer and Sophia (Kel ley) Allen. They settled in Lenawee County, Mich. He d. at RoUin, Mich., Sept. 20, 1846, and she m. Apr. 5, 1848, his i08 The Descendants of Elisha Cole brother, Elvin C. Cole. He was a farmer. Children by first marriage, born at RoUin: +645 Lewis W., b. Sept. 20, 1844. 646 Darius, b. July 9, 1846; m. Jan. 6, 1864, Chloe, dau. of Levi and Mary (Baker) Sherman. Farmer. He d. at RoUin, Nov. 28, 1880. She dead. (No issue.) 277 Elvin Clinton (Lewis, John, Elisha) ; m. Seneca County, N. Y., Mar. 7, or 12, 1837, Lydia, b. Jan. 21, 1821, dau. of Philip and Magdalena (Covert) Tunison. She d. at Covert, N. Y., Dec. 17, 1843. He m. (2) at Macedon, N. Y., Apr. 5, 1848, Mrs. Mary Ann (AUen) Cole, wid. of his brother Darius, and dau. of Spencer Allen. She d. at RoUin, Mich., Sept. 17, 1849. He m. (3) May 2, 1852, Elvira Laura, b. Van Buren, Onon daga County, N. Y., June 2, 1826, dau. of Asa and Amanda (Matson) Dayton. He was a farmer and d. at RoUin, Jan. 6, 1889. She d. there May 4, 1891. (Magdalena Tunison was a daughter of Col. Rynear Covert Col. War 1812). She d. Mar. 16, 1880, aged 84 years. She was the lineal descendant of Anneke Jahns and possessor of the Anneke Jahns Bible brought from Holland with family records written in Dutch. It was taken by Electa (or Letta) Fulkerson across Seneca Lake about i860 for one Dominie Sharp to translate. He took the Bible to New York City where the family records were removed and all trace of them lost. Sharp resigned his ministerial charge and left the country with a competency for life. (This statement made by adult mem bers of the Tunison family who had seen the Bible.) Children: +647 Amos Rogers Tunison, b. May 19, 1839. 648 AUen, b. Aug. 14, 1849. 649 Emma Celia, b. July 21, 1853, ^t RoUin, Mich.; m. there June 15, 1873, to J. C, b. Hergershausen, Germany, son of Wilhelm and Catharine (Bach- man) Schneider. Living at Toledo, Ohio. +650 Elvin Dayton, b. Feb. 28, 186 1, at RoUin. The Descendants of Elisha Cole 109 278 Elmer C. (Lewis, John, Elisha) ; m. Oct. 8, 1842, Lucretia Smith, b. Dec. 4, 1812, in Delaware Co. He was a farmer and d. at RoUin, Mich., Mar. 10, 1854. She d. at Adrian, Mich. Chil dren, b. at RoUin: +651 Ogden, b. Mar. 16, 1844. +652 John Rogers, b. Jan. 9, 1847. 295 Edmund (Heman, Reuben, Elisha, Elisha) ; m. at Croton Falls, N. Y., Dec. 31, 1845, Elizabeth, b. Somers, N. Y., Jan. 11, 1818, dau. of John and Anna (Bailey) Owen. He a farmer, and d. July 14, 1853, aged 31 years, 4 months, 23 days. She died at Oswego, N. Y., May 29, 1904. ChUd: 653 Isabella, b. Oct. 19, 1848; m. in New York City, June 5, 1867, Franklin Burbank, b. Oswego, Sept. I, 1844, son of Samuel Burbank and Sarah Clark son (Doyle) Johnson. He d. July 3, 1868, and she m. at Oswego, Dec. 11, 1879, her brother-in- law, Edgar Doyle Johnson, who was b. Jan. 5, 1847. Both living at Oswego. 296 Heman Hopkins (Heman, Reuben, EHsha, EHsha) ; m. Hannah Jane, b. , dau. of Jacob Orson and Maria (Van Blar- com) Howes. He was a farmer and lived at South East. He d. Aug., 1864. She d. Croton Falls, Dec. 14, 1896, after being a wid. for 32 years. Children: 654 Orson, b. Sept. 7, 1849; m. Dec. 5, 1871, to Ida Eliz abeth, b. Aug. 25, 1852, at Pound Ridge, dau. of Linus and Catharine (Thatcher) Olmstead. Lived at South East. He d. Oct. 9, 1891, aged 42 years, i month, 2 days. She d. Feb. 7, 1890, aged 37 years, 6 months, 13 days. ChUdren: Jennie Louise, b. Oct. 21, 1874, d. Oct. 31, 1894, 110 The Descendants of Elisha Cole 655 Emma M., b. , d. Aug. 14, 1855, aged 3 years, 2 months, 7 days. 656 Ida, b. June 10, 1854; m. at South East, Sept. 25, 1878, Charles Byington, b. there June 18, 1849, son of George Washington and Elizabeth (By ington) Gregory. He a farmer, living at Croton FaUs. She d. at Somers, Dec. 8, 1896. 657 WiUiam H., d. unm. 301 John (Ebenezer, Reuben, EHsha, EHsha) ; m. Dingle Ridge, South East, Jan. 12, 1853, Jane Ann, b. at South East, dau. of Ezra and Sarah (Ritchie) Rundle. She d. Sept. 7, 1857, aged 29 years, 11 months, 11 days, and he m. (2) 1861, Susan Eliza beth, b. at Dykmans, July 19, 1839, daughter of John and De borah Jane (Barnes) Wood. He was a butcher, and d. at Brewster, July 28, 1884. Aged 62 years, 11 months, 17 days. She d. there Feb. 21, 1899. ChUdren, born at Brewster: 658 Medora Jane, b. June 11, 1856; m. there May 28, 1890, Alonzo Augustus, b. at Paterson, N. Y., Jan. 15, 1857, son of Alonzo and Jemima (Strip ling) Palmer, both living at Towners. 659 Herbert R., d. Oct. 8, 1857, aged i month, 14 days. 660 Ida BeUe, b. July 7, 1863 ; m. Dec. 18, 1890, Harry Clark, b. at Chenango Forks, N. Y., June 27, 1867, son of Jean and Emily (Price) Hicks. Both living at White Plains, N. Y. 661 Chester, b. May 30, 1865, d. Sept. 21, 1873. 662 Edwin, b. June 4, 1867, unm. 663 Wilbur, b. July 5, 1868 ; m. Bertha Owen. 304 Abner Sweetland (Eli, David, EHsha, EHsha) ; m. Oct. 10, 1848, Roena Herrick. Children: 664 Addie May, b. Mar. 30, 1854 ; m. May 9, 1878, La fayette Holden. He Capt. 136th N. Y. Infantry, Civil War. The Descendants of Elisha Cole ill 665 WiUiam L., b. May 10, 1857; m. Apr., 1878, LUlie FuUer. He d. Sept. 29, 1880. Child: Louis, b. Dec. 23, 1878; d. Nov. 22, 1881. 305 David Orlando (Eli, David, Elisha, EHsha) ; m. Oct. 28, 1852, Anadella C. Rude. She d. and he m. (2) Aug. 16, 1855, Susan Jane Nash. Lived Downer's Grove, 111. Children: 666 Son, b. and d. Feb. 22, 1854. 667 Arthur B., b. Jan. 22, 1857; m. Mar. 22, 1882, Lulu Stanley. Child : AHce, b. Mar. 5, 1885. 668 Halbert, b. Aug. 3, i860, d. Mar. 31, 1861. 669 Adele M., b. Victor, 111., Feb. 22, 1863 ; m. Nov. 14, 1883, C. C. Van Horn. Children : Roy C, b. Sept. 17, 1884. 669a Clarence L., b. Oct. 9, 1865, d. Apr. 15, 1872. 669b RoUo M., b. Sept. 29, 1870. 669c Alonzo E., b. Jan. 8, 1874. 669d Allen M., b. Dec. 3, 1879. 310 Lyman Mason (Eli, David Elisha, EHsha) ; m. Westfield, Ohio, Nov. 4, 1869, Angeline Mary, b. there 1852, dau. of Duane and Mary Elizabeth (Reynolds) Rouse. He an engineer. Both living at Geneva, Ohio. He was also a First Lieutenant, in Company B, 56th Illinois, during the Rebellion. Children: 670 Ivy Louise, b. Westfield, O., July 6, 1871 ; m. Ge neva, O., May 23, 1906, John Newton, b. Rich field, O., May 15, 1863, son of WUHam and Re becca (Newton) Weld. Living Cleveland, Ohio. 671 Arthur Lawrence, b. Saybrook, O., Sept. 27, 1874; m. July 24, 1897, Flora Donk. Child: Charlotte Angeline, b. Chicago, Feb. 21, 1899. 112 The Descendants of Elisha Cole 314 William Wallace (Abner Bangs, David, Elisha, Elisha) ; m. at Cuba, N. Y., Oct. 28, 1852, Mary Jane, b. there Feb. 12, 1836, dau. of James Stewart and Lois (Shaffer) Graham. He d. Denver, Col., June 4, 1900. She living in Chicago. He enlisted at the first call for volunteers in April, 1861, for two years in Company B, 23d N. Y. Vols., made 2nd Lieut., and in Sept., 1862, upon resignation of Capt. Loybon, he was promoted to fill the vacancy. Served two years and was honor ably discharged. Children, born, Cuba, N. Y. : 672 Eugene, b. Nov. 7, 1853, d. Aug. 3, 1862. 673 James Graham, b. Sept. 27, 1855, d. Aug. 10, 1862. 674 Charles, b. Mar. 25, i860, d. Aug. 9, 1862. (The above children died of diphtheria while their father was with the army.) 675 Minnie May, b. May 26, 1863 ; m. at Cuba, May 26, 1885, Robert Carson, b. there June 9, 1861, son of Henry Axtel and Jane (Orton) Mead. They had: Lucy AHce, b. Sept. 6, 1887. 676 Ada Eleanor, b. Jan. 5, 1868; m. at Denver, Col., Apr. 2, 1896, MelvUle, b. at Washington, la., Mar. 15, 1866, son of George and Louisa Jane (Melville) Black. 677 Alice Bertha, b. Oct. 6, 1870; m. in Brooklyn, Dec. 24, 1889, Charles Evans, b. Jersey City, N. J., Apr. 22, 1868, son of WiUiam Schuyler and Katharine (Peck) Winters. 678 Jessie Lois, b. Apr. 21, 1875, d. Feb. 4, 1879. 315 Chester Scott (Abner Bangs, David, EHsha, Elisha) ; m. at Painted Post, N. Y., Nov. 2, 1858, Adeline Eleanor, dau. of George Charles and Mary (Gibbs) Wheat. He d. at Coming, N. Y., June 21, 1906. She living. He moved from Friendship, N. Y., to Corning in 1854. He was greatly interested in the political affairs of Corning and The Descendants of Elisha Cole 113 held many offices. He was President of the town several times and in 1868 was appointed U. S. Assessor of Internal Revenue for that District. He was a delegate to the Republican Na tional Conventions of 1872, 1876, 1880, and was one of the 306 who voted for Grant at the Chicago Convention. In 1879 he was appointed captain of the port of New York by Gov ernor Cornell, which office he held until it was aboHshed in 1894; in 1884-5 he was chairman of the Republican State Committee. He retired from active politics in 1886. Chil dren, born at Corning: +679 Chester Glenn, b. Aug. 10, 1859. 680 May Belle, b. Mar. 21, 1861 ; m. Jan. 14, 1890, Dr. Geo. Thompson, b. Homer, N. Y., Oct. 14, 1862, son of Chester Warner and Eliza (Thompson) Hawley. He d. at Corning, Sept. 14, 1897. She living. 316 Horace (Nathan, David, EHsha, EUsha) ; m. at Lyons, Wis., Feb. 8, 1866, Aurelia Celestine, b. Palmyra, Mich., Mar. 5, 1841, dau. of Joseph Thomas and Mary Emeline (Wright) Pendleton. He was Postmaster, and d. at Lyons, Jan. 27, 1894. She liv ing. Child : 681 CecU Aurelia, b. July 26, 1877; d. unm. July 27, 1896. 317 James (Nathan, David, Elisha, Elisha) ; m. at Lyons, Wis., Apr. 20, 1864, Eleanor, b. there, Nov. 30, 1845, dau. of Harvey and Martha (Twentymen) Hand. He d. Dec 25, 1888, at West- branch, Wash., and she m. (2) Nov. i, 1899, Hiram Cordill. He was a farmer. She living. ChUdren: +682 Arthur, b. Feb. 20, 1871. 683 Harvey, b. Mar. 25, 1873, unm. 684 Maude, b. Jan. 11, 1876; m. at Moscow, Idaho, Oct. 12, 1895, WiUiam, b. Missouri Dec. 4, 1864, son of John Alexander. Both living at Westbranch. 685 Willie, b. Jan. 25, 1879; unm. 114 The Descendants of Elisha Cole 318 Leander (Nathan, David, Elisha, Elisha) ; m. at Lawrence, Kans., Feb. 27, i860, Melinda, b. Michigan Nov. 14, 1842, dau. of Sardinia and Theodosia (Raredon) Richards. Farmer and carpenter. Both living at McLoud, Okla. Children : Four children, all d. y. 686 Bertha, b. Jan. 6, 1867; m. June 10, 1884, N. Lem uel, b. in Iowa, 1861, son of Noah and Melvina (Powell) Myer. She d. July 3, 1896. 319 Dwight H. (Nathan, David, Elisha, Elisha) ; m. June i, 1869, Emma L. GiUett. He is dead. She Postmistress at Lyons, Wis. ChUd: 687 Florence Viola, b. April 14, 1870. 328 Charles Henry (EHsha, David, Elisha, EHsha) ; m. Feb. 2, 1865, Mary LueUa Henshaw. She b. Jan. 22, 1847. They Hved at Jackson, Mich. Children: 688 Edward Cariton, b. Feb. 2, 1866; d. July 23, 1867. 689 Frank Els worth, b. July 23, 1869. 690 Hugh Clifford, b. June 30, 1872. 691 Mary Gertrude, b. Sept. 7, 1877; d. March 6, 1879. 692 Charles AUand, b. AprU 17, 1883. 338 Henry Clay (Chester S., David, Elisha, Elisha) ; m. Sept. 13, 1875, Olive Beebe. He, a farmer, living at L.uddington, Mich. Children : 693 Chester David, b. Aug. 18, 1876. 694 MUlie, b. March 2, 1878. 695 Hannah, b. AprU 11, 1880; d. January, 1881. 696 Annie OrUnda, b. July 10, 1882. 697 Walter Henry, b. Oct. 25, 1884. The Descendants of Elisha Cole 115 346 Edward Eleazer (Harrison, Eleazer, Elisha, Elisha) ; m. March 2, 1855, Mary WaU. Children: 698 Van Rensselaer, b. ; m. , Ella Vic toria Newkirk. They had: Daniel, b. . Calvin, b. . Grover, b. . 699 Harrison, b. ; m. , Mary Jane Bellyet. 700 William Walker. 354 Dr. Henry B. (Alfred, Obed, EHsha, Elisha) ; m. at Black River Falls, Wis., July 15, 1866, Clara L., b. Annsville, Oneida County, N. Y., May 5, 1848, dau. of John B. G. and Lenora (Calkins) Baxter. He was Asst. Surgeon 128th N. Y. Vols., 1862-1865. Both living. ChUdren: 701 Cepha Hortense, b. Dec. 6, 1869 ; d. unm. at St. Paul, Minn., May 5, 1901. 702 Herbert B., b. Nov. 25, 1878; m. at Granton, Wis., July 28, 1904, TUlie Grant Davis. 357 Francis Wayland (Alfred, Obed, EHsha, EHsha) ; m. Black River FaUs, Wis., Sept. 13, 1877, EUa, b. there Feb. 16, 1856, dau. of Samuel W. and Sarah E. (Hamilton) Bowman. Both living at Black River Falls. ChUdren (born there) : 703 Rachel, b. Jan. 3, 1881 ; m. June 29, 1904, Frank L. Cooper. 704 Katharine, b. Nov. 24, 1884. 705 PhUip, b. Sept. 10, 1889. 362 Elisha Kelley (Jacob, Elisha, Elisha, Elisha) ; m. Feb. 29, 1869, Helen, b. Aug. 10, 1842, at Cuba, N. Y., dau. of Jesse and Lois 116 The Descendants of Elisha Cole (Bennett) Newton. He d. May 24, 1890. Was a farmer. She living in Michigan. Children: 706 Henry Netwon, b. March 27, 1870; m. June 15, 1898, at Glenwood, la., Mary, b. in Iowa, Oct. 3, 1872, dau. of John Ellis and Sarah Jane (Wright) Scott. Both living at Ann Arbor, Mich. 707 Francis A., b. Nov. 14, 1875 ; d. June 6, 1876. 708 Maud Jane, b. June i, 1877; d. Aug. 29, 1877. 709 Leon Jacob, twin of above. 710 Raymond, b. Feb. 14, 1883 ; d. May 16, 1883. 366 Norman Sheldon (David, Elisha, Elisha, EHsha) ; m. at Beek man, N. Y., Oct. 12, 1858, MeHssa, b. at FishkiU Dec. 5, 1838, dau. of Alfred and Mary (GUdersleeve) Schutt. She d. at FishkiU Aug. 3, 1898. He living at FishkiU. Children: +711 Clayton, b. May 27, i860. 712 Josephine Howes, b. Jan. 26, 1864; unm. 369 David Elliott (David, Elisha, Elisha, Elisha) ; m. Hoosick, N. Y., Aug. 26, 1869, Mary, b. Harlem, N. Y., Dec 26, 1847, dau. of Thomas S. and Margaret W. (Ash) Rogers. Both living at Painsville, O. In 1862 he went to California, via Cape Horn, on the steamer Ariel, of the Vanderbilt Line, which was captured by the Alabama. The Ariel was released off the coast of Jamaica after being held two nights. The officers of the Alabama in tended to land passengers at Jamaica and burn the Ariel, but •were informed of a yellow fever epidemic there. On reaching San Francisco learned that the real reason for not landing at Jamaica was because a U. S. man-of-war was in the harbor. Children (born at Cleveland, O.) : 713 Mary Constance, b. July 7, 1871 ; m. July 7, 1895, Jay NeUis, b. Painesville, O., March 19, 1872, The Descendants of Elisha Cole 117 son of Robert Maynard and Alice (Gray) Mur ray. She d. at Cleveland May 5, 1904. 714 Trenton Leland, b. Jan. 14, 1874; m. at CoUings- wood, O., Oct. 30, 1900, Helen, b. Amboy, O., Oct. 6, 1875, dau. of Charles and Kate (Pom- eroy) Buell, both living at CoUingwood. No issue. 372 Onken Willard (Jonathan, Elisha, EHsha, Elisha) ; m. at Ham ilton, N. Y., June 18, 1866, Cornelia A., b. Otsego County, dau. of Elihu F. and Harriet N. (Wood) Walker. She d. at Carmel April 17, 1877, and he m. (2) Annie C. Little. He lives at Brunswick, Ga. Children (born at Carmel) : 715 Eli Kelley, b. Sept. i, 1867; m. at San Francisco May 10, 1893, Emily De Russy, dau. of John WiUiam Cornish and Mary (Cunningham) Max well. He is a Lieutenant Colonel of the U. S. Marine. They have: Maxwell, b. Jan. 13, 1896. 716 NeUie Walker, b. Dec. 8, 1875 ; m. at Washington, D. C, April 29, 1896, Herbert Augustus, b. AprU 8, 1874, at Danbury, Conn., son of Thomas Gregory and Mary B. (Kealer) Wildman. Both living at Danbury, Conn. Have : Talbot Cole, b. June 20, 1897. Frederick Starr, b. Nov. 4, 1898. 399 WiLLfAM Rappleye (Aaron Hazen, Daniel, Elisha, EHsha) ; m. at Spencer, O., Oct. 4, i860, Eliza Corson, dau. of WiUiam and Mary (Corson) Taylor. She d. at Ridgefield, O., June 13, 1874, and he m. (2) Sept. 4, 1875, Eva Jane, b. Avon, O., Oct. 27, 1852, dau. of Robert and Jane (York) Baldwin. He a farmer and nurseryman. He went to Texas in 1875, and they are now living near Dallas, Tex. Children : 118 The Descendants of Elisha Cole 717 Addie, b. Richfield, O., June i, 1870; m. George Godsey. 718 Mary Lydia, b. Dallas Sept. i, 1877; m. J. Htzen- buchler. 719 William Ide, b. Dec. 18, 1878. 720 Robert Frank, b. Jan. 23, 1880. 721 Miner Thomas, b. May 29, 1882. 722 Hattie C, b. Sept. 18, 1885; m. Rawlins Douglass. 723 Clara Lucretia, b. Sept. 18, 1887. 724 Bertha Marguerite, b. March 29, 1890. 725 Frank M., b. Jan. 11, 1892. 726 Julia, b. Aug. 8, 1894. 400 Miner Thomas (Aaron Hazen, Daniel, Elisha, Elisha) : Hon. Miner T. Cole was b. in Spencer Township, Lucas County, Ohio. His father was Aaron H. Cole, a native of Covert, Seneca County, N. Y., where his birth took place Feb. 20, 1813. Aaron Cole's father was Daniel Cole, a native of Putnam County, N. Y. The mother of Miner T. Cole before her marriage was Lydia B. Rappleye, dau. of William Rap pleye, of Covert, Seneca County, N. Y. Lydia B. Rappleye was b. in Covert, Seneca County, N. Y., Feb. 18, 1817. Aaron H. Cole was m. to Lydia B. Rappleye at Covert March 21, 1835, and immediately moved to Michigan Territory and located on what afterwards became Spencer, Lucas County, Ohio. They settled in a howling wilderness, infested with Indians, bears, wolves, deer, wild turkeys and quantities of small game. Seven children were born to them. Harriet Cal ista, b. at Spencer, Dec. 20, 1835. She d. at Salem, Mich., March 4, 1868. WiUiam Rappleye Cole was b. at Spencer, Ohio, Sept. 25, 1837. Now resides at Dallas, Tex. Miner T., b. at Spencer July 3, 1839, i^ow resides at Palmyra, Mich. Adoniram Judson was b. at Spencer Oct. 11, 1843; d. at West Barre, Ohio, Jan. 4, 1861. Frank Marion was b. at Maumee City, Ohio, Dec. 25, 185 1. Now resides at Chester, Va. Ralph Tunis was b. at Maumee, Ohio, Dec. 25, 1853. Now resides at Brighton, Col. George Ide Cole was b. at Grand Blank, MINER THOMAS COLE No. 400 The Descendants of Elisha Cole 119 Genessee County, Mich., April 24, 1857. Now resides at Los Angeles, Cal. Miner T. Cole helped clear the farm from the tall timber, and attended the district school in the old log school house. In the spring of 185 1 his father moved to Maumee, Ohio, to give his children the privilege of attending a good school. In 1856 they moved to Genessee County, Mich. In the spring of 1858 Miner and his older brother, WiUiam R., and sister Harriet went back on the old farm at Spencer, Ohio. On the 28th day of August, 1861, Miner enHsted in Company F, 14th Ohio Vol. Infantry. Soon after the regi ment started for the South, where, during the War of the Rebellion, they served more than four years, participating in the battles of Mill Springs, Chattanooga, Mission Ridge, Jones- boro, and various other small battles. Miner T. was with the regiment at all the battles and skirmishes ; also went with them under General Sherman from Atlanta to the Sea. Upon his arrival at Golsdboro, N. C, he accepted an appointment from the Secretary of War, Mr. Stanton, as First Lieutenant in the 22nd U. S. Colored Troops. He went with them to Browns ville, Tex., where, after seven months, he was mustered out as First Lieutenant. On his return from the army he moved with his father to Adrian, Mich., and engaged in the manufacture of the Cole wedge trace buckle, an invention of Aaron H. Cole. On the 30th of May, 1867, Miner T. Cole was m. to Mary Jane Taylor, b. Sept. 14, 1842, at Spencer, Ohio. Mary J. was the dau. of WiUiam and Mary M. (Corson) Taylor, who was formerly of Lycoming County, Pa. For one year they resided in Adrian, Mich., and then moved to Palmyra, Mich., where they now reside. Farming and dairying has been his occupation. He was a member of the Michigan Legislature from Jan. i, 1887, to Jan. i, 1891. In January, 1901, he was appointed by Gov. Bliss as Commissioner to the Pan-American Exposition, and had charge of the Agricultural, Horticultural and Dairy exhibits of Michigan. There are 165 acres in the farm. All good land. A large and commodious house, well furnished and surrounded by a large and well-kept lawn. The barns are large and well built. Some of the privileges are tele- 120 The Descendants of Elisha Cole phone in the house, rural mail delivery, electric road running by the side of the farm. ChUdren (born at Palmyra, Mich.) : 727 Harriet Calista, b. Sept. 29, 1868 ; m. Nov. 29, 1893, Herbert Ralph, b. Palymra, June 14, 1868, son of Ralph Jerome and Almira Ann (Corbitt) Clark. Both living. 728 Harley Lynn, b. March 20, 1874. 729 Florence Marian, b. Jan. 25, 1876. 730 Mary Taylor, b. Aug. 31, 1877; m. Aug. 31, 1898, Dr. George Britton McClellan, b. Rome, Mich., Aug. 19, 1867, son of Eugene and Alice Amelia (JeneUs) Seger. Both living. He entered the Michigan College of Medicine at Detroit in the fall of 1889 and received his degree March 24, 1893. Practised for a time at Rome, Mich., and then removed to Adrian. He was Mayor of Adrian in 1902-3. He is also President of the Adrian Steel Castings Co. 402 Frank Marion (Aaron Hazen, Daniel, Elisha, EHsha) ; m. Mo- beetie, Tex., Oct. ist, 1892, Caroline C, b. Philadelphia, Pa., April 4, 1859, dau.. of Gustav Henry and CaroHne (Ebelmes- ser) Nesper. He is a farmer at Chester, Va. ChUdren (bom at Mobeetie) : 731 Frances Louise, b. Sept. 9, 1894. 732 Hazel Dorothy, b. July 20, 1896. 733 Harold Marion, b. Sage, Okla, Sept. 10, 1898. 403 Ralph Tunis (Aaron Hazen, Daniel, Elisha, EHsha) ; m. at Adrian, Mich., Sept. 4, 1875, Harriet, b. Feb. 3, 1858, dau. of John Milton Moore and Cynthia Lovicia (Strong) Cavender. Both living at Brighton, Colo. Child: 734 Charles Cavender, b. Aug. 25, 1877. The Descendants of Elisha Cole 121 404 George I. (Aaron Hazen, Daniel, EUsha, Elisha) ; m. at Adrian, Oct. 6, 1882, Ada Theresa, b. Canandaigua, Mich., 1861, dau. of John Milton Moore and Cynthia Loovisa (Strong) Caven der. Both Hving at Los Angeles, Cal. Children: 735 Ralph Dana, b. April 15, 1885. 736 Ada Louise, b. Sept. 3, 1888. 737 Georgia Imogene, b. Aug. 23, 1896. 409 Fremont (Ira, Hazen, Daniel, Elisha, Elisha) ; m. at Watkins, N. Y., Sept. 20, 1888, Charlotte Caroline, b. Reading, N. Y., Sept. 22, 1863, dau. of Cyrus and Frances (Shepherd) Rob erts. Both living in New York City. Child: 738 Faith Adelaide, b. at Watkins, N.Y., AprU 10, 1890. Fremont Cole, fifth child and one of the seven sons of Ira Hazen Cole and Mary Caroline (Denison) Cole, was born on the Cole farm at Covert, N. Y. He was educated in the Hall's Corners District and Farmer Village Union Schools and began the study of law with Surrogate of Schuyler Co., at Watkins, N. Y., April 16, 1877. In January, 1878, he was appointed Clerk of the Schuyler Co. Surrogate's Court, a position he held about three years, being succeeded by his brother, Irving W. Cole. He began the practice of his profession in March, 1881, at Watkins, in partnership with W. L. Norton, at that time District Attorney of Schuyler County. Subsequently, in 1883, he was joined by his brother, Irving, and the law firm of Cole Brothers continued to be a leading one in that section until the Spring of 1890, when Fremont removed to Seattle, Wash., and began the practice of law in that city. He was elected to the New York State Assembly from his adopted county in 1884, and re-elected for five successive terms, being Speaker of that body during the sessions of 1888 and 1889. He was nominated for State Senator by the Republicans of the Seattle, Wash., Senatorial District in 1894, but after an exciting contest was defeated by 92 votes. While at Seattle he was attorney for the 122 The Descendants of Elisha Cole Cornell University, at that time having large investments in the State of Washington, and represented a number of other large eastern interests. In the fall of 1895 he received an offer which induced him to return to New York, since which time he has had an office, and continued the practice of law, at No. i Madison Ave., New York City. 410 Irving Washington (Ira Hazen, Daniel, EHsha, Elisha) ; m. at Elmira, N. Y., June 27, 1893, Nelle Emeline, b. RoseviUe, Pa., April 10, 1863, dau. of Elmer Ross and Emeline Catharine (Watkins) Backer. Both living at Buffalo, N. Y. Child: 739 Elmer Hopkins, b. May 7, 1900. Irving W., son of Ira Hazen, and Mary Caroline (Denison) Cole, was born on the Cole Homestead in the Town of Covert, Seneca Co., N. Y. He acquired his early education in the neighboring district schools, the Farmer Village Union School and Cook Academy, Havana (now Montour Falls), N. Y. He commenced the study of law at Watkins, N. Y., in the Spring of 1880; was Clerk of the Surrogate's Court of Schuy ler Co. for two and a half years during his studentship; en tered the Albany Law School, Union University, in the fall of 1882, and graduated therefrom in May, 1883, with the de gree of LL.B., having been admitted to the bar at Albany in January of that year. The following fall he commenced the practice of law with his brother, Hon. Fremont Cole, at Wat kins, under the firm name of Cole Brothers. In January, 1889, E. O. Boylen, District Attorney, was taken into the firm, which continued under the name of Cole, Cole & Boylen until the spring of 1890, when Fremont withdrew. In January, 1892, Mr. Boylen withdrew from the firm and Elbert Cole, a younger brother, was made partner, and the firm again, under the name of Cole Brothers, continued until the fall of 1893, when the subject of this sketch removed to Buffalo, N. Y., where he has since continued the practice of his profession. Always a Republican, he has never sought political prefer ment, and never held office, except the clerkship above referred IRVING W. COLE No. 410 The Descendants of Elisha Cole 123 to, although active in politics while residing in Schuyler County, being Chairman of the Republican County Committee when he left that County to take up his residence in Buffalo. Since then he has devoted himself exclusively to his profession, principally at litigated work, in which he has been successful in many important cases of which involved the judicial settle ment by the highest court of important points in the law sub stantive, notably the cases of Wallingford vs. Kaiser, 191 N. Y., 392; 15 L. R. A. (new series) 1126; 84 N. E. 295. Grand vs. Livingston, 2 App. Div., 589, aff. 158 N. Y. 688;53N. E. 1125. Waldron vs. Fargo, 170 N. Y., 130; 63 N. E. 1077. Shephard vs. Fulton, 171 N. Y., 184; 63 N. E. 966. 411 Hervey Denison (Ira Hazen, Daniel, EHsha, EHsha) ; m. at Lodi, N. Y., June 13, 1895, Mary, b. there June 27, 1868, dau. of J. F. and Lefferetta A. (PhiUips) Tinker. She d. at Lodi, May 8, 1906. He is a farmer and lives at Interlaken, N. Y. ChUdren (born at Covert, N. Y.) : 740 Ira Joseph, b. Aug. 16, 1896. 741 Emily Charlotte, b. Nov. 29, 1898; d. y. 742 Maude Evelyn, b. Nov. 29, 1900. 743 Marion, b. Jan. 18, 1904. 414 John Roberts (Hyman, John, EHsha, EHsha) ; m. New York City, July 3, 1861, Helen Gertrude, b. there Oct. 15, 1840, dau. of William Hiram and Jane Adeline (Tompkins) Burnett. He d. Brooklyn, N. Y., Nov. 23, 1903. She d. there May 3, 1887. He went to New York City in 1850. In 1870 engaged in the trucking business with his son, Arthur, in which he con tinued until his death. Children (born at Hoboken, N. J.) : 744 Charles, b. ; d. y. 124 The Descendants of Elisha Cole 745 Elva Isabel, b. Sept. i, 1865; m. Carmel, N. Y., Sept. 14, 1904, Andrew James, b. New York City, Sept. 29, 1869, son of Andrew and Margaret (Alderdice) McCHntock. Both living in New York City. +746 Arthur, b. Sept. 3, 1867. +747 George Edwin, b. March 21, 1870. 748 Emma Estelle, b. New York City, April 4, 1872 ; m. there AprU 23, 1896, Andrew James McCHntock. She d. May 10, 1899, and he m. (2) her sister Elva. 415 Addison (Hyman, John, Elisha, Elisha) ; m. at Mahopac, N. Y., Nov. 8, 1865, EmUy Augusta, b. there Aug. 11, 1845, dau. of David Augustus and Julia A. (BaUey) Ferris. Both living near Mahopac. In early Hfe he travelled with Seth Howe's Circus. He enlisted in the Union Army at Chicago and was sworn in at St. Louis under Gen. Thomas. He was discharged Sept. 16, 1864. In 1873 he bought a farm of 100 acres near Lake Mahopac. Child: +749 Walter Bailey, b. Sept. 23, 1868. 420 James Kelley (Jarvis W., John, Elisha, Elisha) ; m. New York City, Jan. 22, 1893, Eleanor Florence, b. there Nov. i, 1873, dau. of David Lyman and Celia (Simpson) Mersereau. Both living in New York City. Children: 750 James KeUey, b. June 28, 1894. 751 Thaddeus Lincoln, b. Feb. 12, 1902. 423 John Peck (Abner B., Nathan, Nathan, EHsha) ; m. Jan. 5, 1865, Mrs. Mary A. (Reasoner) Condit. He is a farmer at Aurora, Ore. Children (born there) : +752 Abner Bangs, b. Nov. 16, 1865. ¦^'753 John Reasoner, b. July 28, 1867. CHARLES B. COLE No. 430 The Descendants of Elisha Cole 125 +754 Nathan Edward, b. Oct. 22, 1869. 755 Emma Agnes, b. Feb. 8, 1873 ; m. June 30, 1898, at Aurora, to Claude H. Nosier. They had : Lynde Claude R., b. April 23, 1899. +756 Christopher OHver, b. Feb. 16, 1878. 757 Rebecca Augustine, b. Aug. 16, 1880; m. June 5, 1906, Edward G. Miller. 427 Oliver Garrison (Abner B., Nathan, Nathan, EHsha) ; m. Oct. 9, 1878, Salem, Ore., Alice Jane, b. at Fairfield, Ore., Dec. 16, 1856, dau. of John Cannon and Elizabeth Jane (Mart) Peebles. He, a farmer, living at Turner, Ore. (John C. Peebles was b. at Westmoreland Co., Pa., Jan. 22, 1826; d. Feb. II, 1895. Elizabeth J. Mart was b. Harlin Co., Ky., June 5, 1837. They were m. Nov. 27, 185 1. Children : 758 Zella AHce, b. Salem, Ore., June 23, 1880; m. Oct. 2J, 1906, Rowland Giddings. 759 Oliver Kenneth, b. Canby, Ore., Oct. 29, 1886. 430 Charles Briggs (Hermon C, Nathan, Nathan, Elisha) ; m. at WalshviUe, 111., May 12, 1869, Laura Amelia Layman, b. in Tennessee, June 21, 1847; d. Chester, 111., July 11, 1878. He m. (2) at Hampton, N. H., Jan. 3, 1882, Mary EUen, b. there March 30, 1857, dau. of Josiah C. and Miriam (Moulton) Palmer. They live at Chester, lU. Children : 760 Burt, b. June 25, 1870; m. at Webster Park, Mo., Jan. 25, 1908, Catharine, b. St. Louis, Mo., Oct. 25, 1882, dau. of Justin Smith and Ida (Harsha) Kendrick. He is a Mining Engineer and lives at Chester, 111. 761 AHce, b. Jan. 6, 1872. 126 The Descendants of Elisha Cole 762 Una, b. April 16, 1874; m. Dec. 29, 1898, at Ches ter, 111., to Perry Carter, b. Feb. 3, 1869, at Adrian, Mich., son of Alford and Hannah (Car ter) Withers. They live at Mount Vernon, 111. They had: Hannah, b. Aug. 11, 1900. Laura, twin of above. 763 Edna, b. March 22, 1877. 764 Marion, b. Dec. 17, 1882. 431 Zachary Taylor (Hermon C, Nathan, Nathan, Elisha) ; m. Brooklyn, N. Y., May 2, 1870, Martha, dau. of Alexander S. and Elizabeth A. (Bennett) Kennedy. She d. at Philadelphia, Pa., 1896. In 1882 he removed to Chicago and took active charge of the Star and Crescent Mill. He continued in this position until 1890, when his health failed and he located at Los Angeles, Cal., where he still resides. Child (bom Ches ter, lU.) : +765 Austin, b. Jan. 27, 1876. 433 Henry Clay (Hermon C, Nathan, Nathan, Elisha) ; m. Alton, lU., April 24, 1878, Blanche Owens, b. Alton, June 5, 185 1, dau. of Shadrack Rodney and Hannah Elizabeth (Pettingill) Dolbee. Both living at Chester, 111. He is President of the H. C. Cole Mining Co. ChUdren: (Born at Chester) 766 Jewett, b. June 13, 1879. 767 Saxon, b. Sept. 3, 1884. 768 Dorothea, b. Oct. 5, 1886. 769 Blanche, b. Dec. 8, 1888. 770 Harriet, b. July 31, 189 1. 435 Edward Everett (Hermon C, Nathan, Nathan, Elisha) ; m. at Chester, 111., AprU 27, 1878, Minnie, b. there Dec. 1857, dau. £Ct- -ON 3103 '3 A>INaH The Descendants of Elisha Cole 127 of Savimen and Virginia (Guthrie) St. Vrain. She d. at Fargo, N. D., Feb. 20, 1884, and he m. (2) at Fargo, April 26, 1886, Lelia Floyd, b. near Natchez, Miss., April 25, 1867, dau. of Thomas Winn and Jeannette (January) Hunt. They live at Fargo. ChUdren: 771 Rudy, b. at Chester, March 11, 1879. 772 Irma, b. Chester, June 23, 1880. 773 Edward Hanford, b. Hot Springs, Ark., Dec. 29, 1890. 774 Dunbar, b. Fargo, Sept. 5, 1891. 438 Hermon C. (Hermon C, Nathan, Nathan, Elisha) ; m. May 22, 1889, EUa LiUian, b. Nov. 14, 1868, dau. of Daniel Brown and Virginia Narcissa (Harrison) Gillhan. Both living at Up per Alton, lU. Children: 775 Cora Lillian, b. July 8, 1890. 776 Herman, b. Feb. 6, 1893. 449 Amedee Berthold (Nathan, Nathan, Nathan, Elisha) ; m. at St. Louis, June 18, 1879, Anna Mary, b. there, Dec. 19, i860, dau. of John and Jane (Rogers) Jackson. Both living at St. Louis. He was educated at Washington University and Shurtleff College, Upper Alton, III. At one time he was President of the Cole Brothers Commission Co. After serving for two years as a Director of the Merchants' Exchange he was, in 1896, elected Vice-President, and also member of Public Library Board. In 1897 he became President of the John Jack son Investment Co., which office he stiU holds, and is a Direc tor in the Nathan Cole Investment Co. He was a Director and Vice-President of the St. Louis Public Museum in 1904, 1905 and 1906. Mr. Cole is a 32nd Degree Mason. Children (Born St. Louis) : 128 The Descendants of Elisha Cole 777 Annie Jackson, b. AprU lo, 1881. +778 John Jackson, b. March 18, 1883. 779 Ernest Jackson, b. March 4, 1887. 780 Rebecca, b. Aug. 23, 1889. 781 Marjorie Jackson, b. Dec. 22, 1891. 451 Nathan (Nathan, Nathan, Nathan, Elisha) ; m. at Woodland, Cal, Aug. 28, 1881, Mary EUen, b. Stockton, Cal., Jan. 17, 1862, dau. of William Zachary and Hannah (Gadbury) Corbet. Both living at Los Angeles. Children (born Los Angeles) : 782 Rebecca Fagan, b. Aug. 19, 1882; m. March 30, 1904, Roscoe Lorenzo, b. Wilmington, Cal., Feb. 28, 1873, son of John and Anna Matilda (Fames) McCrea. 783 Mary Gladys, b. Nov. 26, 1888. 784 Nathalie Rachel, b. Aug. 8, 1892. 458 Joseph Ganung (Ormond H., Berry, Joseph, Elisha) ; m. June 14, 1854, Zellah Celeno, b. Carmel, Sept. 7, 1833, dau. of Ansel and Eliza A. (Hopkins) Hazen. She d. Feb. 17, 1859, and he m. (2) Oct. 3, 1869, Lucena Catharine, b. Sept. 4, 1843, dau. of Lewis H. and Martha A. (Cummings) Gregory. He d. April 13, 1893, aged 60 years, 9 months, 13 days. He graduated from the State Normal School, Albany, N. Y., 1852. Taught school for several years. He was proprietor of the Carpenter House and Cole House at Lake Mahopac. He was also Justice of the Peace. He was Coroner, 1874-77-80. About 35 years ago he commenced the collection of records of his family, which the author of this work has had access to through the kindness of his son, Otis H. Cole. At the time Mr. Cole collected his records there were a number of aged people residing in Carmel and vicinity who were acquainted with the children of Elisha Cole, the settler, and their testi mony has been used in compiling this work. Among them being The Descendants of Elisha Cole 129 Mrs. John Barrett, who, when Mr. Cole saw her in Feb., li was 98 years old, having been born Jan. 17, 1788. At this time she was in good health and possessed a remarkable mem ory. She remembered Elisha and his wife and was more or less acquainted with all but two of their children, John and Priscilla. Children : 785 Anne AmeHa, b. May 9, 1866; m. at Mahopac, Feb. 22, 1883, Frederick Randall, b. Brooklyn, Jan. 4, 1859, son of John and AbigaU (Kraft) Trip- ler. Both living. 786 Otis Hazen, b. Jan. i, 1858. 786^^ Twin Sons, b. July 17, 1872; d. y. 787 Lewis Gregory, b. May 21, 1874; m. AprU 3, 1901, Marion E., b. Aug. 12, 1876, dau. of William H. and Mary (Morton) Herring. He is a physi cian and surgeon and both live in New York City. They have: William Gregory Cole, b. Feb. i, 1902. 788 Daughter, b. and d. Aug. 30, 1878. 789 Joseph Ganong, b. Dec. 12, 1882 ; m. April 25, 1906, Clara C, daughter of Joseph L. and LiUian F. (Robbins) Naylor. He, a mining engineer, liv ing at Newburgh, N. Y. 790 Marion Lucena, b. Jan. 30, 1886. 463 Joseph Bailey (Chas. G., Joseph, Joseph, Elisha) ; m. at North Greenbush, N. Y., Dec. 24, 1866, Lucy Harriet, b. Troy, N. Y., Sept. 20, 1836, daughter of David and Ann Eliza (Stephen son) Goewey. She died at Barrington, Yates Co., N. Y., Sept. 2^, 1878. He m. (2) at Dundee, N. Y., Feb. 23, 1884, Mary, b. Orange, N. Y., Sept. 19, 1849, dau. of Norman and Caroline (Reuiff) Putnam. He is a farmer. Both living. Chil dren: 791 Grover C, b. Barrington, N. Y., Jan. 10, 1885. 792 Louise Laura, b. Starkey, N. Y., March 15, 1889. 130 The Descendants of Elisha Cole 464 Harvey Townsend (Charles G., Joseph, Joseph, Elisha) ; m., Hornby, N. Y., March 20, 1861, Elizabeth, b. there July 14, 1840, dau. of James Burton and Ann (Wands) Humphrey. He a carpenter and living at Coming, N. Y. Children (born at Catlin, N. Y.) : 793 Victor Leroy, b. Feb. 25, 1863 ; unm. 794 Charles Erastus, b. Nov. 5, 1866; d. Sept. 28, 1869. 795 Flora Linda, b. May 22, 1868; m. at Corning, Jan. 10, 1889, Walter Joseph, b. Covington, Pa., Sept. 14, 1866, son of John and Catharine ( ) Blair. He d. Corning, March 3, 1899; she d. AprU, 1903. 796 Luella Jane, b. Corning, Jan. 26, 1870; d. Sept. 25, 1888. +797 James Stanley, b. May 20, 1872. +798 Harvey Townsend, b. April 12, 1874. +799 Otto Paris, b. Sept. 10, 1876. 800 Mary EHzabeth, b. March 17, 1879; unm. +801 Nathan Thompson, b. Aug. 3, 1881. 468 Jarvis Asahel (Charles G, Joseph, Joseph, Elisha) ; m. at Bea ver Dams, N. Y., Nov. 25, 1868, AdeHne, b. Orange, N. Y., May 5, 1840, dau. of Jacob and Temperance (Owens) Frost. He was a farmer and died at Beaver Dams, Nov. 30, 1881. She living. ChUdren : 802 Grace, b. Jan. 15, 1870; unm. 803 Charles, b. May 3, 1871 ; d. unm. Oct. 20, 1897. 804 Lucy, b. Nov. 17, 1874; m. Monterey, N. Y., Sept. 3, 1893, Walter FrankHn, b. Sugar HiU, N. Y., Jan. 20, 1868, son of David and Jane (CaldweU) Wasson. Both living at Schenectady, N. Y. 805 Edna, b. Dec. 25, 1877; m. at Montour FaUs, N. Y., Oct. 23, 1895, WiUiam Stevenson, b. New York City, Sept. 15, 1875, son of Andrew and Rachel The Descendants of Elisha Cole i31 (Atherton) Harwood. Both Hving near Wat kins, N. Y. 472 George Frost (Ira, Joseph, Joseph, Elisha) ; m. Post Creek, Che mung Co., N. Y., Dec. 24, 1850, Mary Almira, b. Ulysses, Tompkins Co., N. Y., May 8, 1825, dau. of Henry and Hepsi- bah (Van Loom) Stewart. He was a farmer, d. at Beaver Dams, Sept. 8, 1884. She living at Corning, N. Y. Children (born at Beaver Dams) : 806 "Jack," b. July 24, 1851 ; d. 1861. 807 Fannie Fern, b. Sept. 10, 1853; m. at Beaver Dams, Nov. 19, 1874, Lyman, b. Post Creek, June 23, 1849, son of John and Lany (Traver) Smith. She d. Sept. 17, 1906; he living. 808 Orville Seymour, b. Jan. 10, 1855; m. May 21, 1890, Delephine, b. May 28, 1855, dau. of Samuel and Mary (Harvey) Van Loom. He a carpenter. Both living. No issue. +809 Albert George, b. March 28, 1857. 810 Ida May, b. May ist, i860; m. at Corning, Aug. 19, 1877, John WUson, b. Geneva, N. Y., Dec. 23, 1855, son of William and Jane (Wilson) Bryan. He d. Geneva, Aug. 21, 1898, and she m. (2) March 22, 1899, Jay, born Seneca Castle, Jan. 16, 1856, son of Prosser and Catharine (Fitch) Jones ; he d. at Geneva, May 8, 1906. She living. 811 Edward Earle, b. Oct. 28, 1862; m. at Beaver Dams, Sept. 19, 1894, Addie J., b. Orange, N. Y., Dec. 2, 1869, dau. of John and Charity (Chambers) Vosburgh. Both Hving at Corning, N. Y. 812 Burr Marion, b. April 15, 1868; unm. 476 Charles Lewis (Ira, Joseph, Joseph, Elisha) ; m. Horseheads, N. Y., Dec. 13, 1865, Sarah Almira, b. Oak Hill, N. Y., AprU 22, 1842, dau. of Charles Hyde and Betsey (Hunting) Walkin. Both living at Watkins, N. Y. 132 The Descendants of Elisha Cole He enlisted at Elmira, N. Y., July, 1862, in 107th N. Y. Inf. and arrived in Washington Aug. 15. He was in the bat tles of Antietam, ChanceUorsville, and Gettysburg. In Sept., 1863, the regiment was sent West and made a part of the 20th Army Corps, under Gen. Joe Hooker. The regiment was in the battle at Resaca and Gainesville, Ga., in May, 1864. Mr. Cole also took part in engagements at New Hope Church, May 25, 1864; Pine Knob, Ga., June 15; Cuff's Farm, June 22; Kemmison, June 27; Peachtree Creek, July 20, and was at the siege of Atlanta, July 23 to Aug. 24, and was in the March to the Sea, Nov. 15 to Dec. 10, 1864. At Rockingham, N. C, March 8, 1865, he was shot through the right breast, taken prisoner, and left to die in an old log house at Browning Creek, about twelve miles from Rockingham. His shoes and clothing were taken from him and he was unconscious for over thirty- six hours, during which time he was nursed and cared for by two women who lived in the hut. During this time he was unattended by a physician. He remained there untU the lat ter part of May, then walked with the help of a negro to Wilmington, then to Newburn, Washington and Elmira. He was discharged in June, 1865. Children (born at Watkins, N. Y.) : +813 Frank, b. Nov. 16, 1866. 814 Florence Elizabeth, b. Oct. 22, 1871 ; m. Elmira, N. Y., Oct. I, 1888, Walter, b. Burdett, N. Y., son of Silas C. and Mary E. (North) Colgrove. She m. (2) at Watkins, N. Y., Jan. 13, 1906, Edward Clarence, b. EHzabeth, Pa., Sept. 19, 1874, son of WiUiam and Mary (Martin) Cooper. Both living at Watkins, N. Y. +815 Ira Woodruff, b. June 22, 1873. 477 Samuel Bailey (Ira, Joseph, Joseph, Elisha) ; m. Townsend, N. Y., July 27, 1869, Ersula, b. Six Nations, Schuyler County, N. Y., April 10, 1849, dau. of Jervis and Mary (Miller) Dean. He is a dealer in general merchandise. Both living at Town- send, N. Y. Children (born at Catlin, N. Y.) : The Descendants of Elisha Cole 133 8i6 Dean Jervis, b. Oct. i6, 1870. 817 Don Samuel, b. April 16, 1873. 818 Lloyd Albert, b. Sept. 26, 1875 ; d. Oct. 13, 1884. 819 WiUiam Jay, b. June 24, 1879. 479 PIarlem (Asahel, Joseph, Joseph, EHsha) ; m. June 13, i860, Helen, b. Havana, N. Y., Aug. 27, 1840, dau. of Seth Gregory and Esther (Crawford) Leonard. He was a farmer and d. March 6, 1902. She Hving at Detroit, Mich. Children : +820 Mortimer, b. Havana, N. Y., June 17, 1861. 821 Edith Leonard, b. Watkins, N. Y., June 28, 1863; m. there Jan. 10, 1883, George White, b. there Aug. 19, 1859, son of Artemus Bodman and Lydia Caroline (White) Hurd. Both living at Detroit. 480 Ira Savory (Asahel, Joseph, Joseph, EHsha) ; m. Burdett, N. Y., July 4, 1867, Mary, b. there in 1848, dau. of Jacob and Phebe (Everts) Hendricks. He a farmer. Both living at Montour FaUs, N. Y. Children: 822 Clarence, b. June 26, 1869; d. AprU 14, 1873. 823 George, b. Aug. 28, 1871 ; d. April 28, 1874. 824 Donnie, b. May 31, 1877; d. Feb. 28, 1880. 825 Claude Burton, b. Sept. 21, 1882. 485 Yates Thompson (Joseph, Samuel, Joseph, Elisha) ; m. at Parshallville, Mich., April 24, 1856, Seraphina, b. Clay County, Mo., Dec. 17, 1874, dau. of EUpheanet and Lovica (Allen) Luther. He was a farmer and d. at Parshallville, now Oak Grove, July 6, 1901. She living. Children (born at Parshall ville) : 826 Cynthia L., b. AprU 21, 1857; m. March 25, 1875, Morris Gilbert, b. Baptist Hill, N. Y., Jan. 10, 134 The Descendants of Elisha Cole 1852, son of Benjamin and Lucinda (Francis) Andrews. He d. Nov. 13, 1901, and she m. (2) Dec. 24, 1904, David Henry, b. at Pinckney, Mich., Jan. i, 1868, son of Elijah and Julia (Gainey) Stoddard. Both Hving at Oak Grove, Mich. +827 Jay C, b. Dec. 21, 1859. 828 MUHe M., b. Jan. 8, 1877 ; m. June 27, 1906, Adel bert Marcellus, b. Michigan, May 15, 1870, son of John and Harriet (Dexter) Farnham. They live at Fenton, Mich. No issue. 487 Joseph W. (Joseph, Samuel, Joseph, Elisha) ; m. Oak Grove, Mich., Jan. 2, 1867, Rachel Adelia, b. Osceola, Mich., AprU 21, 1845, dau. of John and Eliza (Miller) Hetchler. He was a farmer and d. at Fenton Aug. 14, 1902. She living. Chil dren (bom at Osceola): 829 Son, b. and d. Aug. 14, 1868. 830 Effie Elizabeth, b. Oct. 19, 1875; m. at Parshall ville, Mich., May 29, 1901, Fred C, b. South Lyon, Mich., Dec. 25, 1875, son of WiUiam and Anna (BrundeU) Reed. He d. at Saranac, Mich., Sept. 10, 1901. She living. No issue. 831 Minnie Rachel, b. July 16, 1878; m. at Lansing June 23, 1906, Charles Erna, b. Fleming, Mich., July 19, 1877, son of Isaac and Hortense (Bushnell) White. Both living. 832 Edith Pearl, b. ParshallvUle Dec. 16, 1880; d. Dec. 30, 1889. 488 Charles C. (Joseph, Samuel, Joseph, Elisha) ; m. at Parshall viUe, Mich., May 27, 1875, Carrie Amelia, b. Bristol, Ontario County, N. Y., May 23, 1857, dau. of Benjamin F. and Lucinda H. (Francis) Andrews. Both living at Flint, Mich. Chil dren: The Descendants of Elisha Cole 135 833 Maude, b. Osceola April 5, 1880; unm. 834 Luke Salathiel, b. Owosso July 8, 1886; unm 490 Delevan Samuel (Enos, Samuel, Joseph, Elisha) ; m. Jan. 12, 1856, Laura, b. Hannibal, N. Y., June 16, 1836, dau. of Jason Haven and Sarah (Wiltsie) Scott. He d. at Hastings, Neb., Aug. I, 1892; she d. there Aug. i, 1894. He was a farmer and fancy stock breeder. He came to Hastings from Michigan in 1867 and settled upon what is known as the Cole Farm. Coming after the Union Pacific R. R. had received its grant he could not homestead more than 80 acres. This he did, and shortly after purchased 160 acres railroad land for $8 an acre. He bought this land on time and by strict economy succeeded in paying for it. Four teen years later, from an outlay of $1,280, this property, in cluding Cole's Park, is worth $72,000. Children (born in Sag inaw County, Mich.) : 835 Elwin Samuel, b. Oct. 30, 1858; m. at Hastings, Mich., March 20, 1877, Ida, b. June 6, i860, dau. of H. J. and Margaret E. (MunseU) Hig gins. He is a farmer. Both living at Hastings. No issue. +836 Elmer Ellsworth, b. AprU 26, i860. +837 Eugene Enos, b. May 24, 1865. +838 Jason Haven, b. Nov. i, 1865. +839 Robert Walker, b. Hastings July 9, 1868. 840 Ada Elvira, b. at Atlanta, Neb., July 2, 1870; m. George Emmons, b. Davenport, Delaware County, N. Y., Jan. 11, 1867, son of Thaddeus Delos and Mary Jane (Mills) Michael. He d. in Colorado May 4, 1900, and she m. (2) Aug. 28, 1907, Alexander Semple, b. Lanarkshire, Scotland, March 15, 1865, son of WiUiam and Jane (Sem ple) Murray. Both living at Atlanta, Neb. She had (first marriage, b. at Hastings) : Laura Mary, b. Dec. 7, 1889. 136 The Descendants of Elisha Cole Ada Isadore, b. Aug. 9, 1893. Eunice Lucy, b. Jan. 20, 1895. 841 Arthur BHss, b. at Hastings Jan. 17, 1877; m. in 1894 Hattie Robbins. They have; Bessie, b. . 493 HiRAM Mason (Enos, Samuel, Joseph, Elisha) ; m. at Fenton, Mich., May i, 1864, Rachel, b. Edinburgh, Scotland, dau. of Thomas and Eliza (McAUister) Minto. He a farmer living at Freeland, Mich. She d. March 28, 1907. Children : 843 Addie BeUe, b. Jan. i, 1868; m. Richland, Mich., June 24, 1 89 1, William Thomas, b. IngersoU, Mich., son of Thomas and Marguerite (Glover), McCuUoch. Both living. They have: Mason WiUiam, b. June 22, 1904. 844 DeUa Mason, b. Feb. 22, 1877; m. March 8, 1898, William Dewey, b. Osseo, Wis., August, 1877, son of Guss and (Peterson) Johnson. 494 Webster Knapp (Enos, Samuel, Joseph, Elisha) ; m. Oct. 31, 1863, Annie Day; she d. and he m. (2) Samantha L. Coburn. He living at Nashville, Mich. He enlisted Aug. 10, 1862, at Osceola, Mich., in Company E, 26th Mich. Vol. Inf. He was at Alexandria, Va., from Decem ber until April, 1863, and from there he went to Suffolk and Yorktown. They were ordered to New York City in July to quell the riots. His regiment was then ordered to the Army of the Potomac. Mr. Cole participated with his regiment in engagements at Morton's Ford Feb. 6 and 7, 1864, and also in the Battle of the Wilderness, and on the 12th of May was in the memorable charge when the Rebel works were carried with the bayonet. The regiment loss was 27 kUled, 98 wounded, and 14 missing. The regiment also distinguished itself at Spotsylvania and Gaines Hill. He participated in 33 engage- The Descendants of Elisha Cole 137 ments and was on the skirmish line when Gen. Robert E. Lee surrendered. He was wounded twice slightly and was hon orably discharged June 4, 1865. Children (first marriage only) : 845 Hortense R., b. ; d. y. 846 George Samuel, b. . 847 Clarence Webster, b. ; d. y. 848 Jane Elizabeth, b. . 495 Arthur Enos (Enos, Samuel, Joseph, EHsha) ; m. Howell, Mich., Dec. 30, 1872, Ruth Esther, b. Oct. 26, 1850, in Con way, Mich., dau. of Thomas and Esther ( ) Stanfield. He a lawyer. Both living. Children: +849 OrviUe Webster, b. July 24, 1874. 850 Inez Elvira, b. March 28, 1877. 851 Ada Esther, b. Jan. i, 1880; m. May 19, 1904, Roy Truman, b. Fowlerville, Mich., June 11, 1877, son of Truman and Lucinda (Ackley) Sprague. 501 Adelbert (Nathan, Samuel, Joseph, Elisha) ; m. at Farming- ton, Mich., March 6, 1872, Cynthia M., b. Berlin, Mich., Aug. 27, 1850, dau. of Nathan S. and Dency E. (Button) Nichols. He a farmer. Both living in Michigan. Child: 852 Ada Blanche, b. Vernon, Mich., July 8, 1875 ; m. Jan. 17, 1900, Ward L. Scranton. They have: Winona Cole, b. Feb. 23, 1901. 509 Alexander Hamilton (Watson, Nathan, Joseph, EHsha) ; m. at Moreland, N. Y., May 29, 1878, Frances, b. there Dec. 29, 1846, dau. of John and Mary (CatHn) Crawford. He d. June 12, 1881. She living at Corning, N. Y. 138 The Descendants of Elisha Cole He went to California in 1850 and returned to Moreland in 1875. While in CaUfornia he was a farmer and interested in mining. Child : 853 Norma, b. May 8, 1881 ; m. at Corning Dec. 5, 1900, Henry, b. Welsbach, Germany, May 12, 1878, son of John and Elizabeth (Christ) Herr. 515 William Henry (EH, Nathan, Joseph, Elisha) ; m. at Fairfield, Mich., AprU 13, 1868, Matilda Louisa, b. there March 30, 1847, dau. of Ezra and Angeline (Porter) Cole. He d. at Nashville, Tenn., Oct. 23, 1907. She living. He enlisted in Company C, 126th N. Y. State Vols., Aug. 5, 1862, was wounded in the right thigh at Gettysburg; in the right leg at the Battle of Mine Run; in the right hand at the Battle of the Wilderness. Because of these injuries he was discharged Feb. 6, 1864. Child: 854 Alta Belle, b. Covert, N. Y., Jan. 25, 1873 ; m. May 25, 1892, Edward Ernest, b. Morenci, Mich., Oct. 13, 1869, son of WiUiam and EHzabeth (Schoonover) French. Both living. They have: Eleanor Louise, b. March 27, 1904. 516 George Washington (Eli, Nathan, Joseph, Elisha) ; m. at Clin ton, la., Dec. 17, 1873, Frances Augusta, b. Comanche, la., Jan. 26, 1857, dau. of Oliver Herman and Mary Cornelia (Stet son) Jackson. He a carpenter. Both living at Chicago. Child: 855 Charles Herbert, b. Clinton, la., Dec. i, 1879; m. Chicago June 6, 1905, Cecilia Almira, b. there Oct. 14, 1883, dau. of John James and Wil helmina Ann (Rector) Patterson. No issue. 520 Edgar Thomas (Eli, Nathan, Joseph, EHsha) ; m. at West Troy, N. Y., Oct. 31, 1877, NeUie, b. New York City Sept. 16, 1855, The Descendants of Elisha Cole 139 dau. of Thomas Firth and Hannah Lavinia (Stevens) Green. He a farmer. Both living in Michigan. Children (bom at Fairfield, Mich.) : 856 James Garfield, b. Feb. 17, 1880. 857 Roy Edgar, b. Aug. 17, 1881. 858 Bessie, b. Feb. 10, 1885. 859 Florence, b. Oct. 14, 1886. 860 Harly, b. June 22, 1890. 861 Oscar Gregory, b. Aug. 8, 1893. 862 Milo Van Dusen, b. Sept. 21, 1899. 523 Hascall Myron (Edwin W., Nathan, Joseph, Elisha) ; m. at Adrian, Mich., May 30, 1867, Alaida, b. Albany, N. Y., Nov. 22, 1846, dau. of Peter, Jr., and Almeda Maria (Brayton) Van Loon. Both living at Adrian, Mich. He enlisted in the i8th Regt., Mich. Vol. Inf., and was mustered in Aug. 26, 1862; was Sergeant-Major of the regi ment for several months previous to Sept. 24, 1864, on which date he was captured with 250 other men of the regiment by Gen. N. B. Forrest and was held prisoner until April 29, 1865. He was commissioned Second Lieutenant March 22, 1865, although absent, a prisoner. He was never wounded but received a bullet through coat sleeve. Children (born at Adrian) : 863 Walter HascaU, b. Sept. 14, 1869; m. at Denver, Colo., Oct. 8, 1904, Mary Lillian, b. Feb. 11, 1 87 1, in Wayland, Mich., dau. of Edward Pay- son and Harriet (Morton) Hersey. Both living in Denver. No issue. +864 Harry Putnam, b. Oct. 25, 1871. 865 Van Loon Brayton, b. Jan. 9, 1876; d. July 27, 1882. +866 Arthur Vincent, b. Dec. 6, 1879. 867 Florence Adelaide, b. Jan. 6, 1886 ; d. Dec. 29, 1906. 140 The Descendants of Elisha Cole 524 Nathan W. (Edwin W., Nathan, Joseph, Elisha) ; m. at Afton, Wis., Sept. 20, 1866, Carrie Anna, b. Palmyra, N. Y., Sept. 20, 1845, dau. of Philip and Lucinda (Potter) Palmer. He d. Chicago March 18, 1877. She living. He enHsted in 1862 in the i8th Regt., Mich. Vols., was appointed Corporal, and being a printer by trade, was detailed on special service, having charge of the Government Printing Office at NashvUle, Tenn., until the close of the war. ChUd: 868 Carrie Louise, b. Chicago Feb. 29, 1868; m. at Kan sas City, Mo., Jan. 15, 1890, John William, b. Grand View, lU., Jan. 15, 1857, son of James and Elizabeth (McCoUum) Paxton. Both living in Kansas City. 532 Arvah Hopkins (Milo Van Dusen, Nathan, Joseph, Elisha) ; m. at Covert, N. Y., Oct. 11, 1871, Mary, b. there Jan. 6, 1849, dau. of Miner T. and Jane (Uhl) Coburn. Both living at Covert. Children: 869 Milo Wilbur, b. Nov. 13, 1872, d. Jan. 12, 1873. 870 Miner Coburn, twin of above; m. Sept. 8, 1898, Cora M. Tichenor. They have: Ralph Tichenor, b. Sept. 13, 1903. 871 Agnes Maria, b. July 6, 1875 ; m. Gilbert D. Town- send. They have: Arvah C, b. June 24, 1897. Carlton G., b. June 16, 1899. 872 Carrie Moore, b. Sept. 11, 1879. 873 Jane Bradley, twin of above. Carrie Moore m. March 7, 1906, Don A. Hop kins. 537 Wallace Henry (Ramah, Levi H., Joseph, EHsha) ; m. at Brooklyn, N. Y., Nov. 21, 1866, Emma Louisa, b. there May The Descendants of Elisha Cole 141 8, 1847, dau. of Samuel Wyatt and Maria (Waring) Marston. He was a salesman, and d. June 24, 1908. She living. ChU dren (born in Brooklyn) : 874 LiUian M., b. May 28, 1868; d. Dec. i, 1869. 875 Hayward C, b. March 30, 1871 ; d. Jan. 30, 1872. 876 Ida, b. Dec 10, 1873; m. at Croton FaUs Nov. 31, 1900, Jesse Foster, b. Newburgh, N. Y., April 8, 1875, son of Robert and Anne Eliza (McCann) Carr. Both living in Newburgh. 877 Edith, b. Dec. 19, 1875; m. at Mahopac Oct. 20, 1905, Chauncey Brooks, b. Newburgh July 21, 1876, son of Charles Oscar and Leora (Brooks) Edmonds. 878 Alice, b. March 20, 1884. 539 Frank Josiah (Ramah, Levi H., Joseph, EHsha) ; m. at Brook lyn June 6, 1881, Evangeline Virginie, b. ChanceUorsville, Va., Nov. 5, 1850, dau. of Dr. Samuel Smith and Eliza Ann (Wyckoff) Guy. She d. at Plainfield, N. J., Nov. 7, 1883, and he m. (2) at Brooklyn Feb. 10, 1885, Marie Louise, b. Brook lyn May 6, 1858, a sister of his first wife. Both Hving at Orange, N. J. ChUdren: 879 Margaret, b. June 21, 1882; d. Aug. 2, 1883. 880 Evangeline, b. Dec. 23, 1885. 881 Charlotte Louise, b. Sept. 3, 1887; m. Jan. 7, 1907, George Wesley, b. Glen Cove, L. I., Feb. 21, 1883, son of WiUiam and Eliza (Hambridge) Maidment. 882 Ramah Elliot, b. May 8, 1889. 883 Grace Manchester, b. Aug. 25, 1890. 884 Frederick Tripler, b. Feb. 23, 1893. 543 Herbert Milton (John B., Levi H., Joseph, Elisha) ; m. at Hyde Park, Mass., Oct. 27, 1897, Dorothy Elizabeth, b. 142 The Descendants of Elisha Cole Augusta, Me., Dec. i, 1870, dau. of George Henry and Sarah (Barton) Snow. Both Hving. Children (born at Hyde Park) : 885 Richard Barton, b. May 23, 1900. 886 Horace Wellington, b. Jan. 23, 1903. 556 Edward Judson (Adaniram J., Ramah, Joseph, Elisha) ; m. at Quincy, Mich., Oct. 26, 1887, Cora Electa, b. there March 31, 1864, dau. of Milan MarceUus and Jane Hannah (McNeal) Brown. He a mechanic Both living at Quincy. Children: 887 Bessie Jane, b. Quincy Aug. 24, 1888. 888 Arnet Judson, b. Durand Feb. 21, 1892. 889 Rama Milan, b. Durand Oct. i, 1893. 890 Ruth Violet, b. Quincy April 25, 1897. 559 Charles (William M. Ramah, Joseph, Elisha) ; m. at Mancelona, Mich., May 15, 1897, Edith, b. April 8, 1880, dau. of William and Docia (Soper) Mason. Both living at Kalkaska, Mich. Children (born at Leetsville) : 891 Clyde, b. July 29, 1899. 892 Claude, b. Sept. 4, 1902. 561 Clyde (William M., Ramah, Joseph, Elisha) ; m. at Cadillac, Mich., Sept. 27, 1893, Nettie, b. Parma, Mich., Aug. 26, 1874, dau. of George Washington and Harriet (Graham) Campbell. Both living at Kalkaska. Children (bom at Kalkaska) : 893 Bernice, b. Oct. 12, 1895. 894 Bertine, b. Jan. 4, 1898. 895 Clarence, b. May 22, 1904. 567 Chester Enos (Horace, John, Daniel, Elisha) ; m. at Urbana, N. Y., March 12, 1857, Sarah, b. there April 15, 1838, dau. of The Descendants of Elisha Cole 143 Almeran and Zillah (Longwell) Retan. She d. Savona, N. Y., March i6, 1891, and he m. (2) at Watkins, N. Y., Aug. 9, 1893, Mrs. Harriet Esther, b. DansvUle, N. Y., June 13, 1839, dau. of Dr. Charles and Esther (Hulbert) Brown, and wid. of Rev. Sylvester J. Lusk. Both living at Savona. He is in the coal, grain and feed business. Child: 896 Almeran Horace, b. Savona Nov. 16, 1859; m. there Nov. 18, 1880, Alma Ann, b. Owego, N. Y., Dec. 4, 1859, dau. of George Hunber and Mary (Parker) Bennett. Both living. No issue. 571 Charles William (Hiram, John, Daniel, Elisha) ; m. at Altay, N. Y., Oct. 12, 1870, Emma Frances, b. Wayne, N. Y., April 10, 1849, dau. of Marcus and Havilah (Cole) Barrett. He was a farmer, and d. at Carmel April 15, 1888, aged 42 years, 10 months. She living near Penn Yan, N. Y. Children (born at Carmel) : 897 Homer, b. Oct. 23, 1871 ; d. in 1873. 898 Grace Lorena, b. Feb. 14, 1875; d. April 26, 1888. 899 Cassie Belle, b. Feb. 4, 1881 ; m. at Penn Yan Sept. 30, 1902, William Henry, b. Milo, N. Y., Feb. 23, 1882, son of John and Lucy Ann (Shepard) Armstrong. Both living at Penn Yan. 572 Henry Clay (AUen, Jesse, Daniel, Elisha) ; m. at New York City Jan. 3, 1867, Hannah Ann, b. Feb. 8, 1845, dau. of Stephen W. and JuHette (Ballard) Carver. He was a farmer and d. at Carmel Sept. 25, 1896, aged 55 years, 4 months, 13 days. She d. there Dec 23, 1903, aged 59 years, 10 months, 14 days. ChUdren (born at Carmel) : 900 Jesse AUen, b. Jan. 22, 1868 ; d. June 16, 1870. 901 Henry BaUard, b. Nov. 24, 1869; unm.; lives at Mahopac. 144 The Descendants of Elisha Cole 902 Marie Antoinette, b. March 17, 1876; m. New York City March 28, 1901, Howard Robert, b. PhU- lipstown July 31, 1878, son of William Henry and Phebe Elizabeth (Tompkins) Stevens. They live at Kent Cliffs. 903 Ward WaUace, b. July 4, 1878; d. Oct. 15, 1881. +904 De Witt CHnton, b. Aug. 28, 1879. 905 Norvin Green, b. Oct. 18, 1882. 906 John Roberts, b. Dec. 21, 1886. 574 Theodore Frelinghuysen (Ogden, Daniel H., Daniel, Elisha) ; m. May 21, 1865, Emma Safronia, b. April 5, 1846, dau. of Dr. Isaac and Mary Ann (Cole) Barrett. She d. at Cole's MiUs July 26, 1893, and he m. (2) at Carmel March 29, 1898, Mrs. Emma, b. Sept. 25, 1852, at Fishkill, dau. of Samuel and Elizabeth (Sprague) Sprague, and wid. of James J. Dakin. He was a miller and lived at Cole's Mills until the reservoir was built, when he removed to Carmel. He d. Dec. 6, 1906. She living at Carmel. Children (born at Cole's Mills) : +907 Charles Philip, b. Feb. 19, 1867. +908 Daniel H., b. Aug. 6, 1868. 909 Annie E., b. March 5, 1870; m. June 24, 1893, Ernest Howard, b. at Carmel in 1872, son of EH and EHzabeth (Shears) Townsend. Both living. 910 Arthur T., b. Oct. 18, 1872; d. Oct. 29, 1883. 576 George Richardson (Tillott, Daniel H., Daniel, EHsha) ; m. at Carmel Oct. 29, 1890, Mary Downes, b. Dec. 6, 1853, dau. of Lewis and Catharine (Pierce) GaNunn. He was a druggist and later was in the livery business. Was killed by a raUroad train near TiUy Foster Station Dec. 21, 1901. She living at Carmel. ChUd : 911 George Tillott, b. Carmel June 17, 1895. The Descendants of Elisha Cole 145 577 Lewis Edgar (Tillott, Daniel H., Daniel, EHsha) ; m. at Kent Dec. 28, 1879, Sarah, b. there June 12, 1858, dau. of John and Pamelia (Sprague) Bennett. She d. Oct. 29, 1904. He living at Carmel. He was one of the contractors who built the New York & Putnam Railroad. At one time he was proprietor of the Smalley House at Carmel. He was appointed Sheriff of Putnam County by Gov. HUl in 1888. Children: 912 Edith Z., b. Oct. 18, 1881. 913 May Belle, b. AprU 8, 1892. 585 Mortimer Belding (Charles N., EHsha J., Daniel, EHsha) ; m. at Stanford, N. Y., Sept. 11, 1880, Antoinette, b. Stanford, Dutchess County, Jan. 14, 1857, dau. of Isaac G. and Sarah Ann (Badgley) Sands. Both living. In 1887 he settled at Salt Point, Dutchess County, N. Y., where he now lives. He is a miller. Children: 914 Stanley Sands, b. Nov. 11, 1881, at Stanford. 915 Jennie Antoinette, b. Clinton May 2J, 1883. 916 Peninnah Owen, b. Stanford Dec. 29, 1886. 608 Horton Sherwood (Anthony W., Nathaniel, Ebenezer, Elisha) ; m. at Belleville, Kans., Jan. 28, 1879, Hannah Elizabeth, b. Romney, Va., July 17, 1856, dau. of David and Mary Jane (McNemor) Doran. He is a farmer and lives at Republic, Kans. Children (born at Republic) : 917 Bertha May, b. Nov. 2, 1879; m. Feb. 21, 1900, Oliver Huff. They have: Dorothy May, b. June 2, igoi. OHver David, b. Oct. 22, 1903. 918 George Eugene, b. May 7, 1884. 919 Jacob Edwin, b. Nov. 26, 1886. 146 The Descendants of Elisha Cole 612 William John (John D., WiUiam, Ebenezer, Elisha) ; m. at New York City May 15, 1856, EHzabeth Ann, b. March 12, 1837, dau. of James and Elizabeth (Radcliff) Belshaw, of Edin burgh, Scotland. She d. New York City July 23, 1872, and he m. (2) New York City June, 1890, Emily Augusta Frost. They are living at Rutherford, N. J. He attended the Peekskill Academy until 18 years of age and then went to New York and learned the carpenter trade, after which he settled at Virogua, Wis., in 1856, where he manufactured carriages, etc. Returning in a few years to New York he entered the real estate business. At the time of the riots, July, 1863, in saving a drafting-wheel from the mob, he received a fractured shoulder. Children : 920 Mary Elizabeth, b. June 18, 1857, Virogua, Wis.; m. New York City June 2, 1879, James, b. there Dec. 20, 1851, son of Robert and Jane (Belshaw) Hodge. Both live in New York City. No issue. 921 Ida Elmira, b. New York City March 20, i860; m. Walter George Nurse. They have : Walter,, b. . Ethel, b. . Harriet, b. . 922 John B., b. in 1862; d. at age of three months. 923 Clara, b. in 1868; d. y. 924 Genevieve, b. Dec. i, 1870; m. New York City June 8, 1898, Willard Goldthwaithe, b. Salem, Mass., July 13, 1868, son of Henry MerriU and EHza ShatsweU (Symonds) Bixby. She d. New City Nov. 29, 1901. He living. 925 WUliam J., b. in 1872; d. y. Second marriage: 926 May, b. . 927 Irene, . 928 WiUiam, b. . 929 Frank, b. . 930 Elsie, b. . The Descendants of Elisha Cole 147 614 Charles Ogden (James, Ebenezer, Ebenezer, Elisha) ; m. July 22, 1871, Selema, b. Feb. 13, 1852, dau. of WUliani J. and Mary (Haight) Hoffman. He a hatter. Both living at Put nam Valley. Children : 931 Vincent Peter, b. Aug. 11, 1874; m. June 18, 1900, Josie, dau. of William Kent. 932 WiUiam J., b. Dec. 8, 1875 ; m. June 3, 1903, Viola Austin. 933 Jeremiah, b. Aug. 3, 1878; m. Nov. 4, 1906, NeUie B. Lewis. 934 Lurana Elizabeth, b. Jan. 8, 1884. 615 Peter James (James, Ebenezer, Ebenezer, Elisha) ; m. Nov. 11, 1874, Margaret Lavinia, b. Putnam Valley Dec. 31, 1859, dau. of Reuben and Eliza Jane (MUler) McKeel. He a hatter. Both living at Peekskill. ChUd: +935 Edward James, b. Feb. 28, 1876. 625 James Henry (Thomas, James, Ebenezer, Ebenezer, Elisha) ; m. at Kent Nov. i, 1871, EUen, b. there AprU 30, 1850, dau. of Putnam and Eunice M. (Smith) Light. Both living at Danbury. Children : +936 George Light, b. Aug. 28, 1872, at Kent. +937 Thomas Edgar, b. Aug. 2, 1874, at Kent. 938 James A., b. at Danbury Nov. 2, 1888. 626 Theron (Edwin, James, Ebenezer, Elisha) ; m. at Pawling, N. Y., Dec. 15, 1875, Huldah Victoria, b. there Sept. 10, 1854, dau. of Carl Shaw and Huldah (SiUeck) Booth. Both living at Holmes, N. Y. He a farmer. Children: 148 The Descendants of Elisha Cole 939 Edwin Carl, b. Jan. 12, 1877. 940 Huldah Booth, b. Dec. 16, 1879. 941 Abel B., b. Dec. 16, 1885. 942 Child, b. and d. in 1889. 943 Clinton Harold, b. Aug. 27, 1891. 944 James Riley, b. Nov. 14, 1893. 628 Ebenezer (Edwin, James, Ebenezer, Elisha) ; m. at Pawling Feb. I, 1888, Mary Amelia, b. West Petterson, N. Y., Aug. 9, 1869, dau. of George W. and (Merritt) Carey. He a farmer. Both living at Holmes, N. Y. Child : 945 Catharine Beatrice, b. Nov. 29, 1895. 636 Eugene (Ebenezer, James, Ebenezer, Elisha) ; m. at Haviland Hollow Oct. 15, 1882, Henrietta, b. at ReynoldsviUe, N. Y., dau. of George P. and Maria (White) Ballard. He was a farmer, and d. at Holmes, N. Y., Oct. 2, 1898. ChUdren : 946 Jennie W., b. Aug. 5, 1885. 947 George C, b. Dec. 25, i 948 Rixford, b. Feb. 22, 1892. 949 Howard, b. May 27, 1894. 950 Ethel, b. March 21, 1896. 951 Eugenia, b. Oct. 4, 1898. 637 Albert G. (Ebenezer, James, Ebenezer, EHsha) ; m. at Kent Dec. 24, 1885, Euphemia, b. there Sept. 26, 1865, dau. of John and Chloe (Russell) Lee. He is a cattle dealer, and they live at Shenandoah, Dutchess County, N. Y. Children: 952 Sepha, b. Jan. 10, 1889. 953 Mildred, b. Feb. 10, 1907. The Descendants of Elisha Cole 149 638 Ferris E. (Ebenezer, James, Ebenezer, Elisha) ; m. at Luding tonviUe, N. Y., Dec. 4, 1887, Mary A., b. at Pawling, N. Y., 1873, dau. of Warren and Mary (Turner) White. They live at Holmes, N. Y. Children: 954 Ada M., b. Jan. 22, 1889. 955 Ella M., b. Dec. 25, 1890. 956 Grade B., b. Oct. 14, 1892. 957 Everett F., b. May 2, 1895. 643 Otis (Amos R., Lewis, John, Elisha) ; m. at Rochester, N. Y., Nov. 29, 1855, Jennie Frances, b. at Duxbury, Mass., Oct. 3, 1832, dau. of WiUiam and Eunice (Phelps) Knapp. They lived at Rochester. He was a Grand Army man, having served in the 33rd Regt., N. Y. State Vols., was also a 33rd degree Mason. He d. at Bath, N. Y., June 16, 1903. She d. at Rochester, N. Y., July 24, 1892. Children: +958 Wray Lincoln, b. at Adrian, Mich., July 21, 1858. 959 Clara Mabel, b. at Rochester, N. Y., July 13, 1867; m. there Nov. 7, 1894, Maynard Hosmer, b. there Nov. I, 1867, son of John M. and Mary (Arm strong) Chase. Both living. No issue. 645 Lewis W. (Darius, Lewis, John, Elisha) ; m. Nov. 15, 1866, Diana, dau. of William and Ann (Pierson) Jackson. She d. May 22, 1890, and he m. (2) Dec. 31, 1903, Clara BeU Dron- yor, of Rawlin, Mich. He is a farmer. Children: 960 Allen, b. June 28, 1870; m. Angeline Clark. 961 Fred, b. Dec. 6, 1872 ; m. Maine Kirkup. 962 Elsie, b. Dec. 19, 1879; m. Marvin Rhodes. 963 Darius, b. Sept. 6, 1883; m. Myrtie Stafford. 150 The Descendants of Elisha Cole 647 Amos Rogers Tunison (Elvin C, Lewis, John, Elisha) ; m. at RoUin, Mich., Nov. 9, 1864, Elmira, b. there July 11, 1842, dau. of Porter and Susan (BrowneU) Blade. He a farmer living at RoUin. She d. . Children (born at RoUin) : 964 Susan Lydia, b. Aug. 27, 1865 ; m. March 4, 1885, Lewellyn, b. Feb. 26, 1864, son of John U. and Charity (Comstock) Harkness. Both living at RoUin. Children : Edna Lou, b. . Elizabeth Pauline, b. 965 Celia Octavia, b. Feb. 20, 1867; m. at RoUin Dec. 23, 1887, Ed., b. there March 11, 1864, son of Henry and Mary J. (Cornelius) Rawson. Both living. They have : Olive, b. . Amos P., b. 966 Elvira Rosanna, b. Sept. 9, 1872; m. Abram Knowles. They have: Cole Clinton, b. . Milton, b. . Nathan, b. . Elmira, b. . 967 De Witt Clinton, b. Jan. 7, 1874; m. Mabel, dau. of John DeLong. He is dead. 650 Elvin Dayton (Elvin C, Lewis, John, Elisha) ; m. at Clayton, Mich., March 9, 1881, Alice Edna, b. there June 13, 1858, dau. of Freeman and Lucretia (Van Voorhies) Rice. He was a farmer, and d. July 18, 1905. She living at Addison, Mich. ChUdren (born at RoUin) : 968 NeUie Lucretia, b. Aug. 31, 1882; d. Sept. 7, 1882. 969 Ray Freeman, b. Sept. 13, 1885. The Descendants of Elisha Cole 151 651 Ogden (Elmer C, Lewis, John, Elisha) ; m. at RoUin Oct. lo, 1863, Hannah H., b. May 14, 1845, dau. of John R. and Hannah T. (Hayward) Hawkins. He was a cattle raiser and lived at RoUin, Mich. Children: 970 Ehner Elkanah, b. April 9, 1865; m. Oct. 17, 1889, Lizzie E. Gardner. 971 Rose Althea, b. Aug. 22, 1876; m. July 15, 1900, Fred W. Breunig. 972 Mina Elizabeth, b. March 6, 1883. 652 John Rogers (Elmer C, Lewis, John, Elisha) ; m. Elizabeth Mary, b. Rochester, N. Y., , dau. of William M. and Mary Geraldine (Scott) Hawkins. He a photographer. Both living at Richmond, Va. Children: 973 William Elmer, b. June 25, 1870 ; m. Aug. 14, 1902, Lucie S. Blount. 974 Ida Lucretia, b. Nov. 6, 1875; m. AprU 22, 1897, Harry T. Jones. 975 Kate Geraldine, b. Jan. 30, 1888. 976 Frank Ogden, b. Dec. 31, 1890. 679 Chester Glenn (Chester S., Abner B., David, EHsha, EHsha) ; m. at Coming, N. Y., Dec. 2, 1889, Harriet Ellen, b. there Sept. 3, 1861, dau. of Charles C. B. and Maria D. (Townsend) Walker. Both living at Corning. He is president of the Corning Building Company. At the time his father, Chester Scott Cole, was chairman of the Repub lican State Committee, his father-in-law, Charles C. B. Walker, was chairman of the Democratic State Committee. Children: 977 Sidney Townsend, b. Feb. 22, 1892. 978 Glen Walker, b. May 14, 1895. 979 Dorothy Drake, b. Jan. 29, 1901. 152 The Descendants of Elisha Cole 682 Arthur (James, Nathan, David, EHsha, EHsha) ; m. at Mos cow, Idaho, February, 1898, Jennie, b. Jan. 11, 1877, dau. of — ' Parks and wid. of Walter Hanna. Living at Pull man, Wash. ChUdren: 980 Dwight, b. July 4, 1899. 981 Horace, b. . 982 Ralph, b. . 711 Clayton (Norman S., David, Elisha, EHsha, EHsha); m. at Matteawan, N. Y., June 7, 1883, Idaho, b. there March 16, 1863, dau. of Sylvester and Almira (Cornwell) Mase. Living at Matteawan. Children : 983 Irving Preston, b. March, 1884; d. November 20, 1886. 984 Norma, b. Jan. 20, 1888. 746 Arthur (John Roberts, Hyman, John, EHsha, EHsha) ; m. New York City Oct. 23, 1895, Albertine, b. there Jan. 29, 1870, dau. of Benjamin and Mary ( ) Fogle. Living at Orange, N. J. He in the trucking business in New York City. Children : 985 Helen, b. July 10, 1896. 986 Muriel, b. Sept. i, 1902. 747 George Edward (John R., Hyman, John, EHsha, EHsha) ; m. New York City, 1898, Edith, b. there in 1875, dau. of Samuel and Elizabeth (Luscott) Cool. He m. (2) Aug. 24, 1907, at Waterbury, Conn., Florence Emma, b. there in 1880, dau. of Charles and Lucy Emma (Frost) Chatfield. They live in Con- necticut. Child : 987 Marjorie, b. . The Descendants of Elisha Cole 153 749 Walter Bailey (Addison, Hyman, John, Elisha, Elisha) ; m. at Rockaway Beach AprU 25, 1894, Margaret Jane, b. New York City Oct. 17, 1870, dau. of Jeremiah and Anna Leslie (Gracie) Charde. He d. June i, 1901. ChUdren (born at Mahopac) : 988 Lester Stanley, b. April 22, 1896. 989 Velma Bailey, b. Nov. 20, 1897. 752 Abner Bangs (John P., Abner B., Nathan, Nathan, Elisha) ; m. at Aurora, Ore., January, 1897, Glorinda NeU. Child: 990 Maple Lucille, b. Nov. 2, 1897. 753 John Reasoner (John P., Abner B., Nathan, Nathan, EHsha) ; m. Feb. 15, 1886, Ida F. Smith. Living at Aurora, Ore. Chil dren : 991 Benjamin Otto, b. April 24, 1888. 992 Roxie Lura, b. Oct. 11, 1895. 993 Barrel ElHs, b. AprU 22, 1896. 994 Vida Beatrice, b. May i, 1900. 995 Ivy Annita, b. Sept. i, 1904. 754 Nathan Edward (John P., Abner B., Nathan, Nathan, EHsha) ; m. at Aurora, Ore., Nov. i, 1893, Frances Beck. ChUdren: 996 Ruby Beatrice, b. Oct. 10, 1895. 997 Hazel Eunice, b. Jan. 6, 1901. 998 Lester Abner, b. Sept. 16, 1903. 756 Christopher Oliver (John P., Abner B., Nathan, Nathan, Elisha) ; m. at Bellingham, Wash., Sept. 22, 1904, Dagmer Beck. Living at Aurora, Ore. Child: 999 Olive O., b. Aug. 8, 1907. 154 The Descendants of Elisha Cole 765 Austin (Zachary T., Hermon C, Nathan, Nathan, Elisha) ; m. at Brooklyn, N. Y., Aug. 31, 1898, Ivy, b. at Baltimore, Md., May 21, 1875, dau. of Prentiss and Rosa (Langley) Ingraham. Living at St. Louis. ChUdren: 1000 Austin, b. at Los Angeles, Cal., Jan. 26, 1902. looi Prentiss Ingraham, b. at Chicago Aug. 16, 1904. 778 John Jackson (Amedee B., Nathan, Nathan, Nathan, Elisha) ; m. at Joplin, Mo., July 4, 1905, Dorothy Walker, b. May 24, 1888. ChUd: 1002 Amedee Jackson, b. June 8, 1906. 797 James Stanley (Harvey T., Charles G., Joseph, Joseph, Elisha) ; m. at Anderson, Ind., Aug. 10, 1892, Cora May, b. at Colum bus, Ind., July 30, 1875, dau. of William Alfred and Nancy (Sullivan) Doyle. He is a glass blower. They live at Fos- toria, Ohio. Children (bom at Alexandria, Ind.) : 1003 Victoria, b. Aug. 8, 1895. 1004 Ralph Leroy, b. March 20, 1900. 1005 J. Stanley, b. March 23, 1905. 798 Harvey Townsend (Harvey T., Charles G., Joseph, Joseph, Elisha) ; m. at Corning, N. Y., June 8, 1898, Anna Louise, b. Aug. 26, 1871, at Avoca, N. Y., dau. of Alfred Cleveland and Louise Malvina (Parker) Olds. He is a bookkeeper in the First National Bank at Corning, where they both live. Child : 1006 Howard F. Victor, b. Sept. 21, 1899. 799 Otto Pakis (Harvey T., Charles G., Joseph, Joseph, EHsha) ; m. at Corning, N. Y., Oct. 9, 1901, Grace, b. at Elmira, N. Y., The Descendants of Elisha Cole 155 AprU 26, 1876, dau. of Elmer Ezekiel and Eliza (Brown) Johnson. He is a stenographer. Both living at Corning. ChUd : 1007 Dorothy Lucille, b. Sept. 20, 1907. 801 Nathan Thompson (Harvey T., Charles G., Joseph, Joseph, Elisha) ; m. at Hornby, N. Y., Aug. 20, 1903, Idalia, b. there June 26, 1884, dau. of Robert O'Hara and Sarah Jane (Cut ler) Sly. He is a freight agent, N. Y. C. & H. R. R. Both living at Coming. Child: 1008 Robert Sly, b. July 9, 1906. 809 Albert George (George F., Ira, Joseph, Joseph, Elisha) ; m. at Zanesfield, Ohio, Sept. 25, 1901, Leota, b. there July 9, 1881, dau. of George and Elizabeth (Shoots) Peters. He is a rail road conductor. Both living at Springfield, Ohio. Children: 1009 Edward Gammon, b. at Bellefonte, Ohio, Dec. 24, 1903. loio Lucille Ruth, b. at Springfield, Ohio, Dec. 25, 1906. 813 Frank (Charles L., Ira, Joseph, Joseph, Elisha) ; m. Rose Kimmick, b. . Children: loii Ira, b. 10 1 2 Ruth, b. - 1013 Charles, b. 1014 Stuart, b. 815 Ira Woodruff (Charles L., Ira, Joseph, Joseph, Elisha) ; m. at Watkins, N. Y., Oct. 26, 1898, Fannie Ames, b. there July 156 The Descendants of Elisha Cole 28, 1875, dau. of John Spafford and Sarah (Ames) Budd. Both living at Watkins. He is a druggist. Children: 1015 Frank Ames, b. April 14, 1900. 1016 Amy Budd, b. Oct. 6, 1906. 820 Mortimer (Harlem, Asahel, Joseph, Joseph, EHsha) ; m. at Corning, N. Y., Dec. 27, 1888, NeUie, b. there April 15, 1868, dau. of Frank and Mary EHzabeth (Wormley) Veith. Both living at Youngstown, Ohio. He is a printer and has the Joseph Cole family record. Children: 1017 Howard, b. at Corning Sept. 7, 1889. 1018 Norman, b. at Youngstown June 28, 1891. 1019 Helen, b. at Youngstown Sept. 29, 1893. 1020 Margaret, b. at Youngstown July 3, 1896. 827 Jay C. (Yates T., Joseph, Samuel, Joseph, EHsha) ; m. Nov. 11, 1886, Minnie, b. at Hartland, Mich., April 24, 1866, dau. of George and Anna (Kershner) Lemen. Both living at Durand, Mich. Children : 1021 Crystal J., b. June 4, 1890. 1022 Anna Ruth, b. April 14, 1893. 1023 Dorothy M., b. Jan. 8, 1900. 836 Elmer Ellsworth (Delevan S., Enos, Samuel, Joseph, Elisha) ; m. in Kansas Ella C, b. Nov. 4, 1858, dau. of Daniel and Mary Etta (Pratt) Cass. He is a farmer and has 320 acres of land at Ft. Laramie, Wyo., where they both live. Children: 1024 Bessie Laura, b. March 30, 1884. 1025 Daniel Delevan Pratt, b. July 26, 1886. 1026 Elmer Emery Cass, b. July 26, 1889; d. June I, 1890. The Descendants of Elisha Cole 157 837 Eugene Enos (Delevan S., Enos, Samuel, Joseph, EHsha) ; m. at Grand Island, Neb., Nov. 28, 1885, Harriet Jane, b. in Michigan Feb. 18, 1870, dau. of Charles H. and Harriet (Devall) Morgan. He is a machinist. Both living at Miller, Neb. Children : 1027 Laura Jane, b. April 17, 1887, at Hastings, Neb. ; m. April 17, 1905, John W. Sterns. 1028 Viola May, b. at Stockholm, Neb., March 6, 1890; m. Feb. 18, 1908, Oliver P. Rammer. 1029 Ada Lulu, b. March 9, 1892. 1030 Vera Daisy, b. AprU 18, 1894; d. April 20, 1907. 1031 Charles Eugene, b. March 14, 1898; d. Jan. 25, 1907. 1032 Fannie Belle, b. Sept. 5, 1900. 1033 Elmer Archie, b. at Miller, Neb., Nov. 14, 1903. 1034 Albert Levi, b. Jan. 30, 1906. 838 Jason Haven (Delevan S., Enos, Samuel, Joseph, Elisha) ; m. April 17, 1889, Sarah McAuley, b. at Chicago March 17, 1872. He d. Aug. 16, 1894, and she m. (2) May 28, 1898, Harry Venton Downing. Children : 1035 Delevan Jason, b. in Cherry County, Neb., Feb. 24, 1890. 1036 Raymond Wiltsie, b. Feb. 20, 1892. 839 Robert Walker (Delevan S., Enos, Samuel, Joseph, Elisha) ; m. at Hastings, Neb., Aug. 10, 1889, Mary, b. in Russia April 3, 1871, dau. of Jacob and Mary Lena (Hoop) Gettman. He is a bricklayer. Both live at Hastings. Children (born at Hastings) : 1037 Grace Lena, b. Feb. i, 1890. 1038 Louis Jacob, b. Sept. i, 1891. 1039 Joseph George, b. June 26, 1893. 158 The Descendants of Elisha Cole 849 Orville Webster (Arthur E., Enos, Samuel, Joseph, Elisha) ; m. March 21, 1894, Gay, b. at Conway, Mich., Aug. 15, 1873, dau. of Covert S. and Alice L. (Copeland) Sherwood. Chil dren: 1040 RoUin Elwood, b. May 9, 1895. 1041 Ruth Alva, b. Jan. 23, 1897. 1042 Roger Garwood, b. March 23, 1899. 1043 Enos Covert, b. Feb. 5, 1901. 1044 Alice Fidelia, b. Dec. 28, 1902. 864 Harry Putnam (Hascall M., Edwin W., Nathan, Joseph, Elisha) ; m. at Adrian, Mich., Nov. 25, 1891, Julia Viletta, b. at Rome, Mich., July 4, 1871, dau. of Daniel Porter and Emily A. (Sterns) Bates. Both living at Cleveland, Ohio. Children: 1045 Harold Bates, b. at Adrian, Mich., Jan. 26, 1893. 1046 Lowell Vincent, b. at Adrian Jan. 20, 1898. 866 Arthur Vincent (HascaU M., Edwin W., Nathan, Joseph, EUsha) ; m. at Sandwich, Cal., Oct. 26, 1899, Daisy Ellen, b. at Adrian, Mich., July 2, 1879, dau. of Frederick J. and Eliza beth (Pratt) Buck. Both living at Adrian. Children (bom there) : 1047 Francis Vincent, b. March 25, 1901. 1048 Frederick Lisle, b. Oct. 10, 1903. 1049 Florence Helen, b. March 28, 1907. 904 De Witt. Clinton (Henry C, Allen, Jesse, Daniel, Elisha); m. at Lake Mahopac, N. Y., Oct. 22, 1902, Gertrude Catharine, b. there Oct. 18, 1879, dau. of Leonard Sloat and Emma Jane (Van Loon) Wright. They live on the old Elisha Cole farm and he is in the livery business at Lake Mahopac. Children : 1050 Doris Emma, b. July 4, 1903. 1051 Henry Leonard, b. June 27, 1904. The Descendants of Elisha Cole 159 907 Charles Philip (Theodore F., Ogden, Daniel H., Daniel, Elisha) ; m. at Carmel, N. Y., Oct. 20, 1897, EsteUe Jane, b. March 12, 1878, dau. of Benjamin and Adeline (Hopkins) Secord. Both living at Carmel. (Secord — a corruption of Secour. The earliest tombstone in Putnam County bearing this name is in a Presbyterian ceme tery at Mahopac Falls, to Elizabeth, wife of John Secor, who died in 1791. The first of the name in records was James Sycar, Sr., living, aged 75 years, in New RocheUe, N. Y., on Sept. 9, 1710. The name is found on records as Se Cord, Seacord, and Secord. They were French Protestants.) Children : 1052 Raymond Lamont, b. July 29, 1898. 1053 Olive Secord, b. Dec. 15, 1899. 1054 Haywood P., b. June 13, 1902; d. in July, 1903. 1055 Charles Homer, b. Dec. 4, 1903. 1056 Emma Estelle, b. Oct. 17, 1906. 1057 Esther Adeline, twin of above. 908 Daniel H. (Theodore F., Ogden, Daniel H., Daniel, Elisha) ; m. at Carmel in January, 1896, Matilda, b. there in 1873, dau. of John Wesley and Matilda (Morley) Forshay. Child: 1058 Paul Forshay, b. Sept. 5, 1906. 935 Edward James (Peter J., James, Ebenezer, Ebenezer, Elisha) ; m. at PeekskiU Aug. 12, 1900, Kittie, b. there May 18, 1876, dau. of Samuel and Harriet Amelia (Ferris)) Tate. He is in the fur business. Both living at PeekskiU. ChUdren: 1059 Edward Earl, b. March 4, 1901. 1060 Helen Margaret, b. Dec. 2, 1902. 1061 George Peter, b. July 3, 1905. 160 The Descendants of Elisha Cole 936 George Light (James H., Thomas, James, Ebenezer, Elisha) ; m. at LudingtonvUle Sept. i8, 1895, Carrie M., b. at East Fish kill Oct. 12, 1868, dau. of George W. and Hannah E. (North rup) Merritt. Both living at Jersey City, N. J. ChUdren: 1062 EUen Marian, b. at Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Aug. 15, 1896. 1063 Donald Merritt, b. Westville, Conn., Nov. 6, 1898. 1064 James Vernon, b. West Haven, Conn., July 7, 1901. 1065 Frances Nelson, b. at Yonkers, N. Y., Jan. 19, 1903. 937 Thomas Edgar (James H., Thomas, James, Ebenezer, Elisha) ; m. at LudingtonviUe, N. Y., Oct. 2, 1895, Mary M., b. at South East, N. Y., Sept. 13, 1872, dau. of Thomas and Mary (Keyes) Brien. She d. at Kent, Dec. 5, 1905, and he m. (2) at Lake Mahopac, April 19, 1908, Wilhelmina, b. New York City, AprU 2, 1885, dau. of Jacob and Wilhelmina (Faatz) Karl. Both living at Carmel. Children: 1066 Florence B., b. Patterson, N. Y., Nov. 21, 1896. 1067 Edith M., b. Kent, April 23, 1898. 1068 Cordelia L., b. Sept. 13, 1900. 1069 Thomas Edgar, b. Oct. 8, 1904. 958 Wray Lincoln (Otis, Amos R., Lewis, John, Elisha) ; m. at Rochester, N. Y., Jan. 31, 1884, Julia HUl, b. there March 16, 1857, dau. of Homer G. and Helen (Woodward) Robinson. She d. June 29, 1897, and he m. (2) at Bath, N. Y., Oct. 31, 1900, Mrs. Mary A. Bird, b. Bath, Oct. 31, 1858, dau. of Bur- rage and Mary Fowler (Smith) Rice. He is a contractor and also in the real estate business, and lives at Rochester, N. Y. Child: 1070 Donald Robinson, b. Oct. 17, 1885. OTHER COLL5 OF PUTNAM COUNTY While collecting the descendants of Elisha Cole the name was frequently encountered in Eastern Putnam County, and research brought out the fact that they were of different descent. It is thought best to give here a short genealogical sketch of this family in order to avoid confusion at some future date. Timothy, b. at Norwalk, Conn., 1784, the third child of Thomas and Mary (Ressequie) Cole. Samuel, b. Norwalk, 1791, sixth child of Thomas and Mary. Timothy settled in South East, Dutchess Co., N. Y., and m. Elizabeth Sterling of Amenia. He d. 1866, aged 82 years. She d. 1867, aged 76 years. Buried in Milltown Cemetery. Children : +1 Emery, b. April 19, 181 1. 2 Edwin, b. ; m. Clarissa Fowler. 3 Mary, b. 1816; d. March 20, 1838. 4 Minerva, b. 1821 ; d. April 19, 1849. +5 George, b. 1813-14. 6 Elisa Ann, m. William Colmore. She d. and he m. (2) his sister-in-law Sallie Cole. Lived at Wil ton, Conn. 7 Sallie, b. . Emery (Timothy) ; m. Ann Sutton. She d. and he m. (2) at South Dover, May 9, i860, Mary Frances, b. there April 3, 1832, dau. of David W. and Nancy Ann (Giddings) Stevens. He d. March 18, 1904. She living at Pawling, N. Y. Children: 8 George, b. 1844. 9 Frank, b. 10 Edwin Charles, b. — . II Mary, b. ; m. Augustus Pendley. She m. (2) Myron Andrews. She m. (3) Marshall Smith. Lived at Skaneateles, N. Y. 162 The Descendants of Elisha Cole By second marriage : +12 Albert Stevens, b. May 21, 1863. 13 WiUiam Wallace, b. Sept. 15, 1864; m. Laura Den nis. 14 EHza Belle, b. Jan. 27, 1870. George (Timothy) ; m. Malissa B., b. South East, Oct. 22, 1821,, dau. of Charles and Phebe (Crosby) Townsend. They Hved at South East. He d. in 1898. She d. Danbury, Oct. 24, 1907. Children : 15 Frank, b. ; living at Brewster. 16 EsteUe J., b. ; m. , Brush. 12 Albert S. (Emery, Timothy) ; m. Clarie Belle Thomas. Children: 17 Lavenia Stevens, b. May 8, 1885. 18 Howard Thomas, b. Dec. 5, 1886. 19 Bulah Virginia, b. July 7, 1888. 20 Vera Giddings, b. June 30, 1889. 21 Edwin RusseU, b. Sept. 7, 1892. 22 Clarie BeUe, b. Jan. 23, 1899. Samuel (son of Thomas and Mary Cole) m. Deborah Egleston. They lived at Patterson and South East. Children: 23 WiUiam, b. 1817. 24 Olonzo, b. 1819. 25 Henry, b. . 26 Augustus, b. 1830. 27 Charles, b. 1834. First Generation of Collateral Branches [children not ALWAYS IN ORDER OF BIRTH] 5 Hackaliah Merritt — Eunice Cole. Children : Elisha, b. 1768, d. Aug. 17, 1841 ; m. Desiah Fuller. Mary; m. (i) Jonathan Washbum, (2) John Griffin. Hannah; m. John Merrick. Nemehiah; m. Wait; lived Canada. Second marriage: Nathan Crosby — Eunice (Cole) Merritt. Children : Enoch, b. 1782; m. Jane KeUey; b. 1784, d. Nov. 10, 1862. Eunice, d. Sept. 4, 1862; m. James RandaU. Stephen; m. Hannah . 7 Freeman Hopkins — Hannah Cole. Children : Enos, d. unm. Freeman. 8 Jesse Smith — Naomi Cole. Children : Anna, b. April 10, 1785; m. Nov. 10, 1801, Thomas Hazen, b. April 6, 1775 ; d. April 15, 1853. Charles G., b. Feb. 13, 1789; m. Margaret Cole. Nathaniel. Sophia, d. y. Freeman, d. unm. 164 The Descendants of Elisha Cole 10 James Townsend — Priscilla A. Cole. Children : Naomi; m. (i) Robert Weeks, (2) Judah Kelley. Hannah ; m. Barnabas Graver. Susannah; m. (i) Stephen Waring, (2) Noah H. Crane. Almira, d. aged 13 years. Charles; m. Sarah Frost. Alvey, d. unm. Adalia; m. Neurissa Cole. Mercy; m. Issacher Merrick. PriscUla; m. Levi Bailey. James ; m. Betsey Lawrence. Naomi was second wife of Robert Weeks and also of Judah Kelley. Hannah was first wife of Barnaba Carver. He m. (2) Sarah, dau. of Elisha Cole, Jr. 11 Tracy Ballard — Mercy Cole. Children : Joseph; m. Rachel Wood. Benjamin; m. Naomi Hopkins. Selah; m. Melvina Cole. Zeba; m. Alyada Cole. Fannie; m. (i) Jesse Wilson, (2) Jerry Wilson. Jane; m. Joseph Hopkins. 18 William Agor — Elizabeth Cole. Children : Charles; m. Eliza Banker, Nov. 13, 1816. Naomi ; m. Samuel Hart. Orrin ; m. Adah Austin. Orson ; m. Abagail Barrett. The Descendants of Elisha Cole 165 Hannah; m. George Curry. Arvilla; m. WUliam Sloat. Eliza; m. John Todd. Sarah, d. unm. 20 Thaddeus Baxter — Hannah Cole. Children : Jedidah ; m. Joshua or John Purdy. Elisha C. ; m. (i) Elizabeth Nelson, (2) Jane Warren, (3) Frances Wright. Beulah; m. Miles Bunnell. Sarah H. ; m. James Nelson. Thomas; m. Uretta Cole. Oran, d. unm. Osmond M.; m. (i) Sarah Ann Merrick, (2) Jane Horton Armstrong 30 Henry Nichols — Susannah Cole. Children : Joseph Cole; m. Lorretta Northrup. Perry G. ; m. (i) Phebe Colwell, (2) Viola Cavinder. Lewis; m. Adah Cole. Henry B. ; m. JuHa Haines. Daniel R., b. 1806; m. Sarah Hughson. Ruth, b. Jan. 21, 1809, d. Sept. 20, 1886; m. Horace Smith, b. Dec. 16, 1793. Elizabeth; m. Jeremy Hopkins. Susan, d. y. 31 Charles Green — Anna Cole. ChUdren : Susan, Rebecca, Collins. 166 The Descendants of Elisha Cole 35 Alvin Chase — Ruth Cole. ChUdren : Cyrus; m. ZiUah Colwell. Naomi; m. Clark Beardsley. Darius; m. Phebe Smith. Susan; m. Hiram Smith. Lyman; m. Elizabeth Evans. Sarah Ann; m. (i) Joseph Smith, (2) Daniel Brown. Hiram ; m. EUen Lewis. Henry Nichols; m. (i) Mary Walker, (2) Jane . Cynthia; m. Gilbert Knapp. Mary W. ; m. Stephen Hawley. Frank; m. Sarah Tompkins. John; m. Caroline Terrell. 37 Enos Hopkins — Cynthia Cole. ChUdren : Eliza Ann, b. Aug. 10, 1810; m. Ansel Hazen. Ruth, b. May 8, 1812 ; m. Horace Cole. Antha Jane, b. AprU 17, 1814; m. Thos. O. Cole. Rebecca, b. May 21, 1816; d. unm. WUliam A., b. Dec. 5, 1818; m. April 10, 1845, Hannah E. Sunderlin. Erastus, b. Jan. 17, 1821 ; m. Theda Cole. Almira, b. April 10, 1825 ; m. Dec. 15, 1847, Leonard Yea- mans. 41 Rev. Levi HaU — Margaret Cole. Children : Hannah, b. Oct. i, 1795; m. . Daniel, b. Dec. 22, 1796; m. Ann Newman. Susan, b. Oct. 27, 1798; m. Dec. 20, 1823, James Adams. The Descendants of Elisha Cole 167 Ann, b. Nov. lo, 1800; m. March 24, 1821, Morris R. McCoy. Asa Thompson, b. July 30, 1802. Adah, b. March 10, 1804; m. Emsley Adams. Zillah, b. Sept. 9, 1805 ; m. David EdsaU. Golda, b. Aug. 30, 1808; d. y. Jane, b. Nov. 16, 1809 ; m. Levi B. Russell. EHzabeth, b. July 14, 181 1; m. Isaiah Adams. Second Marriage. Asa Wilson — Margaret (Cole) Hall. No record of issue. 42 George Frost — Mary Cole. Children : Orville C. ; m. Sarah A. SmaUey. Morris; m. AdeHne Cole. Laura; m. Caleb Hazen. Julia; m. (i) Coleman Crawford, (2) Hiram Hastings. Harrison, d. y. Sarah J.; m. Luman Sprague. 43 Elmer Chase — Eunice Cole Children : Sophia; m. Lewis Propeo (?). Obed ; m. Maria Mack. Daniel; m. Sarah Hamel. Robert; m. Anna Cramer. Iva; m. David Lyon. Henah; m. Malon White. Betsey; m. EHhu Reynolds. Lydia; m. Bradley Burr. Maria ; m. Alson Guthrie. 168 The Descendants of Elisha Cole 44 Nathan Hall — Sarah Cole. Children : Daniel; m. Porter. Annis ; m. Tunison. Maria; m. Tunison. Levi. 47 Hosea Townsend — Ivah Cole. Children : Coleman; m. Carrie Hotchkiss. 48 Sylvanus Townsend — Henah Cole. Children : Hannah; m. Anson Hazen. Thomas; m. Angeline Kingsley. Hosea; m. Margarte Plate ( ?). Susan; m. Reuben Hyatt. Rachel; m. Elijah Austin. ZUlah; m. WiUiam Pierson. George; m. Lucy Wolworth. Frank; m. Mary Johnson. 50 Charles B. Norton — Havilah Cole. Children : Emily C, b. Jan. 26, 1826; m. March 21, 1854, Rev. Henry C. Hazen. Charles C. ; m. Cerepta Noble. Alfred; m. Dora Norton. Mary Jane, d. unm. The Descendants of Elisha Cole 169 52 Silas Selleck — Azubah Cole. Children : Joseph; m. Horton. Charles; m. Lucretia Cole. 53 WiUiam Farrington — Vashti Cole. Children: Ebenezer. Charles. Mary; m. Brower. Jane; m. . m. Diamond. 54 Ezra Kelley — Eliza Cole. Children : Ebenezer; m. a widow and d. in Califomia. Antoinette ; m. George Merrick. Joseph. Horton G. Vashti Jane. Margaret; m. Washburn. Sarah B. ; m. George Knapp. 55 Ira Kelley — Annis Cole. ChUdren : Mary Jane; m. Rev. WiUiam B. Knapp. Austin; d. unm. William F. ; m. Cooper. Albert; m. Fanny C. Tevis. John ; m. Leonard. 170 The Descendants of Elisha Cole Sarah E. ; m. Clark Townsend. Alanson C. Almira M.; m. Samuel B. Tuttle. 60 John Odel — Naomi Cole. ChUdren : James; m. (i) Christian, (2) . Charles ; m. Martha A.. Lickley. William, d. y. Mary ; m. Leonard Cummings. Susan M. ; m. James Hopkins. 61 John Lickley — Mary Cole. Children : *Martha A., b. Jan. 28, 1810; d. unm. May 15, 1834. Mary, b. Sept. 25, 1811; m. Dr. John G. Tompkins. Margaret; m. Thomas Utter. WiUiam C, b. March 28, 1814; d. Nov. 20, 1855; m. Julia Smith. James B. ; m. (i) Mary Bunnell, (2) Fayette Owen. AdeHa; m. James Romer. John M., b. May 8, 1826 ; m. Emeline Horton. Ebenezer, b. Jan. 6, 1830; d. unm. Sarah Emeline, b. March 20, 1834; d. Nov. 4, 1865; m. Robert Buckbee. *It is also said she m. Charles Odel. 76 Eleazer H. Baldwin — Hannah Cole. Children : Reuben D. ; m. Calista Hopkins. ¦. ' Eliza; m. Henry S. Baldwin. The Descendants of Elisha Cole 171 77 Frederick Knox — Sarah Cole. Children : Zillah ; m. Jerome La Due. Frederick H. ; m. Abby J. Reynolds. Emily; m. Owen Sherrow. John; m. Martha T. Baker. Hannah; m. William Lyons Charles; went to CaHfornia. Reuben; m. ( ?). 81 Lewis Nichols — Adah Cole ChUdren : Zillah; m. TUlott Cole. Chauncey; m. Emily Cole. Edgar.Edwin; m. Naomi J. KeUey. Henrietta; m. James Madison Newman. 92 William McKinstry— Sarah M. Cole. ' Children : Mary Elizabeth; m. Sept. 4, 1870, Cyrus A. Rollins. Betsey AmeHa, b. AprU 23, 1839 ; d. unm. May 29, 1876. Hannah Maria; m. July 18, 1864, Charles P. Wilcox. Harriet Amanda; m. June 28, 1870, Horace P. Sheldon. William Paul; m. Jan. 5, 1884, Stella D. Hart. Lester Cole. 96 John Reynolds — Naomi Cole. ChUdren : Emily. Sarah; m. (i) Hawkins, (2) . Floyd. Louisa. 172 The Descendants of Elisha Cole 101 Jesse Hughson — Sarah Jane Cole. Children : Harriet; m. WiUiam G. Hurlburt. Le Grand; m. Emma B. Moss. Julia; m. John S. Wheeler. Harmon, d. unm. Almond, d. tmm. Mary, d. unm. Jane; m. John J. Fisher. Ann, d. unm. Frances R., d. unm. James, d. unm. 105 Erastus Hopkins — Theda Cole. ChUdren : Alice Augusta, b. Feb. 13, 185 1; m. March 20, 1879, Isaac L. Barrett. Theron Cole, b. Oct. 29, 1854; d. May 8, 1889; m. Sept. 20, 1887, Emma Wilson. Chauncey Ambrose, b. Feb. 22, 1870; m. June 3, 1891, Antoinette Barrett. 107 Mentor W. Hazen— Rachel Cole. ChUdren j Rev. Henry C, b. July 29, 1818; m. (i) Sept. 26, 1838, Frances A. BaUard; (2) March 31, 1854, Emily L. Nor ton. Orson; m. Phebe Carver. 109 Bailey Howes — Mary Cole. Children : Oscar, b. April 30, 1831 ; m. Aug. 8, 1858, Adelaide Hazen. The Descendants of Elisha Cole 173 Byron, b. March 9, 1833 ; m. June, 1854, Mary Ketcham, FeHx, b. May 15, 1838; m. 1866, Clara GetcheU. 112 Edson Sloat — Eliza Cole. Children : Lydia Ann; m. George Seaman. Stanley, d. unm, 113 William Clauson — Minerva A. Cole. ChUdren : Olan, b. Oct. 5, 1849; d. unm. Feb. 24, 1879. Second Marriage. James M. Brown — Minerva A. (Cole) Clauson. (No issue.) 116 Floyd Bailey — Eliza Cole. Children : Orville; m. Hannah S. Norton. Thomas; m. Elizabeth Fowler. Albro, d. unm. Erastus; m. Emma Robinson. Herbert, b. Feb. 24, 1838; m. Jan. 24, 1871, Lucy A. McMahan. Augusta; m. Dr. Elias Clark. Sarah; m. Lewis H. Durland. 122 Harry Hanford — Huldah Cole. Children : Sarah, b. Feb. 8, 1838, d. Feb. 10, 1838. Helen, b. Feb. 28, 1839, d. March 24, 1854. 174 The Descendants of Elisha Cole Hobart, b. Feb. 15, 1841, d. Dec. 16, 1845. Henry Clay, b. Feb. 2, 1844; m. 1865, Jane Whitbeck. Heber H., b. Sept. 13, 1846; m. October, 1874, Sarah Osborn. H. Byron, b. Dec. 15, 1851; m. Oct. 13, 1880, Hattie E. Cortrite. Rufus, b. May 12, 1854; d. July 21, 1854. Hopkins J., b. Oct. i, 1856; m. Feb. 12, 1879, Mayme O'Connor. Erastus, b. Sept. 9, i860; d. 1862. 123 Isaac Kelley — Antoinette Cole. Children : Lydia, b. Oct. 11, 1841, d. Jan. 28, 1883; m. Jan. 31, i860, James H. Nichols. Jessie, b. May 10, 1843 ; d. unm. Nov. 26, i860. Henrietta F., b. July 9, 1845, d. Aug. 31, 1894; m. Jan. 30, 1875, Peter Z. Kirkham. Chauncey Ragan, b. Jan. 29, 1849, d. Dec. 15, 1883; m. Oct. 8, 1874, Mary M. Bell. Byronette Cole, b. Feb. 25, 1851; m. Dec. 28, 1869, William D. Northrup. NeUie F., b. Sept. 22, 1856, d. unm. April 28, 1876. A daughter, d. y. 126 William Tunison — Julia Cole. ChUdren : EHza; m. Theron HamUton. Lydia Jane; m. William McMillan. Charles ; m. Ruth Crissey. Philip; m. Lenora Trayer. Sarah L. The Descendants of Elisha Cole 175 127 Thomas Tunison — Anna Cole. Children : Elizabeth; m. Caleb Crissey. Sarah; m. WiUiam Conklin. Ezra; m. Harriet Knox. Daniel Cole; m. Lucy Hodge. Susan; m. Henry Williams. John; m. Helen Tenbrook. 130 John Terry — ^Elizabeth Cole. Children : Ann Elizabeth, b. Oct. 13, 1832, d. May 14, 1893; m. Feb. 23, 1854, Vinton Cherry; he d. May 24, 1894. John McClure, b. Oct. 18, 1835 ; m. Dec. 4, 1856, Mary EHza Howe. Ira Cole, b. Feb. 6, 1838; m. Jan. 21, 1873, Georgia Copley. Cecelia Oselton, b. Sept. 20, 1841 ; m. Feb. 6, 1868, Hiram Towne, d. Jan. 28, 1894. Sarah Louise, b. Aug. 22, 1844, d. March 16, 1881 ; m. June 25, 1867, George H. Sauer. 134 John C. Hall— Adelia Cole. Children : Augusta. Ira C, b. Oct. 9, 1846; m. Carrie F. Cole. Louise. 135 Pierpont Bassett — Sarah R. Cole. Children : Sarah L. ; m. Eli Morehouse. John; m. Helen Timerson. Frank; m. Geneveve Jackson. 176 The Descendants of Elisha Cole 136 James H. Denison — Louisa Cole. Children (born at Sheboygan Falls, Wis.) : Mary, b. Aug. 2, 1847; m. Jan. n, 1872, Fred Leavens. Gertrude, b. Aug. 28, 1849; m. May 29, 1872, Frank T. Bemis. George H., b. Dec. 17, 1853, d. Feb. 12, 1861. Charles B., b. July 27, 1855, d. Feb. 23, 1861. Frank H., b. Feb. 8, 1862 ; m. Aug. 8, 1897, Agnes Cooper. James Floyd, b. Dec. 12, 1866; unm. 137 Morris Frost — Adeline Cole. Children : Susan; m. Floyd Higgins. Laura; m. Emory Higgins. 145 Elah BaUard— Lydia Cole. Children : Eliza A.; m. Elah B. Hopkins. Susan, d. unm. Marietta, d. unm. 158 Selah Ballard — Melinda Cole. Children : Amanda, b. Feb. 18, 1815; m. Nov. 6, 1831, Aaron Ganong. Frances A., b. ; m. Sept. 27, 1838, Henry C. Hazen. Osman, b. Nov. 24, 1817; m. Jan. 8, 1840, Augusta J. Ganong. Abiathar R., b. Sept. 29, 1825; m. Nov. 6, 1850, Sarah Hederick. The Descendants of Elisha Cole 177 160 Stephen Wood — Rebecca Cole. Children : Adelia Ann; m. Augustus J. Monroe. Berry Cole, b. Oct. i6, 1818; m. Mary Ann Feigles; he d. March 14, 1902. Eliza Jane, b. Sept. 28, 1819, d. Oct. 20, 1891 ; m. John G. Lozier, b. March, 1815, d. Aug. 23, 1887. Jeremiah V., b. 1830; d. May 30, 1864, in Union Army near Dalton, Ga. ; m. Elizabeth Vanderhoff. He en listed July 9, 1862 ; was a Sergeant, Company F, 107th N. Y. Infantry. 161 Zeba Ballard — Alzada Cole. Children : Jane Ann; m. Elam Hopkins. Juliette; m. Steven W. Carver. Hannah; m. Jeremiah L. Green. 162 Ardalia Townsend — Neurissa Cole. Children : Alveyson; m. Phebe Jane Smith. Harriet; m. George Weston. Lewis; m. (i) EmeHne Whitney, (2) Julia Reynolds. Second Marriage. * William Smith — Neurissa (Cole) Townsend. *WiUiam Smith was of a cheerful disposition and made it a rule never to cross a bridge until he came to it. He possessed a fund of real wit. He was a great reader and was well posted on current events. When a young man he joined the Baptist Church at Carmel, N. Y., and for many years was an active worker in the church. 178 The Descendants of Elisha Cole Children : Ormond J., d. unm. Hannah J. Samuel B. ; m. Nancy Smith. Ann Jeanette; m. James Losee. 165 Jonet Ganong — Clarinda Cole. Children : Emily; m. (i) Samuel Wright, (2) Barnum. Oscar; m. Deborah Travis. 166 Thomas Baxter — Uretta Cole. Children : Oran; m. Elizabeth Morgan (no issue). Thomas C, d. unm. 168 Hosea Carver — Hannah Jane Cole. Children : James H., b. June 19, 1841, d. May 31, 1843. Delicy S., b. June 2, 1844; m. Dec. 9, 1875, Saxton E. Smith. Sarietta, b. Feb. 20, 1848; m. June 16, 1869, John H. Hodgson. Ida, b. Aug. 28, 1850, d. April i, 1880; m. April 26, 1870, Hayward Smith. 179 Uriah R. Patchen— Minerva Ruth Cole. Children : George Henry, b. Sept. 26, 1845; ^- October, 1876, Laura Spencer. The Descendants of Elisha Cole 179 Antha Minerva, b. Feb. 6, 1852; m. July 23, 1878, Almon K. Virgil. (Divorced 1900 and she m (2) Oct. 19, 1903, Amos Cole Bergman.) 180 Benjamin Jefferson — Elizabeth Cole. Children : Sandford. Clinton. Theodore, d. unm. Marvin, d. unm. 182 Abram Hendrickson — Anna Cole. Children : CorneHa A., b. 1825, d. 1850; m. Peter Reese. G. W., b. Oct. 10, 1827; m. Aug. 29, 1852, Mary E. Parks. He living. Second Marriage. William Sherborne — Anna (Cole) Hendrickson. Children : William O., living at Soldiers' Home, Grand Rapids, Mich. Samuel, d. in the Army. 184 George Lawrence — Zillah Cole. ChUdren : Nathan, d. aged 7 years. George ; 5th Mich. Inf., killed at Gettysburg. Elvira; m. Edward Wesley. Phebe; m. (i) Porter Bristol, (2) Thomas Walker. James; m. Emma Van Cott. Luzina ; m. John Swart. Clinton, d. unm. 180 The Descendants of Elisha Cole 185 John A. Van Camp — Catharine Cole. Children : Mary Jane, b. Oct. i6, 1829; m. Dec. 6, 1846, David B. Mason. She d. Feb. 11, 1908. Prudence, b. May 29, 1833; m. May 4, 1850, Daniel Townley. Nancy, b. March 22, 1836, d. July 30, 1904; m. Dec. 24, 1861, George Dodds. Marcia, b. Dec. 19, 1838; m. Jan. i, 1856, Benjamin R. Townley. Martin P., b. Feb. 20, 1841 ; m. Dec. 31, 1861, Emily Coder. Catharine, b. April 8, 1846; m. April 22, 1866, Warren Cornell. 192 John Beach — Louisa Cole. Children : Edward; m. Mary . Cynthia; m. Jerry Murray. George. Charles.Martha; m. WiUiam Harrold. 193 Riley Earle — Ada Jane Cole. Children : Olivia; m. Thomas Conely (no issue). George; m. Ida J. Rupert. Marcus; m. Florence Adele Rumsey (no issue). 196 Walker Bennett — Cynthia Cole. Children : Porteous, d. unm. The Descendants of Elisha Cole 181 Ann Eliza, d. unm. Maria, b. Oct. 2, 1830, d. March 10, 1880; m. George J. Fenn. 197 Benjamin Arrowsmith — Ursula Cole. Children (born in Seneca County, N. Y.) : James, b. 1826, d. May 6, 1870; m. Kate Dayton. Mary Ann, b. Sept. 11, 1828; d. unm. 1865. Edwin C, b. Jan. 21, 1836; d. unm. Sept. 8, i860. Myron, 198 Sylvester King — Sarah A. Cole. Children (bom at Covert, N. Y.) : Louise, b. Dec 12, 1822; m. Sept. 11, 1844, John C. Porter, Phebe, b. Oct. 30, 1826, d. Aug. 21, 1869; m. Jan. 2, 1849, Nestor Woodworth. Harvey F., b. Dec. 13, 1828; m. Harriet Porter. Susan B., b. Feb. 26, 1832; m. George B. Denison. Cynthia A., b. Aug. 16, 18 — , d. June 6, 1864; m. Nicholas Johnson. George, b. May 6, 1842 (kiUed at Gettysburg, July 8, 1863), 203 Ezra Colwell — Hannah Cole. Children : Asahel Cole, b. Dec. 9, 1834; m. Feb. 27, 1868, Phebe Holmes, b. May 12, 1844, d. June 30, 1894. EHza Jane, b. Oct. 29, 1836; unm. Editha, b. June 8, 1839 ; d. unm. July 30, 1892. Martha Augusta, b. Oct. 2, 1841 ; unm. 182 The Descendants of Elisha Cole 206 Isaac Barrett — ^Mary Ann Cole. Children : Levi Cole, b. Aug. 5, 1838; d. July 16, 1847. , Antha Jane, b. Aug. 21, 1840; m. Oct. 16, 1884, Theron Cole, d. Dec. 16, 1907. Ermina Townly, b. Dec. 24, 1841 ; m. Jan. 10, 1872, William John Charlton. Elon Galusha, b. Feb. 21, 1844; m. Oct. 23, 1866, Margaret Ann Wixsom. Emma Saphronia, b. Apr. 25, 1846, d. August, 1893 ; m. May 21, 1865, Theodore Frelinghuysen Cole, d. Dec. 6, 1907. Helen Cerena, b. Jan. 10, 1849; m. Nov. 4, 1869, James K. Smalley. Adoniram Judson, b. March 29, 1851 ; m. JjfHne 17, 1891, Adaline May Agor. Alonzo Cole, b. Sept. 20, 1853. Marcus Moran, b. Nov. 17, 1857; m. Nov. 16, 1881, Minnie O. Agor. 209 Sidney B. Tompkins — Caroline Cole. Children : Eva; m. Frank Caywood. WUHs H. Coleman, d. y. Carrie, d. y. 212 Amos L. Austin — Cynthia Cole. Children : Sarah E., b. Aug. 26, 1856; d. Jan. 6, 1859. Sarah E., b. Dec. 9, 1857; rn. (i) La Fayette Pinckney, (2) Dec. 9, 1878, HaU B. Waring. Silas, b. March 9, 1859; m. March 17, 1880, AbigaU Barrett. Levi Cole, b. April 9, 1861 ; m. Jan. i, 1883, Susan Smith. The Descendants of Elisha Cole 183 Nelson, b. Jan. 8, 1864. Mila, b. Nov. 30, 1866. Theodore, b. Feb. 13, 1871. 213 Ira T. Horton — Adaline M. Cole. Children : Ramahette, b. AprU i, 1858. Anna. Spencer. Carrie. Elias. Samuel. Arthur. WiUiam. 226 Marcus Barrett — Viola Cole. Children (born in Steuben County, N. Y.) : Osman, b. March 26, 1835 ; m. Susan Mclntyre. Warren, b. Jan. 2, 1837 ; m. Amy J. Tompkins. Eliza, b. 1840; m. Frank LongweU. Newman, b. Sept. 19, 1842; m. Mary E. Carpenter. Ann, b. July 7, 1847; ^- Frank A. Mead. Emma, b. 1849 ; m. Charles W. Cole. Sarah, b. 1852 ; d. unm. 1882. 244 Alanson Adams — Mary Margaret Cole. Children : Nathaniel Alanson, b. Sept. 14, 1835; d. May 2, 1895. He was Major in the nth Kans. Cavalry in the Civil War. He m. Dec. 27, 1859, Clarissa Amanda Macomber. 184 The Descendants of Elisha Cole Second Marriage. Ephriam Hoyt — Mary Margaret (Cole) Adams. Children : Hannah Ann Elizabeth, b. Oct. 6, 1843; m. Oct. 8, 1870, Edward Benton Purcell. Frank, b. Nov. 14, 1845 ; d. unm. April 23, 1879. Margaret, b. April 9, 1848; m. May 15, 1876, Thomas Jef ferson Jenkins. 247 Washington W. Mead — Catharine Ann Cole. Children : Chloretta, b. Oct. 25, 1841, d. March 30, 1906. Charles Wiloby, b. Oct. 8, 1844. George Watson, b. Jan. 21, 1847. Edwin, b. June 19, 1851. Alice Levisa, b. July 24, 1854. Vashti A., b. March 10, 1858 Nathaniel, b. Sept. 23, 1862. 252 George Washington Depew — Vashti Cole. Children : George W., b. July 29, 1837; m. Julia Pentreath. William Willoby, b. May 20, 1840. Annie Louisa, b. Aug. 4, 1843 ; "i. Henry Thomas Wooster. Vashti Susie, b. Nov. 9, 1847; rn. Charles Worth Folger. He d. Feb. 3, 1895. Second Marriage. George Washington Depew — Elmira Cole. Child: Rodney H., b. Feb. 2, 1853; d. y. The Descendants of Elisha Cole 185 258 Charles Selleck — Lucretia Cole. Children : Esther M., b. Aug. 30, 1838; living unm. Lorana, b. June i, 1840; m. Charles C. Crowther, Elizabeth, b. April 4, 1842; m. Frank Carlton. Ophelia, b. April 25, 1844; m. MarceUus Emlitch. Ebenezer, b. April 24, 1850 ; m, Emma D. Austin. 293 Jermiah Hine — Zillah Cole. (No issue.) Second Marriage. William Howes — Zillah (Cole) Hine. Children : Josephine; m. Edward C. Weeks. Lydia ; m. Bryant S. Palmer. 300 Benjamin Fowler — Mary Ann Cole. Children : John W., d. unm. EH; m. Sarah Doty (no issue). Irene; m. Mills Reynolds. Second Marriage. George Doughty — Mary Ann (Cole) Fowler (No issue.) 307 Daniel L. Hart— Mary E. Cole Children : Edgar D. ; m. Rose Webster. 186 The Descendants of Elisha Cole Stella D. ; m. William P. McKinstry. Allen M. Nellie M. 309 Effingham Bower — Caroline D. Cole. Children : Katie. Bertram.Carroll. Theron. Homer. Ferry.Frank. 321 Henry L. Haight — Juliette Cole. Children : Alice E., b. July 6, 1864; unm. Adelbert S., b. Dec. 16, 1865; m. July 26, 1906, Emma Carley. Fannie A., b. Jan. 13, 1868; m. June 30, 1892, Fred M. Brooks. Benjamin D., b. July 5, 1875 ; unm. 323 Herbert W. Hills — Augusta Cole. Children : James A., b. May 15, 1871 ; m. Jan. 23, 1901, Catharine Hunter. Florence C, b. Aug. 28, 1876; m. March 16, 1903, Henry Edelmann. Clarence A., b. Oct. 6, 1882; m. May 2, 1906, Pearl May Harrington. The Descendants of Elisha Cole 187 326 William Ward — Charlotte Eva Cole. Children : WiUiam Berton, b. May 30, 1881. WaUer Rutherford, b. Sept. 21, 1883. AHce Almira, b. May 2, 1885. Charlotte Cole, b. Dec. 27, 1893. 327 John Rutherford — Adelia Cole. Children : Paul, b. Feb. 25, 1889. Margaret, b. Oct. 30, 1891. 347 Thomas H. Brown — Mary Ann Cole. Children : Laura Eliza, d. unm. Ida May. Stella Loella. 351 Henry A. Saliers — Ann Amanda Cole. Children : Cora M. ; m. Charles WUliams. Fred A. Nettie M. Eari A. 352 Ira George Labounty — Harriet E. Cole. Children : Lettie Leonel. Bertha Bessie. 188 The Descendants of Elisha Cole 359 Theodore F. Kelley — Antoinette K. Cole. Children : Jessie, b. Aug. 4, 1862; m. Dec. 31, 1884, Willard J. Dyke- man. Seth Foster, b. Aug. 23, 1864; m. Jan. 20, 1874, Sarah Eleanor Cooper. Paul Vincent, b. Sept. 9, 1866; d. Feb. 7, 1889. Frederick Cole, b. Nov. 7, 1868; m. Sept. 21, 1892, Sadie E. Bloomer. 361 Irwin Thomas — Minerva Cole. Children : Agnes. Jessie. 375 Charles Frank SuUaway — Ella Ann Cole. Children : Fred Willard, b. Aug. 2, 1882. Bert Cole, b. Feb. 7, 1884. Ruby Edna, b. Oct. 14, 1885. Roy Parker, b. Oct. 14, 1887. Earl Foster, b. April 9, 1890. Pearl Hazel, b. Dec. 26, 1891. Fay Inez, b. Nov. 28, 1896. Earl Knox, b. May 5, 1898. Chloe Maude, b. Feb. 21, 1900. 386 Cornelius Quick — Samantha Cole. Children : Angeline.Lydia. The Descendants of Elisha Cole 189 George.Mary Ann. Frank; m. Carrie Mead. Florence. Myron.Samantha. 387 George Holden — Lydia Cole. Children : Mary; m. Sidney Rathfon. John. Nellie. 388 George Price — Lois S. Cole. (No issue.) Second Marriage. George Acker — Lois Cole Price. (No issue.) 389 David Holden — Harriet Cole. Children : Belle; m. Charles Mead. Jennie ; m. Marion Southworth. Charles. George.Frank. 392 William Tenbrook — Jane Cole. Children : John. Ezra. 13 190 The Descendants of Elisha Cole George. Anna. Andrew. Lois. 398 Howard B. Taft— Harriet C. Cole. Children : Minor Cole, b. July 19, 1862. George Wheaton, b. July 17, 1865. 406 Matthew L. Bennett — Adelaide Cole. Children : Matthew W. Arthur C. Irving C. 425 Morris C. Crissey — Mary Cole. Children : Mary AHce, b. Sept. 17, 1867; unm. John Waterbury, b. Oct. 6, 1869; m. Oct. 10, 1899, Grace Calhoun. Frederick, b. Jan. 8, 1872, d. July 15, 1873. Nancy Ethel, b. Feb. 16, 1874; m. Dec. 25, 1901, Raymond Hardy. Susan Agnes, b. June 2, 1876; m. April 16, 1902, Ralph Edwin McLean. Ruth Elizabeth, b. Jan. 20, 1879; m. WilHs Aylbuyton Thorne. William Morris, b. March 5, 1881. The Descendants of Elisha Cole 191 453 Joseph L. Hebert — Hallie R. Cole. Children : Thomas Richardson, b. June 9, 1889. Nathan Cole, b. May 6, 1892. 475 Lovett La Fever — Susan Cole. Children : Wilmer, b. May 25, 1857; m. Dec. 15, 1886, Mary E. Wickham. Eldora, b. Dec. 22, 1862; m. Dec. 10, 1884, Hiram Lockwood. Austin, b. Nov. 14, 1864; m. Sept. 27, 1892, Nettie M. Durand. Agnes, b. Jan. 16, 1867; m. Sept. 4, 1895, Joseph H. Bong. Ophelia, b. April 3, 1869, d. Oct. 17, 1875. Dana, b. July 25, 1874; m. Feb. 27, 1902, Elsie Smith. 481 Israel Parshall — Minerva Cole. Children : Lemira, b. July 3, 1840, d. Aug. 18, 1906; m. Jan. i, 1857, William H. Niver. Merritt, b. AprU i, 1844; m. July 28, 1867, Addie Fuller. Ursula, b. Jan. 20, 1847 ; m. July 4, 1868, Ranson N. Parshall. Milton Chatman, b. Jan. 23, 1850; m. July 3, 1870, Charlotte Ismon. Alvira Elizabeth, b. April 25, 1852 ; m. Feb. 6, 1870, Stewart Lindaburg. Cynthia CordeHa, b. Dec. 9, 1855, d. July 24, 1859. MiUis Lincoln, b. Dec. 25, 1864; m. Sept. 12, 1887, Dela- phine Judd. 192 The Descendants of Elisha Cole 483 Jesse Parshall — Prudence Cole. Children : Lenora A., b. Sept. 12, 1866 ; m. Jan. 28, 1890, Walter Van Camp. Milan G., b. June 5, 1869; m. April 13, 1893, Mattie Wol- verton. Edgar J., b. AprU 30, 1851, d. July 11, 1858. Almond, b. July 26, 1865, d. Sept. 21, 1865. Also two d. y. 484 Aaron Huff — ^Elizabeth Cole. Children : Phebe ; m. Thomas Peck. Charles; m. Harriet Bedell. Minnie ; m. Peck. Alida; m. Peck. RoUa J.; unm. 489 Robert W. WaUcer— Fidelia E. Cole. Children : Laura Phebe, b. July 15, 1855; m. Oct. 14, 1873, WiUiam Blake Eager. Lyman Enos, b. Nov. 22, 1857; m. March 9, 1880, Harriet Alice McMillan. Mason Erastus, b. Aug. 18, 1859; m. May i, 1880, Jessie Rumsey. Thomas Webster, b. Sept. 19, 1862; m. Jan. 30, 1884, Etta Hardy. 491 Aaron B. Durfee — Sarah A. Cole. Children : Frank E. IRA C. hall No. 531 The Descendants of Elisha Cole 193 Myron W., b. March 28, 1862, d. Sept. 6, 1865. Robert W.', b. July 2, 1867, d. Sept. 25, 1868. Hope, b. 1877; d. y. 492 Edgar L. Rathbun — Ada O. Cole. Children : Laura Eunice, b. Nov. 8, 1866; m. Feb. 16, 1888, Chester B. Dean. Fred Arthur, b. May 8, 1872; m. Nov. 7, 1894, Grace Olds. 497 Frederick Roat — Adah Cole. Children : Mina C, b. Dec 7, 1867; m. Feb. 9, 1886, Willard Marks. Bessie E., b. Dec. 17, 1870, d. Jan. i, 1871. Milton D., b. Dec. 17, 1871 ; m. Jan. 10, 1894, Cora A. Lord. Daisy E., b. Jan. 4, 1874, d. Oct. 5, 1883. George A., b. July 31, 1875. Winifred M., b. Aug. 18, 1877; m. Dec. 26, 1900, Clark E. Woodley. Lewis F., b. Dec 11, 1879. Harry N., b. May 5, 1882 ; m. Oct. 5, 1904, Lena M. KHne. Edith A., b. July 19, 1887, d. AprU 13, 1901. 499 Robert Clendening — Hannah Cole. Children : Mary E., b. April 26, 1867; m. Dec. 28, 1892, Daniel P. Christian. Pearl B., b. Jan. 12, 1869. Grace J., b. Dec. 29, 1870, d. Feb. 5, 1892. Nathan A., b. Sept. 27, 1872 ; d. same day. Lillian J., b. Aug. 13, 1874. Roberta, b. April 5, 1877. 194 The Descendants of Elisha Cole 505 Edward Townsend — Laura Cole. Children : Charles A. MUHe M. Lydia M. Frank J. Ernest E. 512 Thomas Judson Hopkins — Mary Louise Cole. Children : Clinton Henry, b. Feb. 20, 1857; m. Dec. 10, 1885, Amelia Gordon McHattie. Harriet Eliza, b. Nov. 18, 1859; m. July 27, 1883 Benjamin Stamp Ackels. Carrie Louise, b. March 11, 1864, d. April 12, 1864. Arvah Cole, b. Sept. 14, 1867, d. May 11, 1870. Edla May, b. May 26, 1871 ; m. Jan. i, 1901, Roy Cameron Blackburn. Ada Bertha, b. Sept. 13, 1873; m. Jan. 11, 1900, M. Seward Doty. 518 Charles S. Hopkins — JuHa F. Cole. Children : Florence A., b. Sept. 22, 1878; m. March 26, 1891, Theodore Rahn. Fannie A., b. July 20, 1881 ; m. July 15, 1908, Frank Pardeaux. 519 Edmund C. Woodworth — Ada F. Cole. Children : Chester N., b. Dec. 15, 1874. The Descendants of Elisha Cole 195 Edna, b. April 24, 1877. Harvey K., b. April 16, 1880. Irwin C, twin of above. Leon E., b. Dec. 15, 1881. Mabel, b. Aug. 27, 1884. Lida May, b. Aug. i, 1886. Herbert, b. AprU i, 1891. 521 Arthur Bates — Anna Sarah Cole. Children : Arthur Lee, b. Aug. 15, 1888. Ada C, b. Feb. 6, 1893. 528 WUHam H. Parker — Rachel Children : Emily Cole. Hervey Nathan. Amanda W. Lulu. 531 IraC , Hall— Carrie F. Children : Cole. WaUace StoweU, b. May 19, 1872; d. y. Alice Louise, b. Nov. 2, 1876; m. Dec. 25, 1903, Walter D. Hopkins. John Wilbur, b. Oct. 9, 1879; m. Sept. i, 1906, Mrs. Edith Lewis Penn. 541 Harry W. Doremus — Ella E. Cole. Children : Robert Child, b. May 31, 1890. Helen Marguerite, b. April 20, 1892. 196 The Descendants of Elisha Cole Dorothy Cari, b. July ii, 1895. Jeannette Claire, b. March 27, 1897. 544 Millard F. Agor — Jennie A. Cole. Children : Alonzo Cole, b. Sept. 16, 1886. Muriel, b. Aug. 23, 1889. 554 Sidney C. Davis — Belle F. Cole. Children : Edith Sedina, b. Feb. 15, 1885; m. Sept. 24, 1907, Paul Laverents. Grace Muriel, b. Feb. 19, 1887. Paul Judson, b. June 8, 1891. Reginald Sidney, b. Oct. 24, 1892. 644 Albert Case — Lydia H. Cole. Children : Mary Frances, b. Jan. 17, 1862; m. July 23, 1897, Albert Philipps. Minnie Adelaide, b. Sept. 11, 1863; m. Nov. 5, 1884, Oscar Longyear. Nathan Amos, b. Feb. 10, 1871 ; m. September, 1896, Ger trude Maule. Hannah Gannett, b. Sept. 22, 1874; m. Jan. 21, 1896, George Brown. George Valentine, b. Feb. 14, 1877; m. May 10, 1905, Mrs. Ida Stoutenberg. The Descendants of Elisha Cole 197 649 J. C. Schneider — Emma C. Cole. Children : Cecile Elvira, b. Genoa, O., Aug. 9, 1874. Katharine M., b. RoUin, Mich., Nov. 17, 1876. Leroy F., b. Rollin, Mich., Feb. 16, 1880. 653 Frank B. Johnson — Belle Cole. Child: Samuel B. Second Marriage. Edgar D. Johnson — Belle (Cole) Johnson. Children : Ruth W. Paul, d. y. 656 Charles B. Gregory — Ida Cole. Children : Jessie E. Clara V. Georgia A. 677 Charles E. Winters — AHce B. Cole. ChUdren (born at Brooklyn, N. Y.) : Katherine, b. Oct. 19, 1890. Charles Evans, b. June 25, 1892. Evelyn, b. Oct. 5, 1894. 198 The Descendants of Elisha Cole 680 George T. Hawley — MaBeUe Cole. Children : Chester Cole, b. June 9, 1891. Alan Wayne, b. March 14, 1897. 814 Walter Colgrove — Florence E. Cole. Children : Katharine, b. Burdett, N. Y., July 8, 1889. Olive Cole, b. Burdett, N. Y., Oct. 25, 1891. Mary Wood, b. Burdett, N. Y., Sept. 15, 1893, d. Oct. 11, 1899. Second Marriage. Edward C. Cooper — Florence E. (Cole) Colegrove. Child: Marion Sarah, b. Waverly, N. Y., Jan. 25, 1908. INDEX INDLX [Certain names, viz.: Abigail, Abby, Betsey, Elizabeth, Polly, Mary, Sally, Sarah, Dolly, Dorothy, will be found indexed under their different spellings.] Abbott, Frederick, 55 Ackels, Benjamin Stamp, 194 Harriet Eliza, 194 Acker, Geo., 73, 189 Ackley, Lucinda, 137 Adams, Adah, 167 Alanson, 57, 183 Clarissa Amanda, 183 Elizabeth, 167 Emsley, 167 Isaiah, 167 James, 166 John, 57 Mary Margaret, 57 Nathaniel Alanson, 183 Susan, 33, 166 Agor, Abigail, 164 Adah, 164 Adaline May, 182 Alonzo Cole, 196 Arvilla, 165 Charles, 29, 164 Elisha Cole, 95 Eliza, 164, 165 ElizatDeth, 29 Hannah, 165 Jennie Augusta, 95 Kelsie, 95 Millard Fillmore, 95, 196 Minnie O., 182 Muriel, 196 Naomi, 164 Orrin, 164 Orson, 164 Sarah, 165 William, 29, 164 Alderdice, Margaret, 124 Alexander, John, 113 Maude, 113 ¦William, 113 Allen, Anna, 50 Lovica, 133 Mary Ann, 107 Spencer, 107, 108 Ames, Sarah, 156 Andrews, Benjamin, 134 Benjamin F., 134 Carrie Amelia, 134 Cynthia L., 133 Morris Gilbert, 133 Myron, i6i Armstrong, Alexander, 104 Cassie Belle, 143 Emma B., 104 Harriet R., 104 jane Horton, 165 John, 143 Margaret, 104 Mary, 149 Selah, 104 ¦William Henry, 143 Arnold, Clinton Sears, 99 Cornelia Minor, 99 James, 99 Matilda, 88 Arrowsmith, Benjamin, 51, 181 Edwin G., 181 James, 181 Kate, 181 Mary Ann, 181 Myron, 181 Ursula, 51 Ash, Margaret ^W., 116 Atherton.'Rachel, 130 Auble, Elizabeth, 52 Austin, Abigail, 182 Adah, 164 Amos Lane, 53, 182 Carrie Augusta, 96 Cynthia, 53 David Campbell, 96 Elijah, 168 Emma D., 185 Levi Cole, 182 Mila, 183 Nelson, 183 Rachel, 168 Sarah E., 182 Silas, 53, 182 Susan, 182 202 I N d B X Austin, Theodore, 183 ¦Viola, 147 Axtell, Hannah Maria, 96 Babcock, Roxie B., 64 Backer, Elmer Ross, 122 Nelle Emeline, 122 Badgley, Sarah Ann, 145 Bailey, Albro, 173 Anna, 109 Augusta, 173 Eliza, 41 Elizabeth, 173 Emma, 173 Erastus, 173 Floyd, 41, 173 Gilbert, 41 Hannah S., 173 Herbert, 173 Julia A., 124 Levi, 164 Lucy A., 173 Mary, 84 Nancy, 85 Orville, 173 Priscilla, 164 Samuel, 84, 85 Sarah, 74, 173 Susan C., 63 Thomas, 173 Baker, Edmond, 7, 30 Joseph, 7 Josiah, 7, 30 Martha T., 171 Mary, 108 Mary Elizabeth, 107 Baldwin, Anna, 61 Calista, 170 Eleazer Henry, 37, 170 Eliza, 170 Eva Jane, 117 Hannah, 37, 40 Henry, 37, 39 Henry S., 170 Lydia, 39 Reuben D., 170 Robert, 117 Sarah, 87 Ballard, Abel Evans, 105 Abiather R., 95, 176 Alyada, 164 Alzada, 47 Amanda, 176 Augusta J., 176 Benjamin, 164 Elah, 45, 176 Eliza Ann, 45, 67, 176 Fanny, 67, 164 Ballard, Frances A., 172, 176 George P„ 148 Hannah, 177 Henrietta, 148 Jane, 164 Jane Ann, 177 Joseph, 45, 164 Juliette, 143, 177 Lavenia, 105 Lydia, 45 Mariette, 45, 176 Melinda, 47 Melvina, 164 Mercy, 28 Naomi, 4, 164 Osman, 176 Rachel, 164 Sarah, 176 Selah, 47, 84, 164, 176 Susan, 45, 176 Tracy, 28, 47, 67, 164 ¦William, 105 Zeba, 47, 164, 177 Bangs, Abner, 12 Edward, 22 Hannah, 37 Jonathan, 22 Banker, Eliza, 164 Barber, Eunice, 7 Joseph, 7 Barbour, , 26 Adaline, Mrs., 89 Charles N., 89 Giles, 89 Zuba, 89 Barnes, Deborah Jane, no Barnum, Emily, 178 Barrett, Abigail, 164, 182 Adaline May, 182 Adoniram Judson, 182 Alice Augusta, 182 Alonzo Cole, 182 Amy J., 183 Ann, 183 Antha Jane, dj, 182 Antoinette, 172 Coleman Robinson, 100 Eliza, 183 Elon Galusha, 182 Emma, 183 Emma Frances, 143 Emma Jane, 100 Emma Safronia, 144, 182 Ermina Townly, 182 Fanny, g8 Helen Cerena, 182 Isaac, 53, 67, 144, 182 Isaac L., 172 Index 203 Barrett, John, 98 John, Mrs., 129 Marcus, 53, 55, 143, 183 Marcus Moran, 182 Margaret Ann, 182 Martha, 35 Mary, 53 Mary E., 183 Mary Jane, 53 Minnie O., 182 Newman, 183 Osman, 183 Prudence, 50 Rachel, 55, 56 Samuel, 55 Sarah, 183 Solomon, Mrs., 99 Steven R., 100 Susan, 183 ¦Viola, 55 Warren, 183 Barton, Sarah, 142 Bassett, Frank, 175 Geneveve, 175 Helen, 175 John, 175 Lemuel, 44 Pierpont, 44, 175 Sarah L., 175 Sarah R., 44 Bates, Ada C, 195 Anna Sarah, 92 Arthur, 92, 195 Arthur Lee, 195 Daniel Porter, 158 Julia "Viletta, 158 Baxter, Beulah, 165 Clara L., 115 Elisha Cole, 165 Elizabeth, 165, 178 Frances, 165 Hannah, 29 Jane, 165 Jane Horton, 165 Jedidah, 165 John B. G., 115 Oran, 165, 178 Osmond M., 165 Sarah Ann, 165 Sarah H., 165 Thaddeus, 29, 48, 165 Thomas, 29, 48, 165, 178 Thomas C, 178 Uretta, 48, 165 Beach, Agnes Olympia, 81 Charles, 180 Cynthia, 180 Esther M., 89 Beach, Edmond, 51, 89 Edward, 180 George, 180 Harney H., 81 Jarvis Varnel, 81 John, 51, 180 Leonard D., 106 Louisa M., 51 Martha, 180 Mary, 180 Orson, 106 Varnal Douglas, 81 Beadle, Mary, 42 Beardsley, Clara W., loi Clark, 166 Naomi, 166 Beck, Dagmer, 153 Frances, 153 Bedell, Clara, 97 Frank, 97 George Washington, 97 Grace Emma, 97 Harriet, 192 Lula Bell, 97 Paul, 97 Verge, 97 Beebe, Olive, 114 Samuel, 7 Beers, Lillie, 71 Stephen, 71 Bellyet, Mary Jane, 115 Belshaw, Elizabeth Ann, 146 James, 146 Jane, 146 Bemis, Frank T., 176 Gertrude, 176 Benjamin, Charles, 89 Bennett, Adelaide, 79 Alma Ann, 143 Ann Eliza, 181 Charles, 87 Cynthia, 51 Elizabeth A., 126 Geo. Hunber, 143 Green, Col., 87 Henry A., 79 Irving C, 190 John, 145 Julia, 44 Lois, 116 Maria, 181 Matthew L., Dr., 79, 190 Matthew W., 190 Melissa, 87 Porteous, 180 Sarah, 145 Walker, 51, 180 Bergman, Amos Cole, 179 204 I N D B X Berry, Jabez, 31 Lemuel, 30 Lydia, 30 Mary or Mercy, 12 Mehitable, 30 Rebecca, 31 Susan, 32, 34 Besson, Frances Ellen, 72 Welborn, 72 Bird, Mary A., Mrs., 160 Birdsall, Archibald, 49 Elizabeth, 49 Bixby, Genevieve, 146 Henry Merrill, 146 Willard G., 146 Black, Ada Eleanor, 112 George, 112 Melville, 112 Blackburn, Edla May, 194 Roy Cameron, 194 Blade, Elmira, 150 Portor, 150 Blaine, Electra, 79 Blair, Catharine, 130 Flora Linda, 130 John, 130 Walter Joseph, 130 Bloomer, Sadie E., 188 Blount, Lucie S., 151 Boardman, Herbert, 92 Truman, 92 Ursula, 92 Bobbett, Obediance, 7 Bolton, Maria, 69 Bong, Agnes, 191 Joseph H., 191 Booth, Carl Shaw, 147 Huldah Victoria, 147 Borodel, Ann, 16 Bourbon, Mary, 99 Bouton, Elizabeth, 32 Bower, Bertram, 186 Caroline De F., 63 Carroll, 186 Effingham, 63, 186 Ferry, i85 Frank, 186 Homer, 186 Katie, 186 Theron, 186 Bowman, Ella, 115 Samuel W., 115 Boyd, Althea, 67 James, 67 Nellie, 67 Boynton, Nancy, 70 Bradbury, Sarah, 82 Bradford, Almira, 64 Bradford, Perese, 64 Bradstreet, Mercy, 14 Simon, 14 Brayton, Almeda Maria, 139 Brazin, Catharine, 94 Breunig, Fred. W., 151 Rose Althea, 151 Brewster family, 9 Love, 21 Mary, 9 Patience, 9 William, 9 Brien, Mary M., 160 Thomas, 160 Brigham, Emma F., 74 Bristol, Lydia, 90 Phebe, 179 Porter, 179 Bronson, Jemima, 14 Brooks, Fannie A., 186 Fred. M., 186 Leora, 141 Brophy, Mary Catharine, 72 Brower, Mary, 169 Brown, , 56 Charles, Dr., 143 Cora Electa, 142 Daniel, 166 Eliza, 155 George, 14, 196 Harriet Esther, 143 Hannah Gannett, 196 Ida May, 187 James M., 40, 173 Katharine, 57 Laura Eliza, 187 Mary Ann, 66 Milan Marcellus, 142 Minerva Ann, 40 Sarah Ann, 166 Stella Lovella, 187 Thomas H., 66, 187 Brownell, Eunice, 7 Mary, 104 Morgan, 104 Susan, 150 Browner, Emma Matilda, 95 Jacob, 95 Brundage, Harriet, 98 Brundell, Anna, 134 Brush, , 162 Bryan, Ida May, 131 John Wilson, 131 William, 131 Bryant, Loraine, 91 Buck, Daisy Ellen, 158 Frederick J., 158 Buckbee, Robert, 170 I N D e; X 205 Buckbee, Sarah Emeline, 170 Buckingham, Esther, 34 Budd, Fannie Ames, 156 James, loi Jane Ann, loi John Spafford, 156 Buell, Charles, 117 Helen, 117 Bunnell, Beulah, 165 Mary, 170 Miles, 165 Burch, Susannah, 7 Burnett. Helen Gertrude, 123 William Hiram, 123 Burr, Bradley, 167 Lydia, 167 Bushnell, Hortense, 134 Button, Dency E., 137 Byington, Elizabeth, no Caldwell, Abigail, 17 Jane, 130 Mary, 15, 60, 61 Matthew, 17 Calhoun, Grace, 190 Calkins, Elijah, 7 Lenora, 115 Sarah, 7 Campbell, Augusta Malvina, 97 Geo. Washington, 142 Nettie, 142 Samuel Reed, 97 Carey, George W., 148 Mary Amelia, 148 Cargill, James, 102 Letitia, 102 Carl, Adah, 47 Carley, Emma, 186 Carlton, Elizabeth, 185 Frank, 185 Carpenter, John, 47 Mary E., 183 Sarah, 47 Carr, Ida, 141 Jesse Foster, 141 Robert, 141 Carter, David, 7 Hannah, 126 Cartright, Elizabeth, 36 Carver, Barnabas, 29, 164 Charlotte, 94 Delicy S., 178 Hannah, 164 Hannah Ann, 143 Hannah Jane, 48 Hosea, 48, 178 Ida, 178 James, 48, 94 Carver, John, 29 Juliette, 177 Phebe, 172 Sarah, 29 Sarietta, 178 Stephen W,, 143, 177 Timothy, 29 Case, Albert, 107, ig6 Alice, 7 George Valentine, 196 Gertrude, I96 Hannah Gannett, 196 Ida Stoutenberg, 196 Lydia Hathaway, 107 Mary Frances, 196 Minnie Adeline, 196 Nathan, 107 Nathan Amos, 196 Cass, Daniel, 156 Ella C, 156 Catlin, Mary, 137 Cavender, Ada Theresa, I2i Harriet, 120 John Milton M., 120, 121 Cavinder, Viola, 165 Caywood, Eva, 182 Frank, 182 Chambers, Charity, 131 Chandler, Margaret, 15 Chapman, Delia, 64 Elizabeth, 58 Hannah, 44 Henry, Rev., 64 Jeremiah, 58 Sarah A., 104 Charde, Jeremiah, 153 Margaret Jane, 153 Charlton, Ermina Townley, 182 ¦William John, 182 Chase, Alvin, 32, 166 Anna, 167 Betsey, 167 Caroline, 166 Charlotte, 100 Clara Mabel, 149 Cynthia, 166 Cyrus, 100, 166 Daniel, 167 Darius, 166 Elizabeth, 166 Ellen, 166 Elmer, 34, 167 Eunice, 34 Frank, 166 Henah, 167 Henry Nichols, 166 Hiram, 166 Iva, 167 206 Index Chase, Jane, i66 John, i66 John M., 149 Lydia 167 Lyman, i66 Maria, 167 Mary, 166 Mary W., 166 Maynard Hosmer, 149 Naomi, 166 Obed, 167 Obediah, 32, 34 Phebe, 166 Robert, 167 Ruth, 32 Sarah, 166, 167 Sarah Ann, 166 Sophia, 167 Susan, 166 Zillah, 166 Chatfield, Chas., 152 Florence Emma, 152 Cherry, Ann Elizabeth, 175 Vinton, 175 Chester, Ruth, 22 Chichester, Sarah, 7 Christ, Elizabeth, 138 Christian, , 170 Daniel P., 193 Mary E., 193 Clark, Angeline, 149 Augusta, 173 Elias, Dr., 173 Harriet Calista, 120 Herbert Ralph, 120 John C.,8i Ralph Jerome, 120 Clary, Ellen, 70 John, 70 Clausen, Minerva Ann, 40 Olan, 40, 173 William, 40, 173 Clement, Eleanor, 82 Clements, Henry Clay, 92 Maria, 92 Clendening, Edward, 89 Grace J., 193 Hannah, 8g Lillian J., 193 Mary E., 193 Pearl B., 193 Robert, 89, 193 Roberta, 193 Close, Reuben, 7 Coburn, Mary, 140 Miner T., 140 Samantha L., 136 Cochrane, Nancy R., 80 Cocks, Emily, 81 Mary, 80 Coder, Emily, 180 Cole, Aaron Hazen, 43, 73 Abel B., 148 Abiatha, 48 Abigail, 98 Abner Bangs, 38, 46, 63, 80, 124, 153 Abner Sweetland, 63, no Abraham, 3 Adah, 37, 59, 89, 165 Ada Blanche, 137 Ada Eleanor, 112 Ada Elvira, 135 Ada Esther, 137 Ada Frances, 91 Ada Isadore, 136 Ada Jane, 51 Ada Louise, 121 Ada Lulu, 157 Ada M., 149 Ada Olive, 88 Ada Theresa, 121 Addie, 118 Addie Belle, 136 Addie J., 131 Addie May, no Addison, 79, 124 Adelbert, 90, 137 Adele M., in Adelia, 44, 64 Adelia Tidd, 61 Adeline, 44, 49, 60, 7g, 130 Adeline Eleanor, 112 Adeline Minerva, 54 Adoniram Judson, 55, 74, 97, lol Agnes Eleanor, 82 Agnes Maria, 140 Agnes Olympia, 81 Aileen, 71 Alaida, 139 Alanson, 40 Albert, 80 Albert G., 106, 148 Albert George, 115, 131 Albert Levi, 157 Albert Stevens, 162 Albertine, 152 Alexander Hamilton, go, 137 Alfred, 40, 67 Alice, 71, 97, in, 125, 141 Alice Bertha, 112 Alice Edna, 150 Alice Emily, 81 Alice Fidelia, 158 Alice Jane, loi, 125 Allen, 45, 56, 99, 108, 149 Index 207 Cole, Allen M., in Alma Ann, 143 Alma R., 90 Almeda, 45 Almeran Horace, 143 Almira, 64 Almon, 38 Alonzo, 38, 66 Alonzo E., Ill Alonzo Ojida, 53, 84, 95 Alta Belle, 138 Althea, 67 Alvah, 44, 60, 106 Alveyson, 47 Alyada, 164 Alzada, 45, 47 Amanda, 48, 53, 67, 69, 79 Amedee Berthold, 83, 127 Amedee Jackson, 154 Amos Rogers, 60, 107 Amos Rogers Tunison, 108, 150 Amy Budd, 156 Anadella C, in Angeline, 72, 149 Angeline Mary, in Angevine, 102 Ann, 68, 161 Ann Amanda, 67 Ann Elizabeth, 57, 61, 103 Ann W., g6 Anna, 32, 43, 50, 61 Anna Eliza, 66 Anna Louise, 154 Anna Mary, 94, 127 Anna Ruth, 156 Anna Sarah, 92 Anne, 24 Anne Amelia, 129 Annie, loi, 136 Annie Augusta, 98 Annie C, 117 Annie E., 144 Annie Jackson, 128 Annie Louise, g6 Annie Orlinda, 114 Annis, 35, 45 Ansel, 44 Antha Jane, 67, 100 Anthony Wm., 58, loi, 102 Antoinette, 41, 54, 57, 68, 145 Antoinette Kelley, 68 Arnet Judson, 142 Arthur, 113, 124, 152 Arthur B., in Arthur Bliss, 136 Arthur Enos, 89, 137 Arthur Lawrence, III Arthur Vincent, 139, ijS Cole, Arvah Hopkins, 94, 140 Asahel, 32, 50, 52, 86 Augusta, 64 Augusta Malvina, 97 Augustus, 162 Aurelia, 85 Aurelia Celestine, 113 Austin, 126, 154 Azmon Wood, 52 Azubah, 34 Barnum, 66 Barret Ellis, 153 Belle Frances, 97 Benjamin Otto, 153 Bernice, 142 Berry, 32, 47 Bertha, no, 114 Bertha Marguerite, 118 Bertha May, 145 Bertine, 142 Bessie, 136, 139 Bessie Jane, 142 Bessie Laura, 156 Bethia, 37 Betsey, 45, 62, 89 Betsey A., 102 Blanche, 126 Blanche Owens, 126 Bulah Virginia, 162 Burr Marion, 131 Burt, 125 Burt Scott, 46 Byron, 42, 71 Byron Hopkins, 72 Caroline, 53, 85 Caroline C., 120 Calista Jane, 67 Calvin, 115 Carrie Amelia, 134 Carrie Anna, 140 Carrie Augusta, 96 Carrie Frances, 93 Carrie L., 107 Carrie Louise, 140 Carrie M., 160 Carrie Moore, 140 Cassie Belle, 143 Catharine, 50, 60, 88, 105, 125 Catharine Beatrice, 148 Cecelia Almira, 138 Cecil Aurelia, 113 Celia Octavia, 150 Cepha Hortense, 115 Charity, 28 Charles, 37, 58, 60, 62, 97, 102, 103, 106, 130, 142, 155, 162 Chas. Alland, 114 Chas. Briggs, 46, 81, 125 208 Index Cole, Chas. E., 88, 134 Chas. Cavender, 120 Charles E., 100, 105, 106 Chas. Green, 50, 84 Chas. Henry, 65, 114 Chas. Herbert, 138 Chas. Homer, 159 Chas. Lewis, 86, 131 Chas. Norton, 57, loi Chas. Ogden, loi, 103, 147 Chas. Philip, 144, 159 Chas. Wm., 98, 143 Charlotte, 60, 94, 100, 105 Charlotte Angeline, III Charlotte Caroline, 121 Charlotte De Forest, 63 Charlotte Eva, 64 Charlotte Louise, 141 Chester, 38 Chester David, 114 Chester Enos, g8, 142 Chester Glenn, 113, 151 Chester S., 65 Chester Scott, 63, 112 Chloe, 61, 108 Chloe Ann, 41, 71 Christopher Oliver, 125, 153 Circassia Jenette, 80 Clara Bell, 149 Clara C, 129 Clara L., 115 Clara Lucretia, 118 Clara Mabel, 149 Clara 'W., loi Clarissa, 161 Clarie Belle, 162 Clarence, 142 Clarinda, 48, 61 Clarissa Malissa, 63 Claude, 97, 142 Claude Burton, 133 Clayton, 116, 152 Clementina, 82 Clemina, 63 Clinton Harold, 148 Clyde, 98, 142 Cora Electa, 142 Cora Lillian, 127 Cora M., 140 Cora May, 154 Cora Verna, 81 Cordelia L., 160 Cornelia A., 117 Cornelia Minor, gg Crystal J., 156 Cynthia, 13,32, 51, 53, 54 Cynthia L., 133 Cynthia M., 137 Cole, Cyrus, 36, 60, 98 Cyrus £., 106 Dagmer, 153 Daisy Ellen, 158 Daniel, 3, 11, 12, 18, 19, 21, 22, 24, 27. 3-. 33. 42, 115 Daniel Delevan Pratt, 156 Daniel H., 34, 56, 144, i5g Daniel Harrison, 73 Daniel Webster, 54 Darius, 60, 107, 108, I4g David, 24, 2g, 37, 41, 64, 69 David B., 38 David Elliott, 70, 116 David Orlando, 63, in Dean Jervis, 133 Deborah, 162 Delephine, 131 Delevan Samuel, 88, 135, 157 Delia, 64 Delia Mason, 136 DeWitt Clinton, 60, 144, 150, 158 Diana, 149 Don Samuel, 133 Donald Merritt, 160 Donald Robinson, 160 Doris Emma, 158 Dorothea, 126 Dorothy, 154 Dorothy Drake, 151 Dorothy Elizabeth, 141 Dorothy Lucille, 155 Dorothy M., 156 Druzilla, 92 Dunbar, 127 Dwight, 152 Dwight H., 64, 114 Ebenezer, 27, 28, 33-35, 37, 51, 57, 58, 60, 63, 102, 105, 106, 148 Edgar Thomas, 91, 138 Edith, 71, 102, 141, 142, 152 Edith Leonard, 133 Edith M., 160 Edith Z., 145 Edmund, 62, 109 Edna, 126, 130 Edward Cammon, 155 Edward Earle, 131, 159 Edward Eleazer, 66, 115 Edward Everett, 81, 126 Edward Hanford, 127 Edward James, 147, 159 Edward Judson, 97, 142 Edwin, 59, 62, 91, 105, 106, no, 161 Edwin Carl, 148 Edwin Charles, 161 Edwin Russell, 162 Edwin Wildman, 52, 92 Index 209 Cole, Effie Elizabeth, 134 Elbert, 79 Eleanor, 82, 113 Eleanor Florence, 124 Eleanor Louise, 138 Eleazer, 29, 38 Eleazer H., 38, 56, 66 Eli, 37,46. 51,62,73,91 Eli Kelley, 70, 1 17 Elisha, 3, 7, II, 12, 15, 24, 26-29, 38, 41, 64 Elisha J., 34, 57 Elisha, Jr., 25 Elisha Kelley, 69, 115 Eliza, 35, 36, 41, 52, 55. 6i> 62, 102 Eliza Ann, 161 Eliza Belle, 162 Eliza Corson, 117 Eliza E., 65 Elizabeth, 29, 40, 43. 49. 50, 52, 58, 59, 87, 88, 107, log, 130, 161 Elizabeth Ann, 146 Elmira, 58, ifio Ella, 115 Ella Ann, 71 Ella C, 156 Ella Euphemia, g5 Ella Lillian, 127 Ella Louise, 94 Ella M., 149 Ella Victoria, 115 Ellen, 62, 70, 147 Ellen Marion, 160 Elmer, 104 Elmer Archie, 157 Elmer C, 60, 109 Elmer Elkanah, 151 Elmer Ellsworth, 135, 156 Elmer Hopkins, 122 Elsie, 146, 149 Elvin Clayton, 108 Elvin Clinton, 60 Elvin Dayton, 108, 150 Elvira Laura, 108 Elvira Rosanna, 150 Elwin Samuel, 135 Emeline, 102 Emery, 161 Emily, 56, 70, 81 Emily Augusta, 95, 124 Emily Augusta Frost, 146 Emily De Russy, 117 Emily Preston, 69 Emma, 92, 144 Emma Agnes, 125 Emma Celia, 108 Emma Eliza, 100 Emma Estelle, 124, 159 Cole, Emma Frances, 80, 143 Emma Jane, 69, 71 Emma L., 114 Emma Louisa, 91, 103, 140 Emma Matilda, 95 Emma Safronia, 144 Enos, 50, 88 Enos Covert, 158 Ernest Jackson, 128 Ersula, 132 Estelle, 82, 105, 106 Estelle J., 162 Estelle Jane, I5g Esther, 45, 54, 68 Esther Adeline, 159 Esther Ann, 102 Esther M., 89 Ethel, 148 Eugene, 106, 148 Eugene Enos, 135, 157 Eugenia, 148 Eunice, 24, 27, 34, 105 Eunice Elizabeth, 81 Eunice Lucy, 136 Euphemia, 148 Eva Isabel, 124 Eva Jane, 117 Evalena Hall, 94 Evangeline, 141 Evangeline Virginie, 141 Everett F., 149 Ezra, 43, 72, 138 Faith Adelaide, 121 Fannie Ames, 155 Fannie Belle, 157 Fannie Fern, 131 Fanny, 60, g8 Fanny Estelle, g6 Fanny Hazen, 61 Ferris E., 106, 149 Fidelia Elizabeth, 88 Flora, in Flora Linda, 130 Florence, 139 Florence Adelaide, 139 Florence B., 160 Florence Elizabeth, 132 Florence Emma, 152 Florence Helen, 158 Florence Marion, 120 Florence Nightingale, 80 Florence Viola, 114 Francelia, 102 Frances, 91, 102, 137, 153 Frances Augusta, 138 Frances Eliza, 65 Frances Ellen, 72 Frances Louise, 120 210 Index Cole, Frances Nelson, i6o Francis Vincent, 158 Francis Wayland, 67, 115 Frank, 132, 146, 155, 161, 162 Frank Ames, 156 Frank Elsworth, 114 Frank Josiah, 94, 141 Frank M., 118 Frank Marion, 74, 120 Frank Nathaniel, 101 Frank Ogden, 151 Fred, 149 Frederick Lisle, 158 Frederick Tripler, 141 Freeborn, 54 Fremont, 7g, 121 Gay, 158 Genevieve, 146 George, loi, 102, 161, 162 George C, 148 George Edward, 152 George Edwin, 124 George Eugene, 145 George Frost, 49, 86, 131 George Harrison, 57, 100 George Herbert, 79 George Henry, loi George Ide, 74, 124 George Light, 147, i3o George Peter, 159 George Richardson, 100, 144 George Samuel, 137 George Tillott, 144 George Washington, gi, 138 Georgia Imogene, 121 Georgiania Irene, 107 Gertrude Catharine, 158 Gertrude O., loi Gilbert, 105 Gladys Colestin, 72 Glen Walker, 151 Glorinda, 153 Goolda Ruth, 98 Grace, 81, 130, 154 Grace Elizabeth, 71 Grace Emma, 97 Grace Lena, 157 Grace Manchester, 141 Gracie B., 149 Green, 66 Grover, 115 Grover C, 129 Guy A., go Hallie Rachel, 83 Hannah, 11, 23, 24, 26, 27, 29,34, 37. 47. 50. 52, 53. 60, 79, 89 Hannah Ann, 143 Hannah Elizabeth, 145 Cole, Hannah Gannett, 107 Hannah H., 151 Hannah Jane, 48, log Hannah Maria, 63 Harlem, 50, 87, 133 Harley Lynn, 120 Hariy, 139 Harmon, 39, 56 Harold Bates, 158 Harold Marion, 120 Harriet, 120, 126, 136 Harriet B., 90 Harriet Calista, 73, 120 Harriet E., loi Harriet Eliza, 67 Harriet Ellen, 151 Harriet Esther, 143 Harriet Jane, 157 Harriet L., gg Harriet Newell, 69 Harriet Pixley, 73 Harriet Rebecca, 91 Harrison, 39, 66, 115 Harry, 49 Harry Putnam, I3g, 158 Harvey, 36, 61, 113 Harvey Townsend, 85, 130, 154 Hascall Myron, g2, I3g Hattie C, 118 Hattie Isabel, g6 Havilah, 34, 143 Hazel Dorothy, 120 Hazel Eunice, 153 Helen, 115, 117, 133, 152, 156 Helen Gertrude, 123 Helen Margaret, 159 Heman, 36, 61 Heman Hopkins, 62, 109 Henah, 34 Henrietta, 65, 148 Henry, 39, 45, 57, 102, 162 Henry B., 67 Henry B., Dr., 115 Henry Ballard, 143 Henry Clay, 46, 66, 72, 81, 99, 114, 126, 143 Henry Denison, 123 Henry Ernest, 83 Henry Leonard, 158 Henry Newton, 116 Hepzebiah, 22, 23 Herbert, 103 Herbert B., 115 Herbert Bailey, 72 Herbert Milton, 95, 141 Herman, 127 Hermon C, 127 Hermon Camp, 46, 8r, 82, 83 Index 211 Cole, Hervey Denison, 79 Hester Amelia, 95 Hettie Maria, 104 Hiram, 38, 55, 66, 98 Hiram Mason, 89, 136 Horace, 55, 64, 98, 113, 152 Horace Wellington, 142 Horton Sherwood, 102, 145 Howard, 148, 156 Howard F. Victor, 154 Howard Loud, 71 Howard Thomas, 162 Hugh Clifford, 114 Hugh Franklin, 71 Huldah, 41 Huldah Booth, 148 Huldah Victoria, 147 Hymen, 45, 79 Ida, no, 135, 141 Ida Belle, no Ida Elizabeth, 109 Ida Elmira, 146 IdaF., 153 Ida Lucretia, 151 Ida May, 131 Idalia, 155 Idaho, 152 Inez Elvira, 137 Ira, 50, 61, 84, 85, 155 Ira Hazen, 18, 44, 74 Ira Joseph, 123 Ira Savory, 87, 133 Ira T., go Ira Woodruff, 132, 155 Irine, 146 Irma, 127 Irma Estelle, 70 Irving Washington, 7g, 122 Isaac, 3 Isaac Thompson, 51, 90 Isabel, 71 Isabella, 109 Israel, 22, 23 Ivah, 34, 55 Ivy, 154 Ivy Annista, 153 Ivy Louise, in J. Stanley, 154 Jacob, 41, 68 Jacob Edwin, 145 James, 3, 22, 24, 35, 58, 59, 64, 103, 113 James A., 147 James Garfield, 139 James Henry, 105, 147 James Kelley, 80, 124 James Madison, 47, 82 James Monroe, 46 Cole, James Ogden, 58 James Riley, 148 iaraes Stanley, 130, 154 ames Vernon, 160 James W., 98 James Wood, 60, 107 Jane, 24, 68, loi Jane Ann, 85, loi, no Jane Bradley, 140 Jane Elizabeth, 137 Jane Thursey, 73 Jarvis Asaheh, 85, 130 Jarvis Washburn, 45, 79 Jason Haven, 135, 157 Jasper, 54, 68 JayC, 134, 156 Jeannette, 80 Jennie, loi, 102, 152 Jennie Antoinette, 145 Jennie Augusta, 95 Jennie Frances, 149 Jennie Louise, log Jennie W., 148 Jeremiah, 5g, 147 Jerome, 67 Jesse, 34, 55, 56 Jessie Edith, 72 Jessie Fremont, 100 Jessie Lena, 96 Jewett, 126 Job, 3, 21 John, 3, 21-24, 28, 30, 33, 35, 37, 38, 45, 55, 62, 65, 103, no John Benjamin, 58 John Berry, 53, 94 John Elkanah, 61 John Emory, 102 John Hall, 73 John Jackson, 128, 154 John Peck, 80, 124 John Reasoner, 124, 153 John Roberts, 79, 123, 144 John Rogers, 109, 151 John Tyler, 65 John Wood, 85 Jonathan, 24, 41, 70 Jordan J., 49 Joseph, 13, 23, 24, 27, 31, 32, 35, 49, 50, 59. 87 Joseph Bailey, 85, 129 Joseph Ganong, 84, 125, 129 Joseph George, 157 Joseph W., 88, 134 Joseph Watson, 54, 96 Josephine Howes, 116 Joshua, 12, 24-27, 30, 44 Jules Francis, 71 Julia, 39,43. 56,66, 118 212 Index Cole, Julia Augusta, 68 Julia Fenn, gi Julia Frances, 104 Julia Hill, 160 Julia Viletta, 158 Juliette, 64 Kate Geraldine, 151 Katharine, 115 Katharine Ann, 58 Kenneth Besson, 72 Kittie, I5g Laban, 41, 60 Laura, 3g, 88, 135, 162 Laura Amelia, 125 Laura J., 66, 90 Laura Jane, 157 Laura May, 135 Lavenia, 105 Lavenia Stevens, 162 Le Grand, 62 Leander, 64, 114 Lelia Floyd, 127 Leon Edwin, 67 Leon Jacob, 116 Leota, 155 Lester Abner, 153 Lester Stanley, 153 Letitia, 102 Levi, 55, 68, 98 Levi H., 67 Levi Hall, 33, 34, 53 Lewis, 36, 60 Lewis Edgar, 100, 145 Lewis Gregory, 129 Lewis Porter, 92 Lewis W., 108, 149 Libbeus, 36 LilJie, 71, in Lizzie E., 151 Loella Augusta, g7 Lois S., 73 Louis Jacob, 157 Louisa, 63, 66, 106 Louisa Jane, 65 Louisa M., 51 Louise, 18, 44, 46, 105 Louise Laura, I2g Lovisa, 55 Lowell 'Vincent, 158 Lucena Catharine, 128 Lucie S., 151 Lucie Ruth, 155 Lucretia, 5g, log Lucy, 54, 63, 130 Lucy Harriet, 129 Luella Jane, 130 Luke Salathiel, 135 Lulu, in Cole, Lurana, 59, 104 Lurana Elizabeth, 147 Lydia, 31, 43. 45. 57, 73. 108 Lydia Bloomer, 73 Lydia Hathaway, 107 Lyman Mason, 63, in Mabel, 150 Mae, 83 Maine, 149 Malissa B., 162 Malvina, lol Maple Lucille, 153 Marcus, 50 Margaret, 27, 33, 35, 103, 104, 156, 163 Margaret Ann, 102 Margaret Jane, 153 Margaret Lavinia, 147 Maria, 89, 92 Maria Elizabeth, loi Marie Antoinette, 100, 144 Marie Louise, 141 Marinda, 86 Marion, 123, 126 Marion E., 129 Marion Lucena, I2g Marjorie, 152 Marjorie Jackson, 128 Martha, 51, 85, 94, 106, 126 Marvin, 61 Mary, 3, n, 22-24, 26, 33, 35, 40, 55, 58-60, 65, 79, 80, 83, 84, 90, 98, 102, 104, 115, 116, 123, 129, 133, 140, 157, 161 Mary A., 72, 124, 149, 160 Mary Ann, 53, 62, 66, 67, 92, 107 Mary Ann (Allen), Mrs., 108 Mary Ann Ball, 86 Mary Almira, 131 Mary Amelia, 148 Mary Caroline, 74 Mary Constance, 116 Mary Cynthia, 98 Mary Downes, 144 Mary Elizabeth, 63, 70, 96, 102, 130, 146, 151 Mary Ellen, loi, 125, 128 Mary Fayette, 84, 95 Mary Frances, 103, 161 Mary Gladys, 128 Mary Horton, 88 Mary Jane, 55, 80, 103, 112, 115, Mary Lillian, 139 Mary Louisa, 91 Mary Luella, 114 Mary Lydia, 118 Mary M., 160 Index 213 Cole, Mary Margaret, 57 Mary Taylor. 120 Mary Washburn, 61 Matilda, 159 Matilda Louisa, 73, 138 Maude, 113, 135 Maude Evelyn, 123 Maxwell, 117 May, 146 May Belle, 113, 145 Medora Jane, no Mehitable, 7, 30, 31 Melinda, 47, 50, 62, 114 Melissa, 87, 103, 116 Melvena, 164 Mercy, 28, 47 Merrick L., 65 Milan Jedediah, 52 Mildred, 148 Millie, 114 Millie M., 134 Milo, 51 Milo 'Van Duzen, 52, 92, 139 Mina Elizabeth, 151 Miner Coburn, 140 Miner Thomas, 44,74, 118 Minerva, 6g, 86, 87, 161 Minerva Ann, 40 Minerva Ruth, 50 Minnie, 67, 73, 126, 156 Minnie May, 112 Minnie Rachel, 134 Mortimer, 133, 156 Mortimer Belding, loi, 145 Moses, 24 Moses Hazen, 60 Muriel, 152 Myron Rowland, 52 Myrtie, 149 Nancy, 44, 85, 90, 91 Nancy R., 80 Naomi, 27, 30, 35, 38 Nathalie Rachel, 128 Nathan, 7, 8, 24, 27, 30-32, 35, 38, 45. 47, 51, 57. 63, 82, 83, 8g, loi, 128 Nathan Edward, 125, 153 Nathan Thompson, 91, 130, 155 Nathan W., 92, 140 Nellie, 138, 156 Nellie B., 147 Nellie Belle, 65 Nellie Emeline, 122 Nellie Josephine, 107 Nellie Louise, 96 Nellie Walker, 117 Nelson, 62 Nettie, 142 Cole, Newissa, 48, 164 Newell, 82 Norma, 138, 152 Norman, 56, 156 Norman Sheldon, 69, 116 Norvin Green, 144 Obed, 2g, 3g Ogden, 36, 56, 61, 99, 102, 109, 151 Olive, 114 Olive O., 153 Olive Secord, 159 Oliver C, 46 Oliver Garrison, 80, 125 Oliver Kenneth, 125 Olonzo, 162 Onken Willard, 70, 117 Ormond Hayes, 48, 83 Orson, log Orville Porter, 73 Orville Seymour, 131 Orville Webster, 137, 158 Oscar Gregory, I3g Otis, 4, 107, 149 Otis Hazen, 129 Otto Paris, 130, 154 Paul Forshay, 159 Peninnah Owen, 145 Percival Victor, 83 Peter James, 103, 147 Phebe, 24, 36, 49 Phebe Ann, 86 Phebe J., 56 Phebe Jane, 7g Philip, 115 Polly. 38 Prentiss Ingraham, 154 Priscilla, 25, 103 Priscilla Ann, 28 Prudence, 88 Rachel, 39, 56, 57, 66, 115, 136 Rachel Adelia, 134 Rachel Emily, 92 Rachel Jane, 106 Ralph, 152 Ralph Dana, 121 Ralph Leroy, 154 Ralph Tichenor, 140 Ralph Tunis, 74, 120 Rama Milan, 142 Ramah, 33, 53, 54, 94 Ramah Elliot, 141 Ray Freeman, 150 Raymond Lamont, 159 Raymond Wiltsie, 157 Rebecca, 21, 47, 128 Rebecca Augustine, 125 Rebecca Fagan, 128 Rebecca Lane, 82, 83 214 Index Cole, Reuben, 29, 36, 56, 99 Richard Barton, 142 Richard Hood, 83 Rixford, 148 Robert Frank, 118 Robert Sly, 155 Robert Walker, 135, 157 Roena, no Roger Garwood, 158 Rollin Elwood, 158 Rollo M., in Romaine Harvey, 61 Rose, 155 Rose Althea, 151 Roxie Lura, 153 Roy Edgar, 139 Ruby Beatrice, 153 Rudy, 127 Rufus, 42, 70 Rufus Jay, 70 Ruth, 22, 23, 32, 155 Ruth Alva, 158 Ruth Esther, 137 Ruth Payne, 96 Ruth Violet, 142 Sallie, 161 Samantha, 73 Samantha L., 136 Samuel, 32, 50, 161, 162 Samuel Bailey, 86, 132 Sarah, 3, 23, 29, 34, 37, 45, 56, 58, gg, loi, 103, 142, 145, 157 Sarah A., 88 Sarah Almira, 131 Sarah Anna, 51 Sarah C, g5 Sarah H., 73 Sarah Jane, 39, 81, lo5 Sarah Louisa, 79 Sarah Maria, 38 Sarah Roxanna, 44 Saxon, 126 Selema, 147 Sepha, 148 Seraphina, 133 Sidney Townsend, 151 Spencer Houghton, 67 Stanley Sands, 145 States G., 49 Stuart, 155 Susan, 45, 52, 69, 70, 84, 86, 99 Susan C, 63 Susan Elizabeth, 105, no Susan Jane, 104, in Susan Lydia, 150 Susannah, 32 Thaddeus, 80 Thaddeus Lincoln, 124 Cole, Thankful, 24 Theda, 39 Theodore Frelinghuysen, gg, 104 Theron, 39, 53, 67, 105, 147 Theron Hopkins, 67 Thomas, 59, 104, 161 Thomas Edgar, 147, 160 Thomas Owen, 57, 100 Thurza, 36 Tillie Grant, 115 Tillott. 56, 100 Timothy, 22, 161 Trenton Leland, 117 Una, 126 Uretta, 48, 165 Ursula, 51, 92 Van Renselaer, 115 Vashti, 35 Vashti Susan, 58 Velma Bailey, 153 Vera Giddings, 162 Victor Leroy, 130 Victoria, 154 Vida Beatrice, 153 Vincent Peter, 147 Viola, 55, 147 Viola May, 157 Virtue Elvira, 65 Walter, loi Walter Bailey, 124, 153 Walter Hascall, 139 Walter Henry, 114 Walter Sinclair, 66 Walter Todd, 66 Wallace Henry, 94, 140 Warren, 65 Warren Ramah, 87, 88 Washburn Ogden, 61 Watson, 51, 90 Webster Knapp, 89, 136 Wilbur, no Wilbur Milton, g2 Wilhelmina, 160 Willard Harvey, 71 Willard Leonard, 71 William, 22, 23, 32, 35, 58-60, 104, 105, 146, 162 William Denison, 79 William Elmer, 151 William Gregory, 129 William H., 102, no William Henry, 73, gi, 138 William Ide, 118 William J., 147 William Jay, 133 William John, 103, 146 William L., in William Martin, 55, 97 Index 215 Cole, William R., 104 William Rappleye, 74, 117 William Sylvester, 96 William Walker, 115 William Wallace, 63, 112, 162 William Van Zant, 80 Willie, 113 Wray Lincoln, 149, 160 Yates Thompson, 88, 133 Zachariah, 98 Zachary Taylor, 81, 126 Zella Alice, 125 Zellah Celeno, 128 Zillah, 37, 50, 61, 98, 100 Zora Belle, 97 Zuba, 89 Colgrove, Florence E., 132 Katharine, 198 Olive Cole, 198 Silas C, 132 Walter, 132, 198 Collier, Elizabeth, 21 Mary, 9, 21 Rebecca, 21 Sarah, 21 William, 9, 21 Colmore, Eliza Ann, 161 Sallie, 161 William, 161 Colwell, Adah, 59 Asahel Cole, 181 Editha, 181 Eliza Jane, 181 Ezra, 52, 181 Hannah, 52, 98 Martha Augusta, l8l Mary, 80 Phebe, 165, 181 Thomas, 52, 59 Zillah, 100, 166 Comstock, Charity, 150 Condit, Mary A., Mrs., 124 Conely, Olivia, 180 Thomas, 180 Conklin, Sarah, 175 William, 175 Cool, Edith, 152 Samuel, 152 Cooper, , i6g Agnes, 176 Edward Clarence, 132, ig8 Ezekiel, Capt., 5 Frank L., 115 Marion Sarah, ig8 Rachel, 115 Sarah Eleanor, 188 William, 132 Copeland, Alice L., 158 Copley, Georgia, 175 Corbet, Mary Ellen, 128 William Zachary, 128 Corbitt, Almira Ann, 120 Cordill, Eleanor, 113 Hiram, 113 Cornelius, Mary J., 150 Cornell, Catharine, 180 Warren, 180 Cornwell, Almira, 152 Corson, Mary, 117 Mary M., 119 Cortrite, Hattie E., 174 Covert, Magdalena, 108 Rynear, Col., 108 Cramer, Anna, 167 Crane, jared, 84 Noah H., 164 Susannah, 164 Crawford, Coleman, 167 Esther, 133 Frances, 137 John, 137 Julia, 167 Crisp, George, 22 Crissey, Caleb, 175 Elizabeth, 175 Frederick, 80 Grace, igo John W., 190 Mary, 80 Mary Alice, 190 Morris C, 80, 190 Nancy Ethel, 190 Ruth, 174 Ruth Elizabeth, igo Susan Agnes, 190 William Morris, 190 Crocker, Margaret, 94 Cronk, Susan, 35 Crosby, Clara, 62 Elizabeth, 12 Enoch, 41, 163 Eunice, 27, 163 Hannah, 163 Jane, 163 Lydia, 31 Nathan, 27, 31, 163 Phebe, 162 Stephen, 163 Cross, Maria, 85 Sarah Emma, 95 Crowther, Charles C., 185 Lorena, 185 Cummings, Leonard, 170 Martha A., 128 Mary, 170 Cunningham, Mary, 117 216 Index Curry, Ann, 102 George, 165 Hannah, 165 Peter B., 95 Sarah Amanda, 95 Cutler, Sarah Jane, 155 Dakin, Emma, 144 James J., 144 Joshua, 7 Rebecca, 7 Simon, 6, 7 Dargavel, Rachel, 96 Darrow, Lydia, 91 Dart, Daniel, 14 Elizabeth, 14 Davenport, Clarissa, 90 Davis, Belle Frances, 97 Edith Sedina, ig6 Grace Muriel, I96 Loella Augusta, 97 Paul Judson, 196 Philip Judson, 97 Reginald Sidney, lg6 Sarah, 105 Sidney Cornish, 97, I96 Tillie Grant, 115 William, 97 William Henry, 97 William Howard, 97 Daw, Elizabeth, 97 Day, Annie, 136 Maria L., g8 Dayton, Asa, 108 Elvira Laura, 108 Kate, 181 Dean, Chester B., ig3 Elizabeth, 84 Ersula, 132 Jervis, 132 Julia, 70 Laura Eunice, ig3 Deane, Stephen, 23 Debar, Harriet B., 90 Jacob, 90 De Groot, Eliza, gl Delaney, Frances, gl De Long, John, 150 Mabel, 150 Denison family, 15 Agnes, 176 Beckwith, 16, 18, 44, 74 Christopher, 16 Daniel, 15 Edward, 16 Frank H., 176 George, 16 George B., 181 Denison, Gertrude, 176 Louise, 44 Mary, 176 Mary Caroline, 17, 18, 74 Mercy, 16 Samuel, 16 Susan B., 181 William, 15 James Floyd, 176 James Henry, 44, 176 James Hervey, 18, ig John, 16 Dennis, Laura, 162 Depew, Annie Louisa, 184 Elmira, 58 George 'Washington, 58, 18. Julia, 184 Vashti Susan, 58, 184 William WiUoby, 184 De Vail, Harriet, 157 Dexter, Harriet, 134 Diamond, , i6g Dingee, Charlotte, 57 David, 32 Martha Elizabeth, 32 Doane, Daniel, 22 Hepzeibah, 22 John, 22 Dodds, George, 180 Nancy, 180 Dolbee, Blanche Owens, 126 Shadrack R., 126 Donk, Flora, in Doolittle, Alma R., go Alonzo, go Doran, David, 145 Hannah Elizabeth, 145 Doremus, Andrew J., g5 Dorothy Carl, lg6 Ella Euphemia, 95 Harry Whitehouse, 95, 195 Helen Marguerite, 195 Jeannette Claire, ig6 Robert Child, ig5 Doty, Ada Bertha, 194 M. Seward, 194 Sarah, 185 Douglas, James, 80 Jeanette, 80 Douglass, Hattie C, 118 Rawlins, 118 Doughty, George, 62, 185 Maria, 97 Mary Ann (Fowler), 62 Downer, Martha, 51 Downing, Harry Venton, 157 Doyle, Cora May, 154 Sarah Clarkson, 109 Index 217 Doyle, William Alfred, 154 Drew, Sarah, 98 Dronyor, Clara Bell, 149 Dudley, Anna, 14 Durand, Nettie M., 191 Durfee, Aaron B., 88, 192 Borden, 88 Frank, 192 Sarah A., 88 Durland, Lewis H., 173 Sarah, 173 Durrand, Hannah M., 51 Dykeman, Jessie, 188 Willard J., 188 Eager, Laura Phebe, 192 William Blake, 192 Eames, Anna Matilda, 128 Earle, Ada Jane, 51 Florence Adele, 180 George, i8q Ida J., 180 Marcus, 180 Olivia, 180 Riley, 51, 180 William, 51 Eastman, Hezekiah, 7 Joseph D., 7 Eastwood, Alvin, 107 Elizabeth, 107 Ebelmesser, Caroline, 120 Edelmann, Florence C, 186 Henry, 186 Edmonds, Charles Oscar, 141 Chauncey Brooks, 141 Edith, 141 EdsaU, David, 167 Zillah, 167 Edson, Fanny, Mrs., 65 Edwards, Betsey, 51, 89 Egleston, Deborah, 162 Ellis, Betsey, 62 Elmer, Martin, 7 Emlitch, Marcellus, 185 Ophelia, 185 Emmons, Eliza, 52 Isaac, 52 English, John, 98 Zillah, 98 Estrange, Mary L., 93 Evans, Elizabeth, 71, 166 Everett, Charles, 106 Louisa, 106 Mary, 92 Everts, Phebe, 133 Faatz, Wilhelmina, 160 Fagin, Aaron W., 82 16 Fagin, Rebecca Lane, 82 Fairchild, Clarissa, 48 Farnham, Adelbert Marcillus, 134 John, 134 Millie M., 134 Farrington, Charles, 169 Ebenezer, 169 Jane, 169 Mary, 169 Vashti, 35 William, 35, 169 Feigles, Mary Ann, 177 Fenn, Maria, 181 George J., 181 Fero, Nancy, 91 Peter, 91 Ferro, Jane Ann, 85 Ferris, Amanda, 6g Andrew, 6g David Augustus, 124 Deborah, 51 Emily Augusta, 124 Harriet Amelia, 159 Lurana, 58 Field, Sarah, 41 Finch, Mary, 104 Tremaine, 104 Fisher, Bertha, 106 Edwin, 106 Elizabeth, 10 Freeman, 106 Jane, 172 John J., 172 Martha, 106 Fitch, Catharine, 131 Flagg, James M., 97 Zora Belle, 97 Flanagin, Joseph S., 81 Fogle, Albertine, 152 Benjamin, 152 Folger, Charles Worth, 184 Vashti Susie, 184 Ford, Catharine, 83 Forshay, Matilda, 159 John Wesley, 159 Foster, Eleanor, 42, 68, 70 Huldah, 52 Fowler, Benjamin, 62, 185 Clarissa, i6r Eli, 185 Elizabeth, 173 Esther, 68 Irine, 185 John W., 185 Major, 62 Mary, 79 Mary Ann, 62 Sarah, 185 218 Index Fowler, William, 68 Francis, Lucinda, 134 Lucinda H., 134 French, Alta Belle, 138 Edward Ernest, 138 Wilham, 138 Freeman, John, 9 Joseph, 10 Mary, 10 Nathaniel, 10 Rebecca, 10, n, 27 Thomas, 10 Fritcher, Elizabeth Maria, 85 Frost, Adeline, 44, 130 David, 49 Emily Augusta, 146 George, 33, 44 Jacob, 130 Julia, 167 Laura, 167, 176 Lucy Emma, 152 Lydia, 57 Mary, 33 Morris, 44, 167, 176 Orville C., 167 Phebe, 49 Sarah, 164 Sarah A., 167 Sarah J., 167 Susan, 176 Underhill, 84 Fuller, Addie, 191 Desire, 163 Lillie, in Mercy, 22 Robert, 7, 30 Samuel, Rev., 22 Gadbury, Hannah, 128 Gainey, Julia, 134 Galloway, Jane, loi Ganong family, 48 Aaron, 176 Abigail, 47, 52 Adah, 48 Alexander, 83 Amanda, 176 Augusta J., 176 Calista, 40 Clarinda, 48 Daniel, 48 Deborah, 178 Emily, 178 Isaac, 48 Jacob, 48 John, 48 Jonet, 48, 178 Joseph, 40 Martha, 40, 48 Ganong, Mary, 83 Oscar, 178 Reuben, 48 Ga Nunn, Lewis, 144 Mary Downes, 144 Gardner, James Lion, 86 John Lion, 86 Lizzie E., 151 Marinda, 86 Gay, Rebecca, 85 Genung, John, 48 Getchell, Clara, 173 Gettman, Jacob, 157 Mary, 157 Gibbs, Mary, 112 Giddings, Rowland, 125 Nancy Ann, 161 Zella Alice, 125 Gilbert, Julia Ann, 104 Mary Frances, 103 Reuben Burr, 103 Gildersleeve, Mary, 116 GiUett, Emma L., 114 Mary Jane, 103 Thomas, 103 Gillhan, Daniel Brown, 127 Ella Lilian, 127 Glover, Margueritte, 136 Godsey, Addie, 118 George, 118 Goewey, David, 129 Lucy Harriet, 129 Gold, John, 94 Gorham, John, 16 Mercy, 16 Gouverneur, Mary, 41 Gracie, Anna Leslie, 153 Graham, Harriet, 142 James Stewart, 112 Jane, 92 Mary Jane, II2 Grant, Hannah, 14 Gray, Alice, 117 Green, Annie, 97 Charles, 32, 165 Collins, 165 Hannah, 177 Jeremiah L., 84, 177 Nellie, 138 Rebecca, 165 Sarah, 81 Susan, 165 Thomas, 139 Greenleaf, Bethia, 38 Israel, 37 William, 37 Gregory, Charles Byington, no, 197 Clara V., 197 Index 219 Gregory, George Washington, i lo Georgia A., 197 Ida, no Jessie E., 197 Lewis H., 128 Lucena Catharine, 128 Griffin, Eliza, 53 John, 163 Mary, 163 Griswold, , 19 Evalina Hall,g4 Frank, 94 Frank Lorin, 94 Mary, 18 Guenon, Jean, 48 John, 48 Guthrie, Alson, 167 Maria, 167 Virginia, 127 Guy, Evangeline Virginie, 141 Marie Louise, 141 Samuel Smith, Dr., 141 Hackett, Abigail, 63, 65 Josiah, 65 Haight, , 66 Adelbert S., 186 Alice E., 186 Benjamin, 64 Benjamin D., 186 Elizabeth, 103 Emma, 186 Fannie A., 186 Henry, 64 Henry L., 186 Juliette, 64 Mary, 147 Haines, Edmond, 39 Esther, 39 Julia, 165 Hall, Adah, 167 Adelia, 44 Adelia Cole, 93 Alice Louise, 195 Ann, 166, 167 Annis, 168 Asa Thompson, 167 Augusta, 175 Caleb, 33, 34 Carrie F., 175 Carrie Frances, 93 Daniel, l65, 168 Edith L. Penn, 195 Elizabeth, 167 Hannah, 166 Ira Cole, 93, 175, 195 Jane, 167 John, 44 Hall, John C, 175 John Chapman, 44, 93 John Wilbur, 195 Levi, 33, 34, 166, 168 Louise, 175 Margaret, 33 Maria, 168 Nathan, 34, 168 Sarah, 34 Susan, 166 Zillah, 167 Hamblin, Eleazer, 15 Sarah, 15, 28 Hambridge, Eliza, 141 Hamel, Sarah, 167 Hamilton, Eliza, 174 Sarah E., 115 Theron, 174 Hammersley, Annie, loi Hanchet, Amos, 7 Hand, Eleanor, 113 Harvey, 113 Hanford, H. Byron, 174 Harry, 41, 173 Hattie E., 174 Heber H., 174 Henry Clay, 174 Hopkins J., 174 Huldah, 41 Jane, 174 Lewis, 41 Mayme, 174 Sarah, 174 Hanna, Jennie, 152 Walter, 152 Hardy, Etta, 192 Nancy Ethel, 190 Raymond, Igo Harkness, Edna Lou, 150 Elizabeth Pauline, 150 John U., 150 Lewellyn, 150 Susan Lydia, 150 Harrington, Pearl May, 186 Harrison, Virginia Narcissa, 127 Harrold, Martha, 180 William, 180 Harsha, Ida, 125 Hart, Allen M., 186 Daniel L., 63, 185 Edgar D., 185 James, 94 Martha, 94 Mary Elizabeth, 63 Naomi, 164 Nellie M., 186 Rose, 185 Samuel, 164 220 Index Hart, Stella D., 171, 186 Harvey, Alice, 71 Mary, 131 Mercy, 7 Obed, 7 Obed, Jr., 7 Thaddeus F., 71 Harwood, Andrew, 130 Edna, 130 Wm. Stevenson, 130 Haslet, Mary A., 88 Hastings, Hiram, 167 Julia, 167 Hawkins, Hannah H., 151 John R., 151 Margaret, Mrs., 103 Mary Elizabeth, 151 Sarah, 171 William M., 151 Hawley, .\lan Wayne, 198 Chester Cole, 198 Chester W., 113 George T., 198 Geo. Thompson, Dr., 113 Mary C, 90 Mary 'W., 166 May Belle, 113 Stephen, 166 Hayes, Eunice, 7 Jonathan, 7 Hayward, Hannah T., 151 Hazen, Abigail, 15 Adeline, 172 Anna, 61, 163 Annie Augusta, 98 Ansel, 128, 166 Ansel E., 98 Anson, 168 Byron E., 98 Caleb, 15, 28, 40, 167 Charity, 15, 28 Edward, 14 Eleazer, 15 Eliza Ann, 166 Elizabeth, 14 Emily C, 168 Emily L., 172 Fanny, 60 Frances A., 172, 176 Hannah, 168 Henry C, 168, 172, 176 Jerome B., 52 John, 14 Laura, 167 Mentor W., 39, 172 Mercy, 15 Moses, 15, 60, 61 Orson, 172 Hazen, Phebe, 172 Rachel, 39 Richard, 14 Sarah, 15 Thomas, 14, 163 Zillah, 98 Zellah Celeno, 128 Heacock, Mary, 60 Hebert, Hallie Rachel, 83 Joseph Louis, 83, 191 Nathan Cole, I9I Thomas Richardson, I91 Hederick, Frederick, 95 Sarah, 176 Sarah C, 95 Henderson, James, 63 Louisa, 63 Hendricks, Jacob, 133 Mary, 133 Hendrickson, Abram, 50, 179 Anna, 50 Cornelia A., 179 G. W., 179 Mary E., 179 Henion, Hannah, 71 Henry, Eleanor Isabella, 81 Henshaw, Mary Luella, 114 Herr, Henry, 138 John, 138 Norma, 138 Herrick, Roena, no Herring, Marion E., 129 William H., 129 Hersey, Edward Payson, 139 Mary Lillian, 139 Hetchler, John, 134 Rachel Adelia, 134 Hewlet, Mary, 14 Thomas, 14 Hicks, Harry Clark, no Ida Belle, no Jean, no Higgins, Emory, 176 Floyd, 176 H.J., 135 Ida, 135 Laura, 176 Susan, 176 Hilliker, Charles A., g6 Hills, Albert W., 64 Augusta, 64 Catharine, 186 Clarence A., 186 Florence C, 186 Herbert Walker, 64, 186 James A., 186 Pearl May, 186 Hine, Charles, 61 Index 221 Hine, Jeremiah, 61, 185 Zillah, 61 Hinkley, Mercy, 23 Hitchcock, Sarah, 38 Hodge, James, 146 Lavina, 63 Lucy, 175 Mary Elizabeth, 146 Robert, 146 Hodgson, John H., 178 Sarietta, 178 Hoffman, Selema, 147 William J., 147 Holden, Addie May, no Belle, i8g Charles, 189 David, 73, 189 Elizabeth Brown, 82 Frank, 189 George, 73, 189 Harriet Pixley, 73 Jennie, i8g John, l8g Lafayette, no Lydia, 73 Mary, l8g NeUie, i8g Holledge, Rebecca, 96 Holmes, Phebe, 181 Hoop, Mary Lena, 157 Hopkins family, 10 Abraham, 13 Ada Bertha, 194 Adeline, 159 Adilla, 12 Alice Augusta, 172 Alice Louise, 195 Almira, 166 Alvah, 12 Amelia Gordon, 194 Antha Jane, 100, 166 Antoinette, 172 Asenath, 12 Benjamin, 14 Berry, 12 Bethia, 13 Calista, 170 Carrie Moore, 140 Charles 3-> I94 Charles Samuel, gl Chauncey Ambrose, 172 Chloe, 12, 61 Clinton Henry, I94 Constance, 10 Cynthia, 32 Deborah, 11 Don A., 140 Druzilla, 92 Hopkins, Edla May, 194 Edmund, n, 93 Edward, 12 Elah, 45 Elah B., 67, 176 Elam, 177 Eli, 12 Eliza A., 98, 128, 176 Eliza Ann, 166 Elizabeth, 13, 165 Emma, 172 Enos, 32, 39, 98, 100, 163, 166 Erastus, 39, 166, 172 Fannie A., 194 Florence A., 194 Freeman, n, 27, 33, 163 Giles, 10, 22 Goolda Ruth, 98 Hannah, 12, 13, 27 Hannah E., 166 Harriet Eliza, 194 Isaiah, 12 James, 170 Jane, 12, 30, 164 Jane Ann, 177 Jemina, 13 Jeremiah, 13, 32, 165 Jonathan, 10, n, 12, 27, 42 Joseph, II, 12, 13, 30, 41, 42, 44,61, 164 Joshua, n, 22 Julia Fenn, 91 Leonard, 12 Lizzie, 12 Lydia, 1 1 Marion, 106 Mary, n-13, 22 Mary Louisa, 91 Michal, 13 Minnie, 67 Mirah, 13 Noah, 13 Nancy, 12 Naomi, 13, 164 Nathaniel, 13 Rebecca, 12, 41, 166 Reuben, 13, 14, I07 Roswell, 13 Ruth, 166 Sarah, 13, 42 Sarah Jane, 106 Soloman, 12, 13 Stephen, 10, 11, 13, 14 Susan M., 170 Thatcher, n Theda, 39 Theron Cole, 172 Thomas, 12, 13 222 Index Hopkins, Thomas Anson, gi Thomas Judson, 91, 194 Walter D., 195 William A., 166 Wright, 14 Horton, , 169 Adaline Minerva, 54 Agnes Ann, 95 Anna, 183 Arthur, 183 Carrie, 183 Cyrus, 102 Elias, 183 Elijah, 54 Eliza, 102 Emeline, 170 Harriet Rebecca, 73, 91 Ira T., 54, 183 Jesse, 91 Mary, 102 Ramahette, 183 Samuel, 183 Spencer, 183 William, 183 Hotchkiss, Carrie, 168 Houch, Amanda, 67 Andrew, 67 Howe, Mary Eliza, 175 Howes, Adeline, 172 Bailey, 40, 172 Byron, 173 Clara, 173 Felix, 173 Hannah Jane, 109 Jacob Orson, 109 Josephine, 185 Lydia, 185 Mary, 40, 173 Nathan Alva, 62 Oscar, 172 William, 185 William Edgar, 61 Zillah (Hine), 62 Howland, Desire, 16 John, 16 Hoyt, Elizabeth, 106 Ephraim, 57, 184 Frank, 184 Gates, 68 Hannah Ann Elizabeth, 184 Julia Augusta, 68 Margaret, 184 Mary Margaret, 57 Thaddeus, 57 Htzenbuchler, J., 118 Mary Lydia, 118 Hubbard, Abel, 90 Daniel, 17 Hubbard, George W., 89 Maria, 89 Mary, 17, 18 Huff, Aaron, 88, 192 Alida, 192 Bertha May, 145 Catharine, 88 Charles, Ig2 Dorothy May, 145 Elizabeth, 88 John N., 88 Minnie, ig2 Oliver, 145 Oliver David, 145 Phebe, ig2 RoUa J., ig2 Hughson, Almond, 172 Ann, 172 Emma B., 172 Esther, 3g Frances R., 172 George M., 3g Harmon, 172 Harriet, 172 James, 39, 79, 172 Jane, 172 Jesse, 39, 172 Julia, 172 Laura, 39 Le Grand, 172 Mary, 79, 172 Minerva, 107 RusseU, 39 Sarah, 165 Sarah Jane, 39 Hulbert, Esther, 143 Humphrey, Elizabeth, 130 James Burton, 130 Hunt, Lelia Floyd, 127 Thomas Winn, 127 Hunter, Catharine, 186 Hunting, Betsey, 131 Hurd, Aaron, 19 Achilles, 18 Artemus Bodman, 133 Caleb Leete, 16, 18 Daniel, 18 Dolly, 19 Dorothy, 18 Ebenezer, 18 Edith Leonard, 133 Elias, 18, 19 Ethlinda, 19 George W., 133 Laura, 19 Laura Ann, 19 Leete, 18, ig Mary, i6, 18, 44, 74 Index 223 Hurd, Samuel, ig WiUiam, i8, ig Hurlburt, Harriet, 172 William G., 172 Hurley, Minerva, 86 Thomas K., 86 William, 86 Hyatt, Reuben, 168 Sarah, 4g Susan, 168 Ingraham, Ivy, 154 Prentiss, 154 Ismon, Charlotta, 191 Jackson, Anna Mary, 127 Diana, 149 Frances Augusta, 138 Geneveve, 175 John, 127 Oliver Herman, 138 William, 149 Jacobs, , 104 Deborah, 58 Lurana, 104 Jahns, Anneke, 108 January, Jeannette, 127 Jefferson, Benjamin, 50, 179 Clinton, 179 Elizabeth, 50 Lena, 88 Marvin, 179 Sandford, 179 Theodore, 179 Jenells, Alice Amelia, 120 Jenkins, , loi, 102 Margaret, 184 Mary Elizabeth, 102 Sarah, loi Thomas Jefferson, 184 Jessup, Jane, 95 Johnson, Augustus (Gus), 136 Cynthia A., 181 DeUa Mason, 136 Edgar Doyle, 109, I97 Elmer Ezekiel, 155 Franklin Burbank, log, 197 Grace, 154 Isabella, 109 Mary, 168 Nicholas, 181 Ruth W., 197 Samuel Burbank, 109, 197 William Dewey, 136 Jones, Harry T., 151 Ida Lucretia, 151 Jay, 131 Prosser, 131 Jordan, Elizabeth, 17, 18 Thomas, 17 Judd, Delaphine, igi Karl, Jacob, 160 Wilhelmina, 160 Kealer, Mary B., 117 Keiler, Elizabeth, 21 Kelley, Alanson C., 170 Albert, 167 Almira M., 170 Annis, 35 Antoinette, 41, 169 Antoinette KeUey, 68 Austin, 169 Byronette Cole. 174 Charlotte, 52, 59 Chauncey Ragan, 174 Clara N., 32 Ebenezer, 52, 169 Eliza, 35 Elizabeth, 16 Ezra, 35, 169 Fanny C, 169 Frederick Cole, 188 Hannah, 36 Henrietta F., 174 Horton G., 169 Ira, 35, 169 Isaac, 42, 174 Jane, 68, 163 Jesse, 42, 68, 70, 188 John, 35, 40, 68, 169 Joseph, 169 Judah, 164 Levi, 80 Lydia, 174 Margaret, i6g Mary Jane, 169 Mary M., 174 Naomi, 40, 164 Naomi J., 171 Nellie F., 174 Paul Vincent, 188 Phebe lane, 79 Sadie E., 188 Sarah B., 169 Sarah E., 170 Sarah Eleanor, 188 Seth Foster, 188 Sophia, 107 Susan, 52, 70 Theodore F., 68, 188 Vashti Jane, 169 William F., 169 Kellogg, Melinda, 50 Kendall, Alice, 81 Eugene, 81 224 Index Kendall, Eunice Elizabeth, 8i George J., 8i Henry C, 8l Kendrick, Catharine, 125 Justin Smith, 125 Kennedy, Alexander S., 126 Martha, 126 Kent, Elisha, Rev., 12 Josephine, 147 Sarah, 39 William, 147 Kershner, Anna, 156 Ketcham, Hannah, 105 Mary, 173 Keyes, Charles B., 39 Mary, 160 Kimbel, Melissa, 103 Kimmick, Rose, 155 King, Asaph, 51 Barzillai, 7, 30 Cynthia A., 181 Elizabeth, 36 George, 181 Harriet,'-i8iHarvey F., 181 Heman, 7, 30, 36 Louise, 181 Mary Ann, 79 Phebe, 91, 181 Samantha, 36, 92 Samuel, n Sarah Anna, 51 Susan B., 181 Sylvester, 51, 181 Kingsley, Angeline, 168 Kinney, Susan, 87 Kinsman, Ebenezer, 96 Fanny EsteUe, 96 William Ross, 96 Kirkham, Charity, 104 Henrietta F., 174 Peter Z., 174 Kirkup, Maine, 149 Kline, Lena M., 193 Knapp, Cynthia, 166 George, 169 Gilbert, 166 Henry, 70 James Alonzo, 70 Jennie Frances, 149 Mary Elizabeth, 70 Mary Jane, 169 Sarah B., 169 Thomas, 7 William B., 149, 169 Kniffen, "Anor," 69 Knowles, Abram, 150 Cole Clinton, 150 Knowles, Elmira, 150 Elvira Rosanna, 150 Milton, 150 Nathan, 150 Knox, Abby J., 171 Charles, 171 Chloe Ann, 71 Edmond, 71 Emily, 171 Frederick, 37, 171 Frederick H., 171 Hannah, 171 Harriet, 175 John, 171 Martha T., 171 Reuben, 171 Sarah, 37 Zillah, 171 Kohler, Mary E., 95 Kool, Jacob, 3 Koons, Aurelia, 85 Francis L., 85 Jacob, 85 Kraft, Abigail, 129 Labounty, Bertha Bessie, 187 Harriet Eliza, 67 Ira George, 67, 187 Lettie Leonel, 187 La Due, Jerome, 171 Zillah, 171 Laethum, John V., 80 Mary Jane, 80 La Fever, Agnes, 191 Austin, 191 Dana, igi Eldora, igi Elsie, igi Lovett, 86, 191 Mary E., igi Minard, 86 Nettie M., igi Susan, 86 Wilmur, 191 Lance, Sarah, 18 Langley, Rosa, 154 Laverents, Edith Sedina, ig6 Paul, ig6 Larzalese, , 98 Lawrence, Betsey, 164 Charles S., 82 Clinton, I7g Elvira, I7g Emma, 179 EsteUe, 82 Geo., 50, 179 James, 179 John, 8 Index 225 Lawrence, Luzina, 179 Phebe, 179 Zillah, 50 Layman, Laura Amelia, 125 Leavens, Fred, 176 Mary, 176 Lee, Euphemia, 148 John, 148 Leete, Andrew, 17 Caleb, 17 Dorothy, 18 John, 17 Thomas, 17 William, 17 Lemen, Geo., 156 Minnie, 156 Lent, Benson Oakley, 104 Hettie A., 104 Susan Jane, 104 Thos. Stockton, 104 William Benson, 104 Leonard, , 169 Helen, 133 Seth Gregory, 133 Lewis, Ellen, 166 Hannah, 47 Joseph, 47 Louisa, 66 Nellie B., 147 Light, Ellen, 147 Putnam, 147 Likely, Absalom, 58 Lickley, Adelia, 170 Ebenezer, 170 Emeline, 170 Fayette, 170 James B., 17a John, 35, 170 John M., 17a Julia, 170 Lucy, 103 Margaret, 170 Martha A., 170 Mary, 35, 170 Sarah Emeline, 170 William C, 170 Lindaburg, Alvira E., igi Stewart, igl Little, Annie C, 117 "Lo," Jeannette, 80 Lockhart, Christiana, 85 Lockwood, Eldora, igi Hiram, Igl Longwell, Amanda, 67 Eliza, 183 Frank, 183 Hosea, 98 Mary Cynthia, 98 Longwell, Zillah, 143 Longyear, Minnie Adeline, 196 Oscar, 196 Loomer, Maria, 94 Loomis, Harrison, 86 Phebe Ann, 86 William, 86 Lord, Cora A., 193 Losee, Ann Jeanette, 178 James, 178 Lounsbury, Mary, 39 Lozier, Eliza Jane, 177 John G., 177 Ludenton, Henry, Col., 28 Luscott, Elizabeth, 152 Lusk, Sylvester J., Rev., 143 Luther, Elipheanet, 133 Seraphina, 133 Lyon, David, 167 Iva, 167 Lyons, Elizabeth, 83 Hannah, 171 William, 171 McAllister, Eliza, 136 McAuley, Sarah, 157 McCall, Mrs., 63 McCann, Anne Eliza, 141 McCHntock, Andrew, 124 Andrew James, 124 Emma Estelle, 124 Eva Isabel, 124 McClure, Cynthia, 87 Irine, 43 McCoUum, Elizabeth, 140 McCoy, Ann, 167 Morris R., 167 McCrea, John, 128 Rebecca Fagan, 128 Roscoe Lorenzo, 128 McCuUoch, Addie Belle, 136 Mason Wm., 136 Thomas, 136 McGregor, , 29 McHattie, Amelia Gordon, I94 Mclntire, Susan, 183 McKeel, Margaret Lavinia, 147 Reuben, 147 McKinstry, Betsey Amelia, 171 Harriet Amanda, 171 Hannah Maria, 171 Lester Cole, 171 Mary E., 171 Sarah Maria, 38 Stella D., 171, 186 William, 38, 171 William Paul, 171, 186 McLean, Edwin, 190 226 Index McLean, Susan Agnes, igo McMahan, Lucy A., 173 McMillan, Harriet Alice, ig2 Lydia Jane, 174 William, 174 McNeal, Jane Hannah, 142 McNemor, Mary Jane, 145 McOmber, Hannah S., 69 Mabie, Phebe, 29 Mack, Maria, 167 Macomber, Clarissa Amanda, 183 Maidment, Charlotte Louise, 141 William, 141 Mapes, Mary, 86 Marks, Mina C, 193 Willard, lg3 Marsh, May, 65 Marston, Emma Louisa, 140 Samuel Wyatt, 141 Mart, Elizabeth Jane, 125 Martin, Cynthia, 54 Mary, 132 Mase, Idaho, 152 Sylvester, 152 Mason, David B., 180 Edith, 142 Fanny, 65 Hiram, 88 Laura, 88 Mary Jane, 180 WiUiam, 142 Masters, Martha, 85 Silas M., 85 Charies N., 85 Matson, Amanda, 108 Maule, Gertrude, 196 Maxwell, Emily De Russy, 117 John William C, 117 Mayo, Mary, n Mead, Abner, 15 Alice Levisa, 184 Ann, 183 Belle, i8g Carrie, l8g Charles, i8g Charies Wiloby, 184 Chloretta, 184 Edwin, 184 Frank A., 183 George Watson, 184 Henry Axtel, lia Katharine Ann, 58 Lucy Alice, 112 Minnie May, 112 Nathaniel, 184 Robert Carson, 112 Vashti A., 184 Washington W., 184 Mead, Wiloby, 58 Mekeel, Peter, 103 Sarah, 103 Mekeer, • , 103 Melville, Louisa Jane, 112 Merrett, Desire, 163 Elisha, 163 Merrick, Antoinette, 169 David, 79 Elizabeth, 49 George, 169 Hannah, 7g, 163 Isaac, 15 Issacher, 164 John, 163 Mercy, 164 Sarah Ann, 165 Merritt, , 148 Carrie M., 160 Eunice, 27 George W., 160 Hackaliah, 27, 45, 163 Hannah, 163 Joseph, 27 Mary, 45, 163 Nehemiah, 163 Phebe, 100 Mercereau, David Lyman, 124 Eleanor F., 124 Metcalf, Charlotte, 60 Edward, 60 John, 60 Michael, Ada Elvira, 135 Geo. Emmons, 135 Thaddeus Delos, 135 Miles, Harriet E., loi Miller, Edward G., 125 Eliza, 134 Eliza Jane, 147 Elizabeth, 34, 43 Mary, 132 Nancy, Mrs., 91 Pulaski, 91 Rebecca Augustine, 125 Samuel, 40 Millington, Annie Louise, 96 Edwin H., 96 William Fenton, 96 Mills, Esther, 54 Mary Jane, 135 Minor, Harriet L., 99 Mary, 16 Sherman, gg Minto, Rachel, 136 Thomas, 136 Mohr (Moore), Anna Mary, 94 John George, 94 William C, 94 Index 227 Monroe, Adelia Ann, 177 Augustus J., 177 Moore, Priscilla, 103 Moorehouse, Eli, 175 Sarah L., 175 Morgan, Charles H., 157 Elizabeth, 95, 178 Harriet Jane, 157 Morley, Matilda, 159 Morris, Roger, 26 Morse, Agnes Eleanor, 82 Albert Stephen, 82 Edwin, 82 Kendall P., 82 Morton, Esther, 99 Harriet, 139 Mary, 129 Moss, Emma B., 172 Moulton, Miriam, 125 Mourtland, Jane, 89 Mowe, Annie Marie, 71 Mudge, Esther Marie, 88 Sarah, 90 Munsell, Margaret E., 135 Murphy, Emma Louisa, 91 Fred, 91 Lena May, 91 Mary, 72 William R., 91 Murray, Alexander S., 135 Cynthia, 180 Jay NeUis, 116 Jerry, 180 Mary Constance, 1 16 Robert Maynard, 117 William, 135 Myer, Bertha, 114 N. Lemuel, 114 Noah, 114 Myrick, Mary, n Nash, Susan Jane, in Naylor, Clara C, 129 Joseph L., 129 Neil, Glorinda, 153 Nelson, Elizabeth, 165 James, 165 Sarah H., 165 Nesper, Caroline C, 120 Gustav Henry, 120 Newbury, Sarah, 7 Zeruiah, 7 Newell, Isaac D., Rev., 81 Sarah Jane, 81 Newkirk, Ella Victoria, 115 Newman, Ann, 166 Henrietta, 171 James Madison, 171 Newton, Helen, 115 Ivah, 55 Jesse, 115 Lauren, 55 Louisa, 55 Rebecca, in Niblo, Rev. Mr., 11 Nichols, Adah, 37, 165 Chauncey, 56, 171 Cynthia M., 137 Daniel R., 165 Edgar, 171 Edward, 56 Edwin, 171 Elizabeth, 165 Emily, 56 Henrietta, 171 Henry, 32, 37, 165 Henry B., 165 James H., 174 Jessie Fremont, 100 John Francis, 100 Joseph, 100 Joseph Cole, 165 Josiah, 32 Julia, 165 Lewis, 37, 56, 100, 165, 171 Loretta, 165 Lydia, 174 Naomi J., 171 Nathan S., 137 Perry G., 165 Phebe, 165 Ruth, 165 Sarah, 165 Susannah, 32 Viola, 165 Zillah, 100 Nickerson, Mary, 64 Niver, Lemira, 191 William H., 191 Noble, Cerepta, 168 North, Mary, 132 Northrup, Byronette Cole, 174 Esther, 45 Hannah E., 160 Loretta, 100, 165 William D., 174 Norton, Alfred, 168 Cerepta, 168 Charles, 34 Chas. B., 168 Chas. C, 168 Dora, 168 Emily C, 168 Emily L., 172 Hannah S., 173 Havilah, 34 228 Index Norton, Issacher, 34 Jennie, 102 Mary Jane, 168 Nosier, Claude H., 125 Emma Agnes, 125 Lynde Claude, 125 Nunn, Emma Jane, 6g George, 6g Henry, 6g Nurse, Ethel, 146 Harriet, 146 Ida Elmira, 146 Walter, 146 Walter George, 146 O'Connor, Mayme, 174 O'Neill, John, 72 Mary A., 72 Obert, Caroline, 85 Leroy Deven, 85 Margaret, 86 Peter, 85 Odel, Charles, 170 James, 170 John, 170 Martha A., 170 Mary, 170 Susan M., 170 Odell, Betsey, 59 John, 35, 58 Naomi, 35 Sarah, 58 Ogden, , 35 Charles, 43 Joseph, 34 Lydia, 43 Mary, 34 Samuel, 43 Susannah, 33 Olds, Alfred Cleveland, 154 Anna Louise, 154 Grace, 193 Oliver, Elspeth, 64 Olmstead, Ida Elizabeth, 109 Linus, 109 Onderdunk, Hannah M., 96 Organ, Cornelias, 55, 56, 66 Jesse, 66 Mary, 55, 66 Rachel, 66 Orton, Jane, 112 Osborn, Mary, 42 Sarah, 174 Owen, Bertha, no Elizabeth, 109 Fayette, 170 John, 109 Ruth, 56, 57 Owens, Temperance, 130 Paddock, Geo. W., Dr., 68 Paine, Anne, 17 Palmer, Alonzo, no Alonzo Augustus, no Bryant S., 185 Carrie Anna, 140 Josiah C , 125 Lydia, 185 Mary Ellen, 125 Mary Horton, 88 Medora Jane, no Matthew, 88 Philip, 140 Pardeaux, Fannie A., 194 Frank, 194 Paris, Isaac, Col., 85 James, jr., 85 Jane Ann, 85 Otto Marshall, 85 Park, Alexander, 72 Frank Lane, 71 Gertrude Celia, 72 Grace Elizabeth, 71 Jessie Cecil, 72 Lloyd Clayton, 72 Percy Cole, 72 Parks, Jennie, 152 Mary E., 179 Parker, Amanda W., 195 Hervey Nathan, 195 John, 92 Louise Malvina, 154 Lulu, ig5 Mary, 71, 143 Rachel Emily, 92 Susannah, 8 William H., 92, 195 Parshall family, 87 Addie, igi Alvira E., igl Asa, 87 Charlotta, igl Delaphine, Igl Israel, 87, igi Jesse, 88, ig2 Lemira, I9I Lenora, 192 Mattie, 192 Merritt, 191 Milan G., 192 Millis Lincoln, 191 Milton Chatman, 191 Minerva, 87 Prudence, 88 Ranson N., 191 Ursula, 191 Index 229 Patchen, Antha Minerva, 170 George, 50 George Henry, 178 Laura, 178 Minerva Ruth, 50 Uriah R., 50, 178 Patterson, Cecilia Almira, 138 John James, 138 Paxton, Carrie Louisa, 140 James, 140 John William, 140 Pease, Charles, 102 Peck, Alida, 192 Harriet, I92 Katharine, 112 Minnie, ig2 Phebe, 192 Thomas, 192 Peebles, Alice Jane, 125 John Cannon, 125 Pendleton, Aurelia Celestine, 113 Joseph Thomas, 113 Pendley, Augustus, 161 Penn, Edith Lewis, Mrs., 195 Pentreath, Julia, 184 Paters, George, 155 Leota, 155 Pettingill, Hannah Elizabeth, 126 Petty, Nancy, 86 Phelps, Eunice, 149 Philips, Anna Eliza, 66 Albert, 196 Lefferetta A., 123 Mary Frances, 196 Phillipse, Frederick, 26, 41 Pierce, Catharine, 144 Margaret, 107 Pierson, Ann, 149 William, 168 Zillah, 168 Pinckney, Chloe, 40 La Fayette, 182 Sarah E., 182 Place, Georgiana Irine, 107 John Wildy, 107 John J. W., 107 Plate(?), Margaret, 168 Piatt, Abijah, 59 Ebenezer, 59 Mary, 59 William C, 59 William N., 59 Pomeroy, Kate, 117 Poor, Alice Mowe, 71 Emma Jane, 71 Fred Allen, 71 Herbert Knox, 71 Joseph, 71 Pope, James, 96 Mary Elizabeth, 96 Porter, , 168 Angeline, 72 Emma, 92 Harriet, 181 John C, 181 Lewis, 36, 92 Louise, i8i Thurza, 36 Potter, , 60 Lucinda, 140 Powell, Melvina, 114 Pratt, , 103 Elizabeth, 158 Lydia, 16 Mary Etta, 156 Price, Emily, no George, 73, 189 Lois S., 73 Propeo(?), Lewis, 167 Sophia, 167 Prince, Mercy, 9 Thomas, 9, 21 Purcell, Edward Benton, 184 Hannah Ann Elizabeth, 184 Purdy, Betsey A., 102 Jedidah, 165 John, 165 Joshua, 165 Putnam, Mary, 129 Norman, 129 Quick, Angeline, 188 Carrie, 189 Cornelius, 73, 188 Florence, 189 Frank, 189 George, 189 Lydia, 188 Mary Ann, 92, 189 Myron, l8g Peter, g2 Samantha, 73, i8g Radcliff, Elizabeth, 146 Ragan, Eleanor, n Rahn, Florence A., Ig4 Thodore, lg4 Rammer, Oliver P., 157 ¦Viola May, 157 Randall, Emma, 65 Eunice, 163 Frances E., 65 Frankie, 65 Gideon, 107 Hannah Gannett, 107 James, 163 230 Index Randall, Julia, 66 Nathan, 65 Nathaniel L., 65 Rappleye, Lydia Bloomer, 73 Minnie, 73 William, 73 Raredon, Theodosia, 114 Rath, Mary, 189 Sidney, i8g Rathbun, Ada Olive, 88 Edgar Lucius, 88, 193 Fred Arthur, 193 Grace, 193 James W., 89 Laura Eunice, 193 Valentine, 8 Rawson, Amos P., 150 Celia Octavia, 150 Ed., 150 Henry, 150 John, 83 Mae, 83 Olive, 150 Raymond, , 102 Reasoner, Mary A., 124 Rector, Wilhelmina Ann, 138 Redfield, Elizabeth, 59 Reed, Effie Elizabeth, 134 Emily Augusta, 95 Fred C, 134 L. Augustus, 95 William, 134 Reese, Cornelia A., 179 Peter, 179 Ressequie, Mary, 161 Retan, Almeran, 143 Sarah, 143 Reniff, Caroline, 129 Reynolds, Abby J., 171 Betsey, 167 Elihu, 167 Emily, 171 Floyd, 171 Irine, 185 John, 38, 171 Julia, 177 Louise, 171 Mary Elizabeth, III Mills, 185 Naomi, 38 Sarah, 171 Rhodes, Elsie, 149 Marvin, 149 Rice, Alice Edna, 150 Burrage, 160 Freeman, 150 Mary A., 160 Richards, John, 59 Richards, Lurana, 59 Melinda, 114 Sardinia, 114 William, 59 Richardson, Lavina, 86 Richmond, Adeline, 89 Ritchie, Sarah, no Roat, Adah, 89 Betsey, 89 Cora A., 193 David, 80 Frederick, 89, 193 George A., 193 Harry N., 193 Lena M., 193 Lewis F., 193 Milton D., 193 Mina C, 193 Winirfed M., 193 Robbins, Harriet, 136 Lillian F., 129 Roberts, Abigail, 39, 79 Charlotte Caroline, 121 Cyrus, 121 Robinson, Amai, 7 Emma, 173 Homer G., 160 Isaiah, 7 Julia Hill, 160 Rockwell, Phebe, 50 Roe, Ann, 7 Rogers, Anna, 7 Hannah, 60 Jane, 127 Joseph, 23 Mary, 23, 116 Thomas S., 116 Rollins, Cyrus A., 171 Mary E., 171 Romer, Adelia, 170 James, 170 Rotherforth, Carrie, 107 Henry, 107 Rouse, Angeline Mary, in Duane, in Rowland, Anna, 51 Rowlee, Huldah, 15 Matthew, 7 Rudd, Zerush, 14 Rude, Anadella C, in Caleb M., 63 Clarissa Malissa, 63 Ruland, Mary, 72 Rumsey, Florence Adele, 180 Jessie, 192 Rundle, Ezra, no Jane Ann, no Mary, 7 Index 231 Rundel, Joseph, 7 Rupert, Ida T., 180 Russell, Chloe, 148 Eunice, 105, 106 Jane, 167 Levi B., 167 Louise, 105 Morris, 56 Phebe J., 56 Sarah, 95 Rutherford, Adelia, 64 Henry, 17 John, 64, 187 Margaret, 187 Paul, 187 Sarah, 17 Ryer, Ann W., 96 William T., 96 Saliers, Ann Amanda, 67 Cora M., 187 Eari A., 187 Fred A., 187 Henry A., 67, 187 Nettie M., 187 Sands, Antoinette, 145 Isaac G., 145 Savory Family, The, 86 Mary Ann Ball, 86 Ira, 86 Sauer, George H., 175 Sarah Louise, 175 Schigler, Augustus, 98 Mary, 98 Schneider, Cecile Elvira, 197 Emma Celia, 108 J. C, 108, lg7 Katharine M., 197 Leroy F., 197 William, 108 Schoonover, Elizabeth, 138 Schutt, Alfred, 116 Melissa, 116 Schuyler, Sarah Hodge, Mrs,, 86 Scott, Chester, 63, 65 Eliza E., 65 George, 65 Henrietta, 65 Jason Haven, 135 John Ellis, 116 Laura, 135 Lucy, 63 Lyman, 65 Mary, 65, 116 Mary Geraldine, 151 Nathaniel, 65 Sarah, 45 Scranton, Ada Blanche, 137 Scranton, Ward L., 137 Winona Cole, 137 Seaman, George, 173 Lydia Ann, 173 Sears, Eliza, 37 Mary, 37 Sarah, 15 Secord-Secour-Se Cord, 159 Secord, Benjamin, 159 Estelle Jane, 159 Seger, Geo. B. McClellan, Dr., 120 Eugene, 120 Mary Taylor, 120 Selleck, Azubah, 34 Charles, 59, 169, 185 Ebenezer, 185 Elizabeth, 105, 185 Emma D., 185 Esther M., 185 Gould John, 34 Huldah, 147 Joseph, 169 Lorana, 185 Lucretia, 59 Ophelia, 185 Silas, 34, 59, 169 Semple, Jane, 135 Seymour, Hannah, 57 Shaffer, Lois, 112 Sharp, Dominie, 108 Shaw, , 102 Mary, 90 Shears, Elizabeth, 144 Sheldon, Ann, 68 Ebenezer, 68 Emily Preston, 69 Harriet Amanda, 171 Horace P., 171 William, 69 Shepherd, Frances, 121 Shepard, Lucy Ann, 143 Sherborne, Anna, 50 Samuel, 179 William, 50, 179 William O., 179 Sherman, Chloe, 108 Levi, 108 Sherrow, Emily, 171 Owen, 171 Sherwood, Covert S., 158 Francis, 102 Gay, 158 James, 103 James, Capt., 102 Shoots, Elizabeth, 155 Shute, Ann, 17 Robert, 17 Sigerson, Nancy, 64 232 Index Simpson, Celia, 124 Sinclair, Bradley, 65 Samuel, Maj., 65 Virtue Elvira, 65 Slade, Edward, 17 Maria, 17 Sloat, Arvilla, 165 Elizabeth, 40 Edson, 40, 173 James, 40 Lydia Ann, 173 Stanley, 173 Tamar, 94 WiUiam, 165 Sly, Idalia, 155 Robert O'Hara, 155 Smalley (Smale, Smally), Abagail Caleb, 105 Eunice, 105 Freeman, 105 Hannah, 24, 26 Helen Cerena, 182 James K., 182 Joseph, 25 Louise, 105 Lovisa, 55 Priscilla, 25 Sarah A., 167 Zachariah, 55 Smith, , 18, 161 Abel, 15 Alice Emily, 81 Ann Jeanette, 178 Anna, 163 Augustus, 92 Charles G., 27, 35, 163 Charles Irving, 96 Clarinda, 61 Darius, 48 Delicy S., 178 Elisha, 7 Ellen, 81 Elsie, 191 Eunice, 81 Eunice M., 147 Fannie Fern, 131 Freeman, 163 Hannah, 107 Hannah J., 178 Hayward, 178 Hettie Maria, 104 Hiram, 166 Horace, 165 Ida, 178 Ida F., 153 Jesse, 7, 27, 35, 41, 163 Jessie Lena, 96 John, 131 Smith, John H., 96 Joseph, 166 Julia, 170 Lemuel, 104 " Liddey," 7 Lucretia, 109 Lyman, 131 Margaret, 35, 163 Mary, 7, 55 Mary Ann, 92 Mary Fowler, 160 Naomi, 27 Nancy, 178 Nathaniel, 163 Neurissa, 48 Ormond J., 178 Phebe, 166 Phebe Jane, 177 PhiUp, 55 Ruth, 64, 165 Samuel B., 178 Sarah, 41 Sarah Ann, 166 Sarah K., 95 Saxton E.. 178 Susan, 166, 182 William, 48, 177 WUliam EUiot, 81 WiUiam Henry, 81 Sniffen, Charles Samuel, 79 Edna Caroline, 7g Harry, 7g Sarah Louisa, 7g Snow, Dorothy Elizabeth, 141 George Henry, 142 Hannah, 23 Joseph, 23 Ruth, 23 Stephen, 23 Soper, Docia, 142 Southworth, , 189 Constant, 21 Jennie, 189 Mrs., 9 Sowber, , loi Sparrow, Rebecca, 10 Spencer, Laura, 178 Philip, 13 Sprague, Ada Esther, 137 Catharine, 105 Elizabeth, 144 Erama, 144 Freeman, 105, 106 Luman, 167 Pamelia, 145 Rachel Jane, 106 Samuel, 144 Sarah J., 167 Index 233 Sprague, Truman, 137 St. 'Vrain, Minnie, 126 Savimen, 127 Stafford, Myrtie, 149 Stanfield, Ruth Esther, 137 Thomas, 137 Stanley, Lulu, in Steele, William, 57 Stephenson, Ann Eliza, 129 Sterling, Elizabeth, 161 Sterns, Emily A., 158 John W., 157 Laura Jane, 157 Stetson, Mary Cornelia, 138 Stevens, David W., 161 Hannah Lavinia, 139 Howard Robert, 144 Marie Antoinette, 144 Mary Frances, 161 William Henry, 144 Stewart, Henry, 131 Jemima, 7 Mary Almira, 131 Stiles, Almira, g2 Harry Wilson, 83 Lewis C, 83 Nallie C, 83 Rebecca Lane, 83 Susan Jane, 83 Stoddard, David Henry, 134 Elijah, 134 Stone, Mary Kendall, g7 Thankful, 13, 32 Stoutenberg, Ida, Mrs., 196 Stowe, Louise, 46 Stratton, Franc, 65 Street, Mary, 17 Nicholas, 17 Stripling, Jemima, no Strong, Cynthia Lovicia, 120, 121 SuUaway, Bert Cole, 188 Charles Frank, 71, 188 Chloe Maude, 188 Earl Foster, 188 Eari Knox, 188 Ella Ann, 71 Fay Inez, 188 Fred Willard, 188 Peari Hazel, 188 Roy Parker, 188 Ruby Edna, 188 WiUiam, 71 SuUivan, Nancy, 154 Sunderlin, Hannah E., 166 Rachel, 34, 40, 68 Sutphen, Sarali, 88 Sutton, Ann, 161 Swart, John, I7g 18 Sweetland, Abner, 62 Malinda, 62 Swick, Barbara, 73 Symonds, Eliza ShatsweU, 146 Taft, Amos, Dea., 74 Emma F., 74 George Wheaton, 190 Harriet Calista, 73 Howard Bailey, Rev., 73, 190 Miner Cole, igo Tate, Kittie, I5g Samuel, 159 Taylor, Eliza Corson, 117 Mary Jane, ng William, 117, 119 Tenbrook, Andrew, 190 Anna, 190 Ezra, 189 George, 190 Helen, 175 Jane Thursey, 73 John, i8g Lois, igo William, 73, i8g Terrell, Caroline, 166 Terry, Ann EHzabeth, 175 Cecelia Oselton, 175 Elizabeth, 43 Georgia, 175 Ira, 100 Ira Cole, 175 John, 43, 175 John McClure, 175 Marie Antoinette, 100 Mary Eliza, 175 Phebe Ann, 104 Samual, 43 Sarah Louise, 175 Tevis, Fanny C, l6g Thatcher, Adaline, 49 Catharine, 109 John, 49 Lydia, 10 Thomas, Agnes, 188 Anson Lawrence, 69 Clarie Belle, 162 David, 36 Irving, 69 Irwin, 188 Jessie, 188 Leverton, 12 Minerva, 69 Phebe, 36 Recompense, 7, 30 Thompson, Alexander, 90 Bridget, 16 Eliza, 113 234 Index Thompson, Nancy, go Thorn, , 4g Thorne, Ruth Elizabeth, igo Willis A., igo Tichenor, Cora M., 140 Tidd, Anna, 43 Tilley, Elizabeth, 16 Tillott, Josephus, 56, 57 Rachel, 57 Sarah, 56 Timerson, Helen, 175 Tinker, J. F., 123 Mary, 123 Todd, Eliza, 165 John, 165 Tompkins, Amy J., 183 Caroline, 53 Elias Q., 53 Elizabeth, 54 Eva, 182 ¦ Howard, 60 Jane Adeline, 123 John G., Dr., 170 Mary, 60, 170 Nancy, 105 Nathaniel, 58 Phebe Elizabeth, 144 Sarah, 166 Sidney Brooks, 53, 182 WiUis H., 182 Towne, Cecelia O., 175 Hiram, 175 Townley, Benjamin R., 180 Daniel, 180 Marcia, 180 Prudence, 180 Townsend, 61 Adalia, 164 Agnes Maria, 140 Almira, 164 Alvey, 164 Alveyson, 177 Angeline, 168 Annie E., 144 ArdaHa, 48, 177 Arvah C., 140 Betsey, 164 Carlton G., 140 Carrie, 168 Charles, 28, 162, 164 Charles A., ig4 Clark, 170 Coleman, 168 Edward, 90, 194 Eli, 144 Elisha, 28 Elizabeth, 12, 41, 42, 44 Emeline, 177 Townsend, Emily, 100 Ernest E., 194 Ernest Howard, 144 Frank, 168 Frank J., 194 George, 168 Gilbert D., 140 Hannah, 164, 168 Harriet, 177 Henah, 34 Hosea, 34, 168 Ivah, 34 James, 28, 28, 48, 164 Julia, 177 Laura J., 90 Lewis, 177 Lucy, 168 Lydia M., 194 Malissa B., 162 Margaret, 168 Maria D., 151 Mariette, 39 Mary, 168 Mercy, 164 Millie M., 194 Naomi, 164 Neurissa, 48, 164 Phebe Jane, 177 Priscilla, 164 Priscilla Ann, 82 Rachel, 168 Sally, 49 Samuel A., 98 Sarah, 94, 164 Sarah E., 170 Silvanus, 34 Susan, '^168 Susannah, 164 Sylvanus, 168 Thomas, 34, 168 ZUlah, 98, 168 Tracy, Mary, 28 Traver, Lany, 131 Travis, Betsey Ann, 54 Charles B., 103 Deborah, 178 Emma Louise, 103 James Henry, 103 Theresa, 13 Trayer, Lenora, 174 Tripler, Anne Amelia, 129 Frederick R., 129 John, i2g Tunison, , 168 Anna, 43 Annis, 168 Charles, 174 Claudius, 43 Index 235 Tunison, Daniel Cole, 175 Eliza, 174 Elizabeth, 175 Ezra, 175 Harriet, 175 Helen, 175 John, 175 John P., 43 Julia, 43 Lenora, 174 Lucy, 175 Lydia, 108 Lydia Jane, 174 Maria, 168 Philip, 108, 174 Ruth, 174 Sarah, 175 Sarah L., 174 Susan, 175 Thomas, 43, 175 William, 43, 174 Turner, Albert, 105 Charles L., 105 Charlotte, 105 Georgiana, 105 Mary, I4g Tuttle, Almira M., 170 Samuel B., 170 Twining, Ruth, 23 William, 23 Twentymen, Martha, 113 Uhl, Jane, 140 Utter, Margaret, 170 Thomas, 170 Van Blarcom, Maria, log ¦Van Camp, Catharine, 50, 180 Emily, 180 John A., 50, 180 Lenora, Ig2 Marcia, 180 Martin P., 180 Mary Jane, 180 Nancy, 180 Prudence, 180 Walter, 192 William, 50 Van Cott, Emma, 179 "Vanderhoff, Elizabeth, 177 "Van Gorder, Guy, 87 John, 87 Van Horn, Adele M., in C. C, in Roy C, in "Van Loon, Alaida, 139 Van Loom, Delephine, 131 Emma Jane, 158 Van Loom, Hepsibah, 131 Peter, Jr., 139 Samuel, 131 "Van Voorhies, Lucretia, 150 Vany, Harriet, 107 "Veech, Harry, 46 Veith, Frank, 156 Nellie, 156 Von Deleer, Mary, go Vosburgh, Addie J., 131 John, 131 Virgil, Almon K., I7g Antha M., I7g Waddell, Fanny, 43 Wait, , 163 Waldo, Samuel, 8 Walker, Charles C. B., 151 Cornelia A., 117 Dorothy, 154 Elihu F., 117 Etta, lg2 Fidelia Elizabeth, 88 Harriet Alice, ig2 Harriet Ellen, 151 Henson, 88 Jessie, ig2 Laura Phebe, ig2 Lyman Enos, 192 Mary, 166 Mason Erastus, 192 Phebe, 179 Robert Wesley, 88, 192 Thomas, 179 Thomas Webster, 192 Walkin, Charles Hyde, 131 Sarah Almira, 131 Wall, Mary, 115 Wands, Ann, 130 Ward, Alice Almira, 187 Charlotte Eva, 64 Charlotte Cole, 187 Joseph, 64 Walter Rutherford, 187 WiUiam, 64, 187 William Berton, 187 Waring, Hall B., 182 Maria, 141 Susannah, 164 Stephen, 164 Warren, Jane, 165 Mehitable, 40 Washburn, Elizabeth, 38, 45 Jonathan, 45, 163 Margaret, 169 Mary, 36, 163 Wasson, Lucy, 130 David, 130 236 Index Wasson, Walter Franklin, 130 Watkins, Emeline Catharine, 122 Watson, Elkanah, 10 Watts, Martha, 62 Webb, Debra Ann, 41 Webster, Rose, 185 Weeks, Arthur, 104 Edward Crosby, 185 Josephine, 185 Julia Frances, 104 Libbie, 104 Naomi, 164 Robert, 164 Steven V., 104 William Benjamin, 104 Weld, Ivy Louise, in John Newton, in William, in Wesley, Edward, 179 Elvira, 179 Westfall, Eliza, 82 Weston, George, 177 Harriet, 177 Wheat, Adeline, Eleanor, 112 George Charles, 112 Wheeler, John S., 172 Julia, 172 Whelden, Catorne, 10 Gabriel, 10 Whitbeck, Jane, 174 White, Anne (Fuller), 9 Charles Erna, 134 George Hall, 95 Hannah, 50 Harry, 99 Henah, 167 Henry Morgan, 95 Hester Amelia, 95 Isaac, 134 Lydia Caroline, 133 Malon, 167 Maria, 148 Mary A., I4g Minnie Rachel, 134 Peregrine, 9 Sarah, 99 Warren, 149 Whitney, Aurilla C, 92 Emeline, 177 Wickham, Mary E., 191 Wicks, Elizabeth, 87 Wilcox, Charles P., 171 Hannah Maria, 171 Wildman, Frederick Starr, 117 Herbert Augustus, 117 Talbot Cole, 117 Thomas Gregory, 117 Wilkinson, Alice Jane, 71 Williams, Alice, 97 Charles, 187 Cora A., 187 Henry, 175 Isabel, 71 John, 97 Mary, 72 Susan, 175 Williamson, , 55 V/illkon(?), EUzabeth, 7 Willoughby, Alice, 7 Wilson, Asa, 33, 167 Calista Jane, 67 Emma, 172 Fannie, 164 Jane, 131 Jeremiah, 67, 164 Jesse, 67, 164 Margaret (Cole) HaU, 167 Mary, 34 Thomas, 34 Wiltse, Eunice, 89 Sarah, 135 Winans, Lucy, 54 Winslow, Edward, 9 Winters, Alice Bertha, 112 Charles Evans, 112, 197 Evelyn, 197 Katharine, 197 William Schuyler, 112 Withers, Alford, 126 Hannah, 126 Perry Carter, 126 Una, 126 Wixom, Amial T., 36 Ann Thursa, 36 Desire, 16 Eliza, 36 Wixsom, Margaret Ann, 182 Wixson, Pelig, 105 Robert, 105 Shubel, 105 Susan Elizabeth, 105 Wolverton, Mattie, 192 Wolworth, Lucy, 168 Wood, Adelia Ann, 177 Berry Cole, 177 Caroline L., 96 Eliza Jane, 177 Elizabeth, 52, 177 Harriet N., 117 Jedediah, 47, 52 Jeremiah "V., 177 John, no John Weeks, g6 Mary Ann, 177 Nehemiah, 47 Rachel, 45, 164 Index 237 Woods, Rebecca, 47 Ruth Payne, 96 Stephen, 47, 177 Susan, 84 Susan Elizabeth, no Ursula, 38 Woodley, Clark E., 193 Winifred M., 193 Woodin, Henry, 55 Woodworth, Ada Frances, 91 Chester N., 194 Edmund C, 91, 194 Edna, 195 Harvey K., 195 Helen, 160 Herbert, 195 Irwin C, 195 Leon E., 195 Lida May, 195 Mabel, 195 Nestor, 91, 181 Phebe, 181 Woolheizer, Ann Elizabeth, 57 Anthony, 57 Fredrick, 57 Jacob, 57 John, 57 Katharine, 57 Withers, Laura, 126 Wooster, Annie Louisa, 184 Henry, Thomas, 184 Wormley, Mary Elizabeth, 156 Worthington, Mehitabel, 13 William, Rev., 13 Wright, Emily, 178 Frances, 165 Gertrude Catharine, 158 Hannah, 84, 85 Jane, 40 John, 30 Leonard Sloat, 158 Lewis, 40 Mary Emeline, 113 Ruth, 15, 40 Samuel, 178 Sarah Jane, 116 Wyckoff, Eliza Ann, 141 Yeamans, Almira, 166 Leonard, 166 Yeomans, Epenitus, 68 York, Jane, 117 Young, Emma, 89 Youngs, John, 22 Priscilla, 25 Ruth, 22 Zent, Claude Raymond, 72 Grace Zerelda, 72 Isaac Chase, 72 Isaac Weaver, 72 Jessie Edith, 72 Willard Clayton, 72 OM YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 3 9002 04090 0350