"/give tke/e jBoais I /or the. foiauUng of a. College in this Colony" BOUG-HT WITH THE INCOME OF THE . PERKINS FUND 190 J Hon. Samuel Livermore. United States Senator, THE Livermore family OF AMERICA BY WALTER ELIOT THWING MEMBER OF THE NEW ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY AND OF THE OLD NORTHWEST GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY W. B. CLARKE COMPANY BOSTON 1902 COPYRIGHT WALTER ELIOT THWING BOSTON, 1902 INTRODUCTION In presenting this work to interested readers it might be well to inform them that it is the result of nearly twenty years of patient research, under very great obstacles, by one who is himself a direct descendant from John Livermore, the emigrant. As far as it lay in in his power all available means have been utilized to obtain infor mation. All public records within his reach have been searched, including National, State, County, City and Town books, Family Bibles and Genealogies. Many members of the family have helped as far as possible, not only willingly but eagerly, and to them the author would extend his grateful thanks. There are many families of whom it has been impossible to obtain information, and this will account for many omissions in these records. Some may ask why no attempt has been made to carry the family back beyond John, the emigrant. It is because it would require a personal search in En gland, which the author was unable to make, and also because of the incompleteness of their records. Many of the name and descent have a national reputation, among them being Hon. Samuel Livermore, a representative in the first Continental Congress, and representative and senator in the first Congress of the United States, who was also a leader of the New Hampshire bar, in whose footsteps followed his two sons, Edward St. Loe and Arthur, Judge Fidus Livermore, of the Michigan bar, Capt. Daniel Livermore, a soldier of the Revolution, Col. Thomas L. Livermore, a soldier of the Civil war, and Hon. Hannibal Hamlin, Vice-President of the United States, whose mother was a Livermore. 4 Introduction In designating the births in the third and fourth generations especially, it may be well to remember that in the earliest years of its settlement, Watertown extended from the Cambridge line to that of the town of Sudbury. Weston was set o£f from Watertown in 17 12, Waltham in 1737, and Belmont in 1859. In many cases it seems as if the father was born in Watertown, and the son in either Weston or Waltham, but in reality on the same farm, or close to it. There are now in the United States several families not descended from John Livermore, the emigrant, but who have come to this country since 1800. The following towns were named for different members of the family : Livermore, Me. ; Livermore, N. H. ; Livermore, Penn. ; Liv ermore, Ky. ; Livermore, lo. ; Livermore, Cal., and Livermore, Col. With regard to the matter of arranging the order and descent of generations and families, the plan adopted in this work comprises a full list of the children of each head of a family directly under a sketch of his or her life. Where the information concerning these children is small, and their posterity not numerous, the whole record is generally given at once ; where otherwise, the name is designated by a number, and this number carried forward and placed on a sub sequent page in a line by itself, marks the starting point of a new family. The names enclosed in parentheses at the beginning of each new family, and printed in italics, carry the line back to the original ancestor, in genealogical order, as designated by the figures at the right of each name and above the line. These small figures at the right of family names should be carefully noted in tracing out each record. In a few instances the author has received conflicting records from different sources, and has used those which were sent by the person evidently more acquainted with the facts. Where the name of the State in which a town is situated is not given, Massachusetts is to be understood, except where a town in some other State is mentioned more than once in the same para graph, in which case the State is not repeated. THE LIVERMORE FAMILY FIRST GENERATION 1 John' Livermore, the ancestor of nearly all the Livermores in the United States, embarked at Ipswich, England, for New England, the last of April, 1634, then aged 28 years, in the " Francis," John Cutting, master, a large portion of the passen gers settling in Watertown, Mass. In the list of passengers his name was spelt John Lyuermore. He had previously mar ried, in England, Grace Sherman, a daughter of Edmond Sher man* and Grace Makin, who had lived both in Dedham and Colchester, County Essex. Her father came to New England in 1634, and died in New Haven, Ct., about 1641. There is a tradition that he came over without his wife, and that afterwards she came with one or more children about 1637. He was admitted freeman May 6, 1635 ; on the list his name is written Leathermore. It is on a list of very early proprietors of Watertown ; this is not dated, but contains the names of many of those who went to Wethersfield, Ct., and Dedham, Mass., in 1635 and 1636. In 1635 he removed to Wethersfield, with other Watertown people, and in 1638 or '39 he removed to Quinnipiac, now New Haven, being one of the original settlers, where he was June 4, 1639. * Genealogical Notes of New York and New England Families, by S. V. Talcott, page 684, under No. 25. Waters' Gleanings in England. 6 Livermore Family The first notice of him in Connecticut was in 1639, when he, then of New Haven, signed the fundamental agreement of the New Haven Colony. In the first "seating the meeting house" in 1642, seats were assigned to John Livermore and to "sister Livermore." From the rule for assessing in New Haven, it appears that John Livermore had a wife and two children when he went there or soon after, as he was rated for four persons (not including servants) and ;£'ioo estate. His home lot, which has been identified, was on the west side of Fleet street, next but one to the harbor. He was by trade a potter, and was repeatedly a selectman, and held other offices of trust. His autograph may be seen in vol. i : page i, of the Colonial Records of New Haven. He was admitted a member of the Court of Elections (made a freeman of the colony) Oct. 29, 1640, and took the oath of allegiance July i, 1644. He had liberty to cut wood on "the neck" in 1645. On June ri, 1645, it was proposed that another "ordinary" might "be set up towards the waterside " and it was " left with John Livermore to consider it."* About May 25, 1646, he was there and was called corporal. On May 4, 1647, he resigned his position as corporal. His wife was present at a meeting of the General Court held Mar. 10, 1646. On May 16, 1647, Joseph Nash was chosen corporal "in room of John Livermore who expects to go to England." His name does not appear in the records again until January, 1649, after an interval of about twenty months, and it is probable that he was in England. On May 7, 1650, John Livermore ¦ hath sould and passeth to Theophilus Higginson, his house and house lot \ acre and 10 perches; 8 acres J, 15 rods on this side the West River, next the land of Richard Beach; 6^ acres 25 rods, on the other side the West River, next Milford highway, by the meadow side ; 28 acres of the 2d division, betwixt the lands of Edward Banister and Richard Osborn ; 5 acres of meadow in the West Meadow, next meadow of Henry Gibbons ; 3 acres of meadow in Solitary Cove, with the work- * Col. Rec. of New Haven, i ; page 103. First Generation 7 houses with the land belonging to them ; bounded with stump of a tree next the sea, running along the creek to the end of the house — being in breadth so wide as the house is. [Col. Rec, New Haven, ii : page 1 8.] He probably left New Haven about the date of this sale. He was a juror in Watertown in July, 1653. According to a "Map of the Original Allotments of land in Watertown proper, com piled and drawn by Henry Bond, M. D.," John Livermore owned a lot of 2 acres on the easterly side of Fresh Pond, and, at a short distance west of the pond, two other lots, one of 18 acres and one of 13 acres, which he had bought of William Paine. He also owned lot 1 1 of the First Great Dividend, containing 70 acres, which he bought of William Paine and bequeathed it to his son Nathaniel. He also owned lot 1 1 of the Fourth Great Dividend, containing 25 acres, afterwards sold to Miles Nutt ; also one acre of meadow land at Beaverbrook. He was chosen constable, Nov. 6, 1654, and held that office for several years. In 1655 he was fined two shillings because he owned two dis orderly hogs. In 1666 he made a complaint against the town for rating him for his trade, and a committee of the selectmen was appointed to tender him a hearing before any indifferent man or men of his own choosing ; but he refused and would not attend it. He was a selectman of Watertown in 1665, '66, '6'j, '68 and '69, and one of the prudential committee in 1668. He died April 14, 1684, in Watertown, aged 78. His will, proved June 16, 1684, is as follows : — The Last will and Testament of John Livermore of Water- town AGED Seventy Seaven or Eight Years. In t&e name ot <8tii amen I John Livermore being Weak in Body and under the Infirmeties of old age, yet throu the goodnes of god of perfect memory and of a disposing mind doe make and ordain this my Last Will and Testament as Followeth And in the First place I doe commit my pore Immortal Soule to god that gave it and my Body to the Earth from whence it was taken ; to a Decent Buriall at the discretion of my friends and Dear Rela- S Livermore Fam.ily tions ; and as for that small portion of the good things of this Life ; that god hath gratiosly blesed me with; I will and dispose of in manner as foloweth. Item In the first place I doe will that all my just debts be paid with the charges of my Funerall. Item I doe give to my eldest son John Livermore and to the heiers Lawfully begotten of his Body or either of them, the housing Lands and medows thereunto pertaining where the said John now dwelleth, the lands which I purchased of the Town cominly called the Cowper Farm, the said John paying out of it Twenty pounds after my deceas in manner as Followeth : viz ten pounds to my son in law John CooUidge to be Improved by him for his three yongest children by my Daughter deceased. Five pounds to Daniel and fifty shillings to Elizabeth and fifty shillings to Sarah ; and in case eyther of them decease before they come of age to receive it, then there part to be equally devided to the surviving of them : the other ten pounds to be paid to my daughter Martha. Also the said John shall pay to my Beloved Wife and his said mother twenty shillings per annum in money or thirty in other pay while she remains my widdow ; but in case she shall Recover the thirds of this Land then this annual alow- ance to be void and a null. Item I give to my son Samuell besids what I have given him by a deede of gift the which deede the conditions being performed I doe confirm by my will. I doe also give him Five akers of land Lying on the Rocks that I Bought of Goodman Flemman ; and an aker of marsh in Cambridge joyning to his own : and as for those Legasis that my son Samuell by Indenter hath covenanted to pay : I doe will and hearby order that he pay to me son Nathaniel Levermore after my deceas thirty pounds : twenty in money and ten in other pay : And as for the thirteen pounds that is due to me from my Son Sam uell by Bond under his hand : I give three pounds of it to his two daughters Hannah and Grace my grandchildren : thirty shillings to each of them when they com of age : and the other ten pounds I give to himselfe after my wives deceas provided that my wife be not nesesetated to make use of it during her Life and five pound he is to pay to my daughter Martha within a year after his mothers deceas in common pay Item I give to my Son Nathanel and to his heiers Lawfully begot ten of his body fifty akers of land Lying in the 2d devition that I bought of Mr. Pain ; taking it next his own Bilding : and two akers of meadow called patch meadow and after his mothers deceas foure First Generation 9 akers of marsh lying in Cambridge : that I Bought of Goodman Bridge : also foure akers of meadow lying in pigsgusset meadow that I Bought of John Grout of Sudbury allso I give to him twenty pounds in mony and ten pounds in other pay which I have ordered my Son Samuell to pay him after my deceas Item I give to my Beloved and only daughter now living Marth besids what she hath allredy had twenty pounds that is to say ten pounds that is to be paid by my Son John her Brother : and five pounds by my Son Samuell after my wives deceas : and five pounds by my wife my executrix Item Jeams Townson my Son in Law being Indetted to me by bill five pounds sterling in money : I doe give it to his son Jeams, my Grandchild and to be Improved by his father until the said Jeams cometh of age Also my will is that if any of my chilldren shall dye before manage that then they shall have power to will and dispose of what I have given them to eyther of theire Brethren or sisters Also I doe will that if any of my Grand children shall dye before they com of age that then what I have given them shall fall to those that doe survive and I doe acount twenty on years for the sons and eightene for the daughters to be the age spoken of Item Lastly I doe give to Grace Levermore my beloved wife as followeth viz. to her I give my Livery cubbard in the parlor as it stands and all that is in it : and not to be brought or put into the In ventory of my estate : and all that I have given in revertion to any of my children together with the Annuall Rents and privilidges due by Indenter from my Son Samuell and twenty shillings Annualy by my Son John Levermore in mony and five akers of Wood Land Lying on the Roks to find her Wood during her Life time I doe give all to my wife during her nateral Life : that is to say the use and Im provement thearof : but to have no power to Sell or Alianate except for her own Releife and nesesetyes And in case my wife should after my deceas mary again then that security be taken for all such estate as she shall take with her, that it be not Embesled or Impaired but returned again at the death of her husband : and to my children at the death of my wife in case she dyeth first to be disposed of to them as she shall will and dispose of and order at her death : or in case she shall neglect to make a will : then to be disposed of equally amongst all my chilldren that shall at that time survive. Allso I doe constatute and apoint my Deare and Beloved wife Grace Livermore aforesaide : to be sole executrix of this my Last Will and Testament 10 Livermore Family And my Son John Levermore : and my Son in Law John Cool- lidge Trustees in trust, whome I Intreate and Impower by all LawfuU means to see that this my last Will and Testament be performed In Testimony that this is my Last Will and Testament I have affixed my hand and Seal this tenth of January in the Year of our Lord God on thousand Six hundreth and eighty two and in the thirty- fourth yeare of the Reigne of our Soverain Lord King Charls the Second. John Livermore In the presence of us John CooUidge Jun"' William Shattuck INVENTORY. This is an Inventory of the estate of John Livermore Senior : both of houses and Lands and moveables : apprized by us the Subscribers this 2d of May 1684. £ s. d. his wearing cloaths both linin and woollin shoes and boots .......... 010 00 00 In cash .......... 006 00 00 In the lodgeing room : a father bed a fether bolster two fether pillows and a flock bed under the fether bed a green Rugg two lankets curtains and valiants and bed stead alltogether as it stands ..... 010 00 00 a cubbard a small table three chairs and three joyned stools and a chest 001 16 00 five paire of sheets five table cloaths three and twentie napkins six pUIow beers two towells .... 005 00 00 aboute thirtee yards of linin cloath and aboute twelve pound of cotne and linin yame six pound of sheeps wooll six qushons and other lumber .... 005 00 00 ten small pewter platters six poringers thre small drink ing pots ; a silver wine cup 002 00 00 In the fire room : a parcell of books . . . . 001 10 00 three iron pots three iron kitles : a pair of cob irons two trammells a pair of tongs a fire shovell an iron spit two frieing pans a peel an iron skillet three smoothing irons 002 00 00 an old copper as it hangs fower brass kitles a w-arm- ing pan a morter and pestoU a paire of brass scaals an iron beame 004 00 00 two tables fowre chairs two guns a peece of haire cloth erthen ware and other lumber 004 00 00 In the chamber a fether bed a fether bolster a coverled A paire of blankets a paire of sheets curtains and valiants and bedstead all as it stands . . . 005 00 00 First Generation II of upland a flock bed two old coverleds a blanket a small pillow . a meall trough a chest with a little yarne a parcell of cotne wooll a parcell of earthin ware with sum lumber In the oilier a mare a cow a paire of iron fetters the cow pen farme containeing fortee acres and twentee acres of meaddow . of fiftee acres of Devident Land two acres of meaddow in patch meaddow fower acres of meaddow in peeksqusset six acres of salt marsh an acre of meaddow at chestei-s brooke Debts Due to the Estate five acres of upland on the Rocks . a parcell of bees .... 002 00 00 001 OS 00 001 00 00 005 00 00 060 00 00 040 00 00 004 00 00 025 00 00 025 00 00 002 °S 00 053 00 00 005 00 00 002 00 00 John Coollidge Senior Thomas Hastings William Bond Senior T. D. D. G. Before Dan'l Gookin Esq. Cambr. 16. 4. 84. Grace Livermore widow being sworn do say that this is a true Inventory of the estate of her late husband deced. the cubbard & contents bequeathed to her selfe only excepted : & if any more appear she will discover the same. T. D. R. Grace Livermore, his wife, was an obstetrician, and was some times summoned to court as a witness in cases where she had acted professionally. She died Jan. 14, 1690, in Chelmsford, Mass., aged 75 years, according to the headstone at her grave in cemetery, near the gate. Her will, dated Dec. 19, 1690, proved June 16, 1 69 1, mentions her son and daughter, Abraham and Martha Parker of Chelmsford, where she died ; also son John Coolidge ; grandson James Townsend ; her sons John, Nathaniel and Samuel, but not Daniel. Children : 111. Hannah,^ b. 1633, in England. Elizabeth, b. ; mentioned in her father's will but not in her mother's. Sarah,* b. ; m. James, son of WiUiam and Hannah (Penn) Townsend of Charlestown, b. 15-11-1646; she died before her parents leaving one son James,^ bap. 2-5-1671; m. Jan. 22, 1694, Rebecca Moseley. * A dau. of John Livermore, bap. June i, 1645, in New Haven, was prob. Sarah. 12 Livermore Family 4. iv. John, b. about 1638. V. Nathaniel, b. ; d. Feb. 12, 1736, without issue, leaving to his grand-nephew, Samuel (45) Livermore, his real estate now known as Lyman Farm. He received one shilling for killing destructive animals and birds in 1674. 5. vi. Samuel, b. May 11, 1640,* in New Haven. vii. Daniel, bap. Oct. 7, 1643, in New Haven; prob. died without issue; he was living at the date of his father's will, then aged 40 years; not mentioned in his mother's will. viii. Mary,t bap. Sept. 12, 1647, in New Haven. ix. Edmund, b. Mar. 8, 1659, in Watertown; d. there May 24, 1659 ; only child on Watertown birth records. 6. X. Martha, b. . SECOND GENERATION. 2 Hannah^ Livermore {John") was born in 1633 in England; died Dec. 23, 1678, in Watertown; married there Feb. 14, 1655/6,4: John, son of John and Mary Coolidge; he was prob ably born in England ; died about 1691. Children (Coolidge), born in Watertown : 7. i. Hannah,3 b. Feb. 29, 1656/7. n. Mary, b. Sept. 12, 1658 ; d. in a few days. iii. Sarah, twin to Mary ; d. in a few days. iv. John, b. Sept. 22, 1660; d. soon after. V. Jonathan, twin to John ; d. soon after. vi. John, b. Feb. 19, 1662. A soldier in King Philip's war. Res., Sherborn. 8. vii. Grace, b. Feb. 25, 1664. 9. viii. Richard, b. April 13, 1666. ix. Abigail, b. Feb. 5, 1669. X. Elizabeth, b. 1671. * Letter of Josiah (i5i) Livermore. t A dau. of John Livermore d. 1674-10-26, in Watertown. X Bond gives this date in text under Livermore, and Nov. 14, 1655, under Coolidge ; Savage gives it as May 14, 1655. Second Generation 13 xi. Elizabeth, b. Nov. i, 1673. xii. Daniel, b. April 24, 1676; d. 1684. 10. xiii. Sarah, b. 1678. 3 Elizabeth^ Livermore {Jokn^), born possibly in New Haven, Ct. ; died July 6, 1689; married March 29, 1683, Joseph, son of John and Sarah Leonard, born May 20, 1644, in Springfield, and died in 17 16. They lived in Springfield. Children (Leonard) : i. Mercy,3 b. Nov. 6, 1683 ; d. Nov. 13, 1683. ii. Elizur, b. Mar. 15, 1685 ; d. Mar. 30, 1688. iii. Mehetable, b. Sept. 5, 1686 ; d. July 8, 1689. iv. Elizabeth, b. Jan. 14, 1689; m. Jan. 11, 1711, James Phipps or Philips. 4 JoHN^ Livermore {John'), was born about 1638, probably in Wethersfield, Ct. ; he died Feb. 9, 17 19, in Weston, aged 80 years ; he married (i) Hannah , the mother of all his chil dren ; married (2) Elizabeth, daughter of Capt. John and Sarah (Busby) Grout of Sudbury, and widow of Samuel Allen by whom she had had five children ; she was born in Sudbury about 1666, and died May 30, 1732. John was made a freeman April 18, 1690. He lived on the Cowpen farm (mentioned in the inven tory of his father's estate) in that part of Watertown called Watertown Farms, now Weston, and near the Sudbury line. The Cowpen farm was bounded N. by land of Robert Jennison and John Sawin ; W. by that of Robert Jennison ; E. by that of R. Jennison and Nathaniel Greene (son and heir of Rev. Henry Greene) ; S. by that of Capt. Hugh Mason. The twenty acres of meadow belonging to it were near Nonesuch Meadow. He was a tythingman in 1679 ; he was a selectman of Water- town in 1692 and collector of rates in 1692 and 1693 ; assessor in 1695. Oct. 22, 169s, John Grout, Sr., of Sudbury, con veyed to his son-in-law, John Livermore of Watertown Farms, a tract of land situated between Dedham line, Watertown line 14 Livermore Family and Sudbury line, adjoining partly 200 acres granted by the General Court to William Jennison of Watertown, bounded S. by Dedham line ; N. by Sudbury line ; E. by Watertown line ; W. by the 200 acres above mentioned, now (i860) in the pos session of Matthew Rice. Nov. 21, 1712, John Livermore con veyed this tract of land to his four daughters, Hannah Rice, Sarah Fulham, Martha Gleason and Mary Bigelow. He was a soldier in the Mt. Hope campaign in King Phillip's war, for which service he was paid £^2. 08. 06 on Aug. 27, 1675. He was called a lieutenant and also ensign. His will, dated Oct. 20, 1714, proved Feb. 25, 1719. Children, born in Watertown : i. John,3 b. Mar. 21, 1668; d. Oct. 2, 1683, in Water- town. ii. Hannah, b. Sept. 27, 1670; m. Feb. 22, 1689, Ephraim Rice of Sudbury, and had 13 children. iii. Sarah, b. Feb. 18, 1673 ; m. Francis Fulham (FuUam). II. iv. Joseph, b. Jan. 27, 1675. 12 v. Daniel, b. June 8, 1678. vi. James, b. Feb. 13, 1680 ; d. Aug. 20, 1720, in Weston; m. Oct. 5, 1718, Rebecca, dau. of John and EHza- beth (Trowbridge) Myrick of Newton, b. April 20, 1687 ; he was executor and residuary legatee of his father's will. His son, Isaacs LiverTnore, b. Sept. 2, 1719, in Weston; d. Sept. 7, 1719. vii. Martha, b. AprU 11, 1684; m. Isaac Gleason of Sud bury. 13. viii. Mary, twin to Martha. ix. John, b. July 8, 1690. Samuel == Livermore {Johri") was born May 11, 1640, in New Haven, Ct. ; died Dec. 5, 1690, in Watertown, (epitaphs say Jan. 14, 1690) ; married June 4, 1668, in Watertown, Anna (in the Watertown records often written Hannah), daughter of Matthew and Anna (Danforth) Bridge of Cambridge ; she was born about 1646-7; died Aug. 28, 1727, in Watertown, aged 81 years, having married (2) Oliver Wellington. Samuel was Second Generation 15 about ten years old when the family moved to Watertown ; he was by trade a maltster in Watertown, and had a grist mill on Chester Brook, on some land granted to his father by the Ply mouth Company; he was made a freeman May 31, 1671. He was chosen surveyor in 1677, tythingman in 1679, and was a selectman in 1684 and 1690. He received money from the town several times for killing destructive birds and animals. Inventory, Jan. 14, 1691, £,2^)6. Children, born in Watertown : i. Anna,3 b. Mar. 29, 1669. 14. ii. Grace, b. Sept. 28, 1671. 15. iii. Samuel, b. April 27, 1673. 16. iv. Daniel, b. Feb. 3, 1675. 17. V. Thomas, b. Jan. 5, 1676. 18. vi. Jonathan, b. April 19, 1678. vii. Matthew, b. Jan. 12, 1680. viii. John, b. Feb. 24, 1681 ; d. April 18, 1717, in Watertown. 19. ix. Abigail, b. Oct. 9, 1683. x. Nathaniel, b. Dec. 29, 1685 ; he was killed Feb. 26, 17 1 2, in Waltham, by the fall of a tree; m. Jan. xi, 17 II, in Watertown, Sarah, dau. of Daniel and Sarah (Whitney) Harrington, b. Oct. 28, 1693. He left one child, Sarah,'' b. Oct. 22, 171 1, in Watertown; m. June 30, 1732, in Boston, Richard Hobbs. 20. xi. Lydia, b. July 26, 1687. 21. xii. Anna, b. 1690. 6 Martha^ Livermore {John') was probably born in New Haven, Ct., though no record has as yet been found ; died Oct. 26, 1740, in Bradford; married July 15, 1682, in Chelmsford, Abraham, son of Abraham and Rose (Whitlock) Parker, and at her house her mother died. He was born Aug., 1652, in Woburn ; they afterwards moved to Bradford, and he died there Oct. 13, 1732. Children (Parker), born in Chelmsford : i. Daniel,3 b. July 15, 1683 ; d. Feb. 11, 1740. ii. Mary, b. July 3, 1687 ; m. her cousin, James Parker; he was kiUed July 27, 1694, in Groton, by the Indians. 1 6 Livermore Family iii. Lydia, b. July ii, 1691 ; S^ Deb. 8, 1715, in Bradford. iv. Grace, b. May 27, 1693; d. Oct. 16, 1755; m. June 3, 1 7 14, Abel, son of Benjamin and Susannah (Merrill) Morse, b. Oct. 5, 1692. They moved to Chester, N. H., and had ten chUdren. V. Samuel, b. AprU 3, 1700; d. young. THIRD GENERATION. 7 Hannah' Coolidge {Hannah,^ John') was born Feb. 29, 1656/7, in Watertown; died there in 1698; married Aug. 6, 1679, m Watertown, John, son of William and Sarah (Biscoe) Bond, born Dec, 1652; died Mar. i, 1691, in Watertown. Children (Bond), born in Watertown : i. John,'* b. April 12, 1680. ii. William, b. Nov. 11, 1681 ; d. April 12, 1691, in Water- town. iii. Hannah, b. July i, 1683; d. Mar. 14, 1690, in Water- town. iv. Elizabeth, b. Mar. 20, 1685 ; d. in 1736. V. Abigail, b. Nov. 6, 1686 ; d. AprU 8, 1691, in Water- town. vi. Sarah, b. Aug. 25, 1688; d. May 11, 1754. vii. Daniel, b. June 21, 1690. 8 Grace' Coolidge (Hannah,^ John') was born Feb. 25, 1664, in Watertown; died there April 11, 1699; married Jan. 29, 1689, in Watertown, Col. Jonas, son of William and Sarah (Biscoe) Bond, born July 13, 1664; died April 21, 1727, in Watertown. Children (Bond), born in Watertown : i. Sarah,t b. May 30, 1690; d. June 10, 1777. ii. Jonas, b. Dec. 10, 1691 ; d. Sept. 1768. iii. Henry, b. about 1694; d. about 1745. iv. Josiah, b. Jan. 20, 1696. Third Generation 17 9 Richard' Coolidge {Hannah,^ John') was born April 13, 1666, in Watertown; died there Oct. 25, 1732; married (i) June 21, 1693, in Watertown, Mary, daughter of William and Sarah (Woodward) Bond; married (2) in 1701, Susanna , who died Oct. 20, 1736, aged 6'j. Children (Coolidge), born in Watertown : i. William,-* b. Mar., 1694; died AprU, 1695. ii. John, b. Oct. 22, 1697. iii. Richard, bap. AprU 30, 1699; d. Aug. 13, 1755, in New ton. iv. Nathaniel, b. Mar., 1702; d. 1766. v. Samuel, b. Aug. 16, 1703. vi. Jonas, b. Oct., 1704. vii. Daniel, b. Dec, 1707; d. 1708. viii. Thaddeus, b. Oct. 6, 1710; d. Aug. 3, 1744. ix. Elizabeth, b. July 20, 1712. 10 Sarah' Coolidge {Hannah,^ John') was born in 1678 ; died Nov. 27, 1723; married Oct. 14, 1696, in Watertown, Deacon Nathan, son of Nathan and Elizabeth Fiske, born Jan. 3, 1673 ; died in 1741. Children (Fiske), bom in Watertown : i. Sarah,-* bap. Dec. 4, 1698; d. 1721. ii. Nathan, b. Feb. 25, 1702. iii. Josiah, b. Oct. 10, 1704. iv. Henry, b. Jan. 24, 1707. V. Daniel, b. Aug. 19, 1709. vi. Samuel, b. Feb. 16, 17 12. vii. Grace, b. May 9, 17 14. viii. Hannah, b. May 19, 17 19. 11 Joseph' Livermore {John,^ John') was born Jan. 27, 1675, in Watertown; died there Nov. 20, 1770; married Elizabeth, daughter of Deacon Daniel and Mary (Ward) Stone of Fram- ingham, born Nov. 9, 1678, in Framingham; died Nov. 5, 1764, 1 8 Livermore Family in Weston. He was a representative to the General Court from Weston in 1738, '39, '40, '42, '43, '48 and '49. Children, born in Weston : 22. i. Josiah,-* b. Dec. 23, 1699. 23. ii. Joseph, b. Mar. 26, 1702. in. EHzabeth, b. July 9, 1706; m. Dec, 1730, Moses, son of Jonathan and Anna BuUard of Weston, b. May 27, 1706. 24. iv. John, b. April 2, 1709. 25. V. Nathaniel, b. Mar. 25, 17 12. 12 Daniel' Livermore {John,^ John') was born June 8, 1678, in Watertown; died March 16, 1727, in Weston; married Mehitable, daughter of Nathaniel and Mehitable (Hagar) Nor- cross, born Feb. 4, 1691, in Watertown. He was an ensign in the militia ; was one of the original proprietors of the town of Leicester, as in 17 19 he received four hundred acres of land in the " Country Gore," laid out to him on a special grant, on which he buUt a house. This was Lot No. 29, lying at the foot of Livermore Hill, in the south part of the town, on both sides of the road. In 1721 he was a fence viewer in Leicester. Children, born in Weston : 26. i. Daniel,-* b. Jan. 16, 1708. u. Joseph, twin to Daniel; m. May 14, 1747, in East Sud bury, Hepzibah Fisk. 27. iii. Jonas, b. May 13, 17 10. iv. Mehitable, b. Mar. 15, 1713; m. in Weston, May 14, 1730, Eliakim Rice of Sudbury. V. Isaac, bap. Nov. 13, 1715 ; d. in infancy. vi. Sarah, b. Mar. 7, 1717; m. Ephraim Maynard of Marl boro. 28. vu. Isaac, b. May 11, 1720. viii. Hannah, b. April 16, 1723. ix. Abraham, b. Nov. 9, 1724; d. Sept. 3, 1742. X. Nathan, b. Mar. 22, 1727; m. July 19, 1755, in East Sudbury, Lucy, dau. of Thomas and Mary (Stone) Bent, b. Jan. 13, 1736, in Sudbury. They moved to Chesterfield. Third Generation 19 13 Mary' Livermore {John,'' John') was born April 1 1, 1684, in Watertown; died Aug. 14, 1753, in Waltham; married July 12, 1705, in Watertown, Thomas, son of Samuel and Mary (Flagg) Bigelow of Marlboro, born Oct. 24, 1683, in Watertown; died Oct. 6, 1756, in Waltham. They moved to Marlboro, and about 1720 to Waltham. ChUdren (Bigelow), except youngest, born in Marlboro : 29. i. Thomas,-* b. April 26, 1706. ii. Mary, b. Sept. 2, 1707 ; m. Oct. 15, 1730, Josiah, son of Josiah and Rachel (Davis) Goddard of Newton, b. July 12, 1 70 1. No children. 30. iii. Grace, b. Feb. 7, 1709. iv. Uriah, b. July 15, 1711; kUled Oct. 6, 1734, in Marl boro, unm. 31. v. Abraham, b. Mar. 5, 1713. vi. Isaac, b. Sept. i, 1716; d. Sept. 16, 1736, unm. 32. vii. Jacob, b. Sept. 1, 1717. viii. Sarah, b. May 15, 1720; m. Elisha, son of Thomas and Mary (Bright) Livermore. 33. ix. Josiah, b. July 30, 1730, in Waltham. 14 Grace' Livermore {Samuel,^ John') was born Sept. 28, 167 1, in Waterto-wn ; died Nov. 4, 1703; married Oct. 6, 1691, in Watertown, Samuel, son of Robert and Susanna (George) Har rington, born Dec. 18, 1666, in Watertown. Children (Harrington) : i. Anna,-* b. in 1692 ; d. Nov. 15, 1711. ii. Grace, b. Aug. 26, 1694. iii. Elizabeth, b. Mar. 6, 1696. iv. AbigaU, b. July 24, 1698 ; d. Nov. 5, 1728. V. Prudence, b. July 24, 1701. 15 Samuel' Livermore {Samuel,^ John'). vi^s, born April 27, 1673, in Watertown; died there May 22, 17 19; married (i) Hannah , who died in Watertown, Nov. 12, 1698, aged 19 ; 20 Livermore Family married (2) Elizabeth , who died in Watertown, March 3, 1716, aged 37; married (3) April 29, 1718, in Watertown, Sarah, widow of Nathaniel Stearns and daughter of John and Elizabeth Nevinson, born July 22, 1672 ; died in 1741. He was a heutenant of mUitia, and a maltster by trade. Children, born in Watertown : i. Samuel,-* b. Dec. 17, 1697 ; d. there Feb. 3, 1698. ii. Samuel, b. Oct. 30, 1700; d. there Jan. 7, 1701. in. Nathaniel, b. Jan. 7, 1702 ; d. there Sept. 30, 1712. 34. iv. Matthew, b. Jan. 14, 1703. V. Josiah, b. AprU 8, 1705 ; living in 1729. 35. vi. Edmund, b. Dec. 16, 1707. vu. Elizabeth, b. June 6, 17 10. viii. Hannah, b. Oct, 30, 17 13. 16 Daniel' Livermore {Samuel,^ John') was born Feb. 3, 1675, in Watertown ; died there Nov. 16, 1720; married (i) May 28, 1697, in Watertown, Mary, the only child of John and Mary (Wellington-Maddock) Coolidge, born June 27, 1680; died in child-bed Dec. 10, 1702, in Watertown; he married (2) Mary , died Oct. 7, 1745, in Watertown, aged 66, having mar ried as her second husband John Goodenow of Sudbury. Daniel was a potter by trade. Children, born in Watertown : 36. i. Oliver,-* b. Mar. 11, 1698. ii. Mary, b. Jan. 26, 1700. 37. iii. Mary, b. Dec. 6, 1702. 38. iv. Anna, b. Jan. 18, 1704. V. Daniel, b. Mar. 18, 1705; d. there Sept. 3, 1713. vi. Jonas, who was in his isth year in 1724. vii. Mercy, b. — ; d. Mar. i, 1789, aged 77. 39. viii. David, b. Mar. i, 17 15. ix. Susanna, b. about 1716; m. Jan. 21, 1740, in Water- town, Joseph, son of Joseph and Mary (Williams) Hyde of Newton, b. Nov. 16, 17 14. X. Prudence, b. June 30, 1718; d. there Aug. 12, 1718. Third Ge?teration 21 17 Thomas' Livermore {Samuel,^ John') was born June 5, 1676, in Watertown ; died May 8, 1761 ; married Dec. 14, 1704, in Watertown, Mary, daughter of Nathaniel and Mary (Coolidge) Bright, born Oct. 7, 1682; died Sept. 29, 1765, in Waltham. He lived in the West Precinct (Waltham) with the exception of a few years in Cambridge, and was a yeoman ; his signature is on page 56 of Nelson's History of Waltham. Deacon Jonathan Sanderson, Deacon Thomas Livermore and Deacon Joseph Mixer gave the name of Piety Corner to a portion of Worcester Ave., Waltham. They were members of Rev. Mr. Angler's church. He held the office of deacon from Oct. 3, 1718, until his death, and for a long time had an important share of the municipal business of the West Precinct and of the town. He was a selectman of Watertown in 1719, '20, '22 to '26, '28, '32 and '33. He was moderator of the first preliminary town meet ing in Waltham, held Jan. 18, 1738, when he was chosen one of the selectmen. At the first regular town meeting in Wal tham, held March 26, 1738, he was also moderator and one of the assessors. Children, all except ii and iii, born in Watertown : i. Benjamin,-* b. Nov. 4, 1705 ; d. there Jan. 26, 1724. ii. Ebenezer, b. May 18, 1708, in Cambridge; d. Jan. 2, 1724, in Watertown. 40. iii. Tabitha, b. Oct. 11, 17 11, in Cambridge. 41. iv. Nathaniel, b. April 13, 1713. V. Abijah, b. May 21, 1715 ; d. there Jan. 14, 1724. 42. vi. Elisha, b. Jan. 9, 1720. 43. vii. Huldah, b. Aug. 7, 1722. viii. Benjamin, b. Nov. 3, 1726 ; d. there Jan. 4, 1748, unm. 18 Jonathan' Livermore {Samuel,^ John') was born April 19, 1678, in Watertown; died there Nov. 8, 1705; married Nov. 23, 1699, in Watertown, Rebecca Barns; she died there a widow, Dec. 9, 1765, aged 85 years. He was a tanner in Watertown. 22 Livermore Family Children, born in Watertown : 44. i. Jonathan,-* b. Aug. 16, 1700. 45. ii. Samuel, b. Mar. 14, 1702. 46. in. Rebecca, b. Dec. 8, 1703. iv. Grace, b. Mar. 15, 1706 ; m. Hastings and settled in Worcester. 19 Abigail' Livermore {Samuel,'' John') \ias born Oct. 9, 1683, in Watertown; died Oct. 31, 1743; married June 2, 1708, in Watertown, John, son of John and Mary (Brown) Warren, born March 15, 1685; died March 25, 1745. Children (Warren), born in Watertown : i. Mary,-* bap. 17 10; m. Joseph, son of Joseph and Eliza beth (Stone) Livermore. ii. Ann, b. Feb. 3, 17 12. iii. John, b. Mar. 2, 17 13. iv. Josiah, bap. Feb. 17, 1715. V. Isaac, b. Jan. i, 17 17. vi. Elisha, bap. April 13, 17 18. vii. Ebenezer, b. June 23, 17 19. viii. Abigail, b. Sept. 5, 1720. ix. Abijah, b. Nov. 17, 1721. X. Prudence, b. Aug. 22, 1724. xi. Beulah, b. Aug. 23, 1726. xii. Lydia, b. Aug. 7, 1728. 20 Lydia' Livermore {Samuel,'^ John') was born July 26, 1687, in Watertown ; married Joshua Eaton. They moved to Wor cester, but she was a member of Weston Church in 17 18. Children (Eaton), born in Watertown : i. Lydia,-* b. Mar. 9, 17 11. ii. Rebecca, bap. Feb. 8, 17 13. in. Joshua, b. Dec. 15, 17 14. The first lawyer who settled in Worcester. iv. Samuel, bap. Dec 16, 1716; d. Mar. 30, 1720. Fourth Generation 23 21 Anna' Livermore {Samuel,^ John') was born in 1690, in Watertown; married (i) April 2, 17 13, in Watertown, John, son of John and Mary (Harrington) Bemis, born there Oct. 2, 1686 ; she married (2) Dec. 5, 1759, Jonas, son of Jonathan and Jane (Peabody) Smith, born Jan. 7, 1693 ; died in 1765. ChUdren (Bemis) : i. Anna,-* b. AprU 29, 1714; d. Jan. 9, 1793, in Waltham, a widow; m. (i) Feb. 26, 1735, Samuel Fiske, d. Mar. 29, 176 1 ; m. (2) Hopestill Bent of East Sudbury. ii. Josiah, b. Feb. 29, 17 16. iii. Abraham, b. Dec. 27, 17 17. iv. Grace, b. Nov. 5, 17 19 ; m. April 30, 1741, Joshua Child, her cousin. v. Lydia, b. April 5, 1721 ; m. May 9, 1746, Jonas Dix. vi. Abijah, b. Mar. 16, 1723; m. Jan. 29, 1751, Dinah Hagar of Weston ; settled in Paxton. vii. Elisha, b. Mar. 20, 1726; m. Feb. 15, 1749, Lucy Elton of Lexington. viu. Elizabeth, b. Mar. 23, 1728. ix. Nathaniel, b. May 6, 1730. x. Susanna, b. AprU 3, 1732 ; m. Nov. 15, 1753, Elisha Garfield. xi. Phinehas, b. Mar. 24, 1734. FOURTH GENERATION. 22 Josiah-* Livermore {Joseph,^ John,^ John') was born Dec. 23, 1699, in Weston ; died there March 19, 1761 ; married March 27, 1723, in Weston, Thankful, daughter of Benjamin and Abigail (Bigelow) Harrington, born Sept. 29, 1701, in Watertown; died in Weston, Nov. 6, 1759. He was called lieutenant, and was tovim clerk, and held other municipal offices. Children, born in Weston : 47. i. James,s b. July 25, 1724. 48. U. Josiah, b. Aug. i, 1725. 49. iii. Jason, b. Dec. i, 1726. 50. iv. Moses, b. July 14, 1729. 24 Livermore Family 51, v. Elizabeth, b. Sept. 4, 1733. vi. Lois, b. April 22, 1736. 52. vii. Abijah, b. Dec. 12, 1737. 53. viii. Joseph, b. July 11, 1740. 23 Joseph-* Livermore {Joseph,^ John,'' John') was born March 26, 1702, in Weston; died Aug. i, 1788; married March 10, 173 1, in Weston, Mary, daughter of John and AbigaU (Liver more) Warren, baptized in 17 10; died April 26, 1746, in East Sudbury. They settled in Sudbury and Framingham. Children, born in Sudbury : i. Lydia,5 b. Dec. 31, 1731 ; m. Nov. 2, 1752, in Sudbury, Samuel Garfield of Waltham. 54. U. Samuel, b. Aug. 22, 1733; a document in Brimfield says, "born May 17, 1733, and died Feb. 12, 1819, aged 86, only son." ni. Mary, b. May 26, 1737 ; d. there Oct. 17, 1743. iv. Eunice, b. Jan. 24, 1740 ; d. there Oct. 15, 1743. V. Anna, b. Aug. 14, 1742 ; d. there Oct. 10, 1743. vi. Abigail, b. Sept. 10, 1744. 24 John-* Livermore {Joseph,^ John,^ John') was born April 2, 1709, in Weston; married June 23, 1731, in Framingham, Abigail Stone, born there April 3, 1712. After his death she married Samuel Gleason. John lived at first in Weston, but afterwards removed to Framingham. Children, the oldest born in Weston, the others in Fram ingham : i. AbigailjS b. Dec. 8, 173 1. ii. Mary, b. Oct. 21, 1733. 55. iii. Elizabeth, b. Jan. 7, 1735. iv. John, b. Nov. 7, 1738. He is thought to have been the John Livermore who settled in Paxton. v. Susanna, b. May 3, 1743 ; m. Lieut. Nathan Smith of Framingham. 56. vi. Mary, b. July 23, 1745. vii. Submit, b. Mar. 19, 1748. Fourth Generation 25 25 Nathaniel-* Livermore {Joseph,^ John," John') was born March 25, 1712, in Weston; died there Aug. 11, 1760; married July I, 1736, in Weston, Martha, daughter of Nathaniel and Lydia Allen; born Feb. 22, 1717, in Weston; died there Sept. 23. 1758. He was called captain. Children, born in Weston : i. Elisha,s b. Dec. 5, 1737 ; d. there Aug. 13, 1742. ii. Nathaniel, b. June 19, 1739; d. in 1766; m. Dec. 9, 1762, in Weston, Annie, dau. of Daniel and Mary (Southgate) Livermore, b. there Oct. 25, 1744. Their only child, Betse^ Livermore, b. Feb. 24, 1765. iii. Martha, b. May 2, 1741; m. Jan. 27, 1766, in Weston, James, son of Daniel and Naomy Hubbard of Pitts- field, Mass., b. in 1744; they had a dau. Mehitahel.^ iv. Lucy, b. July 11, 1743. V. Elizabeth, b. in 1753 ; d. young. 26 Daniel-* Livermore {Daniel,^ John," John') was born Jan. 16, 1708, in Weston; married in 1732, Mary, daughter of Richard and Elizabeth (Steward) Southgate, born in England in 1 71 2. He was one of eight signers of a request dated Nov. 19, 1746, or thereabouts, to Edm^- Trowbridge, Esq., one of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the County of Middlesex, to issue " a Warrant for Calling the first precinct meeting in the first precinct in Weston ; to choose Precinct Officers as the Law Directs." He was one of the constables of Weston for several years untU 1755. ChUdren, born in Weston : 57. i. Daniel,' b. Nov. 24, 1734. ii. Mary, b. Nov. 13, 1737; m. May 28, 1755, in Sudbury, Ebenezer King of Sudbury. iu. Haynes, b. Feb. 23, 1740; d. there Sept. 9, 1742. iv. Sarah, b. Sept. 13, 1742 ; m. Oct. 26, 1769, in Weston, Abijah, son of Jonas and Elizabeth (Bond) Harring ton, b. there Dec. i, 1743; d. May 27, 1821, in Princeton. 26 Livermore Family V. Anne, b. Oct. 25, 1744; m. Nathaniel, son of Nathaniel and Martha (Allen) Livermore. 58. vi. Abraham, b. Aug. \T), 1749. 27 Jonas-* Livermore {Daniel,^ John," John') was born May 13, 1710, in Weston; married Nov. 28, 1735, in East Sud bury, Elizabeth Rice of Sudbury, died March 29, 1799, in Leicester. They moved from Weston to Leicester, where he settled, near Livermore Hill, on the east side of the road. His will, dated April 2, 1773, mentions wife Elizabeth and the children named below. He served as hog reeve two years, juryman one year, surveyor of highway one year, and as con stable one year. Children, born in Leicester : 59. i. Jonas,5 b. Feb. 28, 1736. ii. Micah, b. May 2, 1738; d. Nov. 28, 1813, in Leicester, unm. He bought land in Oxford, April 3, 1766, and sold it to Elisha Livermore, April i, 1773. He marched from Leicester to Cambridge in Capt. Thos. Newhall's company, as a private, on tlie alarm, AprU i9> 1775; he was a private in Capt. Loring Lincoln's company of Leicester, which marched on an alarm at Bennington in 1777, under command of Lieut. Col. Flagg ; time of service, 5 days ; received his pay about Nov. 1, 1785 ; he was chosen constable in Leices ter in 1778, and a surveyor in 1779. iii. Mary, b. Mar. 4, 1743; m. Jan. 3, 1766, in Leicester, Thomas Scott. 60. iv. David, b. June 10, 1745. 61. V. Elizabeth, twin to David. 62. vi. Elisha, b. May 20, 1751. vii. Beulah, b. Mar. 19, 1753; m. May 26, 1784, in Leices ter, Levi Dunton of Southboro. 63. viii. Lydia, b. June 5, 1755. 28 Isaac" Livermore {Daniel,^ John," John') was born May 11, 1720, in Weston; married Feb. 17, 1746, in East Sudbury, Dorothy Walker of Sudbury, and moved to Leicester, where he Fourth Generation 27 had a house opposite that of his brother Jonas, at the foot of Livermore Hill. He served as hog reeve, surveyor of highway, constable and as warden at town meeting. Children, born in Leicester : 64. i. Isaac,5 b. Dec. 20, 1746. U. Abner, b. AprU 15, 1749; was taxed in Oxford, Mass., in 1 77 1. He was a private in Capt. Washburn's company. Col. Ward's regiment, together with his brother Isaac ; he reenlisted May 10, 1773, and served in the battle of Bunker Hill and afterwards, 2 months, 26 days, in aU. He enlisted again, Sept. 27, 1777, as a private in Capt. David Prouty's company, of Col. Samuel Denny's regiment, and served until dis charged Oct. 18, 1777, eight days' travel included; he enlisted Aug. 13, 1779 (residence Leominster) in Capt. Wilder's company, Col. Rand's regiment, " 5 ft. 6 in. in height ; complexion light. Term of enlist ment, 9 months." Ui. Dorothy, b. Oct. 16, 1751 ; m. May 23, 1780, in Leicester, George Rogers. iv. Abraham, b. Mar. 22, 1753. 65. v. Elijah, b. June 10, 1755. vi. Lucy, b. Aug. 19, 1758. 29 Thomas-* Bigelow {Mary,^ John" John') was born April 26, 1706, in Marlboro ; married (i) Elizabeth, daughter of John and Elizabeth (Gale) Nurse, born Nov. 26, 1708, in Framingham ; died Jan. i, 1770, in Marlboro; married (2) Oct. i, 1770, Bethiah, daughter of Gideon and Hannah (Lawrence) Newton, born Aug. 2, 1745, in Southboro. [See Bigelow Genealogy.] Children (Bigelow), born in Marlboro : i. Elizabeth,' b. May 14, 1731 ; d. June 28, 1731. ii. Mehitable, b. Aug. 15, 1733. iii. Betsey, b. Nov. 23, 1735 ; d. there Sept. 3, 1801. iv. Mary, b. Mar. 21, 1739. V. Sarah, b. Nov. 12, 1741. vi. Thomas, b. Dec. 6, 1743; d. Sept. 11, 1748. vU. Uriah, b. Mar. 4, 1746 ; d. Aug. 8, 1748. viii. Thankful, b. Jan. 17, 1749 ; d. Nov. 3, 1775. 28 Livermore Family 30 Grace" Bigelow {Mary,^ John," John') was born Feb. 7, 1709, in Marlboro; married Jan. i, 1730, Joseph, son of William and Sarah (Benjamin) Hagar, of Waltham, born Jan. i, 1702, in Watertown. [See Bigelow Genealogy.] Children (Hagar), born in Waltham : i. Joseph,' b. Dec. 31, 1736. ii. Uriah, b. Jan. i, 1739. iii. William, b. Oct. 25, 1741. iv. Isaac, b. Sept. 6, 1742. V. Grace, b. May 7, 1744. vi. Lydia, b. Nov. 6, 1746. vii. Benjamin, b. Jan. 26, 1750. viii. Jonathan, b. Aug. 31, 1751. 31 Abraham-* Bigelow {Mary,^ John," John') was born March 5, 1713, in Marlboro; died about 1774; married (i) Jan. 2, 1736, AbigaU Bullard, died May 23, 175 1, in Weston; mar ried (2) Oct. 24, 175 1, Anna Fiske. [See Bigelow Genealogy.] ChUdren (Bigelow), born in Weston : i. Isaac,' b. Nov. 30, 1736; d. Jan. i, 1749. ii. Joseph, b. Sept. 30, 1738; d. Dec. 25, 1748. in. Abigail, b. Oct. i, 1740; d. Jan. 7, 1749. iv. Abraham, b. Feb. 26, 1743 ; d. July 20, 1753. v. Jesse, b. Mar. 17, 1745 ; d. July 8, 1745. vi. Jesse, b. June 30, 1747; d. Jan. 12, 1749. vii. Isaac, b. May 2, 1750; d. April 18, 1777. viii. AbigaU, b. Aug. 10, 1752 ; d. Nov. 2, 1786. ix. Anna, b. Nov. 4, 1754. X. Abraham, b. June 13, 1758 ; d. young. xi. Amos, b. Sept. 30, 1760; d. about 1795. xii. Abraham, b. Sept. 18, 1762 ; d. July 6, 1832. xiii. John, b. April 14, 1765. xiv. Samuel, b. Sept. 4, 1773 ; d. Oct., 18 17. 32 Jacob" Bigelow {Mary,^ Jokti,'' John') was born Sept. i, 17 17, in Marlboro; married Dec. 14, 1738, Susanna, daughter Fourth Generation 29 of David and Hannah (Smith) Mead, born Aug. i, 17 19, in Lexington. [See Bigelow Genealogy.] Children (Bigelow), born in Waltham : i. Mary,' b. Dec. 9, 1739. ii. Jacob, b. Feb. 19, 1743; d. Sept. 12, 1816. in. Susanna, b. Feb. 2, 1745 ; d. May i, 1807. iv. Hannah, b. May 27, 1747 ; d. Sept. 22, 1756. V. Lydia, b. June 28, 1749; d. Jan. 22, 1756. vi. Thomas, b. Nov. 26, 1751 ; d. about 1777. vii. Samuel, b. AprU 9, 1754; d. Feb. 7, 1836. viii. Abijah, b. AprU 16, 1756; d. Oct. 22, 1848. ix. Sarah, b. April 12, 1758. X. AbigaU, b. July 31, 1760. xi. Rhoda, bap. May 29, 1763; d. Mar. 28, 1787. 33 Josiah" Bigelow {Mary,^ John," John') was born July 30, 1730, in Waltham; died there July 15, 1810; married July 27, 1749, Mary, daughter of Jonas and Abigail (Stearns) Harring ton, born March 8, 1730. [See Bigelow Genealogy.] ChUdren (Bigelow), born in Waltham : i. William,' b. Oct. 11, 1749; d. Mar. 25, 1813. ii. Anna, b. Aug. 23, 1751. iu. Uriah, b. Nov. 30, 1753 ; d. young. iv. Converse, b. Jan. 20, 1755 ; d. AprU 23, 1829. V. Mary, b. Mar. 3, 1756. vi. Alpheus, b. Nov. 4, 1757. vii. Eunice, b. . viii. Uriah, b. Mar. 15, 1766 ; d. Aug. 10, 1842. ix. Thomas, b. Aug. 11, 1768; d. Jan. 23, 1856. X. Sarah, b. July 31, 1773. 34 Matthew" Livermore {Samuel,^' Samuel," John') was born Jan. 14, 1703, in Watertown; died Feb. 14, 1776, in Ports mouth, N. H.; married Aug. 2, 1733, in Portsmouth, Mary, daughter of Rev. Nathaniel and Sarah (Purkiss) Rogers. He graduated from Harvard College in 1722, and taught school in Waltham until 1726, as he was paid for his services as school- 30 Livermore Family master ;^i2 in 1722, ^^22 in 1724, £l% in full, in 1726. About this time he moved to Portsmouth, where he kept the grammar school seven years. He was admitted to the bar in 173 1, at which time there was no regularly educated lawyer in Portsmouth. He practiced extensively in Maine and New Hampshire. He was Attorney General of the Province and King's Advocate in the Admiralty Court ; the latter office and probably the former also, he appears to have retained for about twenty-nine years. He was afterwards Judge of the Superior Court of New Hampshire. He built, about 1730, a house on Pleasant Street, having an open yard in front. More than fifty years later Livermore Street, named after this family, was opened, and the house moved to a position on this street. Within a few years it has been moved again across the street. In 1752 he became a member of the Legislature, and was chosen clerk thereof, and so continued untU 1755. Children, born in Portsmouth : i. Elizabeth,' b. Mar. 14, 1735 ; d. there AprU 2, 1735. ii. Elizabeth, b. Oct. 18, 1736 ; d. there Feb. 4, 1737. in. Mary, b. Nov. 24, 1737 ; m. Greenwood and occu pied her father's house after his death. 35 Edmund" Livermore {Samuel,^ Samuel," John') was born Dec. 16,^1707, in Watertown; died June 30, 1750, in Stur- bridge ; married Jan. 29, 1734, in Watertown, Rebecca, daughter of Abel and AbigaU Benjamin, born there June 11, 1708; she afterwards married Thomas Ellen wood. Children : i. Elizabeth,' b, Nov. 12, 1734, in Watertown; m. Feb. 3, 1753, in Sturbridge, Eliphalet Allen. ii. Samuel, b. June, 1736; d. Sept. 8, 1755, in Sturbridge. iii. Josiah, b. Dec. 31, 1738; d. young. iv. Josiah, b. AprU 6, 1740; d. May 5, 1757, in Sturbridge. 66. V. Hannah, b. May 4, 1743, in Sturbridge. 67. vi. Daniel, b. Jan. 26, 1746, in Sturbridge. vu. Rhoda, b. AprU 23, 1750, in Sturbridge; d. there Sept. 9. 1754. Fotirth Generation 31 36 Oliver" Livermore {Daniel,^ Samuel," John') was born March 11, 1698, in Watertown; died there Nov. 18, 1754; mar ried (i) Feb. 5, 1724, in Watertown, Ruth, daughter of Samuel and Phebe Stearns of Lexington, born May 25, 1704, in Lexing ton; died Feb. 8, 1725, in Watertown; married (2) Aug. 4, 1 726, in Watertown, Ruth, widow of Nathaniel Bowman, Jr., of Cambridge; she died April 2, 1776, aged 'j6. He was the principal heir of Oliver Wellington, who married his grand mother, Anna Livermore. He was a selectman of Watertown in 1738, '41, '43, '46, '48, '49. ChUdren, born in Watertown : i. Daniel,' b. Jan. 28, 1725 ; drowned Aug. 6, 1744. 68. ii. Ruth, b. May 23, 1727. iii. Rachel, b. Aug. 18, 1729; d. there Oct. 11, 1730. 69. iv. Mary, b. Sept. 5, 1731. 70. v. Rachel, b. Aug. 12, 1733. 71. vi. Oliver, b. July 15, 1735. 72. vii. Amos, b. July 28, 1737. 73. viii. Anna, b. May 8, 1739. ix. Abigail, b. April 12, 1741. 74. X. Jonathan, b. Mar. 25, 1743. xi. Nathaniel, b. Jan. 6, 1746 ; d. there Sept. 17, 1749. 37 Mary" Livermore {Daniel,^ Sam.uel" John') was born Dec. 6, 1702, in Watertown; married there March 31, 1726, Nathan iel, son of Joseph and Elizabeth (Winship) Sherman, born there Sept. 19, 1696. They removed to Grafton. Children (Sherman) : i. Mary,' b. Dec. 9, 1726; m. Dea. John Cooper of Hard wick. ii. Betsey, b. AprU 14, 1728 ; m. Capt. James Minott. iu. Martha, b. Feb. 16, 1730. iv. Nathaniel, b. Mar. 4, 1732. v. Millesent, b. AprU 10, 1734. vi. Asaph, b. Aug. 22, 1736; d. young. vn. Sarah, b. Oct. 3, 1738. 32 Livermore Family vni. Asaph, b. Mar. 6, 1741, ancestor of Hon. Socrates N. Sherman of New York. ix. Prudence, b. June 22, 1745 ; m. Joseph Perry. 38 Anna" Livermore {Daniel,^ Samuel^ John') was born Jan. 18, 1704, in Watertown; married Jonathan, son of John and Mary (Harrington) Bemis, born Nov. 17, 1 701, in Watertovm. ChUdren (Bemis), born in Watertown : i. Mary,' b. Mar. 10, 1723 ; d. Aug. 16, 180 1. u. Jonathan, b. Jan. 24, 1725 ; m. Huldah, dau. of Thomas and Mary (Bright) Livermore. in. David, b. Jan. 25, 1727 ; d. there Feb. 8, 1790. iv. Anna, b. July 4, 1730. v. Esther,^b. Nov. 3, 1733. vi. Sarah, b. Mar. 8, 1740. 39 David" Livermore {Daniel,^ Samuel," John') was bom March I, 171 5, in Watertown; died there, 1756; married Feb. 21, 1743, in Bradford, AbigaU, daughter of Benjamin and PriscUla (Hazen) Kimball, born Dec. 2, 1725, in Bradford; died in 1771, in Watertown, as her son Daniel Livermore of Concord, N. H., was on Dec. 24, 1771, appointed administrator of her estate. David lived all his life in Watertown, and was by trade a black smith. ChUdren, born in Watertown : i. David,' b. ; d. , unm. U. AbigaU, b. Feb. 27, 1745 ; m. a Scotchman and lived " very handsomely at Halifax, N. H." They had one daughter, who married Joseph Day of Bradford, and lived in Frederickton, N. Y. iii. Priscilla, b. Jan. 11, 1747; d. Jan. 17, 1806; m. May 7, 1772, Joseph Day of Bradford, b. AprU 16, 1742 ; d. Feb. s, 1806. No children. 75. iv. Daniel, b. April 7, 1749. 76. V. Lydia, b. Jan. 8, 1751. vi. Hannah, b. Mar. 23, 1754; m. W. Parker of Bradford. They had a daughter, Mary.^ Fourth Generation 33 40 Tabitha" Livermore {Thomas,^ Samuel," John') was born Oct. II, 171 1, in Cambridge; died Oct. 20, 1769; married Jan. 17. 1738, in Waltham, John, son of Jonathan and Lydia (Cooper) Gore of Weston, born Nov. 2, 1707. ChUdren (Gore) : i. Mary,' b. June 24, 1739 ; d. Oct. 3, 1740. ii. Sarah, b. Aug. 15, 1741. iu. John, b. Jan. 15, 1743. iv. Jonathan, b. Aug. 22, 1746. V. Nathaniel, b. AprU 30, 1749; d. Mar. 11, 181 1. vi. Mary, b. Dec. 11, 1751. 41 Nathaniel" Livermore {Thomas,^ Samuel," John') was born AprU 13, 171 3, in Watertown; died Oct. 2, 1783, on Grove street, in Waltham; married April 11, 1751, in Watertown, Martha, daughter of Andrew and Jane (Dix) White, born May 27, 1830; died March 9, 1823, in Cambridgeport. He lived in what is now known as the Smith house, on Worcester Ave., Piety Corner, Waltham. He was a selectman, 1760-63. On the famous day that the British marched to Lexington the cry was raised through Waltham that the British were coming ; so Madam Martha White Livermore took her youngest chUd, Nathaniel, in her arms, and the next youngest, David, wrapped in a red cloak, by the hand, and fled into the woods of Prospect HiU. ChUdren, born in Waltham : i. Thomas,' b. Jan. 19, 1752 ; d. July 23, 1755. 77. ii. Eunice, b. Oct. 22, 1753. 7879 80 81 82 iii. Martha, b. Aug. 31, 1755. iv. Tabitha, b. June 22, 1757. V. Moses, b. Mar. 31, 1759. vi. John, b. May 4, 1761. vii. Lydia, b. Mar. 26, 1763. viii. Amos, b. June 3, 1765; d. Sept. 15, 1826; removed to Livermore, Me. ix. Ruth, b. May 27, 1767 ; d. Sept. 27, 1867, in Boston; m. April 6, 1790, Nathaniel Goodwin of Waltham, 24 Livermore Family d. Sept. s, 1790, aged 28 years; she afterwards lived in Boston. 83. X. David, b. Nov. 26, 1769. 84. xi. Nathaniel, b. Sept. 20, 1772. 42 Elisha" Livermore {Thomas,^ Samuel," John') was born Jan. 9, 1720, in Watertown; died Feb. 13, I79S, in Waltham; mar ried Jan. 3, 1744, in Waltham, Sarah, daughter of Thomas and Mary (Livermore) Bigelow, born May 15, 1720; died Aug. 12, 1783, in Waltham. He was a maltster of Waltham, and was called lieutenant ; he was a selectman 1766 to 1773, except 1768 and 1771 ; ChUdren, born in Waltham : i. Mary,' b. Nov. 9, 1744; d. Nov. 20, 1744. 85. ii. Abijah, b. Dec. 26, 1745- 86. iii. Mary, b. Oct. 27, 1747. iv. Benjamin, b. AprU 25, 1749; d. July 24, 1802. 87. V. Sarah, b. Sept. 3, 175 1. vi. Elisha, b. in 1754 ; d. July 3, 1754. vii. Elisha, b. Aug. 21, 1755 ; d. Sept. 3, 1790, in Waltham; m. July I, 1784, in Watertown, Abigail, dau. of Samuel and SybU (Stone) White, b. July 19, 1761 ; d. Mar. 20, 1827. No children. viu. Elizabeth, b. May 5, 1758 ; d. April 25, 1802, unm. ix. Thomas, b. July 11, 1760; d. Nov. 20, 1791, in Wal tham; m. May 29, 1783, Lois, dau. of Josiah and Mary (Garfield) Mixer, b. Sept. 12, 1762. 43 Huldah" Livermore {Thomas,^ Samuel," John') was born Aug. 7, 1722, in Watertown; died in 1803, in Lunenburg; married May 4, 1748, in Waltham, Capt. Jonathan, son of Jonathan and Anna (Livermore) Bemis, born Jan. 24, 1725, in Watertown; died after Jan. i, 1771. Children (Bemis) born in Watertown : i. Hannah,' b. June 22, 1749. ii. Esther, b. May 2, 1751. Fourth Generation 35 iii. Thankful, b. June 17, 1754. iv. Catharine, b. Oct. 4, 1756. v. Jonathan, bap. July 23, 1758 ; d. young. vi. Jonathan, b. Oct. 19, 1760 ; d. unm. vii. John, b. May 4, 1762. viii. Elijah, b. July 5, 1770. 44 Jonathan" Livermore {Jonathan,^ Samuel" John') was born Aug. 16, 1700, in Watertown; died AprU 21, 1801, in North- boro, having lived to the extraordinary age of 100 years, 8 months and 5 days, thus living in three centuries. He married (i) June 23, 1723, Abigail, daughter of James and Elizabeth (Fiske) Ball, born June 5, 1702. He married (2) Nov. 16, 1775, Jane Dunlap. About 1727 he moved to Northboro, and settled on the Brown farm, so called. He was dismissed from Water- town, AprU 8, 1729. He possessed uncommon learning for his time, was an accurate surveyor and an excellent penman, owing to which circumstance the early records of the town appear in a remarkably fine state. He was the first parish or town clerk, which office he held many years ; one of the first deacons of the Congregational church, resigning Oct. 2, 1782 ; he was much employed in public business, in surveying, laying out townships, etc., and was selectman in 1750, '55, '58 and '64. He was moderator in Westboro in 1758 and '64. A short time after he was 100 years old he rode on horseback from his house to a mUitary review, near the middle of the town, a distance of three mUes, and returned without fatigue. ChUdren, the first three born in Watertown, the others in Northboro : 88. i. Abigail,' b. April 10, 1724. u. Elizabeth, b. May 26, 1725 ; d. in Feb., 1775 ; m. Asa, son of Thomas and Mary (Oakes) Rice, b. Aug. 8, 1726. They lived in Northboro. Children (Rice) : I. Katharine!' b. Dec. 13, 1749. 2. Luther, b. . 3. Asenath, b. . 4. Calvin, b. . 5. Israel, b. . 36 Livermore Family in. Lydia, b. Oct. 24, 1726 ; d. May 5, 1799; m. Saw yer of Bolton. No children. iv. Rebecca, b. Sept. 10, 1728; d. Nov. 10, 1728. 89. v. Jonathan, b. Dec. 7, 1729. vi. Silas, b. Dec i, 1731 ; d. Jan. 3, 1756. vii. Rebecca, b. June i, 1733; d. Feb. 15, 1806; m. (pub.) Aug. 26, 1 761, Henry Switcher of "Western." via. Nathan, b. June 19, 1736 ; d. May 22, 1761, unm. ix. Thomas, b. Mar. 6, 1738 ; d. Oct. 27, 1740. X. Susan, b. June 2, 1740; m. Joshua Townsend of Bolton. xi. Grace, b. Feb. 16, 1742 ; m. Jacob Adams of Wilton, and had Lydia^ and Nathan. 45 Samuel" Livermore {Jonathan,^ Samuel," John') was born March 14, 1702, in Watertown; died Aug. 7, 1773, in Waltham. He married (i) Nov. 10, 1726, in Watertown, Hannah, daughter of William and Hannah (Pease) Brown, born Jan. 22, 1707; died Nov. 2, 1762, in Waltham. She was the mother of all his chU dren. He married (2) Jan. 22, 1765, in Waltham, Hannah, widow of Daniel Harrington ; died Dec. 31, 1765, aged 44 years ; he married (3) May 7, 1767, in Waltham, widow Joanna Felton of Watertown, died Sept. 5, 1767, aged 46 years; he married (4) March 15, 1770, in Waltham, Thankful, widow of Richard Cutting, daughter of George and Abiel (Parker) Har rington, born Jan. 25, 1720; died Nov. 4, 1772. He inherited by will the estate of his great uncle Nathaniel Livermore, which has since been well known as " the Lyman farm " in Waltham. The old Livermore house stood northeast of the mansion house of Theodore Lyman ; it was occupied by Mark Vose, in the employ of Mr. Lyman, and was valued at ^560. This house was afterwards removed to Main street. The land of the Ly man place is supposed to have been the fifty acres of land in the First Great Dividend granted to WUliam Paine, and bought of him by John Livermore. At the first town meeting in Waltham, held on Wednesday, Jan. 18, 1738, he was chosen town clerk and treasurer; and at the first regular meeting, held March 26, 1738, he was chosen Fourth Generation 17 town clerk and treasurer and also assessor. At this meeting it was voted, that Samuel Livermore should have the use of the first pew east of the pulpit as long as the meeting-house stood upon his land, in full satisfaction for the same. At a meeting held Sept. 25, 1738, he was chosen sexton and granted three pounds for his annual services. He had for a long time the greatest share of the municipal business of the town ; was selectman 22 years, 1743-64; representative, 1745-63, with the exception of 1748 ; assessor, 1738-56 ; town clerk and treasurer 26 years, 1738-63 ; moderator of town meetings 24 years, 1740-64; was also a deacon of the church. March 2, 1744, Capt. Samuel Livermore represented to the selectmen of Wal tham that there were under his command ninety men, and that the State law required them to have a stock of ammunition, amounting to 150 pounds of powder, 300 pounds of bullets, and 450 flints. Sept. 9, 1745, the town voted that Capt. Livermore " should address the Great and General Court in the name and behalfe of the Town of Waltham that the mUlers might have liberty to keep up their mUl Dams as formerly." The salaries of the town officers for the year 1750 seem, from the appropria tion, to have amounted to 13J. Afd., and this sum was wholly awarded to Capt. Livermore, — 2ss. as town clerk, and 55-. \d. as treasurer. His signature is on page 74 of Nelson's History of Waltham. Children, aU born in Waltham : i. Hannah,' b. April 27, 1728 ; m. (i) Nov. 24, 1755, in Waltham, Rev. Nathaniel Potter of Brookline, d. in 1768, leaving a dau., Sarah^ who d. Sept. 7, 1773, aged 15 yrs.; m. (2) Sept. 6, 1775, Robert Pierpont of Roxbury ; no children. ii. Samuel, b. Sept. 6, 1729 ; d. there April 14, 1731. 90. iii. Elijah, b. Mar. 4, 1731. 91. iv. Samuel, b. May 15, 1732. V. Isaac, b. Jan. 28, 1735 ; d. Sept. 6, 1763, in New Jer sey, unm. He graduated at Nassau Hall, Princeton, N. J., in 1756; was schoolmaster in Waltham from Nov., 1756, to Aug., 1757, and continued in that posi tion during a portion of 1758. 38 Livermore Family vi. William, b. Oct. 9, 1737 ; d. Aug. 10, 1761, in Falmouth, (Portland), Me., unm. ; graduated at Nassau HaU in 1756. vii. Sarah, b. Mar. 30, 1741 ; d. Oct. 9, 1761, in Waltham, unm. vni. Anna, b. Jan. 16, 1743 ; m. Rev. Mr. Ker. ix. Jonathan, b. Jan. 21, 1746; d. June 22, 1751, in Wal tham. 46 Rebecca" Livermore {Jonathan,^ Samuel," John') was born Dec. 8, 1703, in Watertown; died Dec. 29, 1780, in Worcester; m. Oct. 29, 1 7 19, in Watertown, John, son of Theophilus and Mary (Bennet) Phillips, born Dec. 10, 1692; died July 20, 1780, in Worcester. They moved to Worcester. ChUdren (PhUlips), born in Watertown : i. John,' b. Jan. 23, 172 1. ii. Rebecca, b. Nov. 8, 1722. iii. Priscilla, bap. Nov. 26, 1724. iv. Mary, bap. June 4, 1726. FIFTH GENERATION. 47 James' Livermore {Josiah,"^ Joseph^, John," John') was born July 25, 1724, in Weston; died April 30, 1801, in Spencer; married July 5, 1750, in Weston, Elizabeth, daughter of John and Mercy (Ward) Hastings, born there Nov. 3, 1728; died Aug. 7, 1798, in Spencer. He was a yeoman and frequently held public office. He was a surveyor of highways and collec tor in 1755 ; a preserver of deer in 1756, '60, '6t, '72, '73 > fence viewer in 1758 ; warden in 1763 and '69 ; one of the committee on schools in 1769, and constable in 1770. He was paid two shiUings for "Preamblating the Town line" with Sudbury in 1768. He was one of the committee of correspondence, in spection and safety in 1779 and in 1784. About this time, or a little later, he moved to Spencer, where he owned a farm. Children, born in Weston : 92. i. Eunice,* b. Mar. 6, 1752. ii. John, b. Mar. 12, 1754. Fifth Generation 39 93. iii. Anna, b. AprU 5, 1757. 94. iv. James, b. Jan. 30, 1760. 95. V. Elisha, b. Dec. 26, 1761. 48 Josiah' Livermore {Josiah,'' Joseph,^ John," John') was born Aug. I, 1725, in Weston; married (pub. AprU 29), 1749, in Weston, Anna, daughter of Thomas and Mercy (Bigelow) Gar field, born there June i, 1724. They settled in that part of Leicester now Paxton, in Spencer and Brookfield. He was a yeoman. ChUdren : i. Anna,* b. Nov. 5, 1750, in Leicester. 96. u. Elisha, b. AprU 14, 1753, in Leicester. in. Mary, b. Jan. 20, 1755, in Spencer. iv. Lucy, b. Sept. 11, 1756, in Spencer; m. Jan. 11, 1781, in Brookfield, Rufus Hardy. V. Levi, b. May 11, 1758, in Brookfield; m. there June 22, 1806, Levina Adams. vi. Thankful, b. Mar. 28, 1760, in Brookfield. 49 Jason' Livermore {Josiah,'^ Joseph,^ John," John') was born Dec. I, 1726, in Weston; died Oct. 14, 1797, in Paxton ; married in Weston, March 30, 1749, AbigaU, daughter of WUliam and Mary (Flagg) Hagar, born Aug. 11, 1725, in Weston; died Jan. 17, 1824, in Paxton. In 1748 he and his brother Josiah bought a tract of land in the westerly part of Leicester, near and in part upon Moose HUl ; they divided these lands, and Jason, having built a small house on his portion, took his bride to his new home, and in this house they lived the rest of their lives. He was twice chosen as a surveyor of highways in Leicester. The town furnished five men, in 1756, as her quota in a call for one thousand men from Worcester and Hampshire counties. Their names were Ezekiel Bellows, Jacob Wicker, Jason Liver more, David Wicker and John Wicker. These men were in the 40 Livermore Family command of Gen. Ruggles, and saw service at Crown Point, Fort Edward and Ticonderoga. Inscription on his powder-horn says : " Jason Livermore his horn made at fort Edward August y' 29. 1759." On his return from that unsuccessful and unfor tunate expedition, he came by land through the wUderness, with two or three companions, and suffered hardships and privations from cold and hunger. In 1765 that part of Leicester in which he lived, with a part of Rutland, was incorporated as a district by the name of Pax ton. The first town meeting of Paxton was held March 11, 1765, at the house of Mr. John Snow, when Jason Livermore was chosen constable. He was an active and prominent man in Paxton, having aided in procuring the act of incorporation, and assisted in building the first meeting-house. He was one of the members of the first Congregational church organized in the town. When the news reached Paxton that the " regulars " had attacked Concord and Lexington, Jason Livermore and his three sons, Jason, William, and Josiah, were plowing in the field, and learning that the company of minute men (Capt. WiUard Moore's), of which they were members, would march forthwith, the father said, "Boys, unyoke the cattle and let us be off." No sooner said than done, and they at once made ready, with the house hold pewter dishes melted into bullets, and marched to Cam bridge, and there joined the Continental army, being attached to Col. Doolittle's regiment. On June 17, 1775, under com mand of Major WiUard Moore, then in charge of the regiment, they took part in the battle of Bunker HUl, where Major Moore was kUled. The wife and mother, left at home with a son only twelve years of age, continued the farm work, besides excavat ing the earth under the barn and other buUdings, and from it obtaining more than one hundred pounds of nitre or saltpetre, for the purpose of making gunpowder, of which there was great need in the army. Jason Livermore and Samuel Brewer of Sutton raised a com pany of volunteers in Paxton and Sutton, of which he was the second in command, and marched on the 9th of August, 1776, Fifth Generation 41 from Paxton to Charlestown No. 4, in New Hampshire, thence to Ticonderoga and Mount Hope, where they were stationed for some time. After the close of the war he retired to his farm, where he passed the rest of his life. ChUdren (Paxton), born in Leicester : 97. i. Jason,* b. April 17, 1750. 98. ii. William, b. Jan. 12, 1752. iii. Abigail, b. June 16, 1754; d. there Oct. 2, 1756. iv. AbigaU, b. Jan. 21, 1758 ; d. May, 1833 ; m. her cousin Silas Livermore, and removed to or near Hartland,Vt. 99. v. Josiah, b. May 12, 1761. 100. vi. Braddyl, b. Oct. 4, 1763. vii. Lydia, b. Oct. 14, 1765; d. Jan. 23, 1849, in Paxton, unm. She lived with her parents until their deaths, and then with her brother Braddyl. vui. Grizel, b. Feb. 2, 1768; d. Nov. 23, 1799, in Paxton; m. July 9, 1793, her cousin John, son of Abijah Bemis, by whom she had one dau., Celicia,'' b. Sept. 4, 1794, in Paxton; d. Jan. 23, 1876, in Brookfield; m. in Warren, Michael Walsh ; she was brought up by her aunt Lydia. 50 Moses' Livermore {Josiah,* Joseph,^ John," John') was born July 14, 1729, in Weston; died Oct. 18, 1797, in Spencer; mar ried Jan. 31, 1750, in Weston, Hannah, daughter of Isaac and Elizabeth AUen, born there July 28, 1731. She survived him and moved to Lisle, N. Y., with her son Moses, in 18 17, where she died. After the birth of his first chUd he moved to Spen cer, and settled on lot yy. In a list of 68 landholders in Spencer in 1 77 1, he is rated as the ninth in valuation of property; he was one of the majority of grand jurors at the Supreme Judicial Court holden at Worcester in AprU, 1 774, who signed a decla ration and presented it to the Court, stating that they should not proceed to business if Chief Justice Oliver, who was a tory, should sit on the bench and preside. Judge Oliver, however, did not appear, and the jury discharged their duty. He was one of the committee of correspondence, inspection and safety, in 1775. 42 Livermore Family He was a selectman of Spencer in 1767, '68, '69, '72, '73, '74, '75 and y6. Children, the eldest born in Weston, the others in Spencer : i. Elizabeth,* b. Feb. 3, 1751. loi. ii. Isaac, b. June 11, 1752. iii. Sarah, b. July 21, 1754; d. Mar., 1847, in North Brook field; m. AprU 18, 1787, in Spencer, Jonathan Peirks (now Parks). 102. iv. Moses, b. AprU 2, 1758. V. Hannah, b. Nov. 21, 1760; removed to New York State. 103. vi. Amos, b. June 5, 1763. 51 Elizabeth' Livermore {Josiah,'^ Joseph,^ John," John') was born Sept. 4, 1733, in Weston ; married March 6, 1755, in Wes ton, Francis, son of Samuel and Tabitha (Hobbs) Jones, born there Sept. 10, 1731. Children (Jones) born in Weston : i. Jesse,* b. Dec. 4, 1755. ii. Mary, b. July 22, 1757. iii. Jacob, b. Sept. 25, 1759. iv. Thankful, b. May 26, 1761. 52 Abijah' Livermore {Josiah,* Joseph,^ John," John') was born Dec. 12, 1737, in Weston; died Jan. 18, 1817, in Spencer; married there (i) Nov. 4, 1760, Anna Graves of Sudbury, died Oct. 14, 1793, in Spencer, aged 53 ; he married (2) Nov. 24, 1795, in Rutland, Vt., widow Sarah Howe, died Jan. i, 18 15, in Spencer. In 1761 he settled in Spencer on lot No. ^6. In a list of sixty-eight landholders in Spencer in 1771, he is rated No. 46 in valuation of property. He was a lieutenant under Capt. Ebenezer Mason, in Col. Jonathan Warner's regiment of minute men, who marched from Spencer to Cambridge, April 19, 1775; length of service, fourteen days. He, with six others, took possession of the entire stock of powder, balls, etc., in Spencer during the excitement of Shays' rebellion in 1786. He Fifth Generation 43 purchased three lots of land on West HUl, in Jamaica, Vt., in 1787, and during the following year his sons Ezra and Abijah went to Jamaica and began to clear the same. ChUdren, born in Spencer : 104. i. Ezra,* b. Feb. 13, 1762. ii. Anna, b. Nov. 17, 1763 ; d. in Oswego, N. Y., unm. 105. iii. Abijah, b. Feb. 22, 1766. iv. Lot, b. June 6, 1768; d. Mar. 23, 1835, in Jamaica; m. (i) Nov. 5, 1 80 1, in Jamaica, Ruth Daniels; m. (2) Lucy Higgins. No children. v. Martha, b. Nov. 11, 1772; m. in Jamaica, Adam Wel- man, and left descendants. 106. vi. Phineas, b. Mar. 28, 1775. vii. Phebe, b. Oct. 20, 1777; d. Aug. 25, 1846, in Jamaica; m. there Oct. 15, 1801, Isaac Underwood. viu. Jesse, b. Feb. 9, 1780; d. there Jan. i, 1784. 53 Joseph' Livermore {Josiah,* Joseph,^ John," John') was born July II, 1740, in Weston; died Dec. 13, 1823, in East Sudbury; married there (i) Nov. 10, 1763, Anna, daughter of Isaac and Anna (Mixer) Rice, born there. May 30, 1745; married (2) June 15, 1786, in East Sudbury, widow Martha Maynard. He settled in the westerly part of lot "jy, in Spencer, in 1762. In a list of landholders in Spencer, in 1771, he is rated as No. 49 in valuation of property. He was an ensign in Capt. Ebenezer Mason's company of minute men, belonging to Col. Jonathan Warner's regiment, who marched from Spencer on the 19th of AprU, 1775 ; he was afterwards a lieutenant in Capt. Seth Washbume's company of Leicester, and his company was one of three of the regiment which fired on the British, after the retreat began from the redoubt in the battle of Bunker HiU ; he was afterwards a captain. He subsequently moved from Spen cer to East Sudbury. ChUdren : i. Anna,* b. Sept. 10, 1764, in Spencer; m. Mar. i, 1781, Joshua Rich. 44 Livermore Family ii. Molly, b. AprU 20, 1766, in East Sudbury; m. Dec. 20, 1787, in Spencer, Joel Owen of Halifax. 107. in. Reuben, b. May 9, 1768, in Spencer. 108. iv. Joseph, b. Aug. 20, 1775, in Spencer. 54 Samuel' Isivesmoke {Joseph,* Joseph,^ John," John') was born Aug. 22, 1733, in Sudbury; died Feb. 12, 1819; married March 4, 1756, in Weston, Lois, daughter of Josiah and Thankful (Harrington) Livermore, born there AprU 22, 1 736 ; died Aug. II, 1811. ChUdren, born in East Sudbury : 109. i. Silas,* b. ,1756. ii. Tabitha, b. Jan. 20, 1758. iii. Lois, b. June 26, 1760. no. iv. David, b. May 29, 1762. V. Joseph, b. Mar. 28, 1764; d. in Weston probably, as the administrator of his estate was appointed there, Dec. 4, 1822. III. vi. Samuel, b. July 23, 1766. vii. Mary, b. Feb. 12, 1768. viii. Lydia, b. July 17, 1769. ix. Silens, b. Mar. 27, 1771. x. Submit, b. Sept. 13, 1772. 55 Elizabeth' Livermore {John,* Joseph,^ John," John') was born Jan. 7, 1735, in Framingham; m. Jesse, son of Hezekiah and Ruth (How) Stone, born Sept. 28, 1737, in Framingham. Children (Stone) : i. WiUiam,* b. May 3, 1760, in Framingham. ii. John, b. May 15, 1763, in Oxford. iii. Jesse, b. Nov. 11, 1765, in Oxford; d. Feb. 28, 1857, in Livermore, Me., whither he removed. iv. Elizabeth, b. 1768 ; d. 1768, in Oxford. V. Isaac, b. Sept. 8, 1769, in Oxford. vi. Elizabeth, b. AprU 20, 1772, in Oxford. VU. Jeremy, b. Sept. 10, 1776, in Oxford. Fifth Generation 45 56 Mary' Livermore {John,* Joseph,^ John," John') was born July 23, 174s, in Framingham; died July 31, 1827, in Oxford; married Dec. 15, 1763, in Oxford, Joseph, son of Peter and Sarah (Eddy) Hurd, born there June 19, 1738; died there Jan. 3, 1820. ChUdren (Hurd), born in Oxford : i. Mary,* b. Sept. 16, 1765; d. Jan. 14, 1863, in Liver more, Me. ; m. David, son of Gen. Ebenezer Learned. ii. William, b. May 13, 1767. iii. Elizabeth, b. May 6, 1770; d. AprU 16, 1802, unm. iv. Joseph, b. Mar. 26, 1773 ; d. there Nov. 2, 1787. v. Abigail, b. Feb. 8, 1777; m. Capt. Jonathan Morse of Livermore. vi. John, b. May 20, 1779. vii. Patty, b. July 23, 1781 ; m. David Brackett of Dudley. viii. Samuel, b. July 24, 1785 ; d. Jan. 14, 1796. 57 Daniel' Livermore {Daniel,* Daniel,^ John," John') was bom Nov. 24, 1734, in Weston; died there Oct. 19, 1787; mar ried Nov. 25, 1756, in Weston, Lucy, daughter of Jonathan and Dinah (Bemis) Stratton, baptized in 1739. He held various town offices, having been chosen a fence-viewer in 1758, sur veyor of highways in 1763, preserver of Dear [deer] in 1770, constable in 1776, and one of the wardens in 1778, being at that tune no longer constable. ChUdren, born in Weston : i. Daniel,* b. May 28, 1758; m. Oct. 4, 1787, in Weston, Sarah Tilton of East Sudbury. ii. Lucy, b. Feb. 24, 1760. 112. iii. Ephraim, b. Oct. 22, 1762. iv. Mary, bap. Mar. 17, 1765. V. Anna, bap. July 12, 1767. 113. vi. Aaron, b. Aug. 3, 1769. vii. Sarah, bap. Dec. 22, 1771 ; m. TUton of Conway. viu. Elizabeth, bap. Aug. 29, 1773. 114. ix. William, bap. Oct. 22, 1774- 46 Livermore Family x. Eunice, bap. Nov. i6, 1777. xi. Miranda, bap. Sept. 12, 1779. 58 Abraham' Livermore {Daniel,* Daniel,^ John," John') was born Aug. 13, 1749, in Weston; died March 11, 1826, in Ger man, N. Y ; married AprU 9, 1772, in Weston, Hephzibeth WU- liams, born Jan. 6, 1754; died Jan. 28, 1850, in Paris Hill, N. Y. He lived for many years in Pelham, and was a town offi cer therein 1778. In the winter of 1775-76 he was a private in the company of militia under the command of Elijah D wight of Belchertown, doing camp duty in Roxbury and vicinity. The records of Pelham say that he carried provisions to the army in Cambridge, in 1777. After the close of the Revolution he lost his property by the depreciation of the Continental currency, and in 1795 left Pelham and emigrated to New York State, taking with him his famUy, which consisted of his wife and nine chUdren. He halted for a few months in Paris, N. Y., where he left his f amUy whUe, in the spring of 1 796, with an axe, he made his way, through the forest, by means of marked trees, to what was then the township of Brackel, but afterwards renamed Ger man, where he took up the whole of lot No. 92, containing 153 acres and 36 perches. He received a deed for this farm from the proprietors (Dutchmen), who were then living in Amster dam, HoUand, dated Jan. 13, 18 16, the consideration being $383.00; Feb. 20, 1826, only a short time before he died, he sold this farm to his son Martin. He was one of the first set tlers in the town, and his famUy joined him as soon as he buUt his hduse. That part of the town was afterwards known as Livermore's Corners, on the old State road, much traveUed by emigrants to western New York. From their isolated position in the wUderness, remote from any settlement, the Cleveland and Livermore famUies suffered great privation and hardships during the first years of their settlement. He kept the first inn in German, and by industry and economy accumulated a respect able property and reared a large famUy. Fifth Generation 47 ChUdren, born in Pelham : i. Rebecca,* b. Aug. 18, 1774; d. Jan. 12, 1854, in In diana. 115. ii. Abraham, b. July 21, 1776. iii. Mary, b. Sept. 12, 1778; d. Jan. 31, 1841, in Aurelius, N. Y. 116, iv. Hepsibeth, b. Oct. n, 1780. V. Daniel, b. Sept. 23, 1782 ; removed to Ohio in 1836. 117. vi. Abel, b. Aug. 10, 1784. vU. Sally, b. Aug. 30, 1786; d. Oct. 22, 1808, in Madison Co., N. Y. ; m. Roe. 118. viii. Cyrus, b. May 28, 1790. ix. Martin, b. April 3, 1793; d. June 4, 1887, in Farley, Iowa, unm. 59 Jonas' Livermore {Jonas,* Daniel,^ John" John') was born Feb. 28, 1736, in Leicester; died there Jan. 31, 1825; mar ried there Nov. 12, 1761, Sarah, daughter of Hezekiah and Sarah (Green) Ward, born Oct. 7, 1738 ; died Sept. 27, 1832, in Leicester. He lived in the south part of the town, now known as Greenville ; he was a carpenter as well as a farmer, and was originally a Baptist — one of the pUlars of the old GreenviUe church. He was chosen surveyor several times, and warden at town meetings, and constable. ChUdren, born in Leicester : i. Hannah,* b. May 13, 1762 ; d. there Aug. 24, 1767. ii. Jonas, b. April 13, 1764; d. there April 20, 1790, unm. iii. Sally, b. June 28, 1766; d. there Feb. 18, 1833, unm. 119. iv. Martha, b. Oct. 22, 1768. 120. v. Salem, b. Sept. 26, 1770. vi. Bathsheba, b. July 23, 1772 ; m. John Page, and settled in Cambridge, Vt. vii. Louisa, b. AprU 27, 1774; d. Dec, 1800; m. about 1797, Rufus, son of Nehemiah and Ruth (Marsh) Gale, b. July 5, 1773. ChUd: JElmond,'' b. about 1798, who m. at Madison, Iowa, and had a family. 121. vin. Daniel, b. June 10, 1776. ix. Rebecca, b. Nov. 13, 1778; m. Lebbeus Turner from Bennington, Vt. ; they had four children. 48 Livermore Family 60 David' Livermore {Jonas,* Daniel,^ John," John') was born June 10, 1745, in Leicester; died Dec. 13, 1818, in Spencer; married (i) March 14, 1771, Anna Howard of Holden, probably born in Maiden ; died June 12, 1794, in Spencer; married (2) Nov. 17, 1796, in Spencer, Mrs. Mary Osborn of Holden, sister to his former wife, died there Jan 5, 1842. He removed from Leicester and settled in Spencer, on the southerly part of lot 59, about 1770. He was a yeoman. He was a member of Capt. Ebenezer Mason's company of minute men, who marched from Spencer on the 19th of April, 1775, and saw fourteen days' service. ChUdren, born in Spencer : 122. i. Abigail,* b. Oct. 27, 1772. 123. ii. David, b. April 14, 1774. in. Anna, b. Jan. 8, 1776 ; d. there Oct. 3, 1778. 124. iv. Mary, b. Feb. 20, 1778. V. John, b. May 19, 1780; d. Mar. 25, 1810, in Sturbridge. 125. vi. William, b. Aug. 19, 1783. 126. vii. Walton, b. June 15, 1786. 127. viii. Anna, b. Aug. 3, 1789. ix. Eliza, b. Jan. 19, 1798 ; m. Smith of Leicester ; she died early in life and left a son Hufus^ Smith. X. Melissa, b. Feb. 6, 1800 ; m. (i) May i, 1823, in Spen cer, Isaac Baxter, b. there Jan. 13, 1796 ; d. in Charl ton from the effects of a fall from a meeting house ; m. (2) Lamb. xi. Melinda, b. 1802; d. in Lockport, N. Y.; m. Oct. 18, 1823, in Spencer, Benjamin Howard Brewer, b. there Dec. 14, 1796. 128. xii. Lorenzo Osborne, b. April 29, 1804. 61 Elizabeth' Livermore {Jonas,* Daniel,^ John", John') was born June 10, 1745, in Leicester; married July 2, 1767, Samuel, son of Samuel and Hannah (Sylvester) Tucker, born there Jan. 8, 1743- Fifth Generation 49 ChUdren (Tucker), born in Oxford : i. Anna,* b. June 28, 1769. ii. Samuel, b. Oct. 26, 1770. 62 Elisha' Livermore {Jonas,* Daniel,^ John," John') was born May 20, 1751, in Leicester; died Sept., 1836, in Auburn; married March 30, 1775, in Leicester, Ruth, daughter of Eben ezer and Ruth (Ward) Eddy, born April 17, 1755, in Oxford; died Jan. 30, 1838, in Auburn. He enlisted as a private in Capt. Seth Washburn's company, in Colonel Ward's regiment. May 10, 1775. He was living at that time in Brookfield. He served two months and twenty-six days, taking part with his company in the battle of Bunker Hill, and was the last sur viving member of the company. He bought land of his brother Micah in Oxford, AprU i, 1773, but evidently did not build a house upon it untU after his return from the Revolutionary war ; later on he lived in Ward, now Auburn. Children, born in Auburn : i. Ruth,* b. May 12, 1776; m. Jan. 8, 1839, in Leicester, when she was 62 years old, her cousin, Salem, son of Jonas and Sarah (Ward) Livermore. n. EUzabeth, b. Aug. 23, 1778; m. AprU 11, 1802, in Ox ford, Levens, son of Abel Sibley of Sutton. Children (Sibley), b. in Oxford : I. Eliza,^ b. Nov. 17, 1804 ; m. OIney Bolster. 2. Levens, twin to Eliza, d. young. 129. iii. Silas, b. Mar. 28, 1781. 130. iv. Paul, b. June 28, 1783. 131. V. Lydia, b. Feb. 2, 1786. vi. Elisha, b. July 26, 1788; d. Feb. 8, 1814, in Auburn, unm. vU. Levina, b. about 1790; m. Moses Putnam of Sutton; removed to Hermon, N. Y. ; left children. viu. Paris, b. Mar. 10, 1794; m. AprU 18, 1819, Elijah Put nam of Auburn ; removed to Hermon ; they had four children. CO Livermore Family ix. Sylvanus, b. Sept. i6, 1796; d. about 1845, in Norwich, Conn.; m. Dec. 8, 1816, Maria Rice of MUlbury. They lived in Oxford, Worcester and Norwich; his widow went out West. Children : I. Augusta,^ b. March 2, 1817. 2. Eliza, b. . X. Elsie, d. inf. 132. xi. Lucy, b. Sept. 16, 1802. 63 Lydia' Livermore {Jonas,* Daniel,^ John," John') was born June 5, 1755, in Leicester; died Oct. 19, 1784, in Spencer; married May 18, 1775, in Leicester, Asa, son of David and Elizabeth Prouty, born Feb. 22, 175 1, in Leicester; died March ID, 1826, in Spencer. ChUdren (Prouty), born in Spencer : i. Aaron,* b. AprU 11, 1776. ii. Asa, b. Dec. 14, 1777. in. Persis, b. Oct. 22, 1779; married AprU 4, 1805, in Spencer, Eli Muzzy. iv. Jonas, b. Aug. 28, 1781. V. Joel, b. Feb. 5, 1784; married Aug. 10, 1806, in Spen cer, Elizabeth Gates. 64 Isaac' Livermore {Isaac,* Daniel,^ John,'- John') was born Dec. 20, 1746, in Leicester ; died there Jan. 19, 1836 ; married Dec. 24, 1776, in Leicester, Hannah Bulin, died there Jan. 26, 1836. He marched from Leicester to Cambridge, in Capt. Thomas Newhall's company, on the alarm of AprU 19, 177S, and soon after his arrival in Cambridge left this company and joined that of Capt. Seth Washburn, in Col. Ward's regiment. He was with the latter company when it took part in the battle of Bunker Hill. It came upon the hUl at the close of the fight, and helped cover the retreat from the redoubt. He had pro vided himself, among other creature comforts, with a small quantity of rum, which he carried in a canteen at his side, and perceived whUe on his retreat that a ball from the enemy had cut the string by which it hung ; looking for the canteen he Fifth Generation 51 discovered it in rapid progress toward the enemy, who were approaching by a flank movement. With a desperate determin ation that " he would be darned if the regulars should have his rum," he coolly turned and followed his canteen untU he over took it, and brought it off amidst a shower of bullets that whistled around him. ChUd: i. Abraham,* b. about 1790; d. Feb. 15, 1844, in Paxton, aged 53; m. there July 2, 1812, Lavinia, dau. of Jonah and Sarah (Newton) Howe of Rutland, b. there June 7, 1791 ; d. Nov. 16, 1868, in Paxton; he was a card maker. Children, b. in Paxton : I. Lucretiaj' b. Nov. 20, 1813 ; d. there April 28, 1818. 2. Cyrus Chenery, b. Feb., i8i6; d. there April 30, 1818. 3. Lucretia, b. Nov. 28, 18 18. 4. Lavinia, b. 1821. 65 Elijah' Livermore {Isaac,* Daniel,^ John" John') was born June 10, 175s, in Leicester; died Oct., 1837, in Shutesbury ; married about 1786, in New Salem, Sarah Evans, a widow, born there June 10, 1767; died June 10, 1848, in Hinsdale. While young, he lived in Leicester ; he was of fine, commanding presence, strict integrity of character, a man of wealth, who lost his property through the worthlessness of the Continental money at the close of the Revolutionary war. He removed to Shutesbury, where he settled down to farming and the manufac turing of wooden ware. ChUdren, born in Shutesbury : i. WiUard,* born about 1790; d. 1794. 133. ii. Isaac, b. June r6, 1792. iii. Sally, b. 1794; d. Jan. 25, 1825. 134. iv. Henry, b. April 24, 1796. 135. V. Lyman, b. July 26, 1799. vi. Rachel, b. 1802; d. Feb. 23, 1825, in Amherst; m. Elisha, son of Waitstill and Elsy (Shaw) Hastings of Amherst, b. about 1780; after her death he married again and moved to Salem, N. Y. Child (Hastings) : Miriam,'' b. Mar., 1824, in Amherst. C2 Livermore Family 136. vu. Martin, b. AprU 10, 1804. 137. viu. Chester, b. AprU 25, 1808. 66 Hannah' Livermore {Edmund,* Samuel,^ Samuel," John') was born May 4, 1743, in Sturbridge; died June 16, 181 5 ; married Dec. 2, 1762, in Brimfield, Joseph, son of Joseph and Abigail (King) Hitchcock, born there AprU 28, 1742 ; died Dec. 2, 181 1. ChUdren (Hitchcock), born in Brimfield : i, Ezra,* b. Sept. 27, 1763; d. Feb. 8, 1816 ; m. Nov. 7, 1793, Sally Winslow, d. July 2, 1823. Child (Hitch cock) : Marsena,'' b. Jan. 23, 1795. ii. Rebecca, b. Nov. 9, 1764. iii. Marsena, b. Jan. 20, 1766; d. Sept. 20, 1793; m. AprU 23, 1789, Polly Miller. iv. AbigaU King, b. Aug. 14, 1767. V. Elizabeth, b. Aug. 18, 1769. vi. Persis, b. Nov., 1770 ; died June 30, 1775. vii. Gains, b. Sept. 11, 1772. viu. Joseph, b. Mar. 2, 1775. ix. Hannah, b. AprU 16, 1777. X. Abel, b. April 3, 1779. xi. Seth, b. AprU 5, 1781. xu. James Bowdoin, b. Jan. 24, 1787. 67 Daniel' Livermore {Edmund,* Samuel,^ Samuel," John') was born Jan. 26, 1746, in Sturbridge; died Dec. 14, 1804, in Sangerfield, Oneida Co., N. Y. ; married Nov. 17, 1768, in Brim field, EUzabeth, daughter of John and Bethiah (Burt) Hitchcock, born there June 16, 1745 ; died AprU 5, 1803, in Sangerfield. He marched from Brimfield in Capt. Thompson's company, in Col. Danielson's regiment, on the Lexington alarm, April 19, 1775, and was a corporal in Capt. May's company, in Col. Leonard's regiment, in May, 1779. There was £^ due him for military service in 1779. The family, except Edmund, the eldest chUd, moved to Wilmington, Vt., and later to Sangerfield. Fifth Generation 53 ChUdren, the younger three born in Wilmington, Vt., the others in Brimfield : 138. i. Edmund,* b. Aug. 16, 1769. 139. ii. Daniel, b. Jan. 23, 1771. iii. Elizabeth, b. AprU 2, 1773; d. there Nov. 17, 1775. 140. iv. Samuel, b. Sept. 18, 1774. V. Josiah, b. May 16, 1776. 141. vi. Abner, b. Dec. 15, 1777. vii. Elizabeth, b. Aug. 3, 1779. viii. Rhoda, b. Feb. 20, 1781. ix. John, b. Nov. 2, 1782. X. Polly, b. Aug. 26, 1784. 142. xi. James, b. Nov. 27, 1786. xii. Benjamin, b. Jan. 27, 1789. 68 Ruth' Livermore {Oliver,* Daniel,^ Samuel," John') was born May 23, 1727, in Watertown; married there May 21, 1747, Jonathan, son of Jonathan and Hannah (Jennison) Stone, born Nov. 17, 1725. Children (Stone) : i. Ruth,* b. July 23, 1748. ii. Jonathan, b. Nov. 27, 1750. 69 Mary' Livermore {Oliver,* Daniel,^ Samuel," John') wa.shom Sept. 5, 1731, in Watertown; married AprU 25, 1753, in Water- town, Abraham, son of Jonathan and Elizabeth (Simonds) Brown, born Nov. 23, 1726. ChUdren (Brown), born in Watertown : i. Abraham,* b. Mar. 8, 1754; d. July 14, 1837. ii. Nathaniel, b. Oct. 7, 1755. in. Mary, b. Oct. 22, 1757 ; d. Sept. 20, 1843. iv. Ruth, b. Sept. 16, 1759. V. Anna, b. Sept. 19, 17 61. vi. Sarah, b. June 29, 1763. vii. Elizabeth, b. July 27, 1765 ; d. Sept. 17, 1767. CA Livermore Family viu, Samuel, b. June 30, 1767. ix. Oliver, b. Sept. 21, 1769. x. Elizabeth, b. Jan. 24, 1773 ; d. Jan. 26, 1786. 70 Rachel' Livermore {Oliver,* Daniel,^ Samuel," John') was born Aug. 12, 1733, in Watertown; died Aug. 2, i8c6 ; mar ried July 21, 1757, in Watertown, Josiah, son of Joseph and Elizabeth Bright, born there Oct. 19, 1731. Children (Bright) : i. Jonathan,* b. Sept. 7, 1758; d. Dec 14, 1779. n. Josiah, twin to Jonathan ; d. in a few days. iii. Joseph, b. Aug. 23, 1760; d. Sept. 12, 1816. iv. Josiah, b. AprU 28, 1762; d. May, 1821. V. Moses, b. Aug. 22, 1764; d. May 5, 1843. vi. Francis, b. Sept. 3, 1766; d. Jan. 15, 1828. vii. Nancy, b. Feb. 8, 1768 ; d. AprU 7, 1828. vin. Lucretia, b. May 5, 1769 ; d. Dec. 1833, unm. ix. Sarah, b. Nov. 20, 1770; d. Dec. 2, 1800, unm. x. Abigail, b. AprU 25, 1772 ; living in 1852. xi. Elizabeth, b. 1774; d. Aug. 1815. 71 Oliver' Livermore {Oliver,* Daniel,'^ Samuel," John') was born July 15, 1735, in Watertown; died June 16, 1782, in Shir ley; married June 22, 1758, in Watertown, Catherine, daughter of Jonas and Hannah (Bright) Bond, born there March 22, 1737 ; died June 11, 1800, in Shirley. They settled first in Water- town ; about 1 767 they moved to Shirley, and bought the farm recently owned by Sidney Benjamin, where he lived untU he died. He had a higher intellectual standing than the average man of his time. In the midst of active life, during the Amer ican Revolution, he lent his aid on the side of the patriots. He, however, manifested greater prudence than warmth, and thus in a measure incurred the suspicion of his fellow-citizens ; never theless, they intrusted him with important official duties. In 1778 and 1779 he was one of the selectmen; for eight years he was the treasurer of the town, and died whUe in that office. Fifth Generation cc Children, the first four born in Watertown, the others in Shirley : i. Catherine,* b. Aug. 25, 1759 ; d. in 1781, unm. ii. Oliver, b. Sept. 18, 1761 ; d. in 1782, unm. iii. Daniel, b. Jan. 18, 1764; d. July 27, 1821, in Shirley; m. (pub. Jan. 19, 1793) Lucy, dau. of John and EHza beth (Patterson) Longley, b. April 2, 1766, in Shirley; d. in 1794. No children. He was a selectman in 1800 and 1801. iv. Nathaniel, b. Jan. 24, 1766 ; d. Jan. 20, 1830, in Shirley; m. in 1812, Abigail, dau. of William Jones of Lunen burg. No children. He was an infant when the famUy moved to Shirley, and never left the paternal homestead, supporting his parents during their latter years, being a farmer and stone-mason ; he was a selectman from 1807 to 1822, with the exception of one year. 143. V. Jonas, b. Feb. 27, 1768. 144. vi. William, b. June 23, 1770. vn. John, b. Sept. 22, 1772; d. in 1784. viii. Lucy, b. Mar. 24, 1776; m. (i) Enoch Huse; m. (2) Jeremiah Dyer, both of Grafton. No children. 145. ix. David, b. Dec. 19, 1778. 146. x. Jonathan, b. Jan. 10, 1781. 72 Amos' Livermore {Oliver,* Daniel,^ Samuel" John') was born July 28, 1737, in Watertown ; died there Oct. 27, 1821 ; married there Dec. i, 1763, Hepzibah, daughter of David and Mary (Mixer) Coolidge, born there Sept. 8, 1746; died there Nov. 25, 1824. He was a selectman of Watertown in 1779, '81, '83, '84, '85, '87, '89, '91, '92, '93, '94, and was a proprietor of Number Four in Paris, Me. ChUdren, born in Watertown : 147. i. Amos,* b. Sept. 30, 1764. ii. Lucy, b. Dec. 31, 1767 ; d. there AprU 15, 1790. 148. iii. Hepzibah, b. April 5, 1771. 149. iv. Elisha, b. Oct. 22, 1773. eg Livermore Family 73 Anna' Livermore {Oliver,* Daniel,^ Samuel," John') was born May 8, 1739, in Watertown; died Sept. 10, 1819, in Cam bridge ; married June 21, 1757, in Watertown, Josiah, son of Joseph and Mary (Monk) Mason, born there Oct. 3, 1734; died Sept. 9, 1 8 14, in Cambridge. Children (Mason) : i. Thomas,* b. Jan. 28, 1758. n. Lucy, b. Sept. 21, 1759; d. June 9, 1849; m. July 8, 1779, Samuel Childs of Cambridge. iii. Josiah, b. Sept. 11, 1761. iv. James, b. Jan. 13, 1764; d. Oct. 8, 1765. V. Anna, b. July 21, 1766 ; d. Sept. 2, 1767. vi. John, b. Aug. 3, 1769. vii. Joseph, b. May 21, 1771 ; d. Dec. 31, 1771. vin. Susanna, b. Sept. 25, 1775 ; d. Mar. 19, 1856, in Cam bridge, unm. ix. Samuel, b. Sept. 4, 1777. X. William Frederic, b. July 31, 1779 ; was killed Dec. 13, 1798, by a fall from the masthead at sea; unm. 74 Jonathan' Livermore {Oliver,* Daniel,^ Samuel," John') was born March 25, 1743, in Watertown ; died there AprU 29, 1822 ; married Jan. 25, 1786, in Newton, Martha Robbins, born there June 25, 1760; died there Sept. 21, 1840. He was tall and erect, and after the fashion of the times, wore knee breeches, sUk stockings and low-cut shoes with sUver buckles. He was a tanner, in that part of Newton now Brighton ; he was a select man when Brighton was incorporated, March 9, 1 807, and served untU 1813. ChUdren, born in Brighton : 150. i. Jonathan,* b. AprU 12, 1787. 151. ii. Sarah, b. Sept. 7, 1788. 152. iii. Oliver, b. May 22, 1790. 153. iv. Lucy, b. Sept. 29, 1792. 154. V. Martha, b. Sept. 7, 1794. Fifth Generation 57 vi. Mary, b. June 17, 1796; d. Feb. 17, 1822. 155. vn. George, b. Sept. 21, 1798. 156. viii. Elizabeth, b. Oct. 30, 1800. 75 Daniel' Livermore {David,* Daniel,^ Samuel," John') was born AprU 7, 1749, in Watertown; died June 22, 1798, in Concord, N. H. ; married either in Dec, 1785 or Jan., 1786, in Concord, N. H., Sarah, eldest daughter of Hon. Timothy Walker, born there Jan. 21, 1764; died Oct. 17, 1843, in Cambridge. After the death of his father he lived some years with his uncle, Dea. Obadiah Kimball of Bradford. About 1763 he became an apprentice to his uncle, Dea. John Kimball, a car penter of Concord, N. H. At the beginning of the Revolution (in 1775) he entered the army as an ensign, serving in that capacity in the battle of Bunker HUl, in Capt. Gordon Hutchins' company, in Col. John Stark's regiment, known as the 5th com pany in the 3d regiment of foot. In Jan., 1776, he was first lieutenant in Capt. Woodbury's company, in Col. Stark's regi ment. He was appointed captain in the 3d N. H. regiment, June 16, 1779, taking rank as such from Nov. 8, 1776, and was in command of the regiment (though with the rank of captain) at West Point, May 10, 1780. The first white men to visit Owego, N. Y., of whom we have any account, were a portion of Gen. Sullivan's army, in 1779. On Aug. 17, in that year, Capt. Daniel Livermore of the 3d N. H. regiment of Gen. Poor's brigade, with a detachment of 900 men from Gen. Sullivan's army, marched up the Susque hanna River from Tioga Point (Athens, Pa.), to meet Gen. Clinton's expedition of 1500 men, which was coming down from Otsego Lake. At Owego, Capt. Livermore destroyed the Indian vUlage which was on the river's bank, at and below WUliam Street, and which consisted of about twenty wigwams, the natives having fled on the approach of the troops. Two days afterward they effected a union with Clinton's army at Charamuk (Choconut, about one and one-half miles above Union), and the entire body then marched to Owego, arriving Aug. 19, 58 Livertnore Family and remaining encamped there two days on account of rainy weather. This was the expedition sent to chastise the British, Indians, and Tories, for the horrible massacre and barbarous atrocities committed at Wyoming and Cherry Valley. Capt. Livermore kept a diary from May 17 to Dec. 7, 1779, which has been published in the sixth volume of the CoUections of the N. H. Hist. Society, and which is herewith given : JOURNAL. Monday, May 17, 1779. This day at eight o'clock the remaining part of Gen. Poor's brigade leave Soldier's Fortune and march on the V/estern Expedition. At three o'clock, P. M., halt at Fishkill, where we dine, twelve miles from our old quarters. At five P. M., march for the Ferry, which we make about sunset ; five miles from town. Col. Read's regiment cross the North River this evening. Col. Dearborn's take quarters for the night on the east side. Nothing remarkable happens during the day. Seventeen miles. Tuesday, May 18. This morning, the weather being fair, we proceed to con veying our baggage and stores over the river, to Newburg Landing, which was completed at about twelve o'clock. Here the troops refresh. At two o'clock P. M., are ready to march, near which time Gen. Poor arrives from New Hamp shire. The troops now proceed on their march by the way of New- Windsor, three miles ; thence to Bethlehem, nine miles. Put up at Maj. Deboyse's. This place is in the State of New-York, and County of Orange. The country is not very good in general, although some of the farms are very fine. Nothing material has happened this day. Twelve miles. Wednesday, May 19. This morning the troops march, at seven o'clock, through a very fertile part of the country, and make a short halt at Bloomsgrove Church, five miles. From thence proceed on our march five miles, to a small village called Chester. Here we halt an hour. The weather proves rainy, but we pro ceed on the march three miles, and are then obliged to put up for the night, by reason of the bad weather, in very disagreeable quarters. The country during this day's march is exceedingly good, but the inhabitants are not friendly. Nothing remarkable happens this day. Thirteen miles. Thursday, May 20. This morning the weather still continues rainy ; necessity obliges us to continue the march. The travelling is exceedingly bad. At nine o'clock make a halt at a small village called Warwick, six miles. Here we take breakfast at Beard's tavern, from whence we proceed on the march to Hardiston, seven miles. During this day's march we went past but few farms of any conse quence. The land is not fertile, but on both sides of the valley veiy mountainous and broken. At about four, P. M., we arrived at the aforementioned place. The weather continues rainy. Put up at Hinksman's, formerly a tavern, but now a torified house. Nothing remarkable happens during this day. Thirteen miles. Friday, May 21. The weather continues rainy. The troops lie by in their disagreeable quarters. Nothing remarkable happens during this day. Saturday, May 22. This day the troops lie by for want of provisions, and are employed in washing and drying their clothes. Nothing remarkable happens this Fifth Generation eg day, except a dispute which arose between the landlord and some of the officers, on account of the uncivil treatment they received from him, which was carried to no small height. N. B. — A Tory. Sunday, May 23. This morning the troops march at five o'clock. Proceed on their march seven miles, to the sign of the Ball. Here make a short halt. This is about two miles from New-York line, in the State of New-Jersey. We soon march on a few miles farther, and halt four hours in the heat of the day. At two o'clock proceed on the march through a mountainous, poor country, having but few inhabitants. At six o'clock arrive at Sussex State House where we put up for the night. This is a small village consisting of about ten decent houses, with a large State House, built of stone. In the north-east part of the town the people are chiefly of the English descent, but the greater part are not friendly to our cause. We put up at Prentice's tavern, and had very good treatment. I passed the eve ning very agreeably \\\\h. our own corps of officers, and Mr. Abial Frye. Nothing remarkable happens during this day. So ends the twenty-four hours. Twenty- two miles. Monday, May 24. This morning, at about seven o'clock, the troops proceed on their march for Easton. We make but very few halts during this day's march. At about five P. M., we arrive at a small village called Moravian Mills, or Oxford. This place is pleasantly situated, lying on a small river, on which stands the most curious com mill I ever saw. The inhabitants are of that denomination of people called Moravians. They are of a kind and benevolent disposition. The curiosi ties of this place are worthy of notice ; their water works in particular form a large fountain opposite the town, on a hill. The water is carried under ground down the hUl and through the bottom of the river, to a considerable of an emi nence on the opposite side. During the preceding day's march we travelled through an indifferent country. The people were chiefly of the Dutch descent. Nothing remarkable happens during this day's march. Sixteen miles. Tuesday, May 25. This morning the troops march early. Make a short halt at Carr's Tavern, five miles ; from whence we proceed on the march and make but few stops till we halt for the night. The troops encamp on the edge of a wood, on the left hand, near Col. Bond's. This night we lie on the ground in the open air. Sometime in the night it rains and makes it very uncomfortable. During the preceding day's march the weather was very hot. The country on the right hand is fertile. Some exceeding fine farms between the road and the river Delaware, which is from five to two miles distant. During the day's march nothing remarkable happens. Seventeen miles. Wednesday, May 26. This morning the troops march early. At eight o'clock arrive at Easton Ferry, five miles. We then proceed to conveying the troops and baggage over the Delaware, which is completed at about ten o'clock. This day the troops are supplied with tents, and encamp on the south-east side of the town, on the banks of the river Lehigh, which empties itself at this place into the Delaware. The town of Easton is pleasantly situated, on a level plat of ground, on a point made by the Delaware and Lehigh. The buildings in this place are plain, and built of stone. Their State House is built in the centre of the town, where four roads meet. It is built of stone and hme, and makes an elegant ap pearance. They have one house of worship, near the State House. It is built of hewn stone ; large and elegant, with a large organ. The inhabitants are chiefly Low-Dutch, and they worship wholly in that way. There are some few Jews living here, who are the principal merchants of the place. ¦6o Livermore Family Thursday, May 27 ; Friday, 28 ; Saturday, 29, and Sunday, 30. Nothing ma terial happens. We lie by, having little to do; spend our time in fishing and other sort of diversions. Monday, May 31. This day I set out on a party of pleasure to Bethlehem, in company with /,5 Daniel,* Daniel,^ John," John') was bap. Oct. 22, 1774, in Weston; died Aug. 20, 1832, in Al stead, N. H. ; married Jan. 30, 1800, in Sudbury, Tabitha, daugh ter of Daniel and Eunice Tilton, born there Nov. i, 1779 ; died Jan. 7, 1864, in Jaffrey, N. H. Children, born in Alstead : i. Elmira,' b. Oct. 29, 1800; m. Rufus Sawyer, and lived in Jaffrey. u. Harriet, b. Oct. 20, 1802 ; d. there Nov. 3, 1804. in. Harriet, b. Nov. 16, 1804 ; m. William, son of William and Betsey Buckley (Ames) Livermore. 244. iv. Sarah, b. Mar. 20, 1807. V. Daniel, b. Aug. 20, 1809 ; m. Mary Kittredge, in Nelson; lived in Alstead. One daughter. vi. Lucy Bogle, b. Jan. n, 1812 ; m. Woodward, and lived in Newton. Sixth Generation 1 03 245. vii. Mary Catherine, b. Mar. 12, 1815. viu. Elizabeth Pamelia, b. May 6, 1818. 246. ix. Josiah, b. May 14, 1821. 247. X. Eunice Tilton, twin to Josiah. 115 Abraham* Livermore {Abraham,^ Datiiel,* Daniel,'^ John," >/^«') was born July 21, 1776, in Pelham; died Dec. 9, 1846, in German, N. Y. ; married April 27, 1803, in Pelham, Betsey Comstock, born there Aug. 25, 1783; died March 27, 1871, in Dubuque, la. He had a farm on the south side of his father's, in German, settling there in 1796. ChUdren, born in German : i. Mary,' b. Mar. 22, 1804. ii. Caroline, b. June 11, 1805; d. Jan. 25, 1874; m. Aug. 10, 1842, Piatt Smith ; they lived in Dubuque, la. 248. in. Abigail, b. Dec. 26, 1807. iv. Oliver, b. May 5, 1810 ; d. Aug. 6, 1840. V. Betsey Maria, b. Nov. 18, 181 2 ; m. Harvey Benton, and her son, O. D. Benton? lives in Holton, Jackson County, Kansas. vi. Charles Comstock, b. Dec. 27, 1815 ; d. Aug. 31, 1878, in Oto, la. ; a son, Albert? is living in Cascade, Du buque County, la. vu. Hepsey, Nov. 27, 1818 ; m. Thorit Smith; res., Smith viUe, N. Y. viii. Adaline, b. Oct. 31, 1821, m. David Cormick. Her children live in Steamburgh, Pa. ix. George H. C, b. June 14, 1826 ; d. Dec. 5, i860. X. Benjamin, b. Aug. 16, 1829; d. a few years ago in Cin- cinnatus, N. Y. 116 Hepsibeth* Livermore {Abraham,^ Daniel,* Daniel,^ John," John') was born Oct. 11, 1780, in Pelham; died March 7, 1862, in Paris HUl, N. Y. ; married Feb. 3, 1799, in German, N. Y. (the first marriage in the town), Jonathan, son of Jonathan and Ruth (Little) Head, born AprU 28, 1775, in Little Compton, R. I.; died Feb. 10, 1866, in Paris HiU. 104 Livermore Fatnily Children (Head), born in Paris HiU : 249. i. Ralph,' b. May 17, 1800. 250. ii. Miranda, b. AprU 13, 1802. in. Cyrus, b. Mar. 2, 1804 ; d. July 23, 1888, in New Ha ven, Oswego county, N. Y. iv. Harvey, b. Sept. 14, 1806; d. Feb. 27, 1883, in Paris HiU. 251. V. Orren William, b. May 13, 1808. vi. Lysander, b. Jan. 11, 18 11. 252. vii. Daniel, b. AprU 25, 1813. 253. viii. George Washington, b. May 21, 1815. 254. ix. Orson Sherman, b. Oct. 9, 1817. 255. x. Sarah Maria, b. Mar. 22, 1820. xi. Jonathan Edwards, b. July 28, 1822 ; d. Feb. 7, 1858, in Paris HiU, unm. 117 Abel* Livermore {Abraham,^ Daniel,* Dajtiel,^ John," John') was born Aug. 10, 1784, in Pelham ; died Sept. 5, 1849, in Ger man, N. Y. ; married May 11, 1806, in Cincinnatus, N. Y., Deb orah Salisbury, born July 4, 1790, in Saratoga, N. Y. ; died March 24, 1858, in EarlvUle, N. Y. He was a man of extraor dinary good looks, of great strength and energy ; his brow was high ; his eye was blue, bright and piercing ; his nose aquUine and prominent, cheeks broad, mouth determined but pleasant, chin short and dimpled, skin very light and clear, hair nearly black, neck short, shoulders broad, figure straight, his muscular system extraordinarily developed; his weight was 196 to 200 pounds. His chief amusement was in foot racing and in leaping over a string stretched in the air ; the greatest height to which he could leap was the width of two fingers higher than his own head (six feet). In July, 1806, he bought a lot of land on the west side of his father's, in German, N. Y., being part of Lot No. 91, containing 23 acres, i rod, 36 perches, and gave ;^4.oo per acre. His house was small, made of logs, and closely sur rounded with forest trees. The furniture was almost nothing ; blocks for chairs, an old chest for a table, and cooking utensUs accordingly. The door was a bed-quUt. The rest of his capital Sixth Generation 105 consisted of one cow, a yoke of two-year-old steers, one axe and a pig. Not many years elapsed before the land was cleared, the wolves that were wont to howl at the door exterminated, and competence secured. He was a noted hunter as well as a farmer. Bears, deer and wolves were abundant. He captured or kiUed many of these with the trap and rifle. He was one of the many backwoodsmen who sought their fortune on the western frontier of the colonies, and became the pioneers of western civiUzation. A large white house now stands on the site of his home. Children, born in German, N. Y. : 256. i. Elias,' b. April 15, 1807. ii. Cyrus, b. Nov. 10, 1808 ; m. Nov. 15, 1838, in Clarkes- field, Ohio. His son F. F? Livermore lived in Beloit, Wis. 257. iu. Burr, b. Oct. 28, 1810. 258. iv. Mary, b. July 14, 1812. V. Nancy, b. June 9, 1814 ; d. Dec. 10, 1848, unm., in German, after an Ulness of ten years of spinal com plaint. vi. Lucette, b. Mar. 28, 1816 ; m. Mar. 4, 1835, in German, Christopher Leach. 259. vii. Sally, b. Jan. 27, 1818. 260. viu. Lark Southgate, b. Oct. 12, 1819. 261. ix. Farmer RoUand, b. July 31, 1822. 262. X. Samuel Truesdale, b. Mar. 16, 1824. xi. Mariette Rougene, b. Mar. 29, 1826; m. Sept. i, 1857, in EarlvUle, N. Y., Walden A. Pickett. xii. Valette A., b. Aug. 4, 1828; d. May 31, i860, in Eari- vUle ; m. there Sept. 24, 1849, Wm. Rhodes. xin. Elsa Ann, b. Feb. 3, 1832 ; d. there Jan. 29, 1850 ; m. Sept. 24, 1849, Franklin S. Barnes, b.in Macdonough, N. Y. ; d. in Pawtucket, R. I. 118 Cyrus^ Livermore {Abraham,^ Daniel,* Daniel,^ John," John') was born May 28, 1790, in Pelham; died Oct. 3, 1854; married Sept. 10, 1 8 12, Anabella RockweU, born May 18, 1792, in Lenox; died May 18, 1840, in Clarkesfield, Ohio. He had a io6 Livermore Family farm in German, N. Y., on the north side of his father's, and moved to Ohio in 1836. ChUdren, born in German : i. Louisa,' b. Sept. i, 1813; d. July 25, 1877, in Nashua, Iowa, unm. 263. ii. Ezra, b. Aug. 5, 1815. in. Emily, b. Mar. 6, 18 18. iv. Laura C, b. July 28, 182 1 ; d. Oct. 8, 1867, unm. 264. V. Arraett, b. July 8, 1823. 265. vi. Orson Head, b. Jan. 28, 1826. vu. Jackson, b. Feb. 8, 1829; d. Aug. 27, 1893, in Sheridan, Oklahoma, unm. 266. viu. Emeline Percilla, b. Oct. 6, 1832. ix. George Eliot, b. Mar. 10, 1834; d. Sept. 13, 1874. 119 Martha* Livermore {Jonas,^ Jonas,* Daniel,^ John," John') was born Oct. 22, 1768, in Leicester; married there Feb. 10, 1790, Samuel, son of Samuel and Martha ( ) Upham of Montpelier, Vt. He died May 12, 1848, in Randolph, Vt., aged 87. ChUdren (Upham) : i. William,' b. Aug. 5, 1791, in Leicester; d. in Washing ton, D. C, whUe a Senator in Congress from Vermont. ii. Samuel, b. Mar. 26, 1793, in Leicester. iii. Patty, b. in 1797. iv. Horace, b. in 1799. 120 Salem* Livermore {Jonas,^ Jonas,* Daniel,^ John," John') was born Sept. 26, 1770, in Leicester; died there April 29, 1858 ; married there (i) Nov., 1793, Nancy Walker, died there March 2, 1838, aged 62 years; married (2) Jan. 8, 1839, Ruth, daughter of Elisha and Ruth (Eddy) Livermore, born May 12, 1776, in Auburn; died Nov. 2, 1866, in Oxford. He lived on his father's estate in the south part of Leicester, near Auburn, and was a carpenter as weU as a farmer, and a member of the z <; C Sixth Generation 107 Universalist Church. He was a surveyor of highways in Leices ter in 1827. Children, born in Leicester : 267. i. Mary,' b. Aug. 25, 1795. ii. Sarah, b. Aug. 31, 1797 ; d. May i, 1827 ; m. Aug. 10, 1823, Samuel Bottomly. Child (Bottomly) : Sarah Livermore? b. Jan. 28, 1827, in Leicester; m. Schofield. 268. iii. Nancy, b. Oct. 13, 1800. 269. iv. Hannah, b. May 21, 1804. V. Thomas, b. Sept. 7, 1805 ; d. young. vi. Seraph, b. AprU 23, 1809; d. April 4, 1832; m. April 27, 1828, in Leicester, James HoUingsworth. 270. vii. Salem, twin to Seraph. viii. Tamason, b. May 28, 1812 ; d. Feb. 8, 1840; m. May 30, 1830, in Leicester, Liberty Beers. Children (Beers) : I. Tamason,^ d. Dec. 16, 1837. 2. Liberty, d. Aug. 4, 1848, aged 15 years. ix. Jemima, b. Feb. 8, 1814; d. there Feb. 25, 1814. X. Moses, b. Mar. 11, 1815 ; d. there June 20, 1854; m. SUence Thompson of East Douglas. Child : Betsey? m. HaU in East Douglas ; he lived on his grand father's place. 121 Daniel* Livermore {Jonas,^ Jonas,* Daniel,^ John," John')^ was born June lo, 1776, in Leicester; died there Aug. 31, 1869; married May 28, 1801, in Leicester, Betsey Parker, born there Feb. 3, 1777 ; died there Nov. 2, 1846. He lived on the estate of his grandfather Jonas Livermore, near the foot of and on the south side of what is known as Livermore HUl ; part of the house is stiU standing. He was a farmer and a Universalist. Children, born in Leicester : 271. i. Jonas,' b. April 21, 1802. ii. Semantha, b. Jan. 12, 1804; d. there Nov. 9, 1810. iii. Lewis, b. June 2, 1806 ; d. there Jan. 7, 1807. iv. Horace, twin to Lewis; d. there April 29, 1822. V. EHza, b. Mar. 24, 1809. 272. vi. Mary, b. April 26, 181 1. io8 Livermore Family 273. vii. Diantha, b. Mar. 30, 1813. 274. viu. Lewis, b. July 31, 1815. 275. ix. Daniel Parker, b. June 17, 1818. 122 Abigail* Livermore {David,^ Jonas,* Daniel,^ John,' John') was born Oct. 27, 1772, in Spencer; died there March 16, 1842; married there Oct. 16, 1795, Paul Sibley; died there March 14, 185 1, aged 82. Children (Sibley), born in Spencer : 276. i. Walter,' b. Jan. 28, 1797. 277. ii. Russell, b. Dec. 26, 1798. 278. iii. Paul, b. Sept. 6, 1804. 279. iv. Brigham, b. June 3, 1807. 123 David* Livermore {David,^ Jonas,* Daniel,^ John? John') was born AprU 14, 1774, in Spencer; died there Oct. 15, 1852; married there June 13, 1801, Betsey, daughter of James and Lucy (Browning) Watson, born there Aug. 20, 1 779 ; died there Oct. 28, 1852. He was a selectman of Spencer in 1812 and 1819. He was a farmer and was called captain. ChUdren, born in Spencer : i. Elmira,' b. Oct. 15, 1802 ; d. there July 12, 1803. 280. ii. Winthrop, b. July 21, 1804. 281. iii. Lorenzo, b. Oct. i, 1806. iv. Elizabeth, b. June 18, 1809 ; m. May 13, 1835, in Spen cer. Freeman Upham. ChUd (Upham) : Roger? lives in Worcester. 282. V. David Dexter, b. Aug. 6, 1812. 283. vi. Calista, b. June 25, 1814. vii. Elmira, b. Mar. 11, 1820; m. Oct. 27, 1847, in Spencer, Daniel, son of Benoni and Lucy ( ) Smith. No children. viu. John, b. in 1824; d. there Sept. 24, 1827, aged 3 years. 124 Mary* Livermore {David,^ Jotms,* Daniel,^ Johti," John') was born Feb. 20, 1778, in Spencer; married AprU 20, 1797, in Spencer, WUliam, son of Asa and Rebecca (Richardson) Bige- Sixth Generation 109 low, born Jan. 15, 1773, in Brookfield; died Feb., 1854, in East Boston. (See Bigelow Genealogy.) ChUdren (Bigelow), born in Brookfield : i. Laurinda,' b. Nov. 23, 1798; m. Lieut. Tilly Muzzy of Brookfield. U. Winthrop, b. Oct. 10, 1800; d. Mar. 15, i860, in Paxton. 125 William* Livermore {David? Jonas,* Daniel,'^ John," John') was born Aug. 19, 1783, in Spencer ; died there AprU 6, 1864 ; married there (i) Jan. 3, 18 10, Sally, daughter of Nathaniel Thomas and Sarah (Watson) Loring, born there June 15, 1784; died there Oct. 16, 1816; married (2) Aug. 18, 1839, Ruth Aldridge of Uxbridge. He was a colonel in the mUitia. ChUdren, born in Spencer : i. Lydia Ann Loring,' b. Sept. 11, 181 1 ; d. there Sept. 7, 1813. 284. u. Maria, b. June 14, 1813. 126 Walton* Livermore {David,^ Jonas,* Daniel? John," John') was born June 15, 1786, in Spencer; died there July 13, 1835 ; married there June 7, 18 13, Mary White, born there June 7, 1787; died there Nov. 28, i860. He was a merchant; justice of the peace in 1835; representative to the General Court in 1831 ; town treasurer 1822-25 ; selectman in 1826-28, and '31 ; assessor in Spencer in 1829. ChUdren, born in Spencer : 285. i. William White,' b. Sept. 16, 1814. ii. John Walton, b. June 22, 1817; d. there June 11, 1843. 286. in. George Henry, b. July 28, 18 19. iv. Edward, b. Sept. 18, 182 1 ; m. Feb. 18, 1858, Anne Post, widow of his brother, WiUiam White Livermore. 287. V. Charles Frederick, b. July 4, 1824. vi. Mary Eliza, b. Mar. 3, 1826; m. there Feb. 22, 1853, George Frederick, son of Jeremiah and Hannah (Nye) Grout, b. there Aug. 25, 1825. Child (Grout), b. in Spencer: Edward Livermore? b. Nov. 14, 1855. 1 10 Livermore Family vii. Esther White, b. AprU i6, 1828 ; d. there AprU 2, 1843. viu. Sarah Annette, b. Dec. 28, 183 1. 127 Anna* Livermore {David? Jonas * Daniel? John? John') \iz.% born Aug. 3, 1789, in Spencer; died there Jan. 24, 1829; mar ried there July 3, 1825, James Green, born there April 28, 1791, died there July 3, 1828. ChUdren (Green), born in Spencer : i. John,' b. June 5, 1826 ; lives in Worcester. ii. Ann Eliza, b. . 128 Lorenzo Osborne* Livermore {David? Jonas* Daniel? John? John') was born AprU 29, 1804, in Spencer; died there Aug. 30, 1 860; married there May 6, 1840, Chloe Dunbar, daughter of Joshua and Mrs. Lydia (Hatch-Prouty, widow of WUliam Prouty) Bemis, born there April i, 1820, and is stiU living there ; she is a second cousin of Elias Howe, the inventor of the sewing machine. Lorenzo was a house buUder and miU owner in Spencer. ChUdren, born in Spencer : 288. i. Walton,' b. Feb. 28, 1841. 289. ii. Albert, b. Sept. 3, 1843. in. Frances, b. July 24, 1846; m. July 25, 1871, in Cam bridge, William Augustine Stone of Worcester; she lives with her mother. 129 Silas* Livermore {Elisha? Joivxs,* Daniel? JoJm? John') was born March 28, 1781, in Auburn; died Jan. 31, 1820, in Lisle, N. Y. ; married Dec. 21, 1805, in Worcester, Martha, daughter of Amos and Sarah (Swift) Putnam, born Oct. 25, 1781, in Sut ton; died Oct. 3, 1852, in Worcester. He was a farmer and card maker and lived in several towns, finally emigrating from Spencer to Lisle. ChUdren : i. Elsie,' b. Oct. 25, 1806, in Leicester; d. Oct., 1881, in Worcester; m. in 1852, Andrew Adams of Worcester. Sixth Generation m ii. JuHa, b. May lo, 1809, in Greenwich; m. (i) in 1832, George C. Whipple of Providence, R. I., d. 1852 ; m. (2) June 20, 1857, Elisha Doubleday; she lived in North Dana. 290. Ui. Silas, b. Mar. 15, 1812, in Oxford. iv. Sarah, b. Sept. 9, 1815, in Leicester; m. WUUam Camp bell of Worcester. Two children. 291. V. Elisha Swift, b. July i, 1820, in Lisle. 130 Paul* Livermore {Elisha? Jonas* Daniel? John? John') was born June 28, 1783, in Auburn; died May 9, 1869, in Provi dence, R. I. ; married March 16, 1808, in Leicester, Sally, daugh ter of James Snow, died Dec. 6, 1875, in MUlbury, aged 84 years. He first settled on the homestead in Oxford, where he buUt a new house in 18 12. He emigrated to Lisle, N. Y., re turning later to MUlbury and then to Providence. ChUdren : 292. i. Louisa,' b. Oct. 10, 1808, in Oxford. ii. Addison, b. Dec. 9, 1810, in Oxford; m. Susan Part ridge, who d. May 14, 1869, in Providence, aged 55 years. Ui. Edwin, b. Jan. 21, 1813, in Oxford; d. Jan. 5, 1871, in Millbury ; m. Mercy, dau. of Josiah and Betsey (Davis) Hume of Millbury, b. May 26, 1813, in New Salem; d. Feb. 20, 1879. iv. Persis, b. Jan. 8, 1815, in Oxford; m. in 1837, Hiram Kenney, b. Dec. 30, 1814, in Millbury. No children. V. Roxana, b. Nov. 16, 18 16, in Oxford. vi. Mary Amanda, b. . vu. Chauncey, b. in 1822 ; m. Jan. 6, 1846, in Worcester, Catherine, dau. of William Wesson, b. in 18 12. 131 Lydia* Livermore {Elisha? Jonas,* Daniel? John? John') vias born Feb. 2, 1786, in Auburn; died before i860, in Champion, N. Y. ; married Jan. 17, 1807, in Auburn, Daniel, son of Daniel and Chloe (White) Fitts, born Jan. 6, 1785, in Oxford; died Dec, 1879, in Champion. They moved to Champion after hav ing lived in Charlton, Oxford and Auburn. 112 Livermore Family ChUdren (Fitts) : i. Tirzah,'b. May ii, 1808; m. Price Stoddard. ii. Emeline, b. AprU 9, 18 10; m. Orson MerriU, in. Diantha, b. Mar. 24, 18 13; m. Waite. iv. Lorinda, b. AprU 11, 18 16 ; m. Merriam. V. Elisha Livermore, b. Jan. 16, 1819; d. AprU 11, 1819. 132 Lucy* Livermore {Elisha? Jonas* Daniel? John? John') was born Sept. 16, 1802, in Auburn; died Oct. 9, 1882; married Sept. 17, 1820, in Oxford, Calvin, son of Nathaniel and Susanna (Greenwood) StockweU, born in 1797, in Sutton, died AprU i, 1 84 1. They settled at the Livermore place, near the Gore and Auburn line in Oxford. ChUdren (StockweU) ; i. Tirzah,' b. Mar. 9, 1822 ; m. 1845, Marcus Bond, d. April 28, 1879. •'^° chUdren. ii. Albert, b. Jan. 24, 1827; m. June 13, 1847, Olivia A., dau. of Smith Bruce, settled in Providence, R. I. Child: Etta? b. Oct., 1851. iii. Lucian, b. Feb. 2, 1829 ; d. in 1888 ; m. (i) in 1845, Ruth Comstock of Charlton ; m. ( 2 ) Abby Williams of Sutton. ChUdren (StockweU) : I. Melissa,^ h. Sept., 1845, •"¦ Spencer Jenks; settled at Wor cester, wliere she died. 2. Mary Livermore, b. in 1847 ; m. in 1882, Hall, and settled in Boston. 3. Fred Livermore, b. ; d. young. iv. Lucy Ann, b. AprU 23, 1830; m. George Rich. 133 Isaac* Livermore {Elijah? Isaac,* Daniel? John? John') was born June 16, 1792, in Shutesbury; died March 10, 1869, in Peru; married Dec. 20, 1823, in Cummington, Betsey Bates, born there Jan. 20, 1797. He was a tanner, then a cooper and afterwards a farmer. ChUdren : i. Rachel Bates,' b. July 26, 1825, in Northampton; d. there Dec. 25, 1825. Sixth Generation 113 ii. Jane Amelia, b. AprU 10, 1827, in Northampton; m. May, 1865, Rodney Bemiss of Ohio. No children. iii. Calvin WiUard, b. Sept. i, 1829, in Leverett; d. there Mar. 4, 1832. iv. Sarah Aurelia, b. Jan. 28, 1832, in Leverett. V. Elijah Melvin, b. Mar. 28, 1834, in Shutesbury; m. Mar. 18, 1872, Mattie HaskeU of Peru. No children. vi. Isaac Bemiss, b. May 28, 1836, in Shutesbury ; d. there July 3, 1836. vn. RusseU Tinker, b. AprU 28, 1839, m Hinsdale; d. there Mar. 10, 1850. 293. viu. Mary Elizabeth, b. July 24, 1842, in Hinsdale. 134 Henry* Livermore {Elijah? Isaac,* Daniel? J ohtt? John') was bom AprU 24, 1796, in Shutesbury; died Nov. 14, 1841, in Pittsfield; married JiUy 4, 1822, in Cummington, Electa Bates, born there about 1802 ; died in 1844, in Waterbury, Conn. ChUdren : i. Betsey Aurelia,' b. April, 1823, in Chester; d. in 1845, in Waterbury. 294. u, Chester Watson, b. Mar., 1828, in Cummington. iu. Rachel Cordelia, b. in 1831, in Cummington ; d. in 1853, in New York ; m. Paul Dwight Reed, of Cummington. Child (Reed) : Flora Cordelia? b. in 185 1, in Spring field. iv. L3rman Strong, b. Aug., 1834, in Cummington ; d. Oct., 1843. 135 Lyman* Livermore {Elijah? Isaac* Daniel? John? John') was bom July 26, 1799, in Shutesbury; died in 1883, in Charle- mont; married in 1823, Elizabeth Eveleth, born June, 1796. ChUdren : 295. [i, Henry Martin,' b. Jan. 17, 1824, in Amherst. ii. AbigaU Frances, b. Oct., 1825, in Northampton; m, Nov. 29, 1877, Marshall Phipps, a widower, and lived in Charlemont. No children. in. Charles Lyman, b. June, 1828, in Cummington ; m. twice, and lived in Vermont. 114 Livermore Family iv. Adeline Cooley, b. 1830, in Cummington; d. there in 1833- v. Sumner WUlard, b. Dec, 1833, in Cummington ; d. there Aug. 30, 1850; he was a farmer, and unm. vi. Cooley Newton, b. Jan., 1838, in Hawley; d. Oct. 8, 1883, in Charlemont. vn. William Russell, b. Feb., 1840, in Hawley; his widow lived in Charlemont. 136 Martin* Livermore {Elijah? Isaac* Daniel? John? John') was born AprU 10, 1804, in Shutesbury; died Feb. 25, 1870, in Hinsdale; married in 1827, in Cummington, Mehitable, daugh ter of Luther and Hetty Bates, born Nov. 3, 1807, in Cumming ton; died Aug. 28, 1884, in Windsor. He was a carpenter. ChUdren : i. WiUiam Edwin,' b. April, 183 1, in Shutesbury; d. Oct. I, 1853, in Hinsdale. ii. Mary Evans, b. Feb., 1833, in Shutesbury; m. June 24, 1857, William Miller, of Washington. No chUdren. They lived in Windsor. in. Martin WiUard, b. Jan., 1838, in Shutesbury; d. Dec. 9, 1852, in Hinsdale. 396. iv. Martha Jane, b. Aug., 1843, in Plainfield. V. Rachel Emma, b. Dec. 22, 1845, i" Plainfield; m. Jan. 2, 1869, Perry, son of Nicholas and Mary (BidweU) Hogoboom, of Hinsdale, b. in 1835, i" Oneonta, N. Y. They lived in Dahon. Child (Hogoboom) : I. Helen? b. April, 1875. vi. Charles Henry, b. Feb. 9, 1849, i^i Plainfield; d. there Aug. I, 1849. 137 Chester* Livermore {Elijah? Isaac* Daniel? John? John') was born AprU 25, 1808, in Shutesbury; died Jan. 6, 1867, in Northampton; married Nov. 17, 1836, in Shutesbury, Betsey Stevenson, daughter of David and Margaret Pratt, born there July 7, 1809 ; died June 15, 1876, in Northampton. She was a granddaughter of Eunice Garfield, one of three women captured Sixth Generation 115 by Indians, of which history gives account. He learned the car penter's trade while young, and after removing to Hinsdale, carried on that business for fourteen years, and then for several years changed his occupation to farming, in the towns of Worth- ington and Peru. ChUdren : 297. i. Orrin Elijah,' b. Nov. 28, 1837, in Hinsdale. ii. David Emmons, b. April 4, 1839, in Washington, unm. ; he was a public school teacher, and afterwards book keeper in Northampton. 298. iii. Miriam Adaline, b. Jan. 4, 1841, in Hawley. iv. Frances Lucinda, b. May 7, 1843, in Hinsdale; m. Edward Skillings of East Bridgewater, and lived in Baldwinville. V. Sarah Marinda, b. July 31, 1848, in Hinsdale; d. there Feb. 5, 1849. 138 Edmund* Livermore {Daniel? Edmund* Samuel? Samuel? John') was bom Aug. 16, 1769, in Brimfield; died June 30, 1834, in WUmington, Vt.; married Dec. i, 1795, in Brookfield, Dorothy Foster, born there March 22, 1776 ; died June 2, 1842, in WUmington, where he kept a tavern for a time and was also a farmer. ChUdren, born in WUmington : i. Semantha,' b. May 28, 1798 ; d. there Sept. 9, 1798. 299. ii. Daniel, b. June 30, 1799. iu. Susan, b. Mar. 27, 1801 ; d. in 1878, in Toledo, Ohio; m. AprU 18, 1824, Joel Nye of Toledo, Ohio, b. Feb. II, 1799, in Brookfield, N. Y. They had two sons (Nye) : David^ and Dwight. 300. iv. Alonzo, b. Feb. 25, 1803. V. Elizabeth, b. Aug. 20, 1805; m. Dec. 7, 1826, in Wil mington, Ira Adams, b. Feb. 3, 1803 ; d. Sept. 19, 1852. Their dau. (Adams) Cynthia? m. Daniel Cush- man, whose dau.? is the wife of Frank Walker of Champaign, 111. vi. Semantha, b. June 2, 1807; m. Mar. 5, 1854, James, son of Medad and Elizabeth (Hale) Smith of Wil mington, b. there Oct. 19, 1796- No children. Ii6 Livermore Family vii. Edmund Randolph, b. May 28, 1808; d. Nov. 11, 1831, while a student in Dartmouth College, viii. Pamelia Foster, b. Mar. 21, 181 1; m. May 14, 1850, Reuben, son of Joseph and Huldah Spencer of Wil mington, b. there Dec. 26, 182 1. No children. ix. Cynthia, b. Mar. 23, 1813; d. Oct. 18, 1830. 301. x. Jairus, b. Feb. 7, 1815. xi. Harriet NeweU, b. May 10, 1817 ; d. Aug. 31, 1838. 302. xii. Henry Dwight, b. Mch. 7, 1820. 139 Daniel* Livermore {Daniel? Edmund* Samuel? Samuel? John') was born Jan. 23, 1771, in Brimfield ; died April 9, 1813, in Sangerfield, N. Y. ; married Dec. 24, 1795, in Wihnington, Vt., Sally, daughter of Jonathan Bassett, born there July 10, 1776; died March 19, 1848, in Sangerfield, to which place they moved soon after marriage. ChUdren, born in Sangerfield : i. Almira,' b. Oct. 6, 1796 ; d. there May 3, 1865, 303. ii. Melinda, b. 1798. 304. iu. Daniel, b. June 19, 1801. 305. iv. Aranus, b. Aug. 30, 1803. 306. V. Oraniel, b. Sept. 20, 1806. 307. vi. James, b. Oct. 2, 18 10. vii. Sally, b, Oct. 3, 1812 ; died there Mar. 23, 1829. 140 Samuel* Livermore {Daniel? Edmund* Samuel? Samuel? John') was born Sept. 18, 1774, in Brimfield ; died AprU 5, 1831, in Independence, N. Y. ; married Dec. i, 1796, in WUmington, Vt., Hannah Bassett, born May 21, 1778, in Hard wick; died March 24, 1838, in Independence. Children : 308. i. John Pierce,' b. Feb, 11, 1798, in Wilmington, 309. ii. Samuel, b. Mar, 21, 1800, in Wilmington. 310, iu. Sally, b. July 20, 1802, in Sangerfield, N. Y. iv. Adaline, b. Nov. 3, 1804, in Sangerfield. 311. V, Edmund, b. AprU 9, 1806, in Sangerfield. Sixth Generation 117 vi. WUliam Slocum, b. May 17, 1808, in Brookfield, N. Y. ; m. Jan. 14, 1830, Amanda Clarke. He was a farmer, and settled in Independence. He was a deacon and a prominent member of the Seventh Day Baptist Church. No children. 312. vn. Manin, b. Sept. 18, 18 10, in Brookfield. ^!"" l Twin girls, b. Nov. 7, 1812, in Brookfield. IX, ) 313. x. Briggs Bassett, b. Feb. 19, 1815, in Brookfield. 314. xi. Barbara, b. June 2, 18 17, in Brookfield. 315. xii. Theodore, b. Feb. 9, 18 19, in Brookfield. xiu. Maxson Green, b. Mar. 14, 1823, in Brookfield; d. Nov, 29, 1846, in Andover, N. Y. ; m. April 5, 1845, Clar issa Crandall Clarke. No children. 141 Abner* Livermore {Daniel? Edmund* Samuel? Samuel? John') was born Dec. 15, 1777, in Brimfield ; died Jan. 26, 1857, in Jackson, Mich., buried with Masonic honors ; married (i) Jan. I, 1800, in WUmington, Vt., Melinda Bassett, born there Feb. 28, 1781 ; died April 5, 1816, in Sangerfield, N. Y. ; married (2) Nov. 27, 1816, in Springfield, N. Y., Sarah Smith, born July 13, 1781, in Hebron, N. Y. ; died Aug. 19, 1835, in Rochester, Mich. Soon after his first marriage he moved from WUmington to WaterviUe, N. Y., where he became a man of local prominence as teacher, merchant and pension agent under the general government. He was a soldier in the War of 18 12. In 1829 he lived in Homellsville, N. Y. ChUdren, bom in Sangerfield, N. Y. : 316. i. John Safford,' b. Jan. 17, 1801. ii. Lucinda, b. Feb. 18, 1803 ; d. there Nov. 28, 1809. in. Samantha, b. Sept. 3, 1804; d. there Sept. 15, 1819. iv, James Clinton, b, AprU 16, 1807 ; d. in Beardstown, 111. v. Melinda Bunce, b. Jan. 7, 1809; m. May i, 1823, in HorneUsviUe, N. Y., Movey Thatcher. Six children. vi. Clarmda, twin to Melinda; d. Mar. 3, 1810. 317. vii. Fidus, b. July 21, 1811, viu. Lucinda, b. Feb. i, 1814. ix. Abner Bassett, b. Mar. 31, 1816; d. Sept. 24, 1847, in Rochester, Mich. ii8 Livermore Family X, Eliza C, b. Mar, 8, 1818; d. Oct. 27, 1880, in Orange- ville, Mich. 318. xi. Harriet Rhoda, b. July 17, 182 1. 142 James* Livermore {Daniel? Edmund* Samuel? Samuel? John') was born Nov. 27, 1786, in WUmington, Vt. ; died Dec. 18, 1843, in Sangerfield, N. Y. ; married (i) Nov. 2, 1807, PoUy Tiffany, born Dec. 15, 1788, in Black River, N. Y.; died Feb. 26, 1825, in Sangerfield; married (2) Nov. 20, 1825, in Sangerfield, Eunice Wood Stafford, born May 20, 1796, in Mass achusetts; died Aug. 15, 1870, in Butler, N. Y. He was a Methodist class leader, and the meetings were held in his house ; he was also a farmer. His death was the result of a cold caught by not having his overcoat on, whUe taking a load of coal (found on his farm) into Utica, N. Y. ChUdren, born in Sangerfield : i. Abner,' b. Sept. 24, 1808 ; d. Nov. 3, 1847, in Sanger field ; m. Betsey Riley. ChUd : Mary? n. John Tiffany, b. Jan. 23, 1810; d. there Mar. 23, 1831, unm. iii. Alpha, b. AprU 9, 1813; d. Oct. 7, 1886, in Madison, N. Y. ; m. (i) Nancy Brown, of Madison; m. (2) Nancy McHard. Children : Belinda Francis? Caroline, Adelaide, Ella. 319. iv. James, b. Aug. 25, 1814. V. Wesley, b. AprU 20, 1820; d. May 17, 1825. 320. vi. Eunice Stafford, b. Sept. 20, 1822, 321. vii. Joseph Wesley, b. Dec. 21, 1828. 322. vin. Polly, b. Nov. 14, 1831. 323. ix. Ruth, b. Jan. 28, 1835. X. George Wood, b. Dec. 21, 1836; d. Sept. 17, 1839. 143 Jonas* Livermore {Oliver? Oliver* Daniel? Samuel? John') was born Feb. 27, 1768, in Shirley; died Oct., 1822, in Marietta, Ohio; married March 29, 1796, in Shirley, Mary, daughter of Capt. John and Mary (Park) Kelsey, born there April 14, 1776; died July 22, 1823, in Marietta. He was a selectman in Shirley, during the five years preceding his re- Sixth Generation no moval to the West. On Wednesday evening, Oct. 26, 18 14, he and Mr. Warner, with their famUies, set out for Ohio, and went as far as his wife's father's that night. The next day, they proceeded on their journey to Marietta, where he and his wife passed the rest of their lives, and after their deaths the chil dren moved to Illinois. ChUdren, the youngest born in Marietta, the others in Shirley : 324. i. Jonas,' b. Jan. i, 1797. 325. ii. Oliver, b. June 27, 1798. in. John, b. June 24, 1800; d. there Feb. 6, 1810. 326. iv. Andrew Park, b. Jime 10, 1806. V. Walter, b. Aug. 23, 1810; d. there Dec, 18 10. vi. Mary, b. Sept. 8, 1816; m. Oct., 1838, Derrick Fuller. She lived in RoseviUe, IU., in 1878. ChUd (FuUer) : A son? b. Nov. 6, 1839. 144 William* Livermore {Oliver? Oliver* Daniel? Samuel? John') was born June 23, 1770, in Shirley ; died March 2, 1846, in Groton ; married April 21, 1799, Betsey Buckley, daughter of Amos and Abigail (Buckley) Ames of Groton, born Dec. 10, 1776 ; died July 26, 1861. In the earlier part of his life he was a carpenter and buUder, but afterwards devoted himself to agri culture; he represented Groton in the State Legislature in 1829 and 1830. ChUdren, born in Groton : i, Catherine,' b. June 15, 1800; d. there AprU 9, 1877, unm. n, Daniel, b. May 18, 1802 ; d. there Aug. 28, 1802. 327. iii. William, b. July 9, 1803, 328, iv. Daniel, b. Mar. 26, 1805. 329, v. Nathaniel, b. Mar. 8, 1807. vi. Luther, b. Feb. 17, 1809; d. May 24, 1834. 330. vii. Betsey, b. Aug. 29, 181 1. 145 David* Livermore {Oliver? Oliver? Daniel? Samuel? John') was born Dec. 19, 1778, in Shirley ; died Nov. 21, 1866, in Ayer ; married Feb. 28, 1800, in Shiriey, Lucinda, daughter of Capt. I20 Livermore Family John and Mary (Park) Kelsey, born there Aug. 21, 1780; died there Oct. 4, 1847. He was a farmer and a selectman of Shir ley in 1812, and town treasurer in 1833. In 1834 he was the candidate of the Masonic party for representative to the State Legislature, but was defeated and would not allow his name to be used the second time. Children, born in Shirley : i. Sally,' b. Dec. 16, 1800; d. there Sept. 24, 1843, unm. 331. ii. Lucinda, b. Sept. 19, 1802. 332. iii. Catherine, b. Nov. 11, 1806. iv. David Bond, b. Aug. 2, 1808 ; d. Feb. 27, 1892, in Wor cester; m. June 15, 1850, Persis W. Evans, of Rock ingham, Vt. ; he was for several years a merchant and postmaster of Townsend. Child, bom in Rockingham : I. Charles Bond,' b. April 8, 1852 ; d. June 6, 1866. 333. V. Jane Park, b. Dec. 2, 181 1. 334. vi. Charles, b. Mar. 24, 1814. 335. vii. Margaret, b. Oct. 25, 1819. vin. Lucy Huse, b. Oct. 2, 1822 ; d. there Dec. 26, 1846; she was a braider of palm leaf. 146 Jonathan* Livermore {Oliver? Oliver* Daniel? Samuel? John') was born Jan. 10, 1781, in Shirley; died Jan. 24, 1845, in Boston; married June 2, 18 16, in Boston, Susan Platts, died there Jan. 12, 1831, aged 49 years. He was a carpenter. ChUdren, born in Boston : i. Jonathan,' b. May 2, 1817 ; d. there April 13, 1878. ii. Susan Platts, b. AprU 28, 1820; d. there May 20, 1840. iii. Lucy, b. June 18, 1822 ; d. there April 2, 1840. 147 Amos* Livermore (^M(?j,' Oliver? Daniel? Samuel? John') was born Sept. 30, 1764, in Watertown; died there Nov. 17, 1841 ; married June 4, 1795, in Waltham, Hannah, daughter of John and Lydia (Hagar) Sanderson, born May 22, 1771, in Waltham; died July 11, 1840, in Watertown. He was a car penter, tanner and farmer, and a selectman of Watertown in 1806. Sixth Generation 121 Children, born in Watertown : 33Sa. i. Lucy,' b. June 14, 1796. 336. ii. Thomas, b. May 30, 1798. in. Hannah, b. July 29, 1800; d. there July 30, 1888. iv. EUza, b. May 27, 1803 ; d. Aug. 6, 1887, in Andover. V. Amos Henry, b. Feb. 6, 1806; d. Nov. 2, 1839, in Natchitoches, near New Orieans, La. He was a yeo man of Watertown, and held the office of ensign in the State militia in 1828 ; by frequent promotions he became lieut.-colonel in 1833 ; he became a member of the Ancient and Honorable ArtUlery Company in 1828, and was fourth sergeant in 183 1 ; he was hon orably discharged from the Artillery company, AprU 22, 1833. 337. vi. Grace Sanderson, b. Mar. 29, 1809. 338. vu. Mary Anna Dana, b. July 4, 1811. viu. Adeline Maria, b. May 21, 1815; d. Jan. 5, 1845, i>^ Boston; m. Mar. 6, 1844, in Watertown, William H. Pratt, of Boston. Child (Pratt), born in Boston : I. Addie Maria," b. Dec. 30, 1844 ; m. Eben Dunbar, of Cam bridge. ix. Harriet, b. Mar. 2, 1817 ; d. there July 21, 1820. 148 Hepzibah* Livermore {Amos? Oliver? Daniel? Samuel? John') was born AprU 5, 1771, in Watertown; married there Dec. 31, 179s, Joshua, son of Christopher and Sarah ( ) Grant, born there Nov. 17, 1763 ; died there May 23, 1802. ChUdren (Grant), born in Watertown : i. Joshua,' b. Nov. 25, 1796 ; d. Feb. 15, 1844, unm. U. Hepzibah, b. Oct, 24, 1798 ; m. AprU 12, 1818, Timothy Cotting of West Cambridge, b. Nov. 10, 1793; d. April 26, 1872. No children. in. Charles, b. Sept. 20, 1800; d. there Oct. i, 1802. iv. Sarah Clark, b. Jan. 6, 1803 ; m. Thomas, son of Amos and Hannah (Sanderson) Livermore. 149 Elisha* Livermore {Amos? Oliver * Daniel? Samuel? John') was born Oct. 22, 1773, in Watertown ; died there Jan. 6, 1862 ; married Nov. 25, 1802, in Watertown, Hannah, daughter of 122 Livermore Family Joseph and Hannah (Smith) Bright, born there Aug. 29, 1783. He was a farmer. Children, born in Watertown : 339. i. Elisha,' b. June 17, 1804. n. Samuel Bright, b. July 25, 1806. iii. Jane Ann, b. Dec. 22, 1808. 150 Jonathan* Livermore {Jonathan? Oliver* Daniel? Samuel? John') was born AprU 12, 1787, in Brighton; died there March 29, 1829; married there May 5, 1808, Eunice, daughter of Samson and Lois (Parker) Claflin, born Sept. 25, 1783, in Hopkinton; died June i, 1866, in Brighton. He was a tanner and a member of the school committee there in 1821, '25 and '28. ChUdren, born in Brighton : 340. i. Charles,' b. Jan. 26, 1809. 341. ii. Jonathan, b. Nov. i, 1810. iii. Elijah, b. AprU 7, 1812 ; d. May 13, 1865, in Boston; m. AprU I, 1838, in Boston, Ann Olivia, dau. of John and Olivia Kennedy, b. there June, 18 14; d. there May 3, 1880. No chUdren. 342. iv. Aaron, b. Nov. 5, 1813. V. Isaac, b. Aug. 8, 1815 ; d. Jan. i, 1866, in Boston. 343. vi. Eunice, b. Feb. i, 1817. 344. vn. WUHam, b. July 2, 1819. vin. Walter, b. Mar. 28, 1822 ; d. there July 26, 1823. ix. Walter, b. Sept. 19, 1824; d. there Oct. 8, 1826. 151 Sarah* Livermore {Jonathan? Oliver* Daniel? Samuel? * John') was born Sept. 7, 1788, in Brighton ; died Sept. 20, 1854, in Cambridge; married May 13, 18 19, in Cambridge, Jabez Fisher, born May 7, 1780; died there Nov. 30, 1845. ChUdren (Fisher), born in Cambridge : 345- i- George,' born Feb. 15, 1820. ii. Sarah, b. Dec. i, 1821 ; d. there Aug. 5, 1823. 346. iu. Jabez, b. AprU 20, 1824. iv. Sarah Livermore, b. May 26, 1826 ; d. there Sept. 26, 1828. Sixth Generation 125 V. Oliver, b. Dec. 19, 1829; d. there Aug. 9, 1830. vi. Benjamin Franklin, b. Feb. 23, 1832 ; d. there Oct. 18,. 1832. 152 Oliver* Livermore {Jonathaji? Oliver* Daniel? Samuel? John') was born May 22, 1790, in Brighton ; died there Jan. 23, 1865; married there May 7, 18 18, Lois, daughter of Samson and Lois (Parker) Claflin, born Oct. 30, 1794, in Hopkinton; died April 29, 1881, in Cambridge. ChUdren, born in Brighton : 347. i. Oliver WUlard,' b. AprU 2, 1819. 348. n. Lois, b. Sept. 23, 1820. ui. Francis Henry, b. June 3, 1824; d. there Oct. 13, 1827. iv. George Albert, b. Sept. 27, 1826; d. there May 12, 1828.. 349. v. George Francis, b. June 21, 1830. 153 Lucy* Livermore {Jonathan? Oliver* Daniel? Samuel? John') was born Sept. 29, 1792, in Brighton; died there Jan. 20, 1867; married there April 11, 18 16, Cephas Brackett, born there Sept. 21, 1789 ; died there June 6, 1863. ChUdren (Brackett), born in Brighton : i. Lucy,' b. April 24, 181 7 ; d. unm. ii. Martha Ann, b. Dec. 14, 1819; d. Dec. 7, 1875; m.^ George S. Dowse. in. Mary Livermore, b. Mar. 2, 1823 ; m. Benj. Fernald Cook. iv. Cephas Henry, b. Jan. 19, 1826 ; m. Louisa Thwing Pierce. (See Thwing Genealogy.) v. Albert, b. AprU 20, 1828 ; m. Mary Adaline Stone. 154 Martha* Livermore {Jonathan? Oliver* Daniel? Samuel," John') was born Sept. 7, 1794, in Brighton; died Oct. 10, 1877, in East Cambridge; married May 29, 1823, Thomas, son of Maj. Samuel and Lydia (Nelson) Hastings, born May 22, 1787,, in Lincoln ; died Aug. 14, 1866, in East Cambridge. 124 Livermore Family ChUdren (Hastings) : 350. i. Martha Robbins,' b. Aug. 31, 1824. 351. U. Thomas Nelson, b. Dec. 9, 1825. in. Mary Frances, b. Dec. 20, 1827; d. Aug. 30, 1829. iv. Mary Frances, b. July 23, 1830; m. July 18, 1854, Mason G., son of Ebenezer Parker of East Cambridge. No chUdren. V. Francina Augusta, b. May 23, 1832 ; m. Henry Whitney, who had previously married her sister Martha. vi. Leander Newton, b. Aug. 2, 1834; d. AprU 20, 1853, on the passage of the ship Robert C. Winthrop from Calcutta to Boston. vu. Alphonzo Winthrop, b. Mar. i, 1836; d. Jan. 17, 1886; m. Mar. 19, 1863, Arabella L., dau. of William H. Lunt of East Cambridge : he was a merchant in Boston. 155 George* Livermore {Jonathan? Oliver* Daniel? Samuel? John') was born Sept. 21, 1798, in Brighton ; died there Oct. 17, 1867; married there AprU 30, 1833, Sarah Fisher, daughter of WiUard and AbigaU Brigham, born May 5, 1809, in Marlboro; died May 6, 1885, in Brighton. He resided in Brighton, having bought his father's homestead ; he was a member of the Legis lature in 1833-35, 3.nd a selectman of Brighton in 1837. Children, born in Brighton : 352. i. Sarah Fisher,' b. AprU 23, 1834. 353. ii. George Brigham, b. May 11, 1836. 354. in. Henry Munroe, b. Jan. 5, 1841. 156 Elizabeth* Livermore {Jonathan? Oliver? Daniel? Sam uel? John') was born Oct. 30, 1800, in Brighton; died there Jan. II, 1890; married Nov. 29, 1827, in Brighton, Stephen Hastings, son of Elias and Sarah (Hastings) Bennett, born Feb. 3, 1800, in East Boylston; died AprU 21, 1868, in Brighton. Children (Bennett), born in Brighton : i. Eliza Althina,' b. Sept. 11, 1829; d. there Aug. 18, 1853, unm. Sixth Generation 125 u, Sarah Amanda, b. Mar. 27, 1833 ; m. Oct. 30, 1854, in Brighton, WUliam Frederic, son of William Perkms and Catherine (Plummer) Matchett, b. July 17, 1832, in Brighton. 355. iii. Stephen Dexter, b. July 15, 1838. 157 Grace* Livermore {Moses? Nathaniel? Thomas? Samuel? John') was born May 5, 1785, in Waltham; died March i6„ 1879, in Ashby; married Feb. 17, 1803, in Waltham, Asa Wood, born in 1775, in Fitchburg; died there in Feb., 181 5. ChUdren (Wood), born in Fitchburg : i. Henry,' b. ; d. aged 6 months. 356. u. Martha Maria, b. Jan. 12, 1805. iu. Lydia Livermore, b. May 24, 1808 ; m. Addison Davis. 357. iv. Mary Ann, b. May 30, 1810. 158 Thomas* Livermore {Moses? Nathaniel* Thomas? Samuel? John') was bom Nov. 5, 1792, in Waltham; died Jan. 28, 1878, in Fitchburg; married (i) Sylvia Hale of Leominster, died March 14, 1841, in Fitchburg; married (2) Feb. 16, 1843, in Fitchburg, Lucy, daughter of James and Rachel Whitney, born in 1803, in Harvard; died Nov. 18, 1865, in Fitchburg. He was a carpenter and lived in Fitchburg the greater part of his life. ChUdren, the eldest born in Boston, the others in Fitchburg : i. AbigaU Hale,' b. May 23, 1818, ii, Henry, b. Jan. 28, 1820 ; lived with his sister Maria in South Boston. ui. Martha White, b. June 15, 1822; m. Sept. 4, 1845, in Fitchburg, Ephraim W., son of Peter and Sylvia Bowen. iv, Elizabeth Hale, b, Sept. 13, 1824; m, Whitney. 358, V, Marshall, b, AprU 3, 1826, vi. Maria Wood, b. July 28, 1829 ; m. Nov. 29, 1849, in Fitchburg, George S., son of David and Rebecca Whitcomb. ' 359- vn. Joel Wheeler, b. Jan. 21, 1832. 126 Livermore Family 360. viii. Thomas, b. Nov. 4, 1834. ix. Sylvia Hale, twin to Thomas. X. George Whitney, b. Mar. 6, 1845 '¦> ^- young. 159 Melinda* Livermore {John? Nathaniel* Thomas? Samuel? John') was born Sept. 15, 1793, in Waltham; died May 5, i8y6; married in Sept., 1812, Joseph Hastings, born March 14, 1785, in Methuen; died Dec. 20, 1826. ChUdren (Hastings) : i. Charles,' b. 1813; d. Sept. 18, 1879, in Boston. ii. Joseph, b. May 9, 1815. 361. iu. Nathaniel Webster, b. Jan. 3, 1817. 362. iv. George Washington, b. July 29, 1820. 363. V. Fanny Livermore, b. Oct. 29, 1822, in Roxbury. vi. WiUiam Newman, b. Feb. i, 1825. 160 Leonard* Livermore (John? Nathaniel* Thomas? Samuel? John') was born March 20, 1799, in Waltham; died Nov. 15, 1833, in Brunswick, Me. ; married there June, 18 19, Ann Ward, born May 17, 1800, in Freeport, Me.; died June 30, 1875, in Brunswick. Children, born in Brunswick : 364. i. Rachel Morse,' b. May 27, 1820. a. Mary Jane, b. Nov. 2, 1822 ; d. there AprU 19, 1825. in. Frances Ann, b. Mar. 21, 1825 ; d. there Oct. 20, i860. iv. Leonard Hastings, b. May 16, 1827 ; m. in Augusta, Me., Sibyl Angle Colby. Two children. Member of the 3d Maine regiment in the Civil war. 365. V. Mary Jane, b. June 26, 1830. vi. John Howard, b. Jan. 5, 1833; d. in 1888, in New Orleans. 161 Josiah* Livermore {David? Natlianiel? Thomas? Samuel? John') was born Jan. 29, 1805, in Watertown; died AprU 24, 1887, in Belmont; married July 8, 1841, in Boston, Elizabeth Harrington, daughter of John Rufus and Phebe (Harrington) Sixth Generation 127 Bradford, born AprU 18, 18 19, in Boston; died there July 12, 1 871. He was city weigher at the hay scales in Haymarket Square, and was a member of the Boston Lancers. ChUdren, born in Boston : i. Charles Frederick,' b. Dec. 4, 1842 ; d. July 27, 1883, in Belmont, unm. u. Arthur Bradford, b. Dec. 3, 1847; d. there Aug. 18, 1849. 366. in. Emma Gertrude, b. Nov. 13, 1849. iv. Elizabeth Bradford, b. May 11, 1857; m. Oct. 31, 1883, in Belmont, Timothy Davis, son of Amos and Mar garet ( ) HiU, b. there Mar., 1863. No children. 162 Hannah Sanderson* Livermore {David? Nathaniel* Tho mas? Samtiel? John') was born Oct. 30, 1807, in Watertown; died Feb. 21, 1889, in Waltham; married Oct. 21, 1830, in Watertown, Lewis, son of Jonas and Tabitha (Gove) Bemis, bom Dec. 18, 1802, in Lincoln; died March 11, 1848, in Wal tham. ChUd (Bemis), born in Waltham : i. Ellen,' b. May 14, 1832 ; living (1902), unm, 163 Isaac* Livermore {Nathaniel? Nathaniel* Thomas? Samuel? John') was bom Nov. 21, 1797, in Waltham ; died Nov. 9, 1879, in Pittsfield; married Nov. 21, 1822, in Cambridge, Eunice, daughter of Phineas B. Hovey, born May 31, 1797, in Water- town ; died June 11, 1871, in Cambridge. He attended the common schools in Waltham and in Cam bridge (whence his father removed in 1804). At the age of fourteen he left school to go into a store in Cambridge, where he began his training for his business life, and whUe stUl young began the dry-goods business on his own account, being en gaged in it from 18 16 to 1826. He was a wool merchant from 1 826 to 1 846 ; treasurer of Manchester Print Works from 1 846 to 1852, and treasurer of the Michigan Central RaUroad Com- 128 Livermore Family pany over twenty-one years. He was for many years a partner with the late city treasurer of Boston, Mr. James C. Dunn ; sub sequently with Mr. Hugh R. Kendall in the purchase and sale of wool. On the dissolution of the firm of Livermore & Ken dall, he associated with him his brother George. He was prominent in public life ; he was a representative to the General Court of Massachusetts from the town and city of Cambridge in 1836, '38, '41, '42 and '49; senator from the County of Middlesex in 1 844 and '45 ; he was president of the first Common CouncU of the city of Cambridge, 1 846 ; presi dential elector in 1 848, on the Whig ticket ; a member of the Convention to revise the Constitution of Massachusetts, from Cambridge in 1853, and a justice of the peace since 1846. For over thirty years he was a director of the Bunker HUl Monu ment Association ; a director of the City Bank, Boston, nearly eighteen years ; of the National Insurance Company, Boston, over twenty years ; a trustee of Mount Auburn Cemetery for eight years ; president of the Hancock Free Bridge Corporation, and under his administration the funds were accumulated to purchase both the Cambridge bridges. He was also an active member of the Masonic fraternity; on Sept. 18, 1820, he was admitted to Amicable Lodge, and several times filled the highest position in Cambridge Royal Arch Chapter, Cambridgeport. He was a prominent member of the Austin Street Unitarian Church since 1854. He became a member of the New England His toric Genealogical Society, Feb. 12, 1872, and was a life mem ber at the time of his death. ChUdren, born in Cambridge : 367. i. Edward MarshaU,' b. Oct. 5, 1823. 368. u. Jane Corneha, b. Aug. 23, 1825. 369. in. Sarah Elizabeth, b. Oct. 31, 1827. 370. iv. Charles Frederick, b. Mar, 13, 1830. 164 Elizabeth Clark* Livermore {Nathaniel? Nathattiel? Thomas? Samuel? John') was born Aug. 26, 1806, in Cam bridge; died Feb. 7, 1898, in West SomerviUe; married Sept. Sixth Generation 1 20 II, 1837, in Cambridge, Rev. Rufus Phineas, D. D., son of Luther and Lucinda ( ) Stebbins of South Wilbraham, born March 3, 1810; died Aug. 13, 1885, in WUbraham. ChUd, born in MeadvUle, Pa. : 371. i. Nathaniel Livermore,' b. Jan. 9, 1847. 165 George* Livermore {Nathaniel? Nathaniel? Thomas? Sam uel? John') was bom July 10, 1809, in Cambridge; died there Aug. 30, 1865 ; married there Oct. i, 1839, Elizabeth Cunning ham, daughter of Ebenezer and Sarah Barrett (Cunningham) Odiorne, bom Feb. 7, 181 5, in Maiden; died June 10, 1893, in Boston. He was educated in public and private schools in Cambridge and at Deerfield Academy. His health being poor he was obliged to give up the idea of a coUege education and follow some active occupation. For several years he was employed by his brothers, Isaac and MarshaU, who were merchants in Cambridge. From an early age his leisure hours were spent in reading and study, and all the money he could earn was saved for the purchase of books. When quite a young man, he be came much interested in the character and history of the mer chant scholar, WUliam Roscoe, the first account of whom he read in Irving's Sketch Book. In 1834 he established himself in Boston, in the shoe and leather business. His love for books increased with the increase of his means. His poetic faculty was large, and showed itself not only in a love for the best poets, but in the composition of some exquisite verses. Within a few years of the period of which we are now speaking, he wrote two dedication hymns, and a number of hymns for the use of Sunday school children. In the year 1838, he and his older brother Isaac formed a co-partnership in business as wool merchants. His interest in the parish, in the Sunday school, in the lyceum, in the political meetings of his ward, etc., never flagged. He was a constant attendant at church. He was always interested in the study of the Scriptures, and in the great themes which they suggest, and his duties as a Sunday school teacher natu- 130 Livermore Family rally offered a constant inducement to the pursuit of these studies. We find him (Nov. 21, 1838) buying a copy of Cov- erdale's Bible, probably a reprint by B. Bagster, issued that year. From 185 1 to 1859 he was one of the trustees of the Boston Athenaeum, chairman of its library committee and later its vice- president, and regarded as one of its most efficient and influen tial managers. In November, 1843, the Biblical library of the Rev. Dr. Homer of Newton was placed on sale at Messrs. Little & Brown's, and he bought from it a number of copies of rare edi tions of the Bible. Among them was one of the Genevan version, presented by Admiral Sir Isaac Coffin to Dr. Homer, and sup posed by its former owners to have been the identical volume presented by the printer to Queen Elizabeth ; also the Bible which formerly belonged to Adam Winthrop, the father of the first Governor Winthrop. The next year the library of the Duke of Sussex was sold;' this was also rich in rare editions of the Bible, some of which were purchased by him. Further rarities were subsequently added to his collection from the library of the late Dr. Hawtrey, Provost of Eton, among which may be noticed an Evangelistarium, for the use of the Church, written on parchment, and supposed to be of a date as early as the eighth century. From these sources he laid the foundation of that large collection of Biblical works which his library con tained ; but his time was not wholly spent, as it often is with book coUectors, in amassing books ; he was a careful student of them. In 1 84s he visited Europe with his friend Mr. James Brown, sailing on the first of AprU, but did not follow the beaten track of the tourist. He made the acquaintance of many eminent men, and visited many famous libraries, inspecting, as time per mitted, the curious books and manuscripts which they contained. He was absent from home about three months. He was deeply interested in the cause of learning ; and the college in his neighborhood was as dear to him as though he had passed the four years as an undergraduate within her walls, and could caU her Alma Mater. He was chosen in 1845 by the Board Sixth Generation 131 of Overseers a member of the library committee, and continued to hold that position by annual election until his death ; being most of the time the secretary of the committee. WhUe a member of the school committee he contributed to the "Cambridge Chronicle " an interesting article on the " Public Schools in Cambridge," going back to " Master Eaton's Flogging School," and citing the early colonial laws on the subject of schools in Massachusetts. In November, 1849, he was elected a member of the Massachusetts Historical Society; and a most valuable member did he prove, laboring for its welfare, in season and out of season to the last. The " Christian Examiner " for Novem ber, 1849, contained an article by him, written at the request of Dr. Ellis, one of the editors of that journal, on the "Publication and Circulation of the Scriptures," being a review of the Rev. W. P. Strickland's " History of the American Bible Society." This paper gave abundant evidence of his large information on the subject of the translation and circulation of the Bible. The American Antiquarian Society enrolled him among its members in October, 1849. Harvard College conferred upon him the honorary degree of Master of Arts in 1850, and the same year he was elected a member of the Phi Beta Kappa society and a trustee of the State library. His library at this time had become a most valuable one, and his thorough habits of investigation had made him an authority on those subjects which especially engaged his thoughts. A paper on " Libraries in Boston and its vicinity " in the " Biblio- theca Sacra" for January, 1850, contains a notice of his coUec- tion, and mentions many of its rare works. In the "North American Review" for July, 1850, he contributed an article on "PubUc Libraries," containing a large amount of curious and valuable information on the subject both as regards this country and Europe. In an article in the " Cambridge Chronicle " of June 20, 1854, relating to Cromwell's "Soldier's Pocket Bible," he showed that if Cromwell's soldiers carried the Bible in their knapsacks, it was not the whole Bible ; that the "Pocket Bible " consisted of appropriate selections from the Scriptures, printed in pamphlet form, and was generaUy buttoned between the coat 132 Livermore Family and waistcoat, next to the heart, proving sometimes, perhaps, a defence from the weapons of the enemies of their bodies as weU as from the Wicked One who sought to subdue their souls. He remarked that but few copies of this little book had been preserved, and that probably the copy he possessed was the only one in the country. He then gives a brief description of it. He had had it for some years, having received it from his friend Mr. Crowninshield. The book was afterwards reprinted by Mr. Livermore. A short description of a portion of his library will be of inter est to those engaged in historical pursuits. Nearly a quarter part of the entire coUection consisted of Bibles and Biblical works, in various languages, versions and forms, from the an cient Hebrew manuscript roll to the most modern translation. Among the manuscripts of interest was the Pentateuch, care fully written on thirty-six skins of parchment, measuring fifty- eight feet in length and one in breadth. This fine apograph was rolled upon a pair of handles and enclosed in an embroid ered sUk cover. Two copies of the Bible entire, in the Latin Vulgate version, written by monks upon the most delicate vel lum, were elaborately Uluminated with beautiful initials, letters, figures and miniatures ; they were of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. An Evangelistarium, or selections from the Gospels, written on parchment in the eighth century, seven hundred years before the invention of printing, one of the oldest books, if not the oldest in this country. The Book of Job, a metrical version by George Sandys, is supposed to be the original autograph copy of the author. Of early printed editions he owned Biblia Pau- perum, a block-book or series of wood-cuts, representing Scrip ture subjects, with a few lines of text coarsely engraved upon the same page ; the precise date is not known, but it probably was printed as early as 1440 : a fragment of the celebrated Mazarin Bible, the first book ever printed : New Testament printed by Faust in 1462, being the first in which the date is given: Servetus's Bible published in Lyons, 1542: examples of both editions of Eliot's Indian Bible, the first containing the rare dedication to King Charles II, of which only twenty were Sixth Generation 133 printed : a perfect copy of the Commentary of Nicholas de Lyra, beautifully printed in black-letter in 1483, being the first work of the kind ever published : the Venice edition of the Latin Vulgate, 1478, once the property of the unfortunate Pope Pius VI, having his arms stamped upon the covers : Melanchthon's own copy of the Bible with numerous notes on the margins in the handwriting of the reformer. There were besides a manuscript Koran, brought many years ago from Turkey by Edward Wortley Montagu, and the Book of Mormon with the autograph of Joseph Smith ; in a large portfolio the Lord's Prayer in more than eight hundred lan guages and dialects. The greater part of his library was sold at auction shortly after his death. His brother Isaac retired from the business and for the five following years George continued it in company with a nephew. After remaining alone about a year he was, in 1852, invited to a partnership in the Boston branch of the extensive wool busi ness of Aaron Erickson of Rochester, N. Y., which subsisted untU 1857, when the firm of Livermore & Morse was formed, which was dissolved only by his death. He took pride in his calUng as a merchant, and for many years devoted his best en ergies during the hours of business to its demands. In 1855 he was elected a member of the "American Academy of Arts and Sciences " and was treasurer of that institution at the time of his death. In 1859 he was elected a member of the executive committee of the "American Unitarian Association " and almost invariably attended its monthly meetings. In 1864 he was elected vice-president of the Association, a position which he held at his death. On the breaking out of the CivU War in 1 861, he threw himself into the cause of the Union with all his characteristic energy and zeal. As his means enabled him he gave freely, and throughout the war he poured out his money like water for the cause. When the discussion arose whether the government should accept colored troops, and there were strong doubts, even among the most loyal, as to its expediency, he prepared with great labor, and published at great expense, a work of over 134 Livermore Family two hundred pages, which he entitled "An Historical Research " respecting the opinions of the founders of the Republic on ne groes as slaves, as citizens and as soldiers. His purpose was to show that the patriots of the Revolution regarded the negro as a man, capable of bearing arms and of being a citizen, and he saw no reason why he should not be allowed to do his part, side by side with his white brother, in upholding the flag of his coun try. WhUe declining all official positions he was in frequent correspondence with leading politicians and statesmen, and with some of them maintained the most intimate confidential rela tions. ChUdren, born in Cambridge : 372. i. Frank,' b. April 11, 1841. 373. ii. William Roscoe, b. Jan. 11, 1843. 374. iii. Charles Cunningham, b. April 11, 1848. 166 John* Livermore {Nathaniel? Nathaniel? Thomas? Samuel? John') was born Oct. 9, 18 13, in Cambridge; died there May 16, 1898; married there Oct. 4, 1838, Caroline Hovey, daugh ter of Timothy and Elizabeth (Smith) Stone, born June i, 18 17, in Newton. He was born in a house which was standing in 1893 on the north side of Main street, between Douglass and Columbia streets, where he lived for more than fifty years, never being away from Cambridge more than six weeks at a time. He received his education in the public schools, and at an early age went into the soap manufacturing business with his father, who was the pioneer in that industry in Cambridge, under the title of N. Livermore & Son, and continued in the business for nearly fifty years. In his days of business activity he was always at the head and front of aU public movements which were for the good of his beloved city. He was the first presi dent of the Cambridge City Bank, now the National City Bank, one of the original directors of the Cambridge Railroad and the Cambridge Gas Light Company, and president of the Cambridge Water Works. In politics he was a strong Whig and Republi can and voted in sixty-two State elections, never having missed Sixth Generation 135 one after he became of age. He was four times elected to the State Legislature, serving in 1852 and '53, and 1867 and '68. He always took a deep interest in municipal affairs and served in the Common CouncU for two, and in the Board of Aldermen for three years ; he was several times chosen on the School Committee, and was regarded as an authority on Cambridge municipal history and contributed largely to the Cambridge papers. In the days of the hand engines and volunteer fire companies he used to " run vrith Hydrant No. 4." He always attended the Austin Street Unitarian Church, and was one of its most prominent members, holding for years the positions of chairman of the Parish Committee and superintendent of the Sunday school. ChUdren, born in Cambridge : 375. i. John Marshall' b. May 28, 1839. 376. u. Emma Caroline, b. April 21, 1841. iu. Mary Cordelia, b. April 23, 1846 ; unm. 167 Lydia* Livermore {Abijah? Elisha* Thomas? Samuel? John') was bom Nov. 5, 1774, in Waltham; married there Sept. 8, 1793, Elijah, son of Samuel and AbigaU (White) Fiske, born there Sept. 26, 1765 ; he was a grandchUd of Anna-* Bemis, daughter of Anna^ Livermore (21). ChUd (Fiske) : i. Luke,' bap. Feb. 9, 1794. 168 Sarah* Livermore {Abijah? Elisha* Thomas? Samuel? John') was born Jan. i, 1781, in Waltham; married there Oct. 21, 1798, Francis Fiske, brother of her sister Lydia's husband, born there Aug. 24, 1772. They lived in Saugus. ChUdren (Fiske) : i. Lydia,' b. AprU 12, 1799. ii. Samuel, b. AprU 17, 1801. in. Abijah Livermore, b. Dec. 11, 1803. iv. Anna Maria, b. Mar. 17, 1807. v. Sarah Jane, b. AprU 27, 1814. 136 Livermore Family 169 Jonas* Livermore {Abijah? Elisha? Thomas? Samuel? John') was born Aug. 16, 1783, in Waltham; died there AprU 27, 1843; married there Feb. 16, 1809, Louisa, daughter of Jonathan and Mary (Bigelow) Stearns, born there Nov. 19, 1783- ChUdren, born in Waltham : 377. i. WiUiam,' b. Nov. 12, 1809. u. Abijah, b. Aug. 28, 1812 ; m. Nov. 24, 1844, Laura Ann, dau. of Silas and Mary ( ) Holman, of Salisbury, Vt, b. Mar. 13, 1818, in Sterling; they lived in Wa tertown. Child: Lauraetta? b. May 31, 1846, in Watertown. iii. Louisa, b. Aug. 17, 1814; m. James E., son of Jacob and Betsey Peasley, a slater, of Plaistow, N. H. 378. iv. Jonas Dix, b. July 16, 1816. V. Thomas, b. July 28, 18 18 ; unm. 379. vi. Sarah, b. Mar. i, 1820. vii. Mary A., b. April 11, 1823; m. July 16, 1843, James McGee, b. Mar. 6, 1823 ; he was a tallow chandler of Toledo, Ohio. viu. Martha, b. in 1824; m. Nov. 8, 1846, John Bond, of Watertown. ix. Catherine, b. Jan. 22, 1826; m. Daniel Webster, an en graver, of SomerviUe ; their dau. is Dr. Helen Liver- mar^ Webster, Professor of Comparative Philology, WeUesley College, WeUesley. 170 Elisha* Livermore {Abijah? Elislia* Thomas? Samtiel? John') was born July 26, 1785, in Waltham; died there Oct. 25, 1836; married in 1808, Elizabeth Gove, of Lincoln, died April 16, 1 8 19, in Waltham. ChUdren, born in Waltham : i. Mary Dix,' b. Feb. 21, 1809. ii. Lydia, b. Dec. 12, 18 10. iii. Caroline, b. Nov. 11, 18 12. iv. Susan Fisk, b. Jan. 10, 181 5. V. Eleanor Augusta, b. Nov. 3, 181 7. Jonathan Livermore. Sixth Generation 137 171 Harriet* Livermore {Abijah? Elisha* Thomas? Samuel? John') was born Sept. 25, 1787, in Waltham; married there April 21, 181 1, Prentice ChUds. Child (ChUds), born in Waltham : i. William Prentice,' b. Nov. 11, 18 17; d. there Sept. 7, 1877 ; m. there Dec. 15, 1840, Eunice Morse, dau. of Abijah and Eunice (Morse) Fuller, b. April 29, 182 1 ; d. Mar. 11, 1846, in Waltham. 172 Jonathan* Livermore {Jonathan? Jonathan* Jonathan? Samtiel? John') was born July 10, 1770, in Wilton, N. H.; died there Dec. 24, 1845 ; married there May 19, 1808, AbigaU, daughter of Abiel and Dorcas (Abbot) Abbot, born there July 13. 1779; died there June 5, 18 12. He was a farmer occupy ing his famUy homestead. He took great interest in the politi cal history of the country, and was prominent in the old State mUitia in which he served as a lieutenant. He was a Federalist and Whig, and an active member of the Congregational Church. ChUdren, bom in WUton : 380. i. Jonathan,' b. April 24, 1809. 381. u. Abiel Abbot, b. Oct. 30, 1811. 173 Solomon Kidder* Livermore {Jonathan? Jonathan? Jona than? Samuel? John') was bom March 2, 1779, in WUton, N. H. ; died July 10, 1859, i^^ MUford, N. H.; married July 6, 1 810, in Boston, AbigaU Adkins, daughter of Nathaniel Jarvis, of Cambridge. In his early years he was taught at home where in summer he helped in the fields and in winter in the woods. He was fitted for college at Mr. Pemberton's academy in BUler ica, entering the sophomore class of Harvard College in 1 799 ; he was graduated in 1 802 with a high reputation for scholarship in a class famed for eminent men, among them Pres. AUen, of Bowdoin College, Prof. Frisbie, of Harvard, Hon. Levi Lincoln, Governor of Massachusetts, Hon. Samuel Hoar and 138 Livermore Family Hon. Leverett Saltonstall. After leaving college he taught the Grammar school in Cambridge for one season. He chose the profession of law and pursued his preparatory studies in the office of Oliver Crosby, of Dover, N. H. (H. C.,. 1795)- On his admission to the bar he opened an office in Dover, where he practiced a short time, but in 1807 removed to MUford, where he lived for the rest of his life, engaged in his profession untU he attained the age of 70 years, when he re linquished it, though he continued to transact business relat ing to the settlement of estates for his neighbors untU near the close of his life. He was a member of the First Congregational Church in MUford for nearly twenty-five years ; then a member of the First Unitarian Church in Wilton. Except when the merited confidence of his townsmen selected him to represent them in the State Legislature in 1829, '30, '31 and '38, he uni formly declined to become a candidate for office. ChUdren, born in MUford : i. Leonard Jarvis,' b. AprU 15, 1811 ; d. Nov. 28, 1822. ii. Henry Lee, b. Aug. 3, 1812 ; d. Dec. 7, 1847, i"^ Balti more, Md. ; m. Mary Middleton Hobby, who d. within a year after her marriage. He was a merchant in Baltimore. 382. in. Thomas Adkins, b. Feb. 7, 18 14. iv. Elizabeth, b. Dec. 22, 1815; d. June 13, 1817. V. Elizabeth AbigaU, b. Mar. 28, 1818; lives in Milford. 383. vi. Rebecca Parkman Jarvis, b. Dec. 31, 18 19. 384, vn. Leonard Jarvis, b. Dec. 8, 1822. viii. Mary, b. Sept. 18, 1825; d. Nov. 16, 1850; m. there Sept. 4, 1849, Frederick Fish, of Fairhaven. 174 Anna* 'Liveb.uo^^ {Jonathan? Joruithan? Jonathan? Samuel? John') was born Aug. 20, 1781, in Wilton, N. H. ; died there June 5, 1824; married there AprU 11, 1816, John, son of Isaac and Abigail (Raymond) Kimball, born March 8, 1767, in Wen- ham ; died Dec. 13, 1853, in WUton. ChUdren (KimbaU), born in WUton : 385. i. Samuel Livermore,' b. Jan. 10, 1817. Solomon Kidder Livermore. Sixth Generation 139 ii. AbigaU, b. Mar. 14, 1819; d. Dec. 29, 1886. 386. in. Jonathan Bowers, b. May 16, 182 1. iv. Mary, b. Feb. 3, 1823 ; d. Aug. 17, 1825. 175 Lydia* Livermore {Jotuithan? Jonathan* Jonathan? Sam uel? John') was born May 20, 1792, in WUton, N. H. ; died there March 4, 1871 ; married there Jan. 27, 1820, Samuel, son of Berming and AbigaU (Morgan) King, born Aug. 26, 1795 ; died June 20, 1862, in WUton. ChUdren (King), born in WUton : 387. i. Elizabeth,' b. AprU 18, 182 1. u. Mary, b. Sept. 23, 1824 ; d. Dec. 13, 1824. iii. John, b. Jan. 7, 1826 ; lived in Charlestown. iv. George, b. Oct. 6, 1829 ; lived in Charlestown. v. Mary, b. June 5, 1831 ; d. July 26, 1832. vi. Josephine, b. Feb. 21, 1833; m. Henry B. Hunter, and has lived in Lancaster, Ohio, and in Dakota. vii. Henry Lee, b. Dec. 20, 1834; is a farmer in Petersham.. 388. viu. Mary WUson, b. Feb. 4, 1838. 176 Abigail* Livermore {Elijah? Samuel? Jonathan? Samuel," John') was born Nov. 20, 1758, in Waltham ; died July, 18 17; married Aug. 30, 1780, Rev. Elisha Scott, son of Rev. Elipha let and Mary (WUliams) WUliams, born Oct. 7, 1757 ; died Feb. 3, 1845, in Cambridge. He was an aide-de-camp on General Washington's staff. ChUdren (WiUiams) : i. Sarah Potter,' b. Mar. 28, 1782 ; d. Jan. 16, 1809 ; m. J. W. Appleton. ii, Nancy, b. Sept, 24, 1783, in Stockbridge; m. July 26, 1804, Capt. Benjamin, son of Capt. Eleazer and Sarah (EUenwood) Giles, b. Feb. 23, 1779; d. Sept. 2, 1849, in Beverly ; they had five children. ui. Sophia, b. Aug. 14, 1786; m. J. W. Appleton. iv. Hannah, b. Sept. 11, 1788; m. Samuel Ober. V. Samuel, b. July 11, 1790; d. June 16, 1820. vi, Edward, b, Aug. 4, 1792 ; m. Mary Snow. 140 Livermore Family vn. Charles, b. Aug. i8, 1794. viu. Frances, b. Jan. 12, 1797 ; m. E. B. Jones. ix. AbigaU, b. Feb. 26, 1799; ™- Rust. x. Mary, b. April 22, 1801 ; m. J. B. Taylor. xi. Elizabeth, b. Mar. 23, 1805 ; d. June 11, 1806. 177 William* Livermore {Elijah? Samuel? Jonathan? Samuel? John') was born Jan. 9, 1763, in Waltham; died in 1832, in Louisiana; married Sept. 10, 1793, in Turner, Me., Mrs. Sarah Jones, widow of Jeremiah Jones, by whom she had had one son, and daughter of Elias and Mary Taylor, born Feb. 26, 1757 ; died Sept. 3, 1838, in HaUowell, Me. He lived in Waltham untU the age of fourteen, when he was bound as an apprentice to Josiah Brown, of Boston, merchant, vrith whom he continued untU the age of twenty-one, after which he remained in Boston four years. He then removed to a plantation called Phipps, Can ada, afterwards incorporated as Jay, in Oxford County, Me., since renamed Canton. He was a justice of the peace, and was one of the assistant assessors in Rumford, Me., in 1798 ; in 1802 he had the rank of major at a muster of the mUitia of the county, in Norway, Me. He moved to HaUowell in Sept., 1806. Children, born in Jay : i. WiUiam,' b. in 1794; d. in 1815, in New Orleans, La. ii. Sarah Phipps, b. Nov. 13, 1799; m. in Nov., 1821, in HalloweU, Andrew Masters, son of Dr. John and EUz abeth Marstes, of New Market, N. H. (name changed by the son), b. May 17, 1793. 389. in. Danforth Phipps, b. Dec. 20, 1804. 178 Isaac* Livermore {Elijah? Samuel* Jotuithan? Samuel? John') was born May 7, 1768, in Waltham; died Oct., 1820; married in HaUowell, Me., Elizabeth Kinney, of Boston, died June, 1823, aged 48. In his early manhood he vras a merchant in Boston, removing to HalloweU, and finally settling in Liver more, Me., as a farmer and justice of the peace. He received one vote for county register, Aug. 12, 1805. Sixth Generation 141 Children, born in Livermore : i. Hannah,' b. July 19, 1797 ; d. Jan., 1836, in Boston. 390. ii. Granville Putnam, b. Nov. 10, 1798. iii. EUza, b. Nov. 30, 1800 ; d. about i860, in Missouri, unm. iv. Elijah, b. AprU 10, 1804; lived in St. Joseph, Mo.; d. about 1870, in San Francisco. 391. V. Horatio Gates, b. Mar. 16, 1807. vi. Abigail Williams, b. about 1810; lived in San Bernar dino, Cal., unm. vii. Alma Louisa, b. Dec, 1812; d. in 1841, in Boston. vin. Julia Snow, b. Nov. 30, 1820; m. Benj. Rush Martin, of St. Joseph ; lived in San Bernardino. 179 Sarah* Livermore {Elijah? Samuel? Jotuithan? Samuel? John') viiiS born Dec. 18, 1770; died Feb. 19, 1847; married March 30, 1797, Robert Pierpont, of Roxbury, an adopted son of her aunt, Mrs. Haimah (Livermore) Pierpont ; his original name was John Murdock, of Newton; died Dec. 9, 181 1, aged 42, in Livermore, Me. ChUdren (Pierpont), born in Livermore : i. Hannah,' b. in 1797 ; d. in 1819. u. Robert, b. in 1798; lived in Livermore. in. George Washington, b. Jan. 17, 1800; lived in Liver more Falls. iv. Elijah, b. in 1803 ; d. in 1818. V. Charles Henry, b. in 1805 ; d. very suddenly Oct. 6, 1850, in Memphis, Tenn. vi. John Murdock, b. in 1808; d. in 18 18. 180 Anna* Livermore {Elijah? Samuel? Jonathan? Samuel? John') was born AprU 6, 1775, in Waltham; died Aug. 25, 1852, in Paris HUl, Me.; married Dec. 14, 1797, in Waltham, Dr. Cyrus, son of Eleazer and Lydia (Bonney) Hamlin, of Har vard, born July 21, 1769, in Pembroke; died Feb. 3, 1829, in Paris HiU. They first moved to Livermore, Me., and about 1805 to Paris HUl. 142 Livermore Family ChUdren (Hamlin), the first five born in Livermore, the others in Paris HUl : i. Elijah Livermore,' b. Dec. 30, 1798; d. there AprU 6, 1799. 392. ii. Elijah Livermore, b. Mar. 29, 1800. ui. Cyrus, b. July 16, 1802 ; d. Jan. i, 1839, in Galveston, Texas, unm. iv. Eliza, b. AprU 4, 1804; d. Dec. 16, 1859, in Paris Hill, unm. v. Anna, b. July 11, 1805 ; d. May 13, 1890, in Paris HiU; m. June 29, 1851, Hon. Daniel Brown, of Waterford, Me. No children. vi. Vesta, b. June 6, 1807 ; m. Jan. i, 1833, Dr. Job Holmes. 393. vn. Hannibal, b. Aug. 27, 1809. viii. Hannah Livermore, b. Oct. 10, 1814; d. Dec. 16, 1859, in Machias; m. April 14, 1842, Dr. Thomas Barnes Townsend, b. Aug. 2, 1810; d. May i, 1842. No children. 181 Samuel* Livermore {Elijah? Samuel? Jonathati? Samuel? John')wz.s born AprU 21, 1778, in Waltham; died Nov. 26, 1823, in Livermore, Me.; married there AprU 16, 1801, Lura, daughter of Thomas and Desire (Luce) Chase, born March 1 1, 1784, in Tisbury, Martha's Vineyard. While young he removed to Livermore, where he was frequently a town officer and sev eral times represented the town in the Massachusetts Legisla ture. His widow married John Fuller, of Livermore. ChUdren, born in Livermore : i. Betsey,' b. Oct. 4, 1803; d. there July 23, 1822. ii. Emery, b. Feb. 18, 1809 ; d. Mar. 27, 1891, in Carthage, Mo.; m. Oct. 25, 1836, Elizabeth Douglass, b. in 1808, in Portland, Me. ; he was living in Norway, Me., in 1833, having built a brick store there near the cen tre of the village ; after living in Bangor, Me., for several years, they moved to St. Joseph, Mo. in. Lura Chase, b. Oct. 25, 1815; m. Mar. 3, 1834, Levi Bean Young, b. May 31, 1805, in East Livermore. Edward St. Loe Livermore. Sixth Generation 143 182 Edward St. Loe* Livermore {Samtiel? Samuel? Jonathan? Samuel? John') was born AprU 5, 1762, in Portsmouth, N. H. ; died Sept. 15, 1832, in Tewksbury; married (i) Aug. 7, 1784, in Boston, Mehitable, daughter of Robert and Mehitable (Rogers) Harris, of Concord, N. H., born there Dec. 30, 1764 ; died Jan. 30, 1793. in Portsmouth ; married (2) May 2, 1799, Sarah Creese Stackpole, of Boston, born there Sept. 11, 1778; died Oct. 4, 1859, in Lowell. He lived in Portsmouth untU he was thirteen, and a part of the time in Londonderry, N. H. In the winter of 1775 he was taken by his father to Holderness, N. H., where his instruction was superintended by his father, assisted prob. ably by Dr. John Porter, a graduate of Harvard College and afterwards a lawyer in Plymouth, N. H. He is not known to have attended any academy or college. He studied law at Newburyport, under that eminent jurist, the late Chief Justice Parsons, and began practice in Concord, N. H., in 1783. He removed to Portsmouth and was solicitor for Rockingham County from 1791 to 1793. He was a member of the Conven tion, of which his father was president, chosen to revise the Constitution of the State of New Hampshire, which assembled in Concord, Sept. 7, 1791. He was U. S. District Attorney to the Circuit Court for the District of New Hampshire, from Feb., 1794 to 1797. He was Justice of the Superior Court of New Hampshire, from 1797 to 1799, quitting the bench a little more than a year after, upon the ground of the inadequacy of the salary, which was then no more than eight hundred dollars, and removed to Newburyport. President Adams, Sept. 20, 1798, appointed him naval officer for the port of Portsmouth, a place from which he was removed by President Jefferson in 1802. He was representative in Con gress from Essex County, from 1807 to 181 1, then living in Newburyport, and was a zealous and leading Federalist in the State in the party contests which preceded and attended the war with England in 18 12. He was a resident of Boston after his return from Congress from 181 1 to 1 8 16, and delivered the Fourth of July oration in 394- n. 395- iii. iv. 396- v. 397- vi. 144 Livermore Family that city in 18 13. He removed to ZanesviUe, Ohio, about 18 16, then in the " Far West." Not satisfied with his frontier life he returned to Massachusetts and bought a home in that por tion of the town of Tewksbury which is now a part of Lowell. He is buried in the Granary burying ground, in Boston. ChUdren : i. Caroline,' b. June 22, 1785, in Concord; d. Jan. 29, 1803, in Newburyport. Samuel, b. Aug. 26, 1786, in Concord. Harriet, b. AprU 14, 1788, in Concord. Robert Harris, b. Oct. i, 1790, in Concord ; d. Sept. 17, 181 1, in Guadaloupe. Mehitable Jane, b. July 20, 1792, in Portsmouth. vi. Edward St. Loe, b. Feb. 12, 1800, in Portsmouth. vii. Elizabeth Browne, b. Jan. 2, 1804, in Boston; d. Aug. 16, 1888, in Lawrence, unm. viii. WUliam Stackpole, b. June 24, 1805, in Boston ; d. Feb. 2, 1822, in Tewksbury. ix. George Williamson, b. Jan. 17, 1807, in Newburyport; d. Aug. 26, 1830, in New Orleans. X. Grace Ann, b. June i, 1809, in Newburyport; d. Dec. 13, 1812, in Boston. xi. Arthur Browne, b. June 11, 181 1, in Boston; d. in April, 1825, in Tewksbury. xii. Ann Grace, b. Dec. 24, 181 2, in Boston ; d. June 6, 1856, in Lowell. 398. xiii. Caroline, b. Oct. 5, 1814, in Boston. 399. xiv. Henry Jackson, b. June 5, 1816, in Wheeling, Va. XV. Sarah Stackpole, b. July 12, 18 19, in Tewksbury; m. John Tatterson, of Southbridge; d. Mar. 18, 1895, in Lawrence. 400. xvi. Mary Jane, b. Aug. 2, 182 1, in Lowell. 183 Arthur* Livermore {Samtiel? Samtiel? Jotmthan? Samuel? John') was born July 29, 1766, in Londonderry, N. H.; died July I, 1853, in Campton (" Craigie Burn"); married March 27, 18 10, in HaverhUl, N. H., Louisa, daughter of Capt. Joseph and Nancy (Cooke) Bliss, born there June, 1791 ; died Feb. 28, 1 87 1, in St. Peter, Minn., at the house of her son Edward. Sixth Generation 145 His early manhood was spent upon the farm where he re ceived his education from his father and mother. His subse quent career proved that he was well taught and well informed. That he was a classical scholar appears from the Latin and Greek text books used by him and containing his boyish signa ture, in the possession of one of his sons, and from his well remembered famUiarity with classic writers. The earliest glimpse we have of him is, as a youth of sixteen, accompanying the Court to Keene in 1782. He studied law with his brother Edward in Concord, and opened an office there in 1792 ; in 1793 he moved to Chester where he was the second lawyer, and remained there untU appointed judge. He was a representative from Chester to the General Court in 1794 and 1795. He was a shareholder in Concord, N. H., bridge, in 1795, and was one of the corporators especially named in " The New Hampshire Turnpike Road " Act. He was appointed solicitor for the county of Rockingham from Dec. 6, 1796, to June 20, 1798. He was associate justice of the Superior Court from Dec. 21, 1798, untU Dec. 19, 1809, when he was appointed chief justice of the same court, serving in that capacity untU 1813. Upon the reorganization of the courts in the latter year, he consented to serve on the Supreme Court bench as associate justice under his old chief, Jeremiah Smith, and held that position untU the next reorganization in 18 16. About one year after his first appointment to the bench he removed from Chester to Holderness, and to the home of his parents. Soon after the death of his father in 1803, he became the owner of the Liver more farm, not by inheritance, but by purchase from his elder brother to whom it was bequeathed. It contained one thousand acres of field and forest, of intervale and undulations ; a broad expanse in front of the mansion was half surrounded by the curve in the Pemigewasset. The payment for this domain taxed the toU and frugality of the purchaser for many years. He was a Presidential elector in 1801. He received the degree of A.M. from Dartmouth College in 1802. He was a represent ative in Congress from 1817 to 182 1, and again in 1823 to 1825 ; State Senator in 1821 and '22. July 5, 1822, he was com- 146 Livermore Family missioned judge of probate for the county of Grafton, but resign ed the next year. He was Chief Justice of the Court of Common Pleas from Jan 27, 1825, to Dec. 29, 1832. His aggregate term of judicial service was one of the longest in our annals, covering about twenty-five years. At the close of his official life he sold his place in Holderness and removed to Campton, where he passed the rest of his life. He became attached to his new home in Campton, and gave it the name of " Craigie Burn." ChUdren, the first six born in Holderness, the last two in Campton, N. H. : 401. i. Arthur,' b. Jan. 7, 181 1. ii. George, b. Aug. 10, 1812 ; d. June 4, 1891, in Concord, N. H. He was graduated at Dartmouth College in 1832 ; studied law with Hon. Ira Perley of New Hampshire, and with Mr. Lord of New York, and practiced law in New York until 1843, when he returned to New Hampshire by reason of ill health. 402. iii. Edward, b. Mar. 18, 18 15. iv. Samuel, b. May 19, 1817 ; perished at sea by the wreck of the steamer Pulaski, June 14, 1838; educated at Exeter Academy, and served a mercantile apprentice ship with J. D. Gardiner & Co., of Boston ; lived two years at Savannah, Ga. ; unm. 403. V. Louisa, b. Dec. 23, 1819. vi. Caroline, b. July 15, 1822 ; d. Mar., 1867, in Brooklyn, unm. vn. Horace, b. Mar. i, 1829 ; d. June 25, 1838, in Campton. 404. vin. Heber, b. April 22, 1832. 184 Elizabeth* Livermore {Samuel? Samtiel? Jotuithan? Sam uel? John'), was born Sept., 1768, in Londonderry, N. H.; died Nov. 20, 1795, in Boston; married there Nov. 17, 1787, Dea. William, son of Josiah and Hannah (Flagg) Brown, born Jan. 22, 1749, in Waltham ; died July 2, 1816. ChUdren (Brown) : i. Samuel Livermore,' b. in 1788 ; d. young. ii. George, b. in 1790; d. May 30, 1796. Seventh Generation 147 in. Samuel Livermore, b. Nov., 1795 ; m. Nov., 1819, Phebe Craig. Children (Brown) : i. George Livermore? b. Feb. 6, 182 1 ; m. Florinda H. Nye, and had Harriet Ella,9 b. Oct. I, 1846. 2. Josiah, b. Jan. 5, 1823 ; m. Aug. 5, 1844, Mary Maria Noyes, and had Henry Noyes? Brown, b. July 4, 1845. SEVENTH GENERATION. 185 Aaron' Livermore {James? James? Josiah* Joseph? John? John'),vi3S born March 31, 1782, in Spencer; died Feb. 19, 1853, in Berkshire, N. Y. ; married Jan. 15, 1815, Content, daugh ter of Seth and Sarah (Griswold) Akins, born March 29, 1793 ; died Feb. 6, 1868, in Michigan. In Dec, 1820, he was living in Berkshire, on lot 420, a few rods south of Cicero Barker, and about ten rods east of the creek road at Rawson HoUow ; a few years later he moved farther south and lived west of the road on lot 380. After his death his wife moved to Michigan with her six living children, and settled in Dexter or Ingham. ChUdren, born in Berkshire : i. Lucy Ann,^ b. Nov. 21, 1815 ; d. there in 1843. ii. Lyman, b. May 12, 1817 ; d. there in 1846. iii. Sallie, b. Oct. 19, 1818; d. there Jan. 19, 1835. iv. Samantha, b. Sept. 17, 1820; d. there Jan. 27, 1835. V. Eliza, b. June 23, 1822 ; d. there Jan. 9, 1835. vi. Aaron Riley, b. Mar. 8, 1825 ; m. May 17, 1855, Fadila Luce. vii. Seth, b. Mar. 3, 1827 ; d. there Jan. 20, 1828. viu. Ransom, b. Oct. 14, 1828 ; m. July 9, 1859, Rosa Ann Comstock ; d. near New York, Mar. 3, 1865. Two daughters. ix. Robert, twin to Ransom ; m. Nov. 13, 1859, Martha Pat terson. Two sons and one dau. X. James, b. Sept. 21, 1830; d. Mar. 25, 1895. xi. Betsey, b. Oct. 5, 1832 ; m. Aug. i, 1866, Edward Cort- right. One son. xn. Nancy Mary, b. Feb. 10, 1836; m. May 4, 1865, James Cortright. 148 Livermore Family 186 Elisha' Livermore {Elisha? James? Josiah* Joseph? John? John'), was born Oct. 20, 1788, in Spencer ; died Dec. 2, 1884 ; married March 2, 1 829, Roxana Whitcomb of Rindge, N. H.,born, Oct. 15, 1794; died Sept. 19, 1883. They moved to Jamaica Vt., where they lived untU Oct. 13, 1848, when they moved to Rockingham, Vt. ChUdren : i. Esther,* b. ; d. Aug. 3, 1853, aged 20 years. ii. Charles, b. ; m. Etta B. Wilder of Jamaica, and had Virgil'^ and Ella. 187 Levi' Livermore {Elisha? Josiah? Josiah? Joseph? John? John') was born Dec. 15, 1781, in Shrewsbury; died Aug. 25, 1862, in West Brookfield: married (i) Nov. 5, 1805, in Brook field, Malvina Adams, born there July 7, 1782; died July 2, 1826, in Walden, Vt.; married (2) Oct. 11, 1827, in Walden, Dorothy Dow, born Aug. 4, 1789 ; died June 20, 1854, in Brat- tleboro, Vt. He first moved to Brookfield, then to Hardwick, Vt., in 1807, afterwards to Walden, where he kept a shop for making and repairing wagons, sleds, etc. After the death of his second wife, he lived with his daughter Lucy, and after her death returned to Massachusetts and lived with his son Sherlock. ChUdren : i. Eunice,* b. Oct. 26, 1806, in Brookfield; d. Nov. 8, 1850; m. WiUard Hewin, in Walden. No children. 405. ii. Lucy, b. Feb. 22, 1808, in Hardwick. 406. iii. Sidney Augustus, b. Mar. 28, 18 10, in Hardwick. iv. Clarissa Putnam, b. Jan. 7, 1812, in Walden; d. Jan. 9, 187 1 ; m. Jackson of Greensboro, Vt. ; they had a daughter, Nellie') Jackson. V. Levi Whipple, b. Jan. 30, 1815, in Walden; d. AprU 29, 1870, in Boston; m. June 9, 1842, in North Brook field, PriscUla Norton Potter, b. there Feb. 21, 18 18. He was a boot and shoe dealer. No children. 407. vi. Sherlock Denny, b. April 30, 1817, in Walden. vii. Lavina Adaline, b. Oct. 17, 1820, in Walden; d. young. Seventh Generation 149 viii. Joel Whipple, b. Aug. 21, 1829, in Walden; d. there Oct. 7, 1833. 188 Emery' Livermore {Elisha? Josiah? Josiah? Joseph? John? John') was born Oct. 10, 1783, in Shrewsbury; died March i, 1852, in North Brookfield; married March 25, 1813, in Brook field, Martha CroweU, born in 1789; died Sept. 5, 1830, in Brookfield. ChUdren, the youngest born in Warren, the others in Brook field : i. Sarah,* b. Jan. 7, 1814. Her son is George W.'^ Mills of Palmer. 408. ii. Harvey, b. Jan. 14, 1816. in. Sophia, b. Aug. 19, 1817 ; m. Nov. 27, 1845, in Warren, Loren F., son of Dwight and Nancy Foskit, b. there in 1822. iv. Abigail, b. Nov. 2, 1819; m. April 15, 1842, in Warren, Samuel Perry of Spencer. 409. v. Samuel S., b. May 23, 182 1. vi. Elbridge, b. May, 1824; d. Oct. 19, 1825. vii. Eliza, b. Mar. 16, 1828. 410. viu. Emery Elbridge, b. Aug. 21, 1830, in Warren. 189 Thankful' Livermore {Elisha? Josiah? Josiah? Joseph? John? John') was born March 4, 1804, in Shrewsbury; married Oct. 9, 1829, Pliny Pepper. Children (Pepper) : i. Lucy*, b. ; d. aged 7 years. u. Mary Ann, b. ; m. 185 1, Lucius M. Prouty. iii. Lucy Jane, b. April 11, 1838; m. June 7, 1859, Benja min Prouty. iv. Henry A., b. Oct. 27, 1842 ; m. June 15, 1869, Lydia M. Hopkins of Charlestown. 190 Alice' Livermore {Jason? Jason? Josiah? Joseph? John? John'), was born AprU 21, 1780, in Spencer ; died May i, 1806, in HaUoweU, Me.; married July 10, 1796, in HaUowell, John, I JO Livermore Family son of John and Elizabeth (Kay) Pickford, born Nov. 25, 1772, in Bury, Lancaster, England. ChUdren (Pickford) : i. John Kay Livermore,* b. Aug. 9, 1799, in HaUoweU; d. Oct. 19, 1875, in Worcester; m. EUzabeth Shepard, whose mother was Goulding. Their second son ( Pick ford) was Dea. Charles Jarvis,') b. May 24, 1833, d. June 7, 1895, in Brookline; m. Sept. 28, 1864, inLynn, Anna Maria, dau. of John Broad and Lydia (Mann) Tolman, b. AprU 20, 1838, in Lynn. Their dau. is Mrs. Alice T. (Pickford) Brockway'° of Lynn. ii. Emily, b. Oct. 11, 1804, in Augusta, Me.; d. June 14, 1873, in Worcester. 191 Charles' Livermore ( William? Jason? Josiah? Joseph? John? John'), was born Oct. 25, 1784, in Hartland, Vt. ; died AprU 4, 1832, in Huntington, Vt. ; married March 27, 1806, Sibyl Eggleston, born Aug. 16, 1790; died June 11, 1864, in Hinesburgh, Vt. He was a second lieutenant in the 31st regi ment, U. S. A., on AprU 30, 18 13, in Vermont. He was a school teacher. Children : i. Charles William,* b. April 9, 1807 ; d. May 29, 1807. n. John Enos, b. June 14, 1808; d. April 15, 1825. 411. iii. Lemuel Eggleston, b. Dec. 20, 1810. iv. WiUiam, b. Aug. 3, 181 2 ; d. Aug. 6, 18 15. V. Calista Mary Ann, b. Dec. 8, 1814; d. Nov. 16, 1843. vi. James Monroe, b. Dec. 3, 181 7. vu. Mary Maria, b. Feb. 12, 1820; m. William Lathrop. He lived in Burlington, Vt. ; his wife died some time ago. viu. Emery Zervia, b. Sept. 17, 1823; m. Oct. 9, 1842, in Hinesburgh, Rev. Cabot M. Clark, b. there Sept. 29, 1822. They live in Round Lake, Saratoga County, N. Y. No children. ix. Sibyl Eggleston, b. Aug. 13, 1826 ; d. AprU 3, 1827. X. Sibyl Emeline, b. Aug. 5, 1828; d. Sept. 4, 1838. 412. xi. Charles Enos Jackson, b. Jan. 21, 1831, in Huntington, Vt. Seventh Generation 151 192 Joseph' Livermore {William? Jasoti? Josiah? Joseph? John? John') was born July 29, 1789, in Hartland, Vt. ; died there Nov. 9, 1887; married there May 10, 1815, Jerusha Merritt Lull, born there Oct. 20, 1788; died there Dec. 7, 1869. In 1793 the famUy moved from North Hartland, and settled upon the farm where he lived the rest of his life, except when he went to the war. He enlisted at the beginning of the War of 18 12, and served under Gen. Macabe at Plattsburg. During the last six months of his service he was stationed near Stanstead Plains, on the Canada line, with a squad of men detailed to guard the frontier, take deserters from the British army, parole them, and send them to Burlington, where they were each given sixteen dollars for their guns and became American citizens. He was discharged at the close of the war, and on his way home met an order making him captain. ChUdren, born in Hartland : i. Joseph Aimer,* b. Feb. 22, 18 16. He had just com pleted his education at Newbury Seminary, Vt., when on June 5, 1837, he was kUled in a saw-mill in Hart land while making repairs. Jerusha Almira, b. April 10, 18 17. Benjamin, b. Aug. 6, 1818. Lorenzo Dow, b. Nov. 28, 1819. V. Nathan Lull, b. April 2, 1821 ; d. there Mar. 6, 1846. vi. Betsey, b. Nov. 26, 1822 ; d. Sept. 10, 1848, in Royal- ton, Vt. vii. Jason Bigelow, b. May 4, 1824; d. there June 31, 1852. 416. viii. Emily, b. Nov. 22, 1825. ix. Juha Ann, b. Dec. 15, 1827 ; d. AprU 14, 1847, in Clare- mont, N. H. 417. X. Mary, b. Oct. 14, 1830. 193 Rebecca' Livermore {Josiah? Jasott? Josiah? Joseph? John? John'), was born Jan. 23, 1789, in Fort MUler, N. Y. ; died Sept. 24, 1874, in Waverly, N. Y. ; married Feb. 24, 1808, in Fort MUler, Isaac Royal, son of John and Rebecca (Tileston) Ray mond, born in 1775 in Lexington after the battle, in which his 413- 11. 414. iii. 415- iv. 152 Livertnore Family father was kUled ; died in 1854, in East Waverly, N. Y. He was a widower at the time of their marriage, and his daughter, by his first wife (Susan Lewis of Lansingburg, N. Y.), married John Worcester Livermore (Rebecca's brother), and his son by his first wife married Rebecca's sisters, Sarah and Esther. ChUdren (Raymond) : 418. i. Charlotte,* b. 1810. 419. ii. Jane, b. 1813. 420. iii. Isaac Livermore, b. 181 5. 421. iv. Rebecca, b. 1817. 422. V. John, b. Mar. 22, 1820. 423. vi. Lucinda, b. 1825. vii. Augusta, b. 1828 ; unm. viii. William, b. 1831 ; d. in 1851. 194 Lydia' Livermore {Josiah? Jason? Josiah* Joseph? John? John'), was born Nov. 11, 1790, in Fort MUler, N. Y. ; died Nov. 4, 1828 ; married Jacob Pettit in Greenwich, N. Y. ChUdren (Pettit) : i. Jacob,* b. ; went West when young. U. Ann, b. ; m. George WUlard. Children (WiUard) : 1.. John? b. ; m. Nettie Styles. Four children. Lived in Arkansas. 2. Margaret, b. ; m. Roselle Vanderwarker. Three children. Lived in Fort Edward. 3. Alice, b. ; m. Abram Bristol. Two children. 4. Mary, b. ; m. James Vanderwarker. Three children. Lived in Fort Miller. 5. William, b. ; m. . One child. Lived in Michigan. 6. Jacob, b. ; d. unm. iii. Amanda, b. ; m. Potter Babcock. Lived in Jordan, 'N.Y. iv. Catharine, b. ; unm. V. Jane, b. ; d. young, unm. vi. John, b. ; d. unm. vii. Mary, b. ; m. Robert Fuller. Children (Fuller) : I. Elvi7ia? b. ; m. Sidney Betts. One child. 2. John Robert, b. ; m. Maggie Shepard. 3. Annie, b. ; d. unm. 4. Edwin, b. . Lived in Kansas, unm. Seventh Generation 153 195 Elizabeth' Livermore {Josiah? Jason? Josiah? Joseph? Johtt? John') was born May 19, 1795, in Fort MUler, N. Y. ; died March 7, 1850 ; married there May 19, 18 18, Joseph Morey Weaver, born March i, 1794, in Rensselaer County; died Feb., 1879, in SchuylerviUe, N. Y. ChUdren (Weaver), born in Fort MUler : 424. i. Mary Abbie,* b. Oct. 29, 1820. 425. ii. Charles Livermore, b. Jan. 20, 1822. 426. in. Sarah Elizabeth, b. Mar. 7, 1833. iv. Jane M., b. Nov. 27, 1834; d. in California. 196 John Worcester' Livermore {Josiah? Jason? Josiah? Jo seph? John? John') was born Nov., 1796, in Fort MiUer, N. Y. ; died there Sept. 29, 1884; married there AprU, 18 19, Elizabeth, daughter of Isaac Royal and Susan (Lewis) Raymond, born in 1801 ; died Aug. 29, 1869, in Fort MUler. She was the daugh ter of the husband of his sister Rebecca by his first wife. ChUdren, born in Fort MiUer : i. Edwin Ruthven,* b. Aug. 5, 1820; d. Oct. 4, 1891, in New York City; m. there Aug. 22, 1850, Harriet, dau. of Jonathan and Elizabeth (Mairs) Brown, b. in 1822, in Charlton, Saratoga County, N. Y. No chil dren. ii. John Worcester, b. Sept. 14, 1822. Not heard from for years and supposed to have d. in California. 427. iii. Helen Mar, b. Jan. 30, 1825. iv. Charles Henry, b. June 17, 1827 ; d. April 25, 1842, in Fort MiUer. 428. V. Esther Raymond, b. Nov. 9, 1829. 429. vi. Josiah Henry, b. May 15, 1833. 430. vii. Raymond Bellenger, b. Aug. 17, 1836. 197 Jason' Livermore {Josiah? Jason? Josiah? Joseph? John? John'), was born Jan. 8, 1799, in Fort MUler, N. Y. ; died Dec, 15, 1852, in Northumberland, N. Y. ; married Jan. 11, 1826, 154 Livermore Family Louise Wallace, born March i, 1804, in Salem, N. Y. ; died May 23, 1876, in Fort MUler. He was a ship carpenter and a Pres byterian. Children : 431. i. Edgar,* b. July 28, 1828. ii. Daniel, b. Mar. 29, 1830; d. Nov., 1890; m. Aug. 20, 1883. in. Louisa, b. Nov. 4, 1832 ; d. July 9, 1850, unm. iv. Mary, b. April 24, 1835 ; d. Dec. 20, 1859 ; m. Norman Herriman. v. Jason, b. Feb. 19, 1841 ; lived in Kentucky and had a family; residence unknown. 198 Esther' Livermore {Josiah? Jason? Josiah? Joseph? John? John'),wz& born June 19, 1804, in Fort MUler, N. Y.; died AprU 6, 1878 ; married July 28, 1835, in Fort MUler, Edmond, son of Isaac Royal and Susan (Lewis) Raymond, born March 19, 1803, in Greenwich, N. Y. ; was a son of her sister Rebecca's husband by his first wife, who was also the husband of her sister Sarah; died May 27, 1885, in SchuylervUle, N. Y. ChUdren (Raymond), born in Northumberland, near Fort MUler : 432. i. Sarah Esther,* b. Aug. 22, 1836. u. Edmond Livermore, b. Sept. 29, 1838; d. Jan. 6, 1854. in. Isaac Royal, b. July 3, 1842 ; d. Aug. 6, 1843. 199 Braddyl' Livermore {Braddyl? Jason? Josiah? Joseph? John? John'), was born April 26, 1788, in Paxton ; died June 2, 1867, in Spencer; married Oct. 23, 1816, in Holden, Gratia Heywood, born there Dec. 11, 1796; died June 18, 1871, in Paxton. He was apprenticed to Samuel Watson, Jr., to learn the trade of a tanner and currier, but he did not foUow that busi ness, owing to impaired health. He worked with his father on the farm for some years, and also as a bricklayer. He bought a farm adjoining his father's, originaUy belonging to his great Seventh Generation 155 uncle Josiah Livermore, where he lived many years, and where his chUdren were born. Children, born in Paxton : i. Mary Elvira,* b. AprU 2, 1818; m. (i) Oct. 12, 1840, in Paxton, Edwin W. Snow, b. there Mar. 9, 1821; d. there Feb. 20, 1847 5 "i. (2) Oct. 6, 1849, in Worces ter, Oliver C. Nelson, b. Mar. 26, 1815, in Sterling; d. Nov. 14, 1886, in Oakdale. ii. Hannah Heywood, b. Jan. 21, 1822 ; d. July 4, 1868, in New Salem; m. April 19, 1842, in Paxton, Artemas Warren Prouty, b. in Spencer. iii. John Flint, b. June 27, 1825 ; d. there Jan. 9, 1829. iv. AdeUne Antoinette, b. July 3, 1830; d. there Sept. 4, 1848. 200 Almira' Livermore {Braddyl? Jason? Josiah? Joseph? John," Johti'), was born AprU 14, 1790, in Paxton; d. May 15, 1861, in West Boylston; married (i) May 5, 1813, in Paxton, Eli Smith, born Dec. 31, 1786, in Holden; died there Nov. 2, 1830; mar ried (2) Jan. 27, 1833, in West Boylston, Storrs Eldredge, born AprU 2, 1789, in Chatham (or Brewster); died Nov. 19, 1869, in Worcester. ChUdren (Smith), born in Holden, except vni, who was born in Rutland : i. Almira Livermore,* b. Mar. 25, 1814; d. there Mar. 31, 1826. 433. ii. John Flint, b. Nov. 2, 1815. iii. David Clark, b. Mar. 15, 1818; d. Nov. 16, 1842, in West Boylston. iv. James, b. Jan. 13, 1820; d. Oct. 28, 1832, in Paxton. V. Jane, twin to James ; d. Sept. 30, 1832, in West Boyl ston. vi. Mary Ann, b. Oct. 27, 1822 ; d. there Mar. 9, 1823. vii. Mary Jane, b. AprU 7, 1825 ; d. Oct. 29, 1841, in West Boylston. 434. vin. George Eli, b. May 28, 1827, in Rutland. ix. Daniel, b. Feb. 4, 1829; d. Oct. 7, 1832, in West Boyl ston. 156 Livermore Family 201 Mary Ann' Livermore {Braddyl? Jason? Josiah? Joseph? John? Johtt'), VIZ.S horn Sept. 13, 1792, in Paxton; died Sept. 24, 1849, in Albion, Mich.; married Jan. 3, 18 14, in Paxton, Ebenezer Oliver Grosvenor, born about 1783. They first lived in Paxton, then removed to Central New York, and later to Albion. Children (Grosvenor) : 435. i. Ira Rufus,* b. Mar. 18, 1815, in Paxton. ii. Caroline Maria, b. Aug. 13, 1818, in Stillwater, N. Y., m. April i, 1837, in Chittenango, N. Y., Dr. Horace May Hovey, b. Mar. 22, 1815, in Mayville, N. Y. ; d. Jan. 20, 1877, in Albion. One child, who d. Mar. 4, 1845, aged 5 yrs., 11 mos. 436. in. Ebenezer Oliver, b. Jan. 26, 1820, in Stillwater. iv. Mary Ann, b. AprU 18, 1827, in Chittenango; m. David Peabody of Albion. V. Adeline Selene, b. Mar. 3, 1829, in Chittenango; m. Walter Peabody of Albion. vi. Daniel, b. June 8, 1 831, in Chittenango. vn. Harriet, b. Nov. 12, 1833, in Chittenango. Three other children who d. young. 202 George Whitefield' Livermore {Braddyl? Jason? Josiah? Joseph? John? John'), was born Oct. 15, 1794, in Paxton; died Aug. 21, 1870,'in Colburn, Ind.; married Oct. 11, 1828, in Al bany, N. Y., Sophia, daughter of Gen. Joseph and Asenath (Waters) Farnsworth, born Oct. 29, 1803, in MUlbury; died Dec. 17, 1858, in Cambridge. In his eleventh year he lost the full use of his lower limbs through a fever, but could move around with the help of crutches or canes. He worked several years at mechanical business, and when about twenty-one years of age began fitting for coUege, having finished and fitted up a small room in the attic of his father's house as a study. Not having pecuniary means to defray the expenses of attending a preparatory school, he began his studies under the tuition of his father's clergyman ; making but slow progress, he resumed mechanical labor, earned an amount of money with which he pro- Sevetith Generation 157 cured better instruction, and thus continued alternately to labor and study for about three years, the last six months of which he spent in his attic alone and without instruction from anyone ;, at the end of that time he presented himself at Harvard Col lege for examination, and was admitted to the Freshman class. At the close of the vacation he returned to Cambridge with twelve dollars in his pocket as the whole pecuniary means to de fray the expenses of a four years' course. Unaided and unas sisted, except by his indomitable determination, untiring industry, and rigid economy, living much of the time literally on bread and water, at a cost of twenty-one cents a week, he earned by writ ing exercises for indolent students, and by services rendered the government of the CoUege in various ways, sufficient to pay his biUs for tuition, books, etc., and took his degree as Bachelor of Arts in 1823. A few weeks before he graduated he made an agreement to go as a private tutor into the family of Mrs. Cath erine Bingaman, at Natchez, Miss., and, on leave of absence from College, started in July of that year, going by stage to New York, PhUadelphia and Pittsburg, to Wheeling, Va. ; thence on a keel boat down the Ohio river to Cincinnati ; thence, in a smaU open skiff, to Louisville, Ky., and thence, on a small steam boat, dov^m the Ohio and Mississippi rivers to Natchez. While at Natchez he began the study of law in the office of Judge Turner, and after his return home completed his preparation un der the instruction of Samuel M. Burnside, at Worcester, and was admitted to the bar. He formed a copartnership with Hon. Jonas L. Libby of Sutton, and subsequently opened an office and practiced in MiUbury. In 1832 he closed his busi ness in MUlbury and removed with his wife and infant daughter to Westfield, N. Y., and took charge of his father-in-law's busi ness. He returned to Massachusetts in 1839, leaving his family in Westfield, but they joined him in 1842, and he continued the practice of law. After the death of his wife he gave up his profession and amused himself in mechanical inventions, two of the most im portant of which are machinery for making casks ^and for manu facturing paper collars and wristbands. At the centennial cele- 158 Liventiore Family bration in Paxton (his birthplace), on June 14, 1865, he delivered the address, which was full of interesting historical facts. He spent the last years of his life visiting his chUdren and relatives in various parts of the country, having an income sufficient to enable him to travel as he pleased. ChUdren, the eldest born in MUlbury, the others in Westfield : 437. i. Helen Sophia Farnsworth,* b. June 15, 1830. 438. U. George Braddyl, b. Mar. 16, 1832. 439. iii. John Frank, b. Oct. 5, 1834. iv. Sarah GoodeU, b. June 5, 1837 ; d. Sept. 25, 1842, in Cambridge. 203 Hepzibah' Livermore {Braddyl? Jason? Josiah? Joseph? JoJm? John,') was born June 19, 1801, in Paxton; died Jan. 3, 1852, in Newfield, Me.; married Nov. 13, 1827, Rev. Edmund, son of Horace and Martha (Bliss) Burt, born Nov. 11, 1803, in Longmeadow; died July 14, 1864, in Gorham, N. H. They had three chUdren (Burt). 204 Jason William' Livermore {Braddyl? Jasoti? Josiah? Jo seph? John? John') w'Sjs, born March 13, 1 806, in Paxton ; died March 29, 1893, in Acton; married (i) Nov. 17, 1831, Elmira, daughter of Joshua and Sarah Brooks of Lincoln, born Sept. II, 1805 ; died Aug. 23, 1857, in Paxton; married (2) AprU 7, 1859, in Paxton, Mrs. Laura E. Prouty, daughter of Vespucian Randall, born in 1820 in Belchertown. He was a farmer. Children, born in Paxton : 440. i. Charles Franklin,* b. Nov. 11, 1832. U. Mary Ann, b. Feb. 20, 1835; d. there Nov. 26, 1840. 44o«. iii. George William, b. July 27, 1838. 441. iv. Hiram Brooks, b. June 18, 1840. v. Sarah Caroline, b. Sept. 3, 1842. vi. Hannah Elmira, b. July 9, 1846 ; married Nov. 25, 1869, jn Acton, Julian, son of Daniel and Emeline E. '(Handly) Tuttle, b. there in 1848. Seventh Generation 159 205 Larnard' Livermore {Isaac? Moses? Josiah? Joseph? John? John') was born May 21, 1783, in Belchertown ; died March 2, 1854, in Barker, N. Y. ; married Feb. 18, 1807, at or near SmithvUle, N. Y., Hannah Brown, born May 11, 1787, probably in Canaan, Conn. ; died Sept. 21, 1878, in Newark Valley, N.Y. ChUdren, born in SmithvUle : i. Diantha,* b. Dec. 22, 1807 ; d. Aug. 8, 1837 ; m. Sept. 15, 1836, near Peoria, IU., Henry C. Beebe. 442. ii. Ahira Russell, b. Feb. 16, 1810. iii. Isaac Brown, b. Aug. 30, 181 1 ; d. May 20, 1882 ; m. Nov. 4, 1837, in SmithvUle, Jane Matilda, dau. of Ly man and Abigail (Hotchkins) Dudley, b. there AprU 20, 1812 ; d. Sept. 30, 1854. Children : I. Charles Brown? \i. . 2. Joseph Henry, b. . 443. iv. Nelson Grant, b. Aug. 9, 18 13. V. George D., b. May 3, 1815 ; d. there Feb. 7, 1819. vi. Chauncey Brown, b. May 31, 1817. 444. vii. Semantha Jane, b. Mar. 16, 1819. vui. Caroline Milton, b. Feb. 10, 1821 ; d. Aug. 2, 1825. 445. ix. Pamelia Ann, b. Mar. 20, 1824. X. Lucius Milton, b. Jan. 22, 1826 ; d. Nov. 24, 1854; m. Mar. 23, 185 1, in Iowa, Ludima Stafford. Had a son, b. about 1852. xi. Harlow RusseU, b. Dec. 22, 1828 ; d. Oct. 31, 1882 ; m. April 21, 1870, in Binghamton, N. Y., Lovina A. Corby. No children. xii. Philander Elisha, b. Mar. 27, 1832; d. Oct. 24, 1859; m. ii"eb. 18, 1852, in Barker, Emily J. Carpenter. Child: Lucius,') b. about 1854; d. aged 4 months. 206 Mehetable' Livermore {Isaac? Moses? Josiah? Joseph? John? Johti') was born Sept. 28, 1791, in Belchertown; died Aug. 27, 1873, in Truro, IU. ; married about 1808 in Chenango, Broome Co., N. Y., Orin Seward, born there Nov. 29, 1788; died Oct. 25, 1836, in Peoria Co., 111. i6o Livermore Family ChUdren (Seward), born in Chenango : i. Hannah* b. Oct. 3, 1809 ; m. her cousin Ahira R., son of Larnard and Hannah (Brown) Livermore. 446. n. Anna, b. July 9, 181 1. in. Larnard, b. July 3, 1813 ; d. in infancy. iv. Mary, b. Sept. 23, 1815; d. Nov. 18, 1874, in Truro; m. Baxter Wolf. 447. V. Levi, b. Aug. 21, 18 17. vi. Samantha, b. Mar. 25, 1820; m. Abner Russel. vu. Sophronia, b. Dec. 23, 1822 ; d. July 20, 1844, in Truro; m. John Wolf. vni. Sylvester, b. Aug. 7, 1825 ; d. Oct., 1826. ix. Samuel, b. Sept. 28, 1826 ; lives in Truro. x. Louisa, b. June 30, 1829 ; m. Abram Wolf ; lives in Truro. xi. Lorinda, b. June 20, 1832 ; m. Hulsey WoK. xn. Albert, b. Dec. 15, 1834; d. June 5, 1861, in Truro. 207 Roswell' Livermore {Moses? Moses? Josiah? Joseph? Johti," John') was born Dec. 2, 1784, in Spencer; died Feb. 22, 1873, in Lisle, N. Y. ; married (i) Sept. 10, 18 13, in Leicester, Mary McNall of Spencer, died Feb. 23, 1820, in Berkshire, N. Y. ; married (2) Feb. 23, 1826, Permelia Nichols, born Oct. 24, 1805, in Marathon, N. Y. ; died AprU 14, 1866, in Lisle. He moved to Lisle, and lived in a log house on lot 217, on the east bank of the creek, north of the road where it turns to cross the creek. ChUdren : i. Otis Watson,* b. Sept. 30, 1814, in Spencer; d. Mar. 21, 1895, in Owego, N. Y. ; m. Nov. 7, 1853, Jane Dodd ; b. Aug. 20, 1815, in Goshen, N. Y. ; d. Oct. 17, 1900, in Athens, Pa. He was for many years a bridge builder on the Erie railroad. No children. ii. Joseph, b. July 30, 1816, in Spencer; d. there Jan. 31, 1817. 448. ni. Lorin, b. Oct. 3, 1826, in Lisle. iv. Mary, b. AprU 19, 1830, in Lisle; d. AprU 8, 1856, in Vestal, N. Y. ; m. Feb. 22, 1855, James K. Owen. Child (Owen), b. in Vestal : 1. Mary Malvina? b. April 3, 1856. Seventh Generation i6i 208 MosES' Livermore {Moses? Moses? Josiah? Joseph? Johti? John') was born Feb. 27, 1787, in Spencer, died June 22, 1859, in Lisle, N. Y. ; married Jan. 11, 18 10, in Boston, Bridget Rob inson, born Aug. i, 1785, in Spencer; died March 13, 1855, in Newark Valley, N. Y. He began life as a farmer, settling on a farm given him by his father in the town of Lisle. He after wards followed the trade of a mason for a few years, and then became a mUler, in which trade he was engaged when old age compelled him to retire. He was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. ChUdren, born in Lisle : 449. i. Adeline,* b. Nov. 18, 18 10. 450. ii. Charles Henry, b. Sept. 4, 1812. iii. George Washington, b. July 12, 1814; d. there Dec. 23, 1834. 451. iv. David Clark, b. Jan. 29, 1816. 452. V. Mary Ann, b. Jan. 20, 1819. 453- vi. John Frederic, b. Feb. 6, 182 1. 454. vii. Moses, b. Nov. 26, 1824. viu. Warner, b. Aug. 8, 1826 ; d. there Oct. 3, 1826. 455. ix. Nathan, b. Sept. 15, 1831. 209 Warner' Livermore (il/^j^j,* Moses? Josiah? Joseph? John? John') was born March 23, 1789, in Spencer; died there Dec. i, 1883 ; married there AprU 12, 18 12, Betsey, daughter of Robert and Betsey Luther, born there March 5, 1788 ; died there Aug. 30, 1868. He was a farmer and a member of the school com mittee. ChUdren, bom in Spencer : i. Elizabeth,* b. Aug. 29, 1814; d. there April 26, 1896. u. Diantha, b. AprU 21, 1819; m. there Oct. 10, 1866, Joel N. Blake, b. in 1809, in Baltimore, Md. 456. iii. Julia, b. Sept. 16, 1822. iv. Mehitable, b. Mar. 14, 1825; d. June 26, 1896; m. Warren P. Miller. Child : Frank Warren? of 31 Broad Street, New York. 1 62 Livermore Family 210 Russell' Livermore {Moses? Moses? Josiah? Joseph? John? Johti') was born Sept. 28, 1799, in Spencer; died Feb. 25, 1881, in Lisle, N. Y. ; married there March 13, 1822, Polly Ayers, born there Aug. 6, 1800 ; died there March 27, 187 1. His life is weU described in an address made by his son George Warner Livermore at a reunion of all his children in Centre Lisle, Aug. 5, 1899. An abstract of the address is as follows : It is recorded in Proverbs that " The glory of chUdren are their fathers.'' Let us see if we have not somewhat to glory for. I had the pleasure, sometime ago, of looking over the old home in Massa chusetts, which our grandfather left on coming to New York State. The very house where father was born, the fields he had roamed over, the school-house where his school days were spent, all had language to my mind that is not easily forgotten. They left their home there for one in Lisle in the fall of 18 17. The pilgrimage of this family of eleven persons was made in twelve days, by means of four teams ; they drove their cattle with them. Father had his eighteenth birthday on the road. Sometime during the next five years he formed the acquaintance of Polly Ayers, a resident of Lisle (whom he afterwards married), and living in a house then standing very near the big pine tree below the house where Isaac Howland now lives. In 1822 they built the house in Caldwell Settlement, still standing and owned by Almond Reed. There they made their home for twelve years, where five of the children were born. The farm was sold to Isaiah E. Reed, in 1834. After a futile attempt to go to Michigan in 1835, they went to West Newark, moving back in the fall of 1837, and living in part of Henry Bunnell's house, where they stayed until the spring of 1838. Then the home which we as chUdren knew most about of any place on earth was bought, price $300. The farm then consisted of a side hill south of Yorkshire, covered with woods. After cutting away the brush the larger part of the house now standing was built over our heads : then the scramble for life began in earnest, without means and with only $90 paid on the place. Two more visitors were welcomed to the family group, making the number eight. Pieces of land were taken to work on shares, sometimes at long distances from home. At one time father had to mortgage his half of a growing crop, to make a payment on a store debt. Mother not only had the care of us all, but she spun wool and fiax, and wove it into cloth, and made clothes for us. The burden of debt was lifted with Sevetith Generation 163 money we helped to earn. Our parents made this a dear spot to us. Mother's pantr)' looks good to me yet. Here we parted, one by one, to form other homes for ourselves. Here they had a home for thirty- four years, where at last they enjoyed all the necessities of life and a good many of the luxuries. The old farm was finally sold for ten times its original cost. We meet to-day an unbroken family of eight children, on this spot made sacred by the memory of days gone by. We have not seen each other face to face in twenty years. Russell Livermore celebrated the forty-fifth anniversary of his marriage on March 13,1 867, and all his chUdren together with their husbands and wives and twenty-one grandchildren were present. The family are Congregationalists. ChUdren, born in Lisle : 457. i. Abigail,* b. Nov. 4, 1823. 458. ii. Emeline Frances, b. Mar. n, 1826. 459. iii. George Warner, b. Sept. 17, 1828. 460. iv. Lewis Russell, b. Feb. 23, 183 1. 461. v. Joseph Wilson, b. June 28, 1834. 462. vi. Walton, b. Jan. 22, 1838. 463. vii. Charles Theodore, b. Mar. 14, 1841. 464. viii. Edmund K., b. Dec. 16, 1845. 211 Brigham' Livermore {Moses? Moses? Josiah? Joseph? John? John') was born Oct. 3, 1806, in Spencer; died May 5, 1890, in Lisle, N. Y. ; married (i) Feb. 9, 1832, in Lisle, Rebecca Fen- ner, born Sept. 5, 18 13, in Bristol, R. I. ; died July 28, 1855, in Lisle; married (2) Oct. 13, 1856, in Pittsfield, N. Y., Eliza Crawford, died Oct. 7, 1887, in Lisle. He moved to Lisle with his parents in 18 17. The father of his first wife gave her thirty acres of woodland of which he (Brigham) cleared a place large enough for a house, buUt it, and moved into it soon after mar riage, and then cleared up the rest as fast as he was able. He lived on the place until AprU, 1889, when he sold it and lived the rest of his life with his son WUliam. Children, born in Lisle : 465. i. George Brigham,* b. May 13, 1834. ii. Asa Ackerman, b. Sept. 20, 1836 ; d. there Aug. 3, 1874. 164 Livermore Family 466. in. William Byron, b. June 10, 1838. iv. James Roswell, b. May 5, 1840 ; d. there July 8, 1862. V. Mariette, b. May 20, 1843 ; d. there Sept. 15, 1874. vi. WaUace, b. Feb. 3, 1852 ; d. there Feb. 8, 1862. vn. Lois, b. July 2, 1855 ; d. there Feb. 2, 1862. 212 Lucinda' Livermore {Amos? Moses? Josiah? Joseph? Johti? John') was born March i, i79i,in Spencer ; married there AprU 23, 1808, Asa WUson, born there July 18, 1785. ChUdren (WUson), born in Spencer : i. David,* b. Sept. 24, 1809. u. Amos, b. May i, 1811. iii. Lucinda, b. Mar. 31, 1814. iv. Horace, b. Mar. 4, 1816. V. Harriet, b. Dec. 28, 18 18. vi. Warner, b. May 23, 182 1. vii. Asa, b. Dec. 7, 1823. viii. Luther, b. Jan. 15, 1826. ix. George, b. Jan. 12, 1828. 213 Obadiah Lamb' Livermore {Amos? Moses? Josiah? Joseph? John? John') was born Mar. 8, 1796, in Spencer; died May 22, 1858, in Ithaca, N. Y. ; married AprU 4, 1822, in Richford, N. Y., Almira, daughter of John and Sylvia (Catlin) Stedman, born Dec. 25, 1801, in Harrington, Conn. He was a great admirer of fine horses and followed the business of dealing in them in the New York market. After settUng in Richford, he car ried on the tanning and manufacturing of buckskin gloves and mittens. He held offices of trust in Richford for many years before moving to Ithaca, where he was engaged in the hotel business in the house known as Ithaca Exchange and previously called the Old Columbian Inn. Children, born in Richford : 467. i. WiUiam Stedman,* b. Jan. 28, 1823. n. John, b. Mar. 25, 1825; d. Aug. 9, 1844. Seventh Getieration 165 iii. Obadiah, b. Oct. 14, 1827 ; m. Jan. 13, i860, in Sonora, Cal., Gavina Salazar, b. Sept. 7, 1844, in Conception, ChUi, S. A. No chUdren. iv. Charles Fernando, b. Aug. 6, 1830; living unm. in 1902. V. Mary Almira, b. Nov. 12, 1832 ; m. Joseph C. King of Ithaca. 468. vi. Sarah Maria, b. Sept. 26, 1837. 214 Hannah Allen' Livermore {Amos? Moses? Josiah* Joseph? John? John') was born Feb. 4, 181 1, in Spencer ; died March 30, 1840, in Ottawa, 111. ; married there AprU 3, 1839, Bartholomew Van Valkenburgh, born July 12, 1799, in Kinderhook, N. Y. ChUd (Van Valkenburgh), born in Ottawa : i. Emily,* b. Mar. 9, 1840; m. there Feb. i, 1857, Thomas McDermott, b. in 1826, in County Wexford, Ireland, No children. 215 Jesse' Livermore {Ezra? Abijah? Josiah? Joseph? John? Johti') was born June 9, 1792, in Jamaica, Vt. ; died July 10, 1853, in Hanover, N. Y. ; married Oct. 17, 1818, in Jamaica, Mary Brown Rawson, born Feb. 25, 1798, in Townsend, Vt. ; died May 15, 1861, in Hanover. They moved to Hanover in 1836. ChUdren, two younger born in Hanover, the others in Ja maica : i. Lyman,* b. July 19, 1819; d. there July 27, 1819. ii. Lyman Rawson, b. Nov. 29, 1820; d. Oct. i, 1869, in Hanover. 469. iii. Emory WUlard, b. May 30, 1823. 470. iv. William Ward, b. May 31, 1825. V. Judson Adoniram, b. Sept. 23, 1827; d. there Aug. 10, 1828. 471. vi. Juliett, b. AprU 30, 1829. 472. vii. Mary Ann, b. July 20, 1830. 473. vni. Cynthia, b. Feb. 14, 1834. ix. Amanda, b. AprU i, 1836; d. there AprU 6, 1836. 474. X. Calista A., b. Feb. 6, 1838. 475. xi. Sophia Clarinda, b. May 24, 1840. i66 Livermore Family 216 Lydia' Livermore {Ezra? Abijah? Josiah* Joseph? John? John') was born AprU 20, 1798, in Jamaica, Vt. ; died there Sept. 14, 1881; married there Mar. 16, 1826, Allen Gleason, born there June 8, 1798 ; died there Aug. 13, 1881. ChUdren (Gleason), born in Jamaica : 476. i. Josiah,* b. Mar. 21, 1827. 477. n. Warren, b. Oct. i, 1830. in. Mason, b. Mar. 13, 1833; d. Oct. 5, 1855, in Gardner. 478. iv. Eliza Ann, b. Nov. 3, 1835. V. Benjamin, b. June 21, 1838; d. there May 14, 1839. vi. Mary Adeline, b. May 5, 1841 ; d. Jan. 20, 1880, in Denver, Col. ; m. (i) Aug. 28, 1873, in Athol, Lyman Cook, d. there Aug. 19, 1874; m. (2) in 1875, George Rice. In Feb., 1878, they moved to Texas. In 1879 they lost two children. Child (Rice) : Bertram Adam.9 217 Ezra' Livermore {Ezra? Abijah? Josiah? Joseph? Johti? Johti') was born June 16, 1800, in Jamaica, Vt. ; died Dec. 24, 1863, in Hanover, N. Y. ; married Nov. 2, 1825, in Jamaica, Clarissa Pierce, born there Nov. 15, 1807. He was a farmer. ChUdren, first six born in Jamaica, the others in Hanover : 479. i. Jane MUly,* b. Mar. 22, 1827. ii. Phebe Ursula, b. Aug. 21, 1828 ; d. AprU 5, 1853. in Smith's Mills, N. Y. in. Henry Pierce, b. June 29, 1830 ; d. Jan. 8, 1S77, in Arkwright, N. Y. ; a farmer. 480. iv. Mark Cook, b. Sept. 9, 1S32. 481. V. Edson, b. Aug. 28, 1834. 482. vi. Clarissa Susan, b. July 4, 1836. vii. Squire Ezra, b. Oct. 2, 1838 ; m. Sept. 26, 1S61, Mary Tompkins, b. Feb. 10, 1845, in Newstead, N. Y. He is a farmer in NashvUle, N. Y. No children. vin. Narcissa Melinda, b. Aug. 2, 1840; d. June 6, 1853, in Smith's Mills. ix. Sullivan Gage, b. Aug. 11, 1842; d. June 9, 1871, in Arkwright. 483. x. George Washington, b. May 5, 1844. Sevetith Generation 167 xi. Mary Ellen, b. Aug. 13, 1846 ; d. there Aug. 2, 1869. 484. xU. CarroU Goodenow, b. April 15, 1850. 218 Asa' Livermore {Ezra? Abijah? Josiah? Joseph? John? John') was born Dec. 7, 1802, in Jamaica, Vt. ; died AprU 15, 1890, in WestervUle, Ohio; married Nov. 2, 1829, in Jamaica, Eliza Cobb, born June 26, 1808, in Windham, Vt. He taught school in Jamaica for three years ; in Sept., 1835, they moved to Hanover, N. Y., travelling by canal, where he bought 150 acres which he cleared, and established a home. In 1869 they moved to WestervUle. He was justice of the peace eight years, and during that time married twenty-six couples. He lived a short time in Smith's MUls, N. Y., where he held the office of assessor. They celebrated their golden wedding Nov. 2, 1879. Children : i. Emily Jane,* b. Dec. 16, 1833, in Jamaica ; m. Oct. 25, 1853, in Smith's Mills, George Ogden, b. Oct. 26, 1827, in White's Corners, N. Y. Address, Wester vUle. 485. ii. Laura, b. Feb. ig, 1835, in Jamaica. iii. Janette, b. Oct. 4, 1840, in Hanover; m. Sept. 13, 1864, in Smith's Mills, Thomas Burr Boughton, b. Sept. 5, 1832, near New York City. 486. iv. Milley EsteUa, b. AprU 23, 1844, in Smith's MUls. 219 Justice Lot' Livermore {Abijah? Abijah? Josiah* Joseph? John? John') was born Aug. 27, 1795, in Jamaica, Vt. ; died there Jan. 3, 1842 ; married there Dec. 5, 18 16, Christian Muzzy, died there March 28, 1847. Children, born in Jamaica : 487. i. Rebecca Hammond,* b. May 20, 18 18. 488. ii. Zipora Elizabeth, b. Jan. 12, 1821. 489. in. NeweU, b. May 11, 1825. iv. Justice Newton, b. July 30, 1830 ; d. there Feb. 20, 1858. V. Abbie Lutheria, b. Jan. 20, 1835 ; m. Riley M. Merrill. They live in PhiUips, Duval Co., Fla. i68 Livermore Family vi. Lucy, b. Feb. ii, 1838; m. her cousin Hammond J. Livermore. 220 Hammond' Livermore {Abijah? Abijah? Josiah? Joseph? John? Johti') was born Jan. 11, 1802, in Jamaica, Vt. ; died there May 15, 1871 ; married there Nov. 6, 1822, Fanny Howard, born there June 22, 1803 ; died there Jan. 16, 1864. Children, born in Jamaica : i. Son,* b. Sept. 14, 1823. 490. ii. Benjamin Muzzy, b. Feb. 27, 1825. iii. Calista, b. Dec. 26, 1829 ; died there Feb. 28, 1856 ; m. there Jan. 25, 1848, Luther B. Ewing. No children. 491. iv. Leverna, b. Nov. 13, 1831. 492. V. Hammond J., b. Nov. 6, 1834. 493. vi. Mark Cook, b. Sept. 6, 1838. 221 James Madison' Livermore {Phineas? Abijah? Josiah? Jo seph? John? Johti') was born Nov. 29, 18 15, in Spencer; mar ried March 11, 1862, in Union, Broome Co., N. Y., Maria Ann Griffin. ChUdren, born in Owego, N. Y. : i. Adelbert James,* b. Feb. 12, 1864, unm. 494. u. Fannie Alice, b. July 2, 1865. 222 Stephen Gould' Livermore {Reuben? Joseph? Josiah? Joseph? John? Johti') was born Sept. 30, 1794, in Sudbury; died Dec. 22, 1840, in Worcester; married April 17, 18 17, in Auburn, Martha, daughter of Walter and Sarah (Merriam) Fitts, born there June 9, 1794; died Sept. 18, 1844, in MUl bury. Children : i. Reuben,* b. Mar. 12, 1818, in Worcester; d. April 28, 1850, in Wells River, Vt., unm. ii. Sarah, b. Oct. 22, 1819, in Worcester; d. May 3, 1822, in Sutton. Seventh Generatioti 169 iii. Martha Maynard, b. May 5, 182 1, in Worcester; died Nov. 23, 1852, in Dayton, Ohio; m. in 1842, in Mill bury, Lyman Leland. 495. iv. Stephen Gould, b. Dec. 24, 1823, in Sutton. v. Harriett Elizabeth, b. June 29, 1826, in Millbury; d. Mar. I, 1861, in Cedar Rapids, Iowa; m. in 1846, in Worcester, Lyman Marsh. vi. Lewis Edwin, b. April 29, 1828, in Millbury; d. there Aug., 1889, unm. 496. vii. Julia Ann, b. Oct. 11, 1830, in Millbury. viii. Henry Lucian, b. May 21, 1833, in Millbury; d. there May 14, 1858, unm. ix. George Washington, b. July 11, 1836, in Millbury ; mar ried June 3, 1869, in Northbridge, Laura Jane, dau. of Joel and Laura (Goldthwait) Bachelor, b. there Sept. 27, 1833. They afterwards moved to Santa Barbara, Cal., where she d. July 27, 1894. No chil dren. X. Frances Eveline, b. Jan. 28, 1839, in Millbury; d. there July 9, 1870 ; m. there, Henry Marble. 223 Harriet' Livermore {Reuben? Joseph? Josiah? Joseph? John? John') was born March 12, 1798, in Weston; died March 31, 1883 ; married Sept. 14, 1820, Solomon Bancroft, died Nov. 13, 1829. ChUdren (Bancroft), born in MUlbury : 497. i. Henry Lewis,* b. June 25, 1821. ii. Sarah Eliza, b. Aug. 3, 1823 ; m. Dec, 1874, in Mill bury, Benj. Brierly. 224 Daniel Gould' Livermore {Reuben? Joseph? Josiah? Jo seph? John? John') was born Sept. 16, 1801, in Worcester; died Jan. 12, 1862, in Millbury; married AprU 11, 1833, in Phillip- ston, Julia Putnam, daughter of Woodis and Tamar Bancroft, born Aug. I, 1808, in MUlbury; died there Aug. 23, 1870. Early in life he was thrown upon his own resources for mainten ance. He was apprenticed to Mr. Tenny of Sutton, to learn J70 Livermore Family the wheelwright's trade, afterwards became a mUlwright, and later in life, settled on the farm of Capt. Bancroft (his father-in- law), where he lived for several years. In his eariy manhood he became interested in Free Masonry and joined Olive Branch Lodge, then of Sutton, now of MUlbury, and was at one time its Master. In his later years he united with the Methodist Episcopal Church of MUlbury, and was for several years an offi cial of the Church. Children, born in MiUbury : 498. i. Anson Gould,* b. Jan. 24, 1834. n. Sarah Jane, b. April 22, 1837 ; d. there Nov. 4, 1859. iii. Julia Elmyra, b. Feb. 28, 1843; d. there May 29, 1862. iv. Daniel Austin, b. May 31, 1847 ; d. there May 22, 1848. V. Solon Augustus, b. July 11, 1849; d. there Jan. 18, 1850. 225 Joseph Smith' Livermore {Reuben? Joseph? Josiah? Joseph? John? Johti') was born July 16, 1804, in Worcester; died Feb. 24, 1863, in Millbury; married in Sutton, Electa Slocum, daughter of Edmund T. and AbigaU (Slocum) Hall, born there March 29, 181 1; died there Aug. 10, 1879. He was a shoe maker, and lived in Sutton, Framingham and Millbury. ChUdren : i. Albert Augustus,* b. July 11, 1830. Both he and his sister were noted singers. ii. Electa Ann, b. AprU 17, 1834; m. N. H. White, Feb. 12, 1833, in Putney, Vt. They at first lived in Millbury, but in April, 1881, moved to a stock farm near Beloit, Mitchell Co., Kan. ChUd (White) : Bessie F.? b. Feb. 7, 1862, in MiUbury. 226 Joseph' Livermore {Joseph? Joseph? Josiah? Joseph? Johti? John') was born March 20, 1798, in Perry, Me.; died at sea June 10, 1853 ; married about 1827, in New York, Lucy, daugh ter of Samuel and Lucy (Balch) Perley of Newburyport, died Aug. II, 1859. He went to sea when a lad, his "protection" being dated District of Passamaquoddy, Mass. (now Maine), Seventh Generation 171 Sept. 15, 18 1 8. At the time of his death he was in command of the Liverpool packet ship "Niagara." ChUdren, born in New York : i. Lucy Amanda,* b. April 9, 1828 ; d. June 17, 1851, unm. ii. Sarah Jane, b. 1833; d. June, 1835. 499. iii. Caroline Eliza, b. Dec. 27, 1S34. 500. iv. John Robert McDowell, b. June 2, 1838. 227 Oliver Shead' Livermore {Joseph? Joseph? Josiah? Joseph? John? John') was born March 5, 1800, in Eastport, Me.; died there Sept. 27, 1873 ; married there Nov. 27, 1823, Sarah Swift, daughter of Edward and Mary (Jones) Johnson, born there June 4, 1801 ; died there Oct. 12, 1863. He was a selectman of Eastport in 1837, '38, '39, '40, '44, '45, '46, and '47, and was president of the Frontier Bank in Eastport until his death. Children, born in Eastport : 501. i. Joseph Mason,* b. Nov. 22, 1824. 502. ii. Oliver Shead, b. Feb. 23, 1828. in. Susan EUzabeth, b. Oct. 18, 1830; d. there April 14, 1835. iv. Sarah Swift, b. Feb. 4, 1833 ; d. there Feb. 16, 1836. V. Mary Richards, b. Mar. 4, 1835 ; m. July 28, 1864, in Eastport, Charles Henry, son of Aaron and Sally (Giles) Smith, b. Nov. i, 1827. vi. Sophia Gleason, b. Mar. 9, 1837 ; d. there June 3, 1837. vii. Lydia Swift, b. Jan. 24, 1840; d. there Oct. 2, 1841. viii. Samuel Jones, b. April 24, 1842 ; d. there May 6, 1855. 228 Fannie' Livermore {David? Samuel? Joseph? Joseph? John? John'), was born Feb. 17, 1794, in HiUsboro, N. H. ; died there Sept. 10, 1875 ; married there Oct. 12, 18 17, Elias Smith, born Dec. 26, 1792, in South Reading. ChUdren (Smith), born in HUlsboro : 503. i. Frederick J.,* b. April 25, 1829. ii. Caroline, b. Feb. 14, 1832; d. April 28, 1877; m. Lu ther Curtis of Antrim, N. H. Children (Curtis) : Emma') and Mary. 172 Livermore Family 229 William' Livermore {David? Samuel? Joseph* Joseph? John? John') was born March 15, 1795, in HUlsboro, N. H.; died there Sept. 16, 1868 ; married May 11, 1824, Susan, daugh ter of James and Catharine (Chamberlain) Faxon, born April 29, 1799, in Washington, N. H., and was stUl living in Bradford, N. H., in 1875. He was a farmer. Children, born in HUlsboro : i. Catharine,* b. Sept. 6, 1825 ; d. there April 5, 1866; m. June 6, 1850, George E., son of Francis and Sarah (Flanders) Hoyt of Weare, b. Aug. 9, 1823. No children. ii. Charlotte, b. Sept. 14, 1826 ; d. June 13, 1874. in. Sarah, b. June, 1829 ; d. Mar. 11, 1832. iv. Frank, b. Oct. 13, 1832; d. Dec. 21, 1861. He had been for several years a soldier in the United States Engineers. 230 Joseph' Livermore (Z>^ot^,* Samuel? Joseph? Joseph? John? John') was born June 18, 1800, in HUlsboro, N. H.; died there Dec. 27, 1880 ; married Nov. 22, 1821, Mary, daughter of Aaron and Catharine (Hoyt) Livermore, born July 17, 1799 ; died Feb. •6, 1878. He was a farmer in HiUsboro. ChUdren, born in HUlsboro : i. Sarah,* b. Dec. 15, 1822 ; d. there Aug. 22, 1825. 504. n. Grandison David, b. Nov. 24, 1825. 505. iii. Marietta, b. Feb. 26, 1828. iv. Abram Thomas Jefferson, b. Mar. 4, 1830; d. May 6, 1832. 506. v. Sarah How, b. Dec. 8, 1833. 231 Samuel' Livermore {Samuel? Samuel? Joseph? Joseph? John? Johti') was born Sept. 25, 1790, in Jamaica, Vt. ; died Aug. 29, 1869, in Londonderry, Vt. ; married (i) Jan. i, 18 16^ in War wick, Mercy, daughter of Jonas and Sarah Leonard, born there Jan. 29, 1792; died Nov. 7, 1856, in Londonderry; married Sevetith Generation 173 (2) Sept. 19, 1857, in Londonderry, Betsey Wyman. At the age of nine years he was bound out to John Alexander of Win chester, N. H., with whom he lived until he was twenty-one. years old. He settled in Windham, Vt., after his marriage, where he lived, with the exception of a year spent in Winches ter, untU Sept., 1832 ; he then moved to the farm now owned and occupied by his sons Austin and Samuel. ChUdren, the youngest born in Londonderry, the others in Windham : 507. i. Jonas Leonard,* b. Jan. 11, 1817. u. Asenath, b. April 24, 1819 ; d. Aug. 29, 1867. iii. A son, b. Feb. 25, 1822 ; d. young. 508. iv. Edward Alms, b. Nov. 7, 1824. 509. V. Austin Franklin, b. Nov. 15, 1827. vi. Samuel Mason, b. Mar. 22, 1831. vii. Hannah Naomi, b. Nov. 17, 1835. 232 David' Livermore {Samuel? Samuel? Joseph? Joseph? John? John') was born Oct. 9, 1809, in Atigusta, Me. ; died Aug. 20, 1867 ; married Sarah Taylor. Children : i. Mary,* b. Sept. 5, 183 1 ; m. in 1848, Andrew Whiting. ii. David, b. April 18, 1834; m. in 1858, Esther Lord. iii. Charles E., b. July 9, 1836 ; d. in 1873. iv. Henrietta C, b. Aug. 24, 1838 ; d. in 1839. v. WUliam S., b. May 28, 1840 ; m. Nov. 18, 1869, Alice Stone; was a sergeant in company B, 20th Me. Vols. ChUdren, b. in Milo, Me. : I. Nellie M.? b. Sept., 1870. 2. Carrie B., b. in 1873. 3. Sadie, b. in 1876; d. in 1876. 4. Percy W., b. in 1878 ; d. in 1897. 5. Alice R., b.in 1881. 6. Frank S., b. in 1882. vi. Etta C, b. April 28, 1842; d. Nov. 25, 1866; m. in 1865, John F. RoUins. vu. Emma J., b. July i, 1844; m. July 4, 1868, John F. Rollins, viu, Andrew W., b. May 11, 1849; m. Nov., 1882, Ada Whitney, 174 Livermore Family 233 Betsey' Livermore {Samuel? Samuel? Joseph? Joseph? John? Johti') was born Jan. i8, 1 812, in Augusta, Me.; died Feb. 20, 1874, in Sebec, Me.; married Daniel Gardiner, born in 1801 ; died July 8, 1880, in East Vassalboro, Me. ChUdren (Gardiner) : i. Phebe,* b. ; m. Stephen Low ; had three children. ii. Benjamin, b. ; m. Mary A. Gould ; had five children. iii. Lydia, b. ; m. Henry Low ; had one child. iv. John, b. ; m. Minnie Ready of Tracey, Miss. ; had three children. V. Lewis, b. — ; d. at Fortress Monroe ; a soldier in the 22d Me. Vols. vi. George, b. — ; killed in the battle of the Wilderness; a soldier in the 6th Me. Vols. vu. Daniel, b. May 25, 1845 ! ni. Mar}^ E. Butler of Orne- ville ; they have eight sons. viu. Mary D., b. June, 1847 ; d. aged 14 years. . ix. Henry R., b. in 1849 ; lives in California. x, xi. Two children, d. in infancy. 234 Joshua' Livermore {Samuel? Satnuel? Joseph? Joseph? John? John') was born May 21, 181 3, in Augusta, Me. ; married Aug. 22, 1834, Mary Taylor of Vassalboro, Me. Children : i. Betsey R.,* b. AprU 14, 1S36; m. Jan. i, 1857, in Sebec, Frank B. Dodge of Orland, Me. ChUd (Dodge) : I. Izette B.? b. May i6, 1867 ; m. May 16, 1SS2, in Bradley, Me., John Lyon. ii. Warren G.,b. June 5, 1837 ;d. Aug. 21, 1837, in Milo, Me. iii. Calvin S., b. Nov. 11, 1839, in Milo; d. Dec. 24, 1863, in Virginia; a member of company I, 6th Me. Vols. iv. Westley, b. Mar. 7, 1841, in Milo; d. Sept. 10, 1843, in Sebec. V. Frank P., b. Mar. 8. 1843, in Sebec; killed Aug. 23, 1882, in West Greatworks MiU ; m. (i) July 21, 1866, Olive S. Fields of Lincolnville, Me. ; m. (2) Caddie Keene of Bradley, Me. ChUd : I. Florence O.? b. May 31, 1870. Seventh Generatioti 175 vi. Charles W., b. Mar. 9, 1845, in Sebec; m. (i) Aug, 11, 1878, Mercy J. Spencer of Bradley; m. (2) Jane Miles of Kenduskeag, Me. Child: I. Edna B.? b. Aug. 29, 1879 ; d. April 9, 1898, in Brad ley; ni. Dec. 31, 1895, Lewis E. Badershall of Bradley. One child. vii. Permelia K., b. Feb. 14, 1847, in Sebec; m. Dec 24, 1870, J. Sherman Woods of Bradley. ChUd (Woods) : I. Henry C? b. Sept. 20, 1872, in Dover, Me. vin. Guy Henry, b. Oct. 14, 1849, in Sebec; m. Oct. 21, 1871, at Oldtown, Jenny Perkins of Bradley. Chil dren : I. Pauline? b. July 17, 1877. 2. Lillie J., b. Mar. 9, 1879; d. Aug. j., iSSi. ix. Ora E., b. Mar. 2, 1853, in Sebec; m. Mar. 2, 1878, Lizzie Olmstead of Springfield, Me. No children. 235 John Wells' Livermore {Samuel? Samuel? Joseph? Joseph? Johti? John') was born Feb. 29, 18 16, in Milo, Me. ; died Dec. 2, 1880, in Campbell, Minn. ; married AprU 8, 1838, in PhiUips, Me., Nancy, daughter of WUliam and Martha (Hanaford) Walker, born June 9, 18 10, in WUton, Me. ; died July 30, 1870, in North Vassalboro, Me. He was a soldier in company H, 3d Me. regiment. ChUdren : i. Samuel,* b. June 17, 1839, i" Phillips; d. April 24, 1844, in Sebec, Me. 510. ii. WiUiam Wells, b. July 12, 1842, in Sebec. in. Martha Amelia, b. Jan. 7, 1846, in Howland, Me. ; now lives in Brunswick, Me. 511. iv. Nancy, b. Nov. 17, 1850, in Gardiner, Me. 236 George' Livermore {Samuel? Satnuel? Joseph? Joseph? John", John') was born Sept. 29, 18 18, in Milo, Me.; died Nov. 8, 1893; married (i) Eliza Currier; married (2) Sibyl Priest, born Jan. 20, 1810; died Jan. 13, 1861 ; married (3) Dec. 24, 1862, in North Vassalboro, Me., Jane Pray. 176 Livermore Family Children : i. Lucy*, b. ; d. young. n. Sarah E., b. May 18, 1843; d. Mar. 16, 1876, in North Vassalboro; m. there Everard Priest. Children (Priest) : I. Lydia Livermore? 'b. Kng. 23, 1870; d. Oct. 16, 1892. 2. Jennie V., b. Dec. 6, 1872. 3. Sarah A., b. Aug. 16, 1875. in. Anna S., b. Feb. 26, 1849; m- ^prU 3, 1869, in North Vassalboro, Charles E. Gates. No chUdren. iv. George Warren, b. July 4, 185 1, in North Vassalboro. 237 Daniel' Livermore {Ephraim? Datiiel? Datiiel? Daniel? John? John') was born Oct. 27, 1795, in Weston; died there Jan. 24, 1874; married there Dec. .5, 1822, Hannah Cutting of Wayland, born in 1793, in Sudbury; died Dec. 22, 1858, in Weston. ChUdren : i. Abel Cutting,* b. Sept. 19, 1824, in Sudbury. 512. u. Charles Henry, b. Nov. 10, 1825, in Princeton. 238 Fanny' Livermore {Aaron? Daniel? Datiiel? Daniel? Jolin? John') was born May 17, 1795, in Princeton : died July 14, 1877, in Alstead, N. H.; married May 2, 181 5, in Alstead, Andrew Adams Banks, born there Feb. 2, 1793 ; died about 1874. He was a carpenter. ChUdren (Banks), born in Alstead : i. Pascal Prentice,* b. Aug. 26, 1816; d. Mar., 1881. ii. Mary Pamelia, b. Dec. 19, 1818; m. Joel Mayo of Al stead. Their son (Mayo) George') is the only living grandchUd. in. Susan Prentice, b. June 16, 1821 ; m. Edward Martin of Ludlow, Vt. iv. Martha Ann, b. Oct. 23, 1823; m. Solon Morrison of Alstead. V. Gardner George, b. Sept. 16, 1827; m. (i) Julia Kid der ; m. (2) EUa Partridge, both of Alstead. vi. Eliza Rebecca, b. Mar. 16, 1830; d. unm. vii. Marion Ellen, b. Mar. 31, 1836; d. June 11, 1841, 513- 1- 514. n. Si.S- iii. Si6. iv. V. Sevetith Generatioti 177 239 Katharine' Livermore {Aaron? Daniel? Datiiel? Datiiel? John? Johti') was born AprU 17, 1797, in Alstead, N. H. ; died March 25, 1873, in Dubuque, Iowa; married Feb. 4, 18 19, in GUsum, N. H., John Taylor, born there June 20, 1796; died Feb. 6, 1854, in St. Charles, 111. He was a farmer and a tan ner. After the birth of their chUdren they moved to lUinois. ChUdren (Taylor), born in GUsum : Catharine Hoyt,* b. May i, 1820. Emeline Pamelia, b. Sept. 15, 1821. George Hammond, b. May 30, 1823. Diancy Rawson, b. Feb. 7, 1825. Abigail Gates, b. Feb. 9, 1828 ; d. in 185 1 ; m. John V. Farwell, the Chicago millionaire. Child (Farwell) : Abbie"). vi. Hannah Elvira, b. Jan. 28, 1831 ; m. H. H. Jackson of Newton, Iowa. Children (Jackson) : Hattie") : Mary : Willie : George. 517. vii. Eunice Ann, b. Jan. 13, 1834. 518. viu. Jeannie Alantha, b. Dec. 31, 1836. 240 John' Livermore {Aaron? Daniel? Daniel? Daniel? John? Johti') was born July 11, 1801, in Alstead, N. H. ; died March 12, 1872, in GUsum, N. H. ; married AprU 25, 1826, in GUsum, Electa Goddard, born Nov. 24, 1805, in Marlboro ; died March 8, 1872, in GUsum. He moved to GUsum about 1825, where he lived on his farm forty-four years, moving into the vUlage itself the latter part of his life. He served the town five years as selectman and as a representative in the Legislature in 1854. ChUdren, born in GUsum : Aaron Harvey,* b. AprU 21, 1827. Martha Ann Electa, b. April 6, 1830 ; d. there June 11, 1833- Mary Elizabeth, b. Dec. i, 1832. Martha Ann, b. Mar. 5, 1837. Fanny Banks, b. June 14, 1839 ; m. (i) June 20, 1861, George White; m. (2) AprU 29, 187 1, Byron E. Daggett. They live in Providence, R. I. 519- 1. u. 520. iii. 521. iv. V. 178 Livermore Family 241 Charles Grandison' Livermore {Aaron? Daniel? Daniel? Daniel? John? John') was born July 17, 1803, in Alstead, N. H. ; died before his second wife as she was his widow at her death ; married (i) May 5, 183 1, Adaline Duncan of Ackworth, N. H., died AprU 24, 1837; married (2) Feb. 21, 1839, in Walpole, N. H., Eliza EmUy, daughter of WUliam and Phebe (Field) Jennison, born there AprU 11, 1814; died March i, 1896, in Worcester. He was a cloth manufacturer in Alstead, after wards agent for Fairbanks Scales Co., and later on in life lived in Worcester. Children, born in Alstead : i. George Duncan,* b. Aug. 4, 1832 ; d. , and left a son Charles.^ He lived in Wilton, N. H. 522. ii. Ozro Jennison, b. Jan. 6, 1840. in. Adalme Eliza, b. July 29, 1842 ; m. Fred. Fay, and lives in Worcester. iv. Charlton Field, b. Oct. 12, 1843; when last heard from he lived in New York. 523. v. Enrico Edward, b. AprU 13, 1845. 242 Ezra' Livermore {Aaron? Datiiel? Datiiel? Datiiel? John? Johti') was born Aug. 28, 1805, in Alstead, N. H.; died Dec. 28, 1884, in Keene, N. H.; married (i) Sept. 11, 1826, in Alstead, Betsey Kidder, born there Nov. 25, 1805 ; died July II, 1879; married (2) Dec, 1879, in Dalton, N. H., Lydia Brooks. He was a farmer and lived in Keene. Children : i. Emily Calista,* b. Nov. 26, 1827, in Alstead; d. Oct. 20, 1892, in Keene; m. Oct. 3, 1854, Zebina K. Graves of Woodstock, Vt., and lived in Keene. No children. 524. ii. Adaline Julia, b. May 30, 1829, in Dalton. 525. in. Aaron Kidder, b. June n, 1831, in Dalton. iv. diaries Grandison, b. AprU 9, 1833, in Dalton; d. Feb. 14, 1883, in New Mexico, unm. ; he was a miner 526. V. Hannah Catharine, b. Nov. 30, 1834, in Dalton. Sevetith Generation 179 527. vi. James Russell, b. Aug. 31, 1836, in Dalton. vn. Pascal Gerould, b. June 30, 1838, in Alstead; he was a miner in California, and last heard from in the oil regions. viii. Daland Arba, b. Mar. 18, 1840, in Alstead; m. Ella Kennedy, in Joplin, Mo. ; they had three children. ix. Harlan Page, b. Feb. 21, 1842, in Alstead; d. there Nov. 25, 1844. X. Henry Martin, b. Oct. 5, 1845, in Alstead; d. Jan. 29, 1856, in Keene. 528. xi. George Kimball, b. AprU 12, 1848, in Alstead. 243 Aaron Russell' Livermore {Aaron? Daniel? Daniel? Daniel? John? John') was born Oct. 28, 1810, in Alstead, N. H. ; died Jan. 25, 1892, in New Haven, Conn. ; married Oct. 6, 1840, in East Windsor, Conn., Mary Gay, daughter of Rev. Newton and Ursula (Wolcott) Skinner, of New Britain, Conn., born Feb. 14, 1818, and is stUl living. He was a student in Kimball Union Academy, 1831-33 ; Amherst College, 1833-36, belonging to the class of 1837, but did not graduate on account of illness in the home famUy ; Lane Theological Seminary, 1836, '17. He was graduated in 1839 from Hartford Theolog ical Seminary, then at East Windsor HiU. He was ordained Aug. 30, 1843, and settled as pastor in Mansfield, Conn., 1843 to 1858 ; in Lebanon, Conn., 1858 to i860; in Goshen, Conn., Feb. 22, i860, to 1868, and lived the rest of his life in New Haven. Children ; i. Henry Newton,* b. Aug. 26, 1841, in East Windsor HiU; d. Mar. 31, 1862, on Roanoke Island, N. C. ; he was a student in Kimball Union Academy in 1859-60 ; enlisted in the 8th Conn. Vols, in 186 1. U. William Russell, b. Oct. 10, 1843, in Mansfield; d. there Feb. 20, 1844. in. Catharine Hoyt, b. Jan. 27, 1845, in Mansfield; d. there Aug. 7, 1850. iv. George Wolcott, b. Dec. 2, 1846, in Mansfield; d. there March 4, 1849. i8o Livermore Family V. Russell Wolcott, b. Feb. 9, 1849, in Mansfield ; m. May 6, 1880, Elizabeth Taylor Hayes of Toledo, Ohio, b. June 17, 1855 ; he was graduated from Massachusetts Agricultural College in 1872, and from Yale Law School in 1875, and became a lawyer in Toledo, after wards owning a plantation in Pates, Robinson Co., N. C. vi. Mary Catherine, b. July 11, 185 1, in Alstead; lives with her mother. 529. vu. Charles Herbert, b. Oct. 15, 1856, in Mansfield. 244 Sarah' Livermore ( William? Datiiel? Daniel? Daniel? Johti? Johti') was born March 20, 1807, in Alstead, N. H. ; died Jan. 12, 1878, in East Jaffrey, N. H. ; married (i) Feb. 20, 1828, in Alstead, Herbert Kittredge, born AprU 17, 1800, in Nelson, N. H.; died there Feb. 4, 1855 ; married (2) Nov. 15, 1859, in Nelson, John, son of John and Hulda (Hobart). Conant, born Jan. 20, 1790, in Stowe ; died April 7, 1877, in Jaffrey. ChUdren (Kittredge), born in Nelson : i. Harriet Elizabeth,* b. Nov. 16, 1828; d. Dec. 27, 1851, in Richmond, N. H. ; m. July 4, 1850, in Nelson, Charles A. BoUes. ii. William, b. July 20, 1830; d. AprU 21, 1851, in Thet- ford, Vt. 530. ui. RusseU Herbert, b. Oct. 25, 1835. iv. Helen Maria, b. Feb. i, 1838; d. there Oct. 6, 1857. V. Edwin Livermore, b. AprU 26, 1840 ; d. there Aug. 15, 1848. vi. Mary Jane, b. Feb. 12, 1844; d. there Aug. 5, 1848. vii. Sarah Adelaide, b. Dec. 15, 1847; d. there Aug. 19, 1848. 245 Mary Catherine' Livermore ( William? Daniel? Daniel? Daniel? John? John') was born March 12, 1815, in Alstead, N. H. ; married AprU 15, 1843, in Newton Centre, John Stearns,' born Oct. 31, 18 19, in Lunenburg. Sevetith Generation i8i ChUdren (Stearns), born in Newton Centre : 531. i. Ellen Augusta,* b. Dec. 3, 1844. 532. U. Sarah Maria, b. Dec. 9, 1847. 533. in. Charles Cyrus, b. Oct. 22, 1850. 534. iv. Harriet Adelaide, b. Nov. 11, 1852. V. Clara Frances, b. May 19, 1855 ; m. there Oct. 31, 1889, Benjamin Adry, b. Jan. 26, 186 1, in Hunt Harbor, N. F. No children. 246 Josiah' Livermore ( William? Daniel? Daniel? Daniel? John? John') was born May 14, 1821, in Alstead, N. H. ; died March 25, 1897, in Watertown: married Sept. 20, 1846, in Cambridge, Ann, daughter of Amos and PoUy (Stearns) Carter, born Sept. 12, 18 18, in Wayland. Early in life he opened a provision store in Cambridgeport ; after a few years he moved to Watertown, where he was employed by the firm of Ellison & Bond, later buying out Mr. Bond's interest, when the firm became Ellison & Livermore. A few years later the firm was dissolved, and he started in business for himself. He retired a few years ago, having been in business forty-five years, and having lived in Watertown over thirty-six years. Children, born in Cambridgeport : i. George Henry,* b. July 20, 1848 ; unm. 535. ii. Charles Edward, b. May 9, 1850. iii. Anna Louisa, b. Nov. 25, 185 1 ; unm. 536. iv. William Franklin, b. Dec. 14, 1853. 537. V. Herbert Josiah, b. Oct. 23, 1855. 247 Eunice Tilton' Livermore ( William? Daniel? Daniel? Daniel? John? John') was born May 14, 1821, in Alstead, N. H. ; died Jan. 20, 1891, in Cambridge; married there March 21, 1844, Charles, son of Isaac and Betsey (BaUey) Stratton, born Aug. 3, 1821, in Jaffrey, N. H. ChUdren (Stratton), born in Cambridge : 538. i. Charles Francis,* b. Dec. 22, 1847. 539. ii. Edward Bailey, b. Dec. 9, 1854. 1 82 Livermore Family 248 Abigail' Livermore {AbraJiam? Abraliam? Daniel? Daniel? John? John') was born Dec. 26, 1807, in Chenango Co., N. Y. ; died March 14, 1894, in Fariey, la.; married June 12, 1831, Abner Benton, born Feb. 27, 1804; died Feb. i, 1870, in Farley. Children (Benton), born in Friendship, N. Y. : 540. i. Charles MUan,* b. Nov. 7, 1832. 541. ii. Caroline, b. Jan. 7, 1835. in. Orlando, b. Dec. 18, 1836 ; unm.; lives in Farley. iv. Harris A., b. Jan. 26, 1838; d. Mar. 24, 1838. 542. V. Martin Livermore, b. Mar. 22, 1840. 543. vi. Curtis Defrance, b. Sept. 18, 1842. vii. Mary Ellen, b. Dec. 26, 1844; d. Mar. 20, 1849, in Dubuque, la. viu. Winfield, b. July 16, 1847 ; d. Mar. 23, 1848, in Du buque. 544. ix. Martha Adeline, b. Feb. 3, 1850, in Dubuque. 545. X. Alice Louisa, b. April 26, 1854, in Bankson, la. 249 Ralph' Head {Hepsibeth? Abraham? Daniel? Daniel? John? John') was born May 17, 1800, in Paris HUl, N. Y. ; married there AprU 27, 1824, Eliza Head, daughter of Uri and Jedidah Doolittle, born Oct. 7, 1805. ChUdren (Head) : i. Jonathan Lorenzo,* b. Mar. 29, 1828 ; d. AprU 18, 1885. 546. n. George Doolittle, b. June 22, 1830. 547. iii. Mary Elizabeth, b. Aug. 29, 1835. Three other children, who died young. 250 Miranda' Head {Hepsibeth? Abrahatti? Daniel? Daniel? John? John') was born AprU 13, 1802, in Paris HUl, N.Y. ; died May 16, 1870, in WatervUle, N. Y. ; married April 26, 1825, in Paris HiU, PhUip Taylor Simmons, born Dec. 10, 1799. ChUdren (Simmons), born in Paris HUl : i. George Franklin,* b. Jan. 21, 1827 ; d. in infancy. u. Martha Ameha, b. AprU 27, 1829. Seventh Getieration 1 83 iii. Sarah Miranda, b. Aug. 21, 183 1; m. Henry Tower of WaterviUe. Child (Tower) : Frank Simmonsf) ; lives in WaterviUe. iv. Mary Maria, b. Oct. 7, 1833 ; d. in infancy. v. Mary Susanna, b. June 11, 1837 ; d. in infancy. vi. Henry Martyn, b. Aug. 20, 1841. 251 Orren William' Head {Hepsibeth? Abraham? Daniel? Daniel? John? John') was born May 13, 1808, in Paris HUl, N. Y. ; died Oct. 2, 1882, in Munroeville, Ohio; married (i) Julia Crane of Marshall, Oneida Co., N. Y. ; married (2) Oct. 2, 1872, Annie M., daughter of Benjamin and Annie (Albert) Newcomer of Ashland, Ohio. She lives (1894) on the farm in Ridgefield township, Huron Co., Ohio. He had three sons and two daughters. 252 Daniel' Head {Hepsibeth? Abraham? Daniel? Daniel? John? John') was born April 25, 1813, in Paris HUl, N. Y. ; married AprU 4, 1846, in Antioch, IU., Amelia Elizabeth, daughter of Louis and Betsey (Barnes) Munson, born Jan. 21, 1825, in Paris, N. Y. Children (Head) : i. Son,* b. Feb. 4, 1847, in Antioch ; d. same day. ii. Son, b. Oct. 25, 1848, in Paddock, Wis. ; d. same day. in. Adella Maria, b. Dec. 20, 1849, in Kenosha, Wis. ; d. there Nov. 17, 1857. 548. iv. Clara AmeUa, b. Oct. 25, 1852, in Kenosha, V. Frank Gross, b. Jan. 3, 1857, in Kenosha; m. there Oct. 21, 1879, Hattie Drum. Child (Head): Gladys Mildred'). 253 George Washington' Head {Hepsibeth? Abraham? Daniel? Daniel? John? John') was born May 21, 18 15, in Paris HUl, N. Y. ; died AprU i, 1895, in Utica, N. Y. ; married June 15, 1843, in Paris HUl, Sarah Clarissa, daughter of Horace and 184 Livermore Family Clarissa (Seward) Bartlett, born there Oct. 2, 1822; died there May 22, 1890. Children (Head), the first four born in Paris HUl, the others in Utica : i. Helen Frances,* b. June 8, 1844. 549. n. Florence Amelia, b. Nov. 6, 1845. in. John Quincy, b. Dec. 25, 1847 ; d. AprU 25, 1878, in Utica. iv. Sarah Elizabeth, b. Aug. 9, 1853. V. Emma Grace, b. July 8, 1858 ; d. Jan. 8, 1868, in Utica. vi. Alice Augusta, b. Nov. 21, 1862 ; d. Jan. 9, 1868, in Utica. 254 Orson Sherman' Head {Hepsibeth? Abraliatn? Datiiel? Daniel? John? John') was born Oct. 9, 181 7, in Paris Hill, N. Y. ; married (i) Aug. 30, 1846, Mary Jane, daughter of Ephraim and Marina (Gates) Tradewell, born Jan. 29, 1827 ; died AprU 8, 1863, in Kenosha, Wis. ; married (2) June 13, 1866, Mary S. Raymond. Children (Head) : 550. i. Mary,* b. May 31, 1847. ii. Dot Eunice, b. Mar. 29, 1849 ; m. Jan. 21, 1869, Amos Willets Wright ; they lived in New York City. iii. WUliam Jonathan, b. Jan. 7, 185 1 ; lived in Kansas City, Mo. 551. iv. Jenny Lind, b. Nov. 27, 1853. V. Medora, b. Aug. 31, 1859, in Kenosha; m. Nov. 5, 1892, in New York City, Edward HemphUl MuUin. vi. Harriet, b. Nov. 8, i86i ; m. Feb. 6, 1883, George York, Jr. ChUd (York) : William Head,-) b. Dec. 28, 1883. 255 Sarah Maria' Head {Hepsibeth? Abraham? Daniel? Dan iel? John? Johti') was born March 22, 1820, in Paris HiU, N. Y.; married Oct. 17, 1847, in Paris, N. Y., Porter Calkins, son of James and Lydia (Calkins) Huntley, born March 26, 18 18, in West Winfield, N. Y. ; died Nov. 4, 1888, in Oakland, Cal. Seventh Generatioti 185 Child (Huntley), born in Paris, N. Y. : 552. i. Dwight BruneU,* b. Jan. 17, 1849. 256 Elias' Livermore {Abel? Abraham? Daniel? Datiiel? Johti? John') was born April 15, 1807, in German, N. Y. ; died May 13, 1901, in WiUett, N. Y. ; married (i) Sept. 24, 1828, in Marathon, N. Y., Eunice P. Leach, born May 6, 181 1; died Jan. 9, 1836, in German; married (2) Feb. 5, 1837, Polly Cum- mings, born Nov. 30, 1809; died Oct. 16, 1882. They settled in German, where he was a merchant for a few years, and sub sequently became a farmer and also a cattle dealer. ChUdren, born in German : i. Harriet,* b. May 22, 1830 ; d. June 16, 1843. ii. Abel, b. Mar. 13, 1832; d. Aug. 10, 1862. He was at first a lawyer ; enlisting in the army, he died in Rich mond, Va., from the effects of a wound. 553. iii. Darius Elias, b. Nov. 25, 1833. iv. Lydia A., b. Dec. 30, 1835 ; d. Jan. 13, 1836. V. James Henry, b. Jan. 3, 1838. vi. Cyrus King, b. Mar. 22, 1839 ; d. July 3, 1883. vii. Eunice Eliza, b. April 15, 1840; d. June 27, i860. viii. Manley Thomas Jefferson, b. Feb. 21, 1842. ix. Francis Deforest, b. May 2, 1843. X. Harriet Jane, b. Feb. 14, 1845. xi. Jackson Jerome Durphee, b. May 31, 1847 > ni. Sept. 23, 1877, in Albany, N. Y., Mary Smith. xii. John Pembroke, b. Oct. 27, 1849. 554. xiii. Polly Philenah, b. Nov. 8, 185 1. 257 Burr' Livermore {Abel? Abraham? Daniel? Daniel? John? John') was born Oct. 28, 18 10, in German, N. Y. ; died Sept. 5, 1878, in EarlviUe, N. Y. ; married Jan. 30, 1832, in German, Eliza, daughter of Benjamin and Phebe (Merritt) Wilson, born AprU 9, 1808 ; died Nov. 29, 1853, in WUlett, N. Y. ChUdren : 555. i. Elvira Wilson,* b. April 12, 1834, in German. 1 86 Livermore Family n. Benjamin Wesley, b. Oct. 4, 1838, in WUlett; killed June 20, 1868. He enlisted in the Civil war as a private ; was promoted to sergeant, and then to second lieutenant, in the i6th Indiana Artillery (Meigs' bat tery). On May 11, 1866, he was appointed second lieutenant in the 2d Artillery, regular army. He was officer of the day when the Russian flag was lowered and the stars and stripes run up at Sitka, Alaska ; he was still stationed in Sitka when he was kiUed by the accidental discharge of a Henry rifle. iii. MUes, b. Oct. 3, 1842, in Cincinnatus, N. Y. ; d. Nov. 16, 1861. iv. Giles, b. Oct. 3, 1842, in Cincinnatus; d. Nov. 6, 1861. 556. V. Eliza Janet, b. Nov. 7, 1844, in Cincinnatus. vi. William Adelbert, b. Oct. 10, 185 1, in WUlett; he is married and lives in De Kalb, 111. 258 Mary' Livermore {Abel? Abraham? Daniel? Datiiel? John? John') was born July 14, 18 12, in German, N. Y. ; died May 23, 1880, in Rochester, Ohio; married Jan. i, 1829, in German, Rev. Nelson, son of William and Tacy (Tanner) CrandaU, born June 25, 1806, in Charlotte (now Davenport), Delaware Co., N. Y. ; died March 30, 1895, in Wooster, Ohio. He was a Baptist minister. ChUdren (Crandall) : . 557. i. Delette Rosalia,* b. Dec. 2, 1829, in SmithviUe, N.Y. n. Phidelia, b. Aug. 5, 1831, in SmithviUe. . iii. Deborah, b. Feb. 27, 1833, in German; d. Jan. 17, 1853. iv. Walter Milan, b. Oct. 28, 1834, in Denmark, Ohio. 558. V. Lysander Emerson, b. Dec. 7, 1836, in SmithviUe. vi. Mary Tacy, b, Sept. 5, 1838, in SmithviUe. vu. Imerta Amelia, b. May 27, 1840, in SmithviUe. SS9- viu. James Franklin, b. Feb. 28, 1844, in SmithviUe. ix. Charles Henry, b. Jan. 13, 1846, in Preston, N. Y. ; m. May 20, 1875, in Ithaca, Mich., Cenah Helen Pettit, b. Oct. 16, 1850, in WiUiams Co., Ohio. No children. 560. x. Louisa Frances, b. Jan. 19, 1848, in Preston. 561. xi. Samuel Nelson, b. Jan. 17, 1851, in Pitcher, N. Y. Seventh Generatioti \ 8 7 xn. Joseph Addison, b. AprU 13, 1854, in South Hannibal, N. Y. xni. Lulu BeU, b. Mar. 10, 1857, in Ashtabula, Ohio. 259 Sally' Livermore {Abel? Abraham? Daniel? Daniel? Johti? John') was born Jan. 27, 1818, in German, N. Y. ; died Feb. 22, 1874; married March 10, 1836, in German, Thomas Gee, born July 18, 181 2, in Cincinnatus, N. Y. ChUdren (Gee) : i. Rachel Jennett,* b. Oct. 8, 1837 ; m. Thomas TUlinghast White of Cincinnatus. ii. Nancy Elizabeth, b. July 15, 1839; m. Feb. 16, 1868, in Port Crane, N. Y., Warren Bulfinch. ni. Lark Adelbert, b. Sept. 22, 1845; m. Mar. 17, 1870, in Chenango Forks, N. Y., Mary Ann Reynolds. iv. Sarah Rougene, b. Sept. 27, 1847 ; unm. V. Deborah Louisa, b. April i, 1849; ™- Sept. i, 1880, in VirgU, N. Y., Nathan A. Gardiner. vi. Margaret Eliza, b. Dec. 23, 185 1 ; unm. vii. Charles Beecher, b. Feb. 10, 1853 ; m. Dec. 3, 1872, in Port Crane, N. Y., Jenny Baldwin. viii. Hiram Barclay, b. Nov. 9, 1855; m. Nov. 3, 1878, in Port Crane, Ella Palmer. 260 Lark Southgate' Livermore {Abel? Abraham? Daniel? Daniel? John? John') was born Oct. 12, 18 19, in German, N. Y. ; married (i) Oct. — , 1848, Mrs. Jane (Hutchins) Kimberly of Spafford, N. Y., died Nov. 16, 1849; niarried (2) May 12, 1 85 1, Jane Rexford of Sherburne, N.Y. He was chaplain of the 1 6th Wisconsin regiment, commissioned Feb. 6, 1862, and was then living in Berlin, Wis. He resigned Sept. 26, 1864. ChUdren ; 562. i. Charles,* b. July 10, 1849. ii. Jennie, b. April 19, 1852 ; d. Aug. 6, 1869. in. Lou EUa, b. Oct. 20, 1866. iv. Sadie, b. June 19, 1872. 1 88 Livermore Family 261 Farmer Rolland' Livermore {Abel? AbraJmm? Daniel? Daniel? John? John') was born July 31, 1822, in German, N. Y. ; married July 8, 1852, in Andover, Ohio, Harriet Boardman Pickett, born there Dec. 22, 1822. At the age of seventeen he united with the Baptist church, and lived at home untU he was twenty-five years of age, when he went to the academy at Homer, N. Y., for two years. He has been a fanner and a commercial traveller. In 1852 he made his home in Berlin, Wis., where he has lived ever since. He has been for many years a member of the county board of supervisors of Waushara Co., Wis. Children : i. A daughter,* b. April 13, 1853, in Kingsville, Ohio; d. there April 17, 1853. 563. ii. Ernest Newton, b. June 10, 1862, in Berlin. 262 Samuel Treusdale' Livermore {Abel? Abraluxm? Datiiel? Daniel? John? John') was born March 16, 1824, in German, N. Y. ; died Feb. 22, 1892, in Worcester; married May 16, 1853, in Fall River, Melvina Temple, daughter of WUliam and Mehitable Harris (Prout) Brown, born Sept. 13, 1830, in Somer set ; died March 14, 1898, in Fall River. He received his degree at Madison University, N. Y., in 1850, and was ordained as a Baptist minister Oct. 28, 1852, in South Livonia, N. Y. He wrote a History of Block Island, having been the pastor of the Baptist church there. He made a most valuable collection of strange locks and keys, which he gave to the town of Bridge- water. ChUdren : i. Adelaide Augusta,* b. Jan. 25, 1855, in South Livonia ; d. Oct. 22, 1858, in Cooperstown, N. Y. 564. n. William Brown, b. Dec. 25, 1857, in Cooperstown. 565. iii. Walter Curtis, b. Oct. 4, 1861, in Cooperstown. iv. Ralph Temple, born Aug. 10, 1864, in LowviUe, N. Y. ; m. Sept. 2, 1897, in Boston, Letitia J., dau. of Hugh H. and Eliza J. Bothwell, b. in 1854, in Albany, N. Y. Seventh Generation 189 263 Ezra' Livermore {Cyrus? Abraham? Daniel? Daniel? John? John') was born Aug. 5, 181 5, in German, N. Y. ; died in Green Bay, Wis. ; niarried Jan. 2, 1842, in Clarksfield, Ohio, Orpha Dwight. ChUdren : i. Randall Gibbs,* b. . ii. Jay Dwight, b. . iii. Cora, b. . 264 Arraett' Livermore {Cyrus? Abraham? Daniel? Datiiel? John? John') was born July 8, 1823, in German, N. Y. ; died May 16, 1889, in Battle Creek, Iowa; married Nov. 14, 1841, in Clarksfield, Ohio, Samuel, son of Benjamin and widow Hannah (Trowbridge) StUes, born there- Nov. 13, 1818; died May 12, 1889, in Battle Creek. Children (StUes), born in Clarksfield : i. Joseph Martin,* b. Aug. 11, 1844. u. Legrand Herrington, b. Dec. 19, 1850 ; d. there April 3, 1871. iii. Laura Belle, b. Nov. 2, 1854; m. Feb. 14, 1878, in Battle Creek, James Taylor, Jr., b. Mar. 18, 1855, in Wooster, Ohio; d. Aug. 6, 1892, in South Riverside, Cal. No children. iv. Eda May, b. Nov. 27, 1857 ; m. Feb. 12, 1883, in Battle Creek, Charles Selden Lord, b. June 24, 1850, in Milo, Me. No chUdren. 265 Orson Head' Livermore {Cyrus? Abrahatn? Daniel? Dan iel? John? John') was born Jan. 28, 1826, in German, N. Y. ; died Nov. 27, 1896, in Sheridan, Ok.; married Nov., 1871, in Nashua, Iowa, Lucinda Beck, born Nov. 20, 1842, in Gal- lipoUs, Ohio. ChUdren, bom in Nashua : i. Bert B.,* b. July 24, 1873; m. Oct. 24, 1896, in Sheri dan, Lizzie Woodworth. ii. George, b. June 12, 1884. 1 90 Livermore Family 266 Emeline Percilla' Livermore {Cyrus? Abraham? Daniel? Daniel? John? John') was born Oct. 6, 1832, in German, N. Y. ; married Sept. 17, 1853, in Pensaukee, Wis., James T. Vance, born in Albany, N. Y. ChUdren (Vance) : i. Arabella,* b. Aug. 15, 1854; d. Sept. 15, 1854. n. Ella May, b. May 23, 1856; m. Sept. 24, 1876, in Nashua, Iowa, John Dempster Lamberson. Child (Lamberson), b. in Greene, Iowa: Raymond Vance,') b. July 22, 1877. iii. Lulu Jean, b. Oct. 31, i860; d. Feb. 17, 1887 ; m. Sept. 20, 1878, Louis Fairbairn. Child (Fairbairn), b. in Fort Dodge, Iowa: Guy,')'b. Sept. 21, 1883. 267 Mary' Livermore {Salem? Jonas? Jonas? Daniel? John? John') was born Aug. 25, 1795, in Leicester; died there Aug. 8, 1839; married there June 5, 18 17, Jonathan, son of Jonathan and Martha (Bemis) Warren, born there Dec. 2, 1782 ; died there Sept. 24, 1845. (See Warren Genealogy.) Children (Warren), born in Leicester : 566., Jonas Livermore,* b. Dec. 14, 1818. u. Martha, b. April 6, 1820 ; m. Ashel Spring. No chil dren. iii. Sarah, b. Sept. 12, 1823; d. AprU 8, 1861, in Chicago; m. Daniel Parker. Four children. 268 Nancy' Livermore {Salem? Jonas? Jonas? Datiiel? John? John') was born Oct. 13, 1800, in Leicester; died Dec. 27, 1875 ; married (i) Moses Rockwood of Grafton, died Feb., 1835; married (2) Feb., 1837, Stephen Adams; married (3) Lyman Thompson. Children (Rockwood) : i. Salem,* b. June 2, 1824; d. AprU 9, 1840. U. John, b. Oct. 20, 1825; m. May 19, 1846, Melinda Ada- line Prouty. Seventh Generation 191 iii. Angeline, b. Oct. 26, 1827 ; m. James L. Meriam. iv. David, b. June 26, 1830; d. Oct., 1846. V. Mary, b. Nov. 7, 1832 ; m. Feb. 19, 1850, Henry Lamb. vi. Moses, b. July 14, 1835 ; d. Feb., 1847. Children (Adams) : vii. Aaron, b. Dec. 10, 1837. vui. Dexter, b. Mar., 1840; d. AprU, 1840. ix. Maria Catherine, b. May 14, 1841 ; m. John Wheelock. X. Jane Emily, b. ; m. George Berkley. 269 Hannah' Livermore {Salem? Jonas? Jonas? Daniel? John? John') was born May 21, 1804, in Leicester; died July 29, 1836; married Jan. 9, 1828, in Leicester, Samuel Bottomly. Children (Bottomly), born in Cherry Valley : i. Lavina,* b. Aug. 28, 1828. ii. Cornelia, b. Dec. 29, 1829. iii. Hannah Jane, b. July 29, 1833. iv. Nancy Amelia, b. Nov. 19, 1835. 270 Salem' Livermore {Salem? Jonas? Jonas? Daniel? John? John') was born AprU 23, 1809, in Leicester; died March 4, 1865, in Rochdale; married Nov. 26, 1833, in Leicester, Roxal- ana, daughter of Joshua and (FoUett) Darling, born Oct. 12, 1812, in Mendon ; died March 20, 1895, in Leicester. He was a carpenter, farmer, an operator in real estate, a lieutenant of mUitia in 1833, and a member of the Episcopal Church. ChUd, born in Leicester : 567. i. Thomas Salem,* b. July 22, 1836. 271 Jonas' Livermore {Daniel? Jonas? Jonas? Daniel? John? John') was born April 21, 1802, in Leicester; married (i) April 19, 1827, in Uxbridge, Louisa Gates, born Sept. 12, 1804, in Holden; died June 19, 1854, in Blackwood, N. J.; married (2) May 8, 1855, in Blackwood, Anna McElroy, born Aug. 19, 1817, in Moorstown, N. J.; died Aug. 5, 1890, in Blackwood. He left home when about sixteen years of age, and learned the ig2 Livermore Farnily manufacture of wooUens. In 1830 he moved to Blackwood, where he was one of the organizers of the Good Intent Mills Company, which he successfully managed for more than thirty years, amassing a large fortune. In early life he became asso ciated with the First National Bank of Camden, N. J., and was the president .of that institution for many years, retiring as its directing head at his own request. He has taken a lively interest in the affairs of the Presbyterian church of Blackwood for over half a century, contributing largely to its support, and assisting materially in everything pertaining to the welfare of the town. He has been an elder of the church for more than sixty years, and, together with the Rev. Dr. F. R. Grace, who was pastor of the church for over thirty years, has largely directed its affairs. He started the first Sunday school ever held in the place. Notwithstanding his advanced age (one hundred years old AprU 21, 1902), he personally superintends his large estate, both real and personal. He attends church services regularly, and is an early riser. He takes great pride in his crops of fruits and berries, and every year makes much wine, possessing at the present time wines of many years' vintage. ChUdren, born in Blackwood : i. Henry Clay,* b. June 27, 1833 ; m. there Mar. 17, 1878, Hannah Baseman, b. April 9, 1840, in Cross Keys, N. J. No chUdren. 568. ii. Mary Amanda, b. Dec. 19, 1834. 569. iii. Sanford, b. Jan. 9, 1838. iv. Edwin, b. Aug. 7, 1840. He was captain of an ord nance train during the CivU war, and in April, 1864, while hastening with it to assist in a battle, where he was needed and had been sent for, was shot by guerrillas. 272 Mary' Livermore {Daniel? Jonas? Jonas? Datiiel? John? Johti') was born AprU 26, 181 1, in Leicester; married there AprU 9, 1833, David McFarland, born June 20, i8o8, in Stur bridge; died June 16, 1881, in Worcester. Sevetith Getieration 193 Children (McFarland), born in Leicester : i. Lewis Frederick,* b. Dec. 16, 1835 ; d. there Nov. 6, 1838. n. Mary Jane, b. Oct. 19, 1839 ; d. there AprU 17, 1849.. in. Frederick, b. AprU 29, 1842 ; d. there May 25, 1842. iv. Maria, b. Nov. 10, 1844; d. there Jan. 20, 1845. v. Angle, b. Sept. 12, 1846; d. June 21, 1886, in Boston; m. May 6, 187 1, in New York, George Frederic Staehlin. No children. 273 Diantha' Livermore {Daniel? Jonas? Jonas * Daniel? John," John') was born March 30, 18 13, in Leicester; married there July 23, 1834, Daniel Henshaw of Pine Plain, N. Y., born Feb. 9, 18 12, in Auburn. Children (Henshaw), born in Eaton, N. Y. : i. Ann Jeanette Larue,* b. Sept. 26, 1835 ! ^- ^^- i4> 1 89 1, in Chicago, IU., unm. ii. Ethridge Golden, b. June 6, 1837, kiUed Aug. 7, 1867, in Plum Creek, Mo., in a railroad accident. 570. iii. Adelaide Lunette, b. Mar. 11, 1839. iv. Mary Josephine, b. July 4, 1841 ; d. Nov. 25, 1877, in Galesburg, IU. ; m. there Oct. 28, 1868, John B. In- gersoU, b. May 17, 1831, in Fairbury, IU. ; d. April 28, 1870, in Galesburg. No children. 571. V. Frederick Eugene, b. July 21, 1843. 572. vi. Helen Elizabeth, b. Nov. 17, 1846. 274 Lewis' Livermore {Daniel? Jonas? Jonas? Daniel? John? Johti') was born July 31, 181 5, in Leicester; married (i) May 23, 1839, in Berkeley, N. J., Elizabeth Dawson, born there Feb. 12, 18 17; died July 16, 1844, in Good Intent, N. J. ; married (2) Oct. 17, 1844, in Woodbury, Susanna Middleton, born Feb. II, 1826, in Blackwood, N. J. Children : 573. i. WiUiam Harrison,* b. Feb. 29, 1840, in Good Intent. ii. Adelaide Lunette, b. Aug. 2, 1845, in Good Intent; d. Mar. 12, 1865, in Chicago, unm. 194 Livermore Family 574. iii. Adrinette, b. Nov. 11, 1852, in Blackwood. iv. Kate Middleton, b. Oct. 23, 1855, in Blackwood; d. there Feb. 19, 1878; m. Jan. 21, 1874, in Philadel phia, John H. Fort, b. June 10, 1851, in Tottenville, Staten Island, N. Y. Child (Fort): i. William Mid dleton? b. Dec. II, 1874, in Blackwood. 275 Daniel Parker' Livermore {Daniel? Jonas? Jonas? Daniel? Johti? John') was born June 17, 18 18, in Leicester; died July 5, 1899, in Melrose; married May 6, 1845, in Boston, Mary Ashton, daughter of Timothy and Zebiah Vose Glover (Ashton) Rice, born Dec. 19, 1820, on Salem Street, in Boston. He was educated in the public school and in Leicester Acad emy. He was at first a teacher and then studied for the ministry, in Providence, R. I., under Rev. W. S. Balch. He was ordained in the Universalist denomination at Georgetown, in 1 84 1, and preached in Georgetown and FaU River, Mass., Stafford, Conn., Weymouth, Duxbury and Maiden. At the time of his marriage he was pastor of a church in Fall River. Soon after they moved to Connecticut, afterwards to Auburn, N. Y., and in 1857, to Chicago, where in that year he conducted a paper called the " New Covenant," of which he was both pro prietor and editor, from 1858 to 1869. This paper in those years was one of the leading Universalist journals, and he was a thoroughly furnished and well equipped theological writer, and with the trenchant and graceful pen of Mrs. Livermore, who was associated with her husband in the conduct of the paper, the "New Covenant" became widely known. He was pastor of the Second Universalist Church in Chicago, and for thirteen years was a missionary in the Northwest. In 1870 he returned to Massachusetts, and from 1870 to 1882 preached in Hingham, and during that time and untU his death lived in Melrose. He received the degree of A. M. from the Lombard University at Galesburg, 111. He was the author of several religious books. He went abroad with his wife several times on lecturing tours, and travelled all over the country with her. She is the cele- Sevetith Generation igj brated Mrs. Mary A. Livermore, and for a sketch of her life see "The Women of the Century," by Charles W. Moulton of Buffalo, N. Y. She is now (April, 1902) living in Melrose. ChUdren : i. Mary Eliza,* b. June 22, 1848, in Stafford, Conn. ; d. May 23, 1853, in Weymouth. u. Henrietta White, b. June 6, 185 1, in Stafford; m. AprU 6, 1876, m Melrose, John Oscar, son of Alfred M. and Mary (Brown) Norris, b. in 1844, in Chester, N. H. Children (Norris): I. Mary Livermore? b. . 2. Alarion, b. ; m. April lo, 1902, in Melrose, Cyrus Eugene Pierce of Boston. 3. Ethel, b. . 4. John, b. . iii. Marcia Elizabeth, b. June 3, 1854, in Maiden, unm. 276 Walter' Sibley {Abigail? David,^ Jotias? Daniel? John? John') was born Jan. 28, 1797, in Spencer; died there July 25, 1842 ; married May, 1821, Ruth W. Ryan of Charlton. ChUdren (Sibley), born in Spencer : i. Charles,* b. July 2, 1826 ; lives in Pana, IU. ii. Eliza Jane, b. June 17, 1829. iii. William Evans, b. Nov. 22, 1833. iv. Henry, b. . 277 Russell' Sibley {Abigail? David? Jotias? Daniel? John? John') was born Dec. 26, 1798, in Spencer; married there (i) Dec. 21, 1823, Susan Newhall, born Oct. 13, 1803; died there Oct. 21, 1834; married (2) in 1839, Cyrena HaU of Charlton, died May 15, 1846, aged 33 years. ChUdren (Sibley), born in Spencer : i. Elizabeth Maria,* b. Nov. 30, 1825. ii. Morris Newhall, b. Mar. 29, 1829. iii. Susan Newhall, b. Jan. 5, 1831 ; d. there Aug. 12, 1839. iv. Susan Newhall, b. July 27, 1840. V. Julius Russell, b. July 15, 1841. vi. Julia Ann, twin to Julius. 196 Livermore Family 278 Paul' Sibley {Abigail? David? Jonas? Daniel? John? John') was born Sept. 6, 1804, in Spencer; married in 1838, Esther Stone of Chariton, died Oct. 18, 1854, in Spencer, aged 39. She was a sister of Amasa Stone, whose daughter is the wife of Secretary of State John Hay, formerly Ambassador to England. ChUdren (Sibley), born in Spencer : i. Mary Ann,* b. June 7, 1839 ; m. George Hobbs. ii. Lucius Addison, b. Sept. 26, 1840. iii. Emily Louisa, b. July 19, 1842. 279 Brigham' Sibley {Abigail? David? Jonas? Daniel? John? John') was born June 3, 1807, in Spencer; married there (i) June 20, 1838, Adaline Adams, born there Dec. 28, 1813 ; died there Oct. 27, 1846; married there (2) May 22, 1849, Seraph Rice, died there ; married (3) June 11, 1854, Mrs. Sarah M. Crosby. ChUdren (Sibley), born in Spencer : i. Louisa Adams,* b. Mar. 16, 1840 ; m. in Spencer, Thomas Comins. u. Rufus Adams, b. Dec. 3, 184 1; he is one of the firm of Sibley, Lindsey and Kerr of Rochester, N. Y. in. Maria, b. Nov. 10, 1843. iv. Susan Adams, b. Oct. 18, 1846; m. George M. Morse. 280 Winthrop' Livermore {David? David? Jotias? Daniel? Johti? John') was born July 21, 1804, in Spencer; died there March 14, 1876; married there (i) March 20, 1830, Louisa, daughter of Capt. Jonas and Judith (Bemis) Bemis, born there Dec. 19, 1807; died there May 9, 1849; married (2) May 5, 1852, in Ware, Eliza Townsend (a widow), daughter of Snow and Betsey (Collins) Sherman, born Sept. 11, 1816, in Ware; she stUl lives with her daughter Mary, in Spencer. In 1853, he started the business of manufacturing boot, cloth and other boxes at " Howe's MUls," two and a half mUes south from the Post Sevetith Generation 197 Office in Spencer, introducing machinery to do the work usually performed by hand. He remained there untU i860, when he moved "to town," and became owner of the privilege known as the "Livermore Box Manufactory," erecting new and suitable buUdings for the better accommodation of his increasing busi ness. The largest yearly production of his works was 100,000 boxes, consuming 2,000,000 feet of lumber. He was a select man of Spencer in 1858 and 1859. ChUdren : i. Angeline Louisa,* b. Jan. 5, 1831, in Spencer; m. there April 17, 1852, John A., son of John and Susan (How land) Wilson, b. July 7, 1828. Child (Wilson) : Her bert M.") ii. Maria E., b. Dec. 26, 1832, in South Royalston; d. there Aug. 26, 1851, unm. 575. iii. Warren Jonas, b. Jan. 5, 1835, in South Royalston. 576. iv. Lorenzo David, b. Dec. 3, 1836, in South Royalston. 577. V. John Whittemore, b. Mar. 23, 1840, in South Royalston. vi. Sarah Jane, b. Aug. 4, 1844, in Spencer; d. there Jan. 26, 1865, unm. vn. Louis Bemis, b. Sept. 19, 1847, in Spencer; d. there June 12, 1855. 578. viii. Mary Eliza, b. AprU 10, 1853, in Spencer. 579. ix. Frederic Augustus, b. June i, 1859, in Spencer. 281 Lorenzo' Livermore {David? David? Jotias? Daniel? John? Johti') was born Oct. i, 1806, in Spencer; died there Sept. 8, 1897 ; married in 1838, in New York City, Susan, daughter of Jonathan and Betsey (Lee) Hatfield, born Nov. 10, 1812, in Westfield, N. J. ; died Feb. 17, 1880, in Spencer. He was a carpenter. ChUdren : David Lorenzo,* b. Sept. 15, 1840, in New York City; m. Jan. 31, 1870, in Richmond, Mo., Fannie, dau, of Jeptha Dudley and Cornelia (Eads) Estes, b. July 4, 1847, in Greenup Fork, Ky. No chUdren. He was a physician in Dunlap, Iowa, but is now Uving in Phoenix, Arizona. 198 Livermore Fatnily n. Elmira, b. Oct. 10, 1847, in Spencer; m. there Feb. 11, 1885, Albert E., son of Samuel and Eliza (Davis) Morse. No children. 282 David Dexter' Livermore {David? David? Jonas? Daniel? John? John') was born Aug. 6, 1 812, in Spencer; died Oct. 4, 1883, in Rochester, Minn.; married May 4, 1840, in Elizabeth- town, N. J., Sarah Josephine Morgan, born AprU 2, 1815, in Newark, N. J.; died AprU 30, 1854, in New York City. He left Spencer just after the great fire in 1837, going to New York City, where he lived untU 1856, thence removing to Rochester, where he resided untU i860, thence he returned to New York, remaining untU 1869, thence to Rochester again. ChUdren, born in New York City : i. Frederick Dexter,* b. Mar. 9, 1841 ; m. Nov. 4, 1885, in Rochester, Mary Catherine, dau. of Horace and Anna (Chauncy) Cook, b. there Aug. 16, 1858. He was educated in New York City and lived with his father until his death. He is now proprietor of the Rochester (Minn.) Iron Works, corner Fourth and Oak streets, manufacturing engines and boilers. No children. n. Clifford Watson, b. July 19, 1846; d. there May 31, 1851. 283 Calista' Livermore {David? David? Jotias? Daniel? John? John') was born June 25, 18 14, in Spencer; died March 19, 1897, in Buffalo, N. Y. ; married there Nov. 2, 1841, Lothrop Upham of New York, born Jan. i, 18 15, in Belchertown ; died Feb. 20, 185 1, in Black Rock (now Buffalo), N. Y. She was a teacher in the public schools of Buffalo for more than twenty- five years, after the death of her husband. Children (Upham) : i. A daughter,* b. Sept. 15, 1842, in New York; d. there Feb. 20, 1843. ii. George Livermore, b. Oct., 1843, in New York; d. there Mar. 10, 1844. Seventh Generation 199 ni. EUzabeth Livermore, b. Aug. 26, 1845, in Black Rock; d. there Dec. 27, 1896; m, there Henry Farrar. iv, V. Twins, b. July 29, 1848, in Black Rock; d. there Aug. 12, 1848. 284 Maria' Livermore ( William? David? Jotias? Datiiel? John? John') was born June 14, 181 3, in Spencer; died March 26, 1901, in Owego, N. Y. ; married May 8, 1837, in Spencer, LeRoy Wilson, son of John and Miriam (IsbeU) Kingman, born Aug. 9, 1808, in Cincinnatus, N. Y. ; died March 2, 1861, in Owego. He was county clerk. ChUdren (Kingman), the first three born in SpeedsviUe, N. Y., the others in Owego : 580. i. Le Roy Wilson,* b. Mar. 15, 1840. 581. ii. WUliam Livermore, b. Feb. i, 1842. 582. iii. Stella Maria, b. May 16, 1845. iv. Emily Loring, b. July 24, 1855. 583. V. Helen Elizabeth, b. Nov. 13, i860. 285 William White' Livermore ( Walton? David? Jonas * Daniel? John? John') was born Sept. 16, 18 14, in Spencer; died May 21, 1855, in New York; married May 14, 1842, Anne Post of New York. ChUdren, born in New York : 584. i. William Floyd,* b. Feb. 21, 1843. 585. n. Adele Walton, b. Sept. 18, 1849. 286 George Henry' Livermore ( Walton? David? Jonas? Daniel? John? John') was born July 28, 18 19, in Spencer; married there Feb. 15, 1849, Marcia A., daughter of Otis and Harriet Watson, born there in 1822. He was town treasurer of Spencer 1856 to i860; assessor 1855 to 1857; selectman in 1858 ; a manufacturer and a justice of the peace. He now lives in New York City. 200 Livetttiore Family Children, born in Spencer : i. George Walton,* b. Feb. i, 185 1, a graduate of New York University. Lives in New York. ii. Annie Jane, b. Aug. 22, 1852; m. Oct. 15, 1878, in Nyack, N. Y., Thomas WeUs Robinson, b. Oct. 10, 1843, in Kingston, R. I.; d. Dec. 19, 1893. iii. Arthur Allison, b. Jan. 5, 1856 ; d. there Sept. 18, 1858. 586. iv. Frederick William, b. Sept. 10, 1858. 287 Charles Frederick' Livermore ( Walton? David? Jonas? Daniel? John? John') was born July 4, 1824, in Spencer; died March 25, 1889, in New York; married (i) Oct., 1852, in New York, Arabella F., daughter of WUson G. Hunt, died Dec. 30, i860, in New York City; married (2) June 4, 1872, Emma, daughter of John and Mary (Pendexter]^ RUey of New York. 5 h e ._ ChUdren, born in New York -.^^'j )^ - ^„_.^..^^''-)'^'''^ i. Charles Frederick,* b. 1873; d. 1875. ii. John Riley, b. Feb. 21, 1876. ni. PhiHp Walton, b. Oct. 13, 1882. iv. Constance Frederica, b. Mar. 20, 1884. 288 Walton' Livermore {Lorenzo? David? Jotias? Daniel? John? John') was born Feb. 28, 1841, in Spencer; married there Nov. 25, 1869, Jane, daughter of WUliam and Marie L. Sampson, born there Nov. 13, 1844; died there Dec. 26, 1873. He was a soldier in the Civil war, mustered in July 31, 1862, as a member of company E, 34th Mass. Vol. infantry, and dis charged June 16, 1865, at the expiration of his service ; he lives in Spencer and was a merchant, but now is a leather cutter in Isaac Prouty & Sons' boot factory. Child, born in Spencer : i. Edward Walton,* b. Dec. 6, 1873. 289 Albert' Livermore {Lorenzo? David? Jotias? Daniel? John? John') was born Sept. 3, 1843, in Spencer; married Aug. 9, 1884, in New Richmond, Wis., Mrs. Mary Elizabeth BeU, Seventh Generatioti 20 1 daughter of Alvah and Mary (Cooley) Austin, born Nov. 30, , in Longmeadow. He was a soldier in the CivU war, having been mustered in July 20, 1864, as a member of company F, 6oth regiment, Mass. Vols., and served one hundred days, being discharged Nov. 30, 1864, at the expiration of his service ; he served under the U. S. Christian Commission in 1864-65. He was educated at Wes- leyan Academy, WUbraham, and was in Amherst College 1863- 64, and from 1865 to 1868, when he was graduated ; he studied one year at Bangor (Me.) Theological Seminary, and two years at Andover, where he was graduated in 1873 ; after his college graduation he was an instructor in the New York Deaf and Dumb Institution. He has also been an assistant in Morristown, N. J., academy ; associate principal in White Plains (N. Y.) MiU- tary Institute ; principal of the academy in Dudley. He was ordained as a minister of the Congregational church in MUlers Falls, and was pastor there in 1875 ! acting pastor of the church in New Richmond, from 1876 to 1879; acting pastor at St. Ignace, Mich., 1880 to 1882; pastor at NashviUe, Mich., 1883 to 1885 ; at Spencer, N. Y., 1885 to 1898, and is at present pastor at Montour FaUs, N. Y. No children. 290 Silas' Livermore {Silas? Elisha? Jotias? Daniel? John? John') was born March 15, 18 12, in Oxford; died March 31, 1894, in Germantown, Penn.; married (i) Aug. 9, 1855, in Carthage, N. Y., Eliza Maria Andres, born May lo, 1830, in L'Acadie, Canada East; died Sept. 2, i860, in East Bend, N. C; married (2) Oct. 31, 1861, in Williamsburg, N. C, Martha Jane Grumpier, born Oct. 24, 1835, in Wilkes Co., N. C. ; died July 30, 1871, in Crab Orchard, Ky. ; married (3), Aug. 27, 1874, in Little Rock, Ark., EUza Ann Duncan, born March 25, 1836, in Snow HUl, Md. They lived in ShelbyviUe, 111. He was graduated from Brown University in 1842, and from Newton Theological Institution in 1843 ; ordained a Bap tist minister in 1857. He was a teacher, preacher and agent in 202 Livermore Family Virginia, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Missouri, Arkansas, and Illinois. ChUdren : i. Charles Frederick,* b. Aug. 7, 1858, in Sinks Grove, Va. ; d. Aug. 29, i860, in East Bend. ii. Rufus Putnam, b. May 29, i860, in New York. iii. Eliza Martha, b. Dec. 14, 1862, in PhUadelphia; d. there Oct. 7, 1864. iv. Mary Ann, b. Oct. 2, 1864, in Philadelphia. V. Arthur St. Clair, b. April i, 1866, in Newport, Ohio; d. Nov. 3, 1868, in Bloomfield, Mo. vi. Eola Kate Duncan, b. Dec. 26, 1878, in ShelbyvUle. 291 Elisha Swift' Livermore {Silas? Elisha? Jotias? Datiiel? John? Johti') was born July i, 1820, in Lisle, N. Y. ; died Aug. 16, 1863, in PhUadelphia, Penn.; married (i) in 1843, in Graf ton, Lemira Barros Daniels, born Feb. 24, 1821, in Richmond, N. H.; died March 29, 1844, in Grafton; married (2) March 19, 1 85 1, in Sutton, Lydia, widow of . Emory StockweU and daughter of Eber and Mary (Reed) Parsons, born July 27, 18 13, in Dummerston, Vt. ; died Aug. 28, 1892, in Worcester. He was a shoe-maker. He enlisted in the 15th Mass. Vols, in 1861, was taken prisoner at Ball's Bluff and confined in Libby Prison for several months ; he was then exchanged and re-entered the army ; he was wounded twice, but remained in the service untU wounded at Gettysburg, July 3, 1863, and whUe on his way home (with his wife for whom he had sent) died in Philadelphia ; he is buried beside his first wife in Grafton. ChUd, born in Grafton : i. Jane Lemira,* b. Mar. 24, 1844; d. July i, 1844, in Millbury. 292 Louisa' Livermore {Paid? Elisha? Jotuis? Daniel? John? John') was born Oct. 10, 1808, in Oxford; married March 11, 1830, in MUlbury, Joseph Bancroft, born there June 13, 1804; died there March 20, 1870. Sevetith Generation 203 Children (Bancroft), born in MUlbury : 587. i. Calista Louisa,* b. Oct. 4, 1830. 588. ii. Caroline Esther, b. Mar. 7, 1833. 589. iii. Mary Jane, b. June 11, 1836. iv. Myron Joseph, b. Feb. 6, 1839; d. Mar. 5, 1862, in Millbury; m. June 12, 1861, in Spencer, Maria Cur tis Hall. His widow m. again and went out West. 293 Mary Elizabeth' Livermore {Isaac? Elijah? Isaac? Dan iel? John? John') was born July 24, 1842, in Hinsdale ; married June 22, 1870, in Peru, John R., son of John R. and Hannah B. Hall, born in 1848, in Pittsfield. ChUdren (Hall), all but the eldest born in BeUevue, Ohio : i. Mary Evelyn,* b. May 10, 187 1, in Peru. ii. Eugene Walter, b. Dec. 18, 1872. iii. Carrie Livermore, b. Oct. 26, 1877. iv. Sadie Belle, b. Oct. 20, 1879. V. Julia Russell, b. Oct. 24, 1882. 294 Chester Watson' Livermore {Henry? Elijah? Isaac? Dan iel? Johti? John') was born in March, 1828, in Cummington ; died AprU 12, 1869, in Hinsdale; married in 1854, Sarah Holcomb. He was a taUor and afterwards an innkeeper. Children, born in Hinsdale : i. Flora Electa,* b. Oct. 26, 1856. ii. Emily, b. July 18, 1859 ; d. Aug. 20, 1863. iii. Grace, b. June 2, 1864. iv. Frank Henry, b. Nov. 27, 1866 ; m. Dec. 13, 1890, in Troy, N. Y., Jessie A., dau. of George A. and Martha Holland, b. in 1869, in North Adams. He was a bookkeeper. Child, b. in Pittsfield : I. Dorothy Holland? b. Jan. 9, 1894. 295 Henry Martin' Livermore {Lyman? Elijah? Isaac? Dati iel? John? John') was born Jan. 17, 1824, in Amherst; died March 31, 1886, in North Adams; married Feb. 10, 1846, in 204 Livermore Family Chariemont, Adeline L., daughter of Eli and Mary Todd, born in 1820, in Charlemont. He was a farmer. Child, born in Charlemont : 590. i. Charles Henry,* b. AprU 27, 1850. 296 Martha Jane' Livermore {Martin? Elijah? Isaac? Daniel? John? John') was born in Aug., 1843, in Plainfield; married Jan. 2, 1869, James Murray of Dalton. They lived in Holyoke. Children (Murray), born in Holyoke : i. Rutherford Livermore,* b. in Oct., 1876. u. Arthur Howard, b. in April, 1879. ni. Mary Evans, b. in 'AprU, 1883. 297 Orrin Elijah' Livermore {Chester? Elijah? Isaac? Daniel? John? John') was born Nov. 28, 1837, in Hinsdale; married April 3, 1 86 1, in Peru, Elizabeth Waldo, daughter of Selden K. and Margaret (Stowell) Ferguson, born April 7, 1843, in New ark, N. Y. He was brought up on a farm in Hinsdale ; after receiving an academic education he taught school one term. In 1863 he went to Northampton, having secured work with Moses Buck, by whom he was employed nine years, after which he succeeded to his employer's weU-established business as a contractor and buUder. Among the public buUdings erected by him in North ampton are the Hampshire County Bank, McCallum's store, the Northampton Institution for Savings, LUly Hall, Art Gallery, annex to the main buUding of Smith CoUege, and the Hatfield and Washburn houses connected with the college ; among the fine residences are those of Messrs. McCaUum, Crook, Porter, H. A. Kimball, and Professor H. M. Tyler. He has served in the Common CouncU three years, having been presi dent one year, and was an alderman for two years. He is a Master Mason and an active member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, having passed all the chairs up to and including that of the Canton ; is a member of the Baptist church, in which Seventh Generation 205 he has served as deacon for twenty-three years, and has been superintendent of the Sunday school for eighteen years. He is also a prominent member of the Republican party. ChUdren, born in Northampton : i. Minnie B.,* b. in 1862 ; m. there April 30, 1884, John W., son of Albert L. and Lavinia (Cook) Draper, b. there in i860, ii, Ada Grace, b. Mar. 2, 1864; d. there Oct. 5, 1864. iii. Ernest Howard, b. Aug. 29, 1873; d. there Jan. 10, 1893. He was a young man of great promise, a fine scholar, and for a year and a half a clerk in the Post Office there. iv. Bertha May, b. June 7, 1877 ; d. there Oct. 9, 1877. V. Alma B., b. ; a talented musician. vi. Carleton, b. in 1894. 298 Miriam Adaline' Livermore {Chester? Elijah? Isaac? Dan iel? John? John') was born Jan. 4, 1841, in Hawley; married Dec. 13, 1862, in Springfield, Andrew Swan Cook, born July 25,, 1838, in Plainfield. She was formerly a school teacher. ChUdren (Cook) : i. Fred Ellsworth,* b. June 5, 1866, in Northampton. ii. Frank Chester, b. April 20, 1869, in Springfield. iii. Mabel Frances, b. Sept. 21, 1873, in Springfield. 299 Daniel' Livermore {Edmund? Daniel? Edmuttd? Satnuel? Samuel? John') was born June 30, 1799, in WUmington, Vt. ; died in 1875; married Jan. 21, 1828, in Delaware, Mary Ann Robinson. He was a civil engineer and chief engineer of the Delaware and Chesapeake Canal, the Erie Canal in New York, and the James River Canal in Virginia. She lived in Port Penn, Del. ChUdren : i. William Darrach,* b. Dec. 20, 1828 ; drowned July 19, 1854, in the Delaware River. He was an apothecary in PhUadelphia. 2o6 Livermore Family ii. Origen, b. Sept. i6, 1830, in Blairsville, Va. ; d. AprU 8, 1864. He was an apothecary in PhUadelphia. in. Mary E. T., b. about 1832 ; d. young. iv. Jarvis Stuart, b. about 1834 ; d. young. 300 Alonzo' Livermore {Edmund? Daniel? Edmund? Samuel? Samuel? John') wzs born Feb. 25, 1803, in Wilmington, Vt. ; died AprU 8, 1888, in Mendota, IU. ; married AprU 30, 1826, in Jonestown, Pa., Eliza Brunner, born there Dec. 10, 1806; died March lo, 1861, in Tremont, Pa.; he was a civil engineer by profession; he was engaged on the Erie Canal in 1822, and in 1824 went to Pennsylvania as chief engineer of the Union Canal. In 1827 he became chief engineer of the line from the Aqueduct across the Alleghany River to BlairsvUle, Pa. He moved to Kentucky in 1835, and had charge of the Green and Barren River navigation, as chief engineer. He was later engaged in the U. S. service, in improving the Des Moines Rapids in the Mississippi, at Keokuk, Iowa, and also the Rock Island Rapids. The towns of Livermore, Pa., and Livermore, Ky., were named after him. Children : i. Pamelia,* b. Feb. 17, 1827, in Jonestown, Pa.; d. May 24, 1849, in Rumsey, Ky., unm. 591. ii. FideUa, b. Jan. 17, 1829, in BlairsviUe, Pa. in. Maria, b. AprU 11, 1832, in Franklin, Pa. ; d. there June S> 1832- iv. Horace Brunner, b. Aug. 23, 1833, in Franklin; d. May 20, 1884, in Macomb, IU. ; m. in AprU, 1856, Estelle Hoffman of Baltimore, Md. ; he studied medi cine in Louisville, Ky. ; he lived in Ashton, Pa., Keo kuk, la., and Macomb. Child : John Alonzo? b. July, 1859. 592. V. Alonzo SkUes, b. Aug. 19, 1840, in Rumsey. 301 Jairus' Livermore {Edtnund? Daniel? Edttiund? Samuel? Samuel? John') was born Feb. 7, 1815, in Wilmington, Vt. ; died in 1862, in Ononwa, Louisa Co., la. ; married Oct. 5, 1846, Seventh Getieration 207 Abby Babb, born Sept. 25, 1826, in Luzerne Co., Pa. On Sept. 26, 1846, he was living in Ebensburgh, Pa. He was a civU engineer in Kentucky, afterwards a teacher in Des Moines Co., la., and at last a farmer in Ononwa. ChUdren, the first three born in Des Moines Co., the others in Ononwa : i. Susan Abby,* b. June 15, 1848 ; m. Mar. 7, 1864, Clark Moore, b. in 1844, in West Virginia ; he is a farmer in Inland, la. Child (Moore) : Oliver E.") ii. MUlard Fillmore, b. Aug. 27, 1850. in. Cornelia, b. June 9, 1852 ; m. Oct. 17, 1868, WiUiam H. Brown, b. Aug. 2, 1846 ; he is a farmer in Ringgold Co., la. iv. Arthur, b. Aug. 8, 1854. V. Mary, b. Aug. 4, 1856. vi. Pamelia B., b. Aug. 15, 1858. vii. Stella A., b. Jan. 4, 1862. 302 Henry Dwight' Livermore {Edmund? Daniel? Edmund* Samuel? Samuel? John') was born March 7, 1820; diedJtUy 5, 1872, in Vermont; married Feb. 8, 1855, Lydia Walker, daugh ter of Philip and Eunice (Hix) Corbett of WUmington, Vt., born July 25, 1 82 1, and in 1846 was living in Ebensburgh, Pa., where he and his sister Pamelia were then teaching school. ChUd : i. Cora Jane,* b. Oct. 13, 1857. 303 Melinda' Livermore {Daniel? Daniel? Edmund? Samuel? Samuel? John') was born in 1798, in Sangerfield, N. Y. ; mar ried March 13, 1821, Elijah Conger. ChUdren (Conger) : 593. i. Mortimer Livermore,* b. Dec. 19, 1821, in Brookfield, N. Y. 594. ii. Daniel, b. Sept. 29, 1828, in Sangerfield. 2o8 Livermore Family 304 Daniel' Livermore {Datiiel? Daniel? Edmund? Samuel,'^ Samuel? John') was born June 19, 1801, in Sangerfield, N. Y. ; died there AprU 23, 1889; married March 11, 1830, in Mar shall, N. Y., Elmina Lamberton, born there Nov. 6, 1808 ; died Dec. 29, 1889, in Sangerfield. ChUdren, born in Sangerfield : i. Henrietta,* b. Jan. 14, 1831 ; d. there July i, 1843. 595. ii. Emily, b. July 10, 1833. 596. iii. Elmina Virginia, b. Sept. 15, 1838. 597, iv, Daniel, b. Sept. 20, 1840. V. Dwight, b. June 19, 1845; d. there Sept. 13, 1845. 305 Aranus' Livermore {Daniel? Daniel? Edmund? Samuel? Samuel? John') was born Aug. 30, 1803, in Sangerfield, N. Y. ; died there March 9, 1875 ; married there Sept. 24, 1828, Ex perience KeUogg, born AprU 18, 18 11, in North Salem; died Dec. 20, 1872, in Sangerfield. ChUdren, born in Sangerfield : 598. i. Sarah,* b. Oct. 2, 1829. 599. ii. Ellen Amelia, b. Feb. 12, 1832. iii. Infant. iv. Irving Aranus, b. May 30, 1842; m. Oct. 11, 1870,, EUen Rosalia Clark, b. Dec. 19, 1842, in Brookfield,. N.Y. 600. V. DeWitt Clinton, b. June i, 1845. 601. vi. Rose Bell, b. Aug. 25, 1851. 306 Oraniel' Livermore {Daniel? Datiiel? Edmund? Samuel? Samuel? John') was born Sept. 20, 1806, in Sangerfield, N. Y. ; died March 18, 1872, in WiUow Spring, Kan. ; married Aug. 20, 1837, in EarivUle, N. Y., Betsey Ann Grain, born there Aug. 31, 181 3 ; died Nov. 3, 1880, in StockweU, Ind. Seventh Generation 209 ChUdren, all but the second and ,third born in DeansvUle, N. Y. : i. Eudora Melinda,* b. Dec. 6, 1839. 602. ii. Mortimer Conger, b. Nov. 13, 1841, in Earlsville, N. Y. 603. in. Silas Wright, b. Mar. 24, 1844, in Marshall, N. Y. iv. Leslie Seymour, b. Dec. 28, 1845. 604. V. Harvey Crain, b. July 21, 1850. vi. Arthur Oraniel, b. Nov. 29, 1852; d. Feb. 4, 1871, in Willow Spring. 307 James' Livermore {Daniel? Daniel? Edtnund? Samuel? Samuel? John') was born Oct. 2, 18 10, in Sangerfield, N. Y. ; married March 16, 1835, in Manlius, N. Y., Mary Ann Thomp-' son, born May 5, 18 14, in Kirkland, N. Y. ; died May 12, 1889, in Madison, N. Y. ChUdren : 605. i. De Farriett,* b. Dec. 26, 1836, in Paris HiU, N. Y. ii. James Madison, b. Aug. 19, 1839, in Kirkland ; d. Oct. 19, 1864, in Madison. 606. iii. Newton, b. Aug. 12, 1845, in Madison. iv. Marian, b. July 6, 1847, in Madison; m. there Aug. 8, 1867, WiUiam Haight. Child (Haight) : La Belle.') 308 John Pierce' Livermore {Samuel? Datiiel? Edmund? Sam uel? Samuel? John') was born Feb. 11, 1798, in WUmington, Vt. ; died July 17, 1889, in Independence, N. Y. ; married Oct. 25, 1818, in Brookfield, N. Y., Annis, daughter of Edward J. and Susannah (Crandall) Green, born March 8, 1 798, in Stephen- town, N. Y. ; died Feb. 23, 1877, in Independence. He enlisted and served as a substitute near the close of the "war of 18 12" with England, and was a pensioner for many years. He settled in Independence about 182 1, when the west ern part of the State of New York was a wilderness ; he was justice of the peace twenty-eight years, supervisor for three years, and postmaster twenty years, and also a farmer. He was an active member of the Seventh Day Baptist church. No chUdren. 2IO Livertnore Family 309 Samuel' Livermore {Samuel? Daniel? Edmutui? Samuel? Samuel? John') was born March 21, 1800, in Wilmington, Vt. ; died April 18, 1891, in Sharon, Pa.; married (i) Feb. 7, 1822, in TuUy, N. Y., Elizabeth Allen, born Aug. 25, 1800, in Broad- albin, N. Y. ; died March 4, 1852, in Independence, N. Y. ; married (2) about 1856 in Hume, N. Y., Julia Cowin. He set tled in Independence in May, 1823, and was a farmer, an ex perienced and accurate surveyor, for several years a commissioner of highways, and held other positions of trust in his township ; he was a member of the Seventh Day Baptist Church. Children : 607. i. John,* b. Mar. 19, 1823, in Brookfield, N. Y. ii. William Slocum, b. May 2, 1828, in Independence ; m. about 1850, in Andover, N. Y., Maria Lyons. He lives in Lander, Pa. Children : J. George Sears? b. about 185 1. He has a son. . 2. Emily, b. ; m. Henry Frazine of Farmington, Pa. Son (Frazine) : Floyd.'" 608. ni. Samuel AUen, b. Feb. 4, 1834, in Independence. 310 Sally' Livermore {Samuel? Daniel? Edmund? Satnuel? Samuel? John') was born July 20, 1802, in Sangerfield, N. Y. ; died AprU 7, 1868 ; married Dec. 26, 18 19, in Brookfield, N. Y., WiUiam Potter, born March 6, 1795 ; died March 15, 1843. ChUdren (Potter) : 609. i. William,* b. Oct. 30, 1820. 610. ii. Hosea B., b. Nov. 28, 1822. 611. iii. Luther, b. Aug. 28, 1824. 612. iv. Samuel, b. Dec. 21, 1826. V. Sally, b. Jan. 10, 1829. vi. Job, b. Dec. 22, 1831. vn. Edmund D., b. Feb. 12, 1833. viu. Hannah, b. Mar. 24, 1836. ix. Ellen, b. Feb. 8, 1838. x. Adelbert, b". Oct. 13, 1841. Seventh Generatioti 2 1 1 311 Edmund' Livermore {Samuel? Datiiel? Edmund? Samuel? Samuel? John') was born AprU 9, 1806, in Sangerfield, N. Y. ; died June 22, 1899; married Sept. 14, 1826, in Brookfield, N. Y., Tacy Babcock, daughter of Patten and Lois (Babcock) Fitch, born there April 10, 1807; died May 31, 1875, in Inde pendence, N. Y. He settled there in May, 1823. He was for several years a school teacher and at different times held the offices in his town of clerk of elections, school commissioner, and commissioner of highways ; he was also a farmer, and a member of the Seventh Day Baptist Church. Children : 613. i. Philarmon Patten,* b. Nov. 13, 1827, in Independence. ii. Julius, b. Dec. 20, 1830, in Brookfield ; d. same day. 614. iii. Lois Arminda, b. Jan. 6, 1832, in Brookfield. 615. iv. Leander EUiott, b. Mar. 26, 1835, in Independence. V. Annis Eliza, b. Feb. 5, 1839, in Independence; d. there Sept. 7, 1844. vi. Amelia, b. Sept. 5, 1845, in Independence; d. there same day. 312 Manin' Livermore {Samuel? Daniel? Edmund? Samuel? Samuel? John') was born Sept. 18, 18 10, in Brookfield, N. Y. ; married Aug. 30, 1853, in Alfred Centre, N. Y., Emeline Smith, born Aug. 15, 1820, in Alfred, N. Y. At the age of fourteen he moved to Independence, N. Y. ; as he was of small stature and of a not very strong constitution he began to learn the trade of a taUor in HornellsvUle, N. Y., and finished it in Danesville, afterwards returning to HorneUsviUe ; he then went to Dresden, N. Y., and worked with his cousin Fidus Livermore. From Dresden he traveUed on foot to Buffalo and to Youngstown, N. Y., and thence crossed over into Canada, working at his trade in several towns, but not liking the severe winters he determined to go South ; so he took a boat at Port Stanley and crossed Lake Erie, landing in Cleveland, Ohio, and while there had a very severe attack of yellow fever, which caused nearly all his hair to 212 Livermore Fatnily come out, leaving him very bald. He then went to Cincinnati and thence by boat down the Ohio and Mississippi rivers to New Orleans. He remained in the South sixteen years, during which he crossed over the Cumberland mountains from Georgia to Kentucky, on foot ; owing to the defective maU service at that time, his letters failed to reach home and he was given up for dead, but after a number of years one of his brothers chanced to pick up a Southern paper in which Manin had an advertisement of his business ; he immediately wrote the latter, who was glad enough to hear from home, and shortly after came North to Independence, where he settled, buUding himself a house and in a short time was married. He moved to Alfred, in 1870, where he was living when last heard from. He is a member of the Seventh Day Baptist Church. Children, born in Independence : 616. i. Joel Field,* b. Jan. 25, 1858. 617. n. Martha, b. Nov. 25, i860. 313 Briggs Bassett' Livermore {Satnuel? Datiiel? Edtnund? Samuel? Samuel? John') was born Feb. 19, 1815, in Brookfield, N. Y. ; died Nov. 7, 1880, in Independence, N. Y. ; married (i) July, 1840, in Independence, Mary Eaton, died there Nov. 22, 1857; married (2) June 5, 1858, in Andover, N. Y., Selucia Clarke, born there Aug. 11, 1826. He was a farmer and a member of the Seventh Day Baptist Church. ChUdren, born in Independence : i. Devillo Eugene,* b. July 27, 1859; m. Nov. 24, 1881, in Wirt, N. Y., Alice AUda Frair, b. Aug. 29, 1857, in Clarkesville, N. Y. ChUd : Mabel,') b. Sept. 2, 1888 ; d. Oct. 7, 1888. ii. Louis Clarke, b. April 24, 1868. 314 Barbara' Livermore {Samuel? Datiiel? Edttiund? Satnuel? Samuel? John') was born June 2, 1817, in Brookfield, N. Y. ; married Aug. 4, 1839, in Hume, N. Y., Joel Kingsley, born May 26, 1809, in Vermont; died March 3, 1886, in Hume. Seventh Generatioti 213 ChUdren (Kingsley), born in Hume : 618. i. Sarah Celestia,* b. July 10, 1842. ii. Elbert Olisco, b. Dec. 3, 1843 ! d- there Feb. 19, 1882 ; m. there June 21, 1871, Clara Dodge. Child: Charles Joel? b. AprU 29, 1872. ui. Manin Livermore, b. Aug. 16, 1847 ! ni. Dec. 8, 1885, in Canaseraga, N. Y., Emma Hurlburt. Child : Susie Barbara,') h. May 11, 1888. iv. Mary Adelthe, b. May 20, 1853 ; m. there Sept. 18, 1872, Addison Granger. No children. 315 Theodore' Livermore {Samuel? Datiiel? Edmund? Samuel? Samuel? John') was born Feb. 9, 18 19, in Brookfield, N. Y. ; died AprU 10, 1885, in Andover, N. Y. ; married Nov. 20, 1839, in Scio, N. Y., Rebecca Graves, born AprU 7, 1820, in Ridge- burg, Penn. He enlisted as a private in company E, 130th regiment, N. Y. Vols., Aug. 9, 1862, at Andover, for three years ; was wounded and afterwards a pensioner. He was a farmer and a member of the M. E. Church. ChUdren, the first five born in Independence, N. Y., the others in Andover : 619. i. Louisa Adaline,* b. Sept. 17, 1842. 620. ii. Edward Maxon, b. April i, 1847. iii. Edwin Manning, twin to Edward ; enlisted as a private in company C, 179th regiment, N. Y. Vols., Feb. 16, 1864, at Andover, for three years, and was killed in battle near Petersburg, Va., June 17, 1864. 621. iv. Theodore Corell, b. June 3, 1850. 622. V. Fidus Orlando, b. Oct. 24, 1852. 623. vi. Ina Ardell, b. May 12, 1856. 624. vii. Izora Adelaide, b. May 29, 1859. viii. Isadore Elida, twin to Izora. 316 John Safford' Livermore {Abner? Daniel? Edmund? Samuel? Samuel? John') was born Jan. 17, 1801, in Sanger field, N. Y. ; died Oct. 14, 1861, in Fort Wilkins, Mich.; mar ried May 6, 1823, in Sangerfield, Orpha Ranney, born there 214 Livermore Family Dec. 23, 1804; when last heard from she was living in River side, Cal. He was a volunteer in the War of 18 12 and was a physician. He moved to Rochester, Mich., in 1830, and was a representative from that place in the Michigan Legislature from 1839 to 1842. He left there in 1848. Children, all but the first four and youngest born in Rochester : i. Bertha Ann,* b. May 6, 1824, in Augusta, N. Y. ; d. Aug. 20, 1831, in Rochester. ii. Asenath, b. Sept. 12, 1825, in HorneUsviUe, N. Y. ; d. there Sept. 23, 1825. iii. Benjamin Rush, b. July 6, 1826, in HorneUsviUe; m. Mar. 8, 1855, in Fort WiUtins, Martha Ann Beedon, b. AprU 25, 1830, in Northville, Mich. They five in Houghton, Mich. No children. iv. Jeremiah, b. May 27, 1828, in HorneUsvUle ; d. there May 28, 1828. V. A son, b. Mar. 5, 1831 ; d. same day. vi. Bertha Ann, b. Sept. 2, 1832 ; d. Jan. 7, 1858, in Fort Wilkins. vn. John Randolph, b. June 22, 1834; d. in Rochester, Aug. 2, 1854. 625. viii. Eugenia Melinda, b. Nov. 16, 1835. 626. ix. Mary Alice, b. Nov. 27, 1837. 627. x. Orpha Jeanette, b. Jan. 8, 1842. xi. John Ranney, b. Nov. 27, 1843 ; d. July 8, 1872, in Houghton. xn. Caroline Lucinda, b. AprU 8, 1845; d. Nov. 24, 1851, in Marquette, Mich. xiii. EUza Jane, b. Jan. 19, 1847 ; d. Jan. 10, 1849, in La Point, Mich. xiv. Richmond Abner Fidus, b. Oct. 7, 1848, in La Point; d. AprU II, 1884, in Jackson, Mich. 317 Fidus' Livermore {Abner? Daniel? Edtnund? Satnuel,^ Samuel? John') was bopn July 21, 181 1, in Sangerfield, N.Y.'; died May 28, 1880, in Jackson, Mich.; married (i) Feb. 24' 183 1, in Benton, N. Y., Caroline Sophia, daughter of John l' Lewis, born in Benton; died Oct. 17, 185 1, in Jackson; she Seventh Generation 215 was a lady of reputation as a teacher ; married (2) June 24, 1852, in Jackson, Mrs. Sarah Eliza (Lewis) Safford (sister to his first wife and widow of Dr. Horace B. Safford, to whom she was married in 1847, and who died March 20, 1850), born Jan. 16, 1828, in Benton. His school instruction ceased when he was fifteen years of age and he was then apprenticed to the trade of a tailor. After two years he went to Western New York, where for two or three years he interspersed his mechanical labor with study and mental culture. During the building of the " Crooked Lake Canal " he carried on a shop in connection with other general business at Dresden, N. Y., remaining there untU 1836. At this time he found an opportunity to put into execution a long-cherished de sign and he became a student in the law office of James L. Seeley, in Dundee, N. Y. . He moved to Michigan and settled in Jackson in 1839, and entered the law office of Johnson & Higby. There he com pleted three years of legal study and passed the probation of six months' residence in Michigan, at that time required. He was admitted to practice upon due examination before Hon. WUliam A. Fletcher, then Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the State. He soon became personally known to almost every resident of the village, and acquired a practice which gave him prominence throughout the neighboring counties. From the time he first began practice he had never missed attendance at a single term of court in his county, while his office business, involving large collections, was always marked by promptness, care, and strict integrity. In 1840, he acted as Deputy United States Marshal in taking the census of the northern half of Jackson Co. In 1 84 1, and for several years subsequently, he held the office of Justice of the Peace. In the fall of 1842, he was elected by the Democrats to the lower house of the State Legislature and was re-elected the foUowing year. He made a strong record in the House, and at the next election he was nominated for the State Senate, but declined. He held the office of Prosecuting Attor ney for Jackson Co. for several terms, twice by Executive ap- 2x6 Livermore Family pointment (1846 and 1848) and subsequently by election, after the office became elective. In 1846, he became senior in the law partnership of Livermore & Wood, which continued without interruption untU 1867. He twice (i860 and 1872) represented the Democrats of Michigan in National Convention. He was on the Democratic State ticket in 1 868, for Presidential Elector ; was the Democratic candidate for Congress in his district in 1874, but was defeated, and again a candidate in 1876, and again defeated. In the early days of the war he was appointed by Governor Blair, commandant of the camp at Jackson, where he devoted six months to raising troops, and organizing the 20th and 26th regiments of Michigan infantry. He was earnestly solicited to take a command in the field but declined, although giving his active support to the Government throughout the war. He gave material aid toward the construction of the six railways centering in Jackson. He was nine years president of the school board in his district. In 1873, he formed a law partnership with Rich mond Livermore, his nephew and pupU, under the firm name of F. & R. Livermore, which continued untU his death. He was elected a vice-president of the Pioneer Society of the State of Michigan, AprU 22, 1874. He was a member of the Masonic fraternity and was the first Worshipful Master of Jackson Lodge, No. 50, and also a Knight Templar. ChUdren, the eldest born in Dresden, the others in Jackson : 628. i. John Lewis,* b. Dec. 14, 1832. n. Emily, b. July 24, 1842 ; m. Jan. 17, 1857, in Jackson, Bernard Smith. Children (Smith) : Helen') and Caro line. iii. Fidus, b. July i, 1859. iv. Jessie Louise, b. June 29, 1870; m. June 5, 1888, in Jackson, Lartie Murray. 318 Harriet Rhoda' Livermore {Abner? Daniel? Edmund? Samuel? Samuel? John') was born July 17, 1821, in Sanger field, N. Y. ; married June 7, 1841, in Avon, Oakland Co., Mich., James Nightingale, born Dec. 14, 18 19, in Easton. Seventh Generation 217 Children (Nightingale), born in Attica, Mich. : i. Charlotte Nina,* b. April 22, 1843; d. there Mar. 3, 1847. ii. Lewis Cass, b. July 12, 1847 ; d. there June 26, 1852. iii. Mahala Desire, b. Jan. 2, 1849. 629. iv. Richard, b. Dec. 26, 1850. V. Sarah Melinda, b. AprU 6, 1856. vi. Herbert Alexis, b. June 27, 1858. vii. Helen Marr, b. Jan. 22, 1861 ; d. Sept. 27, 1877. 319 James' Livermore {James? Daniel? Edmund? Samuel? Samuel? John') was born Aug. 25, 18 14, in Sangerfield, N. Y. ; died there Sept. 12, 1854; married there in Feb., 1841, Harriet, daughter of James and Mary (Ross) RUey, born there Sept. 26, 1813 ; died AprU 23, 1853, in East Hamilton, N. Y. Children, the youngest born in East Hamilton, the others in Madison, N. Y. : 630. i. Emma Caroline,* b. Aug. 23, 1842. 631. ii. Ann Elizabeth, b. Dec. 12, 1845. 632. iii. Harriet Eliza, b. May 6, 1848. iv. James Abner, b. Sept. 15, 1851; d. in 1880, in Utica, N. Y. ; he was a farmer and a member of the M. E. Church. 320 Eunice Stafford' Livermore {James? Daniel? Edmund? Samuel? Samuel? John') was born Sept. 20, 1822, in Sanger field, N. Y. ; died Feb. 12, 1894, in Clyde, N. Y. ; married Nov. 28, 1848, in Sangerfield, John Brewster Roe, born Dec. 9, 18 18, in Selden, N. Y. ; died May 8, 1885, in Rose, N. Y. Children (Roe), born in Rose : 633. i. Alice Celina,* b. AprU 18, 1851. 634. U. Ottie Annett, b. July 10, 1857. 321 Joseph Wesley' Livermore {James? Daniel? Edmund? Samuel? Satnuel? John') was born Dec. 21, 1828, in Sanger. field, N. Y. ; died May 4, 1896, in Clyde, N. Y. ; married (i) 2i8 Livermore Family Sept. 29, 1852, Celina Barrett; married (2) Nov. 6, 1855, Eleanor Johnson ; married (3) Aug. 29, 1882, C. Anna Northrup. Children : i. Milton,* b. . ii. Ernest Josephus, b. iii. George Wesley, b. iv. Alexander Johnson, b. . 322 Polly' Livermore {James? Daniel? Edmund? Satnuel? Samuel? John') was born Nov. 14, 1831, in Sangerfield, N. Y. ; married Jan. 20, 1852, in North Brookfield, N. Y., Flavins Jose phus, son of Thaddeus and Harriet (Shepherd) Collins, born Aug. II, 1828. ChUdren (Collins) : i. Ida Roselle,* b. ; m. Aug. 5, 1885, Rev. Benjamin Winget of Huron. ii. Newton Morse, b. Jan. 18, i860; m. June 16, 1887, in Rochester, N. Y., Josephine T. Osgood. iii. James Thaddeus, b. June 20, 1873, in Rose, N. Y. ; unm. 323 Ruth' Livermore {James? Daniel? Edmund? Samuel? Samuel? John') was born Jan. 28, 1835, in Sangerfield, N. Y. ; married June 2, i860, in Rose, N. Y., John, son of Martin and Polly (Frank) Crisler, born Nov. 7, 1823, in Savannah, N. Y. ; died Jan. 16, 1892, in Butler, N. Y. Child (Crisler), born in Butler : 635. i. Mary Elizabeth,* b. July 18, 1867. 324 Jonas' Livermore {Jonas? Oliver? Oliver? Daniel? Satnuel? John') was born Jan. i, 1797, in Shiriey; died AprU 17, i860, in Eola, Ore. ; married Sept. 2, 1827, in Washington Co., Ohio, Sarah WUls, born May 16, 1806, in Homer, N. Y. ; died Jan. 26, 1878, in Eola. He learned the trade of a shoemaker from his father, also learned the trade of a cooper, and was an excellent workman. Seventh Generatioti 219 He was honored by all who knew him, and wliUe he always expressed himself in terms not to be misunderstood in all mat ters of controversy, he never forgot to respect the rights of others, and while maintaining his views with firmness, never made an enemy. He lived in Marietta, Ohio, untU 1836, when he moved to Pike Co., IU., settling near Pittsfield ; in 1850 he, with the surviving members of his family, followed his eldest daughter who had lived two years in Oregon, and established himself on a farm in Polk Co., Ore., where he remained untU his death. ChUdren, the first five born in Marietta, the others near Pitts field : 636. i. Maria,* b. July 31, 1828. 637. ii. Harriet, b. Sept. 12, 1829. 638. iii. Naomi, b. Sept. 24, 1831. iv. Jonas, b. Aug. 30, 1833. 639. V. Lot, b. Aug. II, 1835. vi. William Andrew, b. Aug. 9, 1838; m. May 14, 1890, in Salem, Ore., Mrs. Catherine (Bogle) Beatly, who d. April 8, 1897, in DaUas, Ore. No chUdren. He enlisted in the First Oregon Cavalry Vols., Jan. 7, 1862, and was discharged Dec. 30, 1862, on account of sickness. vii. Ann, b. May 23, 1841 ; d. young. viii. Leonard Ross, b. May 20, 1842; m. (i) Serena Jane Alfrey ; m. ( 2 ) Mary Zumwalt. 640. ix. Mary Ann, b. Sept. 16, 1844. x. Sarah Ellen, b. May 10, 1847 ; unm. 325 Oliver' Livermore {Jonas? Oliver? Oliver? Daniel? Sam uel? John') was born June 27, 1798, in Shirley; died Aug. 14, 1832; married (i) Nancy Williams of Madison Co., 111., who died in 1830; married (2) in 1831, Clarinda Robinson. ChUdren : i. A son,* b. ; d. in infancy. ii. Mary, b. Jan. 26, 1826 ; d. May 19, 1863. iii. Louisa, b. Nov. 12, 1827; d. in Jan., 1852. iv. Jane, b. in 1829; d. in 1830. 220 Livermore Family V. Elizabeth, b. Dec. 8, 1831 ; she was graduated June 24, 1854, at Monticello Seminary, in Illinois, and has made teaching the business of her life ; for more than seven years she was at the head of an institution num bering sixty pupils. 326 Andrew Park' Livermore {Jonas? Oliver? Oliver? Daniel? Samuel? John') was born June 10, 1806, in Shirley; died Feb. I, 1880, in Point Pleasant, 111. ; married Sept. 9, 1827, in Marietta, Ohio, Betsey Fuller, where she was born, Sept. 9, 1807. The famUy moved to Warren Co., 111., in 1839, and settled in Coldbrook. He was a Republican and a Universa list ; he was the first town clerk in Point Pleasant township, and held other town offices including road commissioner. All the children live near the paternal home. ChUdren, the first six born in Marietta, the others in Cold- brook : i. Oliver,* b. July 29, 1828; d. Aug. 28, 1842, in Cold- brook. 641. n. Derrick, b. Aug. 28, 1830. in. RusseU, b. AprU 3, 1832 ; d. Aug. 28, 1850, in Cold- brook. 642. iv. Andrew Park, b. Aug. 28, 1834. 643. V. John Kelsey, b. Aug. 9, 1836. vi. Weston Thomas, b. Dec. 29, 1838. He enlisted Aug. 2, 1862, in company C, 83d 111. Vol. infantry, and was principal musician. They went into camp at Fort Hindman, Tenn. ; he was in the battle of Fort Don- elson, Feb. 3, 1S63; thence he went to ClarksviUe, NashviUe, and Florence; he was in a skirmish at Pulaski ; then through parts of Alabama, and returned to ClarksviUe where he remained until mustered out at the close of the war. vii. Jonas Jasper, b. June 19, 1841 ; d. May 8, 1862, in Point Pleasant. 644. viii. Socrates Stevens, b. Nov. 10, 1S43. 645. ix. Charles Carroll, b. Oct. 24, 1847. 646. X. William Rufus, b. Oct. 6, 1850. Sevetith Generation 221 327 William' Livermore ( William? Oliver? Oliver? Daniel? Samuel? John') was born July 9, 1803, in Groton ; died Nov. 4, 1894, in Groton; married (i) Sept. 7, 1830, Sarah C. Lawrence of Cohasset ; died Aug. 30, 1831, aged 22 years; married (2) Nov. II, 1832, in Boston, Harriet, daughter of WUliam and Tabitha (TUton) Livermore, born Nov. 16, 1804, in Alstead, N. H. ; died May 17, i8gi, in Groton. He was for several years before and after marriage a grocer in Boston, afterwards buying a farm in Groton, where he lived the rest of his life. He was a successful farmer, and sustained the office of deacon in the First Congregational Church of the town for many years. He was town treasurer in 1845, and represented the town in the State Legislature in 1845, 1846, 1869. Children, the first three born in Boston, the others in Groton : i. Infant,* b. Aug., 1831 ; d. young. ii. Ellen Augusta, b. Dec. 30, 1833 ; d. there Mar. 8, 1838. 647. iii. Sarah Elizabeth, b. Feb. 28, 1836. iv. William Henry, b. Sept. 11, 1840; d. there June 24, 1846. V. George Stearns, b. July 12, 1846 ; d. there Nov. 17, i860. 328 Daniel' Livermore ( William? Oliver? Oliver? Datiiel? Samuel? John') was born March 26, 1805, in Groton; died Jan. 9, 1882, in Orange; married May 15, 1831, AbigaU, daughter of WUliam and Hannah (Porter) Tuck of Beverly, born May 30, 1805, in Hambleton, N. Y. ; died Feb. 25, 1881, in Shirley. Soon after marriage they moved to Plymouth, Mich., but soon returned to Groton, where he was a farmer for many years ; they then removed to Lunenburg, and finally in 1869 to Shirley, where he lived the rest of his life. He was a deacon of the Second Congregational Church ; while on a visit to his daughter in Orange he died at her house. ChUdren, the first two born in Plymouth, the others in Groton : 648. i. WiUiam,* b. July i, 1832. 222 Livermore Family n. Charles, b. AprU 26, 1834; d. Feb. 16, 1881, in Shir ley, unm. ; he enlisted as a private in company B, 6th regiment, Mass. Vols., and served from July 17 to Oct. 27, 1864. iii. De Witt Clinton, b. July 16, 1836 ; d. aged 8 months. iv. De Witt Clinton, b. Feb. 16, 1838; d. aged 10 months. 649. V. Rufus, b. Nov. I, 1839. vi. Albert, b. May 20, 1842 ; d. there Oct. 27, i860. 650. vu. Abbie M., b. June 13, 1850. 329 Nathaniel' Livermore ( William? Oliver? Oliver? Daniel? Samuel? John') was born March 8, 1807, in Groton; died there Oct. 2, 1893; married (i) Aug. 18, 1832, in Boston, Elizabeth W. Lawrence of Cohasset; married (2) Jan. 16, 1850, Mrs. Nancy (Blood) Fitch, daughter of Thomas and Milley Blood of Groton, born there June 5, 1812 ; died there Dec. 7, 1875 ; mar ried (3) Sept. I, 1881, in Bedford, N. H., Rebecca MUler, daugh ter of Francis C. and Rebecca (MUler) Champney, born Aug. 6, 1822. No chUdren. 330 Betsey' Livermore ( William? Oliver? Oliver? Daniel? Sam uel? John') was born Aug. 29, 181 1, in Groton; died there Jan. I, 1 87 1 ; married May 3, 1835, Charles, son of Abel and Han nah (Spalding) Prescott of Groton, born there Nov. 21, 1809; died there May 31, 1875. ChUdren (Prescott), born in Groton : i. Charles Livermore,* b. Feb. 22, 1836; d. there Oct. 2, 1837- 651. ii. Ellen Augusta, b. Aug. 18, 1838. iii. Betsey Ames, b. Mar. 22, 1840; d. there Mar. 24, 1859. iv. Charles Cooledge, b. May 26, 1844; he enlisted as a private in company B, 26th regiment, Mass. Vols., and was honorably discharged Aug. 26, 1865. 331 Lucinda' Livermore {David? Oliver? Oliver? Daniel? Sam uel? John') was born Sept. 19, 1S02, in Shiriey; died Aug. 7, Sevetith Generatibn 223 1832; married in June, 1823, Almond Morse of Lunenburg, born Dec. 31, 1799; died AprU 14, 1842. Children (Morse), born in Shirley : i. Jane Lucinda,* b. July 24, 1S24; d. April 26, 1856; m. Oct. 9, 185 1, Oliver N. Wing of Shirley. Child (Wing) : I. Almond Morse? b. Jan. 5, 1853, in Shirley. 652. n. Mary Park, b. Aug. 11, 1828. 332 Catherine' Livermore {David? Oliver? Oliver? Daniel? Samuel? John') was born Nov. ii, 1806, in Shirley; married Dec. 17, 1835, Nathaniel Holden of Shiriey, born Jan. 21, 1800; died Oct. i, 1874, in Ayer. Children (Holden) : i. Almond Morse,* b. Feb. 19, 1837. ii. Catherine Bond, b. May 27, 1839. iii. Granville, b. Mar. 14, 1841. 333 Jane Park' Livermore {David? Oliver? Oliver? Daniel? Samuel? John') was born Dec. 2, 181 1, in Shirley; died Aug. 27, 1847, in Montezuma, N. Y. ; married Aug. 16, 1835, in Shirley, Abel, son of Abel and Hannah (King) Longley, born there March 5, 181 1 ; when on a journey overland to California he was robbed and murdered, June 2, 1856. ChUdren (Longley) : i. Margaret B.,* b. May 22, 1836, in Shirley; m. AprU 14, 1859, Samuel Farnsworth; they lived in Ayer. ii. Julia Clark, b. AprU 18, 1839, in Montezuma; m. Nov. 13, 1862, Oliver N. Wing ; they were living in Chelsea in 1882. Child (Wing) : I. Edward Longley? b. Aug. 19, 1866, in Shirley. iii. LUlian Ella, b. AprU 18, 1845, in Montezuma; d. Mar., 1862, in Savannah, Wayne Co., N. Y. 224 Livermore Family 334 Charles' Livermore {David? Oliver? Oliver? Daniel? Sam uel? John') was born March 24, 18 14, in Shirley; died Oct. 12, 1867, in Tully, N. Y. ; married Dec. 2, 1847, in Fitchburg, Lucy Elizabeth, daughter of Josephus and Betsey R. Merriam, born March 17, 1828, in Westport, N. Y. He lived in Shirley until he was twenty-one years old, when he went to Leominster, remaining there one year, engaged in the shoe-making trade ; removing to Fitchburg, he began business as a shoe dealer, at various times carrying on both a wholesale and retail trade, in which he proved quite successful. He was chorister of two church choirs, a Freemason, a member of the mUitia and other organizations during his residence in Fitchburg. In 1856 he sold his store and moved to Tully. ChUdren, born in Fitchburg : i. EUen Frances,* b. June 3, 1849 ; m. Thomas J. E. Dunk, and lives in Jacksonville, Fla. For many years she was a school teacher in Fitchburg. n. Charles WiUiam, b. Mar. 24, 1852 ; d. Aug. 19, 1853, in Middlebury, Vt. iii. George Edward, b. AprU 4, 1854 ; d. Sept. 4, 1891, in Lowell ; a graduate of Dartmouth Medical College in 1883 ; he practiced in Lowell, and was formerly assistant physician in Tewksbury. iv. Frederick Herbert, b. Mar. 5, 1856 ; d. Sept. 3, i860, in Tully. 335 Margaret' Livermore {David? Oliver? Oliver? Daniel? Samuel? John') was born Oct. 25, 1819, in Shiriey; married there Jan. 3, 1850, Robert P., son of Robert and Hannah Woods, born in 18 18 in Pepperell ; at one time they were living in PhUadelphia. ChUdren (Woods), born in Shiriey : i. Lucy Livermore,* b. Dec. 9, 1850. ii. Alice Parker, b. Jan. n, 1852. iii. An infant. Seventh Getieration 225 335a Lucy' Livermore {Amos? Amos? Oliver? Daniel? Samuel? Johtt') was born June 14, 1796, in Watertown; died May 21, 1873, in Belmont; married Oct. 14, 1819, in Watertown, Dan iel, son of Paul and Ann (Sanger) Learned, born Aug. 31, i79i» in Watertown ; died March 2, 1864, in Belmont. Children (Learned), born in Watertown : i. Lucy Ann,* b. Oct. 2, 182 1. 652a. ii. Daniel Francis, b. May 23, 1825. 6523. iii. Harriet Louisa, b. AprU 15, 1827. iv. EUza Jane, b. Feb. 6, 1829 ; d. there May 21, 1829. 652^. v. Adeline Elizabeth, b. Oct. 5, 1831. 336 Thomas' Livermore {Amos? Amos? Oliver? Daniel? Sam uel? John') was born May 30, 1798, in Watertown; died March 28, 1873, in Belmont; married AprU 20, 1824, in Watertown, his cousin Sarah Clark, daughter of Joshua and Hepzibah (Liver more) Grant, bom there Jan. 6, 1803; died May 31, 1888, in Belmont. For many generations the homestead of the famUy has been on what is now School street, in the north-eastern part of the old town of Watertown, and in the vicinity of Fresh Pond. The house in which he was born was burned in his boyhood, and replaced by his father with the present spacious dwelling. His advantages of education were limited to the district school, then open but a few months in the year. The work and respon- sibUity of the farm, intercourse with men, and acquaintance with practical affairs formed his chief means of education. Early in life he united with the First Congregational (Unitarian) Church of the town. He was chosen a deacon of this church in his twenty-fourth year, an office which he held for more than half a century. He early became a member of the Watertown and Waltham Artillery Company, of which he was chosen lieuten ant in 1 82 1, and rose to be captain, major of the First Regiment of ArtUlery, First Brigade, Third Division, M. V. M., in 1825, lieutenant colonel in 1828, and colonel in 1829. He was elected first lieutenant of the Ancient and Honorable ArtiUery Com- 226 Livermore Family pany of Boston in 1834. He seems never to have lost his interest in mUitary parades, and long after he had withdrawn from the company he used to attend the trainings and musters. He was deeply interested in politics ; in early life an ardent Whig, he remained true to that party untU the great struggle for freedom in Kansas, when he became identified with the Free SoU, and afterwards with the Republican party. In 1844 he was elected on the Whig ticket to the House of Representa tives of the State Legislature ; but when that party broke up, on the slavery issue, he took his stand on the side of freedom and ever after gave his vote and influence to sustain the good cause. He was elected on the board of selectmen in Watertown from 1840 to 1846 and from 1857 to 1859, and for two years was a member of the school committee. In 1859, when Bel mont was incorporated, that portion of Watertown, where he lived, was annexed to the new town. Here he became identified with a new church and a new community. He was soon chosen on the board of selectmen and one of the assessors. He was a member of Pequosette Lodge, A. F. and A. M., Watertown. His chUdren, Convers Francis Livermore and Hepsie Cotting Livermore are stiU living together in the homestead on School street. ChUdren, born in Watertown : i. Thomas Henry,* b. July 3, 1825; d. June 12, 1872, in Evansville, Ind., unm. u. Maria, b. Aug. 9, 1827 ; d. Mar. 16, 1902, in Belmont, unm. iii. Sarah, b. Sept. 9, 1829; d. Dec. 26, 1829. 653. iv. Sarah Jane, b. Dec. 7, 1830. V. Joshua Grant, b. Feb., 1833 ; d. Mar. 1833. vi. Convers Francis, b. Mar. 10, 1834 ; unm. He was a ser geant in the 2d battery light artUlery, from July 31, 1861, to Aug. 16, 1864. vii. Hepsie Cotdng, b. Aug. i, 1836; unm. viii. Amos Henry, b. Dec. 10, 1839 ; d- there June 22, 1854. ix. Abbie Ann, b. May 8, 1843 ; d. Dec. 25, 1870, in Bel mont. x. Mary Elvira, b. Sept, 7, 1846; d. Aug. 5, 1848. Seventh Generation 227 337 Grace Sanderson' Livermore {Amos? Amos? Oliver? Dan iel? Samuel? Johti') was born March 29, 1809, in Watertown; married there Oct. 4, 1832, George, son of Alpheus and Eunice (Mixer) Bigelow, born Oct. 14, 1803, in Weston. [See Bigelow Genealogy.] ChUdren (Bigelow), the eldest and youngest born in Weston, the others in Watertown : i. George Estes,* b. June 26, 1834; d. May i, 1840. n. Grace Maria, b. May 9, 1836. iii. Elijah Howard, b. Sept. 8, 1839. iv. Emma Gertrude, b. Jan. 15, 1846. 338 Mary Ann Dana' Livermore {Amos? Amos? Oliver? Dan iel? Samuel? John') was born July 4, 1811, in Watertown; died there March 21, 1900; married AprU 24, 1833, WiUiam Sher man of Wayland ; died Jan. 22, 1890. ChUdren (Sherman) : 654. i. William Henry,* b. April 14, 1835. 655. ii. Mary Elizabeth, b. June 9, 1837. iii. George Dexter, b. Sept. 4, 1838: m. Jan. 27, i88i,Mrs, Caroline A. Wright of SomerviUe. iv. Alfred Augustus, b. Mar. 14, 1840. V. Charles Franklin, b. Mar. 12, 1842. vi. Frederic, b. Feb. 3, 1844; d. Dec. 31, 1889. 339 Elisha' Livermore {Elisha? Amos? Oliver? Daniel? Sam uel? John') was born June 17, 1804, in Watertown; died Feb. I, 1889, in Wellesley HUls ; married April 16, 1835, in Newton, Faith Seavems, daughter of George WUson and Faith (Seaverns) Hoogs, born April 15, 1817, in Needham; died June 4, 1865, in Boston. He was a baker. ChUdren, born in Waltham : i. Faith Jane,* b. May 16, 1836 ; d. there Jan. i, 1837. 656. ii. Oliver Cromwell, b. July 21, 1838. 657. in. Albert Hoogs, b. Oct. 6, 1840. iv. Elizabeth Jane, b. Feb. 10, 1847 ; unm. 228 Livermore Family 340 Charles' Livermore {Jonathan? Jonathan? Oliver? Daniel? Samuel? John') was born Jan. 26, 1809, in Brighton ; died Dec. 19, 1857. in South Windsor, Me.; married Aug. 20, 1829, in Cambridge, Mary Spear Mason, born there AprU 14, 1806 ; died Sept. 9, 1875, in Providence, R. I. Children : 658. i. Charles Walter,* b. AprU 29, 1830, in Harvard. ii. Samuel, b. ; d. young. 341 Jonathan' Livermore {Jonathati? Jotuithan? Oliver? Datiiel? Samuel? John') was born Nov. i, 18 10, in Brighton; died there July 10, 1877; married Martha K., daughter of Samson and Martha Claflin, born Jan. 5, 1812, in Hopkinton ; died Aug. 23, 1884, in Brighton. He kept a tavern. Children, born in Brighton : i. George Albert,* b. Feb. 22, 1833. n. Edward Everett, b. June 17, 1834; d. there June 13, 1885, unm. ni. AmeUa Ann, b. Aug. 29, 1837 ; m. there Mar. 15, 1857, Daniel W., son of George and Ann Hyde, b. in 1830, in Newton. Child (Hyde) : Daniel.') iv. EUen Maria, b. Sept. 24, 1839. 342 Aaron' Livermore {Jotmthan? Jonathati? Oliver? Datiiel? Samuel? John') was born Nov. 5, 1813, in Brighton; died Dec. 31, 1872, in Boston; married there Oct. 27, 1840, Hannah Wyman, daughter of William and Martha (Adams) Faxon, born there May 17, 18 16; died there AprU 30, 1872. He was a merchant in Boston. ChUdren, born in Boston : i. Annie,* b. June 17, 1842 ; d. there Oct. 27, 1867, unm. n. Grace, b. June 7, 1846 ; d. Sept. 3, 1882, unm. Seventh Getieration 229 343 Eunice' Livermore {Jonatluiti? Jotuithan? Oliver? Datiiel? Satnuel? John') was born Feb. i, 1817, in Brighton; died Feb. 25, 1880; married May 20, 1839, Samuel Smith, son of Henry Heath and Lydia (Trask) Learned, born Jan. 14, 181 5. ChUdren (Learned) : i. Mary Frances,* b. Nov. 20, 1842 ; m. Jan. 23, 1867, George Walter Claflin of New York. ii. Edward Henry, b. Aug. 13, 1844; d. April 9, 1897, in Brighton; m. Jan. 5, 187 1, Susan EUzabeth Dear born. Child (Learned) : Henry Heath,') b. Nov. 13, 187 1, in Brighton. iii. George Smith, b. Feb. 9, 1855 ; d. June 24, 1872. 344 William' Livermore {Jonathan? JonatJian? Oliver? Dati iel? Satnuel? John') was born July 2, 18 19, in Brighton; died there Dec. 29, 1888; married Nov. 29, 1844, in Weston, Sarah Elizabeth, daughter of Charles and Persis (Weston) Warren, born there Sept. 15, 1822; died Aug. 13, 1890, in Brighton. He was a farmer. Child, born in Brighton : 659. i. William Warren,* b. July 6, 1846. 345 George' Fisher {Sarah? Jonathan? Oliver? Daniel? Sam uel? John') was born Feb. 15, 1820, in Cambridge; died there Sept. 12, 1898; married there March 16, 1840, Hannah Cor delia Teele, born Oct. 19, 18 19, in Charlestown; died in 1894, in Cambridge. He was a close personal friend of Elias Howe, the inventor of the sewing machine, and rendered him consider able aid at a time when the enterprise seemed likely to faU for financial reasons. He accompanied Mr. Howe to Washington, D. C, when he went to attempt to get a patent, both wearing suits made on the new invention, and it was thought that in obtaining the patent these suits rendered very material aid. 230 Livermore Family ChUdren (Fisher), born in Cambridge, and all but the first two died there : i. Sarah Cordelia,* b. Oct. 10, 1841 ; m. Nov. 29, 1887, in Cambridge, Austin Clark Wellington, the widower of her sister Caroline. No children. n. Caroline Louisa, b. Nov. 8, 1843; d. Nov. 23, 1879, in Boston; m. June 30, 1869, in Cambridge, Austin Clark Wellington, b. July 17, 1840, in Lexington; d. Sept. 18, 1888, in Cambridge. No children. in. George, b. Oct. 10, 1845; d. Sept. 19, 1846. iv. Anna Josephine, b. July 26, 1847 ; d. July 24, 185 1. V. Harriet Ellen, b. June 2, 1849 ; d. Mar. 25, 1850. vi. Lizzie Livermore, b. Sept. 4, 1851 ; d. Jan. 17, 1853. vii. Eliza Bennett, b. Oct. i, 1853 ; d. Sept. 4, 1875. vin. George, b. Mar. 26, 1856 ; d. Mar. 19, i860. ix. George WiUiam, b. July 6, 1858; d. July 15, 1876. 346 Jabez' Fisher {Sarah? Jonathati? Oliver? Datiiel? Sattiuel? John') was born AprU 20, 1824, in Cambridge; married (i) Oct. 8, 1845, in Cambridge, Roxanna Betton, born there June 20, 1824; died Dec. 15, 1858, in Fitchburg; married (2) Feb. 12, i860, in Fitchburg, Lucy Brigham Hosmer, born there March 24, 1834. ChUdren (Fisher) : 660. i. Mary Livermore,* b. Nov. 14, 1846, in Cambridge. ii. Ellen Maria, b. July 30, 1848, in Waterford, Me; d. Aug. 22, 1849, in Cambridge. 661. in. Jabez Franklin, b. Aug. 30, 1850, in Cambridge. iv. Sarah Louisa, b. AprU 20, 1854, in Fitchburg ; d. there Aug. 3, 1855. V. Anna, b. Dec. 10, 1858, in Fitchburg; d. there Jan. 14, 1859. 347 Oliver Willard' Livermore {Oliver? Jonathan? Oliver? Datiiel? Samuel? John') was born AprU 2, 18 19, in Brighton; married May 25, 1845, in Groton, Elizabeth, daughter of John Sevetith Generation 231 and AbigaU Peabody, born there June 4, 1821; died April 13, 1902, in Cambridgeport. He was a trader and tanner, a farmer and ice-dealer. ChUdren, born in Framingham : i. Emma Elizabeth,* b. Feb. 28, 1847; d. Feb. 21, 1875, in Shrewsbury; m. July 22, 1867, in Newburyport, Lyman Codman, son of WUliam B. and Anna G. (Baker) Newton, b. in 1842, in Shrewsbury. ii. Sarah Jennie, b. Mar. 14, 1854. in. Frederick Oliver, b. July 8, 1855. 348 Lois' Livermore {Oliver? JonatJian? Oliver? Daniel? Sam uel? John') was born Sept. 23, 1820, in Brighton; died April 13, 1885, in Cambridge; married Nov. 30, 1843, in Brighton, Edmund Smith, born Aug. 15, 1807, in Waltham. ChUdren (Smith), born in Brighton : i. Francis Livermore,* b. Nov. 15, 1844; m. Jan. 14, 1869, Martha Ann Hammond. ii. Lois Anna, b. Dec. 24, 1845 ; m. Robert Burton Willis. iu. Oliver EUiot, b. Dec. 31, 1853. iv. Herbert Vernon, b. Jan. 22,* 1856; m. in Cambridge, Elizabeth Raymond Wiswell. Three children. 349 George Francis' Livermore {Oliver? Jonathati? Oliver? Daniel? Samuel? John') was born June 21, 1830, in Brighton; married Nov. 22, i860, in Newton, Mary Augusta, daughter of Alvin and Mary Dexter, born AprU 3, 1840, in Boston. He was with Albert Brackett, a coal dealer in Newton. Children, born in Newton : i. Mabel Augusta,* b. Oct. 2>o, 1861; married there Jan. 24, 1895, Alvah Arey, son of WiUiam H. and Ruth (Newcomb) Atwood, born in Chelsea in 1858. Oliver Dexter, b. April 11, 1866. George Courtney, b. Mar. 6, 1871. Wendell Brackett, b. Nov. 19, 1876. 662. u, 663. iii, iv. 232 Livertnore Family 350 Martha Robbins' Hastings {Martha? Jonathan? Oliver? Daniel? Samuel? John,') was born Aug. 31, 1824; died March 12, 1858 ; married Nov. 29, 1852, Henry Whitney of Cambridge, born in AprU, 1820; died Feb. 9, 1882, in Cambridgeport. Children (Whitney) : i. Walter Hastings,* b. Sept. r6, 1853. ii. Caroline, b. July 14, 1855 ; d. Nov. 13, 1856. 351 Thomas Nelson' Hastings {Martha? Jonathan? Oliver? Datiiel? Samuel? John') was born Dec. 9, 1825 ; died Jan. 22, 1859 ; married (i) in 1850, Emeline French, daughter of Jared and Hephzibah (Swain) Coffin of Brighton; died Jan. 3, 1855, in East Cambridge; married (2) in 1856, Harriet, daughter of Ephraim and Harriet (Mead) Holland of Walpole, N. H. ChUdren (Hastings) : i. George Nelson,* b. July 25, 1851. ii. William French, b. Mar. 17, 1853. iii. Henry Baxter, b. Dec. 25, 1854. iv. Edward Holland, b. Feb. i, 1857. V. Thomas Nelson, b. May 23, 1858. 352 Sarah Fisher' Livermore {George? JonatJian? Oliver? Datiiel? Samuel? Jo Jin') was born April 23, 1834, in Brighton; died there Dec. 22, 1895 ; married there Jan. 29, 1868, Henry Judson, son of Judson and Judith Murdock. Children (Murdock) born in Brighton : i. Carrie Livermore,* b. April 26, 1869. ii. Belle Brigham, b. Dec. 14, 1871. 353 George Brigham' Livermore {Geotge? JonatJuxn? Oliver? Daniel? Samuel? JoJm') was born May 11, 1836, in Brighton; married there June 18, 1867, Betsey, daughter of Joseph and Betsey P. (Woodbury) Duncklee,^ born there Nov. 25, 1842; died there March 19, 1874. He was a member of the State Seventh Getieration 233 Legislature in 1 880-8 1, and also of Bethesda Lodge, F. and A. M. He lives in Brighton. ChUdren, born in Brighton : i. Georgia Duncklee,* b. Sept. 13, 1870; m. there Oct. 14, 1896, Herbert Alva, son of Alva J. and Helen F. Wilson of Brighton, b. there in 1870. ii. Harry Brigham, b. Sept. 26, 1873. 354 Henry Munroe' Livermore {George? JonatJian? Oliver? Daniel? Samuel? JoJin') was born Jan. 5, 1841, in Brighton; died Dec. 4, 1891, in Brookline; married July 30, 1868, in Brighton, Kate Louise, daughter of Andrew J. and Sarah J. Willcutt, born June 23, 1850, in Boston. ChUdren : - i. Gertrude Willcut,* b. May 14, 1869, in Boston; m. Nov. 23, 1893, in Brighton, H. Albert, son of Albert D. and Hannah M. Henderson. Child (Henderson) : I. Mildred? b. April 5, 1895. ii. George, b. June 13, 1870, in Brighton; d. Dec. 4, 1901, in Boston. 355 Stephen Dexter' Bennett {Elizabeth? JonatJian? Oliver? Daniel? Satnuel? Johti') was born July 15, 1838, in Brighton; married there Dec. 17, 1861, Helen Frances, daughter of Albert and Caroline (Keith) Howe, born Aug. 29, 1841, in Roxbury. They live in Brookline. ChUdren (Bennett), the youngest born in Brookline, the others in Cambridge : i. Henry Dexter,* b. Sept. 6, 1862. ii. Stephen Howe, b. Sept. 24, 1865. ui. Helen Maud, b. Oct. 23, 1868. iv. Elizabeth Dexter, b. Sept. 25, 1874. 356 Martha Maria' Wood {Grace? Moses? Nathaniel? TJiomas? Samuel? JoJm') was born Jan. 12, 1805, in Fitchburg; died March 17, 1869, in Gansevoort, N. Y. ; married Feb. 7, 1830, 234 Livermore Family in Fitchburg, Jotham FuUer, born there March 31, 1800; died in 1872, in Gansevoort. ChUdren (Fuller), born in Gansevoort : 664. i. Lydia Ann,* b. Nov. 12, 1830. ii. Emmeline Coolidge, b. Jan. 23, 1833. in. Thomas Scott, b. AprU 20, 1836. iv. Helen Sophia, b. Aug. 29, 1838; d. Nov. 11, 1852. V. John Henry, b. Oct. 5, 1840; d. Nov. 26, 1842. vi. David Addison, b. Sept. 11, 1843; d. Dec. 17, 1844. vii. Grace Maria, b. Sept. 22, 1845. viii. Samuel Austin, b. Oct. 13, 1848. 357 Mary Ann' Wood {Grace? Moses? Nathaniel? TJiomas? Samuel? John') was born May 30, 1810, in Fitchburg; married Oct. 29, 1840, in Gansevoort, N. Y., David Welch, born there July 26, 1802 ; died there July 21, 1875. ChUdren (Welch), bom in Gansevoort : i. Martha Jane,* b. Feb. 25, 1844. ii. Grace Amelia, b. May 20, 1849. 358 Marshall' Livermore {TJiomas? Moses? Natlianiel? TJiom as? Samuel? JoJm') was born AprU 3, 1826, in Fitchburg; married Feb. 6, 1850, in Ashby, Clarissa, daughter of Horace and Hannah (Sheldon) Lawrence, born there Dec. 3, 1828. He was a mason. ChUdren, born in Boston : i. Florence Estelle,* b. May 22, 1850; m. Oct. i, 1868, Charles GUman, son of James Clarke and Susan A. P. Burgess, b. Feb. 24, 1845, in Philadelphia. Child (Burgess), born in Boston : I. Bertha E.? b. Oct. 24, 1S72 ; d. there Oct. 9, 188S. u. Bertha W., b. Oct. 24, 1855 ; d. there Feb. 5, 1858. ni. Ralph Edward, b. July 24, 1861 ; d. there June 6, 1863. 665. iv. Homer Fiske, b. Sept. 16, 1864. Sevetith Getieration 235 359 Joel Wheeler' Livermore {TJiomas? Moses? Natlianiel? TJiomas? Samuel? John') was born Jan. 21, 1832, in Fitchburg ; married May 5, 1870, in Geneseo, IU., Catherine Ocker, born Aug. 31, 1844, in Middletown, Ohio. He is a carpenter in Geneseo; he served in the 112th regiment IU. Vols., for three years in the CivU war. ChUdren, born in Geneseo : i. Jennie Melissa,* b. Feb. 6, 1871. U. Etta Viola, b. Jan. 8, 1877. 360 Thomas' Livermore ( Thomas? Moses? Nathaniel? Thomas? Satnuel? JoJin') was born Nov. 4, 1834, in Fitchburg; married May I, 1869, in Marlboro, EUen M., daughter of Edward and Catherine H. (Whitney) Clark, born Jan. 3, 1843, in Weston; died March 15, 1878, in Marlboro. He is a shoemaker. Children, born in Marlboro : i. Edward John,* b. June 29, 1870. ii. William, b. Dec. 6, 1871. iii. Eugene, b. Dec. 4, 1873. iv. George H., b. May 29, 1876 ; d. same day. 361 Nathaniel Webster' Hastings {Melinda? John? Natlianiel? Thomas? Samuel? John') was born Jan. 3, 1817; married Nov. 5, 1843, in Roxbury, Susan Crosby Danforth, born Nov. 6, 1816, in BUlerica; died May 29, 1889, in Taunton. Children (Hastings) : i. Francis Bernard,* b. Feb. 8, 1845, in Roxbury. ii. Joseph Henry, b. Mar. 18, 1847, in Roxbury. iii. Susan, b. Feb. 18, 1852, in Quincy. iv. Fanny Almira, b. July 17, 1855, in Quincy. V. Lucy Ann, b. May 3, 1857, in Bedford; d. there Oct. 27, 1857. vi. William, b. Aug. 31, 1859, in Milton; d. there Aug. 21, 1861. 236 Livermore Fatnily 362 George Washington' Hastings {Melinda? JoJm? Nathan iel? TJiomas? Samuel? JoJin') was born July 29, 1820; married in Nov., 1853, in Middle Island, N. Y., Jerusha Ann Randall, born there March 11, 1823. ChUdren (Hastings) : i. Annie Phebe,* b. May 23, 1855, in Middle Island. ii. Sarah Melinda, b. Aug. 23, 1857, in Port Jefferson, N. Y. ; m. Carmon B. Howell of Port Jefferson. iii. Joseph Orlando, b. Sept. 11, i860, in Middle Island; m. Louisa Meyers of New Haven. iv. George Sylvester, b. Nov. 11, 1862, in Port Jefferson; m. Louise H. Smith of East Patchogue. 363 Fanny Livermore' Hastings {Melinda? John? Natlianiel? Thomas? Samuel? John') was born Oct. 29, 1822, in Roxbury ; married there March 30, 1845, John Langdon Stanton, born May 9, 1 8 19, in Brookfield, N. H. Children (Stanton) : i. WUliam Langdon,* b. June 23, 1850, in Roxbury; d. there Nov. 27, 1853. ii, Mary Livermore, b. Dec. 30, 1854, in Brunswick, Me. 364 Rachel Morse' Livermore {Leotmrd? JoJiti? Natlianiel? Thomas? Samuel? John') was born May 27, 1820, in Bruns wick, Me.; died there May 28, 1852; married there Oct. i, 1839, Joshua PhUbrook Storer, born there July 9, 1815 ; died there Jan. 17, 1871. ChUdren (Storer), born in Brunswick : i. Annie Livermore,* b. Aug, 16, 1840; d. there Sept. i, 1874. ii. Emily Marcy, b. May 6, 1846. in, Joshua PhUbrook, b. Dec. 28, 1849; d. there Mar. 6, 1852. Sevetith Generation 237 365 Mary Jane' Livermore {Leonard? JoJiti? Nathaniel? Thomas? Samuel? JoJm') was born June 26, 1830, in Brunswick, Me. ; died there July 4, 1857 ; married there in 1847, Elbridge Hig gins, born Aug. 16, 18 19, in Richmond, Me.; died in MobUe, Ala., in 1855. ChUdren (Higgins) : i. Frances Helena,* b. April 21, 1848, in Richmond ; d. in Mobile in 1850. ii. Georgianna Morse, b. July 13, 1850, in Mobile ; m. Phil- brook D. Barstow. ni. Frank Elbridge, b. Aug, 7, 1852, in Mobile ; d. in 1853. iv. Mary Elbridge, b. Dec. 30, 1854, in Mobile ; m. Mar. 30, 1875, in Roxbury, Charles Dana Barrett. 366 Emma Gertrude' Livermore {Josiah? David? Nathaniel? Thomas? Samuel? Johti') was born Nov. 13, 1849, in Boston ; married Nov. 18, 1868, in Boston, Henry Clay, son of WUliam and Caroline (Parker) Nichols, born Feb. 5, 1844, in Westmin ster ; they five in Piety Corner, Waltham. ChUdren (Nichols), born in Boston : i. Harry Frederick,* b. Aug. 28, 1869. ii. Frank William, b. Aug. 15, 1876. 367 Edward Marshall' Livermore {Isaac? Nathaniel? NatJiati- iel? Thomas? Samuel? John') was born Oct. 5, 1823, in Cam bridge; married AprU 18, 1849, in New York, Julia Cabot, daughter of Dr. Samuel Pomeroy White, died there Dec. 11, 1889. He became a member of the Ancient and Honorable ArtUlery Company in 1846, and was then a wool dealer at 38 Pearl street, Boston ; he was first sergeant of the Artillery Com pany in 1 848, and was honorably discharged June 4, 1 849 ; he was also quartermaster, with the rank of lieutenant, of the i6th Mass. Vols, from Aug. i, 1861, to July 7, 1862. He lives in New York. No chUdren. 238 Livermore Fatnily 368 Jane Cornelia' Livermore {Isaac? Natlianiel? Natlianiel* TJiomas? Samuel? JoJm') was bom Aug. 23, 1825, in Cam bridge; died Aug. 19, 1888, in Greenwich, Conn.; married June 3, 1847, in Cambridge, Hon. Anson Burlingame, born Nov. 14, 1820, in New Berlin, N. Y. ; died Feb. 23, 1870, in St. Petersburg, Russia. He was representative to Congress from Massachusetts 1855-61; ambassador to China 1861-67; and negotiated, as special ambassador from China, treaties with the United States, England, Denmark, Sweden, Holland and Prussia. ChUdren (Burlingame) born in Cambridge : i. Edward Livermore,* b. May 30, 1848. He is editor-in- chief of Scribner's Magazine. u. Walter Angell, b. Dec. 3, 1852. in. Gertrude, b. July 13, 1858. 369 Sarah Elizabeth' Livermore {Isaac? NatJianiel? Natluxn- iel? TJiomas? Samuel? JoJm') was born Oct. 31, 1827, in Cam bridge; married (i) June 17, 1856, Dr. Aaron Larkin Leland, died Nov. 14, 1858, in Detroit, Mich., aged 45 ; married (2) Oct. 6, 1875, in Cambridge, as his second wife, George Patrick, son of Gov. George N. and Harriet (Hall) Briggs, born March 4, 1822, in South Adams; died March 26, 1882, m Pittsfield; graduated vrith honors at WUliams in 1842, and was a member of the Phi Beta Kappa ; he studied law at Pittsfield and at the Harvard Law School, where he received the degree of LL. B. in 1846; practiced in Boston and Lawrence untU 1861, when he settled in Pittsfield, and engaged in farming. ChUdren (Leland), born in Detroit : i. Sarah Shippen,* b. May 30, 1857 ; d. May 17, 1864. ii. Aaron Larkin, b. Dec, 1858 ; d. same month. 370 Charles Frederick' Livermore {Isaac? NatJianiel? Natlian iel? Thomas? Samuel? John') was born March 13, 1830, in Cambridge; married Jan. 26, 1859, in Newport, R. I., Anna Seventh Generation 239 Winthrop, daughter of Henry and Clara (Temple) Chapman, born Feb. 11, 1836, in Greenfield. He was fitted for college at the Boston Latin School, and was graduated A. B. from Har vard College in 1853, and B. S. from the Lawrence Scientific School in 1856. He enlisted AprU 10, 1863, in Cambridge, and served as Ueutenant and captain of company C, ist battalion Heavy ArtiUery. On Aug. 6, 1865, he was promoted major, and was in command of Fort Warren, Boston Harbor. He removed to Detroit, Mich., in 1867, and was for some time treasurer of the Michigan Central R. R. In 1892 he was con nected vrith the Detroit, Bay City & Alpena R. R., residing in Detroit. ChUdren, the eldest born in Cambridge, the others in Detroit : i. Clara Temple,* b. April 30, 1864. ii. Alice Chapman, b. April 9, 1867 ; d. there Jan. 27, 1868. iii. Jane Burlingame, b. Dec. 8, 1868. iv. Katharine Emmett, b. Jan. 9, 187 1. V. Frederick Temple, b. Dec. 5, 1873. 371 Nathaniel Livermore' Stebbins {Elizabeth? Nathaniel? NatJianiel? TJiomas? Samuel? John') was born Jan. 9, 1847, in MeadvUle, Pa.; married March 6, 1872, in Cambridge, Hiram- etta, daughter of Rev. Benjamin F. Bowles, born Jan. 25, 1852, in Cambridge ; died in July, 1899, in SomervUle. ChUdren (Stebbins), born in Chicago : i. Ellen Eliza,* b. AprU 21, 1873. ii. Charles Bowles, b. AprU 5, 1875. iii. Catherine Louise, b. Sept. 21, 1876. 372 Frank' Livermore {George? NatJianiel? NatJianiel? Thomas? Samuel? Jo Jin') was born April 11, 1 841, in Cambridge; mar ried Aug. 30, 1870, in Paris, France, Harriet LiUa, daughter of Wedworth Wadsworth and Charlotte (Aldrich) Clarke, born Jan. 3, 1849, in Monroe, Mich. He was a medical cadet, U. S. A., in 1862 and 1863 ; acting assistant surgeon, U. S. A., 1864 240 Livermore Family and 1865 ; physician to the American Legation and Chinese Legation in Paris, 1869 and 1870; he practiced medicine in Detroit, Mich., in 1871, '72 and '73; he was connected with the Health department of New York City from 1874 to Oct.,. 1893- Child, born in Detroit : i. George Clarke,* b. July 8, 187 1 ; d. there Nov. 5, 187 1. 373 William Roscoe' Livermore {George? NatJianiel? NatJian iel? Thomas? Samuel? John') was born Jan. 11, 1843, in Cam bridge; married Jan. 18, 1883, in PhUadelphia, Pa., Augusta, daughter of John Foster and Sarah (Longacre) Keen, born there June 12, 1856. He was fitted for coUege at the Cambridge High School, en tering Harvard College in i860 as a member of the class of 1864. He left in June, 1861, and served as a cadet at the U. S. MUitary Academy, West Point, from July i, 1861, to June 23, 1865, when he was graduated. He was promoted in the army to first lieutenant. Corps of Engineers, June 23, 1865 ; captain in the same Corps, Jan. 22, 1870, and major, March 12, 1884. He served as assistant engineer in the construction of Fort Taylor, Key West, and Fort Jefferson, Tortugas, Fla., and on the harbor improvements at Key West from Nov., 1865, to Sept., 1869; with the Engineer battalion, WUlefs Point, N. Y., during the summer and faU of 1866-67; at Baltimore, Md., part of 1 868-69, on harbor and river improvements of Pennsyl vania and Maryland; on leave of absence in the winter of 1868- 69, as assistant to Sir Charles Bright, in laying a submarine cable from Key West to Havana, Cuba. He was stationed at Detroit, Mich., from Sept., 1869, to May, 1874, and engaged on a survey of northern and northwestern lakes. In 1872-73 he was a member of the Board of Engineers to report on the advisabUity of bridging the Detroit river ; at WiUet's Point from June, 1874, to July, 1878, commanding com pany C, Engineer battalion, and in command of the post in the summer and fall of 1876. From July, 1878, to March, 1886,. Seventh Generation 241 he was at San Antonio, Texas, as chief engineer officer of the Department of Texas. In 1885-86 he was a member of the Commission to fix the boundary between the Indian Territory and Texas; from March, 1886, to Feb., 1887, he was at Kansas City, Mo., in charge of the improvement of the Missouri river from Sioux City to its mouth. In AprU, 1887, he was stationed at Newport, R. I., in charge of defensive works of the forts at Clark's Point, near New Bedford, Mass., Dutch Island and Fort Adams, R. I., and in charge of river and harbor improvements in southern Massachusetts, Rhode Island and eastern Connecti cut. From 1888 to 1891 he was a member of the board of engineer officers to define the harbor lines of the port of Boston, and was also a member of the Advisory Council to the Rhode Island State Board of Harbor Commissioners. From Dec, 1 89 1, and until the beginning of the war with Spain he was in Boston as engineer of the ist and 2d light house districts. He served on the staff of General Wheeler, in Cuba, and since then has served as mUitary attache in Denmark. He is a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and numerous other societies. He is the author of "The American Kriegspiel," a game for practicing the art of war upon a topographical map, printed by Houghton, Miffiin & Co. in 1882 ; MancEuvres for Infantry, first edition 1884, sec ond edition 1888, published by Charles Scribner's Sons, and various official reports and papers. ChUd, born in Newport, R. I. : i. William Roscoe,* b. Oct. 14, 1888; d. Feb. 5, 1899, in Philadelphia, Pa. 374 Charles Cunningham' Livermore {George? Nathaniel? Nathaniel? Thomas? Samuel? John') was born AprU 11, 1848 ; married Sept. 20, 1883, in Melrose, Mary Howlett, daughter of Manfred Marsden and Mahala Ann (Howlett) Griswold, born June 17, 1856, in Delaware, Ohio. He was educated in pri vate schools in Cambridge and Worcester ; he was engaged in 242 Livermore Family mercantUe pursuits from 1865 to 1883, and from 1883 to 1886 in orange-growing in Florida. From 1886 to 1892 he was con nected with the U. S. Engineer department, and from 1892 to the present time he has been connected with the U. S. Light house service. ChUdren, born in Melrose : i. Helen,* b. Dec. 13, 1884; d. there Dec 27, 1884. n. George Griswold, b. Oct. 7, 1886. in. Constance, b. May 4, 1896; d. Mar. 25, 1897, in Cam bridge. 375 John Marshall' Livermore {JoJiti? NatJianiel? NatJianiel? Thomas? Samuel? JoJin') was born May 28, 1839, in Cambridge; married there Dec. 16, 1874, Lucy Evelyn, daughter of Jonas and Celinea (Gardner) Bennett, born there Aug. 9, 1846. They live in Townsend. ChUd, born in Lexington : i. Evelyn Munroe,* b. May 16, 1878. 376 Emma Caroline' Livermore {JoJin? NatJianiel? Natluiniel? Thomas? Samuel? John') was born AprU 21, 1841, in Cam bridge ; married there June 24, 1868, Frederick, son of WUUam Henry and Isabella (Redman) Odiorne, born there Jan. 20, 1836 ; died there Oct. 25, 1897. ChUdren (Odiorne), born in Cambridge : i. John Livermore,* b. Dec. 23, 1869. ii. Walter Burlingame, b. Dec. 3, 1872. 377 William' Livermore {Jonas? Abijah? ElisJia? TJiomas? Samuel? John') was born Nov. 12, 1809, in Waltham; married June 8, 1 84 1, Mary, daughter of Solomon and Betsey (Bemis) Belden, born March 13, 1818, in Chester; died Dec. 21, 1897, in Waltham. He was a chair maker. Sevetith Getieration '' 243 ChUd, born in Waltham : i. WiUiam Belden,* b. April 4, 1842 ; d. Sept. 23, 1870, in Charlestown; m. Nov. 16, 1865, Susan E., dau. of Learned and Lucinda Downing, b. in 1844, in Charles town ; he was a carver. Child, born in Charlestown : 1. William Downing? b. Dec. 2i, i866. 378 Jonas Dix' Livermore {Jonas? AbijaJi? Elisha? Thomas? Satnuel? John') was born July 16, 18 16, in Waltham ; died there Nov. 15, 1885; married Elizabeth E., daughter of John and Rachel Galbraith, born Oct. 12, 1824, in Waltham. He was a baker. ChUd, born in Waltham : i. Walter A.,* b. AprU 17, 1857, in Waltham; m. May 17, 1877, in Weston, Florence E., dau. of Caleb S. and Anne E. Packard, b. in 1859, in Readfield, Me. ; he is a watchmaker. Child, born in Waltham : I. Alice? b. Nov. lo, 1877. 379 Sarah' Livermore {Jonas? Abijah? Elislia? Thotnas? Satn uel? Jo Jin') was born March i, 1820, in Waltham; married El bridge Goddard, born Sept. 6, 1819 ; he was a cabinet maker in Newton Corner. ChUdren (Goddard) : i. Sarah Louisa,* b. Jan. 4, 1841. ii. Joseph Henry, b. Mar. 10, 1843. ni. Charles W., b. Dec, 1846 ; d. in 1848. 380 Jonathan' Livermore {JonatJian? JonatJian? JonatJian? Joti- atJwm? Samuel? JoJin') was born AprU 24, 1809, in Wilton, N. H. ; married there Aug. 15, 1833, Mrs. Dorcas (Holt) Blodgett, daughter of Daniel and Dorcas (Abbot) Holt, born there May 23, 1809; died there Feb. 13, 1887. He buUt a house on the homestead and was engaged in farming and milling. For many years he was a deacon of the Unitarian church. He was a 244 Livertnore Family member of the 7th company, 2 2d regiment N. H. infantry (mUitia), May 27, 1832 ; commissioned captain in the 3d com pany of the same regiment, AprU 15, 1834, and was a member of the MiUer Guards (same regiment), April 4, 1845. He was moderator at the town meetings held Dec. 26, 1859, Jan. 21, i860, and March 13, i860. ChUdren, born in WUton : i. AbigaU Abbot,* b. Jan. 7, 1835; m. Aug. 12, 1858, Eliphalet Putnam, son of Calvin and Rachel (Putnam) Dascomb, b. Dec. 26, 1828. No children. They live in WUton. n. Abiel Abbot, b. Feb. 23, 1838 ; d. July 3, 1863 ; en listed Oct. 26, 1861, and mustered in Dec. 20, 1861, in company B, 8th regiment N. H. Vols. ; warranted corporal Mar. 20, 1863; wounded and captured at Port Hudson, La., June 14, 1863, and d. there in the hands of the Confederates. The Wilton Post of the Grand Army of the Republic is named after him. ni. Henry Harrison, b. Oct. 12, 1840 ; d. there Sept. 5, 1843. iv. Mary Elizabeth, b. Aug. 29, 1844; m. Jan. 8, 1871, Martin Andrew Rockwood ; res., Brookline. 666. V. Henry Harrison, b. Feb. 8, 1848. 381 Abiel Abbot' Livermore {Jonathan? JonatJiati? Jonathan? JonatJian? Samuel? John') was born Oct. 30, 181 1, in Wilton, N. H.; died there Nov. 28, 1892; married (i) May 17, 1838, Elizabeth Dorcas, daughter of Rev. Jacob and Catharine (Thayer) Abbot, of Windham, N. H., born March 20, 1810, in Hampton FaUs, N. H.; died Sept. 13, 1879, in Boston; married (2) June 18, 1883, Mrs. Mary A. (Keating) Moore. His youth, untU he was fifteen, was passed, like that of most country boys, in hard work on the farm in summer, and in the district school in winter. His brother Jonathan shared with him these toUs and pleasures. In 1826 he spent six months in Chelmsford, with his uncle Rev. Abiel Abbot, D. D., after whom he was named, and attended the academy kept by Mr. Wallace. In September of the same year he entered PhUlips Academy, at Abiel Abbot Livermore. SeventJi Getieration 245 Exeter, N. H., then under the care of those eminent teachers Benj. Abbot, LL. D., Gideon L. Soule, LL. D., and Joseph Hale Abbot, A. M. ; here he passed three years fitting for col lege, but for two winters he was absent keeping district school in his native town. He was examined and admitted to the Freshman class in Harvard College in 1829, without conditions. WhUe in Cambridge at that time he heard the splendid oration of Orville Dewey before the Phi Beta Kappa society, and caught some inspiration from his stirring chaUenge to what is best and highest in man. The first college year was passed in Exeter, pursuing the Freshman studies. This was done for the sake of econom)'. During the four years at PhiUips Academy he boarded with the Misses Deborah and Hannah GUman, on Water street. Returning to Cambridge in 1830, and entering the Sophomore class unconditioned, the next three years were passed there. Francis Bowen and he roomed together, and boarded the first year at Mrs. Nichol's on the north-east corner of the Common, next door east of Dr. FoUen's. He was grad uated in 1833, having as a part at Commencement a Disserta tion on "The effect of maritime enterprise on the character of nations." During college life he belonged to the Hasty Pudding Club, the Institute of 1770, the religious society, the temperance so ciety. La Reunion Sociale, and Phi Beta Kappa. In 1833 he entered the Cambridge Divinity School. During the last term of the Junior year, through the Senior year of the undergraduate course, and for three years in the Divinity School, he was en gaged in teaching and fitting boys for college. Graduating from the Divinity School in 1836, he received a call to settle in Keene, N. H., and was ordained over the Unitarian church in that town Nov. 2, 1836. WhUe pastor of the Keene society he published a " Com mentary " in three volumes on the Gospels and Acts of the Apostles ; also a " Review of the Mexican War," and several occasional discourses, and edited a "Marriage Offering" and Priestley's "Corruptions of Christianity." In AprU, 1850, he received a call to become the pastor of the Unitarian Society in 246 Livermore Family Cincinnati, Ohio, and removed to that city in May, for the ben efit of a mUder climate, his health having become impaired by a severe bronchial affection. In the autumn of 1856 he removed to New York, on an invitation to become the editor of the Christian Inquirer, the organ of the Unitarian faith in that city. He became the pastor of the Unitarian church in Yonkers, on the Hudson, in June, 1857. The joint duties of the editorship and the pastorate were fulfilled until the summer of 1863, when he was invited to take the Presidency of the MeadvUle Theolog ical School. Besides the duties of the school he completed his " Commentary " on the remaining books of the New Testament, in two volumes, and printed several reviews, sketches of travels, syllabuses of lectures and occasional sermons. After his retire ment from the MeadvUle Theological School, Harvard College conferred upon him the degree of D. D. No chUdren. 382 Thomas Adkins' Livermore {Solomon? Jotuithan? Jona than? JonatJian? Samuel? JoJiti') was born Feb. 7, 1814, in MUford, N. H.; died AprU 24, 1862, in Burlington, Iowa; mar ried (i) Sept. 23, 1 84 1, in Dubuque, Iowa, Harriet Elizabeth, daughter of James and Susan (Harris) Smith, born May 7, 1825, in Galena, IU. ; died Dec. 21, 1853, in Nevada, Cal.; married (2) June 7, 1855, in Galena, Mary Cornelia Langdon, born June 23. 1837, in Austerlitz, Columbia Co., N. Y. He was educated at the schools in his native town, at PhiUips Academy in Exeter, N. H., and Pinkerton Academy in Derry, N. H. In 1832 he went with the expedition of his cousin, Na thaniel Wyeth, into the wild country west of the Mississippi, and on returning he settled in Galena, IU., then a mining town of about a thousand inhabitants. He there taught school, studied medicine and dentistry, and practiced dentistry untU the spring of 1849, when he went with his wife and surviving chUdren, by river,- to St. Joseph, Mo., and there took the emigrant traU for California ; his daughter died on the way. He engaged in bus iness and practiced dentistry in Sacramento from his arrival in 1849 to 185 1, and in Nevada, Cal., from 185 1 to 1854. At the Seventh Getieration 247 latter place, with three associates, he built and owned works to supply the people with water for domestic use. In 1854 he again went to live in Galena and there practiced dentistry until his death. Children, aU but the fifth and sixth born in Galena : i. Leonard Jarvis,* b. Aug. 28, 1842; d. there Sept. 23, 1843- 667. u. Thomas Leonard, b. Feb. 7, 1844. iii. James Kidder, b. Dec. 12, 1845 ; d. there Mar. 12, 1848. iv. Mary Delia, b. Aug. 3, 1848 ; d. May 31, 1849, ^"^ over land route to California, near Fort Kearney. 668. V. Charles Waterman, b. Sept. 24, 1850, in Sacramento, Cal. vi. Mary Elizabeth, b. Dec. 13, 1852, in Nevada City, Cal. ; d. Jan. 6, 1868, in Milford, N. H. 669. vii. Henry Lee, b. Jan. 7, 1857. 670. viii. Harriet Elizabeth, b. Feb. 24, 1859. 671. ix. Nathaniel Lyon, b. Oct. 15, 1861. 383 Rebecca Parkman Jarvis' Livermore {Solomon? Jonathan? JonatJian? Jonathan? Samuel? John') was born Dec. 31, 1819, in Milford, N. H. ; died Oct. 9, 1886, in Milford; married Aug. 24, 1841, Joseph Cogswell Manning, died June 17, 1884. ChUdren (Manning) : i. Mary Elizabeth,* b. Aug. 25, 1842 ; d. Feb. 19, 1872. ii. Charles H., b. June 9, 1844; m. in 1871, Fanny L. Bartlett, and has three sons ; he is an engineer on the retired list U. S. navy. in. Jarvis C, b. Nov. 30, 1845 ; d. Oct. 2, 1846, from the effects of falling from a window. iv. Joseph CogsweU, b. July 26, 1847 ; m. Jan., 1874, Laura R. Darley, and has five daughters ; he is a clerk in a «. bank. V. Rebecca Livermore, b. July 8, 1849 ; d. Mar. 15, 1885. vi. Henry Livermore, b. Jan. 11, 1852 ; d. Dec. i, 1880. vii. Cleveland Pratt, b. May 28, 1854: m. June 5, 1888, ^ Miss Russell of Baltimore ; he is a confidential clerk and property agent. 248 Livermore Family vin. Leonard Jarvis, b. May 11, 1856; m. in 1877, in Cam bridge, Mrs. Angeline T. (Clarke) Cleveland ; he was was graduated from Harvard College in 1876; a teacher in the high school, Medford. 384 Leonard Jarvis' Livermore {Solotnon? JonatJian? Jona than? JonatJian? Satnuel? John') was born Dec. 8, 1822, in Milford, N. H. ; died May 30, 1886, in Cambridge; married March 18, 1847, Mary Ann Catherine, daughter of Aaron and Mary (GUbert) Perkins of Groton, born March 19, 1823, in Lunenburg. He was graduated from Harvard CoUege in 1842 ; after com pleting a three years' course in the theological school in Cam bridge, graduating in 1846, he was settled over the Unitarian church in East Boston, being ordained March 24, 1847. The First Unitarian church in Clinton voted, April 7, 185 1, to invite him to preach for one year, the salary to be at first $\o per Sun day, then at the rate of ^600 a year, and afterwards $700 a year. He resigned his position in East Boston and accepted their invitation. He was a member of the School Committee in Clinton in 1853, '5 6, '57, and a teacher in the grammar school for a few weeks. He was editor of the Courant from Jan. 6, 1855, to Sept. 5, 1857. Oct. I, 1857, he accepted a caU to Lexington, where he remained nine years ; shortly after his resignation he removed to Cambridge and established a home for himself on the old Jarvis homestead, in the shadow of the trees set out by his grandfather a hundred years before. In 1867 he took charge of the Unitarian church in Danvers. In i88i he broke down in health and wished to resign his charge, but so strong was the attachment of his people to him that they refused to accept his resignation, and after a year's vacation he resumed iiis place there and retained it, with some interruptions, untU his death. For several years he was the assistant of Rev. Charles Lowe, the secretary of the American Unitarian Association, and was afterwards secretary of the Sunday School Society, at the same SeventJi Getieration 249 time carrying on his regular work at Danvers. While pastor at Lexington, and in the first years of his ministry at Danvers, he compiled the "Hymn Tune Book," so extensively used in the Unitarian churches. ChUdren : i. AUina Mary* b. April i, 1848, in East Boston; m. Dec. 13, 1876, in Danvers, Rev, Pitt Dillingham, d. Mar. 23, 1881, in Charlestown. Child (Dillingham) : I. Leonard Pitt? b. Feb. lo, 1881, in Charlestown; d. there Oct. 15, 1S82. 672. u. Clara Perkins, b. May 27, 1851, in Groton. 673. iii. Joseph Perkins, b. Feb. 19, 1855, in Clinton. 674. iv. Henry Jarvis, b. May 27, 1865, in Lexington. 385 Samuel Livermore' Kimball {Anna? JonatJian? Jonathan,* JonatJuin? Samuel? JoJin') was born Jan. 10, 1817, in WUton, N. H. ; married Sept. 5, 1849, Betsey E. Graves, born Feb. 12, 1827, in Mt. Holly, Vt. ; died Feb. 6, 1876. He lives on the homestead and is a prosperous farmer. ChUdren (Kimball) born in WUton ; i. A daughter,* b. and d. Dec. 30, 185 1. 675. ii. John Raymond, b. May 16, 1853. 676. iii. Anna Livermore, b. Mar. 30, 1855. 677. iv. Mary Ellen, b. Nov. 15, 1857. 678. V. Abby Isabelle, b. Nov. 26, i860. vi. Frank Bowers, b. Jan, 14, 1863. vii. Fannie Marion, b. Mar. 23, 1868. 386 Jonathan Bowers' Kimball {Anna? JonatJian? Jonathan? JonatJian? Samuel? JoJm') was born May 16, 1821, in Wilton, N. H. ; married March 27, 1850, Augusta M. York. They live in Chicago. ChUdren (Kimball) : i. Marion Augusta* b. Dec. 7, 1851, in LoweU. ii. Belle, b. July 31, 1856, in Chicago; d. there Aug. 28, 1858. 250 Livermore Family 387 Elizabeth' King {Lydia? JonatJuin? JonatJian? Jonathan? Satnuel? John') was born AprU 18, 1821, in Wilton, N. H. ; married July 15, 1844, Henry C, son of Rev. Nathaniel Whit man of BUlerica. They have lived in Lancaster and in Cincinnati, Ohio. ChUdren (Whitman) : i. Henry Medill,* b. June 24, 1845 ; d. Aug. 16, 1869; a graduate of Harvard College, class of 1868. n. Channing Wood, b. Aug. 24, 1846; m. (i) Mar., 1871, Mary Eels, d. in 1872; m. (2) Sept. 18, 1875, in Huddersfield, England, Mary ; he was a grad uate of Harvard College, class of 1868, and several years U. S. consul at Huddersfield. Child (Whit man) : I. Henry? b. Feb. i8, 1872. 388 Mary Wilson' King {Lydia? Jonathan? Jonathan? Jotui than? Samuel? John') was born Feb. 4, 1838, in WUton, N. H. ; married Jan. 29, 1859, James Taft. They live in GreenvUle, N. H. Children (Taft) : i. Herbert,* b. Sept. i, i860; m. Oct. 21, 1885, Ida F. Chamberlain. ii. Josephine M., b. Sept. 20, 1862. iii. Florence, b. Sept. 29, 1866. iv. Winifred Livermore, b. April 28, 1879. V. Beatrice King, twin to Winifred L. 389 Danforth Phipps' Livermore ( William? Elijah? Samuel? Jonathan? Satnuel? Jo Jin') was born Dec. 20, 1804, in Jay, Me. ; died AprU 19, 1899, in HaUowell, Me.; married there Oct. 21, 1828, Emeline, daughter of Asher and AbigaU (Green) Spaul- ding, born Aug. 24, 1807, in PeppereU. He passed the greater portion of his life in HaUowell. For forty-one years he had charge of the Kennebec Telegraph Co. Danforth Phipps Livermore. SeventJi Generatioti 251 office in HaUowell, later absorbed by the Western Union Tele graph Co., and many of the best operators in the country received their first lesson from him. He retired from active service in August, 1891, the oldest telegrapher in the country. He was connected with the firm of Masters & Livermore, who published the Maine Farmers' Almanac, which had a large cir culation throughout the country. On several occasions he was asked to accept the nomination for mayor of HaUoweU, or for the Legislature, but he would never allow his name to be used, and apparently took little interest in politics. The title of colonel, by which he was known all over the country, was given him whUe he was in command of a company of artUlery in the State mUitia. It is said that a daughter of Col. Livermore was the first woman to read telegraphy by sound. ChUdren, born in HalloweU : i. Emma Frances* b. Dec. i, 1830; d. there Nov. 7, 1881. ii. William Danforth, b. June 20, 1835 ; d. there Nov. 16, 1838. iii. Sarah Masters, b. June i, 1837 ; d. there Nov. 10, 1838. 679. iv. Sarah Louise, b. Oct. 16, 1839. 680. V. Charles Danforth, b. May 19, 1842. 390 Granville Putnam' Livermore {Isaac? Elijah? Samuel? Jonathan? Samuel? JoJtn') was born Nov. 10, 1798, in Liver more, Me.; died about 1884, in Kansas ; married Marian Sorley McCallaifi, born near Perth in Scotland. They first lived in St. Joseph, Mo., and afterwards in Wathena, Kan. Children : i. Clarence Granville,* b. ; lived in Riverside, Cal. ii. Albert Hamlin, b. in i860; d. Feb. 16, 1899; m. in 1886;' lived in San Bernardino, Cal. They had two children. iii. Frank, b. ; lives in Flagstaff, Arizona, and is in charge of a cattle ranch. iv. Pierpont, b. ; lives with his mother in Kansas. V. Adrian Melrose, b. ; lives with his mother. 252 Livermore Fatnily 391 Horatio Gates' Livermore {Isaac? Elijah? Satnuel? Jona tJian? Samuel? John') was born March 16, 1807, in Livermore, Me.; married Oct. 26, 1832, in Boston, Elizabeth King Slater, born there May 8, 1809; died Jan. 13, 1892, in Rockridge, Oakland, Cal. He received a liberal education, and in his early manhood removed to Boston, where he engaged in mercantUe business untU 1850. At this latter period he made the journey overland to California, and on arrival settled in Georgetown, El Dorado Co., whence in 1854 he was elected State senator. In 1856, becoming impressed with the great natural advantages of Folsom and the value of the property and franchises of the Natoma Water Company, he became interested therein. In the course of a few years he and his associates, by successive pur chases, acquired a controlling interest in the company and he became its president and manager. Realizing the importance of the water power which the American River affords at this place, he projected plans for its utilization, which have made there a manufacturing power equal to that of Lowell. In order to utUize the granite quarries which the locality possesses, he originated the idea of a branch State prison to be located thereon, whereby the idle convicts could be beneficially employed at stone quarrying and cutting ; though opposed, he succeeded in carrying his point. He was among the earUest to recognize the value of the "Foot HiU" lands for vineyard and orchard purposes, and purchased for the Natoma Company a large portion of the Leidesdorf grant (about ten thousand acres of land adjoining the town of Folsom). To demonstrate their capability he caused orchards and vineyards to be planted to the extent of about five hundred acres. For the conversion of their products he also caused to be erected by far the largest fruit- drying and raisin-making establishment in the State. He also established a large wine manufactory in F"olsom. ChUdren, born in Boston : i. Charles Edward,* b. April 2, 1834; now living in Oak land, unm. Hannibal Hamlin. SeventJi Getieration 253. U. Ellen, b. Oct. 7, 1835 ; d. there April 7, 1841. 681. ni. Horatio Putnam, b. April 7, 1837. 392 Elijah Livermore' Hamlin {Anna? Elijah? Samuel? Jon athan? Samuel? Jo Jin') was bom March 29, 1800, in Livermore, Me.; died July 16, 1872, in Bangor, Me.; married Oct. 16, 1825, Eliza Bradley, daughter of Isaac and Elizabeth (Dyer) Choate of Salem, born Aug. 20, 1798 ; died Aug. 28, 1886. He was a graduate of Brown University in 18 19; received the de gree of A. M. from WaterviUe College (now Colby University) in 1823, and was one of the trustees of that institution, 1841-47 ; he studied law and first settled in Waterford, Me., where he practiced until 1829. He then removed to Columbia, Me., where he was chosen representative to the State Legislature, 1830, '31 and '32, and a senator in 1833. He moved to Bangor in 1835, and was a representative again in 1847 and 1848, senator 1858 and 1859, executive counciUor, land agent, 1838 to 1841, mayor 185 1 and 1852, and commissioner under the treaty of 1854 between the United States and Great Britain, to define the fishery limits. He was elected a member of the Maine His torical Society in 1859. Children (HamUn), born in Columbia, Me. : i. Adaline, b. . ii. Augustus Choate, b. in Aug., 1829. in. Julia, b. Feb. 28, 1833. 393 Hannibal' Hamlin {Anna? ElijaJi? Samuel? JonatJian? Samuel? JoJin') was born Aug. 27, 1809, in Paris HiU, Me.; died July 4, 1891, in Bangor, Me. ; married (i) Dec. 10, 1833, in Paris Hill, Sarah Jane, daughter of Stephen and Sarah (StoweU) Emery, born Nov. 2, 1815, in Paris, Me.; died April 17, 1855, in Hampden, Me.; married (2) Sept. 25, 1856, in Temple, Me., Ellen Vesta, daughter of Stephen and Jennette (Loring) Emery, born Sept. 14, 1835, in Paris. 254 Livertnore Family He was thrown on his own resources at an early age, owing to the death of his father, and was a farmer, surveyor, school teacher and printer by turns, until he had qualified himself in 1833 to practice law. He settled in Hampden in 1833, and in 1835 was elected to the Legislature. He was re-elected three times in succession, serving each session as Speaker of the House. In 1840 he was a candidate for Congress as a Jackson Democrat, but was defeated by Elisha H. Allen, who was after wards chief justice of the Hawaiian Government. He was elected to Congress in 1843, and re-elected for a second term. In the House he became prominent as an anti-slavery leader. His first speech was an attack on the "gag law," and won a personal compliment from Hon. John Quincy Adams. He also made an attack on the practice of dueUing, and tried to have the House expel Clingman and Yancey for fighting a duel. He opposed the annexation of Texas as a slave State, and arraigned the slave power for plotting to betray Oregon into the hands of the British Government. He was also instrumental in present ing "the WUmot Proviso" in the House, when it came up for decisive action. In 1846 he was the Democratic anti-slavery candidate for the United States' Senate. The pro-slavery Dem ocrats blocked the election for six weeks, and defeated him by one vote. In 1848 he defeated the pro-slavery wing of his party by one vote, and entered the Senate to succeed John Fairfield, who had died. In 185 1 he again defeated the slave party of Maine in the Legislature by one vote, and was re-elected to the Senate for a fuU term. He was chairman of the com mittee on commerce in the Senate for nine years, but resigned and repudiated the Democratic party when it repealed the Mis souri compromise. In 1856 he became one of the founders of the Republican party, and as the Republican candidate for Governor of Maine, took the State into the Republican party. In 1857 he was re-elected to the Senate as a Republican. In i860 he favored the nomination of Abraham Lincoln for President, and was the means of obtaining, some votes for Lincoln from Maine in the convention. He himself was nominated for Vice-President, SeventJi Generation 255 although he did not expect nor desire the place. He enjoyed very friendly and close relations with Lincoln, — in fact, Lincoln showed him the Emancipation Proclamation before the cabinet even knew he had written it. Lincoln also gave him the order to arm the negroes, and finally offered him the position of Secretary of the Treasury. At the request of Hon. Charles Sumner, President Johnson appointed him collector of the port of Boston, but he resigned because he disapproved Johnson's policy of reconstruction, and led an attack on that policy. In 1869 and 1875 he was again elected to the Senate. Declining a re-election in 1881, President Garfield appointed him United States minister to Spain, but he resigned the office in a year and retired to private life. His last public services were to advocate the abolishment of capital punishment in Maine, and to urge the nationalization of Lincoln's birthday as a holiday. Children (Hamlin), the youngest born in Bangor, the others in Hampden : i. George Emery,* b. Sept. 30, 1835 ; d. there July 14, 1844. ii. Charles, b. Sept. 13, 1837. iii. Cyrus, b. April 26, 1839; d. Aug. 28, 1867, in Bangor. iv. Sarah Jane,, b. Jan. 7, 1842. V. George Emery, b. Feb. 24, 1848; d. there Sept. 6, 1849. vi. Hannibal Emery, b. Aug. 22, 1858. vii. Frank, b. Sept. 26, 1862. 394 Samuel' Livermore {Edward? Samuel? Samuel? Jonathan? Satnuel? John') was born Aug. 26, 1786, in Concord, N. H.; died July 11, 1833, in Florence, Ala. He was graduated from Harvard College in 1 804 ; soon afterwards he engaged in the study of the law and was admitted to the bar in Essex Co., as he was then living in Newburyport ; he afterwards removed to Boston, where he practiced his profession for several years. It was during this period that he served as a volunteer, being an intimate friend of Captain Lawrence, on board of the frigate "Chesapeake," in her memorable engagement with the "Shan non," and attempted to revenge Captain Lawrence's fall. He shot at Captain Broke, but missed him ; the latter made a cut at 256 Livermore Family his head, which Livermore warded off, but in so doing received a severe wound in the arm. He afterwards removed to Baltimore where he was one of the companions of Hanson in his resistance to the Baltimore mob, which at the beginning of the War of 1812 aimed so serious a blow at the liberty of the press, by assaulting the office of the Federal Republican and destroying the lives of some of its defenders. From Baltimore he went to New Orleans, where he obtained prominent rank and uncommon success as an advocate. It was here that he first began that course of studies in the civU law, the Spanish and French law, and the law of other nations of Continental Europe, in which he afterwards rose to so high a reputation. He mastered many of the higher branches of the- jurisprudence of Rome, and of the modern nations, and, in pro found knowledge of the early writers of the subject, had few rivals or equals. His arguments at the bar were not only elo quent, but they abounded with recondite and accurate learning. He was also distinguished as an author. He pubUshed a work on the " Law of Agency," at an early period of his professional life, and subsequently enlarged it, in a second edition, to two volumes. It is stUl a standard book in the profession, and at the time of the publication of the second edition, it was incom parably superior to any other treatise on the same subject. He also published at New Orleans, in 1828, two "Preliminary Dis sertations" on the "Conflict of Laws," foreign and domestic, which present a concise but accurate view of the various systems and opinions of the most distinguished jurists of Europe, and thus, for the first time, brought to the knowledge of the Ameri can bar, the names and merits of many of these authors. By his will he bequeathed to Harvard College his whole library of foreign law, amounting to upwards of three hundred costly volumes. The value of this donation may be in some measure comprehended by the fact that it was appraised in the inventory of his estate at the sum of ^6,000. He was unmarried. He died whUe on a journey to visit his relatives and friends in New England. SeventJi Generation 2^7 395 Harriet' Livermore {Edward? Satnuel? Samuel? Jotia- than? Satnuel? John') was born AprU 14, 1788, in Concord, N. H. ; died unmarried March 30, 1868, in West Philadelphia, Pa. She was of medium height and unusually graceful, and had a fair complexion ; her hair, a glossy black, was a yard and a quarter in length ; her form not muscular but nervous, delicate and frail. In' her early youth she was passionately fond of gay and costly attire. Though her mother died when she was only five years old, she fondly cherished her memory and bitterly lamented her death. At the age of eight she was placed in a boarding school in HaverhUl, where, through the intimacy be tween her father and Judge Minot, she entered the best society. She subsequently lived on Spring Street, in Newburyport, and attended the Byfield Female Seminary, and later, Atkinson Academy. WhUe a student in this last institution she became acquainted with Moses H. Elliott, whose home was the old "Garrison House" in East HaverhUl. Their acquaintance was continued after their academy days were over, and in 1 8 1 1 she began to teach school, first for one or two terms in a private house, and then, for several terms, in the old brown district school-house in East HaverhUl, which was close to young Elliott's home. He became a physician and began to practice at Ports mouth, N. H. It was expected that marriage would follow their intimacy, but both families opposed it and the acquaintance was broken, and how far it affected their subsequent lives cannot be known. He died Sept. 22, 1822, in Pensacola, Fla., at the age of thirty-three, a victim to yellow fever. When she began to teach at East HaverhUl at the age of twenty-three, she professed conversion, and in 18 18 joined the Congregational church, though she had been in the Episcopal communion since she was fourteen. In 1825 she was trans ferred to the Baptist church, which she soon discarded. The very devout manner in .which she taught her pupUs to repeat the Lord's Prayer and one of the psalms in concert, was never forgotten by them. With closed eyes, and in a voice as soft 258 Livermore Family and low as that of an angel, she impressed the recitation upon them. She taught her girl-pupUs needle-work and embroidery of her own exquisite designs, and specimens of the work of both are still extant in the families of some of her scholars. As early as 1 824 she spoke publicly in the old schoolhouse in which she had taught at East HaverhUl, and at Newton, N. H., and surrounding towns. In 1825 she abandoned teaching and entered upon her life work as an evangelist, assuming the name of " The PUgrim Stranger." She spoke in schoolhouses, churches, and in any room she could obtain, or in the open air. At one time, in PhUadelphia, she addressed a large number of saUors upon a wharf. She traveUed by stage, private conveyance, or on foot. "Twice for want of money," she wrote, "I walked until my feet were festered, and my whole frame entirely ex- , hausted." She was pleasing as a speaker, and attracted large crowds. When her father was in Congress she was with him in Wash ington, and entered into the society to which his position admit ted her. In January, 1827, she addressed the assembled Congress in the Hall of Representatives on religion, the Presi dent (Hon. John Quincy Adams) and his secretary being present. She is said to have sung melodiously, her softest notes filling the vast room, which was packed with people, including the hall, lobby and gallery. She was attended by a friend, both dressed in a style so simple and neat that anyone would have taken them for Quakers. She ascended the platform and occu pied the Speaker's chair, and her friend seated herself by her. She began in the usual manner by prayer and singing, and held the attention of her audience throughout. During Andrew Jackson's presidency she again addressed Congress in the Hall of Representatives, and produced simUar effects, and again during Martin Van Buren's presidency in 1838, and during John Tyler's presidency in 1843. In May, 1832, she went to the far West, and spent a year, principally among the Indians at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., trav elling six thousand miles, most of the distance through the wUderness. She wished to be of service to them, as she believed SevetitJi Generatioti 259 that they were of Israel and would yet be restored to Jerusalem, and intended to spend her life among them, but as the Commis sioners on Indian Affairs objected, her project had to be aban doned. She visited the Holy Land four times, spending in all sixteen years of her life in that region, in Egypt, and in various other foreign countries, crossing the Atlantic ten times. She spent some time among the Dunkers, and was regarded by them as a gifted Christian minister. Her last days were marked by the same traits of character that had been promi nent in her earlier years, but she had grown impatient with age. Her \drtues far exceeded her faults, and in spite of her eccen tricities she accomplished much good in the service of her Master. She was indeed a singular and remarkable woman, more pitiable than censurable. No one knows what fierce and unsuccessful struggles she had, to overcome the violence of her peculiar disposition. After returning in 1862 from her last voyage to Jerusalem, she was for several years supported by her relatives. She died in the house of a friend in West Phila delphia, and is buried in the lot of Mrs. Margaret F WorreU, in the Dunkers' cemetery, and the graves of both are side by side. 396 Mehitable Jane' Livermore {Edward? Samuel? Samuel? JonatJian? Samuel? JoJm') was born July 20, 1792, in Ports mouth, N. H. ; died AprU 25, 1837, in Boston; married June 25, 1815, in New Holderness, N. H., Thomas, son of Rev. Dr. Samuel and Margaret (MarshaU) Haven, born March 2, 1783, in Portsmouth; died Oct. 31, 1867, in PhUadelphia. ChUdren (Haven), the first eight born in Portsmouth, the last four in Philadelphia : i. Eliza Hall,* b. Oct. 13, 1816; d. May 7, 1876, in Mt. Arlington, N. J. 682. ii. Caroline Livermore, b. Mar. 5, 1818. 683. in. Anne Shapley, b. May 4, 1819. iv. Edward St. Loe Livermore, b. April 23, 1820; killed on board the U. S. S. " Keystone State " while in action with a Confederate "ram," Jan. 31, 1863; enUsted 26o Livertnore Family May 30, i860, in Philadelphia, for four years, as a private in the U. S. Marine Corps ; promoted ser geant May 2, 1861. 684. V. Mehitable Jane Livermore, b. Sept. 4, 1822. 685. vi. Samuel Livermore, b. Oct. 3, 1823. vn. Frances Adelaide, b. Feb. i, 1826; d. Oct. 12, 1897, in Philadelphia, unm. vni. Clarissa, -b. June 10, 1827; living in Philadelphia, unm. ix. Helen Eloise, b. Nov. 11, 1828; d. there Oct. 25, 1829. 686. x. Nathaniel Appleton, b. Feb. 7, 1830. xi. Helen Thomas, b. Oct. 25, 183 1 ; d. there Oct. 14, 1832. 687. xii. Matilda Livermore, b. Mar. 16, 1834. 397 Edward St. Loe' Livermore {Edward? Samuel? Samuel? Jonathan? Satnuel? John') was born Feb. 12, 1800, in Ports mouth, N. H. ; died March 24, 1842, in Lowell; married June 21, 1828, in Methuen, Hannah Gove Brown, born March 9, 1804, in Pittsfield, N. H. He studied law in the office of the Hon. Luther Lawrence of Groton, and was admitted to the Mid dlesex bar in March, 1832 ; for several years he practiced his profession in Lowell. ChUdren, born in LoweU : 688. i. Sarah Jane,* b. May 20, 1830. ii. A daughter, b. ; d. in infancy. in. George WUliamson, b. AprU 7, 1833; d. Jan. 2, 1836, in New York. iv. EUzabeth Brown, b. Jan. 6, 1839; d. July 21, 1883, in Portland, Me. ; m. Oct. 3, i860, in Portland, Henry Lewis Gregg, b. Jan. 2, 1838, in Andover, Me. No chUdren. 398 Caroline' Livermore {Edward? Satnuel,^ Satnuel? Jona than? Samuel? John') was born Oct. 5, 1814, in Boston; died Sept. 17, 1887, in WeUesley HUls; married July, 1838, in Low ell, Josiah Gardner, son of Caleb and Mercy (Fletcher) Abbott, born Nov. i, 1814, in Chelmsford; died June 2, 1891, in Wel lesley HiUs. SeventJi Generation 26 1 ChUdren (Abbott) : i. Caroline Mercy,* b. AprU 25, 1839; m. George Derby; one child. ii. Edward Gardner, b. Sept. 29, 1840; he was a major in the army, and was kUled in the battle of Cedar Moun tain, Aug. 9, 1862. in. Henry Livermore, b. Jan. 21, 1842; brevet brigadier general; killed in the battle of the Wilderness, May 6, 1864. iv. Fletcher Morton, b. Feb. 18, 1843 5 captain in the 2d Mass. regiment. V. WiUiam Stackpole, b. Nov. 18, 1844; d. May 6, 1846. 689. vi. Samuel Appleton Browne, b. Mar. 6, 1846. 690. vii. Sarah Livermore, b. May 14, 1850. viii. Franklin Pierce, b. May 6, 1852. ix. Arthur St. Loe Livermore, b. Nov. 6, 1853 ; d. Mar. 28, 1863. X. Grafton St. Loe, b. Nov. 14, 1856. xi. Holker Welch, b. Feb. 28, 1858. 399 Henry Jackson' Livermore {Edward? Samuel? Samuel? JonatJian? Satnuel? Jo Jin') was born June 5, 1816, in Wheeling, Va. ; died Feb. 2, 1874, in Weyauwega, Wis. ; married Sept. i, 1853, in Lawrence, Susan Hurd Homer, born May 19, 1829, in Amesbury. When he was about a year old his parents moved to Lowell, where he grew up ; he was educated at Hampton Academy, Hampton, N. H., and at PhiUips Academy, Andover. He was a hardware merchant in New York for a few years, and in 1 847, went to Lawrence and was engaged in the same busi ness there for about six years. He was third lieutenant of the Lawrence Light Infantry (company I), 6th regiment M. V. M., in 1850; this company is now known as company F, 9th regi ment. He became a member of the Ancient and Honorable ArtUlery Company in 185 1. He afterwards moved to Oshkosh and Milwaukee, Wis., and Chicago, 111., and later kept a general country store in Fremont, Wis., where he was postmaster during President Johnson's administration. He was a member of Gre- 262 Livermore Family cian Lodge, A. F. and A.^M., from 1849 to 1855, and was for some time a member of the school board. ChUdren : i. Edward St. Loe,* b. Aug. 3, 1854, in Lawrence ; m. ; d. in 1890, on the west coast of the U. S. ii. James Homer, b. Aug. 6, 1855, in Milwaukee; d. there Sept. 12, 1855. iii. Henry, b. Aug. 10, 1856, in Chicago ; d. there Aug. 13, 1856. iv. James Homer, b. June 29, 1858, in Fremont; m. AprU 23, 1883, in Portland, Ore., Agnes Rose Boyse, b. Aug. 18, 1863, in Montesano, Wash. V. Arthur Dorr, b. Dec. 27, i860, in Fremont; d. there Nov. 21, 1863. vi. Harry Abbott, b. May 29, 1863, in Fremont. vii. Grace Grafton, b. Aug. 3, 1865, in Fremont; res., San Francisco. 400 Mary Jane' Livermore {Edward? Samuel? Satnuel? Jona than? Samuel? JoJin') was born Aug. 2, 182 1, in Lowell ; died May 3, 1898, in Lawrence; married Oct. 7, 1846, in Lowell, Daniel Saunders, born Oct. 6, 1822, in Andover. ChUdren (Saunders), born in Lawrence : i. Charles Gurley,* b. Oct. 3, 1847. ii. Mary Livermore, b. June 19, 1849. iu. Frederick Abbott, b. June 14, 1855; d. there Sept. 14, 1869. iv. Anne Grace, b. April 7, 1857. V. Edith St. Loe, b. Feb. 24, 1865. 401 Arthur' Livermore {ArtJiur? Sattiuel? Samuel? Jonathan? Samuel? JoJm') was born Jan. 7, 18 11, in Holderness, N. H. ; married June i, 1853, in Lowell, Kate, daughter of J. D. Prince, born April 13, 1820, in Chester Co., Eng. He was graduated at Dartmouth CoUege in 1829. He read law with Hon. Jonathan Smith of Bath, N. H., one year, com pleted his legarl studies with Hon. Jeremiah Mason of Boston, SeventJi Generation 263 and was admitted to the, bar in 1832, in Exeter, N. H. He first opened an office in GUmanton Iron Works (now Belmont, N. H.), and later in Lowell, and practiced untU 1839. Just prior to the death of Hon. Jonathan Smith he removed to Bath, N. H., where he resumed his practice. WhUe at Bath he became largely interested in real estate in that and adjoining towns. He left Bath in 1857, and lived in Washington Co., Mo., untU 1865, at a place now called Livermore. He was afterwards appointed by President Johnson, U. S. Consul at Londonderry, Ire., which office he held under successive administrations. He now lives in England. ChUd, born in Bath : 691. i. Susannah Plumridge,* b. April 5, 1855. 402 Edward' Livermore {ArtJiur? Samuel? Satnuel? JonatJian? Satnuel? John') was born March 18, 181 5, in Holderness, N. H. ; died May 28, 1886, in Kenosha, Wis.; married (i) Dec. 12, 1839, in New York City, Elizabeth Green, daughter of Henry and Mary (ChadweU) Hubbard, born Oct. 4, 1812 ; died May 22, 1851, in Waterloo, N. Y. ; married (2) Oct. 26, 1853, in Owego, N. Y., Mary Stuart McCormick, born there Feb. 13, 1828. He was graduated from Dartmouth College in 1833. He studied di-vinity at the Theological Seminary in New York ; he took Deacon's orders Sept. 27, 1837, and Priest's orders AprU 21, 1839. He officiated first at DrewsvUle, N. H., and after wards as rector of Emmanuel Church, in Little Falls, N. Y., until 1850. His pastorate in Little Falls was broken by a journey to Santa Cruz, or St. Croix, in the West Indies, and a residence there of several months in 1847-48; in 1850 he be came rector of St. Paul's Church, in Waterloo, remaining there untU early in 1855, when iUness compelled him to resign. He was, in 1856, rector of Zion Church, at East Bloomfield, N. Y., remaining there untU early in 1859. In the spring of i860, he removed to Minnesota, and for twenty-three years was rector of the Church of the Holy Communion, in St. Peter. During part of his residence in Minnesota, he was a member of the Ecclesias- 264 Livertnore Family tical Court and one of the Rural Deans of the Diocese. In 1883, he became the chaplain of Kemper Hall, Kenosha, a school under the management of the Sisters of St. Mary. Children : i. Louise,* b. AprU 8, 1841, in Little Falls; d. there Oct. 22, 1845. 692. ii. Arthur Browne, b. Aug. 15, 1854, in Waterloo. iii. Elizabeth, b. Feb. 10, 1856, in Owego; lives in Hins dale, IU. iv. Edward St. Loe, b. June 23, 1858, in East Bloomfield; d. Aug. 5, 1859, in Whitestone, L. I. V. Mary, b. July 3, 1862, in Owego; d. Aug. 17, 1862, in Milwaukee, Wis. vi. Samuel, b. July 13, 1863, in St. Peter; d. there Aug. 28, 1863. 403 Louisa' Livermore {ArtJmr? Satnuel? Samuel? Jotiatlian? Sattiuel? JoJm') was born Dec. 23, 1819, in Holderness, N. H. ; died March 30, 1865, in Brooklyn, Long Island; married AprU 15, 1850, at Craigie Burn in Campton, N. H., James Kingman Ford of Little Falls, N. Y., born June 12, 1817, in Herkimer, N. Y. ChUdren (Ford) : i. Arthur Livermore,* b. Jan. 4, 1851, in Plymouth; d. May 30, 1880, in Colon, Isthmus of Panama, where he was the engineer in charge of one of the divisions of the Panama R. R. ii. Edward Livermore, b. Feb. 8, 1852, in Waterloo, N. Y. ; d. Oct. 21, 1852, in St. Louis, Mo. in. James Lauren, b. July 25, 1854, in St. Louis. iv. Mary Kingman, b. Oct. 26, 1856, in Bath, N. H. 404 Heber' Livermore {ArtJiur? Samuel? Sattiuel? Jonathan? Samuel? John') was born AprU 22, 1832, in Campton, N. H. ; married Margaret Boteler of Shepherdston, Va., died in 1 867 in Baltimore, Md. He was a merchant's clerk in LoweU in 1851, and was afterwards a merchant in St. Louis, Mo. EigJitJi Generation 265 ChUdren i. A son,* d. in infancy. u. Nannie Boteler, b. Aug. 4, 1866, in New York ; m. May 5, 1897, in St. Louis, Hariy L. Block. One chUd. They live in St. Louis. EIGHTH GENERATION. 405 Lucy* Livermore {Levi? ElisJia? Josiah? Josiah? JosepJi? JoJiti? JoJin') was born Feb. 22, 1808, in Hardwick, Vt. ; died AprU 22, 1859 ; married Nov. 12, 1829, in Walden, Vt., WiUiam C. Montgomery, born there Nov. 8, 1807 ; died Oct. 6, 1864. ChUdren (Montgomery), born in Walden : 693. i. Mary Farrington,? b. May 28, 1831. 694. ii. Martha Adaline, b. Oct. 23, 1835. 406 Sidney Augustus* Livermore {Levi? ElisJm? Josiah? Josiah? JosepJi? John? JoJm') was born March 28, 1810, in Hardwick, Vt. ; died July 29, 1879, in West Brookfield; mar ried (i) in 1835, in Tempi eton, Cynthia, daughter of Anson and Anna (Page) Giffin, born Oct. 3, 1816, in Hardwick; died Nov. 30, 1838, in North Brookfield; married (2) Dec. 3, 1840, in Brookfield, Lucy, daughter of Charles and Lucy (Rice) Watson of Spencer, born there Oct. 6, 1818 ; died Jan. 6, i860, in West Brookfield; married (3) Jan. 14, 1861, in West Brook field, Lucinda Sophia, daughter of WUliam and Sophia Clark, born Jan. 13, 1829, in Westmoreland, N. H. ; died July 5, 1888, in Ware. He was a carpenter. ChUdren : 695. i. Charles Henry,? b. AprU 5, 1836, in LoweU. ii. Augustus, b. Sept. 5, 1837, in North Brookfield ; d. there Oct. 3, 1838. in. William, b. in Aug., 1838, in North Brookfield; d. there Sept. 25, 1839. 266 Liverttiore Family 696. iv. Eliza Field, b. July 11, 1841, in West Brookfield. V. Albert Watson, b. May 18, 1845, in West Brookfield; d. there Jan. 18, 1863. He was a member of company F, isth Mass. Vols.; enlisted July 12, 1861. vi. Cynthia Giffin, b. Dec. 29, 1846, in West Brookfield ; d. there Aug. 18, 1847. 697. vn. George Raymond, b. June 18, 1858, in West Brookfield. vin. Mary Lucy, b. Nov. 8, 1 861, in West Brookfield ; d. there July 12, 1867. ix. Emma Frances, b. Aug. 3, 1863, in West Brookfield; d. there July 30, 1866. X. Levi Sidney, b. Sept. 3, 1865, in West Brookfield; d. there Mar. 2, 1882. xi. Ella AmeUa, b. Nov. 13, 1867, in West Brookfield ; d. Nov. 14, 1888, in Stowe. xu. Frederick Merriam, b. April 27, 1870, in West Brook field ; d. Oct. 31, 1887, in Ware. 407 Sherlock Denny* Livermore {Levi? Elislia? JosiaJi? Jo siah? JosepJi? John? JoJin') was born April 30, 18 17, in Wal den, Vt. ; died Nov. 6, 1878, in West Brookfield ; married there AprU 9, 1845, Harriet Frances Wood, born there May 7, 1826. He was a cabinet-maker. ChUdren, born in West Brookfield : 698. i. Edwin Franklin ,5 b. Oct. 3, 1848. n. EUa Frances, b. July 25, 1850; d. there Sept. 6, 1851. in. WiUiam Elmer, b. Aug. 20, 1853 ; d. there Oct. 15, 1854. iv. Arthur Henry, b. Mar. i, 1856; m. there June 25, 1879, Hattie Eliza, dau. of H. R. and Harriet R. Comstock, b. June 16, 1855, in Granby, N. Y. No children. 699. V. Hattie Elizabeth, -b. June 30, 1858. 700. vi. Clara Mabel, b. Dec. 15, 1861. vu. Walter Herbert, b. July 24, 1863 ; m. May 23, 1888, in Worcester, Emily Stella, dau. of George L. and Johanna (Dudley) Ward, b. there Sept. 22, 1849 ; d. there May II, 1896. viii. Howard Whipple, b. Oct. 16, 1866; d. there Sept. 12, 1867. 701. ix. Levi Whipple, b. Jan. 21, 1868. Eighth Generatioti 267 X. Denny Wood, b. July 12, 1872; m. May 10, 1893, in West Brookfield, Jennie S., dau. of Charles G. and Jane (Shales) Knowlton, b. in 1872, in Penacook, N. H. He is a shoe-cutter. 408 Harvey* Livermore {Etnery? Elisha? Josiah? Josiah? Joseph? JoJiti? JoJiti') was born Jan. 14, 1816, in Brookfield ; died there May 8, 1859 ; niarried Dec. 30, 1841, in North Brook field, Sophronia, daughter of Isaac and Miriam (Pickard) Moore, born AprU 6, 1807, in Brookfield; died there May 14, 1865. He was a farmer. ChUdren, born in North Brookfield : i. Sophia Pickard,? b. Dec. 11, 1843; married (i) Dec. 31, 1863, Andrew F., son of WiUiam C. and Phebe P. Jackson of North Brookfield, b. there in 1842 ; m. (2) Mar. 28, 1888, in Warren, Marion J., son of Cyrus L. and Julane (Bruffer) Cone, b. in Shelburne. ii. Ruth EUza, b. Feb. 28, 1845 ; m. Nov. 24, 1868, Nathan iel T., son of Austin and Aletia (Jones) Abells of Hatfield, b. there in 1840. iii. Hannah Jane, b. June 22, 1847; ™- i'^ Sept., 1865, Julius T. Hooker of Sturbridge. 409 Samuel S.* Livermore {Emery? Elisha? Josiah? Josiah? Joseph? JoJm? JoJiti') was born May 23, 1821, in Brookfield; died May 17, 1888, in Brimfield; married (i) Nov. 28, 1848, in West Brookfield, Roxanna A., daughter of Robert Moulton, born in 1828 in Wales; died Sept. 5, 1855, in West Brookfield; married (2) Oct. 19, 1858, in Warren, Caroline, daughter of Amasa. Reed, born Nov. 30, 1823, in New York State; died Jan. 5, 1882, in Brimfield; married (3) Jan. 8, 1883, in Warren, Mary, daughter of Ebenezer and Mary (Chamberlain) Holbrook, born there June 30, 1831 ; died Feb. 8, 1893, in Brimfield. He was a shoemaker and farmer. Children : i. Emery,9 b. -. ii. Robert, b. . 268 Livertnore Family 410 Emery Elbridge* Livermore {Emery? ElisJia? JosiaJi? JosiaJi? JosepJi? John? JoJm') was born Aug. 21, 1830, in War ren ; married Feb. 15, 1853, in Columbia, Conn., Mary Ann, daughter of Samuel and Mary (Demon) Bond, b. July 8, 1832, in Warren. He is in the boot and shoe business. Child, born in Brimfield : i. Jennie Elizabeth,? b. May 4, 1863. She is a teacher in Chicopee. 411 Lemuel Eggleston* Livermore {CJuirles? William? Jason? JosiaJi? Joseph? John? John') was born Dec. 20, 1810, in Ver mont ; married (i) July 29, 1833, in Huntington, Vt., Mary Ford Firman, born there Feb. 19, 181 3 ; died March 13, 1842, in Hinesburgh, Vt. ; married (2) Sept. 6, 1842, in Hinesburgh, Rebecca Adelia Ray, born there July 21, 1819. He passed the greater part of his life in Hinesburgh. ChUdren, born in Hinesburgh : 702. i. Ray Firman,? b. Mar. 5, 1838. ii. Ralph Eggleston, b. Sept. 3, 1839; d. there Sept. 17, 1854. 703. in. Rollins Miles, b. July 12, 1843. iv. Mary Emerett, b. Feb. 24, 1845. V. Charles Philo, b. AprU 7, 185 1 ; d. there Dec. 18, 1880. 412 Charles Enos Jackson* Livermore {Charles? Williatn? Jason? Josiah? Joseph? John? John') was born Jan. 21, 1831, in Huntington, Vt. ; married (i) July 20, 1852, in Hinesburgh, Vt., Rosina A. Wells, born Feb. 3, 1828, in Huntington; died Nov. 20, 1861, in Hinesburgh; married (2) Nov. 4, 1862, in Hinesburgh, Julia Emma Vancor, born Jan. 19, 1835, in Jericho, Vt. ; died Aug. 30, 1887, in Hinesburgh. ChUdren, aU but the sixth born in Hinesburgh : 704. i. WUliam Clark,? b. Oct. 31, 1853. ii. Freddie Emerson, b. Dec 11, 1855; d. there Jan. 13, 1856. EigJitk Getieration 269- in. Carlton Logene, b. June 29, 1857. iv. Flora Emeroy, b. Mar. 30, i860 ; d. there Aug. 31, 1864. V. Frankie Alwyn, b. Nov, 15, 1861 ; d, there Mar. 11, 1862. vi. Rosina A., b. Oct. 25, 1863, in Colchester, Vt. ; d. Sept. 28, 1864, in Hinesburgh. vu. Herbert Eugene, b. July i, 1866; m. Nov. 20, 1896, in Hinesburgh, Lottie B. Vancor. vin. Charles, b. Oct. 3, 1868; d. same day. 413 Jerusha Almira* Livermore {Joseph? William? Jason? JosiaJi? Joseph? JoJin? Jo Jin') was born AprU 10, 18 17, in Hart land, Vt. ; died May 17, 1845, in Lincoln, Vt. ; married there June 18, 1837, Amory AUen. ChUdren (AUen) : i. Orman Dickerson,? b. April 28, 1838, in Hartland; d. Sept. 4, 1842, in Ripton,Vt. ii. Amory Lorenzo, b. Jan. 31, 1840, in Granville, Vt. He enlisted in the Civil war, and was a color-bearer ; killed by Confederate sharpshooters, and buried in Hartford, Conn., with military honors. iii. Benjamin Franklin, b. Nov. 15, 1841, in Ripton, Vt. ; d. there Sept. 16, 1842. 414 Benjamin* Livermore {JosepJi? William? Jason? Josiah? Joseph? JoJin? John') was born Aug. 6, 1818, in Hartland, Vt. ; died there AprU 4, 1871 ; married (i) March 28, 1845, in Quechee, Vt., Almira Elizabeth Hodgman, born Aug. 22, 1822, in Hartland; died there Aug. 22, 1846; married (2) Feb. 3, 1866, in Marlboro, N. H., Julia Ann Goodhue Winship, born Jan. 21, 183 1, in Enfield, N. H. While studying shorthand about 1850, he invented a type writer ; the first machine he constructed resembled the standard typewriters of the present day, but not being satisfied, he con tinued to improve it, untU at last he made a machine which he named Permutation Typograph or Pocket Printing Machine ; 270 Livermore Family one of these can be seen in a case not far from the door by which one enters the main hall of the Patent Office in Wash ington. The box itself was of steel, four and one-half inches long, two and one-half inches wide, and one and a quarter inches deep. All the characters of the alphabet were formed by means of six keys, used singly or in combination. The box contained a roll of paper twenty feet long, which received the impression from the keys, the letters being inked by a simple process ; this paper was wide enough to admit twenty letters to the line, and about sixty lines could be printed upon one foot. He took out letters patent in England and America in 1863. It was never in public use, as he died before introducing it. He had no children. 415 Lorenzo Dow* Livermore {Joseph? William? Jason? Jo siah? Joseph? JoJin? JoJin') was born Nov. 28, 1819, in Hart land, Vt.; married there (i) May 30, 1844, Ursula Noyes, born Aug. 30, 1821, in Piermont, N. H. ; died Dec. 23, 1866, in Beaver Dam, Wis. ; married there (2) July 23, 1867, Mrs. Amelia Ann (Ellis) Hood, daughter of Warren EUis, born Dec. 13, 1839, in CentreviUe, N. Y. He went to Wisconsin in 1854, as a civil engineer, in which capacity he occasionally served later on in life; has been justice of the peace in Beaver Dam for over twenty-four years, and a member of Dodge Co. bar. ChUdren : i. OreU Bradley? b. July 9, 1845, in Hartland; d. Aug. 29, 1848, in Charlestown, N. H. n. Aldrick Clarence, b. Oct. 29, 1848, in Hartland ; d. July 29, 1862, in Beaver Dam. 705. in. Elgin Serino, b. May 17, 1850, in Northfield, Vt. iv. Adelphia Ursula, b. Oct. 23, 1853, in Montpelier, Vt ; m. Dec. 24, 1873, in Beaver Dam, George Abram Hawes, b. Dec. 19, 1852, in Rubicon, Wis. No chil dren. 706. V. Winslow Odell, b. May 17, 1856, in Beaver Dam. 707. vi. Benjamin Franklin, b. Jan. 30, i860, in Beaver Dam. vn. Alfrenzo, b. June 10, 1864, in Beaver Dam; d. there June 24, 1864. EigJitJi Generation 271 vni. Lura Dow, b. June 27, 1868, in Beaver Dam; at the age of twent}' years she became one of the faculty of Wayland University, Beaver Dam, and was a teacher of stenography, t3'pe--writing, mathematics, philology and mental sciences, and is a fine linguist. ix. Mertie May, b. June 22, 187 1, in Beaver Dam. x. Frank Joseph, b. June 8, 1875, in Beaver Dam. xi. Roy Clarence Warren, b. Aug. 11, 1878, in Beaver Dam. 416 Emily* Livermore {Joseph? William? Jason? JosiaJi? Jo seph? JoJiti? JoJin') was born Nov. 22, 1825, in Hartland, Vt. ; married there Dec. 9, 1845, Nathan Frederick English, born June 29, 1822, in Norwich, Vt. She writes that when she was a chUd there were seventeen Livermore cousins in her father's district, and six of them were living in 1 890 ; in one term of winter's school there were fifteen scholars by the name of Livermore. ChUdren (EngUsh), born in Hartland : i. Minette Cathlena,? b. Mar. 28, 1847; d. there Aug. 15, 1848. ii. Analdo Myrtle, b. Mar. 2, 1849; m. April 22, 1877, in Providence, R. I., Aurabelle Gibbs Gardiner, b. May 3, 1851, in Sandwich; he was an inventor, at one time living in Boston. 708. iii. Inelah Mary, b. Sept. 3, 185 1. 709. iv. Viola Julia, b. Oct. 3, 1853. 710. V. Elvia Betsey, b. Sept. 11, 1855. 711. vi. Euler Frederick, b. Feb. 14, 1858. 712. vii. Lena Almira, b. April 2, 1862. viii. Jessie Jane, b. Jan. 21, 1864; d. there May 29, 1873. ix. Oral Duane, b. Dec. 23, 1867 ; d. there Sept. 7, 1868. x. Ernest Aimer, b. Aug. 28, 1869. 417 Mary* Livermore {Joseph? William? Jasoti? Josiah? Joseph? John? John') was born Oct. 14, 1830, in Hartland, Vt. ; married there (i) Oct. 14, 1851, Rev. Lucius Leslie, born July 18, 1822, in Cornish, N. H. ; died July 18, 1 861, in Troy, N. H.; he was 272 Livermore Family a Universalist minister; married (2) Feb. i, 1873, in Gardiner, Me., Allen Reuben Richardson, born Aug. 6, 1829, in South Gardiner, Me. ; she lives in Monmouth, Me. ChUdren (Leslie) : i. Lizzie Mary,? b. Oct. 30, 1854, in Lowell; d. there July 27, 1856. 713. ii. Selwin Goodhue, b. June 26, 1859, in LoweU. Child (Richardson) : ni. Allen Livermore, b. Mar. 14, 1874, in South Gardiner. 418 Charlotte* Raymond {Rebecca? Josiah? Jason? Josiah? Joseph? JoJm? John') wdiS hoxn in 1810 ; died in 1857; married in 183 1, Samuel MiUs of Barton, N. Y. ChUdren (MUls) : i. Albert,? b. ; m. Ellen HoUenbeck. ii. Augusta, b. ; m. Henry Coryell ; three children. in. Edgar, b. ; m. Rose Verbee ; one child. iv. Rebecca, b. . V. Stephen, b. vi. Delphine, b. . 419 Jane* Raymond {Rebecca? JosiaJi? Jasoti? JosiaJi? Joscpli? John? John') was born in 181 3 ; died in 1881 ; married in 1840, WUliam Hanna. ChUdren (Hanna) : i. WUliam,? b. . ii. Edward, b. . iii- Stella, b. ; m. Thaddeus EUis ; they had two chil dren ; res., in East Waverley, N. Y. iv. George I., b. ; m. EsteUa Catlin of Owego, N. Y. ; they had two children ; res., in East Waveriey. V. Adelbert, b. . vi. Frederick, b. ; m. Mary Mills; they had three children; res., Sayre, Pa. vii. Maud, b. ; m. Arthur Fitch ; they had three chil dren ; res., Carlisle, Ark. viii. Ernest, b. . Eighth Generatioti 273 420 Isaac Livermore* Raymond {Rebecca? JosiaJi? Jasoti? Jo siah? JosepJi? JoJm? JoJm') was born in 1815 ; married in 1838, Eliza Swartwood of Barton, N. Y. ChUdren (Raymond) : i. Rebecca,? b. . ii. Charlotte, b. ; m. Charles WUkinson ; they had six children. iii. Dell, b. ; m. George Walker ; they had four children.. iv. Florence, b. ; m. Morgan S. Manning. V. Frank, b. . 421 Rebecca* Raymond {Rebecca? Josiah? Jason? JosiaJi? Joseph? John? John') was born in 1817 ; died in 1854; married in 1850, Benjamin Folsom of Adrian, Mich. ChUdren (Folsom) : i. Lucinda,? b. ; m. Albert Vorhis ; they had nine children. ii. Raymond, b. ; m. Caroline Mallory ; res. in Friend ship, N. Y. 422 John* Raymond {Rebecca? Josiah? Jason? Josiah? Joseph? John? John') was born March 22, 1820; died AprU 28, 1855, near Sajrre, Pa. ; married in 1844, Elizabeth Crause. Children (Raymond) : i. William,? b. ; m. Nancy Goodale ; res. in Sayre. ii. John, b. . 423 Lucinda* Raymond {Rebecca? Josiah? Jason? Josiah? Joseph? John? John') was born in 1825 ; married in i860, Rev. Dr. F Barnes ; residence in Kalamazoo, Mich. ChUdren (Barnes) : i. Franc,? b. . ii. Emma, b. ; m. Carroll S. Hartman of Grand Rapids, Mich. iii. Albert, b. ; m. Nellie M. Longyear. iv. Flora, b. . 274 Livermore Family 424 Mary Abbie* Weaver {Elizabeth? JosiaJi? Jason? Josiah? JosepJi? JoJm? John') wdishorn Oct. 29, 1820; died May 4, 1885 ; married Sept. 20, 1847, Robert Stevens Moscrip, born Jan. 12, 181 5. They lived in Saratoga, N. Y. Children (Moscrip) : 714. i. Charles Henry,? b. June 20, 1848. 715. ii. Ferris Jacob, b. Sept. 25, 1849. iii. Helen Elizabeth, b. Mar. 24, 1852; d. Nov. 17, 1853. 716. iv. Blanche Augusta, b. June 2, 1853. 425 Charles Livermore* Weaver {Elizabeth? Josiah? Jason? Josiah? Joseph? John? John') was born Jan. 20, 1822 ; died Oct. 29, 1886; married July 7, 1852, Elizabeth Anthony, born July 15, 1831. ChUdren (Weaver) : 717. i. Helen Mar,? b. Mar. 20, 1856. ii. Lillian Etta, b. Jan. 8, 1859. in. Jesse Montgomery, b. Dec. 6, 1861 ; d. Mar. 5, 1865. iv. Maud Almira, b. July 26, 1865 ; d. Sept. 10, 1868. v. Fannie, b. Sept. 12, 1868. 426 Sarah Elizabeth* Weaver {Elizabeth? JosiaJi? Jason? Jo siaJi? JosepJi? JoJm? Jo Jin') was born March 7, 1833 ; died Nov. II, 1889; married March 20, 1861, WiUiam Remington, died Oct. 19, 1878. ChUd (Remington) : 718. i. Elizabeth Livermore,? b. Sept. 11, 1862. 427 Helen Mar* Livermore {JoJm? JosiaJi? Jasoti? Josiah? JosepJi? JoJm? JoJin') was born Jan. 30, 1825, in Fort MUler, N. Y. ; died there Oct. 8, 1887; married there July 12, i860, Piatt, son of Samuel and Mary (Ray) Baker, born Jan. 21, 1820, in Pittston, N. Y. Eighth Generatioti 275 ChUdren (Baker), born in Northumberland, N. Y. : i. Raymond WiUiam,? b. June 15, 1861 ; m. May 16, 1900, in Fort Miller, Mary Adelaide, daughter of Lemuel Porter and Jane Lucretia (Carpenter) Underwood, b. there Nov. 20, 1870. ii. Edwin Samuel, b. Sept. 5, 1863; d. Sept. 12, 1887, in Fort MiUer. 428 Esther Raymond* Livermore {JoJin? Josiah? Jason? Jo siah? JosepJi? JoJm? JoJin') was born Nov. 9, 1829, in Fort MUler, N. Y. ; married there Sept. 24, 185 1, James Baldwin, born Feb. 12, 1823, in Fort Edward, N. Y. ; died there July 23, 1898. ChUdren (Baldwin), the eldest born in Greenwich, N. Y., the others in Fort Edward : i. Edwin Livermore,? b. Aug. 14, 1852 ; unm. n. Charles R., b. Sept. 30, 1854; d. there AprU 23, 1898. iii. Catharine A., b. Nov. 20, 1856 ; unm. 719. iv. J. Henry, b. Aug. 23, 1859. V. Ruthven, b. AprU 9, 1862 ; d. there Nov. 25, 1899. 720. vi. Ida May, b. Oct. 13, 1865. vii. Helen, b. Oct. 21, 1868 ; d. Sept. 7, 1871. viii. Frank W., b. July 21, 1873. 429 Josiah Henry* Livermore {JoJiti? JosiaJi? Jasoti? JosiaJi? JosepJi? John? Jo Jin') was born May 15, 1833, in Fort Miller, N. Y. ; married there Sept. 11, 1863, Margaret, daughter of James H . and Catharine (McCoUom) GUchrist, born there March 7, 1839. ChUdren, born in Fort MUler : 721. i. Catharine Gilchrist,? b. June 7, 1864. ii. Harriet, b. Jan. 14, 1868. 722. iii. John, b. Aug. 5, 1870. iv. Leon, b. June 22, 1873. V. May, b. Oct. 25, 1875 ; d. there July 22, 1876. vi. Raymond, b. Sept. 23, 1877. 276 Livermore Family 430 Raymond Bellenger* Livermore {John? Josiah? Jason? Josiah? Joseph? John? John') was born Aug. 17, 1836, in Fort MUler, N. Y. ; died Dec. 9, 1886, in New York City; married Sept. II, i860, in Dover, N. J., EUa Wood, daughter of John Marshall and Maria Berry (Wood) Losey, born there Dec. 15, 1 84 1. He went to school in Fort MUler and moved to New York in 1854, entering the employ of his brother, E. P. Liv ermore. In 1858 he became a partner in the export flour business, which afterwards included grain. He was an expert judge of flour. He was one of the first members of the New York Produce Exchange. He was fond of art and an admirer of beautiful paintings. ChUdren, the eldest born in Dover, the others in New York City: i. Florence,? b. June 20, 1861 ; d. Aug. 11, 1896, in New York. ii. Edwin Ruthven, b. Jan. 19, 1871; d. there April 5, 1871. 723. iii. Edith, b. Mar. 3, 1872. iv.Helen, b. Nov. 9, 1876; m. June 19, 1900, in New York City, James, son of James and CeciUa (Aiken) Staf ford, b. Jan. 25, 1861, in Essex, N. Y. ; he is a physician. 431 Edgar* Livermore {Jason? JosiaJi? Jason? JosiaJi? Joseph? John? JoJin') was born July 28, 1828; died Aug. 30, 1887, in Binghamton, N. Y. ; married Dec. 21, 1853, in Fort MUler, N. Y., Frances Celina, daughter of John and Cerulia (Tommis) Fuller ; she lives in Bay Shore, Long Island, N. Y. He was a ship carpenter, and attended the Methodist Church. ChUdren : i. Arthur,? b. Mar. 31, 1855, in Fort Edward, N. Y. ; he is an oysterman in Bay Shore. 724. ii. Louise, b. Aug. 16, 1858, in Fort Edward. iu. A son, b. Dec. 16, i860, in Fort Edward; d. next day. 725. iv. Cora Alma, b. Nov. 17, 1861, in Fort Edward. EigJitJi Generatioti 277 V. Charles Haxton, b. Aug. 30, 1865, in Flushing, N. Y. ; he is an oysterman in Bay Shore. vi. George Taylor, b. July 28, 1870, in Brooklyn, L. I.; m, April 30, 1 886, (?) Mary Letitia, dau. of Alexander and Esther (Keller) Riddle ; he is an engineer and lives in Bay Shore. No children. vii. Jessica Marcelia, b. Jan. 3, 1873, in Brooklyn ; res.. Bay Shore. viii. Alfred, b. May 2, 1876, in Bay shore ; he is an engineer. ix. Frank Edgar, b. Jan. 29, 1878, in Bay Shore; he is a plumber. 432 Sarah Esther* Raymond {EstJier? JosiaJi? Jason? JosiaJi? JosepJi? JoJin? JoJin') was born Aug. 22, 1836, in Northumber land, N. Y. ; married Oct. 20, 1858, in SchuylervUle, N. Y., Samuel, son of WUliam Harmon and Asenath (Dunham) Wells, born Nov. 27, 1827, in Luzerne, N. Y. ChUdren (WeUs) born in SchuylervUle : i. Eloise,? b. Dec. 30, 1859 ; d. there Oct. 4, i860. 726. ii. Raymond S., b. Sept. i, 1861. iii. Jennie Esther, b. Feb. 3, 1865. 433 John Flint* Smith {Almira? Braddyl? Jason? Josiah? Joseph? John? John') was born Nov. 2, 18 15, in Holden; mar ried Jan. 25, 1842, in West Boylston, Caroline Taft, born there Aug. 22, 1822. ChUdren (Smith), born in Worcester : i. Mary Flint,? b. Mar. 31, 1850; d. there Aug. 21, 1852. u. Effie Caroline, b. Nov. 28, 1857 ; lives there, unm. 434 George Eli* Smith {Almira? Braddyl? Jason? Josiah? Joseph? John? JoJm') was born May 28, 1827, in Rutland; married May 19, 1853, in West Boylston, Sarah Jane Harthan, born there May 7, 1829. ChUdren (Smith), born in Worcester : i. George Arthur,? b. Dec. 20, 1855. ii. Mary Alice, b. Nov. 11, i860. 278 Livermore Family 435 Ira Rufus* Grosvenor {Mary? Braddyl? Jason? Josiah? JosepJi? JoJin? JoJm') was born March 18, 181 5, in Paxton; married (i) Sept. 21, 1837, in Monroe, Mich., Harriet Wood ; married (2) Sarah Wood, sister to his first wife. He was a distinguished man; he was colonel of the 7th Michigan Vols. from June 10, 1861 to July 7, 1862 in the Ci-vil war; represen tative from Monroe 1871-2 ; trustee Michigan Asylum for the Insane in 1887, and is now a lawyer in Monroe. Children (Grosvenor) : i. Irene,? b. ; m. Harry Wheelock. ii. Elliott Oliver, b. ; a lawyer with his father. iii. Winthrop, b. ; studying dentistry in Chicago. 436 Ebenezer Oliver* Grosvenor {Mary? Braddyl? Jason? JosiaJi? JosepJi? JoJm? JoJin') W2is born Jan. 26, 1820, in StUl- water, N. Y. ; married Feb. 25, 1844, Sarah Ann, daughter of Hon. Elisha P. Champlin one of the first settlers of Lenawee County. He received a common school and academical education until he was fifteen, then for two years was a clerk in Chittenango, N. Y., then a clerk for his brother at Albion, Mich. He was in 1839-40 a clerk in the State Commissioners' office at Monroe, Mich.; in 1840-44 a clerk at JonesvUle, Mich., when in 1844 he became a merchant there. In 1854 he established the banking house of Grosvenor & Co., in Jones'ville, of which he has always been president and manager. He has held all important town offices. He was State Sena tor in 1859 and 1862-64. In the session of 1862 he was chair man of Committee on Finance. At breaking out of the war, 1861, he was commissioned col onel on the staff of Governor Blair. He was president of the MUitary Contract Board in 1861, and after-wards president of the State MUitary Board. In" 1 864 he was elected lieutenant governor on the ticket with Governor Crapo, and held that office from 1865 to 1867. State EigJitJi Generatioti 279 Treasurer 1 867-1 871. Charter member of the Lodge of Odd Fellows in JonesviUe, in 1840, and has passed all the chairs of that Order. Also a Master Mason, having joined the organiza tion in 1855 ; member and president of the Board of State BuUding Commissioners from 1871 to 1879; a regent of the University of Michigan from 1879 to 1888 ; a director in in surance companies and other corporations ; regular attendant at the Presbyterian Church. ChUd (Grosvenor) : i. Harriet,? b. ; m. in 1873 to Charles E. White of JonesvUle. Children (White) : i. Charles Grosvenor," b. . ii. Oliver Simeon, b. . 437 Helen Sophia Farnsworth* Livermore {George? Braddyl? Jasoti? Josiah? Joseph? John? JoJm') was born June 15, 1830, in MUlbury; married Aug. 2, 1853, in Cambridge, Paul Foster, son of Titus Philbrick and Martha (Foster) Folsom, born Feb. 29, 1820, in East Machias, Me. ; died Aug. 7, 1895, in West Gouldsboro, Me. She lives in Jamaica Plain. ChUdren (Folsom) : i. Sarah Helen,? b. Oct. 15, 1854, in Boston. 727. ii. Jenny Sophia, b. April 20, 1857, in Boston. 728. iii. Mary Olivia, b. Nov. 18, 1861, in Cambridge. iv. George Frzmk, b. July 18, 1864, in Cambridge; m. Mar. 24, 1900, in Jamaica Plain, Mrs. Florence Maclem. V. Paul Foster, b. Sept. 23, 1865, in Jamaica Plain; m. there July 31, 1901, Mary Macdonald Delany. vi. Eva Livermore, b. Jan. 30, 1868, in Jamaica Plain. vii. Grosvenor, b. Aug. 8, 1872, in Jamaica Plain. 438 George Braddyl* Livermore {George? Braddyl? Jason? Josiah? Joseph? JoJm? John') was born March 16, 1832, in Westfield, N. Y. ; married Nov. i, 1865, in Charleston, Ind., Catherine Glion, born March 20, 1834, in Besan9on, France. They live in Colburn, Ind. No chUdren. 28o Livermore Family 439 John Frank* Livermore {George? Braddyl? Jason? Josiah? Joseph? John? John') was born Oct. 5, 1834, in Westfield, N. Y. ; died Jan. 16, 1864, in Boston; married April 6, i860, in Cam bridge, Mehitable Lyford, daughter of WiUiam and Sally D. Swain, born July 3, 1830, in Chichester, N. H. ChUd, born in Boston : i. Helen Sophia Farnsworth,? b. Feb. 28, 1862 ; d. there Mar. 14, 1880. 440 Charles Franklin* Livermore {Jason? Braddyl? Jasoti? JosiaJi? Joseph? John? JoJin') was born Nov. 11, 1832, in Pax ton; married Aug. 30, 1859, in Spencer, Lorette G., daughter of Jotham and Caroline Randall, born in Belchertown. He was a clerk at the time of their marriage. Children, born in Worcester : i. Walter Frank,? b. July i, 1862; m. June 2, 1891, in Worcester, Flora M., daughter of Harland B. and Luella F. Sherwin, b. in 1874, in Warren. 729. n. Albert Randall, b. Feb. 13, 1873. 440a George William* Livermore {Jason? Braddyl? Jason? Josiah? Joseph? JoJin? JoJm') was born July 27, 1838, in Pax ton; married July 3, 1862, in Cambridge, Carrie A., daughter of Joseph and Hannah Hartwell, born in 1841, in Bedford. He has been a baker in Brighton, a glass-packer m Cambridge, and a farmer in Acton. ChUdren : i. Caroline E.,? b. June i, 1863, in Cambridge. ii. Joseph WiUiam, b. Mar. 21, 1866, in Acton. 729a. iii. Henry Laiinston, b. Jan. 18, 187 1, in Acton. 441 Hiram Brooks* Livermore {Jason? Braddyl? Jason? Jo siah? Joseph? John? John') w2.%\,oxn June 18, 1840, in Paxton; married May i, 1862, in Acton, Laura Esther, daughter of EUiot EigJitJi Generation 281 and Laura E. (Randall) Prouty, born in 1845, in Leicester. He is a farmer. ' ChUdren, born in Acton : i. Mabel Loraine,? b. Mar. 11, 1863 ; m. Nov. 25, 1886, in Worcester, Arthur A., son of Alonzo C. and Frances Blethen, b. in 1864, in Lynn. 730. u. Elliot Prouty, b. Mar. 14, 1866. 442 Ahira Russell* Livermore {Larnard? Isaac? Moses? Jo siaJi? JosepJi? JoJin? JoJm') was born Feb. 16, 18 10, in Smith vUle, N. Y. ; died Nov. 4, 1837, in Illinois ; married his cousin, Hannah, daughter of Orin and Mehetable (Livermore) Seward, born Oct. 3, 1809, in Chenango, N. Y. ; died Jan. 2, 1849, in Truro, Knox Co., 111. ChUdren : i. Cyrus,? b. ; d. young. 731. ii. Diantha, b. Oct. 17, 1836. 443 Nelson Grant* Livermore {Lartiard? Isaac? Moses? Jo siaJi? Joseph? John? John') was born Aug. 9, 18 13, in Smith- •vUle, N. Y. ; died Aug. 17, 1854, in McCoupin Co., 111. ; married May II, 1832, in Barker, N. Y., Pheria, daughter of Chester and Polly Pease, born May 22, 1813, in Cincinnatus, N. Y. ; died Dec. 25, 1886, in Hancock Co., la. ChUdren, the first three born in Broome Co., N. Y., the others in Washington Co., la. : 732. i. Francis Asbury,? b. Aug. 20, 1833. 733. ii. Sally, b. Nov. 25, 1834. 734. iii. Diantha Fidelia, b. Oct. 23, 1836. 735. iv. Samantha Jane, b. Nov. 20, 1840. V. Pamelia Ann, b. Sept. i, 1843. 444 Semantha Jane* Livermore {Larnard? Isaac? Moses? Jo siaJi? Joseph? John? JoJm') was born March 16, 18 19, in Smith viUe, N. Y. ; died April 25, 1885, in Newark VaUey, N. Y. ; 282 Livermore Fattiily married Oct. 13, 1836, in Barker, N. Y., Lewis Daniel Bishop, born Aug. 11, 18 15, in Castle Creek, N. Y. ChUdren (Bishop), born in Castle Creek : i. Martin Ahira,? b. Jan. 25, 1838 ; d. there Feb. 27, 1839. 736. n. Francis Martin, b. Dec. 16, 1839. 737 738 739740 iii. Lucius Nelson, b. Dec. 28, 1841. iv. Curtis Lemont, b. Jan. 21, 1849. V. Anna ArdeU, b. July 16, 1852. vi. Emma De Ette, b. June 10, 1859. 445 Pamelia Ann* Livermore {Larnard? Isaac? Moses? JosiaJi? Joseph? JoJm? JoJin') was born March 20, 1824, in SmithvUle, N. Y. ; married Nov. 3, 1847, in Barker, N. Y., Harry Lyon, born there Oct. 17, 1818. Residence, Binghamton, N. Y. ChUdren (Lyon), the first four born in Barker, the last two in Binghamton : i. Ella Euphemia,? b. Aug. 17, 1848; m. Oct. 6, 1884, in Binghamton, Robert Evans Hooper, born in Hooper, N. Y. n. George Frederic, b. July 13, 1849; "i- AprU 9, 1884, in Binghamton, Elizabeth Radcltff Mather, where she was born. He is a Justice of the Supreme Court of New York, and lives in Binghamton. in. Pamelia Janette, b. Dec. 3, 1850 ; d. there June 21, 1854. iv. Jennie DeUa, b. June i, 1856; m. June 29, 1881, in Binghamton, Winthrop Downs Painter, born in \\&j- mouth, O. V. Charles RoUo, b. Mar. 31, 1859; d. there Aug. 4, 1859. vi. Harry Frederic, b. Oct. 4, 1863; m. there Nov. 15, 1888, Minnie May Lester. Child (Lyon), b. in Bing hamton. i. George Harry, "^ b. April 2, 1S90. 446 Anna* Seward {MeJiitable? Isaac? Moses? Josiah? JosepJi? John? JoJm') was born July 9, 181 1, in Chenango, N. Y. ; mar ried July 4, 1830, Ebenezer Sraead French of Chenango, born April 8, 1810, in Charlemont. Residence, Lisle, N. Y. EigJitJi Generation 283 ChUdren (French) : 741. i. Lucius,? b. Feb. 2, 1832. ii. Hepzibeth, b. Sept. 16, 1833; d. AprU 19, 1885, unm. 742. in. Olive, b. Nov. 20, 1835. 743. iv. EHzabeth, b. Feb. 9, 1838. 744. V. Mary, b. Aug. 4, 1S41. vi. Orin, b. Sept. 29, 1844; d. Oct. 23, 1844. vii. Kit Carson, b. Aug. 20, 1853 ; m. Jan. 2, 1876, in Bing hamton, N. Y., Mena EUza Keeler, b. in 185 1, in Chenango. 447 Levi* Seward {MeJiitable? Isaac? Moses? Josiah? Joseph? JoJm? John') was born Aug. 21, 18 17, in Chenango, N. Y. ; married Nov. 17, 1844, in Truro, 111., Nancy Cadwell, born in Onondaga Co., N. Y. ChUd (Seward) born in Truro : 745. i Addie Maria,? b. Sept. 30, 1847. 448 Lorin* Livermore {Roswell? Moses? Moses? JosiaJi? Joseph? JoJin? JoJiti') was born Oct. 3, 1826, in Lisle, N. Y. ; died there June 2, 1879 ; married Nov. 8, 1854, Angeline Houk ; she died in Owego, N. Y. Children, born in Lisle : 746. i. Daniel Roswell,? b. Jan. 26, 1856. ii. Fay Houk, b. Dec. 17, 1859. iii. Frank Eddy, b. Mar. 2, 1864. 449 Adeline* Livermore {Moses? Moses? Moses? Josiah? Jo seph? Johti? John') was born Nov. 18, 18 10, in Lisle, N. Y. ; died there May 17, 1845 ; married there Dec. 19, 1832, WU liam Fenner, born Sept. ig, 181 1, in Rhode Island; died Aug. 23, 1882, in Homer, N. Y. Children (Fenner), born in Lisle : i. George Livermore,? b. May 9, 1836 ; d. April 8, 1862, unm. 284 Livermore Family n. Ann EUza, b. Feb. 18, 1838; m. George Brigham, son of Brigham and Rebecca (Fenner) Livermore. in. Leander, b. Feb. 3, 1840; d. Dec. 24, 1 861, unm. iv. Charles, b. Jan. 19, 1842 ; d. Feb. 9, 1862. 747. V. Frederick, b. May 17, 1844. 450 Charles Henry* Livermore {Moses? Moses? Moses? Jo siah? JosepJi? JoJin? JoJin') was bom Sept. 4, 18 12, in Lisle, N. Y. ; died there Jan. 31, 1881 ; married Nov. 2, 1836, Sarah Ma- linda Guernsey, born July 2, 18 12, in Greenfield, N. Y. He was a farmer ; he joined the Congregational church when about six teen years old, was made a deacon about 1 847, and held that office until 1868, when he severed his connection with that church and joined the M. E. church of Centre Lisle. He was always known as Deacon Livermore. Children, born in Lisle : i. Rachel Ann,? b. Aug. ii, 1838; m. Charles Howland ; lives in Lisle. ii. Ann Bridget, b. Oct. 17, 1840; m. George Howland; lives in Lisle. 748. iii. Charles Henry, b. April 30, 1843. . 749. iv. George, b. Nov. 15, 1845. V. AdeUne, b. Dec. 28, 1847 ; lives in Lisle ; unm. vi. Sarah, b. Mar. 3, 1851; m. there Jan. i, 1870, Lester Potter. 451 David Clark* Livermore {Moses? Moses? Moses? Josiah? JosepJi? JoJm? JoJm') was born Jan. 29, 18 16, in Lisle, N. Y. ; died March 10, 1893, in Newark Valley, N. Y. ; married Feb. 28, 1838, in Berkshire, N. Y., Wrexa'ville Badger, born June 26, 1 8 14, in Lisle ; died Dec. 30, 1876, in Genoa, N. Y. At the age of eight years he went to live with his uncle Gard ner Livermore, remaining with him until he was twenty-one. He continued to live in Lisle for two or three years, and then moved to Bradford Co., Pa., being employed in a flour miU untU 1844, returning to Lisle and after living in his native town for one year, he bought a grist mUl and saw mUl in Berkshire. He was EigJith Generation 285. deacon of the Congregational church for several years, and also superintendent of the Sunday school. In 1874, he moved to Genoa, and after his wife's' death went to live with his youngest daughter, Mrs. Innes. He died in the house of his daughter, Mrs. Prentice. Children : i. Mary Ann,? b. Feb. 27, 1839, in Lisle; res., Hinsdale, N. Y. ; unm. 750. ii. Cyrus Egbert, b. Aug. 17, 1841, in Bradford Co. iii. Amelia Adaline, b. Feb. i, 1844, in Bradford Co. ; m.. Nov. 13, 1867, William Goodspeed Prentice, b. July 3, 1845, in Newark Valley, where they live. No children of their own. iv. Alamanzo Bostwick, b. Feb. 3, 1847, in Berkshire; m. Dec. 31, 1874, Jennie Whaley, b. July 8, 1854, in Greene, N. Y. ; he is a bookkeeper in the employ of the Standard Oil Co. ; res.. Auburn, N. Y. No chil dren. V. Emily Jane, b. Nov. 17, 1850, in Berkshire; d. Aug. 12, 1880, in Genoa; m. there Nov. 6, 1878, Edson Jay Van Marter. He is a carpenter. She left a son, b. April 23, 1880, in Genoa, who was adopted by her sister, Mrs. Prentice, and bears the name of Raymond Liver more Prentice.'" vi. Calista Jeanette, b. Aug. 10, 1857, in Berkshire; m. Oct. 15, 1878, in Genoa, Francis Henry Innes, b. in 1857 ; he is a jeweUer. No children. 452 Mary Ann* Livermore {Moses? Moses? Moses? JosiaJi? Jo seph? John? John') was born Jan. 20, 18 19, in Lisle, N. Y. ;, married there Jan. 10, 1847, Noyes Palmer Chapman, born in 18 14, in Newark Valley, where they live. Children (Chapman), born in Newark VaUey : i. Wealthy McKnight,? b. Mar. 12, 185 1 ; m. there Feb. 22, 1876, Wright Benjamin, son of Almerin and Margaret (Van Wormer) Williams, b. there Oct. 2, 1843. Child (WiUiams), born in Newark Valley. I. George Albert?" b. Dec. 4, 1876. ii. Frederick Henry, b. Aug. 6, 1852. 286 Livertnore Family 453 John Frederic* Livermore {Moses? Moses? Moses? Josiah? JosepJi? JoJin? JoJiti') was born Feb'. 6, 182 1, in Lisle, N. Y. ; died April 7, 1900, in Normal, a suburb of Bloomington, 111. ; married March 5, 1846, in FlemingvUle, Newark Valley Town ship, N. Y., Jane, daughter of Henry Smith and Nancy (Sutton) Granger, born July 24, 1826, in Jacksonville, N. Y. He moved from Newark VaUey with his famUy to Madison City, Wis., in 1855, and from thence to Polo, IU., in 1856; he led an uneventful life until the breaking out of the CivU war when he enlisted in May, 1861, in the 15th 111. Vols., for three years, and was discharged for disability in Feb., 1862. He had lived for twenty-eight years in Normal ; he was a carpenter. ChUdren : WiUiam Henry,? b. Jan. 9, 1847, in Candor, N. Y. Albert Granger, b. Sept. 10, 185 1, in Newark Valley ; d. there Jan. 3, 1853. Francis Granger, b. Oct. 3, 1854, in Newark Valle}'. iv. Alice Louisa, b. Jan. 8, 1858, in Polo. V. Ida LueUa, b. Sept. 9, 1861, in Polo; d. there Dec. 20, 1861. vi. Harry Archie, b. Oct. 28, 1866, in Polo; d. Feb. 23, 189 1, in Great Falls, Mont., unm. He lived for some time in Harlem, Sargent Co., No. Dak. 454 Moses* Livermore, {Moses? Moses? Moses? JosiaJi? JosepJi? JoJm? John') was born Nov. 26, 1824, in Lisle, N. Y. ; married there Sept. 10, 1846, Lucinda B. Cross, born Aug. 11, 1826, in Cherry Valley, N. Y. ; died June 24, 1889, in Yorkshire Centre, N. Y. Residence, Yorkshire Centre. ChUdren, the first three born in Lisle, the youngest in Gro ton, N. Y. : i. Clarissa Cook,? b. Nov. 5, 1848 ; lives with her father, unm. 754. n. Louise, b. AprU 4, 1850. iii. George DeWitt, b. July 17, 1852; d. Oct. 13, 1854, in Groton. iv. Joseph Cook, b. Mar. 25, 1854; d. Jan. 30, 1856, in Groton. 751- I. ii. 752- iii. 753- iv. EigJitJi Getieration 287 455 Nathan* Livermore {Moses? Moses? Moses? JosiaJi? Jo sepJi? JoJiti? JoJin') was born Sept. 15, 1831, in Lisle, N. Y. ; married Feb. i, 1852, in Triangle, N. Y., Lucy Fidelia Gardner, born Dec. 7, 1834, in Lisle. He is a wagon-maker. Residence, Binghamton, N. Y. ChUdren, born in Whitney Point (town of Triangle), N. Y. : 755. i. Ida May,? b. Nov. 4, 1855. n. Helen Collins, b. July 12, 1858; d. there June i, 1863. iii. Hattie Leona, b. Feb. 12, 1861 ; m. there Nov. 2, 1881, Rudolph W. Whaley. iv. Lewds Gardner, b. June 21, 1867 ; d. there Aug. 4, 1876. V. Mary Alice, b. Jan. 21, 1870. vi. John Berton, b. Sept. 23, 1S74. vii. Lillian, b. Oct. 2, 1880. vin. Lula Mabel, b. Feb. 4, 1883. 456 Julia* Livermore {Warner? Moses? Moses? Josiah? Joseph? John? John') was born Sept. 16, 1822, in Spencer; married there Oct. 31, 1845, Elbridge Sibley, bom in June, 1821, in West Brookfield; died Dec. 13, 1896, in the State of Wash ington. ChUdren (Sibley), born in Spencer : i. Adele Joanna,? b. Sept. 21, 1846; m. April 30, 1895, Henry Blodgett of Littleton, N. H. ii. Frank Warner, b. Dec. 13, 1849. iii. Charles Herbert, b. July 7, 1852 ; m. Grace Lackey of Spencer. Six chUdren. 457 Abigail* Livermore {Russell? Moses? Moses? Josiah? Jo seph? JoJin? JoJin') was born Nov. 4, 1823, in Lisle, N. Y. ; married there Oct. 13, 1845, Stephen Briggs Howland, born there Jan. 18, 1821 ; died May 12, 1881, in Nanticoke, N. Y. ChUdren (Howland), born in Lisle : 756. i. George Stephen,? b. April 19, 1847. 288 Livertnore Family n. Mary Rebecca, b. May 15, 1851 ; d. Sept. 27, 1874, in Barker, N. Y. ; m. Oct. 7, 1873, in Newark Valley, N. Y., Charles J. Hayes, b. July 3, 1857, in Barker. 757. iii. Charles Sumner, b. Sept. 29, 1858. 458 Emeline Frances* Livermore {Russell? Moses? Moses? JosiaJi? Joseph? John? John') was born March 11, 1826, in Lisle, N. Y. ; married Jan. i, 1849, in Centre Lisle, Marshall Morcena, son of Morcena and Matilda (Briggs) Glezen, born there AprU 5, 1826; died there Aug. 13, 1899. Children (Glezen), born in Centre Lisle : i. Russell Livermore,? b. Mar. i, 1850 ; d. there AprU 8j i860. ii. Lewis Marshall, b. Mar. 21, 1852 ; m. Oct. 31, 1870, in Greene, N. Y., Emmagene (?), dau. of Ezra and Ann Eliza (Brockway) Olds, b. there Jan. 11, 1855. No children. 758. iii. Frank Emerson, b. June 13, 1854. 759. iv. Sarah Emeline, b. Oct. 30, i860. 760. V. James Russell, b. Aug. 27, 1863. 459 George Warner* Livermore {Russell? Moses? Moses? Jo siah? JosepJi? John? John') was born Sept. 17, 1828, in Lisle, N. Y. ; married (i) Oct. i, 1850, in Freetown, N. Y., Sarah Elizabeth, daughter of Calvin and Elizabeth (Saxton) Hammond, born there July 20, 1831 ; died March 30, 1863, in Lisle; mar ried (2) Feb. 22, 1864, in Lisle, Julia E., daughter of Solomon Jones and Levantia (Buell) Northrup, born Sept. 4, 1837, in Columbus, N. Y. ; died May 4, 1883, in Lisle; married (3) March 18, 1884, in Newark Valley, N. Y., Louise, daughter of James AUen, born in Oct., 1853 ; died Feb. 24, 1886, in Centre Lisle, N. Y. ; married (4) Nov. 7, 1888, in Whitney's Point, N. Y., Clara, daughter of Royal and Margaret (Pike) Gilbert, born Oct. 15, 1848, in Cortland, N. Y. He left home after his eighteenth birthday, agreeing to pay his father ^100 for his time. He went to Spencer, but returned EightJi Getieration 289 in the fall of 1848. He worked at the wagon trade for five years ; the rest of his life has been spent as a farmer. He is now living in the centre of the town of Lisle. ChUdren, born in Lisle : i. George Warner,? b. Sept. 10, 1854; d. there Mar. 3, 1862. 761. ii. George Calvin, b. Mar. 28, 1863. 762. iii. Ira Warner, b. April 26, 1872. iv. John Eber, b. Mar. 29, 1875 ; he was a student in the law school of Buffalo University, and was graduated in 1901. 460 Lewis Russell* Livermore {Russell? Moses? Moses? Jo. siah? Joseph? John? John') was born Feb. 23, 1831, in Lisle, N. Y. ; married Sept. 30, 1855, in WeUington, O., MatUda M., daughter of Lyman and Miranda (Wilson) Bonney, born March 22, 1837, in Canandaigua, N. Y. After the birth of his eldest chUd he settled in Clarksfield, O., where he stUl lives, and is a farmer. He enlisted Oct. 17, 1 861, in the 43d regiment, Ohio Vols., and was honorably discharged July 13, 1865. ChUdren, all but the eldest born in Clarksfield : i. Frank,? b. Jan. 24, 1857, in Pharsalia, N. Y. ii. Edmond, b. Aug. 2, i860; d. there in 1862. iii. Jessie, b. June 24, 1866 ; m. Jerry Clark. They have had three children, of whom one d. Aug. i, 1895. iv. Fay, b. Feb. 23, 1868 ; d. there Nov. 5, 1874. 763. V. Charles, b. Dec i, 1874. vi. Guy, b. Nov. 29, 1878. 461 Joseph Wilson* Livermore {Russell? Moses? Moses? Jo siah? Joseph? John? John') was born June 28, 1834, in Lisle, N. Y. ; married May 24, 1854, in Owego, N. Y., Phoebe EUza beth, daughter of Francis and Phoebe Elizabeth (Booth) Law- son, born Oct. 17, 1836, in FishkiU, N. Y. He has been a 290 Livermore Family carpenter nearly all his life, and has worked in FaU River, Wap- pinger's Falls, N. Y., FishkUl, and now lives in Lisle. ChUdren : 764. i. Mary Alice,? b. Nov. 12, 1855, in Berkshire, N. Y. 765. n. Russell Wilson, b. Nov. 3, i860, in FishkUl. 766. iii. Luman, b. Sept. 9, 1862, in FishkiU. iv. Carrie Elizabeth, b. Feb. 21, 1868, in Centre Lisle, N. Y. ; d. there June 12, 1872. V. Jay WiUie, b. May 12, 1873, in Centre Lisle; m. June 18, 1894, Mertie, dau. of William and Lucy Ann (Smith) Marks. Child, b. in Lisle : I. William,"' b. Sept. 24, 1895. 462 Walton* Livermore {Russell? Moses? Moses? JosiaJi? Jo seph? JoJiti? JoJm') was born Jan. 22, 1838, in Lisle, N. Y. ; married July 4, 1858, Harriet, daughter of Andrew and Achsah (Gleason) Romans. He is a machinist in Richford, N. Y. ChUdren : i. Ida,? b. Aug. 27, 1859 ; d. April 26, \i u. Wallace, b. June 29, 1867 ; m. in 1886, Hattie Stanton. Child : I. Clarence,"^' b. Jan. i, 188S. iii. Frederic, b. April 26, 187 1. 463 Charles Theodore* Livermore {Russell? Moses? Moses? JosiaJi? JosepJi? JoJin? JoJiti') was born March 14, 1841, in Lisle, N. Y. ; married AprU 7, 1864, in Triangle, N. Y., Rebecca Ellis, daughter of Hiram and Esther Hurlburt Pike, born May 6, 1843, in ColesviUe, N. Y. At first he settled as a farmer in Lisle, but went to Denver, Col., in 1879. He was in the lum ber business when the financial crash of 1892-93 came, and since that time has been engaged in the grain business in Denver. ChUd, born in Lisle : 767. i. Esther Annie,? b. July 18, 1867. EigJitJi Getieration 291 464 Edmund K.* Livermore {Russell? Moses? Moses? Josiah? JosepJi? JoJiti? JoJm') was born Dec. 16, 1845, in Centre Lisle, N. Y. ; married Sept. 3, 1865, in VirgU, N. Y., Josephine Vir ginia, daughter of Julian and MatUda (Ladd) Simmons, born there June 29, 1846. He lived with his parents untU Sept., 1861, when he enlisted in company F, 27th regiment, N. Y. Vols.; in May, 1862, he was taken sick at Shipman's Landing, Va., and was discharged for general disabUity July 2, 1862; he enlisted again, in Dec, 1863, in company E, 137th regiment, N. Y. Vols., in which he served untU the close of the war, reaching home in August, 1865. He lived in Centre Lisle until March, 1874, when he moved to Richford, N. Y., returning to Lisle in Sept., 1874. In the fall of 1877 he moved to Whitney Point, N. Y., and in Feb., 1878, to Binghamton, N. Y., thence to Greene, N. Y., where his youngest child was born ; then to Syracuse, N. Y., in Feb., 1880; to Groton, N. Y., in Sept., 1883, and back to Syra cuse in Aug., 1884. He was a manufacturer of guns and rifle telescopes. He now lives in Lisle, and is carrying on a farm. ChUdren : i. Clinton Alarado,? b. Sept. 27, 1866, in Centre Lisle; m. May Elizabeth Davis. ii. Julian Adelbert, b. May 25, 1869, in Centre Lisle ; d. Dec. 22, 1889, in Lisle ; m. Jan. 16, 1889, in Syracuse, Minnie May Hotaling, b. Jan. 6, 1868, in Lafayette, N. Y. in. Miles Edmond, b. June 29, 1872, in Centre Lisle; m. Elizabeth Edminster. iv. Mary Dean, b. Aug. 12, 1874, in Richford; m, Ernest Parke. V. Daniel Webster, b. Oct. 17, 1878, in Greene. 465 George Brigham* Livermore {BrigJiam? Moses? Moses? Josiah? JosepJi? John? John') was born May 13, 1834, in Lisle, N. Y. ; died there July 28, 1871 ; married there Feb. i, i860. 2g2 Livermore Family Ann Eliza, daughter of WUliam and Adeline (Livermore) Fen ner, born there Feb. i8, 1838; died March 14, 1878, in Maine, N. Y. Children, born in Maine : i. Calvin Ward,? b. July 25, 1863 ; d. June 29, 1886. ii. Inez, b. Oct. 18, 1869; m. Jan. 8, 1890, Henry IngaUs. They live in Maine, and have two children. 466 William Byron* Livermore {BrigJiam? Moses? Moses? Josiah? JosepJi? John? John') was born June 10, 1838, in Lisle, N. Y. ; married Dec. 26, 1871, in Watkins, N. Y., Esther Cath arine, daughter of Alfred and Permelia (Phelps) Allen, born July 21, 1842, in WUlett, N. Y. He enlisted in company F, 89th regiment, N. Y. Vols. ; lost his right arm in the battle of An- tietam, Sept. 17, 1862, and was discharged for disabUity, having served one year ; he attended the Grand Army National En campment in Boston in Aug., 1890. He lives in Lisle, and has been a trustee (selectman) of that town several times. ChUd, born in Lisle : i. Alfred Brigham,? b. June 25, 1876 ; m. Feb. 24, 1897, in Norfolk, Va., Teresa Ahem ; he is editor of the " Lisle Gleaner." 467 William Stedman* Livermore {Obadiah? Amos? Moses? JosiaJi? JosepJi? JoJm? John') was born Jan. 28, 1823, in Rich ford, N. Y. ; married AprU 11, 1848, in UnadUla, Mich., Jane Watson, born Dec. 9, 1827, in Richford. He is a dealer in general merchandise in UnadUla. ChUdren, aU except the second born in UnadUla : i. Margaret Almira,? b. May 7, 1850; d. July 23, 185 1, in Richford. u. Edmond Watkins, b. July 9, 1852, in Ithaca, N. Y. ; d. Mar. 4, 1 86 1, in UnadUla. 768. iii. Lillie Jane, b. Oct. 17, 1854. EigJith Generation 293 iv. Frederick Chalmers, b. Mar. 3, 1857 ; m. Oct. 16, 1881, in UnadiUa, MoUie Bird, b. there Feb. 22, 1855. V. Marietta Gavenna, b. May 12, 1868. 468 Sarah Maria* Livermore {Obadiah? Amos? Moses? JosiaJi? JosepJi? John? JoJm') was born Sept. 26, 1837, in Richford, N. Y. ; married Oct. 2, 1862, in Ithaca, N. Y., Austin NeweU, son of NeweU and Adaline (Savage) Hungerford, born there Oct. 3, 1835. Children (Himgerford), born in Ithaca : 769. i. Mary Gavina,? b. Oct. 29, 1863. ii. Anna Candace, b. Feb. 27, 1868 ; m. her cousin, Joseph Cadin, son of Joseph C. and Mary Almira (Livermore) King of Ithaca. iii. Henry Romaine, b. Aug. 26, 1869; d. there Dec. 16, 1873- 469 Emory Willard* Livermore {Jesse? Ezra? AbijaJi? Jo siaJi? Joseph? JoJm? JoJm') was bom May 30, 1823, in Jamaica, Vt.; married Jan. 25, 1873, in Buffalo, N. Y., Rosaltha Sophia BaUey, born Oct. 31, 1835, in Brewerton, N. Y. Child, born in Hanover, N. Y. : i. Carlton Bailey,? b. Jan. 26, 1874. 470 William Ward* Livermore {Jesse? Ezra? Abijah? Josiah? JosepJi? John? John') was born May 31, 1825, in Jamaica, Vt. ; married AprU 10, 185 1, in Hanover, N. Y., Miriam Waxham. ChUdren, born in Hanover : i. Florence,? b. AprU 8, 1852 ; m. Mar. 28, 1876, in Ar cade, N. Y., Malcolm Campbell. 770. ii. Lizzie, b. Oct. 25, 1853. in. Alice, b. Oct. 6, 1856 ; d. Sept. 4, 1878 ; m. AprU 3, 1877, in Arcade, John Ward Gamble. ChUd (Gam ble) : I. Ward,"'h. Aug. 13, 1878; d. Sept. 18, 1878. iv. Ann Eliza, b. May i, 1861. 294 Livermore Fatnily 471 Juliet* Livermore {Jesse? Ezra? Abijah? Josiah? Joseph? John? John') was born AprU 30, 1829, in Jamaica, Vt. ; married Dec. 25, 1848, in Hanover, N. Y., Alexander Howard, born June 30, , in Jamaica. ChUdren (Howard), born in Hanover : 771. i. NeweU Livermore,? b. Dec. 25, 1849. ii. Amelia, b. Sept. 8, 1852; m. there Sept. 15, 1874, Eugene Roswell Howard. ni. Adelia, twin to Amelia ; d. there July 20, 1856. iv. Wilbur Jesse, b. May 16, i860. 772. V. Bertha Rosa, b. June 5, 1862. 472 Mary Ann* Livermore {Jesse? Ezra? AbijaJi? JosiaJi? Joseph? John? John') was born July 20, 1830, in Jamaica, Vt. ; married AprU 6, 1858, in Hanover, N. Y., Darius Burton Howe, born Nov. 19, 1832, in Newstead, N. Y. ChUdren (Howe), born in Newstead : 773. i. Anna Sophia,? b. Dec. 30, 1861. ii. Edwin Judson, b. July 19, 1864. iii. Charles Burton, b. Oct. 6, 1870. 473 Cynthia* Livermore {Jesse? Ezra? AbijaJi? JosiaJi? JosepJi? John? Johti') was born Feb. 14, 1834, in Jamaica, Vt. ; married Nov. 5, 1857, Charles Julius Terry of VUlenova, N. Y., born June 15, 1 83 1, in PortviUe, N. Y. Children (Terry) : 774. i. Cora Delphia,? b. Oct. 15, i860, in VUlenova. n. Deforest Burton, b. Nov. 22, 1864, in VUlenova. iii. Gertrude, b. Oct. 30, 1870, in Hanover, N. Y. iv. Henry Warren, b. Mar. 15, 1875, in Hanover. 474 Calista A.* Livermore {Jesse? Ezra? AbijaJi? JosiaJi? Joseph? JoJin? JoJm') was born Feb. 6, 1838, in Hanover, N. Y. ; married Aug. 18, 1866, in Sheridan, N. Y., George Wash ington Fancher, born Sept. 3, 1847, in Erie Co., N. Y. EightJt Generation 295 ChUdren (Fancher), the eldest born in Yorkshire, N. Y., the others in Hanover : i. Leon Livermore,? b. Aug. 15, 1867. n. Jennie May, b. July 6, 1869. iii. Lena Belle, b. Dec. 22, 187 1. iv. Charles Elmer, b. Dec. 30, 1873. V. Sophia Julia, b. Sept. 4, 1876. 475 Sophia Clarinda* Livermore {Jesse? Ezra? AbijaJi? Jo siah? JosepJi? JoJin? John') was born May 24, 1840, in Han over, N. Y. ; married Oct. 4, 1868, in Dayton, N. Y., Clarke WUson Oakes, born Dec. 11, 1843, in Hamburg, N. Y. ChUdren (Oakes) : i. Clifford Verne,? b. June 28, 1870. ii. Elwyn Livermore, b. April 19, 1874. in. Mabel EsteUe, b. Aug. 24, 1876. iv. Edith Madelon, b. Mar. 8, 1886. 476 Josiah* Gleason {Lydia? Ezra? Abijah? Josiah? JosepJi? John? John') was born March 21, 1827, in Jamaica, Vt. ; mar ried Jan. I, 1 861, in Londonderry, Vt., Roxanna Adeline Chase. Residence, Townshend, Vt. ChUdren (Gleason) : i. Carrie Lizzie,? b. June i, 1870, in Jamaica. ii. Charles Warren, b. Oct. 8, 1875, in Winhall, Vt. 477 Warren* Gleason {Lydia? Ezra? AbijaJi? Josiah? Joseph? John? John') was born Oct. i, 1830, in Jamaica, Vt. ; married Jan. 6, 1853, in Gardner, Adaline Ray, born there Jan. 18, 1834. Children (Gleason), born in Gardner : i. A son,? b. Mar. 10, 1859 ; d. in infancy. ii. A son, b. Jan. i, 1861 ; d. in infancy. iii. Etta Alcie, b. Nov. 11, 1866; m. there Dec. 24, 1889, Winfy Sinclair. iv. Alta Edna, b. Aug. 17, 1869; d. there Oct. 30, 1880. 296 Livermore Family 478 Eliza Ann* Gleason {Lydia? Ezra? Abijah? Josiah,* Joseph? John? John') was born Nov. 3, 1835, in Jamaica, Vt. ; married Sept. i, 1859, in Brattleboro, Vt., Simeon Stebbins Day, born Dec. 12, 18 19, in Northampton. ChUdren (Day) : i. Albert Harland,? b. Sept. i, i860, in Jamaica; d. there Mar. 10, 1862. ii. Franklin Edward, b. Dec 14, 1862, in Preston, N. Y. ; m. Jan. i, 1889, in Londonderry, Vt., Jennie May Belden. iii. Henry Simeon, b. June 30, 1866, in Preston. iv. George Allen, b. July 12, 1868, in Preston. V. Minnie Eliza, b. April 27, 1872, in Jamaica ; m. June 3, 1888, in Westmoreland, N. H., Frederick Sherman Smith. Child (Smith) : I. Harry Day,'" b. Aug. 12, 1889. vi. Jennie Adaline, b. Sept. 27, 1874, in Jamaica. 479 Jane Milly* Livermore {Ezra? Ezra? AbijaJi? Josiah? Joseph? John? John') was born March 22, 1827, in Jamaica, Vt. ; married March 28, 1855, in ForestviUe, N. Y., Lyman Kendall, born Oct. 26, 1826, in Sheridan, N. Y. He is a far mer. Residence, Sheridan. Children (Kendall), born in Sheridan : i. Willis Lyman,? b. Feb. 19, 1856; d. there Sept. 4, 1862. ii. Alice Jane, b. May 28, 1857 ; d. there July 5, 1862. iii. Lee Truman, b. July 20, 1858; m. June 30, 1886, in Silver Creek, N. Y., Reca Knizer, b. Jan. 22, 1859, in Aurora, N. Y. ; he is a carpenter. iv. Clara Priscilla, b. Mar. 2, i860; res., Sheridan. V. Elmer Ellsworth, b. Oct. 7, 1861 ; he is a farmer in Sheridan. vi, Albert Edson, b. Sept. 20, 1863; he is a farmer in Sheridan. vii. Merritt Hezekiah, b. Sept. 30, 1865 ; he is a wagon- maker in Sheridan. Eighth Generatioti 297 viii. Wilbur Cyrenus, b. Oct. 26, 1868; he is a farmer in Sheridan. 480 Mark Cook* Livermore {Ezra? Ezra? Abijah? Josiah? Joseph? John? JoJm') was born Sept. 9, 1832, in Jamaica, Vt. ; died Aug. 24, 1874, in Red Rock, Minn. ; married Jan. i, 1859, in Brownsdale, Minn., PriscUla Anderson, b. Sept. 19, 1841, in Green, O. He was a farmer. ChUdren, born in Red Rock : i. Clara Jane,? b. Sept. 8, i860; d. there Nov. 27, 1861. ii. Florence Kate, b. Sept. 30, 1862 ; m. June 11, 1886, in Austin, Minn., Clayton J. Smith, b. Sept. 10, 1862, in Novi, Mich. Child (Smith), b. in St. Paul, Minn. : I. Marion Louise,'" b. Mar. n, 1889. 481 Edson* Livermore {Ezra? Ezra? AbijaJi? Josiah? Joseph? JoJiti? JoJm') was born Aug. 28, 1834, in Jamaica, Vt. ; married Sept. 21, 1864, in Smith's MiUs, N. Y., Eunice Gage Nevins, born there March 20, 1845. He is a farmer in ForestvUle, N. Y. ; he was formerly a commercial traveller and also a school teacher. ChUdren, born in Smith's MUls, except the youngest : i. Alice May,? b. Oct. i, 1865 ; m. Mar. 19, 1884, in Sheri dan, N. Y., Frederick Shelly ; he is a farmer. ii. Carrie Esther, b. Sept. 19, 1867 ; she is a teacher. iii. Efl&e Orrilla, b. Jan. 19, 1870 ; d. there April 19, 1873- iv. Clark Edson, b. May 29, 1875. v. Howard Garfield, b. Aug, 15, 1880, in ForestviUe. 482 Clarissa Susan* Livermore {Ezra? Ezra? Abijah? Josiah? Joseph? John? John') was born July 4, 1836, in Jamaica, Vt. ; married Jan. 22, 1862, in ForestviUe, N. Y., Don Medbery, born Dec. 18, 1830, in Nash-ville, N. Y. He is a farmer. Residence, Cassadaga, N. Y. 298 Livertnore Fatnily ChUdren (Medbery), the first two born in Hamlet, N. Y., the others in Cassadaga : i. Helen Adele,? b. Nov. 3, 1863. ii. Don Dexter, b. Aug. 15, 1865. ni. Jennie May, b. July 25, 1869. iv. Clara Edith, b. Aug. 18, 187 1. 483 George Washington* Livermore {Ezra? Ezra? AbijaJi? Josiah? JosepJi? JoJin? JoJm') was born May 5, 1844, in Han over, N. Y. ; married Jan. i, 1866, in Brownsdale, Minn., Cyn thia Anderson, born July 8, 1847, in Hanover. He passed his boyhood on a farm, going to school at Nash vUle, N. Y., untU about eighteen years old ; in the spring of 1863 he went to Paines-ville, O., and worked on a farm untU March, 1864, when he returned home; May i, 1865, he left home for Chicago, arriving there in time to take part in the funeral procession of President Lincoln. In June, 1865, he removed to Minnesota, where he worked on a farm. After his marriage he bought a farm, but in Nov., 1866, removed to Aus tin, Minn., working as a carpenter. In the summer of 1868 he bought a farm of forty acres of prairie land near Brownsdale, where he lived untU Dec, 1875, when he -visited his mother and relatives in New York State. He returned to Minnesota, and after selling his farm moved to Minneota, Minn., where in 1883 he was appointed agent for the L. C. Porter MUling Co. of Winona, Minn. He now lives on a farm of 160 acres in Minneota, Minn. Children : i. WiUie Creswell,? b. AprO 5, 1867, in Austin, Minn.; d. Aug. 13, 1888, in Minneota. ii. Myrtle Augusta, b. Dec. 11, 1868, in Brownsdale; m. Sept. 25, 1888, in Tacoma, Wash., Charles N. Boyd. in. Clara EUen, b. Mar. 20, 1874, in Brownsdale. iv. Katie May, b. Jan. 12, 1881, in Minneota. V. Mark Bailey, b. May i, 1886, in Minneota; d. there Oct. 28, 1886. EigJitJi Getieration 299 484 Carroll Goodenow* Livermore {Ezra? Ezra? AbijaJi? JosiaJi? Joseph? JoJiti? JoJm') was born April 15, 1850, in Han over, N. Y. ; married (i) ; married (2) Feb. 16, 1887, in Chicago, Mrs. Alice Marinda (Rust) Hunt, daughter of John Ethan and Judith Sarah (Masters) Rust, born Nov. 24, 1857, in Battle Creek, Mich. He had two sons by his first wife. 485 Laura* Livermore {Asa? Ezra? Abijah? Josiah? Joseph? JoJiti? JoJin') was born Feb. 19, 1835, in Jamaica, Vt. ; married P'eb. 3, 1859, in Smith's MUls, N. Y., Lewis Ogden, born Jan. 2, 1832, in Erie Co., Penn. Residence, WestervUle, O. Children (Ogden) : i. LesUe Carl,? b. Dec. i, 1859, in Smith's MUls; m. June 4, 1884, in Ada, O., Cora Hampton, b. Oct. 13, 1863 ; res., Osceola, Neb. He is an operator and express agent. Child (Ogden), b. in Raymond, Neb. : I. Ethel May,'" 'b. Oct. 29, 1889. ii. May Eliza, b. Nov. 22, 1862, in Smith's MUls; d. AprU II, 1887, in WestervUle. in. Maud, b. Feb. 10, 1865, in VUlenova, N. Y. 486 Milly Estella* Livermore {Asa? Ezra? AbijaJi? Josiah? JosepJi? John? JoJin') was born April 23, 1844, in Smith's MUls, N. Y. ; married there Feb. 22, 1865, Lucian Sabin, born there Dec. 23, 1841 ; died Jan. 7, 1873, in Champaign, IU. After the death of her husband she returned to WestervUle, O. ChUdren (Sabin) : i. Belle Eliza,? b. May 21, 1865, in Smith's Mills; d. May 10, 1882, in WestervUle. n. Carl, b. June 25, 1871, in Westerville ; d. there Mar. 18, 1873- 487 Rebecca Hammond* Livermore {Justice? Abijah? Abijah? Josiah? JosepJi? John? JoJm') was born May 20, 181 8, in Jamaica, Vt. ; married there Dec. i, 1840, James Ballard Horr. 300 Livermore Family ChUdren (Horr) : i. Ervin Justus,? b. July 29, 1853. ii. Adin Joseph, b. Oct. 24, 1855. 488 Zipora Elizabeth* Livermore {Justice? Abijah? AbijaJi? JosiaJi? Joseph? John? JoJm') was born Jan. 12, 1821, in Ja maica, Vt. ; married there Feb. 29, 1 844, WiUiam B. Bunnell. ChUdren (BunneU) : i. Libbie,? b. Aug. 10, 1846 ; m. Adams. n. Cora, b. Jan. 10, 1854; m. Clark; res.. South Min neapolis, Minn. 489 Newell* Livermore {Justice? Abijah? AbijaJi? JosiaJi? Joseph? JoJin? John') was born May 11, 1825, in Jamaica, Vt. ; married (i) Oct. 8, 1849, in Jamaica, Mary Chapin ; married (2) May 2, 1852, Francena Thayer. ChUdren, the eldest born in Jamaica, the others in Ogdens- burg. Wis. : i. Harlan NeweU,? b. July 26, 1850 ; res., Jefferson, la. ii. Ada Augusta, b. Aug. 28, 1857. iii. Frederick Morris, b. Sept. 23, 1859. iv. Edna, b. Jan. 7, 1862. V. Kitde, b. July 23, 1868. 490 Benjamin Muzzy* Livermore {Hatnmond? AbijaJi? AbijaJi? Josiah? JosepJi? JoJtti? JoJm') was born Feb. 27, 1825, in Ja maica, Vt. ; died Feb. 7, 1878, in New York City; married there April 3, 1850, Adelia Lucy KeUogg, born there May 22, 1826. ChUdren : i. Caroline Henrietta,? b. Feb. 13, 1853, in Jamaica. n. Fanny AdeUa, b. Jan. 28, 1865, in New York; d. Nov. 13, 1885, in Chicago, IU. 775. iii. Charles Frederick, b. Sept. 25, 1868, in New York City. Eighth Generatioti 301 491 Leverna* Livermore {Hammond? AbijaJi? AbijaJi? Josiah* Joseph? JoJm? John') was born Nov. 13, 1831, in Jamaica, Vt. ; married May 27, 1852, in Wardsboro, Vt., Adams TwitcheU, born AprU 29, 1827, in Jamaica ; died Feb. i, 1892, in Orange. ChUdren (TwitcheU), born in Jamaica : 776. i. Luther Hammond,? b. July 15, 1856. ii. Adams HoUis, b. April 22, 1872 ; he is in Alaska. iii. Franklin Lorenzo, b. April 7, 1874; d. Nov. 7, 1895, i" Orange ; he worked in a shoe shop. 492 Hammond J.* Livermore {Hammond? Abijah? Abijah? Jo siah? JosepJi? JoJm? JoJin') was born Nov. 6, 1834, in Jamaica, Vt. ; married March 3, 1858, in Genesee, IU., Lucy, daughter of Justice Lot and Christian (Muzzy) Livermore, born Feb. 11, 1838, in Jamaica. In 1889 they moved to Tacoma, Wash., and when last heard from were in Oregon City, Ore. Child, born in Dartford, Wis. : i. Lee Hammond,? b. June 27, 1861. 493 Mark Cook* Livermore {Hammond? Abijah? Abijah? Jo siaJi? Joseph? John? John') was born Sept. 6, 1838, in Jamaica, Vt. ; married Oct. 28, 1861, Elizabeth Marsliall, born Oct. 28, 1844, in Shermansville, Penn. Residence, Concordia, Kan. ChUd, born in Jamaica : i. Frank Ross,? b. Jan. 29, 1871. 494 Fannie Alice* Livermore {James? Phineas? Abijah? Jo siah? Joseph? John? John') was born July 2, 1865, in Owego, N. Y. ; married Jan. i, 1884, in Newark Valley, N. Y., Major Westcott Bakeman. ChUdren (Bakeman), born in Owego : i. Leon Major,? b. June 30, 1886. ii. Van Ness, b. Nov. 14, 1892. 302 Livermore Family 495 Stephen Gould* Livermore {StepJien? Reuben? Joseph? JosiaJi? Joseph? JoJm? John') was born Dec. 24, 1823, in Sut ton; married May i, 1849, in Marlboro, Mary Ann, daughter of Barnabas- and Mary Brigham, born there in 1827. He was a machinist. Residence, Cedar Rapids, la. Children : i. EUa Maria,? b. May 10, 1850, in Springfield; d. May 8, 1852, in Dayton, O. u. Harry Edgar, b. Feb. 3, 1855, in Chicago, 111.; d. there Dec 17, 1855. iii. Ida Etta, b. Dec. 27, 1862, in Cedar Rapids, and is living there, unm. iv. Emma Mina, b. July 10, 1864, in Cedar Rapids, and is living there, unm. 496 Julia Ann* Livermore {StepJien? Reuben? JosepJi? JosiaJi? Joseph? JoJm? JoJm') was born Oct. 11, 1830, in MUlbury; died March 21, 1883, in Sutton; married AprU 22, 185 1, in Spring field, David Hyde, son of Gilbert Searles, born Dec. 29, 1827, in Sutton. Children (Searles : 777. i. Martha Ann,? b. Feb. 23, 1852, in Sutton. 778. u. Charles' Edgar, b. Mar. 10, 1854, in Sutton. 779. iii. James Henry, b. Sept. 11, 1857, in Millbury. 497 Henry Lewis* Bancroft {Harriet? Reuben,^ JosepJi? JosiaJi? JosepJi? John? JoJiti') was born June 25, 1821, in Millbury; married (i) AprU 9, 1846, Martha Ann Harris; died Jan. 20, 1876, in MUlbury; married (2) July 5, 1880, Mary Marble Waters. ChUdren (Bancroft), born in MUlbury : i. Henry Harris,? b. Sept. i, 1847; m. Nov. 23, 1871, Mary F. Warfield. Child (Bancroft) : I. Georgie Mabel,'" b. Dec. 5, 1878. EigJitJi Generation 303 n. George Frederick, b. Dec. 4, 1851 ; d. April 24, 1879. iii. Charles Lewis, b. Mar. 15, 1854; m. Dec. 24, 1873, Matilda Davidson. Children : I. Frank Albert'" born in April, 1875. 2. Martha Maud, b. in Oct., 1881. iv. Walter Morse, b. Jan. 20, 1858; d. June 12, 1876. V. Joseph Herbert, b. July 14, 1862 ; d. July 20, 1881. vi. Harriet May, b. AprU 30, 1865 ; d. Mar. i, 1882. vii. Grace Louisa, b. Feb. 7, 1887. 498 Anson Gould* Livermore {Daniel? Reuben? JosepJi? Jo siaJi? JosepJi? JoJm? JoJin') was born Jan. 24, 1834, in MUlbury ; married there (i) AprU 2, 1857, Sarah Maria Poland, born July I, 1833, in Winchendon; died March 17, 1879, in Millbury; married (2) Feb. 25, 1880, in Worcester, Mrs. Lizzie B. (Seaver) Taft, daughter of Leonard and Cynthia Seaver, born March 20, 1843, in Springfield. ChUdren, born in MiUbury : i. Charles Anson,? b. AprU 17, 1859; d. there Mar. 15, 1883. ii. Ida Maria, b. Feb. 2, 1864. 499 Caroline Eliza* Livermore {JosepJi? Joseph? Joseph? Jo siaJi? JosepJi? JoJiti? JoJm') was born Dec. 27, 1834, in New York; died there Feb. 15, 1897; married there Oct. 11, 1854, Richard L. Larremore, died there Sept. 13, 1893. He was, in 1888, Chief Justice of the Court of Common Pleas of the City of New York. ChUdren (Larremore), born in New York : i. Wilbur,? b. Aug. 8, 1855 ; he is a lawyer in New York. u. Mary Ellen, b. July 9, 1859; m. there June 24, 1896, Stephen Ashton McLean. ni. Josephine Edith, b. Oct. 30, 1866. iv. Mabel Olive, b. Feb. 28, 187 1. 304 Livermore Family 500 John Robert McDowell* Livermore {Joseph? JosepJi,^ Joseph? Josiah? JosepJi? John? John') was born June 2, 1838 ; married Dec. 16, 1862, Ann Eliza, daughter of George C. Lugar of New York. He entered mercantUe life in 1853, and is a freight broker in New York City. He served in the 71st regi ment, N. Y. State National Guard, during the Ci-vil war ; he was a lieutenant in 1861, acting captain in 1862, and regimental adjutant in 1863. He moved to Brooklyn, L. I., in 1867, and to Montclair, N. J., in 1872, where he now lives. ChUdren : i. SteUa Amanda,? b. Aug. 11, 1864, in New York. 780. n. Richard Larremore, b. Oct. 22, 1869, in Brooklyn. in. Fanny Ethel, b. Sept. 17, 1873, in Montclair; d. there Jan. 12. 1880. 501 Joseph Mason* Livermore {Oliver? Joseph? JosepJi? JosiaJi? JosepJi? John? John') was born Nov. 22, 1824, in Eastport, Me. ; died there Nov. 20, 1878; married there March 7, 1847, Ellen Irene, daughter of Seward Bucknam, born there Nov. 26, 1826. He was for many years a merchant there, and moderator at the town meetings from 1857 to 1869 inclusive, 1872, '74 to '78 inclusive. He was chosen a Republican senator in 1858, and was a selectman and chairman of the board from 1859 to 1869 inclusive. He was appointed surveyor of the port of Eastport by President Lincoln. He afterwards practiced law untU his death. Children, born in Eastport : i. Joseph McLeUan,? b. June 15, 1851 ; d. Sept. 19, 1872, in St. Louis, Mo. ii. Edward Everett, b. Aug. 7, 1853 ; d. there Mar. 23, 1893. He was a graduate of the Harvard Law School 1877, a prominent lawyer in Eastport, and a select man in 1880, '81, '82 ; county attorney in Eastport from 1885 to '89; at the time of his death he was captain of the Frontier Guards, Maine militia. in. Charles Paine, b. Mar. 23, 1855; d. there SepL 7, 1856. Eighth Generation 305 iv. Ellen Irene, b. May 7, 1857; m. there Jan. 16, 1884, George V. Russell of Portland, Me. V. Anna Bucknam, b. Oct. 13, 1859 > m. there Sept. 3, 1884, Albert Pike of St. Louis. vi. Oliver Shead, b. Sept. 24, 1861 ; d. there July 16, 1865. vii. Seward Bucknam, b. Sept. 2, 1864; m. June 30, 1890, in Boston, Margaret Eva, dau. of Dennison A. and Mary F. Wright, b. in Lowell in 1865 ; he is an elec trician in Brooklyn. viii. Sarah Preble, b. June i, 1867. 502 Oliver Shead* Livermore {Oliver? Joseph? Joseph? Josiah? Joseph? John? John') was born Feb. 23, 1828, in Eastport, Me.; married Dec. 15, 1852, in Sacramento, Cal., Lucy Amelia Bradbury, born May 24, 1830, in Eastport. He saUed for San Francisco by the way of Cape Horn, arriv ing there May 2, 1850, and went to the mines, where he passed eighteen months. From there he went to Sacramento, where he became a clerk with Pope & Talbot, in the lumber business. After a time he returned to San Francisco, working for the same firm, and then, going back to the East, was employed as purser on the steamer "Admiral," running from Boston to St. John, N. B. In i860 he again went to San Francisco, and re sumed his position as clerk for his old employers, his famUy settling in CentrevUle. In 1863 he went to Centre-vUle, and was appointed deputy sheriff of Alameda Co^ which office he held four years. In 1868 he moved to what is now Livermore, and bought a ranch. He served as justice of the peace two years and deputy county assessor four years. Residence, Liver more. ChUdren : 781. i. Clara Coolidge,? b. Oct. 12, 1854, in Eastport. n. Sarah Swift, b. June 13, 1863, in CentrevUle; m. May 17, 1 88 1, in Livermore, Samuel Anson Palmer, b. June 18, 1850, in Sacramento. 3o6 Livermore Family 503 Frederick J.* Smith {Fannie? David? Samuel? Joseph? Joseph? John? John') was born AprU 25, 1829, in HUlsboro, N. H.; married there (i) Dec. 25, 1857, Mary Jane Nichols; married (2) Nov. 20, 1870, Susan MeUen. ChUdren (Smith), born in HiUsboro : i, Alice Isabelle,? b. Dec. 3, 1863; m. April 21, 1885, in Antrim, N. H., Albert Joseph Burnham (a grandchild of her great-uncle, Joseph Livermore). No chUdren. ii. Annie Josephine, b. Jan. 14, 1865 ; m. Oct. 13, 1889, James Eugene Trow of Goshen, N. Y., b. Mar. 5, 1859 ; he is a farmer in HUlsboro. 504 Grandison David* Livermore {Joseph? David? Samuel? JosepJi? Joseph? JoJm? John') was born Nov. 24, 1825, in HiUs boro, N. H.; died there Nov. 22, 185 1 ; married there Feb. 12, 1847, Esther Maria, daughter of Ebenezer and Ruth (Faulkner) Towne. He was a farmer, residing in the western part of the town. Children, born in HUlsboro : 782. i. George Freeman,? b. Mar. 5, 1848. 783. ii. Henry Joseph, b. May i, 1851. 505 Marietta* Livermore {JosepJi? David? Samuel? Joseph? Joseph? John? John') was born Feb. 26, 1828, in HiUsboro, N. H. ; died Feb. 5, 1875; married Sept. 5, 1849, James Wilson. He is a farmer in Loda, 111. ChUdren (WUson) : i. Mary E.,? b. Mar. 23, 1850. ii. Sarah Livermore, b. Jan. 27, 1852. in. Frank James, b. Sept. 17, 1855 ; m. , and has chil dren. iv. Ann Sarah, b. Nov. 5, 1858; m. Rice, and has children ; res., Buckley, IU. EightJi Generation 307 506 Sarah How* Livermore {Joseph? David? Samuel? Joseph? Joseph? John? John') -was born Dec. 3, 1833, in HUlsboro, N. H. ; died there Dec. 3, 1887; married there Jan. 3, 1858, Henry J. Burnham, died June 21, 1871. He was a farmer, and they re sided in the western part of the town, on the farm where the log house in which the famUy first lived was buUt. Children (Burnham), born in HiUsboro : i. Albert Joseph,? b. Nov. 12, 1858; m. AprU 21, 1885, in Antrim, N. H., Alice Isabelle Smith, b. Dec. 3, 1863 ; she is a granddaughter of his great-aunt, Fannie Livermore ; he is a farmer. No chUdren. ii. Laura Amelia, b. Dec. 29, 1864; m. June 3, 1888, in Antrim, Ernest Herman Saltmarsh, b. Nov. 24, 1866, in Weare, N. H. ; he is a blacksmith in HUlsboro Upper Village. No children. 507 Jonas Leonard* Livermore {Samuel? Samuel? Samuel? Joseph? Joseph? John? John') was bom Jan. 11, 1817, in Wind ham, Vt. ; died Feb. 2, 1885, in Townshend, Vt. ; married AurUla, daughter of Lyman and Asenath (Carroll) Walker, born Feb. II, 1 8 16, in Dummerston, Vt. ; died Aug. 15, 1887, in Townshend. ChUdren : i. Marion AurUla,? b. May 24, 1842, in Londonderry, Vt. ; d. July 27, 1855, in Townshend. ii. Frank Samuel, b. Sept. 7, 1849, in Londonderry. 784. iii. William Herbert, b. Dec. 31, 1854, in Townshend. 508 Edward Alms* Livermore {Samuel? Samuel? Samuel? Joseph? Joseph? JoJin? John') was born Nov. 7, 1824, in Wind ham, Vt. ; died Jan. 14, 1887, in Londonderry, Vt. ; married July 4, 1847, in Chicopee FaUs, Mary Clough Gardner, bom Feb. 10, 1828, in Springfield; died April 17, 1901, in Somer viUe. 3o8 Livermore Family Children, born in Londonderry : i. Charles Edward,? b. Feb. 7, 1852 ; he has been twice married ; res., Londonderry. n. Warren Gardner, b. Sept. i, 1854; m. June i, 1893, in Cambridge, Emma F., daughter of Samuel and Mary S. (Howe) Fabyan, b. in 1855, in Boston ; he is a prison official. ui. Mary Asenath, b. Nov. 29, 1866; m. Oct. 4, 1891, in East Cambridge, William Curtis, son of Albert and Annie B. Jones, b. Sept. 11, 1844, in Sutton, Canada; he is an officer in the House of Correction, Cam bridge. 509 Austin Franklin* Livermore {Samuel? Samuel? Samuel? Joseph? Joseph? John? John') was born Nov. 15, 1827, in Wind ham, Vt. ; married March 10, 1853, in Londonderry, Vt., Jane Barnard, born May 15, 1831, in Winhall, Vt. ; died Feb. 20, 1885, in Londonderry. Children, born in Londonderry : i. Frederick Franklin,? b. Mar. 6, 1854; m. there Jan. i, 1872, Abbie WiUiams. No children. 785. n. Frank Samuel, b. Oct. 2, 1862. 786. iii. John Leonard, b. Dec. i, 1864. 510 William Wells* Livermore {John? Samuel? Samuel? Jo seph? Joseph? John? John') was born July 12, 1842, in Sebec, Me.; married July 4, 1864, in Portland, Me., Hattie Wedge. He was a soldier in company H, 3d Maine Vols., and also color sergeant, ser-ving three years. Children : i. Hattie Ada,? b. Aug. 13, 1865, in East Vassalboro, Me. 787. u. Mary, b. June 22, 1867, in North Vassalboro, Me. iii. William Arthur, b. Jan. 20, 1870, in Winslow, Me. ; m. Dec. 25, 1896, in Providence, R. I., Mamie Marden. iv. Edward Alonzo, b. Dec. i, 1875, in Gardiner, Me.; he went to school in Gardiner, and in the fall of 1896 entered the University of Maine. He enlisted in battery A in May, 1898, and was stationed at Fort Popham and also in Cuba. Eighth Generation 309 511 Nancy* Livermore {JoJiti? Samuel? Samuel? Joseph? Jo seph? John? John') was born Nov. 17, 1850, in Gardiner, Me. ; married June 7, 1865, in Brunswick, Me., Amos Oliver Reed. He was a soldier in company H, 12th Maine Vols. ChUdren (Reed), born in Brunswick : i. George Storer,? b. Mar. 8, 1876. ii. Laura B., b. Oct. 18, 1879. 512 Charles Henry* Livermore {Daniel? Ephraim? Daniel? Datiiel? Daniel? John? John') was born Nov. 10, 1825, in Princeton ; married (i) June 10, 185 1, in Weston, Almira, daugh ter of Elisha and Almira (Rice) Child, born Jan. 9, 1831, in Lincoln; died Jan. 11, 1873, in Weston; married (2) AprU 19, 1876, in Weston, Ellen ChUd (sister of his first wife), born there July 26, 1838. When he was about eight years old his father moved to Weston, and he went to live with his grandfather Cutting, in Sudbury, where he spent about four years ; his father then took him to his farm in Weston, where he has lived ever since. He is very fond of horses, being a dealer in them, and has trained many colts. ChUdren, born in Weston : 788. i. Charlesetta,? b. May 22, 1853. 789. n. Charles Henry, b. May 3, i860. iii. May Child, b. May 26, 1869; m. Dec. 20, 1890, in Ev erett, Alfred Leslie, son of George W. and Josephine M. (Brown) Cutting, b. Jan. 27, 1868, in Weston. No children. 513 Catharine Hoyt* Taylor {CatJiarine? Aaron? Daniel? Datiiel? Daniel? John? John') was born May i, 1820, in GUsum, N. H. ; married June 21, 1838, in Wheaton, IU., Rev. WiUiam Henry Brewster, born June 16, 181 3, in Claremont, N. H. ChUdren (Brewster) : i. Ellen Maria,? b. Jan. 28, 1841, in HaverhiU ; d. Nov. 14, 1858, in Cleveland, O., unm. JIO Livermore Family ii. Henrietta, b. Nov. 19, 1843, in LoweU; she is a music teacher. 790. in. George Henry, b. Sept. 30, 1846, in Providence, R. I. iv. Abbie Jane, b. Aug. 28, 1853, in Lowell; she is a clerk in the Recorder's office. V. Catharine Leonora, b. April 16, 1856, in West Dennis; d. Aug. 12, 1865, in Cleveland. vi. Mary Louisa, b. Mar. 4, 1859, in Cleveland; d. Jan. 23, 187 1, in Wheaton. 514 Emeline Pamelia* Taylor {Catharine? Aaron? Daniel? Datiiel? Daniel? John? John') was born Sept. 15, 1821, in GUsum, N. H.; married Dec. 17, 1840, in Rochelle, IU., Henry Beard StUes, born Oct. 15, 181 5, in Nelson, 111. Residence, Rochelle. ChUdren (StUes), born in Rochelle : i. George Henry,? b. Jan. 26, 1842; he enlisted in the army, 1861, and was never heard from after. n. Albin Beard, b. May 24, 1845 ; m. Oct. 3, 1870, Susan C. McFaU. iii. La Forest, b. June 7, 1849; ™- Sept. 19, 1875, Pattie A. Cady. iv. Emma, b. May 9, 1853 ; d. there April 3, 1875, unm. V. Abbie, b. AprU 6, 1859. 515 George Hammond* Taylor {CatJiarine? Aaron? Datiiel? Daniel? Daniel? JoJm? John') was born May 30, 1823, in GU sum, N. H.; married Nov. 24, 1846, Emily C. Wood, bom Dec. 8, 1824, in Prescott, Canada. Residence, Franklin, 111. ChUdren (Taylor), the first four born in NashviUe, 111., the others in Franklin Grove : i. Alice,? b. Jan. 9, 1848 ; m. WiUiam B. Floyd, a grocer ; residence, St. Charles, 111. ii. Leonidas C, b. June 5, 1849 5 d. there AprU 8, 1850. iii. Ella, b. Jan. i6, 1851 ; m. WiUiam Hemme, a money broker in San Francisco, Cal. Eighth Generation 311 iv. Flora, b. Dec. 2, 1853 ; m. Daniel Timothy, a farmer in Lee Co., IU. V. Frank, b. Aug. 15, 1859 ; he is a book-keeper. vi. Lucius, b. Sept. 12, 1863; he is a professional gardener. 516 DiANCY Rawson* Taylor {CatJiarine? Aaron? Daniel? Dan iel? Daniel? John? JoJin') was born Feb. 7, 1825, in GUsum, N. H.; married Dec. 4, 1853, Shubal Pratt Adams, born Feb. 5, 18 1 7, in Medfield. He was formerly a lawyer in Lowell. Children (Adams), the eldest born in Lowell, the others in Dubuque, la. : 791. i. Katie Livermore,? b. Sept. i, 1854. u. William Livermore, b. Feb. 4, 1858; d. there Aug. 5, i860. iii. Freddie, b. June 26, i860; d. "there July 27, 1862. iv. Albert Francis, twin to Freddie. V. John Taylor, b. Dec. 22, 1862. vi. Nellie Brewster, b. May 16, 1865. vii. Susie Bell, b. Jan. 31, 1869. 517 Eunice Ann* Taylor {CatJiarine? Aaron? Daniel? Daniel? Daniel? John? John') was born Jan. 13, 1834, in GUsum, N. H. ; married Jan. 8, 1868, Delos Eugene Lyon, born Nov. 14, 1830, in FranklinviUe, N. Y. Residence, Dubuque, la. ChUdren (Lyon), born in Dubuque : i. Abbie Farwell,? b. Sept. 8, 1869. ii. George Taylor, b. Feb. 21, 1873. 518 Jeannie Alantha* Taylor {CatJiarine? Aaron? Daniel? Dan iel? Daniel? John? John') was born Dec. 31, 1836, in GUsum, N. H. ; married June 18, 1861, in Dubuque, la., Joseph Lath rop Dickinson, born March 25, 1831, in Walpole, N. H. He is a merchant in Dubuque. ChUdren (Dickinson), born in Dubuque : i. Louis Ames,? b. Feb. 24, 1863; d. there Oct. 28, 1866. n. Carrie Livermore, b. April 2, 1867. 312 Livermore Family in. Frank Eugene, b. Oct. 9, 1868. iv. Ruby, b. June 5, 1871 ; d. there Nov. 24, 1875. V. WiUis Wood, b. Nov. 30, 1872 ; d. there Nov. 7, 1875. vi. Mabel, b. Mar. 29, 1878. 519 Aaron Harvey* Livermore {John? Aaron? Daniel? Daniel? Daniel? JoJm? John') was born April 21, 1827, in GUsum, N. H. ; died Jan. 8, 1896, in Lexington; married Nov. 15, 185 1, Almira J., daughter of Lucius and Nancy B. Nims, born Aug. 19, 1832, in SuUivan, N. H. ; died AprU 22, 1865, in Boston. He passed about two years in Norwich University, and then returned to his father's farm and assisted in carrying it on for a few years. He was a selectman in GUsum in 185 1, and moderator in 1853 ; he was a member of the superintending school committee in 1848, '49 and '51, and adjutant in the 20th N. H. regiment. About 1854 he removed to Boston, and having studied dentistry, estab lished a successful practice. No chUdren. 520 Mary Elizabeth* Livermore {JoJm? Aaron? Daniel? Dan iel? Daniel? John? JoJm') was born Dec. i, 1832, in GUsum, N. H. ; died March 9, 1872, in Ackworth, N. H. ; married there Sept. 15, 1853, Joseph Elliott Smith, born there Sept. 24, 1827. She was a member of the Baptist church. ChUdren (Smith) : i. John Willie,? b. Jan. i, 1855, in GUsum. n. Charies Fremont, b. Nov. 15, 1857, in Gardner; d. Oct. 27, 1878, in Marlow, N.-H. in. Ida Mary, b. Sept. 3, i860, in Marlow ; d. Dec. 3, 1876, in Ackworth. iv. Henry Elliott, b. Jan i, 1867, in Marlow. 521 Martha Ann* Livermore {JoJin? Aaron? Datiiel? Daniel? Daniel? JoJm? JoJm') was born March 5, 1837, in GUsum, N. H. ; married June 20, 1861, George W. Emerson. Eighth Getieration 313 ChUdren (Emerson) : i. Fannie Byron,? b. Aug. 3, 1868, in GUsum. U. George Ernest, b. June i, 1872, in Ackworth, N. H. 522 OzRO Jennison* Livermore {Charles? Aaron? Daniel? Dan iel? Daniel? JoJin? JoJin') was born Jan. 6, 1840, in Alstead, N. H. ; married Jan. 2, 1865, in Worcester, Angenette, daughter of Da-vid and Almura (Prince) Hall, born there May 18, 1845. WhUe li-ving in Fitchburg he was mustered into company A, 53d regiment, Mass. Vols., Oct. 17, 1862, for service in the CivU war, and mustered out Jan. 15, 1863, on account of dis abUity ; he was afterwards a clerk in Worcester. They lived in Springfield, where he was a crockery dealer until 1881, when they moved to Holyoke, where they now reside. ChUdren, born in Springfield : i. Charles D.,? b. Aug. 12, 1870. ii. Arthur C, b. May 19, 1874. 523 Enrico Edward* Livermore {diaries? Aaron? Daniel? Daniel? Daniel? John? John') was born April 13, 1845, in Al stead, N. H.; married Dec. 23, 1869, in Worcester, Ida A., daughter of John and Marietta (Carlisle) Whitney, born there March 10, 1853; died there Dec. 17, 1883. He was an organ and cabinet maker. ChUdren, born in Worcester : i. S. Ben,? b. Dec. 14, 187 1. ii. A daughter, twin to S. Ben, d. at birth. iii. Nellie, b. Oct. 31, 1873 ; d. same day. 524 Adaline Julia* Livermore {Ezra? Aaron? Daniel? Daniel? Daniel? John? John') was born May 30, 1829, in Dalton, N. H. ; married May 7, 1850, in East Alstead, N. H., Gerould E. Fay, born there Jan. 20, 1828; died Feb. i, 1883. ChUdren (Fay), born in East Alstead : 792. i. Frederick H.,? b. Aug. 19, 1852. 314 Livermore Family 793. n. Herbert Ezra, b. May 2, 1855. iii. Oscar H., b. Jan. 28, 1857; married Feb. 28, 1888, in Keene, N. H., Anna Bingham. He is an alderman in Keene. No children. 794. iv. Laura E., b. Mar. 22, 1859. V. George H., b. Jan. 18, 1861 ; m. Dec i, 1885, in Keene, Mary Halpin. Children (Fay) : I. Walter M.,'" h. . 2. Alice M., b. . vi. Harvey G., b. Jan. 6, 1865 ; m. Oct. 12, 189 1, in AUston, Mae Irene Dunbar. No children. vii. Martin K., b. Jan. 17, 1867 ; m. June 5, 1891, in Elgin, IU., Gertrude HinsdeU. 525 Aaron Kidder* Livermore {Ezra? Aaron? Daniel? Datiiel? Daniel? John? John') was born June 11, 183 1, in Dalton, N. H. ; died March 31, 1894, in SomervUle; married Sept. 28, 1854, in Alstead, N. H., Urania Barrett Richardson, where she was born ; died in March, 1883, in SomervUle. They lived in Cambridge and SomervUle. He was an expressman. ChUdren, born in Cambridge : i. EUen A.,? b. May 4, 1857 ; m. Dec. 30, 1890, in Charlestown, Luther, son of J. Elliot and Mary J. Bond. ii. Eve, b. May 3, 1859. iii. Emma Urania, b. Nov. 6, 1865. 526 Hannah Catharine* Livermore {Ezra? Aaron? Daniel? Daniel? Daniel? John? JoJiti') was born Nov. 30, 1834, in Dal ton, N. H. ; died June 9, 1879 ; married March 23, 1854, Albert Hubbard of Alstead, N. H., born May 29, 1829, in Walpole, N. H. ChUdren (Hubbard) : i. Charles Albert,? b. Feb. 22, 1855, in Keene, N. H. ; m. Nov. 28, 1878, Nettie Mary Johnson, b. June 18, 1857, in Wardsboro, Vt. Child (Hubbard) : I. Herbert,'" 'b. Oct. 9, 1879. Eighth Getieration 315 n. Addie Betsey, b. Dec. 5, 1857, in Marlboro, N. H., m. in 1876, Edmond Lapham. Child (Lapham), b. in Salem : I. Albert Edmond,'" b. May 4, 1877. ui. Ezra Livermore, b. Oct. 23, 1859, in Marlboro. iv. Frank Kidder, b. Sept. 25, 18 61, in Marlboro. 527 James Russell* Livermore {Ezra? Aaron? Daniel? Daniel? Daniel? John? JoJin') was born Aug. 31, 1836, in Dalton, N. H.; married March 26, 1857, in Alstead, N. H., Sarah, daugh ter of George Washington and Elizabeth Gray (Dart) Blake, born there Dec. 23, 1839. ChUdren : i. Sarah Ariadne,? b. Mar. 27, 1859, in Alstead; m. Oct. 17, 1878, in Keene, Frank Allen Barrett, b. Nov. 26, 1856, in Stoddard, N. H. 795. ii. Arthur Leslie, b. Dec. 6, 1862, in Alstead. 796. iii. Lottie, b. June 6, 1872, in Keene. iv. Grace Belle, b. Jan. 20, 1877, in Keene. 528 George Kimball* Livermore {Ezra? Aaron? Daniel? Dan iel? Daniel? John? John') was born April 12, 1848, in Alstead, N. H. ; died March 23, 1898, in Quincy ; married Nov. 28, 1868, in Hanover, Mary A., daughter of Franklin and Mary Howard, born in 1848, in Scituate. He was for many years a partner of the well-known firm of CasweU, Livermore & Co. of Boston. Children, born in Boston : i. Frank E.,? b. July 22, 1870; d. there Dec. 9, 1870. ii. Charles H., b. Oct. 7, 1871 ; d. there Dec. 10, 1871. in. Bessie Kidder, b. July 12, 1873; d. Oct. 27, 1875, in Quincy. iv. Edward Trescott, b. June 27, 1878; d. June 22, 1881, in Quincy. 529 Charles Herbert* Livermore {Aaron? Aaron? Daniel? Daniel? Daniel? John? John') was born Oct. 15, 1856, in Mans field, Conn.; married Sept. 4, 1884, in New Haven, Conn., 3i6 Livermore Family Mettie Norton, daughter of Capt. Horace L. and Cornelia (Lewis) Tuttle of New Haven and Cappahosic, York River, Va., born Feb. ii, 1862, in Fair Haven, Conn. He received preparatory education in the schools of Lebanon, Conn., Monson Academy, Hopkins Grammar School, New Ha ven, and was graduated from Yale CoUege in 1879, -with honors ; he was employed as principal of the GuUford Institute (an en dowed academy and -village high school combined) at GuUford, Conn., in Sept., 1879, and remained in that position for four years ; he resigned in June, 1883, in order to study history and politics at the Johns Hopkins University, and entered that insti tution in October, 1883; he was appointed University Fellow in history for the year 1884-85 ; was instructor in history and German in the Hopkins Grammar School at New Haven, 1885-86, at the same time retaining connection with the Johns Hopkins University, from which he received the degree of Ph.D. in June, 1886; presented as doctor's thesis an essay on Town Government in New Haven, which was expanded into a volume entitled " The Republic of New Haven : A History of Municipal Evolution," and was published by the University in the same year, 1886, as extra Volume I of its series of "Studies in His tory and Politics." For this work the Johns Hopkins University bestowed upon him its " John Marshall Prize." He accepted an appointment as instructor in history in the University of California, and remained in that position from Sept., 1886, untU Jan., 1888, when he resigned in order to accept an election as assistant professor of history at the Mas sachusetts Institute of Technology in Boston, Jan., 1888; he was elected professor of history in the Institute in 1889, and remained in that chair untU Sept., 1893, being also chairman of the committee charged with the management of one of the departments of the Institute, known as Course IX ; he resigned his professorship in Sept., 1893, in order to accept election as principal of the Adelphi Academy in Brooklyn; received in June, 1896, the rank and title of President of Adelphi Col lege, as, owing to the reorganization of the academy in 1894, the institution was raised by the regents to coUegiate rank, and EiglitJi Generation 317 empowered to maintain coUege courses and to grant degrees. WhUe quite young he changed the spelling of his name to Levermore, by which he is now known. In addition to the works above cited, he has written and published three others, viz. : " Syllabus of Lectures upon Political History since 18 15 ; " " The Academy Song-Book ; " " The Abridged Academy Song- Book." ChUdren : i. Myra,? b. July lo, 1885, in Fair Haven ; d. July 14, 1885. ii. Charles Lewis, b. Nov. 5, 1887, in Berkeley, Cal. iii. Margaret, b. Aug. 4, 1889, in Brookline. iv. George Kirchwey, b. April 8, 189 1, in Brookline. V. Lilian, b. June 11, 1892, in Brookline. vi. Elsa, b. Feb. 24, 1896, in Brooklyn, N. Y. 530 Russell Herbert* Kittredge {Sarah? William? Daniel? Daniel? Daniel? John? John') was born Oct. 25, 1835, in Nel son, N. H.; married Dec. 24, 1857, in Nashua, N. H., Laura Frances Holmes, born March 20, 1836, in Portsmouth, N. H. ChUdren (Kittredge), born in Nelson : i. Herbert WiUiam,? b. Nov. 18, 1858; m. July 14, 1885, in Brandon, Vt., Mabel Marion Thatcher, b. Mar. 21, 1858. Child (Kittredge), b. in Fitchburg: I. Russell Dyer,'" \i. Oct. 12, 1886. ii. Alfred Beard, b. Mar. 28, 1861. iii. Charles RusseU, b. April 9, 1864. iv. Mary Lizzie, b. Oct. 19, 1866 ; m. Jan. 26, 1887, in East Jaffrey, N. H., Charles Henry Kittredge, b. Aug. 8, 1866, in Boston. Child (Kittredge), b. in Boston : I. Edward Holmes,'" b. Sept. 16, 1888. V. Fanny Holmes, b. AprU 18, 1873. 531 Ellen Augusta* Stearns {Mary? William? Daniel? Dan iel? Daniel? John? John') was born Dec. 3, 1844, in Newton Centre; married there March 27, 1872, Daniel WUbur Eagles, born in Jan., 1844, in Wolfville, N. S. 3i8 Livermore Family Children (Eagles) : i. Florence Grace,? b. AprU 27, 1874. n. Eva EUza, b. June i, 1878. ni. Nettie Livermore, b. Feb. 5, 1880. iv. Howard Alexander, b. Oct. 16, 1882. 532 Sarah Maria* Stearns {Mary? William? Daniel? Daniel? Datiiel? JoJin? JoJin') was born Dec. 9, 1847, in Newton Centre ; married there Feb. 4, 1869, George Edward Sanderson, born Aug. 9, 1847, in Charlestown, N. H. Children (Sanderson) : i. Mary Agnes,? b. April 20, 187 1 ; m. S. E. H. Ross. ii. John Gardiner, b. Jan. 12, 1873. 533 Charles Cyrus* Stearns {Mary? William? Daniel? Dan iel? Daniel? JoJin? John') was born Oct. 22, 1850, in Newton Centre; married there March 28, 1877, Mary L. Curran. Children : i. Mary Persis,? b. Sept. 13, 1878. n. Maud Ethel, b. Nov. 13, 1890. 534 Harriet Adelaide* Stearns {Mary? William? Daniel? Daniel? Daniel? John? John') was born Nov. 11, 1852, in New ton Centre; married there Jan. 29, 1884, Sumner Herman Clark, born Sept. 4, 1852, in Corinth, Me. ChUdren (Clark) : i. Gertrude Livermore,? b. Nov. 10, 1888. n. Raymond Stearns, b. June 9, 1894. 535 Charles Edward* Livermore {JosiaJi? William? Daniel? Daniel? Datiiel? John? JoJiti') was born May 9, 1850, in Cam bridgeport; married Sept. 21, 1876, in Watertown, Carrie Brackett, daughter of Jeremiah and Louisa (Coolidge) Russell, born Sept. 16, 1853, in Watertown ; he was a provision dealer. EigJith Generation 319 ChUdren, born in Watertown : i. Ethel,? b. Oct. 13, 1879; d. Oct. 20, 1879. ii. Louise RusseU, b. Nov. i, 1880. iu. Kenneth Carter, b. Jan. 3, 1886. 536 William Franklin* Livermore {Josiah? William? Daniel? Daniel? Daniel? JoJm? John') was born Dec. 14, 1853, in Cam bridgeport ; died March 26, 1886, in Chicago, 111. ; married Oct. 22, 1876, in Newton, Annie Maria, daughter of Samuel and Eliza Ann (Stimson) Marden, born in 1855, in MUton. He was a butcher. ChUdren, born in Newton : i. Alice Maud,? b. AprU 19, 1877; m. July 22, 1896, John Culbeck, son of Daniel and Mary (McFarlin) Mc Laren, b. in 1873, in East Boston. ii. Frank Henry, b. Nov. 22, 1879. 537 Herbert Josiah* Livermore {JosiaJi? William? Daniel? Daniel? Daniel? John? JoJm') was born Oct. 23, 1855, in Cam bridgeport ; married Feb. 22, 1881, in Watertown, Annie Eliza beth, daughter of Henry and Mary Ann (Re-viUe) Scott on, born May 4, 1858, in Newton. He was a pro-vision dealer. Children, born in Watertown : i. Mabel Gertrude,? b. Jan. 16, 1883. ii. Bertha Viola, b. July 24, 1884. iii. Florence Marion, b. Sept. 16, 1886. iv. George Waldo, b. Feb. 13, 1888. V. Josiah Randall, b. Dec. 16, 1890. 538 Charles Francis* Stratton {Eunice? William? Daniel? Daniel? Daniel? John? John') was born Dec. 22, 1847, in Cam bridge; married there Sept. 8, 1870, DrusUla Rand, daughter of James Madison and Ruth Burnham (Bray) Chadbourne, bom Dec. 17, 1845, in Amesbury. He is a member of the firm of Stratton, Little & Co., of Boston, wholesale dealers in coal. 320 Livermore Family ChUdren (Stratton), born in Cambridge : i. AUce Holman,? b. May 13, 1872. ii. Annie Frances, b. Sept. 11, 1874. in. Bertha Livermore, b. May 22, 1879. 539 Edward Bailey* Stratton {Eunice? William? Daniel? Daniel? Daniel? John? John') was born Dec. 9, 1854, in Cam bridge; married there June 3, 1879, Sarah Lizzie, daughter of George Washington and Sarah (MorriU) Fifield, born there Sept. 15, 1853- ChUdren (Stratton), born in Cambridge : i. Charles Edward,? b. Jan. 25, 1881. n. George Francis, b. April 4, 1890. 540 Charles Milan* Benton {Abigail? Abraham,? AbraJiam? Daniel? Daniel? John? JoJm') was born Nov. 7, 1832, in Friend ship, N. Y. ; married March 25, 1858, in Tivoli, la., EUa Medora Merriman, born Sept. 17, 1841, in Hartford, Conn. Children (Benton) : 797. i. Adaline Lilian,? b. Dec. 9, i860, in Tivoli. 798. ii. Florence Abigail, b. Aug. 4, 1868, in Farley, la. in. Albert Leroy, b. Oct. 21, 1873, in Farley; d. there May 9, 1892. 541 Caroline* Benton {Abigail? AbraJiam? Abraham? Daniel? Daniel? John? John') was born Jan. 7, 1835, in Friendship, N. Y. ; died Dec. 7, 1869, in Farley, Iowa; married AprU 4, 1853, John S. Goudy ; he died a few years after his wife. Children (Goudy) : i. Ellen Philura,? b. ; m. Forest Douglass. ii. Charles Henry, b. ; last heard from in Colorado. iii. Lucy Ann, b. ; whereabouts unknown. iv. William Curtis, b. ; last heard from in Idaho. V. Thomas Abner, b. ; d. in Farley, aged about 17. vi. Mary Alice, b. ; m. WUliam Shipton. vii. Abbie Eugenia, b. ; lately in Jones Co., Iowa. EigJitJi Generation 321 542 Martin Livermore* Benton {Abigail? AbraJiam? AbraJiam? Daniel? Daniel? John? John') was born March 22, 1840, in Friendship, N. Y. ; married Nov. 29, 1866, in DyersviUe, Iowa, Olive Annie Swazey, born June 12, 1848, in Tivoli, Iowa. ChUdren (Benton) : i. Charles Wesley,? b. Sept. 27, 1867, in Farley, la. • 799. ii. Frederick Leroy, b. Sept. 20, 1872, in Hopkins, Mo. iii. Gilbert Edmond, b. June 22, 1877, in Hopkins. iv. Alice Estella, b. Aug. 21, 1879, in Hopkins. V. Myra May, b. AprU 18, 1886, in Rapid City, S. D. ; d. there, Nov. 14, 1887. 543 Curtis Defrance* Benton {Abigail? Abraham? AbraJiam? Daniel? Daniel? John? JoJm') was born Sept. 18, 1842, in Friendship, N. Y. ; married Dec. 2, 1866, in DyersvUle, Iowa, Martha Ann Thompson, born Nov. 10, 1847, in Bankson, Iowa. ChUdren (Benton) : i. Frank Oliver,? b. Sept. 25, 1867, in Bankson. ii. Curtis Herbert, b. Feb. 9, 1874, in Farley, la. 544 Martha Adeline* Benton {Abigail? AbraJiam? Abraham? Daniel? Daniel? John? John') was born Feb. 3, 1850, in Du buque, Iowa; married Nov. 17, 1875, in Farley, Iowa, Albert Thomas Garner, born June 6, 1843, in Indiana. Children (Garner), born in Farley : i. Abbie Belle,? b. May 13, 1877. n. Louella Dell, b. Mar. 18, 1879. iii. Ethel Jane, b. June 22, 1883. iv. Alfred Harrison, b. Aug. 25, 1888. 545 Alice Louisa* Benton {Abigail? AbraJiam? Abraham? Dan iel? Daniel? John? John') was born AprU 26, 1854, in Bankson, Iowa; married (i) May 6, 1872, in DyersviUe, Iowa, Samuel Van Buskirk, from whom she was divorced ; married (2) Feb. 16, 322 Livermore Family 1887, in Dubuque, Iowa, Otto Kolb, born Jan. 6, 1864, in Moeckmuchl, Wurtemberg, Germany. ChUdren (Van Buskirk) : i. Jesse Lyman,? b. Jan. 21, 1873, in Farley, la. n. Lura May, b. Dec. 31, 1876, in Farley. ChUdren (Kolb) : in. Minnie Belle,? b. Mar. 15, 1888, in Farley. iv. Carl Lewis, b. July 18, 1890, in Farley. V. Harold Orlando, b. May 9, 1895, in Marcus, la. 546 George Doolittle* Head {Ralph? Hepsibeth? AbraJiam? Daniel? Daniel? John? John') was born June 22, 1830; mar ried Nov. I, 1858, in Chicago, 111., Mary Eliza Sexton, born Feb. 16, 1839, in Brooklyn, now a part of Cleveland, O. ChUdren (Head), born in Kenosha, Wis. : i. Frances Maria,? b. June 25, 1863 ; d. there Sept. 25, 1863. 800. ii. Kittle Dot, b. Nov. 11, 1864. 801. iii. Eugene Ralph, b. Nov. 16, 1866. iv. Bertha Eliza, b. July 12, 1869 ; d. there July 19, 1889. V. Ida Belle, b. May 6, 1872. vi. Daniel Orin, b. Mar. 2, 1874. vn. Frederic Samuel, b. Sept. 20, 1877. viii. Henry Eli, b. Oct. 29, 1879 ; d. there Aug. 27, 1880. 547 Mary Elizabeth* Head {Ralph? HepsibetJi? AbraJiam? Dan iel? Daniel? John? John') was born Aug. 29, 1835 ; married AprU 18, 1865, Ralph Erskine Sutherland, born June 10, 1838. ChUdren (Sutherland) : i. Cora Eliza,? b. Jan. 24, 1866; m. Oct. 5, 1887, Harry Skinkle, b. May 26, 1863. Child (Skinkle) : 1. Ralph Sutherland,'" h. July 2, 1894. u. George Ralph, b. AprU 8, 1879. 548 Clara Amelia* Head {Daniel? Hepsibeth? Abraham? Dan iel? Daniel? JoJm? John') was born Oct. 25, 1852, in Kenosha, Wis. ; married there AprU 1 5, 1 873, Urban James Lewis, born EigJitJi Getieration 323 Nov. 20, 1 842, in Devonshire, Eng. ; died March 2, 1 896, in Kenosha. Children (Lewis), born in Kenosha : i. Daniel Head,? b. AprU 30, 1877. ii. Urban James, b. Nov. 10, 1878. iii. Frank Earl, b. Dec. 30, 1886. 549 Florence Amelia* Head {George? Hepsibeth? Abraham? Daniel? Daniel? John? JoJm') was born Nov. 6, 1845, in Paris HUl, New York ; married June 4, 1868, Henry Martin Simmons. ChUdren (Simmons) : i. George PhiUip,? b. May 24, 1869, in Utica, N. Y. ; m. Oct. 31, 1898, in Herkimer, N. Y., Bertha, dau. of Henry and Ellen (Searles) Munger. ii. Florence Miranda, b. Feb. 17, 1872, in Kenosha, Wis. iii. Harry, b. May 22, 1874, in Kenosha. 550 Mary* Head {Orson? Hepsibeth? Abraham? Daniel? Dan iel? JoJin? John') was born May 31, 1847; married (i) Oct. 29, 1868, Richard J. Welles; married (2) Dec. 7, 1885, Frederick Gottfredsen. Residence, Kenosha, Wis. Child (WeUes) : i. Richard Hodgson,? b. Nov. 13, 1873. Child (Gottfredsen) : Jacob Rudolph, b. May 2, 1887. 551 Jenny Lind* Head {Orson? Hepsibeth? Abraham? Daniel? Daniel? John? John') was born Nov. 27, 1853 ; married Jan. i, 1880, in Kenosha, Wis., Alfred Addison, son of Thomas Eben ezer and Lydia Smith (Fisher) Thomas, born July 4, 1845, in Hamilton, O. ChUdren (Thomas) : i. Thomas Head,? b. Feb. 23, 1881, in Dayton, O. n. Gertrude, b. Dec. 26, 1882, in Dayton. in. Felix, b. June 19, 1888, in Edgewater, 111. 324 Livertnore Family 552 Dwight Brunnell* Huntley {Sarah? HepsibetJi? Abraham? Daniel? Daniel? John? John') was born Jan. 17, 1849, in Paris, N. Y. ; married AprU 25, 1885, in Oakland, Cal., MoUie, daugh ter of Alfred and Louisa Anne (Ward) Harrell, born in 1859, in Merced, Cal. ChUd (Huntley), born in Oakland : i. Louisa Fenton,? b. Feb. 4, 1894. 553 Darius Elias* Livermore {Elias? Abel? AbraJiam? Daniel? Daniel? JoJiti? JoJm') was born Nov. 25, 1833, in German, N. Y. ; married Oct. 28, 1857, in BloomingviUe, O., Sarah E. Car penter. During his boyhood, and untU his seventeenth year, he worked on his father's farm, attending the district school during the winters, and then for one year a select school in Earl-viUe, N. Y. ; at eighteen years of age he left home and engaged in various kinds of mercantUe business untU the faU of 1855, when he took a stock of staple and fancy dry goods to Sandusky, O., and, in company with D. S. Benson, began business. This partnership was dissolved in the winter of 1856-7, and he con tinued the business alone untU shortly before the beginning of the CivU war in 1861. He enlisted as a private in company K, 3d Ohio Vol. Cavalry, at MonroevUle, O., Sept. 4, 1861, and was promoted to be first lieutenant Nov. i, 1861. He took part in the battle of Pittsburg Landing, April, 1 862, and in the battles of Corinth and Parryville during the same summer. He was taken prisoner Oct. 17, 1862, by Gen. John Morgan, whUe encamped on Henry Clay's "Ashland" farm, near Lexing ton, Ky., the command being surrounded during the night ; he was dismounted and disarmed, and taken to Gen. Morgan, who ordered his horse and equipage, with side arms, to be returned at once, being private property. He was soon released on parole, and exchanged in Dec, 1862. He was then appointed mUitary detective by order of Secretary Stanton, and stationed at Columbus, O. ; he was relieved in Feb., 1863, and joined his EigJitJi Generation 325 regiment at Murfreesborough, Tenn., having been promoted captain of company B, Feb. i, 1863. From this time untU he was mustered out, he took part in over ninety battles and sharp skirmishes, among them being Chickamauga, Missionary Ridge, Farmington, Tenn., Moulton, Ala., Big Shanty, Noonday Creek, Kenesaw Mountain, Stone Mountain, YeUow River, Lovejoy, Atlanta, Good Hope Church, Blue Mountain, Rome, Ga., Gads den, Selma, Ala., and Columbus, Ga. At the close of the At lanta campaign he was promoted major, Nov. 30, 1864, and after the battle of Selma promoted to be lieutenant-colonel, April 8, 1865. Soon after, in May, 1865, he was appointed president of the court martial and military commission of cavalry corps of the mUitary division of the Mississippi, which position he held untU Aug. 4, 1865, when he was mustered out of service with his regiment at Edgefield, Tenn. He removed to Chicago, and for seven years was with Field, Palmer and Leiter, and with Hollister and Phelps, having charge of their curtain and upholstery department ; he then took charge of the same department with J. V. Farwell & Co. for one year, and when that firm closed out their retaU business he bought their stock of curtains and upholstery and began business under the firm name of Livermore & Crooker. In Nov., 1873, he bought out Mr. Crooker, and continued on his own account. He has a daughter. 554 Polly Philenah* Livermore {Elias? Abel? Abraham.? Dan iel? Daniel? John? John') was born Nov. 8, 185 1, in German, N. Y. ; married June i, 1873, in WUlett, N. Y., Addison Rus sell, son of Russell and Julia Moreau (NUes) Whitmore, born June 24, 1839, in Georgetown, N. Y. Residence, Greene, N. Y. Children (Whitmore) : i. Bertha Julia,? b. Jan. i, 1874. ii. Louis Agassiz, b. July 19, 1875. in. Eimice May, b. Mar. 5, 1877. iv. Francis Epaphroditus, b. Sept. 3, 1879. V. Nellie Josephine, b. June 13, 1882. vi. Lena Maud, b. AprU 14, 1888, 326 Livermore Family 555 Elvira Wilson* Livermore {Burr? Abel? Abraham? Dan iel? Daniel? John? John') was born April 12, 1834, in German, N. Y. ; married Jan. 12, 1862, in SmithviUe Flats, N. Y., Joseph Sidney, son of Isaac and Sidney (Singley) Osmond, born Feb. 18, 1826, in Bibery, Philadelphia Co., Pa. ChUdren (Osmond), born in Norwich, N. Y. : i. Nettie May,? b. May 3, 1869 ; d. there OcL 7, 1870. ii. Eloise Livermore, b. July 17, 187 1. 556 Eliza Janet* Livermore {Burr? Abel? AbraJiam? Daniel? Daniel? JoJin? John') was born Nov. 7, 1844, in Cincinnatus, N. Y. ; died Feb. 10, 1896, in Norwich, N. Y. ; married March 7, 1865, in HamUton, N. Y., Robert Foresman. ChUdren (Foresman) : i. Nellie Maud,? b. Feb. 14, 1866; m. Feb. 27, 1884; d. Mar. 28, 1884. n. Elvira Livermore, b. Feb. 10, 1868 ; m. Henry Hewitt. They have one son. in. Sally, b. Sept. 6, 1870 ; m. William McCaw. iv. Eddy, b. April 3, 1872. V. Louie Benjamin, b. June 6, 1874. 557 Delette Rosalia* Crandall {Mary? Abel? Abraliam? Dan iel? Daniel? John? John') was born Dec. 2, 1829, in Smith-vUle, N. Y. ; married July 29, 1852, in Pitcher, N. Y., Bela Addison Coy, born there July 8, 1824. ChUdren (Coy), the eldest born in Otisco, N. Y., the others in KaneviUe, IU. : 802. i. Debbie Imerta,? b. AprU 17, 1854. 803. ii. DeU, b. Aug. 15, 1858. iii. Mary Delette, b. Feb. 22, 186 1 ; d. there Oct. 20, 1863. 804. iv. John Franklin, b. Aug. i, 1863. 805. V. Charles CrandaU, b. Oct. 20, 1865. vi. Nelson, b. May 18, 1869. EigJitJi Generation 327 558 Lysander Emerson* Crandall {Mary? Abel? Abralmm? Daniel? Datiiel? JoJm? JoJm') was born Dec. 7, 1836, in Smith vUle, N. Y. ; died March 17, 1888, in Fort Worth, Tex.; mar ried Oct. 7, 1856, in Rochester, O., Marietta Ames, born there Sept. 19, 1835. He was a soldier in Gen. Garfield's regiment, 42d Ohio Vols., ser-ving three years. Residence, WeUington, O. ChUdren (CrandaU) : i. Frank,? b. Dec. 10, i860, in West Andover, O. ; m. Sept. 15, 1880, in Deerfield, Mich., Mamie Stoat, b. there in 1863 ; res., St. Joseph, Tex. Children (Crandall) : I. Scott,'" b. 1881, in Dundee, Mich. 2. Netta, b. 1886, in Fort -Worth. 3. Harry F., b. 1 891, in Fort Worth. ii. Nellie Ames, b. June 5, 1865, in Brighton, O. ui. Harry Bartling, b. May 7, 1868, in Rochester. iv. J. Fred, b. May 10, 1870, in Chester, Mich. 559 James Franklin* Crandall {Mary? Abel? Abraham? Dan iel? Daniel? John? John') was born Feb. 28, 1844, in Smith vUle, N. Y. ; married May 7, 1874, in Defiance, O., Sarah Ann, daughter of John P. and Mary Ann Partee, born there March 29, 1854. He moved with his parents to Seville, O., in the fall of 1854, and then to Ashtabula, his father having been called there as pastor of the First Baptist Church. He was educated in the common and union schools, and in Dec, i860, started west to make his fortune, locating in KanesvUle, Kane Co., IU., where he became a clerk in a general store kept by his brother- in-law, Bela A. Coy. He enlisted Aug. 13, 1861, in company A, 5 2d regiment. 111. Vols., and was appointed a sergeant. At the battle of Corinth, Miss., he was promoted first sergeant ; he took part in the battles at Fort Donelson, Shiloh, Corinth, Che- walla, Big Bear Creek, and the Atlanta campaign. Sept. 20, 1864, he was commissioned second lieutenant in the 8th U. S. C. Heavy Artillery, and ordered to Paducah, Ky., where he was assigned by the regimental commander to the recruiting service 328 Livermore Family to recruit a company (L) for the completion of the regiment, which he did ; the regiment was ordered to Washington, D. C, in March, 1865, then to City Point, Va., then to Richmond, and finally to Victoria, Tex., where they were stationed untU March 20, 1866, when they were mustered out. After the war he settled in Defiance, and engaged with his brother, Lysander Emerson CrandaU, in the dry goods business under the firm name of Crandall Brothers. In 1892 he was elected a member of the city councU, re-elected in 1894, and chosen its president. At the breaking out of the war with Spain, he was commissioned captain in the 6th U. S. regiment, Ohio Vols., serving in the United States and Cuba. He is now in the U. S. maU service in Chicago, 111., where he lives with his famUy. ChUdren (Crandall), aU but the fifth born in Defiance : 806. i. Charles Thaddeus,? b. June 27, 1875. n. Edith May, b. Sept. 26, 1877 ; m. there Oct. 11, 1901, Frank Gerold MUler, b. July 26, 187 1, in Williams Co., O. iii. John Nelson, b. Mar. 14, 1879. iv. Myrta RoceUa, b. Sept. 26, 1880; d. there Nov. 24, 1880. V. Eve, b. Aug. 29, 1885, in Leipsic, O. ; d. Feb. 6, 1897, in Defiance. vi. Helen Louise, b. Nov. 8, 1888. 560 Louisa Frances* Crandall {Mary? Abel? Abralmm? Dan iel? Daniel? JoJm? JoJm') was born Jan. 19, 1848, in Preston, N. Y. ; married Dec. 29, 1874, in New Philadelphia, O., Samuel Winfield Rohn, born May 24, 1850, in Defiance, O. Residence, Lima, O. ChUdren (Rohn), born in Defiance : i. Earl CrandaU,? b. July 20, 1879 ! he is a telegrapher in Lima. u. Glenn Scott, b. Aug. 8, 1883; he is a telegrapher in Lima. iii. Raymond Walter, b. July 10, 1888. EigJitJi Getieration 329 561 Samuel Nelson* Crandall {Mary? Abel? AbraJiam? Dan iel? Datiiel? JoJiti? JoJin') was born Jan. 17, 185 1, in Pitcher, N. Y. ; married Mar. 9, 1884, in Lakeview, Mich., Elizabeth Bale, born Sept. i, 1861, in Cholmondeley, England. Residence, Lakeview. ChUdren (Crandall), the eldest born in Lakeview, the others in Amble, Mich. : i. Gwendoline,? b. Mar. 3, 1885. ii. Joan, b. Jan. 22, 1887. iii. William, b. Oct. i, 1888; d. there Mar. 30, 1889. iv. Beth, b. Jan. 12, 1890. V. Samuel Nelson, b. July 15, 1892. vi. Margie, b. Oct. 3, 1894. vii. Mildred, b. June 13, 1897. 562 Charles* Livermore {Lark? Abel? AbraJiam? Daniel? Dan iel? JoJm? JoJiti') was born July 10, 1849; married (i) Sept. 23, 1874, Clara SteUa, daughter of Cyrus and Sophronia Ade laide (Anderson) Floyd, born Aug. 3, 1855 ; they were divorced, and she died Aug. 22, 1894, in Chariton, la.; he married (2) Helen Adams Colt, born Oct. 5, 1864, in Elmira, N. Y. Children : i. Burdet Temple,? b. July 13, 1878, in Oregon. ii. Hazel Ray, b. July 4, 1886. in. Lark Burdette, b. Sept. 3, 1888. 563 Ernest Newton* Livermore {Farmer? Abel? AbraJiam? Daniel? Daniel? John? John') was born June 10, 1862, in Ber lin, Wis.; married May 18, 1889, in Cheney, Wash., Hattie BeUe Nye, born March 30, 1868, in EUington, N. Y. ; she is a descendant of Marshal Ney of France. Ernest N. Livermore joined the Baptist church at fourteen years of age. He grad uated from the high school in Berlin at the age of eighteen years, and since then has devoted part of his time to teaching, having in 1886 received a life teacher's certificate in Wisconsin, being up to that time the youngest recipient. He became 330 Livertnore Family principal of schools in Spokane Falls, Wash., in 1889, and in 1892, superintendent of school district No. 3, Puyallup, Wash. He was admitted to the bar in 1893. Residence, Hadlock, Wash. ChUd, born in Oakesdale, Wash. : i. Vera Irene,? b. AprU 14, 1890. 564 William Brown* Livermore {Samuel? Abel? Abraham? Daniel? Daniel? John? John') was born Dec. 25, 1857, in Cooperstown, N. Y. ; married June 22, 1887, in Reading, Grace Webster, daughter of Horace L. and Abby L. Cummings, born in 1873, in East Boston. He is a member of the firm of TUeston & Livermore, wholesale paper dealers, in Boston. Residence, Reading. ChUd, born in Reading : i. Harold Cummings,? b. July 9, 1888. 565 Walter Curtis* Livermore {Samuel? Abel? Abraham? Daniel? Daniel? JoJm? JoJin') was born Oct. 4, 1861, in Coopers town, N. Y. ; married Dec. 10, 1890, in Holyoke, Charlotte Louise, daughter of Lucius and Elizabeth (GUmore) Ely, born in 1870, in Holyoke. He was a salesman and machinist. Children, born in Holyoke : i. Robert Ely,? born June i, 1892. ii. Martha Elizabeth, born May i, 1894. 566 Jonas Livermore* Warren {Mary? Salem? Jonas? Jonas? Daniel? Jo Jin? Jo Jin') was born Dec. 14, 1818, in Leicester; married June 12, 1841, Charlotte PhiUips of Spencer. He was formerly raUroad station agent at Rochdale, and afterwards a tanner in Shirley. Children (Warren) : i. Amasa,? b. Sept. 6, 1843 ; res., Haverhill. n. Jennie, b. May 4, 1845; d. Nov. 17, 1866, in Leicester; m, there Jan. 8, 1862, Marshall Fuller. ni. Mary, b. Oct. i, 1847 ; m. William Graiham ; res., West boro. EightJi Generation 331 567 Thomas Salem* Livermore {Salem? Salem? Jonas? Jonas? Datiiel? JoJin? JoJin') was born July 22, 1836, in Leicester ; died Sept. 22, 1901, in Rochdale; married Sept. 26, 1871, in Leicester, Mary, daughter of John and Sarah (Scofield) Symonds, born July 23, 185 1, in Rochdale ; died there Aug. 9, 1896. He owned and occupied the homestead erected by his father in Rochdale, nearly opposite the raUroad station, and had improved five hundred acres of land in Leicester, Oxford and Auburn. He had officiated in a choir since he was fourteen years of age, and for a few years was chorister and organist of the Unitarian church in Leicester. No children. 568 Mary Ama'nda* Livermore {Jotias? Daniel? Jotuis? Jonas? Daniel? John? JoJin') was born Dec. 19, 1834, in Blackwood, N. J.; married there Nov. 17, 1858, WiUiam Buckley WUcox, born Sept. 10, 1827, in Stockbridge. Children (WUcox), the youngest born in Blackwood, N. J., the others in Brighton, N. Y.: i. Ida Augusta,? b. Oct. 15, 1859. ii. Edwin Livermore, b. May 2, 1862. iii. Ella Louisa, b. Aug. 8, 1864 ; m. April 24, 1889, in Blackwood, Rudolph Benezet, b. Feb. 14, 1858, in MuUica HiU, N. J. Child (Benezet) : Harold,'" b. Nov. 4, 1891, in Mullica Hill ; d. there Dec. 9, 1 891. iv. WiUiam, b. Dec. 22, 1872. 569 Sanford* Livermore {Jonas? Daniel? Jotuis? Jonas? Dan iel? JoJm? John') was born Jan. 9, 1838, in Blackwood, N. J.; married there Nov. 28, 1878, Hester Reeves Dutton, born Oct. 5, 1857, in Haddonfield, N. J. He is a clerk in the First Na tional Bank, Camden, N. J. ChUd, born in Camden : i. Jonas Bolton,? b. Sept. 8, 1887. 332 Livermore Fatnily 570 Adelaide Lunette* Henshaw {Diantha? Daniel? Jonas? Jonas? Daniel? JoJiti? JoJin') was born March ii, 1839, in Eaton, N. Y. ; married Jan. 13, 1859, in Galesburgh, IU., James Leonard Short, born Sept. 17, 1831, in Cincinnatus, N. Y. Resi dence, Chicago, 111. ChUdren (Short), the youngest born in Chicago, the others in Galesburgh : i. Belle Florence,? b. Aug. 25, i860; d. Mar. 27, 1870, in Chicago. u. Charlotte Fitch, b. Feb. 26, 1863 ; d. there Feb. i, 1865. in. Herbert Elbridge, b. Mar. 29, 1865 ; d. March 27, 1870, in Chicago. iv. Jay Corwin, b. Sept. 19, 1868; d. Sept. 17, 1875, in Chicago. V. Roy Henshaw, b. Dec. 17, 1876, in Chicago. 571 Frederick Eugene* Henshaw {DiantJia? Daniel? Jonas? Jonas? Daniel? John? JoJm') was born July 21, 1843, in Eaton, N. Y. ; married Jan. 25, 1877, in Chicago, 111., EUa M. Stevens, born Nov. 28, 1850, in Fall River. Residence, Chicago. ChUdren, the eldest born in New York City, the others in Chicago : i. Bertha Winifred,? b. Mar. 14, 1878. ii. Raymond Stevens, b. Feb. 26, 1879. ui. Elise Carolyn, b. April 20, 188 1. iv. Irma Florence, b. Sept. 5, 1884. V. Daniel Winthrop, b. July 20, 1888. 572 Helen Elizabeth* Henshaw {DiantJia? Daniel? Jotias? Jonas? Daniel? John? John') was born Nov. 17, 1846, in Eaton, N. Y. ; married Nov. 21, 1867, in Galesburgh, IU., Dr. Arthur Eolon Matteson, born April 28, 1842. Children (Matteson), born in Kewanee, 111. : i. Marcia,? b. July 13, 1870. n. Murray Gordon, b. AprU 13, 1872. iii, Myra, b. Jan. 22, 1875. EigJitJi Generation 333 573 William Harrison* Livermore {Lewis? Datiiel? Jotias? Jonas? Daniel? JoJm? JoJin') was born Feb. 29, 1840, in Good Intent, N. J. ; married (i) Sept. 24, 1864, in Chicago, IU., Han nah Louisa Ward, born Nov. 25, 1843, in Chews Landing, N.J. ; died Sept. 13, 1877, in Woodbury, N. J. ; married (2) Nov. 12, 1878, in Woodbury, Anna Paul, born Sept. i, 1843, in Swedes- boro, N. J. He was educated at the Blackwood Academy, and was a farmer until 1863, when he moved to Iowa City, la., and soon after enlisted in company D, 44th regiment, Iowa Vols. (Capt. Charles E. Borland), going down the Mississippi and doing duty in Tennessee, Island No. 10, and northern Mississippi. At the close of the war he returned to Iowa, and in a few months re turned to New Jersey and became a farmer again in Almonesson. In 1873 he was elected surrogate of Gloucester Co., and re elected in 1878 and 1883. He afterwards removed to Wood bury, where he has served three terms as councUman. In 1892 he was private secretary to Dr. George G. Green, the wealthy manufacturer of proprietary medicines. He is a member of numerous societies, including (as a charter member) General HoweU Post, No. 31, G. A. R. ; he was also a member of com pany E, 6th regiment, N. G. of New Jersey, and of the Union League Club of PhUadelphia. Residence, Woodbury. ChUdren, the eldest born in Chicago, the next four in Almon esson, and the others in Woodbury : i. Lewis,? b. July 5, 1865; d. July 21, 1866, in Chews Landing. ii. William Ward, b. July 7, 1867; m. Mar. 17, 1889, in Butte City, Mon., Nettie C. Waldron, b. in Canada about 1850. ni. EUzabeth Frances, b. Aug. 12, 1869. iv. Robert Brewer, b. Dec. 4, 1871 ; d. there AprU 11, 1872. V. Adelaide Lunette, b. Aug. 5, 1873. vi. Eliza, b. AprU 6, 1876 ; d. there July 24, 1877. vii. Hannah Louisa, b. Dec 20, 1879. viii. Josephine Dawson, b. June 13, 1881. ix. Harrison Paul, b. Dec. 26, 1885. 234 Livermore Family 574 Adrinette* Livermore {Lewis? Daniel? Jonas? Jonas? Daniel? John? JoJm') was born Nov. ii, 1852, in Blackwood, N. J. ; married there AprU 24, 1873, Charies Herman LeFevre, born Feb. 8, 1847, in Sondersburg, Pa. ChUdren (Le Fevre) : i. Lewis Livermore,? b. June 20, 1874, in Blackwood. n. Susan Middleton, b. Feb. 12, 1876, in Chester, Pa.; d. AprU 2, 1878, in Blackwood. in. Anna Miller, b. Mar. 28, 1878, in Blackwood. 575 Warren Jonas* Livermore ( Winthrop? David? David? Jotias? Daniel? John? John') was born Jan. 5, 1835, in South Royalston; married Oct. 15, 1859, in Worcester, Rebecca Ann, daughter of Dexter and Caroline (Turner) Converse, born AprU 17, 1840, in Leicester. He removed with his parents to Spencer in 1842, where he has lived ever since. He was educated in the public schools. On Oct. 4, 1869, he succeeded his father in the manufacture of wooden packing boxes, but retired from this business. He has served his town as road commissioner and assessor, and has been a member of the Republican town committee for several years. In 1896 he was elected to the lower branch of the State Legislature, and re-elected in 1897, serving the first year on the committee on election laws and the second year on that on roads and bridges. He is now superintendent of the Rose Brook and Starr cranberry bogs, situated in Wareham. ChUd, born in Spencer : 807. i. Cora Jeannette,? b. Aug. 13, 186 1. 576 Lorenzo David* Livermore ( Winthrop? David? David? Jonas? Daniel? JoJiti? JoJiti') was born Dec. 3, 1836, in South Royalston; died Sept. 22, 1885, in Leicester; married July 18, i860, in Spencer, Jane Frances, daughter of WiUiam and Fanny (Ward) Sibley, born June 25, 1839, in Brookfield; died Dec. 27, 1 89 1, in Spencer. EightJi Generation 335 He first enlisted in company H, loth regiment Mass. Vols., and served from June 21, 1861, to Oct. 27, 1862, and was then discharged for disabUity; he re-enlisted July 14, 1863, in com pany I, 1 2th regiment Mass. Vols., for three years; transferred to company A, 39th regiment Mass. Vols., June 25, 1864 ; again transferred to company A, 3 2d regiment Mass. Vols., June 2, 1865 ; mustered out June 29, 1865, at the expiration of his term of service. He was a box-maker and stair-builder. Children, the youngest born in Springfield, the others in Spencer : i. Emma Louise,? b. Jan. 28, 1861 ; d. there Nov. 30, 1877. n. Henry Lorenzo, b. May lo, 1863 ; d. July 20, 1885, in Leicester. iu. Winthrop W., b. Aug. 16, 1872; d. Feb. 19, 1895, in Spencer. 577 John Whittemore* Livermore ( Winthrop? David? David? Jonas? Daniel? John? John') was born March 23, 1840, in South Royalston ; married April 8, 1 862, in Spencer, Mary MatUda, daughter of Charles Henry and Lucy Guilford (Pellett) Giffin, born Nov. 4, 1843, in North Brookfield. His parents moved to Spencer when he was three years old, and he was educated in the public schools in that town. He moved to Brookfield in 1866, and formed a partnership with C. H. Giffin in the livery business, under the firm name of Giffin & Livermore. In 1 870 he opened a furniture store, and also be came an undertaker ; for nearly thirty years he has been the town sexton. He served three successive years as a member of the board of selectmen. As a member of the First Unitarian Congregational church, he is an active worker in that body. He is a member of Hayden Lodge, F. and A. M., and of the Royal Arcanum of Brookfield. Children, the eldest born in Spencer, the others in Brook field: i. Lucy Pellett,? b. AprU 26, 1865; m. Dec. 6, 1883, in Brookfield, Walter Brown, son of Henry L. and Maria MeUen, b. in i860, in Brookfield. 336 Livermore Fatnily n. Walter Emmons, b. Nov. 26, 1877; d. there Dec. 6, 1877. ni. Robert Gurdon, b. July 19, 1880. 578 Mary Eliza* Livermore ( Winthrop? David? David? Jonas? Daniel? John? John') was born AprU 10, 1853, in Spencer; married there AprU 2, 1880, Le Grand, son of Samuel Lamb and Sophia (McCrae) Stone, born May 12, 1856, in Leicester. Residence, Spencer. Children (Stone) born in Spencer : i. Agnes,? b. April 12, 1883. u. Harold, b. May 26, 1887. 579 Frederic Augustus* Livermore ( WintJirop? David? Da vid? Jotias? Daniel? John? JoJtn') was born June i, 1859, in Spencer; married there Dec. 19, 1881, Lucie Ellsworth, daugh ter of John Albert and Lucy Ann (Wilson) Walker, born there May 12, 1862. He was educated in the public schools, and has always lived in Spencer. He carried the United States mail for fifteen years, and has now a general jobbing and truck stable. Children, born in Spencer : i. Everett Walker,? b. Nov. 19, 1882. ii. Lester John, b. Oct. 18, 1884. iii. Sherman W., b. Dec. 20, 1895. 580 Le Roy Wilson* Kingman {Maria? William? David? Jonas? Daniel? Johti? John') was born March 15, 1840, in SpeedsviUe, N. Y. ; married Dec. 22, 1867, in New York, Clara Eugenia, daughter of Charles A. and Clara (Ordronaux) Molau, born there Nov. 22, 1848; died Nov. 30, 1885, in Owego, N.Y. He re moved with his parents to Owego in 1 849, and afterwards went to New York City. He returned to Owego in 1870, and be came associate editor and proprietor of the Owego Gazette, and in 1880 the sole proprietor. Eighth Generation 337 ChUdren (Kingman), the first two born in New York, the others in Owego : i. William Livermore,? b. Nov. 7, 1868. n. Charles Molau, b. May 24, 1870. ui. John Ordronaux, b. May 9, 1873 ! d. there Dec. 12, 1873. iv. Le Roy, b. May 1, 1874. V. Henry Ernst, b. Aug. 31, 1875. vi. Oliver, b. Feb. 10, 1877. vii. Wyatt, b. July 21, 1880. vin. Miriam, b. Jan. 6, 1882. ix. Maria, b. AprU 5, 1883; d. there Aug. 20, 1883. 581 William Livermore* Kingman {Maria? William? David? Jonas? Daniel? John? John') was born Feb. i, 1842, in Speeds viUe, N. Y.; married Dec. 14, 1871, in Elmira, N. Y., Sarah Anna, daughter of Charles and Mary (BaUard) Morrell, born June 30, 1844, in Ludlowville, N. Y. He was the general coal agent of the New- York Central & Hudson River Railroad Com pany, and is now the general freight agent of the same corpora tion. Residence, Yonkers, N. Y. Children (Kingman), born in Elmira : i. Bessie,? b. Mar. 6, 1873. ii. John Arnot, b. Sept. 11, 1874. 582 Stella Maria* Kingman {Maria? William? David? Jonas? Daniel? John? John') was born May 16, 1845, in SpeedsviUe, N. Y. ; married June 24, 1874, Henry Campbell. ChUdren (Campbell), born in Elmira, N. Y. : i. Henry Kingman,? b. Aug. 12, 1880. ii. Robert Livermore, b. Nov. 4, 188 1. 583 Helen Elizabeth* Kingman {Maria? William? David? Jonas * Daniel? JoJm? John') was born Nov. 13, i860, in Owego, N. Y. ; married there Oct. 12, 1887, Charles Kirk, son of Sid ney Smith and Margaret Jane (Johnston) Eastwood, born April 17, 1858, in Piqua, Miami Co., O. 338 Livermore Family ChUdren (Eastwood), bom in Owego : i. Sidney Kingman,? b. Dec. 5, 1890. ii. Eric Kingman, b. Aug. 2, 1894. 584 William Floyd* Livermore ( William? Walton? David? Jotuis? Daniel? John? John') was born Feb. 21, 1843, in New York City; married Feb. 15, 1865, Jane Hurry; died Nov. 26, 1890. Children : i. Alice,? b. Dec. 9, 1865, in New York City. ii. WiUiam White, b. July 26, 1867, in New York City. iii. Edward, b. Aug. 12, 1869, in Bayside, N. Y. iv. Charles Floyd, b. Mar. 7, 187 1, in Bayside. V. Anne Post, b. Oct. 3, 1872, in Fordham, N. Y. ; d. there in 1873. vi. Robert, b. in 1874, in New York City; d. there in 1874. vii. Margaret, b. Sept. 28, 1876, in New York City. vin. Robert Archibald, b. Jan. 14, 1878, in Tompkins, N. Y. 585 Adele Walton* Livermore ( William? Walton? David? Jonas? Daniel? John? John') was born Sept. 18, 1849, in New York; married June 12, 1872, Rev. Alexander HamUton. ChUdren (Hamilton) : i. Anne Adele Walton,? b. AprU 8, 1874. n. Alma Elizabeth, b. Jan. 31, 1877. in. Charlotte Maria, b. May 8, 1883. iv. Esther Livermore, b. AprU 13, 1885 ; d. Sept. 9, 1885. V. Alexander, b. June 25, 1886. 586 Frederick William* Livermore {George? Walton? David? Jonas? Daniel? John? John') was born Sept. 10, 1858, in Spen cer; married Nov. 3, 1887, in New York, EmUie Hutchinson, daughter of Adam Clark Martin of New York. Child : i. Marcia Janet,? b. Mar. i, 1892. Eighth Generation 339 587 Calista Louisa* Bancroft {Louisa? Paul? ElisJia? Jotuis? Daniel? JoJiti? JoJiti') was born Oct. 4, 1830, in MiUbury; died there July 18, 1872; married there Nov. 16, 1854, George Blackington CargUl, born Jan. 27, 1830, in Wrentham; died there Jan. 12, 1869. ChUdren (CargUl) : i. Edward Bancroft,? b. Sept. 15, 1857, in Wrentham; d. Aug. 14, 1859, in MUlbury. 808. ii. Walter Benjamin, b. July 24, i860, in Little Compton, R. I. 588 Caroline Esther* Bancroft {Louisa? Paul? Elisha? Jonas? Daniel? John? JoJiti') was born March 7, 1833, in MUlbury; married there Dec. 20, 1853, Reuben Augustus Sturdy, born Feb. 4, 1830, in Attleboro. ChUdren (Sturdy), the eldest born in Millbury, the others in Attleboro : 809. i. LUlian Clarissa,? b. July 22, 1857. ii. Cora Geneva, b. Oct. 15, i860; m. there June 30, 1881, Theodore Leslie Watkins, b. Oct. 20, 1859, in Speeds- vUle, N. Y. iii. Mary Eliza, b. Sept. 19, 1865. iv. Grace Bancroft, b. July 27, 1873. 589 Mary Jane* Bancroft {Louisa? Paul? ElisJia? Jonas? Dati iel? John? JoJin') was born June 1 1, 1836, in MiUbury ; married there Jan. 16, 1857, GUbert Daniel Pitts, died Sept. 28, 1864, in Petersburg, Va. Children (Pitts), born in MUlbury : i. Joseph Esek,? b. . n. Flora Louisa, b. . 590 Charles Henry* Livermore {Henry? Lyman? Elijah? Isaac? Daniel? John? JoJin') was born AprU 27, 1850, in Charlemont; married May 12, 1871, in Adams, Celia E., daugh- 340 Livermore Family ter of Francis and Abigail Phelps, born in 1849, in Monroe. He has been a watchman, baggage master and nitro-glycerine manufacturer. Children, born in North Adams : i. Charles W.? b. in 1872 ; m. April 4, 1893, in North Adams, Alice L., dau. of Alonzo and Helen (ChUds) Holmes, b. there in 1873. ii. Francis Eugene, b. Jan. 5, 1874; d. Oct. 15, 1898. in. Clara B., b. Jan. 21, 1881. iv. Howard Bradley, b. Jan. 23, 1883; d. there Aug. 21, 1884. 591 Fidelia* Livermore {Alonzo? Edmund? Daniel? Edmund? Samuel? Samuel? John') was born Jan. 17, 1829, in Blairsville, Pa.; married June 2, 1851, in Rumsey, Ky., Robert Stuart, son of Nathaniel and Eliza (Stuart) Howard, born Aug. i, 1826, in Hartford, Ky. They moved to New Orleans, La., a few years after marriage, and some of the family still live there. Children (Howard) : 810. i. EUza Maud,? b. AprU 18, 1852, in Calhoun, Ky. 811. u. Clara Amelia, b. Dec. 7, 1854, in EvansvUle, Ind. 812. iii. Estelle, b. June 4, i860, in South CarroUton, Ky. iv. Robert Stuart, b. Feb. 28, 1865, in Brooklyn, N. Y.; res., Portland, Ore. 592 Alonzo Skiles* Livermore {Alonzo? Edmund? Datiiel? Edmund? Samuel? Samuel? John') was born Aug. 19, 1840, in Rumsey, Ky. ; died July 28, 1888, in Memphis, Tenn.; mar ried Jan. 9, 1868, in New Iberia, La., Leila, daughter of WUliam and Eliza Ann (Marsh) Robertson, born there March 22, 1846. In 1854 he moved with his parents to Sunbury, Pa., and in September, 1855, entered Union College, Schenectady, N. Y., graduating with honor in July, 1858. In September of the same year he went to Columbia, Tenn., and was employed on what was then known as the Tennessee and Alabama Railroad, now a part of the Louisville and Nashville Railroad. In i860 he went EigJitJi Generatioti 341 to ClarksvUle, Tenn., as assistant superintendent of the Mem phis, ClarksviUe and Louisville Railroad. When the CivU war broke out he cast his fortunes with the Confederacy, and went to Memphis with the rolling stock of his raUroad. He was here appointed general superintendent of the Mississippi and Tennessee RaUroad, and upon the fall of Memphis he re treated with the Confederates to Grenada, Miss. At the close of the -war he went to Memphis as general superintendent of the same raUroad, and established the general offices of the com pany at that point. In 1871 he became superintendent of the Memphis and Little Rock Railroad, and continued in this posi tion untU 1874, when he entered into a partnership with James W. Heath of the Chickasaw Iron Works. In 1875 the firm was Randle, Heath & Livermore. In 1881 he established the Livermore Foundry and Machine Company in Memphis, and since that time has been president of this corporation. He has been a member of the board of education in Memphis, and sub sequently a member of the board of public works, or what is generally known as the city council. ChUdren, the eldest born in New Iberia, the others in Mem phis : 813. i. Leila Robertson,? b. Oct. 31, 1868. ii. Eliza Robertson, b. Feb. 8, 1871. ui. William Robertson, b. Aug. 29, 1873. iv. Mary Robertson, b. Nov. i, 1875 ; d. there July 7, 1881. V. George Robertson, b. Sept. 20, 1878. vi. Helen Robertson, b. Dec. 9, 1880. 593 Mortimer Livermore* Conger {Melinda? Daniel? Daniel? Edmund? Samuel? Samuel? John') was born Dec. 19, 1821, in Brookfield, N. Y. ; married April 23, 1848, in Sangerfield, N. Y., Melissa Marsh, born there Oct. 13, 1828. ChUd (Conger), born in Sangerfield : i. Zayda,? b. Mar. 18, 1849 ; d. March 27, 1879, in Water vUle, N. Y. ; m. Aug., 1877, in Watertown, N. Y., Fred erick Foot, b. in 1843 ; d. Oct. 4, 1878, in WaterviUe. 342 Livermore Family 594 Daniel* Conger {Melinda? Daniel? Daniel? Edmund? Sam uel? Samuel? John') was born Sept. 29, 1828, in Sangerfield, N.Y.; married (i) Nov. 12, 185 1, in Plymouth, N. Y., Polly Jaynes, born there AprU 12, 1833 ; died Sept. 8, 1884, in Water viUe, N. Y. ; married (2) July 8, 1891, in WaterviUe, Keoka Smith, born there Dec. 21, 1856. Child (Conger), born in Sherburne, N. Y. : i. DeWitt,? b. Jan. 31, 1854; m. (1) Oct. 7, 1874, in Water viUe, Ella Cooper, b. there July 21, 1852; they were divorced in 1888 ; m. (2) May 24, 1888, in WaterviUe, Blanche Cook, b. Feb. 15, 1863, in New Haven, Conn. Child: I. Cornelia M.,'" b. Mar. 5, 1876, in -Waterville ; d. there April 6, 1876. 595 Emily* Livermore {Daniel? Daniel? Daniel? Edmund? Sam uel? Samuel? John') was born July 10, 1833, in Sangerfield, N. Y. ; married there March i, 1853, Elias Hicks Mott, born there AprU 28, 1830. ChUdren (Mott), born in Sangerfield : i. Herbert Hicks,? b. July 11, 1857. 814. ii. Walter Livermore, b. Mar. 27, i860. 815. iii. James, b. Dec. 6, 1862. iv. Daniel Livermore, b. Jan. 20, 1865. V. Frank WiUiams, b. Sept. 24, 1866; d. July 10, 1890, in San Francisco, Cal. vi. Virginia Elmina, b. July 14, 1870. 596 Elmina Virginia* Livermore {Daniel? Datiiel? Daniel? Edmund? Samuel? Samuel? John') was born Sept. 15, 1838, in Sangerfield, N. Y. ; died there Feb. 3, 1874; married there Sept. 9, 1862, Oliver Sumner Brigham, born Feb. 16, 1832, in Eaton, N. Y. ; died June 24, 1866, in Madison, N. Y. ChUd (Brigham), born in Madison : i. Harry Blossom,? b. Dec. 20, 1864; d. Mar. 19, 1869, in Sangerfield. EigJith Generation 343 597 Daniel* Livermore {Daniel? Daniel? Datiiel? Edmund? Samuel? Satnuel? John') was born Sept. 20, 1840, in Sanger field, N. Y. ; married Sept. 20, 1865, in Madison, N. Y., Ella Brigham, born there May 4, 1846. ChUdren, born in Sangerfield : i. Kate EUa,? b. Sept 26, 1866. 816. ii. Daniel Howard, b. Sept. 28, 1868. in. Mary Virginia, b. Oct. 16, 1873. iv. Harry Brigham, b. Sept. 19, 1875. V. Agnes Louisa, b. Mar. 15, 1879. 598 Sarah* Livermore {Aranus? Daniel? Daniel? Edmund? Samuel? Samuel? John') was born Oct. 2, 1829, in Sangerfield, N. Y. ; died there Aug. 20, 1884; married there Oct. 14, 1847, Orlando Gorton, born there Jan. 20, 1826; died there Jan. 2, 1886. ChUdren (Gorton), born in Sangerfield : i. DeMaur,? b. Oct. 2, 1848. 817. ii. Jennie, b. Oct. 29, 1854. 599 Ellen Amelia* Livermore {Aranus? Daniel? Datiiel? Ed mund? Samuel? Samuel? John') was born Feb. 12, 1832, in Sangerfield, N. Y. ; died there Sept. 21, 1866; married there Oct. II, 1853, Columbus Fayette Rhodes, born Dec. 21, 1824, in HubbardsviUe, N. Y. ChUdren (Rhodes), born in HubbardsvUle : i. Ella Cornelia,? b. Jan. 21, 1858; d. there Sept. 19, 1866, 818. n. WiUiam Aranus, b. Oct. 29, i860. iii. Louis Columbus, b. Nov. 28, 1865; d. there Nov. 27, 1885. 600 DeWitt Clinton* Livermore {Aranus? Daniel? Daniel? Edmund? Samuel? Samuel? John') was born June i, 1845, in Sangerfield, N. Y. ; married there May 27, 1867, Ella E. Bayles, born there March 25, 1850. 344 Livermore Family ChUdren, born in Sangerfield : i. Zula Z.,9 b. Oct. 15, 1868; m. there Oct. 2, 1889, Clif ton Day Wheelock, b. Jan. 27, 1863, in Freedom, O. n. Claribel, b. Jan. 9, 1874. 601 Rose Belle* Livermore {Aranus? Daniel? Daniel? Ed mund? Samuel? Samuel? John') was born Aug. 25, 185 1, in Sangerfield, N. Y. ; married there Feb. 16, 1869, Bolivar Leonard Webb, born Sept. 3, 1846, in Sherburne, N. Y. Children (Webb) : i. Lula May,? b. Jan. 17, 1872, in Sangerfield. n. Rose Belle, b. April 21, 1873, in Sangerfield. in. Grace Livermore, b. Jan. 23, 1877, in WaterviUe, N. Y. ; d. April 19, 1878, in Bridgewater, N. Y. iv. Clarence Bolivar, b. Mar. 23, 1879, in Bridgewater. V. Allen Aranus, b. Nov. 20, 1880, in West Winfield, N. Y. 602 Mortimer Conger* Livermore {Oraniel? Daniel? Daniel? Edmund? Samuel? Samuel? JoJm') was born Nov. 13, 1841, in EarlsvUle, N. Y. ; married March 4, 1864, in Glenmore, N. Y., Theodosia ChurchUl, born there Jan. 7, 1844. ChUdren : i. Zayma Eudora,? b. Jan. 27, 1866, in Glenmore. ii. Leslie, b. Feb. 28, 1868, in Glenmore; d. there Sept. 16, 1870. ni. Orin, b. April 25, 1870, in DeansvUle, N. Y. ; d. Sept. 9, 1870, in Glenmore. iv. Tessora Emeline, b. Mar. 10, 1872, in Willow Springs, Kan. V. Frederick Mortimer, b. Sept. 9, 1875, in Bridgewater, N.Y. vi. Mabel Ruth, b. Oct. 14, 1877, in Manchester, Mich. 603 Silas Wright* Livermore {Oraniel? Daniel? Daniel? Ed mund? Samuel? Samuel? John') was born March 24, 1844, in Marshall, N. Y. ; married Jan. 27, 1865, in Rome, N. Y., Anna Emogine ChurchiU, born June 15, 1847, in AnnsvUle, N. Y. EightJi Generation 345 ChUdren : i. Zayda Conger,? b. Mar. 31, 1866, in WaterviUe, N. Y. n. Maud May Emogine, b. Dec. 16, 1867, in AnnsvUle. ni. Virginia Sarah, b. Mar. 6, 187 1, in Willow Springs, Kan. iv. Ira James, b. Mar. 16, 1873, in WiUow Springs. V. WiUiam Howarth, b. July ii, 1877, in Bridgewater, N.Y. vi. Grace Beatrice, b. Jan. 2, 1882, in Bridgewater. vn. Leland Wright, b. Sept. 10, 1883, in Bridgewater. 604 Harvey Crain* Livermore {Oraniel? Daniel? Daniel? Ed mund? Samuel? Samuel? John') was born July 21, 1850, in Deans-vUle, N. Y. ; married March 26, 1873, in WUlow Springs, Kan., Genoa Margaret Burton, born Jan. 13, 1855, in Jackson Co., Mo. Children : i. Harry Burton,? b. Oct. 15, 1874, in Lawrence, Kan. u. Etta Belle, b. Oct. i, 1876, in Olathe, Kan. 605 De Farriett* Livermore {James? Daniel? Daniel? Ed mund? Satnuel? Satnuel? John') was born Dec. 26, 1826, in Paris HUl, N. Y. ; married May 13, 1859, in Hamilton, N. Y., Martha Wickwire. ChUdren, bom in BouckvUle, N. Y. : i. Detta,? b. June 29, 186 1 ; m. Oct. 4, 1889, in Madison, N. Y., Charles Card. Child (Card) : Martlia.'" ii. Kirk Wickwire, b. Oct. 19, 1863. 606 Newton* Livermore {James? Daniel? Daniel? Edmund? Samuel? Samuel? John') was born Aug. 12, 1845, in Madison, N. Y. ; married Oct. 30, 1877, in SolsviUe, N. Y., Lizzie Mary Parker, born July 8, 1854, in Madison. ChUdren, born in Madison : i. Rosie Lee,? b. June 27, 1879. ii. James Madison, b. Feb. 9, 1883. 346 Livermore Family 607 John* Livermore {Samuel? Samuel? Daniel? Edmund? Samuel? Samuel? JoJitf) was born March 19, 1823, in Brook field, N. Y. ; married Aug. 31, 1845, in Independence, N. Y., Cordelia Babcock. The fifth day after his marriage he was thrown from a carriage down a steep embankment, receiving an injury to his left knee from which he has never fully recovered. He is a farmer in Sharon, Pa., to which place he moved in 1878. Children : 819. i. Clarissa Francenia,? b. Mar. 7, 1847. 820. ii. Abbie Eliza, b. Aug. 5, 1850. iii. Maxson Galusia, b. Mar. 22, 1854; d. Mar. 22, 1859. iv. Almira Annette, b. July 18, 1857 ; d. April 14, 1859. 821. V. Cassius Manlius, b. May 4, 1861. 608 Samuel Allen* Livermore {Samuel? Samuel? Daniel? Edmund? Samuel? Samuel? John') was born Feb. 4, 1834, in Independence, N. Y. ; died Feb. 3, 1891, in WhitesvUle, N. Y. ; married Jan. i, 1853, Emeline Belinda Wood. The famUy were living in WhitesvUle when last heard from. Children : 822. i. Elwin Mason,? b. Feb. 21, 1854. ii. Willie James, b. Jan. 15, 1863 ; d. SepL 15, 1869. iii. Arlouene, b. Mar. 7, 1878. 609 William* Potter {Sally? Samuel? Daniel? Edmund? Sam uel? Samuel? JoJiti') was born Oct. 30, 1820; died Sept. 24, 1869 ; married Sept. 10, 1843, Semantha P. Johnson, born Jan. 18, 1824. ChUdren (Potter) : i. Clarissa A.? b. Aug. 10, 1844; m. Feb. 25, 1863, Levi R. Fairbanks. n. Annis E,, b. July 5, 1846 ; m. (i) Jan. i, 1878, Alson A. Anson, d. May i, 1880; m. (2) July 4, 1882, George S. Clark. Eighth Generatioti ^47 in. Mortimer W., b. Jan. 19, 1849; m. June 12, 1889, EUa Thompson. ChUd (Potter) : J. Hattie Livermore,'" b. July 2, 1891. iv. Milton R., b. AprU 21, 1852 ; m. Aug. 30, 1874, Fannie E. Smith. ChUdren (Potter): I. Nina E.,'" b. Aug. 19, 1876. 2. W. Milton, b. Dec. 14, 1877. 3. Mildred A., b. Oct. 30, 1886. V. Amanda R., b. July 30, 1853 ; m. Mar. 25, 187 1, Amos F. Moore. Children (Moore) : I. Charles W.,'° b. Jan. 27, 1875, 2. Lillian M., b. Jan. 20, 1884. vi. Mary E., b. May 31, 1856; m. Aug. 21, 1876, LueU W. Elliott. vii. Almond D., b. May 22, 1859; d. Sept. i, 1861. viii. Rosilla A., b. Feb. 19, 1865. ix. Leona M., b. Sept. 20, 1867. 610 HosEA B.* Potter {Sally? Samuel? Daniel? Edmund? Samuel? Samuel? JoJiti') was born Nov. 28, 1822 ; married (i) Oct. 5, 1845, Amanda H. Johnson, died June 28, 1864; married (2) May II, 1865, Mrs. Ann E. Wheeler. ChUdren (Potter) : i. Amy A.,? b. Dec. 7, 1846 ; d. Dec. 23, 1866. u. Joel A., b. Aug. 16, 1848 ; d. May 25, 1861. iii. Allen, b. . iv. William, b. . 611 Luther* Potter {Sally? Satnuel? Daniel? Edmund? Sam uel? Samuel? John') was born Aug. 28, 1824; married AprU 20, 1850, Almira Parsons, died March 7, 1893. ChUdren (Potter) : i. Mary E.,? b. Jan. 29, 185 1 ; d. Jan. 5, 1856. ii. Alice A., b. Oct 12, 1856. iii. Ida A., b. May 5, 1859 ; m. Aug. 10, 1880, William Ram sey. Children (Ramsey) : I. Florence B.,'° b. April 19, 1883. 2. George A., b. April 19, 1885. 348 Liverm.ore Family 612 Samuel* Potter {Sally? Samuel? Daniel? Edmund? San uel? Samuel? John') was born Dec. 21, 1826; married (i) Jai 15, 1848, Rhoda Buckley, died July 17, 185 1 ; married (2) De( 12, 1853, Lucetta McCumber. Children (Potter) : i. Jerome F.,? b. May 4, 1851. n. William S., b. Aug. 17, 1854; m. Oct 25, 1876, Ida J Petty. Children (Potter) : 1. Cora A.,'" h. Aug. 6, 1877. 2. Carrie Bell, b. Nov. 14, 1881. 3. Bessie V., b. Feb, 28, 1890. ui. Mary E., b. July 17, 1857; m. Sept. 6, 1874, Frederic H. Reese. Children (Reese) : I. Zella A.,'" b. Aug. 28, 1875. 2. Clara B., b. April 19, 1882. 613 Philarmon Patten* Livermore {Edmund? Samuel? Daniel Edmund? Samuel? Samuel? John') was born Nov. 13, 1827, i Independence, N. Y. ; married April 29, 1849, in MUton, Wis AbigaU West Coon, born March 9, 1833, in Alfred Centre, N. \ He was educated at Alfred University, N. Y. ; he was for a tim principal of the MUton Academy at Milton, and subsequentl taught in several places. He read law and was admitted to th bar in Wisconsin. He travelled extensively in the souther States and across the Rocky Mountains to California, before th breaking out of the CivU war, and in 1 862 returned to Wiscor sin and enlisted as a private ; he was promoted captain and mad provost marshal in Tennessee, and was distinguished for hi bravery and faithful service. Residence, Los Angeles, Cal. ChUdren : i. Aretus Eugene,? b. Jan. 29, 1855, in Independence; n (i) in 1880, Nannie Wear, divorced in 1885 ; m. (2 in 1892, Josephine Pratt. ChUdren: I. Rena,'° b. in 1882. 2. Charles, b. in 1883. 3. Edward, b. in 1893. Eighth Generation 349 ii. Rena Louise, b. Dec. 2, 1869, in Morris, Mo.; d. there Aug. 16, 1870. iii. Kate Aileen, b. June 19, 1872, in Morris; m. in 1893, Edward E. SaUaday. Child (Salladay) : I. Roy Everett^" b. in 1894. iv. George Edmund, b. Dec. 11, 1873, in Denver, Col.; d. there Dec. ii, 1874. 614 Lois Arminda* Livermore {Edmutui? Samuel? Daniel? Ed mund? Samuel? Samuel? John') was born Jan. 6, 1831, in Brookfield, N. Y. ; married July 26, 1853, in Independence, N. Y., Albert Hazeltine, died there in Aug., 1864. Children (Hazeltine), the youngest born in Lima, Wis., the others in Independence : i. .Innis EHza,? b. Mar. 2, 1855; d. Dec. 29, i860. ii. EUa J., b. Mar. 4, 1856; d. Dec. 25, i860. in. Cora E., b. Oct. 22, 1859 ; d. Jan. i, 1861. iv. Fred. L., b. July 6, 1861 ; m. Lula George. ChUd : I. Jesse,'" b. Dec. 31, 1884. 615 Leander Elliott* Livermore {Edmund? Samuel? Daniel? Edmund? Samuel? Samuel? JoJin') was born March 26, 1835, in Independence, N. Y. ; married (i) Aug. 20, 1858, in Peters burg, N. Y., Laura Ellis Maxson, born in Genesee, N. Y. ; divorced in Jan., 1868 ; married (2) Dec. 2, 1868, in DeRuyter, N. Y., Arlonine Eliza Coon, born there Feb. 16, 1844; died May 13, 1893, in New York City; married (3) June 12, 1894, in Lebanon, Conn., Ellen Cornelia, daughter of Nathaniel Bab cock and Jane Elizabeth (Parker) WUliams, born May 12, 1846, and is descended from John Livermore, the emigrant, as fol lows : Jane Elizabeth Parker,* Sophia Churchill,' Mehitable Hubbard,* Martha Livermore,^ Nathaniel Livermore,'* Thomas Livermore,^ Samuel Livermore,^ John Livermore." He studied first in Alfred University, N. Y., and then for a whUe in Milton College, Wisconsin. Returning to Alfred Uni versity, he pursued a classical course, with occasional interrup tions, occasioned by teaching public and select schools. On 350 Livermore Family Oct. 7, 1861, he was mustered in at Elmira, N. Y., as a priva in company C, 85th regiment N. Y. Vols., commanded by Cap Hiram C. MiUer; was promoted sergeant and then hospiti steward. During the Peninsular campaign under Gen. Geor^ B. McClellan, in the spring of 1862, he contracted typhoid fev( and in the following July was discharged from the service : Washington, D. C. In the autumn of the same year he had £ far recovered as to admit of his returning to his studies in tl university, where he remained until Jan., 1864, when, in con pany with several other students and friends, he re-enlisted. H was immediately detailed on special service at the surgeon's heac quarters, at the place of rendezvous in Elmira, and retained i the same service after joining his regiment (5th N. Y. Heav ArtUlery) at Harper's Ferry, Va. In March, 1865, he wi promoted first lieutenant and subsequently detaUed on the sta: of General Stevenson at Harper's Ferry, in which capacity h remained until mustered out at the close of the war in Juh 1865. * He returned to the university to complete his course, and wa graduated with the degree of B. A. in 1866. He was soon calle to ordination in the gospel ministry by the church in Indepenc ence, of which he was a member, and soon after settled as paste of the Seventh Day Baptist Church at Greenmanville (Mystic Conn. Here he remained nearly two years, supplying also th P"irst Day Baptist Church, in North- Stonington, Conn., unt accepting a call to the principalship of the De Ruyter Inst tute, at De Ruyter, he removed thither. In this capacity h labored three and a half years, when he accepted a caU to th pastorate of the Walworth Seventh Day Baptist Church, Wi; consin, and at the same time the principalship of the " Big Foe Academy " in the same place. Here he remained six years, pai of the time (two years) pursuing theological studies in the Baj tist Union Theological Seminary, Chicago, IU. In 1877, h accepted a call to a pastorate in New Market, N. J., and con pleted his course in theology in the Union Theological Seminar in New York City in 1879. He removed from New Market t Alfred Centre, N. Y., AprU 17, 1893, and was pastor of th Eighth Generation 351 church there for several years, with the exception of a tem porary absence of four years, during which he was engaged as financial agent of Alfred University. He now resides at Dun- ellen, N. J. ChUdren : 823. i. Alice Leanna,? b. Aug. 4, in 1864, in Genesee. ii. A son, b. June 16, 1870, in De Ruyter; d. same day. in. Anna Corinne, b. Nov. 27, 1871, in Walworth, Wis.; d. Feb. 24, 1892, in Dunellen. iv. A daughter, b. AprU lo, 1876, in Walworth ; d. same day. 616 Joel Field* Livermore {Manin? Samuel? Daniel? Ed mund? Satnuel? Samuel? JoJiti') was born Jan. 25, 1858, in Independence, N. Y. ; died Jan. 29, 1883, in WeUsville, N. Y. ; married March 22, 1882, in Alfred, N. Y., Nancy Maria Thomas, bom there Dec. 21, 1857. He was a brakeman, and died from injuries received on the railroad. His widow afterwards lived in HorneUsvUle, N. Y. ChUd, born in Alfred : i. Jossie Field,? b. Feb. 5, 1883. 617 Martha* Livermore {Manin? Samuel? Daniel? Edmund? Samuel? Samuel? John') was born Nov. 25, i860, in Indepen dence, N. Y. ; married Sept. 25, 1878, in Alfred, N. Y., George Clark Sherman, born there May 19, 1854. He is the agent of the Alfred Machine Works. ChUdren (Sherman), born in Alfred : i. Ethel Elida,? b. June 28, 188 1. ii. David Clark, b. Jan. 20, 1883. iii. Susan Belle, b. Dec 16, 1885. iv. Thomas Place, b. Mar. 5, 1888. 618 Sarah Celestia* Kingsley {Barbara? Samuel? Daniel? Edmund? Samuel? Samuel? JoJin') was born July 10, 1842, in Hume, N. Y. ; died there Aug. 20, 1883 ; married there Nov. 22, 1864, Charles Deforest MUls. 352 Livermore Family ChUdren (Mills), born in Hume : i. Lilian,? b. Mar. 24, 1867; m. there Oct 24, i George F. Palmer ; res.. Pike, N. Y. ii. Herbert AUen, b. Dec. 26, 1870. 619 Louisa Adaline* Livermore {TJieodore? Samuel? Danie Edtnund? Samuel? Samuel? John') was born Sept. 17, 184 in Independence, N. Y. ; married Dec. 24, 1865, in Andovt N. Y., Edward Richmond Foster, born Nov. 21, 1841, in Ind pendence. Residence, Shongo, N. Y. ChUdren (Foster), born in WiUing, N. Y. ; i. Re. Gott,? b. Oct. 17, 1866; d. there Mar. 14, 1868. ii. Clark Olisco, b. Feb. 21, 1869. in. Louise Estelle, b. Aug. 12, 1872. iv. Edwin Demont, b. Mar. 8, 1875. 620 Edward Maxon* Livermore {Theodore? Samuel? Daniei Edmund? Samuel? Samuel? JoJin') was born April i, 1847, : Independence, N. Y. ; married Nov. 28, 1870, in Andover, N. \ Alice Amelia P'arnham, born Sept. 22, 1852, in Gaines, Pen: Residence, Andover. ChUdren, the eldest born in WUling, N. Y., the others i Andover : i. Charles Orlando,? b. Sept. i, 187 1. n. Cora May, b. Nov. 12, 1874. iii. Nora Ethel, b. Sept. 21, 1876. iv. Anna Lorena, b. Aug. 30, 1878. V. Flora Almeda, b. July 10, 1886. 621 Theodore Corell* Livermore {TJieodore? Samuel? Daniel Edmund? Samuel? Samuel? John') was born June 3, 1850, i Independence, N. Y. ; married there Jan. 20, 1879, Hatti Minerva Baker, born there Feb. 23, 1859. Residence, Andove N. Y. ChUd, born in Andover : i. Gladys May,? b. Jan. i, 1887. Eighth Generation 353 622 Fidus Orlando* Livermore {TJieodore? Samuel? Daniel? Edmund? Samuel? Samuel? JoJin') was born Oct. 24, 1852, in Independence, N. Y. ; married there May 22, 1881, Mary Frances Trask, born Oct. 31, 1 861, in Willing, N. Y. Residence, Andover, N. Y. ChUdren : i. Gertrude Elida,? b. July 5, 1884, in Mt. Alton, Penn. n. Clarence Edwin, b. July 17, 1887, in Andover. 623 Ina Ardell* Livermore {TJieodore? Samuel? Daniel? Ed tnund? Samuel? Satnuel? John') was born May 12, 1856, in Andover, N.Y. ; married December 22, 1878, in Independence, N. Y., Ai Eugene Foster, born there July 13, 1849. Residence, Shongo, N. Y. ChUdren (Foster), born in WiUing, N. Y. : i. Harry Leon,? b. Jan. 11, 1880. n. Mabel, b. Dec. 15, 1882. iii. Grace, b. Aug. 26, 1884. 624 Izora Adelaide* Livermore {Theodore? Satnuel? Daniel? Edmund? Satnuel? Samuel? John') was born May 29, 1859, in Andover, N. Y. ; married there Dec. 4, 1878, John Morton, son of WUliam B. and Caroline (Clarke) Green, born Nov. 29, 1856, in Independence, N. Y. Residence, Independence. Children (Green), born in Independence : i. Clayton Clarke,? b. Sept. 27, 1880. u. Albert CrandaU, b. Oct 5, 1882. in. WUUam Earl, b. May 6, 1888. 625 Eugenia Melinda* Livermore {John? Abner? Daniel? Ed mund? Samuel? Samuel? John') was born Nov. 16, 1835, in Rochester, Mich.; married Dec. 23, 1857, in Fort Wilkins, Mich., Seth Rees, born AprU 14, 18 12, in Erie, Pa. ; died AprU II, 1878, in Houghton, Mich. Residence, Houghton. 354 Livermore Family ChUdren (Rees), the five younger born in Houghton : 824. i. Allen Forsyth,? b. Nov. 14, 1858, in Fort Wilkins. n. John Livermore, b. Feb. 10, i860, in Eagle River, Mich. iii. Bertha Mary, b. Nov. 16, 1861 ; d. Sept 6, 1864, in Hancock, Mich. iv. Thomas Henry, b. Oct. 18, 1863. V. Benjamin Rush, b. June 6, 1866; d. there Oct 6, 1867. vi. George Marshall, b. Nov. 29, 1868. vii. Robert Irwin, b. Nov. 9, 187 1. 626 Mary Alice* Livermore {JoJin? Abner? Datiiel? Edmund? Samuel? Samuel? John') was born Nov. 27, 1837, in Rochester, Mich.; married (i) Sept. 7, 1861, in Fort Wilkins, Mich., John Alexander Mclntire, born in Coteau, Quebec, Canada ; died June 21, 1869, in Calumet, Mich.; married (2) Nov. 10, 1884, in Chicago, 111., Nelson Burley, born in Oriskany, N. Y. Resi dence, Riverside, Cal. ChUdren (Mclntire), the first two born in Hancock, Mich., the others in Houghton, Mich. : i. Robert Safford,? b. Sept. 22, 1862. ii. Bertha Orpha, b. Nov. 26, 1864; m. Dec. 27, 1888, in Riverside, Charles Olney ; res. Etiwanda, Cal. ui. Elizabeth Eugenia, b. Oct. 7, 1867. iv. John Alexander, b. Dec. 31, 1869; d. there May 10, 1875- 627 Orpha Jeanette* Livermore {John? Abner? Daniel? Ed mund? Samuel? Samuel? Jo Jin') was born Jan. 8, 1842, in Rochester, Mich.; married Dec. 3, 1878, in Jackson, Mich., William Henry Gamble, born Oct. 11, 1827, in Three Rivers, Canada. ChUd (Gamble), born in MoundsvUle, W. Va. : i. Richmond Rush,? b. Jan. 23, 1880; d. Jan. 23, 1887, in Chicago, 111. EightJi Generation 3c c 628 John Lewis* Livermore {Fidus? Abner? Daniel? Edmund? Samuel? Samuel? John') was born Dec. 14, 1832, in Dresden, N. Y. ; married Sept. 8, 1867, in Tecumseh, Mich., Belle Blan- chard, born Oct. 31, 1843, in Penn Yan, N. Y. Residence, Anthony, Kan. ChUdren, born in Jackson, Mich. : i. Sarah Nettie,? b. June 6, 1868. She is the president of the Benton Post, Woman's Relief Corps, in Anthony. n. Estella May, b. Jan. 16, 187 1. in. Frank Richmond, b. AprU 9, 1873. 629 Richard* Nightingale {Harriet? Abner? Daniel? Edmund? Samuel? Samuel? John') was born Dec. 26, 1850, in Attica, Mich. ; married Feb. 18, 1880, in Capac, Mich., Eva Sherrard, born June 30, 1861, in Berlin, Mich. ChUdren (Nightingale) : i. James,? b. Nov. 13, 1880, in Arcadia, Mich. ii. Edna, b. Mar. 19, 1882, in Arcadia. iii. Melvin, b. Nov. 14, 1883, in Attica. 630 Emma Caroline* Livermore {James? James? Daniel? Ed mund? Satnuel? Samuel? John') was born Aug. 23, 1842, in Madison, N. Y. ; married Jan. 29, 1868, in WatervUle, N. Y., Lewis Benjamin Kellogg, died Dec. 3, 1875, in Clyde, N. Y. ChUd (Kellogg), born in Clyde : i. May Livermore,? b. April 13, 1871 ; m. Sept. 2, 1896, in Adrian, Mich., Elbert Jay Chase ; he is dead. She is a member of the reportorial force of the " Adrian Daily " and the " Tri-Weekly Telegram." She and her mother reside in Adrian. 631 Ann Elizabeth* Livermore {James? James? Daniel? Ed mund? Samuel? Samuel? JoJin') was born Dec. 12, 1845, in Madison, N. Y. ; married Feb. 24, 1867, in North Brookfield, N. Y., Sanford Witter. 3 56 Livermore Family ChUdren (Witter), born in Capron, IU. : i. WiUiam Gorton,? b. Mar. 19, 1877. n. Clarence Porter, b. Feb. 13, 1880. 632 Harriet Eliza* Livermore {James? James? Daniel? Ed mund? Samuel? Samuel? John') was born May 6, 1848, in Madison, N. Y. ; died March 18, 1900, in Capron, 111.; married Jan. 27, 1875, in Rose, N. Y., Edmoor K. MUlard. Children (MUlard), born in Leroy, 111. : i. Florence Roe,? b. Feb. 11, 1876; m. Dec. 26, 1900, Lafayette Witter; res., Capron. 825. ii. Myrtle Louise, b. June 16, 1879. in. Newton Henry, b. Aug. 13, 1883 ; d. Mar. 16, 1885. 633 Alice Celina* Roe {Eunice? James? Daniel? Edmutid? Samuel? Samuel? JoJin') was born AprU 18, 1851, in Rose, N. Y. ; married there Feb. 7, 1872, Henry Townsend Lee, born Sept. 14, 1849, in Port Jefferson, Long Island, N. Y. Child (Lee), born in Port Jefferson : i. Bertha Eunice,? b. Oct. 24, 1875. 634 Ottie Annett* Roe {Eunice? James? Daniel? Edmund? Samuel? Samuel? Jo Jin') was born July 10, 1857, in Rose, N. Y. ; married there Sept. 17, 1877, Stephen Wyman Soule, born Dec. 14, 1854, in Stoneham. ChUdren (Soule) : i. Herbert Clinton,? b. Sept. 14, 1879, in Rose. ii. Roe Thayer, b. May 14, 1893, in Clyde, N. Y. 635 Mary Elizabeth* Crisler {RutJi? Jatnes? Datiiel? Edmutui? Samuel? Samuel? John') was born July 18, 1867, in Butler, N. Y. ; married June 29, 1893, Rev. MelviUe, son of Albert C. and Katherine (Evans) TerwiUiger, born in Crawford, N. Y. He is pastor of the M. E. church, Ledyard, N. Y. EightJi Generation ^^7 Children (Terwilliger) : i. Ivan Melville,? b. April 4, 1896. n. Dorothy Ruth, b. Aug. 5, igoo. 636 Maria* Livermore {Jonas? Jonas? Oliver? Oliver? Daniel? Samuel? JoJm') was born July 31, 1828, in Marietta, Ohio; died March 9, 1863, in Eola, Ore. ; married March 21, 1847, in Pike Co., IU., Thomas Orville WaUer, born Nov. 22, 1822, in Morgan Co., in. They moved to Oregon in 1849. ChUdren (WaUer) : i. Sarah Jane,? b. Oct 30, 1852 ; d. Mar. 31, 1854. n. Thomas Clarence, b. July 12, 1854, in Polk Co., Ore. in. Lucian Livermore, b. Oct. 21, 1856, in Polk Co.; d. Mar. 19, 1878, in Eola. iv. Henry Douglass, b. Dec. 12, 1858, in Polk Co. 637 Harriet* Livermore {Jonas? Jonas? Oliver? Oliver? Dan iel? Samuel? JoJm') was born Sept. 12, 1829, in Marietta, Ohio; married June 10, 1852, in Polk Co., Ore., Asa Shreve, born Aug. 28, 1825, in Fairfield Co., Ohio. Residence, Dallas, Polk Co., Ore. Children (Shreve) : i. Sarah Maria,? b. Feb. 17, 1854; d. June 29, 1883. ii. Mary Elizabeth, b. June 26, 1856. iii. Lot Livermore, b. Nov. 16, 1858. iv. Frances Ellen, b. May 12, 1861. V. Abraham Lincoln, b. Dec. 29, 1863. vi. Henry WiUiams, b. June 15, 1866. vu. Harriet Loretta, b. Oct. 23, 1869. viu. Katharine Howe, b. Feb. 7, 1873. 638 Naomi* Livermore {Jonas? Jonas? Oliver? Oliver? Daniel? Samuel? John') was born Sept. 24, 183 1, in Marietta, Ohio; married Sept. 2, 1852, near DaUas, Polk Co., Ore., Thomas 358 Livermore Family Pearce, born Feb. 24, 1826, in the parish of Westwood, WUt- shire, England. He emigrated to America in 1845, landing in New York, and went to Pittsfield, Mass., then to Pittsfield, Pike Co., in., then to California, in 1850, and in 185 1 to Polk Co., Ore. ChUdren (Pearce), all but the first two born in Eola, Ore. : i. George Jonas,? b. June 19, 1853, near Dallas. n. Sarah EUzabeth, b. Jan. 2, 1857, near DaUas; d. Nov. 19, 1863, in Eola. in. WiUiam Thomas, b. May 16, 1859. iv. Charles Leonard, b. Feb. 12, 1861. V. Vine Wills, b. Aug. 19, 1863. vi. Lot Livermore, b. Sept. i, 1866. vn. Richard Ernest, b. Dec. 25, 1868. vni. Martha Maria, b. Feb. 2, 1870. ix. OrvUle Grant b. Feb. 15, 1872. x. Clara Elsie, b. Feb. 9, 1874. 639 Lot* Livermore {Jonas? Jonas? Oliver? Oliver? Daniel? Samuel? John') was born Aug. 11, 1835, in Marietta, Ohio; married (i) Mar. 1 1, 1869, in UmatUla, Ore., Clara Brown ; they were divorced in 1881 or 1882; married (2) Sept. 21, 1885, in Pendleton, Ore., Mrs. Ellen (Ahern) Switzler, widow of WUliam Switzler, born Nov. 13, 1853, in Vancouver, Wash. In 1873 he was appointed postmaster at Pendleton, and held the office for thirteen and a half years. He was elected the first mayor of Pendleton, and was re-elected a second time. In 1889 he was a member of the common councU. He is a mem ber of the firm of Lee Moorhouse & Co., dealers in general merchandise in Pendleton. Children, all born in Pendleton : i. Charles Lot,? b. Dec. 29, 1869 ; d. there aged 15 months. n. Louie, b. in Jan., 187 1 ; d. there aged 10 years, i month. in. Bushu Lamar, b. Oct. 5, 1872 ; res., Seattle, Wash. iv. Delia, b. Nov. 26, 1874; res., Seattle. V. Lotta, b. Mar. 15, 1887. vi. A son, b. Nov. 8, 1888. Eighth Generation 359 640 Mary Ann* Livermore {Jonas? Jotuis? Oliver? Oliver? Daniel? Samuel? John') was born Sept. 16, 1844, near Pitts field, IU. ; married Aug. 2, 1866, near DaUas, Ore., Marion De Kalb Harpole, born Aug. 3, 1831, in Pike Co., IU. He is a farmer. ChUdren (Harpole) : i. Mary Effie,? b. June 10, 1867, in Polk Co., Ore. ; d. Oct. II, 1877. ii. Lenia Maria, b. Feb. 1, 1869, in Marion Co., Ore.; d. Sept. 22, 1877. in. WUliam Marion, b. Feb. 15, 1871, in Rock Creek, Wosco Co., Ore. iv. Nancy Elizabeth, b. Dec. 25, 1872, in Rock Creek. V. Lot Lafayette, b. Mar. 18, 1875, in Rock Creek. vi. Paul Oberheim, b. Feb. 9, 1878, in Salem, Ore. ; d. there Feb. II, 1878. vu. Sarah Emily, b. Mar. 23, 1879, in Rock Creek. viu. Charles Herbert, b. May 18, 1881, in Whitman Co., Wash. ix. Fannie Louisa, b. Aug. 25, 1883, in Whitman Co. X. Cleveland Voorhees, b. July 13, 1885, in Whitman Co. 641 Derrick* Livermore {Andrew? Jotias? Oliver? Oliver? Daniel? Samuel? JoJtn') was born Aug. 28, 1830, in Marietta, Ohio; married Jan. 8, 1852, in Kelly Township, Warren Co., IU., Elizabeth, daughter of James and Nancy (MUes) Stevens, born Feb. 15, 1831, near Springfield, 111. He was a farmer and stock raiser in Rose-ville, 111. He is a Republican and a Univer- saUst. Residence, Smithshire, 111. ChUdren, the first three born in Colebrook Township, Warren Co., III., the others in Point Pleasant, III. : 826. i. Andrew James,? b. Oct 16, 1852. 827. n. Joshua Brown, b. Aug. 20, 1854. 828. iii. Louisa Eugenia, b. July 5, 1856. 829. iv. Mary AuriUa, b. May 24, 1858. v. Emily Alice, b. Mar. 12, i86r. 830. vi. Clara Elizabeth, b. July 7, 1866. 360 Livermore Family 642 Andrew Park* Livermore {Andrew? Jonas? Oliver? Oliver? Daniel? Samuel? John') was born Aug. 28, 1834, in Marietta, Ohio; died Feb. 3, 1881, in Ellison, Warren Co., IU. ; married Jan. 29, 1858, in EUison, Mary Ann Correll, born Nov. 17, 1838, in Carthage, Hancock Co., IU. He was a farmer. Children : i. Frederick,? b. Nov. 23, i860, in Point Pleasant, IU. ; d. Sept. 29, 1878, in Ellison. 831. ii. Florence May, b. July 14, 1865, in Point Pleasant iii. Carrie Nettie, b. Mar. 14, 1877, in Carthage; d. Mar. 28, 1887, in Ellison. 643 John Kelsey* Livermore {Andrew? Jonas? Oliver? Oliver? Daniel? Satnuel? John') was born Aug. 9, 1836, in Marietta, Ohio; married Aug. 23, 1857, in Ellison, IU., Sarah Jane Cor rell, born April i, 1840, in Carthage, IU. He is a farmer. Residence, Raritan, IU, Children, the first four born in Point Pleasant, 111., the others in Raritan : 832. i. Waymen,? b. April 14, 1858. ii. James, b. Aug. 13, i860; d. there Dec. 8, 1864. in. Alfonso, b. May 31, 1868. iv. Maggie Betsey, b. June 10, 1877. V. Jessie, b. Mar. 10, i88o. vi. Shirley Alice, b. Oct. 14, 1884. 644 Socrates Stevens* Livermore {Andrew? Jonas? Oliver? Oliver? Daniel? Samuel? JoJin') was born Nov. 10, 1843, in Coldbrook, 111. ; married Feb. 22, 1888, in RosevUle, III., Martha Stanley, born Aug. 22, 1869, in BiggsvUle, 111. He enlisted in company E, 138th IU. Vols., as a musician ; he was mustered in June 21, 1864, for one hundred days. On July 26, 1864, the regiment moved to Fort Leavenworth, Kan., and -was assigned to garrison duty. It was mustered out of service at Springfield, IU., Oct. 14, 1864. He is a farmer. Residence, Rose-ville. ChUd, born in Point Pleasant, 111. : i. AUce IsabeUa,? b. Mar. 10, 1889. Eighth Generatioti 361 ; 645 Charles Carroll* Liivermore {Andrew? Jonas? Oliver? Oliver? Daniel? Samuel? JoJm') was born Oct. 24, 1847, in Coldbrook, 111.; married Jan. 4, 1872, in RoseviUe, 111., Sarah Frances Hopper, born Nov. 11, 185 1, in BlandinsviUe, 111. He is a farmer. Residence, RosevUle : ChUdren, born in Point Pleasant, IU. : i. Albert Berton,? b. May 12, 1873. ii. Shelby, b. Sept. 24, 1878 ; d. there June 13, 1881. in. Edna May, b. Mar. 9, 1885. iv. George CarroU, b. Mar. 20, 1887. V. Levi Harrison, b. Oct. 7, 1888. vi. Fannie, b. Nov. 12, 1890. 646 William Rufus* Livermore {Andrew? Jotuis? Oliver? Oliver? Datiiel? Samuel? John') was born Oct. 6, 1850, in Coldbrook, III.; married Sept. 23, 1875, in Rose-viUe, III., Mary Ellen Crozier, born there March 4, 1855 ; died there Jan. 9, 1 88 1. He is a farmer. Residence, Raritan, 111. ChUdren, born in RosevUle : i. LUlie May,? b. Aug. 4, 1876. ii. George Weston, b. Oct. 1, 1879 ; d. there Mar. 21, 1880. iii. Benjamin Socrates, b. Jan. 9, 1881. 647 Sarah Elizabeth* Livermore ( William? William? Oliver? Oliver? Daniel? Samuel? JoJin') was born Feb. 28, 1836, in Boston; married Jan. 23, 1861, John, son of Joshua and Mary Gilson of Groton, born in 1832. ChUdren (Gilson) : i. Annie Livermore,? b. Mar. 19, 1862. ii. William J., b. Sept. 17, 1865. in. Isabella H., b. Mar. 4, 1868. iv. Robert F., b. Jan. 21, 1871. V. Henry Robbins, b. Oct. 28, 1874. vi. John Lincoln, b. Jan. 29, 1877. 362 Livermore Family 648 William* Livermore {Daniel? William? Oliver? Oliver? Daniel? Samuel? John') was born July i, 1832, in Plymouth, Mich. ; died March 30, 1879, in Shiriey ; married Sept. 30, i860, in Wakarusa, Kan., Louisa Frances, daughter of Charles and Rebecca FloreUa Robbins (MUls) Dickson, born March 7, 1841, in Groton. With his parents he moved to Groton when he was quite young ; he was brought up on a farm, attending school for a while at Groton Academy. When a young man he worked in the store of Mr. Nightingale in Boston. In 1855 he went to Kansas, where he lived on a farm for nine years. He returned to Massachusetts in the spring of 1864, and shortly after en listed in the army for one year ; but the war closed after he had served ten months. He afterwards lived with his father on a farm in Lunenburg, which he helped to carry on for a few years ; he then moved to Fitchburg, where he kept a store ; then worked for his brother Charles, in a store in Shirley. He after wards bought a farm in that town, and when his health gave out moved into the village. His family are stUl li-ving there. Children : i. AUce Eleanor,? b. Oct. 27, 1861, in Wakarusa; m. Nov. 8, 1894, in Shirley, Walter Melvin, son of Asa and Polly (Chase) Wright, b. May 22, 1846, in Hanover, N. H. ; d. June 24, 1899, in Orange. He was a phy sician. No children. She lives with her mother. ii. Albert MiUs, b. July 28, 1863, in Wakarusa; d. Dec. 12, 1875, in Shirley. in. Fanny Rebecca, b. Oct. 9, 1869, in Fitchburg; d. there Aug. 15, 1870. iv. Eugene Nathaniel, b. Feb. 12, 1872, in Shirley. V. Erwin Herbert, b. Nov. 21, 1875, in Shirley. 649 Rufus* Livermore {Daniel? William? Oliver? Oliver? Dan iel? Samuel? Jo Jin') was born Nov. i, 1839,. in Groton; died July 8, 1891, in Orange; married Jan. 22, 1863, in Groton Eighth Generation 363 Martha Elizabeth, daughter of Jehiel and Melissa (HUdreth) Todd, born Sept. 5, 1 841, in Boston. He was fitted for college in the Lawrence Academy in his native town, and in the autumn of 1859 entered the freshman class of WUliams CoUege, but re mained there only one year. Then he attended the Albany Law School and was admitted to the bar in that city. Soon after, whUe studying the Massachusetts code of laws, preparatory to practice, the Civil war broke out ; he was one of the first to re spond to the call for troops, and, as a member of company B of the 6th Mass. regiment, was in the march through Baltimore, AprU 19, 1 86 1. Returning to Massachusetts, he worked to pro mote enlistments and finally went out again himself in troop C, 3d R. I. ca-valry, in which he became a sergeant, and on Oct. 13, 1863, was mustered into the U. S. service. March 25, 1864, he was commissioned as second lieutenant and assigned to duty in troop L of the same regiment. After serving a year he re signed his commission, March 20, 1865, and was honorably discharged. Soon after the close of the war he went to Orange, and en tered the office of Hunt, Waite & Flint. The firm was changed in 1872 to the Rodney Hunt Machine Company, of which he became secretary, a position he held untU his death, and for a long time was one of the directors. More frequently than any other citizen, whUe he lived in Orange, he was chosen to serve as moderator at town meet ings. He was elected to the House of Representatives in 1878, serving in the Legislature of 1879; in 1882 he was elected senator from his district, and re-elected in 1883. He was an active and earnest member of the Congregational church, and was for years superintendent of the Sunday school as well as teacher. He was a prominent Odd FeUow, being a past grand and one of the trustees of Social Lodge. He was also a mem ber of Gen. Sedgewick Post of the Grand Army, having been one of its charter members and earliest commanders. His widow lives in Orange. ChUd, born in Orange : i. Blanche,? b. Sept. 13, 1883. 364 Livermore Family 650 Abbie M.* Livermore {Daniel? William,^ Oliver? Oliver? Daniel? Samuel? John') was born June 13, 1850, in Groton: married Dec. 22, 1869, in Shirley, Charles G., son of Lewis R, and Nancy B. Howe, born in Orange in 1844. ChUdren (Howe), born in Orange : i. William,? b. July 6, 187 1 ; d. there July i, 1873. n. Frederick Livermore, b. May 13, 1874. in. Amy EHzabeth, b. Dec. 30, 1878. iv. Charles Daniel, b. Aug. 10, 1887. V. Marian G., b. May i, 1890. 651 Ellen Augusta* Prescott {Betsey? William? Oliver? Oliver? Daniel? Samuel? John') was born Aug. 18, 1838, in Groton; married there Dec. 27, 1859, GUman Barrows. ChUdren (Barrows) : i. Helen,? b. June 14, 1862. ii. Ulysses Howard, b. May 29, 1865. 652 Mary Park* Morse {Lucinda? David? Oliver? Oliver? Daniel? Samuel? JoJm') was born Aug. 11, 1828, in Shirley; died Sept. 27, i860, in Ayer; married Jan. i, 1849, in Shirley, Edmund Dana Bancroft, born Sept. 6, 182 1, in PeppereU; died Aug. 12, 1896; after her death he married Phoebe Bridge Barrett. He received a common school education ; he united with the Masonic fraternity in 1856, and for the rest of his life was prominent in that body. In 1858 he became station master at Groton Junction, holding the position twelve years ; he was a member of the Legislature in 1871 and 1872, and a State senator in 1879; postmaster from 1883 to 1887, and for a time an officer of U. S. Customs. He took great delight in music, and for many years was organist of the Unitarian church. He died from the effects of a sunstroke while on the way from Ayei to Shirley. ChUdren (Bancroft), born in Shirley : i. Mary Jane,? b. Oct. 12, 1849 ; m. Tucker ; res., Ayer EigJith Generation 365 U. Kate EHza, b. Oct 16, 1852 ; m. there Nov. 14, 1875, Jacob P. Hazen. iii. Anna, b. Nov. 21, 1854; m. Richardson of Wash ington, D. C. iv. Clara, b. Jan. 12, 1858 ; m. James A. Beatley of Rox bury. 652a Daniel Francis* Learned {Liwy? Amos? Amos? Oliver? Daniel? Samuel? JoJm') was born May 23, 1825, in Watertown ; married there Dec. 15, 1853, Emma Newman, daughter of Ebenezer and Mary (Coolidge) Seger, born Aug. 7, 1831, in Roxbury. ChUdren (Learned), born in Belmont : i. Carrie Augusta,? b. Dec. 10, 1854; d. there Feb. 12, 1863. ii. Annie Gertrude, b. Jan. 31, 1857. in. Marion Frances, b. May 11, 1865; d. there June 23, 1885. iv. Lillie Jasper, b. Sept. 23, 1866. V. Lucy Seger, b. Dec. 26, 1875; d. July 22, 1894. 652b Harriet Louisa* Learned {Lucy? Amos? Amos? Oliver? Daniel? Samuel? JoJin') was born AprU 15, 1827, in Water- town; married there Nov. 15, 1854, George Frederic, son of Charles Horace and Plooma Stone (Barnard) Whiting, born June 4, 1828, in Sterling. ChUdren (Whiting), born in Brookline : 832a. i. Frederic Erwin,? b. Dec. 21, 1857. u. Mary EUa, b. Dec. 23, 1859. 652o Adeline Elizabeth* Learned {Lucy? Amos? Amos? Oliver? Daniel? Samuel? JoJm') was born Oct. 5, 1831, in Watertown; married there Nov. 15, 1854, Benjamin Franklin, son of Joseph and Beulah Crafts (Fuller) Bacon, born Jan. 2, 1828, in Newton. 366 Livermore Family Children (Bacon), born in Newton : i. Charles Franklin,? b. Nov. 27, 1858. ii. Edward Learned, b. Jan. 7, 186 1. 653 Sarah Jane* Livermore {Thomas? Amos? Amos? Oliver? Datiiel? Samuel? John') was born Dec. 7, 1830, in Watertown; died April 10, 1873, in Medford; married there Jan. 29, 1852, Alexander Stowell, son of Marshall Symmes, born there Dec. 13, 1823. Children (Symmes) : 833. i. Addie Maria,? b. May 23, 1853. 834. ii. Arthur Cotting, b. Feb. 9, 1856. iii. Mary Ellen, b. May 9, 1858; m. Oct i, 1879, Richard Henry Swift of Medford. No children. 835. iv. Jennie, b. April i, 1861. V. Nettie, twin to Jennie; d. Nov. 12, 1861. vi. Sarah Elizabeth, b. July 3, 1863 ; m. July 7, 1887, Charles H. Sawyer of Medford. vii. Lillian Frances, b. Oct. 17, 1865. viii. Ida Livermore, b. June 9, 1871. 654 William Henry* Sherman {Mary? Amos? Atnos? Oliver? Datiiel? Samuel? John') was born April 14, 1835 ; married Susan Grounds of Albany, N. Y. Residence, Albany. ChUdren (Sherman) : i. Mary EUa,? b. Nov. 25, i860. n. Abby Francena, b. Aug. 18, 1862. in. Lizzie W., b. Nov. 18, 1863. iv. Rosie, b. Nov. 3, 1865. V. WUliam, b. Aug. 20, 1867. vi. Mabelle, b. Jan. 19, 1871. vii. Frederick, b. May 23, 1874. 655 Mary Elizabeth* Sherman {Mary? Amos? Amos? Oliver? Daniel? Samuel? JoJin') was born June 9, 1837; married Oct. 16, 185s, Henry RusseU of Watertown, died in 1889. Eighth Generation ^67 ChUdren (Russell) : i. Henry,? b. July 17, 1856. n. Mabelle, b. Sept. 8, 1862. 656 Oliver Cromwell* Livermore {ElisJia? Elisha? Amos? Oliver? Daniel? Samuel? Jo Jin') was born July 21, 1838, in Waltham; married Oct. 13, 1869, in Wellesley, Georgianna, daughter of George Washington and Sarah Elizabeth (Arnold) Shaw, born Sept. 24, 1845, in Needham. He was mustered in as first sergeant of company C, 13th Mass. Vols., July 16, 1861 ; he was promoted sergeant-major, April I, 1862; second lieutenant, June 28, 1862; first lieuten ant, Dec. 30, 1862; captain, company A, May i, 1863. He was detached from the regiment as follows : Feb., 1863, A. A. A. G., 3d brigade, 2d division, ist Army Corps; May 20, 1863, A. A. inspector, ist brigade, 2d division, ist Army Corps; March, 1864, A. D. C. and A. A. A. G., 2d division, ist Army Corps; May 10, 1864, A. D. C. staff, 5th Army Corps; June, 1864, A. D. C. and chief of Construction Corps, 3d division, 5th Army Corps. He served on the staffs of Cols. Leonard and McCoy, commanding brigade, and on staffs of Brig.-Gen. G. R. Paul, commanding brigade; Gen. J. C. Robinson, commanding division ; Gen. G. K. Warren, commanding 5th Army Corps ; Gen. Cravrford, commanding 2d division, 5th Army Corps. Residence, Wellesley. ChUdren, born in Wellesley : 836. i. Arnold,? b. Mar. 11, 1872. U. Faith Shaw, b. Mar. 3, 1875 ; m, June 12, 1900, in Wel lesley HUls, Edward Woodbury Perkins. 657 Albert Hoogs* Livermore {Elisha? ElisJui? Amos? Oliver? Daniel? Samuel? John') was born Oct. 6, 1840, in Waltham ; married (i) Oct. 2, 1869, in Wellesley, Sarah Josephine, daugh ter of George Washington and Sarah Elizabeth (Arnold) Shaw, born AprU 19, 1848, in Needham; died there Feb. 28, 1886; 368 Livermore Family married (2) Nov. 6, 1890, Mrs. Ella C. (Gardner) Hills, daugh ter of Loring and Amanda Gardner, born in 1849, in Soutl Manchester, Conn. He was a sUk merchant. Child, born in Boston : i. Albert Shaw,? b. Aug. 22, 187 1. 658 Charles Walter* Livermore {Charles? Jonathan? Jotia than? Oliver? Daniel? Satnuel? John') was bOrn April 29, 1830 in Harvard; died Aug. 14, 1889, in Shawomet Beach, Warwick R. I.; married May 24, 1853, in Clinton, Conn., Mary Am Bourn, daughter of Simeon and Marian (Keely) Drown, born ir Barrington, R. I. During his early life he was engaged in the jewelry business in Providence, R. I., and was considered the most expert die cutter that the manufacturing jewellers had to depend upon for their designs and tools to perfect their work. He was the general superintendent of the Spencer Repeating Rifle Works in Boston during the early '6o's, perfecting the famous rifle used during the Civil war. He became an ardent worker for the eight -hour league, and for a few years was a member of the common council of Boston from Ward 11. At that time he lived on Shawmut avenue, corner of Lenox street. After the war was over he moved to New York City, and opened the first " dollar store " that became prominent on Broadway. Later on he moved to Metuchen, N. J., and introduced there the artesian drive well, of which many at the present time bear his name. When the Lehigh Valley railroad passed through that town he sold his property, and after being elected judge of that dis trict, and serving three years, he returned to Providence in 1871, identifying himself again with the manufacture of jewelry, under the firm name of Rathburn, Leonard & Livermore, untU the death of both of his partners, when he continued the business alone for a short time. He was the first person publicly to introduce a successful fountain and stylographic pen, and that which bears his name has come to be very extensively used in Eighth Getieration 369 this and foreign countries. He established agencies for its sale in the principal cities here and in Europe. ChUd, born in Providence : 837. i. Walter Augustine,? b. Aug. 26, 1854. 659 William Warren* Livermore ( William? Jonathan? Jona tJian? Oliver? Daniel? Samuel", JoJin') was born July 6, 1846, in Brighton; married AprU 20, 1870, Nellie May, daughter of WUliam H. and Lydia B. (Skilling) Sawyer, born in 1853, in Portland, Me. He was a farmer. ChUdren, born in Brighton : i. EUzabeth Maud,? b. Feb. 15, 1871 ; m. Dec. 3, 1892, in Boston, E. Augustus, son of Edward M. and Annie R. Viets, b. in 1867, in Nova Scotia. ' n. Bertram Warren, b. May 14, 1873 ! ^- there Dec. 30, 1893. iu. Henry Claflin, b. June 12, 1877. iv. Florence May, b. Aug. 12, 1879. V. Marion Gertrude, b. June 18, 1887. 660 Mary Livermore* Fisher {Jabez? Sarah? JonatJian? Oli ver? Daniel? Samuel? John?) was born Nov. 14, 1846, in Cam bridge ; married Jan. i, 1874, in Fitchburg, James Albert Morton, born Sept. 16, 1847, in Fairhaven. ChUdren (Morton), born in New Bedford : i. George Fisher,? b. Oct. 4, 1874. ii. Anna Lucy, b. Mar. 3, 1877. in. Mary Estelle, b. April 25, 1881. 661 Jabez Franklin* Fisher {Jabez? SaraJi? JonatJian? Oliver? Daniel? Samuel? John') was born Aug. 30, 1850, in Cam bridge; married Aug. 20, 1879, in Leominster, Clarissa Amelia Bernard, born Feb. 4, 1849, in Lynn. 370 Livertnore Fatnily ChUdren (Fisher), born in Fitchburg : i. Gertrude Isabel,? b. Oct 12, i85 ii. Jabez William, b. July 26, 1883. in. Austin Wellington, b. Nov. 20, i 662 Oliver Dexter* Livermore {George? Oliver? JonatJian? Oliver? Daniel? Samuel? Jo Jin') was born AprU 11, 1866, in Newton; married Oct. 4, 1894, in Barnstable, Eleanor Bearse, daughter of Joseph Townsend and Caroline Smith (Bearse) Becket, born there Feb. 15, 1868. He is in the boot and shoe business, and is also a travelling salesman. ChUd, born in Barnstable : i. Eleanor Becket,? b. June 8, 1899 ; d. same day. 663 George Courtney* Livermore {Geotge? Oliver? Jonathan? Oliver? Daniel? Samuel? JoJm') was born March 6, 1871, in Newton; married June 25, 1897, in Boston, Catharine A. daughter of BasU and Marion (Leavitt) Lacroix, born in 1878 in Bangor, Me. He is a clerk in a shoe store. ChUd, born in SomervUle : i. Marion Dexter,? b. Jan. 27, 1898. 664 Lydia Ann* Fuller {MartJia? Grace? Moses? NatJianiel? Thomas? Samuel? JoJm') was born Nov. 12, 1830, in Gansevoort, N. Y. ; married there April 26, 1848, James Ray, died about 1869, in SchuylervUle, N. Y. ChUdren (Ray) born in SchuylervUle : i. Mary Emeline,? b. AprU 23, 1849; m- there J. E. McEckron. ii. Norman Seymour, b. Nov. 9, 1850. in. Helen, b. in April, 1852 ; d. in infancy. iv. James Elmore, b. Nov. 16, 1854; d. in 1888. Jr., art. E'- " t' T 'SKart. ^uionei i 0* N,H,^^;irs 18 n5 EigJith Generation 371 665 Homer Fiske* Livermore {Marsliall? TJiomas? Moses? Na thaniel? TJiomas? Satnuel? JoJin') was born Sept. 16, 1864, in Boston; married there Sept. 13, 1887, Ellen Bazin, daughter of John Coffin Jones and Mary Elizabeth (Coffin) Brown, born there Aug. 13, 1867. He is in the iron and steel business. Children, born in Boston : i. Bessie Brown,? b. Nov. 22, 1888. u. Mildred, b. Mar. 13, 1897; d. there Mar. 14, 1897. iii. Muriel Fiske, b. July 16, 1899. 666 Henry Harrison* Livermore {JonatJian? JonatJuin? Jona tJian? JotiatJian? JonatJian? Samuel? John') was born Feb. 8, 1848, in Wilton, N. H. ; married there March 23, 1879, Martha E., daughter of Oliver Whiting and Olive (Barker) Boynton, born there Sept. 9, 1850. He attended school in his native town ; at an early age he began work in a saw-mUl. While stiU a young man he bought an interest in his father's miU, and engaged in the manufacture of lumber ; he has since followed that business. In connection with a farm of seventy-five acres, which he cultivates with good results, he o-wns a tract of timber land containing one hundred acres. PoliticaUy he is a Republican, and he served as a mem ber of the board of selectmen for two years. Both he and his wife are active members of Advance Grange, No. 20, Patrons of Husbandry, in which he has served as overseer and chaplain. He is a Unitarian. ChUdren, born in WUton : i. Abiel Abbot,? b. Dec. 22, 1879. u. Leon Jonathan, b. July 18, 1883 ; d. there June 21, 1887. iii. Olive Boynton, b. Dec. 22, 1886. 667 Thomas Leonard* .Livermore {Thomas? Solomon? Jona tJian? Jonathan? Jonathan? Samuel? John') was born Feb. 7, 1844, in Galena, III.; married June i, 1869, in Milford, N. H., Sarah Ellen, daughter of Aberdeen Daniels, and adopted daugh- 372 Livermore Family ter of George Daniels, his brother, born Sept. 24, 1844, in Ne market, N. H. ; died AprU 18, 1879, in Dorchester. He went with his parents overland from St. Joseph, Mo., California, in 1 849, mainly on horseback ; after li-ving in Ca fornia five years, he was sent to school in MUford. In i859-( he was at Appleton Academy, Mount Vernon, N. H., and 1860-61 he was in Lombard University, Galesburg, 111. On June 24, 1861, at PoolsviUe, Md., he enlisted as a priva in the ist regiment, N. H. Vols., which was then in front of tl enemy on the Potomac, and served untU the expiration of its ten Aug. 9, 1 86 1 . Returning with this regiment to New Hampshii he again enlisted in the 5th N. H. Vols., Oct. 12, 1861, and w made first sergeant of company K. He served in the ran (taking part in the siege of Yorktown and the battle of Fe Oaks) untU June 10, 1862, when he was promoted to secoi Ueutenant, and served in this capacity through the Peninsul and Maryland campaigns, taking part in the battles of Peat Orchard, Savage Station, White Oak Swamp, Charles City Cro Roads, Malvern Hill and Antietam (being wounded at Malvei HUl). He was promoted to first lieutenant Dec. 14, 1862, ai captain March 3, 1863, and served as such, in the line, in tl battles of Chancellorsville and Brandy Station. On July 1863, he was appointed on the staff of Gen. Hancock, comman ing the 2d Army Corps, and in that position took part in tl battle of Gettysburg ; and on the staffs of Gens. WiUiam Hay and Warren, commanding the 2d corps, he took part in tl battles of Auburn, Bristow Station and Mine Run, in 1863. He resumed command of his company at Point Lookout, Dec, 1863, and there by detail, Jan. 27, 1864, commanded tl prisoners of war who took the oath of allegiance, forming battalion of them. In AprU, 1864, he took the field on the st£ of Gen. Hinks, commanding the 3d di-vision, i8th Army Corj and as such served in the expedition up the James, in the battl of Baylo's Farm and Petersburg. From June 29, 1 864, to Ar 30, 1 864, he was on the staff of Gen. W. F. Smith, and his si cessors. Gens. Martindale and Ord, commanding the i8th Arr Corps, chiefly as acting assistant inspector general of the cor] Eighth Generation 373 and taking part in the siege of Petersburg and the battle of the Mine. From Aug. 30, 1864, to AprU 6, 1865, he served as assistant to the inspector general on the staff of Gen. Hancock and his successor, Gen. Humphreys, commanding the 2d Army Corps, and was in the siege of Petersburg and the two battles of Boydton Plank Road, the battle of Hatchers Run, the assault on Petersburg works, battles of Sutherland's Station, Sailor's Creek and Farmville, and several other battles in the pursuit of Gen. Lee's army. On Oct. 28, 1864, he was commissioned major of the 5th N. H. Vols. April 5, 1865, he was made brevet lieu tenant colonel and colonel of U. S. Vols. Jan. 17, 1865, he was commissioned colonel of the i8th N. H. Vols, and commanded that regiment from AprU 8, 1865, to its disbandment, June 23, 1865. He studied law with Hon. Bainbridge Wadleigh, in Milford, N. H., from July, 1865, to Jan., 1868. He was admitted to the bar in HiUsborough Co., N. H., in Jan., 1868, and practiced there untU July, 1868, and in Boston from July, 1868, to March, 1879, and again from June, 1885, to March, 1890. He was manager of the properties and works of the Amoskeag Manu facturing Co., in New Hampshire, from March, 1879, to June, 1885, and was elected vice-president of the Calumet & Hecla Mining Co., Nov. i, 1889. He was commander of John A. Andrew Post 15, G. A. R., Department of Massachusetts, in 1870, and commander of the Massachusetts Commandery of the MUitary Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States, in 1 88 1 and 1882. He was one of the park commissioners of Boston, from 1889 to 1892, and served on the Board of Metro politan Park Commission, in 1897. He is a member of the MUitary Historical Society of Massachusetts, and is also the author of " Numbers and Losses in the CivU War in America, 1861-65," a second edition of which was published in 1901. Children : i. Thomas Leonard,? b. Mar. 26, 1871, in Cambridge. 838. n. Grace Daniels, b. May 30, 1873, in Cambridge. in. Robert, b. Sept. 11, 1876, in Boston. iv. Harris, b. Mar. 7, 1879, in Boston. 374 Livermore Family 668 Charles Waterman* Livermore {TJwmas? Solomon? Jont tlian? JonatJian? Jonathan? Samuel? John') was born Sept. 2i 1850, in Sacramento, Cal.; when four years old he was take to MUford, N. H., thence to Galena, IU., in i860, and returne to Milford in 1865. He has lived in various other placei including Manchester, N. H., Boston, Ithaca, N. Y., Brooklyi N. Y., and New York City. He studied at the MUford Hig School, Appleton Academy in New Ipswich, N. H., Ithac Academy, CorneU University, and Lawrence Scientific Schoc of Harvard University. He was commissioned assistant eng neer. Engineer Corps U. S. Navy, Feb. 26, 1875 ; served in th South Atlantic and Pacific squadrons on board the U. S. steamer "Omaha" and "Wachusett," and was attached to the U. S torpedo boat "Intrepid" about three months in 1882. He wa placed on the retired list Nov. 16, 1882. 869 Henry Lee* Livermore {Thomas? Solomon? Jonathan, Jonathan? Jonathan? Samuel? JoJm') was born 'Jan. 7, 1857, ii Galena, IU. ; married June 18, 1879, in Glenwood, Minn., Lizzii EmUy RusseU, born June 6, i860, in Pleasant Grove, Minn He is a farmer in Gallop, Mon. Child, born in Dazey, Dak. : i. Lawrence Walter,? b. May 14, 1885. 670 Harriet Elizabeth* Livermore {TJiotnas? Solotnon? Jotux than? Jonathan? Jonatlum? Samuel? John') was born Feb. 24 1859, in Galena, 111.; married Sept. 27, 1884, in Manchester N. H., John Walter, son of Judge John and Sophia (Dwight Wells, born Dec. 10, 1854, in Chicopee Falls; died Nov. 8 1892, in Woodbury, N. J. Residence, Brookline. ChUdren (Wells) : i. Edmund Dwight,? b. July 11, 1885, in Manchester. u. Gladys, b. July 4, 1888, in Adantic City, N. J. iii. Elizabeth Livermore, b. Dec. 23, 1889, in Woodbury. Eighth Getieration 375 671 Nathaniel Lyon* Livermore {TJiotnas? Solomon? Jona tJian? JonatJuin? JonatJian? Samuel? John') was born Oct. 15, 1861, in Galena, IU. ; married Sept. 30, 1884, in Brainerd, Minn., Annie Florence Kemp, born Aug. 17, 1868, in Winne bago Co., Wis. ChUd, born in Motley, Minn. : i. Thomas Lester,? b. May 22, 16 672 Clara Perkins* Livermore {Leonatd? Solomon? Jonathan? JonatJian? JonatJian? Satnuel? John') wa.s born May 27, 185 1, in Groton; married April 7, 1880, in Cambridge, Frederick Perry, son of Capt. Frederick Livermore and Mary Jarvis (Perry) Fish, born Jan. 13, 1855, in Taunton. Children (Fish), born in Cambridge : i. Margaret Allina,? b. July 7, 1881. • ii. Erland Frederick, b. Dec. 7, 1883. 673 Joseph Perkins* Livermore {Leonard? Solotnon? Jotuithan? Jonathan? JonatJian? Satnuel? John') was born Feb. 19, 1855, in Clinton; married Oct. 5, 1880, in Boston, Agnes Atherton, daughter of Davis Ballard and Agnes (Hughes) Roberts, born there Aug. 2, 1857. He was graduated at Harvard College in 1875. He was principal of the high school in Lexington, one year, then went to Washington. He afterwards entered Mr. Gregory's office in Boston, and later started in business for him self as a patent lawyer. Children, born in Cambridge : i. Katharine Allina,? b. June 29, 1881. n. Leslie Roberts, b. Aug. 30, 1882. in. Gladys Hughes, b. Dec. 19, 1884. 674 Henry Jarvis* Livermore {Leotuird? Solomon? Jonathan? JonatJian? Jotuithan? Samuel? John') W2.s born May 27, 1865, in Lexington ; married (i) July 5, 1888, in Cambridge, Susie T., 376 Livermore Family daughter of Arthur and Sarah McCaughey, born there in Jum 1864; died Oct. 5, 1894, in Watertown; married (2) March li 1896, in Medford, Mary EHzabeth, daughter of George an Catherine M. (Fenkin) HUl, born in 1870, in East Boston. H entered Harvard College in 1885, remaining only one year, an then went to St. Paul, Minn., where he stayed a year. He i now in his brother's office in Boston. Children : i. Gwendolen Jarvis,? b. Aug.* 2, 1890, in Hyde Park. n. Catherine HiU, b. Nov. 23, 1899, in Medford. 675 John Raymond* Y^im^kia. {Samuel? Anna? Jonathan? Jotu tlian? Jonathan? Samuel? JoJm') was born May 16, 1853, i Wilton, N. H. ; married Dec. 25, 1881, Delora TarbeU of Wi ton. He is a milkman. Residence, Nashua, N. H. ChUdren (KimbaU), born in Nashua : i. Anne Lora,? b. Nov. 21, 1882. ii. John TarbeU, b. Dec. 20, 1883. 676 Anna Livermore* Kimball {Samuel? Anna? Jonatlum? Jotu tJwm? JonatJian? Samuel? JoJin') was born March 30, 1855, i WUton, N. H. ; died Aug. 13, 1882; married AprU 9, 1871 Nelo W. TarbeU of Lyndeborough, N. H. Children (TarbeU), born in Lyndeborough : i. Samuel Kimball,? b. Jan. 2, 1880. n. Josephine Frances, b. July 15, 1881. 677 Mary Ellen* Kimball {Samuel? Anna? JonatJian? Jon than? JonatJian? Satnuel? JoJin') was born Nov. 15, 1857, : Wilton, N. H.; married Dec. 25, 1881, Frank Wheeler. ChUdren (Wheeler) : i. Bessie May,? b. AprU 12, 1883, in Amherst, N. H. ii. Kark Winfield, b. Jan. 28, 1886, in Nashua, N. H. EigJitJi Generation ^77 678 Abby Isabelle* Kimball {Samuel? Antui? JonatJian? Jotm than? JotuitJian? Satnuel? JoJiti') was born Nov. 26, i860, in WUton, N. H. ; married there Dec. 25, 1885, George Maynard, son of Caleb Maynard and EmUy A. (Buss) Batchelder, born Nov. 20, 1859. ChUd (Batchelder), born in Wilton : i. Erland Graves,? b. May 10, 1887. 679 Sarah Louise* Livermore {DanfortJi? William? Elijah? Samuel? JonatJian? Samuel? JoJm') was born Oct. 16, 1839, in HalloweU,. Me. ; married Nov. 9, 1865, Capt. Charles Emerson, son of Joseph and Theodosia (Emerson) Nash of Augusta, Me., born Oct. 9, 1839. ChUdren (Nash) : i. Mary Louisa,? b. Sept. 9, 1866; d. Dec. 28, 1896. ii. Edwin Livermore, b. June 29, 1869 ; d. May 23, 1897. in. Danforth Livermore, b. Aug. 12, 1879; res., Augusta. 680 Charles Danforth* Livermore {Danforth? William? Eli jah? Satnuel? Jonathan? Samuel? John') was born May 19, 1842, in HalloweU, Me.; married Jan. 24, 1867, Hattie Ellis Leighton of Augusta, Me., born April 4, 1848 ; died Nov. 9, 1 88 1, in Portland, Me. He has been manager of the Western Union Telegraph Office in Portland for over fifteen years. Resi dence, Portland. Child : i. Elsie Leighton,? b. June 15, 1874. 681 Horatio Putnam* Livermore {Horatio? Isaac? Elijah? Samuel? Jotuithan? Samuel? John') was born AprU 7, 1837, in Boston; married (i) March 10, 1868, Mattie Hutchings Banks, born Oct. 5, 1845, in New York City; died Oct. 11, 1880, in Montesol, Napa Co., Cal.; married (2) May 15, 1883, Helen 378 Livermore Family Little Eells, born Dec. 30, 1853, in Penn Yan, N. Y. He lives at Rockridge Park, Oakland, Cal. Children, the eldest born in San Francisco, Cal., the others in Oakland : i. Grace,? b. AprU 2, 1869. ii. Edith, b. July 19, 1870. iii. Norman Banks, b. July 20, 1872. iv. Mattie, b. Feb. 7, 1877. V. EHzabeth, b. Mar. 9, 1884. 682 Caroline Livermore* Haven {Mehitable? Edward? Satn uel? Samuel? JonatJian? Samuel? John') was born March 5, 1818, in Portsmouth, N. H. ; drowned July 29, 1856, inLake George, by the burning of the steamer "John Jay"; married Dec. 5, 1838, Edward Belknap. ChUdren (Belknap), born in New York City : i. Mary EUzabeth,? b. Sept. 26, 1839; m. (i) Arthur Amory, son of Henry Codman of Boston, b. in 1833, in Boston ; d. Aug. 13, 1896, in the Chateau de Lau- fenberg on the Rhine, Grand Duchy of Baden ; m. (2) July 24, 1899, in Buda Pesth, Hungary, Robert Freund. ii. Thomas Haven, b. Jan. 12, 1841 ; d. soon after his mother. 683 Anne Shapley* Haven {MeJiitable? Edzuard? Samuel? Sam uel? Jotuithan? Samuel? John') was born May 4, 18 19, in Ports mouth, N. H. ; drowned July 29, 1856, in Lake George, by the burning of the steamer "John Jay"; married June 30, 1847, in Philadelphia, Penn., Supply Clap, son of Samuel and Sarah (Homans) Thwing, born Oct. 27, 1798, in Boston ; died June 4, 1877, in Roxbury. (See Thwing Genealogy.) ChUdren (Thwing), born in Roxbury : 839. i. Walter Eliot,? b. AprU 27, 1848. ii. Florence Haven, b. Jan. 30, 1850. iii. Annie Haven, b. July 4, 1851. iv. Elsie, b. April 14, 1853. V. Sarah Homans, b. Dec. 10, 1854. EigJitJi Generation 379 684 Mehitable Jane Livermore* Haven {MeJiitable? Edward? Samuel? Samuel? JonatJian? Satnuel? John') was born Sept. 4, 1822, in Portsmouth, N. H. ; died Sept. 14, 1853, in Roxbury ; married April 3, 1845, in Philadelphia, Penn., Dudley Hall, born Dec. 15, 1 8 16, in Boston. Children (Hall) : i. Anne Haven,? b. Jan. 29, 1846, in Geneva, N. Y. ; m. Dec. 4, 1873, James D. Rea. Child (Rea), b. in Newsville, Penn. : I. Dudley Hall,'" b. Sept. 24, 1877. ii. Clara Dudley, b. AprU 27, 1847, in Chicago, IU. ; m. (i) Jan. 2, 1883, John O. Stouffer, b. in 1820; d. Mar. 7, 1885 ; m. (2) Daniel Widders, b. in 1827. Res., Huntsdale, Penn. iii. Dudley, b. Dec. 13, 1850, in Cincinnati, Ohio ; d. there Nov. 3, 1851. 685 Samuel Livermore* Haven {Mehitable? Edward? Samuel? Satnuel? JotmtJian? Samuel? John') was born Oct. 3, 1823, in Portsmouth, N. H. ; died Sept. 24, 1865, in Mamaroneck, N. Y. ; married Jan. i, 1852, Mrs. EmUy (Bradley) Neal, widow of Joseph C. Neal. She was known as " Cousin Alice," the authoress; died Aug. 24, 1863, in Mamaroneck. Children (Haven), the eldest born in PhUadelphia, Penn., the others in Mamaroneck : i. Samuel Livermore,? b-. Oct. 14, 1853 ; d. July 31, 1874. 840. ii. Elsie Thwing, b. Mar. 24, 1855. iii. Caroline Belknap, b. Oct. 19, 1856; d. Jan. i, 1880. iv. Louis Godey, b. Feb. 13, 1859; d. Dec 11, 1872. V. Mary EmUy, b. July 21, 1863. 686 Nathaniel Appleton* Haven {MeJiitable? Edivard? Sam uel? Samuel? JonatJian? Samuel? John') wa.% born Feb. 7, 1830, in PhUadelphia, Penn.; died June 5, 1875; married Nov. 4, 1857, SaUie Perkins. 380 '¦Livermore Family ChUdren (Haven) : i. Belle,? b. June 22, 1859; d. June 19, i860. u. Albert, b. Dec. 26, i860; d. in Feb., 1864. iii. Nathaniel, b. Sept. 26, 1862. iv. SaUie Perkins, b. Dec. 2, 1864.. 687 Matilda Livermore* Haven {Mehitable? Edward,^ Sam uel? Samuel? Jonathan? Samuel? John') was born March 16, 1834, in Philadelphia, Penn. ; died May 2, 1867 ; married there March 12, 1857, Henry Preston Chambers, born there Aug. 3, 1834- ChUdren (Chambers) : i. A daughter,? b. Dec. 14, 1857, in West Philadelphia; d. same day. ' 841. u. Thomas Haven, b. Dec. 2, 1858, in ApplebachsvUle, Penn. in. George Maitland, b. Feb. 13, 186 1, in ApplebachsvUle; d. there Aug. 14, 1861. iv. Henry Preston, b. Mar. 21, 1862, in Bridgeville, Del. ; d. there June 4, 1862. V. Annie Haven, b. Nov. 30, 1863, in Federalsburgh, Md. ; d. there July 4, 1864. vi. A daughter, b. Feb. 24, i866, in Federalsburgh; d. same day. 688 Sarah Jane* Livermore {Edward? Edward? Samuel? Satn uel? JotiatJmn? Samuel? John') was born May 20, 1830, in Lowell; married there Nov. 15, 1848, George Washington Beale, born Oct. 10, 1825, in Monmouth, Me. Residence, Port land, Me. ChUdren (Beale), born in Portland : i. Edward Livermore,? b. May 27, 1850. ii. Arthur WUliamson, b. Nov. 23, 1859 ; m. there Nov. 8, 1886, Annie Scott Fowler, b. there Dec. 5, i860. No children. iii. Harry St. Loe, b. May 7, 1870. Eighth Generation 381 689 Samuel Appleton Browne* Abbott {Caroline? Edward? Samuel? Samuel? JonatJian? Samuel? JoJtn') was born March 6, 1846; married Oct. 15, 1873, in Providence, R. I., Abby Francis Woods. ChUdren (Abbott), born in Providence : i. Helen Francis,? b. July 29, 1874. ii. Madeline, b. Nov. 2, 1876. in. Francis, b. Sept. 8, 1878. iv. Caroline Livermore, b. April 25, 1880. 690 Sarah Livermore* Abbott {Caroline? Edward? Samuel? Satnuel? JonatJian? Samuel? John') was born May 14, 1850 ; married Oct. 12, 1870, in Boston, William Pickman, son of Richard Sullivan and Elizabeth Leavitt (Pickman) Fay, born July 5, 1843; died March 25, 1879. ChUdren (Fay) : i. Richard SuUivan,? b. July 9, 187 1. ii. Catherine, b. Sept. 9, 1872. ni. Edward Henry, b. Sept. 13, 1876. 691 Susannah Plumridge* Livermore {Arthur? Arthur? Sam uel? Samuel? JonatJian? Samuel? John') was born April 5, 1855, in Bath, N. H. ; married Sept. 12, 1878, in Londonderry, Ireland, Edmund, son of Isaac and Elinor (Beal) Sutton, born AprU 9, 1844, in London, England. ChUdren (Sutton), born in Manchester, England : i. Ralph,? b. May 11, 1881. ii. Kate EUnor, b. June 11, 1883. 692 Arthur Browne* Livermore {Edward? ArtJiur? Samuel? Samuel? JonatJian? Samuel? John') was born Aug. 15, 1854, in Waterloo, N. Y., and received the first part of his education at home and at Shattuck School, in Faribault, Minn. He entered 382 Livermore Family the sophomore class in 1871 and was graduated from Racine College, Wisconsin, in 1874, and taught the high school in St Peter, Minn., for three years. He studied theology at the General Theological Seminary, in New York City, from which he was graduated, and ordered deacon in 1880; was ordained priest in 1 88 1. Has been assistant minister in several places East and West and, since 1885, rector of Grace Church, Hinsdale, 111., where he now lives. NINTH GENERATION. 693 Mary Farrington? Montgomery {Lucy? Levi? ElisJw.? JosiaJi? JosiaJi? JosepJi? John? JoJm') was born May 28, 1831, in Walden, Vt.; married Harvey A. Foster, born there March 22, 1828; accidently killed there July 8, 1890. ChUd (Foster), born in Walden : i, Edward Harvey," b. Jan. 11, 1870; m, there in May, 1892, Winona Farr. No chUdren. 694 Martha Adaline? Montgomery {Lucy? Levi? Elisha? Josiah? Josiah? Joseph? JoJm? JoJm') was born Oct. 23, 1835, in Walden, Vt. ; married there Dec. 16, 1857, John B. Living ston, born in 1832, in Wheelock, Vt. ChUdren (Livingston) : i. Alice Mabel,'° b. Jan. i, 1859, in Lyndon, Vt ; m. Aug. 14, 1880, in East Hardwick, Vt., Eugene Giffin. No children. ii. Clara Lenora, b. Mar. 31, 1864, in East Hardwick; m. there Dec. 10, 1885, John E. Hancock. No children. 695 Charles Henry? Livermore {Sidney? Levi? ElisJia? JosiaJi? JosiaJi? JosepJi? JoJm? JoJm') was born April 5, 1836, in Lowell ; married May 8, 1865, in Ware, Mary E. daughter of Ninth Generation 383 Japhet D. and Susan G. White, born in Feb., 1843, in Chicopee • died Sept. 20, 1885, in Cottage City. He was a machinist. ChUdren : i. Mabel S.,'° b. Nov. i, 1866, in Springfield; d. there Dec. 15, i866. ii. George A., b. July 24, 1870, in Chicopee. iii. Agnes C, b. Aug. 18, 1873, in Chicopee; d. July 7, 1887, in West Brookfield. 696 Eliza Field? Livermore {Sidney? Levi? Elisha? Josiah? JosiaJi? JosepJi? JoJm? JoJm') was born July 11, 1841, in West Brookfield ; married there Aug. 15, i860, Albert, son of Hiram and Mary Bannister, born in 1838, in North Brookfield. Resi dence, West Brookfield. ChUdren (Bannister) : i. Lucy F.,'° b. Jan. 9, 1861, in North Ashfield, Conn.; d. Jan. 15, 1862, in West Brookfield. u. Charles H., b. Nov. 18, 1863, in West Brookfield. in. Albert H., b. Aug. 21, 1866, in West Brookfield. iv. Frank D., b. Jan. 15, 1869, in Warren; d. Sept. 8, 1869, in North Brookfield. V. Carrie E., b. July 6, 187 1, in Warren. vi. Kate B., b. Sept 24, 1873, in West Warren. vn. John T., b. Aug. 6, 1876, in Palmer. 697 George Raymond? Livermore {Sidney? Levi? Elisha? Josiah? JosiaJi? JosepJi? JoJm? John') was born June 18, 1858, in West Brookfield; married in Oct., 1879, Elizabeth M. Perry of Oakham, born in Sturbridge. He is a carpenter. ChUd, born in West Brookfield : i. Frederick George,'° b. Oct. 30, 1894; d. there Feb. 27, 1895. 698 Edwin Franklin? Livermore {Sherlock? Levi? ElisJia? Josiah? Josiah? Joseph? JoJm? John') was born Oct. 3, 1848, in West Brookfield; married there (i) Oct. 3, 1870, Caroline M., 384 Livermore Family daughter of David B. and Caroline Gleason, born there Sept. 185 1 ; died there July 27, 1871 ; married (2) June 12, 1876, Warren, Nettie Sophia, daughter of George and Amelia Cutk born Jan. 26, 1855, in West Brookfield. He was a boot make ChUd, born in West Brookfield : i. David Franklin,'" b. July 2, 1871 ; d. there Aug. 2 1871. 699 Hattie Elizabeth? Livermore {SJierlock? Levi? Elisha Josiah? Josiah? JosepJi? John? JoJm') was born June 30, 185: in West Brookfield ; married there June 30, 1880, Frank Paschs son of Paschal L. and Edna R. Greene, born Feb. 29, 1856, : Barnard, Vt. ChUdren (Greene), born in West Brookfield : i. Edna Frances,'" b. Nov. 27, 1884. ii. Edith Mildred, b. Aug. 11, 1887. 700 Clara Mabel? Livermore {SJierlock? Levi? ElisJm? Josiah Josiah? JosepJi? John? JoJm') was born Dec. 15, 1861, in We: Brookfield; married June 29, 1881, in Worcester, WUliai Eugene, son of Edwin E. and Melinda Carruth, born July 1853, in Bolton. ChUdren (Carruth), born in West Brookfield : i. Edwin William,'" b. Sept 12, 1883. ii. Clara Livermore, b. Jan. 25, 1886. iii. Bertha Melinda, b. Oct. 15, 1888; d. there July 2 1889. 701 Levi Whipple? Livermore {SJierlock? Levi? ElisJm? Josiah JosiaJi? Joseph? John? John') was born Jan. 21, 1868, in Wei Brookfield; married there June 10, 1891, Edith J., daughter ( James F. and Sarah J. (Lincoln) Barnes, born there in 187 He is a boot finisher. ChUd, born in West Brookfield : i. Earl Whipple,"" b. Mar. 14, 1892. NmtJi Generation 385 702 Ray Firman? Livermore {Lemuel? Charles? William? Jason? Josiah? Joseph? JoJin? JoJin') was born March 5, 1838, in Hines burgh, Vt. ; married Feb. 10, 1869, in Rutland, Vt., EUza Hester Bates, born June 20, 1847, in Huntington, Vt. Child, born in Port Henry, N. Y. : i. Frank Bates,'" b. Dec. 28, 1872. 703 Rollins Miles? Livermore {Lemuel? Charles? William? Jason? Josiah? JosepJi? Jo Jin? JoJm') was born July 12, 1843, in Hinesburgh, Vt. ; married there Celestia Amelia Gorham. He was a member of the Vermont House of Representatives in 1872, '73. Residence, Corry, Penn. ChUdren, born in Starksboro, Vt. : i. Kate RoUena,'" b. Feb. 24, 1870. ii. Ray Fay, b. Aug. 26, 1873. 704 William Clark? Livermore {diaries? diaries? William? Jason? Josiah? Joseph? John? John') was born Oct. 31, 1853, in Hinesburgh, Vt. ; married Nov. 24, 1887, in Starksboro, Vt., Effie RosUla Rollins, born Dec. 12, 1870, in Huntington, Vt. Residence, Hinesburgh. ChUdren, born in Hinesburgh : i. Leon,'" b. May 25, 1889 ; d. same day. ii. Rosina Mary, b. May 8, 1890. iii. Leila L., b. Mar. 25, 1892. iv. Ralph A., b. July 27, 1893. V. Ruth J., b. Feb. 24, 1899. 705 Elgin Serino? Livermore {Lorenzo? Joseph? William? Jason? Josiah? Joseph? John? JoJin') was born May 17, 1850, in Northfield, Vt. WhUe young his parents moved to Wiscon sin, where he lived during his youth. On his way from Wiscon sin to Vermont to visit his old home, he met Engineer Henry 386 Livermore Family Meiggs, the great railroad contractor (a former acquaintance of his father's), who had contracted to build a raUroad through the Cordilleras mountains for the Peruvian Government. He went with Meiggs as his assistant ; after the road was completed he remained in the employ of the company with a salary of ^2,000 a year. About the year 1872 he was married in ChUi, S. A., and when the Peruvian war broke out, he came with his wife and three children to Panama, where he was overseer on the canal for three years ; at the end of that time there was a great riot and he disappeared. 706 Winslow Odell? Livermore {Lorenzo? Joseph? William? Jason? Josiah? JosepJi? John? John') was born May 17, 1856, in Beaver Dam, Wis.; married March 29, 1880, in Vienna, Wis., Jennet Ransom Raymond, born Feb. 7, 1858, in Windsor, Wis. He is assistant foreman in the largest printing estabUshment in the State of Wisconsin, and has been there for years. ChUdren born in Madison, Wis. : i. Florence Dana,'" b. Sept, 22, 1881. ii. George Raimond, b. Feb. 10, 1885. ni. Joseph Dow, b. July 8, 1888. 707 Benjamin Franklin? Livermore {Lorenzo? JosepJi? William? Jason? Josiah? JosepJi? JoJin? JoJin') was born Jan. 30, i860, in Beaver Dam, Wis. ; married March 31, 1883, in Tower City, No. Dak., Minnie Genevie Frasier, born March 9, 1863, in Oxford, Wis. He lived with Bonner, the great horse raiser (brother of Bonner of the New York Ledger), from the time he was eleven years old untU he became of age. He has been a farmer in North Dakota for many years. ChUdren, born in Cornell, No. Dak. : i. Elgin,'" b. June 25, 1884. n. Eugene Alfred, b. April 19, 1885, ni. Roy Benjamin, b. Oct 29, 1886. iv. Glen Forest, b. April 14, 1888. V. Lura, b. Nov. 11, 1889. Ninth Getieration 387 708 Inelah Mary? English {Emily? JosepJi? William? Jason? JosiaJi? Joseph? John? John') was born Sept. 3, 1 851, in Hart land, Vt. ; married there Sept. 14, 1871, WiUiam Andrew Grout, born Nov. 4, 1847, in Springfield, Vt. He is a farmer in Hart land. ChUdren (Grout), born in Hartland : i. M^bel Nancy,'" b. Nov. 23, 1876. ii. Alice Emily, b. Sept. 19, 1879. iii. Herbert, b. AprU 26, 1883. iv. Aimer, b. AprU 27, 1888. v. Arthur, twin to Aimer; d. Sept. 28, 1888. 709 Viola Julia? English {Etnify? Joseph? William? Jason? Josiah? Joseph? JoJin? Jo Jin') was born Oct. 3, 1853, in Hart land, Vt.; married Dec. 4, 1883, in White River Junction, Vt., Herman Bryant, born Aug. 15, 1858, in West Windsor, Vt. He is in a lumber mUl in South Gardiner, Me. ChUd (Bryant), born in South Gardiner : i. Minnie Charlotte,'" b. Dec. 4, 1887. 710 Elvia Betsey? English {Ettiily? Joseph? William? Jason? Josiah? Joseph? John? JoJin') was born Sept. 11, 1855, in Hart land, Vt. ; married there June 5, 1883, Theodore Alden Kingsley, born April 3, 1840, in Woodstock, Vt. They conduct a dairy farm in North Amherst. ChUdren (Kingsley), the eldest born in Hartland, the others in Amherst : i. Merton Grey,'" b. Sept. 11, 1884. n. Emily, b. Oct 31, 1887. in. Eveline, twin to Emily. 711 Euler Frederick? English {Emily? Joseph? William? Jason? Josiah? JosepJi? JoJtn? JoJitt') was born Feb. 14, 1858, in Hartland, Vt. ; married there July 3, 1879, Delah Hariow, born Nov. 22, 1854, in West Randolph, Vt. He invented and 388 Livermore Fatnily buUt, in 1880, the first successful operating machine for braiding whiplashes ; this machine is stUl in use in Southfield. He now keeps a jewelry store in Minneapolis, Minn. ChUdren (English), the eldest born in Hartland, the others in Minneapolis : i. Albert Euler,'" b. May 11, 1880. ii. Nathan Frederick, b. Sept. 14, 1882 ; d. there Feb. 25, 1883. in. Mary Emily, b. Dec. 25, 1886; d. there Jan. 21, 1887. 712 Lena Almira? English {Emily? Joseph? William? Jason? Josiah? Joseph? John? John') was born AprU 2, 1862, in Hart land, Vt. ; married Dec. 25, 1884, in Tilton, N. H., George Curtis Hurlburt, born Dec. 30, i860, in Northfield, N. H., where he carries on a farm. ChUd (Hurlburt), born in Hartland : i. Susan Emily,'" b. Mar. 21, 1887. 713 Selwin Goodhue? Leslie {Mary? JosepJt? William? Jasoti? JosiaJi? Joseph? JoJin? JoJm') was born June 26, 1859, in LoweU ; married June 26, 1880, in HaUowell, Me., Anna Louisa Jackson, born Feb. 27, 1861, in Sidney, Me. ChUdren (Leslie), born in South Gardiner, Me. : i. Edgar Selwin,'" b. Mar. 24, 188 1. n. Hattie Mary, b. May 12, 1883 ; d. there July 23, 1889. 714 Charles Henry? Moscrip {Mary? Elizabeth? JosiaJi? Jason? JosiaJi? JosepJi? JoJiti? JoJiti') WAS horn June 20, 1848; married July 19, 1879, Lydia BeU DeLany, born Oct. 28, 1856. ChUdren (Moscrip) : i. Charles BeU,'" b. AprU 11, 1880. U. Minerva L'Amoreaux, b. Sept. 7, 1882. iii. Amos DeLany, b. May 7, 1884. iv. Lydia Bell, b. Sept 18, 1888. V. John Greene, b. Sept. 19, 1889; d. Sept 26, 1890. Ninth Generation 389 715 Ferris Jacob? Moscrip {Mary? Elizabeth? Josiah? Jason? JosiaJi? JosepJi? JoJin? JoJm') was born Sept. 25, 1849; married Dec. 18, 1882, Almira Edith Ladoo, born May 8, 1865. ChUd (Moscrip) : i. Robert Bums,'" b. Aug. 20, 1890. 716 Blanche Augusta? Moscrip {Mary? ElisabetJi? JosiaJi? Jason? JosiaJi? JosepJi? JoJm? John') was born June 2, 1853; married Sept. 17, 1874, John Franklin Conkey, born AprU 17, 1852. ChUdren (Conkey), born in Saratoga, N. Y. : i. Robert Moscrip,'" b. Aug. 3, 1875. n. Mary Elizabeth, b. April 16, 1884. in. Carrie Louise, b. Jan. 3, 1888. 717 Helen Mar? Weaver {Charles? Elizabeth? JosiaJi? Jason? Josiah? Joseph? JoJm? John') was hornM.?i.rc\y 20, 1856; married Dec. 26, 1877, Reuben H. Galusha. Children (Galusha) : i. Jesse,'" b. Nov. 16, 1878. n. Maud, b. Aug. 25, 1880. in. Charles Livermore, b. July 6, 1882. iv. Lillian Edna, b. Mar. 25, 1885. 718 Elizabeth Livermore? Remington {Sarah? Elizabeth? Josiah? Jason? JosiaJi? JosepJi? John? JoJin') was born Sept. II, 1862; married Feb. 25, 1885, BUlie J. Thorn, born Jan. 27, 1864. ChUdren (Thorn) : i. BiUie J.,'" b. Mar. 27, 1886; d. Oct 9, 1887. ii. Cecil Worcester, b. Aug. 10, 1887. iii. Joseph Remington, b. Aug. 11, 1890. 390 Livermore Family 719 J. Henry? Baldwin {Esther? John? Josiah? Jason? Josiah? Joseph? John? John') was born Aug. 23, 1859, in Fort Edward, N. Y. ; married March 16, 1882, in Glens Falls, N. Y., Ella, daughter of Martin and Rachel Allen, born May 6, 1852, in Greenwich, N. Y. ChUdren (Baldwin) : i. RusseU,'" b. Feb. 8, 1893. ii. Helen May, b. Mar. 12, 1894. in. LilUan, b. April 19, 1895; d. July 12, 1895. iv. Katharine, b. Feb. 20, 1897 ; d. Aug. 19, 1897. 720 Ida May? Baldwin {Esther? John? Josiah? Jason? Josiah? Joseph? JoJin? JoJin') was born Oct. 13, 1865, in Fort Edward, N. Y. ; married June 28, 1892, in Lansingburg, N. Y. (now North Troy), Harvey A., son of Harvey A. and Nancy M. (Fowler) Hodge, born Sept. 19, i860, in Cambridge, N. Y. ChUdren (Hodge) : i. Esther N.,'° b. AprU 23, 1893 ; d. July 27, 1893. ii. Beatrice Marie, b. Feb. 8, 1896 ; d. June 19, 1899. iii. Everett Austin, b. June 24, 1898. iv. Clara Edith, b. July 10, 1901. 721 Catharine Gilchrist? Livermore {JosiaJi? John? Josiah? Jasoti? JosiaJi? JosepJi? John? JoJin') was born June 7, 1864, in Fort MUler, N. Y. ; married March 7, 1891, in Schuyler-rille, N. Y., Andrew, son of Daniel and Mary Tubbs, born Aug. 17, 1846, in Fort MUler. ChUdren (Tubbs) born in Fort Miller : i. Daniel A.,'° b. AprU i, 1892. ii. Everett J., b. Nov. 30, 1894. 722 John? Livermore {Josiah? JoJin? JosiaJi? Jason? Josiah? JosepJi? JoJm? JoJm') was born Aug. 5, 1870, in Fort Miller, N. Y. ; married March 20, 1897, in Gansevoort, N. Y., Jennie, NintJi Generatioti 391 daughter of William and Mary J. Watson, born Nov. 6, 1872, in Fort MUler. ChUdren, born in Fort Miller : i. Ina,'° b. May 20, 1898. ii. Mabel, b. Aug. 12, 1899. 723 Edith? Livermore {Raymond? JoJm? JosiaJi? Jason? Josiah^ Joseph? JoJin? JoJiti') was born March 3, 1872, in New York City; ma.rried there Nov. 26, 1895, Andreas August, son of Hilman and Maria (Fick) Sasse, born Oct. 11, 1861, in HUle, Germany. She was the first subscriber to this work, and has taken such an interest in it as to have been of great assistance to the author. Residence, Richmond Hill, Queensborough, N. Y. ChUdren (Sasse) : i. Andreas Raymond,'" b. July 31, 1896, in New York City. ii. Edith, b. Dec. 14, 1899, in Richmond Hill. 724 Louise? Li-verm ore {Edgar? Jason? Josiah? Jason? Josiah? Joseph? JoJiti? John') was born Aug. 16, 1858, in Fort Edward, N. Y. ; married March 17, 1877, Samuel, son of Samuel and Caroline W. (Chamberlin) Gloyne. Residence, Southampton, Long Island. ChUdren (Gloyne), born in Bay Shore, Long Island : i. Carra Louise,'" b. July 4, 1879. ii. Nelly May, b. Nov. 24, 188 1. 725 Cora Alma? Livermore {Edgar? Jason? JosiaJt? Jason? Josiah? Joseph? JoJiti? John') was born Nov. 17, 1 861, in Fort Edward, N. Y. ; married Aug. 15, 1877, WUliam Morrell. Resi dence, Southampton, Long Island. ChUdren (Morrell), born in Southampton : i. Anna Louise,'" b. June 7, 1879. ii. Ella Frank, b. Nov. 28, 1880. 392 Livermore Family 726 Raymond S.? Wells {SaraJi? EstJier? Josiah? Jason? Josiah? Joseph? John? JoJm') was born Sept. i, 1861, in SchuylervUle, N. Y. ; married there Oct. 4, 1893, Lura A. M., daughter of John Henry and Sylvia (Newton) Bullard, born Aug. 21, 1863, in Northumberland, N. Y. ChUdren (WeUs), born in SchuylervUle : • i. Raymond Lawrence,'" b. Jan. 6, 1897. ii. LeRoy Bullard, b. April 26, 1900. 727 Jenny Sophia? Folsom {Helen? George? Braddyl? Jason? Josiah? Joseph? John? John') was born April 20, 1857, in Bos ton ; married there Oct. 28, 1880, Dr. Henry White, son of Nicholas and Araesta Susan (White) Broughton, born there Oct. 10, 185 1. Children (Broughton), born in Jamaica Plain : i. Katherine Folsom,'" b. June 16, 1883; d. there Oct. 2, 1883. ii. Paul Folsom, b. Mar. 5, 1886 ; d. there Mar. 5, 1887. ni. John Nicholson, b. Oct. 4, 1889. iv. Philip Folsom, b. July i, 1893. V. Henry White, b. Sept. 24, 1896. 728 Mary Olivia? Folsom {Helen? George? Braddyl? Jason? Josiah? JosepJi? John? John') was born Nov. 18, 1861, in Cam bridge ; married Oct. 17, 1893, in Jamaica Plain, Dr. Kenelm, son of William Henry and Elizabeth (Ryers) Winslow, born there Aug. 10, 1863. ChUd (Winslow), born in Newton : i. Kenelm,'" b. May 24, 1895. 729 Albert Randall? Livermore {diaries? Jason? Braddyl? Jason? Josiah? Joseph? Jolm? John') was born Feb. 13, 1873, in Worcester; married Oct. 10, 1894, in Paxton, Clara B., daugh- Ninth Generation 303 ter of Alwin S. and Louisa P. Graton, born there in 1876. He is a salesman. ChUdren, born in Worcester : i. Charles R.,'° b. July 19, 1895. ii. A daughter, b. Sept. 8, 1897. 729a Henry Launston? Livermore {George? Jason? Braddyl? Jason? JosiaJi? JosepJi? JoJm? JoJm') was born Jan. 18, 1871, in Acton; married there Sept. 29, 1897, Stella G., daughter of David C. and Betsey J. (Fitch) Harris, born in 1878, in Hal loweU, Me. He is a carpenter. At the time of marriage they were living in Acton, but afterwards moved to Reading. ChUd, born in Reading : i. Gertrude Lillian,'" b. Mar. 24, 1899. 730 Elliott Prouty? Livermore {Hiram? Jason? Braddyl? Jason? Josiah? Joseph? JoJm? John') was born March 14, 1866, in Acton; married (i) May 25, 1887, in Worcester, Myra A., daughter of Ephraim H. and Almira (Batchelor) Jourdan, born AprU 24, 1863, in West Upton; died there Aug. 7, 1887; married (2) June 3, 1890, in Worcester, Carrie L., daughter of I. Frank and Almira J. Goodwin, born in 1867, in Fitchburg. He has been a shipping clerk, salesman and draughtsman. Resi dence, Bedford. ChUdren : i. Earle Prouty,'" b. April 23, 1891, in Clinton. n. Myra Lillian, b. Mar. 2, 1894, in Bedford. 731 Diantha? Livermore {Ahira? Larnard? Isaac? Moses? JosiaJi? Joseph? John? John') was born Oct. 17, 1836; married Nov. 14, 1850, in Stark Co., 111., James Wolf, born May 28, 1830, in Bradford Co., Penn. Residence, Mt. Auburn, Benton, Co., Iowa. 394 Livermore Family Child (Wolf), born in Benton Co., Iowa : i. Edith Hannah,'" b. Oct 22, 1867 ; m. Jan. i, 1891, in Benton Co., Amos Emery Halstead, born June 29, 1867, in Lynn Co., la. Child (Halstead), b. in Ben ton Co. : I. George Emery," b. Dec. 14, 1891. 732 Francis Ashbury? Livermore {Nelson? Lartmrd? Isaac? Moses? Josiah? JosepJi? JoJin? JoJin') was born Aug. 20, 1833, in Broome Co., N. Y. ; married Jan. 6, 1854, in Washington Co., Iowa, Mary Elizabeth Reeves, born March 15, 1835, in Black ford Co., Ind. He is a brick and stone mason in Clarion, Iowa. ChUdren, all except the two elder and the two younger born in Brown Co., Kan. : i. Phena Diantha,'" b. Sept. 12, 1854, in Benton Co., la.; m. Oct. 13, 1873, Chester Jackson GUlett, b. Oct. 8, 1854, in Ripley, N. Y. 842. ii. Dennis Ashbury, b. Aug. 6, 1856, in Benton Co. iii. Clarice Alice, b. April i, 1859. iv. Joseph Nelson, b. July 19, 1861. V. Sally Ann, b. Dec. 26, 1863 ; d. in infancy. 843. vi. John Thomas, b. Aug. 28, 1865. vii. Chester Lorenzo, b. Mar. 19, 1868; d. Jan. 4, 1900. vui. Mary Lucetta, b. Aug. 11, 1870, in Tama Co., la.; d. in infancy. ix. Arthur Esmond, b. Feb. 6, 1873, in Benton Co. 733 Sally? Livermore {Nelson? Larnard? Isaac? Moses? Josiah? Joseph? John? John') was born Nov. 25,^ 1834, in Broome Co., N. Y. ; married Aug. 16, 185 1, in Washington Co., Iowa, John Thomas Reeves, born July 29, 1830, in Scioto Co., Ohio. Children (Reeves), the first four born in Washington Co., Iowa, the others in Brown Co., Kan. : i. Alfred Henry,'" b. June 27, 1852. ii. Nelson Grant, b. Oct. 9, 1853. iii. Phena Semantha, b. Jan. 25, 1855 ; d. July 19, 1885, in Clay Co., la. Ninth Generation 305 iv. John Franklin, b. Mar. 14, 1857. V. George Irwin, b. Mar. 17, 1859; m. May 17, 1883, in Cedar Co., Mo., Anna Maria Cook, b. Jan. 10, 1868, in Virginia. Child (Reeves) : I. Effa May," b. May i, 1884, in Clay Co., la. vi. Francis Ashbury, b. Mar. 22, 1867. vn. Fidelia Ann, b. July 27, 1868 ; d. in infancy. viii. Oscar Hamilton, b. Aug. 8, 1870; d. there Aug. i, 1871. ix. Clarence Dennis, b. Sept. 27, 1872. x. Charles Walter, b. Jan. 12, 1874. xi. Bertie Leroy, b. May 14, 1876. 734 Diantha Fidelia? Livermore {Nelson? Larnard? Isaac? Moses? JosiaJi? Joseph? JoJm? JoJin') was born Oct. 23, 1836, in Broome Co., N. Y. ; married Nov. 24, 1854, Andrew Lewis, born AprU 2, 1835, in Ohio. ChUdren (Lewis), born in Shellsburg, Iowa : i. William A.,'" b. Sept. 14, 1856. ii. Sarah J., b. Oct. 12, 1857. ni. Francis Nelson, b. April 13, 1859. iv. Chester Pease, b. Oct. 16, 1862. V. Guy E., b. Mar. 2, 1874. 735 Semantha Jane? Livermore {Nelson? Larnard? Isaac? Moses? JosiaJi? Joseph? John? John') was born Nov. 20, 1 840, in Washington Co., Iowa; married Oct. 28, 1857, in Benton Co., Iowa, HamUton Junior Anderson, born Oct. 28, 1828, in Greene Co., Penn. ChUdren (Anderson), born in Benton Co. : i. Francis Marion,'" b. Oct. 30, 1858; d. in infancy. 844. ii. Nelson Grant, b. June 23, i860. 845. iii. John Hamilton, b. Aug. 12, 1862. 846. iv. Phena Jane, b. Dec. 31, 1864. 847. V. Charles H., b. April 16, 1867. 848. vi. Robert M., b. Sept 18, 1869. vii. Ira Lewis, b. Sept. 26, 1872. 849. vin. Sarah M., b. July 28, 1876. ix. Ella K, b. Mar. 23, 1878. 396 Livermore Family 136 Francis Martin? Bishop {SemantJm? Lartmrd? Isaac? Moses? Josiah? JosepJi? John? JoJm') was born Dec. 16, 1839, in Castle Creek, N. Y. ; married May i, 1864, in LeRaysviUe, Penn., Olive Louise Matthews, born Aug. 13, 1841, in OrweU, Penn. He is a physician in Newark Valley, N. Y. ChUdren (Bishop) : i. Wilbur Francis,'" b. Sept. 10. 1867, in Newark Valley ; d. there Dec. 11, 1873. ii. Lottie Semantha, b. July 29, 1873, in Newark Valley ; d. there Feb. 4, 1874. iii. Mary Fletcher, b. April 3, 1884, in Philadelphia, Penn. 737 Lucius Nelson? Bishop {SemantJm? Lat^iard? Isaac? Moses? Josiah? JosepJi? JoJin? John') was born Dec. 28, 1841, in Castle Creek, N. Y. ; died March 6, 1889, in Newark Valley, N. Y. ; married Dec. 25, 1867, in Owego, N. Y., Charlotte Calcina Brougham, born there May 17, 1 842 ; died Feb. 4, 1892, in Waverly, N. Y. Children (Bishop) : i. Louis Henry,'" b. Dec. 24, 187 1, in Newark VaUey. U. John Bruce, b. Jan. 7, 1874, in Steamburg, Penn. 738 Curtis Lemont? Bishop {SemantJia? Lamard? Isaac? Moses? JosiaJi? JosepJi? JoJm? JoJm') was born Jan. 21, 1849, in Castle Creek, N. Y. ; married (i) Feb. 16, 1870, in Owego, N. Y., Ruth Emma Wade, born there Feb. 12, 1852 ; cUed June 30, 1876, in Newark Valley, N. Y. ; married (2) Oct. 31, 1886, in Newark VaUey, Ellen May Kennedy, born July 23, 1865, in West Danby, N. Y. ChUdren (Bishop), born in Newark Valley : i. Helena Ardell,'" b. Dec. n, 1873. ii. Emma Gertrude, b. Oct 12, 1875. Ninth Generatioti 7gy 739 Anna Ardell? Bishop {ScnmntJia? Larnard? Isaac? Moses? JosiaJi? JosepJi? JoJin? JoJm') was born July i6, 1852, in Castle Creek, N. Y. ; married (i) March 26, 1873, in Newark Valley, N. Y., Jerod Wesley Brougham, born Aug. 30, 1850, in Owego, N. Y. ; died Feb. 8, 1874, in McKean Co., Penn. ; married (2) July 16, 1879, in Newark Valley, Morris Dewitt Clinton, born there Oct. 6, 1840. ChUdren (Clinton), born in Newark Valley : i. Grace Regan,'" b. Aug. 12, 1880. ii. Lyman Dewitt, b. Mar. 9, 1884. 740 Emma De Ette? Bishop {SemantJia? Lartiard? Isaac? Moses? Josiah? Joseph? JoJm? JoJiti') was born June 10, 1859, in Castle Creek, N. Y. ; married July 20, 1882, in Newark Valley, N. Y., Rev. John Wootton, born May 11, 1850, in Margate, Kent, England. ChUdren (Wootton), the first four born in Newark Valley, the fifth in Lockport, N. Y. : i. Francis Daniel Wacher,'" b. April 9, 1883. ii. Ray Henry Bishop, b. Nov. 6, 1884. in. John Edenden, b. Oct. 27, 1887. iv. Jennie May, b. May 24, 1889. V. Warren Clare, b. Sept 25, 1891. 741 Lucius? French {Antm? Mehitable? Isaac? Moses? Josiah? Joseph? JoJin? JoJiti') was born Feb. 2, 1832 ; married (i) Dec. 29, 1863, in Davenport, Iowa, EUen L. Cook, born there in 1836 (the first white female chUd born in Scott Co.) ; died Dec. 9, 1865, in Davenport ; married there (2) April 24, 1867, Agnes Norval, born in 1834, near London, England. He is a physi cian. He went to Anamosa, Iowa, in 1861, enlisted soon after in the army as a surgeon, and served about two years, during the CivU war. 398 Livertnore Family Child (French), bom in Davenport : i, Nellie,'" b, Dec. 9, 1865. 742 Olive? French {Anna? Mehitable? Isaac? Moses? Josiah? JosepJi? John? JoJin') was born Nov, 20, 1835 ; married Sept. 27, 1859, in Chenango, N. Y., Charies A. Wood, born May i, 1836, in Conklin, N. Y Child (Wood), born in Chenango : i. Rosie Olive,'" b. July 2, 1864; m. there Oct. 6, 1886, Allen E. Spencer, b. there Nov. 10, 1859. 743 Elizabeth? French {Anna? Mehitable? Isaac? Moses? Josiah? JosepJi? John? John') was born Feb. 9, 1838 ; married March 22, 1857, in Chenango, N. Y., Henry Martin Stanford, born March 9, 1827, in Charlemont. Residence, Lisle, N. Y. ChUd (Stanford), born in Chenango : i. Rosie Olivia,'" b. Oct 25, 1858; d. Mar. 22, 1861, in Lisle. 744 Mary? French {Anna? Mehitable? Isaac? Moses? Josiah? Joseph? John? John') was born Aug. 4, 1841 ; married June 20, 1866, in Chenango, N. Y., Isaac Howland, born June 12, 1838, in Lisle, N. Y. ChUd (Howland), born in Lisle : 850. i. Nellie A.,'° b. May 29, 1867. 745 Addie Maria? Seward {Levi? Mehitable? Isaac? Moses? Josiah? JosepJi? JoJm? JoJtn') was born Sept. 30, 1847, in Truro, III. ; married Aug. 29, 1871, in Abington, IU., Adam M. GiUespie, born in Mercer Co., Penn. Residence, Blanchard, Iowa. ChUdren (GiUespie), the last three born in Blanchard : i. Sadie EUen,'" b. Jan. 7, 1873, in Cameron, 111. n. Charles Seward, b. Jan. 26, 1876, in Abington. NintJi Generation ogq in. Loren Louis, b. Dec. 3, 1877, in Abington. iv. Edward Cadwell, b. Sept. 17, 1880. V, Homer French, b. Jan. 17, 1884. vi. Luella Irene, b. Oct. 17, 1889. 746 Daniel Roswell? Livermore {Lorin? Roswell? Moses? Moses? Josiah? Joseph? JoJm? JoJm') was born Jan. 26, 1856, in Lisle, N. Y. ; married AprU 2, 1876, in Whitney's Point, N. Y., Clara, daughter of Orson and Oresta (Howland) How land, born Oct. 9, 1861, in Centre Lisle. He conducts a creamery in Centre Lisle. ChUdren, bom in Centre Lisle : i. Harrison Burr,'" b. Mar. 16, 1877; m. Dec. 29, 1897, in Lisle, Gertrude, daughter of Charles and Maria (Rhodes) Symonds, b. there July 11, 1875. Res., DresserviUe, N. Y. ii. Ernest, b. Feb. 10, 1879. in. LilHan, b. Nov. 19, 1880. 747 Frederick? Fenner {Adeline? Moses? Moses? Moses? Josiah? Joseph? John? John') was born May 17, 1844, in Lisle, N. Y. ; married Oct. 30, 1864, Hattie Amelia Van Horn, born Oct. 18, 1845, in Castle Creek, N. Y. He is a dentist. Resi dence, Brooklyn, Long Island. Children (Fenner) : i. Lillie Adeline,'" b. Sept. 2, 1865, in Maine, N. Y. n. Mary Bertha, b. Nov. 28, 1866, in Maine; m. Nov. 19, 1884, in Homer, N. Y., Emmett WUmarth, b. Oct. 2, 1859, in Pitcher, N. Y. iii. Charles Homer, b. Oct. 13, 187 1, in Lisle. iv. George WUlard, b. Jan. 2, 1878, in Homer. V. Ada Irene, b. July i, 1882, in Homer. 748 Charles Henry? Livermore {Charles? Moses? Moses? Moses? JosiaJi? JosepJi? John? JoJm') was born AprU 30, 1843, in Lisle, N. Y.; married there Jan. 26, 1864, Louise Catharine 400 Livermore Family McNeal. He is a foreman in a sash and blind factory in Auburn, N. Y. Child, born in Centre Lisle : 1. Daniel Burr,'" b. July 8, 1865. 749 George? Livermore {Charles? Moses? Moses? Moses? Josiah? JosepJt? JoJiti? JoJin') was born Nov. 15, 1845, in Lisle, N. Y. ; married Nov. 19, 1865, Ellen Julia Smith of Lisle, born in Byron, Wis. He is a member of the Ithaca Gun Co., and resides in Ithaca N. Y. ; his mother lives with him. Children, born in Centre Lisle : i. Ellen Belle,'" b. Nov. 22, 1866. ii. Paul Smith, b. July 16, 1875. 750 Cyrus Egbert? Livermore {David? Moses? Moses? Moses? Josiah? JosepJt? John? JoJin') was born Aug. 17, 1841, in Brad ford Co., Penn.; married Oct. 22, 1862, in Berkshire, N. Y., Susan Augusta LuU, born there June 8, 1844. He lived with his parents until he was twenty-one years of age ; he then began his business life as a clerk in a general store and post office in Berkshire, in i860. In 1862 he was elected town clerk, and served in that office three years, when he moved to Newark Valley, N. Y. He continued in the mercantile busi ness there untU March i, 1872, when he moved to Owego, N. Y., and was employed as a salesman in the dry goods house of G. B. Goodrich & Co., and has remained with them to the present time. He served four years as trustee in the first ward of their village. He has been a deacon of the Congregational church for many years, and president of the town Sunday School Associa tion for over five years. ChUdren, the eldest born in Berkshire, the next three in New ark Valley, and the last four in Owego : i. Carrie Jeanette,'" b. Mar. 19, 1866. ii. Frank Dwight, b. Aug. 27, 1867. NmtJi Getieration 401 iii. Minnie Evelyn, b. Oct. 21, 1869; m. Dec. 25, 1889, Henry Harrison Stuart of Painesville, Ohio. iv. Gertrude Amanda, b. Feb. 14, 1872. V. Cora Mabel, b. AprU 29, 1875. vi. Harry Hitchcock, b. Jan. 23, 1882 ; d. there May 19, 1884. vii. Robert Edward, b. Feb. 4, 1884. vin. Lewis Bertrand, b. Mar. i, 1885. 751 William Henry' Livermore {JoJm? Moses? Moses? Moses? JosiaJi? JosepJi? JoJiti? JoJiti') was born Jan. 9, 1847, in Can dor, Tioga Co., N. Y. ; married (i) May 12, 1869, in Cortland, N. Y., Emma Rocelia, daughter of Clark and Mary Jane (Kin ney) Rogers, born May 9, 1850, in Fabius, N. Y. ; died Jan. 9, 1873, in Cortland; married (2) Jan. 5, 1874, in Washington, D. C, Phebe Emma, daughter of John Wesley and Rachel Elizabeth (Underwood) Buckley, born March 28, 1856, in West Nottingham township, Md. He moved with his parents to Madison, Wis., and afterwards to Polo, Ogle Co., 111. At the age of fourteen years, nine months and nineteen days, he enlisted as a private soldier in company H, 55th 111. Vols., at Polo, Oct. 28, 1861, for three years or during the war, and was mustered in at Camp Douglas, Chicago, the following day. In company with his regiment, he participated in the battles of Shiloh, RusseU House, Corinth, Hernando, Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Snyder's Bluff, Champion HUl, assaults (two of them. May 19 and 22, 1863) on Vicksburg, siege of Vicksburg, lasting forty-nine days, Jack son, Tuscumbia, Chattanooga, Missionary Ridge, Kennesaw Mountain (July 22), Atlanta, and Ezra Church ; in the last- named battle (July 28, 1864), he lost his right leg. He took part in eighteen battles, besides innumerable minor engage ments ; he was honorably discharged at the general hospital in Chicago, Jan. 5, 1865. In the History of the Regiment he is thus mentioned : " Livermore, a boy noted throughout the regiment for his irrepressible jollity and utter contempt for bullets, lost his right leg." After the war he learned the print- 402 Livermore Family ing trade, and from 1869 to 1872 published a newspaper in Cortland. He subsequently moved to Binghamton and Syra cuse, N. Y., and Washington, D. C, going to the last-named city Dec. 12, 1872, since which time he has been employed in the Government printing office in the capacity of compositor and proof-reader, which latter position he has held since July i, 1 88 1, and still holds. In June, 1894, he started a stationery store on the corner of First and H streets. Northwest, Wash ington, and this store is managed by his daughter Lillie. He is a member of George G. Meade Post^ No. 5, Washington, D. C, Department of the Potomac, Grand Army of the Republic ; also a charter member of Encampment No. 69, Union Veteran Legion, Washington. Residence, Washington. Child, born in Binghamton : i. Lillie Emma,'" b. June 28, 1872. 752 Francis Granger? Livermore {John? Moses? Moses? Moses? Josiah? JosepJi? JoJiti? John') was born Oct. 3, 1854, in Newark VaUey, N. Y. ; married Feb. 17, 1885, in Casselton, Cass Co., No. Dak., Lucy Eva, daughter of Jesse Rankin, born June 2, i860, in Fall Creek, 111. His father moved to Madison, Wis., when he was one year old, a year later moving to Polo, Ogle Co., III., where he lived and attended school untU 1869, when he went to Cortland, N. Y., to learn the printer's trade in his brother's office. He left there in the fall of 1871 and went to Cleveland, Ohio, and worked that winter in Nevins Brothers' job printing office. In the spring of 1872, owing to poor health, he moved to ClarksviUe, Mo., becom ing a fisherman on the Mississippi river. He sold out in 1879 and moved to Fall Creek, and worked for Jesse Rankin two years, and in the spring of 1881 went to North Dakota. He worked one year as a farm hand and took up a Government claim in Sargent Co., No. Dak. The next year he went on to his claim and lived there untU the winter of 1885, when he went to Casselton. He remained there untU the next season when he obtained a situation as farm manager, but it proved unprofitable NintJi Generatioti 403 to him. In the summer of 1886 he worked as gardener and his wife as housekeeper for a friend at Maple River, No. Dak. In the spring of 1887 he was again employed as farm manager near Casselton, and remained there two years when he again moved on to his land near Harlem, No. Dak. He sold out in Oct., 1890 and moved to Fairfield, Spokane Co., Wash., where he rents a farm belonging to his father-in-law. His mother lives with him. ChUdren : i. Jesse Rankin,'" b. July 2, 1886, in Maple River. ii. Jennie Kate, b. Nov. 10, 1888, in Casselton. 753 Alice Louisa? Livermore {JoJin? Moses? Moses? Moses? Josiah? JosepJi? JoJin? John') was born Jan. 8, 1858, in Polo, III. ; died Jan. 7, 1880, in Lowder, 111. ; married Aug. 24, 1876, in Clarks-vUle, Mo., John WUliam Pollon. Residence, Lowder. ChUdren (Pollon), born in Lowder : i. AUie Myrtle,'" b. July 18, 1877. n. John Harry, b. Oct 13, 1878. in. Jennie Pearl, b. Dec. 30, 1879. iv. Lillie May, twin to Jennie. 754 Louise? Livermore {Moses? Moses? Moses? Moses? Josiah? Joseph? John? John') was born AprU 4, 1850, in Lisle, N. Y. ; married Oct. 24, 1872, in MUo, N. Y., William L. GuUe, born there Oct. 24, 185 1. ChUd (GuUe), bom in Penn Yan, N. Y. ; i. Helen,'" b. Mar. 27, 1887. 755 Ida May? Livermore {Nathan? Moses? Moses? Moses? Jo siah? Joseph? JoJin? JoJin') was born Nov. 4, 1855, in Whitney Point, N. Y. ; married there Sept. 27, 1877, Cornelius S. Vro- man. 404 Livermore Family Children (Vroman) born in Whitney Point : i. Arthur N.,'° b. Oct 12, 1880. n. Vina L., b. Jan. 28, 1883. ni. Frank, b. July 7, 1885. 756 George Stephen? Howland {Abigail? Russell? Moses? Moses? Josiah? JosepJi? JoJm? JoJtn') was born AprU 19, 1847, in Lisle, N. Y. ; died there Jan. 10, 1884; married June 30, 1870, Sarah A., daughter of Alford and Lucy (Couch) House, born March 20, 1858, in Truxton, N. Y. ChUdren (Howland) : i. Herbert,'" b. Dec. 24, 1872, in Newark VaUey, N. Y. ii. WiUiam Tower, b. Dec 19, 1875, in Newark Valley; d. July 2, 1883, in Lisle. iii. Edwin George, b. Mar. 21, 1877, in Nanticoke, N. Y. iv. Stephen Briggs, b. Oct. 25, 1882, in Lisle. 757 Charles Sumner? Howland {Abigail? Russell? Moses? Moses? Josiah? Joseph? John? John') was born Sept. 29, 1858, in Lisle, N. Y. ; married Nov. 7, 1880, in Nanticoke, N. Y., Ella E., daughter of Correlli and Diana (Dickerson) Cady, born there March 4, 1862. ChUdren (Howland) : i. Mary Rebecca,'" b. Jan. 12, 1882, in Nanticoke. n. A son, b. May 9, 1884; d. May 22, 1884. 758 Frank Emerson? Glezen {Emeline? Russell? Moses? Moses? osiah? Joseph? John? John') was born June 13, 1854, in Centre Lisle, N. Y. ; married (i) June 23, 1874, in Newark Valley,. N. Y., Emma Bell, daughter of WUmot and Mary (Oliver) Clark, born May 9, 1859, in Centre Lisle; died there Feb. 4, 1878; married (2) Oct. 13, 1880, in Centre Lisle, Jennie Elizabeth, daughter of Sydney and Mary (McCumber) LobdeU, born Feb. 21, 1858, inUnadilla, N. Y. Nitith Generation 405 ChUdren (Glezen), born in Centre Lisle : i. BeU Clark,'" b. Feb. 2, 1878. n. Grace LobdeU, b. July 22, 1882. in. Edith Mary, b. Jan. 4, 1886. 759 Sarah Emeline? Glezen {Emeline? Russell? Moses? Moses? Josiah? JosepJi? JoJm? JoJiti') was born Oct. 30, i860, in Centre Lisle, N. Y. ; married Oct. 31, 1876, in Lisle, Daniel S., son of Edward and Laura (Horton) Quinlivan, born Aug. 24, 185 1, in Maine, N. Y. ChUdren (Quinlivan), all except the last two born in Lisle : i. Laura Emma,'" b. May 13, 1879. ii. Marshall Edmund, b. Aug. 23, 1881. Hi. Merle Daniel, b. April 19, 1889. iv. Gladys, b. Aug. 13, 1895. V. Frank Glezen, b. Feb. 17, 1900, in Leicester, N. Y. vi. Clayton, b. May 17, 1901, in Binghamton, N. Y. 760 James Russell? Glezen {Emeline? Russell? Moses? Moses? Josiah? Joseph? John? JoJm') was born Aug. 27, 1863, in Centre Lisle, N. Y. ; married Oct. 9, 1884, in Richford, N. Y., Mattie Ann, daughter of Henry and Martha Ann (Pinckney) Jennings, born there Nov. 24, 1867. ChUdren (Glezen) : i. Lillian,'" b. Dec. 9, 1886. ii. Clifford James, b. May 31, 1894. iii. Cleon B., b. May 23, 1900. 761 George Calvin? Livermore {George? Russell? Moses? Moses? JosiaJi? JosepJi? JoJin? JoJin') was born March 28, 1863, in Lisle, N. Y. ; married March 8, 1887, in Woodbine, Iowa, Amy, daughter of Dodge S. and Elizabeth (Chilson) Payne, born April 6, 1866, near Belvidere, IU. Children : i. Sarah Elizabeth,'" b. Dec. 13, 1887, in Lisle. 406 Livermore Family ii. Clarence E., b. Mar. 3, 1889 (?), in Woodbine; d. AprU 22, 1889, in Denver, Col. in. Jessie May, b. July 14, 1892, in Denver. iv. Harold AUin, b. Aug. 30, 1895, in Barker, N. Y. V. RoUa Gaymon, b. July i, 1900, in Barker. 762 Ira Warner? Livermore {George? Russell? Moses? Moses? Josiah? Joseph? JoJiti? John') was born April 26, 1872, in Lisle, N. Y. ; married June 8, 1899, Mrs. EUda Johnson, daughter of Stephen and Anna Sisson of Collins Centre, N. Y. He was graduated from Buffalo University in 1 899, and is a physician in Gowanda, N. Y. ChUd : i. James Northrup,'" b. June 13, 1900. 763 Charles? Livermore {Lewis? Russell? Moses? Moses? JosiaJi? Joseph? JoJm? JoJm') was born Dec. i, 1874, in Clarks field, Ohio; married (i) Alice Hardwood, died Jan. 14, 190 1 ; married (2) Oct. 7, 1901, Jennie Pool. Child : i. Pearl,'" b. Sept. 17, 1899. 764 Mary Alice? Livermore {Joseph? Russell? Moses? Moses? Josiah? Joseph? John? John') was born Nov. 12, 1855, in Berk shire, N. Y. ; married Nov. 20, 1879, in Bradford, Pa., George Henry, son of William and Phebe (Matherson) Johnson, born Jan. 22,* 185 1, in Lisle, N.Y. ChUdren (Johnson) : i. EHzabeth,"" b. Mar. 2, 1881, in Windsor, N. Y. ; m. June 6, 1900, Floyd Ross. n. Flossie May, b. AprU i, 1890, in Binghamton. 765 Russell Wilson? Livermore {Joseph? Russell? Moses? Moses? JosiaJi? JosepJt? JoJm? JoJm') was born Nov. 3, i860, in FishkiU, N. Y. ; married Nov. 22, 1882, in Centre Lisle, N. Y., NintJi Getieration 407 Annie, daughter of Orson and Oresta (Howland) Howland, born there Feb. 29, i860; died May 22, 1900, in Marathon, N. Y. He is a machinist. ChUd, born in Lisle, N. Y. : i. Bernard,'" b. Oct 18, 1885. 766 Luman? Livermore {JosepJi? Russell? Moses? Moses? JosiaJi? JosepJt? JoJiti? JoJiti') was born Sept. 9, 1862, in FishkiU, N. Y. ; married there May i, 1887, Carrie Elizabeth, daughter of Nathan and Margaret Elizabeth (Lawson) Bunn, born Jan. 7, 1868. Residence, Lisle, N. Y. ChUdren : i. Edward Wilson,'" b. Mar. 2, 1888, in Wappingers, N.Y. u. Herbert Nathaniel, b. Sept. 14, 1890, in Lisle. iii. Harold, b. Aug. 29, 1893, in Wappingers. iv. Lewis Ervin, b. May 21, 1898, in Lisle. V. Florence Margaret, b. Aug. i, 1901, in Lisle. 767 Esther Annie? Livermore {CJtarles? Russell? Moses? Moses? JosiaJi? Joseph? JoJin? JoJin') was born July 18, 1867, in Lisle, N. Y. ; married June 5, 1890, in Denver, Col., Rolla Harvey Gaymon, born AprU 13, 1863, in Newport Township, Iowa. ChUdren (Gaymon), born in Denver : i. Charles Earl,'" b. June 15, 1893. ii. Harold, b. Jan. 31, 1896. 768 Lillie Jane? Livermore ( William? Obadiah? Amos? Moses? Josiah? JosepJi? JoJm? JoJin') was born Oct. 17, 1854, in Una diUa, Mich.; married there July 18, 1880, Frederick Myers Douglass, born May 23, 1856, in Peterboro, N. Y. ChUd (Douglass), born in Bancroft, Mich. : i. "Josie Claudia,'" b. Dec. 12, 1883. 4o8 Livermore Family 769 Mary Gavina? Hungerford {Sarah? Obadiah? Amos? Moses? Josiah? JosepJi? John? JoJin') was born Oct. 29, 1863, in Ithaca, N. Y. ; married there Oct. 29, 1885, Frederick Louis, son of Frederick Louis Otto and Caroline (Smith) Roehrig, born Dec. 24, 1857, in LeRoy, N. Y. ; he was graduated A. B. from Cornell University in 1883, and is an architect in Los Angeles and Pasadena, Cal. Children (Roehrig), born in Pasadena : i. Gavina Hungerford,'" b. Aug. 25, 1887. ii. Harold Livermore, b. Sept. 22, 1889. iii. Regnalta Pauline, b. Aug. 3, 189 1. iv. Frederick Austin, b. Mar. 8, 1893. V. Russell Stewart, b. Feb. 2, 1897. 770 Lizzie? Livermore ( William? Jesse? Ezra? AbijaJi? JosiaJi? Joseph? John? John') was born Oct. 25, 1853, in Hanover, N. Y. ; married Nov. 29, 1876, in East Java, N. Y., Warren Geer. ChUdren (Geer), born in East Java : i. Archie,'" b. Nov. 30, 1877. u. Alice, b. May 9, 1879. iH. Alta, b. Jan. 16, 1881. iv. Belva, b. Sept. 11, 1888. 771 Newell Livermore? Howard {Juliet? Jesse? Ezra? Abi jah? Josiah? Joseph? John? JoJiti') was born Dec. 25, 1849, in Hanover, N. Y. ; married there Oct. 23, 1879, EUa N. HaskeU, died there AprU 18, 1886. ChUdren (Howard), born in Hanover : i. Grace,'" b. Dec. 10, 1880; d. there Sept 16, 1881. u. Hugh HaskeU, b. Feb. 21, 1884. ni. Horace Livermore, b. April 2, i886. 772 Bertha Rosa? Howard {Juliet? Jesse? Ezra? Abijah? Josiah? Joseph? John? John') was born June 5, 1862, in Han over, N. Y. ; married there Sept. 24, 1884, Howell A. Baldwin. Ninth Generation 409 ChUd (Baldwin), born in Hanover : i. Wilbur Jesse,'" b. July 10, 1885. 773 Anna Sophia? Howe {Maty? Jesse? Ezra? AbijaJi? JosiaJt? JosepJt? JoJm? JoJiti') was born Dec. 30, 1861, in Newstead, N. Y. ; married there Oct. 12, 1882, Clarence E. Parker, born Aug. 27, 1857. ChUdren (Parker), born in Newstead : i. Alma Elizabeth,'" b. Oct. 19, 1883. ii. Blanche Mary, b. April 25, 1886. iii. Clarence Eugene, b. Feb. 16, \i 774 Cora Delphia? Terry {CyntJtia? Jesse? Ezra? Abijah? Josiah? Joseph? JoJin? JoJtn') was born Oct. 15, i860, in VUle nova, N. Y. ; married March 21, 1883, in Hanover, N. Y., WUliam Herbert Scott, born Oct. 5, i860, in Arkwright, N. Y. ChUd (Scott), born in Arkwright : i. Edna Terry,'" b. Oct 21, 1887. 775 Charles Frederick? Livermore {Benjamin? Hammond? Abijah? AbijaJi? Josiah? JosepJi? JoJiti? JoJm') was born Sept. 25, 1868, in New York City; died AprU 11, 1899, in Chicago, IU. ; married in 1896, Miss I. E. T., daughter of Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Harrison, then of Philadelphia, Penn. His early life was spent in the East ; whUe he was still young his father died and his mother with two chUdren (his sister Fanny and himself), went to Chicago to make their home. Two years later, at the age of fourteen, he began his business career in the Chicago office of the New Haven Clock Company ; his rise there was rapid, and at the age of seventeen he was sent out as a traveUing salesman. When, in 1892, the Middletown Plate Company established an office in Chicago he was given its man agement. He was a member of Dearborn Lodge No. 310, 410 Livermore Family A. F and A. M., and of ApoUo Commandery No. i. Knights Templar, of Chicago. ChUd, born in Chicago : i. A son,'" b. in Jan., 1899. 776 Luther Hammond? Twitchell {Leverna? Hammond? Abi jah? AbijaJi? JosiaJi? Joseph? John? JoJiti') was born July 15, 1856, in Jamaica, Vt. ; married May 2, 1881, in Brattleboro, Vt., Hattie Adele, daughter of Henry Rasselas and PhUinda LueUa (Perham) Ryder, born Aug. 5, 1862. He is employed in a sewing machine shop. Child (Twitchell), born in Jamaica : i. Hattie Adele,'" b. Dec. 26, 1886. 777 Martha Ann? Searles {Julia? StepJien? Reuben? Joseph? JosiaJi? Joseph? JoJm? JoJin') was born Feb. 23, 1852, in Sut ton ; married there July 24, 1877, Erwin Lloyd HiU. Children (HUl), born in West Upton : i. Lula May,'" b. July 13, 1879. n. Clara Grant, b. Aug. 26, 1882. in. Erma Livermore, b. Sept. 10, 1883. 778 Charles Edgar? Searles {Julia? StepJien? Reuben? Joseph? JosiaJi? Joseph? JoJiti? JoJtn') was born March 10, 1854, in Sut ton; married Dec. 17, 1878, in MUlbury, Harriet Elizabeth Forbes. Children (Searles) : i. Walter Gilbert,'" b. Feb. 3, 1880, in West Upton. ii. Harry Forbes, b. Nov. 11, 1882, in Millbury. in. Edgar Lewis, b. Aug. 21, 1888, in Millbury. 779 James Henry? Searles {Julia? Stephen? Reuben? Joseph? Josiah? JosepJt? Jo Jin? Jo Jin') was born Sept. 11, 1857, in Mill- NintJi Generation 411 bury; married Nov. 11, 1882, in Providence, R. I., EUa Frances Swann. Children (Searles), born in MUlbury : i. Frederick Swann,'" b. Jan. 19, 1884. n. Marguerite Louella (?), b. Sept. 19, 1887. 780 Richard Larremore? Livermore {JoJin? JosepJi? JosepJi? JosepJi? JosiaJt? Joseph? JoJtti? JoJin') was born Oct. 22, 1869, in Brooklyn, L. I. ; married June 27, 1900, in Buffalo, N. Y., Minnie Godfrey, daughter of Capt. John and Evaline H. (Car- rick) Rice, born there Dec. 12, 1871. He was appointed a cadet in the U. S. MUitary Academy at West Point, from New Jersey, June 16, 1887, and was graduated in 1 89 1. He was commissioned second lieutenant, troop M, 8th regiment cavalry, June 12, 1891 ; transferred to loth cavalry, June 22, 1895, and stationed at Fort Keogh, Mont.; he was promoted to first lieutenant, Jan. 11, 1898, and is now a captain in that regiment. He took part in the Cuban campaign ; since the close of the war he has been stationed at West Point as an instructor in physics. ChUd, born in Buffalo : i. John Rice,'" b. April 30, rgoi. 781 Clara Coolidge? Livermore {Oliver? Oliver? Joseph? Jo seph? JosiaJi? JosepJt? JoJin? JoJiti') was born Oct. 12, 1854, in Eastport, Me.; married Feb. 19, 1873, in Livermore, Cal., RusseU Case, born June 10, 1839, in Rochester, N. Y. ChUdren (Case), bom in Livermore : i. Edith Livermore,'" b. AprU 13, 1874. u. Carlton CooUdge, b. June 24, 1877. 782 George Freeman? Livermore {Grandison? JosepJi? David? Samuel? JosepJi? Joseph? JoJm? JoJtn') was born March 5, 1848, in HUlsboro, N. H. ; married Nov. 24, 1874, in Newport, N. H., 412 Livermore Family Villa Jane, daughter of Jacob S. and Laurana Robinson (Smith) Huntress, born Nov. 24, 1849, in Dorchester, N. H. He is an ice dealer and jobber in Newport. ChUdren : i. Frank Town,'" b. July 7, 1878 ; drowned Dec. 27, 1893, while skating. u. Scott Paige, b. May 23, 1880; he is in college at Orono, Me. 783 Henry Joseph? Livermore {Grandison? JosepJi? David? Samuel? Joseph? Joseph? John? JoJm') was born May i, 185 1, in HUlsboro, N. H. ; died Sept. 20, 1895, in Wakefield; married Jan. 12, 1876, in Boston, Martha Ardelia, daughter of Joseph and Almira Ann (Messenger) Senna, born March 4, 185 1, in Becket. He was a brass finisher. ChUdren, born in Boston : i. Bertha Elenora,'" b. Oct. 28, 1876 ; d. June 24, 1877, in Florida. n. Harry Willard, b. Jan. 7, 1879; m. Jan. 12, 1898, in Wakefield, Adelaide S., daughter of Thomas M. and Rosina (Yokes) Ward, b. in 1881, in Cambridge. Child (Ward) : Edith Gertrude." ni. Esther Maria, b. Aug. 20, 188 1. iv. Maud Mary, b. Oct. 16, 1882. V. Ernest Jackson, b. Nov. 27, 1884. vi. Albert Edward, b. July 9, 1888; d. Jan. 21, 1898, in Wakefield. vii. Charles Edgar, b. Feb. i, 1894. 784 William Herbert? Livermore {Jotms? Samuel? Samuel? Samuel? Joseph? Joseph? John? John') was born Dec. 31, 1854, in Townshend, Vt. ; married March 22, 1880, in Brattleboro, Vt., Hattie Annette, daughter of Benjamin Franklin and Su sanna (Rand) Lawrence, born Jan. 8, 1861, in Grafton, Vt. He is a machinist with the Fitchburg RaUroad Company. Resi dence, SomervUle. Nitith Generation 413 ChUdren, born in Townshend : i. Jennie Marion,'" b. Sept 22, 1883. ii. Arthur Lawrence, b. May 20, 1887. 785 Frank Samuel? Livermore {Austin? Samuel? Samuel? Samuel? JosepJi? JosepJi? Jo Jin? JoJin') was born Oct. 2, 1862, in Londonderry, Vt. ; married Sept. 30, 1885, in BeUows Falls, Vt., Hattie Eliza Clark. ChUdren : i. Alida Maud,'" b. Oct. 18, 1886, in Bellows Falls; d. July 9, 1888. ii. Delos Austin, b. AprU 13, 1890, in Londonderry. Hi. Winifred Jane, b. Dec. 30, 1892, in Londonderry. 786 John Leonard? Livermore {Austin? Samuel? Samuel? Samuel? Joseph? JosepJi? JoJtn? JoJiti') was born Dec. i, 1864, in Londonderry, Vt. ; married Dec. 29, 1887, in BeUows Falls, Vt., Minnie Pousina Kinsman. ChUd: i. Ray Harold,'" b. July 16, 1891. 787 Mary? Livermore ( William? ' JoJiti? Samuel? Samuel? Joseph? JosepJi? John? John') was born June 22, 1867, in North Vassalboro, Me. ; died AprU 1 1, 1900, in WeUesley HiUs ; married Dec. 24, 1893, in Gardiner, Me., John T. Bird of Lynn. Children (Bird), born in Lynn : i. Mary EUen,'" b. Aug. 28, 1895. ii. Bessie Ida, b. Nov. 21, 1897. 788 Charlesetta? Livermore {diaries? Daniel? Ephraim? Datiiel? Datiiel? Datiiel? JoJin? JoJm') was born May 22, 1853, in Weston; married AprU 11, 1891, in West Boylston, 414 Livermore Family George Binney, son of Jabez and Mary Ann (Broad) Newton, born there Oct. 4, 1833. Residence, Oxford. Child (Newton) : i. George Livermore,'" b. Mar. 13, 1895. 789 Charles Henry? Livermore {Charles? Datiiel? EpJiraim? Datiiel? Datiiel? Daniel? JoJm? JoJtn') was born May 3, i860, in Weston; married May 8, 1889, in Merrimack, Lulu Alcesta, daughter of Van Ness Buren and Lydia Maria (Stevens) Gate, born AprU 18, 1867, in Concord, N. H. ChUdren : i. Clara Frances,'" b. Jan. 19, 1890, in Merrimack. ii. John Abel Cutting, b. Mar. 8, 1892, in Randolph. in. Josephine Crawford, b. Dec. 10, 1895 ; d. Mar. 3, 1896, in Exeter, N. H. 790 George Henry? Brewster {Catharine? CatJiarine? Aaron? Datiiel? Datiiel? Daniel? John? John') was born Sept. 30, 1846, in Providence, R. I. ; married Jan. 7, 1870, Emma A. KeUey of Wheaton, 111. He is the business manager of a Presbyterian paper in Chicago, 111. ChUdren (Brewster) : i. Mary Catharine,'" b. Dec. 7, 1870, in Wheaton. ii. Frederick KeUey, b. Sept. 28, 1872, in Wheaton. iii. Agnes Julia, b. July lo, 1874, in Maywood, 111. iv. Henry Seely, b. Sept. 14, 1877, in Maywood. 791 Katie Livermore? Adams {Diancy? CatJiarine? Aaron? Daniel? Datiiel? Daniel? John? John') was born Sept. i, 1854, in Lowell ; married Feb. 12, 1874, in Iowa, Charles H. Munger. ChUdren (Munger), born in Anamosa, Iowa : i. Shubael,'" b. Feb. 13, 1875. ii. Mabel, b. Sept 28, 1876. Ninth Generation 415 792 Frederick H.? Fay {Adaline? Ezra? Aaron? Daniel? Dan iel? Daniel? JoJiti? JoJiti') was born Aug. 19, 1852, in East Alstead, N. H. ; married Oct. 25, 1876; in Springfield, Vt., Addie Cutler. Children (Fay) : i. Lucy A.,'" b. Nov. 9, 1877. ii. Enos G., b. Dec. 23, 1885. 793 Herbert Ezra? Fay {Adaline? Ezra? Aaron? Daniel? Daniel? Daniel? JoJm? John') was born May 2, 1855, in East Alstead, N. H.; married Aug. 14, 1879, in Keene, N. H., Clara S. Hyland. ChUdren (Fay) : i. Julia EHzabeth,'" b. July 15, 1880. n. Paul Eardly, b. Aug. 2, 1895. 794 Laura E.? Fay {Adaline? Ezra? Aaron? Daniel? Daniel? Daniel? Jo Jin? John') was born March 22, 1859, in East Alstead, N. H. ; married Jan. 13, 1887, Arthur Dean. ChUdren (Dean) : i. Lewis H.,'° b. Nov. 26, i ii. AHce F., b. April n, 1890. iii. Leon A., b. Dec. 19, 1897. 795 Arthur Leslie? Livermore {James? Ezra? Aaron? Dan iel? Daniel? Datiiel? JoJm? John') was born Dec. 6, 1862, in Alstead, N. H. ; married Oct. 21, 1890, in Cambridge, Hen rietta Jackson, daughter of Henry J. and Maria Wells, born May 22, 1864, in San Francisco, Cal. He was graduated from Dean Academy in 1884, and from Dartmouth College in 1888. They lived for a short time in Houston, Tex., where he was principal 4i6 Livermore Family of the high and normal school ; he afterwards moved to Yonkers, N. Y., where he now lives, and practices law in New York City. Children : i. Henry Wells,'" b. July 8, 1892, in Cambridge. ii. Russell Blake, b. Mar. 22, 1894, in Yonkers. 796 Lottie? Livermore {James? Ezra? Aaron? Daniel? Dati iel? Datiiel? John? JoJin') was born June 6, 1872, in Keene, N. H.; married there Jan. i, 1897, Frederick Sheldon Barker, born Sept. 5, 1868, in Harrisville, N. H. Residence, Keene. ChUd (Barker), born in Keene : i. Sheldon Livermore,'" b. Dec. 5, 1900. 797 Adaline Lilian? Benton {diaries? Abigail? Abraham? Abraham? Daniel? Daniel? John? John') was born Dec. 9, i860, in Tivoli, Iowa ; married Jan. 10, 1883, in Farley, Iowa, James Rae. Children (Rae), born in Marcus, Iowa : i. Charles Andrew,'" b. Mar. 11, 1887; d. there Feb. 21, 1.892. ii. James Caswell, b. Feb. 16, 1893. iii. Ernest Benton, b. Feb. 23, 1895. 798 Florence Abigail? Benton {Charles? Abigail? Abraham? Abraham? Daniel? Daniel? Jolm? John') was born Aug. 4, 1868, in Farley, Iowa; died Nov. 12, 1881, in Pullman, IU. ; married in Farley, Sept. 19, 1889, John C. Finn. ChUd (Finn), born in Pullman : i. James Charles,'" b. Aug. 28, 1890; d. there AprU 20, 1891. 799 Frederick Leroy? Benton {Al/rn'iu? Abigail? Abraham? Abraliam? Darnel? Daniel? John? John') was born Sept. 20, NintJi Generation 417 1872, in Hopkins, Mo.; married June 29, 1892, in Rapid City, So. Dak., DeUa Jane James. ChUdren (Benton), born in Rapid City : i. Bertha Peari,'" b. Aug. 29, 1893; d. there Aug. 27, 1895. n. Floyd Wesley, b. Dec. 17, 1895. 800 KiTTiE Dot? Head {George? Ralph? Hepsibeth? AbraJiam? Daniel? Daniel? JoJiti? JoJin') was born Nov. 11, 1864, in Kenosha, Wis.; married there July 18, 1888, Enret (.?) Smith WUson, born Oct. 14, 1861, in Chicago, IU. ChUdren (WUson), born in Oshkosh, Wis. : i. George Head,'" b. Oct 14, 1889. n. Ralph Edgar, b. May 17, 1891. iii. Morris Enret, b. June 10, 1894. 801 Eugene Ralph? Head {George? Ralph? Hepsibeth? Abra ham? Daniel? Daniel? JoJm? JoJin') was born Nov. 16, 1866, in Kenosha, Wis.; married there June 26, 1889, MUdred Ruby Lewis, born Dec. 24, 1867, in Monroe-vUle, Ohio. ChUdren (Head), born in Kenosha : i. Clarence Eugene,'" b. April 10, 1890. n. Bertha Belle, b. Mar. 6, 1895. 802 Debbie Imerta? Coy {Delette? Mary? Abel? Abraham? Daniel? Daniel? John? John') was born AprU 17, 1854, in Otisco, N. Y. ; died Feb. 23, 1876, in Waterman, 111. ; married Jan. 10, 1870, Isaac Watson Prichard, born Jan. 18, 1842, in Oneida Co., N. Y. ChUd (Prichard), born in KaneviUe, III. : i. Mary Delette,'" b. April 12, 1873 ; m. Sept. 12, 1899, in Odebolt, la., Charies Arthur Smith, b. Jan. 4, 1872, in Monona Co., la. ; residence. Sac City, la. 4i8 Livermore Family 803 Dell? Coy {Delette? Mary? Abel? Abraham? Daniel* Dan iel? John? John') was born Aug. 15, 1858, in Kane-ville, III. ; married Nov. 6, 1879, in Kalamazoo, Mich., Cora Mabel Parker, born Sept. 24, 1859, in Onarga, III. ChUdren (Coy) : i. Charles Lawrence,'" b. Oct. 3, 1880, in Odebolt, la. ii. Maud Florence, b. Mar. 30, 1882, in Odebolt in. Helen Delette, b. May 12, 1885, in Pierre, So. Dak. 804 John Franklin? Coy {Delette? Mary? Abel? Abraham? Daniel? Daniel? JoJin? John') was born Aug. i, 1863, in Kane viUe, III. ; married Feb. 17, 1885, in Odebolt, Iowa, Margaret Horan, born AprU 24, 1866, in DeWitt, Iowa. Children (Coy), born in Odebolt : i. Florence lone,'" b. Feb. 22, 1888. ii. Joe, b. July 7, 1890. iii. Marie, b. Mar. 9, 1893. iv. Frank, b. . V. Daisy Margaret, b. Oct. 20, 1899. 805 Charles Crandall? Coy {Delette? Mary? Abel? Abralmm? Daniel? Daniel? JoJiti? JoJm') was born Oct. 20, 1865, in Kane- ville, 111.; married Nov. 5, 1890, in Sioux City, Iowa, Ida Carter, born Aug. 28, 1867, in Streeter, 111. ChUdren (Coy), born in Odebolt, Iowa : i. Dell,'°b. Sept. 22, 1891. ii. Rachel, b. June 27, 1893. in. Walter, b. Feb. 28, 1895. 806 Charles Thaddeus? Crandall {James? Mary? Abel? Abra ham? Daniel? Datiiel? John? JoJiti') was born June 27, 1875, in Defiance, Ohio; married there AprU 21, 1897, Martha EUen, daughter of Hon. John W. Slough, born there Aug. 25, 1876. NintJi Generation 41 n He was educated in the Union schools of his native city. After graduating he learned the printer's trade. Residence, Chicago in. ChUd (Crandall), born in Akron, Ohio : i. Paul Richard,'" b. May 14, 1898. 807 Cora Jeannette? Livermore ( Warren? WintJirop? David? David? Jotms? Daniel? JoJiti? JoJin') was born Aug. 13, 1861, in Spencer; married there Oct. 2, 1883, Rev. James Henry, son of John and Elizabeth (Brainard) West, born Jan. 13, 1856, in Melrose. Residence, Dorchester. ChUdren (West) : i. Geneva,'" b. Aug. 29, 1884, in Geneva, 111. H. Rhobe, b. Aug. 27, 1887, in Geneva. iii. Beatrice, b. Dec. 20, 1888, in Dorchester. 808 Walter Benjamin? Cargill {Calista? Louisa? Paul? Elisha? Jonas? Daniel? John? John') was born July 24, i860, in Little Compton, R. I. ; married Dec. 7, 1881, in Attleboro, Cora Adeila Sweet, born there Aug. 18, 1859. ChUdren (CargiU), born in Attleboro : i. George Walter,'" b. Oct 6, 1882. n. Elsie Louisa, b. Dec. 13, 1885 ; d. there Aug. 27, 1887. 809 Lillian Clarissa? Sturdy {Caroline? Louisa? Paul? ElisJia? Jonas? Daniel? John? Jolm') was born July 22, 1857, m MiUbury; married July 25, 1877, in Boston, John Thomas Cox, born March 22, 1854, in Chelsea. ChUd (Cox), born in Attleboro : i. John Bertram,'" b. Feb. 8, 1884; d. there Sept. 7, 1884. 810 Eliza Maud? Howard {Fidelia? Alonzo? Edmund? Daniel? Edmund? Samuel? Samuel? JoJin') was born AprU 18, 1852, in Calhoun, Ky. ; died June 19, 1876, in VUla Rose Plantation, 420 Livermore Family near Thibodeaux, La. ; married Feb. 24, 1869, in New Orleans, La., Thomas Pleasant, son of Andrew Jackson and Sarah (Nel son) Donelson, born Dec. 14, 1849, in Murfreesborough, Tenn. ChUdren (Donelson) : i. Fidelia Howard,'" b. Dec. 2, 1869, in Acadia Plantation, near Thibodeaux; m. June 26, 1895, in Portland, Ore., John Wesley, son of William Sargent and Caro line Ames (Elliott) Ladd, b. there Jan. 3, 1870. H. Naomi Kirkpatrick, b. Jan. 8, 1875, in New Orleans; d. there Aug. 14, 1878. 811 Clara Amelia? Howard {Fidelia? Alonzo? Edmund? Dan iel? Edmund? Samuel? Samuel? JoJtn') was born Dec. 7, 1854, in EvansvUle, Ind. ; married Jan. 15, 1876, in New Orleans, La., James, son of Richard and Minerva (Scott) Flower, born Feb. 22, 1854, on a plantation near Port Hudson, La. ; died Oct. 27, 1892, in Portland, Ore. ChUdren (Flower), born in New Orleans : i. Florence,'" b. Nov. 28, 1878. ii. Estelle Howard, b. Aug. 31, 1881. 812 Estelle? Howard {Fidelia? Alonzo? Edtnund? Daniel? Edmund? Samuel? Samuel? John') was born June 4, i860, in South CarroUton, Ky. ; married AprU 7, 1885, in New Orieans, La., Warren Finch, son of George Greenleaf and Adaline (Com stock) Houghton, born Dec. 17, 1859, in MUwaukee, Wis.; died Feb. 8, 1892, in Pasadena, Cal. Children (Houghton) : i. Effie Howard,'" b. Mar. 5, 1886, in New Orieans. H. Clara Flower, b. Sept. i6, 1887, in Oconomowoc, Wis. iH. Warren Finch, b. Jan. 13, 1889, in Milwaukee; d. there Feb. 18, 1889. 813 Leila Robertson? Livermore {Alonzo? Alonzo? Edtnund? Datiiel? Edtnund? Samuel? Satnuel? John') was born Oct. 31, 1868, in New Iberia, La.; married Jan. 18, 1893, in Memphis, Ninth Generation 421 Tenn., Henry Evelyn, son of James Gridley and Anabella Elise (Treat) Belden, born May 14, 1859, in New Orieans, La. Resi dence, New Orleans. Children (Belden), born in New Orleans : ' i. Lyda Livermore,'" b. May 4, 1894. H. Belle Adele, b. Sept. 3, 1895. 814 Walter Livermore? Mott {Emily? Datiiel? Daniel? Dan iel? Edmutid? Satnuel? Samuel? Jo Jin') was born March 27, i860, in Sangerfield, N. Y. ; married there Jan. 25, 1883, Sarah Elizabeth Preston, born there July 9, 1861. ChUdren (Mott), the eldest born in Sangerfield, the others in Oneida, N. Y. : i. John,'" b. Nov. 24, 1883. ii. Rachel, b. Jan. 31, 1887. iH. Ruth Preston, b. Dec. 7, 1888. iv. Dorothy, b. Nov. 10, 1890. V. Elizabeth, b. July 16, 1892. 815 James? Mott {Emily? Daniel? Daniel? Daniel? Edmund? Samuel? Samuel? John') was born Dec. 6, 1862, in Sangerfield, N. Y. ; married June 17, 1886, in WatervUle, N. Y., Sara Grace Beardsley, born there Feb. 15, 1865. ChUd (Mott), born in Sangerfield : i. Cornelia Beardsley,'" b. Oct. 14, 1887. 816 Daniel Howard? Livermore {Daniel? Daniel? Daniel? Daniel? Edmund? Samuel? Samuel? JoJm') was born Sept. 28, 1868, in Sangerfield, N. Y. ; married AprU 22, 1 891, in Water vUle, N. Y., Helen Lydia Locke Hale. He was for a few years president of the Bank of Calhoun, Calhoun, Ga., but is now a stock broker in New York city. ChUdren, born in Calhoun : i. Ruth Helen,'" b. Mar. 10, 1892 ; d. there AprU 3, 1892. u. Howard Jerome, b. . 422 Livermore Family 817 Jennie? Gorton {Sarah? Aranus? Daniel? Daniel? E, mund? Samuel? Samuel? John') was born Oct. 29, 1854, i Sangerfield, N. Y. ; married April 20, 1875, in Amsterdan N. Y., Russel Carter, born Aug. 15, 1852, in Sangerfield. Children (Carter), born in Sangerfield : i. Sarah Rosa,'° b. Nov. 29, 1876. ii. Flora, b. Sept i, 1878. iii. May, b. AprU 15, 1889. 818 William Aranus? Rhodes {Ellen? Aranus? Daniel? Dat iel? Edmutid? Samuel? Samuel? John') was born Oct. 2( i860, in HubbardsvUle, N. Y. ; married Jan. 4, 1883, in Pitti town, N. Y., Anna Bosworth, born there Nov. 23, 1861. Child (Rhodes), born in Binghamton, N. Y. : i. Harry Bosworth,'" b. Sept 7, 1891. 819 Clarissa Francenia? Livermore {John? Samuel? Samuel Daniel? Edmund? Samuel? Samuel? JoJin') was born March ; 1847; married Oct. 29, 1867, Orville Thomas Perkins. ChUdren (Perkins) : i. Archie Dudley,'" b. Oct 3, 187 1. ii. Lytic Genevra, b. Nov. 3, 1877. in. Essie CordeHa, b. Mar. 26, 1885. 820 Abbie Eliza? Livermore {JoJtn? Samuel? Satnuel? Daniel Edmund* Samuel? Samuel? John') was born Aug. 5, 185c married Carlton Cline. Children (Cline) : i. Arlonine,'" b. Oct. 16, 1873. ii. Almon Daniel, b. Nov. 15, 1886. 821 Cassius Manlius? Livermore {JoJm? Satnuel? Samuel Daniel? Edmutid? Samuel? Samuel? JoJin') was born May < Ninth Getieration 423 1861 ; married Sept. 20, 1883, Myrtie McKinster of East Sharon, Penn. ChUdren : i. Clarrie BeUe,'" b. Mar. 21, 1885. H. Lena Cordelia, b. April 11, 1887. 822 Elwin Mason? Livermore {Samuel? Samuel? Samuel? Daniel? Edmutui? Samuel? Satnuel? John') was born Feb. 21, 1854; married Dec. 25, 1876, Lily BeU Baker. ChUdren : i. Ella Maud,'"b. Mar. 17, 1880. ii. Samuel Henry, b. Nov. 14, 1884. 823 'Alice Leanna? Livermore {Leander? Edmund? Samuel? Daniel? Edmund* Samuel? Samuel? John') was born Aug. 4, 1864, in Genesee, N. Y. ; married June 23, 1887, in Alfred Centre, N. Y., WUliam H. Satterlee, born Jan. 22, 1861, in Berlin, N. Y. Residence, Dunnellen, N. J. ChUdren (Satterlee), the eldest born in Alfred, N. Y., the others in DunneUen : i. Leanna Sheppard,'" b. Sept. i, 1889. ii. Laurence Gavitt, b. Sept. 16, 1891. iii. WiUiam Leslie, b. Sept. 2, 1895. iv. LaFrone Fitch, b. Sept. 14, 1897. 824 Allen Forsyth? Rees {Eugenia? John? Abner? Daniel? Edmund? Samuel? Samuel? John') was born Nov. 14, 1858, in Fort WUkins, Mich.; married June 24, 1884, in Boston, Carrie Eliza WiUard, born there Feb. 9, 1857. Residence, Houghton, Mich. ChUd (Rees), born in Houghton : i. Miriam Willard,'" b. July 30, 1885. 424 Livermore Family 825 Myrtle Louise? Millard {Harriet? James? James? Daniel? Edmund? Samuel? Samuel? John') was born June 16, 1879, in Leroy, 111.; married Aug. 19, 1897, Adelbert WUloughby. Residence, Capron, 111. Children (WUloughby), born in Chemung, IU. : i. Vivian Florence,'" b. July 31, 1898. ii. Millard, b. May 30, 1900. 826 Andrew James? Livermore {Derrick? Andrew? Jonas? Oliver? Oliver? Daniel? Samuel? John') was born Oct. 16, 1852, in Coldbrook Township, IU. ; married (i) Nov. 14, 1875, in Ellison, 111., Mary Jane Gray, born Nov. 14, 1857, near Springfield, 111.; died Jan. 8, 1880, in Point Pleasant, IU.; married (2) June 11, 1882, in Raritan, 111., Emma Alpaugh of New Jersey, born Sept. 19, 1854, in Clinton, N. J. He is a farmer in RosevUle, 111. No children. 827 Joshua Brown? Livermore {Derrick? Andrew? Jotuis? Oliver? Oliver? Daniel? Samuel? John') was born Aug. 20, 1854, in Coldbrook Township, Warren Co., IU. ; married Sept. 3, 1879, in Monmouth, 111., Flora Wornom, born Nov. i, 1854, in EUison Township, Warren Co., III. In Feb., 1883, they moved to Clarinda, Page Co., Iowa, where he carries on a farm. Children, born near Clarinda : i. Clara Gertrude,'" b. Nov. 19, 1884. H. Roscoe Brown, b. Aug. 15, 1888. 828 Louisa Eugenie? Livermore {Derrick? Andrew? Jonas? Oliver? Oliver? Daniel? Samuel? JoJm') -was born July 5, 1856, in Coldbrook Township, Warren Co., 111. ; married Feb. 24, 1873, in Point Pleasant, 111., Benjamin Loder BirdsaU, born Nov. II, 1851, near Rochester, N. Y. Ninth Generation 425 Children (Birdsall), the second born in Shenandoah, Iowa, the others in Point Pleasant : i. Charles Benjamin,'" b. Feb. 24, 1874. u. Clara Elizabeth, b. Dec. 12, 1876. iii. Alice Grace Lenore, b. Sept. 21, 1879. iv. Derrick Leroy, b. AprU 25, 1882 ; d. there Oct. 15, 1884. V. Robert Lincoln, b. Aug. 26, 1885. vi. Ralph James, b. Feb. 3, 189 1. 829 Mary Aurilla? Livermore {Derrick? Andrew? Jotms? Oliver? Oliver? Daniel? Samuel? John') was born May 24, 1858, in Point Pleasant, 111. ; married Feb. 3, 1888, in RosevUle, IU., Reuben Davis, born June 20, 1857, in Swan Creek, IU. ChUd (Da-vis), born in Point Pleasant : i. Alice Miriam,'" b. July 2, 1890. 830 Clara Elizabeth? Livermore {Derrick? Andrew? Jonas? Oliver? Oliver? Daniel? Samuel? John') was born July 7, 1866, in Point Pleasant, IU. ; married there Feb. 24, 1887, Charies , Welborn, born Mar. 7, 1863, in Birmingham, Schuyler Co., 111. ChUdren (Welborn), born in Point Pleasant : i. Mark Livermore,'" b. May 16, 1888. u. Guy Otto, b. April 2, 1890. 831 Florence May? Livermore {Andrew? Andrew? Jonas? Oliver? Oliver? Daniel? Samuel? John') was born July 14, 1865, in Point Pleasant, 111.; married Feb. 16, 1882, in Rose vUle, IU., Augustus Albin Parrish, born July 6, 1858, in Warren Co., Ind. ChUdren (Parrish), born in Ellison, 111. : i. Frederick Orson,'" b. Oct. 3, 1883. ii. Jessie Lee, b. May 16, 1886. 426 Livermore Family 832 Waymen? Livermore {John? Andrew? Jotias? Oliver? Oliver? Daniel? Samuel? John') was born AprU 14, 1858, in Point Pleasant, IU. ; married Oct. 12, 1881, in Raritan, IU., Emma Voorhees, born there Aug. 11, 1859. Child, born in Stuttgart, Ark. : i. Elmer Voorhees,'" b. Mar. 7, 1891. 832a Frederic Erwin? Whiting {Harriet? Lucy? Amos? Amos? Oliver? Daniel? Samuel? John') was born Dec. 21, 1857, in Brookline; married Oct. 10, 1883, in Cambridge, Amy Estelle, daughter of Thomas Trenham and Clara (Rolf) Ferguson, born Sept. 14, i860, in Westminster. He is business manager of the Boston Herald. Residence, Auburndale. ChUdren (Whiting) : i. Royal Goodridge,'" b. Aug. 17, 1884, in Cambridge. ii. Philip Erwin, b. May 15, 1886, in Auburndale. 833 Addie Maria? Symmes {SaraJi? TJiotnas? Amos? Amos? Oliver? Daniel? Samuel? JoJm') was born May 23, 1853; married Fred. M. Symmes of Winchester. ChUdren (Symmes) : i. Robert M.,'" b. May 28, 1883. ii. Ruth S., b. April 29, 1887. 834 Arthur Cotting? Symmes {SaraJi? TJiomas? Amos? Amos? Oliver? Daniel? Samuel? JoJin') was born Feb. 9, 1856; mar ried Feb. 18, 1880, Kate C. Bates of Medford. Child (Symmes) : i. Mary Livermore Bates,'" b. July 5, 1882. Nitith Generation 427 835 Jennie? Symmes {SaraJi? TJiomas? Amos? Amos? Oliver? Daniel? Samuel? JoJtn') was born AprU i, 1861 ; married June 28, 1884, Charles A. Gardner of Medford. Child (Gardner) : i. Arthur Livermore,'" b. Nov. 26, 1886. 836 Arnold? Livermore {Oliver? Elislia? Elisha? Amos? Oliver? Daniel? Samuel? John') was born March 11, 1872, in Wellesley; married Oct. 13, 1897, in Catasauqua, Penn., Lucy, daughter of Charles E. and Emma A. (Dunes) HeUig, born in 1875, in Germantown, Penn. ChUd, born in Wellesley : i. Ogden,'" b. Nov. 17, 1899. 837 Walter Augustine? Livermore {Charles? Charles? Jona than? JonatJmn? Oliver? Datiiel? Samuel? John') was born Aug. 26, 1854, in Providence, R. I. ; married (i) Aug. 26, 1877, in Pa-wtucket, R. I., Mary Bell Ryder ; married (2) Daisy Ellen, daughter of Charles Daniel and Mary Elizabeth Rush, born May 23, 1874, in Springfield, Ohio. He was educated at the public schools and was graduated with honors at the high school. Providence, in 1871. For a few years he was engaged -with his father as a travelling salesman and accountant. In 1888 he went West and located at Marion, Ind., and Lima, Ohio. Here he was partner of Mr. Burr Sweet- ser who successfully operated and conducted Sweetser's Bank, now the First National Bank of Marion. During his ten years of active life in that section he became Mr. Sweetser's manager in various lines of successful theatrical enterprises, becoming the general manager of Furrot's Opera House in Lima. At the expiration of the lease he moved back to Providence, and opened a private banking house, of which he is stUl the head. Children : i. Nellie Evelyn,'" b. May 18, 1878, in Providence. 428 Livermore Family ii. Marion Rush, b. May 21, 1893, in Marion. in. Dorothy L., b. July 9, 1897, in Marion. 838 Grace Daniels? Livermore {Thomas? Thotnas? Solomon? Jotmthan? JotmtJmn? JonatJmn? Samuel? JoJm') was born May 30, 1873, in Cambridge; married Oct. 16, 1895, in Jamaica Plain, Bulkeley, son of Samuel Edgar and Mary Agnes (BuUieley) WeUs, born March 10, 1872, in Chicago, IU. ChUdren (Wells) born in Jamaica Plain : i. Bulkeley Livermore,'" b. July 15, 1896. ii. Barbara, b. April 10, 1898. iii. Dorothy Livermore, b. Jan. 15, 1900. 839 Walter Eliot? Thwing {Anne? Mehitable? Edward? Samuel? Samuel? JonatJian? Samuel? John') was born AprU 27, 1848, in Roxbury. He was educated at private schools until 1 86 1, when he entered the Roxbury Latin School, whence he was graduated in 1868, and entered Harvard College, but remained there only through the freshman year. In August, 1869, he entered the counting-room of his father as clerk. On Dec. 26, 1870, he saUed in the ship " Daniel Marcy " from New York, bound for San Francisco. The only lands seen on the voyage were the island of Ferdinand Noranha, off BrazU, Feb. II, 1871 ; Cape St. Diego at the extremity of Tierra del Fuego, Mar. 23, 1871 ; Cape Horn, a couple of days later, and Point Reyes, off the coast of California, the day of arrival at San Francisco. The only incidents worth noting were the rescue of a boy who fell overboard, and the capture of a shark, which for a time had the deck to himself before he was kUled. The voyage occupied one hundred and seventy days. He passed three months in California, during which time he visited Los Angeles, then chiefly inhabited by Mexicans ; in its -vicinity there were few cultivated ranches, and those chiefly orange groves. He also -visited the Yosemite valley, going into it on horseback as the only road was a bridle path. He sailed from San Francisco, Sept. 30, 1871, in the steamer "Great Republic," Walter Eliot Thwi.ng. NintJi Getieration 429 for Japan, where he passed a couple of weeks visiting the ports of Yokohama, Yedo, ^obe, and Nagasaki only, as the rest of the country -was then closed to all foreigners. Then he visited in turn Shanghai, Hong-Kong and Canton, in China ; Singapore, Penang, Point de Galle, on the island of Ceylon ; Bombay, Cal cutta, Benares and AUahabad, in India ; saUing from Bombay for Suez, stopping a few hours at Aden, then through Cairo and Alexandria, in Egypt, and thence through the chief countries and cities of Europe and England, reaching Boston, Oct. 16, 1 872, perhaps the youngest young man up to that time to have traveUed around the world alone. In January, 1878, he saUed for Jamaica, where he passed two months. He has visited many of the large Western cities and has made the trip through the Great Lakes to Duluth. He is a life member of the New-England Historic Genealogi cal Society ; an associate member and honorary vice-president for Massachusetts, of the Old Northwest Genealogical Society of Columbus, Ohio ; secretary of the John Eliot Club of Roxbury, and a member of the Unitarian Club of Boston. He is the author of the Th-wing Genealogy and of the present work. Residence, 65 Beach Glen street, Roxbury. 840 Elsie Thwing? Haven {Samuel? Mehitable? Edward? Samuel? Samuel? Jonathan? Samuel? JoJm') was born March 24, 1855, in Mamaroneck, N. Y. ; married June 7, 1876, Gyula DeFestetics. ChUdren (DeFestetics), born in New York : i. Elsie Caroline Haven,'" b. Oct 7, 1880. n. Dwight Livermore Haven, b. Sept. 30, 1897. 841 Thomas Haven? Chambers {Matilda? Mehitable? Edward? Samuel? Samuel? Jonathan? Samuel? John') was born Dec. 2, 1858, in ApplebachsvUle, Penn. ; married March i, 1882, Ada Elliott of Federalsburgh, Md. ChUd (Chambers) : i. Bertha,'" b. AprU 8, 1883 ; d. Sept 11, 1883. 430 Livermore Family TENTH GENERATION. 842 Dennis Ashbury'" Livermore {Francis? Nelson? Larnard? Isaac? Moses? JosiaJi? JosepJi? JoJin? JoJm') was born Aug. 6, 1856, in Benton Co., Iowa; married Dec. 24, 1883, in Shells burg, Iowa, Minerva Lois [her name originally was Rachel Susan NevUle, but she was adopted in June, 1863, by C. Devilbliss, in HarrisvUle, Ohio, and christened Minerva Lois DevUbliss], born Jan. I, i860, in Moorefield, W. Va. Children : i. Mary E.," b. May 6, 1885, in Clarion, la. ii. Phena A., b. Mar. 12, 1886, in Clarion. iii. LiUian A., b. Mar. 29, 1887, in Spencer, la. iv. Lucy E., b. April 5, 1888, in Spencer. V. Callie L., b. June 17, 1889, in Shellsburg. vi. Francis D., b. Aug. 15, 1891, in Cedar Rapids, la. vn. Harlow E., b. Dec. 8, 1892, in Cedar Rapids. 843 John Thomas'" Livermore {Francis? Nelson? Larnard? Isaac? Moses? Josiah? Joseph? John? John') was born Aug. 28, 1865; married Aug. 27, 1887, in Clarion, Iowa, Irene Ella , born Dec. i, 1869, in Palo, Iowa. Children : i. Jessie Pearl," b. July 14, 1888, in Corwith, la. n. Ernest John, b. July 4, 1892, in Albert Lea, Minn. 844 Nelson Grant'" Anderson {SemantJia? Nelson? Lamard? Isaac? Moses? Josiah? Joseph? John? JoJin') was born June 23, i860, in Benton Co., Iowa; married there March 9, 1884, Emma A. Long, born there Sept. 10, 1864. Children (Anderson), born in Hancock Co., Iowa : i. Francis M.," b. Jan. 17, 1885 ; d. there Feb, 12, 1885, ii. Sherman S., b. Feb. 23, 1886. in. Robert M., b. Dec. 17, 1887 ; d. there Jan. 12, 1888. iv. Muriel H.. b. AprU 2, 1889. V. Emma M., b. May 11, 1891. Tenth Generation 431 845 John Hamilton'" Anderson {SemantJia? Nelson? Lamard? Isaac? Moses? JosiaJi* JosepJi? John? John') was born Aug. 12, 1862, in Benton Co., Iowa; married there March 17, 1883, Alice R. Warner, born there July 6, 1861. ChUdren (Anderson), born in Hancock Co., Iowa : i. Bennie," b. Dec. 9, 1883. ii. Jennie, b. June 6, 1885. iii. Nettie, b. Oct 25, 1886; d. there Nov. i, 1886. iv. Bertha, b. Nov. 3, 1888 ; d. there Mar. 6, 1892. V. Wilber, b. July 8, 189 1. 846 Phena Jane'" Anderson {Semantha? Nelson? Lartiard? Isaac? Moses? JosiaJi? Joseph? John? John') was born Dec. 31, 1864, in Benton Co., Iowa; married there Jan. 29, 1882, Elias Long, born there Dec. 8, 1856. ChUdren (Long), born in Hancock Co., Iowa : i. Albert Marion," b. Feb. 16, 1884. ii. Henry Lewis, b. April i, 1886. Hi. Emery Quinter, b. Aug. 10, 1888. 847 Charles H.'° Anderson {Semantha? Nelson? Larnard? Isaac? Moses? Josiah? Joseph? John? John') was born April 16, 1867, in Benton Co., Iowa; married Jan. 6, 1887, F. M. Reynolds, born May 26, 1871, in Illinois. ChUdren (Anderson), born in Hancock Co., Iowa : i. J. C," b. Feb. 18, 1888. ii. Charles H., b. Sept. 16, 1889. in. J. S., b. Jan. 9, 1891. 848 Robert M.'" Anderson {Semantha? Nelson? Larnard? Isaac? Moses? Josiah? JosepJi? John? Johtt') was born Sept. 18, 1869, in Benton Co., Iowa; married July 6, 1888, in Han- 432 Livermore Family cock Co., Iowa, Ida M. Steele, born Nov. 28, 1872, in MitcheU Co., Iowa. ChUdren (Anderson), born in Hancock Co. : i. Jessie A.," b. June 20, 1889 ; d. there Aug. 8, 1889. ii. Edith E., b. Mar. 30, 1891. 849 Sarah M.'° Anderson {SemantJia? Nelson? Lamard? Isaac? Moses? Josiah? Joseph? John? John') was born July 28, 1876, in Benton Co., Iowa; married July 3, 1891, in Hancock Co., Iowa, John T. Long, born July 10, 1866, in Benton Co. ChUd (Long), born in Hancock Co. : i. Willis M.," b. May 28, 1892. 850 Nellie A.'" Howland {Mary? Anna? Mehitable? Isaac? Moses? JosiaJt? Joseph? John? JoJm') was born May 29, 1867, in Lisle, N. Y. ; married there May 31, 1888, Frank M. PendeU, born March 5, 1863, in Whitney's Point, N. Y. ChUd (PendeU), born in Lisle : i. Lucius A,," b. July 15, i8go. CORRECTIONS. Page 3, fourth line, at the end, omit "in." Page 41, fifth line, for (Paxton) read Livermore. Page 47, last line, under Rebecca, who married Lebbeus Turner, insert, " their daughter Carolinet married Dexter Converse, and their daughter Rebecca Ann* Converse married Warren Jonas Livermore (575)." Page 117, under 141, iii, " Samantha" should be Semantha. Page 122, fifth line, Samuel Bright Livermore died April 22, 1897, in Boston. He was inspector of hay. Page 156, fourth line, under 201, after Ebenezer Oliver Grosvenor, insert "born Oct 29, 1783, in Grafton; died AprU 6, 1871, in Albion ; he was a son of Rev. Daniel Grosvenor." Page 160, No. 206, vi, " Samantha " should be Semantha. Page 213, No. 316, " Michigan Biographies " says John S. Livermore was born Jan 12, 1801, and died Oct. 4, 1861. Page 214, No. 317, " Michigan Biographies " says Fidus Livermore died May 22, 1880. Page 281, under 443, iv, " Samantha " should be Semantha. Page 349, sixth line from foot, under 615, in the ancestry of his third wife, Ellen CorneHa WUUams, for " Thomas3 Livermore, Sam uel^ " read "Josephs Livermore, John.'" See in, under No. 25 on page 25. * Page 386, under 706, for " Raimond " read " Raymond." Page 412, under 783, H, last line, omit " (Ward) " ; she was Edith Gertrude Livermore. INDEX. The numbers against the names refer to the page where the names occur. A name has but a single reference to the page on which it appears, though it may be repeated there ; care should therefore be taken to look for such repetition. Middle names are indicated by initials only [for example, Mary Amelia and Mary Anna are both indexed under Mary A.] ; when given in full they show the surname (maiden or otherwise) at the time of marriage. Where the context shows that this surname is the maiden name, it is parenthesized ; otherwise the parentheses are omitted. Abbot, Abiel 137, 244 Abigail 137 Catharine (Thayer) 244 Dorcas 243 Dorcas (Abbot) 137 Elizabeth D. 244 Jacob 244 Abbott, Abby F. (Woods) 381 Arthur St. L. L. 261 Caleb 260 Carohne L. 381 Caroline (Livermore) 260 Caroline M. 261 Edward G. 261 Fletcher M. 261 Francis 381 Franklin P. 261 Grafton St. L. L. 261 Helen F. 381 Henry L. 261 Holker W. 261 Josiah G. 260 Madeline 381 Mercy (Fletcher) 260 Samuel A. B. 261, 381 Sarah L. 261, 381 William S. 261 Abells, Aletia (Jones) 267 Austin 267 Nathaniel T. 267 Ruth E. (Livermore) 267 Adams, Aaron 191 Adaline 196 Albert F. 311 Andrew 1 10 Cynthia 115 Dexter 191 Diancy R. (Taylor) 311 Elizabeth (Livermore) 115 Elsie (Livermore) no Freddie 311 Grace (Livermore) 36 Ira 115 Jacob 36 Jane E. 191 John T. 311 Katie L. 311, 414 Levina 39 Libbie (Bunnell) 300 Lydia 36 Malvina 148 Maria C. 191 Martha 228 Nancy (Livermore) Rock wood 190 Nathan 36 Nellie B. 311 Shubal P. 311 Stephen 190 Susie B. 311 William L. 311 Adry, Benjamin i8r Clara F. (Steams) 181 Ahern, Ellen 358 Teresa 292 Aiken, Cecilia 276 Akins, Content 147 Sarah (Griswold) 147 Seth 147 Albert, Annie 183 Aldrich, Charlotte 239 Aldridge, Ruth 109 Alfrey, Serena J. 219 Allen, Alfred 292 Amory 269 Amory L. 269 Benjamin F. 269 Eliphalet 30 Elizabeth 41, 210 Elizabeth (Grout) 13 Elizabeth (Livermore) 30 Ella 390 Esther C. 292 Hannah 41 Isaac 41 James 288 Jerusha A. (Livermore) 269 Louisa 288 I^ydia 25 Martha 25, 26 Martin 390 Nathaniel 25 Orman D. 269 Permelia (Phelps) 292 436 Livermore Family Alien, Rachel 390 Samuel 13 Alpaugh, Emma 424 Ames, Abigail (Buckley) 119 Amos 119 Betsey B. 102, 119 Marietta 327 Polly (Benjamin) 75 Samuel 75 Anderson, Alice R. (War ner) 431 Bennie 431 Bertha 431 Charles H. 395, 431 Cynthia 298 Edith E. 432 Ella E. 395 Emma A. (Long) 430 Emma M. 430 F. M. (Reynolds) 431 Francis M. 395, 430 Hamilton J. 395 Ida M. (Steele) 431, 432 Ira L. 39S J. C. 431 J. S. 431 Jennie 431 Jessie A. 432 John H. 39S, 431 Muriel H. 430 Nelson G. 395, 430 Nettie 431 Phena J. 395, 431 Priscilla 297 Robert M. 395, 430, 431 Sarah M. 395, 432 Semantha J. (Livermore) 395 Sherman S. 430 Sophronia A. 329 Wilber 431 Andres, Eliza M. 201 Anson, Alson A. 346 Annis E. (Potter) 346 Anthony, Elizabeth 274 Appleton, J. W. 139 Sarah P. (Williams) 139 Sophia (Williams) 139 Arnold, Sarah E. 367 Ashton, Zebiah V. G. 194 Atwood, Alvah A. 231 Mabel A. (Livermore) 231 Ruth (Newcomb) 231 William H. 231 Austin, Alvah 201 Mary (Cooley) 201 Mary E. 200, 201 Ayers, Polly 162 Babb, Abby 207 Babcock, Amanda (Pettit) 152 Cordelia 346 Lois 211 Potter 152 Bachelor, Joel 169 Laura (Goldthwait) 169 Laura J. 169 Bacon, Adeline E. (Learned) 365 Benjamin F. 365 Beulah C. (Fuller) 365 Charies F. 366 Edward L. 366 Joseph 365 Badershall, Edna B. (Liver more) 175 Lewis E. 175 Badger, Wrexaville 284 Bailey, Betsey 181 Rosaltha S. 293 Bakeman, Fannie A. (Liv ermore) 301 Leon M. 301 Major W. 301 Van N. 301 Baker, Anna G. 231 Edwin S. 275 Hattie M. 352 Helen M. (Livermore) 274 Lily B. 423 Mary A. (Underwood) 275 Mary (Ray) 274 Piatt 274 Raymond W. 275 Samuel 274 Balch, Lucy 170 Baldwin, Bertha R. (How ard) 408 Catharine A. 275 Charles R. 275 Edwin L. 275 Ella (Allen) 390 Esther R. (Livermore) 275 Frank W. 275 Helen 275 Helen M. 390 Howell A. 408 Ida M. 275, 390 J. H. 275, 390 James 275 Jenny 187 Katharine 390 Lillian 390 Russell 390 Ruthven 275 Wilbur J. 409 Bale, Elizabeth 329 Ball, Abigail 35 Elizabeth (Fiske) 35 Ball, James 35 Ballard, Mary 337 Bancroft, Anna 365 Calista L. 203, 339 Caroline E. 203, 339 Charles L. 303 Clara 365 Edmund D. 364 Frank A. 303 George F. 303 Georgie M. 302 Grace L. 303 Harriet (Livermore) 169 Harriet M. 303 Henry H. 302 Henry L. 169, 302 Joseph 202 Joseph H. 303 Julia P. 169 Kate E. 365 Louisa (Livermore) 202 Maria C. (Hall) 203 Martha A. (Harris) 302 Martha M. 303 Matilda (Da\'idson) 303 Mary F. (Warfield) 302 Mary J. 203, 339, 364 Mary M. (Waters) 302 Mary P. (Morse) 364 Myron J. 203 Phoebe B. (Barrett) 364 Sarah E. 169 Solomon 169 Tamar 169 Walter M. 303 Woodis 169 Banks, Andrew A. 176 Eliza R. 176 Ella (Partridge) 176 Fanny (Livermore) 176 George G. 176 Julia (Kidder) 176 Marion E. 176 Martha A. 176 Mary P. 176 Mattie H. 377 Pascal P. 176 Susan P. 176 Bannister, Albert 383 Albert H. 383 Carrie E. 383 Charies H. 383 Eliza F. (Livermore) 383 Frank D. 383 Hiram 383 John T. 383 Kate B. 383 Lucy F. 383 Mary 383 Barker, Frederick S. 416 Index 437 Barker, Lottie (Livermore) 416 Olive 371 Parmelia (Livermore) 95 Peter 95 Sheldon L. 416 Barnard, Esther M. 77 Jane 308 Plooma S. 365 Barnes, Albert 273 Betsey 183 Edith J. 384 Elsa A. (Livermore) 105 Emma 273 F. 273 Flora 273 Franc 273 Franklin S. 105 James F. 384 Lucinda (Raymond) 273 Nellie M. (Longyear) 273 Sarah J. (Lincoln) 384 Bams, Rebecca 21 Barrett, Celina 218 Charles D. 237 Frank A. 315 Mary E. (Higgins) 237 Phoebe B. 364 Sarah 81 Sarah A. (livermore) 315 Barrows, Ellen A. (Prescott) 364 Gilman 364 Helen 364 Ulysses H. 364 Barstow, Georgianna M. (Higgins) 237 PhUbrook D. 237 Bartlett, Clarissa (Seward) 184 Fanny L. 247 Horace 183, 184 Sarah C. 183, 184 Barton, Molly 89 Baseman, Hannah 192 Bassett, Hannah 116 Jonathan 116 Melinda 117 SaUy n6 Batchelder, Abby I. (Kim ball) 377 Caleb M. 377 Emily A. (Buss) 377 Erland G. 377 George M. 377 Batchelor, Almira 393 Bates, Betsey 112 Electa 113 Eliza H. 385 Hetty 1 14 I Bates, Kate C. 426 Luther 114 Mehitable 114 Baxter, Isaac 48 Melissa (Livermore) 48 Bayles, Ella E. 343 Beal, Elinor 381 Beale, Annie S. (Fowler) 380 Arthur W. 380 Edward L. 380 George W. 380 Harry St. L. 380 Sarah J. (Livermore) 380 Beard^ey, Sara G. 421 Bearse, CaroUne S. 370 Beatley, Clara (Bancroft) 365 James A. 365 Beatly, Catherine 219 Beck, Lucinda 189 Becket, Caroline S. (Bearse) 370 Eleanor B. 370 Joseph T. 370 Beebe, Diantha (Livermore) 159 Henry C. 159 Beedon, Martha A. 214 Beers, Liberty 107 Tamason (Livermore) 107 Belden, Anabella E. (Treat) 421 Belle A. 421 Betsey (Bemis) 242 Henry E. 421 James G. 421 Jennie M. 296 LeUa R. (Livermore) 420, 421 Lyda L. 421 Mary 242 Solomon 242 Belknap, Caroline L. (Ha ven) 378 Edward 378 Mary E. 378 Thomas H. 378 Bell, Mary E. 200 Bemis, Abijah 23, 41 Abraham 23 Anna 23, 32, 135 Anna (Livermore) 23, 32, 34 Betsey 242 Catharine 35 Celicia 41 Chloe D. no David 32 Dinah 45 Dinah (Hagar) 23 Bemis, Elijah 35 Elisha 23 Elizabeth 23 . Ellen 127 Esther -32, ^4 Grace 23 Grizel (Livermore) 41 Hannah 34 Hannah S. (Livermore) 127 Huldah (Livermore) 32, 34 John 23, 32, 35, 41 Jonas 127, 196 Jonathan 32, 34, 35 Joshua no Josiah 23 Judith (Bemis) 196 Lewis 127 Louisa 196 Lucy (Elton) 23 Lydia 23, 79 Lydia (Hatch) Prouty no Martha 190 Mary 32 Mary (Harrington) 23, 32 Nathaniel 23 Phinehas 23 Sarah 32 Susanna 23 Tabitha (Gove) 127 Thankful 35 Bemiss, Jane A. (Livermore) "3 Rodney 113 Benezet, Ella L. (Wilcox) 331 Harold 331 Rudolph 331 Benjamin, Abel 30, 75 Abigail 30 Betsey 75 Betsey (Chase) 75 Billy 75 Catherine (Stanwood) 76 Charles 76 David 76 Ehsha 76 EUzabeth (Nutting) 75 Lucy (Chase) 76 Martha 75 Nathaniel 75 Olivia (Metcalf) 75 Phebe (WeUington) 75 Polly 75 Rebecca 30 Ruth 76 Samuel 75 Sarah 28 Tabitha (Livermore) 75 438 Livermore Family Bennet, Mary 38 Bennett, Celinea (Gardner) 242 Elias 124 Eliza A. 124 Elizabeth D. 233 Elizabeth (Livermore) 124 Helen F. (Howe) 233 Helen M. 233 Henry D. 233 Jonas 242 Lucy E. 242 Sarah A. 125 Sarah (Hastings) 124 Stephen D. 125, 233 Stephen H. 124, 233 Bent, Anna (Bemis) Fiske 23 Hopestill 23 Lucy 18 Mary (Stone) 18 Thomas 18 Benton, Abigail (Livermore) 182 Abner 182 Adaline L. 320, 416 Albert L. 320 Alice E. 321 Alice L. 182, 321 Bertha P. 417 Betsey M. (Livermore) 103 Caroline 182, 320 Charles M. 182, 320 Charles W. 321 Curtis D. 182, 321 Curtis H. 321 Delia J. (James) 417 EUa M. (Merriman) 320 Florence A. 320, 416 Floyd W. 417 Frank O. 321 Frederick L. 321, 416 GUbert E. 321 Harris A. 182 Harvey 103 Martha A. 182, 321 Martha A. (Thompson) 321 Martin L. 182, 321 Mary E. 182 Myra M. 321 O. D. 103 Olive A. (Swazey) 321 Orlando 182 Winfield 182 Berkley, George 191 Jane E. (Adams) 191 Bernard, Clarissa A. 369 Betton, Roxanna 230 Betts, Elvina (Fuller) 152 Sidney 152 BidweU, Mary 1 14 Bigelow, Abigail 23, 28, 29 Abigail (BuUard) 28 Abijah 29 Abraham 19, 28, loi Alpheus 29, 227 Amos 28 Anna 28, 29 Anna (Fiske) 28 Asa 108 Bethiah (Newton) 27 Betsey 27 Converse 29 Elijah H. 227 Elizabeth 27 Elizabeth (Nurse) 27 Emma G. 227 Eunice 29 Eunice (Mixer) 227 George 227 George E. 227 Grace 19, 28 Grace M. 227 Grace S. (Livermore) 227 Hannah 29 Isaac 19, 28 Jacob 19, 28, 29 Jesse 28 John 28 Joseph 28 Josiah 19, 29 Laurinda 109 Louisa (Train) loi Lydia 29 Martha M. (Mansfield) lOI Mary 14, 19, 27, 29, 92, 136 Mary (Flagg) 19 Mary (Harrington) 29 Mary (Livermore) 19, 34, 108 Mehitable 27 Mercv 39 Phebe (Rand) 92 Rebecca (Richardson) 108 Rhoda 29 Samuel 19, 28, 29, 92 Sarah 19, 27, 29, 34 Susanna 29 Susanna (Mead) 28, 29 Thankful 27 Thomas 19, 27, 29, 34 Uriah 19, 27, 29 WiUiam 29, 108 WUliam P. loi Winthrop 109 Bingham, Anna 314 Bird, Bessie I. 413 Bird, John T. 413 Mary E. 413 Mary (Livermore) 413 MoUie 293 Birdsall, Alice G. L. 425 Benjamin L. 424 Charles B. 425 Clara E. 425 Derrick L. 425 Louisa E. (Livermore) 424 Ralph J. 425 Robert L. 425 Biscoe, Sarah 16 Bishop, Anna A. 282, 397 Charlotte C. (Brougham) 396 Curtis L. 282, 396 Ellen M. (Kennedy) 396 Emma D. 282, 397 Emma G. 396 Francis M. 282, 396 Helena A. 396 John B. 396 Lewis D. 282 Lottie S. 396 Louis H. 396 Lucius N. 282, 396 Martin A. 282 Mary F. 396 Olive L. (Matthews) 396 Ruth E. (Wade) 396 Semantha J. (livermore) 281, 282 WUbur F. 396 Black, Dugald 95 Violet (Livermore) 95 Blake, Diantha (livermore) 161 EUzabeth G. (Dart) 315 George W. 315 Joel N. 161 Sarah 315 Blanchard, BeUe 355 Blethen, Alonzo C. 281 Frances 281 Mabel L. (Livermore) 281 Bliss, Joseph 144 Louisa 144 Martha 158 Nanc)^ (Cooke) 144 Block, Harry L. 265 Nannie B. (Livermore) 265 Blodgett, Adele J. (Sibley) 287 Dorcas 243 Henry 2S7 Blood, MiUy 222 Nancy 222 Index 439 Blood, Thomas 222 Bogle, Catherine 219 BoUes, Charles A. 180 Harriet E. (Kittredge) iSo Bolster, Eliza (Sibley) 49 Olney 49 Bond, Abigail i6 Catherine 54 Daniel 16 EUzabeth 16, 25 Ellen A. (Livermore) 314 Grace (CooUdge) 16 Hannah 16 Hannah (Bright) 54 Hannah (CooUdge) i6 Henry 16 J. ElUot 314 John 16, 136 Jonas i6, 54 Josiah 16 Luther 314 Marcus 112 Martha (Livermore) 136 Mary 17 Mary A. 268 Mary (Demon) 268 Mary J. 314 Samuel 268 Sarah 16 Sarah (Biscoe) i5 Sarah (Woodward) 17 Tirzah (StockweU) 112 WiUiam 16, 17 Bonney, Lydia 141 Lyman 289 MatUda M. 289 Miranda (WUson) 289 Booth, Phoebe E. 289 Bosworth, Anna 422 Boteler, Margaret 264 BothweU, EUza J. 188 Hugh H. 188 Letitia J. 188 Bottomly, Cornelia 191 Hannah J. 191 Hannah (livermore) 191 Lavina 191 Nancy A. 191 Samuel 107, 191 Sarah L. 107 Sarah (Livermore) 107 Boughton, Janette (Liver more) 167 Thomas B. 167 Bowen, Ephraim W. 125 Francis 245 Martha W. (Livermore) 125 Peter 125 Sylvia 125 Bowles, Benjamin F. 239 Hirametta 239 Bowman, Martha (Liver more) 91 Nathaniel 31 Ruth 31 Boyd, Charles N. 298 Myrtie A. (Livermore) 298 Boynes, Harriet (Livermore) Boynton, Martha E. 371 OUve (Barker) 371 Oliver W. 371 Boyse, Agnes R. 262 Brackett, Albert 123 Cephas 123 Cephas H. 123 David 45 Louisa T. (Pierce) 123 Lucy 123 Lucy (Livermore) 123 Martha A. 1 23 Mary A. (Stone) 123 Mary L. 123 Patty (Hurd) 45 Bradbury, Lucy A. 305 Bradford, EUzabeth H. 126, 127 John R. 126, 127 Phebe (Harrington) 126, 127 Bradley, EmUy 379 Brainard, Elizabeth 419 Bray, Ruth B. 319 Brewer, Benjamin H. 48 Elisha 75 Frances 75 Martha 75 Martha (Livermore) 75 Melinda (Livermore) 48 Nathaniel 75 Brewster, Abbie J. 310 Agnes J. 414 Catharine H. (Taylor) 309 Catharine L. 310 EUen M. 309 Emma A. (KeUey) 414 Frederick K. 414 George H. 310, 414 Henrietta 310 Henry S. 414 Mary C. 414 Mary L. 310 WUliam H. 309 Bridge, Anna 14 Anna (Danforth) 14 Hannah 14 Matthevp 14 Brierly, Benjamin 169 Sarah E. (Bancroft) 169 Briggs, George N. 238 George P. 238 Harriet (Hall) 238 Matilda 288 Sarah E. (Livermore) Le land 238 Brigham, Abigail 124 Barnabas 302 Ella 343 Elmina V. (Livermore) 342 Harry B. 342 Mary 302 Mary A. 302 Oliver S. 342 Sarah F. 124 Willard 124 Bright, AbigaU 54 Elizabeth 54 Francis 54 Hannah 54, 121, 122 Hannah (Smith) 122 Jonathan 54 Joseph 54, 122 Josiah 54 Lucretia 54 Mary 19, 21, 32 Mary (CooUdge) 21 Moses 54 Nancy 54 Nathaniel 21 Rachel (Livermore) 54 Sarah 54 Bristol, Abram 152 Alice (Pettit) 152 Broad, Mary A. 414 Brockway, Alice T. (Pick ford) 150 Ann E. 288 Brooks, Elmira 158 Joshua 158 Lydia 178 Sarah 158 Brougham, Anna A. (Bishop) 397 Charlotte C. 396 Jerod W. 397 Broughton, Araesta S. (White) 392 Henry W. 392 Jenny S. (Folsom) 392 John N. 392 Katherine F. 392 Nicholas 392 Paul F. 392 Philip F. 392 Brown, Abraham 53 Anna 53 Anna (Hamlin) 142 Clara 358 440 Livermore Family Brown, Cornelia (Liver more) 207 Daniel 142 Elizabeth 53, 54 Elizabeth (Livermore) 146 EUzabeth (Mairs) 153 Elizabeth (Simonds) 53 EUen B. 371 Florinda H. (Nye) 147 George 146 George L. 147 Hannah 36, 159, 160 Hannah (Flagg) 146 Hannah G. 260 Hannah (Pease) 36 Plarriet 153 Harriet E. 147 Henry N. 147 John C. J. 371 Jonathan 53, 153 Josephine M. 309 Josiah 146, 147 Mary 22, 53, 195 Mary E. (Colfin) 371 Mary (Livermore) 53 Mary M.' (Noyes) 147 Mehitable H. (Prout) 188 Melvina T. 188 Nancy 1 1 8 Nathaniel 53 Oliver 54 Phebe (Craig) 147 Ruth 53 Samuel 54 Samuel L. 146, 147 Sarah 53 WiUiam 36, 146, 188 WiUiam H. 207 Browne, Arthur 82 Jane 82 Mary (Cox) 82 Browning, Lucy 108 Bruce, Olivia A. 112 Smith 112 Bruffer, Julane 267 Brunner, Eliza 206 Bryant, Diana (Livermore) 95 Herman 387 Minnie C. 387 Viola J. (English) 387 William 95 Buckley, AbigaU 119 John W. 401 Phebe E. 401 Rachel E. (Underwood) 401 Rhoda 348 Bucknam, EUen I. 304 Seward 304 Buell, Levantia 288 Bulfinch, Nancy E. (Gee) 187 Warren 187 Bulin, Hannah 50 Bulkeley, Mary A. 428 Bullard, Abigail 28 Anna 18 Elizabeth (Livermore) 18 John H. 392 Jonathan 18 Lura A. M. 392 Moses 18 Sylvia (Newton) 392 Bunn, Carrie E. 407 Margaret E. (Lawson) 407 Nathan 407 Bunnell, Cora 300 Libbie 300 WUliam B. 300 Zipora E. (Livermore) 300 Burgess, Bertha E. 234 Charies G. 234 Florence E. (Livermore) 234 James C. 234 Susan A. P. 234 Burley, Mary A. (Liver more) Mclntire 354 Nelson 354 Burlingame, Anson 238 Edward L. 238 Gertrude 238 Jane C. (Livermore) 238 Walter A. 238 Burnham, Albert J. 306, 307 Alice I. (Smith) 306, 307 Henry J. 307 Laura A. 307 Sarah H. (Livermore) 307 Burt, Bethiah 52 Edmund 158 Hepzibah (Livermore) 158 Horace 158 Martha (Bliss) 158 Burton, Genoa M. 345 Busby, Sarah 13 Buss, Emily A. 377 Butler, Mary E. 174 Cadwell, Nancy 283 Cady, Correlli 404 Diana (Dickerson) 404 Ella E. 404 Paltie A. 310 Caldwell, Levi 96 Polly (Livermore) 96 Calkins, Lydia 1S4 CampbeU, Florence (Liver more) 293 Campbell, Henry 337 Henry K. 337 Malcolm 293 Robert L. 337 Sarah (Livermore) in Stella M. (Kingman) 337 William in Card, Charles 345 Detta (Livermore) 345 Martha 345 Cargill, Calista L. (Ban croft) 339 Cora A. (Sweet) 419 Edward B. 339 Elsie L. 419 George B. 339 George W. 419 Walter B. 339, 419 Carlisle, Marietta 313 Carpenter, Emily J. 159 Jane L. 275 Sarah E. 324 Carrick, EvaUne H. 411 Carroll, Asenath 307 Carruth, Bertha M. 384 Clara L. 384 Clara M. (Livermore) 384 Edwin E. 384 Edwin W. 384 Melinda 384 WUUam E. 384 Carter, Amos 181 Ann 181 Flora 422 Ida 418 Jennie (Gorton) 422 May 422 Polly (Stearns) 181 Russel 422 Sarah R. 422 Case, Carlton C. 411 Clara C. (Livermore) 411 Edith L. 411 Russell 411 Gate, Lulu A. 414 Lydia M. (Stevens) 414 Van Ness B. 414 Gates, Anna S. (Livermore) 176 Charles E. 176 CatUn, Estella 272 Sylvia 164 Chadbourne, D. Rand 319 James M. 319 Ruth B. (Bray) 319 ChadweU, Mary 263 Chamberlain, Catherine 172 Ida F. 250 Mary 267 ChamberUn, CarolineW. 391 Index 441 Chambers, Ada (Elliott) 429 Annie H. 380 Bertha 429 George M. 380 Henry P. 380 MatUda L. (Haven) 380 Thomas H. 380, 429 Champlin, Elisha P. 278 Sarah A. 27S Champney, Francis C. 222 Rebecca M. 222 Rebecca (MiUer) 222 Chapin, Mary 300 Chapman, Anna W. 238, 239 Clara (Temple) 239 Frederick H. 285 Henry 239 Mary A. (Livermore) 2S5 Noyes P. 285 Wealthy McK. 285 Chase, Betsey 75 Comfort (livermore) 100 Desire (Luce) 142 Elbert J. 355 Ezekiel 100 Joseph 100 Lucy 76 Lura 142 May L. (KeUogg) 355 Mercy (livermore) 100 PoUy 362 Roxanna A. 295 Thomas 142 Chauncy, Anna 198 ChUd, Abijah 77 Almira 309 Almira (Rice) 309 Amos 77 Beulah (Harrington) 77 Elisha 309 Ellen 309 Ephraim 77 Grace (Bemis) 23 Joshua 23 Lydia 77 Lydia (Livermore) 77 PoUy 77 William 77 ChUds, Eunice M. (FuUer) 137 Harriet (Livermore) 137 Helen 340 Lucy (Mason) 56 Prentice 137 Samuel 56 WUliam P. 137 ChUson, Elizabeth 405 Choate, Eliza B. 253 Elizabeth (Dyer) 253 Isaac 253 Churchill, Anna E. 344 Sophia 349 Theodosia 344 ClafUn, Eunice 122 George W. 229 Lois 123 Lois (Parker) 122, 123 Martha 228 Martha K. 228 Mary F. (Learned) 229 Samson 122, 123, 228 Clark, Annis E. (Potter) Anson 346 Betsey (Livermore) 92 Cabot M. 150 Catherine H. (Whitney) 235 Cora (BunneU) 300 Edward 235 Ellen M. 235 Ellen R. 208 Emery Z. (Livermore) 1 50 Emma B. 404 George S. 346 Gertrude L. 318 Harriet A. (Steams) 318 Hattie E. 413 Jerry 289 Jessie (Livermore) 289 Lucinda S. 265 Mary (Oliver) 404 Raymond S. 318 Sophia 265 Sumner H. 318 William 265 WUmot 404 Clarke, Amanda 117 Angeline T. 248 Caroline 353 Charlotte (Aldrich) 239 Clarissa C. 117 EUzabeth 78 Hannah 81 Hannah (Cutting) 81 Harriet L. 239 John 81 Selucia 212 Wedworth W. 239 Cleveland, Angeline T. 248 Cline, Abbie E. (Livermore) 422 Almon D. 422 Arlonine 422 Carlton 422 Clinton, Anna A. (Bishop) Brougham 397 Grace R. 397 Lyman D. 397 Morris D. 397 Cobb, Eliza 167 Coburn, Elisha 80 John 79, 80 Jonas 80 Sarah (Livermore) 79 Thomas 80 Codman, Arthur A. 378 Henry 378 Mary E. (Belknap) 378 Cofiin, Emeline F. 232 Hephzibah (Swain) 232 Jared 232 Mary E. 371 Cogswell, Hannah 96 Colby, Sibyl A. 126 Collins, Betsey 196 Flavins J. 218 Harriet (Shepherd) 218 Ida R. 218 James T. 218 Josephine T. (Osgood) 218 Newton M. 218 Polly (Livermore) 218 Thaddeus 218 Colt, Helen A. 329 Comins, Louisa A. (Sibley) 196 Thomas 196 Comstock, Adaline 420 Betsey 103 H. R. 266 Harriet R. 266 Hattie E. 266 Rosa A. 147 Ruth 112 Conant, Hulda (Hobart) 180 John 180 Sarah (Livermore) Kitt redge 180 Cone, Cyrus L. 267 Julane (Bruffer) 267 Marion J. 267 Sophia P. (Livermore) Jackson 267 Conger, Blanche (Cook) 342 Cornelia M. 342 Daniel 207, 342 DeWitt 342 Elijah 207 EUa (Cooper) 342 Keoka (Smith) 342 Melinda (Livermore) 207 Melissa (Marsh) 341 Mortimer L. 207, 341 PoUy (Jaynes) 342 Zayda 341 Conkey, Blanche A. (Mos crip) 389 Carrie L. 389 442 Livermore Family Conkey, John F. 389 Mary E. 389 Robert M. 389 Converse, CaroUne (Turner) 334. 433 Dexter 334, 433 Rebecca A. 334, 433 Cook, Andrew S. 205 Anna (Chauncey) 198 Anna M. 395 Benj. F. 123 Blanche 342 Clara (Livermore) 96 EUen L. 397 Frank C. 205 Fred E. 205 Horace 198 Joseph 96 Lavinia 205 Lyman 166 Mabel F. 205 Mary A. (Gleason) 166 Mary C. 198 Mary L. (Brackett) 123 Miriam A. (Livermore) 205 Susy (Livermore) 90 Cooke, Nancy 144 Cooley, Mary 201 CooUdge, Abigail 12 Daniel 13, 17 David 55 Elizabeth 12, 13, 17 Grace 12, 16 Hannah 12, 16 Hannah (Livermore) 12 Hepzibah 55 John II, 12, 17, 20 Jonas 17 Jonathan 12 Louisa 318 Mary 12, 20, 21, 365 Mary (Bond) 17 Mary (Mixer) 55 Mary (WeUington) Mad- dock) 20 Nathaniel 17 Richard 12, 17 Samuel 17 Sarah 12, 13, 17 Susanna 17 Thaddeus 17 William 17 Coon, Abigail W. 348 Arlonine E. 349 Cooper, EUa 342 John 31 Lydia 33 Mary (Sherman) 31 Corbett, Eunice (Hix) 207 Corbett, Lydia W. 207 PhiUp 207 Corby, Lovina A. 159 Cormick, Adaline (Liver more) 103 David 103 Correll, Mary A. 360 Sarah J. 360 Cortright, Betsey (Liver more) 147 Edward 147 James 147 Nancy M. (Livermore) 147 Coryell, Augusta (MiUs) 272 Henry 272 Cotting, Hepzibah (Grant) 121 Timothy 121 Couch, Lucy 404 Cowin, Julia 210 Cox, John B. 419 John T. 419 Lillian C. (Sturdy) 419 Mary 82 Coy, Bela A. 326, 327 Charles C. 326, 418 Charles L. 418 Cora M. (Parker) 418 Daisy M. 418 Debbie I. 326, 417 Delette R. (Crandall) 326 DeU 326, 418 Florence I. 418 Frank 418 Helen D. 418 Ida (Carter) 418 Joe 418 John F. 326, 418 Margaret (Horan) 418 Marie 418 Mary D. 326 Maud F. 418 Nelson 326 Rachel 418 Walter 418 Craig, Phebe 147 Crain, Betsey A. 208 Crandall, Beth 329 Cenah H. (Pettit) 186 Chades H. 186 Charles T. 328, 418 Deborah 186 Delette R. 186, 326 Edith M. 328 Elizabeth (Bale) 329 Eve 328 Frank 327 Gwendoline 329 Harry B. 327 Crandall, Harry F. 327 Helen L. 328 Imerta A. i85 James I'. 186, 327 Joan 329 John N. 328 Joseph A. 187 Louisa F. 186, 328 Lulu B. 187 Lysander E. 186, 327 Mamie (Stoat) 327 Margie 329 Marietta (Ames) 327 Martha E. (Slough) 418 Mary (Livermore) 186 Mary T. 186 MUdred 329 Myrta R. 328 Nellie A. 327 Nelson 186 Netta 327 Paul R. 419 Phidelia 186 Samuel N. 186, 329 Sarah A. (Partee) 327 Scott 327 Susannah 209 Tacy (Tanner) i86 Walter M. 186 WUUam 186, 329 Crane, Julia 183 Crause, EUzabeth 273 Crawford, EUza 163 Crisler, John 218 Martin 218 Mary E. 218, 356 Polly (Frank) 218 Ruth (Livermore) 218 Crosby, Sarali M. 196 Cross, Lucinda B. 286 CroweU, Martha 149 Crozier, Mary E. 361 Grumpier, Martha J. 201 Cummings, Abby L. 330 Grace W. 330 Horace L. 330 Polly 185 Cunningham, Sarah B. 129 Curran, Mary L. 318 Currier, Eliza 175 Curtis, Betsey (Livermore) 96 Caroline (Smith) 171 Emma 171 Ezra 96 Luther 171 ¦ Mary 171 Cushman, Cynthia (Adams) "5 Daniel 115 Index 443 Cutler, Addie 415 Amelia 384 George 384 Nettie S. 384 Cutting, Alfred L. 309 George W. 309 Hannah 81, 176 Josephine M. (Brown) 309 May C. (Livermore) 309 Richard 36 Thankful 36 Daggett, Byron E. 177 Fanny B. (Livermore) White 177 Danforth, Anna 14 Susan C. 235 Daniels, Aberdeen 371 George 372 Lemira B. 202 Ruth 43 Sarah E. 371 Darley, Laura R. 247 Darling, Joshua 191 Roxalana 191 Dart, EUzabeth- G. 315 Dascomb, AbigaU A. (Liv ermore) 244 Calvin 244 EUphalet P. 244 Rachel 244 Davidson, MatUda 303 Davis, Addison 125 AUce M. 425 Betsey in EUza 198 Lydia L. (Wood) 125 Mary A. (Livermore) 425 Mary E. 291 Rachel 19 Reuben 425 Dawson, Elizabeth 193 Day, Albert H. 296 EUza A. (Gleason) 296 FrankUn E. 296 George A. 296 Henry S. 296 Jennie A. 296 JennieM. (Belden) 296 Joseph 32 Minnie E. 296 PriscUla (Livermore) 32 Simeon S. 296 Dean, Alice F. 415 Arthur 415 Laura E. (Fay) 415 Leon A. 415 Lewis H. 415 Dearborn, Susan E. 229 De Festetics, Dwight L. H. 429 De Festetics, Elsie C. H. 429 Elsie T. (Haven) 429 Gyula 429 De Lany, Lydia B. 388 Delany, Mary M. 279 Demon, Mary 268 Derby, Caroline M. (Ab bott) 261 George 261 Devilbliss, C. 430 Minerva L. 430 Dexter, Alvin 231 Mai-y 231 Mary A. 231 Dickerson, Diana 404 Dickinson, Carrie L. 311 Frank E. 312 Jeannie A. (Taylor) 311 Joseph L. 311 Louis A. 311 Mabel 312 Ruby 312 WUlis W. 312 Dickson, Charles 362 Louisa F. 362 Rebecca F. R. (MUls) 362 Dillingham, Allina M. (Liv ermore) 249 Leonard P. 249 Pitt 249 Dix, Abigail (Livermore) 79 Henry B. 79 Jane 33 Joel 79 Jonas 23, 78, 79 Lydia (Bemis) 23, 79 Martha (Wellington) 79 Mary 78, 79 Dodd, Jane 160 Dodge, Betsey R. (Liver more) 174 Clara 213 Frank B. 174 Izette B. 174 Donelson, Andrew J. 420 Eliza M. (Howard) 419, 420 Fidelia H. 420 Naomi K. 420 Sarah (Nelson) 420 Thomas P. 420 Doolittle, Eliza H. 182 Jedidah 182 Uri 182 Doubleday, Elisha 1 1 1 Julia (Livermore) Whip ple in Douglass, Elizabeth 142 EUen P. (Goudy) 320 Douglass, Forest 320 Frederick M. 407 Josie C. 407 Lillie J. (Livermore) 407 Dow, Dorothy 148 Downing, Learned 243 Lucinda 243 Susan E. 243 Dowse, George S. 123 Martha A. (Brackett) 123 Draper, Albert L. 205 John W. 205 Lavinia (Cook) 205 Minnie B. (Livermore) 205 Drown, Marian (Keely) 368 Mary A. B. 368 Simeon 368 Drum, Hattie 183 Dudley, AbigaU (Hotch kins) 159 Jane M. 159 Johanna 266 Lyman 159 Dunbar, Addie M. (Pratt) 121 Eben 121 Mae I. 314 Duncan, Adaline 178 Eliza A. 201 Duncklee, Betsey 232 Betsey P. (Woodbury) 232 Joseph 232 Dunes, Emma A. 427 Dunham, Asenath 277 Dunk, Ellen F. (Livermore) 224 Thomas J. E. 224 Dunlap, Jane 35 Dunn, James C. 128 Dunton, Beulah (Liver more) 26 Levi 26 Dutton, Hester R. 331 Dwight, Elijah 46 Orpha 189 Sophia 374 Dyer, Elizabeth 253 Jeremiah 55 Lucy (Livermore) Huse 55 Eads, Cornelia 197 Eagles, Daniel W. 317 EUen A. (Stearns) 317 EvaE. 318 Florence G. 318 Howard A. 318 Nettie L. 318 Earle, Mary 96 444 Livermore Family Eastwood, Charles K. 337 Eric K. 338 Sidney K. 338 Helen E. (Kingman) 337 Margaret J. (Johnston) 337 Sidney S. 337 Eaton, Clarissa (KimbaU) 74 Joshua 22 Lydia 22 Lydia (Livermore) 22 Mary 212 Rebecca 22 Samuel 22 Eddy, Ebenezer 49 Ruth 49, 106 Ruth (Ward) 49 Sarah 45 Edminster, EUzabeth 291 Eells, Helen L. 377, 378 Eels, Mary 250 Eggleston, Sibyl 150 Eldredge, Almira (Liver more) Smith 155 Storrs 155 EUenwood, Rebecca (Ben jamin) Livermore 30 Sarah 139 Thomas 30 Elliott, Ada 429 Caroline A. 420 LueU W. 347 Mary E. (Potter) 347 Ellis, Amelia A. 270 SteUa (Hanna) 272 Thaddeus 272 Warren 270 Elton, Lucy 23 Ely, Charlotte L. 330 Elizabeth (Gilmore) 330 Lucius 330 Emerson, Fannie B. 313 George E. 313 George W. 312 Martha A. (Livermore 312 Theodosia 377 Emery, Ellen V. 253 Jennette (Loring) 253 Sarah J. 253 Sarah (Stowell) 253 Stephen 253 English, Albert E. 388 Analdo M. 271 Aurabelle G. (Gardiner; 271 Delah (Hariow) 387 Elvia B. 271, 3S7 EmUy (Livermore) 271 English, Ernest A. 271 Euler F. 271, 387 Inelah M. 271, 387 Jessie J. 271 Lena A. 271, 388 Mary E. 388 Minette C. 271 Nathan F. 271, 388 Oral D. 27 1 Viola J. 271, 387 Estes, CorneUa (Eads) 197 Fannie 197 Jeptha D. 197 Evans, Katharine 356 Persis W. 120 Sarah 51 Eveleth, Elizabeth 113 Ewing, Calista (Livermore) 168 Luther B. 168 Fabyan, Emma F. 308 Mary S. (Howe) 308 Samuel 308 Fairbairn, Guy 190 Louis 190 Lulu J. (Vance) 190 Fairbanks, Clarissa A. (Pot ter) 346 Levi R. 346 Fancher, Calista A. (Liver more) 294 Charles E. 295 George W. 294 Jennie M. 295 Lena B. 295 Leon L. 295 Sophia J. 295 Farnham, Alice A. 352 Farnsworth, Asenath (Wa ters) 156 Joseph 156 Margaret B. (Longley) 223 Samuel 223 Sophia 156 Farr, Winona 382 Farrar, Elizabeth L. (Up ham) 199 Henry 199 Fanvell, Abbie 177 Abigail G. (Taylor) 177 John V. 177 Faulkner, Ruth 306 Faxon, Catharine (Cham berlain) 172 Hannah W. 228 James 172 Martha (Adams) 228 Susan 172 William 2 28 Fay, Adaline E. (Liver more) 178 Adaline J. (Livermore) 313 Addie (Cutler) 415 Alice M. 314 Anna (Bingham) 314 Catherine 381 Clara S. (Hyland) 415 Edward H. 381 Elizabeth L. (Pickman) 381 Enos G. 415 Fred. 178 Frederick H. 313, 415 George H. 314 Gerould E. 313 Gertrude (HinsdeU) 314 Harvey G. 314 Herbert E. 314, 415 Julia E. 415 Laura E. 314, 415 Lucy A. 415 Mae I. (Dunbar) 314 Martin K. 314 Mary (Halpin) 314 Oscar H. 314 Paul E. 415 Richard S. 381 Sarah L. (Abbott) 381 Walter M. 314 WiUiam P. 381 Felton, Benjamin 97 Joanna 36 MiUey (livermore) 97 Fenkin, Catherine M. 376 Fenner, Ada I. 399 Adeline (Livermore) 283, 292 Ann E. 284, 292 •" Charles 2S4 Charles H. 399 Frederick 284, 399 George L. 283 George W. 399 Hattie A. (Van Horn) 399 Leander 284 Lillie A. 399 Mary B. 399 Rebecca 163, 284 WiUiam 283, 292 Ferguson, Amy E. 426 Clara (Rolf) 426 EUzabeth W. 204 Margaret (Stowell) 204 Selden K. 204 Thomas T. 426 Fick, Maria 391 Field, Phebe 178 Inde. 445 Fields, Olive S. 174 Fifield, George W. 320 Sarah L. 320 Sarah (Morrill) 320 Finn, Florence A. (Benton) 416 James C. 416 John C. 416 Firman, Mary F. 268 Fish, Clara P. (Livermore) 375 Erland F. 375 Frederick 13S Frederick L. 375 Frederick P. 375 Margaret A. 375 Mary J. (Perry) 375 Mary (Livermore) 13S Fisher, Anna 230 Anna J. 230 Austin W. 370 Benjamin F. 123 CaroUne L. 230 Clarissa A. (Bernard) 369 EUza B. 230 EUen M. 230 George 122, 229, 230 George W. 230 Gertmde I. 370 Hannah C. (Teele) 229 Harriet E. 230 Jabez 122, 230 Jabez F. 230, 369 Jabez W. 370 Lizzie L. 230 Lucy B. (Hosmer) 230 Lydia S. 323 Mary L. 230, 369 Oliver 123 Roxanna (Betton) 230 Sarah 122 Sarah C. 230 Sarah L. 122, 230 Sarah (Livermore) 122 Fisk, Dyanthia (Livermore) 95 Hepzibah 18 Fiske, AbigaU (White) 135 Abijah L. 135 Anna 28 Anna (Bemis) 23 Anna M. 135 Daniel 17 Elijah 13s Elizabeth 17, 35 Francis 135 Grace 17 Hannah 17 Henry 17 Josiah 17 Fiske, Luke 135 Lydia 135 Lydia (Livermore) 135 Nathan 17 Samuel 17, 23, 135 Sarah 17 Sarah (Coolidge) 17 Sarah J. 135 Sarah (Livermore) 135 Fitch, Arthur 272 Betsey J. 393 Lois (Babcock) 211 Maud (Hanna) 272 Nancy (Blood) 222 Patten 211 Tacy B. 211 Fitts, Chloe (White) ni Daniel n i Diantha 112 Elisha L. n 2 Emeline 112 Lorinda 112 Fitts, Lydia (Livermore) III Martha 168 Sarah (Merriam) 168 Tirzah 112 Walter 168 Flagg, Hannah 146 Mary 19, 39 Flanders, Sarah 172 Fletcher, Mercy 260 Flint, John 93 Mary 93 Flower, Clara A. (Howard) 420 EsteUe H. 420 Florence 420 James 420 Minerva (Scott) 420 Richard 420 Floyd, AUce (Taylor) 310 Clara S. 329 Cyrus 329 Sophronia A. (Anderson) 329 WUUam B. 310 FoUett, 191 Folsom, Benjamin 273 Caroline (MaUory) 273 Eva L. 279 Florence (Maclem) 279 George F. 279 Grosvenor 279 Helen S. F. (Livermore) 279 Jenny S. 279, 392 Lucinda 273 Martha (Foster) 279 Mary M. (Delany) 279 Fol.^om, Mary O. 279, 392 Paul F. 279 Raymond 273 Rebecca (Raymond) 273 Sarah H. 279 Titus P. 279 Foot, Frederick 341 Zayda (Conger) 341 Forbes, Plarriet E. 410 Ford, Arthur L. 264 Edward L. 264 James IC. 264 James L. 264 Louisa (Livermore) 264 Mary K. 264 Foresman, Eddy 326 Eliza J. (Livermore) 326 Elvira L. 326 Louie B. 326 Nellie M. 326 Robert 326 Sally 326 Fort, Kate M. (Livermore) 194 John H. 194 William M. 194 Foskit, Dwight 149 Lorin F. 149 Nancy 149 Sophia (Livermore) 149 Foster, Ai E. 353 Clark O. 352 Dorothy 115 Edward H. 382 Edward R. 352 Edwin D. 352 Grace 353 Harry L. 353 Harvey A. 382 Ina A. (Livermore) 353 Louisa A. (Livermore) 352 Louise E. 352 Mabel 353 Martha 279 Mary F. (Montgomery) 382 Re. G. 352 Winona (Farr) 382 Fowler, Annie S. 380 Nancy M. 390 Frair, Alice A. 212 Frank, Polly 218 Frasier, Minnie G. 386 Frazine, Emily (Livermore) 210 Floyd 210 Henry 210 French, Agnes (Norval) 397 Anna (Seward) 282 446 Livertnore Family French, Ebenezer S. 282 EUzabeth 283, 398 Ellen L. (Cook) 397 Hepzibeth 283 Kit C. 283 Lucius 283, 397 Mary 283, 398 Mena E. (Keeler) 283 NeUie 398 OUve 283, 398 Orin 283 Freund, Mary E. (Belknap) Codman 378 Robert 378 Fulham [FuUam], Francis 14 Sarah (Livermore) 14 Fuller, Abijah 137 Annie 152 Betsey 220 Beulah C. 365 Cerulia (Tommis) 276 David A. 234 Derrick 119 Edwin 152 Elvina 152 Emmeline C. 234 Eunice M. 137 Eunice (Morse) 137 Frances C. 276 Grace M. 234 Helen S. 234 Jennie (Warren) 330 John 142, 276 John H. 234 John R. 152 Jotham 234 Lura (Chase) Livermore 142 Lydia A. 234, 370 Maggie (Shepard) 152 MarshaU 330 Martha M. (Wood) 233, 234 Mary (Livermore) 119 Mary (Pettit) 152 Robert 152 Samuel A. 234 Thomas S. 234 Gage, Milley 97 Galbraith, Elizabeth E. 243 John 243 Rachel 243 Gale, Elizabeth 27 Elmond 47 Louisa (Livermore) 47 Nehemiah 47 Rufus 47 Ruth (Marsh) 47 Galusha, Charles i-,. 389 Galusha, Helen M. (Weav er) 389 Jesse 389 LilUan E. 389 Maud 389 Reuben H. 389 Gamble, Alice (Livermore) 293 John W. 293 Orpha J. (Livermore) 354 Richmond R. 354 Ward 293 WUUam H. 354 Gardiner, Aurabelle G. 271 Benjamin 174 Betsey (Livermore) 174 Daniel 174 Deborah L. (Gee) 187 George 174 Henry R. 174 John 174 Lewis 174 Lydia 174 Mary A. (Gould) 174 Mary D. 174 Mary E. (Butler) 174 Minnie (Ready) 174 Nathan A. 187 Phebe 174 Gardner, Amanda 368 Arthur L. 427 Celinea 242 Charles A. 427 EUa C. 368 Jennie (Symmes) 427 Loring 368 Lucy F. 287 Mary C. 307 Garfield, Anna 39 Elisha 23 Lydia (Livermore) 24 Mary 34, 74 Mercy (Bigelow) 39 Samuel 24 Susanna (Bemis) 23 Thomas 39 Garner, Abbie B. 321 Albert T. 321 Alfred H. 321 Ethel J. 321 Louella D. 321 Martha A. (Benton) 321 Gates, Elizabeth 50 Louisa 191 Marina 184 Gaymon, Charles E. 407 Esther A. (Livermore) 407 Harold 407 RoUa H. 407 Gee, Charles B. 187 Deborah L. 187 Ella (Palmer) 187 Hiram B. 187 Jenny (Baldwin) 187 Lark A. 187 Margaret E. 187 Mary A. (Reynolds) 187 Nancy E. 187 Rachel J[. 187 Sally (Livermore) 187 Sarah R. 187 Thomas 187 Geer, Alice 408 Alta 408 Archie 408 Belva 408 , Lizzie (Livermore) 408 Warren 408 George, Lula 349 Susanna 19 Giffin, Alice M. (Livingston) 382 Anna (Page) 265 Anson 265 Charles H. 335 Cynthia 265 Eugene 382 Lucy G. (PeUett) 335 Mary M. 335 Gilbert, Clara 288 Margaret (Pike) 288 Mary 248 Royal 288 GUchrist, Catharine (McCol- lom) 275 James H. 275 Margaret 275 Giles, Benjamin 139 Eleazer 139 Nancy (WUUams) 139 Sally 171 Sarah (EUenwood) 139 GUlespie, Adam M. 398 Addie M. (Seward) 398 Charles S. 398 Edward C. 399 Homer F. 399 Loren Louis 399 Luella I. 399 Sadie E. 398 GUlett, Chester J. 394 Phena D. (Livermore) 394 GUmore, EUzabeth 330 Gilson, Annie L. 361 Henry R. 361 Isabella H. 361 John 361 John L. 361 Joshua 361 Index 447 GUson, Mary 361 Robert F. 361 Sarah E. (Livermore) 361 WiUiam J. 361 Gleason, Abigail (Stone) Livermore 24 Achsah 290 Adaline (Ray) 295 Allen 166 Alta E. 295 Benjamin 166 CaroUne 384 Caroline M. 383, 384 Carrie L. 295 Charies W. 295 David B. 384 Eliza A. 166, 296 EUzabeth 78 EUzabeth (Clarke) 78 Etta A. 295 Isaac 14, 78 Josiah 165, 295 Lydia (Livermore) 166 Martha (livermore) 14 Mary A. 166 Mason 166 Roxanna A. (Chase) 295 Samuel 24 Warren 166, 295 Glezen, Bell C. 405 Cleon B. 405 CUfford J. 405 Edith M. 405 Emeline F. (Livermore) 288 Emma B. (Clark) 404 Emmagene (Olds) 288 Frank E. 288, 404 Grace L. 405 James R. 288, 405 Jennie E. (LobdeU) 404 Lewis M. 288 LiUian 405 MarshaU M. 288 MatUda (Briggs) 288 Mattie A. (Jennings) 405 Morcena 288 RusseU L. 288 Sarah E. 288, 405 Glion, Catherine 279 Glover, PoUy (Terry) 79 Gloyne, Carra L. 391 Caroline W. (Chamber Un) 391 Louise (Livermore) 391 Nelly M. 391 Samuel 391 Goddard, Charles W. 243 Elbridge 243 Electa 177 Goddard, Joseph H. 243 Josiah 19 Mary (Bigelow) 19 Rachel (Davis) 19 Sarah L. 243 Sarah (Livermore) 243 Godding, Hannali 76 Goldthwait, Laura 169 Goodale, Lucy 100 Nancy 273 Goodenow, John 20 Mary (Livermore) 20 Goodwin, Almira J. 393 Carrie L. 393 I- F. 393 Nathaniel 33 Ruth (Livermore) 33 Gore, John 33 Jonathan 33 Lydia (Cooper) 33 Mary 33 Nathaniel 33 Sarah 33 Tabitha (Livennore) 33 Gorham, Celeste A. 385 Gorton, De Maur 343 Jennie 343, 422 Orlando 343 Sarah (Livermore) 343 Gottfredsen, Frederick 323 Jacob R. 323 Mary (Head) WeUes 323 Goudy, Abbie E. 320 Caroline (Benton) 320 Charles H. 320 EUen P. 320 John S. 320 Lucy A. 320 Mary A. 320 Thomas A. 320 WUliam C. 320 Gould, Mary A. 174 SaUy 98 Goulding, Mrs. 150 Gove, EUzabeth 136 Tabitha 127 Graham, Mary (Warren) 330 WUliam 330 Granger, Addison 213 Henry S. 286 Jane 286 Mary A. (Kingsley) 213 Nancy (Sutton) 286 Grant, Charles 121 Christopher 121 Hepzibah 121 Hepzibah (Livermore) 121, 225 Joshua 121, 225 Sarah 121 Grant, Sarah C. 121, 225 Graton, Alwin S. 393 Clara B. 392, 393 Louisa P. 393 Graves, Anna 42, 90 Betsey E. 249 Emily C. (Livermore) 178 Rebecca 213 Zebina K. 178 Gray, Abigail (Livermore) Keyes 80 Mary J. 424 Timothy 80 Green, Abigail 250 Albert C. 353 Anna (Livermore) no Ann E. no Annis 209 Caroline (Clarke) 353 Clayton C. 353 Edward J. 209 Izora A. (Livermore) 353 James no John no John M. 353 Sarah 47 Susannah (Crandall) 209 WiUiam B. 353 WiUiam E. 353 Greene, Edith M. 384 Edna F. 384 Edna R. 384 Frank P. 384 Hattie E. (Livermore) 384 Paschal L. 384 Greenwood, Mary (Liver more) 30 Susanna 112 Gregg, EUzabeth B. (Liv ermore) 260 Henry L. 260 Griffin, Maria A. 168 Griswold, Mahala A. (How lett) 241 Manfred M. 241 Mary H. 241 Sarah 147 Grosvenor, Adeline S. 156 Caroline M. 156 Daniel 156 Ebenezer O. 94, 156, 278 Elliott O. 278 Harriet 156, 279 Harriet (Wood) 278 Ira R. 156, 278 Irene 278 Mary A. 156 Mary A. (Livermore) 156 Sarah A. (Champlin) 278 Sarah (Wood) 278 448 Livermore Family Grosvenor, Winthrop 278 Grounds, Susan 366 Grout, Alice E. 387 Aimer 387 Arthur 387 Edward L. 109 EUzabeth 13 George F. 109 Hannah (Nye) 109 Herbert 387 Inelah M. (English) 387 Jeremiah 109 John 13 Mabel N. 387 Mary E. (Livermore) 109 Sarah (Busby) 13 WUUam A. 387 Guernsey, Sarah M. 284 GuUe, Helen 403 Louise (Livermore) 403 WUUam L. 403 Hagar, Abigail 39, 99 Benjamin 28 Dinah 23 Grace 28, 76 Grace (Bigelow) 28 Isaac 28 Jonathan 28 Joseph 28 Lydia 28, 120 Mary (Flagg) 39 Mehitable 18 Sarah (Benjamin) 28 Uriah 28 William 28, 39 Haight, La Belle 209 Marian (Livermore) 209 William 209 Hale, Elizabeth 115 Helen L. L. 421 Sylvia 125 HaU, Abigail (Slocum) 170 Almira (Prince) 313 Angenette 313 Anne H. 379 Betsey (Livermore) 107 Carrie L. 203 Clara D. 379 Cyrena 195 David 313 Dudley 379 Edmund T. 170 Electa S. 170 Eugene W. 203 Hannah B. 203 Harriet 238 John R. 203 Julia R. 203 Maria C. 203 Mary E. 203 Hall, Mary E. (Livermore) 203 Mary L. (StockweU) 112 Mehitable J. L. (Haven) 379 Sadie B. 203 Halpin, Mary 314 Halstead, Amos E. 394 Edith H. (Wolf) 394 George E. 394 HamUton, Adele W. (Liv ermore) 338 Alexander 338 Alma E. 338 Anne A. W. 338 Charlotte M. 338 Esther L. 338 Hamlin, Adaline 253 Augustus C. 253 Anna 142 Anna (Livermore) 141 Charles 255 Cyrus 141, 142, 255 Eleazer 141 Elijah L. 142, 253 Eliza 142 Eliza B. (Choate) 253 Ellen V. (Emery) 253 Frank 255 George E. 255 Hannah L. 142 Hannibal 3, 142, 253 Hannibal E. 255 Julia 253 Lydia (Bonney) 141 Sarah J. 255 Sarah J. (Emery) 253 Vesta 142 Hammond, Calvin 288 Elizabeth 79 Elizabeth (Kendrick) 79 Elizabeth (Prentice) 79 Elizabeth (Saxton) 288 Joshua 79 Martha A. 231 Mary (Livermore) 79 Rebecca 90, 97 Sarah E. 2S8 William 79 Hampton, Cora 299 Hanaiord, Martha 175 Hancock, Clara L. (Living ston) 382 John E. 382 Handly, Emeline E. 158 Hanna, Adelbert 272 Edward 272 Ernest 272 EsteUa (Catlin) 272 Frederick 272 Hanna, George I. 272 Jane (Raymond) 272 Mary (MiUs) 272 Maud 272 Stella 272 William 272 Hardwood, Alice 406 Hardy, Lucy (Livermore) 39 Rufus 39 Harlow, Delah 387 Harpole, Charles H. 359 Cleveland V. 359 Fannie L. 359 Lenia M. 359 Lot L. 359 Marion DeK. 359 Mary A. (Livermore) 359 Mary E. 359 Nancy E. 359 Paul O. 359 Sarah E. 359 William M. 359 Harrell, Alfred 324 Louisa A. (Ward) 324 MoUie 324 Harrington, Abiel (Parker) 36 Abigail 19 AbigaU (Bigelow) 23 AbigaU (Steams) 29 Abijah 25 Anna 19 Benjamin 23 Beulah 77 Daniel 15, 36 Elizabeth 19 EUzabeth (Bond) 25 George 36 Grace 19 Grace (Hagar) 76 Grace (Livermore) 19 Hannah 36 Jonas 25, 29 Jonathan 76 Lydia 76 Mary 23, 29, 32 Phebe 126 Prudence 19 Robert 19 Samuel 19 Sarah 15 Sarah (Livermore) 25 Sarah (Whitney) 15 Susanna (George) 19 Thankful 23, 36, 44 Harris, Betsey J. (Fitch) 393 David C. 393 Martha A. 302 Mehitable 143 Index 449 Harris, Mehitable (Rogers) 143 Robert 143 SteUa G. 393 Susan 246 Harrison, I. E. T. 409 J. M. 409 Hartford, John 91 Mary (Livermore) 91 Harthan, Sarah J. 277 Hartman, CarroU S. 273 Emma (Bames) 273 HartweU, Carrie A. 280 Hannah 280 Joseph 280 Harwood, Abel 76 Nancy 76 Nancy (Livermore) 76 Otis 76 Haskell, EUa N. 408 Mattie 113 Hastings, Alphonzo W. 124 Annie P. 236 Arabella L. (Lunt) 124 Charles 126 Edward H. 232 Elisha 51 Elizabeth 38, 97 Elsy (Shaw) 51 EmeUne F. (Coffin) 232 Fanny A. 235 Fanny L. 126, 236 Francina A. 124 Francis B. 235 George N. 232 George S. 236 George W. 126, 236 Grace (Livermore) 22 Harriet (HoUand) 232 Henry B. 232 Jemsha A. (Randall) 236 John 38 Joseph 126 Joseph H. 235 Joseph O. 236 Leander N. 124 Louisa H. (Smith) 236 Louisa (Meyers) 236 Lucy A. 235 Lydia (Nelson) 123 Martha (Livermore) 123 Martha R. 124, 232 Mary F. 124 MeUnda (Livermore) 126 Mercy (Ward) 38 Miriam 51 Nathaniel W. 126, 235 Rachel (Livermore) 51 Samuel 123 Sarah 124 Hastings, Sarah M. 236 Susan 235 Susan C. (Danforth) 235 Thomas 123 Thomas N. 124, 232 WaitstiU 51 WUUam 235 WUliam F. 232 WUUam N. 1 26 Hatch, Lydia no Hatfield, Betsey (Lee) 197 Jonathan 197 Susan 197 Haven, Albert 380 Anne S. 259, 378 BeUe 380 Caroline B. 379 CaroUne L. 259, 378 Clarissa 260 Edward St. L. L. 259 Eliza H. 259 Elsie T. 379, 429 Emily (Bradley) Neal 379 Frances A. 260 Helen E. 260 Helen T. 260 Louis G. 379 Margaret (Marshall) 259 Mary E. 379 MatUda L. 260, 380 Mehitable J. L. 260, 379 Mehitable J. (Livermore) 259 Nathaniel 380 Nathaniel A. 260, 379 Sallie P. 380 Sallie (Perkins) 379 Samuel 259 Samuel L. 260, 379 Thomas 259 Hawes, Adelphia U. (Liv ermore) 270 George A. 270 Hayes, Charles J. 288 EUzabeth T. 180 Mary R. (Howland) 288 Hazeltine, Albert 349 Annis E. 349 Cora E. 349 EUa J. 349 Fred. L. 349 Jesse 349 Lois A. (Livermore) 349 Lula (George) 349 Hazen, Jacob P. 365 Kate E. (Bancroft) 365 PriscUla 32 Plead, AdeUa M. 183 Alice A. 184 Amelia E. (Munson) 183 Head, Annie M. (Newcomer) 183 Bertha B. 417 Bertha E. 322 Clara A. 183, 322 Clarence E. 417 Cyrus 104 Daniel 104, 183 Daniel O. 322 Dot E. 184 Eliza H. (Doolittle) 182 Emma G. 184 Eugene R. 322, 417 Florence A. 184, 323 Frances M. 322 Frank G. 183 Frederic S. 322 George D. 182, 322 George W. 104, 183 Gladys M. 183 Harriet 184 Harvey 104 Hattie (Drum) 183 Helen F. 184 Henry E. 322 Hepsibeth (Livermore) 103 Ida B. 322 Jenny L. 184,323 John Q. 184 Jonathan 103 Jonathan E. 104 Jonathan L. 182 Julia (Crane) 183 Kittie D. 322, 417 Lysander 104 Mary 184, 323 Mary E. 182, 322 Mary E. (Sexton) 322 Mary J. (Tradewell) 184 Mary S. (Raymond) 184 Medora 184 MUdred R. (Lewis) 417 Miranda 104, 182 Orren W. 104, 183 Orson S. 104, 184 Ralph 104, 182 Ruth (Little) 103 Sarah C. (Bartlett) 183,184 Sarah E. 184 Sarah M. 104, 184 William J. 184 Heilig, Charles E. 427 Emma A. (Dunes) 427 Lucy 427 Hemme, Ella (Taylor) 310 WiUiam 310 Henderson, Albert D. 233 Gertrude W. (Livermore) 450 Livermore Fatnily Henderson, H. Albert 233 Hannah M. 233 MUdred 233 Henshaw, Adelaide L. 193, 332 Ann J. L. 193 Bertha W. 332 Daniel 193 Daniel W. 332 Diantha (Livermore) 193 Elise C. 332 Ella M. (Stevens) 332 Ethridge G. 193 Frederick E. 193, 332 Helen E. 193, 332 Irma F. 332 Mary J. 193 Raymond S. 332 Herriman, Mary (Liver more) 1 54 Norman 154 Hewin, Eunice (Livermore) 148 WUlard 148 Hewitt, Elvira L. (Fores man) 326 Henry 326 Heywood, Gratia 154 Higgins, Elbridge 237 Frances H. 237 Frank E. 237 Georgianna M. 237 Lucy 43 Mary E. 237 Mary J. (Livermore) 237 HUdreth, Melissa 363 Sarah 74 Hill, Amos 127 Catherine M. (Fenkin) 376 Clara G. 410 Elizabeth B. (Livermore) 127 Erma L. 410 Erwin L. 410 George 376 Lula M. 410 Margaret 127 Martha A. (Searles) 410 Mary E. 376 Timothy D. 127 Hills, Ella C. (Gardner) 368 HinsdeU, Gertrude 314 Hitchcock, Abel 52 AbigaU K. 52 Abigail (King) 52 Bethiah (Burt) 52 Elizabeth 52 Ezra 52 Gaius 52 Hitchcock, Hannah 52 Hannah (Livermore) 52 James B. 52 John 52 Joseph 52 Marsena 52 Persis 52 PoUy (MUler) 52 Rebecca 52 Sally (Winslow) 52 Seth 52 Hix, Eunice 207 Hobart, Hulda 180 Hobbs, George 196 Mary A. (Sibley) 196 > Richard 15 Sarah (Livermore) 15 Tabitha 42 Hobby, Mary M. 138 Hodge, Beatrice M. 390 Clara E. 390 Esther N. 390 Everett A. 390 Harvey A. 390 Ida M. (Baldwin) 390 Nancy M. (Fowler) 390 Hodgman, Almira E. 269 Hoffman, Estelle 206 Hogoboom, Helen 114 Mary (BidweU) 114 Nicholas 114 Perry 114 Rachel E. (Livermore) 114 Holbrook, Ebenezer 267 Mary 267 Mary (Chamberlain) 267 Holcomb, Sarah 203 Holden, Almond M. 223 Catherine B. 223 Catherine (Livermore) 223 Granville 223 Nathaniel 223 Holland, Ephiuim 232 George A. 203 Harriet 232 Harriet (Mead) 232 Jessie A. 203 Martha 203 HoUenbeck, Ellen 272 HoUingsworth, James 107 Seraph (Livermore) 107 Holman, Laura A. 136 Mary 136 Silas 136 Holmes, Alice L. 340 Alonzo 340 Helen (Childs) 340 Job 142 Holmes, Laura F. 317 Vesta (HamUn) 142 Homans, Sarah 378 Homer, Susan H. 261 Holt, Daniel 243 Dorcas 243 Dorcas (Abbot) 243 Hood, Amelia A. (Ellis) 270 Hoogs, Faith S. 227 Faith (Seavems) 227 George W. 227 Hooker, Hannah J. (Liver more) 267 Julius T. 267 Hooper, Ella E. (Lyon) 282 Robert E. 282 Hopkins, Lydia M. 149 Hopper, Sarah F. 361 Horan, Margaret 418 Horr, Adin J. 300 Ervin J. 300 James B. 299 Rebecca H. (Livermore) 299 Horton, Laura 405 Hosmer, Lucy B. 230 Hotaling, Minnie M. 291 Hotchkins, AbigaU 159 Houghton, Adaline (Com stock) 420 Clara F. 420 Effie H. 420 EsteUe (Howard) 420 George G. 420 Warren F. 420 Houk, Angeline 283 House, Alford 404 Lucy (Couch) 404 Sarah A. 404 Hovey, Alvah loi Augusta M. (Rice) loi Caroline M. (Grosvenor) 156 Eunice 127 Horace M. 156 Phineas B. 127 How, Ruth 44 Howard, Adelia 294 Alexander 294 Amelia 294 Amelia (Howard) 294 Anna 4S Barnard 76 Bertha R. 294, 408 Clara A. 340, 420 EUza M. 340, 419 EUza (Stuart) 340 Ella N. (HaskeU) 408 Estelle 340, 420 Eugene R. 294 Index 4SI Howard, Fanny i68 Fidelia (Livermore) 340 FrankUn 315 Grace 408 Hannah (Livermore) 76 Horace L. 408 Hugh H. 408 Juliet (Livermore) 294 Mary 48, 315 Mary A. 315 Nathaniel 340 Newell L. 294, 408 Robert S. 340 Wilbur J. 294 H^owe, Abbie M. (Liver more) 364 Albert 233 Amy E. 364 Anna S. 294, 409 CaroUne (Keith) 233 Charles B. 294 Charles D. 364 Charles G. 364 Darius B. 294 Edwin J. 294 Frederick L. 364 Helen F. 233 James 100 Jonah 51 Lavinia 51 Lewis R. 364 Lucy (Goodale) 100 Marian G. 364 Mary A. (Livermore) 294 Mary S. 308 Nancy B. 364 Otis 100 Sally (Livermore) 100 Sarah 42 Sarali (Newton) 51 WiUiam 364 Howell, Carmon B. 236 Sarah M. (Hastings) 236 Howland, Abigail (Liver more) 287 Ann B. (Livermore) 284 Annie 407 Charles 284 Charles S. 288,_404 Clara 399 Edvrin G. 404 Ella E. (Cady) 404 George 284 George S. 287, 404 Herbert 404 Isaac 162, 398 Mary (French) 398 Mary R. 288, 404 Nellie A. 398, 432 Oresta 399, 407 Howland,Oresta (Howland) 399. 407 Orson 399, 407 Rachel A. (Livermore) 284 Sarah A. (House) 404 Stephen B. 287, 404 Susan 197 WiUiam T. 404 Howlett, Mahala A. 241 Hoyt, Catharine 172 Catharine (Livermore) 172 Francis 172 George E. 172 Sarah (Flanders) 172 Hubbard, Addie B. 315 Albert 314 Charles A. 314 Daniel 25 EUzabeth G. 263 Ezra L. 315 Frank K. 315 Hannah C. (Livermore) 314 Henry 263 Herbert 314 James 25 Martha (Livermore) 25 Mary (ChadweU) 263 Mehitabel 25, 349 Naomi 25 Nettie M. (Johnson) 314 Hughes, Agnes 375 Hume, Betsey (Davis) in Josiah 1 1 1 Mercy 1 1 1 Hungerford, Adaline (Sa vage) 293 Anna C. 293 Austin N. 293 Henry R. 293 Mary G. 293, 408 Newell 293 Sarah M. (Livermore) 293 Hunt, Alice M. (Rust) 299 Arabella F. 200 WUson G. 200 Hunter, Henry B. 139 Josephine (King) 139 Huntley, Dwight B. 185, 324 James 184 Louisa F. 324 Lydia (Calkins) 184 MoUie (Harrell) 324 Porter C. 184 Sarah M. (Head) 184 Huntress, Jacob S. 412 Laurana R. (Smith) 412 ViUa J. 412 Hurd, Abigail 45 Elizabeth 45 John 45 Joseph 45 Mary 45 Mary (Livermore) 45 Patty 45 Peter 45 Samuel 45 Sarah (Eddy) 45 WUliam 45 Hurlburt, Emma 213 Esther 290 George C. 388 Lena A. (English) 388 Susan E. 388 Hurry, Jane 338 Huse, Enoch 55 Lucy (Livermore) 55 Hutchins, Jane 187 Hyde, Amelia Ann (Liver more) 228 Ann 228 Daniel 228 Daniel W. 228 George 228 Joseph 20 Mary (Williams) 20 Susanna (Livermore) 20 Hyland, Clara S. 415 IngaUs, Henry 292 Inez (Livermore) 292 IngersoU, John B. 193 Mary J. (Henshaw) 193 Innes, Calista J. (Liver more) 285 Francis H. 285 IsbeU, Miriam 199 Jackson, Andrew F. 267 Anna L. 388 Clarissa P. (Livermore) 148 Daniel 90 George 177 H. H. 177 Hannah E. (Taylor) 177 Hattie 177 Mary 76, 90, 177 Matthew 90 Nellie 148 Phebe P. 267 Sophia P.(Livermore) 267 WUliam C. 267 WiUie 177 James, DeUa J. 417 Jarvis, Abigail A. 137 Nathaniel 137 Jaynes, PoUy 342 Jenks, MeUssa (StockweU) 452 Livermore Family Jenks, Spencer 112 Jennings, Henry 405 Martha A. (Pinckney) 405 Mattie A. 405 Jennison, Eliza E. 178 Hannah 53 Phebe (Field) 178 William 178 Johnson, Amanda H. 347 Edward 171 Eleanor 218 Elida (Sisson) 406 Elizabeth 406 Flossie M. 406 George H. 406 Mary A. (Livermore) 406 Mary (Jones) '171 Nettie M. 314 Phebe (Matherson) 406 Sarah S. 171 Semantha P. 346 William 406 Johnston, Margaret J. 337 Jones, Abigail 55 Albert 308 Aletia 267 Annie B. 308 E. B. 140 Elizabeth (Livermore) 42 Frances (WUUams) 140 Francis 42 Jacob 42 Jeremiah 140 Jesse 42 Mary 42, 171 Mary A. (Livermore) 308 Samuel 42 .Sarah (Taylor) 140 Tabitha (Hobbs) 42 Thankful 42 WUliam 55 WiUiam C. 308 Jourdan, Almira (Batchelor) 393 Ephraim H. 393 Myra A. 393 Kay, Elizabeth 150 Keating, Mary A. 244 Keeler, Mena E. 283 Keely, Marian 368 Keen, Augusta 240 John F. 240 Sarah (Longacre) 240 Keene, Caddie 174 Keith, CaroUne 233 KeUer, Esther 277 KeUey, Emma A. 414 Kellogg, Adelia L. 300 Emma C.( Livermore) 355 Experience 208 Kellogg, Lewis B. 355 May L. 355 Kelsey, John 118, 120 Lucinda 119, 120 Mary 118 Mary (Park) 118, 120 Kemp, Annie F. 375 Kendall, Albert E. 296 Alice J. 296 Clara P. 296 Elmer E. 296 Jane M. (Livermore) 296 Lee T. 296 Lyman 296 Merritt H. 296 Reca (Knizer) 296 Wilbur C. 297 WilUs L. 296 Kendrick, Elizabeth 79 Kennedy, Ann O. 122 Ella 179 EUen M. 396 John 122 Olivia 122 Kenney, Hiram in Persis (Livermore) in Ker, Anna (Livermore) 38 Keyes, Abigail 80 Abigail (Livermore) 80 Elizabeth 80 Ephraim 80 John 80 Lydia 80 Phebe 80 Rhoda 80 Sarah 80 Silas 80 Simon 80 Submit 80 Thomas 80 Kidder, Betsey 17S EUzabeth 80 Julia 176 Kimball, Aaron 74 Abby I. 249, 377 Abigail 32, 74, 139 Abigail (Raymond) 138 Anna L. 249, 376 Anna (Livermore) 138 Anne L. 376 Augusta M. (York) 249 Belle 249 Benjamin 32 Betsey E. (Graves) 249 Catherine 74 Clarissa 74 David L. 74 Delora (TarbeU) 376 Fannie M. 249 Frank B. 249 Kimball, Hannah 74 Isaac 138 John 138 John R. 249, 376 John T. 376 Jonathan B. 139, 249 Lydia 74 Lydia (Livermore) 74 Marion A. 249 Mary 74, 139 Mary E. 249, 376 Mary (Titcomb) 74 Moses T. 74 Nathaniel 74 PrisciUa H. 32 Samuel L. 138, 249 Sarah (Hildreljh) 74 Susanna (Smith) 74 Kimberly, Jane (Hutchins) 187 King, AbigaU 52 Abigail (Morgan) 139 Anna C. (Hungerford) 293 Benning 139 Ebenezer 25 Elizabeth 139, 250 George 139 Hannah 223 Henry L. 139 John 139 Joseph C. 165, 293 Josephine 139 Lydia (Livermore) 139 Mary 139 Mary A. (Livermore) 165, 293 Mary (livermore) 25 Mary W. 139, 250 Samuel 139 Kingman, Bessie 337 Charles M. 337 Clara E. (Molau) 336 EmUy L. 199 Helen E. 199, 337 Henry E. 337 John 199 John A. 337 John O. 337 Le Roy 337 Le Roy W. 199, 336 Maria 337 Maria (livermore) 199 Miriam 337 Miriam (IsbeU) 199 Oliver 337 Sarah A. (Morrell) 337 Stella M. 199, 337 WUliam L. 199, 337 Wyatt 337 Index 453 Kingsley, Barbara (Liver more) 212 Charles J. 213 Clara (Dodge) 213 Elbert O. 213 Elvia B. (EngUsh) 387 EmUy 387 Emma (Hurlburt) 213 Eveline 387 Joel 212 Manin L. 213 Mary A. 213 Merton G. 387 Sarah C. 213, 351 Susie B. 213 Theodore A. 387 Kinney, EUzabeth 140 Mary J. 401 Kinsman, Minnie P. 413 Kittredge, Alfred B. 3 1 7 Charies H. 317 Charles R. 317 Edward H. 317 Edwin L. 180 Fanny H. 317 Harriet E. 180 Helen M. 180 Herbert 180 Herbert W. 317 Laura F. (Holmes) 317 Mabel M. (Thatcher) 317 Mary 102 Mary J. 180 Mary L. 317 Mary L. (Kittredge) 317 RusseU D. 317 RusseU H. 180, 317 Sarah A. 180 Sarah (Livermore) 180 WUUam 180 Knizer, Reca 296 Knowlton, Charles G. 267 Jane (Shales) 267 Jennie S. 267 Kolb, AUce Louisa (Ben ton) Van Buskirk 321, 322 Carl L. 322 Harold O. 322 Minnie B. 322 Otto 322 Lackey, Grace 287 PoUy 98 Lacroix, Basil 370 Catharine A. 370 Marion (Leavitt) 370 Ladd, CaroUne A. (Elliott) 420 Fidelia H. (Donelson) 420 John W. 420 MatUda 291 Ladd, WUliam S. 420 Ladoo, Almira E. 389 Lamb, Henry 191 Mary (Rockwood) 191 Melissa (Livermore) Bax ter 48 Sally 96 Lamberson, Ella M. (Vance) 190 John D. 190 Raymond V. 190 Lamberton, Elmina 20S Langdon, Mary C. 246 Lapham, Addie B. (Hub bard) 315 Albert E. 315 Edmond 315 Larremore, Caroline E. (Livermore) 303 Josephine E. 303 Mabel O. 303 Mary E. 303 Richard L. 303 WUbur 303 Lathrop, Mary M. (Liver more) 1 50 WUUam 150 Lawrence, Benjamin F. 412 Clarissa 234 EUzabeth W. 222 Hannah 27 Hannah (Sheldon) 234 Hattie A. 412 Horace 234 Sarah C. 221 Susanna (Rand) 412 Lawson, Francis 289 Margaret E. 407 Phoebe E. 289 Phoebe E. (Booth) 289 Leach, Christopher 105 Eunice P. 185 Lucette (Livermore) 105 Learned, Adeline E. 225, 365 Ann (Sanger) 225 Annie G. 365 Carrie A. 365 Daniel 225 Daniel F. 225, 365 David 45 Ebenezer 45 Edvrard H. 229 Eliza J. 225 Emma N. (Seger) 365 Eunice (Livermore) 229 George S. 229- Harrie't L. 225, 365 Henry H. 229 LilUe J. 365 Learned, Lucy A. 225 Lucy (Livermore) 225 Lucy S. 365 Lydia (Trask) 229 Marion F. 365 Mary (Hurd) 45 Mary F. 229 Paul 225 Samuel S. 229 Susan E. (Dearborn) 229 Leathermore, John 5 Leavitt, Marion 370 Lee, Alice C. (Roe) 356 Bertha E. 356 Betsey 197 Henry T. 356 Le Fevre, Adrinette (Liver more) 334 Anna M. 334 Charles H. 334 Lewis L. 334 Susan M. 334 Leighton, Hattie E. 377 Susan (Livermore) 99 Leland, Aaron L. 238 Lyman 169 Martha M. (Livermore) 169 Sarah E. (Livermore) 238 Sarah S. 238 Leonard, EUzabeth 13 Elizabeth (Livermore) 13 Elizur 13 John 13 Jonas 172 Joseph 13 Mehetable 13 Mercy 13, 172 Sarah 13, 172 Leslie, Anna L. (Jackson) 388 Edgar S. 388 Hattie M. 388 Lizzie M. 272 Lucius 271 Mary (Livermore) 271 Minnie M. 282 Selwin G. 272, 388 Levermore, Grace 9 John 9, 10 Nathaniel 8 Lewis, Andrew 395 Caroline S. 214 Chester P. 395 Clara A. (Head) 322 Comelia 316 Daniel H. 323 Diantha F. (Livermore) 395 Francis N. 395 454 Livermore Family Lewis, Frank E. 323 Guy E. 395 John L. 214 MUdred R. 417 Sarah E. 215 Sarah J. 395 Susan 152, 153, 154 Urban J. 322, 323 William A. 395 Lincoln, Sarah J. 384 Little, Ruth 103 Livermore, Aaron 45, 89, 102, 122, 147, 172, 228 Aaron H. 177, 312 Aaron K. 178, 314 Aaron R. 102, 147, 179 Abbie A. 226 Abbie E. 346, 422 Abbie L. 167 Abbie M. 222, 364 Abbie (WiUiams) 308 Abby (Babb) 207 Abel 47, 104, 185 Abel C. 176 Abiel A. 137, 244, 371 AbigaU 15, 22, 24, 31, 32, 35, 41, 48, 79, 80, 82, 93, 99, 103, 108, 139, 149, 163, 182, 287 'Abigail A. 244 Abigail A. (Jarvis) 137 Abigail (Abbot) 137 AbigaU (Ball) 35 Abigail F. 113 Abigail H. 91, 125 AbigaU (Hagar) 39, 99 Abigail (Jones) 55 Abigail (KimbaU) 32 AbigaU (Livermore) 41,99 Abigail S. 95 Abigail (Stone) 24 Abigail (Tuck) 221 AbigaU W. 141 Abigail (White) 34 AbigaU W. (Coon) 348 Abijah 21, 24, 34, 42, 43, 78, 90, 97, 98, 136 Abner 27, 53, 117, 118 Abner B. 1 1 7 Abraham 18, 26, 27, 46, 47. 5i> 103 Abram T. J. 172 Absalom 99 Ada A. 300 Ada (Whitney) 173 Ada G. 205 AdaUne 95, 103, 116 Adaline (Duncan) 178 AdaUne E. 178 Adaline J. 178, 313 Livermore, Addison 1 1 1 Adelaide 118 Adelaide A. 188 Adelaide L. 193, 333 Adelaide S. (Ward) 412 Adelbert J. 168 Adele W. 199, 338 Adelia L. (Kellogg) 300 Adeline 161, 283, 284, 292 Adeline A. 155 Adeline C. 114 Adeline L. (Todd) 204 AdeUne M. 121 Adelphia U. 270 Adrian M. 251 Adrinette 194, 334 Agnes A. (Roberts) 375 Agnes C. 383 Agnes L. 343 Agnes R. (Boyse) 262 Ahira R. 159, i5o, 281 Alamanzo B. 285 Albert 103, no, 200, 222 Albert A. 170 Albert B. 361 Albert E. 412 Albert G. 286 Albert H. 227, 251, 367 Albert M. 362 Albert R. 280, 392 Albert S. 368 Albert W. 266 Aldrick C. 270 Alexander J. 218 Alfonzo 360 Alfred 277 Alfred B. 292 Alfrenzo 270 Alice 91, 149, 243, 293, 338 Alice A. (Farnham) 352 Alice A. (Frair) 212 Alice C. 239 AUce E. 362 Alice (Hardwood) 406 Alice I. 360 AUce L. 286, 351,403,423 Alice L. (Holmes) 340 Alice M. 297, 319 Alice M. (Rust) Hunt 299 Alice R. 173 Alice (Stone) 173 AUda M. 413 AUen 95 Allina M. 249 Alma B. 205 Alma L. 141 Almira 94, 116, 155 Almira A. 346 Almira (ChUd) 309 Almira E. (Hodgman) 269 Livermore, Almira J. (Nims) 312 Almira (Stedman) 164 Alonzo 115, 206 Alonzo S. 206, 340 Alpha 118 Alpheus 91 Amanda 165 Amanda (Clarke) 117 Amelia 211 AmeUa A. 228, 285 Amelia A. (EUis) Hood 270 Amos 31, 33, 42, 55, 96, 120, 121 Amos H. 121, 226 Amy (Payne) 405 Anabella (Rockwell) 105 Andrew J. 359, 424 Andrew P. 119, 220, 360 Andrew W. 173 Angeline (Houk) 283 Angeline L. 197 Angenette (Hall) 313 Ann 92, 219 Ann B. 284 Ann (Carter) 181 AnnE. 217, 293,355 Ann E. (Fenner) 284, 292 Ann E. (Lugar) 304 Ann G. 144 Ann O. (Kennedy) 122 Ann (Ward) 126 Anna 15, 20, 23, 24, 31, 32. 34. 38. 39. 43. 45. 48, 56, 81, 82, 89, 90, 97, no, 135. 138. 141 Anna B. 305 Anna (Bridge) 14 Anna C. 351 Anna E. (ChurchiU) 344 Anna (Garfield) 39 Anna (Graves) 42, 90 Anna (Howard) 48 Anna L. 181, 352 Anna (McElroy) 191 Anna (Paul) 333 Anna (Rice) 43 Anna S. 176 Anna W. (Chapman) 238, 239 ^ ^ Anne (Livermore) 26 Anne P. 338 Anne (Post) 199 Anne (Post) Livermore 109 Annie 228 Annie E. (Scotton) 319 Annie F. (Kemp) 375 Annie (Howland) 406, 407 Index 455 Livermore, Annie J. 200 Annie (Livermore) 25 Annie M. (Marden) 319 Annis E. 211 Annis (Green) 209 Anson G. 170, 303 Arabella F. (Hunt) 200 Aranus 116, 208 Aretus E. 34S Arlonine E. (Coon) 349 Arlouene 346 Amold 367, 427 Arraett 106, 189 Arthur 3, 88, 144, 146, 207, 262, 276 Arthur A. 200 Arthur B. 127, 144, 264, 381 Arthur C. 313 Arthur D. 262 Arthur E. 394 Arthur H. 266 Arthur L. 315, 413, 415 Arthur O. 209 Arthur St. C. 202 Asa 97, 167 Asa A. 163 Asenath 173, 214 Augusta 50 Augusta (Keen) 240 Augustus 265 Aunlla (Walker) 307 Austin F. 173, 308 Barbara 117, 212 Bathsheba 47 Belinda F. 118 BeUe (Blanchard) 355 Benjamin 21, 34, 53, 103, 151, 269 Benjamin F. 270, 386 Benjamin M. 168, 300 , Benjamin R. 214 Benjamin S. 361 Benjamin W. 186 Bernard 407 Bert B. 189 Bertha A. 214 Bertha E. 412 Bertha M. 205 Bertha V. 319 Bertha W. 234 Bertram W. 369 Bessie B. 371 Bessie K. 315 Betsey 25, 82, 92,96, 100, 107, 119, 142, 147. 15I' 174. 222 Betsey A. 113 Betsey A. (Crain) 208 Betsey (Bates) 112 Livermore, Betsey B. (Ames) 102, 119 Betsey (Comstock) 103 Betsey (Duncklee) 232 Betsey (Fuller) 220 Betsey (Kidder) 178 Betsey (Luther) 161 Betsey M. 103 Betsey (Marsh) 96 Betsey (Parker) 107 Betsey R. 174 Betsey (RUey) 118 Betsey S. (Pratt) 114 Betsey (Sands) 100 Betsey (Watson) 108 Betsey ( Wyman) 173 Beulah 26 Blanche 363 Braddyl 41, 93, 94, 154 Bridget (Robinson) i6i Briggs B. 117, 212 Brigham 96, 163, 284 Burdet T. 329 Burr 105, 185 Bushu L. 358 C. A. (Northrup) 218 Caddie (Keene) 174 Calista 108, 168, 198 Calista A. 165, 294 CaUsta J. 285 Calista M. A. 150 Callie L. 430 Calvin S. 174 Calvin W. 113, 292 Candace 97 Carleton 205 Carlton B. 293 Carlton L. 269 Caroline 103, 118, 136, 144, 146, 260 CaroUne E. 171, 280, 303 Caroline H. 300 Caroline H. (Stone) 134 Caroline L. 214 Caroline M. 159 Caroline M. (Gleason) 383, 384 Caroline (Reed) 267 Caroline S. (Lewis) 214 Carrie A. (Hartwell) 280 Carrie B. 173 Carrie B. (RusseU) 318 Carrie E. 290, 297 Carrie E. (Bunn) 407 Carrie J. 400 Carrie L. (Goodwin) 393 Carrie N. 360 CarroU G. 167, 299 Cassius M. 346, 422 Catharine 172 Livermore, Catharine A. (Lacroix) 370 Catharine G. 275, 390 Catharine H. 179 Catharine (Hoyt) 102, 172 Catherine 55, 96, 119, 120, 136, 223 Catherine (Bogle) Beatly 219 Catherine (Bond) 54 Catherine (Glion) 279 Catherine H. 376 Catherine (Ocker) 235 Catherine (Sargent) 96 Catherine (Wesson) in Celestia A. (Gorham) 385 Celia E. (Phelps) 339, 340 Celina (Barrett) 218 Cephas 98 Charles 78, 92, 94, 95, 96, 120, 122, 148, 150, 178, 187, 222, 224, 228, 269, 289, 329, 348, 362, 406 Charles A. 303 Charles B. 120, 159 Charles C. 103, 134, 220, 241, 361 Charies D. 251, 313, 377 Charles E. 173, 181, 252, 308, 318, 412 Charles E.'J. 150, 268 Charles F. 109, 127, 128, 158, 165, 200, 202, 238, 280, 3°°. 338. 409 Charles G. 102, 178 Charles H. 114, 153, 161, 176, 180, 204, 265, 277, 284, 309.315.339.382,399.414 Charles L. 113, 317, 358 Charles O. 352 'Charles P. 268, 304 Charles R. 393 Charles T. 163, 290 Charles W. 150, 175,224, 228, 247, 340, 368, 374 Charlesetta 309, 413 Charlotte 172 Chariotte L. (Ely) 330 Chariton F. 178 Chauncey in Chauncey B. 159 Chester 52, 114 Chester L. 394 Chester W. 113, 203 Chloe D. (Bemis) no Christian (Muzzy)i67,30i Clara 96 Clara B. 340 Clara B. (Graton) 392, 393 Clara (Brown) 358 456 Livermore Family Livermore, Clara C. 305, 41 1 Clara E. 298, 359, 425 Clara F. 414 Clara G. 424 Clara (GUbert) 288 Clara (Howland) 399 Clara J. 297 Clara M. 266, 384 Clara P. 249, 375 Clara S. (Floyd) 329 Clara T. 239 Clarence 290 Clarence E. 353, 406 Clarence G. 251 Claribel 344 Clarice A. 394 Clarinda 117 Clarinda (Robinson) 219 Clarissa C. 286 Clarissa C. (Clarke) 117 Clarissa F. 346, 422 Clarissa (Lawrence) 234 Clarissa P. 148 Clarissa (Pierce) i65 Clarissa S. 166, 297 Clark 98 Clark E. 297 Clarrie B. 423 Clifford W. 198 Clinton A. 291 Comfort 100 Constance 242 Constance F. 200 Content (Akins) 147 Convers F. 226 Cooley N. 114 Cora 189 Cora A. 276, 391 Cora J. 207, 334, 419 Cora M. 352, 401 Cordelia (Babcock) 346 Cornelia 207 Cynthia 98, 116, 165, 294 Cynthia (Anderson) 298 Cynthia G. 266 Cynthia (Giffin) 265 Cyrus 47, 105, 281 Cyrus C. 51 Cyrus E. 285, 400 Cyrus K. 185 Daisy E. (Rush) 427 Daland A. 179 Danforth P. 140, 250 Daniel 3, 8, 11, 12, 14, 15, 18, 20, 25, 30, 31, 32, 45, 47. 52. 53. 55. 57. 58. 73. 91, 101, 102, 107, 115, 116, 119, 154, 176, 205, 208, 221, 343 Daniel A. 170 Livermore, Daniel B. 400 Daniel G. 99, 169 Daniel H. 343, 421 Daniel P. 108, 194 Daniel R. 283, 399 Daniel W. 291 Darius E. 185, 324 David 20, 26, 32, 33, 34, 44. 48. 55. 77. 78. 99. 10°. 102, 108, 119, 173 David B. 120 David C. i6i, 284 David D. 108, 198 David E. 115 David F. 384 David L. 197 De Farriett 209, 345 De Witt C. 208, 222, 343 Deborah (Salisbury) 104 Delia 358 Delos A. 413 Dennis A. 394, 43c Denny W. 267 Derrick 220, 359 Detta 345 Devillo E. ZI2 Diana 95 Diantha 108, 159, 161, 193, 281, 393 Diantha F. 281, 395 Dinah (Whitney) 81 Dorcas (Holt) Blodgett 243 Dorothy 27 Dorothy (Dow) 148 Dorothy (Foster) 115 Dorothy H. 203 Dorothy L. 428 Dorothy (Walker) 26 Dwight 208 Dyanthia 95 Eari W. 384 Earie P. 393 Ebenezer 21 Edgar 154, 276 Edith 276, 378, 391 Edith G. 412, 433 Edith J. (Barnes) 384 Edmond 289 Edmond W. 292 Edmund 12, 20, 30, 52, 53, 115, 116, 211 Edmund K. 163, 291 Edmund R. 1 16 Edna 300 Edna M. 361 Edner B. 175 Edson 166, 297 Edward 109, 144, 145, 146, 263, 338, 348 Livermore, Edward A. 173, 307. 308 Edward E. 228, 304 Edward J. 235 Edward M. 128, 213, 237, 352 Edward St. L. 3, 88, 143, 144, 260, 262, 264 Edward T. 315 Edward W. 200, 407 Edwin III, 192 Edwin F. 266, 383 Edwin M. 213 Edwin R. 153, 276 . Effie O. 297 Effie R. (Rollins) 385 Elbridge 149 Eleanor A. 136 Eleanor B. 370 Eleanor B. (Becket) 370 Eleanor (Johnson) 218 Electa A. 170 Electa (Bates) 113 Electa (Goddard) 177 Electa S. (Hall) 170 Elgin 386 Elgin S. 270, 385 Elias 105, 185 EUda (Sisson) Johnson 406 Elijah 27, 37, 51, 81, 82, 122, 141 Elijah M. 113 Elisha 19, 21, 25, 26, 34, 39. 49. 55. 79. 90. 97. 106, 121, 122, 136, 148, 227 EUsha S. in, 202 EUza 48, 50, 107, 121, 141, 147. 149. 333 Eliza A. (Duncan) 201 EUza (Brunner) 206 EUza C. 118 Eliza (Cobb) 167 Eliza (Crawford) 163 EUza (Currier) 175 Eliza E. (Jennison) 178 EUza F. 266, 383 EUza H. (Bates) 385 Eliza J. 186, 214, 326 Eliza M. 202 Eliza M. (Andres) 201 Eliza R. 341 Eliza (Sherman) Town- send 196 EUza (WUson) 185 Elizabeth 8, 11, 13, 18, 20, 24,25,26,30,34,35,42,44, 45.48,,88,93, 101, 108, 115, 124, 138, 146, 153,161, 220, 264,378 Index 457 Livermore, Elizabeth A. 1 38 Elizabeth (Allen) 210 Elizabeth 15. 127, 144, 260 Elizabeth C. 78, 12S Elizabeth C. (Odiorne) 129 Elizabeth D. (Abbot) 244 Elizabeth (Dawson) 193 Elizabeth (Douglass) 142 Elizabeth E. (Galbraith) 243 Elizabeth (Edminster) 291 Elizabeth (Eveleth) 113 EUzabeth F. 333 Elizabeth G. (Hubbard) 263 Elizabeth (Gleason) 78 Elizabeth (Gove) 136 EUzabeth (Grout) 13 EUzabeth H. 125 Elizabeth H. (Bradford) 126 EUzabeth (Hastings) 38, 97 EUzabeth (Hitchcock) 52 Elizabeth J. 227 Elizabeth K. (Slater) 252 EUzabeth (Kidder) 80 Elizabeth (Kinney) 140 EUzabeth M. 369 EUzabeth M. (Perry) 383 Elizabeth (Marshall) 301 EUzabeth P. 103 Elizabeth (Peabody) 230, 231 Elizabeth (Raymond) 153 Elizabeth (Rice) 26 Elizabeth (Stevens) 359 EUzabeth (Stone) 17, 22 Elizabeth T. (Hayes) 180 Elizabeth (Tilton) 101 EUzabeth W. (Ferguson) 204 Elizabeth W. (Lawrence) Ella 118, 148 EUa A. 266 EUa (Brigham) 343 EUa C. (Gardner) Hills 367. 368 Ella E. (Bayles) 343 EUa F. 266 Ella (Kennedy) 179 EUa M. 302, 423 EUa W. (Losey) 276 EUen 253 Ellen A. 208, 221, 314, 343 EUen(Ahem) Switzler358 EUen B. 400 Ellen B. (Brown) 371 Livermore, Ellen C. (Wil liams) 349 Ellen (Child) 309 EUen F. 224 Ellen I. 305 Ellen I. (Bucknam) 304 Ellen J. (Smith) 400 EUen M. 228 Ellen M. (Clark) 235 Ellen R. (Clark) 208 EUiot P. 281, 393 Elmer V. 426 Elmina (Lamberton) 208 Elmina V. 208, 342 Elmira 98, 102, 108, 198 Elmira (Brooks) 158 Elsa 317 Elsa A. 105 Elsie 50, no Elsie L. 377 Elvira W. 185, 326 Elwin M. 346, 423 Emeline B. (Wood) 346 Emeline F. 163, 288 Emeline P. 106, 190 EmeUne (Smith) 211 Emeline (Spaulding) 250 Emery 90, 142, 149, 267 Emery E. 149, 268 Emery Z. 150 Einilie H. (Martin) 338 Emily 106, 151, 203, 208, 210, 216, 271, 342 Emily A. 359 Emily C. 178 Emily J. 167, 285 Emily J. (Carpenter) 159 Emily S. (Ward) .266 Emma (Alpaugh) 424 Emma C. 135, 217, 242, 355 Emma E. 231 Emma F. 251, 266 Emma F. (Fabyan) 308 Emma G. 127, 237 Emma J. 173 Emma L. 335 Emma M. 302 Emma R. (Rogers) 401 Emma (Riley) 200 Emma U. 314 Emma (Voorhees) 426 Emory W. 165, 293 Enrico E. 178, 313 Eola K. D. 202 Ephraim 45, loi Ernest 399 Ernest H. 205 Emest J. 218, 412, 430 Ernest N. 188, 329 Livermore, Erwin PI. 362 Estella M. 355 EsteUe (Hoffman) 206 Esther 93, 148, 152, 154 Esther A. 290, 407 Esther C. (AUen) 292 Esther (Lord) 173 Esther M. 412 Esther M. (Barnard) 77 Esther M. (Towne) 306 Esther R. 153, 275 Esther W. no Ethel 319 Etta B. 345 Etta B. (WUder) 148 Etta C. 173 Etta V. 235 Eudora M. 209 Eugene 235 Eugene A. 386 Eugene N. 362 Eugenia M. 214, 353 Eunice 24, 33, 38, 46, 74, 89, 96, 122, 148, 229 Eunice (Claflin) 122 Eunice E. 185 Eunice G. (Nevins) 297 Eunice (Hovey) 127 Eunice P. (Leach) 185 Eunice S. 118, 217 Eunice T. 103, 181 Eunice W. (Stafford) 118 Eve 314 Evelyn M. 242 Everett W. 336 Experience (Kellogg) 208 Ezra 43, 97, 102, 106, 166, 178, 189 F. F. 105 Fadilla (Luce) 147 Faith J. 227 Faith S. 367 Faith S. (Hoogs) 227 Fannie 100, 171, 307, 361 Fannie A. 168, 301 Fannie (Estes) 197 Fanny 77, 102, 176, 409 Fanny A. 300 Fanny B. 177 Fanny E. 304 Fanny (Howard) 168 Fanny R. 362 Farmer R. 105, 188 Fay 289 Fay H. 283 Fidelia 206, 340 Fidus 3, 117, 211, 214, 216 Fidus O. 213, 353 Flora A. 352 Flora E. 203, 269 458 Livermore Family Livermore, Flora M. (Sher win) 280 Flora W. 424 Florence 276, 293 Florence D. 386 Florence E. 234 Florence E. (Packard) 243 Florence K. 297 Florence M. 319, 360, 369, 407. 425 Florence O. 174 Francena (Thayer) 300 Frances no Frances A. 126 Frances C. (Fuller) 276 Frances E. 169 Frances L. 115 Francis A. 281, 394 Francis D. 185, 430 Francis E. 340 Francis G. 286, 402 Francis H. 123 Frank 134, 172, 239, 251, 289 Frank B. 385 Frank D. 400 Frank E. 277, 283, 315 Frank H. 203, 319 Frank J. 271 Frank P. 174 Frank R. 301, 355 Franks. 173,307,308,413 Frank T. 412 Frankie A. 269 Freddie E. 268 Frederic 290; 360 Frederic A. 197, 336 Frederick C. 293 Frederick D. 198 Frederick F. 308 Frederick G. 383 Frederick H. 224 Frederick M. 266, 300, 344 Frederick O. 231 Frederick T. 239 Frederick W. 200, 338 Gardner 96, 284 Gavina (Salazar) 165 Genoa M. (Burton) 345 George 57, 78, 100, 124, 128, 129,133,146, 175, 189, 233. 284, 400 George A. 123, 228, 383 George B. 124, 158, 163, 232, 279, 284, 291 George C. 231, 240, 289, 361, 370, 405 George D. 159, 178, 286 George E. 106, 224, 349 Livermore, George F. 123, 231,306,411 George G. 242 George H. 109, 181, 199, 235 George H. C. 103 George K. 179, 315, 317 George R. 266, 341, 383, 386 George S. 210, 221 George T. 277 ¦George W. 88, 94, 118, 126, 144, 156, 158, 161, 162, 163, 166, 169, 176, 179, 200, 218, 260, 280, 288, 289, 298, 319.361 Georgia D. 233 Georgianna (Shaw) 367 Gertrude A. 401 Gertrude E. 353 Gertrude L. 393 Gertrude (Symonds) 399 Gertrude W. 233 Giles 186 Gladys H. 375 Gladys M. 352 Glen F. 386 Grace 8, 9, n, 15, 19, 22, 36, 76, 125, 203, 228, 378 Grace A. 144 Grace B. 315, 345 Grace D. 373, 428 Grace G. 262 Grace S. 121, 227 Grace (Sherman) 5 Grace W. (Cummings) 330 Grandison D. 172, 306 Granville P. 141, 251 Gratia (Heywood) 154 Grizel 41, 99 Guy 289 Guy H. 175 Gwendolen J. 376 Hammond 98, 168 Hammond J. 168, 301 Hannah 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 18, 19, 20, 30, 32, 37, 42, 47.52.82,95, 107,121, 141, 160, 191 Hannah A. 96, 165 Hannah (Alien) 41 Hannah (Baseman) 192 Plannah (Bassett) 116 Hannah (Bright) 121, 122 Hannah (Brown) 36, 159, 160 Hannah (Bulin) 50 Hannah C. 178, 314 Hannah (Clarke) 81 Hannah (Cogswell) 96 Livermore, Hannah (Cut ting) 176 Hannah E. 158 Hannah G. (Brown) 260 Hannah (Godding) 76 Hannah PI. 155 Hannah (Harrington) 36 Hannah J. 267 Hannah L. 333 Hannah L. (Ward) 333 Hannah N. 173 Hannah S. 78, 127 Hannah (Sanderson) 120, 121 Hannah (Seward) 160, 281 Hannah W. (Faxon) 228 Harlan N. 300 Harlan P. 179 Harlow E. 430 Harlow R. 159 Harold 407 Harold A. 406 Harold C. 330 Harriet79,96,99, 102, 121, 137,144,169,185,219,257, 275. 357 Harriet B. (Pickett) 188 Harriet (Brown) 153 Harriet E. 169, 217, 247, 356. 374 Harriet E. (Smith) 246 Harriet F. (Wood) 266 Harriet J. 185 Harriet L. (Clarke) 239 Harriet (livermore) 102, 221 Harriet N. 116 Harriet R. 118, 216 Harriet (Riley) 217 Harriet (Romans) 290 Harris 373 Harrison B. 399 Harrison P. 333 Harry A. 262, 286 Harry B. 233, 343, 345 Hari-y E. 302 Harry H. 401 Harry W. 412 Harvey 90, 149, 267 Harvey C. 209, 345 Hattie A. 308 Hattie A. (Lawrence) 412 Hattie B. (Nye) 329 Hattie E. 266, 384 Hattie E. (Clark) 413 Hattie E. (Comstock) 266 Hattie E. (Leighton) 377 Hattie L. 287 Hattie M. (Baker) 352 Hattie (Stanton) 290 Index 459 Livermore, Hattie (Wedge) 308 Haynes 25 Hazel R. 329 Heber 146, 264 Helen 242, 276 Helen A. (Colt) 329 Helen C. 287 Helen L. (Eells) 377, 378 Helen L. L. (Hale) 421 Helen M. 153, 274 Helen R. 341 Helen S. F. 158, 279, 280 Henrietta 208 Henrietta C. 173 Henrietta J. (Wells) 415 Henrietta W. 195 Henry 51, 76, 113, 125, 262 Henry C. 192, 369 Henry D. 116, 207 Henry H. 244, 371 Henry J. 144, 249, 261, 306, 375.412 Henry L. 138, 169, 247, 280, 335, 374, 393 Henry M. 113, 124, 179, 203, 233 Henry N. 179 Henry P. 166 Henry W. 416 Hephzibeth (WUliams) 46 Hepsey 103 Hepsibeth 47, 103 Hepsie C. 226 Hepzibah 55, 94, 121, 158, 225 Hepzibah (Coolidge) 55 Hepzibah (Fisk) 18 Herbert E. 269 Herbert J. 181, 319 Herbert N. 407 Hester R. (Dutton) 331 Hiram B. 158, 280 Homer F. 234, 371 Horace 107, 146 Horace B. 206 Horatio G. 141, 252 Horatio P. 253, 377 Howard B. 340 Howard G. 297 Howard J. 421 Howard W. 266 Huldah 21, 32, 34 I. E. T. (Harrison) 409 Ida 290 Ida A. (Whitney) 313 Ida E. 302 Ida L. 286 Ida M. 287, 303, 403 Livermore, Ina 391 Ilia A. 213,353 Inez 292 Ira J. 345 Ira W. 2S9, 406 Irene E. 430 Irving A, 208 Isaac 14, 18, 26, 27, 37, 42, 50, 51, 78, 82, 95, 112, 122, 127, 129, 133, 140 Isaac B. 113, 159 Isadore E. 213 Izora A. 213, 353 Jackson 106 Jackson J. D. 185 Jairus 116, 206 James 14, 23, 38, 39, 53, 89, 97, 116, 118, 147, 209, 217, 360 James A. 217 James C. 117 James H. 185, 262 James K. 247 James M. 98, 150, 168, 209, 345 James N. 406 James R. 164, 179, 315 Jane 219 Jane A. 113, 122 Jane B. 239 Jane (Barnard) 308 Jane (Browne) 82 Jane C. 128, 238 Jane (Dodd) 160 Jane (Dunlap) 35 Jane F. (Sibley) 334 Jane (Granger) 286 Jane (Hurry) 338 Jane (Hutchins) Kimber- ly 187 Jane L. 202 Jane M. 166, 296 Jane M. (Dudley) 159 Jane (MUes) 175 Jane P. 120, 223 Jane (Pray) 175 Jane (Rexford) 187 Jane (Sampson) 200 Jane (Watson) 292 Janette 167 Jarvis S. 206 Jason 23, 39, 40, 41, 90, 91. 92, 93. 99. 153. 154 Jason B. 151 Jason W. 95, 158 Jay D. 189 Jay W. 290 Jemima 107 Jennet R. (Raymond) 386 Jennie 187 Livermore, Jennie E. 268 Jennie K. 403 Jennie M. 235, 413 Jennie (Pool) 406 Jennie S. (Knowlton) 267 Jennie (Watson) 390, 391 Jennie (Whaley) 285 Jenny (Perkins) 175 Jeremiah 214 Jerusha A. 151, 269 Jerusha M. (Lull) 151 Jesse 43, 97, 165 Jesse R. 403 Jessica M. 277 Jessie 100, 289, 360 Jessie A. (Holland) 203 Jessie L. 216 Jessie M. 406 Jessie P. 430 Joanna (Felton) 36 Joel F. 212, 351 Joel W. 125, 149, 235 John 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, II, 12, 13, 14, 15, 18, 24, 33, 36,38,48,, 102, 108, 119, 134, 164,' 177, 210, 275, 346, 349 390 John A. 206 John A. C. 414 John B. 287 John E. 150, 289 John F. 94, 155, 158, 161, 280, 286 John H. 126 John K. 220, 360 John L. 216, 308, 355, 413 John M. 135, 242 John P. 116, 185, 209 John R. 200, 214, 411 John R. McD. 171, 304 John S. 117, 213 JohnT. 118, 394, 430 John W. 93, 100, 109, 152, 153. 175. 197.335 Jonas 18, 20, 26, 27, 47, 49. 55. 79. 107. 118, 119, 136, 191, 218, 219 Jonas B. 331 Jonas D. 136, 243 Jonas J. 220 Jonas L. 173, 307 Jonathan 15, 21, 22, 31, 35' 36. 38. 55. 56. 80, 81, 120, 122, 137, 228, 243, 244 Jonathan S. 96 Joseph 14, 17, 18, 22, 24, 43,44,92,99,100, 102,151, 160, 170, 172, 306 Joseph A. 151 Joseph C. 286 460 Liverttiore Family Livermore, Joseph D. 386 Joseph H. 159 Joseph M. 171, 304 Joseph McL. 304 Joseph N. 394 Joseph P. 249, 375 Joseph S. 99, 170 Joseph W. 118, 163, 217, 280, 289 Josephine C. 414 Josephine D. 333 Josephine (Pratt) 348 Josephine V. (Simmons) 291 Josephus 98 Joshua 100, 174 Joshua B. 359, 424 Joshua G. 226 Josiah 12, 18, 20, 23, 30, 39. 40. 41. 44. 53. 78. 92, 93, 103, 126, 155, 181 Josiah H. 153, 275 Josiah R. 319 Josiah T. lor Jossie F. 351 Jubal 90 Judson A. 165 Julia in, 161, 287 Julia A. 151, 169, 302 Julia A. G. (Winship) 269 Julia C. (White) 237 Julia (Cowin) 210 Julia 15. 170 Julia E. (Northrup) 288 Julia E. (Vancor) 268 JuUa P. (Bancroft) 169 Julia S. 141 Julian A. 291 JuUett 165, 294 Julius 211 Justice N. 167 Justus [Justice] L. 98, 167, 301 Kate A. 349 Kate E. 343 Kate L. (WUlcutt) 233 Kate M. 194 Kate (Prince) 262 Kate R. 385 Katharine loz, 177 Katharine A. 375 Katherine E. 239 Katie M. 298 Kenneth C. 319 Kirk W. 345 Kittie 300 Lark B. 329 Lark S. 105, 187 Larnard 95, 159, 160 Laura 167, 299 Livermore, Laura A. (Hol man) 136 Laura C. 106 Laura E. (Maxson) 349 Laura E. (Prouty) 280, 281 Laura E. (Randall) Prouty 158 Laura J. (Bachelor) 169 Lauraetta 136 Lavina A. 148 Lavinia (Howe) 51 Lavinia (Wilson) 96 Lawrence W. 374 Leander E. 211, 349 Lee H. 301 LeUa L. 385 LeUa R. 341, 420 Leila (Robertson) 340 Leland W. 345 Lemira B. (Daniels) 202 Lemuel E. 150, 268 Lena C. 423 Leon 275, 385 Leon J. 371 Leonard 77, 126 Leonard H. 126 Leonard J. 138, 247, 248 Leonard R. 219 Leslie 344 Leslie R. 375 Leslie S. 209 Lester J. 336 Letitia J. (BothweU) 188 Leverna 168, 301 Levi 39, 90, 148 Levi H. 361 Levi S. 266 Levi W. 148, 266, 384 Levina 49 Levina (Adams) 39 Lewis 98, 107, 108, 193, 333 Lewis B. 401 Lewis E. 169, 407 Lewis G. 287 Levris R. 163, 289 Lilian 317 Lillian 2S7, 399 Lillian A. 430 LiUie E. 402 LiUie J. 175, 292, 407 LUlie M. 361 Lily B. (Baker) 423 Lizzie 293, 40S Lizzie B. (Seaver) Taft 3°3 Lizzie E. (RusseU) 374 Lizzie M. (Parker) 345 Lizzie (Olmstead) 175 Lizzie ( Woodworth) 189 Livermore, Lois 24, 44, loo, 123. 164, 231 Lois A. 211, 349 Lois (Claflin) 123 Lois (Livermore) 44 Lois (Mixer) 34 Lorenzo 108, 197 Lorenzo D. 151, 197, 270, 334 Lorenzo O. 48, no Lorette G. (Randall) 280 Lorin 160, 283 Lot 43, 219,358 Lotta 358 Lottie 315, 416 Lottie B. (Vancor) 269 Lou E. 187 Louie 358 Louis B. 197 Louis C. 212 Louisa 47, 106, III, 136, 146, 154, 202, 219, 264 Louisa A. 213, 352 Louisa (Bemis) 196 Louisa (BUss) 144 Louisa E. 359, 424 Louisa F. (Dickson) 362 Louisa (Gates) 191 Louisa (Steams) 136 Louise 100, 264, 276, 286, 391. 403 Louise (Allen) 288 Louise C. (McNeal) 399, 400 Louise R. 319 Louise (Wallace) 154 Lovina A. (Corby) 159 Lucette 105 Lucie E. (Walker) 336 Lucinda 96, 117, 120, 164, Lucinda B. (Cross) 286 Lucihda (Beck) 189 Lucinda (Kelsey) 119, 120 Lucinda S. (Clark) 265 Lucius 159 Lucius M. 159 Lucretia 51, 98 Lucy 25, 27, 39, 45, 50, 55, 56, 90, 101, 112, 120, 121, 123, 148, 176, 225, 265 Lucy A. 147, 171 Lucy A. (Bradbury) 305 Lucy B. 102 Lucy (Bent) 18 Lucy E. 430 Lucy E. (Bennett) 242 Lucy E. (Merriam) 224 Lucy E. (Rankin) 402 Lucy F. (Gardner) 287 Index 461 Livermore, Lucy H. 120 Lucy (HeiUg) 427 Lucy (Higgins) 43 Lucy (Livermore) i68, 301 Lucy (Longley) 55 Lucy (Maynard) 90 Lucy P. 335 Lucy (Perley) 170 Lucy (Stratton) 45 Lucy (Watson) 265 Lucy (Whitney) 125 Ludima (Stafford) 159 Lula M. 287 Lulu A. (Gate) 414 Luman 290, 407 Lura 386 Lura C. 142 Lura (Chase) 142 Lura D. 271 Luther 119 Lydia 15, 22, 24, 26, 32, 33, 36, 41, 44, 49, 50, 74, 76, 77. 79. 81. 93-97. III. 135. 136, 139. 152, i66 Lydia A. 185 Lydia A. L. 109 Lydia (Brooks) 178 Lydia (Harrington) 76 Lydia (Parsons) Stock- well 202 Lydia (Preston) 100 Lydia S. 171 Lydia (Tuttle) 99 Lydia W. (Corbett) 207 Lyman 51, 113, 147, 165 Lyman R. 165 Lyman S. 113 Mabel 212, 391 Mabel A. 231 Mabel G. 319 Mabel L. 281 Mabel R. 344 Mabel S. 383 Maggie B. 360 Malvina (Adams) 148 Mamie (Marden) 308 Manin 117, 211, 212 Manley T. J. 185 Marcia A. (Watson) 199 Marcia E. 195 Marcia J. 338 Margaret 120, 224, 317, 338 Margaret A. 292 Margaret (Boteler) 264 Margaret E. (Wright) 305 Margaret (GUchrist) 275 Maria 109, 125, 199, 206, 219, 226, 357 Maria A. (Griffin) 168 Livermore, Maria E. 197 Maria (Lyons) 210 Maria (Rice) 50 Maria W. 125 Marian 209 Marian S. (McCallam) 251 Marietta 172, 306 Marietta G. 293 Mariette 164 Mariette R. 105 Marion A. 307 Marion D. 370 Marion G. 369 Marion R. 428 Mark B. 298 Mark C. 166, 168, 297, 301 Marshall 78, 101, 125, 129, 234 Martha 8, 9, 11, 12,14, 15, 25. 26, 33, 43, 47, 56, 75, 90, 91, 106, 123, 136, 212, 349. 351 Martha A. 175, 177, 312 Martha A. (Beedon) 214 Martha A. E. 177 Martha A. (Senna) 412 Martha (AUen) 25, 26 Martha (Crowell) 149 Martha E. 330 Martha E. (Boynton) 371 Martha E. (Todd) 363 Martha (Fitts) 168 Martha J. 114, 204 Martha J. (Grumpier) 201 Martha K. (Claflin) 228 Martha M. 169 Martha (Maynard) 43 Martha (Patterson) 147 Martha (Putnam) no Martha (Robbins) 56 Martha (Stanley) 360 Martha W. 78, 125 Martha (White) 33 Martha (Wickwire) 345 Martin 46, 47, 52, 114 Martin W. 1 14 Mary 12, 14, 19, 20, 24, 25.26,30,31,34,39,44,45, loi, 102, 103, 105, 107, 108, 118, 119, 138, 151, 154, 160, 173, 186, 190, 192,207,219, 264, 271,308,413 Mary A. 94, in, 136, 156, 158, 161, 165, 192, 202, 214, 219, 285, 287, 290, 293, 294, 331. 354. 359. 406, 425 Mary A. B. (Drown) 368 Mary A. (Bond) 268 Mary A. (Brigham) 302 Livermore, Mary A. C. (Per kins) 248 Mary A. (Correll) 360 Mary A. D. 121, 227 Mary A. (Dexter) 231 Mary A. (Howard) 315 Mary A. (Keating) Moore 244 Mary A. (Rice) 194 Mary A. (Robinson) 205 Mary A. (Thompson) 209 Mary B. (Rawson) 165 Mary B. (Ryder) 427 Mary (Belden) 242 Mary (Bigelow) 92 Mary (Bright) 19, 21, 32 Mary C. 103, 135, 180 Mary C. (Cook) 198^ Mary C. (Gardner) 307 Mary C. (Langdon) 246 Mary (Chapin) 300 Mary (Coolidge) 20 Mary D. 136, 247, 291 Mary (Dix) 78, 79 Mary E. 109, 113, 114, 155, 167,177,195,196,197,203, 226, 244, 247, 268, 3 1 2, 336, 430 Mary E. (Austin) Bell 200, 201 Mary E. (Crozier) 361 Mary E. (HiU) 375, 376 Mary E. (Reeves) 394 Mary E. T. 206 Mary E. (White) 382, 383 Mary (Eaton) 212 Mary F. (Firman) 268 Mary F. (Trask) 353 Mary (Flint) 93 Mary G. (Skinner) 179 Mary H. (Griswold) 241 Mary (Holbrook) 267 Mary J. 126, 144, 237, 262 Mary J. (Gray) 424 Mary (Jackson) 90 Mary (Kelsey) 118 Mary (Kittredge) 102 Mary L. 266, 394 Mary L. (Livingstone) 98 Mary L. (Riddle) 277 Mary (Livermore) 102, 172 Mary M. 150 Mary M. (Giffin) 335 Mary M. (Hobby) 138 Mary (McNall) 160 Mary (Osborn) 48 Mary R. 171, 341 Mary (Rogers) 29 Mary S. (Mason) 228 463 Livermore Family Livermore, Mary S. (McCor mick) 263 Mary (Smith) 185 Maiy (Southgate) 25 Mary (Symonds) 331 Mary (Taylor) 174 Mary (Tompkins) 166 Mary V. 343 Mary (Warren) 22, 24 Mary (White) 109 Mary (WUson) 95 Mary (Zumwalt) 219 MatUda M. (Bonney) 289 Matthew 15, 20, 29 Mattie 378 Mattie H. (Banks) 377 Mattie (HaskeU) 113 Maud M. 412 Maud M. E. 345 Maxson G. 117, 346 May 275 May C. 309 May E. (Davis) 291 Mehetable 95, 159, 281 Mehitable 18, 161 Mehitable (Bates) 114 Mehitable (Harris) 143 Mehitable J. 144, 259 Mehitable L. (Swain) 280 Mehitable (Norcross) 18 MeUnda 48, 77, 116, 126, 207 MeUnda B. 117 Melinda (Bassett) 117 Melissa 48 Melvina T. (Brown) 18S Mercy 20, 100 Mercy (Hume) in Mercy J. (Spencer) 175 Mercy (Leonard) 172 Mertie M. 271 Mertie (Marks) 290 Mettie N. (Tuttle) 316 Micah 26, 49 MUdred 371 MUes 186 MUes E. 291 Millard F. 207 MiUey E. 167, 299 MUley (Gage) 97 MUton 218 Minerva L. (DevUbliss) 430 Minnie B. 205 Minnie E. 401 Minnie G. (Frasier) 386 Minnie G. (Rice) 411 Minnie M. (Hotaling) 291 Minnie P. (Kinsman) 413 Miranda 46 Livermore, Miriam A. 115, 205 Miriam (Waxham) 293 MolUe (Bird) 293 Molly 44 Molly (Barton) 89 Morris 96 Mortimer C. 209, 344 Moses 23, 33, 41, 42, 76, 95, 96, 107, 161, 286 Muriel F. 371 Myra 317 Myra A. (Jourdan) 393 Myra L. 393 Myrtie A. 298 Myrtie (McKinster) 422, 423 Nancy 76, 82, loi, 105, 107, 175, 190, 309 Nahcy (Blood) Fitch 222 Nancy (Brown) 118 Nancy M. 147 Nancy M. (Thomas) 351 Nancy (McHard) 118 Nancy (Walker) 106, 175 Nancy (Williams) 219 Nannie B. 265 Nannie (Wear) 348 Naomi 219, 357 Narcissa M. 1 66 Nathan 18, 36, 81, 161, 287 Nathan L. 151 Nathaniel 7, 8, 11, 12, 15, 18, 20, 21, 25, 26, 31, 33, 34. 36. 55. 76. 77. 78. 119. 134, 222, 349 Nathaniel C. 78 Nathaniel L. 247, 375 Nellie 313 NelUe E. 427 NelUe M. 173 Nellie M. (Sawyer) 369 Nelson G. 159, 281 Nettie C. (Waldron) 333 Nettie S. (Cutlei) 384 Newell 167, 300 Newton 209, 345 Nora E. 352 Norman B.378 Obadiah 165 Obadiah L. 96, 164 Ogden 427 Olive B. 371 Olive S, (Fields) 174 OUver 20, 31, 54, 55, 56, 103, 119, 123, 219, 220 Oliver C. 227, 367 Oliver D. 231, 370 Oliver S. 99, 171, 305 Livermore, OUver W. 123, 230 Ora E. 175 Oraniel 116, 208 OreU B. 270 Origen 206 Orin 344 Orpha (Dwight) 189 Orpha J. 214, 354 OqDha (Ranney) 213 Orrin E. 115, 204 Orson H. 106, 189 Otis W. 160 Ozro J. 178, 313 Pamelia 206, 207 Pamelia A. 159, 281, 282 Pamelia B. 207 Pamelia F. 116 Paris 49 Parmelia 95 Pascal G. 179 Paschal 102 Paul 49, III Paul S. 400 PauUne 175 Pearl 406 Percy W. 173 Permelia K. 175 Permelia (Nichols) 160 Persis in Persis W. (Evans) 120 Phebe 43, 92 Phebe E. (Buckley) 401 Phebe U. 166 Phena A. 430 Phena D. 394 Pheria (Pease) 281 PhUa H. 98 PhUander E. 159 PhUarmon P. 211, 348 Philip W. 200 Phineas 43, 98 Phoebe E. (Lawson) 289 Pierpont 251 Polly 53, 76, 92, 96, 98, 118, 218 Polly (Ayers) 162 Polly (Cummings) 185 Polly (Lackey) 98 Polly P. 185, 325 Polly (Terry) Glover 79 PoUy (Tiffany) 118 Priscilla 32 PriscUla (Anderson) 297 Priscilla N. (Potter) 148 Prudence 20 Rachel 31, 51, 54 Rachel A. 284 Rachel B. 112 Rachel C. 113 Index 463 Livermore, Rachel E. 114 Rachel F. loo Rachel M. 126, 236 Rachel (Morse) 76 Ralph A. 385 Ralph E. 234, 268 Ralph T. 188 Randall G. 189 Ransom 147 Ray F. 268, 385 Ray H. 413 Raymond 275 Raymond B. 153, 276 Rebecca 22, 36, 38,47,93, 98. 151. 152. 153. 154 Rebecca A. (Converse) 334 Rebecca A. (Ray) 268 Rebecca (Bams) 21 Rebecca (Benjamin) 30 Rebecca E. (Pike) 290 Rebecca (Fenner) 163,284 Rebecca (Graves) 213 Rebecca H. 167, 299 Rebecca (Hammond) 90 Rebecca (Hammond) Liv ermore 90, 97 Rebecca M. (Champney) 222 Rebecca (Myrick) 14 Rebecca P. J. 138, 247 Rebecca (Worcester) 92 Rebeckah (Richardson) 76 Rena 348 Rena L. 349 Reuben 44, 98, 168 Rhoda 30, 53 Richard L. 304, 4 1 1 Richmond A. F. 214, 216 Robert 147, 267, 338, 373 Robert A. 338 Robert B. 333 Robert E. 330, 401 Robert G. 336 Robert H. 144 Rolla G. 406 Rollins M. 268, 385 Rosa A. (Comstock) 147 Rosaltha S. (Bailey) 293 Roscoe B. 424 Rose B. 208, 344 Rosie L. 345 Rosina A. 269 Rosina A. (Wells) 268 Rosina M. 385 Roswell 96, 160 Roxalana (Darling) 191 Roxana 111 Roxana A. (Moulton) 267 Livermore, Roxana (Whit comb) 148 Roy B. 386 Roy C. W. 271 Rufus 98, 222, 362 Rufus P. 202 RusseU 96, 162, 163, 220 RusseU B. 416 Russell T. 113 Russell W. 180, 290, 406 Ruth 31, 33, 49, 53, 106, u8, 218 Ruth (Aldridge) 109 Ruth (Bowman) 31 Ruth (Daniels) 43 Ruth (Eddy) 49, 106 Ruth E. 267 Ruth H. 421 Ruth J. 385 ' Ruth (Livermore) 49, 106 Ruth (Stearns) 31 S. B. 313 Sadie 173, 187 Salem 47, 49, 106, 107, 191 Sallie 147 Sally 47, 51, 89, 100, 102, 105, 116, 120, 187, 210, 281, 394 Sally A. 394 Sally (Bassett) 116 Sally (Gould) 98 Sally (Lamb) 96 Sally (Loring) 109 Sally (Snow) in SaUy (TUton) 99, 102 Samantha see Semantha. Samuel 3, 8, 9, 11, 12, 14, 15, 19, 20, 22, 24, 30, 36, 37, 44. 53. 81. 82, 85, 87, 100, 116, 142, 144, 146, 172, 173, 175, 210, 228, 255, 264, 349 Samuel A. 210, 346 Samuel B. 122 Samuel H. 423 Samuel J. 171 Samuel M. 173 Samuel S. 149, 267 Samuel T. 105, 188 Samuel W. 77 Sanford 192, 331 Sarah 8, 11, 14, 15, 18, 25, 34,38,42,45,56,79,82,93,95, loi, 102, 107, III, 122, 135,136,141, 149,152,154, 168, 172, 180, 208, 226, 243, 284, 343 Sarah A. no, 113, 315 Sarah (Bigelow) ig, 34 Sarah (Blake) 315 Sarah C. 158 Livermore, Sarah C. (Grant) 121,225 Sarah C. (Lawrence) 221 Sarah C. (Stackpole) 143 Sarah E. 128, 176, 219, 221, 238, 361, 405 Sarah E. (Carpenter) 324 Sarah E. (Daniels) 371 Sarah E. (Hammond) 288 Sarah E. (Lewis) Safford 215 Sarah E. (Warren) 229 Sarah (Evans) 51 Sarah F. 124, 232 Sarah F. (Brigham) 124 Sarah F. (Hopper) 361 Sarah G. 78, 158 Sarah H. 172, 307 Sarah (Harrington) 15 Sarah (Holcomb) 203 Sarah (Howe) 42 Sarah J. 170, 171, 197, 226, 231, 260, 366, 380 Sarah J. (Correll) 360 Sarah J. (Morgan) 198 Sarah J. (Shaw) 367 Sarah L. 251, 377 Sarah M. 115, 165, 251, 2g3 Sarah M. (Guernsey) 284 Sarah M. (Poland) 303 Sarah N. 355 Sarah (Nevinson) Stearns 20 Sarah P. 140, 305 Sarah S. 144, 171, 305 Sarah S. (Johnson) 171 Sarah (Smith) 117 Sarah (Taylor) 173 Sarah (Taylor) Jones 140 Sarah (Tilton) 45 Sarah W. 81 Sarah (Walker) 57 Sarah (Ward) 47, 49 Sarah ( Wills) 218 Scott P. 412 Selucia (Clarke) 212 Semantha 107, 115, 117, 147. 433 Semantha J. 159, 281, 3g5 Seraph 107 Serena J. (Alfrey) 219 Seth 147 Seward B. 305 Shelby 361 Sheriock D. 148, 266 Sherman W. 336 Shirley A. 360 Sibyl 77 Sibyl A. (Colby) 126 464 Livermore Family Livermore, Sibyl E. 150 Sibyl (Eggleston) 150 Sibyl (Priest) 175 Sibyl (White) 77 Sidney A. 148, 265 SUas 36, 41, 44, 4g, gg, no. III, 201 Silas W. 2og, 344 Silence 94, 100 Silence (Thompson) 107 Silens 44 Simeon 96 Socrates S. 220, 360 Solomon 90 Solomon K. 81, 137 Solon A. 170 Sophia loi, 149 Sophia C. 165, 295 Sophia (Farnsworth) 156 Sophia G. 1 7 1 Sophia (Lowell) 98^ Sophia P. 267 Sophronia (Moore) 267 Squire E. 166 Stella A. 207, 304 Stella G. (Harris) 393 Stephen G. 99, 168, 169, 302 Submit 24, 44 Sullivan G. 166 Sumner W. 114 Susan 36, 99, 115 Susan A. 207 Susan A. (Lull) 400 Susan E. 171 Susan E. (Downing) 243 Susan F. 136 Susan (Faxon) 172 Susan H. (Homer) 261 Susan (Hatfield) 197 Susan P. 120 Susan (Partridge) in Susan (Platts) 120 Susanna 20, 24 Susanna (Middleton) 193 Susannah P. 263, 381 Susie T. (McCaughey) 375. 376 Susy go Sylvanus 50 Sylvia 125 Sylvia PI. 126 Sylvia (Hale) 125 TabUha 21, 33, 44, 75, 221 Tabitha (Tilton) 102, 221 Tacy B. (Fitch) 211 Tamason 107 Teresa (Ahern) 292 Tessora E. 344 Livermore, Thankful 39, g"> 149 Thankful (Harrington) 23. 44 Thankful (Harrington) Cutting 36 Theodore 117, 213 Theodore C. 213, 352 Theodosia (ChurchiU) 344 Thomas 15, 19,21,32,33, 34.36.76,79. 107,121,125, 126, 136, 225, 235, 349 Thomas A. 138, 246 Thomas H. 226 Thomas L. 3, 247, 371, 373. 375 Thomas S. 191, 331 Urania B. (Richardson) 314 Ursula (Noyes) 270 Valette A. 105 Vashti gg Vera I. 330 Villa J. (Huntress) 411, 412 Violet g5 Virgil 148 Virginia S. 345 Wallace 164, 2go Walter ng, 122 Walter A. 243, 36g, 427 Walter C. 188, 330 Walter E. 336 Walter F. 280 Walter H. 266 Walton 48, 109, no, 163, 200, 290 Warner 95, 96, i6i Warren G. 174, 308 Warren J. 197, 334 Waymen 360, 426 WendeU B. 231 Wesley 118 Westley 174 -Weston T. 220 WUlard 51 WUliam 38, 40, 41, 45, 48, 55,77, 82, 91, 100, 102, 109, ng, 122, 136, 140, 150, 163, 172, 221, 22g, 235, 242, 265, 362 WUliam A. 186, 2ig, 308 WiUiam B. 164, 188, 243, 2g2, 330 WiUiam C. 268, 385 WUUam D. 205, 243, 251 WiUiam E. 114, 266 WUUam F. 181, 199, 319, 338 Livermore, William H. 193, 221,286,307,333,345,401, 412 William R. 114, 134, 179, 220, 240, 241, 341, 361 WUliam S. 117, 144, 164, 173, 210, 292 William W. 109, 165, 175, 199.229,293,308,333,338, 369 WiUie C. 298 WUlie J. 346 Winifred J. 413 Winslow O. 270, 386 Winthrop 108, 196 Winthrop W. 335 Wrexaville (Badger) 284 Zayda C. 345 Zayma E. 344 Zipora E. 167, 300 Zula Z. 344 Livingston, Alice M. 382 Clara L. 382 John B. 382 Martha A. (Montgomery) 382 Mary L. g8 LobdeU, Jennie E. 404 Mary M. 404 Sydney 404 Long, Albert M. 431 Elias 431 Emery Q. 431 Emma A. 430 Henry L. 431 John T. 432 Phena J. (Anderson) 431 Sarah M. (Anderson) 432 WUUs M. 432 Longacre, Sarah 240 Longley, Abel 223 Elizabeth (Patterson) 55 Hannah (King) 223 Jane P. (livermore) 223 John 55 Julia C. 223 LUlian E. 223 Lucy 55 Margaret B. 223 Longyear, Nellie M. 273 Lord, Charles S. 189 Eda M. (Stiles) 189 Esther 173 Loring, Jennette 253 Nathaniel T. 109 Sally log Sarah (Watson) 109 Losey, Ella W. 276 John M. 276 Maria B. (Wood) 276 Index. 465 Lovejoy, Jonathan 76 Ruth (Benjamin) 76 Low, Henry 174 Lydia (Gardiner) 174 Phebe (Gardiner) 174 Stephen 174 Lowell, Sophia g8 Luce, Desire 142 Fadila 147 Lugar, Ann E. 304 George C. 304 Lull, Jerusha M. 151 Susan A. 400 Lunt, Arabella L. 124 WUUam H. 124 Luther, Betsey 161 Robert 161 Lyon, Abbie F. 311 Charles R. 282 Delos E. 311 Elizabeth R. (Mather) 282 EUa E. 2 82 Eunice A. (Taylor) 311 George F. 282 George H. 282 George T. 311 Harry 282 Harry F. 282 Izette B. (Dodge) 174 Jennie D. 282 John 174 Minnie M. (Lester) 282 PameUa A. (Livermore) 282 PameUa J. 282 Lyons, Maria 210 Maclem, Florence 27g Maddock, Mary (Welling ton) 20 Mairs, EUzabeth 153 Makin, Grace 5 MaUory, CaroUne 273 Mann, Lydia 150 Manning, Angeline T. (Clarke) Cleveland 248 Charles H. 247 Cleveland P. 247 Fanny L. (Bartlett) 247 Florence (Raymond) 273 Henry L. 247 Jarvis C. 247 Joseph C. 247 Laura R. (Darley) 247 Leonard J. 248 Mary E. 247 Morgan S. 273 Rebecca L. 247 Rebecca P. J. (Livermore) 247 Mansfield, EUzabeth (Liver more) 10 1 J. H. loi John 101 Martha M. 101 Marble, Frances E. (Liver more) i6g Henry 169 Marden; Annie M. 319 Eliza A. (Stimson) 319 Mamie 308 Samuel 319 Marks, Lucy A. (Smith) 290 Mertie 2go William 290 Marsh, Betsey 96 Eliza A. 340 Harriet E. (Livermore) 169 Lyman i6g MeUssa 341 Ruth 47 MarshaU, Elizabeth 301 Margaret 25g Marstes, Elizabeth 140 John 140 Martin, Adam C. 338 Benj. R. 141 Edward 176 EmiUe H. 338 Julia S. (Livermore) 141 Susan P. (Banks) 176 Mason, Anna 56 Anna (Livermore) 56 James 56 John 56 Joseph 56 Josiah 56 Lucy 56 Mary (Monk) 56 Mary S. 228 Rishworth gg Samuel 56 Susan (Livermore) Leigh ton 99 Susanna 56 Thomas 56 WUliam F. 56 Masters, Andrew 140 Judith S. 29g Sarah P. (Livermore) 140 Matchett, Catherine (Plum mer) 125 Sarah A. (Bennett) 125 William F. 125 WiUiam P. 125 Mather, Elizabeth R. 282 Matherson, Phebe 406 Matteson, Arthur E. 332 Helen E. (Henshaw) 332 Matteson, Marcia 332 Murray G. 332 Myra 332 Matthews, Olive L. 3g6 Maxson, Laura E. 34g Maynard, Ephraim 18 Lucy go Martha 43 Sarah (Livermore) 18 Mayo, George 176 Joel 176 Mary P. (Banks) 176 McCallam, Marian S. 251 McCaughey, Arthur 376 Sarah 376 Susie T. 375, 376 McCaw, Sally (Foresman) 326 WiUiam 326 McCoUom, Catharine 275 McCormick, Mary S. 263 McCrae, Sophia 336 McCumber, Lucetta 348 Mary 404 McDermott, Emily (Van Valkenburgh) 165 Thomas 165 McEckron, J. E. 370 Mary E. (Ray) 370 McElroy, Anna 191 McFaU, Susan C. 310 McFarland, Angle 193 David 192 Frederick 193 Lewis F. 193 Maria 193 Mary J. 193 Mary (Livermore) 192 McFarlin, Mary 319 McGee, James 136 Mary A. (Livermore) 136 McHard, Nancy 118 Mclntire, Bertha O. 354 Elizabeth E. 354 John A. 354 Mary A. (Livermore) 354 Robert S. 354 McKinster, Myrtie 423 McLaren, Alice M. (Liver more) 319 Daniel 319 John C. 319 Mary (McFarUn) 319 McLean, Mary E. (Larre more) 303 Stephen A. 303 McNaU, Mary 160 McNeal, Louise C. 39g, 400 Mead, David 2g 466 Livermore Family Mead, Hannah (Smith) 2g Harriet 232 Susanna 28 Medbery, Clara E. 2g8 Clarissa S. (Livermore) 297 Don 297 Don D. 298 Helen A. 2g8 Jennie M. 2g8 MeUen, Henry L. 335 Lucy P. (Livermore) 335 Maria 335 Susan 306 Walter B. 335 Meriam, Angeline (Rock wood) 191 James L. 191 Merriam, Betsey R. 224 Josephus 224 Lorinda (Fitts) 112 Lucy E. 224 Sarah 168 Merrill, Abbie L. (Liver more) 167 Emeline (Fitts) 112 Orson J 12 RUey M. 167 Susannah 16 Merritt, Phebe 185 Merriman, EUa M. 320 Messenger, Almira A. 412 Metcalf, OUvia 75 Meyers, Louisa 236 Middleton, Susanna 193 MUes, Jane 175 Nancy 359 MUlard, Edmoor K. 356 Florence R. 356 Harriet E. (Livermore) 356 Myrtle L. 356, 424 Newton H. 356 MUler, Edith M. (Crandall) 328 Frank G. 328 Frank W. 161 Mary E. (Livermore) 114 Mehitable (Livermore) 161 PoUy 52 Rebecca 222 Warren P. 161 William 114 Mills, Albert 272 Augusta 272 Charles D. 351 Charlotte (Raymond) 272 Delphine 272 Edgar 272 MUls, Ellen (HoUenbeci) 272 George W. 149 Herbert A. 352 Lilian 352 Mary 272 Rebecca 272 Rebecca F. R. 362 Rose (Verbee) 272 Samuel 272 Sarah C. (Kingsley) 351 Sarah (Livermore) 149 Stephen 272 Minott, Betsey (Sherman) 31 James 31 Mixer, Anna 43 Eunice 74, 227 Eunice (Livermore) 74 John 74 Josiah 34, 74 Lois 34, 74 Mary 55, 74 Mary (Garfield) 34, 74 Nathaniel 74 PoUy 74 Molau, Charles A. 336 Clara E. 336 Clara (Ordronaux) 336 Monk, Mary 56 Montgomery, Lucy (Liver more) 265 Martha A. 265, 382 Mary F. 265, 382 William C. 265 Moore, Amanda R. (Pot ter) 347 Amos F. 347 Charles W. 347 Clark 207 Isaac 267 LUlian M. 347 Mary A. 244 Miriam (Pickard) 267 Oliver E. 207 Sophronia 267 Susan A. (Livennore) 207 Moreau, Elizabeth (Ham mond) 79 Joshua 79 Morgan, Abigail 139 Sarah J. ig8 Morrell, Anna L. 3gi Charles 337 Cora A. (Livermore) 3gi Ella F. 3gi Mary (Ballard) 337 Sarah A. 337 William 391 Morrill, Sarah 320 Morrison, Betsey (Benja min) 75 Martha A. (Banks) 176 Samuel 75 Solon 176 Morse, Abel 16 Abigail (Hurd) 45 Albert E. 198 Almond 223 Benjamin 16 EUza (Davis) 198 Elmira (Livermore) 198 Eunice 137 George M. 196 Grace (Parker) 16 Jane L. 223 Jonathan 45 Lucinda (Livermore) 222, 223 Mary (Jackson) 76 Mary P. 223, 364 Nathan 76 Rachel 76 Samuel 198 Susan A. (Sibley) 196 Susannah (MernU) 16 Morton, Anna L. 369 George F. 369 James A. 369 Mary E. 369 Mary L. (Fisher) 369 Moscrip, Almira E. (Ladoo) 389 Amos D. 388 Blanche A. 274, 38g Charies B. 388 Charles H. 274, 388 Ferris J. 274, 38g Helen E. 274 John G. 388 Lydia B. 388 Lydia B. (De Lany) 388 Mary A. (Weaver) 274 Minerva L. 388 Robert B. 389 Robert S. 274 Moseley, Rebecca 11 Mott, ComeUa B. 421 Daniel L. 342 Dorothy 421 Elias H. 342 EUzabeth 421 EmUy (Livermore) 342 Frank W. 342 Herbert H. 342 James 342, 421 John 421 Rachel 421 Ruth P. 421 Sarah E. (Preston) 421 Index 467 Mott, Sarah G. (Beardsley) 421 Virginia Elmina 342 Walter L. 342, 421 Moulton, Charies W. 195 Robert 267 Roxanna A. 267 Mullin, Edward H. 184 Medora (Head) 184 Munger, Bertha 323 Charles H. 414 Ellen (Searles) 323 Henry 323 Katie L. (Adams) 414 Mabel 414 Shubael 414 Munson, Amelia E. 183 Betsey (Bames) 183 Louis 183 Murdock, Belle B. 232 Carrie L. 232 Henry J. 232 John 141 Judith 232 Judson 232 Sarah F. (Livermore) 232 Murray, Arthur H. 204 James 204 Jessie L. (Livermore) 216 Lartie 216 Martha J. (Livermore) 204 Mary E. 204 Rutherford L. 204 Muzzy, Benjamin 98 Christian 167, 301 Eli 50 James g8 Laurinda (Bigelow) log Persis (Prouty) 50 PhUa H. (Livermore) g8 Rebecca (Livermore) g8 TiUy log Myriclc, Elizabeth (Trow bridge) 14 John 14 Martha (Livermore) Brewer 75 Rebecca 14 Samuel 75 Nash, Charles E. 377 Danforth L. 377 Edwin L. 377 Joseph 377 Mary L. 377 Sarah L. (Livermore) 377 Theodosia (Emerson) 377 Neal, Emily (Bradley) 379 Joseph C. 37g Nelson, Lydia 123 Nelson, Mary E. (Liver more) Snow 155 Oliver C. 155 Sarah 420 Neville, Rachel S. 430 Nevins, Eunice G. 2g7 Nevinson, Elizabeth 20 John 20 Sarah 20 I^fewcomb, Ruth 231 Newcomer, Annie (Albert) 183 Annie M. 183 Benjamin 183 Newhall, Susan ig5 Newton, Anna G. (Baker) 231 Bethiah 27 Charlesetta (Livermore) 413. 414 Emma E. (Livermore) 231 George B. 414 George L. 414 Gideon 27 Hannah (Lawrence) 27 Jabez 414 Lyman C. 231 Mary A. (Broad) 414 Sarah 51 Sylvia 392 WiUiam B. 231 Nichols, Caroline (Parker) 237 Emma G. (Livermore) 237 Frank W. 237 Harry F. 237 Henry C. 237 Mary J. 306 Permelia 160 WiUiam 237 Nightingale, Charlotte N. 217 Edna 355 Eva (Slierrard) 355 Harriet R. (Livermore) 216 Helen M. 217 Herbert A. 217 James 216, 355 Lewis C. 217 Mahala D. 217 Melvin 355 Richard 217, 355 Sarah M. 217 Niles, Julia M. 325 Nims, Almira J. 312 Lucius 312 Nancy B. 313 Norcross, Mehitable 18 Mehitable (Hagar) 18 Nathaniel 18 Norris, Alfred M. 195 Ethel 195 Henrietta W. (Livermore) 195 John ig5 John O. ig5 Marion ig5 Mary (Brown) ig5 Mary L. ig5 Northrup, C. A. 218 JuUa E. 288 Levantia (Buell) 288 Solomon J. 288 Norval, Agnes 3g7 Noyes, Mary M. 147 Ursula 270 Nurse, Elizabeth 27 Elizabeth (Gale) 27 John 27 Nutting, Elizabeth 75 Nye, David 115 Dwight 115 Florinda H. 147 Hannah log Hattie B. 32g Joel 115 Susan (Livermore) 115 Oakes, Clarke W. 295 Clifford V. 295 Edith M. 295 Elwyn L. 295 Mabel E. 295 Mary 35 Sophia C. (Livermore) 2g5 Ober, Hannah (Williams) 139 Samuel I3g Ocker, Catherine 235 Odiorne, Ebenezer 129 Elizabeth C. izg Emma C. (Livermore) 242 Frederick 242 Isabella (Redman) 242 John L. 242 Sarah B. (Cunningham) 129 Walter B. 242 WUUam H. 242 Ogden, Cora (Hampton) 299 Emily J. (Livermore) 167 Ethel M. 29g George 167 Laura (Livermore) 2g9 Leslie C. 2gg Lewis zgg Maud 29g May E. 2gg 468 Livermore Family Olds, Ann E. (Brockway) 288 Emmagene 288 Ezra 288 Oliver, Mary 404 Olmstead, Lizzie 175 Olney, Bertha O. (Mclntire) 354 Charles 354 Ordronaux, Clara 336 Osborn, Mary 48 Osgood, Josephine T. 218 Osmond, Eloise L. 326 Elvira W. (Livermore) 326 Isaac 326 Joseph S. 326 Nettie M. 326 Sidney (Singley) 336 Owen, James K. 160 Joel 44 Mary (Livermore) 160 Mary M. 160 Molly (Livermore) 44 Packard, Anne E. 243 Caleb S. 243 Florence E. 243 Page, Anna 265 Bathsheba (Livermore) 47 John 47 Painter, Jennie D. (Lyon) 282 Winthrop D. 282 Palmer, Ella 187 George F. 352 LUian (MUls) 352 Samuel A. 305 Sarah S. (Livermore) 305 Park, Mary 118, 120 Parke, Ernest 2gi Mary D. (Livermore) 2gi Parker, Abiel 36 Abraham 11, 15 Alma E. 409 Anna S. (Howe) 409 Betsey 107 Blanche M. 409 Caroline 237 Clarence E. 409 Cora M. 418 Daniel 15, igo Ebenezer 124 Grace 16 Hannah (Livermore) 32 James 15 Jane E. 34g Lizzie M. 345 Lois 122, 123 Lydia 16 Martha 11 Martha (Livermore) 15 Parker, Mary 15, 32 Mary F. (Hastings) 124 Mason G. 124 Rose (Whitlock) 15 Samuel 16 Sarah (Warren) igo W. 32 Parks, Jonathan 42 Sarah (Livermore) 42 Parrish, Augustus A. 425 Florence M. (Livermore) 425 Frederick O. 425 Jessie L. 425 Parsons, Almira 347 Eber 202 Lydia 202 Mary (Reed) 202 Partee, John P. 327 Mary A. 327 Sarah A. 327 Partridge, Ella 176 Susan III Patterson, EUzabeth 55 Martha 147 Paul, Anna 333 Payne, Amy 405 Dodge S. 405 Elizabeth (ChUson) 405 Peabody, AbigaU 231 Adeline S. (Grosvenor) 156 David 156 Elizabeth 230, 231 Jane 23 John 230 Mary A. (Grosvenor) 1 56 Walter 156 Pearce, Charles L. 358 Clara E. 358 George J. 358 Lot L. 358 Martha M. 358 Naomi (Livermore) 357, 358 OrviUe G. 358 Richard E. 358 Sarah E. 358 Thomas 357, 358 Vine W. 358 WUliam T. 358 Pease, Chester 281 Hannah 36 Pheria 281 Polly 281 Peasley, Betsey 136 Jacob 136 James E. 136 Louisa (Livermore) 136 Peirks, Jonathan 42 Peirks, Sarah (Livermore) 42 PeUett, Lucy G. 335 PendeU, Frank M. 432 Lucius A. 432 NelUe A. (Howland) 432 Pendexter, Mary 200 Penn, Hannah 11 Pepper, Henry A. I4g Lucy I4g Lucy J. 149 Lydia M. (Hopkins) 149 Mary A. i4g PUny i4g Thankful (Livennore) i4g Perham, Philinda L. 410 Perkins, Aaron 248 Archie D. 422 Clarissa F. (Livermore) 422 Edward W. 367 Essie C. 422 Faith S. (Livennore) 367 Jenny 175 Lytie G. 422 Mary A. C. 248 Mary (GUbert) 248 OrvUle T. 422 SaUie 379 Perley, Ira 146 Lucy 170 Lucy (Balch) 170 Samuel 170 Perry, AbigaU (livermore) 149 EUzabeth M. 383 Joseph 32 Mary J. 375 Prudence (Sherman) 32 Samuel 149 Pettit, Amanda 152 Ann 152 Catherine 152 Cenah H. 186 Jacob 152 Jane 152 John 152 Lydia (Livermore) 152 Mary 152 Petty, Ida A. 348 Phelps, AbigaU 340 Celia E. 339, 340 Francis 340 Permelia 2g2 Philips, Elizabeth (Leonard) 13 James 13 Phillips, Charlotte 330 John 38 Mary (Bennet) 38 Index 469 PMllips, Priscilla 38 Rebecca (Livermore) 38 Theophilus 38 Phipps, Abigail F. (Liver more) 113 EUzabeth (Leonard) 13 James 13 Marshall 113 Pickard, Miriam 267 Pickett, Harriet B. 188 Mariette R. (Livermore) 105 Walden A. 105 Pickford, AUce (Livermore) 149. 150 Alice T. 150 Anna M. (Tolman) 150 Charles J. 150 EUzabeth (Kay) 150 Elizabeth (Shepard) 150 EmUy 150 John 149, 150 John K. L. 150 Pickman, Elizabeth L. 381 Pierce, Clarissa 166 Cyrus E. 195 Louisa T. 123 Marion (Norris) 195 Pierpont, Charles H. 141 Elijah 141 George W. 141 Hannah 141 Hannah (Livermore) 141 Hannah (Livermore) Pot ter 37 John M. 141 Robert 37, 141 Sarah (livermore) 141 Pike, Albert 305 Anna B. (Livennore) 305 Esther (Hurlburt) 2go Hiram 290 Margaret 288 Rebecca E. 290 Pinckney, Martha A. 405 Pitts, Flora L. 339 GUbert D. 339 Joseph E. 339 Mary J. (Bancroft) 339 Platts, Susan 120 * Plummer, Catherine 125 Poland, Sarah M. 303 Pollon, AUce L. (Liver more) 403 AUie M. 403 Jennie P. 403 John H. 403 John W. 403 Lillie M. 403 Pool, Jennie 406 Porter, Hannah 221 Post, Anne 199 Potter, Adelbert 210 Alice A. 347 Allen 347 Almira (Parsons) 347 Almond D. 347 Amanda H. (Johnson) 347 Amanda R. 347 Amy A. 347 Ann E. Wheeler 347 Annis E. 346 Bessie V. 348 Carrie B. 348 Clarissa A. 346 Cora A. 348 Edmund D. 210 Ella (Thompson) 347 Ellen 210 Fannie E. (Smith) 347 Hannah 210 Hannah (Livermore) 37 Hattie L. 347 Hosea B. 210, 347 Ida A. 347 Ida A. (Petty) 348 Jerome F. 348 Job 210 Joel A. 347 Leona M. 347 Lester 284 Lucetta (McCumber) 348 Luther 210, 347 Mary E. 347, 348 MUdred A. 347 MUton R. 347 Mortimer W. 347 Nathaniel 37 Nina E. 347 PriscUla N. 148 Rhoda (Buckley) 348 RosUla A. 347 Sally 210 Sally (Livermore) 210 Samuel 210, 348 Sarah 37 Sarah (Livermore) 284 Semantha P. (Johnson) 346 W. M. 347 William 210, 346, 347 WUliam S. 348 Pratt, Addie M. 121 Adeline M. (Livermore) 121 Betsey S. 114 David 114 Josephine 348 Margaret 114 WUliam H. 121 Pray, Jane 175 Prentice, Amelia A. (Liver more) 285 Elizabeth 79 Raymond L. 285 WUliam G. 285 Prescott, Abel 222 Betsey A. 222 Betsey (Livermore) 222 Charles 222 Charles C. 222 Charles L. 222 Ellen A. 222, 364 Hannah (Spalding) 222 Preston, Lydia 100 Saipah E. 421 Prichard, Debbie I. (Coy) 417 Isaac W. 417 Mary D. 417 Priest, Everard 176 Jennie V. 176 Lydia L. 176 Sarah A. 176 Sarah E. (Livermore) 176 Sibyl 175 Prince, Almira 313 J. D. 262 Kate 262 Prout, Mehitable H. 188 Prouty, Aaron 50 Anna (Livermore) 89 Artemas W. 155 Asa 50 Asahel 89 Benjamin I4g Betsey 8g Charles 8g David 27, 50 Elizabeth 50 Elizabeth (Gates) 50 EUiot 280, 281 Eunice 8g Hannah H. (Livermore) 155 Joel 50 Johnson 8g Jonas 50 Laura E. 280, 281 Laura E. (Randall) 158, 281 Lucius M. I4g Lucy J. (Pepper) 149 Lydia (Hatch) no Lydia (Livermore) 50 Mary A. Pepper) 149 Melinda A. igo Nabby 89 Patty 89 Persis 50 470 Livermore Family Prouty, Reuben 89 Sally 8g WUlard 8g William no Purkiss, Sarah 2g Putnam, Amos no Elijah 4g Levina (Livermore) 4g Martha no Moses 4g Paris (Livermore) 4g Rachel 244 Sarah (Swift) no Quinlivan, Clayton 405 Daniel S. 405 Edward 405 Frank G. 405 Gladys 405 Laura E. 405 Laura (Horton) 405 Marshall E. 405 Merle D. 405 Sarah E. (Glezen) 405 Rae, Adaline L. (Benton) 416 Charles A. 416 Ernest B. 416 James 416 James C. 416 Ramsey, Florence B. 347 George A. 347 Ida A. (Potter) 347 William 347 Rand, Phebe g2 Susanna 412 Randall, Caroline 280 Jerusha A. 236 Jotham 280 Laura E. 158, 281 Lorette G. 280 Vespucian 158 Rankin, Jesse 402 Lucy E. 402 Ranney, Orpha 213 Rawson, Mary B. 165 Ray, Adaline 295 Helen 370 James 370 James E. 370 Lydia A. (Fuller) 370 Mary 274 Mary E. 370 Norman S. 370 Rebecca A. 268 Raymond, Abigail 138 Augusta 152 Charlotte 152, 272, 273 DeU 273 Edmond 93, 154 Edmond L. 154 Raymond, EUza (Swart wood) 273 EUzabeth 153 EUzabeth (Crause) 273 Esther (Livermore) 154 Florence 273 Frank 273 Isaac L. 152, 273 Isaac R. 151, 153, 154 Jane 152, 272 Jennet R. 386 John 151, 152, 273 '¦ Lucinda 152, 273 Mary S. 184 Nancy (Goodale) 273 Rebecca 152, 273 Rebecca (Livermore) 151 Rebecca (Tileston) 151 Sarah 154 Sarah E. 154, 277 Sarah (Livermore) 93 Susan (Lewis) 152, 153, 154 WiUiam 152, 273 Rea, Annie H. (HaU) 379 Dudley H. 379 James D. 379 Ready, Minnie 174 Redman, Isabella 242 Reed, Amasa 267 Amos O. 309 Caroline 267 Florae. 113 George S. 309 Laura B. 309 Mary 202 Nancy (Livermore) 309 Paul D. 113 Rachel C. (Livermore) "3 Rees, AUen F. 354, 423 Benjamin R. 354 Bertha M. 354 Carrie E. (WUlard) 423 Eugenia M. (Livermore) 353 George M. 354 John L. 354 Miriam W. 423 Robert I. 354 Seth 353 Thomas H. 354 Reese, Clara B. 348 Frederick H. 348 Mary E. (Potter) 348 ZeUa A. 348 Reeves, Alfred H. 394 Anna M. (Cook) 395 Bertie L. 3g5 Charles W. 3g5 Reeves, Clarence D. 3g5 Effa M. 395 Fidelia A. 395 Francis A. 3g5 George I. 3g5 John F. 3g5 John T. 394 Mary E. 394 Nelson G. 394 Oscar H. 395 Phena S. 394 Sally (Livermore) 394 Remington, Elizabeth L. 274. 389 Sarah E. (Weaver) 274 'WUliam 274 Reville, Mary A. 319 Rexford, Jane 187 Reynolds, Mary A. 187 F. M. 431 Rhodes, Anna (Bosworth) 422 Columtms F. 343 EUa C. 343 Ellen A. (Livermore) 343 ¦ Harry B. 422 Louis C. 343 Maria 399 Valette A. (livermore) 105 WUUam 105 William A. 343, 422 Rice, Almira 309 Ann S. (WUson) 306 Anna 43 Anna (Mixer) 43 Asa 35 Asenath 35 Augusta M. 101 Bertram A. 166 Calvin 35 EUakim 18 Elizabeth 26 EUzabeth (Livennore) 35 Ephraim 14 Evaline H. (Carrick) 41 1 George 166 Hannah (Livermore) 14 Isaac 43 Israel 35 John 411 Katharine 35 Lucy 265 Luther 35 Maria 50 Mai-shall S. 101 Mary A. 194 Mary A. (Gleason) Cook 166 Mary (Livermore) 101 Index 471 Rice, Mary (Oakes) 35 Mehitable (Livermore) 1 8 Minnie G. 411 Nathan 102 Sally (Livermore) 102 Seraph ig6 Thomas 35 Timothy 194 Zebiah V. G. (Ashton) 194 Rich, Anna (Livermore) 43 George 112 Joshua 43 Lucy A. (StockweU) 112 Richardson, Allen L. 272 AUen R. 272 Anna (Bancroft) 365 Mary (Livermore) Leslie 271, 272 Rebecca 108 Rebeckah 76 Urania B. 314 Riddle, AbigaU S. (Liver more) g5 Alexander 277- Esther (Keller) 277 Mary L. 277 . Robert T. g5 Thompson g5 RUey, Betsey 118 Emma 200 Harriet 217 > James 217 John 200 Mary (Pendexter) 200 Mary (Ross) 217 Robbins, Martha 56 Roberts, Agnes A. 375 Agnes (Hughes) 375 Davis B. 375 Robertson, Eliza A. (Marsh) 340 Leila 340 WUliam 340 Robinson, Annie J. (Liver more) 200 Bridget 161 Clarinda 219 Mary A. 205 Thomas W. 200 Rockwell, Anabella 105 Rockwood, Angeline, 191 David 191 John 190 Martin A. 244 Mary igi Mary E. (Livermore) 244 MeUnda A. (Prouty) 190 Moses igo, igi Nancy (Livermore) igo | Rockwood, Salem igo Roe, Alice C. 217, 356 Eunice S. (Livermore) 217 John B. 217 Ottie A. 217, 356 Sally (Livermore) 47 Roehrig, Caroline (Smith) 408 Frederick A. 408 Frederick L. 408 Frederick L. O. 408 Gavina H. 408 Harold L. 408 Mary G. (Hungerford) 408 Regnalta P. 408 ¦ Russell S. 408 Rogers, Clark 401 Dorothy (Livermore) 27 Emma R. 401" George 27 Mary 29 Mary J. (Kinney) 401 Mehitable 143 Nathaniel 29 Sarah (Purkiss) 2g Rohn, Eari C. 328 Glenn S. 328 Louisa F. (Crandall) 328 Raymond W. 328 Samuel W. 328 Rolf, Clara 426 Rollins, Effie R. 385 Emma J. (Livermore) 173 Etta C. (Livermore) 173 JohnF. 173 Romans, Achsah (Gleason) 2go Andrew 290 Harriet zgo Ross, Elizabeth (Johnson) 406 Floyd 406 Mary 217 Mary A. (Sanderson) 318 S. E. H. 318 Rumrill, Charles 77 Mary (Livermore) 77 Rush, Charles D. 427 Daisy E. 427 Mary E. 427 Russel, Abner 160 Ebenezer 95 Semantha (Seward) 160, 433 Sarah (Livermore) 95 RusseU, Carrie B. 318 Ellen I. (Livermore) 305 George V. 305 Russell, Henry 366, 367 Jeremiah 318 Lizzie E. 374 Louisa (Coolidge) 318 Mabelle 367 Mary E. (Sherman) 366 Miss 247 Rust, AbigaU (WiUiams) 140 Alice M. 2gg John E. 2gg Judith S. (Masters) 2g9 Ryan, Ruth W. ig5 Ryder, Hattie A. 410 Henry R. 410 Mary B. 427 , Philinda L: (Perham) 410 Ryers, Elizabeth 392 Sabin, Belle E. 29g Carl 2gg Lucian 2gg Milly E. (Livermore) 2gg Safford, Horace B. 215 Sarah E. (Levris) 215 Salazar, Gavina 165 Salisbury, Deborah 104 Salladay, Edward E. 34g Kate A. '(Livermore) 34g Roy E. 349 Saltmarsh, Ernest H. 307 Laura A. (Bumham) 307 Sampson, Jane 200 Marie L. 200 William 200 Sanderson, George E. 318 Hannah 120, 121 Isaac 101 John 101, 120 John G. 318 Lucy (Livermore) 101 Lydia (Hagar) 120 Mary A. 318 Sarah M. (Steams) 318 Sophia (Livermore) 101 Sands, Betsey 100 Sanger, Ann 225 Sargent, Catherine g6 Jonathan g6 Mary (Earle) g6 Sasse, Andreas A. 3gi Andreas R. 3gi Edith 391 Edith (Livermore) 391 Hilman 391 Maria (Fick) 391 Satterlee, Alice L. (Liver more) 423 Lawrence G. 423 Leanna S. 423 LeFranc F. 423 472 Livermore Family Satterlee, William H. 423 William L. 423 Saunders, Anne G. 262 Charies G. 262 Daniel 262 Edith St. L. 262 Frederick A. 262 Mary J. (Livermore) 262 Mary L. 262 Savage, Adaline 2g3 Sawyer, Charles H. 366 Elmira (Livermore) 102 Lydia B. (SkiUing) 36g Lydia (Livermore) 36 NelUe M. 36g Rufus 102 Sarah E. (Symmes) 366 WUliam H. 369 Saxton, Elizabeth 288 Schofield, Sarah L. (Bot tomly) 107 Scofield, Sarah 331 Scott, Cora D. (Terry) 409 Edna T. 409 Mary (Livermore) 26 Minerva 420 Thomas 26 WiUiam H. 409 Scotton, Annie E. 319 Henry 31 g Mary A. (Reville) 31 g Searles, Charles E. 302, 410 David H. 302 Edgar L. 410 Ella F. (Swann) 410, 411 Ellen 323 Frederick S. 411 Gilbert 302 Harriet E. (Forbes) 410 Harry F. 410 James H. 302, 410 Julia A. (Livermore) 302 Marguerite L. 411 Martha A. 302, 410 Walter G. 410 Seaver, Cynthia 303 Leonard 303 Lizzie B. 303 Seavems, Faith 227 Seger, Ebenezer 365 Emma N. 365 Mary (CooUdge) 365 Senna, Almira A. (Messen ger) 412 Joseph 412 Martha A. 412 Seward, Addie M. 283, 3g8 Albert 160 Anna 160, 282 Clarissa 184 Seward, Hannah 160, 281 Larnard 160 Levi 160, 283 Lorinda 160 Louisa 160 Mary 160 Mehitabel (Livermore) i5g, 281 Nancy (Cadwell) 283 Orin I5g, 281 Samuel 160 Semantha 160, 433 Sophronia 160 Sylvester 160 Sexton, Mary E. 322 Shales, Jane 267 Shaw, Elsy 51 George W. 367 Georgianna 367 Sarah E. (Amold) 367 Sarah J. 367 Sheldon, Hannah 234 SheUy, Alice M. (Liver more) 297 Frederick 297 Shepard, Elizabeth 150 Maggie 152 Shepherd, Harriet 218 Sherman, Abby F. 366 Alfred A. 227 Asaph 31, 32 Betsey 31 Betsey (Collins) 196 Caroline A. (Wright) 227 Charles F. 227 David C. 351 Edmond 5 Eliza 196 Elizabeth (Winship) 31 Ethel E. 351 Frederic 227, 366 George C. 351 George D. 227 Grace 5 Joseph 31 Lizzie W. 366 MabeUe 366 Martha 3 1 Martha (Livermore) 351 Mary 31 Mary A. D. (Livermore) 227 Mary E. 227, 366 Mary (Livermore) 31 MUlesent 31 Nathaniel 31 Prudence 32 Rosie 366 Sarah 3 i Snow 196 Sherman, Socrates N. 32 Susan B. 351 Susan (Grounds) 366 Thomas P. 351 William 227, 366 WiUiam H. 227, 366 Sherrard, Eva 355 Sherwin, Flora M. 280 Harland B. 280 Luella F. 280 Shipton, Mary A. (Goudy) 320 WUliam 320 Short, Adelaide L. (Hen shaw) 332 BeUe F. 332 Charlotte F. 332 Herbert E. 332 James L. 332 Jay C. 332 Roy H. 332 Shreve, Abraham L. 357 Asa 357 Frances E. 357 Harriet L. 357 Harriet (Livermore) 357 Henry W. 357 Katharine H. 357 Lot L. 357 Mary E. 357 Sarah M. 357 Sibley, Abel 49 AbigaU (livermore) 108 Adaline (Adams) 196 Adele J. 287 Brigham 108, 196 Charles 195 Charies H. 287 Cyrena (Hall) 195 Elbridge 287 EUza 49 Eliza J. 195 EUzabeth ( Livermore) 49 Elizabeth M. 195 Emily L. 196 Esther (Stone) 196 Fanny (Ward) 334 Frank W. 287 Grace (Lackey) 287 Henry 195 Jane F. 334 Julia A. 195 Julia (Livermore) 287 Julius R. ig5 Levens 4g Louisa A. ig6 Lucius A. ig6 Maria 196 Mary A. 196 Morris N. 195 Index 473 Sibley, Paul io8, 196 Rufus A. 196 Russell 108, ig5 Ruth W. (Ryan) 195 Sarah M. (Crosby) 196 Seraph (Rice) 196 Susan A. 196 Susan N. 195 Susan (Newhall) 195 Walter 108, 195 William 334 WiUiam E. ig5 Simmons, Bertha (Munger) 323 Florence A. (Head) 323 Florence M. 323 George F. 182 George P. 323 Harry 323 Henry M. 183, 323 Josephine V. 2gi JuUan 291 Martha A. 182 Mary M. 183 Mary S. 183 MatUda (Ladd) 291 Miranda (Head) 182 PhUip T. 182 Sarah M. 183 Simonds, EUzabeth 53 Sinclair, Etta A. (Gleason) 2g5 Winfy 2g5 Singley, Sidney 326 Sisson, Anna 406 Elida 406 Stephen 406 SkUling, Lydia B. 36g SkUlings, Edward 115 Frances L. (livermore) "5 Skinkle, Cora E. (Suther land) 322 Harry 322 Ralph S. 322 Skinner, Mary G. 179 Newton 179 Ursula (Wolcott) 179 Slater, Elizabeth K. 252 Slocum, Abigail 170 Slough, John W. 418 Martha E. 418 Smith, Aaron 171 Alice I. 306, 307 Almira L. 155 Almira (Livermore) 155 Anna (Livermore) Bemis 23 Annie J. 306 Benoni 108 Smith, Bernard 216 Candace (Livermore) 97 Caroline 171, 216, 408 Caroline (Livermore) 103 Caroline (Taft) 277 Charles A. 417 Charles F. 312 Charles H. 171 Clayton J. 2g7 Daniel 108, 155 David C. 155 Edmund 231 Effie C. 277 Eli 155 Elias 171 Eliza (Livermore) 48 Elizabeth 134 EUzabeth (Hale) 115 EUzabeth R. (Wiswell) 231 Ellen J. 400 Elmira (Livermore) 108 EmeUne 211 Emily (Livermore) 216 Fannie (Livermore) 171 Fannie E. 347 Florence K. (Livermore) 2g7 Francis L. 231 Frederick J. 171, 306 Frederick S. 2g6 George A. 277 George E. 155, 277 Hannah 2g, 122 Harriet E. 246 Harry D. 2g6 Helen 216 Henry g7 Henry E. 312 Hepsey (Livermore) 103 Herbert V. 231 Ida M. 312 James 115, 155, 246 Jane 155 Jane (Peabody) 23 John F. 155, 277 John W. 312 Jonas 23 Jonathan 23 Joseph E. 312 Keoka 342 Laurana R. 412 Lois A. 231 Lois (Livermore) 231 Louisa H. 236 Lucy 108 Lucy A. 2go Marion L. 2g7 Martha A. (Hammond) 231 Smith, Mary 185 Mary A. 155, 277 Mary D. (Prichard) 417 Mary E. (Livermore) 312 Mary F. 277 Mary J. 155 Mary J. (Nichols) 306 Mary R. (Livermore) 171 Medad 115 Minnie E. (Day) 296 Nathan 24 Oliver E. 231 Piatt 103 Rufus 48 Sally (GUes) 171 Sarah 117 Sarah J. (Harthan) 277 Semantha (Livermore) "5 Susan (Harris) 246 Susan (MeUen) 306 Susanna 74 Susanna (Livermore) 24 Thorit 103 Snow, Edwin W. 155 James in Mary 139 Mary E. (Livermore) 155 Sally in Soule, Herbert C. 356 Ottie A. (Roe) 356 Roe T. 356 Stephen W. 356 Southgate, Elizabeth (Stew ard) 25 Mary 25 Richard 25 Spalding, Hannah 222 Spaulding, AbigaU (Green) 250 Asher 250 Emeline 250 Spearin, James 100 Louise (Livermore) 100 Spencer, Alien E. 398 Huldah 116 Joseph 116 Mercy J. 175 Pamelia F. (Livermore) 116 Reuben 116 Rosie O. (Wood) 398 Spring, Ashel 190 Martha (Warren) 190 Stackpole, Sarah C. 143 Staehlin, Angie (McFar land) 193 George F. 193 Stafford, Cecilia Aiken) 276 Eunice W. 118 474 Livertnore Family Stafford, Helen (Livermore) 276 James 276 Ludima i5g Stanford, EUzabeth(French) 398 Henry M. 3g8 Rosie O. 398 Stanley, Martha 360 Stanton, Fanny L. (Hast ings) 236 Hattie 290 John L. 236 Mary L. 236 William L. 236 Stanwood, Catherine 76 Stearns, Abigail 29 Charles C. 181, 318 Clara F. 181 EUen A. 181, 317 Harriet A. 181, 318 John 180 Jonathan 136 Louisa 136 Mary (Bigelow) 136 Mary C. (Livermore) 180 Maiy L. (Curran) 318 Mary P. 318 Maud E. 318 Nathaniel 20 Phebe 31 Polly 181 Ruth 31 Samuel 31 Sarah M. 181, 318 Sarah (Nevinson) 20 Stebbins, Catherine L. 239 Charles B. 239 Elizabeth C. (Livermore) 128 Ellen E. 23g Hirametta (Bowles) 23g Lucinda i2g Luther izg Nathaniel L. 129, 239 Rufus P. 129 Stedman, Almira 164 John 164 Sylvia (Catlin) 164 Steele, Ida M. 432 Stevens, Elizabeth 359 EUa M. 332 James 359 Lydia M. 414 Nancy (Miles) 359 Steward, Elizabeth 25 StUes, Abbie 310 Albin B. 310 Arraett (Livermore) 189 Benjamin 189 Stiles, Eda M. 189 EmeUne P. (Taylor) 310 Emma 310 George H. 310 Hannah (Trowbridge) i8g Henry B. 310 Joseph M. 189 La Forest 310 Laura B. i8g Legrand H. i8g Pattie A. (Cady) 310 Samuel i8g Susan C. (McFaU) 310 Stimson, Eliza A. 3ig Stoat, Mamie 327 Stocker, Abigail (KimbaU) 74 Ebenezer 74 StockweU, Abby (Williams) 112 Albert 112 Calvin 112 Emory 202 Etta 112 Fred L. 112 Lucian 112 Lucy A. 112 Lucy (Livermore) 112 Lydia 202 Mary L. 112 Melissa 112 Nathaniel 112 OUvia A. (Bruce) 1 1 2 Ruth (Comstock) 112 Susanna (Greenwood) 112 Tirzah 112 . Stoddard, Price 112 Tirzah (Fitts) 112 Stone, Abigail 24 Agnes 336 Alice 173 Amasa ig6 Caroline H. 134 Daniel 17 Elizabeth 17, 22, 44 Elizabeth (Livermore) 44 Elizabeth (Smith) 134 Esther ig6 Frances (Livermore) no Hannah (jennison) 53 Harold 336 Hezekiah 44 Isaac 44 Jeremy 44 Jesse 44 John 44 Jonathan 53 Le Grand 336 Mary 18 Mary A. 123 Stone, Mary E. (Livermore) 336 Mary (Ward) 17 Ruth 53 Ruth (How) 44 Ruth (Livermore) 53 Samuel L. 336 Sibyl 77 Sophia (McCrae) 336 Sybil 34 Timothy 134 WUliam 44 William A. no Storer, Annie L. 236 Emily M. 236 Joshua P. 236 Rachel M. (Livermore) 236 Stouffer, Clara D. (Hall) 379 John O. 379 StoweU, Margaret 204 Sarah 253 Stratton, Alice H. 320 Annie F. 320 Bertha L. 320 Betsey (Bailey) 181 Charles 181 Charles E. 320 Charles F. 181, 319 Dinah (Bemis) 45 DrusUla R. (Chadbourne) 319 Edward B. i8i, 320 Eunice T. (Livermore) 181 George F. 320 Isaac 181 Jonathan 45 Lucy 45 Sarah L. (Fifield) '320 Stuart, Eliza 340 Henry H. 401 Minnie E. (Livermore) 401 Sturdy, Caroline E. (Ban croft) 339 Cora G. 339 Grace B. 339 LUlian C. 339, 419 Mary E. 339 Reuben A. 339 Styles, Nettie 152 Sutherland, Cora E. 322 George R. 322 Mary E. (Head) 322 Ralph E. 322 Sutton, Edmund 381 Elinor (Beal) 381 Isaac 381 Kate E. 381 Index 475 Sutton, Nancy 286 Ralph 381 Susanna P. (Livermore) 381 Swain, Hephzibah 232 Mehitable L. 280 Sally D. 280 William 280 Swann, Ella F. 41 1 Swartwood, Eliza 273 Swazey, OUve A. 321 Sweet, Cora A. 419 Swift, Mary E. (Symmes) 366 Richard H. 366 Sarah no Switcher, Henry 36 Rebecca (Livermore) 36 Switzler, EUen (Ahem) 358 WUUam 358 Sylvester, Hannah 48 Symmes, Addie M. 366, 426 Addie M. (Symmes) 426 Alexander S. 366 Arthur C. 366, 426 Fred M. 426 Ida L. 366 Jennie 366, 427 Kate C. (Bates) 426 LilUan F. 366 Marshall 366 Mary E. 366 Mary L. B. 426 Nettie 366 Robert M. 426 Ruth S. 426 Sarah E. 366 Sarah J. (Livermore) 366 Symonds, Charies 3gg Gertrude 399 John 331 Maria (Rhodes) 399 Mary 331 Sarah (Scofield) 331 Taft, Beatrice K. 250 CaroUne 277 Florence 250 Herbert 250 Ida F. (Chamberlain) 250 James 250 Josephine M. 250 Lizzie B. (Seaver) 303 Mary W. (King) 250 Winifred L. 250 Tanner, Tacy 186 TarbeU, Anna L. (Kimball) 376 Delora 376 Josephine F. 376 Nelo W. 376 TarbeU, Samuel K. 376 Tatterson, John 144 Sarah S. (Livermore) 144 Taylor, Abigail G. 177 Alice 310 Catharine H. 177, 309 Diancy R. 177, 311 Elias 140 Ella 310 Emeline P. 177, 310 Emily C. (Wood) 310 Eunice A. 177, 311 Flora 311 Frank 311 George H. 177, 310 Hannah E. 177 J. B. 140 James i8g Jeannie A. 177, 311 John 177 Katharine (Livermore) 177 Laura B. (StUes) i8g Leonidas C. 310 Lucius 311 Mary 174 Mary (WUliams) 140 Sarah 140, 173 Teele, Hannah C. 22g Temple, Clara 23g Terry, Charles J. 2g4 Cora D. 294, 4og Cynthia (Livermore) 2g4 Deforest B. 2g4 Gertrude 2g4 Henry W. 2g4 Polly 7g TerwiUiger, Albert C. 356 Dorothy R. 357 Ivan M. 357 Katherine (Evans) 356 Mary E. (Crisler) 356 MelvUle 356 Thatcher, Melinda B. (Liv ermore) 117 Movey 117 Thayer, Catharine 244 Francena 300 Thomas, Alfred A. 323 Felix 323 Gertrude 323 Jenny L. (Head) 323 Lydia S. (Fisher) 323 Nancy M. 351 Thomas E. 323 Thomas H. 323 Thompson, Ella 347 Lyman igo Martha A. 321 Mary A. 209 Thompson, Nancy (Liver more) 190 SUence 107 Thorn, BUlie J. 389 CecU W. 389 Elizabeth L. (Remington) 389 Joseph R. 389 Thwing, Anne S. (Haven) 378 Annie H. 378 Elsie 378 Florence PI. 378 Sarah H. 378 Sarah (Homans) 378 Samuel 378 Supply C. 378 Walter E. 378, 428 Tiffany, Polly 118 Tileston, Rebecca 151 TUton, Daniel 102 Elizabeth 101 Eunice 102 Sally 99, 102 Sarah (Livermore) 45 Tabitha 102, 221 Timothy, Daniel 3 1 1 Flora (Taylor) 311 Titcomb, Mary 74 Todd, Adeline L. 204 Eli 204 Jehiel 363 Martha E. 363 Mary 204 MeUssa (HUdreth) 363 Tolman, Anna M. 150 John B. 150 Lydia (Mann) 150 Tommis, Cerulia 276 Tompkins, Mary 166 Tower, Frank S. 183 Henry 183 Sarah M. (Simmons) 183 Towne, Ebenezer 306 Esther M. 306 Ruth (Faulkner) 306 Townsend, Eliza (Sherman) 196 Hannah L. (Hamlin) 142 Hannah (Penn) 11 James 11 Joshua 36 Rebecca (Moseley) 1 1 Sarah (Livermore) 1 1 Susan (Livermore) 36 Thomas B. 142 WiUiam n Townson, Jeams 9 Tradewell, Ephraim 184 Marina (Gates) 184 476 Livermore Family Tradewell, Mary J. 184 Train, Louisa 101 Trask, Lydia 229 Mary F. 353 Treat, Anabella E. 421 Trow, Annie J. (Smith) 306 James E. 306 Trowbridge, Elizabeth 14 Hannah 189 Trussell, Lydia (Kimball) 74 Tubbs, Andrew 390 Catharine G. (Livermore) 390 Daniel 390 Daniel A. 390 Everett J. 390 Mary 390 Tuck, Abigail 221 Hannah (Porter) 221 William 221 Tucker, Anna 4g Elizabeth (Livermore) 48 Hannah (Sylvester) 48 Mary J. (Bancroft) 364 Samuel 48, 4g Turner, Caroline 334 Lebbeus 47 Rebecca (Livermore) 47 Tuttle, Comelia (Lewis) 316 Daniel 158 EmeUne E. (Handly) 158 Hannah E. (Livermore) 158 Horace L. 316 Julian 158 Lydia 99 Mettie N. 316 Samuel 99 Twitchell, Adams 301 Adams H. 301 Franklin L. 301 Hattie A. 410 Hattie A. (Ryder) 410 Leverna (Livermore) 301 Luther H. 301, 410 Underwood, Eunice (Liver more) 8g Isaac 43 Jane L. (Carpenter) 275 Lemuel P. 275 Mary A. 275 Phebe (Livermore) 43 Rachel E. 401 Reuben 8g Sally 8g Susan 89 Upham, CaUsta (Livermore) 198 EUzabeth L. 199 Upham, Elizabeth (Liver more) 108 Freeman 108 George L. 198 Horace 106 Lothrop 198 Martha 106 Martha (Livermore) 106 Patty 106 Roger 108 Samuel ic6 WUliam 106 Van Buskirk, Alice L. (Ben ton) 321 Jesse L. 322 Lura M. 322 Samuel 321 Vance, Arabella 190 Ella M. 190 EmeUne P. (Livermore) 190 James T. 190 Lulu J. 190 Vancor, Julia E. 268 Lottie B. 26g Vanderwarker, James 152 Margaret (Pettit) 152 Mary (Pettit) 152 Roselle 152 Van Hom, Hattie A. 3gg Van Marter, Edson J. 285 Emily J. (Livermore) 285 Van Valkenburgh, Barthol omew 165 Emily 165 Hannah A. (Livermore) 165 Van Wormer, Margaret 285 Verbee, Rose 272 Viets, Annie R. 369 E. A. 369 Edward M. 36g Elizabeth M. (Livermore) 36g Voices, Rosina 412 Voorhees, Emma 426 Vorhis, Albert 273 Lucinda (Folsom) 273 Vroman, Arthur N. 404 Cornelius S. 403 Frank 404 Ida M. (Livermore) 403 Vina L. 404 Wade, Ruth E. 396 Waite, Diantha (Fitts) 112 Waldron, Nettie C. 333 Walker, Asenath (Carroll) 307 Aurilla 307 DeU (Raymond) 273 Walker, Dorothy 26 Frank 115 George 273 John A. 336 Lucie E. 336 Lucy A. (Wilson) 336 Lyman 307 Martha (Hanaford) 175 Nancy 106, 175 Sarah 57 Timothy 57 WUUam 175 Wallace, Louise 154 WaUer, Henry D. 357 Lucian L. 357 Maria (Livermore) 357 Sarah J. 357 Thomas C. 357 Thomas O. 357 Walsh, Celicia (Bemis) 41 Michael 41 Ward, Adelaide S. 412 Ann 126 Emily S. 266 Fanny 334 George L. 266 Hannah L. 333 Hezekiah 47 Johanna (Dudley) 266 Louisa A. 324 Mary 17 Mercy 38 Rosina (Vokes) 412 Ruth 4g Sarah 47 Sarah (Green) 47 Thomas M. 412 Warfield, Mary F. 302 Warner, Alice R. 431 Warren, AbigaU 22 AbigaU (Livermore) 22, 24 Abijah 22 Amasa 330 Ann 22 Beulah 22 Charles 229 Chariotte (Phillips) 330 Ebenezer 22 EUsha 22 Isaac 22 Jennie 330 John 22, 24 Jonas L. igo, 330 Jonathan igo Josiah 22 Lydia 22 Martha 190 Martha (Bemis) 190 Mary 22, 24, 330 Index 477 Warren, Mary (Brown) 22 Mary (Livermore) igo Persis (Weston) 229 Prudence 22 Sarah igo Sarah E. 229 Washbum, Israel 75 Martha (Benjamin) 75 Waters, Asenath 156 Mary M. 302 Watkins, Cora G. (Sturdy) 339 Edmund g6 Eunice (Livermore) g6 Robert g6 Theodore L. 339 Watson, Betsey 108 Charles 265 Jane 292 Lucy 265 Lucy (Rice) 265 Harriet igg James 108 Jennie 3go, 391 Lucy (Browning) 108 Marcia A. igg Mary J. 3gi Otis igg Sarah log WUUam 3gi Waxham, Miriam 293 Wear, Nannie 348 Weaver, Charles L. 153, 274 EUzabeth (Anthony) 274 Elizabeth (Livermore) 153 Faniue 274 Helen M. 274, 389 Jane M. 153 Jesse M. 274 Joseph M. 153 LilUan E. 274 Mary A. 153, 274 Maud A. 274 Sarah E. 153, 274 Webb, AUen A. 344 Bolivar L. 344 Clarence B. 344 Grace L. 344 Lulu M. 344 Rose B. 344 Rose B. (Livermore) 344 Webster, Catherine (Liver more) 136 Daniel 136 Helen L. 136 Wedge, Hattie 308 Welborn, Charies 425 Clara E. (Livermore) 425 Guy O. 425 Mark L. 425 Welch, David 234 Grace A. 234 Martha J. 234 Mary A. (Wood) 234 WeUes, Mary (Head) 323 Richard H. 323 Richard J. 323 Wellington, Anna (Bridge) Livermore 14 Austin C. 230 Caroline L. (Fisher) 230 Martha 79 Mary 20 Oliver 14, 31 Phebe 75 Sarah C. (Fisher) 230 Wells, Asenath (Dunham) 277 Barbara 428 Bulkeley 428 Bulkeley L. 428 Dorothy L. 428 Edmund D. 374 EUzabeth L. 374 Eloise 277 Gladys 374 Grace D. (I^ivermore) 428 Harriet E. (Livermore) 374 Henrietta J. 415 Henry J. 415 Jennie E. 277 John 374 John W. 374 LeRoy B. 392 Lura A. M. (BuUard) 392 Maria 415 Mary A. (Bulkeley) 428 Raymond L. 392 Raymond S. 277, 392 Rosina A. 268 Samuel 277 Samuel E. 428 Sarah E. (Raymond) 277 Sophia (Dwight) 374 WUUam H. 277 Welman, Adam 43 Martha (Livermore) 43 Wesson, Catherine in William in West, Beatrice 419 Cora J. Livermore) 419 Elizabeth (Brainard) 419 Geneva 419 James H. 419 John 4ig Rhobe 41 g Weston, Persis 22g Whaley, Hattie L. (Liver more) 287 Whaley, Jennie 285 Rudolph W. 287 Wheeler, Ann E. 347 Bessie M. 376 Frank 376 Kark W. 376 Mary E. (KimbaU) 376 Wheelock, Clifton D. 344 Harry 278 Irene (Grosvenor) 278 John 191 Maria C. (Adams) 191 Zula Z. (Livermore) 344 Whipple, George Cm Julia (Livermore) in Whitcomb, David 125 George S. 125 Maria W. (Livermore) 125 Rebecca 125 Roxana 148 White, AbigaU 34, 135 Andrew 33 Araesta S. 392 Bessie F. 170 Charles E. 279 Charles G. 279 Chloe in Electa A. (Livermore) 170 Fanny B. (Livermore) 177 George 177 Harriet (Grosvenor) 279 Jane (Dix) 33 Japhet D. 383 Julia C. 237 Martha 33 Mary 109 Mary E. 382, 383 N. H. 170 Oliver S. 279 Rachel J. (Gee) 187 Samuel 34, 77 Samuel P. 237 Susan G. 383 SybU 77 SybU (Stone) 34, 77 Thomas T. 187 Whiting, Amy E. (Fergu son) 426 Andrew 173 Charles H. 365 Frederic E. 365, 426 George F. 365 Harriet L. (Learned) 365 Mary E. 365 Mary (Livermore) 173 Philip E. 426 Plooma S. (Barnard) 365 Royal G. 426 Whitlock, Rose 15 Whitman, Channing W. 250 478 Livermore Family Whitman, Elizabeth (King) 250 Henry 250 Henry C. 250 Plenry M. 250 Mary 250 Mary (Eels) 250 Nathaniel 250 Whitmore, Addison R. 325 Bertha J. 325 Eunice M. 325 I'rancis E. 325 Julia M. (Niles) 325 Lena M. 325 Louis A. 325 NeUie J. 325 Polly P. (Livermore) 325 RusseU 325 Whitney, Ada 173 Benjamin 81, Caroline 232 Catherine H. 235 Dinah 81 Elizabeth H. (Livermore) 125 Francina A. (Hastings) 124 Henry 124, 232 Ida A. 313 James 125 John 313 Lucy 125 Marietta (Carlisle) 313 Martha R. (Hastings) 124, 232 Rachel 125 Sarah 15 Sarah (Barrett) 81 Walter H. 232 Wickwire, Martha 345 Widders, Clara D. (Hall) Stouffer 379 Daniel 37g WUcox, Edwin L. 331 EUa L. 331 Ida A. 331 Mary A. (Livermore) 331 William 331 William B. 331 Wilder, Etta B. 148 Wilkinson, Charles 273 Charlotte (Raymond) 273 Willard, Alice 152 Ann (Pettit) 152 Carrie E. 423 George 152 Jacob 152 John 152 Margaret 152 Mary 152 WUlard, Nettie (Styles) 152 William 152 Willcutt, Andrew J. 233 Kate L. 233 Sarah J. 233 Williams, Abbie 308 Abby 112 Abigail 140 Abigail (Livermore) I3g Almerin 285 Charles 140 Edward 139 Eliphalet 139 Elisha S. 139 Elizabeth 140 EUen C. 349 Frances 140 George A. 285 Hannah 139 Hephzibeth 46 Jane E. (Parker) 349 Margaret (Van Wormer) 285 Mary 20, 140 Mary (Snow) 139 Mary ( WUliams) 139 Nancy 139, 219 Nathaniel B. 34g Samuel I3g Sarah P. 139 Sophia 139 Wealthy McK. (Chap man) 285 Wright B. 285 WUUs, Lois A. (Smith) 231 Robert B. 231 WUloughby, Adelbert 424 MUlard 424 Myrtle L. (Millard) 424 Vivian F. 424 Wills, Sarah 218 Wilmarth, Emmett 3gg Mary B. (Fenner) 399 Wilson, Alvah J. 233 Amos 164 Angeline L. (Livermore) 197 Ann S. 306 Asa 164 Benjamin 185 David 164 Eliza 185 Enret S. 417 Frank J. 306 George 164 George H. 417 Georgia D. ?(Livermore) 233 Harriet 164 Helen F. 233J Wilson, Herbert A. 233 Herbert M. 197 Horace 164 James 306 John 197 John A. 197 Kittie D. (Head) 417 Lavinia 96 Lucinda 164 Lucinda (Livermore) 164 Lucy A. 336 Luther 164 Marietta (livermore) 306 Mary 95 Mary E. 306 Miranda 289 Morris E. 417 Phebe (Merritt) 185 Ralph E. 417 Sarah L. 306 Susan (Howland) 197 Warner 164 Wing, Almond M. 223 Edward L. 223 Jane L. (Morse) 223 Julia C. (Longley) 223 OUver N. 223 Winget, Benjamin 218 Ida R. (CoUins) 218 Winship, EUzabeth 31 JuUa A. G. 269 Winslow, Elizabeth (Ryers) 392 Kenelm 392 Mary O. (Folsom) 392 SaUy 52 William H. 392 Wiswell, EUzabeth R. 231 Witter, Ann E. (Livermore) 355 Clarence P. 356 Florence R. (MUlard) 356 Lafayette 356 Sanford 355 WUUam G. 356 Wolcott, Ursula 179 Wolf, Abram 160 Baxter 160 Diantha (Livermore) 393 Edith H. 394 Hulsey 160 James 3g3 John 160 Lorinda (Seward) 160 Louisa (Seward) 160 Mary (Seward) 160 Sophronia (Seward) 160 Wood, Asa 125 Charles A. 3gS Emeline B. 346 Index 479 Wood, Emily C. 310 Grace (Livermore) 125 Harriet 278 Harriet F. 266 Henry 125 Lydia L. 125 Maria B. 276 Martha M. 125, 233 Mary A. 125, 234 Olive (French) 3g8 Rosie O. 3g8 Sarah 278 WoodJjury, Betsey P. 232 Woods, Abby F. 381 AUce P. 224 Hannah 224 Henry C. 175 J. S. 175 Lucy L. 224 Woods, Margaret (Liver more) 224 Permelia K. (Livermore) 175 Robert 224 Robert P. 224 Woodward, Lucy B. (Liver more) 102 Sarah 17 Woodworth, lizzie i8g Wootton, E. D. (Bishop) 3g7 Francis D. W. 397 Jennie M. 397 John 3g7 John E. 367 Ray H. B. 3g7 W^arren C. 3g7 Worcester, Rebecca g2 Wornom, Flora 424 Wright, AUce E. (Liver more) 362 Amos W. 184 Asa 362 Caroline A. 227 Dennison A. 305 Dot E. (Head) 184 Margaret E. 305 Mary F. 305 Polly (Chase) 362 Walter M. 362 Wyman, Betsey 173 York, Augusta M. 249 George 184 Harriet (Head) 184 WUliam H. 184 Young, Levi B, 142 Lura C. (Livermore) 142 Zumwalt, Mary 2ig 1527 ^•i'^m