Vale University Library 204 il 9 14343 '"/ give l/iefe: Booki \ far- the fojmdmg if a Co liege at tHtf.. Catbitf • iLiiiBis^ror - Bought with the income ofthe Azariah Eldridge Memorial Fund 19 a. $ '\.'- Mm* ^ -**--¦ ^g^ ^f^' i.&i f WATT'S FALLS, POM! PEV, N). Y. ^ T °* y -OF- ONONDAGA COUNTY, f NEAV YORK. KUmrtrations anil %iagraplii-cal Sfefclte$ <_e=oFi=> SOME OF ITS PROMINENT MEN AND PIONEERS. By PROFESSOR W. W. CLAYTON. — » ?- PUSHSHEE BY ID. 3^CJLSO"lFT & CO., Syracuse, N". Y. I878. Truair, Smith & Bruce, Printers, Journal Office, Syracuse, N. Y. « g^g^^^^i^^^^^g^-^ HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, TSTEWYOKK. Portrait of E. F. Rice, " Hon. D. Pratt, (steel) . " " William C. Ruger, (steel) " " Elizur Clark, (steel) " " C. T. Longstreet, (steel) Empire State Mills— Jacob Amos & Sons, of John Greenway, View pf Greenway's Brewery, Portrait of S. P. Pierce, " " Wm. A. Cook, " ; " John Crouse, (steel) " Hon. Peter Burns, (steel) "; " Horace Bronson, "' " Johnson Hall, Onondaga County Milk Association Depot, "orttjait of Capt. Oliver Teall, (steel) " ' " George J. Gardner, (steel) " '. " Major-General John J. Peck, " " Rufus Stanton. " '¦ Hon. V. W.Smith " " Hon. Dennis McCarthy, " . u Robert Gere, (steel) Itaaiqence of Jacob Amos, (with portrait) Portrait of Mrs. AnnM. T. Ridfield, (steel) " " James M. Ellis, (steel) " ' " C. Tallman, (steel) " H. X. White, SALINA. BSSl((ence of John Paddock, Portraits of John Paddock and Wife, Portrait of B. Burton, Portraits of Miles Adams and Wife, GEDDES. Portrait of Dr. W. W. Porter, ONONDAGA. Residence of J. W. Parsons, (with portrait) Portrait of Hon. Abner Chapman, . Portraits of John F. and Minerva Clark, . Portrait of Leonard P. Field, Portraits of Jeremiah Everringham and wives, , " " Horace Hitchings and wife, " " Moses Fowler " " j- " Theophilus HaU " " i" " E B. Bradley " . Portrait of George T. Clark, M. D., ,,* u iff, iff, Newman, Portraits of Charles Carpenter and wife, Resi4enee °* George Hall, Portraits of George Hall and wife, !" " Volney King '¦' " . Besi4ence of Austin G. Wyckoff, (with portraits) 11 " Jerathmael Hunt, Portraits of David Chafee and wife, '" " Ransel S. Kenyon and wife, . MARCELLUS. iBanspllus Woolen Mills— L. Moses, (double page) SKANEATELES. 1 Residence of the late Julius Earll, . i Portrait of Judge Hezekiah Earll, . Residence of A. J. Earll with portraits, (double page) . Darrel Mills, Property of Thomas Morton, (double page) Portrait of C. Pardee, .... Portraits of D. C. Thornton and wife, Thomas Morton's Mills, at Mottville, (double page) Praycott Paper Mills, (double page) «fesl3ences of W. T. and F. G. Weeks, . *F. A. Sinclair's Union Chair Factory, (double page) Portraits of F. A. Sinclair and wife, Portrait of Benoni Lee, (steel) , ELBR1DGE. Residence of Thomas W. Hill, (with portraits) "fortrait of Hon. Luke Ranney, sfl '• " Chauncey B Laird, ";$' ! « " Hon. John D. Rhoades, " " James Rodger, . Portraits of Dr. Titus Merriman and wife, Portrait of T. K. Wright, '_ ¦' " John A. Stevens, , i " " Ezekiel Skinner, PAGE facing SOS between 212, 213 " 212 213 214, 215 214 215 facing 216 " 218 " 219 '¦ ooo " 2>3 " 224 " 22B " 230 " 231 " 233 234 239 " 240 " 241 " 246 " 247 " 248 " 249 1 250 " 253 " 255 " 256 facing 258 " 253 265 facing 268 facing 271 272 between 272, 273 272, 273 facing 273 " 274 between 274, 275 . " 274, 275 facing 275276 between 276,277 " 276, 277 278, 279 278, 279 facing 279 281 between 282, 283 282, 283 facing 283 between 284, 285 between 288, 289 " 290, facing 289 291291291 between 292, 294, 295 " 294, 296,296, facing 297297 297 facing 298 300 between 3C0, 301 " 300, 301 facing 302303 " 304 between 304, 305 304, 305 PAGE facing 305306307 facing 308 '309 310 811^12 bet ween 31 2, ^13 facing 315 " 316 between 318 319! 318 319 320 321 " 320 3§M facing m\ " 323 facing 324 Portraits of Deacon Isaac Hill and wife, " " Jacob Halsted " " Portrait of Marvin W. Hardy, CAMILLUS. Portrait of David Munro, " " John C, Munro, Portraits of Robert Hopkins and wife, 11 " Enos Peck u " Portrait of Sidney H. Cook, . 11 " Daniel Bennett, " ¦' Jonathan White, .... facing 313 Residence ot J. B. Bennett, (with portraits) double page, ..... between 314, 315 Residence and Farm of Henry Winchell, (with portraits) " 314, Sl'j LYSANDER. Former Residence of John Halsted, Residence of Mrs. Electa VanDerveer, Portrait of B. B. Schenck, M. D., Residence of B. B. Schenck, M. D., Plainville, Residences of J. H. and Lyman Norton, Portrait of Lyman Norton, " " Dr. J. E. Hilts, Residence of Mrs. F. W. Fenner, (with portraits) Residence and Tobacco Barns of William Wilson. Portrait of John Halsted, (steel) .... Residence and Hop Farm of H. H. Russ, (with port! aits) VAN BUREN. Portrait of A. W. Bingham, " " Henry Daboll, . Residence of ... " 328. Portraits of H. B. Bingham and wife, . - . " 328. Residence of A. W. Bingham, . " 328, 3S Residence of the late Moses Wormuth. (with portraits), " 330, 3SSl " " George Ecker, (with portraits), . " 330, 3:il " " Russel Foster, " " . facing 33^1 CLAY. . ' Late Residence of William Wormoth, . . . facing 332 Residence of Thomas H. Scott, . . between 334, 3:35 Residences of Mosley, Horace S., and Homer Dunham, (with portraits), . between 334, 335 Residence of French Fairchild, with portraits, (double page) between 336, 3:37 CICERO. Residence of William H. Carter, (with portrait), Portrait of Samuel Emmons and wife, Portraits of Hon. Asa Eastwood and wife, " " Orsamus Johnson and wife, Portrait of Isaac Coonley, Residence of Robert Henderson, " u Capt. V. Dunham, Portrait of M. H. Blynn, M. D., Portraits of Samuel Cushing and wife, Residence of David H. Hoyt, (with portraits), . SPAFFORD. Residence of Samuel H. Stanton, (with portraits), OTISCO. facing 328 between 328, 329 328, m facing 338 340 between 340, 341 " 340, 341 facing 341 between 342, 343 " 342, 343 342, 343 342, 343 facing 344 facing 34? Residences of Thomas and James H. Redway, Portraits of Thomas Redway and wife, . " u James H. " " " Residence of James L. Niles, Amber, (with portraits) . Residence and Store of A. J. Niles, Amber, (with portraits) Residence and Farm View of John Van Benthuysen, (double page) Residence of W. C. Fish, Portraits of W. C. and Eliza H. Fish, Residence of I. T. Frisbie, (with portraits) Portrait of Uriah Fish, Residence of George W. Card, (double page) Portraits of George W. Card aud family, Residence of Warren Kinney, (with portraits) . Residence and Shop of Myron Hillyer, (with portraits) TULLY. Portraits of Hon. Samuel Willis and wife, Residence of Hon. Samuel Willis, between 348, 348, " 348, 348, 350, 350,350, facing between ! 349 349J 349 349349 351351 351 351 351 353 353 , 355; ,355' between 356, 357: " 356, 357 LA FAYETTE. Residence of Morris Baker, (with portrait) . . facing 359 '¦ " " Maj. F. J. Farrington, (with portraits) " 360; CONTENTS HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY. INTRODUCTION, ... Chapter I.— Early Discoveries— Claims of different Nations— New York under Dutch Rule— First Colonial Assembly— The Revolution and Progress of Settlement Westward, Chapter II. — History of the Military Tract, . Chapter III.— Interesting Early Records— Town Meetings— For mation of Counties prior to Onondaga— Organization of Onondaga County, Chapter IV. — The Iroqnois Confederacy, . , . . Chapter V.— The Onondaga Indians and the French— War between the English and French— Count Frontenac's Invasion of Onondaga, etc., ... . Chapter VI.— The Iroquois and the English— The Onondagas in the French War— English and German Missions among the Onondagas— Schools— Treaties, etc., . Chapter VII.— Migration ofthe Onondagas— Location of their vari ous Town Sites— Period of their Residence in each Lo cality, . ¦ ¦ ¦ Chapter VIII.— Antiquities— Relics of European Intercourse with the Indians— The Monumental Stone of 1520, discovered in Pompey — Other curious Relics, Chapter IX.— Internal Navigation— The old Canal— Origin of the Erie Canal— Part taken in it by Eminent Men of Onon daga County— Its Completion and Advantages, Chapter X.— History of the Courts— Erection of the County Build ings, ....... Chapter XI.— History of the Salt Springs, and Manufacture of Salt, with Statistics, etc., . ... Chapter XII.— History of the Salt Springs, continued, with- tables showing amount of Salt made since 1797, Chapter XIII.— Topography of Onondaga County, . Chapter XIV.— Geology of Onondaga County, Chapter XV.— Geology, continued, ..... Chapter XVI.— Agriculture— Classification of Soils— Climate— Tim ber— Clearing Land—Pictures of Pioneer Life— Produc tions of the County, . . . . Chapter XVII.— Comparative Statistics— Influential Agricultur ists— County Agricultural Societies— The present Joint Stock Company— General Agricultural Statistics of the County, ..... • • Chapter XVIII.— Judicial and Executive Officers under Herkimer County— Onondaga County Civil List— Military Organi zation—Population of the County from 1800 to 1875, . Chapter XIX.— County Poor House and Insane Asylum— County Penitentiary — State Asylum for Idiots, page 1 23 31 m 50 5556 60 ¦64 68 81 Chapter Chapter ChapterChapter Chapter ChapterChapterChapterChapter ChapterChapter PAljE XX.— Onondaga in the War of the Rebellion— Capt. But- ' ler's Company— Pettit's Battery, . -84 XXI.— Jenney's Battery, etc., ... 88 XXII.— The 12th Regt. N. Y. Vols., ... 91 XXIII— 12th Regt., continued— The 101st Regt., . 96 XXIV.— The 122d N. Y. Vols., . 1» XXV— The 122dN.Y. Vols., continued, . . .1*7 XXVI.— The 122d N. Y. Vols., continued— 15th Cavalry, 111 XXVII.— The 149th N. Y. Vols., . 1*8 XXVIII— The 149th N. Y. Vols., continued, . 1* XXIX.— The 185th N. Y. Vols., . . 127 XXX.— The 185th N. Y. Vols., continued, . . 181 CITY OF SYRACUSE. Introduction,Railroads,Education, Syracuse University, Churches, Press,Banks, . Manufactures, Commercial Interests, Masons, Odd-Fellows, &c, HISTORIES OF THE TOWNS. Town of Salina, " •' Geddes, 11 " Onondaga, " " Marcellus, ¦' u Skaneateles, " " Eibridge, " " Camillus, " " Lysander, " " Van Buren, " Clay, " " Cicero, ' Spafford, " ' Otisco, " Tully, " " La Fayette. " " Manlius, " " Fabius, " DeWitt, " " Pompey, 136150 15S 16f174 19420J215 258266; 27128*288J29830« 315(3271•332; 337 344 1. 348i355! 359 1 363: 3821 386 j 395] ILLUSTRATIONS. Pratt's Falls, Pompey, N. Y. (Frontice). Plan of Onondaga County, Court House, Syracuse, Penitentiary, " Onondaga County Poor-House, SYRACUSE. Clinton Square, Residence of Patrick Lynch, Portrait of Gen. A. P. Granger, " " Parley Howlett, " George Stevens, Residence of John Greenway, Portraits of W. M. Clarke and wife, " " A. G. Salisbury and wife, " " John Wilkinson, (steel) facing title page. facing 6 " 42 " 81 81 facing 135 " 138 " HO " 141 ' 142 " 144 " 148 " 149 between 150 151 Residence of John Moore, . Portrait of Henry Shattuck, " " J. C. Woodruff, " " Lyman Clary, M. D., u " Hon. Joshua Forman, (steel) " " Gen. E. W. Leavenworth, (steel) . " J. M. Wieting, M. D., " Rev. E. O. Haven, D. D., LL. D., . Syracuse University Buildings, (double page) . Martin's Block, Residence of John Eastwood, Portrait of L. H. Rcdfleld, (steel) " " Horace White, (steel) The White Memorial Building, Portrait of Hamilton White, (steel) " " N. F. Graves, (steel) " D. P. Wood, (steel) facing 152 156 160 161 162 164 166 167 169 184 ,184 " 192 between 198, 199 " 198, 199 200, 201 200, 201 between 168 facing facing 202 1 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 111 PAGE Portraits of Dr. Elijah Park, and wife, between 360, 361 " Chas. W. Hoyt, . . . . " 360, 361 " " Albert Becker, . . . . " 360, 361 Residence of Jas. Booker, (with portraits) " 360, 361 " Luther Baker, " " . .. . . facing 362 Portrait of Joseph Thomas, . . . between 362, 363 " Avery F. Palmer, . . " 362,363 Residence of Homer Case, (with portraits) " 362, .368 Portrait of Lewis O. Hill, ... . facing 398 MANLIUS. St. John's School for Boys, Residence of the late C. E. Scoville, (with portraits) Residence of Curtiss Twitchell, (with portraits) " " Mrs. Ann Mabie, " " " " Ambrose S. Mabie, Old Homestead of David Collin, (with portraits) Residence of Wm. T. Avery, Homestead of A. H. Avery, Sr., and residence of A. H. Avery, Jr., (with portraits) . . between 368, Residence of Anson Smith, . . • facing " •' Dr. Judson H. Graves, ... " and Farm Views of D. W. Gridley, (double page) between 370, Residence of Edward French, (with portraits) . facing Church of the Immaculate Conception, FayetteviUe, Residence of Chas. M. Cole, (with portraits) . " the late Reuben H. Bangs, (with portraits) between 374, facing between 366,366, facing between 36S, 363364 365367 367 367 370 370 371 372 374375 Residence of Myron Bangs, FayetteviUe, " " Ambrose Clark, (with portraits) " Wellwood,'' residence of Sam'l J. Wells, Hotel and Residence of E. W. Woodward, Portraits of Seymour and Nancy Pratt, u u Beach and Frances Beard, u " Illustrious and Eunice Remington, Residence of E. A. Coe, (with portraits) u of Silas Bell, (with portraits) DE WIT*T. Portrait of Robert Dunlop, Residence of Robert Dunlop, Residence, etc. of Warren C. Brayton, (double page) Residence of Vliet Carpenter, (with portraits) . Portraits of David S. Miller and wife, ..." 392 " " Elbridge, Emerson, Julius C. and Mason P. Kinne. . . . between 392, 393 Residence of Rufus R. Kinne, (with portraits) . " 392, 393 " " Seth G. Palmiter, . . . " 318, 319 PAGE between 374, 375 facing 376 " 377 " 377 " S78 " 378 " 378 " 380 facing 381 between 386 387 386 387 388 389 facing 391 POMPEY. Residence of David Hibbard, (with portraits) Portrait of Daniel Gott, Portraits of Abraham Northrup and wife, Homer Case's Monument, Pompey Cemetery, Residence of Justin F. Gates, Portraits of Elijah and Maranda Weston, facing 395 395 400 400 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. General A. P. Granger, Parley Howlett, George Stevens, William Metcalf Clarke, Albert G. Salisbury, John Wilkinson, Henry Shattuck, Jason C. Woodruff, Lyman Clary, M. D., . Hon. Joshua Forman, General Elias W. Leavenworth, J. M. Wieting, M. D., . lewis H. Redfleld, Hon. Moses Summers, Asa White, Horace White, Hamilton White, Nathan F. Graves, Hon. D. P. Wood, E. F. Rice, Hon. Daniel Pratt, William C. Ruger, Hon. Elizur Clark, Cornelius T. Longstreet, John Greenway, Sylvester P. Pierce, Major William A. Cook, John Crouse, Hon. Peter Burns. Horace Bronson, Johnson Hall, ¦ Captain Oliver Teall, George J. Gardner, Esq., Major-General John J. Peck, Rufus Stanton, Hon. Vivus W. Smith, Hon. Dennis McCarthy, Henry Gifford, Robert Gere, . Jacob Amos, Mrs. Ann M. T. Redfleld, Milton H. Northrup, John G. K. Truair, General John Ellis, Carroll E. Smith, Charles Tallman, H. N. White, Dwight H. Bruce, B." Burton, facing 140 " 141 " 143 . 148 . 149 between 150, 151 facing 156 " 160 " 161 162 164 facing 166 192 193 199 199 200 201 202 facing 208 212 213 213 214 facing 218 " 222 " 223 224 226 facing 230 " 231 234 239 facing 240 " 241 " 246 " 247 247 248 249 250 251 251 252 255 255 facing 256 257 facing 262 Miles Adams, John Paddock, W. W. Porter, M. D., Hon. Abner Chapman, John F. Clark, Leonard P. Field, Jeremiah Everringham, Ephraim Webster, Col. Comfort Tyler, Gen. Asa Danforth, Gen. Thaddeus M. Wood, Horace Hitchings, Moses Fowler, Theophilus Hall, Elias B. Bradley, George T. Clark, M. D., W. W. Newman, . Charles Carpenter, George Hall, Volney King, Jared W. Parsons, A. G. Wyckoff, Theodore E. Clarke, Deacon Jerathmael Hunt, David Chafee, Sr., David Chafee, Jr., Ransel S. Kenyon, Hon. Dan Bradley, Judge Hezekiah Earll, Daniel Kellogg, Benoni Lee, Hon. Luke Ranney, Hon. John D. Rhoades, Chauncey B. Laird, James Rodger, . Titus Merriman, M. D., Truman K. Wright, John A. Stevens, Ezekiel Skinner, Deacon Isaac Hill, Jacob Halsted, Marvin W. Hardy, Judge James Geddos, John C. Munro, Esq , David Munro, Robert Hopkins, Enos Peek, Sidney H. Cook, Bennett Brothers, Daniel Bennett, 264 265 facing 268 " 272 between 272, 273 " 272, 273 facing 273 272 272 273 274 facing 274 between 274, 275 274, 275 facing 275 " 276 between 276 277 276 277 278 279 facing 279 281 281 282 282 ST82 between 282 283 facing 233 284 between 288 , 289 289 297 facing 300 between 30C ,301 30C ,301 facing 302 " 303 " 304 between 30i , 305 8* ,305 facing 305 " 306 " 307 308 facing 309 " 309 " 310 " 311 facing 312 314 between 312, 313 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. Jonathan White, B. B. Schenck, M. D., . Lyman Norton, . Dr. J. E. Hilts, . Judge Otis Bigelow, Wilson Family, Frederick W. Fenner, John Halsted, John Van Derveer, Harvey H. Russ, Henry Daboll, . Horace B. Bingham, Moses Wormuth, George Ecker, . Nathaniel Cornell, Russel Foster, . Col. Gabriel Tappan, . Stewart Scott, Moseley Dunham, French Fairchild, Samuel Emmons, Hon. Asa Eastwood, Orsamus Johnson, Isaac Coonley, . M. H. Blynn, M. D., . Capt. Valentine Dunham, David H. Hoyt, Samuel H. Stanton, I. Tyler Frisbie, Willis C. Fish, . George W. Card, Alfred J. Niles, James L. Niles, James H. Redway, Warren Kinney, Myron Hillyer, Hon. Samuel Willis, PAGE facing 313 between 318, 319 320, 321 facing 321322323323 325 325 325 between 328, 329 " 328, 329330 330330331 331 336336337 facing 340 between 340, 341 " 340, 341 facing 341 between 342, 343343343347351351352 -352 352 between 354354 356, 357 PAGE between 360,361360, 361 360, 361 360, 361 Dr. Elijah Park, Charles W. Hoyt, Albert Becker, James Becker, Joseph Thomas, Avery F. Palmer, Luther -Baker, Morris Baker, Homer Case, Reuben H. Bangs, Ambrose Clark, David Hibbard, Samuel J. Wells, Judson H Graves, M.D., Charles M. Cole, C. E. Scoville, Allen H. Avery, J. Beach Beard, Edward French, Eli A. Coe, David Collin, Sr., Silas Bell, E. W. Woodward, Robert Dunlop, Rufus R. Kinne, Vliet Carpenter, Dairy Farm of W. C. Brayton, David S. Miller, The Kinne Family, Daniel Gott, Dr. Hezekiah Clarke, . Elijah Weston, Abraham Northrup, .... . MISCELLANEOUS. Roster of Soldiers, ....... List of Citizens who assisted in the publication of the History of Onondaga County with Personals, 362363 375 376 376377 377377378378 379 381381 between 386, 387391391392392393 396 403404 404 facingfacing 411 INTKODTJCTION. In attempting to compile a History of Onondaga County the writer is well aware of the interest and importance of the subject both to the historian and the antiquarian. Onondaga has always been a famous locality. In the prehistoric period, before the advent of the white man to its territory, it was the centre of a great Indian Confederacy — that of the Iroquois or Five Nations— and when the Jesuit Missionaries penetrated the solitudes of its forests, it became the theatre of events in which the two leading nations of Europe became directly interested. The French and the English began the coloniza tion of North America at nearly the same period. The jealousies and rivalries which had long made them enemies in the Old World were trans planted to the New Continent. The French, by settling on the St. Lawrence, whose waters head in the great lakes of the Northwest, within a few miles of the tributaries of the Mississippi, which flows across half the continent to the Gulf of Mexico, had the advantage of the most direct means of access to the heart of the country, and to the rich and magnificent valleys and prairies of the Great West. In a few years they had ascended the St. Lawrence to the Upper Lakes ; had crossed over to the Mississippi and descended it to the Gulf of Mexico ; they had explored the vast fertile regions between the Alleghanies and Texas, and visited every tribe from the Gulf of St. Lawrence to Mobile Bay. The French avowed the deliberate purpose of keeping the English out of all this territory, and of confining them to the narrow strip of country along the Atlantic coast. In this scheme of empire they sought the friendship and alliance of the Indian tribes. They first secured the friendship of the Hurons and Algonquins of the North and West, establishing among them missions and trading posts : first in the forests of Canada, then on the Straits entering Lake Superior and Lake Michigan, and finally along the Mississippi, the Wabash and the Ohio. In 1 64 1, a great convention of Red Repub licans ofthe Northwestern wilderness was called at Sault Ste. Marie, which was attended by all the tribes far and near, and by officers both civil and ecclesiastic ofthe government of New France ; and it was proclaimed to the assembled tribes that they were placed under the protection of the French nation. In 1671, Nicholas Perot, the agent of Talon, the Intendant of Canada, convened a similar great council at Green Bay, on Lake Michigan. Not only were the vast multitudes of dusky warriors, sachems and braves there assembled brought into alliance of friendship with the French, but Perot, paddled in a bark canoe by friendly Pottawattomies, visited the Miamis at Chicago, and secured from them similar conditions of friendship and alliance. While all this was going on, the Iroquois or Five Nations, the most powerful confederation of Indians on the continent, were holding the ground between the English and the French in the State of New York, the Long House, as they called it, reaching from the Hudson to Lake Erie : not as neutrals, although they sought~at times to preserve a sort of neutrality, but as enemies of the French and ulti mately as friends and allies of the English. The French had wantonly provoked their hostility at the beginning of the colonization of Canada ; by forming an alliance with the hereditary enemies of the Iroquois, tribes whom the latter had beaten back beyond the lakes and held in awe and subor dination. They were so antagonistic to the French along the northern border of New York that Lake Ontario and the Niagara River could not be naviga ted by them, and for many years their only avenue INTRODUCTION. of access to the West lay by the Ottawa River, through which they paddled their bark canoes to Lake Nippissihg, crossed over to French River, by which they descended to Lake Huron. The first visit of the Jesuits to the Mohawks and Onondagas had its origin in the necessity for con ciliating the Iroquois, whose geographical position between the English and the French, and whose strength and prowess in war, made them the natural arbiters of the destiny of which ever nation they chose to assist in the struggle. Those who regard the mission of the Jesuits in this country as purely religious, having for its exclusive object the conver sion of the heathen to Christianity, mistake very gravely its import and character. It had evidently a politico-religious significance. Not alone to ex tend the dominion of the Church, but through the Church to extend the power and dominion of France, came these zealous, devoted and self-sacri ficing disciples of Ignatius Loyola to the wilds of North America. In Onondaga their mission-field was the most important on the Continent. For, while it was com paratively easy to make friends and converts of the unbiased tribes of other sections of the country, here they had a strong, wily, skillful, though often a magnanimous foe, to contend with and to con ciliate. Other tribes were less dominating — the Iroquois were the proud lords of the domain, the heroes of a thousand battles. Besides, at Onondaga, there was that in the situation which made the work of the Jesuits vastly important. This was the center of the Confederacy or League of the Five Nations, the Capital, at which all their great National Councils were held, where the sachems and chiefs, from the Hudson to the Niagara, assem bled to attend to the business of State, where the national policy and all the great questions of peace and of war were decided. If, therefore, the Five Nations were to be influenced and brought over to an alliance with the French against their English enemies, where could this be so well accomplished as at Onondaga, in the heart and capital of their confederacy ? This made Onondaga a famous locality, not only during the period of the Jesuit Missions, but equally famous during the wars which followed, when the French, failing in ecclesiastical diplomacy, resorted to the arbitrament of war. Thrice was this valley invaded by the French. Then came the long struggle known as the " Old French War," which in 1 759 culminated in the downfall of the French colonial power in America : the Iroquois fighting on the side of the English and turning the scale against the common foe. It has been seriously doubted by some of the best statesmen and casuists whether the English colonists would have been able to conquer the French without the assistance of the Five Nations, and whether, in the absence of the powerful aid which they rendered, this country might not to-day be a part of the French dominions. Certainly, with their great strength, skill and advantage of position turned against the English, the fate of the latter would have been very different from what it was. Nor has Onondaga been less noted as an organized civil division of the State of Xew York. Her cen tral location in the great State of which she is a part ; her connection with the great lines of com munication both of the early and more recent times ; her peculiar topographical and geological features; the variety and richness of her resources and pro ductions ; and, above all, the character, distinguished talents and reputation of her eminent men, have rendered her one of the most noted counties in the interior of the Empire State. At an early time, when the character of this great State and Nation had to be formed and its policy shaped and directed, Onondaga men, at the bar, on the bench, in the fields of enterprise and in the halls of legislation, bore a conspicuous part, and rendered the name of Onondaga famous throughout the country. Here were the great advocates and projectors ofthe Erie Canal — that great State enterprise which, consider ing the early stage of the country's progress in which it was begun and completed, eclipsed all the marvels of the oldest nations of Europe The men who believed in the practicability of this great undertaking, so far in advance of the rest of their fellow-citizens that their ideas were regarded as the dream of visionary enthusiasts and treated with derision ; who first brought the subject before the Legislature, first explored and surveyed the route, and who stood by the enterprise till it was finally INTRODUCTION. crowned with success, were men of Onondaga ; and by their identification with this great work made the name of Onondaga famous throughout the land. Onondaga became noted at an early time for her mineral resources — her Salt, Gypsum, and Water- Lime. The Salt Springs of this locality were known throughout the French and English colonies and. in Europe more than two hundred years ago. After the Revolution, their fame attracted hither visitors and settlers, and their partial development formed the nucleus of flourishing villages which have grown into a center of more than sixty thousand population. The first discovery of water lime in America was made in Onondaga at a period most opportune, when it was needed for the permanent locks and culverts in the construction of the Erie Canal ; and, in consequence, from 1819 that great work went forward to its completion, and has since had the materials at hand to keep it in a permanent state of repair. Here, too, the first discovery of gypsum in the United States was made in 1792, which has since become as noted and valuable as the famous plaster of Paris. The history contained in the following pages covers all the ground over which we have thus cursorily glanced, giving each step of the progress of the county in detail from the earliest discoveries. The plan of our work, of course, is very different from that of Mr. Clark's two volumes. While we have condensed the history of the Indians into three or four chapters, adding considerable original matter, we have extended the history of the Military Tract, the Salt Interest, the Civil Record, and other matters, deemed of most importance, far beyond anything that has yet been published. Our History of the City of Syracuse is almost entirely original matter, embracing the inception and progress of industries and institutions which either did not exist or were in their infancy when Mr. Clark published his Onondaga, such as the Public Schools, Churches, Institutions of Learning, Libraries, Manufactories, Banking, Railroads, and the various Industrial and Commercial interests of the modern city. Also in the various Towns of the County, the histories have been brought down from the point where they had been left by the former historian. The Military Record of Onondaga in the War of the Rebellion — a history not hitherto attempted — has been added, forming one of the most valuable and interesting features of the work. The sources of information to which we have had access in compiling this volume are the Jesuit Relations ; Colonial and Documentary Histories of New York ; Clark's Onondaga ; Bancroft's History of the United States ; Smith's New York ; Park- man's Jesuits in America; Champlain's Journal; Charlevoix's History of New France ; Parkman's Old Regime in Canada ; Davidson & Stuve's His tory of Illinois ; Turner's History of the Holland Purchase ; Geological Reports of the State of New York ; Transactions of the State Agricultural Society ; New York Civil List ; State Census for 1875 ; Local, County and Town Records, Maps, Pamphlets, Files of Newspapers, and various other documents of a local character. For local matters we have consulted the Pompey Re-union and Van Schaack's History of the Village of Manlius. For valuable assistance we are indebted to Hon. George Geddes, not only for materials and sugges tions embodied in various portions of the general history, but for the matter on geology, agriculture, &c, drawn from his valuable Report published in the Transactions of the State Agricultural Society for 1859 ; t0 Moses Summers, Esq., of the Onondaga Standard, for aid in the use of books and papers, and the History of the 149th Regiment ; to Col. J. M. Gere, Col. Jenney, Major Poole, Gen Sniper, Capt. W. Gilbert, Lieut. Estes, Gen. Richardson, and others, in making up the history of the regi ments from this county engaged in the late war. We also acknowledge indebtedness to Hon. E. W. Leavenworth, Messrs. J. Forman and Alfred Wilkinson, Hon. Thomas G. Alvord, George J. Gardner, Esq., and others, both in the city and country. Many clergymen have kindly assisted us with data for the History of the Churches, and prominent Masons and Odd-Fellows have court eously aided us in the histories of their societies. It is hoped that this contribution to local history will be the means of rescuing much historical material from oblivion that would otherwise perish. Records are liable to be destroyed : in many in stances they are very imperfectly kept ; many of the INTRODUCTION. most important events of daily occurrence in every community are never recorded at all : if they find their way into the daily papers and files are kept, there are usually no duplicates of the same, and the likelihood that they will be preserved is as one against a thousand compared with a book of history in which these facts and events are gathered up and distributed among thousands of readers. Moreover, much of the most valuable part of our local history exists only in the memory of those who have been witnesses of the events or partici pators in them. And these are rapidly passing from the stage of action. Scarcely a week passes but some early settler, whose experience reached back to the beginning of our present improvements and institutions, and whose memory was replete with interesting facts and incidents connected with the country, is numbered no more among the living. Happy for the interests of local history if such citi zens "had been interviewed, and the contents of their interesting knowledge and experience put upon record. Surely he who preserves these valuable traditions from perishing, and commits them to the hands of the descendants of our worthy pioneers in an authentic and readable form, is doing a kind office to present and future generations. No one but he who has attempted to compile such historical collections, is aware of the difficul ties, even now, attending the collection of such materials. The meagreness of the records and the incompleteness ofthe best recollections that can be elicited, are constantly compelling the local historian to modify his plan or to leave it imperfectly execu ted. Links are wanting which the utmost labor and research cannot supply. While painfully con scious of this fact, we have striven to make the following pages as accurate and complete as possible under the circumstances, and we submit our humble labors to the indulgent criticism of the public. HISTORY OF Onondaga County, to York. CHAPTER I. General History — Early Discoveries— Claims of Different Nations — New York under Dutch Rule — First Colonial Assembly — The Revolution and Progress of Settle ment Westward. THE County of Onondaga as a civil organiza tion is of comparatively recent date. The history of this locality, however, extends back into a remote period, and is intimately connected with the earliest discoveries and settlements on the continent of North America. There are evidences that this region of country was visited by Euro peans a hundred years before the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock, almost a century before the Dutch settled the New Netherlands, and eighty- eight years before Quebec was founded by the French. The monumental stone discovered in Pompey, bearing date 1520, carries back our local history three hundred and fifty- seven years from our own time, to a period when the Spaniards were making their discoveries in Florida, and forty-five years before the founding of St. Augus tine. A brief review of the early discoveries will be proper in this place. In less than a decade after the discovery of America by Columbus, the different maritime pow ers of Europe were engaged in active competition for the prizes of ihe New World. Spain, actuated by the greed of gold and the lust of conquest, seized upon the rich treasures of the Montezumas, and after conquering and plundering Mexico and South America, took possession of Florida and of that por tion of the Northern Continent bordering on the Gulf of Mexico. The first Spanish colony in North America was planted at St Augustine, Florida, in 1565, about fifty years after Ponce de Leon had discovered the southern-most cape of the United States. The English meanwhile were not idle. Author ized by letters patent from Henry VII, John Ca bot, a Venetian, accompanied by his son, Sebas tian, set out on a voyage of discovery to America. He struck the sterile coast of Labrador, June 24, 1497, and was the first European to see the Conti nent of North America. In 1498, Sebastian Cabot, returning, explore*! the coast from Newfound land to Florida. In 1501, the Portuguese explored nearly the whole coast of North America. Attracted by the prize of the Newfoundland fisheries, the French of Normandy and Britany sent thither their sailing vessels as early as the begin ning of the sixteenth century. From this point they discovered the Island of Cape Breton and gradu ally passed westward into the Gulf of St. Lawrence, To Jacques Cartier, a French mariner of St. Malo, be longs the honor of having discovered and named the River St. Lawrence. Sailing up its broad ex panse of waters on St. Lawrence Day, (August 10,) 1534, he gave it the name of that distinguished saint, and ascended the river as far as the Island of Orleans. The following year he explored it to the ancient Indian town of Hochelaga, now Mon treal. The French under Champlain, founded Que bec in 1608. One year earlier the English colo nists had made their first permanent settlement at Jamestown, Virginia, and in 1620 the Mayflower landed another colony at Plymouth Rock, destined to have an important influence in the settlement and institutions ofthe country for all time to come. These two colonies were the successful rivals of all others of every nationality, in that competition for empire which has made their descendants the masters of North America. Meanwhile the French had also explored the HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. coasts of New England and New York. Emu lating the enterprise of England and Spain, Fran cis I, of France, had sent upon a voyage of ex ploration the distinguished Florentine mariner, John Verrazzani. This persevering navigator visited America in 1524, sailed along the coast a distance of twenty-one hundred miles in frail vessels and safely returned to report his success to his sovereign. The Dutch East India Company employed Henry Hudson to seek a northern passage to India. In a mere yacht he ventured among the northern icebergs, skirted the coast of North America, and sailing up the noble river which perpetuates his name, cast anchor in the stream and opened a trade with the Indians. From them Hudson obtained corn, beans, pumpkins, grapes and tobacco, — products indigenous to the soil and climate of America, — and to them he imparted a knowledge of the baneful effects of intoxicating liquor. On account of the foregoing explorations and discoveries, three nations laid claim to a portion of the territory embraced in the State of New York. On the ground of the discoveries of Sebas tian Cabot in I498,was based th»English claim of ter ritory, eleven degrees in width extending indefinitely westward ; the French claimed a portion of the eastern Atlantic coast on the ground of the discov eries made by Verrazzani ; and Holland laid claim to the country from Cape Cod to the southern shore of Delaware Bay, basing her right upon the discoveries of Hudson, made in September, 1609. Of this thrice-claimed region the Dutch be came the- actual possessors and gave it the name of New Netherlands. They planted a fort on Manhattan Island in 1614, and in 1623 made settle ments at New Amsterdam and Fort Orange. For a time on amicable terms with the Indians the colonists lived in peace and security, but the cruelty of Keith, one of the four colonial Governors, awakened the fires of revenge and threatened the colony with extermination. Restricted in their rights, and desirous of the privileges and liberties accorded the neighboring English colonists, the Dutch settlers refused to contest supremacy with the naval expedition of Admiral Nichols, sent out by the Duke of York in 1664 * and the warlike Steuyvesant, reluctantly yielding to the English, resigned his command, and the province re ceived the name of New York. The settlement at New Amsterdam was changed to the same name, and Fort Orange to Albany, the present State Capital. Hailing with satisfaction the change of masters, the Dutch and English colonists, whose plantations had been devastated by the Raritans and their allies, and whose lives had been saved by the inter position of the friendly Mohawks, soon found them selves in a protracted struggle with the royal Gov ernors. Repeatedly defrauded of their means, they raised revenues under their own officers and stout ly defended and successfully maintained their rights and liberties. In October, 1683, the first Colonial Assembly for the Province of New York held its session. It consisted of a Governor, Council of Ten, and House of Representatives of seventeen members elected by the people. In conflict with their French enemies on the north, the timidity and delays of the Governors brought the English into contempt with their fierce allies, the Iroquois, on the west ; but the misfor tune was averted before treaties were annulled by the sagacity and activity of Schuyler and Fletcher in the winter of 1693. The changes and revolu tions in England extended to the royal province and occasioned an event of vast importance in its bearing on the future of the State. The circum stances of the hanging of Leisler and Millbourne, so familiar to many, opened a chasm between the people, whose hardships in a new land entitled them to a voice in their own government, and pro prietors of large tracts of land, with aristocratic tendencies and pretensions, who aimed at a com plete usurpation of popular rights and privileges. The antagonism thus fostered kindled to a flame upon the breaking out of the Revolution, and un der the appellations of Whig and Tory the people were arranged in nearly equal numbers. During the Revolution, eastern New York was the scene of various severe struggles. The defeat of the Americans on Long Island was the com mencement of a period of gloom and depression ; but the surrender of Burgoyne at Saratoga in spired a hope and a resolution which never ceased till the close of the war. With the arrival of peace and freedom from foreign influence, and during the cessation of internal dissensions, many soldiers re ceiving grants of land in lieu of bounties, proceeded westward to find and settle upon their tracts. Large areas of land were bought, and sometimes after many changes of ownership, the proprietors or com panies offering liberal terms, invited settlers, laid out counties and towns, and founded villages and hamlets, which have grown into cities important and populous. At the close of the Revolution, Central and Western New York was a wilderness ; but the HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. march of armies and the forays of detachments had made known the future promise of this hitherto un trodden region ; and companies, the State and the general Government, immediately took steps, as policy and duty seemed to dictate, to acquire im mediate ownership. ¦ The conclusion of that peace by which American Independence was acknowledged secured no terms to England's savage auxiliaries. Their ancient possessions, by the treaty of 1783, passed into the hands of the United States. The new Government desired to consolidate a peace with the Six Na tions, and to this end the General Assembly of New York made provision for a treaty, by passing an act, April 6, 1784, associating with Governor George Clinton, President ex-officio of the Board of Commissioners, and his three associates, such other persons as should be deemed necessary, who were authorized to proceed to form a compact with the Indians. The place selected was Fort Stanwix. But pending the meeting Congress took action in the matter, appointing Oliver Wolcott, Arthur Lee and Richard Butler, Commissioners to make a treaty with the same parties. This brought the general Government and State into conflict ; the general Government maintained its prerogatives, and, by the Commissioners appointed, concluded a treaty with the Six Nations at Fort Stanwix, Octo ber 22, 1784. This treaty ceded a large portion of land in Western New York. By a treaty with the Onondagas, concluded September 12, 1788, the lands known as the Military Tract were acquired. CHAPTER II. History of the Military Tract. IN our introductory chapter we have brought down the thread of events to the extinguish ment of the Indian title to the Military Tract. That portion of the State was afterwards organized into the County of Onondaga. The history of this famous tract of land may properly begin with the action of Congress on the 16th of September, 1776, in mak ing provision for the bounties of the soldiers to be enlisted in the Continental Army during the War of the Revolution. The following is an extract from the journal of Congress, dated as above : "Congress then resolved itself into a committee of the whole to take into consideration the report of the Board of War ; and after some time the President resumed the chair, and Mr. Nelson re ported that the committee have had under consid eration the report from the Board of War, and have made sundry amendments ; which they ordered him to lay before Congress. Congress then took into consideration the report of the Board of War, and the amendments offered by the committee of the whole, and thereupon came to the following resolutions : " That eighty-eight Battalions be enlisted as soon as possible, to serve during the present war ; and that each State furnish their respective quotas in the following proportions, viz.: New Hampshire .... Three Battalions. Massachusetts Bay . . . Fifteen " Rhode Island... Two " Connecticut . . . Eight " New York Four " New- Jersey Four " Pennsylvania Twelve " Delaware One " Maryland Eight " Virginia Fifteen " North Carolina Nine " South Carolina . ...Six " Georgia ... ... .One " " That twenty dollars be given as a bounty to each non-commissioned officer and private soldier who shall enlist, to serve during the present war, unless sooner discharged by Congress. "That Congress make provision for granting lands in the following proportions to the officers and soldiers, who shall so engage in the service, and continue therein till the close of the war, or until discharged by Congress, and to the representatives of such officers and soldiers as shall be slain by the enemy. " Such lands to be provided by the United States ; and whatever expenses shall be necessary to procure such land, the said expenses shall be paid and borne by the States, in the same propor tion as the other expenses of the war, viz.: To a Colonel 500 Acres. To a Lieutenant-Colonel 450 To a Major . . .400 To a Captain 300 To a Lieutenant .200 To an Ensign 150 Each non-commissioned officer and soldier. . . 100 " By an act of the 12th of August, 1780, Congress also made provision of land bounties for Major Generals and Brigadier Generals, as follows : To a Major General . . 1,100 Acres. To a Brigadier General . . . 850 " At the close of the war, in 1783, the Legislature of the State of New York, took action with regard to these promised bounty lands, not only with a view of discharging the aforesaid engagement of Congress, but, in consideration of the virtue and patriotism of the troops of New York, to add there to a large gratuity of State lands. The resolution of the Senate was introduced by Mr. Duane, and is dated March 27, 1783. It is in the words fol lowing : HISTORY. OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. " Resolved therefore, (if the honorable, the House of Assembly concur herein,) That besides the bounty of land so promised as aforesaid, this Legis lature will by law provide that the Major Generals and Brigadier Generals now serving in the line of the army of the United States, and being citizens of this State ; and the officers, non-commissioned officers and privates of the two regiments com manded by Colonels Van Schaick and Van Cort- 'landt ; such officers of the regiment of artillery commanded by Colonel Lamb, and of the corps of sappers and miners, as were when they entered the service, inhabitants of this State ; such of the non commissioned officers and privates of the said last mentioned two corps as are credited to this State as part ofthe troops thereof; all officers designated by any act of Congre'ss subsequent to the 16th of September, 1776; all officers recommended by Congress as persons whose depreciation on pay ought to be made good by this State, and who may hold military commissions in the line of the army at the close of the war ; and the Rev. John Mason and John Gano, shall severally have granted to them the following quantities of land, to wit: To a Major General 5-500 Acres. To a Brigadier General 4,250 " To a Colonel 2,500 " To a Lieut. Colonel 2,25o " To a Major 2,000 " A Captain and a Regimental Surgeon each 1,500 " Each of said Chaplains 2,000 " Every Subaltern and Sur geon's Mate 1,000 " Every non-commissioned offi cer and private 500 " " That the lands so to be granted as bounty from the United States, and as gratuity from the State, shall be laid out in townships of six miles square ; that each township shall be divided into 156 lots of 150 acres each, two lots whereof shall be reserved for the use of a minister or ministers ofthe gospel, and two lots for the use of a school or schools; that each person above described shall be entitled to as many such lots as his bounty and gratuity land as aforesaid will admit of; that one-half the lots each person shall be entitled to shall be improved at the rate of five acres for each hundred acres, within five year's after the grant, if the grantee shall re tain the possession of such lots ; and that the said bounty and gratuity lands be located in the district of this State reserved for the use of the troops by an act entitled, " An Act to prevent grants or loca tions of the lands therein mentioned, passed the 25th day of July, 1782. " Resolved, That His Excellency the Governor be requested to communicate these resolutions in such manner as he shall conceive most proper. " Resolved, That this House do concur with the Honorable, the Senate, in the last preceding reso lutions. " Ordered, That Mr. John Lawrence and Mr. Humfrey carry a copy of the preceding resolution of concurrence to the Honorable, the Senate." Previous to the date of the above extract the Legislature of the State had by an act passed March 20, 1781, further provided for the raising of troops to complete the line of this State in the ser vice of the United States ; and two regiments to be raised on bounties of lands and for the further defense of the frontier of the State. The land granted by these last mentioned acts being bounty lands ; those granted as provided for in the extracts above being gratuity lands. The original acts granting these lands were sub sequently and from time to time modified and amended, till finally, it was ordered by an act passed February 28, 1789, " That the Commission ers of the land office shall be, and they are hereby authorized to direct the Surveyor General to lay out as many townships in tracts of land set apart for such purposes as will contain land sufficient to satisfy the claims of all such persons who are or shall be entitled to grants of land by certain con current resolutions and by the eleventh clause of the act entitled, ' An Act for granting certain lands promised to be given as bounty lands by the laws of the State, and for other purposes therein men tioned, passed the nth day of May, 1784; which townships shall respectively contain 60,000 acres of land, and be laid out as nearly in squares as local circumstances will permit, and be numbered from one progressively to the last inclusive ; and the Commissioners of the Land Office shall likewise designate every township by such name as they shall deem proper.' " By the same act it was ordered " That the Sur veyor General, as soon as may be, shall make a map of each of said townships, and each township shall be sub-divided on such map into one hundred-lots, as nearly square as may be, each lot to contain 600 acres, or as near that quantity as may be ; and the lots in every township shall be numbered from one to the last, inclusive, in numerical order." After such map had been made and deposited in the Surveyor General's office, and in the office of the Secretary of State, the Commissioners were or dered, to " Advertise for six successive weeks in one or more newspapers printed in each of the cities of New York and Albany (whereof the newspaper published by the printer to this State, if any such there be, shall be one,) requiring all persons entitled to grants of bounty or gratuity lands, who had not already exhibited their claims, to exhibit the same to the Commissioners on or before the first day of January, 1791 ." By the same act it was further ordered that " All persons to whom land shall be granted by virtue of HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. this act, and who are entitled thereto by any actor resolution of Congress, shall make an assignment of his, or her proportion and claim of bounty or gratuity lands under any act or acts of Congress to the Surveyor General, for the use of the people of this State." This being done by the said parties, it was provided that for lands thus assigned an equal number of acres were to be given by the State, and so far as possible in one tract and under one patent, " Provided the same does not exceed one-quarter of the quantity of a township." It was also further provided that the lands to be granted by this act be actually settled, for every six hundred acres that may be granted to any per son or persons within seven years from the first of January next after the date of the patent by which such lands shall be granted ; and on failure of such settlement, the unsettled lands shall revert to the people of this State." The letters patent were ordered " To be in such words and forms as the Commissioners shall direct, and shall contain an ex ception and reservation to the people of this State of all the gold and silver mines." By an act passed April 6, 1 790, it was ordered " That the quantity oi fifty acres, in one of the corners of the respective lots to be laid out in squares of 600 acres, shall be and are hereby subjected to the payment of the sum of forty-eight (48) shillings to the Surveyor-General, as a compensation in full for his services and expenses in marking, numbering and surveying each of the said lots ; and in every case where the said sum of forty-eight shillings, or any part thereof, shall remain unpaid for the term of two years next after the issuing of the respective patents, it shall be and is hereby made the duty of the Surveyor-General to sell the same at public vendue ; and the money arising from such sales shall be applied in payment of expenses of such survey." And in case a surplus of money was in the hands of the Surveyor-General, after paying such expenses, it was to be applied to the payment of expenses in laying out and making roads in the said tract." By an act of February 28, 1789, six lots in each township were reserved and were to be assigned, " One for promoting the gospel and a public school or schools, one other for promoting literature in this State, and the remaining four lots to satisfy the surplus share of commissioned officers not corres ponding with the division of 600 acres, and to com pensate such persons as may by chance draw any lot or lots, the greater part of which may be covered with water." The act of, 1780 provided " That whenever it ap peared that persons applying for bounty or gratuity land, and had received from Congress the bounty promised by that body, or in case they failed to re linquish their claim to such lands, then the Com missioners were to reserve for the use of the people of the State one hundred acres in each lot to which such person was entitled ; designating par ticularly in which part of such lot such reserved part was located." This gave rise to the term " States Hundred" so frequently applied to sections of land in the Military Tract. The Land Commissioners consisted of " His Ex cellency, the Governor, or person administering the government of the State for the time being, the Lieutenant Governor, the Speaker of the Assembly, the Secretary of State, the Attorney-General, the Treasurer and Auditor thereof, the presence of three being necessary to form a quorum." At a meeting of this Commission held at the Secretary's office in the City of New York, on Saturday, the 3d day of July, 1790, there were present, His Excellency, Geo. Clinton, Esq., Governor, Lewis A. Scott, Esq., Secretary, Gerard Bancker, Esq., Treasurer, Peter T. Curtenius, Esq., Auditor. "The Secretary laid before the Board maps of the surveys of twenty-five townships made by the Surveyor-General, Simeon DeWitt ; on each of which maps the said townships respectively were sub-divided into one hundred lots- as nearly square as possible, each lot containing six hundred acres ; whereupon the Board caused the townships and lots therein to be numbered according to the law, and designated them by the names of distinguished men, as follows : Township, No. 1 Lysander, " * " 2 Hannibal, " " 3 Cato, " " 4 Brutus, " " 5 Camillus, " " 6 . - Cicero, " " 7 Manlius, " " 8 Aurelius, " " 9 Marcellus, " " 10 Pompey, " " n Romulus, " " 12 Scipio, " " 13 Sempronius, " " 14 Tully, " " 15 Fabius, " " 16 Ovid, " " 17 Milton, " " 18 Locke, " " 19 Homer, " " 20 Solon, " " 21 Hector, 10 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. Township No. 22 Ulysses, " " 23 Dryden, " 24 Virgil, " " 25 Cincinnatus, " " 26 Junius. The distinction between a town and a township should here be kept in mind. A township on the Military Tract, was a particular parcel of land laid out, containing certain one hundred lots. In our early organization a town often embraced several townships, as the town of Pompey first included Fabius and Tully and a large part of the Onondaga Reservation. After settlements increased, for the sake of convenience, the same territory has been divided, at different periods, into the towns of Pom pey, Lafayette, Fabius, Tully, Truxton and Preble, including a part of each of the towns of Otisco, Spafford and Onondaga. The same may be re marked of other towns and townships on the Mili tary Tract. On the ist of January, 1791, the Commissioners proceeded to determine claims and to ballot for each individual's share. Ninety-four persons drew lots in each township. One lot was drawn for the sup port of literature in the State of New York ; one was assigned near the centre of each township for the support of the gospel and for common schools ; the remaining lots went to satisfy the surplus shares of the officers, and to compensate those who by chance might draw lots covered with water. The equitable adjustment of these land claims was a source of continual embarrassment and per plexity to the Commissioners and to the real owners. In August, 1792, the Board of Commissioners, finding it necessary in order to comply with the grants of bounty lands, lately directed by law to be made to the Hospital Department and others, caused township No. 27, and the lots therein re spectively to be numbered agreeably to law, and the township to be designated by the name of Galen. In January, 1795, there still appeared to be several unsatisfied claims for military bounty lands, and the twenty-seven townships being already disposed of, the Board resolved that the Surveyor-General should lay out another township, No. 28. This was subsequently named Sterling, and satisfied all the remaining claims. In January, 1794, an act had been passed, on ac count of the many frauds committed respecting the title to these military lands, and to prevent fraud in the future, requiring all deeds and conveyances made and executed prior to that time to be deposited with the Clerk of the County at Albany, for ex amination, and all such as were not so deposited, should be considered fraudulent. The names of claimants were posted up in alphabetical order in the Clerk's offices both at Albany and Herkimer, for the more full inspection of all parties interested. The Courts overflowed with business relating to these contested claims. Scarcely a lot but became more or less a subject of litigation. Soldfers com ing to take possession of the lots for which they had served, were obliged, at considerable expense, to eject some lawless squatter, or quietly to yield their hard earned titles. At length the inhabi tants of the Military Tract became so com pletely wearied with these continued and vexing contentions that, in 1797, the residents of the sev eral townships heartily and unanimously united in petitioning the Legislature to pass a law authoriz ing a speedy and equitable mode of settling all dis putes relative to these titles. An act was there upon passed, appointing Robert Yates, James Kent, and Vincent Mathews, a Board of Commis sioners with full power to hear, examine, award and determine all disputes respecting the titles to any and all the military bounty lands. The Governor was authorized to fill all vacancies in this Board. From the record of the awards made by the Onon daga Commissioners, the name of James Kent does not at all appear in their transactions. Most of the awards of 1 798-9 are signed by Vincent Mathews and James Emmott, later ones by Vincent Mathews and Robert Yates, and some of those of 1801 and 1802, by Messrs. Mathews and Emmott and Sand ers Livingston. They proceeded to the work, and after a laborious investigation, their exertions final ly brought these vexed and lingering contentions to a close. CHAPTER III. Interesting Early Records — Town Meetings — Formation of the Counties Prior to Onon daga — Organization of Onondaga County. THERE are some interesting records of this locality during the period in which it was in cluded in Montgomery and Herkimer counties, from 1772 to 1794. In 1788 the District of Ger man Flats was divided, and all that part of the State of New York lying west of a line drawn north and south across the State, crossing the Mo hawk River at "Old Fort Schuyler" (now Utica) was erected into a town called Whitestown, in honor of Judge White, who had settled at Sadaquate (Whitesboro) in 1784. In 1786, the county of Montgomery contained a population of only fifteen HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. ii thousand and fifty-seven, and the State of New York only two hundred and thirty-eight thousand eight hundred and ninety-six. At this period the town of Whitestown contained less than two hun dred persons. The same territory now contains several millions. The wonderful transition by which, in three-fourths of a century, this immense forest has been converted into fruitful fields, seems like the illusion of a dream to those who have wit nessed its progress. We can hardly trust the evi dence of our senses when we look back and see with what rapidity villages and cities have sprung into existence, and mark the increase of roads and railways over the path of the wandering savage. The first town meeting for the town of Whites- town convened at the house of Capt. Daniel White, in said town, on Tuesday, the 7th of April, " agree able to warning," and adjourned to the barn of Hugh White, Esq., " it being more convenient," at which time and place they proceeded as follows : " ist. Chose Col. Jedediah Sanger, Supervisor. 2d. Chose Elijah Blodget, Town Clerk. 3d. Chose Amos Wetmore, first Assessor. 4th. Chose James Bronson, second Assessor. 5th. Chose Ephraim Blackmore, third Assessor," &c. The second town meeting was held at the barn of Needham Maynard, in the town of Whitestown, on Tuesday, the 16th of April, 1790. Col. William Colbraith was chosen Supervisor, and Elijah Blodget, Town Clerk. In 1791, Jedediah Sanger was elected Supervisor ; Ashbel Beach, Town Clerk ; Ebenezer Butler, afterwards of Pompey, Collector ; James Wadsworth, of Geneseo, True- worthy Cook, of Pompey, Jeremiah Gould, of Sa- lina, Overseers of Highways. Probably " High ways" in those days in Central New York were literally " few and far between." It will convey some idea of the widespread character of the munic ipality then called a " town " to reflect that some of the officers chosen to manage its internal affairs lived near Utica, others in Pompey and Salina, and a third at Geneseo. In 1789 the county of Montgomery was divided, forming Ontario county west of a north and south line drawn across the State through Seneca Lake two miles east of Geneva. Onondaga county then lay unformed in the western portion of Mont gomery. Herkimer county was taken from Mont gomery and organized in 179 1. It included all the country west of Montgomery, north of Otsego and Tioga and east of the county of Ontario. The town of Whitestown was divided into three towns. Whites - town extended west from its eastern limits as far as the present west line of Madison county. The town of Mexico included the eastern half of the Military Tract, and the town of Peru the western. The town of Mexico was bounded east by the east ern boundary of the Military Tract and a line drawn north from the mouth of the Chittenango Creek across Oneida Lake to Lake Ontario, south by Tioga county, west by the western boundary of the townships of Homer, Tully, Camillus, Lysander and Hannibal, of the said Military Tract, and north by Lake Ontario. The first town meeting for the town of Mexico was legally appointed to be held at the house of Benjamin Morehouse, (near Jamesville, this county.) The town of Peru was bounded north by Lake On tario, east by the town of Mexico, south by Tioga county, and west by Ontario county. The first town meeting was directed by law to be held at the house of Seth Phelps, in what is now the town of Scipio, Cayuga county. There are probably no records of these town meetings extant. The poll for the first general election for Whites- town was opened at Cayuga Ferry, then adjourned to the house of Benjamin Morehouse (near James ville,) thence to Rome, and finally closed at Whites boro. The following extract from Dunlap's Daily Ad vertiser, dated Philadelphia, 26th of July, 1792, may be interesting as showing what was thought of the prospects of this locality at that period : "Gentlemen who reside on the Military lands in the county of Herkimer, inform us that that tract of country contains a very great proportion of rich land, well watered and timbered, that there is* al ready a considerable number of settlers there, and that it bids fair to people as rapidly as any part of America. That sixteen bushels of salt are daily manufactured at Major Danforth's works at the Salt Springs, and that Mr. Van Vleck, formerly of Kinderhook, is erecting other works at the same place, for carrying on the like manufactory ; that salt now sells there for five shillings per bushel ; that it weighs about fifty-six pounds per bushel, and is equal in quality to that of Turk's Island. That the salmon fishing in that country must be come an object of great improvement, as that fine fish (the salmon) abounds in their rivers and lakes in spring and fall. That it is not uncommon for a party to spear twenty or fifty in an evening, from fourteen to thirty pounds each. The lands sell in general at from one shilling to three shillings per acre, but some have sold as high as from eight to twelve shillings per acre." The genealogy of the different counties up to the formation of Onondaga is as follows : After the Duke of York had superceded the Dutch Government, in 1683, the Province of New York was divided into twelve counties, viz : Albany, Dutchess, Kings, New York, Orange, Queens, Richmond, Suffolk, Ulster, Westchester, Dukes 12 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. and Cornwall. In 1768, Cumberland was added, and Gloucester in 1770. These two last were after wards yielded to New Hampshire, and finally be came a part of Vermont. In 1693, the counties of Dukes and Cornwall were surrendered to Massa chusetts. In 1772, the county Tryon was formed from Albany, and in 1784 changed to Montgomery. In 1789, Ontario county was formed of all that part of Montgomery county west of a line drawn north and south across the State through Seneca Lake two miles east of Geneva. Herkimer county was taken from Montgomery and organized in 1791. It included all the country west of Montgomery, north of Otsego and Tioga, and east of Ontario county. In 1794 the County of Onondaga was erected from the western part of Herkimer, and included all the Military Tract, which now embraces all the counties oi Cayuga, Seneca, Cortland and Onon daga, all that part of Tompkins lying north of a line drawn west from the head of Seneca Lake to the southwest corner of Cortland county, and all that part of Oswego county lying west of Oswego river. It was finally reduced to its present terri torial limits in 1816, by the detachment of Cayuga in 1799, Cortland in 1808, and Oswego in 18 16. Tompkins was taken from Cayuga and Seneca in 1817, and Wayne from Seneca in 1823. At the time Onondaga county was originally or ganized, it was divided into eleven towns, viz : Homer, Pompey, Manlius, Lysander, Marcellus, Ulysses, Milton, Scipio, Ovid, Aurelius and Romu lus. CHAPTER IV. The Iroquois Confederacy — Extent and Pow er of the Five Nations — Formation of their Confederacy — Peculiarities of their Form of Government — The Onondagas — Their Central Position as keepers of the Sacred Council Fires — Their Character, Tradi tions and Customs. AT the time of the earliest European discov eries in this locality, the territory now em braced in Onondaga county was the chief seat of the nation of Indians from whom it derives its name. This powerful nation was the central in the great Iroquois Confederacy, or League of the Five Nations, whose dominion included a vast extent of country, and who held the ascendancy over nearly all the tribes of North America. At one time their actual domain extended from the Sorrel River, south by the great lakes, to the Mississippi on the west, thence east to the Santee, and coast-wise back to the Hudson. The territory of the Iroquois possessed more fertile land, combined with a tem perate and healthy climate, than any other tract of equal extent on the globe. And their power and dominion extended far beyond these geographical boundaries. Although they occupied, as their proper home, what they metaphorically termed the " Long House " — that is, the territory of New York extending from the Hudson to Lake Erie, yet they extended their power and influence far be yond these limits and held the tribes both of the East and the West in subjection. Says Smith, in his History of New York : " When the Dutch began the settlement of this country, all the Indians on Long Island and the northern shore of the Sound, on the banks of the Connecticut, Hudson, Delaware and Susquehanna rivers were in subjection to the Five Nations and acknowledged it by paying them tribute." The French historians of Canada, both ancient and modern, agree that the more northern Indians were driven far back to the west and northwest by the martial prowess ofthe Confederates, " The Ho-de- no-sau-nee occupied our precise territory, and their council fires burned continually from the Hudson to the Niagara. Our old forests have rung with their war shouts and been enlivened with their festivals of peace. In their progressive course they had stretched round half the Republic and rendered their names a terror nearly from ocean to ocean, when the advent of the Saxon race arrested their career, and prepared the way for the final extin guishment of the fires of the Confederacy."* The Five Nations have been called by some the " Spartans of the Western Wilderness," by others, the " Romans of the New World ;" their warriors in the prime of the Confederacy, were noted for their valor and their far-extended conquests. " At one period," says Schoolcraft, " we hear the sound of their war cry along the Straits of St. Marys and at the foot of Lake Superior ; at an other under the walls of Quebec where they finally defeated the Hurons under the eyes of the French. They put out the fires of the Gahkas and Eries. They eradicated the Susquehannocks. They placed the Lanappes, the Nanticokes and Muncees under the yoke of subjection. They put the Metoacks and Manhattans under tribute. They spread the terror of their name all over New England. They traversed the whole length of the Appalachian Chain, and descended like the enraged *Letters on the Iroquois — American Review. HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 13 yagisho and megalonyx on the Cherokees and Catawbas. Smith encountered their warriors in the settlement of Virginia and LaSalle on the dis covery of the Illinois."* Such had become the Iroquois — the conquerors and terror of all the surrounding tribes — by the force of their energy and by the principle of con federation. The French computed the number of their warriors, in 1660, at between two and three thousand, and a later census, taken by an English agent, confirmed the statement. Their geographi cal position made them the umpires in the contest of the French for dominion in the West. Their political importance was enhanced by their con quests. " Not only did they claim some supremacy in northern New England, as far as the Kennabeck, and to the south, as far as New Haven, and were acknowledged as absolute lords over the conquered Lanappe ; the peninsula of Upper Canada was their hunting ground by right of war ; they had ex terminated the Eries and Andasties, both tribes of their own family, one dwelling on the southeastern banks of Lake Erie, the other on the head waters •of the Ohio ; they had triumphantly invaded the tribes of the West as far as Illinois ; their warriors had reached the soil of Kentucky and Western Virginia ; and England, to whose alliance they steadily inclined, availed herself of their treaties to encroach on the empire of France in America."! Precisely at what period the confederacy between the tribes was formed is not known. Schoolcraft thinks it was at a comparatively recent date, prob ably early in the fifteenth century. Mr. Webster, the Onondaga interpreter, says this great league of confederation was arrived at, about two generations before the whites became traders with the Indians. Mr. Clark has a different opinion. From the per manency of their institutions, the intricacy of their civil affairs, the stability of their religious beliefs and the uniformity of their pagan ceremonies, differing from other Indians in important particu lars, he is inclined to the belief that their federa tive existence must have had a much longer dura tion. All their traditions agree that the union was effected on the banks of Onondaga Lake where the village of Liverpool is now situated. It is well known that these tribes attributed the origin of their confederacy, as well as most of their chief national blessings, to the supernatural interposition of Ta-oun-ya-wat-ha, the deity who presided over streams and fisheries. A long time ago this deity came down from his place in the *Schoolcrafts Notes. j-Bancroft. .History United States. clouds to teach them how to cultivate the soil and to be united, happy and prosperous. While he was living among them — having thrown aside his divine character and assumed the name of Hi-a-wat-ha, a very wise man — there was an alarm caused by the sudden approach of a ferocious band of warriors from north of the great lakes. Many had been slain and ultimate destruction seemed to be the consequence either of bold resistance or of quiet submission to the enemy. At this trying moment Hi-a-wat-ha was sought for advice, and no states man of to-day could have given better counsel in as few words. "Become a united people and you will conquer your enemies. Dispatch runners in all di rections and notify the chiefs of a grand council to be held on the banks of the Oh-nen-ta-ha, (Onon daga Lake.) I shall sit in council with you." The council fires had been kindled three days, but the venerable Hi-a-wat-ha had not made his appearance. On approaching his cabin he was found in a melan choly state of mind. The old man told them he had evil forebodings, and that he had concluded not to attend the Great Council. But the chiefs had determined not to deliberate in council without the presence of Hi-a-wat-ha, and he was finally pre vailed upon to go, accompanied by his darling child, an only daughter, twelve years of age. On the approach of the venerable wise man, a general shout of joy resounded through the assembled host, and every demonstration of respect was paid to his presence. As he landed and was passing up the steep bank towards the council ground, a loud sound was heard like a rushing, mighty wind. All eyes were instant ly turned upwards, and a dark spot was seen rapidly descending from on high among the clouds. It grew larger and larger as it neared the earth, and was descending with fearful velocity into their midst. The utmost confusion prevailed throughout the assembled multitude, and all but the venerable Hi-a-wat-ha sought safety by flight. He gravely uncovered his silvered head, and besought his daughter to await the approaching danger with be coming resignation, at the same time reminding her of the great folly and impropriety of attempting to prevent or obstruct the designs or wishes of the Great Spirit. No sooner had his resolution become fixed and his last words uttered, than an immense bird, with a long and pointed beak, and widespread wings, came down with a mighty swoop and crushed the beautiful girl to the earth. His darling daughter has been killed before his eyes in a marvelous man ner, and her destroyer has perished with her. It was found on examination that the creature in its 14 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. descent had completely buried its beak and neck up to its body in the ground. It was covered with a beautiful plumage of snow white, and every warrior as he advanced plucked a plume from this singular bird with which to adorn his crown, and from this incident the braves of the Confederate Nation for ever after made choice of the plumes of the white heron as their most appropriate military ornament while on the war path. In despair and dejection Hi-a-wat-ha remained three days and nights prostrated on his face on the ground, and while every one participated in his afflictions, no one seemed inclined to approach or distract his entranced state, and the Indians, almost despairing of a council, were about to depart ; but a few of the leading chiefs consulted together, and resolved that nothing should be attempted without the voice of the wise man, and a suitable person was thereupon dispatched to see if he breathed. Finding that he lived Ho-see-noke was directed to arouse him by his merry heart, to whisper kind words in his ear and call him from his reverie, After much ceremony and persuasion, he recovered so far as to converse, and after several messages had passed between the assembled chiefs and himself, he arose and desired food. He was afterwards con ducted to the presence of the council, when all eyes were turned towards the only man who could with precision foretell their future destiny. Vari ous schemes were proposed to repel the enemy. Hi-a-wat-ha listened in silence till the speeches of all were concluded. He then spoke. After briefly alluding to his own calamity, he referred to the threatened invasion, and proposed that they should reflect for a day on the speeches that had been made. After the expiration of the time they again met, when the wise man thus addressed them : " Friends and Brothers : You have come many of you a great distance from your homes ; you have convened for one common purpose, to promote one common interest, and that is to provide for our common safety. To oppose these hordes of north ern foes by tribes, singly and alone, would prove our certain destruction. We can make no progress in that way ; we must unite ourselves into one common band of brothers. Our warriors united would surely repel these rude invaders and drive them from our borders. Let this be done, and we are safe. " You, the Mohawks, sitting under the shadow of the 'Great Tree', whose roots sink deep into the earth, and whose branches spread over a vast coun try, shall be the first nation, because you are war like and mighty. " You, Oneidas, a people who recline your bodies against the 'Everlasting Stone', that cannot be moved, shall be the second nation, because you give wise counsel. " You, Onondagas, who have your habitation at the 'Great Mountain', and are overshadowed by its crags, shall be the third nation, because you are greatly gifted in speech and mighty in war. " You, Cayugas, a people whose habitation is the 'Dark Forest', and whose home is everywhere, shall be the fourth nation, because of your superior cun ning in hunting. " And you, Senecas, a people who live in the open country and possess much wisdom, shall be the fifth nation, because you understand better the art of raising corn and beans, and making cabins." " You five great and powerful nations must unite and have but one common interest, and no foe shall be able to disturb or subdue you." Immediately upon this was formed the celebrated league of the Five Nations. Such was the name given them by the English. The French called them the froquois ; the Dutch name for them was Maquas, while they called themselves Mingoes ; all meaning United People. They were known to the English as the Five Nations till the adoption of the Tuscaroras in 1712, after which they were called the Six Nations. The Onondagas occupied the central position in the " Long House " — a term by which they denoted their possessions from the Hudson to the Lakes. They kept the sacred council fires at Onondaga, and the key of the council house, where all the chief councils of the Five Nations were held. The Mohawks held the east door and the Senecas the west door. The confederacy was governed by heredi tary chiefs whose claims were subjected to the decis ions of a national council. Thus the aristocratic prin ciple was brought into subjection to the democratic. When the hereditary chief demanded office, if found unworthy, he must give place to the next in •order. In council they were a pure republic, the veto of one chief being sufficient to defeat a meas ure.* Each canton or tribe was independent ; its quota of men was freely voted in war, or refused, without complaint from other cantons. Thus was guaranteed to each tribe its independence and security, and to each warrior his equal rights, while general power was conceded to the confederacy in all national matters. Canassatego, one of the chiefs, said to the Commissioners of Pennsylvania, Virginia and Maryland : " Our wise forefathers established union and amity between the Five Nations. This has made us formidable. This has given us great weight and authority with our neighboring nations. We are a powerful confederacy, and by observing the same methods our forefathers have taken, you will acquire fresh strength and power ; therefore I counsel you, whatever befalls you, never fall out with one another." * Schoolcraft. HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 15 At the formation of the confederacy, the famous A-to-tar-ho presided : unequalled in war and arts, his fame had spread abroad and exalted the Onon daga tribe to a pre-eminent position. His name was " Like that of King Arthur of the Round Table, or those of the Paladins of Charlemagne, used as an exemplar of glory and honor," * and became the title of office of the Presiding Chief. The right of the Onondagas to furnish a presiding officer for the league was conceded, and is still possessed by them. To the Mohawks was awarded the Te-ka-ra- ho-ga, or Chief War Captain. The Great Council has always consisted of six members, each nation having one except the Senecas, who were allowed two, in consideration of their great numerical strength. Its powers were merely advisory, aiming to arrive at harmonious results by interchange of opinion without formal vote. No penalties could be inflicted or power exerted beyond that of Opinion. A unanimous decision was first required : this once obtained, its authority was absolute ; each tribe acting through its representative, who was first informed as to its views. These decisions were in fact clothed with all the power of the most popular expression of the whole confederacy. "A government like this gave to the orator, who by his eloquence could sway his people, a vast influence, and we find that many men of note have appeared among them, since they came in contact with more learned races of men, who were abun dantly qualified to conduct their negotiations., and have reflected as much renown oh their nation as their bravest warriors." f De Witt Clinton says of the speech of Garangula to the French General, De la Barre : " I believe it impossible to find in all the effusions of ancient or modern oratory a speech more appropriate or convincing. Under the veil of respectful profession it conveys the most biting irony, and while it abounds with rich and splendid imagery, it contains the most solid reasoning. I place it in the same rank with the celebrated speech of Logan." The unwritten law of this wonderful people had a power unequalled by any statutes ever recorded in books. A single instance of its power will be sufficient. It is given by Hon. George Geddes on the authority of Mr. Webster, who lived many years among the Onondagas, and had a woman of that tribe for a wife. A young man of the Cayugas came to the Onon dagas and claimed their hospitality. He lived among them two years, attaching himself to Webster * Schoolcraft. f Hon. George Geddes. particularly. He appeared contented and happy, " Always foremost in the chase, most active in the dance, and loudest in the song." Mantinoah was his name. One morning he said to his friend, " I have a vow to perform. My nation and my friends know that Mantinoah will be true. My friend, I wish you to go with me." Webster consented. After a pleasant journey of a few days, enlivened with fish ing and hunting, they came in the afternoon to a place that Mantinoah said was near his village, and where he wished to invoke the Great Spirit. After a repast, and a pipe had been smoked, Mantinoah said : " Two winters have gone since in my village, in the fury of anger, I slew my bosom friend and adopted brother. The chief declared me guilty of my brother's blood, and I must die. My execution was deferred for two full years, during which time I was condemned to banishment. I vowed to return. It was then I sought your nation ; it was thus I won your friendship. The nearest in blood to him I slew, according to our customs, is the avenger. The time expires when the sun sinks behind the topmost boughs of the trees. I am ready. My friend, we have had many a cheerful sport together ; our joys have been many ; our griefs have been few ; look not sad now. When you return to the Onon dagas, tell them that Mantinoah died like a true brave of the Cayugas ; tell them that he trembled not at the approach of death, like the coward pale face, nor shed tears like a woman. My friend, take my belt, my knife, my hunting pouch, my horn, my rifle, as tokens of my friendship. Soon the avenger will come ; the Great Spirit calls ; Mantinoah fears not death ; farewell." Vainly Webster urged him to escape. A short period of silence, and a yell is heard. Mantinoah responds. The avenger appears and takes the hand of his former friend, now his victim. Mutual salutations follow, with expressions of regret made by the executioner, but none by the doomed. The tomahawk gleams in the air, not a muscle moves, nor does the cheek of Mantinoah blanch ; folding his arms on his breast he receives the blow. As if by magic a host appears, the song of death is sung, and the solemn dance or death march is performed. Webster is invited to the village, where he is hospitably entertained, and when ready to return is accompanied by a party of Cay ugas to his home. Thus powerful was the unwritten law of the Iroquois. It is not easy for us to understand this people, for we know but little of their peculiar springs of action. They had their religion, which the white people who came amongst them called their supersti- 16 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. tion. If superstition it be, it was nevertheless the principle that governed them. And did we but understand their ideas fully, we should know by what standard to judge them. Whoever has learned much of their history, knows that, in their savage state, woman, made prisoner, was never indelicately approached by him, who, without pity, would brain her infant child. He tortured and killed his prison ers, if he did not adopt them into his family, but he never enslaved or outraged women. What other nation can say this with truth ? * Mr. Schoolcraft says that, to understand the government of the Iroquois and learn how it acquired its power and fame, it is necessary to examine their law of descent. Each canton was divided into distinct clans, each of which was distin guished by the name and device of some quadruped, bird, or other object in the animal kingdom. The clans, or original families, were eight, distinguished respectively by the totems of the wolf, the bear, the turtle, the deer, the beaver, the falcon, the crane and the plover. The law of marriage required them to marry into families or clans whose totem was different from their own. A wolf or turtle male could not marry a wolf or turtle female. This interdict of consanguinity, preserved the purity of the blood, while it enlarged and strengthened the tie of relationship between the clans, Owing to the limitation of descent to the line of the female, a chieftain's son could not succeed him in office, but in case of his death he would be succeeded by his brother, or failing this, by the son of his sister, or by some direct or remote descendant of the maternal line. The man who, by inheritance, was entitled to the office of chieftainship, was obliged, on arriving at the proper age, to submit his right to a council of the whole canton. Incapacity was always and without exception recognized as a valid objection to approval. Each canton had its eight principal chiefs and various assistant chiefs, who were civil officers. The war chiefs derived their consequence from their success in war ; they rose up as the exigencies of the nation demanded, and sustained themselves by their capacity. All males were bound to render military services. Disgrace was the penalty of failure. Thus the ranks were always full, and all war parties consisted of volunteers. Each warrior supplied and carried his own arms and provisions. The enlistment consisted in simply joining the war dance. The government was in fact a pure de mocracy controlled by its martial spirit. The Iroquois have been charged with making *Hon. George Geddes. their women beasts* of burden, while they lived lives of indolence: The division of labor between the sexes, it is true, differed widely from ours. To the warrior was assigned the duty of hunting food and protecting their hunting grounds from the inroads of the enemy. His life was daily in his hands, and such were the hazards he encountered that there always were more women than men in the tribes. The men spent long dreary seasons in hunting and taking furs, which, when brought home, became the property of their wives, who sold them to the traders, and with the avails made such pro vision for the rest of the family as they could, the men standing silently by and not uttering a word. The old men, women and boys cultivated the little patch of corn and gathered the fuel. Both in the social and national systems, the women had great power and influence. The matrons sat in council, and had a right to propose a cessation of arms. There was a male functionary, an acknowledged orator, whose duty it was to speak for the women. Schoolcraft describes the social character of the Indian thus : " In the lodge he is a mild, considerate man, ofthe non-interfering and non-scolding species. He may, indeed, be looked upon rather as the guest of his wife, than what he is most unjustly repre sented to be, her tyrant, and he is often only known as the lord of the lodge by the attention and respect she shows to him. He is a man of few words. If her temper is ruffled, he smiles. If he is displeased he walks away. It is a province in which his actions acknowledge her right to rule, and it is one in which his pride and manliness have exalted him above the folly of altercation." The wife owned all the property ; arms only belonged to the husband. The family were hers, and when war or the chase had made the father a victim, she, who had always been at its head, kept it unbroken. With the Iroquois war was the business of life, and the pursuit of an enemy on the war path, or hunting the wild beasts of the forests, were the only employments that men could engage in without subjecting themselves to the loss of rank, and the liability of being called women. The central tribe was the seat of government, and here all the general councils were held and the policy of the nation settled. The first we know of this people, they here swayed the sceptre of an empire twelve hundred miles long and eight hundred wide. The means of free and rapid transportation of armies was to these savages the same advantage that it is to the most artificial state of society. Around the shores of Onondaga Lake the councils deliberated, and when once the plan of the cam- HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 17 paign was arranged, the canoes were afloat, and soon far down the St. Lawrence, the Adirondack heard the war whoop of the " Men of the moun tains." * Or on the banks of Georgian Bay the trembling Huron felt the weight of their power. Or launching their barks on the waters of the Susquehanna, soon on the shores of Chesapeake Bay they dictated terms to their enemies. Fort Hill, in South Carolina, afterwards the residence of John C. Calhoun, was one of their stations, from which they waged inveterate war upon the Catawbas and Cherokees. The Iroquois nation could bring to battle more than two thousand war riors of their own blood, besides levies of the tribes they had subjected. Their policy in regard to con quered enemies was like that of ancient Rome : they were converted into allies rather than slaves, and having been fairly conquered in war, after a brave resistance, they were counted as younger brothers, worthy to fight by the side of their conquerors and share their glory.f " They reduced war to a science, and all their movements were directed by system and policy. They never attacked a hostile country till they had sent out spies to explore and designate its vulnerable points, and when they encamped they observed the greatest circumspection to guard against surprise. Whatever superiority of force they might have, they never neglected the use of stratagem, employing all the crafty wiles of the Carthagenians. To pro duce death by the most protracted suffering, was sanctioned among them by general immemorial usage." X The Europeans, instead of teaching mercy to these men, encouraged and fostered the worst points in their characters, and by every temptation they were led to become even more cruel, as they became demoralized and vicious by intercourse with the more learned but less principled " pale face." Massa chusetts first gave twelve, then forty, and finally one hundred pounds for a scalp. The Colonial Legislature of New York, in 1745, passed an act for giving a reward for scalps ; in 1746, a governor of the Colony, not only paid for two scalps of French men in money and fine clothes, but thanked the three Indians that brought them to Albany, and promised " Always to remember this act of friend ship." American scalps were received and paid for in English money by the officer in command at Maiden, in the war of 18 12. * Meaning ofthe word "Onondaga.'' f Hon. George Geddes. JDeWitt Clinton. 3* CHAPTER V. The Onondaga Indians and the French — Cham- plain's Invasion — Jesuit Missions among the Onondagas — War between the English and the French — Count Frontenac's Invasion of Onondaga — The Peace Commissioners before Onondaga Castle. AT the commencement of French settlements in Canada, a conflict arose between the French and the Five Nations which lasted one hundred and fifty years. This conflict was wantonly provoked by Champlain, the Governor of New France, who espoused the cause of the Adirondack Indians against the Iroquois who had driven them from their former homes in Northern New York. When Champlain built his fort at Quebec in 1608, he found the Adi- rondacks occupying that vicinity, whither they had fled for safety from their fierce and powerful con querors, the Five Nations. Champlain had shown the Adirondacks the magical effects of his French guns, and had led them to believe that with such new and destructive weapons a few Frenchmen and Indian allies could make an easy conquest of their old enemies. Accordingly, in 1609, he joined the Adirondacks with his Frenchmen to invade the country of the Iroquois, and on the lake which bears his name, met two hundred of these Indians. Both parties went on shore for battle, and then, for the first time, the Iroquois saw the flash and heard the report of fire arms. Defeat followed, and won dering and dismayed at the murderous effects of the strange weapon, they retreated to their fastnesses in the wilderness. This was the first interview of the Iroquois with white men, and their first knowledge of them was obtained by meeting them as enemies on a field of battle. Emboldened by his first success, Champlain with his Frenchmen and four hundred Huron allies, renewed his attack upon the Iroquois in 161 5. This time he invaded the country of the Onondagas. On the 9th of October, 161 5, a fishing party of Onondagas on their way to Oneida Lake were sur prised and captured. These invaders had made their way up the St. Lawrence to the lower end of Lake Ontario, where, hiding their canoes, they struck across the wilderness on foot. They took captive "Three men, four women, three boys and a girl." They then marched forward, and says Cham plain, in his account : " On the 10th of October, at three o'clock in the afternoon, we arrived before the fort of the enemy. When I approached with my little detachment, we showed them what they had HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. never before seen or heard. As soon as they saw us and heard the balls whistling about their ears, they retired quietly within their fort, carrying with them their killed and wounded. We also fell back upon the main body, having five or six wounded, one of whom died." After a six day siege, Cham plain, in the midst of his French and Indians, was wounded in two places by Onondaga arrows, and ingloriously retreated, being carried in a " basket of wicker work, so doubled up arid fastened with cords that he was unable to move." A long and dreary winter was passed by Champlain among the Hurons before he was able to get back to Quebec. The location ofthe fort which Champlain attacked has been a matter of controversy for many years. Says Gen. John S. Clark, the antiquarian : " When investigators are ready to abandon theories in conflict with the record, rather than to abandon facts conflicting with their theories, they will experi ence no difficulty whatever in finding an Indian town site, answering in every essential particular the description and illustrations of Champlain. " Certain facts must sooner or later be accepted as conclusive, in narrowing the limits in which we should seek for the exact location : one is, that the east branch of the Limestone is the dividing line absolutely between the historic and pre-historic town sites of the Onondagas ; and that Champlain's narrative contains internal evidence in statements of fact, unquestionable, that the fort was within a few miles, at least, and south of Oneida Lake. Champlain, beyond any question, passed through Onondaga county, and attacked the stronghold of the Onondagas, but the location of this stronghold is not so easily found. " I had the honor of reading a paper on this sub ject before the Buffalo Historical Society, and the New York Historical Society, early in the present year,, in which I ventured to put myself on record on this question of route, and objective point, and designated a well-known Indian town site in the northeast corner of the town of Fenner, in Madison county, on the farm of Rufus H. Nichols, on what is known as the mile-strip, about three miles east of Perryville, as the home of the Onondagas at that period, and as being the identical position of the fort attacked by Champlain." General Clark has examined this locality and made a drawing of it, corresponding in all essential particulars with the drawing and description given by Champlain. The situation is a peculiar one, the fort in the form of a hexagon, being in the angle of a stream which forms both the inlet and outlet of a pond in front of the fort, and which, in connection with the streams, surrounded it on all sides, enabling the Indians to put out the fires by which Champlain tried to destroy their work. These attacks of Champlain upon the Iroquois provoked a war which ended only with the ex tinction of French dominion in North America. Truces were made, but they were only of short duration. The Iroquois armed with powder and ball by the Dutch and English, were seen on every battle field thenceforth, until on the Plains of Abra ham, Onondaga chieftains shed the blood of the French as freely as did Wolfe, while vengeance was glutted. Says Bancroft : " Thrice did Champlain invade their country, until he was driven with dis grace from the wilderness. The Five Nations in return attempted the destruction of New France. Though repulsed, they continued to defy the pro vince and its allies, and under the eyes of its governor openly intercepted convoys destined for Quebec. The French authority was not confirmed by the founding of a feeble outpost at Montreal, and Fort Richelieu at the mouth of the Sorrel River scarcely protected its immediate environs. The Iroquois warrors scoured every wilderness to lay it still more waste. Depopulating the whole country on the Ontario, they attained an acknowl edged superiority over New France. The colony was in perpetual danger, and Quebec itself was besieged." From these straits the French sought to relieve themselves by the missionaries of a religion whose precepts they had so wantonly violated, and in 1642, " Father Jogues, commissioned as an envoy, was hospitably received by the Mohawks and gained an opportunity of offering the friendship of France to the Onondagas." Thus the first Frenchman came with the sword, the second with the cross. The history of the action of the Jesuit mission aries among these tribes is but a constant repetition of enobling examples of self-sacrificing devotion to the great cause of converting the savages to Chris tianity. No hardship was too 1great, no sufferings too severe, martyrdom itself was welcomed, and when one missionary was consumed by the fires of the savages, another stood ready to take his place. Father Jogues was murdered by the Mohawks at Caughnawaga,* in Montgomery county, but he was followed by more than a score of others during the next fifty years. Taking advantage of a temporary peace between the Iroquois and the French, Father Simon Le Moyne appeared as a missionary to the Onondagas in 1654. He says in his Relation : " On the 17th day of July, 1654, I set out from Montreal and em barked for a land as yet but little known, accom panied by a young man of piety and fortitude who had long been a resident of that country." On the 5th of August he had nearly finished his journey, *lncluded now in the corporation of the village of Fonda. HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. '9 and says : " We traveled four leagues before reach ing the principal Onondaga village. I passed many persons on the way who kindly saluted me, one calling me brother, another uncle, and another cousin. I never had so many relations. At a quarter of a league from the village I began a harangue in a solemn and commanding tone, which gained me great credit. I named all their chiefs, families and distinguished persons. I told them that peace and joy were my companions, and that I scattered war among the distant nations. Two chiefs addressed me as I entered the village with a welcome, the like of which I had never before experienced among savages." At the grand council assembled by the chiefs in the cabin of Ondessonk, he says, " I opened the council by a public prayer on my knees, in a loud voice in the Huron tongue. I astonished them exceedingly by mentioning them all by nations, tribes, families and individuals, which amount to no small number. This I was enabled to do from my notes, and to them it was as aston ishing as it was novel." On the 16th, returning, Father Le Moyne discovered the salt springs and manufactured the first Onondaga salt ever made by a European, " as natural," he says, " as from the sea, some of which we shall carry to Quebec." This first sample of salt was made two hundred and twenty-three years ago. In the Relation of Father Le Moyne, seventh of August, 1654, he says : " I baptized a young captive taken from the Neuter nation, fifteen or sixteen years old, who had been instructed in the mysteries of our faith by a Huron convert. This was the first adult baptism made at Onondaga. The joy I experienced was ample com pensation for all past fatigues." Fathers Joseph Chaumonot and Claude Dablon became missionaries to the Onondagas in 1655, and " were received with the strongest proofs of friend ship." The account of their journey and experience is given in the Jesuit Relation of Father Francis Le Mercier, the Superior of the Mission of Que bec. "On the 5th of November," says the narra tive, "as we continued our route, a chieftain of note called Gonateragon met us a league from his cabin, welcomed our arrival, and kindly invited us to remain with his people. He placed himself at the head of our little company and conducted us in state to within a quarter of a league of Onondaga, where the "Anciens" of the country awaited us. Having seated ourselves beside them, they set be fore us their best provisions, especially pumpkins baked in the ashes." Then a speech of welcome was made by an aged chief, who deprecated war, and said that even the young men were for peace. It was only the Mohawks, he said, who wished to darken the sun, rendered glorious by our approach, and to fill the sky with clouds. The mission founded this year by Chaumonot and Dablon was the original mission of St. John the Baptist, and according to the topography of Gen. John S. Clark, was located on " Indian Hill," two miles south of the village of Manlius, which was then the chief town of the Onondagas. The mis sionaries several times refer to their "chapel," but they probably mean by this their place of worship, fitted up in one of the principal cabins of the In dians. It does not appear that they had any regu lar chapel at this period. The first sacrament of Holy Mass was celebrated by Fathers Chaumonot and Dablon upon an altar in an oratory made in the cabin of Teotonharason, one of the women who came from Quebec with the missionaries, on Sun day, November 14, 1655. She was a woman of the Onondagas, highly esteemed for her nobleness and wealth. She made a public profession of re ligion, instructed all connected with her household, and eagerly demanded baptism for herself, her mother and daughter. She taught the prayers of the Roman Catholic Church to her people, and was a sort of deaconess of the primitive church of the Onondagas. (Relation, 1655.) On the 28th of November, being the first Sunday in Advent, was held the first celebration of Catechism in one of the principal cabins, probably the one above referred to. It appears from the Relations that the first re quest for a French missionary settlement on the banks of Onondaga Lake came from Ondessonk, the great chief of the Onondagas, who said to Father Le Moyne : " We request you to select on the banks of our great lake a convenient place for a French habitation. Place yourself in the heart of our country, since you have possessed our inmost affections. There we can go for instruction, and from thence you can spread yourselves everywhere." The location of St. Mary's of Ganentaha was selected the year following by Fathers Chaumonot and Dablon. Says the Relation, under date of No vember 9, 1655 : " This day for the first time, we visited the salt spring, which is only two leagues fiom here, near the lake Ganentaha, and the place chosen for the French settlement, because it is in the center of the Iroquois nations, and because we can from thence visit in canoes various localities upon the rivers and lakes, which renders commerce free and commodious. Fishing and hunting in crease the importance of this place, for besides the various kinds of fish that are taken there at different seasons of the year, the eel is so abundant that a 20 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. thousand are sometimes speared by a single fisher man in a night, and as for the game which does not fail through the winter, the pigeons gather in the spring in such numbers that they are taken in nets in great abundance. The fountain from which very good salt is made, intersects a meadow surrounded by a wood of superior growth. From eighty to a hundred paces from this salt spring is another of fresh water, and both flow from the same hill." The Mission of St. John the Baptist prospered for several months ; proselytes were continually added to the faith ; and the anticipations of the missionaries were raised to the highest pitch. At length doubts and dissentions crept into the minds of some of the principal individuals of the canton, and it was resolved that Dablon should proceed to Quebec for a ^enforcement to strengthen the hearts and hands of the missionaries. The Onondagas earnestly desired that the French should come and make their settlement on the site selected for St. Mary's of Ganentaha. " Why do you not come at once," said they, " since you see all our village ap prove it ? We have not ceased all this winter to go in crowds to the chapel to pray and be instructed. You have been cordially welcomed in all our cabins when you have visited them to teach. You cannot doubt our dispositions since we have made you such a solemn present, with protestations so public, that we are believers." On account of the season of hunting, and the preference of all the young men for the chase, Dab lon found it difficult to obtain guides to conduct him back to Quebec. "At last," he says, " we deter mined upon saying nine masses to St. John the Baptist, the patron of this mission, in order to ob tain light in a business where all was dark to us. Behold how contrary to our expectations, and to all human appearances, without knowing how it was done or by whom, immediately after the ninth mass, I set out from Onondaga, accompanied by two of the principal young men of the village and by several others, whom doubtless St. John inspired to en gage in this enterprise and journey. Thus the chief of the escort was named Ste. Jean Baptiste, he being the first adult of the Iroquois baptized in full health." Dablon and his guides crossed Oneida Lake on the ice on the 6th of March, 1656, and proceeded by the usual northern trail to the mouth of Salmon River, whence he reached Montreal on the 30th. Father Chaumonot remained at Onondaga, and the following summer was joined by Father Claude Dablon, Father Le Mercier, the Superior, Father Rene Mesnard, Father Jacques Fremin, Brother Ambrose Broar, and Brother Bourgier, to found the Mission of St. Mary's of Ganentaha. On the 7th of May, 1656, these missionaries with, a force com posed of four nations, French, Onondagas, Senecas, and a few Hurons, embarked in shallops and canoes for Onondaga. On their departure from port they were cheered by the acclamations of a great multitude who had gathered on the shore, all regarding them with compassionate and trembling hearts as so many victims destined to the flames or to the fierce rage and torture of the Iroquois. They arrived at Three Rivers on the 20th of May, and on the 31st at Montreal ; on the 8th of June, hav ing abandoned their shallops on account of the rapids of La Chine, they embarked in twenty canoes ; on their flag of beautiful white cloth was painted in large letters the name " Jesus," which a band of Mohawks on the rapids recognized and accosted the voyagers. The Onondagas received the Mohawks with curses, reproached them with treason and robbery, seized their canoes and arms and whatever was best of their equipments, in retalia tion for having been robbed by the same party a few days before. Without other incident of im portance, they pursued their journey, and on the nth of July, at 3 o'clock, arrived on the shore of Lake Onondaga, at the spot which had been selected for their mission house by Fathers Chaumonot and Dablon. Here many of the old men and chiefs of the Onondagas awaited them. The Te Deum was chanted and holy mass celebrated in gratitude for their friendly reception. On the 17th they com menced the erection of their dwellings and a fort for their soldiers. The location of this fort and mission house was on the east shore of Onondaga Lake, on lot 106 in the town of Salina, where the embankment and outlines of the fort were plainly to be seen by the early settlers.. The well in that vicinity out of which they drew their water still bears the name of the "Jesuits's Well." For a while the mission was quite prosperous ; other missions branched out from it among the Cayugas and Senecas ; the second year the increas ing interest required the enlargement of the chapel ; the missionaries entertained hopes of the speedy conversion of multitudes of the Indians. But while they were indulging these fond anticipations, the renewal of border wars excited the slumbering ven geance of the Mohawks, who induced the Ononda gas to enter into a conspiracy for the destruction of the French mission. The plot was revealed by a friendly Indian, and the French escaped by the fol lowing ingenious method : HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 21 Being forewarned of the intended massacre, they had prepared to escape in the night, if they could avoid exciting the suspicions of the Indians, by means of several light boats which they had secretly constructed in the storehouse of the mission. The opportunity was furnished them by the ingenuity of a young man, very much a favorite with the head chief, who feigned to have a dream that the chief must provide a general feast, after the custom of the Indian nation. The rule of politeness required that they should eat all that was set before them, and the consequence was that they often became gorged and stupefied. So it was on this occasion. The feast was prepared ; all had eaten to surfeiting ; the young man played on his guitar to soothe them into the profound slumber that was soon to follow. In a lit tle while they were all asleep, and before they awoke the Frenchmen had shipped their boats and were far away beyond- their reach. In the morning they supposed the French had been sleeping as pro foundly as themselves, and it was not until they had examined the premises that they discovered that their intended victims had fled. If the missionaries had been alone in the work in which they were en gaged, they would at all times have been safe in the hands of the savages, but the rival governments of France and England continually thwarted their en deavors and rendered the lives of all at times inse cure. When the Mohawk conspiracy had died away and the Onondagas becoming sorry for having given the French reason to doubt their sincerity, and feel ing the loss they had sustained in driving them away, the principal chief sent an invitation to them again to establish themselves among them. In 1665, a number of French families returned, under the guidance of the missionaries, and settled near the Indian fort and village which stood in the vicin ity of the present village of Jamesville. The mission here established was that of Ste. Jean Baptiste. The chapel was built in 1666 by the famous chief, Gar-a-kon-tie, who was a converted and truly Chris tian Indian. Father LeMercier, in Relation 1667, says of him : " As he, [Father Julian Gamier,] had declared to them [the Onondagas,] that he could not remain alone and without a chapel, Gar-a-kon-tie, that famous captain of whom we have spoken before in preceding relations, resolved to gratify him to the utmost of his wishes. In fact, in a few days he built a chapel, and immediately after undertook a voyage to Quebec to visit the Governor of Canada, who had long desired to see this great and good man, so obliging towards the French. One princi pal object of his visit was to take away with him some of the Fathers, whom he wished to conduct into his own country."* In 1669 the French and the Iroquois were again at war. " The harvests of New France could not be gathered in safety, the convents were insecure, and many of the inhabitants prepared to return to France. In moments of gloom it seemed as if all must be abandoned. True, religious zeal was still active. Le Moyne, who had been driven from among the Mohawks, once more appeared and was received with affection by the Onondagas. Peace ensued. England came into possession of the New Netherlands. In 1684, the Five Nations met the governors of New York and Virginia at Albany, and the sachems returned to nail the arms of the Duke of York over their castle, a protection as they thought against the French, an acknowledgment, as the English deemed, of British sovereignty." The Governor of Canada, meantime, with six hundred French soldiers, four hundred Indian allies, four hundred canoes, and three hundred men for a gar rison, started for Onondaga. But the army suffered from sickness, and after arriving on the soil of the Onondagas, he was constrained to sue for peace. The English desired the Five Nations to take ad vantage of this situation and exterminate the French. But such was not their policy ; they desired to play one party off against the other, while they them selves held the balance of power. An Onondaga chief proudly said to the Convoy of New York : " Yonnondio (the French Governor) has for ten years been our father ; Corlear (the English Gover nor) has long been our brother, but it is because we have willed it so ; neither the one nor the other is our master. He who made the world gave us the land on which we dwell ; we are free ; you call us subjects ; we say we are brethren ; we must take care of ourselves. I will go to my father, for he has come to my gate and desires to speak words of reason. We will embrace peace, instead of war ; the ax shall be thrown into a deep water." To De la Barre, the French commander, the chief said : " It is well for you that you have left under ground the hatchet which has so often been dyed with the blood of the French ; our children and old men had carried their bows and arrows into the heart of your camp, if our braves had not kept them back ; our old men are not afraid of war ; we will guide the English to our lakes ; we are born free ; we depend neither on Yonnondio nor Corlear." Dis mayed, the proud Governor of Canada accepted a disgraceful peace, leaving his Indian allies to the tender mercies of the Iroquois. * Clark's Onondaga, p. 190. 22 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. After the establishment of Fort Niagara by the French, Louis XIV wrote to the Governor of New France to capture as many of the able bodied Iroquois as he could and send them to France to work in the galleys as slaves, saying, " Do what you can to capture a large number of them as pris oners of war, and ship them to France." By open hostilities no captures could be made, and Lamber- ville, the missionary among the Onondagas, was unconsciously employed to decoy them into the fort on Ontario. Accordingly, being invited to nego tiate a treaty, they assembled without distrust, and were seized, put in irons, hurried to Quebec and thence to France, where the warrior hunters of the Five Nations who used to roam from Hudson's Bay to Carolina, were chained to the oar in the galleys of Marseilles." This was in 1687. What did the outraged Iroquois do with this missionary, the un witting tool of tyrants ? Bancroft says : " Mean while the old men of the Onondagas summoned Lamberville to their presence. ' We have much reason,' said an aged chief, ' to treat thee as an ene my, but we know thee too well ; thou hast betrayed us, but treason was not in thine heart ; fly, there fore, for when our young braves shall have sung their war song, they will listen to no voice but the swelling voice of their anger.' " Trusty guides con ducted the missionary through by-paths into a place of security. This noble forbearance was due to the counsel of Gar-a-kon-tie, the same chief who built the second Onondaga chapel for the mission of St. John the Baptist. " Generous barbarian ! exclaims Bancroft ; your honor shall endure, if words of mine can preserve the memory of your deeds." The Onondaga Chief, Haas-kou-aun, at once appeared at Montreal at the head of twelve hundred warriors, demanding as a satisfaction the restoration of the chiefs and spoils and the abandonment of the fort at Niagara. Four days were given the French to decide. Said the haughty chief, " Our warriors pro pose to come and burn your forts, your houses your granges, and your corn, to weaken you by famine, and then to overwhelm you." The terms were accepted by the French, the restoration of the imprisoned chiefs conceded, and the whole country south of the lakes rescued from the domin ion of Canada. In the course of events New York owes its present northern boundary to this exhibi tion of the power and valor of the Five Nations.* All but a little corner of the County of Onondaga is drained into the St. Lawrence, and but for these Indians must have formed a part of Canada, j * 2 Bancroft, p. 432. f Hon, George Geddes Report, 1859. In 1694, the great chief, De-kan-is-so-ra, visited Montreal to make terms of peace with the French. The Count de Frontenac, then Governor, refused to treat with the Five Nations, except on conditions that they would exclude the English entirely from trading in their territory. This the Onondagas re fused to consent to, whereupon Frontenac resolved to put the whole power of the French in requisition and by one decisive blow bring them to terms. In 1696, he mustered the whole force that France could furnish and the province could raise, together with such Indian allies as he could enlist, and after two months spent in the trip, arrived with his flotilla on Onondaga Lake, the second of August. The paraphernalia of the army made a grand display. " Banners were there," says Hoffman, "which had been unfurled at Steenkerk and Landen, and rustled above the troops that Luxemburg's trumpets had guided to glory when Prince Waldeck's legions were borne down beneath his furious charge. Nor was the enemy that this gallant host was seeking, unworthy those whose swords had been tried in some of the hardest fought fields of Europe. They had bearded a European army under the walls of Quebec, shut up another for weeks within the defences of Mon treal, with the same courage which half a century after vanquished the battalions of Dieskau on the shores of Lake George." The French, with their allies, passed up Onon daga Lake in two divisions, skirting both shores, and finally landing at the east end, sword in hand. On the third of August, they constructed a fort and left a garrison of 140 men to guard their batteaux and baggage. This fort was probably at the place now called Green Point, or at the site of St. Mary's of Ganentaha. The cannon and artillery equipments were hauled across the marshes, and they encamped at the Salt Springs. Their movements had been discovered by scouts and were fully known at the Onondaga villages. No assistance could be obtained from the English, and resistance to such a vast army was idle. The Onondagas, therefore, resolved to bend before the storm they could not face. On the night of the 2d of August, 1696, the French army saw the light of immense fires in the south. The Indians, adopting the tactics of Moscow, were des troying their own property, preferring this' mode of defence to direct resistance. When the French ar rived on the ground, Frontenac says they found " the cabins of the Indians and the triple palisades which circled the fort entirely burnt." It has since been learned that it was in a sufficiently strong state of defence. It was an oblong flanked by four regu lar bastions. The two rows of pickets which HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 23 touched each other were of the thickness of an ordi nary mast, and at six feet distance outside stood an other palisade of much smaller dimensions, but from forty to fifty feet high. The corn of the Ononda gas, in their fields, stretching " from a league and a half to two leagues from the fort," was completely cut up by the soldiers. " Not a single head re mained," and " the destruction was complete." The Onondagas, of course, could not brook this wanton destruction long. In accordance with their custom they must give the enemy due notice that vengeance would not be delayed. A brave old war rior volunteered for this honorable duty, and died without a groan amidst the tortures of the savage allies of the French. " When a savage, weary of his harangues, gave him some cuts of a knife," " I thank thee," he cried, " But thou oughtest to com plete my death by fire. Learn, French dogs and ye savages, their allies, that ye are dogs of dogs ; remember what ye ought to do when ye will be in the same position that I am." " It was," says Charle voix, " a strange and curious spectacle, to see many hundred men surrounding a decrepit old warrior, striving in vain, by tortures, to draw a groan from him." The barren victory of Frontenac resulted in great injury to the French, for by taking away the militia of Canada, the fields were left uncultivated, and a famine ensued that pinched quite as hard as the lack of provisions in Onondaga. CHAPTER VI. The Iroquois and the English — Policy of the English Towards the Five Nations — The Onondagas in the French War — — Their Status in the Revolution and the War of 1812 — English and German Missions among the Onondagas — Later Missions — Schools — Treaties. THE treaty of Ryswick, which made peace be tween the English and the French, was signed September 10, 1697. Soon after this, French com missioners appeared before the Onondaga Castle. Peace was made,, to the great satisfaction of the French. " Nothing could be more terrible than this last war ; the French ate their bread in con tinual fear. No man was sure, when out of his house, of ever returning to it again. All business and trade were often suspended, while fear, despair and misery blanched the countenances of the wretched inhabitants.* The Commissioners took * Clark's Onondaga, p. 283. with them to Montreal several of the Onondaga chiefs. They were received with every mark of re spect, and were treated with that consideration which brave men always command. Before the peace of Ryswick, in 1697, the In dians of the Five Nations had become the allies of the English. In 1689, they had met the represen tatives of the English colonies, the Governors of New York and Virginia, in council at Albany, and had formally pledged to them peace and alliance. Although the French, from this time forward, made the most strenuous efforts, through diplomacy and religion, to gain the Five Nations over to their in terest, and failing in that, had employed the best military resources of New France for their subjuga tion, yet they steadily adhered to their friendship for the English, who gradually gained the ascend ancy over them and in due time became their mas ters. The earliest and strongest influence of the Eng lish was exerted over the Mohawks, who lived in immediate proximity to their settlements on the Hudson ; hence the Mohawks were most hostile to the French and were often in open war upon their frontiers while the more western tribes were quietly listening to the Jesuit Fathers within the sound of Niagara, in the forests of Cayuga and the villages of Onondaga. Many a conflict between the Mo hawks and the other tribes of the Five Nations originated in the partiality of the latter for the French. At length the English, penetrating farther into the country, extending trade and commerce to the different tribes, and assisting them against their common enemies, gradually gained an ascendancy over them, and an alliance was formed with the United Five Nations which remained an indissolu ble bond of union through all the conflicts and wars which followed, not only till the downfall of French power in Canada, but till England herself surren dered her possessions in America to her colonies. The English gained their ascendancy over the Iro quois, not by levying war, but by commerce and assistance, in the first place, and then by negotia tion and the arts of peace. From this _time the Five Nations recognized themselves as subjects of Great Britain and were at war or peace, as suited the policy of the governing nation. Among the earliest English travelers in the Iro quois country was Wentworth Greenhalgh, who commenced a journey westward from Albany on the 28th of May, 1677* He visited the Mohawks, Oneidas, Onondagas, Cayugas and Senecas, and describes minutely in his journal the situation and * Chambers' Political Annals of the United Colonies, London, 1780 24 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. strength of each nation. The Onondagas he found " situated on a hill that is very large, the bank on each side extending itself at least two miles, all cleared land whereon the corn is planted." This traveler furnishes the following census of the " fight ing men" of the respective nations : Mohawks 300 ; Oneidas, 200 ; Onondagas, 350; Cayugas, 300; Senecas, 1,000; total, 2,150. In the manuscripts of Sir William Johnson there is'a census of the northern and western Indians from the Hudson to the Mississippi, taken in 1763, in which the Five Nations appear numerically as follows : Mohawks, 160 ; Oneidas, 250; Onondagas, 150; Cayugas, 200; Senecas, 1,050; total, 1,610 warriors. In 1700, Robert Livingston, Secretary of Indian affairs, visited Onondaga, and reported to the Earl of Belmont upon the proper policy for the English to adopt in regard to the Five Nations. He ad vised that missionaries should be sent among them, and that forts should be constructed and garrisoned for their protection against the French. He pro posed to locate a fort at the confluence of the Oneida and Seneca Rivers. In June of that year, Dekan- nissora, at the head of an embassy, visited Albany complaining that the French " will not take the hatchet from their hands " unless the Five Nations submit to them. And he said, "All of us here are resolved to have a Protestant minister at Onondaga, the centre of the Five Nations, as soon as one can be sent to us." The Governor promised the mis sionary, and that the bible should be translated for their use, and proposed that they should send two or three of their sons to be educated at the expense of the King. The Indians replied that they loved the King and were determined to continue firm to him and his religion, adding that they had refused to receive the Jesuit priests. "As to the offer to educate the boys," said the chief, " that is a sub ject not under our control ; it belongs to the women entirely." At this council the Earl of Belmont promised the Onondagas to build a fort in their country. Col. Romer was selected as the engineer to explore the country and fix upon a site for the fort. The Indians agreed to furnish two hundred men to work upon it, and to furnish corn, venison, and other pro visions for the workmen. Four young Onondagas were selected to accompany Colonel Romer in his exploring expedition. Colonel Romer explored the Onondaga country, and passed down till he came to the Oneida River, but found no suitable place to locate a fort. They finally decided upon the ledge called Kagnewageage, near the mouth of the Oswe go River, as the most suitable site. The King of England, in 1701, had given five hundred pounds towards erecting a fort in the country of the Onon dagas. The fort was not built till 1727. A trading house, however, was erected at Oswego in 1722, under the administration of Governor William Bur net. The design of the occupancy of this position was to frustrate the purpose of the French to con fine the English colonies to narrow limits along the sea coast by a chain of forts extending from Canada to Louisiana ; and it would also give the English command of Lake Ontario and the route of the French by the Oswego River into the heart of the Iroquois country. No establishment could be of greater importance to the interest of the English. When, therefore, the trading house was erected at Oswego it highly exasperated the Canadian authori ties, and they immediately inaugurated a counter movement in erecting a trading house at Niagara. The Baron De Longueil visited the canton of the Onondagas in person to secure the consent of the chiefs, and by misrepresentation partially succeeded. But the other Iroquois nations declared the action of the Onondagas void, as the country in which the French were at work belonged solely to the Sene cas. The French, however, persisted, and through the influence ofthe Jesuit, Joucaire, who succeeded in keeping the Indians quiet, completed their work at Niagara. Governor Burnet, unable to accom plish anything else, erected the fort at Oswego in 1727. He built it almost wholly at his own private expense. The Governor of Canada was so incensed that he sent a written order to the officer in com mand to evacuate the fort at once. The English officer did not, however, comply. In the war which followed between the French and the English, the defence of the fort at Oswego was entrusted to the Onondagas. When Sir Wil liam Johnson called for them they were ready and assisted in winning the glory he acquired. At Ni agara, Montreal and Quebec, they participated in the great engagements which decided the question of empire between the French and English ; and on the 21st of July, 1761, after the war had closed and all the French possessions east of the Missis sippi had fallen into the hands of the English, up wards of forty of the sachems and warriors of the Onondaga nation met Sir William Johnson at Os wego, to receive the medals sent to all their chiefs, by General Amherst. The chiefs, in a formal ad dress, took that occasion to remonstrate against the ill treatment many of their people had received from the traders and soldiers at the posts during the war, and the exhorbitant prices of goods charged HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 25 by the traders. Sir William promised to reform abuses and furnish them plenty of powder and ball, which proved very agreeable to the chiefs. In the war of the Revolution these Indians steadi ly adhered to the friendship which had been so long cemented between them and the English, and were the faithful allies of Great Britain throughout that memorable struggle. Mr. Clinton says that in the war ofthe Revolution the Five Nations contributed to the aid of the British 1,580 men. "They hung like the scythe of death in the rear of our settle ments, and their deeds are inscribed with the scalp ing knife and the tomahawk, in characters of blood, on the fields of Wyoming and Cherry Valley, and on the banks of the Mohawk."* The chastisement we inflicted upon the Five Nations was as terrible as their own cruelties had invoked. On the 21st of April, 1779, Colonel Van Schaick surprised the Onondagas and destroyed their village, provisions and munitions of war, kill ing twelve and taking thirty or forty prisoners. The destruction of their property was complete. The same year the campaigns of Sullivan carried war and famine to the Cayugas and Senecas, effectually breaking the power of the Iroquois. The Mohawks fled to Canada with Sir William Johnson. The treaty of peace with England gave us the chain of the great lakes as our northern boundary. No stipulation whatever was made respecting these tribes. They consequently found themselves in the condition of a conquered people in the hands of their enemies who* had become highly exasperated at their dreadful cruelties. The Legislature of New York evinced a disposition to expel them all from their territory, but wiser and more humane counsels prevailed. Through the influence of Generals Washington and Schuyler they were saved from total ruin. The treaty made at Fort Stanwix in 1784, by commissioners of the government and the Indians, secured sufficient reservations of land to all the tribes, except the Mohawks who had gone to Canada. But this treaty appeared hard to the Indians, who had gone into the war at the command of a government they felt bound to obey, and that had so shamefully neglected them in the final set tlement. After this their prowess was gone, and their martial spirit entirely broken. Some of them assisted the Western Indians in the wars under Harmar, St. Clair and Wayne, being led by Brant, the great captain of the Five Nations ; and when the gallant Wayne turned the victory in favor of the Americans, Ohekungh and Oundiaga, chiefs of * Clark's Onondaga. 4* the Onondagas, were there ; the latter left his bones to bleach on the plains of the Miamis. After this noted victory, the Onondagas clearly saw the folly of cherishing any longer a hostile dis position towards their immediate neighbors. They settled down in quiet, determined to submit with fortitude to their fate. During the war of 18 12, when our Niagara fron tier had become a scene in which the tomahawk and scalping knife were playing their part, General Peter D. Porter called on the remnant of this people for a force that might be successfully opposed to the Canadian Indians. A council was held to which all the tribes were invited, and all came except the Mohawks. It was resolved to aid the United States with all their force. By the ancient usage of the Five Nations, the Mohawks were to furnish the Commander-in-Chief, but, as they had left the con federacy, it was necessary to depart from the usage and elect one in general council. Debate ran high, until the celebrated Sa-goy-a-wat-ha (Red Jacket) settled the matter by proposing Hog-a-hoa-qua (La Fort,) an Onondaga chieftain. He accepted the post, and died at Chippewa, having received his death wound while bravely leading his people. His dying words were expressive of his gratification at having been placed at the head of his nation and having done his duty there. The braves of the of the Onondagas gathered around the prostrate hero, and exclaimed in their own language, "Alas, the great chief ! the brave ! the brave !"* It remains now to consider the English and other later missions among these people. The Jesuit missions began sensibly to decline after the year 1700. About this time the English began to interest themselves in planting Protestant Christianity among the Five Nations. The Earl of Belmont, then Governor of New York, proposed a fort and a chapel at Onondaga, and King William sent over a set of plate for communion service and furniture for the proposed chapel. But this plan was interrupted by the death of the King in 1 702, and was renewed by Queen Anne, who became a zealous patron of missions among the Five Nations. This good queen ordered the erection of a chapel among the Mohawks and contemplated a similar work among all the Five Nations. The Mohawk chapel was built of stone, and was erected at Fort Hunter in 17 10. The queen presented the chapel with a solid silver communion set, bearing the follow ing inscription : "The gift of Her Majesty, Anne, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France and Ire- * Webster received his last words while acting as aid to Gen. Brown, to carry orders to the Indians, he understanding their language. 26 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. land, Queen, to her Indian Chapel of the Mohawks." A similar service was engraved for the Onondagas, but, from some cause, it seems never to have reached its destination. On the plate presented to the Mo hawks was the date 1712. Portions of the same service are still in use at the Mohawk mission in Canada. Among the Onondagas, missions were established by the Moravians or United Brethren, in 1750. Heckwalder, the Indian historian, says : " The most remarkable occurrence of 1750 was the journey of Bishop Cammerhoff and Brother David Zeisberger to Onondaga, the chief town of the Iroquois. They set out from Bethlehem" (Pennsylvania, where they had founded a mission in 1740,) "on the 14th of May, having obtained a passport from the Governor of Pennsylvania, requesting all the subjects of the British Government to forward their undertaking. * * * On the 19th of June, they reached Onon daga, situated in a very pleasant and beautiful country and consisting of five small towns or vil lages " The account goes on to say that the Bishop and his associate were received at the great council as the deputies of the Church of the United Breth ren. Permission was granted them to keep their missionaries at Onondaga one or two years to learn the language of the people. The Brethren returned to spend the winter in Bethlehem, and the year fol lowing appeared again among the Onondagas, by whom they were very cordially received and lodged in the chief's house. All things went prosperously for about a year, when, on account of trouble and war, acting upon the advice of the council, they returned to their homes. In 1754, Zeisberger returned to his post with a brother named Charles Frederick. The chief, Can- nas-se-ta-go, adopted him as his son, and he had great influence with the Onondagas. He became an eminent Onondaga scholar. In 1768, he wrote and completed two grammars, one in English, the other in German, adapted to the Indian language, a copious dictionary of German and Indian, contain ing seven quarto manuscript volumes of more than seventeen hundred and seventy pages of writing, and in 1776 he publis'hed a spelling book, other pri mary books for learners, and juvenile devotional books. We find no permanent fruits of this mission or that it was ever re-established, although feebly continued for several years. The mission of Rev. Samuel Kirkland among the Oneidas began in August, 1766. Mr. Kirkland re mained among them for over forty years. During this time his influence spread all over the Iroquois country, and many of all the different tribes learned from him the doctrines and precepts of the Gospel, At the commencement of the Revolution he re moved his family to Stockbridge, Mass., for safety, while he continued his mission among the Onei das. His influence over them contributed materi ally to secure their neutrality, and in several instances, their friendship and service, during the Revolutionary struggle. In 1779, he was Brigade Chaplain with General Sullivan in his Indian, cam paign, and was chaplain to the garrison at Fort Schuyler and other posts. Messrs. Phelps and Gorham, large purchasers of land in Western New York, deeded him two thousand acres of land for his valuable services, situated in -township No. 7, Ontario county. Mr. Kirkland was a native of Nor wich, Conn., in which town he was born December 1, 1741. He was one of the most widely useful and influential among his class of devoted and self-sac rificing pioneer missionaries. Out of his " Plan of Education for the Indians," projected in 1792, grew the Hamilton Oneida Academy, which was incor porated early in 1793, and in 18 10 became Hamilton College. Mr. Kirkland endowed the Academy with valuable donations of land. He was a man of un bounded benevolence and hospitality. He loved the Indians and was loved by them most sincerely in return. He died in the 78th year of his age, Feb ruary 28, 1808, and was buried in a private ground near his residence in Clinton. The first person connected with the Protestant Episcopal Church who called the attention of the Onondagas to the subject of religion, was Mr, Eleazer Williams, lay reader, catechist and school master among the Oneidas. By the request of several of the Onondaga chiefs, he visited that nation first, on the 31st of March, 1816. He says in his journal : "They gave me no time to refresh myself, but hurried me off to their council house, to hear, as they said, ' The words of Him who dwells in Heaven'. " These visits were followed by Rev. Timothy Clowes, Rector of St. Peter's Church, Albany, who on the 18th of July, 1816, preached and administered the sacrament. He baptized eleven children of the Onondagas. In July, 18 17, they were visited by Mr. Eleazer Williams, Rev. Wm. A. Clark and Rev. Ezekiel G. Gear. Baptism was administered by Rev. Mr. Clark to fifteen, and ¦ by Rev. Mr. Gear to four or five. Mr. Gear con tinued to preach frequently among the Onondagas so long as he lived at " the Hill." Indians fre quently came there for public worship and brought their children to be baptized in presence of the congregation. Several couples were also married publicly in the church. Others, among whom was HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 27 one principal chief, were publicly baptized, and these were all confirmed at Oneida, on some occa sion when the church there was visted by Bishop Hobart. It was at the instance of Mr. Gear that a school was opened at Onondaga by one of their own people — Mary Doxtator, who had been educated by the Quakers at Philadelphia, and had opened an indus trial school at Oneida, in which she taught the Indian women how to sew and spin and to weave blankets and coverlets. This lady was induced by Mr. Gear to attempt the same among the Onon dagas, which she did with considerable success in 1820. She died two or three years after the open ing of her school, among the Onondagas, her own people. This Episcopal missionary work ceased among the Onondagas with the retirement of Rev. Mr. Gear, and they were without religious instruction till the Methodists founded a Mission at Oneida in 1829. Occasional services were from this time held among the Onondagas with but little success, on account of the influence of the " Pagan Party." The head men of the nation were opposed to the establishment of schools and churches among them, and it was not until the year i84i,that anything like a regular organization was formed. At this time ninev members joined a class formed by Rev. Ros- man Ingals, who had been appointed a missionary to the Oneidas and Onondagas. The communion was administered at Onondaga Castle after the form of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and from the 1st of August, 1842, the Onondagas had preach ing every third Sunday. In 1842, the natives pro cured and fitted up a building in which services were held till 1846, when the new school house was built and became also the sanctuary of religion. Rev. Daniel Fancher officiated, preaching three Sundays each month. After the commencement of Mr. Fancher's ministry, the number of com municants increased rapidly. In 1848, at which time a new and commodious church was erected, costing over a thousand dollars, there was not less than sixty who received regularly the bread of life. In 1845, a very respectable lady, Miss Mary Hitchcock, was- induced to open a school on the Reservation exclusively for Indian children. Her efforts were unwearied, and attended with measur able success, the school being supported mainly by contributions of benevolent white patrons. She boarded herself and kept the school in the church building. In April, 1846, an act was passed by the Legislature authorizing the Indian Agent to cause to be built and furnished a suitable and sufficient school house on the Onondaga Reservation, at an expense not exceeding three hundred dollars. The sum of two hundred and fifty dollars was annually appropriated for a term of five years, for the pay ment of teachers' wages and other expenses. The following year a school house was completed and school opened under favorable auspices by Mr. L. B. Whitcomb. In 1849, Rev. Rosman Ingals had charge of the school. The district officers were of the Indians, assisted by the Agent, Town Super intendent and Teacher, who managed the school with benefit to themselves and credit to the nation. The Indian children are bright, and in many branches show as much aptitude to learn as Ameri cans ; but the chief hindrance to their education lies in their unwillingness to attend school. Not more than half the number of suitable age are found in attendance. The Onondagas made the following treaties with the people of the State of New York : First — The treaty of Fort Schuyler (formerly Fort Stanwix) made by the commissioners on behalf of the State, His Excellency, George Clinton, Governor, William Floyd, Ezra L. Hommedien, Richard Varick, Samuel Jones, Egbert Benson, and Peter Gansevoort, Jr.,— wherein the Onondaga nation ceded to the State of New York all their lands in said State, except the Reservation bounded as follows : Beginning at the southerly end of the salt lake, at the place where the river or stream, on which the Onondagas now have their village, empties into the said lake, and running from the said place of beginning east three miles ; thence southerly according to the general curve of said river until it shall intersect a line running east and west at the distance of three miles south from said village ; thence from the said point of intersection west nine miles ; thence northerly parallel to the second course above mentioned, until an east line will strike the place of beginning ; and thence east to the said place of beginning. The cession in this treaty was made in considera tion of one thousand French crowns in money and two hundred pounds in clothing at the price which the same cost the people of New York. Second— A treaty made at Onondaga by John Cantine and Simeon DeWitt, November 18, 1793, wherein the Onondagas ceded to the State a por tion of their Reservation comprised in two tracts described in the treaty (Clark's Onondaga, vol. 1, p. 353.) The State paid the Indians four hundred and ten dollars as a perpetual annuity for this por tion of their Reservation. Third— A treaty held at Cayuga Ferry, by Phillip 28 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. Schuyler, John Cantine, David Brooks and John Richardson, July 28, 1795, wherein the above annuity was changed to a perpetual annuity of eight hundred dollars, and the Onondagas also ceded their right in the Salt Springs and one mile of land around the same, together with a half mile tract of land between the northern boundary of the Reserva tion and the Salt Springs. In this transaction the State paid the Indians five hundred dollars for their right in the Salt Springs, and two hundred dollars for the half mile of land, with an annuity of one hundred bushels of salt to be delivered annually on the first day of June in each year forever. Fourth— At a treaty made at Albany, February 25, 1817, the Onondagas sold and conveyed the following described lands, viz : "All that certain tract of land reserved for them in former reserva tions known as the Onondaga Residence Reservation" This land lies east of the present Reservation con sisting of twenty-seven lots of from one hundred and fifty to one hundred and sixty acres each, amounting in all to about four thousand acres. One thousand dollars was paid down, with an annuity of four hundred and thirty dollars and fifty bushels of salt. Fifth — On the 1 ith of February, 1822, at a treaty held at Albany, they sold eight hundred acres more of their land, from the south end of the Onondaga Residence Reservation, for the sum of seventeen hundred dollars. CHAPTER VII. Migrations of the Onondagas — Location of their Various Town Sites — Period of their Residence in Each Locality. GEN. JOHN S. CLARK, of Auburn, who has devoted much time to antiquarian research respecting the aborigines of this county, has shown conclusively that the Onondagas were a migratory people, and that they occupied different portions of our territory at different periods. Beginning with their most easterly settlement, just prior to the be ginning of the historic period, or about the year 1620, we shall follow General Clark in the inverse order of his argument, and note the points at which he locates the homes of the Onondagas at different periods. After crossing the valley of the east branch of the Limestone we find other town sites indicating an earlier occupation, but of like character and mag nitude as those to the west. The most important of these is the one found on lot twenty-three, on the dividing line between Onondaga and Madison coun ties. This contains about ten acres of land and was originally enclosed by a stockade. All the facts point unerringly to the conclusion, that this was the position occupied previous to that on Indian Hill, probably from about 1620 to 1650. This migratory line can be continued indefinitely, step by step, to the east and north, extending along the eastern ex tremity of Lake Ontario to the St. Lawrence. In Madison county we find the point apparently, whence the Oneidas branched off from the Onondagas, and swinging around by successive removals in an east erly and northerly direction, finally settled down at Oneida Castle, at about the same period that the Onondagas were in the Onondaga valley. Another period of fifty years introduces us to a series of facts that cannot possibly be reconciled with a supposed residence in either the valley of Onondaga or at Jamesville. In 1750 we find their castle five miles from Onondaga Lake ; in 1700 we find it on the Butternut creek, and eight miles from Onondaga Lake. We now come to authorities in like manner making it twelve miles from the Mis sion site of St. Mary of Ganentaha on the east side of Onondaga Lake. We will examine a few of these facts, and, if possible, by going back to the period of 1650, solve this new difficulty. In 1654 the Onondagas were visited by Le Moyne by way of Techiroguen, at the foot of Oneida Lake, and by Chaumonot and Dablon in the succeeding year, by the same route. Dablon returned the next March from Onondaga, crossed Oneida Lake on the ice, and thence took the usual trail to Salmon River. A careful study of their journals develops the fact that Onondaga then was ten leagues or twenty-five miles from Techiroguen by Way of regular trail ; was five short leagues or twelve miles from* the mission site of St. Mary's, and was six short leagues from Oneida Lake, or about fifteen miles, according to Dablon's journal. In 1677, while living in the same position, they were visited by Mr. Greenhalgh, an English trader, who finds them occupying a very large town, con sisting of about one hundred and forty houses, situated on a hill, with banks on each side, between which the town extended at least two miles, all cleared land and on which corn was planted. He also says they were thirty-six miles from the Onei das' town and fifteen miles from Oneida Lake ; says the town was not stockaded, and makes no mention of a fort. Taking all these distances, and applying the scale to the map, we find that they cut each other at a point two miles south of the village of Manlius, on what is known as " Indian Hill," be- HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 29 tween the west and middle branches of Limestone Creek. This position is fifteen miles from Oneida Lake, is twelve miles from St. Mary's of Ganentaha, and thirty-six miles from the residence of the Oneidas in 1677, and ten leagues or twenty-five miles from Techiroguen, at Brewerton. A careful examination of DeWitt Clinton's, Schoolcraft's and Clark's accounts of this locality warrants fully the conclusion that here, in 1650, was the home of the Onondagas, and occupied dur ing the period of their greatest prosperity. Here was the original site of the Mission of St. John the Baptist, afterward removed to their residence further west. Here it was, that Garakontie called the Hurons to prayers by the sound of a bell, the fragments of which a hundred and fifty years after wards, were turned up by the plow to bear witness to the fact, that at this point the original pioneers of civilization first reared the cross in the midst of this barbarous people. Here Le Moyne, in 1654, with a single companion, courageously entered as an embassador to negotiate a peace, and speaking to the assembled sachems of the nation in their ¦own tongue, much to their astonishment, mentioned them all by nations, tribes, families and individuals. Here Chaumonot the next year, with his fascinating Italian voice and fervid eloquence, carried the council bodily on a wave of unqualified admiration, that led them to declare that he was almost the equal of an Indian orator. In this valley as in the others, we find towns of minor importance extend ing as far south as Delphi, of the same general char acter as the main one at Indian Hill, all furnishing ar ticles of glass, copper and iron, showing European intercourse, and from the general character of the relics showing a residence of about the same period, and by the same people ; but as compared with more western towns they show distinctly an earlier age of occupation, and a nearer approach to the pre historic or stone age, the percentage of stone im plements increasing, and that of metalic articles decreasing, as we move east. We here find speci mens of pottery with beautiful designs of ornamen tation, indicating that they had attained a high posi tion in the ceramic arts. In going forward half a century, we find a condi tion of historical fact, entirely inconsistent with the idea of a residence in Onondaga Valley ; all writers since about 1720, speak of them as being in the Onondaga Valley, and five miles from Onondaga Lake, while previous to that time they represent them as eight miles from the lake, or from Kaneenda at its southern extremity. Robert Livingston says in 1700: * * * "The Onondagas (who must leave their Castle speedily, the fire-wood that is near being consumed,") * * * and "you cannot come nearer than sixteen miles of their Castle by water except you go around by Kane enda," * * * and "that Kaneenda is eight miles from their Castle."* Here we have two dis tances furnished from given points — one eight miles from Onondaga Lake, the other sixteen miles from Oneida Lake. Again, Robert Livingston and others, as commissioners, in their report in April, 1700, "recommend the building of a fort at Kaneenda, a fishing place of the Onondagas eight miles from their Castle, their landing place when they came from hunting from Lake Ontario."! James Bleeker and others say in their journal in June, 1701, "The Onondagas would receive Mons. Mar- recour at Kaneenda, eight miles from their Castle." J Col. Romer, an English engineer, visited them in 1700 to select a suitable place for building a fort, and made a map to accompany his report, which hitherto was supposed to have been lost, but fortunately, has lately been discovered in the British Museum, a copy of which I have ; on this map the main town is located on the east side of Butternut Creek as plainly as lines could designate it. J. Martin Mack, the Moravian Missionary here tofore mentioned, while on his way to Onondaga by way of the Mohawk Valley, says, in his journal, un der date of August 20, 1752, at "noon some In dians, belonging to Onondaga, met us. We then came to a place where many posts were standing, from which we concluded that a* town must have stood there formerly. The old Seneca told Brother Zeisberger, that when he was a thild eight years of age, Onondaga stood on this spot, but was burned by the French. In the afternoon between four and five o'clock we arrived at Onondaga." Sir William Johnson while on his way from the East to Onondaga in 1756, says in his journal, un der date of June 18 : "The Cayugas sent two messengers from Onondaga who met Sir William at the place where formerly ihe Onondagas lived about five miles from their present habitation. Afterward arrived at Onondaga and from thence removed his camp to the site of Onondaga Lake about five miles from their Castle, for the convenience of being near his batteaux which brought the presents and provi sions.'^ Many other authorities can be adduced, showing that the chief town or Castle, at this period was five miles east of their subsequent location in On ondaga Valley, eight miles from Kaneenda, and six- *Col. Hist. ix. 649. \ Col. Hist. iv. 655. J Col. Hist. iv. 891. \ Col. Hist. vii. 133-4. 3° HISTORY OF, ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. teen miles from Oneida Lake, but those already pre sented are deemed quite sufficient to demonstrate be yond the possibility of question that the main village at this period was in the valley of Butternut Creek south of Jamesville. These distances center on the farm of Mr. O. M. Atkins, east ofthe Reservoir on lot number three. An examination of Clark's History of Onondaga will show this to be the location of a very large Indian town, where relics have been found in great abundance, indicating Indian occupa tion and European intercourse. The place was visited at an early date by DeWitt Clinton, School craft and others and fully described. The most im portant fact developed was the remains of a stock ade fort of singular construction in the form of a parallelogram, with bastions at the angles, enclosed by a double row of cedar palisades placed close to each other, and outside of these another row several feet distant, the whole enclosing about ten acres of land. A detached work was found some thirty rods distant to the northeast, on higher ground, probably used as redoubts, and connected by a covered way with each other. It will be remembered that Frontenac, in 1696, invaded the Onondagas' territory with a large army of French and Indians. He landed on the east side of Onondaga Lake, and after constructing his tem porary fort for the protection of his batteaux and supplies, he marched up the Onondaga Valley in two lines of battle, and on approaching the strong hold of the Onondagas, found it abandoned and burned. Frontenac described the fort as " an ob long, flanked by four regular bastions, with two rows of pickets which touched each other, and were of the thickness of an ordinary mast, and at six feet distant outside, stood another row of palisades of much smaller dimensions, but from forty to fifty feet high." Charlevoix describes the same as " a rec tangle, with four bastions, surrounded by a double palisade, flanked by redoubts, with fence formed of poles from forty to fifty feet high." One evi dently taking his view from the enclosed work, the other from the enclosing one, but both agreeing substantially with each other, and with the descrip tions of Clinton, Schoolcraft and Clark. The description of Frontenac and Charlevoix, of this very remarkable and peculiarly constructed work, so exactly in accordance with the remains found by the early settlers, if examined with care, cannot fail to convince any unprejudiced mind that on this identical spot stood the famous citadel of the Onondagas in 1696, abandoned and burned by them on the approach of the French. Here was the home of the Onondagas from about 1680 to 1720, as history says they rebuilt on the same ground, and the next spring planted the same fields laid waste by their enemies ; this was the home of the great Dekannissore, the warrior, states man and orator ; the equal of any of the great men of his race, living or dead. As in the Onondaga Valley, so in this, we find evidences of detached hamlets and small towns to the south, occupied when it was considered safe to settle at a distance from their stronghold. We next find the homes of the Onondagas in Onondaga Valley from 1720 to 1790. John Bartram an English trader, in company with Lewis Evans, visited the Onondagas in 1743, with Shikellmy and Conrad Weiser, as guides, coming from the south by way of Owego. Bishop Cammerhoff and David Zeisberger, Moravian mis sionaries, visited them in 1750, coming from the south through the Cayugas' country. Zeisberger afterwards resided among them, learned their language, was adopted into the turtle clan, and was highly esteemed and honored by the Onondagas, and as an especial token of confidence, the Grand Council deposited its entire archives, comprising many belts of wampum, written treaties, &c, in the Mission House and constituted him sole keeper of those important records. Henry Frey, Godfrey, Rundt, and J. Martin Mack, were com panions of Zeisberger, and accompanied him up the Valley of the Mohawk, the latter named gentleman writing the itinerary of the journey. Several of those gentlemen traveled from Albany to the Gene see, and from Pennsylvania to Lake Ontario, and have left interesting and valuable accounts of their observations. Sir William Johnson visited them in 1756, to at tend a general council, and mentions the fact of the town being five miles from Onondaga Lake. He constructed a stockade fort for them in the same year, located about half a mile south of the village of Onondaga Valley, on the west side of the creek, the remains of which were still standing when the first settlers entered in 1790. All of these authori ties agree in their general descriptions of the coun try and its occupants, and describe the towns as consisting of a series of hamlets located on both sides of Onondaga Creek, and extending for three miles up and down the valley. Many of them con tained two or more families, and rarely were more than four or five near each other, the intervening spaces being occupied by great patches of high grass, bushes, fruit trees, peas, beans, and large fields of In dian corn. The Council House, occupying a central point, was about eighty feet in length by seventeen HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 3i in breadth, with a common passage way six feet in width through its center. Bartram, in 1743, as cended both the east and west hills, and mentions the fact of their being covered with timber to the top, but makes no mention of an upper town, while Zeisberger in 1752 speaks of a lower town, and the upper town on Onondaga Hill. A small village (Tiatachtonti) was located about four miles south of the main town, where many apple trees were in bearing at that date. This condition of affairs continued without ma terial change until the campaign of 1779, when all these towns were destroyed in the expedition of Col. Van Schaick. From about 1720 until the re moval to the reservation, this valley was the home of this central nation of the Confederacy. Here re sided Canassetago and Oundiaga and other illustri ous names, who flourished during this period ; but their history is so well known and authorities are so accessible that it will be a waste of time to dwell longer on this part of their history. Such have been the homes or principal villages of the Onondagas ; other subordinate villages, mis sionary, fishing and trading stations, existed in dif ferent localities, as at an early day Techiroguen, an Indian fishing village, on the Oneida river, at the outlet of Oneida Lake, on the site of the present village of Brewerton. This was a regular crossing place of the great north and south trail. Le Moyne mentions it in 1654 as on the south side of the river, while Charlevoix indicates it by name as on the north side on his map published in 1744. In 1656 the mission of St. Mary of Ganentaha was located on lot 106 in Salina, on the north shore of Onon daga Lake. Here was erected the first Roman Catholic chapel in the State of New York, and here Frontenac, in 1696, constructed a stockade fort, for the temporary protection of his supplies and bat- teaux, while engaged in his expedition against the Onondagas and Oneidas. A fishing village or land ing place, existed at the southern extremity of Onondaga Lake, called by the Indians Geneata, the same as the lake, but by the* English called Kene- enda ; I retain the English spelling and pronuncia tion to distinguish it from the French Mission site called Ganentaha. It appears, from the foregoing statement of facts, abundantly conclusive that the Onondagas occupied the site of the Indian fort and village on Lot 23, on the dividing line between the counties of Onondaga and Madison from about 1620 to 1650 ; at " Indian Hill" between the west and middle branches of Limestone Creek, about two miles south of the village of Manlius, from 1650 to 1680 ; in the valley of the Butternut Creek south of Jamesville, on the farm of Mr. O. M. Atkins, Lot No. 3, from 1680 to 1720; and in the Onondaga Valley, where they were found by the earliest settlers, from 1720 to 1790. The Mohawks in like manner have drifted from point to point within the historic period and genera tions previous, and no writer has been bold enough to attempt the indentification of any of the sites mentioned in our early history ; and yet it is not very difficult to unravel the tangled mysteries of their peculiar migrations. The Cayugas, also drift ing in a generally southern direction, have left their footprints as easily to trace from point to point as are the tracks of the school-boy in the newly fallen snow. The Senecas also migrated on a definite line at an early day, and when the Eries were subjugated, carried their colonies to the extreme western limits of the State. At the time of Sullivan's campaign they were living in fine framed houses, had over flowing granaries and immense fields of Indian corn. Their villages were numbered by the score, some of them of large dimensions, and containing great numbers of people. CHAPTER VIII. Antiquities — Relics of European Intercourse with the Indians — The Monumental Stone of 1520 Discovered in Pompey — Other Curi ous Relics. IT is evident from relics discovered in various parts of this county that European intercourse with the aborigines was much more general at an early period than history gives any account of, or than has commonly been supposed. One of the most noted places where these remains have been found is at " Indian Hill," some two miles south of the village of Manlius, on land formerly owned by Isaac P. Jobs, now the property of John Hatch. This is the place where Gen. John S. Clark, the an tiquarian, locates the home of the Onondagas from about 1620 to 1650. The whole length of the ele vation bearing evidence of having been inhabited, - is nearly a mile, and the width from one hundred to one hundred and fifty rods. In 1 82 1, a brass medal was discovered near this place by Mr. John Watson. It was without date On one side of it was a figure of Louis XIV, King. of France and Navarre ; on the reverse side was represented a field with three fileur de lis sup porting a royal crown, surrounded by the name of 32 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. Naif Lanfar & Co. It was about the size of a Span ish pistareen and had been compressed between dies. The characters and letters were quite dis tinct. This relic passed into the possession of Hon. Samuel Mitchell. When this ground was first cultivated by the early settlers, gun-barrels, sword blades, hatchets, clay pipes, copper kettles, brass chains, beads of glass, pewter plates, finger rings, ear and nose jewels, lead balls, iron gate hangings, copper coins, tools for work ing wood and iron, and many other articles used only by civilized men, together with human bones, were frequently found on or near the earth's surface. There was a circular fort here, from three hun dred to three hundred and fifty feet in diameter, with one narrow gateway. In 1801, Mr. John Hatch plowed up three mus kets and a blunderbuss. The stocks were decayed and the muzzles flattened, as if with the head of an ax. Nearly all the gun-barrels found had their muzzles thus flattened, indicating that it was prob ably done to prevent them from being again useful in the hands of an enemy.* The guns usually found were of a heavy make, with bell-shaped muzzles, apparently of English manufacture. The copper coins were French, but so corroded that the marks and dates could not be deciphered. Clark, who published his history in 1849, says: "At every plowing something new is brought to light. Not long since a curiously wrought brass chain, two and a half feet long and one inch and a half wide, was found. Its appearance was as if it had recently been subjected to the action of fire, and the most prominent parts newly polished. A curious brass image was recently found there, probably a part of some Romish priest's collection." Contiguous to this place was an extensive bury ing ground covered with graves of men, women and children. The skeletons were usually found buried in a sitting posture facing the east, with some domestic utensil or weapon of war between the thigh bones. Trees of two hundred years growth once stood over these graves. Near David Williams', Pompey, one mile from " Indian Hill " was another place of considerable importance called "The Castle." In 1815, a brass medal was here found, on one side of which was an equestrian image with a drawn sword, and on the other " William Prince of Orange," with a crest or coat of arms. The date was obliterated, but Wil liam Prince of Orange flourished in 1689, and had been quite conspicuous in the affairs of New York some years previous. This medal may have been a * Clark's Onondaga, vol. 2, p. 256. present by him to some distinguished Indian chief. In that neighborhood a basswood tree was cut down and an ineffectual attempt made to split the first twelve feet of it into rails. Upon examination a large chain was found encircling it, over which one hundred and seventy-eight concentric circles had formed, representing as many years' growth. A large hemlock tree was discovered with three distinct cuts of an ax imbedded beneath one hundred and seventy- nine years' growth. Subtracting one hun dred and seventy-eight from 1815, the time when these examinations were made, and we have the date 1637, as the time when these marks are supposed to have been made, at which time it is reasonable to suppose the neighborhood was in habited by Europeans. David Williams at one time plowed up the skele ton of a man, and found with it a small brass kettle filled with corn and beans in a tolerably good state of preservation. The kettle was used in his family for domestic purposes several years. Mr. Hinsdell, of Pompey, had at one time in his possession three vices, one of which was very large, the jaws alone weighing forty-one pounds. It was beautifully engraved all over with representa tions of dogs, bears, deer, squirrels, fishes, birds, and was altogether a very beautiful specimen of workmanship. Another, a hand vise of excellent quality, was sold to Mr. Boylston, a silversmith, of Manlius village, who used it while he continued in business there. A nest of brass kettles was also found by Mr. David Hinsdell, the largest of which would hold two pails full and the smallest about three pints. Some of the smaller ones, being well pre served on account of the protection afforded by the larger ones outside, were used in Mr. Hinsdell's and Mr. Weston's families for several years. A case of surgical instruments, much corroded by rust, was found by the side of a human skeleton — probably the first physician and surgeon ever in Pompey. Among the relics positively known to be French, are several brass crescents bearing the in scription "Roi de France et Dieu" They were probably used for nose and ear jewels. Rows of large corn hills were abundant near all the places bearing evidences of occupancy, and were distinctly traceable by the early settlers. Most of the grounds mentioned had undoubtedly been scenes of hard-fought battles, of which the Indians had preserved unpleasant traditions, for such was their abhorrence of scenes enacted here that never, except in a few rare instances, could they be induced to visit the spot near the old fort and bury ing ground. They turned from it with a sort of HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 33 shudder, exclaiming, " Ote-queh sa-he-eh ! — 'Tis the field of blood'. '* The most singular and interesting relic yet dis covered in this locality, is the monumental stone found by Mr. Philo Cleveland on his farm about the year 1820. It consists of a stone, apparently gran ite, oval shaped, about fourteen inches long by twelve inches wide and eight inches thick, bearing the inscription of a tree in the center with a serpent coiled around it, and the words and date, Leo X De Lon VI, 1520. This stone is now in the Museum of the Historical Institute at Albany, and is universally admitted to be an authentic relic of antiquity. The date on it shows that it was three hundred years old at the time of its discovery ; fifty-seven years have since elapsed ; hence it carries back the date of the earliest European occupation of this locality to three hundred and fifty-seven years beyond our own time. That this stone was left by some Euro pean who was a Roman Catholic, and had accurate knowledge ofthe history of that Church, is evident, and it is equally clear that it was left by some transient visitor, for a colony, or even several per sons residing in the place, would certainly have left other relics of a similar antiquity. The inscription has been interpreted — Leo X, by the grace (or will) of God, sixth year of his pontfi- cate. The words De Lon, or initials L. S., as some read them, have been taken to be the name or initials of the person buried, as the stone is undoubtedly a sepulchral monument, placed there to mark the lonely grave of some one who died during an adventurous journey through the wilderness, a hundred years before the Jesuit missionaries found their way to the huts of the Indians. Whether the cross engraved on the stone is an Indian or a Roman Catholic cross, does not concern us, neither does the question as to his belonging to the Masonic fraternity, sup posed by some to be indicated by a rude emblem on the right hand corner of the stone : the only points of importance being the date and the accuracy of the historical knowledge which it reveals. Pope Leo X was crowned pope in 15 14, and hence 1520 would be the sixth year of his pontificate. The most probable explanation of this ancient relic is, that some Spanish adventurers in quest of silver mines had penetrated this region from Florida, and one of them dying, his companions erected this simple memorial to mark the place of his burial. There is a tradition that the shores of Lake Ganentaha were covered with a bright substance that shone in the sun (crystalized salt) and that the Indians, then ignorant of the nature of this substance, reported * Clark's Onondaga, -i. vol., p. 163. 5* this fact to the Spaniards, who, supposing it to be silver, came here in search of it and passed down the Oswego River. If they came here by the waters of the Susquehanna, as may be supposed, it is quite likely that they would ascend to the height of land to find the water courses in the opposite direction, or to discover the lake in the valley below them, which may account for their finding their way to Pompey. This is all supposition, it is true, but is quite as rational as any other, inasmuch as the Spaniards were the only Europeans at that period on the continent who could have left such a relic as this singular stone. Mr. William Haskins, who was the fifth inhabit ant in the township of Pompey, on lot No. 13, (now in Lafayette) in 1792, informed Mr. Clark, that on first plowing the lands, almost every variety of im plement used in agriculture and the common arts was found in that neighborhood. They consisted of knives supposed to be of French manufacture, axes, with the English stamp, gun-barrels, some of them with a portion of the stock remaining, quanti ties of ship spikes, pump hooks, a spy glass, trammel hooks and chains. In one instance a large quantity of musket balls was plowed up by the side of a rock. The remains of a wheel-barrow, with the iron entire, also anvils and vises, unfinished gun-barrels and gun-locks, indicating that the art of making these had been carried on, hand saws, files and fragments of church bells. On this ground the graves were arranged with great regularity, side by side, in rows of ten or fifteen rods in extent. In the vicinity were other groups of graves, but not in regular order. Upon examination the bodies appear to have been enclosed in wooden or bark boxes. In one grave was found two glass bottles. In plowing, fragments of glass bottles, earthen and China ware, and a stone, cut in imitation of a watch, were found. On Butternut creek south of Jamesville in the town of Lafayette, (formerly lot 3 in the town of Pompey) on the farm of Mr. O. M. Watkins, are the remains of an ancient fort and burying ground. The land here formerly belonged to Mr. Isaac Keeler. When he settled here the site of the old fort was an opening of about fifty acres, bearing grass with clumps of plum trees and a few scattering trees of the natural forest. Mr. Keeler left some of these plum trees standing and cultivated them, and found that they yielded very excellent fruit. On this open ing was paraded the first regiment of militia organ ized in the County of Onondaga, commanded by Major Moses De Witt. At that time the outlines of the fort were distinctly traceable. It had been 34 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. enclosed with palisades of cedar, and contained about ten acres of land. The plan was that of a plain parallelogram divided across the shortest way in the middle by two rows of palisades running east and west. The space between the rows was about twelve feet. At the northwest corner was an isolated bastion and embrasure. This spot has been identified by General Clark as the home of the Onondagas from 1680 to 1720, and the spot on which stood the famous citadel burned by the Indians on the approach of Frontenac's army in 1696. After the French invasion they returned and rebuilt upon the same spot, and the next spring planted the same corn fields which had been laid waste by their enemies. The situation of this an cient fort was on an elevation gradually rising for nearly a mile in every direction, and at the time of its occupancy several hundred acres of land in the vicinity must have been cleared ; giving to the gar rison an extensive prospect. Says Clark in his Onondaga : " Here in ancient times have undoubt edly been marshaled with nodding plume and rat tling cuirass, the troops of the French side by side with the dusky Onondagas, singularly contrasting their polished European weapons with the hickory bows and flint arrows of their allies." Among the relics found upon the site of this fort and in its vicinity, was a portion of a brass dial plate, engraved in Roman characters with the numerals from one to eight, a brass compass box minus the needle, another more beautifully wrought, having on one side a representation of our Saviour and on the other Mary, the mother of Jesus, a balance beam eighteen inches long, a lead, oval shaped crucifix, an iron horse shoe, steel corked, with three elongated nail holes on each side, the workman ship, probably, of some Canadian blacksmith, a brass shield, sword blades, sword guards, fragments of sword blades, gun locks, saws, surgical instruments, bracelets of brass three inches broad and highly orna mented, and many other relics indicating the pres ence of the French and the Jesuit missionaries. In 1 813, Mr. Isaac Keeler felled an oak tree near the site of the fort in which was found a leaden bullet covered by a hundred and forty-three cortical layers, — probably lodged there from a gun as early as 1667. There are evidences that light cannon were used at this and other similar places of fortification. On the land of Mr. Samuel A. Keene was plowed up an iron bombshell about the size of a six pound ball, weighing two and three-fourths pounds. Can non balls of small size have been found in the east ern part of Pompey. In the town of Elbridge were numerous evidences of ancient occupancy by the French. On lot 81, originally the farm of Squire Munro, was a fort situated on the high ground back of Mr. Munro's house. This fort was square, except on the west side, where the line was curved a little outward, and when examined by the first settlers in 1793, the ditch and embankments were covered with heavy timber. It enclosed about an acre and a quarter of ground, having a gateway on the west side about twelve feet in width. A very singular fact was ob served by the early settlers, viz : That the ground in this vicinity, and in some other parts ofthe town, was literally covered with pitch pine knots, which lay strewn on the ground apparently in the same order in which they had fallen with the trees. Hun dreds of wagon loads of these knots have been gathered for the purpose of making torches for fishing in the Seneca River. This is singular, as but one pitch-pine tree was known to the early set tlers to exist in the town, and that was left standing for several years on account of its singularity. Northwest from the fort above mentioned, about one mile and a half, on what has been called the Purdy lot, is situated Fort Hill, containing another of these ancient works of much larger dimensions, having an area of about four and a half acres and embank ments, when first discovered, about three feet high. It is situated on the highest elevation in the town. On this ground was disinterred an oaken chest in a decayed state, which upon examination was found to contain a quantity of silk goods of various colors. The folds and colors were easily distinguished, but after a moment's exposure to the air, the fabrics crumbled to dust. Several copper coins were found with the silks which were deposited in some museum in Albany or New York, The discovery of these ar ticles occurred about the year 1800. On lot 84, farm of Mr. Caleb Brown, about forty rods south of the road, in the town of Elbridge, was a circular fort which covered about three acres of ground. Pieces of timber were found here having upon them marks of iron tools. In a well about fourteen feet deep, which bore evidence of having been timbered up, was found a quantity of charred corn of the variety called Virginia corn ; and in another fort on the site of Mr. Brown's house and garden, including a por tion of the highway, were found evidences of a blacksmith shop, such as cinders, charcoal, &c. The French, undoubtedly, had a trading post or missionary station in this neighborhood at an early time, no written record of which has been preserved. In the town of Salina, on lot 106, is found the ruins of an old fortification, probably that established in connection with the Mission of St. Marys of HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 35 Ganentaha, founded in 1656. When the white people came to settle in the neighborhood of Salina, this ground was covered with small trees, apparent ly a second growth, which had sprung up after the mission was abandoned. Judge Geddes, as reported by Mr. Clark, says: "In the summer of 1797, when the Surveyor-General laid out the salt lots, I officiated as deputy-surveyor, and when traversing the shores of Onondaga Lake, I found between Brown's pump works and Liverpool, the traces of an old stockade, which I surveyed and made a map of. Our opinion was, from the truth of the right angles, and other apparent circumstances, that it was a French work. A fine spring of water rises near by." The map made by Judge Geddes is in the Surveyor General's office at Albany, but a cut of the fort appears in Clark's Onondaga, page 147, second volume. On this ground have been plowed up brass ket tles, gun barrels, musket balls, axes, grape shot, and a variety of other relics. In 1794, the ditch was easily to be traced, and some of the palisades were standing. The work embraced about half an acre of land, and from its location was a place of beauty, convenience and strength. Cultivation and time have removed all traces of its existence. There was an ancient burying ground at Green Point. When the first settlers came to the town of Onon daga the pickets of an old fort were still standing and places visible where others had stood. At the corners were evident marks of a chimney and fire places, and also the ruins of a blacksmith shop. Cinders and a variety of tools belonging to the trade have at different times been plowed up, among Which was a large and excellent anvil. Major Dan- forth once received a letter from an old Frenchman Stating that he would find in the bank of the creek not far from his (Danforth's) house, a complete set of blacksmith's tools. Search was made for them, but they have never come to light. In 1798, on the west part of the farm after wards occupied by Gilbert Pinckney, in the town of Onondaga, could be seen a trench about ten rods long, three feet deep and four feet wide at the top, on the border of a steep gulf and par allel with it, apparently a work constructed for defence. In this locality have been found every vari ety of Indian implement — arrow heads, spear points, knives of flint, stone axes, etc., and here also several burial places were known to the early settlers. In 1815, on the farm of Joseph Forman, at Onondaga Hollow, was plowed up an oaken pail containing about four quarts of leaden bullets, supposed to have been buried during the Revolutionary war. On the premises of Judge Strong there was an old French burying ground, and several bodies were exhumed in excavating for the cellar of the Judge's residence in 1816. Webster told Judge Strong that the Indians had a tradition that in one of their bat tles with the French in the Hollow, which had been protracted and severe, the French removed their wounded to this spot, and here buried such as died. Among the most interesting relics of antiquity discovered in this county is the Dutch medal, so called, described by Mr. Clark in the following passage : " In July, 1840, was found on the farm ot Mr. William Campbell, by his son, on lot No. 3, La fayette, a silver medal about the size of a dollar and nearly as thick, On one side is a device surmounted by an angel on the wing, stretching forward with its left hand, looking down upon those below with a resolute, determined and commanding countenance. Far in the background is a lofty ridge of moun tains. Just beneath and away in the distance is seen an Indian village or town, towards which the angel is steadily and earnestly pointing. Above this overhangs a slight curtain of cloud or smoke. Between the village and the mountains are scatter ing trees, as if an opening had just been made in the forest ; nearer are seen various wild animals sporting gaily. In bolder relief are seen Europeans, in the costume of priests and pilgrims, with staves, exhibiting by their gestures and countenances hilari ty, gladness and joy, winding their way up the gentle ascent towards the mountain, decreasing in size from the place of departure, until lost from view. Among them are wheel carriages and domestic animals, intermixed. On the right is a fair representation of a cottage, and a spacious commercial warehouse, against which are leaning sheaves of grain. The whole is surrounded by the following inscription in Dutch : Gehe aus deinem Vatter land, i b. m., xii., v. 1, and at the bottom across, Lasst Hier Diegvter. On the opposite side there is a figure of the sun shining in meridian splendor, casting its noontide rays over a civilized town, represented by churches, stores, dwellings, &c, with various domes tic animals and numerous persons engaged in hus bandry and other pursuits. In bolder relief stand Europeans in the costume of the fifteenth and six teenth centuries, engaged as if in animated and joyful conversation and greetings, and by various attitudes manifesting happiness and joy. On the right is represented a section of a church, at the door of which stands a venerable man with head uncovered, with his hands extended as if welcoming these persons to a new and happy habitation. This side is surrounded by the following inscription : 36 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. Vnd Dv Sollt Ein Seegen Seyn, i b. Mos., xii., v. 2, and across the bottom as follows : Gott Gibt Siewieder. The interpretation of the first side is : Get thee out from thy country and friends, thou shalt be truly a blessing. On the reverse side, which should be read in connection : Leaving thy goods behind thee, God will restore them to thee again. The small letters and figures on the right refer to the ist book of Genesis, XII chap., verses ist and 2d, which inscription on the medal was taken from those verses in the Dutch Bibles. * * * * * It is in this chapter that God calleth Abraham and blesseth him with a promise of Christ ; promiseth him the land of Canaan in a vision, to which he departed with his kindred and friends and servants and there builded an altar unto the Lord. * * # * * "This medal must have been none other than one given by his countrymen, in Fatherland, to a devoted missionary, with a party of followers, in tending to spend their days in America, the land of promise, the fruitful Canaan of modern times, who in the goodness of his heart, bent on doing the work of his divine master, at some early day wandered into the wilds of the Onondagas, set up the cross (the Bethel of Abram,) and left this memento of his mission in the hands of some Neophyte, which by some unaccountable circum stances has been buried we know not how long, but now comes to light to prove to us that the aborigines of our country were a people whose spiritual welfare was regarded as sincerely by the Dutch as by their more ostentatious neighbors, the French. It is much to be regretted that on this and all other medals there is no date whereby to establish their particular period of antiquity. This is by far the most singular and interesting relic of the kind which has come under our notice, and goes positively to establish the hitherto doubtful point, to wit : The early establishment of missionaries by the Dutch among the Onondagas." The suggestion of Mr. Clark in a foot note that this medal may have been a relic of the Zeisberger Mission of 1750, is worthy of weight as being probably the true solution ofthe problem. The presentation of medals to the Indians was undoubtedly a very common practice among the missionaries and traders. A valuable cross of gold was several years ago found in the west part of Pompey, and was sold for thirty dollars. It had upon it the significant " I. H. S."* * Jesus Hominum Salvator, or Jesus Savior of Men. CHAPTER IX. Internal Navigation — The Old Canal— Ori gin of the Erie Canal — Part Taken in it by Eminent Men of Onondaga County — Its Completion and Advantages. THE old system of internal navigation origi nated by Mr. Christopher Colles, of New York, in 1785, and completed under the auspices of the Western Inland Lock and Navigation Company in the year 1800, was a great work for its day. It consisted of the construction of a canal and locks around Little Falls on the Mohawk River, the open ing of a canal from the Mohawk at Rome (then Fort Stanwix) to Wood Creek, connecting thence with Oneida Lake, and the improvement of naviga tion in the Oswego and Seneca Rivers. The Com pany, in order to complete this work, borrowed ofthe State in 1796, fifteen thousand pounds, and in 1797, two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. What is now known as the " Old Canal" in some locali ties is the remnant of this ancient improvement, which fell into disuse when the Erie Canal was built. It was in its day a very useful improvement and aided greatly in the settlement and development of the resources of Central and Western New York. Many a pioneer and his family were conveyed over that old thoroughfare to their new homes among the lakes and sylvan seclusions of the western wil derness ; many a cargo of merchandise was shipped over it and freight of produce sent to market, till the growing population and commerce demanded ampler and more extended facilities for transporta tion. From 1807 till after the war of 1812-14, the pro ject of a new canal connecting the navigable waters of the Hudson with Lake Erie was extensively agi tated. The origin of the idea of this magnificent enterprise is attributed to Gouverneur Morris, who in a conversation with the Surveyor-General, Simeon DeWitt, in 1803, remarked: " Lake Erie must be lapped and its waters carried over the country to the Hudson." So great was the interest of the people of Onon daga in this proposed canal, that in 1807 they elected Judge Joshua Forman to the State Legislature with express reference to his introducing the subject be fore that body. He was a man eminently qualified for the work, and by his able and indefatigable sup port of the measure from its very inception, did more than any other man to bring it to a successful consummation. While in the Legislature in Feb ruary, 1808, he secured the passage of a joint reso lution ordering a survey and the appointment of a HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 37 joint committee of both houses, consisting of Messrs. Gold, Gilbert, German, Hogeboom and Forman, of the House, and Messrs. Taylor, Nicholas and Ward of the Senate. This committee being pre disposed in favor of the Oswego route, left it op tional with the Surveyor-General to either adopt that or any other route he might deem proper. The result was that three routes were surveyed and re ported upon by the Engineer, Judge James Geddes, whose connection with the survey of this great en terprise is briefly as follows : On the nth of April, 1808, a law was passed authorizing the Surveyor-General to draw upon the Treasury of the State for such an amount as might be required to prosecute the survey contemplated by the joint committee, not exceeding in the whole the sum of six hundred dollars ; and this was all that was appropriated for the first exploration and survey of the grand Erie Canal ! Upon this the Surveyor-General appointed James Geddes, Esq., of Onondaga, to make the survey, and in his com mission and instructions to Mr. Geddes, makes these remarks : " As the provision made for the expenses of this business is not adequate to the effectual exploring of the country for this purpose, you will, in the first place, examine what may appear to be the best route for a canal from Oneida Lake to Lake Ontario, in the town of Mexico, and take a level and survey of it ; also whether a canal cannot be made between the Oneida Lake and Oswego by a route in part to the west of the Oswego River, so as to avoid those parts along it where it will be impracticable to make a good navigation. The next object will be the ground between Lakes Erie and Ontario, which must be examined with a view to determine what will be the most eligible track for a canal from below Niagara Falls to Lake Erie. If your means will admit of it, it would be desirable to have a level taken through out the whole distance between the lakes." The Surveyor-General refrains from instructing Mr. Geddes to make an interior survey, because of the insufficiency of the appropriation for that purpose. Mr. Clark says in a note : " Mr. Geddes' expenses exceeded the appropriation by seventy-five dollars, which sum was afterwards allowed by the Legisla ture, so that the whole engineer's expenses for this exploration cost the State of New York only six hundred and seventy-five dollars, an investment made by the State which, for profit and importance, will probably never be exceeded." Mr. Geddes entered with zeal and earnestness upon his duties, and in 1809 submitted his report of three different routes : the first, a communication between Lake Oneida and Lake Ontario ; second, the Niagara River route ; and third, an interior route, without descending to, or passing through, Lake Ontario. In comparing the Ontario with the interior route, the report was strongly in favor of the latter. In addition, Mr. Geddes was directed to examine by inspection a canal route from Lake Erie to Genesee River, and thence to the waters running east to the Seneca River,, and gather all the information in his- power for the prosecution of the great work, should. the Legislature think best to provide for it. The report was favorable on the practicability of an inte rior route from Lake Erie ; and it is worthy of re mark that Judge Geddes' plan and route were mainly followed in the final location of the canal* The country from the Seneca River, in the Cayuga Val ley, to the Mohawk River at Rome, and thence to the Hudson River, was so well known as to leave no apprehension of insuperable difficulties. Thus by the operations of 1808, through the instrumen tality of the true men of Onondaga, the fact was satisfactorily established that a canal from the Hud son River to Lake Erie was not only practicable, but practicable with uncommon facility.! In Jan uary, 1809, in company with William Kirkpatrick, then member of Congress from Oneida county, Judge Forman waited on President Jefferson and informed him that in view of his proposition to ex pend the surplus revenues of the nation in making roads and canals, the State of New York had ex plored the route of a canal from the Hudson River to Lake Erie, and had found it practicable ; and when Mr. Forman had laid all the estimates, plans surveys, descriptions and anticipated advantages before Mr. Jefferson, and portrayed its commercial prospects and the advantages which would accrue to the United States as well as to the State of New York, the President very coolly replied : " It is a splendid project, and may be executed a century hence. Why, sir," said he, " here is a canal of a few miles, projected by General Washington, which, if completed, would render this a fine commercial city, which has languished for many years because the small sum of two hundred thousand dollars neces sary to complete it cannot be obtained from the general government nor from individuals ; and you talk of making a canal three hundred and fifty miles through a wilderness. It is little short of madness to think of it at this day."$ The favorable and satisfactory reports of Judge * See Biography of Hon. James Geddes. \ Clark's Onondaga. % Hosack's Life of Clinton, p. 347. 33 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. Geddes secured in 1810 the appointment by the Legislature of a Board of Commissioners composed of Gouverneur Morris, Stephen Van Rensselaer DeWitt Clinton, Simeon DeWitt, William North. Thomas Eddy and Peter B. Porter, to whom were afterwards added Robert R. Livingston and Robert Fulton. These gentlemen were instructed to ex plore the inland navigation route, and they reported favorably the next year. The next point was to obtain a competent engineer to lay out the Erie Canal. Where should they apply ? Supposing there was not a suitable man in America to accom plish the great task, they applied through an American gentleman at London for the services of William Weston, then considered the most accom plished engineer in Europe, offering as a maximum salary seven thousand dollars a year.* Fortunately, Mr. Weston's engagements were such that he thought proper to decline. In this dilemma James Geddes and Benjamin Wright, Esqrs., held a con sultation and agreed to go before the Board of Canal Commissioners and offer to survey the canal route provided they would give them their confidence. The proposition was accepted, and they were en gaged on a salary of fifteen hundred dollars a year. " It may be considered," says Clark, " a fortunate circumstance that Mr. Weston did not accept the offer of the Canal Commissioners. Because, from the ostentation usually displayed by foreign engi neers and the great expense attending their move ments, the people of this frugal and republican country would have become discouraged, and it is more than probable the work would have been abandoned or at least indefinitely deferred. It is worthy of remark that the engineers employed on the Erie and Champlain Canals were Americans, except in two instances, where a French and an Irish gentleman were employed in subordinate stations for less than a year." After another ineffectual attempt to enlist Con gress in the work, the Commissioners, in March, 18 12, made a report "That now sound policy de manded that the canal should be made by the State of New York on her own account." The war of 1812 caused a suspension of the project till the ses sion of the Legislature in 18 16, at which time a memorial was presented to the Legislature, signed by more than one hundred thousand persons from New York and the counties through which the pro posed canals should pass, calling upon its members to pass laws to prosecute the work without delay * Mr. Weston had surveyed the route and locks of the Old Canal for the Inland Lock and Navigation Company around Little Falls and from Fort Stanwix to Wood Creek, in 1788. A large meeting of the citizens of Onondaga county was held at the Court House on the 23d of February, 1816. A preliminary meeting had been previously held at which Judge Forman had been appointed a committee to prepare a memorial to the Legislature. This memorial was read by Judge Forman at the meeting, and approved by acclamation. A com mittee was appointed to circulate it throughout the county, consisting of Daniel Kellogg, of Marcellus ; Gideon Wilcoxon, Camillus ; Jonas C. Baldwin, Lysander ; Ashbel Kellogg, Salina ; John Leach, Cicero ; Sylvanus Tousley, Manlius ; Barnet Mooney, Hannibal ; Daniel Wood, Pompey ; Marcus Adams, Fabius ; Ashel Roundy, Spafford ; Garret Van Hoesen, Tully ; and Joshua Forman, of Onon daga ; adding the chairman and secretary : Signed, James Geddes, chairman ; Jasper Hopper, secre tary. Over three thousand names were subscribed to this memorial. The memorial, which was drawn up with great ability, contemplated $10,000,000 forthe cost of the canal, covering all possible contingencies. Of this it charged the State of New York with $2,500,000 ; the United States with $2,500,000 ; the State of Ohio, $1,000,000; the City of New York and counties contiguous to the canal, 32,000,- 000 ; and private stock holders, $2,000,000. The Legislature authorized a loan on the credit of the State of a million of dollars, and the section from Rome to the Seneca River was fixed upon as the first to be commenced. In 1816, Judge Geddes made another report of the state and general view of the country from Black Rock Rapids to the Cayuga Marshes, and Benjamin Wright, Esq., upon the same subject from the Cayuga Marshes to Rome, and thence through the Mohawk Valley to Albany. The attempt made to enlist Congress in 18 17 again failed and the State of New York was thrown upon her own resources. A thorough examination was made of the route, and revised estimates placed the cost of the entire canal at five millions dollars. The route was divided into three sections. The levels and surveys of the previous year were reviewed. In order to test their accuracy and correctness, Mr. Geddes started from a point near the west end of Oneida Lake, and taking the lake on a still day as a level, carried a line of levels up to the canal line on the long level east of Syracuse, and thence working eastward laid off sections on the canal line. Mr. Wright, starting from a point east for the east end of Oneida Lake, in like manner carried a level along the line of the canal westward, and the Commissioners remark, that when the level of Mr. Wright had been carried to the place where Mr. HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 39 Geddes had terminated his line, the levels of these two engineers, which embraced a distance of nearly one hundred miles, differed from each other less than one inch and a half. This result exhibits in the engineers a degree of care, skill and preci sion never exceeded. The first contract was dated June 27, 1817. The remaining part of the middle section was under contract soon after. The excavation was com menced at Rome with appropriate ceremonies, July 4, 18 1 7. The first contract was given to Judge John Richardson, of Cayuga. " It is perhaps," re marks Clark,* " a singular coincidence that the first movement in the halls of legislation relative to the Erie Canal, was made by a member from Onondaga, — that the first exploration was made by an engi neer of Onondaga, — that the first contract was given to, and the first ground broken by a contrac tor who had been several years a resident of Onon daga, and all of whom had been Judges of our coun ty courts and members of the Legislature from Onondaga County." Governor Clinton, in his annual message of 1820, reported ninety-four miles completed on the middle section from Utica to the Seneca River, including a lateral canal to Salina. By the opening of this por tion of the canal, the resources of Onondaga County were more fully ascertained and developed. Her salt, gypsum and lime found their way to a ready market, and the produce of the agriculturist an outlet, affording more ample remuneration for labor ; a new and vigorous impulse was given to her advancement and prosperity, which placed her among the first counties of the Empire State — a position she is destined long to enjoy. Notwith standing these favorable results there were not wanting narrow minded and selfish men actively engaged to defeat the further progress of the work. Many argued that the income of the whole canal would not equal the cost of the part already com pleted. Local feelings had to be combatted, preju dices overcome, indignities borne, and every species of contumely and perverseness encountered by the supporters of the enterprise. But with a devo tion above all praise, the commissioners and advo cates of the work faltered not, till finally, in Novem ber, 1825— a period of eight years and four months from the time of beginning — it was proclaimed to the world that the waters of Lake Erie were con nected with those of the Hudson River, without one foot of portage, through one of the longest ca nals in the world ; and the cost, according to the books of the Comptroller, including the Champlain * 2 Onondaga, p. 61. • Canal, was $8,273,122.66, and is considered one of the most stupendous and magnificent works of this or any age. If the canal has benefited the people of Onon daga, the men of Onondaga were the principal pro moters of the undertaking in all its incipient steps. It was Judge Geddes, of Onondaga, who traversed the wilderness of Western New York, and gathered all the materials and reported all the facts upon which statistics were based, and Joshua Forman, of Onondaga, who from the beginning was the uncom promising, unflinching defender and eloquent ad vocate of the great work ; and it was not until after these men had labored long and faithfully in the cause, that the giant intellect and master mind of DeWitt Clinton was aroused to a sense of the im portance of this magnificent undertaking. These two men of Onondaga, from the beginning to the end, were intimately connected with the work, in fact, identical with it and indispensable to it. They labored faithfully and effectually throughout — Judge Geddes as an able engineer, Judge Forman as the unwavering promoter of its utility. These two men furnished more solid information relative to the canal than all others put together. Till they took hold of it, the whole matter was considered by most men but an idle dream, a delusion, a false, unfeasible project* The fathers of this stupendous work should be forever venerated for their perseverance in over coming the opposition they had to contend against, both from individuals and from the infancy of the country they had to penetrate and to depend upon for the means of making the enterprise a success. We must always admire genius struggling against fate, with a lofty and enthusiastic purpose which scorns all defeat, triumphs over all obstacles and conquers even fate itself, in the contest. A few miles of aqueduct constructed by the wealthy east ern nations in the height of their prosperity have called forth our admiration as a great achievement. But what nation in its youth has ever had the courage to undertake three hundred and fifty miles of canal, without having even an engineer of their own till the event developed and brought him for ward, equal to the great task ? It has been truly said that great occasions produce great men. And it was so in this case. When the work was to be done, and foreign assistance could not be procured, the men were found, on the spot where the enter prise was to be undertaken, able and willing to carry it on to its grand consummation. The first ground broken on the Erie Canal in the * 2 Clark's Onondaga, p. 63. 40 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. county of Onondaga, was by Mr. Elias Gumaer, in the town of Manlius. Oliver Teal!, Esq., took several contracts in the eastern part of the county. Messrs. Northrup and Dexter, and Jeremiah Keeler, built a section or two through Syracuse. Hazard Lewis, of Binghamton, built the locks. The first locks were built of Elbridge sandstone. Commis sioners, builders and masons had no idea that the Onondaga limestone could be cut for facing stones for locks, so little was this valuable material then understood. After the water was let in, for a long time it would not flow farther east on the Syracuse level than the Stone Bridge. It all disappeared in a bed of loose gravel. This difficulty, however, was after a while remedied, and all went well. The first boats used were the Mohawk boats, with wide walking boards for poling up the Mohawk River. Oliver Teall was appointed the first Superin tendent of the Erie Canal, and Joshua Forman, the first Collector ; office at Syracuse. The leveling instrument used by Judge Geddes in surveying the Erie Canal was the same one used by Abraham Hardenburgh, under the superintend ence of William Weston, the celebrated English engineer, when he surveyed the route of the " Old Canal" in 1788. It was made by David Ritten- house, of Philadelphia, and is now in the possession of Hon. George Geddes, of Camillus. One circumstance which greatly facilitated the successful completion of the Erie Canal was the discovery, at an opportune moment, in this locality, of water lime, or American Hydraulic Cement. The first works of masonry on the canal had been done with common quicklime, which proved unsub stantial on exposure to water, and was, therefore, unsuitable for culverts and aqueducts. A kiln supposed to be of common limestone was burnt and some of the lime delivered to the contractors on the middle division of the canal. To their astonish ment, they found on experiment, that it would not slake like ordinary quicklime. This led to an in vestigation which resulted in the discovery of the hydraulic properties of the lime, now so famous as an article of export from this county. To Mr. Canvass White, who spent much time and means in testing its qualities, is due the merit of bringing this valuable cement into general use. After 1819, all the mason work on the canal was laid in water lime. It may be well to record the fact that Mr. Obediah Parker, who resided on the old flat of Lodi, now in the Eighth Ward of Syracuse, received a gold medal from the American Institute for the applica tion of water lime to the construction of cisterns about the year 1830. CHAPTER X. Organization of Courts — First Court of Com mon Pleas — Courts Under Herkimer County Jurisdiction — First Judges and Officers- First Grand and Petit Jurors — Erection of County Buildings. IN 1794, after the Military Tract had been set off from Herkimer, and organized into a coun ty by itself, Courts of Common Pleas and of General Sessions of the Peace were established by law. These courts were ordered to be held alternately on the first Mondays in May and November in each year, at the house of Reuben Patterson, in the town of Manlius, and at the house of Seth Phelps, in the town of Scipio, commencing with the first named. Mr. Patterson then kept a tavern at Onondaga Hol low, which at that time was a part of Manlius. These terms were to be held only for the space of one week. While Onondaga was included in Herkimer coun ty, courts were held in the church at Herkimer Village till other provisions were made by the Legis lature. Col. Henri Staring was appointed first Judge. He was a man of remarkable honesty and integrity, though of limited education. Many amusing anecdotes are told of his manner of ad ministering justice. Michael Myers was one of his associates, and filled many offices of note while the Military Tract was a part of Herkimer county. In 1793, one term ofthe court for Herkimer was directed to be held at Whitestown, at such place as the court should direct. The first court held under this provision was in the late Judge Sanger's barn, Judge Staring presiding, assisted by Judge White. The late Judge Piatt was then Clerk of Herkimer County, and the Sheriff, Col. William Colbraith, the first Sheriff who ever served a process in the Mili tary Tract. He was a jolly, good humored man, and withal a lover of fun. He had seen some ser vice in the Revolution, but had acquired his title as a militia officer subsequent to that war. Before a Court House was erected in Onondaga County, civil and criminal prisoners were ordered to be confined in the jail of Herkimer County until a jail could be provided in the County of Onondaga. The first court held in the County under the or ganization was in General Danforth's corn house, first Monday in May, 1794. Present, Seth Phelps, first Judge ; John Richardson, Silas Halsey and William Stevens, Judges. Moses DeWitt, Esq., HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 4i was appointed Judge of Onondaga Common Pleas ; not present. Thomas R. Gould and Arthur Breeze were the only lawyers then present, not one at that time having established himself in the County. The first Court of Oyer and Terminer for the County of Onondaga, was held at the house of Asa Danforth, Esq., (afterwards Reuben Patterson's,) on the 2 ist of July, 1794. Present, Hon. Egbert Benson, one of the Judges of the Supreme Court of Judicature for the State of New York, assisted by Seth Phelps and Andrew Englis, Justices of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery for the County of Onondaga. Lawyers were in at tendance at this court from Whitestown and Her kimer. The grand jurors were as follows : Comfort Tyler, Isaac Van Vleck, Elias Fitch, Moses Carpen ter, William Ward, Jonathan Wilkinson, Cyrus Kinne, Sieur Curtis, Victory S. Tousley, Amos Stanton, Henry Moore, James Geddes, Ryal Bing ham, Reuben Patterson. " Judge Benson made an •eloquent charge to the Grand Jury." The only bill of indictment found was against James Fitzgerald for assault and battery with intent to rob Andrew McCarthy. The Petit Jurors on this first criminal trial were : John Brown, William Linsley, Thomas Morgan, Henry Watkins, Benjamin De Puy, Nehe miah Smith, Isaac Strong, John A. Thompson, Noah Olmsted, Isaac Bailey, William Stevens, and Thomas Ozman, who found the prisoner guilty. He was sentenced by the Court to two months' im prisonment in the Herkimer jail. The Court fined nineteen petit jurors twenty shillings each, four grand jurors and two constables each the same sum. John Stowell, William Goodwin, Perry Brownell, justices of the peace, were each fined thirty shillings for ab sence. The next term of the Circuit Court was held at the house of Seth Phelps in Scipio, 7th September, 1795. Present Hon. John Lansing, Judge of the Supreme Court, Seth Phelps, John Richardson, Wil liam Stevens, Judges of Onondaga County Common Pleas. The following absent justices of the peace were severally fined thirty shillings : John A. Sheaffer, William Goodwin, John Stowell, Cyrus Kinne, Hezekiah Olcott, Daniel Keeler, Ryal Bing ham and Ozias Burr. John A. Sheaffer was indicted for forgery. He forfeited his recognizance, and left, (estreated.)* Hon. Egbert Benson held the next Circuit Court at the house of Reuben Patterson, June 14, 1797, assisted by Seth Phelps, William Stevens, Asa Dan forth and Comfort Tyler, judges and justices of Oyer and Terminer for the County of Onondaga. * Clark. 6* Grand Jury : Ozias Burr, foreman ; James Geddes, •Ephraim Webster, Bethel Cole, Robert Earll, John Curtiss, Joseph Leonard, Levi Jerome, David Green, John Lamb, William Rice, Jonathan Coe, Joseph Cody, Peter Lawrence, William Cobb, Irad Smith. No bills of indictment found at this term. Hon. James Kent, judge, held the next Circuit at the house of Seth Phelps, Scipio, June 12, 1798, assisted by Seth Phelps, William Stevens, Seth Sherwood, judges of Common Pleas for Onondaga County. Cayuga County was set off in 1799. The first Court in Onondaga after this was held at the house of Reuben Patterson, June, 1799. Present, William Stevens, first judge, assisted by Elijah Rust, James Geddes, Orris Curtiss, James Keep and Jeremiah Gould, associates. Courts were held at different houses in Onondaga Hollow, viz : Asa Danforth's, Reuben Patterson's, Samuel Tyler's and John Adams' — from 1794 to 1805, when the Court House at Onondaga Hill was so far completed as to allow of the Courts being held there with the legislative provision for adjourning to any other house, if the weather was so inclement as to render it uncomfortable at the Court House. In 1 80 1, Elihu Lewis, Jabez Webb and Thaddeus M. Wood were appointed Commissioners for the purpose of erecting a Court House and Jail for the county of Onondaga. It was determined by vote to locate them at Onondaga West Hill. The Com missioners commenced by contracting with William Bostwick of Auburn to put up the frame and en close the house. This .was done in 1802, and closed Mr. Bostwick's contract. Previous to raising the house the people of the Hill collected together and made a "bee " for the purpose of cutting away the trees to make room for the new building. The square was at that time covered with a heavy growth of timber. In order to have the use of the Court House, a temporary floor and seats were put in it and the courts held there till the commencement of 1804. The county then began to feel able to finish the court room and jailor's dwelling. The Com missioners contracted with Mr. Abel House to do the carpenter work inside, leaving out the cells, and with a Mr. Sexton, of New Hartford, to do the mason work; and Mr. Ephraim Webster was to furnish the brick for the chimneys. The court room and dwelling were completed during that sea son. After a year or two, preparations were com menced for building the cells of the jail. A con tract was made with Roswell and Sylvanus Tousley, of Manlius, for the iron work, at a price of two shil lings per pound. The cells were finished in 18 10. 42 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. In 1804 the county of Oneida had completed a jail in the town of Whitesboro, to which the criminals of this county were transferred till the Onondaga county jail was finished, the Legislature having previously passed an act granting this county the right to use the nearest jail. The jail at Onondaga Hill was a wooden building fifty feet square, two stories high, with a square roof pitching four ways to the eaves. It was not at first painted ; this finishing touch was done by subscription, some years afterwards, by the people of Onondaga Hill. The first story was appropri ated for the jail and dwelling of the jailor, a hall separating them from each other. The cells were constructed of heavy oak plank, fastened together with wrought iron spikes. The doors were made of like material, having a rhomboidal aperture in the center through which to pass the food, and to give light to the prisoners. In the rear of the cells were grated windows. The court room was reached by a stairway lead ing from the hall. The judge's bench was directly in front of the entrance to the court room and was constructed in a circular form. The whole cost of the building was $10,000. This court house and jail were used for the purpose designed till the year 1829. The first jailor was James Beebe, a revolutionary soldier, and father of Mrs. Victory Birdseye, of Pompey. His successor was Mason Butts, father of Horace Butts, who was jailor after the removal of the- county buildings to Syracuse. Jfohn H. Johnson, Esq., also acted as jailor there for several years. In 1825, movements began to be made for the removal of the county buildings to Syracuse, which had grown to be the largest village- in the county." The people of Onondaga Hill strongly opposed the measure, and in 1825 succeeded in getting a bill through the Legislature for the retention of the buildings at that place. The bill, however, was vetoed by Governor Clinton, but the project did not sleep. In 1827 a law was enacted authorizing: the Board of Supervisors to erect a Court House and Jail within the corporate limits of Syracuse. In the summer of 1828, the Supervisors met, in pur suance of law, at the Syracuse House to take into consideration the selection of a site for the proposed buildings, and to make the necessary arrangements for their erection. At the meeting there was a great deal of discussion and a wide difference of opinion relative to the site of the buildings. This was finally settled' by. taking- a vote,- which resulted in' placing the county seat- midway- between' the vii-- lages of Syracuse and Salina, in consideration of the village of Salina presenting to the county a full and unincumbered title to the property, consist ing of not less than three acres, and $1,000. At this meeting the Building Commissioners were ap pointed : John Smith, Thomas Starr and Samuel Forman ; with power to cause plans and specifica- 5 tions to be made and to contract for the erection of the buildings. The County Treasurer was also em powered to borrow $20,000, in two annual install ments of $10,000 each. In the spring of 1829, the bids were received, according to the plans and specifications of the Commissioners. Mr. John Wall obtained the contract for building the Jail, which was ertcted by him early in the year 1829; The cells in this Jail were of the strongest kind. After it was taken down, they were placed in the basement of the new Court House on Clinton Square. L. A. Cheney and Samuel Booth ob tained the contract for doing the mason work on the Court House, and David Stafford for doing the carpenter work. It was erected and enclosed in 1829. The following year it was finished by Mr. Wall and ready for occupation by the courts. The cost of the buildings was upwards of $27,000. The Jail was of stone, fifty feet square and two stories high, with a hall and stairway in the center. The south half contained the jailor's dwelling, the north half the cells for prisoners, the second story above these being devoted to cells for debtors, witnesses, &c. The Court House was of brickv sixty feet square and two stories high, fronted on the west side with a row of large columns. The first story was divided by halls into four apart4 ments, one in each corner, for the use of grand and petit juries and other purposes. The Court Room occupied all ofthe second story, except the landing , of the .stairs and two petit jury rooms. The Judge's seat was on the south side opposite the landing of the stairway. ; The Jail was abandoned in 1850, after the erec tion of the Penitentiary, and the removal of the jail prisoners to that institution. The materials were used in the construction of the work-shops of the Penitentiary and in the new Court House. • New Court House.— Attempts were made from time to time to change the site of the Court-. House, but they all failed until after the destruction of the old building by fire, on the morning of the 5th of January, 1856. The expectation that was entertained when the site between the two villages",;^ was selected, that business would naturally center around the Court House, was never realized,- and hence it was not accessible to the public. The in convenience, however, was submitted to about COURT HOUSE , S VRACUSE.Onono/iga CO..N.Y. HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 43 twenty years, before any serious attempt was made to change the site. General Granger submitted a proposition to the Board of Supervisors to the effect that he would build a good court house on any lot in the heart of the city that might be designated, in consideration of the con veyance to him of the old Court House site and $20,000 in cash. But his offer received little favor at the hands of the Board. During the session of the Board in 1853, the subject was again introduced by Hon. Sanford C. Parker, Supervisor from Van Buren, who proposed a resolution that the county should unite with the city in the erection of an edifice of sufficient dimensions for a Court House, Clerk's Offices, City Hall, &c. But the subject was not further considered till the meeting of the Board in December, 1855, at which time Mr. Midler, Super visor from DeWitt, moved a resolution to instruct the " Committee on Court House and Clerk's Office to examine and report to this Board the expense of building a new Court House, and what the premises where the old one stands will sell for." This reso lution was adopted without objection. The com mittee, consisting of T. C. Cheney, E. A. Williams, and Joel Fuller, proceeded to discharge the duties imposed upon them by the Board, and on the 7th of December submitted their report, recommending the appointment of a committee of three to exam ine and report upon a suitable site for a new Court House, and plans and estimates for its erection. This report was laid on the table till the 14th of December, when it was adopted by a vote of fifteen to nine of the Board of Supervisors, and the follow ing committee appointed : T. C. Cheney, Luke Wells and D. T. Moseley. Mr. Wells subsequently declined to serve, and Mr. Patten, of Salina, was substituted in his place. This committee was divided, making a majority and a minority report ; the latter by Mr. Moseley, against a change of loca tion, being adopted by the Board. Thus the matter stood, when the burning of the old Court House on the 5th of February, set the question of a new build ing at rest. The Board was called together on the 13th of February, and a committee consisting of T. C. Cheney, George Stevens and William F. Gere was appointed to report at the next meeting. The Board met again on the 14th of April, when a ma jority of the committee — Messrs. Stevens and Cheney — reported in favor of changing the Court House site and the erection of a new building. Mr. Gere was in favor of the old site, and was sustained by the Board upon the vote being taken. On the following day the Board adopted a resolution offered by Mr. Chapman, of Onondaga, " that if an equal exchange (with Colonel Voorhees,) of the present Court House site for the lot on Clinton Square can be effected, this Board will order the exchange." Upon motion of Mr. Barrows, T. C. Cheney, Elizur Clark and Bradley Carey were appointed a commit tee " to prepare plans, specifications and estimates for a Court House, and report at a future meet ing." At a meeting of the Board on the 28th of April, the committee submitted their report, show ing that they had made favorable terms with Col onel Voorhees for the exchange of lots, and recom mending a plan previously submitted to the Board, drawn by Mr. H. N. White, architect, of this city. They estimated the cost of the building, on the plan proposed, at $38,000, including old mate rial. In preference to brick, they recommended Onondaga limestone, as " most appropriate and much more durable." This report was signed by the entire committee and favorably received by the members of the Board. The question of changing the site was then submitted in a resolution offered by Mr. Palmer, which was carried almost unani mously, only one member voting in the negative. The plan of the building presented by the commit tee was then adopted, and Messrs. Slocum, Johnson and District Attorney Andrews, directed to execute papers for an exchange of sites with Col. Voorhees. The next day Timothy C. Cheney, Luke Wells and D. C. Greenfield, were appointed a committee to superintend the erection of the building ; and Hora tio N. White, architect. At a subsequent meeting of the Board in June, the proposals for the erection of the building, advertised for by the commission ers, were opened, and the contract awarded to Messrs. Cheney and Wilcox at $37>75°> tne con tractors to have the material of the old court house and jail. Mr. Cheney thereupon resigned his place as Commissioner, and Elizur Clark was appointed to fill the vacancy. The cut stone work of the building was let by the contractors to Messrs. Spaulding & Pollock, the carpenter and joiner work to Messrs. Coburn & Hurst, and the iron work to Messrs. Featherly, Draper & Cole. The building was finished and occupied in 1857. It is a beauti ful and substantial structure of Onondaga grey lime stone, a credit to the county and an ornament to the city. The County Clerk's Office, a fire proof brick building, on North Salina street, corner of Church, was erected by the County in 18 14. It contains rooms for the Surrogate, Supervisors, Superin tendent of the Poor, etc., together with a large collection of valuable documents and records placed therein on file for preservation. 44 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. CHAPTER XI. The Salt Springs — History of their Dis covery — Early Manufacture of Salt — State Legislation on the Subject- — The Salt Springs Reservation — Methods and Statistics of the Salt Works — Analysis of the Water and Source of its Supply. The existence of salt springs at Lake Ganentaha, or Onondaga, was known to the Indians before the advent of the first Europeans, but it does not ap pear that they knew the use of them till taught by the Jesuit Missionary, Father Le Moyne, in 1654. An allusion is made to the springs, or " salt foun tains," by Father Jerome Lallamant, who visited the Onondagas in 1645, and who says : " The On ondagas have a very beautiful lake called Ganentaha, on the shores of which are several salt springs, the borders of which are always covered with very fine salt." Father Le Moyne, in an account of his return to Quebec, under date of August 16, 1654, says : " We arrived at the entrance of a small lake ; in a large half-dried basin we tasted the water of a spring of which the savages dare not drink, saying there is a demon in it which renders it foul. We found it to be a fountain of salt water from which we made salt as natural as from the sea, a sample of which I shall take with me to Quebec." This act of Father Le Moyne's exorcised the demon, to whose dominion the superstition of the natives had given over the salt springs, and thence forth Onondaga salt came into use among the Indians of this region of country. Says Clark : " In 1770, Onondaga salt was in common use among the Delaware Indians, and by that time traders were in the habit of bringing small quantities to Albany along with their furs as a curiosity." At this period it was to be found in the huts of the Indians, the women manufacturing it and sending it to Quebec for sale.* Some years before this Sir William Johnson had obtained a conveyance from the Indians of a tract of land one mile in width adjoining and including the entire " salt lake." On account of the loyalty of Sir William and his son, Sir John Johnson, to the English, this and his princely estate on the Mo hawk were forfeited during the Revolutionary period. It was not until several years after the Revolution that the fame of these salt springs began to attract settlers, and that attempts were made by Americans to develop and utilize their resources. Comfort Tyler was the pioneer in this enterprise, which has since assumed proportions of such im- * Letter of Judge Bowker, quoted by Hon. George Geddes. mense magnitude. In 1788, he was shown the spring by the Indians, and in May of that year made in about nine hours thirteen bushels of salt, His account of his first visit to the springs is given as follows : " The family wanting salt, obtained about a pound from the Indians, which they had made from the springs on the shores of the lake. They offered to discover the water to us. Accord ingly I went with an Indian guide to the lake, taking along an iron kettle of fifteen gallons capaci ty, which he placed in his canoe, and started out of the mouth of Onondaga Creek, easterly into a pass called Mud Creek. After passing over the marsh. then overflowed by about three feet of water, and steering towards the bluff of hard land, since the village of Salina, he fastened his canoe, pointed to a hole apparently artificial, and said there was the salt." Thus was Mr. Tyler introduced to the salt springs. The same season he was joined by Major Asa Danforth, who carried a large iron kettle on his head from Onondaga Hollow to the springs at Salina, and the two together made salt, suspending the kettle by a chain to a pole supported by two crotched stakes driven into the ground. When they had made a sufficient supply, they hid the chain and kettle in the bushes, to keep them safely for future use. In this way all the salt was made which was manufactured during the first year at " Salt Point." In 1789, Nathaniel Lo.omis came by the way of Oneida Lake and River with a few kettles, and dur ing the following winter made from five to six hun dred bushels of salt, which sold for one dollar a bushel. The State acquired an ownership in the salt springs, in common with the Indians, and in the tract of land adjoining them, known as the Onon daga Salt Springs Reservation, by the treaty of Fort Stanwix, concluded September 12, 1788. This treaty stipulated that the salt lake and the lands for one mile around the same, should forever remain for the common benefit of the people of the State of New York and of the Onondagas and their pos terity, for the purpose of making salt. The two races thus became tenants in common of the salt springs property. The white men at once took possession at Salina and commenced the manufac ture of salt. In 1794, Judge James Geddes constructed a " salt work " a mile or more to the southwest of that point, or what was properly the head of the lake. The Indians took exceptions to this, saying they owned one half of the water, and the white men the other half, and as the whites had taken pos- HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 45 session on their side of the lake, they should keep away from what they called the Indian's side. This grew into a difficulty threatening an attack on the part of the Indians. Judge Geddes had proceeded too far with his work to be willing to give it up as a peace offering, to conciliate the wrath of his red neighbors. Presents were offered and conciliatory speeches made to them, to induce them to surren der peaceably, but all seemed unavailing. The In dians desired the presents, but at the same time felt unwilling to compromise what they considered their right to the side of the lake which the Judge had occupied. Finally, a happy method of solving the problem struck one of the chiefs : " Let us," said he, "adopt this pale face into our tribe, and then being one of us, he will have a right to make salt on our side of the lake." The proposition was unanimously adopted, and Judge Geddes had the name Don-da-dah-gwah conferred upon him, by which the Indians ever after addressed him. Thence forth he made his salt in peace.* In 1795, the Indians not being satisfied with the arrangement whereby they held a common interest in the Reservation, entered into another treaty at Cayuga Ferry, in which they ceded their right ab solutely to the" sovereignty of the State of New York. This treaty was the foundation of the Con stitutional prohibition against the sale of the Salt Springs, because it was regarded as a particular bar gain and agreement on the part of the State of New York to so exercise its power over them as never to depart from its rights and interest in them, and to use them for the benefit of the entire people of the State. The bargain was consummated by giving the Indians $1,000 in money, an annuity of $700, and 150 bushels of salt annually. The Salt Springs Reservation, as delineated on the map, is about three and a half miles wide at the extreme south end, about three-quarters of a mile at the north end, including the lake within its boundaries, and containing about ten square miles. It takes in the city of Syracuse, the town of Geddes and the town of Salina, with the exception of nine and a half lots added to the town of Salina from the town of Manlius. The State took formal possession of it in 1797, sending a surveyor to run out a portion of it into lots, and placing it under a superintendent. William Stevens was appointed the first Superintendent, June 20, 1797, and held the office till his death, in the year 1801. The surveyor laid out the reserva tion into marsh lots, pasture lots, salt lots, dwelling * Hon. George Geddes, Report, 1859. lots and store lots. The State fixed the duty on salt at four cents a bushel, and for this tax gave, in the first place, a large lot running down close to the springs, for the purpose of putting the salt works thereon, and running up to the brow of the hill, with a frontage upon the bluff sufficient for a dwell ing house and store. And to each owner it gave a fourteen acre marsh lot and a five acre pasture lot, under a lease for seven years, and a right to roam anywhere over the entire ten square miles for fuel, without any cost to themselves save cutting and hauling, for the manufacture of salt, or for any other purpose for which fuel or timber was desired. In addition thereto the State built a sort of wharf down on a little creek that comes into the lake, for the batteaux that should engage in the distribution of the salt to Oswego and other places. The State, also, in order to avoid the necessity of large works, which would be required by individuals to store salt in, while waiting for its sale, erected storehouses and stored the salt in them. All this was the equiva lent which the State gave the manufacturers for the four cents charge of duties.* The Salt Springs Reservation, we have said, in cluded the city of Syracuse and the towns of Ged des and Salina. The amount of lands sold by the State out of this Reservation up to and including 1846, was over $250,000 worth, the State reserving a royalty on the salt water. In outlying lands which would probably not be needed in the manu facture of salt, the State has given the deeds reserv ing this royalty. In addition thereto, the State has from time to time, under the Constitution of 1846, which says they shall not decrease the acreage which has heretofore been devoted to the manufacture of salt, exchanged lands which were not suitable for that purpose for lands which were adapted thereto, and have thus increased the acreage from 550 to 1, 100 acres. The State at th# same time has put into the treasury between $40,000 and $50,000, as the difference in value in favor of the State arising from such exchange of lands. f In 1867, salt works were removed at a large profit to the State, to make room for the increasing popu lation in the Third and Fifth Wards of Syracuse. Also, by an act of the Legislature in 1872, salt works were removed from the Third Ward of the city and other lands substituted for them. These lands are good property ; a considerable portion of them have been sold by the State, and should the balance be held till after the present financial de pression, the State will no doubt realize a handsome profit on them. The Syracuse Solar Salt Company * Address of Hon. Thomas G. Alvord, 1876. f Ibid. 46 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK, and the late Onondaga Salt Company, in 1872, dis posed of forty acres of vats to the State, situated on State lands in the Third Ward of Syracuse, in ex change for lands under the hill, to which they re moved their works. They are holding about forty acres outside, granted them by the State, so that as the city encroaches upon their private land imme diately under the hill, where their vats are now situ ated, they can eventually remove them to the lands held under the State grant. To return to our history of the manufacture of salt. In 1792, Thomas Orman, Simeon Pharis and William Gilchrist came to Salina. Mr. Orman brought the first caldron kettle for the manufac ture of salt. Mr. Aaron Bellows came that year and established a cooper shop for the manufacture of salt barrels. The first kettles set in arches were used by Jeremiah Gould and William Van Vleck. The latter in company with Moses DeWitt, in 1793, erected an arch with four kettles, and supplied the demand for the whole surrounding country. The "Federal Company" was formed in 1798, its members being Asa Danforth, Jedediah Sanger, Daniel Keeler, Thomas Hart, Ebenezer Butler, Elisha Alvord and Hezekiah Olcott. This company erected a large building capable of containing thirty- two kettles set in blocks of four each. In this man ner originated the term " block " which has ever since been applied to a salt manufactory where the water is boiled in kettles. Part of the " Federal Works" were subsequently hired by Dioclesian Alvord. The pump-house was then out in the water, and Mr. Alvord had to take a boat in order to reach it. The first laws regulating the manufacture of salt were passed in 1797, the State then assuming the control which it has never relinquished. The State demanded for the rent of land and the use of water, four cents a bushel for all the salt made, and re quired that ten bushels, at least, should be made in every kettle or pan used. Provision was made that in case any lessee should not use all the water there might be on his lot, the surplus could be conveyed to his next neighbor, and so on, till all the water was used. The powers given to the Superintendent were full, and the law entered into minute details in regard to the whole business of making and packing salt. The maximum price was fixed at six cents a bushel to citizens of the State, and the manufacturer must either put the salt in the public storehouse, or if he kept it in his own building, he must surrender the keys to the Superintendent. No salt could be sold on the leased premises. One cent per bushel was exacted by the State for storage, and the Super intendent was to take care to have always in store two thousand bushels the first year, and an addi tional five hundred for each year thereafter, which was to be ready to meet the demands of citizens of this State. The block-house, which in I794hadbeen constructed for defense, was converted by the State into a public store-house. Clark, in his history, says : " The Superintendent gave certificates of de posit in the store-house, and these certificates passed from man to man like bank bills." The manufacture of salt continued to increase as the surrounding population became more numerous, some of it finding a market in Canada. The rivers and lakes connected with Onondaga Lake furnished facilities for transportation in summer, and in the winter, sleighs came from the counties to the south bringing farm produce to exchange for salt. The time soon came when the Superintendent could not store all the salt made, and so in March, 1798, it was provided by law that the manufacturers might account on oath for the quantity manufactured ; and they were allowed to pay rent according to the capacity of their works, at the rate of two cents per month for every gallon of the capacity of their pans or kettles, and were released from the charge of four cents per bushel. Fifty-six pounds was fixed upon as the weight of a bushel of salt. In 1799, another law was passed, going more into details, even determining the number of hoops on the barrels, the kind of timber they should be made of, the seasoning of the barrels, and directing that they must be water-tight. The Superintendent was to weigh, deduct the tare, then brand the weight and quality and put on the price per bushel which he judged the salt to be worth, and then brand the name on the wood. This salt, if it went away by water, was to be shipped from the public wharf, under a penalty of five dollars* for every bushel not so shipped. The Superintendent was required to provide bins to keep each manufacturer's salt in, until it was inspected. These, or the like minute regulations, continue to govern, and when their rigor has been lessened, it has been due to the fact that the magnitude of the business has made it impracticable to enforce them. It is worthy of note that the almost absolute power conferred by law upon the Superintendent of the Salt Springs, has been the secret of its success in an economical point of view, as affording a larger revenue to the State than any other State property, managed on different principles. The policy of conferring the whole authority on the Superintend ent and making him alone responsible for the entire management of the interest, has proved in the case HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 47 of the Onondaga Salt Springs exceptionally suc cessful, as compared with every other State in terest. In 1817 the duties levied by the State were raised to twelve and a half cents a bushel, the de sign being to apply the revenue thus derived to the extinguishment of the debt on the canals. This rate remained till 1834, when the duties were re duced to six cents a bushel, and so continued till April 20, 1846, since when they have been one cent a bushel. This was intended to be sufficient to pay for superintendence, digging wells, pumping and conveying the water to the manufacturers, and other expenses of the works incurred by the State. Since the reduction of the duties to one cent a bushel, the following revenue has been derived from the manufacture of salt, and paid into the General Fund of the State : From 1846 to 1876, net reve nue $ 653,112 73 Deficit in 1857, to be de ducted $6,603 01 Also expenditures previous to March 1, 1857 7,000 00 Total deduction and expendi tures 13.603 01 Net revenue above expendi tures 639,509 72 Revenue from 1825 to re duction of duties in 1846.. 3,402,971 49 Expenditures for the same period 202,054 99 Net revenue from 1825 to 1846 $3,200,916 50 Total net revenue since 1825 3,540,226 22 In addition to the above direct revenue, the salt interest has paid to the State in canal tolls about three-fourths of a million dollars. In 1875, it paid over $70,000. The manufacture and handling of salt in various ways employs about four thousand men. The law of 1799 required the Superintendent to make an annual report to the Legislature. To this valuable provision we are indebted for much in formation and many of the important improvements which have been made from time to time. We learn from one of these reports that in 1806, 159,071 bushels of salt were made. About this time a great advance was made by the construction of a block of ten kettles by Hon. John Richardson. During Mr. Kirkpatrick's administration the well at Salina was dug out twenty feet square to the depth of thirty feet. Each manufacturer had his own pump, worked by hand, and water carried in spouts to his works. In 1810, water power was first used to raise the brine, Yellow Brook being brought in a canal to turn the wheel. This brook, through the enter prise of Judge Forman and others, was conducted all the way from what is now the eastern part of Syracuse, to do service in the salt blocks at Salina. In 1 8 12 a law was passed requiring the Superin tendent to lay out two acres of land and lease the same, free of duty if he thought proper, to induce an experiment to be tried for the production of salt by solar evaporation. This was the origin of a mode of manufacture which has since become general, and has exercised an important influence on the entire salt business. Hundreds of acres are now covered with vats for solar salt, and the an nual product is between two and three million bushels. The salt interest of Syracuse, like many other manufacturing interests, has had its seasons of pros perity and of comparative depression. It passed through its severest trial in 1857, when the general financial panic paralyzed the business of the country, especially of the West. Then, and for several years after, Onondaga salt suffered from the want of a regular and systematic method of putting it upon the market. Says Hon. Thomas G. Alvord : " Gentlemen from Buffalo and Oswego would come here and buy our salt. They would give us their thirty days, ninety days and four months paper. They would take the salt and use it for ballast on their grain vessels, and when they got to their destination, they would dump the salt on the dock and sell it for what they could get. If their venture in grain was a good one, we got our pay, if not, we were the losing parties. The result was that we were at the mercy of these men." The manufac turers put their capital and their wisdom together and got out of the difficulty in i860 and 1861. The period of greatest prosperity was during the war of the Rebellion. The largest annual produc tions of salt were, indeed, during the years from 1867 to 1 87 1, being an average yield per annum for the four years of 8,612,865 bushels. But the prices were not equal to those ruling from 1862 to 1865, when, on account of the war, foreign salt was almost wholly excluded from the country. About the commencement of the war, salt water was discovered in abundant quantities in the valley of the Saginaw, about midway between the salt springs of Syracuse and the great West, which had become the principal market for Onondaga Salt. The latter, however, went on prospering for three or four years, the competition being scarcely suf ficient to affect the market. During this time the volume of salt made here was largely increased ; many new manufacturers went into the business ; 48 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. prices ranged high, and all seemed in the full tide of prosperity. But just at this juncture the salt in terest here met another impediment. The experi ment of boring for oil at Goderich, Canada, very much to the astonishment of the experimenters themselves, resulted in striking a fountain of salt water, the strongest and purest known in the country, standing 92 and 98 degrees of the sal- ometer. In a short time they struck another well at Kincardine, twenty five miles north of Goderich, 850 feet deep, and found the same result. Then they sank a well at Clinton, twelve miles south of Goderich, 1,200 feet deep and found water equally strong. They sank another well at Seaport, twenty- five miles south of Goderich, 1,400 feet deep, where they have gone 101 feet into a solid mass of rock salt. Of course these discoveries, together with the the cheapness of labor and fuel in Canada and Mich igan, have had a tendency greatly to depress the salt interest in this locality. For several years past the Canadia'n and Saginaw salt has been a formida ble rival to Onondaga Salt in the Western markets, and have almost entirely excluded the latter from Canada, where before large quantities were sold. Since this competition, it has been the effort of the Onondaga manufacturers to not only improve the quality and condition of the salt put upon the market, but also to cheapen the cost of its produc tion, so as to be able to compete with the Saginaw and Goderich salt, and to find markets where the transportation will be most favorable to the salt manufactured at Syracuse. This, by the energy, perseverance, and wise management of the com panies, has been in a great measure accomplished. By the combination of capital and the reduction of the cost of labor and fuel, there has been of late years a great saving in the manufacture of salt* As to the source of the supply of these salt wells much speculation has existed. Hon. Thomas Spen cer, former Superintendent of the Salt Springs, in a letter to Hon. George Geddes, published in 1859, says : " We only know that we penetrate the earth in alluvial deposits at various points bordering upon Onondaga Lake, to the depth of from one hundred to four hundred feet, and find the brine in a deposit of gravel resting upon a hard pan, (impervious to water,) which seems to form the floor or bottom of our salt basin. All beyond this is mere conjecture. Eminent geologists, who have devoted much time to the investigation of this subject, have, I believe, uniformly arrived at the conclusion that the source from which our brine is derived is buried deep be neath the mountains or hills south of us, and con veyed to the points where we find it by subter ranean currents of water which have passed through the saliferous material and dissolved it." This is the general opinion, but Mr. Spencer himself was of the belief that there is deposited immediately be neath Onondaga Lake a solid mass of rock salt which is being gradually dissolved and flows to the points where we find our brine. He alludes to the analogy between these and the salt springs in the valley of the Holston, in Southwestern Virginia, and those in the valley of the Weaver, near Liver pool, England, in both of which the brine is found in immediate contact with the salt rock. But his chief reason for adopting this theory is the peculiar formation of the shores and bottom of the lake, which is worthy of notice aside from any solution it may afford of this problem. On all sides from one-eighth to one-fourth of a ¦mile from the shores the water of the lake is quite shallow. At this distance there is uniformly a bold and precipitous bank where the water is from fifteen to twenty feet deep. Beyond this the water deepens very gradually till you reach the center of the lake, which is about sixty feet deep. This precipitous bank at such a uniform distance from the shore, seemed to Mr. Spencer unaccountable unless it marks the outline of a bed of rock salt, which, as it is gradually dissolved, allows the loose and alluvial deposit above it to settle down, and in this way the abrupt bank is formed and preserved. Otherwise, the sediment which has been accumulating for ages would be deposited in a uniform manner from the shore to the center of the lake. Hon. George Geddes has given us from the soundings of this lake the following report : * The following statemen shows where the 0 nondaga salt has found its market since 1867 : - 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871. 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875. Sent to New York city 1,407,200 ',345,92-° i,940,635 2,013,125 184,15s 73,19° 1,892,499 2,564,326 1,900,815 2,320,106 334,865 7,*43 ',5H,976 2,660,578 1,537,043 1,966,941 915,033 307,426 410,651 292,981 1, "7,315 308,316 Of the movement west during 1875, there was shipped by way of Oswego' . . 416,892 bushels. do. Buffalo. 3, 396,380 " 3,813,272 518,904 1,685,180 2,086,421 i,i97,35o 504,261 2,102,179 1,449,0352,065,220 290,120 2,120,590 2,601,1101,700,782 State trade, including northern 1,675,654 2,873,944 i,053,'9° 1,393,6903,257,195 i,577,oi3 1,091,8911,474,837 1,758,968 730,695 3,082,577 1,940,543 Total 7,595,565 8,666,616 8,662,237 8,748,113 8,374,8" 7,569,729 7,46o,357 6,029,328 7,179,446 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. At 500 feet from shore . . , « ^oo « « " . . . " 740 " " " . . . " 760 " " " . . . " 800 " " " " 860 " " " . . . " 920 " " " . . . In the middle of the lake. 49 . 3.5 feet depth . 6 t a •23 f n 25 t it .27 t ff •32.5 < ff 39-5 f ft ¦55 f ff Opposite a point two miles from the east end of the lake, the water is sixty-five feet deep in the mid dle. At Liverpool, three miles from the east end, the depth is fifty-five feet, and many soundings prove this to be the general depth. Once away from the foot of the abrupt bank, and the bottom is so level that the deepest place exceeds the shallowest by only ten feet, and this depression is approached very gradually. Ten or fifteen feet of the bottom of this lake is marl, which has been precipitated from the water, and this marl lies on sand and clay with some strata of gravel. Every boring that has been made within this basin gives this general result, the only variations being in the thickness of the several strata, not in their character. The well near the road that crosses the beach at the head of the lake was intended to be the middle of the valley. The tube was sunk 414 feet through the following strata : White and beach sand 34 feet. Blue clay 100 " Light-colored clay 48 " Sand, coarse enough for mortar. .209 " Clear gravel 6 " Quick-sand 11 " Cemented gravel 2 " Red clay 3 " Red clay (hard) 1 " The bottom of this well is nearly fifty feet below the surface of the sea. At 134 feet a cedar log was encountered in a state of perfect preservation. This is not only a deep but an ancient valley. The fact of finding timber in this deposit goes to show that a large part of the excavation has been filled since the general emergence of the sea, and that a large part of the alluvium has been taken by the present water courses into the valley. This timber and the many other specimens encountered from time to time by the drills, were probably brought into the lake by some of its tributaries. However this may be, the marl and clay which lie above the timber have been deposited by the waters of the lake.* Mr. Spencer supposes that the fact that it has now a level bottom surrounded by steep banks of marl, clay and sand, is only to be accounted for by a sub sidence of a large part of the bottom, and that such subsidence is caused by the gradual dissolving of salt that lies under it. It is certain that water hold- *Hon. George Geddes, Report, 1859. ¦7* ing in solution earthy matter, never deposits it'in the form we now find the bottom of this lake. Convenience has thus far caused all the drilling for salt water to be made around the lake, and the lesson taught by every experiment has been that there is no strong salt water to be found out of the alluvium in the valley. And the thicker the allu vium the better the prospect for strong water. We take the following extract from the Report of Dr. F. E. Englehardt, Chemist for the Onondaga Salt Springs, made in 1877 : " The natural sources of all salt supplies are either rock salt, salt springs, salt lakes, or finally, the ocean. At Syracuse we have derived all our salt since 1797 from salt wells, amounting up to the present time to 250,000,000 bushels ; to which we must add at least 50,000,000 for loss incurred in the various manufacturing processes by leakage, making a grand total of 300,000,000. The number of wells sunk from time to time to produce this large amount cannot be less than 200, at an expense of at least $750,000. The question therefore naturally arises, and it is a most important one, in regard to our salt industry, from whence does this large amount of salt come, which would cover over a surface of 120,000,000 square feet one foot high with solid salt ? It certainly was not stored up in the ancient valley of erosion, below our feet, in the form of brine. Therefore it must occur in the solid form as a bed of rock salt. Up to date very few attempts have been made to ascertain the actual source of our brine. The first was made in 1838, when the State sank a well at Salina 600 feet deep, of which the Superintendent in his report for 1839 says : ' Passing through the immense mass of red and blue shales and the limestone (Niagara) below, it terminated in the protean group (Clinton.) What ever may be its source it is well observed by the learned geologist of this district, in his last annual report, that it is only to be sought in a southern direction from which all the waters naturally flow.' The Salt Company of Onondaga sank, in 1867, a well at Liverpool 715 feet deep, which, according to Prof. Goessman, passed through 82 feet of alluvium, 279 feet of red and green shales, 33 feet of calcari- ous shales, 106 feet of limestone formation, and finally 215 feet of various veins of shales. These are the only two attempts ever made to solve this question." Dr. Englehardt then considers the opinions of geologists entitled to the greatest weight, on ac count of their scientific acquirements, in reference to the question touching the source of the Onon daga salt, and finds them generally agreeing that the supply is derived from a mass of fossil or rock salt, situated under the hills to the south of the lake basin, and asks : " Would it not, therefore, be more economical on the part of the State to have this subject thoroughly examined by the State Geologist, and if found correct, dig a test well for 5o HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. the purpose of either finding the salt rock, or at least saturated brine, thus avoiding the necessity of sinking new wells year after year, in proportion as the older ones become useless ? Our salt works with an abundance of saturated brine, could produce at least 15,000,000 bushels of salt, which would in less than ten years return to the State in duty all the expense incurred in such an undertaking. Our salt industry would revive ; we could then successfully enter our old markets and compete with our rivals." CHAPTER XII. Salt Springs Continued — Process of Manu facture — Construction of the Wells — Pump Works — Solar Salt — Dairy Salt — Table Showing the Amount of Salt Made Since 1797. THE salt works of Onondaga are divided into four districts, viz : Syracuse, Salina, Liver pool and Geddes. The amount of salt inspected in each and the aggregate amounts for the year 1876 are shown in the following table : Places. Solar. Fine. Solar ground. Fine j Aggregate ground. bushels. Syracuse. . . 220,299 323,859 158,568 651,115 457,462 1,684,915 315,773 278,611 384,307 77,860 396,154 96.5I7 2,978 1,065,046 2,086,634 870,495 1,370,502 Liverpool..Geddes . . 344,^59 1,353,84' 2,736,761 954,838 347,237 5,39z,677 The strength of the brine in the four districts, including the old and new wells, from 1865 to 1876 inclusive, is shown as follows, except for 1868, of which there appears to be no record : Date. Syracuse. Salina. Liverpool. Geddes. Average. .. 66.17 66.47 60.65 66.I7 64,86 .. 65.9O 65.8I 58.34 65.9O 63.98 .. 64.44 64.35 64.35 63.95 64.27 .. 60.98 6O.36 60.36 59-02 60.88 .. 59.49 58.94 58.94 59.34 59.22 ,. 63.00 62.35 62.35 63.82 62.88 .. 65.10 66.00 66.00 66.20 65.82 •• 63.43 65.43 65.43 67.52 65.45 .. 63.80 66.15 66.15 67.15 65.81 .. 63.88 66.38 66.38 69.50 66.54 ,. 66.75 67.70 67.70 69.33 68.15 The process of manufacturing salt by artificial heat has changed very little except in its methods and appliances ; the principle, that of evaporation under the power of heat, remaining the same. The first " salt works " was Comfort Tyler's fifteen gallon kettle suspended upon a pole across two crotched stakes ; then came the four kettle " block," then the ten kettle, and so on, up to twenty and forty kettles. Finally, Hon. Thomas Spencer 1865. 1866.1867.1869.1870.1871.1872.1873- 1874.IS75. 1876. erected a block containing one hundred and eight kettles. This, however, was thought to be too extensive for the most advantageous and economical manufacture, and usually the preference has been given to blocks of about fifty or sixty kettles. The kettles are mostly of the capacity of one, hundred and twenty gallons, in form a half sphere, diameter four feet, made of cast iron and weighing from six hundred to one thousand pounds. These are sus pended in two contiguous rows on brick walls, with a suitable furnace or fire bed at one end and the chim ney at the other. The whole is covered with a suit able building, with bins extending the entire length on both sides, to store the salt in and protect it from the weather until it is ready to be packed in barrels for market. The law requires it to lie in the bins fourteen days before it is considered sufficiently dry for packing. Wood has been heretofore chiefly used for fuel, but now the principal fuel is coal. A cord of the best hard wood and a ton either of anthracite or bituminous coal will produce about the same amount, that is, fifty bushels of salt, the evaporation being eight pounds of brine to one pound of coal. A block consisting of fifty kettles will require about five tons of coal every twenty-four hours and will therefore produce about two hundred and fifty bushels of salt daily. The cost of such a block with its appendages, is from five to six thousand dollars. There is, or should be, attached to each block three cisterns, each of sufficient capacity to hold as much brine as may be required for two days' use. This is necessary for the purpose of affording suffi cient time to precipitate the impurities by chemical agents before it shall be supplied- to the kettles. Caustic lime was at one time used for the purpose of cleansing the brine from a portion of its impu rities, but it was used in such quantities in many instances by the operatives that it produced an impurity more injurious to the salt than that which it expelled, and its use had to be prohibited. Alum is now generally used in the place of lime. The simplest method for testing the impurities in salt, is to take pure water and saturate it with the salt to be tested, which for any given quantity of salt will require twice and half its weight of water, stir till the salt is fully dissolved. If the salt is combined with impurities, the solution will at first have a milky appearance, but after remaining at rest a few hours, the impurities will settle to the bottom of the vessel ; if the salt is pure, the solution will be transparent, and there will be no sediment. Salt is a solid that melts at a bright red heat HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 5r and passes off without being decomposed. It is without odor ; color white or transparent. It crys- talizes in cubes from its solution in water, and when formed by rapid but quiet evaporation from the sur face, it forms hopper-shaped crystals. Hot and saturated solutions, when cooled, frequently give long, slender, square prisms. Formed in hot solu tions, agitated by boiling, the crystals are very small and broken into irregular shapes. When rosin, soap, butter, or any oily substance is added to the brine, it will not form crystals, but by evaporation deposit the salt in exceedingly fine grains. Salt usually attracts moisture from the air, but when pure this attraction is very slight. The process of manufacture consists in removing the water by evaporation, and at the same time get ting rid of the impurities held in solution. In the boiled salt this is accomplished by first precipitating the oxide of iron in the cisterns connected with the works. Unless this oxide is removed, the salt will have a reddish color. The alum used for its pre cipitation improves the grain of the salt, making it finer and causing it to drain well. The sulphate of lime is precipitated as the point of saturation is approached, by pans placed in the bottoms of the kettles into which it falls and is lifted out during the boiling of the water. The bitterings, as they are called, which are thus removed, are almost pure gypsum. In the year 1830 the first iron tubes were sunk with a view to procure water from a greater depth. At sixty feet brine was found from twenty-five to thirty per cent, stronger than at the old wells. Very soon many tubes were sunk, and for a long time all the salt water was raised by pumps through these tubes, and then forced up and accumulated in res ervoirs from which it flows in wooden pipes to the various manufactories. These pumps are driven by water taken from the canal, or in cases where the water power cannot be applied, by steam engines. For many years the State was paid by the bushel for pumping the water, but afterwards all the expen ses were merged in the one cent a bushel. Several companies at present own private wells and do their own pumping. The manner of drilling and tubing salt wells has been somewhat as follows : The old tubes used by the State were made of sugar maple logs, in sections of eight feet long, eight inches calibre, and turned in a lathe to a uniform thickness. These sections were cut off square, at the ends, and a recess turned into the timber on the outside to receive a band of iron ten inches wide and one-fourth of an inch thick, which is to rest on and confine the ends of the two sections when they are joined together. A circular dowel of cast iron, three inches wide is let into the ends of the sections, holding them together firmly, and excluding all water from the joints. In the first place a cast iron tube, three feet in length, is joined to a wooden section. This piece of iron tubing is sharp at the lower end, hav ing the inside enlarged for a few inches up, leaving the outer diameter fourteen inches, to correspond with that of the wood. These sections are set up perpendicularly, and by a press forced into the soil. When a tube has sunk down far enough for another section to be added, the press is withdrawn ahd the section put on, and again the press is applied. This process is continued as long as the tube can be sunk without removing the earth that is inside. When this point is reached, which is sometimes sixty or seventy feet below the surface, the drills are intro duced, and by first cutting the earth fine, a bucket made of iron, with a valve at its lower end, will take hold of and lift the contents of the tube to the surface. When hard material is met, sharp drills are used to cut it up. The shape of the lower section made of cast iron is such that at the very end of the tube its calibre is nearly equal to the outer dimensions, and by using drills which have springs placed on one side of their stems and edges which point outwards from the springs, holes may be cut through rock large enough to allow the tubes to pass. Various tools are called into requisition to reach down and grasp the substances and to over come the obstacles encountered, which would require drawings for their illustration. The press that is used is simple : heavy pieces of timber supported by strong posts, connected with a platform through which the tube passes. This platform is loaded with stone, so that it will not lift when the heavy iron screws passing through the beam are turned down on the yoke which presses the tube. The rods to which the drills are attached are made of iron in sections of convenient length connected by screws. These drills are lifted by ropes worked by a steam engine, and let fall by means of a simple device, cutting and crushing by their weight whatever is in their way. A well thus obtained is connected by wooden tubes with a pump which sucks up the water. Formerly it was pumped directly from the bottom of the well to the distributing reservoir. But the difficulties in the way of having perfectly tight suction pipes were hard to overcome, and the method of "flooding" the pipes allowed the suction to draw in fresh water at every leakage, reducing the strength of the brine. A remedy for this evil 52 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. was suggested by Mr. Geddes in an elaborate article on the salt interest, published in the Transactions of the New York State Agricultural Society for 1859. "Now," says Mr. Geddes, "every stroke of the reciprocating, double-acting force and suction pumps has to overcome the inertia of the whole column of water from the bottom of the well to the distributing reservoir. This inertia is so great in long pipes that the pumps produce a vacuum at every stroke, and thus there is an inward pressure of the atmosphere of fifteen pounds to the square inch, which drives air, or when the pipes are flooded, water into every pore and crevice of the pipes. Lifting pumps at the wells, moving slowly, with long strokes, would do away with much of the strain of the machinery, and remedy the present evil." This suggestion of Mr. Geddes is now pretty generally carried out. Rotary and plunge steam pumps have been placed at most of the wells, by which the brine is lifted to the surface, whence it is drawn through the pipes to the distributing reser voirs by the pumps stationed at the pump houses. This improvement was inaugurated under the administration of Hon. Vivus W. Smith, first at Salina, and has since been generally adopted throughout the salt works. Iron tubes for sinking wells are now used in place of wooden ones. They are made in sections often or twelve feet in length and screwed together by bolts through sockets at the ends of the sections. The apparatus for sinking them is nearly the same as that formerly employed for wooden tubes. By an act of the Legislature, embodying a few new provisions, passed April 15, 1859, au trie Pre" vious laws relating to the manufacture of salt on the Onondaga Salt Springs Reservation, were con solidated and codified. The act of April 25, 1866, made some amendments to the provisions of the act of 1859, relating chiefly to the duties and salaries of subordinate officers and conferring upon the Superintendent the power to administer the oath to his deputies and employees. The Legislature of 1873, passed an act appropriat ing $20,000 to be expended in sinking new wells, so as to furnish a better quality of water. The Superintendent in pursuance of this law sank in 1875 and 1876, seven wells in the locality which seemed to indicate the strongest water. These are good wells yielding brine of 71 and 72 degrees of the salo- meter. It was hoped that an appropriation would be made to enable the Superintendent to render these wells useful by connecting them with the pump house, and thus supplying the works with improved water, but a bill for that object and for general repairs was vetoed by the Governor. The Legisla ture then, at the instance of the Superintendent, appointed a joint committee to visit the salt works and report upon the condition and wants of the salt interest. This committee met in Syracuse on the 17th of February, 1876, and after a thorough inves tigation, with a view to recommending such action by the Legislature as might be deemed most advis able, unanimously reported in favor of a special appropriation to the amount of $23,000, to furnish a new water wheel, and the necessary machinery and fixtures to bring into use the new wells which had been sunk. These wells are now in operation furnishing a superior quality of brine. Of the 316 blocks on the Reservation, only 106 were in operation during the year 1876, showing that the present capacity for manufacture exceeds 15,000,000 bushels annually. It is no exaggeration to say that this limit may be reached with proper effort on the part of the manufacturers and a wise patronage on the part of the State. The Salt Manufacturers of Onondaga have in fixtures alone an investment of not less than four millions of dollars, and the business in addition to this, requires a working capital of fully half that sum to carry it on successfully. Solar Salt is the name given to that which is made without the use of artificial heat. A law was passed in 1812, authorizing the Superintendent of the Salt Springs to lay out two acres of land and lease the same, free of duty if he thought proper, to induce an experiment to be made for the produc tion of salt by solar evaporation. This was prob ably the first movement in the direction ofthe solar salt works, but nothing practical seems to have re sulted therefrom till 1822, when Judge Forman pro cured the passage of a law authorizing the erection of fixtures and awarding a bounty of three cents per bushel for all salt made by solar evaporation for a given number of years. Judge Forman in com pany with Isaiah Townsend, Esq., went to New Bedford to investigate the method of manufacturing solar salt from sea water as it was then carried on at Cape Cod. They brought Mr. Stephen Smith, an expert in this kind of manufacture, with them to Syracuse, and he was made the agent of the Onon daga Company, and Judge Forman of the Syracuse Company, and the two proceeded to erect the necessary fixtures forthe manufacture of coarse or solar salt. At this time the Salina Canal terminated at the south edge of the village of Salina. Judge For man took Governor DeWitt Clinton to Salina to ex amine the situation, and to see how the canal might HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 53 be extended to Onondaga Lake and made available as a water power to drive machinery at the salt works. The following year this plan was carried into successful operation. This grand improvement in the method of elevating brine was made at the expense of the Onondaga and Syracuse Salt Com panies, under the direction of Judge Forman ; but the fixtures, aqueduct, &c, were afterwards bought by the State. The structures for the manufacture of solar salt consist of long parallel rows of shallow wooden vats, sixteen or eighteen feet wide and supported by many small posts. The rows of vats are divided into what are called deep rooms, lime rooms, and salt rooms. They are arranged in various ways, as the shape of the ground or the fancy of the owner may dictate. In the works of the Solar Salt Com pany, the water is drawn directly from a distribut ing reservoir into the deep rooms which are about a quarter of a mile long. The water runs the whole length of the " string," and is then carried into the next parallel string by wooden pipes. It runs the whole length of this string back to opposite the place where it was introduced ; then again it is sent into another and another of these strings, and having been thus exposed to the sun and wind, in a shed of perhaps ten inches deep and sixteen feet wide, for a whole mile, it has rid itself of its oxide of iron, has increased its strength from 70 to 84 degrees"pf the salometer, and is ready to be carried into the lime room, where it deposits its sulphate of lime. It is kept running along these rooms in a thinner sheet till the small cubes of salt are seen forming. Saturation is now complete and all the impurities are precipitated that can be. The water thus concentrated and freed from the lime and iron, is drawn into the salting rooms, where pure salt is rapidly deposited, having a coarse crystalization in the form of hoppers and cubes. There yet remains in the brine after the salt is re moved impurities more soluble than the salt, viz : the deliquescent chlorides. About one-third of all the vats are required for precipitating the im purities. The whole field is expected to yield fifty bushels to the cover of sixteen or eighteen feet. The word " cover " is derived from the moveable roofs which in fair weather are shoved off on lateral ways to allow the sun to reach the water. These covers have been adopted as the standard of meas ure, and in speaking of a salt field, it is said to have so many covers. Space is required for the covers when off the vats and also for roads between the strings to cart away the salt. An acre of land re quires sixty covers, costing about $30 each. Thus the cost is about $1,800 an acre, which in an ordinary season will yield about 3,000 bushels of salt. The cost and space required are disadvantages which are fully met by the cheapness of the manu facture when once the works are in operation. Formerly this salt was kiln-dried and ground in common flouring mills for dairy purposes, at con siderable expense, but more recently mills have been invented which grind it without any drying by fire. Well drained in the store-house, it is put through the mills and ground to any desirable fineness for dairy or table use at a cost of not more than one cent a bushel. In a document presented to the Constitutional Convention in 1867, Hon. George Geddes, then Superintendent of the Salt Springs, reported six mills for the grinding of salt, owned and valued as follows : James P. Haskins' Mill, estimated to be worth $40,000 John W. Barker & Co's Mill 40,000 Henry B. & Wilmot E. Burton's Mill 16,000 Timothy R. Porter's Mill 16,000 Ashton Salt Company's Mill 16,000 H. White's Mill 10,000 Total, $138,000 The first, fourth and fifth are the only ones now used for grinding dairy and table salt. The Haskins Mill, enlarged to four times its origi nal capacity, is operated by the Excelsior Dairy Salt Company. This and the Ashton Company's Mill, and that owned and operated by Mr. Timothy R. Porter, are of sufficient capacity to grind all the dairy salt required for the market. The " Factory Filled," or Dairy Salt, is made from both solar and common salt by a patent ma chine process whereby not only mechanically mixed impurities are removed, but also the small quanti ties of obnoxious chlorides of calcium and magne sium are decomposed in a very careful manner. The largest factory filled establishment, the property of the Excelsior Dairy Salt Company, is at Salina, and known under the name of " Excelsior Mills." They consist of two immense wooden structures with about five acres of flooring. The salt is crushed between two sets of stones to the proper size, and gradually fed into two patent washing machines, wherein the salt moves in the opposite direction to the chemically prepared salt- brine employed, and becomes, by repeated washing with the fresh salt-brine, perfectly purified. After proper drainage the'salt is dried in large re volving iron cylinders. A powerful blast of hot air carries the moisture into the chimney. The ex haust steam from the hundred-horse power engine 54 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. serves for concentrating the salt-brine employed in washing the salt. The dried salt is now elevated to the upper floors, where five sets of stones are in constant motion grinding it to the desired fineness, while a suction blower removes the dust. There is one other mill of about the same capaci ty situated in Geddes, owned by the Ashton Dairy Salt Company, in which the salt is made in the same way as in the " Excelsior Mills." The purity of the various salts made at Onondaga is unquestioned, reference being made to many an alyses furnished from time to time under the direc tion' of the General Government and other author ities. In regard to the dairy salt, the tests made by the Butter and Cheese Exchange of New York prove the superiority of the F. F. salt made at Syracuse over any other, as is shown by the fol lowing analysis : English. Onondaga. Water 1 0.7880 0.6280 Insolublematter 0.0564 0.0264 Sulphate of lime 1.2272 0.7217 Sulphate of magnesia 0.0769 Chloride of calcium °-°473 Chloride of magnesium 0.0591 0.0346 Sulphate of soda Chloride of sodium 97-7598 98.5242 99.9674 99.9822 The Superintendent of the Salt Springs, Hon. A. C. Powell, appends the following remarks : "This report is of especial interest at this time when the old prejudice against the use of home salt is beginning to give way, because it emanates from an association which has never been accused of any special partiality for Onondaga salt, but, on the contrary, from their local and commercial training, have been inclined to defend the use of the foreign article. In fact so far have their preju dices governed them that in making contracts with dairy farmers for their butter and cheese, they have frequently inserted a clause binding them to the use of the Ashton salt. This entailed upon the farmer an additional expense of from one to one and a half dollars upon each sack used. Many of the farmers doubting the necessity of these requirements and restive under their enforcement, unless there was good reason for it, demanded of the association an authoritative opinion as to the comparative value of the different brands used by them. The only reli able proof was the scientific test, and the matter was accordingly given in charge to two analytical chemists of high standing in the city of New York, who entered upon their duties without any confer ence with parties at Syracuse, and without any knowledge of the localities where the several samples were prepared. These were given them by numbers and not by name, and the result was the above report, which I have copied in their own language and figures. This report is certainly gratifying to the friends of the home article, as showing a larger percentage of the pure chloride of sodium or salt, and a less aggregate of impurities in the two samples of Onondaga salt than in either of the eight samples of foreign salt analyzed." The following is a statement of the number of bushels of salt made at the Onondaga Salt Springs since June 20, 1797, which is the date of the first leases of lots, with the Superintendents and their respective terms of office : 1797.i79817991800.1801 1802, iSoj,1S04. 1805.1S06.1807.1S0S, 1809. 1S10.1811812.1S11S14,1811816. 1817.1818.1S19.1820,iSzi.ISZ2,1823, J 8 24, 1825,1826.1827.1S2S. 1829,1 8 30. 1S31, 1S32, 1833,1834.1S35.1836.1837.1838.1839. 1842,1S43.1S44, 1S4S.1S46.IS47. 1S50. 1851 1852,1S53 18S+1S55.1856.18571S5S.1859.i860. 1861.1862.1S631S641S65, 1866, 1867, 1868, 1869, 1870,1871,1872. 1873,¦8741875.1S76. Superintendents. N. William Stevens, do dodo Sheldon Logan, Asa Danforth, do do Wm. Kirkpatrick, do P. H. Ransom,' Nathan Stewart, John Richardson, Wm. Kirkpatrick, dodododododododododo dododo dodo do dodo dodo H. Earll, do dododo Rial Wright, dododo Thomas Spencer, do do Rial Wright, do Enoch Marks, dodo Robert Gere, dodo do Hervey Rhoades, dodo Vivus W. Smith, dododododododo do do George Geddes, dodo do do do John M. Strong, do do A. C Powell,do do Total since 1797 Solar. Fine. *220,247 163,021 3lS,l05 332,418353,45533',705 262,879 34^,497 377,735 374,732 37S,907 6,3,595 577,947 734,474 498,124 709,391 4Si,2So 1,514,5541,345,0221,462,565 l,SS4,6971,983,0221,437,6561,971,1221,886,7601,978,883 2,271,892 2,027,490 1,857,942 2,847,6912,464,464 1,882,604 1,691,3591,667,368 2,655,955 2,308,679 41,869,598 25,474 59,92S 42,704 50,000 62,000 75,000 90,00c 100,000' 154,07"!122,577'175,448319,618128,282 450,000200,000221,011226,000295,000]322,058348,665 408,665406,540 548,374 458,329 526,049 481,562726,988816,634 757,203811,023 9S3,4I0 I,l6o,S8S 1,129,28c1,435,4461,514,0371,652,9851,838,6461,943,2521,209,8671,912,858 2,167,287 2,575,033 2,864,7182,622,305 3,120,520 2,I2S,SS22,So9,J95 3,968,1363,4°S,9033,507,1463,6SS,476 3,394,629 4,705,834 3,S94,lS7 4,235,15°, 4,2SS,93S 4,826,577. 5,068,873' 5,5S4,76l 5,257,4193,Sso,S465,518,665 5,549,250 4,130,682 5,315,649 7,070,852 6,504,727 5,407,712 4,499,'70 5,180,3205,323,673 6,639,1266,804,2956,260,422 5,910,492 6,048,321 5,768,998 4,361,932 4,523,491 3,083,998 208,017,667 Aggregate bushels. 25,47459,928 42,704 50,000 62,000 75,00090,000 100,00c154,071¦22,577 175,448 319,618128,282 450,000 200,000 221,011 226,000 295,000 322,05834S,665 408,665 406,540 548,374 458,329 526,049 481,562 726,988816,634757,203811,023 938,410 1,160,8881,129,2801,435,4461,514,0371,652,9851,838,6461,943,2521, 209,867 1,912,858 2,167,2872,575,0332,864,7182,622,305 3,340,767 2,291,9033,127,500 4,300,554 3,762,358 3,838,8513,951,355 4,737,126 5,083,569 4,268,919 4,614,117 4,922,533 5,404,5245,8o3,347 6,082,885 5,966,810 4,312,126 7,033,219 6,894,271 5,593,247 7,200,3919,°53,8747,942,3837,378,8346,385,9307,158,5037,595,56S 8,666,616 8,662,2378,748,"S8,374,9567,930,9257,400,3576,029,3007,179,446 5,392,677 249,887,265 * Previous to 1841 the solar salt was not reported separate, but included in the aggregate production. HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 55 CHAPTER XIII. Topography of Onondaga County. THE county of Onondaga is nearly in the geographical center of the State. It is bounded north by Oswego, east by Madison, south by Cortland, and west by Cayuga county. Its general form is that of a rectangular parallelogram, having its lines in conformity with the cardinal points of the compass, the northeast corner being somewhat rounded by Oneida Lake and the south west by Skaneateles Lake. From north to south the average width is thirty miles, from east to west twenty-six miles ; having an area exclusive of lakes of 459,229 acres. The county is divided into the towns of Lysander, Clay, Cicero, Elbridge, Van Buren, Salina, DeWitt, Manlius, Camillus, Geddes, Skaneateles, Marcellus, Onondaga, Pompey, Spaf- ford, Otisco, LaFayette, Tully, Fabius, and the City of Syracuse. Most of the surface of this county slopes to the north and is drained into the River St. Lawrence, but the summit of the highlands that divide the waters that flow north from those that run south, and find their way by the Susquehanna River to the sea, is within this county, though near the south boundary ; but a small part of the whole area being drained to the south, and that chiefly in the towns of Fabius and Tully. About two-fifths of the whole surface of the county is flat and barely rolling enough to permit drainage. This flat land constitutes a part of what is known as the " great level," which extends along the south side of Oneida Lake to the base of the slope of the spurs of the Alleghany Mountains. The Erie Canal runs along the south side of this level land. That part of the county lying south of the canal, constituting about three-fifths of the whole, is embraced within the northernmost spurs of the mountain ranges, being uneven and com paratively broken in its surface. A traveler cross ing Onondaga county from east to west, or from west to east, if his route is on the plain, north of the highlands, will meet only slight hills and hollows, or rather mere undulations crossing his course, and streams that have their surface nearly level with the surrounding land. But if his route be across the line of the hill slope, he will descend into deep valleys, whose dividing ridges are many miles apart, and he will have one constant succes sion of toilsome descents and ascents, enlivened and rendered pleasant by ever-recurring points of observation, from which the most splendid scenery lies pictured before him. Hillside, mountain top, wide valleys, lakes framed with forests and fields of living green, meet his gaze from the top of every eminence he passes. If he sees little ofthe grand eur of rock-ribbed mountains, he is greeted with landscapes more mild, and of a softer tone, that bespeak more fitting residences of men, and he is delighted with the reflection that, of all he sees, there is nought but combines the useful with the beautiful. The slope of the highlands is divided into five distinct ridges, all having a general north and south direction. The most eastern of them enters the town of Manlius from the east and extends north to the Erie Canal. The second ridge lies between Limestone and Butternut Creeks, and forms the highlands of Pompey, part of those of Manlius, LaFayette and DeWitt. The third range, between Butternut and Onondaga Creeks, comprises the highlands of the central part of LaFayette, the west part of DeWitt, and the east portions of Tully and Onondaga, and extends to the city of Syracuse. The fourth range, between Onondaga and Nine Mile Creeks, comprises the highlands of Otisco, the west part of Tully, LaFayette and Onondaga, and the east parts of Marcellus and Camillus. The fifth range, lying between Nine Mile and Skan eateles Creeks, and Otisco and Skaneateles Lakes, comprises the highlands of Spafford, the west parts of Marcellus and Camillus, and the east parts of Skaneateles and Elbridge. The summits of the valleys between these ranges are in the towns of Pompey, Fabius and Tully, or south of the county line. The highest peaks of the ranges of hills are in Spafford, Pom pey, Otisco and and LaFayette. The streams that drain these valleys to the south, are the head branches of the Tioughnioga River, one of the tributaries of the Susquehanna. Limestone and Butternut Creeks unite their waters and flow into the Chittenango, a few miles before that stream en ters Oneida Lake. Onondaga and Nine Mile Creeks run into Onondaga Lake. The Skaneateles crosses into Cayuga county just before it discharges its waters into the Seneca River. Seneca River enters the west part of the county from Cross Lake, flowing between the towns of Elbridge and Lysan der, and along the northern bounds of Van Buren and Geddes, to within less than half a mile of On ondaga Lake, where it receives the outlet of that body of water ; then turning north, it runs along the west line of Clay to Three River Point, where it receives the Oneida River. At this place the combined waters take the name of Oswego River, 56 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. which empties into Lake Ontario in the city of Oswego. These various streams and bodies of water, with their tributaries, are so evenly distributed over the surface that the whole county is wonderfully well supplied with water for use and with power to drive machinery. Seneca River has a dam giving a fall at Baldwinsville of eight feet, and another at Phoenix, either of which would give sufficient power for a large manufacturing town. The several streams that flow through the valleys in the south part of the county, fall, on an average, not less than eight hundred feet ; after they are of sufficient size to be useful- in driving machinery, and at the northeast corner of the county, the united waters of the Limestone, Butternut and Chittenango make the valuable water power at Bridgeport. Many beautiful waterfalls are formed by the branches of the principal streams as they flow down the sides of the ranges of hills to the valleys. The most noted of the cascades is known as Pratt's Falls. Such is a general outline of the county of Onon daga. When it was first seen by the race of men who now cultivate its soil and manage its vast in dustries, it was covered with one dense forest of giant growth, excepting the few fields that the natives had subjected to their rude cultivation. What a series of struggles with the wilderness and with savage unsubdued nature, is implied in the contrast between that primitive condition and the present cultivated state of the country. "Through the deep wilderness where scarce the sun Can cast his darts, along the winding path The Pioneer is treading. In his grasp Is his keen ax, that wondrous instrument, That like the talisman transforms Deserts to fields and cities. He has left The home in which his early years were passed, And led by hope, and full of restless strength, Has plunged within the forest, there to plant His destiny. Beside some rapid stream He rears his log-built cabin. When the chains Of Winter fetter Nature, and no sound Disturbs the echoes of the dreary woods, Save when some stem cracks sharply with the frost ; Then merrily rings his ax, and tree on tree Crashes to earth ; and when the long, keen night Mantles the wilderness in solemn gloom, He sits beside the ruddy hearth, and hears The fierce wolf snarling at the cabin door, Or through the lowly casement sees his eye Gleam like a burning coal."* * Alfred B. Street. CHAPTER XIV. Geology of the County — Clinton Group — Niagara Limestone — Onondaga Salt Group — Water-lime Group — Oriskany Sandstone. ONONDAGA presents more features of inter est to the geologist than any other county of the State, or, perhaps, any like extent of country in the United States. Its rocks range east and west ; the order of succession being constant ; the lowest being at the northeast corner of the county, and the most recent at the southwest. Of the New York system of rocks, there outcrop in this county, the Clinton Group, Niagara Lime stone, Onondaga Salt Group, Water-lime Group, Oriskany Sandstone, Onondaga Limestone, Corni- ferous Limestone, Seneca Limestone, Marcellus Shales, Hamilton Group, Tully Limestone, Genesee Slate, and the lower measures of the Ithaca Group. These rocks are best observed by commencing at the northeast corner of the county and moving to the southwest, crossing their outcrop nearly at right-angles and in line of the greatest dip of the stratification. The starting point will be Oneida Lake, where the Clinton Group outcrops ; the end of the journey, Skaneateles Lake. The elevation of the starting point above tide is 369 feet ; the highest point passed over, Ripley Hill, the summit between Skaneateles and Otisco Lakes, and the highest land in the county, being 1,982! feet above tide. The distance, in a direct line from Oneida Lake to Ripley Hill, is thirty-two miles. The dip of the system of rocks in this direction, is very nearly twenty-six feet to the mile, giving for the distance 852 feet. It is very uniform, and is greatest in a line a little west of southwest, while the general line of the outcrop is nearly east and west. These rocks were deposited in that vast sea that once overspread this part of the Continent, all of them being sedimentary and filled with evi dences of an abundant, animal life. When they were lifted above the sea by those vast internal forces that were constantly changing the form of the crust of the earth, they were tilted from the level position in which they had* been deposited. The point of greatest upheaval being far to the northeast of this county, only part of one of the slopes comes under our observation. The hills rise in a direction opposite to that of the dip of the rocks. The surface rising, m the thirty-two miles, over sixteen hundred feet, the bot tom of our lowest rock falling in the same distance more than eight hundred and fifty-two feet, a sec tion of these formations would show a wedge 2,465 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 57 feet thick at the southwest end, regular on the lower side, but on the upper broken by unequal steps, due to the varying thickness of the different strata. The surface waters run northerly, while those un derneath flow in the opposite direction. Springs are not to be looked for along the unbroken line of the outcrop of the rocks, but in the sides of the various valleys that cut this slope, at, or nearly at, right angles, or on the north sides of such valleys as are parallel with the line of the outcrop. Any attempt to procure water by flowing artesian wells would probably prove unsuccessful. The rocks that outcrop in this county once extended over the present surface far to the north, but by the action of glaciers and water, they have been broken down, ground up, and strewn along the valleys that have been scored out across the line of their present outcrop, and those with which' they connect, far ' beyond the southern limits of the county and State. This point will be more fully discussed hereafter, a description of the rocks being first necessary. Clinton Group. — The northernmost and lowest rock is known as the Clinton Group. It is seen in the counties east and west of this, underlies the whole north line of this county, and appears on both sides of the west end of Oneida Lake. " This group is characterized by its iron ore beds and its marine plants."* The iron appears in this county, only in small quantities, the rock being covered with alluvium except at a few points. The best place to observe it is near the west end of Oneida Lake, at Brewerton. There the shale appears along the bank of the outlet and in the hill in the village. The north part of the towns of Lysander, Clay and Cicero lies on this rock, and the soils of these towns are to some extent made up of the materials of which it is composed. Prof. Emmons says of it that its most interesting feature " consists in the rapid changes in the strata which enter into its formation, and which taken together form a most heterogene ous assemblage of materials ; for this reason the group was called in an early stage of the survey, the Protean Group. The formation consists of layers and beds composed of green, blue and brown, sandy and argillaceous shales, alternating with greenish brown sandstones, conglomerates on peb bly beds, and oolitic iron ore. These different kinds of material rapidly succeed each other. The parts of this formation which are most persistent are the green shales, whose color, however, inclines more to blue than green where they have not been exposed to weathering. The sandstone, which is rather harsh, in consequence of the preponderance of * Vanuxum. 8* sharp, angular grains, is also greenish or greenish gray."* It rests on the Medina sandstone, which in turn rests on the gray sandstone of Oswego, " which," according to Emmons, " is identical with the gray, thick-bedded sandstone of the Hudson River series." These rocks furnish the material for much of the drift which covers the north part of the county. The Clinton Group is found in Ohio, Pennsylva nia and Canada. In this State, according to Mr. Hall, it is not more than eighty feet thick. Niagara Limestone. — Resting on the Clinton Group, and next in order, we find the Niagara Limestone, so called from its being the rock which forms the famous cataract of that name. In Onon daga this is a thin rock, thinner at the east side than at the west. It crosses the east line of the county at Bridgeport, forming a bar across Chitten- ango Creek and thus creating a valuable mill power. It outcrops at various places in the town of Cicero, and on Mr. Whiting's farm, where it is extensively quarried for the valuable building stone it affords, it presents a surface of fifteen acres, but thinly covered with soil. It has been used to a limited extent for burning into lime. The layers are respectively fourteen, seven, three and four inches thick. Below these the courses are thin and of no value. The whole thickness at Whiting's is three feet. The seams are frequent, making the quarry easy to work. This stone has been quarried at several other points along its outcrop to the west line of the county. The most important openings are north of Bald- winsville and near the northwest corner of the town of Lysander. This rock contains "some geodes, lined with rhombic crystals of carbonate of lime, and gypsum, in small globular accretions, at Whit ing's quarry."f " It differs so much in its appear ance here from the western geodiferous limestone of the lower falls of the Mississippi that it would hard ly be recognized as the same rock, if it could not be traced almost uninterruptedly in its western route ; but it marks the termination of the Ontario division, of the State Reports, and is the upper measure of a distinct era in geological history, whose importance cannot be well estimated.":*: The Onondaga Salt Group rests on the Niagara limestone. The lower part of this formation is the Red Shale, upon which, and in some cases ming ling with it is placed the Green Shale, the two con stituting the whole group. Embraced within the Green Shale are the Gypsum beds, and the ver micular, or porous lime rock. This group is very * Emmons. fVa \ Emmons. 58 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. extensive, reaching from near the Hudson River quite across the State. All the Gypsum masses of Western New York are found in it, and from it flows all the salt water used for making salt in On ondaga and Cayuga counties. The Erie Canal runs near the line of division between the Rdd and Green Shales for the whole width of the county. The level district north of the canal and south of the Niagara outcrop, is nearly all based on the Red Shale, while the slope reaching from the canal to the Water-lime range, on the south, is principally made up of the Green Shale. The average width of the Red Shale is about seven miles, that of the Green about three. The Red Shale, as computed from the dip and elevation, is three hundred and forty-one feet thick at the line of the Erie Canal south of Onondaga Lake ; the surface of that lake being very nearly three hundred feet above the Niagara limestone. It is generally covered with drift, composed of lime, gravel, sand, and small stones, made up mostly of the Medina sandstone, and the gray sandstones of Oswego county, with occasional beds of clay. The Red Shale is described by Prof. Emmons as properly a red marl, soft throughout, except a few thin strata of sandstone near the top, but even these fall to pieces and cannot be employed at all for pur poses of construction. Wherever it crops out it is covered with its own debris. He determined that one hundred grains of the most sandy part, and the same amount of the softer kinds, were combined in the following proportions : Sandy. Marly. Silex 68.25 68.86 Peroxide of iron and alumina 6.25 14.98 Magnesia 5.75 0.40 Carbonate of lime - 10.25 9-89 Phosphate of alumina, and phos phate of peroxide of iron 00.00 0.14 Organic matter 6.00 4.50 Water : 1.00 6.48 99.50 99.25 In some places this Red Shale is so soft that it is extensively manufactured into brick ; in others, the sand is in layers, having thin strata of clay between them. " Nowhere has a fossil been discovered in it, or a pebble, or anything extraneous, except a few thin layers of sandstone and its different colored shales and slate."* Owing to whirls and eddies in those surges which beat down and ground up these rocks, numerous conical shaped hills, generally somewhat longer from north to south than from east to west, and differing in size from a few acres to several * Vanuxum. hundred, have been dotted over the surface of the western part of this formation like hay cocks in a meadow. The largest one is north of the valley of Nine Mile Creek. The Erie Canal passes around it on the south and the Central Railroad on the north. It is two hundred feet in height, containing about a thousand acres of drift, and so level is the plain on which it stands, that a canal without a lock might surround it. These drift hills also abound in the district embraced by the Green Shales, but the transported stones which cover them have a greater proportion of granite boulders of large size. Gypseous or Green Shales, Containing the Beds of Gypsum. — Immediately upon, and united with the Red Shales, we find the plaster-bearing, Green Shales. The line of division is not well determined,— the red, green, and yellow colored, with some of a blue cast, intermingle for a few feet in thickness. The color of this upper measure of - the salt group is variable through its whole thick ness, being sometimes nearly white, then drab, but it has received its name from the prevailing green. A better name would be the Gypseous Shales, as the term Green Shales is sometimes applied to portions of the Clinton Group. In the Gypseous Shale large masses are found that Prof. Eaton called vermicular lime rock. This rock is essentially calcarious, strong ly resembling porous or cellular lava. In color, it is a dark gray or blue rock, perforated everywhere with curvilinear holes, but very compact between the holes. These holes vary from microscopic to half an inch in diameter. They are generally very irregular, and communicate in most instances with each other. The resemblance of no small part of the rock to lava is perfect ; but the structure of the cells leaves no doubt as to their mineral origin. The cells show that parts of the rock were disposed to separate into thin layers which project into cells, evidently the result of the simultaneous forming of the rock, and of a soluble mineral, whose removal caused the cells in question. This view is confirmed by the discovery in this rock of those forms which are due to common salt, showing that a soluble saline min eral had existed in it, had acquired shape in the rock, and had subsequently been dissolved, leaving a cav ity or cavities."* There are two masses of this vermicular rock — one low down, of about twenty feet in thickness, appearing on James street, Syracuse, and at various other places ; the upper mass is thin ner ; but its thickness is not uniform. In the lower mass, on James street, are some specimens of crys talline character, being serpentines, the action of * Vanuxum. HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 59 crystallization having been local, producing selenite sometimes erroneously called mica. Between the two layers of vermicular limestone are the hopper-formed masses. Perhaps these hop per-formed rocks possess more interest for the geol ogist than any other part of the group, because they are supposed to furnish proof of the origin of the salt water, of so much importance to the industry of this part of the State. These forms are pro duced, it is asserted, by the crystallization of salt before the hardening of clay. The supposition being that while the whole mass was in the form of mud, having a large quantity of dissolved salt mixed with it, the salt, (in precisely the same manner observable in the process of the manufacture of solar salt,) was attracted particle to particle, and assumed the form of a hopper, the mud filling it up; then, by the action of water falling • on the surface and percolating through the mass that had become full of cracks in the pro cess of drying, the salt was dissolved and carried down upon the more compact strata below, and by the dip of the strata carried into rather than out of, the hill. No other common soluble mineral present ing similar forms, and the fact that all our salt water is found below, and near these hopper-formed rocks, give great force to this theory. The absence of salt around these hopper-formed rocks is accounted for by their being so near the surface that the rains must long ago have carried it away. If an excava tion were made further south, where the overlying rocks are thick enough to protect the salt-bearing rocks from the action of water, undissolved salt might be found. Prof. Emmons gives the composition of the hop per-formed masses as follows : Water of absorption -56 Organic matter- 5°° Silex 3456 Carbonate of lime 43°° Alumina and protoxide of iron 13-36 Sulphate of lime Magnesia 1. 00 2.17 99.71 Besides the minerals described as being in, and belonging to this shale, we have yet to mention the beds of gypsum. This valuable mineral is found in various places in the upper parts of the Salt Group, throughout the whole county. It is extensively quarried in the towns of Manlius, DeWitt, On ondaga, Camillus and Elbridge. The largest openings are in the town of DeWitt, north- east from Jamesville. It is here found in masses more than thirty feet thick, of an excellent quality, and is sold on the bank of the canal, some times, at less than one dollar per ton. Some very valuable quarries are worked in the town of Camil lus. The railroad cutting along the valley of Nine Mile Creek exposes large masses. The whole thick ness of the gypseous shale is 295 feet. One hundred grains in six ounces of rain water, yield, of the debris of the shale, 6.53, of which 1.03 is vegetable matter, and 5.50 saline. Prof. Emmons gives an analysis of the water of Mr. Geddes' well at Fairmount, which receives its water through a seam in the vermicular lime rock, as follows : One quart evaporated slowly to dryness, the last part of the process being performed in a platinum capsule, gave Solid matter 8.72 Organic matter 1,44 Saline 7.25 " The water of the Hydrant Company, which supplies Syracuse, contains forty grains of saline matter to the gallon. It consists of the chlorides of sodium and calcium, sulphates of lime and alumina, with some organic matter."* The springs that are discharged from these rocks deposit tufa. Only a few fossils are found in the upper part of the Gypseous Shales. Prof. Hall assigns the rocks composing the salt group to a mud volcano that was " charged with saline matter and corroding acids which would alone destroy all organism." ' Vanuxum says that the salt group as a whole presents the same order of saline deposits, includ ing iron, observed in the salt vats where solar evaporation is carried on. The first deposit in the vats is ferruginous, being red oxide of iron, and staining of a red color whatever it falls upon ; the next deposit which takes place is the gypsum ; the third is the common salt, the magnesian and cal cium chlorides remaining in solution. The group shows first a thick mass, colored red with iron, be ing its Red Shale ; above which are the gypseous masses ; towards the upper part of which are the salt cavities ; the sulphate of magnesia exists above the whole of these deposits, its existence there be ing manifested by the needle-form cavities. Water lime is the name given to the next group of rocks. It rests on the Gypseous Shales, and is in all 127 feet thick. The lower measures are irregu lar in their formation, having uneven beds, with layers of varying thickness. This part of the rock is used mostly for farm fences, to which purpose it is well adapted, resisting the action of frost, and being so thin as to require little skill in laying, mak ing it the most durable fence known. That * Emmons. 6o HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. part used for making cement is on the top, and con sists of two layers from three to four feet thick. " Color drab, dull in its fracture, and composed of minute grains with usually but few lines of division. The upper of these courses burns more easily than the lower. When burned, it is ground fine and mixed with sand — one part of lime to from two to six parts of sand, according to its quality and the speed with which it is desirable the cement should set. Owing to its property of preserving its form and hardening under water, it is used with stone or brick in the construction of cisterns, and without any other substance but sand, for pipes for conduct ing water from springs. Such is its strength that a cylinder of pure cement and sand, six inches in diam eter, of one inch calibre, buried three feet in the ground, after some years became closed at the lower end, and the pipe sustained the pressure of a column of water forty feet in height. The best practical tests for persons unskilled in judging of the quality of this lime for cement, are : The stone when burned must not slake on the application of water ; when ground, the cement must set quickly on being wet ; keep its form under water, and harden till it becomes as hard as a well burnt brick. It is sometimes in jured by being burned too much, and very often it is not ground fine enough. Mr. Delafield says of water-lime : "If it contains twenty per cent of clay, it will slake, but will also cement. If it contains an amount of clay equal to thirty per cent it will not slake well, nor heat, but forms an excellent cement." Sanzin, in his work on Civil Engineering (p. 20) says : " Being master of the proportions of hydraulic lime, we can give any degree of energy required. Common lime will bear even twenty per cent of argile ; medium lime — that is, that which is a mean between com mon and meagre lime — will take from five to fifteen per cent of argile. When we augment the quantity to forty parts of clay to one hundred of lime, the lime does not slake, the mixture is pulverant, and when moistened, it becomes solid, immediately, when immersed into water." The Onondaga Water-lime is simply an impure lime, having clay enough in it to make it resist the action of water. Large quan tities of hydraulic cement are manufactured from our rocks and sent in barrels wherever required. There are some courses of this group known by the local name of blue lime, which being too pure in lime for cement, are burnt for quick lime, and are also used for building purposes. Six varieties of fossils found in it, are represented in the State Re ports. Localities. — About three-fourths of a mile south west of the village of Manlius, this rock forms the "falls" in Limestone Creek. "The lower layers contain a large proportion of ordinary lime, free from all accretions of a silicious nature, and there fore make a first quality of lime." The most exten sive exposure of water-lime is about a mile south of the village of Manlius, at Brown's saw mill. But ternut Creek, below Jamesville, near Dunlop's mill, exposes it in large quantities. It is also found in Onondaga Valley and Split Rock quarry, where it appears in the face of the precipice all along for miles. The only additional localities necessary to mention are the crossing of Nine Mile Creek and Skaneateles Creek, over the rocks. The width of surface underlaid by water-lime varies constantly ; small outliers, in some places, extend over the gyp seous group, but in many places the outcrop is pre cipitous. On the whole, perhaps, the average width of land on the outcrop is not more than a quarter of a mile. Oriskany Sandstone. — This rock, which lies next above the water lime, is of variable thickness in this county, owing to the uneven surface upon which it was deposited. At Manlius it is but a few inches in thickness, while to the southwest of the village of Onondaga Valley it is seven feet, and at Split. Rock there is only a trace to be seen. Again it thickens, and on the road from Elbridge to Skane ateles it is about thirty feet thick. This sandstone, with some exceptions, consists of medium sized quartz sand, such as is derived from the primary rocks. The fossils are interesting, and may be found represented in the State Reports. Some of this stone from the Skaneateles quarries was used in constructing locks when the Erie Canal was first made, and was found to wear very well. It is used in the vicinity of the quarry for various structures. CHAPTER XV. Geology Continued — Onondaga Limestone— Corniferous Limestone — Seneca Limestone —Marcellus Shales — Hamilton Group— Tully Limestone — Genesee Slate — Ithaca Group. ONONDAGA LIMESTONE.— The next in the ascending order is the Onondaga lime stone, reaching in a well defined wall across the county, and easily traced from the Helderberg near Albany to Lake Erie. This rock may be easily recognized by its many fossils, its gray color, crys talline structure and toughness. " It abounds in smooth encrinal stems {encinites lavis) which is found only in this rock in the State ; some of these HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 61 stems are about an inch in diameter, and usually they are over half an inch. In almost all cases they are replaced by lamellar carbonate of lime."* At Split Rock, where it is extensively quarried, it is twenty-four feet thick. Its power to resist the action of air, water and frost ; its strength and ability to sustain great weight without crushing ; the ease with which it may be worked ; its evenness of texture and soundness, giving it capability of be ing worked into elaborate mouldings, (the Court House in Syracuse presenting a sample of this quality ;) render it the most valuable stone for building of any known in this country. The Roch ester Aqueduct and other principal structures on the enlarged Erie and Oswego Canals in this vicinity, have been made from this stone. It is used as a marble, bearing a high polish, and presenting a beautiful appearance when so polished as to bring out the fossils perfectly. It is generally nearly pure lime, and when burned, will, in the process of slaking, so increase in bulk that two parts become five. Its analysis by Lewis C. Beck, gives Carbonate of lime 99-30 Oxide of iron .20 Insoluble matter, (sillica and alumina.) .40 99.90 The slaked lime is of purest white. This rock forms terraces in some places, in others it presents perpendicular walls for its whole thickness. The two most marked precipices are, the one at Split Rock, and the other northwest of Jamesville, near one of the Green Lakes. The top of the precipice at Split Rock is 810 feet above tide. Very little of the surface is exposed, the overlying rock in most places covering, and extending to, and forming part of, the perpendicular precipice before referred to. The local name is gray lime. The directions of the vertical joints of this rock are N. 33 to 35 degrees E., and S. 55 to 57 degrees E., dividing the benches into convenient size for working. The surface shows slight scratches, running north and south. " The lower ledges of the limestone frequently con tain black pebbles whose water-worn character admits of no doubt. When fractured they show identity with the sandstone nodules or accretions found in the Oriskany sandstone."* Corniferous Limestone.— Next above, and ly ing on the Onondaga, are the Corniferous and Seneca Limestones, which are divided in the State Reports merely because the upper measures have a fossil (Stropkomena Lincata) not found below. The line of division between the Helderberg series and the next above is determined by these fossils. * Vanuxum. Corniferous is the name given to this limestone by Prof. Eaton in his survey of the Erie Canal, from its containing flint or horn stone in nodules arranged in parallel layers. The lime furnished by this rock is not pure, especially the lower layers ; the upper, or what is called Seneca limestone, is extensively quarried at Marcellus, showing vertical joints and giving nearly square corners. The courses at the top of the quarry are about seven inches thick and lie immediately below the Black Shales ; lower down they are thicker. The Corni ferous limestone may be traced by its outcrop all the way through the county, the top of the rock sometimes barely covered with earth, presenting plateaus which slope to the south and west in the direction of the dip. Near Manlius village, west of Jamesville, and north of Onondaga Hill, these plains are widest. The general width of this exposure of Corniferous and Seneca Limestone is less than half a mile. At Split Rock it is 849 feet above tide, and is forty feet thick. With it terminates the Helderberg division. Marcellus Shales is the name given to the black rock that rests on the Helderberg range. " It is characterized by its color and by exhaling a bituminous odor when rubbed. It is a slate, thin- bedded and easily broken, and disintegrates rapidly under the action of water and frost. The silico- argillaceous matter predominates over the calcari- ous. There is sufficient lime to effervesce with mineral acids. The lower part of the rock is more highly charged with lime than the upper."* It contains small particles of coal, and many excava tions have been made in it in the hope of finding this valuable mineral in sufficient quantities to make the mining profitable. These excavations are no longer made, and the general spread of geologi cal knowledge has taught the public that there is no hope of finding coal in this rock in remunera tive quantities. Its peculiar fossil is the Marcellus Goniatite, which, with some others, is represented in the State Reports. It also abounds in oval bodies called Septaria, which are impure limestone, the materials of which were deposited along with the shaly matter ; but, in consequence of the play of affinities, the calcarious part separated from the great mass of shaly matter, and the molecules com bined to form the bodies under consideration. Dur ing the process of drying, the argillo-calcarious matter shrinks and cracks, forming thereby septa, which are subsequently filled by infiltration, either with calcite or the sulphate of barytes or stron- tian."f At Manlius, a black limestone, from five to *E mmons. \ Emmons. t>2 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. ten feet thick, is found in the midst of the shales. It is weathered out into extremely rough masses, so that the persons who worked it usually called it "chawed rock'.' Its composition does not differ ma terially from that of the Septaria, and will increase in value and importance when it is known that these masses make the true Roman Cement* There is a fault in the rock about a mile west of Manlius village. It is quite local. At Marcellus numerous sink holes exist in the underlying stones, into which portions of the upper masses have fallen. This shale is said to be thicker in Onondaga County than anywhere else, forming throughout the base of the next group, between which and the one now under consideration no well defined line of division has yet been observed. The Marcellus Shales, in addition to lime, contain carbonate of magnesia. The line between the rocks denominated in the State Reports Marcellus and Hamilton Shales, is not easily determined except by an examination of the fossils. As we ascend the slope the rocks become more sandy, lose their color and slaty character, until we find ourselves upon those which are in the main silicious, containing very little calcarious or magnesian matter. Hamilton Group.— "This group abounds in fos sils, such as shells, corals, trilobites, fucoids, and a few plants resembling those of marine origin. In organic remains it is the most prolific of all the New York rocks. (The characteristic ones are repre sented in the State Reports.) It extends from near the Hudson to Lake Erie, and consists of shale, slate and sandstone, with endless mixtures of these ma terials. They form three distinct mineral masses as to kinds, but not as to superposition or arrangement, though generally the sandy portion is in the middle of the group."* This rock, with the Marcellus Shales, covers a large part of the county south of the Helderberg range, appearing in the towns of Manlius, Pompey, Onondaga, Marcellus, Skane ateles, Spafford, LaFayette, Otisco and Tully. The thickness of the Marcellus and Hamilton Shales, by computing the dip, is 691 feet. The top of the group, at a point east of and near Skaneateles Lake, is 1,111 feet above tide. The two points from which this calculation is made, — one of them being near the north east corner of lot 83 of the town of On ondaga, the other on the east side of Skaneateles Lake, — are distant from each other sixteen and a half miles in a direct line. The whole surface em braced in this distance is cut into deep valleys run ning nearly north and south, and at the crossing of every stream that flows down the slopes, the rocks * Vanuxum. are exposed in steep precipices. In many places they are denuded of their own debris, and as a result vegetation is comparatively stinted. The Tully Limestone rests on the Hamilton Group and marks the line of division between it and the Genesee Slates. This rock varies from fourteen to twenty feet in thickness. It is an impure, fine grained limestone, " dark or blackish blue, breaking into irregular fragments, owing to the particles of carbonate of lime separating from a mixed mass of innumerable points. It makes a good but not white lime."* It is the most southern mass of limestone in the State. There are two fossils wholly peculiar t0 it — the Cuboidal Atrypa, and the Tully Orthis— which are represented in the State Reports. This rock is seen on the west side of the Delphi Valley and at Tinker's Falls, near the county line, " where the water flows over the rock about fifty feet, which projects ten or fifteen feet beyond the shale beneath it. The usual fossils are present." It also appears at various points in the town of Tully, from which it takes its name. On the west side of the valley of Onondaga Creek and in the vicinity of Vesper, it has been burned for lime. It underlies nearly the whole of the town of Otisco. The valley of Otisco Lake cuts it, the outcrop being seen on both sides of the lake. About a mile south of Borodino, in the town of Spafford, it presents a bold wall from which stone for lime and building has been taken. The line of the outcrop is easily traced along the east side of Skaneateles Lake, from this point till the county line is passed. This rock probably underlies and makes the floor of Cortland Valley for a great distance south. The most northerly point at which it appears is in the northeast corner of the town of Otisco ; but from the elevation of the town of Pompey, it must underlie a considerable portion of that town, although it is so covered with soil that it cannot be seen. The Tully limestone terminates all those deposits in which calcarious matter forms an essential part. The Genesee Slate resting on the Tully lime stone, underlies and forms the hills and most of the soils in the south part of the towns of Pompey.Fabius, Tully, Otisco and Spafford. Vanuxum says of the rock,that it is an argillaceous fissile mass, which, with great propriety, might be termed in English local geological phraseology, a mu'd rock. The few fossils it contains are represented in the State Reports. It may readily be known by its black color, slaty formation and position, — being between the Tully limestone and the sandstone flags of the base of the Ithaca group. * Vanuxum, HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 63 The Ithaca Group is the last formation that requires a description in giving the geology of Onondaga county. But a small portion of the soil is formed from it, as it merely appears on the tops of the highest hills. Vanuxum describes it as " a mass of hard, coarse shale and sandstone, dark in color, often brown after exposure, owing probably to manganese." A characteristic fossil is found near, but south of the county line, at Scott's Corners, the fnterstriate Strophomena, which is represented in the State Reports. Above these rocks, but beyond the limits of this county, rise the Chemung, Catskill, Old Red Sandstone, Con glomerate and Coal Measures, all representing a northern outcrop, and having a dip that goes to show that the whole belongs to one upheaval from the sea, in which these rocks that furnish the material for our soils were formed during those vast periods of time which the Supreme Being has employed in storing up these resources for supply ing the comforts that now surround man's happy dwelling places. Marl and Tufa. — " Marl is a carbonate of lime which has separated from its solvent in water, the latter preventing its particles from cohering and allowing them to subside in the state of calcari ous mud. It is in many cases constantly depositing from water holding lime in solution."* On the north side of the Helderberg range there are exten sive beds of marly tufa that are due to the dissolv ing of the calcarious rocks of that group. On the south side marl is found in various places, due to water percolating through limestone gravel that has been transported from the Helderberg group. The southern deposits are inconsiderable when com pared with the great northern beds which extend, nearly unbroken, from east to west across the coun ty. The principal localities of marl, due to drift de posits, are in the towns of Fabius and Tully. In both these towns marl has been fashioned into the form of brick, dried and burned into lime, making a very superior article for finishing walls, and selling at about twice the price of lime burned from the common limestone. The lakes of Tully are con stantly depositing marl. The waters that supply these lakes run through pebbles of limestone and are thus charged with calcarious matter, which in- crusts every twig or' obstruction that it meets. Cicero Swamp is a bed of lake marl. Onondaga and Cross Lakes have many feet of it all over their beds. The railroad, as it approaches the tunnel east of Syracuse, exposes, by the excavation, a section of great interest, " showing in the ditch, clay, and * Vanuxum. two deposits of marl, which separate three deposits of muck, with stumps and roots chiefly of tamarack and balsam."* Southeast of the village of DeWitt, in excavating for the canal feeder, stumps were found some feet below the surface, showing that a forest had been destroyed by some rise in the water, caused perhaps by a dam of driftwood. The trees died and decayed to the surface of the water, the stumps being preserved by the water. In time the pond filled up with alluvium, and again there was a forest of cedars. In the swamp north of the canal, in the town of Van Buren, there is an ex tensive deposit of marl, and it is found in various other places, in some cases pure enough to make valuable lime, and in others so mixed with earth as to be merely a calcarious clay. There are many places south of the Helderberg range where the springs deposit calcarious matter in the form of tufa. These masses are constantly increasing as the water flows over them, and casts off leaves and parts of trees around them. Cal carious tufa is found all along the base of the Helderberg range wherever a spring flows out. Below the gypseous rocks it is seen in large masses. These rocks being permeable to water, this fluid becomes charged with lime, and when it appears on the surface the tufa is deposited. The deposits are numerous in the towns of Manlius, De Witt and Camillus. " Along Nine Mile Creek it has the crystalline character of alabaster, showing suc cessive layers also, and in quantity suitable for the smaller purposes for which that beautiful substance is used when polished."! Ferruginous tufa, stained with hydrate of iron, is found two and a half miles northeast of Syracuse in quite an extensive deposit, on land formerly owned by Mr. Wheeler. There is another and similar one on Nine Mile Creek below the village of Marcellus. These deposits of ferruginous tufa, and a small one of bog ore, on the Oneida River, are due to the decomposition of rocks containing iron, or are derived from the soil by the agency of decomposing vegetable matter. In the town of Fabius, on Limestone Creek, there is a large quantity of tufa, showing the three varieties, — the earthy, solid or horsebone, as it is called, and the ferruginous. Peat, or Muck, is found in great abundance in the swamps and low grounds. The conditions nec essary for its production, are permanent moisture, with a subsoil of either clay or marl, impermeable to water. It is formed of successive growths of vegetation which have died and become brown or black. It is spongy and retentive of water, and by * Vanuxum. f Ibid. 64 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. successive growths has raised its bed, so that it appears in mounds and hillocks. In some localities this is aided greatly by deposits of tufa constantly forming beneath it. Usually the surface is soft, yielding to pressure and trembling when walked upon. In the town of Clay, in this county, are extensive beds of peat, which, judging from experi ments recently made by Mr. James M. Hart, promise to be of great importance as fuel. An analysis of a specimen of compressed peat, from the works of Mr. Hart, made by Francis E. Engelhardt, Ph. D., Chemist for the Salt Company, Syracuse, in March, 1877, gave the following result : Moisture expelled at 212 Fah't 12.17 Volatile matter 52.84 Fixed carbon 24.62 Ash 10.37 100.00 The specific gravity was found to be, after the es cape of the moist air, above 1,300. Of the peat charcoal, also made at the works of Mr. Hart, Dr. Engelhardt gives the following analysis : Fixed carbon 67.20 Moisture, volatile matter and ash 32.80 100.00 CHAPTER XVI. Agriculture — ¦ Classification of Soils — Cli mate — Timber — Clearing Land — Picture of Pioneer Life — Productions of the County. THE soils are the basis of agriculture, and therefore require first to be considered in any treatise on that subject. North of the Erie Canal, in Onondaga county, the sandy and clay soils prevail. The sand predominates in some districts, in others the clay, while in larger areas they are mixed in the proportions best calculated to keep the soil from being too heavy and tenacious, on the one hand, or too loose and friable, on the other. This desirable combination is known as loam, and is the character of a large portion of the drift soil in the northern part of the county. In a belt lying along the south side of the canal and extending to the Marcellus Shales, there is less of drift and the soil is more directly due to the de composition of the underlying rocks of the salt group and the Helderberg range. These soils come under the head of clayey loams. The rest of the county to the south is divided by valleys and ranges of- hills, whose general course is north and south. The valleys are covered with drift and alluvium, while the hills have soils formed principally from the decomposition of the shales that underlie them constituting a soil that would best be classed as loam. The drift of the northern part of this county is derived from the rocks which outcrop here and from those which are seen farther to the north. The Medina sandstone contributes largely to the soil, in which we find also considerable portions of granitic rocks. The decomposing feldspar and mica of the granite give alkalies to the soil, which are so combined with silica that they are comparatively unaffected by the water, and are retained in the soil for the use of plants. The lime of the Helderberg range constitutes the principal part of the drift of the southern valleys, and therefore wheat is pro duced in them with profit. The late David Thomas in a letter to Dr. Emmons, says : " Generally it is good wheat land as far south as the detritus from our limestone formations has been abundantly spread. The current that swept over this country took a southerly direction, and wherever the slate rocks were exposed to its action, a portion of them became mixed with the soil ; thus, near such localities, the soil is less calcarious and less favorable to wheat. The drift from our rocks grows less and less as we go south, and as it grows scarcer, the fragments have become more worn and rounded in their progress, giving a less and less proportion of the diluvial formation. About twenty miles south of the Pennsylvania line every trace of our rocks disappears. The people residing on the Susque hanna used to supply themselves with lime by gath ering and burning small fragments of rounded stones from the shores, much of them not larger than gravel, and which doubtless were swept from this district." Of the formation of soils Dr. Emmons says : " The composition, liability to solution, the struct ure and position of rocks, have an important bearing on the discussion of the formation of soils. Each of the groups respectively impart to the overlying soils some of their distinguishing characteristics, and in a good measure make them what they are. Transporting agencies modify them by interming ling soils that have originated from rocks that are to be found at a distance. Unless the beds of drift are deep, it will be found that the underlying rocks give a stronger character to the soft materials than is usually supposed. Limestones are liable to a con stant loss of materials by the solvent properties of rain water, which holds carbonic acid in solution, This is favored by rough and uneven surfaces on which water will stand. Polished surfaces are acted on but little. The shales and slates disintegrate rapidly— water and frost are the agents." Of the wearing down of silicious limestone, or calcarious sandstones, he says : " The lime dissolves out, leaving the sand on the surface, which falls off and leaves a new surface, from HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 65 which the lime is dissolved and the sand falls. The dissolved lime, however, does not all pass into and re main in the soil, but is carried down and forms, very frequently, with other materials, a hard pan, or pud dling stone, or concretions, the lime acting as a cement. In other instances it percolates into and through the rocks and forms stalactites, veins or other deposits. Lime is removed from the soil in the same manner that it is from the rocks Thus this element is removed by vegetation and the ordinary action of rain water." These extracts, with what else has been said as to the formation of soils, it is judged will be suffi cient for a general description of the soils of Onon daga county. The composition of the rocks from which they are formed being given in the Geology, it is thought that a careful study of their constitu ents,, with some practical discrimination on the part of farmers, with reference to drift and alluvial forma tions, will enable them to know, with sufficient certainty, what their lands are composed of, with out special analysis. The Climate of the county is favorable to the growth and perfection of the fruits, vegetables and cereals usually cultivated, although considerable difference of temperature is shown in the same sea son within the limits of the county, on account of different degrees of elevation. The differences, for example, between the average temperature of Pom pey Hill and that of Onondaga Valley, has been shown by observations taken at the academies of the respective places, during a period of sixteen years, to be 4.34 deg. Fah't. The difference in alti tude between the two places being 1,343 feet» the effect of elevation on temperature would be equal to one degree of the thermometer to each 309^ feet, which agrees substantially with what has been claimed by Coffin and others. The effect of this elevation was practically illus trated on the 15th day of September, 1859, the coldest day for the season ever known here. Every thing throughout the high portions of the county was destroyed by frost, while it was observed by those descending into the valleys that tobacco and corn were comparatively uninjured. The frost is not always as severe on Pompey Hill as the tem perature would indicate, on account of the free cir culation of air, which sometimes prevents damage to crops when those in the valleys are touched and injured. The year referred to above was an excep tional year, and yet little damage was done to crops except in the highest portions of the county. " In the town of DeWitt," says Mr. Geddes, " it was found that the leaves of unharvested tobacco showed slight injury, which grew less and less as the eleva tion diminished. Below the Helderberg range the effect of the frost was trifling. The outer ends of the corn leaves were touched as by a breath of fire, but the husks of the ears were safe, and the crop went on to maturity. On the great level north of the Erie Canal, except in a few localities, the crops were scarcely affected, and the ameliorating influ ence of Oneida Lake, combined with diminished elevation, was a perfect protection to vegetation on its borders. Every other large body of water did good service to the farmers that morning. In the vicinity of Skaneateles Lake, lima beans were the only vegetables touched. A month elapsed before we had another such a cold night. " The length of the summer season in the State generally, reckoning from the first blooming of the apple trees to the first killing frost, is 174 days. In Onondaga it is 174 to 180, thus giving us three more summer days than the average of the State, while Long Island has twelve and a half more, and St. Lawrence twenty-two days less than the average of the State." Unlike the pioneer settlers of the broad and already cleared prairies of the great West, the first farmers of Onondaga county encountered a forest of giant growth, from whose dominion a portion of the soil had to be redeemed by hard and persistent labor, with many accompanying privations, as pre liminary and necessary steps to making it yield them and their families a subsistence. At least one gene ration was worn out in this sturdy battle with the giant forest, in felling the trees, burning them as cumberers of the ground, splitting them into rails, and in making clearings and improvements suffi cient for comfortable homes for the next generation. The men who encountered the forest were the heroes of that age — the pioneers of civilization, the founders of new States. It required a hardihood and a perseverance which we of this generation can hardly appreciate. In some portions of this county the timber never would have been cleared away— never could have been — but for the fish in the waters and the game with which the woods abounded. These aided the pioneers and afforded them subsistence till they could raise a living from the soil. Let us follow the pioneer as he selects his home in the wilderness and erects his rude log cabin. The opening made in the woods at first is such only as is necessary to supply the logs for his cabin and the browse for his cattle. He has come a long journey with an ox team, and brought with him a cow, a couple of pigs and a few sheep. These, with a bed, two or three chairs, a pot and a kettle, and a few other indispensable articles for house-keeping, few and scanty, constitute his outfit and the bulk of his worldly wealth. The roof of his house is of peeled elm bark ; his scanty window is oiled paper, 66 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. for glass is a luxury which has not yet found its way to the new settlement. The floor of his cabin is of halves of split logs, the door is made of three hewed plank; no boards are to be had, for no saw mill is within accessible distance. There are yet no roads, no bridges across the streams. Miles and miles away through the dense forest is his nearest neighbor. This is the spot which the pioneer has chosen in which to carve out his future fortune. Against what fearful odds is he battling ? The trees which cover his estate with the growth of centuries are to be attacked and cleared away, and the land is to be paid for. The task surely is a herculean one, but he has a stout heart and a strong arm. A year or two pass away and we see the im provements which have been made. Our pioneer has chopped down and cleared a few acres. The front is fenced with a new rail fence, and a brush fence protects the ends and the rear. Near the house is a small patch cleared for a garden. Here he has raised some vegetables during the season, which have supplied the first delicacies to his cabin table. A crop of corn, pumpkins and potatoes has been raised among the charred and blackened logs, but the distance is so great to a mill, the quantity of corn so small that he can carry on horseback, or the the time consumed in going with his oxen and sled so great, that he has extemporized a contrivance for converting his corn into coarse meal. A mortar has been dug out in a hard wood log, and a pestle suspended to a spring-pole, and in this the corn is being pounded to supply the needs of the family, except on extraordinary occasions when wheaten bread, from the small amount of flour procured at great cost, is used as a luxury. But look again at our pioneer. Ten years are supposed to have passed away. The premises, late so rude, begin to have the appearance of careful management, thrift, and even comfort. Various crops are growing on many acres of cleared land. A payment has been made on the property. He has a neat framed barn built, a well, provided with curb and sweep, and a garden enclosed by a picket fence. A look into his fields shows a large increase in his stock. The improvements of his neighbors have reached his, so that he can now look out with out looking up. A school district has been organ ized, and a comfortable log school house appears in the distance. A framed bridge spans the stream in place of the primitive one built of logs. Our pioneer, we may venture to assume, is either Colonel or Captain of militia, Supervisor of the town or Justice of the Peace. Take another view of him. Forty-five years are supposed to have elapsed since we saw him first commencing his wilderness home. Not only is his home, but the homes of his neighbors around him, are in a well cultivated and rich section of farming country. His lands and tenements are free from debt. He has added to his primitive possessions, and secured lands for his sons, if not at home, in some one of the Western States, where they are also to become pioneers of new settlements. He has flocks and herds. The surplus produce in his granaries he is able to sell or keep, as he chooses. He is a forehanded, independent farmer, having founded and worked out his own fortune by long years of patient and persevering industry. As things have changed on his premises and in his home, so have they improved in the whole neighbor hood around him. There are fine cultivated fields, thrifty orchards, tasty and substantial farm build ings and neat cottages. The farms are well fenced and neatly kept. The steel plow, the cultivator, the mower and reaper, have taken the place of the old implements with which the pioneers began farm life. A prosperous hamlet has sprung up near by, where there are schools, churches, telegraph, express and post offices. This hamlet, moreover, is a rail road station, affording a market, and through which trains pass daily to and from the great cities and centres of commerce and intelligence. Such has been pioneer life and progress in the State of New York generally, nor is the sketch we have drawn less truly a picture of early settlement in Onondaga county. The forests which the farmers in a few genera tions have thus subdued, were originally dense, and the timber generally heavy. Large forests of white pine grew in the north part of the county, the stumps of which, on account of their resinous properties, last for ages in the soil. This disadvan tage, however, to clearing the land, is compensated for in another direction. The soil of the pine lands is usually so light and porous on the surface that the stumps may be lifted out of their beds in a perfectly sound condition by means of a stumping machine. This valuable invention enabled the peo ple of Cicero and the northern portion of the coun ty to clear their otherwise valuable and beautiful farms of the persistent incumbrance of pine stumps which for years had rendered them unsightly and seriously interfered with their cultivation. For many years the road between Syracuse and Brewer- ton was lined on both sides with these stumps set up on edge for fences. Since they have been dis posed of, the people of that section have as fine and HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 67 beautiful farms as are to be found in any portion of the county. The area of the pines in Onondaga county was chiefly in the northern portion, although they were found along the base of the Helderberg range, and a few scattering trees grew even above the cornifer ous limestone. White cedar abounded in the swamps north of the Helderberg range, and in small quantities among the pines in the southern swamps. Hemlock was very plenty in almost every part of the county, but most abundant in the north ern half. This valuable timber has been extensive ly used for building, fencing, for making salt barrels and the construction of plank roads. Tamarack, two varieties of spruce, hickory, white-wood, bass- wood, maple, beech, and white and black oak, have been prevailing timber in this county. Along the south side of the Gypseous shales were some pine trees of uncommon dimensions. Near the northeast corner of the town of Camillus, one was cut down that measured 230 feet as it lay on the ground ; another near it gave 154 feet of saw logs. They grew on land owned by Wheeler Truesdell. Some very large white oaks were found in the low lands north of the canal, and scattered among the scrub oaks of the Gypseous shales. One of them at Fairmount was saved when the other timber was cut away, but deprived of its surround ings, it soon died, and of consequence was cut down. The stump was five feet in diameter, and forty feet above, where the trunk was somewhat eliptical, the respective diameters measured four feet six inches, and three feet ten inches. The progress of improvement has swept away nearly all the original forests, so that not enough now remains to meet the demands for fuel. The coal mines of Pennsylvania are now largely drawn upon, not only by the manufacturers of salt, and inhabitants of the city of Syracuse and adjoining villages, but also by the farmers. From the first settlement of the county the " oak lands," as they have been called by the farmers, have been proverbial for their ability to produce wheat. All that tract of land once covered with oak and hickory, is the true wheat land ; the beech and maple lands are best adapted to pasturage, and the pine lands are generally well suited both to grain and grass. We have not space to introduce here the interest ing discussion of the clover plant as related to the agriculture of the county, the analyses of clover and clover ash furnished by Prof. Emmons and others ; but refer the reader to Transactions of the New York State Agricultural Society for 1859, in which the subject is elaborately treated by Hon. George Geddes. Wheat.— Previous to the year 1846, Onondaga county produced wheat of the best quality, and in such quantities that it was the great staple and the crop from which the farmers expected to realize their profits. In that year the midge destroyed the crop, and opened the eyes of the farmers to a dan ger they had not anticipated. The first remedy was the substitution of a variety of wheat then lit tle esteemed, the Mediterranean, which, on trial, es caped the ravages of the insect. At once this wheat was in demand for seed, and has since come into general use. It has gradually improved on the natural wheat soil of the county, till the flour made from it is perhaps equal in quality to that of the red chaff wheat formerly raised. Since the ravages of the midge began, more spring wheat has been raised) than formerly. A portion of the lands of the coun ty, the upper measures of the Hamilton group and the Genesee slates, represented in the town of Spafford, are best adapted to spring wheat, while Camillus and the lands situated on the shales of the Salt group, are best adapted to the production of winter wheat. Meadows and Pastures.— Over thirty per cent. of the improved lands of this county are devoted to pasture, and over eighteen per cent, to meadow. Red clover, timothy, and red-top are sown and cul tivated for pasture and hay. It is very rare that any other grass seeds are sown, but in most of the meadows and pastures which have stood a few years, white clover, spear grass, Kentucky blue grass, orchard grass, &c, make their appearance. In ordinary seasons, good farming will secure not less than two tons of hay to the acre, and this can be cut and properly taken care of for about $2.00 per ton. Tobacco. — The cultivation of tobacco as a crop was commenced in this county by Chester Moses and Nahum Grimes, both of the town of Marcellus, in 1845. They joined in hiring a man from Con necticut who was skilled in the culture. In 1846, Col. Mars Nearing, then of the town of Salina, raised ten acres, and soon others were engaged in a small way in raising this crop. The census of 1855 shows that in the preceeding year 471 1-8 acres were raised in the county, yielding 554,987 pounds, or an average yield of 1,178 pounds to the acre. It is thought that this crop pays a better profit, on suitable ground, and when skillfully handled, than any other raised here. The produc tion in 1859 was estimated by Mr. Benjamin Clark 68 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. of Marcellus, as amounting in value to $150,000, of which $25,000 worth was produced in Marcellus, $10,000 worth in Skaneateles, $20,000 worth in Van Buren, $10,000 worth in Lysander, $8,000 worth in Manlius, $5,000 worth in Camillus, $4,000 worth in Geddes, $8,000 worth in Salina, $6,000 worth in Elbridge, $8,000 worth in Onondaga, and the remainder divided among the other towns. In 1870, the census gave 1,255,400 pounds of tobacco raised in the county, distributed among the towns as follows : Camillus, 51,770 ; Cicero, 7,638 ; Clay, 123,039; DeWitt, 38,016; Elbridge, 2,808; Geddes, 3,900 ; LaFayette, 475 ; Lysander, 465,585 ; Manlius, 122,151 ; Marcellus, 45,293 ; Onondaga, 10,500; Pompey, 37,295; Salina, 31,550; Skane ateles, 33,150; Van Buren, 266,640. CHAPTER XVII. Comparative Statistics — Influential Agri culturists — County Agricultural Socie ties — The Present Joint Stock Company — General Agricultural Statistics of the County. ONONDAGA is one of the five counties of the State having farms of the highest cash valuation, the aggregate value of her farms being ^37,251,541. This is exceeded only by Monroe, Oneida, Westchester, and St. Lawrence counties, whose farms are valued respectively at $42,047,759, $40,21 1,650, $39>305,535, and $38,399.743- The county of Onondaga has the largest" amount of money invested in farm buildings other than dwellings, the aggregate being $4,798,545. The counties which come nearest this amount are re spectively, Dutchess, $4,718,928 ; Orange, $4,631,- 345 ; Oneida, $4,571,453 ; and St. Lawrence, $4,- 222,099. The gross sales of all the farm products of the State in 1875 were $121,187,467. Of this amount Onondaga county contributed $3,667,933, while she was the fourth in the number of acres plowed, namely, 119,340 acres. She was the fourth county also in Indian corn, her product being 894,723 bushels. In the yield of oats she was only exceeded by four counties in the State. The counties cutting the largest number of fleeces of wool in 1875 were Steuben, 80,617 ' Liv ingston, 68,832; Washington, 63,359; Ontario, 60,219; Genesee, 47,779; and Onondaga, 41,956. All these counties cut fewer fleeces than in 1855, although the weight of the fleeces in each county is increased. This county had among its early citizens some of the leading agriculturists of the State, both theo retical and practical. None took an earlier or more prominent part than the President of the first Agricultural Society of the county— Hon. Dan Bradley, of Marcellus. He was a graduate from Yale in the class of 1798, and received the degree of M. A. at the age of twenty-three. He was a native of Haddam, Conn., where he was born June 10, 1767. The date of his settlement in Marcellus was September, 1795, after having spent several years as a minister of the gospel, in New Hartford, Oneida county. Mr. Bradley devoted himself to a scientific study of farming theoretically, as well as following it practically as a pursuit, and it is claimed that the improvement of agriculture in the county, and in this whole section of the State, is due more to his influence than to that of any other man. . Indeed, this may be said of the State at large, inasmuch as he was chiefly instrumental in securing the passage of the law for the benefit of agricultural societies in 1 8 1 9. He contributed some of the ablest papers and articles of his day to the State Agricultural Reports and the leading agricul tural journals.* Mr. John Ellis, father of James M. Ellis, Esq., of Syracuse, was the first to introduce merino sheep into the county. In 1796 he settled on Lot 103, in the town of Onondaga. About 1802 or 1803, he purchased of Col. Humphrey, of Connecticut, two bucks and two ewes, of the pure merino stock which Col. Humphrey had imported from Spain, paying $1,500 for the four head. Mr. Ellis bred these sheep extensively on his farm and lid the foundation of wide improvement in the stock of fine wooled sheep throughout the country. After his death, Mr. James M. Ellis continued to breed fine flocks of these sheep on the farm formerly owned by his father, till 1854. Mr. Davis Cossitt, of Onondaga Hill, has also been an extensive breeder of merino sheep, and has at present a very fine flock. Timothy Sweet was one of the earliest and best known farmers of the county. He emigrated to Pompey in 1794, reaching what is now the "Old Homestead " on the 28th of January, where within eight days Kneeland Sweet was born. Within three months after his arrival Mr. Timothy Sweet was elected to the office of fence viewer, and at the next town meeting to the office of Commissioner of Highways. In this capacity he labored for many years, and assisted in laying out most of the roads in the original town. He soon became a promi- nent, if not the leading, farmer in the town, and * See History of Marcellus, HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 69 one of the first in the county. In 1803, he pur chased of Dr. Mordecai Hale, of New York City, two cows of Mr. Livingston's importation. These were of the best short-horned stock of that day. From 1800 to 1817 he was the most prominent farmer in the county, tilling more land and produc ing the most grain, cattle, horses and sheep. About this time he divided his property among his children and retired from active life.* Hon. George Geddes, of Fairmount, has been among the leading agriculturists of this section of the State. He has devoted much attention to the subject both practically and scientifically, having contributed articles on various branches of agricul ture to the Cotmtry Gentleman, the New York Tri bune, and other journals. His able report, includ ing the result of his survey of the county, pub lished in the Transactions of the State Agricultural Society for 1859, contains a more complete view of the topography, geology and resources of the county, together with the methods and history of its agriculture, than can be found elsewhere. Mr. Geddes as a member of the State and local Agri cultural Societies, has ever been an earnest and efficient worker in behalf of all measures calculated to promote the agricultural interests of his county and State. Enoch Marks, of the town of Camillus, was for many years prominently connected with agricultural matters, and had much to do with the introduction of improved stock. In the fruit and nursery business, the name of Alanson Thorp is as prominent as any in the county. He founded the nurseries on West Genesee street, known as the Syracuse Nurseries. The rich soil of Onondaga and the enterprise of her citizens stimulated movements for the benefit of agriculture at an early period. The first Agri cultural Society of the county was formed at Onon daga Hill in the spring of 18 19. During the ses sion of the Legislature of the preceding winter an act had been passed by which a large fund was ap propriated for the benefit of agricultural societies throughout the State. Onondaga county became entitled to $300 of this fund on condition that she should raise an equal amount and form an agricul tural society. The first meeting was held on the 4th of May, 1819, at which a constitution was adopted and the following officers chosen, viz : Dan Bradley, President ; Squire Munro, Martin Cossitt, Augustus Wheaton, Vice-Presidents ; Job Tyler, Recording Secretary ; George Hall and A. Yelverton, Corres ponding Secretaries ; Leonard Bacon, Treasurer ; H. L. Granger, Auditor ; L. H. Redfield, D. W. ._ * Re-union and History of Pompey, p. 353. Forman, O. W. Brewster, Committee on Publication. The first Fair was held at Onondaga Valley, November 2, 18 19; an address was delivered by the President, and premiums amounting to over $200 were awarded. Fairs continued to be held with more or less success for about six years, when the society fell into decay, and was soon practically abandoned. On the 9th of April, 1838, the Legislature passed an act (Chap. 179) for the reorganization of the " Onondaga County Agricultural Society" The Trustees named in the act were, James L. Voor hees, David Munro, Harvey Baldwin, Sanford C. Parker, George Geddes, Willis Gaylord, Henry F. King, Grove Lawrence, Aaron Burt, Oliver Teall, George Pettit and Rufus Cossit. Thus reorganized, the society continued to exist, but did not meet the expectations of its founders. In 1 84 1, it received an appropriation of $180 from the State. In 1853 a new law was passed, allowing county agricultural societies to purchase and hold real es tate to an amount not exceeding $25,000, and per sonal property not exceeding $1,000, for the pur poses set forth in their articles of incorporation, and for no other purposes. Town and other societies might hold real estate to the amount of $10,000, and personal property to the amount of $3,000. Each county and union society should have at least one director or manager for each town ; and each town, village or city society should have not less than ten directors, who should be elected annually by ballot. Upon application of two-thirds of their members to the Supreme Court of their district, these societies might also obtain an order for the sale of a part or the whole of their property. An amendment to the act was passed April 13, 1855, by the provisions of which the number of directors was changed to six, two of whom were elected each year for a term of three years. Any person could become a life member by the payment of a sum not exceeding $10, and the officers were jointly and severally liable for all debts due from the society contracted while they were in office, if suit should be com menced within one year of the time when due. Each society formed under these acts was obliged to report annually to the State Agricultural So ciety. Under these acts the Onondaga County Agricul tural Society was reorganized on the 25th of Janu ary, 1856. The following report is taken from the Daily Standard oi January 28, 1856: " Agricultural Society. — The Annual Meet ing of the Onondaga County Agricultural Society 70 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. C. J-J- S. was held at the City Hall in Syracuse, January 25, 1856. The President, Mr. Woodruff, called the meeting to order, and appointed Messrs. Seth Hutchinson, V. V. Nottingham and B. J. Cowles a Committee to examine applications for Premiums on farm crops. * _ * * * * The Committee on Reorganization reported that they had prepared the necessary papers, &c, and the Society proceeded to the election of the follow ing officers : President. — Squire M. Brown, Elbridge. ist Vice-President. — -Perry H. Hinsdell, Clay. 2d Vice-President. — B. J. Cowles, Otisco. Secretary. — H. D. Didama, Salina. Treasurer. — W. R. Strong, Syracuse. DIRECTORS. One Year. — Darwin L. Pickard, Thomas W. Hill. Two Years. — J. G. Kendall, Alfred Cobb. Three Years. — Morris Beard, John R. Strong. Delegates to the State Society at Albany, Febru ary 14, 1856 : Vivus W. Smith, J. Dean Hawley, H. D. Didama, M. Compton, Moses Summers, J. G. K. Truair, J. Toggitt, P. H. Hinsdell, Smith Ostrom, Thomas Hutchinson. J. G. Hinsdell, Hamilton White, Charles W. Hovey, Caleb Brown, George Atwell, B. J. Cowles, Joseph Breed, Richard Adams. The above Society, although it purchased Fair Grounds east of the Onondaga Creek adjoining the plot of Danforth, and expended considerable money in fixtures and premiums, was never a financial success. The Fair Grounds were sold January 19, 1866, by James Munro, trustee and agent for the subscribers to the fund, and have since been cut up into lots. The Annual Fairs of the State Agricultural So ciety were held at Syracuse in 1841, in 1849 and in 1858. The present County Agricultural Society was organized on the 9th of February, 1878. It is a joint stock Company, incorporated under the general law with the following Board of Trustees : Joseph J. Glass, W. H. H. Gere, William H. Gifford, John Wells, Earl B. Alvord, Sidney Lewis. The capital stock of the Society is $100,000, di vided into shares of $10 each. The Trustees of the Society met Feb. 9, at the Horace White, J. M. Munro,' E. Marks, A. Baker, C. Woodruff, S. Davis, M. Brown, E. D. Cobb, Luther Baker, D. C. Munro, N. H. Noyes, W. D. Stewart, I. Garrison, N. P. Eaton, J. M. Strong, George B. Seeley, John Moschell, D. T. Mosely, rooms of the Milk Association. Present — Joseph J. Glass, E. B. Alvord, W. H. H. Gere, Sidney Lewis, and John Wells. Absent — Wm. H. Gifford. Mr. Glass was, on motion of Mr. Alvord, ap pointed chairman, and P. H. Agan secretary pro tern. The following officers were then chosen, to-wit : President — Edward A. Powell, of Syracuse. First Vice-President — Edward B. Judson, of Syra cuse. Secretary-*- Patrick H. Agan, of Syracuse. Treasurer — Warren C. Brayton, of DeWitt. Vice-Presidents from Towns and Wards — Camillus, Theodore F. Rhodes ; Cicero, Addison J. Loomis ; Clay, Thomas H. Scott ; DeWitt, Hiram K. Edwards ; Elbridge, James Brown ; Geddes, Thomas Andrews ; Fabius, Orel Pope ; LaFayette, Russell King ; Lysander, DeWitt C. Toll ; Manlius, Charles Peck ; Marcellus, Robert E. Dorchester; Onondaga, Aaron Henderson; Otisco, Hicks Redway; Pompey, Major Berry; Salina, Frank W. Terry ; Skaneateles, E. H. Adams ; Spafford, Justus N. Knapp ; Tully, Samuel Willis ; Van Buren, Augustus W. Bingham ; First Ward, John Eastwood ; Second Ward, C. Fred Herbst ; Third Ward, Hiram Kingsley ; Fifth Ward, William A. Sweet ; Sixth Ward, John R. Whitlock ; Seventh Ward, James M. Ellis ; Eighth Ward, Alvah W. Palmer. Table showing Number and Size of Farms by Towns, in Onondaga County, at the Census of 1875. civil divis ions. Camillus.. . . Cicero Clay De Witt Elbridge Fabius GeddesLa Fayette . . Lysander . , Manlius Marcellus. . , Onondaga . . Otisco Pompey. . . . Salina Skaneateles . Spafford Syracuse. . . , Tully Van Buren . . Total . . . number of farms. ¦a o 185390 45 2 261 246 228 74 3" 473459 306651 234 535 179 34i 262 10 148 256 6,ooi 81 9 25 26 48 14 7 14 2157 2770 10 3934 18 '9 2 65 4i5 10 4044 29 25 13 9 3°33 52 34 92 23 493942 20 10 20 614 35 109119 7i 49 39 21 72 no119 70 •43 468443 66 36 5 2123 1311 56 128168 85 815925 104171 116 96 169 74 174 33 97 102 2 4i92 1.873 74 8882 72 8399 n 91 136 98 74 169 76 175 23 114 76 1 70 86 1698 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 71 Table showing by Towns the Area of Farm Lands ; the Value of Farms, of Farm Buildings, of Live Stock and of Implements ; the Area of Crops, and the Amount of Agricultural Productions of Onon daga County. — Census of 1875. area of land in farms. civil divisions. Improved. Acres. Camillus Cicero Clay DeWitt Elbridge Fabius Geddes La Fayette Lysander Manlius Marcellus Onondaga Otisco Pompey Salina Skaneateles Spafford City of Syracuse. Tully Van Buren 18,03319,460 23,286 16,205 18,001 20,648 4>52i 19,863 31,584 24,55° 17,067 35,°75 !4,59i 35,278 6,642 20,929 16,298 416 12,586 18,483 Unimproved. Woodland. Acres. 2,337 5,043 3,076 1,626 1,870 5,769 386 3,2993,999 2,077 ¦¦,993 4,266 3,100 5,i36 282 2,569 2,747 10 2,581 2,259 Other. PRESENT CASH VALUE, Acre 240 3,445 2,563 2,228 r,597 681 180 I,342 2,4872,263 878 670 | 428 ! 3,608 801 270 334 5i Of Farms. Dollars. 2,070,1352,079,0272,485,1432,336,025 "',920,935 1,179,280 864,300 1,669,475 2,871,645 2,895,182 1,576,942 4,35M4Q 990,834 2,719,819 944,348 2,i63,935 1,113.446 257,500 891,950 1,880,180 Of Farm ] Buildings other than Dwellings. Of Stock. Dollars. Dollars. Total 373,5 16| 54-425 25,224 137,251,541 251,645 244,475 325,000 240,185 221,025154,640112,425 208,780 359,440 389,005 263,430 458,054 141,485 441,381, 109,630 327.8951 172,580; 33,320 122,425 221, 725^ 210,87924S,3i5 268,318 190,232185,156!7o,955 74,270 192,562 382,0373°3,4°9 186,311 "" 344,166 132,323 361,186 86,470 219,310 171,867 13,825 113,885 205,295 n, T„,, „„, Cost of Ferti-Amou't of Gross Implements. , jn lSy^ Farms in 1874. Dollars. 73,96o 93,079 106,201 8l,545 6l,97940,955 24,640 62,285 92,840 89,977 65,36l 161,413 46,500 108,363 3O,80597,38465,428 7,530 29,415 65,052 Dollars 787 146 691 i 383 943 16 i 34 146 | 7°o j i,348 : 665 J 9,3i4 60 200 1,235 ! 4,780 854 153 1441 874 1 Dollars. 199,312 179,613 261,805 192,110 178,117 136,010 60,821 169,234 292,198 238,963 144,654 431,076 105,143 306,232 110,230 214,137 I45-758 10,945 93,792 207,783 4,798,545l 4,057,771 i 1,404,987 I 23,473 i 3,677,923 AREA PLOWED. CIVIL DIVISIONS. ; In 1874. \ In 1875. GRASS LANDS. BARLEY. Acres. Acres. Camillus Cicero Clay De Witt Elbridge Fabius Geddes La Fayette Lysander Manlius Marcellus Onondaga Otisco Pompey. Salina Skaneateles .... Spafford City of Syracuse Tully Van Buren Total 6,3365,659 8,665 5,3906,3943,557 1,498 6,2959,811 7,97° 6,109 12,200 4,148 9,994 2,2077,735 SMS 227 3,0186596 118,984 6,012 5,6188,55o 6,99° 3,76o i,459 6,45° 9,221 7,864 6,228 11,643 4,556 10,584 2,3897,793 5,525 216 3,1356,216 119,340 Area in Pasture. Area Mown. In 1874. Acres. 4,939 6,267 5,9i25,i48 4,424 10,028 993 5,72i 9,693 6,279 5,66o 8,465 4,271 n,542 1,628 5,56o6,i54 84 4,3364,59i 111,695 In 1875. 1874. 1875. Hay Grass produced i Seed produced. 1874. 1874. Acres. Acres. Acres. 4,9346,2685,72i 5,145 4,365 9,933 .965 5,6i5 9,5536,37o5,4558,6264,226 u,396 1,649 5-5 1(5 5,98i 90 4,2724,457 110,537 3,554 6,519 8,3685,o°93,2796,566 1,029 5,299 7,050 6,8223,8569,2003>4i6 10,181 i,739 5,2074,837 153 3,2133,257 98,554 3,2496,719 8,4895,0603,2426,563 i,o53 5,0466,8536,829 3,7239,118 3,287 9,777 i,744 4,94i 4,845 135 3,264 3>I27 97,064 Tons. 5,33° 8,996 H,336 6,770 4.422 7,986 i,734 6,567 10,038 9,5°4 4 945 12,954 4,535 i3,l87 2,566 6,380 6,403 i93 4,074 4,361 132,281 Area. 590 281 333 336 267 42 16 225 310 770 74 843321 120 67 272 383 154 323 1874. Bushels, i Acres. 5,727 1,242 26 89 148 1,564 132 102 521 5648l6 516 1,034 307 1,291 *82I 739 20 124 239 187s. Acres. 32,289 458 2,036 2,6l8 40,494 4,O50 3,190 15,118 13,317 18,262 13,820 26,609 7,027 33,675 18,704 17,742 500 3,439 5,967 10,395 ,14889 I 261,215 i,538 27 no 242 i,95o 186164 838877 739 i,o5S1,429 535 2,125 6 1,299i,057 298 414 Produced. IS74- Bushels. 72 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. Table showing by Towns the Area of Farm Lands ; the Value of Farms, of Farm Buildings, of Live Stock and of Implements ; the Area of Crops, and the Amount of Agricultural Productions of Onon daga County.— Census of 1875.— (Continued.) BUCKWHEAT. CIVIL DIVISIONS. 1875. Acres. Camillus Cicero Clay De Witt Elbridge Fabius Geddes LaFayette Lysander Manlius Marcellus Onondaga Otisco Pompey Salina Skaneateles. . . . Spafford . City of Syracuse Tully Van Buren Total 46 3i9 412 179107 89 19 143 33i 276231 372 178 719 41 300 120 126101 29 187 429 63 129 22 5 113 223 240279 177129 679 12 278 99 94 34 Produced. i874. Bushels. 703 4,729 7,0532,312 1,919 1,645 204 2,456 5,°o53,434 5,6656,036 3,100 •i,"'3 478 5,243 2,1542,217 1,469 INDIAN CORN. 1874. 1875 Acres. Acres. 1,541i,6oil i,895!1,427 1,627 461 245 1,012 2,770 2,030 1,181 2,217 491 1,366 480 i,57i 596 33 324 2,053 1,6761,740 2 040 1,650 1,839 443 276 1,106 2,935 2,210 1,326 2,591 547 1,626 501 i,752 722 33 37i 2,254 4,1091 3,221 65,935 24,920! 27,638 Produced. 1874. Bushels. 54,89046,722 55,08783-513 55,859 l8,830 10,380 36,744 104,561 58,857 42,636 76,508 l8,202 45,694 14,755 57,21320,141 1,363 IO,783 81,985 894,723 OATS. 1874. Acres. 1,444 2,5213,075 1,872 1,644 2,006 396 2,8862,948 1,6811,666 3,713 2,015 3,943 568 1,8081,796 38 i,572 2,071 1875. 40,663 i,339 2,370 3,067 1,868 i,497 2,073 343 3,i32 2,8112,718 i,7n 3,72i2,3°73,960 629 2,109 1,912 37 1,803 2,131 4i,548 Produced. 1874. Bushels. 44,607 79,125 96,400 66,702 53,726 72,637 14,463 9!,4i792,12487,284 51,748 120,924 63,116 124,472 19,009 56,08557,777 i,325 55,4i771,600 i,3i9,958 RYE. Area Sown. 1873. Acres. 12 141 262 126 15 3 167 30 10 6 15 176 967 1874. Acres. I36 271 IOO 19 2 163 22 6 17 935 Produced. 1874. Bushels. 122 1,836 3,"5 I,7H 231 50 2,355 411 "5 90 2,225 3,151 27 40 13,482 SPRING WHEAT. Area. CIVIL DIVISIONS. 1874. Camillus Cicero Clay...., DeWitt Elbridge , Fabius Geddes La Fayette Lysander Manlius Marcellus Onondaga Otisco Pompey Salina SkaneatelesSpafford City of Syracuse Tully Van Buren Total 62 52 100 2554 97 14 273 126 65 200593 293 498 5 225 360 25 130i57 3,354 1875. Acres. 28 34 64 10 38 64 n 131 975860 350 187 3°4 5 68 260 26 121 86 Z,002 Produced. 1874. Bushels. WINTER WHEAT. Area Sown. 1873. 793 657 1,090 324 748 i,433 400 3,582 2,024 1,101 2,636 10,250 4,3656,826 58 2,957 4,622 590 1,624 2,645 48,725 2,472 925 1,2901,222 2,562 360 459 i,3762,7551,885 1,600! 3,364 718 i>344 277 2,214 701 25 57i 2,484 28,604 1874. Acres. 2,550 915 1,210I l62 2,879 327 481 i,359 2,778 1,8951,880 3,4H 776 1,304 558 2-359 699 662 2,474 29,379 Produced. 1874. Bushels. 49,999 12,47917,104 22,923 52-503 6,3368,727 24,348 52,18531,36030,454 63,651 12,671 20,434 5,179 42,622 12.237 607 10,851 52,090 CORN SOWN FOR FODDER 1874. Acres. 439369 147 30 94 9 7427 583i 175 40 210 126 84 62 8 84 19 5287601,483 1875. 37 78 53 135 23 69 6 54 17 3635 170 31 155 868264 12 73 10 1226 BEANS. Area. 1874. 187S. 37 3644 n 40 2 1 22 543333 29 15 24 1 19 7i 29 12 513 Acres. 28 27 50 8 3i 2 5i 28 30 2221 1 72 3 21 101 29 18 543 Produced. 1874. Bushels. 614 43° 516 209528 37 24 229694361552542 193 297 27 280 900 502 198 7,133 PEAS. Area. 1874. Acres. 35 77 84 53 4 24 10 40 16 76 58 H5 38 365 n 3839 21 1 104 1875. Acres. 16 99 5533 10 24 n 30 22 4848 117 21 35° 7 8 22 43 25 989 Produced. 1874. Bushels. 635 1,542 1,410 968 44 446 196 778 405 1,2191,1712,501 961 5,784 205 820 714 326 20,125 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 73 Table showing by Towns the Area of Farm Lands ; the Value of Farms, of Farm Buildings, of Live Stock and of Implements ; the Area of Crops, and the Amount of Agricultural Productions of Onon daga County.— Census of 1875.— (Continued.) CIVIL DIVIS IONS. HOPS. POTATOES, TOBACCO. APPLE ORCHARDS. Area. 1S7+ Produced. 1875. 1S74. 1874. Area. Produced. 1875. j 1874. Acres. Acres. Pounds. Acres, j Acres. Bushels. Camillus 3 Cicero j Clay | 3 DeWitt 31 Elbridge 4 Fabius 21 Geddes .... La Fayette 2 Lysander 16 Manlius 78 Marcellus Onondaga .... Otisco 5 Pompey 35 Salina 32 Skaneateles .... 34 Spafford 1 Syracuse 15 Tully Van Buren 12 Total 292 3 L750 533; 685 1 618, 731 5 i,35° 852! 1,038, 50 19.950 444 527 4 4,816 377 435 23 8,977 250 289 253 219 2 1,900 448, 464 18 8,305 935 1,298! 116 41, 512 579i 623 ••••' 269| 279; 1,061 1,147 12 800 359 327 34 8,600 650 662 60 27,917' 447 575 35 24.797; 347 353, 8 430 256 254 15 10,000 26 24 159 170, 423 661 Area. 1874. 1875. II. 403 6,800! 167,904 62,49260,18692,57948,136 44,86533,22234,56oj 55,979 102,079 58,225 33>oio 134,636 49,52081,465 49,9244i,546 33-656 3,290 23,595 53-444 Sq. Rods. Sq. Rods. IO,l6o 4,720 28,200 4,320 12,460 Produced. 1874. Pounds. 2,l6o5,120 30,440 5,0008,680 68,677 32,547 199,877 3r,279 96,794 Trees. Number. Fruit produced. 1874. Cider made 1874. Bushels. Barrels. 9,286 10,758 1,096.409 160, j 1,500 64,240 60,600 463,349 12,600 9,120 89,300 8,320 9,120 60,472: 1,440 400 12,700 1,120 400 6,000 3,620; 3,090 21,252 5,720 5,400! 57,510 4,540 1,040 33,699 I 40 1 100 45,2801 30,480! 326,299 206,940 171,0501,501,355 16,540 24,609 30,7571 13,970 14,673 I2,l6oj 5205 26,09427,280:24,69820,150! 44,846 14,632! 27,174! 8,457 25-567 19,476 1,569 10,525 18,513 386895 44,455 34,68o[55,58535,4583!,!29 18,77215,631 26,027 76,676 42,096: 29,610 80,302! 26,800 34,933! 21,62838,793'29,I24| 4,995 20,743 47,275 1,066 857 1407 1,259 1,204 497384 i,3i51,942 1,669 9i3 2,375 713 1,017 464 916 664 95 410 1,038 714712 20,205 CIVIL DIVISIONS. GRAPES. Fruit produced. 1874. Wine made. •874. Pounds. Gallons. Camillus Cicero Clay De Witt Elbridge Fabius Geddes La Fayette Lysander Manlius Marcellus Onondaga Otisco Pompey Salina Skaneateles .... Spafford City of Syracuse Tully Van Buren Total 8,43°! 6,6849,44o 9,39o 2,600 30 1,700 2,388 325 18,250 280 37,77o 3,100 1,165 3,395 2,660 15° 4,5°o 5,206 1,105: 38 3 60 MAPLE SUGAR, Sugar made. 1S75. Pounds. 15 8lo' Syrup made. 1875. Gallons. Honey collected in 1874. Pounds. HORSES ON FARMS, June i, 1875. Colts of 1875. Colts of [Two years 1874. J old and ' over. Mules on farms, June 1, 1875. POULTRY. Value owned. 1875. Number. ' Number. Number, j Number. 150 606 100 5 7,790 6,295 600 102 ...f 675 36 740 100 9,037 16 8,304 10 .... 42 5,485 ... 8,590 70 .... 2 4,292 . . . I 10 118,568 1,405:52,781 44 151 44 9 349650 731 236 5 141 74 251 1,101 701 338 126 7 4,958 8,291 3,128 4,670 3,1132,760 1,910 210773 4,'°5 7,488 i,59o 5,125 3,475 i,742 480 9,121 13,375 2,9413,°39 77,336 29! 6265 23: 28 55, 15 3885 63 42 62 36 83 8 63 80 2 27 39 9°5 26 85 74 41 33 26 9 44 111 80 49934494 15 73 63 2 3562 i,o59 800!830 1,148, 798 834497 239: 758! i,43!1,219. 742' 1,582 506 1,236 34i603 599 27 398853 i5,44i 23 *7, 4; 25 7 6 13 35 15 8 25 11 1810 8 5 22 234 Dollars. 5,510 5,9146,667 4,455 4,727 1,7811,069 5,633 8,170 6,8945,507 14.382 3,519 7,204 1,926 6,090 4,746 52 2,617 5,346 102,209 Value sold. 1874. Value of ( sold. Dollars. Dollars. 3,582 5,7854,607, 2,68l,2,404' 630! 599 2,8045,912!3,068 3,248, 7,0642,120 2,950 998 4,055 2,493 140 i,574 4,2 59 4,689 5,9076,131 2,9602,310 2,191 882 5,9466,8104,823 7,276 10,332 3,83i6,716 i,378 5,5535,49°2,835 5,758 6o,973' 9r,8i8 74 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. Table showing by Towns the Area of Farm Lands ; the Value of Farms, of Farm Buildings, of Live Stock and of Implements; the Area of Crops, and the Amount of Agricultural Productions of Onon daga County.— Census of 1875.— (Continued.) CIVIL DIVIS IONS. Camillus.. . Cicero Clay De Witt... Elbridge .. Fabius .... Geddes .... LaFayette . Lysander. .. Manlius.. . . Marcellus . Onondaga. Otisco Pompey... . Salina .... Skaneateles Spafford . . . Syracuse . . Tully Van Buren . Total . . NEAT CATTLE ON FARMS, JUNE 1, 1875. Heifers. yeaT™ld. Yearlings. Number. Number. 256! 317: 38o 157 215 144 69 285 426 2 74 I5I| 464! 267 491, 47; 262',280! 19 174 327 Calves. Number. 5,005 264343415 i73j 255282 75 301 5i8j 342' 196 573: 281,559 93 222 306 19 208379 5,804 342472513 236274 382 S3 393 672 475 244 684312 765 84 292 398 2S3 478 Bulls of all ages, Number. "Workingoxen anc steers. Number. 7,347 184 209235 91 122190 15 163 183 190 151262 r34 375 25 161 156 3 148 154 3,i5i 164 40 9685 213 43 14 44 321 5867 H7 2753 9 n7;151 2 1 1 328 Milch Cows, Average Number Kept. Cattle slaughter edin 1874 1874. 1875. Number. ' Number. I 1,960 1,170 i,935 2,040 i,379 1,229 2,762 400 1,607 2,383 i,7971,0912,308 1,207 2,956 682 i,i97 1,242 38 1,261 1,272 29,95s 1,209 2,037 2,037 i,476 1,239 2,706 403 1,600 2,439 i,9471,0722,306 1,151 3,n° 698 1,2281,292 30 1,239 1,286 Number. DAIRY PRODUCTS. Cows whose Milk WAS SENT TO FAC TORY. 1874. Number. 30,505 92 134 207 57 72 91 9 123128 94 55 21 60 218 6 141 79 5 68 i,748 112 796 467 157 420 1,709 40 336975 587 8443 1,838 14 309 64 7,951 1875. Number. 217 834541 146 421 I,5°4 Butter made in families. Pounds. 278 I,Ol 698 1,991 270 67 8,006 I32,H5154,536 192,292 88,57897,OOI 130,836 20,640 162,255190,468134,446144,400 141,319141,746245,077 26,905 142,385207,260 1,950 123,1 142,630 2,720,027 Cheese made in families. 1874. Founds. 1,650 54^48725,008 550 11,766 I59,300 Milk sold in market. 1874. Gallons. 3,47<> 10,079 25,855 363,377 io,595 200 7,600 180 ",737 1,900 9,35° 14,427 88 6,442 2,030 142,827 . 290 19,150 25,241 100,978 13,038 420,731 199,234 80 40,998 197,061 10,947 10,000 1,059,204 CIVIL DIVISIONS. SHEEP. Number Shorn. 1874. Number. 1875. Number. Weight of Clip. 1874. 1S75. Lambs Raised. 1874- Pounds. Number. 187S. Number. Slaugh tered. Number. Killed by dogs. 1874. On Farms June i, 1875, Number. SWINE. Pigs of 1875. Number. Of 1S74 and older. Number. Slaughtered on farms. 1874. Number. Pork made on farms 1874. Pounds. Camillus ........ Cicero Clay DeWitt Elbridge Fabius Geddes , La Fayette Lysander Manlius Marcellus Onondaga Otisco Pompey Salina Skaneateles Spafford City of Syracuse. Tully Van Buren Total. 5,002 1,020 1,2i,576 3,064 439 320 3,068 2,281 2,198 4,0663,840 2,013 5,3oi 338 5,2243,37i 1 1,002 2,432 3,269 995 1,2831,487 2,756 436 224 24,220 4,472 5,5889,13s 15,959 2,1 1,712 2,778 15,878 2,IZ2 10,416 2,341 12,313 3,841' 23,799 2,733' 20,324 1,976 4,836 199 4,578 3,274 593 2,235 11. 132 30,526 1,228 30,332 '20,358 125 5,096 11,861 17,31° 4,4i4 5,477 9,235 15-382 2,170 I.I51 14,618 9,759 iz,977 22,333 15,14011,116 27,861 9i3 26,373 19,226 3,038 10,631 47,859! 41,9562566651229124 1,703 737 984 1,026MSS 238 175 1,328 i,592 1,081 1,628 1,871 907 1-739 251 i,99i 1,286 20 603 1,313 1,706 73i 97i 737 1,217 394 105 i,397 i,793 1,1121,658 1,860 1,065 1,636 168 2,269 i,4H 569: 1,285 968395 6356 8 36 118 61 140 9494 26 116 30 258 88 16 9 68 !9 9355 12 16 101673 33 37 18 48 20 94 i7 35 11 29: 903 1,0071,202 632 675 366 166 688 1,220 1,015 476 1,786 614 84037i 878 611 81 297 9i3 846969 1,905 705575 434 144 878 1,273 1,366 729 2,162 39398144i 544 856 56 596905 21,72822,084 1,555 6441 14,741! 16,758 787 969 1,192 73i 898 293 130712 ^>S31 1,022 757 1.643 600 1,024 239 1,027 53i 28 338937 15,395 190,031 241,536275,055 168,050206,333 33,835 188,321 374,885 253,843 190,620 414,093 147,192 270,102 55,694 226,057 132,828 6, 1 00 88,776 223,264 3,770,211 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 75 CHAPTER XVIII. Judicial and Executive Officers under Her kimer County — Onondaga County Civil List — Military Organization — Population of the County from 1800 to 1875. THE following were judicial and executive offi cers for Herkimer county from 1791 to 1794, while Onondaga was a part of that county : Henri Staring, First Judge and Justice of the Peace ; Michael Myers, Hugh White and Abraham Hardenburgh, Judges and Justices of the Peace ; John Bank, Patrick Campbell, Jedediah Sanger, Amos Whitmore, William Veeder, Alexander Park- man and Ephraim Blackman, Assistant Judges and Justices of the Peace ; Seth Phelps, Moses De Witt, Asa Danforth, Edward Payne and others, Justices of the Peace ; William Colbraith, Sheriff ; Jonas Piatt, Clerk ; Moses DeWitt, Surrogate ; John Post and Daniel White, Coroners. In 1793, for Herkimer county, were reappointed Seth Phelps, Asa Danforth, Moses DeWitt, J. L. Hardenburgh and Silas Halsey, Assistant Justices and Justices of the Peace. Judges of Onondaga County from 1794 to 1878. — Seth Phelps, First Judge ; Silas Halsey, John Richardson and Moses DeWitt, Judges and Justices of the Peace, 1794; William Stevens, Judge, 1795 ; Asa Danforth, Judge, 1797 ; William Stevens, First Judge, 1799; Elihu Lewis, Ebenezer Butler, Asa Danforth, Judges and Justices of the Peace; Dan Bradley, Judge, 1801 ; John Ballard, Judge, 1802 ; William J. Vredenburgh, Judge, 1804 ; Reuben Humphreys, Judge ; Reuben Hum phreys, First Judge; Dan Bradley, John Ballard and William J. Vredenburgh, Judges and Justices of the Peace, 1805 ; Dan Bradley, First Judge, 1808; Squire Munro, Roswell Tousley and Wil liam J. Vredenburgh, Judges ; Jonathan Stanley and Ozias Burr, Judges, 1809 ; Jacob R. DeWitt, James Geddes and Sylvanus Tousley, Judges, 18 12 ; Joshua Forman, First Judge, 1813 ; Reuben Hum phreys, Judge, 1814; Jacob R. DeWitt, Squire Munro, Amos Tousley and John TenEyck, Judges, 18 15 ; James O. Wattles and Warren Hecox, Judges, 1 818 ; Jonathan Stanley, Squire Munro, Levi Mason and James Webb, Judges, 18 19; Nehemiah H. Earll, First Judge ; John Mason, George Pettit and James Sisson, Jr., Judges, 1823 ; Nehemiah H. Earll, First Judge, 1828 ; George Pettit, Martin M. Ford, Otis Bigelow and John Smith, Judges, 1828 ; Samuel L. Edwards, First Judge, 1831; John Watson, Judge, 1833; Otis Bigelow, David Munro, George Pettit and James M. Allen, Judges ; Grove Lawrence, First Judge, 1838 ; Nathan Soule, Oliver R. Strong, Lyman H. Mason and Johnson Hall, Judges ; Daniel Pratt, First Judge, 1843 ; John L. Stevens, George A. Stans- bury, Lyman Kingsley, Amasa H. Jerome, Judges ; James R. Lawrence, Judge, 1847; Richard Wool- worth, Judge, 1850, appointed vice]. R. Lawrence, resigned; Israel Spencer, Judge, elected, 1850; Richard Woolworth, Judge, elected 1854; Henry Riegel, elected 1862, reelected each subsequent term and present Judge of the County Court. Judges of the Supreme Court. — The follow ing have been Judges of the Supreme Court resi dent in Onondaga county : Hon. Daniel Pratt, Syracuse, for four years, elected June 7, 1847 ; re elected November 4, 1851. Hon. LeRoy Morgan, Syracuse, for eight years, elected November 8, 1859 ; reelected November 5, 1867, for eight years, Hon. James Noxon, Syracuse, elected November, 1875, for fourteen years from January 1, 1876. The old Supreme Court of Judicature, existing prior to the Constitution of 1846, had one Chief Justice, a resident of this county, viz : Hon. Free born G. Jewett, of Skaneateles, in 1845. Judges of the Court of Appeals. — The Judges of the Court of Appeals who have been residents of this county are as follows : Hon. Freeborn G. Jewett, Skaneateles, two years, elected June 7, 1847 ; Hon. George F. Comstock, Syracuse, elected November 7, 1853 ; Hon. Charles Andrews, Syracuse, elected May, 1870, fourteen years, to expire December 31, 1884. Hon. Daniel Pratt and Hon. LeRoy Morgan, Justices of the Supreme Court, were ex officio Judges of the Court of Appeals, the former from January 1, 1850, to January 1, 185 1, and the latter from January 1, 1866, to January 1, 1867. United States District Court. — Northern District of New York. — The following have been officers of this Court, resident in this County : Joseph F. Sabin, United States Commissioner, 1850; James R. Lawrence, United States District Attorney, 1850; Harry Allen, United States Mar shal. The first Deputy-Marshal was Peter Way, deceased'; William Cahill, appointed in his stead. B. Davis Noxon, United States Commissioner, ap pointed Oct. 22, 1867; William C. Ruger, United States Commissioner, appointed July 8, 1858; Daniel F. Gott, Register in Bankruptcy, appointed May 10, 1867 ; A. Judd Northrup, United States Commissioner, appointed March 22, 1870; Daniel F. Gott, United States Commissioner, appointed April 2, 1872 ; William J. Wallace, Judge, ap pointed April 7, 1874. 76 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. Surrogates for Onondaga County from 1794 to 1878.— Moses DeWitt, 1794; Thomas Mum- ford, 1795 ; Thaddeus M. Wood, 1800; George Hall, 1802; Medad Curtis, 1810 ; George Hall, 181 1 ; James Porter, 1821 ; Freeborn G. Jewett, 1824; John Fleming, 1831 ; Isaac T. Minard, 1840; David D. Hillis, 1844; Isaac T. Minard, 1847 ; L. Harris Hiscock, 1851 ; Amasa H. Jerome, 1855 ; Samuel D. Luce, 1859; Oscar L. Sprague, 1863 ; De Witt C. Greenfield, 1865 ; Cyrus Sweet, 1869, reelected each subsequent term and present incumbent. No Special Surrogates have ever been appointed in this County. Clerks of Onondaga County from 1794 to 1878. — Benjamin Ledyard, appointed, 1794 ; Com fort Tyler, 1799; Jasper Hopper, 1802; George W. Olmsted, 18 10; Jasper Hopper, 181 1; Tru man Adams, 18 18 ; Daniel Mosely, 1823 ; Reuben L. Hess, 1826; Alanson Edwards, 1835; Elijah Rhoades, elected, 1838 ; Charles T. Hicks, 1841 ; Vivus W. Smith, 1846; Rufus Cossit, 1849 ; Bern ard Slocum, 1852; Edwin P. Hopkins, 1855 ; Vic tory J. Birdseye, 1858; Elijah S. Payne, 1861 ; Carroll E. Smith, 1864; Theodore L. Poole, 1867; Edgar E. Ewers, 1870 ; Charles A. Hurd, elected November, 1873 — died before entering upon the duties of his office ; Charles E. Hubbell, elected at special election, December 27, 1873 ; Thomas H. Scott, elected, November, 1876 — present incum bent. Sheriffs of Onondaga County from 1794 to 1878. — John Harris, 1794; Abiather Hull, 1796; Comfort Tyler, 1797; Elnathan Beach, 1799; Ebenezer R. Hawley, 1801 ; Elijah Phillips, 1805 ; Robert Earll, 1809; Elijah Rust, 18 13 ; Jonas Earll, 1814; Hezekiah L. Granger, 1818 ; Jonas Earll, 1819; Luther Marsh, 1823; Lewis Smith, 1826; John H. Johnson, 1829; Johnson Hall, 1832 ; Dorastus Lawrence, 1835 ; Elihu L. Phillips, 1838 ; Frederick Benson, 1841 ; Heber Wetherby, 1844; Joshua C. Cuddeback, 1846; William C. Gardner, 1849; Holland W. Chadwick, 1852; James M. Munro, 1855 ; George L. Maynard, 1858; Byron D. Benson, 1861 ; Jared C. Williams, 1864; DeWitt C. Toll, 1867 ; William Evans, 1870 ; Davis Cossitt,* 1873 ; John J. Meldram, elected November, 1876 — present Sheriff. Treasurers of Onondaga County from 1794 to 1878. — Appointed by the Board of Supervisors : Moses Carpenter, May 27, 1794; Jacob R. DeWitt, 1799 ; Jacobus DePuy, October 1, 1805 ; Oliver R, * The official signature of Mr. Cossitt shows that he spells his name with two final " t's." His father, Rufus Cossit, and other members of the family, spelled their name with one final " t." Strong, October 5. 1809 — resigned November 11, 1830; Moses S. Marsh, appointed November 12, — declined November 13, 1830; Hezekiah Strong, appointed November 13, 1830, — died 1842 ; Benja min F. Colvin, appointed November, 1842 ; George B. Walters, December, 1844; Phares Gould, November, 1845. The office of County Treasurer was made elective by the people, in 1846, since when the following persons have been elected : Cornelius M. Bros- nan, elected November, 1846; entered on the duty of his office January 1, 1847, — resigned December 9, 1848; Wheeler Truesdell, appointed to fill vacancy, December 9, 1848 ; elected Treasurer, January 1, 1849: Columbus C. Bradley, elected November, 1851, entered upon his office January 1, 1852 ; Barton M. Hopkins, elected November, 1854; Patrick H. Agan, November, 1857 ; Henry W. Slocum, November, i860; Dudley P. Phelps, November, 1 863 ; Park Wheeler, Novem ber, 1866; George H. Gilbert, November, 1869; Charles W. Ostrander, November, 1872 ; Robert Hewitt, elected November, 1875, present Treasurer. Members of Congress from Onondaga County and the District of which it was part, from 1802 to 1878. — The Colonial Congress was entitled to six delegates from New York. After the adop tion of the Constitution, the number entitled to seats from this State was still six, in the first and second Congresses, from 1789 to 179 1. In 1792, a new apportionment was made under which ten members were allowed to New York. In 1802, the counties of Onondaga, Tioga and Chenango were formed into one Congressional District (the Ninth} and were entitled to one member. In the 9th Congress, Hon. Eri Tracy of Chenango, was elected to represent the district. Of the same Congress, Hon. Silas Halsey, of Cayuga, formerly a Judge of Onondaga County Courts, was also a member. In the ioth Congress, Hon. Reuben Humphreys, of Onondaga, represented the Thirteenth District ; Hon. John Harris, of Cayuga, formerly Sheriff of Onondaga county, was a member from the Four teenth District ; and Hon. William Kirkpatrick, Superintendent of the Onondaga Salt Springs, rep resented the Eleventh District. Hon. Eri Tracy represented the Sixteenth District in the nth and 12th Congresses (1809 to 1813.) In 1813-14, in the 13th Congress, Hon. James Geddes represented the new district (Nineteenth) composed of the counties of Onondaga and Cortland. In the 14th Congress (1815-16) Victory Birdseye was Represen tative; 15th, James Porter; 1 6th, George Hall ; 17th HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 77 and 1 8th, Elisha Litchfield ; 19th, Luther Badger ; 20th and 2 ist, Jonas Earll, Jr. ; 22d, Freeborn G. Jewett ; 23d, 24th and 25th, William Taylor ; 26th, Nehemiah H. Earll ; 27th, Victory Birdseye ; 28th and 29th, Horace Wheaton ; 30th and 31st, Daniel Gott. [In 1822 Onondaga was a district alone, till 1832, when it was made a joint district with Madi son county, and entitled to two members. In 1842 it was again a single district, as it now stands ;] 32d and 33d, Daniel T. Jones; 34th and 35th, Amos P. Granger ; 36th and 37th, Charles B. Sedgwick ; 38th and 39th, Thomas T. Davis ; 40th and 41st, Dennis McCarthy ; 42d and 43d, R. Hol land Duell ; 44th and 45th, Frank Hiscock. State Senators for Onondaga County from 1799 to 1878. — At the time of the adoption of the first Constitution of the State of New York in 1777, Tryon county was entitled to six members of Assembly and the State was divided into four Senatorial Districts. The Western District was composed of the counties of Albany and Tryon, and six Senators were annually chosen from the body of the freeholders of the State for the term of four years. As the population of the country increased various alterations were made, and Senators were chosen at large for the Western District. But it seems that Senators were not over punctual in their attendance from the western part of the State. From the Journal of the Senate we find the follow ing members in attendance from Onondaga up to 1822 :* Moss Kent, 1799 ; Jedediah Sanger, 1800 ; William Stewart, 1801 ; Joseph Annin, (Cayuga) 1802 ; Asa Danforth, 1803 ; (none from Onondaga county from 1806 to 181 5 ;) Henry Seymour, 1816, '17, '18 and '19; none in 1821 and '22. (After the change of the Constitution in 1822 the State was divided into eight Senatorial Districts. The Seventh was composed of Onondaga, Cayuga, Seneca and Ontario counties, after which we have the following Senators from Onondaga) : Jonas Earll, Jr., 1823; Victory Birdseye, 1827; Hiram F. Mather, 1829 ; Samuel L. Edwards, 1833 ; Elijah Rhoades, 1841 ; James Sedgwick, 1845. (Senators under the Constitution of 1846) : George Geddes, 1848, '49, '50 and '51; James Munro, 1852, '53, '54 and '55 ; James Noxon, 1856 and '57 ; John J. Foote, 1858 and'59; Allen Munroe, i860, '61, '62 and '63 ; Andrew D. White, 1864, '65, '66 and '67; George N. Kennedy, 1868, '69/70 and '71 ; Daniel P. Wood, 1872, '73, '74 and '75 ; Dennis McCarthy, 1876 and '77, present Senator. Members of Assembly for Onondaga County from 1794 to 1878.— Michael Myers was elected a * 1 Clark's Onondaga, 397. Member from Herkimer in 1792. After the organi zation of Onondaga county, it was a joint district with Herkimer, and Jedediah Sanger represented the two counties in the House in i794-*95. There was no return for Member of Assembly for either Her kimer or Onondaga for the years 1796 and 1797. Comfort Tyler and Silas Halsey were Members for Onondaga in 1798 and 1790. In the latter year Cayuga was taken off, and Ebenezer Butler elected for Onondaga county ; also Member in 1800 ; Asa Danforth, 1801 and 1802; John McWhorter and John Lamb, 1803 ; James Geddes and John Mc Whorter, 1804: William J. Vredenburgh and John Ballard, 1805 ; Jasper Hopper and William J. Vredenburgh, 1806; Ozias Burr and Squire Munro, 1807 ; Joshua Forman and John McWhorter, 1808 ; Jacobus DePuyand Barnet Mooney, 1809 ; Jacobus DePuy and Barnet Mooney, 1810; Jasper Hopper and Robert Earll, 181 1 ; Jonathan Stanley and Barnet Mooney, 18 12; Isaac Smith and Moses Nash, 1813; Moses Nash and Barnet Mooney, 1814; Hezekiah L. Granger and James Porter, 181 5 ; Truman Adams, Elijah Miles, George Hall and Nathan Williams, 18 16 ; Gideon Wilcoxon, James Webb, Asa Wells and Elijah Miles, 1817 ; David Munro, Abijah Earll, Asa Wells and James Webb, 1818; David Munro, Henry Case, Nathan Williams and Elisha Litchfield, 18 19 ; Lewis Smith, Jonas Earll, Jr., Henry Seymour and Henry Field, 1 820; Jonas Earl, Jr., Lewis Smith,George Pettit and Jonathan Deming, 1821 : James Geddes, David Munro, Josephus Baker and Sylvester Gardner, 1822 ; Victory Birdseye, Timothy Baker, Samuel L. Edwards and Harrold White, 1823 ; Samuel L. Edwards, Timothy Baker, George Pettit and Mat thew Van Vleck, 1824 ; James R. Lawrence, Moses Kinne, James Pettit and Erastus Baker, 1825 ; John G. Forbes, David Willard, Freeborn G. Jewett and Chauncey Betts, 1826; Daniel Mosely, Chauncey Betts, Charles Jackson and Aaron Burt, 1827 ; Timothy Barber, Aaron Burt, Daniel Baxter and Gideon Frothingham, 1828; Lewis Smith, Samuel R. Matthews, Johnson Hall and Herman Jenkins, 1829; Johnson Hall, Dorastus Lawrence, Thomas J. Gilbert and Timothy Brown, 1830 ; Thomas J. Gilbert, Otis Bigelow, Elisha Litchfield and J. H. Parker, 1831 ; Miles W. Bennett, Elisha Litchfield, Elijah W. Curtis and Ichabod Moss, 1832; Asa Eastwood, Elisha Litchfield, Myron L. Mills and Gabriel Tappan, 1833 ; Oliver R. Strong, Horace Wheaton, Jared H. Parker and Squire M. Brown, ?1834; George Pettit, John Wilkinson, Sanford C. Parker and David C. Lytle, 1835 ; Sanford C. Par ker, John Wilkinson, David Munro and Daniel Den- 78 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. ison, 1836; Nathan Soule, Wm. Porter, Jr., George Pettit and Daniel Denison, 1837 ; Phares Gould, Victory Birdseye, James R. Lawrence and Azariah Smith, 1838 ; James R. Lawrence, Azariah Smith, Phares Gould and James L. Voorhees, 1839; Victory Birdseye, Azariah Smith, James R. Lawrence and Phares Gould, 1840; Moses D. Burnet, David Munro, William Taylor and William Fuller, 1841 ; William Taylor, William Fuller, David Munro and John Spencer, 1842 ; Thomas McCarthy, Charles R. Vary, Benjamin French and Thomas Sherwood, 1843 ; Elisha Litchfield, Seth Hutchinson, Thomas G. Alvord and Warner Abbott 1844 ; David Pres ton, Dennis McCarthy, Julius C. Kinne and Lake I. Teft, 1845 ; Lake I. Teft, Julius C. Kinne, Alonzo Wood and Elihu L. Phillips, 1846 ; Manoah Pratt, William Henderson, John Lakin and Joseph Prindle, 1847; Curtis J. Hurd, Thomas Spencer, Horace Hazen and James Little, 1848 ; Joseph J. Glass, Myron Wheaton, Joseph Slocum and Samuel Hart, 1849; James Little, Benjamin J. Cowles, Elias W. Leavenworth and Harvey G. Anderson, 1850; Demosthenes C. LeRoy, John F. Clark, George Stevens and Daniel Denison, 185 1 ; Lyman Norton, William E. Tallman, George Stevens and John Merritt, 1852 ; Alonzo Case, Samuel S. Knee- land, Daniel P. Wood and Isaac V. V. Hibbard, 1853 ; James M. Munro, Milton A. Kinney, Daniel P. Wood and William Richardson, 1854; James M. Munro, William J. Machan, Dudley P. Phelps and Joshua V. H. Clark, 1855 ; Irvin Williams, James Longstreet, Burr Burton and Jabez Lewis, 1856 ; John D. Rhoades, Sidney Smith, Elias W. Leavenworth and Charles M. Meade, 1857; James Frazee, Thomas G. Alvord and Levi S. Holbrook, 1858 ; Luke Ranney, Henry W. Slocum and Orin Aylsworth, 1859; Jeremiah Emerick, Austin Myers and Philetus Clark, i860; Jeremiah Emer ick, Austin Myers and Abner Chapman, 1861 ; Frederick A. Lyman, Thomas G. Alvord and R. Nelson Gere, 1862 ; James M. Munro, Elizur Clark and Joseph Breed, 1863 * Albert L. Green, Thomas G. Alvord and Conrad Shoemaker, 1864; Albert L. Green, Daniel P. Wood and Harvey P. Tolman, 1865 ; Luke Ranney, Daniel P. Wood and L. Har ris Hiscock, 1866; Daniel P. Wood, L. Harris His- cock and Samuel Candee, 1867; Augustus G. S. Allis, Luke Ranney and Hiram Eaton, 1868 ; James V. Kendall, Moses Summers and Miles B. Hackett, 1869 ; Thomas G, Alvord, Nathan R. Tefift and Gustavus Sniper, 1870; Thomas G. Al vord, Peter Burns and Gustavus Sniper, 1871 ; Thomas G. Alvord, Peter Burns and Gustavus Sniper, 1872 ; Wm. H. H. Gere, George Raynor and John I. Furbeck, 1873 ; Thomas G. Alvord, George Barrow and Charles Simon, 1874; Allen Munroe, Carroll E. Smith and C. Fred. Herbst 1875 ; Thomas G. Alvord, Carroll E. Smith and C. Fred. Herbst, 1876; Thomas G. Alvord, Samuel Willis and Josiah G. Holbrook 1877*78. Delegates to the Convention to Revise the Constitution — 1822: Victory Birdseye, Parley E. Howe, Amasi Case, Asa Eastwood. Convention of 1846 : William Taylor, Elijah Rhoades, Cyrus H. Kingsley, David Munro. Convention of ,1867 : Hon. Frank Hiscock, Hon. Charles Andrews, L. Harris Hiscock, Hon. Thomas G. Alvord, Patrick Corbett. Members of the Constitutional Commission 1872 : Hon. Elias W. Leavenworth and Hon. Daniel Pratt. Regents of the State University. — The members of this Board, except ex officio members, are appointed for life, unless they resign. Hon. Elias W. Leavenworth, as Secretary of State, was ex officio member of the Board in 1854 and 1855. He was appointed a member permanently Feb. 5, 1861, vice Jesse Buell, deceased. Orris H. Warren, D. D., appointed a member of this Board, vice Dr. George, resigned, April n, 1877. Other State Officers. — Hon. Thomas G. Alvord, elected Lieutenant Governor Nov. 8, 1864; Speaker of the House of Assembly, June 26, 1858, and Jan. 5, 1864. Hon. E. W. Leavenworth, elected Secretary of State Nov., 1853. Hon. Daniel Pratt elected Attorney General Nov. 4, 1873. Gen. Henry A. Barnum elected State Prison In spector Nov. 7, 1865. John M. Jaycox elected Canal Commissioner Nov. 4, 1857 ; Reuben W. Stroud Nov. 4, 1872. Hon. Elisha Litchfield elected Speaker of the House of Assembly Jan. 2, 1844. Hon. Vivus W. Smith, State Appraiser, appoint ed Jan. 24, 1872, vice Samuel North. First Board of Supervisors of Onondaga County, 1794. — The first meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Onondaga county was held at the house of Asa Danforth, in the town of Manlius, on Wednesday, May 27, 1794. The following named persons composed the Board : Silas Halsey, of Ovid ; Benjamin Boardman, of Romulus ; Ezekiel Crane, of Aurelius ; Comfort Tyler, of Manlius ; John Stoyles, of Scipio ; Moses De Witt, of Pompey. Not present : Wyllys Bishop, of Milton ; Robert McDowell, of Ulysses ; and William History of onondaga county, new york. 79 Stevens, of Marcellus. The towns of Homer and Lysander were not then organized. The accounts of the Board were kept in pounds, shillings, pence and farthings, till the year 1798. In 1794, the total valuation of property in the county was ,£19,479. The total tax raised was ^273.17-3^0!. In 1797 the Board of Supervisors gave the following : Total inhabitants, 1,759 ' total valuation of property, $146,679.37. In 1799, after Cayuga was set off, the population was 1,036. In December, 1795, the Board of Supervisors met in Scipio, then included in Onondaga county. The following report of their action is copied from an original manuscript in the possession of Mr. James W. Gould, of Syracuse, which is among other old and valuable relics preserved by his father, who was one of the pioneers of Onondaga : " A Resolve of the Supervisors at their Meeting in Scipio." " Resolved, That the following recommendations be transmitted to the different towns in this county by their respective Supervisors, viz : Whereas, The Supervisors of the county of On ondaga have many inconveniences by the various modes taken in the different towns in assessing the ratable property in the county, have thought it a duty to recommend to the assessors of each respect ive town next to be chosen in said town, a mode of taking the valuation of property which appears to us the most eligible in our local situation, desiring this to be publicly read at the next annual town meeting, which uniform mode will render the next Board of Supervisors, our successors in office, more capable of doing justice in levying taxes in our in fant state, viz : Estimate as follows : Improved lands of a medium quality _— 20s. per acre. Working oxen of a medium quality £16 Per yoke- Cows of a medium quality £ 5 per piece. Young cattle of 'three years old and under 20s. per year. Horses of a medium quality.— £10 per piece. Colts three years old and under 4°s- per year. Hogs that will weigh 100 weight 20s. per piece. Negro men £$0 per head. Negro wenches £30 per head. Grist Mills £S° per piece. Saw mills £^o per piece. " And those articles of an inferior and superior quality, in proportion, and other ratable property in like proportion. " The Board further recommends to the consider ation of the different towns the following mode in making the assessment, viz : That each person hold ing ratable property shall give in to the Assessor a list of his or her ratable property or estate, in writ ing, agreeable to the request of the Assessor, which will be an avoucher to the Assessor, and pre vent any aspersions of injustice of being taxed un equally by those having that part of duty to per form in society. " The Board also recommends to Assessors that they completely make out their list of assessments by the first of May, as the law directs, so that the Supervisors may be enabled to proceed on their business at their first meeting, and save the county cost. "And further, we also recommend to the towns to adopt a uniform mode of granting a bounty on wolves, and render the reward of each man in his exertions for the destruction of these animals. Therefore, with submission, we think a reward of forty shillings, in addition to the bounty allowed by the county, to be adequate for the bounty of each wolf. "The Board submits the above recommendations to the consideration of the several towns in the county of Onondaga. " By order of the Board. Comfort Tyler, Clerk. "Scipio, December 20th, 1795." Supervisors for 1878. Camillus — Sidney H. Cook, Jr. Clay — Jacob W. Coughtry. Cicero — Nelson P. Eastwood. DeWitt — Josiah G. Holbrook. Elbridge — Alfred D. Lewis. Fabius — Newell Rowley. Geddes — N. Stanton Gere. Lysander — J. T. Skinner. LaFayette — George W. Mclntyre. Manlius — Anson Smith. Marcellus — Robert E. Dorchester. Onondaga — James C. Rann. Otisco — Henry W. Hotchkiss. Pompey— Marshal R. Dyer. Salina— George Bassett. Skaneateles— John H. Gregory. Spafford — Benjamin McDaniels. Tully— Ellis V. King. Van Buren— Augustus W. Bingham. First Ward— Thomas Nicholson. Second Ward— Michael Kohles. Third Ward— William H. H. Gere. Fourth Ward— John Rombach. Fifth Ward— Egbert Draper. Sixth Ward— George W. Chase. Seventh Ward— William C. Anderson. Eighth Ward— H. Wadsworth Clarke. County Officials, 1878— Miscellaneous. Justices of Sessions— Martin L. Gardner, Nava- rino ; George W. Hill, Otisco. District Attorney— Nathaniel M. White, Bald win sville. 8o HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. Coroners — A. J. Dallas, Syracuse ; S. M. Hig- gins, Memphis ; Jonathan Kneeland, South Onon daga. Loan Commissioners— Zenas A. Jones, Pompey ; J. Maxon, Elbridge. School Commissioners— Richard W. McKinley, Collamer ; James W. Hooper, Geddes ; Robert Van Keuren, Jordan. Superintendent of the Poor— Henry H. Loomis, Syracuse. Superintendent of the Penitentiary — Jared C. Williams, Syracuse. Clerk of the Board of Supervisors— Bingham N. Bailey, Syracuse. Report of the Committee on Equalization, Passed by the Board of Supervisors Decem ber 14, 1877. To the Board of Supervisors of Onondaga County : Your Committee on Equalization would beg leave to present their final report, as embraced in the following table, showing the aggregate corrected valuation of the several towns of the county and the city of Syracuse, upon which is apportioned the State and county tax, which, together with the town tax, makes up the aggregate tax to be raised in the several towns and the city. Your committee would therefore offer the following resolution and recom mend its adoption : Resolved, That the aggregate tax set opposite the several towns of the county and city of Syracuse, as exhibited in the table accompanying this report, be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the towns and city respectively, as their proportion of the State, county and town tax for the year 1877. Respectfully submitted, A. Van Vleck, Wm. C. Anderson, M. R. Dyer, J. G. Holbrook, A. W. Bingham, N. P. Eastwood, O. F. Soule, W. H. H. Gere, Committee.* Mr. Kendall moved that the report be accepted and the resolution adopted. Carried, as follows : Ayes — Messrs. Sherwood, Coughtry, Eastwood, Holbrook, Van Vleck, Rowley, N. S. Gere, Kendall, Mclntyre, Smith, Comstock, Niles, Dyer, Bassett, Earll, Willis, Bingham, Avery, Mason, W. H, H. Gere, Rombach, Soule, Chase, Anderson, Rose — 25. Nays — Messrs. Dorchester and Weston — 2. Military Organization for Onondaga Coun ty — 1 79 1. — On the 8th of March, 1791, the fol lowing appointments were made for Herkimer, in Major J. L. Hardenburgh's battalion, General Vol- kert, Veeder's Brigade : Captains — Moses DeWitt, Benjamin Dey and Roswell Franklin ; Lieutenants — Jacob Hart, Hezekiah Olcott, Joshua Patrick and Josiah Buck ; Ensigns — Samuel Lackey, Asa Dan forth, Jr., Nathan Walker and James Alexander ; David Holbrook, Surgeon. Patrick Campbell was appointed Brigadier-Gen eral for Herkimer, Oct 9, 1793. In the same year Moses DeWitt was appointed Major; Asa Dan forth, Major. First Company : Hezekiah Olcott Captain ; Jeremiah Gould, Lieutenant ; Comfort Tyler, Ensign. Second Company : Asa Danforth, Jr., Captain ; Orris Curtiss, Lieutenant ; James Clark, Ensign. In March, 1794, the following appointments were made for Onondaga county : Major John L. Har denburgh's Battalion : Solomon Buell, Captain, Light Infantry ; Noah Olmsted, Lieutenant ; Jona than Brownell, Ensign. Majors DeWitt and Dan- forth's Battalion : Jeremiah Jackson, Captain, Light Infantry; Jonathan Russell, Lieutenant ; Sier Cur tis, Ensign. On the 8th of April, 1795, Othneil Taylor, Esq., was appointed Commandant of a Brigade, compris ing the counties of Onondaga and Ontario, with the rank and title of Brigadier General. A troop * Valuation and Taxation of the Real and Personal Estate of the County of Onondaga for the Year 1877. TOWNS. S.S 11 a « ,9> feP, o tc < Camillus Cicero Clay De Witt Elbridge Fabius Geddes LaFayette . . . Lysander.. . . . Manlius .... Marcellus Onondaga. . Otisco Pompey Salina Skaneateles . Spafford .... Tully Van Buren . . . Syracuse Total 2.1,100 29,00029,50023,400 22,200 30,000 6,374 22,200 38,000 30,30018,900 41,100 15,50039,000 8,446 23,600 18,50015.600 21,600 7,300 26 30 100 182427 #633,000 435,000 590,000 608,400 666,000 420,000637,400 399,600 912,000 818,100 396,900 1,150,800 217,000 702,000 506, 760 613,600 259,000218,400604,800 7,300,000 $1,366,700 1,688,375 1,608,73 2,330,6652,670,250 1,195^75° 3,685,050 1,368,170 2,862,765 3,683,8251,392,4503,472,950 744,2-70 1,840,2001,647,8022,899,335 687,150670,657 2,328,460 27,584,130 $2,335,069 1,604,673 2,176,4532,244,3282,456,809 1,549,34° 2,351,306 1,474,0863,364,2813,017,8931,464,126 4,245,190 800,491 2,589,609 1,869,388 2,263,5119,550,42.7 805,657 2,231,048 26,929,000 §295,050 201,710 100,000108,145360,760130,450306,800 179,930547,5^5 801,730245,600 388,050118,650128,350 121,500 842,600 140,250 116,055 285,690 3,647,390 51,630,119 1,806,383 2,176,4532,35^,4732,817,569 1 ,679,790 2,658,106 1,654,0163,911,806 3,819,6131,70;, 726 4/133,240 919,141 2,7»7,959 1,990,— 3,160,!, 095, 677 921,712 2,516,738 30,576,390 $5,255 51 3,6o9 34 4,548 72 4,700 72 5,630 ic 3,356 58 5,3" 48 3,30506 7,8i5i5 7,637 40 3,416 40 9,258,12 1,836 58 5,43o 93 3,978 06 6,206 68 a, 188 17 1,841 76 5,028 82 61,097 68 54,357 or 2,992 41 3,77i 12! 3,S97 05 1 4,667 541 2,78271;4,4°3 37| 2,740 02 6,480 21 1 6,327 50; 2,832 3o: 7,675 33 1,522 64 4,502 53 3,298 07 5,H5 52 1,81507 1,526 89 4,169 iS 50,652 23 $2,09833 1,020 62 2,501 50 2,665 4° 3,284 35 1,236 7S 7,3U i« 1,622 20 3,iS6 20 15,85404 1,169 91 2,825 64 901 45 2,406 48 10,366 13 4,o44 10 59648 1,233 35 1,272 09 118,303 02 ^11,710 85 7,622 37 10,821 34! 11,265 17 13,581 99 7,375 07 17,026 01 7,667 28 17,481 56 29,813 94 7,567 1 19,759 09 4,260 67 12,339 94 17,642 26 15,396 30 4, 599 72 4,602 00 10, 470 09 230,052 93 ,00439968 .0040328 .006332968 .00461912.00448101 .0055618 .00426519 .0049527 .0051262 .00664665 .0045289 .00511755 .004838 .006268 .0099713 .0054362. 005559* .00585 .0040051 .0073661 18,088,760 66,727,685 66,727,685 ,066,235 75,793,920 151,448 26 125,558 70 ,049 73 461,05669 PENITENTIARY, Syracuse, Onondaga Co.. N. Y. Onondaga County Poop House. HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 81 of horse was organized in the said Brigade in 1795, and Walter D. Nicholls, appointed Captain. In 1796 the Governor organized several new regi ments in the Counties of Ontario and Onondaga. The battalion hitherto commanded by Major Dan forth was made a regiment, comprising the town ships of Hannibal, Lysander, Cicero, Manlius, Pom pey, Fabius, Solon, Cincinnatus, Tully, Virgil, Ca millus, Sempronius, Locke, Dryden, and the Onon daga Reservation. Asa Danforth, Lieutenant- Colonel, Commandant ; Hezekiah Olcott, first Ma jor ; Josiah Buck, second Major ; Joshua Wickoff, first Lieutenant ; Thaddeus M. Wood, second Lieutenant ; and Colman Keeler, Cornet in Cap tain Nicholl's troop of horse, General Taylor's brigade, appointed March, 1797. The following officers were appointed in Lieuten ant-Colonel Danforth's regiment, viz : Hezekiah .Olcott, first Major ; Asa Danforth, Jr., second Major ; John Ellis, Adjutant ; Elijah Rust, Pay master ; Jabez Hull, Quartermaster ; William Need- ham, Surgeon ; Walter Colton, Surgeon's Mate ; Jesse Butler, Lieutenant ; Comfort Tyler, Captain ; Nehemiah H. Earll, Lieutenant ; Elijah Phillips, Captain ; Caleb Pratt, Lieutenant ; John Lamb Captain ; William Cook, Lieutenant ; Samuel Je rome, Captain, David Williams, Captain ; Eobert Earll, Captain, etc., etc. The population of the county in 1800, 7,698 ; 1810, 25,987; 1820, 4I.497J l83°> 58,973; 1840, 67,911 ; 1855, 86,575 ; l86S. 92.972 ; 1870, 104,183 ; 1875, 112,186. (For full tables of population and other statistics, see statistical department of this work.) CHAPTER XIX. County Poor House and Insane Asylum — County Penitentiary — State Asylum for Idiots. THE Onondaga County Poor House and Asy lum are situated upon Onondaga Hill about two miles distant from the city of Syracuse. The site contains l6\ acres of land. It contained originally about 145 acres, being part of lot No. 87 in the town of Onondaga, and purchased by the county of Josiah Bronson in the year 1826. The following is from the minutes of the Board of Supervisors at a meeting held November 24, 1826: " The Board of Supervisors of the County of Onondaga having taken into consideration the pro priety of erecting a County Poor House, appointed a select committee consisting of the following gen tlemen : George Pettit, Hezekiah Strong and Charles H. Toll." The committee embodied in their report the following charges for the county poor during the years from 1823 to 1826 inclusive : Aggregate charges for the year 1823 $2,459 88 The like for the year 1824 2,560 98 The like for the year 1825 3,973 66 The like for the year 1826 5,767 47 Increase of charges from 1823 to 1824, $10,114 > from 1824 to 1825, $,1412.68; from 1825 to 1826, $1,793.83 ; total increase in three years, $3,307.65. This showed the disadvantage of not having suit able provisions for the poor. The committee in view of all the circumstances recommended that " the Board do avail themselves of the pro visions of the act entitled 'An act to provide for the establishment of County Poor Houses, passed No vember 27, 1824." The following resolutions were adopted : ; "Resolved, That the sum of two thousand dol lars be forthwith raised in the county of Onondaga towards purchasing a site and erecting a county Poor House." "Resolved, That the members of this Board be a committee to examine, investigate and enquire as to the best location in said county for the said Poor House, and report their opinions and views on the subject to a future extra meeting of the Board." At the annual meeting of the Board held at the house of Z. Rust, on the 28th day of November, 1826, it was " Resolved, That it be and is hereby determined that it will be beneficial to the said county to erect a county Poor House." " Resolved, That a copy of the above resolution be signed by the President and Clerk of this Board, and be forthwith filed with the Clerk of the said county." Elisha Litchfield, President. James Webb, Clerk. At the next meeting of this Board, held at the house of Z. and G. Rust, in the town of Onondaga, on the second Tuesday, in January, 1827, present all the members except Charles Jackson, of La Fayette, propositions were received of farms for sale to the Board of Supervisors for county Poor House purposes, in the towns of Manlius, Pompey, and many other localities in the county. The Board adopted the following resolution : " Resolved, That the location of the County Poor House shall be within ten miles of the Court House." A committee was then appointed consisting of Russell Chase, Hezekiah Strong, Charles H. Toll, Fisher Curtis and George Pettit, to examine a farm offered. by Mr. Josiah Bronson,. being part of Lqt 87 in the town of Onondaga, 100 acres or more at 82 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. i.oo per acre, and report upon the same at the next adjourned meeting. On the ninth day of February, 1827, the Board met again at the house of Z. and G. Rust. The committee reported favorably upon the farm offered by Josiah Bronson, and the Board resolved to accept the same, " containing about 145 acres, at the price of $18.00 per acre." " Resolved, That the Board of Supervisors will pay Josiah Bronson the sum of $500 on taking a deed, and the residue in two equal annual install ments with interest, amounting to about $735 each to be secured to said Bronson by mortgage, and the said Supervisors take upon themselves to pay the State mortgage, amounting to about $640.00, and the said Bronson reserves the wheat now on the ground." Hezekiah Strong, Fisher Curtis and George Pettit were appointed a building committee, with instructions to " build a house not exceeding 60 feet in length and 36 feet in width, two stories above the cellar or basement, all of stone, and the expense of which shall not exceed $2,500.00." By a resolution passed at this meeting, Oliver R. Strong, Daniel Mosely, Truman Adams, Azariah Smith and James Webb, were appointed Superintendents of the Poor House. The building committee were instructed to build the barn 42 by 32 feet, and other out buildings not exceeding in the whole $300.00. Hezekiah Strong, Fisher Curtis and George Pettit, were appointed a committee to raise the funds nec essary to erect the buildings. The Poor House was completed on the 17th of December, 1827. Our space will not allow us to enter into a detailed account of all the changes and improvements which have been made in the last half century both in the buildings and in the manner of taking care of the poor and the insane. This important interest has kept pace with other improvements in the county, and has of late years commanded increasing attention and interest. The main ^building of the present Poor House was erected in 1854. In i860 the first stone build ing for the Asylum was erected. Extensive im provements were made during the years from 1866 to, 1873, under the administration of Mr. C. C. Warner, who had_"charge of the Institution during the years referred to, and to whose economical management and indefatigable labors the people of the county are much indebted. Under his administration the Reservoir for the supply of the county buildings with water was constructed in 1867, at a cost of $4,000. In 1868, a new Asylum, built of stone, 32 by "j6 feet and three stories in height, was built, costing about $16,000. The same year one wing of the Poor House was enlarged and a story added to it, at a cost of about $8,000. In 1871, the carriage and hay barn, 32 by 76 feet with stone basement, was built to supply the place of the one previously destroyed by fire. This barn was erected at the very moderate cost of $1,550. A great improvement was made in the whole general appearance of the premises ; the road in front was elevated and graveled ; side-walks were built; and rows of beautiful shade trees planted. Mr. Warner being elected to the office of Super intendent, appointed Mr. Knapp his successor as' keeper, who had charge of the Poor House and Asylum until April ist, 1875, at which date the present incumbent, Mr. Ambrose Sadler, assumed charge. The Annual Report of the Superintendent, H. H. Loomis, Esq., for the year ending November 9, 1877, shows that the receipts from all sources, in cluding an appropriation by the Board of Supervi sors of $18,000, was $23,072.86, and the total dis bursements, $19,579. 17. The amount of cash on hand was $3,493.69, and the amount of supplies, $1,725.00. Estimated amount necessary to meet the current expenses of the Poor House and Asylum for the ensuing year, $16,000. The number of children now in the different charitable institutions who are supported by the county is fifty-three. Of these 24 are in the On ondaga County Orphan Asylum, 15 in the St. Vincent de Paul Orphan Asylum, and 14 in the House of Providence. The number of persons in the Poor House is 130; 90 of whom are males and 40 females. Of the 1 17 in the Insane Asylum, 47 are males and 40 females. The number admitted to the Asylum during the year is 49 ; 26 have been maintained at their own expense or that of their friends, $2.00 per week being paid for their board and care ; 10 have died, 34 have been discharged, and one has absconded during the year. The following table shows the causes of depend ency of all persons received at the County House during the year : Intemperance direct-, 64 Vagrancy 127 Indigent and Destitute 53 Lunacy 42 Sickness 30 Old Age 10 Debauchery 13 Bastardy 7 Blindness 4 Lameness 6 Idiocy 6 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 83 The products of the Poor House farm during the past season have been as follows : Twenty-five tons of hay, 222 bushels of beets, 75 bushels of onions, 15 bushels of tomatoes, 41 bushels of carrots, 48 bushels of apples, 95 bushels of wheat, 950 pounds of butter, 2,500 pounds of beef, 20 hogs, and 1,000 head of cabbages. The following is a statement of expenses in curred and the income realized from the farm of William Moore (20 acres) rented in the spring : EXPENSES. Rent $250 00 Seed 75 00 $325 00 INCOME. Potatoes, 1303 bushels — $521 20 Corn, 224 " ___ 56 00 Oats, 150 " __ _ 52 50 Cornstalks 15 00 Oat straw 39 00 Hay, 3 tons 30 00 Rent 36 00 Profits realized ng 70 -$394 70 Onondaga County Penitentiary. On the 4th of December, 1849, Messrs. Robert Dunlop, Cyrus Upham and T. C. Cheeney, a com mittee of the Board of Supervisors to whom was referred the subject of the county jail, reported a plan for a penitentiary, to be built upon the center of the lot where the court house and jail then stood. The main building was to be 75 by 50 feet and four stories including basement, with one wing 100 by 50 feet, having one row of windows and four tiers of cells. The whole number of cells was to be 96. It was estimated that the entire cost would be a little less than $20,000. The Board of Supervisors, on the 7th of Decem ber, 1849, adopted the report of the above commit tee, and passed the following resolutions : " Resolved by the Board, That a work-house or Penitentiary be erected in the county in pursuance of the plan submitted to this Board at its present session by the committee of which Mr. Dunlop is chairman. Resolved, That Mr. Church, of Lysander, Mr. Dunlop, of DeWitt, and T. C. Cheeney, of Syra cuse, be appointed commissioners to superintend the erection of said building. * * * * Resolved, That said commissioners and the County Treasurer be empowered to loan a sum of money necessary for the erection of said building, not exceeding $20,000, to be deposited in the County Treasurer's office." * * * The plan of the committee was carried out with the exception of locating the building on the Court House grounds. The delay in moving the Court House to its present location and other causes in duced the Board to change the site to Block 116 in what had previously been the village of Salina, where the Penitentiary now stands. This block was purchased of the State and a patent issued therefor, signed by His Excellency, Hamilton Fish, Governor, on the 4th of February, 1850, On the 8th of January, 185 1, the following resolu tion, moved by Mr. L. Harris Hiscock, was adopted : " Resolved, That the Onondaga County Peniten tiary is completed within the necessary meaning of the Act of April 10, 1850, and that the Board of Supervisors have full power to officer and organize said Penitentiary, under the ioth section of that act, and that so much of the resolutions of the Board of Supervisors of last year as confers any power to officer and organize said Penitentiary on the Commisioners of the same, be and the same is hereby rescinded." In January, 185 1, a special act was passed by the Legislature, the first, section whereof is in the fol lowing words : " The Jail of the county of Onondaga shall be, and the same is hereby, removed to the Peniten tiary of said county, and said Penitentiary shall be used for all the purposes of a jail of said county ; and the Superintendent of said Penitentiary, ap pointed by the Board of Supervisors, shall be the Jailor thereof, and have the custody and control of all persons while confined therein, as the Sheriff of said county might have were this law not en acted. * " * * * * Section 7. This act shall take effect immedi ately." In the rules and by-laws adopted January 9, 1851, it is provided that three inspectors shall be appoint ed by the Board of Supervisors, in meeting now assembled, who shall have the supervision of the penitentiary and the entire control of all its finan cial concerns and operations, and shall purchase and furnish all the necessary supplies for the Peniten tiary, one of whom shall hold his office for one year, one for two years and one for three years from the first day of January, 185 1. "The said Peni tentiary shall be under the control and management of one principal keeper or Superintendent and a Board of Inspectors, subject to the authority es tablished by law and the rules and regulations adopted by the Board of Supervisors for its govern ment. There shall be a physician to the peniten tiary, to be appointed, and his compensation fixed by the Board of Supervisors." * * * The Board then .proceeded to the election of officers of the Penitentiary, with the following result, the vote being by ballot : Superintendent— Joseph A. Yard. fnspectors— Lyman Norton, James V. Kendall, Aaron Brinkerhoff. Physician — James Foran. «4 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. The Penitentiary was originally erected, substan tially the same as at present, with the exception of the addition of one wing in 1864. A portion of the building was re-built and other improvements made subsequent to the fire which occurred during the late war. The present condition of the Penitentiary, after an experiment of twenty-seven years, is such as fully to demonstrate the practical success of the institution. The Inspectors — Messrs. H. K. King, William Austin and Timothy Hough — in their an nual report to the Board of Supervisors for 1877, recommend the erection of additional buildings for female prisoners. Besides the great moral advan tages which would obviously result from this policy, the increased facilities for taking and working a large number of long-term prisoners from adjacent counties and from the State at large, would greatly increase the profits of the institution and enlarge the revenue which it might be made to pay to the county. Already, besides paying all expenses for the past year, and in a season of considerable busi ness depression, the profits of the Penitentiary have reached the net surplus of $12,190.86. The con tractors for the penitentiary labor are Messrs. Fra zer, Burns & Jones. The report of the present Superintendent, Mr. J. C. Williams, shows that the total income for the year 1877 was $38,620.85, and the total expendi tures $25,644.99. Balance in favor of the Institu tion $12,975.86. Items to the amount of $785 to be deducted from the above balance making the net profit of the Institution $12,190.86. Total number of persons in confinement during the year 1,264. The Jail of the county is kept in the Peniten tiary building, and is simply a house of detention. None are ever confined in this department who are undergoing sentence on conviction. No work is required of the jail-prisoners, but such as choose to work with the penitentiary-prisoners are permitted to do so, subject to the rules and regulations of the Penitentiary. The New York State Asylum for Idiots. The New York State Asylum for Idiots was found ed in 1851. It was open for the admission of pupils in October of that year in buildings leased for the purpose at Albany. At the end of four years it was removed to Syra cuse. The first building erected for its use was completed in 1855, where it now stands. The cost of this was about $70,000, not including the land which was given by the citizens of Syracuse. The first structure was meant to accommodate 150 pupils. Successive additions from time to time have now doubled its original capacity. The buildings stand upon a bold terrace in a southwesterly direction from the city. They are just west ofthe city line in the town of Geddes, and about a mile and a quarter from the Syracuse Rail road Depot. The grounds of the Asylum include about fifty-five acres. The object and design of the Asylum is to furnish means of education or training to the idiots of the State who are of a teachable age and condition ; hence the customary age of admission is from seven to fourteen. The by-laws of the Asylum exclude applicants who are epileptic, insane or greatly deformed. The education and training to which the pupils are submitted has reference mainly to developing in them a capacity for some useful occupation and the formation of correct habits. The girls are trained to household occupations and the boys to farm and garden work and two or three simple trades. No inconsiderable portion of the work in the asylum and about the grounds, is done by the pupils. The Asylum is under the general control of a Board of Trustees, eight of whom are appointed by the Governor, and the remaining five are ex officio members, consisting of the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of State, Comptroller and Superintendent of Public Instruction. Dr. H. B. Wilbur has held the office of Superin tendent of the Asylum from its foundation. CHAPTER XX. Onondaga in the War of the Rebellion — Outburst of Patriotism at the Beginning of the War — First Enlistments of Volun teers — Captain John G. Butler's Company — Pettit's Battery. THE late civil war, which had been threatened by the South, was precipitated by an attack upon Fort Sumpter, on Sunday, April 14, 1861. On Monday following Abraham Lincoln called for 75,000 volunteers to aid in suppressing the rebel lion. Simultaneously war meetings were held all over the Northern States. In this county flags were raised in almost every school district. The patriotic spirit needed no urging ; such was its in tensity that violence actually threatened the few open sympathizers with the South, who, not yet aware of the spirit of their neighbors, dared openly to express HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 85 sentiments of sympathy with secession. In a little while the voices of all such were hushed in the general outburst of loyalty and patriotism ; and men of all parties, with but few exceptions, forgot their political differences in view of the common danger which seemed to threaten the country. The flag of the Republic had been ruthlessly assailed and the very existence of the Nation was imperiled by armed treason and rebellion. In such a state of things the appeal made to the loyal North for de fenders ofthe Union, accompanied as it was by the authentic announcement that Maj. Anderson's little garrison at Charleston had surrendered, and that a rebel flag waved from the ramparts of Fort Sump ter, awakened the most intense excitement and called forth a response which, for promptness and alacrity, has never been equalled in the history of any nation. The excitement in this locality was much the same as it was throughout the Northern States generally, except, perhaps, that it was more intense ; the strong anti-slavery sentiment of a large portion of the people being kindled into a flame by the first overt act of hostility on the part of the South. The county of Onondaga was behind no other portion of the Empire State in the promptness with which she furnished her quota of men and sent them for ward to the seat of war. One company had been formed in Syracuse by Captain John G. Butler be fore the beginning of the war, in 1 860, and was sent on immediately after the attack upon Fort Sumpter and formed a part of the 3d New York regiment, which participated in the first battle fought for the defense of the Union. Immediately upon the call for the 75,000 men in April, 1861, the 12th Regiment was raised and sent to the front, to engage at once in active service. Then followed the 10 ist, a regi ment made up partially of Onondaga men, in the fall of 1 86 1 ; then the I22d Regiment in the summer of 1862 ; this was followed in less than a month by the 149th Regiment, and this again by the 185th, in the summer of 1864. The 15th and 22d Cavalry were respectively raised and sent from this county. Besides these Jenney's and Pettit's Batteries and a considerable portion of the ist Regiment of Light Artillery were furnished from this county in 1861. The 3d New York Cavalry, mustered into the service in August, 1861 ; the ioth Cavalry, December, 1861 ; the 12th Cavalry, November, 1862; the 20th Cavalry, September, 1863 ; and the 24th Cavalry, organized at Auburn and mustered in January, 1864, were in part made up by men from Onondaga county. Also part of the 9th New York Heavy Artillery. This county and Cortland furnished eight companies of the 2d Regiment of Ira Harris Light Cavalry, recruited in September and October, 1864. In infantry, be sides the full regiments, this county furnished a portion of the 44th New York, mustered in, in 1861 ; the 75th, 1861 ; the 86th, 1861 ; and the 101st, 1861. The 193d Regiment was partly raised here in April, 1865, and the 194th, mustered in, the same spring. Thus it will be seen that, besides the filling of the complete regiments made up from this county, recruiting was going on briskly here from the begin- ing to the end of the war. Indeed, it began before the war broke out, and continued so long as a man was needed to complete the last great struggle with the Rebellion in front of Richmond in 1865. We have no means of determining the exact number of men furnished to the Government, first and last, by this county, but the aggregate will no doubt ap proximate 10,000 men. The county raised about 1,000 men over and above her quota. Captain Butler's Company. The tour of the Ellsworth Zouaves through the country in i860, awakened an unusual degree of military enthusiasm. A Zouave company was im mediately thereafter formed in Syracuse, of which John G. Butler was Captain, Samuel Thompson, 1st Lieutenant, and Edwin S. Jenney, 2d Lieutenant. The company was composed of about forty young men of some of the best families in the city. Immediately after the fall of Fort Sumpter, the company tendered its services to the Government, and was at once recruited by Capt. Butler and Lieut. Jenney to the maximum number of "]"], officers and men, and became Company D of the 3d regi ment, N. Y. Vols. Before it was mustered into the service Lieut. Jenney recruited another company in Oneida County, of which he became captain. This was or ganized as Company I of the same regiment. The only other Onondaga County man in this company was Mr. Leon H. Ballard, its 2d Lieutenant. Captain Butler's company was organized with John G. Butler, Captain ; C. H. Burdick, 1st Lieu tenant ; Jay M. Wicks, 2d Lieutenant ; and was the first company organized in Central New York upon the breaking out of the rebellion. Both Butler's and Jenney's companies proceeded about the middle of April, 1861, to the barracks at Albany, where the regimental organization was completed, thence to New York, where, after a brief encampment at the Battery, the regiment was or dered to Fortress Monroe and incorporated with 86 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. Gen. Butler's army. They had immediate experi ence in active service, the famous movement on Big Bethel, the first actual battle of the war, being ordered June 9, 1861. Gen. Butler had taken com mand at Fortress Monroe at the head of 15,000 raw but gallant soldiers. It had been decided that no offensive movement should be made prior to the 24th of May (the day after the farce of voting to ratify the ordinance of secession of the State of Virginia) — the Government having apparently re solved that no Union soldier should, on that day, tread the soil of Virginia, save within the narrow limits, or immediately under the frowning walls of Fortress Monroe. So Gen. Butler soon found ten or twelve thousand confederates in his front, under command of Gens. Huger and Magruder, both recently of the regular army, with earthworks and batteries, well mounted with powerful guns from the spoils of the Norfolk Navy Yard. General Butler found his position so cramped by the proximity and audacity of the rebels, that he resolved upon enlarging his circle, and to that end seized and fortified Newport News, at the mouth of the James River. On the 9th- of June he ordered a reconnoissance in force with a view of capturing the rebel position nearest to him, at Little Bethel. The camp here was found deserted, and General Pierce, in command of our force pushed on to Big Bethel, seven miles further, where they found Ma gruder strongly posted with 1,800 rebel infantry behind his breastworks. General Pierce, who had never seen a shot fired in actual war, planting his small arms in an open field opened an ineffectual fire, his balls burying themselves harmlessly in the rebel earthworks. This action was kept up about four hours — necessarily with considerable loss on our side and little or none on that of the enemy. Finally, a more determined assault was made by a part of our infantry led by Major Theodore Win- throp, Aid to General Butler, who was shot dead while standing on a log, cheering his men to the charge. Butler's and Jenney's companies, composing the second division of the regiment, and being the fourth and ninth in rank, volunteered and were sent forward as part of the storming party in this first engagement of the war, and lost in proportion to any other troops engaged in the battle. They are mentioned in the reports for gallant conduct. The enemy's position was protected in front by a stream of water which made a successful assault impossible. Our total losses in the advance and attack were about 100 men, while the rebels report their loss at one killed and seven wounded. Succeeding the battle of Big Bethel the compa nies were kept at Fortress Monroe till after the battle of Bull Run, when the regiment was ordered to the Army of the Potomac, but was, however, stopped at Baltimore and assigned to garrison duty at Fort McHenry. In October, 1861, Captain Jenney, being author ized to recruit a battery of light artillery, left the regiment. On the 4th of February, 1863, Captain Butler was promoted to the Lieutenant-Colonelcy of the 147th New York Volunteers, organized at Oswego in September, 1862, of which Andrew S. Warner was Colonel. On the 24th of February, 1863, Lieutenant-Colonel Butler was promoted to the rank of Colonel of the regiment, which he com manded in the field with distinction till failing health compelled him to leave the army. He was discharged on surgeon's certificate of disability, November 5, 1863. The Adjutant-General's report says of the 3d regiment : " This regiment was organized at Al bany, N. Y., for two years. It was mustered into the service of the United States May 14, 1861. The original members were mustered out on the expiration of their term of service, May 21, 1863. The regiment was reorganized in May, 1863, for three years, and finally mustered out in accordance with orders from the War Department, August 18, 1865." They were engaged in the following battles : Big Bethel, Fort Wagner, Bermuda Hundreds, Petersburg, Fort Gilmer, Chapin's Farm, Fort Fisher, Wilmington, N. C. Jay M. Wicks, who went out as 2d Lieutenant, was promoted to 1st Lieutenant February 26, 1862, and to Captain, October 4, 1862. He died, of wounds received in action, October 27, 1864. Charles H. Burdick, ist Lieutenant of same com pany, resigned February 4, 1862. Leon H. Ballard, 2d Lieutenant in Capt. Jenney's company, resigned September 25, 1861. Battery B, First Regiment New York Light Artillery, known as Pettit's Battery, was raised at Baldwinsville and composed chiefly of Onondaga county men. It was mustered into the State ser vice at Baldwinsville, August 24, 1861, and into the service of the United States at Elmira, August 31, 1861. On its arrival in Washington it was the first bat tery to be fully mounted, and remained in camp in the vicinity of Washington till the spring of 1862. The record of its engagements during the war is as follows : HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 87 Warrenton Junction, Va., March 28, 1862. Fair Oaks, Va., June 1-28, 1862. Peach Orchard, Va., June 29, A, M., 1862. Savage Station, Va., June 29, P. M., 1862. White Oak Swamp, Va., June 30, 1862. Malvern Hill, Va., July 1, 1862. Centerville, Va., September 1, 1862. Antietam, Md., September 15-17, 1862. Charlestown, Va., October 19, 1862. Snicker's Gap, Va., November 3, 1862. Falmouth, Va., November 17, 1862. Fredericksburg, Va., December 12-17, 1862. Chancellorsville, Va., May 1-3, 1863. United States Ford, Va., May 6, 1863. Gettysburg, Pa., July 2-3, 1863. Mine Run, Va., November 30, 1863. Spottsylvania, Va., May 12, 1864. North Anna, Va., May 23, 1864. Tolopotomoy, Va., May 29, 1864. Bethesda Church, Va., June 2-3, 1864, Petersburg, Va., June 16-20, 1864. Hatcher's Run, Va., October 27, 1864. On the expiration of its term of service the original number, except the veterans, were mustered out, and the organization composed of veterans and recruits retained in the service. The regiment was finally mustered out by batteries in accordance with an order from the War Department, Battery B be ing mustered out June 18, 1865. The following were the officers of Pettit's Battery, with the record of promotions, &c. : Captain, Rufus D. Pettit, rank from August 29, 1 86 1, resigned May 30, 1863. Captain, J. M. Rority, temporarily assigned to command July 2, 1863, killed at Gettysburg. First-Lieutenant, Albert S. Sheldon, rank from August 29, 1861, promoted to Captain, July 27, 1863, wounded at Gettysburg, discharged December 16, 1864. First- Lieutenant, Thomas O'Shea, not commis sioned, resigned October 17, 1862. Second-Lieutenant, Walter D. Pettit, rank from August 29, 1 86 1, promoted to First- Lieutenant February 27, 1862, discharged April 29, 1863. Second- Lieutenant, Robert E. Rogers, rank from November 12, 1861, promoted to First-Lieutenant March 6, 1863, promoted to Captain, December 30, 1864, mustered out with battery June 18, 1865. Second-Lieutenant, Isaac B. Hall, rank from April 1, 1862 ; assigned to Battery A, December 24, 1862 ; promoted to First- Lieutenant, February 23, 1864"; mustered out on expiration of term of service, October 31, 1864. Second-Lieutenant, Edward H. Underhill, rank from January 4, 1862 ; assigned to Battery B, June 9, 1863 ; promoted to First-Lieutenant, August 26, 1863 ; assigned to Battery A, September 18, 1863.; promoted to Captain, December 9, 1864 ; mustered out with Battery, June 23, 1865. Second-Lieutenant, John Gibson, rank from Oc tober 14, 1863 ; assigned from Battery H, Decem ber 15, 1863 ; promoted to First-Lieutenant, Sep tember 27, 1864 ; mustered out on expiration of term of service, November 16, 1864. First-Sergeant, Joseph B. Slauson, promoted to Second-Lieutenant, September 10, 1862 ; First- Lieutenant, April 29, 1863 ; wounded at Chancel lorsville ; mustered out on the expiration of term of service, September 27, 1864. Quartermaster, Joel B. Frisbie, returned to ranks, December 3, 1861 ; discharged, August 12, 1862. Sergeant, DeWitt M. Perine, promoted to Second Lieutenant, October 20, 1864; First-Lieutenant, February 28, 1865 ; wounded at Gettysburg ; mus tered out with Battery, June 17, 1865. Sergeants — John M. Stephens, died, date un known ; Harvey Cox, wounded at Chancellorsville, fate unknown ; Rufus B. Freeman, died July 25, 1862 ; Guy W. Plumley, died March 2, 1862 ; Charles H. Gates, wounded at Chancellorsville ; transferred to I. C. ; Thomas Coyne, wounded at Chancellorsville ; taken prisoner and paroled ; Robert Maitland, returned to ranks January 31, 1863. Corporals — James A. Skinner, promoted to Quartermaster-Sergeant April 26, 1862; declined commission as Second-Lieutenant August 12, 1864, with rank from May 1, 1864 ; discharged at the expiration of service. Anthony Huyck, promoted to Sergeant, Decem ber 14, 1862; First-Sergeant, December 24, 1862 ; discharged at the expiration of service. Abram S. Attix,* promoted to Sergeant, Septem ber 1, 1862. Andrew J. Hooker, hurt by carriage at Gettys burg, returned to ranks November i, 1863. Edward P. Lockwood,* returned to ranks October 19, 1862. Abiram W. Mathews, died at home. Stephen Barber, died May 4, 1862. George L. Elliot, returned to ranks May 1, 1862. Robert R. Ramsey* James Galligher. Michael Galligher,* returned to ranks. John McSorley* returned to ranks January 1, 1863. Allen F. Mallory,* bugler, returned to ranks January 1, 1863 ; wounded at Gettysburg. „ Thomas McLaughlin* bugler. * Veterans retained in the service. 88 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. Hendrick S. Wheeler,* artificer. Alonzo C. Ketchum,* artificer, returned to ranks. Sylvester P. Slade,* wagoner, f CHAPTER XXI. " Jenney's Battery," — Its Organization with the Third New York Artillery — Sketch of its History. THE Tenth New York Independent Battery, popularly known as " Jenney's Battery," was raised and organized in Syracuse by Capt. Edwin S. Jenney in the fall of 1861. Captain Jenney had entered the service at the very outbreak of the war ; he and Captain John G. Butler being the first to organize companies in Central New York immedi ately after the fall of Fort Sumpter. As Captain of Company I, 3d Regiment, New York Volunteers, he had seen enough of war to induce a decided preference for the light artillery branch of the ser vice ; and becoming weary of the inactivity of gar rison duty at Fort McHenry, to which his regi ment had been assigned after the battle of Big Bethel, he obtained leave of absence, returned to New York and received authority from the Gov ernor to raise a battery of light artillery. He soon succeeded in raising the minimum number, and his command was mustered into the United States ser vice as "The ioth New York Independent Bat tery." In Hall's " Cayuga in the Field " this organiza tion is spoken of as follows : " Of this number a full battery of 142 men was raised through the patriotic and vigorous efforts of Captain Edwin S. Jenney, a young .lawyer in Syracuse, whose private purse furnished hundreds of dollars for the work. The Captain rented the upper stories of a large building on Salina street. He made Syracuse blaze with his banners and placards, and quickly gathered a band of the very best intelligence and blood. It was his intention to go into the army of the West, into which he had been led by friends to suppose he could be sent. He found, however, that he was required for the army of the Potomac, where, at that time, a rule existed that light artillery should be united into battalions, consisting of one regular and three volunteer batteries, commanded by the Captain of the regular battery. This entailed a sacrifice of independence and gave no chance of promotion. He consented, therefore, to an order of the State authorities to attach him to the 3d New York Artillery, as Battery ' F.' As such he was mustered in, December 18th, 1861, by Lieutenant J. R. Brinkle, 5 th United States Artillery, at Syracuse. * Veterans retained in the service. ¦(¦ For roster' of Enlisted Men See Appendix. Shortly after, he repaired to New York and lay at Palace Garden Barracks some weeks, previous to going to the front. The Lieutenants of the com pany were Alex. H. Davis, Gustavus F. Merriam, Paul Birchmeyer and James D. Outwater." While at Palace Garden Barracks the battery was uniformed and furnished with rifles and the men were thoroughly drilled in infantry tactics, in order that, if necessary, they could perform such service until the battery should be equipped. On the 2 1st of February, 1862, the Battery pro ceeded to Washington, D. C, and the next day, with the rest of the regiment, which it had now joined, marched across the Potomac to Fort Cor coran on Arlington Heights. Here the battery remained with the regiment encamped, doing garrison duty and constantly drilling in infantry and heavy artillery tactics, until March 25th, 1862, when orders came to march to join Burnside's expeditionary army. They ar rived at Annapolis the next day, and, on the 28th, embarked on the steamer Fulton for Hatteras In let, where they arrived, joining Burnside's fleet on the 30th, and landing at Newbern, North Carolina, on the 2d of April, 1862. For some time Captain Jenney and Captain Morrison, of Battery B, were engaged in equipping and drilling their respective Batteries. " By the 1st of July, these Batteries had re ceived their full armament. Both had a mixed lot of guns ; B had two twenty-four pound howitzers, (brass), two twelve pound howitzers, (brass,) and two twelve pound Wiards, ( cannon and rifled ) ; F had two iron six pounders, two iron twelve pound ers, and two howitzers. Horses were obtained principally from the baggage wagons of Massa chusetts regiments. The old Bay State sent her regiments into the field with everything complete. A large number of her troops were in Burnside's army and their splendid teams were appropriated, as the emergency requiring them arose, to the use of the 3d artillery. By the first of November, however, Battery F was fully equipped with a complete armament of six Wiard rifled twelve pounder guns. " The summer and fall of 1862 were spent in drill ing the several companies in their respective roles as light and heavy artillery, in the perfection of the line of fortifications and in the ordinary routine of camp duties. * ***** " With only an occasional skirmish with the enemy until November of that year."* From that time during most of its service the battery was kept actively at work. From the 3d to the ioth of that month it was with the army in its march upon Tarboro. While no battle occurred during this march, the discipline and fortitude of * Cayuga in the Field. HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 89 the command were constantly tried by the severity of the march, frequent skirmishes and the constant alertness necessary in the near presence of the enemy. If nothing else was accomplished by this expedition, it was of great educational advantage to the troops, for they were veterans ever after. After this, until December nth, the command had a resting spell. On that day, leaving only a small garrison at Newbern, the army began the march on Goldsboro. This expedition was planned in aid of the Army of the Potomac. General Hal leck ordered that simultaneously with Burnside's crossing the Rappahannock, all the available forces at Newbern, should advance to Goldsboro, N. C, destroy the railroads and bridges, and so far as pos sible, create a diversion in favor of General Burn- side. If it was supposed that this expedition would fight in three successive days three battles and two of them among the severest of the war, considering the number of men engaged, no mistake was made, for the battles of Kinston, Whitehall and Goldsboro are its history. It is not within the scope of our history to give the details of this march nor of these battles. The first two were the severe ones, and in both of them Jenney's Battery distinguished itself. At Kinston the point of our attack was the bridge crossing the river, and owing to the long range of its guns, this battery was at first placed upon a hill in the rear o our advancing troops, to fire over them and thus aid their advance. The enemy held their ground, however, with terrible stubbornness ; an almost hand to hand fight raged for hours ; when it was discovered that the enemy was being reenforced by trobps coming to their left flank, Jenney's Battery with two infantry regiments was ordered to hastily proceed to our right and cut off such ^enforcements if possible. Passing through thick woods they came into the open country too late to effect their object, but with the bridge and enemy full in view. The intermediate country had been drained by large trenches which seemed im passable to a battery, but after a moments confer ence between Gen. Hickman, who commanded the flanking brigade, and Capt. Jenney, the order to advance was given, and the Brigade .in two parallel columns (the infantry in one and the battery in the other) moved at double quick and gallop through the trenches and across the field. No halt was made until the battery was within cannister range of the enemy. The report of the Wiard guns was well known to our army. The position of the field was such that this movement upon the flank was not known to our troops until the Wiard guns rang out in quick succession, and a new musketry fire in the same locality told them the story. There was a momentary lull ; then a cheer rang along the line, an advancing shout, and the enemy's lines wavered and in a moment gave way and every man sought his own safety in flight ; while the battery turned its fire upon the bridge, now crowded by the retreating enemy, with fearful effect. Several hun dred of the enemy sheltered themselves below the river bank and were captured. The enemy in re treating, for the purpose of delaying our pursuit, fired the bridge with turpentine thus torturing to death many of their unfortunate wounded. The work of removing their charred remains occasioned more delay than extinguishing the flames, which was quickly done with the artillery buckets. One section of the Battery under command of Lieutenant Frederick Dennis, with the 3d New York CaValry, followed and harassed the retreating enemy until night, but the Battery had been too badly crippled by the loss of men and horses to hastily make up more than a section for pursuit. At 5 o'clock the next morning, however, having brought in reserve horses and disposed the men with reference to the vacant places, Battery F marched out in the place of honor with the advanced brigade. Conrad Ring, the bugler, bore the colors, in place of poor Dunlap whose horse had been shot under him and who had lost a leg the day before, while others filled the places of the poor fellows left behind as well as their own ; yet the Battery marched out elated with the honors of yesterday's battle, well prepared for the arduous duty still before it. That night the army encamped within three miles of Whitehall, which it was necessary to pass by the route taken, to reach Goldsboro. Early the following morning our cavalry engaged the enemy opposite this village. The main body of our army speedily came up. The artillery was sent to the front, the cavalry and infantry being used mainly as a support and the battle of " Whitehall " was fought. " Gloomy woods clothed both banks of the river, except on the south side, where a large clearing had been made among the trees, forming a sort of amphitheatre. The ground sloped steeply to the river. The enemy was on the north bank in the woods, 6,000 strong, under General Robertson, with artillery in intrenchments. Reaching the open ground, General Foster halted the infantry regi ments to allow the passage of the artillery, which, receiving orders to come to the front with all speed, spared neither lash nor spur, and came thundering into the open ground on a run, battery after battery. As fast as they reported, those having light guns, viz : " F," " H " and " K," and Belger's, were ranged along the line of battle, near the base of the slope, 90 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. the heavy guns, those of " E " and " I " near the top. Battery B was not in the fight. As fast as they came into position, our guns opened fire on the woods, gunboat and the rebel battery, and for two hours and over poured shot, shell and cannister into them steadily. The cannonading was furious beyond experience. It seemed to be one continu ous peal of deafening thunder. The ground trem bled under the sound* The enemy had ten or more heavy guns in their intrenchments. Upon our side were full thirty can non but they were all field pieces. The exposed hillside and close range rendered the battle at once an artillery duel which continued until the enemy's guns were almost wholly disabled, when our infantry advanced to the river bank and quickly dislodged the enemy. During this engage ment one of the guns of " Jenney's Battery," too severely tried by. the rapid firing, burst into four pieces. Previous to this march Lieutenant Davis had been promoted to Adjutant of the regiment. His duty in that position at no time of the day called him to the front ; yet he advanced into the fight with his old battery and served with it with dis tinguished gallantry during the whole action. Lieutenant Dennis, who had succeeded Lieuten ant Davis, during the hottest of the fight was sent with his section to the most exposed position in the field to silence one of the enemy's guns which seemed particularly damaging to us, and received special mention for the courage and skill with which he accomplished that result. After this battle the army again marched on and the next day, reaching the goal of the expedition, fought the battle of Goldsboro. Here, for the first time, Battery F was held in the reserve, short of men, with many draught horses supplying the places of drilled ones left on the field, and with ammunition exhausted, excepting a few rounds of cannister. The battery could no longer be of service and, the fighting over, the men gladly left the field and turned again toward the base of supplies. " When the artillery came off the field to take its place in the column, the troops greeted it with cheers — regiment after regiment waved their caps and flags enthusiastically and made the welkin ring with stormy hurrahs. ' Here come Jenney's Wiards— three rousers for him,' they would shout as that battery came by and so on to the last. No general orders from headquarters could have better testified to the worth of the services of our artillery in the field than this spontaneous and cordial out burst on the field of the battle.*" The army reached Newbern on the 20th of the * Cayuga in the Field. month. In recognition of the gallant conduct of the battery, Captain Jenney was recommended for promotion and on the 1st of January was made a Major in the regiment. Immediately after the return of the army an ex- ¦pedition was planned by General Foster to take Wilmington. To that end during the month of January following he moved the 18th Corps to Beaufort, N. C, ready for embarkation. Before this event, however, his authority was revoked by the War Department, and he was ordered to pro ceed with his corps to South Carolina, to aid in the capture of Charleston. In obedience to this order the army was, by Jan uary 30th, snugly aboard a fleet of about fifty ves sels, and on the 31st set sail reaching Hilton Head during the first week of February. Maj. Jenney, reluctant to surrender the command of his battery, was permitted to accompany it and retained command until July following. By this expedition Battery F was divided. The guns and gunners with only horses enough to draw them were taken, the rest of the battery remaining at Newbern until the next winter, when it joined the main portion of the battery in South Carolina. This detachment, however, was furnished with two guns and, as a section under Lieutenant Clark, rendered efficient service in several actions during the period of its detention in North Carolina. Upon the arrival of the battery in South Carolina it was encamped upon St. Helena Island where it remained inactive until April 1st. General Foster, upon his arrival, found nothing in readiness for operations against Charleston and returned at once to North Carolina, whither most of his army soon followed him. Battery F, how ever, was detained by General Hunter and served during the rest of the war in South Carolina and Florida. The ist of April, 1863, the battery received marching orders and was transported to Folly Island. Here it was incorporated into Vogdes' brigade, Major Jenney becoming chief of artillery and chief of staff, and also retaining command of his battery. Work was commenced at once fortify ing the northern end of the island with the view of storming and capturing Morris Island which lay near and next north of Folly at the mouth of Charleston Harbor, its capture being necessary to the storming of Sumpter and capture of Charles ton from the sea. This work having been accom plished with great difficulty and under the almost constant fire of the enemy's artillery and infantry from Morris Island, only 400 yards away, on the HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 9i 9th of J uly, 1 863 . At daybreak the artillery opened fire upon Morris Island while Strong's brigade in small boats crossed the inlet under a terrible fire and stormed and captured the works upon the southern end of Morris Island. To Battery F was assigned the duty of defending the crossing troops from the fire of the enemy from their rifle pits. This work was so well done that twenty-four of their rifle men were found dead in the pits. General Strong advanced his brigade at. once and attempted to capture Fort Wagner at the northern end of the Island by storm, but was twice successively repulsed, July 18th. A siege was necessary and was at once com menced. During this siege Battery F, now com manded by Lieutenant Birchmeyer, was always in the extreme advance, pushing ahead as the intrench- ments were dug until September 6th, when the Fort was taken. Lieutenants Birchmeyer and Van Housen were especially commended by the commanding General for their bravery and untiring, exertions, and John Conway, Riley Fancher and Matthias Thyson were presented with medals by the government for bravery in the trenches. The battery remained upon Folly Island until April, 1864, and during this time it was by no means inactive. In April, 1864, the battery went to Beaufort, N. C, where its camp remained until September 5, 1864, when it was ordered to Florida. While at Beaufort the spirit of the battery was well tested in the battles of John's Island and Bloody Bridge, in both of which it main tained its early reputation. On the 14th of September the battery arrived at Jacksonville, where it remained in camp until November 29th, when it again returned to South Carolina, to cooperate under General Foster with General Sherman, then marching to the sea. During the campaign which followed, it fought in the battles of Honey Hill, Dereauxheck, Camden, Ashapo and others of less importance. It moved with Sherman to Raleigh and then returned to Charleston, S. C, where it turned over its guns and equipments to the Government, and in the month of May, 1865, returned home to Syracuse and was mustered out. In July, 1863, Major Jenney was ^compelled to leave the battery and assume his duties as Major. He proceeded to regimental headquarters at New bern, N. C, where he was soon made Judge Advo cate and shortly after Provost Judge of the De partment. He occupied these positions until Sep tember, 1864, when, upon the recommendation of the Citizens' Committee, he was commissioned Colonel of the 185th Regiment, then being organ ized at Syracuse, and immediately went to Fortress Monroe to obtain leave from the Commanding Gen eral to accept such promotion. This leave was granted and he was ordered to return to Newbern and turn over his office to his successor. He re turned by the way of the Dismal Canal and was on the little steamer Fawn, which was fired upon and captured by a company of rebel marines. At the time the boat was fired upon she was stopped by a draw-bridge suddenly shot across the canal by rebels who had taken possession of it, and the rebel company, about 70 in number, arising from the cover of a hillock fired upon the boat. There were four officers and ten men on the deck, sitting or lounging without apprehension of danger and not more than twenty feet from the muzzles of the rebel guns. Of this party, ten out of the fourteen were killed or wounded — Major Jenney being one of the fortunate ones. There was no opportunity for resistance, as there was not even a pistol on the boat, which was then passing through friendly terri tory. The prisoners were marched to Elizabeth City, about forty miles distant. In the morning Major Jenney succeeded in persuading the rebel Captain to parole him. The parole being duly signed Jenney pretended to return by the same route he had come, but instead of doing so, went to the river, and capturing a small boat made the best of his way down the river and across the Sound to Roanoke Island. He immediately reported the circumstances of his capture and parole to the Government and hastened home to attend to the or ganization of his regiment. CHAPTER XXII. The Twelfth Regiment New York Volunteers — Organization — March to the Front — Blackburn's Ford — Bull Run — The Peninsu lar Campaign — Yorktown— Hanover Court House. THE 1 2th Regiment New York Volunteer In fantry was the first organized in Onondaga county and among the first formed in the State at the outbreak of the rebellion. On Monday after the ever-memorable Sunday, April 14, 1861, on which Sumpter was fired upon, the regiment was filled, enlisting in the State service for two years. It was organized as follows : 92 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. Field and Staff Officers — Ezra L. Walrath, Colonel ; James L. Graham, Lieut.-Colonel ; John Louis, Major ; Silas Titus, Adjutant; Edmund B. Griswold, Quartermaster; Roger W. Pease, Sur geon ; George B. Todd, Assistant Surgeon ; George H. Root, Sergeant-Major ; Charles Sedgwick, Quartermaster-Sergeant ; Robert C. Daly, Drum- Major ; Spencer Eaton, Fife-Major. Line Officers — Company A : Morris H. Church, Captain ; Ira Wood, Lieutenant ; Charles B. Randall, Ensign ; Porter R. Alger, Abraham Fredendoll, Abram Farnie and John Cross, ist, 2d, 3d and 4th Sergeants ; William B. Patterson, George W. Pratt, Charles E. Furman, Jr., and Harrison Waggoner, 1st, 2d, 3d and 4th Corporals ; Daniel Relyea, Drummer. Company B : Jacob Brand, Captain ; Peter Strauss, Lieutenant ; John P. Spanier, Ensign ; Michael Auer, Julius Hintz, George Boiteu, and Max Fix, Sergeants ; Michael Welter, Jacob Sim mon, Albert Hoffmann, and John Dauer, Corporals ; Moritz Schwarz, Drummer. Company C : Dennis Driscoll, Jr., Captain ; James Randall, Lieutenant ; John P. Stanton, Ensign ; Michael Foley, George Travis, John Lighton, and John Carrol], Sergeants ; Richard J. Wright, James Lewis, William Stanton, and John R. Bailey, Cor porals ; Hiram Foote, Drummer. Company D : George W. Stone, Captain ; Lucius C. Storrs, Lieutenant ; George Snyder, Ensign ; Origen S. Storrs, Charles W. Greene, John M. Couch, and Davis Jones, Sergeants ; Albertus Webb, John Muldoon, Charles H. Davis, and Henry Shirley, Corporals ; Jay F. Bates, Drummer. Company E : Jabez M. Brower, Captain ; Fred erick Horner, Lieutenant ; Samuel J. Abbott, En sign ; Richard N. Booth, Frank W. Clock, Cort land Clark and Thomas J. Behan, Sergeants ; Abijah P. Mabine, Byron Gilbert, Hiram G. How- land and Daniel W. Barker, Corporals ; Charles A. Taylor, Drummer. Company F : Milo W. Locke, Captain ; William Gleason, Lieutenant ; Stephen D. Clark, Ensign ; Edwin R. Dennis, Charles S. Wells, Watson E. Hart and Erastus P. Kinne, Sergeants ; Jacob Van Alstyne, George W. Blackman, Handley Lamb and James Harroun, Corporals ; John Robinson, Drum mer ; Seth S. Thomas, Fifer. Company G : Joseph C. Irish, Captain ; John H. Johnson, Lieutenant; Erskine P. Woodford, Ensign ; George F. Ballou, Oliver T. May, Levi J. Irish and Rush Parkhurst, Sergeants; Irving Tuttle, John H. Light, Francis A. Darling and Eliakiam Winchel, Corporals; Jay H. Roberts, Drummer ; Sylvester Edwards, Fifer. Company H : George W. Cole, Captain; George Truesdell, Lieutenant ; Albert M. Wiborn, Ensign ; Edward Pointer, James Giberson, Thomas Bartlett and Silas Carpenter, Sergeants ; Charles Coon, Lester C. Herrick, Augustus H. Wilkins and Jeffer son Button, Corporals ; Randolph Phillips, Drum mer ; Alvin Harder, Fifer. Company I : Henry A. Barnum, Captain ; Hamilton R. Comb, Lieutenant ; Edward Drake, Ensign ; Andrew V. Urmy, Randall McDonald, John H. Phillips and Joab W. Mercer, Sergeants ; William F. Johnson, Dexter Smith, John H. Leon ard and Asabel W. Smith, Corporals ; Willett Britton, Drummer ; Seth H. Kingsley, Fifer. Company K : Augustus J. Root, Captain ; Wil liam P. Town, Lieutenant ; Lucius Smith, Ensign ; Samuel D. Sudden, Charles F. Rand, James F. Taylor and Thomas Tangey, Sergeants ; Samuel McChesney, William P. Jones, James P. Taylor and Joseph L. Hunt, Corporals ; Albert A. Mead, Drummer ; Francis M. Lincoln, Fifer. The regiment left Syracuse May 2, 1861, for Elmira, and was there mustered into the United States service for three months, May 13. Receiv ing its uniform and equipments at Elmira, it left for Washington, in company with the 13th New York, from Rochester, June 2d, and after quartering a few days at Caspari's House, went into camp on East Capitol Hill. July 15, the regiment was ordered across Chain Bridge into Virginia, and was the first to be under fire at Blackburn's Ford on the 1 8th, preliminary to the first Bull Run engagement. Lieut. Randall of this regiment, having command of about twenty of our men as skirmishers, was the first to attack the enemy. George N. Cheney, a private of Company A, was the first man killed. In this engagement six of the 1 2th Regiment were killed and thirteen wounded. The movement of the Union forces under Gen. McDowell (directed from Washington by Lieut. - Gen. Winfield Scott) commenced on Tuesday July 16th. The advance column, under Gen. Tyler, bivouacked that night at Vienna, four and a half miles from Fairfax Court House, rested next morn ing at Germantown, two miles beyond Fairfax, and on Thursday at 9 o'clock, A. M., pushed on through Centerville, the rebels retiring quietly be fore it. Three miles beyond Centerville the rebels were found strongly posted at Blackburn's Ford, on Bull Run ; and, on being pressed by Tyler's force, a spirited engagement ensued, at about half- past one P. M. The rebels were in heavy force un der the immediate command of General Long- HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 93 street. The attacking force on our side was Sher man's Battery, under Captain Ayres, supported by Colonel J. B. Richardson's brigade, consisting of the 1 2th New York, the ist Massachusetts, and the 2d and 3d Michigan infantry. In this engage ment the losses were nearly equal — 83 on our side and 68 on that of the enemy. Considered as a re- connoissance in force it might be termed a success. The result demonstrated that the main body of the rebel army was in position along the wooded valley of Bull Run, halfway between Centerville and Man assas Junction, and proposed to remain. As this was the first experience of the 12th Regiment in actual fighting, and as the campaign of Bull Run was a memorable one, it may be well to introduce here a few facts respecting the general engagement. The following is substantially the account given by Greeley, in his American Conflict, p. 539-43 : " General McDowell's army being concentrated around the ridge on which Centerville is situated, on the 18th and 19th of July, the intention was to advance on the rebels posted along Bull Run and between that and Manassas Junction on Saturday, the 20th. But delay was encountered in the recep tion of subsistence, which did not arrive till Friday night. During Saturday, three day's rations were distributed, and every preparation made for moving punctually at 2 o'clock next morning. Meantime, Beauregard, maintaining an absolute quiet and in- offensiveness on his front, and fully informed by spies and traitors of every movement between him and Washington, had hastily gathered from every side all the available forces of the Confederacy, in cluding 1 5,000,, or nearly the full strength of John ston's Army of the Shenandoah, and had decided to assume the offensive and attack our forces before General Patterson could come up and join them. Had our advance been made on Saturday, as was originally intended, it would have encountered but two-thirds of the force it actually combatted ; had it been delayed a few hours longer, we should have stood on the defensive, with the immense advantage of knowing the ground and of choosing the posi tion whereon to fight. Such are the overruling casualties and fatalities of war." Bull Run afforded a good position for planting batteries to command the roads on the opposite side, so screened by the woods and brush as to be neither seen nor suspected until the advancing or attacking column was close upon them. This fact explains and justifies Gen. McDowell's (or Scott's) order of battle, which was briefly as follows : To menace the rebel right by the advance of our ist division on the direct road from Centerville to Manassas Junction, while making a more serious demonstration on the road running due west from Centerville to Groveton and Warrenton, and crossing Bull Run by the Stone Bridge. The real or main attack was to be made by a column 15,000 strong, composed of the 2d (Hunter's) and the 3d (Heintzelman's) divisions, which, starting from their camps a mile or two east and southeast of Centerville, were to make a con siderable detour to the right, crossing Cub Run, and then Bull Run, at a ford known as Sudley Spring, three miles above the Stone Bridge ; thus turning the rebel left, and rolling it up on the center, where it was to be taken in flank by our ist division (Tyler's), crossing the Stone Bridge at the right moment, and completing the rout of the enemy. The 5th division (Miles') was held in reserve at Cen terville, not only to support the attacking columns, but to guard against the obvious peril of a formida ble rebel advance on our left across Blackburn's Ford to Centerville, flanking our flank movement, captur ing our munitions and supplies, and cutting off our line of retreat. The 4th division (Runyon's) guarded our communications with Alexandria and Arlington, its foremost regiment being about seven miles back from Centerville. The movement of our forces was to have com menced at half-past 2 o'clock a. m., and the battle should have been opened at all points at 6 A. m. But our raw troops had never been brigaded prior to this advance, and most of their officers were utterly without experience ; so that there was a delay of two or three hours in the flanking divisions reaching the point at which the battle was to begin. Gen. Tyler, in front of Stone Bridge, opened with his artillery at half-past 6 a.m., eliciting no reply ; and it was three hours later when Hunter's advance, under Colonel Burnside, crossed at Sudley Spring. His men, thirsty with their early march, that hot July morning, stopped as they crossed to fill their canteens. Meantime, every movement of our forces was made manifest to Beauregard, watching them from the slope two or three miles west, by the clouds of dust which rose over their line of march ; and regiment after regiment was hurried northward by him to meet the imminent shock. No strength was wasted by him upon, and scarcely any notice taken of, our feint on his right. But when Burn side's brigade, after crossing at Sudley, had marched a mile or so through woods down the road on the right of Bull Run, and come out into a clear and cultivated country, stretching thence over a mile of rolling fields down to Warrenton turnpike, he was vigorously opened upon by artillery from the woods in his front, and as he pressed on, by infantry also. Continuing to advance, fighting, followed and sup ported by Hunter's entire division, which was soon joined on its left by Heintzelman's, having crossed the stream a little later and further down, our at- 94 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. tacking column reached and crossed the Warrenton road from Centerville by the Stone Bridge, giving a hand to Sherman's brigade of Tyler's division, and all but clearing the road of the rebel batteries and regiments, which here resisted our efforts, under the immediate command of Gen. Joseph E. John ston. Here Griffin's Battery, which, with Rickett's, had done the most effective fighting throughout, was charged with effect by a rebel regiment, which was enabled to approach it with impunity by a mis take of our officers, who supposed it one of our own. Three different attacks were repulsed with slaughter, and the battery remained in our hands, though all the horses were killed. At 3 p. m., the rebels had been driven a mile and a half, and were nearly out of sight, abandoning the Warrenton road entirely to our victorious troops. Gen. Tyler, on hearing the guns of Hunter on our right, had pushed Sher man's, and soon after Keyse's Brigade, over the Run to assail the enemy in his front, driving them back after a severe struggle, and steadily advancing until checked by a heavy fire of artillery from bat teries on the heights above the road, supported by a brigade of rebel infantry strongly posted behind breastworks. A gallant charge by the 2d Maine and 3d Connecticut, temporarily carried the build ings behind which the rebel guns were sheltered, but the breastworks were too strong, and our men recoiling from their fire, deflected to the left, mov ing down the Run under the shelter of the bluff, covering the efforts of Capt. Alexander's Pioneers to remove the heavy abatis whereby the rebels had obstructed the road up from the Stone Bridge. This had at length been effected, and Schenck's brigade and Ayres's battery of Tyler's division were on the point of crossing the Run to aid in com pleting our triumph. But the rebels, at first outnumbered at the point of actual collision, had been receiving reenforce- ments nearly all day, and at this critical moment, General Kirby Smith, who had that morning left Piedmont, fifteen miles distant, with the remaining brigade of General Johnston's army, appeared on the field. Cheer after cheer burst from the rebel hosts, but now so downcast, as this timely reinforce ment rushed to the front of the battle. General Johnston had been heard to exclaim but a moment before to General Cocke, " Oh, for four regiments ! " His wish was answered. Smith, in riding to the front, almost instantly fell from his horse wounded. Colonel Arnold Elzley promptly assumed command of his brigade, and rushed forward, backed by the whole reassured and exultant rebel host, who felt that the day was won. Our soldiers, who had been thirteen hours marching and fighting, hungry, thirsty, weary, and continually encountering fresh rebel troops, without seeing even a company hurry ing to their support, became suddenly dismayed and panic stricken. Elzley's and Early's fresh battalions filled the woods on their right, extending rapidly toward its rear, firing on them from under cover, and seeming by their shots and cries to be innumerable. Two or three of our regiments re coiled and then broke, rushing down to the Run. Johnston again ordered Ewell to advance and attack, which he did, but was received by the 2d Brigade ( Colonel T. A. Davis ) with so rapid and spirited a fire of grape and cannister that he precipitately re treated. There were still more than three hours of good daylight when the rebels saw our routed right rush ing madly from the field, like frightened sheep, yet their pursuit amounted to nothing. They came across Bull Run, preceded by their cavalry, and seem to have taken a deliberate though rather distant survey of the 5th division, drawn up in good order along the slope west of Centerville, and eager ly expecting their advance. But they appear to have been aware that their victory was a lucky accident, and they did not choose to submit its prestige to the chance of another fray. Our 5th division, constitut ing the reserve, now became the rear guard of our army, and remained in position till after midnight, when, under peremptory orders from Gen. Mc Dowell, it commenced its deliberate retreat to the environs of Washington. Although the retreat from the battle field of Bull Run, was a panic- stricken flight on the part of a considerable number of raw and undisciplined troops and a multitude of stragglers and spectators who went out of Washing ton on that fine Sunday to witness the battle, yet a portion of our army retired in good order. Says Major Berry, our chief of Artillery in the battle : " The army having retired upon Centerville, I was ordered by General McDowell in person, to post the artillery in position to cover the retreat. The bat teries of Hunt, Ayres, Tidball, Edwards, Green and the New York 8th regiment (the latter served by volunteers from Wilcox's brigade) 20 pieces in all, were at once placed in position ; and thus remained till 12 o'clock, p. m., when orders having been re ceived to retire upon the Potomac, the batteries were put in march, and covered by Richardson's brigade retired in good order and without haste, and early next morning reoccupied their former camps on the Potomac." The 1 2th Regiment during this expedition was brigaded with the ist Massachusetts and the 2d and 3d Michigan, under command of Col. J. D. Richardson. On Monday, the 22d of July, they HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 95 returned from Bull Run, as rear guard of the re treating army, and on the 24th occupied a portion of the camp of the 8th Militia at Arlington Heights, where they remained a few days and then encamped upon the flats near the Long Bridge turnpike. On the 13th, they removed to Fort Albany and relieved the 25th New York Militia, and thence on the 30th to a camp south of the Arlington House, and con structed Fort Craig — one of a continuous line of fortifications from Alexandria to Chain Bridge. On the evening of August 26, three companies under Captain Barnum, were detailed on picket duty to wards Upton's Hill, and had a lively skirmish with the rebels lasting nearly all day. They were re pulsed by the rebels to Ball's Cross Roads. Ser- geant-Major Estes and private Hitchcock were wounded, the latter mortally, and Fred. Darby, of Company D, taken prisoner. On the 27th of Sep tember, a general advance was made upon Upton's Hill, and the 12th Regiment established permanent camp in which they remained till early in the month of February. On the 3d of February, 1862, the regiment was consolidated with the 12th New York Militia, so called, a body of 550 recruits raised by Henry A. Weeks in the city of New York. Up to this time the 1 2th Regiment had been about nine months in service, and through losses in the field and sickness had been reduced to 450 officers and men. When General McClellan was at this time making up the Army ofthe Potomac, this remnant of the 12th Volunteers was to be left out and kept for garrison duty in the defences of Washington, to serve as heavy artillery under command of Lieutenant-Col onel R. M. Richardson. Colonel Richardson did not feel satisfied with this idea, and being desirous that another regiment should be put in active ser vice at the front, he obtained leave of absence, went to New York and found Henry A. Weeks with 550 recruits, called the 12th New York Militia, made arrangements for the consolidation of these recruits with the remnant of the 12th New York Volunteers, on condition that Mr. Weeks should be Colonel of the new regiment ; thus relinquishing the command of his own regiment in order to effect the new or ganization. In the consolidation the ten companies of the 12th Regiment were reduced to five, the 12th Mili tia furnishing five. The companies of the 12th New York Volunteers, which retained their or ganizations were companies A, G, H, I and K, offi cered respectively by Captains Root, Randall, Wood, Truesdell and Coombs. The field officers were Henry A. Weeks, Colonel ; R. M. Richard son, Lieutenant-Colonel ; Henry A. Barnum, Ma jor ; George W. Watson, Adjutant ; Porter R. Alger, Quartermaster ; A. B. Shipman, Surgeon ; George B. Todd, Assistant Surgeon. The officers rendered supernumerary by the consolidation were mustered out of the service. Most of them reen- listed, and in other organizations attained consider able distinction during the war. On the 13th of March, 1862, Gen. McClellan organized the Army of the Potomac. At that date the 1 2th Regiment was attached to Gen. Butter- field's brigade, consisting of the 12th, 17th and 44th New York, the 16th Michigan and the 83d Pennsylvania regiments ; and thus organized ac companied the Army of the Potomac under Gen, McClellan to the Peninsula. They were engaged in the siege of Yorktown, daily furnishing a large detail of men to work in the trenches, and on the 14th of April, engaged in a sharp skirmish with the rebels who had attacked our picket lines. On the 4th of May, General Magruder evacuated Yorktown with his forces. McClellan had been thirty days in front of the works, and was intending to open the siege on the 6th of May, but he found, two days earlier, that Magruder had abandoned his works, including Yorktown, during the preceding night, and had retreated up the Peninsula. While the pursuit of the rebels was prompt and energetic under Stoneman and Hooker to Williamsburg, where Hooker's division withstood 30,000 of the rebel force during an entire day without reinforce ments, General McClellan remained at Yorktown supervising the embarkation of Franklin's, Butter- field's and other troops, including our 12th New York Regiment, for West Point, whence they moved up the Pamunkey River and thence across to New Bridge on the Chickahominy. Here the 1 2th Regiment was in the 3d Brigade, under General D. C. Butterfield, ist Division (General Morrell's) 5th Corps, commanded by General Fitz- John Porter ; and so remained throughout the service. On the 24th of May, fighting commenced on the Chickahominy, near New Bridge. The 4th Michigan (Colonel Woodbury) waded, the stream and assailed and drove off a superior rebel force, losing but 8 men in all, and taking 37 prisoners, of whom 15 were wounded. Directly afterwards Gen. Fitz-John Porter, commanding the 5th Corps, on our right, was ordered to advance from New Bridge via. Mechanicsville to Hanover Court House, in order to facilitate and render secure Gen. McDowell's expected junction from Fredericksburg. Starting at 3 a. m., May 27, in a pouring rain, our cavalry advance, under Gen. W. H. Emory, had reached, at 96 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. noon, a point two miles southward of the Court House, where the road forks to Ashland, and where the enemy were found in position to bar our further progress. The 25 th New York and Berdan's sharp shooters speedily coming up, they were deployed by Gen. Emory, with a section of Benson's battery, and thus advanced slowly towards the enemy until re- enforced by Gen. D. C. Butterfield, with four regi ments of his brigade, when the enemy was charged and quickly routed, one of his guns being captured by Col. Lansing's 17th New York. The cavalry, Benson's battery, and Gen. Morrell's infantry and artillery, keenly pursued the fugitives while Mar- tindales's brigade with a section of artillery, advanced on the Ashland road, pushing back the enemy in his front, until ordered to reform his brigade and move up the railroad to the Court House. One regiment having taken that course, Gen. Martindale was left with but two and a half regiments and one section of Martin's battery, when he was attacked by a superior force and compelled to main tain the unequal contest for an hour. Meantime Gen. Porter, at the Court House, learning that his rear was thus attacked, faced his whole column about and moved rapidly to the rescue, sending the 13th and 14th New York, with Griffin's battery, directly to Martindale's assistance, pushing the 9th Massachusetts and 62d Pennsylvania, through the woods on the right to take the enemy in flank, while Butterfield with the 83d Pennsylvania and 16th Michigan hastened through the woods, still further to the right, and completed the rout of the enemy. Their loss is stated by Gen. McClellan at 2,000 killed, 730 prisoners, including wounded, one 12-pound howitzer, many small-arms, two railroad trains, and their camp at Hanover Court House captured and destroyed. Our loss was 53 killed and 344 wounded. The rebel force thus defeated consisted of Gen. Branch's division of North Caro lina and Georgia troops, estimated at 9,000 strong. CHAPTER XXIII. Twelfth Regiment Continued — Mechanics- ville — Retreat Across the Chickahominy — Flank Movement to the James— Malvern Hill— Harrison's Landing — Second Bull Eun — Antietam — Fredericksburg — Return Home — List of Promotions — The ioist Regiment. OUR Corps returned to camp at Gaines's Mill, and on the 26th of June were ordered up to Mechanicsville to support the Pennsylvania reserves, under Gen. McCall. This force which had recently been sent down to reenforce Gen. McClellan, and had never till now been in action were posted on advantageous ground across Beaver Dam Creek. The supporting corps of Gen. Porter consisted of Morrell's Division and Sykes's Regu lars, about 27,000 men. Prior to the opening of this series of battles Gen. Robert E. Lee had suc ceeded to the chief command of the Rebel Army, and had cautiously concentrated about 70,000 men on the Chickahominy. The movement on Mechan icsville was to have been made early on the morn ing of the 26th of June, at which time the batteries on the southern bluff of the Chickahominy were to open fire. But the rebels were delayed by the non- arrival of Stonewall Jackson, and did not attack our lines till 3 p. m. His advance had been discovered three hours before, so that our pickets were called in before it, and the regiment and battery holding Mechanicsville fell back, fighting, to the strong po sition held by the Pennsylvania Reserves, and Por ter's (5th) corps. This brought the reserves and 5 th corps into action against the great body of the rebel force under the two Hills and Longstreet, which came rapidly on attempting to turn our left flank, but were repulsed with fearful carnage. " Night," says Greeley, " fell on a decided and ani mating success of our mainly green soldiers, though the fighting did not cease till after dark, and the rebels remained in force not far from our front. Our total loss in this affair was less than 400, while that of the rebels must have been many times larger ; and when near the close of the battle, fresh troops came up to relieve the exhausted reserves, they refused to give place, but, replenishing their ammunition, lay down on their arms to await the encounter of the morrow." On the 27th, before daylight, an order from Gen. McClellan (who had learned, meantime, that Jackson was approaching,) directed the evacuation of our strong position and a retreat to Gaines's Mill. This was a very difficult movement to effect, as the rebel attack was renewed a few minutes afterwards. Still, the enemy was repulsed, though our men were re tiring at the same time, Meade's, Griffin's, Rey nolds' and Morrell's commands moving steadily off the field, as if on parade ; our dead all buried, our wounded and arms brought away, with the loss of no caisson, hardly a musket, by a little after 7 a. m., leaving the rebels unaware for the moment that there was no longer an enemy before them. Before noon the splendid retreat was completed ; each regiment and battery had taken the new position assigned it at Gaines's Mill, our brigade (with the HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 97 12th Regiment,) under command of Lieut.-Colonel Richardson, forming the extreme left, resting on the Chickahominy. Soon after noon on the 27th, the rebels arrived in front of our new position. A. P. Hill, who had been awaiting Jackson's arrival, opened the battle at 2 p. m. Sykes's regulars received him with heroic bravery. They were staggered and temporarily repulsed. At this juncture, Longstreet, D. H, Hill, Jackson and Ewell, came into the battle, with the whole of Lee's forces ; a general advance from right to left was ordered and made, under a terrific fire of cannon and musketry from both sides. General Porter had a strong position on the side of a ravine formed by a small creek and screened in part by trees and underbrush, with Morrell's and Sykes's divisions in front, and McCall's forming a second line behind them. His cavalry, under P. St. George Cooke, in the valley of the Chicka hominy, watched the rebels in that quarter. His siege guns, which had been withdrawn across the Chickahominy during the night, were planted in battery on the right bank of the stream, so as to check the advance of the rebel right and prevent their turning our left. He could have presented a formidable covering of abatis on his front and right, had he been supplied with axes, but these were unaccountably wanting. His request for them to General Barnard reached McClellan too late. He finally received some without handles, and while these were being supplied the opportunity for using axes was past. His first call on McClellan for reenforcements likewise miscarried. His next was made at 2 p. m., when Slocum's Division of the 6th Corps was ordered to his support, arriving on the field at 3:30, after our position had been assailed in force at every point, and after McCall's Division had been ordered up to support our sorely pressed front. So urgent and instant was the pressure that Slocum's Division had to be divided and thrown by brigades and even regiments to the points where the need of aid seemed greatest. Reynolds, with one brigade of McCall's Reserves, having reached the front and driven the enemy before him, hearing the noise of a terrific con test on his left, moved immediately to that point where his assistance seemed necessary. And thus the battle raged for hours; repeated charges on our lines being repulsed, but fresh brigades advanc ing promptly to replace them, until our wasted reg iments, having exhausted their amunition, were obliged to retire and replenish it. Porter, though he had lost little ground, telegraphed to McClellan for reenforcements, who ordered forward French's and 13* Meagher's brigades of the 2d corps ; but, before they could reach the field, the rebels, rallying all their forces, just at sunset, stormed our entrenchments right and left, driving back their brave defenders with mutual carnage, and capturing several of our guns. " General Porter, seeing his infantry beaten, now called into action all his reserved and remaining artillery, and thus bringing at once some 80 guns into action, was covering the retreat of his infantry and dealing fearful retribution on their assailants, whose advance was suddenly checked ; when Gen. Cooke, without orders, undertook to charge with a battalion of cavalry, the right flank of the rebels advancing on our left, and still covered in good part by woods. This charge being met by a withering fire of musketry, amidst the roar of a hundred belch ing cannon, resulted in instant rout ; the frightened horses, whether with or without the consent of their riders, wheeling abruptly and crashing through our batteries ; leading our gunners to suppose, for the moment, that they were charged by regiments of rebel horse." " To this alone," says Fitz-John Por ter, in his report, " is to be attributed our failure to hold the field, and to bring off all our guns and wounded." " In another moment the cheering shouts of French's and Meagher's men were heard, as they advanced rapidly to the front. Rallying behind these two fresh brigades, our wearied, decimated regiments advanced up the hill, down which they had recently been driven, ready to meet a fresh attack, had one been attempted. But the enemy, perceiving that they were confronted by fresh com batants, and not knowing our force, halted for the night on the field they had so hardly won."* During the night our forces were withdrawn across the Chickahominy, leaving 19 guns on the battle field and three run off the bridge into the stream. Our losses in this action have been esti mated at 6,000 killed and wounded ; Greeley foots them up to "hardly less than 8,000 men," the rebels losing probably "about two-thirds as many." Our 1 2th Regiment lost heavily, among whom were Captain Truesdell, severely wounded, also Captain Crombie, Lieut. S. A. Estes, Lieut. Fisher, mor tally ; Lieut. Barton, killed ; Lieut. Paul A. Oliver, severely wounded in the scalp, but not fatally. Quite a large number (144) of this regiment were killed and taken prisoners. McClellan having now determined on a flank movement through White Oak Swamp to the James, our regiment followed the next day to Sav age's Station, crossed White Oak Swamp on the 29th of June, and on Tuesday, July ist, were en gaged in the battle of Malvern Hill. The rebels, as soon as they had discovered McClellan's move ments, crossed the Chickahominy and pursued after Greeley, vol. ii, p. 157. 98 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. him. Without recounting the battles and hard ships of this march, the terrible conflict of the 30th of June, in which a portion of our army was en gaged on the road leading from New Market to Long Bridge, we shall follow more directly the for tunes of the 1 2th Regiment, which reached Malvern Hill at 9 o'clock a. m., June 30th. Gen. Porter, with his corps, had been delayed in crossing White Oak Swamp, and hence did not reach Malvern Hill till the time above stated. The entire wasted and way-worn army had been concentrated on the bat tle ground on the ist of July, the rear guard arriv ing that forenoon, closely pursued by the converg ing columns of the rebels. " The anxious days and sleepless nights of the preceding week ; the con stant and resolute efforts required to force [their forty miles of guns and trains over the narrow, wretched roads which traverse White Oak Swamp ; their ignorance of the locality, and exposure to be ambushed. and assailed at every turn, rendered this retreat an ordeal for our men long to be remem bered." General McClellan had reached Malvern Hill the day before the battle, and selecting his position, left orders with General Barnard to post the troops as they arrived, while he went down the river on the gunboat Galena to select a position at which he pro posed to terminate his retreat. The rebels con sumed considerable time in getting into position and bringing up the artillery necessary to respond to our heavy and well-placed batteries. At length the battle was opened by D. H. Hill's division at 3 p. m. on our left, and directly in front of that portion of our army in which the 12th Regiment was stationed. The order of our troops is thus described : '' Porter with Sykes's and Morrell's divisions, held our left, with Couch's division next, then Kearney and Hooker, forming Heintzelman's corps ; next to these Sedgwick and Richardson, under Sumner, with Smith and Slocum, under Franklin, on our right ; while McCall's shattered Pennsylvania Re serves and our cavalry were posted in the rear, near the river. Batteries above, batteries along the brow of the hill, rendered the attack little less than mad ness." Yet, as we have said, the attack on Porter's Corps was made at 3 p. m., under general orders to break our lines by a concentric fire of artillery, and then " charge with a yell " on our entire front with columns of infantry, which should rush over our defences, as they did in the final assault at Gaines's Mill, and drive our fugitive army into the James. The infantry attack was made with great spirit, amidst fearful carnage, and for some time raged along nearly our entire line ; but Hill, being unsupported by the general advance which had been ordered, was hurled back with heavy loss. At the opening of this action just as our 12th Regiment was taking position, Major Henry A. Barnum was wounded by a rebel shot, the bullet passing through the left hip, inflicting a very criti cal and dangerous wound, which kept him many months out of the service. After the first fruitless attempt of the enemy to break our lines, a considerable pause ensued during which both sides were getting ready for the main battle of the day. The sheltering woods enabled the rebels to form their columns of assault within a few hundred yards of our batteries. At about 6 p. m., when the attack was renewed, they emerged upon a full run, and rushed upon our lines in utter recklessness of their withering fire, assault ing in such desperation, that Sickles's brigade of Hooker's division, and Meagher's brigade of Rich ardson's division, were ordered up to the support of Porter and Couch, who now held our right front, which Jackson was charging furiously ; but not one of our guns was temporarily captured or seri ously imperiled throughout the fight. The loss of the rebels is supposed to have been treble that of our own — in this battle over 10,000 killed, wounded and missing. Gen. McClellan reports the aggre gate losses of his army in the seven days fighting, from Mechanicsville to Harrison's Landing, at 1,582 killed, 7,709 wounded, and 5,958 missing; total, 15,249. After the battle of Malvern Hill, our regiment, together with the army, removed to Harrison's Land ing, on the James River. The rear guard moved into camp on the evening of the 3d of July, and the army was at rest, after their hard fighting and marching. During the night of July 31st, Gen. French, having' been sent by Lee with 43 guns, to approach Harrison's Bar stealthily on the south side of the James, opened a fire on our camp and vessels, whereby 10 of our soldiers were killed and 15 wounded. Our guns were brought to bear upon him and he fled before daylight. His cannonade lasted only about half an hour. This is the only incident of any importance that occurred while in camp at this point. Left Harrison's Landing on the 14th of August, and came down the river, halting at Yorktown, camping on the same ground occupied by our regiment during the siege. General Porter was under orders to halt the advance here ; but inter cepting a letter informing him that the enemy were concentrating rapidly on Pope with intent to crush him before he could be reenforced, he took the re- HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 99 sponsibility of pressing on to Newport News, which he reached on the 18th, having marched sixty miles in three days. On the 20th he embarked his corps on transports to Aquia Creek, whence they were sent by rail to Falmouth, opposite Fredericksburg. Moved up the Rappahannock, joined Pope's army and participated in the second battle of Bull Run, August 30, 1862. Porter, on arriving at the scene of action, was ordered, (supported by King,) to advance down the Warrenton turnpike and attack the enemy, who in that quarter were greatly superior in numbers. ' The result was that Porter's corps was hurled back in confusion. The rebels pursued eagerly and joined battle along our entire front, struggling desperately to overwhelm and turn our left, where Schenck, Milroy and Reynolds, reenforced by Ricketts, maintained the unequal contest throughout the afternoon. Porter's corps was rallied, reformed and pushed to their support, rendering such good service that for a time the attack seemed likely to prove successful. But our advancing troops soon began to be mowed down by the cross-fire of four batteries from Longstreet's left, which decimated and drove them back in con fusion. Jackson, seeing them recoil, immediately ordered an advance. Longstreet supported it, pushing forward his whole command against our center and left. At^iark, our left had been forced back considerably, but still stood firm and unbroken, and covered the turnpike, which was our only safe line of retreat. That night the retreat began by order of Gen. Pope, and was pursued quietly and in good order, until his whole army was drawn back within the intrenchments along the south bank of the Potomac, covering the approaches to Washing ton, when Pope resigned and was succeeded by Gen. McClellan. In this battle the 12th Regiment lost heavily. Among the wounded were Col. Henry A. Weeks, who on that day had commanded a brigade ; Capt. Root and Lieut. Behan. The muster of the regi ment next morning showed only 106 men, one staff officer and six line officers. The brigade went into the fight with over 1,500 men, and came out with only about 600. On the night of September 2d, our brigade went into camp at Arlington Heights, near the site of the old camp occupied by the 12th Regiment, the previous winter. Here the brigade was strength ened by the addition of the 20th Maine regiment, as fine a regiment as ever appeared on a field, and moving across into Maryland, passed up via Fred erick City and across South Mountain to the vicinity of Sharpsburgh, and on the 17th of September participated in the battle of Antietam. Lee had crossed the Potomac into Maryland with a portion of his army, leaving the remainder of it on the south side menaced by a considerable force under General Miles at Harper's Ferry. The obvious intent of McClellan was to follow and conquer that portion of Lee's army in Maryland, while it was separated from its reenforcements, and then send forces to the rescue of Harper's Ferry, before the rebels on that side of the river should. compel its surrender and evacuation. But delays thwarted this object. After two severe battles in the passes of South Mountain, Lee's army in Mary land reached Antietam, where the most advantage ous position was selected. Harper's Ferry fell, and the whole of Lee's army was soon on the ground at Antietam, making it necessary for McClellan to fight the entire rebel army at that point, strength ened and elated by their success at Harper's Ferry. When our army advanced in sight of Antietam, the whole rebel force was there, save A. P. Hill's division. " The regiments and brigades, hitherto so ostentatiously paraded, seemed to have sunk into the earth ; and nothing but grim and frowning batteries were seen covering each hill-crest, and trained on every stretch of open ground whereby our soldiers might attempt to scale those rugged steeps." " The struggle was inaugurated on the afternoon of the 1 6th." On the 17th the great battle was fought, the details of which we cannot enter into here, save so far as to indicate the position of the 1 2th Regiment. Porter's Corps was in our center, holding the road from Sharpsburg to Middletown and Boonsborough, and remained unengaged east of the Antietam Creek till late in the afternoon ; two brigades of it were then sent to support our right ; six battalions of Sykes's regulars were thrown across the bridge on the main road, to drive off the rebel sharp-shooters, who were annoying Pleasanton's horse-batteries at that point ; War ren's brigade was detached and sent to the right and rear of Burnside, leaving with Porter only about 3,000 men. Burnside's corps held our extreme left, opposite the lowest of the three bridges cross ing the Antietam. At 1 p. m., he charged with the 51st New York and 51st Pennsylvania, and took the bridge. At 3 p. m., under peremptory or ders, he charged up the heights, carrying them handsomely, some of his troops reaching even the outskirts of Sharpsburg. But now, just as victory seemed about to smile upon our arms, A. P. Hill's division (which had been ordered from Harper's 100 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. Ferry that morning, and had started at half-past 7 o'clock) came upon the field, and covered by a heavy fire of artillery charged our extreme left, which during the day had sustained repeated charges of the enemy, and drove it back in great confusion. Gen. Rodman, who commanded our left, fell mortally wounded. The enemy rallied with great spirit, redoubled their fire of artillery, charged in front and flank, and drove our men in confusion down the hill toward Antietam, pursuing till checked by the fire of our batteries across the creek. Our reserves, on the left bank, now ad vanced and our batteries redoubled their fire. The rebels wisely desisted without attempting to carry the bridge and retired to their lines on the heights, as darkness put an end to the fray. " Thus closed, indecisively, the bloodiest day America ever saw." In killed and wounded, according to their own report, the enemy lost 13,533 men m tms enSaSe~ ment. McClellan makes his entire loss in this bat tle to consist of 12,469 men. Speaking of the whole series of engagements in Maryland, he reports, 13 guns, 39 colors, upwards of 15,000 stand of small arms, and more than 6,000 prisoners, as the trophies which attested the success of our arms in the battles of South Mountain, Crampton's Gap, and Antietam. Not a single gun or color was lost by our army during these battles. On the 19th of September, our division was ordered across the river at the Shepherdstown Ford, where they met the enemy and were driven back, taking shelter in the canal from which the water had been drawn off, and which afforded an excellent breastwork already constructed to our hand. After the short engagement here, our brigade was ordered to the Antietam Iron Works, to guard the ford across the river; Companies E and G, of the 12th Regiment being detailed as Provost Guard of Sharps burg, under Lieut. Estes of Company G, as Provost Marshal. William P. Cobbitt was here killed by the accidental bursting of a shell picked up on the Antietam battle-field. From Sharpsburg, or the Antietam Iron Works, our regiment was removed to Stoneman's Switch on the Fredericksburg and Aquia Creek Railroad, about four miles from Fredericksburg, and remained till December 13th, 1862, the day on which Burn- side made his memorable, but fatal attempt to cross and storm the fortified heights of Fredericksburg. Pontoon bridges had been laid across the Rappa hannock to effect this object. Lee, with an army fully 80,000 strong, was stretched along and behind the southern bluffs of the Rappahannock from a point a mile or so above Fredericksburg to one four or five miles below. These heights were girdled with batteries rising tier above tier to their crest, all carefully trained upon the approaches from Fred ericksburg, while a fatal stone wall, so strong that no artillery could make an impression upon it, shel tered a brigade of the enemy in the very front of the storming column. Against such impregnable defences our brave soldiers were thrown across to meet their fate. Braver men never smiled at death than those who climbed Marye's Hill that fatal day ; their ranks plowed through and torn to pieces by rebel batteries, even in the process of formation ; and when at heavy cost they had reached the foot of the hill, they were confronted by a solid stone wall, four feet high, from behind which a rebel brig ade of infantry mowed them down like grass. Never did men fight better or die, alas ! more fruit lessly, than did most of Hancock's corps, especially Meagher's Irish brigade, composed of the 63d, 69th and 88th New York, the 28th Massachusetts, and the nth Pennsylvania, which dashed itself repeat edly against those impregnable heights, until two- thirds of its number strewed the ground ; when the remnant fell back to a position of comparative safety, and were succeeded, as they had been sup ported, by other brigades and divisions, each to be exposed in its turn to like pitiless, useless, hopeless slaughter. Thus the fight was maintained till after dark, assault after assault being delivered by divisions advancing against twice their numbers, on ground where treble the force was required for the attack that sufficed for the defence, while a hundred rebel cannon posted on heights which our few guns on that side of the river could not reach, swept our men down from the moment they began to advance, and where they could do nothing but charge, fall and die. Not to go into details of this terrible days fighting, we may say here that our loss was not less than 15,000 to that of the rebels 5,000, killed, wounded and taken prisoners. Night mercifully closed the scene of carnage. Throughout the 14th and 15th the two armies stood facing each other, Lee strengthening his defenses and awaiting a renewal of the attack. He was probably aware that such was Burnside's inten tion, from which, however, he was finally dissuaded, and decided to recross his entire army on the night of the 15th. Only a few pickets and some ammuni tion were left in Fredericksburg, and ' ' not a gun was abandoned as a trophy of this ill-starred advance on Richmond." Our pontoons were all taken up and brought off. The 12th Regiment lost heavily, among others, several commissioned officers HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. IOI The regiment lay all night the day of the battle and the next day among the dead and wounded, after the cessation of the battle of the 13th, ho movement being made in the army whereby they could get out of their position. On the retreat they were the last to reach the pontoon bridge, and were upon it as it was cut loose from the Fredericks burg shore by our engineers. After the retreat from Fredericksburg, our regi ment went back to its old camp at Stoneman's Switch, and on the 27th of April, 1863, at the time of the advance of Hooker on Chancellorsville, or ders came for them to return to Elmira and be mus tered out of the service. Being two years men, their time had expired. The three years men from New York City, formerly consolidated with the 12th Regiment, were organized into five companies forming a separate battalion under Col. Henry A. Weeks, and remained in the service. The 12th Regiment reached Elmira in a few days, and were mustered out on the 17th of May, 1863. Official Record of the I2th Regiment. The following is the official list and line of pro motions of the 1 2th Regiment : Ezra L. Walrath, Colonel, rank from May 7, 1 86 1, resigned September 26, 1861 ; George W. Snyder, Colonel, commissioned October 1, 1861, declined ; Henry A. Weeks, Colonel, rank from February 3, 1862, mustered out on expiration of term of service ; Benjamin A. Willis, Colonel, com missioned February 27, 1864, not mustered ; James L. Graham, Lieutenant-Colonel, rank from May 7, 1861, resigned June 19, 1861 ; Robert M. Rich ardson, Lieutenant-Colonel, rank from June 19, 1861, resigned February 6, 1863; Augustus J. Root, Major, rank from September 22, 1862, promoted to Lieutenant- Colonel, February 13, 1863, mustered out on expiration of term of service, May 17, 1863 ; John Lewis, Major, rank from May 7, 1861, killed by fall from his horse, October 21, 1861 ; Henry A. Barnum, Major, rank from October 25, 1861, pro moted to Colonel 149th N. Y. Vols., September 22, 1862 ; Henry W. Rider, Captain, rank from Febru ary 3, 1862, promoted to Major, February 27, 1864 ; Silas Titus, Adjutant, rank from May 13, 1861, promoted to Colonel I22d N. Y. Volunteers, Au gust 28, 1862 ; George F. Watson, Adjutant, rank from February 3, 1862, mustered out at expi ration of term of service, May 17, 1863 ; Edmund B. Griswold, Quartermaster, rank from May 13, 1 86 1, resigned September 6, 1861 ; Porter R. Alger, ist Lieutenant rank from September 21, 1 861, promoted to Quartermaster February 27, 1862, brevet Major N. Y. Vols., mustered out on expiration of term of service, May 17, 1863 ; Roger W. Pease, Surgeon, rank from May 7, 1861, resigned August 28, 1861 ; Azariah B. Shipman, Surgeon, rank from September 13, 1861, resigned May 23, 1862 ; Chas. L. Hubbell, Surgeon, rank from April 2, 1862, dis charged August 5, 1862; Chas. C. Murphy, Sur geon, rank from December 31, 1862, mustered out at expiration of term of service, May 17, 1863 ; George B. Todd, Assistant Surgeon, rank from May 7, 1861, resigned October 7, 1862 ; John L. Eddy, Assistant Surgeon, rank from November 3, 1862, mustered out at expiration of term of service, May 17, 1863 ; George V. Skiff, Assistant Surgeon, rank from August 22, 1862, mustered out at expiration of term of service, May 17, 1863 ; C. S. Percival, Chaplain, resigned October 20, 1861 ; Henry P. Barton, Chaplain, rank from October 21, 1861, re signed April 20, 1862 ; Morris H. Church, Captain, rank from May 1, 1861, resigned September 21, 1861 ; Ira Wood, Captain, rank from September 21, 1 86 1, resigned October 14, 1862; Thomas H. Behan, Captain, rank from October 16, 1862, mustered out at expiration of term of service, May 17, 1863; Jacob Brand, Captain, rank from May 1, 1 86 1, resigned October 25, 1861 ; William Huson, Captain, rank from February 3, - 1862, mustered out on expiration of term of ser vice, May 17, 1863 ; Dennis Driscoll, Jr., Cap tain, rank from May 1, 1861, discharged February 3, 1862; William Fowler, Captain, rank from February 3, 1862, discharged February 3, 1863 ; George W. Stone, Captain, rank from May 1, 1861, resigned July 9, 1861 ; William H. Hoagland, Cap tain, rank from February 3, 1862, killed in action at Fredericksburg, Va., December 13, 1862 ; James A. Bates, Captain, rank from December 14, 1862, discharged April 11, 1864; Joseph Hilton, Cap tain, rank from April n, 1864, not mustered; J. M. Brower, Captain, rank from May 1, 1861, dis charged Febuary 3, 1862 ; Paul A. Oliver, 2d Lieu tenant, rank from February 3, 1862, promoted to ist Lieutenant, May 30, 1862, to Captain, April 4, 1864, transferred to 5th Regiment, N. Y. Vols., June 2, 1864: Milo W. Locke, Captain, rank from May 1, 1861, resigned November 14, 1861 ; James Cromie, Captain, rank from February 3, 1862, dis charged April 7, 1863 ; Joseph C. Irish, Captain, rank from May 1, 1861, resigned September 3, 1861 ; Charles B. Randall, 2d Lieutenant, rank from May, 1861, promoted to Captain, September 25, 1861 ; mustered out at the expiration of term of service, May 17, 1863 ; George W. Cole, Cap tain, rank from May 1, 1861, transferred to 3d N. Y. Cavalry, September 20, 1861 ; George Truesdell, ist Lieutenant, rank from May 13, 1861, promoted to Captain October 20, 1861, resigned December 2, 1862 ; Michael Auer, 2d Lieutenant, rank from February 22, 1862, promoted to ist Lieutenant, December 1, 1862, mustered out on expira tion of term of service, May 17, 1863 ; Peter Strauss, ist Lieutenant, rank from May 1, 1861, promoted to Captain, December 26, 1862, mustered out on expiration of service, May 17, 1863 ; Henry A. Barnum, Captain, rank from May 1, 1861, promoted to Major, October 29, 1861, promoted to Colonel of 149th N. Y. Vols., September 22, 1862; Hamilton R. Combs, ist Lieutenant, rank from May 1, 1861, promoted to Captain November 11, 1861, resigned October 27, 1862 ; Edward Drake, ist Lieutenant, rank from October 1, 1861, promoted 102 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. to Captain, December i, 1862, Brevet Major, N. Y. Vols., mustered out at expiration of term of service, May 17, 1863 ; Cortland Clark, ist Lieutenant, rank from October 16, 1862, mustered out on expi ration of term of service, May 17, 1863 ; James A. Boyle, ist Lieutenant, rank from February 3, 1862, mustered out on expiration of term of service, May 17, 1863 ; James Randall, ist Lieutenant, rank from May 1, 1861, discharged February 3, 1862; Richard J. Clark, ist Lieutenant, rank from Febru ary 3, 1862, mustered out on expiration of term of service, May 17, 1863 ; Lucius C. Storrs, ist Lieu tenant, rank from May 1, 1861, resigned October 23, 1861 ; Henry C. Burton, ist Lieutenant, rank from Feb. 3, 1862, killed in action June 27, 1862 ; Wm. P. Walton, 2d Lieutenant, rank from Feb. 3, 1862, promoted to ist Lieutenant, Oct. 29, 1862, dis charged Sept. 26, 1863 J Joseph Hilton, 2d Lieuten ant, rank from June 20, 1862, promoted to ist Lieu tenant December 26, 1862, transferred to 5th N. Y. Vols., June 2, 1864 ; Frederick Homer, ist Lieuten ant, rank from May 1, 1861, resigned July 30, 1861 ; Samuel J. Abbott, 2d Lieutenant, rank from May 1, 1861, promoted to ist Lieutenant August 27, 1861, resigned September 20, 1861 ; William F. Gardner, ist Lieutenant, rank from February 3, 1862, resigned May 18, 1862 ; William Gleason, ist Lieutenant, rank from May 1, 1861, discharged Feb ruary 3, 1862 ; James A. Bates, ist Lieutenant, rank from February 3, 1862, promoted to Captain December 26, 1862, discharged April n, 1864; Henry A. Downing, 2d Lieutenant, rank from Feb ruary 3, 1862, promoted to ist Lieutenant Decem ber 26, 1862 ; John H. Johnson, ist Lieutenant, rank from May 1, 1861, resigned October 10, 1861 ; Stephen A. Estes, ist Lieutenant, rank from Sep tember 21, 1861, promoted to Captain October 30, 1862; Oliver T. May, 2d Lieutenant, rank from March 20, 1862, promoted to ist Lieutenant October 30, 1862, to Captain 149th regiment, March 26, 1863 ; Edward Pointer, ist Lieutenant, rank from May 1, 1861, not mustered ; Thomas Gaffney, ist Lieutenant, rank from September 1, 1861, re signed October 23, 1862; John P. Stanton, 2d Lieutenant, rank from May 1, 1861, promoted to ist Lieutenant December 26, 1862, resigned April 15, 1863 ; William P. Town, ist Lieutenant, rank from May 1, 1861, resigned August 6, 1861 ; William G. Tracy, ist Lieutenant, rank from August 6, 1861, discharged February 3, 1862 ; S. Dexter Ludden, 2d Lieutenant, rank from September 3, 1861, promoted to ist Lieutenant November 10, 1862, mustered out on expiration of term of service, May 17, 1863 ; William S. Woods, 2d Lieutenant, rank from June 27, 1862, promoted to ist Lieuten ant April 29, 1864, transferred to the 5th N, Y. Vols., June 2, 1864; George W. Cartwright, ist Lieutenant, resigned November 5, 1861 ; Ulysses D. Eddy, 2d Lieutenant, rank from September 20, 1861, discharged March 17, 1862 ; Abraham Fred- dendall, 2d Lieutenant, rank from March 17, 1862, resigned October 13, 1862; Abram Farnie, 2d Lieutenant, rank from October 13, 1862, mustered out on expiration of term of service, May 17, 1863 "> John P. Spanier, 2d Lieutenant, rank from May 1, 1861, resigned December 27, 1861 ; Charles E. Gould, 2d Lieutenant, rank from February 3, 1862 resigned October 13, 1862 ; John M. Scannell, 2d' Lieutenant, rank from October 13, 1862, resigned April 13, 1863 ; Robert J. Ellis, 2d Lieutenant, rank from April 11, 1863, not mustered; Ellis Smith, 2d Lieutenant, rank from February 3, 1862, resigned November 4, 1862 ; Christopher Eddie, 2d Lieu tenant, rank from November 5, 1862, mustered out at the expiration of term of service, May 17, 1863 ; George Snyder, 2d Lieutenant, rank from May 1, 1861, resigned October 25, 1861 ; Frank W. Clock' 2d Lieutenant, rank from September 21, 1861, re signed March 19, 1862; Edward M. Fisher, 2d Lieutenant, rank from May 17, 1862, killed inaction at the Chickahominy June 27, 1862; Stephen D. Clark, 2d Lieutenant, rank from May 1, 1861, dis charged February 3, 1862 ; John L. Mease, 2d Lieutenant, rank from December 14, 1862, dis missed November 17, 1863 ; William Thompson, 2d Lieutenant, rank from November 20, 1863, transferred to the 5th N. Y. Vols. June 2, 1864; Erskine P. Woodford, 2d Lieutenant, rank from May 1, 1 86 1, resigned December 1, 1861 ; Fred erick O. Waters, 2d Lieutenant, rank from Septem ber 22, 1862, mustered out on the expiration of term of service May 17, 1863 ; Charles S. Coon, 2d Lieutenant, rank from October 20, 1 861, discharged February 3, 1862; George Boiteau, 2d Lieutenant, rank from December 3, 1862, mustered out on expi ration of term of service, May 17, 1863 ; Andrew Urmy, 2d Lieutenant, rank from October 22, 1861, resigned February 22, 1862; Dexter Smith, 2d Lieutenant, rank from October 27, 1862, mustered out on expiration of term of service, May 17, 1863 ; Lucius Smith, 2d Lieutenant, rank from May 1, 1861, resigned September 3, 1861 ; John B. Foote, 2d Lieutenant, rank from October 22, 1862, mustered out on expiration of term of service, May 17, 1863 ; Gustavus Webber, 2d Lieutenant, rank from December 18, 1862, resigned February 2, 1863 ; John Corney, 2d Lieutenant, rank from January 28, 1863, mustered out on expiration of service, May 17, 1863. Regimental Flag of the Twelfth New York. In the list of regimental flags presented to Gov. Fenton at Albany, we find the following memorial of the colors of the 12th Regiment : " 1 National Flag, silk. Presented to the regiment by the ladies of Syracuse, May 2, 1861, and carried by the regiment through every service in which it was engaged. . " The regiment was organized at Syracuse in the spring of 1861. It was engaged in the battle of Blackburn's Ford, and at ist Bull Run was in the reserve. After spending several months in building and grading forts in front of Washington, it was sent to the Peninsula, and was subsequently engaged in the seige of Yorktown and in the battles of Hanover Court House, Gaines's Mill, Savage's Station, White Oak Swamp, Malvern Hill, 2d Bull Run and ist Fredericksburg. It returned to the State in the HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 103 spring of 1863, at the expiration of its term of service. " Represented at the presentation by Col. Henry A. Weeks. The One Hundred and First Regiment New York Volunteers was raised in the Counties of Onondaga, New York and Delaware. It was or ganized at Hancock, N. Y., to serve for three years, and was mustered into the United States service from September 2, 1861, to February 28, 1862. It was consolidated with the 37th New York Volun teers, December 24, 1862, and the officers mustered out of service. The officers of this regiment from Onondaga County were Lieutenant Colonel Johnson B. Brown, discharged November 7, 1862; Captain Gustavus Sniper, of Company C, promoted to Major on the organization of the regiment at Han cock, promoted to Lieutenant-Colonel November 29, 1862, and mustered out at the consolidation, December 24, 1862 ; Assistant-Surgeon David B. Van Slycke, promoted to Surgeon, October 23, 1862, and mustered out December 24, 1862 ; Captain James F. O'Neil, rank from October 1, 1861, dis charged May 31, 1862; Captain George W. Her- rick, rank from March 31, 1862, discharged Febru ary 22, 1862 ; Captain Peter Ohneth {Brevet-Major N. Y. V.,) rank as Captain November 24, 1861, mustered out December 24, 1862 ; Captain Peter McLennon, rank from December 5, 1 861, mustered out December 24, 1862 ; ist Lieutenant Orrin F. Plumb, rank from November 14, 1861, mustered out December 24, 1862 ; ist Lieutenant James H. Bradt, rank from October 25, 1861, promoted to Captain October 29, 1862 ; ist Lieutenant Thomas K. Brown, rank from October 22, 1861, mustered out December 24, 1862 ; ist Lieutenant Monroe C. Worden, rank from October 7, 1861, died at Wash ington, D. C, April 25, 1862 ; ist Lieutenant Wil liam Noble, rank from November 16, 1862, not mustered; ist Lieutenant Orlando J. Rowe, on records of War Department, not commissioned, resigned January 31, 1862; 2d Lieutenant William H. Warner, rank from December 1, 1861, promoted to ist Lieutenant October 29, 1862, mustered out at the consolidation, December 24, 1862 ; 2d Lieu tenant Silas H. Hinds, rank from June, 1862, mus tered out December 24, 1862 ; 2d Lieutenant Adam Listman, rank from November 24, 1861, resigned July 24, 1862 ; 2d Lieutenant George Pfohl, rank from July 25, 1862, mustered out December 24, 1862 ; 2d Lieutenant Henry D. Ford, rank from December 15, 1861, promoted ist Lieutenant Oct. 3, 1862, mustered out December 24, 1862 ; 2d Lieu tenant George B. French, rank from September 9, 1863, not mustered ; Amos M. Scranton, on records of War Department, not mustered, discharged Feb ruary 22, 1862. In the catalogue of flags presented to Governor Fenton at Albany after the war, we find this men tion of the colors of the 101st Regiment: "1 National Flag, silk, with original staff. This flag was presented to the regiment by the Union Defence Committee of New York City. It was borne in the battles of Seven Pines, (May 31 and June 1) Peach Orchard, Savage's Station, Chicka hominy, White Oak Swamp, Charles City Cross Roads, Malvern Hill, Groveton, Second Bull Run, Chantilly and Fredericksburg." The regiment was sent forward from Hancock, N. Y., to Washington in March, 1862, and was for some time on duty in and about Washington. It was also engaged in garrison duty for some time at Fort Lyons, seven miles south of Alexandria. Be fore engaging in the first of the series of battles above enumerated, it was organized as part of Bir- ney's brigade, Kearney's division and Heintzelman's corps, and arrived at Fair Oaks just at the close of the battle. The regiment was one of the best in the service. It received a high compliment for its gallantry from Gen. Kearney the night before he was killed at Chantilly. In his report after the bat tle of Fredericksburg, Brig.-Gen. Berry said : " I have also to mention the good conduct of the 10 ist New York Volunteers, Col. Chester com manding. They nobly performed their duty dur ing the fight ; also as pickets on the night of the retreat. This regiment, though small in numbers, did good service, and its conduct, together with that of all its officers, was unexceptionable." CHAPTER XXIV. The One Hundred and Twenty-Second New York Volunteers — Organization — March to the Front — South Mountain — An tietam. THE i22d Regiment New York Volunteer In fantry was one of the regiments furnished by the State under the call of the President for 300,000 men in the summer of 1862. The war for the sup pression of the Rebellion was just beginning to develop the magnitude of its proportions, and to show that the North must put forth its manly energy in good earnest, if it would save the Republic from dismemberment, anarchy and destruction. The issue of the struggle upon the Peninsula for the capture of Richmond was being surrounded with doubt, 104 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. when on the ist of July, the President called for 300,000 additional troops. On the day following, Governor Morgan issued a proclamation of which the subjoined is an extract : "This appeal is to the State of New York : it is to each citizen. Let it come to every fireside. Let the glorious example of the Revolutionary period be our emulation. Let each feel that the Common wealth now counts upon his individual strength and influence to meet the demands of the Government. "The period has come when all must aid. New York has not thus far stood back. Ready and more than willing, she has met every summons to duty. Let not her history be falsified nor her position be lowered." Three days after the appearance of the above appeal, there was issued from the Adjutant-General's office of the State a circular directing the division of the State into regimental districts, correspond ing to the senatorial districts, with a rendez vous camp in each. At the same time and by the same authority, a committee was appointed in each district, called the Senatorial War Committee, to whom was given the general charge and direction of affairs in their district in regard to the raising and organization of troops. In Onondaga county, composing the 22d Dis trict, the following gentlemen were named as the Committee : Hon. Charles Andrews, Hon. Grove Lawrence, Hon. Dennis McCarthy, Hon. Elias W. Leavenworth, Hamilton White, Esq., Hon. Austin Myres, Hon. Thomas G. Alvord, L. W. Hall, Esq., Hon. Thomas T. Davis and Col. J. Dean Hawley. On the 15th of July, 1862, the above committee 'held a meeting and organized by the election of Hon. Charles Andrews, President, and L. W. Hall, Esq., Secretary. A resolution was passed requesting the inhabit ants of the various towns of the county to appoint a committee of three in each town to act in con junction with them. Also a resolution was passed requesting the Governor of the State to call an extra session of the Legislature forthwith, to insure uniform action as regards the bounty to be offered volunteers. The committee resolved to hold a ses sion every evening at the Mayor's office in the City Hall, at half past seven o'clock, until further notice. At this time the expedition against Richmond had failed. Pope's army, by his bold advance to cooperate with McClellan, was imperiled, and was being driven back, though not without able and gal lant resistance, to the defences of Washington ; while the people were looking anxiously to see whether the foiled, yet powerful, Army of the Poto mac, would be brought up in time to his assistance, or whether he would be able to fight his way back with what means he had within his reach. All clearly perceived that it was only a question of time whether our armies already in the field would be able to maintain a successful defensive until the reenforcements which the great loyal North were preparing and sending forward, in response to the call of the President, could reach the front. It was under such circumstances as these that the War Committee, in the summer of i862,"called upon the people of Onondaga for further enlist ments. The first response under this call was the I22d Regiment, N. Y. V. I. It was raised in one month, enlistments fairly commencing on the 20th of July and the rolls closing on the 20th of August. The first Company (A) was filled at Baldwins ville, from the towns of Lysander and Van Buren August 6, with Joshua B. Davis, Captain ; Alonzo H. Clapp, ist Lieutenant ; and Herbert S. Wells, 2d Lieutenant. Captain Davis was promoted to Major, August 16, 1862, and was succeeded in the command of the company by J. M. Brower, form erly a Captain in the 12th Regiment, N. Y. V. Company B was filled August 14, from the city of Syracuse and the towns of Geddes, Cicero and Clay, with Webster R. Chamberlain, Captain ; Charles G. Nye, ist Lieutenant, and William J. Webb, 2d Lieutenant. Company C was organized from the towns of Manlius and DeWitt, at FayetteviUe, August 14, with Alfred Nims, Captain ; Joseph E. Cameron, ist Lieutenant, and Arthur J. Mead, 2d Lieu tenant. Company D, from the towns of Onondaga, Spaf ford, Otisco and the city of Syracuse, was organized August 14, with Cornell Chrysler, Captain ; Davis Cossitt, ist Lieutenant, and Edward P. Luther, 2d Lieutenant. Company E was organized in the city of Syra cuse, August 15, with Augustus W. Dwight, as Captain ; Horace H. Walpole, ist Lieutenant, and Henry H. Hoyt, 2d Lieutenant. On the 22d of of August, Captain A. W. Dwight was promoted to the Lieut. -Colonelcy of the regiment, ist Lieuten ant, Horace H. Walpole, was promoted to Captain of Company E, and Jacob Brand was appointed ist Lieutenant, vice Walpole, promoted. Company F was mainly from the town of Mar cellus, and was organized August 15, with Lucius Moses, Captain ; George W. Piatt, ist Lieutenant, and James Burton, 2d Lieutenant. Company G, from the town of Elbridge, was or ganized August 15, Harrison H. Jilson, Captain; Drayton Eno, ist Lieutenant, and Peter A. Blossom, 2d Lieutenant. HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 105 Company H, mainly from the town of Camillus, organized August 15th, James M. Gere, Captain; Morton L. Marks, ist Lieutenant, and Oscar F. Swift, 2d Lieutenant. Company I, from Syracuse and Salina, chiefly, organized August 16, John M. Dwight, Captain ; Morris H. Church, ist Lieutenant, and Lucius A. Dillingham, 2d Lieutenant. Company K, chiefly from the towns of Tully and Skaneateles and the city of Syracuse, organized August 19, Noah B. Kent, Captain ; Justin Howard, ist Lieutenant, and Frank M. Wooster, 2d Lieu tenant. The organization was completed and the regiment mustered into the United States service, at Syra cuse, August 28, 1862, with the following field and staff officers, viz : Silas Titus, Colonel, rank from August 31, 1862 ; Augustus H. Dwight, Lieutenant-Colonel, rank from August 28, 1862 ; Joshua B. Davis, Major, rank from August 28, 1862 ; Andrew J. Smith, Adjutant, rank from July 26, 1862 ; Frank Lester, Quartermaster, rank from July 24, 1862 ; Nathan R. Teft, Surgeon, rank from July 24, 1862 ; John O. Slocum, Assistant Surgeon, rank from August 14, 1862 ; Edwin A. Knapp, 2d Assistant Surgeon, rank from August 19, 1862 ; L. M. Nickerson, Chaplain, rank from August 28, 1862. It was expected that the regiment would remain in camp over Sunday, and thus give their many friends an opportunity to visit them before their departure to the seat of war. But, contrary to their expectations, it was announced that they would leave on Sunday morning. Much excitement was created in camp and among the friends of the soldiers outside. Before daylight they began to gather around the enclosure and at sunrise not less than three thousand people were on the ground, pressing eagerly to gain admittance to their friends, while hundreds of the soldiers were pressing from the inside, all anxious to get together and make their little arrangements and say their good-byes before separating. It was well that, on such an occasion, military stringency should yield to tbe dictates of affection and friendship, and there was time enough for a visit, for three hours would intervene before the time for departure. This view of the case being laid before Lieutenant- Colonel Dwight, who was the chief officer in camp at that time, permission' was given for the gates to be opened and the people let in. As the guard fell back, the crowd surged in through the gate, while the soldiers within rent the air with their cheers. Then followed for two or three hours a free inter mingling and greeting, and finally, the parting words and salutations, which were not soon for- 14* gotten either by the members of the regiment or their friends. Taking a special train, the regiment arrived in New York City on Sunday night, where they spent the next day in receiving their arms and accoutre ments, and at 4.30 p. m. the next day, went by boat to Perth Amboy, and thence the same day to Bal timore. They lay all night in the depot at Balti more alongside a train loaded with wounded sol diers from Pope's battle-fields in Virginia. This first sight of the sad contingencies of war affected their nerves more seriously than did afterwards the bat tle-field itself. The following data, from the notes of Col. J. M. Gere, furnish us with a knowledge of some of the further movements of the regiment : Wednesday, Sept. 3. Rode to Washington, where they heard that Pope had been defeated at Chantilly and that Lee was crossing into Maryland. Slept that night in the barracks near the depot, and the next day marched through the streets of Washing ton to Long Bridge, supposed to be on their way to -Fort Pennsylvania for drill. But they were halted at Long Bridge, and their drill proved to be of quite a different character. v That night they slept on the grass on the bank of the Potomac ; the next day marched back through Georgetown to a quarter of a mile above Chain Bridge, where tents were issued and camp pitched. The next day, in light marching order, joined the column moving to the front. The regiment was brigaded with the 65th and 67th New York and the 23d and 61st Pennsyl vania regiments, under command of Brig. Gen. John Cochrane, of Couch's division, and joined the brigade at Orfutt's Cross Roads. The campaign of three weeks up to Antietam was a severe one to the raw and inexperienced troops. At South Moun tain, after a day of severe marching, they came up just in time to see Slocum's splendid charge up the heights above Crampton's Pass, but not to take part in it. The next morning they marched over the battle-field, from which the dead had not yet been removed, and halted for the night about four miles beyond. McClellan's army had been marching up the country from Washington, with the Potomac on his left, in three heavy columns, the I22d being in the left column next the river. At this time, those of Lee's forces which were north of the river were scattered in several bodies, threatening and dem onstrating upon the State of Maryland. His forces upon the south bank of the Potomac were push ing the attack upon Gen. Miles at Harper's Ferry, who, while he held his strongly fortified position, io6 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. was keeping Lee's army divided, and at the same time acting as an obstacle to the withdrawal of Lee's forces from Maryland, in case it should be come necessary for him to retreat. The interest of the Union Army lay in attacking and crushing the detached portions of Lee's army north of the Potomac, while Miles held his position at Harper's Ferry, and having done this, to reach Gen. Miles in time to relieve him. On the other hand, the interest of the rebel army was to delay the Union forces, so that they could overpower or compel the surrender of Miles at Harper's Ferry, and then concentrate their whole army against McClellan in Maryland. This they actually accom plished throngh the fall of Harper's Ferry and the battle of Antietam, although the results of the campaign were far from being flattering to the Con federate cause. That portion of Lee's army already in Maryland had occupied South Mountain, a range of hills run ning south westwardly across Maryland to the Poto mac east of Harper's Ferry, the principal passes of which they had fortified. Gen. McClellan, learning of Lee's plans through a general order discovered at Frederick, pushed on in pursuit, encountering the enemy in their stronghold's at Turner's and Cramp- ton's Gaps, where, after desperate resistance, the rebels were repulsed with heavy loss. At Turner's Gap the loss to the enemy in killed and wounded was about 2,000 and 1,500 prisoners, while at Crampton's our trophies were 400 prisoners, one gun and 700 small arms. These battles were fought on the 14th of September, by Gens. Meade and Hooker, of the right, and Gen. Franklin command ing the left wing, of McClellan's army. Could Franklin but have realized how precious were the moments, he was still in time to have relieved Har per's Ferry. He was but six miles distant when it surrendered at eight o'clock next morning. As already stated, our i22d Regiment was in neither of these engagements. On the 15th, after the battle, it passed up through Crampton's Gap to about four miles beyond, where it lay all day on the 1 6th, and while there heard of the surrender of Harper's Ferry. The advance of our forces from South Mountain towards Antietam began to be made on the morn ing of the 15th of September, led by Gen. Pleas- anton's cavalry, who overtook at Boonsborough the rebel cavalry rear-guard, charged it with spirit, and routed it, capturing 250 prisoners and two guns. Richardson's division of Sumner's corps followed, pressing eagerly on that afternoon, and, after a m arch of ten or twelve miles, discovered the rebels posted in force across Antietam Creek, in front of the little village of Sharpsburg. Here the entire rebel force under Lee was soon concentrated. Rich ardson halted and deployed on the right ofthe road leading in from Keedysville ; Sykes, with his divis ion of regulars, following closely after, came up and deployed on the left of that road. Gen. McClellan himself with three corps in all, came up during the evening. Hooker moved at 4 p. m., and making a long detour, crossed the Antietam out of sight and range of the rebel batteries. Turning at length sharply to the left, he came to an open field with woods in front and on each side, when he halted and formed his lines : Rickett's division on the left ; Meade, with the Pennsylvania Reserves, in the center ; while Doubleday, on the right, planting his guns on a hill, opened at once on a rebel battery that had begun to enfilade our center. By this time it was dark and the firing soon ceased. The infantry of the opposing lines lay down for the night within half musket shot of each other. At daylight next morning (Sept. 17) the battle opened in earnest. Meade's left and the right of Rickett's line became engaged at nearly the same moment, the former with artillery, the latter with infantry ; while a battery was pushed forward be yond the woods direcily in Hooker's front, across a plowed field, to the edge of a cornfield beyond it, destined before night to be soaked with blood. Twice during that bloody day was this cornfield taken and lost, and the third time it was taken by our forces and held. On this part of the field the most terrible fighting of the day was done. In one of these charges, the 34th New York, which had broken at a critical moment, while attempting a ma neuver under a terrible fire, was almost literally cut to pieces ; and the 15th Massachusetts, which went into the action 600 strong, was speedily reduced to 134- During the battle of Antietam the i22d Regiment was not engaged in actual fighting, but their division (Couch's) had been ordered to the left to outflank a supposed flanking movement ofthe enemy. Greeley in his American conflict, referring to this movement, says : " Gen. Couch's division, 5,000 strong, had been sent away towards Harper's Ferry — evidently through some misapprehension — and only arrived at a late hour next morning." Some ofthe officers say they returned to the battle-field on the night of the 17th. However, the difference is immaterial. September 18th and 19th were spent upon the battle field, and on the 20th Couch's division (in cluding the I22d) marched to Williamsport, where, after some skirmishing, they drove off the rebel HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 107 cavalry under Stewart, which had crossed the Poto mac at this point. Here private Hunn, the first man wounded in the regiment, received a flesh wound in the leg. One man in Company A was wounded. The regiment remained here two days, and on the 23d went into camp in a pleasant clover meadow at Downsville, where they received shelter tents and remained under drill about two months, Major Jos. E. Hamblin, of the 65th New York (afterwards Maj.- Gen.) being detailed by Gen. Cochrane, com mander of the brigade, as the drill-master. He was very competent, and under his excellent drill the regiment soon became one of the most efficient in the army. October 18th and 19th, Saturday night and Sun day, marched 28 miles up the river to Hancock. On the 2 ist, left Hancock and marched (most of the distance by night) eight miles down the river to Cherry Run ; and after lying two weeks at Indian Spring, returned to Downsville, and the next day marched as wagon-guard, crossing the Potomac into Virginia at Berlin on the 3d day of November. CHAPTER XXV. The One Hundred and Twenty-Second Regi ment, Continued — Fredericksburg — Burn side's Mud Expedition — Chancellorsville — Gettysburg — Rappahannock Station — Sandusky, Ohio — Re-organization of the Army under Lieut.-Gen. Grant. ON the 8th of November, 1862, Gen. Burnside superceded Gen. McClellan in command of the Army of the Potomac, and immediately there after planned his campaign to move upon Rich mond via Fredericksburg. The I22d Regiment was now in the left grand division of the Army of the Potomac (Franklin's), ist brigade (Gen. John Cochrane), 3d division (Gen. D. A. Couch), 6th corps (Sedgwick's), then commanded by Gen. W. F. Smith ; and joined the march towards Freder icksburg, November 10, halting till the 15th, at New Baltimore, thence in two days to Stafford Court House, and in four days to Belle Plaine and thence to Fredericksburg. Pontoon bridges had been laid opposite the city and also two miles be low, on the night of the 10th, by our engineer corps, and troops were then crossing. Our brigade lay near the bank of the river at Franklin's Cross ing during the night, and crossed at 4 a. m., on the nth of December. Gen. Lee, having learned of Burnside's purpose, had occupied Fredericksburg with a brigade of sharp-shooters (Barksdale's) and had posted his en tire force of not less than 80,000 men in strong in- trenchments along the heights for two miles up and down the river in the rear of the city. Gen. Sumner, with the advance corps of our army, had arrived on the 7th of November, and on the 21st had summoned the city to surrender. The inhabit ants had mostly abandoned the place ; the sharp shooters had been driven out by the shells of Burn- side from the heights of Falmouth and by an in fantry raid across the river in boats, and the pon toon bridges had been successfully laid. Such was the state of things when our army began to pour across on the night of the 10th of December. The attempt of Burnside to storm the heights of Fredericksburg on that memorable 13th of Decem ber, 1862, must ever remain as the darkest, bloodi est and most fruitless sacrifice of our brave soldiers during the whole war. Lee, with 80,000 troops, was posted behind his breastworks for miles along the bluffs. In and before Fredericksburg were the grand divisions of Hooker and Sumner, numbering 60,000. While 300 rebel guns were advantageously placed on every eminence, and raked every foot of ground by which they could be approached, Marye's Hill, directly in the rear of the city, and in front of our storming column, was defended by an impregnable stone wall, four feet in height, behind which was posted Barksdale's brigade of rebel infantry. Our heavy guns were mostly on the north side of the river where they could hardly reach the enemy. Our storming column consisted chiefly of Hancock's and French's corps, in which Meagher's Irish brigade suffered the severest losses. It dashed itself repeatedly against those impreg nable heights until two-thirds of its numbers strewed the ground. General Meagher, in his official report, says : " Of the 1,200 I led into the action only 280 ap peared on parade next morning." Says the cor respondent of the London Times: "That any mortal man could have carried the position before which they were wantonly sacrificed, defended as it was, it seems to me idle for a moment to believe. But the bodies which lie in dense masses within forty yards of the muzzles of Colonel Walton's guns are the best evidence what manner of men they were who pressed on to death with the dauntless- ness of a race which has gained glory on a thousand battle fields, and never more richly deserved it than at the foot of Marye's Heights on the 13th day of December, 1862." Franklin's grand division on the left, had crossed about two miles below the city, his whole force numbering „ about 40,000, and having assailed the right of the enemy, with heavy loss in Meade's and io8 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. Hooker's divisions, were unable to carry their works. Meade's division alone lost 1,760 men out of some 6,000 engaged. Three repeated charges were made at this point to take a rebel battery and although the fighting was terrible and the loss of life great, no particular advantage was gained on either side. And so ended one of the bloodiest days in the annals of the war. Our I22d Regiment was placed well to the left in support of the Pennsylvania Reserves, was under heavy artillery fire four hours and had four men wounded. Monday, December 15. Recrossed the Rappa hannock at night and went into camp near Fal mouth, where the regiment remained doing ordinary camp and picket duty till January 20, 1863. January 20. Marched in Gen. Burnside's famous " mud campaign." This movement contemplated a crossing in force at Bank's and United States' Fords, above Fredericksburg, while, at the same time, to attract the attention of the enemy in that direction, a feint of crossing was to be made at the Sedden House, six or seven miles below. His preparations were perfected and his army put in motion on the 20th of January. The morning was fair, but at 10 o'clock, p. m , rain and sleet began to fall, and during the next day rain poured down in torrents, taking the frost all out of the ground and letting the army trains, artillery and baggage, into the mud so inextricably that it was impossible to move. After lying there two days in mud and dis comfort, order was given to return to camp, and all made their way back as best they could. The movement was intended to have been made under cover of night, but, on account of the impediment of the storm and mud, daylight revealed them hope lessly floundering in view of the enemy, who, though they immediately guarded the fords, were not fool ish enough, had they been able, to squander their men and animals in an attempt to assail our stalled and struggling forces. Gen. Hooker having assumed command of the Army of the Potomac on the 16th of February, 1863, devoted the following two months to improv ing the discipline, perfecting the organization, and exalting the spirit of his men. During this time our I22d Regiment was engaged chiefly on picket duty. Hooker soon had an army equal in numbers and efficiency to any ever seen on this continent, nearly 100,000 strong, its artillery not less than 10,000, and its cavalry 13,000. Being at length ready, Hooker dispatched Stoneman, with most of his cavalry up the north side of the Rappahannock with instructions to cross at discretion above the Orange and Alexandria Railroad, strike Fitz-Hugh Lee's cavalry (computed at 2,oco) near Culpepper Court House, capture Gordonsville, and then pounce on the Fredericksburg and Richmond Railroad near Saxton's Junction, cutting telegraphs, railroads, burning bridges, &c, thence towards Richmond, fighting at every opportunity, and harrassing by every means the retreat of the rebel army, which, it was calculated, would now be retiring on Rich mond. This order was issued on April 13, The rains and the swollen river caused the delay of the army, and the recall of the cavalry, which had already effected a crossing of the Rappa hannock ; the main army did not move till the morning of the 25th, our I22d Regiment and brigade marching at 2 p. m., in the 6th (Sedgwick's) corps, carrying pontoons to Franklin's Crossing two miles below Fredericksburg. The I22d were engaged all night in laying the pontoons. Before daylight Brook's division had crossed in boats and drove off the rebel pickets. Gen. Wadsworth, commanding the advance of Reynold's division, and Sickles's (3d) corps, being now apparently ready to cross in force, the 3d corps was ordered to move silently and rapidly to the United States' Ford and thence to Chancellorsville, while part ofthe pontoons were taken up and sent to Banks's Ford. Reynolds, after making as great a display as possible, and ex changing some long shots with the rebels in front, followed on the 2d of May, raising Hooker's force at or near Chancellorsville to 70,000 men. Gibbon's division of the 2d corps, 6,000 strong, was left at Falmouth, to guard our camps and stores. Sedgwick's (6th) corps, with our I22d Regiment, re mained at the crossing (Franklin's) in front of the rebel works, covering the withdrawal of Sickles's (3d) corps and Reynold's division, after the feint of crossing at that point, and remained till Saturday, May 2d. At this date an order was received for the 6th corps to cross the Rappahannock and move to join Hooker at Chancellorsville. That night they crossed the river at the lower crossing, and after skirmishing up through Fredericksburg, found themselves at 3 o'clock on Sunday morning in front of Marye's Heights before the fatal stone wall where fell so many of our brave soldiers on that memora ble 13th of December, 1862. To protect themselves from the rebel fire, which opened upon them from the fortifications, they moved back to the edge of city before daylight, and were joined by Gibbon's division crossing from Falmouth, raising Sedgwick's force to nearly 30,000 men. Meanwhile, the rebel troops still remaining in this quarter had been con centrating on Marye's Hill, where they had several HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 109 guns in position, while a canal covering their left, with the bridges all taken up, increased the difficulty of carrying the hill by assault. One attempt to clear the enemy's rifle-pits at the foot of the hill was re pulsed ; another, and a successful assault, was made at n a. M. by three storming columns of Gen. Howe's (2d) division under Gen. Neill and Cols. Grant and Seaver, carrying the lower work and Marye's Hill with little loss and scarcely without being checked in their advance, and capturing 200 prisoners. In carrying the rebel front line Capt. Church was wounded by a case shot. In carrying the hill about 900 men were killed and wounded in eleven minutes. The I22d was in the supporting column and passing over the hill, turned to the right, and in about a mile came in front of a forti fied hill occupied by a force of the enemy and two guns, which the regiment was ordered to carry, and did it promptly, losing nine killed and wounded. Sedgwick having carried the heights, reformed his brigades, and leaving Gibbon at Fredericksburg, moved out on the Chancellorsville road. Our regi ment moved with the other troops at 1 p. m., about four miles to Salem Church. The fortified position of the rebels here was unsuccessfully attacked. The enemy, reenforced by about 30,000 men, flushed with victory from Chancellorsville, assailed us in return, and for about two hours the battle raged furiously. Our forces held their own at all points. Towards night the battle lulled, and the I22d was thrown to the extreme right front of our position, which they held all night. Monday, May 4. Morning broke, and Sedgwick's position was fast becoming critical. The enemy were in force on his front, and feeling around his left, back towards the heights of Fredericksburg. Should Hooker remain inactive, the brunt of fighting the whole rebel army was imminent. He received several dispatches from his chief during the day, evincing a very uncertain state of mind. At 1 p. m. the enemy moved in force, striking Sedgwick in flank, and pushing him down towards the river, and during the night over it at Bank's Ford, with a loss of hardly less than 5,000 men. In this movement the enemy attempted to cut off our forces from the river, but their effort was suc cessfully resisted. A bridge was laid by the 50th New York (engineers) and the corps recrossed the Rappahannock in the course of the night, the I22d Regiment, holding the bridge-head in the face of the enemy till 3 o'clock in the morning, being the last to recross. By the 8th, the regiment occupied a new camp in a pine woods, called Camp Shaler, further east and nearer the river than the old one. June 3. Lee began to put his forces in motion up the southern bank of the Rappahannock, pre paratory to the invasion of Maryland and Pennsyl vania. The movements were carefully screened from the observation of our army. On the 6th, Hooker threw over Gen. Howe's division of the 6th corps (containing the I22d) a little below the city, to ascertain if the enemy were still in force there. Hill, who had been left to guard the place, soon convinced him that there had been but little reduction of the rebel strength in that quarter, and after some careful skirmishing, in which three of the i22d were wounded, he withdrew again to the north side of the river, June 13. June 14-18. Marched to Fairfax Court House. June 2 ist. Firing within hearing at Adlie and Snicker's Gaps, east of Winchester. June 14th. Marched to Centerville, camped for the night, and at 5 p. m., June 25, went on picket to the front on the old Bull Run battle ground. June 26. Marched to near Drainsville ; (27), marched at 4 o'clock a. m., and crossed the Potomac at Edward's Ferry, eighteen miles distant, at 4 p.m. ; (28) marched toward Frederick City, just skirting Sugar Loaf Mountain; (29) marched all day north wardly ; and (30) marche*d sixteen miles to near Manchester, Maryland. July 1. Heard that the ist corps had struck the enemy at Gettysburg, and that battle was joined ; started at sundown, and after marching all night, (thirty miles,) arrived upon the field at 3 p. m. of the 2d, and went immediately into the front line. On the 3d of July, from 8 till 1 1:30 a. m., the I22d Regiment was at the right under General Geary, of Slocum's corps, and lost heavily, but defeated the enemy. The 149th Regiment was at the left side of the I22d through part of the fight. Slocum, who commanded the right wing of our army during the battle of Gettysburg, had been crowded back from his rifle-pits on the night of the 2d of July, and on the morning of the 3d, in the action just referred to, he had advanced and retaken them, but not without a fierce struggle which lasted over three hours. Two Onondaga Regiments, the 149th and the I22d, had the honor of participating in this achievement, under one of Onondaga's honored sons as commander of the right wing of the army — General H. W. Slocum. In front of their position that morning fell 1,200 rebel dead. The following day was spent on the battle field, taking care of the wounded. When the rebels retreated our brigade followed to Middletown, and thence across the mountain to Funkstown, arriving on the 14th, where they found the rebels strongly posted no HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. behind breastworks, and so sheltered by a piece of wood, that our artillery could not be brought to bear upon them. Some 90 men of the brigade volun teered to chop down the timber, though right in front of and exposed to the rebel guns, that the artillery might have full rake ; and at work they went with axes, keeping their rifles by their side ; but in the morning, when the attack was to have been made, it was found that the enemy had gone in the night. Our army followed them four miles to Williamsport, capturing their rear-guard, re- crossing the Potomac and arriving at Warrenton about July 24th, where they remained till Septem ber 15th ; thence to White Sulphur Springs, camp ing at Stone House Mountain, till October 1, when they started at 1 1 a. m., and marched all next day in a heavy rain, reaching Catlett's Station on the 3d, where our brigade remained guarding the station for ten days. October 13. At 1 o'clock a. m. marched to Warrenton Junction, and lay in line of battle one mile east of the junction through the day, to pro tect our trains and the flank of our army moving northward. Towards night the brigade moved to Kettle Run, a mile from Bristow Station, arriving at 3 a. m., and the next day marched to Centerville and went to the front on picket duty. This move ment appears to have been caused by the enemy's moving around our right flank and threatening our communications with Washington. They had pushed for Centerville with the intention of occupying the fortifications there, expecting that we would attack them ; but on arriving in front of the position, they found three of our corps in possession of the works. Judging that our trains must be just behind, the rebels turned sharp to the right, and found them where they expected, moving alongside of the railroad track under the escort of the 2d corps. The highway was just at the left of the railroad ; as they were coming up, and as they struck the train, they likewise struck the 2d corps in flank. The troops of this corps immediately jumped over the railroad bank, and with their artil lery at the head of the column, pointing down the road, were in splendid position, from which they re pulsed the attack handsomely, inflicting heavy loss. This affair is known as Bristow Station. October 16. Marched four miles north of Cen terville and took position, awaiting the enemy. Considerable fighting for two days past. October 19. Pushing the enemy towards Gainesville. Oc tober 20. Marched to New Baltimore and Warren ton, sending the enemy across the river. Lay in camp near Warrenton till November 7. The rebels having retired south of the Rappa hannock, after having chased our army almost up to Washington, and having gained a decided advan tage in the only important collision that marked his retreat, Meade sought permission, by a rapid movement to the left, to seize and occupy the Heights of Fredericksburg ; and accordingly, sent forward Sedgwick, with the 5 th and 6th corps, at daybreak, November 7, from Warrenton to Rappa hannock Station, where the rebels had strongly for tified the north bank of the river, covering their pontoon bridge. Arriving at noon opposite the station, our troops were halted behind a hill a good mile off, rested and carefully formed, and our skir mish lines gradually advanced to the river both above and below the enemy's works. Just before sunset it was decided that these works could be carried by assault, and without a moment's delay our brave soldiers dashed forward to the charge,. carrying the position, capturing four cannon, six limbers, three caissons, 1 ,600 prisoners, 2,000 small arms, the I22d Regiment losing 13 killed and wounded. In ten minutes the 6th Maine lost 16 out of 23 officers, and 123 out of 350 enlisted men, three of their veteran Captains lying dead, with Lieutenant-Colonel Harris, of this regiment, and Major Wheeler, of the 5th Wisconsin, severely wounded. Adjutant Clark, of the former, and Lieut. Russell, were also wounded. The rebels also lost heavily, Col. Gleason of the 12th Vir ginia, being killed. Gen. Hayes surrendered, but afterwards escaped. Two of his colonels, swam the river. The whole achievement was the work of two brigades numbering less than 3,000 men. The charge was made with fixed bayonets without firing a shot. Our command of the ford was com plete, and Lee fell back to Culpepper that night, and across the Rappahannock the next day. Our force moved to Brandy Station about Novem ber 10 ; left camp on the 26, (Thanksgiving Day) ; crossed the Rapidan at 8 a. m. ; remained across the river marching and fighting more or less to Mine Run, till December 2d, when they recrossed the Rapidan at Gold Mine Ford and returned to their old camp at Brandy Station, where the regi ment remained till the 3d of January, 1864. At this date the brigade broke camp and started for Sandusky, Ohio, via Washington and Wheel ing, West Va., arriving at Sandusky January 13. The i22d Regiment quartered in the town, the rest of the brigade on Johnson's Island guarding 2,600 rebel prisoners. They remained at Sandusky just three months, until April 13, when they started back to Virginia, arriving at their old camp at HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. in Brandy Station with three regiments of the brigade April 19 Gen. Grant having been appointed by Congress Lieutenant-General of the Army, February 24, 1864, was summoned from the West by telegraph, and on the 8th of March repaired to Washington to receive his commission and instructions, as com mandant of all the Union forces. The residue of March and nearly the whole of April were devoted to careful preparation for the campaign against Richmond. The Army of the Potomac, still com manded immediately by Gen. Meade, was com pletely reorganized, its five corps being reduced to three, commanded respectively by Gen. Hancock (2d), Warren (5th), and Sedgwick (6th). Maj. Gens. Sykes, French and Newton, with Brig. Gens. Kenly, Spinola and Sol. Meredith, were relieved and sent to Washington for orders. Gen. Burn side, who had been reorganizing and receiving large accessions to his (9th) corps in Maryland, crossed the Potomac March 2d, and joined Meade's army, though the formal incorporation therewith was postponed till after the passage of the Rapi dan. This junction again raised the positive or fighting strength of the army to considerable over 100,000 men. In the reorganization this spring, the old 3d di vision was broken up and divided between the ist and 2d divisions, our brigade being attached to the ist division as the 4th brigade, and the 3d division of the 3d corps transferred to our corps as the 3d division of the 6th corps ; so that now the I22d Regiment belonged to the 4th brigade, 1st division, 6th corps. CHAPTER XXVI. The One Hundred and Twenty-Second Regi ment, Continued — Campaign of the Wilder ness Battle of Cold Harbor — South of the James — Expedition to the Shenandoah Valley — Petersburg — List of Promotions — Fifteenth Cavalry. THE history of the I22d Regiment^ with the brigade and division of which it was a part, during the campaign of the Wilderness and up to the sanguinary battle of Cold Harbor, is given in the following extracts from the Diary of Major T. L. Poole, of Geddes, which recorded each day's events as they transpired till the time he was wounded and left the army. The notes of this diary were made at the front, in the midst of the stirring scenes which they describe, and will add the zest of personal interest to our narrative : May 4, 1864. Left camp near Brandy Station at daylight. Our brigade is rear-guard and is with the wagons of the corps. At about 11 p. m., marched eastward and went into camp at Gold Mine Ford. At the ford we found the entire wagon trains of the army, and they were then crossing the Rapidan. We spread our blankets on the ground and slept till daylight. May 5. Did not cross the river until late in the afternoon, when we marched about two miles and encamped, still being the wagon-guard. A battle was in progress all day in front of us, continuing till late at night. It is impossible to learn anything definite. Friday, May 6. We were awakened at midnight, and leaving the wagons behind us, marched several miles to the right and took up line of battle. Crossed over a portion of the battle ground of yes terday, and saw many of the dead. The battle commenced at daylight ; but at this hour (6 A. M.) we have taken no part. Word has come that we shall soon make a bayonet charge. 2 o'clock p. m. Attempted the charge and failed. We advanced twenty rods and halted, took what cover we could and opened fire. Continued firing about twenty minutes, when both sides ceased ; our skirmishers, however, kept up fire during the day. Our losses up to this time in the regiment are, one man killed and 41 officers and men wounded. Besides these 1 5 are missing, and we have reason to suppose some of them are killed or wounded. My company (I) lost Captain Dwight, wounded in the left leg below the knee, not supposed to be serious ; privates Howard and Brooks, both wounded severely; Lieutenant Wilson, of Company A, wounded in the shoulder (proved fatal) ; Lieutenant C: B. Clark, wounded in the leg; (Captain Dwight, wounded early in the morning at 8 o'clock, and I have since been in command ofthe company.) Corporal Isaac, of my company, is missing, and I suppose him killed (was killed) ; Corporal F. Patterson, of Company D, belonging to my color-guard, is also wounded. The 126th Ohio regiment are now building breastworks a few rods in our rear ; and so matters remain at present, 2 p. m. At 6:30 p. m., the rebels made an attack upon our works, in front, right flank and rear, the attack being made by Gordon's division. Our regiment and the entire brigade were driven back in great confusion and with heavy loss, many of our regi ment being killed and wounded and others falling and being taken prisoners. The extreme right, consisting of our division, was driven back and completely broken to pieces, being left in fragments 112 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. in the woods. We retreated nearly two miles, seeking to rally the men, but the panic was such that we found it impossible. Captain Clapp and myself finally got half a dozen of our regiment together, and as we had our regimental flag, it gave us a rallying point ; and with our little band we started back to the front. Other small squads were found, and we soon had quite a force together. I only had three men in my own company out of 30. Our force went back a quarter of a mile or so, gathering strength as we went. Here we were joined by Lieut. -Col. Dwight, Capt. Walpole, Lieuts. Hoyt and Wells and five or six more of our men. Col. Upton, of the 121st New York, took command of our division (what was left of it) and soon formed a line of battle, We and the ist Long Island regiment (67th N. Y.) consisting of about forty men, were made the second line. At 1 1 p. m. we were attacked in force, but we drove the enemy back easily. At about 1 o'clock p. m., we moved to the right again, and lay down behind a battery and rifle-pits. I have no idea what the loss of our regi ment is, but it is very great. Capt. Piatt, Lieut. Ostrander and Lieut. Luthur, are wounded. Capt. J. M. Gere and Lieut. Hall are missing, and are probably in the hands of the rebels, and I presume Luther and Ostrander are both prisoners. (Proved true.) I think our entire loss so far will be nearly or quite 2,000. Out of nine sergeants and corpo rals belonging to my color-guard, only one is with me. Col. J. M. Gere, who was Captain of the I22d, and taken prisoner at the time of the action just narrated, gives some personal recollections of the time the division was broken into pieces in that en gagement. He was in one squad and Major (then Lieut.) Poole in another, as they were all broken up in the woods, and of course had different experiences. Johnston, he says, had formed in our rear and Gor don's division was drawn up across our right flank, where the I22d Regiment was, on the extreme right of our infantry, with only the 22d New York cav alry to the right of them. At night Johnston opened fire in our rear and Gordon charged our right flank, driving in our skirmish line and striking our cav alry ; and as the rebels kept pressing and breaking our right, the attack swept down till it struck the 1 2 2d, which was driven back to the left about a quarter of a mile. Here Gen. Shaler made a rally with about 500 men, fronting to the right and charg ing Gordon as he came up within a dozen rods. The enemy stood till our line was within two or three rods of them, and then broke and ran. As the 500 rushed to the charge, Gen. Shaler, who was the only mounted man present, turning to ride to the rear to bring up reenforcements, rode directly into the line of the enemy, who had moved round to our rear, and emerging from the woods, fired into our backs. Gen. Shaler was taken prisoner. The rest kept on with their charge and drove the enemy to near the position where the engagement had be gun, the rebels in the rear following and firing into the backs of the charging squad. The chargers then turned upon them, scattered their line and made their way back to the road from which they had started. At this point no other troops were visible, no one was in command, and by common consent each went to look for his regiment. In half or three-quarters of an hour, the rebels were heard cheering up through the woods. There was with us one stand of colors belonging to a Maine regiment ; this was planted in the road, and in a minute about 150 men rallied around it facing the enemy. Raising a yell, they charged the on-coming brigade of rebels with such fury that (probably thinking the little squad was only the advance of a heavy charging column) they broke and ran, and were pursued a mile, till they joined a larger body of the rebel army. In the squad of 500, there were a good many of the I22d Regiment ; in the 150 were Col. Dwight, Adjutant Tracy and Capt. Gere, of the officers, and a number of the men. The effect of the charge was to completely neutralize the enemy's advantage to the right. At night our men had mustered about 60, under command of Colonel Dwight, and had made their way to the left, where they lay in front of the lines and battery of the 2d corps (not knowing that the 2d corps was there,) until about 2 o'clock A. m. At this early hour the rebels (supposed to be Gordon's brigade,) came up to make an attack upon the 2d corps. The little company lay still till the rebels were within close range when they all discharged their pieces with such effect that the enemy was repulsed and hastily retreated, supposing that the volley of musketry which burst thus suddenly and unexpectedly upon them was but the precursor of an attack by a large body of the Union army. The 2d corps had made ready to open upon the enemy with artillery, but fortunately for our little squad in front of their batteries, they had heard the volley and the rebels retreating and withheld their fire. In one of these isolated situations, while attempt ing to break out through the enemy's lines on the right, Adjutant Tracy and Captain Gere were taken prisoners, as already referred to in Major Poole's diary. The former remained a prisoner about one HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. "3 month, while the latter was kept about six months in various rebel prisons, and finally escaped from the prison at Columbia, South Carolina, in company with Captain Horace H. Walpole, taken prisoner at Spottsylvania. Major Poole's Diary Continued. — May 7. Soon after daylight, the rebels attacked us once more, but we drove them back, our battery doing us great service. Adjutant Tracy is missing and is sup posed to be wounded and a prisoner. Col. Dwight has detailed me as Adjutant, and Lieut. Wilkins has taken my company. Lieut. Hall and a squad of men have just come in. At 8 a. m., moved again to the right about two miles and occupied rifle-pits, where we lay quietly all day. At 9:30 p. m., fell in, moving towards the left and marching all night. May 8. Passed through Chancellorsville and took the road to Spottsylvania Court House. About noon our advance met the enemy and engaged them. During the afternoon we supported a bat tery, and at 5 o'clock moved into some breastworks, together with the 6th Maine and 119th Pennsyl vania. Here lost one man. At 9 p. m., were at tacked, but there had been no general engagement during the day. Our entire loss up to this time has been 130 — less than 30 of them prisoners. Gen. A. Shaler and Gen. Seymour are among the latter. The Chasseurs (65th N. Y.,) and ist Long Island (67th N. Y.,) have lost very heavily. Capt. Tracy, (of the Chasseurs) and Capt. Cooper, of the Long Island, are both killed, and a number of officers are wounded in both regiments. May 9. Moved at daylight to the line, and lay upon an open plain supporting a battery. Gen. John Sedgwick, commanding the 6th corps, was killed this morning by sharp-shooters. During the afternoon we were exposed to the enemy's shells and sharp-shooters, but met with no loss. Up to this time officers and men have behaved splendidly ; but all are worn down with fatigue, hard marches, continued fighting and loss of sleep. During Mon day night we were attacked three different times by the enemy. I am almost sick, and many are worse off than I am. We have about 200 men left for duty and eight officers, besides the colonel and my self. Some of the best men of our regiment are gone, but I hardly have time to think about them. Tuesday, May 10. Orders came at 2 o'clock this morning that we, in conjunction with our entire force in front, would advance upon the enemy at daylight. Daylight came, however, and we did not move. During the afternoon Col. Dwight was sent back to hospital sick and worn out, and Capt. Walpole took command of the regiment. The battle commenced early in the morning and up to this time (4 P. M.,) has raged with terrible fury. Fortunately for us, we have not suffered much along our portion of the line, and our brigade has not been harmed. Orders have come. The Chasseurs have taken knapsacks and haversacks, and started forward. The Long Islands and our own regiment have moved into some rifle-pits to the left. The charge took place at about 6 o'clock, and lasted some forty minutes. We could hear but not see what was- going on. Directly in our front the charge was successful, but we were finally driven back with heavy loss. The charging column consisted of the 5th and 6th Maine, the 5th Wisconsin and 14th and 56th New York regiments. They took 1,500 pris oners and a battery of four guns ; the guns, how ever, they were compelled to leave. May 11. Our regiment went out on picket to the left. Sharp picket firing all day. Lost five men, wounded ; also Capt. Walpole, supposed to be taken prisoner. He had given me orders early in the morning to advance the left wing, which I had charge of, and at the same time directed the right wing to advance. We drew upon us a heavy fire, and Walpole has not been seen since He was either shot or went through the lines and was taken prisoner. (Was taken prisoner, and made his es cape from Columbia prison, South Carolina.) The right wing of our regiment was relieved at night, Captain Clapp now assumed command and sent for me to report to him, sending Lieut. Wells to take command of the left wing. We returned to the place we had started from in the morning and remained till daylight. May 12. Our brigade fell in at daylight and marched off to the left. Early this morning, Gen. Hancock, with his (2d) corps, made a grand charge on the enemy's lines and was successful, capturing 5,000 prisoners, including three Major Generals and about 20 cannon. In going through a piece of woods, our regiment, which was in the rear, was cut off by another column. We were exposed to a heavy musketry fire, and also to rain which lasted all day. We could find nothing of our brigade, and as we were near the front, our little band of about 100 decided to go in, and accordingly, attached our selves to the 2d corps, and went forward into some breastworks which had been taken by Hancock this morning. Here we remained till late in the after noon, fighting hard all day. Just behind us was a spot so exposed to the rebel fire from their breastworks in front of us, that no soldier could live there a moment. One section of 15' 114 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. a battery, two guns and caisson, came down on a run to occupy this spot, with a view of shelling out the rebels about thirty rods in front of us, when they were fired upon and every man and horse killed instantly. Not one escaped. The rebels made desperate attempts to drive us out of our works and partially succeeded. We lost but few men ourselves, but the carnage around us was fearful. About 4 o'clock we were relieved, and as night set in found the rest of our brigade. Friday, May 13. Our brigade moved and oc cupied the same rifle-pits we had occupied the day before. The rebels during the night had fallen back, leaving their dead and wounded in our hands. Our skirmishers were sent out immediately, and soon reached the skirmish line of the enemy. Col. Dwight rejoined us this morning from the hospital and Captain Cossitt from a sick-leave. Gen. Meade published an order this morning which I read to the regiment, announcing that so far we had been suc cessful, capturing 18 cannon, 22 colors and 8,000 prisoners. We remained in these pits all day and until two o'clock at night, when we fell in again and marched to the left, to the support of Gen. Burnside. Saturday, May 14. Crossing the Po River and skirmishing. No battle. After crossing the stream, threw up breastworks, and our regiment, detailed for picket duty, immediately went out. Heavy rains for three days, impeding the progress of the army. Monday, May 16. Our regiment relieved from picket duty. May 17. A false alarm brought us all to the rifle-pits, but nothing came of it. Soon after dark we fell in quietly and took up our line of march to the extreme right of the army, where we arrived about daylight. May 18. Found that our corps formed a line of battle, column-by-divisions, appearances indicating that a charge in that form was contemplated. Our brigade was sent to the extreme right and flank, as a guard against a flank movement by the rebels. The Chasseur's and Long Island regiments are on picket and we on re serve. So matters stand at 9 o'clock, a. m. The charge was attempted and failed, and in the after noon we were marched back to our former position. Here we remained till daylight, May 19. Early in the morning moved to a new position still further on the left, where we were busy all day building breastworks. An attack was made near night upon our right flank and rear, the object being the cap ture of our wagon trains. Moved about 1 1 o'clock, p. m. , to the support of the 2d corps, which was engaged with the enemy. The battle was over be fore we reached the ground, and we encamped for the remainder of the night. May 20. Engaged in building breastworks. Portions of the army engaged with the enemy. Saturday, May 21. About 9 a. m. , marched off to the extreme left. Found the entire army moving in the same direction. Halted near the position occupied on the 20th, and half our regiment sent back on picket to the rear. About dark, the rebels made an attack a little to the right of us, which was easily repulsed. Our position is strongly posted with 16 pieces of artillery. At 11 p. m., ordered to fall in, and marched again to the left, marching all night. Halted at Holladay's for breakfast, thence to Guinea's, a station of the Fredericksburg and Richmond Railroad, distant from the latter place about 45 miles. We can hear cannonading in the direction of Bowling Green, towards which our advance is making. Remained here in camp at the farm on which is the negro hut in which Stone wall Jackson is said to have died after his wound at Chancellorsville. At 6 p. m., moved again, march ing about five miles, when we encamped, and re mained till 9 o'clock, a. m., Monday, May 23. May 23 and 24. Marching all day. Our divi sion occupied on the 25 th in tearing up the Gor- donsville Railroad, which was effectually destroyed for about a mile ; and on the 26th marched all night and until 2 o'clock p. m. of the 27th, when we crossed the Pamunkey River at Hanoverton, less than twenty miles from Richmond. May 29. Our division marched several miles bearing to the north, and finally halted about a mile south of Hanover Court House. At this point the rear of the column was attacked by rebel cavalry. The 67th New York and four companies of the I22d were deployed as skirmishers and remained here all night undisturbed. The column counter marched, and taking the direct road to Richmond, marched about two miles and then halted. Marched again in the afternoon taking another road towards Richmond, formed a line of battle in a dense woods and rested for the night. May 31. A brisk skirmish fire was kept up all day and in the afternoon we were shelled. About midnight we left our station and moved to the left, marching till noon, June ist, and arrived at Cold Harbor. Here we met our cavalry which had been engaged in a severe battle the day before, and skir mishing was still going on. Our corps immediately formed in line of battle and relieved the cavalry, which moved to our left. We are less than ten miles from Richmond and about two miles from Savage's Station. About 2 o'clock p. m., the enemy HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. "5 opened on us with artillery, to which we replied with three batteries. The enemy had a good range and killed and wounded a large number. Captain Clapp and 20 men of our regiment were on picket duty. During the artillery duel the 6th and 18th corps were formed in line of battle four lines deep, the I22d being placed in the fourth line. The three front lines were composed of the 2d Connecticut Heavy Artillery, a regiment which never till now had been under fire, having been in the defences at Washington. It was a three-battalion regiment of fine looking men, under Col. Kellogg. At 6:30 p. m. orders came to attack the enemy. We passed over an open field a few rods, then through a pine grove about 20 rods, and the balance of the way over open fields, the entire distance being less than half a mile. As we emerged from the woods the rebels opened fire and our men commenced dropping. The enemy's fire being too severe for the 2d Con necticut, they broke up in great confusion, retreat ing through our lines, so that we became the front line. The loss of the 2d Connecticut was over 400, including the Colonel, who was a brave officer and fell at the head of his regiment riddled with rebel bullets. Our line continued to advance in good order until we had reached within thirty rods of the rebel works, when an order came to fall back to a small ravine in the rear, but before the order could be obeyed the rebels had discharged their heaviest fire fearfully thinning our ranks. Out of 140 men, 75 were killed and wounded. Lieutenant Wooster, of Company G, killed ; Lieut. T. L. Poole, wounded in the side and left arm and shoulder, re sulting in the loss of his arm. The regiment returned to the ravine and threw up breastworks on the crest of a small ridge. During the night the rest of the army arrived at Cold Harbor. Thus far Major Poole's diary. A few notes may be made of the general history of this action. Cold Harbor is on four cross roads a short distance southeast of the Chickahominy. On the 31st of May, Sheridan, with his cavalry, had seized and held the focus of these roads, on which the 6th corps, moving in the rear from our right to our left, was immediately directed, reaching it next day (June 1,) just before Gen. W. F. Smith, with 10,000 men detached from Butler's army and brought around by steamboats to White House, came up and took position on the right. The two were met here by an order from Meade to advance and attack the army in their front, with a view to forcing a passage of the Chickahominy. The attempt was made, re sulting as we have described above. Night fell with the rebels still in possession of their works, our ad vance holding and bivouacking on the ground it had gained at a cost of 2,000 killed and wounded. The main body of the army having arrived the day fol lowing, and Grant and Meade being now at Cold Harbor, it was resolved that the rebel lines should be forced on the morrow. The two armies held much of the ground covered by McClellan's right under Fitz-John Porter, prior to Lee's bold advance, nearly two years before, Gaines's Mill being directly in the rear of the confederate center. At sunrise on June 3, the assault was made along our whole front and was repulsed by the enemy with terrible slaughter. Twenty minutes after the first shot was fired, fully 10,000 of our men were stretched writhing on the sod, or still and calm in death, while the enemy's loss was probably little more than 1,000 ; and when some hours later orders were sent by Gen. Meade to each corps com mander to renew the assault at once, the men sim ply and unanimously refused to obey it. They knew that success was hopeless, and the attempt to gain it murderous ; hence they refused to be sacri ficed to no purpose. Our losses in and around Cold Harbor were 13,153, of whom 1,705 were killed, 9,042 wounded, and 2,406 missing. Among these were quite a large number of brigadier-gen erals, colonels and field and line officers. General Grant now decided to cross the Chicka hominy far to Lee's right, and thence move across the James to attack Richmond from the south. Having established his headquarters and depot of supplies at City Point, he invested Petersburg, destroyed the Weldon railroad and gradually tight ened his cordon of forces around the rebel defences of Richmond. Our regiment remained in the army in front of Petersburg till they were sent with the 6th corps in August, 1864, to Fort Stevens, at Wash ington, and thence with Sheridan upon the famous Shenandoah Valley campaign. Sheridan had been sent, August 2, 1864, to take command of the Middle Department, including Washington, Mary land, Pennsylvania and the Shenandoah Valley. The battle of Winchester, in which our regiment and the 6th corps were engaged, was fought August 19. " I saw," says Gen. Grant, in his report, " that but two words of instruction were necessary — ' Go in ! ' " So he gave them, and Sheridan went in. The rout of the enemy was complete, our victorious army following till dark, close upon the heels of the fugitive foe, gathering up prisoners and spoils of war, as they hurried through Winchester in utter rout and disintegration. In this battle our army took 3,000 prisoners and five guns, and our loss was about 3,000, including several generals. n6 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. Early fell back to Fisher's Hill, eight miles south of Winchester, regarded as the strongest position in the Valley. Sheridan followed sharply, allowing but two days to intervene between his first and second victory. The 6th corps led the advance on the front, and the I22d Regiment was the first in the enemy's works, where the vigorous attack broke the rebel center, and rendered the victory even more decisive than that at Winchester, or Opequan, as it is more commonly called. Here our army took 1,100 prisoners and 16 guns. At Cedar Creek (October 18) our regiment was at the turning-point of the battle, first turning the enemy back, as Sheridan, in his famous ride, came up behind their line. In this engagement we lost about 3,000, the rebel loss being still heavier. In fact, Early's force was virtually destroyed, so that there was no longer occasion for further fighting in the Valley. Our forces were afterwards returned to Petersburg. It may be well here to sum up the losses of our regiment during the year. The campaign of 1864 was entered upon by the I22d Regiment with 26 officers and 400 enlisted men for duty. The casualties for the year were 26 among the officers and 318 among the enlisted men. No one day of especial disaster, but steady service all the time at the front. March 25, 1865. They were engaged in the afternoon at the left of Squirrel Level Road, Col. Dwight being killed by a shell. On the morning of the 2d of April they were in the storming brigade which broke through Lee's lines, having been under arms all night and on the picket line ; and were afterward engaged through the day till 3 o'clock, p. m., forcing Lee back into Petersburg, cut ting off the South Side Railroad and compelling the immediate evacuation of Richmond. They followed in the pursuit of Lee's army to its surrender at Ap pomattox Court House, and after two days rest, had a lively march to Burksville, where they remained a week, and then marched in four days and a half to Danville, to stop the last gap on Johnston's army, now in the clutches of Sherman. After a month in Danville, they returned to Richmond, were re viewed through its streets by Gen. Halleck, and sent thence to Washington, where the 6th corps was reviewed by itself by the President. Receiving the orders for mustering out June 23, they started the same day for home, and were finally discharged June 27, 1865. Official Record of the 122D Regiment, with List of Promotions. Silas Titus, Col., rank from Aug. 31, 1862, dis charged Jan. 23, '65 ; Augustus W. Dwight, Lieut. Col., rank from Aug. 28/62, promoted to Col. Feb. 28, '65, killed in action near Petersburg, Va., Mar. 25, ' 65 ; Horace H. Walpole, Capt., rank from Aug. 15, '62, promoted to Lieut. Col. Feb. 28, '65, mustered out June 23, '65 ; James M. Gere, Capt., rank from Aug. 15, '62, promoted to Lieut. Col. April 22, '65, with rank from March 25, '65, (Brevet Col. N.Y.Vols.,) mustered out June 23, '65 ; Joshua B. Davis, Major, rank from Aug. 28, '62, (Brevet Lieut. Col N.Y.Vols.,) discharged Jan. 15, '64 ; Jabez M. Brower, Capt., rank from Aug, 6, '62, promoted to Major Feb. 2, '64, killed in action Oct. 19, '64; Alonzo H. Clapp, ist Lieut., rank from Aug. 6, '62, promoted to Capt. Nov. 13, '63, promoted to Major Dec. 2, '64, died June 23, '65 ; Morton L. Marks, ist Lieut, rank from Aug. 15, 62, promoted to Capt. Feb. io, '64, to Major, Aug. 2, '65 ; Andrew J. Smith, Adjutant, rank from July 26, '62, promoted to Capt. Nov. 10, '62, (Brevet Major and Col. of U. S. V.,) discharged June 6, '65 ; Morris H. Church, Adjutant, rank from Oct. 8, '62, promoted to Capt. Mar. 5, '63, discharged Jan. 15, '64; Osgood V. Tracy, 2d Lieut., rank from Dec. 3, '62, promoted to Adjutant Mar. 1, '63, to Capt., Oct. 15, '64, mustered out June 23, '65; Robert H. Moses, Adjutant, rank from Sept. 17, '64, mustered out June 23, '65 ; Frank Lester, Quartermaster, rank from July 24, '62, promoted to Capt. Jan. 14, '63, discharged Dec. 23, '64; John S. Cornue, Quartermaster, rank from Dec. 3, '62, (Brevet Capt. and Major U. S. V.,) mustered out June 23, '65 ; Nathan R. Tefft, Surgeon, rank from July 24, '62, resigned April 8, '64; Edwin A., Knapp, Assistant-Surgeon, rank from Aug. 19, '62, promoted to Surgeon May 27, '64, mustered out June 23, '65 ; John O. Slocum, Assistant-Surgeon, rank from Aug. 14, '62, promoted to Surgeon 121st N. Y. Vols., July 1, '63 ; Charles B. Fry, Assistant- Surgeon, rank from July 30, '63, not mustered ; James Sanders, Jr., Assistant-Surgeon, rank from Sept. 30, '64, mustered out June 23, '65 ; L. M. Nickerson, Chaplain, rank from Aug. 28, '62, mus tered out June 23, '65 ; Lucius A. Dillingham, 2d Lieut, rank from Aug. 16, '62, promoted to ist Lieut., Nov. 10, '62, to Capt. Feb. 10, '64, mus tered out June 23, '65 ; Herbert S. Wells, 2d Lieut., rank from Aug. 6. '62, promoted to ist Lieut., Jan. 14, '64, to Capt. Sept. 30, '64, (Brevet Major N. Y. V.) mustered out June 23, '64; Webster R. Chamberlain, Capt, rank from Aug. 14, "62, resigned Feb. 24, '63, (Brevet Major N. Y. V.) David A. Munro, ist Lieut., rank from Dec. 15, '64, promoted to Capt, Aug. 2, '65 ; Alfred Nims, Capt, rank from Aug. 14, '62, resigned Dec. 23, '62 ; Stewart McDonald, 2d Lieut, rank from Aug. 1, '64, promoted to ist Lieut. Nov. 19, '64, to Capt, Sept. 15, '65-; Cornell Chrysler, Capt, rank from Aug. 14, '62, discharged Feb. 28, '63 ; Davis Cossitt ist Lieut, rank from Aug. 14, '62, pro moted to Capt. Mar. 5, '63, (Brevet Major N. Y. V.) discharged Dec. 15, '64; Dudley G. Shirley, 2d Lieut, rank from Oct. 3/63, promoted to ist Lieut. July 6, '64, discharged Nov. 26, '64 ; Francis Cala- han, 2d Lieut., rank from Aug. 1, '64, promoted to HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 117 ist Lieut. Dec. 7, '64, to Capt. Jan. 17, '65, dis charged May 15, '65 ; Joseph S. Smith, 2d Lieut, rank from Sept. 19, '64, promoted to ist Lieut. Jan. 15, '65, to Capt June 16, '65 ; Samuel P. Car- rington, 2d Lieut., rank from Aug. 1, '64, pro moted to ist Lieut. Dec. 7, '64, to Capt May 11, '65, mustered out June 23, '65 ; Lucius Moses, Capt, rank from Aug. 15, '62, discharged Feb. 24, '63 ; George W. Piatt, ist Lieut, rank from Aug. 15, '62, promoted to Capt. March 5, '63, discharged Oct. 25, '64 ; Edward P. Luther, 2d Lieut., rank from Aug. 14, '62, promoted to ist Lieut. Mar. 5, '63, to Capt. Dec. 7, '64, (Brevet Major, N. Y. V) discharged Feb. 6, '65 ; Theodore L. Poole, 2d Lieut, rank from Mar. 1, '63, promoted to ist Lieut. Feb. 10, '64, to Capt. Feb. 15/65, with rank from Feb. 6, '65, (Brevet Major, N. Y. V.) dis charged May 15, '65 ; Charles B. Clark, 2d Lieut., rank from July 28, '63, promoted to ist Lieut. July 8, '64, to Capt. March 8, '65, mustered out June 23, '65 ; Harrison H. Jilson, Capt, rank from Aug, 15, '62, died at Relay House, Md., Oct. 8, '62 ; Robert H. Moses, ist Lieut., rank from May 23, '64, pro moted to Capt. Aug. 2, '65 ; Martin Ryan, ist Lieut., rank from Dec. 17, '64, promoted to Capt. March 25, '65, mustered out June 23, '65 ; John M. Dwight, Capt, rank from Aug. 16, '62, (Brevet Major, N. Y. V.) discharged Sept. 17/64; Noah B. Kent, Capt, rank from Aug. 19, '62, discharged Oct. 2, '63 ; Andrew W. Wilkin, 2d Lieut, rank from Dec. 3, '62, promoted to ist Lieut. Nov. 13, '63, to Capt. Dec. 24, '64, (Brevet Major, N. Y. V.) mustered out June 23, '65 ; James B. Hall, 2d Lieut., rank from Mar. 6, '63, promoted to ist Lieut., July 4, '63, Capt Sept. 17, '64, discharged Jan. 8, '65 ; George H." Gilbert, 2d Lieut., rank from Feb. 9, '63, promoted to ist Lieut. Oct. 24, '63, (Brevet Capt., N. Y. V.) discharged May 24, '64; Francis M. Potter, 2d Lieut., rank from Aug. 1, '64, promoted to ist Lieut. Sept 19, '64, muster revoked Feb. 9, '65 ; Samuel C. Trowbridge, 2d Lieut, rank from Aug. 1, '64, promoted to ist Lieut, Feb. 28, '65, (Brevet Capt, N. Y. V.) mustered out June 23, '65 ; Charles G. Nye, ist Lieut., rank from Aug. 14, '62, resigned Feb. 10, '63 ; William Webb, 2d Lieut., rank from Aug. 14, '62, promoted to ist Lieut. Feb. 25, '63 ; Francis M. Wooster, 2d Lieut., rank from Aug. 19, '62, promoted to ist Lieut. Mar. 5, 1863, killed in action at Cold Harbor, Va., June 1, '64 ; Amasa Chase, 2d Lieut., rank from Sept. 19, '62, promoted to ist Lieut. Mar. 6, '65, mustered out June 23, '65 ; Joseph E. Cameron, ist Lieut., rank from Aug. 14, '62, resigned Dec. 3, '62 ; James Burton, 2d Lieut., rank from Aug. 15, '62, promoted to ist Lieut. Jan. 14/63, discharged Sept. 19, '63 ; Martin L.Wilson, 2d Lieut, rank from Dec. 3, '62, promoted to ist Lieut. Nov. 13, '63, died of wounds received in battle of the Wilderness, June 19, '64 ; John V. Simms, 2d Lieut., rank from Oct. 9, '63, promoted to 1st Lieut. July 8, '64, killed in action near Winchester, Va., Sept. 19, '64 ; Curtis L. Rich, 2d Lieut, rank from Dec. 31, '64, promoted to ist Lieut, June 16, '65, mustered out as ist Sergt., Co. F, June 23, '65 ; Alexander Tome, 2d Lieut, rank from Mar. 25, '65, promoted to ist Lieut June 23, '65, mustered out June 23, '65 ; Michael Donovan, 2d Lieut, rank from Mar. 1, '65, mustered out June 23, '65 ; Jacob Brand, ist Lieut., rank from Aug. 15, '62, resigned Feb. 1, '64; Henry H. Hoyt, 2d Lieut., rank from Aug. 15, '62, promoted to 1st Lieut. May n, '63, killed near Petersburg, Va., June 21, '64; George G. Gilson, 2d Lieut., rank from June 21, '64, promoted to ist Lieut. Dec. 30, '64, mustered out June 23, '65 ; Guy J. Gotchis, 2d Lieut., rank from Dec. 3/62, promoted to ist Lieut. Mar. 5, '63, discharged May 26, '64 ; Drayton Eno, ist Lieut, rank from Aug. 15, '62, resigned Dec. 3, '62 ; Adolph Wilman, 2d Lieut., rank from Mar. 1, '63, promoted to ist Lieut. Sept. 3, '63, discharged July 7, '64; Hiram A. Britton, 2d Lieut., rank from Sept. 9, '64, promoted to 1st Lieut. Feb. 15, '65, mustered out June 23, '65 ; Ruell P. Buzzell, 2d Lieut, rank from Sept. 3, '64, promoted to ist Lieut. Feb. 15, '65, mustered out June 23, '65 ; Otto W. Parrisen, ist Lieut., rank from Jan. 15, '64, discharged Sept, 22, '64 ; Justin Howard, ist Lieut., rank from Aug. 19, '62, discharged Oct. 4, '63 ; Dennis Murphy, 2d Lieut., rank from Feb. 6, '65, promoted to ist Lieut. Mar. 25, '65, mustered out June 23, '65 ; Merrick C. Smith, 2d Lieut., rank from May 15, '65, mustered out June 23, '65 ; George A. Wait, 2d Lieut , rank from Oct. 24, '63, not mustered; Arthur J. Mead, 2d Lieut., rank from Aug. 14, '62, discharged Sept. 29, '63 ; Wil liam H. La Rue, 2d Lieut., rank from Dec. 29, '62, discharged Sept. 29, '63 ; John W. Taylor, 2d Lieut, rank from Mar. 1, '63 ; discharged Oct. 11, '63 ; Charles W. Ostrander, 2d Lieut., rank from May 25, '63, (Brevet ist Lieut., N. Y. V.,) dis charged Mar. 10/65 ! Charles A. Eaton, 2d Lieut., rank from Mar. 10, '65, mustered out June 23, '65 ; George E. Fisher, 2d Lieut, rank from June 20, '65; mustered out June 23, '65 ; Geo. H. Devoe, 2d Lieut., rank from Feb. 6/65, musteredout June 23/65 ;Thos. H. Scott, 2d Lieut., rank from Feb. 6, '65, mus tered out June_ 23, '65 ; Charles H. Eldridge, 2d Lieut., rank from March 6, '65, mustered out June 23, '65 ; Gates D. Parish, 2d Lieut., rank from Dec. 31, '64, mustered out June 23, '65 ; Robert Ealdon, 2d Lieut., rank from June 20, '65, mustered out June 23, '65 ; Peter A. Blossom, 2d Lieut., rank from Aug. 15, '62, resigned Dec. 3, '62 ; Mor ris E. Wright 2d Lieut., rank from Mar. 1, '63, dis charged Sept. 28, '63 ; Oscar F. Swift, 2d Lieut., rank from Aug. 15, '62, resigned Dec. 3, '62 ; Wil liam G. Tracy, 2d Lieut, rank from Nov. 3, '62, discharged July 28, '63 ; Daniel F. Hammell, 2d Lieut., rank from Aug. 1, '64, discharged May 31, '65 ; George H. Casler, 2d Lieut., rank from Feb. 6, '65, mustered out June 23, '65. The Fifteenth Cavalry. The 15 th New York Cavalry was organized at Syracuse, to serve three years. The companies of which it was composed were raised in the coun ties of Onondaga, Ontario, Orange, Oneida, Chautauqua, Cattaraugus, Genesee, Erie and Tomp kins. It was mustered into the service of the n8 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. United States from August 8, 1863, to January 14, 1864. It was consolidated with the 6th New York Cavalry, June 17, 1865, and the consolidated force designated the 2d New York Provisional Cavalry. The following are the dates of the mustering in of the respective companies : Co. A— Michael Auer, Capt, Aug. 8, 1863. Co. B — Thomas G. Putnam, Capt., Aug. 8, 1863. Co. C — Jefferson C. Bigelow, Capt.. Aug. 8, 1863. Co. D — Orson R. Colgrove, Capt. , Aug. 26, 1863. Co. E — George M. Ellicott, Capt., Aug. 15, 1863. Co. F — L. F. Hathaway, Capt, Aug. 26, 1863. Co. G— Wallis M. Boyer, Capt., Aug. 26, 1863. Co. H — John F. Moshell, Capt, Sept. 5, 1863. Co. I — Seth J. Steve, Capt, Nov. 30, 1863. Co. K — John S. Hicks, Capt., Oct. 15, 1863. Co. L — Marshall M. Loyden, Capt., Jan. 20, 1864. This regiment was an important one to Onondaga county and the city of Syracuse, inasmuch as it saved the draft pending in 1863. It was slow in being made up, but late in the year Col. Richard son succeeded in securing an order from the War Department granting a bounty of $300 to each en listed man, which had the effect to secure the quota required and save the draft, which had been or dered, from being executed. The rolls were sent in to the War Department, and upon their examina tion it was found that the quota of the district was full, and an order was immediately sent for the draft to be stopped. The officers of the 15th Cavalry from Onondaga county were : Robert M. Richardson, Col., rank from Jan. 6, '64, resigned Jan. 19, '65 ; Augustus J. Root, Lieut. -Col., rank from Sept. 16, '63, killed in action April 8, '65; Michael Auer, Capt., rank from July 24, '63, promoted to Major Nov. 9, '64, discharged Mar. 6, '65 ; J. H. Wood, Major, rank from Sept. 16/63, discharged April 14/65; F. Mann, Adjutant, rank from May 22, '64, discharged by reason of consoli dation, June 17, '65 ; Edward R. Trull, Quarter master, rank from June 12, '63, discharged by rea son of consolidation, June 17, '65 ; Isaac O. Fill more, Chaplain, rank from April 25, '64, not mus tered ; Thomas G. Putnam, Capt, rank from July 30, '63, discharged by reason of consolidation, June 17, '65 ; Jefferson C. Bigelow, Capt, rank from Aug. 30, '63, discharged by reason of consolidation, June 17, '65 ; George N. Truesdell, ist Lieut, rank from Jan. 6, '64, promoted to Capt. June 17, '65, with rank from May 8, '65 ; Orson R. Colgrove, 2d Lieut., rank from July 30, '63, promoted to Capt. Nov. 30, '63, mustered out on expiration of service, Dec. 24/64; Charles G. Hampton, 2d Lieut, rank" from Oct. 5, '63, promoted to Capt. April n, '65, with rank from Feb. 13, '65, discharged by reason of consolidation, June 17, '65 ; George M. Ellicott, Capt., rank from Aug. 13, '63, promoted to Major, June 17, '65, with rank from June 9, '65, discharged by reason of consolidation, June 17, '65 ; Cortland Clark, Commissary, rank from Jan. 6, '64, discharged by reason of consolidation, June 17, '65 ; Burritt N. Hurd, 2d Lieut., rank from Sept. 5/63, promoted to ist Lieut. Dec. 29, 1863, promoted to Capt. Nov. 9, '64, mustered out on expiration of term of service, Dec. 12, '64 ; John F. Moshell, Capt., rank from Sept. 5/63, transferred to 2d Provisional Cavalry, June 17, '05 ; William F. Weller, ist Lieut., rank from Dec. 26, '63, promoted to Capt. June 17, '65, with rank from June 8, '65, transferred to 2d Provi sional Cavalry June 17, '65 ; Joseph LaBeff, ist Lieut., rank from July 24, '63, discharged Nov, 30, '63 ; Edgar N. Johnson, 2d Lieut., rank from Nov. 9, '64, promoted to ist Lieut. Feb. 15, '65, dis charged by reason of consolidation June 17, '65 ; William P. Shearer, ist Lieut., rank from July 30, '63, missing since Oct. 30, '64 ; William Stanton, 2d Lieut., rank from Oct 14, '64, promoted to ist Lieut. Feb. 15, '65; Edgar L. Miller, 2d Lieut, rank from Oct. 14, '64, promoted to ist Lieut. Mar. 9, '65, transferred to 2d Provisional Cavalry, June 17, '65 ; Joseph Herron, ist Lieut., rank from Sept. 5, '63, discharged Dec. 28, '63 ; Edward Pointer, 2d Lieut., rank from Feb. 12, '65, transferred to 2d Provisional Cavalry, June 17, '65 ; Lorenzo Hatch, 2d Lieut., rank from Oct. 14, '64, killed in action; James Holahan, 2d Lieut., rank from Feb. 12, '65, transferred to 2d Provisional Cavalry, June 17, '65 ; John W. Frazer, 2d Lieut, rank from Mar. 25, '65, discharged June 28, '65 ; John Gallagher, 2d Lieut, rank from Feb. 12/65, transferred to 2d Provisional Cavalry June 17/65 ; Levi Kraft, 2d Lieut., rank from Oct. 5, '63, discharged Dec. 11, '63; Peter Boehm, 2d Lieut. , rank from Mar. 3, '63, discharged by reason of consolidation, June 17, '65 ; Anthony Dever and Emory Ormsby, 2d Lieuts., on records of War Department, not commissioned. The 15th Cavalry participated in the following battles and engagements : Lynchburg, (Hunter's raid) 1864; New Market, (under Sigel) 1864; Winchester, July 10, 1864; Piedmont (near Stan ton) ; capture of Martinsburg, and the series of battles about Petersburg, resulting in the capture of Lee's Army. CHAPTER XXVII. The One Hundred and Forty-Ninth New York Volunteers — Organization — Camp at Bolivar Heights — Chancellorsville — Get tysburg — Losses of the Regiment — Last Experience in the Army of the Potomac. THE One Hundred and Forty-Ninth New York Volunteer Infantry was a full regiment of Onondaga County men, organized at Syracuse, and mustered into the United States ser vice September 18, 1862. Henry A. Barnum, for merly Major of the Twelfth New York, was Colo nel ; John M. Strong, Lieutenant-Colonel ; Abel G. Cook, Major; Walter M. Dallman, Adjutant; HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 119 Moses Summers, Quartermaster ; James V. Ken dall, Surgeon ; Horace Nims, Assistant Surgeon ; and Rev. Arvine C. Bowdish, Chaplain. The com panies were organized under the following line officers : Company A — Solomon Light, Captain ; Samuel Bonner, ist Lieutenant; Mathew West cott, 2d Lieutenant. Company B — Nicholas Grum- bach, Captain ; Philip Eckel, ist Lieutenant ; Ja cob Knapp, 2d Lieutenant. Company C — James Lynch, Jr., Captain ; Edward D. Murray, ist Lieu tenant ; William Savage, 2d Lieutenant. Company D — J. Forman Wilkinson, Captain ; Park Wheeler, ist Lieutenant ; William M. Mosely, 2d Lieuten ant. Company E — Ira B. Seymour, Captain ; Or son Coville, ist Lieutenant ; Edward F. Hopkins, 2d Lieutenant. Company F — Judson H. Graves, Captain ; Henry H. Burhans, ist Lieutenant ; The odore E. Stevens, 2d Lieutenant. Company G — E. G. Townsend, Captain ; Byron A. Wood, ist Lieutenant ; Thomas A. Benedict, 2d Lieutenant. Company H — Robert E. Hopkins, Captain ; Ohio L. Palmer, ist Lieutenant ; Thomas Merriam, 2d Lieutenant. Company I — David J. Lindsay, Cap tain ; George K. Collins, ist Lieutenant ; John T. Bon, 2d Lieutenant. Company K — James E. Do- ren, Captain ; John Van Wie, ist Lieutenant ; Benjamin F. Breed, 2d Lieutenant. Company A, of this regiment, was composed of Jewish citizens, organized in the Synagogue ; Com pany B was a solid German company, and Com pany C consisted of Irish, with but few exceptions. At the time of its organization, Col. Barnum lay wounded at his home in the city, having been shot through the hip by a rifle ball while doing gallant service as Major of the Twelfth Regiment at the battle of Malvern Hill. He was, however, elected Colonel of the Hundred and Forty-Ninth, and joined his regiment at Fairfax in January, 1863. On the 23d of September, 1862, the Hundred and Forty-Ninth regiment left Camp White, at Syracuse, en route for the general rendezvous at the National Capital ; whence they were ordered to Harper's Ferry via Frederick city, and occupied a camp in Pleasant Valley till about the 30th of Oc tober. No incident of importance occurred while here except an expedition a few miles down the river to Knoxville, and the loss of about forty men who enlisted in an Engineer regiment encamped in the vicinity. On the 31st of October they were ordered to Louden Valley, where they remained long enough to construct comfortable quarters, but were not permitted -to enjoy them, being soon ordered to Bolivar Heights, at Harper's Ferry, where they remained till Dec. 10th, relieving the monotony of camp life by two raids towards Charlestown and Winchester, and taking their first lessons in those foraging expeditions for which the regiment sub sequently became famous. In the absence of Colonel Barnum, Lieutenant- Colonel Strong had command of the regiment, but here the latter was obliged to resign in con sequence of a dangerous illness, and the command devolved upon Major Cook, a youthful yet energetic and competent officer ; the regiment was attached to General Geary's division, and assumed the white star as its emblem of military glory. December 10, in the depth of a Virginia winter, they broke camp at Bolivar Heights, and marched to Fairfax Station. The Quartermaster, who was also the scribe of the regiment and who has furnished the materials for this history of the 149th, refers to one or two expeditions from camp at this point towards Dumfries, speaking of it as " a locality which calls up vivid recollections of an ocean of mud and the hardest kind of fare." After spending a dismal Christmas and New Year's in this fearfully muddy region, on the 28th of January, they marched through the memorable Dumfries mud to Aquia Creek where the regiment was comfortably quar tered in an old camp just vacated by a German regiment of engineers. The camp here was beau tifully located and a little labor soon sufficed to make it a model of neatness and taste. But the place was unhealthy ; fever soon broke out in the camp and the ranks were rapidly thinned by its ravages. On the 15th of February the regiment moved to a more healthy location at Brook's Sta tion, where it remained till the stirring events of Chancellorsville called them from camp life and idleness to meet the enemy, on a field which though hotly contested, was disastrous to the regiment and the Union cause. They broke camp and marched towards Chancellorsville on the 9th of April, 1863. The battles in and about Chancellors ville were fought on May 2d, 3d, 4th and 5th, 1863, the heaviest engagement being on Sunday, May 3d. The Union forces met with a severe defeat, and the 149th suffered their share of the disaster. On Sunday, May 3, in the great battle in which Slocum's corps ( 1 2th) was engaged, nearly 4,000 of his men were disabled, including three of his division commanders ; Berry and Whipple killed, and Gen. Mott of the New Jersey brigade wounded. Says Greeley, " the ground was lost by misfortune or bad generalship, not by lack of valor or endur ance in our soldiers." As an evidence of this, on Saturday, May 2d, Pleasanton, in order to gain time to get his batteries in readiness to sweep the 120 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. on-rushing masses of the rebels, ordered Major Keenan, of the 8th Pennsylvania, to charge into the woods at whatever cost. " I will," was the calm, smiling reply, although he well understood that the order was his death-warrant. Ten minutes later he was dead and a large part of his regiment lay bleeding around him. But this gallant action gave the artillery time to get in readiness and to deal death and destruction into the rebel ranks. In front of these batteries, on that memorable day, fell Stonewall Jackson mortally wounded. His loss was the greatest yet sustained by either party in the fall of a single man. The day was probably lost to the Union army because Gen. Hooker could not send aid to Slo cum, he having been stunned by a rebel shot strik ing the " Chancellorsville House," against which he had been leaning, so that when the message came to him from Gen. Slocum he was unconscious and could not attend to it. So testified Slocum before the Committee on the Conduct of the War. On Monday, the 4th of May, in the forced re treat of Sedgwick's division, about 5,000 men were lost. Hooker gives the total loss in the series of battles while across the Rappahannock at no less than 17,197 men, as follows : Sedgwick's (6th) Corps 4,601 Slocum's (12th) Couchs' (2d) Reynolds' (1st) Sickles' (3d) Howard's (nth) Meade's (5th) 2,883 2,025 292 4-039 2,508 699 Cavalry, &c 150 The rebel loss was 18,000— Gen. Paxton killed and Gen. Heth wounded. In these severe battles the 149th participated, receiving its first baptism of blood, which conse crated it to the national cause thenceforth to the close of the war. Major Cook was severely wounded in the foot and the command devolved upon Captain May, who had recently been transferred to the 149th from the old 1 2th regiment. He was a gallant officer, and assum ing command in an emergency, proved himself fully competent. The regiment returned to its old camp at Aquia Creek. It soon received orders to remove to a posi tion near Falmouth, but the order was immediately changed to a lively pursuit of Lee, who, meantime, had invaded Maryland and Pennsylvania. Marching over their old track through Dumfries, Fairfax, Leesburg, Frederick City, and other well known localities, they at length encountered the enemy at Gettysburg, on the borders of Pennsylvania, where one of the most sanguinary battles of the war was fought. Gettysburg.*- — The engagements began on the ist of July and lasted till the 3d. Gen. Buford with a division, arrived first at Gettysburg June 30, and encountered the van of the rebel army, under Gen. Heth, of Hill's corps ; the rebels were driven back on the division, and in turn drove our forces. At this moment the advance division of Reynolds (ist) corps, under Gen. J. S. Wadsworth, coming in from Emmitsburg, at the familiar sound of vol leys, quickened their pace, and rushing through the village drove back the rebel van, seizing and occu pying the ridge that overlooks the place from the northwest. Gen. John F. Reynolds arrived with 22,000 men, ist and 1 ith army corps ; while Wads worth was forming his advance division, 4,000 strong, Reynolds went forward to reconnoiter and was shot by a rebel sharp-shooter. Gen. Doubleday, arriving half an hour later, assumed command, fall ing back and occupying Seminary Ridge, just west of the village, where the ist and nth army corps were soon drawn up in line of battle. Howard, ranking Doubleday, assumed command, assigning the nth corps to Schurz. Here the struggle was renewed with great spirit, our men having the bet ter position and the best of the fight. At 1 o'clock p. m. Ewell's corps came rapidly into the battle, arriving from York, Rhode's division assailing the nth corps in front, while Early's struck hard on its right flank. The corps were outnumbered and put to rout, falling back in disorder to Gettysburg, under heavy rebel fire, mingling and obstructing each other in horrid confusion in the streets. The debris of these two corps, which half an hour before marched proudly through the streets, now fell back with scarcely half their number to Cemetery Hill, leaving their dead and wounded in the hands of the enemy. Thus ended the first day's fight, July 1, the rebels not seeking to renew the contest. During this engagement Meade was at Taney- town, ten miles away, and did not hear of the battle or the death of Gen. Reynolds till 1 p. m. He immediately sent Gen. Hancock to command, or dering him to turn over his (2d) corps to Gibbon. Hancock arrived on the field just as the broken ist and nth were retreating in wild disorder through the village, hotly pursued by the triumphant foe. The 149th, in Geary's division of Slocum's (1 2th) corps, was in advance and reached Gettysburg soon after Gen. Hancock. Slocum, outranking Hancock, assumed the chief command. During the night our army was all concentrated before Gettysburg, except Sedgwick's (6th) corps, HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 121 (15,400 strong) which was at Manchester, 30 miles distant. Meade, in view of this fact, and because the rebels were in full force, resolved upon fighting only a defensive battle. The line was drawn up in the following order: The 12th corps (General Slocum's) held our extreme right, facing Johnson's division of Ewell's corps, which had been recently strengthened by Lockwood's Marylanders, 2,500 strong, raising it to a little over 10,000 men ; Sickles' (3d) corps held the left, opposite Longstreet, supported by the 5th (Sykes's), with Hancock's (2d) in our center, touching its right ; what was left of Howard's (nth), reenforced by 2,000 Vermont- ers under Stannard, and Reynold's (ist), now Doubleday's corps, held the face of Cemetery Hill looking towards Gettysburg and Early's division, but menaced also by Johnson's division on the right, and by Hill's corps, facing the left. The battle of the 2d was brought on by the temerity of Gen. Sickles, who in his eagerness to fight, had thrown forward his corps from half to three-quarters of a mile in the immediate presence of half the rebel army. Meade remonstrated ; but before the mistake could be remedied, Lee, seeing the advantage, ordered Longstreet to attack Sickles with all his might, while Ewell should assail Slocum, and Hill, facing the apex of our position, should only menace, unless our troops should be withdrawn to reen force either the left or the right, in which case he should charge through our line. The position which Sickles had taken was commanded by the rebel batteries posted on Seminary Hill in front, and scarcely half a mile dis tant. At the order to attack, a line of battle a mile and a half long swept up to his front and flanks, crushing him back with heavy loss, and struggling desperately to seize Round Top, a hill to his left which Meade regarded as vital to the situation. A fierce and bloody struggle ensued, Humphreys, on the right of Sickles, with one of Sykes's divisions, being attacked in front and flank and beaten back with a loss of 2,000 out of 5,000 men. A division of the 12th corps was thrown in on the enemy's front, which turned the scale ; they, in turn, were repulsed with heavy loss, falling back to their original position and leaving our line as Meade had intended to place it. Meanwhile, the withdrawal of a division from Slocum had enabled Ewell to attack our right wing with a superior force, but he gained no decided advantage, only crowding a part of the line back and seizing a few rifle-pits. So ended the day of the second of July. Night closed with the rebels decidedly encour aged and confident. Of the seven corps composing 16* our army, three had been severely handled. At least half their effective strength had been demol ished. Reynolds, commanding the ist, and Brig. Gen. Zook, of Sickles' corps, had been killed ; Sickles, of the 3d, had had his leg shattered with a cannon ball, and was out of the fight ; our total losses up to this hour were scarcely less than 20,000 men ; and none were arriving to replace them. They had suffered heavily, but had reason for the hope that to-morrow's triumphs would richly repay all their losses. The battle opened July 3d, on our right ; the division sent to relieve Sickles' corps, having re turned, Slocum pushed forward to retake his lost rifle-pits, and did it after a sharp conflict Both sides were reenforced, the rebels with three fresh brigades under Pickett,* and our side by the ar rival of Sedgwick's corps. Every preparation was made for the grand decisive battle. The battle of the 3d of July opened with the most brilliant artillery duel on record. The rebels had massed a battery of 115 heavy guns on the hill in front of the centre of their line, and on Cemetery Hill, in front of Meade's headquarters, the Union artillery numbering about 100 guns was stationed ; and all was in readiness for action. "There was a pause of anxious expectation, fitfully broken by^ spirts of firing here and there, while the rebels were finishing their preparation for the supreme effort which was to decide this momentous contest." At length at 1 p. m., the signal was given and the bat teries on the rebel side opened their throats of fire ; for nearly two hours the hill, just over the crest of which was Meade's headquarters, was gashed and seamed by round-shot and torn by bursting shells, while 100 guns from our side made fit reply. Gen. Doubleday said in his testimony before the Com mittee on the Conduct of the War : " They had our exact range, and the destruction was fearful. Horses were killed in every direction * * and quite a number of caissons were blown up." This cannonading was but the prelude to a grand in fantry charge, and was designed by the rebels to disorganize the opposing forces. Our side was ready for it ; our infantry, according to orders, crouched behind every projection and lay concealed in every hollow, awaiting the onset, when they should spring up at the right moment to meet the advancing columns of the enemy. The signal was given, and from behind the rebel batteries emerged columns of infantry in line of battle three or four miles in length, preceded by a cloud of skirmishers and supported by lines of reserves. On they came * See I22d Regiment. 122 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. swiftly to the charge, directing their main force against Hancock's center and in the direction of our batteries, and upon the entire front westward to Round Top. The charge was made in three lines with additional lines called wings, the object of which was to prevent the main force from being flanked. They came with such resistless sweep that in some places they seemed to lift up and push back our lines. Hancock was wounded. Gibbon succeeding to the command. Brave officer ! As the tempest of fire approached its height, he walked along the line and renewed his orders to his. men to reserve their fire. The rebels, three lines deep, came steadily up. They were in point blank range. At last the order came ! From thrice six thousand guns there came a sheet of smoky flame, a crash, a rush of leaden death. The line literally melted away, but there came the second, resistless still. The instant was too brief to allow our men to gather themselves for a second effort, and on came the sweeping torrent ! Up to the rifle-pits, across them, over the barricades, the momentum of the charge, the mere machine-like strength of their combined action, swept them on. They were upon ¦the guns, were bayoneting the gunners, were wav ing their flags above our pieces. But they had penetrated to the fatal point. A storm of grape and cannister tore its way from man to man, and marked its track with corses' straight down their line. They had exposed themselves to the enfilad ing fire of the guns on the western slope of Cemetery Hill, and that exposure sealed their fate. The line reeled back, disjointed, and in an instant was in fragments. Our men were just behind the guns. They leaped forward upon the disordered mass ; but there was little need for fighting now. A regiment threw down its arms, and, with colors at its head, rushed over and surrendered. All along the field smaller detachments did the same. Webb's brigade brought in 800, taken in as little time as it requires to write this sentence. Gibbons' old divi sion took 15 stand of colors. The battle was over. On the field of Gettysburg was crushed the first and last great attempt of the rebels to gain a deci sive victory on the soil of the North. The 149th had the proud consciousness, under their brave officers, and a gallant son of Onondaga, Gen. Slo cum as chief commander in the first days' engage ment and commander of the right wing during the battle, of contributing their share towards the grand victory. Meade states our losses in this series of battles at 2,834 killed, 13,709 wounded, and 6,643 missing, (mainly taken prisoners on the ist of July) : total, 23,186. He only claims three guns as captured this side of the Potomac, with 41 flags and 13,621 prisoners — many of them wounded ; 24,978 small arms were collected on the field. The confederate loss was about 18,000 killed and wounded. Returning in pursuit of the rebel army, the chase led the 149th for the fourth time through Frederick City. They reached the Rappahannock at Ellis Ford, on the ist of August, and remained in camp several weeks. On the 16th of September/they were at Raccoon Ford, and on the 18th the division was ordered out to witness the execution of two deserters — the last of their experience in the Army of the Potomac. CHAPTER XXVIII. The One Hundred and Forty-Ninth with Sherman — The Atlanta Campaign — Lookout Mountain — Entrance into Atlanta — Fall of Savannah — March through the Carolinas — Surrender of Johnston — List of Promo tions. AFTER the battle of Gettysburg, the nth and 1 2th corps were consolidated, forming the 20th army corps, commanded by Gen. Hooker, and was sent south under Gen. Sherman. Gen. Hooker resigned in front of Atlanta, and Gen. Slocum was promoted to the command of the 20th army corps. From this change of organization, the fortunes of the 149th were identified with Sherman's move ments till the close of the war. On the 29th of September, 1863, they started from Bealton Station for the Southeast, and via Nashville reached Murfreesboro on the 7th of Oc tober, just in time to be ordered into the intrench- ments to repel an attack of rebel cavalry. On the 25th of October they started for the front, reaching the Wauhatchie Valley on the first of November. Here the regiment and division experienced one of the very few night attacks of the war, and a short but bloody and decisive battle was fought, about midnight of the first night of their occupa tion of the valley. The Union forces were victori ous, but the 149th suffered severely ; among the killed was their brave and gallant Color-Bearer, William C. Lilly, who was fatally wounded in the battle and died at Bridgeport, Alabama, a few days afterwards. This victory was one of the most im portant events of the war, as it effected an entrance for our army into the valley and finally enabled us, by the capture of Lookout Mountain, to open a communication with the Union forces at Chat tanooga, who were suffering for want of supplies, HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY,- NEW YORK. 123 and would have soon been obliged to retreat, and thus lose an important objective point on the route to the heart of the Rebel Confederacy. A lodgment being effected in the valley, the regiment and division remained encamped in the vicinity of Kelley's Ford, near the Tennessee River and under the frowning shadow of Lookout Mountain. On the 24th of November occurred the celebrated "Battle above the Clouds." The advance was led by the 149th, which added to its already well- established fame by the capture of four stand of rebel colors, and a number of prisoners, arms and ammunition. The following letter, written on the spot, is a truthful and graphic description of the battle and of the position of the 149th : " The advance was led by the troops of General Geary's division of the 12th corps. The men com menced ascending the mountain over a mile from the front, and, regardless of the rebel picket fire, a line was formed leading from the base of an almost perpendicular ledge of rocks, on the left, to our own picket line, about three-fourths of the distance down the mountain. Three lines were formed, the 2d division leading the advance and the 149th oc cupying the left of the first line. When the order to advance was given, our men started forward with a cheer over the rugged sides of the mountain, totally regardless of any obstacle in their way and almost ignoring the sharp fire of the rebel infantry, who attempted to stop their progress. With an enthusiasm which knew no bounds, they rushed over hills and through gorges, climbing towering rocks, dashing through brushwood and fallen timber, and scarcely stopping even to take prison ers. They swept over the side of the mountain and around its frowning front with the rapidity and force of the whirlwind, completely overcoming and conquering every obstacle, both natural and artifi cial, which attempted to impede their progress. " No military achievement of this or any other war, exceeded, for dash and daring, personal bravery, contempt of extraordinary obstacles and complete and perfect success, this charge of the 2d division around the point of Lookout Mountain. The rebel forces were literally swept from the mountain side, driven from fastnesses and intrenchments they had considered impregnable, captured in their strong holds, and every vestige of their power swept before us like leaves before the autumn gale." The battle of Lookout Mountain was followed by an immediate advance of the whole army, in which the 149th bore an active part. On the second of December, another severe fight took place, which resulted in the capture of the valley of the Ring gold and its occupancy by the Union forces, with an officer of the 149th as Provost Marshal of the captured town. The campaign ending with the capture of Mission Ridge, our men fell back to their old camping ground at the base of Lookout Moun tain, where they remained till after New Year's, 1864, enduring severe hardships and almost star vation, in consequence of the impossibility of for warding supplies. During this period the 149th was complimented by a public delivery of their captured rebel flags to Gen. Hooker ; and after being almost re duced to starvation were removed to Stevenson and remained till spring in preparation for the next cam paign. The stay here was a season of comparative ease and festivity ; rations plenty, supplies abundant and labor light. The few inhabitants treated them kindly. Capt. Park Wheeler was detailed to "keep hotel," and proved himself no unworthy landlord of the " Soldiers' Home." Among the attractions which rendered the stay in Stevenson pleasant to many of the 149th was the presence of ladies, the wives of several of the officers, who, during this season of quiet, visited their husbands and friends at camp — Mrs. Col. Ireland, Mrs. Surgeon Kendall, Mrs. Capt. Wheeler and others, whose presence lent a charm to camp life not elsewhere experienced during the war. May 2, 1864, began the movement of the troops in the famous Atlanta campaign. Their progress was first intercepted at Resaca where the rebel force under Johnston was concentrated and had burned the bridge across the Coosawattee River. Howard had entered Dalton on the heels of Johnston's force and had pressed him down to Resaca. Sherman at once set on foot a flanking movement to drive him out. Johnston made a counter move ment by attacking Hooker and Schofield on his front and left. He was defeated in the bloody con test which ensued, Hooker driving the enemy from several hills, taking four guns and many prisoners. The rebels retreated across the Oostenaula during the night, and our army entered Resaca in triumph next morning. From this time to the final triumphal entrance into Atlanta, was a constant series of skirmishes, battles and active military operations. For nearly one hundred days and nights our men were constantly under fire, passing through the thrilling experiences of the battles of Villanow Mill Church, Nickajack Creek, Burnt Hickory, Calhoun, Dallas, Cassville, Kingston, Pumpkin Vine Creek, Paices' Ferry, Chattahoochee River, Ackworth, Marietta, Big Shanty and Kene- saw Mountain. The most severe and disastrous battle of the campaign in which the 149th were engaged was at Peach Tree Creek on the 20th of July, 1 864, where a partial surprise was effected, and almost in an instant of time the regiment lost 19 brave and 124 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. generous soldiers, among whom were Col. C. B. Kendall and Capt. D. J. Lindsay, both as gallant officers as ever drew a sword in defence of their country. During this campaign Gen. Hooker resigned his position at the head of the corps, and Gen. Slocum, who had commanded the old 12th corps, was ap pointed to the command of the 20th ; arriving just in time to accompany. the triumphal entry into At lanta, on the 2d of September. The losses of the 149th during the campaign amounted to 34 men killed, 138 wounded and 10 missing. But the ob jective point was gained and the regiment was one of the first to enter Atlanta and hoist the Stars and Stripes upon the public hall. Col. Ireland, who commanded the 3d brigade, died shortly after entering Atlanta, and the command devolved upon Col. Barnum, promoted to the rank of Brigadier General, leaving the 149th under the command of Major Grumbach, promoted to the colonelcy. Among the interesting incidents of the camp at Atlanta was the voting of the soldiers at the No vember election for President. The vote of the 149th, with but few exceptions, was cast for " Honest Old Abe," showing that they had no de sire to "swap horses while crossing the river," as Mr. Lincoln predicted would be the verdict of the American people. After the refitting of the troops and sending the sick and lame to the rear, the commissary wagons were loaded with hard-tack, coffee and sugar, and trusting to their own energy and perseverance to subsist upon the country, on the 16th of November the army left Atlanta, to plunge out of sight and hearing into the heart of the Rebel Confederacy. The famous " march to the sea " had been deter mined upon. Experience proved that Sherman had not overestimated the abundance of supplies in the country through which the army was to pass, nor miscalculated the capacity of his men to obtain their full share of the necessaries of life. The marching of an army composed of 60,000 infantry and 5,500 cavalry through an interior country of such extent was a scene probably never witnessed before, and must have been an astonishing spectacle to the people of the country through which they passed. Thousands of negroes, sometimes in torch light processions, followed the army " on the road to freedom." The army was formed into two grand divisions or wings : The right led by Gen. O. O. Howard, comprising the 15th corps, Gen. P. J. Osterhaus, and the 17th, Gen. Frank P. Blair; the left, led by Gen. H. W. Slocum, comprisingthe 14th corps, Gen. Jeff. C. Davis, and the 20th, Gen. A. S. Williams. Gen. Judson Kilpatrick led the cavalry, which careered in front and on either flank of the infantry. The 149th, with Slocum's wing, advanced by Covington, Madison and Eatonton, concentrating on Milledgeville, which was entered without opposi tion. Sherman thus far accompanied the 14th corps. Slocum moved out of Milledgeville simul taneously with Howard's advance from Gordon, and concentrated at Sandersville, driving out a small party of Wheeler's cavalry; thence he followed the Central Railroad, breaking it up to the Ogeechee, which he crossed at Louisville, and thence kept north, striking out towards the Savannah. At Millen, on the Central Railroad, half way from Sandersville to Savannah, was a great prison camp where some thousands of our captured sol diers had long endured unspeakable privations. Sherman was intent on reaching and liberating them, and for this purpose sent forward Kilpatrick with his cavalry ; but the enemy took the alarm and removed the prisoners, Kilpatrick being harrassed and kept back by skirmishes with Wheeler's cav alry. Our army visited this prison on their march after the prisoners had been removed. The 20th army corps, (Gen. Slocum's,) including the 149th, was the first to reach Savannah. It passed Mor gan's and Carlin's divisions encamped about ten miles out, and hastened on to the city. On the ioth of December, 1864, Savannah was completely be leaguered, and Fort McAllister was that day carried by storm. Hardee, with 15,000 men, evacuated the city on the night of the 20th, escaping across the Savannah River on a pontoon bridge. He was un observed by our pickets, as the night was dark and windy. Under cover of fire which he had kept up the day previous, he had destroyed the Navy Yard and two iron clads. Our troops now took posses sion, the 149th being in advance and raising the flag on the dome of the City Hall. The taking of Fort McAllister by Hazen's divi sion was a brilliant achievement. While the steamer sent by Gen. Foster and Admiral Dahlgren, to communicate with our army, was hesitating whether or not to approach the fort, at that moment Hazen's bugles scunded the charge ; when his divi sion rushed over torpedoes and abatis, through a shower of grape, up to and over the parapet, and after a brief but desperate struggle, McAllister was ours. Her garrison of 200 surrendered, having 40 or 50 killed and wounded to our 90. Among the spoils were 22 guns and much ammunition. Fort McAllister fell on the 13th of December ; on the 17th, Hardee was formally summoned to surrender HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 125 the city ; on the 20th, the bombardment of the city commenced, and on that night Hardee evacuated, moving his force towards Charleston. The 149th was stationed as Provost Guard of a portion of the conquered city, and in this capacity had a season of relaxation and rest from the fatigues of the campaign, mingling in the social life of the city and enjoying balls and other pastimes. A loyal newspaper was printed and edited by a member of the 149th during their stay in Savannah. After being supplied with provisions and clothing, and leaving the city in charge of another corps, they were again on the march, and reached Sisters' Ferry with great difficulty on account of the floods and next to impassable condition of the roads. After some detention they crossed the Savannah River on pontoons and entered the State of South Carolina. Along their route the rebels had buried torpedoes, which exploded and severely injured several of the regiment. The march through South Carolina involved unusual hardships ; the weather having become exceedingly wet, the swamps flooded and the river high and swift. FayetteviUe, North Carolina, was reached on the 12th of March, 1865. Here the enemy halted three days, completely destroying the United States Arsenal and the costly machinery which had been brought here from Harper's Ferry at the time of its capture by the rebels in 1861. Sherman's movements from this point were very cautiously made. An immense army was concen trating in his front ; Hardee from Savannah and Charleston, Beauregard from Columbia, Cheatham from the Tennessee, with considerable force drawn from North Carolina and her seaward defences un der Bragg and Hoke, with Wheeler's and Hamp ton's cavalry, making up a force of not less than 40,000 men, mostly veterans, under the command of the able and wary Joe Johnston. It would no longer answer to move as hitherto ; our columns must be kept well closed up, the corps within easy supporting distance, on peril of surprise and disas ter. True to his favorite policy, Sherman, on the 15th of March, pushed four divisions of his left wing, covered by Kilpatrick's cavalry, directly north ward to Averysboro, as a feint on Raleigh ; while Slocum's train, his two remaining divisions, and the right wing, moved by various roads nearly east, towards Goldsboro, his true destination. Sherman was on the left with Slocum, including the 149th, but had ridden across to the right wing, intent on reaching Goldsboro and meeting Gen. Schofield, when the sound of guns on the left again challenged his attention. Slocum, approaching Bentonville, had been assailed by Johnston with the entire rebel army. The divisions of the right wing were ordered at once to move on rapidly to the assistance of the outnumbered left. Slocum had encountered Dib- brell's cavalry, which he was driving, when he ran headlong upon the whole Confederate force, the two leading brigades of Carlin's division being hurled ¦ back upon the main body, with a loss of three guns and their caissons. Slocum thereupon very prop erly stood on the defensive, showing a front of four divisions, and throwing up slight barricades, while Kilpatrick came into action on the left. Here our left withstood six assaults from Johnston's army inflicting heavy loss with our artillery, the enemy having brought up little or none. Johnston had hurried to this point by night from Smithfield, ex pecting to crush Slocum before he could be sup ported, but he was mistaken. Night fell without giving him any ground, and before morning Slocum got up his wagon train, with its guard of two divi sions, while Hazen's division of the 15th (Logan's) corps, came up on the right, rendering his position secure. The enemy not risking further attacks, Slocum awaited the arrival of Howard with the entire right wing. In the night Johnston retreated on Smithfield and Raleigh, so precipitately as to leave his pickets and his severely wounded behind. Our total loss here was 191 killed, 1,108 wounded, and 344 missing, in all 1,643. We buried here 267 rebel dead, and took 1,625 prisoners, many of them wounded. No further resistance being made, our army moved on to Goldsboro, where it rested and was reclothed, much to the satisfaction of our 149th, for having passed through the tar regions of North Carolina and burned a number of rosin manufactories, they were so blackened and begrimmed with the smoke and cinders as to resemble more a regiment of col ored troops than white soldiers. Their clothes were also worn and tattered, so that, as remarked by their Quartermaster, " fat, ragged and saucy," was a more apt description of them than any other combination of words in the English language. From Goldsboro the troops containing our regi ment were marched to Raleigh, where they arrived on the 14th of April. While here news ofthe sur render of Lee and his forces to Gen. Grant at Appomattox reached our headquarters and was hailed with tumultuous rejoicing by the whole army. A demonstration was made towards John ston, but like a prudent commander, he also, after some formal negotiations, surrendered, and the great civil war was at an end. The order, " On to Richmond " — now much more 126 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. easily executed than at the beginning of the war — was heard through the ranks, and our army moved forward, reaching the " Rebel Capital " on the ioth of May, passing in review through its principal streets. From Richmond to Washington, they passed through Chickahominy swamp and over their old stamping grounds, crossing the Rappahannock at United States Ford, and pausing a few moments on the field of their first battle at Chancellorsville. A rapid march brought them to Alexandria, whence they were moved across the Potomac to Washing ton and soon after mustered out of the service. The remnant of the 149th soon returned home to receive the warm welcome of a grateful and generous people, who had watched their career in the army .with pride and satisfaction. It is not too much to say that the 149th had as varied an experi ence and made for themselves as honorable a record during the war of the rebellion, as any volun teer regiment in the Union service. Their dead sleep in honored graves, and their living, many of them, have won that respect, both in military and civil affairs, to which their merits and sacrifices justly entitle them. Official Record and List of Promotions of the 149TH Regiment. Henry A. Barnum, Col., rank from September 17, '62, promoted to Brig.-Gen., May 31/65 ; Nicholas Grumbach, Capt., rank from September 2, '62, promoted to Major August 2, '64, to Lieut. -Col. May 11, '65, to Col. June 7, '65, (Brevet Col., U. S. V.,) mustered out June. 12, '65; John M. Strong, Lieut. -Col., rank from September 5, '62, resigned March 1, '63 ; Abel G. Cook, Major, rank from Sept. 8, '62, promoted to Lieut. -Col. March 1, '63, (Brevet Col., N. Y. V) discharged July 20, '64 ; Charles B. Randall, Major, rank from March 17, '63, promoted to Lieut- Col. June 5, '63, killed in action July 20, '64 ; Edward D. Murray, Jr., ist Lieut., rank from Sept. 4, '62, promoted to Capt. March 4, '63, to Lieut. -Col. July 20, '64, mustered out June 12, '65 ; Henry H. Burhans, ist Lieut, rank from Sept. 8, '62, promoted to Capt, Nov. 24, '62, to Major May 11, '65, mustered out June 12, '65 ; Walter M. Dallman, Adjutant, rank from Aug. 29, '62, (Brevet Major, N. Y. V.) discharged Mar. 15, '65 ; Bela P. Hitchcock, Adjutant, rank from Mar. 15, '65, (Brevet Capt, N. Y. V.), mustered out June 12, '65 ; Moses Summers, Quartermaster, rank from Aug. 28, '62, promoted to Capt. and A. Q. M. July 1, '64, (Brevet Major, N. Y. V.) ; Ham ilton D. Borden, Q. M., rank from July 1, '64, (Brevet Capt, N. Y. V.) mustered out June 12, '65 ; James V. Kendall, Surgeon, rank from Aug. 22, '62, (Brevet Lieut. -Col., N. Y. V.) mustered out June 12, '65 ; Horace Nims, Assist.-Surgeon, rank from Sept. 19, '62, resigned March 17, '63 ; Henry F. Adams, Assist.-Surgeon, rank from April 2, '63, (Brevet Major, N. Y. V.) mustered out June 12, '65 ; Albert W. Phillips, Assist.-Surgeon, rank from Oct. 9, '62, resigned Nov. 24, '63 ; Arvine C. Bowdish, Chaplain, rank from Sept. 18/62. (Brevet Major, N. Y. V.), resigned Sept. 3, '63 ; Solomon Light, Capt., rank from Aug. 30, '62, resigned Jan. 17, '63 ; Oliver T. May, Capt, rank from Jan. 17, '63, (Brevet Major, N. Y. V.) mustered out June 12, '65; Jacob Knapp, 2d Lieut, rank from Sept. 2. '62, promoted to ist Lieut. April 4/63, to Capt. Aug. 2, '64, (Brevet Major, N. Y. V.), mustered out June 12/65 > James Lynch, Jr., Capt, rank from Sept. 4/63, resigned Feb. I5)»'63 ; Thos. Gaffney, ist Lieut, rank from April 24, '63, pro moted to Capt. Oct. 31, '64, resigned June 3. '65 ; Morris K. Baker, ist Lieut, rank from April 12, '64, promoted to Capt. June 7, '65, mustered out June 12, '65 ; J. Forman Wilkinson, Capt, rank from Sept. 4, '62, resigned Dec. 7, '62, (Brevet Ma jor N. Y. V.); Park Wheeler, ist Lieut, rank from Sept. 4, '62, promoted to Capt. Dec. 30, '62, resigned Aug. 7, '64 (Brevet Major N. Y. V.) ; Oliver L. F. Brown, 2d Lieut., rank from Dec. 7, '62, promoted to ist Lieut. June 1, '64, to Capt. Oct. 31, '64, (Brevet Major N. Y. V.,) mustered out June 12, '65 ; Ira B. Seymour, Capt, rank from Sept. 5, '62, (Brevet Major U. S. V.,) mustered out June 12, '65 ; William Pullen, 2d Lieut, rank from May 3, '63, promoted to ist Lieut. Aug. 12, '63, to Capt. June 7, '65, (Brevet Major, N. Y. Vols.,) mustered out June 12, '65 ; Judson H. Graves, Capt., rank from Sept. 8, '62, resigned Oct. 23, '62 ; Theodore E. Stevens, 2d Lieut., rank from Sept. 8, '62, promoted to ist Lieut. June 10, '64, to Capt. May 11, '65, (Brevet Major U. S. V), mustered out June 12, '65 ; Eben G. Townsend, Capt, rank from Sept. 9, '62, discharged Feb. 4, '64 ; Andreas Cas- sard, Capt., rank from April 20/64, declined ; Geo. G. Truair, 2d Lieut., rank from Aug. 9, '63, pro moted to ist Lieut. July 14, '64, to Capt. April 22, '65, (Brevet Major N. Y. V.,) mustered out June 12, '65 ; Robert E. Hopkins, Capt, rank from Sept. 10, '62, promoted to Major Feb. 29, '64; Orson Coville, ist Lieut., rank from Sept. 5/62, promoted to Capt. Feb. 29, '64, mustered out June 12, '65, (Brevet Major N. Y. V); Thomas Merriam, 2d Lieut., rank from Sept. 10, '62, promoted to ist Lieut. Aug. 14, '63, to Capt. July 14, '64, (Brevet Major N. Y. V.,) mustered out June 12/65 '> David Lindsay, Capt, rank from Sept. 12, '62 ; killed in action near Atlanta, Ga., July 20, '64 ; Alexander McKinstry, 2d Lieut, rank from Jan. 13, '63, pro moted to ist Lieut. May 15, '63, to Capt. July 20, '64, discharged May 15, '65 ; James E. Doran, Capt., rank from Sept. 17, '62, discharged Feb. 5, '64 ; Charles E. Coville, Capt , rank from Mar. 29, '64, not mustered ; Samuel Bronner, ist Lieut, rank from Aug. 30, '62, resigned Feb. 8, '63 ; Mathew H. Westcott, 2d Lieut, rank from Aug. 30, '62, promoted to ist Lieut., March 4, '63, (Brevet Capt. N. Y. V.), discharged Feb. 5, '64 ; William Wills, ist Lieut., rank from March 16, '64, mustered out June 12, '65 ; Philip Eckle, ist Lieut, rank from Sept. 2, '62, discharged Dec. 21/63, (Brevet Capt. N. Y. V.) ; John F. Wheeler, 2d Lieut., rank from May 7, '64, promoted to ist Lieut. June 7, '65, (Bre- HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 127 vet Capt. N. Y. V.,) mustered out June 12, '65 ; John B. Foote, ist Lieut., rank from Feb. 15. '63, declined ; George W. Phillips, 2d Lieut., rank from Aug. 7, '64, promoted to ist Lieut. April 22, '65, mustered out June 12, '65 ; William W. Mosely, 2d Lieut., rank from Sept. 4, '62, promoted to ist Lieut. Dec. 30, '62, discharged May n, '63 ; Elisha Houghkirk, 2d Lieut., rank from March 15, '65, promoted to ist Lieut. June 7, '65, (Brevet Capt. N. Y. V.,) mustered out June 12, '65 ; Edward F. Hopkins, ist Lieut, rank from Jan. 30, '64, resigned Sept. 14, '64; Nicholas Cooney, ist Lieut., rank from Dec. 22, '64, declined ; Philip Hiorsh, ist Lieut., rank from March 1, '65, (Brevet Capt. N. Y. V.), mustered out June 12, '65 ; William Gleason, ist Lieut, rank from Nov. 25, '62, resigned May 25, '64; Joseph Gay, ist Lieut., rank from May 11, '65, (Brevet Capt. N. Y. V.) mustered out June 12, '65 ; Byron A. Wood, ist Lieut., rank from Sept. 9, '62, resigned Dec. 6, '62 ; Willis S. Barnum, ist Lieut., rank from Feb. 7, '63, (Brevet Capt. N. Y. V.) resigned May 24, '64 ; John H. Patterson, 2d Lieut., rank from July 3, '64, pro moted to ist Lieut., Aug. 7,'64, (Brevet Capt., N. Y. V.) mustered out June 12/65 : Ohio L. Palmer, ist Lieut., rank from Sept. 10, '62, resigned June 24, '63 ; George H. Diety, ist Lieut., rank from Aug. 28, '65, (Brevet Capt. N. Y. V.) mustered out June 12, '65 ; George K. Collins, ist Lieut., rank from Sept. 12, '62, (Brevet Capt. N. Y. V.) resigned April 24, '64; John Kohl, ist Lieut, rank from June 7, '65, (Brevet Capt. N. Y. V.) not mustered ; John Van Wie, ist Lieut, rank from Sept. 17, '62, re signed Jan. 13, '63 ; Benjamin F. Breed, 2d Lieut, rank from Sept. 17/62, promoted to ist Lieut. May 3, '63, killed in action at Chancellorsville May 3, '63 ; Burnett E. Miller, 2d Lieut., rank from Oct. 14, '63, promoted to ist Lieut. Jan. 6, '64, mustered out June 12, '65 ; Joseph Seymour, Jr., rank from Feb. 8, '63, discharged Aug. 9, '63 ; Philip M. Sours, 2d Lieut., rank from June 3, '64, not mus tered ; William Savage, 2d Lieut, rank from Sept. 4, '62, resigned Mar. 29, '63 ; Fred'k O. Waters, 2d Lieut, rank from Aug. 12/63, not mustered ; Abram H. Spore, 2d Lieut, rank from Dec. 7/62, resigned Mar. 3, '64 ; Harvey Siver, 2d Lieut, rank from Mar. 29, '64, mustered out June 12, '65 ; Edward F. Hopkins, 2d Lieut,,rank from Sept. 5, '62, pro moted to ist Lieut. April 4, '64 ; mustered out June 12, '65 ; Jacob Waling, 2d Lieut, rank from June 7, '65, not mustered, (Brevet ist Lieut. N. Y. V.) ; Lucius W. Ramsey, 2d Lieut., rank from Mar. 15, '65, mustered out June 12, '65 ; Thomas A. Bene dict, 2d Lieut., rank from Sept. 9, '62, resigned Dec. 6, '62 ; David R. Wilson, 2d Lieut. , rank from June 14, '64, not mustered, deserted ; Francis Becker, 2d Lieut., rank from June 7, '65, not mus tered, (Brevet ist Lieut. N. Y. V.) ; Z. Carter Pat ten, 2d Lieut, rank from Feb. 23, '64, resigned July 5, '64 ; George H. Deitz, 2d Lieut., rank from July 5, '64. promoted to ist Lieut, April 22, '65; John T. Rowe, 2d Lieut., rank from Sept. 12, '62, re signed Dec. 12, '62 ; Joseph A. Davis, 2d Lieut., rank from Dec. 12, '62, killed in action at Chancel lorsville May 3, '63 ; William O'Reiley, 2d Lieut., rank from July 3, '64, not mustered, (Brevet ist Lieut. N. Y. V.) ; Andreas Cassard, 2d Lieut., rank from March 24, '64, declined ; Franklin Sours, 2d Lieut., rank from April 20, '64, not mustered ; Jacob Schwartz, 2d Lieut., rank from Mar. 28, '65, not mustered, (Brevet ist Lieut. N. Y. V) ; David Gere, 2d Lieut., rank from June 7, '65, not mustered, (Brevet ist Lieut. N. Y. V.) ; Adolphus J. Fix, 2d Lieut, rank from June 7, '65, (Brevet ist Lieut. N. Y. V.), not mustered ; Milton E. Miller, 2d Lieut., rank from Mar. 1, '65, mustered out June 12, '65 ; George P. Frost, 2d Lieut, rank from Jan. 7, '65, not mustered, (Brevet ist Lieut. N. Y. V.) Brevet Commissions Issued by the Governor to Enlisted Men of the 149TH Regiment. Rank. Name. Brevet Rank. Sergeant, John W. Vaugh 2d Lieut. Q. Sergeant,. Dudley D. K. Marvin, 2d Lieut. Sergeant, Augustus P. Brown, 2d Lieut. Sergeant, Joseph F. Thomas, 2d Lieut. Private, William Fehrenz, 2d Lieut. Private, George W. Chase, 2d Lieut. Private, George I. Sager, 2d Lieut. Com'sary Sergt., Henry L. Purdy, 2d Lieut. Private, Oliver Ormsby, 2d Lieut. Sergeant, Howard B. Sloan, 2d Lieut. Sergeant, William Cross, 2d Lieut. Sergeant, William Cahill, 2d Lieut. Medals of honor were awarded by the Secretary of War to the following : First Lieutenant, N. F. Potter ; Private, Peter Kappesser ; Private, Philip Goettel. CHAPTER XXIX. The One Hundred and Eighty-Fifth New York Volunteers — Organization — Arrival in Front of Petersburg — Destruction of the Weldon Railroad — Winter Quarters — Battle of Hatcher's Run — Attack on Fort Steedman. THE 185th was the fourth complete regiment of volunteer infantry from Onondaga county, raised late in the war, and composed largely of artisans, farmers, mechanics and profes sional men. It was its peculiar fortune to be mustered into the service when hard fighting had to be done, which continued with little interruption to the close of the war. The 185th was organized as follows : Field and Staff Officers — Edwin S. Jenney, Colonel ; Gustavus Sniper, Lieutenant-Colonel ; John Leo, Major ; Byron Mudge, Adjutant ; William Gilbert, Quartermaster ; Charles W. Crarey, Surgeon ; G. L. Newcomb, Assistant Sur geon ; Chester W. Hawley, Chaplain. Line Officers — Company A : Stephen O. How ard, Captain ; Ephraim F. Bander, ist Lieutenant ; 128 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. William A. Brooks, 2d Lieutenant. Company B : John Listman, Captain ; William A. Roff, ist Lieutenant ; John Herrori, 2d Lieutenant. Com pany C : Henry D. Carhart, Captain ; John T. Hostler, ist Lieutenant; Charles J. Rector, 2d Lieutenant. Company D : Daniel N. Lathrop, Captain; Theodore M. Barber, ist Lieutenant; Henry L. Kingsley, 2d Lieutenant. Company E : Robert P. Bush, Captain ; Robert C. Rorepaugh, ist Lieutenant ; Pembroke Pierce, 2d Lieutenant. Company F : John W. Strowbridge, Captain ; An drew J. Lyman, ist Lieutenant ; Harrison Givins, 2d Lieutenant. Company G : Albern H. Barber, Captain ; Hiram Clark, ist Lieutenant ; Daniel Minier, 2d Lieutenant. Company H : Daniel Christler, Captain ; Stephen S. Jordan, ist Lieu tenant ; Stephen R. Hitchcock, 2d Lieutenant. Company I : Jared F. Abbott, Captain ; H. Wads worth Clarke, ist Lieutenant; Jacob M. Doran, 2d Lieutenant. Company K : Abram H. Spore, Captain ; Cyrus A. Phillips, ist Lieutenant ; Lewis S. Edgar, 2d Lieutenant. This regiment was organized at Syracuse and mustered into the service September 22, 1864. On the 23d they left for City Point, where they arrived via Fortress Monroe on the 30th, and were that night ordered into action, an attack being made on the Union forces at Warren Station, where a light skirmish ensued. On the 4th of October the regi ment was assigned to the First Brigade, First Divi sion, Fifth Army Corps : Gen. S. Warren, Corps Commander. The division was commanded by Gen. Charles Griffin; and the brigade by Gen. Sickles. The regiment moved on the 4th from Warren Station to Poplar Grove Church, where they went into camp and remained till Sunday the 16th. On Saturday, October 8, an attack was made by the rebels and the 185th was ordered to sup port Gen. Ayers, in command of a brigade of the 9th corps. A fight ensued in which the rebels were repulsed. No further incident of interest occurred while in camp here, except the capturing of a rebel spy by one of the pickets of the 185th. He was an engineer and had a complete map of the whole Union lines and defences from City Point to the extreme left, extending over twenty miles. The map was concealed next his person. He offered money to be allowed to escape ; but was tried by court-marshal and shot by order of Gen. Warren. October 16. The brigade and division moved to the Squirrel Level Road in front of Petersburg and went into camp. Here the officers of the 185th presented Colonel Jenney with a horse. On the 27th, a move was made on the South-side Railroad, where an engagement occurred in which three men of the 185th were wounded. After the battle they returned to the same camp on the 29th of October. On the 3d of December the army was ordered to move on the Weldon Railroad for the purpose of destroying the track, to prevent the communication of the rebel army stationed about Petersburg with their base of supplies at Weldon. This road was used by the enemy in transporting supplies from North Carolina nearly up to our lines, whence they were wagoned around our left to Lee's camps. The expedition consisted of Warren's (5th) corps, Mott's division of the 2d corps and Gregg's mounted divi sion. They moved down the railroad as far as the Meherrin, across which to Hicksford the rebels were driven, while the road was effectually destroyed down to that point — some twenty miles. The track was taken up and the rails heated and bent so that they could not again be used. The im mense amount of rebel supplies at this point was captured ; in this expedition the 185th bore a conspicuous part. On the 12th of December, they went into camp at the Gurley House near Warren Station. The snow, sleet and rain were terrible ; and on the march, without preparations to with stand the inclemency of the weather, the regiment suffered severely ; one man, being compelled to march, fell out by the way and was never heard of afterwards. He probably perished. Here the division went into winter quarters, con structing their camp in a dense pine forest and clearing the ground, so that not a stump remained, in an incredibly short time. The Quartermaster, by order of Gen. Griffin, detached 125 men to raid into the country to secure materials for the officers' quarters. This was successfully accomplished and in due time neat and comfortable quarters were erected, which were occupied till the 5th of Febru ary, 1865. During the winter a large church sixty feet long was built of pine logs hewed on the inside, which made a comfortable place of worship. It was roofed with tent-cloth furnished by the Chris tian Commission ; a platform at one end for the preacher was built of some of the pine lumber ob tained on the raid ; and seats were constructed of hewed pine slabs set upon legs. Here Sergeant Bregg was killed by rebel guerrillas — shot through with five bullets and stripped of his clothes. The health of the regiment during the winter was excel lent. Gen. Warren here sent an invitation to Col. Sniper and staff to make him a New Year's call at his headquarters, in compliment to the gallant ser vices of the 185th, Col. Jenney was then absent on a visit to the east. On the 4th of February, 1865, orders were re ceived to be in readiness to march at a moment's warning, and on Sunday morning the 5th, before daylight, our forces were ordered to move in the HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 129 direction of Hatcher's Run ; and on the afternoon of the same day occurred the second battle of Hatch er's Run, lasting till next day, in which the 185th suffered severely. Two men in Company A were killed ; one in Company C ; Capt John Listman, Company B, wounded in the thigh so badly that his leg had to be amputated close to the body ; Major Bush taken prisoner and sent to Libby Prison. Among the privates a considerable number were wounded. During the early part of this engagement the 185th Regiment was held in reserve. About the middle of the afternoon, however, the first brigade, commanded by Col. Sickle, composed of his regi ment (the 198th Pensylvania) and the 185th New York, was hastily ordered forward to relieve the 2d division ofthe 5 th corps. This division, composed largely of regulars and commanded by Gen. Ayers, a regular army officer, occupied a position in front of a piece of woods. In its front was an open field, upon the opposite side of which were one or two small buildings and a sudden declivity in the ground, 'occupied by the enemy and answering the purpose of an intrenchment. Gen. Ayres' division had here suffered terribly. As our brigade marched for nearly half a mile along the road through the woods, we met the wounded from this division being borne back by the hospital corps ; some hastily bandaged, others with undressed, gaping wounds ; some besmeared with blood, others pallid as though in the grasp of death. It was a trying ordeal for our men — a severe test of their courage ; even the bravest pushed forward with blanched cheek. As we moved upon the field Ayers' division moved off. An occasional shot developed the near presence of the enemy, but the fight there seemed to be over. We had scarcely moved from flank into line, however, before a terrific fire was opened upon us by the enemy. Our brigade commander was one of the first wounded and as he was carried off the field sent his staff to report to Col. Jenney, who was thus left in command of the brigade. Col. Jenney appreciated the danger of attempt ing to hold his open position against an enemy substantially covered, and instantly ordered the brigade forward. The brigade moved in excellent form. No command to charge was given. It would have probably been dangerous to do so, as the enemy were upon both our flanks and it was necessary to keep the troops well in hand. For ward went the brigade, through the smoke and against the bullets. It was the work of a few minutes only. There was no wavering— con- 17* stantly, steadily forward ! The firing slackened, ceased — the enemy was gone. We were the masters of the field. Many brave fellows fell, but the loss was slight compared to that which must have occurred if the enemy had not at once been driven from the field. We retained our position until evening when un der cover of darkness we retired to the main line. After the engagement Col. Jenney sent Major Bush to reconnoiter our right flank and station pickets ; in performing which duty, when scarcely out of speaking distance from his regiment, con cealed from them only by the intervening under brush, he was captured with a squad of his men. He was sent to Libby prison, and the regiment, during most of its subsequent service was deprived of one of its best officers. The brigade was warmly commended by Gen. Griffin for its gallant service, and its praise was fairly earned, for seldom had a single brigade accom plished so important results at so small a sacrifice. After this engagement the regiment went into camp at Hatcher's Run. Here, on the second day after the battle, Colonel Jenney took his departure from the regiment. At the time he was commis sioned as Colonel of the regiment he was Major of the 3d New York Artillery and acting as Provost Judge of North Carolina at Newbern and had, after notice of his promotion, been taken prisoner by the enemy, as has been stated in the narrative of "Jenney's battery." Notwithstanding the fact that he was a paroled prisoner he had been mustered in as Colonel of the regiment, and taken the regi ment into the field. He expected to obtain an im mediate exchange. But while he regarded himself as bound by his parole, the War Department was of the opinion that the officer who captured and paroled him had sufficient authority to capture, but none to parole, and that Col. Jenney was therefore to be regarded as an escaped rather than a paroled prisoner. In this situation Col. Jenney remained during his term of service with the regiment. He en deavored to induce the Secretary of War to relieve him from the responsibility of his situation by mak ing an order declaring that he was not paroled and ordering him upon duty, but the Secretary of War refused to do so lest an embarrassing precedent might thus be established. His only relief from this unfortunate situation seemed to be to retire from the service, and accord ingly he had forwarded his resignation about the middle of January. This resignation had been accepted, and an order honorably discharging him 13° HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. from service had been received by Gen. Griffin just before the last engagement. At his request, how ever, it had been retained by the General until the advance then contemplated had been made, and now was delivered to him. Upon the morning of his departure the regiment was formed in square, and the command turned over to Lieut-Col. Sniper in a short speech, praising the regiment, highly complimenting Col. Sniper, and reluctantly saying farewell. Col. Sniper was immediately promoted, and com manded the regiment during the remainder of its service. The regiment remained in camp at Hatcher's Run till March 29, 1865, when the grand movement for the closing struggle of the rebellion was made. On the 25th of March, the division was ordered out before daylight, at 3 o'clock, a. m., the rebels having made an assault upon Fort Steedman, near City Point. It was stated in the order that an attack was probably being made along the whole line, and that a general engagement was imminent, which proved true. General Lee, foreseeing clearly the speedy downfall of the Confederate cause, unless averted by a prompt concentration of his remaining forces, and a telling blow delivered thereby on some one of our encircling armies, which were now prob ably crushing out the life of the Rebellion, resolved to anticipate Grant's initiative by an attack on his lines before Petersburg and Richmond. This attack was made on Fort Steedman, nearly east of Peters burg, where its success would have cut our army in two and probably compelled a hasty reconstruc tion to recover our lines and works ; thereby open ing a door for the unassailed withdrawal of the rebel army southward by the most direct route to unite with that of Johnston, and thus overpower Sher man. The assault was delivered by Gordon with two divisions — all the disposable rebel army of Vir ginia being collected just behind the assaulting column and held in hand as a support. Gordon charged at daybreak on the 25th of March. His men rushed instantly across the narrow space sepa rating the confronting lines, and pouring into Fort Steedman, which was held by the 14th New York Artillery, completely surprised and captured the garrison. The guns, whereof three batteries were taken by the rebels, were instantly turned on the adjacent works of Fort Haskell, next to Fort Steed man on the left. Here their triumph ended. They failed to rush forward and sieze the crest of the ridge behind the forts. The 20,000 men whom Lee had massed in the rear of the charge were either not ordered forward or failed to respond. The result was that instead of cutting our army in two as they had intended, they had divided their own and isolated a portion of it in the midst of an army of foes. Our forces rallied and swept the field, capturing 2,000 prisoners. The battle lasted till after nightfall. About 3 o'clock p. m. an attack was made on the extreme left, where the 185th were on the right of the 2d corps and in the thick of the fight. A terrible battle soon raged along the entire line. The ground was soon covered with the dead and wounded, among whom fell several ofthe 185th. The rebels were driven back with heavy loss. The reports of the battle make the loss about equal on both sides — 2,500 besides the 2,000 rebel prisoners taken by our army. After the battle our soldiers returned to camp at Hatcher's Run and remained till the 29th of March, at which date Gen. Grant had de termined to advance the left wing of his army. On the 28th, orders were received to move at 3 o'clock next morning. Three divisions ofthe Army ofthe James, now commanded by Gen. Ord, being with drawn from the banks of the James River, where it had menaced Richmond, and brought over to the left of our lines facing Petersburg. Warren's (5th) and Humphreys' (2d) corps moved quietly out southward till they had crossed Hatcher's Run, when, facing northward, they advanced cautious ly, feeling for the enemy's right. Sheridan was on our extreme left at the head of nearly 10,000 cav alry, acting under orders directly from Gen. Grant. The 9th (Parke's) and one of Ord's divisions were left to hold our extended lines under the command of Gen. Parke ; all dismounted troopers being ordered to report to Gen. Benham, who guarded our im mense depot of supplies at City Point. Humphreys crossed Hatcher's Run at the Vaughan Road ; Warren, moving further to the left, crossed four miles below (the stream here, since its junction with Gravelly Run, being Rowanty Creek,) and moved up the Quaker Road, to strike the Boydton Plank Road ; Sheridan moved nearly south to Dinwiddie Court House, where, at 5 p. m., he halted for the night. Warren's corps alone, en countered any serious resistance on this day, the 29th. Continuing their march till about 2 o'clock, they arrived at Quaker Farm and were there met by the enemy. A fierce engagement ensued. During the action our forces were being repulsed, the 2d division retreating in great disorder, when Gen. Chamberlain, in command of the ist brigade, rode up to the Colonel of the 185th, saying : " For God's sake, Col. Sniper, can you save the day with your regiment ?" The Colonel replied : " General, HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 131 I can try." He immediately formed his regiment in line of battle. The balance of the brigade, con sisting of the 189th Pennsylvania, had shared in the retreat, leaving the 185th to stand the ground alone. They were ordered to charge the enemy. The charge was made with great spirit over an eminence, where they met the advancing columns of the rebels in pursuit of our retreating forces, and, making a desperate charge, hurled back the foe, but with great loss to our gallant regiment. The killed and wounded were 180 ; all the officers of some of the companies were either killed or disabled ; so that there were not line officers enough to command the regiment. This charge lasted scarcely more than half an hour, but it was one of the most desperate and im portant in its results of any during the war. The aim of the rebels seemed to be to shoot down our colors. William Tyler, of Company D, was Color- Bearer of the regiment. He was shot first. The colors were then seized by a private, who was im mediately shot. Private Benjamin Wilson, of Com pany D, then seized and bore aloft the fallen stand ard, but was instantly shot and wounded. Then Private Herman Rice, of Company B, sprang for ward and raised the colors, but the arm which lifted them was immediately pierced by a rebel ball, and they again fell. Col. Sniper being dismounted in the thick of the charge, seeing the colors drop, rushed forward and seized them, and whirling them above his head, shouted, "Men of the 185th, for ward !" A wild yell was sent up from the ranks, and rushing forward with their gallant leader, the day was won. After the engagement the general officers complimented Col. Sniper in person upon the gallantry and valor of his regiment in that ter rible charge, and said that they had saved the day. March 30th and 31st. While the Union forces were driving the rebels, several minor engagements occurred. Warren had pushed forward skirmishers on his left to seize the White Oak Road beyond the rebel right, and had ordered Ayers to advance Winthrop's brigade through the woods to support the effort. At half past 10 a. m., Lee dealt him an unexpected and staggering blow, striking Ayres heavily in flank and rear, hurling his division back on Crawford's, which likewise broke. For a moment there was a prospect of another Chancel lorsville. But behind these two stood Griffin's division, well posted in more open ground, whence it refused to be driven. It held its ground against the rebel advance till the routed divisions rallied and formed behind it, enabling Warren to assume the offensive. Humphreys sent in Miles' division on Warren's right to strike the enemy's left flank. Before these well-timed charges the enemy recoiled, taking refuge behind his intrenchments along the White Oak Road, and losing heavily in prisoners. Meantime Sheridan had advanced to Five Forks and had fought the rebels from there to Dinwiddie Court House and back— one of the most brilliant actions of the war. CHAPTER XXX. One Hundred and Eighty-Fifth Regiment Continued — Battle of Five Forks — Bom bardment of Petersburg — Lee's Telegram to Jeff. Davis — Evacuation of Richmond — Flight and Capture of the Rebel Army: — Return Home of the Regiment — List of Promotions. THE battle of Five Forks, one of the most memorable of the great campaigns which closed the rebellion, was begun on Saturday, April 1, at about .3 p. m., and continued without cessation of firing till Sunday morning at daylight. Nearly the entire force on both sides was engaged. The 5th corps was on the right and in the hottest part of the contest. The rebels were strongly intrenched and fought with desperation, knowing their fate depended on the battle. Adjutant Mudge, of Col. Sniper's staff, was severely wounded in the arm, which resulted in the permanent loss of its use, and several officers and privates were killed and wounded. During this battle 4,022 rebel prisoners were taken. Greeley, speaking of this battle, says : " The Con federates, facing their foes in each direction, stood bravely to their arms. * * * In a few minutes Ayers' division burst over their flank intrenchments taking 1,000 prisoners ; while Griffin struck their refused flank in the rear, capturing 1,500 more ; and Crawford, resisted only by skirmishers, pressed for ward rapidly to the Ford Road, running northward from their center, precluding the retreat towards Lee ; and then turning southward on that road, came rapidly down upon their rear, taking four guns — our cavalry all the time sharply assailing their front and right, and at length charging over their intrenchments, as Ayers and Griffin, having turned their left out of its works, bore down upon its re newed front, hurling all that remained of the enemy in disorderly flight westward, charged and pursued for miles by our cavalry, until long after dark, and until our prisoners exceeded 5,000 ; while our total loss this day (April 1,) was about 1,000. At this cost Lee's right wing had been sub stantially demolished. Among our killed was Brig. 132 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. Gen. Frederick Winthrop, Colonel of the 9th New York, and cousin of Major Theodore Winthrop, killed at Big Bethel." Griffin was now ordered with two divisions of infantry to Gravelly Church, some miles towards Petersburg, to reopen his com munication with the rest of the army, while Griffin's own division (now Bartlett's) supported McKinzie's cavalry, which had pushed northward up the Ford Road to Hatcher's Run. As darkness set in, our guns in position in front of Petersburg opened from right to left, making the night lurid with a bombardment that proclaimed the signal victory just achieved on our left, and predicted more decisive triumphs at hand. Parke and Ord assaulted the rebel works at daybreak on Sunday morning, April 2, carrying with the 9th corps the outer line, but being intercepted by an inner line behind them, which he could not force. Wright, on his left, with the 6th corps, supported by two divisions of Ord's, charging at dawn, drove every thing before him up to the Boydton Road, on which, wheeling to the left towards Hatcher's Run, he swept down the rear of the rebel intrenchments, capturing many guns and several thousand prison ers. Meantime Ord's other division had forced the enemy's lines at the Run, and now Wright and Ord swung to the right, pressing on Petersburg from the west, while Humphreys, to the left, with Hayes' and Mott's divisions of the 2d corps, having stormed a redoubt in his front, came up with two divisions, closing in on their left. Thereupon the rebel fines defending Petersburg on the south were assaulted by Gibbon's division of Ord's corps, which carried by storm two strong and important works — Forts Gregg and Alexander. This shortened our be sieging lines, and weakened the rebel defence of the city. Lee, seeing that Petersburg must soon fall, telegraphed to Jeff. Davis at Richmond at half-past 10 a. m., on Sunday, April 2 : " My lines are broken in three places. Richmond must be evacuated this evening." The message reached Davis at 1 1 a. m. in church, when he quietly read it and retired. It produced a profound dread and apprehension of the impending fate of the city. " Men, women and children rushed from the churches, passing from lip to lip the news of the impending fall of Richmond ; or, whispering with white lips, the foe, they come, they come." This was a terrible revelation to burst in upon the calm of that beautiful spring Sunday morning. Says Pollard : " It was difficult to believe it. To look up to the calm, beautiful sky of that spring day, unassailed by one single noiseof battle, to watch the streets, unvexed by artillery or troops, stretching away into the quiet, hazy atmosphere, and believe that the capital of the Confederacy, so peaceful, so apparently secure, was in a few hours to be the prey of the enemy, and to be wrapped in the infernal horrors of a conflagration ! " Richmond was evacuated that night. The rebels set fire to the city with their own hands. The flames were quenched before producing utter de struction by Union soldiers who first entered the city under Gen. Weitzel, Monday morning, April 3, 1865. Before noon of that day the news of Rich mond's fall had been flashed across the loyal States, and was soon confirmed by telegrams from President Lincoln, then at City Point, and from the Secretary of War at Washington. Petersburg was evacuated simultaneously with Richmond, and so noiselessly that our pickets, scarcely a stone's throw from the abandoned lines, knew not that the enemy were mov ing till morning showed that they were gone. The rebel government, with its belongings, had passed down the railroad several miles north of Petersburg to Danville, where it halted, and whither Lee hoped to follow with the rest of his army, and thence form a junction with Johnston in North Carolina. Here the last important battle before the surrender, oc curred, in which our army took 1,400 prisoners. On the 6th of April, Gen. Davies struck Lee's train, moving in advance of his infantry, at Paine's Cross Roads, and destroyed 180 wagons, capturing four guns and a large number of prisoners. Ord, on the same day, reaching out from Jetersville, struck the head of Lee's advancing columns at Farmville, as it was preparing to cross the Appo mattox. Here a sharp engagement took place. Brig.- Gen. Theodore Read was killed. The attack, however, arrested the march of the enemy. Lee crossed the Appomattox on the night of the 6th, and his rear guard had just crossed and set fire to the bridges at dawn on the morning ofthe 7th, when the second corps (Humphreys') which had now taken the lead, rushed up in time to save the bridge on the wagon road. Over this Barlow's division crossed, capturing 18 guns which had been aban doned by the rear guard of the rebels in their hasty retreat. The rebels halted and intrenched them selves four or five miles north of Farmville, where they were attacked by a portion of our forces, and again retreated on the night of the 7th to Appo mattox Station. Here they were overtaken on Sunday the 9th by our main force. Griffin and Ord, with the 5th, 24th, and one division of the 25th corps, by a forced march, reached Appomattox Sta tion about daylight in the morning. Greeley gives PIISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 133 the following account of the situation, when the two armies confronted each other for the last time as belligerents : "Sheridan was with his cavalry near the Court House, when the Army of Virginia made its last charge. By his order, his troopers, who were in line of battle, dismounted, giving ground gradually while showing a steady front, so as to allow our weary infantry time to form and take position. This effected, the horsemen moved swiftly to the right and mounted, revealing lines of solid infantry in battle array, before whose wall of gleaming bayonets the astonished enemy recoiled in blank despair, as Sheridan and his troopers, passing briskly round the rebel left, prepared to charge the confused, reeling mass. A white flag was now waved by the enemy before Gen. Custer, who held our cavalry advance, with the information that they had concluded to surrender. Riding over to Appo mattox Court House, Gen. Sheridan was met by Gen. Gordon, who requested a suspension of hostili ties, with the assurance that negotiations were then pending between Gens. Grant and Lee for a capitulation." The correspondence had begun between the two generals on the 7th of April, and the capit ulation was completed on the 9th. Lieutenant Hiram Clark of Company G, in the 185th regiment, was the last man killed in the war. He had com mand of the skirmish line at Appomattox before the surrender, and while the flag of truce was be ing borne in, was struck and completely disem boweled by a rebel shell. He was buried under a chestnut tree near Appomattox Court House. He was a noble officer and much beloved by his regiment. After the surrender, the 185th, with some other regiments, were detailed to take charge of the rebel prisons and to collect the rebel arms and munitions of war ; and were thus occupied for four or five days. The arms and ammunition were sent to Burksville. Among them were 52 brass cannon, very fine pieces, which had been dismantled and buried by the Confederates on the field at Appo mattox. The Union forces, except the 2d corps, were ordered towards Danville to assist Gen. Sherman, and were sent forward to Burksville. The 185th, after three days in camp, were ordered to Wilson's Station on the South-side Railroad, where they re mained in camp till the first of May, and were thence ordered to move to Manchester, across the James from Richmond. On the 5th of May they received marching orders for Alexandria, started on Satur day morning, the 6th, and that day crossed the Pa- munkey River on pontoons ; passing through Bow ling Green, they crossed the Rappahannock at Fred ericksburg, and arrived at Arlington Heights on the 13th, at 8 o'clock a. m., after a tedious all-night march. They remained in camp at Arlington Heights till the grand review in the City of Wash ington, on the 23d of May, 1865, when the Presi dent reviewed the entire army. Returning to camp after the review, they remained till they were mus tered out of the service on the 30th day of May, a. d., 1865. Leaving Arlington at 3 p. m., on the 31st, they met with a grand reception of citizens on their way home, at Geneva, N. Y., and arrived in Syracuse on the 3d day of June, where a committee of their fellow-citizens were in readiness to give them a welcome home. On the ioth of June, at Camp White, they were paid off and discharged by Major Littlefield, Paymaster. Official Record and List of Promotions of the 185TH Regiment. Edwin S. Jenney, Col, rank from Sept. 19, '64, discharged Feb. 3, '65 ; Gustavus Sniper, Lieut- Col., rank from Sept. 17, '64, promoted to Col. Feb. 14, '65, (Brevet Brig.-Gen., U. S. V.) mustered out with the regiment May 30, '65 ; Theodore M. Barber, ist Lieut., rank from Sept. 19/64, promoted to Capt., Jan. 3, '65, to Lieut.-Col. Mar. 30, '65, mustered out May 30, '65 ; John Leo, Major, rank from Sept. 19, '64, died of disease Dec. 3, '64; Robert P. Bush, Capt., rank from Sept. 24, '64, promoted to Major Dec. 3, '64, mustered out May 30, '65 ; Byron Mudge, Adj't, rank from Sept. 7, '64, mustered out May 30/65 ; William Gilbert, Q. M., rank from Sept. 2, '64, mustered out May 30, '65 ; Charles W. Crary, Surgeon, rank from Sept. 17, '64, mustered out May 30, '65, (Brevet Lieut.- Col., N. Y. V.) ; Gilbert I. Newcomb, Assistant- Surgeon, rank from Sept. 26, '64, mustered out May 30, '65 ; William M. Bradford, Asst.-Surgeon, rank from Sept. 26, '64, mustered out May 30, '65 ; Chester W. Hawley, Chaplain, rank from Oct. 10, '64, resigned April 29, '65 ; Stephen O. Howard, Capt., rank from Sept. 2/64, mustered out May 30, '65 (Brevet Major, U. S. V.) ; John W. Strow- bridge, Capt, rank from Sept. 7, '64, mustered out May 30, '65 ; Albert H. Barber, Capt., rank from Sept. 13, '64, mustered out May 30/65 ; John List- man, Capt., rank from Sept. 17, '64, mustered out May 30, '65 ; E. M. Bander, ist Lieut, rank from Sept. 2, '64, promoted to Capt. Feb. 3, '65, not mus tered, died April I5,'65;W. A. Rapp, ist Lieut, rank from Sept. 17, '64, promoted to Capt. May 11, '65, mustered out May 30, '65 ; Henry D. Carhart, Capt., rank from Sept. 19, '64, died before muster ; John T. Hostler, ist Lieut, rank from Sept. 19, '64' promoted to Capt. Dec. 24, '64, (Brevet Capt. U. S. V,) discharged June 2, '65, (Brevet Major U. S. V.) ; Daniel L. Lathrop, Capt., rank from Sept. 19, '64, mustered out May 30/65; David Chrysler, Capt., rank from Sept. 19, '64, mustered out May 30, '65 ; Jared T. Abbott, Capt., rank from Sept. 19, '64, mustered out May 30, '65 ; Abram Spore, Capt, 134 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. rank from Sept. 19, '64, mustered out May 30, '65 ; Daniel Minier, 2d Lieut., rank from Sept. 13, '64, promoted to ist Lieut. Feb. 3, '65, killed in action March 29, '65 ; Andrew J. Lyman, ist Lieut., rank from Sept. 7, '64, mustered out May 30, '65 ; Hiram Clark, ist Lieut., rank from Sept. 13, '64, killed in action April 9, '65 ; Henry H. Kelsey, ist Lieut., rank from April 27, '65, mustered out May 30, '65 ; Pembroke Pierce, 2d Lieut., rank from Sept. 17, '64, promoted to ist Lieut. May 11, '65, mustered out May 30, '65 ; Herbert C. Rorepaugh, ist Lieut., rank from Sept. 17, '64, mustered out May 10, '65 ; F. Augustus Schemerhorn, 2d Lieut., rank from Dec. 23, 64, promoted to ist Lieut. Jan. 23, '65, mustered out May 30, '65 ; Lewis Edgar, 2d Lieut., rank from Sept. 19, '64, promoted to ist Lieut, Dec. 24, '64, mustered out May 30, '65 ; Stephen S. Jordan, ist Lieut., rank from Sept. 19, '64, discharged Feb. 27, '65 ; Jerome C. Gates, 2d Lieut., rank from Dec. 4/64, promoted to ist Lieut. Mar. 30, '65, mustered out May 30, '65 ; H. Wadsworth Clarke, ist Lieut., rank from Sept. 19, '64, (Brevet Capt. N. Y. V.), mustered out May 30, '65 ; Cyrus A. Phillips, ist Lieut, rank from Sept. 19, '64, not mustered, commission revoked ; Thomas S. Wallace, ist Lieut., rank from Dec. 23, '64, not mustered, failed to report to regi ment; William A. Brooks, 2d Lieut., rank from Sept. 2, '64, discharged Mar. 20, '65 ; William H. Hamilton, 2d Lieut., rank from April 27, '65 mustered out May 30, '65 ; Harrison Givins, 2d Lieut, rank from Sept. 7/64, discharged Dec. 28, '64; A. A. Abbott, 2d Lieut, rank from April 27, '65, resigned May 22/65 5 Jonn I. Isaacs, 2d Lieut, rank from Feb. 3, '65, mustered out May 30, '65 ; John Herron, 2d Lieut., rank from Sept. 17, '64, mustered out May 30, '65 ; J. W. Mercer, 2d Lieut., rank from April 27, '65, mustered out May 30, '65 ; Warren L. Winslow, 2d Lieut., rank from May 19, '65, not mustered ; Charles G. Rector, 2d Lieut, rank from Sept. 19, '64, (Brevet Capt. U. S. V,) mustered out May 30, '65 ; Henry Q. Kings- ley, 2d Lieut., rank from Sept. 19, '64, died of disease Mar. 31/65 ; Norman W. Smith, 2d Lieut, rank from April 27, '65, mustered out May 30, '65 ; Stephen Hitchcock, 2d Lieut., rank from Sept. 19, '64, not mustered, commission revoked ; Daniel L. Baker, 2d Lieut, rank from Mar. 21, '65, mustered out May 30, '65 ; Jacob M. Doran, 2d Lieut., rank from Sept. 19, '64, discharged Mar. 20, '65 ; Hiram Wiard, 2d Lieut., rank from Mar. 20, '65, mustered out May 30, '65 ; B. H. Smith, 2d Lieut, rank from Mar. 20, '65, not mustered ; Frederick H. Bremen, 2d Lieut., rank from April 27, '65, not mustered. Private A. Everson, of this regiment, was awarded a medal of honor by the Secretary of War. ¦£?¦ **•* 1 I'^mnm - ', fe ¦-:-..! : CZ~ ;-. ,;- , , /¦- -.v: - f-rr---!/., ¦ i l^gtj 'mM^^im - feeai?!. 3=41 HISTORY OF THE CITY OF SYRACUSE INTRODUCTION. THE City of Syracuse is situated on the line of the New York Central Railroad, a very little over three hundred miles from the city of New York, and is the county seat of Onondaga county. From its central location both in the county and the State, it has also received the appropriate name of the Central City. Besides the Central Railroad, which cuts through its center, there are the Oswego and Syracuse division of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western, the Syracuse, Bingham ton and New York, the Syracuse Northern and the Syracuse and Chenango Valley railroads, lending their trade and commerce, together with the Erie and Oswego canals. The growth ofthe city has been remarka ble, considering the condition of things in this locality sixty years ago, when the site was a dismal and unhealthy swamp, and there were no roads nor other means of communication with the outside world. The few huts then planted in the wilder ness have given place to palatial residences, grand and imposing business structures, elegant churches and broad and spacious streets and avenues. On every hand may be seen a wealth of architectural beauty and a profusion and elegance of public and private grounds, parks, lawns, cultivated trees, shrubbery and flower gardens, which contrast strik ingly with the rude and straggling hamlet of even fifty years past. From a small village of about three hundred inhabitants, Syracuse has emerged into a city of nearly sixty thousand people. It is interesting to trace the history of such a city from its beginning, and to note its different steps of pro gress, till it has attained the eminent position it holds to-day among the centers of commercial wealth, civilization and social refinement, of our country. Original Site of the City. The original site of Syracuse was known as the " Walton Tract." It consisted of two hundred and fifty acres of the Salt Springs Reservation, sold by act of the Legislature in 1804, and purchased by Abraham Walton in June of that year, for the sum of six thousand five hundred and fifty dollars, or about twenty-six dollars and twenty cents an acre. The land was located and surveyed by James Ged des, under the direction of the Surveyor-General, Simeon DeWitt, and the proceeds applied to the improvement of a portion of the old Seneca Turn pike, running from lot No. 49 in Manlius to lot No. 38 in Onondaga. The boundaries of this tract ap pear from the old maps of Syracuse to have been laid out by Mr. Geddes in a very irregular form, owing to his attempt to avoid the swamp, which, however, he was unable to do. A considerable portion of the land lay under water most of the year. In the advertisement for the sale of the land it was announced that the tract contained a good mill site. But it was so low and swampy that certain parties at Salina and Onondaga Hollow ridiculed the idea. This aroused the Surveyor-General, and putting a spirit-level in his gig he drove all the way from Albany to Syracuse to personally inspect the premises and put the question of the water power at rest. Judge Geddes was employed to make the survey of the mill site, and it is a curious illustra tion of how small a circumstance will often change the whole current of a man's life, when it is re membered that this single use of the Surveyor- 136 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. General's spirit-level by Mr. Geddes was the incit ing cause which led him to become the surveyor and engineer of the Erie Canal. First Acting Treasurer of Syracuse. The Commissioners to receive and disburse the money arising from the sale of the Walton Tract were James Geddes, Moses Carpenter and John Young. Mr. Geddes was appointed Treasurer, but on account of his absence from home during the construction of the road, Mrs. Geddes acted in his place, paying out the money upon the orders of the contractors. Thus a woman, Mrs. James Geddes, mother of Hon. George Geddes of Fairmount, be came the acting treasurer in the first financial trans actions relating to Syracuse. First Tavern in Syracuse. Although the avails of the sale of the Walton Purchase were required by the act of 1804 to be appropriated to the improvement of a road, as above mentioned, there was a stipulation in the terms of sale making it obligatory upon the purchaser to cause to be erected within a certain specified time a suitable building for a tavern or house of enter tainment for the accommodation of travelers. Mr. Walton, accordingly, in 1804, upon laying out lots for a village, sold to Henry Bogardus for the con sideration of $300, half an acre of ground, binding him to erect within a reasonable time a suitable house for a tavern and to keep or cause one to be kept. The half acre included the site of the pres ent Empire Block, on which Mr. Bogardus erected his tavern in 1806. It was a wooden building, thirty-five by forty-five feet on the ground, and two stories high. Mr. Bogardus was succeeded by Mr. Burlingham in 1808, by Joseph Langdon in 18 10, by James Ingalls in 18 12, and by Sterling Cossit in 1815. First Cabins on the Site of Syracuse. Besides the trading house of Ephraim Webster, which had been established on the west bank of Onondaga Creek, a short distance south of its con fluence with the lake, at a place subsequently known as "Webster's Landing," in 1786, several persons had erected log cabins in the vicinity of where Mr. Bogardus built his hotel, before the origi nal tract had been purchased by Mr. Walton. The full names of these parties have been unfortunately lost, but some of them given by Mr. Clark are as follows : Mr. Hopkins in 1797, and Mr. Butler in 1799. The cabins of these pioneers were located a little west of the Oswego Canal bridge, near a spring north of the late General Granger's residence. In the Spring of 1800, Calvin Jackson became a resident, building a small log House a little south of where the Central Railroad crosses Genesee street. Here, on the 28th of December, 1800, was born Albion Jackson, supposed to have been the first white child born in Syracuse, outside of that part of it formerly known as Salina. Mr. Jackson was the father of John J. Jackson, late a resident ofthe town of Onondaga, and formerly Indian Agent at the Reservation. William Lee and Aaron Cole, the first blacksmiths, opened a shop in 1805. In the same year Amos Stanton, father of Rufus Stanton, located near the Salina Street bridge. Dr. Swan erected a small frame house in 1807. Jonathan Fay settled near the site of the Old Court House in 1808. Rufus Stanton kept a tavern near the Salina Street bridge in 1 811. The building is still standing, on the east side of the street just south of the bridge, and is occupied by Mr. David Quinlan as a private residence. This, or a house built by Mr. Walton in 1805 or in 1806, for some of his mill hands, a portion of which may still be seen near the railroad crossing south of West Genesee street, is probably the oldest building now remaining in Syracuse. Sale of the Walton Tract. A portion of the Walton Tract was sold to Michael Hogan and Charles Walton, who held it in common with the original proprietors for some time, and finally, after some unimportant changes, it was transferred to Forman, Wilson & Co., in 1 8 14, for about $9,000. From these proprietors it passed into the hands of David Kellogg and William Sabin, in 18 18, who sold it, in 1823, to Henry Eckford, the celebrated ship-builder of New York. In May, 1824, the tract was transferred to the Syracuse Company for the consideration of $30,000. The company consisted of Messrs. Wil liam James, Isaiah and John Townsend, and James McBride. The tract was deeded in trust to Messrs. Moses Burnet and Gideon Hawley, and from that time village lots were extensively sold. First Pork Packing Establishment. At the time Forman, Wilson & Co., purchased the Walton Tract, they erected a large slaughter house in a fine grove in the rear of what was after wards General Granger's lot, north of Church street. Here they packed beef and pork on a large scale, continuing the business till 1817. During the war of 18 12-14, they had a heavy contract for supplying the army with these articles. Second Survey of Syracuse. In the spring of 18 19, Owen Forman, a younger brother of Judge Joshua Forman, and John Wilkin- HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 137 son, Esq., father of J. Forman and Alfred Wilkin son, bankers of this city, then a young lawyer, came down from Onondaga Hollow, under the direction of Judge Forman, to lay out the Walton Tract into village lots. The old survey of Mr. Walton was entirely disregarded, except so far as the original boundary lines of the tract were con cerned. But so undefined were the ancient land marks that it was with extreme difficulty that they ascertained with any degree of certainty the old starting point. Although they had an excellent description of the tract, made by Judge Geddes at the time of the original survey, yet it is thought that, but for a certain " plum-tree " therein men tioned, the lines as originally run could not have been traced. They began their survey in the month of June, and after a fortnight of hard labor the village was again laid out, so far as related to the Walton Tract. That portion not included in the village was laid out into " farm lots " of from five to ten acres each. Early Names of the Village. In the infancy of the Salt City it seemed difficult to find a name for it that proved satisfactory. At the first laying out of the village it was called " South Salina." The tavern built by Mr. Bogar dus was called the " South Salina Hotel." The name South Salina, however, not being received with general approval, was after a time changed to " Milan," which name it bore till an attempt to ob tain a post-office revealed that there was one already of that name in the State, and the name was changed to " Corinth" by Judge Forman. Subse quently for several years, the place went by the name of " Cossit' s Corners" from Sterling Cossit, who succeeded Mr. Ingals in the hotel. In 1820, the village was named " Syracuse," by John Wil kinson, Esq., the first Postmaster. The Original Clearing. When the second survey was made by Forman and Wilkinson in 18 19, there was but a small clear ing in the village. It extended from the canal near Clinton street, south to Fayette street and east to Warren street. On the north side of the canal the clearing extended as far back as Church street and east to Warren street, the rest of the dry ground being a pine grove interspersed with oak bushes. It may not be amiss to remark in this place, that the valley in which Syracuse is now situated was originally covered with heavy timber and thick un derbrush, the prevailing kinds being hemlock, birch and soft maple in the western part, and in the east ern portion, cedar and pine. 18* In 1808, Mr. Young and others cut down a large hemlock tree over four ft. in diameter, for the purpose of hewing it into timber. After cutting into the tree a foot and a half, they found nearly one hundred bullets which had been deposited in a box cut in the tree, and covered with one hundred and fifty-two concentric circles; which had grown over them in as many years since the balls had been placed there by the hand of some one familiar with the use of fire-arms. Subtracting 152 from 1808, leaves 1656, a date at which the French had established colonies and missions in this valley. Handsome Harry — Reminiscence of an Indian Feud. On the west bank of Onondaga Creek, in the vicinity of the old Webster trading house, was col lected at an early time quite a large Indian village. Onondagas gathered here for convenience of trade, and were here met by the Cayugas. The bones which have been disinterred in this locality show that feuds broke out between portions of these tribes, and that in the conflicts which ensued many of the Indians were slain. An incident connected with one of these feuds has been preserved by tra dition, and is worthy of record. " In 1795, a feud broke out between a clan ofthe Onondagas and another of the Cayugas, which raged fiercely. At intervals several parties on both sides were killed. The last victim of this deadly strife was an Onondaga called Handsome Harry. He had been followed by a party of Cayugas from Tuscarora and back, and was overtaken at the sand bank, afterward the property of Mr. Henry Young, situated not far from the Syracuse Pump House. When he found his pursuers hard upon him, he made no effort to escape, but quietly kneeling down, bared his bosom and was instantly shot dead with an arrow. Handsome Harry was reputed the hand somest man in his nation. He was buried on the spot where he fell, and two favorite sisters for a long time daily visited his grave and mourned his death with the deepest sorrow."* Syracuse in 1819. When Judge Forman removed to Syracuse in 1819, he occupied a house a little west of the Town- send Block. At this time there were only two frame houses in the village, beside the hotel. Log houses and plank and slab cabins were scattered over the dry portion of the ground, most of the latter having been tenanted by laborers on the canal. The pasture of Judge Forman ran back some fifty rods and east to Salina street, most of it being a pine grove. Another lot of twenty acres commenced where the Syracuse House now stands, and was accessible by a set of bars opening into the * Clark's Onondaga. ,13-8 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA. COUNTY, NEW YORK lot where the front door of the hotel now opens on Salina street. This lot was used as a pasture till 1820. So dense was the forest about Syracuse in 18.19, that two young ladies, the present Mrs. E. W. Leavenworth and Mrs. M. D. Burnet, in taking a morning stroll over Prospect Hill, became bewild ered among the thick brushwood and lost their way. They rambled about till the day was far spent, and strength and courage almost exhausted, with noth ing before them but the dreary prospect of being obliged to pass the night in the wilderness. At length, late in the afternoon, they found themselves in the vicinity of the Lodi Locks, where they recognized familiar ground and were able to make their way home in safety. The Site of Syracuse Rendered Healthy. We have spoken of the unhealthfulness of Syra cuse in the early stage of its history. It was so very sickly during a considerable portion of the year that probably it never could have been per manently settled had not the foresight and sagacity of Judge Forman prompted him to take measures to secure the draining of the swamp and marshes. An instance illustrative of the sickness of the place is related of a Mr. Merrill who built a small frame house in the vicinity of Mr. Bogardus' hotel about the year the latter building was erected, but there was so much sickness in the neighborhood that he became discouraged and pulling down his house moved it away. During the building of the Erie Canal, from 1817 to 1820, the prevail ing fever was very fatal. Dr. Basset, was the physician and did a vast amount of medical busi ness among the sufferers on the works, nearly all of whom were sick with malarial diseases peculiar to the locality. The site of the village at that time has been described as a " dreary waste of swamp, approached only by means of ' corduroy ' and ' gridiron ' roads. All along where is now lo cated the beautiful Fayette Park, was then " a famous shooting ground for partridges and rabbits, and in the lower places were plenty of mud turtles and swamp rattlesnakes. In the spring the water did not usually subside sufficiently to allow people to pass with any degree of comfort till May or June, and those going from Onondaga to Salina were obliged to pass round on the high grounds east of Syracuse, over by-roads which were cut in every direction through the Reservation for the purpose of collecting wood in winter for the salt works. A person passing, over the present im proved; streets -and solid highways leading in and out - of- the flourishing city which has taken the place of the dreary swamp of those days, can form no just conception of the impassable condition in which the roads then, were in the spring and falh In fact the only time, when they were endurable was in the winter when they were perfectly frozen and covered with a good body of snow."* Such was the state of things amidst which'Judge Forman and his associates laid the foundations of Syracuse. It was no easy task to build a city in a swamp such as Syracuse then was. Indeed, it was no less a herculean undertaking than the building of Chicago in a sunken mud prairie on the shore of Lake Michigan. Both, however, have been suc cessfully accomplished, and furnish an illustration of what human energy and enterprise can accomplish in the face of obstacles apparently insurmountable. To the foreseeing mind of Judge Forman it was clear that something must be done to improve the health of the place, or his plans would fail. Ac cordingly, in the winter of 182 1-2, he procured the passage of a law, in connection with an act author izing the lowering of Onondaga Outlet, by which the Commissioners of the Land Office were to draw a map of the swamp and marsh about the villages of Salina and Syracuse, on which was to be desig nated the route of several ditches and drains through the swamp and marsh lands, with an accompanying estimate of the sum necessary to be raised to effect that object. The Judges of the County Courts were authorized to appoint three discreet free-hold ers of the County, who should assess the amount of money necessary to be raised on the owners of the lands contiguous to the drains, in proportion as they were supposed to be benefited by the same. In case of the non-payment of any assessment, the lands after being advertised four weeks, could be sold for payment, and if not redeemed within six months, with ten per cent interest and cost, the sale was made absolute and unchangeable. The law allowed the citizens to construct their own ditches on their own lands, according to rules prescribed by the Commissioners and the plan laid down on the map. In case they would not, the Commissioners were authorized to build them and charge the own ers with the cost of construction and collection. This law was considered at the time highly arbitrary, but it was the only feasible method by which the lands could be drained and the locality rendered healthy. The great advantages resulting from the improvement, soon reconciled all parties to the means employed. This has since been regarded by thousands who have enjoyed its benefits as the wisest and most beneficent measure ever adopted in * Clark's Onondaga. HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 139 connection with Syracuse. The effect is thus de scribed by Mr. Clark: "In the summer of 1822, the lands were brought under subjection by drain ing, the place assumed an air of healthfulness, disease and sickness kept at a distance, a marked difference was manifest at once, confidence was placed in the future, and the past was quickly for gotten. Since the draining of these lands they have been as healthy as any in the country." Judge Forman has justly been esteemed the founder of the village of Syracuse. After an ab sence of five years, he returned on a visit to the city in 183 1, and was everywhere received with de monstrations of joy and respect. Every voice cheered him as the founder of a city and the bene factor of mankind. The citizens of Syracuse through their committee, consisting of Stephen Smith, Harvey Baldwin, Amos P. Granger, L. H. Redfleld, Henry Newton, John Wilkinson and Moses D. Burnet, availed themselves of the oppor tunity to present to him a tribute of the high respect and esteem entertained for his talents and character, and in consideration of his devotion to their interests in the early settlement of the village. The plate, an elegant silver pitcher, bore the inscription : " A Tribute of Respect, Presented by the Citizens of Syracuse to the Honorable Joshua Forman, Founder of that Village." On the opposite side was a device representing the friendship of the city, of two hands united in fraternal grasp ; above this the word "Syracuse," and below, the date "1831." Early Merchants. Sidney Dole and Milan C. Taylor, the owners and occupants of the mill, in 18 14, opened the first store of general merchandise. Their store was next west of that afterwards kept by William Malcolm. The firm of Northrup & Dexter, who had a con tract on the Erie Canal in 1817, were the success ors of Messrs. Dole & Taylor, and continued in business till 1821. In that year General Amos P. Granger came down from Onondaga Hill and established himself as a dry goods merchant on the site of the present Syracuse Savings Bank Build ing. At this time there was no other store in Syra cuse, except two or three small groceries. From this time for two or three years merchants multi plied rapidly. Mr. Henry Newton opened a store in 1822 ; Archy Kasson, hardware, 1822 ; Kasson & Hermans, dry goods, groceries and hardware, 1823 ; G. M. Towle, commission and forwarding, April, 1823; George Davis & Co., general mer chandise, July, 1823 ; Henry W. Durnford, gro ceries, drugs and medicines, 1823 ; John Rogers & Co., (from New York,) November, 1823 ; William Malcolm, 1823 ; Haskell & Walbridge, saddlers and furnishers for the trade, 1824; J. Vanderheyden, Mead & Davis, A. N. VanPatten, and H. & W. Dowd, 1824 ; Hiram Judson, watchmaker and jeweler, 1824; H. Hyde & Co., forwarding mer chants, 1824. These are the principal pioneer merchants who established business in the village of Syracuse prior to the completion of the Erie Canal. Since this important era merchants have become so numerous that it would be impossible to follow them in detail. The Empire Block. The hotel built by Bogardus was for many years called the "Mansion House." In 1845, the old patched up establishment, with its outbuildings, was torn away to make room for the present Empire Block. This block was finished in 1847, by John H. Tomlinson and Stephen W. Caldwell, of Syra cuse and John Thomas, of Albany. On its comple tion Mr. Tomlinson became sole owner. Mr. Tom linson was killed by a railroad accident at Little Falls in 1848. The block was then sold at auction, and after several changes became the property of Colonel James L. Voorhees, in 1850. The Syracuse House. The lot on which the Syracuse House stands was purchased by Messrs. Buell & Safford, who began the erection of the " Syracuse Hotel" about 1820. While the building was in progress Mr. Safford was killed by a fall from a scaffold. The property then passed into the hands of Mr. Eckford, who com pleted the hotel in 1822. It was three stories high, and the first brick building of any considerable dimensions erected in the village. For several years it was kept by Mr. James Mann. After the Syra cuse Company came into possession of the premises, the house was rebuilt, and has since been enlarged and improved to its present ample dimensions and style. At the time of the rebuilding it was named the " Syracuse House" after which it was kept by Mr. George Rust, then by Daniel Comstock and H. T. Gibson, then for a long time by P. N. Rust, Esq., who was succeeded by Gilbert & Knickerbocker in 1848. Townsend Block was erected in 1842 ; Market (now City) Hall in 1845 ; Granger Block in 1844, burned in 1849, rebuilt in 1866 ; Globe Building in i846-'47; Malcolm Block, in 1847 ; Bastable Block in 1849, rebuilt m 1 863-' 64; Corinthian Block in 1853. Wieting Block and Hall were erected and finished in i849-'50. On the 5th of January, 1856, one of 140 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. the coldest days during the winter, this block .was burned to the ground. Dr. Wieting at once took measures for its reerection, and soon completed a larger and more elegant block. The new hall was dedicated on the 9th of December, 1856, eleven months after the destruction of the former build ing. First Postoffice The first Postoffice in the village was established in February, 1820; John Wilkinson, Esq., Post master. It is said that Mr. Wilkinson used to carry the mail in his hat and deliver it to parties whom he met about the village. For some time the office was kept in General Granger's store, when, for greater convenience, it was deemed advisable to move it to John Durnford's printing office. Mr. Durnford at first objected on account of lack of room, but when he found that Mr. Wilkinson had brought the whole contents of the office, mail matter, boxes, letter boxes, &c, on his shoulder, without the ne cessity of returning for another load, he waived his objection, and the postoffice was fairly installed in the office of the first newspaper in Syracuse. Sale of State Lands. In 1822 a considerable portion of the Onondaga Salt Springs Reservation was sold under the direc tion of the Surveyor-General. It was parceled out into small lots and sold to individuals. Several of these lots were taken by Messrs. Kellogg & Sabin, and eventually passed into the hands of the Syra cuse Company. A large portion of the present site of the city, now covered with costly buildings, was included in these sales, the land being pur chased for mere nominal prices. Such were the lots on James street on which now stand stately mansions — probably the finest residence avenue in the city — together with a large tract including the old cemetery. These brought at the sale from eighteen to thirty dollars an acre. The lands east of Fayette Park sold for six dollars an acre. General Granger took several lots in the swamp near Lodi, between the canal and turnpike, at ten dollars and fifty cents an acre. Citizens agreed not to bid against him on condition that he would clear the land immediately. This was done at great expense the same season and put into a crop of wheat. Most of this ground is now covered with fine buildings. In 1828 there was another sale of State lands, embracing the lots in the vicinity of the old Court House, and on other portions of the Reservation. First Packet-Boat at Syracuse, The first packet-boat on the canal was named the " Montezuma." It arrived at Syracuse on the 2 ist of April, 1820. This boat was built and fitted up by a company of gentlemen at Montezuma from a model furnished by Col. Comfort Tyler. It was seventy-six feet long and fourteen feet wide. Its arrival created great excitement. Hundreds of anxious spectators lined the banks of the canal to witness the wonder, and this practical illustration of the benefits of the canal was not without its in fluence. It hushed the hostility of opponents of the enterprise and strengthened the more timid ; visionary theories yielded to simple fact, and wild speculation to tests of experiment. The canal was now navigable from Montezuma to Utica, ninety- four miles, and at once business received a new and vigorous impulse. Independence Day — 1820. " The 4th of July, 1820,* was a glorious day for Syracuse. The canal was in practical operation, the prospects of the future city began to brighten ; a most brilliant day dawned upon a land heretofore a swamp and bog. It was hailed as a day of joy, festivity and rejoicing. Invitations had been ex tended to the friends of the canal throughout the State, particularly in the Western District. Thousands of guests from the surrounding counties came to witness the novelty of canal navigation, and to celebrate the day. Some of the most dis tinguished men in the State were present, among whom were Governor Clinton and suite, General VanCortland, Myron Holley, Thomas J. Oakley and John C. Spencer. Judge VanNess adjourned the Circuit Court then in session at the Court House, and the Court and Bar attended in a body. Thaddeus M. Wood, Esq., presided on the occasion. The declaration was read by N. P. Randall, Esq., and the oration delivered by Samuel Miles Hopkins, Esq., to more than two thousand people. The numerous procession was formed in front of Mr. Cossit's tavern, escorted by the Salina band. They proceeded to the pine grove directly in the rear of the Townsend Block. The platform upon which were seated the orator, the reader and distinguished guests, was under a large spreading pine, which has long ago bowed its towering head to make way for the rapid and substantial improvements which have since been made. This was the first celebration of our national independence at Syracuse, and those who were present number it among her proudest days." James Street in 1824. In 1824 James street was only an Indian trail *2 Clark's Onondaga, p. 98. '/h-l^y^l^— Gen. Amos P. Granger was born in Suffield, Hartford Co., Conn., 1789. He removed to Manlius, Onondaga County, in 1811, nnd entered upon mercantile pursuits at that place. About 1820 he removed to the village of Syracuse, and became one of the first residents, and one of the most active promoters of the busi ness interests of the place. For a number of years subsequent to his removal to Syracuse he was a merchant, his store standing on the ground occupied by the Syracuse Savings Bank. He early invested largely in real estate, the rise in the value of which made him one of its wealthiest citizens. The first election of officers of the village of Syracuse occurred on March 3, 1825, and Joshua Forman was chosen president, with Amos P. Granger, Moses D. Burnet, Herman Waldridge, and John Kogers as trustees. In the War of 1812, General Granger raised a company of militia, and proceeded to Sacket's Harbor. He continued in the militia service after the war, rising through successive gradations to the rank of general, which was his distinguishing title through life. He was often honored with positions of trust by the citizens of Syracuse. One very marked in stance of this was his selection to deliver the reception address on the memorable occasion of Gen. Lafayette's visit to Syracuse, in 1825. General Granger was always an active, energetic, and enthusi astic politician. He was a member of the Whig party, and was among the very first in the country to protest against the aggressions of the slave power, and to divine that a new organization of ex isting parties must take place before they could be successfully resisted. Elected a delegate from Onondaga County to the anti-Nebraska convention held at Auburn, in October, 1853, of his own volition he offered the following resolution : Resolved, That the Baltimore platforms adopted by the Democratic and Whig national conventions, without authority, and in direct violation of the sentiments of a vast majority of this State, we, Whigs and Democrats, hereby repudiate for the past, the present, and the future. This and three other resolutions offered by General Granger were unanimously adopted by the convention, and formed the basis on which was afterwards erected the Republican party of this State, if not of the nation To General Granger, as much as to any other one man, the Republican organization owes its existence. Shortly after his return from Auburn he was elected by the liberal Whigs of this district to the Thirty-fourth Congress. He was an active and useful member. His voice and vote was always on the right side. He was an effective speaker. If lack of early education had deprived his phrases of scholastic finish, it could not divest them of a sharp incisive power, which is oftentimes more effective than polished oratory. One incident characteristic of his courage and self-reliance to meet opposition in other ways than by reason and force of words is related. A Virginia bully, a congressman, attacked him in a public convey ance in Washington. The attack was made by a young and vigorous man upon one much advanced in years ; but his years did not diminish the ardor of the general, who, strong in his principles of freedom, offered to "waive his age," and try physical results with a scion of Virginia chivalry. Since 1858, General Granger occupied no official position, but was strong in his advocacy of true political ideas. Through the war he was an enthusiastic and outspoken advocate of the Union cause. During the campaign of 1864, though suffering from paralysis, he attended the Union meetings, that he might show by his presence the feelings of his heart. General Granger was for half a century a consistent member of the Protestant Episcopal church. There was no layman so well read as he in the history of that church. Upon coming to Syracuse he was, in 1826, one of the first to organize a parish there, and attempt the erection of a small wooden church, he being at the time of its completion, as he often related, " the only solvent man in the congregation, and himself with only a dollar or two in advance." General Granger was among the first vestrymen, and was warden of the same for over thirty-five years. In the year 1813 he married Miss Charlotte, daughter of Benja min Hickcox and Huldah Holmes, of Bast Haddam, Conn. She was born in Hampshire Co., Mass., in the year 1790, and has survived her husband some eleven years, being now in her eighty-eighth year, possessing at that age an active mind and great energy of body. She united with the Episcopal church as early as 1825, and has been a consistent member of the same for some fifty-three years. General Granger died Aug. 20, 1866. Photo, by Bunta & Curtiss, Syracuse. The subject of this sketch was born in the town of Shafts- bury, Vt., June 1, 1784. He was second son, in a family of five sons and three daughters, of Parley Howlett and Barsheba Parker, the former a native of Vermont, and the latter a native of Connecticut. The family of Howlett is descended from Parley Howlett, one of three brothers (the other two named William and John) who emigrated from England in the ship " Mayflower," and landed at Plymouth Rock, 1620. His father came to Onondaga County with his family, and settled in the town of Onondaga, in the year 1797, on one of the hills of that town now bearing his name, purchased land, and was one of the pioneers of this county, and died in 1803. Parley spent his minority clearing land and farming, receiving a very limited education from books ; but in early life he be came so inured to self-reliance and habits of industry as to make his subsequent years a worthy record in the history of Onon daga County. At the age of twenty-three years he purchased one hundred acres of land, and began clearing the same. To this purchase, in 1814, he added some two hundred acres more, very nearly the whole of which he caused to be cleared, and, after the salt in terest began, he caused the timber to be cut into wood, hauled the wood to Geddes, and used it in the manufacture of salt. He early engaged in the salt business : first using eight kettle-blocks, afterwards using sixteen, and subsequently thirty-two kettle- blocks. He was the first man who shipped salt west, boating it down the Oswego river, thence by the lake, drawing it with teams around the falls ; found a market first at Silver Creek, afterwards Erie, Pa., and Ashtabula, Ohio, and subsequently at Cleveland ; exchanging his salt for horses and cattle, he drove them back to this county. After two years he killed his cattle and packed the meat for the eastern market. After the canal was finished he packed his meat in Syracuse, his packing-house being located opposite the present way-locks in the city. He shipped the first beef and pork in barrels, by the Erie canal, that was sent east from Onondaga County. The history of Mr. Howlett's operations west goes back so far in the early settlement of the country he passed through with his stock in returning home, that he related passing through twenty-five miles of woodland, by marked trees, from one clearing to another. His whole life was spent in active business until within a few years of his death. He lived and died on the farm he had purchased in 1807. He was liberal in his views of edu cational interests, and gave largely for the support of the same. In politics he was identified with the Anti-Masonic party, with the Whig party, and upon the formation of the Republican party became a warm supporter of its principles ; and so opposed was he to the principles of slavery that, upon the breaking out of the Rebellion in 1860, that question seemed to occupy his whole attention, and he desired that the war should never be ended until that institution was abolished, but he only lived until May 18, 1861, just at the beginning of the war. In the year 1805, July 21, he married Miss Phebe Robbins, a native of Connecticut, but of this county at the time of the marriage. To them were born eleven children : Solomon R., Horatio G., Myron P., Latitia E., Jane M., Parley L., Alfred A., Celestia S., Daniel, Francis C , and Jerome Howlett, six of whom are now living ; and Alfred A. desires by this sketch and portrait above to place upon the pages of history a few facts re lating to one of Onondaga's pioneer active business men. Parley Howlett was no ordinary person. Hewasaman of quick apprehension and strong convictions, frank and fearless in their expression, and energetic in carrying them out. He possessed strong common sense in great abundance, uncommon sagacity in business. Was sanguine in his temperament, and hopeful ; ready to meet and strong to overcome the difficulties in the way of self-made men, and admirably fitted by the possession of these qualities to fight the battles of a pioneer life. He was a good neighbor and a warm friend. He commanded the respect of his fellow-citizens, and was three times a candidate of the old Whig party for the office of high sheriff of the county ; he failed not for the want of personal popularity, but only because the Dem ocratic party in those early days was largely in the ascendency. PIISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 141 leading over the hills to what was then Foote Settle ment, now the first gate on the plank road. The eye of the lonely wayfarer on that trail was not gladdened by the sight of the lordly and palatial residences which now give so grand and aristocratic an appearance to this fine avenue. The only object on this trail was the dwelling house of Major Burnet erected that year by Rodney Sargents, of Auburn ; this house stood on a slight eminence occupied by the late residence of Major Burnet. It fronted towards the south and had a sort of tem porary road leading directly to the tow-path on the Erie Canal. The house then stood far out of town and the only avenue of approach for teams was by the tow-path and the private road. Persons on foot could reach it by taking the trail and beat ing across through the underbrush. Progress of the Village. The village of Syracuse was a mere hamlet of a few hundred inhabitants till the completion of the Erie canal. This work was a new era in the pro gress of the village, from which its rapid growth may be dated. The village was incorporated by act of the Legislature April 13, 1825, the same year of the completion of the canal, with the usual powers granted to like incorporations. The charter was amended in 1829, and again in 1834, increas ing the power of village officers, regulating water works, fire department, &c. In 1835, the bounds of the original village were considerably enlarged. In 1839 and in 1841, there were further amend ments of the charter, so as to enable the trustees to hold real estate for the purposes of a village ceme tery, which was subsequently laid out and beauti fied. The charter was also further amended in 1842 and in 1845, for the improvement of water works, to empower the trustees to borrow money on the credit of the corporation, to purchase a lot for a market and other public buildings, and for other purposes. Municipal Officers — Village Government. At the first election for village officers under the charter, held at the school house in Syracuse May 3, 1825, Joshua Forman, Amos P. Granger, Moses D. Burnet, .Heman Walbridge, and John Rogers, were elected Trustees ; Joshua Forman was chosen President; James Webb, Alfred Northam, and Thomas Spencer, Assessors; John Wilkinson, Clerk ; John Durnford, Treasurer ; Daniel Gilbert, Justice of the Peace, presiding. The Trustees proceeded at once to lay out road districts, to organize a fire department, to purchase engines and apparatus, and other things for the welfare of the village. Our space will not allow us to follow the list of officers further. They will be found in the records of the village and city. Early Lawyers. John Wilkinson, Esq., was the first lawyer in Sy racuse. He came to the place in 18 19, and a few years after built an office on the corner now occu pied by the Globe Hotel. The office was twelve by fourteen feet, and Mr. Wilkinson was heartily ridiculed for putting his office out in the field, as it was then, although the location is now in the heart of the city. Mr. Wilkinson was long identified with the growth and progress of the village, holding many offices with honor and distinction. When railroads were first put in successful operation, he closely investi gated their workings and principles and entered largely into railroad affairs. He was for several years President of the Syracuse and Utica Railroad, and by his influence succeeded in having the work shops of that road located at Syracuse. He was afterwards President of the Michigan Southern Railroad, and under his skillful management that road became one of the best in the Union. In 1824 he built a residence a little south of his office where he resided till he built his fine residence on James street. The next attorney after Mr. Wilkinson, was Al fred Northam, Esq., in 1824. Then came Harvey Baldwin and Schuyler Strong, Esqs., in 1826, and were soon followed by Messrs. Wheaton and Davis, Hon. E. W. Leavenworth, Plon. B. Davis Noxon, Hon. James R. Lawrence, and others who came with the removal of the Court House from Onon daga Hill, Hon. George F. Comstock was a law. student here with Messrs. Noxon and Leavenworth and began his legal practice among the early mem bers of the Syracuse Bar. Hon. E. W. Leaven worth came in 1827. Hon, Joshua Forman was also a lawyer, contemporary with Mr. Wilkinson, but his office at that early period was with his partner, Mr. Sabin, at Onondaga Hollow. He was made Judge of the Court of Common Pleas in 1813.* Other early lawyers of Syracuse and the County were Grove Lawrence, John H. Hulburt, Daniel Gott, D. D. Hillis, George H. Middleton; Henry J. Sedgwick, William J. Hough, John Ruger, John G. Forbes, and J. W. Nye. Of the above list all are deceased except Hon. E. W. Leavenworth and Judge George F. Comstock. The following have also been members of this Bar, and have died within the past 24 years : Fin- * See Biography of Judge Forman. 142 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. lay M. King, Thomas T. Davis, Z. C. Foot, N. B. Smith, James Barrett, H. S. Fuller, William J. Dodge, Col. A. W. Dwight, Barnard Slocum, Rich ard Raynor, Col. C. M. Randall, Frank Wooster, S. L. Edwards, Jr.,D. J. Mitchell, John A. Clark, Henry Horton, Cyrus R. James, D. Redfield, John J. Miles, John Malloy, Charles C. Bates, V. M. Gardner, A. Coats, P. Outwater, Jr., Q. A. John son, E. A. Brown, John Huning, G. D. Z. Griswold, E. A. Clapp, John H. Brand, H. H. Hitchcock, John Callamer, John L. Newcomb, Thomas A. Smith, J. R. Lawrence, Jr., J. W. Loomis, Fred H. Gray, A. C. Griswold, D. G. Montgomery, Leonard H. Lewis, S. Rexford, J. J. Briggs, O. J. Ruger, C. M. Brosnan, E. Butler, R. S. Corning, A. J. Henderson, Z. L. Beebe, J. F. Sabine, George Murphy, Robert F. Trowbridge, Andrew J. Lynch, H. E. Northrup, Clinton M. Smith, Nelson M. Baker, L. Harris Hiscock. The following attorneys have been in practice in Syracuse 24 or more years : R. H. Gardner, James S. Leach, Le Roy Morgan, Daniel Pratt, Hamilton Burdick, C. B. Sedgwick, Thomas G. Alvord, Israel S. Spencer, E. W. Leavenworth, B. Davis Noxon, George F. Comstock, Daniel F. Gott, William C. Ruger, M. C. Merriman, G. W. Gray, J. L. Bagg, H. C. Leavenworth, H. Riegel, N. F. Graves, S. N. Holmes, D. Coats. The Powder Explosion. On the evening of Friday, August 20, 1841, oc curred an event ever memorable to the people of Syracuse — the Powder Explosion, which killed 26 citizens, and wounded 10 dangerously, and 43 others severely. It was caused by a fire originating in a joiner's shop on the tow-path side of the Oswego Canal, where twenty-five kegs of powder had been stored, and which exploded with terrific effect and with the sad consequences described. A gloom was cast over the whole village, and sadness filled every house and heart, at the terrible calamity. "The effect of the explosion was felt for more than twenty miles around. A man upon the deck of a packet boat at Fulton, 26 miles distant, heard the report. At DeWitt and Jamesville, five miles off, persons were startled from their sleep, supposing their chimneys had fallen down. At Manlius, ten miles distant, the earth trembled, and crockery upon a merchants shelves rattled for the space of several seconds, like the effect of a clap of thunder. At Camillus, it was compared to the crash of falling timber. At Onondaga, it was s'upposed to be an earthquake. Although the concussion was tremen dous at Syracuse, the report was not so loud as might have been supposed. Glass in the windows a hundred rods distant was broken. Papers in the County Clerk's office were thrown from their places upon the floor, and several buildings were more or less injured. "The instant the explosion took place, the air was filled with fragments of the building, bits of lumber, &c, which lighted up the heavens with the brightness of day ; but in a twinkling it was total darkness ; the explosion had extinguished every particle of fire. The scene at the moment was horrible beyond description: men, women and chil dren screaming in horror ; none knew the extent of the calamity, and all were anxious to learn the fate of their friends. Quickly some three thousand persons were gathered, anxiously looking for those whom they most regarded. Very soon lamps were brought ; the wounded were carried off, filling the air with sighs and groans ; the dead were sought and found, many of them so disfigured that they could be recognized only by their clothes or the contents of their pockets. For a long time small groups of persons could be seen with lights in all directions, carrying either the dead or tbe wounded to their homes. The next day the village was shrouded in mourning ; the stores were all closed and business suspended. On Sunday the unfor tunate victims were consigned to the tomb amidst the sympathies and tears of an afflicted com munity." Incorporation of Syracuse as a City. The rapid growth of the village in population and importance induced the discussion of its incorpora tion as a city in 1846. Meetings were held during that and part of the following year without arriving at any definite conclusion, till the winter of 1847, when the question was brought before the Legisla ture. Considerable difference of opinion existed among the inhabitants as to the extent of territory the city should include. Some were for having it embrace the entire Salt Springs Reservation ; others only the village of Syracuse. At several spirited meetings the subject was warmly discussed, and re sulted in the plan of uniting the villages of Syra cuse and Salina, under one city charter with the name of the latter. The act of incorporation was passed December 14, 1847, (Chap. 475, Session Laws,) and defined the limits of the city as fol lows : " The district of country constituting a part of the town of Salina, and including the villages of Syracuse and Salina, in the county of Onondaga, within the following bounds, that is to say : " Beginning on the northeasterly corner of Man lius L. , running thence to the northeasterly corner of the village of Salina, thence along the northerly line of said village of Salina, to the northwesterly corner of the same, thence south westerly to the Onondaga Lake, thence along the southeasterly shore of said lake to the center of Onondaga Creek, thence southerly along the center of said creek to the line of the village of Syracuse, thence westerly and southerly along such line to yc*/?-^ -&£. The subject of this sketch was born in the town of Onon daga, Onondaga Co., July 6, 1808. He was the second child in a family of three children of Gerry Stevens and Charlotte Hurd, the former a native of Killingworth (now Clinton), Conn., the latter a native of Washington Co., N. Y. His father came to Onondaga County about the year 1800, and hence was one of the pioneers of the county. From the historical collection of John L. Barber, of Con necticut, it appears that the Stevens' came from the county of Kent, England, to Guilford, Conn. Among the first planters there appear the names of Thomas and John Stevens. These famihes removed to Killingworth in the year 1665, and among the first settlers there are the names of Thomas and Wilham Stevens. The latter of these had a son, Josiah, also called Deacon Stevens, and sometimes called Captain Stevens, born a.d. 1670, and died March 15, 1754, from whom the subject of this memoir traces his descent, through his grandfather, Jeremiah. There is little doubt that one of the ancestors, named Thomas, is the same spoken of in Fox's Book of Martyrs, who suffered martyrdom by being burned to death at Rye, in the county of Kent,- England, 1557. Before George was three years of age his father died, leaving a wife and three children. She was afterwards married to Cyprian Heberd, a carpenter and joiner, who built some of the first manu factories of coarse salt in Salina, and with whom George spent his early life learning the trade, attending the common school winters, and for two terms attended the Onondaga academy. At the age of sixteen he went to Troy, and afterwards to New York to complete his trade, and while there (1828) he laid a house-floor made of lumber matched with tongue and groove, and is said to be the first man in the United States, and possibly in the world, who laid such a floor. On arriving at age he returned to his native county, and for the next six years worked at his trade. He then built several salt manufactories in Salina, and was one of the first to manufacture fine salt. Altogether he has spent thirty-three years in the manufacture of salt, and _^/2X^-*W has been closely identified with that interest. He also carried on in the meantime the grocery business for four years ; was a manufacturer of potash for three years, and a forwarding merchant for four years. Until within a few years his life has been one of great activity, and his efforts have been such as to perform his part in contributing to the best interests of the city of which he is now an honored citizen in his seventieth year. Highly esteemed by his fellow-men, he has held many offices of responsibility and trust, discharging the duties of the same with that integrity and consideration which has characterized his whole life. He has lived to see the city, with all of its present wealth and business, rise from a village of three hundred persons. He was next to the last president of the village before its organi zation as a city, and since which time he has served several terms as assessor, overseer of the poor, and supervisor of the fourth ward, in which he resides. In the year 1864 he was elected police justice of the city, which office he held until a paralytic stroke in the year 1867 compelled him to relinquish the duties of that office and retire to private life. In the years 1851 and 1852 he represented his district in the State legislature. In 1852 he became a director in the Merchants' bank, and has held the office until the present time. He was president of the same the year previous to his illness. He has been a director ¦ of the Onondaga salt company from the time of its organization. For his first wife he married, in the year 1831, Harriet, daughter of Moses Stebbins, of Springfield, Mass., by whom he had two children, — Henry Howard (died in infancy) and Harriet (deceased), who married A. C. Chase, present postmaster ofthe city of Syracuse. His wife died in 1836, aged twenty-eight years. For his second wife, in 1840, he married Mrs. Lydia P., widow of Capt. Joseph Fitch, of New London, Conn., and daughter of Capt. Nathaniel Barns, of Westerly, R. I., by whom he has had four children, — Alice, George H. (deceased), Joseph F., and Kate. Died April 7th, 1878, since the publication of the above. HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 143 the south bounds of the town of Salina, thence east along the south bounds of the town of Salina to the east bounds thereof, thence northerly along the east bounds of said town to the place of beginning, shall hereafter be known as the ' City of Syracuse.' " Section second of the act divided the city into four wards, as follows : All that part of the city lying east of Onon daga Creek and north of Division and Pond streets, was made the First Ward ; all the rest of the city lying north of the center of the Erie Canal, was made the Second Ward ; the Third Ward included that portion of the city lying south of the Erie Canal and west of Montgomery street as far south as Burt street, thence west of Salina street to the southern boundary of the city; the remainder of the city constituted the Fourth Ward. The following certificate of the Clerk of Onon daga county shows that an election was held by the citizens of both villages, for the purpose of ratify ing the charter, on the 3d of January, 1848 : " Whereas, By the provisions of an act entitled * An Act to Incorporate the City of Syracuse,' passed December 14, 1847, an election was held in each of the villages of Syracuse and Salina, on the third day of January, one thousand eight hundred and forty-eight ; and from the returns made and filed in the office of the Clerk of the County of Onondaga by the Trustees of said villages respec tively, pursuant to said act, it appears that the whole number of votes given at said election at the poll held in the village of Syracuse, was one thousand eight hundred and forty-three ; of which the whole number of votes having thereon the word ' Charter ' was ten hundred and seventy-two, and that the whole number of votes having thereon the words ' No Charter ' was seven hundred and seventy-one. That the whole~ number of votes given at said election at the poll held in the village of Salina, was four hundred and twenty-four ; of which the whole number of votes having thereon the word ' Charter ' was three hundred and eighty-five ; and the whole number having thereon the words ' No Charter ' was thirty-nine. " A majority of votes at each of said villages having been thus given in favor of said charter, as appears from said returns on file in the office of the Clerk of the County of Onondaga, as aforesaid : I, Vivus W. Smith, Clerk of said County, in pur suance of the provisions of the Seventeenth Sec tion of Title X of said Act, do make and publish this statement and certify that the said act of in corporation becomes a law on the day of the first publication of this certificate. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set J*L. s.] my hand and affixed the seal of the said County of Onondaga, this 5th day of January, 1848. V. W. Smith, Clerk." First City Officers. At the first Charter Election, held on the first Tuesday in March, 1848, the following officers were elected : Hon. Harvey Baldwin, Mayor. Aldermen. First Ward — James Lynch, Elizur Clark. Second Ward — Alexander McKinstry, John B. Burnet. Third Ward— William H. Alexander, Gardner Lawrence. Fourth Ward — Henry W. Durnford, Robert Fur- man. In January, 1849, a census was taken which showed that the city contained a small fraction less than 16,000 inhabitants. Mayors of the City of Syracuse. First Mayor, 1848, Harvey Baldwin; 1849, Elias W. Leavenworth; 1850, Alfred H. Hovey; 185 1, Moses D. Burnet ; 1852, Jason C. Woodruff; 1853, Dennis McCarthy; 1854, Allen Munroe ; 1855, Lyman Stevens; 1856-57-58, Charles F. Willis- ton ; 1859, Elias W. Leavenworth ; i860, Amos Westcott; 1861-62, Charles Andrews ; 1863, Daniel Bookstaver ; 1864, Archibald C. Powell; 1865- 66-67, William D. Stewart ; 1868, Charles Andrews ; 1869-70, Charles P. Clark; 1871-72, Francis E. Carroll; 1873, William J. Wallace ; 1874, Nathan F. Graves; 1875, George P. Hier ; 1876, John J. Crouse ; 1877-78, J. J. Belden. Postmasters. John Wilkinson, 1820; Jonas Earll, Jr., 1837; Henry Raynor, 1 841 ; William W. Teall, 1845 ; William Jackson, 1849; Henry J. Sedgwick, 1853 and 1857 ; Patrick H. Agan, 1861 ; George L. Maynard, 1865 ; Dwight H. Bruce, 1871 ; A. C. Chase, 1876, present Postmaster. The Old Mill-Pond. An improvement of no little importance to the city was the conversion of the old mill-pond into valuable building lots, which are now occupied by substantial manufacturing establishments, business blocks, public buildings and residences. It will be remembered that the first dam and mills were built by Abraham Walton in 1805. The dam was constructed of logs across Onondaga Creek at West Genesee street, and at that time the Genesee Turn pike passed over it. About a year after its con struction, it was swept away by a heavy spring freshet, and another log dam was built at the cross ing of West Water street, which was removed in 1824, and a substantial stone dam erected in its place. Then came the stone mill erected by Samuel Booth forthe Syracuse Company in 1825. The mill- 144 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. pond covered so large a surface and was for many years the cause of so much sickness in the village that it was finally emptied by tearing away the dam, and in 1848, under the administration of Mayor Bald win, the work of improving this portion of the city was begun. It consisted of the straightening of Onondaga Creek and the filling in of portions of the mill-pond with earth from Prospect Hill. The work was carried forward under the adminis tration of Mayor Leavenworth in 1849, who had "Jefferson (now Regimental) Park laid out in about the center of the ground formerly occupied by the mill-pond. The land then belonged to the State, and comprised about nine acres, including the site of the pond and the neck of land extending to the center of Onondaga Creek. Mr. Leavenworth had a map made of the land including the Park, and obtained the consent of the Commissioners of the Land Office for its sale, on condition that it would bring $9,000 ; otherwise the sale was to be null and void. The land was offered upon this condition, and at the sale brought over $16,000. The center of this ground is now occupied by the fine State Arsenal, while the Binghamton Freight and Passenger Depots and other substantial struc tures occupy other portions of it. The first Arsenal building was erected in 1858, in which year the site was conveyed to the State. The cost of the building was $8,ooo ; the State ap propriated $5,000, and $1,800 was raised by indi vidual subscription. This building was destroyed by fire in 1871. The present building— a much larger and more ornamental structure — was erected in 1872-74, at a cost of $80,000; Horatio N. White, Architect. This building is known as the State Arsenal, and is the headquarters of the 51st Regiment, ioth Brigade, 6th Division, &c, National Guard of the State of New York.* Burying Grounds — Oakwood Cemetery. For the following brief sketch of the burying places in Syracuse, we are indebted to a little work entitled " Oakwood," a history of the incorporation and dedication of Oakwood Cemetery. The first white person who was buried within the limits of the city, and probably within the bounds of Onon daga County, was Benjamin Nukerk, who came to the wilds of Onondaga as an Indian trader with Ephraim Webster in 1786. He died December 7, I787, and was buried on a little eminence which overlooks the Onondaga Lake and its shores, now embraced in Farm Lot No. 310, lying directly in the rear of the residence of William Judson, on * See Roster of Officers elsewhere. West Genesee street. The head and foot stones are still standing, bearing the inscription : Benjamin Nukerk, Died, Dec. 7th, 1787, Aged 37 years. About the year 1845, Joseph Savage, Esq., who owns the land occupied by this grave, had occasion to dig a trench two or three feet below the surface, and while doing so struck upon a line of graves. On examination they proved to be placed in a direct line for some twenty or thirty feet, and consisted of quite a number of bodies. The bones were mostly decomposed, except the skulls, and among them were found quite a number of bullets. Probably the ground was never used as a permanent burial place, but these bodies fell in some battle of which, perhaps, we have no record and were hastily buried here in the sandy loam of this beautiful little emi nence. .But it may be otherwise, as Mr. Savage found other remains in different places on the same little hillock, one, the skull of which had evidently been cleft by a tomahawk. A gun, brass kettle, flints and pipes were also found from time to time. Probably the Indians had occupied this spot after Ephraim Webster established his trading post here. The first burials in the village of Salina were made on ground now known as Lot No. 8 in Block No. 18, near the intersection of Spring and Free streets. They, however, ceased to bury there be fore 1794, and began to make interments on the ground now embraced in Washington Park, and near the spot where the Presbyterian Church (recent ly removed) was afterwards built. Mrs. Nancy T. Gilchrist, the mother of Ira A. Gilchrist, and several members of the families of Dexter and Herring were buried here, — Mrs. Gilchrist in 1794. Burials were made here also but a few years, when finding the location too near the dwellings, they began to bury upon the ridge which runs through Block No. 40, in the rear of the residence of James Lynch, Esq., and in the immediate vicinity of that formerly occupied by the late Alfred Northam, Esq. This, too, was abandoned in 1801, when Sheldon Logan, at that time Superintendent of the Onondaga Salt Springs, laid out a piece of ground then owned by the State, for a public burying ground. It was used as such till the year 1829, and a few of the bodies buried in Washington Park, including that of Mrs. Gilchrist, and perhaps some from Block No. 40, were removed to the new grounds. Block No. 59 in the First Ward, covers the site of the grounds laid out by Mr. Logan. By an act of the Legislature passed in 1829, (Chap. 243) Block No. 43 was substituted for Block HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 145 No. 59, for the purpose of a public cemetery. The trustees of the village of Salina, as by law directed, removed the bodies from the old ground to the new ; the former was sold at public auction, and Block No. 43 has been used as a cemetery from that time to the present. The lots are nearly or quite all Jaken up and occupied. It may be proper to state here that Mr. Isaac Van Vleck, one of the best known among the early settlers, was buried on Lot 8,* Block 13, on what has been designated the Schouten Lot. In 1834, previous to the act of the Legislature (Laws 1835, Chap. 160,) incorporating Lodi with the village of Syracuse, the inhabitants of that lo cality established a small cemetery upon the hill on Beech street south of East Genesee, on Farm Lot No. 197. The late Oliver Teall, Esq., who then held a contract for the lot, furnished the land and offered an acre of ground, or more if desired, on condition that the people in that vicinity would clear and fence it. About half an acre was en closed, and it has been since mostly occupied, al though of late years it has been almost entirely abandoned as a burying place. The first burials within the limits of what was formerly the village of Syracuse were made on land now enclosed in Block No. 105, near the intersec tion of Clinton and Fayette streets. They did not probably exceed twenty or thirty in number, and the citizens ceased to bury there previous to 18 19. When the village was laid out by Messrs. Owen Forman and John Wilkinson, and a map made of the same, no spot of ground seems to have been set apart for a cemetery, and from 18 19 to 1824, all burials were made at Salina, Onondaga Hill, or On ondaga Hollow. The first person buried in what is now designated the " Old Cemetery " was Mrs. Eliza Spencer, the first wife of Hon. Thomas Spen cer, who died on the 2d day of April, 1824. After the village passed into the hands ofthe Syracuse Com pany, they probably set apart this piece of ground for a cemetery ; and it continued to be used as such till 1 84 1. On the ist of July, 1841, the grounds embraced in Rose Hill Cemetery, containing a fraction over twenty-two acres, were purchased of George F. Leitch, by the Trustees of the village in compli ance with a vote of the citizens. There was much opposition to the purchase of this ground, on ac count of its nearness to the village and for other reasons, and a second meeting was called, hoping that the citizens would reconsider their decision. A majority, however, voted in favor of it a second time, and the property was purchased and laid out 19* as a cemetery. On motion of General Granger two hundred dollars were voted at the same meeting for the improvement of the grounds, which the Trus tees proceeded at once to lay out. Ambrose S. Townsend, who died on the 24th of August, 1841, was the first person buried at Rose Hill. He was the eldest son of John Townsend, Esq., of Albany, and grandson of the late Ambrose Spencer. Oakwood. As a cemetery Rose Hill was never satisfactory to a large number of the citizens of Syracuse. The topography was unfavorable, more than half of the surface being a steep side hill, not easily ac cessible, and the whole destitute of natural trees and shrubbery. It was by many deemed incapable of those high adornments which the public taste now demands. For these and other reasons an early desire was manifested by many prominent citizens to procure grounds for a cemetery more in conformity with the higher cultivation of modern taste on the subject. Accordingly, as early as 1852 and the years immediately following, a number of meetings were held and the subject of a new cemetery was fully discussed. Committees were appointed for the purpose of thoroughly examining the vicinity of the city in all directions and finding the locality best adapted in all respects to the pur poses of a rural cemetery. These committees care fully performed their duty and the unanimous con clusion was finally reached, that the hundred acres of land best fitted for all the purposes desired was that now embraced within the limits of Oakwood. The persons who most particularly interested themselves at this time were Messrs. Henry A. Dillaye, Charles B. Sedgwick, John B. Burnet, Robert B. Raymond, Charles Pope, Hamilton White, A. C. Powell, C. Tyler Longstreet, Israel Hall, John Wilkinson, Allen Munroe and E. W. Leavenworth. No immediate action was taken with regard to the purchase of the grounds, and in the midst of other pursuits of more pressing personal interest, it was delayed till the summer of 1857, when the sub ject was again revived by Messrs. Hamilton White, J. L. Bagg, Lewis H. Redfleld, C- Tyler Long- street, A. C. Powell, John Wilkinson and Henry A. Dillaye. The papers were drawn up preparatory to the organization of an Association ; the terms of the purchase of the grounds were verbally agreed upon, when the whole subject was suddenly put to rest by the great pecuniary revulsion of that year. A final and eventually successful effort was again made in the summer of 1858, principally by Messrs. 146 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. White and Leavenworth, which was continued with little interruption till the summer of 1859. Having arranged with Charles A. Baker, Esq., for the pur chase of the front twenty acres, and with Henry Raynor, Esq., for the balance of the ground, the first object to which attention was directed was the removal of the Jamesville Plank Road from the bounds of the proposed cemetery. It became nec essary to procure the consent of a majority of the stockholders, — afterwards of a majority of the inhab itants residing on the east and west road crossing the said Plank Road near its first gate, to which the road was to be changed, — next of the Supervisors and Commissioners of Highways of the town of Onondaga, in which town the road is situated — and finally, to procure a right of way for said Plank Road across the lands of Charles A. Baker, Esq., and Dr. David S. Colvin. After a year of laborious effort, and with much aid from Mr. Baker, these several objects were suc cessfully attained, and all serious obstacles removed, except the raising of the necessary funds for the pur chase. To that important service Hon. A. C. Powell for weeks devoted a large portion of his time, and with such aid as he had from Messrs. Hawley, White and Leavenworth, succeeded early in August in raising the necessary amount in sub scriptions, payable in one, two and three years with interest. On the 15th of August, 1859, the subscribers to the fund met at the Mayor's office and organized the Association of Oakwood, and elected the following trustees : Hamilton White, J. P. Haskins, John Crouse, John Wilkinson, E. W. Leavenworth, Arch ibald C. Powell, Austin Myers, Allen Munroe, Timothy R. Porter, Robert G. Wynkoop, Thomas G. Alvord, J. Dean Hawley. On the following day a meeting of the trustees was held at the office of Hon. E. W. Leavenworth and the following officers were chosen : E. W. Leavenworth, President ; A. C. Powell, Vice-President : Allen Munroe, Secre tary, and Hamilton White, Treasurer. At the same meeting a resolution was adopted, on motion of Mr. Alvord, instructing the officers of the association to purchase of Messrs. Baker and Raynor the lands now embraced in Oakwood on the terms theretofore agreed upon, viz : $9,500 for the twenty acres in front, bought of Mr. Baker, and $15,000 for the seventy-two and seventy-nine one hundredth acres, bought of Mr. Raynor. Agree ably to such resolution, the purchase was made and the papers exchanged on the 5th of September thereafter. All the lots in Rose Hill Cemetery, and also in that at Salina, having been sold, and the Common Council having resolved to sell the north eight acres of the former, the Trustees made immediate prep arations for the improvement of the grounds, and early in October, Howard Daniels, Esq., an accom plished landsdape gardener from the city of New York, with the aid of fifty or sixty men, commenced work and continued it till the month of December. The first person buried at Oakwood was Mrs. Nellie G. Wilkinson, who died on the 6th, and was buried on Tuesday, the 8th day of November, 1859. The first monument of any kind erected within the bounds of the cemetery, was that of James Crouse, Esq., on Section No. 13, during the winter of 1 859-' 60. The little pamphlet from which we have selected the matter for this history closes its account of the progress of Oakwood in the following words : " Thus, at length, after nearly ten years of delays, difficulties and disappointments, after the project had been more than once abandoned, and our hopes all but extinguished, this lovely spot of ground was secured for the final repose of our dead : to be visited, admired and hallowed in our memories while we live, by a thousand sacred and tender re collections, and to be the beautiful resting place of our bodies when summoned to our final home." We may add that the grounds are the most beauti ful and admirably adapted to the purposes of a rural cemetery of any in the country, and the art dis played in their decoration and the rich and costly monuments will well repay the stranger for a visit to Oakwood. Dedication. On Tuesday, the 3d day of November, 1859, the grounds were dedicated with appropriate ceremo nies to the sacred purpose of a resting place for the dead. The Hon. Wm. J. Bacon, of Utica, deliv ered the Address, Alfred B. Street, Esq., of Albany, the Poem, and Rev. John Pierpont, of Boston, and Mrs. Thomas T. Davis, of Syracuse, furnished re spectively an Ode and a Hymn for the occasion, which was one of deep interest to the people of Syracuse, many thousands testifying their apprecia tion of the importance of the object attained by their presence on the ground. The day, which was lowery and threatening in the morning, became bright and beautiful and one of the pleasantest of the season. The exercises, including the opening address by Hon. E. W. Leavenworth, President of the Ceme tery Association, and the oration by Hon. William J. Bacon, were all exceptionally interesting and appropriate, but we have space only for the Hymn HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 147 of Mrs. Thomas T. Davis, and the Poem of Mr. Alfred B. Street, which deserve a place in the more permanent records of the city and county, as among some of the finest specimens of our mortuary lite rature, HYMN. BY MRS. THOMAS T. DAVIS. Air — PlcyePs Hymn. Life and love with tender hand Guard and deck this Silent Land ; Cypress arch and willow wreath Shade the sacred sod beneath ; Sun and starlight gild the shrine, Flow'ry chaplets fondly twine ; Angel hosts, your vigils keep Where our loved and lost shall sleep. Loved, not lost ! No fear nor gloom Shrouds the portals of the tomb ; Death revealed immortal day When the rock was rolled away. Grave and crypt and pallid stone Mark not the realm of Death alone ; Life but sleeps, while Death survives, — Death shall die, and Life arise. Shed not then the frenzied tear ; Robe in light the pall, the bier ; Yonder see the shining shore Where our loved have gone before ; Rear the marble o'er the dead, Crown with flowers the dreamless head ; Calmly wait till Life shall be Blended with eternity. This hymn was sung by the members of the Syra cuse Musical Institute, under the leadership of H. N. White, Esq. At the conclusion of Mayor Leavenworth's ad dress, Alfred B. Street, Esq., of Albany, pronounced the following exquisitely beautiful and appropriate POEM : O'er life's fresh springtide, when the blithsome hours Dance to glad music through perennial flowers ; O'er bounding youth, when hope points ever on, No blossom scentless, and no color wan ; O'er stately manhood, when the mountain tread Seeks the far prize that stars the crag o'erhead ; O'er trembling age, when, worn with toil and woe, It turns from light above to gloom below ; Darkens a shade, mysterious, cold and black, Mantling the flowery as the wintry track ; Brooding where joy its diamond goblet quaffs ; Where daring, loud at every danger laughs ; Where strength securely rests on future years ; Where fame, wealth, pleasure, each its votary cheers ; Death is that shade, inexorable Death, With ever-lifted dart at all of mortal breath. But though the soul that lights the frame depart, The darkened dust is sacred to the heart. Around the spot that wraps the dead from sight, Lingers thought's tenderest, love's divinest light; Hallowed by suffering, it remains a shrine Where oft sad memory wends, its fairest flowers to twine. The land that trod through Deluge-ooze its way, Gave to the pyramid its mummied clay. The purple skies of Art and Song inurned The sacred ashes sacred fires had burned. The Parsee offered to his God, the Sun, On the grand crag the heart whose course was run. And the red roamer of the prairie sea Yields to the air his wrecked mortality. But not to pyramid, though mocking Time, The urn funereal, nor the sun sublime, Nor boundless air, nor yet the waste of waves, That stateliest, mightiest, most august of graves — But not in such drear, weltering vastness spread Should Christian hands consign the Christian dead, But to the earth, the warm, the steadfast earth, That, touched by God's own finger, gave us birth ; Where to the resurrecting sun and rain The seed but perishes to live again ; Where nature hides her life in Winter's gloom For warbling Spring to sing it into bloom ; Home of the tree that sheds its leafy showers For the new garland wreathed by vernal hours ! Home of the priceless fount ! the matchless gem ! The precious gold ! more precious grainy stem ! Yea, as we woke to life upon her breast, Her loving arms should fold our last and longest rest. And thus, oh lovely Oakwood, shalt thou spread Thy sylvan chambers, for the slumbering dead. Through thy green landscapes shall Affection stray, Weep the wild tear, with softened sadness pray. Within the glen, as murmurings fill the tree, A voice shall seem to whisper, " Come with me ! " And the green hill top — whence the sight is fraught, With the rich painting Nature's hand hath wrought; Woodland and slope, mount, meadow and ravine, The city's white, the water's purple sheen, And the dim mountain tops, until the gaze Pierces where distance hangs its tender haze — Tell that the soul, with onward pointed eye, Finds its far limit only in the sky. The grassy dingle and the leafy dell Shall tremble sadly to the tolling bell ; Where now wide solitude wraps slope and glade For winds to pipe to dancing sun and shade, Shall carved memorials of the dead be found Breathing their solemn eloquence around. Here, shall the son, in some prone trunk, descry 148 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. The sire he saw in life's completeness die ; Here, shall the sire, in some green pine, survey The stately son, ere death had claimed its prey ; Here, in the flower, the mother again shall see The laughing child that perished at her knee ; Here, the weird wind shall with long, melting moan, Mingle its sadness with the mourner's own, And the drear cloud, low brooding, seem a part Of the dark sorrow hanging on the heart ; Here, too, the joyful splendor of the sun Shall tell the life the loved and lost hath won, And warblings sweet, the landscape's ear that fill Of those glad strains the sounding heavens that thrill. Summer shall here hold green and leafy time, Emblem of those that perished in their prime ; Autumn shall shower its wreaths upon the air. Sign to the living also to prepare ; Winter shall spread in fierce and frowning might, Great type of death, its chilling robes of white; But oh, glad thought ! in Spring's triumphant reign Nature shall bound in radiant joy again, Bid with her rapturous life Death's horrors flee, Type of that glorious truth — Man's Immortality. Population of Syracuse. The following statement of the population of Syracuse for May, 1877, is taken from Boyd's City Directory : | MALES. FEMALES. TOTAL. Wards. UV> 0 C 1= 00 t-> 0 00T3 C ist 2d 3d 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 1,336 2,405 1,0922,324 2,339 1.549 2,336 i,343 1,2472,263 937 2,071 1,769 603 i,774 1,071 1,443 2,236 1,058 2,739 2,456 1,671 2,946 i,657 1,189 2,061 945 2,082 1.759 711 r.923r,o6i 5.215 8,965 4,032 9,2168,323 4,534 8,9795,132 Total ... 14,724 n.735 16,206 ". 731 54,396 Population in 1877 54,396 Population in 1876 54,176 Increase 220 Village of Geddes 5,408 Syracuse (including Geddes) is 59,804 Syracuse City Water-Works. Among the first to advocate a system of water works for supplying the village of Syracuse was Capt. Oliver Teall, who was the first Superintend ent of the middle division of the Erie Canal upon its opening in 1820. Captain Teall had taken a contract on the canal during its construction, and had removed from Manlius to the Lodi Locks as early as 18 19. He became largely interested in land in that vicinity, and erected mills at Lodi, having the right of the surplus water of the canal at that point, which right he retained till it was finally resumed by the State. In connection with Messrs. Aaron Burt and Harvey Baldwin, Mr. Teall became an enterprising and wealthy land-owner in that part of the city now included in the Eighth Ward, formerly Lodi, but incorporated in the vil lage of Syracuse in 1835. (Laws 1835, Chap. 160.) As early as 182 1, the subject of water-works in the village had been brought before the Legislature. The first act, entitled " An Act to supply the vil lage of Syracuse with wholesome water," was passed March 27, 1821. (Laws 1821, Chap. 176.) It granted the people of Syracuse the right to use sufficient water for supplying the village from any of the springs on adjacent lands belonging to the State, and provided for the election of three Trus tees, at an election to be held at the house of Ster ling Cossit, inn-keeper in said village, on the first Monday in May, 1821, who should have power to transact all business relating to the water-works, and to carry into effect the provisions of said act. It does not appear that the provisions of said act were ever carried into effect or that anything was done under it towards supplying the few inhabitants then in the village with water. Probably the enter prise would not pay at that stage of settlement. The villagers, however, wished to obtain the right and to keep it against a time of need, for the mid dle division of the canal was then open, and all were anticipating a marvelous growth into the pro portions of a city. The act incorporating the village, passed April 13, 1825, (Laws 1825, Chap. 124,) vested all the rights, property, and powers of the Trustees of the Water-Works in the village corporation, and the hypothetical water-works were placed under the control of the trustees of said village till 1829. During this period it does not appear that the trus tees did anything practical towards supplying the village with water. On the 23d of April, 1829, an act was passed, (Laws 1829, Chap. 236,) authorizing the Trustees of the village to convey to Oliver Teall, his heirs and assigns, all the rights, property and powers of the Trustees of the Syracuse Water-Works Company, as vested in said village by the act of incorporation, for a term of twenty years, and said Oliver Teall was invested with all the rights and powers granted by the original act of 1821. This act also prescribed the amount that Mr. Teall should charge the citizens for water, viz. : a private family, a sum not exceed- William Metcalf Clarke was born in Lanesboro, Berkshire Co., Mass., April 3, 1800. He was the fifth son of Dr. Hezekiah Clarke, who was the son of Dr. John Clarke, of Lebanon, Conn. ; son of Moses Clarke, of Lebanon, Conn. ; son of Daniel Clarke, of Colchester, Conn. ; son of Hon. David Clarke, who came to America in 1639, from Warwickshire, England, and settled at Windsor, Conn. By both his paternal grandparents he is de scended, in the seventh generation, from Simon Huntington, of England, whose sons, Christopher and Simon, Mr. Clarke's ances tors, settled at Saybrook in 1633, and finally at Norwich, Conn. His mother, Lucy Bingham, was a daughter of the Hon. Moses Bliss, of Springfield, Mass. In this line he is in the seventh generation from Thomas Bliss, an early settler of Hartford, Conn. By his maternal grandmother he is descended, in the eighth generation, from Michael Metcalf, who came from England in 1637, and settled in Dedham, Mass. One of the paternal great-grandmothers of Mr. Clarke was Elizabeth Edwards, second daughter of Rev. Timothy Edwards, of Windsor, Conn., who married Colonel Jabez Huntington; and one of his maternal great-grandmothers was Abigail Edwards, sixth daughter of Eev. Timothy Edwards, who married William Metcalf; both sisters of President Jonathan Edwards. In the year 1805, Mr. Clarke emigrated with his parents to Onondaga County, arriving at Pompey Hill Nov. 2, where they occupied the " Squire Wood House." The next year they moved on a farm lying ten miles east of the hill. Mr. Clarke's early educational opportunities were quite fair, and he improved them to the utmost. In 1815 he obtained a clerkship in Col. Camp's store, at Trumansburg, N. T., whose confidence in him was so great that he often intrusted him with the execution of very diffi cult duties. He then went to Ithaca, and engaged as clerk until Jan. 1, 1819, when he returned home, and pursued his studies at the Pompey academy. Some time later he made a trip to Kentucky, where he experienced religion, and united with the Concord Pres byterian church, Nichols county, in April, 1827. He taught school most of the time while there. In April, 1828, he returned to Pompey, traveling a distance of 700 miles. In the year 1829 he was elected school commissioner of the town of Pompey by the anti-Masonic party. The winters of 1830, 1831, and 1832 were spent in teaching the district schools of Lafayette Square, Camillus Village, and Pompey Centre. From the spring of 1832 to 1837 he was employed in mercantile houses at Manlius, principally that of Messrs, E. & H. Rhodes. While there he became acquainted with Clara Catlin Tyler, whom he married June 7, 1836, at Harford, Pa., where she was born Photos, by W. V. Ranger. to -Ca /r~e>. &¦ (o/Ciyr /xjl_ April 9, 1810. She was a daughter of John Tyler, of Harford, son of Deacon John Tyler, of Ararat, Pa. ; son of Capt. John Tyler, of Attleboro, Mass. ; son of Ebenezer Tyler, of Attleboro, Mass. ; son of Samuel Tyler, of Mendon, Mass. ; son of Job Tyler, the emigrant ancestor, who was born in 1619, and came to America, and settled in Andover, Mass., about 1640. By her paternal grandmother she is descended, in the eighth generation, from Rev. Peter Thacher, of Salisbury, England, rector of Saint Edmond's, in that city. His son, Rev. Thomas Thacher, came to America in 1635, and became the first minister of the old South church, Boston. Mrs. Clarke's mother was Polly Wadsworth, daughter of Epaphrus Wadsworth, formerly of Litchfield, Conn. In this line she is descended, in the seventh generation, from Hon. William Wadsworth, who emigrated from England in 1632, and settled in Cambridge, Mass., and afterwards in Hartford, Conn. ; also from his son, Capt. Joseph Wadsworth, of "Charter Oak" fame. By her maternal grandmother she is, in the eighth generation, from Thomas Catlin, who emigrated from England, or Wales, as early as 1644, and settled in Hartford, Conn. The Catlins are of French origin. Mrs. Clarke received a good education, and was preceptress at one time in the Cazeno- via high school, and also in the Manlius academy. In 1838, Mr. Clarke was appointed deputy county clerk. In 1841 was elected clerk of Syracuse, and the same year was ap pointed collector by the board of trustees. In 1843-44 was a member of the firm of Clarke & Sloat, in the marble business. In 1850 became a co-partner of Lyman Kingsly, in the sash and blind business, which he continued three years. On Jan. 1, 1869, was appointed chief clerk of the searching department, which position he held ten consecutive years. In 1866 he purchased a residence, with fourteen acres of land, in Onondaga Valley, about two and a half miles from the city of Syracuse, where he now resides. His son, Henry Wadsworth, is civil engineer and sur veyor of Syracuse, born in Harford, Susquehanna Co., Pa., Nov. 6, 1837. Frances Amelia, his daughter, was born in Syracuse, Dec. 6, 1839, and now lives with her parents. Mr. Clarke is a man of excellent habits, neither chewing tobacco, drinking liquor, nor smoking. It.has been his life's aim to stop, in his humble way, the spread of intemperance. He has identified himself with the great moral and social ideas of his time in every way that he has been able. In all the many and intricate offices which have been intrusted to him, he has invariably discharged their duties with ability and integrity. He is still enjoying good health, and is passing away his declining years in the sweet consciousness of having led an upright and consistent life. ¦funk. Photos, by N. S. Bowdish, Syracuse. <^5 6^/ZsZl^ *£. ^ ASU^a. ALBEET G. SALISBURY. The subject of this sketch was born in Woodstock, Oneida Co., N. Y., Aug. 23, 1813. He was the youngest of three sons of Sylvester Salisbury and Sarah F. Gleason, both of whom were natives of Massachusetts. He spent his early life among his relatives, his father having died when he was only three years of age. At about the age of seventeen he conceived the idea that an education was necessary to meet the future, and resolved if possible to obtain one. Accordingly, without means pecuniarily, he entered the academy at Pompey Hill, working for his board. Here his time was a constant round of activity, but he advanced so rapidly in his studies, both at Pompey and Whitesboro, that he was enabled afterwards to engage as a teacher in district schools. Thus he met the obstacles so common to self-made men. About the year 1836 he came to Syracuse, opened a private school, subsequently obtained a position in the public school, and by successive gradations he rose in the esteem of the people until, upon the erection of the village of Syracuse into a city, he was elected as the first superintendent of schools, which office he enjoyed for some three years, and subsequently held the same office for several terms, and either as teacher or super intendent was connected with the schools of the city until 1864, a period of nearly thirty years. In this labor he was an inde fatigable worker, possessing marked ability as an instructor, and more than ordinary executive ability, and many of the business men of the city to-day look back with honor to the faithful teacher who first gave them an insight to the road to wealth and prosperity. In the year 1864 he entered the Army of the Rebellion as additional paymaster United States volunteers for the department of the south, with the title of major, and was mustered out a brevet-colonel, Oct. 21, 1867, by command of General Grant, B. D. Townsend being assistant adjutant^general. Returning to Syracuse, he received the appointment of warden and agent of Auburn prison, which position he held for one year and a half, and until the change of the State administration. Returning again to his own city, he spent the balance of his life mostly in quiet at home. Mr. Salisbury was identified with the Republican party, an ardent supporter of its principles, a man of a retiring nature, never solicitous of publicity, but stood prominently identified with every good work and enterprise tending to make society better. He died April 29, 1874. On Oct. 12, 1842, he married Miss Sarah, daughter of John Tallman and Clarissa Vrooman, of Onondaga County. She was born Feb. 10, 1818, and still survives her husband at the time of writing this sketch. She early became a member of the Presbyterian church at Castleton, Ontario county, and in 1840, coming to Syracuse, united with the Congregational church of this city, now called Plymouth church. HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 149 ing five dollars a year, a boarding house ten dollars, and a tavern ten dollars. In case Mr. Teall failed to exercise the rights and powers granted him by this act within one year from the date thereof, they were to revert again to the trustees of the village ; which they did, and were again conveyed to the said Oliver Teall, his heirs and assigns, for a period of thirty-five years, by an act passed April 22, 1834. (Laws, 1834, Chap. 151.) Nothing was further done till March 29, 1842, at which time an amendment to the former acts was passed, (Laws 1842, Chap. 108,) allowing Mr. Teall to charge ten dollars a year for supplying water to a private family, twenty dollars to a boarding house, and forty dollars to a tavern or hotel. Under this amendment Mr. Teall began the con struction of his water-works. The first wooden pipes or pump logs were laid in 1842, or early in 1843, and brought water to the village from the springs situated at the foot of the hill above Lodi street, on Blocks No. 404 and No. 504. Subse quently Messrs. Ira Seymour and Aaron Burt were associated with Mr. Teall in the water-works, the firm being Teall, Seymour and Burt till 1849, or till sometime prior to the formation of the new com pany. On the 15 th of April, 1849, trie present Water- Works Company was incorporated by special act of the Legislature under the name and style of the Syracuse City Water- Works Company. The orig inal incorporators were Oliver Teall, Ira Seymour, John Wilkinson, Hamilton White and Robert Fur- man. The act of incorporation was amended April 8, 185 1, (Laws 185 1, Chap. 104,) requiring the Com pany to supply water on certain terms to the Com mon Council of the- city for extinguishing fires and other purposes. Again, it was amended March 22, 1853, (Laws, 1853, Chap. 35,) so as to allow the Company to increase their capital stock from $60,000 to such an amount as the Directors might deem ad visable not exceeding $150,000, such increased stock to be divided into shares of $50 each. The third amendment, passed February 6, 1855, (Laws 1855, Chap. 16,) conferred upon the Board of Di rectors the power to establish rules and regulations for the use of water from their works so as to pre serve the same from waste, and to impose such penalties as they should see proper for the violation of said rules and regulations, not exceeding in any case the sum of fifty dollars. Other amendments were passed in 1864, 1865, and 1877. In 1849 the Company constructed a system of water-works described as follows : The springs in the valley of Furnace Brook, in the town of Onondaga, were selected for the supply of water. The water was conducted from these springs by aqueducts to a large stone well, about eighty rods distant from each, which was seventeen feet deep and constructed of substantial masonry. The well was on Lot 89, in the town of Onondaga. From this well there was a main culvert or aqueduct laid towards the head of the Cinder Road (West Onon daga street) and terminating on the high ground. The length of this aqueduct was about a mile, and it was constructed of masonry two feet square in side. At the termination was a large open reser voir, capable of holding 3,000,000 gallons of water, from which the water was conducted down the hill through brick culverts and stoned wells to a point where a log aqueduct of nine inches bore conveyed it through Onondaga street to Fayette Park, and thence to the railroad in Lock street, where it con nected with the aqueducts before laid. In 1853, the first iron pipe was laid — 852 rods, extending to Salina, around Fayette Park and on James street. A reservoir of 107 feet head above the Erie Canal at Salina street, and of 1,500,000 gallons capacity, was also constructed during 1853. This large reservoir on Onondaga Hill was com menced in 1862, and finished in 1865. During this latter year an additional distributing reservoir was constructed on Lot No. 89, town of Onondaga. Without attempting to follow the history of these works more in detail, we may say that the Syracuse City Water Works are located southwest of the city in the town of Onondaga, the water being ob tained from Springs, from Furnace Brook and from Onondaga Creek. The main reservoir is at Onon daga Hill, covering 19 acres, forty feet deep, and fed by Furnace Brook. There are two Distribut ing Reservoirs — one of 165 feet head, and the other of 107 feet head, above the level of the canal at Salina street. The lower, (107 feet head) is supplied by springs, and in dry weather by water pumped from Onondaga Creek at the Pump Works. Two pumps are employed, viz : a Holly Pump of 3,000,000 gallons capacity, and a Worth- ington Duplex Engine of 10,000,000 gallons capac ity daily. These pumps are connected with the reservoir by a 30-inch cast iron pipe. The water reaches the city by gravity pressure the mains connecting with the reservoirs being respectively 10 inches, 12 inches and 24 inches in diameter. For fire purposes, steam engines being employed, the water is supplied by hydrants at the street corners, and in some instances at the middle of the blocks. ISO HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. The city is supplied with water by the company upon a contract of $25,000 a year. The following gentlemen have served as Presi dents of the Syracuse City Water Works Company since its organization : Oliver Teall, 1849 to 1857; John Wilkinson, 1857 to 1862 ; Horace K. White, 1862 to 1864 ; E. W. Leavenworth, 1864 to 1878. Officers of the company for 1878 : Hon. E. W. Leavenworth, President ; J. Forman Wilkinson, Vice-President ; Edward H. Brown, Secretary, Treasurer and Superintendent. Executive Committee— E. W. Leavenworth, Wm. Brown Smith, J. F. Wilkinson, and J. J. Belden. Directors — Hon. George F. Comstock, Alfred A. Howlett, Patrick Lynch, Jacob Crouse, Horace K. White, Hon. E. W. Leavenworth, Wm. Brown Smith, J. Forman Wilkinson and Hon. J. J. Belden. RAILROADS. Auburn and Syracuse Railroad. The Auburn and Syracuse Railroad Company was incorporated by act of the Legislature passed May 1, 1834, (Chap. 228, Session Laws.) Daniel Sen- nett, Ulysses F. Doubleday, Bradley Tuttle, David Munroe, Grove Lawrence, and William Porter, Jr., were the original incorporators, with power to con struct a single or double railroad between the vil lages of Auburn and Syracuse, on such route as a majority of the directors of said company might determine. The capital of the company was placed at $400,000. The law required that $20,000 should be expended in the construction of the road within two years after the passage of the act, and that the road should be finished and put in operation within five years thereafter, otherwise the corporation should cease to exist and the charter should become null and void. The following commissioners were appointed by the act of incorporation : Daniel Sennett, Ulysses F. Doubleday, Bradley Tuttle, John Seymour, Hal sey Phelps, Stephen VanAnden, David Munroe, John Wilkinson, Grove Lawrence, Hezekiah Earll and William Porter, Jr. Five of these commission ers, viz : David Munroe, John Wilkinson, Grove Lawrence, Hezekiah Earll and William Porter, Jr., were citizens of Onondaga County. The organization took place in January, 1835. Hon. Elijah Miller, President ; A. D. Leonard, G. B. Throop, N. Garrow, J. M. Sherwood, S. Van Anden, Richard Steel, John Seymour, Abijah Fitch, E. E. Marvine and Allen Warden, of Auburn, and Henry Raynor and V. W. Smith, of Syracuse, Directors ; E. F. Johnson, Engineer ; and Levi Williams, Assistant-Engineer. Work was commenced in December, 1835, and the first payment to contractors was made in Janu ary, 1836. On the 4th of April, 1837, an act was passed (Chap. 157, Session Laws,) authorizing the Commissioners of the Land Office to sell and con vey to tbe Auburn and Syracuse Railroad Company such portion of farm lot No. 253, ofthe Onondaga Salt Springs Reservation, in the town of Salina, lying between the canal and the streets across said lot, as may be necessary for the track of said road upon said land, and for a depot, and for the con struction of a basin for the accommodation of said company. The land herein specified is that on which the road in the city was constructed and the depot located on what is now Vanderbilt Square. The road was opened from Auburn to Geddes with wooden rails January 8, 1838, at which date Sherwood's stage horses were put upon the line between Auburn and Geddes, and continued to draw the cars till June 4, 1839, when the "iron horse " was put on in their place. This day an excursion train was run over the entire road and brought into the city, the bridge across the mill- pond having been completed in the spring of 1839. Mr. Adolphus Newton, of Marcellus, who kept the " Half- Way House " at the time Sherwood's horses were put upon the road, and during its construction, vouches, through J. L. Grant, Esq., of Auburn, for the correctness of the above dates ; and Mr. Truair, of the Syracuse Journal, says he rode from Syracuse to Auburn over the road in cars drawn by a locomotive from the depot in Vanderbilt Square in 1839. The first engine run on this road was the " Syracuse," put on for the excursion above referred to, June 4, 1839. Syracuse and Utica Railroad. The Syracuse and Utica Railroad was chartered May 11, 1836. The capital stock of the corpora tion was placed at $800,000. The original Com missioners appointed by the act entitled " An Act for the construction of a railroad from Syracuse to Utica," were Henry A. Foster, Israel S. Parker, Timothy Jenkins, David Moulton, Pomeroy Jones, Riley Shephard, Julius A. Spencer, John Knowles, John Williams, Ichabod S. Spencer, Jas. Hooker, Henry Seymour, James Beardslee, James M. Allen, Vivus W. Smith, Miles W. Bennett, Horace Whea ton, Thomas J. Gilbert, Elihu L. Phillips, Frederick Whittlesey, Holmes Hutchinson, Charles Oakley, Rufus H. King, Aaron Burt and Benjamin Enos. Six of these Commissioners, viz : Vivus W. Smith, HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH. JOHN WILKINSON. In addition to the casual references already made to the life and services of Mr. Wilkinson, in con nection with the history of the city and county in which he took so early and important a part, a more extended memoir would seem to be necessary. For more than forty years of active and professional life, Mr. Wilkinson held a place second to none in the industrial and social development of his city and county, and has left behind him abundant proofs of his ability and wisdom, in a family trained to lives of usefulness and honor ; a large fortune accumulated slowly and honestly ; in buildings which adorn his city, and in many enterprises to which he gave the first impetus, tending to ensure the prosperity of Syracuse. It may be said of him with truth, that his hand and tongue and pen and pocket were always at the service of the city he named, loved and helped to create. He was the fourth in descent from Lawrance Wilkinson of Harperly House, Lanchester, County Durham, England. This ancestor was captured by Lord Fairfax, leader of the Parliamentary forces, while serving his King under General Cavendish, (afterwards Duke of New Castle) at the decisive battle of Marston Moor. His estates were sequest ered by Parliament, but he himself was released by Lord Fairfax, and permitted to go to New England. In the Register's office at Durham the record reads as follows, and may still be seen : " Sequestrations in Durham 1645-47. Lawrance Wilkinson of Lanchester, officer in arms, went to New England." On his arrival in the new world, having little in common with the Puritans of Massachusetts Bay, by whose party he had been ruined and expatriated, he settled in Providence, Rhode Island. There his name may still be seen in the " First Book of Records" as signed by himself in the year i650-'5i, as one of the original founders of that colony. He married Susannah Smith. His third child was John Wilkinson, born March 2, 1654. John Wil kinson married Deborah Whipple, April 16, 1689. His fifth child was Daniel Wilkinson, who was born June 8th, 1703, in the town of Smithfield, part of of the present city of Providence. Daniel Wilkin son married Abigail Inman, September 22, 1740. His seventh child was named John Wilkinson, born November 13, 1758. John Wilkinson married, December — , 1782, Elizabeth Tower, whose mother was a cousin of John Hancock. This John Wilkinson was not seventeen years old when the clash of arms resounding through the civilized world, announced the Revolution which preceded the birth of the new Republic. He entered the service of his country soon after the signing of the Declaration of Independence. By the fate of war he was captured and confined in the notorious Jersey Prison Ship in New York Harbor. The records of the sufferings of these prisoners, who were densely crowded between the close decks and even in the noisome hold, where they died by scores, have only been surpassed in former days by the Black Hole of Calcutta, and later, by the cruelties of Libby Prison and Andersonville. After nine months he was exchanged, but with im paired health, which was only restored after the care of years. After his marriage he lived for some years in Cumberland, R. I. In 1790 he removed to Troy, N. Y. He lived there nine years, and there the subject of this sketch was born, September 30, 1798. In February, 1799, John Wilkinson, the father, left his home in Troy, to create for himself a new one in the then wilderness of Central New York. He performed the long and toilsome journey on foot, leading a cow. His wife and little ones, to gether with all his household goods, rode upon a sledge drawn by a yoke of oxen. At a sunnier season he had been attracted by the lovely lake of Skaneateles and had selected the land for a farm in the midst of the forest one mile from its shores. Thither he came, and set to work literally to hew a home for his family, and also, as it proved, a grave for himself ; for he died in less than three years, from injuries received while building a barn. He was buried on his farm which still remains in the family. Here in a log house, in the midst of a great forest filled with game, John Wilkinson grew up. Until the age of twelve he went to school at Skaneateles. Then his mother, not daunted by the additional burden entailed, upon herself in her struggle with the wilderness for the support of four children, by the loss of her son's help upon the farm, or by the expense incident to the scheme, determined to give him the best education the country afforded and to HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. send him to the Academy at Onondaga. It was the nearest classical school, but it was thirteen miles from his home. With a perseverance and energy worthy of such a mother, he every week performed this distance on foot, walking over every Monday morning and returning Friday night to spend Sun day with his mother. Part of the time he was accompanied by the late Hon. Asher Tyler, of Elmira, whose parents resided in the adjoining town of Marcellus. One winter, he, with three other boys, kept house in Onondaga. The supplies of corn meal, pork and potatoes, were provided by each in turn, and his share was carried on his back all the toilsome thirteen miles which lay between his home and school. While pursuing his studies in this arduous fashion, he attracted the notice of the Hon. Joshua Forman, then the great man of the county, and the principal patron of the Academy, and after he graduated he became Mr. Forman's clerk, and a member in his family. In the law office of Forman and Sabin he studied his profession. He was admitted to the bar in September, 1819, and was the first lawyer who settled in Syracuse. It will not be inappropriate to quote in this con nection an extract from the " Reminiscences of Syracuse, by Mr. T. C. Cheney, published in 18.57: "In 1819, John Wilkinson, in company with Owen Forman, a brother of the Judge, came here from Onondaga Hollow, and, under the direction of Judge Forman, proceeded to lay out the ' Walton Tract ' into village lots. This survey was not accomplished without the severest labor. The old lines and marks of the tract were nearly obliterated, and it was with the greatest difficulty that they found, with any degree of certainty, the starting point of the original survey. The survey was com pleted after several weeks of hard labor. Part of the ' Walton Tract ' was laid out into village lots, and the remainder into farm lots of from five to ten acres. After the completion of the survey, Mr. Wilkinson built an office on the corner now occu pied by the Globe Hotel, and commenced the practice of law. Mr. Wilkinson was heartily ridiculed for putting his office out in the fields. That location, now forming the business center of a flourishing city, was then out of town. "In February, 1820, a postoffice was established in Syracuse, and Mr. Wilkinson, was appointed Postmaster. In 1825, when the first election for village officers was held, Mr. Wilkinson was elected Clerk. Mr. Wilkinson has since held several offices of profit and trust, with honor and distinction. When railroads were first successfully put in opera tion, Mr. Wilkinson closely investigated their work ings and principles, and his gigantic mind compre hending in an instant their immense advantages, and ultimate supercedence of the common post- roads, he entered at once largely into railroad affairs, and is now emphatically a Railroad King. " He was for several years President of the Syracuse and Utica Railroad, and by his influence succeeded in having the work-shops of that road built at Syracuse, thus adding the hardy popula tion of the Fifth Ward to our city. He is now the President of the Michigan Southern Railroad, and under his skillful management that road is now one of the best in the Union. Mr. Wilkinson is a great favorite with the traveling public, and is loved and respected by all railroad men, who would do anything for him." As a lawyer, Mr. Wilkinson occupied a promi nent place at the Onondaga Bar. The late Peter Outwater, Esq., was associated with him for many years, and later, James L. Bagg, Esq. As counsel and advisor he had few equals and no superior. The general estimate of his probity and wisdom was abundantly proved by the number of estates entrusted to him as executor, administrator, or trus tee. In his later years, he derived much satisfac tion from the fact that all trust funds committed to him had been increased in amount and enhanced in value while in his hands. Mr. Wilkinson was a director in the Onondaga County Bank from its organization in 1825, until its close. He was also President of the Bank of Syra cuse, which he, together with the late Horace White, Esq., organized in 1838, on tbe passage ofthe gen eral Banking Law, and so continued till his death. Both of these banks were managed with prudence and were exceedingly profitable to their stock-hold ers. Both have now been closed, all the men who organized them having passed away. At Albany, February 24, 1825, John Wilkinson married Henrietta Wilhelmina Swart. Of eight children born to them, six are now living. Joshua Forman and Alfred Wilkinson are in business un der the firm name of Wilkinson & Co., as bankers, on the site where their father's office stood and where they were born. A rare instance of perma nence in our mobile country. Maria H. Wilkinson married Mr. F. C. Welsch, and lives in Baden-Baden, Germany. Theodosia Burr Davis Wilkinson mar ried Joseph Kirkland, and lives in Chicago. John and Dudley Phelps Wilkinson live in Chicago, and are among the leading merchants of that city. Mr. Wilkinson was appointed Postmaster Feb. HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 24, 1820, which was announced in the Onondaga Register, as follows : *' A new Postoffice has been established at Syracuse formerly Corinth, in the town of Salina, and John Wilkinson, Esq., appointed Postmaster. The name of this village was necessarily changed, there being a Postoffice of the name of Corinth previously established in the State." Mr. Wilkinson remained in office till July 26, 1840, when, as President of the Syracuse and Utica Railroad Company, which was carrying the mails, he was held by the Postmaster-General to be a contractor within the meaning of the statute, and was therefore compelled to resign one office or the other. With that wisdom which characterized every action of his life, he gave up the postoffice, and permanently retired from active politics. In 1834 and 1835 he was elected Member of Assembly from Onondaga County, and occupied, while in that body, the position of Chairman of an important committee, viz.: On the Incorporation and Alteiation of Banking and Insurance Com panies. Though an able debater, he never wasted time in forensic display, but spoke rarely and only upon business in his charge, or on that of which he was complete master. Therefore he never failed to command the attention of the House. His great effort was a speech delivered April 2, 1835, in opposition to the State aiding in the con struction of the Erie Railroad. What Mr. Wilkin son then enunciated as a principle is now the settled policy of the State. It was during his second year that the bill was passed which changed his life from one purely pro fessional to one of active business. In 1836 the Syracuse and Utica Railroad Company was char tered. In the following year, when its organization was completed and the construction of that road be came assured, he was unanimously chosen by his associate directors as President. The road was opened July 4, 1839. The fact that it was built for $200,000 less than the capital stock subscribed for the purpose of building it, is a striking commentary upon the capacity and integrity of Mr. Wilkinson. It is needless to say that from that hour till 1853, when the road was merged into the great New York Central Railroad, he had the absolute confidence of the stockholders. His management of a railroad was characterized by great study, unremitting attention, untiring vigi lance and a watchful eye which nothing could es cape. He made this railroad his sole care and thought and gave to it the fourteen best years of his life. Personally, in common with all of the stock holders, he received his reward in large dividends, and in the enhanced value of his stock, but his salary as President never paid his family and per sonal expenses. After the organization of the New York Central Railroad, he was appointed counsel to that company, a compliment which he richly deserved both as a lawyer and a railroad man. While President of the Syracuse and Utica Rail road he was also prominent in the direction of the following railroads, viz: the Hudson River, the Buf falo and State Line, the Oswego and Syracuse, and the Rochester and Syracuse. The two railroads last named he projected, organized, and may be said to have built, as he was the Chairman of their Con struction Committees. Rival lines being under construction for the pur pose of connecting the granaries of the West with the sea-board, Mr. Wilkinson felt the keenest anx iety lest business should be diverted from the line in which he had a much greater interest than one of dollars solely — a line of which he had been a projector, constructor and manager, and he recog nized the necessity of so improving the line from Albany to Buffalo, then managed by seven different companies, as to enable it to compete successfully with its future rivals. He found that the line be tween Syracuse and Rochester could be shortened twenty-four miles and six hundred feet of grades could be eliminated by building a railroad on the line of the Erie Canal. This project of course en countered the most vigorous opposition from the residents of Auburn, Geneva, Canandaigua, and lesser places on the Old Road, as well as from the stockholders of the two companies owning the line via Auburn. Their opposition ceased when they became convinced that Mr. Wilkinson was in earn est, and that under the general railroad law, ad vocated by him for this very purpose, a direct rail road between Syracuse and Rochester was inevita ble. The two companies then accepted Mr. Wil kinson's plan of consolidation with the Direct Railroad — the consolidated company to build the new road. The consolidation of all the railroad companies between Albany and Buffalo into the great New York Central R. R. Company, closed one epoch in Mr. Wilkinson's active and useful career ; and before turning to other occupations, he resolved to allow himself that rest which he had so richly earned. To visit Europe had been a long cherished hope, and he availed himself of this opportunity to bring it to fruition. After a year of travel, all the advan- HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. tages of which his disciplined and well-stored mind fitted him to appreciate, he returned to his country and his home in the spring of 1854, ready to spend for both, his renewed strength. Among other positions tendered him was the presidency of the Michigan Southern and Northern Indiana Railroad, which he accepted. He filled this office with his characteristic fidelity and ability for two years. During that time he built nearly two hundred miles of railroad, including the Detroit, Monroe and Toledo Railroad, In the last years of his life, he operated the Terre Haute, Alton & St. Louis Railroad, in his own name for two years as Trustee and Receiver. He returned it to its owners a reorganized Railroad, all interests having been protected and cared for. His management in this instance was acknowledged to be a great financial success. After the death of Capt. Oliver Teall, he became President of the Syracuse Water-Works. He adopted the plan for collecting the water from springs and small streams into a reservoir. Few people in Syracuse know that five hundred feet above them, on Onondaga Hill, there is stored up for their use in Wilkinson Lake 150,000,000 gallons of water, or forty-three days' supply, at the present rate of consumption. Mr. Wilkinson was engaged upon this work at the time of his sudden death. His plan embraced the construction of other reservoirs when they should become necessary. The water-works company have since tried two systems of pumping, and are now contemplating the readoption of what may be called the Wilkinson plan by the construction of another reservoir to hold 300,000,000 gallons. If this should be done, it will confirm the wisdom of his judgment. For this projected reservoir an appropriate name suggests itself. It should be called Forman Lake, in honor of Joshua Forman. In Mr. Wilkinson's life he showed a solicitude that was almost pathetic that young people should start right, and he was never in their company without trying to give help in the right direction. It pained him to see them treat lightly the great advantages of later times, doubtless remembering the many weary miles he had walked to attain his education ; and if, as the old Hindoo said, " Man is man's mirror," we do well to hold up the mirror of Mr. Wilkinson's life to young men just entering on their career, that in it they may see the rewards which wait on industry, integrity and zeal. His noble mother, believing that knowledge is power, resolved that he should possess the key to unlock its treasure-house, and gave him, as we have seen, the best education in her power, at how great self-sacrifice no one but herself ever knew. Her wisdom it was, that laid the foundation of his suc cess and she was rewarded by living to witness it. From the age of sixteen he fought the battle of life unaided, his only weapons the perseverance and determination which he had learned amid the privations of pioneer life. Never was the promise better exemplified, " Be faithful over a few things and I will make thee ruler over many things." With care and fidelity he, in his youth, had discharged every duty which devolved upon him and gained the confidence of the community in which he lived, until at last they were eager to thrust their most precious possessions upon him for safe keeping. Perhaps the best eulogy upon him is the simple testimony of a neighbor— -a life-long friend and staunch supporter : " He was an honest man." HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. iSi Miles W. Bennett, Horace Wheaton, Thomas J. Gilbert, Elihu L. Phillips and Aaron Burt, were citizens of Syracuse and Onondaga County ; the rest were Utica and Albany men. The Syracuse and Utica Railroad Company were required by law to pay to the President and Direc tors of the Seneca Road Company the amount of damages which the said road company might sus tain by the construction of the railroad, and also to pay toll to the Canal Commissioners on all freight, other than the regular baggage of passen gers, carried by the railroad during the season of canal navigation. The Schenectady and Utica Rail road was absolutely prohibited in its original charter from carrying any freight. This prohibition was re moved by act of March 7, 1844, and the Schenectady and Utica Road was allowed to carry freight during the suspension of canal navigation by paying the canal commissioners such tolls as would have been paid on the goods had they been transported by the Erie Canal. This opened all the roads to freight through to Buffalo, subject to the same conditions as those imposed upon the Schenectady and Utica Railroad. Prior to the removal of the prohibition on the Schenectady and Utica Railroad, freights had been to some extent carried through from Schenectady to Utica on sleighs in winter, and transferred to other points west of Utica by rail ; but very little freight reached Syracuse by the Utica Railroad till after March 7, 1844. Oliver H. Lee, of Syracuse, was the engineer in the construction of the Syracuse and Utica Railroad, and was appointed the first Superintendent. The original board of directors consisted of the following named gentlemen : John Wilkinson, President. Charles Stebbins, Vice-President. Vivus W. Smith, Secretary. David Wager, Treasurer. Oliver Teall, Aaron Burt, Holmes Hutchinson, John Townsend, Samuel French. Between the railroads of that day and this, and their equipments, there is a marked contrast. The first track consisted of six-by-six scantling, fastened to the ties by L-shaped chairs placed outside the rail and spiked to it and the tie beneath. Upon the scantling, parallel with the inner edge, a bar of iron two inches wide and three-fourths of an inch thick was spiked. Occasionally a bar-end came loose and endangered the safety of passengers by being thrust up through the car-floor. The first Horatio Seymour, James Hooker, Irad Hawley, John Stryker, engines were single-drivers, with small trail wheels under the cab, which consisted of a roof hung around with oil cloth during winter. The weight of the locomotive was from four to six tons. The first cars bad four wheels. The conductor came along outside the compartments, which bad two seats each, and collected the fare. In 1843, the cars had no projection over the platforms, and were low and ill-ventilated. It was quite a step in ad vance when locomotives with four-drivers were placed upon the road, but even then there were no pilots ; some had two splint brooms set in front just in position to clear the track, and others flat iron bars bent forward and sharpened at the ends. This was the " cow-catcher." In winter a large wooden plow was placed in front of the engine. The first track was soon superceded by an eight-by-eight wooden rail, along tbe center of which was placed strap-iron the same width and thickness as that at first used. Iron rails were supplied in 1841, and steel rails in 1872. The Syracuse and Utica Railroad was opened in 1839. In locating the depots and route through Syra cuse, certain conditions were required of the com pany by a resolution prepared by Hon. E. W. Leavenworth, President of the village, and offered to the Board by Captain Putnam, viz : that the railroad company should construct a sewer along the track on Washington street from the stream known as Yellow Brook to Onondaga Creek, and should plant trees along both sides of Washington street as far east as Beech street. These con ditions were performed by the company. The rows of trees now standing on East Washington street are those planted by the railroad company, and they form a pleasant and agreeable shade. The sewer constructed by the railroad company was the first of any importance in the village, and contributed largely to the draining of the swamp between Sa lina street and Lodi. The company was also required to purchase cer tain portions of the blocks on each side of the depot, so as to make sufficient space for the building and an alley-way along side of it. This was done, and the space now left where the old depot was lo cated is known as Vanderbilt Square. Direct Road. The line from Syracuse to Rochester, composed of the Auburn and Syracuse and the Auburn and Rochester railroads, was 104 miles over a crooked route with heavy grades. In 1849 the attention of Mr. John Wilkinson and others was called to the 152 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. necessity of constructing a more direct and level railroad between Syracuse and Rochester, and, with that object in view, they organized the Rochester and Syracuse Direct Railroad Company. The sur veys were made by O. C. Childs and showed that a level railroad could be constructed twenty-two miles shorter than the old line. In 1850 the three com panies consolidated under the name of the Roches ter and Syracuse Railroad Company and the Direct Road was built in the ensuing years under the direc tion of James Hall, engineer, and opened in 1853, at the same time of the general consolidation form ing the New York Central Railroad. Oswego and Syracuse Railroad. The Oswego and Syracuse Railroad Company was formed April 29, 1839, and the route was sur veyed during the summer of that year. The Com pany was fully organized March 25, 1847, with the following Board of Directors : John Wilkinson, Thomas T. Davis, Allen Munroe, Horace White, Syracuse ; F. T. Carrington, Luther Wright, Syl vester Doolittle, Alvin Bronson, Oswego ; Holmes Hutchinson, Alfred Munson, Thomas F. Faxton, Utica ; Samuel Willets, New York ; Rufus King, Albany. The first officers were : Holmes Hutch inson, President ; F. T. Carrington, Secretary ; Lu ther Wright, Treasurer. The road was opened in October, 1848. It is thirty-five and a half miles in length. In 1872 it came under the management of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Rail road Company, by whom it is still operated. Syracuse, Binghamton and New York Railroad. The Syracuse and Binghamton Railroad Com pany was organized August 13, 185 1, under the general law passed in 1850. The original directors were, Hamilton Murray, D. C. Littlejohn, Os wego ; Horace White, James R. Lawrence, Thomas B. Fitch, Syracuse ; Daniel S. Dickinson, Hazard Lewis, Binghamton ; Jedediah Barber, Israel Boies, Homer ; Alanson Carley, Marathon ; Henry Stevens, Cortland ; John B. Rogers, Chittenango Forks ; Robert Dunlop, Jamesville. Henry Stevens, President ; Clinton F. Paige, Secretary ; Horace White, Treasurer ; W. B. Gilbert, Superin tendent and Engineer for the construction of the road. The road was opened through, October 23, 1854. It was sold October 13, 1856, on fore closure of mortgage, and reorganized April 30, 1857, under the title of the Syracuse, Binghamton and New York Railroad, its present title. In 1858, the company was authorized to purchase the Union Railroad to the canal at Geddes. The length of the road from Geddes to Binghamton is 81 miles. Under the second organization, Jacob M. Schem- erhorn was President, and Orrin Welch, Syracuse, Secretary. Then T. B. Fitch was President till 1 87 1 ; since which time the Presidency has been held by Samuel Sloan of New York. Through a controlling interest in the stock, the road came under the management of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad Company in December, 1870. The new passenger depot at Syracuse was erected in 1877. Syracuse, Chenango and New York Railroad. The original incorporators and directors of this road were James P. Haskins, Elisha C. Litchfield, Henry TenEyck, John W. Barker, Dennis McCar thy, George F. Comstock, Hiram Eaton, John Green- way, James J. Belden, S. D. Luce, J. I. Bradley, J. M. Wieting, Alfred A. Howlett. J. M. Wieting was elected President. The articles of association were filed April 16, 1868, the capital stock being $1,000,000. The road was partly opened in 1872, and finished in 1874 — length 42 miles. Harlow W. Chittenden succeeded J. M. Wieting as President. The present officers are A. A. How lett, President ; Henry TenEyck, Vice-President ; J. S. Sherman, Secretary. Syracuse Northern Railroad. This road was chartered in 1870 with a capital stock of $1,250,000. The directors were Allen Munroe, E. W. Leavenworth, E. B. Judson, Patrick Lynch, Frank Hiscock, John A. Green, Jacob S. Smith, Horace K. White, Elizur Clark, Gerret Doyle, Syracuse ; William H. Carter, Brewerton ; James A. Clark, Pulaski ; Oren R. Earl, Sandy Creek. President, Allen Munroe ; Secretary, Pat rick H. Agan ; Treasurer, Edward B. Judson ; Engineer, A. C. Powell. The road is 44 miles to its intersection of the R., W. & O. R. R., and was opened Nov. 7, 1871. It was purchased by the Rome, Watertown and Ogdensburg Railroad Com pany, by which corporation it is now managed, in 1875. PROGRESS OF EDUCATION. Early Schools of Syracuse. , The progress of education in the City of Syra cuse forms a very interesting chapter of its history. With the earliest settlements schools began to be taught, and before there were any districts or pub lic school houses, private buildings and even salt blocks were appropriated to the uses of education. It is a fact which speaks well for the old " Salt Pointers," that their whole attention was not ab- Residence of JOHN MOORE, yilo. 123 West G-Enesee St., Syracuse, H.Y. HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 153 sorbed in salt making, but that one of their num ber at least, a Mr. Conner, could divide his time between this occupation and the instruction of the children and youth of the new settlement in useful knowledge. Mr. Conner kept the earliest school of which we have any account in a salt block at Salina, and at the same time carried on the occupation of boiling salt. He made his school a very useful and popular one, securing for it the dignified title of tbe " High School," and it was well patronized by the people of Salina and Onondaga Hollow. The first public school within the present limits of Syracuse, and in the town of Salina, was proba bly District No. 1, now the Salina School, situated in the First Ward. The date of its organization we have not been able to ascertain, but the school house was built in 1805. It was commonly known as the "old red school house" and stood on what was afterwards the southwest corner of Washington Park. When first built it was on a line parallel with Park, then Salt street, and fronted to the east. The seats were arranged at first to face the wall, but af terwards to face the teacher. In the center of the room stood a large stove elevated upon a platform filled with sand-. Originally, the Park was a com mon, intersected by Center and Salt streets. Near the center of the ground was a deep pond which seemed to be fed by a living spring. Here geese and ducks and children dabbled in summer, while the frozen surface in winter afforded an excellent skating park. In 1839, the schoolhouse was taken down, the pond filled up and the four quarters of the Park indicated by a horizontal guard. In 1 847 the present fence was placed around it. Some reminiscences are related of this old school house worth recording. At an early day some rough young men and boys were taught here. There was a teacher by the name of Isaac Van- Tassel, a pious man, from Onondaga Hollow, who was determined to become a minister and had asked the Presbytery to educate him, but they had refused to do so on account of a certain impediment in his speech. However, he said he would preach, and finally did preach, becoming a missionary to the Maumee Indians. Under his administration, a plot had been formed to resist his authority. He had punished a young man for swearing. This led to insurrection and revolt. Five or six banded to gether to put him out of the school. He had some intimation of what was going on, and as he left the house in the morning he said to Mrs. Dioclesian Alvord, with whom he boarded : " You need not be surprised to see me home earlier than usual," and then explained to her his apprehensions. He left, and upon going to his room to put it in order, she found the Bible open with the passage marked : " Rid me and deliver me from the hand of strange children." His prayer was answered. At noon he informed Mrs. Alvord that Dean Richmond, who had been drawn into the plot, came forward and in a manly way confessed and apologized for the whole transaction. She predicted that he would come to something, which was verified in the well known future career of this distinguished poli tician. Mr. Van Tassel, also, was afterwards a suc cessful missionary, and died among the Maumee Indians about 1847. Another teacher of a later day had a novel mode of punishment. He was wont to take out his pen knife and strop it vigorously, and then ask the delinquent scholar whether he would be bled or be struck with the ruler. Of course, each fright ened urchin always chose the latter. This was carried on successfully for sometime. At length a brother and sister put their heads together to cir cumvent the wary teacher. Having loitered or been detained without good excuse, and anticipat ing punishment, the sister advised the brother that when called up and the usual choice submitted, he should say he preferred to be bled. The pen-knife of the teacher was again whetted in a very dramatic manner, the child's sleeve rolled up and the solemn question put. " I choose to be bled," said the boy. This answer overturned the teacher's gravity, and he let the boy go. While upon this subject of novel punishments we will relate another instance. It is said of a teacher who taught a select school not far distant, that she adopted a mode of punishment still more extraordinary than those referred to. Her method of disgrace was nothing so common as a dunce block or a fool's cap, -but a salt barrel pierced with nails, tbe nails pointing inward. Into this barrel the refractory child was put, and a heavy piece of iron from the stove laid over the top, so that if the little offender in durance vile tried to resist, he found, like the Apostle, that it was hard to kick against the pricks. Within the memory of many now living there was but one school house in the village of Syracuse, that was a low square frame building, with a roof resembling an inverted mill-hopper, standing in a pine grove on the north side of Church street, upon the lot next east of where the Northern JRailroad crosses. The site is occupied by a brick building which was afterwards school No. 4, and then became a church, and is now converted into a blacksmith's shop. This was the first school house built in the 154 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. village of Syracuse, and was probably erected about 1820. For a number of years it was used as a school house, meeting house, town hall, and for almost every kind of a public gathering. In the winter of 1821, school was taught here by Hiram A. Deming, who is now book-keeper in Mr. Greenway's brewery. Webster's Spelling Book, Daboll's Arithmetic and Morse's Geography were then the principal text-books. The teacher " boarded round " among his patrons. Blackboards, globes and other apparatus had not been thought of, and the young idea was taught to shoot without the advantage of "grades" and "departments." The family of Judge Joshua Forman, including the present Mrs. E. W. Leavenworth, and others well known, were pupils in this school when Mr. Dem ing taught in 1821. Mr. Deming was born in Stillwater, Saratoga County, in 1779, and came to Syracuse in 1820. He is a remarkably well pre served man for one of his years, being almost an octogenarian. After Mr. Deming the school was kept a while by William K. Blair, now residing in the Fourth Ward of the city. Welthia Ann Lathrop, widow of the late Edward Allen, Esq., of Auburn, taught a select school in a building furnished by Capt. Joel Cody, in the rear of the present First Baptist Church for many years, beginning in 1826. Her school was the first select school taught in Syracuse. In 1830 a Miss Guthrie taught a private school in a building then called the " Wheeler House." It stood on the corner of Salina and Center streets in what is now the First Ward. During six months of the year 1835, Hon. Geo. F. Comstock taught a select school in the upper story of a yellow building which stood on the site of the present Bastable Block. The Judge was then pursuing his law studies -with Messrs. Noxon and Leavenworth. He was elected Inspector of Schools for the town of Salina in 1837. A school called by the fanciful name of the " Sa lina Institute " was established in the village of Salina at quite an early day, and was for some time a popular and useful school. It never had any char ter and was properly only a select school. At dif ferent times Mr. Leavitt, D. C. LeRoy and Dr. Jas. Forham were connected with it as teachers. The building occupied by this school is still standing, on Turtle street between Park and Salina streets. A young ladies' school flourished for several years on the site of the present Presbyterian Church, cor ner of Park and Prescott streets. In the early days of Syracuse the chief select school for girls, principally, was that taught by the Misses Chamberlain. It was with difficulty that a suitable room could be found for a school, and Dr. Mather Williams erected for the purpose a tempo. rary frame building on Water street near the corner of Clinton, which, as one of the juvenile attendants expressed it, " was without any lining," being neither ceiled nor plastered. Here taught Mrs. Humphrey, a niece of the late Holland Johnson, who afterwards married Mr. Montgomery, law partner of Harvey Baldwin. On the approach of cold weather this structure proved uncomfortably airy, and Captain Putnam finished and fitted up a room over his wood- house on Mongomery street, which was soon dubbed " Montgomery Institute." Among the teachers here were Miss Richardson, niece of Mrs. Elam Lyndes and afterwards wife of Zaccheus Newcomb, and Miss Alexander, sister of the late Mrs. Harry Alexander. Following these were the Misses Newton, from Mas sachusetts (afterwards Mrs. Volney Cook) and a sis ter of Mrs. Stevens, whose husband was the first landlord of the Globe Hotel ; Miss Fitch, from Trumansburg ; Miss Collins, sister of Mrs. Reuben L. Hess, and assistants ; Miss Laurie, from Whites boro, and Miss Gould, from South Carolina. At this period the standard of education was well advanced, the higher mathematics, French, Latin, drawing, painting and music being taught in Miss Collins' school. The study of the sciences to any extent was, at a later day, introduced by Miss Amelia Bradbury, who numbered among her pupils many heads of prominent families now living in the city, who cherish gratefully and affectionately the memory of her conscientious, tender counsels, and who owe to her advanced views of education the stimulus towards that higher culture which has fitted them to adorn responsible positions in life, and to become useful, reliable and intelligent women. The school of Miss Bradbury was located on Mont- gomery street, Lot 8, Block 113, the same lot on which the house built by Horatio N. White now stands. Miss Emily Chubbuck, afterwards Mrs. Adoniram Judson, wife of the famous missionary to Burmah, taught a select school at one time in a small build ing which stood where McCarthy, Sons & Co.'s wholesale store now stands, on the corner of Wash ington and Clinton streets. From September, 1847, to June, 1861, the late Madame A. J. Raoul, one of our old inhabitants, taught a select school in this city. She was an ac complished teacher of music and French lessons, the last of which she continued to give to a few pupils till 1872, (she died in 1875,) when growing infirmities brought to a close a longer term of years HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 155 consecutively devoted to teaching than probably has been given by many teachers in Syracuse. Syracuse Academy. Through the exertions of Messrs. Aaron Burt, Harvey Baldwin and Oliver Teall, who owned a large tract of land in the locality, a charter was ob tained for the Syracuse Academy in 1835. A lot was donated by Mr. Baldwin, and, under many dis couragements, the building now occupied as the Orphan Asylum, on Lodi Hill, was erected and completed for the Academy, which was supplied with competent teachers and supported by the bene factions of its founders. Tbe first Principal was Mr. Kellogg, of New York, who was succeeded by Orrin Root, for many years since a Professor in Hamilton College. At one period, the late A. G. Salisbury, who became the first Clerk of the Board of Education of the City of Syracuse, was its Prin cipal. His qualifications as a teacher were only equalled by hi% love for the vocation, and the many years of conscientious performance of its duties in connection with the establishment in Syracuse of the present system of Public Schools. At a later day in the existence of the Academy, it was con ducted by Joseph A. Allen and Oliver T. Burt, part of which period was after its removal to a more central location. But the Academy did not prosper. After it went into operation, jealousies in reference to it were awakened, enterprise in regard to public schools was aroused, district school houses sprang up and soon attracted the sympathy and patronage of the public. The cause of education profited by the efforts of the founders of the Academy, but they were, and continued to be, the losers, so that the Academy was finally abandoned, and the house designed by its originators to subserve the cause of education providentially became the home of the helpless orphan and the abode of charity. Common Schools before the City Organiza tion. The common schools existing prior to the city- organization were all formed and maintained as schools of the town of Salina, under the general school laws. Neither the charter of the village of Salina, adopted in 1824, nor that of the village of Syracuse, in 1825, made any change in the status of the schools within their limits : they were from the first, and continued to be till 1848, common schools of the town of Salina. The first legislative action on the part of the State in behalf of education was the passage of an act entitled " An Act for the Encouragement of Schools," passed April 9, 1795. (18th Session Laws — George Clinton, Esq., Governor.) Amend ments were made to this act April 6, 1796, March 10, 1797, and April 3, 1799. It was the first act appropriating public money to the use of common schools, the sum then set apart being twenty thou sand pounds out of the surplus revenue of the State, to be divided among the different counties, and the sum assigned to each county was to be apportioned by the Supervisors to the several towns according to the number of taxable inhabitants therein ; the Supervisors being also required to raise by tax in each town, for school purposes, a sum equal to half the amount of the public money to which each county should be entitled. The portion of the twenty thousand pounds assigned to the County of Onondaga was one hundred and seventy four pounds, which was Onondaga's first public school fund. It would be interesting to know what portion, if any, of this was appropriated in the town of Salina, and at what date, but there are no records extant that can furnish the information. The first district organized was undoubtedly that known as No. 1, now tbe Salina School ; after which the districts were formed in numerical order, as the town became settled and new schools were required to meet the wants of a growing population. At the time of the city organization, tbe schools exist ing within its limits were as follows : In the First Ward, there were Nos. 1, 8, 15 and 16. In what is now the Second Ward there was none. In the Third Ward was No. 4, occupying the building now used as a blacksmith's shop, on Church street. In the Fourth Ward was one, known as No. 5, now the Prescott School, (organized Jan. 26, 1839,) on Lock street. In the Fifth Ward was one, occupying a little old wooden building, since removed. The Sixth Ward contained one, called No. 6, located on Fayette street. In the Seventh Ward was the present Putnam School, on the corner of Jefferson and Montgomery streets. In the Eighth Ward was No. 10, situated on Fast Fayette street. In these schools there were, at the time of the city organization, 35 teachers employed. We have no statistics of the school population, attendance, ex penditures or other items. Public Schools Under the City Government. The incorporation of the city of Syracuse in augurated a new era in educational affairs. " An Act in Relation to the Public Schools of Syracuse " was passed April 11, 1848. This act, with some slight amendments, is the basis of the present public school system of the city. It provided for 1 56 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK the appointment by the Mayor and Common Council, of two Commissioners of common schools from each ward, to be divided into two classes, one of which should hold office one year and the other two years from the date of the first appointment, and that, thereafter, one Commissioner should be elected from each ward annually. The Commis sioners so elected and holding till their successors are chosen and qualified, constitute the Board of Education of the city of Syracuse, who have control of everything relating to the public schools. The act was amended March n, 1865, March 26, 1866, and March 27, 1868. By one of these amendments, one Commissioner is now elected annually from each ward for two years, and it is so arranged that the even wards elect one year and the odd wards the next, thus giving the Board only four new members each year. In pursuance of the act, eight Commissioners were appointed by the Mayor and Common Council, who met at Market Hall (now City Hall) April 21, 1848, and after choosing Hiram Putnam and R. A. Yoe, President and Secretary, pro tern., proceeded to draw for their respective terms, as follows : First Ward — William Clark 2 years. J. P. Babcock 1 " Second Ward — James Noxon 2 " C. M. Brosnan 1 " Third Ward — Hiram Putnam 2 " Daniel Bradley 1 " Fourth Ward — Oliver Teall* 2 " C. A. Wheaton 1 " William Clark was elected President of the Board, but declined to serve, whereupon Hiram Putnam was elected in his place. At the next meeting of the Board, April 26, 1848, A. G. Salisbury was chosen Clerk, and his salary fixed at $500 a year. The Board, upon its organization, adopted the following resolutions : " Resolved, That the Board of Education will not employ any teacher in any of the public schools of the city who uses intoxicating liquors as a beverage or who is addicted to the use of tobacco." " Resolved, That the President of the Board give public notice that the common schools of the city will be opened free to all the children of the city. First Teachers Appointed by the Board. The following roll shows the first appointment of teachers in the different schools and wards of the city, and their respective salaries, per month : First Ward. No. 1 — Lewis Cornell, Principal, Salary, $35 8— Edward Smith " "35 15— I. B. Brigham, " " 30 * Resigned, and place filled by T. B. Fitch. No. 16 — Jas. Johonnot, Principal, Salary, $35 16 — Miss Delia Earll, Assistant, " 15 Second Ward. No. 4 — N. P. Stanton, Principal, Salary, $48 4 — Mrs. Stanton, 2d Department, " 18 4 — Miss Palmer, ist " " 15 5 — R. R. Stetson, Principal, " 45 5 — Mrs. Stetson, ist Department, " 16 5 — Miss M. A. Clapp, 2d " " 18 5 — Miss J. A. VanDenburg, 3d D'pt." 18 Third Ward. No. 6 — J. B. Beal, Principal, Salary, $35 6— Miss Hannah Burnet, Ass't., " 15 20 — Miss A. Bennett, Principal, " 18 Fourth Ward. No. 7 — W. W. Newman, Principal, Salary, $50 7— Miss E. E.Williams, ist D'pt., " 18 7— Miss E. Williams, ist D'pt, " 15 7 — Miss J. Brooks, 2d Department, " 18 7— Miss S. M. Cox, 3d " " 18 7— Miss R. C. Newman, 4th " " 18 12 — J. M. Winchell, Principal, " 35 12 — Miss A. Barker, ist Department, " 15 12— Miss H. Kingsley, 2d " " 18 Other teachers were appointed from time to time, as the exigencies of the schools demanded, and every effort made to advance the standard of qualification, and make the schools an honor to the city. As the population increased, new buildings were erected, in some cases, rented, old buildings improved and en larged, new districts formed and new lots purchased and built upon, to meet the wants of the continually increasing number of children to be provided for. The Board has never been wanting in men of en larged views and self-sacrificing in the cause of pub lic education ; the officers have been faithful and efficient ; and it should be said to the credit of the citizens, without a single noted exception, that they have heartily and cheerfully cooperated in all the just measures of the Board calculated to advance and perfect the public schools of Syracuse. The citizens ofthe Central City have shown their appreciation of public education by the amount of money they have cheerfully paid to provide substan tial and elegant school houses. These appear in every part of the city as monuments to the people's zeal and liberality. In some instances the building of these costly structures required an enormous ex penditure for several consecutive years — the years, for instance from 1868 to 1875. In 1868, the May School building was erected at a cost, including furniture, of $20,000. In 1869, the High School building was completed at a cost, including lot, of $100,000. In 1870, the Franklin School building was erected at a cost, including lot, «, HENRY SHATTUCK. Plioto. by Bonla & CurtifeB, Syracuse. Ansel Shattuck, the father of the subject of this sketch, was born in Deerfield, Mass., Aug. 10, 1789, and settled in Pompey, Onondaga Co., N. Y., where he died, Feb. 8, 1849, in his sixtieth year. He was a well-to-do farmer and contractor for public works. He built the Erie canal through Little Falls. He married Eachel Bump, of Pompey. The result of this union was nine children, viz., Henry, Electa, Almira, Loron, Chester, Hiram, Caroline 0., Adaline M., and Angeline. All are now living, except Hiram and Adaline. Henry was born Sept. 13, 1811, in the town of Pompey. His earlier years were passed on his father's farm, and his limited edu cation was obtained in the common schools of his native town. At the age of fifteen years he came to Syracuse, where he learned and followed the brickmaker's trade for about seven years. On April 28, 1831, he was united in marriage to Mehetabel, daughter of Jesse Knapp, of Pompey. She was born Nov. 18, 1804. She died Dec. 7, 1840, leaving two children, viz., Mary Ann, born Jan. 1, 1832 (married Erasmus S. Hungerford, of De "Witt) ; Cor nelia, born Nov. 22, 1834 (married Edward H. "White, of Syra cuse). After his marriage he settled in Jamesville, town of De "Witt, and engaged in the business of hotel-keeping. After resid ing there about two years he was elected constable, and from that time for thirty years he held the offices, at different times, of con stable, deputy-sheriff, under-sheriff, and deputy United States mar shal, and all these positions he filled not only with great credit to himself but to the entire satisfaction of the citizens of the town and county. On March 23, 1842, he married Sarah P., daughter of Dr. Silas Park, of Lafayette. There were born to them five children, namely, Mehetabel, Alice A. (married George M. Dorr, of Florida), Adelbert, Henry, and Frank. All, except Alice A., who was born June 16, 1844, died quite young. Mrs. Dorr died March 10, 1872. After residing in Jamesville for about six years he moved to Syracuse, and continued in public office until about the year 1861. From that time on for several years he was engaged in buying and selling real estate, and in the manufacture of salt, having owned and worked two blocks. Since 1862 he has built and sold a large number of houses in the city of Syracuse. In 1826, Mr. Shattuck enlisted in a company of light infantry raised by General Granger. Was elected fourth corporal. "Was captain four years, and was appointed colonel of the 176th Eegi ment of Infantry by Gov. Silas "Wright, July 26, 1845, which position he held for three years. Politically he has always been a staunch Democrat, and in re ligious sentiment is a Presbyterian, and has been for several years a consistent member and a liberal supporter of the Fourth Presbyterian church of Syracuse. "While a resident of Jamesville he was school trustee for several years, and contributed largely to the educational interests of the town. The numerous and important official positions held by Mr. Shattuck, both by election and appointment, sufficiently attest the respect and confidence with which he has been regarded by his fellow-citizens ; and when we consider that every trust committed to his care, whether public or private, has been intelligently, faith fully, and honestly discharged, and that he is in the enjoyment of the undiminished confidence and respect of all who know him, we must pronounce his a useful and successful life. HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 157 of $30,000. In 1 87 1, the Madison School building and furniture cost the city $20,000. In 1875, the Salina School building, which had been built in i860 and burned, was rebuilt at a cost, including furniture, of $17,000. In addition to this in 1870, 1 87 1 and 1872, the Genesee, Salina and Seymour School buildings were enlarged at an aggregate cost of $20,000. Here is the grand total of $207,000 ¦expended in the short period of six years for pub lic school buildings alone. If we leave off the re building of the Salina School building in 1875, it will then be $190,000 expended in four consecutive years for school houses. We venture the assertion that few cities of the size of Syracuse can show as good a record. Most of the other school buildings in the city are good buildings, ranging in value, including lots, from $12,000 to $30,000. The entire value of school property is as follows : Lots, $156,000 ; buildings, $570,000; total, $726,000. Present Number of Schools. The public school system of this city compre hends sixteen schools and school buildings, as fol lows : High School, corner West Genesee and Wallace streets. Salina School, First Ward, between Center and Bear streets. Jefferson School, First Ward, corner Park and Court streets. Townsend School, corner Townsend and Ash streets. Franklin School, corner Butternut and Peters streets. Genesee School, corner Genesee and Wallace streets. Prescott School, Lock street near Willow. Clinton School, Lodi street near Hawley. Seymour School, Seymour street near West. May School, Seneca street between Otisco and Tully. Grace Street School, corner Grace and Ontario streets. Montgomery School, Montgomery street between Adams and Jackson. Putnam School, corner Montgomery and Jeffer son streets. Adams School, Adams street between Grape and Orange. frving School, corner Fayette and Irving streets. Madison School, corner Madison and Spruce streets. Grades. The schools of the city are graded in four depart ments, viz : Primary, Junior, Senior and High School. The Primary Department requires three years, the Junior two and a half, the Senior two and a half, and the High School three years, to complete the prescribed course of study. Formerly the High School required four years, but that has been recently changed by the Board. High School. The High School was organized in the brick building, formerly No. 4, now used as a blacksmith's shop, on Church street, in 1855. Prior to this there existed what was known as the " Higher Depart ment," in which the sciences and languages were taught, in the building now known as the Prescott School House. The High School proved a success from the start, and an indispensable adjunct of the public school system of the city. Besides advanc ing the grade of education to a thorough academic course, and providing facilities for fitting students for college, it has been the only source of a sufficient supply of competent teachers, and the greater share of the vacancies in the public schools of the city have been filled from graduates of the High School. The preference is given to these, as being better qualified as a general rule, than those who apply for situations from places outside the city. And this has also the double advantage of affording a con stant supply of excellent teachers and of enabling the Board to give employment to a large number of their own citizens. Of the seventy teachers em ployed in i860, about fifty were permanent residents of the city, and a majority of them had been mem bers of the High School. First Graduating Class. The names of the first graduates from the High School in 1856, are as follows : Rossiter Raymond, H. Wadsworth Clarke, Samuel L. Comstock, Osgood V. Tracy, Arinda L. Adams, Catharine B. Poole, Ellen A. Evans, Ellyette W. Casey, Ellen V. Bowen. Since then a large number have completed the prescribed course of study and have gone forth with the honors and benefits of the school to fill various responsible and useful situations. Last year the class of graduates consisted of 21 persons — 7 young gentlemen and 14 young ladies. Most of the young ladies had pursued the studies of the Teacher's Class, with a purpose of teaching in the city schools, provided they should be able to pass the necessary examination, and openings should occur offering them situations. The opportunities which this class presents to those who purpose to i58 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. make teaching a profession, are very valuable as compared with those of a quarter of a century ago, when nothing but a smattering of the common branches was expected of one offering their services as a common school teacher. The members of this class have spent four years in the High School, in addition to the course in the Senior School, which is more than an equivalent for the entire acquire ment for a teacher of only a few years since, where they have pursued the higher mathematics, lan guages — including Latin, French and German — with a thorough review of the English, the natural sciences, and mental and moral philosophy. In addition to this, they have received, during the last year of the course, daily lessons in at least one of the subjects taught in the ward schools, having in view a perfect understanding of tbe principles of these subjects and the best method of developing children's minds in them. High School and State University. By an act of the Legislature the High School is placed under the visitation of the Regents of the State University, and is made to participate in the distri bution of the Literature Fund. This law applies to all High Schools in the State which conform to the requirements of the Board of Regents, and it gives them a higher character, placing them on equal foot ing with all other academic institutions. The admissions to the High School are semi annual ; one class enters in September and one in February, upon the Regents' examination. A few from abroad, and pupils not regularly in the public schools, are received into the High School upon a trial examination, which, if satisfactory, admits such persons into the school, conditioned upon coming forward at the next Regents' examination, to try for his " Regents' Certificate." During the year 1876, 157 Regents' Certificates were granted, making 80 per cent, of the attendance at the High School Re gents' pupils, a larger percentage of the enrollment than at any former period. The whole number en rolled duriug the year was 372, the average number belonging being 275, and the average daily attend ance 264. High School Building. This building is beautifully situated on West Genesee street in one of the most picturesque por tions of the city. It is in the modern classical style of architecture, three stories high above the base ment, of red pressed brick with Onondaga gray limestone trimmings, the style being exceedingly ornate and imposing. A fine cupola crowns the summit of the structure, capped by a gilt globe glit tering in the sun, and from this high elevation a beautiful view is obtained of the surrounding city its environs and romantic scenery. This building, we have already said, was completed in 1869, a'" a cost, including lot, of $100,000. The length ofthe building is 123 feet and its width 96 feet. On the first floor is the Central Library Department, with its valuable collection of books, together with the spacious and commodious office of the Board of Education, and a department for classes in the art of drawing. On the second floor is the Central Senior Department, with its competent corps of teachers, and above this, on the third floor, is located the High School Department proper, where the higher grades of education are pursued. Ward robes and water-closets are supplied throughout the various rooms, with every convenience necessary to the comfort of the pupils. In the basement are located the furnaces for heating the entire building, which is done by patent steam radiators of the most modern style, in keeping with the character of the furniture of the building, which is neat, attractive and substantial. Here also is to be located the Gymnasium, together with a fine cabinet of rare geological specimens, and a valuable set of philo sophical apparatus. The conveniences for educa tional purposes possessed by the High School are second to no similar institution in the country, and is the fit head of a system of public schools of which the citizens of Syracuse may justly be proud. Bust of Samuel J. May. In July, 1875, the bust of Rev. Samuel J. May; executed by Miss Isabella Gifford, of Syracuse, was purchased by subscribers friendly to that object and presented to the Board of Education, to be placed in the Central Library Room ofthe High School build ing. The committee of presentation consisted of Wm. Brown Smith, N. C. Powers, Mrs. Oliver T. Burt, Mrs. R. W. Pease, E. B. Judson, Dudley P. Phelps and J. L. Bagg. On the reception of a communi cation from the foregoing committee, the Board passed a resolution accepting the bust, and appoint ed a committee consisting of Commissioners Wil liam A. Duncan, President of the Board of Educa tion, Hon. J. W. Barker and Hon. John J. Crouse, to make arrangements for the proper ceremonies. Arrangements being completed, the transfer was made September 18, 1875, and the bust placed in the middle alcove of the Central Library, in front of the main entrance. One of the daily papers thus speaks of this in teresting occasion : " The arrangements for the ceremonies were very complete. A commodious platform was erected HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 159 across a portion of the front of the building, and the lawn in front, made damp by the heavy rains, was covered with boards. " Large offerings of flowers, vines and evergreens gave the platform a charming appearance, and re flected esthetic culture, and the exercises were con ducted in such a happy manner as to win the admi ration of the large concourse of people. Promi nently upon the platform, which was occupied by the Board of Education, the speakers and officiat ing gentlemen, together with a chorus of High School students under the direction of Professor Ballou, stood the work of which the city was soon to become possessed, veiled from the view of the spectators by the American flag. "The attendance was large, filling the space in front of the building upon the sidewalk, while the street was crowded with vehicles. The assemblage embraced, besides a large number of prominent citizens, many educators and students in art and literature, and all of the professions were well repre sented. Almost all classes and conditions of so ciety were present. The absence of Miss Gifford was universally regretted, particularly by those who were aware of the fact that she was obliged to fore go the pleasure ofthe event in consequence of severe illness. Had she been present, the speakers and the assemblage would have given her a most cor dial greeting." The exercises were commenced by appointing as presiding officer, J. L. Bagg, Esq. After prayer by Rt. Rev. F. D. Huntington, followed by the re peating of the Lord's Prayer, Rev. C. D. B. Mills delivered the address, portraying in eloquent lan guage the life and character of Mr. May, and giv ing appropriate encomiums of the work of art which so faithfully represented " some of his choicest fea tures." Rev. S. R. Calthrop, with appropriate re marks and a poem written for the occasion, then formally presented tbe bust to the Board of Edu cation, Misses Hanchett and Barnes unveiling the beautiful likeness as the last words were spoken. It was looked upon lovingly for the first time by many present, and the skill of the young artist found strong commendation in many remarks. President Duncan then received the gift and promised to place it in the Central City Library, where it could be daily seen by the children Mr. May loved so well. They would certainly prize it for two rea sons — as a work of art and as a most fitting me morial of one who was a sincere friend of education. Mr. Duncan introduced President White, of Cor nell University, who gave a glowing tribute to the character of Mr. May. Accepting the bust in be half of the Board of Education, he said : " This bust will endure as a memorial of Mr. May's char acter ; for the serene face will for years radiate that benign influence which will cause some to take up again the good work he loved so well." Statistics — 1876. Number of buildings in which schools are kept, 18 — containing schools as follows : High School, 1; Senior Grade, 6; Junior Grade, 16; Primary Grade, 17 ; Ungraded Schools, 2 ; Evening Schools, 1 ; Schools of all Grades, 6. Whole number of teachers in all the schools 207 Male teachers, 10 ; female teachers, 197 ; regular teachers, 206 ; special teachers, 1. Number of persons in the city between the ages of 5 and 21 16,552 Whole number of pupils registered in all the schools 8,820 Average number belonging to all the grades, 6,624 Average daily attendance in all the schools.. 6,228 Average per cent, of attendance on number belong ing 94.4 Number of sittings in all the schools 8,222 Cost per Pupil on Daily Attendance. For tuition — graded schools, $16.27; ungraded schools, $12.49 > a^ schools, $16. 17 ; incidentals in all schools, $4.51 ; entire cost including all expen ses, $20.68. Whole amount expended for schools in the city in 1876 $125,035.81 Board of Education, 1878. Commissioners — ist Ward, Edward E. Chapman; 2d Ward, Peter Knaul ; 3d Ward, John W. Bar ker ; 4th Ward, Henry E. Warne ; 5th Ward, Wm. A. Duncan ; 6th Ward, Hiram R. Olmsted ; 7th Ward, Martin A. Knapp ; 8th Ward, John H. Durston. President, John W. Barker ; Clerk and Superintendent, Edward Smith. Standing Committees — Executive — Com'rs W. A. Duncan, E. E. Chapman, and H. R. Olmsted. Fi nance — Com'rs E. E. Chapman, W. A. Duncan and H. E. Warne. Teachers — Com'rs H. E. Warne, Peter Knaul andE. E. Chapman. Library — Com'rs H. R. Olmsted, M. A. Knapp and W. A. Duncan. Course of Study— Com'rs J. H. Durston, H. E. Warne and Peter Knaul. High School — Com'rs M. A. Knapp, H. R. Olmsted and J. H. Durston. Rules, Regulations and Printing — Com'rs Peter Knaul, J. H. Durston, M. A. Knapp. Early Libraries. The first circulating library, called the " Parish Library," was formed by the exertions of Rev. Palmer Dyer, officiating clergyman in St. Paul's Church, which then stood in the center of the triangle now known as the Granger Block. Mr. Dyer's interest in the youth of the village led to the step, and to a careful selection of books suited to their needs. A room was at one time furnished by L. H. Redfleld, Esq., for the accommodation of the Library, who, with Mr. Dyer, had chief charge i6o HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. of its circulation. After doing a good work it was removed by Mr. Redfleld to the Academy, in the library of which it was merged. Madame A. J. Raoul at one time circulated books to the villagers. Then came the " Syracuse Library and Reading Room Association," of which Thomas A. Smith, Esq., at one time acted as Librarian, having his law office in the Library rooms, which he rendered attractive by a fine col lection of hot-house plants. Public lectures were given before the Association at its rooms on the corner of Salina and Washington streets, by gentle men of note from abroad, and " Readings " by Mrs. Fanny Kemble Butler. Here for the first time in Syracuse was heard the music of Ole Bull's charmed violin. At a later period the Association got in debt, and finally broke down. The Library con sisting of about 1,200 volumes, was purchased by Hon. E. W. Leavenworth, Captain Putnam, Dr. Clary, and others, who opened a library at Dr. Clary's house or office. When the " Franklin Library and Institute " was formed, they made a present of the 1,200 volumes to the institution, which was for some time the bulk of the library connected with it. " Franklin Library and Institute." The Franklin Library came into existence as the fruits of the efforts of a few leading citizens, who agitated the project till it resulted in an appeal being made to all interested to contribute books, papers, periodicals, shells, minerals, &c. This ap peal was made at the close of a lecture delivered at Market Hall (present City Hall) by Dr. Mark Hop kins, then President of Williams College, and the citizens were notified that they would be called up on the following day for contributions. Accord ingly, the next morning, two lads, taking Mrs. R.'s large clothes basket, containing a " beginning," made, before they finished, a pretty thorough can vass of the place. One of these lads was Daniel Fiske, now one of Cornell's corps of Professors, and the popular Librarian of that institution. The other, Edwin Smith, now practicing law at Kenne- bunk Port, Maine, was a nephew of the beloved teacher, Miss Amelia Bradbury. The gleaners met with good success, and the heavily laden basket was many times emptied of its contents. One of the most valuable donations was a complete set of " Stillman's Journals," from Stephen Smith, given upon the condition that the subscription should always be kept up. It is to be hoped that this work fell into appreciative ownership at the late sale of chat Library. Dr. Henry Gregory, then rector of St. Paul's Church, if not the first president of the Franklin Institute and Library, served as such at a very early stage of its organization, and was a most zealous and efficient friend in the days of its weakness and growth. Syracuse during these days was not without aspi rants to literary fame, as the popularity ofthe lyceums gave evidence. Here the late Thomas T. Davis, Zaccheus Newcomb, (for many years a resident of Waterloo, N. Y.,) and later, Wing Russel, James Noxon, (now Judge Noxon,) Judge North, (now of the Pacific Coast,) C. B. Sedgwick, S. D. Dillaye, and others, tried their newly-fledged wings of ora tory before appreciative audiences. Reading Societies also gained quite a popularity. The most noted of these was organized by Miss Bradbury. Among its members were those whose memories are dear to many hearts — Miss Clarissa Smith, Miss Caroline Towne, (niece of Miss Brad bury,) Mrs. A. M. Redfleld, Mrs. E. F. Wallace, Mrs. Dr. Clary, Mrs. M. J. Lewis, (now of Chi cago,) Mrs. Charlotte Lawrence, Mrs. Lucy B. PuN nam, the Misses Redfleld, Messrs. R. W. Washburn, (for twenty years or so confidential officer in charge of the express interests of Wells & Co., at San Francisco, Cal.,) Rev. M. Storer, Thomas A. Smith, E. J. Foster, W. H. H. Smith, H. N. White, J. L. Bagg and D. P. Phelps. About 1844 was formed the " Society for Mutual Instruction," the officers and members of which were each assigned a branch of natural science, and in rotation furnished each an original Essay at each weekly evening meeting, with natural specimens for illustrations, which were supplemented by informa tion contributed by all the members upon the topic under discussion for the evening. The first year the members met in the School House on Church street, and the last year in A. G. Salisbury's school room, near the old Congregational Church, (now Convention Block,) on East Genesee street. This Society was of great benefit to many. A " mem ber" afterwards reported the first course of lectures delivered by Prof. Agassiz on first landing in this country, in New York ; he wrote to a friend that he could not have filled that position had it not been for information acquired as a member of the "So ciety for Mutual Instruction." The " record " of its organization is here copied from a large turtle shell, which was sent to one of the members by a friend of congenial tastes, from Canandaigua Outlet : Officers. President— Rev. Samuel J. May— Etymology. Secretary— A. G. Salisbury — Conchology. — (Teacher till July 1, 1864; Paymaster at New Or- "lllilP^ S^4U~rt^yvfi Photo, by Bonta & Curtiss, Syracuse. In tracing out the early surroundings of some of, our best repre sentative men, we often find that chilling adversity companioned their youth, and that hard labor filled their early years. Fre quently the only school attended was that of experience, where severe masters taught severer lessons. These reflections have arisen from hearing the reminiscences of one of our most esteemed citizens, Jason C. Woodruff, a man whose name is associated with the most exalted ideas of probity and morality. Born in New Haven, Conn., in 1800, of American parents, he was left fatherless ere the completion of his second year. His mother, thrown upon her own resources, with a family of help less little ones, struggled along, giving them a home and providing ways and means for their physical needs with that wonderful power which mother-love only evinces. Unable to send her children to school, she imparted to them such elements of education as her time allowed, taking time always, however, to impress upon them the value of honesty and truthfulness. Jason, at the age of nine, was a slight boy ; earnest, unobtrusive, known as a boy who could be trusted. As an evidence of this it may be stated that he was se lected by Messrs. Prescott & Sherman, of New Haven, to take charge of merino sheep, among the first ever imported into this country, — hardly imported, either, as they were smuggled, and that at an immense cost. For four years this boy herded and sheltered them from harm, earning the good opinion of his employers by his zeal- ousness and reliability. At the end of that time he was employed by the same firm in unloading salt, and for two years he thus earned his daily bread. At the age of fifteen he entered a tannery with the intention of learning the trade, but his desires in that line came to a summary end by reason of his falling into a vat ; so he sought that unfailing resource of American boyhood, " working on a farm." The year 1816 was thus passed. The only regular instruction ever received was during the next winter, when he attended the village school. Being now nearly seventeen years of age, another trade was determined upon, and the laborious one of blacksmithing chosen. This he faithfully fol lowed for five years, at Great Barrington, Mass., under a master exacting but just. At the end of his apprenticeship his capital consisted of a thorough knowledge of his business, a limited ward robe, and eight cents. "With this he started out in quest of a home and independence. Varying fortunes attended him on his way from one village to another, as he worked as a journeyman, until at last his erratic steps led him to Utica, in the fall of 1822. At this time a feeling of intense excitement existed, owing to the opposition line of stages which were about to be put on between Utica and the west. Naturally a lover of horses, young "Woodruff became much interested in the debates as to the superiority of the running stock of the new line. He succeeded in getting his name placed on the list of drivers, and so well did he impress the owners, that to him was given the honor of driving the first stage out of Utica on the rival line. His urbanity and strict attention to busi ness soon made him a valuable man, and he was, within a few months, sent to Canandaigua to take charge of that end of the line. Four years was thus spent. In his journeyings he had visited the town of Salina, and, like many others, seeing its prospective greatness, he determined to make it his home. He bought out the livery of Philo Bust in 1826, and carried on the business, combined with that of staging, which latter he continued until superseded hy railroads. In 1826 he married Miss Amanda Johnson, a native of Lee, Mass. They have two surviving daughters, Charlotte and Harriet, having lost four sons and two daughters. His wife, who is yet living, has through these long years been a. helpmeet in every sense of the word. Fortune began to smile upon this earnest suitor, and, as year after vear passed on, he entered new fields of labor, each of which gave good return. Mr. Woodruff held the surplus water-power of the Syracuse level, by right of lease from the State, on which he erected an immense flouring-mill five stories high. A few rods distant Mr. Haskins had a salt-grinding mill, and its destruction by fire involved the loss of Mr. Woodruff's mill, valued at thirty thousand dollars. This was discouraging ; but taking new heart he went on determined to labor, strengthened by the sympathies ever extended to an honest man who meets misfortune. From 1831 to 1837 he fulfilled the onerous duties of bank-man ager under the United States banking system. In 1852 the people of this city called him to fill the office of mayor, which he did with singular purity and fidelity. He has twice been president of the agricultural society of this county, one of the years being the most successful known in the history of the association. He also served as vice-president of the State agricultural society. He is still actively engaged in the livery business, which he has successfully carried on for half a century. About the middle height, robust and vigorous, strong in physical health, his mental faculties are in their prime. In all things which tend to materially advance the interest of the industries he has ever been a prominent mover, and has given that substantial aid which goes so much farther than hollow promises from wordy lips. Keticent in speech , reserved in manner, he impresses the observer as being a man who carefully examines the bearings of a subject ere reaching a decision, and one who does not lightly change his views. He is a bright example of an earnest Christian. For thirty years he has been a consistent member of the First Presbyterian church,— during twenty-four of which he has filled the position of president of the board of trustees. IjlT'jyE.A.'N" OIjJLIS'Sr, nvn.3D. Perhaps there is no man in Syracuse whose name falls more pleasantly upon the ear than does the one which precedes this article. For forty-eight years a leading physician in this vicinity, and intimately connected with the oldest families of the city, by his untiring efforts and judicious course of practice he won for himself an enviable position in the esteem of the citizens generally. Dr. Clary was born in Deerfield, Mass., on Feb. 11, 1803. His father was a well-to-do farmer, who gave his son the best educational advantages to be had in that locality. At the age of fourteen years, when a general feeling pervaded the community that "the west" was the "promised land," he accompanied his parents to Huron Co., Ohio, where the family settled upon an almost unimproved farm. Here for the space of three years he assisted his father in working the farm ; meanwhile, as educational privi leges in that locality were limited, he spent his evenings in close study, thereby fitting himself to assume the duties of a teacher at the early age of seventeen, as well as storing his mind with a knowledge of such branches as should be available and useful in after-years. At the age of twenty-one a tempting offer to embark in the mercantile business, which at the time seemed for his interest in a pecuniary point of view, called for a permanent de cision on his part as to what should be his occupation in life. His predilection for a profession won the day; and acting upon the belief that, as a physician, his field would be one in accordance with his tastes, and in which he could be of the most service to his fellow- man, he adopted the medical pro fession, and soon after entered the office of Dr. Manter, Elyria, Ohio, where he remained two years. Subsequently he returned to his former home in New England, and studied for two years ,in the office of Dr. Williams, meanwhile support ing himself by teaching. He grad uated afterwards at the Berkshire Medical College, Pittsfield, Mass., with distinction. Soon after, with a view of select ing a place in which to enter upon his professional duties, he visited Canada, and at one time thought quite seriously of locating at St. Catharine's, then an active and growing place; the thought, how ever, of expatriating himself and living under any other form of gov ernment than a republican one, was so distasteful and objectionable that he gave it up, and subsequently making his way through the States of Ohio and Pennsylvania on horse back, he finally located in Salina, N. T. (now the first ward of Syra cuse), where he remained until 1835, when, perceiving that Syracuse was to be the city and leading place, he left a large practice and removed to the latter place, where, with the exception of a short time spent in Virginia, he remained until his death, June 1, 1876. Dr. Clary entered the school of medicine as an allopath, but in 1840 the claims of homoeopathy were pressed upon him with so muoh force by an old friend and convert (Dr. Bull, of New York city), that he was in duced to test the efficacy of the remedies. Faithfully carrying out his undertaking, it resulted in breaking down the deep-rooted prejudices of many years and his final adoption of the homoeopathic system, unpopular with the community at large and against his own personal interest, as he supposed at the time, being then president of the Onondaga County Medical Society (allopathic). Under this new system he continued to practice until the close of his life, and the fact that most of the families in which ho had practiced for years went with him in this change was a most gratifying testimonial of the confidence reposed in him. His election to the presidency of the following medical societies was a sufficient testimonial of the esteem in which he was held by the medical profession : the Onondaga Medical Society, in 1845 ; the First Central Medical Society, in 1851; the New York State Homoeopathic Medical Society, in 1852 ; the American Institute of Homoeopathy, in 1854 ; the Onondaga Homoeopathic Medical Society, in 1863 ; the New Central Ho moeopathic Medical Society, in 1866 ; being one of the original members of the American Institute of Homoeopathy. During his long and useful life in Syracuse, Dr. Clary was prominently identified with many of its local institutions. Early in life he was a trustee of the First PreBbyterian church, but some thirty years ago became associated with the " Church of the Messiah" (Unitarian), and was trustee as well as an active and earnest member of that church until his death. In the various charitable institutions of the city he always felt a deep interest, some of which he was connected with as officer and counselor for many years, always ready to render any service in his power, professionally or otherwise. He was a trustee and vice-president of the Syracuse savings bank from its organization. One of the founders of the New England Society, he was the first vice-president, and afterwards elected president. Greatly interested in the security and preservation of the records of the early history of Onondaga County, he was one of the most active and earnest in the organization of the Pioneers' Association, and one of its officers from the beginning. In politics, Dr. Clary in his early days was a Democrat, and in its highest sense continued as such through life. When, however, sla very had made such gigantic strides that the action of the Democratic party seemed to he governed by the supporters of that institution and in its interest, he broke loose from the same, first as an active Free-soiler, afterwards as an earnest Republican. Personally he never indulged in any desire for political preferment, though at all times active in poli tics and deeply interested in the general political welfare. Outside of his profession, Dr. Clary was quite an extensive dealer in real estate, and, as far back as 1833, purchased the tract of land known as the "College lot," which he subdivided and sold out iu small farms. During the last few years of his life he built a large number of houses suitable for the working classes upon lands in the city, some of which were purchased at an early day, and which were sold on easy terms, making comfortable homes for them. In temperament, Dr. Clary was sanguine in tbe superlative degree. Ever cheerful and reliant on the good intentions of the Creator towards his creatures, his life was passed in a busy round of duty, which, while benefiting others, did not leave himself unrewarded. He was ever a close student of his profession and kept pace with the advancements of the age, possessing strong powers of application and a well-balanced mind. Always self-reliant, he had a happy faoulty of drawing out others, which, with fine conversational powers and his large fund of information, rendered him a most agreeable companion to all. He was best known in this oommunity as a physioian, though always looked up to as a man of power and ideas. Of a truly sympathetic nature, he made the joys and sorrows of his friends his own, receiving their oon- fidenoe but to retain it. His oheerful oountenance and disposition made his presence in the sick-room, in no ordinary way, a source of consolation to his patients, and the tender remembrance in which his memory is held by all classes clearly shows that he not only enjoyed, but was eminently entitled to the name of friend. In May, 1830, Dr. Clary married Miss Fanny Ware, of Deerfield, Mass. She was born May 10, 1806, and still survives. They had three children, two of whom are living,— 0. Ware Clary, and Mrs. Daniel F. Gott, of Syracuse. HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 161 leans in the war of the Rebellion ; Superintendent at Auburn Prison.) Treasurer — W. H. Scram — Geology. (A teach er in No. 7 Public School. Removed in 1847 to New York city.) Members. Miss A. Bradbury — Animalcule. (Principal of Young Ladies' Seminary in Syracuse. Died Sept. 12th, 1850.) Mrs. A. M. Redfield— Radiates. Miss Mary Allen — Conchology. (Principal of Female Seminaries at Rochester and Syracuse ; is now Mrs. King, of Rochester.) Dr. Dunlap — Physiology. Rev. Stebbins — Anthropology. (Removed in 1848, to Florence, Ga. ; teacher.) Mr. Stetson — Ichthyology. (Teacher at No. 5 Public School ; died in 1848 or '49, at Syracuse.) Joseph A. Allen — Meteorology. (Teacher in Academy. M. Burr — Herpetology. (Printing in New York in 1848) Dr. T. D.Washburn — Entozoa. (1848 removed west — to Illinois. (?) Mr. Stanton — (A resident of Geddes, and con stant attendant at the sessions of the Society. In 1848 teaching in Buffalo. Was afterwards Secre tary of State of New York ) District School Libraries. Circulating Libraries were connected with the District Schools from an early time, and were con tinued in the organization under the City Charter. In the Superintendent's report for 1857, we find the following : " No equal amount of public money is doing more good to the community than that expended in the purchase of books for the District Libraries. There are nine of these libraries, so distributed over the city as to be conveniently ac cessible to every one. The aggregate number of the volumes is 4,620. During the year (1857) 20,000 volumes have been drawn. This extensive reading, principally by the pupils attending the schools, but largely by others, cannot fail to have an important influence in forming the tastes and habits of those who thus devote their leisure hours." Valuable as these libraries were, they were nev ertheless attended with many serious disadvantages, being scattered in so many separate collections, and the increase of duplicate volumes incurred a large unnecessary expenditure. When the plan of a Central Library was adopted, these duplicate vol umes were sold from time to time, and the standard works of value placed in the Central collection. The Central Library. This library was opened to the public on the first of May, 1855, in which year it was enlarged by the addition of two hundred volumes of standard works. When the High School building was completed in 1869 it was transferred to its present well-arranged and spacious appartments on the first floor of that building. The Central Library is intended, not so much for circulation, as for collecting standard books of reference, and keeping them where they may be conveniently consulted. Nevertheless, it has a Circulating Department, free to all citizens above ten years of age. The Reference Depart ment is open to all persons above the age of four teen. The Library is under the direction of the Board of Education, and is conducted by a com petent Librarian and Assistant, under a strict yet liberal system of rules and regulations. We give tbe following comparative statistics of the Central Library, from 1867 to 1876, inclusive : en irt • ,~ CD v £ CU >-, CD £ 3 ^ a .2 £ cc! a. 0 != C bjo O C > ccJ i- t>-. > O a) Years. *n:e '-ss en U-i i- u > £ c 3 •- ^ ra a0 £ 0 3 — c a, 3 0 §!-o fc £ h £ £ < Mar. 1, 1867. " 1, 1868. 5. 227 5.870 7.37i 10, 000 1 1 31,000 " 1, 1869. " 1, 1870. 1 2,495 24.310 187 130 " 1, 1871. 10.592 M43 3.838 39,694 308 129 " 1, 1872. n.423 4,677 8,5i5 38,956 3°4 128 " i, 1873. 12,423 1,448 9,963 36,010 267 135 " 1, 1874- 13.300 2,180 1 2/143 36,672 264 !37 •' i> i875- 13. 791 1,080 13.223 41,623 301 138 " 1, 1876. 14,070 1,982 15.205 41,057 308 J33 John S. Clark, Librarian ; Mary A. Gambia, As sistant Librarian. Library of the Court of Appeals. This library, though not the largest, is in some respects the best law library in the United States. It was originally part of the " Chancellor's Library," which came into existence about 1830, by legislative enactment, devoting to that object the unclaimed and unappropriated funds in the Court of Chancery. The office of Chancellor was abolished by the Con stitution of 1846, and the Legislature, by an act passed April 9, 1849, turned over the library to the Court of Appeals, in the words following : " The public library called the ' Chancellor's Library ' shall continue to be a public library under the name of The Library of the Court of Appeals." The law authorized the Judges of the Court of Appeals, " by l62 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. order entered in their minutes," to divide and locate the library in two suitable places west of Albany, basing the division on " all duplicate volumes and such others as the said judges shall think proper." The places selected were Rochester and Syracuse. Judges George F. Comstock and Nicholas Hill, then of the Court of Appeals, made the division of the books, and the libraries were founded. The Library of the Court of Appeals at Syracuse is kept in suitable rooms at the Court House, the Libra rian being appointed by the Regents of the Univer sity. Present Librarian, Hon. Richard Woolworth. The funds of the Library consist of occasional appropriations of the State and an annuity of about $1,500. Since it has been located here, the num ber of volumes has been nearly or quite doubled. The number of volumes is now a little over 10,000 and the Library contains many rare and choice books not found elsewhere, in complete sets. Among its interesting and valuable collections are the Stat utes of England, complete and perfect, from Magna Charta (June 15, 1215) down to the present time. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. HON. JOSHUA FORMAN. Joshua Forman was born in Pleasant Valley, in the county of Dutchess, and State of New York, the 6th of September, 1777. His parents were Joseph and Hannah Forman, who, previous to the Revolution, resided in the city of New York. Upon the breaking out of the war and the approach of the British to that city, Mr. Joseph Forman re tired to Pleasant Valley, where the subject of this sketch was born. At an early age he evinced a strong desire for learning in which he was en couraged by his friends. In the fall of 1793 he en tered Union College, at Schenectady, and in due time was graduated with honor. Directly after his collegiate course was completed, he entered the law office of Peter W. Radcliffe, Esq., of Pough keepsie, where he remained about two years. He then went to New York city and completed his law studies in the office of Samuel Miles Hopkins, Esq. Soon after the close of his professional course, he married Miss Margaret Alexander, a daughter of the Hon. Boyd Alexander, M. P., for Glasgow, Scotland. In the spring of 1800, Mr. Forman removed to Onondaga Hollow, and opened a law office, where he began early to manifest his public spirit and enterprise. By his integrity and straightforward course in the practice of his profession, he soon became dis tinguished as a lawyer, and by his talents and gen tlemanly deportment, became familiarly known throughout the county. The subject of the Erie Canal became a theme of deep interest. Mr. For- man's talents as a public speaker -and as a man of influence and character eminently distinguished him to be the individual who should be foremost in moving the matter. Accordingly in 1807, a Union ticket was got up, headed by John McWhorter, a Democrat, and Joshua Forman, a Federalist. This ticket was carried with trifling opposition. It was headed " Canal Ticket," and as such received the cordial support of a large majority of the electors of Onondaga county. He brought forward in the House of Assembly the ever memorable resolution, which alone would render his name immortal, directing a survey to be made "of tbe most eligible and direct route of a canal, to open communication between the tide waters of the Hudson and Lake Erie." Mr. Forman had studied the subject of canals as constructed in foreign countries. He had well considered the advantages that would accrue to the United States and the State of New York, if this important work should be completed, and had prepared an estimate of the cost of construc tion, based upon statistics of the Languedoc Canal. The resolution was adopted. And for this he was for years called a "visionary projector," and was asked a hundred times if he ever expected to live to see his canal completed ; to which he uniformly answered, that " as surely as he lived to the ordi nary age of man, he did ; that it might take ten years to prepare the public mind for the undertaking, and as many more to accomplish it, nevertheless, it would be done." Had not Joshua Forman brought forward the subject as he did, it is not easy to con ceive who would have had the moral courage to meet the ridicule of proposing in earnest, what was considered so wild a measure. During all the times of darkness, discouragement, and doubt, he boldly stood forth, the unflinching champion of its feasibility, utility, and worth, till the day of its com pletion. On the occasion of the grand canal cele bration, ist of November 1825, Judge Forman was /^T^c^, /V^Z^K2^£~-?>* ^'/' SYRACUSE . N.Y HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 163 selected by the citizens of Onondaga county and as President of the village of Syracuse, to address Gov. Clinton and suite, on their first passage down the canal. Although he had but three hours to prepare his address, yet it was considered one of the ablest addresses which could have been given. As one of the committee from Syracuse he attended the ceremony of mingling the waters of Lake Erie with those of the ocean off Sandy Hook. His efforts in this undertaking will ever be an enduring monument of his wisdom, and to future generations will his fame extend. It is not to be supposed that Judge Forman had employed all his time and talents upon this single object. As a lawyer, he became distinguished ; and on account of his integrity and legal acquire ments, was appointed First Judge of Onondaga County Common Pleas, in 1813. He filled the station with ability and credit for ten years, in fact he elevated the character of this tribunal to the pitch which gained for it the high reputation it has since enjoyed. He took an early and active interest in the establishment of churches in this county. " The First Onondaga Religious Society," at Onondaga Hill, in 1806, and the "Onondaga Hollow Religious Society," in 1809, owe tbe'ir early organization mainly to his efforts. The Onondaga Academy, founded in 18 14, owes its existence to the interest he manifested in the cause of education and his fostering care. He was also one of the most active in promoting the organization of the First Presby terian Society in Syracuse, in 1824, and was one of its first trustees. In 1807 he took a lease of the Surveyor-General for a term of years of a part of the reservation lands at Oswego Falls, for the purpose of erecting a grist mill in that wilderness country, at which time not a horse was owned by an inhabitant be tween Salina and Oswego. This was the first mill erected on the Oswego River in modern times, and it greatly facilitated the settlement of that region. In 1808 he founded the celebrated Plaster Company of Camillus, for the purpose of working more effectually the beds in that town. In 181 3 Judge Forman built the canal and excavated ground for the pond at Onondaga Hollow, where he erected a grist mill which was then considered the best in the county. In i8i7hewrote a series of able articles in defense of the Erie Canal. In 1 82 1 Judge Forman obtained the passage of a law (drawn by his own hand) authorizing the lowering of Onondaga Lake, and subsequently the lake was lowered about two feet, and by it the lands around Salina and Syracuse were much improved. In 1822 Judge Forman procured the passage of a law authorizing the erection of fixtures for the purpose of manufacturing coarse salt by solar evaporation, with three cents per bushel bounty on salt so manufactured, for a number of years. Judge Forman was appointed agent for the Syracuse company, and at once proceeded with the agent of the Onondaga company to make the necessary erections for the manufacture of coarse salt. About this time the Salina Canal terminated at the mill on the southern border of the village of Salina, and there was no water to be had available for carrying machinery in the immediate vicinity of the principal salt springs. With a view of ac complishing this object, Judge Forman accompa nied Gov. Clinton to Salina, pointed out the ground, and proposed to have the Salina Canal extend so as to communicate with Onondaga Lake. The fol lowing year the plan was carried out. This grand improvement in the elevation of brine was made under the direction of Judge Forman. Judge Forman was emphatically the founder of the City of Syracuse. He purchased two hundred and fifty acres of land embracing all the central part of the city, known as the Walton Tract, in 1816. He caused the central parts of the city to be laid out into lots and blocks and properly num bered, and a map made of the same in 18 18. This was done by his brother, Owen Forman, a compe tent engineer, assisted by the late John Wilkinson, then a student in his office, and a member of his family. He removed with his family to Syracuse in 1819, and lived on the corner of West Water and Clinton streets, in one of the two or three framed dwellings then in the town. He declared for years before removing to Syracuse, that it was destined inevitably to be the site of a large and flourishing town, and that the business of the surrounding country was to be drawn there. His views in re gard to the future of the town led many to regard him as visionary — an enthusiast ; but under many difficulties and discouragements, opposition and constant ridicule from his friends in Onondaga, he persevered, and his efforts were crowned with final and wonderful success. In 1826, he removed to New Jersey, near New Brunswick, where he superintended the opening and working of a copper mine. Soon after his de parture from Syracuse, the State of New York became sadly deranged and convulsed in its finan cial affairs. At this crisis Judge Forman came for ward with a plan of relief, and upon the invitation 1 64 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. of Gov. Van Buren, submitted his plan to a com mittee of the Legislature then in session. At the suggestion ofthe Governor, he drew up a bill which became a law, and is known as the Safety Fund Act. It relieved the embarrassment of the State, and it may be safely affirmed that that no system in practice on this side the Atlantic, has better stood the test of experience. In 1829-30, Judge Forman bought 3,000 acres of land in Rutherford Co., North Carolina. He took up his residence at the village of Rutherford ton, greatly extended its boundaries, established a news paper, and was considered the most enterprising individual in that part of the State. In 1 83 1, after an absence of five years, Judge Forman visited Onondaga County. He was every where received with unqualified demonstrations of joy and respect, and every voice cheered him as the founder of the city and the benefactor of mankind. The citizens of Syracuse, through their committee appointed for that purpose, presented a valuable set of silver plate, in tbe form of a pitcher and six gob lets, bearing this inscription : A Tribute of Respect, Presented by the Syracuse, Citizens of Syracuse to the {Clasped hands}) Hon. yoshua Forman, Founder of that Village. 1831. On his return to North Carolina, Judge Forman took with him this token of the gratitude of his fel low citizens, and it remained with him till the year 1845, when he presented it to his daughter, the wife of Gen. E. W. Leavenworth, of Syracuse, remark ing that it constituted a part of the history of Syra cuse, and that after his death there it should remain. In 1846, this venerable man revisited his former friends of his earlier years and found in each a full, hearty and honest welcome. A public dinner was tendered him at the Syracuse House — then the great hotel of the city — which was attended by Moses D. Burnet, Hon. George Geddes, Lewis H. Redfield, Amos R. Granger, Harvey Baldwin, and most of the prominent citizens of the village and many from the adjoining country. Hon. Moses D. Burnet presided. A formal address of congratula tion on account of the great success of his early labors and the remarkable fulfillment of his hopes and predictions was made by the Hon. Harvey Bald win, which was replied to in behalf of Judge For man (he being then unable to articulate distinctly on account of a paralytic shock) by his son-in-law, Gen. Leavenworth. Gen. Amos R. Granger, Hon. Geo. Geddes, Lewis H. Redfield and several other gentle men addressed the party in a very happy manner. From Syracuse Judge Forman retired to his mountain home in tbe milder climes of tbe sunny South, and passed away at the village of Rutherford- ton, on the 4th of August, 1848. His remains were removed from Rutherfordton, at the request of his daughter, Mrs. E. W. Leavenworth, and now repose beneath the shades of Oakwood, the beautiful rural cemetery at Syracuse. For a fuller and more detailed account of Judge Forman's relations to the Erie Canal, see Dr. Hosack's life of DeWitt Clinton, pages 342 to 357, and for his relations to the city of Syracuse, see Clark's History of Onondaga, Vol. 2d, pages 69 to 90 ; see also " Genealogy of the Leavenworth Fam ily in the United States," pages 257 to 264. GEN. ELIAS W. LEAVENWORTH. Elias Warner Leavenworth was born at Canaan Columbia county, N. Y., December 20, 1803. His father removed from Canaan to Great Barrington, Mass., when he was three years old, where his early life was spent among the beautiful hills and valleys of Berkshire. Early developing an eager taste for knowledge, he was placed in the year 1819, at the Hudson Academy, then under the care of the Rev. Daniel Parker, father of the present Judge Amasa Parker of Albany. He also, pursued his prepara tory studies, in part, under Erastus C. Benedict, Esq , at Great Barrington, in 1873 State Senator from New York city. In the fall of 1820, he en tered Williams College, as a Sophomore well pre pared, and remained there one year, and then en tered Yale as a Sophomore ; was elected a member of the Phi Beta Kappa Society in 1823 ; was grad uated in 1824, and took his second degree in 1827. On the 20th of September, 1824, he began the study of law with William Cullen Bryant, then practicing at Great Barrington, and on the 16th of May, 1825, entered the Law School at Litchfield, Conn. In January, 1827, he was admitted to prac tice in all the courts of Connecticut. On Monday, the 12th of November, 1827, he left Great Barrington for Syracuse, arriving, by dili gence, at sunset, on the following Saturday. He was admitted in the Common Pleas as an attorney and counsellor at the February Term, 1828, on the motion of Gen. James R. Lawrence ; and in the Supreme Court nearly two years later at Albany, at the October Term, 1829, as an attorney, and as counsellor in 1833. On reaching Syracuse, he studied and practiced with Alfred Northam, Esq., until February, 1829, when he formed a partnership with the late B. '¦"¦'<•f^^. manikin, and with the assistance of kind friends he accomplished his desire, and started on a tour of lecturing, confining himself to the subjects of anatomy, phys iology, and the laws of life and health. Soon after he began lectu ring he received his diploma to practice medicine. His lec tures were given mostly in the New England and Northern States. From time to time, as his means would admit, Dr. "Wieting added to his manikin other manikins, skeletons, models, and paintings, and such other illustrative appa ratus as was calculated to render his lectures instructive and enter taining. His lectures increased in pop ularity; his whole time was occupied, when not in public speaking or rest, as a student, and for a period of some twenty years, more or less, he excited the curiosity and educated the masses, instructed the willing, lent a branch to the trunk of scientific research, and became one of the most successful and popular lecturers of the age. He gave over one hundred courses of lectures in the city of Boston and vicinity during these years to crowded houses; His pure, intellectual efforts on these occasions are said to have been very successful, and have placed him on record as a thorough master of the subjects before him. Inured to the necessity of economy in his earlier life, Dr. Wie ting has, by judicious management and his natural business ability, secured a' competence which places him beyond the apprehension of want, and owns one of the finest and most valuable blocks in the city, called Wieting block. In politics, he has never been a very zealous party man ; not solicitous of public office ; identified with the Republican party. He was the first president of the Chenango Valley railroad, but has been very little connected with any public enterprise. Dr. Wieting, in the strictest sense of the term, is a self-made man, endowed with that self-reliance, perseverance under diffi culties, endurance of body and mind, resolution, with the greatest firmness and consideration, worthy of emulation by the young men of to-day. In the year 1875, Dr. Wieting, with his wife (whose maiden name was Mary Elizabeth Plumb, born in Homer, N. Y., a daughter of Hon. Samuel Plumb, and on the mother's side grand daughter of Colonel Cooley, of De Ruyter), visited the Pacific coast, Japan, China, Ceylon island, India, the leading countries of Africa and Europe, returning to his native country after an absence of one year, and making a trip around the world. In this tour he added to his already large stock of information what neither reading or literary research will acquire, and was a discriminating observer of the customs and character of other peoples in the countries through which he traveled. HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 167 THE SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY. The history of the inception and establishment of this Institution was given in an address by Rev. A. J. Phelps, on the occasion of the laying of the corner stone of the " Hall of Languages," August 31, 1 871. It has been approved by Chancellor Haven and others as a sufficiently accurate history ofthe University, and as such it is here introduced, with a few slight alterations. Like many other great and noble enterprises, the Syracuse University seems not to have been the result of plan or concert, but rather, as we then thought and still believe, a sort of intuition or inspi ration which came upon several minds almost simul taneously. This enterprise, in its inception, con templated the removal of Genesee College to Syra cuse, and the first tangible expression within our knowledge, looking in this direction, was a note from Professor J. R. French, which was received in reply to a communication we had made to him, in the month of January, 1866, declining to cooperate with him in the proposed plan to raise Centenary funds for the endowment of Genesee College, on the ground that its location was quite too uncen- tral and ineligible to meet the demands of our edu cational interest in the great Empire State, and strongly urging the imperative necessity of a first class college, under the patronage and supervision of our denomination, in some central position in which our people from all parts of the State might feel a common interest and where they might in vest with better promise of grand results. To these sentiments Dr. French promptly re sponded, and fully committed himself in favor of the removal of Genesee College from Lima to some more eligible location. Almost instantly after the receipt of this note we learned of an incidental con versation occurring only a few days before, between Rev. E. Arnold and Professor Bennett. The spirit fell first upon the former, and the latter soon caught the inspiration, and as quick as thought there ap peared screws under the sills, a locomotive on the track, and the time honored college seen trembling for its journey. At almost equal date Dr. Lore might have been seen in his sanctum, listening to this topic, when suddenly he replied by placing in the hand of his friend a half column of " proof," on the removal of Genesee College, and the two agreed that the intuition or inspiration, which ever it was, must be good. The next fact of interest time will allow us to note, was the first college convention, called under the auspices of a centenary meeting at Elmira, and held at Syracuse, April 12, 1866. This convention of representatives of five central and western con ferences, took action decidedly favoring the enter prise, and adopted measures for its advancement. During the same month Black River and Oneida conferences took harmonious action, and constituted their visitors to Genesee College, Commissioners to confer with the Trustees and negotiate for the re moval of the College to some central locality in the State. At the annual meeting of the Trustees, held at Lima June 27, 1866, the Commissioners being pres ent, and representing their several Conferences, the Trustees responded in substance that, the Genesee and East Genesee Conferences concurring, we deem it best that Genesee College should be removed to some more central location in tbe State on condition that two hundred thousand dollars, irrespective of grounds and buildings, be raised by the Conferences east of Cayuga Lake, to equal two hundred thou sand dollars to be furnished by the two Genesee Conferences. (Rev. E. O. Haven, D. D., LL. D.) Immediately after this action of the Trustees, the Commissioners issued a call for a convention of Laymen and Ministers from Black River, Oneida, and Wyoming Conferences, which was held at Sy racuse July 26, 1866. This Convention indorsed the basis agreed upon by tbe joint meeting of Trus tees and visitors, and recommended that Syracuse and other eligible localities should be canvassed, to ascertain what inducements would be offered to lo cate the college in their midst. At the session of the Genesee Conference in the autumn of 1866 this whole plan was, with great unanimity, indorsed, whereupon the Trustees took measures to secure the passage of an act by the Legislature of 1866-67, legalizing the removal of the college. Immediately thereafter parties entered upon the authorized canvass in several localities. In Syracuse private interviews were held with several distinguished gentlemen, by whose advice and cooperation a preliminary council was called, and thereupon a private note was prepared, as fol lows : " Syracuse, March 5, 1867. " Sir : You are requested to meet several of our citizens at the office of the Salt Company of Onon daga, Thursday, March 21, at seven p. m., to attend HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. an adjourned meeting for consultation in regard to a matter of great public interest. Yours, etc., William D. Stewart, C. T. Longstreet, George F. Comstock, Chas. Andrews, E. W. Leavenworth, T. B. Fitch, A. D. White, C. Tallman, A. Munroe." This note was addressed to one hundred or more of the most wealthy and influential of our citizens. The convention thus called was largely attended and of marked interest. After brief addresses by Dr. Lore, A. J. Phelps and others, without the least suggestion from members or ministers of our own denomination, the convention took measures to secure the bonding of the city for the promotion of this enterprise. Whereupon Judge Comstock was requested to draft an enabling bill, and the conven tion issued a public call for a mass meeting of the citizens of Syracuse. This meeting convened the following week at the City Hall. The gathering was large, enthusiastic and harmonious. The proposed bill was presented by Judge Comstock, which provided for bonding the city for the sum of $100,000, conditioned on the establishment of a college in Syracuse or im mediate vicinity with endowment of $400,000, inde pendent of city bonds. This bill was approved by the convention with great unanimity and at once forwarded to our representative at Albany, and im mediately passed the Legislature and became a law. During this year, 1866, which was observed as the Centenary of Methodism, subscriptions were secured on many of our charges in furtherance of this object. In this work, Rev. J. B. Foote, A. M., and Rev. D. D. Lore, D. D., and others were specially active and successful. In the spring of '67, Black River and Oneida Conferences fully ratified these preliminary proceed ings, elected college commissioners and appointed Rev. J. D. Adams, Rev. James Erwin and Rev. A. B. Gregg, agents to raise funds for this enterprise. Meantime volunteers among whom Rev. C. P. Ly- ford, Rev. E. Arnold, and others, were prominent, operated with marked success in securing sub scriptions and awakening interest in favor of this movement. The Conference of 1868 reaffirmed their con fidence in the enterprise and reappointed commis sioners and agents to further the cause. From the first the Trustees of Genesee College have been true to the faith, and have done all in their power to consummate this noble work. Failing to secure the passage of the desired bill for the removal of the college in the legislative ses sion of '66 and '67, they renewed their efforts the following year, and procured the passage of an "en abling," or rather a disenabling, act, authorizing the ¦ Trustees to remove the college, leaving to Lima Seminary all the real estate of the college and $75,000 of its cash endowment. The removal was opposed by the citizens of Lima who secured from the court an injunction upon the Trustees. This was a day of darkness to our enterprise. Still the overhanging clouds were not utterly dark. The hearts of the masses and the open liberal hands of the people were with us. The pledge of $100,000 from Syracuse, and $125,000 on subscriptions, leaving only $75,000 to be raised to meet the pro portion of our Central Conference, with assurances from the West that the required balance should be timely met, shed some light upon our darkness. Still the persistent opposition of interested parties at Lima, the disabilities of the so-called " Enabling act," and the legal restraints of an injunction upon the Trustees, made the timid falter and even our faithful agents in mid-season thought it wise to turn to other means of livelihood, and some of the people began to talk of defeat. But the original and abiding friends of the enterprise who never so much as thought of defeat or mortification, only talked of a " change of base." In the midst of this peril, in the darkest hour of the dark day, one who spoke the sentiments of the many, with almost prophetic assurance, exclaimed, " We shall see in due time a magnificent university towering up on some of the high lands of our Cen tral City, standing there a living record of constan cy and perseverance, a blessing to the great State in which we live, a perpetual honor to the church we represent, and an imperishable monument to the praise and glory of tbe great head of the church. God hasten the day when the vision shall be real." Thus, while many were disheartened and para lyzed by murmurings of coming evil, others were looking and hoping, praying and planning, when al most as if by magic the air was vocal, a voice from the center echoing from the West and the East, from the South and the North, cried let us have a convention — a great Methodist State Convention. Let us come together and deliberate upon great is sues that concern the church and the State — es pecially let us combine the wisdom and strength of the people and take some new step which shall put our great educational interests beyond peradven- ture. In the order of Providence, the auspicious day appeared. On the 22d day of February, 1870, the Convention came, and the able utterances and wise deliberations of many distinguished men, with the skillful supervision of the President, Rev. J. T. Peck, D. D., made it a great occasion in more re spects than one. While it conserved in a high de gree other interests vital to religious and social life, it was the day-spring to our long cherished project of establishing on some prominence of our beauti ful city, halls of science and letters, to rejoice our own hearts and make glad and elevate the genera tions to come. The interest of this convention was greatly inten sified by the passage of the following resolution : " Resolved, That this State convention of the M. E. Church of New York, approves of the plan to establish without delay, in the city of Syracuse or its immediate vicinity, a first-class university, and that we recommend that immediate measures be taken to raise at least $500,000 to endow the univer sity." University Block BsagsESSBESasigssaBig i ssaffl Medjcai. College- HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 169 But the grand climax was reserved until name after name was announced with magnificent sub scriptions for the university, inspiring and electrify ing the people beyond measure. Perhaps no better description can be given of this hour of thrilling in terest and prophetic history, than is set forth in the following abstract of the published proceedings of the convention. After the close of the several able and stirring speeches on this subject, Dr. Jesse T. Peck arose, evidently impressed with the historic significance of the occasion, and said : " I have heard it said that talk will not build a college, but that money will. I propose that you instruct Brother Ives to stand here on the platform and see how much can be raised here and now. All in favor of this say aye " The proposition was unanimously approved, and Rev. B. I. Ives came forward and said : " I liked ffiat brother's speech over yonder, and about the last thing he said was, ' Send us Brother Ives.' Here I am, and I am after you." Mr. Ives asked for two hundred thousand dollars from the audience. The first subscription was in the following words and read by Rev. Dr. Lore : "I will be one of four to subscribe $25,000 each, making $100,000, towards endowing four professor ships, when the University to be located at Syra cuse, is legally and practically established ; with the understanding that I with my good wife, appropriate the savings of a life-time to the payment of this sub scription and make arrangements for any balance which may be unpaid at our decease, to be paid from our estate. Jesse T. Peck." F. H. Root, Esq., proposed to pay the interest on twenty-five thousand dollars for five years. E. Remington pledged to pay twenty-five thousand dollars as soon as circumstances permit, which will be soon. Rev. J. F. Crawford pledged twenty-five thousand dollars. Hon. George F. Comstock pledged the interest of twenty-five thousand dollars for ten years. Additional subscriptions were then made, in sums varying from ten thousand dollars to one hundred dollars, and amounting in the aggregate to one hundred and eighty-one thousand dollars. Though these figures partially depreciated so as to leave a real footing of about $160,000, still this was the grand breeze which set our stranded bark adrift and turned her prow towards the glorious harbor. This goodly craft, so suddenly emerged from jeop ardy, the convention christened " The Syracuse University" and at once proceeded to elect the fol lowing Board of Trustees. At Large: Rev. Bishop E. S. Janes, D. D., of New York ; Hon. Reuben E. Fenton. Genesee Conference: Rev. Thomas Carlton, D. D., Rev. A. D. Wilbor, A. M., F. H. Root, Esq., J. N. Scatchard, Esq. East Genesee Conference: Rev. J. E. Latimer, D. D., Hon. D. A. Ogden, A. M., David Decker, Esq., Ezra Jones, Esq. Central New York Conference: Rev. D. D. Lore, D. D., Rev. A. J. Phelps, Rev. B. I. Ives, Rev. J. F. Crawford, E. Remington, Esq. Wyoming Conference: Rev. H. R. Clark, D. D., Rev. D. W. Bristol.'D. D., Hon. H. G. Prindle. Black River Conference : Rev. J. S. Bingham, Rev. S. R. Fuller, A. M„ Hon. Willard Ives. Troy Conference : Rev. J. T. Peck, D. D., Rev. J. E. King, D. D., Rev. Bostwick Hawley, D.D.,Prof. H. Wilson, A. M. New York Conference : Rev. M. D'C. Crawford, D. D., Professor Alonzo Flack, A. M., Philip Phil lips. New York East Conference : Rev. George Lansing Taylor, A. M.. John Stephenson, Esq,, John H. Ockershausen, Esq. City of Syracuse: Judge G. F. Comstock, Rev. E. Arnold, Hon. Charles Andrews, W. W. Porter, M. D., T. B. Fitch, Esq. The Board convened immediately after the con vention, and organized under the general law, elect ing Rev. J. T. Peck, D. D., President ofthe Board, Rev. D. D. Lore, D. D., Secretary, andT. B. Fitch, Esq., Treasurer. An executive committee was also elected, consisting of Rev. J. T. Peck, D. D., Rev. D. D. Lore, D. D., Hon. G. F. Comstock, T. B. Fitch, Esq., Hon. C. Andrews, Rev. A. J. Phelps and Rev. E. Arnold ; at a meeting held in April, 1870, Rev. E. C. Curtis was elected General Agent for the University, and in the month of September last, the Board unanimously selected the beautiful grounds where we are standing, as the site for our Syracuse University, and appointed a committee to supervise the grading of the grounds and the erection of the Hall of Languages. Our distinguished Agent, Rev. E. C. Curtis, with the self-sacrificing and masterly cooperation of the President of the Board, Rev. Dr. J. T. Peck, has been eminently successful and the people have re sponded nobly. And while it might be impractica ble to make special reference to every liberal offer ing, we are constrained to record one of the noble acts of the Hon. Remingtons, — the gift of the St. Charles Block. This property was purchased at a cost of $120,000, and freely bestowed, one-half upon the University and one-half upon the College of Missionaries and other church purposes. This and other free-will offerings of the people have advanced our assets to a very encouraging amount. While it appears that but little more than half of the old Genesee College subscriptions have been transferred, still independent of the " College of Missionaries," which is no part of the University, we have now on hand in bonds, subscriptions and other property, over $550,000." With this amount secured, and with the flattering prospect of increased subscriptions, the trustees at their meeting in May last, judged it expedient to open the college the present season, and accordingly proceeded in due time to elect the following faculty, viz : Rev. Daniel Steele, D. D., Vice-President, Pro fessor of Mental and Moral Philosophy. John R. French, A. M., LL. D., Professor of Mathematics. Rev. Wesley P. Codington, A. M., Professor of Greek Language and Literature. Rev. J. J. Brown, A. M., Professor of Chemistry. 170 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. Rev. Charles W. Bennett, D. D., Professor of History and Logic. Heman H. Sanford, A. M., Latin Language and Literature. George F. Comfort, A. M., Modern Languages and Esthetics. Professor J. P. Griffin was elected Clerk, Librarian and Registrar. And on this 31st day of August, 1871, it has been our distinguished privilege to witness the im pressive ceremonies of inaugurating the faculty. And now we stand at the base of what promises to be an imposing structure, whose history must be penned by other hands and in other times. "We are here to lay the corner stone of the Syracuse University. This is the day towards which many longing, praying, hoping hearts have looked with intense desire. The Lord be praised, the day has come. The long night of fear has passed ; the morning beams fall on our cheerful faces and the precious sunlight shines brightly on our glad, rejoic ing hearts. But the full day is not yet. The meridian glory waits for the future. May heaven grant that the coming history may be exceedingly transcendant as compared with the past, and that many redeemed, purified and thoroughly furnished scholars may pass out over the threshold here to be laid, to grace and honor the church and the world, and to stand up in the last great day and call the Syracuse University blessed." The above sketch brings down the history of the Syracuse University to the laying of the corner stone of the "Hall of Languages," August 31, 1 87 1. It should be added that in April, 1870, a general agent had been appointed, and in Septem ber of the same year, the ground selected and put under contract for grading. After extensive cor respondence and frequent interviews with prominent educators in regard to the buildings, architects were invited to submit plans, and that of Horatio N. White, Esq., of this city, being accepted, the com mittee proceeded to erect the " Hall of Languages," which was completed and occupied in 1875. The College grounds, which are ample for all present and prospective needs, are situated upon the eminence at the southern extremity of University Avenue, and command a fine view of the city and lake and the surrounding country to a wide extent. Alexander Winchell, LL. D., was chosen Chan cellor of the University in June, 1872. Upon his resignation, June 24, 1874, Rev. E. O. Haven, D. D., LL. D., late President of the Northwestern University, was unanimously elected Chancellor and President of the College of Liberal Arts, and at once accepted and entered upon his official duties. Trustees. The Charter of the University bears the date of March 25, 1870. It places the government of the Institution in the hands of forty-one Trustees who are named in the instrument, with power to provide for the appointment of their successors. The By- Laws of the University ordain that nine trustees shall be appointed " at large," comprising at least six who are not members of the Methodist Episco pal Church ; that twenty-seven shall represent the Methodist Episcopal Conferences of the State ; that three shall be chosen by the Alumni ; that certain State officers shall be ex-officio representa tives of the State government, while the Chancel lor of the University is made the representative of the Faculties. The Trustees for 1 877 are classified as follows : Ex-Officio. - His Excellency, Lucius Robinson, Governor of the State ; His Honor, William Dorsheimer, Lieu tenant-Governor ; Hon. Neil J. Gilmour, Superin tendent of Public Instruction ; Hon. Sanford E. Church, Chief Justice of the Court of Appeals ; Rev. E. O. Haven, D.D., LL. D., Chancellor of the University. Elected bv the Board. Rev. Benoni I. Ives, Auburn, term expires 1878 ; Hon. George F. Comstock, LL. D., Syracuse, 1878 ; John Crouse, Esq., Syracuse, 1878; Rev. Bishop Jesse T. Peck, D. D., Syracuse, 1880; James J. Belden, Esq., Syracuse, 1880 ; Alfred A. Howlett, Esq., Syracuse, 1880; Hon. Charles Andrews, Syracuse, 1882 ; Thomas B. Fitch, Esq., Syracuse, 1882. Elected by the Alumni Association. Prof. James H. Hoose, A. M., Ph. D., Cortland, term expires 1878 ; J. D. F. Slee, A. M., Esq., Elmira, 1880; Prof. J. D. Steele, A. M., Ph. D., Elmira, 1882. Officers of the Board. President, David Decker, Esq. ; First Vice-Presi dent, Hon. George F. Comstock, LL. D. ; Second Vice-President, Francis H. Root, Esq. ; Secretary, Rev. D. W. C. Huntington, D. D. ; Treasurer, Jonathan C. Chase. Executive Committee — E. O. Haven, George F. Comstock, Thomas B. Fitch, John Crouse, W. W. Porter, J. J. Belden. General Agent— Rev. E. C. Curtis, 727 Irving street. Objects of the University. The Syracuse University is the natural outgrowth of a conviction entertained by the large body of people interested in its administration, that they should have such an institution under their control, HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 171 not far from the center of the State of New York. Like nearly all universities, ancient and modern, it has been founded and is largely controlled by people who are united by a common religious purpose, and it is intended to promote the highest welfare of its students, physical, mental and moral. The convic tion that such an institution was needed was often expressed in Conferences and Conventions, and finally in 1870, embodied itself in a resolution in a large State Convention, to establish without delay in the city of Syracuse, or its immediate vicinity, a University. The city of Syracuse, in its corporate capacity, presented for this purpose one hundred thousand dollars, and the managers of the enter prise, in return for this favor, have secured an ad ditional property of at least four hundred thousand dollars more, and also provided in their charter for a Board of Trustees, to be composed of some of the chief officers of the State, and also largely of persons not committed particularly to one religious denom ination, so as to ensure at once freedom from sect arianism in politics and religion. Not wholly under the control of either the State or the Church, but responsible to both, it will endeavor to cultivate the positive excellences that each would ensure, and avoid the exclusiveness, or evils of any kind, that might follow a bondage to either. An intention to accomplish this end will explain some of the pecu liarly liberal provisions of the by-laws adopted by the Trustees. It may be well to note that the pledge to the city of Syracuse — to obtain, additional to the one hun dred thousand dollars, at least four hundred thou sand dollars, has been fulfilled. A beautiful site of fifty acres has been purchased, high and salubrious, overlooking the city, Onondaga Lake, and the sur rounding country ; an elegant and spacious building for the Colleges of Liberal Arts and of the Fine Arts has been completed ; a good and substantial building for the Medical College, near the heart of the city, has been obtained ; and a productive en dowment fund of about one hundred thousand dollars has been secured. More money has been conditionally pledged by some of its friends, and it is confidently hoped that within a short time it will be placed beyond pressing want. Thus, situated as it is, near the center of the State, with many friends who are determined that it shall be a permanent founda tion ofthe best culture in science, philosophy, art and religion, it will continue to receive donations, large and small, and fulfill the purposes of its founders. Colleges of the University. Three Colleges are at present organized and in operation, viz : I. The College of Liberal Arts. II. The Medical College. III. The College of Fine Arts. The College of the Liberal Arts which went into operation in 1871, is intended to offer a curriculum of study which shall serve as a means of broad and symmetrical general culture to those who pursue it, and shall also place them in possession of those fundamental facts and principles which underlie the methods of all successful business. It constitutes, therefore, a thorough introduction to advanced scholarship, and the intelligent pursuit of the prac tical business of life, as well as a fitting preparation for the study of any of the learned professions. Recognizing the diversity of tastes and of ulterior purposes on the part of persons seeking a liberal culture, four distinct courses of study have been provided, each of which, it is believed, will secure to the diligent student, what may be styled a truly liberal education. These are the Classical Course, The Latin Scientific Course, the Greek Scientific Course, and tbe Scientific Course. It is desired that each of these be brought to such a status as to imply a similar amount of preparatory and collegiate study. The Medical College was opened in 1872. Its Faculty is unusually large, and the field of instruc tion is correspondingly varied and extensive. The first five months of the collegiate year are devoted chiefly to instruction by lectures and demonstra tions ; the next five months chiefly to instruction by the method of recitations. The last term, how ever, is optional with the student. The College of the Fine Arts, which went into operation in 1873, is intended to afford a broad and liberal culture in the field of esthetics. The in struction, accordingly, is not restricted to exercises in the manipulations of art, nor even the acquisi tion of the especial theories and principles of the fine arts, but embraces, with both these ends, the pursuit of a well-balanced course in all those gen eral studies tributary to the formation of accom plished artists, art-critics, and appreciators of fine art. Libraries. The Libraries of the University offer very desi rable facilities for reference and general reading, while it is a leading object of the University to en large means of this class as rapidly as possible. A donation of $5,000 within the year 1876 has been judiciously expended in enlarging the General Li brary. The library of the Medical College is kept at their building. With the General Library, in the Hall of Languages, is connected a reading room 172 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. which, with the Library, is open from nine a. m. till one p. m., daily, except Sundays. The room is provided with a large supply of periodical literature. Museums. The University is in possession of Ward's com plete College series of casts of geological speci mens, which are handsomely mounted and exhibited, The Curator of the State Cabinet of Natural His tory, Prof. James Hall, LL. D., has, by direction of the State Legislature, selected and sent to it a large series of geological specimens from the duplicates of the State Cabinet. The private collection of the Professor of Geology, Zoology and Botany, consisting of several thousand specimens, chiefly paleontological, is also placed at the service of stu dents. The Medical College is in possession of the Mu seum formerly the property of the Geneva Medical College. This collection is extensive in the de partment of Pathology, and is amply provided with the means of illustration of the Materia Medica. The College of the Fine Arts has several thousand photographs, engravings and chromolithographs procured in Europe and America, together with a sufficient number of plaster preparations and copies to answer the demands of the course of instruction. College of Liberal Arts. Faculty — 1877. Rev. E. O. Haven, D. D„ LL. D., Prest. and Prof, of the English Language and Literature ; John R. French, LL D., Prof of Mathematics, and Sec'y of the Faculty ; Rev. W. P. Codington, A. M., Prof, of Greek and Ethics ; Rev. John J. Brown, A. M., Prof, of Chemistry and Physics; Rev. Charles W. Bennett, D. D.,' Prof, of History and Logic, and Librarian ; Heman H. Sanford, A. M., Ph. D., Prof, of the Latin Language and Literature; George F. Comfort, A. M., Prof, of Modern Lan guages and Esthetics ; Alexander Winchell, LL. D., Prof, of Geology, Zoology and Botany; John Durston, A. M., Ph. D., Adjunct Prof, of Modern Languages ; W. Locke Richardson, A. M., Instruc tor in Elocution ; Frank Smalley, A. M., Assistant Prof, of Nat. Science. Students — 1877. Senior Class, 21 ; Junior Class, 26; Sophomore Class, 33 ; Freshman Class, 46 ; Unclassified 23 ; Total, 149. College of Medicine. Faculty — 1877. Rev. E. O. Haven, D. D., LL. D., Chancellor ; John Towler, M. D., Prof, of Chem. and Toxi cology ; Frederick Hyde, M. D., Dean of the Facul ty, and Prof, of Prin. and Pract. of Surg. ; Henry Darwin Didama, M. D., Prof, of Prin. and Pract. of Med. and Clinical Med. ; Nelson Nivison, M. D., Prof, of Phys., Pathology and Hygiene ; John Van Duyn, M. D., Prof, of General, Special and Surgi cal Anat. ; Edward B. Stevens, M. D , Prof, of Mat. Med. and Therapeutics ; Charles E. Rider, M. D., Prof, of Opthalmology and Diseases of the Ear ; Hervey B. Wilber, M. D., Lecturer on In sanity ; Wilfred W. Porter, M. D., Prof, of Obstet rics and Diseases of Women ; William T. Plant, M. D., Registrar, and Prof, of Clinical and Forensic Medicine ; Roger W. Pease, M. D., Prof, of Oper ative and Clinical Surgery ; Alfred Mercer, M. D., Prof, of Minor and Clinical Surgery ; J. Otis Burt, M. D., Prof, of Diseases of Children and Dermat ology ; Miles G. Hyde, M. D., Adjunct Prof, of Anatomy; Wm. Manlius Smith, M. D., Prof, of Bot. and Adjunct Prof, of Mat. Med. ; J. Wiltsie Knapp, M. D , Demonstrator of Anatomy ; David M. Totman, M. D , Demonstrator of Anatomy ; Brace W. Loomis, M. D., Instructor in Chemistry. Students — 1877. First year, 9 ; second year, 21 ; third year, 8; total, 38. College of Fine Arts. Facility — 1877. Rev. E. O. Haven, D.D., LL. D, Chancellor; George F. Comstock, A.M., Dean of the Faculty, and Prof, of Esthetics and History of Fine Arts ; Archimedes Russell, Prof, of Architecture ; Joseph Lyman Silsbee.A. M.,Prof. of Architecture; Henry B. Allewelt, Prof, of Decorative Art ; Sanford Thayer, Prof, of Painting ; George K. Knapp, Prof. of Painting ; Ward V. Ranger, Prof, of Photogra phy ; E. Ely Van De Warker, M.D., Prof, of Ar tistic Anatomy ; Peter H. Stuart, Prof, of Engrav ing ; Willis De Haas, M.D., Lecturer on Early American Art and Archeology. Students — 1877. Senior Class, 3 ; Junior Class, 7 ; Sophomore Class, 8 ; Freshman Class, 5 ; Normal Art Insti tute, 23 ; Total, 46. CHURCHES OF SYRACUSE. Baptist Churches. First Baptist Church.— The earliest religious organization in the village of Syracuse was the pres ent First Baptist Church, organized in 1 82 1. Previous to the organization religious services had been held more or less constantly for about two years. Messrs. James B. Moore, Thomas Spencer and Samuel Ed wards were chiefly instrumental in sustaining meet ings. The preaching was mostly supplied by students from Hamilton, (Baptist Theological Seminary,) among whom was Jonathan Wade, who, in 1823, sailed from Boston to Burmah, and became a faithful missionary in that land of darkness. Meetings were held in several private dwellings till the erection of the first school-house, which was then HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 173 granted for religious services on Sundays. At this time, having a permanent place to meet in, a corres pondence was opened with the Seminary at Hamil ton, and arrangements made for regular preaching. Those interested in sustaining divine worship at Syracuse, were to provide a good horse and saddle, to become the property of the Seminary, and every Sunday for one year a student would be sent to Syracuse to preach. It so happened that Mr. Moore had just purchased a fine horse and saddle, giving in payment therefor sixty bushels of salt at one dollar a bushel. The friends of religion at Syracuse at once thought of that horse. Mr. Moore voted with the others that the animal had a providential call to go to Hamilton, and for a long time it was devoted to the interests of education and religion, while conveying preachers to the places of their appointments. Worship having been regularly sustained in the school house for some months, the subject of church organization was considered. On the 12th of Jan uary, 1821, thirteen persons met at the house of Mr. Braddick Dart, related their Christian experi ences, and agreed to call a council of brethren from different churches to advise with them in reference to forming a Baptist Church. The names of the thirteen were : David Johnson, James Wilson, Thos. Spencer, Alvin Walker, Rufus Cram, Benjamin G. Avery, Wyllys Brown, Braddick Dart, Polly Wal ker, Rhoda Wilson, Eliza Spencer, Hannah Fish, and Sally Dart. On the 1 6th of February, 1821, a council was convened in the only school house then in the vil lage, and advised the brethren and sisters in the village and vicinity to unite and sustain public wor ship as a Church of Christ. On the following day the thirteen persons named met and organized a church, to be known as the " First Baptist Church of Syracuse," and appointed the place and time for public worship. For the greater part of the first year, preaching was sustained by the New York Baptist Education Society. After his graduation at Hamilton, Rev. J. G. Stearns performed pastoral labor for six months. In June, 1823, Rev. Nathaniel J. Gilbert was ap pointed the missionary of the Hamilton Missionary Society, and was stationed at Syracuse, He united with the church and became its pastor June, 1824, and the first year of his ministry was signalized by the erection' of the first house of worship of the church, which stood on the spot now occupied by the Universalist Church, corner of West Genesee and Franklin streets. Rev. Nathaniel Gilbert continued the faithful pas tor of the church till July, 1832, when he fell a vic tim to Asiatic cholera. His successors have been Rev. Orsamus Allen, August 29, 1833, to October 20, 1834; Rev. Stephen Wilkins, November 1834, to December, 1837 * R-ev- ]°^n Blain, 1837 to 1841 ; Rev. Joseph W. Taggart, December, 1841, to Au gust, 1847; Rev. Robert R. Raymond, 1847 to 1852 ; Rev. A. G. Palmer, 1852 to 1855 ; Rev. J. S. Backus, D. D., 1857 to July l862 ; Rev. E. W. Mundy to March, 1864; Rev. John James Lewis, 1867 to 1869 ; Rev. E.A. Lecompte, 1869 to 1874; Rev. S, Hartwell Pratt, 1874 to November, 1875 ; succeeded by Rev. Charles E. Smith, the present pastor. The Church enlarged the old building in 1839, and continued to occupy it till 1848, when having obtained another lot in exchange with Capt. Joel Cody, a little east of the original site, they erected thereon a new brick edifice, of the Roman Ionic order of architecture, 132 by 70 feet, at a cost of $15,000. The spacious and attractive structure stood till Au gust 23, 1859, when it was consumed by fire, and, in the language of a report made by Mr. Harris, the church had "only a rubbish-covered lot incumbered to its full value." Still by the devoted efforts of pastor and people the ruins were soon repaired, and the present beautiful edifice rose out of the ashes of the former temple, and was dedicated, entirely free from debt, November 1, i860. The membership of this church on the first of January, 1877, was 391 — no males, 281 females; 42 non-resident, and 32 belonging to the German Mission. The German Mission was commenced under the auspices of the First Baptist Church, in the Second Ward, in 1862. A lot was purchased and a chapel erected on Lodi street near Ash. In November, 1875, Rev. Reinhard Hoefflin became the mission ary. On the 28th of June, 1877, this mission was organized into The First German Baptist Church of Syracuse, Rev. Reinhard Hoefflin, Pastor. The 32 members above referred to are now set off to this church. It has a German Sunday school. This church has also a Mission under the name of " Hope Chapel," corner of Wyoming and Tully streets. The Mission was established in 1862, The Central Baptist Church. — This church was originally a small colony of the First Baptist Church. About 1850, under the ministry of Rev. Mr. Pinney, a small chapel was erected on East Genesee street, which in that year or early in 185 1, was dedicated by Rev. Dr. John Dowling, father of their late pastor, Rev. George Thomas Dowling. 174 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. Services continued to be held here under different pastorates, till the chapel of the present church, on Montgomery street, corner of Jefferson, was com pleted and occupied in 1869. Rev. Dr. H. J. Eddy, was at that time pastor, and had been for some time previously. He continued in the pas torate till September 1, 1873. In 1872 the main church edifice was finished, at a cost of $75,000, all of which was paid or amply provided for. The building is a fine structure of brick, with projec tions of Onondaga limestone, and has a seating capacity for 700. On the first of September, 1873, Rev. George Thomas Dowling, assumed charge. The church and Sunday school were exceptionally prosperous under his ministry. Here we are called upon to record an experience of extreme trial through which the church passed on the evening of June 23, 1874, the sad memory of which is still fresh in the minds of thousands, and which will never be forgotten by those whose friends were tbe victims of the terrible calamity. On the evening referred to a large assemblage had gathered in the parlors of the church, in the second story, on a festival occasion, where also was to have been given a " Little Olde Folks' Concert" by the children. The floor of the parlors was insufficient ly supported by iron rods which connected with a wooden truss under the roof, and while in the height of the enjoyment of the festivities of the evening, at the moment of the least consciousness of danger, the floor fell, carrying with it the ceilings, the timber and the furniture, and precipitating old and young, in a helpless, confused mass, to the un occupied portion of the building below. To quote the words of the " Memorial " published by the Church : " Suddenly, as when a flash of lightning darts from a clear sky, or a dark and terrible chasm ap pears where but a moment before was solid ground, a crash is heard, the floor sinks, the ceiling falls, down into utter darkness, amid shivered beams and stifling plaster, broken furniture and twisted gas pipes, old men and maidens, young men and chil dren, are hurled in inextricable confusion. For a moment a silence awful in its intensity reigned. and then groans of agony, shrieks of terror, wails of mortal fear, anguished cries for help, arose in one great chorus from the struggling, bleeding, dying mass of humanity. Among the first to extricate themselves "Was the young and devoted pastor, Rev. George Thomas Dowling. He ran through Mont gomery street to East Genesee, and thence to No. 1 Engine House. An alarm of fire was struck and the engines appeared, but happily the horrors of fire were not added to the awful catastrophe. The police were promptly on the ground. Within an incredibly short period of time after the calamity (which occurred at 20 minutes past 9 o'clock,) the space about the church and the space leading thereto were thronged with a mass of" people swayed by one common impulse, and that the noble one of giving aid to the victims. * * * " The work of extricating the unfortunate was carried on quietly, calmly and systematically, and as the living, one after another, were released, grateful prayers of thankfulness arose from loving' hearts whose fears were so happily dispelled ; but as the dead were by reverent hands brought out into the quiet night, sharp cries of despair and agonizing appeals for assistance under this heavy weight of woe, pierced the still air of the summer night. " As the church bell tolled the hour of midnight the remains of the last victim were removed from the wreck." The number killed in this fearful disaster was fourteen, while one hundred and forty-five were more or less injured. The sad event cast a gloom over the entire city ; churches were draped, and in many places flags ap peared at half-mast. Suitable commemorative services were conducted on the Sunday following (June 28) in many of the churches, in which offer ings of appropriate flowers combined with words of sympathy and fitting music in shedding a deep and hallowed influence over the assemblages which a common sorrow had brought together. Most of the pastors spoke feelingly and eloquently on topics suggested by the late disaster. The Central Church held memorial service morn ing and evening at Wieting Opera House, from the published accounts of which we gather the following : " The Opera House was heavily draped with black and white interwoven, Drapings were fes tooned across the windows under the gallery, around the front of the gallery, and around the ceiling, while others were fastened at either corner of the ceiling and extended across the hall, each crossing the other under the chandelier. The platform pre sented an appearance which was touching to the hearts of all. Many willing hands must have given sad service in its arrangement. Besides the well arranged drapery, the floral offerings told a story in a language of their own. Across the foot of the platform were numerous bouquets, placed upon ped estals about two feet in height, and trimmed with cedar sprigs. On the drapery in front of the preacher's desk was a large and heavy wreath of white flowers clinging to evergreens, and upon the desk were two magnificent crowns, made of white carnations and white roses. At the rear of the plat form, and standing prominently in view, was a mass ive cross of smilax studded with white carnations, which seemed almost to sparkle like diamonds in a crown. It was the height of about eight feet, and well proportioned. The appearance of the Opera House was very impressive." HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 175 The services were not less so, and the combined effect will never be forgotten by the large assem blies who witnessed it. The music was of the most solemn and tender character. Rev. Dr. Dowling preached in the morning, and the pastor, Rev. George Thomas Dowling in the evening, ser mons full of eloquence and pathetic allusions to the sad memories of the occasion, and of hopeful and cheering anticipations of the future. Said the pastor : " We learn at such times as these that all the world are brothers. From all parts of our land there have come words of condolence and love. From Chicago, and New York, and Philadelphia, and Brooklyn, and Providence, from the North and South, and East and West, we have received the message, ' We are praying for you.' From the sister churches of our city has come the message, 'We are praying for you.' From the noble band of men who occupy the pulpits of our city, has come the message, ' We are praying for you.' " God bless them, as we cannot, and I know that when those books shall be opened, He who noteth the giving of a single cup of water to a thirsty child, will not forget their sympathy for us, in this hour of our deepest need." Letters of Condolence and Sympathy. We have only space for a few words of these. The pastor of the First Baptist Church, Rev. Mr. Lecompte, wrote : " We warmly bid you welcome to a place in our house of worship, and to a participation in our re ligious services on all occasions, not only until you shall have recovered from your present calamities, but so long as we shall have an organized existence for the advancement of the cause of the Master." The Board of Trustees of the University passed resolutions of sympathy and condolence for the city, the church and the friends of the afflicted suf ferers, which were unanimously adopted by a rising vote. The Ministerial Association, upon the "intelli gence of the heart-rending disaster," passed resolu tions tendering the afflicted pastor and his people all the sympathy and aid in their power. The Common Council of the city passed similar resolutions, and directed that, in accordance with section 24, title 4, of the City Charter, the condi tion of all the churches and public buildings in the city should be thoroughly examined and reported upon as to their safety. Rev. T. DeWitt Talmage, formerly pastor of the Reformed Church in Syracuse, telegraphed : " Our deepest sympathies and prayers, that you may be comforted." Plymouth Church tendered the use of their lec ture room to the afflicted Society, which was ac cepted, and it was announced that the Central Church would meet there on Tuesday evenings. After the accident the Trustees resolved that the Chapel (that portion of the building which fell) should be reconstructed in a manner which would render it perfectly safe, beyond the shadow of a doubt. They, therefore, built five brick piers on substantial stone foundations, capping them with stone, and from these carried up iron columns to the top of the building, supporting the interior chapel work also by ten other brick piers, besides the stone walls in the basement. The Chapel is 77x40 feet. The audience room, parlors and every part of the building which sustained injury, were renovated and repaired. A special committee then examined and reported upon the safety of the building, July 29, 1874. The Church, notwithstanding the calamity which befell it, has been very prosperous. Rev. Mr. Dowling resigned the pastorate in Au gust, 1877, and was succeeded by Rev. E. J. Good- speed, D. D , present pastor, October 1, 1877. Presbyterian Churches. First Presbyterian Church. — This Church commenced its organization under the name of "The First Presbyterian Society of Syracuse," elect ing the following Trustees Dec. 14, 1824: Moses D. Burnet, Miles Seymour, Rufus Moss, Jonathan Day, Heman Walbridge, Joshua Forman and Joseph Slocum. Their first house of worship, built in the latter part of 1825, was dedicated on the second Thursday in January, 1826, Rev. Dirck C. Lansing, D. D., of Auburn, preaching the dedication sermon. The first edifice stood exactly opposite the present one on Fayette street, on the corner occupied by the store of D. McCarthy & Co., and the ground was presented to the society by William James, and others. The organization of the Church was effected in 1826 by the following committee of the Onondaga Presbytery, viz : Ministers, Hezekiah Woodruff, Hutchins Taylor, Ralph Cushman and Washing ton Thatcher ; Elders, Joseph W. Brewster, Wil liam Eager and Harry Mosely ; the number of members uniting being twenty-six. Frederick Phelps and Edward Chapman, Elders, and Pliny Dickinson, Deacon. On the 28th of June, 1826, Rev. John Watson Adams, then just graduated at the Auburn Theo logical Seminary, was installed pastor. Dr. Adams' first and only pastorate continued till his death on the 4th of April, 1850. Meanwhile the growth of the church in numbers and influence kept pace with the remarkable and rapid expansion of Syracuse. 176 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. The present church edifice, corner of Salina and Fayette streets, was completed and -dedicated No vember 24, 1850. It was designed by the Trustees and Building Committee to anticipate the future growth of the city, and was at the time of its erec tion by far the finest church building in all this region of country. The celebrated Lefever, of New York, was the architect. The Building Com mittee consisted of Henry Gifford, Elias W. Leaven worth, Thomas B. Fitch, Zebulon Ostrom and Albert A. Hudson. The cost of the church, in cluding lot and some later improvements, was $60,- 000; $10,000 was paid for the lot, $40,000 for the church, (a very small sum considering the style and character of the building) and $10,000 for im provements during the pastorate of Dr. Canfield. The old church in which Dr. Adams preached so long, during his first and only pastorate, was torn down in April, 1850, and it is a singular coincidence that the last piece of timber was removed on the very day of the Doctor's death, — as if it had been ordered that he and the old church, in which centered so many sacred memories, should go to gether. From June, 1850, to December 8, 1851, Rev. Charles McHarg, of Cooperstown, was pastor. His resignation was reluctantly accepted by the church, for his character, fine culture and commanding abilities had rendered him a favorite with the con gregation and community. The church was then without a regular pastor for two and a half years, till Rev. Sherman Bond Can- field commenced his long and useful pastorate, May 1, 1854. Dr. Canfield's influence made itself felt from tbe beginning, and was, under Divine Provi dence, a growing power for good to the church and the city. He resigned in October, 1870, after a ministry in this church of over sixteen years, ill health being the cause of his resignation. His lungs had become impaired. He died in St. Louis, at the residence of Rev. C. D. Nott, on the 5th of March, 1871. He had preached for Dr. Nott in the morning ; in the afternoon he became ill and died about 12 o'clock at night. A year and a half elapsed without a settled pas tor, during which the church was supplied chiefly from Auburn. On the 17th of May, 1872, Rev. Dr. Nelson Millard was called. He accepted, and was installed November 19, 1872. He has since rendered acceptable service to the church, and is the present pastor. - Among the seasons of interest enjoyed by this church may be mentioned two noticeable revivals — one under the pastorate of Dr. Adams in 1832, and the other in the spring of 1866, under the pastorate of Dr. Canfield. The most noted meeting ever held in this church was that of the General Assembly of the New School Presbyterian Church in 1861. Rev. Dr. Condit, of Auburn, was Moderator. The church has under its charge a Mission School which was founded in i860. In January, 1863, Mr. Edward Townsend presented to the so ciety a deed for a lot on Monroe street, upon which immediately afterwards, Messrs. W. H. VanBuren and T. B. Fitch erected a chapel and presented the same as a gift to the church. A prosperous and useful school is conducted in that portion of the city. First Ward Presbyterian Church. — The his tory of this church goes back almost to the beginning ofthe century. In September, 1803, the first Presby terian sermon was preached at Salina by Rev. Mr. Sickles, from Kinderhook. He had been sent out as a missionary by the Dutch Church, and passing through Salina on his way to Fort Brewerton, stopped over night at Trask's tavern. Finding an uncongenial company there, he asked in the morn ing if there was not a religious family in the place with whom he could lodge. He was directed to Isaac Van Vleck's. Calling upon the family, he found that they were the persons for whom he had a package sent by friends at the east. In the course of conversation he asked if be could not hold religious service somewhere that evening. He was referred to Aaron Bellow's cooper-shop. The ap pointment was made, and in the evening the house was crowded. It was a good meeting, and such sing ing ! There was no more preaching in the place for two or three years, and then only occasionally. In 1 8 10, a Presbyterian Church was organized at Onondaga Hollow, in connection with residents here, under the name of the "United Church of Onon daga Hollow and Salina." Rev. Dirck C. Lansing was the pastor. The Salina portion of the members consisted of nine. The only place of worship was the school house, which had been built in 1805, but was not in existence when Mr. Sickles preached in the cooper shop. Mr. Lansing continued to preach to the United Church till February 2, 1814. Previous to this, in the autumn of 18 12, Rev. Caleb Alexander, had moved to the Hollow and taken charge of the Academy in that place. Mr. Alexander, although never a pastor at the Hollow, occasionally preached, and after Mr. Lansing's time preached to the people of Salina. Under his ministry the Sunday School was formed in 18 16, although this was not the first Sunday School in PIISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 177 the place, Mrs. Mary A. Porter having previously opened a Sabbath School in connection with a day school which she was teaching, in which she was assisted by Mrs. Phebe Spafford and Mrs. S. Alvord. This was one of the earliest Sabbath Schools, not only in this part of the country, but generally, for Sunday Schools were quite uncommon at that period. The first church edifice of this society was built and dedicated in 1822. It was a wooden structure standing on the northwest corner of the Park, and remained till 1855. In 1851 the chapel was built on Salina street nearly opposite the former resi dence of Dr. Didama. The Sabbath School con tinued to be held in the church till the building was taken down. Then it was removed to the chapel. After the present brick church was built in 1855, the chapel was removed to the spot where it now stands adjoining the church, and, enlarged in 1862, has since continued to be occupied by the school. The successors of Rev. Mr. Alexander, prior to the separation from the Onondaga Hollow Society, were Rev. Samuel T. Mills and Rev. James H. Mills. Under the ministry of the latter the United Society was divided, and a separate church formed under the name of the "First Presbyterian Church of Salina," Jan. 23, 1822, and the first church build ing was erected. It was dedicated coetaneously with the organization, Rev. John Brown, D.D., preaching the sermon. On the 13th of March fol lowing, Rev. Hutchins Taylor was installed pastor, and continued his ministry till Sept. 7, 1 826. He was followed by Rev. Henry Hotchkiss, as stated supply, for about one year. During this period a large num ber was added to the church. Rev. Hiram H. Kellogg next supplied the church from the fall of 1827 to the summer of 1829, and was suc ceeded by Rev. James I. Ostrom, installed June 24, 1829. Under his ministry large additions were made to the church. His successor was Rev. Jos. I. Foot, afterwards elected President of Washing ton College, but while on his way thither was thrown out of his carriage and killed, July 20, 1836. Rev. Hutchins Taylor was recalled, and re mained pastor till December, 1839. Mr. Taylor was followed by Rev. Jos. Myers, who remained till May, 1844, and was succeeded by Rev. Elias Clark, who supplied the pulpit six months. Then came Rev. Thomas Castleton and continued till July 23, 1849, after which the pulpit was supplied about one year by Rev. J. J. Slocum. Rev. William W. Newell, D. D., was installed pastor Oct. 20, 1850, and ac cepted a call to New York City Jan. 15, i860, his pastorate being over nine years with this church. 23* The pulpit was then supplied for about two years by Rev. Dr. Condit, of Auburn, when Rev. Lewis H. Reed, to whom we are indebted for most of this his tory of the church, became pastor. He concluded his labors here May 1, 1868, accepting a call to Chicago. His successors have been Rev. John H. Frazee, Jan. 7, 1870, and Rev. Alfred H. Fahne- stock, Jan. 20, 1875, the present pastor. Under the last named ministry about twenty members were added to the church last spring. The number is now 143, and the members of the Sunday School 150. Elders : John Hartshorne, James Van Vleck, Augustus G. S. Allis and Charles Cusbney. Park Central Presbyterian Church — The Park Church was organized December 24, 1846, and consisted of thirty-nine members. The first elders were Robert Furman, John Stewart and Ralph R. Phelps. Subsequently Josiah Wright, F. W. Tut tle, Horace B. Yates, Johnson Cowles, and David Hotchkiss became at an early day members of the session. Of the original members of the church, but seven now remain in connection with it, viz: Mrs. Bradley Carey, Mrs. L. W. Butler, Mrs. Eliza beth Phelps, Mrs. Alvira S. Cook, Mrs. Minerva S. Cowles, Mrs. Emily Goodwin, and Mrs. Emily M. Seymour. The society was organized December 30, 1846. Ralph R. Phelps and John Stewart, two of the elders of the church, presided as moderators over the meeting for organization, and J. B. Huntington, Israel Smith, Benjamin R. Norton, John Stewart, Bradley Carey and George Barney were elected the first Board of Trustees. At the first meeting seventeen members were enrolled in the society, of whom only one now remains, Mr. Bradley Carey, who has faithfully shared the vicissitudes of the church from that time to the present. Two or three others of the original number are still living, but reside elsewhere. January 4, 1847, the Trustees recommended the erection of a house of worship provided it could be built for $7,000, and on the nth of January, the society adopted the recommendation, and author ized the purchase of the original lot from the late R. R. Phelps, March 17, 1847, the contract for the building was signed. The entire sum specified in the contract to be paid for the building of the church was $8,550. Rev. C. Gold Lee was stated supply of the church until 1847, when he resigned, and Rev. Wm. W. Newell was called to the pastorate and installed November 10, 1847. The church edifice was dedi cated February 3, 1848. Rev. Dr. Newell was pastor of the church until October, 1850, when he 178 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. resigned, and in August, 185 1, Rev. Byron Sunder land assumed the duties of the pastorate, and administered them until January, 1853. Rev. Samuel Hall succeeded him in October, 1853. In January, 1855, the church property was sold under foreclosure, and by a subsequent arrangement with the purchasers, came into possession of a new society, organized from the Park Church Society, under the corporate name of the Park Presbyterian Society, and in April, 1855, Rev. S. H. Hall was called to the pastorate and duly installed in May following. He resigned in 1856, and the church and society remained without a settled pastor for some time. Rev. S. T. Reeves was temporary supply in 1857 for a period of one year. In March, 1858, the church and society were re organized under the name of the Park Central Presbyterian Church and Society, which name it still bears. Rev. Mr. Fillmore was elected pastor and commenced his ministerial labors in January, 1858, continuing his relations with the church until 1865. The pulpit was supplied during the follow ing year by Prof. James E. Pierce, of the Auburn Theological Seminary. How earnestly and faithfully these early pastors toiled and labored for the prosperity and stability of the Church, often amidst overwhelming discourage ments, is known to all who during those years were conversant with the affairs of the church. Their self-sacrificing work and their devotion to the inter ests of the church and society will ever be held in grateful remembrance. In 1866, Rev. Addison K. Strong was elected pastor and installed in April of that year. He was dismissed at his own request in April, 1870. Dur ing his pastorate the church was greatly prospered and large additions were made to the number of its members. The project of building a new house of worship was agitated quite earnestly during Dr. Strong's pastorate, but the enterprise seemed too great to be undertaken and was for a time deferred. In May, 1870, Rev. Edward G. Thurber was elected pastor. During his ministry he has secured the highest confidence and warmest love of his peo ple. His encouraging words and example of devo tion greatly forwarded the enterprise of the new church, the corner-stone of which was laid on the 9th of September, 1872, and the edifice completed and dedicated on the 24th of June, 1875. The cost of this church was nearly $75,000. It has large and complete appointments for the Sabbath School, social services, and for the weekly prayer meetings of the church. The present pastor, Rev. Edward G. Thurber, has been with the Church since May 12, 1870. The present membership is 418, the Sabbath School numbering 515. Many have gone from this church to other places, who hold important positions of Christian influence and usefulness. The Church and Society are united, harmonious and progressive in Christian work. Fourth Presbyterian Church — This church like the Park Central Presbyterian, is an outgrowth of the First Presbyterian Church, of this city, and was organized under its auspices and in its session room on the evening of February 2, 1870. A short ad dress was made by Rev. S. B. Canfield, D. D., who then read the names of eighty-one persons propos ing to unite in forming the organization, sixty-two of whom were from the First Presbyterian, three from the Park Presbyterian, six from the Reformed, one from Plymouth, and nine from churches outside the city. Among the original members were the following : Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Hayden, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. C. Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Hough, Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Hubbard, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hubbard, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Chadwick, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Miles, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. La throp, Mr. and Mrs. John Reed, Mrs. C. C. Bradley, Mrs. Mary Bradley, Mrs. C. M. Barrett, Mrs. A. L. Smith, Mrs. Esther C. Barker, David Bonta, S. H. Starin, H. C. Hooker, Dr. John VanDuyn. John Reed and Henry C. Hooker were ordained Elders, and Edwin Miles, Deacon. The church first met for worship at Conserva tory Hall, corner of Warren and Fayette streets, Sunday, February 6th, 1870, and organized a Sun day school at the close of the morning services. In April, 1870, Rev. John S. Bacon was duly installed as pastor. During the year to January 1, 1871, 62 members were added by letter and 27 by profession of faith. Rev. John S. Bacon remained pastor for six years, and was succeeded in September, 1877, by the present pastor, Rev. Norman Seaver, D. D., who came here from an eight years' pastorate of the First Presbyterian Church of Brooklyn, N. Y. The present church edifice was begun in 1872, and dedicated February 27, 1873. It cost $60,000. Present membership, 375 ; attendance at the Sun day school, 380. Reformed Church. — The Reformed Church of Syracuse, N. Y., was organized by the Classis of Cayuga, March 10, 1848, and consisted of eleven persons, dismissed for this purpose from the Reformed Churches of Chittenango and Geneva, and from the First Presbyterian and Park Presby terian Churches of Syracuse. Their names are : Wessel B. VanWagenen, Lavinia VanWagenen, HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 179 Cornelia D. VanWagenen, Mary Ann Beardsley, Peter Burns, Elizabeth Pope, Harriet S. Walter, Mary E. VanRenssalaer, B. C. Vrooman, Susan Vrooman, Simon V. A. Featherly. The organization was completed by the election of W. B. VanWagenen and B. C. Vrooman, Elders, and Simon V. A. Featherly and Peter Burns, Deacons. In July following the Rev. J. A. H. Cornell was unanimously called to be first pastor to the new enterprise, and entered upon his duties and was installed in August. The meetings of the society were held in the old Unitarian Chapel, on East Genesee street, till the church edifice could be erected. An excellent site was secured on James street during the following winter, and in the spring of 1849, the corner stone of the church edifice was laid by the late Dr. Isaac N. Wyckoff, of Albany, with appropriate ceremonies. The Building Committee consisted of the follow ing gentlemen : John G. Forbes, John B. Burnet, John A. Robeson, W. B. VanWagenen and James Noxon. The structure was completed and dedicated to the service ofthe Triune Jehovah, July 16th, 1850, the venerable Dr. Thomas DeWitt, senior pastor of the Collegiate Church in New York City, preach ing the sermon. The cost of the church lot was $1,900, and of the edifice $14,000, of which the Collegiate Church contributed $2,000, and about $5,000 more was raised among the churches at the East by the faithful and persevering efforts of the Pastor and Elder VanWagenen. A Sunday School organization was perfected soon after the church organization. Mr. John B. Burnet being elected as first Superintendent. In September, 185 1, Rev. J. A. H. Cornell re signed his charge, and was succeeded in May, 1852, by Rev. J. Romeyn Berry. Mr. Berry's pastorate ended in 1857. The church was now vacant till 1859, when Rev. T. DeWitt Talmage became its pastor. He remained till February, 1862, when he was suc ceeded in May of the same year by Rev. Joachim Elmendorf, whose pastorate continued till Decem ber, 1865. The next pastor was Rev. Jeremiah Searle, who began his work in May, 1866, and re mained till February, 1868. The church was now vacant more than a year, when a unanimous call was made in March, 1869, on Rev. Martin Luther Berger.who remained till May, 1875, when he re moved to California. The present pastor, Rev. Evart Van Slyke, succeeded him as stated supply in April and as pastor in Nov. 1875. The church has just been repaired and elegantly decorated, (August, 1877,) at an expense of $3,500. On Sunday after noon, February 3, 1878, the church edifice was destroyed by fire. Present membership, 270 ; attendance at the Sunday School, 350. J. C. Mix, Supt. Consisto ry — Elders, Samuel Bonta, Alphonso W. Blye, Henry Babcock, E. P. Hopkins ; Deacons, James C. Mix, Bradford Kennedy, Rasselas A. Bonta, Fred. A. Broadhead ; Organist— Maltbie C. Bab cock. Congregational. Plymouth Church. — The Plymouth Church of Syracuse was organized September 24, 1853. Thirty-one persons united in its organization. Of these the following only remain : William E. Abbott, Stephen E. Maltby, Jane A. Abbott, Grace Scribner, (Mrs. Bainbridge,) Abner Bates, Mary D. C. Scribner, '(Mrs. Gane,) Susan Foster, J. Stewart Tallman, M. Waldo Hanchett, Clarissa Tallman, Martha A. Hanchett, Julia A. Tallman, Margaret G. Hanchett, Margaret Tall man. For a time the church worshiped in the edifice formerly owned by the First Congregational Society of this city ; but measures were soon taken to pur chase a lot and erect a new building. The present location, at the junction of Onondaga, Warren and Madison streets, was accordingly purchased and the chapel erected. On the 25th of February, 1855, the chapel was dedicated, and entered for regu lar worship. It soon, however, became manifest that it was too small to accommodate the growing congregation, and in the autumn of 1858, a con tract was entered into for the erection of a new edifice. The corner-stone was laid September 24, 1858, on the fifth anniversary of the founding of the church. On the 26th of September, 1853, Rev. M. E. Strieby received and accepted a call to the pastoral office. The church edifice was completed and dedi cated in August, 1859. Rev. M. E. Strieby, after a pastorate of eleven years, resigned in March, 1864. Rev. S. R. Dimmock succeeded, July'i, 1864, and resigned September 25, 1868. Rev. A. F. Beard, D. D., the present pastor, was called in April, 1869, and entered upon his services June 1. During the winter of 1870, a precious re vival was granted the church, and in the spring the people were encouraged to build a new chapel, and to rebuild, enlarge and beautify the church. The New Chapel was dedicated November 13, 1870, the pas tor preaching the dedicatory sermon. The chapel is tastefully finished and furnished, and capable of seating about three hundred and fifty persons. i8o HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. The New Edifice of Plymouth Church was completed and dedicated March 22, 1871. It was built from designs by Architect H. N. White, under the immediate direction ofthe Building Committee, consisting of Messrs. Peter Burns, H. R. Olmsted, M. E. Carter, James Terwilliger, W. E. Abbott, •George W. Wilson, (Trustees,) and J. T. Bon, M. W. Hanchett and A. G. Salisbury. The audience room is attractive and very pleasant, and affords nine hundred and thirty-seven sittings, besides those of the galleries. From the Church Manual for 1872, we take the following statistics : Whole number now belonging to the church, 346 ; whole number now absent, 34 ; male members, 1 14 ; female members, 232 ; number admitted from No vember, 1870, to June, 1872, 53. Protestant Episcopal Churches. St. Paul's Church, was organized May 22, 1826, Rev. John McCarty, Presiding. John Durn- tford and Samuel Wright were chosen Wardens, and Amos P. Granger, Archy Kasson, James Mann, Matthew W. Davis, Mather Williams, Barent Filkins, Othniel Williston and Jabez Hawley, Vestrymen. In 1825, a lot of ground was donated to the parish for a church by the Syracuse Company ; in September the frame was raised and enclosed and the building was completed in 1827. It stood on ^the ground now occupied by the Granger Block, ¦and was subsequently sold to the Roman Catholics, who removed it and converted it into St. Mary's Church. The corner stone of the present St. Paul's Church was laid July 12, 1841, and the building completed and occupied the following year. The wing portion of tbe building was about the same time erected for a parochial school, which was under the charge of the Rector. In 1858 the church was enlarged by an extension in the rear, and in 1870 about $6,000 were expended in improving the seats, repainting and frescoing the interior, which has rendered the audience room very pleasant and attractive. Prior to the erection of the first edifice, services were held in the school house, and sometimes in the building of the First Baptist Church. The clergymen who officiated previous to the or ganization of the parish, were Revs. Lucius Smith, William B. Thomas, Wilcox, William J. Bulk- ley, Augustus L. Converse ; and later, Revs. John McCarty, William Barlow, Palmer Dyer, Richard Salmon, John Griggs, Francis Todrig, Clement M. Butler, Charles H, Halsey, William Walton, Isaac Swart, John B. Gallagher and Henry Gregory. Rev. Dr. Gregory was succeeded by Rev. Wm. B. Ashley, December 1, 1848, who remained till March 10, 1857. May 3, 1857, Rev. George Morgan Hills became rector, continuing till August 21, 1870. January, 1871, Mr. Hills was succeeded by the Rev. Simon Greenleaf Fuller, who remained rec tor till his death, November 21, 1872. He died suddenly of apoplexy while in his study, and was lamented by a bereaved parish and a large circle of friends. Rev. Henry R. Lockwood, the present rector, was called and settled over the parish January 19, 1873. St. James Church — The earliest service was held January 27. 1848, in the chapel built for a mission of St. Paul's Church. St. James' Parish was organized August 14, 1848; communicants at the first Communion Service, twenty-one. Among the earliest parishioners were James D. Wallace, Abraham Bartlett, William W. Green Barent Filkins, Cornelius Shirley, Henry D. Hatch, Thomas Hurst, Nehemiah H. Earll, Dr. I. F. Trow bridge, all now deceased, with others who still re main. The present church edifice was commenced in 185 1, completed in 1853, enlarged in 1866. Cost of chapel $1,400, of church $13,000, of enlargement (uniting church and chapel in one building,) $10,- 000. Dr. Henry Gregory was Rector from 1848 till 1857, Rev. C. C. Barclay in 1857 and 1858, Dr. Joseph M. Clarke from 1858 till the present time. Present number of communicants 300. At tendance at Sunday school about 100. Trinity Church. — This church originated with Trinity Mission Sunday School, established by St. Paul's Church in July, 1855. A congregation was gathered and a chapel erected adjoining the Sey mour school building, which was consecrated Nov ember 25, 1855, and the parish was organized March 3, 1856. Rev. William Long, assistant of Rev. Dr. Ashley, of St. Paul's, began the Mission, and was succeeded by Rev. David E. Barr in 1856. Since then the regular succession of pastors and time of ministry have been as follows : Rev. J. B. Linn, one year and eight months ; Rev. N. F. Whiting, two years : Rev. D. F. Lumsden, nine months ; Rev. J. K. Lewis, four years ; Rev. S. R. Jones, two years and a half; Rev. J. E. Pratt, pres ent Rector, five years. Rev. J. K. Lewis, under whose ministry the present church was built, is now a chaplain in the United States Navy. Trinity Church is situated on Seymour street, south of West street. It was erected in 1869, is a wooden building and cost about $9,000. HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 181 The bell used by this church is the old bell of Zion Church, Onondaga Hill, founded by Rev. Ezekiel G. Gear, in 1816. About 105 families are connected with the parish ; the communicants number 165, and the Sunday school 20 teachers and 150 scholars. Grace Church. — The movement for the estab lishment of this church was inaugurated by Rev. Thomas E. Pattison in 1870, the first service being held in December in a small wooden chapel erected on the site of the present elegant stone church, on University avenue, corner of Madison street. The parish was organized early in 1871, with John V. Needham and Wells B. Hatch, Wardens ; and Arthur Crittenden, John R. Hawkins, Henry A. Leggett and John C. White, Vestrymen. The corner stone of the church edifice was laid in June, 1876, and the building finished and consecrated in February, 1877. The site is one ofthe most beauti ful in the city. The structure is of blue, rough- dressed Onondaga limestone, relieved and beauti fied by cut stone of the gray variety, and cost, in cluding furniture, organ, &c, $25,000. The pres ent Wardens are Elisha P. Howe and Edgar S. Mathews ; Vestrymen, J, C. White, Frank A. May, John V. Needham, Wells B. Hatch, A. B. Grover, V. B. Chase, F. L. Smith and W. H. Dimmick. Rev. Thomas E. Pattison has been Rector from the first, and still officiates. The number of com municants is 157 ; Sunday School, 150. Calvary Church (Protestant Episcopal) is situa ted on the corner of Highland and Beecher streets in the Fourth Ward of the city. This church began with a Sunday School opened by Bishop Hunting ton, in a small house on Butternut street beyond Farmer, in September, 1873. The school was soon transferred to a barn close by, which had been altered to serve the purpose of a temporary chapel. The building was unpainted and uncarpeted, but the attendance at the Sunday School increased, a service was held every Sunday evening, and before the winter a Sewing School was opened on Satur day afternoons. The Mission continued to gather members for several years, and on the 20th of September, 1877, the corner-stone of a new permanent structure — the present church — was laid by the Bishop of the Dio cese. This building is of wood, with a large base ment of stone ; it was raised and finished at a cost of about $2,500, most of this amount having been contributed by friends of the church in Syracuse. The first service in the new church was Morning Prayer and the celebration of the Holy Communion on Christmas morning, 1877. While serving as the place of worship for the former attendants at Calvary Mission Chapel and others in the neighborhood, Calvary Church is also the Chapel of St. Andrews Divinity School in Highland Place, and all its services are under the immediate direction of the Bishop. The services as now held are on all week days at a quarter be fore 9 a. m., and on Sunday at half past 10 a. m., at half past 3 p. m., and at a quarter past 7 in the evening. A part of the basement is to be opened as a reading room every evening. The Sunday School numbers over 200 children. St. Andrews Divinity School. This is an institution for the education of candi dates for the ministry of the Protestant Episcopal Church. It was opened by Bishop Huntington in September, 1876, at Highland Place, Syracuse. The Trustees are, the Rt. Rev. F. D. Huntington, S. T. D., President ex-officio ; Rev. J. M. Clarke, D. D. ; Rev. H. Lockwood ; H. O. Moss, Esq., and Hon William Marvin. Faculty of Instruction — Rt. Rev. F. D. Hunting ton, President ; Rev. C. P. Jennings, Dean ; Rev. J. M. Clarke, D. D. ; Prof. Rudolph Wahl. Methodist Churches. First Methodist Episcopal Church — Previous to the erection of the First M. E. Church in the vil lage of Syracuse, services were held in the school house on Church street by Rev. Eben. L. North, now living at South Onondaga, and Rev. Vincent M. Coryell, residing at present in Waverly, N. Y. It is thought by Rev. E. Arnold, that Rev. E. L. North organized the first class here about 1830. The writer, sometime in September, 1877, addressed a line to Rev. Mr. North, making inquiries and seeking to get the names of the members of the first class, but he has received no answer. Rev. V. M. Coryell preached in Syracuse during the years 1835 and 1836. In the latter of these years the church edifice was begun, and was finished in 1837. The regular succession of ministers in this church, as nearly as can be ascertained, has been as follows : Rev. V. M. Coryell, 1835 to 1836 ; Rev. A. D. Peck, 1837 and 1838 ; Rev. W. W. Nind, 1839 and l840 ; Rev. N. G.Baker, 1841 and 1842 ; Rev. A. D. Peck, 1843 ; Rev. Edward Ban nister, 1844 and 1845 ; Rev. James Erwin, 1846 ; Rev. E. E. E. Bragdon, 1847; Rev. H. E. Chapin, 1848 and 1849 ; Rev. I. S. Bingham, 1850 and 185 1 ; Rev. Nathaniel Salisbury, 1852 and 1853 ; Rev. A. J. Phelps, 1854 and 1855 * Rev. Hiram Mattison, 1856 and 1857 ; Rev. John B. Foote, 182 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 1858 and 1859 ' Rev- E. C. Bruce, i860 and 1861 ; Rev. S. R. Fuller, 1862 and 1863; Rev. Wesley Mason, 1864 and 1865 ; Rev. C. P. Lyford, 1866, 1867 and 1868 ; Rev. J. D. Adams, 1869, 1870 and 1 87 1 ; Rev. L. C. Queal, 1872, 1873 and 1874 ; Rev. W. H. Anable, 1875, 1876 and 1877. Nathan W. Rose has been class-leader contin uously since the old church was built in 1837, and most of the time a trustee. William Judson, David French, C. T. Hicks and Father Pease, were prominent among the old members. An anecdote is told of Father Pease and the builders of the old church, with reference to the peculiar shaped tower which, many of the early citizens may remember, once surmounted tbe building. It was a sort of pyramid built up from a square base and covered with tin. Messrs. Judson and Hicks, well known and enterprising early citizens, had the most to do with the original building of the church, and they departed from the plain Methodist style of those days in having a fine tall steeple put upon the build ing. This, in the eyes of Father Pease, a genuine old-fashioned Methodist of the congregation, was a tower of pride and vanity and an insult to high heaven, and after protesting against it, he resolved to invoke the Lord to take it down. He prayed earnestly against the steeple. In a short time it was struck with lightning and splintered from top to bottom ; but the friends of the steeple soon had it rebuilt. Father Pease still prayed against it. It was demolished a second time — a strong gust of wind struck it, and carried it entirely from its base, landing it in fragments upon the ground near by. The friends of the steeple did not again rebuild it. Whether they believed the Lord was actually work ing against them, or whether they came to the conclusion that their work was not sufficiently strong to resist the strain of a tornado, is uncer tain, but it is certain that the steeple was twice de molished, and that the last time, instead of attempt ing to rebuild it as at first, the base of the tower was carried up and finished in the peculiar pyramid- shaped dome referred to, and that tower remained on the church for more than thirty years. The church was thoroughly repaired inside in 1856, by the devotion of Mr. David French, who mortgaged his own private property to make the repairs. Among the prominent ministers of this church, Rev. Hiram Mattison was well known as an anti- slavery man and an author of considerable note. Rev. S. R. Fuller, died at Watertown, N. Y. Rev. J. D. Adams, D. D., is now at Erie, Pa. Rev. Dr. L. C. Queal is Presiding Elder at Elmira, N. Y. A considerable number of the membership of this church have been dismissed from time to time to form other Methodist Episcopal Churches in the city — such as the Centenary, University Avenue, Furman Street and Rose Hill Churches. The present number of members is 455, with a large and flourishing Sunday School. The church edifice was rebuilt in 1869-70 at a cost of $25,000, by extending the front 20 feet and building two towers. Also an addition at the rear end of 15 feet for organ and class rooms. It is now one of the most pleasant and commodious churches in the city. First Ward Methodist Episcopal Church. — Quite early in the nineteenth century Salina was visited by Rev. Charles Giles, of the Old Genesee Conference, who, it is believed, preached the first Methodist sermon at " Salt Point." Preaching was occasionally had by passing itinerants, and at length a class was formed and a small chapel erected about the year 1 829 ; which appears not to have been finished for many years, the society being weak and making very little progress prior to 1840, at which date they had the services for a few months of Ezra C. Squires, a young man holding a local preacher's license. During the year 1840, Mr. Squires, having awakened some interest, the society petitioned the Black River Conference to send them a minister who should organize a " Station," and devote him self wholly to their village as a pastor. The Con ference being held at Pulaski in the summer, Bishop R. R. Roberts ordained Rev. Ebenezer Arnold and sent him to Salina, with instructions to organize, if practicable, the two villages, Salina and Geddes, into a pastoral charge. Mr. Arnold, after looking over the field, concluded to devote his whole attention to Salina. The society prospered under his ministry, becoming financially self-supporting ; tbe chapel was finished and furnished ; a comfortable parsonage placed at his disposal free of rent ; class and prayer meetings earnest and well attended ; and a quarterly conference established. In the space of one year a great change had been effected, so that Rev. Mr. Arnold left the parish in a well- organized and prosperous condition, from which it maintained a steady and vigorous growth. In 1864 the corner stone of the present church edifice was laid, and the building was completed and dedicated in 1865. It is of brick, cost about $13,000 and will seat 500 people. Tbe Parsonage is also a brick building, of moderate dimensions and rather plain appearance. The Trustees are A. Mc- Chesney, B. C. Ross, T. Redhead, Hiram More- HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 183 house, W. G. Richards, John E. Gumaer, Henry J. Patten, Alexander Hubbs and David Powers. The following is the list of Pastors furnished by Rev. T. F. Clark : Rev. Ebenezer Arnold, Rev. I. N. Murdock, Rev. C. L. Dunning, Rev. P. S. Bennet, Rev. C. Giles, Rev. A. Robbins, Rev. B. Phillips, Rev. I. Turney, Rev. M. M. Rice, Rev. B. I. Deefendorf, Rev. D. Simons, Rev. O. C. Cole, Rev. D. Chidester, Rev. H. M. Church, Rev. S. Ball, Rev. J. A. Graves, Rev. T. B. Shepherd, Rev. W. Mason, Rev. O. A. Houghton, Rev. M. Wheeler, Rev. J. B. Foote, Rev. T. F. Clark, present Pastor. Centenary Methodist Episcopal Church. — The Centenary of American Methodism, which was fruitful in the inauguration of many new church movements in the denomination at large, was the beginning of a new era in the history of the Methodist-Episcopal church in Syracuse. The policy of colonization and expansion, deemed nec essary in view of the location of the Syracuse Uni versity in this city, was, during that year, adopted and acted upon. It was clearly foreseen that, if the Methodist denomination of the State of New York should undertake to found and conduct a University in Syracuse, the local church policy of the denomination assuming its guardianship, must itself be greatly liberalized and enlarged. Hence the colonization and enlargement of Episcopal Methodism in Syracuse, and the establishment of the University, had their inception together in the centenary year, and were undertaken and prosecuted by the same parties. The movement originated outside of the local churches, and for a time was carried on in opposition to their wishes and advice. At the Black River Conference, held in April, 1866, the presiding Bishop appointed Rev. Ebenezer Ar nold to the Fifth Ward of Syracuse, with the view of establishing in that locality a Centenary Monu mental Church of the Methodist Episcopal faith. We shall let Rev. Mr. Arnold describe the situa tion at the time of his entrance upon the duties of his new charge. " It was as bald and barren a charge as was ever spread upon white paper or read off by a bishop. But the very next day the appointee was on the spot' and looking for some place to begin work. To and fro, right and left, over his crude field he wan dered, watched and listened. No familiar face or voice greeted him. No one watched or waited for his arrival, or cared to know his voice. The next week he came on again with family and goods. * * Utterly failing to find a place to live in, in the Fifth Ward, he furnished a lodging room and joined the pastor in a studio in tbe First Ward parsonage and found most of his dinners in the Onondaga House." The next difficulty was to find a place to preach in. " There was no hall within or near the Fifth Ward, and only two chapels — one owned and fully occupied by the Protestant Episcopal Church ; the other owned by tbe Baptists and occupied part of the Sabbaths by a Young Men's Christian Asso ciation Sunday School. This ' pastor ' without a flock, wanted to occupy a hall in the center of the city, but the fear of awakening opposition among his own people decided against it, and the Baptist ' Hope Chapel' was hired for a part of each Sab bath." The first funds contributed towards this church were three cents by a little boy and girl. As the preacher and some others were discuss ing the question of finance at an evening meet ing, " the excited audience was astonished to see a little boy (sitting alone) rise up and march resolutely to the speakers table and lay down two cents. ' What is that for, bub ?' asked the preach er. ' That's for the church,' replied the boy. In stantly a little girl from the other side came up and laid down one cent, saying: 'That's for the church, too.' 'Well!, well!' said the preacher, ' we can no longer say we have no funds. The work is begun, and the Lord will provide for its completion." The audience went away profoundly impressed with the assured suc cess of the enterprise. Shortly after some half a dozen families con cluded to enlist ; the Board of Missions of the State of New York granted $500 for the preacher's expenses ; July 16, the lot was purchased for the church by Rev. A. J. Phelps and Rev. Ebenezer Arnold, who had faith enough to pay their own money for it and take the deed in their own name, there being as yet no legal corporation to transact business. A subscription was immediately opened and five men subscribed $1,000, $750, $200, $200 and $100, respectively. Then came, by the aid of the united ministry, a large and successful meeting in the First Church ; then the First Ward Church came to the rescue ; the Presiding Elder and Pastors pushed into the country for subscriptions ; and, to effect an organization, forty members of the First Church asked to be transferred to the new colony, to aid in forming the " Centenary Church." As name after name was slowly read over, the eyes of their pastor were filled with unbidden tears, but he brushed them aside, and kneeling together they joined their prayers for the out-goers and the new church which they were about to join. " It was in a moderate-sized room in the second 1 84 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. story of Pike Block, January 6th, 1867. The great clock of American Methodism had just struck One Hundred, the first Sunday of the year one had reached high noon. Fifty persons, mostly young and middle-aged, stood up and covenanted together in Holy Church Fellowship — one in name, one in purpose, and one in heart. Such was the material of the Centenary Church as thus organized, and of the congregation thereof, that a large Board of Trustees, a fine Quarterly Conference, a good Sunday School, able Prayer and Class Meetings, and Social Societies, were very soon in successful operation. A subscription of $13,000 being raised, the site purchased by the two clergymen was fixed upon, the foundation laid and the building rose rapidly, so that by the assembling of the Annual Conference in this city in April, 1867, the massive stone work was nearly completed and the corner stone was laid by Bishop Janes. The following year the church was finished and dedicated, the entire cost being about $37,000. It is a fine substantial brick building situated on West street near Onondaga. , The following ministers, in the order named, have been the Pastors of Centenary Church : Rev. Eben ezer Arnold, the founder, one year; Rev. Elijah Horr, Jr., three years ; Rev. Jesse T. Peck, now Bishop Peck,- one year and a half, till his appointment as Bishop ; Rev. Manley S. Hard, three and a half years ; Rev. A. C. George, D. D., one and a half years, till transferred to West Virginia ; Prof. W. P. Codington, to fill vacancy ; Rev. Oscar A. Houghton, present Pastor. Centenary is one of the most prosperous churches in the city. Membership, 450, and a large and active Sunday School. Trustees — A. N. Palmer, President ; Henry W. Bannister, Clerk ; Thomas Talbot, Robert Patter son, Edward Drake, Aaron Schemerhorn, S. A. Daniels, J. F. Pease, and E. F. Holden. Delaware Street M. E. Church.— On the 16th of June, 1872, Rev. Ebenezer Arnold com menced street preaching on the corners of Geddes, Delaware, Fulton and Davis streets. Mr. Arnold was then pastor of the Magnolia Street M. E. Church, which had been organized in 1869 and oc cupied the hill north of the Idiot Asylum. Some half a dozen members of this church lived in that part of the city where he began preaching on the street corners. As a foundation for future opera tions, it was a part of his plan to remove the church from the hill into the southwest part of the city, and unite the members with those which might be raised up in the new church locality. . It was prac tically the dissolving of the old church and the or ganization of a hew one, ahd for the accomplish ment of this result, street preaching and cottage meetings were to be depended upon. The former was kept up two seasons — the first on Geddes the second on Seymour street — and cottage prayer and class meetings continued over a year. Meantime, a spacious church site had been selected a payment made thereon of $1,400, and over 50 ornamental trees planted. The old church was re moved from the hill and converted into a comforta ble chapel on the rear part of the site, where meet ings were held till the erection of the present church edifice in 1876. The new society was also organized by the labors of Mr. Arnold in 1873, and with the members transferred from the old society, constituted about , 40 in number. The new vine thus planted and grafted has grown with fresh and vigorous life. Once established in the new quarters, the pastor began to gather the fruits of his cottage and out door labors, in a congregation numbering 300 souls, with an average attendance of 200, and a Sunday School of about 100 members. Mr. Arnold ac complished this good work as pastor from June, 1872, to October, 1873. The population in this portion of the city, requiring a larger place of meeting, the pres ent church edifice was commenced in 1875, and dedicated in 1876. It is a plain substantial brick structure and cost about $12,000. This building is prospectively intended to be the rear of a larger and more elegant church edifice, which the future growth of the society will before many years call into requisition. The present membership is 10 1, and the Sunday School, 200. The following clergymen have been pastors of this church : Rev. M. Pierce, Rev. T. B. Shepherd, Rev. Robert Brewster, Rev. Ebenezer Arnold, Rev. U. S. Beebe and Rev. Edmund M. Mills, the pres ent incumbent. Rose Hill M. E. Church. — In accordance with the general plan of Methodist Church exten sion inaugurated during the Centenary year, Rose Hill, or the Fourth Ward of Syracuse, was made a field of missionary operations with a view to the establishment of a church. Rev. Ebenezer Ar nold entered the field in October, 1873 — a most unpromising field at that time, so far as any begin ning or Methodist materials were concerned. No one desired a mission or asked for a preacher to come among them. There was no vacant hall or school house or even private dwelling accessible. /MRTIN'S BLOCK , cort.Ji.FnHson&WARffEN St?. is 4^ Residence of JOHN EASTWOOD, Coa.Spmn&i. BearSts^Syracuse.NX HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 185 Out-door meetings were resorted to, and, as admis sion could be gained to houses, prayer meetings were held with families. This went on for one year with scarcely a perceptible gain ; the leaven, how ever, though hidden, was working in the masses. At the close of the second year a society of about a dozen and Sunday School had been formed and were meeting and holding prayer meetings in a barn loft, preaching still going on to the outside world in the open air. At the Conference this year Bishop Andrews recognized the work as a Confer ence appointment. During the year 1876, a stronger hold was gained upon public confidence ; the church increased to 20 ; a board of trustees was appointed ; a lot subscribed for a parsonage ; a small fund accumu lated by contributions of worshipers laid upon the Bible ; and an open-air congregation of more steady, attentive and intelligent hearers. The year follow ing a church site was bought, large enough for a church and chapel, $200 paid on it, and a neat chapel erected and half paid. for. The congrega tion this year numbered about 200, with an average attendance of 50, and a Quarterly Conference and Social Society were organized. Such was the Rose Hill M. E. Church at the dose of Rev. Mr. Arnold's labors, September, 1877. It is deemed on a solid and substantial foot ing, and gives fair promise of future permanence and enlargement. The church is a wooden build ing on Highland street, corner of Douglas, and cost, including two lots, $4,000. Present Pastor, Rev. George W. Peck. Trustees — E. H. Wormwood, E. A. Huntington, George E. Marsh, Dwight Arnold, Joseph Draw bridge, Frank Frey ancTMr. Dillenbeck. Furman Street M. E. Church — The move ment resulting in this church was begun in Dan forth (a suburb of the city) April 20, 1870, by Rev. Ebenezer Arnold. Mr. Arnold continued his labors till November of that year. In 1871 a Mis sion and Sunday School were organized by Rev. Jesse T. Peck, D. D., while pastor of the Centen ary Church, and they were included in the Quar terly Conference of that body. In 1874 the Mis sion became a separate charge, and has since been regularly supplied by the Conference. For the past two years Prof. Charles W. Bennett, of the Uni versity, has been pastor, and was preceded by Rev. M. J. Wells. The church has a comfortable wooden edifice and is maintaining a steady growth. University Avenue M. E. Church.— Located on the corner of University Avenue and East Gen esee street. This society was organized as a branch 24* of the 1st M. E. Church, in 1867, with a member ship of nine, holding their earlier meetings in pri vate residences. In 1868, a small chapel was erected on the corner of Chestnut and Fayette streets, and in the latter part of that year the society, having in the mean time increased to a membership of thirty, was or ganized as a separate charge. Rev. C. P. Lyford was appointed pastor while yet officiating as pastor of the ist M. E. Church. In 1869, Rev. T. B. Shepherd was appointed pastor. While under his charge the meetings were held in Seager Hall. It was during his pastorate that the lot upon which the present church edifice stands was purchased. Rev. C. P. Lyford was the next in charge, being appointed in 1870. During his ministrations a temporary chapel was erected on the church lot and the present building so far completed as to enable the congregation to hold religious service in the basement of the same. The membership had in creased at this time to one hundred and fifty. In 1872 Rev. J. T. Gracy was appointed pastor, and in December of that year the church was dedicated. His successor was Rev. D. W. C. Huntington, ap pointed in 1873, who was followed in 1876 by Rev. Theron Cooper the present pastor. Rev. A. J. Phelps was the Presiding Elder during the organi zation of the church and labored efficiently to ad vance its welfare. The present church was erected at a cost of $50,000. The present officers are Rev. D. W. Bristol, D. D., Presiding Elder ; Rev. Theron Cooper, pastor ; J. S. Atwell, S. S. Supt. ; J. S. Atwell, (term expires in 1878,) J. R. French, (1878,) H. Whitmarsh, (1878,) Thomas Talbot, Jr., (1879.) Charles C. Brown, (1879,) Cyrus C. Warner, (1879,) Jorm P- Griffin, (1880.) E. C. Curtis, (1880,) P. H. Curtis, (1880,) Board of Trustees. The present number of members (Dec, 1877,) is three hundred and sixty- five ; Probationers thirty. Making a total of three hundred and ninety-five. Wesleyan Methodist Church. — On the 2d of May, 1843, in the basement of the First Metho dist Episcopal Church, was held the first meeting for the purpose of organizing the Wesleyan Metho dist Church of Syracuse. The organization was perfected this same evening with the following named gentlemen among its members, viz : A. F. Green, Dr. A. Bliss, Arthur Hughes, H. I. Fritcher, Charles Merrick, M. Merrick, P. W. Rice, James Connell, and James White. In 1845, a House of Worship was built on the corner of Onondaga and Jefferson streets at a cost of $2,500, the material used in its construction 1 86 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. being brick. This edifice has since been enlarged and recently repaired. The following is a list of Pastors with their terms of service : Luther Lee, D. D., one year ; P. R. Sawyer, one year ; B. Rider, three years ; P. M. Way, one year ; Mar shall Frink, two years ; Samuel Salisbury, three years ; Luther Lee, two years ; D. B. Douglass, one year ; Samuel Salisbury, two or three years ; J. P. Betker, four years; A. S. Witeman, four years ; T. H. Keniston, two years, (Rev. Mr. Ken- iston died during the last year of his pastorate) ; S. H. Foster, four years, succeeded by the present Pastor, Rev. N. E. Jenkins, whose pastorate commenced May ist, 1877. The following named gentlemen have also served the church at intervals : Cyrus Prindle, D. D., L. C. Matlack, Adam Crooks and H. B. Knight. Among the noted divines that have been connected with this church may be mentioned Rev. Luther Lee, D. D., the noted theologian, Rev. Cyrus Prindle, D. D ., and Rev. Adam Crooks, since deceased, all men of very marked ability. The present membership numbers 160. Attendance at Sunday School about 100. Methodist Episcopal Zion Church, (Colored.) — This church was organized on Salina street, where the present salt office is situated, March 2, 1837. It was originally composed of about fifteen persons, among whom were Rev. W. H. Jenkins, Mrs. Gariner and Frederick Jackson. The edifice was purchased March 20, 1837, f°r about $100. The first Trustees were Richard Wandal, Frederick Jackson, Prince Jackson, Francis Jackson and Am brose Dumbar. Rev. Thomas James, Rev. John Tappen, Rev. Demmes Kennedy, and Rev. J. W. Loguen were pastors of this church. Mr. Loguen, well known as an earnest anti-slavery advocate, and a man of acknowledged ability, came to Syracuse in 1841. In June, 1868, Mr. Loguen was elected Bishop of the African Methodist Zion Church, in the city of Washington, D. C, and was Presiding Bishop till 1872, in June of which year he was reelected Bishop, and held the office at the time of his death, Sep tember 30, 1872. Catholic Churches. St. Mary's Church (first Roman Catholic in the village of Syracuse) was organized on Christmas Day, 1842. There were then but few scattering Catholic families in the village. The first church building was purchased of the Protestant Episcopal Society — St. Paul's — and removed to Montgomery street, corner of Madison. It was enlarged and improved in 1848. Rev. Michael Haes was the first pastor, and continued in that relation till his death in 1859. He was succeeded by the present pastor, Rev. Dr. James A. O'Hara, who assumed charge of the church on the 4th of July, 1859. Doctor O'Hara has had a long and very successful pastorate, hav ing ministered to his church over eighteen years, during which the influence of both pastor and people has become widely felt in the educational and charitable interests of the city. In 1852, under the ministry of Rev. Father Haes, the congregation of St. Mary's became very large, and shortly after undertook the erection of the Church of St. John the Evangelist, on the corner of Willow and Pearl streets. Through the aid of Hon. Dennis McCarthy, Cornelius Lynch and others, the church was finished and occupied in 1854. In 18 — , Father Haes introduced the Sisters of Charity, three of whom came and opened a school in the basement of St. Mary's Church. The Sisters have now three schools under the auspices of the St. Vincent de Paul's Society, viz : The St. Vincent de Paul Orphan Asylum and School, situ ated on Madison street, and the Orphan Asylum for Boys and Home for Old and Infirm People of both sexes, situated in the town of Geddes. The building of the Orphan Asylum and School is of brick, 270 feet long by 50 feet in width, three stories and basement, and cost $125,000. The school has 12 teachers, 150 orphans, and 300 day scholars. The school in the country is situated on the Split Rock road just beyond the city limits in the town of Geddes. The site was purchased by An drew Lynch for Rev. Dr. James A. O'Hara, in 1867, who started it as an industrial school for boys, un der the management of the Christian Brothers, in which character it was continued about two years. During the absence of Dr. O'Hara in Europe, the Brothers abandoned it, and the school was closed. About the year 1872, Messrs. Thomas McCarthy, Patrick Phelan and Timothy Sullivan, of the Gen eral Conference of the St. Vincent de Paul So ciety, reestablished the institution under the man agement of the Sisters of Charity, as a Home for the old and feeble of both sexes and an Orphan Asylum for boys. It is managed by 10 Sisters, and contains about 100 orphan boys and 40 aged and feeble persons. There is a farm of 60 acres which is worked by the inmates. The building is 140 feet long by 60 feet wide, and three stories above the basement. Both these institutions are very prosperous and are outgrowths of St. Mary's Church. The new Church building of St. Mary's is in HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 187 process of erection. In 1874, Rev. Dr. O'Hara purchased of Hon. Peter Burns a prominent site for a new church, on the corner of Montgomery and Jefferson streets, consisting of four lots, on which he is now erecting a church of Onondaga gray limestone. The walls are partially erected, and when completed with its chapels and pastoral residence, will cost $250,000. It will be the finest piece of masonry in the United States, and in one of the finest situations, being at the intersection of six streets. Should the building be finished in har mony with the exterior structure (and such is the design) it will certainly be one of the most substan tial and elegant church edifices in the whole country. Church of St. John the Evangelist. — This church is an out-growth of St. Mary's Church, of this city. In 1852, the congregation of St. Mary's had out-grown its accommodations in the old church, and Bishop McClosky delegated Rev. John Mc- Menony, Assistant Pastor of St. Mary's, to begin the erection of the Church of St. John the Evangelist, on the corner of Lock and Willow streets. The building was finished and opened in 1854. Rev. John McMenony was appointed Pastor, and officiated till 1868, when he was. succeeded by Rev. Joseph Guerdet, the present Pastor. The parish is a large one, numbering about three thous and people, and Rev. Mr. Guerdet is assisted in the pastoral charge by Rev. Mr. O'Connor. The church is an elegant and substantial brick building, with seating capacity for 1,500 persons, and cost about $60,000. There is a school connected with it, which was founded by Rev. Mr. McMenony and is under the management of the Christian Brothers. Church of St. John the Baptist. — The Church of St. John the Baptist is situated in the First Ward. The first church edifice of this parish (now used as a school house) was commenced and enclosed in 1829 by the exertions of Thomas McCarthy and James Lynch, and a few Roman Catholics, together with the liberal donations of their Protestant fellow- citizens in the villages of Salina and Syracuse, and by collections made by Messrs. McCarthy and Lynch from their friends in Utica, Albany and New York. Rt. Rev. John Dubois was then Bishop of the Diocese of New York, and for the two succeed ing years, the congregation being small, was visited by clergymen only once a month. The first resi dent clergyman who officiated in the church was Rev. Francis Donahue, who was pastor for about six years, and was succeeded by Fathers Balfe and Drummond, who in turn gave place to Rev. James O'Donnell, who remained in charge of the church and mission some four or five years. The next pastors were Fathers Radigan and Chartier, the lat ter a Frenchman, who left Canada on account of some rebellion troubles of that period. Then fol lowed Rev. Michael Haes, afterwards pastor of St. Mary's Church, who was succeeded by Father Guil- lick, and he by Rev. Joseph Guerdet, now pastor of the Church of St. John the Evangelist of this city. The succession of pastors since has been Father Mullady, Rev. Michael Hackett, Rev. Morris Shea- ban, Rev. James A. Duffy, Father Brown and Rev. William J. Bourke, the present pastor. Rev. Mr. Bourke was born and brought up in Syracuse, and is the first native Catholic priest ordained to the ministry in the city. The Church of St. John tbe Baptist (present building) is a large and elegant brick structure in the semi-Gothic style of architecture, occupying a beautiful and commanding site at the corner of Park and Court streets. It will seat 1,500 persons, was erected and dedicated in 1871, and cost $125,- 000. This is now one of the largest Catholic parishes in the city and the school connected with it is kept in the old church building. The Church of the Assumption, St. Mary's, Roman Catholic, is situated in the Second Ward on North Salina street, near Isabella. The old church bearing the motto "Deo" was called St. Mary's. It was a wooden building 30 by 46 feet in dimensions, surmounted by a spire, and was erected by the Trustees, John B, Lange, George Miller and I. Afferdick, in the year 1844. The builder was Emerson Thayer, and the lot was purchased of Hon. E. W. Leavenworth for $500. The first Pastor was Rev. P. Adalbert Inama, O.. S. N., who was appointed in 1843 by Rt. Rev. John McClosky, first Roman Catholic Bishop of the Diocese of Albany, N. Y. Following him were the Rev. Theodore Noethen ; Rev. P. Flarian Schwen inger, O. S. B. ; Rev. P. Simon Sanderl ; Rev. Joseph Raffeiner, who enlarged the first church. In the year 1861 commenced the administration of the Franciscan Fathers Minor-Conventicals. They built the new Church of Assumption in 1865, under their Commissary-General V. R. P. Lapold Morzygemba, O. M. C, and the Guardian of the Convent and Pastor of the Church, Rev . P. Norbert Stoller, O. M. C. The church was consecrated May 3, 1867, by Rt. Rev. John Conroy, Bishop of the Diocese of Albany, and the two towers, contain ing bells, were finished in 1872 by V. R. P. Fidelis Dehm, Guardian and Pastor of the Church of Assumption. The cost of the entire structure was $125,000. HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK St. Lucy's Church is Situated in the Fifth Ward on Gifford street between Niagara and Os wego streets. The earliest meetings were held in the Cook Block, which is erected on the bank of the Onondaga creek, between Onondaga and Gifford streets. The origin of the church was owing in a great measure to the zeal of a few of the members of the congregation, who, seeing the increase of the Catholic population in that portion of the city, as well as the want of accommodation in the churches to which the people went, resolved, having obtained the permission of the Rt. Rev. John J. Conroy, Bishop of Albany, and the concurrence of nearly all the Catholics of the ward, to commence the erection of the church. A committee of which Patrick Slattery was President, John J. Lynch, Auditor, John Hellmack, Treasurer, Thomas F. Delany, Secretary, and P"rancis Connelly, H. A. Duffy, Patrick Halloran, Anthony Chryst, Lawrence Ryan, Charles McFall, Thomas Kendrick, Francis Murphy, William Michaels and Dan. Moony were members, was appointed June, 1872, to make arrangements for the work. On August 15, 1872, the digging for the basement was began and was completed about September 12, at which time the Rt. Rev. Bishop Conroy appointed Rev. John J. Kennedy Pastor of the new congregation. The society was immediately incorporated under the name of St. Lucy's Church, Syracuse, N. Y. This is the first and only church in this country which bears the name of St. Lucy. There is a certain propriety in the name, from the fact that the annals of the life of St. Lucy tell us that she was born, lived, and suffered martyrdom in the old city of Syracuse, Sicily, and was afterward proclaimed patroness of that city. Architect Russell furnished the plans for the church and the work was pressed forward with great zeal by Patrick Commins, the builder. The corner stone was laid by Rt. Rev. Francis McNierny, the successor of Bishop Conroy, June 22, '73, and the basement of the church was occu pied for divine service November 1, 'j^. The church was entirely completed December 23, '75, on which day it was solemnly dedicated by Rt. Rev. Francis McNierny. The present membership of the congregation is about two thousand (2,000.) The Sunday School attendance is about four hundred and fifty (450.) The church is very beautifully decorated with scrip tural scenes from both the old and the new Testa ment, as well as some pictures representing the life, death, and coronation of St. Lucy. St. Joseph's (French Catholic) Church was organized in 1869 in the church building, East Genesee street, by Rev. Joseph Guerdet. The original members were about 200, among whom were Romuald Tanguay, Louis La Branche, Louis Harnois, Theophile Fournier, Francis Bardo, Aimi Harnois, Joseph Gibeau, Peter Loignot and Jean Duplessis. Tbe church was bought ofthe Central Baptist Society in 1869, and cost, with its improve ments, $11,000. The first pastor was Rev. Joseph Quevillon, (who is now in Pittsfield, Mass.,) from October, 1869, to April, 1870. The present pastor, Rev. J. S. Robillard, assumed charge in July, 1870. The present membership is about 450, with from 45 to 70 in tbe Sunday School. Unitarian Church. The Church of the Messiah, (First Unitarian Congregational Society,) was organized by Rev. George W. Hosmer, Dr. Hiram Hoyt, Stephen Abbott and others, October 4, 1838. The first Trustees were : Elisha Walter, Joel Owen and Stephen Abbott. Prior to 1836, several influential Unitarian fami lies had become citizens of Syracuse, but no preach ing of that faith had been enjoyed till about 1837, when Rev. Samuel Barrett, of Boston, and Rev. Mr. Green, of that city or vicinity, preached by in vitation on two different occasions in the Baptist Church on West Genesee street. These efforts led to the movement which resulted in the formation of a society by Rev. Dr. Hosmer, of Buffalo, late President of Antioch College. The society was organized in Dr. Mayo's school house on Church street, where services had previously been held, and continued to be held after the organization of the society. In January, 1839, a small chapel, costing in those times of cheap labor $607, was completed and dedi cated. It stood on East Genesee street opposite the present Barton Block. Rev. J. P. B. Storer, the first regular pastor com menced his ministry with the completion of this little chapel, and continued till his death, which oc curred March 17,1844. His installation took place in the First Methodist Episcopal Church, the Trus tees generously proffering the use of the building for that occasion, on which an able sermon was preached by Rev. Orville Dewey, D. D. The society soon outgrew the dimensions of its little chapel, and in August, 1840, a committee, consisting of Capt. Hiram Putnam, John Wilkin son, Esq., William Malcolm, Esq., Mr. Parley Bas- sett and Hon. Thomas Spencer, was appointed to select and purchase a lot upon which to build a new HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 189 house of worship. A lot was purchased of the " Syracuse Company," on the corner of Burnet and Lock streets, for the sum of $550, to which was subsequently added the adjoining south lot, pur chased for $450, the whole forming the premises on which the " Church of the Messiah " now stands. The church was erected at a cost of $5,000, and dedicated November 23, 1843 — the Pastor, Rev. Mr. Storer preaching the sermon, assisted in the services, which were of a very interesting character, by several eminent visiting clergymen. After the death of Mr. Storer, a correspondence was opened with Rev. Samuel J. May, who, after a full and frank statement of his views on " Christian doctrine" and " reforms," was called and settled over the society in 1845. Mr. May was an earnest opponent of slavery, and a zealous and able advo cate of liberal and progressive views of education, and these views he advocated with signal ability and success to the close of his earthly labors. Such was his sweetness of temper, his candor, and his uniform courtesy of demeanor on all occasions that even his opponents were unconsciously influ enced by his sentiments and spirit, and soon became co-workers with him for the common good of hu manity. As an earnest and unfaltering advocate of Public Free Schools for the education of the poor as well as the rich, and for the devoted and self-sac rificing labor which he bestowed on Institutions of Charity, no man in Syracuse was better known or more highly respected than Rev. Samuel J. May. His acknowledged abilities and his noble Christian character gave him an influence for good which will long be felt beyond his own immediate church, of which he was the faithful pastor. At the resignation of his pastorate the " Church of the Messiah," as a tribute of respect and esteem, generously settled on him an annuity for life. He died on Sunday, July 2, 1871. Rev. Samuel R. Calthrop, the present pastor, ac cepted a call from the society April 7, 1868, and on the 29th of the same month was formally installed. The church was enlarged by a rear extention in 1850. In 1852 the roof and walls were demolished by the falling of the tower in a furious gale. It was rebuilt nearly upon the old site, at a cost, including organ, of $11,000, and was dedicated April n, 1853. Independent Church. The first step taken towards the formation of a strictly independent church in Syracuse, was the extension of a call to Rev. Ezekiel W. Mundy to occupy a free platform in Convention Hall. Mr. Mundy had just resigned the pastorate of the First Baptist Church of this city, on account of views differing widely in several important respects from that body and the denomination with which it is connected. The call was extended on the 13th of March, 1866, by a number of persons who were desirous of affording Mr. Mundy, or whoever might officiate as their religious teacher, an op portunity for the free expression of his convictions, without the hindrance or dictation of any ecclesi astical authority or creed. The call was accepted on the 4th of April, 1866, and on the 22d Mr. Mundy preached his first sermon of the " new departure" in Convention Hall. The attendance was large and the prospect of permanent interest encouraging. On the 25th of April, 1866, the Independent Society was organized with the following Board of Trustees : Harrold W. Chittenden, President ; George L. Farnham, Clerk ; Lyman Stevens, Treas urer ; Frank Hiscock, George D. Cowles, Z. Law rence Beebe, George A. Ostrander, William A. Hawley, Stewart B. Palmer. Services were held in Convention Hall and in Shakspeare Hall and the Court House till the edi fice of the society on South Salina street was ready for occupancy. The corner-stone was laid with ap propriate services on the 22d of September, 1870, and the building dedicated on the 2d of July, 1871. Mr. Mundy conducted all the services of the occa sion. Rev, Samuel J. May had been expected to assist, but he died on that day, and Mr. Mundy performed the sad office of announcing his death to the congregation. About one hundred families are connected with the society and the congregation numbers about three hundred. The property, including church, furniture and lot, is valued at $20,000. This church has had no ecclesiastical connection with any denomination ; no creed or declaration of faith on matters pertaining to religion. The only article of its faith is the absolute freedom of in dividual opinion, and its only article of agreement is the agreement to disagree, with courtesy and friendship. Rev. E. W. Mundy is still pastor. Church of Christ. The Church of Christ (Disciples or Christians) was organized at the City Hall, February 8, 1863 ; W. A. Belding, Evangelist, officiating. Thirty-five persons constituted the original membership, nine of whom were baptized by immersion, and the re mainder received by letter and right hand of fellow ship. The church obtained its legal organization 190 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. under the corporate name " Church of Christ," June 3, 1863, the following being the first Board of Trustees : Charles Tucker, J. B. Garrett and James M. Clapp. Meetings were held in the City Hall till the fall of 1863, when the Court House was procured and occupied till June, 1864. The church edifice was then completed, No. 57 East Onondaga street, and occupied by the congregation. It is a brick struc ture, capable of seating 450, and cost about $9,000. Number of persons baptized since the organiza tion, 247 ; died, 31 ; dismissed by letter, 33 ; pres ent number 225, resident members. Succession of ministers : W. A. Belding, Feb. 1, 1863, to May 1, 1865 ; A. N. Gilbert, May ij 1865, to Oct. 1, 1867; G. G. Mullins, Oct. 1, 1867, to April 15, 1871 ; J. M. Atwater, July 30, 1871, to June 30, 1872 ; John Encell, Sept. 1, 1872, to May 1, 1874; J. L. Darzie, July 1, 1874, to Nov. i, 1875 ; J. M. Streator, Feb. 1, 1876, to Feb. 1, 1877 ; N. J. Aylsworth, April, 1877, present pastor. This church has a prosperous Sunday School, Eben Beard, Superintendent. Universalist Church. In Sept., 1859, Rev. A. A. Thayer came to this city and organized a society under the name of the " First Universalist Society of Syracuse," of which the following named persons were elected Trustees: Sampson Jacqueth, President; David Wilcox, Wheel er Truesdell, Gardner Woolson, John F. Clark, B. Austin Avery and E. K. Reed. Harry Gifford was elected Clerk. In June, i860, a church organiza tion was effected, and Rev. Aaron A. Thayer be came pastor. In 1862 the first church was built and dedicated, through the indefatigable efforts of the pastor and a few substantial friends. It was afterwards sold to the city and the present High School building erected on the site. In 1869 the society purchased another lot and erected their present church, corner of West Genesee and Franklin streets, which was dedicated in 1870. It is a brick structure, capable of seating 450, and cost about $28,000. A Sunday School was organized on "Children's Sunday," (first Sunday in June) i860. Horace P. Hall, Superintendent. The " right hand of fellow ship " was given to the children of the school by the late Rev. Day Kellogg Lee, D. D. The following has been the succession of pas tors, in the order named : Rev. A. A. Thayer, Rev. C. W. Tomlinson, Rev. E. C. Sweetser, Rev. George P. Hibbard, Rev. Dr. J. G. Bartholo mew, Rev. George B. Stocking, Rev. Richmond Fisk, D. D. Lutheran Churches. Evangelical Lutheran Church of St. John corner of Butternut and Union streets. The earliest services of this order in Syracuse were held in the session room of the First Presbyterian Church, corner of Salina and Fayette streets, where the Church of St. John was organized by Rev. Miihlhauser, of Rochester, in 1838. The first membership consisted of about forty families. The first church officials were the following : George Lupp, Henry Lammert, John Miller, Mr. Schneider, George Koenig, Frederick Haas, John Yehling and Philip Zahn. The first church was built on the present site in 1 841, and cost about $1,300. It was destroyed by fire December 28, 1856, and rebuilt during 1857. The following have officiated as Pastors : Rev. George Julius Kempe, Dec. 25, 1838 to Jan. 1841 ; Rev. C. F. W. Reihenberg, Feb. 15, 1841, to April 22, 1855 ; Rev- F- w- Weiskotten, May 1, 1855, till his death, May 20, 1863 ; Rev. C. H. Thomson, March, 1864, till his death, May 9, 1877; Rev. Leo Koenig, present Pastor, since Sept. 1, 1877. Tbe present active membership of the church is 108, with 275 children and 43 teachers in the Sun day School. Salem Church of the Evangelical Asso ciation of North America. — This church is lo cated on the corner of Lock and Laurel streets. Its earliest meetings were held in a private house and school house among the German people. The church was organized in 1 843, in the house of Mr. Frederick Sprenger, on Grape street, the original members being seventeen, among whom were G. Lacker, Frederick Sprenger, Mr. Dauer, Jacob Luchsinger and J. Blumer. A small church, 22 by 34 feet was built on the corner of Grape and Cedar streets in 1844. The present brick edifice was erected in 1863, and cost about $20,000. The present membership is 180, with good attendance at the Sabbath School. The following named ministers have officiated as pastors of the church : Rev. J. Riegel, Rev. L. Jacoby, Rev. M. Lauer, Rev. Thomas Schneider, Rev. D. Fischer, Rev. M. Lehn, Rev. P. Alles, Rev. A. Klein, Rev. A. Spies, Rev. M. Pfitzinger, Rev. J. Siegrest, Rev. A. Holz- warth, Rev. C. F. Schuepflin, Rev. Thomas J. Mil ler, and the present pastor, Rev. J. Reuber. The German Evangelical Lutheran Zion Church, southwest corner Union and Butternut streets, seceded from the German St. John's con gregation in 1863, and was organized the same HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 191 year under the pastorate of Rev. Charles Steinhauer, with about ninety members. They held their first meeting on the 31st of October, the anniversary of the German Reformation, and the following meet ings in Ackerman's Hall, in the Fourth Ward, and the next year built a frame house of worship, cost ing $16,000. This church was burned in 1867, and was rebuilt of brick the same year, at a cost of nearly $24,000. During the rebuilding the congre gation was allowed, by the kindness of the owner of Pfohl's Hall, to meet and hold their services at that place until the new church was finished and dedi cated. The church has a basement for school purposes and meetings of the society, and is furnished with a fine organ and two bells. The first officers were John Steiger, Nicholas Morgenstern (Treasurer,) Charles Hamerle, John Schane, George Schane, Jacob Goettel, Philip Schefer, William Rheinheimer, P. Schneider. Some of them are living and still connected with the church. The first pastor, Rev. C. Steinhauer, left the congregation, after six years' service, in 1869, and was succeeded the same year by the present pastor, Rev. Alexander Oberlander, formerly pastor of the German Evangelical Church at Rome, N. Y. The present membership of the church is 250 ; Sunday School, 42 teachers and 370 scholars, Jacob Stahal, Superintendent. Present officers : Jacob Walter, Christian Fridrich, Nicholas Morgenstern, (Treas urer since the organization ;) John Schane, John Surbeck, Jacob Gross, Michael Riibel, Nic. Walter, Rud. Seibert, Fred. Rothe, Ph. Scholl, Jacob West, John West, George Raufmann and Phil. Wain. St. Peter's (German) Church, corner of But ternut and Union streets. Earliest meetings held in a small frame church opposite the "present build ing. Church organized in 1843. The first mem bers were 36 families, some of the heads of whom were, Mr. H. Gresselmann, W. H. L. Walter, Peter Miiller, H. Ackermann, H. Lammert and Ch. Mebold. The church was built in 1861, and cost $7,000. The names and terms of service of the earliest pastors can not be obtained. From 1852 to 1858 Rev. G. Piez was pastor ; Rev. P. Lischka, 1859-60; Rev. C. F. Saldon, 1861-70; Rev. B. Pick, 1870-74; Rev. E. Henckell, the present pastor, since 1874. The present church edifice is built of brick. The old church was destroyed by fire, with the early records and documents of the parish. The regular membership is 300 ; besides from 250 to 300 belonging to the congregation. Sunday School, 400 children and 50 teachers. St. John's (German Lutheran) Church, cor ner of Butternut and Union streets, is the oldest Lutheran Church in the city. It was organized in 1839, and the edifice erected in 1857, at a cost of $ 1 2,000. The Second Church of the Evangelical Association of North America, was formed in 1859. ^ 's located on Grape street corner of Jack son. The edifice (brick) was built in 1856, and cost about $4,000. Jewish Churches. The Jewish Churches of this city are as follows : Congregation of New Beth-Israel, 85 Grape street. Minister, Rev. M. Fenberg. Officers of the Soci ety — M. Reuben, President ; E. Goldstein, Vice- President ; M. Ross, Secretary ; A. Shay, Treas urer. Trustees — M. Levi, H. Diamond, A. Am- dursky, J. Goldinger, and D. Solomon. Harris Chapman, Sexton. Society of Concord, Mulberry street, corner of Har rison. Organized in 1 841 ; building erected in 185 1, brick and cost about $10,000. Rev. Herman Bir- kenthal, Reader. Officers — D. J. Hamburger, Pres ident ; B. Bronner, Vice-President ; L. M. Lowen- thall, Secretary ; L. Leiter, Treasurer. Trustees — G. Barnett, I. Lowenthall, G. Falker, S. H. Zenner, I. H. Danzinger. M. Joel, Sexton. Adath Jeshuim ; organized in 1864. Building brick, and cost $5,000. Rev. Jacob Levy, Minis ter. Officers — S. Rosenbloom, President; A. Leicht, Vice-President; J. Altman, Secretary; D. Obendorfer, Treasurer. Trustees — Meyer Weis- man, M. Lehmen, T. Wolf, L. Hirch. Sexton, Mr. Shire. 192 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. LEWIS H. REDFIELD. In attempting to trace the career of Lewis H. Redfield, honorable as it is in itself, we are reminded at the very outset of the intimate relations it sus tained to the development of an unoccupied region of country into a mighty and prosperous common wealth. It comprehends almost the entire period of American constitutional history, he having lived under every Presidential Administration. His father, a soldier of the Revolution, having borne its hardships, and participated in its glories, was among the first of the sturdy band of New Eng land emigrants who penetrated the Genesee coun try, " then known as the far West," settled on a farm of about 200 acres, near what is now the vil lage of Clifton Springs, reared a large family, all the members of which attained respectable, and some of them distinguished social and political positions. The father enjoyed the respect and trust of his fel low citizens, and died at the advanced age of over ninety years. Lewis H. Redfield was born at Farmington, Conn., November 26, 1793, being only six years old when his parents removed to their new home in Ontario county. Until he was fifteen years of age his time was spent on the farm, his schooling being such only as the primitive character of the district afforded, but many of his evenings were spent in a diligent course of reading, by the light of bark gathered from the woods. His mind craved more stimulat ing exercise and a wider scope for the development of its prowess, and with the full permission of his father he became an apprentice in the office of the Ontario Repository at Canandaigua, a journal then edited by James D. Bernis, and whose publication is still continued. Here he remained for six years steadily laying the foundation of that resolute inde pendence and manly integrity which in due time gained him fortune and the respect of his fellow men. He had secured the confidence of his employer to such an extent, that, in the year 18 14 when he re solved to strike out for himself in business, he easi ly secured stock to commence with, and began the publication of the " Onondaga Register," in Onondaga Valley, with such men as Comfort Tyler, Thaddeus M. Wood, William H. Sabin and Joshua Forman to support him in that community. He has been over sixty years a resident of Onondaga county ; has lived to see it become an agricultural garden, netted with railroads and vital with manufac turing energy ; expanding its population from 15,000 to over 100,000, and becoming the seventh in numerical rank of the sixty counties of the Empire State ; and with .-Eneas he may truthfully say, "All of this I saw and a part of this I was." At the outset his stock for business consisted in the material supplied by Mr. Bernis and seventy-five cents in cash. But his best capital stock was in his own resolute energy and inflexible integrity. In connection with his paper, he opened a book store in partnership with Mr. Bemis, the business of which he attended to during the day time, and at night combined in himself the functions of editor, compositor, proof-reader and foreman. By strict economy he paid off his debt to Mr. Bemis and be came a free man. He continued the publication of the Register in the Valley until 1829, when he re moved it to Syracuse and united it with the Gazette, under the name of the " Onondaga Register and Syracuse Gazette." " In 1832 be disposed of his interest, its name was changed to the "Argus," and his direct connection with journalism ceased. In the files of the Regis ter, published by Mr. Redfield, may be seen the evidence of his industry and fidelity to principle, and of the manner in which it moulded and modified many of the principal events in the local history of Onondaga County. The Register was an ardent though not a bitter partizan, consistent in its de votion to the National Republican, out of which sprang the Democratic party, and which with both as editor and citizen, Mr. Redfield was always prominently identified. He was always pleased to acknowledge his identification, not only with the profession, but also with the craft of journalism. He is undoubtedly the oldest journalist in the State, if not in the United States, and although he has many claims upon the respect of his fellow-citizens, yet nothing gives him more genuine gratification than the cordial recognition extended him by jour nalists as the father of the newspaper press of the State. He has been particularly characterized by many acts of benevolence conferred upon the needy, of which there is no record save in their hearts,-and no other record did he desire. His just apprehension of the scope of the press, is given in his own words in the following sentiment which he transmitted to the Typographical Society of New York City, on PIISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 193 the occasion of the celebration of Franklin's Birth day January 17, 185 1 : " The Press — its mission — to establish civil and political equality throughout all nations, to strike off the fetters of the slave, and to set free the con sciences of men from clerical bondage and super stition." On coming to Syracuse, in addition to publishing the Register, Mr. Redfield opened a book store upon the present site of the Onondaga County Savings Bank, the business of which he continued for some twelve years and then retired. This, to gether with his investments in real estate, secured him a competence sufficient to place him beyond the apprehension of want. His health was never robust, though his life has been prolonged beyond the ordinary span, he being now in the 85th year of bis age. In February, 1820, he married Miss Ann Maria, daughter of Nathaniel H. Treadwell, of Plattsburgh, N. Y. From this union sprang a family of seven children, four daughters and three sons. The daughters were all born in the town of Onondaga and are residents of this city, viz : Mrs. C. T. Long- street, Mrs. James L. Bagg, Mrs. W. H. H. Smith, Miss Jane L. Redfield. Of the three sons, George Davis was admitted to the bar of this county, hav ing been a student of General James R. Lawrence. He made an honorable record, both in civil life and in military operations against the Indians. He died in Minneapolis, Minn. The second, Lewis H., Jr., is a lawyer in San Francisco. The third, Charles T., is a member of the firm of McCarthy & Redfield, of Syracuse. HON. MOSES SUMMERS. Mr. Summers is one of the oldest residents, and has long been one of the best known citizens of Syracuse. He was born in Wexford, Ireland, on the ist of January, 1820, and his parents emigrated to this country while he was yet an infant. His father, who was a stone mason, was employed at various points along the line of the Erie Canal, in building locks and masonry, and the family fol lowed the work in its process of construction, resid ing in Utica, Rochester, Lockport and Buffalo. When the canal was completed his father removed to Oswego, where the subject of this sketch received such a very limited education as the common schools of that day could afford. His father died of cholera in 1832, leaving the family dependent upon the exertions of the mother and young children for support. At the age of fifteen years Moses, the eldest boy, was apprenticed to the somewhat noted 25* printer, Richard Oliphant, to learn the printing business. After working in Mr. Oliphant's office for a few years the Free Ptess, published by Mr. Oliphant, ceased to exist, and young Summers changed his location to the office of the Oswego Palladium, then published by Mr. John Carpenter, w*here he finished his trade. In 1841, Mr. Summers, then a journeyman printer in search of employment, came to Syracuse, and entered the office of the Onondaga Standard, then published by A. L. Smith and Marcellus Farmer. Mr. Summers was present as a volunteer fireman at the terrible gunpowder explosion in Syracuse, in August, 1841, and assisted in rescuing and re lieving the unfortunate victims of that catastrophe. In 1845 Mr. Summers purchased the interest of Mr. Smith in the Standard office, and the firm be came Agan & Summers. He has been connected with the paper in the various capacities of journey man, publisher and editor ever since 1841. Mr. Summers was conspicuously connected with the celebrated " Jerry Rescue " slave case in Syracuse on the ist of October, 185 1, and with others was prosecuted by the United States authorities for the alleged offence. Tbe litigation was continued for several years, but no trial ever took place, and the prosecution was finally abandoned. In August, 1862, Mr. Summers enlisted in the 149th Regiment New York State Volunteers, which was then organizing, and was mustered into the service as Lieutenant and Quartermaster of the Regiment, with Henry A. Barnum, as Colonel. Mr. Summers followed the various fortunes of that regiment during the whole of its three years term of service. The regiment was in the 12th Corps of the Army of the Potomac, and participated in the battles of Chancellorsville and Gettysburg. After the battle of Gettysburg the regiment was transferred with the consolidated nth and 12th Corps, forming the 20th Army Corps, to the south western army, then concentrated in the vicinity of Chattanooga. Mr. Summers was with his regi ment in the famous battles of Lookout Mountain, and in nearly all the exciting battles and skirmishes of the Atlanta campaign. During that campaign, and while in the field, he received a commission from President Lincoln as Capt. A. Q. M., U. S. Vols., and was detailed to the charge of the 2d Brigade, of which the 149th Regiment formed a part. The brigade to which he was attached was with the 20th Corps on its famous " March to the Sea," and Mr. Summers was among the first of the troops to enter Savannah in company with Gen. Barnum who commanded the 3d Brigade. 194 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. In Savannah Mr. Summers concentrated the '.printing materials of that city into one office, and •issued a Union paper called the "Loyal Georgian." The first number was issued the next day after the -entrance of the Union troops into the city, and attracted much attention and interest. The paper was continued a few months under the editorial charge of Mr. Summers, and finally transferred to Mr. Hayes, a correspondent of the New York Tri bune, who desired to make a permanent location in Savannah. Mr. Summers took charge ofthe print ing offices of Savannah by authority of an official 6"rder signed by Major-General John W. Geary, Military Commandant of the Post, and Capt. IraB. Seymour, Provost Marshal of the city of Savannah. Mr. Summers left Savannah with his command on the march through South and North Carolina to Raleigh, and was in Raleigh when the rebellion closed by the surrender of Johnston. He accom panied his command through Richmond to Wash ington and participated in the grand review at the Capital, and returned home overland, with a num ber of animals and property purchased from the Government, bearing a commission as Brevet-Major from President Johnson. Mr. Summers was elected Alderman of the 6th Ward in 1 86 1, serving one term. He also repre sented the same ward for two terms in the Board of Supervisors, and in 1869 was elected Member of Assembly from the Second District of this County. He holds a commission as Lieut.-Colonel and Quar termaster in the 6th Division N. Y. S. N. G., on the Staff of Major-General D. P. Wood, and is po litical editor of the Syracuse Daily and Weekly Standard, a paper with which he has been connected in various capacities for the past thirty-seven years THE SYRACUSE AND COUNTY PRESS. The Levana Gazette, or Onondaga Advertiser, was the first newspaper published in Onondaga County. It was established at Levana, in the town of Scipio, now in Cayuga County, by R. Delano, July 20, 1798. No. 25, Vol. 1 of this paper is in the collec tion of H. C. Van Schaack, Esq., of Manlius, and bears date " Wednesday, December 5, 1798." It was a «four-page paper, 12 by 14 inches, and fur nished to subscribers at two dollars per annum. The Western Luminary was published at Watkins' Settlement, in the town of Scipio, in 1799. We do not know that any copy of it is extant. Whether it was a paper of Onondaga County or not depends upon whether or not it was first issued before March 8th ofthe year of its date ; for at that time Cayuga County was set off from Onondaga. The Derne Gazette, established at Manlius, by Abraham Romeyn in 1806, was the first newspaper printed within the present limits of Onondaga County. At that time an unsuccessful effort was made to change the name of the village from Man lius to "Derne." The paper was continued about •one year. The Hetald of the Times was started at Manlius in 1808, by Leonard Kellogg. In 1813 its name was changed to The Manlius Times, and it was successively issued by James Beardsley, Seneca Hale, and Daniel Clark. October 28, 1 8 1 8, Mr. Clark changed its name to The Onondaga Herald. Soon after it was changed to The Times, and continued about three years. June 27, 1821, Thurlow Weed became editor, and the name was changed to The Onondaga County Republican. October 27, 1824, it passed into the hands of Laurin Dewey, who changed it to The Onondaga Republican. Luman A. Miller soon after became proprietor and the name was changed to The Manlius Repository. It afterwards passed into the hands of L. Stilson, and was continued about five years. The Onondaga Flag was published at Manlius a short time in 183 1, by James Fonda.* The Lynx was started at Onondaga Hollow in 181 1, by Thomas C. Fay, and was continued about two years. Thurlow Weed commenced his appren ticeship in the office of this paper. The Onondaga Register was established at Onon daga "Hollow in 1 8 14, by Lewis H. Redfield, and was continued till 1829, when it was removed to Syracuse and united with the Gazette, the first paper started in Syracuse, in 1823, by John Durn- ford. The consolidated papers took the name of the *Files of these papers are now in possession of J. C. Smith, Esq., of Manlius. HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 195 Syracuse Gazette and Onondaga Register. In 1832 it passed into the hands of Sherman & Clark, who changed it to The Syracuse Argus, and continued it about two years. The Onondaga Gazette was established at Onon daga Hill in 1816, by Evandor Morse. William Ray, author of the " Horrors of Slavery," and a poet of some local note in his day, was editor at one time. In 1 821 it passed into the hands of Cephas S. McConnell, and was changed to The Onondaga Journal. In 1827, Vivus W. Smith became proprietor, and in 1829, he removed it to Syracuse, and united it with the Syracuse Ad vertiser, the combined paper taking the name of The Onondaga Standard, September 10, 1829, published by Wyman & Smith. S. F., T. A., and A. L. Smith, W. L. Crandall, and Marcellus Farmer, were subsequently interested in its publication at different times till 1848, when it passed into the hands of Agan & Summers. In 1856, Mr. Agan sold his interest to William Summers. The paper was continued by Summers & Brother till July 1, 1866, when it passed into the hands of Summers & Co., by whom it was published till the Standard Publishing Company was formed, February 14, 1873, by whom the paper is still published. The Syracuse Daily Standard was started in June, 1846, by Smith & Agan, and was con tinued three months. It was revived January i, 1850, and is now published by the Standard Pub lishing Company. The Onondaga Gazette was established at Syra cuse in April, 1823, by John Durnford, and was the first paper started in the Central City. About a year afterwards it was changed to The Syracuse Gazette and General Advertiser, and continued till 1829, when it was united with the Onondaga Register. The Syracuse Advertiser was started in 1825, by John F. Wyman and Thomas P. Barnum. Nor man Rawson was afterwards connected with it, but John F. Wyman soon assumed the entire control, and continued it till 1829, when it was united with the Journal and its name changed to the Standard. The Salina Sentinel was, started in October, 1826, in what is now the First Ward of Syracuse, by Reuben St. John. In 1827 it was changed to The Salina Herald, and was issued a short time by Josiah Bunce. The Courier was published at Jordan a short time in 183 1, by Fred Prince. In 1832 it was re moved to Salina, and changed to The Salina Courier and Enquirer, but was dis continued after a few numbers. The Onondaga Republican was started at Syra cuse in 1830, by W. S. Campbell. In 1834 it passed into the hands of J. B. Clark & Co., and its name was changed to The Constitutionalist. In 1835 L. A. Miller be came its proprietor and changed it to The Onondaga Chief. In 1837 it was sold to J. M. Patterson, and published as The Syracuse Whig. In 1838 J. K. Barlow be came proprietor, and continued it about one year. The Syracuse American was, started at Syracuse in 1835, by John Adams, and was continued about one year. The American Patriot was started in Franklin Village (now Fabius,) in 1836, by J. Tenney, and was continued for three years. The Western State Journal was started at Syra cuse, March 20, [839, by V. W. & S. F. Smith. In 1844 its name was changed to The Syracuse Weekly Journal. In 1847 it was published by Barnes, Smith & Cooper, and in 1849 it passed into the hands of Vivus W. Smith. In 1850 Seth Haight became proprietor and George Terwilliger editor. In 1853, Danforth Merrick became proprietor. In 1854, it was purchased by T. S. Truair, and Andrew Shuman was made editor. In 1855, J- G. K. Truair bought the establishment, and on the ist of September, 1856, Anson G. Chester assumed the editorial control, which position he occupied about three years. It has since been published by J. G. K. Truair & Co , Truair, Smith & Miles, and Truair, Smith & Co., till April 21, 1876, when the firm became Truair, Smith & Bruce, the present publishers. The Syracuse Daily Journal was established July 4, 1844, by S. F. Smith, and has since been continued by the various proprietors of the Journal establishment. The Empire State Democrat and United States Review was begun in 1840, by Hiram Cummings, and continued about three years. The Onondaga Messenger was started in 1841, by Joseph Barber. In 1842, it was changed to The Statesman, and was continued about one year. The Evening Mail, the first daily paper in Syra cuse, was published for three months in 1833, by Vivus W. Smith. The Morning Sentinel (daily) was started in January, 1843, by N. M. D. Lathrop, and was con tinued about a year, when it was changed to 196 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. The Onondaga Sentinel, and issued weekly, with a few intervals, till 1850. The Democratic Freeman was commenced at Syra cuse in 1844, by J. N. T. Tucker, continued a short time with James Kinney as publisher and J. N. T. Tucker as editor, when it was changed to The Syracuse Star. In 1846 it was published by Kinney, Marsh & Barnes ; in 1847-8, by Kinney & Marsh ; in 1849-51, by Kinney & Masters. It soon after passed into the hands of George F. Comstock, publisher, and Winslow M. Watson, editor. In 1852, S. Corning Judd became editor and pro prietor. In October, 1853, it passed into the hands of Edward Hoagland, who changed it to The Syracuse Republican, and continued it about a year. The Syracuse Daily Star was established in 1846, and issued with the Weekly Star till 1853, when it was changed to The Syracuse Daily Republican, and after being published about a year, was discontinued. The Bugle Blast, a campaign paper, was pub lished about three months in 1844, by S. F. Smith. Young Hickory, another campaign paper, was issued about the same time by Smith & Farmer. The. Religious Recorder, (Presbyterian,) was started in May, 1844, by Terry & Piatt. In 1847, it passed into the hands of Avery & Hulin, who continued it till 1853. The Liberty Intelligencer was started in 1845, by Silas Hawley, and was continued one year. The Young Ladies' Miscellany was started No vember 7, 1845, by a committee of young ladies belonging to the Syracuse Female Seminary, and was continued twelve weeks. The Teachers' Advocate was commenced in 1846, by L. W. Hall, publisher, and Edward Cooper, editor. In 1847, it passed into the hands of Barnes, Smith & Cooper, and was continued about one year, when it was sold to Joseph McKean and removed to New York. The Onondaga Democrat was begun in the spring of 1846 by Clark & West, William L. Crandall, editor. In 1847, it was sold to John Abbott, who changed it to The Syracuse Democrat. At the close of one year it was sold to William W. Green, and in 1847 to Agan & Summers, and merged in the Onondaga Standard. The District School Journal, organ of the State School Department, was removed from Albany to Syracuse in 1847, and published two years by L. W. Hall, and one year by Barnes, Smith & Cooper, when it was returned to Albany. The Syracuse Reveille (daily) was started in 1848 by William L. Palmer and W. Summers and was continued till January 1, 1850, when it was sold to the Standard. The Free-Soil Campaigner, a campaign paper, was published three months in 1848 by Agan & Summers. The Clay Banner, a campaign paper, was pub lished about the same time from the Journal Office. The Impartial Citizen, (semi-monthly) was started in 1848 by Samuel R. Ward, and was continued about one year. The Crystal Fountain was issued for about three months by A. B. F. Ormsby, in 1848. The Adventist was published three months in 1849, by L. Delos Mansfield. The Literary Union was commenced April 7, 1849, °y w- w- Newman, J. M. Winchell and Jas. Johannot. It continued about a year and a half. The Free School Clarion was published a few months in the fall of 1849, by William L. Crandall. The Liberty Party Paper was started July 4, 1849, by John Thomas, and was continued two years. The Central City (daily) was published a short time in 1849 by Henry Barnes. The Syracuseaji (monthly) was established in 1850 by William H. Mosely. In 185 1 it was changed to The Syracusean and United States Review, and in 1856 to the Syracusean and Onondaga County Re view. The Syracuse Independent was published about three months in 1850. The Evening Transcript (daily) was started in 1850 by Washington Van Zandt. The Archimedian was commenced in 1850; B. F. Sleeper, publisher, and John Abbott, editor. It was discontinued in 185 1. The Central New Yorker was commenced in 1850 by L. P. Rising, and continued only a short time. The Family Companion (monthly) was published a short time in 1850. The Temperance Protector (semi-monthly) was commenced in 1850 by William H. Burleigh, and continued about two years. The Carson League was started in 185 1, Thomas L. Carson, publisher, and John Thomas, editor. It was continued about two years, when it was re moved to Albany. The American Medical and Surgical Journal (monthly) was started January 1, 185 1, by Potter & Russell, and was continued till 1856. The Journal of Health was published about six months in 185 1, by S. H. Potter. HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 197 The Onondaga Demokrat (German) was started in September, 1852, by George Saul. In October, 1856, it was changed to The Syracuse Demokrat, and subsequently to The Syracuse Union, which was for some time published by John L. Roehm, and is now conducted by Alexander Von Landberg, editor and pro prietor. The Deutsche Republican (German) was issued a short time in 1852. The Free Democrat was, started in 1852, by J. E. Masters, publisher, and R. R. Raymond, editor. In February, 1853, it was changed to The Syracuse Chronicle. The paper was owned by a joint stock company and edited by R. R. Raymond about one year, when George Barnes be came proprietor. In June, 1855, Samuel H. Clark bought the concern, and S. W. Arnold assumed the editorship of the paper. In February, 1856, the office was burned and the paper merged in the Journal. The Evening Chronicle, (daily,) was issued from the Chronicle office during the continuation of the weekly paper. The Seraph's Advocate, (monthly,) was started in the fall of 1852 by Miss Keziah E. Prescott, and was continued one year. La Ruche, a French paper, was started in 1852 by A. L. Walliot. A few numbers only were issued. The Northern Christian Advocate, (organ of the M. E. Church — weekly,) was established in Au burn by Rev. Mr. Robie in 1 840. In 1 844, Mr. Robie sold the paper to the General Conference, and from that time till 1862, it was published under the super vision of a Publishing Committee, the General Conference appointing the editors. The Committee in 1862 placed it in the hands of the Methodist Book Concern of New York. In 1872, they moved the paper from Auburn to Syracuse. It is pub lished by Nelson & Phillips, agents of the Book Concern ; Rev. O. H. Warren, D. D., editor ; J. P. Griffin, Business Manager. The American Wesleyan, (organ of the Wes leyan Methodist Church,) was removed from New York to Syracuse January 1, 1848, by L.C. Matlack. In October, 1858, Cyrus Prindle became editor, and was succeeded by Adam Crooks. Rev. D. S. Kinney is the present editor and publishing agent. The Juvenile Instructor, (semi-monthly,) is issued from the Wesleyan office, and is under the same management. The Unionist and The Union Herald, (monthlies,) were issued from The Reformer office. The Evangelical Pulpit was started in January, 1854, by Rev. Luther Lee, and was continued about two years. The Home Circle was published by L. W. Hall in 1855, about one year. . The American Organ, (daily,) was begun in 1855 by Way & Minier. It soon passed into the hands of H. P. Winsor, and continued about one year. The Onondaga Hardshell was started October 26, 1855, and was discontinued after the publication of the second number. It is supposed to have been edited by J. J. Peck and John A. Green, Jr. The Syracuse Daily News was started in 1856 by C. B. Gould, but was discontinued in a short time The Syracuse Zeitung, (German,) was issued Au gust 15, 1855, by Otto Reventlow, and was con tinued a short time. The Syracuse Weekly Courier was started October 1, 1856, by F. L. Hagadorn. In Novem ber, 1858, it passed into the hands of D. J. Halsted & Co., who changed it to The Onondaga Weekly Courier, which is still published. Up to 1873, it was published by D. J. Halsted & Co., since which it has been published by The Courier Printing Company. The Syracuse Daily Courier was started at the same time as the weekly. In 1858, it passed into the hands of D.J. Halsted & Co., and its name was changed to The Central City Daily Courier. During the campaign of i860, Mr. Halsted withdrew from it and established The Syracuse Union. At the close of the cam paign the two papers were united under the name of The Syracuse Daily Courier and Union. The last name has since been dropped, and the Syracuse Daily Courier, in common with the weekly, since 1873, has been published by The Courier Printing Company. The Syracuse Sunday Courier is published every Sunday morning by The Courier Printing Company. The Evening Herald (daily) was started Janu ary 13, 1877, by Arthur Jenkins, who is still the publisher. The Sunday Morning Times was started in November, 1876, by Messrs. Fralick, Hitchcock & Weed, the present publishers. H. Perry Smith, editor. The' Sunday News, (weekly,) was established August 25, 1872. It was recently changed to the Sunday Sun. The Commercial Traveler, organ of the Com- 198 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. mercial Travelers' Association of the State of New York, established September, 1875, and published monthly by the Association. The School Bulletin and New York State Educational Journal. — The Bulletin was estab lished as a medium for educational news, September 1, 1874. In April, 1875, it was consolidated with The New York State Educational Journal, under the above name, and is published by Davis, Bardeen & Co., C. W. Bardeen, editor. Christian Work is the title of a monthly, com menced April, 1876, and issued by the Young Men's Christian Association, from their rooms, 53 East Genesee street. The Union Gem, a literary monthly for young and old readers, established May, 1877. De Puy & Scoville, editors and publishers. The Aurora Brazileira, established December x5> 1875, and owned and edited by J. C. Alves de Lima. This is a paper for the Brazilians and is printed in the Portuguese language. It is doing much good by introducing American customs and establishing trade with Brazil. It goes to its Brazilian readers once a month, containing many illustrations of American inventions and improve ments. The Temperance Union was started as a monthly in June, 1877, and has since been changed to a weekly. Samuel Gaylord, editor and proprietor. The Union is the organ of the different temper ance associations. The University Herald is a monthly paper conducted by the students of the Syracuse Uni versity. The Syracuse Central Demokrat, (German,) was established July 2, 1858, by Joseph A. Hofmann. It is still published and edited by Joseph A. Hofmann & Son. The State League was several years published at Syracuse by Thomas L, Carson subsequently to 1858. The Skaneateles Weekly Democrat was commenced in 1840 by William M. Beaucbamp. It was subsequently issued by W. H. Jewett, Philo Rust and Jonathan Keeney. In 1849 it passed into the hands of Harrison B. Dodge, who has con tinued to conduct it ever since. It is independent in politics and has a circulation of about 1,100. The Naval Bulletin was issued from the Demo crat office a short time in 1853. The Minerva was a short time published by W. H. Beauchamp in 1844, but was finally merged in the Democrat. The Juvenile Repository was also published at Skaneateles in 1838 by Luther Pratt. In 1840 it was removed to New York, and soon after discon tinued. The Citizens Press was published six months at Onondaga Hollow in 1832, by E. Russell Webb and James S. Castle. The FayetteviUe Times was published at Fayette viUe in 1836 by Henry DePuy. The South Cortland Luminary was removed to FayetteviUe in 1839, by Hon. Wesley Bailey, and its name changed to The FayetteviUe Luminary. It was published about three years. Its name was afterwards changed to the Methodist Reformer and removed to Utica. The FayetteviUe Gazette was started by J. E. N. Bachus, about 1859, and subsequently sold toT. E. Hitchcock, but it was short lived. The Fayetteville Recorder was established in 1866 by F. A. Darling. In 1874 it passed into the hands of the Recorder Printing Association, under whose management it still continues. The Communist was started at Mottville, Novem ber 27, 1844, by John A. Collins, as the organ of the Skaneateles Community. It was' continued about one year. The Weekly Southern Onondaga was published at Tully by Frank P. Hale in 1868-9. The Baldwinsville Republican was commenced in 1844 by Samuel B. West. In October, 1846, it passed into the hands of C. M. Hosmer, and was changed to The Onondaga Gazette. In 1848 it was pub lished by Sbeppard & Hosmer, and afterwards by J. M. Clark, for many years, who sold it to J. B. Davis, and repurchased it, and in 1869 sold it to X. Haywood, who enlarged the paper. In 1871, it was purchased by George S. Clark, the present proprie tor. It has been recently changed to The Bald winsville Gazette. The Jordan Tribune was started in 1849 by P. J. Becker. In 1853 it was changed to The Jordan Transcript. It was subsequently published by Nathan Burrell, Jr., and by Charles B. Park, who was followed by H. P. Winsor, who has continued the paper ever since. It is a weekly, in dependent, and well patronized. The Pearly Fountain (monthly) was published by Park & Cheal, John G. Cheal, editor, for a short time at Jordan. The Jordan Intelligencer was established in December, 1876, by Louis B. Lathrop, present edi tor and proprietor. It is a weekly, strictly inde pendent in politics, and has a good circulation. Asa Memorial of HORACE and HAMILTON WH/TE, THIS BUILDING REPLACING ONE IN WHICH THEr WfffE ENCASED III BUSINESS FOR MANY YEARS, IS ERECTED BY THEIR CHILDREN. HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 199 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. ASA WHITE. Asa White was born in Monson, Mass., in the year 1774. His educational advantages were such as the common schools of his native State afforded. He early exhibited those traits of character which peculiarly distinguish business men. Inheriting the energy and active habits of his father, he soon learned to rely upon his own efforts for self-advancement in the world, and thus by persevering industry, economy and a just appreci ation of a good reputation, he became the artificer of his own fortune and the moulder of his own character. In 1798, he emigrated to Homer, N. Y., and in 1800 married Miss Clarissa, daughter of Caleb Keep, who had also settled in that town in 1798. HORACE WHITE. The subject of this sketch was born in the village of Homer, Cortland county, N. Y., April 19, 1802. He was the eldest of five children of Asa White and Clarissa Keep. When about fourteen years of age he went from home and became a clerk for Horace Hill, of Auburn, N. Y. About two years afterward he was engaged in a similar capacity in Albany in a store where his father had an interest. Subsequently he held the same situation with Jedediah Barber, of Homer, where, during the ten years of his stay, he acquired a reputation for business talent unusual for so young a man. •His health, however, failed and he retired to a small farm on which he labored for two or three years. About this time, and when he was thirty years of age, he became acquainted with the wor ship and doctrines of the Protestant Episcopal Church. They commended themselves to his understanding, and on the 12th of April, 1835, he united with Calvary Church, Homer, N. Y. Rev. Henry Gregory, then missionary at that place, be ing pastor. At the next visitation of the Bishop he received the Apostolic Rite of Confirmation and was admitted to the Holy Communion. From that time through his subsequent life he was steadfast in profession and practice. In the year 1838, Mr. White removed to Syra cuse where he at once began to take an active part in business, and in connection with others, estab lished the Bank of Syracuse, of which he was Cashier until his declining health compelled him to resign. In the year 1839 be was made a Vestry man of St. Paul's Church, and in 1848 a Warden, a position which he held at the time of his decease. His career as a man of business was marked by almost uninterrupted success. He was connected with important enterprises for advancing the inter ests of both the city and the State. In all moneyed transactions, it is the testimony of those best quali fied to judge, that he was actuated by strict Chris tian integrity. Nor did he content himself with this negative virtue. His munificence was widely directed. Hobart College and other less conspicu ous institutions were recipients of his gifts, while the missionary and the needy received his earnest attention. Mr. White gave largely from his means for the support of church interests, and any enterprise looking to the advancement of education among the rising generation, and the establishment of good society. He was liberal because he loved to be, and because he seemed conscious of the perils of riches, and recognized Who it was that gave him power to get wealth. He was one of the thirteen Directors of the con solidated Central Railroad Company and associated with Erastus Corning, at that time the head of the railway men of America. The Courier and Enquirer at that time speaks thus of him : " Horace White, of Syracuse, is a banker, with keen sagacity, extending and enlarging his opera tions till he finds himself acknowledged among the front rank of financiers. He will give the Direction, the careful and far-seeing counsel of a man who has rigidly looked at the passing events and distinguishing the flash of the moment from the steady and the enduring light. Himself and his brother have made good use of their wealth. They are of those citizens of our Western counties, who emulate the liberality and the enterprise of those men who in the great city are teaching the world that wealth appreciates intellect, admires art, and has its leaning of kindness towards the suffering." In the year 1831, June 29th, he married Miss Clara, daughter of Andrew Dickson and Ruth Hall, the former a native of Massachusetts, and the latter a native of Connecticut. They have two sons, Hon. Andrew Dickson White, President of Cornell University, and Horace Keep White, one of the representative business men of the city of Syracuse. His wife still sur vives at the time of writing this sketch. 200 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. HAMILTON WHITE. Hamilton White was born in Homer, Cortland County, N. Y., May 6th, 1807. He was a son of Asa and Clarissa [Keep] White, who were among the early settlers of his native county. During his youth the only opportunities offered him for an education were those of the com mon schools, which he enjoyed to a limited extent ; but his close attention to books while young, coupled with an unusual self-reliance, enabled him to become a teacher at the age of sixteen, receiving the mea ger compensation of nine dollars per month and board. After four terms as a teacher, he entered upon a clerkship with Messrs. Randall, at Cort- landville. Thus life opened before him its rugged path, and bade him rely upon his own energy in surmounting its obstacles and achieving success. These years of clerkship were years of strict economy, of faith ful devotion to the interests of his principals, and consistent attention to all the duties of his position. In 1836 Mr. White removed to Lockport, Niagara County, where he found in the life and enterprise of that rapidly improving country, a wider field forthe exercise of his maturing judgment and his untiring energies. His capital was that only which he had accumulated by his own economy, from his own labor, but integrity and capacity became his ruling characteristics, and his sagacious investments in the course of two or three brief years, laid the foundation of that ample fortune which during the later portion of his life he administered prudently, yet liberally and without ostentation. In 1839 be came to Syracuse and became Cashier of the Onondaga County Bank upon the retirement of Moses S. Marsh. He continued in this position until January, 1854, when the charter of the bank expired. During this entire period, while the Board of Directors contained many of the best citizens of Syracuse, no occasion was ever found by any to criticise his official or personal conduct. After the closing of the old bank Mr. White conducted the business as a private banker. The enterprise of internal improvement in our own State, as well as in other States of the West and South, engaged his attention. His ripe judg ment and high character as a man invited him to the confidence and councils of men whose energies were devoted to the construction of important rail road lines, while his unvarying success afforded him ample means of lending material aid. The estimate in which he was held by his asso ciates in such enterprises is manifested by the fact that for many years previous to and at the hour of his death, he was Director in all the companies constituting the entire line of railways from Albany to Chicago, except the Cleveland and Toledo. Hamilton White was eminently a man of public spirit, and not only ready to follow but to lead in endowing local and benevolent institutions. He was one of the few who secured to Syracuse, by material aid, the location of the State Idiot Asylum, in the prosperity of which he took an active part. He was a liberal patron of the Orphan Asylum and the Home of the Friendless, to the first of which he gave for many years his services as Treasurer, and both of which he remembered in his last hours. He was also prominent in the Association of Oak- wood, in whose retired and beautiful shade his ashes repose. During the rebellion Mr. White was an ardent and generous friend of the government, and his liberality in securing the quota of troops required of his city and district, was unsurpassed, and was uninterrupted even by his absence in Europe, while seeking the restoration of his impaired health. The church with which he was connected was the recipient of many tokens of his liberality, while with catholic spirit he contributed to the founda tion and support of other churches and congrega tions, here and elsewhere. He sought to shun the public eye in all his charity and to do good secretly rather than for notoriety. Mr. White's influence in all the departments of society, and in all associa tions for business was characterized by the greatest modesty and diffidence, for his judgment (expressed without pretence and generally upon solicitation,) was almost invariably based upon reasons which demanded and secured concurrence. But home was the place in which Mr. White dis played the most attractive and endearing traits of his character. He loved the domestic circle, the society of his wife and tbe voices of his children. He sought to make home attractive and happy by surrounding it with artificial adornments and by gathering within it the means of study, the instru ments of recreation and the creations of genius in art. In 1863 he was obliged to abandon business and seek relief abroad. He visited England, France, Italy, Egypt and other foreign countries, and as a careful observer of scenes which lead us back four thousand years in the history of our race, returned with stores of information and incident, the rehearsal of which was delightful to himself and his interested and listening friends. In 1864 Mr. White, with his wife and elder son, visited the West Indies, returning in June, 1865. Mo^fa&£*J£ / ' r ^5"^ HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 201 This, however, did not restore his failing health, as had been fondly hoped by his numerous friends, but, on the contrary, he gradually grew worse, and died on the 22d of September, 1865. Mr. White married, in 1841, Sarah Randolph Rich, daughter of the late Gains B. Rich, of Buf falo, N. Y. For years her home was the center of an elegant hospitality, over which she presided with the rarest grace. Those who have experienced that hospitality, know how perfectly she exemplified in every detail the traits of a refined lady, a Christian, an example worthy of imitation. Her kindness to the needy was a peculiar trait of her character. She was prominently identified with the benevolent institutions of the city, and her charities were as unostentatious as they were free. She died March 29, 1867. To Mr. and Mrs. White were born six children, whose names are as follows : Jane Antoinette, now Mrs. Thomas Parish Sher man ; Clara Keep, wife of Robert L. S. Hall, of New York ; Barrett Rich, (deceased ;) Hamilton Salisbury, Syracuse ; Howard Ganson, Syracuse, and Sarah Apbia, (deceased.) NATHAN F. GRAVES. The subject of this sketch was born in Oneida County, N. Y., Feb. 17, 18 13. He was the third child in a family of eight chil dren of Benjamin Graves and Molly Stark. The former was a native of Lyme, New London County, Conn., and son of Elijah Graves, of English de scent ; but the ancestry traces its origin back to the Norman Conquest 1066, the first ancestor being physician to William the Conqueror. Molly Stark was also a native of Lyme, Connecticut, named by and connected with Gen. Stark, of Revolutionary fame. His father was a well to do farmer, gave his chil dren not only the advantages of the common schools, but educated them in the academies of Oneida County. When Nathan F. was only 16 years of age he entered the list as a teacher, and spent several years either as a student or in teaching. Afterwards he entered the law office of J. Whipple Jenkins of Vernon, and after a year became a student at law with the Hon. Joshua A. Spencer of Utica, where he remained two years, and was admitted to the bar of the State in 1840 in the class with the Hon, James C. Smith and others who have distinguished themselves at the bar of the U. S. 26* He entered a law partnership with Timothy Jen kins, a prominent lawyer of Oneida Castle, with a very large practice, where he remained for five years, and from the beginning, rapidly extending their practice, until the year 1844, when he went to New York and opened an office at 49 Nassau street, where he grew into an extensive practice in the course of a few years, but on account of ill health gave up his practice in that city, came to Syracuse in the year 1849 and opened a law office with Hon. Daniel P. Wood, which partnership continued for some fifteen years, when Mr. Wood retired from the firm. Mr- Graves has continued the practice of his profession, until the present time. He was a Director and President of the Burnet Bank from its organization in 1852, till its discontinuance and the Fourth Na tional Bank took its place, of which he was Presi dent until that Bank gave place to the " New York State Banking Company," of which he has been President from its organization, and still occupies the same position, having been continuously President of a bank longer than any other person in the city. He has been for several years a Trustee of the Syracuse Savings Bank, and one of the Trustees of the Idiot Asylum located at Syracuse. In politics Mr. Graves has been a Democrat, and although not solicitous of public office, was elected Mayor of Syracuse in 1874, and has been identified with the school interests of the city for several years as School Commissioner and also President of the Board of Education. In the year 1873, Mr. Graves with his wife visited the Pacific coast, Japan and several coun tries of the Eastern Hemisphere, and by land and sea made a trip around the world, and with a ready pen furnished many valuable letters as a correspond ent of the New York Observer, Syracuse Courier and Northern Christian Advocate. He has been married twice — first to Miss Helen P., daughter of S. Sidney Breese of Oneida county, June ist, 1842. His wife died July 20, 1844. For his second wife he married Miss Catherine H., sister of his first wife, November 23, 1845, who now survives, to share with him the results of a life of active business and labor. Mr. Graves belongs to the class of citizens who give stability to the financial status of our country, and character to society, a liberal supporter of pub lic enterprise, a safe counsellor, and a judicious manager of his own affairs. He is unpretentious, a man of excellent habits and characteristic in tegrity of purpose. 202 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. HON. D. P. WOOD. Daniel P. Wood was born in the town of Pompey, Onondaga county, N. Y., November 5, 1819. He was next to the youngest in the family of children of Daniel Wood and Sophia Sims. His father, in the year 1800, came from Berkshire, Mass., and settled in the town of Pompey. He was a lawyer and farmer, the latter being his chief occupation. He died in 1838. His mother was also of New Eng land stock, but the ancestry, some four generations back, came from Jamestown, Virginia. She was a lineal descendant in the fifth generation from Joseph Loomis, born in England about 1590, sailed from London April 11, 1638, in the ship Susan and Ellen and arrived at Boston July 17, 1638. She died November, 1841. D. P. Wood inherited, and has exhibited through life, the New England traits of character — readiness to labor and to learn, strength of will, forecast and sympathy with those movements which have for their end the well being of the country and for their means the advancing condition of all classes and races. He worked upon the farm of his father dur ing his earlier years, receiving such education as the district school afforded, and acquiring a vigor of constitution which has since enabled him to endure the severest mental labor. At about eighteen years of age he pursued a preparatory course at Pompey Academy, and at twenty entered Hamilton College, where he not only disciplined his mind by close study, but expanded it by a wide range of reading, graduating from that institution in 1843. In 1844 he entered the law office of Victory Birdseye at Pompey, and in 1845 came to Syracuse and studied law in the office of George W. Noxon, and after being admitted to the bar in 1846, (in ' the last class admitted under the old Constitution of the State) he entered into partnership with Mr. Noxon. He met the barriers common to young attorneys in competition with older and more experienced lawyers, with that resolution and energy, yet with that integrity of purpose and courteous manner, so characteristic of his whole life. He was City Attorney for three years, from the organization of the city government till 1853, and in that year and also in 1854, he represented his district in the Assembly of the State. As Chairman ofthe Committee on Salt, in which interest many of his constituents were largely en gaged, and as a member of the Committee on the Code he brought to the discussions of those sub jects his legal acumen and conscientious industry. In the exciting and able debates on the completion and enlargement of the canals, and in the impeach ment of Canal Commissioner John C. Mather by the Committee of Managers ofthe House, of which Mr. Wood was a member, and took an active and efficient part, his speeches were no slight tribute to his reputation and capacity. In 1854, as Chairman of the Committee on Col leges, Academies and Common Schools, he matured and carried through the act creating the Depart ment of Public Instruction, and was member of the Committee on Ways and Means, in those days the most exacting and laborious committee of the Leg islature. Mr. Wood attended to his profession dur ing the three years following, but in 1857, on account of over taxation of both body and mind, his health became so impaired that he went to South Carolina, returning thence on horseback. In 1865, '66, '67, he was elected to the Assembly as Representative from Onondaga county. In 1865-66 he was Chairman of the Committee on Canals and a member of the Committee on Ways and Means, and the following year Chairman of the latter, — positions requiring almost ceaseless labor. He defended their interests with honor to himself and usefulness to the State. In 1861, he was one of the party who escorted President Lincoln on his memorable trip to Washington a few days preceding his inauguration, and, in 1865, was Chairman of the Special Legislative Committee to receive the remains of President Lincoln at the city of New York and conduct them through the State. In politics Mr. Wood was a Whig, but afterwards a Republican upon the formation of that party. During the late rebellion he was an unswerving supporter of the Union cause. He was very active in the organization of the first regiment that went from Syracuse, raised in one week. His patriotism knew no fear nor faltering ; keeping up his patience and hope, speaking words of good cheer all the more when the hours were darkest. In the fall of 1 871, he was elected to represent the 22d Senatorial District, composed of Cortland and Onondaga counties, in the State Legislature. His record was such that at the end of his first term his renomination was made by acclamation, and his election took place without opposition by the Democratic party. In the Senate Mr. Wood, during his four years service, held the leading and important position of Chairman of the Finance Committee, which re quired him to act upon the vast fiscal interests, claims and necessities of the State, and gave him great weight in determining its public policy. 928 42 Due from State Banks and bankers.. 5,371 41 Checks and other cash items 1,385 00 Exchanges for Clearing House, in cluding gold checks 1 1,01 1 96 Bills of other banks 6,422 00 Silver coin $ 370 80 Gold treasury certificates. . . 8,000 00 8,370 80 Legal tender notes 16,800 00 Redemption fund with U. S. Treas urer, (not more than 5 per cent. on circulation) 4>995 00 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 205 Due U. S. Treasurer, (other than 5 per cent, on redemption fund,) . . $16,800 00 Total $590,HO 73 Liabilities. Capital stock paid in $200,000 00 Surplus fund 40,000^00 Undivided profits 1 1,493 35 Circulating notes received from Comptroller 1 16,700 00 Individual deposits sub ject to check ... $218,315 89 Demand certificates of deposit 2,422 45 220,738 34 Due to other national Banks 1,209 °4 Total $590,140 73 The following is the present Board of Directors : Jacob Crouse, David A. Munro, Charles Hubbard, J. W. Truesdell, George Geddes, Payne Bigelow, William Brown Smith, Erastus Phillips, Alfred A. Howlett, I. H. Munroe, Daniel Gates, Elizur Clark, Giles Everson and George N. Crouse. The President, Mr. Howlett, devotes his whole time to the business of the bank. He has lived in this city about twenty-five years, and while con nected with large enterprises of one kind and another in Syracuse, has also been interested else where, especially in pork packing at Delphi, Indiana, under the firm of Spears, Case & Co. At Oswego he has been engaged in milling and the provision trade, firm of Howlett, Gardner & Co., and in private banking at Oswego, firm of Ames, Howlett & Co. For some time he also officiated as President and Vice-President of the Chenango Valley Railroad, in the building of which he was largely interested. For twenty years or more Mr. Howlett has been engaged in salt manufacture, and has been busy in many enterprises. Mr. Leach, the Cashier, is a banker by profession. Previous to becoming associated with the Salt Springs Bank, he had been Teller in the old Salina Bank, and now brings to bear upon his multifarious duties his comprehensive knowledge gained in the school of experience. Third National Bank. The Third National Bank of Syracuse has been in existence about fourteen years, and during that time it has made for itself a record such as any monetary institution may well be proud of. It was organized in the latter part of 1863, but did not begin business till January 1, 1864. Its capital was placed at $150,000, at that time supposed ample for the transaction of its prospective business. Events demonstrated the reverse, however, and in May, 1864, it was increased to $200,000. This did not suffice, and on the 21st of November, of the same year, the capital was again increased, this time to $300,000, at which amount it has since re mained, increased, of course, by the accumulated surplus, which is now $79,000. The first Board of Directors of the Third National consisted of the following named gentlemen : John W. Barker, James M. Munro, Charles Pope, Allen Munroe, Timothy R. Porter, H. W. VanBuren, Lucius Gleason, Frank Hiscock and James Munroe. The first President was James Munroe ; he was suc ceeded by Allen Munroe, and in January, 1871, Mr. Lucius Gleason, the present incumbent, was elected to the Presidency. The first Cashier was Francis H. Williams, who retained the position till February, 1873, when Mr. George S. Leonard be came Cashier. Official statement of the Third National Bank made on the 6th day of October, 1877 : Resources. Loans and Discounts $416,043 45 United States Bonds to secure circu lation. 275,000 00 United States Bonds to secure De posits 100,000 00 Other Stocks, Bonds and Mortgages.. 6,615 00 Due from Approved Reserve Agents. 28,225 79 Due from Approved Reserve Agents (gold) 4,005 66 Due from other National Banks 16,505 42 Due from State Banks and Bankers. . 248 55 Exchanges for Clearing House 4.45° 33 Bills of other Banks 4,255 00 Fractional Currency (in'ding Nickels) 121 28 Specie, silver 5°o 00 Legal Tender Notes 10,000 00 Redemption Fund with U. S. Treas urer, (five per cent, of circula tion) 12,375 00 Total ' #878,345 48 Liabilities. Capital Stock paid in Surplus Fund Undivided profits National Bank Notes outstanding Individual Deposits subject to check. United States Deposits Due to other National Banks Due to State Banks and Bankers . . $300,000 00 60,000 00 23,388 87 247,500 00 200,929 42,833 2,684 6*6 1,008 84 83 28 Total $878,345 48 The President of the Third National, although attending to his official duties, resides in the neigh boring village of Liverpool, where he was born. A large part of his life has been passed in mercantile pursuits. Since 1842, he has also been extensively 206 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. engaged in the manufacture of salt, continuing the business, in addition to carrying on large coal min ing interests in Pennsylvania. Of late years, how ever, the management of the bank has chiefly oc cupied his time. The present Board of Directors are Lucius Glea son, Frank Hiscock, Harmon W. Van Buren, James J. Belden, George P. Hier, Giles Everson, Payne Bigelow, Frank H. Hiscock, and George S. Leonard. The Third National Bank is now located in a very elegant suite of offices in the White Memorial Building, second floor, and is one of the representa tive monetary institutions of the city. It is the designated United States Depository of internal revenue for this district, and also acts as " Clearing House " for the ten associated banks of the city. The Clearing House has now been in operation about three years, and is conducted on the same principles as the New York Clearing House. Mr. Leonard, the cashier of the Third National Bank, is the Manager. Merchants National Bank. The history of this bank comprises a period of about twenty-seven years. It was organized under a State charter in 1850 as the Merchants Bank. Of that corporation, John D. Norton was President ; Edward B. Judson, Vice-President ; Eli H. Sher man, Cashier. These gentlemen, together with Herrick Allen, Marcus Cone, Peter Outwater, Jr., Charles C. Richardson, Joseph F. Sabin, James M. Baker, Lucius D. Cowan, Harvey Loomis, Simon C. Hitchcock and Jacob M. Cook, comprised the Board of Directors. The names of these gentle men will be remembered, especially by the older citizens of Syracuse ; they were the leading busi ness men of that day, and now all are deceased ex cept Mr. Judson. The capital of the Merchants Bank was placed at $135,000. At a special meeting of the Board in the fall of 185 1, this capital was increased to $160,000, and subsequently, to meet the demands of the business, the capital was again increased to $180,000. Continuing business as a State Bank till June, 1865, the Merchants was then merged in a National Bank, with an authorized capital of $500,000, the paid-in capital remaining $180,000. Jefferson Freeman was President, and since him, the presidency has been filled by Mr. Kennedy, Mr. Stevens, and Mr. R. N. Gere, the latter gentleman being elected President in 1868. Mr. Gere has long been a resident of Geddes and has been intimately identified with the prom inent interests of this section. He has been a prominent salt manufacturer, and is now President of the Syracuse Iron Works. He is also President of the Geddes Street Railroad Company, is con nected with the Blast Furnace, and in manufactur ing and other circles has always borne a part of whatever work was necessary. His time is now largely occupied with the management of the Iron Works, though he exercises the general supervision of a president over the affairs of the bank. Mr. E. R. Plumb has been Cashier since June, 1864, he succeeding Peter Outwater, Jr., deceased. Such have been the changes in the official manage ment. The present Board of Directors : George N. Kennedy, J. A. Sherman, George P. Hier, E. R. Plumb, R. Nelson Gere, H. D. Denison, George Stevens, Peter Burns and N. S. Gere. While the capital of the Merchants National Bank is nominally $180,000, it is really $280,000, for the surplus is $100,000. The loans and dis counts approximate $400,000, and the deposits $225,000 — a mere mention of facts to show in what esteem the bank is held. Its official statement, made October 1, 1877, is as follows: Resources. Loans and discounts $368, 142 07 Overdrafts 1,51921 U. S. bonds to secure circulation. . . . 143,500 00 Due from approved reserve agents.. . 40,010 38 Due from other National Banks 10,213 81 Due from State Banks and bankers . 14,420 83 Real Estate 2,261 97 Current expenses and taxes paid. ... 3,817 67 Exchanges for Clearing House 3,042 87 Bills of other banks 5,000 00 Specie 602 46 Legal tender notes 15,000 00 Redemption fund with U. S. Treas urer, (5 per cent, of circulation) 6,457 5° Total $613,988 77 Liabilities. Capital stock paid in $180,000 00 Surplus fund 50,000 00 Undivided profits 52,381 61 National Bank notes outstanding. ... 129,150 00 Individual deposits subject to check. 188,386 49 Demand certificates of deposit 10,000 00 Due to other National Banks , 1,885 37 Due to State Banks and bankers 2,185 36 Total $613,988 77 The management of the bank is largely with the Cashier, a gentleman who has been connected with banking operations for twenty years. In 1856 he entered the Merchants Bank as book-keeper, sub sequently became teller, and now for thirteen years has been Cashier. HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY NEW YORK. 207 The bank has pleasant, roomy quarters in the Wieting Block, corner of South Salina and West Water streets, with every convenience for the trans action of its large and increasing business. Syracuse National Bank. The history of this bank now belongs wholly to the past, it having closed up its business in 1877. While it was in existence it was the old est bank in the city, having been organized as the " Bank of Syracuse " under the general State bank ing law, in 1839. John Wilkinson, Esq., was its first President, and Horace White, Cashier. The bank entered upon a career of prosperity which it maintained without abatement for a long series of years, being one of the leading monetary institu tions of the city. Its capital in 1839 was $200,- 000, which remained the same till its close. Mr. Wilkinson died while occupying the position of President, on the 19th of September, 1862, and Mr. Hamilton White became President for a short time ; he was succeeded by Mr. John H. Chiddell, who in turn yielded the Presidency to Hon. Andrew D. White, a gentleman better known in educational than in banking circles — the President of Cornell University. But one change occurred in the Cash- iership ; Horace White being succeeded by Mr. Orrin Ballard in 1856, who henceforth became the active manager of the bank. Mr. Ballard has been by profession a banker, having had experience in the business here and elsewhere from boyhood. The bank, however, during its career of prosperity, was indebted to the talents and capital of Hamil ton and Horace White, Esqs., who gave it its im petus and largely shaped its fortunes. These gen tlemen, together with John Wilkinson, Esq., the first President of the bank, were early and promi nent residents of the city, and for many years in timately identified with all its leading interests. The Bank of Syracuse continued business under its State organization till 1865, when it availed itself of the national banking law under the name and style of the Syracuse National Bank. Thus it con tinued till the close of its business in 1877. The stock holders have all been paid up, and the affairs of the bank are in a satisfactory state of settle ment. State and Private Banks. Mechanics Bank. The Mechanics Bank of Syracuse was originally organized in August, 185 1. under the old free banking law of the State. It began business in November following with a paid-up capital of $140,- 000, and through the changes which the bank has since passed the original capital has been retained. Upon its organization Thomas B. Fitch was elected President and E. B. Weeks Cashier. The original incorporators were, Edward B. Weeks,* Jonathan R. Warner,* Cornelius T. Longstreet, John P. Ballard, Alfred H. Hovey,* Charles B. Sedgwick, Joseph Bruce ,* George Salmon * Curtis Moses and Joel Thayer. Of these original incorporators the only ones now remaining with the bank are Messrs. Longstreet, Thayer and Fitch. Mr. Longstreet is a native of the vicinity ; for years he was connected with the trade of Syracuse, and subsequently was engaged in trade in New York City. His efforts were productive of substantial results, and about fifteen years ago he retired from business. Mr. Thayer is a resident of Skaneateles ; he is largely identified with some of the heaviest manufacturing interests ofthe city, and at his home is engaged in banking, milling and other operations. Mr. Weeks remained President until his death in 1872, when Mr. James M. Ellis was elected to the Presidency. Such have been the changes in the official management. The Mechanics Bank con tinued business as a State Bank till July, 1865, when it obtained a charter as a National Bank. It was known and continued business as the Mechanics National Bank till 1873, when the National charter was resigned, and the name became, as of old, simply the Mechanics Bank, and the same general business has been adhered to. The bank was originally located in the building immediately south of Wieting Block on Salina street, which was sold to Dr. Wieting. From there it removed to the Larned Block, where it remained about one year, or until the spring of 1876, when removal was made to the elegant banking offices now occupied by it in the Syracuse Savings Bank Building. The active management of the Mechanics Bank is with the President and Cashier, both of whom are old residents of the city. Mr. Ellis is a native of Onondaga Hill, and for twenty-three years has been connected with business interests here, as a merchant, manufacturer and banker. Mr. Fitch has resided here since 183 1 ; till 1846, he was en gaged in the drug trade, and during most of the time since has been a banker. Both he and Mr. Ellis are also copartners in the jobbing boot and shoe house of Dunn, Salmon & Co. Their man agement of the affairs of the bank has been charac terized by a liberal and judicious spirit, and the effect is to be seen in the business of the institu tion. The following named gentlemen constitute * Deceased. 208 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. the present Board of Directors : James M. Ellis, T. B. Fitch, C. T. Longstreet, Joel Thayer, John Dunn, Jr., F. S. Wicks, E. F. Rice. State Bank of Syracuse. The founders of the State Bank of Syracuse were, for the most part, gentlemen who had been incorporators of the Trust and Deposit Company. The special charter of the last named Company did not admit of a general commercial banking busi ness, which the incorporators wished to combine with the peculiar features of the Trust and Savings Bank, and therefore a new enterprise under the name of the State Bank of Syracuse, was organized under the general banking law, and began business on the first of February, 1873. The paid-up capi tal was $100,000, most of the stock being held in this city. The officers of this bank are John J. Crouse, President ; Frank Hiscock, Vice-President ; Matthew J. Myers, Cashier ; and the Board of Di rectors, John J. Crouse, Frank Hiscock, George Barnes, Henry L. Beard, George N. Kennedy, Thomas Molloy and M. J. Myers. This bank does business in the same office with the Trust and De posit Company, viz. : in the Onondaga County Savings Bank building, but the capital and business of the two institutions are wholly distinct, and the formation of the State Bank has added a valuable banking capital to the monetary interest of Syra cuse. The active management of the business of the bank is with Mr. Myers, the Cashier, although there is an Executive Board composed of Messrs. Crouse, Hiscock and Barnes. Mr. Myers has been con nected with the banking interest of Syracuse for more than twenty years. In 1855 he entered the Burnet Bank as book-keeper, and afterwards became its teller. For a time he was with Wilkinson & Co.'s Bank, and for a number of years receiving teller ofthe Onondaga County Savings Bank. Then he became Cashier of a bank in the oil regions of Pennsylvania, and also carried on a private bank there for a short time. He has been Cashier of the State Bank of Syracuse since its organization, and is also Secretary of the Onondaga Trust and Deposit Company. The bank transacts a general business, and although not long established, has won for itself a good reputation in monetary circles. New York State Banking Company. The origin of this bank goes back to 1852, when the Burnet Bank was incorporated under the State banking law. In this capacity it continued to do business till after the national banking system was adopted, when it was merged in the " Fourth Na tional Bank of Syracuse," and continued to do bus iness as such till the national charter was resigned in 1872. At this date the name of the New York State Banking Company was assumed, and the bank has continued without any change in the general character of its business. Mr. Nathan F. Graves, one of the old and well- known citizens of Syracuse, has remained President of the bank ever since its original incorporation in 1842. By. profession, Mr. Graves is an attorney, and he is now one of the old members of the Syra cuse bar. Since making his home in this city he has become largely interested in real-estate mat ters ; he has built and now owns a large number of residences in the city. For a number of years he was a member of the Board of Education and its President, and he has also been Mayor of the city. In brief, his life has been both public and active. While he still continues to give the business of the bank more or less of his personal attention, the active management of its details devolves upon Mr. R. A. Bonta, the Cashier. Mr. Bonta entered the Burnet Bank in 1856 as a clerk. Subsequently he became book-keeper, then teller, and in 1864 was made Cashier, a position he has since retained. The New York State Banking Company retains its old location in Wieting Block, second floor, where it has pleasant and well furnished apartments for the transaction of its business. Being a private bank, we can make no authorized statement of its capital, deposits or discounts. Nor is it necessary, since its character as a reliable and prosperous monetary institution is well known to the public. The present officers are, Nathan F. Graves, Presi dent ; John White, Vice-President ; R. A. Bonta, Cashier ; George L. Bonta, Teller ; J. Frank Cook ings, Discount Clerk ; William S. Reed, Book keeper, and Louis L. Cole, Clerk. Wilkinson & Co.'s Bank. The Banking House under this firm name was established nearly twenty years ago by Alfred Wilkinson and S. H. Slosson, the last named gen tleman supplying the needed capital. It has been in existence long enough to be regarded as one of the permanent institutions of Syracuse. Since its organization no change has occurred in the firm style, and but one change each in co-partnership and location. Beginning its career in the Syracuse House Block, it continued to occupy that place till 1874, when removal was made to the very central location now occupied, corner of South Salina and Railroad streets. In 1 863, Mr. Slosson retired and J. Forman Wilkinson became a partner with his brother. mB<: I The subject of this sketch was born in the town of Pompey, Onondaga Co., N. Y., July 2, 1831. He was the youngest son of Thomas Rice and Charlotte Flint, both natives of Massachusetts, His father came to this county in the year 1818, and settled in the town of Pompey, half a mile east of Oran, and hence was one of the pioneers of that part of the county ; he was a farmer by occupation, and died March 25, 1843. The subject of this memoir came to the city of Syracuse at the age of twelve years, and having lost his father about this time, and not being pecuniarily assisted, was, unaided and alone, at that age left to begin only as a boy can. His first two years were spent as a bundle boy. During the next two years he was a clerk in a general merchandise store at Marcellus. Returning to the city he entered upon a clerkship in the dry-goods trade, and remained until 1852, and went to New York and became a clerk in a large wholesale house, then one of the largest dry-goods houses of that city. Here he remained for one year, and returned to his native county. During these years, by strict economy, he had got together a few hundred dollars. This money, on his return, he invested, first in partnership with Col. Charles Richardson. After two years he started alone in the dry-goods business, in a small way, in the old Franklin building, East Genesee street. Although limited in an oppor tunity for an education from books while young, the past few years' experience had supplied him with a practical business education, and strengthened his business ability. He began his business career in a modest way, determined to succeed if energy, indomitable perseverance, and business habits would win success. At the time of writing this sketch he is one of the oldest dry-goods merchants in the city, and during these years his name has been a synonym for strict integrity of pur pose, honorable deahng, and a business thrift often characteristic of self-made men. The result of deserved ambition may be seen on South Salina street, in the fine brick structure occupied by him for a dry-goods house, being one of the best in the city, and erected in 1876. In the year 1854, August 31, he married Miss Ellen, daughter of Hon. Hiram Eaton, of FayetteviUe, to whom has been born three children, — Nellie Z., Lizzie E., and Edward I. In politics Mr. Puce is identified with the Republican party. Is not solicitous of auy political preferment; looks rather to principles involved than to party in casting his vote. PIISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 209 The Messrs. Wilkinson are the only bankers of this city who are natives of Syracuse. Many others are old residents, but were not born here. It is a singular coincidence that the Wilkinson brothers are now doing banking business upon the very premises where they were born, their father, John Wilkinson, Esq., having occupied the place with his residence and law office, at a time when he was the only lawyer in the village, and his office was con sidered " out of town." The Messrs. Wilkinson are both civil engineers by profession, and each has been connected with railway enterprises as superintendents of roads or divisions. They became bankers by the force of circumstances, and although the experience was new to them, they seem to have adjusted them selves as naturally to this branch of business as if they had been brought up in it. At least the suc cess which has attended their efforts is a sufficient proof that they have not mistaken their calling. The Banking House of Wilkinson & Co. deal in foreign exchange, receive deposits, issue loans and discounts, and, in short, attend to all the branches of a general banking business. Its affairs are in a satisfactory condition, and its increasing deposits are evidence of a large share of public confidence. The Cashier is Mr. Edward Westcott, son of a former Mayor of Syracuse. He has the reputation of being a business man in every sense of the word, and his relations with the monetary and other interest of the city have always been of the highest character. Mr. E. C. Seager is the teller, Mr. Charles Whitney book-keeper, and William Hookaway, discount clerk. These gentlemen have been associated with the bank for several years, and creditably fill their responsible positions. Trust and Deposit Company of Onondaga. This Banking Institution has a sphere of busi ness somewhat peculiar. The company is author ized by its charter to make investments for parties at home or abroad, in bonds, stocks, &c, and to act as agent, receiver, executor, administrator, guardian, treasurer, assignee or trustee, either by power of attorney or appointment of court. The duties of administrator have extensively fallen to it, and it is well fitted to act in this capacity from its capital which is pledged for its trust funds, its absence of personal interest, and its command of time to de vote to such business. Having all the rights and privileges of a Savings Bank, it designs to go far ther, and provide safe receptacles for money, bonds, and other valuables, differing in its reception and keeping of them from the system which cbaracter- 27* izes ordinary deposits. The Trust and Deposit Company of Onondaga was organized in 1869, with Dudley P. Phelps, President ; Daniel P, Wood and E. B. Judson, Vice-Presidents ; and Matthew J. Myers, Secretary. The offices of this company are in the Onondaga County Savings Bank building, where every facility is provided for the safe keep ing of deposits. The company for a small consid eration guarantee their absolute safety, and thus meet the wants of prudent men and women who desire to secure their earnings, small or large sums, or valuables of any kind from being lost or de stroyed. To accomplish this object, the office of the company is provided with one of the finest vaults in the State. This vault, resting upon solid masonry, is encased in steel. Three doors lead to its interior, two of them being iron and. steel, pro- • vided with burglar-proof combination locks, and one of them is the famous Sargent chronometer lock. The third door is of iron wicker work. Reaching the interior of the vault one sees a num ber of safes — one of them burglar-proof — where are now stored thousands of dollars worth of bonds for safe keeping. The others are for the safe keeping of papers, wills, deeds, insurance policies, mort gages, and the like. These latter safes are sub divided into a great many apartments, each being provided with lock and check lock, and a party renting one of these boxes has absolute control over it. These small boxes or safes are rented at a trifling cost for a longer or shorter time as may be desirable. Provision is also made within the vault for the safe keeping of jewelry, silver ware, &c, an excellent convenience which should be bet ter understood and more generally used, for heavy securities and valuables may be thus preserved, against the depredations of burglars and against fire. In addition to this peculiar function, the company, as a savings bank, receives deposits in sums of five cents and upwards, interest on all sums being com pounded every six months. The Company has a paid up capital of $100,000, one half of which is deposited with the Superin tendent of the Banking Department of the State of New York for the security of trust funds and de positors. All the safeguards which the State has provided are thrown about it, and the company stands upon the most substantial of foundations. The present officers of the company are the follow ing named gentlemen : Officers — John J. Crouse, President ; Geo. Barnes, M. J. Myers, Vice-Presidents ; James Barnes, Sec retary. Trustees.- — John N. Babcock, D. Edgar Crouse, 210 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. Frank Hiscock, Martin A. Knapp, Thomas Molloy, William C. Williams, Robert G. Wynkoop, George Barnes, Frank Bigelow, John J. Crouse, George N. Kennedy, Alfred Mercer, Matthew J. Myers, Daniel P. Wood. Mr. Dudley P. Phelps having retired from active connection with the affairs of this Company, its man agement will hereafter devolve upon Mr. James Barnes, for the past thirteen years connected with the Onondaga County Savings Bank. The recently retired President, Mr. Phelps, is an old citizen of Syracuse, having resided here forty- eight years. He is an attorney by profession, although he has never practiced, except for a brief time. For a long time he was connected with the Syracuse and Utica Railroad, continuing with it till the consolidation. From 1861 to 1868 he was Treasurer of the Onondaga County Savings Bank, and since the formation of the Trust and Deposit Company, he has given his whole attention to the duties of the Presidency of the Company. The other gentlemen connected with the Company are all well-known citizens whose names would not be associated with anything doubtful or visionary. Dow, Short & Co.'s Bank. The firm of Dow, Short & Co., bankers, com menced business in January, 1876, the copartners being H. F. Dow, H. W. Short and O. B. Sperry. Their offices are in the basement of the Onondaga County Savings Bank building. Savings Banks. The Savings Banks of this city have accom plished greater good within comparatively few years than was anticipated at the outset of their career. Their immense deposits bespeak habits of thrift and economy which cannot be too warmly com mended. But while this is the case, the savings banks have more money than they want, because they are limited by State law in their loans upon bond and mortgage to sixty per cent, of their de posits, and they are constantly compelled to refuse deposits from the simple fact that the money cannot be desirably placed. It is for this reason that the savings banks have an absolute plethora of money, notwithstanding the cry of hard times. The very " hard times " make people more economical and saving, and there is less inclination to use money in active enterprises. When such active enter prises shall again be generally resumed throughout the country the evil will be remedied. But this is not the place for a dissertation on finance ; our object is to give the history of the different Savings Banks of the city, and we begin with the oldest institution of the kind established in Syracuse. The Syracuse Savings Bank. This bank was incorporated March 30, 1849. The original incorporators were Harvey Baldwin, Moses D. Burnet, James Lynch, George Saul, John B. Burnet, Johnson Hall, Harvey Rhoades, Phi lander W. Phobes, Edward B. Wicks, William W. Teall, Thomas T. Davis, Thomas B. Fitch, Dennis McCarthy, George F. Comstock, Henry Gifford, Thomas Bennet, William Clark and Elias W. Leavenworth. Of these gentlemen many have since died, others have either removed from the city or otherwise dissolved their connection with the bank, and at this time Messrs. Leavenworth, Fitch and McCarthy are the only ones who still remain connected with the enterprise. Upon beginning business the Syracuse Savings Bank had its head quarters in William W. Teall's law office, on Fay ette Square. Subsequently it removed to the Townsend Block, and from there to the corner of Church and Salina streets. Works were begun upon the magnificent building now owned by the bank in May, 1875, and the building was completed late in 1876, the aggregate cost being about $300,- 000 — probably a little in excess of that amount. Space will not admit of our entering into an elabo rate description of the building, the style and work manship of which can only be appreciated by a per sonal inspection ; suffice it to say that, in point of architectural appearance, elaborateness and beauty of finish, it is not surpassed by any similar structure in the country. It is an ornament to the city and a monument to the frugality of the people and the enterprise of the trustees of the bank, under whose direction the work was carried forward. From 1849 to 1855, the bank did but a limited business ; the people were not aroused to the full benefits accruing from such an institution ; but in latter years a forward movement was manifested, and from that time on the business has constantly increased. Till 1862, no surplus was acquired, but since that date the surplus has accumulated to $250,000. Below we give a statement of the con dition ofthe bank on the ist of July, 1877 : Resources. "Bonds and Mortgages .".*. . . . .$1,149,428 20 Stock Investments 497, J 37 54 Amount Loaned on Stocks 220,830 00 Banking House and Lot, at cost. . . . 360,227 17 Amount of other Real Estate 2,665 97 Cash on Deposit in Bank, &c 104,608 83 Cash on Hand 34,862 42 Amount of all other Assets 245,135 94 Total $2,716,149 07 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 211 The actual cash transactions of the Syracuse Savings Bank during the six months ending July I, 1877, were $1,871,540. The number of open accounts was 5,965 ; the number of accounts which exceed $5,000 was 30, and the largest amount due any one depositor was $1 1,700. The President, General E. W. Leavenworth, is a well-known public man, having been Secretary of State and lately a representative from this district in Congress. He is President of a number of the leading corporations of this city, and his duties, public and private, are of such a character as to demand all his time. To the affairs of the bank he gives his personal attention for a number of hours each day, and in its management is assisted by the Treasurer, Mr. A. F. Lewis, who has been sixteen years connected with the bank, eight years as Treas urer. Mr. Lewis has won an excellent reputation in the position he has so worthily filled. He was formerly connected with the Canastota Bank, at Canastota, Madison county. Onondaga County Savings Bank. A special charter for this bank was granted by the Legislature in 1855. Its design then, as now, was that of a Savings Bank, or an institution in which the large or small savings of individuals might be deposited, and not only be safe but gain an increase for the benefit of the depositors. The principle is one which tends directly to develop economy and frugality in the use of even small sums over and above the actual expenses of living, and thus to aid thousands in the first steps towards a competency, who might otherwise be poor and de pendent all their days. The amount of good which savings banks have done in this direction cannot be estimated in dollars and cents. This general remark is true of the Onondaga County Savings Bank. During the twenty-two years of its existence it has been a conservator of the public welfare in more directions than one. The original incorpo rators of this bank were Allen Munroe, James L. Bagg, Robert G. Wynkoop, George Barnes, Perry Burdick, James Forman, John W. Barker, Daniel P. Wood, William E. Abbott, Harlow W. Chittenden, Isaac H. Bronner, "Charles F. Williston, Edward S. Dawson, John Yorkey, Levi W. Hall, Cornelius L. Alvord and John Fitzgerald. These gentlemen had no selfish purpose to serve ; their work was a philanthropic one ; and judged by the light of sub sequent events, they deserve honor for the action then taken. The first President was Allen Munroe, and the first Treasurer S. H. Slosson. Mr. Munroe re mained President till quite recently, when he was succeeded by Daniel P. Wood. Mr. Slosson, as Treasurer, was succeeded by Dudley P. Phelps, and he by Edward S. Dawson, the present Treas urer, and one of the original incorporators of the bank. Maj .-Gen. D. P. Wood has for many years been a resident of this city. He is a native of Pompey. An attorney by profession, he has also been largely interested in the manufacture of salt here, and in a thousand ways has been identified with the upbuilding of Syracuse. For a number of years he has represented this county and district in the State Senate and House of Assembly, and he was the author of the banking law passed in 1875. He is also Treasurer of the Highland Solar Salt Company, and is carrying on one of the leading burial casket manufactories in the country, located in New York. Mr. Dawson has been Treasurer and ex officio general manager of the bank for the past eight years. He has been a resident of the city for the past thirty-three years ; was formerly a merchant and manufacturer of saddlery hardware, and in his business relations with the community is well known as a gentleman of high standing. His whole time is now occupied with the duties of his onerous and responsible position. The first business place ofthe Onondaga County Savings Bank was over No. 16 South Salina street, whence it removed to the Syracuse House Block and remained till taking possession of its new build ing. This building is one of the finest in the city ; it is of gray Onondaga limestone, a model in archi tectural design and proportions, and surmounted by a superb clock-tower, which is lighted up gradually by electricity as the darkness of night comes on. This building is not only an ornament to the city and a credit to its architect and builders, but it serves to illustrate what elegant building material is found here at home. The bank is truly a repre sentative institution of the county. The building and lot cost about $300,000. The condition of the bank financially is shown by the following official statement, made July 1, 1877 : Bonds and mortgages $2,704,209 14 Government and municipal bonds 1,641,423 75 Amount loaned on stocks and bonds 166,231 39 Banking House and lot, at cost. . . . 293.823 81 Other real estate, at cost 44,995 86 Cash on hand and in bank 64,878 78 Accrued interest 123,287 94 All other assets 30,617 38 Total resources $5,069,468 05 Due depositors 4,649,257 19 Net surplus $420,2 10 86 212 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. The number of open accounts in the Onondaga County Savings Bank July i, 1877, was about 15,000. The present officers of the bank are as follows : Daniel P. Wood, President ; Robert G. Wynkoop, Vice-President ; Charles Franchot, Secretary, and Edward S. Dawson, Treasurer. Trustees — Archibald C. Powell, Charles F. Wil- liston, James Terwilliger, John J." Crouse, Thomas Molloy, George Barnes, Charles Andrews, Robert G. Wynkoop, John W. Barker, Charles Franchot, James J. Belden, Daniel P. Wood, William E. Abbott, Rasselas A. Bonta, Francis E. Carroll, and James L. Bagg. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. HON. DANIEL PRATT. Daniel Pratt was born in Greenwich, Washington county, N. Y., in 1806. In 1833, he was graduated at Union College, and in the same year moved to Onondaga county, where he read law with David D. Hillis, Esq., at Camillus. In the fall of 1836, he removed to Syracuse, where he has since resided. He was admitted to the bar in July 1837, with Judge George F. Comstock and Hon. Charles B. Sedgwick and commenced the practice of his profession with David D. Hillis, Esq. In February, 1843, he was appointed by Gov ernor Bouck, First Judge of Onondaga county. Four years later he was elected Judge of the Supreme Court and was reelected in 185 1. At the close of the term for which he had been reelected, he retired from the bench enjoying the unreserved confidence of the people he had so long served, both as to his unquestioned integrity and his judi cial ability. It is said of him that while acting in the capacity of Judge of the Supreme Court, he never in one instance adjourned his court closing the term with out clearing the calendar of all causes ready for trial. While upon the bench, both Hamilton and Union Colleges conferred upon him the degree of LL. D., — a fitting tribute to his legal attainments and to his private and public worth. He resumed the practice of law January ist, i860, forming a partnership with the late David J. Mitchell, an advocate of surpassing persuasive powers. Two years later Mr. Wilber M. Brown was admitted to the partnership, and the firm as thus constituted for fifteen years ranked among the first in the State, having an unusually successful and lucrative practice. Judge Pratt was elected as one of the counsel to prosecute Judge Barnard in the impeachment of the latter, and the same year received the appoint ment from Governor Hoffman as one of the Com missioners to revise the Constitution of the State. In 1873, he was elected Attorney-General, a posi tion which he filled with distinction and honor. The mind of Judge Pratt had been thoroughly disciplined in early life by study and reading, and the mental training involved in his classical education and study of law gave him an ultimate mastery of his profession which placed him among the leading jurists of his time. His genial disposition, strong intellectuality, and direct and positive argumentative powers, strength ened and enforced by a fund of knowledge always at his command, made him very effective as an advocate, and won for him a large share of popular appreciation. Few public men stand higher in the confidence and esteem of their fellow-citizens. In the year 1838, he married Miss Maria, sister of S. B. Rowe, of Camillus, in which town she was born. To Mr. and Mrs. Pratt were born four sons, viz : William, (drowned while young,) George Comstock, (died young,) Charles and Daniel, the latter admitted to the practice of law and in the office with his father. Mrs. Pratt was a most devoted Christian wife and mother, — a friend of the poor, and foremost in all work for their relief and elevation. She was one of the first who founded the Onondaga Orphan Asylum and Syracuse Home, which to-day bear testimony to her sagacity and disinterested benevolence. She died on the nth of September, 1872, aged sixty- six years. For more than thirty years she had resided in the city of Syracuse and been for many years a communicant of the First Presbyterian Church. wm$: HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 213 WILLIAM CRAWFORD RUGER. This eminent member of the legal profession was born at Bridgewater, Oneida county, N. Y., January 30th, 1824. His father, John Ruger, was a prom inent lawyer, who practiced his profession at Bridge- water until his removal to Syracuse, in 1847, where he continued in practice until his death, in 1855. William C. attended school at the Bridgewater Academy, a well known institution of learning, where he received a good classical education, and afterwards entered the office of his father as a stu dent and was regularly admitted to tbe bar under the old Supreme Court at Utica in July, 1845. He first opened an office at Bridgewater and practiced at that place until 1853, when he removed to Syracuse and entered into partnership with his father, under the firm name of J. & Wm. C. Ruger. Since that time he has been constantly in active practice at Syracuse, and connected successively with the law firms of Ruger & Lester, Ruger & Jenney, Ruger, Wallace & Jenney, and Ruger, Jenney, Brooks & French. Among the important cases with which he has been connected are the Lindsay murder trial, the litigation arising out of the failure of the People's Safe Deposit and Savings Institution, and the celebrated " canal ring " prose cutions instituted by Governor Tilden. Mr. Ruger has always been a Democrat, and frequently represented his district in the councils of his party, among others the famous Hunker conven tion held at Rome and Syracuse in 1849, the first State Judicial Convention in 1870, the National Con vention of 1872, and the State Convention of 1877. He has also been twice tbe candidate of his party for member of Congress, viz : in 1863 and 1865 ; but owing to the ascendency of the Republican party and not from any want of personal merit, he failed of an election. Upon the organization of the Onondaga County Bar Association in 1875, he became its first Presi dent, and continued in that office for three years, when he was succeeded by Judge Pratt. He was also elected President of the first State Bar Con vention, held in this state at Albany in 1876, when the State Bar Association was formed, of which he is now one of the Vice-Presidents. He was also the first President of the social club organized at Syra cuse in 1864, and known as the Onondaga Club. He was married May 2d, i860, to Harriet, eldest daughter of Hon. Erastus S. Prosser, of Buffalo, N. Y., and has one child, Crawford Prosser Ruger, born Nov. 8, 1861. Mr. Ruger holds a most enviable position in his chosen profession. Endowed with natural abilities of a high order, and possessed of a peculiarly acute and logical mind, he is justly distinguished for ex tensive learning and sound judgment. With these qualifications as an advocate, his forensic efforts are exceedingly able and effective, while his arguments upon questions of law are remarkable for clearness of expression and for a style of reasoning at once forcible and convincing. Above the use of tricks or artifice, he presents his causes upon their real merits, and his professional conduct is conspicuous for uniform fairness and courtesy. Of fine personal appearance, and with refined and cordial manners, he is a universal favorite among his professional brethren, by whom he is justly regarded as a most able lawyer and genial gentleman. HON. ELIZUR CLARK. Mr. Clark was born in the town of Saybrook, Middlesex county, Conn., October 5, 1807. The Clark family dates back to the early settle ment of the New England States, and is descended from John Clark, who immigrated to America about the year 1644, and settled first in the State of Rhode Island. The ancestors of Elizur Clark were much noted for longevity ; bis grandfather's family, consisting of four sons and four daughters, all lived to upwards of eighty-three years of age, the young est living to the advanced age of ninety-three years. His father, Beamont Clark, born July 25, 1767, lived to be ninety years of age and was a native of Saybrook, Conn., as was also the grandfather. His father came with that part of the family which had not preceded him and settled in the town of Cicero, Onondaga county, in the summer of 1823. He was a farmer by occupation and did very much in the early settlement of that town, until 1837, when he removed to Michigan, where he died in the year 1857. His mother, whose maiden name was Nabbe Spencer, lived to be seventy-three years of age, and died in Michigan. She was born January 14, 1770, The subject of this record was only fifteen years of age when he came to this county with his father and was next to the youngest in a family of eleven children — eight sons and three daughters — all of whom, except one besides himself, are deceased. Mr. Clark's early opportunities for obtaining an education were limited. On coming to Syracuse he embarked in business for himself, and his sub sequent successful career has abundantly proved that a practical education is more the result of capacity, energy and self-application than of book- study. 214 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. He spent his time until the year 1834 in such various kinds of business as presented. He leased the Salina mill property of Henry Seymour, and carried on the lumbering business until 1837, when Mr. Seymour died, and Mr. Clark purchased a half interest in the property, the- other half being owned by ex-Governor Horatio Seymour. He carried on this business until 1846, when he pur chased the other half of the property, and sold the same to Hon. Thomas G. Alvord, and in partner ship Messrs. Clark & Alvord carried on the lumber business until 1863, when Mr. Clark retired from the firm, and (with the exception of an agency in connection with the party to whom he leased the mill property, which continued until 1870) retired from the active duties of life. He has been a director in the Salt Springs Bank since 1867, and a trustee of the Syracuse Savings Bank for several years past. Unlike his father and grandfather, who were closely allied to the Federal party and afterward the Whig, he cast his first vote for General Jackson, and has been an unswerving and consistent mem ber of the Democratic party ever since. He has never been an active politician and has looked rather to principles than to party interest. He has been identified with the public offices of trust and responsibility in the history of Salina and Syracuse in many instances, and was one of the first Alder men elected after the organization of the City of Syracuse, representing the First Ward. In 1856 he was Supervisor for the same ward, and in the year 1863, represented his district in the State Legislature. All these public positions have been filled with that integrity of purpose and honest dealing which have characterized his whole Hfe. Mr. Clark is a plain, unassuming man, having the full confidence of his fellow men, and now at the age of seventy years retains an active mind and business ability apparently unimpaired. In the year 1825, November 13, he married Miss Jerusha N. Spencer, of Onondaga county. To them were born ten children, of whom Chauncey B., Harriet E., wife of Augustus Avery, of Syra cuse, John Seymour, of New York City, and Mary D., wife of Edward Manning, of Syracuse, are living. His wife died in 1865. For his second wife he married, in November, 1869, Miss Augusta M. Peck, daughter of Charles L. Peck, a native of Lynn, Conn., and a descendant of Deacon William Peck, born in England 1601, and came to America 1638 and settled in New Haven, Conn. CORNELIUS TYLER LONGSTREET. Mr. Longstreet, the subject of this biographical notice, is a native of this county, having been born in Onondaga Valley on the 19th of April, 18 14. He is the youngest son of Cornelius and Deborah [Tyler] Longstreet, who had a family of five chil dren. His father was a native of New Jersey ; his mother was born at Caughnawaga, now the village of Fonda, on the Mohawk River. The family of Longstreet, or (Longstreth,) comes from three brothers who immigrated from Holland to America, first stopping in New Jersey in the early settlement of that State. One went to Pennsylvania and set tled ; a second settled in Georgia, and the third (from whom the subject of this memoir is descend ed) remained in New Jersey. Judge Longstreet, of the Georgia branch of the family, was President of Columbia College, of South Carolina, at the time of the breaking out of the late war of the Re bellion ; he was uncle of Gen. James Longstreet, of the Confederate army, and his family is connected by marriage with some of the most prominent fam ilies of the South. About the year 1802, Cornelius Longstreet came to Onondaga West Hill and opened a general store. He was among the first who sold goods in this county. In the year 1805, he married Deborah, daughter of Col. Comfort Tyler. Col. Tyler was one of the first settlers of the county, coming with Gen. Asa Danforth and his son, Asa, Jr., to Onon daga Valley in 1788. He was then a young un married man. Col. Comfort Tyler is said to have felled the first tree, manufactured the first bushel of salt, put the first plow in the ground, and built the first ten miles of turnpike in the county. When the subject of this notice was only eight months old, in the year 18 14, his father died, leaving a large property for those times, which, however, through the mismanagement of his executors, was nearly lost to the family, except for their use for a few years and until about the time of the death of the mother, in 1826. Until the death of his mother, Cornelius T. was kept in school, but about one year afterwards he engaged as an apprentice in Syracuse to the tailor ing trade, and after three years he went to Geddes, where he remained until he was seventeen years of age, when he established business for himself as a merchant tailor, buying his stock of goods in New York. After three years he established his busi ness in Syracuse, and for the next ten years is said to have carried on the largest business in this line of any man in the State west of New York city. In the year 1846, perceiving that there was a want iisiiif s , \ tfo/c^^^^ HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY NEW YORK. 215 in the means of supply of clothing in New York for the northern trade, he removed his business to that city and established a wholesale clothing house, the first for supplying the northern trade. Here his bus iness increased and the change proved very success ful. He remained in New York, shipping goods to the Northern and Western States, for six years, when he returned to Syracuse, and for the next three years was engaged in the erection of what is known as " Ren wick Castle." In the fall of 1855, he returned to New York for the purpose of establishing his son, Charles A. Longstreet, in the same business which he had himself formerly carried on. He re mained there until the fall of 1862, (meantime keep ing his family and home in Syracuse,) when he gave up business on account of ill health, returned to his native county, where he now resides. Since the organization of the First National Bank of Syracuse, he has been one of the directors. He has been also a director of the Mechanics' Bank since its organization. His first vote was cast in the Whig party, and upon the formation of the Republican party he adopted its principles, and has since unswervingly stood firm upon its platform. At the age of 23 years, he married Miss Mary E. Barlow, of Syracuse, to whom were born four children — Charles A., Juliet, James L., and Edward W. — all deceased. His wife died in the year 1846. For his second wife, he married, in the year 1847, Mrs. Caroline A. Sanford, daughter of Lewis H. Redfield, of Syracuse. By his second wife he had five children, viz : Cally Redfield, Alice Meeta, Comfort Tyler, Cor nelius Tyler, and Cornelia Tyler Longstreet, now Mrs. Poor, of Skaneateles, the only surviving child of the second family. The only surviving offspring by the name of Longstreet, are the three sons, C. Tyler, Jarvis Dennis, and Guy Longstreet, of Los Angelos, Cal- fornia, sons ofthe late Charles A. Longstreet, who was the eldest son of the subject of this sketch, and for many years a prominent merchant of New York city. SYRACUSE MANUFACTURES. The advantages of Syracuse as a manufacturing city are greater than those of most inland towns, being situated on so many lines of transportation and in easy access to the coal mines of Pennsyl vania. The time has been when the immense salt interest overshadowed all other branches of manu facture, and it was hardly thought that Syracuse furnished facilities for making anything else than salt. True, this great interest will doubtless always continue to take the lead ; the salt deposited by nature in vast and inexhaustible quantities under the very foundations of the city, was that which in vited the original settlers to this spot, and has built up the city and its adjacent villages. The develop ment of the resources of this immense gift of nature has supported a large percentage of the population, and is to-day the chief interest of this locality ; but the time is coming when Syracuse will be a City of Iron as well as a " City of Salt," when other manufactures will share equally with the great salt interest the time, attention and capital of her enterprising citizens, and when foreign capital will be directed here for profitable invest ment. Already the manufactures of Syracuse are more numerous and diversified than is commonly supposed, and every year is adding to their number and variety. It is our purpose in this article to re port some of the leading manufacturing interests of this city — interests which are part of the history of the city itself, and without which its local record would be very incomplete. We shall begin with the useful rather than the ornamental, and take first the staff of life represented by the Empire State Flouring Mills of Jacob Amos 6k Sons. — These mills are situated on West Water street, and are supplied with the best modern im provements, with reference to the production of the finest grades of flour. Jacob Amos & Sons are the only manufacturers of merchant flour in the city, and have a high reputation wherever their brands are known. The senior member of the firm, Mr. Jacob Amos, is an old resident of Syra cuse, having came here in 1839. Without tracing his business operations of one kind and another subsequent to that date, it is sufficient to state that in 1852 he became a miller. In 1861 he bought the property on West Water street recently occupied by the firm, adapted it to milling purposes, put in six run of stone, and until lately the business has been carried on in this building. A seventy-horse power engine supplied steam for the machinery and the capacity of the mills was 100 barrels per day. 2l6 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. In addition to the manufacture of flour this firm carry on an extensive business in the splitting of peas, the product of which amounts to 40,000 bushels a year. Feed and farina are also manufactured in large quantities. There are but few mills for the manufacture of farina in the country, and therefore the business of the firm in this article is profitable. The old mill till recently occupied by the firm is now being removed to make room for a new and substantial block which will soon be erected. In the fall of 1877, Messrs. Amos & Sons purchased the property known as the J. W. Barker Mills on West Water street, paying therefor $50,000. These mills have a capacity for the production of 1,400 barrels per week. Besides their mills here, Messrs. Afnos & Sons have at Baldwinsville one of the largest flouring mills in the State. It has fifteen run of stone, a capacity of 250 barrels of flour daily, fifty kegs of pearl barley and thirty kegs of farina. The business there is under the charge of Mr. Jacob Amos, Jr. Sweet's Manufacturing Company, as now organized, was established in 1871, with a capital of $250,000, with William A. Sweet as President ; George W. Harwood as Treasurer, and Henry Clay Barnes as Secretary. Since that time, however, Messrs. Harwood and Barnes have resigned and their places have been filled respectively by J. M. Schermerhorn, Jr.. in 1873, as Treasurer, and Fred. B. Chapman, in 1872, as Secretary. The real be ginning of Mr. Sweet's connection with the manu facturing enterprises of Syracuse should date from 1858, when he established a business upon the property adjoining the office of Greenway's Brewery for the manufacture of cutter knives for mowers and reapers. In i860, he sold this property to Mr. Greenway and purchased that now occupied by George Barnes & Co., and formed the firm of Sweet Brothers & Co., under the style of the Ceresian Cutter Works, for the continuance of the manufac ture of mowing machine knives and sections, to which business, in 1863, he added the manufacture of steel, under the style of the Onondaga Steel Works, and occupied for that business the part of the block situated on the corner of Wyoming and Otisco streets. In 1864, he formed a stock organization with the whole of this business and property under the corporate name of Sweet, Barnes & Co., and. under his management their highest prosperity was attained, as through him the entire manipulation of the metal from its crude state in the bar iron to the steel knives and other articles finished and ready for use, was not only thoroughly superintended, but each one of the various processes was really invented and introduced by him and successfully carried but by his instructions. In April, 1868, he bought of this company the Onondaga Steel Works and began business by him self in the manufacture of steel goods, such as springs, tire, crowbars, &c, in which business he was joined, in October, 1868, by George W. Har wood, forming the firm of W. A. Sweet & Co. which continued till the organization of Sweet's Manufacturing Company, in 1871. In 1870, the works were destroyed by fire, but from the debris arose in forty days new buildings, which, in their extent and appointments, far surpass the old; About two-thirds of an entire block are occupied with brick buildings of a substantial character, and a telegraph instrument in the office, to which lines of wires are attached, connects the works with the Geddes steel mill, (in which Mr. Sweet has an in terest,) and also with the general office of tlje West ern Union Telegraph Company in the city. This arrangement effects a saving in time which is simply incalculable. By the side of these works, on the corner of West and Marcellus streets, has been added another building, (completed in 1876,) equipped with two additional trains of rolls and other necessary machinery. Some of the most valuable tools used in these works are entirely new to the steel manufacturing business and are the inventions of Mr. Sweet, for instance, the Gas Furnace for heating the metal for rolling, is his patent, and saves for the company a very large percentage in fuel and time. The Conr verting Oven, which takes the place of the old Eng lish pottery oven, for the conversion of. iron into steel by the cementation process, is another of his inventions, and has been proved successful by many years of use. Finally, the Gas Furnace for melting the steel in the crucible, is an invention of Mr. Sweet's, not inferior in point of importance and utility to the others. These inventions may be said to have created a revolution in the steel man ufacturing business. The works now in operation, among other things, have eight trains of rolls, five steam engines of from 25 to 250 horse power each, six pairs of shears, eleven heating furnaces, three converting ovens and three steam hammers. Sanderson Brothers' Steel Company, Ged des. — In August, 1872, Sweet's Manufacturing Company purchased the old distillery property in Geddes and converted it into steel works, and since have operated it in connection with the works in this city. The mill at Geddes has five engines and two trains of rolls, six gas furnaces, two converting Jtcos Amos CHAS.L AMOS. Jacob Amos. Jr. JACOB AMOS & SONS' Empire State Mills. Syracuse . New York . HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY NEW YORK. 217 ovens, two gas furnaces for melting steel, and other necessary equipments. In 1876 this property was sold to a stock company organized under the title of Sanderson Brothers Steel Company, with a capital of $450,000, all paid in, of which the follow ing gentlemen are directors : Robert B. Campbell, Samuel William Johnson and Edward Frith, of New York ; and William A. Sweet and J. M. Schermerhorn, Jr., of this city. The company took possession of these works on the ist of September, 1876, with the following officers: Robert B. Campbell, President ; Samuel William Johnson, Secretary ; Edward Frith, Treasurer ; and William A. Sweet, General Manager. It is the intention of this company to manufacture the celebrated brand of Sanderson's best cast steel from the same brand of Swedish iron, in the same kind of crucibles and with precisely the same mixture and manipulation as at the works of Sanderson Brothers & Co., (limited,) at Sheffield, England. In pursuance of which plan, this company have purchased from them all right and title to their peculiar mixtures in the manufacture of steel for use in this country. The history of cast steel making in this country would show from first to last a series of unsuccessful at tempts to reach the English standard of uniform qualities and tempers ; it will be seen, however, that this company have every facility for making them precisely identical. This is the first time that English cast steel has ever been manufactured in this country under exactly the same methods as those of any existing English steel company, and it is quite remarkable that in the Centennial year of the Sanderson business and in our Centennial year as a country, the beginning of this enterprise should have been inaugurated. Old England is stretching out her hands towards our broad domain as her field for further business expansion, and it is fitting that the citizens of Syracuse should congratulate them selves that here are found a satisfactory manager and works for the first American fine steel enter prise. It is indeed something that Syracuse should make a note of as an era in her history, that upon her borders has been inaugurated the first attempt at the reproduction of English cast steel in America. Who knows but the success of this undertaking will be the means of drawing other English companies to this locality, and not merely the manufacture of the finest steel in the world, but various other English and foreign manufactories will be centered here ? The fact that one such establishment already exists here will bring Syracuse into notice in Eng land, and companies wishing to locate for manufac- 28* turing purposes in America will be much more likely to select this place than any other. The Sanderson Brothers Steel Company had it in contemplation at the outset to carry on the busi ness on a scale that should place this enterprise in the front rank of the steel manufacturing interests of this country. Accordingly, large improvements on the existing Geddes works were undertaken and completed in the fall of 1876. New rod and plate trains have been put in place, and other enlargements will be made as the exigencies of the business may require. George Barnes & Co. — The manufacture of knives for mowers and reapers has become one of the leading interests of this city. Without stop- ing to notice the wonderful progress made in the manner of harvesting both grass and grain as sug gested by the mower and reaper in contrast with the ancient scythe and sickle, it will suffice for our present purpose to record the progress made in an establishment whose chief business is the manufacture of the most important and particular parts of these machines, viz : the knives by which the grass and grain are cut. It is easy to see that an efficient mower or reaper depends very much upon the character of the knife that is to do the cutting — the stalk of the grass or grain being cov ered with a silicious coating which very soon de stroys the edge of an inferior knife. To perfect a knife, therefore, that will hold an edge, has re quired a great deal of study, practice and experi ence, and like everything requiring special skill and machinery, it has become a separate branch of in dustry, a part of the manufacture of the mower and reaper entirely by itself. The beginning of the movement for the manufacture of mower and reaper knives in this city dates back to 1858, when Sweet Brothers & Co. began the enterprise on a small scale. At that time there was only one other establishment of the kind in the United States — the works located at Fitchburg, Mass. This is still true, we believe, as the Fitchburg es tablishment has been discontinued, and only an other similar factory exists at Akron, Ohio. In 1859, William B. Cogswell became associated with Sweet Brothers & Co., and in i860, Mr. George Barnes purchased his interest. Thus Mr. Barnes became interested in the manufactory of which he is now the head. His name did not appear, how ever, in the firm style till 1864, when a joint stock company was formed under the title of Sweet, Barnes & Co. Meantime the company had en gaged in steel manufacture also, and in 1868, it sold the steel works to Mr. Sweet, who has since been 218 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. identified with that interest. In 1873, by virtue of an order from the Supreme Court, the name of the company was changed from Sweet, Barnes & Co. to that of George Barnes & Co., and such it has since remained. The employed capital of the company is $416,- 000. The shops of the works have been added to from time to time, and now present an unbroken frontage of 253 feet on Marcellus street, and 175 on Wyoming, the buildings being of brick, two stories in height. To illustrate the extent of this business, a few facts and figures are here supplied. Let us premise that a " section " is a single V-shaped knife attached by two rivets to a cutter-bar, and that a complete bar contains sixteen of these sections. In 1869, the company made 1,017,361 sections; in 1870, 1,412,254 sections ; in 1871, 1,517,043 sections ; in 1872, 1,853,263 sections ; in 1873, 2,428,357 sec tions ; in 1874, 2,910,199 sections. This last figure of 2,910,199 sections is equivalent to 181,888 com plete cutter-bars of sixteen each, manufactured in a single year. In the manufacture of these about 200 tons of American sheet steel are used. In 1875, the works used up 700 tons of grindstones 2,200 tons of coal, 2,000 bushels of charcoal, 3,000 bushels of coke, 75,000 feet of pine lumber for packing boxes, and paid $115,30966 as wages to workmen, exclusive of salaries to officers, &c. The product of the works amounted in value in round numbers to $481,000, in comparison with $158,000 in 1868. The grindstones, which are rapidly worn down, are purchased in lots of three car loads per week. They come into the grinding room great bulky masses, six feet in diameter and twelve inches thick, and are carried out as dust. We have not space to describe the whole process of manufacture— perhaps the most interesting is the process of tempering the knives or sections. On coming from the cutting machine, they are placed in a reverberating furnace and slightly heated, are then straightened and partly annealed, and thence go to the molten lead baths, of which there are a number. From these baths they are plunged into a brine, and from the brine go to the tempering furnace, (a " double ender,") from which all air is excluded. Here the temper is " drawn out," and, whereas under the old process the loss was fully ten per cent, under this, (the new and improved,) it is scarcely one per cent. In fact, scarcely a defect ive section is ever made. In this tempering de partment is " the secret of the whole business," and it may well challenge a moment's attention. The knives of George Barnes & Co. find a market wherever mowers and reapers are made and used, throughout the old world and the new. The President of the company is Joel Thayer, of Skaneateles, a gentleman well and favorably known as a citizen and business man, having been long identified with some of the leading interests of this section. Mr. Barnes, the Treasurer and General Manager, formerly held responsible positions in railroad affairs ; was Superintendent of the division of the New York Central between Syracuse and Utica until the consolidation, and afterwards Super intendent of the Marietta & Cincinnati railway. Of late years he has devoted himself wholly to the business of the company which he has so success fully managed. In September, 1877, the consolidation of these works in Syracuse with those of Akron, Ohio, was effected, and a new company formed, called the Whitman & Barnes Manufacturing Company, with a capital of $400,000. The new company will be managed in Syracuse by Mr. George Barnes, pre cisely as the old shop has been. The Syracuse Chilled Plow Company. — This company has been formed in Syracuse for the purpose of manufacturing Chilled Plows. It has a capital of $100,000. James M. Ellis, President; T. F. Andrews, Vice-President ; L. W. Hall, Secre tary and Treasurer ; and H. Wiard, Superintendent. The company occupies the Williams Mower and Reaper Works in this city — premises which could not have been better adapted to plow making pur poses if the company had erected them ; and on the 2d of August, 1876, the first plow was manufac tured. Since then the company have used every effort to facilitate their business ; from day to day the number of plows turned out has increased ; every improvement in modes of finishing has been adopted ; and the result is the production of an im plement which promises to effect an important change in the manufacture and material of the plow. There are three other concerns in the country engaged in the manufacture of chilled plows, some of them really excellent, but others base imitations. In the Syracuse chilled plow the de fects of others have been avoided ; the iron is chilled by a process differing greatly from that of others ; the shape of the plow is more symmetrical, the finish more perfect. In the construction of this plow the same iron is used by the company as that used by the United States in the manufacture of its guns. By certain processes this iron is chilled and made effective for the purpose designed. A comparison has been made between this process Photo. Iiy Ssirony, N. Y. City. The subject of this sketch was born iu Warwickshire, England, Jan. 6, 1821. He was the eldest child uf Thomas Greenway and Anna Padbury, both natives of England. His paternal grandfather's name was John. His father, with his family of wife and five children, John, Elizabeth, George, David, and William, sailed from Liverpool about the middle of June, 1837, and landed in New York in August, after a very stormy pas sage. The mother died soon after coming to this couDtry, in Jersey City. The family felt a great loss in the death of the wife and mother, but the same year, by steamboat up the Hudson river and by canal the balance of the way, came to Syracuse. His father died at the age of seventy-three years. Upon reaching Syracuse, John worked on a farm for Walker Knapp one month for five dollars. He afterwards went into the grocery store of Ephraim Hull, where he spent most of his time for the next three years as a clerk, but by odd spells worked at other business ; heJped to cut a track through the swamp for the survey of the Syracuse and Utica railroad j assisted in cutting the piles for the road, receiving therefor one^cent each ; was on call for any general work, and during this time received a very limited opportunity for an education, being a part of two winters in a district school. He spent his boyhood before leaving England in agricultural pur suits; this, together with his three years' experience among strangers, had well fitted him to meet the obstacles common not only to foreigners, but as well to the native poor, both of which he had to surmount. In 1841 he, with his brother George as partner, opened a grocery store at Lodi Locks, for the purpose of supplying the canal trade. In this they cleared during the spring and summer one hundred dollars apiece, and he remembers of feeling very rich in this world's goods at such a success. Another summer was spent in trade, with greater profits, and sufficient to induce them to sell out their store and invest in a horse and wagon, and start on the road as peddlers. This business lasted only a short time, and he and his brother determined to go south; but upon reaching Lancaster, Ohio, the roads being nearly impassable, an English penny, tossed up, determined whether they should go ahead or return. The return was fixed upon, and John and his brother, after many interesting adventures, came back to Palmyra, N. Y., and the next year opened a grocery store in that place, which was continued only one season, and in this store they were also successful. John, in the fall, thinking to speculate, started to New York with a cargo of live poultry by canal. On his way the canal froze over, and with no possibility of getting his freight carried by railroad, he was left in a sad dilemma; but after a short time got his poultry to market, with the price of the same out of pocket. Thence he went to New Orleans, where he worked for a Portuguese merchant, in a provision store, until the next June, and returned to Syracuse. From this time (1845) Mr. Greenway's career was more fixed to one branch of business. He became the agent for the sale of ale manufactured by a firm at Palmyra, and continued with that firm and others for several years, when, in 1853, he formed a co-partner ship with his brother George, and bought the entire Brewster interest in Syracuse. The new firm pushed their business with great vigor. Both partners were men of unusual enterprise and activity, and they managed the manufacture and business in such a way that gave them at once repu tation and profit. The ales and porter made by them became known in all parts of the country, and they made it a rule that every article should be kept at a standard quality. About the year 1867, Mr. John Greenway came into possession of the entire business, occasioned by his brother's death. He at once entered upon his increased responsibilities with still grander schemes of enlargement and improvement, which he has fully carried out within the last few years. He has completed one of the largest brewery and malt-houses to be found in the United States. An idea of thisjimmense structure may be gained when we state that it is six stories high, with a French roof, and extends nearly one- eighth of a mile in length. It includes a malt-house, large elevator, brewery, storage, and shipping departments, and elegant office. The capacity of the malting department is sufficient for converting into malt about three hundred thousand bushels of barley during the malting season, and not less than five thousand barrels of ale and porter arc continually in the vaults. Mr. Greenway is perfectly unselfish in his efforts to establish a large and profitable business. At all times he has exhibited a determination to make those laboring with him participate in its increase and profits. Whenever he could better the circumstances of any man by increased pay, he has been mindful to do it; and has succeeded in many ways in giving his workmen advantages not enjoyed in other establishments. While Mr. Greenway has been prosperous in business, he has not been unmindful of the needy, and of any and all interests of his city and county requiring a helping hand. His liberal spirit and actions were most notably shown on New Year's Day, 1870, by a great barbecue which he gave to the poor of Syracuse and the country around. It is said that forty thousand persons were present, and that ten thousand were fed. As a fitting crown to the feast, two thousand four hundred pounds of plum pudding were distributed for dessert. The pudding was brought on the ground in sleighs decorated with ever greens and flags, and having on the sides, in large letters, the words " Happy New Year." At the close of the barbecue a large, uncooked ox was cut up, and, with supplies of bread, was distributed to the poor widows and orphans of the city. In the winter of 1877, Mr. Greenway opened a soup house for the benefit of the poor of the city, and in this way he shared with the needy the munificence of his hospitality. Mr. Greenway is a man of plain appearance, — an honest, humble-minded person, of practical views in regard to all things. His face bespeaks his energy of character and goodness of heart. He has the same frank and genial manners and address with all persons, and consequently enjoys the widest popularity. Hospitable and sociable in his home circle, he goes abroad with a cheerfulness and goodness that are inseparable from his nature. In the year 1848, Feb. 18, he married Miss Nancy Ann, daughter of Ephraim Hull, of Syracuse, by whom he has had four sons and two daughters, now living, Gertrude, George, John, William, Thomas, and Annie Laurie. HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 219 and that ofthe Oliver Plow Factory at South Bend, Indiana, the largest chilled plow establishment in the world, showing that while the chilling process of the Oliver works requires twenty-five hours, the method adopted by the Syracuse Chilled Plow Company completes it in a very few minutes. The iron thus chilled is crystalized for about two-thirds of its thickness, leaving an iron basis as a matter of strength and durability. The appearance of the crystalized surface is as if the metal was made up of an infinite number of needles, and the superiority of the chilled iron over steel is in the fact that the wear upon the metal is across the point-like crystalizations instead of lengthwise ofthe metal. It has been observed that this chilling process changes the polarity of the metal, or in other words, the course of the magnetic current ; for applying the magnet to the chilled side the needles will point to the south, and vice versa when applied to the other side. This is a curious problem for the scientist to solve. Greenway's Brewery is one of the sights of Syracuse. It occupies a peculiarly commanding and central position in the heart of the city and fronting the passenger tracks of the New York Central Railway. An immense parallelogram, it stretches away a distance of nearly one-eighth of a mile. Nor is it simply a pile of brick and mortar without shape or comeliness : on the contrary, in an architectural point of view, it deserves to rank with the finest in the city. Its proportions are sim ply superb, and the mansard roof and tower that crown the edifice give it a light, graceful appear ance. In its general aspect, architecturally con sidered, it is unlike any other building devoted to like purposes in the country, and its immense cost — $500,000 — shows how complete it must be in all its appointments. It is fitted out with all the com plete paraphernalia of a modern brewery, including malt house, elevators, ice houses and cellars of the most approved construction. The malt house consists of twelve floors, each 106 by 65 feet, in which is annually made 200,000 bushels of malt, and the coal consumed for malting purposes amounts to 800 tons yearly. The gran- eries consist of three floors, with storage capacity for 200,000 bushels of grain. The hop room is 65 by 45 feet, and the yearly consumption of hops is about 200,000 pounds. The boiling tub will hold over 400 bushels at one time. The boiling is done by steam, requiring 1,200 tons of coal each year, making the total amount of coal consumed per annum over 2,000 tons. The coal bunkers have a storage capacity of 500 tons. These few figures give some idea of the magni tude of the business, to which must be added the fact that Mr. Greenway owns 50.COO ale casks and 25,000 lager beer casks ; his cellars, which are im mense in extent, have a storage capacity for 30,000 casks of ale and lager. Such statements seem like extravagance, or the baseless fabric of a dream, but they are solid, indisputable facts. Perfect sys tem and order mark all the operations of this mam moth establishment and the men employed are all experienced in their several branches of work. The Ale and Lager Beer Breweries are connected by a tunnel which runs under the Erie Canal. The casks are made in Mr. Greenway's own shops,. which are connected with the brewing establish ment, as are also carpenter's, tinner's, copper smith's, blacksmith's and harness-maker's shops. Mr. Greenway employs and has constantly in use from 70 to 80 horses. Mr. Greenway is ably assisted in the conduct of his immense establishment by his financial manager, Samuel W. Sherlock, who has filled many positions of responsibility and trust in the city for the past twenty-five years ; also George H. Greenway, his elder son, and John Greenway, Jr., who holds the position of cashier, and also William N. Greenway, assistant brewer. His younger son Thomas has charge of his model farm. Onondaga Pottery Company — The works of this company are located in Geddes, where an ex periment of manufacturing fine Ironstone China had been carried on about two or three years before the present joint stock company was organized in July, 1871. Hitherto the American market for this class of goods had been supplied wholly from England, and it was not supposed that such goods could be manufactured in this country. But the country abounded in the best kind of material, and a knowl edge of the art, enterprise, and skilled labor were only required to produce a variety of goods that should fairly compete with, and even rival, the famous Staffordshire wares of England. Such knowledge, enterprise, and skilled labor have been organized by the Onondaga Pottery Company, and are now in successful operation, producing every variety of both plain and decorated table and toilet ware. Certain specimens of the pottery made at these works were sent to Staffordshire for examination in 1875. The Times of that city reported upon them as follows : " This week we have been called to view a few pottery specimens from America, and are able impartially to say that they are as fine a sample of granite ware as most that is produced in 220 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. Staffordshire. The body evinced greater potting skill, and the tint or stain much care and knowl edge of the art. If anything, the American pro duction is a shade lighter than the ware of the same character in this country, but this is a matter •of taste, and has no reference to art only in quality. Our first impression on viewing the samples was that they were Staffordshire ware, and we were certainly much surprised when informed to the con trary." The company at Geddes are running four kilns, including one decorating and one calcining kiln. The quantity of coal consumed is about 1,200 tons a year ; flint and feldspar, 250 tons ; kaolin, 250 tons ; Ball and Sagger clay, from 400 to 500 tons ; besides large quantities of other materials. About 75 hands are employed, and the sales amount to $70,000 per annum. The kaolin used is found mostly in Pennsylvania, Indiana, Missouri and South Carolina. The flint, feldspar, &c, are found in Maine, Connecticut and New York, large quanti ties of the former being brought from Whitehall, Washington county. This is an enterprise of great importance, for it gives a value to otherwise worth less ledges of rocks and strata of clay, developing and utilizing the resources of the earth, enlarging home industry, and supplying the American market with American manufactured goods. There can be no doubt but the time will soon come when the people of this country will be entirely independent of England for their fine granite table and toilet wares. The following are the Directors and officers of the company : N. S. Gere, C. E. Hubbell, M. P. Pharis, C. D. Avery, D. A. Moore, Stephen Hunt, R. N. Gere, G. W. Draper, G. A. Cool, Directors. N. S. Gere, President ; Charles E. Hubbell, Vice- President ; George W. Oliver, General Manager. Mr. Oliver has active charge of the works, and their successful operation is largely due to his excellent management. Porter Manufacturing Company, Limited, is the style of a firm doing a large business in cast ings and machinery. Their foundry and machine shops are situated on Salina street in the First Ward of the city. Originally a foundry was started here by Messrs. Burr Burton and T. R. Porter in 18—, who made castings chiefly for the salt works. The style of the firm was at first Burton & Porter • then it became Porter & Luther, Mr. John M. Lu ther acquiring an interest in the business ; subse quently, by the association of T. R. and George A. Porter, it became Porter & Co., which it remained till January 1, 1877, when the present stock com pany was formed. The officers of the Company are : R. B. White, President ; R. Townsend, Vice- President ; G. A. Porter, Treasurer, and D. H. Gowing, Secretary. The Company are largely en gaged in the manufacture of steam engines, boilers, cotton presses, steam pumps, salt kettles, grates, all kinds of castings for salt blocks, and everything in the line of castings and mill machinery, together with the " Economizer Portable Engine," which is one of their specialties in trade. The shops and store-rooms of these works cover about half a block and seventy men are employed in the business. The Onondaga Iron Company. — The immense works and blast furnaces of this company are located in the town of Geddes, and are conveniently situated for handling their coal, iron and ore via the Erie Canal and the New York Central and Oswego railroads. The corner stone of their works was laid in 1869, at which date the company was in corporated with a capital of $150,000, which has since been increased to $300,000. The officers of this company are : J. J. Belden, President ; R. N. Gere, Vice-President; and W. H. H. Gere, Secre tary and Treasurer. The company own sixty acres of land, and their works cover about ten acres. The Syracuse Iron Works. — Another mam moth establishment located also in Geddes, just outside of the city limits, is the Syracuse Iron Works, covering several acres of ground and pre senting an imposing appearance to travelers pass ing in and out of the city. This company began on a small scale in 1 861, at which date it was in corporated with a capital of $30,000, and since then has gone on rapidly increasing till its present nominal capital is $200,000. They manufacture from pig and a small amount of scrap iron from eight to ten thousand tons of metal annually of over two hundred different sizes, and of one quality, (the best) comprising merchant bar iron, horseshoe and rivet iron, brazier and wire rods, band and hoop iron, also fish-joint and bridge bolts, railroad spikes, toe-calks, tire and cutter-shoe steel, &c. The company control a very large local trade, with a general market extending from Boston to Chicago, competing strongly and profitably with the Pitts burg manufacturers. This establishment gives employment night and day to about two hundred hands. The officers of the company are: R. N. Gere, President, and C. E. Hubbell, Secretary and Treas urer. Mr. Gere resides in the village of Geddes, with the interest of which he has always been identified. He is a large owner of real estate both in Geddes and Syracuse, a manufacturer of fine and HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 221 coarse salt, President of the Merchants' National Bank of Syracuse, and an enterprising and influ ential citizen. The interests of Syracuse and Ged des, however, are identical, and in the course of events will undoubtedly be included in one corpora tion. Duguid, Wells & Co. — -The Saddlery and Coach Hardware interest of Syracuse is among its leading branches of trade, and is represented by the firm of Duguid, Wells & Co., Nos. 31 and 33 West Water street. The house is an old established one, dating its origin back to 1845. In the years which have since elapsed, the business has been almost com pletely revolutionized and has attained to an im portance which may well challenge public atten tion. Duguid, Wells & Co., are successors of the old firms of Pope & Dawson, and of E. S. Dawson & Co., the present firm style having been adopted in 1868. The copartners in the present firm are H. L. Duguid, J. Emmet Wells, Gilbert W. Lyon and Frank Simmons. Their premises on West Water street present an appearance not easy to describe, on account of the extent and variety of the stock, which finds a market, about half in the State of New York, and the balance in nineteen other States and in Canada. Every year shows an increase, which is a substantial testimony to the worth of the house. In horse-blankets and lap-robes the stock of this house is simply immense, their sales in this specialty amounting in one year to over sixty thousand dol lars. The firm are extensive manufacturers as, well as dealers. On East Water street they have a com pletely equipped factory, Nos. 134, 136 and 138 — a large brick structure devoted exclusively to the manufacture of saddlery hardware of all kinds, and which gives employment to from fifty to seventy- five hands. Gig saddles and coach pads are a spe cial branch of their business ; also carriage hard ware and trimmings, including axles, springs, hubs, spokes,- and all kinds of bent wood work, as well as cloths, plushes, and enameled and patent leathers. Mr. Duguid has been connected with the busi ness since 1858, and is one of the best known busi ness men of the city. The members of the firm all give their personal attention to the business, and the enterprise which has been manifested by the house is creditable alike to themselves and to the city. Frazer, Burns & Jones.— The late firm of Frazer & Burns, founded in 1853, consisted of the late Kasson Frazer, a native of this county, and Peter Burns, who became a resident of the then village of Syracuse in 1836. These gentlemen were trained from youth to the saddlery business, which they fol lowed as mechanics until about 1845, when they be came identified with C. Pope & Co. in the saddlery hardware business here, Mr. Frazer in the depart ment of manufacture, and Mr. Burns as general clerk. At this time the manufacture and introduction of American saddlery hardware in this country was comparatively new. After eight years of practical experience in their respective departments, these gentlemen became identified in business, which in terest has continued during the past twenty-five years. From comparatively small beginnings, this business, during the past eighteen years, has em ployed an average of one hundred and eighty per sons annually. Its sales — which are exclusively wholesale — mostly made in distant parts of the country, were confined to articles of their own manufacture. This successful business has now passed into the hands of a new combination, under the style of Frazer, Burns & Jones, with additional facilities and an increasing trade. Jacob Brown & Co. — Another branch of tbe saddlery and coach hardware business of this city, was established in 1870, the partners being Jacob Brown and the late Kasson Frazer. Since the death of Mr. Frazer, his estate has remained the Company of the firm, so that the style continues unchanged, while the active management devolves upon Mr. Brown, who has been a resident of the city of Syracuse since boyhood. A. C. Chase, Pianos and Musical Instru ments. — In addition to manufacturing pianos, or gans and melodeons, Mr. Chase deals in instru ments made by other parties. Having learned the trade of piano making in Boston, he came to Syra cuse in 1855 and soon after commenced business as a musical instrument dealer. Beginning in a small way, his headquarters were located first on the corner of Salina and Fayette streets, whence he re moved to the Washington Block and commenced the manufacture of pianos, organs and melodeons. Subsequently, to meet the demands of business, he built the block on Clinton street, which was occu pied till 1876, when his new factory and salesrooms fronting on Clinton street, between Jefferson and Onondaga, and with entrance both from Clinton and Salina streets, was erected. This new building is a four-story brick structure 50 by 70 feet, and of sufficient dimensions to bring his entire business under one roof, affording to the different depart ments of the trade such space as is necessary. Mr. 222 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. Chase, by his energy and perseverance, has made bis business a success, although he has had every thing in the way of musical instruments to com pete with, showing that manufactures of any de scription can as well be established and sustained in Syracuse as in any other city in the United States. In 1875 Mr. Chase was appointed Post master of this city, which position he now fills. Gray Brothers. — This firm, which has justly acquired a wide reputation in the manufacture of Ladies' and Misses' Fine Shoes, was organized at Little Falls, N. Y., where the brothers, Harrison H. and John D. Gray, had served a long apprentice ship to the business in their father's manufactory and had established and carried on one of their own for some time. Being ambitious to excel in this branch of manufacture and to secure greater advantages for the future than their limited sur roundings afforded, they transferred their business to Syracuse in 1866, and established their head quarters in the Kimber Block. They had in view from the first the building up of an enterprise that should be national in its character, and, in order to secure this, had to work slowly, for trade was the first requisite to the accomplishment of their object. Remaining in the Kimber Block for two years, re moval was then made to the Everson Block, which answered only a temporary purpose ; for their grow ing business required more ample accommodations, where the improvements suggested by experience and observation could be more fully applied. This led to the erection of their present factory on the corner of Franklin and Walton streets in the fall of 1872. It is a substantial four-story brick block, forty by one hundred feet, and admirably adapted to the necessities of the business, having been built expressly to meet its requirements. The building is heated by steam throughout and is furnished with all the best modern appliances for comfort, conveni ence and facility for carrying on the extensive busi ness for which it is designed. Everything through out the building, from basement to fourth floor, is thoroughly systematized, and the whole moves on like a single piece of machinery. In the basement is stored the sole leather and other coarser goods, and here the soles are also cut by machinery. On the first floor are the offices and shipping rooms, and here are stored quantities of manufactured goods. The second floor is devoted to bottoming ladies', misses' and children's shoes. The third floor is used for the cutting and preparing of uppers for the fourth floor where the work is put together and fitted. On the fourth floor are fifty improved sewing machines and six to eight latest improved button-hole machines constantly in use. These various floors are connected with the office by speaking tubes and by a steam elevator ; the machinery also throughout the building being pro pelled by steam. The Gray Brothers have heretofore devoted a share of their efforts to the manufacture of men's boots and shoes, but their plan for the future con templates the discontinuance of this branch. They are putting in a new and improved line of machinery, embracing the McKay Heeling Ma chines, the Tripp Beating-Out Machines, and the Union Edge-Setting Machines, which, with other improved machinery, will give a capacity of from 600 to 800 pairs of Ladies' and Misses' Fine Ma chine Sewed Shoes per day, and will employ a force of from 250 to 350 hands. The cost of building and machinery was about $50,000. Alfred Underhill & Co. — In January, 1873, Mr. Underhill began to manufacture Infant's Soft Sole Shoes on a small scale in a room 20 by 40 on Fayette street, and turned out 25 pairs a day. The firm now occupy two floors in the Baum Block, with a capacity for making 500 pairs of shoes and slippers daily and have added a line of children's hard soled shoes and of ladies' black dress slippers and button walking shoes. The gross amount of their manufacture for the first year was $6,coo ; the ag gregate for the past year foots up $30,000. The trade has steadily increased till sales are now made in nearly every part of the United States and Canada. One of the peculiarities of this establishment is that the work is nearly all done by women and girls, there being from 30 to 45 employed in the business, and only two men in the establishment. The book-keeper, and one of the partners, Miss Sarah Nutting, has full charge of the books, con taining the names of over 1,200 customers, and at tends to all the correspondence. She has been con nected with the business from the beginning. The Cutting Department is overseen entirely by Willie Underhill, who is also a member of the firm. H. O. Pratt, Wholesale Manufacturer of Men's and Boys' Boots and Shoes. Mr. Pratt is a native of Massachusetts, having come to this city in 1868. He established a manufactory of boots and shoes at No. 93 South Salina street, which he carried on for about three years, when he moved to the new block, Nos. 5 and 7 East Jefferson street, and re mained there four years. While located at the last named place, Mr. James R. Barrett became a part ner, the firm being known as H. O. Pratt & Barrett. Photo, by Bonta & Curtiss, Syracuse. The subject of this sketch was born in Sauquoit, Oneida Co., N. Y., September 19, 1814. He was the fifth child of a family of eight children of Dr. Spaulding Pierce and Abigail Bacon, the former a native of Plainfield, Windham Co., Conn., the latter a native of Dedham, Mass. His father, although a practicing physician, carried on a farm, on which the subject of this memoir worked summers, attending school winters, until he was twelve years of age, at which time his father died. Sylvester went to Utica, his native town, for another year. Prom there he went to Rome and acted as clerk for Jay Hathaway, where he remained for two years. He afterwards spent some three years as clerk in Utica, with Theodore S. Gould, and took charge of the sale of a stock of goods in Oswego for Mr. Curtis, where he remained over a year. This experience in business with different and successful business men gave him a desire to go into trade for himself, and cultivated also his natural business capacity. In the year 1839 he came to the city of Syracuse, then a village, and opened a crockery-store in partnership with Ransom Curtis, and in the beginning made importations direct from England. Their trade rapidly increased as the village and surrounding country increased in its demands. After some four years, Mr. Curtis went out of the concern, since which time, with the excep tion of a few years, Mr. Pierce has been in business alone. From the first, on coming to Syracuse, he has carried on the wholesaling of his goods, which reached out until now they find their way into nearly all the counties of the State, and his im portations are from Germany, Holland, France, and England direct. His economical management of his small means, accu mulated while a clerk, has increased, until he ranks not only among the successful business men of his city, but among the strong financial men of his county. His close attention to business, and integrity of purpose in dealing, has won for him the high esteem of his fellow-men, and is only another example of the result of well-directed effort and ambition, with a will to succeed. In politics he was first identified with the Whig party, but upon the formation of the Republican party became an ardent supporter of its principles. Has never sought political offices, nor shrank from bearing public burdens when placed upon him. Was supervisor of his ward (sixth) for two terms. In the year 1841 he married Miss Cornelia M., daughter of Elisha Marsh and Lovina Wiard, of Onondaga Hill. Her grandfather came with his family from Coleraine, Mass., about the year 1800, and became one of the pioneer settlers of this county. To Mr. and Mrs. Pierce have been born four children, — Marsh C, Charles H., William K., and Emma C. Mr. Pierce is a liberal supporter of church interests ; has been for many years vestryman of St. Paul's church of the city, and, with his wife, are warmly attached as members of the same to not only its interests, but are ready supporters of all enter prises looking to the building up of good society. 3HH&: '- > • Photo, by Bonta & Curtiss, Syracuse. The subject of this sketch was born in Newton, Mass., Nov. 7, 1793. He was the eldest child, in a family of five children, of Ben jamin Cook, born Feb. 26, 1767, in Cambridge, Mass., and Ann McNeal Hoogs, of Newton, Mass. His grandfather, Benjamin Cook, was born in 1742, in Cambridge, and his grandmother, Lydia Hammond, was born in Newton, Mass., in 1746. When William was thirteen years old he came to Chesterfield, Cheshire Co., N. H., with his parents, and in 1815 moved with (hem to Onondaga County, and settled at Onondaga Hill. On Oct. 9, 1816, he married Miss Harriet Byron, daughter of Gen. John Ellis and Submit Olds, early settlers of this county, and among the most prominent families of the county. The next year after his marriage he entered into the mercantile business in Camillus, from which place he soon removed to Onon daga Hill. There he was appointed under-sheriff by the late Dr. Hezekiah Granger, of Manlius, which office he held, under various sheriffs, for fifteen years. In the year 1817 he was appointed brigade inspector, under Gen. John Ellis, in the State militia, and continued in that office for some nineteen years ; and it is said of him that, as an officer, " his fine proportions of body, his gentlemanly bearing among the sol diers on military days, when in his full dress uniform, mounted on his gallant steed, inspired every one with confidence, pride, and delight." In May, 1836, he came to Syracuse, where he has filled several offices of trust, and in 1846 was appointed police justice, the duties of which office he faithfully discharged until nearly the time of his death, Nov. 28, 1848. Major Cook was deputy-superintendent of the Salt Springs of Syracuse for many years. A special characteristic of him was his temperance proclivities, being an ardent promoter of that in terest wherever he was, and closely identified with the Sons of Temperance society of Syracuse. Major Cook was for more than twenty years a member of the vestry of the Episcopal society, first on the Hill, and subsequently in Syracuse. For eight years he was a vestryman of Zion church, Onondaga, and for about twelve years a senior warden of St. Paul's church, of Syracuse. In the latter office he was associated with the late Jonas Earll, Jr., Henry Easton, and Amos P. Granger. At the time of his decease, the common council of the city pre sented his widow with a deed for a lot in Rose Hill cemetery, to bury her husband's remains, rather than he should be taken to the family (Ellis) burying-ground at Onondaga Hill, and in accord ance with the wishes of the people his remains were interred at Kose Hill. To Major and Mrs. Cook were born four children, — Charles Augustus (deceased), Harriet Maranda (died in infancy), Wil liam Edgar (died at the age of seventeen years), and Laura K., wife of the late E. J. Foster, of Syracuse, but formerly of Beverly, Mass. They have one daughter, Kate Lovett Foster. Mr. Edward J. Foster was born in Beverly, Mass., in 1817. When a child ho removed with his parents lo Syracuse, where they lived a few years, and then returned to their former home. When fourteen years of age he returned to Syracuse, where he lived until his death. Mr. Foster was an honest, upright man, whoso whole life, embellished as it was with manly, unostentatious deeds, and adorned with noble qualities of heart and mind, is worthy the lasting remembrance and the emulation of his fellow- men. Mrs. Cook died at the age of seventy-seven years. Her declin ing years were made happy by the kindness of her devoted daughter, Mrs. Foster, and the ministrations of countless friends. Being born in the town of Onondaga, she was the oldest living resident of that town. She came to Syracuse to live forty years previous to her death, and was best known among the older resi dents of the town. , She was a general favorito, and her intelli gence, culture, and vivacity made her a most charming companion. She was the oldest resident member of St. Paul's church at the time of her death, and a constant attendant. She was possessed of remarkable vitality, and did not cease in her charitable minis trations until disease incapacitated her from further work. Her life was one of labor more for others than for herself. HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 223 Mr. Pratt sold his interest to Mr. Barrett in the winter of 1875, and immediately established him self in his present location, No. 38 West Railroad street, where he conducts his busi ness, occupying two stories of that number. He employs, on an average, 45 hands in the manufac ture of his goods, which are sold principally in the State of New York, and also in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and Minnesota. The production of his factory is about fifty pairs of. men's first- class, hand-sewed and pegged boots and shoes per day, aggregating in value about $40,000 a year. Wilson & Blye. — This firm, composed of Newell W. Wilson and Alphonso W. Blye, commenced in the spring of 1872 the manufacture of an Oil Tank for use principally in stores and manufacturing es tablishments. At first they manufactured what is known as the Winchell Oil Can, working the same under a royalty contract from the patentee. Later they improved upon this tank and secured patents of their own under which they are now and have been for some two years making a tank which , they name " The Perfection." Early in the year 1873, this firm established an office in New York City and goods of their manufacture are now well known and sought after in every State of the Union. The business has increased from the beginning, when they made them only as sales were effected and to a limited amount, to the present production of nearly 300 a month. They have also taken hold of and introduced several new and useful specialties such as a Tobacco Safe, Flour Safe and a Fish and Bait Pail, all of which are meeting with appro bation. Recently they accepted the agency for the coun ties of Cortland and Onondaga, for the sale of the Corinthian Monuments, cast from pure zinc, which, as they become more and more known, must largely supercede marble and granite, being much more durable than either, and having the advantage over them in that they can be more highly ornamented and more beautifully finished than either, and re tain for all time their color and beauty. E. L. Walrath & Co., Manufacturers of Gold Pens, No. 3 Granger Block. In 1852, E. L. Walrath & Co., purchased the interest and good will of their predecessors in this line of business in Syracuse, Messrs. Benedict & Barney. Mr. Walrath has labored and experimented for several years to produce a gold pen characterized by the same flexibility and action as the quill, and has brought out the result of his thought and experiments in his famous quill-spring pen, which is acknowledged by those familiar with its use to be a very superior article. Pens of this peculiar construction, pointed with iridium (the heaviest and most durable metal known) may be used with pleasure and satisfaction by the penman during a lifetime. There is no such thing as wear ing the point further than a smooth surface, and the peculiar flexibility imparted by Mr. Walrath to his pens render them very desirable both for ease of writing and durability. Messrs. Walrath & Co. are the only manufacturers of pens in the county of Onondaga. John Q. Smith, Manufacturer of Galvanized Iron Cornice, and manufacturer and wholesale dealer in Tinware, Nos. 55 and 57 S. Clinton street. The business of Mr. Smith was established in its present locality in 1874 ; it amounts to $100,000 a year, the capital employed in active business being $25,000. Employment is given to 50 hands. William Malcolm, Rifle Telescope Manufac turer. Mr. Malcolm is a son of one of the early set tlers, Wm. Malcolm, who came to Syracuse in 1824, and was 20 years connected with the hardware business. William, Jr., was born in the town of Sullivan, Madison county, Oct. 13, 1823. He began the peculiar branch of scientific mechanism in which he has attained so rare an excellence — the manufacture of rifle telescopes — in 1855, and now supplies the leading gun dealers in Boston, New York, Philadelphia, San Francisco, and has sent them indirectly to China, Japan, Siberia, Spain, Egypt, and India. Only a limited quantity of these superior instruments can be made, as all the work has to be done by Mr. Malcolm individually. His teles'copes are used to some extent in the United States army, by Col. Bullis, of Texas, Lieut. W. L. Carpenter, of Red Cloud, Neb., and in Gen. Wood's Battery, Capt. P. Birchmeyer, Syracuse, N. Y. To the astonishment of many scientific men, Mr, Malcolm produces in his small telescopes of the diameter of only one-half inch, the power and field of large field telescopes. Objects such as small birds, the robin, for instance, can be seen at two miles distance ; and, incredible as it may seem, with these half-inch glasses the field is large enough to take in four full moons in a parallel line ; at 15 rods, 10 feet is embraced in the field, and at 40 rods, about 27 feet. These telescopes are used by Rocky Mountain hunters, who claim a greater degree of accuracy in sighting the rifle in dark woods than can be attained by any other known sight, as the concentration of light by means of an intermediate lens (first brought into use by Mr. Malcolm in this instrument) is so intense and bright that the diffi culty of sighting in the dark, shadowy retreats of the forests is entirely overcome. 224 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. Syracuse Marble and Granite Works. — Francis & Duffy, Nos. 17, 19 and 21 West Onon daga street. Among the many successful business houses of Syracuse, should be mentioned the pros perous firm whose name appears above. There is perhaps no manufacturing interest that shows a greater degree of development of late years, than that of which this enterprise is a representa tive. Closely allied to the highest type of art, and calling for the employment of talent in designing and executing, the marble works of our large cities to-day have become studios, instead of mere work shops. The Syracuse Marble and Granite Works have had a busy career, extending over a period of nearly fifteen years. They were originally established by .the late Geo. W. M. Lewis of Utica, in 1865, and who is favor ably remembered by many of our citizens. In January, 1867, Messrs. Francis & Duffy succeeded to the business, and in 1868 they purchased the marble works of Robert Spaulding, long and favor ably known in this community. This firm con tinued the manufactories separately for four years ; then enlarging their premises, they consolidated the two establishments in one, at Nos. 17, 19 and 21 West Onondaga street. During this time the business has been very much developed. A demand has been created for finer grades of work. The firm commenced their first importation of Scotch Granite ten years ago, and were the first to introduce it in this vicinity. Since then they have imported largely, and have brought to the notice of the people, such beautiful and enduring granites as the light and dark " shap " from Westmoreland, England, and of American, the beautifully mottled granites from Clark's Island, Maine, as well as the Westerly, Quincy, Fox Island and many others. The proprietors of the Syracuse Marble and Granite Works are young men who believe that en ergetic action and prompt attention to business can not fail of achieving abundant success. Their works, as seen in Oakwood and other principal cemeteries of Central New York, show not only the beauty of materials and workmanship, but that as designers they exhibit rare originality. H. Stanton, Novelty Match Works, East Water street — Established at Richfield Springs, Otsego county in 1852 ; removed to Syracuse in 1864, in which year the present factory was erected. The premises, building and machinery are valued at $8,000. The capacity of the works is equal to the production of 150 gross of matches daily, which find a market in six different Northern States. The number of hands employed in the whole establishment, including box-making, is about 40 ; the revenue stamps used amount to $40,000 a year. Mr. Stanton began on a small scale, produc ing at first about 10 gross per day. H. Stanton, Jr., has the management and superintendence of the works. Judson & Ryder, Excelsior Match Com pany. — Building erected December, 1874; manu facturing commenced March 25, 1875. Works have capacity for making from 140 to 160 gross of matches per day. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. JOHN CROUSE. John Crouse was born at Mindenville, Montgom ery County, New York, on the fourth day of June, 1802. His father, Jacob Crouse, was born in Mont gomery County in 1769. He was descended from German ancestry, his grandfather, George Crouse, having been born in Palatine, Saxony, in 1740. While a young man he came to America to seek his fortune and settled in Montgomery County. His son Jacob Crouse, had a family of twelve children, one of whom was John Crouse, the subject of this biography. Jacob Crouse was a farmer, and his son John in his early life was brought up to assist his father in the care and management of the farm. Hereceived his early education at the district school, whose advantages in those days were exceedingly limited. Never, however, was the saying that "ex perience is the best teacher," better illustrated than in the life of John Crouse. Every man is the archi tect of his own fortune and controls in a measure his destiny. Upon the foundation of his district school education, guided by the principles that were early instilled in his mind, he reared the superstruct ure of his successful and honorable business career. At the age of seventeen he engaged as clerk and passed the next five years of his life in that capacity, in Schoharie County and in the city of Albany. At " y^viSjr, s^jjiSarW" r o/nriw/ HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 225 the end of that period, he engaged in business for himself in Canastota, N. Y., forming a partnership first with a man named Hawley. The partner ship continued one year when Mr. Crouse entered into partnership with his brother, Daniel Crouse. For twenty-eight years, with uninterrupted pros perity, they carried on a general merchandise busi ness in Canastota. In 1853 the partnership be tween them was dissolved, and John Crouse, with a younger brother, James, came to Syracuse and es tablished a wholesale grocery house under the firm name of J. & J. Crouse. Previous to moving to Syracuse, Mr. Crouse had been for several years largely interested in banking in that city. He was one of the originators of the City Bank, and its Vice-President for several years, controlling its stock to a large extent. Disposing of his interest in that bank, he, with his brothers, James and Daniel, and others associated with them, established the "Crouse Bank," the Crouse interest controlling the stock. The Crouse brothers held their controlling interest for four or five years, when they disposed of it. Mr. Crouse was one of the first directors of the First National Bank of Syracuse, and has been its Vice-President since its organization. He is also a director of the Canastota National Bank, of Can astota, N. Y. The wholesale grocery business, established upon coming to Syracuse, was carried on successfully for a few years when his son, John J., was admitted to a partnership in the business. Upon the death of James Crouse, Jacob Crouse, his nephew, became a member of the firm. The business of their house increased very rapidly, extending over a wide territory. In 1 864, Jacob Crouse withdrew from the firm, Mr. Crouse having previously taken into partnership with him his second son, Daniel Edgar. At the time of writing this — 1878 — both of his sons are engaged in business with him, the firm name being John Crouse & Co. The history of the Crouse wholesale grocery house during the twenty-five years it has been in existence in Syracuse has been one of uninterrupted success. Its trade steadily increased from its foundation, and for many years it has been con ceded a standing as one of the leading wholesale grocery houses in the State, transacting a business not exceeded by that of any concern outside of the city of New York. Mr. Crouse is recognized as one of the best busi ness men in the city of Syracuse and, indeed, in the State. Possessed of keen discrimination and judgment and sound, practical common sense, methodical in his business relations, and governed 29* by indomitable energy and integrity of purpose, his business career has been a course of uninter rupted success. As a financier he deservedly takes a high rank. He has never been active in politics nor solicitous of political advancement. Formerly a member of the Whig party, upon the formation of the Republican party Mr. Crouse became a sup porter of its principles, and has continued a member of that party. While Mr. Crouse has been blessed with an abundance of this world's goods, he has freely opened his purse to the wants of the needy and the charities of Syracuse. He liberally con nected himself with the Syracuse University, and has been one of its trustees since its foundation. The Home, the House of the Good Shepherd, and the hospitals have also received substantial aid from him. His charities are always exercised in an unob trusive manner. He was one of the originators and has been a trustee of Oakwood Cemetery since its organization. On the 16th day of June, 1831, he was united in marriage to Miss Catherine, daughter of Ansil White, of Whitestown, N. Y. For nearly fifty years she has been his faithful and honored com panion in the voyage of life. At the time of writing this — 1878— both Mr. and Mrs. Crouse are enjoying excellent health. They have two sons, previously mentioned in this sketch, John J. and Daniel Edgar Crouse. The former has occupied many important positions of political responsibility and financial trust. He has served successively as Alderman, School Commissioner and Mayor of Syracuse. He is President of the State Bank of Syracuse, and ofthe Trust and Deposit Company of Onondaga, and Trustee of the Onondaga County Savings Bank. Daniel Edgar, the second son, is a Director of the First National Bank of Syracuse, and also a Trustee of the Trust and Deposit Company of Onondaga. The life of John Crouse, briefly sketched above, is not filled with great events in the ordinary sense of the term, and yet his successful career furnishes abundant food for the reflecting mind. It serves to point a moral and furnish an example that all should try to emulate. Beginning life a poor boy with but few advan tages, he has, by energy, perseverance and un swerving integrity of purpose, attained the topmost pinnacle of business success. His success has not been achieved by doubtful means or questionable methods, but has been worked out and won by early ¦, *J.***"JSB| 226 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. struggles, by frugality and industrious perseverance, and by the rigid and unalterable practice of honest and honorable rules of business. For fifty-one consecutive years he has been actively engaged in business, and is still the head of his business firm. "With faculties unimpaired, and a mind as bright ¦and clear as in his younger days, his hand still directs the helm that guides his house successfully forward. The city or the State of New York can furnish few examples of this nature. His experience during his extended business career of over half a century has been a varied one. Fifty years ago he commenced his journeys to the city of New York to purchase goods, traveling by the packets on the canal and by steamers on the Hudson River. He has seen the country during those years develop from a wilderness, with here and there a hamlet or village, into prosperity. Cities and villages have sprung up and the great railways have encircled the country with a network of iron. The stage coach and packet boats of his early life, with their snail-like locomotion, have given place to the palace on wheels of the lightning ex press, and still to-day, with the same energy, in dustry and enjoyment, he makes his routine trips to the metropolis to purchase goods for his house, as he did fifty-one years ago. HON. PETER BURNS. The subject of this sketch was born in the city of Dublin, Ireland, July 31, 1814. He was the only child of David and Mary [Dimpsey] Burns, both natives of Dublin. When Mr. Burns was five years of age his mother died, at about the age of 26 years. In the spring of 1820, he immigrated with his father to America, on board a merchant vessel en route Trom Dublin to New York. After a voyage of thirteen weeks the vessel was wrecked off Sandy Hook, but nearly all of the passengers were saved, being rescued by wreckers. After arriving at New York, where he remained a short time, he came with his father to the county of Delaware, to a place on the east branch of the Delaware river, where Mr. Burns was left with relatives and his father returned to New York and engaged in his previous business of brewing and distilling. His father remained in New York about five years and removed thence to tbe county of Ulster, where he remained until his death, which occurred about the year 1850. At the time of Peter's residence in Delaware county, the country in that section was new and comparatively unsettled, and afforded very limited advantages for schooling. He lived most of tbe time with a French family and learned to speak the French language quite fluently. At the age of twelve years he went to the county of Ulster where his father was, and spent the next five years in a family of Hollanders, working on a farm and having very limited opportunities for education from books ; but he was schooled in habits of industry, economy, frugality and morality, and disciplined carefully in the doctrines of the Dutch Reformed Church. It was in this model family that the turning point in his life was reached, and from those five years' experience he dates the beginning of his future career. At the age of seventeen he entered as an ap prentice to the saddle and harness maker's trade in Kingston, Ulster county, and remained there and at Woodstock until he was twenty-one years of age, when he went to New York to perfect his mechanical skill. He remained there two years " and came to the village of Syracuse in 1836. After following his business as a journeyman till the spring of 1840, when, on account of impaired health, he made a tour of the Western States, return ing to Syracuse the next autumn. Feeling the need of additional education, and unable physically to pursue his trade, he spent the following two years at Onondaga Academy, with a view of fitting himself for a teacher ; but after obtaining his diploma, he was induced to enter upon a clerkship in a saddlery hardware store in Syracuse, where he remained for five years. By his principle of living within his means and saving something besides, he had accumulated sufficient at this time to embark in trade for himself, and accordingly opened a saddlery hardware store which he conducted till the year 1853, when he sold his stock and interest and began the manufacture of saddlery hardware stock in partnership with the late Kasson Frazer. This business was continued with increasing success until the death of Mr. Frazer in the year 1876. After one year Mr. Burns retired from the business leaving his son, Willis B. Burns, in full possession of his interest. During his active business life as a manufacturer his trade, from small beginnings, extended over most of the States of the Union, and was one of the leading manufactories of the United States. In politics Mr. Burns started in the Whig party ; afterwards he was identified with the anti-slavery party, and upon the formation of the Republican party became an ardent supporter of its principles. He has been connected with various offices of trust in the city, and served his HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY NEW YORK. 227 county in the State Legislature for two terms — 1871-72. He was Supervisor for the Sixth Ward in 1859-60, and was several years Chairman of the Board of Inspectors of the Onondaga County Penitentiary. He was one of the first Police Com missioners to organize the present police system of the city, and as Chairman of that Board assisted in the organization of the present police force. He has been for several years a director of the Mer chants National Bank of Syracuse, and of the Trust and Deposit Company of Onondaga, and Vice-President of the latter. At the age of twenty he became a member of the Dutch Reformed Church, and upon coming to Syracuse he united with the First Presbyterian Church, and was Superintendent of its Sunday School. He was one of nine persons to organize^ the Dutch Reformed Church on James street, and subsequently connected himself with the organiza tion, and contributed liberally toward the erection of the present Plymouth Church, of whose Board of Trustees he has been for a number of years President. In the year 1850, May 9th, he married Miss Elizabeth, daughter of Joshua Bates and Jane Phillips, both natives of Chesterfield, Mass., but at the time of her marriage of Syracuse. They have two children, Willis B. and Flora E., wife of Lyman C. Smith, of Syracuse. SYRACUSE WHOLESALE BUSINESS. D. McCarthy, Sons & Co.'s wholesale house was established in the spring of 1862, under the firm name of McCarthy & Sedgwick, and the busi ness opened in the upper portion of the retail house, corner of South Salina and Fayette streets. The wholesale firm of McCarthy & Sedgwick continued till February 1, 1867, when Mr. Sedgwick retired and the style was changed to D. McCarthy & Son, Mr. David K. McCarthy being taken in as partner. On the first of February, 1869, Mr. Thomas McCarthy and Mr. Patrick Phelan were admitted as partners and the style of the firm be came D. McCarthy, Sons & Co. February 1, 1 87 1, Mr. Thomas Emory became a partner, and February 1, 1875, Mr. Dennis McCarthy, Jr., was admitted. All these are at present members of the firm. In 1876 the wholesale business had outgrown its accommodations in the retail building and a sepa rate house for it became necessary. The firm ac cordingly purchased the site on the corner of West Washington and Clinton streets and the present elegant block was completed and occupied in Jan uary, 1877. This block is one of the finest busi ness houses in the city. It is of brick and Onon daga limestone, wrought in fine ornamental work, yet solid and substantial, presenting an imposing and beautiful front on both streets. The height is the same as the five story building adjoining, but for convenience is divided into four stories and basement, the latter running under the entire side walk on both sides of the building. It is 70 feet on Washington street by 103 on Clinton street, with an L extension of 60 by 33 feet, heated throughout by steam, andhas an elevator running from the basement to every floor. The immense stock of goods carried by this house is conveniently arranged, as follows : First floor — Foreign and Domestic General Dry Goods, counting room, fire-proof vaults, &c. Second floor — Hosiery and Notion Department. Third floor — Hat and Cap Department. The other floors, including basement, are used for packing, shipping, &c. The sales of this firm in the Wholesale House amount to one million dollars annually, and in the Retail to about eight hundred thousand dollars a year. t Another important branch of the wholesale trade of this city is the house of Charles Chadwick & Co., situated on Clinton street, Nos. 16, 18 and 20. The general trade of this house is dry goods and notions, exclusively wholesale, and was established in 1871. Van Wagenen & Brodhead. — The establish ment of a wholesale crockery house in Syracuse is of quite recent date, and shows how one important interest after another is introduced and built up as the city assumes more of a metropolitan character. The founders of this business are both young and energetic men, but not without experience, having been connected with this line of trade for the past twenty years in this city. In April, 1875, the house was opened at No. 67 South Salina street, in new and fresh apartments, where the variety and arrange ment of the extensive stock will delight the eye of the visitor ; for here will be found almost everything 328 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. ¦of ornament or utility belonging to a first-class es tablishment of this kind. The business of the house includes both wholesale and retail, and the "firm import largely of all the goods they handle, •especially china, earthen, fancy wares and bronzes. This house is an important addition to the business •of Syracuse. Kenyon, Potter & Co. are the only exclusively wholesale druggists in the city. There are many fine retail drug stores, the capacity and elegance of which are unsurpassed, and several that connect a jobbing trade with their retail business ; but none, we believe, except Kenyon, Potter & Co., devoting themselves exclusively to the wholesale drug trade. The origin of this bouse goes back to 1845, at which date the firm was Livingston & Mitchell. In 1852, it changed to Mitchell & Kenyon, and in 1854, to Kenyon, Rogers & Co. In 1859, Kenyon & Potter succeeded to the business, and in 1864, the firm style became Kenyop, Potter & Co. Since then there have been a few changes in the partner ship, but the house has retained the same name. The partners are Gansevoort M. Kenyon, Oliver C. Potter and George H. Perry. Mr. Potter has been partner in the house since 1856, Mr. Kenyon since 1 87 1, and Mr. Perry since 1864. The stock of the house is very extensive, includ ing all the departments of the drug trade, and oc cupying the whole of the building, No. 47 South Salina street, 22 by 135 feet, four floors and base ment, and two floors and basement of the adjoining building. Several traveling salesmen are employed, and the whole working force of the establishment numbers about twenty. Few men are more favorably known in the busi ness circles of the city than the partners in this firm, and it is safe to say that the future of the house is in good hands. Since the above was written, Messrs. Kenyon, Potter & Co. have removed to their elegant new store erected in the fall and winter of 1877, Nos. 34 and 36 South Clinton street. This building is five stories and basement, 132 by 45 feet, of brick, with Onondaga Limestone trimmings, supplied with a steam elevator and all modern conveniences. Moore & Hubbard, Wholesale Druggists, 73 South Salina street. — The business of the prede cessors of this house, Messrs. Foote & Farrington, was established in the Malcolm Block in 1855, and was among tbe first wholesale establishments ofthe city. They were succeeded by Marsh & Farring ton, and they by Farrington & Utley. In 1865, Mr. J. B. Moore, head of the present firm, bought Mr. Utley's interest and entered into business with Mr. Farrington, under the firm style of Farrington & Moore, which was continued until 1868, when, Mr. Farrington retiring, it became J. B. Moore & Co., and was so continued until 1874, when Charles Hubbard became a partner, since which the firm has been Moore & Hubbard, as at present. Mr. Moore came from Albany county to_ Syracuse in the spring of 1865, having spent the preceding nine years in California. In the spring of 1868, the stores on Salina street south of the First Presby terian Church, having become active property, Mr. Moore purchased the store now occupied by the firm, and removed the business from the Malcolm Block. The sales of this firm ran up largely during the war. At present they aggregate from $350,000 to $400,000 a year. Mr. Hubbard, the junior member of the firm, is a native of the city of Troy, and has been fifteen years in the drug business in Syracuse. The wholesale grocery business of this city amounts to quite an item, there being two houses at least, whose sales reach two millions each per an num, and quite a number of smaller houses' doing a business ranging from one hundred thousand dollars to half a million annually. The oldest wholesale grocery house in the city is that of John Crouse & Co., established in 1853 by John and James Crouse, brothers, who came from Montgomery county. James Crouse died in 1858, and the firm was changed to John Crouse & Co., which it has remained ever since. (See biography of John Crouse.) Crouse Brothers, Wholesale Grocers, corner of Clinton and Water streets, established under the firm name of Jacob Crouse & Bro's, in 1869. The original partners were Jacob Crouse, George N. Crouse and James S. Crouse, the same as now constitute the firm. The premises of the firm are those occupied from the first. The lot where their fine brick building stands was purchased in 1868, and the building erected and occupied the following year. It was originally 86 by TJ feet, five stories in height, but has since been extended, making its present dimensions 86 by 121 feet, and also, to in crease the room required for the business an L of 40 feet has been added. The entire block is the property of Jacob and George N. Crouse. The sales of this house amount to about $2,000,000 per annum. Crouse & Walrath. — The original firm, started in 1 87 1, consisted of C. E. Crouse, F. W. Walrath and Jacob Crouse and Brothers. They did a manu- HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 229 facturing and jobbing business in spices, coffees and teas, occupying two of the three stores used by the present firm. In 1872 Mr. Walrath retired from the firm, and Messrs. C. E. Crouse & Co., conducted the business till 1876, when C. E. Crouse bought out the interest of Jacob Crouse and Brothers, and formed a copartnership with Mr. Walrath, since which the firm has been Crouse & Walrath, as at present. Their sales amount an nually to about half a million dollars. A. N. Palmer & Co. — Among the enterprising wholesale grocery houses of the city is that of A. N. Palmer & Co., composed of A. N. Palmer and Charles Tallman, located on West Fayette street — the office and main salesroom being No. 46. This is a portion of the block 71 by 208 feet and four stories, extending through to Walton street, built by Messrs. Tallman and Palmer. The entire floor area used by A. N. Palmer & Co., in their business is about twenty-five thousand square feet — embracing two floors of No. 46 West Fayette street and extending through the entire block ; also two floors of Nos. 7 and 9 Walton street, and four floors of No. 1 1 Walton street. In the rear of No. 1 1 Walton street they have erected two fire-proof smoke houses with capacity for smok ing thirty tons of hams at one time. The firm are among the most extensive curers of cut meats in the State. Their trade in salt fish is also very large, particu larly in the line of mackerel, which are purchased in full fares from vessels in the eastern seaports and repacked here to meet the requirements of their trade. Starting in the summer of 1871, the firm prose cuted the provision trade alone, until within the last two years, during which they have gradually added teas, coffees, spices, canned fruits, &c, until their stock embraces a full assortment of general gro ceries and grocers' sundries, which in connection with their full line of provisions renders it one of the most extensive in the city. Kennedy, Spaulding & Co. may be regarded as one of the representative houses of this branch of the jobbing trade of Syracuse. A brief history of their business will be given. In 1859 Bradford Kennedy and Horace J. Frizelle established a re tail hardware business at 54 South Salina street, in a rented building. In 1861 Mr. Dennis Kennedy bought Mr. Frizelle's interest and the firm was changed to Kennedy Brothers. In 1863, Ross R. Spaulding became a partner, and the firm style as sumed the form of Kennedys & Spaulding. In the Jail of 1 866, the style was changed to Kennedy, Spaulding & Co., Mr. Bradford Kennedy retiring at that time and selling his interest to Abraham - Howe. In 1871 Mr. Bradford Kennedy bought Mr. Howe out, but the style of the firm remained unchanged. In 1862 the firm established the wholesale busi ness which it has continued to conduct with increas ing proportions from year to year. Removing from their rented store, No. 54 South Salina street, the firm purchased a five story building at 6j South Salina street, into which they entered, sup posing the premises here would be sufficient for permanent quarters. But in this they were mis taken. The business outgrew the place and they had to seek another location. In 1872 they pur chased the lot and erected the building they now occupy on Clinton street, at a cost of $40,000. The building is an elegant business structure, of brick, 33 by 132 feet, five stories and basement, and is completely filled with the stock ofthe house, including also another store since erected in the rear of the main building. The trade of the firm has increased from $20,000 retail business in 1859 to a wholesale business which now aggregates half a million annually. The firm employ fourteen men in the store and three traveling salesmen constant ly upon the road. The Messrs. Kennedy are natives of the town of Lysander in this county. Mr. Spaulding is also a native of the county, born in the town of Spafford. McCarthy & Redfield, Wholesale Hardware Dealers, Nos. 50 and 52 West Water street. The firm was established as Murphy & McCarthy in 1850, changed to McCarthy, Radigan & Co. in 1856, and in 1859, to McCarthy, Redfield & Co., Mr. C. T. Redfield and Mr. William H. Pierce pur chasing the interest of Mr. Radigan and becoming members of the firm. Mr. Pierce retired in 1869, and the firm has since been McCarthy & Redfield. The first location of the firm was on the corner of Warren and East Water streets. In 1875 they built their present stores, Nos. 50 and 52 West Water street. The building is 46 by 112 feet, four stories and basement, of Philadelphia brick and cut stone, fine architectural style and proportions, and arranged with great convenience for handling the goods. It is furnished with an elevator running to all the floors, which in the basement delivers its contents directly into the wagons, the teams being driven directly into the cellar from the yard in the rear of the building. The firm moved into this building January 1, 1876. Messrs. McCarthy & Redfield are importers and jobbers of shelf and heavy hardware, tin plate, 230 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. agricultural tools, &c, &c, and do a business • aggregating half a million dollars a year, their sales being chiefly in Northern, Southern, Central and Western New York. Mr. Robert McCarthy, the senior member of the firm, is a native of the First Ward of this city and has resided here all his life, being well-known and highly esteemed in business and social circles. Mr. Charles T. Redfield is a son of Lewis H. Redfield, Esq., a well-known citizen of Syracuse, whose biography appears in this work, and a portion of whose record is found in connection with the history of the press. Hier & Aldrich, Nos. 31 and 33 North Salina street, are extensive manufacturers and jobbers of tobacco and cigars. Mr. Hier established the bus iness in i860, and in 1865 the present firm was organized, Mr. Bruce S. Aldrich being admitted as a partner. The building occupied by the firm is 44 by 154 feet, of brick, four stories and basement, and was erected by the firm in 1872. The basement and front room of the third story are used for storage of leaf tobacco, the average stock carried by the firm being valued at $125,000. The cigar making department is in the rear of the third story, a large, well-lighted room, filled with all the appli ances for the manufacture of cigars, either by hand or by mold-presses, as may be desired. The amount of cigars made by this firm — and they make but few cheap cigars — is over two and a half millions per annum, and they give employment, in the various branches of their business, to from 150 to 250 hands. In the front apartment of the first floor they have an elegant sample and sales room, embracing every variety of goods belonging to the trade. Mr. Hier has been a resident of Syracuse since 1 843, and for some years was foreman of his brother's manufacturing business. Mr. Bruce S. Aldrich has been many years con nected with the trade -of this city, and spends a portion of his time in traveling for the firm of which he is a member. George P. Hier & Co. — This firm is located at No. 25 North Salina street. Mr. George P. Hier, the senior member of the firm, has been a dealer in leaf tobacco for twenty years, and for the past fifteen years this has been his exclusive business. He was Mayor of the city in 1875, and has held other responsible local offices. His partner is George S. Hier, who became a member of the firm in 1876. Seubert & Warner, Nos. 58 and 60 West Fay ette street, are another firm of heavy manufacturers and jobbers of tobacco and cigars. The building occupied is large and well adapted to the business being 32 feet in width by 210 in depth, extending through to Walton street, affording convenient ship ping and receiving rooms, and light and airy work rooms in the manufacturing department. Three floors of the building are occupied, considerable ofthe space being devoted to the storage of the heavy stock carried by the firm. Their stock is especially large in Spanish tobacco, of which they purchase six months' or a year's supply at a time. This firm have given employment to 125 persons two-thirds of whom were cigar makers, and have manufactured as large an amount as 85,000 cigars in a single week. The production at present is not so large, but the grade of cigars ranges higher than usual, the average of the entire product of the fac tory being $60 per 1,000, wholesale. The members of the firm are Justin Seubert 'and William H. Warner. The firm was established in May, 1872, Mr. Seubert having been for five or six years previously engaged in the manufacture of cigars in this city. Carr & Cushing, Manufacturers of Cigars and Dealers in Tobacco, No. 53 West Fayette street. This firm was established on the first of January, 1 87 1. Mr. John Jay Carr, the senior partner, started in the cigar business in this city in the spring of 1866, at No. 17 James street. He re mained there about sixteen months, steadily build ing up a business, when his operations in that locality were suddenly cut short by a fire which consumed his entire stock, about the middle of Au gust, 1867. He then opened business at No. 44 East Water street, in company with Mr. J. H. Noll, and remained till January, 1871, when the firm of J. J. Carr & Co., was formed, and business opened at No. 7 West Fayette street. Mr. Quincy F. Cushing, the present partner, became associated with Mr. Carr in the above firm. January 1, 1873; the firm style was changed to Carr & Cushing. On the ist of May, 1874, they removed to their present location, No. 53 West Fayette street, into the new building, (not then completely finished,) erected by Joseph Newell. The building is of brick, four stories and basement, 22^ by 80 feet, and is wholly occupied by the business of this house. They handle a large variety of popular brands, several of which are exclusively their own. Formerly they employed two traveling sales men, but have recently added a third for the West ern trade. They employ in their business upwards of fifty persons, and manufacture about a million and a half cigars annually. /I. i?s»«.. Photo, by W. V. Hanger, Syracuse. ^n^?t^^rCJ The subject of this sketch was born in Onondaga Co., N. Y., July 14, 1808. He was the only son in a family of three chil dren of Giles Bronson and Mary Robinson, early settlers of this county. His grandfather, Elijah, was the first of the name to settle in this county, about 1800, and was born March 10, 1778. His father came from the old and honorable family of that name among the pioneers of the New England States, his immediate birthplace being in Connecticut, town of Middlebury. His mother's ancestry were also ofthe New England States, she being a native of Massachusetts. His father, on coming to this county, settled on what is now called Howlett's Hill, and there carried on farming, afterwards removing to the town of Geddes. Died May 21, 1841 ; his mother died May 15, 1842. The education of the children was very limited, and confined to the district schools of that day. Horace remained on the farm with his parents until he was about eighteen years of age, and then struck out in business for himself. First going to New York, he stocked up in goods belonging to his uncle, then doing business there, and started out as a peddler, traveling through Ohio, Kentucky, and many of the other southern and western States. He continued in this business for many years, and about 1837 came to the village of Syracuse, and opened a dry-goods store on East Genesee street. By this time, by economy, he had secured a small capital to commence business with, but what was of far greater importance, had a capital stock of sound judgment, good business ability, and a far-seeing sagacity. In this business, which began on a small scale, and rapidly increased with the growth of the county and consequent demands of the people, he became one of the first merchants in the county, and continued his trade for some thirty years, the latter half of the time devoting his attention almost exclusively to the boot, shoe, and leather trade, which he carried on in Auburn and Watkins as well as Syracuse. In politics Mr. Bronson was an unswerving member of the Democratic party, was well read in the current news of the country, satisfied to follow the direction of business interests, not seeking political preferment, but held the office of coroner for several terms. In religious persuasion he was a Unitarian, but latterly a Universalist. In the year 1854 he married Miss Sarah A., daughter of Eliphalet Case and Rebecca Robinson. Her parents were also early settlers of Howlett's Hill, Onondaga town. She was born June 17, 1827. Mr. Bronson, always feeling the want of the advantages of an education, has placed his children within the reach of the best educational facilities of the city. To Mr. and Mrs. Bronson were born three children, — Mary O, Horace C, and Silas (died in infancy). IH The subject of this sketch was born at Sheffield, Berkshire Co., Mass., Jan. 6, 1794. He was fourth child and third son, in a family of ten children, of Isaac Hall and Vashti Johnson, the former a native of New Marlborough, Mass., the latter a native of the New England States. Johnson Hall traces his descent through his grandfather Ebenezer, who was eldest son of Ichabod Hall, a resident of Enfield, Conn., and who was married to Lois Kibbie, of that town, in May, 1730. He came to this county with his father, Gen. Isaac Hall, in February, 1797, when but three years of age, and settled in the old town of Pom pey (now Lafayette), where he resided for about forty-one years. His father was a welbto-do farmer, and not only taught his chil dren the value of industry and labor, but gave them as liberal an education as the schools of the county at that time afforded. After coming of age he spent some time as a clerk in Asahel Smith's store at Lafayette, and after a few years established business for himself, making general merchandise his principal trade. He was a man of strict integrity, honest and upright in all his business transactions, and during his life held various offices of trust and responsibility. He was postmaster at Lafayette from the organization of the town until his removal to Syracuse (1838), and for many years was a member of the board of supervisors. He represented this county in the State legislature in the years 1829-30, and was instrumental in obtain ing the charter of the old Onondaga County Bank, in which institution he was a stockholder from its organization until the expiration of its charter, a period of twenty-five years. Also a director for many years of the late Bank of Salina, and Syracuse Savings Bank, fie was elected to the office of sheriff in 1831. The late Kingsley S. Bingham (afterwards governor of Michi gan), Major William A. Cook, and Dorastus Lawrence (now deceased) were his associate officers. He was on the bench (associate judge) with the late Hon. Grove Lawrence and Oliver R. Strong. Until within a few years of his death he took a great interest in politics, was a stanch Democrat, and had invariably voted and acted with that party. He was a resident of the county for nearly seventy- three years ; very few residents of the county have spent so many years in it, and been able to look back to its earliest days and count its various changes to its present wealth and business interests, its schools and churches. Upon coming to Syracuse he formed a partnership with Messrs. Rhoades & Sherman in the hardware trade, which was carried on successfully for some ten years, when he retired from the firm, and never after engaged in active business. His father, Gen. Isaac Hall, died in Lafayette, Sept. 22, 1830, his mother having died in Pompev, Nov. 19, 1813. In the year 1806, Dec. 6, he married Miss Polly, daughter of Job Andrews and Comfort Green, formerly of Easton, Washington Co., N. Y., but settlers at Lafayette township about the year 1800. She was born in 1798. To Mr. and Mrs. Hall were born eight children,— Mary, wife of Harlow De Wolf, deputy postmaster, Syracuse ; Cor delia, wife of Hon. George Raynor, Syracuse; Johnson L., a resident of Oswego ; Charles Carroll (deceased) ; Edward L., a resident of New York city ; Thomas Jefferson (died at New Orleans) ; Helen M., wife of Hon. Addison H. Laflin, a naval officer of the port of New York city ; and Olivia B. Hall. While living at Lafayette he and his wife both united with the Congregational church, and, upon coming to the city, united with the First Presbyterian church, and remained consistent members of the same until their death. Mrs. Hall was devoted to her family, and instructed them in all that makes true manhood and womanhood. She died in the year 1854, aged fifty-six years. For his second wife he married Mrs. Maria Severance, ot Buffalo, who survived him only three months, dying January, 1871. He died Oct. 27, 1870. HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 231 Messrs. Carr & Cushing are both natives of this county, the former born in the town of Clay and the latter in Cicero. Both are well known as gentlemen of high character in business circles. Mr. Carr has been connected with the manufacture of cigars twenty-five years. The success of this firm is the result of prudent management and strict attention to business. R. H. Parker, Cigar Manufacturer and Wholesale Tobacconist, Nos. 43 and 45 West Fayette street. Mr. Parker began the tobacco and cigar business in the Syracuse House Block, No. 11 South Salina street, on the nth of May, 1861. On the 4th of May, 1868, he took in Mr. W. B. Herrick as part ner, the firm being Parker & Herrick, and on the ist of May, 1871, removed to No. 18 James street. January 31, 1874, the partnership was dissolved, Mr. Parker continuing the business at the old stand till May 1, 1876, when he removed to the spacious store, Nos. 43 and 45 West Fayette street, built expressly for his business. Mr. Parker employs from thirty to fifty hands ; has three traveling salesmen, two with teams, and one by railroad. Mr. Parker is a native of this county, born at Onondaga Hill. He came to Syracuse in 1833, and has been in the cigar business since i86i.„ Joseph Barton, Jr., & Co., Wholesale Dealers in Leaf Tobacco and Manufacturers of Cigars, Barton Opera House Block, East Genesee street. Mr. Joseph Barton, Sen., started in the manufac ture of cigars in this city in 1848, on East Fayette street, No. 105. In 185 1, he moved into the Fur- man Block, and there commenced wholesaling. In 1852, he removed to the location now occupied by the Barton Opera House, and where the business of the present firm is still continued. Mr. Barton ;had built on these premises a fine store extending through from East Genesee to East Fayette streets, which was destroyed by fire, without insurance, in 1867. He then built the Barton Opera House Block, at a cost, including the fitting up of bis theatre, of over $ 100,000. In January, 1 876, Joseph Barton, Jr., came into possession of the business, under the present firm name, and gives to it his personal supervision. From 40 to 50 hands are employed in the manufacture of Cigars, and two traveling salesmen are kept upon the road, the sales being chiefly in this State. Mr. Joseph Barton, Sen., was born in New York city and came here in 1844. His early life, from thirteen to twenty, was spent on board a man of-war and in a whaling voyage around Cape Horn. He vol unteered in the Mexican War, and spent his time during its continuance on board the United States frigate Columbia, Commodore Rosseau, command ing; was, at the taking of California, with Commo dore Apcatesby Jones, United States frigate United States, in 1842, and assisted in burying Commodore Dallas at Callao, port of Lima, Peru, in 1843. Dallas had come out in the Savannah to relieve the frigate United States, and was taken sick and died at the above place. Joseph Barton, Jr., was born in Syracuse and has lived here all his life. R. G. Wynkoop & Co. — The extensive trade of this house, both at wholesale and retail, places it in the front rank of the book and stationery business in Central New York, and in point of age it out ranks almost every other establishment of the kind. The business of this house was started in 1846 by Myers and J. G. Wynkoop. In 1848, Mr. R. G. Wynkoop became a partner, under the firm name of Wynkoop & Bro., which continued till 1867, when the firm became Wynkoops & Leonard. Mr. James A. Leonard was the incoming partner, and he remained connected with the house till 1875, when he retired on account of ill health, and is now, we believe, engaged in the book and stationery trade at Decorah, Iowa. In 1870, Mr. J. G. Wyn koop retired from the firm, and Mr. James S. Wyn koop entered it. The last named gentleman had been connected with the house some years, and his experience admirably fitted him for the duties de volving upon an active partner. The firm as it now is consists of R. G. Wynkoop and two sons, Jas. S. and R. G., Jr., all of whom are gentlemen well known in business circles. The premises occupied by the house are at No. 19 South Salina street, in the Syracuse House Block. The stock is large, embracing every variety of mis cellaneous books, stationery, wall paper, &c, to supply the retail trade and jobbing business carried on by the house. Their wholesale trade extends throughout Northern, Central and Western New York, goods being chiefly sold by traveling agents. All of the partners give the business their personal attention. The senior member of the firm is an old resident of this city and for many years has been intimately identified with its various in terests. Moser & Lyon, Nos. 37 and 39 South Clinton street, represent another and a special branch of the wholesale book and stationery trade, job printing, &c, and have a retail store, No. 62 South Salina street. This firm was established in 1873. 232 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. J. & F. B. Garrett, Nos. 6 and 8 West Fay ette street, are the managers and proprietors of an other special department of the stationery, blank book and paper jobbing business. They occupy two stores and employ three traveling salesmen. They are also extensive manufacturers of blank books. Their house was established in 1866. L. J. Ormsbee is one of the oldest stationery dealers in the city, having begun business in this line in 1846, and conducted it for a long time on East Genesee street. He has been in this business in the city thirty-one years. He now conducts a wholesale and retail establishment at No. 22 West Fayette street, dealing exclusively in stationery and goods in that line. Mr. Ormsbee gives bis per sonal attention to his business and also employs traveling salesmen, his trade including both city and country. Culver Bros. & Co., Paper Manufacturers and Dealers in Paper and Paper Stock, No, 73 West Fayette street.- — This house, although not included under the head of books and stationery, neverthe less represents a business sufficiently analogous to be mentioned in this connection. The house was founded in 1854 by Mr. E. B. Culver, who con ducted the business alone till 1869, when Benjamin H. Culver and James L. Collin became partners. The business of the house is heavy, and is chiefly wholesale, the partners giving their personal atten tion to the business and also employing traveling salesmen. Mr. E. B. Culver came to this county from Norwich, Conn., in 1853, remaining one year at FayetteviUe, whence he came to Syracuse and established business, as above stated. Morris & Co. — In 1832, Mr. D. J. Morris, the head of the present firm, then living in Utica, established a branch of his merchant tailoring busi ness in Syracuse, under the firm name of Morris & Sanford. Mr. Morris came here to reside in 1840, and the firm was afterwards changed to D. J. Morris & Son. In 1861, without any change in the copartnership, the firm style was changed to Morris & Co., as at present. Mr. Morris first came through Syracuse at four teen years of age when they were digging for the canal in 1819. In 1825, he came again with a view of locating here, but decided not to do so on ac count of the bad water. He says nothing could exceed the change that had taken place in Syracuse between the time of his first visit and his second, in 1825. From the mere " four corners" the place had become an active, bustling village, where every thing seemed going ahead with feverish excitement — streets being laid out, houses going up, and specu lation rife. W. S. Peck & Bro. are manufacturers and wholesale and retail dealers in clothing, Nos. 24 and 26 North Salina street ; established in 1867, under the firm name of Gates & Peck. In 1869 Mr. Gates retired, and W. S. Peck continued the business until January 1, 1874, receiving at the latter date Frank A. Peck as partner, the firm be coming, as now, W. S. Peck & Bro. May 1, 1877, they moved to their present location. They have two commodious stores, each 22 by 130 feet, and well adapted to their large and increasing business. The Peck Brothers manufacture all their own goods, employing in this department an average of about 200 hands. Their present average is 1,000 garments per week, and their sales amount to $150,- 000 a year. The members of the firm are young and enterprising gentlemen and have built up their extensive trade by strict integrity and unremitting attention to business. They came here from Cort land county — the former in 1864, and the latter in 1869. A. W. Palmer & Co., successors to M. C. Palmer & Co., established at Nos. 17 and 19 North Salina street in 1854. The members of the present firm are Alva W. Palmer and his brother George W. Palmer, and their house is one of the old and reliable establishments of the city. In the spring of 1877 they removed to their present location, Nos. 15 and 17 South Salina street. Here their facilities for manufacturing and displaying their goods have been enlarged, and a more complete stock of Men's, Boys' and Children's clothing can rarely be found in any city. The firm manufacture all of their clothing, employing experienced cutters. This branch of the business gives employment to from 1 50 to 200 hands. The extensive business of this house has been built up gradually from a com paratively small beginning made in the infancy of the clothing trade in this city twenty-three years ago, and to the energy and enterprise of the young men who have managed its affairs this result is mainly due. The Messrs. Palmer have lived in this city and vicinity nearly all their lives, being sons of the lajte Joseph Palmer, Esq., of Centerville, an old citizen of that place and a Justice of the Peace there for some seventeen years. M. C. Palmer, formerly of this firm, and George W. Palmer, a member of the firm of A. W. Palmer & Co., are engaged in the manufacture of salt at Saltville, Va. HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 233 Swarthout, Ackerman & Co. — This firm is another large manufacturing, wholesale and retail clothing house of this city. They have also branch stores in Chicago and St. Louis. The firm as first organized in 1867, was Swarthout, Kent & Co. January 27, 1872, L. A. Swarthout, J. Daniel Ackerman, John A. Cole and T. A. Bartlett, entered into copartnership under the present firm style, and have so remained since, with the exception of Mr. Bartlett, who withdrew in February, 1877. Kent & Miller. — The partners in this house are George B. Kent and R. V. Miller. The pres ent firm was established in 1871, and the progress of, the business, both in the wholesale and retail departments, has been such as to exceed the most sanguine expectations of its founders. M. Jacobs, No. 21 North Salina street, is one of the oldest clothing houses in Syracuse. Mr. Jacobs commenced business in 1844, and erected his pres ent building in 1852. The business of the house, like most of the others, embraces wholesale, retail and manufacturing — most of the goods handled being made at home. This house gives employ ment in the manufacture of garments to about 200 persons, while its annual sales are about $200,000. The building erected expressly by Mr. Jacobs for the accommodation of his business is commodious and conveniently arranged. Danziger Bros.— The firm of Danziger Bros. was formed in Homer, Cortland county, in 1850. In 1865 they removed to Syracuse in order to take advantage of a more central location and enlarge their facilities for business. In 1866, they re moved to No. 23 North Salina street, where they are engaged exclusively in the wholesale clothing business. William A. Arnold, at Nos. 16 and 18 North Salina street. Mr. Arnold started the clothing business in December, 1869, having come from Sacramento, California. His business includes manufacturing, wholesale and retail. I. H. Leyden & Bro. are at No. 22 North Salina street. Their clothing business was estab lished July 18, 1873, by the senior partner. ONONDAGA COUNTY MILK ASSOCIATION. This is an organization formed of certain dairy ing interests in the county to supply the city of Syracuse with good and pure milk. It was organ ized under a special charter of the Legislature on the 9th of March, 1872, and commenced business on the 20th of March, of the same year. The an nual reports of the Association show the progress that has been made. It was chartered with a capi tal of $25,000, and its capital stock paid in January 11, 1877, was $29,900. The total receipts of milk in 1876 were 2,921,994^ quarts. The amount con sumed was 2,694,806 quarts. The amount of cream sold was 3,476 quarts. The surplus milk and cream are manufactured into butter and cheese. Of butter there was made in 1876, 14,186 pounds, and of cheese, 46,365 pounds. The Asso ciation is made up of stockholders who are dairy men in different towns adjacent to Syracuse, and owning from ten to sixty cows each. The number of stockholders at present is 46, and the whole number of cows whose milk is furnished to the As sociation is 1,116. The principle which governs this Association is that of furnishing the city with the best and purest milk that can be produced. Hence every precau- 30* tion is taken and the producers of milk are bound under the most stringent rules. A few of these will suffice to illustrate the care and pains taken by the Association. " Producers must exercise particular care that their cans be opened and aired on a board, bottom up, during the day, thoroughly rinsed with cold water before use, and immediately after milking the can should be set in a tank of cold water, cover raised on one side for the air to enter, and the milk quietly stirred several times while cooling, to expel the animal odor. * * * * "Weekly tests are made by the receiving clerk of all milk delivered to the Association, and when found below 90 degrees a proportionate discount will be made from the amount credited at the end of the month. When the test stands much below 90 it is conclusive evidence of adulteration, and the producer is liable to a heavy fine, or the penalties named in the By-Laws. " Care should be taken with the stables that they be well ventilated and drained, and kept as cleanly as possible ; the cows bedded with clean straw or other materials, and have pure water to drink. No unwholesome food or stagnant water should be allowed them. The milk should be passed through a wire strainer, then through two thicknesses of strainer cloth. Especial care should be taken in milking to keep out of the pail all dust or dirt from 234 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. the cow's bag, which should be wiped or washed clean before milking. * * * The cans should not be taken into the stables, as milk very readily absorbs their odor. Producers are especially cautioned against sending the milk of any cow out of health, or just calved, as they render themselves liable for any damage arising from the sale of such impure milk." The consumer of milk in the city will breathe more freely after reading these stringent rules, and will certainly sip his glass of milk, or pour his cream into his morning cup of coffee, with much more •complacency and satisfaction. The provision thus •made for cleanliness and purity in the article of milk is certainly a step farther in civilization than that indicated by railroads and telegraphs. The milk now in use in the city is pretty good proof that these rules are carried into effect, and the purity, richness and excellence of Syracuse milk are being noted by strangers and travelers from other cities. Statistics show how rapidly the milk of this Association is growing into favor. In 1875, eigh teen routes were peddled. Up to January 1, 1876, thirty-seven private routes had been absorbed in the Association, and the whole number of private routes now associated is thirty-nine. The Associ ation now peddles twenty routes, employing twenty- four horses, twenty-seven wagons, twenty sleighs, and a force, including peddlers, clerks, house keeper, cheese maker, engineer, superintendent, &c, of thirty persons. The headquarters of the Association are at 44 East Fayette street, in a new building expressly adapted to the business of the Association, erected in 1875 at a cost of #17,000. Since beginning in an old hotel in 1872, they have grown to the dimen sions and requirements of these new premises, which include milk depot, cheese and butter factory, office, boarding house, &c, with barns and black smith shop in the rear. The upper rooms are rented to nine families and a spare front room on the first floor occupied for a barber shop. The following are the officers for 1878 : — B. Austin Avery, President ; James L. Hill, Vice- President ; C. D. Avery, Secretary and Treasurer ; George O. Gannett, Superintendent ; I. C. Reed, Cashier and Book-Keeper. Directors : — B. A. Avery, John Wells, John Raynor, W. C. Brayton, J. L. Hill, C. D. Avery, Henry Jerome, Sidney Lewis, George O. Gannett. Executive Committee : J. Wells, Sidney Lewis, John Raynor, Henry Jerome, W. C. Brayton. Examining Committee : George C. Gere, Charles Bailey, W. H. H. Gere. Committee on Manufacturing of Butter and Cheese : Charles Bailey. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. CAPTAIN OLIVER TEALL. Whoever has known much of Syracuse must have known something of Oliver Teall. He was a conspicuous man in this place from the time that the village first made its appearance in the cedar swamps, through all its stages of growth until it became a thriving city, spreading its skirts upon the surrounding hills. More than fifty years ago he was to be seen early and late, vigorously direct ing, as general superintendent, the repairs and im provements on the middle section of the Erie Canal. This brought him daily into contact with large numbers of persons, and he was extensively known for his activity, efficiency and exactness. Subsequently, the buyers and sellers of real estate found it convenient, if not needful, to have somewhat to do with Captain Teall, whose wise foresight of the future growth of Syracuse, led him to become an owner of valuable lots in many parts of what is now the city. Then, again, when the municipal project to in troduce good water into the village was about to be abandoned to individual enterprise, he became, and was for a number of years, the almost sole pro prietor of the aqueduct ; and the Teall water came to be as familiarly spoken of in Syracuse as the Cro ton in New York, if we may compare so small a matter with so large a one. The quality of the water, at first so named, was very poor, but the in defatigable man spared no pains until he had found and become the owner of a copious spring of a pure article, formed an able company, and introduced, by a well-made aqueduct, an abundant supply of water, which he need never be ashamed should bear his name. Every part of the construction of this valu able improvement was superintended by him person ally, so that to all the inhabitants, from the least to the greatest, this public servant was familiarly known. When the Onondaga County Bank, the first in- ¦; •¦ lit ¦¦- crom a - ¦^,-"- M O^"o ©HL IV HEIR, TEALL. Pjzeshxeitt or ime. owondaga coriTTi'SJimr. HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 235 stitution of the kind in Syracuse, was established in 1829, Captain Teall was elected one of its Directors, and subsequently its President, in which position he continued till the expiration of its charter in 1 854. At certain hours of the day, there fore, he was generally seen in or near the house where men having money, or needing money, are wont to congregate, and his shrewdness, foresight and incorruptible integrity have served many a man a good turn, who was at his wit's end to get out of a pecuniary embarrassment, or to make a profitable investment of some surplus gains. The cause of Education in Syracuse acknowl edges him to have been one of its earliest and most earnest promoters. Travelers who pass over the railroad by daylight, can hardly fail to notice an unduly tall brick building in the eastern portion of Syracuse. If benevolent, they will rejoice to learn that it is now an asylum for orphan children, and children worse off than orphans ; an institution well endowed, and sustained by the united, cordial coop eration of all the Protestant sects in the city, giving a comfortable home and an excellent discipline to two hundred destitute little ones. But, if they in quire into its history, they will be informed that it was not originally intended for the charitable pur pose to which it is now put. It was erected about forty years ago by Captain Teall, Aaron Burt Esq., Hon. Harvey Baldwin, Thomas Rose, and others, for an academy, and was so used for a dozen years ; but, being located too far from what subsequently became the center of the city, to be convenient as- a day school, and yet too near to be resorted to as a boarding school, it languished, notwithstanding the exertions of its three principal patrons, and many years ago became the property of the Onondaga County Orphan Asylum. It is, however, still a monument to the enterprise of Captain Teall and his associates, and of their zeal in the cause of ed ucation. But it has not been merely as a man of business and thrift that the subject of this memoir has been principally known to his fellow-citizens and heard of throughout the State. He was one ofthe earliest and most steadfast friends of the temperance re form. His name will go down to posterity as the untiring fellow-laborer of E. C. Delevan, Gerrit Smith, Herman Camp, Charles A. Wheaton, Chan cellor Walworth, and other pioneers in this great enterprise. His labors were not most conspicuous, however, at public meetings. Although a frequent attendant at them, he was always a diligent laborer at home and throughout his immediate neighbor hood. He did not content himself with recom mending to others a disagreeable and laborious duty. Were pledges to be obtained or memorials to the legislature to be circulated for signatures, Captain Teall was ever ready to present them to his neigh bors and townsmen, and press them upon their favorable regards. His principles he carried into practice on every occasion, and no opportunity was suffered to pass without giving effect thereto. At one of the meet ings of the directors of the Onondaga County Bank, held December, 1845, at which were present such men as John Wilkinson, Hiram Putnam, David S. Colvin, Johnson Hall, Horace White, and Hamilton White, he presented the following preamble and resolution, which were adopted unanimously : " Whereas, An application has been made to this bank for a small subscription to aid the efforts of persons engaged in the temperance reform, and as nothing in the judgment of the most sound and prudent men adds more to the permanency of our rights than the extension of this great reformation ; it is, therefore, "Resolved, That the cashier be authorized to pay the sum of twenty-five dollars to aid the fund to be raised in the county, for the purpose of distributing an appeal to the voters of the State of New York, lately published by the Executive Committee ofthe New York State Temperance Society." Many persons would have thought that a Board of Directors of a moneyed corporation was the last place to have presented such a document, but " knowing the right, he dare maintain it " under all hazards. His abstinence, however, reached farther than to intoxicating liquors. He would include in his pro scription whatever articles of food or habits of living are known to be prejudicial to the health, or mental, or moral vigor of man. He canvassed Syracuse in person, and appealed to thousands of its inhab itants to dissuade them from the use of tobacco. It may be too true that his unwearied exertions have made but little visible impression upon those who were addicted to this nauseous weed ; but very many, through his influence, are rejoicing in their exemption from the offensive habit. He would never concede that reason and conscience, health and purity should be subjugated to appetite. But he insisted, with a distinctness, pertinacity, and earnestness, which evinced his deep sincerity and commanded the respect of many who have not yielded to his appeals, that it is a sin to violate any of the laws of life and health, laws instituted by Almighty God, as plainly as those that were pro claimed by Moses from Mount Sinai. This great doctrine he inculcated wherever he could get ears to hear it, and enforced it by a life eminently con- 236 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. distent, and by the manifestation in his own person of a degree of health, vigor, and power of endur ance, seldom seen in a man of his years. Although the temperance cause received so much attention from Captain Teall, and made such large demands upon his time and his purse, he also en tered with zeal into other important reforms. He early engaged in opposition to the law by "which debtors might be incarcerated like felons, nor did he cease from his efforts until that law was repealed. In the height ofthe controversy on that reform he was one of a number who went to the Onondaga county jail, paid the jailor's demands against all the debtors in his custody, threw open the prison doors, and led them forth into the light and air of freedom, of which misfortune ought never to deprive a man. He was also untiring in his efforts to procure the passage of the homestead exemption law, and never relinquished his labors on that behalf, believing as he did, that a still larger amount of property should be ensured to the families of men against the con tingencies of trade, as well as the rapacity of hard hearted creditors. To mention but one more of the objects of benevolence to which he addressed himself, the law authorizing married females to hold property independently of their husbands, was, in its very in ception, duly appreciated by Captain Teall, and warmly advocated. This was an important step in the restoration of women to that condition of equality in which they were originally created, and to which they have an unalienable right. Now, whoever knows anything of the origin of "human laws, will acknowledge that we are much more indebted for our social improvements to the wisdom, benevolence, and exertions of private citi zens, than we are to the final action of legislators, who tardily follow where the leaders of public opin ion draw them, and, at last, merely give a govern mental sanction to what has already become the known will of the sovereign people. Captain Teall was, in fact, for many years, one of the law makers of this State. Some of the best laws that have been put upon our statute-books, have been enacted by the influence that he, and men like him, have exerted upon the public mind. It will, therefore, be interesting to our readers to know some of the principal facts of his personal history. It will be particularly instructive and en couraging to young men of limited means and few literary advantages to be informed that Captain Teall qualified himself for great usefulness in so ciety by the force of good common sense, fidelity to every obligation and the fearless avowal of what ever he believed to be true and right. Oliver Teall was born August 5, 1788, in the town of Killingworth, Conn. His great-grandfather came from Holland, and settled in this country a number of years previous to the Revolution. His father, with four brothers, served their country in the war for American independence, in all, nearly six years each. Eighteen months of his term his father spent as a prisoner, having been captured at Horse Neck, at the time when General Putnam made his almost miraculous escape. Soon after the close of the war hrs father, Dr. Timothy Teall, resumed his profession, and, about 1 79 1, removed with his wife (whose maiden name was Phoebe Hull) and several children from Kil lingworth into the town of Manlius, Onondaga County. He was one of the first settlers in this region. Being poor, he purchased a farm on credit. It was a tract of military land, and he was put to no little trouble and expense to get a good title to it. He pursued his medical profession until called into public life. He served many years as a magis trate and a deputy-sheriff, and transacted a great deal of business for his fellow-citizens, in various capacities. Shortly after their removal into Man lius, Mrs. Teall died, leaving her husband with six children, four daughters and two sons. Oliver, the subject of this biography, was then but about four years of age. The oldest child was a daughter, of but twelve years, and upon her devolved the princi pal charge of the family, much of the time, too, in the absence of their father. Oliver, so soon as he was able, was put to work upon the farm, much of it then being yet unre claimed from the woods. And there he continued to toil until he was 17 or 18 years old, when he was allowed to deal for himself, with the understanding that he was to work on the farm when not other wise employed. His facilities for acquiring literary information all this while were, of course, very slen der. He has been heard to say that all his school ing did not amount to more than one year at a com mon district school. Yet, so soon as he had been taught to read, he began to occupy his little leisure time in the perusal of such books as were within his reach. Often did he pursue his studies by fire or torch light, until, at about the age of twenty, he was thought to be qualified to be teacher. Instruct ing others, is the most profitable mental and moral discipline to one who undertakes the task with the determination to be faithful. While thus engaged, and during the winter months of several years, be fore and after, Mr. Teall himself made very rapid HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 237 improvement. About this time he read several of his father's medical works, thinking that he might, at a future day, become a physician. Afterwards he read Blackstone's Commentaries, not knowing but his preference would be for the law. Before, however, he was twenty years of age, he concluded to take his chance in the world without any particu lar profession. He soon after engaged in various branches of busi ness. For a while he conducted a limekiln, labor ing at it himself very hard. Then he entered into partnership in the tanning, currying and shoemaking business. Afterwards he engaged in iron smithing, in its various branches. Thus be acquired a great deal of practical information in a variety of useful arts, which was of inestimable value to him in sub sequent life. Habits of economy were commenced in him almost as soon as his habits of industry. When quite a boy he had earned twelve shillings, and that small sum (which was then a great one to him) he put out to interest at 7 per cent. This was the beginning of his financial operations, a suitable prelude to that course which led him to become the president of a bank, and the head of several large pecuniary investments. In the war of 18 12 he commanded a company, which he ordered to muster in Manlius, and marched to Oswego, when it was threatened by the enemy. Hence the title by which he was so familiarly known. At an early period of life, Captain Teall com menced his speculations in real estate, the buying of water-powers, erecting mills, carrying them on a while, and, when he had made them valuable, selling them to advantage. The experience which he gained in these transactions, qualified him for an enterprise which, in the event, greatly enhanced his property, and made him more than ever known and respected by the business-men of this part of the Empire State. In 18 18, he took what was then a large contract on tbe middle section of the Erie Canal. The whole work was an experiment. Many persons in the State were utterly incredulous of its success. The amount involved in the job he had taken was much larger than he had ever before attempted to manage. Laborers were not so easily obtained then as now. Difficulties sprang up thickly in his way. He became alarmed at the undertaking, and offered the canal commissioners $500 to release him from his contract. They utterly refused to do so. This roused all his energies. He addressed himself to the work with a determination that few could command. He ac complished it some time before the day specified ; and disclosed those qualities, that were so appreci ated by the commissioners, that, at the completion ofthe middle section of the canal, he was appointed superintendent of a portion of it, and served in that capacity for six years. Here he was called upon to direct important improvements and repairs, and to expend very large sums of money. The thorough ness of the work done under his supervision, and the accuracy of his accounts, inspired all who were cognizant of his skill and fidelity with the highest confidence. It was during this period that he invented the machine, called " The Under-water Excavator," for deepening canals. It answered the purpose well and he obtained a patent for it. But it was at a still earlier date that he embraced a principle, which, could it be universally adopted by the people from Albany to Buffalo, would be an incomparably greater blessing to the state and county, than this far-famed canal has been. In 1 8 19, Captain Teall followed the then almost universal custom of furnishing ardent spirits to his workmen and of drinking with them himself. It so happened that when erecting a grist-mill in the town of Sullivan, his foreman had hired a man somewhat famous in that neighborhood as a hard- drinker. This annoyed Mr. Teall. He was willing to drink with decent men, but to join in his pota tions with a drunkard was mortifying to his self- respect. Probably some words to that effect dropped from his lips, which were reported to the new-comer. For, the next day, when the Captain had drank himself, and, as usual, passed the bottle to his workmen, all partook, excepting only the man at whom he had taken offense. The reputed inebriate utterly refused the tempting draught. Though urged, he would not be induced to taste it. This unexpected occurrence awakened in the Captain's mind a train of reflections, which led to the determination that he would never again be instrumental in the seduction of sober men, or the temptation of those whom the sin of intemperance most easily beset. He at once renounced the use of distilled spirits, and shortly after intoxicating drinks of every description. To the resolution then formed he adhered without deviation to the end of his life. His early studies of the laws of life and health, already referred to, disposed him the more readily to refrain from an indulgence which the slightest observation is sufficient to show, is most prejudicial to the physical, mental, and moral welfare of man. For the same reason, Mr. Teall abstained from the 238 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. use of tobacco. Subsequent observation and thought led him to abandon the use of tea and coffee, and from 1840, of flesh, fish and fowl. In these respects, many regarded him as abstemious overmuch, and were willing to believe that he rejected what the divine Author of all intended for the food of man, and what therefore cannot be rejected without injury. But the subject of our memoir was surely a witness against all the common as sumptions on this point. He lived to the age of sixty-nine, in the enjoyment of perfect health, free from every kind of ache or pain, able to endure as much bodily exertion as any man in the city, and to expose himself with impunity to all kinds of weather, seldom if ever wearing an outer garment. He lost not a day by sickness, nor expended a shilling in the purchase of medicine for many years. Indeed he considered sickness prima facie evidence of some moral obliquity. " How is your health ?" was said to him one morning. " Very good," was his reply ; " what think you I have been doing, that I should be sick ?" But with all his physical hardihood, and his in domitable energy and perseverance, though he was never known to relinquish a purpose he had deter mined to accomplish, Captain Teall always mani fested a peaceable and friendly spirit. So averse to litigation was he that, notwithstanding the magni tude of his business transactions, and the great number and variety of persons he dealt with, he never in his life had a contested lawsuit. In the settlement of his father's estate, he left it to be di vided by his brother and sisters as they might see best. And in all his intercourse with men, at the same time that he was noted for shrewdness, he was uniformly fair and honorable. In 1809 Capt. Teall married Catherine Walter, a farmer's daughter, in the town of Manlius. She was frugal, industrious, gentle, distinguished for her general benevolence, and for her untiring devo tion to her family. She died September 30, 1836. By her he had five children, two sons and three daughters. The eldest son was educated at West Point Academy, and has since died. His other children are Eliza, (Mrs. Amos Benedict,) Phcebe A., (Mrs. Geo. J. Gardner,) and William W., all residents of this city, and Maria (Mrs. Judge Divine,) of San Francisco, Cal. Soon after his marriage, he purchased a farm in Manlius, and erected a commodious stone house, which he expected would be his dwelling-place so long as he should live on earth. But on his ap pointment to a superintendency upon the Erie Canal, he removed to that part of Syracuse which was called Lodi, purchased of the State the right to the surplus waters of the west end of the Rome level, and erected mills, which for a number of years he managed in addition to his public busi ness. Thus he became an inhabitant of this place in its infancy. He grew with its growth, and strength ened with its strength ; and he was highly respected as one of the conscript fathers of Syracuse. In the summer of 1857, he was attacked with a disease of the lungs which at first assumed a serious and alarming appearance. By advice of physicians he was taken to the sea-shore in the hope that a change of climate might restore his wonted powers. In this, however, his friends were doomed to disap pointment, as he rapidly became worse. They, therefore, started for home with him and on arriving at New York the most skillful medical aid was pro cured, but without avail. Leaving New York for Catskill he was able to reach Newburgh only, when he was met by the unerring messenger, and on the 15th day of August, 1857, summoned to his final rest at the age of 69 years and 10 days. His funeral was attended by a large concourse of people, the following named persons, all very old residents of the city, (not one of whom is now liv ing) acting as pall-bearers, viz : Robert Furman, Oliver R. Strong, Johnson Hall, Hiram Putnam, Moses D. Burnet, David G. Colvin, Amos P. Gran ger and Henry Rhoades. The Rev. Samuel J. May, a constant fellow-laborer in the cause of re form, delivered a very eloquent discourse upon the life and character of the deceased, paying a hand some tribute to his excellent qualities and unfeigned virtues, and his exalted worth as a man and a Chris tian. Corporations and civic associations adopted reso lutions of sympathy and condolence, and by repre sentation or in a body, attended his funeral. The Common Council was specially convened by mes sage from the Mayor, in the following language : " Death has taken from us a man venerable for his years and private virtue — a citizen who has been identified with the growth and progress of Syracuse from its commencement to the present time," and recommending that suitable action be taken there upon. The Common Council, among other resolu tions, adopted the following : " Resolved, That in the death of Oliver Teall, Syracuse is called to mourn. One of her gray-haired sires has gone to his last rest ; a familiar face, an upright man, a useful citizen, has been removed from among us, and we are truly called to sorrow." Monumental eulogies and obituary notices were published in the *r*f ^Was? Sa: Oyiy (Jiyl-^lA^'^ HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY NEW YORK. 239 newspapers of the day, and private letters of sym pathy were tendered the friends of the deceased. Every mark of honor and respect which could be rendered to a private citizen, were given, and the entire community felt that a great man had fallen. As a true expression of the feelings of the commu nity, we append the following extract from the local journals of the day : " Capt. Teall was a man of great activity and energy, and untiring industry, and every reform found in him a zealous, efficient and consistent advocate and liberal friend. * * He was honorable and upright in all his dealings, charitable and humane in his disposition, and lived and died without an enemy." GEORGE J. GARDNER, ESQ. George Judd Gardner was born in Boston, Mass., July 19, 18 18, and was one of seven children of Thos. Gardner and Anna Judd. When he was about eight years old his parents removed to New York City. He was at school in Public School House No. 2, on Henry street, where one of the public schools of the city is standing at this day. His father died when he was still a boy. In the year 1829, he lived for a time on a farm in Ontario county, with Peleg Redfield, father of Lewis H. Redfield, Esq., of Syracuse. Mr. Peleg Redfield's wife was sister of Mr. Gardner's mother. At this time Lewis H. Redfield had just removed from Onondaga Hollow {as it was then called) to Syracuse, and become publisher of the " Onondaga Register and Syra cuse Gazette." Young Gardner then came to Syra cuse, and learned in his cousin's office the business of a printer. Part of his duty was to deliver papers at " the Hollow," going thither on horseback once a week. In 183 1, Mr. Redfield sold out his paper (he had been a publisher at Onondaga Valley a number of years before coming to Syracuse) but retained his bookstore, in which Mr. Gardner be came clerk. This bookstore was in a brick block which occupied a portion of the present site of the Onondaga County Savings Bank. When this block was burned in " the great fire" of 1834, the store was kept temporarily in the " Yellow Build ing " which stood where is now the Bastable Ar cade. Afterwards it was moved back into the " Davis, Redfield and Colvin Block," which was built where is now the east end of the Onondaga County Savings Bank. In 1841, Mr. Gardner went into business for himself, as successor to Mr. Redfield in the bookstore. Shortly before this, oc curred the death of his beloved and widowed mother. In the year 1843, Mr. Gardner was united in mar riage with Phoebe A., youngest daughter of Oliver Teall, Esq. They have had no children of their own, but have adopted and brought up three daughters, two of whom are married to gentlemen of Syracuse. After his marriage in August, 1843, Mr. Gardner became book-keeper in the Onondaga County Bank, of which his father-in-law was Presi dent, previous to which he was for a time Superin tendent of the Syracuse City Water- Works. In 1848 he was appointed Notary Public, and has held that office for thirty years consecutively, being per haps the senior Notary Public of the State, and has just been reappointed to that office for another term of two years. In 1846 he was appointed Teller of the Onondaga County Bank, and when its charter expired in 1854, he with others organized the Onondaga Bank, of which he was made Cashier. This office he held until i860, when he resigned. In 1861, Mr. P. H. Agan, having been appointed Postmaster of Syra cuse by the lamented President Lincoln, made Mr. Gardner his Assistant. The system of the free delivery of the mails in cities was established in Syracuse, not without opposition in some quarters, during his tenure of office, which lasted till 1866. In that year he was elected Secretary of the New York State Life Insurance Company. In 1872 he resigned that office, in consequence of a change in the organization of the company. Since then he has been acting as Executor and Administrator of several estates, and as General Accountant. Mr. Gardner has been active in the various duties and offices of civic life. When a mere lad he was " Signal Boy " of the old No. 1 Fire Engine Co. Was connected with that company many years, and received .the first certificate of discharge and ex emption granted by the municipal authorities under the (then) new law. He was Lieutenant and acting Captain in the old 149th Regiment, under the ill- fated Colonel Woodruff, who, with two other per sons connected with the regiment, was executed in Canada, at the suppression of the Canadian Rebel lion of 1836. He confesses also to have belonged to a secret order of " Hunters and Chasers," whose object was the revolutionization of the Canadas, and the avenging of the "patriots " who had fallen. He has also served the community in more peace ful ways. He has been twice Supervisor of the Eighth Ward — in i860 and 1861. Three times Alderman — in 1853, (term of two years,) 1863, and 1873. Member of the Board of Health in 1853. Twice member of the Board of Education, in 1856-7, and in 1862-3. He was one of the corporators in 240 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 1865 of the Genesee and Water Street Railroad Co., and has been its Secretary and Treasurer, with the exception of one year, ever since. He was one of the corporators of the " Trust and Deposit Com pany of Onondaga." He was a member of the " Syracuse Library and Reading Room Associa tion," the first literary society established here ; was also one of the founders of tbe Franklin Insti tute in 1850, which had among its members as Directors, Rev. Dr. Gregory, Rev. Samuel J. May, Alfred Cobb, Esq., Hon. Charles Andrews, Charles Pope, Esq., John Jay Knox, (now Comptroller of the Currency,) and others ; was at different times Di rector, Secretary, Chairman of Lecture Committee, and, in 1856, President, of the same. He became, in 1863, a life member of the Onondaga Historical Association. It may be added that he possesses one of the best private libraries in the city, contain ing some rare and valuable works ; which, with his art collections, and curiosities of various sorts, be is always ready to exhibit to his friends and to visitors generally. Mr. Gardner has been an attendant of the Epis copal Church in Syracuse ever since 1830. He was elected a Vestryman of St. James' Church in 1852, and a Warden of the same in 1864, and has represented his parish in the Annual Conventions of the Diocese for nearly 25 years. At the organ ization of the new Diocese of Central New York, (set off from Western New York in 1868,) he was elected its Treasurer, and has been ever since an nually reelected to that and other offices of trust in the management of Diocesan affairs. Some years since he read before the Brotherhood of St. James' Church an interesting paper entitled " Remi niscences of the Church in Syracuse," which was afterwards published in the " Gospel Messenger," then the Church periodical of all Western New York. As a writer, Mr. Gardner has contributed liberally to the newspapers and periodicals of the day, and has also prepared and delivered many pub lic lectures and addresses upon various subjects, more especially on Odd Fellowship. Mr. Gardner has been an active member of vari ous Brotherhoods and Associations. He was for a long time a member of Syracuse Division No. 27, " Sons of Temperance." Also of Justitia Tent No. 8, " Independent Order of Rechabites ; " hold ing the highest offices in these organizations. He has always been a temperance man of the " strait- est" sort, never drinking any intoxicating liquor, nor tasting fermented drinks, nor using tobacco in any form. And his uniformly vigorous health seems to show that these things are at least not necessary to the well-being of man. He has been a member ofthe Independent Order of Odd Fellows for 35 years, belonging to Onondaga Lodge No. 79, of which he was a charter member, and to the Grand Lodge of the State ; having been Grand Master of the Grand Lodge in 1868-69. He has also been a leading member of the Masonic Frater nity, having, it is believed, taken all its degrees, and held many of its highest offices. In 1862, he was instrumental in introducing here the "Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite," and has for services rendered received the 33d and last degree, of " Sovereign Grand Inspector General," and is there by an Honorary Member ot the Supreme Council, N.\ M.\ J.\ U. S. A. Mr. Gardner has seen nearly the whole growth of the city of Syracuse. A resident here since 1829, he has witnessed the gradual upbuilding and extension of the city. He has seen its population increase from about 1,800 to nearly 60,000, and its wealth and influence enlarge in a like proportion. There were but twelve deaths in the first year of his residence here, while in the year 1877 there were about a thousand. From his knowledge of the history of business here, he is often referred to as authority on questions of our local past ; and he has been contented to grow up with the city. Providence has granted him the Prayer of Agur in the Book of Proverbs, that he should have "neither poverty nor riches." But Providence has given him a moderate competence, a pleasant home, a faithful wife possessed of fine literary talents, dutiful children, " troops of friends," and a contented spirit. His story illustrates the truth that God's blessing attends the path of uprightness, prudence and industry. His leading characteristics are great activity, strict integrity and a desire to be useful. He is of the better class of self-made men. Such men are pillars of society, and salt against the world's corruption. We may well desire long to keep them with us, and cannot easily over-esti mate their worth. It is as good to show them regard and reverence now, as to wait till they have been taken from our midst, and we have only their memories to honor. The supreme words to be written over this man's life, through all it's social, religious and business relations are sterling fidelity. MAJ.-GEN. JOHN J. PECK. The subject of this sketch was born at Manlius, Onondaga Co., N. Y.? Jan. 4, 1821. His father and mother, John W. and Phebo Peck, wore among the earlier and active settlers of that town. His fat her j in the war of 1 SI 2 with Great Britain, served some time in defense of the harbor of New York. His mother, wliile a child, witnessed atrocities at the hands of tho English, at ber then home on the eastern shore of Long Island, during the same war. The parents, valuing the advantages derived from an education, knowing the want of it themselves, caused their son to be fitted for college at an early age. In July, 1839, through the influence of Hon. Wm. Taylor, member of congress from Onondaga and Madison district, he was nominated by President Van Buren for a cadetship in the United States Military Academy. The class, numbering over one hundred upon his entrance, graduated only thirty-nine, among whom were General U. S. Grant, Major-Generals W. B. Franklin, J. J. Peck, C. C. Augur, F. Steele, It. Ingalls, C. S. Hamilton, J. J, Reynolds, and Brigadier-Generals Judah and Quinby. During the encampment of 1843 he served as an instructor of infantry; having been applied for in the artillery also, he was commissioned a brevet second lieutenant in the second artillery. In 1843 and 1844 he was stationed at Fort Columbus; in 1844 and 1845, at Fort Hamilton. His company was ordered to tbe seat of difficulties in Texas. Colonel Bank- head gave him the option to remain on leave of absence, but he preferred to go. Joined his command, attached to Duncan's famous battery, and arrived at General Taylor's quarters at Corpus Christi, August, 1846. To trace his history through the Mexican war, would be to give almost a complete history of the marches, battles, and sieges of the entire war. General Taylor, July 27, 1846, com mended him to the president for brevet distinction, for good conduct and gal lantry in the battles of Fort Brown, Palo Alto, and Kesaca de la Palma. Being the youugest in rank and years, this was the highest honor that could be conferred. He was promoted asecond lieu tenant, April 15, 1846. For bravery and services, upon the fall of Monterey, he was again promoted, — a second brevet, — and March 3, 1847, promoted a first lieutenant. His company was in the advance in the occupation of Puebla, a city of eighty thousand, by four thousand troops, one of the rarest events in history. He received from the president and senate the "bre vet of captain, for gallantry and good conduct at Contreras and Cherubusco." In the battle of El Molino del Key, for gal lant and meritorious services, lie was pro moted to the rank of major. (See Bipley's War with Mexico, vol. ii., page 377. Also, KendalCs War with Mexico, and Jenkins1 War, etc.) Upon the entry of the army into the City of Mexico, his company, of Colonel Smith's light bat talion, carried the flag of the Second United States artillery, and, when the populace rose on the troops, led the way. The esteem in which Major Peck was held by bis illustrious commander, is expressed in the following letter by Gen eral Worth: City op Mexico, Dec. 8, 1847. Mt dear Sirs : Thave desired my young and gallant friend, Lieutenant Peck, to hand you this, and I beg to commend him to your con sideration and kind attention. You will find the name and services of this officer in an official account of every battle, save one, from the commencement of this war to the conquest of the basin, as the associ ate of Duncan or Smith. He is of our State, and worthy of it. Very truly yours, (Signed) W. J. WORTH. To Hons. Erastus Corning, John Van Buren, E. Croswell, and Mr. Jas. Ste venson.On his return to his native home he was tendered a public dinner and pre sented with a beautiful sword, on which was the following inscription : " Pre sented to Major J. J. Peck, by the citizens of Manlius, as a testimonial of respect for his gallant and meritorious conduct in the battles of Palo Alto, Resaca de la Palma, Monterey, Vera Cruz, Cerro Gordo, Contreras. Cherubusco, Molino del Rey, Chapultepec, Causeway, and Gate of San " Cosme, and City of Mexico." In 1849 the Government, through Senator Dix, tendered Major Peck the position of assistant quartermaster, which he declined. In 1848, 1849, and 1850 he served in the Indian Territories, in New Mexico, and Aug. 30, 1849, was engaged with the Navajoes, in Upper California, and in locating Fort Defiance, his spare time being occupied in preparing a work on artillery and infantry tactics, which should embody the necessary changes in Scott's. His sub sequent resignation ended those labors. In the moves for the admission of New Mexico as a State, during the sessions of the convention Major Peck was active wiih the committees, and strove to engraft free and liberal institutions adverse to slavery. Hon. George Geddes, in 1849, offered a resolution in the senate of New York, award ing a gold medal to Major Peck, for his gallantry in the war with Mexico, but the measure failed in the political excitement sweeping the Union because of the com promise measures on slavery. In 1850 he married Miss Rhobie, the accomplished daughter of Harvey Loomis, of Syracuse, N. Y. In 1853 he visited his old commander, General Scott, on the matter of his resignation, as he had done in 1850. The General said, "That while he lived (on personal grounds) he regretted the resignation of any officer who had been bap tized in fire with him in Mexico." In politics Major Pock was of the school known as Hunker, prior to the union with the Softs in 1856 at the Cincinnati convention, and a strict constructionist of the constitution. A delegate in the National Democratic convention at Cincinnati in 1856. Tho same year he was nominated for congress, and tendered a renomination in 1858. Major Peck was a member of the National Eemocratic convention of I860, at Charleston and Baltimore, and stood among the conservatives. In 1857 he was tendered a foreign mission by President Buchanan, and declined. In 1861 he was one of the committee to receive Lincoln, president elect, at Buffalo, and escort him to Syracuse. Upon the breaking out of the war of the Rebellion he offered his services, by letter, to the president in any capacity in which he could serve his country, and was active in calling a Union meeting at Syracuse, where be was received by his fellow-citizens with distinguished regard, and urged to consent to efforts to secure him a general's commission, but declined engaging in any move ment which bore a personal rather than a patriotic aspect. Major Peck's name headed a list of eighty nameB handed the president by the New York congressional delegation for commissions in the army. He was appointed a brigadier-general, Aug. 9, 1861 ; repaired at once to Washington, and, by invitation, spent his first even ing with the president. By General McCIellan's request to General Scott he was assigned command of a large brigade in the Army of tbe Potomac. In the final organization he was assigned to Buell's, and afterwards to Couch's, of the Fourth Corps, and afterwards to Key's. He rendered signal service at the siege of Yorktown, and his timely advance and subsequent action at Williamsburg at a critical time won for him a reputation greatly to be envied (extract from report of Brigadier-General Couch), in which engagement, besides the battery and other trophies, ho captured a large and beauti ful State banner from one of the Virginia regiments. One of the proudest events of bis life was in 1862, when the Hon. Charles Andrews, mayor of the city of Syracuse, bis adopted home, presented, in an elo quent speech, a rebel flag, captured by General Peck's brigade, to the common council,which body adopted unanimously appropriate resolutions. General Couch, in his report of the battle of Fair Oaks, says, "General Peck fought his brigade with skill and daring courage, his horse falling under him, after being several times wounded. His com mand added new laurels to those won at Williamsburg." General McClellan also makes mention of his bravery on this occasiou (Headlry's Rebellion, page 428). After this terrible battle he was tendered the command of Casey's division, and accepted the same June 24. He was made a full major-general at Harrison's Land ing, to date July 4, 1862, and Sept. 22 assumed command of all the troops in Virginia Bouth of the James. In the spring of 1863 the attention ofthe rebels was drawn to the importance of Suf folk. That reduced, Norfolk and Ports mouth mustalsofall. General Longstreet, with forty thousand men, the flower ofthe Southern army, was assigned the work. His plans, well laid, to cut the Nansemond six miles below the city and the railroad on left and rear, and, at the same time, draw off a part of General Peck's troops by a raid on Little Washington, being executed, General Peck's army of ten thousand men and the situation wonld fall a rich prize. General Peck, by a cap tured mail, conceived the plans of his wily adversary. Longstreet attempted to take the place by assault, but failed. The rebel general attempted to cut the river, but the small fleet, commanded by young men, but of unconquerable bravery, pre vented. Yet their gun-boats Mere riddled with balls. At length, on April 18, tbe object of the rebels seemed to be accom plished. An earth-work, mounting five rifled firm", was erected at Hill's Point, a place six miles below Suffolk, from which the enemy could sweep the gun-boats, but our missiles would only bury themselves in the parapet. General Peck, with a small detachment, stormed and captured the place with the entire party of officers, cannon, etc. This was the virtual ending of the attack on Suffolk, and on the third of May, General Longstreet, after an in vestment of the place for three weeks, raised the siege. For this grand and skillful defense of Suffolk, General Peck received the highest encomiums from his superiors for his good judgment dur ing the six months previous in strongly fortifying the place, and for his gallant defense of the same when attacked by a much larger force, led by some of the most distinguished generals in the service of the insurgents. In consequence of ill health he returned home, and July 5, 1864, was assigned to duty as second in command of the department of the east, consisting of New York, New Jersey, and the New England States, being selected by General Dix, who had previously desired the War Department to relieve General Peck in the south. In August, 1865, General Peck was mustered out ofthe service. In the elections of the fall of 1865 he acted with the Union party, and approved the recon struction plan of President Lincoln. At the time of the assassination of President Lincoln, General Peck issued appropriate orders to the department for observing the funeral obsequies, and addressed the great meeting in Wall street, and paid every respect due to the memory of the late chief magistrate. From the time General Peck assumed command of troops he was the source of justice and of muni cipal regulations, the protector of private rights of person and property. In his orders he called on Christian men of the north for ministers to give instruction to the living, and Christian burial to the dead heroes of the war. On April 12, 1865, the citizens of New York commemorated at Ihe Academy of Music, by appro priate exercises, the raising of the flag ofthe Union over Fort Sumter by General Anderson. General Peck was the president of the day, and delivered the address. In 1867 he organized the New York State Life Insurance Company, and was made president thereof. On March 20, 1874, lie lost his wife. Of late years he resided in Syracuse, with health very much impaired, the result of hardships and dangers encountered during his military career. He died April 21, 1878. Photo, by Taber & Howlaiul, Syracuse. {sC^ (^ZcZ^^Aj^^ Amos Stanton, father of the subject of this memoir, came from Lee, Mass., stopping in Montgomery county a few years, but in 1791 settled in Jamesville, purchasing some three hundred acres of land, including a mill privilege, at fifty cents an acre. In 1805 he came to what was then Salina, and purchased one square acre of ground near the present bridge over the Oswego canal, on Salina street. Mr. Stanton cleared the land and converted it into a wheat- field. When the Oswego canal was constructed, the line passed diagonally through Mr. "Stanton's Acre." Rufus Stanton was born in Mayfield, Montgomery county, in 1788. He was the thirteenth child of Amos and Mercy Stanton. In the fourth year of his age his parents removed to Onondaga County, where his earlier years were passed in the most primitive manner. He remembered his father having u, " husking-bee" one fall, to which every white settler in the county was invited. They all came, and yet a few split logs, laid smooth side up for tables, accommodated them. Amid such primitive scenes Rufus Stanton passed the earlier part of his life until his sixteenth year, when his father removed to the village of " Corinth," now Syracuse, and Kufus was one of a few men who met and changed the name of the place from " Corinth" to Syracuse. Rufus Stanton assisted in clearing away the trees and in the erection of the first frame house in Syracuse, its location being where the Empire House now stands. In 1807 he entered upon the business of baking and brewing, with his brother-in-law, Mr. Lundon, which ho continued for two years. The salt interest then began to loom up into importance, and Mr. Stanton engaged in its manufacture for three years. The rapidly-growing fame of the salt village called many strangers to study its advantages, and accommodations not being sufficient, he, in 1813, opened a tavern in Salina, where he entertained strangers, and among others General Scott and his troops on their way to Sacket's Harbor during the war of 1812-13; their next meeting of recognition was on board the " Mayflower," on Lake Erie many years after, when both were old men. Agricultural pursuits were combined with public services, and even as late as 1816 Mr. Stanton raised a heavy crop of rye on the site ofthe Syracuse House. In 1820 he commenced farming large tracts of land, one of which extended over the ground now occu pied by Renwick Castle and the Orphan Asylum. He remained there until 1833, when his close application to farm labor some what impaired his health, and he relinquished them for a time. Removing into the city, he was placed in charge of the Syracuse company's lands, the duties of which position were performed in the most satisfactory manner. At the close of the year, his health improving, he purchased a large farm situated on the eastern boundary of the city, known since as Stanton's Hill. Where his meadow was, is now the Driving Park. Prom this farm Mr. Stanton removed to Syracuse, where the latter years of his life were passed in the retirement of private life, surrounded by kind friends and loving relatives. He died Sept. 10, 1874. The Standard said of him at his death : "He was the oldest resident of the city and county at the time of his death, and was one of the most respected and trusted. He never sought public office, but always maintained tho highest reputation for honesty, integrity, industry, and uprightness of character. His word was as good as his bond, and in all his multitudinous transactions no one could ever say that Rufus Stanton wronged him of a dollar. He was always pleasant and cheerful, ready to assist the needy, and lend a helping hand to all public improvements. He was a relic of the sturdy, old-fashioned pioneers who are fast passing away. His life extended beyond the time usually allotted to man, and his surviving relatives look back with recollections of pride and love to the long career of their lamented parent, whose history presents so bright an example for them to follow." Mr. Stanton was first a Whig, latterly a Democrat; active during his middle life in political circles. He first married, in April, 1815, Miss Minerva Belknap, by whom he had three children. His wife died in 1821, and he was married, in March, 1824, to Minerva, sister of Dudley P. and R. R. Phelps, by whom he had seven children, of whom only three survive, — Helen M., widow of the late Charles Keene, once a prominent merchant with Dennis McCarthy; Heman H., resides in Topeka, Kansas; and Minerva E., who married Henry Burwell, of Chicago. His second wife also died, and he married the widow of the late Judge Clark, of Clarkston, Michigan. She still survives. Mr. Stanton was a member of the First Presbyterian church from about the time of his second marriage until his death. HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 241 FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS. Complete History of the Various Masonic Organizations which have Existed Within the Present Limits of Syracuse.* York Rite. Symbolic Lodges. — The first duly authenticated body of Free and Accepted Masons, organized within what are now the limits of the city of Syra cuse, was Salina Lodge No. 327, located in the village of Salina, now embraced in the First and Second Wards of the city ; which was warranted or chartered on the second day of December, 18 19, and for a time held its communications in what was then known as Beach's, afterwards Sanger's tavern, located on the corner of Salina and Wolf streets. Its existence must have been brief, as no papers can be found either at the former seat of the Lodge or on file in the Grand Secretary's office in the city of New York, touching its membership or duration. On the second day of January, A. L. 5826, A. D. 1826, a dispensation was granted for the organ izing of Syracuse Lodge No. 484, and on the tenth day of June following, a warrant was issued by the Grand Lodge, empowering Henry Newton to act as its first Master, Joseph Slocum as its first Senior Warden, and William Malcolm as its first Junior Warden. Its meetings were held in the then new Syracuse House in rooms fitted up for it, (according to a custom which then generally prevailed among the Lodges, of holding their meetings in public houses,) until about the year 1831, when it ceased work, owing to the influx of the great tidal wave of "Anti-Masonry" which was sweeping over the country at that time. The original warrant, to gether with the tin case containing the same, made over fifty years since by one of its earliest members, Mr. Isaac D. Lawson, still a resident among us, (January, 1878,) are in possession of the writer of this article, placed there by the late Russell Heb- bard, Esq., who was one of its last officers. On the 23d day of July, 1844, a warrant was granted constituting Syracuse Lodge No. 102, naming Luther M. Tracy for Master, Henry New ton for Senior Warden, and Hiram Judson for Junior Warden. This lodge held its meetings in Masonic Hall, Empire Block, bejng the north wing of the present Empire House, until August, 1849, when it removed to Frazee Hall, in what is now called the "Courier Building," corner of East Genesee and Montgomery streets, where it remained until Jan uary, 1850 ; it then removed to " New Masonic Hall," "Compiled by George J. Gardner, Esq. 31* Alvord Block, 30 and 32 South Warren street, south of and now occupied as a portion of the Remington House. Here it remained until November, 1852, when it removed to the Stanley Block, No. 38 South Warren street, adjoining on the north the present St. Paul's Church. Thence it moved again in 1856 to No. 63 South Salina street, New Masonic Hall, leasing the rooms there in connection with Central City Lodge No. 305, which Lodge had expended several thousand dollars in fitting up, preparing and beautifying the same. This Lodge continued to work until February, i860, when, "on the request and complaint of the members of that Lodge," its warrant was demanded and surrendered, together with all its properties, and on the eighth day of June following, it was declared forfeited by the Grand Lodge. On the day last mentioned, June 8, i860, a war rant was granted by the Grand Lodge, then in ses sion, and issued under date of July 5, i860, to Syracuse Lodge No. 501, authorizing the following named brethren to act as its first officers, viz : Lewis E. Joy, Master; John'Frary, Senior Warden, and Edward S. Dawson, Junior Warden. This Lodge held its communications at Masonic Hall, No. 63 South Salina street, for a number of years, and then fitted up and removed to rooms in the Bastable Arcade, fronting on East Genesee street. It subsequently removed in 1876 to its present location Nos. 37 and 39 South Clinton street, where it is now located. Its present officers are (January, 1878) as follows, viz : N. Latterner, Master ; C. J. Jeffery, S. W. ; A. E. Shaul, J. W. ; Joseph Walier, Treasurer and Daniel N. Lathrop, Secretary. Central City Lodge No. 305 never worked under dispensation, like most lodges, but commenced masonic labor under its warrant direct, received from the Grand Lodge on the 7th day of June, 1853. Its first warranted officers were W. George N. Williams, Master ; Joshua G. Bigelow, Senior Warden ; and W. Robert M. Richardson, Junior Warden. Its communications were held in Masonic Hall, Stanley Block, South Warren street, occupy ing jointly with Syracuse Lodge No. 102, and Syra cuse Royal Arch Chapter No 70 until 1856, when, having as above stated, fitted up new and more ap propriate rooms at an expense of several thousand dollars at No. 63 South Salina street, it removed thereto and occupied the same for about ten years. A favorable opportunity offering by the erection of a new building now known as Nos. 85 and 87 South Salina street, to secure more eligible and commodi- 242 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. ous rooms, it again spent a large sum in appropri ately decorating and furnishing them, and christen ing its new quarters as "Central City Masonic Hall," it removed thereto in 1871, where it is still located. Its present elective officers (January, 1878,) are as follows, viz: William Dickison, Master ; Albert Becker, Jr., Senior Warden ; Thurston D. Brewster, Junior Warden ; Charles P. Clark, Treasurer, and Daniel S. DeLano, Secretary. Orrin Welch,* Edwin H. Brown and Charles P. Clark, Trustees. Salt Springs Lodge No. 520 received its dispen sation and held its first regular communication by virtue thereof, on the 17th day of September, 1861, at the office of Brother Harry Gifford, in the First Ward of thecity. On the ioth day of June following (1862) it received a warrant from the M. W. Grand Lodge, authorizing it to hold its communications "in the First Ward of said city of Syracuse," and appointed John F. Sherwood the first Master, Henry F. Greene the first Senior Warden, and Peter Smith the first Junior Warden thereof. At the annual communication of the Grand Lodge in 1867, the restriction in regard to location in the First Ward of the city was withdrawn, and on the eleventh day of November succeeding, the Lodge removed to No. 27 North Salina street, where it re mained until its removal to the White Memorial Building on the 22d day of May, 1877, where it is now located. Its present officers (January, 1878,) are as follows, viz : Daniel H. Boynton, Master ; Frank Smith, S. W. ; H. O. Pratt, J. W. ; Fred. Schug, Treasurer, and John C. Kratz, Secretary. Cryptic . Masonry . — Central City Council No. 13, Royal and Select Masters, was granted a war rant by the Grand Council R. and S. M. of the State of New York, on the 5th day of June, i860, constituting the following named companions the first officers thereof, viz: T.I, Seymour H. Stone, Master; R. I., Stiles M. Rust, Deputy Master ; and I., Charles W. Snow, Princ. Cond. of the Works. This body has met as occasion has required in the rooms leased by the other Central City bodies and dispatched all necessary work. Its last elected officers are as follows, viz. : T. I , Abel G. Cook, Master; R. I., D'Estain Reming ton, Deputy Master; I., Richard H. Parker, P. C. W; I., Robert M. Beecher, Recorder; and I., Charles P. Clark, Treasurer. Capitular Masonry.— -In the early part of the year 1820 a dispensation was granted to organize Salina Chapter of Royal Arch Masons No. 70, and on the 9th day of February, 1821, a warrant was granted * Died March 21, 1878. naming William^ Baldwin as First High Priest • Henry Case, King and Matthew Van Vleck, Scribe thereof. This chapter met in the village of Salina, now in corporated within the limits of the city of Syracuse and worked under its dispensation and warrant reg ularly, with the exception of an interregnum during the " troublous times" occurring between 1828 and 183 1, until the year 1837, when, in the general sus pension of Masonic bodies which took place at that period, it became dormant, and remained so until the year 1849. On the tenth day of February, 1826, a warrant was issued to said Chapter No. 70, in place of the original warrant issued in 1821, which was said to have been lost, appointing Noah Tubbs, High Priest, Joel Wright, King, and Amos Foot, Scribe thereof, their convocations to be held in the village of Sali na. This is the warrant held by Central City Chap ter No. 70, under which it now works. On the 25th day of January, 1849, tne following compan ions assembled for the purpose of reorganizing the Chapter, viz. : Lyman R. Averill, Samuel R. Mat thews, Morris Kain, George W. Robinson and Jo seph Jaqueth, who were members of the said Chap ter, and the following Royal Arch Masons, not mem bers of the Chapter but desirous of becoming suchi viz. : John M. Clark, A. G. Brower, Jerry Penfield, Archibald Perkins, Philip Sharp, Amos Story, Ben jamin French, Dearborn B. Richford and Sanford C. Parker. An election for officers was then held resulting as follows : Lyman R. Averill was elected High Priest ; Morris Kain, King ; Joseph Jaqueth, Scribe ; Benjamin F. Green, C. of H. ; Samuel R. Matthews, P. S. ; Levi Adams, R. A. C; Josiah Watkins, M. of 3d V; Zebulon Kinne, M. of 2d V.; Jonathan P. Hicks, M. of istV.; Matthew Van Vleck, Treasurer ; George W. Robinson, Secretary ; Elisha Clark, Tiler ; and Morris Kain and Samuel R. Matthews, Stewards. The above proceedings were had preliminary to action by the Grand Chapter, on the 7th day of February, 1849, whereby Salina Royal Arch Chap ter No. 70 was revived, and its title changed to Sy racuse Chapter, retaining the same number, (70) and by said action, it was " authorized to hold its meet ings in the city of Syracuse." The following named petitioners were the only members embraced in the revival of the said Chapter, viz.: Lyman R. Aver ill, Joseph Jaqueth, Benjamin F. Green, Levi Ad ams, Josiah Watkins, (?) Zebulon Kinne, Jonathan P. Hicks, Matthew Van Vleck, George W. Robin son, Elisha Clark, Sanford C. Parker, Benjamin French, Abraham (?) G. Brower, John Newell, Jerry HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 243 Penfield, Archibald Jenkins, Dearborn B. Bickford, Henry Lake, Anson (Amos ?) Story and John M. Clark. Under this action of revivification the above mem bers held their first meeting " February 16th, 1849, at 21-2 o'clock, p. m, at Masonic Hall, Empire Block, Syracuse," and at once proceeded to an elec tion for officers, such step having become necessary by several of the officers elected under date of Jan uary 25th, 1849 being ruled out for reasons un known and not embraced in the list of petitioners. The result of this election was as follows, viz.: Ly man R. Averill was elected High Priest ; Benjamin F. Green, King ; John M. Clark, Scribe ; Sanford C. Parker, C. of H. ; Benjamin French, P. S. ; Abram G. Brower, R. A. C. ; Levi Adams, Dear born B. Bickford and Jerry Penfield, M. of the Vails ; George W. Robinson, Secretary ; Matthew Van Vleck, Treasurer ; Archibald Perkins, Tiler, and Amos Story and John Newell, Stewards. Its meetings were held in the Empire Block until August 29th, 1849, when it moved to the " Frazee Block," holding its first meeting there at that date ; thence it moved to " New Masonic Hall," Alvord Block, South Warren street, holding its first meet ing there January 9th, 1850; thence on the 17th day of November, 1852, it moved and held its first meeting in the Stanley Block, No. 38 South War ren street, first door north of St. Paul's Episcopal Church, and in 1856, to the Washington Block, No. 63 South Salina street. On the 3d day of February, 1864, the following resolution was adopted by the Grand Chapter of the State of New York : Resolved, That Syracuse Chapter No. 70, be authorized to change the name of the said Chapter from " Syracuse " to " Central City," and that the said Chapter shall hereafter be known and dis tinguished by the name of " Central City Chapter No. 70." In the year 1871, the Chapter moved with the other Masonic bodies from No. 63 to Nos. 85 and 87 South Salina street, where it is now located. Its present officers are as follows, viz : John W. Sherman, H. P. ; George A. Cool, K. ; Albert Becker, Jr., S. ; Charles P. Clark, Treasurer ; Daniel S. DeLano, Secretary ; Benjamin F. Blye, C. of H. ; W. H. Phelps, P. S. ; Julius A. Baumgras, R. A. C. ; L. D. Burton, T. D. Brewster and J. P. Rule, M. of Vails ; Charles A. Wiesmore, Tiler. Chivalric Orders of Masonry.— On. the 17th day March, 1856, a dispensation was issued creating Central City Encampment and appointing the fol lowing named Sir Knights as its first three officers, viz : Clinton F. Paige, Grand Commander ; Har low W. Chittenden, Generalissimo ; and William L. Palmer, Captain General. On the 6th day of Feb ruary, 1857, a warrant was issued to said officers by the Grand Commandery ofthe State of New York, under the name, number and style of " Central City Commandery, No. 25, of Knights Templar and Knights of Malta," in accordance with action previously had by the General Grand Encampment ofthe U. S. A., changing the title of "Encamp ment" to " Commandery," and the title of the first named officer from " Grand Commander " to " Em inent Commander." Under this warrant it has worked to the present time, first, at No. 63 South Salina street, and then at Nos. 85 and 87 South Salina street, in connection with the other Central City Bodies. Its present officers are as follows, viz : E., Charles P. Clark, Commander ; Edward H. Brown, Generalissimo ; Abel G. Cook, Captain General ; A. Clark Baum, Prelate ; George A. Cool, S. W. ; Richard H. Parker, J. W. ; Hiram A. Plumb, Treasurer ; Charles H. Lyman, Recorder ; William Caldwell, St. B. ; Marsh C. Pierce, Sw. B. ; John W. Sherman, Warder ; Charles A. Wiesmore, Captain of G. Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite. — The first step taken for the introduction of this Rite in that por tion of the State lying west of Albany, was on the 16th day of February, 1862, when 111. Bro. Nichol as Mickles 32 ° .'., of New York City, convened the following named brethren in a room in the Syra cuse House, viz : Orrin Welch, George J. Gard ner, Seymour H. Stone, Stiles M. Rust, and Chas. W. Snow, and by special dispensation from the Su preme Head of the Rite, authorizing him to do so, communicated to them the ritual of the various de grees embraced in the Lodge of Perfection and Council ofthe Princes of Jerusalem, being from the fourth to the sixteenth inclusive, of this Rite. On the 27th day of November, 1862, warrants were granted to the five above mentioned members also to Simon DeGraff, George W. Harwood and Martin V. B. Hart, they all having in the mean time duly qualified themselves by receiving the re maining degrees of the Chapter of Rose Croix and Consistory of S. P. R. S., 32 ° . \, to organize and work the several bodies of Central City Lodge of Perfection, Central City Council of Princes of Jerusalem, Central City Chapter of Rose Croix, H. R. D. M. ; and Central City Consistory of S. P. R. S., 32 ° .•., to which warrant of the last men tioned body were also added the names of Clinton F. Paige, of Binghamton, John L. Lewis, of Penn Yan, and Zenas C. Priest, of Utica. With the exception of bodies of this Rite, at that 244 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. time dormant or working, in Albany and New York, these were the first and only duly constituted bodies •of this Rite in the State. For a number of years their meetings were held at No. 63 South Salina street, and on the removal of Central City Lodge No 305 and other bodies to Nos. 85 and 87 South Salina street, rooms were fitted up and prepared especially for these bodies at a great expense, to which they re moved and where they are now all working. The present elective officers are (January, 1878) as fol lows, viz : Central City Lodge of Perfection — Abel G. Cook, 33 ° , T. P. G. M. ; George A. Cool, H. T. D. G. M. ; Albert Becker, Jr., V. S. G. W. ; Charles H. Lyman, V J. G. W.; Charles P. Clark, G. O.; Edwin C. Tallcott, G. Secretary ; Hiram W. Plumb, G. Treasurer. Central City Council of Princes of Jerusalem — George A. Cool, M. E. S. P. G. M. ; Charles P. Clark, G. H. P. D. G. M. ; Leslie B. Cooke, M. E. S. G. W. ; Albert Becker, Jr., M. E. J. G. W. ; Edwin C. Tallcott, V. G. Secretary. Central City Chapter, Rose Croix, H. R. D. M. — Leslie B. Cooke, M. W. and P. M. ; D'Estain Remington, M. E. and P. K. S. W. ; John W. Sherman, M. E. and P. K. J. W. ; William Cald well, M. E. and P. K. G. O. ; Hiram W. Plumb, R. and P. K. Treasurer ; Edwin C. Tallcott, R. and P. K. Secretary. Central City Consistory, S. P. R. S. 32 ° ,\ — Abel G. Cook, 330, Com. -in-chief ; Charles P. Clark, 32 ° , ist Lt. Com. ; George A. Cool, 32 ° , 2d Lt. Com. ; Thomas C. Chittenden, 32 °, M. of S. and G. O. ; Ralph C. Christiance, 32 ° , G. C. ; Edwin C. Tallcott, 32 ° , G. Secretary. The government of this Rite is vested in " the Supreme Council of Sovereign Grand Inspectors General of the Thirty-third and last degree, Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite, for the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction of the U. S. A," whose Grand East, or seat of power, is at Boston, Mass. Its active mem bership is limited — its honorary membership is based upon a pro-rata proportion of members of the 14 ° .-. made in the several States or jurisdictions. The resident members of this supreme body are as follows, viz : Active Member — Orrin Welch,* 33 ° .•., Deputy for the State of New York. Honorary Members — Seymour H. Stone, 33 ° .-. ; George J. Gardner, 33 ° .-. ; Edward H. Brown, 33 ° .-. ; and Abel G. Cook, 33 P .-. This is a brief but complete history of all the various Masonic bodies which have been organized *Died March 21st, 1878. within what are now the limits of the city of Syra cuse. Probably not one of the actors or members of the earlier organizations is now alive, and but very few of those formerly connected with the bodies existing immediately prior to the great fanatical war upon Masonry in 1826. The aggre gate membership of the various bodies herein enumerated will reach very nearly one thousand persons, with an apparent healthy and steady growth. ODD-FELLOWS' LODGES In the City of Syracuse and County of Onondaga. In the year 1842, the subject of Odd-Fellowship was for the first time discussed in the social circles of this community. What first awakened an inter est in the subject, was the frequent publication in the Eastern papers of this State, of notices of meet ings, funerals, &c, headed with those cabalistic characters, I. O. O. F., of which we were then in blissful ignorance. The spirit of womanly curiosity was aroused. A meeting of those interested was held, and it was resolved that measures be taken to organize a Lodge, to be called " Onondaga Lodge." The Laws of the Grand Lodge requiring five or more brethren to unite in petitioning for a charter, it was requisite that a number should be initiated in order to equal the constitutional requirement, and not deeming it expedient to commence opera tions till a sufficient number could be obtained to fill all the principal chairs, the following persons volunteered and agreed to qualify themselves, viz : William W. Willard, Geo. B. Sloat, Daniel D. Den ton, Geo. J. Gardner, William S. Wood, J. Gates Willard, and Jonathan Baldwin. The nearest Lodge then in existence, was Oneida Lodge, No. 70, Utica, of which Bro. Joseph Seymour, now of this city, was then Noble Grand (and who has con tinued his membership with that Lodge from that day to the present time,) in which these names were all proposed and the candidates in due time in itiated. The election and installation of officers then took place, and the following officers took their seats for the first term ending March 31st, or until their successors were installed, which took place April 7th, 1843, viz : William W. Willard, N. G. ; George B. Sloat, V. G. ; Daniel D. Denton, Sec. ; George J. Gard ner, Treas. ; William S. Wood, S. S. ; Myer Ex tern, O. G. ; Moses Hellman, I. G. ; Jonathan Baldwin, C. ; J. Gates Willard, Warden. A room was fitted up at an expense of several HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 245 hundred dollars, in the Bank Building — the attic of the block used by the Onondaga County Bank, and Bank of Syracuse, corner of Washington and South Salina streets, of which a lease was taken for the term of ten years, and which room con tinued to be occupied by Onondaga Lodge, and at times by the various Lodges of the city, until near the expiration of the lease, when a more commodi ous and richly decorated hall was procured, on the corner of Salina and Fayette streets, in which the order continued to hold its meetings until its de struction by fire on the morning of Sunday, Febru ary 3d, 1856. Thus was established Onondaga Lodge, No. 79, I. O. O. F. At that period there were but seven Lodges in operation throughout the whole portion of this State west of Schenectady, viz : Three at Buffalo, two at Rochester, one at Ithaca, and one at Utica — a territory now represented by more than 400 lodges of this order. During the existence of the lodge, there had been up to January 1, 1856: initiations, 455 ; additions by card, 53 ; making a total of 508 members. In the year 1845, in connection with Syracuse Lodge, a purchase was made of a large lot in the Rose Hill Cemetery, in the present Fourth Ward of this city, and the same surrounded with a sub stantial iron railing, decorated with the various emblems ofthe order. The first interment therein, and the first funeral they were called upon to attend, was that of Philo C. Weaver, of Oneida Lodge No. 70. From Onondaga Lodge went out several colonies and established Odd-Fellows Lodges' in Syracuse and in several towns of the county — Syracuse Lodge, No. 109 ; Salina, No. 97 ; and Alphadelphia, No. 44, in this city. These are all flourishing at this date, and since these have been added to the number, Lessing, No. 163, Lincoln and Barbarossa. These last two and Lessing work in the German language. Lincoln Lodge, organized in 1856, is the strong est in numbers of any in Onondaga District. Barbarossa, the youngest child of the order, has great zeal, but is yet the smallest in numbers of the city lodges. In addition to the seven lodges in the city, is Cynosure Encampment No. 14, a flourishing insti tution, which was formed by a union of Mt. Nebo, of Syracuse, and Uncas Encampment, of Baldwins ville. This Encampment and four Lodges occupy Odd-Fellows' Hall, (near City Hall) ; the other three Lodges have each very beautiful halls — one in the First Ward, and two in the Fourth Ward. Among the country lodges, Mohegan No. 29, at Baldwinsville, ranks first in numbers and influence. There are lodges in the villages of Jordan, Elbridge, LaFayette, Onondaga Valley and Delphi, all in a flourishing condition. See history of the towns. Officers of the Lodges of the Independent Order of Odd-Fellows in Syracuse. Alphadelphia Lodge No. 44, — N. G., Nelson Rit- ter ; V. G., James R. Dorsey ; S., John Y. Terry ; T., Charles R. Williams ; P. S., R. E. Taylor. Onondaga Lodge No. 79. — N. G., S. Silverstein ; V. G., D. King; S., Henry A. Petrie; T., C. F. Williston ; P. S., Jacob Stolz. Salina Lodge No. 97. — N. G., Thomas Purdy ; V. G., E. D. Atherton ; S., Joseph Devoux ; T., W. E. Bainbridge ; P. S., John Eastwood. Syracuse Lodge No. 109. — N. G., H. K. Brown ; V. G., William Newcity ; S., L. G. Dodge; T.,S. B. Palmer ; P. S., Wm. Holmes. Lessing Lodge, No. 163.— -N. G, M. Marx; V. G., Meier Weisman ; S., Jacob Levi ; T., M. Thal- heimer ; P. S., F. Rosenbloom. Lincoln Lodge, No. 180. — N. G., Wm. Miihlhau- ser ; V. G., Louis Baierle; S., Jacob Metzher ; T., Peter Hart ; P. S., W. Schwarz. Barbarossa Lodge, No. 320.— -N. G, Gustave H. Schulze; V. G., Frank B. Haberle ; S., Frank Smith ; T, W. Steinmann. Cynosure Encampment, No. 14, (formerly Mount Nebo No. 14.)— C. P., John A. G. Burns ; H. P., Edward D. Smith ; S. W., John Y. Terry; Scribe, T. B. McChesney ; J. W., A. S. Goodfellow ; Treas., A. Austin. INDEPENDENT ORDER OF FORESTERS. This order is an offshoot of the Ancient Order of Foresters, one of the strongest secret beneficial societies of Great Britain, where it has existed for two or more centuries. In 1874, a division occurred among the members which resulted in the estab lishment of the Independent Order of Foresters. At this time (1878) there are nearly 200 "Courts" and a membership of about 9,000 in the United States and Canadas. The order is similar in its aims and workings to the Odd-Fellows and Masonic bodies, but differs from them in the "endowment" feature. Each Forester in good standing pays ten cents on the death of a brother, and the heirs receive a sum not exceeding £1,000. This being a constitutional pro vision, it can never fail of realization while the order exists. 246 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. The Court in Syracuse — King Solomon Court, No. 13, State of New York — was organized in 1875, and now numbers 6$ members. The present offi cers : John H. Horton, Chief Ranger ; F. D. Hor ton, V. C. R. ; Louis Cohn, Secretary ; C. F. Wil- liston, Financial Secretary. There is also a Miriam Degree Court of about 40 members, (ladies,) organized on similar principles, which is in active operation. Its officers are (1878) Jacob Levi, C. R.; Regina Thalheimer, V. C. R.; C. F. Williston, Secretary ; Bertha Levy, Treasurer. Both Courts meet in Odd-Fellows' Hall, corner of City Hall Place, and are growing in numbers and influence. OFFICIAL ROSTER, N. G., S. N. Y. Headquarters ioth Brigade, N G., S. N. Y., 1 Syracuse, N. Y.,Feb. 2,1878. j General Orders, No. i. By virtue of the authority conferred by a com mission from His Excellency, the Governor, I here by assume command of the Tenth Brigade of the National Guard of the State of New York. The following officers are hereby announced as the Staff of the ioth Brigade, N. G., S. N. Y. : Lieut. Col. James H. Hinman, of Syracuse, As sistant Adjutant General and Chief of Staff. Major John J. Letchworth, of Auburn, Inspector. Major Frederic B. Chapman, of Syracuse, In spector of Rifle Practice. Major Wm. Allen Butler, of Syracuse, Engineer. Major Ely Van DeWarker, of Syracuse, Surgeon. Major Elbert O. Farrar, of Syracuse, Judge Ad vocate. Capt. Geo. W. Edwards, of Syracuse, Ordnance Officer. Capt. James M. Belden, of Syracuse, Quarter master. Capt. Louis F. Powell, of Syracuse, Commissary of Subsistence. Capt. Robt. Townsend, of Syracuse, and ist Lieut. Frank P. Denison, of Syracuse, Aides-de-Camp. J. DEAN HAWLEY, Brigadier-General. [official.] Field and Staff of 5 ist Reg't, N. G., S. N. Y. John W. Yale, Colonel. Rhesa Griffin, Lieutenant-Colonel. John A. Nichols, Major. I. F. Draime, 1st Lieut, and Adjutant. Riley V. Miller, 1st Lieut, and Quartermaster. Jos. Sniper, 1st Lieut, and Com. of Subsistence. Gregory Doyle, Major and Surgeon. Geo. W. Cook, Capt. and Assistant Surgeon. Rev. Henry R. Lockwood, Chaplain. D. H. Bruce, Bvt. Col. andlnspr. of Rifle Practice. Artillery — Battery H. Paul Birchmeyer, Captain. Conrad Meyer, 1st Lieutenant. Henry Wirges, ist Lieutenant. Frank Meilich, 2d Lieutenant. George King, 2d Lieutenant. Cavalry — Separate Troop "C." Michael Auer, Captain. Frederick Auer, ist Lieutenant. M. B. Nicholson, 2d Lieutenant. ^^WL-^ The subject of this sketch was born in Lanesborough, Berk shire Co., Mass., January 27, 1804. His grandfather, Jared Smith, was a Kevolutionary soldier. His father, Silas Smith, died at a premature age, and about the year 1824. Vivas W. was one of a family of five sons and two daughters who reached manhood and womanhood. He spent his minority on a farm, except the last year, which was spent in the law-office of George N. Briggs, at Lanesborough. After a short experience in a newspaper-office at Westfield, he came to Onondaga Hill, this county, and bought out the Onondaga Journal, and published the same for twenty months, and, upon the moving of the county-seat to Syracuse, he also removed there, and, with John P. Wyman, established the Onondaga Standard. In 1837 he dissolved his connection with the Democratic party, and established, in 1838, a Whig paper, entitled The Western State Journal. The continuation of the same paper, now by the name of the Syracuse Daily and Weekly Journal, is carried on by Hon. Carroll E. Smith & Co. In 1841, Mr. Smith went to Columbus, Ohio, and spent three years there on the State Journal, a Whig paper. He returned to Syracuse, and in the fall of 1846 was elected county clerk, the duties of which office he discharged for one term of three years. In 1855 he was appointed superintendent of the Onondaga salt springs by Governor Clark, which posi tion he held for ten years, and discharged the duties of the office with honor to himself and satisfaction of all interested. In the year 1873, Mr. Smith was appointed canal appraiser by Governor John A. Dix, which office he still retains. Nurtured in the Democratic party, he early became imbued with Kepublican principles, and, for some twenty-five years after the establishment of his paper in Syracuse, Mr. Smith wielded a controlling influence in political circles, stood fore most in his party, and ardently, with pen, advocated a platform of purity, economy, and reform, and exercised a large influence not only in his own county, but in appointments for his county made by State authorities. For his first wife (February. 1832) he married Miss Caroline, daughter of Hon. Jonas Earll, of Onondaga Hill, by whom he had one son, Carroll E., now of the firm of Smith & Co., publishers of the Syracuse Daily Journal. His wife died April, 1835. For his second wife (June, 1839) he married Miss Theodora, daughter of David Morey, of Syracuse, by whom he has three children, — Fillmore M., Seward V., and Florence^. HON. DENNIS MCCARTHY. The subject of this sketch was born in the village of Salina, Onondaga Co., N. Y., March 19, 1814. His father, Thomas McCarthy, was born in the city of Cork, Ireland, in the year 1786. Came to America in 1808, and settled at Salt Point, sub sequently called Salina, but now the first ward of the city of Syracuse ; carried on mercantile business, and was quite extensively engaged in the salt interest, at that time just beginning to be developed. He was promi nently identified with public interests, was a member of the State legis lature one term, was trustee of! the village of Salina for many years, and a director of the first bank established in the village of Salina. He died in 1848. Dennis, after pursuing the usual elementary branches of instruction in the common schools of his native place, "finished" his education, tech nically speaking, at Onondaga academy and the Yates' Poly technic institute. In 1834 he went into partnership in the mercantile business with his father, and after four years, his father retiring from that interest, Dennis carried it on alone until 1846, when he came to Syracuse, where he opened a general merchandise store. His trade grew rapidly as the coun try developed and demand in creased, until, from a small beginning, with sales of fifteen thousand dollars per year, he is now, associated with his sons, David K. Thomas and Dennis, Jr., carrying on one of the largest wholesale trades in dry goods of any firm between New York and Chicago, their sales per year amounting to nearly two million dollars. Since the first opening of the mercantile business by his father, sixty years ago, two successive generations have only enlarged the business and extended its boundaries of trade. Mr. McCarthy, from the beginning of his business ca reer, displayed great industry, energy, and sagacity, and be fore coming to Syracuse was well known in business circles as a salt manufacturer, and as such was very successful. Mr. McCarthy was formerly a Free-soil Democrat, and remained with the Democratic party until the neces sities of the late rebellion appealed to the patriotism of every friend of his country,when, in 1862, hebecamean ardent supporter of the principles of tho Republican party, and of the administration representing the Union cause. He has always taken a deep and intelligent interest in politics, and for many years has been recognized in political circles as one of tho most prominent members of the party with which he is identified in Central .0 i c^pu^t. Residence or JACOB AMOS. coff.OFHAwuyiMfSs/DEirs.SyBACusE.N.y. HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 249 at the head of the various industries which he had been so largely instrumental in creating and sup porting. Mr. Gere died on the 18th day of December, 1877, aged 81 years and 28 days. Of his family there remains to mourn him his widow, the faithful wife of more than half a century ; Hon. R. Nelson Gere, President of the Syracuse Iron Works and of the Merchants National Bank; George C. Gere, Superintendent of the Geddes Coarse Salt Compa ny ; Anna, wife of Hon. James J. Belden, Mayor of the city of Syracuse ; Hon. William H. H. Gere, Secretary of the Onondaga Iron Company and Supervisor for the Third Ward of Syracuse ; and N. Stanton Gere, late President of the Board of Supervisors, and representing on the Board the town of Geddes. These are the children of Mr. Gere, born in the order named. Two of his sons represented Onondaga County in the Legislature, and all of them have exercised an influence of great importance in the business interests of the city and county. The city of Syracuse and the county of Onon daga, owe a large debt of grateful remembrance to their sturdy pioneers, among whom Robert Gere assumed a leading position. He was a man of great strength of will, and possessed the most positive traits of character. A plain, blunt man, he was always just what he seemed to be. His inner na ture was a genial, kindly one: He was deeply at tached to his family, and took the keenest pride in the prosperity and advancement of his sons. During the last year of his life when infirmities confined him to his residence, his family, without exception, were unremitting in their attentions to him and vied with one another in their efforts to miti gate his last suffering. When, at last, death had set its seal upon his long, laborious and useful life, his four sons bore all that was mortal of him to the grave. We clip the following from a brief notice of his death which appeared in the Daily Journal oi De cember 18, 1877: " Another of our oldest, most honored and es teemed citizens passed to his eternal rest, when, at six o'clock this morning, the death messenger came to Robert Gere. For several days past it was ap parent to those who gathered at his bedside that his end was near, that his lamp of life was flicker ing. Months ago he was borne down by the weight of- years, his physical strength having been almost expended in the faithful discharge of the duties of an exceptionally active life. As colors melt away into shades and tints and finally disappear, so his life went out at the age of eighty-one years. " A full and just review of the life of Mr. Gere 31* cannot be prepared hastily. It was a life of unu sual activity, and most thoroughly identified with the history and business interests of this city." JACOB AMOS. The subject of this sketch was born in Wiirtem- berg, Germany, April 23, 1818. He is the young est of three sons of Charles Amos and Barbara Chaffla, both natives of Wtirtemberg. His early life was spent in learning the butcher's trade, which he followed until he came to America. His op portunities for education from books were such as the common schools of that country afforded. At the age of twenty-one years he resolved to seek his fortune in a foreign land, and where greater opportunities offered for the efforts of a young man, and consequently came to New York, thence to Rochester, and in February, 1840, to the village of Syracuse. His whole effects at that time con sisted of his raiment and seventy-five cents in cash. His first business here was packing salt and chopping wood, and for some six years he was en gaged in the butchering business. He had by this time, by strict economy, saved from his small earn ings sufficient to furnish a house comfortably, and in the year 1847 married Miss Mary Ann Kepplan, a native of Alsace, Germany, who had come to this country in 1834 with her parents and settled in the town of Manlius. She was born in the year 1824 and was one of seven children of Sebastian Kep plan. For the first year after his marriage he rented a mill with one run of stone in Jamesville, and after three years he rented the whole mill with four run of stones. Here he continued business four years gradually increasing his trade and patronage. He then removed to the town of DeWitt, rented a mill, put in machinery and manufactured flour, split peas and farina. Here he continued until" the breaking out of the war of the Rebellion, when his mill property was accidentally burned, but with very little loss to Mr. Amos. He then came to Syracuse, purchased three stores in the Raynor Block, and again commenced his milling business, subsequently adding to his purchase as much more of the block. His operations in milling have been carried on here until the fall of 1877. During this time he also invested in mill property in Baldwins ville and carried on a very large business there, Shortly after coming to Syracuse in the year 1864 his wife died, and for his second wife he married in 1867 Mrs. Arminda Ring, widow of the late Wm. Ring of Buffalo. ¦250 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. At the time of the writing of this sketch his busi ness in Baldwinsville and Syracuse in milling opera tions is supposed to be the largest of any in Onondaga county. During these years of successful enter prise, Mr. Amos has confined himself very closely to his business, and has risen in trade from an em ploye* to one of the most successful business men of his county and of this part of the State. His strict integrity of purpose and honest deal ing have gained for him the respect and esteem of his fellow-men. On first coming to this country he cast his vote in the Whig party, and is now an ardent supporter of the Republican party, although never active in politics or solicitous of public honors. To Mr. and Mrs. Amos have been born seven children, viz : Charles, Matilda, Jacob, Mary (died in infancy,) Katie, John (died in infancy,) and Amelia. Charles and Jacob are now associated with their father in business, and the firm is now the owner of the large and new flouring mill on West Water street, Syracuse. A portrait of Mr. Amos and view of his residence will be found on another page of this work. MRS. ANN M. TREADWELL REDFIELD. Her paternal grandfather, the Hon. Thomas Tread well, was born in the year 1743, at Smith- town, Long Island. He graduated at Princeton College and studied law under Chancellor Living stone. Thompson, in his history of Long Island, says, " He was one of the most useful men of his day, and was almost constantly engaged in public business, was distinguished for firmness and pru dence, was a member of the Provincial Convention in 1775 and was elected afterwards to the Provin cial Congress from Long Island (with power to es tablish a new form of government). He was a member of the first Senate of this State under the Constitution and seems in all respects to have been fitted for the perilous times in which he lived." Gov. Seward, in his introduction to the Natural History of the State of New York, says, " He was one of the three constituting the Committee of Safety while the Constitution of this State was being formed in 1777, and was for many years the only surviving member of that memorable body." In 1772-76 he was a representative in the Con tinental Congress in Philadelphia. In 1775 he was elected to the Provincial Congress sitting in the city of New York. In 1776 he was elected to represent Suffolk County, L. I. In 1778 he was delegated to the convention at Poughkeepsie to deliberate on the adoption of the Constitution of the United States. He was also appointed during the same year Judge of Probate for the State of New York, which office he held until Surrogates were appointed for each county. In 1771 he was elected to represent Suffolk, Kings and Queens counties in the Continental Congress then sitting in Philadelphia, (to fill a va cancy caused by the death of Dr. Townsend). In 1793 he was again elected to represent these coun ties, which he continued to do until he removed to Plattsburgh. In 1804 he was elected Senator for the Northern District, and in 1807 he was appoint ed Surrogate of Clinton connty, which office he continued to hold until his death at Plattsburgh, N. Y., December 25th, 1831. Her maternal grandfather, Judge Charles Piatt, came from " the ancient and honorable family of Platts, who were in great repute in Norfolk, as is con firmed by a manuscript of those worthies who had Standards of Arms, the first of Edward the Third, King of England, A. D., 1327, then bore for their coat of Armorial party and pale, or and gule, a lion passant, argent, armed, azure, and Christ, a Chaplet of Flowers, the ancient reward of merit bestowed by damsels upon their favorites at their return from a vi'ctorious field of battle." (Copied from the Herald's College, London, Eng land, 1 76 1.) Judge Piatt was one of the pioneers of what now is called Plattsburgh, N. Y., named from the family, and came there with his two brothers from Dutchess county, N. Y. He died at Platts burgh. Mrs. Ellet, in " The Queens of American Society," says : " The subject of this sketch is not only noted for position, but known as the author of a popular work — Zoological Science, or Nature in Living Forms, — a book commended by Professor Agassiz as one that would ' do great credit to a majority of college professors in this department.' She came of a distinguished family. Her paternal grand father devoted his entire fortune and best energies to the support of American Independence in the great struggle for nationality, and her father obtained distinction in the war of 18 12. " Ann Maria Treadwell was born at St. Andrews, Canada, January 17, 1800, and was second daughter of Nathaniel Hazard Treadwell and Margaret Piatt, and passed the earlier part of her life on the banks of the beautiful Ottawa, afterwards residing at Plattsburgh. She was educated in the school of Mrs. Emma Willard, of Middlebury, Vt. Her intellectual culture was softened by native refine ment and a sympathy that went forth spontaneously toward all who needed it or claimed her tenderness. The mother of a numerous family, she took pains Ct^i-n^ 777 &. /Ze^faLZcsO- HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 251 with the education of her children, who, like her, are prominent in society." She was married at Clinton, N. Y., February 7, 1820, to Lewis H. Redfield, Esq., a prominent journalist of Onondaga county for many years. Mrs. Redfield is now in her 79th year, with sympa thies with the present generation as with the past, possessing great intellectual vivacity, and, as in the past, she lives endeared not only to her children, but to her numerous acquaintances. MILTON H. NORTHRUP. Milton H. Northrup is a native of Madison county. Born near Peterboro, in 1841, he gradu ated at Hamilton College in i860. Going South to engage in teaching, the breaking out of the rebel lion found him at the head of the preparatory department of Oglethorpe University at Milledge ville, the then capital of Georgia. Returning North he taught a private classical school at Syracuse for two years. He was admitted to the bar in 1863, but never engaged in the practice of the profession. In the fall of 1863 he was Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Onondaga county, and subsequently Clerk to the Supervisor's Bounty Committee, which disbursed the county bounty to volunteers. In the summer of 1864, he was appointed Aide- de-Camp on the staff of Brigadier-General John A. Green, Jr., who had been charged by Governor Seymour with the defense of the Northern frontier of the State from Wayne county to the Vermont line. The apprehended rebel invasion from Canada did not occur, and the National Guard's services were happily not called into requisition. The years 1865-6, were passed by Mr. Northrup in the Penn sylvania oil regions, whence, incidentally, he con tributed to the World and other papers descriptive letters of life in the " Oildorado " which attracted wide attention. Commencing with the session of 1867 he spent several winters at Albany as legisla tive correspondent of the New York Express and other papers, and, in 1869, as legislative reporter for the New York Associated Press. He repre sented the New York Express at Washington in the spring of 1868, during the impeachment trial of President Johnson, and spent the summer and autumn of that year in travel in Europe After the adjournment ofthe legislature in 1869, he accepted the position of agent at New York of the New York State Associated Press, which posi tion he held until he became editor and one of the proprietors of the Courier. During the memorable session of the Forty-fourth Congress, Mr. Northrup spent most of his time in Washington as editorial correspondent of his paper. By request of Mr. Payne of Ohio, Chairman of the committee, he acted as Clerk to the committee on the part of the House which, in connection with a similar com mittee on the part of the Senate, prepared and re ported the bill creating the Electoral Commission which settled the Presidential controversy. The Syracuse Courier, with which Mr.- North rup is now connected, was founded in 1856, during the Presidential campaign of that year, in the interest of the Democratic party. H. L. Haga- dorn was its first proprietor. In 1858 the paper passed into the hands of Messrs. D. J. Halsted and H. S. McCullom, under the name of Central City Courier. In the Presidential campaign of i860 the Courier ran up the Breckenridge ticket. Mr. Halsted, who favored Douglas' candidacy, with drew and started a new paper, the Syracuse Union, which hoisted Douglas' name for President. Short ly after election, the two papers were consolidated under the name of the Courier and Union, with Mr. Halsted as sole proprietor. In 1869 the last half of the name was dropped and the paper has since borne its present title. In 1870 Mr. Halsted parted with two-thirds interest in the establishment to Mr. Milton H. Northrup, who assumed editorial control, (which position he now fills) and S. Gurney Lapham. In 1873 the property passed into the hands of the " Courier Printing Company," a duly incorporated company, with the above named as the principal stockholders. Hon. Daniel Pratt was made President of the company, S. Gurney Lapham, Secretary, D. J. Halsted, Treasurer and Business Manager, and M. H. Northrup continued as Managing Editor. In January, 1878, Mr. William T. Hamilton was made Secretary of the company, and Mr. Wilber M. Brown, Treasurer and Business Manager ; the other officers remain ing as before. In addition to the daily, the com pany publishes the Onondaga Weekly Courier, and and has since 1874 published the Sunday Courier, issued Sunday mornings. JOHN G. K. TRUAIR, Senior publisher of the Syracuse Journal, was born in Sherburne, Chenango County, N. Y., May 11, 18 17. He graduated at Oberlin College, Ohio, in 1838, and at once engaged in academic teaching in the State of New York. He was Principal of Gilbertsville Academy and Collegiate Institute, Otsego County, six years ; of Norwich Academy, Chenango County, two years ; and of the Brockport 252 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. Collegiate Institute, Monroe County, five years. In 1861, he was also connected for one year with the Female College at Elmira. In the spring of 1855, he purchased the Syracuse Journal establishment which had been conducted the preceding year by his brother, Thomas S. Truair, and devoted his time and energies for many years to the work of placing the Journal upon a firm and substantial basis. In 1862, Hon. Carroll E. Smith became associated with him^in the conduct of the paper, and in 1870 Col. Dwight H. Bruce was admit ted to an equal partnership in the establishment. Although Mr. Truair had spent fifteen years in the duties of a teacher's profession, for which he developed an unusual fitness and in which he met with uniform and gratifying success, yet he had always felt a strong inclination to engage in the avocations and excitements of a business life. He entered this new sphere of activity, therefore, with great eagerness and courage, and gradually over coming the numerous obstacles incident to news paper enterprises, his efforts were crowned with gratifying success. He had the satisfaction of seeing the Journal steadily advance from year to year in favor with the public, increasing rapidly its circulation and patronage, and widely extending its influence and usefulness. The business interests of the establishment, which were especially committed to the supervision of Mr. Truair, soon became fixed upon a firm and substantial basis, never losing their hold upon the confidence of the public. After a laborious service of nearly a quarter of a century, Mr. Truair and his colleagues have the sat isfaction of knowing that the Journalis moving for ward in a prosperous and useful career, and securing more and more the confidence and support of an appreciative public. Mr. Truair was for many years Secretary of the Onondaga County Bible Society and of the Pioneer Society of Central New York. In 1861 and 1862, he was appointed Treasurer of the city of Syracuse and held the same office again in 1864 and 1865. He is also a member of the Board of Councillors of the " Home Association," and is Vice-President of that body. GENERAL JOHN ELLIS. The history of Onondaga county would be signally incomplete without a sketch of that sturdy pioneer General John Ellis, whose name is most honorably associated with its annals, and who was also largely instrumental in the development of its material resources. A scion of the best New England ancestry, he was born at Hebron, Conn., 1764, the son of John Ellis and of Elizabeth Sawyer, his wife. While still in his boyhood, his parents moved to the town of Pittsfield, Berkshire county, Mass., where they were residing at the opening of the struggle for independence. In 1779, young Ellis, although yet of tender age, caught the fervor of the Revolution and became anxious to join the army. Although too young for regular service, his father consented that his intimate friend, Captain Talcott, should allow the young patriot to become his personal attendant, and, in this capacity, he lived in the Captain's tent and was treated by him in all respects as his son. He often accompanied the troops in their expeditions, and exhibited those qualities of courage and of decision which were amply illustrate^ in his after life. He remained with the army until the close of the war. At the age of 21 he was working his father's farm summers, and teaching school winters, and by industry and strict economy was enabled to save enough to bring him in the year 1794 to this west ern country, and to buy land for a homestead. He devoted the first summer to looking over the lands of Onondaga and some of the adjoining counties, in company with General Van Cortland, Judge Geddes and some others. He finally decided upon Onondaga, and located first at Manlius. In 1795 he returned to Pittsfield, and married Submit Olds, also a native of Hebron, and in February of that year they returned to the then western wilderness, in company with Dr. Sturdevant and his young wife and a man Mr. Ellis had employed to drive the third team. Few of those now living can appreciate the hard ships and perils attendant upon the journey to this then western country in those primitive days. It was literally a passage through the wilderness, a passage made not less formidable by nature, than by the presence of the red man still retaining much of his olden hostility to the white man. Several adventures with the Indians marked the progress of the young New England couple to their new home. Mr. Ellis had, however, consider able previous acquaintance with them, had thor oughly studied their habits and peculiarities, and knew how to manage them, as an incident which occurred during their journey will illustrate. Near Oneida Castle, the sleds became mired, and it was necessary to call upon the Indians for help. Entering one of the largest huts late in the evening, a number of Indians were found wrapped in their blankets asleep. Mr. Ellis directed the women to show no signs of fear, and himself walked directly il, SanuA S<"~°J a^^-7 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 253 to the fire, raked open the bed of coals and applied fresh fuel. The Indians being aroused showed symptoms of anger, but Mr. Ellis spoke in a com manding voice, and by making signs, which they understood, induced a number of them to give him the required assistance. The women remained in the hut, not without fear, but the authority of Mr. Ellis was sufficient not only then but ever afterwards, to command the respect and affection of the Indians. By the Onondagas especially he was held in high esteem, and they honored him with an Indian name which was a synonym of bravery. Mrs. Ellis also lost all fear of the Indians, and treated them with unfailing kindness, which was by them cheerfully reciprocated. The journey already alluded to took about three weeks to accomplish, and was terminated at Man lius, where Mr. Ellis fixed his temporary residence, having brought with him a small stock of goods for exchange with the Indians for their furs and for supplying the wants of the few settlers who had preceded him. During the following year, and while General Van Cortland was on a visit to them, Mr. and Mrs. Ellis's first child was born. General Van Cortland asked permission to name him, but Mr. Ellis replied, the " boy's name is John, but you may add whatever else you please." So the child was called " John Cortland." Among the many lots of 250 acres each, pur chased by Mr. Ellis in different parts of the town of Onondaga (in which the county seat was after wards located) lot 103 was chosen for the family residence, and clearing was began that season, the trees being felled to be burned the following year. During the spring of 1798 General Ellis removed with his family to Onondaga Hill, where he had built a one and a-half story frame house, but owing to the scarcity of brick the chimney could not be completed before October. In September, the second child and eldest daughter, Harriet Byron, was born, and as no fire could be built within doors, the child was dressed out of doors by a log fire, which served the double purpose for cooking and to keep off wild animals. In the year 1801 General Ellis built a second and larger house, a part of which was used as a store for several years. He kept supplies for the settlers, and for the purpose of trading with the In dians. In this house were born four daughters, Sophia, Submit, Electa and Laura and the second son, James Madison Ellis. In 1804 General Ellis built upon the stream run ning through his farm (where the reservoir of the 33 Syracuse Water-Works Company now is) a saw mill, and later the same year also built on his farm a small factory for carding and cloth-dressing. In 181 1 Mr. Ellis began the erection of a new and quite a large frame house, said at the time to be one of the finest residences in the town. The progress of building was slow, as General Ellis was compelled to send to Massachusetts for mechanics. The family moved into the new home during the autumn of 18 12, and before it was quite finished. Here were born the two youngest children, Mary Caroline and George Clinton. At this time (1878) this house and also the second built by General Ellis, are standing in a very good state of preservation. During the year 1802, General Ellis purchased of General Humphrey, of Derby, Conn., four Spanish Merino sheep — two bucks and two ewes — for which he paid $1,500, and as at that time there was a premium on the first buck brought to each county, he left one of his with Mr. Douglas of Madison county, bringing the rest to his own farm. The following year he was offered $1,500 for his best buck, which he refused, as there were increased difficulties in the way of importing these sheep from Spain. This would seem to be a very high price, but years afterwards single sheep of the same breed were sold for a much larger sum. About this time General Ellis went to Cheshire, Mass., where he bought one cow and thirty calves of their best improved stock, and brought them to Onon daga. They proved an excellent breed and were distributed among the farmers of the county. Mr. Ellis was by birth and education a Presby terian, and one of the organizers of the first Pres byterian society of Onondaga ; and was ever after one of its chief supporters. In April, 1799, was held the second annual town meeting of Onondaga, and among the officers chosen was Mr. John Ellis for assessor. Mr. Ellis was widely known as a military man. His first appointment was in 1797, when he was made Adjutant in Colonel Asa Danforth's regiment of General Taylor's brigade. From this time his advance was rapid to the rank of both Major and Colonel; July 10, 181 1, he received from his per sonal friend, Daniel D. Tompkins, Governor of the State, the commission of Brigadier -General of the county militia, and September 15, 18 18, he received from Governor DeWitt Clinton the commission of Major-General, and was assigned to the 18th Division of Infantry of the State Militia. During the war of 18 12, General Ellis was in command of the Onondaga brigade, which was kept as a reserve force in case of invasion, or trouble on the frontier ; 254 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. and May 6, 1814, when the British captured Os wego, his brigade was ordered to that point. But upon their arrival at Oswego Falls, they learned that the enemy had evacuated the fort. The troops, however, continued on to Oswego, where they re mained some time. Again, when the British fleet lay off Sackett's Harbor, the brigade was called out with all speed, the news reaching General Ellis by special messenger at 9 o'clock at night ; and be tween this and morning he dispatched men on horseback all through the county to notify the offi cers and men. Early the following morning, General Ellis in command of his brigade and the warriors of the Onondagas led by Colonel Ephraim Webster, Indian Agent, marched for Sackett's Har bor. They had proceeded as far as Smith's Mills or Adams, when a halt was ordered, as the enemy had disappeared, and a victory had been won at Big Sandy Creek. For six weeks after this General Ellis's brigade was kept deploying, watching the movements of the British fleet. General Ellis was a man of marked and well- defined characteristics, both of mind and manners. As a politician, he was both active and influential. At first he was a Federalist, but just previous to the War of 1812, he, with Judge Mosely and others, embraced the principles of the Democratic party ; and although an ardent supporter of Jefferson and Tompkins, he was ever the friend of DeWitt Clin ton. He lived a sober, consistent, and Christian life, and was highly esteemed by all his friends and fellow-townsmen. He died of consumption in 1820, and was buried with military honors in the family lot on the farm at Onondaga Hill. Mrs. Ellis was well calculated to bear the hard ships and trials and to meet the dangers of a life in the wilderness ; and she was always in every way, a most valuable help-meet to her husband. She was discreet and possessed excellent judgment, as well as every qualification that adorns a wife and mother. She was a woman of great endurance, although slight and delicate in appearance. She was the mother of nine children, of whom only Mrs. Caro line Hargin, of New York City, and James M. Ellis, of Syracuse, are now living. General Ellis died leaving a family of children whose opportunities for obtaining an education had been such as the schools of that day afforded. The depreciation in values at the close of the war in 1815, made the large estate left by him of over 1,200 acres of land, of insufficient value to place the family in easy circumstances. James M. spent the nine years following his father's death, at home, as sisting his mother on the farm. In 1829 his mother with the younger children, went to Henrietta, Mon roe county, where she took a house until the follow ing summer, for the purpose of giving the children better opportunities for obtaining an education. On her return James began work in earnest, and soon paid off the encumbrance on the farm. January 6, 1833, he married Lucy Cudworth, daughter of Nathaniel Cudworth and Lydia Farrar, of Bristol Ontario County, and who had settled there as early as 1798, and coming by water all the way from Sonet Bay, Mass., to Seneca Lake, and being 31 days on their journey. She (Lucy Cudworth) was born Feb. 8, 18 12. The spring following his marriage, and when 23 years of age, Mr. Ellis bought the homestead of 250 acres of the heirs, and settled down for life. During the next twenty years he carried on his farm, and was among the representative farmers of the county. He had special interest and pride in his flock of merino sheep, bred from the flock owned by his father and previously from the stock imported by General Humphrey, Minister to Spain, in 1801. By the appreciation of this flock left him by his father he bred with great care and success until 1854, and was said to have had one of the best flocks in the State. The same stock has been propagated and improved by Davis Cossitt, of Onondaga, whose flock now can hardly be excelled. The sudden death of his only son and two daughters, caused him to give up farming, and in 1854 he moved to the city of Syracuse, where he has since resided. Soon after coming here he engaged in the wool trade, which, with the tanning and hide and leather trade, he, with E. B. Wicks, T. B. Fitch and J. S. Sharp, carried on in Chicago and Syra cuse, until about the year 1868 in the former, and until 1 87 1 in the latter place. Mr. Ellis has been Trustee of the Syracuse Sav ings Bank since 1855, and has also been connected with the Mechanics Bank since its organization in 185 1, having been President of the latter since the year 1872. For many years past he has been largely identified with the manufacturing interests of the city. In politics, Mr. Ellis cast his first presidential vote for Andrew Jackson, and continued an ardent supporter of the Democratic party until the Free- Soil movement, when he arrayed himself against the introduction of slavery into the Territories; and upon the formation of the Republican party adopted its principles, and has since, with little variation, stood unswervingly in its ranks. Although always tak ing a lively interest in important public questions, he never desired political preferment. HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 25S In the old military organization of the State Mr. Ellis was Adjutant under Colonel Woodruff in the 147th Regiment from 1833 to 1836. In 1836 he received the commission of Major from Governor Wm. L. Marcy, and on the death of Colonel Wood ruff, in 1838, he was elected Colonel, and resigned the same year. Mr. Ellis is a plain, unassuming man, possessing strict integrity of purpose and an unblemished reputation in all his business and social relations. To Mr. and Mrs. Ellis have been born seven children, viz : Clara Earll, (deceased,) Mary Sophia, (died young,) James Augustus, (deceased,) Mary Caroline, (deceased,) Harriet Isabella, wife of the late William A. Beach, of Troy, N. Y. ; Lydia Maria, (died young,) and Lucy Cudworth, wife of Frank W. Balch, of Chicago, 111. CARROLL E. SMITH, Printer and journalist, is a life-long resident of Syracuse, where he was born December 25, 1832. He has been a gratified witness of the growth of his native place from a small village to a populous and prosperous city. His parents were Vivus W. Smith and Caroline, only daughter of Jonas Earll, Jr., of Onondaga, whose only child he was. His ancestors were New England people, dating back to the early settlement of Massachusetts. His youth was spent in the schools of his native place, and he completed his academic course in the Syracuse Academy and the Seward Institute at Florida, Orange County, N. Y. At an early age he entered the printing office of the Syracuse Journal, (established by his father, V. W. Smith, in company with his uncle, S. F. Smith,) and he there learned the various branches of the printer's trade. In 1847, he began his newspaper service in a subordi nate capacity, and was subsequently, before attain ing his majority, local reporter of the Daily Jour nal, and associate editor of the Daily Chronicle of Syracuse. In i860, he began his regular editorial connection with the Journal, and in 1862 became Mr. J. G. K. Truair's associate in the ownership of that paper and its printing establishment, and since that time has had the editorial charge of the news paper. He began his political life as a Republican, and cast his first vote for John C. Fremont for President, in 1856. He has ever since maintained an active interest in politics, and given his best efforts to elevate and purify political affairs and to shape the action of the party with which he is identified in the best practicable direction. As a journalist, he seeks to promote the highest good of the community, by upholding the cause of re ligion, morality and temperance, and by the advo cacy of the best phases of political and public poli cy, always holding himself independent and free to criticise, and, if need be, dissent from the action of party and leadership which tend contrawise to his views of the public welfare. His ideal of a public journal is the perfect abnegation of self in its con ductors, with the highest development of news en terprise and the most perfect devotion to the inter ests of State and people. He has been handsomely recognized by his party and the people in the bestowment of public sta tions. He was Clerk of the City of Syracuse from 1854 to 1857, and took much interest in framing the charter of the city which has since been the basis of its municipal law. He was County Clerk of Onondaga County from 1865 to 1868. He was a Member ofthe Assembly ofthe StateofNew York in the years 1876 and 1877, and held a prominent po sition in that body. He was Chairman of the Committee on Public Education, the author of legislation in the interest of popular education, and framed and urged to its passage the pending school amendment to the Constitution. He was also a member of the Committees on the Affairs of Cities and on Apportionment, in whose action he took a deep interest. He refused to be a candi date for reelection to the Legislature, preferring to devote his attention to journalism. He is for the present year President of the New York State Press Association, and for ten years has been one of the managers of the New York State Asso ciated Press. He is connected with the manage ment of several other public associations, and iden- fied with various business enterprises. CHARLES TALLMAN. Charles Tallman presents a splendid example of the success that unaided effort united with persist ent purpose and honorable ambition may achieve. The son of a farmer, Easton Tallman, who died in 1 8 19, and was one of the wilderness pioneers of Central New York, Charles was born in Tully, Onondaga county, in 18 10. One of six fatherless children to whom and the widowed mother little was left but the legacy of an unsullied name and lives of toil, if not of hardships, the prospect be fore the lad of nine was cloudy and cheerless at the best ; but happily the mother was a woman of strongly-marked character, positive, economical, in dustrious and hopeful, and was thus enabled to hold 256 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. her family together and maintain a successful struggle with the world. Unfitted alike by physical strength and mental disposition for the rugged labors of farm-life in a new country, Charles presented himself empty handed, but stout-hearted, as a pupil at the Homer Academy, one of the oldest and best institutions in the State, where he remained two years, devoting himself assiduously to the acquisition of a capital that no financial disaster could ever diminish. In the accomplishment of this he incurred a debt for board and tuition to his uncle, the late Jedediah Barber of Homer, a sacred obligation which it was the first business of his life to satisfy. To effect this he became the teacher of a district school, having passed a triumphant examination, in the course of which he filled the slate with figures and the School Commissioners with astonishment, in beclouding a problem that neither examiners nor candidate could possibly solve. Then, as now, the West had a siren song that charmed many a youth to sling up the knapsack and be pilgrim towards the setting sun. The West of that day was a weary distance by canal and steamer and saddle, but now accomplished by the swift engine between sun and sun. Charmed by the hidden possibilities of the far-off land, and eager to find and win a wider field of exertion, he struck out in 1833 for " The Ohio " as it was called, which meant the whole sweep of the continent to the Mississippi River. After varied fortunes, none of which were signal successes, and an absence of three months, he returned to Tully, determined to work out the problem of his life amid the scenes of his boyhood. And yet the experiences of his pilgrim age were not valueless. Setting forth with un limited faith in the honor and honesty of all man kind, he confided in a stranger's word, trusted to a stranger's judgment, set aside the promptings of his own good sense, and exchanged an excellent horse he rode for an equine fiction that Don Quixote in his maddest moments would have de spised. The tuition for a term of thirty minutes cost him a horse and unspeakable disgust, but it was well worth the price he paid for it. He learned the value of self-reliance which is better than " Daboll," of calm judgment which is wiser than Grammar, of prudence which is more helpful than Geography— all gifts and qualities that have char acterized his life and won for him distinguished success. Forty-five years ago, the fields of enterprise out of the great cities ofthe sea-board were few and narrow, and so upon his return from the West, the young man saw nothing for it but to betake himself to the plow, the hoe and the cradle. Always ready to do what his hand found to do with his might, he took up the last named implement one day and swung out into the harvest field with a will that was stronger than his sinews, but those stalwart broth ers of his cradled round him and out of sight. The sun was hot, the grain was rank, and he flung down the cradle with the emphatic declaration that if he could not eat without doing the drudgery of a farm he would make a desperate effort to break up the habit. Bidding adieu to swath and furrow, and after wearying disappointments and delays, we find him in Vesper, in his native town, partner in a country store, where, amid ox-yokes and ax-helves, needles and crow-bars, groceries wet and dry, cottons, flan nels, woolens, ribbons and rat-traps, everything anybody wanted in the new country but beauty and content, he passed nine busy years, and laid with energy, self-denial and business skill the sure foun dations of his subsequent ample fortune. In 1846, the great salt lick of New York, Syra cuse, a straggling village of 1 1,000, began to fore shadow its coming greatness, and thither Mr. Tail- man removed with his family, for he was already the head of a household, and became senior partner in the " City Drug Store," on Salina street, with William H. Williams. But, never content to travel in a groove, Mr. Tallman's energies were directed to many important interests and enterprises, among which may be named extensive farming in the West, the raising of cattle, the growing of wool, the mining of coal, the traffic in real estate, the trade in provisions, and to-day he is the senior partner in the extensive wholesale firms of A. N. Palmer & Co., and W. L. Ross & Co., of the city of Syracuse. And in all these multifarious pursuits and enterprises, involving so much skill, care and capital, he has established and maintained the char acter of an able, upright merchant, and in all the relations of life a true and generous friend. Almost as thoroughly conversant with one sec tion of this country as another, he has traveled from the Atlantic to the Pacific, is deeply interested in all that conduces to the true prosperity ofthe coun try, but in these broader views he has never lost sight of the city of his adoption, but has been iden tified in all directions with its material growth. Its home industries, its business blocks, its ware-houses, the railways that traverse its streets, bear evidence of his helping hand and his judicious management. The village of eleven thousand has grown around him to a city sixty thousand strong, of which he Photo, by Bonta & Curtiss, Syracuse. HORATIO N. WHITE. Horatio N. White, an architect by profession, has been closely identified with the growth of the city of Syracuse for the past thirty-five years. Many of the public and private buildings in this and the surrounding counties have been erected under Mr. White's supervision, prominent among which are the Onondaga County court-house, the Syracuse university, the Onondaga County savings bank, the Auburn savings bank, the Oswego city hall, and numerous court-houses, State armories, and not less than a hundred churches. HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 257 can most truly say, " all of which I saw and a part of which I am." Possessed of an ample fortune, of which he him self was architect, dwelling in a beautiful home, un blemished in reputation, happy in children and chil dren's children, ever ready with judicious counsel and helpful deed, never an aspirant for any political office, commanding the respect of the public and the affection of his friends, yet he has not grown idle. With leisure awaiting his enjoyment, foreign lands conspiring to lure him across the sea, time and fortune at instant command, he has never laid off the harness of a busy life. And he is wise, for no rust is so corrosive as the rust that comes from premature rest after a life packed full with interests and energies. Long may he live, mingling as ever, with men in the busy thoroughfares, always a warm side for his friends and a cheerful word for everybody — an admi rable illustration of the splendid possibilities a pio neer farmer's boy with hands, heart and head that he knows how to use, may achieve in America. It has grown into a proverb, " nothing succeeds like success." DWIGHT H. BRUCE. Dwight Hall Bruce was born at Lenox, Madison county, N. Y., June 21, 1834. He received an academic education preparatory to a college course, which, however, he never entered upon. He at the same time devoted considerable time to the study of music, and offered several compositions to the public which attracted the notice of musicians of note. In 1857, he became connected with the Commercial Times newspaper at Oswego, as associate editor. In January, 1861, he removed to Syracuse, to act as assistant to Canal Commissioner Bruce, his father. He continued to fill positions of responsibility, in connection with the canals, till late in the year 1869, when he resigned. During this period of service, he originated several valuable improvements in the manner of operating the canals, and wrote a series of articles relating to their usefulness and capacity, which attracted wide atten tion. During those years, in which the Rebellion 34* had its rise and fall, he was active in politics, and as Secretary of the Republican County Com mittee, mainly conducted two Presidential cam paigns. In 1866, and again in 1867, he was Super visor ofthe Seventh Ward of Syracuse. In October, 1869, he was appointed by the Secretary of the Treasury assistant Assessor of Internal Revenue, and was designated to make assessments in any part of the Twenty-third Congressional District, for all taxes imposed on the manufacture and sale of tobacco, snuff and cigars. He resigned this posi tion in January following, to become one of the proprietors and editors of the Syracuse Journal. March 25, 1871, he was appointed by President Grant, and confirmed by the United States Senate, postmaster at Syracuse. During his adminis tration, important changes were made in the management of the office, greatly increasing its efficiency and popularity. The number of daily mails was nearly doubled ; a night clerk and the present system of night service were intro duced ; new systems for securing efficiency in every department were adopted and put in force, and the office itself enlarged and improved both in respect to convenience and appearance. When he was su perceded, January 1, 1875 — his term having expired nine months previously — his official standing on the records of the post-office department at Washing ton, was as creditable as that of any other postmas ter in the United States. Though his accounts covered several million dollars, there was not the slightest variation between his statements and those of the department when the final settlement was made. He has filled many and various offices of honor and trust, public and private, and has also spent many years in the military service of the State, filling all Regimental positions, except those of field officers. He was Major and Paymaster, afterwards Colonel and Engineer on the staff of Major-General William C. Brown, commanding the Sixth Division, and is now Captain and Brevet-Col onel and Inspector of Rifle Practice of the Fifty-first Regiment. He is still a proprietor and editor of the Syracuse Journal, holding an equal interest with Messrs. J. G. K. Truair and Carroll E. Smith, under the firm name of Truair, Smith & Bruce. HISTORY OF THE TOWNS. SALINA. The earliest place settled on the Salt Springs Reservation was the Village of Salina, sometimes designated in its early history " Salt Point." The prospective value of the salt springs in this locality attracted the attention of travelers and settlers at an early day, and drew hither, with their families, an enterprising class of men, who engaged in the manufacture of salt before the beginning of the present century. The first settlement appears to have been begun at Salina in 1788, in which year and in 1789, Deacon Loomis, Nathaniel Loomis, Hezekiah Olcott, John Danforth, Asa Danforth, Jr., and Thomas Gaston, with their families, settled at the place. In August, 1790, Colonel Jeremiah Gould and family, consisting of his wife and three sons, Jeremiah, James and Phares, and an only daughter, the oldest of his children, moved here from Westmoreland, Oneida county, and Mr. Gould built the first arch in which a kettle was placed for boiling salt. (See History of Salt Springs.) In 1791, Sam'l Jerome, came to Onondaga to examine the land in this section. He visited the springs at Salt Point, and taking with him a sample of the salt, traveled through Pompey, Fabius, Homer and Manlius, and on his return to Saratoga, his place of residence, he reported that he had discovered "the land of promise," and induced several of his friends to come out here and settle. At this early period a number of persons made salt at Salina who lived at Onondaga, in what was then a mor m**ce:llus, new York HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 285 a text, and proceeded with an even course to the end, embellishing her discourse with fine meta phors, vivid descriptions and poetical quotations." She usually passed from her trance state into that of regular and natural sleep, and awoke in the morning without any knowledge or consciousness of what had transpired. She was born at Pelham, Mass., May 29, 1794. At the age of nine her parents removed with her to Marcellus. She was finally cured by Dr. Spears, in 1 8 16. VILLAGE OF MARCELLUS. The first store in the village was opened by Dr. Elnathan Beach in 1796. He kept dry goods, gro ceries and medicines, and continued in business till his death in 1801. Lemuel Johnson succeeded him, and built a new store. Deacon Samuel Rice kept the first tavern ; then General Humphreys and William Goodwin. In 1799 the first postoffice was established at the vil lage, Dr. Elnathan -Beach, Postmaster. Samuel Tyler was the first Justice of the Peace, appointed as early as 1798 or 1799. Dr. Elnathan Beach came to the town as a prac ticing physician in 1795. A year or two after he erected the first frame house. He came from Cheshire, Connecticut, where he was born and educated. He was an active and prominent citi zen ; entered considerably into public life ; was Sheriff of the county in 1799 and held the office till his death, in 1801. Incorporation. At an election held June 4th, 1853, at the house of John Carpenter, it was decided by a vote of forty-one to ten to incorporate the present village of Marcellus. At the first charter election, held July 23, 1853, the following officers were elected : President, Wm. J. Machan ; Trustees, Elijah Row ley, Isaac N. Soules, Isaac Bradley, Daniel G. Coon; Assessors, A. H. Cowles, Chester Moses, and J. Taylor ; Clerk, H. T. Kennedy ; Collector, Joseph Taylor ; Treasurer, G. N. Kennedy ; Pound-Master, Avery Willson. In 1854, Edmund Akin was elected President, Isaac N. Soules, Vice-President, and I Bradley, J. G. B. White, Nathan G. Hoyt, Trustees. The following is a list of the Presidents of the village of Marcellus from 1855 to 1877: Luke I. Tefft, 1855; Stephen Cobb, i856-'57; Daniel G. Coon, 1858; Cornell Crysler, 1859; William Well ington, i860 ; Chester Moses, 1861 ; John H. Cowles, 1862-63; E- R- Howe, 1864; Chester Moses, 1865-66; Ira Bush, 1867 ; Chester Moses, 41 1868; Thomas Rhoades, 1869-70 ;Oscar J. Brown, 1871-72 ; Newton G. Case, 1873 5 D- G. Coon, 1874 ; Isaac N. Sherman, 1875-76. The officers for 1877 are as follows: President, Isaac N. Sher man ; Trustees, James C. Sayre, James Axten, and Albert Curtis ; Treasurer, William B. White ; Col lector, James Johnson ; Clerk, Thomas Walker. Manufactures. Eagle Paper Mills, H. J. Lawless & Co. — These mills were erected in 1844, by Messrs. Reed & Case, who sold the property to John F. Jones. In 1875, the present firm was organized, and have since conducted the manufacture of Rag Wrapping Paper and Print Wrappers. Tbe mills are located at Mar cellus Falls, and are among the leading paper manu facturing establishments in this section of the State. Lucius Moses, Woolen Mills, Marcellus. Estab lished by William J. Machan and Chester Moses in 1849. Brick buildings erected in 1849, 1864 and 1 87 1. The mills are run by water-power, and have four sets of cards. The capital is $60,000, and 75 hands are employed. Office 329 and 331 Broadway, New York. Marcellus Stone Mills, S. M. Bronson, pro prietor. These mills do both merchant and custom work. The first mill was built in 1827. The pres ent mills have a capacity of about forty barrels per day, besides custom grinding, the business of the present proprietor dating from 1875. The water- power is a fine one. Sherman Bro's, Paper Mills, established in 1865. Manufacture Straw Wrapping Paper. The mill is the first on the creek below Marcellus vil lage, and employs nine hands. Marcellus Falls Flouring Mills, Rollin & Rathbon, proprietors. Built in 1875, with four run of stones, on the site of the old mill. These mills manufacture merchant and custom flour — capacity fifty barrels of the former per day, and four hands employed. Phoenix Paper Mill, A. Robinson, proprietor. Established in 1873. Capacity two tons per day, Straw Wrapping Paper. Buildings erected in 1872. This paper mill employs twelve hands. Edward Johnson, of FayetteviUe, has a Pearl Barley Mill at Marcellus Falls. Masonic Morning Star Lodge No. 524, Marcellus, N. Y., in stituted in 1862. Charter officers, E. P. Howe, W. M. ; Henry C. Sarr, S. W. ; John E. North, J. W. Officers for 1878 : I. N. Sherman, W. M. ; R. E. Dorchester, S. W. ; Augustus Austin, J. W. ; Seth D. Gilbert, Sec. 286 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. Y. M. C. A.— CHURCHES. In the month of June, 1876, seven young men of Marcellus met and started a Sunday afternoon prayer meeting in a room over Irving Moses' store. The meetings were regularly attended with gratify ing success. The increase of their numbers and the good influences arising from their holy work in duced them to organize themselves into a perma nent body for the purpose of accomplishing greater results. Accordingly, a Young Men's Christian Association was formed, on tbe nth of February, 1876, at the Session Room of the Presbyterian Church of Marcellus, with a membership of twenty- two persons. A constitution was adopted on the 1 8th of February, and a meeting appointed on the 2 1st of February for the election of officers. At the annual meeting of the Association, February, 7, 1877, there were forty-three active members. The work of the Association consists in holding gospel meetings, at different places in the town, and in Sunday School work. A Sunday morning Prayer Meeting is held at 9:30 a. m., which is doing noble work. First Church of Marcellus. — This church has been from its organization Presbyterian in its ecclesiastical relations, and at the same time Con gregational in its internal policy and arrangement, having for the management of its affairs a standing committee instead of a regular church session. Its membership has been made up of different denom inations, but chiefly of Presbyterians and Congre- gationalists, who constituted the controlling religious element in the early settlement of Marcellus. There were a few Baptists and people of other religious proclivities among them ; but at the time ¦of the first settlement, and for twenty years after wards, they were sufficiently united practically to combine their strength and resources in providing for a common religious worship; and on the 13th •of October, 1 801, they formed a church under the simple yet comprehensive title, " Church of Christ." A society was also formed under the name and style of the " Trustees of the Eastern Religious Society of Marcellus " in May, 1802, of which Dan Bradley, Martin Cossit, James C. Miller, Martin Goddard, Thomas North and Nathaniel Kelsey were Trustees. Materials for a house of worship were set up at auction, and among the bidders were nearly all the inhabitants of the town at that time. The edifice was completed in 1803, and was ihe first church building in ihe County of Onondaga. " By way of renown it was then remarked that it was the only meeting house between New Hartford, Oneida County, and the Pacific Ocean, which was literally the fact." Rev. Seth Williston was missionary here in 1800, and subsequently Rev. Caleb Alexander, who offi ciated in organizing the society. Among the original members of the church were the following named persons : Thomas, Mary, Lucy, Asahel and Hannah North, Thomas North, Jr., Samuel and Hannah Rice, James C. and Sarah Miller, Martin and Olive Cossit, Dan and Eunice Bradley, Samuel and Phebe Wheadon, Caleb Todd, and Thomas Cathcart. Before the erection of the church edifice services were regularly held in Deacon Samuel Rice's tavern. At whatever inconvenience to themselves and to the throng of travelers stopping with them, Deacon and Mrs. Rice would have their large upper room made ready every Sabbath for the worship of God. And though the good Deacon could not write a sermon himself, he could read one with more eloquence of heart and voice than many a minister. James C. Miller was the first clerk, and served the church for five years. To show his frank and honest Christian character, we insert the following passage entire from his records : " Whereas, I did sometime in the month of April last suffer a few of the young people of my neigh borhood to dance a short time at my house, which I now believe was, under existing circumstances, wrong and inconsistent with my engagement with this church ; I do therefore request my brethren charitably to believe that the offense was unpre meditated, that it took place under circumstances not affording much opportunity for reflection, and that I had not the least intention to wound the feel ings of any of my Christian friends, or to offend against the rules of the church. I now sincerely, and, I hope, humbly, confess that I have done wrong, have given occasion of offense to my breth ren of this church and have dishonored my Chris tian profession. I ask the forgiveness of this church and all my Christian friends, and for the future will endeavor to be more circumspect in my walk. [Signed,] Jas. C. Miller." Mr. Miller died in March, 1807, from an attack of typhus fever. Of the eighteen original members only three ever removed their connection with the church. One of these died under 5c? years of age, four be tween 60 and 70, and four over 80. Within the last seven years only ten members have died ; of these, eight were over 80 and one 73 years of age. Pastors. — Rev. Levi Parsons, the first pastor, was born in North Hampton, Mass, in 1779, and graduated at Williams College in 1801. He studied theology with Dr. Hyde, of Lee, Mass., and was HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 287 licensed to preach at Stockbridge, Mass., in 1806. As Missionary of the Berkshire Missionary Society, he visited the new settlements westward as far as Niagara, and settled at Marcellus in September, 1806. He was the second pastor in this whole region of country — Pompey having one (Rev. Mr. Wallace) a little earlier. He preached- at Marcel lus thirty-three years, except an interval of two years spent in Otisco. He died, widely known and respected, November 20, 1864, aged 85 years. While Father Parsons was preaching in Otisco, Rev. Levi Griswold supplied his place. The second settled pastor was Rev. John Tomp kins, who served the church twenty-five years. What was to have been his quarter-centennial an niversary was suddenly and mysteriously changed to his funeral service. His successor, Rev. W. S. Franklin, of Syracusej was pastor during a period of three years, and was succeeded by the present pastor, Rev. Dwight Scovel, who is now (1878) in the seventh year of his pastorate. The original church edifice, erected in" 1803, cost $1,500, including, perhaps, painting three years afterwards., In 1814 another bent was added and a steeple, and the house was newly painted at an ex pense of $4,500, raised by selling the pews. In 1858, it was frescoed and painted ; and immediate ly preceding the 75th anniversary, in October, 1876, it received a tin roof, was painted without and new ly frescoed which, with a new pulpit and furni ture and the liquidation of all debts, cost $1,600. In 1845 the church numbered 162; in 1857, it was reduced by deaths and removals to 130; the revivals of 1858-59, increased the membership to 170, the highest number ever attained. It fell afterwards to 144, and now (1878) numbers 149. The Sunday School was organized June 14, 1818, and soon numbered 146 scholars. It was among the first Sunday Schools in the United States, a few only having been previously formed in New England. From the first it was carried on with deep interest, especially in memorizing Scripture ; several scholars committed in one year 1,000 verses each, and Dr. Franklin Bangs 3,000. The present number of scholars is 178 ; teachers, 19. The church has furnished two missionaries to foreign countries, viz : Rev. Dan Bradley, Jr., for many years a missionary to Siam, and Rev. Geo. Todd, a returned missionary and now pastor at Arkport, N. Y. Also, as home ministers, Rev. Levi Parsons, D. D., son of the first pastor, settled at Mt. Morris, N. Y. ; Rev. J. Edward Close, of Jordan, and Rev. James S. Baker, of Onondaga. First Baptist Religious Society of Marcel lus — Located at Thorn Hill. At the time the church was organized it was called South Marcellus. The date of organization was September 1, 18 15, at which 101 members constituted the Society. John Kneeland and Nathan Thompson, Deacons. Among the leading members were Samuel Conklin, Amasa Kneeland, Daniel Cody, Joshua Chandler, Amasa Sissons, Luther Manley, Salmon Hunt, John Hunt and David Fitzgerald. The first meeting-house was built in 18 16, and stood a few rods southwest of the present edifice. The present edifice was completed in 1849— cost about $1,500. The fol lowing have been pastors of the church : Rev. Elias Harman, i8o8-'i6; Rev. Salmon Morton, i8i6-'i9; Rev. J. B. Worden, i8io-*35 ; Rev. B. W. Capron, i835-*40 ; Rev. Thos. Brown, i840-*48 ; Rev. — Palmer, i848-'5o; Rev. Sylvester Gard ner, 1850-5 1 ; Rev. William Wilkins, 185 1-'52 ; Rev. J. Baldwin, i8S3-'S4 ; Rev. A. Milen, i855-'56 ; Rev. Hiram Powers, i856-'59 ; Rev. Mr. Bowen, one month — died here, 1859 ; Rev. J. Suley, i859-'6o; Rev. Wm. Roney, i86o-'64; Rev. E. B. Hatch, i864-'69; Rev. Wm. L. Goodspeed, i870-'74 ; Rev. Wm. Haw, 1 874-' 76 ; Rev. P. Perry, 1877, present pastor. Membership, 94; Sunday School, 112. First Methodist Episcopal Church, Mar cellus. — The earliest meetings were held in a school-house in Marcellus ; afterwards, in the year 1 8 16, in the house of Mr. David Holmes. The Society was not organized into a corporate body till Dec. 8, 1823, at the house of Stephen Cobb. The first class was formed in 18 16 with sixteen mem bers. The following persons were members of that class : David Holmes and wife, Temperance Holmes, Matilda Holmes, Susan Holmes, Thomas Pryor and wife, Joseph Gilson, Isaac B. Benham and wife, Polly Shepherd, Silas Bush and wife, John Rhoades and wife, and a Mrs. Hawley. The first church was built of stone, on the hill west of the village, the place now occupied by the Catholic Church as a cemetery. The second church was built of stone on the spot now occupied as a residence by Dr. Richards. The third church edifice was built of brick, in the year 1857, on the site of the present church. This edifice was burned January 25, 1877, and the present new and beautiful church was built the same year the former was destroyed by fire, at a cost of about $11,000, the stone of the old church forming the basement. This Society has been con tinuously served by good and devoted pastors. From 1875 to 1878, Rev. Wm. Jones was pastor. The present membership is about 200. Sunday ^*wT 288 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. School has a membership of 150. Several mem bers of this church have gone forth as ministers of the Gospel. This Church was organized in 1823, under the name of " First Zion Society of Marcellus," while its members were Methodists, and the Society con tinued to regard itself — and was regarded by others — as a Methodist Church. The name of the corporation was changed in September, 1877, on application to Judge Riegel, from " The First Zion Society of Marcellus," to " The First Methodist Episcopal Church." St. Francis Xavier's Church, Marcellus. — In the year 1853, the first services of the Catholic Church in Marcellus, were held at the house of John McNally. The church was organized in 1854, and consisted of about twenty members, among whom were John McNally, John Glover, Patrick Mc Laughlin, John Kerwin, Michael Curtin, John Mc Donnell, Jeremiah Curtin and James McNally. In 1853, Rev. Michael Haes, of Syracuse, was pastor. The following have since officiated : Rev. Wm. McCallian, 1854; Rev. Father Butler, Syra cuse, 1862 ; Rev. F. J. Purcell, Skaneateles, 1873 ; Rev. J. J. Hayden, resident pastor, 1874 ; Rev. B. J. McDonough, present pastor, (1878.) The number of families is about one hundred and fifty, with an attendance of one hundred at the Sunday School. The pastoral residence was purchased in 1873. The church from the first has experienced an en couraging and prosperous growth. St. John's Church of Marcellus. — The facts contained in the following brief sketch of this church, have been kindly furnished by Mr. John H. Lloyd, present assistant in charge. This church was organized in the year 1824. Meetings were regularly held in the school house of the village of Marcellus until 1827, when Mr. White generously gave the society the lot upon which the present church building stands. The church was unfortunately burned down in the winter of 1867. Up to the year 1836, the society had no resident clergymen, but was in charge of St. James Church of Skaneateles. The present church edifice was built under the charge of Rev. Robert M. Duff, Rector of St. James Church at Skaneateles, at a cost of $3,300. It is a plain wooden structure capable of seating comfort ably about 250 persons, and has a fine organ valued at $600. The church is under the charge of St. Andrew's Associate Mission of Syracuse ; Rev. C. P. Jennings, Dean of St. Andrews, Rector; Mr. John H. Lloyd, assistant in charge. The present church officers are, viz : S. W. Newton G. Case; J. W., Lucius Moses; Vestry men, Orlando Beach, Myron H. Whiting, Dan Moses, Storms M. Griffin, Willis Case, Thad. C. Beach, James C. Sayre and Edwin Whitney. The church numbers forty families, forty communicants, Sunday School scholars, thirty-four ; teachers, six. In connection with the history of the churches of Marcellus, we append the following brief sketch of the Methodist Chapel at Marcellus Falls. The first Methodist class of the town of Mar cellus was organized at Marcellus Falls. When the subject of building a church was agitated, the members at Marcellus Falls claimed that it should be located at Marcellus Falls, but the members residing at the village maintained that it ought to be built at Marcellus, because of its more central location. For some time there has not been a regular class. Services have, however, been held by the Methodist and Presbyterian ministers who preaqhed alternately at least once a fortnight. A Sunday School and a prayer meeting have been regularly held and supported by the members of both Methodist and Presbyterian churches. A ladies sewing circle keeps in repair the commodious chapel and furnishes books for the Sunday School library and the choir, for which they have recently purchased a fine cabinet organ. SKANEATELES. Skaneateles is the southern town on the west line of the county, and derives its name from the lake on both banks of which the southern portion of the town is situated. This lake is a beautiful sheet of • water, extending from the northwestern corner of Cortland county, along the entire western boundary of the town of Spafford, and north to the center of the town of Skaneateles. Its Indian name, according to some, signified " very long lake," according to others, " beautiful squaw." The outlet was called " Hananttoo," meaning "water running through thick hemlocks." The town of Skaneateles was formed from Mar cellus February 26, 1830. The surface is rolling ' Photo, by Wildey, Skaneateles. JUDGE HEZEKIAH EARLL. The Earll family is of Welsh origin. The Earlls emigrated from Wales to Nova Scotia at quite an early day ; from thence were scattered in the different parts of New England, and in the eastern part of New York State, near Lake Champlain. Daniel Earll came from Whitehall, Washington county, and settled at Onondaga Hollow in the year 1792. He had eight sons, hardy, enterprising men, who settled in different parts of the county, and became a powerful family in their many branches. The Earlls were generally farmers, owning consider able land. In the winiter of 1794-5, Robert Earll and his brother, Abijah, came and settled on Lot 27, near Skaneateles. They did a good deal at a very early day for the opening of this region. Robert Earll probably had a school opened before any in the village. He built at first a log house, but afterwards, though still at a very early day, the land-mark long known as the old " Red House." This was on the old Genesee road. It was by this road that a pathway was first opened to Skaneateles, and by it the earlier settlers came. Daniel Earll, Sr., remained in the town of Onondaga until 1810, and after that lived near his sons Robert and Abijah until his death, which occurred in 1817, at the advanced age of eighty-eight years. Robert Earll had six sons, one of whom, Hezekiah, is the subject of the above sketch. Hezekiah Earll was born about the year 1790. He has identified himself with the history of Onondaga County as one of its most successful business men. He was universally respected and beloved for his moral worth, manly virtues, and integrity of character. He engaged in many business enter prises, though his principal occupation was farming. The latter years of his life he resided at the " Community Farm," about three miles from Skaneateles, where he died October 30, 1863. He was for some years connected with the Auburn Exchange bank, and was at one time its president. Judge Nehemiah H. Earll, eldest brother of Hezekiah Earll, has occupied several important stations in the official history of the county. Judge of Onondaga County common pleas from 1823 to 1831, superintendent of Salt Springs from 1831 to 1835, and member of the Twenty-sixth congress, 1841 and 1842. Hezekiah Earll had seven children, three of whom died in infancy. His son, George H. Earll, at the death of his father inherited the homestead known as the " Community Farm," and was an enterprising and successful farmer. He died in 1873. Julius Earll, eldest son of Hezekiah Earll, was born in the town of Skaneateles in 1818. In his youth he received a thorough academic education, and subsequently studied law in the office of Sandford & Moseley, and afterwards with Sherwood & Green, in Buffalo, and was admitted to the bar in due course of time. Instead of pursuing the practice of law he entered into the manufacturing business and was prominently identi fied with that and other business interests which were uniformly successful. His life was a remarkably busy one. Strong common sense and unfaltering energy were his marked charac teristics. He was a true and substantial friend to the working- men of Skaneateles and vicinity. Mr. Earll was also promi nently identified with political affairs in Onondaga County. In politics he was a pronounced Democrat. He several times represented his district in State conventions, but never con sented to accept a political office. At the time of his death he was president and principal stockholder of the Hart street paper company. He died, July 26, 1876, while still in middle age and in the midst of an active and prosperous life. He left a widow, a son, and daughter, who still reside in Skan eateles, his son being Julius H. Earll, of that place. Mrs. A.J. Earll. RESIDENCE w A. J. EARLL. Smneat Onondaga County. New York. HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 289 or moderately hilly, and from the lake slopes beau tifully upwards to a height from two to five hundred feet, affording, on both borders, some of the most beautiful sites for residences in the State, many of which are occupied by fine cottages and villas. The soil is principally a clay loam. The only stream in the town is the outlet of the lake, which has upon it numerous falls, furnishing an abundance of water- power. In 1840, a part of Spafford was annexed to this town. The State has constructed a dam across the out let of the Lake for the purpose of retaining the water for the Jordan level of the Erie Canal. This forms a vast reservoir, eighteen miles long by from one to two miles broad and four feet deep, from which to draw during the dry season. Formerly, before the State improvements on the limestone bed ofthe stream, some three miles north of the village, in dry seasons, fully one half of the water used to disappear in the fissures of the rocks. In order to save the water the State has expended large sums of money. The channel has been turned and the bottom chinked with small stone, clay and grout, so that, since this was done, there has been but little waste. The lake is the highest in the county, some two hundred feet higher than Otisco and one hun dred higher than Owasco, on either side of it. It is situated among the shale above the limestone stratum, and is mainly fed by springs which are not impregnated with lime : hence the water is pure, soft and limpid, and has been highly valued by manu facturers for washing and cleansing wool and other manufacturing materials. Early Settlers. According to Clark's Onondaga, the settlers in this town came in as follows : John Thompson, the first white man, with his family, within the present limits ofthe town, in 1793; a Mr. Robinson in 1794; from this till 1796, Lovell Gibbs, Jonathan Hall and Winston Day. Mr. Gibbs kept the first tavern in a log house. In 1797, and soon after, came Warren Hecox, James Porter, Dr. Munger, Dr. Samuel Porter, Elnathan Andrews, John Legg, Moses Loss, John Briggs, Nathan Kelsey, Wm. J. Vredenburg, Isaac Sherwood and Dr. Benedict. Then came the Kelloggs and Earlls, from 1802 to 1810. Daniel Earll, with his brother Nehemiah, came from Washington County and settled at Onondaga Hollow, in 1792. Nehemiah, who had one daugh ter, died in 1808. Daniel Earll had the following named sons, viz : Jonas, Daniel, Nathaniel, Robert, Benjamin, Watson, Nehemiah and Abijah. The two youngest, Nehemiah and Abijah, came to Onon- 42* daga with their father. Robert and Benjamin removed with their families to Onondaga in the winter of 1794-5, and remained there about a year. Afterwards, Robert, Benjamin, Watson and Abijah removed to Marcellus ; Robert and Abijah settled on Lot No. 27, and the other two on Lot No. 11, in the same town. In 1802, Jonas Earll came from Washington County and settled on Lot No. 19, Marcellus. He had three sons — Solomon, Jonas, Jr., and David. Solomon died many years ago. Jonas, Jr., died in October, 1846, and Jonas, Sen., in October, 1847, at the advanced age of 96. Jonas Earll, Jr., was one of the leading political men of the county for more than twenty years, and held many important offices of trust. He was a member of Assembly in 1820 and 182 1, and Senator from 1822 to 1827, a member of the XXth and XXIst Congresses, from 1826 to 1830, for several years Sheriff of the County and Postmaster at Syracuse from 1837 to 1841. Robert Earll had six sons, viz : Isaac, Robert, Nehemiah H., Hezekiah, Hiram and Ira. Robert, Sen., died in 1834, and his son Ira about the same time. The other sons remained residents of the county, except Robert Jr., who removed to Wyom ing county. Judge Nehemiah H. Earll occupied several important stations in the official history of the county. He was Judge of the Court of Com mon Pleas from 1823 to 1831 ; Superintendent of the Salt Springs from 1831 to 1835, and Member of the XXVIth Congress, in 1841 and 1842. Daniel Earll, Sen., remained in the town of On ondaga till 1 8 10, when he removed to Marcellus (now Skaneateles) and lived near his sons Robert and Abijah until his death, which occurred in 1817, aged 88. This numerous and influential family were of Massachusetts origin. Charles Pardee is said to have been the first white child born in the town of Skaneateles. He died at his residence in the village of Skaneateles, April 10, 1878, aged 82 years, which would make his birth to have occurred in 1796. He was a prominent man, and during his active business life was thoroughly identified with nearly every interest of his native town. One of the most distinguished citizens of the county, viz : Daniel Kellogg, Esq., became a resi dent of Skaneateles in the spring of 1803. He was born in Williamstown, Mass., April 19, 1780. After spending two years as a student in Williams College, he studied law in the office of Abraham Van Vechten, Esq , of Albany, and was admitted to the Bar in October, 1800. In 1801, he began 290 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. the practice of law in the village of Auburn, then a hamlet of only a few scattering houses. In 1802 he married in that place Miss Laura Hyde, and in 1803, removed to Skaneateles. He soon became famous both as a lawyer and financier. In 18 13 he was appointed District- Attorney for the counties of Onondaga, Cayuga, Chenango and Cortland, and discharged the duties of the office with signal ability for three years. Elected President of the Bank of Auburn in 18 18, he held that important -financial station till his death, which occurred May 4, 1836. Cut off in the full vigor of his mental -powers, when many years of active usefulness ¦might have reasonably been anticipated, his death •was regarded as a public calamity, especially by business men who knew and could appreciate his worth. Pioneer Life. The primitive settlers of Skaneateles often found the means of subsistence scanty and precarious. Provisions were obtained chiefly from the towns of Aurelius and Scipio, which had been settled some what earlier, and were then in Onondaga county. The following from Clark's Onondaga, was related by Warren Hecox, one of the oldest settlers : "In 1799, there was an uncommon scarcity of grain, and he had to send to Scipio, twenty miles, and pay two dollars and fifty cents for one bushel of wheat. He could only raise money enough to pur chase a single bushel at a time. He hired a horse at fifty cents a day, and sent a boy eighteen miles to Montville, in Sempronius, to get the bushel ground, which took two days ; the mills at Auburn and 'Camillus having stopped running on account of the great drought of that season. Many of his neigh bors were in a worse predicament, for they could ;get neither money nor wheat." After the early settlers had prospered, so as to traise a surplus, the markets for produce were at Albany and Utica. It took a horse team in those times fourteen days, and often longer, to make a journey to Albany and back ; an ox team about the same length of time to go to Utica and return, taking a load of grain or potash, and bringing back a load of goods. The lake and forests, however, were well supplied ¦with fish and game. Skaneateles Lake has been noted for its abundance of excellent trout, some of which have been taken weighing fifteen pounds. Perch have also been caught in considerable num bers. Formerly the region around the lake and the river abounded with game. Deer were often seen swimming across the lake and canoes and skiffs of all sorts were put in requisition to capture them ; all hands joined in the chase, and the pleasurable reminscences of the sport are often recounted by the early settlers and their immediate descendants. Hon. Freeborn G. Jewett was a prominent citizen of Skaneateles— Judge of the Court of Appeals and of the old Supreme Court of Judicature. (See Civil List of the County.) Judge Jewett was born August 4, 1791, and died January 27, 1858. VILLAGE OF SKANEATELES. The first frame house where the village of Skan eateles now stands was erected by Lovell Gibbs in 1796. Dr. Hall erected the second during the same year. In 1797, James Porter erected a large tavern, the first in the place. The timber in this house is noted as having been in the first raft ever afloat on Skaneateles Lake. The first store was kept by Winston Day, who, in 1797, erected a com- modeous building for the purpose, and was set up in trade by Judge Sanger. The Judge had invested money in land and mill sites at the outlet of Skaneateles Lake, and as one of the Commissioners to lay out the Seneca Turnpike, secured its passage across the outlet where the village is now situated. It followed an old Indian trail, crossing at the village, along which the Oneidas and Onondagas used to pass in visiting their Cayuga and Seneca friends. At the time of the first settlements this was the only road in the town. The old Genesee Road was first cut out and traveled a mile and a quarter north of the village. Judge Jedediah Sanger erected the first grist and saw mills at the outlet of the lake in 1796. The first bridge was built by the Seneca Road Company in 1800. It was twenty-four rods long by twenty- four feet wide, and stood upon fourteen posts. When it was rebuilt the second time, in 1842, its length was reduced to twenty-four feet. The iron bridge spanning the outlet at present, was erected by the State in 1 871, by a special act of the Legis lature. It is a fine structure, 100 feet in width. The first frame school house in town was erected at Skaneateles Village in 1798. Nicholas Otis was the first teacher. A school had been kept in a private room in the village before the house was built, by Ebenezer Castle. A postoffice was first established at Skaneateles in 1804. William J. Vredenburg, Postmaster. His successor was John TenEyck ; and Charles J. Bur nett was Postmaster from i8i7to 1843. A steamboat was first put upon Skaneateles Lake in 1 83 1. It failed to meet expectations and after a while was converted into a sail-boat. The experi ment was again tried, (and has proved more suc cessful] when the " Skaneateles," a neat and com modious steamboat, commanded by Captain Hecox, View of DARVEL MILLS PROPERTrg THOMAS mmm^ T_V '.¦.¦.VT,... ^S# ¦ ¦¦¦¦':•:-.¦ .--».¦ I at SmneatelesFaus.O^ndagx County, New York. jS -¦ i .':"'¦ s% i - V- «0 jj^;'** J|l , *¦ ¦''.-(j 1 / ''* IP? **> 1 ' lp': 1 // . Mrs D.C.Thornton. D.C.Thoi?nton HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 291 was put on July 4, 1848. The propeller, "Glen Haven," Captain E. B. Coe, now plies upon the lake between Skaneateles and Glen Haven. Scenery. The Village of Skaneateles is one of the most lovely and picturesque in Central New York. From this village the eye measures about half the distance of the lake to the south, a mile and a half in width. On the shores are no bogs or marshes to disfigure the prospect. The rich velvet turf of the gradually sloping banks of the lake seem to be resting on the water's brink. Villas and lawns give a charm enhanced by distance ; and the woodlands, clothed in richest green, rock and rustle their foliage in the wind. In autumn the golden grain of the cultivated fields waves in the breeze ; the flocks and herds graze in the luxuriant pastures, and the light bark glides gracefully over the sweet bosom of the water. The rural scenery is not more wholesome and inviting than the village itself, which the hand of man has adorned with every element of neatness and taste. Cottages, mansions, gardens, fences, business places, churches, school houses, manufactories, are all kept from dilapidation and preserved in a fresh and healthy state of repair. It would be difficult to find a more desirable village to live in than Skaneateles. An Academy was established at Skaneateles in 1840. It seems never to have been incorporated, and was subsequently merged in a consolidated school. The school established by the Quakeress, Lydia Mott, on the western shore of the lake, popularly known as " The Hive" was a very celebrated board ing school for young ladies in its day. The village of Skaneateles was incorporated by special act of the Legislature passed April 19, 1833. The first election for officers was held at the " Indian Queen Hotel," kept by Isaac W. Perry, on the second Tuesday in May, 1833, when the following Board of Trustees was elected : Freeborn G. Jewett, President ; Daniel Tallcot, Phares Gould, William Gibbs and Lewis Sandford. The following named have since served as Presidents of the Board of Village Trustees : Daniel Kellogg, 1834 ; Freeborn G. Jewett, 1835 ; Phares Gould, 1836; George F. Leitch, 1837-38 ; James Hall, 1839; G. F- Leitch, 1840; Nelson Hawley, 1841 ; James Hall, 1842 ; John C. Beach, 1843; Spencer Hannum, 1844; Nelson Hawley, 1845-46; Alexander Horton, 1847; William H. Willets, 1848 ; Wm. H. Jewett, 1849; John Davey, Jr., 1850; Charles Pardee, 185 1 -'52,-5 3 ; William Fuller, 1854 ; John Legg, 1855 ; John Barrow, 1856; Freeborn G. Jewett, 1857; Thomas Snook, 1858; Spencer Hannum, 1859; C. W. Allis, i860; Harrison B. Dodge, 1861-62 ; Charles Pardee, 1863; Joel Thayer, 1864-65; Wm. R. Gorton, 1866; Newell Turner, 1867; Jacob C. DeWitt, 1868 ; C. Pardee, 1869; H. B. Dodge, 1870; James A. Root, 1871 ; C. Pardee, 1872; Thomas Kelley, 1 873-74-75 ; William Marvin, 1876 ; Thomas Kelley, 1877; Thomas Kelley, Wm. H. Lawton, John Packwood, James Jewell, John E. Waller, Simon L. Irish, Russell B. Wheeler, Trustees, 1878. Clerk, James P. WHieadon. Treasurer, John Davey. Skaneateles has three Banks, viz : The Bank of Skaneateles, organized under the banking law of the State in 1869 ; capital $100,000 ; Joel Thayer, President ; H. T. Webb, Cashier ; the Skaneateles Savings Bank, incorporated April 16, 1866, with the following officers, viz : Richard Tallcot, Anson Lapham, Charles Pardee, Joel Thayer, Henry L. Roosevelt, Caleb W. Allis, John Barrow, Josias Garlock, Henry T. Webb, Henry I. Hubbard, Thos. Isom.Jr., Leonard H. Earll, Ezekiel B. Hoyt, Geo. H. Earll, Joab L. Clift. Its present officers are : J. L. Clift, President; John M. Nye, first Vice- President ; John H. Smith, second Vice-President ; Charles Pardee, George T. Campbell, George W. Earll, Willis Piatt, J. C. DeWitt, L. H. Earll, I. S. Amerman, John H. Gregory, A. R. Pardee, W. B. Lawton. J. Garlock, Secretary and Treasurer ; and the Private Banking House of C. Pardee & Co. The village has two Hotels — the Packwood House and the Lake View. The Packwood is kept by T. A. & E. A. Andrews. Built by Mr. John Pack- wood in 1872, at a cost, including building and furniture, of $20,000. Both are good hotels and well kept. John Packwood, Carriage Manufacturer. Busi ness established in 1855. The building occupied at present was built in 1865. The especial feature of the shops is fine carriages and sleighs. The works are located on Genesee street, and employ twenty-five hands. Union Free School. The Skaneateles Union Free School, with Aca demic Department, was organized in 1866. The building, occupying the old Academy site, was erected in 1855, and enlarged by an addition on the north, in 1871. The present value of the property is $12,000. The school has four departments, six teachers, and an attendance of about two hundred and fifty pupils. The Library contains about 1,000 volumes. 292 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. Principals: M. H. Slee, 1866-69; William C. Bowen, 1869-74; F. H. Hodgson, 1874-75; A- M. Wright, present Principal, since 1875. The Academy, since merged in the above school, was established in 1840. Farmers' Club. The Farmers' Club of Skaneateles was organized in 1855, for the purpose of furthering the interests of agriculture, horticulture, &c, with forty-five members. In 1836, the prominent agriculturalists organized a society for the purpose of holding annual fairs for the disposal of stock, &c, and also for monthly mar kets. The last Town Fair under their auspices was held in 1840, from which time the organization declined, and in 1855 was merged in the present farmers' club. The first officers (1855) were Wm. M. Beauchamp, Secretary, and Peter Whittlesey, Treasurer. Managers of tbe first Annual Fair — Chester Moses, President ; Lewis W. Cleveland, Peter Whittlesey, Wm. P. Giles, S. Porter Rhoades and William J. Townsend, Directors. Present officers (1878): J. Horatio Earll, Presi dent ; Frank E. Austin, first Vice-President ; E. H. Adams, second Vice-President ; Martin C. De- Witt, Treasurer ; Wills Clift, Secretary. Masonic. Charles H. Piatt, Chapter No. 247, A. F. & A. M. — First meeting under dispensation, Decem ber 10, 1869. Lodge formed with nine original members. Officers — Henry J. Hubbard, H. P.; George W. Barnes, K.; John H. Gregory, S. ; E. W. Harvey, Secretary. Present membership, fifty- two. Officers, 1878— G. W. Earll, H. P.; D. S. Dillingham, K.; J. Shallish, S.; W. A. Dwinwell, Secretary. Skaneateles Lodge No. 522, F. & A. M. — Pres ent charter obtained June 12, 1862. Officers of that date: John H. Gregory, W. M.; William F. Gregory, S. W.; George H. Williamson, J. W. Officers, 1878 — George B. Harwood, W. M.; Wm. F. Gregory, S. W.; M. M. Livingston, J. W. Numbers at present about ninety. Churches. St. James Church, Skaneateles. — The first church families who settled in Skaneateles and the immediate vicinity, were Gen. Robert Earll, in 1796, Jonathan Booth, in 1801, Wm. J. Vredenburg, in 1803, Charles J. Burnett, in 1803. During these latter years, Rev. Davenport Phelps, a noble missionary of the church visited Auburn and officia ted there. It is also believed he visited Skaneateles. The first remembered services were held in the house now occupied by Mrs. Burnett, in 1803, and at the "Red House," residence of Gen. Robert Earll during the same and the following years. Afterwards also in a small wooden building situated where this church now stands. One half of this building was used for the first postoffice, and the other half was used and fitted for church purposes. Mr. Charles J. Burnett, W. J. Vredenburg, John S. Furman and a Mr. Letherland, here read the services. St. Peter's Church in Auburn, was organized in 1808 and the Rev. Davenport Phelps became the rector. The church building there was consecrated in 1812, on the 22d day of August, by the saintly Bishop Hobart. Mr. Vredenburg was one of the wardens of that church, and Jonathan Booth a vestryman. The church people here very generally attended church service in Auburn. Rev. Davenport Phelps, while rector of St. Peter's, frequently came here and officiated. His first service was held in the upper hall of the Vredenburg mansion, since known as the Kellogg house, seats being arranged for the people who very generally attended the ser vices. Mr. and Mrs. Burnett received their first communion in this house, from the hands of the Rev. Davenport Phelps, in 1809. He also baptized their first child. Mr. Vredenburg died in 1813. Services were held more or less regularly by lay readers, or an occasional missionary visitor — among the latter the Rev. W. A. Clarke, who followed Mr. Phelps as rector of St. Peter's Church, Auburn— until the year 18 16, when the first written record of the life of this parish appears. This is the act of incorporation of St. James' Parish, Skaneateles, attested by Mr. John TenEyck, one of the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas, bearing date Jan. 4, 1 8 16. At this same meeting of the incorpora tors and others, the Rev. Wm. A. Clarke presided, and Jonathan Booth and Charles J. Burnett were elected wardens, and Edward G. Ludlow, John W. Livingston, Zalmon Booth, Stephen Horton, John Pierson, John How, Samuel Francis and William Gibbs were chosen vestrymen. Rev. William A. Clarke was ordained in 18 12. He resigned St. Peter's Church in 1814. In 1816, an attempt was made to build a church, a conditional subscription being raised for that pur pose. But as only $1,500 of the $2,000 required, was raised, the enterprise fell through and the organization was abandoned, although lay reading and occasional visits from clergymen were continued with more or less regularity. On the 19th day of April, 1824, the parish was reorganized under the same name, and the organiza- ; VIEW or THOMAS MORTON'S MILLS^ I . ¦ - sit ' — - t CouNTr, New York. HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 293 tion was attested by Levi Mason, of the Court of Common Pleas, and R. L. Hess, Clerk of the same Court. At the same time the following gentlemen were elected officers of the society : Wardens, Jonathan Booth and C. J. Burnett ; Vestrymen, William Gibbs, John Daniels, Stephen Horton, John Pierson, Charles Pardee, J. W. Livingston, Samuel Francis, Elijah P. Rust. The meeting for the election of these persons was presided over by Rev. Augustus L. Converse, of whose after history we can learn nothing. Another blank follows until the 27th day of March, 1826, when a meeting of the congregation was held, at which the Rev. Amos Pardee presided. The same vestry was elected with the exception of John Daniels, who was replaced by Mr. John S. Furman. The following year, 1827, the Rev. Amos Pardee was still officiating, and the name of James M. Allen appears among the Vestrymen. Although there is no mention made in the pro ceedings of either of the last mentioned meetings, of the project of building a church, yet we find a paper bearing date August 3d, 1827, which is a contract between the Wardens and Vestry of St. James Church, and Enos P. Root, in which Mr. Root agrees to build the church and make it ready for occupancy. Of the same date there is also a a subscription paper, on which is subscribed the sum of $2,595. Mr. Burnett and Mr. Gibbs were this year the Wardens, and Mr. Butler S. Wolcott's name appears among the Vestrymen. In the report of the Rev. Amos Pardee to the Convention of the Diocese, held in Trinity Church, New York City, October 17, 1827, appears the following : " In Skaneateles the past year our members have increased, and our prospects are very much improved. A church was commenced in the last summer, and is now nearly or quite inclosed." On the 25th day of January of the following year, (1828,) the Rev. Algernon S. Hollister was called to officiate as Rector for one year from the following Easter, and Timothy Baker and Augustus Kellogg were elected on the Vestry ; and the fol lowing from Bishop Hobart's address to the con vention of 1828, held in Trinity Church, New York, October 16th and 17th, shows at what date the church was consecrated : " On Tuesday, the 23d of September I conse crated the church at Skaneateles, where a small congregation has for several years been kept to gether, and at last by extraordinary exertions have erected a neat edifice for worship." On the 26th of May, 1834, the old parsonage and grounds were purchased of Mr. Lucas and an addi- 43 tional strip of land from Alanson Edwards. Under the same date the thanks of the Vestry are ten dered to the " Circle of Industry " for the donation of $100 towards the purchase of a parsonage. In August, 1845, the necessity for the enlarge ment of the church was first discussed by the Ves try, indicating very clearly the growth of the parish. The old parsonage was sold in March, 1846, and with the proceeds, $100 from Bishop DeLancy, $300 from Trinity Corporation, New York, and the pro ceeds of a subscription, the building was enlarged and improved in 1847. In May, 1853, a lot and house adjoining the church were purchased of Mr. Vowles, and in the following month the house was improved and ar ranged for a parochial school. In February, 1854, the Ladies' Society saved the School House from sale under foreclosure of mort gage by paying through the Treasurer, Miss Har riet T. Gibbs, the sum of $150, for which the Ves try returned a sincere vote of thanks. The corner stone of the present St. James Church, Skaneateles, was laid by the Bishop on the 30th of May, 1873, and was consecrated January 6th, 1874. Clergymen — Rev. Augustus Converse, 1824; Rev. Amos Pardee, 1825-27 ; Rev. Algernon S. Hollister, 1828-31 ; Rev. Joseph T. Clarke, 1832- '44, (died on the Island of Jamaica, July, 1845) ; Rev. Charles Seymour, March 3, 1845 to June 16, 1851; Rev. A. C. Patterson, July 1851 to Octo ber, 1858; Rev. Mr. Page, 1858 to i860; Rev. E. Moyses, October, i860 to November,. 1866 ; Rev. R. M. Duff, May, 1867 to September 1, 1872 ; Rev. Thomas Smith, September 1, 1872 to July 17, 1874. Rev. John A. Staunton, the present Rector, be gan his ministry in the parish, October 1, 1874. The following have been among the prominent members, Wardens and Vestrymen of St. James Parish : Messrs. Dyer Brainard, J. G. Porter, Dr. E. H. Porter, Thomas Yates, L. Bartlett, W. M. Beau- champ, J. Snook, Jr., N. J. Roosevelt, Ransom Crosby, Justin Redfield, D. T. Mosely, R. I. Baker, E. N. Leslie, W. H. Jewett, D. W. Hall, F. W. Stotwell, H. Q. Knight, John Humphreys, E. B. Coe, C. W. Abeel, H. J. Hubbard, and others, Vestrymen. N. J. Roosevelt, Samuel Francis, W. M. Beauchamp, E. B. Marshall, and others, Wardens. Present Wardens — William Marion, E. Reuel Smith. Statistics — Families, 150; communicants, 191; Sunday School scholars, 125 ; contributions for all 294 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. purposes for the year ending June i, 1877, $3,679.- 99 ; value of church property, $30,000 ; rectory, $4,500. Presbyterian Church of Skaneateles. — The first settlements in the village of Skan eateles were made in March, 1796. Five years from its settlement it contained about one hundred buildings of different kinds, when, on the 20th of July, 1801, the first church in the village — bearing the name of " The First Congregational Church of Marcellus " — was organized by the Rev. Aaron Bascom. The Articles of Faith and Covenant were subscribed to by Joshua Cook, Solomon Edwards, Simeon Hosmer, Asa Harwood, Daniel Cook, and Aaron Cook. They were incorpo rated as the First Church of Christ in Marcel lus, and the same day on which the church was organized, the following persons were re ceived : James Porter, Mary Cook, Elizabeth Edwards, Lucretia Hosmer, Electa Edwards, Anna Clark, Hannah Annice, Martha Seymour, and Re becca Cook. The same day Aaron Cook was elected Clerk of the Church. The first church edifice was erected in 1808 and was dedicated March 1, 1809. The church having called Mr. Swift, invited the Presbytery of Cayuga to ordain and install him, which was accordingly done on the 14th day of September, 1811. He resigned October 27, 1812. Mr. Benjamin Rice was ordained and installed by the Presbytery of Cayuga, July 7th, 1813. He resigned his charge in August, 18 17. In January, 1818, it was unanimously resolved to adopt the Presbyterian form of government, and the church was received under the care of the Pres bytery of Cayuga. The society had extended a call to the Rev. B. B. Stocton to become their pastor. The call was accepted, and he was in stalled March 4th, 1818, and resigned his charge in April, 1822. Rev. Alexander M. Cowan, from Virginia, was installed December 4th, 1822, and resigned in 1828. Rev. Samuel W. Brace began his labors with his people in November, 1828, and was installed Febru ary 17th, 1830. He resigned in November, 1843, having completed fifteen years of labor. The society erected a new brick house of worship in the year 1830. The manse was purchased in the year 1832. Rev. Samuel W. Bush was installed in March, 1844, and resigned his charge in March, 185 1. Rev. Selden Haines was installed on the 4th of December, i85i,and resigned in September, 1855. Rev. William B. Dada was ordained and installed July 1, 1856, and resigned July ist, 1858. Rev. A. Mandell, was installed February 2nd, 1859, ar,d resigned January 16, 1861. On the 20th of April, 1862, the present pastor, Rev. M. N. Preston, began laboring with this people. He was ordained and installed on October 2d, 1862. By the new boundaries of presbyteries established by act of General Assembly in 1869, this church was separated from Cayuga Presbytery and became a part of the Presbytery of Syracuse. In January, 1852, the church, on the recommen dation of the session, adopted the plan of electing Elders for the term of three years — to be divided into three classes, so that the term of one class shall expire on the first Monday of January in each year ; when an election shall be held to fill the vacancy. The following persons constituted the several classes in the session — July, 1873: Luther Clark and James A. Root to January, 1874 ; J. A. Edwards, S. L. Benedict and Emerson Adams to January, 1875 ; H. D. Fulton and Newell Turner to January, 1876 ; N. Turner, Clerk of the Session and Treasurer. Trustees of the Society are : Dr. George Campbell, J. Augustus Edwards, James A. Root, Newell Turner, Sereno Field, Emerson Adams. Dr. George T. Campbell Clerk of the Board of Trustees. Deacons. — Eli Clark, died 1834; Joshua Cook, dismissed 1807; Samuel Bellany, dismissed 1832; James Porter, dismissed 1826 ; Ebenezer Warner, died 1849; Chester Moses, died 1862; Philip Crosbey, died 1865 ; Foster Clark, Henry T. Hooker, William Clark, Sereno Field. The present membership of this church is 220 ; attendance at Sunday School, 160. Three mem bers became missionaries in foreign countries. Baptist Church. — The Baptist Church of Skaneateles was a branch of the church of the same denomination in Elbridge, and began about 1820. The church edifice at first occupied was built by the Congregationalists on the hill east of the village in 1807, and was subsequently bought by the Baptist Society, moved down and refitted. The present building was erected in 1842, and cost $5,000. The ministers officiating have been Revs. Amasa Smith, Nathan Denison, Charles Elliot, John G. Zeeple, S. S. Relyea, William Roney, Henry Bowen, E. B. Palmer, George K. Allen and C. H. James. Present membership, 153; average attendance in Sunday School, 100. Friend's Churches. —The Society of Friends of Skaneateles was organized from 1810 to 1814. Joseph Frost, Russell Frost, Silas Gaylord, William Willets and Abner Lawton were among the early V/EW OF DffAYCOU PAPEff MjJ;^ r—-~- — *~ ^tt** — ™"T^.y?^'::' -.''"''i.-'^-.---- — *"" HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 295 members. Meetings were held in the meeting house now occupied by that branch of the Friends known as " Hicksites," about two and a half miles southwest of the village, near the Octagon School House. In 1828, a division of the society into the two branches of Orthodox and Hicksites occurred, the latter being the followers of Elias Hicks, a distin guished liberal preacher among the Friends. Among the most prominent members ofthe Orthodox branch were Joseph Talcott and his two sons, Richard and Daniel. Of this branch Sarah Talcott was the first minister. Meetings were held in the old meeting •house which was built on the farm of Richard Talcott, just within the present corporate limits, and which was torn down in 1873, during which year the present edifice was erected. The present membership is about forty, and value of church property $3,000. Present minister, Chauncey B. Thome. The branch known as Hicksites continued to hold meetings at the old meeting house, in which they still worship. Their first minister after the separation was Adin Cory. At that time William Willets, Warren Giles, Abner Lawton and Silas Gaylord, were among their prominent members. St. Mary's of the Lake, Roman Catholic Church, Skaneateles. — Earliest meetings held in the village-about 1845. In 1853, the first church was begun on the site of the present edifice, and was dedicated September 7, 1856. It was a wooden building and cost $2,500. Rev. William McCallian officiated from the organization of the church till his death, in 1864, and was succeeded by Rev. Joseph Butler, O. S. F. Rev. F. J. Purcell assumed the pastoral charge in June, 1865. The first church was destroyed by fire Wednesday, May 23d, 1866, and the present edifice erected by Rev. F. J. Purcell and dedicated June 30, 1867. Cost, $ 1 1,000. Present membership six hundred ; Sunday School fifty. St. Bridget's is a Chapel at Skaneateles Falls, four miles distant from St. Mary's of the Lake, built to accommodate parties too far from the church. It was erected by Rev. F. J. Purcell at a cost of $5,500, and dedicated September 20, 1874. It belongs to the same parish of St. Mary's of the Lake. Skaneateles Methodist Episcopal Church. — For several years previous to i832-'33, the circuit preachers of this denomination held religious ser vices in a school house located nearly opposite the present parsonage on West Genesee street. A class was early formed which was largely increased in 1832-33, through the means of a revival con ducted by " Father " Bibbins. Following this revival was a movement for the building of a chapel to better accommodate the needs of the growing society, which resulted in the purchase of a lot on the south side of West Genesee street, and the erection of a building thereon in 1834, under the pastorate of Rev. Lyman R. Redington. In 1853, this chapel was enlarged and beautified at a cost of about $800. At the completion of these repairs the expense was all provided for with the exception of $75. To meet this indebtedness the society resolved to hold a reopening service at which an effort would be made to liquidate the debt. Rev. C. P. Bragdon was secured to manage the financial part. Rev. C. D. Burritt, a former pastor, preached morning and evening, and Rev. Mr. Den ison, pastor of the Baptist Church of the village, in the afternoon. Through their united efforts the necessary amount was raised. The society was well accommodated in this chapel until 1859, when David Hall, Esq., built at his own expense a plain brick church on Jordan street, at a cost of about $5,000, and presented it to the society. The Trus tees to whom this conveyance was made, were Richard Huxtable, David Hall, John Burridge, Lorenzo Driggs, Jacob Hoagland, Forest G. Weeks, Spencer A. Daniels. In 1868 the church edifice was enlarged, remodeled and refurnished, at a cost of about $9,000. Rev. William C. Steele delivered the address at the laying of the corner stone of the first brick church, and Bishop E. S. Janes delivered the dedicatory sermon. At the rededication of the church after its enlargement. Dr. Jesse L. Peck, now " Bishop," delivered the the dedicatory sermon. The following named pastors have served the church here, viz: "Father" Bibbins, 1832; Lyman R. Redington, 1833 ; Jesse T. Peck, 1834; Selah Stocking, 1835 ; I. Hutchinson and Joseph Cress, 1836 ; C. W. Harris, 1837 ; V. M. Coryell, 1839; Jonn E. Robie, 1840; Walter Hare, 1841 ; Thos. H. Pearne, 1842; Isaac Parks, 1843-44; John H. Mitchel, 1845-46; Charles D. Burritt, 1847-48 ; James Hartwell, 1849 ; Wm. N. Cobb, 1850-51; O. Hesler, 1852-53; S. H. Brown, 1854; E. N. Cuykendall, 1855-56; W. H. Miller, 1857, served but a few months and was succeeded by Isaac Foster, 1858-59 ; Wm. Searles, 1860- '61 ; Wm. N. Burr, 1862-63 ; Wm. Bixby, 1864; M. S. Wells, 1865-66; T. J.Bissell, i867-'68-'69 ; Wm. Reddy, 1870-7 1-72 ; R. Redhead ; 1873- '74-75 ; G. S. White, 1876-77. Present member ship, one hundred and seventy. Number of Sun- 296 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. day School scholars one hundred and seventy. Ministerial support, $1,104.00. Benevolent collec tions for the year, $406.00. The Skaneateles Falls Methodist Episco pal Church is located in the town of Skaneateles about three and a half miles north of Skaneateles village. The first meetings were held in the house of M. B. Bannister, class leader, late in 1867, or early in 1868. Rev. D. W. Beadle, then supplying the M. E. Church at Elbridge, delivered the first sermon. He was soon followed by Rev. T. J. Bissell, pastor of the M. E. Church at Skaneateles village. In 1873 and 1874, the school house was occupied for religious services, and from 1875 to 1877, inclusive, a room in the brick block provided by Thomas Martin. A legal organization was effected November 12, 1877, A. G. Borden and H. C. Templar being presiding officers, and George Atyee, Joseph Hunt, Levi Starr, Marquis Giles and H. G. Borden being elected Trustees. Be sides the above, with the exception of M. Giles, there were among the original members H. Harris and Mrs. M. Giles. A very creditable church building, 24 by 40, with basement, has been erected at an expense of $1,500 chiefly through the aid and enterprise of F. G. Weeks, a member of the M. E. Church at Skaneateles village. The dedication took place February 6th, 1878. Previous to the autumn of 1872, the place was sup plied by Revs. H. Woodruff and W. Whitham. Rev. P. J. Ball was the regularly appointed pastor from October, 1872, until October 7th, 1873 ' Rev. O. N. Hinman, from October 7th, 1873, until October 13th, 1874 ; Rev. Abram Fancher, from October 13th, 1874, until September 25th, 1877; and Rev. M. J. Wells, the present pastor, appointed September 25th, 1877. The present membership is twenty ; the average attendance at Sunday School about forty. The Protestant people within reach are not numerous, but generally interested and enterprising in their support of the church. The Methodist Episcopal Church of Mott ville, in the town of Skaneateles, is comparatively young as a distinct society, though the place had been a Methodist appointment with more or less regularity for about twenty-five years. Meetings were held in private houses or the school house until 1873, when under the supervision of Rev. William Reddy, D. D., pastor of the M. E. Church at Skaneateles village, the old school house was purchased, moved to its present site and fitted up for church purposes at a cost of about $1,000. The dedication occurred January 24, 1873. Among the original members were O. Coleman, Chester Benton, Mrs. Catharine Blodgett, Mrs. Maria Hunsiker, William Barber, Mrs. Esther Young and Mrs. Charlotte Bradley. Rev. O. N. Hinman was the next pastor during the year beginning October 7, 1873, and ending October 13, 1874. Rev. Abram Fancher followed as pastor from October 13, 1874 to September 25, 1877. Rev. M. J. Wells, the present incumbent, was appointed pastor September 25, 1877. The present membership is forty-three, the average attendance at Sunday School about the same, con gregation good, and social meetings well attended. An open temperance meeting is held every other Sabbath evening with remarkable interest and suc cess. Up to January 28, 1878, one hundred and sixty-three have been induced to sign a total abstinence pledge for life. The Universalist Church at Mottville, was built in the year of 1831. The organization is that of a society only. The ground for the church and for a High School was given by Ansel Frost, and the building was erected by the liberal donations of Col. Robert Earll, Col. Stephen Clark, Ansel Frost and many others whose names we have not been able to obtain, as the church records are not to be found. The church was dedicated by Rev. Dolphus Skin ner of Utica ; the first regular pastor was Rev. Jacob Chase ; afterwards Rev. Stephen Miles, Rev. Isaac Whitnall and Rev. Mr. Root officiated, and in later years Rev. J. M. Austin of Auburn, Rev. Dolphus Skinner, Rev. G. W. Montgomery and others. Within the past eight years through the summer season, sermons semi-monthly by Rev. J. G. Bartholomew, D. D., Rev. J. M. Austin Rev. J. W. Keyes and others, and at present by the Rev. L. L. Briggs, of Auburn. Before the church was built the society held meet ings in the school house and the Rev. Isaac Whit- nal was the pastor. Manufacturing Interests on the Outlet. Skaneateles Paper Company. — The original mill occupied by this company was built in 1830 by Solomon Earll, as a flouring mill. Earll & Kellogg remodeled it into a distillery about 1840. In 1864, it was changed into a paper mill by Earll, Thayer & Co., and is now occupied by the Skaneateles Paper Company, in the manufacture of print paper. Willow Glen Woolen Mills. — Built by Doras- tus Kellogg about 1840, and now owned by Alexan der Horton. (Not at present, Jan., 1878, in opera tion.) The mill is a " five set" mill. V/EW of F.A.SiNCLAIR'S (/N/(M FACTORY, Mottville, Onondaga County, NX. '¦***¦ hy ~'.-^M.f. .1 *>¦/&* -i^eie^ HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 297 Earll & Tallman's Distillery. — Located on Skaneateles Outlet, one and a half miles from Skaneateles. It is in the twenty-fourth Collection District of New York. The building was erected by Cotton, Lewis &Co., in 1824, and remodeled at the time the present distillery was established in 1857. The capacity of the distillery is three hun dred bushels of grain per day. Four hands are employed. Daniel Earll has been partner or sole owner from the commencement. The present firm are also proprietors of a custom mill next below the distillery. It is located on the site of the old mill built by Abijah Earll in 1818. It was burnt in 1825 and rebuilt by Cotton, Lewis & Co., in 1826. It has one run of stones and is carried on in connection with the distillery. The proprietors of the distillery manufacture French and Cologne spirits and alcohol. In connection with the distillery, they feed one hundred and twen ty-four head of cattle. Thomas Morton's Fine Woolen Shawl Fac tory, Mottville. Established in 1862 ; capacity, eight thousand pounds of wool per month ; fifty hands employed. The building was erected about 1852. Machinery run by water-power ; fall about eighteen feet. Mr. Morton is also proprietor of the Darvel Woolen Mills, at Skaneateles Falls, established in 1867. These mills have a capacity for ten thou sand pounds of wool per month, and employ sixty hands, making a specialty of fine cassimeres. Sherman, Irish & Co., Proprietors of Mottville Flouring Mills, successors to Thayer & Irish, who owned and occupied the same mills from 1876 to the establishment of the present firm in 1878. The mills have eight run of stones, with a capacity of one hundred bushels per day. They manufacture both merchant and custom flour. E. B. Hoyt, Iron Founder and Machinist, Mott ville. Established in 185 1. The foundry occupied by Mr. Hoyt was burnt in 1868, and the present building erected upon the same location immedi ately after. Skaneateles Iron Works and Rolling Mills, Mottville. Not at present in operation. L. F. Powell, Syracuse, proprietor. Works established in 1870, at a cost of $100,000. Skaneateles Paper Company, F. & J. Weeks, Marysville. Manufacturers of paper. Marysville Lime and Plaster Works. E. B. Hoyt & Co., proprietors. Established in 1866. Employs twelve hands. Youngs & Benedict, Cataract Mills, Long Bridge, Skaneateles Outlet. Established in 1876; 44* five run of stones ; capacity one hundred and fifty barrels per day ; merchant and custom flour. Build ing erected in 1869; owned by Wm. Barnes. F. A. Sinclair, Union Chair Works, Mottville. Building erected in 1870; business established in 1859; employs 23 hands. Hart Lot Paper Company, Manufacturers of book paper, half mile south of the junction. Capac ity, two tons per day ; hands employed, forty-seven. Incorporated in 1869. John M. Nye, President; John H. Childs, Secretary ; Julius H. Earll, Treas urer ; W. E. Jones, Superintendent. Biographical Sketch. BENONI LEE. Benoni Lee was born in the State of Vermont, on the 7th day of June, 181 2. At the tender age of nine years he was left an orphan. With no kind relatives to take him into the bosoms of their families and no friend but God, he entered upon his life of toil and privation, which has developed in him those excellent habits and that astuteness which distinguish him as a lawyer and as a man. His early recollections of Vermont are quite dim, having left it when a child and gone with his parents to the State of New York, and from there, when seven years old to Pennsylvania. In the year 1826 he came to Skaneateles, Onondaga county, N. Y., where he attracted the attention of Col. Warren Hecox, who carried on a large leather and shoe business. Col. Hecox saw in the young lad of fourteen years something that convinced him that he was worthy of being helped ; and, ac cordingly, offered him an apprenticeship in his business, which offer Mr. Lee readily accepted. He was treated as a son ; being taken into the family, and for three winter's enjoying the advan tages of the school taught by Thomas W. Allis, a young man of considerable note and more merit. He worked in the tan-yard one season ; nearly two seasons in the shop ; and as foreman, had nearly en tire charge of the business for four years. All of his leisure moments, before and after working hours, were spent in diligent study and assiduous reading. In this he was encouraged by his em ployer, whose reading covered a wide range of literature. In 1833, determined to obtain a liberal educa tion, at whatever sacrifice, he attended the Skan- 298 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. eateles Academy, where he made such rapid and thorough progress that he won the admiration of his friends and the Principal, Wm. H. Green, now a prominent lawyer of Buffalo. At the close of the academic course, he began to read law with Freeborn G. Jewitt, a thorough and successful lawyer, to whom he is indebted, doubtless, for many of his excellent professional characteristics. Winters he taught the village school, receiving a fair compensation, until 1840, when, after having passed a successful examination he was admitted to the Bar of the State, as an at torney and solicitor, and soon after began the prac tice of law in partnership with Mr. Jewitt. For thirty-eight years he has had a successful and lucrative practice, and during that long period not a stain has tarnished his professional uprightness. As a lawyer he is careful and pains-taking, always thoroughly examining litigated cases, on both sides before suit. Not a flaw has ever been found in his preparation of a case, and no false step of his oppo nent is ever unnoticed. As a pleader, he is per suasive, and manages, generally, to " carry his point." His style is clear and forcible, clothed with plain, Anglo-Saxon words, which express his meaning with remarkable exactness. As a coun sellor, he has the rare and unusual faculty, especially in a lawyer, of bringing irritated parties to settle ment before having recourse to the law. As a citi zen of Skaneateles, he has been prominently identified with every interest which has tended to develop its growth and beauty. In every sense of the word he is a self-made man. Few would have had the pluck and per severance to have broken the iron fetters of circum stances which surrounded his youth. ELBRIDGE. Elbridge was formed from Camillus March 26, 1829. It is the central town upon the western border of the county. Its surface is level in the north and rolling in the south. Seneca River and Cross Lake form a portion of the northern bound ary. Skaneateles Outlet flows northwestwardly through the western part of the town. Upon the banks of the Outlet, near the center of the town, are found the peculiar tunnel-shaped cavities in the earth, characteristic of regions abounding in gyp sum. Several weak brine springs are found along Seneca River. In the west part of the town, at the time of the first settlement, were found the re mains of three distinct fortifications : one square, one quadrangular, and one circular. (See Chapter on Antiquities.) When first discovered, the em bankments were three feet high, and upon one of them stood an oak tree four feet in diameter. These works were each situated near a living spring of water. The remains of various articles found here seem to indicate that these fortifications were known to the French. At Jack's Reefs, when the whites first settled this town, the Onondagas had a large settlement, with an extensive clearing and a valuable orchard. They had also cleared off what were called the Salt Fields in the town of Cato, and had a small settle ment there. The country north of the Seneca and Oneida Rivers was their favorite hunting ground. Early Settlement. Josiah Buck made the first settlement in this town in 1793. In 1791 he had surveyed the town ship of Camillus into lots, and selecting the site where he located, came in 1793, with his family, in a large wagon. This wagon, under the shade of a large elm tree, which, we believe, is still standing, was for several weeks their only shelter, till a com fortable cabin could be erected. The place where this settlement was made was on the lot sub sequently owned by Col. John Munro, and a large oak log was left here for many years as a memorial of the spot. A little later in 1793, Robert Fulton settled in the town; James Strong in 1794; Col. Chandler, Dr. Pickard and a Mr. Porter, the first blacksmith, in 1795 ; James Weisner and Nicholas Mickles, in 1796. Isaac Strong erected a saw mill in 1795, and a grist mill in 1798. The inhabitants who first settled in this town had to go to James ville to mill. William Stevens located herein 1794, and built a saw mill about a mile west of Elbridge. He also built the first store in the town, in 1797, in which he set up Dr. John Frisbie. Mr. Levi Clark built the first school house, in 1801. Josiah Buck kept the first tavern in 1793. Moses Carpenter opened another soon after. William Stevens was the first Justice of the Peace in 1794. The first settlers in the vicinity of Jordan were Zenas Wright and Aaron Wright, in 1797 ; Martin fa. . ' n, ''ill Thomas W.Hill. Mffs. Thomas W. Hill ( PHOTOS, BV W, V. f?ANC-EP ) Syracuse n y - ; f?ES. or THOMAS W.HILL, ELBRIDGE , New York. HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 299 Tickner, Reynolds Corey, Isaac Smith, Jonathan Rowley and Jonathan Babcock, came soon after. The first town meeting for Elbridge was held at the house of Horace Dodge, April 28, 1829. Squire Munro was chosen Moderator, Seneca Hale, Secre tary. Timothy Brown was elected Supervisor, and James McClure, Town Clerk. The channel of the Seneca River at Jack's Reefs has been deepened by the State, for the pur pose of draining the Cayuga marshes. The work was commenced in 1854 and finished in 1857, un" der the superintendence of Hon. George Geddes. More than 200,000 yards of rock-cuttings were re moved, and the marshes were drained as far west as Mosquito Point. The cost was $156,000. Pre vious to this about $100,000 had been expended for deepening the channel near the Oswego River. A feeder from the Skaneateles Outlet connects with the Erie Canal at Jordan. In 1 83 1 the schools of the town of Elbridge are reported as follows : Number of children taught, 961 ; number of districts, ten ; parts of districts, six ; text-books used, Webster's Spelling Book, Cobb's Spelling Book, Cumming's & Woodbridge's Geography, Murray's Grammar, English Reader and Testament. VILLAGE OF ELBRIDGE. Situated on the Skaneateles outlet in the south west part of the town. The village was incorpo rated April 1, 1848. Its first settlers were Moses Carpenter, James Weisner, Squire Munro, Ezra and John Brackett, and Joseph and Aaron Colman, 1794 and 1795. Squire Munro kept the first tavern in the place, soon after his settlement here. Gideon Wilcoxon first established himself as a lawyer in the village in 1813 ; Hiram F. Mather in 18 18 ; afterwards Mr. Putnam. Dr. John Frisbie was the first physician, in 1797 ; Dr. Sweet in 1810 ; then Dr. Chichester. In 18 13, a postoffice was established, Gideon Wilcoxon, Postmaster. He was succeeded by Hiram F. Mather, Hendrick Wood, Squire Munro ; then Mr. Wood again, then Mr. Munro. At an election held at the house of J. D. Rhoades, March 21, 1848, to determine whether or not the village should be incorporated, as provided for in an act of December 7, 1847, one hundred and seven votes were cast, of which ninety-one were in the affirmative and sixteen in the negative. The officers for 1848 were Lucius Millen, President ; Harvey Roberts, Ezekiel Skinner, Alonzo Wood and William VanVechten, Trustees ; Cyrus W. Upham, Treasurer ; and Charles McGowan, Clerk. The following have been Presidents ofthe village in the years named : A. Wood, 1851 ; W. P. Van Vechten, 1852 ; William C. VanVechten, 1853-54; J. D. Rhoades, i855-'56-'57 ; Alonzo Wood, 1858 ; J. D. Rhoades, 1859; Squire M. Brown, i860; John Rice, 1861-62 ; C. W. Hilliard, 1863 ; S. M. Brown, 1864; Nathan Munro, 1865; John Rice, 1866; C. G. McGowan, 1867; M. H. Lamson, i868-'69-'7o; M. W. Lyon, 1871-72; W. P. Smith, 1873 ; B- A. Wood, 1874 ; John Rice, 1875 ; Charles O. Baker, 1876. Present officers (1877) : President, M. W. Lyon ; Trustees, T. K. Wright, A. L. Gere, D, M. Rice ; Treasurer, John T. Thomas; Clerk, John F. Thomas. Munro Collegiate Institute. The Munro Academy, (now known as the Munro Collegiate Institute,) was founded by Nathan Munro, Esq, in 1835. I" tne winter of 1835-6, it was opened in the ball room of Ezekiel Gardner's tavern, where Mr. M. W. Lyon now resides, and the following summer a wooden building was con structed for it. The Academy was incorporated April 23, 1839. At the first meeting of the Trustees under the charter, July 6, 1839, it was announced that Mr. Munro had died on the 5th instant, and that, in addition to the Academic site and buildings, library and apparatus, contained in the original grant to the Academy, and specified in the application to the Regents of the University, upon which the charter was granted, the deceased founder of the Academy, by his last will and testament, had made a further endowment to the same, by enlarging the Academic site, and by a bequest of $20,000, as a permanent fund for the support of the school, pay able immediately after his decease, July 13, 1839, the Board met pursuant to adjourn ment ; John Munro, senior Trustee, in the Chair. On motion of R. Farnham, Esq., the Board pro ceeded to elect a President and other officers. John Munro was elected President ; James Munro, Secretary ; and Hiram F. Mather, Treasurer. In 1854, the Trustees erected the building known as " The Munro Academy." This Academy stands in an open landscape, and is surrounded by trees, which, with the irregularity of the plan and outline of the structure itself, contribute to its picturesque effect. Its general form is an octagon, from which project four arms, forming a cross. One of the arms at the right is connected by a hall with a large oblong division, projecting at the front and rear. The material is brick with stone dressings. From the elevations it will be noticed that the 300 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. external walls are enriched with heavy base mould ings, buttresses and turrets at the corners of all the parts — visible at the fronts and ends. In 1859, the Trustees further improved the Academy, by the completion of the elegant chapel at an expense of about $1,000, and placed at the east end a marble tablet, bearing the following in scription : To the memory of Nathan Munro, who was born at Cheshire, Mass., and died at Elbridge, New York, July 5th, 1839,. in tne 49tn year of his age. In 1835, he endowed the Academy which in April, 1839. was incorporated and called after his name ; and at his death gave to it as a perpetual fund $20,000. From the income of this fund and the sale of the old academy property, the Trustees in 1854 erected this edifice. There is a Library of nearly 1,000 volumes con nected with the institution, to which the students may have access under the direction of the Prin cipal. The Laboratory is supplied with some ex cellent apparatus. There is also a well selected and valuable cabinet of minerals. The Course of Instruction includes an English Course embracing five years, or a Classical Course embracing three years. The Classical Department, Ancient and Modern, is well sustained, embracing more than half of the whole number of pupils in attendance. The Academy is regarded in many respects as one of the best fitting schools in the country. The great number of graduates who have already attained eminence in the pulpit, at the bar, and as educators, is a proof that the merits of the school have been well attested. There have been for many years various Literary Societies connected with the Academy. The ex ercises consisting of Debates, Essays and Criti cisms. The Ladies' Literary Society was for many years an attractive feature of the Academy. The Gentlemen's M. C. I. Club continued in successful operation until the spring of 1873, when the present Lyceum was organized admitting ladies and gentlemen upon precisely the same footing. The exercises of each meeting consisting of Music, Declamations, Recitations, a Lyceum Paper and an Extempore Debate. John Munro, the brother of Nathan, was the first President of the Board of Trustees in 1839, and served acceptably till his death in i860. He was a man universally esteemed for his benevolence and ready sympathy with the unfortunate. He was born in Cheshire, Mass., March 26, 1780, and died in Elbridge, March 13, i860. John Rice, Esq., the second President of the ' Board of Trustees, was elected October 6, i860, to fill a vacancy caused by the death of Deacon John Munro. John Rice was born at Cheshire, Mass., January 8, 1799, and died at Elbridge, June 20, 1875. He came to Elbridge in 1820. He was un tiring in his efforts to enlist the sympathies of all in behalf of the Academy. Hon. Luke Ranney, now the President of the Board of Trustees of the Academy, was elected October 4, 1875, to fill a vacancy caused by the death of John Rice, Esq. The following have served as Secretaries of the Board : James Munro, elected July 13, 1839 * Hon. Luke Ranney, elected October 27, 1869. Treas urers : Hiram F. Mather, July 13, 1839; Squire M. Brown, April 13, 1842 ; W. C. Van Vechten, June 27, 1849; Elijah D. Williams, December 28, 1853; L. B. Bennett, October 27, 1869; John Munro, October 14, 1871. Succession of Trustees : Nathan Munro, charter; Jared Wheeler, July 13, 1839; Rev- E. A. Hunt ington, July 13, 1867; Rev. Washington Thatcher, (resigned) charter ; Allen Munroe, March 30, 1842 : J. B. Evarts, charter ; Daniel C. Munro, (resigned) February 9, 1842 ; C. J. Merriman, (resigned) charter ; Stephen W. Clark, (resigned) March 30, 1842; Z. S. Clark, April 24, 1848; Hiram F. Mather, (resigned) charter ; David Wilson, (from neglect) November 4, 1844 ; John Burnett, July 9, 1858 ; Rev. Medad Pomeroy, (resigned) charter; Levi Clark, March 6, 1845 ; Wm. Ran ney, charter; Luke Ranney, June 9, 1858; John Rice, charter; Charles G. McGowan, Oct. 4, 1875; John Munro, charter; David A. Munro, July 10, 1867; James Munro, charter; John Munro, Jr., March 9, 1871 ; Squire M. Brown, (resigned) 1848, charter ; Wm. C. Van Vechten, (resigned) (the only charter member living) 1848, charter; Charles Pardee, May 13, 1856 ; Reuben Farnham, (resigned) 1848, charter; Abram Hall, (resigned) 1848, char ter; Elijah D. Williams, (resigned) 1 866, charter ; L.B.Bennett, Oct. 31, 1867; Thomas W.Hill, Oct. 4, 1875 ; Charles Lombard, (resigned) 1848, charter ; James M. Munro, elected in place of Mr. Hicok, August 12, 1854; Allen Munroe, elected in place of Mr. Lathrop, August 12, 1854 ; Robert Townsend, elected in place of Mr. Cornell, August 12, 1854 ; Hervey Wilbur, elected in place of J. R. Townsend, July 10, 1867. Present Board of Trustees. Hon. Luke Ranney, Elbridge, President ; Chas. G. McGowan, Elbridge, Secretary; John Munro, HON. LUKE RANNEY. William Ranney, father of Luke Ranney, was born in Middletown, Conn., June 30, 1785, and died at Elbridge, N. Y., Sept. 9, 1857, aged seventy-two years. He moved to Elbridge in 1835. The Ranneys were from Sootland, and first oame to Middletown, Conn. They were noted for their great energy of oharaoter. Betsey Alden, the mother of Luke Ranney, was born at Ashfleld, Mass., Maroh 7, 1789, and died at Elbridge, May 9, 1870, aged eighty-one years. The Aldens trace their lineage directly back to John Alden, who landed from the Mayflower, on Plymouth Rook, 1620, — the same John who asked Miss Prisoilla Mullens if she would have Capt. Miles Standish, and she hinted to him to ask for himself, and he knew enough to take tho hint. The Aldens have been noted for their great longevity and strong Puri- tanio religious oharaoter, many of them having been olergymen. Luke Ranney was born in Ashfleld, Mass., Nov. 8, 1815. Moved to Aurelius, Cayuga Co., N. Y., in 1823. At the age of fourteen or fifteen the thirst for knowledge came upon him with almost irresistible power. The labor on the farm, under his father's energy and industry, took about all of daylight, and the nights, until two and three in the morning, were often used to satisfy this craving for knowledge. Every cent that could be had was used in the purchase of books. Rollin's Ancient History and Plutarch's Lives were obtained with the last farthing he could get, and devoured with an appetite which might be compared to a starved tiger feasting on a dainty morsel. They were read and re-read until all the lead ing facts of ancient history were fixed in his memory for life, and were ever after at his command. In 1 834 he went to Shelburne Falls academy, Massachusetts, to school, an uncle, the Rev. John Alden, being principal. He walked sixty miles from Albany to tho Falls to save three dollars, stage fare, to pur chase books with. Was here five months, and was then called home by his father to help him on the farm. In the fall of 1835 his father wished him to go and spend a year helping his only brother in Van Bu ren Co., Mich. He went np Lake Erie in the last boat that ran that fall. Walked and drove an ox-team from Detroit there, one hundred and fifty miles. Got there the ninth day of December ; found his brother keep ing bachelor's hall in a log shanty twelve by fourteen, and dieting on pork and potatoes, and, as he ex pressed it, had for a change potatoes and pork. In the winter his brother had to be away two weeks, and he remained in the shanty that time confined with a lame foot, without seeing a human being, and no com panion but Shakspeare; and, as he said, he had an intellectual treat, and gained a knowledge of the great English poet which was a source of great pleasure ever after. He taught school in Throop s- ville, Cayuga Co., in 1839 and 1841, and in Port Byron in 1840. Studied law with S. Robinson and S. Good win, and in consequence of poor health was compelled to abandon the profession of law. Went to Christian Co., Ky., in the fall of 1842, and there taught school one year, and had a good opportunity to see the evils of slavery. He then wrote home to a friend, as follows : " When I see the vast amount of evil that originates out of this system of slavery, I shudder at future consequences. The day of final judgment may be far distant, but it is sure to come as a rock loosened from the top of a mountain is to thunder down to the plain below, and woe, woe to all who are in its path. I may not live to see it, but the seed has been sown, the crop is more than half grown, and when the harvest comes it will be a harvest of death and desolation." At this time the great temperance reformation was sweeping like a tor nado over the southwest, and he gave what time and strength he had to spare to this mighty work. His services were in demand to speak at all the principal places in Christian county. At some of these meetings as many as one hundred and fifty signed the pledge of temperance. • j M™8 haak t0 ElbridSe in the fal1 Of 1843, and in May, 1844, mar ried Miss Rebecca Lyon, daughter of Deacon Cyrus Lyon, of Weedsport, and "ved five years on a farm three miles east of Weedsport. While there he held the orSce of town superintendent. In the spring of 1852 ne moved back to Elbridge, where he has resided ever since. He was elected supervisor of his town in 1857, and in the fall of 1858 was elected to represent the first district in Onondaga County in the legis lature. He was elected again in the fall of 1865, and again in the fall of i»o7, serving three times in the legislature. While there he served on the committee on claims, on the committee of nine for advancing bills, and on tne select committee on assessments. The bill creating the State assessors was written by him, and his influence contributed largely to its passage. He was one of the select committee on a pro rata freight bill, a measure more largely connected with the interior interests of the State than almost any other, and he has reason to believe that it was defeated by money of tho New York Central railroad, as the agent employed by that com pany to do its lobbying in the legislature told a prominent citizen of Syra cuse, at Seneoa Falls (where they met), that it cost the company over two hundred thousand dollars to defeat Ranney's pro rata freight bill. His speech on the personal liberty bill gave him a State reputation as one of the best debaters in the assembly. Mr. Ranney says that the greatest good he ever accomplished for his country was in the organiza tion of the opposition to the increase of the way fare on the New York Central railroad, and continuing the contest until its final defeat by the veto of Gov. Fenton. By this defeat the way passengers are saved from pay ing into the treasury of that mammoth corporation from five hundred thousand dollars to one million dollars annually. In a speech which he made on that occasion, and which was published, he showed as conclusively as figures can show, that the gains and profits of the company, over and above an annual dividend of seven per cent., had been not less than seventeen millions of dollars since the consolida tion in 1853 ; and, as proof that he was right, soon after Vanderbilt came in as president and divided among the stockholders twenty millions of bonds to represent these surplus earnings. Mr. Ranney says he had no doubt at that time they were using the money of the corporation to buy votes ; and, as further proof that he was right, Worcester, treasurer of the company, under oath, before a committee of the constitutional convention, in 1868, said that he paid, to influence legislation during the pendency of this bill, without any authority of law, vouchers, or receipts, two hun dred and sixty-five thousand dol lars, and the account was allowed by the directors. To judge how some members ofthe legislature must have been scorched on that occasion, we make the follow ing quotation from his speech : "And now, before I close, what shall I say to those, if any such there be, who have received the money of this cor poration as a reward for the betrayal of their constituency, for the sur rendering and yielding up of their rights for their personal gain ? Re member, Judas Iscariot betrayed his Lord and Master for thirty pieces of silver, and for that act has been held up for execration, scorn, and contempt wherever the banner of the Cross has been unfurled, even to the outermost bounds of Christian civilization. Turn your minds, gen tlemen, within, and behold your selves as in a glass, and see a villain whose company you are compelled to keep, and from whose vile com panionship there is do escape. Dis honored, scorned, and condemned by yourself, seeking through life a hiding-place from the goadings of conscience, dying while you are liv ing, praying for the everlasting rocks and hills to fall on you and hide you from the righteous indignation of a constituency you have betrayed, from a legislature you have de moralized, from a State you have dishonored, and a republic you have disgraced. Go; and return your ill- gotten gold to this soulless corporation, which would accumulate wealth at the expense of the integrity and virtue of this legislature, at the expense of liberty, and on the ruins of our country ! Go, and swear by the ever- living God that you will live and die honest men, that your garments shall never be besmeared with the filth and slime of a corrupt and venal lobby which swarm around you like the carrion crows around a rotten carcass." He has given his services as a speaker without one cent's compensation in every important campaign since 1855, often addressing his fellow- citizens every night for some time previous to election. In his addresses he has spent as much or more time on the obligations we owe to our gov ernment, and the proper discharge of those obligations, than on party politics. Showing them if they will be true to our country, she will be come the beacon-light of all nations, leading them in the path of equal rights, Christian liberty, and universal intelligence. He has always ad vocated impartial justice to all men, without reference to birth, nationality, or color. On party politics he has always endeavored to show that the reform and purification of the two great parties of the day was more im portant than the immediate success of either, believing that parties should always be governed by the great principles of right, having the highest good of our country as their supreme object. He has been extensively employed as a surveyor, and often on disputed lines has harmonized parties and saved litigation. He has had many es tates to settle, as executor, administrator, and assignee, in this county, Cayuga county, and in Michigan. He is president of the board of trustees of Munro Collegiate Institute, an institution of learning hardly second to any in the county. Photo, by Geo. Dygert, Jordan, N. Y. CHAUNCEY B. LAIRD. The subject of this sketch, one of the oldest residents ofthe town of Elbridge, was born July 30, 1804, in the town of Camillus, two miles west of the village. He was the son of John Laird and Polly Boyd, who were among the first settlers of the town, emigrating from Saratoga county. The elder Laird was a carpenter by occupation, and Chauncey followed the same vocation for some time ; but his tastes were for agri cultural pursuits, and he accordingly purchased a farm in the town of Elbridge, upon which he settled in 1830, and where he resided until his death, which occurred April 6, 1873. In his chosen calling he was eminently successful, and was regarded as one of the most thorough and systematic farmers in the town. In 1827, Mr. Laird was married to Miss Sarah E., daughter of John Adams, Esq., of Skaneateles, one of the first settlers and a very prominent citizen. In 1843, Mrs. Laird died, and in 1845 he was again married to Miss Lucretia Mills. By his first wife he had five children, three sons and two daughters, none of whom are now living. By his second wife he had five children, two of whom are living, — Charles W. Laird, of Jordan, and Julia, wife of the Rev. J. C. Nichols, of the Central New York Conference. John D. Rhoades HON. JOHN The subject of this sketch was born in Chesterfield, Mass., Nov. 11, 1801, and was the eldest child in the family of John and Hannah Rhoades, which consisted of ten children. When eight years of age, his father removed with his family to Onondaga County, settling in the town of Skaneateles. Here for years the family experienced the privations and hardships of pioneer life. Notwithstanding the almost entire lack of educational advantages, our subject acquired a good common school education, which he made practically useful to himself and others by teaching. At the age of twenty-one he went to New Jersey, and for several years was engaged as a traveling salesman. In 1826 he formed a co-partnership with a gentleman by the name of Bartlett, and engaged in trade at Stan hope, N. J. In 1827 he married Sebiah, daughter of the Hon. Timothy Brown, of Elbridge, and in 1829 he removed to Hancock, Delaware county, where he became extensively engaged in lumbering. In 1833, meeting with some reverses, he sold, and again returned to Elbridge, where for ten years he was D. RHOADES. the proprietor of the Munro Hotel. In 1851 he purchased the farm where he now resides, which is beautifully located in the village of Elbridge. In politics Mr. Rhoades was a Whig until the formation of the Republican party. In 1855 he was elected county coroner, and in 1856 was elected a member of the legis lature. His childhood of indigence, his early manhood of wearisome toil, served as the crucibles wherein sterling qualities were refined and tested, as preparatory for public service and higher obligation. In all business relations he is honorable and upright, ever the same in private business or official life. Sociable, benevolent, and possessed of ennobling Christian virtues, he has won friends among all classes, and by sound judgment and prompt decision gave weight to his opinions and strength to his purposes. Mr. Rhoades has been a valuable citizen in all relations of life, and by industry has accumulated a competency, and contributed largely to the welfare and social improve ment of his neighborhood. HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 30 r Elbridge, Treasurer ; Hon. James M. Munro, Camillus ; Hon. Allen Munroe, Syracuse ; John B. Burnett, Syracuse ; Charles Pardee, Skaneateles ; Dr. Harvey B. Wilbur, Syracuse ; Rev. E. A. Huntington, D.D., Auburn; Hon. Theodore N. Pom eroy, Auburn ; David A. Munro, Camillus ; Thomas W. Hill, Elbridge. Succession of Principal Teachers. Years. Principal. Preceptress. 1839— Lemuel S. Pomeroy. Julia A. Fitch. 1840*4 — Stephen W. Clark. Elvira P. Cadwell. 1845— Stephen W. Clark. Catherine A. Coleman. 1846— J. W. Wolcott. Mary A. Ellis. 1847— J. W. Wolcott. M. F. Loring. I848-'9— John H. Wilson. M. F. Loring. 1850 — John H. Wilson. Mary A. Casey. 1851 — John H. Kellom. Mary A. Goddard. 1852 — John H. Kellom. Louisa Powers. 1853 — David Burbank. Mary L. Powers. 1854— David Burbank. ' Mary L. Powers. 1855— David Burbank. Eliza A. Boss. 1 856 — David Burbank. Charlotte A. Birdseye. 1857 — Jonn H. Wilson, 1 t. Charlotte A. Birdseye. Herman Sanford, 2 terms. 1858— Truman K. Wright. Amanda Bunnell. 1859-72— T. K. Wright. Martha B. Wright. 1873-76— T. K. Wright. Laura M. Carpenter. i876-*78— T. K. Wright. Patrons of Husbandry. Elbridge Grange No. 220. Instituted June 22, 1874, with the following officers : Hiram D. Pres ton, M. ; William B. Rice, Secretary ; Newman Crossett, Treasurer. Present membership forty- one. Present officers : Alonzo M. Curtis, M. ; M. W. Lyon, Secretary ; Charles E. Cook, Treas urer. Meetings held every alternate Thursday at lodge rooms in Wood Block. I. O. O. F. Elbridge Lodge No. 275 was formed April 19, 1871, with nine members. The following were the first officers : H. H. Porter, N. G. ; James M. Halstead, V. G. ; R. M. Cole, C. S. They have suffered loss in three successive fires, but are at present in a prosperous condition, having an influential membership of forty-four. The present officers (1878) are as follows: Fred. S. Hall, N. G. ; J. M. Halstead, R. S. N. G. ; Alfred E. Stacey, L. S. N. G. ; A. L. Chat field, V. G. ; W. S. Hale, R S. V. G. ; James F. Thomas, L. S. V. G. ; C. O. Baker, M. D., R. R. S.; C. E. Cook, L. S. S. ; C. C. Smith, C. S. ; C. A. Smith, P. S. ; Rev. Keese Coburn, Chaplain ; David Bonta, W. ; William R. Stevens, P. N. G. ; 45 William C. Garrison, Treasurer ; G. Z. Allen, C. ; E. Z. Frazee, I. G. ; H. D. Preston, W. S. Hale and R. M. Cole, Committee on Finance. The lodge has a hall in Wood's Block which was finished and furnished by the members some two years since, and is also used by the " Ancient Order of United Workmen," the " Patrons of Husbandry" and the " Good Templars." Manufactures of Elbridge. John T. Thomas & Sons, Bedstead Manufactur ers. Established 1859. Employ four hands ; use water power; average production about 1,700 per annum. Occupy the old building erected in 1826 by Jacob W. Page. Eaton & Seeley, Chair Manufacturers. Estab lished 1877. Employ six hands ; use water power. Occupy building erected and occupied by Levi Clark as a carding mill and cloth dressing factory, afterwards used as a pail factory. Buckman & Sons, Chair Manufacturers. Estab lished 1877. Employ seven hands; use water power. J. S. Gowing & Co. , proprietors of the " Elbridge Mills," formerly known as the " Munro Mills." These mills contain four run of stones ; capacity, 100 barrels per day ; make a specialty of high grade flour. Curtis & White, manufacturers of every descrip tion of marble goods. Established 1877. Employ four hands. Elbridge Marble and Granite Works, T. S. Hubbell, proprietor. Established by Mr. Hubbell in 1 841. Besides the usual granite and marble monuments, Mr. Hubbell is agent for ornamental iron work for cemetery purposes. S. D. Paddock, Jr., Proprietor of Steam Dried Straw Board Mill, located just north of the corpora tion line of the village of Elbridge, commenced business here in the spring of 1865, and made the first sheet July ist, of the same year. In the winter of 1868 and '69 he put in machinery for drying by steam and has run almost uninterruptedly ever since. Present capacity, 12 to 14 tons per week ; employs about twelve hands ; Capital in vested $20,000 ; water power ; steam used for boil ing and drying. Churches. The First Congregational Society of El bridge, formerly known as the " First Congrega tional Society of the Town of Camillus," was organ ized October 30, 1800. Among the original mem bers were "Hezekiah Freeman, Moses Fulton and John Healy, the latter being chosen the first Clerk. 302 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK The first Deacons were Hezekiah Freeman and John Healy, in 1804. The first minister was Rev. Seth Williston. For more than twenty years the meetings of the society were held in private houses and school houses near by and in the present village of Elbridge. In 18 10, Rev. Benjamin Bell began to officiate as stated supply, and continued up to and including 18 18. There had been received into the Society fifty-seven additions, and the total mem bership that year was fifty. The Society was legally organized December 24, 1822. At the same time the following subscription was drawn up for the purpose of building a house of worship : " We, the subscribers, each one for himself alone severally and not jointly, do hereby promise and agree to pay to Jacob Campbell, Levi Clark, Nathan Munro, Jedediah Richards, Charles Lombard and Hiram F. Mather, Trustees of the First Congrega tional Society in the town of Camillus, in the County of Onondaga, the sums set opposite to our names respectively, to raise a fund for the purpose of build ing a meeting house for public worship in the village of Elbridge, in and for the said society ; which said sums so by us respectively subscribed, shall be paid at the times and in the manner following, that is to say : — " Two-thirds part of each subscription shall be paid in merchantable wheat, rye, corn, oats, pork, beans, beef, butter, cheese or lard, one half thereof to be delivered within three months from the first day of January next, and one half thereof in six months from that time, at cash price when deliv ered, and in such materials as shall be suitable for said building, to be delivered within four months from the aforesaid date, at cash price when deliv ered ; which said articles, both of provisions and materials for building, shall be delivered in such proportion of each as the Trustees of the said Society shall direct — having reference to the wants of the builder's family or families engaged in con structing said house, and the due proportion of each kind of material necessary for the same : and shall be deposited at such place in Elbridge as the afore said Nathan Munro may direct. " It is understood, however, that any subscriber shall have the privilege of paying one of the afore said two-thirds part of his subscription in neat cat tle, (bulls and stags excepted ;) to be delivered at such place in Elbridge as Nathan Munro shall direct, on the first of September next. " The remaining one-third part of each person's subscription shall be paid in cash, one half thereof in six months from the first of January next, and the other half in one year from the first of April next. " Witness our hands the 24th day of December, A. D., 1822." Then follow the names of the subscribers among whom we find Nathan Munro $500.00 Gideon Wilcoxon 200.00 The church edifice (at present occupied,) was erected during 1823-24, at a cost of $3,600. In 1845, it was remodeled at an additional expense of $1,000, and was also further repaired in 1862. December 7, 1829, it was voted that the word "Elbridge" be substituted in the place of " Camil lus " in the name of the society, in consequence of the erection of the town of Elbridge from Camillus. The Parsonage connected with the Church was erected in 1834, at a cost of $1,600. The Church site was donated by Nathan Gorham. The following have been regular pastors of the church : Rev. Benjamin Bell, 1810; Rev. J. Pool, 1818 ; Rev. Jabez Chadwick, 1821 — large revival under his ministry ; Rev. Stephen Porter, January, 1824, to March, 1827 ; Rev. Timothy Stow, Febru ary, 1828, to October, 1832 — large revival, about one hundred additions ; Rev. Medad Pomeroy, January, 1833, to -June, 1840 — additions, thirty- four ; Rev. Sidney Mills, August, 1 841, to May, 1843 — two additions ; Rev. Lemuel W= Hamblin, July, 1843, to October, 1846 — twenty-six additions ; Rev. C. N. Mattoon, October, 1847, to December, 1849 — twenty-two additions ; Rev. George D. Fol- som, April 1850, to July, 1852 — two additions ; Rev. E. J. Townsend, January 1853 to 1859— large revival, 75 additions ; Rev. P. J. Burnham, Sep tember, 1859, to March, 1862; Rev. A. C. Reed. June, 1863 to 1866 — eighteen additions; Rev. Al bert S. True, May, 1867, to October, 1871 — twen ty-five additions ; Rev. N. B. Knapp, 1872 — three additions by letter ; Rev. James Robertson, July, 1873, to November, 1875 — nine additions, one by letter. Rev. George R. Smith, the present pastor, assumed charge in May, 1876. The church has had the following noted supplies: Rev. Dr. Mills, of Auburn, June 3, 1827; Rev. Dr. Richards, August 19, 1827 ; Rev. Dr. Nelson, student at that time at Auburn ; Rev. G. W. Bas sett, for three months, 1841; Rev. Dr. Condit, May 3, 1862, to May 11, 1863 ; Rev. Dr. Hunting ton, January, 1866. The following named members have served in foreign missionary fields : Mrs. Betsy Curtis Lyons and Mrs. Bliss, to Sandwich Islands, and Mrs. M. F. True, in Japan. Among the more prominent members may be mentioned Nathan Munro, Esq., Judge Hiram F. Mather, member ofthe State Senate, 1829— 1832; Hon. James Munroe, State Senator, 1851 — 1853; Henry E. Van Vliet, Esq., Bradley Bennet, Esq., Dr. Wheeler and Deacon Levi Clark — all deceased. The Church at Sennett, Cayuga County, was Photo, by W. V. Banger, Syracuse. JAMES RODGER. The subject of this sketch is of Scotch parentage, his father, William Rodger, being born in Greenock, and his mother, Elizabeth, in Edinburgh. The elder Rodger was a black and white smith by occupation, and in 1804 emigrated to this country, settling in the city of Albany, where our subject was bora April 7, 1805. The family remained in Albany until the year 1818, when they emigrated to Madison county ; here the elder Rodger purchased a farm which he carried on in connec tion with his trade until 1822, when he sold and removed to Elbridge, and purchased a farm about one and a quarter miles north of the village of Jordan, where he resided until his death, which occurred December, 1822. He was a man of great energy and marked business ability, highly esteemed by all who knew him for his sterling worth and high social qualities. At his father's death James was seventeen years of age, and the cares of the family and the business devolved upon him, which developed those qualities to which his success in after-life is largely attributable. In 1832 Mr. Rodger went to Wayne county, where he en gaged in farming until 1 834, when he returned to Jordan ; at this time he was in limited circumstances, and for some time worked for Judge Mason by the month. In 1840 he went into the business of storage and forwarding, and also bought grain on commission. This business he has carried on to the present, and also has dealt extensively in coal and lumber. In 1829, Mr. Rodger was married to Miss Olive M. Clark, daughter of Daniel Clark, of Westminster, Vt., where she was born March 15, 1805. Mr. and Mrs. Rodger have had five children born to them, three of whom are living. Mr. Rodger is pre-eminently a self-made man. Beginning life at seventeen, with only his natural resources for his capital and the limited education afforded by the ordinary district school of a new country, he has worked himself up step by step to a point attained by but very few in a generation. With a grasp of perception that could comprehend the details of a large business, and a masterly management over all, he has conquered success in every movement in his life, and stands forth to-day an illustrious example of the capabilities of character and manhood. jmrnm Photos, by W. V. Ranger, Syracuse. TITUS MERRIMAN. M.D. MRS. TITUS MERRIMAN. TITUS MERRIMAN, M.D. The subject of this sketch was a native of Meriden, Conn., and was born Oct. 9, 1786. When a child his parents removed to Otisco, Onondaga County. At an early age he evinced a strong inclination to a professional life. He studied medicine with Dr. Beach, of Marcellus. As a student he was industrious and unremitting in his studies. In 1814 he removed to Elbridge, where for fifty years he devoted himself to the practice of his profession, and by the energetic prosecution of the plans of his life he earned an enviable reputation throughout the entire county. In pursuing his profession he never failed to respond to the calls of the sick. Whether in sunshine, storms, late hours, or outside business, for the poor without hope of remuneration, or the wealthy, he was equally ready to devote himself to the relief of suffering and disease. He was associated in counsel with the eminent physicians of his day, was a member of the " Syracuse Medical Society," and is still remembered by the elder members as a useful and skillful physician and perfect gentleman. In 1814 he was married to Miss Mary Wilcox. She died March 24, 1823, and in June, 1825, he was married to Miss Polly, daughter of Peter and Ziperah Backer, of Elbridge, who were among the early settlers of the town. Mrs. Merriman was born in Amsterdam, Montgomery Co., N. Y., May 10, 1805. Dr. Merriman's services were not confined to his profession. He was an earnest patron of education, and an uncompromising temperance man both by precept and example. Noted for his hospitality, his house was always the home of the educator, preacher, and temperance worker. Well informed, and extremely social and affable, his hospitality was richly enjoyed by all. He died May 20, 1864, having seen his county and town develop from almost a wilderness to a beautiful and populous region, by the upward gradations of an energetic people building upon the solid foundations laid by early residents like Dr. Merriman. He has gone ; his generation have mainly passed away. In his life he made the best of his situation, enlarged his comforts with opportunity ; then, having seen the fulfillment of his expectations, was numbered with the departed. HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 303 formed chiefly from members of this church, in 1806. Seven of the original members of this society were dismissed to the church at Sennett. Letters of dismissal were granted to fourteen members in 1829, to form the present Presbyterian Church at Jordan. Although this is one of the oldest churches in the county, they have never asked nor received any aid from missionary funds. They have at present a fund of $3,400. The present membership is 101 ; total member ship, about 600 ; attendance at Sunday School, 100. The seventy-sixth anniversary of the church was ¦celebrated October 30th, 1876. The Baptist Church in Elbridge was organized May 1, 1813, and recognized on the 20th of the same month. The following is the manner of its formation : The records of the church open with the minutes of a meeting held in the school house near Squire Munro's, by appointment of the church in Brutus, at which meeting " it was agreed that it is expedi ent, and the church gives full liberty to all then liv ing in (then) Camillus, to form into church order." On the 20th of the same month the body of believers was recognized as a regular Church of Christ, by delegates from the First Church in Onon daga, the First and Second Churches in Marcellus, the church in Aurelius and the church in Brutus. Elder Israel Craw was pastor of the church at the time of its recognition, and in behalf of the church received the right hand of fellowship from Elder Joseph Cornell, of Providence, R. I. Elder Craw continued to be pastor of the church till October 18th, 1817, at a salary of one hundred dollars per year ; and during a portion of this period he preached one-fourth of the time at Nine-Mile Creek. His connection with the church was then dissolved by the withdrawal of the hand of fellowship from Wm. On the 4th of December, 181 5, the church and society met at the school house near Squire Munro's, their usual place of meeting up to this time, and voted to build a meeting house in the village of Elbridge, and also adopted a platform and constitu tion. The first edifice at Elbridge was accordingly erected in 18 16. In 1858, it was superceded by the substantial and commodious church edifice now occupied by the society and congregation. Deacon John Munro was the chief mover in, and contributor towards the construction of this church, and it stands as a monument of his liberality and Christian devotion. The cost of the building was $14,000. In 1875, church parlors were added at an expense of $2,500. Among the original members of the church were Deacon Squire Munro and wife, Ichabod Tyler and wife, and Isaac Hill and wife. The Baptist Church in Skaneateles was formed by the labors of this church and its ministry from 1830 to 1832. David Bellamy, a member of this church was ordained the first pastor of the church at Skaneateles, December 29, 1832. About 1835 this church also sent off a colony in the opposite direction, as appears from its vote ap proving the formation of a separate church in Jordan. Rev. Jacob Thomas was ordained by this church in 1836 as a missionary to Burmah, and was killed by the falling of a tree just as he had reached his prospective field of labor. The pastors of the church have been the follow ing in the order named : Revs. Israel Craw, May 20, 1813 to October, 1817 ; Sylvanus Haynes, January, 18 18, to his death in 1826 ; Cyrus Fuller, June, 1827, to December, 1838 ; Jeremiah B. Evertts, January, 1839, to December, 1841 ; Isaac Butterfield, January, 1842, to December, 1846 ; John Smitzer, January, 1847, to December, 1848 ; Z. O. Grinell, May. 1849, to March, 1850; was ordained by the church ; Alonzo Wheelock, D. D., 1850-57; absent from his pastorate one year ; A. Kingsbury, i857-'58 ; C. G. Carpenter, January, 1859 to April, i860; Thomas Rogers, ordained pastor January, 1861, and continues in that relation. The present membership of the church is two hundred and twenty-six ; attendance at Sunday School, two hundred and eighty. Elbridge M. E. Church.— At the commence ment of the Conference Year in 185 1, Elbridge became a station and at that time contained fifty members. Previous to this time it had sometimes been connected with Jordan and sometimes with Camillus. The church is situated in the village of Elbridge and the church property is estimated to be worth at present $2,000. The records are so incomplete it is impossible to give a connected hisr tory. As far as the record gives, the following are the pastors who have served this charge : 1851-52, E. S. Bush ; 1853, not known ; 1854, E. M. Cuykendall; 1855, B. L. Nye ; 1856, Denton Mills ; 1857-58, Wm. Searles ; 1859-60, William C. Bowen ; 1861, Alvin M.Lake; 1862-65, not known ; 1866, Chester Dingman ; 1867, Stephen Cobb; 1868, not known; 1869, Selah Stocking; 1870, J. F. Brown; 1871, Moses Lyon; 1872, E. M. Mills, for six months; 1873, P. J. Bull ; 1874, 304 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. O. N. Hinman ; 1875, J. O. Jarman ; 1876, C. W. Lane ; 1877, L. Northway ; 1878, J. C. Nichols, present pastor. Number of members, 53 ; Sunday School, 41 ; average attendance, 24. VILLAGE OF JORDAN. Jordan is situated in the northwest part of the town of Elbridge on the Erie Canal and the Direct New York Central Railroad. It is the most im portant commercial village in the town. The impulse was given to settlement here by the open ing of the Erie Canal, although some improvements had been made prior to that event. The first mill (a saw mill) was built in the year 1800. The mill known as the "White Mill" was erected in 1812, and the "Red Mill" in 1824. The act incorpora ting the village was passed May 2, 1835; it was amended May 3, 1847, March 2, 1857, and January 25, 1861. The village records up to 1845 are missing, but we have been able to obtain the names of the officers for the year preceding (1844). They are as follows: Erastus Baker, Jr., President; Lyman H. Mason, F. L. Sheldon, H. W. Chad- wick, James McClure, Jr., and F. S. Hover, Trus tees. The Presidents of the village from 1846 to 1858, were as follows : Lyman H. Mason, 1846-47 • M. T. Sperry, 1848; Alonzo Case, 1849; R- T.' Paine, 1850; Wm. H. Boardman, 185 1 ; Lyman H. Mason, 1852-54; E. Wheeler, 1855 ' James Rod gers, 1856; R. S. Sperry, 1857; John Dale, 1858. From this date till 1874, there is another break in the records. Charles Kelley was President in 1874; Robert Van Keuren, 1875 *¦ Robert E. Greene, 1876; A. D. Peck, 1877. The Trustees are : ist Ward, W. H. Rodgers ; 2d Ward, D. A. Sperry, H. Converse ; 3d Ward, C. D. Barnes. Banks. Rodger & Co., Private Bankers, do business in the old office of Westfall & Co. After West.fall & Co. failed, there was no bank in the place till 1870, when R. S. Sperry & Co., opened a private bank. They were succeeded by Rodger & Co. in 1874. The capital stock of this bank is $18,000. Graded Schools. The present school system of Jordan is the ordi nary graded one, consisting of three departments : Primary, Intermediate and Academic, held in as many different buildings. The Academic Depart ment is conducted in the building of the old Jordan Academy, which was added to the school in 1875 by special act of the Legislature. Manufactures. Peck & Tracy, Foundry and Machine Shop. Established in 1876. Manufacture hand sleighs, horse powers, steam engines, etc. ; employ twenty workmen ; occupy ground formerly used by James Redfield as a blacksmith shop, afterward sold to Deming Boardman, who used it as a cooper shop and stave factory until 1866, when Mr. Peck came into possession and converted it to its present use. The business was first commenced in Jordan over fifty years ago by Daggett & Thatcher. The ma chinery was bought by Mr. Peck in 1868, and moved to its present location. A. D. Peck, manufacturer of wheelbarrows and children's express wagons. Established in 1872; em ploys fifteen men. Annual production about twenty thousand wheelbarrows and ten thousand wagons. Jordan White Mills. Higgs & Co. proprie tors. Employ four hands. Capacity of mill one hundred barrels per day besides custom work ; four run of stones. Mill was built in 18 12. Sperry & Rockwell, manufacturers of wheel barrows, hand sleds and skates. Established about 1850. Old building burnt in 1870 and present building erected the same year. Employ forty-five hands, and produce about thirty thousand wheel barrows per annum. Garrison & Taylor, Bedstead Manufacturers ; were established in 1871, and give employment to ten hands. The present capacity of the works will allow them to manufacture four thousand bedsteads per annum. The present building is located on the site of the old " Red Mill" that was built in 1824. Hardy & Putnam, Proprietors Saw Mill and manufacturers of straw board. Established during 1865. Employ twelve hands. The straw board manufactory is run only during the summer months. Production one hundred and ninety tons: Works are located on canal feeder, Mill street, which gives them an excellent water-power. I. O. O. F. Jordan Lodge No. 230 was instituted the 30th of June 1846, with the following officers: W. T. Graves, N. G. ; C. W. Upham, V. G. ; George W. Green, Secretary ; H. T. Sheldon, Treasurer. From about April 13th, 1859, until June 30, 1869, the lodge was discontinued. At the latter date, however, it was reorganized as Jordan Lodge No. 215, with the following officers : P. Drake, N. G.; E. S. Drake, V. G. ; W. C. Orcutt, Secretary'; A. F. Tracy, Treasurer. The present officers are A. F. Tracy, N. G. ; L. B. Snow, V. G. ; H. L. Haskins, Treasurer ; W. Baker, Secretary. Photo, by W. V. Hanger, Syracuse. Preserved Wright, son of Solomon Wright, was born at Wil- braham, Mass., in 1770. He married Jemima King in 1793, by whom he had seven sons and five daughters. One daughter died in infancy, the others all lived to mature age. Truman King Wright, the subject of this sketch, and his twin brother Norman, were the youngest of the twelve children. They were born March 27, 1815, in Eupert, Vt., to which place their father had removed from Manchester, Vt., in 1805. Their father died when they were eight years old. The mother kept a home for the family for about four years. At that time it seemed best that the two young boys should go to work on a farm ; and a life opened to them which would have appalled less cour ageous hearts. But with sturdy bodies and determined wills they performed hard labor on a New England farm for three years, at a compensation of four, five, and six dollars a month. Although often weary, lonely, and homesick, they toiled on without com plaint, hoping for something better in the future. At fifteen, they obtained a more desirable situation, which gave them an oppor tunity of attending school one term, at Washington academv, Salem, N.T. Tnis was Ae beginning of their efforts for a liberal education. through the kindness of a friend, Truman K. obtained a chance to work his way for eight months, at "Royalton academy, Vt. In 1833 he entered Burr seminary, then a flourishing school at Manchester, Vt. Here, alternately teaching two winters in his b j S)"0t an and went to Durham, N. H., whose academy he taught successfully for three years. f;™aln:?iValued acquaintances here made was that of Judge Valen- ine smith, a man whom he came to love for his many virtues and admire for his high moral principles. President of the board of trustees, he proved a valuable friend and adviser. Although numbering more than his three-score years and ten, his words were wise in council, and his cheerful humor had the freshness of youth. His facetious rendering of the legend of Scylla and Charybdis, by the terms Skilla and Caribogus, could never be forgotten by one who heard it. In 1846, T. K. Wright was married to Martha Bridgman, of Hanover, N. H., an associate teacher at Durham, and through the influence of his brother, Dr. Rial Wright, of Syracuse, removed with his wife to Pompey Hill, and became principal of the acad emy at that place. He there remained six years, and, as in all other places where he had lived, he found warm friends and hearty co-operators among his trustees, among whom were Vic tor}' Birdseye, Daniel Gott, Horace Wheaton, Levi and Asa H. Wells. In the spring of 1853 he engaged as principal of Jordan acad emy, where he taught five years, as was sometimes jokingly said, "to the satisfaction of himself and the terror of the surrounding country." His success at Jordan led the trustees of the Munro Collegiate Institute to invite him to come to Elbridge and take charge of their academy, which for some years had been on the wane. He accepted the invitation, and began his work there April 1, 1858, and succeeded in so establishing the reputation of the school that, in a few terms, the number of the students was increased nearly four-fold. The fund, which in 1858 was but $10,000, increased in the next ten years to $15,000. The chapel also was finished at an expense of $1100, and all things pertaining to the school moved successfully forward until the close of 1865, when the reaction all over the country was felt by this in common with other institutions of learning. The number of pupils steadily decreased for a num ber of years. It was also financially embarrassed through the loss of a part of its fund. But in 1874 the tide turned once more, and since that time the school has steadily advanced. If inheriting no wealth but an honest name; if conquering rough fortune by sheer pluck and resolute will ; if working one's way through an academic and collegiate course of study by hard hand-work as well as by hard head-work, and obtaining promi nence in a chosen profession, are marks of self-made men, then is Truman K. Wright such an one. For nearly forty years he has been connected with prominent educational institutions, — over thirty of them in Onondaga County, and twenty of them in El bridge, where he is now teaching. That his work as a teacher has been a success is easily proved by the love and high regard in which he is held by all who have ever been his pupils. While he does not fear to review his work and meet its results, he bears willing and grateful testimony to the fact that in Elbridge, as in all other places where he has taught, he attributes much^of his success to an able, well-united, and reliable board of trustees. JOHN A. STEVENS. Photo, by Geo. Dygert, Jordan, N. T. The subject of this sketch is a grandson of Capt. William Stevens, who was an officer in the Revolutionary war, and one of that historic party who threw the tea overboard in Boston harbor. He served with marked ability through the war, and at the close settled in Coleraine, Mass., where he engaged in mercantile pursuits. In 1793 or 1794 he emigrated to Onondaga County, the government having given him, in consideration of his services in the Continental army, thirty-six hundred acres of land. This land was divided into six hundred acre lots, all of which was located in Onondaga County, excepting two lots. Captain Steven s was evidently a man of culture and refinement and marked busi ness ability. He took an active part iu all town and county mat ters, and, in appreciation of his services, his fellow-townsmen made him magistrate of the town the year succeeding his arrival. Prom that time on he was regarded as one of the most prominent men in the county, and his name is conspicuous in the early judicial history of the county, he having been one of the first judges of the court of common pleas. He did much towards developing the salt interest, and was the first superintendent of the works, the property at this time being in the possession of the State. Captain Stevens was an Englishman by birth, and came to this country in company with his two brothers, the eldest of whom returned to England, and the youngest died soon after their arrival. Captain Stevens died in Salina, Feb. 28, 1801, leaving the following children, — Betsey, William, Henry, Robert, Thomas, and John, the latter being the father of our subject, He was born in Coleraine, Mass., and came to Onondaga County when thirteen years of age. He lived in Elbridge village and was engaged in milling. He inherited from his father an aptitude for military matters. He served during the war of 1812 as colonel of the lGth Regiment New York Infantry. At the close of the war he returned to Elbridge, where he re sided until his death, which occurred October, 1866. He married Miss Anna Tyler, daughter of one of the pioneers of the county. He had four sons, and our subject was the third child and was born in Elbridge, Jan. 28, 1804. He lived with his father until he was thirty-one years of age, and was associated in business with him. In 1867 he bought the heirs' interest in the farm now owned by him, and upon which he has since lived. In 1834 he married Bliss Catharine Forncrook, of Charleston, Montgomery Co., N. Y., where she was born July 14, 1811. Mr. and Mrs. Stevens have been blessed with ten children, all of whom are living but one, John G., who, in the service of his country, lost his life in the battle of Harper's Ferry. Another son, Develois, was a member ofthe 122d Regiment New York Infantry ; William R. and Cyrenus F. are residents of Elbridge village, and are the proprietors of the Munro House. Mr. and Mrs. Stevens have passed with honor through all the vicissitudes of life, and have lived to see the county of Onon daga develop from almost a wilderness into one of the finest agricultural districts in the State. They have been successful in life, and are enjoying in their old age a competency, the re sult of a long life of industry, economy, and honorable dealing. EZEKIEL SKINNER. This venerable pioneer was born in tho town of Marshfield, Washington county, Vermont, January 12, 1801. He was the son of Giles Skinner and Sally Chapman, and in a family of seven was the fourth child. The elder Skinner moved into Washington county at an early day, and became one of its prom inent citizens. The boyhood days of our subject were spent upon his father's farm, sharing the hardships and privations of a pioneer family, and receiving as good an education as the in ferior schools of that day afforded. When twenty-one years of age he left his home, and with his pack upon his back came to the village of Elbridge. He first engaged in teaching in what is now district No. 11, town of Elbridge, at eight dollars per month, and among his pupils were James Rodger, of Jordan, Calvin Mclntyre, and John Cory. Upon the termina tion of his engagement he went to work in a pail factory, and he afterwards carried on the business for himself, and, in fact, has since been engaged in some mechanical pursuit. In 1822, Mr. Skinner was united in marriage with Miss Huldah Huntington, daughter of Luther Huntington, Esq., of Elbridge, one of the town's first settlers. The result of this union was four children, three daughters, and one son who died in infancy: Sarah, now Mrs. Rogers, of Syracuse; Mary L., wife of E. M. Powell, a prominent lumberman of Bay City, Michi gan ; and Julia, wife of James Lankten, Esq., of Elbridge. In June, 1857, Mrs. Skinner died, and, in 1858, Mr. Skinner was again married to Miss Esther J. Case, of Fulton, Oswego county, N. Y. She was born in Bridgeport, Vt., October, 1803, and is a worthy partner of her estimable husband. .^mhHI JMlI ° DEACON ISAAC HILL. i'hotos. by W. V. Hunger, Syracuse. MRS. MARY HILL. DEACON ISAAC HILL. The subject of this sketch was born in the north of Ireland, in the county of Armagh, February 4, 1781. His father was a farmer, and at the age of fourteen Isaac was apprenticed to the mercantile business. As he grew to manhood he longed for a larger freedom, both civil and religious, than was enjoyed in the land of his birth. His thoughts naturally turned to America. Accordingly he left the city of Armagh, where he resided, and came to New York in 1808, and engaged in trade. He re mained in New York about one year, when he came to El bridge, where some of his friends had already settled, and purchased a small quantity of land. Returning to New York he closed his business, and in the spring of 1810 came on with his family. He brought with him a small quantity of goods and established a small store, which was the second in the town. He continued in the business until 1825, when he removed to Memphis, then called Canton, where he did business until 1856, when he retired and removed to Syracuse to spend the remainder of his days, and where he died, December 12, 1868, a good old man, and full of years. As a business man, Mr. Hill was eminently successful. Socially genial and courteous, winning and retaining the regard of all with whom he came in contact. In 1813, Mr. Hill united with the Baptist church in Elbridge, and was one of its most prominent members for many years, and to all objects of denominational benevolence he was a regular and liberal contributor. Before coming to this country, Mr. Hill was married to Miss Mary Walker. The result of this union was nine children, six of whom grew to maturity, and four of whom are now living: Mrs. E. M. Austin, Mrs. Samuel McClelland, Mrs. John Bates, and Thomas W. Thomas W. was born on the old homestead, where he now resides (a view of which, in connection with portraits of him self and wife, and father and mother, may be seen elsewhere in this work), September 21, 1810. He lived with his father until he was twenty-five years of age, when he returned to the old place, upon which he has since resided. Mr. Hill has always been engaged in farming, and in his chosen calling has been eminently successful, and is ranked among the prominent farmers and successful business men of the county. Mr. Hill is an earnest friend of education, and has made liberal donations to various educational institutions, among which are the Rochester theological seminary and the Madison university. On December 24, 1834, Mr. Hill was married to Miss Sa mantha Munro, daughter of David Munro, who was a son of Deacon Squire Munro, one of the original settlers of the town. On September 13, 1838, she died, and on May 15, 1839, Mr. Hill was again married to Mary A. Munro. HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 30S F. & A. M. Jordan Lodge No. 386, instituted July 14, 1856. John G. Webster, M. ; Jas. McClure, S. W. ; Alonzo Case, J. W. Present membership 142. Present officers : J. W. Dye, M. ; A. W. Spinning, S. W. ; E. C Nicholson, J. W. Meets first and third Mondays in each month in Rodger Block. Churches. Christ Church, Jordan. — In the years 1838 and '39, an occasional service of the Protestant Episcopal Church was held in the Presbyterian Church at Jordan by Rev. Joseph T. Clark, Rector of St. James Church, Skaneateles, and Rev. Dr. Baldwin of Auburn. At this time there were a few ladies who were communicants of the Episcopal Church residing in Jordan and vicinity. In March, 1840, Mr. Cyrus Andrews, a member of St. John's Church, Marcellus, removed to Jordan, and through his efforts and those of the ladies above referred to, Rev. Thaddeus Leavenworth commenced services in the school house, where, on the 30th of Novem ber, 1840, a parish was organized under the name of "The Rector, Wardens and Vestry of Christ Church, Jordan." James Riggs and Cyrus Andrews were elected Wardens, and Lemuel B. Raymond, William Porter, Jr., David Pierson, Samuel Tucker, Holland W. Chadwick, Daniel K. Green, Alonzo Wood and George A. Mason, Vestrymen. The next clergyman was Rev. Isaac Swart, in 1842 ; under his ministry one hundred dollars were raised towards a church, and on his retirement, deposited with the Treasurer of the Diocese to the credit of the parish. Occasional services were held from this time by Rev. Mason Gallagher and Rev. O. P. Holcomb, till the spring of 1845, at which time Rev. Beardsley Northrop, from the Diocese of Ohio, located in Jordan, and held services here and at St. John's, Marcellus, on alternate Sundays. About this time Mr. and Mrs. Henry Daboll, who had recently settled in Van Buren, about five miles from Jordan, became members of the church, being baptized by Rev. Mr. Northrop, July 27, 1845, the first adult persons baptized in the parish. During the latter part of the summer and fall of that year, a sufficient sum was pledged to warrant the Vestry in proceeding to erect a church edifice ; and on the 23d of December, 1845, the contract was let to William Gibson for the sum of #1,157. The building was nearly enclosed, when, on the nth of July, 1846, it was blown down. However, by the addition of one hundred dollars, Mr. Gibson was induced to go on, and the building was com- • 46* pleted and consecrated January 20, 1847, by Bishop DeLancy. Rev. Mr. Northrop resigned the rectorship July 1, 1847, and lay services were held by Spencer M. Rice till March 19, 1848. Mr. Rice, being advanced to the Diaconate, was appointed by the Bishop missionary at Jordan and Marcellus. He ministered at Jordan on each alternate Sunday till July 21, 1850, and was succeeded by Rev. Loren Russ, missionary at Jordan and Port Byron, December 1, 1850, who remained till Easter, 1853. His suc cessor was Rev. J. G. Webster, in January, 1854, officiating also half the time at Port Byron. Under his ministry the parish increased in numbers and pecuniary strength. On the 3d day of July, 1862, the Vestry took into consideration the erection of a new church; and at a special meeting, held January 1st, 1863, Harry Weed, A. H. Tracy and Henry Daboll were ap pointed a committee to procure plans for a brick church, to be located on the south west corner of Main and Delhi streets. The committee, to whom Rev. J. G. Webster was afterwards added and made chairman, adopted the plan of H. N. White, archi tect, let the job to Messrs. Gibson, Bruce and Pierce ; the church was completed and occupied for the first time on Christmas eve, 1863, and on the 29th of December was consecrated by Bishop De Lancy. Rev. Mr. Webster resigned on account of feeble health, October 8, 1864, and was succeeded, until February 1, 1866, by Rev. Robert C. Wall. March 4, 1866, Rev. Albert Danker became Rector, remaining in charge till Christmas ofthe same year. Rev. S. K. Miller assumed charge January 13, 1867, and remained till March 4th, 1872. During his ministry the free-seat system was adopted and a small residence purchased for the Rector. Occa sional supplies were obtained till August 4th, 1872, from which date the rectorship was filled by Rev. S. H. Phillips, till June 1, 1875. During this sum mer the church was thoroughly renovated and re painted, the parish being meantime supplied by Rev. Joel Davis, Rev. J. M. Benedict and Rev. William A. Ely, the latter of whom, after fainting while engaged in the service and being carried from the chancel, died at at Watertown, N. Y., March 13, 1877. Rev. Joel Davis, the present Rector, entered upon his duties September 5, 1875. The Rectory opposite the church, corner of Main and Delhi streets, was purchased December 13, 1875, for the sum of #2,600, and occupied by the Rector April 1, 1876. Since the organization of the parish two hun- 306 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. dred infants have been baptized, eighty adults, and one hundred and eighty persons confirmed ; forty- four families are identified with the church, and there are one hundred and ten communicants, ten teachers and fifty scholars in the Sunday school. First Presbyterian Church of Jordan. — During the years from 1824 to 1826, the pastors of the Congregational society of Elbridge, Rev. Stephen Porter and Rev. Timothy Stowe, preached in Jordan once a Sabbath, at intervals of three or four weeks. From 1826 to 1828, preaching was had by theological students from Auburn — Messrs. Crab and Kent. The first meeting to organize a society was held in the brick school house on the south east corner of the Academy lot, now occupied by Nicholas Craner as a dwelling, June 9, 1829. Dr. Aaron Pitney presided ; Lemuel B. Raymont, Secretary. Five Trustees were elected, viz : Herman Jenkyns, Aaron Pitney, Eben More house, James W. Redfield, 'Edmund W. Botsford, and Sidney M. Norton, Clerk. They are all deceased. At the meeting of the Cayuga Presbytery in 1829, a request was made by the members of the Congregational church of Elbridge, residing in Jor dan, to be set off in a separate church organization. The request was granted and Rev. Levi Parsons, Justus Hough and Elder Smith of Brutus, were appointed a committee to organize a church at Jor dan. These, with Rev. Mr. Stowe and Rev. Mr. Ingersoll, proceeded to organize a church, July 2, 1829, consisting of eighteen members, eight men and ten women. The members who were trans ferred from the Elbridge Congregational church to form this Presbyterian church of Jordan were Ed mund W. Botsford, Alva D. Botsford, Delana Bots ford, Mary Botsford, (wife of Edmund W ,) Thomas L. Carson, William Newell, Elizabeth, (wife of Her man Jenkyns,) Delatus Frary, Sally, (wife of Elihu Frary,) Sara Coonley, (now Otis,) William Nicker- son, Matilda Stevens, (wife of Robert Stevens,) Thomas Stevens, John Stevens, and Elenor, (wife of John Stevens.) To these were added from Jor dan and vicinity, Jane Carson, (now Ward,) Eben ezer Daggett and Mary P., his wife, Salmon Greene and Amy, his wife, Eliza Bell, Nancy McKissick, (now Blakeslie,) Ebenezer Morehouse and wife, Pomeroy Tobey and wife, and others. The first session, elected July 2, 1829, consisted of six elders : Alva D. Botsford, Ebenezer Dag gett, Salmon Greene, Pomeroy Tobey, William Newell, and Ebenezer Morehouse ; all deceased. Rev. John Ingersoll, a Congregationalist min ister, appointed by the American Home Missionary Society, preached during the time of the church organization, and was succeeded by Rev. William Page, also an appointee of the American Home Missionary Society, at the end of whose service in 183 1 missionary aid to the church ceased. The church was received into the Cayuga Pres bytery, January 20, 1831. The first church edifice was built during the years 1 830-'3 1, at a cost of #4,000, and was dedi cated June 30, 183 1, by a meeting of the Cayuga Presbytery, one of the Professors of the Auburn Seminary preaching the sermon. The church was altered and repaired in its present form at an addi tional expense of #4,000 in 1863. The following are the names and terms of ser vice of the several ministers and pastors : Rev. John Ingersoll, 1829 ; Rev. William Page, 8130; Rev. George Warn er, 1 83 1 ; Rev. John Covert, 1832; Rev. Washington Thatcher, January, 183310 November, 1841 ; Rev. Huntington Lyman, Nov ember, 1 84 1, to March, 1843 ; Rev. Aaron Judson, October, 1843, to May, 1848; Rev. H. B. Hosford, November 1848, to November, 1849; Rev. Calvin Waterbury, November, 1849, to May, 1851; Rev. R. B. Welch, June, 1851, to May, 1852; Rev. Im- mer N. Crittenden, October, 1852, to October, 1855 ; Rev. William Wakeman, July, 1856, to July, 1857 ; Rev. Judson Aspinwall, June, 1857, to June, 1858 ; Rev. Richard Dunning, May, 1858, to July, 1863 ; Rev. Richard Proctor, August, 1863, to September, 1864 ; Rev. J. V. C Nellis, May, 1865, to October, 1,867; Rev. Cyrus M. Perry, February, 1868, to May, 1872 ; Rev. I. O. Fill more, D. D., July, 1873, to October, 1874 ; Rev. J. Edward Close, present pastor, assumed charge May, 1875. Since its organization this church has received about six hundred members. Present number ninety-five. The Sunday School was organized in 1824, Alva D. Botsford. Superintendent. Methodist Episcopal Church of Jordan, located on the corner of Church and Mechanic streets. The present edifice is of wood and is the only house of worship ever erected by this society in Jordan. It was built in 1832 at a cost of about #3,000, but improvements and additions from time to time are supposed to have doubled the value of the property. There is a comfortable parsonage costing with its furniture, about #1,800, on the ad joining lot. Previous to the erection of the church, meetings were held in school houses, in and around the vil lage and a class is believed to have been organized as early as 1820, and was included in one ofthe large circuits. Services by Rev. Seth Mattison over half a century ago. Father Purdy and Rev. Herman Judson, and Photos, by W. V. Ranger, Syracuse. JACOB HALSTED. MRS. J. HALSTED. JACOB HALSTED. The subject of this sketch was born in Newburg, Orange Co., N\ T., July 22, 1795, and is undoubtedly the oldest living settler in the town of Elbridge. His father, Abraham Halsted, was also a native of Orange county, where he was born in the year 1770. The Halsted family may well be proud of the many virtues of their ancestors, who were noted for their patriotism and sterling qualities as citizens. Jacob and John Halsted, the paternal uncles of our subject, were soldiers in the Revolutionary war, as were also many others from different branches of the family. Abraham Halsted was a farmer, and in the early part of his life in straitened cir cumstances, and per consequence he and his family had their full share of the trials and privations of pioneer life. In 1806 he sold his farm in Orange county, and removed with bis family to Elbridge, then known as the town of Camillus, where he purchased one hundred and sixty-three acres of wild land of Judge Foreman. The land was heavily timbered, and the construction of a farm was the work of years ; but by degrees field after field was added, and industry and perseverance were rewarded. It was on this farm that his children were reared, and where our subject has since resided. Among the privations of those days were lack of educa tional advantages. This Mr. Halsted felt severely, as he was deter mined to have an education ; and the homely adage, " that where there's a will there's a way," was exemplified in his case. He at tended school one winter at Ionia, boarding at home and walking the entire distance morning and night, breaking his road through the woods. He completed his education at the Onondaga academy, and his energy and zeal is shown in the fact that, for a portion of the time, he lived on bread and sweetened water, not having the means to obtain a more liberal diet. He succeeded in obtaining a good English education, which he made practically useful to him self and others by teaching. Mr. Halsted's whole life has been devoted to the cares of his farm and family, although in his youth he desired to lead "a life on the ocean wave." He studied naviga tion and made other preparations, which were thwarted by the death of his only brother, which left him the sole prop of his father's de clining years, and at his request he abandoned the idea of going to sea, settled down as a farmer, in which occupation he has been eminently successful, and his long life has been characterized by industry, integrity, and honorable dealing. "When starting out for himself he composed the following stanza as his motto, and to those who know him it will be unnecessary to say that it has been the rule of his life : " I'll get my living by the sweat of my face, And bear good-will to the human race. Til pay my debts as soon as due, And wear my old clothes till I can make new." By economy, industry, and perseverance he has made life a suc cess, and stands foremost among the substantial men of his town. He has been called by his fellow-townsmen to fill several positions of trust, — commissioner of deeds, assessor, and justice ofthe peace, — all of which he filled with credit to himself and to the entire satis faction of his constituents. Mr. Halsted has been married three times. First, in 1819, to Miss Cynthia Hobart; the result of this union were five daughters, three of whom are now living, namely, Mary, wife of Dr Good hue, of Iowa; Eliza, now Mrs. Abram H. Jones ; and Margaret Ann, wife of Wm. K. Pickerd, Esq., of Elbridge. May 27, 1841, Mrs. Halsted was "called home," and in 1843 he was again married to Miss Caroline Symonds. She died May 21, 1845; and Nov. 17, 1850, he was married to Mrs. Catharine Parker, of Marcellus, daughter of George and Rebecca Crysler, who were among the pioneers of that town. In his political and religious ideas he is a Baptist and a stanch Republican. Liberal to a fault, every worthy enterprise finds in him a generous patron and supporter. Mr. Halsted is a self-made man. Early in life he learned that the way leading to success was no royal road, but was open to strong hands and willing hearts. " Honor and fame from no condition rise. Act well your part, there all the honor lies." MARVIN W. HARDY. The subject of this sketch was born July 25, 1820, at Man- heim, Herkimer Co., N. Y. He was the eldest child in the family of Joel and Hepsibah Hardy, who were farmers. He acquired a good common-school education, and remained with his parents until he was twenty-two years of age, when evincing an aptitude for mechanical pursuits, he went to Little Falls, N. Y., where he learned the trade of a carpenter, which he followed about three years. From Little Falls he removed to Montgomery county, and engaged in the manufacture of paper for Chauncey North until his removal to Jordan in 1864, where he purchased a farm and established himself in the manufacture of paper. In February, 1843, Mr. Hardy was married to Frances, daughter of Chauncey North and Abigail Griswold, of Herkimer county. Mr. and Mrs. North were originally from Connecticut, and emigrated to Fondabush, Montgomery county, where Mrs. Hardy was born Dec. 18, 1815. Mr. and Mrs. Hardy have had eight children born to them, and named in the order of their ages as follows: Abigail, born Nov. 13, 1843; Chauncey, born Nov. 6, 1845 ; Mary, born Aug. 26, 1847 ; Frances, born Sept. 29, 1849 (deceased) ; Adelia and Amelia, born July 29, 1852 ; Samuel 0., born Oct. 22, 1854 ; Emma Ida, born Feb. 22, 1858. Mr. Hardy was an ambitious and successful business man. By industry, perseverance, and honorable dealing he acquired a competence, and at his death was considered to be one of the substantial business men of Jordan. Possessed of many of the virtues and but few of the faults of mankind, he was highly esteemed by all who knew him for his moral worth. In his religious ideas he was a Methodist, and in the church took a prominent part as class-leader. All in all, Mr. Hardy was a man of sound judgment, high character, and integrity, and an aid in building up and advancing the best interests of society, ¦ — a man of broad charity, generous liberality, and manly honor. HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 307 afterward a Rev. Mr. Barnes and Rev. Mr. Harris — local preachers — were among the early laborers previous to the erection of the church. While the church was being erected, but before it was dedi cated, Rev. Roswell Parker was appointed to Jordan circuit. Jordan then first appeared in the minutes of the Oneida Conference as a separate charge. The following is believed to be a correct list of the pastors and their terms of service since the church came to be a regular appointment in this conference, viz : Revs. Roswell Parker, 1832; Isaac S. Wright, 1834 ; Charles Giles, 1835 ; Benjamin Phillips, 1836; John Loveys, 1837; Harvey Chapin, 1839; the year 1840 was partially supplied by Rev. J. N. Murdock ; B. I. Diefendorf, 1841 ; Ebe nezer Arnold 1842 ; P. D. Gorrie, 1843 ; Royal Houghton, 1845 ; G. G. Hapgood, 1847; Rev. Charles H. Austin, 1848; D. Simons, 1850; B. Holmes, 1852; O. C. Cole, 1853; Byron Alden, 1855 ; w- L- Tisdale 1857 ; E. W. Jones, 185.9 * S. B. Crozier, i860; S. Dewey, 1861 ; Hiram Church, 1863; W. Dempster Chase, 1864; F. J. Whitney, 1865 ; A. Bramley, 1866; L. B. Wells, 1868 ; Charles T. Moss, 187 1; A. B. Gregg, 1873 ; O. L. Gibson, 1876, who is at present in the second year of his pastorate here. Among the earliest names in this society were those of Luther Huntington, Father Rhinus, Daniel Pickard, Benjamin Rider, Mrs. Barr, Grandmother Graves, Rev. Nathaniel Saulsbury and his sister, Mrs. Eunice Sands. Mrs. Goodrich, Mr. Miner, Mrs. Maria Bates, Sarah Holway, Father Crysler, Benjamin H. Brown, Hollis Knowlton, Henry Allen, Simon Converse, Michael Oglesbie, Jared Whiting, Mrs. James Rodgers, and their families. Several ministers have been raised up in this church, among whom may be named Rev. Wm. Searles and Rev. P. H. Wiles, of the Central New York Conference; Rev. L. D. White and Rev. Hiram Nichols, of the Northern New York Con ference, and Rev. A. F. Wright, late of the Illinois Conference. The present membership of this church is two hundred and fifty, including probationers. There are over one hundred and sixty Sunday School scholars, with an average attendance of one hundred and twenty. The church is united and prosperous. The Baptist Church of Jordan was constituted November 10, 1835, from about thirty-three mem bers dismissed from the church at Elbridge for the purpose. The number was very soon increased to fifty-four by the addition of others, gathered by the labors of Rev. D. D. Chittenden at Cold Spring. The first Deacons were Tobias Clements and A. Case. The labors of Rev. E. D. Hubbell had already been secured as pastor, and measures were immedi ately taken to build a house of worship. • In 1836, the church was received into the Cayuga Baptist Asso ciation, and in October, 1837, the church edifice was dedicated. The pastorate of Mr. Hubbell was a successful one, and many were gathered to the church. After a service of three years he was succeeded by Rev. Henry Davis, who labored very successfully for four years. In 1842, he was succeeded by Rev. H. J. Eddy, who served the church about seven years, During his pastorate, the church reached a mem bership of about 275. He was succeeded by A. M. Beebe, who was ordained and served one year, when he resigned to assume the duties of a professor ship in Madison University. He was succeeded by Rev. W. R. Webb, who labored three years, or until July 15, 1853. From this time the church gradually declined under the labors of three different pastors and various supplies. Serious difficulties divided and scattered its members until 1867 or '68, when Rev. F. D. Fenner became pastor. His labors were a great blessing to the church, and during his pas torate the membership was increased and encour aged. The house of worship was also repaired at a cost of about $1,500. He was followed in 1871 by supplies, among whom was Rev. Ross Matthews, who served one year, until 1875, when Rev. D. B. Pope was called to the pastorate, and still serves. The present membership numbers eighty. The church is nearly free of debt and in fair working condition. Its property is valued at $6,000, and a salary of $700 is paid for the support of preaching. During the present pastorate about twenty have been added to the church. Methodist Episcopal Church of Peru. — The society was organized about 1850. Previous to that time there had been preaching in the vicinity in accordance with the Methodist circuit system. In 1852, the present church edifice was erected at a cost of about $1,500; but since that time improve ments have been made so that the church property is now estimated to be worth $2,000. It is situated in the village of Peru. The early church records have been lost ; just where the first organization took place, and what the number of original mem bers was cannot be definitely stated. Doubtless the membership was quite small. Among the prominent members in its early history were Wm. Prior, Alanson Barnes, George Stickles, and their wives. As near as can be told the following named persons have served as pastors : 3o8 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. Charles H. Austin, 1852 ; Lewis, 1853 ; one of the years 1854-56 were served by A. M. Fredenburgh ; L. B. Wells, 1857 ; J. Smedley, 1858; David Stone, 1859-60; Charles Baldwin, 1 86 1 ; I. Hall, 1862 ; the year 1863 not known ; Royal Houghton, 1864-66; A. L. Smalley, 1867- '69; E. D. Thurston, 1870; Moses Lyons, 1871 ; E. M. Mills, six months, 1872 ; William Colden, 1873-74; J. C. Nichols, 1875 ; C. W. Lane, 1876; L. Northway, 1877 ; J. C. Nichols, present pastor. Present membership forty. The Jack's Reefs Cheese Factory was estab lished in 1872, by Dighton R. Marvin. In 1874, it was rebuilt (having been destroyed by fire) by the Jack's Reefs Cheese Factory Association, a joint stock company incorporated in that year. The building is of wood, and cost, including fixtures, $1,450. The milk of about 200 cows is here made into cheese. The principal stock-holders are Henry Daboll, Elihu Parry, Nathaniel Somes, Joseph Somes, Philip Drake and Russell Foster. Philip Drake, President ; Edwin McDowell, Secretary ; Henry Daboll, Treasurer. On Carpenter Brook, near Jack's Reefs is the saw-mill owned by Philip Drake, built by him in 1843. The first mill was built here as early as 1808. In 1815, Zenas Wright and Hollis Knowlton owned a mill on the same site. Mr. Knowlton is still living at Jordan, nearly 90 years of age. CAMILLUS. Camillus was originally Township Number Five of the Military Tract. At the organization of the county it was included in the town of Mar cellus, from which it was formed into a separate town March 8, 1799. A part of Onondaga was annexed to it in 1834. The first town meeting was directed by law to be held at the house of Medad Curtis, who was elected Supervisor, and Daniel Vail, Town Clerk. The early records of this town were destroyed by fire some time prior to 1829, which is the earliest date to which any records now extant reach back. The first white settler was Captain Isaac Lindsay, about the year 1790, and directly after, his brothers, James, William and Elijah Lindsay. Their land was lot No. 80, on which the northern portion of the village of Camillus is situated, and which they purchased for twenty-five cents an acre. Nicholas Lamberson settled in the town in 1793, William Reed, Selden Leonard, Mordecai Ellis, a family named White, and David Hinsdell and others, previous to 1806. Squire Munro settled on lot 81, now in the town of Elbridge, in 1 799. His sons, John, David, Nathan and Philip A. Munro, were then young men, and have since been known throughout the county for their enterprise, industry, intelligence and wealth. Thomas Corey, who was killed by a fall from a wagon, was an early settler in this town, as well as Isaac Brown, Nathaniel Richman, Jacob Chandler, John Hess, John Pad dock, and two others by the name of McCracken. David Munro settled at Camillus village, where his son, David A. Munro, now resides, in 1808. The settlers at that period, although engaged in the hard work of clearing land, seem to have had in many respects a " jolly time," for the heavy labor was principally performed by the kind of cooperation known as " bees," to which a general invitation was extended to all the able-bodied men in town. Chop ping bees, logging bees, husking bees, &c, were the " order of the day " among the early settlers, and they usually ended in a dance and frolic at night. Isaac Lindsay erected the first frame house on Lot 80, in 1795. In 1808, the village of Camillus contained but two frame houses. David Munro erected a substantial frame house in 1810. The White family and Captain Kimberly erected houses about the same time at Amboy. East and west, no houses had been erected at this time, except at Camillus village, between Elbridge and Judge Geddes', at Fairmount. The first school house, a log building, was erected in 1808, and was followed by a frame building in 1813. Isaac Lindsay kept the first tavern in the village in 1793; Thomas Corey in 1801. John Tomlin son opened the first store in the town, at the village, in 1808 ; Munro & Benedict followed in 1810, and were followed by Gould & Hess, Hoar & Wheeler, William A. Cook, John C. Ellis, and others. James R. Lawrence opened the first law office in 181 5 ; Grove Lawrence another in 1821. Other early lawyers were Samuel Hammond, Daniel Pratt, D. D. Hillis and others. Dr. Isaac Magoon established himself as a physi cian at the village of Camillus in 1808, and was succeeded by Dr. Richards. Photo, by W. V. Ranger, Syracuse. ' «-^ ¦LAA^^^^V The township of Camillus, embracing the present towns of El bridge and Van Buren, was peopled mostly with settlers from New England. Among these, in the year 1799, only nine years later than the first white resident of the town, came David Munro, then a lad fourteen years old, born December 8, 1784, and fifth in the line of descent from John Munro, who emigrated from Scotland, and settled in Massachusetts at an early period. David accompanied his father, Squire Munro, who had been a soldier in the Eevolutionary war, and who then in the prime of life, being forty-two years of age, came from New England, bringing with him his four sons, John, David, Nathan, and Philip A., all of them since well known throughout the county> and settled near where the village of Elbridge now stands. As Daniel grew up to manhood he developed into a large and powerful man, fully marked with the characteristic family traits of enterprise, untiring industry, economy, and self-reliance. In 1807 he was married to Abigail Carpenter, of the same town, and in 1808 he purchased a farm on lot number eighty, Camillus, and settled where Camillus Village now stands, where only two frame houses were then erected. The country was then covered with forests, and Mr. Munro cleared up his farm, which was heavily timbered, doing much of the labor with his own hands. Here he resided for fifty-eight years, enlarging his farm by the purchase of adjacent lands from time to time. He died May 10, 1866, being over eighty years of age at the time of his decease. His wife was six years younger than himself, having been born December 3, 1790, and she survived him nearly two years. There were eight children born of the marriage, of whom six still survive, viz. : John C. Munro, born October 17, 1809 ; James M. Munro, born November 13, 1813; David A. Munro, born August 17, 1818 ; Mary A., wife of Thomas "W. Hill, of Eldridge ; Hannah, wife of Payn Bigelow, of Baldwinsville; and Lydia H., wife of David Porter, of Lysander. Mr. Munro carried on a large and very successful business in farming all the earlier portion of his life, but the necessity of find ing investments for the constantly increasing results of his fore sight, energy, and economy occupied the most of his attention in later years. He was the first postmaster in Camillus Village, holding the oflice from 1811 to 1824, when he was succeeded by James R. Lawrence. He held the office of justice of the peace many years, and was also one of the associate judges of the court of common pleas for a long time, becoming familiarly known to the people of the county as Judge Munro, by which title he was commonly called. He was a member of the State legislature in 1818, 1819, 1822, 1836, 1841, and again in 1842. He was also a member of the convention which framed the third constitution of the State in 1846. He was a leading director in, and for a long time president of, the old bank of Salina an excellent portrait of him being engraved on the bills issued by that bank. He was also an influential director in the Salt Spring Bank from its incorporation to the time of his decease. There was no business enterprise with which he was connected which he did not inspire with the spirit of success. He was constantly in contact with tho leading minds of the county, and although his early education was limited, his strong native sense, natural dignity of presence, and the innate force of his character, never failed to make due impression on every one he met. In person he was tall, of full habit, and corpulent in later life, hardy to the last degree, riding or driving bare-handed in the coldest weather, and he never postponed a business engagement on account of storms or railroads. Mr. Munro's manner of address was courteous but impressive, and his knowledge of tlie men and events of the day was unsur- JOHN C. MUNRO, ESQ. Photo, by Bonta & Curtiss, Syracuse. John C. Munro, son of the late Judge David Munro and Abigail Carpenter, was born in the town of Camillus, Onon daga County, on October 17, 1809. He was brought up on a farm and educated at the common schools, and at the age of manhood engaged in farming for himself, which pursuit he has followed unremittingly all his life. On March 22, 1832, he settled on a farm at Belle Isle, in the town of Camillus, where he built a large house and re sided till January, 1853, when, on account of the enlargement of the canal, he removed to where he now resides, having pur chased the land in 1836. These adjoining farms now constitute an estate of three hundred and seventy acres. Mr. Munro has taken great pride and pleasure in the pursuit of his chosen oc cupation of farming, and his taste for social and mental culture finds gratification in his comfortable and well-furnished home. He was married, August 18, 1832, to Miss Emily Bennett, daughter of James Bennett, an early settler, by whom he has had five children, viz. : David Bennett, born August 9, 1833 (accidentally killed, August 29, 1848) ; Henry Smith, born December 29, 1835 ; Sarah Samantha, born January 14, 1839 (Mrs. E. R. Hale, of Elbridge) ; Emily B., born November 22, 1842 (deceased) ; John C, Jr., born May 9, 1849, and residing at the home on the farm. Mr. Munro has always been a Democrat in politics, and has steadily adhered to the principles of that party. He has served his town six years as member of the board of supervisors, and for sixteen years has held the office of justice of the peace. He is a member of the Presbyterian church at Amboy, of which he has been many years an elder. Mrs. Munro is also a member of the same church, and has been in fellowship with the church at Amboy, and of that at Camillus, for fifty years. HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 309 A postoffice was first established in Camillus in 181 1, and David Munro was appointed Postmaster. James R. Lawrence was postmaster in 1824, and was succeeded by Grove Lawrence and Robert Dickey. The first surplus grain raised for market was in 1805, when it was carried to Albany on sleighs. Thousands of bushels of wheat were annually trans ported to Albany from this town by sleighs and wagons, previous to the construction of the Erie Canal. The north branch of the Seneca Turnpike was incorporated in 1806. In 1807-8, Squire Munro and his sons built so much of this road as passed through the town of Camillus, about eleven miles. Judge James Geddes. — We have already had occasion to refer to the eminent services and dis tinguished character of Hon. James Geddes, in his connection with the explorations and survey of that great State enterprise, the Erie Canal. His name stands not less conspicuously before the country than that of any other early citizen of Onondaga County. Mr. Geddes was born near Carlisle, Penn sylvania, on the 22d of July, 1763. His father and mother were of Scotch descent, and, like Robert Burns, Mr. Geddes, in his youthful days, followed the plow, and carried a book in his pocket which he perused every time his team stopped to rest. Thus ardent was he in the pursuit of knowledge. A Mr. Oliver, a thoroughly educated teacher, was his instructor in mathematics. He studied languages without a teacher, and became a belles letlres scholar of the first order. His knowledge of the English language has been rarely excelled. At an early age Mr. Geddes visited Kentucky, and also portions of Virginia, as appears from notes in his journal made upon a subsequent visit in 1792, the year preceding the selection of his salt works at Geddes. From these notes, now in the pos session of his son, Hon. George Geddes, it appears that he spent the entire summer of 1792 in travel, looking for a place of future residence. He des cribes many places of interest in Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, and the interior regions of New York, then almost an entirely unsettled wilderness, and gives dates, distances, measurements of water falls, &c.,with the minuteness of a topographical survey. In all the observations made upon this trip, we see the indications of the future engineer. The most interesting part of his journey is that where he visits the Genesee Falls, and speaks of them as " spoiling the navigation" of the river. He thought that the farmers who were just then beginning to 47 cultivate the Genesee Valley would have to export their wheat " down the Newtown Creek." In sixteen years he is again at the Falls of the Genesee, with his level, marking out the route of the Canal, which was to carry wheat, not via Newtown Creek, as he first guessed, but east to the sea. These notes of Mr. Geddes show that his mind was occupied with the subject of internal navigation during his explorations upon this visit in 1792, more than a decade before the Erie Canal had been thought of. Under the head of " Particulars Re specting the Lake Country," in the notes referred to, he speaks of " such a navigation as will bring much European goods on such terms as will tempt people to depend on them more than they ought." And again : " such an inland navigation as may bring salt, sugar, or whatever the country produces, to people's doors, in a manner." Mr. Geddes having completed his examinations of the country, returned home determined to settle at the Salt Springs. The following year he came to Onondaga and selected his location at the head of the lake, on ground now occupied by a portion of the village of Geddes. He returned and organ ized a company at Carlisle, Pa., for the purpose of manufacturing salt, and in 1794 came by the way of Seneca Lake with the necessary equipments for engaging in that business. The other members of the company came on in the month of June follow ing. Mr. Geddes lived at " Geddes Salt Works "' about four years. In 1798, he removed to lands which he had purchased of the State, at Fairmount, in the town of Camillus, where he lived the remain der of his life. In May, 1799, he married Miss Lucy Jerome, daughter of Timothy Jerome, Esq., of Fabius. The services of Mr. Geddes were required immedi ately upon coming into the county, to fill important stations of trust and responsibility. He was ap pointed by the Council of Appointment Justice of the Peace in 1800, and in 1804 was elected a mem ber of the Legislature. But it was as an engineer that he became best known to the public. Soon after coming into the country, he was employed by the Surveyor-General as one of his assistants, and he devoted himself to the profession of surveying and engineering until age disqualified him for the fatigue of out-door labor. His maps, plats and field-books, deposited in the Surveyor-General's Office, show him to have been a man of great accu racy, and his accompanying remarks reveal the sagacity and penetration of his mind. The project of connecting Lake Erie with the Hudson River became an important one. Mr. 3io HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK "Weston, a celebrated engineer from England had examined the Oswego River and other water-courses, ¦with a view to improving their navigation, and among men of enlarged views the scheme became an engrossing topic. Mr. Geddes, at an early period, enlisted in the matter and commenced with ardor the gathering of facts. In. 1804, the Surveyor- General said to him that Gouverneur Morris had suggested the project of "tapping Lake Erie." The Surveyor-General considered this a " romantic thing," but not so the man to whom he communi cated the crude, undigested thought. Mr. Geddes knew that Mr. Weston had reported the Oswego River from the Falls to Lake Ontario as " hardly susceptible of improvement by means of canal- ing," and if there was a way that the waters of the upper lakes could be led across the country without going down to the level of On tario and then rising to the summit again at Rome, that vast results must follow from it, and at once his untiring energy and industry were put in requisition. Maps were examined, surveyors were enquired of, and every means within his reach resorted to, to ascertain the topography of the country through which has since been constructed the Erie Canal. In 1807, Judge Joshua Forman was elected to the Legislature from this county upon the express under standing that he would try to provide the necessary appropriation of money to make examinations of the country. No man could have been better qualified than was Judge Forman to succeed. A man of eloquence, ardent and peculiarly fitted to make men think as he himself thought upon any subject, he did succeed, and as was understood, the Surveyor- General, who had the selection of the man to make the surveys, if he did not himself do it, appointed Mr. Geddes. He " entered with enthusiasm upon the work assigned him by the Surveyor-General," and made surveys not only of the Oneida and Os wego Rivers, and around the Falls of Niagara, but he reported a route which, in the language of the Surveyor-General in his letter to Mr. Darby, of February 25, 1822, " was almost precisely in the line which, after repeated elaborate and expensive exam inations, has been finally adopted." The report made by Mr. Geddes made such an impression upon the Legislature that, in spite ofthe prejudice and opposition from different sources, that body was induced, in 18 10, to organize a Board of Canal Commissioners, with powers and means to prosecute the work. His survey furnished the necessary information to justify prudent men in committing themselves in favor of a canal. And Mr. Clinton, grasping with his powerful intellect at once the vast advantages of the scheme, embarked in it with uncompromising zeal, and by his elevated position in the State, was enabled to render such assistance as ensured success. In 1816 the Commissioners appointed five prin cipal engineers, placing Mr. Geddes at the head of the list, who, throughout the progress of the work, maintained a high standing as a civil engineer, and whose labors and opinions the Commissioners most favorably estimated, as shown in various instances in their reports. In 1822, the State authorities of Ohio applied to Gov. DeWitt Clinton to select a proper person to make the necessary explorations for their canal from the Ohio River to Lake Erie, and he, in the most com plimentary manner, recommended Mr Geddes as the most competent man in the service of the State. Mr. Geddes accepted the proposals from Ohio and assumed the responsibility of Chief En gineer ofthe Ohio Canal. This duty he discharged to the perfect satisfaction of the authorities of the State of Ohio. In 1827 Mr. Geddes was employed by the General Government (associated with Mr. Roberts,) in locating the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal. In 1828 he was engaged in locating the Pennsylvania Canals, and in the same year was ap pointed by the General Government to examine the country with reference to the connection of the waters of the Tennessee and Altamaha Rivers, in the States of Tennessee, Alabama and Georgia. This appointment he declined, on account of dis tance from home and his advanced age. In civil and political affairs Mr. Geddes also held a prominent position. In 1809 he was appointed an Associate Justice, and in 18 12 a Judge of On ondaga County Common Pleas. In 1813 he was elected a Member of the XHIth Congress, and in 1 82 1, was again elected a Member of the State Legislature. The infirmities of age crept upon him apace, and during the last year of his life, his constitution gave way rapidly, and he closed his earthly career at his residence, in the town of Camillus on the 19th of August, 1838, being a little over seventy-five years of age. He was the father of seven children, all of whom are deceased except his son, Hon. George Geddes, of Fairmount. Says his biographer, Mr. Clark : " Perhaps it is safe to say that no man who had been so much in public life and who had come in contact with so great and conflicting interests, repre sented by men so different in capacity and character, ever died having fewer enemies. His reputation for integrity was probably never questioned by those flJ^bJ^kn^*^ MRS. HOBERT HOPKINS. ROBERT HOPKINS. Robert Hopkins was born in Salem, Washington Co., N. Y., February 10, 1789. His parents, Samuel and Mary Hopkins, came with their family, in the month of March, 1807, to Camillus, Onondaga Co., N. Y., where they purchased a farm, and at once began to combat with the stern realities of fron tier life. Of course, under such circumstances, the educational and social advantages of Mr. Hopkins were very limited. But, notwithstanding, his determination to get an education over came all obstacles. By faithfully improving his leisure hours at home, he obtained a good practical business education, which proved of immense importance to him in later life, when called to positions of trust requiring an accurate and thorough knowledge. When he attained his majority his father kindly consented to allow him to cultivate a portion of the farm. In the capacity of lessee, he remained until twenty-eight years of age, when he had acquired, by judicious management, a sum large enough to purchase a fine farm in Camillus. To grace and adorn his new home, he married, January 9, 1816, Pru dence Wells. All of their children living, viz., Harlow W., born March 29, 1818, Emeline, born May 1, 1824, and Edwin, born December 4, 1833, have received good educations, and are pleasantly domiciled in the old homestead where they were born. Mr. Hopkins devoted his attention throughout life principally to agricultural pursuits. He kept himself well informed on agricultural topics, and aimed to conduct his farm on the latest scientific principles. Like Cincinnatus, he was frequently called from the plough-share to enter the sanctuary of public office. As justice of the peace for twenty-four years, he proved one of the most equitable and rigidly honest dispensers of public justice that the town of Camillus ever had. None ever dared to taint his ermine with any proposal to compromise justice. Unlike many, he always endeavored, in a Christian spirit, to reconcile litigants coming before him before having recourse to law, and in this way he remarkably lessened that bad spirit in many to go to law for every imagined injury or irritation. Also as assessor for six years, one of the most delicate and unthankful town offices, he gave equal acceptance. For over thirty years he was a prominent and influential member of the Presbyterian church of Camillus, and endeavored to exemplify in every-day life the morals taught in the Book of books. Politically, although a Democrat, yet he did not allow party feelings to mar a pleasant and social intercourse with all men. August 7, 1859, he died, leaving to his children an irreproach able name and life. His wife followed him September 27, 1864. Few men were more missed by the town of Camillus, or more highly respected than Mr. Hopkins. ENOS PECK. MRS. ENOS PECK. ENOS PECK. An example of untiring industry, a pioneer of Onondaga County, and a present citizen of most honorable standing, is Enos Peck, of Camillus. He was born in the town of New Haven, Vermont, Aug. 15, 1790, and was the sixth child of Enos Peck, who was a very early settler in Vermont. In 1795, Mr. Peck removed with his family to the town of Pompey, Onondaga County, where they remained until the year 1806, when they removed to Cato, Cayuga county. At the age of twenty-one years (1811) our subject branched out in life for himself as a farmer, taking his father's farm on shares for a term of five years, and, with the persevering energy of the New England farmer, set to work clearing away the dense forest and thicket, and bringing the then improved portions to a higher state of cultivation, which compensated him well for his labor, as at the expiration of his lease he had saved five hundred dollars. At the age of twenty-five he married Annis Hopkins, daughter of Nathan Hopkins, of Camillus, and to them were born four children, viz., A. H., Isaac M., Jane, now Mrs. Wm. Mack, of Rochester, N. Y., and Edwin Peck. Soon after his marriage he removed to Camillus, where he purchased ninety-six acres of land, and in due time erected his house in the woods, which were so dense that one could look out of the chimney and see the tree tops. Here Mr. Peck has spent his days, making additional purchases of land to the extent of some four hundred and twenty acres, and now, at the age of eighty-seven, lives with his son, A. H., in the house erected by himself. During the war of 1812 he volunteered with his company about a month previous to its close. He has always manifested a strong interest in church and educational matters, and was one of the founders of the Presbyterian church of Camillus. In politics is a Republican, and has never missed a fall election. He is one of the oldest and most highly esteemed citizens of the county, and has always been found arrayed on the side of justice and truth. Mrs. Peck died June 24, 1873, having attained the ripe age of seventy-nine years. She was born in the town of Salem, Washington Co., Vt,, in the year 1794, and with her parents removed to the town of Camillus at an early day. For more than fifty-seven years she was a faithful and loving companion, and was a woman of rare moral excellence, and genuine Christian worth. She possessed much force of character, clear and conscientious views of truth and duty, and unswerving loyalty to that which she believed was right ; was habitually reserved and undemonstrative in manner, but excelled by none in deeds of kindness, which she loved so well to perform. For many years she was a member of the Presbyterian church, and in all the years of her Christian course she "adorned the doctrine of God, our Saviour, in all things." HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 3" whose opinions differed from his own. His name will ever be associated with the noblest work of the age and his fame will descend with admiration to those who shall succeed him." VILLAGE OF CAMILLUS. This village is situated in a picturesque spot in the valley of Nine-Mile Creek. It is on the " Old Road," or Auburn branch of the New York Cen tral Railroad, distant nine miles from the city of Syracuse. A " side cut " or " feeder " of the Erie Canal extends to the village, and the Nine-Mile Creek supplies an excellent water-power, which at tracted settlers and began to be utilized for mill purposes at an early period. In 1 806 the first mills of importance were erected in the village — grist and saw mill— by a company of which William Wheeler and Samuel Powers were members. Abraham Drake built a carding and cloth-dressing mill about eighty rods up the stream from the bridge in 18 12. The year following he removed from Aurelius, Cay uga county, with his family and settled in the vil lage, wliere he resided till his death, December 10, 1832. His son, Philip Drake, now residing at Jack's Reefs, in the town of Elbridge, erected the present flouring mill in 1835-36, and sold to Phares Gould of Skaneateles, in 1836. The mill is now owned by Munro & Patterson, doing merchant and custom flouring. The race conveying the water to the mills, a dis tance of about two and a half miles, was constructed in 1832 by James R. Lawrence, Grove Lawrence, Philip Drake and others. The Woolen Factory of Walter F. Keefer was built on the race in 1834. The business of this mill at the present is the manufacture of cloth and stocking yarn. In 1848, the " Novelty Mills " were completed by Weston & Dill, and were driven by steam. Sub sequently there was also a large steam saw- mill in operation, lath mills, turning lathe, &c. James G. Fergus has a saw mill at the village, built by James M. Munro in i860. Camillus village was the earliest settled of any portion of the town. The northern part of it, on Lot 80, became the home of Capt. Isaac Lindsay in 1790. In 1793, Capt. Lindsay kept the first tavern, and erected the first frame house in 1795. The first school house (of logs) was erected in 1808, and was followed by a frame building in 1813. Thomas Corey kept a tavern here in 1801. Incorporation. The village of Camillus was incorporated in 1852, with the following Board of Trustees : Samuel B. Rowe, David A. Munro, Charles Land, Ira Safford ; Gaylord N. Sherwood, President ; Crayton B. Wheeler, Clerk. The following have served as Presidents of the Village Board for the years named : Gaylord N. Sherwood, 1853 ; William H. Lee, 1854-57 ; Hiram A. Mungear, 1858; Eliakim E. Veeder, 1859-61 ; Gaylord N. Sherwood, 1862 ; E. E. Veeder, 1863 ; James G. Fergus, 1864; Samuel B. Rowe, 1865 ; Theodore Briggs, 1866-67; James G. Fergus, 1868-70; Charles J. Sherwood, 1871 ; James G. Fergus, 1872; Henry W. Drake, 1873; J. O. Slocum, M. D., 1874; J. H. Hitchcock, 1875 ; E. W. Cook, 1876-77. The present officers of the village (1878) are, Henry G. Chapman, President ; Edwin R. Harmon, Vice-President ; David Lyboult, Julius Noble, William Jones, Trustees ; J. Harry Lyboult, Clerk ; E. E. Veeder, Police Justice ; Sumner T. Darling, Constable ; James Pattan, Treasurer ; John O. Slocum, Frederick Loomis, William R. George, Assessors ; William B. Bucklin, Collector. Benjamin Brown, present Postmaster. Camillus contains four churches, viz : Presby terian, Baptist, Methodist Episcopal, and Roman Catholic ; one store of general merchandise, E. Duane Sherwood ; one grocery, provision and notion store, Sidney H. Cook, Jr. ; one hotel, kept by Philo Bromley ; two groceries and meat markets, kept respectively by Abram Otman and Messrs. Gee & Thompson ; two drug stores, James Pattan's and C. F. Safford's ; the former has been in the drug business since 1845 ; harness and shoe shop. There is one physician in the village, John O. Slocum, M. D., brother of Major-General H. W. Slocum. He was a surgeon in the army during the late war, and has been many years a resident of the village. Sidney H. Cook, Esq , has held the office of Justice of the Peace over thirty years, E. E. Veeder, Esq., is also Justice, and has held the office about six years. The oldest settlers now residing in the village are David A. and James M. Munro, who were born here ; Samuel B. Rowe, who became a resident about 1827; Charles Land, 1820; William R. George, David Lyboult, Ambrose Kelsey, A. N. Glynn, G. C. Parsons, James Pattan, Sidney H. Cook and E. Duane Sherwood. Chapman & Green have an establishment in the village for the manufacture of clay smoking pipes. It is doing quite an extensive business, giving employment to from twenty to twenty-five persons. 312 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. Camillus Graded School. School District No. 3 of Camillus furnished for many years the educational facilities of the village. The progress was gradual from a log school house, in the primitive settlement, to a frame building, which, in turn, was superceded by a brick structure, and finally gave place to the present commodious brick graded school building which occupies the old site. The first action for the erection of the present building was taken at a special meeting of the Board of Trustees held on the 15th of May, 1868. J. O. Slocum, E. K. Harmon and A. E. Smith were appointed a building committee. The house was completed in 1869, at a cost of $7,304.58. It is a handsome brick structure, situated upon an elevated and beautiful site. The school is graded in three departments, under the efficient management of Prof. C. E. White, Principal, and two teachers. Mr. White has been Principal most of the time for nine years past. E. W. Cook, Trustee. Masonic. During the summer and fall of 1875, a few breth ren of the Masonic Order interested themselves in the formation of a Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons in this village. After the usual formalities, a dispensation was granted by Grand Master, Elwood E. Thorne, which was delivered on December 31, 1875 ; a charter was granted by the Grand Lodge on the 13th of June, 1876, and Sapphire Lodge No. 768 was formed with twenty-one charter members, as follows : C. S. Safford, J. H. Lyboult, W. B. Bucklin, S. H. Cook, Jr., T. A. Fish, J. H. Paddock, E. R. Glynn, J. O. Slocum, T. V. Owens, Lafayette Bur dick, S. L. Hopkins, Merril Skinner, A. L. Hins dale, A, R. Hopkins, T. H. Shoens, E. C. Skinner, Cyrus Sweet, E. D. Sherwood, E. D. Larkin, H. D. Burdick, J. Paddock. First officers: T. H. Shoens, W. M.; J. H. Lyboult, S. W.; T. A. Fish, J. W.; E. D. Sher wood, Treasurer ; C. S. Safford, Secretary ; C. E. White, S. D.; W. B. Bucklin, J. D.; H. D. Corwin, Tiler. The Lodge have nicely furnished rooms in the third story of the Harmon Block, fitted up at an expense of nearly $1,000 and are in a prosperous con dition, the membership having increased from twenty-one in 1876, to forty-five at the present time. Officers for 1878: J. Harvey Lyboult, W. M. ¦ C. E. White, S. W.; C. W. Darling, J. W.; E. E. Veeder, Treasurer ; C. S. Safford, Secretary; W. B. Bucklin, I. D.; H. Abrams, J. D.; G. T. Dow ner, S. M. C; L. Richmond, Jr., J. M. C; H. T. Corwin, Tiler. Trustees : M. L. Hay, E. D. Sher wood, J. O. Slocum. Churches. The First Baptist Church of Camillus. — This church is located in Camillus village. The first meetings were held in the neighborhood of Howlett Hill, at which place the church was organ ized under the name of the " First Baptist Church of Onondaga, in January, 1804. The original mem bers numbered thirteen, six males and seven females. The first house of worship, built at How lett Hill, was dedicated in 1821. The present edi fice at Camillus village was dedicated January 8,1851. From i8o4-'o6, Rev. Ebenezer Harrington offici ated as pastor, after which five years elapsed with out any settled minister. Then the pastors served in the order following : Rev. Peter Warren, (licentiate,) 1811-14; Rev. Joseph Moore, 1814 ; Rev. Eben Tucker, 1821-28; Rev. S. Spaulding, 1829-30; Rev. John P. Parsons (supply) from December, 1830, pastor ten months later, continuing till 1832; Rev. S. M. Plumb, 1833; Rev. John Holladay, (licentiate,) 1835 ; Rev. Levi Farnsworth, 1836, ordained September, 1836; Rev. Graham, 1838; Rev. Hall Taylor, 1840; Rev. Thos. Fisher, 1841, ordained June, 1841 ; Rev. Henry Brown, 1844-47 ; Rev. A. Smith, 1848-51 ; Rev. Chas. Elliott, 1852 ; Rev. A. L. Freeman, 1853, ordained August 23, 1853, pastor till 1858; Rev. D. McFarland, 1859-62 ; Rev. E. P. Bingham, part of 1862 ; Rev. D. McFarland, 1862-65 ; Rev. H. B. Burdick, 1866; Rev. W. E. Lockhart, 1868; Rev. H. B. Waring, 1872-73 ; Rev. D. D. Brown, 1874; Rev. G. F. Genung, 1875, ordained November 3, 1875, present pastor. The present membership is ninety-three ; attend ance at the Sunday School about sixty-five. The church has taken measures forthe erection of a new house of worship, which will be undertaken in the spring of 1878. The First Presbyterian Church of Camillus was organized on the 4th day of August, 1817, in a hotel on the site of the house where Mr. John Lar- kins now lives, corner of Green and Main streets, and directly opposite where the church now stands. Meetings had previously been held in Nine-Mile Creek School House, and in an old distillery where now stands the carriage shop of James Fergus. The number of original members was fifty-two, six teen men and thirty-six women. The first church edifice was a wooden building erected at a cost of $1,200 in 1822. The following pastors and others have officiated and supplied the pulpit: Revs. Jabez Spicer, i8i7-'i9; Jabez CfcetrLAtf <%>. ~k?0^-tr/&j The subject of this sketch was born in the town of Marcellus, Onondaga Co., N. Y., Aug. 31, 1806, and was the eldest child of Lyman Cook (whose family consisted of fourteen children), who was born in Wallingford, Conn., in the year 1780, and Mary Norton, who was born in Martha's Vineyard, in the year 1782. At the age of sixteen Lyman Cook came to Marcellus, and was employed as a farm laborer during the summers, and as teacher in the winters. At the age of twenty-five he married, and, having acquired some means, started in the wool-carding and fulling-mill business ; subsequently became a distiller and farmer. He died in the town of Van Buren, June 30, 1837. Our subject remained on the farm with his father until twenty- one years of age, attending school winters until nineteen, when he began teaching, which vocation he followed some seven or eight winters. Mr. Cook was married, Dec. 2, 1827, to Lois Mansfield, daughter of Josiah Mansfield. The result of this union was ten children, viz., Dr. George W., Mary Eliza, Morris A., Emily H., Mansfield J., Orange L., C. Janette, Sidney H., Jr., present supervisor of Camillus, and Samuel D., and Fran ces A., — seven of whom are living. In the year 1829 our sub ject was elected constable in Marcellus, and subsequently collec tor. He also served with distinction in the military line, was elected corporal upon the organization of the independent rifle company belonging to the 159th Regiment, and was promoted until he attained the rank of lieutenant-colonel. In 1841 he moved to Camillus, where he entered into the storage and for warding business ; five years later, at Camillus village, he com menced purchasing grain, which business he followed until 1866. In 1843 was elected supervisor, which office he held three terms. Was elected justice of the peace in 1846, and, with the excep tion of one year, has held the office up to the present time, and was recently elected for a full term of four years ; has also been justice of sessions seven or eight times. Mr. Cook, in politics, is a Democrat of the true type. Mr. Cook's brothers, Revs. William B., Theodore T., and James M. Cook, were talented ministers of the Universalist church. The first and the last named are deceased. Rev. T. T. Cook is still in the ministry, and resides in Utica. c&J*^l///$^rr2J^Z Daniel Bennett was born in the town of Ridgefield, Fairfield Co., Conn., Oct. 21, 1786. His ancestors came from England as early as the sixteenth century. Nathan Bennett, his father, at the age of fourteen, entered the Revolu tionary army, took part in the battle of Monmouth, was taken prisoner, put on board of a prison-ship, and, after severe and intense suffering, ex changed as a prisoner of war. Continuing in the service of his country till the close of the war, he received a pension, whieh continued until his death, in 1830, at the age of seventy-five. He was a man of good educa tion, good memory, and in comfortable circumstances as a farmer. During his life he held many public offices. Huldah Barlow, wife of Nathan Bennett, was the mother of thirteen children, of whom Daniel Bennett was the fifth. Two of her brothers were in the Revolutionary army. One, Joel Barlow, a graduate of Yale college in 1778, and a classmate of Noah Webster, entered tbe army as a volunteer, but soon became chaplain. Not long after the close of the war he went to Paris, where, during seventeen years of business life, he accu mulated u, fortune, with which he returned to America. He went to Washington, built a palace of marble not far from the city, and named it *' Kalarama." In 1811 he was appointed minister plenipotentiary to the French government. Besides being a diplomatist, he was a man of literary taste, and published several of his productions. Among his most noted writings is "The Columbiad," while of his shorter poems, and perhaps the most popular, is one entitled "The Hasty Pudding/' The other brother was killed at the battle of Quebec. She herself died at the age of forty-nine. In 1789, when Daniel Bennett was only three years of age, his father migrated to the town of Malta, Saratoga Co., N. Y., which place is only seven miles distant from Saratoga Springs. This migration proved to be greatly to the advantage of the family. In 1809, at the age of twenty-two, he was married to Hannah Crawford, of Saratoga. Having spent four years of married life in Saratoga county, they resolved to leave their home and try the privations of a pioneer's life. They started westward and came to Camillus, through forests whieh nearly all the way lined their journey. It was in the winter of 1813 that they made the tedious journey, consuming six days. Where now stands the city of Syracuse they found but a few unattractive houses. The swampy, marshy country around them did not look inviting, nor prophetic of a large and busy city. Not having the means to purchase land, he waited for nearly a year and a half before making any financial investment ; and then the investment could hardly be called financial, inasmuch as the first payment upon u, farm of fifty acres was made by means of a yoke of cattle, which he bor- rmved from a friend for the occasion. The cattle were valued nt only thirty-five dollars. From time to time he enlarged his farm by adding fifty-four and twenty-five and thirty acres, until he possessed nearly two hundred and eighty acres, But nearly all this time he was in debt, not fairly freeing himself from one indebtedness before assuming another. This made perseverance, industry, and economy necessary. And no one can fully know, except those who have passed through the same privations, the nature and extent of the hardships of a pioneer's life. Of a large family of ten children, — six daughters and four sons, — all except one lived to mature life. Mrs. Hannah Bennett united with the Congregational church in El bridge, N. Y., in February, 1821, and her husband, Daniel Bennett, during the following April. At the request and desire of Mr. Bennett, he was baptized by immersion. In 1850, June 15, he was elected a deacon of the Congregational church, and, although now in the ninety-second year of his age, still holds this same office, and continues to faithfully discharge its duties. For more than fifty years he has taken a religious newspaper. It has been Deacon Bennett's custom and delight to attend the meetings of presbytery and synod, and during ¦¦>¦ period of twenty years hardly a meeting was held in which he did not represent the church. In 1863 ho was elected to the general assembly, held that year in Philadelphia. At that gathering he became well acquainted with Rev. Albert Barnes. Last autumn, while in his ninety-first year, he represented the church at the meeting of synod, held in the Fourth Presbyterian church of Syracuse. While Mr. Bennett has always been greatly interested in religion and education, he has never sought positions of public trust. Much of his life's success was no doubt due to the assistance rendered by his wife, who possessed great executive ability. Persevering, energetic, and economizing by nature, she toiled early and late in order to assist and teach her children. Though small of stature, yet she was large hearted. Her province was home, and her sceptre was love. When she died in 1864, at the age of seventy-five, all but one of her children were living. At the present time Deacon Daniel Bennett is living near the old home stead, in the town of Camillus, and possesses, to a remarkable degree, his powers of body and mind. He is now " only waiting" for that neio home "not made with hands.'*'' The following are the names of his children who are living : Miss Huldah B. Bennett, Camillus, N. Y. ; Mrs. Rhoa B. Hinsdell, Camillus, N. Y. j Mrs. Harriet Brown, Geneseo, 111. ; Mrs. Mary Jane Hoff, Pitts burgh, Pa. ; Mr. Joel Barlow Bennett, Camillus, N. Y. ; Mrs. Ann Eliza Sweet, Elbridge, N. Y. j and Mrs. Emma 0. Rice, Elbridge, N. Y. Photo, by W. V. Ranger, Syracuse. JONATHAN WHITE. In 1804, Joseph White, a Revolutionary soldier, came with his family from West Springfield, Mass., to Camillus, and bought a farm just north of the bridge over Nine Mile creek, at the village of Amboy. They soon built a saw-mill and fulling and dyeing works, which, in those days of homespun, did a flourishing business. Joseph White was a surveyor, and, while opening a highway, received an injury from a falling- tree, which partially paralyzed him and confined him to the house for several years, until his death in 1830,- aged eighty- one years. His wife, Phebe C, died in 1829, aged seventy- seven years. His sons filled prominent places in town. Elijah was a surveyor, and Harold a magistrate and member of assem bly. In the War of 1812 the latter was first lieutenant, and was stationed in the fort at Oswego. He married, in 1827, Marietta Morley, of West Springfield, Mass., and died in 1832, aged forty-six. Elijah died unmarried in 1836, aged fifty-four. Two of Harold's children grew up, — George C, now living in Plattsburgh, N. Y., and Harold M., who graduated at Union college, in 1856, was admitted to the bar in 1859, removed to Iowa in 1860, volunteered in 1861, and died in the army in December, 1862, aged thirty years. In 1812, Aaron White followed his brother, Joseph, from Massachusetts with his family, and bought a part of Lot 3, Onondaga reservation, since held by his descendants. He died in 1833, aged eighty-six. His widow, Lucy Kellogg, died in 1848, aged eighty-eight. Of their children, only Jonathan located permanently in Camillus. He walked from Massachu setts when eighteen years old, and helped to clear the farm on which he afterwards lived. In 1813 he marched with the militia to Smith's Mills to defend the frontier. In 182- he joined the Presbyterian church at Camillus, and in 1845, with others, helped to organize the Presbyterian church at Amboy. He served as an elder in these churches nearly fifty years. He was active in sustaining Sunday-schools and neighborhood meetings in the eastern part of the town, and kept open house for all clinical or lay brethren who needed entertainment. He was a man of strict integrity, aud was frequently intrusted with town offices. In politics, he was a Democrat up to 1848 ; thereafter a Eree-soiler and Republican. In 1838 he married Marietta White, widow of his cousin Harold, and had one son, Jonathan B., now living in Camillus. He died in 1874, aged eighty, and his wife in 1855, aged sixty-one years. Jonathan White was a man of many peculiarities ; his form was slender and stooping ; his movements were quick and ner vous ; his disposition kind ; his speech and temper hasty. Earnest in whatever he undertook, and with decided opinions, he cared little who was for or against him. HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 313* Chadwick, i82i-*25 ; Hutchins Taylor, i826-*28 ; E. H. Adams, i829-'3i ; B. B. Stockton, i83i-'33 ; Moody Harrington, i834-*39; Josiah Ward, 1840- '46. Rev. Mr. Kingsley supplied the church dur ing the year 1847, and was succeeeed by Rev. William W. Williams from 1 848-' 5 3. From 1 85 3-' 60, the pulpit was supplied from the Theological Seminary at Auburn. Rev. E. R. Davis was pastor from i86o-'66. From i866-'68, the pulpit was supplied by Messrs. Grosvenor, Hopkins and Kneeland. During this period a new church was built, and Rev. Mr. Muer occupied the pulpit two years, and was succeeded by Rev. J. S. Root, who remained from 187 3-' 77 ; since his departure the pulpit has been supplied mainly from the Auburn Theological Seminary. The present membership of the church is fifty- one ; Sunday School, eighty-eight ; teachers, nine ; infant class, sixteen. Greenville Gaylord, Superin tendent. Methodist Episcopal Church of Camillus. — In 1827 Camillus was a "preaching place" in the Marcellus circuit, there being a small society organized there at that time. Meetings were held in private houses and school houses. The Presiding Elder at that time was Rev. George Gary, and Revs. Zenas Jones, Orrin Doolittle and Morgan Sherman circuit preachers. A church was built at Camillus in 1830. Presiding Elder, Rev. John Dempster ; Circuit Preachers, Revs. Isaac Puffer and G. W. Dinsmore. In 1836, Camillus was made a " station '' with Rev. Z. Paddock, Presiding Elder ; and Rev. Ross Clark, Station Preacher. The society at present numbers eighty-eight members ; the average attendance at Sunday School, forty. Church property is valued at about $5,000, and the parsonage at $1,500. Rev. D. W. Bristol, D. D., is Presiding Elder, and Rev. F. H. Stanton, who has held this charge for three years, Pastor at the present time. AMBOY, On Nine-Mile Creek, three miles below Camillus Village, was first settled by Joseph White, who built a fulling mill here in 1801, and sawmill in 1806. The place now contains a saw and stave mill, flour ing mill and cider mill. The large flouring mill was erected by Nathan Paddock in 1826-27, and is now owned by Lafayette Burdick, who has been in possession ofthe property since 1861. There is also a tannery here, conducted by D. B. Paddock ; a Presbyterian church and a Methodist class connected with the charge at Belle Isle. Amboy has two physicians — Dr. L. C. Skinner, 48* a graduate of Hobart College in 1840, and a prac titioner here since the same year ; and his son, Dr. E. C. Skinner, who graduated at the Medical College of the University of New York in 1874. The Presbyterian Church of Amboy. — This is the first and only religious organization of the place. The records show that a meeting was held December 23, 1845, in the new meeting house erected the same year at a probable cost of $3,000 and in present use, at which Rev's Thos. Castleton, J. J. Ward, J. W. Adams, A. L. Otis, J. E. Meyers, A. C. Lathrop ; and Ruling Elders, T. R. Porter and J. Skinner, were present as the Committee of the Onondaga Presbytery (since, with the Oswego and Mohawk Presbyteries, merged into the Presbytery of Syracuse,) to constitute the church ; which was duly organized with forty-nine communicants, all received by certificate from the Congregational church at Van Buren Center and from the Presby terian church at Camillus. The church building was then dedicated, followed! by the election of Heman Warner, J. Skinner,. Jonathan White, and William Reed, Elders ; Tru man Skinner, Henry L. Warner, and Pardee Ladd, Deacons. Of these all, excepting Pardee Ladd,. had elsewhere held the same offices The first settled minister of the church was Rev. Alfred C. Lathrop. 1845-47; Rev. Norman B. Sherwood, 1848-49 ; Rev. D. H. Kingsley, 1849- '50; Rev. R. J. Cone, i850-*52 ; Rev. Edward S. Lacy, 1852-53 ; Rev. Hubert P. Herrick, 1853 ;, Rev. Richard Dunning, 1854-58; Rev. Lucius E. Barnard, 1859-60 ; Rev. John S. Bacon, 1862-70- Rev. Frederick Hebard, 1870-72; Rev. A. J. Quick, 1872-75, and Rev. Benjamin B. Dayton, June 1, 1876, the present pastor. Since the organization of the church the roll of membership has included two hundred and eighty- two names. Of this number seventy-three have been dismissed to other churches, fifty-five have gone from earth, and eight have been suspended, leaving the present membership, (January, 1878,) one hundred and forty-six. The membership of the Sabbath School is one hundred and fifty-three. BELLE ISLE Is a post-hamlet on the Erie Canal in the eastern part of the town of Camillus. Thomas Machan has been Postmaster since i860, and Justice of the Peace since 1868. William Ecker was Justice of the Peace from 1864 to 1868. The place contains one store, wagon and blacksmith shops. The store is kept by M. L. Hay. The M. E. Church at this place was erected in 185 1 ; Jaben Armstrong, Henry Safford, John C. 3H HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. Hatton, first Trustees and principal contributors to the church building. Rev. Mr. Coop was the first pastor ; present pastor, C. W. Rowley. Robert Martin owns the present saw mill north of Belle Isle, known as the " Corwin Mills," rebuilt at a cost of $1,200, with an additional cost of $750 for cider press, and one run of stones for grain. In 1876, he manufactured two hundred barrels of cider, and is now doing a general business, working his farm of twenty-five acres in connection with his milling. 3iOGi*jiPHicjiL Sketch. BENNETT BROTHERS. Among the representative farmers of Onondaga county for nearly forty years, were the Bennett Brothers, of Camillus. Their business relationship, commencing in 1 836, was continued until the death of Mr. Lewis Bradley Bennett, in 1874; and, remarkable as it may seem, all transactions were planned and carried out without resorting to any written con tract between them. They lived, toiled and labored together as brothers, each trying to out-vie the other in the amount of work done. Yearly all accounts were examined and adjusted. In this, no doubt, lay one element of success. These brothers, Lewis Bradley and Joel Barlow, in 1840, purchased one hundred acres of land, and during the twenty years which followed, added to that amount, until in i860, their estate numbered nearly six hundred acres, at an average cost of sixty dollars per acre. During the financial depressions of the country they prosperously, yet slowly, pushed forward. With energy, patience and industry they improved their entire estate, with respect to fences and buildings ; enriched the soil by means of stock, plaster and clover, until a high state of cultivation was reached. The strength and fertility of the soil, a sandy loam mixed with clay, placed their large farm among the very first in productiveness in Onondaga County. The kind of farming followed was chiefly grain and stock raising. During ten successive years the average sown yearly was nearly two hundred acres, or one-third of the entire estate, while often a herd of eighty cattle could be seen, with flocks of sheep numbering eight hundred. The largest product of grain in one year was six thousand bushels — of wheat, barley, oats and corn — while in 1864, the highest price for produce was obtained, fifteen hundred bushels of wheat being marketed for three dollars and a half per bushel. The nec essary meadow land, yearly, was not far from eighty to a hundred acres. The winter season during fifteen years was spent in clearing wood land, until one hundred acres had been rendered arable. Thus their winter's harvests were nearly as profitable as those of summer. With a large and productive farm, finely located gently sloping to the south ; with large and well arranged fields ; with barns of great dimensions, one of which for nearly twenty years was a model for the surrounding country ; with the latest and most improved machinery, which they took great pleasure in introducing : with all these something else seemed necessary in order to have contentment. Each wished for a better house, and they planned to erect a dwelling for each which would be satis factory. Mr. Lewis Bradley Bennett succeeded in finishing a structure, of beautiful exterior, whose interior arrangement and finish can not well be surpassed for a farmer's use. Containing, as it does, large and conveniently arranged rooms, with the modern improvements of bath rooms and furnace, one looks upon it with feelings of pleasure and almost pride. Soon after the completion of this beautiful structure its builder died, having occupied it only a few months. Not long after his brother's death, Mr. Joel Barlow Bennett took possession of this house, where with his wife, Rosanna S., he now lives, carrying on a farm of two hundred and forty acres, which remains from the original estate. Through the taste and patience of a nephew, Mr. Charles B. Brown, the grounds have been tastefully laid out, and a lawn neatly and carefully made, and to-day the landscape gardening of this residence attracts and merits universal attention. Mr. Joel Barlow Bennett was born in Camillus, Onondaga County, N. Y., July 22d, 1815. His brother, Lewis Bradley Bennett, was born in Camil lus, September 29th, 1813, and married Mary War ing, of Saratoga, Saratoga County, N. Y., February 15th, 1842. He died December 22d, 1874, in the sixty-second year of his age. At the time of his death he was a member of the Congregational Church in Elbridge, and one of the Board of Trustees of the church, and also of the Munro Collegiate Institute. In June, 1874, he made a legacy to the church of which he was a member of $1,000, to be used for its support. At the same time he bequeathed large amounts of property to his imme diate relatives. He left a widow, but no children. He was of mild disposition, yielding, yet firm and ;,;*"" aaeKiMMrfatf.Tv. J, :-¦-.. Res. of J. B. BENNETT, C, )nondaga County, New York. HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 315 persevering. While he was energetic in business affairs, he was peaceable in the community in which he lived. He did not love public positions and only accepted them when urged upon him. The com munity in which he lived, his employes and family friends only knew his true worth. Among the many monuments he left, none are so good as those of friendship and affection. LYSANDER Lysander was formerly Township number one of the Military Tract, and became one of the eleven original towns of Onondaga County at its organiza tion in 1794. It then embraced the townships of Lysander, Hannibal and Cicero. The first town meeting was directed by law to be held at the house of Ryal Bingham, Esq., then residing at Three River Point. Hannibal, now in Oswego County, was taken from it in 1806 and Cicero in 1807. In 1816, when the county of Oswego was organized, thirty-three lots of the. township of Lysander were included in the county of Oswego and town of Granby, which leaves but sixty-seven lots in the town of Lysander. This town is situated in the north west corner of the county. It is of a peculiar shape, owing to the crookedness of the Seneca River which forms the boundary between this town and Elbridge, Van Buren, Geddes, Salina and Clay. One little lake, viz : Mud or Beaver Lake, exists within its boundaries. The soil is good, and com pares favorably with any portion of the county for agricultural purposes. Of the earliest settlers in this town the following is a partial list : Ryal Bingham, near Three River Point, in 1793 ; Jonathan Palmer, near the center of the town, the same year ; Adam Emerick, Elijah and Solomon Hall, Col. Thomas Farrington, Elijah Mann, Ebenezer Wells, James Cowan, Abner and Manly Vickery, Job Loomis and John P. Schuyler, all came in about the year 1800, or some of them a year or two previous. Jacobus DePuy cleared off about fifty acres in 1805 and 1806 on the north side of the river at Baldwinsville and put it into wheat. This town was at first considered unhealthy and settlements were somewhat retarded in consequence, but the clearing of the land and bringing it under cultivation produced a great change, and as im provements extended its settlements increased with great rapidity. By cultivation and drainage the soil has become dry and free from stagnant surface wa ter, so that the town of Lysander is now as healthy and productive a locality as can be found in this portion of the State. The town of Lysander was not fully organized till 1798, when the Supervisor, Mr. Asa Rice, who lived near Oswego, reported for the town, including the townships of Lysander, Hannibal and Cicero, the number of " fifteen inhabitants," and the valua tion of taxable property for the town was estimated at fifteen hundred dollars. Mr. Rice was Super visor till Hannibal was formed into a town by itself. The old records of the town are not to be found, those now in the Clerk's office going no farther back than 1808, at which time we find some of the principal officers as follows : Elijah Snow, Super visor ; James Adams, Town Clerk ; William Wil son, and James Clark, Assessors. In 1 809, Elijah Snow was Supervisor, and Cyrus Baldwin, Town Clerk. BALDWINSVILLE. This important manufacturing village is situated in the towns of Lysander and Van Buren on both sides of the Seneca River, five miles west of the outlet of Onondaga Lake and twelve miles north west of Syracuse. Its name is derived from its founder, Dr. Jonas C. Baldwin, who commenced improvements here in the spring of 1807. The place was then called " Columbia" and bore this name till the establishment of a postoffice here in 1817, when the Postmaster General, in conse quence of there being another Post Town of the same name in the State, changed it to " Baldwin's Bridge." But the name of Baldwinsville being pre ferred by the inhabitants, it was substituted by the Postoffice Department, and has since continued to be the name of the village. Dr. Baldwin had purchased a place at Ovid, Seneca County, and was moving there with his fam ily in 1799. Mrs. Baldwin having left her com fortable home at Little Falls with regret, was assured by her husband that he would purchase the first place on their route that she might select. Upon 3i6 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. their arrival at the site of Baldwinsville, where they remained over night, Mrs. Baldwin was delighted with the place and remarked to her husband, " If our property lay here, remote from settlement and lonely as it is, I should be willing to stop and take up my residence for life." The result was that both were satisfied with the selection of this charm ing spot for their future home. The following night they lodged with John Mc- Harrie who had settled on the south bank of the river some forty rods above where the dam now joins that shore. From Mr. McHarrie Dr. Bald win learned who was the owner of the favorite lot on the other side of the river. Tbe following year (1798) he went to Philadelphia to the owner and purchased it. After residing a few years at Ovid he sold his property there and came to Onondaga. In the meantime settlers had located in different parts of the town of Lysander and the north part of Camillus, now Van Buren, and finding themselves in need of mills, and knowing " McHarrie's Rifts " to be an excellent water-power, these scattering set tlers assembled, drew up a memorial and sent it on by a strong delegation, in the spring of 1807, to Dr. Baldwin, then residing at Onondaga, urging him in the strongest terms to improve the water-power in the erection of mills upon those rapids. He had contemplated doing this at some future period, but not so soon by five or six years. Finally, yielding to entreaty, he resolved forthwith to enter upon the work. On account of sickness among the work men and other hindrances, it was not till late in the autumn of the second year that Dr. Baldwin got his mill in successful operation. Desirable as this object was, it did not compensate for the personal sacrifices already made. Although but the second year since the first blow had been struck, the settlement assumed the appearance of a " log town in the wilderness." For many succeeding years the local fevers prevailed, vitiating the healthfulness of this favorite spot and bringing many to premature graves. The Seneca River being a public highway, and much used as such, it became immediately neces sary to provide for t he passage of boats around the dam. Dr. Baldwin therefore constructed a canal and lock for that purpose. In 1808 he petitioned the Legislature for permission to construct a dam, locks and canal at that point. But the State hav ing previously transferred its title to the "Inland Lock Navigation Company," could not with pro priety grant privileges to Dr. Baldwin. He there upon purchased of said company their right and interest in all the waters between the outlet of Oneida River and Cayuga Lake. In 1809, the Legislature granted his petition for such erections and improvements. This right was granted to Dr. Baldwin and his assigns for twenty years. The collection of certain tolls was authorized upon all boats passing through said canal and locks. At first the amount collected was small, but with the increase of business it became considerable, and in time would have repaid the outlay, had not the State changed its policy and taken the entire sub ject of internal navigation and improvement under its own control. The completion of the middle sec tion of the Erie canal rendered nugatory the busi ness of the original route, since which this canal and locks have been of comparatively little import ance. In 1809, the dam across the river was swept away by a heavy spring freshet, and such- was the nature of the damage sustained that it became necessary to erect a new dam, which was not com pleted till the following year. He this year erected a toll bridge across the river under provisions made by law, upon the site occupied by the pres ent bridge. At the same time a new mill of enlarged dimensions was erected by Dr. Baldwin. It was afterwards converted into a woolen factory' and subsequently burnt down. He used his efforts' sucessfully to procure the laying out of a State road between Onondaga Hill and Oswego, and also pro cured the passage of an act authorizing the con struction of a turnpike from Westmoreland to Sodus Bay. The village continued prosperous and flourishing till 18 1 9, when the diversion of the business usually done on theiSeneca river to the Erie canal seemed for a time to paralyze every interest. The growth of the surrounding country, however, in time ren dered its water-power valuable, and new energies and investments of capital awakened a new spirit of progress. From this era its growth was steady and rapid. " After 1807, saw mills were erected almost with out number. In 1808, Dr. Baldwin erected one with six saws and carriages. In 1824, Messrs. Start & Mott erected a mill with two saws and carriages. In 1826, Mr. James Johnson built a mill with four saws and carriages, and Messrs. Stephen and Harvey Baldwin, a mill with a gang of fifteen saws. Start & Mott's mill burned down in 1834, and was rebuilt in 1847 by Richard M. Beach. In 1839 Thomas P. Campbell erected a mill with two saws and carriages. In 1848 Howard & Cook built a mill with two saws and carriages. " Several grist mills were erected from time to time, and among others the noted mill erected by HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 3i; Sanford C. Parker in 1836-7. This mill was 60 by 100 feet in dimensions, four stories besides base ment, and capable of manufacturing 200 barrels of flour daily, besides custom grinding."* This mill was burnt in 1861, and rebuilt by Johnson, Cook & Co., in 1862. (See Baldwinsville Manufacturers.) Early Merchants. Dr. Jonas C. Baldwin opened a store at Baldwins ville in 1807, and continued till 1813. In 1813, Judge Otis Bigelow commenced selling goods in the village and continued till 1863, a period of fifty years. Judge Bigelow was a prominent and leading citizen, father of the present Col. Payne Bigelow, and was born in Worcester County, Mass., February 1, 1785. He died June 21, 1864, aged eighty years. John Hamill opened a store in 1816; Jonas C. Brewster, in 1821 ; Luther Badger, in 1823; Robins & Wells, in 1832; Sanford C. Parker, in 1835; John Tomlinson & Co., in 1838; D. C. Lusk & Co , in 1 846. Bar of Baldwinsville. Reuben S. Orvis, Esq., was the first lawyer in the village. He commenced the practice of law herein 1816. Samuel H. Hammond, Esq., began as an attorney in 1826; and afterwards Cornelius Pugsley, Esq., and others established themselves as members of the Baldwinsville bar. Colonel I. T. Minard came here in 1833, and D. C. Green field, Esq., in 1848. Present attorneys : DeWitt C. Greenfield, George Hall, N. M. White, Isaac T. Minard, F. A. Marvin, J. R. Shea and C. M. West. Physicians. Dr. Jonas C. Baldwin, on his first arrival at Baldwinsville, practiced medicine when necessary till other physicians arrived. In 18 14, Dr. Cyrus Baldwin established himself as a regular physician, and Dr. Silas Wallace in 18 16. Dr. Phillip Sharp settled about a mile and a half west of the village as early as 1823. Later, Dr. H. J. Shumway, Dr. Farnsworth, and Dr. Lee settled as physicians in the village, and were followed by Dr. Elijah Law rence, Dr. John Briggs and others. The present physicians are Henry B. Allen, J. V. Kendall, J. C, B. Wallace, J. F. Wells, A. H. Marks and L. V. Flint. Postmasters, A postoffice was first established at Baldwins ville in 18 17, Dr. Jonas C. Baldwin, Postmaster. He was succeeded by Stephen W. Baldwin, Otis Bigelow, Austin Baldwin, Dr. L. B. Hall, Dr. Daniel T. Jones, E. B. Wigent, Irvin Williams, * Clark's Onondaga. 49 David S. Wilkins and W. W. Perkins, the present Postmaster (1878.) Prior to 1817 mail matter was obtained from the postoffice at Onondaga Hollow and by boats from Salina. Any citizen who visited the Hollow would go to the postoffice and bring the mail for his neigh bors. Col. Payne Bigelow relates that his father, Judge Bigelow, in 18 16, used to get his mail at Three River Point, where it was brought by boat men from Salina and deposited with a Mr. Sweet, who kept a log tavern on the Lysander side of the river. After the postoffice was established in 1817, the mails were for some time carried on horse back. More than forty years ago, Walter D. Herrick. who kept a hotel in the present American H"*btel build ing, put on a line of stages running from Baldwins ville to Syracuse, for the purpose of carrying the mail, passengers and freight.. The road usually taken was through " Hardscrable," Belle Isle and Fairmount, to Syracuse. At one time Col. Stephen W. Baldwin ran a small steamboat to and from Syracuse by way of the river, outlet and Onondaga Lake, for the ac comodation of passengers, and it was not till the completion of the Oswego and Syracuse Railroad, in October, 1848, that Baldwinsville enjoyed full and speedy communication with all other sections of the country. A tow-path on the north bank of the Seneca River extending from Mud Lock to Baldwinsville, connects the village with the Oswego Canal. Sen eca River, with a fall of eight feet, furnishes one of the best sites for hydraulic works in this section of the State, and being surrounded by a country of great fertility and beauty, it must ever be a village of considerable activity and importance. Incorporation. The village was incorporated with the name of Baldwinsville under the provisions of the general incorporating act June 3, 1848. A new charter was obtained in 1868, and a law passed April 21, 1868, dividing the village into three wards. The following were the first municipal officers, elected in 1848 : President, LeRoy Morgan. Trustees, E. A. Baldwin, Elisha Hickok, Irvin Williams, Almon Farr. Clerk, E. B. Wigent. Presidents of the village from 1849 to 1878, in clusive : 1849-51, Henry Case, Jr.; 1852, Samuel Bisdee; 1853-54, Sanford C. Parker ; 1855, E. B. .Wigent; 1856, John Boley ; 1857, D. D. Norton ; 1858, 3i8 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. Sam'l Avery; 1859, D. C- Greenfield ; i860, Stephen W. Baldwin ; 1 861, Jas. Hamill ; 1862, J. O. Slocum; 1863, Eli Perry ; 1864-65, W. W. Perkins ; 1866, L. H. Cheney; 1867, J. P. Shumway ; 1868-70, J. J. Kaulback ; 1871-72, Wallace Tappan; 1873, I. M. Baldwin ; 1874, J. L. Voorhees ; 1875, Erwin Fairbanks ; 1876-78, Wm. F. Morris. The present village officers (1878) are as follows : Wm. F. Morris, President ; Horace J. Frazee, Clerk ; James R. Blanchard, Treasurer ; Oliver Strong, Police Constable ; R. D. Pettit, H. Tappan, C. N. Bliss, J. E. Hilts, S. J. E. Paul, C. M. West, Trustees ; Bradford Chase, S. H. Alden and Erwin Fairbanks, Assessors. Manufactures. The leading manufacturing interest of Baldwins ville is the production .of flour, there being five large mills in constant operation whose daily capac ity aggregates over one thousand barrels. We shall pass each of these mills in brief review and then notice some of the minor manufacturing in terests. James Frazee & Co. — This- firm has a mill fifty by one hundred feet, four stories, including base ment, erected in 1859-60. The proprietors are James Frazee and E. P. Schoonmaker. Jacob Amos & Sons. — The mills are under the management of Jacob Amos, Jr. They were erected by the head of the firm in 1868, the building and machinery costing about $100,000. On this site stood the " Old Red Mill," erected by James John son in 1835 or thereabouts, which was burned with the woolen factory in 1842. G. H. & A. T. Hotaling occupy the stone mill erected by Sanford C. Parker in 1836, and which was rebuilt by Johnson, Cook & Co., in 1862. In 1870 this firm commenced business. They have changed the mill into what is known as a " New Process " mill, and otherwise improved it. Its present capacity is two hundred barrels of merchant flour per day. The Hotalings are natives of this •county, born in the town of Pompey, and were for merly in the milling business at Jamesville. D. & G. Morris. — The mill occupied by this firm stands on the " second privilege," and was known for a long time as the " Farmer's Mill of Van Buren." W. L. Wilkins, Flour and Feed Mills, entirely custom work. Mr. Wilkins built his mill in 1854 and has run it constantly ever since. It has four run of stones and does a prosperous business. Mr. Wilkins is a native of Saratoga County and came here in 1846. W. L. Frazee owns and operates the only saw mill in Baldwinsville. J. C. Miller & Co's Hosiery Mills were estab lished in 1876. White, Clark & Co., Centrifugal Pump Works, established in June, 1876. The building occupied by this firm was formerly the Ax Factory, and has been fitted up not only as a Pump Factory, but as a machine shop, where work of all kinds in that line is done. The shops have facilities for the em ployment of eight regular workmen. Schoonmaker & Co. — Paper Mill. Started in December, 1874. Manufactures Straw Wrapping Paper, 4,500 pounds per day. The partners are Andrew S. Schoonmaker, Theodore Haines and Jacob C. Kenyon. The building was formerly erected by Johnson, Cook & Co., in 1862, and used as a distillery in connection with the Stone Mill now owned by the Messrs. Hotaling— built by San ford C. Parker in 1836, burnt in 1861, rebuilt in 1862. James R. Blanchard furnishes the village and surrounding country with Granite and Marble Monuments of every required description. This is the only shop of the kind in the village, and has been in operation fifteen years. Fuller & Bliss, Planing Mill, Sash, Door and Blind Factory. The business of this firm was established by the present proprietors in 1866, and is one of the prosperous enterprises of the village. The proprietors are William L. Fuller and C. N. Bliss. An extensive lumber yard is kept in con nection with the mill, and the business gives em ployment to about twenty men. John M. Young's Fork and Rake Factory is an enterprise recently started. The works are located in a portion of what was formerly the " Ax Factory." Banks of Baldwinsville. First National Bank. — Organized February 2, 1864. — First officers — James Frazee, President; D. C. Greenfield, Vice-President ; Irvin Williams, Cashier. The bank commenced business in the building known as " The Stone Office," on Canal street. The present Bank Building was erected in 1866, at a cost including fixtures of $8^000. The First National Bank has a capital of $140,000 ; sur plus, $30,000; loans and discounts, $165,000; cir culation, $126,000. Present officers — James Frazee, President; A. K. Clark, Vice-President ; W. F. Morris, Cashier. Succeeding Mr. Williams and preceding Mr. W. F. Morris, Mr. P. L. Perine was Cashier. Tj.TjdU—^&Ji Benjamin Baird Schenck, M.D., was born in Charleston, Montgomery Co., N. Y., July 20, 1809. His father, Rulof Schenck, was of illustrious German descent. He settled in the northwest corner of this county, then a wilderness, in 1815. Benjamin was the fifth child and second son. His early advantages for education were limited, his boyhood days being spent on a farm and in clearing land. At the age of twenty- three, his health failing, he entered the private school of T. W. Allis, at Skaneateles, where he remained eighteen months, with the exception of a short period spent in teaching district school. In 1834 he attended one term at Homer academy, and the fol lowing spring began the study of medicine, under Joseph H. Skinner, of Plainville, attending his first course of lectures at the medical college, Fairfield, N. Y., in 1835 and 1836. His final course was taken at Geneva college, where he graduated Feb. 10, 1838. The same year he began practice in Plainville. In 1844 he united with the Christian church of that place, and four years subsequently was ordained a minister by a conferenee of that body, and continued to preach till 1852. The confer ence that year, on account of his literal interpretation of the Scriptures, declared him " out of harmony with the church." Meanwhile he had commenced an examination of homoeop athy, by reading Hahnemann's " Organon," and Hartmann's " Acute and Chronic Diseases." Continuing his investigations patiently through 1849 and 1850, he, early in 1851, ^adopted homoeopathy as his mode of practice, carrying with him into the new school all but two of his former patrons. In 1852 he took his brother-in-law, who for three years had beeu his student, into partnership with him, and in two years resigned in his favor. Dr. Schenck then entered into mercantile business, but the crash of 1857 and the war of the rebellion seriously embarrassed him, so that he was induced to renew his practice, which since then has steadily increased. In June, 1838, he married Harriet, daughter of Capt. R. Sullivan, of Seneca county. He held a lieutenant's commission in the State militia four years, and a captain's seven years, and was honorably discharged. In 1849 he was appointed postmaster at Plainville, held the office till 1853, was reappointed in 1863, and still holds the office. When young the doctor was prominent in church music, and only left the choir when he entered the pulpit, in June, 1846. He has had an unbroken residence in the school district where he resides since 1815, and was the first to start and teach a select school in the place. Residence of Dr. B. S. SCHENCK. Plainvilll.Ononoaca County, N.Y HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 319 Baldwinsville State Bank. — Organized at Baldwinsville, N. Y., May, 1875, with a capital of $50,000. The Directors are George Hawley, Payne Bigelow, D. C. Greenfield, S. S. Quivey, G. A. Bigelow, John T. Skinner and Otis M. Bigelow. George Hawley, President ; G. A. Bigelow, Vice- President ; S. S. Quivey, Cashier. The following is the quarterly statement, 22d of September, 1877: Resources. Loans and Discounts $107,521 21 Over Drafts 34 97 U. S. Bonds 5,000 00 Furniture and Fixtures 1,100 00 Taxes Paid 37* 80 Premiums Paid 180 00 Due from State and National Banks.- 4,944 83 Currency and Specie 380 96 Expenses 439 35 Stocks 2,450 00 122,423 12 Liabilities. Capital Stock $ 50,000 00 Undivided Profits 4,214 62 Due Depositors 61,172 50 Due State and National Banks 36 00 Due Individuals 2,000 00 Re-Discounts 5,000 00 122,423 12 The Industrial Association of Northwest ern Onondaga, which has for its object the advance ment of agriculture, horticulture, floriculture, the mechanic arts and household industry, was organ ized April 29, 1873. The officers for 1877 were as follows: Abel H. Toll, President; Hiram Bow man, Vice-President ; D. C. Greenfield, Secretary ; W. F. Morris, Treasurer. Directors — James Sears, A. Van Alstine, D. C Toll, E. M. Babcock, Russell Bentley, W. W. Perkins. The Baldwinsville Gazette. This weekly newspaper is published at Baldwins ville and is the successor of the Baldwinsville Republican, founded in 1844 by Samuel B. West. In October, 1846, it became the property of C. M. Hosmer, who changed the name to the Onondaga Gazette. Mr. J. M. Clark succeeded Mr. Hosmer 'for many years as editor and proprietor, and sold to J. B. Davis. He afterwards repurchased it, and in 1869 s°ld to X. Haywood, who enlarged the paper. In 1 87 1, Mr. George S. Clark purchased it, and has since remained its editor and proprie tor. On the first of January, 1878, Mr. Clark changed it to the Baldwinsville Gazette. It is a well conducted paper, enjoying a reputation for local matter unsurpassed by any weekly publication in the State. Baldwinsville Union Free School. By act of the Legislature, (Chapter 94, Laws of 1864) District No. 2 in Lysander, and District No. 18 in Van Buren, were consolidated into one dis trict under the corporate name of the Baldwinsville Union Free School District. The act appointed the first Board of Education in the words following : " The following named persons, to-wit : James Frazee, John P. Shumway, Abel H. Toll, Henry Y. Allen, Silas H. Nichols, Payne Bigelow, and their successors, to be chosen as hereinafter pro vided, are hereby constituted a corporation by the name of the Board of Education for the Baldwins ville Academy and Union Free School." The schools organized under this charter are three — two primary and one academic, the latter the Baldwinsville Free Academy. It is subject to the visitation of the Regents of the State Uni versity, and draws its annual proportion of the Literature Fund. There are three buildings, two of brick and one of wood, the Academy building being a fine structure, occupying sightly and well ornamented grounds. It was erected in 1865, and cost, including site, about $25,000. The lot con tains 800 square rods. The lots of the three schools are valued at $10,000, and the buildings at $21,000. There are eleven teachers located as follows : R. J. Round, A. M., Principal ; Miss J. L. Wright, Miss Olivia Bigelow and Miss Sarah A. Barber, teachers in the Academy ; Miss Mary Hannan, Miss Mary Wetherby and Miss Hattie Peet, teachers on the north side ; Miss Marian McClenthen, Miss Ellen Lusk and Miss Jennie Frazee, teachers on the south side. The aggregate teachers' salaries for the year ending October 1, 1877, were $5,267; the highest salary, $140 per month; the lowest, $24. Average attendance, 444 ; money expended during the school year, $8,304.84. Board of Education : S. C. Suydam, President ; W. F. Morris, C. N. Bliss, William L. Wilkins, A. K. Clark, M. Donovan. Churches. First Presbyterian Church, Baldwinsville. — Religious meetings were first held in the town of Lysander under the auspices of an Eastern Asso ciation of the Presbyterian Church, which sent out as a missionary Rev. Ebenezer Lazelle. Mr. Lazelle held his first service in a barn near Squire Munro's corner, July 13, 1813. A hogshead was made to answer for a pulpit, while the hay and rough boards served for seats. The Red School 320 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. House was built soon after, where the gravel bed now is on West Oneida street, and furnished the only place of worship for many years. The church was organized by Rev. Mr. Lazelle July 13, 1813, and consisted of the following four teen members, most of whom were from the region towards New Bridge : Cyrus and Susan Baldwin ; Thomas and Betsey Farrington ; George and Mary White ; Eunice, Sarah and Lucy Porter ; Levi Manasseh and Levi Manasseh, Jr. ; Mary Calkins and William VanFleet. Cyrus Baldwin, Thomas Farrington and George White were elected Elders, November 12, 1813. The first church edifice was a wooden building erected at a cost of $3,000 in 1830. In 1865 the present brick church on the corner of Oswego and Elizabeth streets was built, costing about $20,000. The Pastors of this church have been as follows : Rev. John Davenport, first Moderator of Onon daga Presbytery in 18 10, pastor five years — died here in 1821 ; Rev. E. C. Beach, afterwards at Lysander Church ; Rev. Dr. Kellogg, afterwards President of Knox College ; Rev. Townsend Walker, 184--51 ; Rev. J. R.Young, 1852-57; Rev. J. F. Kendall, D. D„ 1859-68 ; Rev. E. B. Parsons, present pastor since 1868. Rev. Rollin Porter, missionary to Africa ; Rev. Edwin Adams, missionary to Wisconsin at an early day, and Rev. E. R. Davis, city missionary in Chicago, were from this church. Present membership, three hundred and thirty- five ; Sunday School, three hundred and fifteen. Present officers of the church and society : Rev. Eben Burt Parsons, Pastor ; Hezekiah R. Dow, Isaac Harrington, Warner D. Wells, James Frazee, E. Kirby West, Warren S. White, James Selleck, James G. Smith and Edwin E. Wells, Elders ; George M. Angier, Hiram Bowman, D. B. Gid dings and John T. Skinner, Deacons; James G. Smith, Jonas M. Talmage, James L. Voorhees, Payne Bigelow, Garrett H. Hotaling, DeW. C. Turner, Charles N. Bliss, Hiram Bowman and John T. Skinner, Trustees. Baldwinsville Baptist Church. — In 18 15 meetings were held by Rev. Dudley Lamb in the Cold Spring settlement, town of Lysander. As a result of his labors three were baptized November 19, 1815, and two December 17, 1815. In June, 18 18, six more were added, and on the 23d of the month, after the consent of a neighboring Baptist Church had been obtained, the eleven were organ ized under the name of the " Second Baptist Church of Christ in Lysander." Services were held occa sionally in a school house, but little progress was made as a church for several years. In 1840 the church was removed to Baldwinsville, and on the 3d of October of that year its name was changed to " Baldwinsville Baptist Church." The first church edifice was built in Baldwins ville and dedicated January 31, 1841. The present church is a handsome brick structure costing $18- 000, and was dedicated in December, 1871. % The following have been pastors of the church for the years named : Dudley Lamb, 1815 ; Peter Witt, 1823-33; Augustus Warren, 1833; Peter Witt, 1833-39; s! Davidson, 1839-41 ; I. Butterfield, 1841-42; 0. Beckwith, 1842-43; H. Stillwell, 1843-44; Ira Bennet, 1845-48 ; Ira Dudley, 1848-49 ; A. Wells, i849-'5o; R. Winegar, i8si-'52; C. E. Elliot, i853-'54; A. Hall, Jr., i855-'s6; J. P. Simmons, 1857-61; J. S. Goodell, 1861-64; S. P. Merrill, i864-'69; B. O. True, 1870-72 ; J. N. Tolman, 1872-73 ; Charles Ayer, 1874-75 5 J- F. Genung, 1875-78. Present membership one hundred and six. Grace Church (Episcopal) Baldwinsville. — Organized July 27, 1835, Rev. Richard Salmon, of Geddes, presiding. James D. Wallace and Norman Kellogg were elected Wardens ; Stephen W. Baldwin, Clarence S. Bayley, Nehemiah B. Northrop, Benjamin C. Jeffries, Isaac T. Minard, Horace Baldwin, E. Austin Baldwin and Walter D. Herrick, Vestrymen. The first services were held in the latter part of 1833, by Rev. R. Salmon, of Geddes, and were continued by him on the third Sunday of each month in the Union Church, now Herrick's Hall. Mr. Salmon's removal interrupted the services which were almost given up for three years. Rev. George B. Engle became missionary in 1838, holding services on alternate Sundays. There were then but three communicants, one of them Mrs. Eliza M. Baldwin, to whom the parish afterwards was very much indebted. Services were held in a small school house belonging to her, which now forms part of Mr. Isaac M. Baldwin's house. Here her five children, together with three of Morgan J. Trowbridge's, were baptized May 19, , 1839. Tms is tne first baptism on the parish register. Rev. Mr. Engle removed to Indiana in 1841 and there was no more service for five years. Rev., Samuel G. Appleton officiated for a little while in 1846, and then the only services till 1850 were three visitations by Bishop DeLancy. That year Rev. Theodore M. Bishop, of Fulton, held frequent Sunday afternoon services in a hall on the south side of the river and continued them till 1854. The corner stone of the present church edifice was laid in August, 1853, but owing to the blowing down of the frame and other discouragements, the RESIDENCE OF LYMAN NORTON RESIDENCE OF J. H. NORTON. PLA.NV.LLE, ONONDAGA C0U«Tr, NEW YW. ' *ST<"'£ " J"- N<""™- S"^"«R TO LVMAN Iftwro*. , Photo, by "W. V. Ranger, Syracuse. LYMAN NORTON. Lyman Norton was born in Hartford, Washington Co., N. Y., Dec. 3, 1809. His father was Jabez Norton, and his mother's maiden name Abigail Buck. The Norton family came originally from France, in September, 1006, and settled in England ; their descendants emigrated to America about the year 1630, and settled on Martha's Vineyard, in Maine, and near Boston, Mass. His great-grandfather, Jabez Norton, born on Martha's Vine yard, was a farmer, and died at Mattapoisett ; his wife was Elizabeth Allen, of Salisbury, a near relative of Gen. Ethan Allen, of Revolutionary memory. His grandfather, Aaron Nor ton, of Martha's Vineyard, married Abigail Norton (of the Maine branch). Jabez Norton, father of Lyman Norton, was born July 11, 1777, and married Abigail Buck, daughter of Col. John Buck and Abigail Arnold, of New Haven, Conn. Col. Buck was an ardent patriot, serving in the Revolutionary army from Bunker Hill to Yorktown. The family consisted of five children, — three sons and two daughters. Lyman received a common-school education, and in 1826 entered the store of Harlow C. Wetherell, at Hartford, as clerk. He engaged to go with his uncle, John Buck, at Snow's Bridge, near Jack's Reef; he arrived at that place Oct. 10, 1826, and was employed as clerk and assistant, superintend ing disbursements attending the work of excavating the State drain at Jack's Reef, then in course of construction. In 1830, in company with his uncle, John Buck, he built a store at Plain ville, which was occupied by them Nov. 1, 1830, in conducting a mercantile business. Jan. 20, 1836, he married Ann Maria, daughter of Aaron R Vedder and -Nancy Allen, formerly of Schenectady, N. Y. They have a family of three children, all of whom are living, viz., Jabez H., who succeeded to the business, and is by profes sion an attorney-at-law ; he is now justice of the peace, and was chairman of the Democratic county committee in 1876. John V., who resides at Memphis, N. Y., a graduate of Union college, and a civil engineer by profession ; he has been engaged on important works in Peru, South America, and in New York. Sarah Ella, now residing with her father. In 1830 he was elected school inspector; in 1836 justice of the peace, and for twenty-four consecutive years held that posi tion; for several terms he was supervisor of his town. In 1851 he was elected member of the assembly. For many years he was postmaster, and filled other local offices. He was one of the first inspectors of the Onondaga County penitentiary, which position he held five years, and organized the workings of the prison. In politics he is a Democrat, of the Jefferson and Jackson school. He was a skillful marksman, a keen hunter, a favorite, and held in high estimation among the hardy backwoodsmen of the county. From his early savings he located land warrants in the west, the proceeds of which constitute his property. As a merchant he was lenient in business ; the poor man was never forced for payment, but was often assisted, and his books show hundreds of outlawed and unpaid debts standing in the name of men whose descendants are now flourishing business men of the west. As a public officer he was found never to encourage litigation, but his efforts were directed to settle legal difficulties. A large portion of his time was devoted to settling up the estates of his neighbors. Photo, by W. V. Banger, Syracuse. DR. J. E. HILTS. Dr. J. E. Hilts was born in Jamesville, Onondaga County, December 2, 1843, the fourth child of James and Margaret Hilts. The father died in 1874 ; the mother is still living, in Brandon, Wisconsin. Their children were as follows : Emily, Hiram G., Caroline C, James Edward, subject of this sketch, and Ada M. The sisters are all married. Hiram G., the brother, was born December 31, 1835, in De Wittville. Vol unteered as a private in Co. C, 122d Regiment New York Vol unteers, and was killed in the battle of Gettysburg, July 3, 1863. Dr. Hilts received his early education in the district schools of his native town. At about eighteen years of age he began to learn the sash-making trade, and followed the business two years in Jamesville. For the next three years, or thereabouts, he engaged in jobbing in gypsum quarries. Went to Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, where for two or three years he was foreman in a sash and blind factory. On the 24th of September, 1868, he commenced the study of dentistry in Berlin, Wisconsin, under the instructions of Dr. P. B. Wightman, a celebrated dentist of that place, and continued with him for two years up to 1870. After practice and study of the profession for a period of five years, he took a course of study in the Philadel phia dental college, from which he took a diploma, February 28, 1874. In the fall of the same year he located in Baldwins ville, and has since followed his chosen profession in that place. A thorough student, a skillful operator, though young compara tively in years, few have attained a higher standing in his pro fession than has Dr. Hilts. He was married, April 2, 1871, to Ellen F. Weller, daughter of Thomas and Susan Weller, of Lafayette, Onondaga County. They have one son, Hiram E., born January 24, 1872. In polities he is a Republican. Is a member of the Masonic fra ternity, being a Past Master of Seneca River Lodge, No. 160. HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 321 building was not finished till i860. It was con secrated November 13, i860. Till 1864, services were held by Rev. Henry Gregory, D. D., of Syra cuse. On the first of July, 1865, Rev. W. M. Beauchamp became Rector and has continued such up to the present time. In i860, there were twenty- three communicants ; the present number is one hundred and seventeen. The church lot was a gift of Mrs. Eliza M. Baldwin, who died August 8, 1 87 1. Her worth and services are commemorated by a beautiful memorial window in the church. St. Mary's (Catholic) Church, Baldwins ville. — Prior to the erection of St. Mary's Church, Rev. Michael Hackett and Rev. Joseph Guerdet had labored as missionaries in Baldwinsville. But chiefly through the indefatigable efforts of Rev. Samuel Mulloy, tbe church was built and conse crated in 185 1. The church property is valued at $10,000, and about four hundred families are con nected with the parish. The regular pastors here have been as follows, in the order named : Rev. Samuel Mulloy, Rev. William McCallian, Rev. James Smith, Rev. P. F. Smith, Rev. P. B. McNulty, Rev. Mr. O'Keiffe, Rev. G. S. Lynch, and Rev. F. Fransus, the present pastor. First Methodist Episcopal Church. — From data furnished by the late Rev. A. B. Gregg, we trace the history of Methodism in Baldwinsville back to the year 1821, when James Baldwin, an exhorter, held meetings in a log school house nearly a mile out of the village on the south side of the river. He soon formed a class of seven members, viz ; James Baldwin, Eliza Linsday, Miriam Linsday, Abraham Gillett, Polly Gillett, Samuel Wigent and Cynthia Wigent. Through the active labors of this class an extensive revival ensued. The first traveling preachers were Manly Tooker and Nathaniel Salis bury. Baldwinsville was then a part of Marcellus Circuit and Chenango District in the Old Genesee Conference. In 1828, Baldwinsville was transferred to the old Cayuga District and included in Lysander Circuit. Rev. George Gary was Presiding Elder of the district. In 1829 Baldwinsville and Lysander Circuit were transferred to Oneida Conference, Rev. John Demp ster, Presiding Elder. In 1836, Baldwinsville and Lysander appear in the Oswego District of said Conference. In 1838 there were twenty-five members in the Baldwinsville class. In 1839 meetings were held in a school house on the north side of the river. In 1840 Baldwinsville was transferred from Lysander 50* to Clay Circuit, and in 1843 became a station with forty-five members, but without a dollar of church property. Worship was then held in the old red school house, now a dwelling house. August 29, 1 843, at a meeting called for the purpose, E. Hickok, A. Dayton, B. Nichols, T. Nichols and D. Derby shire were elected Trustees of the First Methodist Church. A lot was bought of the Baldwin estate and a neat wooden church edifice erected, which was dedicated by Rev. Gardner Baker in December, 1844. In June, 1869, a resolution was passed for the erection of a new church, the society having outgrown the capacity of the old one. The new building was finished and dedicated October 20, 1870. It has a seating capacity for about 650, and cost, including lot and furniture, $32,500. It is a fine brick structure and occupies a very central and beautiful site in the village. The present member ship is three hundred and thirty and the Sunday School about two hundred. The pastors of this church have served in the following order : Rev. Ebenezer Arnold, two years ; Rev. H. E. Chapin, one year ; Rev. R. M. West, one year ; Rev. B. Phillips, one year ; Rev, B. Alden, two years ; Rev. L. D. White, two years ; Rev. A. S. Wightman, one year ; Rev. R. N. Barber, one year ; Rev. E. W. Jones, one year; Rev. W. A. Nichols, one year ; Rev. H. Skeel, two years ; Rev. W. Jones, two years ; Rev. A. T. Copeland, one year ; Rev. R. Redhead, two years ; Rev. D. W. Rooney, two years ; Rev. H. M. Church, Rev. A. Rowe, two years ; Rev. O. H. Warren, Rev. William Manning, two years ; Rev. O. A. Houghton, one year ; Rev. A. B. Gregg, (died March 31, 1878,) two years. Masonic. The petition for a lodge at Lysander, Onondaga Co., by the name of Pleiades No. 354, was dated October 18, 1822, and is signed by Silas Wallace and others. December 4, 1822 the prayer was granted and warrant issued December 7, 1822. Zadock Washburn, M. ; Asa Preston, S. W. ; and James Wells, J. W. No return of any kind was ever subsequently made to Grand Lodge, either for payment of dues or election of officers ; nor was the warrant, subse quently forfeited, ever returned to the Grand Lodge. Seneca River Lodge, No. 160, was formed by dispensation February 12, 1850, on the petition of the following named brethren, viz : Sanford C. Parker, M. ; Heber Wetherby, S. W. ; John Lakin, J. W. ; Squire Munro, Wm. A. Wilson, Joseph Tyler, Elida Wilson, Elisha Clark, Wilson Bates, John Buck, L. L. Worcester, Zadock Washburn, Asahel Dolbar, J. L. Fenner, Horace J. Shumway. The warrant was issued June 6, 1850. 322 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. The following have been Masters of the Lodge : Sanford C. Parker, 185 1 ; Heber Wetherby, 1852 ; Sanford C. Parker, 1853 ; Payne Bigelow, 1854; J. Barker Frisbie, 1855, I. M. Baldwin, 1856; J. Barker Frisbie, 1857-58 ; Wm. H. Slau- son, 1859; John H. Morgan, i860; Henry Y. Allen, 1861-66 ; J. P. Shumway, 1867-71 ; Horace J. Frazee, 1872-75; H. B. Allen, 1876; J. E. Hilts, 1877. Present membership, one hundred and twenty- five. On the 29th of March, 1873, the lodge room and furniture were consumed by fire, involving an entire loss, except $600 insurance. The lodge charter was renewed after the fire. Hon. Payne Bigelow was the first member initi ated in the Seneca River Lodge in 1850. Mr. George Hawley is the oldest mason in this part of the county, he having been initiated in Washington Lodge in 1820. Riverside Chapter No. 260 was organized in February, 187 1, under a dispensation from the Grand Chapter of the State of New York. Char ter Members— D. M. Rankin, H. F. Hawley, N. H. Husted, D. Gould, H. Y. Allen, J. B. Frisbie, John Harvey, Lewis Smith, John S. Kenyon and T. Chase. A charter was granted in February, 1872. March 29, 1873, the lodge rooms were burned, involving a complete loss of furniture and fixtures. The present membership is 84. High Priests since the organization : D. M. Rankin, 1871-72; H. F. Hawley, 1873- '75 ; S. C. Suydam, 1876 ; James L. Voorhees, 1877 ; F. A. Marvin, 1878. After the fire the Chapter was rechartered at the same time as Seneca River Lodge. Odd-Fellowship. In the year 1845, Hon. Daniel T. Jones, O. B. Herrick, Charles H. Weed, John W. Smith and William A. Wilson, qualified themselves to organize Mohegan Lodge, No. 129, I. O. O. F. The lodge was organized with the following officers : Daniel T. Jones, N. G. ; Charles H. Weed, V. G. ; John W. Smith, Secretary ; William A. Wilson, Treasurer. The first meetings were held in a room in the old Seneca Hotel ; afterwards suitable rooms were fitted up in the "old brick store," which were occupied till 1874, in which year the hall in the Union Hall Block was fitted up. The new lodge room was dedicated by tbe Rt. Worthy Grand Master, John W. Stebbins, assisted by Hon. Schuyler Colfax. In 1850, the Lodge was renumbered 33. Later the Lodge received its present number, 29. The original Lodge consisted of six, who were all charter members. There have been received by initiations and otherwise 433 members, and its present membership is 95. The names of the present officers are as follows John McGonegal, N. G.; Miles Smith, V. G. R. Richardson, Treas.; John F. Genung, Sec'y James Bolton, Perm. Secy. Judge Otis Bigelow was born in Worcester Mass., Feb. 1, 1785. His father, Asahel Bigelow' was a soldier in the war of the Revolution. Judge Bigelow graduated at Balston Spa Acad emy, in Saratoga County, at an early age, and soon after commenced the study of law. At the break ing out of the last war with England in 1812, young Bigelow joined the volunteer militia of Saratoga county and vicinity, and marched to Sackett's Har bor and served one year. In the spring of 1813 he came from there to Baldwinsville and commenced the business of a merchant, and continued in that business successfully until 1863. At that time and for a number of years previous, he was the oldest merchant in the county. On the 27th of December, 18 13, he was married to Miss Mary Payne, of Fort Miller, by whom he had ten children, five of whom survive him. Judge Bigelow was appointed a Justice of the Peace in March, 1821, and acted as such for many years. He had a clear knowledge of the principles of law — as a proof of which, his opinions and advice were, until within the last ten years previous to his death, very often sought by persons involved, or about to be involved in litigation. He was the third Postmaster at Baldwinsville, appointed in 1828, and remained such for twelve successive years, under the administrations of Presi dents Jackson and Van Buren. In 1828 he was appointed Judge of Onondaga County, and held that office ten years. In 183 1, he was elected a member of the Assembly for this county. His golden wedding was duly celebrated Decem ber 27, 1863. His religious views were those of the Presbyterian order, and he was a regular attend ant of that church, although not a member, from its organization in Baldwinsville, until disabled by his final sickness, and died in the faith of the Gospel. As a merchant and man of business, he was remark ably shrewd and successful, and was at the time of his decease one of the wealthiest men in the county. No man was more energetic, untiring and system atic in business. He was a good financier, of sound judgment in matters of business and of strong common sense ; true, he was strict in exacting what was his due, but exceedingly lenient toward those . ! s • taR&wsftiJ... HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 323 who were unfortunate and unable to pay. His for tune was not acquired by speculation, nor any sudden investment; his gains were sure and constant. In short, he was an honorable man, and honored, re spected and esteemed by those who knew him best. PLAINVILLE, Originally called Wilson's Corners, is a small village in the western part of the town of Lysander. William Wilson, Sen., was the first settler in 1806. Around him were settled A. B. Scofield, Silas Sco- field, Simon Town and David Carroll, in 1810. In 1813, came Peter Voorhees, who died in 1816, and his son, Col. J. L. Voorhees, who became promi nent in the neighborhood, and noted as a man of large business enterprises in Baldwinsville and Syra cuse. Abram Daily, Marvin Adams, and Ruleph Schenck, father of Dr. B. B. Schenck, settled in the neighborhood in 181 5, or near that date, and John Bratt, in 18 16. A postoffice was established here in 1821. At that time the settlers suggested the name of " Farm- ersville," but there being a postoffice already of that name, Plainville was given by the Department. A weekly mail was received at that time, passing from the village of Camillus to Lysander and back. The office was at first kept by Mr. Stoddard a mile and a half south of Plainville. Following him as Postmasters were Simon Town, John Buck, Dr. B. B. Schenck, Lyman Norton, Esq., and Dr. B. B. Schenck, again, in 1862, who is present Post master. The first schools were taught in log houses in the vicinity ; the first school house being erected in 1819, in which Amos Adams was the first teacher, and Samuel Richards his successor. The school is District No. 5, town of Lysander. It has now two departments, employing one teacher in each, and a brick schoolhouse which was erected in 1874. A second frame school house was also built for the district in 1841, but gave place to the new brick building. The Christian Church, Plainville, originated in the labors of Eld. Obediah E. Morrill, and was organized in 1820. Elder Morrill continued about twenty years to minister to his -flock and was suc ceeded by Eld. E. J. Reynolds for about seven or eight years, who was followed by Elders A. E Doty and John C. Waggoner; the latter died in 1852. The church edifice (frame) was built in 183 1 ; burnt April, 1852 ; replaced in 1854 by present brick structure. For the past nine years services have continued uninterruptedly. Present pastor Rev. Ezra McAlpine. Dr. B. B. Schenck has controlled the medical practice here for thirty-nine years, up to June, 1876, when he gave place to Richard B. Sullivan, M. D., a graduate of New York Homeopathic Medical College. Plainville has one dry goods store (started in 1830,) one blacksmith and wagon shop (1833) and one shoemaker's shop. Memoranda of the Wilson Family. — The present William Wilson belongs to the third gene ration of William Wilsons, who have lived at " Wilson's Corners," now Plainville. William Wil son, the grandfather, who was a Christian preacher, came here from Vermont in 1806, when his son, who was known as William Wilson, Sen., was ten years of age. The latter was married twice — first, April 14, 1 8 16, to Polly Shepherd, by whom he had three children who lived to maturity, two of whom are still living. His first wife died December, 1825, and he married July 4, 1826, Hannah Clyne, for his second wife, by whom he had eight children, his oldest son and name-sake, William, is his suc cessor on the old homestead, where he was born July 3, 1828, and has acquired the reputation of one of the most energetic and successful farmers in this section of country. Frederick W. Fenner. — Born in Pompey, N. Y., in 181 1 ; came to Lysander with his father's family when six years of age ; married June 26, 1834, to Miss Ellen S. Schenck, of Lysander, daughter of Ruleph and Elisie Schenck, and sister of B. B. Schenck, M. D., of Plainville. The fruit of this marriage was six children, four of whom survive, and two are deceased — the oldest and the youngest child. The youngest son living remains on the place with his mother. One daughter is en gaged in teaching in the public schools in Carroll- ton, 111. Sarah E. Fenner, another daughter, mar ried S. A. Vedder, and resides in the same city. Mr. Fenner died February 24, 1875, suddenly of pneumonia which was epidemic at that time. He purchased a farm in the town of Lysander where he built a fine residence, and added largely to the amount of land and improvements, leaving behind him at his death one of the finest farm properties in this region of country, as a lasting monument to his industry and excellent taste. ;He has also left evidences of his moral worth, having been a promi nent temperance man, and largely identified with the educational interests of his town. He was its first School Superintendent, appointed by the Governor, and also held the office of Town Clerk for one term. As a devoted, earnest advocate of reform and friend to the poor, Mr. Fenner had few superiors, 324 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. and he has left behind him a record eminently worthy of emulation. Their eldest son, James B., resides in Delphi, in this county, where he is engaged in mercantile business. LYSANDER. Lysander, a small unincorporated village situated on lots 43 and 44, eight miles northwest of Bald winsville, and four and one-half miles west of Lam- son's Station on the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad. It was first settled about the year i8io-'ii, and went by the name of Vickery's Settlement, a family or two by that name having located here. About the year 1817, Chauncey Betts, and his brother-in-law, Mr. Skinner, located here and set up a store and built and carried on a small distillery, and a potash manufactory. A few years later his brother, Jared Betts, moved in, and their father, Nathan Betts, a Revolutionary pen sioner, who lived to the advanced age of ninety- four years. At this time it began to be called Bett's Corners, and went by that name until a post- office was established ; they then gave it the name of Lysander, which name it retains to the present day. The village now contains about seventy dwell ing houses, two churches, Methodist and Congrega tional, two stores, general merchandise, kept by L. W. & I. E. Connell and W. C. Winchel & Co., a hardware store and tin shop combined, kept by Britton & Wooster, a blacksmith shop, two wagon shops, a hotel kept by Elijah Lake, a shoe shop, harness shop, two millinery shops, two physicians, (George McCarthy, located in -1846; Leslie Martin, located in 1867 ;) a foundry and a churn factory. Among the earlier merchants was Chas. Royce, who held the office of Justice of the Peace ; Dr. George Morley, who was also a Justice of the Peace, later was succeeded by John Halsted ; also Jos. P. Bunn, Clark Berry and Richard L. Smith, who was elected about 1857, and has continued in office to the present time. Cornelius C. Hubbard moved in from Montgomery County at an early day, set up a store, and held the office of Postmaster. Among those that have held the office since were Chauncey Betts, Willard P. Bump, George A. Allen, Barclay Wooster, H. W. Andrews, William Culun, Rich ard L. Smith, Sara C. Winchel, who holds the office at the present time. Others of the earlier settlers were Richard Smith, Richard Lusk, Grover Buel, Abram Van Doren, John Slauson, George W. Brown, Isaac and Alfred Smith, who were successful farmers. The Congregational Church of Lysander. The first church was organized here on the 19th of October, 1 820, by the Rev. John Davenport, and called " The Second Presbyterian Church of Lysander." It then consisted of nine members : Wm. Townsend, Aaron F. Vedder, Margaret Saf ford, Harvey Smith, Altie Voorhees, Thos. Ambler, Catherine Ambler, Henry Perine and Charlotte Smith. Meetings were held in the school house and at the residences of individuals in the neigh borhood. The ministers that officiated at that time were Rev. S. V. Barnes, Rev. Mr. Cushman, Rev. Horatio Lombard, Rev. Mr. Clark, Rev. Mr. Bogue, Rev. Asahel Bronson and Rev. E. C. Beach. On the first of March, 1828, the "First Protest ant Reformed Dutch Church" was organized by the Rev. James Stevenson. Aaron F. Vedder and David L. Relyea were chosen Elders, and Alonzo North and George Curtis, Deacons. They, to gether with the Presbyterian Church, erected a church for their joint use and occupancy, which was the first church erected in this vicinity. This jointure did not work smoothly, and was not produc tive of the results anticipated by its founders, and in the year 1833, the Presbyterians erected a house of worship of their own, and the Rev. Ebenezer C. Beach was settled as pastor Jan. 1, 1834, and went at the work zealously and effectually, until the eleventh of April, 1858, when he was, through infirmity, com pelled to resign, having become very deaf and totally blind. The church was very successful under his ministrations, and reached during the time a mem bership of upwards of three hundred. He was succeeded by Rev. Joshua B. Hall, i859-'64. Rev. Wm. R. Powers settled in 1865 * Rev- Samuel L. Merrell 1867-75. Among the prominent members- of the church were Chauncey Betts, Wm. Townsend, Justus Townsend, Sperry Bouton, Asa Benedict, Henry Perine, Benjamin F. Davis and Noadiah Hart, the latter two of whom are still living. During this time the Protestant Reformed Dutch Church continued and was very successful. Rev, Aaron A. Marcellus, first pastor, i830-'3i ; Rev. Melancthon B. Williams, 1834-37 ; Rev. William J. Bradford, 1849-56; Rev. F. V. Van Vranken, 1861-65; Rev. J. Henry Endus, 1866-69; Rev. J. F. Shaw, 1869-70; Rev.Wm. A. Wurts, 1872-76. Deaths and removals had so reduced the member ship of both of these churches, and differing only in the non-essential particular of church govern ment, on the third of May, 1877, His Honor, Geo. A. Hardin, caused an order to be entered uniting and consolidating the two corporations into one, under the name and title of " The Congregational iii .>ill Residence and Tobacco Barns of WV! WILSON, Plainville, onowmga cooktv. N.y ,TT©HIir 2 jmeiDc HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 325 Church and Society of Lysander." On the 18th of December following, Henry T. Sell, a young man, graduate of Wesleyan University, class of 1873, Yale Theological Seminary 1877, was ordained and installed as pastor, and the new church now num bers about one hundred and twenty-five families ; one hundred and sixty communicants, and a mem bership of two hundred and fifty. Sunday School upwards of three hundred. Methodist Episcopal Church of Lysander. — In 1830 or 1831, Rev. Elijah Barnes and Rev. Benjamin Rider were appointed to the Lysander circuit which at that time embraced Amboy, War ner Settlement, Cold Spring, New Bridge, Ira, Hard- scrabble Wellington, State Road, Palmertown, Horton Settlement and Oswego Bitter. Through the united labors of these two men a " class " was organized at Betts Corners, now Lysander P. O., which has since grown into the present flourishing society. Obedient Slauson and wife, John Slauson and wife, and G. W. Brown and wife are thought to be the members of the first class organized. In later years this circuit was reduced to Lysander, Little Utica, Hull's Corners, Bowen's Corners and Coday's School House, but at present it embraces only Lysander and Little Utica. Previous to An son Fuller's pastorate in 1844, the s.ociety held their religious services in private houses and school houses, but in this year a very comfortable church was erected which was completed and dedicated the following year. In 1849, a parsonage was pur chased. In 1855, the church was repaired and en larged, and in 1872 was again repaired and is now an ornament to the society. The following named ministers have served the church at different times : Rev. Elijah Barnes, Rev. Benj. Rider, Rev. Wm. Mekoon, Rev. Miles H. Gaylord, Rev. Burrows Holmes, Rev. J C. Steward, Rev. L. L. Adkins, Rev. Turner Van Tassel, Rev. Allen H. Tiloton, Rev. Rowland Soule, Rev. J. Kilpatrick, Rev. Moses Lyon, Rev. Ebenezer Arnold, Rev. F. Hancock, Rev. L. L. Adkins, Rev. Josiah Arnold, Rev. J. T, Alden, Rev. Anson Fuller, Rev. Joseph Lamb, Rev. R. M. West, Rev. Almon Chapin, Rev. Royal Houghton, Rev. Harris Kinsley, Rev. John R. Lewis, Rev. K. M. Roe, Rev. David Stone, Rev. Wm. Morse. Rev. H. Skeel, Rev. I. Turney, Rev. Joseph Smidley, Rev. S. B. Crozier, Rev. Geo. C Wood, Rev. G. W. Foster, Rev. Wm. C. Mc Donald, Rev. P. H. Wiles, Rev. E J. Bush, Rev. J. Hond, Rev. Fred. Devit and Rev. H. B. Smith. The above seemingly large list of pastors is ac counted for by the fact that in the early days of the Methodist church, it was customary for two preach ers to travel together as colleagues, and this plan 5' was continued in this circuit during the first twelve years. The present membership of this society is about one hundred. John Halsted, Esq., son of Jonas Halsted, was born in Ulster County, N. Y., in 1800, He was brought to this county the same year on horseback in his mother's arms in the dead of winter. His father located at Geddes with the design of making salt ; remained till spring, and moved to Aurelius, Cayuga County ; thence in the spring of 1804 to Ohio, where he died, and the subject of this sketch began living with his grandfather, in the town of Lysander, whom he assisted in clearing up his farm from a wilderness, and with whom he remained till his death, at the age of eighty years. Mr. Halsted then purchased a farm, Lot No. 53, town of Lysander, where he lived in a log cabin, and began a career which has resulted in the most eminent success. By industry and economy he has accumulated a handsome property, and was succes sively elected Town Assessor and Justice of the Peace. In 1869 he sold his farm, and has since made his residence with Mrs. Van Derveer in Ly sander. Although retired from active business, his mental faculties are still unimpaired, and he is living in the quiet enjoyment of the fruits of his industry and economy. John Van Derveer was born in Montgomery County in 1803, and came to this county in 1825. In 1839 he married Electa Cole, and took up a new farm where his widow, Mrs. Electa Van Derveer, now resides. He died in 1867, aged sixty-three years. Mrs. Van Derveer was born in Cayuga County in 1810, and came to Lysander in 1815. Since the decease of her husband she has conducted her home farm of one hundred and twenty-five .acres, on which she has made valuable improve ments, and has also a farm in Cayuga County. Harvey H. Russ was born in the town of Van- Buren, Onondaga County, N. Y., April 15, 1833, and was brought up on a farm, receiving a common school education. In 1858, he married Miss Ruth Betts, of Lysander, and has one child living. In 1865, he purchased the place where he now resides — one hundred acres of rich alluvial land, as fine as can be found in the county — on which, in 1 867, he began experimenting in hop raising ; planting six teen acres. Under his judicious management the business has proved quite successful. Mr, Russ, by both his paternal and maternal ancestors, is a descendant of some of the oldest families of Pompey. His grandfather was one of 326 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK the first settlers in that town. Polly Russ, his aunt, was born in Pompey in 1793. John Hatch, his maternal grandfather, was one of the first settlers at " Indian Hill," in the town of Pompey, and moved there from Vermont in an ox cart. Mr. Russ's father, Ralph Russ, settled in the town of Van Buren in 1827. LITTLE UTICA. The first settlers of this place were Reuben Coffin, John Butler, Benjamin Rathbun, Sanford Dunham, John H. Lamson, James Ends, who was Justice ofthe Peace ; Elijah Fairbanks, who kept the first store in the place ; Peter Earll, Samuel White, Lucius Gunn, B. M. Ells, Nicholas and Carmi Harrington, Ezra Baker, who was a physician living one mile from the place. Dunham & Baker built a saw-mill on the outlet of Beaver Lake in 1825, and a saw-mill standing on the same site is now doing business. A postoffice was established in 1832, then called Paynesville ; Noah Payne, who then kept a store, was postmaster. Some ten or fifteen years after, the name of the postoffice was changed to Little Utica. Little Utica has one store, two blacksmith shops, a hotel, a cigar factory, saw-mill, cheese factory, and some very good dwelling houses. Methodist Episcopal Church, Little Utica. — The first Methodist class of this place originated in the conversion of Mr. George Kellogg, through the instrumentality of Rev. Mr. Rundall, of Fulton, who paid the former a visit during an attack of ill ness, and preached several times in the neighbor hood. Mr. Kellogg and several others were con verted ; a great revival ensued at the village of Lysander, in which the people of Little Utica took apart; a class was formed, September 24, 1832, called the " Palmertown Class," of which George Kellogg was appointed leader. The names of the more prominent members are as follows : George Kellogg and wife, Sally Coffin, Ransom Foster and wife, Asahel Fuller and wife, William Fancher and wife, Jonathan Palmer and wife, Zenas Curtiss and wife, and John Bogardus and wife. (For names of ministers, see Lysander M. E. Church.) The conversion of William Fancher, about the time of the organization of this class, was an event of no little importance to the church. Mr. Fancher was a young man of promise, the son of a local preacher, and began at once to exercise his gifts in public services. He soon became class-leader, hold: ing class and prayer meetings in which many were converted, and has continued an earnest worker ever since. i The church edifice was erected in 1834, and was repaired in 1857, and again in 1875. It is. now a plain, neat and comfortable church, with large and interested congregations and a membership of- one hundred and twenty. Present pastor, Rev. H. B. Smith. JACKSONVILLE, Originally called " Palmertown," became the seat of a postoffice under the administration of Jas. K. Polk. It was then called " Polkville P. O." Dur ing the last' administration of President Lincoln the postoffice was removed to Little Utica. It is a small hamlet at the cross-roads west of Little Utica, con taining a carriage, joiner and undertaker's estab lishment, conducted by Alanson Fancher & Son, a country store, Allen & Lewis, proprietors, a cider mill, boot and shoe shop of W. A. Wright, and tan nery, by B. Hazard. Jonathan Palmer was the first settler, and built the first house in the place on Lot 36, which he drew as a bounty for his services in the Revolutionary war. He served through the war with six brothers, and was a pioneer in Lysander when the country was a wilderness. His brother, Nathaniel, now settled on part of his original land, while stationed on the Hudson during the Revolution, assisted in drawing a chain across that river to intercept the progress of the British. White Chapel of the M. E. Church, Cold Spring. — Mr. George White and others were the founders of the society about the time of the first settlement of the town of Lysander. Religious services were held here the earliest in the town, in a school house where the church now stands. The present edifice was erected in 1861, being built by Silas Nichols, of Baldwinsville, and costing $1,400. The present membership is about one hundred ; Sunday school in summer of about fifty scholars. The present pastor, Rev. Frank Andrews, resides in Liverpool, with which charge White Chapel is connected. =0 . - HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 327 VAN BUREN Van Buren was organized in 1829, and received its name from Hon. Martin Van Buren, then newly elected Governor of the State of New York. The territory embraced in it was originally part of the township of Camillus, of the Military Tract, and included in the town of Marcellus from the organi zation of the county in 1794 to the organization of the town of Camillus in 1799. On the 26th of March, 1829, it was taken from the northern part of Camillus and organized into the town of Van Buren. Gabriel Tappan was one of the Commis sioners appointed to effect the formation of the new town. The surface of the town is somewhat level com pared with the southern portions of the county, yet it is in many places beautifully undulating, and the land, especially the valleys of the small streams, rich and productive. Perhaps there is no section of the county, of an equal number of square miles, better adapted to agricultural purposes or contain ing less waste land. The sandy loam chiefly pre vails, alternating with clay loam, some muck and beds of marl and calcarious tufa, and affording a wide range of productions, among which wheat, corn, fruit and tobacco take the lead. The town has long been noted for its excellent crops of wheat and corn. The best land, perhaps, for the produc tion of the latter crop is that in the vicinity of Jack's Reefs, while the best wheat land is that characterized by an outcrop of the red clay shales in the northwest part of the town. The proportion of clay soil as compared with the sandy and gravel ly loam is very small. In the immediate vicinity of Baldwinsville the soil is chiefly sandy, while in the more eastern portion it is gravelly loam intermixed with small stones and boulders. A ride through the town of Van Buren will show a finely improved country both in respect to lands and buildings, the houses being neat and substan tial, and the barns capacious, well underpinned with stone, finished outside with clapboards, painted, and often surmounted with cupolas or towers, which render them sightly and attractive. Early Settlement, j The first temporary settlement was made in the town by John Dunn, who settled on Lot No. 12, about one mile south of Baldwinsville in 1789. He made a small clearing, and subsequently, after the death of his wife, left the country. John McHarrie, Sen., came from the State of Maryland and settled on the south bank of the Seneca River, (Lot No. 7) in the latter part of 1789. John McHarrie, Jr., became a resident of the town (then included in Camillus) in 1794, and Mary and Lydia McHarrie soon after. They all rest in the Baldwinsville Cemetery, and were the first persons buried in that ground. David Haynes and Joseph Wilson were early settlers in the town, probably as early as 1790, or soon after, David Haynes came from Salina. His son, Col. Thaddeus Haynes, still lives on almost the same spot occupied by bis father, and is now (1878) one of the oldest residents of Van Buren. Col. Gabriel Tappan settled in Van Buren Feb ruary 18, 1796. He was a prominent citizen and father of Wallace Tappan, Esq., of Baldwinsville. William Lindsay, 1795 ; Jacob and Chester Molby, the Delanos ; Asher, John, Stephen, Abraham and William Tappan. about 1797 ; Reuben Smith, 1800 ; John and William Lakin, James and John Williams, and Ira. Barnes, soon after 1800 ; James Wells, 1803. In about 1800, or soon after, Eleazer Dunham, Amos, Seth and Heman Warner founded Warner's Settlement, and Benjamin Bolton located at Jack's Reefs. The latter place, we are informed, took its name from a Colored man known as " Jack," who lived near the rapids at an early day and assisted boatmen in transferring their freight. Gilbert Totten settled at Jack's Reefs, in the town of Van- Buren, in 1810. He subsequently owned consider able land at the Reefs, and raised a large family. Charles H. Toll, Phineas Barnes, Isaac Earll and Jonathan Skinner, also settled in town about the year 18 10, and about 18 12 Nicholas Vader, Cyrus H. Kingsley and Nathaniel Cornell. At this period the country was entirely new and presented few attractions for settlers, most of the people preferring the higher grounds of the towns of Camillus and Marcellus. The farmers who had 328 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. flocks were often obliged to fold them in high enclosures during the night for their protection against the wolves which prowled around in the forests in great numbers, and whose savage propen sities, whetted by hunger, made them very destruc tive. Bears were common and deer very plenty, having been driven from the higher grounds south by the clearing up of the lands. The first village or hamlet founded in the town was at the point now called Ionia, the name being given it by the postoffice established here in 1816 — the first postoffice in the town, Charles H. Toll, Postmaster. Phineas Barnes erected the first frame house here in 1808, and Isaac Earll and Charles H. Toll soon after erected others. Oliver and Job Nichols were afterwards Postmasters. The build ing of tbe Erie Canal attracted business to Canton (now Memphis) and destroyed the prospects of Ionia. The first town meeting for VanBuren was held at the house of Eleazer Dunham, March 26, 1829, at which Gabriel Tappan was elected Supervisor, and Abel Tryon, Town Clerk. The first lawyer was Theodore Popell, in 1818; the second, Medad Curtis, in 1829. The first physician, Dr. Jonathan S. Buell, settled at Ionia in 1 8 12 ; the second, Dr. William Laughlin, at Canton, (now Memphis) in 1815. In this town, a mile and a half south of the river at Baldwinsville and on the left side of the road to Warner's, is the site of an old stockade fort. It is on a low, oval hill, which rises on the south side of a small stream flowfng into Crooked Brook. Col. Thaddeus Haynes, Mr. J. Wells, and others, describe the circular line of post-holes, which were so close together as almost to form a ditch, until the ground was cleared and plowed. The palisades had fallen outward, and the bark of many still remained. The circle had an opening on the north, with a path down the steep bank to the water. Charred corn, arrow-heads, stone and clay pipes, and pottery, were plowed up. In 1878, every lodge could yet be traced. Generally the Indians frequented rapids which were important as fords and fishing stations. Hence the rapids along the Oneida, Oswego and Seneca Rivers are marked with the remains of In dian town sites. There are several about the vil lage of Baldwinsville : one at Float Bridge • an other on the hill north of the village ; one at the lock, and another a mile west, on the farm of C. H. Emerick, Lot No. 78, in Lysander. On the Van Buren side, there was one where several skeletons have been found, between Seneca and McHarrie streets ; another was far up Syra cuse street towards the river ; and a large village may be traced at the water's edge on the southwest corporation line, exhibiting a few traces of European intercourse. On the west side of Dead Creek, formerly called Camp Creek, from the Indian's camps, was a small settlement, and there are evidences of a grave-yard near the Indian orchard, farther west. This orchard was in a ravine near the river on Lot No. 3, Van Buren, and the last trees were cut down about 1873- Above the latter spot, at the foot of Bishop's Reefs is a curious pre-historic work, which has been over flowed ever since the building of the Baldwinsville dam. It is a stone fish-weir, on the Van Buren side, and opposite U. M. Kelley's, Lot No. 75 Lysander. It runs down stream on the south shore two hundred and five feet, with a depth of two feet ; then returns at a sharp angle, three hundred and twenty-five feet up the river, forming an angle like the letter V. To this must be added twenty-five feet more, making an obtuse angle to the south. North of this begins another .wall, running down one hundred and forty-five feet, and returning one hundred and sixty feet. These are rough measurements made from a boat in 1877. The walls are well laid, of large and small stones, and the south one reaches the surface only in ex tremely low water ; the north one is even then a foot beneath the surface. The total length is about eight hundred and sixty feet. Several others, partly destroyed, are to be seen some miles above. The valley of the Seneca is rich in relics of the stone age. Many beautiful and characteristic pipes have been found, formed in many ages and of varying forms and materials. Many fine ar ticles might be described from the valuable col lections of Messrs. Bigelow and Perkins, of Bald winsville, and those now in the Connecticut Historical Rooms. With a view to fuller preser vation, about seven hundred articles have been drawn and described by Rev. W. M. Beauchamp, of Baldwinsville, with their history as far as it could be ascertained. We may add to this general enumeration, stone plummets and cups, sinkers, pestles, hammers, gouges with a cross groove on the back, pierced tablets of many forms, stone clubs, and other mas sive things as yet unnamed. Two copper arrows have been found in the west part of Lysander, both having hafts instead of sockets. The last, which is very fine, was hoed up in 1 876, on Judge Voorhees Photo, by W. V. Ranger, Syracuse. A. W. BINGHAM. rhoto. by W. V. Ranger, Syracuse. This gentleman is a lineal descendant of the Daboll family of Connecticut, who have been noted for over a century as mathe maticians and scholars. All of us who have lived to fifty years of age remember Daboll's Arithmetic as among the standard school-books of our boyhood days. Nathan Daboll, the author of this arithmetic, was a brother of the grandfather of the sub ject of this record. The book was revised and republished by Nathan Daboll, A.M., son of the author, and is still in use in eastern Connecticut. The descendants of Nathan Daboll have for more than a century kept a nautical academy, for instruction in navigation and kindred sciences, at Groton, Conn., and have published a series of almanacs for the last hundred years or more. Henry Daboll is the oldest son of Jonathan and Betsey (Thomas) Daboll, and was born in Canaan, Litchfield Co., Conn., May 6, 1812. His father and mother died in Connecticut, the former Aug. 21, 1856, the latter Oct. 18, 1855, and were buried in the town of Canaan, Litchfield county. In early life Henry was bred to the occupation of a mechanic, and divided his time between that and teaching school till thirty years of age. He has been from boyhood of a studious and inquiring turn of mind, and most of his education has been acquired in the school of experience and self-culture. On Nov. 9, 1841, he married Miss Charlotte Goodwin, of Salisbury, Conn., and the following year came to the town of Van Buren, and settled on the farm where he now lives. He had visited the place and -purchased the farm prior to his mar riage. The enterprise of Mr. Daboll in ridding this farm of the pine stumps which covered it at the time of his settlement here is well known in the neighborhood, which was generally benefited by his example. He led the way to this improvement, being the first to inaugurate the use of the stumping-machine, that important benefactor of the farmers on the pine lands. In 1862, Mr. Daboll was elected justice of the peace, and held the office one term. He was connected with the Farmers' Joint Stock Insurance Company, of Meridian, N. Y., in the capacity of president and director, during the period of its existence. It was discontinued in April, 1877. He has also held the office of notary public for the last ten or twelve years, and has been active in educational and church matters, having been for thirty years a warden of Christ church, Jordan, and assisted in building two churches in that parish. Mr. and Mrs. Daboll have had a family of five children,— two sons and three daughters. The eldest son, Henry H. Daboll, is married, and lives on a farm adjoining the homestead; tbe eldest daughter, Mary, married Isaac E. Burdick, principal of the Prescott school, Syracuse. Mas. Daboll is of the ancient Goodwin family, of Saxon origin, who trace their lineage back to Harold Godwin, the Saxon king of England. The family are quite numerous in this country and considerably noted for their literary talents. Mrs. Daboll is a poet, a religious sentimentalist, and at heart a prac tical Christian philanthropist, delighting in affording sympathy, comfort, and aid to the poor and sorrowing. She writes much, many of her pieces having been published in magazines and newspapers, and she will probably yet be known more widely by her literary works. The writer of this, from his knowledge of the writings of Mrs. Daboll, is pleased to bear this testimony to her literary talents and Christian character, while at the same time she is eminently devoted to domestic duties and the affairs of her household. For many years Mr. and Mrs. Daboll have kept a record of each day's events, of things which have transpired within their knowledge and observation, and it has proven, in many instances, to be a collection of useful memoranda. PhotoB. by W.V. Ranger, Syracuse. HORACE B. BINGHAM. EMELINE J. BINGHAM. HORACE B. BINGHAM. Horace B. Bingham was born in North Coventry, Tolland Co., Conn., April 10, 1799. His early life was spent in alternately attending school and assisting his father. He married, March 10, 1824, Miss Emeline Jones, of Adrian, Tolland Co., Conn. In 1836, Mr. Bingham left his eastern home and moved with his family to Van Buren, Onondaga Co., N. Y., and in the following year purchased the farm upon which he spent the thirty remaining years of his life. Descended from New England ancestors, he possessed in a high degree the industry and rigid moral characteristics of that people. Upright and circumspect in all his business trans actions, he earned the esteem and confidence of his associates. He passed away Nov. 19, 1867, leaving to his children the legacy of a spotless character and holy life. Mrs. Bingham, now in her seventy-fifth year, is living with her only son, A. W. Bingham, the eldest of three children, who resides upon the old homestead. He received the advantages of a good common-school education, and was at an early age called into public life. He has held a prominent position in the Odd Fellow and Grand Lodges in the districts of Onondaga and Cayuga, and has been connected with the lodge at Baldwinsville for twenty- five years. December 18, 1877, he was appointed inspector of the Onondaga County penitentiary for a term of three years, and in that capacity proves to be one of the ablest and most conscientious officials that could have been appointed. He has held many other important public positions, the duties of which he discharged with equal acceptance. In all his business transactions he endeavors to do that which is strictly just, and thus far has had the good fortune to pass through life without a stain resting upon his character. HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 329 farm lot 74. The occasional polished slate arrows are of great interest, and seem peculiar to this re gion. Broken pottery, highly ornamented, is abund ant, but perfect vessels are rare. Some were four teen inches in diameter, and often very thin. Others were of curious forms. The flint implements are of the usual types, mixed with some forms new to science. They comprise arrows of the finest and coarsest finish and material, lance-heads, knives, scrapers, drills, &c, many of which are made of the hornstone so abundant in our corniferous lime stone. In 1878, Mr. Justice Stephens, of Van Buren, in working up a hemlock log, came to the marks of a cutting tool, outside of which were two hundred and fifty-four rings of growth. This would date back to 1624, a little over thirty years before the Onon dagas are known to have received steel axes from the French. The wood is charred, according to the Indian custom, and the several marks correspond with those of stone axes. This was on Lot 2, Van Buren, not far from the old stone fish-weir. About the same time a similar cut was found in a tree in Lysander overgrown with two hundred and forty rings* That part of the village of Baldwinsville which lies on the south side of the Seneca River, is in cluded in the town of Van Buren. It was origin ally called " Macksville" from the McHarries, the first settlers. Both " Macksville " and " Colum bia," (the original village on the Lysander side of the river,) have long since been absorbed in the flourishing village of Baldwinsville. That por tion of the village situated in Van Buren is well laid out, occupies a beautiful site, and contains some of the most desirable residence property within the corporation. MEMPHIS. This village was formerly called Canton. It is near the southern line of the town of Van Buren, on the Erie Canal and the New York Central Railroad. It has two churches, two hotels, one dry goods and grocery store, one canal grocery, two wagon and three blacksmith shops, four millinery shops or stores, a postoffice and American Express office. The postoffice was removed here from Ionia in 1828. The name Canton was rejected by the de partment on account of there being another Canton in St. Lawrence county, and gradually it was dropped as the name of the place, Memphis being now generally substituted in its stead. The Hotels are : Headquarters, by T. H. Wilkes, and Memphis House, by Lindsay & Johnson. * Notes by Rev. W. M. Beauchamp, Baldwinsville, N. Y". 52* William Lakin was an old resident of the village, and resided here till his death in 1864. He was the father of John Lakin, one of the first merchants of the village, and for many years a prominent man. William Lakin was Deputy Sheriff, member of As sembly, and held the office of Justice of the Peace for a long time. Others of the early merchants were David Lytle and Isaac Hill, and of a later date, John D. Norton, Joseph Glass, Barrett & Brown, and Toll, Lusk &Co. Baptist Church of Memphis. — This society was first organized at Warners in 1815, with a membership of about twenty, and known as the Second Baptist Church of Camillus. At that time a large territory was embraced under this organiza tion, and from 1815 to until 1834 meetings were held at the school houses and private houses in various places within the boundaries of the church. The earliest meetings, however, were held in the Warner Settlement school house. Among the original members may be mentioned the Warners, Bentleys, Weavers, Tabors and Marshalls. In 1834 a church edifice was built at a cost of $2,500 in Canton, now Memphis, and for a long period this society enjoyed a prosperous and flourishing con dition. Among the most prominent and influential members who were added to the society at this time were the Hills, Halsteds, Auyers, Glasses and many others whose names we are unable to ascertain. The following pastors have served this church at different times : Rev. B. Dowsit, Rev. J. P. Parsons, Rev. Ira Dudley, Rev. T. Brown, Rev. Erastus Miner, Rev. John Roscoe, Rev. L. C. Bates, Rev. Johns ton, Rev. J. J. Fuller, Rev. N. Camp, Rev. M. H. DeWitt, Rev. Wm. A. Wells, Rev. B. Newton, Rev. J. Smith. Present pastor Rev. Wm. A. Wells. The present membership numbers twenty-seven ; the average attendance at Sunday School, thirty. The Christian Church at Memphis was organized in 1818 in the town of Camillus, which then embraced Van Buren, Elbridge, &c. It was formerly located at " Ionia," but was removed to Memphis in 1868. The number of original mem bers was thirty-five, among whom Elder Elijah Shaw, Abraham Wood, Daniel Godfrey, John Cox and Stephen Daniels were prominent. The first house of worship was built at " Ionia," a half mile or near that distance north of Memphis, in 1829, at a cost of $1,200. The second edifice was erected in Memphis in 1868, and cost $2,500. The following named clergymen have officiated as pastors : 33° HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. Elder E. Shaw, about five years ; O. E. Morrill, about ten years ; Joseph Marsh, J. D. Childs, S. Hayward, L. E. Reynolds, J. W. Guthrie, Benjamin Rider, John Showers, Elder Keyes, Elder Coburn, Joseph W. Stearns, E. R. Wade, A. A. Lason, A. J. Welton, M. G. Dean and Wm. J. Grimes, present pastor. The latter has been six years in charge of the church, April i, 1878. The parsonage was purchased in 1877, and its present value is about $1,500. The church num bers thirty-seven members, and the Sunday School about seventy. Methodist Episcopal Church, Warner's Sta tion. — On the 1 8th day of January, 183 1, a meet ing was called at the " old brick school house " at Warner's Settlement, and a " Union Society" was formed. Heman Warner, Delanson Foster, Alfred Stephens, Peter Peck and Asa Barnes were duly elected Trustees. On the 21st day of March, 1846, the "First Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church of Van- Buren Circuit" was formed. Jacob Steves, Law rence Lamberson, Aaron Quimby, Francis R. Nichols and Ezra Nichols were elected Trustees. The instrument of incorporation was signed and sealed in presence of Francis R. Nichols and Aaron Fuller, and acknowledged before " Daniel Pratt, first Judge of Onondaga County," and re corded in Book G of Miscellaneous Records, page 169, April 1, 1846, at 1 o'clock p. m. In the summer of 1869, under the pastorship of Rev. A. L. Smalley, the old church was thoroughly repaired and enlarged at a cost of $5,000, and re- dedicated in September, 1869. Three of the Trustees of the original M. E. Church, viz : Francis R. Nichols, Ezra Nichols and Lawrence Lamberson are deceased ; while Aaron Quimby and Jacob Steves still survive. The present membership of the church is 160 ; average attendance at the Sunday School, 60. All the original Trustees of the " Union Society," formed in 1831, are dead. Moses Wormuth was born in Minden, Mont gomery county, N. Y., September 2, 181 5, and lived there with his father till twenty-two years of age. February 2, 1837, he married Miss Mary Failing, and one year later removed with his wife and parents to the town of Van Buren, Onondaga County, where he settled on a farm of one hundred and seventy-five acres which he brought to a fine state of cultivation and rendered valuable by im provements and fine buildings during the thirty- nine years of his life upon the place. Mr. Wor muth held the office of Assessor for one term, and was often solicited to accept of that and other I offices of trust in his town, but he always declined preferring the quietude of his family and many friends to the disturbances of an official life. He died October 4, 1875, leaving to his wife and family the possession of one of the finest farms in this part of the country. His only son, George B. Wormuth, succeeds him in the possession and management of the place and is carrying out in various ways such improve ments as make, him entirely worthy of the trust confided in him by his father. George Ecker came to Onondaga County and settled in the town of Van Buren, on the farm where he now resides, in 1839. He was born in Johnstown, Montgomery county, April 6, 181 1, his parents soon after removing to Canajoharie, where he lived and attended school till eleven years of age. From that place his parents removed to Stockbridge, Madison county. He lived here seventeen years, engaged in farming, during which time he was three months in attendance at the Stockbridge Academy. Designing himself for the quiet life of a farmer, he wished to settle in a rich and desirable section of the country, and accord ingly made choice of the beautiful place where he now resides. He has since devoted himself to farming, and to the adornments of his tasteful and comfortable home, and has been eminently success ful in all the enterprises connected with his estate, at the same time taking a lively interest in educa tional and other matters relating to the public wel fare. The first District School Library in the neighborhood was placed under his charge and kept at his house. Nathaniel Cornell, was born in New Bed ford, Mass., on the 22d day of December, 1764. For his second wife he married Sally Coffin, and removed in 1812, about the time of the breaking out of the war with Great Britain, to Camillus, now Van Buren, with a family of nine children, and settled on a farm near " Hardscrab- ble," or Van Buren Postoffice. He subsequently disposed of his farm and carried on shoemaking the remainder of his life in that vicinity, where he died in August, 1838, All who now remain of the nine children are Nathaniel Cornell, Jr., and two sisters residing in Kalamazoo, Michigan. Nathaniel Cornell, Jr., the only remaining rep resentative of the family in this county, was born in New Bedford, Mass., November 23d, 1797. He was brought up by his father on the farm in Vermont and came to Van Buren after his father's arrival, in the winter of 1813. He worked for his father and Res. of the late MOSES WORMUTH ,/»ow owned And occupied by GEORGE B. WORMUTH, VanBuren. Onondaga Co., N.Y. im HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 33i took various jobs of chopping cord wood, felling timber, &c„ up to about the time of his marriage, being married December 28, 1817, to Martha, daugh ter of Elihu Peck, of Van Buren. He has had nine children, three sons and six daughters, seven of whom (three sons and four daughters) are now living. The story of Mr. Cornell's life may be briefly told. He has been a hard working, industrious, persevering man, having begun life without capital, supported and raised a large and respectable family, endured and overcome the privations and hardships of pioneer life, and through all this has maintained a character for honesty and integrity eminently worthy of the confidence and esteem in which he is held by all who know him. He has been for many years a prominent member of the Christian Church. He moved upon his farm in 1820, having then but twenty acres ; adding to this from time to time, he had finally a farm of one hundred and forty acres. Mrs. Cornell died in 1873. His health becoming impaired, and being no longer able to work his farm, he purchased a residence in the village of Bald winsville, to which he removed in 1875, and the year following sold his farm, thus freeing himself from the cares and responsibilities of active business. Russel Foster was born in the town of Pom pey, July 24, 1806, and remained in that town about three years, removing to the town of Van Buren (then Camillus) with his parents, who settled a little east of where he now resides. Here he remained on his father's farm till twenty-one years of age, when feeling a desire to procure a home and enter upon a career for himself, he purchased jointly with his brother Heman 220 acres of land, including the present homestead, then a dense forest. He and his brother set to work to clear the land, which - was an undertaking of no small magnitude, requir ing energy, perseverance and physical endurance, such as marked in an eminent degree the pioneers of the country. The training which Mr. Foster had received during his minority on his father's farm, and his natural energy and determination, ad mirably fitted him for the work of carving out of the unimproved wilderness the beautiful and com fortable home which now in his old age rewards his toil and industry. The two brothers worked to gether with a common purpose and interest for nine years, when they divided the farm, each taking one hundred and ten acres. In December, 1827, Mr. Foster was married to Margaret Hall, who lived only sixteen months. He married Miss Lucinda Vanyea, his present wife, in October, 1830. Mr. Foster has been more successful than many, for by his industry and economy he has added largely to his original purchase of lands and erected fine buildings, having one of the finest grain-pro ducing farms in this section of the country. He has held the office of Overseer of the Poor four years in his town, and enjoys in a large degree the confidence and respect of his fellow-citizens, among whom he has lived an upright and exemplary life from boyhood, and is now in the quiet enjoyment of a home in which he has spent fifty-two years of his life. Col. Gabriel Tappan was born in Morristown, New Jersey, June 20th, 1783. He died August 4, 1865. He came into the county February 18, 1796. His life covered a period verging on eighty-three years. He early immigrated to Onondaga County and was one of its first pioneer settlers, hav ing lived nearly seventy years within its limits. He was the first Supervisor of the town of Van Buren. In after years he was many times reelected by his neighbors to fill that position. He was appointed one of the commissioners (1829) to set off the town of Van Buren from the then large town of Camillus. He was appointed by the Legis lature as commissioner to carry out many important trusts. He acted as arbitrator in numerous cases to adjust difficulties among men. He did much for the improvement of Onondaga County in ameliorat ing the condition of its roads, building anew many bridges, and urging on new settlements in Van- Buren, which to-day are the gardens of the great State of New York. He conceived the idea which was most satisfactorily carried out of building the bridge across "Dead Creek" flats towards the northern part of the town, which in after years be came of inestimable value to the farmers of the western portion of Van Buren. He did perhaps as much as any other man in building up the interests and improving the condition of the now thriving village of Baldwinsville. He was foremost in secur ing and putting to good use the valuable water privileges which Baldwinsville now enjoys, he hav ing constructed, through the assistance of John Mc Harrie and Dr. Jonas C. Baldwin, the dam across the Seneca River at an early day. With his own ax he opened nearly fifty miles of road through a dense wilderness, many places through swamps and over other barriers. In 1833, he represented the First Assembly District of Onondaga County in the Assembly ; and his record as a legislator was eminently satisfactory to his constituents. He took a very active part in the military affairs of the country. He was a veteran of the war of 18 12. 332 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. Two hundred of his fellow-men called him out to serve as their Captain in the war of 1812 and '13. He served his country faithfully at Oswego and -elsewhere as Captain of the militia. Subsequently he received the title of Colonel, and for many years was the head of a militia regiment in the county. His familiarity with military matters was most creditable, he having received a very good military education for the times. For a period of sixty- five years he was an active business man. He married Lydia McHarrie in about the year 1805, by whom he had twelve children, seven of whom are now living. When he first came to Van- Buren, he located on "Dead Creek," and occupied for his wilderness home a rude brush tent, and his bed was made of hemlock boughs laid on the ground. His food was salted raw pork and bread. His companion was his ax. His night visitors were howling wolves, varied by the frequent visitations of panthers, bears, &c. He lived to see the close ofthe great rebellion, and no man was more gratified than he when Abraham Lincoln read his famous Eman cipation Proclamation, announcing to forty millions of people that slavery was forever abolished in the United States. He was liberal, kind to the poor • and it can be said of him that "he made the wilderness blossom as the rose," and kept pace with the fore most men of his time in agricultural improvements, valuable to himself and to his neighbors as well. He gave to the orphans, and his home was always thrown open to the distressed and needy. He died in Syracuse, and his remains are interred in the Baldwinsville Cemetery— the very ground he had given to the village many years before. CLAY. Clay was formed from Cicero April 16, 1827, and named in honor of the distinguished statesman, Henry Clay. It is the central town upon the northern border of the county. Its surface is quite flat, but little elevated above the level of Oneida Lake. Oneida River forms the northern, and Seneca River the western boundary. The soil is chiefly clay and light, sandy loam, with the exception of the swampy portion, which is covered with decayed vegetable matter and peat beds, the latter being to a consider able extent worked for fuel. (See Geology of the County.) Much ofthe early history of this town is compre hended in the town of Cicero. At the time of its separate organization it contained less than seven hundred inhabitants. The first white settler in the town (then included in Lysander,) was Patrick Mc Gee, at Three River Point, in 1793. In 1798 Adam Coon settled in the northeast corner of the town ; Simeon Baker on the Seneca River, in 1799 ; John Lynn near the center of the town, in 1808. Since that the town has settled somewhat rapidly. Joshua Kinne and family settled in the town in 1807; Elijah Pinckney and others the same year. In 1793, Patrick McGee erected a log cabin, (the first house in tdwn,) at Three River Point. The place had been selected by him in 1780, while a prisoner in the hands of the British, and on his way to Canada. They camped here all night, and Mr. McGee was very much charmed by the beauty of the place. It is said that he selected it while tied to a tree, for so the British had secured their prisoners. After the Revolutionary war he came here and spent his life, and was buried on the spot. When Mr. McGee first visited this place in 1780, there was a clearing without a shrub or tree, handsomely covered with grass, for a distance of more than a mile along the banks of the rivers. The spot had often been appropriated to the great councils of the Iroquois Confederacy, and here Dekanissora, Sade- kanaghte and Garangula often addressed the braves of the Hurons, Adirondacks and Abenaquis, and the French and English met in these distinguished chiefs, orators and diplomatists equal to themselves in all that pertained to sagacity and skill. Jacob I. Young, Ira Sheffield and his brother, now respectively aged eighty-five to eighty-seven years, were among the early settlers of the town, in 1814. The first settlers, previous to clearing the lands, procured their breadstuffs from Jackson's mills, near Jamesville. After they had been successful in rais ing their own grain, they went there to mill, till the mills were erected at Syracuse. It was cus tomary for men to carry a grist of a bushel or a bushel and a half on their backs a distance of twelve or fourteen miles through the woods to these mills,. guided only by blazed trees, and they would occupy two or three days in the performance of the journey. After roads were cut through, a neighbor would take the grists of a whole neighborhood upon an ox sled or cart and carry them to the mills. By general . 1 '.' . . 1 ¦ , i ¦ 3- ' «v. r- h o 31s O H HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 333 arrangement and common consent this service was performed by rotation throughout the whole settle ment. It never required less than two days to go to mill and back. Onondaga Hollow was then the postoffice at which letters were received and delivered, and per sons visiting the postoffice brought the mail matter for all the neighbors. The first postoffice was established in the west part of the town and was called " West Cicero," about the year 1825, and Nathan Teall was appoint ed Postmaster. He was suceeded by William Hale and James Little. Since the organization of the town it has been named " Clay." The first and most important article of trade was salt barrels, which were manufactured in large quantities and taken to the salt works. They brought a fair profit and in many instances proved a source of individual wealth. Of late years Clay has greatly improved in agricultural and horticul tural development, and may be regarded as one of the richest farming sections of the county. A log school house, the first in the town, was built at Clay Corners, now Euclid, about 1808, and a teacher named Hall taught the first school. At Clay, near the river, a log school house was erected in 1809, and a frame one in 18 12. Moses Kinne taught here, having previously kept a school in his own house. The first physician in town was Dr. Olcott ; the second, Dr. Church ; afterwards Dr. Sterling and Dr. Soule. The first town meeting for Clay was held in April, 1827. Andrew Johnson was chosen the first Supervisor, and Jacob Terrill, Town Clerk. The first saw mill was erected in the northeast part of the town by Abraham Young, on a small stream which affords sufficient water only in spring and fall. There are no streams in the town of sufficient capacity or fall to afford permanent water- power, except on the Oneida river, which forms the northern boundary, which has two good water- powers — one at Caughdenoy and one at Oak Orch ard. The former of these places has been noted for the fish taken there, especially eels in great abundance and superior quality. At Oak Orchard Reefs, near the bank of the Oneida River, are evidences of an extensive In dian burying ground. These reefs were a common fording place for the Indians and formerly were much resorted to by them for fishing. During the Revolution or the French War, there was a mas sacre of the Indians at this place. We are informed by a resident of the town, that in 1843 he had a 53 conversation with an aged Indian who used to visit this burial-place of his ancestors and sit long there in musing silence, and that this Indian related to him the tradition of the massacre of a large num ber of his tribe. The same gentleman has seen scores of Indian skulls exhumed, many of which were pierced with bullet-holes and marked with sabre-cuts. The Indian graves here have been desecrated and multitudes of relics found and re moved. Hosea Crandall became a resident of the town of Clay in 1822. At a family reunion held at his house on the fourth of September, 1872, many old settlers were present, and some interesting facts were elicited which are worth preserving in our history. " Ezra Crandall, of Sherburne, Chenango county, N. Y., brother of Hosea, was the oldest of his rela tives present, aged eighty-four. The oldest invited guest, not a member of the family, was Jabez Har rison, aged eighty-six. " The following are the names of residents of Clay, with their respective ages, over fifty, and their time of residing in town : Resident 32 years, Dr. Jas. F. Johnson, age 84. do 59 do Jacob I. Young, do 81. do 52 do Samuel N. Burleigh, do 80. do 38 do John Lints, do 58. do 22 do Tobias Shaver, do 52. do 4 do William Verplank, do 65. do 40 do A. J. Soule, do 54. do 51 do Cornelius Mogg, do 51. do 44 do James Little, do 73. do 50 do Hial Crandall, do 57. do 57 do Harlow Eno, do j6. " The following are the names of those who were not residents of Clay : Judge John L. Stevens, age 71. Resident of Cicero, N. Y., Wm. Gregor, do 51. do Otsego, N. Y., C. C. Warner, do 54. do Onondaga, Rev. J. C. Seward, do 70. do Lysander, P. I. Quackenbush, do 63. do Baldwinsville, Ira Gilchriss, do 82. " George Crandall, grandfather of Hosea Cran dall, was 103 years old when he died. He had two sons that were over 100 years at the time of their death, and one daughter who lived to be 116 years old. Hosea Crandall's mother, sister of the above, was 101 years and six months when she died. Laban Crandall, father of Hosea, came to this State about ninety years ago, and married Esther Crandall. Their children living are Ezra, aged eighty years, Hosea, eighty-three years, Ira, eighty-four years, George, seventy-seven years, Olive, seventy-five years, Tacy, seventy-one years, Sarah, sixty-nine years. Hosea Crandall's posterity numbered (all told) at the time of the first death in the family fifty-two persons. The first death was about ten years ago. Hosea Crandall is the father of eight children, five daughters and three sons. Through 334 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. industry and economy he became the owner of three hundred acres of land, all of which he gave to his children, except the homestead." EUCLID. This village is situated a little west of the center of the town of Clay ; distant from Syracuse eleven miles, six miles from Baldwinsville, and two and a half miles from Clay Station, on the Syracuse Northern Railroad. Among the old settlers still residing here are Hosea Crandall, John Patrie, John Ainsley and Gideon Palmer. Latin Soule, grandfather of Harvey L. Soule, of the Piatt House, in this village, was one of the first settlers. He was the father of Judge Nathan Soule, who came here from Montgomery County in 1831 and was one of the most prominent men for many years. Judge Soule had been Member of Congress from the Montgomery District, Judge of the County Court, and Representative in the Legislature. He represented this county in the Legislature and was Associate Judge of the Court of Common Pleas. He died in 1858. A postoffice was established at Euclid in 1827. Andrew Thompson was Postmaster till 1832, and was succeeded by Nathan Soule. Jefferson Free man was the first merchant in 1831, and did the principal mercantile business till i860, when he removed to Syracuse, where he died about 1868. He was succeeded by his brother, Levi Freeman, for years Supervisor and a leading man in the town. He removed to Syracuse and died about 1870. Other early merchants were E. L. Soule, Blossom & Dyckeman, Stone & Daniels. The first school at the village was taught by Jared Baker in the old school house south of the hotel. It was the only place of worship at an early day. A Union School has lately been organized by the consolidation of Districts Nos. 4 and 17 of Clay ; Principal, Mrs. Botsford. A new building is soon to be erected on the site of the old school house. J. H. Barrus, Justice of the Peace at Euclid, has held the office for eight years. Cornelius Mogg, Cyrus C. Warner, Andrew Johnson, Wm. Warner, Japheth Kinne and Moses Kinne, were also Justices, the last mentioned one of the first in the town. Euclid contains two Churches — Baptist and Methodist Episcopal ; a cheese factory, one hotel, three blacksmith shops, two stores, a steam mill, union school and postoffice. J. W, Coughtry, present Supervisor of the town, resides at Cigarville, or Clay Station, where he is Postmaster. Methodist Episcopal Church, Euclid.— The church edifice was originally built by the Chris tians or Unitarians about forty years ago. Dr. E. L. Soule, Hosea Crandall, Judge Nathan Soule, Moses Kinne and others being the builders. The church was used as a place of worship for other denominations till about 1850, when the Methodist society purchased it. Rev. William Morse was the first regular pastor and was succeeded by Rev. Mr. Adkins, Rev. J. D. Adams, under whose, preach ing the church became prosperous, and has grown into a large and influential organization. Among the prominent members were the late Daniel Schoolcraft, Jacob Siterley, John Flagler, Cornelius Cronkhite, and, during the latter years of his life, Judge Nathan Soule. Present pastor, Rev. McKendree Shaw. There is also connected with the Euclid charge a M. E. Church at Morgan Settlement, three miles south on the Liverpool road. It was founded about 1835, tne principal founder being Rev. Abram Morgan. They have a good church edifice and regular services. Baptist Church at Euclid. — Built in 1868, at a cost of about $3,000. The society was or ganized about 1845 by Rev. Horatio Warner, and subsequently held service in different school houses and at the Unitarian Church, until they erected their house of worship. Deacon Elijah Carter, Francis Carter, Hiram Leonard, W. H. Eckert, L. Patchin, and others, were among the early mem bers. There is a parsonage connected with the church. Among the recent pastors have been Rev. S. A. Beman, Rev. Mr. Smith. Dr. James F. Johnson was a prominent member in the early organization. The church at present is being supplied from Syracuse by Rev. J. W. Taggart. BELGIUM. The bridge across the Seneca River at this point was first built by the Sodus Bay and Westmoreland Turnpike Company, erected but not completed in 1824. The turnpike was not made, and Colonel J, L. Voorhees obtained a charter in his own name, and finished the bridge, which was a toll bridge till 1843, when it was rebuilt as a free bridge. The State Legislature appropriated $850 towards defray ing the expense, and the towns of Lysander and Clay each $1,000, the whole cost being $2,850. The village is situated on both sides of the Sen eca River. There were only four dwelling houses here in 1827. In 1848, there were twenty-eight, and one hundred and sixty inhabitants, three dry Residence of THOMAS H. SCOTT. Clay. Onondaga County. N.Y. Res. of Moselev Dunham . Res. or Horace S. r. Homer Dunham. Clay, Onondaga County, H.Y. HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 335 goods stores, four grocery and provision stores, two hotels, three blacksmith shops, one tailor and one shoe shop, and the famous " Oriental Balm Pill " manufactory, which employed a great part of the year from thirty to fifty persons. James Little's was the only family in 1828 on the Lysander side, but others settled there about that time, viz , Henry S. McMechan, Oliver Bigsbee, Sylvanus Bigsbee, Gar- nettC. Sweet, Rev. Wm. M. Willett, a son of Col. Marinus Willett, of Revolutionary renown, who occupied a lot drawn by his father, which was after wards transferred to John Stevens and others. Dr. Adams had a store here in 1838, and Phillip Far rington in 1 83 1. The first frame building was the Toll House on the east side of the river, erected in 1825. Japheth Kinne erected the first dwelling house in 1825 ; James Little, the second in 1829. The first school kept here was by Perry Eno in 1827. The first merchant was Martin Luther, in 1828. Sylvanus Bigsbee & Co., also opened a stock of goods in 1828 ; Jonas C. Brewster, in 1829, and James Little in 1830. The Wesleyan Methodist Society erected their house of worship here in 1832. The early physicians were Dr. A. P. Adams, Dr. Hays McKinley, Dr. James V. Kendall, Dr. Daniel W. Bailey, Botanic physician. The village, we believe, has never had a lawyer. . It has a Union Free School, formed in 1849 from District, No. 10, in Lysander, and No. 11 in Clay; one dry goods and grocery store, two blacksmith shops, one wagon shop, one hotel, one harness shop, grocery and postoffice. Hon. James Little, who represented this county in the Assembly in 1848-50, settled here in 1830. He was for many years Justice of the Peace, mem ber of the Board of Supervisors, and was several times elected Justice of Sessions. He died Jan. 22, 1877. The Evangelical Lutheran Church, (Eng lish,) is located near the eastern center of the town of Clay, about one mile north of Clay Station, about a quarter of a mile from Young P. O. It is the oldest church in the town. It was organized as early as 1826, in this same neighborhood. The following are a few of the original members, viz : Jacob I. Young, who is still living, eighty-seven years old ; Jacob Ottman, Richard Hiller, John Sammers, John Ains- liej also still living ; John Becker, Henry Becker and others. The church was reorganized in 1832, by Rev. Wm. Ottman, and the house of worship built and dedi cated between 1832 and '34. The present valua tion of the property is about $3,000. Pastors — Rev. William Ottman, Rev. Benjamin Diefendorf, Rev. William Ottman, Rev. G. W. Hemperly, Rev. Levi Schell, Rev. D. W. Lawrence. The present membership is ninety-three ; attend ance at Sunday School one hundred eighteen. The church was very neatly and tastefully re paired, with modern internal improvements, and is is now one of the neatest and most comfortable country churches in this part of the county. During the last four years, forty-eight have been added to the membership, and the church is now in a flourishing condition. During two years, between 1866 and 1874, the pulpit was supplied by Rev. Mr. Emmons, of Syracuse. CENTERVILLE. This village is pleasantly situated on the plank road between Syracuse and Cicero. Part of it is in the town of Cicero and part in Clay. The first settler was Eli Myers about 1826. The next was Alfred Tilley, in 1827. John Slosson, now a resi dent of the First Ward of Syracuse, settled between this place and the Cicero Corners, in 18 14. James Millard settled on the plains west of here in 1810, and burnt tar of pine knots and roots. Asa H. Stearns kept tho " old red hotel " for ten or twelve years. Charles Cotton was also one of the earliest hotel keepers. There are now two hotels in the place— Centreville Hotel, kept by J. H. Miles, and the Clarendon House, by D. Hol- lenbeck. The place contains two churches, two general stores, three wagon shops, two blacksmith shops and one physician — Dr. C. H. Whiting. Its first physician was L. B. Skinner, M. D. It has also a lodge of free and accepted Masons, a Union Graded School, and a neatly kept rural cemetery. The ground for the cemetery was given by Peter Weaver, and a man by the name of Blewe was the first buried there. Peter Weaver built the "old red tavern." The postoffice was originally kept at the "Dean Tav ern ;" James Wallen was the first Postmaster. Rowland Stafford, who died of cholera at Water- town in 1832, was one of the first settlers. Plankroad Baptist Church, Clay. — Meetings were held at the residence of Jabez Grodavent by Elder William H. Delano as early as 1844, and for three years he continued holding meetings in resi dences, barns and taverns, until 1847, when the covenant was adopted and society organized which comprised the following named persons : Earl P. Saulsbury, James Pierce, Mary C. Smith, Nancy Slocum, Clarissa Delano, Kilburn Ives and Laura Ives. 336 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. The church has been under the following pastors : Rev. William H. Delano, Rev. Cyrus Negus, Rev. Abner Maynard, Rev. Myron Newell, Rev. A. Graham, Rev. S. S. Bidwell ; then for some time they were supplied by W. C. Phillips and Rev. I. H. Beman of Clay ; then Revs. H. A. Sizer and J. W. Putnam supplied until 1875, when the present pas tor Rev. William Steiger was called. The church edifice was erected in 1855 at a cost of $1,500, a neat frame building. The present membership is sixty. Sabbath School attendance one hundred sixteeen. Superin tendent of Sabbath School, C. N. Taylor. The church was thoroughly rebuilt in 1876, at an additional expense of $700, and now they are the occupants of a neat, commodious church. Trus tees, John Redhead, C. N. Taylor and Homer Dun ham. Centreville Lodge No. 648, F. & A. M. — This lodge was first organized and worked under a dispensation, from January, 1866, to July, 1867, when a charter was received. The charter officers were Isaac Baum, W. M. ; C. H. Carpenter, S. W. ; Joseph Palmer, J. W. Regular meetings are held in the second story of the building situated on the corner of Plank Road and Church street, every Saturday evening. Present officers : L. Harris Brown, W. M. ; George Stevens, S. W. ; Ambrose Howard, J. W. ; Hiram W. Bailey, S. D. ; Henry D. Randall, J. D. ; Hermon Graham, Secretary ; Dr. M. H. Blynn, Treasurer ; Newton B. Randall, Tyler. Centreville Union School, District No. 12, comprising several districts in Clay and part in Cicero, was organized as a Union Graded School, in 1869, upon the completion ofthe present school building, a frame two-story building erected at a cost of three thousand dollars. There are two departments with an enrollment of ninety-five scholars. Present School Board are A. H. Lawrence, Samuel Ferge- son and Stephen Van Heusen — the latter has been Trustee ever since the organization of the Union School. Charles E. Jewell is Principal. 3iogpphical Sketches. STEWART SCOTT. The subject of this sketch was born at Albany, N. Y., April 2d, 1800, of Scotch-Irish parentage^ his father, Hugh Scott, being one of the many Protestant exiles from the vicinity of Londonderry who sought religious freedom on the soil of America at the close of the last century. Stewart received such educational advantages as the select schools of those days afforded, aided by his parents who had enjoyed superior educational advantages, He early developed an aptitude for mathematics and the sciences, and at the age of sixteen com menced practical engineering and surveying. With his parents he removed to Westerloo, Albany Co., where he married Catherine VanDerwerken, and continued his residence there until 1830, whenhe removed to Clay, Onondaga County, where he pur chased a piece of the wilderness of those days, and by unremitting toil reared a home for himself and family. Although comparatively poor, his home was always supplied with the best and most useful books and periodicals within his reach, and he con tinued his studies to the time of his death. Meth odical in business and study, he was one of the best read men of his day. Being possessed of a strong will and fine constitution he could devote himself to study during the evening without visibly impair ing his health. In politics he was an earnest Whig, but never sought place or office. In social inter course he was affable and generous, in his religious views he was stern and uncompromising ; in work or business he " knew no such word as fail." His sympathies were always on the side of right ; and while his hospitable home was open to all who sought it, none were so welcome there as the Ministers of the Gospel and others engaged in the advancement of intelligence and morality. But no one was keener than he to detect insincerity or ignorance, and he who mistook his calling always found a cold reception. Incessant labor and study caused an early breaking down in health, and after a brief illness he died at his home in Clay at the age of fifty. His widow continued her residence upon their farm until her death which occurred in 1877. MOSELEY DUNHAM. Deacon Daniel Dunham, the grandfather of Moseley Dunham, emigrated from Windham, Conn., in the year 1795, and established the clothiers' trade at the red mills in Manlius, about a mile south of Manlius Square ; he also bought a wild lot of land of about one hundred and thirty acres, three miles southeast of Pompey Hill. Captain Samuel Dunham, his son, was born in Windham, Conn., in the year 1780. When he was seventeen years of age, his father sent him alone to work and clear up r.-*.T"'.'j..'Ln... .,,. ,.— M jy-as ¦JizcYXSuJ/t RESIDENCE .of FRENCH *-. Onondaga County, n. HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 337 his new lot of land in Pompey. From where he boarded he went daily for two years by marked trees to his work, one mile south, clearing the land and putting up a log house. Then his two sisters came and kept house for him for five years longer. He then at the age of twenty-five married a Miss Parmarlee of Cazenovia ; he continued to reside on his farm up to his death, at the age of sixty-nine years ; his wife survived him, and he left a large family of children. His son Moseley Dunham, was born on the old farm in Pompey, September 17, 1805, and lived with his father until he was twenty-five years of age, working the farm on shares after he was of age. He then married Sarah Baker of Pompey, by whom they had three children, viz : Daniel Mose ley, born November 10, 1831 ; died from being scalded, September 24, 1834. The other two, Horace S., and Homer were twins, born June 24, 1833. They were reared upon their father's farm, and both married at the same time, March 7, 1855. Horace S. married William Weller's daughter, of Clay. She died October 6, 1872, leaving three sons, born as follows: Walter M., July 8, 1858; Spencer M., April 22, 1867 ; Albert H., March 12, 1872. On March 20, 1873, he again married Mary, daughter of Thomas Weller of Lysander. They have had one daughter, born November 14, 1874. Homer married Harriet Crane of Clay. She died May 4, 1870, leaving two children, born as follows : Cora E., October 25, 1856; Milton A., December 13, 1864; died in February, 1865. On January 2," 1871, he was again married to Sarah, daughter of Asa Chapman. Moseley Dunham lived for five years on the farm which was the birth-place of Grace Greenwood, and on March 10, 1835, moved to the town of Clay, about six miles north of Syracuse, where he now resides and owns a fine farm of two hundred and seventy acres, with residences for himself and sons, a view of which together with the portraits of himself and wife and twin sons, may be seen else where in this work. Mr. Dunham is a thorough farmer, a good citi zen, and deservedly enjoys the esteem of all who know him. FRENCH FAIRCHILD Was born in Remsen, Oneida County, N. Y., on the twenty-fourth of September, 181 1, and was a son of French and Anna [Hinckley] Fairchild. When four years old he moved with his mother to Herkimer County ; he received a good common school education, and remained at home until twenty- one years of age. On January 4, 1836, he married Mary Tanner, a daughter of William and Mary Tanner, of the town of Schuyler, Herkimer county, N. Y. She was born April 23, 18 17, and has proved one of the best of help-meets. Mr. Fair- child attributes much of his success to her prudent and wise management. The fruit of their marriage was seven children, viz : William, Ransom and New ton, who were born in Herkimer county, and Her mon, George W., Mary A., and Hiram G., who were born in Onondaga County. All of the chil dren are living and enjoying good health. After his marriage, Mr. Fairchild purchased a small farm in Herkimer county. In 1846 he sold it and removed to the town of Salina, Onondaga Co., where he settled on a farm of one hundred and fifty acres, formerly owned by his grandfather, Gorshorn Hinckley. At the close of seven years' residence upon this farm, he sold it and removed to the town of Clay where he bought the farm of one hundred and forty- seven acres known as the Grover farm, upon which he now resides. Mr. Fairchild has been a Republican since the formation of that party. In religious faith, he is a zealous Methodist, and has been for over forty years a staunch and liberal member of the M. E. Church. He is a quiet and unostentatious man, a good hus band and father, and is respected by all who know him. CICERO. Cicero was originally Township number six ofthe Military Tract, and at the organization of the county was included in the town of Lysander. In 1807, it was erected into a town by itself, and included the present town of Clay till the latter was set off in J4* 1827. Towards the south part of the town is an extensive swamp containing about four thousand acres, with but little timber, which has been con sidered, except in a few spots, incapable of recovery to purposes of cultivation. It is a bog underneath 338 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. covered by a thick moss, over which a man can walk in the dry part of the season, and into which a sharp pole may be thrust to the depth of seven or eight feet. The deposit is a black decayed veger table matter resting upon a bed of marl. It is not at all unlikely that this whole swamp may yet be drained and become the most valuable land in the country, as its elevation is twenty-five feet above the surface of the lake. There are no streams of water of any note in the town, except the Oneida Lake and River on its northern boundary, and the Chittenango Creek lying along its eastern border. On this Creek is an excellent water-power at Bridgeport, part of which is in Cicero and part in Madison county. The surface of the town is usually level, the pre vailing soil being of a rich sandy loam, and capable of a great variety of productions. The town was originally covered with a heavy growth of timber, chiefly pine, hemlock, beech and sugar-maple, with considerable cedar and tamarack in the swampy portions. Cicero and Clay furnished for many years a large proportion of the barrels used for packing salt at Salina, Geddes, Liverpool and Syracuse. Such, indeed, was the attention given to coopering that for a long time the farming interests were in a great measure neglected. At length, however, the timber being exhausted, an impulse was given to the development of the resources of the soil. This has been followed up with an enterprise and a suc cess which have made the town one of the first farming sections of Onondaga County. The lands are well improved, and the buildings show thrift and prosperity. Early Settlements. The first white settler in the town of Cicero was a Mr. Dexter, a blacksmith, who settled opposite Fort Brewerton in 1790. Mr. Oliver Stevens, father of the late Judge John L. Stevens, settled at the fort in 1789. He cultivated a garden on the south side of the river, to which he removed in a few years, and died there in 1813. Mr. Stevens was an Indian trader, and was induced to come here through the representations of his two brothers who had been soldiers at the garrison from 1756 to 1758. He carried on an extensive trade with the Indians in furs, peltry, &c, Fort Schuyler being at that time the great mart west of Albany. Mr. Stevens also kept a boatman's tavern, furnishing supplies and other necessaries to those who navi gated the lake and rivers. He sometimes spent his winters at Salina, and there in 1802 his son, Hon. John L. Stevens, was born. Ryal Bingham settled at Fort Brewerton in 1 79 1, and subsequently removed to Salina, where he was appointed the first Justice of the Peace. All the first settlements in the town of Cicero were made along the Oneida River and Lake. John Leach settled at Cicero Corners in 1802, and for several years kept a tavern in a small log cabin. Elijah Loomis was the first settler at South Bay, on the lake shore, in 1804, where he purchased a lot on which he resided. He was a Revolutionary soldier and received a pension from the Government. Martin Woodruff settled near him the same year. Their nearest neighbors were at Brewerton, five miles distant. Captain John Shepard, who served in the Revo lutionary war, drew Lot No. 11, of the township of Cicero, lying on the lake shore east of Brewerton. At an early day he took possession of his lot, sold part, cleared and cultivated the rest, and with his family lived upon it till his death, in 1824. He was the only man who occupied a lot in this town for which he served. He was the first Justice of the Peace in the town in 1804. The first town meeting for the town of Cicero, (then including Clay,) was held at the house of Patrick McGee, at Three River Point, in 1807. Moses Kinne was Moderator ; Thomas Pool was elected Supervisor, and Elijah Loomis, Town Clerk. Isaac Cody was the first merchant in town. He erected a store at Cicero Corners in 1818, filled it with goods, and did quite an extensive business. Samuel Warren opened the next store in 1825. Daniel Olcott was the first regular physician ; located in the town in 18 17, and had an extensive practice. Alexander Cook, Esq., settled in the. town as the first practicing attorney, in 1841. In 1820 a postoffice was established at the Corners, Isaac Cody, Postmaster. The mail was then carried once a week on horseback. BREWERTON. The crossing of the Oneida River at the. foot of. the lake was a famous fishing ground of the Onon daga Indians and the crossing place of the great north and south trail leading from the mouth of Salmon River to the Onondaga country. Here the Indians had a famous fishing village prior to the^ erection of any fort at this point, called Techiroguen, and the number of remains found in a mound near the sand-bank, on the north side of the river east of the plank road, show that it must have been a settlement of considerable permanence. LeMoyne mentions it in 1654 as on the south side of the river, while Charlevoix, in a map published in 1744,- — _ r-r-. — ~— RESIDENCE or Wm. H.CARTER, Br?EWEffTON,N.r, HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 339 locates it on the north side ; showing that at some time between these dates its site had been changed to the north side of the river. Clark speaking of this place says : " It must have been the place of sepulchre for thousands. Whether these were slain in battle, or whether it has been a depository for the dead in time of peace, is not easy to de termine, but from the fact that they are the bones of adult persons, and apparently all of males, it is highly probable that they are the relics of the vic tims of war." Fort Brewerton. The foot of Oneida Lake was a station of great importance not only to the Indians but also at a later period to the French and English. It was the key to the great thoroughfare from Oswego to the Mohawk Valley, and during the struggles for this territory between the English and the French was regarded by both nations as a desirable point to be occupied by a strong fortification. The French, through their missionaries, had gained some in fluence over the Iroquois, and Frontenac had ob tained their consent to build a fort in the Onondaga country; but there is no evidence going to show that the French ever built or occupied a fort at this point. The octagonal fort seen here by the early settlers, and known as " Fort Brewerton." was built by the English during the French War. In 1758, General Stanwix had erected a strong fortress at what is now Rome, N. Y. It was at the point where the portage was made from the Mohawk across to Wood Creek, connecting thence with Oneida Lake. The cost of this fort was $266,400. Also a stockade enclosure was erected at the same time as a defense against attacks by the Indians at the foot of the lake. After the reduction of Fort Frontenac by Colonel Bradstreet in 1758, he retook possession of the forts at Oswego, which were again garrisoned. At this time, General Abercrombie formed the design of erecting a substantial fort to command the entrance to Oneida Lake from the west, as it was already commanded on the east by Fort Stanwix. A detachment was accordingly sent from Oswego the following year to cooperate with one from Fort Stanwix; and Fort Brewerton was erected and named in honor of Captain Brewerton, whose name appears in the papers of that day as an active and meritorious officer. It was garrisoned during part ofthe summer of 1759 by Lieutenant-Colonel Bulb and was made a depot of military stores with a small garrison till the close of the French War, in 1762. During the Pontiac War, it was again gar risoned by a company under Captain Mungo Camp bell, of tbe 55th Highlanders, and was a place of deposit for considerable military stores. In the spring of 1764, Capt. Thomas Morris was stationed here for a short time, and during the following summer proceeded to Niagara and Detroit. Fort Brewerton was a favorite resting place for the troops passing and repassing from Fort Stanwix to Oswego and Niagara, and is often mentioned in the diary of Sir William Johnson and other English officers of that period. When the fort was built by the English it was considered of great conse quence to the safety and protection of the frontier. The fort was in a good state of preservation when first seen by the early settlers. Its site is on the north side of the river, a short distance northwest of the present Fort Brewerton House. A quarter of a mile east of the fort was built at the same time a mole of huge rocks extending about ten rods into the river, at the end of which was placed a sentry-box, where a sentinel was continu ally posted to watch for enemies passing up the river. From this position the eye of the sentinel could com mand a view of the river for a considerable distance. Within the enclosure and around the old fort have been found quite a number of relics — warlike implements, blacksmith's forges, wrought nails, the remains of chimneys constructed of small, hard, red brick, &c. Many such relics were found by the early settlers, and have been exhumed from time to time. The Old Block-House. On the site now occupied by the Fort Brewerton House, within the memory of many now living, stood an old dilapidated " block-house." This block- * house had no connection with the old fort occupied during the French war, but was built at a later period for defense against an anticipated attack upon the settlement by the British and Indians dur ing the disturbances upon the western frontiers, from 1 790 to 1794. The British at this time held the garrison at Oswego. For the purpose of defending the settlements in Onondaga county, block-houses were erected at what were considered the most ex posed points, one at Salina and another at Brewer ton. Mr. Oliver Stevens, father of the late Judge J. L. Stevens, under commission from Governor Clinton, erected the latter, and it was made a de pository of arms and munitions of war while the trouble lasted, and was afterwards used as a dwell ing house till 181 1, the military stores having been removed to Albany. The old block-house had a substantial gateway on the side next the river and was enclosed in pickets made of logs about twelve feet high and surrounded by a trench. 340 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. Patrick McGee settled at Brewerton in 1791 and erected the first frame house, which was occupied by him as a tavern, and afterwards by Jonathan Emmons. It stood near where the Brewerton House was afterwards erected and was a great place of resort for boatmen and townspeople. The first school was kept at Brewerton in 1792. It was taught by Deacon George Ramsey, a Scotch Presbyterian. He died at Brewerton many years ago. In the spring of 1804, when there were but few huts on the site of the present village, Jonathan Emmons settled on what is known as the Hoskins farm, Lot No. 9. Here he erected what has been termed the first "mill" in that region of country for grinding corn in a somewhat primitive style. It consisted of a white-oak stump hollowed out in the shape of a mortar, with a pestle made of an oaken block, to which a spring-pole was attached. The nearest mill on the south side of the lake was at Onondaga Hollow, eighteen miles distant. On the north side, at Rotterdam, Mr. Scriba, from Holland, had erected mills in 1800. The grist mill was sufficient to grind all the grain in the country for a hundred miles around. In 18 12, Jonathan Emmons opened as a tavern the house formerly built and kept by Patrick Mc Gee. In 1 8 1 3 he was authorized by the Legisla ture to establish a ferry across the outlet of Oneida Lake at Brewerton, which he kept for many years. Mr. Emmons was the father of eighteen children, of whom the sixth, Samuel Emmons, (born Feb. 24, 1794) is now residing at Brewerton. In 1824, the first bridge was built across the Oneida River at Brewerton. The next, and present bridge, was built in 1847. The village of Brewerton was laid out by Orsamus Johnson, Daniel Wardwell, Miles W. Bennet and Harvey Baldwin, Esqs., in 1836. Its position at the foot of the lake is remarkably beautiful and healthy, and being surrounded by a fertile and thriving country, it has grown to be a village of considerable importance. Since 1873 it has been connected with Syracuse by railroad communica tion, via the Syracuse Northern Railroad. Brewerton was incorporated in 1872, the first election of officers occurring on the 9th of Sep tember, when the following persons were chosen : Hon. John L. Stevens, President ; E. N. Em mons, Clerk ; William H. Carter, William H. Sher wood, D. H. Waterbury, William H. Merritt, Trustees. The following have since served as Presidents of the village: John L. Stevens, 1873 ; F. A. Strong, 1874; Wm. H. Carter, 1875 ; B. M. Genung, 1876; A. N. Everson, 1877. The officers for 1878 are : E. N. Emmons, Presi dent ; George H. Smith, Clerk ; Milton Miller Charles E. Waterbury, Monroe Pierce, Trustees • Wm. H. Merritt, Collector ; James R. Loomis Treasurer ; Thomas Hughs, Street Commissioner. Brewerton has a graded school, occupying a brick building, erected in 1855, at a cost of $ i7ooo. Two teachers are employed, and the average attendance is eighty. Brewerton Lodges. Fort Brewerton Lodge No. 256, F. & A. M. Chartered January 10, 1852. Charter officers — John Baum, W, M.; H. V. Keller, S. W.; James J. Anderson, J. W. ; with thirteen charter mem bers. Regular communications, first and third Wednesday evenings in each month, third story, Everson & Loomis' Block, State street. Present officers— F. A. Strong, W. M.; Wm. H. Merritt, S. W.; M. Pierce, J. W.; J. R. Loomis, Treas.; E. E. Binn, Sec'y ; A. Dickson, Tyler. Brewerton Lodge I. O. of G. T, No. 51. In stituted January 5, 1875, with fifteen charter mem bers. Among the most active may be named C. D. Walkup, Lodge Deputy ; V. E. Campbell, Miss Phoebe Klock and Miss Clara Van Warmer. This lodge, though young is active and vigorous, and for several years has held the Silver Gavel over all the dodges in the State. Officers — V. E. Campbell, W. C. T.; Almira Cummins, W. V T.; Miss Aggie Campbell, W. S. Regular meetings every Saturday evening. In 1846 a line of steamers, consisting of four boats, named after the four counties bordering on the lake, viz : the Oneida, Oswego, Madison and Onondaga, was put upon the lake and river by a company at Oswego. Henry Guest was the first agent, and afterwards William H. Carter, who with Mr. Cushing purchased the remaining boats. The Oswego is still run by Mr. Carter. The Plank Road. In 1 8 12 the Legislature passed an act to cut a road from Salina to Brewerton through the center of the town. The expense was advanced by the State, and a tax laid on the lands contiguous to defray it. The inhabitants got a poor road for what a good one should have cost. In 1845, an act was passed authorizing the company to construct a plank, tim ber, or hard surface road, from Salina to Central Square, through Cicero, from south to north. In 1846, a plank road was completed, being the first of the kind constructed in the United States. The Photos, by W. V. Ranger, Syracuse. SAMUEL EMMONS. HANNAH EMMONS. SAMUEL EMMONS. Samuel Emmons, the oldest settler in the town of Cicero living at the present time, is the subject of this sketch. He was born in the town of Nassau, Rensselaer county, N. Y., on February 26, 1794, being the son of Jonathan and Mary Em mons, who removed to the town of Cicero, Onondaga County, in the year 1804, taking his family with him, where he settled on lot 10, purchasing six hundred acres of land, part of which is still in possession of the family. His early life was passed on his father's farm, and he obtained his education at the district school, the country being at that time a perfect wilderness. The only playmates he had were the young savages of the forest. He was married, January 1, 1818, to Hannah, daughter of Ebenezer Loomis, who was one of the earliest settlers of Oswego county. Their union was blessed with six children, all of whom are living at the present time, — Cynthia M., born September .5, 1818; Almeda, November 16, 1820; Lucretia, April 28, 1824; Leonard Franklin, February 24, 1827 ; Han nah C, August 12, 1833 ; Jonathan, May 7, 1836,— all of whom were born in the town of Cicero. Mrs. Emmons passed away from earth, December 9, 1836, leaving a family and a large circle of friends to mourn her loss. Mr. Emmons, not wishing to take the responsibility solely on himself of raising and educating his family of chil dren, was again married, October 22, 1837, to Harriet Auringer, — she being born August 14, 1818, in the town of Clifton Park, Saratoga county, N. Y., — who is the present companion of his declining years. He was a member of the Whig party during the existence of their glorious old organization, and, on the formation of the Republican party, allied himself with that, and still remains so connected. He is a member of the Baptist church, and believes in open communion. Mr. Emmons in life has been a thorough-going farmer, and, by industry and economy, has succeeded in saving enough of this world's wealth to enable himself and wife to live at ease. Also, by strict regard to the rules of health, he is to-day, although in his eighty-fourth year, as active as a man in the prime of life, and is looked up to by friends and neighbors as a worthy representative of a generation of mankind, the majority of which has long since passed away. Photo, by P. H. Benedict, Syracuse. HON. ASA EASTWOOD. MRS. MART EASTWOOD. HON. ASA EASTWOOD. Hon. Asa Eastwood was born at Allentown, N. J., Feb. 20, 1781, being the son of Lewis Eastwood, who was a tanner and currier by trade, and who, in pursuit of work, removed to various localities, and in the year 1794 became a resident of the city of New York. Asa had few opportunities of obtaining an education, the lack of which, in his later years, he much regretted. In 1800, during the war with France, Asa, in company with his brother John, shipped on board the United States frigate " Constellation ;" they returned in the summer of 1801. He was married, Sept. 28, 1801, to Mary, daughter of Benjamin Dosey, of Rockaway, Long Island, of which place she was a native. She was born July 30, 1782. Their union was blessed with eleven children , viz. , William , born in Queen 's Co. , N. T. , Aug. 18, 1803 ; Benjamin, July 17, 1805 ; Mary, Aug. 29, 1806 (died Sept. 17, 1874) ; Elizabeth, Aug. 14, 1808 (died Oct. 24, 1846) ; Lewis, April 30, 1810 (died Feb. 4, 1863) ; Lucinda, July 9, 1812 (died Jan. 12, 1857) ; John, Oct. 18, 1814 ; all of whom, except William, were born in New York city ; Elisha, born in Brooklyn, Nov. 16, 1816 (was murdered in Louisiana, April 25, 1874) ; Samuel Asa, born July 16, 1819 ; Nelson Perry, Feb. i, 1822 ; Enos, June 2, 1826. The last three named were born in Cicero, Onondaga Co., N. Y. In 1817, Mr. Eastwood removed from New York city to Onondaga County, where he engaged in the grocery trade. Ho held the office of constable for a number of years, being first elected in 1807. On removing to this county he located in the town of Cicero, and purchased a farm of one hundred and seven acres, which is still in tbe possession of the family. Not having much taste for farming, he devoted much of his time to outside business. He was greatly interested in, and worked energetically for, the welfare of the Agricultural society of this county, and was always foremost in introducing improvements, having brought the first wagon and thrashing-machine into the town of Cicero. Mr. Eastwood was a Democrat of the Jefferson school. He was appointed March 13, 1821, by the governor, to the office of justice of the peace, and in the same year was elected a delegate to the State convention to revise the constitution. In 1822 he removed with a part of his family to New York city, and was granted the " freedom of the city" by Stephen Allen, the mayor at that time. May 13, 1823, ho was elected one of the sachems ofthe Tammany society. In 1825 he returned to Onondaga County, and engaged for a short time in the salt business, erecting works at Salina. He was elected to the assembly in November, 1832, which was the last office held by him. He co-operated with the Democratic party until 1856, when, being opposed to the extension of slavery, he joined the Republican ranks, and ever afterwards acted with that party. Of all the reverses in life which had been the lot of Mr. Eastwood to meet, none was so hard to bear as the loss of his loving wife, who had been his companion for over sixty years ; she passed away April 16, 1862. He survived his wife for a number of years, but was called to his last home Feb. 25, 1870, having attained to the age of eighty-nine years. And (as a leading paper says of him) in all his official positions, and in every trust confided to him, he discharged his duties in such manner as to win the confidence and respect of all associated with him. In private life Mr. Eastwood was above reproach. His principles were high and honorable, his habits correct and exemplary, and his influence in society always beneficial to good morals. His long and eventful life, his public career, his ripe experience, and his intercourse with cultivated minds, gave him a refinement of manner, great fluency, and rich ness in conversational qualities, that made his company very attractive and interesting. In his last sickness, realizing that his career was finished, he closed his business affairs, sent invitations for his old associates to be present at his funeral, and then, as a weary child in the arms of its mother, he fell asleep in death, to awaken in an immortal and glorious life. He was a regular attend ant of the Universalist church of Cicero, and had long cherished an undoubting faith in Christ as the Saviour of the world, and passed many of his last years in its peaceful light. He was prom inently connected with the Masonic order, which was well repre sented at his funeral. Photo, by Boota & Curtiss, Syracuse. ORSAMTTS JOHNSON. Photo, by B. F. Howland & Co., Syracuse. DOROTHY JOHNSON. ORSAMUS JOHNSON. The sons of Massachusetts are found in every State in the Union, hailing as they do from a State which early had the reputation of being foremost in producing men of education and culture ; in removing to other localities they carried the same characteristics with them. The subject of this sketch was born among the hills of Berkshire county, Massachusetts, Sep tember 27, 1800, being the son of Jacob and Achsah Johnson, whose family consisted of four children. At the early age of three months his father removed to the town of Pompey, Onon daga County, where he carried on the business of farming until his death in the year 1812. Mr. Johnson's early life was passed on his father's farm, and teaching in the district schools until his marriage, in 1826, with Dorothy, daughter of Erastus Mark ham, of Fabius, who was born June 18, 1805. About three years after his marriage he removed to Central Square, Oswego county, where he carried on the business of keeping public- house ; he resided there about three years, when he removed to Brewerton, in the town of Cicero, where he pursued the same business till 1846, when he turned his attention to farming, which has been his occupation in life up to the present time. By his marriage with his first wife he had three children : Helen, who was born December 23, 1827, and was married to Lyman Barber, April 10, 1849, and who passed away, mourned by all who knew her, November 23, 1865 ; she was the mother of one child. Mary, born February 12, 1832, and married to William Sherwood, May 14, 1856 ; two children have blessed their union. Homer, born May 22, 1838. The life of man is not only made of prosperities, but he is forced to bear with many adversities, and none is so hard to overcome as the loss of a loving wife. Mrs. Johnson died Nov. 28, 1858, not only mourned by husband and children, but by a large circle of sympathizing friends. After a few years, his widowed heart seeking consola tion, he was married to Mrs. Amos Sherwood, of Jamesville, who lived but a short time. After the loss of his second wife, Mr. Johnson passed his life in the companionship of his chil dren until the year 1869, when he was married to Mrs. Sarah Richardson, April 20, of that year, she being the loving help mate of his declining years. Politically, he belongs to the Republican party, and has taken for over sixty years the Albany Journal, formerly edited by Thurlow Weed. He has held nu merous town offices, having been supervisor and justice of the peace for several terms. He formerly belonged to the Metho dist church, but of late has been an active worker in the Presbyterian ranks. What can be more pleasant for a man who has arrived at a ripe old age, than to look back on the many pleasures and sorrows of life, and to think he has always been held in reverence and respect by friends and neighbors, and that his memory will be preserved for years to come? £ yd ev e^-jzJ & Isaac Coonley's great-grandfather, John Coonley, came from Wurtemberg, Germany, about the year 1750, and settled iu the town of Clinton, Dutchess Co., N. Y., where his grandfather, Solomon Coonley, was born in 1752. His father, Abraham, was born in the same town, June 20, 1775, and moved with his father to the town of Coeyman 's, Albany county, in the year 1780. His grandfather was one of the early settlers of that town. Isaac's father, Abraham, was married to Catharine Craft in 1808. Isaac was born in the town of Coeyman's, March 16, 1810. He worked on his father's farm till he was seven teen years old ; received a common-school education ; at the age of seventeen learned the trade of a weaver, which he followed for several years, and also taught school several winters. He was married to Phebe Terey, of Coeyman's, in 1838, and moved to the village of Jamesville, in this county, where he lived three years ; then moved to Syracuse, and carried on the business of weaving and dyeing. Bought a farm, and moved to the town of Cicero in the spring of 1849, where he lived till the time of his death. Died Nov. 16, 1876, aged sixty-six years and eight months. Leaves but one child, Irving Coonley, postmaster at Cicero. Mr. Coonley was a careful observer of men and things, and possessed a mind of more than ordinary calibre. He read ex tensively on all subjects, and kept himself well informed not only in current history, but in many departments of science. It was difficult to introduce a subject in which he was not at home. He was especially familiar with the working of our political system, from the town up to that of the State and nation. His native good sense, stern integrity, and genial social qualities rendered him always an agreeable companion and a warm and firm friend. These qualities made him popular with his townsmen, and he was frequently called to occupy responsi ble positions, which were always filled with great credit to him self and satisfaction to his constituents. He represented the town of Cicero in the board of super visors four terms, viz., 1860, 1861, 1867, and 1868. In 1865 he was appointed enumerator, and took the census of the town. In 1870 he was elected justice of the peace, and served for the four succeeding years. In 1876 he was elected town auditor. HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 34i expense of grading, building and materials, was about $1,500 per mile. The situation of the country and soil was such that it was almost impossible to make a permanent road of any other material. No sooner was this road opened than it began to be thronged with travel. It is safe to say that no other road in the interior of the State has accommo dated so great an amount of travel as this plank road. On the completion of the Syracuse Northern Railroad in 1873, the plank road was abandoned from Central Square to Brewerton, and in 1876, from Brewerton to Cicero Corners. The enter prising citizens along the road between Brewerton and Cicero, at once organized the Cicero Turnpike Company, built a gravel turnpike, erected a gate for the collection of toll, and now have the best road in the town. The officers of this company are Jos. M. Moulton, President ; H. H. Lawrence, Secre tary ; John Moulton, Treasurer ; W. D. Wright, Gate Keeper. Its capital stock is #4,600. The plank road from Cicero to Syracuse is still continued. Religious. The first meeting house in town was built of logs for the Presbyterian Society, at Cicero Corners, in 1819. A frame edifice was erected in 1830. The first settled minister was Rev. Truman Baldwin, Presbyterian, who served several years, afterwards went west, then returned and took charge of his former flock. The next organized religious society was of the Baptists, at Cicero Corners, in 1832. The Methodists next built a church in the east part of the town, and subsequently others in the Taft Settlement and at Cicero Corners. Previous to the erection of churches, the different religious denomi nations held their meetings in log school houses. The First Church of Disciples, Brewerton, is an outgrowth of the religious principles promul gated in this country by the late Alexander Camp bell and others. The views of this distinguished scholar and theologian gained acceptance in the Bap tist Churches at Pompey, Tully and Cicero, as early as 1834, and by some of the leading members of the latter body, were soon after planted in this- vil lage. The first series of %neetings for the public advocacy of these views in Brewerton, was held by Elder Jasper J. Moss, of Ohio, -in 1835, and the present church was organized under the ministry of Elder Josiah I. Lowell, who the year previous had formed the Church of the Disciples of Christ at Pompey Hill. The Elders of the original Church at Brewerton were George Walkup and Lewis 55 Fancher ; among the leading members were Hon, John L. Stevens, James Spire, Ephraim Smedley, Mrs. Ann Emmons, Mrs. George Walkup and Mrs. E. Manville. The present church edifice was erected in the year 1851, at a cost of #1,500, and an additional cost of about #700 was incurred for refurnishing and repairs in 1875. The present membership is about one hundred and twenty-five, with an attendance of one hundred in the Sunday School. The officers of the Church are Jacob Ottman, C. D. Walkup and E. N. Emmons, Elders ; P. VanWormer, Jas. E. Livingston and Martin Emmons, Deacons. Mr. E. N. Emmons has officiated as Superintendent of the Sunday School for the past twenty years. The Union Church, Brewerton, was built in 1849, by the contributions of gentlemen of the Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian and Universalist faith. The most liberal contributors were Orsemus Johnson, Wm. Milton, Asa U. Emmons, Alexander Cushing, J. B. Kathan, Stephen Markham and William Bailey. The cost of the building was about #1,700. It was occupied in common by the different denominations till 1869, since which it has been used exclusively by the Methodists, who in that year organized under the pastorate of Rev. Ebenezer Arnold, and expended about #500 in repairing the church. Since Mr Arnold's ministry, the following clergymen have officiated : Rev. E. C. Tuttle, two years ; Rev. R. Brewster, two years ; Rev. W. Witham, one year ; Rev. J. D. Phelps, two years ; Rev. M. J. Wells, one year. The present pastor, Rev. E. Lyon, took charge in October, 1877. The membership of the church is one hundred and forty ; Sabbath School, one hundred and thirty; Mrs. H. O. Johnson, Superintendent. Trustees : William Telford, William H. Sherwood, Ira Shell, John Young and William Wickham. CICERO VILLAGE Is situated on the Plank Road ten miles north of Syracuse. It has three churches, three stores, two hotels, two wagon shops, two blacksmith shops, two boot and shoe shops, a saw mill, flouring mill, stave mill and cheese-box factory. It has two physicians, and the general law business is trans acted by Benjamin F. Sweet, Esq., who is an old and influential citizen, and has been for many years Justice of the Peace. Some of the oldest citizens now living in the village and vicinity are Noah Merriam, B. F. Sweet, Asahel Saunders and his oldest daughter, Mrs. Emily Crampton, Daniel Vanalstine, Ambrose 342 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. Sadler, Robert Lower, Joseph Douglass, John R. Wright, Barney Rawley, John and Emery Moulton. Addison J. and Henry H. Loomis are among the prominent farmers and business men. Cicero Mills. The Cicero Mills (steam, flour, saw and stave mills,) are located at Cicero village and owned by a stock company known by the corporate name of the Cicero Mill Company. Capital stock, #25,000. The mills were erected in 1870 at a cost of #23,000. The flouring mill grinds about 50,000 bushels per annum, custom and merchant flour. The saw mill cuts about 500,000 feet of lumber annually, and the stave mill about 2,000,000 staves. They are run by steam-power and give employment to about twenty hands the year round. They are the only mills now in operation in the town. The officers of the company are : Ambrose Sadler, President ; A. J. Loomis, Secretary, and Robert Lower, Treasurer ; who are ex-officio Directors, with Daniel Coonley and Emery Moulton, ** the other stockholders being Samuel Cushing and Alonzo Baum. In connection with these mills, I. S. Auborn has a cheese-box factory which employs three hands and turns out about 10,000 cheese-boxes a year. Cheese Factories. Of late years the dairying business, especially cheese making, has become an important interest in the town of Cicero. There are three prosperous cheese factories, as follows : The Cheese Factory of A. J. Loomis, situated one mile south of the village of Cicero, on the road to Syracuse; established in 1855; has two vats, employs three hands, makes 150,000 pounds- per annum ; owns one hundred cows and uses the milk of four hundred others. Mr. Loomis has #40,000 invested in the business. Cicero Center Cheese Factory, built in 1867 by William Sternberg, now owned and conducted by O. J. Daniels, who manufactures cheese for neigh boring farmers. Annual product 50,000 pounds. William Van Bramer's Cheese Factory, built in 1863 ; manufactures the milk of one hundred and fifty cows, keeping forty of his own. The product of this factory is 45,000 pounds per annum, #10,000 capital invested and two hands employed. It is situated two miles south of Cicero village. Farmers' and Mechanics' Club. The towns of Cicero, Clay and Salina have a Far mers' and Mechanics' Club, of which the following are the officers, elected January 5, 1878 : President, A. J. Loomis ; First Vice-President, E. F. Reese • Second Vice-President, R. Z. Sadler ; Corres ponding Secretary, L. H. Brown ; Recording Secretary, J. W. Lawrence ; Treasurer, A. H. Lawrence. Directors — L. C. Flowers, Samuel Ferguson, Clay ; Emery Moulton, H. W. Hanks, Cicero; G. H. McHaron, David Overacre, Salina. Churches. First Universalist Church of Cicero. — In 1859, Rev- A. A. Thayer, then residing in Syra cuse, began preaching the doctrines of Universalism in Cicero, and organized a society. At a Conference held in the Union Church at Brewerton, in i860, Rev. W. W. Clayton, then of Auburn, N. Y., re ceived a call to preach at Cicero and Brewerton, one service on Sunday in each place, Mr. Clayton accepted and continued to preach till the winter of 1862, holding the morning service in the Union Church at Brewerton. The old Disciples' Church at Cicero was new-roofed and refitted inside for the afternoon meetings, and a prosperous and perma nent Sunday school was organized, Mr. Warren Wright being appointed Superintendent. In 1862, Rev. Augustus Tibbits became pastor, and with occasional preaching by Rev. Dolphus Skinner, D. D., and others, the time was filled till 1867, when Rev. John M. Austin became pastor, residing in Auburn and preaching in one or two other places at the same time. Under Mr. Austin, in 1867, a church organization was effected, some of the members joining at that time being John R. Wright, Warren Wright, John McCulloch, Mrs. Robert Lower, Mrs. Ambrose Sadler and Mrs. J. A. Dunham. Mr. Austin continued to officiate as pastor till 1875, since which the church has been supplied by Rev. J. M. Weeks, Rev. Geo. B. Stock ing, and Rev. R. Fisk. The church in which the services have been held from the first was built in the year 1832 by the Bap tists, who disbanded and sold the building to Heze kiah Joslyn, John Leach and Hon. John L. Stevens. In a few years they sold it to the First Congrega tion of Disciples, which was an organization formed mainly of former members of the Baptist society, who in 1867, under a special act ofthe Legislature, sold it to the Universalists, the Disciples' organiza tion having been for some years discontinued. The proceeds of the sale were appropriated to the " Church of Christ," of Syracuse. In 1871, the edifice was rebuilt at a cost of #3,000. The present church membership is about sixty, with an attendance of eighty-five in the Sunday School. .",' ¦¦¦ . , -"- ¦ ¦¦ .. ¦¦..-,-.;- -.,-?:" Residence of CAPT V. DUNHAM, South Bay. New York. M. H. BLYNN, M.D. Among the few men whom the people of Cicero regard worthy of their highest confidence and esteem is numbered the subject of this sketch He was born in Columbia Co., N. Y., on the 5th of January, 1837. He obtained an excellent educa tion, being graduated with distinc tion from Fort Edward institute. He read medicine, under a physician of distinction, two years succeeding his graduation, and at the outbreak of the Rebellion entered the hospital department of the Tenth New York Volunteer Cavalry. His gallant conduct and evident abilities at tracted the attention of his superior officers, and he was accordingly appointed captain of his company on the 3d of November, 1863 ; major of his regiment Nov. 21, 1864 ; and brevet lieutenant-colonel i'noto. by W. V. Ranger. /A M & before the close of tbe war. Upon his return homo, be pursued a course of lectures at the Albany medical college, Bellevue hospital college, New York city, and Longstreet hospital college, Brooklyn, from which he was graduated in the class of 1S66. He was at once appointed a sur geon in the United States army, and also served as quarantine officer of the port of Hilton Head, South Carolina, till Nov. 28, I860, when he received an honorable dismissal, and commenced the practice of his profession at Cicero, Onondaga Co., New York, where he has built up a large and constantly increasing practice. He was united in marriage, Dec. 25, 1866, to Miss Frank Douglass, a daughter of Joseph Douglass, and a very refined and talented lady. SAMUEL CUSHING. Photo, by Jordjui Bios., Syracuse. OLIVE F. GUSHING. HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 343 Reformed Church, Cicero. — This church was organized in 1835, from a congregation of Presby terians who had for many years previous occupied the present edifice. The most prominent persons in the formation of the Reformed Church were Isaac Coonley, Lott Hamilton, Peter Collier, Ezra Hart, Calvin Hart, Noah Merriam and Mrs. P. Andrews. The two last mentioned are the only survivors at this writing, (1878.) Among the pastors have been Rev. Wm. Cranse, Rev. A. W. Seeley, Rev. John Dubois, Rev. Samuel N. Robinson, Rev. John Gray, Rev. F. Hibbard, Rev. G. W. Hemperly. The church is at present without a settled pastor. Membership about fifty ; Sunday School, seventy- five. Cicero Methodist Episcopal Church. — For many years this was one of the North Manlius Dis trict charges. At what time it became a regular charge is not known, but in the year 1850, Rev. Browning Nichols was located at this place, and for a time meetings were, as formerly, held in the school house, but under his auspices a deep religious feel ing was aroused, and the society was reorganized and in the following year the lot was purchased and church building erected at a cost of thirteen hun dred dollars. Rev. Hiram Nichols was the next pastor. Since then Rev. Nickerson, Rev. Munger, Rev. Tuttle, G. B. Bush, D. D., Rev. J. C. Nichols and the present pastor, Rev. Ebenezer Arnold, who also officiates over Stone Arabia charge. The present membership is seventy-six. Sabbath School attendance eighty-five, Mr. J. W. Jewel is the efficient and worthy Sabbath School Superin tendent. The Trustees are J. Bradford, Daniel Vanalstine and Noah Andrew. Stone Arabia M. E. Church. — Situated about one mile west of Cicero Centre, was organized in January, 1845, at the school house. The promi nent members at that time were William S. Fuller, Solomon Wheeler, Harrison Hall, Palmer Brown, John Wilcox, John Salter, William Van Alstine, Daniel Terpenny, Simon Drusbeck, Seth Hall, Jonathan Houghtaling, Mary Benedict, Conrad Brought, and Samuel Sizer. In 1847 the present church building was built, and rebuilt in 1869, at a cost of #2,200. Present membership thirty-seven. Sabbath School attendance sixty. Rev. Ebenezer Arnold, pastor of this and Cicero charge. This church was originally in the North Manlius Circuit. Present Trustees are John Cranse, S. K. Button and Ashley Graves. Taft Methodist Episcopal Church was or ganized by the labors of Rev. Barnard Peck in 1847. Other classes had been formed prior to this, but had been disbanded. The present church edifice was erected in 1857 on ground donated by David Tompkins. Among the members of the class of 1847, were Caleb Tompkins, David Borst, John Richmond, John Bennett and John Taft, from whom the church takes its name. This was part of what was known as the North Manlius District, comprising six congregations, and is about a mile southeast of Centerville. The present membership is about forty. Pastor in charge Rev. Joel Houd, who also officiates at Centerville. Bridgeport Saw Mill and Tannery. — This mill stands on the west bank of the Chittenango Creek. It was built by Benjamin French about 1825, who run the mill until 1854, when the present owner, Oney Sayles, purchased it and has run it ever since. This is the oldest mill now standing in the vicinity ; it is an old-fashioned upright water- power saw mill. Bridgeport tannery was built in 1825, and was run until 1869. The old building, vats and machinery are still standing between the mill race and creek, but is unoccupied. In 1874, Jesse Daniels planted a hop-yard, and in 1877 increased it to four acres, which is now a very thriving and profitable yard — the only one in the town. Biographical Sketches. CAPT. VALENTINE DUNHAM. Captain Valentine Dunham was born at Ham ilton' Madison County, N. Y., on the 1*5 th of May, 1816, where he spent his early life with his parents. After traveling extensively through many of the States, he located on Dunham's Island in Oneida Lake, and since he sold that property, has lived at his present residence at South Bay, in the town of Cicero. He was married in 1858, and has one son sixteen years of age. He is engaged in furnishing pleasure boats to excursions, picnic parties, &c, a business which he has followed forthe past twenty- five years. DAVID H. HOYT. The first founder of the Hoyt family in this country was Simon Hoyt, who settled in about 344 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 1628, at Charlestown, Mass., where he remained about ten years, when he removed to what is now the State of Connecticut. He was the father of ten children, Walter, the eldest son, being the sec ond generation (of the branch of the family which the subject of this sketch represents) was the father of four children ; his second son, Zerubabel, was the third, had six children ; Caleb, his third son, was the fourth, had seven children, and his second son, David, born Dec. 3, 17 10, was the fifth; and his family consisted of ten children. David, his third son, who was born April 2, 1744, being the grandfather of David H., representing the sixth generation of the family, emigrated about the year 1790, to Greenfield, Saratoga County, taking his family with him, which consisted of three children, his eldest son Jacob, having been born in Connecti cut Dec. 2, 1774. He was married to Nancy Shaw, by whom he had five children, David H. being the fourth child and the oldest son was born April 28, 18 13. His father dying when he was fourteen months old, the responsibility of providing for and educating the family, befell his mother, and his after success in life must be attributed to the good coun sel and lessons received from her. His early life was passed on his father's farm, till 1836, when he removed to the town of Cicero, Onondaga County, and in connection with his brother Jacob, purchased one hundred and thirty-six acres of land, being the same farm on which he now resides. He was mar ried October 5, 1843, to Caroline, daughter of Bar tholomew Andrews, she having been born in Cicero July 13, 1823. The result of this happy marriage was six girls and four boys ; Charles J., Josephine and Hattie, having passed away. Lucy was born April 5, 1846; Leroy G., July 30, 1849; Ella E., January 21, 185 1 ; Manil C, April 25, 1853 ; John J., March 25, 1855 ; Alice, Sept, 10, 1857; Frank D., November 7, 1863. Mr. Hoyt has always been an active worker in the Democratic .ranks ; he is also a member of the Reformed Church, and has contributed largely of his means for its support. In looking back over a life of more than three score years, amongst the many reverses which he has passed through, his widowed heart mourns the loss of his loving help-meet, who passed away March 22, 1877, mourned and beloved by all who knew her. SPAFFORD Spafford lies upon Skaneateles Lake and is the western town on the south line of the county. It was erected from portions of the townships of Sempronius, Marcellus and Tully, April 8, 181 1„ and the boundaries have since been materially altered. Parts of Marcellus and Skaneateles were taken off in 1840. At present it comprises eight lots lying east of Skaneateles Lake, being part of the original township of Sempronius ; sixteen lots of the northwest part ofthe township of Tully, and thirteen lots of the south part of the township of Marcellus. It is about ten miles long by three broad, running from northwest to southeast, in lines nearly parallel with the lakes between which it lies — Otisco Lake on the northeast, forming a portion of Us central boundary, and Skaneateles, on the southwest, along its entire line. The lake front of this town, as well as the scenery in the opposite direction, over-looking the Otisco, is most beautiful and picturesque. The surface consists principally of a high ridge between the two lakes, somewhat abruptly descending to the valleys on each side and gradually declining towards the north. The highest summit, Ripley Hill, is also the highest point in the county, being 1,982 feet above tide water, and 1,122 feet higher than Skaneateles Lake. The Otisco inlet is a small stream flowing through the valley which extends south from Otisco Lake. The soil is chiefly a sandy and gravelly loam, productive, and under a high state of cultivation. This town received its name from Horatio Gates Spafford, LL. D., author of a Gazetteer of New York. It was first settled by Gilbert Palmer, who located on Lot "]6, township of Marcellus, in the fall of 1794. Mr. Palmer was a Revolutionary soldier, and served for the lot_ on which he settled. He came from somewhere in Southern New York; Dutchess or Westchester County, and lived in Spaf ford till his death, about 1839. Clark, in his Onondaga, vol. 2d, page 348, relates the following affecting experience of this pioneer and his son : " In the fall of the year 1794, soon after his arrival, Mr. Palmer and his son, a youth of some sixteen years of age, went into the woods to chop ping, for the purpose of making a clearing. Some time in the afternoon they felled a tree, and as it it David fl.fioYT. PHUTQS.BY W. V. ffAWGEJT, SYRACUSE. CAROUNt flOYT. _ _, ' .x--"ii':i Residence or DAVID H. HOYT , Cicero, Onondaga Co., NX. HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 345 struck the ground it bounded, swung around and caught the young man under it. The father at once mounted the log, cut it off, rolled it over and liberated his son. Upon examination one of his lower limbs was found to be badly crushed and mangled. He thereupon carried the youth to his log hut, close at hand, and with all possible dili gence made haste to his nearest neighbors, some three or four miles distant, desiring them to go and minister to his son's necessities, while he should go to Whitestown for Dr. White. The neighbors sallied forth with such comfortable things as they thought might be acceptable in such a case ; but amidst the confusion, the dense forest and the dark ness of night which had just set in, they missed their way, and after wandering about for a long time, gave over the pursuit and returned home, leaving the poor sufferer alone to his fate. Early the next morning all hands again rallied, and in due time found the young man suffering the most extreme anguish from his mangled limb, and greatly benumbed with cold. They built a fire, made him comfortable with such paliatives as could be pro cured in the wilderness, and waited in patience the return of the parent. In the meantime he had pro ceeded rapidly on his journey on foot, and found Dr. White at Clinton. Here he engaged an Oneida Indian to pilot them through the woods by a nearer route than to follow the windings of the old road. Dr. White and Mr. Palmer were at sundry times fearful the Indian would lose the way ; and upon every expression of doubt on their part, the Indian would exclaim, ' me know;' and told them he would bring them out at a certain log which lay across the outlet at the foot of Otisco Lake. The Indian took the lead, and within forty-eight hours after the accident had happened, the Indian had brought them exactly to the log, exclaiming triumphantly ' me know. ' Here Mr. Palmer arrived on familiar ground, and at once pro ceeded to the cabin where he had left his son, whom he found greatly prostrated and writhing under the most intense suffering. No time was lost. The case was thought desperate — the limb was ampu tated at once, half way from the knee to the thigh. The youth bore the pain with heroic fortitude, re covered and lived many years afterward, always speaking in the highest terms and praise of Dr. White." In that part of the town taken from Tully, Jona than Berry was the first settler, a short distance south of Borodino, in March, 1803, and in April, of the same year, a settlement was made by Archibald Farr on the southwest corner of Lot No. 11. Mr. Farr was assisted in arriving at his place of desti nation by Mr. Berry, who sent his team and men to open a road. This is believed to have been the first road of any kind made within the limits ofthe present town. It is the same that now leads from Spafford Corners to Borodino. In 1804 Isaac Hall settled on the farm since owned by Asahel Roun- dy, Esq., near Spafford Postoffice. The road was 56* cleared out from Farr's lot to the Corners, or Spaf ford Postoffice, in 1804, and in 1805, Elisha Sabins and John Babcock, from Scott, cleared out a road from that town to the Corners, and moved in their goods on sleds. In 1806 several families scattered themselves over different parts of the town. Peter Knapp, Isaac Hall, John Babcock, Samuel Smith, Elisha Sabins, Otis Legg, Moses Legg, Archibald Farr, Jethro Bailey, Elias Davis, Abel Amadown, Job Lewis, Daniel Tinckham, John Hullibut, and others, were among the first settlers on the road from Borodino to the town of Scott.. In other parts of the town were Levi Foster, Benjamin Homer, James Williamson, Cornelius Williamson, Benjamin Stanton and John Woodward. In September, 1806, Isaac Hall drove a wagon from Spafford Corners to Scott Corners for a load of boards, which was the first wagon that ever passed over that road. The Corners were first settled in 1807 by Asahel Roundy and James Bacon. Elias Davis, an old settler near the center of the town, made his way thither from Skaneateles up the lake in a skiff. The following are names of persons who settled in Spafford previous to the war of 1812 and who have died in the town since 1845 : Samuel Prindle, a Revolutionary soldier; Hon. Joseph Prindle, Eli jah Knapp, Peter Knapp, Capt. Asahel Roundy, soldier of 1812; Cornelius Williamson, soldier of 18 12 ; Samuel G. Seeley, soldier of 18 12 ; Kelly Case, soldier of 1812 ; Jabez Melvin, soldier of 1 8 12; William Dedrick, soldier of 18 12 ; Russel Tinkham, soldier of 1812 ; Silas Randall, soldier of 1812; Stephen Applebee, soldier of 18 12 ; Samuel Gale, soldier of 18 12 ; Samuel Parker, soldier of 1 8 12 ; Jonathan Ripley, Joseph Enos, Elias Davis, Lewis C. Davis, Leonard Melvin, Miss Melinda Melvin, John Grout, Ebenezer Grout. The following still living in the town, became residents from 18 12 to 18 18 : Daniel Wallace, Joseph Enos, Uriah Roundy, W. W. Legg, Hiram Seeley, Rathbun Barber, Geo. W. Crane, Seymour Grinnell, J. L. Mason, Harvey Barnes, John L. Ripley, S. H. Stanton, Mrs. Bridget McDaniels, Mrs. Clara Weston, Mrs. Maria Mason, Miss Semantha Melvin, Allen J. Stanton, Reuben Palmer, Wm. Churchill, A. M. Churchill, Alanson E. Colton and Nelson Berry. The first frame dwelling was erected by Samuel Conkling in 1807, on Lot number seventy-six, Mar cellus. The first Religious Society was organized in the Marcellus portion of the town in 1800. The first school house was built of logs on the northwest corner of Lot number seventy-six, Marcellus, in 346 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 1803. Miss Sally Packard was the first teacher. The first school at Spafford Corners was kept in a log house in 1808, by Miss Hannah Weston, (after wards Mrs. Roundy,) who used to ride out on horseback from Skaneateles, and return in the same manner at the close of her school each day. There was no wagon road then from the Corners to Skan eateles. Dr. Archibald Farr, in 1808, erected the first grist mill in town. The first saw mill was built in 1810 by Josiah Walker; the next by Judge Walter Wood in 181 1. These mills, if we mistake not, were on Cold Brook, the largest tributary of Otisco Lake. Jared Babcock and Lanson Hotchkiss were the first merchants — the first in 1809, and the sec ond in 1 8 10. Dr. Archibald Farr was the first practicing physician, and kept the first tavern on lot number eleven, Tully, in 1808. Other physi cians were Jeremiah B. Whiting, Zachariah Derby, John Collins and others. The first town meeting was held at the house of Elisha Sabins, in 1812. John Babcock was chosen Supervisor ; Sylvester Wheaton, Town Clerk ; Ben jamin Stanton, Asahel Roundy and Elijah Knapp> Assessors ; Asahel Roundy, Adolphus French and Jonathan Berry, Commissioners of Highways. The second town meeting was held at the same place, April 13, 1813. Asahel Roundy, Supervi sor, and Asa Terry, Town Clerk. A postoffice was established at Spafford Corners in 1 8 14. Asahel Roundy, Postmaster. He was succeeded by James Knapp, Joseph R. Berry, Thomas B. Anderson and Dr. Collins, in the order named. The mail was first carried through the town in a wagon in 1827. James H. Fargo had the contract for the route from Jordan to Homer, Cortland County. Previously the mails had been carried on horseback. Spafford is well watered by springs and small brooks. Excellent blue limestone, suitable for build ing purposes, is quarried in the town, at the highest elevation on which building stone is found in the county. BORODINO. The village of Borodino is situated in the north ern part of the town of Spafford. It contains forty- two dwelling houses and a population of some two hundred. It contains one M. E. Church, town hall, postoffice, two dry goods stores, proprietors Messrs. Churchill & Eadie, and Grinnell & Howe ; one hardware store, C. M. Rich ; one clothing store, Wm. Quick & Son ; one wagon shop, Cyrus Streeter ; two blacksmith shops, O. F. Eddy and A. Griffin ; one cabinet shop, E. Eldrige. Stephen Huffman is proprietor of the hotel. There is a shoe shop kept by A. Manley & Son ; tin shop, C. M. Rich & Son ; carpenters and joiners, Charles Nichols, Albert Applebee, Miles Brott and J. L. Maynard. W. W. Legg is Postmaster, and Dr. Van Dyke Tripp, physician. True Reform Lodge, No. 664, I. O. of G. T., at Borodino, was organized May 29, 1877, with twenty-six members. The present officers are — Albert Applebee, W. C. T.; Mrs. W. H. Bunnell,' W. V. T.; Frank Harvey, W. S.; W. H. Bunnell, W. C; Elenor Stanton, W. F. S.; Eva Bass, W. T.; George Goodrich, W. M. ; Lilian Milkins, W. I. G.; George Tripp, W. O. G.; S. A. Wallace, W. A. S.; Eva Olmsted, W. A. M.; Emma Sweet, R. H. S.; Mary Streeter, L. H. S.; Otis Cross, L. D. M. E. Church, Borodino. — The first meetings of this society were held in the house of John C Hillibot ; the organization was effected in 1809. The first church edifice was built at Skaneateles and subsequently removed to Borodino. The church numbers twenty-five members. Sunday School part of the time ; attendance about twenty. Present pastor — Rev. William H. Bunnell. Trustees — A. Grinnell, President ; Otis Cross, 0. K. Morton, William T. Wilbur, Isaac Eglin, E. P. Grinnell, Van Dyke Tripp, William Bass and Geo. Crane. Ansel Grinnell, Class-leader. SPAFFORD CORNERS. Spafford Corners, in the southern part of the town, has a population of about two hundred. It contains a postoffice, Uriah Roundy, Postmaster. Roundy & McDaniels, and James Churchill, mer chants ; C. B. Lyon, shoemaker ; George Hazard and Alex. Green, blacksmiths. The place has one church- — Methodist Episcopal, and one practicing physician, H. D. Hunt, M. D. The only hotel in the place is kept by G. H. Anthony. Lake View Lodge, No. 659, I. O. of G. T., was instituted by John Lorton, in May, 1877, with thirty-one charter members. H. D. Hunt, W. C. T.; P. A. Norton, W. S. The lodge is in a flour ishing condition. Union Church, Spafford Corners. — Religious services by the Baptists and Methodists were first held in this vicinity in school houses prior to the erection of the church in" 1838. At the latter date the Union society was formed, James Woodworth, (class-leader,) Samuel Seeley, Edwin S. Edwards, Hiram Seeley, Dr. John Collins, Sylvanus Eddy -"'• A -JA';»S \l\r " ¦ $i $fffiw If] W :'f Samuel H. Stanton. 'It Mrs. Samuel ^.Stanton. ( PHOTOS. BV BONTA * CURTI SS .) Residence of SAMUEL H.STANTON,Sp/iffokd, Onondaga Countv, N.Y HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 347 and wife, David Coon and wife, were among the original members. The church edifice cost about #1,200 and is sup plied with a bell and a cabinet organ. Present membership, thirty-five ; Sunday School sixty-five. Present pastor, Rev. Wm. H. Bunnell, who also supplies the M. E. Church at Borodino. Present Trustees — Uriah Roundy, President and Secretary ; Edwin S. Edwards, Millard Doty, Joseph Cole and Seymour Norton. Luke Miller came from Connecticut and built the first house on Cold Brook, (a log cabin,) about seventy years ago, or in 1808. David Norton came from Connecticut in 18 14. There is a grist mill on Cold Brook owned by John P. Taft, with one run of stones. A mill was built here in 1830, by Dr. David Mellen, from Hudson, N. Y. It was burned in 1852, and rebuilt by the present proprietor in 1863. Mr. Wm. H. Lawrence has a saw mill on Cold Brook. The mill was first built in December 1828, by Peter Picket. It was operated till 1848 by B. W. Taft. The mill was rebuilt in 1872. In con nection with the same mill Mr. Lawrence also •operates a flax mill. The flax is broken into what is known as " green tow " and is shipped in that form to market. Mr. Lawrence has also the largest cider mill in the town on Cold Brook, and ships largely of its pro duct to Syracuse and New York. Methodist Episcopal Church, Cold Brook. — The society was organized over sixty years ago. Richard English and old Mr. Caleb Haight were among the. earliest members. Rev. Isaac Puffer, a celebrated divine, was one of its first pastors. The •early records of the church were lost. The present edifice of the church was built in 1852 ; a fine, •commodious structure, seating capacity between two and three hundred. Cost about #1,200. Pres ent pastor, Rev. C. D. Smith. Residence, Scott, Cortland county, N. Y. Present membership twenty-five. Flourishing Sunday School, J. N. Knapp, Superintendent. Scholars in attendance, about thirty. Trustees — J. Noxon, President ; J. N. Knapp, Secretary ; John P. Taft, H. E. Underwood, W. A. Lawrence, Lyman Churchill and Sylvester Churchill. Rev. O. N. Cuykendall, deceased, was in charge when the church was built. SAMUEL H. STANTON. Benjamin Stanton, father of the subject of this sketch, was born in Rhode Island, January 14th, 1780. When quite young his father moved from Rhode Island and settled in Bennington county, Vt. In 1802 Benjamin removed to New Berlin, Chenango county, N. Y., where he married, August 15th, 1802, Sally Sheldon, by whom he had one child, viz: Sally S., who was brought up by her grand-parents from the death of her mother, which occurred about one year after marriage. January 12, 1806, Mr. S. was married to his second wife, Amy Perkins. In February of the same year, he purchased fifty acres of wood land in the town of Spafford, upon which he cut the first tree and erected a log house on the same spot where the fine farm residence of the subject of this sketch, now stands. Returning for his wife, the two com menced a pioneer's life in the woods. In July, 1806, he carried upon his back one bushel of corn to a mill twenty miles distant, situated on Onon daga Creek, within the limits of what is now the city of Syracuse. In the fall of the same year a mill was built, by Dr. Farr, at the head of Otisco Lake. They had children as follows: Sheldon P., born July 12, 1807, living in Alleghany county, N. Y. ; Malenda, born March 2, 1808 ; Sherman H., born February 15, 18 10, died April, 18 13 ; Allen J., born February 15, 1812, a farmer living in Spaf ford ; Juliana, born July 21, 18 14, married to Syl vanus Grant, died March 9, 1849; John S., born February 7, 18 17, physician, living in Madison, Wis.; Mary, born July 26, 1819, married to Samuel Sher man ; Samuel H., subject of this sketch, born April 10, 1821 ; Rboda, born April 26, 1823, wife of Delos W. Billings, living in Alleghany county, N. Y. Mr. Stanton, besides working on the farm, carried on the blacksmith trade. He was one of the first as sessors of the town of Spafford. He died February 5, 1871. His wife survived him a little more than a year. Her death occurred March 31, 1872. Both are buried near the spot where they lived, a fine monument having been erected over their graves. The subject of this sketch has alwayslived on the same place in Spafford where the father first settled; he coming into possession of the homestead. Receiving his education in the common schools of Spafford, when seventeen years of age he commenced teaching school, and taugh three successive terms. He was united in marriage, October 9, 1844, to Sarah T. Patterson, daughter of Calvin and Sarah Patterson, who were among the pioneer settlers of of Spafford. Mrs. S. was born July 15, 1825, in Spafford. They have had ten children, as follows : Calvin P., born June 12, 1846, married to Emma Babcock, living in Luddington, Mason County, 348 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. Michigan ; Emmett E., born October 30 1849, married Josephine Burton, living in Spafford ; Annette, born July 3, 185 1, married F. W. Fair banks, a farmer living in Mason County, Michigan ; Frank, born February 15, 1855, died March 25, 1876; Laura, born September 17, 1857, living at home; Samuel, born November 8, 1858, died an infant ; Mark, born. March 1, 1859, living at home ; Elmer E., born August 8, i860, living at home; Alice, born May 23, 1862, married to John Pur chase, living in Spafford ; Benjamin, born September 28, 1866, died an infant. Mr. Stanton has added to his lands until at the present time he is the owner of over three hundred acres. In politics he is Republican. He has filled the offices of Inspector of Election, Supervi sor in 1870 and '71, Highway Commissioner in 1869, '75, '76 and '77, Assessor and Notary Public. In 1876 he rebuilt his house, which commands a fine view of the surrounding country, including the whole of Otisco Lake. A view of his home, together with portraits of Mr. and Mrs. S., appear on another page of this work. OTISCO. Otisco was formed from Pompey, Marcellus and Tully, March 21, 1806. It is an interior town, lying southwest of the center of the county. Its surface is principally occupied by the high ridge be tween the valleys of Onondaga Creek and Otisco Lake. The declivities of the hills are generally steep, and the summits rolling and elevated from eight hundred to a thousand feet above the valleys, and from 1,600 to 1,700 feet above the ocean. Otisco Lake is 772 feet above tide. It lies upon the west border of the town, in a valley 1,000 feet below the summits of the hills. Bear Mountain, named from the great number of bears which in fested it when the country was first settled, is one of the principal elevations. It is in the northeast part, and overhangs the valley of the Onondaga Creek. The soil is generally a sandy and gravelly loam, mixed with clay and well adapted to wheat and grazing. In the year 1798 Oliver Tuttle and his son Daniel, (and possibly his son William) came on horseback from Cincinnatus, in what is now Cort land county, and made the first improvement by underbrushing for a small clearing on Lot 97, near the head of Otisco Lake. While thus engaged the father was taken very sick and was taken care of by Daniel till able to sit on his horse when they re turned through the woods, there being no roads, to Cincinnatus, the first house on the route being at Homer, fifteen miles from the lake. It was four years before they returned to Otisco, and they then found several families of settlers. Oliver Tuttle built the first frame house in 1804. Mr. Tyler Frisbie, who had the statement directly from the sons of Daniel Tuttle, and also from the sons of Mr. Alpheus Bouttelle, who settled in Otisco in 1804, from the town of Pompey, has no doubt but Mr. Tuttle was the first settler of the town. Chauncey Rust, said by Mr. Clark to have been tbe first settler, moved his family from LaFayette in April, 1 80 1 . Mr. Rust was from Northampton, Mass, During this year and the following a large number of settlers arrived, principally from Massachusetts and Connecticut, and the whole town filled up rapidly. Among the first settlers were Jonathan B. Nichols, Charles and Benoni Merriman, Solomon Judd and Lemon Gaylord, in 1801 ; Otis Baker, Noah Parsons, Nathaniel Loomis, Amos and Isaac Cowles, in 1802 ; and Benjamin Cowles, Josiah Clark, Daniel Bennett, Elias and Jared Thayer, Henry Elethrop, Samuel, Ebenezer and Luther French, Jared and Noah Parsons, and Erastus Clapp, soon after. Lucy Cowles, afterwards wife of Rev. Geo. Colton taught the first school in 1802. The first white child born in the town was Timothy Rust, son of Chauncey Rust, March 22, 1802 ; and the first death that of Nathaniel Dady, Jr., killed by the falling of a tree, July, 1802. Daniel Bennett kept the first tavern in 1802 ; Michael Johnson, the first store in 1808; and Charles Merriman built the first grist mill in 1806. Jesse Swan and Josiah Everett were also among the first merchants, and Benoni Merriman kept a log tavern near Otisco Center in 1804. The first practicing physician who settled in town was Dr. Jonathan S. Judd, in 1806. Dr. Lu ther French, in 1818. Thomas Judd was the first, and it is supposed the only lawyer in town ; he 38r. crWT. B& /y\^^Mj^A^, 4 ^ L, ^U. Onondaga, Co., N.Y. ^filw£& Arthur Card. George B. Card. Emmet Card jVettie Card. 8' m%: fttRs.Gzo.W. Card. Geo. W. Card. { ("HOTOS. BYBoi/TAS ClIRTISS.SyR/iCUSE ¦) HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 353 N. was born in Otisco February 25, 1833, and has always resided in that town. Mr. and Mrs. N. have had two children, viz : Bertie Lee, born Feb. 26, 1865 ; Ava Bell, born Nov, 7, 1868, died Sept. 24, 1869. Two years since they took into the family Cora A. Niles, an orphan daughter of his brother Charles E., and in every respect treat her as an own child. Mr. N. has been a life-long Democrat. Not withstanding the town is Republican, he was chosen to the responsible position of Supervisor in 1871 and reelected in 1873- 74-75? and aSain for tne year 1877. For the last eight years he has acted as Notary Public. In 1869, he built his present residence, ond of the finest in the village of Amber, a sketch of which, with the portraits of Mr. and Mrs. Niles, appears on another page in this work. Mr. Niles is a thorough and successful farmer, a genial companion, and fully deserves the confidence and esteem in which he is held in the community where he has passed his whole life. JAMES H. REDWAY. James H. Redway was born August 3, 1817, in Otisco, Onondaga County, and is the eldest son of Thomas and Susannah Redway. His father was the youngest son of James and Alithea Red- way. He had two brothers and two sisters, viz : Mahitable, James, Nancy and Benjamin. The family moved from Killingly, Conn., in 1796, and settled in Galway, Saratoga county, N. Y. From thence they moved in 1806, to Onondaga County, settling in Otisco on the place still owned by Thos. Redway, and occupied at the present time by Geo. D. Redway. The brothers and sisters are all de ceased. Thomas married Susannah Gibbs, Feb. 10, 181 1 ; they had two children, viz : Wm. G. and the subject of this sketch. William G. was born April 13, 1822 ; died Nov. 22, 1843. The mother died Nov. 8, 1861. Thomas, the father, is still living with his son, at the advanced age of eighty- six, and though he is feeble, having suffered a stroke of paralysis about two years since, never having had a physician up to that time since his marriage, yet his memory and hearing are still very good. When they moved to Otisco, Thomas drove the team of steers and a flock of fourteen sheep, and the sheep now on the farm are descendants of that flock. When he came through Syracuse, there was but one house standing, located where the Empire block now stands. His farm was cleared up from 5** the woods, and milling was done at a mill situated a mile below Skaneateles village, a distance of eleven miles. He was called out in the war of 18 12 and drew a land warrant on account of his services. He has followed farming throughout life. He was Highway Commissioner for thirteen years in suc cession and has held other town offices. He has never had a lawsuit in his life. In politics, he was first a Whig and then a Re publican. From small beginnings, by untiring in dustry, enlightened economy and honorable dealing, Mr. R. has accumulated a handsome property, the active management of which for the past six or seven years he has yielded almost entirely to his son. The life of a farmer usually embraces few startling incidents, but Mr. Redway has performed its duties with such industry and good judgment as to secure the respect of all who have known him. And now as the life of this pioneer, already length ened more than a decade beyond the allotted three score years and ten, is drawing towards its close, he can look back over its varied shadows and sunshine, its struggles and its triumphs, with the satisfaction coming from a life well spent, and await with com posure the inevitable hour which comes to all the living. The subject of this sketch has always lived with his father, having as before stated, the entire con trol of business for a number of years. He received his education in the district schools of his native town except one term in a select school at Onon daga. He was married February 25th, 1846, to Pamela Jane Willsie, second daughter of Captain John and Mary Willsie. She was born in Marcel lus, September 19, 1824. They have but one child ; Alice Adelle, born July 21, 1848, married October 6, 1868, to George D. Redway, a distant relative of the family. They have children as fol lows : May Isabella, Herbert Eugene and Louis Leroy. They occupy the farm named above, upon which the family first settled. Mr. R. has held various offices of trust in his town ; Overseer of the Poor, Election Inspector, Assessor, and for the last thirteen years has filled the office of Justice of the Peace. As an evidence of care and good judgment exercised since he occupied that position, it may be stated that no decision rendered by him has ever been reversed by a higher court. For the last ten years he has been extensively employed in the settlement of estates in his own and neighbor ing towns. On account of reliance upon his judgment and good advice, he has often been called upon to settle questions of difference among his neighbors, always 354 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. counseling a settlement beween parties in preference to an appeal to the law. In the management of the large property accumulated by his father and him self, he has shown rare tact and good judgment. In the loaning of moneys he has always lived up to the motto of " live and let live," never exacting more than the legal rate of interest, and like his father before him, though his business transactions have been extensive, he has never had a suit at law. In politics he is a Republican. Though not a member of any church Mr.. R. has always recog nized the healthful influence of the Christian reli gion, and has always contributed to the support of churches in his neighborhood. It would but echo the common sentiment of the community in which he has passed his whole life, to say that Mr. R. possesses, in a marked degree, those qualities which characterize the useful citizen, the good neighbor, the filial son, and the kind and indulgent parent, and one whose loss would be most deeply felt. WARREN KINNEY. Warren Kinney was born in Union Township, Tolland County, Conn., August 14th, 1804, the eld est child of Alpheus and Lucy Kinney. They had thirteen children, seven sons and six daughters. The family moved to Madison County, N. Y., in 18 1 5, where the father died, February 22, 1848, the mother January 3d, 1864. At the age of fifteen Mr. Kinney left home and worked for five years by the month, for Col. John Ledyard, in Cazenovia, Madison County. For the next five years he en gaged in peddling tin-ware, and, during his travels, while thus employed, he made the acquaintance of Harriet Bouttelle, whom he married March 30th, 1830. After his marriage he took up a forty acre lot in Madison County, upon which a small clear ing had been made and a log house erected. He remained on this place six years. In 1836 he sold out and settled on a farm at the head of Otisco Lake, town of Otisco. By hard work, seconded in every effort by his estimable wife, Mr. K. added from time to time to his lands until he had become the possessor of three hundred acres of land. In 185 1, his health having become somewhat im paired he moved to Amber village, where he has ever since resided. Mrs. Kinney was born in Otisco, September 24, 1 8 10, the youngest child of Alpheus and Hannah Bouttelle. She had three brothers and one sister, viz : David B., Samuel, Lorenzo and Parmelia A. David B. and Parmelia A. are deceased. Lorenzo and Samuel are still living in Amber, the latter with his son, A. J. Bouttelle, proprietor of the Lake House. Her parents were natives of Worcester County, Mass., and were among the first families that settled in Otisco in 1804. The first Independ ence day thereafter all the families (five in num ber) of the town sat down at one table. Her father opened the first tannery in the southern part of Onondaga County. Mrs. K. united with the M. E. Church in Otisco Valley in 1836, and always took a lively interest in all matters which looked to its prosperity, and was an efficient coworker in the Sabbath School. She was a leader in every moral, social or benevolent enterprise. The poor and needy always found in her a sympathizing friend, In all her acts of kindness she was unostentatious. She was truly a help-meet to her husband. She died April 5th, 1876. Her loss will long be felt in the community in which she lived, and her mem ory treasured by all who knew her. Mr. Kinney, for many years, has also been a member of the M. E. Church, always doing his part towards its support. Having no children of their own, Mr. and Mrs. K. have taken into their home, at different times, five children of their neighbors, whom they have brought up and given a start in the world, to whom they were as an own father and mother. Of Mr. Kinney it may be truly said, he is em phatically a self-made man. Denied the advan tages of education, he has literally cut his way through life by the sweat of his brow. Starting with nothing but his hands and an indomitable will, earnestly seconded, in all his undertakings, by the hearty cooperation of his wife, he has achieved success, and secured an ample competence. October 29th, 1877, he was married to Emma Annable, daughter of Otis and Rosina Annable. MYRON HILLYER. This gentleman was born in the town of Marcellus, Onondaga county, October 28, 18 11, the third child of Nathaniel and Hannah Hillyer. They had two sons and three daughters, viz : Chester, Betsey, Myron, Catherine and Louisa. They were both natives of Connecticut, and were among the earliest settlers in the town of Marcellus. The father was a blacksmith and also carried on a farm. Both the father and mother are deceased. The children are all living except Betsey, who was the wife of Arthur Machan. Chester is a farmer, owning and living on the homestead. Catherine, married to Abner x m E.MMA KtUNLY. Residence or WARREN KINNEY, Amblk, Onondaga Co ..N.Y. w? ^. -M Coi^ /4>< Z-tf/eJv Uk^^ i^yi-tt photos by Bonta & Curtiss. Syracuse, l/s^Crls ^ W//&H Res. and Harness Shop of MYRON H/LLYER, Amber, Onondaga County. N.Y. HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 355 Wallrod, and Louisa, married to Samuel Rockwell, are both living in Jersey City, N. J. Up to his twentieth year, the subject of this sketch worked at home on the farm, then com menced to learn the harness-maker's trade, which he has continued to follow without interruption. He was married April 27, 185 1 to Philinda Grif fin, daughter of Heman and Candace Griffin, who had four sons and seven daughters. Her parents, both natives of Connecticut, were among the first settlers of the town of Otisco, and are both deceased. All but two of the children are still liv ing, five in the State of Michigan and the rest in Otisco. Mrs. Hillyer was born in Otisco, October 4, 1822, on the farm where her parents first settled and lived till their death, now owned and occupied by John Fairchild. In 1862, she united with the M. E. Church and has been one of its most active and devoted members. In appreciation of her in terest in the American Missionary Society, she was made a life member. Mr. and Mrs. Hillyer have had but one child, viz : Horton N., born October 5, 1856. He has always lived at home, learned the harness-maker's trade of his father and is now a partner with him in the business. After marriage Mr. and Mrs. Hillyer set tled in Amber village, on the place where they reside. In politics Mr. Hillyer was first a Whig, then Re publican. He was postmaster in Amber village six years. Left by his father but a small property, by close attention to business*and honorable dealing, seconded at all times by the hearty cooperation of his estimable wife, Mr. Hillyer has accumulated an ample competence. A sketch of his house, with portraits of himself, wife and son appear on another page of this volume. TULLY. Tully was originally one of the townships of the Military Tract. Upon the organization of the county in 1794, it was included with Fabius in the town of Pompey. Fabius, including the present town of Tully, was taken off March 9, 1798, and Tully was erected into a separate town April 4, 1803, A part of Otisco was taken off in 1806, and a part of Spafford in 181 1. Tully is the center town upon the south line of the county. Its surface is an upland, level in the center, but hilly upon the east and west borders. In the south part of the central valley are several small lakes, known as the Tully Lakes, the principal being Crooked Lake and Big Lake, only a few rods apart, yet dividing the waters of the St. Lawrence from those of the Susquehanna. Out of Crooked Lake, which is just eight hundred feet above the Erie Canal at Syracuse, flows the Onondaga Creek, northward, while Big Lake, four feet lower, gives rise to the Tioughnioga River, which flows south into the Susquehanna, and thence into Chesapeake Bay. The only swampy land in the town lies in the vicinity of these lakes. The prevailing soil is a sandy and a clayey loam, productive, and well adapted to grazing and agricultural purposes. Early Settlers. Settlements were first made in this town by New England people when it was included in the town of Pompey, from 1794 to 1798. The first settler was David -Owen, in 1795. He erected the first cabin in the town, and was followed by James Cravath, William Trowbridge and others. The first white child born in the town was Peter Henderson, in 1796. Timothy Walker built the first frame house in 1797, and Moses Nash the second ; both were built in the village of Tully. Moses Nash also opened the first store at the village in 1803. Previous to this trading had been done at Pompey Hill and at Truxton. John Meeker succeeded Mr. Nash in the mercantile business in 1805. He was one ofthe most extensive merchants in the country, and took the lead in business and trade throughout this whole region. Nicholas Lewis opened the first tavern in Tully Village in 1802. In 1807, he was succeeded by Jacob Johnson, and he, in turn, by William Trow bridge. The first school established in the town was kept in Timothy Walker's barn, and taught by Miss Ruth Thorp, in 1801. We see here what is not notice able in every town, that a school was the first public object to which the inhabitants turned their atten tion ; thus placing before their children the means of making themselves useful members of society and distinguished citizens. A log school house was erected in 1804 at Tully Village, and was suc ceeded by a frame one in 1809. Others soon made their appearance in different parts of the town, and education in the common schools grew into an im- - 356 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. portant and well organized feature of the intellectual life of the people. First Important Road. The Hamilton and Skaneateles Turnpike was laid out in 1806, from Richfield through Brookfield, Hamilton and Fabius, to the outlet of Otisco Lake, thence to the outlet of Skaneateles Lake. Samuel Fitch, Samuel Marsh, Elisha Payne, David Smith, Elijah St. John, Comfort Tyler, Samuel Tyler, Thaddeus Edwards and Elnathan Andrews, were the principal movers in procuring the act of in corporation and obtaining share-holders, and getting the road laid out, worked and finished. This enterprise opened through the town and others in its vicinity, a way of communication which added essentially to the business and prosperity of the country through which it passed. It was not long before its advantage and effects were realized and appreciated. It gave a spur to business, confidence to the community, and the results which have flowed from it have been salutary and satisfactory. In 1815 the first postoffice was established at Tully ; Nicholas Howell, Postmaster ; Wm. Trow bridge was his successor. Previous to this, mail- matter had been obtained from Preble Corners. The earliest settlers received their letters and papers at Pompey Hill. Vesper Postoffice was established in 1827, Wm. Clark, Postmaster; Tully Valley Postoffice in 1 836, George Salisbury, Postmaster. The first grist mill in town was erected by Peter Van Camp, in 1810; a saw-mill was built at the same time and place — about three miles west of Tully village. In 1845, there were four grist mills, five saw-mills, two carding machines and one woolen factory. The first settlers of this town, Homer, Solon, Cincinnatus, Marathon, and those lying south, had to come to Jackson's, Ward's and Sanford's mills to get their grists ground. They came with drays loaded with wheat or corn, drawn by oxen. These drays were made of the crotches of trees with boards pinned across. Ten bushels was considered a pretty large load to haul twenty or thirty miles on such a vehicle with one yoke of oxen, over such roads as then existed. This method of going to mill was a matter of necessity till mills were built in Tully, and the settlements, at first destitute of them, were supplied nearer home. At the organization of Tully in 1803, the first town meeting was held May 1, at the house of Samuel Trowbridge. Phineas Howell was chosen Supervisor ; Amos Skeel, Town Clerk ; Jacob John son, Samuel Cravath, Solomon Babcock, Assessors ; Flpyd Howell, James Cravath, and Solomon Bab cock, Commissioners of Highways. At the second and third town meetings, the same were reelected and held their respective offices. Amos Skeel was the first Justice of the Peace in 1803 ; Job L. Lewis and Moses Nash were Justices of the Peace from 1808 to 1812. Mr. Nash after wards removed to Indiana, where he became a dis tinguished man. VILLAGE OF TULLY. The village of Tully is situated on the Syracuse, Binghamton and New York Railway, twenty-two miles from Syracuse. It has a population of about five hundred and is a favorite resort for persons in pursuit of health and pleasure during the summer months, the principal attraction being a number of beautiful lakes in the immediate vicinity, which are well stocked with pickerel, bass and other choice fish. The fine large hotel, the Empire House, managed by M. G. Bennett, is another feature of attraction. The streets are ornamented with beautiful shade trees, and the residences present a cheerful and comfortable appearance, while the business houses are well stocked and seem to be managed in a man ner that is creditable to the village and profitable to the proprietors. The village is incorporated, and the present officers are the following : H. C. Tallman, Presi dent ; H. V B. Arnold, Clerk. The Trustees of the corporation are George W. Crofoot, H. B. Scammel and Wm. L. Earle ; Treasurer, Judson Wright ; Collector, Daniel Vail. The first settler in what is now the village of Tully was David Owen, who built the first log house. Nicholas Howell, Timothy Walker and William Trowbridge settled here before 1800. Seth Trowbridge came here in 1800, and his son Milo, now living here, was then five years old, having been born in 1795. He is now eighty-three years old, and seemingly hale and hearty. The oldest resi dent of the village is Salem Baker, being now ninety-two. Henry F. King came here in 1818 from Suffield, Conn. In the year 1828 he set out a row of sugar-maple trees in front of his residence and grounds, bringing the whole number from the woods on his back. They are now immense in size, and beautiful to behold, affording a grateful shade. Mr. King was postmaster here for more than thirty years. He died in 1853. Tully as a shipping point for all kinds of produce is not equalled by any other place in this part of the Photos, by Bonta & Curtiss, Syracuse. HON. SAMUEL WILLIS. MRS. S. WILLIS. HON. SAMUEL WILLIS. Samuel Willis was born in the town of Lake Pleasant, Hamilton Co., N. Y., in the year 1818. He remained in his native place until seventeen years of age, when a desire to better his circumstances induced him to remove to Onondaga County. He arrived in Syra cuse with a surplus, over and above his traveling expenses, of only eighty cents. This he expended for some small article of clothing, and went on foot to Vesper, in the town of Tully, where he found employment as a farm laborer with Orange Smith, working one year for one hundred and eight dollars. During the year his father visited him, and was induced by young Samuel to remain and purchase a small farm, the latter pledging his year's wages to make the first payment upon the same. The land was purchased of Mr. Orange Smith, and, after the expiration of the first year Samuel was engaged with his father in improving the new farm. At the age of twenty-four years he was united in marriage to Miss Kachel Van Wormer, daughter of Isaac and Agnes Van Wormer, who were among the early settlers of this county. Subsequent to his marriage he purchased, upon credit, eighty acres of the farm on which ho now resides. This was no incon siderable undertaking for a young man in his circumstances, but the responsibility stimulated the exertions of both himself and wife, and by their united efforts, diligence, perseverance, and economy they not only succeeded in paying for their land, but in subsequently increasing it to a farm of one hundred and twenty acres. For many years Mr. Willis has carried on farming on a large scale, having worked from three hundred to five hundred acres of land. He has one of the most desirable homes in the section of the country where he resides, a sketch of which is shown on the opposite page. For his success in life he attributes no small share of credit to the good judgment and skillful man agement of his estimable wife, who has ever been ready, by word and deed, to second his efforts and assist him in all his undertakings. Mr. Willis has served his town in various public and official capacities, having held the office of assessor for six consecutive years, and that of supervisor for seven years, and is now a member of assembly from his district, having been elected in tho fall of 1877. Mr. Willis is the architect of his own fortune. Without the aid of inherited wealth or social prestige, he has made his way from poverty to affluence, and from obscurity to a high position in the gift and trust of his fellow-citizens, by his own energy, industry, and economy. Wliile his official duties occupy much ot his time, his highest pride and enjoyment are in his well-ordered farm, and the associations and comforts of his delightful home. and the society of his many friends. Mr. Willis has had five children,— one son and four daughters. The oldest, Ann Eliza, married Erastus Clark, and is living near hor parents; George I. died at tho age of twenty-one, in 18G5; Sophia L. married Adrian Cummings, and is living about three miles from her father ; Mary L. died May 4, 1876, aged twenty- seven years ; Julia H. lives with her parents at home ; graduated at Cortland Normal school ; afterwards became one of its teachers, which place she filled for two years ; has also been a teacher in the academy at Winsted, Conn. HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 357 county, it being in the center of a large dairy country, and the towns of Spafford, LaFayette and Otisco sending their products here for shipment. The churches of Tully are M. E. Church, Bap tist, and Disciples. The Commercial and manufacturing interests are as follows : Triree dry goods stores, Tallman, Mil- Ian & Hoxsie, Bouttelle Bros, and Joseph Fletcher. Two drug stores, J. W. Wright & Son and W. F. Jones & Co. Two hardware stores, W. W. Hayford & Son and A. G. Dryer ; one grocery store, L. Gowing ; one furniture and undertaking establishment by W. L. Earle; one butcher shop, Coughey Bros. ; three cooper-shops, F. A. Vail, George Watson and 01- ney & Smith ; three blacksmith shops, James Williams, Zepheniah Mason and Andrew Strail ; two carriage and repair shops, John B. Hall and Andrew Cately ; two harness shops, Armenius Smith and John C. Davis. There is one steam and water-power grist mill, built by Timothy Walker about the year 1818. Joel His cock, uncle to Frank Hiscock, member of Congress from Syracuse, had charge of putting in the ma chinery. The mill was rebuilt and refitted for steam power in 1874, and is owned and operated by Ellis & Hodges. It has two run of stones. They manufacture flour and do custom work. There are two tailor shops, Henry Arnold and Myron Brown. Two physicians, S M. Farnham and George W. Earle. Henry C. Tallman is an attorney here ; H. K. King, insurance agent and notary public. The present postmaster is M. J. Bouttelle ; he has held the office about two years. H. C. Scammell and Son are packers and heavy shippers of eggs at this point, shipping as many as one hundred thousand dozen per year. Religious Histoky. From the commencement of the settlement of Tully, religious privileges, as well as schools, occu pied the attention of the people, who brought with them their New England predilections. Meetings were held in the several neighborhoods in barns, and, in cold, inclement weather, in private houses. It was thought no hardship in those days for a whole family to walk several miles to meeting, the father carrying the baby and the elder children trudging along on foot, aided by the mother in crossing the small streams and muddy places. Rev. Mr. Rid dle, a Presbyterian Missionary from New England, was the first clergyman who officiated in the town. A large portion of the new settlers were of that 59 persuasion. Mr. Riddle organized a Presbyterian society in 1804, which was reorganized under the ministry of Rev. Mr. Parsons. The society was kept up till about 1830, when it was discontinued. We believe no Presbyterian society has since been organized in the town, First Baptist Church of Tully. — A council of ministers and delegates from the churches of Pompey, Fabius, Homer and Truxton, convened at the house of Uriel Smith, in the town of Tully, on the 28th of February, 18 16, and after due consider ation and examination, gave Uriel Smith, Ziba Palmer, James B. Stroud, Cibbel Smith, Lydia Chapman, John Brown, Aaron Vail, Sarah Hugh- son, Eliza Fuller, Nancy Stroud, Sarah McCollery, Susanna Brown, Hannah Palmer and Elizabeth Van Tassel fellowship as a gospel church. Services were held during a few years following at the school houses in Christian Hollow, Tully Flats and in Vesper Village. The first regular pastor was Elder Squire Abbott, who came in 18 18 and re mained two years ; after whom came Elder Salmon Morton, in 1824; Elder Frederick Freeman, in 1827; and Elder Randolph Streeter ; after whom came Elder John D. Hart, Elder R. Winchel),. Elder Jeremiah Everts, Elder Supply Chase, Elder Pease, Elder J. Dill, Elder N. Camp, Elder J. La Grange, Elder Herman Powers, Elder B. Morley, Elder J. Webster, Elder D D. Brown, and Elder S. A. Beman. In 1824, under the pastorate of Elder F. Freeman, a church edifice was erected about one mile northwest of Tully Village, at Tully Centre. In 1848 the church building was removed to Tully Village and rebuilt, and $2,500 expended upon the building. During the early history of the church eight ministers were ordained and sent into the West. The present membership is eighty-five ; attendance at the Sunday School one hundred and twenty-two. Methodist Episcopal Church of Tully. — The present church was organized in the village about 1832, and in 1834 they erected their church edifice, incurring quite a heavy indebtedness, which, through the liberality of Mr. H. F. King, in 1837, they were relieved of, and thenceforward the society has prospered. The first class-leader was Silas Aylsworth. Among the earliest members we find Myron Wheaton, Mrs. Gifford, Miss Markham, Esther Johnson, David Bouttelle, Sarah Viall, Mary E. King, Cynthia Arnold and Mary Viall. Most ofthe time until 1840 the church was supplied by itinerant preachers ; since then this church and that at Vesper have usually employed the same minister. Among the most efficient were : Rev. 358 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. J. Atwell, Rev. E. D. Thurston, Rev. Ephraim Hoag, Rev. Mr. Fox and Rev. J. D. Barnard. Under the pastorate of the latter the church in 1862 was rebuilt and rededicated, and also in 1877, under the present pastor, Rev. F. Devitt. The present membership is one hundred and fifty ; Sabbath School, eighty-five. The church received in 1840, from Mrs. Sarah Viall, a donation of a parsonage, which was afterward exchanged for the present parsonage. The church building cost $5,000 ; par sonage, $3,000. The present Trustees are : Ellis V. King, Moses Schoonmaker and Samuel Willis. Christian Church of Tully. — The first meet ing was held one mile east of Tully, at the resi dence of H. A. Chase, on tbe 9th of May, 1840, and Russell Chase, Mother Fuller, H. A. Chase, Marvin Baker, Amasa Emmons, Amos Hodgeman, Kesiah Wilcox, Lydia Chase, Lydia Lansing, Bet sey Fuller, Mary Hodgeman, Lola Emmons, or ganized a church society. Elders Calvin Thomas and Harry Knapp of Pompey, officiating. In 1845, this society, by the liberal assistance of Russell Chase and H. A. Chase, erected a neat and commodious church in the Village of Tully at a cost of $1,500. The first pastor was Elder J. M. Bart lett. Elder Hamilton A. Chase, for twenty years labored with the charge and has become a very prominent character in the history of this society. Elder J. D. Benedict, J. I. Lowell, Elder Milton Shepard, Elder Gardner, W. J. Lathrop, Elder Allen, Elder J. C. Goodrich, and Elder Moore have officiated. Elder O. C. Cutts is now laboring very acceptably for this church. Baptist Church of Vesper — In 1848 the Tully Centre Baptist Church deemed it advisable to divide and establish themselves at Tully Village, and the members residing in the western part of the town withdrew, and in December, 1848, a new Society was organized at the residence of Josiah Smith, among whom were Deacon Uriel Smith, Deacon Joseph Daniels, E. V. B. French, Harry Rowland, Peter Henderson, Allen Palmer, E. J. Daniels, Sarah M. King, Nancy Darrow, Polly Williams, Betsey L. Palmer, Zuriah Rowland, Sally Henderson and thirteen others. At first this church employed a pastor alone. Among those who have officiated as pastors are : Eld. A. Galpin, Elder Thos. Brown, Elder William Jones. In i860, Elder B. Morley, of Tully, assumed both charges, and generally since then both churches have employed the same pas tor. The church building, (a fine frame structure,) was dedicated January 18, 1849. It cost about twelve hundred dollars. Present membership, 24; Sabbath School, forty. Methodist Episcopal Church of Vesper.— Meetings were held as early as 1820 in the school house under the leadership of Durin Ferris, who was class-leader and circuit preacher. In 1840 the society numbered about thirty-five ; on the 7th of July, 1840, the church was duly incorporated. The class-leader at that time was Levi Highley. Dur ing that year a church was erected in the Village of Vesper at a cost of about $1,000. Among the most prominent members at that time were Enoch Bailey, Henry Stewart, Aaron Hollenbeck, Zenas Pickett, Asahel Nichols, Sanford Moon, Alvah Hodge, Rueben Aylsworth. This church has usu- ' ally been under the same pastorate as the Tully church. Among those who have ministered at this place were Revs. Daniel F. Holcomb, D. Fancher, W. White, Ephraim Hoag, J. Foster, L. Bowdish, J. Stowell, A. L. Torrey, W. Fox, L. Nickerson, R. Fox, R. W. Clark, A. Bowdish, J. W. Barnard and the present pastor, Rev. Fred. Devitt. The present membership is forty, and a very fine Sabbath School is now a useful auxiliary in the church work. Young People's Christian Association. — On the evening of June 8, 1877, an organization con sisting of eleven members was formed, W. L. Earll, as Leader ; Joseph Fletcher, Secretary, and J. H. Hoxsie, Treasurer. Their meetings were at first held in different churches, but during the early part of the winter they held a revival in a stable fitted for their meetings and now number one hun dred and fifty-two members, and are at present the strongest religious organization in the town. Morning Star Lodge No. 636, I. 0. of G. T. — Lodge instituted at Vesper, April 30, 1877, with fourteen charter members. Charter officers— W. C. T., A. B. Daniels ; W. V. T., Addie Carr; W. S., Geo. King. Present membership, thirty-eight. Meetings every Friday evening, at their Hall in Vesper Village. Present officers— W. C. T„ Geo. King; W. V. T., Mrs. M. Ripley ; W. S., Charles Barber. ' ;'^_ i ifNH >t2$> s '*' Sfl ?**"» w* ^P i PH ?''•'?" ^t^^ ^5^ ^t^ rTESIDENCEor MORRIS BAKER, Lafayette , Onondaca C ndaca County, N. Y. HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 359 L A FAY E T T E . This town, named after the Marquis de LaFayette, was taken from Pompey and Onondaga and organ ized April 15, 1825. That portion of the town taken from Onondaga was purchased by the State of the Indians in 18 17, and sold to the white set tlers in 1822. The town contains 28,200 acres of land, of which 6,400 acres, not taxable, belongs to the Onondaga Reservation. The surface of the town is hilly and broken, the high ridge between Butternut and Onondaga Creeks, the two principal streams, having steep declivities and rising from three to six hundred feet in altitude. The valleys on the east and west of this ridge— Sherman Hol low and Christian Hollow— extend the entire length of the town, and present an unusually rich and beautiful landscape when viewed from the summits. The soil of the town is generally a sandy and grav elly loam, a portion of it thickly covered with large water-worn pebbles. It is intermixed with vege table mold and is rich and productive on the highest hills. The rocks abound in shells and other relics of the diluvian age ; some specimens of coral and petrifactions are also found. In portions of the town there are deep chasms which appear to have been produced by an earthquake, and many springs emit ting sulphureted hydrogen gas. In some places this has been collected in a vessel and burned by applying a torch or a match. Early Settlements. The first white settlement was made a little east of the Indian orchard on Haskin's Hill, in 1791, by John Wilcox, who boarded the surveyors when they laid out the lots in the townships of Pompey, Tully and Manlius. Mr. Wilcox owned the " Indian or chard" and sold much fruit from it to the settlers. It occupied twenty or more acres of ground ; the trees were planted in regular rows and were very productive. This old orchard was a very great help in the way of supplying the pioneers with fruit be fore they had raised productive orchards of their own. The next settler was Comfort Rounds, near the center of the town, in 1792. In the same year came William Haskins, and gave his name to Haskin's Hill; the next year, Solomon Owen and James Sherman. The latter settled in Sherman Hollow, which took his name. John Houghtaling, Ama ziah Branch, James Pierce, Samuel Hyatt, Amasa Wright and Reuben Bryan, were all settlers in 1794, and Ebenezer Hill in 1795. The first white child born in the town was Amy Wilcox, in 1791 ; the first marriage was that of Solomon Owen and Lois Rounds, in 1793, and the first death that of Moses DeWitt, in 1794. Mr. Reuben Bryan had a son who became a noted public man, viz : Hon. John A. Bryan, once a mem ber of the New York Legislature, Assistant Post master-General under President Tyler's administra tion, Charge d' Affaires to Peru, and Auditor of the State of Ohio, to which he removed and became a resident of Columbus, in that State. In the north part of the town, Samuel Coleman, Clark Bailey, Nathan Park, Zenas Northway and Ozias Northway were first settlers ; so also were John and Archibald Garfield, Graudius Cuddeback, Wm. Sniffin, John Hill and Hendrick Upperhousen. John Hill and Hendrick Upperhousen, were Hes sians, who had been captured from the British army. General Isaac Hall, Wm. Alexander, Amos Pal- meter, Jacob Johnson, Jacob Johnson, Jr., Obadiah Johnson, Elijah Hall, Peter Abbott, Rufus Kinney, Abner Kinney, Captain Joseph C. Howe and others, were among the pioneers in the south part of the town. Michael Christian, a Revolutionary soldier, first settled in Christian Hollow, in 1792, on Lot number eighteen, township of Tully, which gave to the Hollow its name. Daniel Danforth was the first settler in this Hollow within the present town of LaFayette, in 1798. In addition to those already mentioned in the northern part of the town, was Asa Drake, a Revo lutionary soldier, Elkanah Hine, Noah Hoyt, Eze kiel Hoyt, Joel Canfield, Job Andrews, Minnah Hyatt, Ebenezer Carr, Cologius Vinell and Joshua Slocum. Col Jeremiah Gould and Isaac Keeler lived towards Jamesville. In the vicinity of LaFayette Square, were Thomas, Seth, Erastus and Sydenham Baker, Joseph Smith, Jeremiah Fuller and Dr. Silas W. Park. The latter 36o HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. was a practicing physician and had a wide field in which to pick up his scattering patients. His ride was from Liverpool to Port Watson, Cortland County, and from Skaneateles to Cazenovia, Madi son County. Other early settlers who lived in this vicinity, were Daniel Share, Caleb Green, Joseph Stevens Cole, Paul and Orange King. Joseph Rhoades, Gershom Richardson, Daniel Cole and John Carlisle, were also among the early settlers of this town. The first frame house in the town (then town of Pompey,) was erected by Col. Jeremiah Gould, in 1800. In 1 80 1, Isaac Hall built the next. The first tavern was kept by Mr. Cheeney, the next by Orange King, who had his sign nailed to a tree, " 0 King !" In 180 1, the State Road from Caze novia to Skaneateles was laid out through this town. Colonel Olcott, the Surveyor, was taken suddenly ill while engaged in the survey, and died at the house of Erastus Baker. About this time the in habitants of this retired country were visited with that dreadful scourge, the small-pox, which in many instances proved fatal. The first town meeting was held at LaFayette Square in March, 1826. Charles Jackson was elected Supervisor, and Johnson Hall, Town Clerk. Messrs. Rice and Hill were the first merchants at LaFayette Square in 1802 or 1803. In 1805, Seth Baker made a settlement adjoining Erastus on the west, and Sydenham Baker located to the north of him. Thomas Baker, in 1803, set tled a mile and a half southwest of the Square, in Sherman Hollow. The greater part of these lands remain in the hands of the Baker family to this day. Joseph and Lemuel Baker came in 1804, but made no permanent home. Joseph moved to Otisco and died there ; Lemuel went to the far West, and, it is said, was finally killed by the Indians in Texas, while hunting for his cows. Previous to 1800, Gen. Isaac Hall came from Great Barrington, Mass., and settled one mile south of the village upon a soldier's claim. He purchased ten or twelve hundred acres of land, and was the wealthiest man in the town of Pompey, as it then was. It is said he brought into town with him half a bushel of silver dollars. He gave his attention to the raising of stock, it being his custom to let cows, sheep, colts, &c, to his neighbors and other citizens, to double. He died in 1830, worth about $70,000. The first and only licensed lawyer at the village of LaFayette was Samuel S. Baldwin, who had previously located at Pompey Hill. He remained several years in the practice of his profession and afterwards went to Geneva, N. Y., where he died. Dr. Silas W. Park, who, as we have already said was one of the first settlers at the village of La Fayette, cleared the Square of forest trees. He practiced medicine here during his life-time. A brother of his, Elijah Park, came in 18 17 and studied medicine with him, and was afterwards his partner for three years, when the latter moved to Otisco, and after practicing there three or four years, removed to Adrian, Mich., where he died. Dr. Squires also resided at the Square about two years. After the death of Dr. Park, Dr. Ward Bassett, of Salina, came and made a stay of one or two years, and removed to Cazenovia, Madison County. Dr. Rial Wright, in 1825, became a physician in the place, remaining about six months. At this time Dr. Elijah Park, son of Dr. S. W. Park, who had previously studied medicine with his father and uncle, bought out the ride of Dr. Wright, paying therefor $150. Dr. Wright then went to Pompey Hill, and as a partner of Dr. Jehiel Steam, practiced in that village and vicinity many years. Dr. Elijah Park remained in the village and practiced his profession for half a century, till his death in 1872 or 1873. Dr. Lyman Rose was also a resident physician for many years prior to his death, which occurred in 1867. Lemuel Smith, father of Rev. Marcus Smith, was the first blacksmith at the Square, settling here in 1800, and remaining till his death in 18 17. His shop stood on the site of the present church, the pulpit of which is said to be over the exact spot where stood his anvil. Nathaniel Stearling, a carpenter and joiner, settled on the farm now owned and occupied by Luther Baker. He built the Baptist Church at Pompey Hill and the church now standing in La Fayette village. The latter part of his life was spent on a farm. He was a leading man in religious and educational matters. He died in Connecticut. Before his day, James, Asa and Joseph McMillen, brothers, who were carpenters and joiners, had settled about a mile northeast of the village. Joseph and James built the first frame hotel, and also the one now standing in the village. Stoughton Morse was landlord. A hotel had been built of logs prior to the first frame building above referred to, and was kept by James Higgins in 1808. The Mc- Millens remained in town many years, and finally sold out and moved to the West. Dorus Porter lived in the village as a cabinet maker from 1820, and was Deacon in, the church. He now resides in Michigan. Asahel King was for many years a prominent man as a mechanic at the village, being a tanner and shoemaker. fXRS. F.J. Farrington . /Maj. f J. Fahrin&ton. (Photos By vf.v.RANGER.SyRAcusi;.) Residence of MAJ. F. J. FARRINGTON, La Fayette, Onondaga Co., N.Y. : '.> \ , / -jgHg jffi(s^L jmm\ HbkI^ jj&jjMk vE&Ssiask wffizffisE&BZSMte' ', :"-X Ma&KXMfflffifx Wmm $m'Bm%- -/ -¦:-¦,', mm m mm Wmm mmv- '0; ¦ A ¦ . ¦¦f^-^L W&0%y "^^^^^^P H 1 1 * r Photos, by Bonta & Curtiss, Syracuse. DR. ELIJAH PARK. MRS. BETSEY PARK. DR. ELIJAH PARK. Elijah Park, M.D., the subject of this brief memoir, was born in the village of Lafayette, April 1, 1803, the eldest child, and only son of six children, of Dr. Silas and Dolly (Clark) Park. He early manifested a strong desire for mental culture. By close application to his studies in the village school and in his father's office, he was fitted for college. At the age of twenty-one he graduated at the Pittsfield (Mass.) medical school. Almost immediately upon his return home his father died, leaving him an extensive practice, which he entered upon and zealously followed throughout his life, with a success rarely attained. His father, Dr. Silas Park, was the first physician in the town of Lafayette, and one of the pioneer settlers of the town, his residence being the first framed house erected in the village. Dr. Elijah Park was married to Miss Catharine Parent, August 25, 1824. Ten children were born to them, of whom seven are now living, viz. : Silas W., Thomas C, Mary J. (wife of Alvin Keller), Frances 0. (wife of Edwin Clark), Helen L. (wife of Willis Alexander), Ann E. (wife of Timothy Newell), and Caroline F. (wife of Mark Johnson). In the year 1842 (September 20) Mrs. Park died, and in April of the year following he married again, taking for his companion, Betsey Parent. The fruits of this union were two children, Theodore H. and Catharine E., both of whom died at an early age. On December 4, 1867, Mr. Park was again bereaved by the death of his wife. The hand of the fell destroyer had fallen heavily on his household, having taken from him five of his children, and twice robbed him of his beloved companion. In politics Dr. Park was originally a Whig ; subsequently a Democrat. Although in no sense a politician, he was several times elected to the office of supervisor, fulfilling the duties of the same with great credit to himself, and to the entire satisfac tion of his constituents. He died at his home in Lafayette, June 17, 1873, at the advanced age of seventy years. Thus lived and died a man eminent in his profession, and benevolent and generous in his relations as a citizen. As a physician he never turned away a poor patient; and in the social walks of life he was known as a friend to humanity, often involving himself financially to assist his less fortunate neigh bors. In the family circle he was much loved and revered, and his death was deeply mourned by his children. Phutos. by W. V. Hanger, Syracuse. !My^~ Chas. W. Hoyt was born in the town of Pompey, Onondaga Co., N. Y., in 1804. His father came to this county in 1798. His family consisted of eight children, viz., Ezekiel, David, Polly, Philander, Epenetus, Jane, Charlotte, and C. W., the only one of this family living. His father was a captain in the Revolutionary war, and drew a pension until his death. Chas. W. Hoyt, the subject of this sketch, was united in marriage, in 1824, to Miss Harriet, daughter of Ezra and Mary Knapp. Of this marriage were born three children, viz., Charles, Austin, and Harriet. The sons are now living, and located near their father. In 1842 he was married, the second time, to Miss Mary Knapp, sister to his first wife. Of this marriage was born three children, viz., Lottie, Julia, and Nellie, two of whom are living. Among the old men of this county, few, if any, can look back upon a life of so much hard labor as Chas. W. Hoyt, having cleared of the original forest, and caused to be cleared, a great many acres of land. Like many other men who were, and are now, the bone and frame-work of the country, he now lives, in his seventy-fourth year, one of the few old living landmarks of our country's pioneers, surrounded with kind children to smooth his pathway as his time of release from earth draws near, having led a life of integrity and uprightness of character, honored by all who know him, and at the writing of this brief sketch bids fair for more years of usefulness to his friends. ALBERT BECKER. Albert Becker was born in the town of Half-Moon, Saratoga Co., N. T., in the year 1797. He received a common-school education, and in the year 1828 moved to Lafayette, Onondaga Co., N. Y., where he bought a seventy-five acre farm of wild land, which he cleared with his own hands, and built upon it a log house which had only one door and two windows, each consisting of four lights seven by nine. In this humble home he lived six years, when he built a new frame house, which is now owned by Henry Cramer. In the year 1818 he married Miss Catharine Goeway, of Saratoga county. The result of this union was three children, viz., Daniel, James, and Mary. Daniel is proprietor of a fine jewelry store at Syracuse, and James is living a retired life in Lafayette village, and is one of its most prominent and respected citizens. For his second wife he married Miss Parker, of Onondaga County. Mr. Becker was justice of the peace for several years, and gave excellent satisfaction by his clear and impartial decisions. He has resided in Syracuse city for about twenty-eight years, and has been in the jewelry business until a few years since, when he went into retired life. As a business man, he has always been just in his transactions with the public. Doing unto others as he would have them do unto him has been his grand guide throughout life. Kind, generous, and humane, he daily practices these lovely Christian virtues, which create sunshine wherever he moves. Although in his eighty-first year, yet his step is as firm and elastic as ever, and his mind as clear as if he was in the prime of manhood. His path down to the grave is being strewn with the beautiful flowers of filial love and veneration. With his eyes turned towards heaven, he is prepared at a moment's notice to be received to the bosom of his divinity. James Becker was born in Saratoga Co., N. Y., April 10, 1818, and was the eldest in the family of three children of Albert and Catharine Becker. In 1828 his father moved to Onondaga Co., N. Y., and located upon a farm two miles north of the village of Lafayette, where he remained eight years, and then removed to a farm a short distance south of the same village. James Becker obtained a good common-school education, which laid the foundation of his future successful business career, and lived with his father until Oot. 27, 1841, when he married Miss Esther, the daughter of Eli and Susan Bryant. They had born to them four chil dren, viz., Albert, Florence, Charles C, and a daughter who died before having been christened, all of whom except Albert are dead. Mr. Becker, soon after his marriage, bought his father's farm, whioh he cultivated very successfully until April 1, 1S53, when he moved to Syracuse, and engaged in the jewelry business, whioh he followed seventeen years, with the confidence and esteem of his patrons. Longing for the quiet rural life to which he had been accustomed in early life, he retired to Lafayette village in 1870, where he now resides. His wife .died, on the 25th of March, 1875, and in 1876 he married, for his second wife, Cordelia E., daughter of Charles 0. and Unity Andrews. Mr. Becker is one ofthe leading citizens of tho place in which he resides; is a Republican, and has been an active member of the Congregational church for forty years. A out of his residence, and portraits of himself and wives, can be seen by referring to another page of this work. HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 361 Caleb Green and Erastus Baker owned and gave (each half of) the lot now used for the Public Square. Asahel Smith, Charles Jackson and Gen. Hall, were Justices of the Peace. The latter served a number of years before LaFayette was erected into a town. Col. Johnson Hall, son of Gen. Hall, was Sheriff of the county and a mem ber of the State Legislature. As a merchant, he carried on an extensive business at the village. Stoughton Morse first opened a little store in con nection with his hotel in 1805. Then followed Asahel Smith in 1812-14. He ran a distillery during the war of 181 2, and bought cattle and pro visions for the soldiers, which he sent to Sackett's Harbor and Grenadier Island. After the war Judge Hall was the merchant of the place. Amos Palmeter settled one mile south of La Fayette Square about 1803. Mr. James Sherman, who, together with Solomon Owen, first settled in Sherman Hollow, was the father of Dr. J. De Blois and Joseph Sherman. The former was at one time a prominent physician at Pompey Hill ; the latter, a Justice of the Peace from 1830 to 1840. Reuben Bryan, Amasa Wright, Samuel Hyatt, James Pierce and Amaziah Branch have been referred to as old settlers. The last named was the first school teacher in the Hollovv- and at LaFayette Village. He died of nightmare at Dr. S. W. Park's about 1818. He came from Massachusetts, was poor but well educated, and in character one of the best of men. Charles Johnson, at Sherman Hollow, carried on blacksmithing for over fifty years, working industri ously at his anvil to a short time prior to his death in 1876. VILLAGE OF LA FAYETTE. This little hamlet lies about one mile west of the Syracuse, Binghamton and New York Railroad at Onativia, or LaFayette Station. It contains about twenty dwellings, a postoffice, a church, a hotel, three stores and two blacksmith shops. Among the oldest settlers are C. W. Hoyt, Caleb B. Jackson, James Baker, Luther Baker and L. 0. Hill. Mr. George W. Mclntyre, the present Supervisor and Postmaster, is also a merchant in the village ; so also is Mr. Timothy Newell, who is doing a prosperous business. This village is adjacent to the station, Onativia, and is very pleasantly situated in the midst of a picturesque and productive country. Uncas Lodge No. 121, I. O. O. F., was char tered July 4, 185 1. The charter members were Dr. 60* Elijah Park, Anson A. Avery, Ambrose Sniffinr Henry Pierce, A. H. Share and Justin Rhodes. Meetings held every Thursday evening in their hall in LaFayette. Present officers, N. G., William- M. Gage ; V. G., Charles I. Davis ; R. S., John H„ Northway. Enterprise Lodge, K. of P., organized March 9, 1874. Charter officers, C. C, E. J. Stearns ; V. C, F. J. Farrington ; K. of Records, James H. Sniffin ; M. A., R. S. Park. Meetings held every Saturday evening in Pythias Hall, Cardiff. Present officers, Charles Morgan, C. C. ; E. G. Wright, V. C. ; E. E. Angel, K. of R. and P. ; B. L. Wright, Prelate ; S. W. Wright, Post C. C. Congregational Church of La Fayette. — At an early day meetings were held in private houses by Mr. Amaziah Branch, assisted occasion ally by missionaries and traveling ministers. The result of these meetings was the organization of the Congregational Church by Rev. Benjamin Bell in October, 1809, at the public house kept by Stoughton Morse. The church comprised the fol lowing persons, viz : Deacon Noah Hoyt, Deacon Nathan Abbott, Apollos Hewitt, Esq., Ezekiel Hoyt, Philander Hoyt, Anna Baker, Polly Hoyt, Mary Hoyt, Esther Maxwell, Sally Danforth, Anna Hewitt, Rebecca Bates, Sally Baker, Corrinna Abbott and Acsah Johnson. Since that time the following preachers and pastors have served this charge : Revs. E. J. Leavenworth, three years ; Hopkins, three years ; Martin Powell, seven years ; Rev. Childs of Auburn, Rev. A. H. Corn ing, four years ; Rev. Seth Smalley, two and a half years ; Rev. Absalom K. Barr, two years ; Rev. Parshall Terry, three years ; Rev. George Delevan, Revs. Moody Harrington, H. Frasier, M. M. Wake- man, R. C. Allison, Charles Jones, C. A. Ruddock, George A. Miller, and Lewis Jessup. In 1819-20 a commodious church edifice was erected in the Village of LaFayette, which was repaired and modernized. In 1846 a session house was erected at a cost of $600, which was used until 1861, when the building was sold and the present session house erected at a cost of $1,000. This hall is used for lectures and as a town hall. The church building, session room, cemetery and parsonage are the property of the Columbian Society, which was or ganized in the year 1804, composed of the citizens of the village and vicinity, not necessarily members of the church. The property owned by this society, aside from the cemetery, is valued at six thousand five hundred dollars. The officers of this society are LeRoy S. Baker, Luther Baker and Philander Hoyt, Trustees, and 362 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. D. F. H. Baker, Clerk. The church Deacons are •Caleb B. Jackson, and L. R. Gaylord ; Clerk, G. L. Hoyt. The present membership of the church is seventy-one. Sabbath School attendance one hun dred and twenty-five. CARDIFF. The village or hamlet of Cardiff lies on the Syra cuse and Tully turnpike, in the western part of the town of LaFayette. It is two and a half or three miles west of the railroad station at Onativia, and contains about thirty houses, three stores, one church, a hotel, a grist mill, a postoffice and two wagon shops. R. S. Park, merchant and postmas ter. Mr. Park is also Justice of the Peace. Wil liam H. Hoyt, dealer in merchandise and produce. The Cardiff Hotel, (temperance,) is kept by Ed ward Crownhart. A shop for the manufacture of wagons, carriages and sleighs has been carried on here since i860 by Mr. Volney A. Houghton. Cardiff Mills. The Flouring Mills were erected in 1839, at a cost of $5,000 by J. F. Card, who ran it for many years with water-power. About sixteen years ago it passed into the hands of Edward Voigt, who erected a saw-mill and put in gang-saws, also added steam power at a cost of $4,000. In March, 1877, it was purchased by George Dermon, and run by him un til April, 1878, when the entire property was con sumed by fire. Ebenezer Methodist Episcopal Church of Cardiff. — Meetings were held at the house of Ze nas Northway as early as 1825, about which time a class was organized. Among the prominent work ers at that time were John Spencer, Uriel Coleman, D. Sniffin, Grandus Cuddeback, Reuben Wright, Annanias Wescott and John Bottle. In 1825, the first church, built at Cardiff on the site of the pres ent church was erected at a cost of $1,000. But in 1857 the church was burned and the same season the present church was built at a cost of $2,400, being dedicated in December, 1857, under the minis tration of D. W. Bristol,', D. D. Rev. Benjamin D. Sniffin and Joseph Cross, D. D., began their religious life in this church. The present mem bership is one hundred and twenty, and Sabbath School attendance, one hundred. The present pas tor is Rev. L. Northway, under whose ministration large accessions to the church have been made and deep religious feeling awakened. The Collingwood Mills, in the town of La Fayette, situated on Butternut Creek, owned and managed by J. D. Palmer, consist of a grist and flouring mill, built about thirty-five years since by the late Calvin Cole, at a cost of about $6,000, and a saw mill. The mill property was purchased by A. R. Palmer in 1862, and repaired in 1874 at an ex pense of $2,700. In 1875 the present proprietor pur chased the mills and water-power, and in 1876 re built the saw mill and lath works at an additional cost of $1,800. The capacity of the saw mill is, (with three hands,) about 1,000 feet of lumber an hour, and the grist mill has three run of stones, and the other necessary machinery for a first class busi ness. The mills are driven by water-power. Biographical Sketches. LUTHER BAKER. The subject of this sketch was born in the town of LaFayette, Onondaga County, N. Y., February 9, 1 8 14. His father, Seth Baker, came from Northampton, Mass., in 1805 and settled in Onon daga County. Luther was brought up on the farm, attending the district school winters and assisting his father on the farm summers. He married in 1840, Miss Diana M., daughter of Eli and Susan Bryant, of Hampshire County, Mass. They had one child, Flora D., who was born June 7, 1850 and died August 27, 1871, mourned by a large circle of friends, who esteemed her for many noble qualities of mind and heart. Mr. Baker has always followed farming as an oc cupation, and is regarded as one of the best farm ers in his town. He is a Republican in politics and has always earnestly labored for the success of Republican principles. For many years he has been an active member of the Congregational Church, liberally subscribing to every benevolent object worthy of his support. He is enjoying good health, and is apparently surrounded with every comfort which tends to brighten his declining years. MORRIS BAKER. Mr. Baker was born in Northampton, Mass., Dec. 22, 1 801 , and is a son of Seth Baker. He received a good business education, and began farming when quite young. He married Julia A., daughter of Eli Bryant, February 11, 1833, by whom he had three children, viz : Nelson Morris, born May 7» 1836, graduated from Hamilton College in. 1862, m ^^^ — - The subject of this sketch was born in Orange Co., N. Y., Jan. 21, 1797. He moved, with his father, Simeon Thomas, into the town of Lafayette, which was then a part of Onondaga township, in the 'spring of 1817, thus being an early settler. He entered into the unbroken forest, and began to make for himself a home. He contended successfully against all the hardships of a pioneer life, wild beasts included. On Jan. 21, 1819, he married Laura, daughter of Paul King, also an early comer into this county. By this union there were born ten children, nine of whom are now living. His father gave him fifty acres of good land, to which, by industry and economy, being also assisted by a most excellent wife, he added three hundred and fifty acres more. This enabled him to give to each of his sons a good farm. He planted the first apple- orchard in his part of the town. He is remembered as being forward in the development of the country, in town improve ments, the establishment of schools, and the support of religion. He and his wife were consistent members of the Congregational church. He would not accept town office, but being an efficient and trustworthy man of business was often employed to settle estates. He was often on the grand jury, but always discouraged litigation, and prevented many lawsuits. He died, in the midst of his usefulness, May 29, 1865. In the words of a fellow- townsman, " He was an honest man, a good citizen, and cannot be too highly commended." Of the two sons who insert this sketch, Harrison resides upon the farm redeemed from the wilderness by his father's hands, and Albert upon a large farm adjoining. They are excel lent farmers, shrewd, upright business men; not aspiring to office, but highly respected citizens. Avery F. Palmer, son of Rowland Palmer, was born Feb. 2, 1795, in Stonington, Conn. In his youth he came with his parents to Otsego county, and from there, in the spring of 1815, to Lafayette, then a part of Pompey township. His father about that time was drum-major in the American army. He immediately engaged in farming, and followed that avoca tion all his life ; but was also widely known as Dr. Palmer, having become a veterinary surgeon with an extensive practice. He was an officer of the mUitia, but declined town office. By his advice and influence many a dispute tending to a lawsuit was amicably settled. He was often called upon to administer npon and settle estates. He was married to Sarah, daughter of Richard Bailey, of Pompey, Feb. 21, 1819. To them were born eight children, six of whom are now living. He and his wife were for many years consistent members of the Bap tist church. He died, after a life of usefulness, Dec. 17, 1873. His sons insert this sketch, two of whom, Rev. Avery R. and Dr. Stewart B., reside in Onondaga County. Avery R. is a Baptist clergyman in Lafayette. He inherits his father's busi ness talents. He is often called upon to settle estates. For years he held the office of supervisor of Lafayette ; was also superintendent of the penitentiary, and, as a justice of the peace, settled disputes without issuing a single summons. Stewart B. is a well-known dentist in Syracuse, and is also known as an able writer upon subjects allied to his profession. Homer Case. Mrs.Homer Case. PHOTOS BY W. V. RANGER, SYRACUSE. HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 363 read law in Syracuse, and was admitted to the bar April 7, 1864, and died March 18, 1872; Anna Minerva ; Byron Watts, born Dec. 15, 1842, gradu ated from Hamilton College in 1866 with high honors, but died soon after coming home. Mr. Baker strove as every father should to give his children a liberal education, and has always taken a deep interest in raising the educational standard of his town. He has been a member of the Congregational Church for fifty-four years, and a Republican in politics since the organization of that party. He is classed as one of the most prominent and influential citizens of LaFayette. Few men have been more upright in their business transactions with the world. homer Case. Homer Case was born in the town of Pompey, August 5, 1828, and is a son of Norris and Olive Case. In early life Mr. Case obtained a good busi ness education at the common schools ; and in 1854 married Miss Louisa E., daughter of Benj. Adams. Immediately after marriage he commenced farming and continued that pursuit uninterruptedly until Dec, 1 86 1. At this date he entered the service of his country as a volunteer in the 12th New York Regiment of Infantry, in which he served fifteen months, or until August 30, 1862, when he was wounded resulting in the loss of one of his limbs. Upon his return home, he was appointed station- agent at LaFayette Village, which position he still retains, being considered one of the most courteous and trustworthy officials on the road. His first wife died June 21, 1856, and he married for his second wife, Miss Emily I., daughter of Jay and Ann Morgan, Feb. 5, 1872. Mr. Case is an old Jeffersonian Democrat, and was one of the most loyal supporters of the Union during its hour of greatest peril. MANLIUS. Manlius, originally Township number seven of the Military Tract, became one of the towns of Onondaga County upon its organization in 1794. It was bounded north by the township of Cicero, east by the Oneida Reservation, south by Pompey, and west by Onondaga Creek and Lake, in cluding all the Onondaga Salt Springs Reserva tion north of the old Genesee Road and east of Onondaga Creek, comprising all the present towns of Manlius, DeWitt, part of Onondaga, and part of Salina, as laid out in 1809. It was reduced to its present limits in 1835. Lot No. 7 of the original township of Manlius, containing six hundred acres, and drawn by the Literature Fund, was transferred to the township of Cicero, and registered as Lot 100 in that township, there being originally, by a mistake in the survey, but ninety-nine lots in Cicero. Lot 100 in Cicero being drawn by a soldier, it was deemed necessary to supply that lot from a portion of the territory of Manlius ; the transferrence of Lot No. 7, adjoining Lot No. 99 in Cicero, was accordingly made, and thus the soldier's land was secured to him, although Manlius lost one lot of her territory. The water-courses in the town are Limestone and Butternut Creeks, forming a junction in the north ern part of the town and emptying into Chittenango Creek, which forms the northeastern boundary ofthe town. The Limestone enters the town on its south ern boundary in two branches, the East and West, the eastern branch passing through Manlius Village. This town has' a surface of great variety, and con tains some of the most picturesque and beautiful scenery in the county. South of the Village of Manlius on both branches of Limestone Creek are falls which not only furnish excellent sites for mills and machinery, but which have become noted as places of resort. The fall on the East Branch is the larger and more important of the two, the channel at the edge of the precipice being about forty-five feet broad, and the width of the rocky chasm below about one hundred and sixty feet. The fall, including about twenty feet descent ofthe rapids above, is about eighty-five feet ; the banks rocky and precipitous, formed of different strata of limestone. On the West Branch the falls are nearly the same height, though the stream is nar rower and there is much less volume of water. On Lot 56, three and a half miles north of Man lius Village, are the famous Green Lakes or Green Ponds. There are two of these lakes or ponds, tied together by a small filament of water, which has given rise to the name sometimes applied to them, "Siamese Green Lakes." 364 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. Distinguished geologists think that the deep green color of the water is owing to the partial decomposition of the sulphureted hydrogen which it holds in solution. The famous Deep Spring of Indian notoriety is situated on the county line about three and a half miles east of Manlius Village. It is not only a natural curiosity, but a place of historic interest. Near it passed the Indian trail from the Oneidas to the Onondagas, before the advent of the white man, as also the first road laid out in the county. It was the starting place of all the old surveys of the Oneida Reservation and is noted on all the old maps of the Surveyor- General. It was a noted watering place for persons moving to the western country, and the trees forming a shade about the place were carved with names, initials and dates. One ofthe dates on an ancient beech tree is 1793. At this spring during the Revolution a scouting party of six white men from Fort Schuyler was surprised and killed by the Indians. A considerable number of Sulphur Springs exist in the town — one a short distance south of Manlius Village, containing sulphureted hydrogen, carbonic acid, sulphate of soda, sulphate of magnesia, car- -bonate of iron and carbonate of lime. The cavern known as the "Ice Hole',' in this town, is near the northwest corner of Lot sixty- nine, and is a cavity some fifty or sixty feet in depth, containing ice the whole year round. Early Settlement. The first white settler in the original township of Manlius, was Benjamin Morehouse, in 1789 ; in the present town, the first settlement was made by David Tripp, who brought his family here from Balston, Saratoga County, in- 1790, and lived in a log cabin about a mile northwest of Manlius Village. The difficulty of subsisting at that time in a place so remote from settlements was painfully expe rienced by Mr. Tripp and his family, who, during a period of three months, were obliged to live on roots and milk, with the addition of a single bushel of corn which he procured at Herkimer and brought home on his back. His father, an old man, who was an inmate of the cabin, died in 1792, and his was the first death and burial of a white person in the town. The first neighbor of Mr. Tripp, in the imme diate settlement, was Conrad Lower. He erected the first frame house in the town in 1792. The floor-boards of his house were brought from Pala tine, on the Mohawk ; the rest from Danforth's mill. His son made a trip to Oriskany, thirty-three miles east, for nails, and returned with forty-six pounds on his back. Among other settlers prior to the beginning of this century may be named Caleb Pratt and WiUiam Ward, both of the same year, 1793. Mr. Pratt suf fered unusual hardships. Mr. Ward settled on Lot 97, all of which he owned in 1794. He was the first Justice of the Peace for the town upon the organization of the county. The first grist . and saw-mills in the town of Manlius as now organized, were built by him on Limestone Creek. Captain Joseph Williams, from Connecticut, came in 1795, and bought his land at twenty shillings an acre. He became a wealthy man, and lived long to enjoy the fruits of his labors. Col. Elijah Phillips was one of the early pioneers. He settled on the farm owned at a later day by Peter R. Reed, and held a distinguished position among the early settlers of the county. Organization of the Town, The first inhabitants of the town were chiefly from New England. Scattering families located in different parts of the town from 1790 to 1793, but it was not till 1794, the date of the organization of the county, that Manlius had acquired much of a name abroad. In that year settlers began to look towards it as a suitable and desirable place of residence. The first town meeting was held at the tavern of Benjamin Morehouse, April 1, 1794. Cyrus Kinne, Esq., was chosen Chairman, and Levi Jerome Secretary. The Supervisor and Town Clerk were chosen by ballot, the remaining officers by the up lifted hand. Forty-two votes were polled, probably all, or nearly all, the voters of the town being pres ent and casting their votes. The following list was elected : Comfort Tyler, Supervisor ; Levi Jerome, Town Clerk ; David Williams and Benjamin More house, Overseers of the Poor ; Charles Merriam, Elijah Phillips and Ryal Bingham, Commissioners of Roads ; Reuben Patterson, Ichabod Lathrop, Isaac Van Vleck, William Ward, and Timothy Teall, Assessors ; Caleb Pratt and David Baker, Constables and Collectors ; Libbeus Foster, William Ward, Ichabod Lathrop, Reuben Patterson, Cyrus Kinne, Ryal Bingham, Jeremiah Jackson, Gershom Breed and Lemuel Hall, Overseers of Roads ; Aaron Wood, Elijah Phillips, John Danforth and Jeremiah Jackson, Fence- Viewers. At this meeting it was resolved, "That no hog shall go at large without a stout ring in his nose, and a yoke about his neck, extending above the depth of his neck and half the depth below." A iS* \,y^?.:.<$- Curtiss Twitchell. Mrs. Jane Twitchell. UM ¦¦- ' ' :--~ '-. **£.*.. _^ Residence of CURTISS TWITCHELL, ^anlius.Onondaga County, N.Y. HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 365 bounty of four pounds was ordered to be paid for the scalp of a full-grown wolf presented by any per son to the Supervisor, and thirty shillings for the scalp of any one under one year old. Charles Mosely, Daniel Campbell and Isaac Van Vleck were the first School Commissioners chosen for the town, in 1797. A Special Committee was chosen to cooperate with the Commissioners, and difected to divide the town into school districts. The Committee was composed of Gershom Breed, Elijah Phillips, Jeremiah Jackson and Caleb Pratt. The records show no regular proceedings of these Commissioners or Committeemen, and the first organization of the school districts was very im perfectly made in 1810 and 1811, butin 1835, a more systematic organization was effected. Lot No. 74, Manlius, had been set apart by the Surveyor- General for gospel and school purposes, and finally sold by the town May 2, 18 14, for $12,- 114.42. When DeWitt was set off from Manlius the school fund was divided and Manlius received for its share $7,752.42, the annual income of which was divided among the school districts. In 1793 Elijah Phillips leased the property known as the " Old Mills," of a Mr. Hamilton, of Albany, for a term of sixty years. Mr. Phillips, David Williams, Aaron Wood and Walter Worden, erected here the first saw-mill in the town, David Wil liams soon sold his share to Phineas Stevens for sixty acres of land. In 1796, Butler & Phillips built a grist mill a little above the bridge. Cloth ing works and an oil mill were put in operation afterward by Deacon Dunham, and stores were kept there, first by Mr. Jones, and then by William Warner in 181 1. MANLIUS VILLAGE. The first settler, John A. Shaeffer, a German, established his log cabin on the site of Manlius Vil lage in 1792. This log house soon after became the first tavern in that village, with Mr. Shaeffer as "mine host," and in 1794, during the sojourn of Baron Steuben in this house over night, the first white child of the village, and son of Mr. Shaeffer, was born. In view of this circumstance, the child was named Steuben Shaeffer, and the generous Baron gave him a deed of two hundred acres of land in the town of Steuben. Charles Mulholland, from Ireland, was the next inhabitant. He built his log house near the resi dence of Mr Pendleton. The first wedding in the village was that of Nich olas Phillips and Caty Garlock, solemnized by 61 Simeon DeWitt, January 14, 1793. She died in 1824, and Mr. Phillips in 1854. The first frame house was built by Conrad Lower, in 1792. It stood, till a few years ago, on the dyke leading to FayetteviUe, and was many years occupied by Salmon Sherwood. The first school house was erected in 1798. It was of logs and stood a little north of Mr. Castello's mill. In 1 801, Manlius Village had six dwellings, one tavern, one store, a doctor, lawyer and blacksmith. It also began this century with a postoffice, estab lished in the year 1800, and was named "Liberty Square. This name was soon changed to Manlius Square." In 1804, the village contained about thirty houses, and continuing to grow, became by far the most prominent business place in the county. In 1807, an important accession was made to it in the advent of Azariah Smith, who became its leading merchant, and was for forty years intimately identi ned with the growth and prosperity of the place. Mr. Smith was born at Middlefield, Mass., Decem ber 7, 1784. In 1807, he became clerk for his uncle Calvin Smith, at Onondaga Hill, and opened June 3d, 1807, a store in a frame building on the south side of the turnpike, nearly opposite the brick store which he afterwards built and occupied. Here Mr. Smith, after a clerkship of only eight weeks with his uncle, entered upon his successful and distin guished mercantile career. He subsequently en tered extensively into the manufacture of cotton. At the time of his decease he was a trustee of the District School where he resided, a trustee of Man lius Academy, a trustee of Hamilton College, and a trustee of Auburn Theological Seminary. In 1824, he was elected one of the Presidential Electors and cast his vote for John Quincy Adams. In 1838-40 he was a member of the State Legisla ture, and was Chairman ofthe Committee on Claims, and a member of several of the most important Committees. Mr. Smith closed his active and use ful career on the 12th of November, 1846, in the city of New Haven, whither he had gone to avail himself of medical assistance. Manlius Village was an important business point before the building of the Erie Canal, as the trans portation of merchandise and other goods to and from the east and west, and the travel both ways centered here by the meeting of the Seneca and Cherry Valley turnpikes. This transportation and travel was at one time so immense that almost every other house along the road was a tavern, There were then six or seven large public houses between this village and Chittenango. 366 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK Manlius Village was for more than twenty years the center of a large trade from the surrounding country, and was a driving business place when Syracuse was a dreary swamp. There were a dozen or more stores in the place in 1815. The Manlius Branch Bible Society was organized at the Presbyterian Church, Manlius Village, May 31, 1 82 1. The first officers of the Society were Rev. H. N. Woodruff, President ; Samuel L. Ed wards, Secretary ; John Watson, Treasurer ; Eben Williams, William Eager and Allen Breed, Vice- Presidents, with twenty-six District Directors. The Auxiliary Bible and Common Prayer-Book Society for the Western District of the State of New York, was formed by the Episcopalians at a meeting in this village January 18, 1815. Among its officers were Rev. W. A. Clark, Recording Sec retary ; Azariah Smith, Treasurer ; Jas. O. Wattles and Ralph R. Phelps, members of the Board of (ten) Managers. Rev. W. A. Clark was then a clergyman residing in the village ; the others, Messrs. Wattles and Phelps, were prominent citizens. Mr. Wattles was Treasurer of the village in 18 16, and H. L. Granger, President. Both of their names are attached to an interesting note or due-bill issued by the village, and which has been preserved by Henry C. Van Schaack, Esq. It is in size about five by two inches, printed from ordinary type on plain white paper, now considerably discolored. Across the right hand margin is a narrow black border having on it in white letters, "six and a quarter cents," and across the left margin is a narrow ornamental bor der. The bill reads as follows : " The Corporation of the Village of Manlius promises to pay the bearer six and a quarter (6\) cents in current bank bills, on demand. Manlius, May 16, 1816. J. O. Wattles, Treas. H. L. Granger, Pres't." Hezekiah L. Granger, then President of the vil lage, was a distinguished physician and a gentleman of eminent talents. He was a brother of Gen. Amos P. Granger. In 1814 he was a member of Assembly for the county, and in 18 19 was elected Sheriff. Mr. Van Schaack has also a twenty-five cent bill issued by the Village Corporation after the date of the one referred to above. At the head of it is a spread eagle, over which are the words " State of New York," a rising sun at one end and a lion rampant at the other. It reads thus : " The Corporation of the Village of Manlius promises to pay the bearer, on demand, twenty-five cents in current bank bills, at the office of their treasurer. August 9th, 18 16. J. O. Wattles, Treasurer." This bill is still an unpaid debt of the Village of Manlius. Mr. Wattles was a lawyer of some distinction, and at one time Judge of the Court of Common Pleas. He went to Indiana over fifty years ago and was soon appointed a Circuit Judge by the Legislature. He died there a highly respected citizen. The following is a copy of a receipt given April 4, 18 1 8, by Uriah Palmer : " Received of Azariah Smith one dollar in full of all debts, dues and demands, whatever name and nature, from the beginning of the world to the end of eternity." Newspapers. There have been published in the Village of Man lius at different times seven or eight newspapers. The first was the Derne Gazette, by Abram Romeyn, in 1806, at a time when an effort was made to fix the name "Derne" upon the village. That name, however, slightly modified in pronunciation, got fixed upon the paper, and it was popularly stigma tized as the " Darned Gazette!' It only lived about a year. The next paper started here was the " Herald of the Times," May 24, 1808, by Leonard Kellogg. Mr. Kellogg commanded an independ ent rifle corps from this village, which served in the war of 1812. The name of the paper was changed by Daniel Clark to " Onondaga Herald," October 28,1818. It was afterwards called " The Times," and continued about three years. June 27, 1821, the " Onondaga County Republican " was started by the since famous editor, Thurlow Weed. The " Onondaga Republican " was next published, Octo ber 27, 1824, by Laurin Dewey. The "Manlius Repository" succeeded it, and reached its fifth volume under the direction of Luman A. Miller, and for a time under Mr. Stillson. Finally, Mr. Fonda published the " Onondaga Flag " for a short time. Azariah Smith, Jr., became a distinguished scholar and missionary in Western Asia, whither he embarked in November, 1842. He devoted nearly seven years to the most diligent and thor ough preparatory study, to make sure his com petency and usefulness in his missionary field. To ensure his greater usefulness as a clergyman, he had, before leaving his native country, by a proper course of study, made himself a competent physician ; and for the same useful purpose, on his arrival at his field of his future labors, he studied and mastered several foreign languages — Turkish, Arabic and Armenian. After spending nine laborious years in that distant land he died at the early age of thirty- *w •-&¦ -->/..-. rt Wl _7" ;,i*S,,<*S'.«., JSVfcc r5fe$* H 'V David Collin. Mrs. D.Collin. " ¦:¦ -------- -~^~-r-^f±_--JZ-. - u^.. +;v ¦„ •¦'rilT! i.Wi Vi -y-^\\ „Wl»-rW : c\ '_<•£- ..V MiiFS /*¦. #v W*;r -:?>' '0SS& :¦ : i'W a& ";-:v: i» kit HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 373 was ordained. In 1871 he was compelled to sever his connection with the church on account of his throat and lungs being seriously affected, and in the spring of 1872 moved to Colorado. During his pastorate the present church edifice, a fine brick Structure, was, erected at a cost of $30,000 ; the parsonage rebuilt, and a sexton's house put up, all standing nearly opposite the old church building. For over a year and a half the church was without a. regular pastor, but in November, 1873, the pulpit was again. filled, this time by Rev. C. J. Shrimpton. During the second year of his stay the church expe rienced a revival, Rev. Mr. S. being assisted by Rev. A. C. Lyon, (a former pastor,) Mrs. Lyon and Mrs. Alvah Davis. Mr. S. remained in charge until July, 1877, when he publicly withdrew from the church and denomination on account of a change in his belief in the fundamental doctrines of the church. In the November following, Rev. Charles N. Pettingill, the present pastor, occupied the charge. This church has had an existence of over eighty-two years, and during this period has had 1,171 members; has baptized 772; received by let ter 399 ; dismissed by letter 412; excluded 104; present membership 280 ; in attendance at Sunday School, 140. Presbyterian Church of Fayetteville. — The first religious meetings were held in the school house in what was commonly called the Upper Dis trict. In 1829, the first church in the village, the Presbyterian, was erected by the combined efforts of all denominations, who used the session room, first finished off, for common religious purposes. In 1830, the Presbyterian Church was formed, and in the winter of that year the house of worship was dedicated." Most of the original members came from the Presbyterian Church of Manlius, and Rev. Mr. Cushman, of that village, was untiring in his efforts to build up the Society at Fayetteville, usually officia ting on Sunday evenings. John McViccar, James Stewart and Phillip Flint, were the first Ruling- Elders. All of the original twenty- three members are now deceased, except James C. Jackson. The first regular pastor was Rev. Amos C. Tut tle, installed June 28, 1837. During the pastorate of Rev. Lewis H. Reid, the present church edifice was built, at a cost of about $10,000. It was dedi cated June 22, 1857. Mr. Reid was pastor eleven years ; the present pastor, Rev. R. L. Bachman, was called in 1874. The church membership numbers about two hundred ; Sunday School, one hundred and twenty-five. • Trinity- Church (Episcopal,) Fayetteville, was 63 organized in the year 1830; a building erected in 1 83 1 and consecrated in 1832. Quite a number of the early settlers of this and the adjoining towns were Episcopalians, and held service after that form in families as early as 1798. Father Nash and others were early missionaries in Pompey and Man lius from 1802 to 1806, and out of their labors have grown several strong and influential churches. This church was for several years a missionary charge, the first resident missionary being Rev. J. B. Engle, in 1837. Others of the early clergymen were Rev. Messrs. Northrup, Windsor, Feisner, Bartlett, Hickox and Pise. The Rt. Rev. Henry Neely, Bishop of the Diocese of Maine, was bap tized in this parish. The present church was built in 1870, and cost $14,000. It is a stone building, unusually fine for a village no larger than Fayetteville — an ornament, indeed, to the place. Rev. John Bayler, Rector when the church was built ; subsequently, Rev. Charles H. Gardner. The present Rector is Rev. C. J. Shrimpton. Present number of communicants, one hundred and fifteen ; average attendance at Sunday School, seventy-five. Church of the Immaculate Conception, Fayetteville. — The nucleus of the present Church of the Immaculate Conception was formed of several families residing at Fayetteville and Manlius Square, from 1846 to 1855. Among these. may be mentioned John Farrell, John McCarrick, John O'Brien and Jeremiah Bohan, of the former place, and Edward Gaynor, John Sheedy, Patrick Holland, Timothy Holland, John Shea, Patrick Tobin, William Griffin, John Kennelly, Patrick Moloney, Michael Foley, Thomas Flattery, and others, residing at Manlius Square. About the year 185 1 the first Catholic mass was said at the resi dence of John Murphy, at Manlius Square, by Father McCallion. Rev. Father Cahill, of Cazeno via, was the first Catholic clergyman who visited Fayetteville, and held the first service in the house of John Farrell. In 1845 Father Cahill purchased a lot and raised by contributions a small sum toward the erection of a church. Upon his removal from Cazenovia, he deposited this with Bishop McClosky, to the credit of the Catholics of Fayetteville. It amounted in 1861 to $315. Father Rooney next attended the mission for a short time and was succeeded by Rev. Lawrence Schneider, pastor at Manlius Station in 1856. In 1857, Rev. James A. O'Hara, then officiating at St. Patrick's Church, Oneida, visited the mission. Rev. Father Maurus being appointed to Manlius 374 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. Station, the Catholics at Fayetteville, in 1859, came together and determined to build a church. This attempt, however, failed, after the foundation of the edifice had been partly laid. Another attempt was also made and failed, after a new site had been purchased and part of the brick delivered on the ground in 1861-62. The materials were afterward sold and the enterprise discontinued till the fall of 1869, when the present neat and com modious brick edifice was undertaken. The corner stone was laid on the 25th of November, 1869, by Very Rev. Edgar P. Wadhams, then Vicar-General of the diocese of Albany, and now Bishop of the new diocese of Ogdensburg. The sermon on the occasion was preached by the late Dr. Keating, of Hudson, and twenty other clergymen assisted at the ceremony Mass was celebrated for the first time in the new church on Christmas day, 1870, but its interior decoration was not completed till the autumn of 1872. It was dedicated under the title of the Immaculate Conception, by Rt. Rev. Francis McNeirny, on November 26, 1872. The late Father Brady, of Cazenovia, preached the dedicatory sermon and sixteen other clergymen were present on the occasion. After the dedica- cation, Bishop McNeirny administered confirma tion to one hundred and eighty-five candidates. This was the first time the sacrament of confirma tion was administered in this mission. The con gregation consists of about 120 families, and the average attendance at the Sunday school is about sixty-five. The history of this church would be incomplete if the writer failed to record that many non- Catholics, resident in Fayetteville, contributed very generously toward its erection. St. Mary's (Catholic) Church, situated in the town of Manlius, on the road from Manlius Station to Bridgeport. The church was organized in 1833 in a little district school house, wherein services were first held. The following are the names of the original heads of families connected with the parish : Matthias Sutter, Felix Fieselmayer, George Konrad, Anthony Lambacher, Joseph Schneider, Henry Herbener, John Ktippele, Seb. Kiippele, Joseph Bloser, Mark Schopp, Stephen Zion, Aug. Gott, Pet, Fieselbrand, Casper Fabing, John Kon rad, Nicolaus Gerhard, Michael Remblinger, Adam Uth, Anthony Zimmer, Ignatius Heifer, Jos. Flick, Peter Schneider, Adam Bucherjohn Backenstrass, Jacob Fries, Theobald Schondorf, Casper Hullar, Peter Mayer. The church was built A. D., 1834] under the Rt. Rev. John Dubois, Bishop of New York. Pastors— Rev. Werick, Rev. Guth, Rev. Mich. Heas, Rev. Rath, Rev. Fl. Scheninger, Rev. Th. Nothen, Marshal ; Rev. Sander], Jos. Raffeinr er, Rev. Col. Messner, Rev. Federmann, Rev. Tappert, Rev. Maly, Rev. Miiller, F. C. Weber> Schneider, Maurus, Cairus, Kenig, Ritter, Wibbee, Mayers, Fehlings, Hengen, Weber, Maurus,— one hundred and five families. The attendance in the Sunday School is from sixty to eighty boys and girls. The old frame church was erected in 1834, in dimensions 34 by 40 feet. Additions of twenty feet were made to its length in the years 1857 and 1870, respectively. Present pastor, Rev. L. Maurus. The Methodist Episcopal Church at Man lius Station, first met for worship in the school house. In 1862 the church and parsonage were built. Rev. Gideon Jones was then pastor. The church is valued at $3,500, and parsonage at $1,600. Present membership, thirty-six. The first mem bers were Jacob Karker and Jabez Lewis. Pres ent pastor, J. N. Sackett. KIRKVILLE. With the building of the Erie Canal, a settlement began to be made at this point, Mr. Cunningham- opening a tavern. In 1822, Edward Kirkland, a son of the late Joseph Kirkland of Utica, estab lished himself on a large farm half a mile northeast of the place, and in 1824, was appointed Postmaster. The postoffice and the settlement were named Kirkville in honor of him. Mr. Kirkland built the Canal Basin at his own expense, put up a large store, and for some time did. considerable business there. The place has a few stores, shops and two churches. Union Church, Kirkville. — On the 28th of December, 1848, the citizens met for the purpose of organizing a society to build a house of public worship. The society was finally organized January 16, 1849, with the following Trustees: David Dominick and George W. Huntly, three years ; William Gilman and Joseph Hoag, two years ; Wil liam Cunningham and Cortland Cunningham, one year. The church was erected in 1850, and the society arranged for services by the different denonr- inations as follows : Universalists, every fourth Sunday ; Baptists, every fourth Sunday ; Presbyr terians, every second Sunday ; Methodist Episcopal, every second Sunday ; Wesleyan Methodists, every second Sunday at 4 p. m. The Universalists, hav: ing repaired and refurnished the church, are the only denomination occupying it at present. Methodist Episcopal Church, Kirkville. — This church originally formed part of the North Manlius Circuit and worshipped in the Union Church. Central Road Farm. RESIDENCE or CHA? M. COLE, Kirkville, Onondaga County-, New York «*.;?- f?. H. Bangs. MffS.CLAff/SSA T ff/lNGS Photos ffv W / Ranger, Syracuse. ffE.SIDENCE OF THE LATE fr-EL/BEN II. PANGS, Fa YUTEVILLE.N. Y. Residence of MYRON BANGS .Fayetteville , Onondaga Coumty N. Y. HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 375 It was made a station in 1872, and immediately after, the present house of worship was erected. The first pastor was Rev. Joseph Maxwell. Original membership, thirty-eight ; present number, sixty- six ; Sunday School, forty. Present pastor, D. W. Roney. The Evangelical Association, Manlius Sta tion.— Organized February 1 1, 1855. The original members were John J. Jetter, Frederick Ebeling, Jacob Taffner, Carl Fout, Frederick Hecht, Jacob Karker, Frederick Horman, Christian Gehring, George E. Fisher and Jacob Salz. The church was dedicated December 23, 1855. Cost— about $700. The following have officiated as pastors : Frederick Scharf, one year ; E. D. Jenny, two years ; John Grenzenbach, one year ; Michael Pfitzinger, two years ; Jacob Dereich, two years ; E. Thomas, one year ; Frederick Lohmeir, two years ; Carl Wiseman, two years ; John Schaaf, one year ; Levi Jacoby, one year ; Adolf Loscher, three years ; Edward Weier; three years; August Klein, two years. Present membership 35.. EAGLE VILLAGE. At this place the first tavern, in the present town of Manlius, was erected by James Foster, who set tled on Lot 88, in 1790. It was very early resorted to by others as a desirable place of residence, and once contested for superiority with Manlius Village, Eagle Village had once four physicians, three mer chants and four lawyers. Mr. Charles Mosely opened a store here in 1793, and Dr. Ward, the first regular physician in the town of Manlius, settled and practiced here ; Dr. Moor, soon after ; and next Dr. Smith Weed, who had an extensive practice. Dr. Fish and Dr. Washburn, also well-known phy sicians, resided in this village. Charles B. Bristol commenced trading here as a merchant, in 1804. During the war of 18 12, he acted as distributing commissary; built the Stone Distillery in 1809; kept the finest garden in the county ; drove the best team of eight horses known on the road, and for five or six years was considered one of the first merchants of the country. General Amos P. Granger, first commenced business here ; Mr. Walker, in 1804, opened a law office, and Hon. James R. Lawrence was his clerk. A hotel opened here by Libbeus Foster, in 1794, became one of the most celebrated taverns in western New York, con taining a grand masonic hall, a grand dancing hall and many other things to correspond., In 181 1, Eagle Village had an incorporated library of about 250 volumes of valuable and standard works. It was the first circulating library in the county. And here the first school in the town of Manlius was taught, by Samuel Edwards, in James Foster's barn. He had eight shillings a quarter per scholar, and " boarded round." At this place Billy McKee and Jenny Mulholland, on a training day, were married in a hollow sqtiare formed by the com pany on the parade ground, by Cyrus Kinne, Esq. Biographical Sketches. REUBEN H. BANGS. Among the early pioneers of the town of Man lius, none is mentioned with greater veneration than Reuben H. Bangs. He was born July 4th, 1788, in the town of Williamsburg, Franklin county, Massachusetts. He obtained in his youth ful days a fair business education. In the year 181 3, he immigrated to Fayetteville, and immedi ately after his arrival, embarked in the manufac ture of lime. By his tact and business sagacity he soon estab lished himself upon a firm business footing. Dur ing England's second fruitless attempt to trample upon the liberties of our country, he entered the American army and was stationed at Sackett's Harbor. Possessing a mind peculiarly fitting him for the oversight of business enterprises, he took several large contracts of the State, while the Erie Canal was in process of construction, from which he realized a handsome profit. His fine executive and shrewd business abilities were early recognized by the State, and he was accordingly appointed in 1824, Superintendent of the division of the Erie Canal, between Little Falls and Utica, for a period of two years. .He then returned to Fayetteville and engaged in the manufacture of hydraulic cement. By remarkable foresight and management he built up this business into one of the most important manufacturing establishments in Central New York, shipping to nearly every State in the Union. On January 1, 1815, he married Clarissa Teall, daughter of Dr. Timothy Teall, and sister of Oliver Teall. Her father fought, with six brothers, in the war of the Revolution six years. He came to the town of Manlius, Onondaga County, in the year 1791, and became one of its most prominent and respected citizens. Mr. Bangs was blessed with five children, viz.: Anson, at present a resident of the City of Brooklyn, and largely engaged in real estate transactions on the Potomac River, about thirty miles south of 376 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. Washington, D. C; Caroline L., wife of Horace L. Wheeler. Mrs. Wheeler graduated with honors at the Troy Female Seminary, conducted at that time by Mrs. John Willard, the daughter-in-law of the celebrated foundress, Mrs. Emma Willard, in February, 1849. From this time till her marriage she was engaged in the profession of teaching, at the South and West and lastly at Fayetteville ; Myron H., one of the proprietors of the hydraulic cement works at Fayetteville, President of the Farmers' Bank, an extensive contractor, and in every way one of the most prominent business men of Fayetteville; and Eli T., a United States con tractor and, at present, engaged in deepening the channel of Cape Fear. Mr. Bangs was one of the first directors of the Bank of Fayetteville, (now the National Bank,) a staunch Democrat, until 1840, when he became a Whig and later a Republican, one of the first trustees of the Village, and also of the Cemetery. Whatever he undertook to do, he always accomplished. When his object had been deter mined upon, after carefully weighing it pro and con, he went straight at it, with a steadfastness of purpose that was truly remarkable. During the last twenty years of his life he made more money than in any preceding twenty years, which indicated in him a riper experience and a maturer judgment. He was emphatically the poor man's friend. Many prominent business men throughout the county gratefully revere him as their benefactor when first starting out in life. He died, November 10, 1872, leaving to his children the rich legacy of a pure life. AMBROSE CLARK. The subject of this brief memoir was born at North East, Dutchess County, N. Y., on the nth of September, 1809. His early life was spent in acquiring the principles of an English education, and working on his father's farm. He was united in marriage to Julia Ann Collin, a resident of the same town, January 17, 1833. At the close of two years' residence of married life at the place of his nativity, he immigrated January 17, 1835, to Fay etteville, and settled upon the farm which he oc cupied till his death. He was blessed with a family of seven children, only three of whom are living, viz : Julia Ambrosia, Ambrose, Jr., and Hat- tie Louise, now Mrs. W. T. Avery. Ambrose, Jr., now occupies the homestead, called " Maplewood.'- Mr. Clark was a very active and efficient busi ness man. In all his transactions he followed the " Golden Rule ;" and no man was ever more truly esteemed for those Christian qualities which should adorn a true and noble life. He was kind to the poor ; always sympathizing with them in their afflictions, and giving them substantial pecuniary aid, whenever he thought it was needed. In politics, he was a Whig, until the formation of the Republican party, when he became a most ardent supporter of the latter organization. Al though never solicitous of office, he was fre- quently entrusted with the discharge of the most arduous and important duties of his town. He was one of the first promoters and founders of the " Bank of Fayetteville," (now the National Bank.) He remained a member of its Board of Directors from the date of its organization till his death, which occurred December 7, 1875. In his religious views he was a Universalist; and it was the aim of his life to advocate and live up to its doctrines. He was very genial and fond of relat ing anecdotes and adventures, which he spiced with more or less wit and humor. He bore with patient resignation the disease which terminated his life, and with unwavering faith, he peacefully passed away with the firm assurance of a blissful reunion beyond the grave. DAVID HIBBARD. Mr. Hibbard was born in the town of Pompey, March 13, 1803, and is a son of Samuel and Nancy [Pitcher] Hibbard. His father was born at Kin- derhook, Columbia County, N. Y., and came to Pompey in 1796, where he devoted the remaining years of his life to farming. Mr. Hibbard obtained his education at the common schools in Pompey, with the exception of one year's attendance at the Chenango Academy at Pitcher Springs. He lived at home until he had attained his 23d year. The summer of the succeeding year, he spent in canal- ing. He was united in marriage, April 19, 1838, to Farzina, a daughter of Chauncey and Susan [Briggs] Hinsdale. Her parents were New England people and moved into the county when they were quite young. She was born in Otisco in 1815, and has proved an invaluable helpmeet to Mr. Hibbard. He bought the farm upon which he now resides, when a young man. He is a Director of the Far mers' Bank of Fayetteville, and is also connected with the National Bank. Mr. Hibbard is decidedly one of the most public- spirited citizens of Manlius. The Town Hall of Manlius was built mainly through his influence, and also the buildings of the Agricultural Societies of the towns of Manlius and Pompey. He has always ' ¦ ¦ -I'- ¦¦'--- - - • "*liilijfe ¦¦--- ¦--¦::-~-/r-' RESIDENCE of AMBROSE CLARK , Fayitteviue .Town or Manlius. Ohondaoa Co., N-Y. HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 377 taken a lively interest in the agricultural develop ment of his town. During the rebellion, Mr. Hibbard was a staunch supporter of the Union cause, and at the last call for troops, when very little interest was manifested, he helped raise the Second New York Cavalry. Mr. Hibbard is a staunch Republican. He has persistently declined public office, although in every way well fitted for discharging its duties. SAMUEL J. WELLS. Among the substantial business men of the village of Fayetteville, none have a stronger claim to that appellation than Samuel J. Wells. Beginning with nothing but an honest heart and the morals instilled into his mind at his father's fireside, he has, by de grees, become one of the best known business men and one of the most respected citizens of his village. He was born at New Hartford, Oneida County, New York, March 22, 1830, and is a son of James and Amelia [Lewis] Wells. The first twenty years of his life he spent at home enjoying the advantages of the best schools in his county. He pursued a course of study at Homer Academy, Cortland Co., which laid the foundation of that business educa tion which has been so instrumental in his success. When about twenty years of age he entered a hard ware store as a clerk, in Albion, N. Y., where he remained five years. In the year 1855, he came to Fayetteville and embarked in the hardware busi ness, which he has continued ever since with grati fying success. He married October 12, 1854, Anna, a daughter of David Collin of Fayetteville, by whom he has been blessed with a fine family of six children, viz : Samuel James, David Collin, John Lewis, Paul Irving, Dana Huntington and Anna Sophia. David Collin is attending Yale College, and is a member of the class of '80. John Lewis is attend ing the celebrated Phillips Academy at Andover, Mass., preparatory to entering Yale. Mr. Wells was formerly a Whig, but became a member of the Republican party upon its organization. Upon the organization of the Farmers' Bank of Fayetteville, Mr. Wells was honored with its presi dency, which was a fit tribute to his merit and capacity. This position he held until 1878. He is at present one of its Directors. Perhaps no man in the village has taken a deeper interest in religious and educational matters, or devoted a greater share of his time to discharging their duties than Mr. Wells. 64* JUDSON H. GRAVES, M. D. Dr. Judson H. Graves was born in Bristol, Onta rio County, N. Y., May 22, 1829. He was one of five brothers, all of whom, with this exception, are now living in Michigan. His father was, in early life, a resident of the town of Manlius,. Onondaga County, N. Y., but moved at the time of his marriage, to Bristol, Ontario County, N. Y. Although the Doctor had not the advantages of a> classical education, he received a good academic education, and commenced the study of medicine in the office of Dr. Durgan, in the town of Bristol, On tario County, N. Y., in the year 1853. Having re ceived a thorough medical education, he graduated from the University of Michigan in 1858. He also received the degree of medicine from the Syracuse University in 1876. He practiced medicine with his preceptor until the year i860, when he moved to Manlius, Onondaga County, N. Y., and com menced the practice of medicine there. He was, married October 10, 1 861, to Miss Marietta Wor den of Fayetteville, Onondaga County, N. Y. The fruit of this marriage was two children, Carrie- Louisa, and Frederick Judson. The Doctor was commissioned Captain of Co. F, of the 149th Regi ment of New York State Volunteers, October 4,, 1862, and went to the front with the regiment. But owing to a difficulty with the commanding officer of the regiment he tendered his resignation, giving his reasons therefor as above. His resignation was accepted by Gen. McClellan, and he was honorably discharged from the service. He returned home and resumed the practice of medicine, where he still resides. In politics the Doctor is a Republican, and has been a firm supporter of the party since its organization. CHARLES M. COLE. Mr. Cole was born in Manlius, Onondaga Coun ty, May 5, 1 82 1. His parents were Garrett and Catherine Cole. He obtained a good education,1 living with his widowed mother, until he attained his fourteenth year, when he apprenticed himself to his brother to learn the stone-mason's trade. He remained with his brother until he was twenty-one years of age; and then kept a grocery store at Fay etteville. When twenty-five years of age, he re moved to " Poole's Brook," on the Erie Canal, where he kept a grocery store about three years. When twenty-seven years old, he married ; and a year later, bought with his brother-in-law a canal boat and followed boating during that summer. 378 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. The next year he lived with his father-in law and also worked at his trade. He then bought a house and lot of eight acres, near the " Brook Mill," which he increased by subsequent purchase to thirty acres. At the close of two and a half years residence upon this place, he again lived with his father-in-law three years more, and then went into the jobbing business, with Harvey E. Tupper. He built a steam saw mill in Clinton Co., Iowa, which he traded with forty acres of western land for " the one hundred acre farm on the Central," near Kirkville ; and afterwards bought the place of twenty-five acres upon which he now resides, also twenty-five acres adjoining, together with a fine wood-lot of thirteen and a half acres, below Kirkville. He married, April 20, 1848, Catherine Maybee, a daughter of David and Catherine Maybee of Man lius. They have had the following children born to them, viz: David M., August 13, 1849; Ophelia, July 13, 1856, died August 18, 1867; Charley M., April 29, i860, died March 8, 1862, and Gideon W., September 15, 1862. The oldest son works the farm. Mr. Cole works at his trade and attends to business matters which pertain to the farm. He is a strong Democrat, and has labored in his humble way to advance its principles. Mr. Cole is upright in all his business transac tions, and is well thought "of by the community in which he lives. In religious sentiment Mr. and Mrs. Cole are Methodists, having been members in good stand ing of the M. E. Church at Kirkville, the past six teen years. C. E. SCOVILLE. C. E. Scoville was born April 16, 1832, at the old homestead, near Oran, in the town of Pompey. His grandfather, James Scoville, Jr., moved into the town of Pompey in 1796. His father, Timothy Hall Scoville was born November 9, 1796, and mar ried Esther Allen in 1817 ; spendinghis days upon a portion of the old homestead. Charles E. Sco ville was the youngest of five children. His mother died when he was six months old. He obtained by diligent study a good education at Cazenovia Seminary, attending school winters and working upon his farm in the summer. In 1853 he took a contract of the Binghamton Railroad for building the fence from Jamesville to the Summit, being obliged to take his pay in sec ond-class bonds, which proved as worthless as the Confederate bonds at the close of the late war. He was united in marriage, in June, 1858, to Mary P. Gould, a daughter of Jeremiah Gould, whose honorable connection with the salt and other inter ests of the county is spoken of in the general history of the county. Her grandmother was a lineal descendant of General Rufus Putnam. After leaving the railroad he went to Michigan, staying two years. Upon returning he worked upon his farm in Pompey until 1863, when he sold it and went to Eagle Village, where he remained till he bought (in 1864) the farm which he occupied till his death, which" occurred May 16, 1875, in his forty-third year, leaving at his death four children, named respectively, James E., Addison G., Carrie A., and Robert F. He was a man universally es teemed by all who knew him, doing in all his trans actions with the world as he would be done by. His widow and children are occupying the home stead. ALLEN H. AVERY. t No citizen of the town of Manlius has a stronger claim on public confidence, or is more universally esteemed for purity of motives and justness of ac tions, than Allen H. Avery. He was born at Great Barrington, Mass., January 21, 1815, and is a son of Harry and Polly [Chapman] Avery. One of his ancestors, Christopher Avery, a weaver, emigrated from England about the year 1640, settling in Glou cester, Mass. His grandfather, Miles Avery, was a soldier of the Revolution, and served gallantly dur ing the seven years of that memorable struggle for freedom. His parents, when he was a year and a half old, immigrated to Pompey, (now LaFayette,) and bought one hundred acres of heavily timbered land, at $10.00 per acre. His father closed his long and useful life December 4, 1872, in his eighty- fourth year. Although Mr. Avery did not have the educa tional advantages in his youth that the present day affords, yet so faithfully did he improve his oppor tunities and leisure hours that he obtained a thor ough English education, and taught school success fully two winters. When he was twenty-one years of age his father gave him $1,000, with which, to gether with his own savings, he bought a farm of fifty-five and one-half acres, lying in the town of Pompey. He soon after sold it to his brother, Egbert I. Avery, and worked his father-in-law's farm on shares five years, when he bought a farm adjoining his brother Egbert's, and after five years' residence upon it he sold it to his brother. He then purchased his father-in-law's farm, which he still owns. His present wife, Emeline, is a daughter Seymour Pratt. Smith, FAYmcvmt: I^ancy Pratt. Beach Beard. Frances Beard. Illustrious Remington. Eunice Remington. HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 379 of Nathaniel Gillett of DeWitt. His children are named respectively, Mary J., Cora C. and Allen H., Jr., who has received a fine education, having at tended St. John's School at Manlius, and graduated from Poughkeepsie College. Mr. Avery is an old Jacksonian Democrat, and has taken a deep interest in political affairs since at taining his majority. He served as Assessor three years, and won the confidence and respect of his fellow-citizens by his equitable adjustment of the assessment rolls. Although his party is in the minority, he made a gallant run when nominated for Supervisor. In the fall of 1871, he was per suaded to run for the Assembly, but, on account of the large Republican majority, he was not elected. His own town, however, showed their ap preciation of his worth by giving him one hundred and twelve majority, when the Republican State ticket received one hundred and ninety majority. Mr. Avery has always been very actively en gaged in agricultural matters, having been for several years President and Vice-President of the Agri cultural Societies of the towns of Manlius and Pom pey, President of the County Wool Growers' Asso ciation and being, also, a life member and having been Vice-President of the State Sheep Breeders' and Wool Growers' Association. Although in his 63d year, his step is as firm and elastic as ever and his mind as clear as in the brightest days of his youth. He is passing to the close of his useful life surrounded by kind and lov ing children and an abundance of means to satisfy his legitimate desires. J. BEACH BEARD. In almost every town in the State there are a few aged pioneers, who have undergone the hardships incident to frontier life, and have founded large fami lies who adorn nearly all the occupations and pro fessions of life. Of these men J. Beach Beard is a noble representative. He was born at Harwinton, Litchfield county, Connecticut. His parents were David and Mary [Tomlinson] Beard. He received in early boyhood a fair common school education, and in the year 18 12, came to Pompey, where he attended the Pompey Academy six months, at the end of which time he engaged in teaching in West moreland, Oneida County, New York, and taught very acceptably two terms. In April, 18 13, he bought a fifty-acre farm, sit uated in the town of Pompey, about one mile north west of Pompey Hill. In 18 1 5, he disposed of this farm and bought another consisting of seventy-five acres, lying one mile north of Pompey Hill, on the road to Manlius. By subsequent purchases he increased this estate to 500 acres, which he worked for a period of thirty- five years. In the spring of 1832, he conducted a store at Pompey Hill, working on his farm during the day, doing as much hard work as any farm hand he had and in the evening attending to the affairs of his store. During the summer of 1836, he built a good and substantial stone store at Pompey Hill. In the spring of 1839, he bought a store at Fay etteville ; his son, Beach C. Beard, being manager and Ira Beard, clerk. His son, Henry L. Beard, conducted the store at Pompey Hill, assisted by Huntington Beard. In the Fall of 1850, Mr. Beard moved to Fayette ville. The previous year he had bought a good in terest in the famous Ledyard purchase. In 185 1 he built the Spring Mills, at Fayette ville, which he conducted, with the assistance of his sons, till November, 1877, when he retired. In 1852 he built the first paper mill in the town of Manlius, which he leased for the first five years and since that time has given the management to his son, Henry L. Beard, and Robert Crouse, the husband of Ellen Beard, his daughter. Mr. Beard and sons are owners of the Beard Block, which con tains many of the most prominent business firms in the village, which they built in 1852-53. Mr. and Mrs. Beard, although in their declining years, are enjoying tolerably good health and are surrounded with every comfort which can render their remain ing years enjoyable. EDWARD FRENCH. Edward French was born in the town of Sullivan, Madison County, N. Y., November 28. 1801. His parents, Adin and Chloe (Nettleton) French, emi grated from the town of Killingworth, Connecticut, in the year 1801, and settled in Madison County, New York. At the age of ten years, his father hired him out to a farmer for ten dollars per month during the summer months. In the winter he was occasionally sent to school, but not enough to obtain more than the rudiments of a common school education. When seventeen years of age he was apprenticed by his father to Jonathan Crampton, of East Guil ford, (now the town of Madison, ) to learn the shoe maker's and tanning trade. Having mastered his 38o HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. trade and feeling at the age of twenty-one, the want of a good education, he accordingly attended an academy for two months, making such rapid progress as to receive the high compliment from the principal that he had never before had a pupil who " developed such aptness for learning." In the year 1823, he ran a canal boat two trips, and after ward engaged with a shoe firm in Pompey, remain ing two years, at the end of which time he rented a farm in Manlius, upon which he worked two years and then bought thirty-four acres of land near the " Green Lakes," which he increased by subsequent purchases, to 140 acres. At the close of seven years' residence upon this farm, he sold it and bought the place upon which he now lives. He married for his first wife, March 20, 1834, Dora Ann Worden, by whom he had six children, viz : George, Julia, Oliver, Clarrissa, Jonathan and Ellen, of whom only Ellen, George and Julia are living. In politics, Mr. French is an Independent, hav ing been for the past fifteen years disgusted with the corruption of parties and partisans ; he has striven in his humble way to put into office the best men, irrespective of party. His youth was passed in a constant struggle for existence. He is now surrounded with every convenience that can make his home happy and his mind contented. The old adage that the " gods help those who help themselves," has been strikingly illustrated in his life His present wife, Mrs. Elizabeth Tib- betts, is a very estimable lady, and has been his faithful companion for twenty-five years. ELI A. COE. Eli A. Coe, was born at Smithfield, Madison County, N. Y., April 1, 18 19. His parents David and Orra (Ellenwood) Coe were both natives of Connecticut. His father, when twelve years of age, came with his parents to Madison County, and devoted himself throughout life to the occupation of farming. Mr. Coe obtained a fair business education, by diligently improving his opportunities for learning. When twenty-one years of age, he rented a farm adjoining his father's, of seventy-one acres, upon which he lived as lessee five years and as owner two years. In the year 1849, renting his farm, he removed to Oneida Village, where he built a house and a large bakery. At the end of six months he sold the bakery and bought a soap and candle factory, which he conducted successfully for three years. At the close of eight years' resi dence at Oneida Village, longing for the quiet rural life of his earlier days, he purchased a dairy farm, consisting of 128 acres, lying in Smithfield, upon which he kept twenty cows. In the spring of 1865, he purchased and moved upon the farm where he now lives, which he has increased from 1 16 to 141 acres. He married for his first wife, February 3, 1846, Nancy, a daughter of Ralph and Emily Ellenwood, of Stockbridge, by whom he had four children, viz.: Ralph E., Minnie A., M. Burton, and Milton F. Ralph is married and lives on his father's farm ; the remaining children are at home. For his second wife he married, January 12, 1869, Mrs. Adelia Wight. In politics Mr. Coe is a Re publican. In the year 1848, he united with the Baptist Church, and has been a constant and liber al supporter of church interests since that time. In his domestic relations he is a kind and loving father and affectionate husband. Genial, hospitable and well-informed, his guests find a very attractive and pleasant reception at his home. There is no man in the town of Manlius who is more highly spoken of and esteemed than he. DAVID COLLIN, Sr. Among the few. early pioneers of Manlius, still living, is David Collin. He was born at North East, Dutchess County, New York, April 23, 1794, and is a son of David and Lucy [Bingham] Collin. His great grandfather was a French sea-captain. His father was born in Dutchess County and died at Fayetteville, June 2d, 1844. Owing to the new ness of the country, and the absence of those insti tutions which accompany civilization, his early edu cational advantages were quite limited. Like the fathers of most young men of those days, his father required his services on the farm, until he was twen ty-one years of age, when he gave him 400 acres of wild land, situated within half a mile of the present village of Fayetteville. He commenced the her culean task of clearing up this immense tract of land with his own hands. The result of his toil can be seen to-day, in the large beautiful fields which meet the passer's gaze. By a rare combination of business foresight the 400 acres were increased to 1800 acres, which he has with an unusually fatherly love distributed among his large and respectable family. In the year 1817, he married Anna, a daughter of Ephraim and Mir iam Smith, of Dutchess County, by whom he had HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 38i seven children, viz : Edmund, Lucy, David, Jr., Ira, Harriette, Miriam, and Anna Smith. In the year 181 3, Mr. Collin joined the American army, and served as sergeant for three* months. Although he never cared for nor sought political pre ferment, he has quite frequently been honored with the most important town offices. He has been one of the most public-spirited men that the village of Fayetteville has ever had, being one of the first movers in the erection of the first church and academy in the village. The Water-works Com pany is indebted to Mr. Collin in a great measure for its existence. Many men throughout the town and county at tribute their start in life to the generosity of Mr. Collin. In politics he is a Republican, although his earlier political affiliations were Democratic. Since 1832 he has been an active member and sup porter of the Presbyterian church of Fayetteville. Mr. Collin is still living at the advanced age of 84 years, enjoying good health. SILAS BELL. Silas Bell was born at Glastonbury, Hartford County, Conn., on the 9th of June, 1804. His parents, Aaron and Sally [Olger] Bell, emigrated from Connecticut in the year of 18 16, and settled in Fabius, Onondaga County, New York. His youth was spent in obtaining such advantages of education as the district scho.ols of those days afforded, and in working as a farm laborer. When twenty-one years of age, impressed with the feeling that it was his duty to have a home of his own, he married Hannah Smith, a daughter of Jonathan Smith of Manlius, and bought a sixty-five acre farm in Truxton, Cortland County, N. Y. He met the first payment of one hundred dollars by chopping cord-wood at twenty-five cents per cord. In 1830, he disposed of his farm, and moved to Manlius. The succeeding four years he spent with his broth ers-in-law and chopped on their farm during that period over a thousand cords of wood. He pur chased seventy-five acres of land, where he now re sides, in 1834, which he increased by subsequent purchases to one hundred and thirty acres. 65 Mr. Bell married for his second wife, September 22, 1863, Henriette, a daughter of Chauncey and Charlotte [Huntley] Arnold, of Sullivan County. Their only child, Nettie Bertha, aged thirteen, is now attending school. By his first wife he had one child, Jasper A., who died in his fiftieth year, the 26th of August, 1877. In politics Mr. Bell was formerly a Democrat but at present is a Republican. For over forty years he has been a member of the Universalist Church. Upon first hearing a Uni versalist preacher, he became thoroughly convinced of the truth of • the doctrines of the Universalist church. Mr.' Bell is classed as one of the wealthiest citi zens of the town of Manlius. E. W. WOODWARD. Mr. Woodward was born in Geddes, April 27, 1825. His parents, John W. and Sophia Z. Wood ward, emmigrated from Unadilla, Otsego County, in the year 1797, and settled in Geddes ; there be ing no settlement where Syracuse is now situated; except in what is now the First Ward. His father took up Government lands, which he held until 1852, when he disposed of his property and immigrated to the State of Wisconsin, settling near Milwaukee. He afterward moved to Appleton, where he died in' 1868, leaving a large' estate. Mr. Woodward spent his youth at home until he attained his 23d year. In 1853 he bought a tract of land in Wisconsin, but in four months returned to Syracuse. The next spring he went to Chicago, where he kept a hotel two years. He subsequently lived alternately in the East and West, until 1865, when he bought the hotel property at Manlius, which he still owns. He married in 1850, Charlotte P., a daughter of Moses Chapman, by whom he has had four children, viz. : Florence, Gertrude, Mabel Blanchard, and Linden Dwight Wesley, of whom only Mabel B. and Linden D. W. are living. In politics he is a staunch Democrat. He has never been desirous of public office, although often solic ited by his friends to run for different town offices. 382 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. FABIUS. Fabius was erected from Pompey in 1798. It included at that time two military townships — Fabius and Tully— embracing all the present towns of Fabius, Tully, Truxton and Preble, with parts of Spafford and Otisco, being ten by twenty miles in extent. Tully was taken from it in 1803, and in 1808, when the county of Cortland was set off from Onondaga, the town of Truxton was taken from the southern part of it. This town has a general elevation of from 1,000 to 1,200 feet above the Erie Canal at Syracuse. The surface of the south half is broken by a series of ridges extending in a north and south direction and separated by narrow valleys. Their declivities are generally steep, their summits rising from three hundred to five hundred feet, South Hill, in the southwest corner being the principal elevation. The streams from the center flow south into the Tioughnioga, a branch of the Susquehanna, and those upon the east and west borders flow north into the Limestone and Butternut Creeks. At the foot of South Hill lies a small lake known as Lab rador Pond. The soil is generally a fine quality of gravelly loam intermixed in places with clay and sand, well watered and adapted to grass and pasturage. From this fact, dairying is the principal occupation of the people. In amount of dairy products, the town is the first in the county and among the first in the State. First Settlers. The first settlers of Fabius were Josiah Moore and Timothy Jerome, from Stockbridge, Mass., in 1794. They erected their log cabins in the dense forest, and for the first year were entirely without neighbors. The next year was marked by the arriv al of Col. Elijah St. John, also from Massachusetts, and soon others followed. The settlement was so rapid that in 1 8 10 the population of the town was 1,900, although the immigration commenced at a somewhat later period than that into Pompey, Man lius and Onondaga. Josiah Moore settled on the Chenango road. He died April 29, 1802. His son, Charles Moore, was the first white male child born in the town. He was born in 1796, and died in 1862. The pioneers penetrated into the deep forest ; heavy timber of hemlock, beech, maple, basswood, elm, ash, oak and pine, covered the face of the country. In this unsubdued wilderness they erected their cabins, with no traces to guide them save the marked trees or the curling smoke ascending from their rude chimneys or roofs. In the natural meadows along the valleys of the streams the herds were turned loose and fared sumptuously, the tink ling bell directing the sturdy woodman to the object of his search, when the obedient ox was needed as an auxiliary to labor, or the docile cow as an in dispensable aid to sustenance. The chief means of subsistence to last them through the first two years were brought by the pioneers from the east. Wild plums, blackberries and game were plenty, and these with milk and such stores as they had laid in, constituted the luxu ries of their board. The first mills to which they had recourse, short of Herkimer, were Danforth's on the Butternut Creek. Town Meetings, &c. The first town meeting for Fabius was held at the house of Joseph Tubbs, April 3, 1798. Timo thy Jerome was chosen Supervisor ; Josiah Moore, Town Clerk ; Benjamin Brown, Timothy Walker, and Elijah St. John, Assessors ; Joseph Tubbs, James Cravath.. and William Blanchard, Commis sioners of Highways ; Ezekiel Dunham, Constable. The second town meeting was held at the same place, April 2, 1799-; Timothy Jerome was chosen Supervisor, and Benjamin Brown, Town Clerk. The seventy-eighth annual town meeting was held February 20, 1877, in the house of Ira Smith, and the following officers were elected : Justices, James H. Wheelock, Elmore Wheaton, Eli S. Howe, Harance T. Jones ; Town Clerk, Dillie R. Webster ; Supervisor, Newel Rowley ; Collector, John H. Sniffin; Assessor, Elijah Andrews ; Over seers of the Poor, Ezra Goodrich and Charles W. Miles ; Town Auditors, John C. Bailey, Wm. H. S. Green and Wm. Tibbits ; Constables, John H. Sniffin, George W. Way, Stephen Chaffee, Grant 0. Andrews ; Game Constable, Ransom Stringham ; Sealer of Weights and Measures, A. W. Salesbury ; Excise Commissioner, Alvin House. HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 383 Timothy Jerome was the first, and for a long-time the only, Justice of the Peace in this town, and for the surrounding country. The first frame house was erected by Josiah Moore in 1800. Others soon followed. The in habitants were enterprising, and soon supplied themselves with all the comforts and conveniencies of life. Josiah Moore sowed the first wheat and caused the first farming implements to be brought into the town. The first surveys were made by Hon. Moses DeWitt. (See Town of DeWitt.) Major Joseph Strong built the first barn in 1799. It is still standing. Among the first settlers were William Clark and Simon Keeney. A daughter of the latter, Miss Lydia Keeney, was married to Mr. Abel Webster in 1798, and this was the first marriage in Fabius. With respect to the first school in town, authori ties seem to differ. Clark says : " The first school taught in this town was by Miss Jerome, wife of the late Judge James Geddes." He says it was in a log school house, a year or two before there was any other in the town, but gives no locality nor date. Other local authorities say the first school was taught in Simon Keeney's neighborhood, by Benjamin Brown, in 1802, and give the names of the surviving pupils, as follows : Champion Keeney, Simon Keeney, Jr., and Esther Woodruff. Miss Jerome may have taught a school before 1802, and all the rest of the facts about the school in Mr. Keeney's neighborhood may be correct, except that it was the first school in the town. We suggest this merely as a conjectural mode of reconciliation ; local authorities must settle the question. Joel Daniels was the first blacksmith. The first store was opened by Morton & Cady. Joseph Simons kept the first tavern within the limits of the present town, though Josiah Tubbs, in 1 797, was the first tavern keeper, near Tully, at whose house town meetings were first held. The first grist and saw mills erected in this town were by Thomas Miles, on Butternut Creek, west of Apulia. The first postoffice was at Truxton village, (then in Fabius,) established about 1804. At a much later period postoffices were established at Apulia and Franklinville. Elijah Miles was the first State Senator from this town. The -first Member of Assembly was Jona than Stanley, in 181 2. The oldest native resident of the town is John Keeney, who is now living ; he has attained the good old age of 81 years. The town contains twenty-three School Districts. A tannery was constructed by Lyman Smith in 1805. It was in the open air, without any building or even shed to shelter it. The contrivance for grinding the bark was that of a large stone attached to a log or pole and drawn round in a circle by a horse. George Pettit afterwards owned the appli ances, which were burned in 18 12. He immediate ly rebuilt, and in connection therewith, put up a shoe shop said to have been the first one in town. Prior to this it was the custom for traveling cobblers to go from house to house repairing and making shoes. The above tannery was built on part of Mr. Keeney's farm. VILLAGE OF FABIUS. The Village of Fabius is pleasantly situated among the hills which form the most northerly spur of the Alleghany range of mountains. Along its western extremity flows a branch of the Tioughnioga, a beautiful stream whose waters flow southward and mingle with those of the Susque hanna. The surrounding scenery is pleasing and romantic. It is studded with beautiful groves, fruitful orchards and the neat and substantial homes of prosperous farmers, and is walled in upon every side with hills that swell softly in the distance to a clear cut outline against the deep blue sky. This village had its origin about the year 18 12, at which time an ashery and dwelling house were erected near the east end. In the year 18 14 a hotel was built and the same now stands, with enlarged dimensions, on the corner of the road, and is known as the Old Cadwell House. In 18 16 the Hamilton . and Skaneateles turnpike was constructed through this town, and in that year another hotel was erected. Ira Smith is the present proprietor. The first store was kept by Aaron Benedict & Co., and erected on the corner now occupied by S^ H. Corbin, as a fruit yard ; in the same year the turnpike was constructed. The first physician was Dr. Searles. The first Justice of the Peace was George Pettit. The Baptist meeting-house was built in 1818, and rebuilt in 1870, the present pastor being Rev. Ira Taylor. The Methodist church was built in 1821, was moved to its present position in 1835, and rebuilt in i860. The Free- Will Baptist Church was built in 1830, moved to the present location in 1845, removed and a new structure placed in its stead in 1868. The Universalist Church, now oc cupied by the Roman Catholics was erected in i845- The completion of the turnpike in 18 16, was the signal for the systematical laying out and building 384 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. in this central part of tbe town a village upon this thoroughfare, and henceforward, for forty years, it sustained uninterrupted growth, prosperity and wealth, and was the scene of stirring business activity. It soon extended three-quarters of a mile along the turnpike, had one parallel side street and four cross streets, with a population of 600, with numerous dry-goods, grocery, boot and shoe, and clothing stores, cabinet and wagon shops, with the usual minor branches of business and trade. Prominent among the early land-holders and founders of this place may be mentioned Abijah Otis, Mark and Lucas Andrews, and Aaron Bene dict, while to Jerry Benedict and John Wilson may be ascribed the original conception of the village and plan of the streets. The opening of the Syracuse and Binghamton Railroad in 1854 was a damag ing blow to the business enterprise of the place. Since that date this avenue has conducted a large percentage of the most valuable trade to the heavy stores and shops of Syracuse. And now the place of the business men of a former day is filled with a laboring class, retired farmers and men of leisure. Still the town is not devoid of life. It has a popu lation of 500. It numbers 125 dwelling houses, 4 churches, 3 mixed stores, 1 grocery store, 2 restaur ants, 1 tin and hardware store, 1 hotel, 4 shoe shops, 2 carriage shops, 4 blacksmith shops, 1 large flour ing mill, 1 undertaking establishment and 4 physi cians, together with one graded school, employing 3 teachers in charge of 100 pupils, in the large and commodious house formerly built for an academy and subsequently converted to the use of a district school, and was recently improved and enlarged by the addition of the edifice formerly occupied by the school of district No. 8, which, at the time of this addition with three of the other large districts in the central part of the town, was consolidated with the present district No. 9. One of the pres ent teachers, Miss Mary E. Persons, has held a position in this school for the last three years. The principal store of the place is conducted by Hotaling & Case. George H. Gallinger, the former partner of Mr. Hotaling has recently retired from the firm. Their sales amount to $35,000 an nually. The postoffice is kept at this store. O. Hulbert, Postmaster. The carriage manufacturing and repair shop of Ellis & Barnes has a conspicuous position on one of the corners at the west end of the village. Among the physicians is Dr. Milford L. Pine, who has recently established his office in this place. Rev. C. L. F. Howe has recently entered upon the first year of his services with this people. Rev. I. H. Beman has charge of the- Free- Will Baptist church. "i Fabius Evergreen Cemetery is an important ad junct to the village. The Association was organ ized March 22, 1864. The first Trustees were, 0. Hills, H. F. Williams, A. Bramer, J. E. Pettit, S. Cadwell, E. Andrews, L. S. Thomas, H. Adams and D. S. Sprague. The present Trustees are H. F. Williams, D. H. Johnson, D. S. Sprague, S. H. Corbin, H. C. Phillips, E. Wheaton, O. Pope, E. Peck and Lyman Osborn. H. F. Williams was the first President of this Association and has held the position of Trustee since its organization. The cemetery occupies six acres of land near the east end of the village. Its great variety of ornamental trees and shrubs make it a very attractive rural cemetery. Baptist Church of Fabius. — On the 24th of August, 1803, when there were no roads through this town east and west, and it was all forest where the village now stands, the Baptist Church of Fabius was recognized by a council composed of delegates sent from Hamilton, Cazenovia, Pompey, and DeRuyter. Elder Ashbel Hosmer was chosen Moderator, and Dr. James Pettit, Clerk. This council, composed of six ministers and nine lay- brethren, convened in a barn three miles south of the village, owned by Samuel Webster, and there recognized this little band of disciples, numbering less than twenty, as a " true church of Jesus Christ." Some of the original members were Thomas Keeney, Samuel Stone, Elijah Keeney, Gurden Woodruff and Samuel Webster. The house of worship of this church was erected at Fabius Village, in the year 1818, and cost about $5,000. This year was an eventful one to the church. They engaged Elder Eliada Blakesly for three years for one thousand dollars, and went with their teams to Connecticut to bring his family and goods ; they built their meeting house, and baptized one hundred and twenty-three converts. The following are the names of pastors : Rufus Freeman, 1805 ; Peter P. Roots, 1807; John Upfold, 181 1 ; Salmon Morton, 1815 ; Rufus Freeman, 18 16; Eliada Blakesly, 18 18; Ottis and Bell, 1822; Horace Griswold, 1823; Wheeler I. Cram, 1831; Brisbin, 1832; Jirah D. Cole, 1833 ; Oreb Montague, 1834 ; A. Wheelock, 1836; H. V. Jones, 1838; Enoch Dye, 1842; Luke Davis, 1843; Peter P. Brown, 1844; Walter G. Dye, 1847 ; Lark L. Livermore, 1853 ; Elijah G. Blount, 1858 ; J. D. Webster, 1864; Olney, 1866; J. M. Tolman, 1867 ; Ira Clark, 1873 ; Crain, 1875 * Ira A. Taylor, 1877. The church was incorporated August 24, 1819. At that time the following Board of Trustees was HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 385 elected : Elijah St. John, Stephen Tripp, Jonathan Stanley, Simon Keeney, Aaron Benedict, John Phelps, Benj. Lewis, Geo. Pettit, Nathaniel Bacon. Present Trustees, 1877 — Lorenzo Heffron, Du- portal S. Sprague, Jr., Albert G. Bacon, Orlando Hulbert, Elmore Wheaton, Dillis R. Webster. Free-Will Baptist Church, Fabius Village. — The first meetings of this denomination in the town were held in a school house, near Stephen Tripp's, in October, 1826. In 1827, the church was organ ized, consisting of David Coats, Charles Moore, Rolen Sears, Joshua Sanders, John Smith, Eliza beth Coats, Hannah Moore, Experience Sears, Sallie Sanders, Polly Smith, Polly Coats, Celestia Annable and others. The present, church edifice was erected in 1869, at a cost of $5,000. Elders Waldron and Bates preceded the present Pastor, Rev. I. H. Beman, who settled over the church in the Spring of 1877. The church has about 75 members and a Sunday school numbering 50. First M. E. Church, of Fabius. — The earliest meetings were held in a school house. The church edifice was erected in 1821. Among the original members of the church were Anson Cadwell, David Porter, Daniel Porter, Carlson Hodgson, Sallie Cad well and Catherine Hubbard. The cost of the church edifice was $6,000. The names of the follow ing pastors have been furnished us : Rev. Moses Adams, Dr. Luke Hitchcock, Rev. John E. Robie Dr. D. A. Wheadon, Rev. Thomas Harrow, Rev. P. H. Wiles, Rev. C. L. F. Howe, A. M., Ph. D., present Pastor. Present membership 105 ; Sunday school, 147. Bramer & Bennett, Foundry, Machine and Gen eral Repair Shops, Fabius Village. Established in the Spring of 1 877. Buildfng of wood, three stories, cost $2,000, erected in 1866. Manufacture lumber- wagons, sleighs and agricultural implements ; busi ness prosperous. E. A. Fosmer, Cabinet and Undertaking Rooms, Fabius Village. Business established in 1872. Wooden building — not costly. Mr. Fosmer has made steady progress in building up a good business. Irving Smith, Custom Mills, Fabius Village. Mills started by Oregin & Griswold in 181 7. Cost of buildings $5,000. Water-power — 14 ft. breast wheel. Capacity, 20 bushels per hour ; two millers employed. Capital, $10,000. Ellis & Barnes, Carriage and Sleigh Factory, Fabius. 'Wooden building, erected in 1837. Busi ness established in 1856. C. S. Chaffee & Bros., Saw and Shingle Mill and Cheese-Box Factory, Fabius. Established in 66* 1837. Water-power ; employs five hands and do a large business. SUMMIT STATION. Summit Station is a young but brisk and active village. It is located in the western part of the town, five miles distant from Fabius Village, and on the line of the Syracuse and Binghamton Railroad, to which it owes its existence. There was not a building on its site when the road was built in 1854. Since then it has become a center for marketing and shipping the produce from a large surrounding territory, and at the present time a larger tonage of dairy products is shipped from this station than from any other point on the line of the road. It presents a neat and attractive appearance to the traveler, its buildings being new and reared in the style of modern architecture. As the old village of Apulia is dying away, its business and population are accumulating about this point. It now has a population of something over one hun dred ; and maintains one district school with an average attendance of twenty pupils, one church of the Methodist denomination, Rev. A. D. Webster, Pastor ; two well supported, well appointed and orderly conducted hotels — the Summit House on the western side of the track kept by John H. Sniffin, the Colby House on the east side controlled by O. F. Gilbert ; one dry goods and grocery store, conducted by C. F. Gay & Co. ; one house for the sale of general groceries and farm implements, kept by J- Jay Blaney, who is also Postmaster ; one extensive steam manufacturing establishment, Green & Sturdevant, proprietors. It also contains a cheese factory, one blacksmith shop, one carriage factory and two custom flouring mills. It also has two dealers in farmer's and dairymen's stock and produce. Each year adds new industry, wealth and importance to the place. Green & Sturdevant's Saw Mills, at this village were established in 1871. The manufacture of chairs was added to the saw mill in 1874. employs twelve hands and $8,000 capital. Methodist Episcopal Church, Apulia Station. Organized in the fall of 1869. The following have served the church as pastors : Rev. Timothy W. Owen, two years ; Rev. J. Fletcher Brown, two and one half years ; Rev. Edmund M. Mills, two years ; Rev. Anthony C. Smith, three years; Rev. Anson D. Webster, present pastor. The church edifice was built in 1869-70, at a cost of $2,200. The church has now thirty-nine members and a Sunday School of about thirty. 386 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. DE WITT. DeWitt was taken from Manlius and erected into a separate town April 12, 1835. It was named in honor of " Moses DeWitt, Major of Militia and Judge of the County Courts ; one of the first, most active and useful settlers of the county. He was born on the 15th of October, 1766, and died on the 15th day of August, 1794." Such is the inscription found upon a marble slab which covers his remains in a small family burying ground about a mile south of Jamesville. The same stone bears the further inscription : " Also of his brother, Egbert DeWitt, born 25th of April, 1768 ; died 30th of May, 1793." Moses DeWitt was descended from a dis tinguished family of Holland, which immigrated to New York, and a branch of which settled in Or ange County. His father was Jacob Rutzen De- Witt, a brother of the mother of DeWitt Clinton. The family mansion in the town of Deer Park, on the banks of the Neversink River, in the County of Orange, N.Y., had been built as a sort of a castle for defense against the Indians, and during the French War and the War of the Revolution had been strongly fortified. The walls were of stone, of immense thickness, and surrounded by a row of palisades. It was occupied by a garrison during the Revolution. Moses DeWitt and his distinguished cousin, DeWitt Clinton, were in early life schoolmates, un der the tuition of Thomas White, an English gentle man of liberal education, who formed a strong at tachment to Mr. DeWitt, " was with him much of his life, and closed his eyes in death." Moses D. Burnet and Thomas Rose of Syracuse, were rela tives of Moses DeWitt. Moses DeWitt was associated with his uncle, Gen. James Clinton, and David Rittenhouse, Esq., as one of the surveyors of the boundary line be tween New York and Pennsylvania, when the former two gentlemen were Commissioners ap pointed by their respective States, to survey and establish the boundary-line — a work which lasted about three years ; and during this time proved hims_elf a skillful surveyor and engineer. When the Military Tract was laid out, the Surveyor- General, his uncle, Simeon DeWitt, appointed him as Assistant Surveyor, and with Abraham Harden burgh, he laid 'out and surveyed the several town ships, and, with the assistance of other surveyors, sub-divided them into lots. For this valuable ser vice the State granted him several thousand acres of land, scattered throughout the Military Tract, and along the southern tier of counties, bordering on Pennsylvania. At the organization of Herkimer County, in 1 791, he was appointed Surrogate and Justice of the Peace, and was the first man to per form the duties of that office on the Military Tract. In 1793 he was appointed a Major of Militia, and with Major (afterward General) Danforth, had charge of a battalion. At the organization of On ondaga County, in 1794, he was appointed Judge of the Courts, Surrogate and Justice of the Peace, and was chosen the first Supervisor of Pompey, in April, 1794. His residence was on Lot No. 3, Pompey, (now northeast corner of LaFayette) a lot which had been drawn by his uncle, General James Clinton. In order to secure a valuable water- power on Butternut Creek, on which he contem plated making extensive improvements, he had pur chased fifty acres adjoining in the present town of DeWitt. But his untimely death brought all his labors and earthly prospects to a sudden termina tion. He died at the age of twenty-eight years, August 15, 1794. The town of DeWitt has a surface of consider able variety, and in many places the scenery is un usually beautiful. The northern half is level, and the southern broken and hilly. The declivities of the hills are usually steep, and their summits from five to seven hundred feet above the valleys. But ternut Creek, flowing north, divides the highlands into two nearly equal ridges. Upon this stream are several fine mill sites. The falls below Jamesville are somewhat interesting as a curiosity. The water falls about thirty feet perpendicularly, and the breadth of the creek is about forty feet. Its rocky chasm and sublime scenery, connected with the immense beds of gypsum and water-lime, and the extensive works for their manufacture, render this a very desirable place for the rambles of the tourist and the researches of the geologist. There is a tradition, that at the time the French colony, located a little south of Jamesville, were massacred, f c.osW- ROBERT DTJNLAP. Photo, by W. V. Kanger, Syracuse. Robert Dunlap was born in Albany, N. Y., April 28, 1810, and was a son of Robert and Jeanette (Andrews) Dun- lap. His father was a native of Ayrshire, Scotland, and emigrated to America in the year 1805, locating at Albany, where he engaged in the brewing and malting business, which he continued till the day of his death, which occurred in the autumn of 1851, in his seventy-fourth year, leaving a large estate. The subject of this sketch received his education at the Albany academy, and lived with his father until he was twenty- three years of age, when he moved to the town of De Witt, Onondaga County, and engaged in the milling business, and also in the manufacture of gypsum and hydraulic cement, which he has followed up to the present time. He has been supervisor of his town, and was one of the original directors of the Syracuse and Binghamton railroad ; he has been for several years, and is at present, president of the Syracuse and Jamesville plank-road company, and is also trustee of the St. John's school at Manlius. Energy, prudence, and remarkable foresight are his promi nent characteristics. A good neighbor, and a kind husband, he is highly respected by all who know him. HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 387 one escaped and was pursued, overtaken and killed near these falls. The first gypsum was discovered northwest of Jamesville, on Lot 81, in 181 1. The first dis covered in the United States was in the town of Camillus, in 1792. It had previously been brought from Nova Scotia, and was called Nova Scotia Plaster. Before this it had been brought to this country from France and Germany in limited quantities, under the name of plaster of paris. Dr. Franklin first introduced it into the United States as a vegetable stimulant. Robert Livingston first introduced it into the eastern part of the State of New York in 1805. Water-lime was discovered in this town in 18 18 or 1819, and is now prepared for market in large quantities principally in the towns of Manlius and DeWitt. (See Fayetteville Manufacturers.) Clark, in his Onondaga, gives the following ac count of certain caves in the vicinity of Jamesville : " Nathan Beckwith, in sinking a well, about a mile east of Jamesville, in 1807, discovered a large cavern. It has been explored to some extent in a southwesterly direction from the entrance at the well. The depth at the entrance of the cavern may be about twenty feet ; height of the cavern at the entrance, about seven feet ; width, near five feet. These dimensions continue six or eight rods, when the space becomes contracted to a width just sufficient for a single person to pass through. It soon becomes broader. The size is very far from being uniform, the top in some places being not more than three or four feet from the bottom. Dog tooth spar, stalactites and stalagmites, are numer ous. A small stream of water runs along the bottom. " There is another cave, about two miles west of Jamesville, on the farm of the late Mr. Brown, which is several hundred feet deep and which has never been thoroughly explored. The open ing from the top is through a fissure about three feet broad by eight feet long. After descending some twenty feet, there is an extensive opening to the great valley below. It is supposed that this cave extends all along the great ledge of limestone rock, from the western part of DeWitt, nearly to Jamesville. The ledge is usually about two hun dred feet high. The cave itself is a great singu larity, if not curiosity. " At the time this cave was first made known to the settlers, tools which had been used for mining purposes were found at its mouth, and also a bar of solid silver two inches square and eighteen inches long, having a point of steel. It is also reported that a kettle of money was found about twenty rods from the cave, which was supposed to have been coined there." In the southwest corner of the town, about a mile and a half from Jamesville, is a small lake occupying a deep chasm in the rocks. It is nearly circular in form, about eighty rods in diameter, and is almost surrounded by perpendicular banks from 150 to 200 feet high. This is one of the most singular bodies of water in Central New York. It has no outlet, but upon the eastern side is a low marsh through which the water might flow, but does not. In several places near the center a lead has been lowered three hundred feet without finding bottom, and within fifty feet ofthe shore the water is over a hundred feet deep. The water drawn from a considerable depth is highly charged with sulphur eted hydrogen. Another lake of similar character lies two miles east of Jamesville. Messina Springs, three in number and twenty feet apart, are situated about three and a half miles east of Syracuse. The name was given them in 1835 by the people in the vicinity, on account of their contiguity to Syracuse, as the place of the same name is in Sicily.. They emerge from a lime stone rock on the surface of which is found speci mens of calcareous substances. The temperature is uniformly fifty degrees Fahrenheit. The water is strongly impregnated with sulphur and has consid erable local notoriety for medicinal qualities. Early Settlement. Benjamin Morehouse, from Fredericksburg, Dutchess County, N. Y., was the first settler in the town of DeWitt. He arrived here, with his wife and three children, following the Indian trail from Oneida to Onondaga, April 26, 1780^? His log house was erected on the flats a few _, ards west of the old church, three and a half miles west of Manlius Village, then called by the Indian name, Kasoongkta Flats. Mr. Morehouse here opened the first tavern kept in the county in 1790, and it became a noted place, no less than its proprietor, who, on account of his dignified deportment, was popularly known and addressed as " Governor." At Mr. Morehouse's tavern was held many of the early meetings, both of a civic and military character, for this new region of country. When he first settled here his nearest neighbors were Asa Dan forth and Comfort Tyler, seven miles distant at Onondaga Hollow. In 1791, he carried a plow share on his back to Westmoreland, Oneida County, to get it sharpened, and while the black smith was doing the work he proceeded to Herki mer, purchased thirty pounds of flour and returned on foot with flour and plowshare on his back. This was the first wheaten flour introduced into his family after their arrival, except a small quantity brought along with them, and it sufficed for their necessities for nearly a year. 388 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. The first settlers, from 1790 to 1800, in James ville and vicinity, were Moses DeWitt, Daniel Keeler, Dr. Holbrook, Jeremiah Jackson, William Bends, Stephen Angel, Stephen Hungerford, Jeremiah and James Gould, Roger Merrill, Caleb Northrup, Benjamin Sanford and others. Jeremiah Jackson erected the first frame dwelling house in 1797 ; Joseph Purdy opened the first blacksmith shop about the same time. In 1798 Mathew Dum- frie built a distillery, malt house and brewery, and manufactured the first beer and whisky made in the county. Oliver Owen erected a saw mill in 1795. Mr. Trowbridge kept the first tavern at Jamesville, in 1804; Daniel Olmstead kept it in 1806, when it was considered the best tavern west of Utica. In 1804, Benjamin Sanford built mills, and Mr. Hungerford started clothing works about the same time. John Post, from Utica, opened a store of goods, one mile east of Jamesville in 1802; Robbins & Callighan, in 1804, and Mr. Keeler, in 1805. Esquire Edgar opened a law office at More house's Flats at an early day, and had for students Moses D. Rose and Luther Badger. Dr. Hol brook, the first physician in the town, located at Jamesville in 1791. The doctor presided at the first public meeting held in this section of the country, convened at Morehouse's tavern for the purpose of taking preliminary measures for the di vision of Herkimer County. John Youngs was the first settler of Orville, in 1791, and kept the first tavern in that part of the town. The settle ment, on this account, first went by the name of Youngsville. Mr. Youngs erected the first frame house and was for many years Justice of the Peace — the first in the town of Manlius. JAMESVILLE. Jamesville is situated on the Syracuse, Bingham ton and New York Railroad, and on Butternut Creek, seven miles from Syracuse. It has a popu lation of about three hundred and fifty inhabitants, and is a thriving village, the amount of business transacted being larger by far than is done in most places of its size. The principal interests being stone, lime and plaster. There are two firms en gaged in that business, viz : Robert Dunlop and Alvord, Dixon & Weston. Mr. Dunlop is also en gaged largely in milling, owning and operating two grist mills, one saw-mill and a pearl barley mill, also extensive lime-kilns. There are several parties engaged in the immediate vicinity of Jamesville, quarrying and cutting stone of a very superior quality, which is shipped to all points in Central New York, and very largely to Syracuse, where it is used in building, many of the handsomest and most substantial structures being entirely or partly built of it. The commercial interests are somewhat limited at present, owing to the great conflagration which occurred here October 14, 1877, whereby all the business portion of the village was laid in ashes — two hotels, the " Kortright House," and the " Clark House," three stores, kept by Reed & Conkling, Connell & Co., and Daniel Quinlan, Avery's restau rant and residence, a boot and shoe store kept by Isaac L. Sherwood, and four dwelling houses, one church and five barns were devoured by the raging element. The loss by the fire was estimated to be about fifty thousand dollars, an amount certainly sufficient to make the hearts of the citizens of the unfortunate place sink with despair. Rebuilding has commenced with vigor and one block is already up and ocoupied by Daniel Quinlan, who keeps a general stock such as is found in country stores. The " Kortright House " is being rebuilt, and will be ready for occupancy about June 1, 1878. It is to be a large structure, two stories in height with Mansard roof, and will be, probably, the finest hotel in the county outside of Syracuse. The industrial interests of Jamesville are as fol lows : Two carriage and repair shops by Erasmus Green and Charles Cable ; one sash and blind fac tory, by G. W. Burhans & Co.; one harness shop, by R. H. Bristoll, and two shoe shops. Isaac K. Reed is Postmaster. Two physicians,. E. E. Knapp, M. D., and R. S. Humphrey, M. D. B. S. Gregory, who has resided here for the past forty-three years, is the only attorney here. He was Justice of the Peace for eight years, and is now also engaged in the insurance business. The name of Jamesville was adopted at the time " The Jamesville Iron and Woolen Factory" was in corporated in 1809. The name was given by the Legislature in the act of incorporation, and was first published and proclaimed in a great Fourth-of-July celebration held herein 18 10. In 1809 a postoffice was established, Thomas Rose, Postmaster ; suc ceeded by Moses D. Rose. The first school house for Jamesville was erected east of the village in 1795. Polly Hibbard was teacher, succeeded by Susan Ward. The first school in Jamesville was established in 1806. " St. Marks " Episcopal Church, Jamesville.— As early as June 6th, 1825, meetings were held in the house of Elijah C. Rust although it was not until July 13th, 1831, that the society was organ ized. The organization was perfected at Mr. Rust's, the following named persons being among RESIDENCE & TENEMENT HOUSESfW fecifiifsifti'/ii ifiiifiV I'flgtCf rfirl^rf-'iT- »!¦'¦"¦-«((' 'MT ON, DEWm, ONONDAGA C0..N.Y. HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 389 the original members : John Millen, Mrs. Ives, Mrs. Dibble, Harriet Gillespie, Helen Post, Hiram P. Holbrook, John Crankshaw, Mary Ann Holbrook, Mrs. Read, Phebe Wales, Catherine Littlefield, Abigail Salmon, and others. In the following year a church was built on a corner of the road leading north to Syracuse and the Seneca Turnpike. Rev. Seth W. Beardsley was the first rector and served this parish from 183 1 to 1836. He was followed by Rev. Marshall Whiting, 1836 to 1839. After tnis came Revs. James Selkrig, Chas. W. Hayes, Julius S. Townsend, H. H. Loring, M. L. Kern, J. L. Gay, J. E. Barr, J. H. Bowman, whose respective terms of service we are unable to give owing to lack of records. Rev. J. E. Pratt, the present rector, has been connected with the church since 1873. The present number of communicants is twenty- five. The church building was remodeled in the sum mer of 1874, at an expense of about $2,500. Burned, Oct. 14, 1877. Another church will in all probability be erected during 1878. The present officers are Robert Dunlop, and Edwin A. Knapp, Wardens. J. G. Holbrook, C. W. Avery, G. B. Low, H. D. Weston, H. G. Dixon, E. C. Conklin, J. E. Van Vranken, I. K. Reed, Vestrymen. M. E. Church of Jamesville.— Most of the early records of this society have been lost, but from what we can find after diligent search, we can give the date of its organization and the names of the first Trustees only, which was in the year 1832, Hiram C. Snow and Joseph C. Green, presiding at the meeting called for that purpose, the following named persons being elected Trustees. Egbert Coleman, Moses Chapman, Abraham Van Chaick, Darius Sweet and Cornelius Cool ; all of whom it is thought are rfow dead. It was " resolved that the organization be known as the Fourth Society of theM. E. Church in Manlius." The present membership is about one hundred. A flourishing Sunday School of about fifty scholars, D. E. Weston, Superintendent. A. H. Shurtliff, pastor, who supplies the M. E. Church at DeWitt. The church is supplied with a cabinet organ. The present Trustees are the following : O. M. Watkins, John S. Barker, A. A. Wright, P. B. Gove, and Albert Boughton. First Presbyterian Church of Jamesville. —This church was originally known as the Union Congregational Society, and was organized in Octo ber, 1807. Soon after this they built their first church, which was situated about one mile east of Jamesville on the farm of Daniel B. Marsh, one of 67 the first preachers. Among the early members of this church were Deacons Ayer, Messenger, Bar num, Levett and Hezekiah Weston. In 1827 the society began holding meetings in Jamesville, which was more centrally located, and the following year erected the house now occupied by them, un der the pastorate of Rev. Seth J. Porter. Among the prominent members of that time were Isaac W. Brewster, David Smith, Horace B. Gates and Amos Sherwood. At this time there were two hundred and forty-seven members in the church. In December, 1843, the church voted to adopt the constitution of the Onondaga County Conference, consisting of members of the Presbyterian and Congregational order, within the bounds of the Onondaga Presbytery, and in March, 1870, the Trustees petitioning the Judge of the County, the name was changed to the First Presbyterian Church of Jamesville. In 1832 there was a secession on the part of some of the members, who organized a Dutch Reformed Church, but this society only sur vived five or six years, when they disbanded and re turned to the old church. The present member ship is but forty-five. The Sabbath School attend ance, fifty. The present officials are Rev. H. C. Hazen, Pastor ; Daniel Marsh, Darius C. Avery and Benjamin S. Gregory, Trustees. The church building cost about $3,000. Methodist Episcopal Youngs' Society of DeWitt. — This society was organized in 181 1, in the village of Orville, now DeWitt, under the min istration of Rev. Dan Barnes, taking the name and title of " The Youngs' Society." The first Trus tees were John Youngs, Sr.. John Youngs, Jr., Zephaniah Lathrop, Benjamin Booth and Peter G. Van Slyke. This was then in the Pompey Circuit, of which William Case was then Presiding Elder, and the pastors were Rev. Dan Barnes and James Kelsey. The first class consisted of the Trustees and John Russell, Freelove Russell, Eliza beth Youngs, Seth Youngs, Jonas Scott, Mary Scott and Daniel Knapp. Immediately upon this organization they proceeded to erect their church, which stands upon the Turnpike leading to James ville. The society was reorganized and reincorpo rated in May, 1826, as the Methodist Episcopal Youngs' Society of Orville. This society continued occupying their church until 1863, when the Pres- ( byterian Society disbanded and gave their church building to this society in consideration of certain repairs. A special act of the Legislature was pro cured allowing this transfer, also empowering the Youngs' Society to convey their building to the School District, since which time the Youngs' 390 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. Church has been used as a school house. The society at an expense of $1,200, repaired the old Presbyterian Church, which the society still occupy. The present membership is fifty. Sabbath School attendance seventy-five. The present Trustees are Emerson Kinne, James Moulter, D. C. Peck, Wm. Adams and G. C. Ferris. Rev. Shurtliff is pastor of this and Jamesville charge. First Presbyterian Church of Collamer. — Meetings were held in what was known as the Britton Settlement school house, where, in Oct. 1842, the church was organized with a membership of seventeen, among whom were John Furbeck, Sarah Baker, Deborah Furbeck, Prudence Smith and the present elders, Porter Baker, Samuel Baker, John Powlesland, and Orlando Spencer ; also Deacons Dwight Baker and Andrew Fuller. In 1843 tne present church edifice was erected at a cost of $600. The organization was effected under the pastorate of Rev. Amos W. Seeley who was succeeded by Rev. A. C. Lathrop who remained three years, followed by Rev. B. Ladd, after whom came Rev. Marcus Smith who labored here for twelve years, then Rev. J. M. Chrysler was called and remained five years ; since then the present pastor, John M. Perkins. The present membership is seventy. Sab bath schoob attendance fifty. First Presbyterian Church, of East Syracuse- This, the youngest church in the county, was organ ized in 1876, by Rev. J. M. Chrysler, who came as a missionary preacher and by his energy succeeded in organizing a society and erecting a commodious church on the corner of Carpenter and Ellis streets. The society was organized, January 27, 1876, with twenty members — the most active of whom were Mr. and Mrs. John Jones, Mr. and Mrs. John A. Henry, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Walker and Evan J. Crans. There have been 17 accessions since the organization and the flourishing Sabbath School of seventy members is a strong auxiliary. Rev. J. M. Chrysler still continues in charge and secures the hearty cooperation of his people. Methodist Episcopal Church, of Collamer. — This was the first charge of the North Manlius Circuit and in 1828, when it was organized, was so designated. In 1830 the society erected their church at what is now Collamer Village then known as the Britton Settlement, under the pastorate of Rev, Austin Briggs. There were then nine trustees who were, the pastor, Adam Harrower, Isaac Carhart, Walter Wright, James Wright, Erastus B. Perkins, John Rowe and Abraham Delamater, all members of the first class which was organized several years prior to this time under the ministration of Rev. Seth Youngs. About 1 841, when the Rev. A. E. Munson came to this charge, he found the society in a condi tion that required a reorganization and through his ' efforts the society was reincorporated as the First M. E. Church of the northern part of De Witt. The church has been several times repaired, and in 1857 it was rededicated as the first M. E. Church of Collamer. It cost about $2,500. The present membership is 112 ; Sabbath school 137. Present pastor, Rev. M. A. Wolcott. Flouring Mills. — Lanark Mills were erected in 1823, by Robert Richardson, about 1-2 mile north of Jamesville. They contain four run of stones grind ing about 30,000 bushels of grain, merchant and cus tom, annually. They are run by P. B. Gove & Son, and owned by Robert Dunlop. Cost about $15,000. Frame building, water-power. Feeder or New York Mills. — Built by Robert Dunlop in 1847, at a cost of $10,000. Frame building, stone basement, situated at the head of the canal feeder, contain three run of stones, leased by James Doe who grinds about 12,000 bushels of custom and merchant grain per annum. Barley Mills were erected on Butternut Creek about one mile north of Jamesville in 1840, frame building with stone basement. Contains three run of stone for pearling barley. Capacity about 10,000 bushels per annum, run mostly by lessees. These mills cost about $7, 500. In connection with these there is a Mully Saw Mill, the only one in the town. Dunlop's Plaster and Cement Mills. — There are two located near the Lanark mills, one erected in 1836, the other in 1868, owned and worked by Robert Dunlop. From these mills he manufactures about 1,000 tons of plaster and 30,- 000 bushels of cement or water-lime, employing about twenty men. The stone is taken from his quarries in the adjacent hills. A. F. Wilcox's Plaster Beds.— In 1812 Asahel Wilcox discovered a bed of gypsum two miles west of Fayetteville which he opened and which has been worked ever since by himself and the present proprietor, A. F. Wilcox. From these beds, which cover an area of about eighty acres, Mr. Wilcox takes from 8,000 to 15,000 tons of gypsum annually, which he ships to parties owning mills. Most of it is shipped from Jones's landing by Canal. During the winter season he employs from twenty to thirty teams and hands hauling it to the docks for summer shipment. V(.JET C/tRPENTER. ftlRs.VuLT Carpenter. f/lf)S.VLIEJ CARPENTER/DffiEASED.) PHOTOS BY W V./fANGEB, SYRACUSE , N. Y. RESIDENCES? VLIET CARPENTER, COLLAMER, N. Y. HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 39] E. B. Alvord & Co. — This firm is doing the most extensive business in cement, plaster, lime and stone done in the town. They began in 1868, pur chasing the business of Hotaling & Co. Their quarry for cement and lime is situated about one mile south of Jamesville and covers twenty acres. In this quarry are eight kilns for burning the stone, from these kilns they take 125,000 bushels of quick lime and about the same of cement, which, with the plaster, is ground in their mill in Jamesville. The plaster comes from a quarry north of the village. They employ about twenty-five men ; shipping 2,000 tons of plaster annually as well as a large quantity of cut stone for building and bridges. Capital, $50,000. Dunlop's Lime Kilns. — Just north of the village of Jamesville are three large kilns seven feet in diameter and forty feet deep, erected and worked by Robert Dunlop, from which he manufactures about 30,000 bushels of quick lime and 30,000 bushels of hydraulic cement annually. DE WITT CENTER. This village, though rather small, is quite im portant as a place for shipping grain by the canal and as a station of the Chenango Valley Railroad. In 1 87 1 a postoffice was located here and Mr. Stephen Headson appointed Postmaster. He also engaged in general mercantile business buying grain and produce, and in 1870 erected a substantial brick business block and warehouse, in which he does a business of $65,000 per annum. DeWitt Mills. — In 1821, Mr. William M. King erected a grist, plaster and cement mill upon the present site of the DeWitt Mills, about one and a half miles north of Jamesville, on Butternut Creek. In 1869, A. B. King became sole pro prietor, and rebuilt the mill which now represents a cost of about $10,000. This mill furnished considerable water-lime used in the construction of the locks and masonry of the Erie Canal and was among the first cement mills erected. EAST SYRACUSE. . In October, 1872, the New York Central and Hudson River Railroad Company purchased one hundred and fifty acres of land in Lots 42 and 43 for freight-yards, round-houses and shops, and established a half-way station between Roches ter and Albany. Since then a very fine village of about three hundred houses, several hotels, four stores, a market and one church have sprung up as if by magic, and are growing very rapidly. The railroad company have erected two substantial brick round-houses with room for forty-four locomotives, with turn-tables, shops, &c ; have laid twenty-six miles of track in the yard, erected extensive coal houses and chutes, and have graded and prepared the site for the building of extensive shops. This promises to become a very important and populous village, the surroundings being so favorable as to make it a very desirable place to live in, and already many engineers and trainmen are building them selves homes and bringing their families from Rochester and Albany. BIOGRAPHICAL Sketches. RUFUS R. KINNE. Zebulon Kinne, the fifth son in the family of Cyrus Kinne, and father of the subject of this sketch, was born in Voluntown, Connecticut, June 12, 17,80. When twelve years of age he removed with his father's family to Fayetteville, Onondaga» County, N. Y. In 18 14 he married Lucy Mark ham, of the town of LaFayette, by whom he had' eight children ; four boys and four girls, six of whom are now living. In 1815, he purchased a* farm in Manlius, now DeWitt, in East Syracuse,. where he resided until his death. Rufus R. Kinne was born March 28, 1821, on the old homestead where he now resides, a view of which, together with the portraits of himself, father and mother, may be seen elsewhere in this- work. Rufus R. spent his youth on his father's farm,. and was educated in the common schools of Manlius- and the Syracuse Academy, at Syracuse. On July- 25, i860, he was united in marriage with Miss Julia E. Clark, of Syracuse. By this union were born two children, viz.: L. Bell, born February 26, 1867, and Nelson C, who died in the second year of his age. Mr. Kinne is a Democrat in politics, but has never been an aspirant for office. He has led an active business life, and is entitled to the respect and esteem in which he is held by all who know him; VLIET CARPENTER Was born in Dutchess County, N. Y., July 2, 1 80 1. He is the tenth in the family of twelve children, of Nehemiah and Ann [Bookhout] Car penter, of whom none except Vliet are now living. 392 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. His father, Nehemiah, was born in Queens County, N. Y., June 29, 1757. He left Queens County with Washington's army during the Revo lutionary war, and settled in Dutchess County, on a farm of 100 acres. In the spring of 18 16, he sold his farm and removed to Onondaga County, town of Manlius, and purchased 420 acres of wild timbered land. With the assistance of his boys he cleared his farm. Here he resided until his death, Vliet spent his youth on his father's farm, His education was limited to the common schools of Dutchess and Onondaga Counties, supplemented by two terms at the Academy. He taught school for four terms, and summers worked for his father on the farm. On September 27, 1826, he was united in mar riage with Miss Emily A. Wilcox, daughter of John and Amelia Wilcox, of Pompey, Onondaga County. By this union three children were born to them, viz.: Nehemiah, born September 3, 1828 ; died August 27, 1845 ; Ann Amelia, born June 15, 1833, (married Paul Fay, of Cicero) ; died February 13, 1869; Juliette, ¦ born January 27, 1836; died November 22, 1841. Mrs. Carpenter died March 8, 185 1, and on March 24, 1852, he married Mary J. Morley, daughter of Abraham Northrup, of Pompey ; no children by this union. After his first marriage he remained on the homestead farm until after the death of his father, when he became owner of 141 acres, which he cul tivated until 1874, when he sold out and moved to Collamer, where he now resides. A view of his residence and portrait of his wives may be seen elsewhere in this work. In politics he was originally a Whig, but upon the formation of the Republican party joined its ranks. Although he never sought office, yet he has filled most of the minor positions in his town. Both he and his estimable wife are consistent members of the Congregational Church, he having been a mem ber for about sixty years ; has been Deacon of the church for a number of years. He has also been an earnest worker in the Sabbath School for over fifty years as teacher and superintendent. Mr. Carpenter, by a long and active life, has shown himself a man of character and a useful member of society, and at the ripe age of seventy-seven is still hale and vigorous. DAIRY FARM OF W. C. BRAYTON. About three and a half miles east of Syracuse lies the dairy farm of W. C. Brayton. It contains about two hundred acres, and was formerly known as the " Orchard Hill Farm," because a portion of it lies on a gentle elevation, and was years ago covered with an old-fashioned apple orchard of natural fruit, some of the trees of which are still standing and bearing. When Mr. Brayton moved on to the farm, eight years since, portions of it were covered with boulders, which occupied the soil and rendered tillage difficult and laborious, and other portions were pronounced nearly worthless because of their swampy character. But he had faith in underdraining and the good sense to see that the use of the surface occupied by the boulders would pay for their removal. Little is now found to obstruct the free passage of the plow, and the swamps and swales have disappeared. The yield of the crops has correspondingly increased with the improvements in the appearance of the sur face. His specialty is the production of milk for the market. In the management of his herd, and the husbanding of manures, coupled with his quick perceptions and good judgment, will be found the secret of his not only keeping up, but increasing the fertility of his farm. His dairy numbers fifty cows, and he keeps, in addition, the necessary young stock from which to replenish and improve his herd. His cows are mostly crosses of the Dutch Belted breed. Some idea of the luxuriance of his grass crop may be inferred from the fact that he has summered fifty cows, on thirty-five acres of grass, and four of sowed corn, with the addition daily of two pounds of shorts to each cow. As he is producing milk for market, of course he must have a flow of milk the year round. But he avoids having the cows come in during the hot months. His average yield per cow is eight quarts daily during the milk ing period. It is all delivered at the rooms of the Onondaga County Milk Association, which supplies the city of Syracuse with a large portion ofthe milk used by its inhabitants. The larger of his two dairy barns runs east and west, and stands facing the south and the road. It is one hundred and fifty feet long by forty feet wide. Two rows of stanchions, one hundred feet long, running along both sides of the west end, accom modate fifty-two cows. They stand facing a center alley about fifteen feet wide. In the stable two iron rails runs the whole length of the alley between the stanchions. On these rails the feed-car passes along the center of the alley and from it the food is shoveled to the cows on each side. DAVID S. MILLER. Photos, by W. V. Ranger, Syracuse. MRe>. DAVID S. MILLER. DAVID S. MILLER. David S. Miller was born in Ulster county, April 24, 1796, and was a son of Samuel and Helena (Schoonmaker) Miller. His father was for many years a sailor on the ocean and the North river, and then settled on a farm. David remained with his father on the farm for several years. When a young man he removed to Schoharie county, where his father worked a farm three years, and then removed to the town of DeWitt, near Messina Springs, where he purchased a farm. In the year 1841 he bought his farm of one hundred acres of timbered land, built upon it a log house, and cleared it up with his own hands. After a few years David purchased an acre of land near Merrill's mill, and erected upon it a hotel, which he kept for nine years. At the end of this time he sold out and moved back to his farm. On Sept. 20, 1818, he married Leah, daughter of Peter and Anna Miller, of Ulster county. She died March 3, 1875, aged seventy-four years. The result of this union was eleven children, namely, — John, Clark S., Anna, Elizabeth, Henry J., Alvina, Mary J., Chandler S., Matilda, Esther, and Edward F., of whom five are deceased. Although Mr. Miller never sought office, yet he has been often honored with the most prominent offices in his town. For about forty-one years he and his wife have been members of the Disciples church, and he has been deacon for several years. He is now in his eighty-second year, with his mind as clear as in the days of his youth. His path down to the grave is being strewn with the beautiful flowers of filial love and veneration. fm\ ELBRIDGE KINNE. EMERSON KINNE. JULIUS C. KINNE. MASON P. KINNE. Photos, by W. V. Range]-, Syraouso. Zebulon Kinne. Rufus R. Kinne. f/lns. Zebulon Kinne. W V. /?/tHG£R, SYRACUSE, HY. HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 393 THE KINNE FAMILY. There are few examples more heroic than that of the pioneer who resolutely bids farewell to his friends and kindred, and to the comforts and enjoyments of a civilized home, to boldly face the stern realities of frontier life. It is, indeed, a pleasing task for the biographer to record his hardships and triumphs, and to make honorable mention of his descendants. Cyrus Kinne, the progenitor of the Kinne fami ly of this county, was born in Voluntown, Wind ham County, Connecticut, on the nth of August, 1746, and grew up under the chaste Puritanic in fluences of a New England home, a young man of excellent habits, which clung to him through life. In the year 1779, having married Miss Comfort Palmer, he moved to Petersburg, Rensselaer Coun ty, N. Y. In the city of Troy, in 1791, at a public sale of State lands, now lying in the County of On ondaga, he bid off some of the "survey fifties." His first visit to his lands was on horseback by In dian trails west of Oneida. He was so well pleased with the general appearance of this section of the State, that he immediately bought considerable land adjoining his first purchase. In the month of March, 1792, having disposed of his property at Petersburg, he started with an ox-team, and one horse before a, sled, with his four oldest boys, viz : Ezra, Zachariah, Prentice and Ethel for a permanent residence upon his lands. He experienced great difficulties on his journey, particularly west of Oneida, where he was obliged to cut roads through the dense forests, and cross the streams on fallen trees. About the first of April, he arrived at where Fayetteville now is, and settled on some of the land which he had bought. In the following month of June, he returned to Petersburg, to bring to his wilderness home the re mainder of his family. His lands were soon cleared and brought under cultivation. At that time Albany was the nearest market for his surplus products. He gave to each one of his sons, when they mar ried, 100 acres of land, lying in Manlius and adja cent towns. Being a blacksmith as well as a farmer, he did the first blacksmithing in the town of Man lius ; and as Justice of the Peace, married the first couple. Perhaps no man was more prominently identified with the early growth and development of the town of Manlius than he. Kind, generous, and humane, he proved one of the most valuable of neighbors and the staunchest of friends. His ten sons and two daughters, viz : Ezra, Zachariah, Pren tice, Ethel, Zebulon, Moses, Joshua, Cyrus, Japhet, Palmer, Rachel and Comfort, reared 84 children who 68* arrived at mature age. He died Aug. 8, 1808, in his 62d year, beloved and respected by all who knew him. Prentice Kinne was born October 16, 1773, and passed his youthful days in alternately attend ing school and assisting his father on the farm. On June 16, in the year 1800, when 27 years of age he married Miss Elizabeth Kinne, of Plainfield, Windham County, Conn., and in the spring of 1 80 1, he settled on the farm in Manlius, given him by his father, upon which he resided till the day of his death. He struck the first blow upon his 100 acre farm, and lived to see it covered with beautiful fields. In his domestic relations he was a kind and loving father, teaching his children by his upright life the value and importance of virtue and inspiring them with the worthy ambition to be men and women, in the loftiest sense of the word. His teachings were not forgotten, but were fully exemplified in the lives of his children. Julius C. Kinne, the oldest son of Prentice Kinne, was born October 19, 1802, in the town of Manlius, now DeWitt. By severe application he obtained a good common school education. Thoroughness and perseverance were prominent characteristics which marked every transaction of his life. He was a close observer of political affairs and often took an active interest in them. In the fall of 1845, he was elected to the State Legislature for Onondaga County, and discharged his duties in such an acceptable manner that he was reelected the following year by a fine majority. While in the Legislature he gained the confidence of Governor Silas Wright, by his honest and able career as a legislator. He left the impress of his pure character upon the town of DeWitt too indel ibly to be effaced by the rude hand of time. In the year 183 1 he married Mrs. Rachel Willard, by whom he had four sons and one daughter ; two sons died in childhood ; Howard, the eldest, is mar ried and resides in Iowa. During the Rebellion he enlisted in an Iowa regiment under General Sully, of the Regular Army, and went to Dakota Terri tory, where he did gallant service. At the close of, the war he received an honorable discharge. Ed mund D. was born Feburary 9, 1841, in DeWitt,, Onondaga County, N. Y. He attended the High , school at Syracuse, graduated from Cazenovia Sem inary, Michigan University and Columbia Law School at Washington, D. C.and was admitted to , the Supreme Court of that district. In 1867 he moved to Ann Arbor, Michigan ; was admitted to the bar and commenced the practice of Law. In , 1868 he was admitted to practice in the U. S. .. 394 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. Court. He has been Recorder and District- Attorney, and was Mayor in 1875 and reelected in 1876. In the year 1867 he married Mary C, daughter of Olney Hawkins, and has one son. Few young men can show a finer record or have brighter prospects. Emerson Kinne, the second son of Prentice Kinne, was born Feb. 16, 1804. By self-improve ment, principally at home, he obtained a good edu cation. Although never seeking civil office, yet so well known was his integrity and ability that he re luctantly accepted the most prominent offices of his town, such as Supervisor three years, one of which was unanimous with the exception of a single vote ; Assessor in the town of DeWitt for several years ; and Commissioner of Highways, in the old town of Manlius. Always from a boy up, he took an intense in terest in military affairs. In 1828, he was com missioned ensign of a company of infantry, by acting Gov. Nathaniel Pitcher ; and was rapidly pro moted through all the intermediate grades to ' commandant of the regiment ; and was subse quently appointed Brigade Inspector of the 27th brigade of infantry by Gov. William L. Marcy. It is a very rare occurrence that men are so rapidly promoted. As an officer he was pleasant and affa ble to his associates and rigidly strict in discipline. Politically, he was a Democrat till the close of the Rebellion, when he joined the Republican party. He married Miss Janet Luddington, in the year 1833. Their children are all deceased. In 1831, he united with the Baptist Church of Syracuse, of which he is still a member. During that long and honorable period he has labored incessantly, in his humble way, to advocate the cause of Christ. Mason P. Kinne, third son of Prentice Kinne, was born in Manlius, (now DeWitt,) Nov. 30, 1808. He received as good a common school education as the schools of those early days afforded, and assisted his father on the farm till the death of the latter, when he received a portion of the farm which he still occupies. On Jan. 30, 1840, he married Mary J. Spaulding, of Clarkson, Monroe County. The re sult of this union was five children.viz : Chas. Mason, Mary E., Ansel L., Porter S. and Arthur B. Mary E. and Ansel L., are deceased. Chas. Mason, was born April n, 1841, graduated from the Syracuse High School in Jan. 1859, and immediately sailed for San Francisco, Cal , where he was employed in an agricultural ware-house, until 1862, when he en listed in the " California Hundred," which sailed for Boston, and joined the 2d Mass. Cavalry. For his gallantry he was made Captain, and also Ass't Adj. Gen. of the Regular Brigade, ist Cav. Divis ion, under Gen. Gibbs, and in July, 1865, received an honorable discharge, with a recommend for brevet Major for faithful services and meritorious conduct. He is now Judge Advocate on Gen. Macomb's Staff ; an honorary member of the First Cal. Guard, San Francisco ; and, also, a life member of the " National Guard," Vice-President of the " Micro scopical Society,"' of San Francisco. Porter S., is practicing medicine in Patterson, N. J. Arthur B. is practicing in Syracuse. Mr. Kinne voted the Democratic ticket until 1853. In 1854, he joined the Republican party. He is a consistent Christian and endeavors to live in accordance with his pro fession. Elbridge Kinne, fourth son of Prentice Kinne, was born in Manlius, May 26, 1810. On October 17, 1837, he married Sophronia, daughter of Rev. Seth Young, of DeWitt. They have had six children, of whom Theodore Y., who was a surgeon in the army, is now practicing medicine in Patterson, N. J., and E. Olin, who graduated from the Syracuse University in the class of '76, and from the Ann Arbor Medical School in the class of '78. Mr. Kinne is now living on a portion of the farm formerly owned by his father. He was a Democrat until the formation of the Republican party of which he became a member. He has been Supervisor, Justice of the Peace, and Clerk of the Board of Trustees of DeWitt, and also class-leader in the M. E. Church for over forty years. Salome K., daughter of Prentice Kinne, was married to DeWitt C. Peck, of DeWitt, October 29, 1840, and has had seven children. Herbert D, was Second Lieutenant in Company E of the Twenty-second N. Y. Cavalry, was under General Grant and was captured at Reams' Station. He was paroled from Wilmington Prison March 1, 1865. After the surrender of Lee, (the parole be coming void) he again joined his regiment and received a Captain's commission. Emily Kinne, second daughter of Prentice Kinne, was married to Mr. Curren Elins, and has had seven children, four sons and three daughters. Their eldest son, George, served in the civil war until its close. Their second son, Byron, was two years in the service and was honorably discharged. Fraternity is written in golden letters over the hearts of these brothers. Their hearts beat in unison with a rythm which the, passions cannot disturb. From childhood to manhood, their thoughts, their purposes, their lives, have been devoted to the noble aim of keeping aglow upon the family alter the embers of brotherly love. HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 395 Living near one another, they keep up a constant, pleasant, social family intercourse which never has been marred, but is increasing in intensity as the years roll along. They have felt the need of, and placed before their children the opportunities for obtaining, a liberal education ; and a glance will show that their efforts have not been fruitless. Religious, moral, temperate and humane, they are endeavoring to realize in practice the grand truths inculcated by Christianity. POMPEY. Pompey was originally Township number ten of the Military Tract, and was named with the other townships by the Commissioners of the Land Office. Upon the organization of Onondaga Coun ty, in 1794, it became one of the original eleven towns of the county, comprising at that date the townships of Pompey, Fabius and Tully and that portion of the Onondaga Reservation lying south of the Genesee Road and east of Onondaga Creek. Fabius and part of Onondaga were taken off in 1798, and LaFayette in 1825. The town of Pompey is located upon the great dividing ridge from which the waters flow north into the valley of the St. Lawrence and south into the Chesapeake Bay. Its surface is principally oc cupied by the high, rolling ridge, or rather, series of ridges, which lie between the east branch of the Limestone Creek, on the east, and the Butternut Creek, on the west. The highest summit is in the cemetery ground at Pompey Hill : it is nine hun dred and six feet above the Butternut Creek at LaFayette Station, one thousand three hundred and forty-three feet above the Erie Canal at Syra cuse, and one thousand seven hundred and forty- three feet above tide water. The general ridge forming the surface of the town, is sub-divided into three ridges by the two west branches of Limestone Creek. These valleys are from two to three hun dred feet below the summits and are bordered by steep hillsides. The streams which drain the south ern part of the town flow in a southerly direction. Pratt's Falls, upon the west branch of the Lime stone Creek, are one hundred and thirty-seven feet in perpendicular height ; and within a few rods of them are several other fine cascades. Near the north, line, upon the same creek, is a cascade of seventy feet fall. Just east of the county line, near Delphi, on the east branch of the Limestone, are two other fine cascades. Carpenter's Pond, in the southeast part of the town, covers an area of about thirty acres. The soil is rich and productive ; chiefly of a clayey loam. It is generally underlaid by the Hamilton group of shales, with Genesee slate upon the extreme highest portions. Swamps are ex tremely small and there are but few gulfs and ravines. It has been estimated that out of the original 60,000 acres of the township, not more than one thousand two hundred are unfit for culti vation. The reduced limits of the present town, together with the improved methods of drainage, render even that proportion too great at the present time. Although the climate is subject to sudden changes, and is characterized by high winds, which in the vicinity of Pompey Hill often blow with ter rific violence, yet the average temperature is three and a half degrees less than the general average of the State, and the cool breezes of summer render the locality remarkably pleasant and healthy. The natural scenery is rarely equaled. The vision, from one stand-point on Pompey Hill, is un interrupted, being bounded by the horizon at every point of the compass, and embracing views in seven different counties — Onondaga; Cortland, Her kimer, Madison, Oswego, Oneida and Cayuga. The first settler in the original town of Pompey (now in LaFayette) was John Wilcox, in 1789. He employed an Indian chief at Oneida to guide him into the country, and settled at Indian Orchard about two miles north of the Village of LaFayette. In 1791, Ebenezer Butler, of Harwinton, Conn., located at Pompey Hill, being the first settler within the limits" of the present town of Pompey. He had settled at Clinton, Oneida County, in 1788, whence he came to Pompey Hill guided by marked trees, and erected the first cabin near the spring which supplies the watering- tub in the present vil lage. Mr. Butler purchased Lot No. 65 of a sol dier for a horse, saddle and bridle, and in the same year (1791) moved his family, consisting of his wife, four children, father and maiden sister. In 1792, Jesse Butler, brother of Ebenezer, erected the second cabin a few rods north of the present M. E. Church, having purchased of his brother one hundred acres on the north half of his 396 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. lot. He brought his family from Connecticut in April, 1793, on an ox sled, in company with, the family of Mr. George Catlin. The latter opened the first tavern at Pompey Hill in a house a little south of the one lately occupied by Judge Asa Wells. The first settler at " Log City," north of Pompey Hill on the Jamesville road, was Jacob Hoar, wlio moved from Onondaga in the spring of 1793. " Log City " and the Hill were for a time rival set tlements. It contained at an early time a school house, tannery, turning lathe, shoe shop, and a store and ashery, owned by Justice Fowler, uncle of O. S. Fowler of New York. The first frame house in the vicinity of Pompey Hill was erected by Judge Ebenezer Butler, Jr., on the west side of what is now the public square, in 1797. The second frame house was erected by the same party for his father in 1798. It stood on the site of the wagon shop long owned and occupied by Joseph Beach. The same year Jesse Butler built a frame house on the site of the present M. E. Church. Among the settlers in 1793 and 1794, were True- worthy and Selah Cook, the Olcotts, Holbrooks, Jeromes, Hibbards, Hinsdells, Messengers, West erns, Aliens, Burrs, and others — settling in different parts of the town. Sally Hoar was the first white child born in Pompey ; Orange, son of Jesse But ler, the first male child. The following are some of the early settlers of Pompey, with dates of settlement : Asa Barnes, Peter Benson, Josiah Holbrook, 1793 ; David Hib bard, Samuel Clement, 1794; Henry Clarke, Hezekiah Dodge, 1795 ; Pundason Avery, Joseph and Rhoda Gold, David Green, David Hinsdell, Jonas Hinman, Leman H. Pitcher, Manoah Pratt, Sen., 1796; Noah Palmer, 1797; Joseph Baker, 1798 ; Paul Clapp, father of Paul Clapp, Jr., John Chester and Carlton Clapp, 1798; Stebbins Ball, Hon. Daniel Gilbert, Elijah Wells, Deacon Asa Wells, (then an infant with his parent^,) Daniel Wright, 1799; Dr. Silas Park, Willard Hayden, Daniel Knapp, (father of Harry Knapp,) 1800; Elihu Barber,* Col. Ensign Hill, 1801 ; Hezekiah Hopkins, 1802 ; Addy Anderson, 1803 ; John Smith, Esq., 1804; Rev. Artemus Bishop, (born in Pompey,) Dr. Hezekiah Clarke, 1805 J Caleb Green, 1806 ; Victory Birdseye, 1807 ; William C. Fargo, 1809 ; Augustus Wheaton, (father of Horace, Homer, and Charles A. Wheaton), 1810 ; Luther Marsh, Millard Robinson, 181 1 ; Reuben Billings, 1812 ; Rev. Joshua Leonard, Preceptor Pompey Academy, 1814 ; Peltiah Hayden, 1816, Thomas Rice and family, 1818 ; Samuel Flint, 1819; Amos Rice, Nicholas Van Brocklin, 1821 ; Rev. Eleazer Storrs Barrows, 1822. Timothy Sweet, father of the Sweet family, set tled in Pompey in 1794 ; Edward Wicks, in 18 16 ; Joseph Shattuck, with his nine grown-up sons, was one of the early pioneers. Town Meetings. The first town meeting for Pompey was held at the house of Ebenezer Butler, Jr., April 1, 1794. Moses DeWitt was chosen Supervisor, and Heze kiah Olcott, Town Clerk ; Ozias Burr, Allen Beach, Wm. Haskin, Geo. Catlin and Ebenezer Butler, Jr., Assessors ; , Thomas Olcott, Jeremiah Gould and John Lamb, Commissioners of Highways ; John Lamb and William Haskins, Overseers of the Poor ; John Wilcox, Samuel Draper, and Joseph H. Smith, Constables and Collectors ; Joseph Atwell, Daniel Allen, Peter Messenger, Joseph Bartholomew, Samuel Sherman, William Rin, John Wilcox, Samuel Jerome, Trueworthy Cook, Overseers of Highways ; Timothy Sweet, and Elisha Clark, Fence Viewers ; Elisha Clark, Pound Keeper. At a special town meeting, September 20, 1794, William Haskin was chosen Supervisor vice Moses DeWitt, deceased. The present Supervisor, Mr. Marshall R. Dyer, has held the office since 1873. Lawyers. The first lawyer who settled at Pompey Hill was John Keedar, about the year 1800. He located near the site of the Academy. He was succeeded in 1806 by Daniel Wood, Esq. Mr. Wood was a successful practitioner and a man of large influence, till his death, which occurred in 1838. He was ap pointed first Postmaster at the Hill in 181 1. Samuel Baldwin, Esq., was the next lawyer, in 1806, and Victory Birdseye, Esq., in 1807 ; the latter was a partner of Mr. Wood. Daniel Gott afterwards came, taught school for a while and then commenced the study of law with Wood & Birds- eye. After these were a host of others, either as law students or practitioners ; among the latter may be mentioned Charles Baldwin, Charles B. and H. J. Sedgwick, Lucius Birdseye, LeRoy Morgan, George H. Williams and R. H. Duell, Esqs. William W. Van Brocklin, Esq., is the only lawyer at the present time in Pompey, and^ he is also Justice of the Peace. Physicians. Dr. Holbrook was the first physician ; he settled at Pompey Center in 1793. At Pompey Hill, Dr. DANIEL GOTT. Photo, by AuBtia, Syracuse. Although his name is incidentally mentioned in this volume in several places, this book would fail to meet the expectations of the public without a biographical sketch of Daniel Gott. For so many years of his brilliant life was he identified with the history, growth, and prosperity of Pompey, that he and bis family occupy a large place in the memory and affections of the people. He was born July 10, 1794, at Hebron, Conn., and died July 6, 1864, at Syracuse. Within the measure of those years he acquired wealth, distinction, and fame ; and his memory will grow brighter as years roll round and the asperities of life's conflicts are forgotten. His early education was limited only to enjoying the advantages which the common schools of his native town afforded. At the age of sixteen he commenced teaching, which he continued up to and in cluding the first years of his residence in Pompey, having taught in the west room of the old Pompey academy. At the age of nine teen he thought to learn the clothier's trade, and for that purpose entered the service of his uncle, Ebenezer Snow. This not being congenial to his taste, he soon entered the office of Lawyer Gilbert, of Hebron, Conn., and commenced the study of law. About the year 1812 he visited his uncle, Elihu Barber, in Pompey. It was probably then that he resolved to make Pompey his future home, and in 1817 he located permanently on the Hill, and continued his studies with Daniel "Wood, and after his admis sion to practice, became the law partner of Samuel Baldwin, who afterwards located at Pompey, "West Hill, now Lafayette. On the 12th of September, 1819, he was united in marriage to the widow of Stephen Sedgwick, of Pompey, a brilliant genius and eminent lawyer. Her maiden name was Ann Baldwin, a sister of Samuel and Charles Baldwin, a lady of large scholastic attainments and fine literary taste. By this union Mr. Gott also became the foster- father of Henry J., John, and Charles B. Sedgwick, the second of whom died when a youth. Charles B. and Henry J. Sedgwick both lived to become eminent lawyers, and they both held high and responsible positions in the State and nation. Henry J. was a State senator from 1844 to 1848, and postmaster at Syracuse under Buchanan's administration. Charles B. was a member of congress for two terms, from 1859 to 1863, and has acquired a brilliant record as a lawyer. Charles B. is the only survivor of three brothers, and his residence is in Syracuse. Thus we find Mr. Gott at the age of twenty-five with the care and responsibilities of a family devolved upon him, and he assidu ously applied his energies to the practice of his profession. Being both physically and mentally a man of remarkable power, he soon developed those qualities of indomitable energy, untiring industry, and persuasive eloquence that won for him wealth and fame, and made him the peer of Noxon, Eorbes, Jewett, Spencer, Sibley, and extended his practice through the central counties of New York. In 1828 he became afflicted with sore eyes, which seriously impaired his usefulness for about twelve years. At times, so severe was this affliction, he was obliged to confine himself to a dark room. It was during this time that his powerful and retentive memory came to his rescue, and enabled him at times to continue in a business that otherwise he must have abandoned. In 1840 he became permanently cured, and his practice continued to increase till 1846, when he was elected a member of Congress, which office he held two consecutive terms. When in Congress he was the author of the famous " Gott Besolution" for the abolition of the slave trade in the District of Columbia. In 1851 he was nomi nated by the Whigs for justice of the supreme court,, and was defeated by Hon. Daniel Pratt by a largely reduced majority. In 1844 he was on tho electoral ticket for Henry Clay. In 1853 he removed to Syracuse, where he resided till his death, continuing the practice of the law in company with his son, Daniel P. Gott. His office was the law school of Pompey, and with the solicitude of a father he watched the progress of the numerous students who sought his instruction ; and prompted by his kind and genial nature, and remembering the obstacles he had encountered and overcome, he was ever ready to counsel, advise, and encourage. Among the large number of gifted and eminent men who entered the legal profession from his office were Seabred Dodge, Charles Mason, John M. Pettit, Harvey Sheldon, Charles B. Sedgwick, Henry j\ Sedgwick, George H. Williams, Le Boy Morgan, L. H. Hiscock, Charles Poster ; and these aud all others who were students in his office bear concurrent testimony to his kindness and anxious solicitude for their welfare and honor. • During his residence in Pompey he was trustee of the academy for many years, always laboring for its prosperity. He was a constant attendant of the Presbyterian church. His children in the order of their ages were Sackett, Ann, Amelia, and Daniel P. The two eldest are dead. Sackett has never married. Ann married Hon. George H. Woodruff, a grad uate of Hamilton college, and a lawyer and writer of distinction of Joliet, 111. He and one child survive. Daniel P. graduated from Hamilton college in the class of 1849 ; became the law partner of his father in Syracuse ; married Sarah Clary, a daughter of the late Dr. Lyman Clary, of Syracuse ; is register in bankruptcy, to which he was appointed in 1867. Amelia married Prank H. Hastings, a nurseryman, of Kochester, N. Y. They have three children. HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 397 Colton was the first resident physician. About the year 1800, came Dr. Daniel' Tibbals, who remained in practice many years, and removed to Erie, Pa. Dr. Jehiel Stearns settled at the Hill as a physician in 18 14, and is still living there, and, to some extent, continuing his practice. Hezekiah Clark, who had been a surgeon in the war of the Revolution, settled east of the village in 1805, and practiced medicine in that locality for a great number of years. Dr. Rial Wright and Dr. Stevens were partners in practice for a good many years. Dr. L. B. Wells was the first Homeopathic physician in Pompey. Dr. J. Deblois Sherman settled at Pompey Hill about 1825, and was a physician of high rank and extensive practice. Honorable Mention. Among the persons of note who were either resi dents or natives of Pompey, may be mentioned the following : Hon. Henry Seymour, father of ex-Governor Horatio Seymour, was one of the early settlers*. Hon. Horatio Seymour was born at Pompey Hill in 181 1. Hon. LeRoy Morgan, Judge of the Supreme Court and the Court of Appeals, was born in Pompey March 27, 18 10. He was a graduate of the old Pompey Academy in 1830. His father, Lyman Morgan, was one of the pioneers. Hon. Daniel Gott located permanently at Pompey Hill in 18 1 7, and for many years of his brilliant life was identified with the interests of the place. He finished his law studies with Daniel Wood, Esq. Hon. Victory Birdseye, Member of Congress, Member of Assembly and of the Constitutional Con vention of 1 82 1, was a lawyer of eminent abilities and an untiring friend and supporter of liberal education. He settled at Pompey and began the practice of law in 1807. Rev. Artemus Bishop, born in Pompey in 1805, was a distinguished missionary to the Sandwich Islands, where he spent more than thirty years translating Pilgrim's Progress and considerable portions of the Bible into the language of the natives. His father, Sylvanus Bishop, was one of six brothers who settled in Pompey in I793~'94- He bought and cleared land in the vicinity of Pompey Hill, and the following year brought his wife and eldest child, then six months old, on horse back from Kinderhook, Columbia County. Hon. Henry W. De Puy, was born in Pompey, in 1820. He was a lawyer and a writer of con siderable note ; the author of " Kossuth and His Generals, with a Brief History of Hungary," with 69 an Introduction by Henry J. Raymond ; also " Louis Napoleon and His Times with a Memoir of the Bonaparte Family," and " Ethan Allen and the Green Mountain Heroes of '76, with the Early History of Vermont." Mr. DePuy was Consul to Carlsruhe and Sec retary of Legation at Berlin. President Lincoln ap pointed him Secretary of Nebraska, in which capacity he organized that Territory, and served as Speaker of the Nebraska Legislature. He died in New York, Feb. 2d, 1876. Besides these, Hon. C. B. Sedgwick, Hon. Luther Rawson, Grace Greenwood (Sarah I. Clarke,) Hon. Charles Mason, since Justice of the Supreme Court of Iowa, Hon. George H. Williams, United States Senator from Oregon, and International Arbitrator in the Alabama Claims Case, and Gen. H. W. Slocum, Major-General in the late War of the Rebellion, deserve to be mentioned among the citi zens of Pompey who have attained to honorable and distinguished positions. There are a host of others, scattered through the various relations of life, equally worthy of mention, did space permit. Biographical sketches, or at least some notice of most of the early and promi nent citizens of the town, will be found in the "Re union and History of Pompey," published in 1875, from which most of the matter for our present his tory of the town has been drawn. Speaking of Pompey Hill, Mr. Clark says : ". This village was, within the memory of men still living, as prominent a place as any in the county. It gave more tone to the surrounding country and set tlements, on account of its refinement and wealth, its intelligence and learning, than any place in the vicinity. People came here for legal advice ; they came here for medical advice ; to do their trading ; and they came here for fashions ; they came here for military parades, for political discussions, and for general consultations of a public nature ; they came here to engage in all the events incident to men in public life." Pompey Academy. The first movement for the establishment of Pompey Academy was made in the year 1800. The Trustees named in the original petition for a charter were the following : Ebenezer Butler, Jr., Timothy Jerome, William Stevens, Jeremiah Gould, Phineas Howell, Elihu Lewis, Dan Bradley, Com fort Tyler, James Knapp, John Lamb, Elijah Rust, Deodatus Clark, Hezekiah Olcott, David Williams, Walter Colton, Joseph Smith, James Beebe, John Kidder. The petition, accompanied by a subscription amounting to $1,315, was laid before the Board of 398 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. Regents of the University, at a meeting held in the Senate Chamber, at Albany, on the 17th of March, 1800, and was referred to a Committee of the Board, consisting of Judge Benson and Simeon DeWitt, who reported at a subsequent meeting held on the 31st of March, 1800. At this meeting a resolution was passed referring the question of a suitable location for the Academy to the Board of Supervisors of the County of Onondaga, who, at a meeting on the first Tuesday in October, 1800, re ported favorably to locating the Academy at Pom pey Hill. At a meeting held on the 23d of March, 1 801, the Regents resolved to make the granting of a charter to the Academy conditional upon the erection of a suitable building for its use. The first building for the Academy was com menced in or about 1803. William Lathrop was the builder. On the 20th of July, 1807, William Lathrop and George W. Wood entered into an agreement with Manoah Pratt, Henry Seymour, and 'Samuel S. Baldwin, the Building Committee, to do certain specified carpenter work in completing the building, for the sum of $200, the same to be paid by the assignment of subscriptions which should be good and collectable. Mr. Wood soon after retired from the job, and Mr. Lathrop pro ceeded with it for a time ; finally, March 2, 18 10, he relinquished the unfinished part of the job, agreeing to accept $140, in full of what had been done. In July, 18 10, a new subscription was raised, and in the same paper the committee en tered into an agreement to procure the completion of the Academy for the sum of $450. In the autumn of 1810 the building for the Academy was completed and paid for, and there remained $1,450 to serve as an endowment for the yielding of the net annual revenue of $100, required to warrant the granting of a charter. In February, 181 1, the final steps for the incor poration of the school were taken. A petition numerously signed was sent to the Board of Regents. In this document the petitioners say : " Your petitioners have at great expense pro cured a suitable site, consisting of two acres of- land, near the center of said town, and erected a large and commodious building, forty by fifty feet on the ground, two stories high and completely finished and painted inside and out, and paid for. " Your petitioners have also procured a fund of $1,450, to be subscribed for the purpose of pro ducing a net annual income for the support of the said institution, and that the same is well secured to Samuel S. Baldwin, Henry Seymour and Manoah . Pratt, as trustees, for the sole use of said academy, at an annual interest of seven per cent. * * " Wherefore, your petitioners request that the said academy may be incorporated and be subject to the visitation of the Regents of the University of the State of New York ; and they nominate for the first trustees of the said academy, the following persons, to wit : Henry Seymour, Senior Trustee, and Samuel S. Baldwin, Daniel Wood, Manoah Pratt, Ithamar Coe, Asa Wells, Hezekiah Clark, John Jerome, Silas Park, Jacobus DePuy, Daniel Allen, Chauncey Jerome, Daniel Tibbals, Joshua Johnson, Dirck C. Lansing, Benj. Sanford, Charles C. Mosley, Wm. J. Wilcox, Jonathan Stanley, Jr., Levi Parsons, William Cook, Victory Birdseye, Jasper Hopper, James Geddes ; which persons we pray may be in corporated by the name, style and description of ' Pompey Academy,' with a condition in the act of incorporation that the said principal sum of the said fund shall never be diminished or appropriated, and that the income of the said principal fund shall be applied only to the maintenance or salaries of the professors or tutors of the said Academy." This petition was signed and sealed by sixty- three prominent citizens of the County ; it was drawn up by the late Victory Birdseye, and sworn to by rfenry Seymour, before Daniel Wood, Justice of the Peace. On the nth of March, 181 1, by vote of the Regents, the Academy was incorporated by the name of " The Trustees of Pompey Academy." The persons named in the Petition were made Trustees by "the Charter. At a meeting of the Trustees, held April 4, 181 1, Henry Seymour was elected President, Victory Birdseye, Secretary, and Daniel Wood, Treasurer. November 3, 1812, the following officers were chosen : Asa Wells, President ; Victory Birdseye, Secretary ; Daniel Wood, Treasurer ; Asa Wells, S. S. Baldwin and D. Wood, Prudential Committee. October 6, 1813, the following officers were elected : Rev. J. Leonard, President ; V. Birdseye, Secretary ; H. Seymour, Treasurer ; D. Wood, C. Jerome and D. Tibbals, Prudential Committee. Henry Seymour remained Treasurer till January 10, 1821, when his duties as Canal Commissioner, to which he had been appointed March 24, 1819, compelled him to resign. He soon after removed to Utica, but he continued to be a Trustee of the Academy till October 30, 1833, and upon the ac ceptance of his resignation, Mr. Samuel Baker was chosen in his place. Luther Marsh was chosen Treasurer in 1821, continuing till May 15, 1827, when Mr. V. Birdseye was elected to the office, which he held till his death, September 16, 1853. Levi Wells was then elected to the office, and held it till his death, March 31, 1872, when Dr. 0. G. Dibble was chosen to succeed him. The Academy building, as first erected was 40 by 50 feet, two stories, painted yellow, with its ABRAHAM /VOfiTHRUP. Photos 8r W. V Range*. Syracuse. /Mrs. Abraham Northrup. ' La Fayette.,) Homer Cases Monument, pompey cemetery HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 399 gable fronting to the south, and had a hall ten feet wide running through the middle of the first floor. In 1834 the old building was vacated and the new one commenced, which was finished and opened in the fall of 1835, the school, meantime, being taught in the district school house. The Preceptor's house was completed in May, 1836.* Early Schools and Teachers. The first school kept in Pompey was in a log house near the present residence of Mr. Daniel Kellogg. It was taught by Miss Lucy Jerome, afterwards wife of Judge James Geddes. The first house erected for school purposes was a frame building located in the forks of the road on the village green in 1 798. In the rear of this was the first burying ground. The house was afterwards moved north to near the present site of Mr. Gott's office, and was occupied till the Academy building was erected. (See History ofthe Pompey Academy.) Among the early common school teachers were Miss Hepsabah Beebe, Mr. Lyman Pitcher and Mr. James Robinson. The latter first taught English Grammar to a few of his most advanced pupils. The interest of education has always been felt to be an important one by the people of Pompey. School No. 3, Pompey, was taught by Levi Jerome from December 4, 1799, to March 4, 1800; and among his pupils were many prominent heads of the early families of the town. Churches. The First Congregational Church of Pompey was organized October 19th, 1796, by Rev. Ammi R. Robins, pastor of the church at Norfolk, Con necticut. The church was originally composed of twenty-two members, as follows : Ebenezer Butler, Daniel McKeyes, Moses Lilly, James Olcott, Benjamin Butler, Joseph Shattuck, Ichabod Lathrop, John Jerome, Selah Cook, True- worthy Cook, Levi Jerome, Desire Butler, Dorathy Butler, Molly Jerome, Lucy Cook, Truelove Cook, Amarilla Jerome, Lucy Jerome, Susanna Carrol, Hannah Griffes, Zeruiah Catlin, Louisa Butler. In 1797 there is no record of the officiating minister. In July, 1798, we have the name of Rev. Mr. Hallier, and in October, the name of Rev. Mr. Williston. July 19, 1799, Rev. Joseph Gilbert was chosen moderator. August 14, 1801, we have the first record of the labors of Rev. Hugh Wallis. October 15, 1802, he received a unani mous call and was installed January 5, 1803. The first association of ministers and churches on the * For list of Principals and Teachers in the Academy, see Pompey Reunion, pp. 151— '53. Military Tract, was organized June, 1803. Rev. Mr. Wallis resigned January 10, 1809. In October, 18 10, the Presbytery of Onondaga was formed whereby this church became a member of Presbytery on the plan of Union. The first notice of any Thanksgiving service occurs as early as November, 1805. The following April there was the observance of the fast day so long customary with the churches of New England. October 19, 1812, Rev. Jabez Chadwick entered upon the duties of pastor. The year 1813 was signalized as the most prosperous year of his ministry and in some respects the most prosperous year in the whole history of the church. December 3, 18 14, the church met to consider the question whether the labor of collecting hay and grain on the Sabbath in a catching season is a profanation of the day. The question being dis cussed at very considerable length was unanimously decided in the affirmative. The church building was erected in the sum mer of 1 8 17, but was not finished and dedicated until January 20, 1819, at which time Rev. Jabez Chadwick was installed pastor of this church. For about ten years previous to the erection of this church the public services were held in the old Pom pey Academy. March 31, 1822, the church extended a call to Mr. E. S. Barrows to become their pastor and he was ordained and installed September ioth, of the same year. Mr. Barrows was an able and success ful pastor and accomplished a most blessed work during his ministry. He was dismissed October 6, 1828. March 22, 1829, Rev. B. B. Stockton became pastor. During his ministry fifty-eight persons were added to the church, forty-six in 1831. Rev. James B. Shaw, now Dr. Shaw, of Roch ester, became pastor November 6, 1832 ; for two years he served the church with great acceptance and ability. There were, received during his short but most popular ministry sixty-eight persons, fifty during the memorable year of 1833. Rev. Ethan Smith commenced his labors some time during the latter part of 1834, but must have remained less than one year, for September 23, 1835., Rev. John Gridley commenced his ministry, and was installed October 25, 1836. Rev. Asa Rand commenced his ministry December 29, 1837, and remained about four years. During his minis try thirty-nine were received. Rev. Mr. Wheelock succeeded Mr. Rand in the spring of 1842, and remained at least two years. February 26, 1845, Rev. Clinton Clark was ordained 400 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. and installed pastor, and served the, church till December 26, 1847. November 5, 1848, Rev. S. P. M. Hastings as sumed pastoral charge. During the six years and ten months of his ministry there were added to the church ninety-eight members. He was at his own request dismissed November 26, 1855. Among those who united with the church during his labors and have since entered the ministry were Rev. Hiram C. Hayden, D. D., pastor of the First Pres byterian Church, Cleveland, Ohio, and Rev. Delos E. Wells, of Aurora, 111., one of the promising and rising men of the West, and Rev. Carlos Swift, an honored minister in. the Baptist church. This use ful pastor has lately entered into rest. Rev. E. P. Smith succeeded Mr. Hastings, but only remained six months. He left the reputation of a godly and earnest minister. He was for several years Com missioner among the Indians and afterwards elected President of Howard University, which position he held at the time of his recent death. July 6, 1856, Rev. A. A. Graley became pastor ; his ministry continued six years, and there were added to the church twenty-three members. November 1, 1862, Rev. J. H. Moran commenced his labors for the term of one year, and was fol lowed February 21, 1864, by Rev. Nathan Bos- worth. There were added to the church during the two years and two months of his ministry, fifty- three. Mr. Bosworth will long be held in grateful remembrance for devotion to his work. He closed his labors April 22, 1866. October 1, 1866, Rev. R. S. Eggleston com menced his ministerial work. He was uniformly acceptable to the congregation and closed his labors October 1, 1868. April. 9, 1870, Rev. Alvin Cooper commenced his labors. and continued until August 1, 1871. February 15,1872, Rev. J. Petrie, present pastor commenced his labors. It will be of interest to know that the whole number of members of this church from the be ginning is 909. The deacons of the church who served the longest and will be held in most grate ful remembrance are Levi Jerome, Israel Woodford Elijah Wells and Samuel Baker, now called to their reward, and A. H. Wells, who is still among the living. Deacon Jerome was the early clerk of the church, and the history of its organization and its records for a number of years are in his handwrit ing. He was evidently an active member of the church and was; frequently its delegate to Presby tery and Association. He united with this church at its organization, and departed this life June nth, 1838, and was seventy-seven years old on the day of his death. He was a deacon of this church nearly thirty-nine years, though in the closing years of his life not in active service. Daniel Dunham, the colleague of Levi Jerome, united with this church July 12th, 1799, by letter, from the second church in Lebanon, Conn. As he is called deacon in the record of his admission, it is fair to presume that he held the office previous to his removal here. He was elected deacon of this church December 27th, 1799, and, probably dis missed sometime between 1809 and 18 12, as his name does not appear on the records subsequent, to this date. Ithamer Coe united with this church by letter April ist, 1803, from what was then called the church in Clinton settlement, now the beautiful Village of Clinton. He was dismissed by letter to the church in Volney, March 9, 18 16. Ezra Hart was received as a member of this church December 29th, 1799. His first notice as deacon of this church occurs January 13th, 1813. He was dis missed by letter December 31st, 18 18. Israel Woodford united with this church by letter from the church in Farrington, Conn., Sep tember, 18 12 ; he was chosen deacon of this church April 4th, 1818, and died January ist, 1852, eighty- three years of age. Elijah Wells united with this church on profession of his faith, February 2d, 1 8 14; was elected deacon April 4th, 1818; the colleague of Israel Woodford, and died 1830,. at fifty-five years of age. Pliny Porter, united with this church April 16th, 18 1 7, on profession of his faith ; was elected deacon July 16th, 1831, and died November ist, 1840, at fifty-three years of age. Abraham Northrup united with this church on profession of his faith January ist, 18 13 ; was elected deacon December 22d, 1834, and died November 7th, 1846, at seventy- two years of age. Asa H. Wells united with this church November 30th, 1826; was elected deacon Dec. 22d, 1834,- at the same time withVAbraham Northrup, and was acting deacon forty years. Samuel Baker united with this church November 22d, 1826 ; was elected' deacon April 26th, 1840, and died August 8th, 1874. The present deacons ofthe church, George Wells arid I. L. Woodford, were elected soon after Deacon Baker's death. Mrs. Debby Judd, united with the church March 1 8th, 1802. She died not long since at the Sand wich Islands. Rev. Artemas Bishop, who was bom in Pompey, and,, was. to some extent assisted in his education for the ministry by this church, was an i ¦ v v- vs* «*};¦ PH070S BY M.S. /SWAM. .5/ffJcUSE . Elijah Weston. Mrs.Marahoa Weston. Jav&tiixrA*-;-- *.: '.... :i f 5iga Residence or JUSTIN T. GATES, Pompey, Onondaga County, N. Y. HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 401 honored missionary to the Sandwich Islands, and died only a few years since at a ripe old age. The Bible presented by Mrs. Henry Seymour, mother of ex- Governor Horatio Seymour, at the dedication of the church, is still in a good state of preservation. At a late visit of Governor Seymour to his friends at Pompey, it was suggested that this precious Bible should be presented to him as a family relic, and the clerk of the church was in structed to write accordingly. Mr. Seymour wrote a beautiful and characteristic reply thanking the church for their kind offer, but said that he had come to the conclusion that the cherished Bible should remain in the possession of the church' and continue its mission of blessing, to be read by the successive pastors of the future as it had been read by the preceding pastors of the past. The bell presented by Hon. Henry Seymour to the church and society for their first house of wor ship has not been so fortunate as to endure to the present, but was broken quite a number of years since, and has been twice replaced. The present membership of the church is 130; attendance at the Sunday school about 100. Church of Disciples of Christ, Pompey. — This church originated in a separation from the Baptist Church of Pompey under the ministry of Rev. J. I. Lowell, in the year 1834. Mr. Lowell, at the time of his settlement as pastor of the Baptist Church, was known to hold views differing some what from that body, particularly with reference to certain beliefs and usages of the Baptists which he held to be unscriptural and sanctioned only by human authority. Believing in the all-sufficient authority and guidance of the Bible in all matters pertaining to religion, Mr. Lowell earnestly sought to conform his teachings to that standard, irrespective of the cry of " heresy " that might be raised against him. He was, however, very soon pronounced a " Camp- bellite," as similar views about that time began to be promulgated by the late distinguished theologian, Alexander Campbell, of Virginia. The adherents to this so-called " new doctrine " at Pompey were among the most intelligent and estimable men and women of the Baptist Church ; nevertheless, for the sole cause of their honestly holding views differing from the rest of the church, quite a number, in May, 1 834, were excluded from fellowship. These, together with several converted under Mr. Lowell's ministry, naturally desiring religious affiliation and communion, were drawn together in a separate body, and on the 3d of May, 1834, as the records show, "The First Congregation of Disciples of 70* Christ, of Pompey," was organized with twenty- eight members, as follows : Calvin Peck, Asa Wells, Thomas M. King, Alson Neanng, Charles Little, Malcom Bennett, A. H Squires, Uriel Wilson, Jr., Samuel Talbot, Harry Knapp, Willard Hayden, Darius Wilson, Jacob Bush, Alvin Talbot, J. I. Lowell, Mary P. Lowell, Eliza Nearing, Polly Wilson, Mary A. Bush, Tem perance Wilson, Paulina Talbot, Mihdwell Thomas, Harriet Pratt, Catherine Bennett, Betsey Wright, Rhoda Parsons, Polly Thomas, Mary Knapp. The church prospered. By the end of the year 1835 the membership had reached ninety-three. In 1837 the society built the house in which they worshiped till 1868, when a new church was built, the old one having been sold for the use of the district school, in place of the school house which was burned down on the night of February 11, 1868. The first pastor of the church was J. I. Lowell ; the first Elders, Calvin Peck, Asa Wells and Thos. M. King ; Deacons, Alson Nearing and Charles Little ; Treasurer, Malcom Bennett ; Clerk, A. H. Squires. The following ministers have served the church as pastors : J. M. Bartlett, M. H. Clapp, M. H. Slosson, H. M. Selmser, J. M. Shepard, Andrew J. Smith, W. T. Horner, L. Southmayd. J. B. Marshall, J. C. Goodrich, A. S. Hale, William Grimes, and W. H. Woolery, the present pastor. WATERVALE. Watervale, a village situated on the west branch of Limestone Creek, about four miles northeast of Pompey Hill, was settled by Col. James Carr about the year 1809. Mr. Carr built the first saw-mill erected on the stream in this vicinity. He was soon followed, about the same year, or in 18 10, by Willoughby Millard, who, almost simultaneously with Mr. Carr, erected the second saw-mill. The place was first called Carr Hollow, then Hemlock Hollow, also Slab Hollow, on account of the great quantities of slabs made by the mills. Ansil Judd settled in the Hollow in 1812, and built the first wool-carding and cloth-dressing estab lishment in town. The postoffice was established here in 1820, Ansil Judd, Postmaster. Selecting the new name for the place, Mr. Judd announced it poetically as follows : " The hemlocks are gone, The slabs are set sail, And we'll call it Slab Hollow No more, but Watervale." Mr. George Ostrander, who settled in the place about 1815, built a distillery of considerable dimen sions for that early day. He used about ten 402 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. bushels of grain per day. For a considerable time Benjamin Wheeler carried on the business of tan ning and shoemaking. The first store was opened by Ira Curtis, who also, for many years kept the first hotel. William C. Fargo, O. Abbott, Benjamin Patten and V. R. Taylor, were among the first settlers. Anson SpragUe, in 1818, settled on the farm on which, in 1820, was found by Philo Cleveland the celebrated Monumental Stone. (See Antiquities of the County.) DELPHI. This place, formerly called " Pompey Four Cor ners," was changed to " Delphi " by some of the early settlers familiar with the classic scenes of Italy. It is situated in the beautiful valley of the Limestone Creek, about six miles east-by-south of Pompey Hill. The Pompey " Reunion " gives the name of El nathan Griffith, a gentleman ninety years of age, residing at Delphi, formerly a resident of the town of Fabius, as authority on the early settlement. Sam uel Sherwood, probably the first settler in this local ity, settled on Lot No. 84, about one mile north west of the present village, in 1795. He came from Saratoga county, and was a Major-General of militia. Rufus Sheldon, father of a very talented family, among whom is Harvey Sheldon, Esq., of New York, settled near Gen. Sherwood's in the year 1800; Elijah Hill, 1798 or 1799; Col. Ensign Hill, 1800; James McClure, 1802 ; Samuel Draper, 1803 ; Ozias Burr and William Cook, 1802. The former was Justice of the Peace and Judge of the Court of Common Pleas. Capt. Theophilus Tracy, who settled a half mile south-east of the village, erected the first grist mill on Limestone Creek, or rather put up the frame, about 1803. He sold to Moses Savage, who em ployed Elnathan Griffith, who was a mill-wright, to complete the mill. The two run of French Burr stones, which cost $100, and were brought from Al bany by teams sent thither with loads of wheat, are still running in the mill. In 1825 or '30 Deacon Moses Savage built the grist mill now owned by Edgar Pratt. The first tavern in the place was kept by Dr. Joseph Ely, also a practicing physician, on the site of the present hotel. His frame house was erected in 1806. In this year there was a frame barn and several log houses in the vicinity. Elisha Litch field, settled here in 18 12. He was a prominent citizen — Major of a regiment, Member of Assembly, Speaker of the House and Member of Congress. Reuben Benton was an early settler and Justice of the Peace. In 1805, Hubbard & Willard opened the first general assortment of goods. His successor was Esli Squires, who built a new store in 18 10. Her rick Allen was for many years a prominent mer chant in the place. At an early time, Schuyler Van Rensselaer was also a merchant here, and sold out to Matthew B. Slocum, father of Major-General Henry W. Slocum, U. S. A. The following physicians have practiced their profession at Delphi : Dr. Fresy, Dr. Shipman, brother of A. B. Shipman, recently of Syracuse ; Dr. John L. King, Dr. Pettit, brother of Judge Pettit of Fabius ; Dr. Hiram Adams ; Dr. Goodell, and Drs. Marsh, Wiggins, Cook, Baker, Todd and Porter. ' The Edge Tool Factory, now owned by John Salisbury, one mile south-east of the village, was built by Clark Rogers in 1823. It was afterwards owned and conducted by Holmes & Sampson, whose work attained a wide reputation for excel lence, the tools being known as the best make in the country. The village of Delphi is still thrifty. There are two churches, an excellent school, in which many celebrities have taught, among them Jesse T. Peck, one of the Bishops of the M. E. Church, Dr. Amos Westcott, recently of Syracuse, and Hon. D. G. Fort, of Oswego ; several stores, (among them a . drug store,) a good hotel and several shops. The beauty of the residences and tasteful grounds, render the village one of the most pleasant and desirable in the country. Delphi has one cheese factory or creamery. It has been run as a cheese factory about eight years, but is now a creamery, owned and managed by M. S. Allen. The building was erected in 1872 at a cost of $3,800. Capacity 15,000 pounds milk daily. Capital, $4,500 ; employs five hands, and is worked by steam power. ORAN. This portion of Pompey was first settled by Mr. Asa Barnes, from Stockbridge, Mass., who pur chased the farm on which his son, Elias Barnes, still resides, in 1793. Elias Barnes was bo^cn on this farm in 1796, and still lives upon it, a remark ably well-preserved old gentleman, and having a clear and distinct recollection of the early events of this vicinity. Two brothers of Asa Barnes, Phineas and Roswell, came here at the same time, and in 1 794 they brought their families, via Albany and Utica, arriving at their new home March 5th, of HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 403 that year. They settled upon Lot No. 1 1 of the original township survey. Job Bartholomew, an ancestor of the late Rev. J. G. Bartholomew, D. D., settled upon the west part of the same lot in 1793. About the same time Daniel Thomas and Captain Peck settled on Lot No. 22, and Thomas Foster and James Scoville, father of Joseph Scoville, settled on Lot No. 11, near the present village of Oran. Joseph Scoville, in 1875, owned the original farm upon which his father settled, and probably owns it still (1878), although his residence is on Lot No. 10. James Milder, a Revolutionary soldier, and grandfather of Columbus C. Milder, of Pompey, and of Philip P. Milder, of DeWitt, came with his brothers, Christopher and Philip, about the year 1800, and occupied his soldier's claim. George Clark was the teacher and the merchant at Oran. He settled on the farm where Morgan Lewis now lives. Charles Thomas settled on the Sanford Lewis place. Deacon Hart, Captain Pun- dason Avery and William Barnes, settled near the present residence of Silas B. Safford. Shubel Safford, father of Silas B., settled on Lot No. 10. Francis Hale, in 1802, purchased of Judge Butler a farm on Lot 12, on which he settled. Selah Good rich settled the land where Mr. Bowen now lives. The first hotel in Oran was built by Job Barthol omew in 1796, and kept by him till 1808. In 1809, another hotel was erected on the site of the present hotel, and was kept by William Scoville. The first school house was erected about 1800, George Clark, teacher. "The Pleasant Valley Congregational Church" was erected in 1808. The first physician was Dr. Daniel D. Denison, who came about the year 18 10, and remained till his death, some twenty years ago. He was the father of H. D. Deni son and William Denison, of Syracuse, and D. D. Denison, of Oran. Formerly Oran was a more thriving village than at present. In 18 10 there were two stores, two hotels, two blacksmith shops, a wagon shop; two tanneries, a grist mill, a distillery, an ashery, and a population greater than now. Biographical Sketches. DR. HEZEKIAH CLARKE. Dr. Hezekiah Clarke, late of the town of Pompey, was born December 19th, 1757, in Lebanon, Conn., and was the son of Dr. John Clarke, of the same place ; grandson of Moses Clarke ; great grandson of Daniel Clarke, Jr., of Hartford, Conn.; great- great-grandson of Daniel Clarke, who immigrated to America in 1640, and settled at Hartford, Conn. His maternal grandmother was Elizabeth Ed wards, daughter of Rev. Timothy Edwards, and sister of President Jonathan Edwards. He qualified himself, under the tuition of his father, in the profession of medicine and surgery, which he had chosen for the business of life, and received his diploma before he was out of his mi nority. He received the appointment of Surgeon's Mate at the age of twenty-one years, under Dr. John R. Watrous, Surgeon of the Third Connecti cut Regiment, in the army of the Revolution, com manded by Col. Samuel Wyllis, General Parsons' Brigade, subsequently, on the reorganization of the army, denominated the First Connecticut Regiment. The appointment was the more flattering, inasmuch as his warrant was presented to him by Governor Trumbull in person, unexpected by him and un solicited by any one. He was stationed with his regiment on the Hud son River, and while there, was detailed with a body of soldiers, on an expedition to Long Island ; but on his return to his regiment, he was obliged to encamp on the wet ground, with only his blanket for a covering, and in the morning found himself enveloped in snow ;.the result of which was a violent fever which prostrated him for many weeks, and brought him to the verge of the grave. When able to be moved, he was conveyed to his father's resi dence, but did not return to the army, by reason of his protracted illness. He was in active service two years. When Fort Griswold, situated on Thames River, opposite New London, was attacked by the British, under the command of the arch-traitor Arnold, (Fort Trumbull, situated below the town, having fallen,) the alarm was spread throughout the sur rounding country ; and in obedience to the call, he repaired to the scene of devastation, pillage, and murder, to render his professional aid. The enemy having destroyed all the craft on the river, by which aid could pass over to the scene of the massacre, he found, on his arrival, a company of men with stout hearts, who were unable to cross ; but after searching for some time, he found a ricketty skiff, utterly unseaworthy. Here he found himself in an unpleasant dilemma ; for he could not cross in it alone, and those standing there, refused to accompany him, concluding, in their own mind, that if it could not carry one, two must cer tainly go down with it. After much effort he pre vailed upon one man to row the skiff, while he him self bailed the water out of it ; and thus by their united efforts they arrived safely on the opposite side. He immediately repaired to the scene of woe, and assiduously devoted himself to the unfortunate victims, by dressing their wounds and rendering any other assistance of which they stood in need. As a testimony of grateful remembrance of the services rendered on that memorable night, and subsequent cheerless days, three of the men whose wounds he dressed called upon him thirty years after to express in person their gratitude for his 404 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. timely and kindly aid. Dr. Clarke was then a resi dent of Pompey. One of the men received a gunshot wound through the knee, another had received a similar wound through the elbow, and the third was wounded in the forehead by a blow from a clubbed musket in the hands of an enemy, the cock of which penetrated the brain. All were restored without the dismemberment of a limb. Soon after the close of the war he settled in Pitts field, Mass., where he remained about one year. He then married Miss Lucy Bliss, daughter of Hon. Moses Bliss, of Springfield, and grand-daugh ter of Timothy Edwards, and settled in Lanesbor ough, Berkshire County, in the same State. There he devoted himself to his profession for about eigh teen years, and until he moved with his family to Pompey, Onondaga County, where he arrived Nov ember 3, 1805. He remained on Pompey Hill one year and then settled on a farm two miles south east from the Hill, and there continued his profes sional labors. Few physicians have had as extensive a practice as he. His reputation as a surgeon did not consist so much in the number of limbs amputated as in pre serving them. And frequently, when other sur geons had given the patient up as incurable, without amputation has he restored the limb to its wonted soundness. But when it became necessary to re sort to the tourniquet and knife, he knew how to use them. He was a skillful operator. In the winter of 18 13-' 14, an epidemic, in com mon parlance, spotted fever, prevailed to an alarm ing extent. Dr. C. had about three hundred patients, who were prostrated by it, of whom only three died. His treatment of that disease was his own, and not another's. Under other treatment many cases proved fatal. One cause of his success in his professional labors generally was in some measure, attributable to his untiring devotion to those under his care. He spared not himself. One incident, illustrative of that will here be related. During the prevalence of the epidemic, one stormy winter evening such as is sometimes seen on Pom pey Hill, Deacon Levi Jerome, the father of Hon. Amasa Jerome, came in great haste for Dr. C, as three of his family were down with that disease. Mr. Jerome was informed that the Doctor himself was sick, and had been on the bed most of the day, and that he could not go. He stood (for he had de clined a seat,) with tears trickling down his cheek, and exclaimed, " Must my family lie there and die ?" He then asked, " Cannot a bed be put in the sleigh for him, and he be covered up well, and taken to my house?" (which was five miles away.) "We will take good care of him while there, and he can lie on the bed and tell us what to do." Thus he went, and so he returned. Deacon Jerome lost none of his family by that disease. On the train of cars, at the formal opening of the Syracuse and Binghamton Railroad to the public, a son of Dr. Clark was providentially seated with Dr. John Miller, of Truxton, N. Y., then quite ad vanced in life, and who bore a high reputation as a physician, and once represented his district in Con gress. In the course of conversation Dr. Miller said that he was a young man when Dr. Clark was on the flood-tide of bis profession, and that he fre quently called him in counsel in critical cases, and spoke of him in high commendation as a physician and surgeon ; and stated that he witnessed one operation of his, which required a thorough knowl edge of the human system, and great skill to per form it successfully. The case was intussasception, that is the doubling of the intestine into itself, which cannot be reduced to its normal state by in ternal appliances, but requires the skillful hand of the surgeon. Dr. Miller also said that the opera tion was most skillfully and successfully performed. Dr. Clark was a member of the first Board of Trustees of Pompey Academy. His children who lived to adult age, were Henry, Harriet, Charles, Lucy, John Huntington, William Metcalfe, Moses Bliss, Theodore Edwards. ELIJAH WESTON. Elijah Weston was born in the State of Vermont, January 23, 1778, being the son of Nathaniel Wes ton. He removed with his father to the town of Pompey, Onondaga County, in 1795, and settled on the farm now owned and occupied by his son-in- law, Justin F. Gates. He was married November 1, 1796, to Betsey Cotton, who was born March 19, 1777, by whom he had nine children. She passed away September 18, 18 16. He was afterwards married to Miranda Jobes, who was born December 5, 1795, in the town of Galway, Saratoga County, N. Y. ; their family consisted of six children. He ended a busy life May 15, 1867. Jane, the fourth child of the second marriage, was born in Pompey, November 2, 1828, and was married to Justin F. Gates, August 24, 1847, he being born in the town of Cuyler, Cortland County, N. Y., March 16, 1825, and removed to this county in 1844. Their union has been blessed with five children, all of whom are still living. Politically he belongs to the Republican party, and is also a member of the Methodist Church. He is one of the most liberal and enterprising citizens of the town of Pompey. ABRAHAM NORTHRUP. Abraham Northrup was born in Tyringham, Mass., April 9, 1774. His wife was born at Bark- hamsted, Conn., February 14, 1779. He removed to Onondaga County in about the year 1800, and settled on a farm in the town of Pompey where he resided till his death, November 7, 1846. She survived him and died January 24, i860. They reared seven children, three of whom are now living, viz : Lorenzo, Ashley and Mary Ann. Mr. Northrup was a public spirited and popular man in his town. Captain Northrup, as he was called, was a Deacon of the Congregational Church for several years ; all his family were members of the church. Roster of Enlisted Men OF PETTIT'S BATTERY, AND THE 12th, 122nd, 149TH AND 185th REGIMENTS N. Y. S. VOLUNTEERS. ist foment, ^^M* Si'tillery, }[. Y. 0. Vol*. BATTERY B. George W. Abbott, died in Hospital; Jerome W. Averill died at Fort Monroe, Va , May 5. 1863; William Acker, John Archer, Benjamin Ambrose, John Barclay, James H. Brown, Ezra H. Brown. Discharged January 17. 1863 ; John Brown, Seorge F. Barlow. Wounded at Savage Station, Va., and taken prisoner. Discharged Nov. 30. 1862. John Barry, killed at Gettysburg; Charles P. Borden, wounded at Fair Oaks Va. ; Uria P. Blain, transferred to Invalid Corps ; John Bailey, dis charged Dec. 29, 1862 ; Thomas Brosnan: John Buckley, wounded at Gettysburg; Timothy Burns. William Broderick, Walter Bogan ; John J. Conover. discharged October 27, 186-3; Lewis Olark, died in Hospital; Philander H. Calkins. Chester Cooper, Francis D. Chapman; Charles W. Christian, promoted Corporal March 1, 1868, wounded at Chancellors ville ; John Converse, died at Washington, Oct. 81. 1863 ; Archibald Campbell, wounded at Antietam and Gettysburg ; John Cowell, deser ted September 17. 1862 ; Warren Cox, died at Harper's Ferry, Va., Nov. 17, 1862: Elbert Corbin, Pro. Q. M. Serge nt, returned to ranks by re quest; David Coey, Pro. 2d Lieut., July 20, 1863, discharged without mustering; Morrill P. Childs, Pro. Corp. May 19, 1862, Pro. Sergt. Dec. 24, 1862, wounded at Gettysburg; Benjamin Clow, discharged January 26,1862; Edw'd Dickey; Robt. G. Donahue, wounded at Chancellorsville, reported drowned; Peter Denoyer ; Theodore Denoyer, wounded at Gettysburg; Wallace R. Dunham, Reuben H. Doxtator, William H. Dykeman, Thomas Donahue; Patrick Davis, Pro. Corp. July 23, 1863; Thomas Dair, Thomas Duggan; John Donovan, arm Droken at Chan cellorsville; James E. Decker, Pro. Corp. Dec. 10. 1862, Pro. Sergt. Sep 1,1863: Lewis D. Darveau. Pro. Corp. Dec. 1861 ; Sergt. March 3, 1862, killed at Gettysburg ; John E Eggleston, discharged March 4, 1862 ; Joseph English, William Fadling ; Joseph Finn, prisoner at White Oak Swamp ; Patrick Flynn ; Peter Farrell, wounded at Savage Station, transferred to I Corps; Job G. Fuller, discharged Jan. 17,1862; Pat rick Foy, discharg d October 25, 1862 ; James Fitzpatrick, Pro. Bugler, December 3, 1862 ; Chas A. Gates, wounded at Savage Station, Pro. Corp. January 15. 1863; Lewis H. Gifford, William F. Gillon, Orson H, Goodrich; Hugh Gavin, killed at Gettysburg; Darius Hall, Edwin C. House; Nicholas House, killed at Antietam; William H. Howard, dis charged May 18, 1862; Martin Henry, Dennis Hess; Michael Halloran, killed at Gettysburg; Arthur A. Hart, discharged January 17, 1862; Morgan Jones, deserted August 26, 1862; Eugnot Kensler; Edward Ke- hoe reported deserted from Hospital; Patrick Kelley, killed at Gettys burg; Henry King, discharged January 26, 1863; Elisha Lewis; Henry Leatherman. Pro. Corp. July 23,1863; Peter Leavenbrewer, William Lickhart; Davis W. Linsday, Pro. Corp. September 1. 1863; Charles E. Minard, Clerk at 2d Corps Headquarters; Albert Magee, discharged October 22, 1862; Stephen C. McCabe, died in Hospital; Geo. M. More house, deserted June 29, 1863; Joseph Marshall; Amos F. Maynard, killed at Gettysburg; -Isaac Mattison, Lafayette Mead: John McMahon, deserted September 16, 1862; Timothy McLaughlin, taken prisoner at White Oak Swamp; Patrick Malone, transferred to Invalid Corps; Jos. Myers, wounded at White Oak Swamp, discharged May 21, 1862; Wm. McMahon; John Murphy, Pro. Corp. November 1, 1863; Richard Mur phy: Thomas Mullin, wounded at Chancellorsville, transferred to In v. Corps; James Murray, Michael McGriel, Thomas McKenna; Patrick McGowan, wounded at Gettysburg, transferred to Invalid Corps; Jas. McNally, lost an arm at Chancellorsville; Bernard Mc.Bride, wounded at Chancellorsville; John McDonnell ; John McNally, discharged Janu ary H, 1862; George W. Morley, discharged March 9, 1862; Seth C. New comb, James Noonan ; Peter Noonan, deserted Jane 7, 1863 ; William Ofleld, James Ofleld; Albert J. Osborne, discharged July 8, 1862; James O'Hara, Bernard Oates ; Edwin S. Pierce, discharged December 2, 1862; Jesse Palmer, discharged November 26, 1862; Ambrose J. Palmer, dis charged January 13, 1863: John B. Palmer, William Price, Abel Palmer, Henry Redman; Leslie P. Russell, discharged February 16, 1863 ; Au gustus Rodgers, lost a leg at Gettysburg ; Henry C. Rosegrant, killed at Gettysburg; Benjamin P. Rathbone; John Raymond, deserted from Hospital; Harry J. Robinson; Patrick Ragan, deserted February US, 1863; Charles W. Radue, killed at Gettysburg ; Geo. A. Rabb, wounded at Gettysburg ; John Ryan ; George M. Rogers, Pro. Corp., discharged February 2, 18tS3 : Daniel Rodgers, Pro. Corp. Oct. 19, 1862; Charles H. Stuart, John L. Sickels ; Francis D. Slauson, died in Hospital Nov. 10, 1862; Oscar L. States, wounded at Gettysburg; John M. Scoville, wounded at Gettysburg, transferred to Invalid Corps ; Michael Shell, discharged ; Stephen R. Sherman, wounded at Gettysburg ; Julius H. Sidel ; Terrance Scanlan, transferred to Invalid Corps ; Joseph A. Stansbury, discharged February 16, 1863; Theodore C. Taggart; Robert F. Thorn. Pro Corp. May 28, 1862, wounded at Gettysburg ; William H. Thorn • Napoleon L. Twitchell, wounded at Chancellorsville, killed at Gettysburg; Maurice Temple, Frederick Thompson, James Tearney, J. A. Virginia, wounded at Chancellorsville; John yan Valkenburg, Wm. Van Valkenburg, H. Wright, killed at Gettysburg; Henry Warner, San ford Weeks, Jno. S. WaBhburn, discharged May 21, 1862; 0. Wallace, wounded at Gettysburg; Edward Wells, James Wheeler, S. Warren; promoted Corporal, November 1, 1863. 71 12th, f^rr^t, Irifkntfy, ]\f. Y. 0. Vols'. COMPANY A Captain— Morris H. Church. Lieutenant— Ira Wood. Ensign— Charles B. Randall. 1st Sergeant— Porter R. Alger. Sergeants— Abraham Fredandall, Abram Fairnie, John Cross Corporals— William B. Patterson, George W. Pratt, Charles E Fur- man, Jr., Harrison Waggoner. Drummer— Daniel Relyea. Privates— Hiram A. Allen, Lauren Babcock, Ja-res N. Baker, Willard Uixby, Thomas D. Brown, James Case, George N. Cheney, Charles A. Col well, George W. Dakin, Hiram A. Dunham, Xockhart Duff, John Edgar! Samuel A. Edgar, Samuel J. Edwards, Stephen A. Estes, John Fergu son, Charles W. Foote, Charles W. Ford, John W. Fritcher, John P. Gardner, Leroy Gray, William W. Harrington, John H. Harrison, Har rison B. Herrick, William S. Herrick, Henry H. Hitchcock, Charles S- yfr}t'„JosePh La Befl' Joseph W. Lipe. Hiram McGonegal, John W. McMullen, Jerome S. Mosley, James S. Murphy, Lawrence W. Myers James Nixon, John E. North. Frederick Oliver, Alonzo S. Ostrom, Miles Penfield, Albert W. Phillips, Otis D. Phillips, Clark Pierce Root Pierce, Ransom Place, Eben G. Rector, Edwin H. Rector, Martin L. Ronrabackei", Charles B. Rosegrant, Schuyler Seager, Michael Shea. John Snyder, John T. Taylor, Edward R. Trail, Frederick O. Waters Jediah Wells, Peter Welch, George Williamson, Anson G. Worden George H. Wright, Edward Younglove, James H. Young. COMPANY B. Captain — Jacob Brand. Lieutenant — Peter Straus. Ensign — John 1\ Spanier. 1st Sergeant — Michael Auer. Sergeants— Julius Hintz, George Boiteu, Max Fix. Corporals— Michael Welter, Jacob Simmon, Albert Hoffmann, John Dauer. Drummer — Moritz Schwarz. Privates— Frank Baar, Anthony Banrus, Nicholas Becker, Lucius Bell Charles Bohmann, John Briggs, Pius Caggey, Henry Christ, Liander Darling, John Durr, Conrad Bberhard, Valentine Eberling, Bradley C. Farnham, Killian Faulstieg, Martin Felsenheimer, John Fickeys Joseph Fuechter, Fredrich Gies, Thomas Gilbert, George Gordon' Philipp Greenwald, John Greiner, Simon Greis, Anthony Gross Her man Hamilton, Nicklas Henni. Christian Herpel, George Herr,' Her man Hirt, Henry Hof, Killian Hover, Louis Huber, George Kaufmann Thomas Kendall, Charles Kenyon, Philipp Kohles, John Kurz, George W. Lampman, Peter Lang, William Lettermann, George Looby, John Maurer, Michael McCue, John Meichior, William Michael, Gebbard M oil, William Muehlhauser, John L. Newman, James Osborn, George Pollmann, John Rietmann, Conrad Ring, Peter Sattler, Ernest Fredrich Sauter, John George Sauter, John Schick, John C. Schroder Martin Schroder, George Schuder, Fredrich Seidel, John Warner John Weber, Edward Wolf. COMPANY C. Captain— Dennis Driscoll, Jr. Lieutenant — James Randall. Ensign— John P Stanton. 1st Sergeant^-Mich&el Foley, Sergeants — George Travis, John LightOD, John Carroll. Corporals— Richard J. Wright, James Lewis. William Stanton John R. Bailey. Drummers — Hiram Foote, Frederick Kaufman. Privates— George W. Benjamin, Edward Blaney, Floyd H. Broughton Charles W. Brown, George W. Button, William Caflrey, Robert Cle- mence, Francis M. Coan, Michael Conlan, William Davern Hugh Davison, Patrick Dervin, Timothy Desmond, Francis Doyle John Dwyre, James Feerley, William Fickland, Garett Fitzgerald John Fitz gerald, Edmund Fitzmaurieel, John Fox, Francis Gillespie, John Guidar William Hallem, Thomas Hart, Patrick Hennesy, George Hoose' William Kennedy, Dennis Kennedy, Jeremiah Killbride, Lemuel Ladd' John Lewis, Maxwell McCallen, Samuel McCormick, Patrick McCne' John McDonnell, James McGough, John McGough, John McLoughlin' Hugh O'Brien, Edward O'Brien, Martin O'Brien, James O'Donnell' Patrick Parsons, Horace Pratt, Frederick Price, Patrick Quieley' John W. Randall, Patrick Ready, John Regan, John H Roberts' Michael Slattery, George Slicer, Charles A. Stocking, William k' Thatcher, James Thompson, James Warn. COMPANY D. Captain— George W. Stone. Lieutenants- Lucius C. Storrs. Ensign— George Snyder. 406 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 1st Sergeant— Origen S. Storrs. Sergeants— Charles W. Greene, John M. Couch, Davis. Jones. Corporals— Albertus Webb, John Muldoon, Charles H. Davis, Henry Shirley. Drummer — JayF. Bates. Fifer — George W. Head. Privates — John T. Andrews. Elihu Babcock, Charles E. Barnes, Albert C. Barker, Lester H. Benedict, Nelson R. Bennett, Robert P. Bush, Erastus H. Carver, Le Roy Cole, Henry A. Curtice, Frederick Darbey, Albert J. Donaldson, John Flannelly, George Gerneey, David D. Goodell, John E. Gray, Andrew Hammon, Newton I. Hawley, Richard Hill, Ed- far Hine, Henry W. Hitchcock, Joseph Hotchkiss, Benjamin F. Jones, homas Kellean, Jr., Eli F. Lewis, Daniel Morse, Adolphus Morse, Richard Morse, Henry Murray, William N. OweD, Daniel Pender, Ly man Pender, Albertus Pierce, Eugene A. RawsoD, John Rogers, Ira Scriver, Hosea L. Share, James Smith, Warren Smith, Henry K. Stephens, John H. Sweeney, Albert Taintor. Norman Thompson, Edgar O. Thompson. Charles Todd, Samuel Trim, Duane Trowbridge, Richard Valentine, Oren O. Wakefield, John W. Walter, Eugene F. Whitcomb, Lewis Williams. COMPANY E. Captain — Jabez M, Brower. Lieutenant— Frederick Horner. Ensign — Samuel J. Abbott, Is* Sergeant— Richard N. Booth. Sergeants— Frank W. Clock, Coitland Clark, Thomas J. Behan. Corporals — Abijah P. Mabine, Byron Gilbert, Hiram G. Howland, Daniel W. Barker. Drummei — Charles A. Taylor. Privates— James L. Adanal. William Allen, Henry Aldridge, Abram A. Andrews, Robert C. Ball, Walter S. Barker, Robert Bell, Alexander Bently, Benjamin Bently, William Brown, Harvey Brown, James Byrnes, John F Case, Charles A. Collins, George W. Colwell, Henry G. Congdon, Henry Colimer, Henry Dallman, Isaac Denick, Jr., Ward Eaton, George W. Elwood, George W. Frasier, William H. Goodrich, Andrew M. Green, Perl K. Hall, William Hait, Gilbert M. Haynes, Robert B. Herrick, Henry H. Hitchcock, Henry Huebman, Richard T. Husted, Joseph Jenks, John Judkins. John L. Kellow, William H. Law- ton, Stephen Manchester. George L. Miller, Giles Morse, Charles Mud- ford. William B. Oakden, Francis S. Olcott, Edward Otis, Charles W. Pawling, James A Philipps, Warren Philipps, Cephns Pierce, George H. Parsons. Newton B. Randall, Josiah Robbins, Seneca N. Rengoids, George Richards, William T. Sackett, Edward Siver, George H. Sharer, Elarri J. Scoutin. Henry Taylor. Seymour Van Camp, Charles R. Vro- man. George D. Van Alstine, William Warlock, Jomes Webb, Leroy H. Wright, Edward Williamson, Roswell Youngs. COMPANY F. Captainr-'Milo W. Locke. Lieutenant— William Gleason. Ensign — Stephen D. Clark. Ut Sergeant — E*lwin R. Dennis. Sergeant— Charles S. Wells. Watson E. Hart, Erastus P. Kinne. Corporals — Jacob Van Alstyne, George W. Blackman, Handley Lamb, James Harroun. Drummer— John Robinson. Fifer— Seth S Thomas. Privates— Sidney C. Anderson, Edward Baker. George 'Barnes, Louis Becker, Florentine Bon, James H. Bowen, Charles Boyden, Joseph Case, James A. Church, Thomas Clark, Henry Colminer, Orlando Cong don, Louis. Day, Silas H. Duel, James Dunnigan, John Galiager, Reuben Harwood, Orville C. Hawley, Thomas Hart, Edmund Hibler, Warren Holcomb, John W. Hurley, George S. Ingersol, James T. Kittle, George T. Lane, James McMath. James Maher, George D. Maxon, George L. Miller, George Munger, John T. Myrto, William Pelton, Alonzo Potter, William Prindle, John H. Putney, Lucius F. Randolph, Curtis Reals, Rufus R. Ritch, Charles Rogers, Charles J. Ronech, Ches ter Rooech, David Sherwood. John H. Smith, Charles N. Sterling, William Stoddard, Santa Anna Wallace, Leonard Ward, William Wil liamson, Julius O Westgate, Thomas West, Charles L. Wray, Eldred Wright, David L. Whitcomb, Frederic Wyker. COMPANY G. Captain — Joseph C. Irish. Lieutenant— John H. Johnson. Ensign— Erskin P. Woodford. 1st Sergeant — George F. Ballou. Sergeants — Oliver T. May, Levi J. Irish, Rush Parkhurst. Corporals — Irving Tuttle, John H. Light, Francis A. Darling, Eliakiam Winchel. Drummer — Jay H. Roberts. Fifer — Sylvester Edwards. Privates— Thomas Bankhurst, Henry S. Barber, Henry W. Brooks, John Brown, Isaac Burgduff, Elihue C. Burt, Michael Canty, Jacob H. Cline, Deloss Colburn, John A. Cole, William P. Cobbett, John Collier, Otto Cosmaul, Jacob H. Ditton. DeWitt C. Dubois. Franklin E. Gates, Daniel C. Griffin, George W. Hammon, Francis L. Hays, Marshal Hem- street, John N. Hesler, Henry L. Hitchcock, Ralph Hoilenbeck, Charles H. Hopper, Daniel D. Hotchkiss, Michael Kief, Nelson Kimball, John Lynch, James Markham, George W. McCagg, Moses B Merrill, Roswell Morse, Nathan W. Nash, George W. Onion, Austin Ostrander, John Ostrander, Wallace B. Page, William Peters, James Phillips, John Popple, Lewis Ranier, Henry W. Richardson, George L. Robinson, Albert J. Sayles, John Shultz, Hiram H. Snel), John Spencer, Asahel P Stone, Albert Taylor, George E. Temple, Charles Wesley Tobey, Leveret H. Town, Enoch L. Town, William H. Tryon, Nathan J. Van Patten, Elias Vanslyke, Jeremiah Wormuth, George W. Winchel. COMPANY H. Captain— George W. Cole. Lieutenant — George Truesdell. Ensign— Albert M. Wiborn. 1st Sergeant — Edward Pointer. Sergeants— James Giberson, Thomas Bartlett, Silas Carpenter. Corporals— Charles Coon, Lester C. Herrick, Augustine H. Wilkins Jefferson Button. Drummer — Randolph Phillips. Fifei — Alvin Harder. Privates— George Axton, Albert Beecham, Myron Benedict, George Bentley, Lawrence Boland, Emory Bridgford, Jake Bucha, Gaines Burge, Joseph Butler, Albert Bulton, Elias Case, William Chamberlain Giles Chebbro, Henry Clemmens, Willism Coburn, Daniel Colahan' Vincent Cole. James H. Collins, George W. Cook, Jerome Cook, Edward Crownhart, Mortimer Dacn, Horace Day, William Difflns, Thomas Doyle, William Eckhert, Henry Fellows. Charles Griffin, Homer Hosley Allen Kinne, John Livingston, Samuel Livingston, James S. Lord' Lucius Louis, Murray Luddington. John Mack, John Manchester, John Martin, Albert McGann, Edward McGann, John McGowan, Joel Mc- Manns, William McManns, Merritt Melville, William Nicholson, L Orin Paulk, Orin Plumb. Lucius Ramsey, Webster Ransom, John H Sarr, John Shaffer, Timothy Shean, Charles Snow, George Snyder James Thompson, Hugh Trolan, Cornelius Van Alstine, Daniel w! Vickery, George W. Wallace, Henry Warner, Charles Whedon, William Whitley, John Wilscy, William H. Wise. COMPANY I. Captain— Henry A. Barnum Lieutenant— Hamilton B. Combe. Ensign— Edward Drake. 1st Sergeant — Andrew V. Urmy. Sergeants— Randall McDonald, John H. Phillips, John W. Mercer. Corporals— William F. Johnston, Dexter Smith, John H. Leonard Asahel W. Phillips. ' Drummer— Willett Britton. Fifer— Seth H. Kingsley. Privates — Aurelius I. Adams, Albert Axton, Charles L. Babbitt Charles Backus, Samuel N. Bailey. Eugene Barber, Joseph Beach' Joseph Beehm, Paul Bernet, Joseph Bisgrove. Thomas W. Bolles, John O. Bonta, Oliver S. Clary, George C. Dixon, Henry E. Dodge, Actin Doud, James Downey, Thomas Drake, Adelbert W. Francis, William Hadley, Stephen Hall, Charles E. Hill, Timothy J. Hill, Daniel Hodge man, Charles S. Holden, Lewis Houghtailling, Howard P. Jones. Smith F. Lumbard, Edwaid McC'onville, Thomas McEllen, John H. Mclntyre Joseph W. Mason, Alonzo Mayyu. Theodore W. Moseley, John Murphy' Michael Murphy, Horatio S. Nearing, Samuel Nettleton, Edward a' Noble, Edward O'Hara, Francis H. Orr. William Oxiey, Wilton 1. Patti son, Charles Phillips, Albert R. Radway, Edward S. Radway, Aaron Reed. Charles W. Reed. George W. Rowe, Samuel Skeels, Francis M. Smith, Jerome P. Soper, John Stewart,, John E. Sullivan, Alfred M* Warren, William R. Wells, Gilbert B. Wheeler, Dennis Whitford, Wil liam Whitney, Lewis B. Wood. Theron D. Worlock. COMPANY K. / Captain — Augustus J. Root. Lieutenant — William P. Town. Ensign — Lucius Smith. 1st Sergeant — Samuel D. Sudden. Sergeants— Charles F. Rand, James F. Taylor, Thomas Tangey. Coi-porals— Samuel McChesney, William P. Jones, James P. Taylor Joseph L Hunt. Drumner — Albert A. Mead. Fifer — Francis.M. Lincoln. Privates— William B Aird, George W. Baars, John W. Bartlett, John C. Beach, Almon G. Bentley, Franklyn Billings, James Brayley, John Briggs, Henry R. Casler, James Clifton, Zelotus R. Coleby, James Con way, James E. Cross, Charles F. Davenport, Robert Dearlove, Michael Delano, Charles Durant, William Enwright, Harrison Ferguson, John B. Foote, Daniel W. Ford, Alvin Fox, Patrick Garrity, John G. Gartner, Jasper Gibbs, John Glansbroth, William Graham, Jacob Heiber, Charles A. Hickox, William Johnson, Barney Karker, George Keem, William Lathrop, William H. Leonard. Peter Mischlin, Frank Murphy, Willliam H. Nickols, Robert Peard, Cornelius W. Post, George W. Reynolds, Michael Roach, Michael Ryan, Frank Seamons, James Shepherd, George Smith. Hiram W. Smith, Parmenis Skinner, Albert P. Stage, John Stone, William Thompson, Timothy Tierney, Horace F. Tracy William Wheeler. 122nd f{egiaient, Infkntry, >f. Y. 0. Vol*. COMPANY A. Captain— Jabez M. Brower. 1st Lieutenant — Alonzo H. Clapp. 2d Lieutenant — Herbert S. Wells, 1st Sergeant — Martin L. Wilson. 2d Sergeant— Samuel P. Carrington. 3d Sergeant— Joseph S. Smith. Uh Sergeant— Norman W. Merrifleld. 5th Sergeant— Seymour H. Glass. 1st Corporal — Nathan Buck. 2d Corporal — Charles W. Herron. 3d Corporal — Dennis Murphy. 4th Corporal — Charles W. Perrine. 5th Corporal — George E. Fisher. 6th Corporal — Michael Donovan. •jth Corporal— Lemi Banning. 8th Corporal— Alfred Malone, Jr. Musician— Charles A. Carroll. Musician— Emmons Ells. Wagoner— W. Addison Dean. Privates— Peter V. Blakeman, John Bently, William A. Bishop, Addi son Brown. Michael Caughlin, Augustus Cady, William B. Cardell, Wm. Coover, Albert Dickey, Alanson Douglas, Benjamin H. Downer, Chas, L. Danning, William Elder, Richard Emerick, James G. Elliot, James Farrel, Frank Fay, Josiah Failing, Alonzo Fredenburg, Scott Fellows, Hulbert Gibson, Isaac Goodell, George W. Guernsey, Stephen Hotal ing, George W. Howard, Isaac Huyck, Patrick Hurdley, Asahel Hurd, William R. Hano, John Heath, George Hieker, Henry Hilton, Wilson Haynes, Dennison Halstead, John M. Jones, George H. Lusk, George Loop, Henry Loop, Ephraim M. Loop Andrew Langworthy, Charles La throp, Samuel D. Lamson. Ransom Malone, Andrus Magee, Patrick Mackin, Edward MeheD, Alfred J. Merrifleld, Charles M. Mosher, Mi chael McCormick. Francis H. Merrer, Albert O. Mann, James Nash, Loren M. Peary, George H. Penfield, Abijah Pitcher, Jr., Phineas D. Pritchard, William H. Pritchard, Judson Rice, Thomas Riley, Stephen W. Rogers. James B. Robinson, William H. Rose, Peter Sharp, Bradley Sharp, John A. Sharp, Samuel Stevens,- James M. Sheffield, Henry Smith, Zebulon Smith, Chester Smith, Uriah Turner, Uriah Trapp, John HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 407 J. Trenham, Ezriah Tenbroeck, John H. Tallmadge, Holland Twinum, Hiram Vosburg, Edward Williams, Edward Wilcox, Francis Yosset, Mitchell Zoelner. COMPANY B. Captain— Webster R. Chamberlain. 1st Lieutenant— Charles G. Nye. 2d Lieutenant- -William J. Webb. 1st Sergeant— George H. Gilbert. 2d Sergeant— Samuel D. Cutliff. 3d- Sergeant— Lucien Robertson. 4th Sergeant— Philo E. Ruggles. 5th Sergeant— Charles H. Lang. 1st Corporal- James F. Spurlock. Sd Corporal— Charles W, Steele. 3d Corporal— William J. Anderson. 4th Corporal— Wil.iam H. Paul. 5th Corporal— Isaac B. Steves. ¦6th Corporal— James J. McKinley. 7th Corporal— Thomas M. Shoens. 8th Corporal— Hudson C. Marsh. Musician— Rufus A. Hughes. Musician— Altred Sole. Wagoner— AVilliam Fairfield. Privates— William Auburn, Laristen Adkins, Prince E. Bethel, Daniel Bowley, Henry C. Brand, Stephen Blake, Jonathan J. Brownell, James H. Bowen, Josiah Bradley, Ethan A. Bennet, Jonathan J. Bingham, Pe ter Bradt, Charles F. Carlisle, Ezra Cole, Michael Cooney, John W. Conway, Andrew J. Criss. John J.-.Conway, James Crampton, Thomas Crampton, Abit Davis, Milton B. Evans, Dempster Eaton, Dewitt C. Edwards, Joseph Fabings, Silas Guernsey, Eli W. Gleason, Thomas S. Green, John Gipsel, Jerome Howe, Oscar P. Hughes, Alexander H. Hubbs, Walter W.Hall, Charles H. Henry, Chryst Henry, Robert Hoav- land, William Herrick, Joseph Hollenbeck, James H. Halkings, John H. Hartwell, James G. Hart, Joseph Juthen, Daniel Jones, Wm. Jones, Horatio Knight, William C. Kennett, Pati ick Kelly, James F. Lilly, Ro- aelle E. Luce, George R. Loop, George E. Maxon. Abram Marcellus, John J. Potter, Jesse H. Prindle, Samuel Phillips. Miron L. Reynolds, Wm. E. Ruggles, Clarence A. Robertson, Martin Ryan, Albert Randall, Mar shall F. Smith. Lorenzo Scott, Allen M. Stuben, James W. Smith, Thos. H. Scott, John Simmons, Thomas L. Scott, Elias R. Sloat, Daniel H. Smith, Elisha A. Smith. Jonathan Tripp, James Trowbridge, David Thompson, Daniel Van Hoosen, William Van Netta, Charles Wooden, James Wilson. Elias Wells, Caius A. Weaver, Gilbert Welch, Jeremiah Ward, Eugene C. Wiggins. COMPANY C. Captain— Alfred Nims. 1st Lieutenant— Joseph E. Cameron. 2d Lieutenant— Arthur J. Mead. 1st Sergeant— George W. Bowen. 2d Sergeant— William F. Will. 3d Sergeant— Colonel J, McLyman. 4th Sergeant— James B. Hall. 5th Sergeant— Hiram G. Hilts. Drummer — Palmer Worden. 1st Corporal— William H. Remington. 2d Corporal— Charles A. Eaton. Sd Corporal— Thomas D. Chapman. 4th Corporal— William P. Abby. 5th Corporals- Frank H. Eaton. bth Corporal— William H. Maltby. ¦jth Corpora^- David W. Clark. 8ft Corporal— Calvin S. Hammond. Wagoner— James Hudson. Privates— -William H. Allen, Hiram Agan, Charles J. Bellinger, Ruel P. Buzzell, George W. Bettinger, Robert Breese, William Breese, Charles Brooks, John Behan, Oscar A. Barnes, William Burns, Amasa Chase, Andrew Casler. Warren Colgrove, Charles H. Crane Dennis Cummings, George W. Chase, George B. Chandler, Philo Dutch er, Charles Evingham, John Evingham, Azeriah Fargo, Patrick Fan ning, James Gorman, James Goodfellow, Jason Gifford, Orvil'e T Graves, Shipman O. Griffin, Wesley Goodfellow, Stephen H. Goodfellow Jacob Houser, Delos Hotaling, William Huntly, Harlem A. Hoag, Jas. D. Hebbard, Charles L. Hilts, Alfred Houser, Charles Hotaling, Chris tion Hilts, Luther D. Hale, John Hale, David Knapp, Joseph Kean. John Kennidy. John Myers, William H. Mosier, Francis Monroe, Fred erick Monk, Patrick Manahan, Adolphin Moss, Alanson Mosier, Albert H. Monroe, James Miles, Ebenezer Northrop, Elliott D. Page, James Price, Herman Poole, Thomas Riley, Wm. M. Reals, Wm. K. Raymond, Henry J. Russ, John Ralph, Henry J. Sanderson, Calvin Smith, John Sanderson, Edwin Smith, William Sheldon, Philemon H. Tuttle, Joseph Totton, Abram Thomas, Patrick Thompson, Stephen C. Thompson. Thomas Underwood, Charles V. Wright, Byron A. Wright, William A. Walker. Mitchell D. Walters, Charles M. Williams, Benjamin Walker, Edwin L. Wright, Isaac Worden, Charles Wright, Alfred Worden. COMPANY D. Captain— Cornell Chrysler. 1st Lieutenant — Davis Cossitt. 2d Lieutenant— Edward P. Luther. 1st Sergeant— John W. Taylor. 2d Sergeant— Gates D. Parish. 3d Sergeant— Phineas B. Marshall. 4th Sergeant— Francis E. Whaley. 5th Sergeant— Alfred Crysler. 1st Corporal— Dudley G. Shirley. 2d Corpora I— Elliott L. Booth. 3d Corporal— George G. Gilson.' 4th Corporal— Oscar Austin. 5th Corporal— Charles H. Field. 6th Corporal— Oliver Nichols. Jth Corporal— Lewis Amidon, Jr. 8th Corporal— Luman Day. Musician — Willis H. Look. Muisoian— Charles Enos. Wagoner— Samuel Williams. Privates— Henry F. Amidon, Wm. H. Amidon, George Amidon, Dwight Annable, Oscar Adams, Andrew J. Allen, William C. Barron, Loren W. Barker, Theodore P. Barker, Charles L. Brown, James Butler, John Bartlett, Samuel Brown, Joshua Carr, Jr., Charles B. Cates, Michael Carlin, Nicholas Cummings, Isaac Calbura, Joseph Crittenden, Joseph Coons, George W. Calburn, Sidney Case, David Crysler, Enos 0. Dar ling, Valentine Deniok,Van Burin Davis, Stephen Drury, Alonzo Eaton, Van Buren Ellis, Joseph Esinger, Benjamin W. Ellsworth, Thomas A. Fisk, William L. Fisk, Dwight Fitzgerald, Joseph Grodevant, George H. Houser, Horatio Harrington, George Hunt, Jr., George W. Ham mond, Armegal W. Hancock, Hiram F. Harroun, Charles H. Ives, Walter E. Jenks, Thomas H. Joyce, Patrick Kincle, Henry Korb, Chas. G. Lathrop. William Lee, Edward Lee, Rodman McCamley, William H. Morriss, Michael Murphy, Willard H. Moss, Joseph H. Mitchell, James H. Noble, Loren M. Norton, Caesar Perdue, Erastus B Palmer, Frank E. Picket, Francis Patterson, George A. Patten, Eli Perry, Charles M. Quick, Joel Reed, Horace Russel, James E. Ross, Baltzer Rowe, Chas. Shepherd, John A. Shepherd, George Sheeley, Lewis Smith; John H. Coudan Smith. Orren W. Secor, Peter Segar, Henry Sage, John Uncless, Jefferson Vinten, Charles Warker, Benjamin Wood, Andrew F. West, George Wilkinson. COMPANY E. Captain— Horace H. Walpole. 1st Lieuteaant — Jacob Brand. 2d Lieutenant — Henry H. Hoyt, 1st Sergeant— Charles W. Ostrander. * 2d Sergeant — George N. Phetiplace. 3d Sergeant— Charles N, Eldridge. 5th Sergeant — Daniel F. Hamme 11. 1st Corporal — Noah Gale. 2d Corporal— Fergus Madden, 3d Corporal — Edward McCarthy. 4th Corporal — Schuyler Seager. 5th Corporal — Nelson Nichols. 5th Corporal — George Wilson. 1th Corporal— William Gilfillan. 8t7i Corporal — Oliver P. Ives. Musician — Samuel Osborn. Musician — Dempster Randall. Wagoner — Charles Reynolds. Privates— William Ashfleld, Thomas Burns, Charles Boucher, Garner Bentley, Charles Baxter. John F. Conner, Henry Coburn, Jas. Doran, Stephen W. Daniels, Joseph Dunn, John H. Eggleston, Jacob Eborling, David C . Fountain, Julius Fix, Zeno T. Griffin. Henry Ghee, Aaron Gra ham, Thomas Gardner, James Gallagher, William Gilbert. Jackson Houghtaling, Austin Hodge, Benjamin B. Houghkirk, Abner Hubbard, Thomas S. Hughes, Daniel L. Hogeboom, Mathias Hollenbeck, Daniel Harrington, Charles Hicox. Franklin House, Wm. R. Johnson, Join Keller, Robert B. Kennedy, Christian G. Koehnlein, Sylvenus S. Lewis, John Lewis, George Lautermilk, Isaac Manheimer, Clark H. McAllister, Alexander A. C. Martin, Samuel McFeeters, Henry W. North, James Nolan, Lorenzo Newport, James Orr, John Orr, John Oertel, George H. Perry, James H. Powell. John Pfeifer, Daniel Wm. Pine, Franklin Phillips, Oscar Penoyer, Eugene A. Perry, Albert B. 'Perry, Henry A. Petrie, Joseph R. Richardson, Edgar Rogers, Wm. Richard, Henry Stricnitz, David Smith, Charles F. Spear, Chiistopher P. Steadman, George V. Scobey, Francis V. Schafer, Gotfried Spitzer, Gotlieb Stern- ners, Thomas Templeton, James D. Truganza, Wm. S. Teller, Phillip Vroman, James White, Hezekiah Walrath, Ellis M. Williams, Charles H. Wiesmore, James W. Wickham, Wm. Henry Wilson, Ephraim Yerdan. COMPANY F. Captain— Lucius Moses. 1st Lieutenant— George W. Piatt. 2d Lieutenent—J8.mes Burton. 1st Sergeant — Adolph Wilman. 2d Sergeant— Otis L. Fisher. 3d Sergeant — Robert H. Moses. 4th Sergeant — Stuart Macdonald. 5th Sergeant — Irving W. Davy. 1st Corporal — Henry C. Sennett. 2d Corporal — James Burlington. 3d Corporals- James R. Lawrence. 4th Corporal — Aaron C. Gaylord. 5ih Corporal — David Donaldson. 6th Corporal — Stephen B. Thorp. jth Corporal — Curtis L. Rich. 8th Corporal — Henry Kochenburger. Musician— Justus Williams. Musician — Perry F. Woodworth, Wagoner — William Raymond. PHvate — Wm. J. Atkins, Wm. Abbott, George Axten, Geo. H, Antho ny, Edward V. Baker, Clark Blanchard, Benjamin Burlington, Silas W. Benton, David Broom. Elias Bennett, Joseph G. Bennett, Geo. A. Bar- nett, Joseph Bessey. Warren Bessey, Edmund Brown, Wm. L. Buxton, Andrew W. Beach, James Black. Wright Christian, Phillip L. Crysler, Isaac N.Clements, George W. Cummins, H.C. Chapman, E. G. Clements, Samuel B. Carriers, Simeon Dunham, Porter Davis, Charles L. Dunton, Thomas Edds, Isaac Easton, Henry Fry, Leonard Gensiver, Edward F. Glynn, Martin Graff, Augustus Hughes, Myron Hinman, Robt. B. Hum phreys, George H. Hinkley, Albert D. Hitchcock, Jenks Harrington. Joseph Jones, Andrew H. Jones, George B. Kenyon, Anthony Kine, Den nis Lowland, William Leroy, Henry Lamb, Alvah Lamphere, Amos 0. Lee, Adin M. C. Lamb, Harlow Lamb, William May, George W. Max- son, Amos S. May, Uriah D. Moore, William Macumber, Henry B. Mor gan, William Moss, Willard Norton, Belas F. North, R. E. Prentice, George W. Ripley, Anthony Raymond, Isaac Richards, Patrick Ryan, Jno. M. Rust, Isaiah V. Spenks, John Salvadge, E. D. Spaulding, Sur- reno S. Smith, Charles Snediker, Orrin J. Smith, Russell Sweet, George W. Turner, Eugene H. Wormwood, W. W. Worlock, Melvin B. Walker, Joseph Young. COMPANY G. Captain— Harrison H. Jilson. 1st Lieutenant — Drayton Eno. 2d Lieutenant— Peter A. Blossom. 1st Sergeant— Morris E. Wright. 2d Sergeants- Robert J. Donogbue. 3d Sergeant— Czar Dunning. 4th Sergeant— James Wyatt. 5th Sergeawi— Alexander Toms. 1st c orporal— Sanford Van Dyke. 2d Corpora?— Lucius D. English. 3d Corporal— Wm. Kitter. 4th Corporal— Hiram Woolsey. 408 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 5th Corporal — Hiram Wicks. 6th Corporal — John Bell. 7th Corporal — Randall Carson. 8th Corporal — Develois W. Stivens. Musician — Henry S. Johnson. Musician — George S. Wilcox. Private — Morgan L. Allen, Wm. Betsinger, Ben. L. Breed, H. E. Butter field, Allen J. Beach, Josiah Bailey, Charles H. Bell, Elijah P. Bell.Wm- Bateman, David Barnard, George H. Conger, Daniel Casey, James Cro-. sier, George Chittenden, A. J. Clements, B. B. Clements, Alonzo Clute, Carney H. Colony. Charles H. Corbin, R. Browor Davis, Philip Drake, Jr., John C. Doty, W. L. Evans, John Farmer, William Farmer, N. W. Ferrall, Roswell J. Grant, Miles B. Gorham, Charles Groom, Wm. G. Glass, Charles H. Holman, Wm. H. Hammond, Thomas Hodges, John Hassett, John A. Hamilton. John Henderson, John Kittler, Thomas Kelly, J. W. Lamphier, Lemuel Lee, Charles R. Lamphier, Cornelius Mabare, Peter MeQuade, Charles W. Mehur, Miles James McGough, James Murphy, Bradley S. North, Philo Olmsted, Myron A. Palmer, David H. Pense, Edmund H. Pease, Austin Pettis, Lewis Roell, Wm. Roell, Niles Rogers, Hiram H. Reed, George C. W. Reese, Asa R. Rich, George H. Root, Patrick Riley, Charles Shelp, Alnyo A. Smith, Charles M. Stevens, Lyman N Swim, Theodore R, Stevens, Wm. Starr, John L. Travis, Joseph Terwillger, Clinton D. Tims, John A. Waldron, Henry Wyatt, Chester A. Young, Nathan Zellers, Wm. H. Zellers. COMPANY H. Captain — James M. Gere. 1st Lieutenant — Morton L. Marks. 2d Lieutenant — Oscar F. Swift. 1st Sergeant — Andrew J. Wilkins. 2d Sergeant — John V. Sims. 3d Sergeant — Francis Colahan. 4th Sergeant — Hubbard Manzer. 5th Sergeant— Stephen Van Rensselaer Moyer. 1st Corporal — Benj. F. Bingham. 2d Corporal — David A. Munn, Jr. 3d Corporal— TJominio'k English. 4th Corporal— Burke M. Tappan. 5th Corporal — Theran R. Cherry. 6th Corporal— Charles D Fuller. 7ih Corporal — Victory B. Wheaton. 8th Corporal — Francis M Potter. Musician— Francis M. Smith. Com: Ser.—Guy J. Gotches. Drum Major— Joseph Landele. Private— Darnel F. Abrams, Henry Allen, Porter Austin, Henry Barnes, Edward H. Boutello, Darius Bowman, Wm. Behan, Yates R. Brand, John H. Bowman, Joseph Brown, John A. Brown, George H. Casler, Harvey Chapman, George Chapman, Henry H. Chappel, Edward Cox, Timothy Donovan, Merrill P. Dow, Lyman W. Dow, PhiletusDow, Charles E. Durrand, Henry S. Elderkin, George B. Fish, Jr., Bates W. Goodfellow, Martin D. Gunsalus Joseph Hall, Morris Harrington, Theo dore Hatten, Horace N. Hayes. Wm. Hewitt, John Jone,s, John Kill, Melvin I. Knapp, John T, Ladu, Charles Lovelace, Calvin Lockwood, Wm, Mahar, Joseph Matthews, George McCarthy, Hollan I. McCrack- en, Lewis McCraeken, Michael McHale, John McLaughlin, Patrick Mead, Chauncey K. Millions, Thomas Milligan, James H.Mills, Michael Mulvey, Theodore Nellis, John O'Donncll, George S. Parker, Henry I. Patten, Homer Peck, Jonathan H. Phelps. Nathan R. Price, John Quin lan, James Robinson, Isaac B. Rice, Patrick Riley, Benjamin Sanders, John Sanders, Jr., Carleton Sanders, John Sidwam, Benjamin Sharp, R. Fulton Smith, George Smith, Daniel W. Stebbins, Julius Stone, Jerry Sullivan, Charles D. Sweeting, Stephen P. Sheyer, Wm. Thompson, Aimer Thompson, John Tully, Mathew T. Tucker, Webster Vosseller, Henry H, Vosseller, Nathaniel I. Wagner, James Wright. COMPANY I. Captain — John M. Dwight. 1st Lieutenant — Morris H. Church. 2d Lieutenant — Lucius A. Dillingham. Musician — Daniel Relyea. Wagoner — Griffin Warren. 1st Sergeant— Charles B. Clark. 2d Sergeant — Edgar A. Salisbury. 3d Sergeant — Daniel B. Van Wormer. 4th Sergeant — Smith S. Northway. 5th Sergeant — Edwin S. Barney. 1st Corporal— Henry F. Babcock. 2d Corporal— William Robertson. 3d Corporal— Win. S. Winslow. 4th Corporal— Hiram A. Britton. 5io Corporal— ;Lewis S. Loomis. 6th Corporal — Thomas G. Dallman. 7th Corporal — Wm. Q. Swartz. tith Corporal— Augustus Williams. Pricate— Lyman B. Boyce, Lucius H. Billings, George Boueha, James Bell, Pierre Bertrans, Henry Brunt, Florentine Bow, Norman D. Brooks, Charles Brintnall, Judson Blake, Hiram Cole, John Callaghan, Granville S. Dwight, Charles Dean, Darius S. Dillingham, John Deindl, Timothy I. Dakin, Leander E. Day, Nicholas Durst, George H. Devoe, Wm. Ealden, Robeit Ealden, Frederic Fickies, James Fiske, Francis Gratto, Joseph Guardot, John Gifford, Napoleon Geangean, Joseph Gary, Jr., Henry B. Houghtailing, Patrick Hannan, James Hughs, Jas. Harrison, Isaac H. Howard, Wm. H. Hallenbeck, S. M. Hamilton, Has- sel Hamilton, Wm. Ingersol, Patrick Kelly, Morris Kinney, George Lintner, George H. Lathrop, Silas H. Lovell, John W. Myers, Abram Miller, Herbert P. Mercandollar, Isaac B. Merriam, David D. Nicholson Leander Nelson, John Penn, Theodore L. Poole, Noah W. Paulk Wm' C. Pitcher, John Preston, Peter Pilger, Edward Putnam, Chancy Par- menter, Edwin L. Pierce, Gabriel Ranger, Elisha Roe, Tarbell Rora- back, Drank Riley, Rufus Robinson, John A. Redeir, Wm. Robee James Reynolds, James Scott, Stephen H. Sanford, Charles Stewart, Jacob Sax, John Stuart, John Traverse, Osgood V. Tracey Edson Tuttle Richard Thompson, Humphrey L. Tripp, John A. Unckless, Augustus North, Albert B. Williams. COMPANY K. Captain— Noah B. Kent. 1st Lieutenant— Justin Howard. 2d Lieutenant— Frank M. Wooster. 1st Sergeant— Lovell G. Mickels. 2d Sergeant— Samuel C. Trowbridge. 3o3 Sergeant— Herbert A. Maxwell. 4th Sergeant— Wm, R. Babcock. 5th Sergeant— Charles Y. Felton. 1st Corporal— Wallace Tallman. 2d Corporal— Wm. G. Wooster. 3d Corporal— John Alderman. 4th Corporal— Sandford N. Truesdell. 5th Corporal— Joseph Clark. 6th Corporals-Wm. W. Whitworth, 1th Corporal— George Town. Musician— George Stevens. Musician— G. Addison Wait, Wagoner— Sidney Smith, 2d. Private— James Albring, Anthony Bali, George C. Bates, Richard H. Berden, Albert G. Blair, Chas. Bisbow, Henry Bush, Geo. H. Blackslee, Simeon S. Button, JohnBugatt, George W. Craver, John Cain, Samuel Carey, John Casson, Thomas Dwyer, John C. Davis, James Davidson, Charles De Long, Henry W. Day, George Edwards, Daniel F. Earll, George Elson, Norman Fox, Justus H. Fox, Norman Garlock, George S. Goodrich, Frank B. Goodell, Andrew Grosbeck, Martin Hackett, Luther Holcomb, Oren W. Hines. George W. Hyde, Nathan Johnson, Charles Kenyon, Alexander King, JamesKelly, Garrett Kelly, Andrew A. Knox, August Koenig, Dennis McCarthy, Dennis McGrath, James Mears, Thomas Montgomery, Anthony Moelter, Charles W. Moor, Thomas Northway, John H. Ostrander, Patrick O'Hara, James J. Rooney, John Reynolds, Joseph S. Robbins, John Robbinson, Horace Rowland, Mer rick Smith, Albert R. Smith, Lyman Smith, Timothy Smith, Peter Sei- bert, Peter Shock, Alfred Sherman, John Stanson, Phineas S. Stebbins, Menzies Stebbins, George B. Seymour, Miles Thompson, James Ter- williger, William TerwjTliger, Richard Terwilliger, Wm. Thompson, John Vail, 2d., Hiram H, Whipple, John Wayne. 149tl| f(egiinent, Infantfy, >f. Y. $. Vol*. COMPANY A. Captain— Solomon Light. 1st Lieuleuant—Sa.mua.le Bronner. 2d Lieutenant— Mathew Westcott. 1st Sergeant— Mark K. Westcott. Sergeants— Francis E. Hicks, Nathan Wyman, James Murray, John Desmond. Corporals — Walter Dixon, John H. Russel, Jonas Hansfurt, Jacob Simmons, Michael Loviet, Thomas W. Davis, Alfard L. Hossey, William Murphy. Wagoner — Henry Shorey. Privates— Simon August, Edwin A. Alger, Daniel Billings, Mathew Black, John Bearsneider, August Betterli, William Bowermen, M. V. Carpenter, James A. Close, John Caplin, Silas Coburn, Thomas W. Clark, Byron Cauldy, Francis Caffrey, Thomas Conley, James Denning, Mike Daley, John Dougherty, Henry Decker, Patrick Deering, Barrett Dyer, Adam Dunn, Patrick Dunn, Jacob Dise, Thomas Frost, Haris Flatto, Peter Flick, Thomas Fergerson, John Geese, Samuel Harrison, Jacob Hyams, John Hettig, Alexander Hoppe, Peter Hoff. JohnHoos, James H. Hoose, C. A. Champlin Harris, George C Jacobs, William Isbell, J. F. Knapp, PatriGk Kaagan, Antony Keefer, Herman Liebman, Moses Lebunam, Lewis Light, Herris Lazerus, Martin Lannen, Hyman Lerey, Louis Lmdervichberg, Charles Miller, Jacob Mitsh, Francis Mouin, George V. Miller, James Monaghan, Martin Murray, Newman Lazuras, William Owens, William O'Brien, Philps M. Ostrander, Smith Poplestin, Nclsan D. Rivinbergh, Moses Rothchild, Isac Rosanberg, Henry Ricks, Milon Rosendale, Thomas Sneth, Charles Sharlisnk, William Thompson, Anthony Weaver, Edwin White, Charles A, Wright, Joseph Shares. COMPANY B. Captain— Nicholas Grumbach. 1st Lieutenant — Philip Eckel. 2d Lieutenant— Jacob Knapp. 1st Sergeant — Philip Hirsch. Sergeants — J ohn Kohl, Jacob Shwarz, Frank Backer, Jacob Eckel. Corporals— George Frost, Frank Treiber, Nicholas Sherrer. Jr., Jacob Oswald, Jacob Grub, Joseph Hill, George Schemel, John Sank. Privates— Michael Andersag, Fredeiick .Bulle, William F. Bentz, Charles Bausinger, Frederick Bohl, John Burkhart, Henry Colmerer, Charles Clammer, George Cezar, Herman Dierlam, Pettr Drum, Charles Deck, Charles Ebinger, William Fehrenz, Joseph Forstenegger, Jacob Frey, Mathias Fiselbrand, Jacob Flaxhsland, John Gebhardt, Andreas Gettert, Ronion Gardner, George Grumbach, Moriz Gersbacher, Phillip Goettel. Andreas Harsh, Jeremiah Hurst, Peter Hook, Joseph Haberle, George Hiltzmann, David Harther, Charles Joeckel, Jacob Jager, Jacob Klein, John Klein, Peter Klink, Pierce Kirsh, Carl Klinkhard, Peter Kappresser, Henry Knobel, George Leopold, Phillip Launn, John B. Leibf ried, John Moses, Charles H. Miller, John Maeunche, Frederick Miller, John Nichols, George Oswald, Ignat ius Phohl, Xaver Phohl, John Renz. Mathias Radley, William Schwartz, William Shug, Frank Schwartz, Valentine Shilly, Thomas Saile, Carl Shmeheer, John Shane, Joseph Stadler, Charles Sihler, George Sihler, Frederick Shiftman, Joseph Schilling, John Strauss, William J. Steiger, David Traub, Gilbert Ulmer, Frederick Vetter, Charles Warner, John Wiegand, Ottomer Will, Henry N. Warner, Jacob Walsh, Edward Worden, Frederick Yehling, William Zobel, Frederick Zopf. COMPANY C. Captain— James Lynch, Jr. Is* Lieutenant— Edward D. Murray. 2d Lieutenant— William Savage. 1st Sergeant— yfard Gilbert. Sergeants— Joseph Schubel, Edward White, Wm. O'Reilley, Jeremiah McCarthy. Corporals— Michael O'Brien, Edward Cummings, Erastus C. Herrick, Timothy McCarthy, Michael Comman, Wm. Kelley, Frederick King, Augustus Cholett. Prii-ates— Jerome Aiken, Anthony Buckley, Barney Boyle, Thomas Brown, James Byrnes, John A. Brooks, August Bloss, Marcus Ballweg, Timothy Conlan, John Cook, Timothy Cronin, Peter Colwell, Jr., Daniel Cain, Jacob Clatts, Kirnen Claffy, James Dunigan, Michael Doyle, Jas. HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 409 Drum, Patrick Doyle, James Daley, Roger Daugherty, Samuel G. Elwood, George Elwood, Adolphus Fellows, Charles Feerze, Jas. Foley, Lawrence Flood. Robert Faulkner, Daniel Gere, James Gere, Patrick Garvey, James Gilbraith, George W. Harger, William Hays, Dennis Hogan, Joseph Harvey, Martin Harron, Augustus King, Michael Kuller, Thomas Kemmett. Maurice Leahey, Stephen Landers, Cornelius Lyons, Aaron Landers, Patriok Lannon, Thomas McCarty, Jeremiah Murphy, John McGraw, Martin Meagher, John McGraw, Patrick Murphy, Thomas McCormick, George Miller, John Miller, Thomas O'Shaughnessy. Michael O'Connell, John Powers, Michael Ridden, Jacob F. Rail, John Row, John F Smith, Frederick Schuert, John Shea, Michael Sullivan, Patrick Sullivan, John F. Sherwood, Miles Tobin, James Tallon, Michael Tiemnay, Francis White. COMPANY 1>. Captain — J. Forman Wilkinson. 1st Lieutenant— Park Wheeler. 2d Lieutenant— William W. Moseley. 1st Sergeant — Abram H. Spore. Sergeants— James A. Scott, Jonn F. Wheeler, John Kitter, Marcus N. Gridley. . Corporals— William C. Lilly, James H. Winnie, James H. Burr, Henry L. Purdy, John J. Walter, William S. Rawson, Lott Phillips, Roswell Young. Musician — Thomas W. Hunt. Privates— Aaron Abbey, Henry A. Aldridge, William Anderson, Geo. W. Arnold. Grego Baker. Daniel Becker, Frank Blair, Willard Brooks, James Burke. Albert Carpenter, Avaudo Carver, Thomas Casson, Christopher Cone. Michael Conlan, Henry Crouse, Alonzo Crusback, Joseph A. Davis, Amos Day, Albert Dolittle, Stephen Duell. Loren Eaton, Hanford Everett. Augustus Fall, John W. Falvey, Freeman Farrer, Barney Fister, William P. Foreman, Robert Gibson, Paul Goodrider. John Gouse. George B. Greene, Thomas Gulliver, Benjamin Haight, Calvin Haisht, Benjamin Haight, David Harrown, Alvin Haynes, David Haynes, John Henhofer. John Hixon, John Hogeboom, Michael Hoolahan, William F. Hubbard, William Hunter, Duane S, Hurd. Jonas Jarvis, Pett-r Jennings, Albert Jones, Jos. Kelley, Walter Lawrence. Edward C. Lewis, George G. Lloyd, Sylvester Leroy, Ferdi nand Lerush, George Martel, Eli S. McAllister, Faustin Nasler, Louis Nelty, William .Newman, John Nolan, Philo S. Nottingham, J. fl. Pat terson, Joseph Perkins, George S. Rice, After Root, Richard Sevenoaks, Jacob Sheeley, Peter Snell. Heth K. Smith. Wellar S. Sperry, William VanSlyke, Robert H. YanValen, Thomas VRnValen, George Whaley, - Peter Wire. COMPANY E. Captain — Ira B. Seymour. 1st Lieutenant— Orson Coville. 2d Lieutenant— Fdward F. Hopkins. 1st Sergeant— Alexander Mc-Kinstry, Jr. Sergeants— Daniel E Hayden, Norman F. Potter, Edward C. Gray, JohnH. Brown. Corporal— Charles J. Jeffreys, Edward C. Fay, Edsin Fay, Oliver Ormsby, Oscar J. Bailey, Edward N. Morrison, John R. Pallock, John S. Knapp. Musiciaru— Sylvester Yoran, William Aiken. Wagoner— Westley Wright. Prizates— Henry C Allen, George P. Burch, Miner D. Bayley. John C. Berry, Patrick Boland, Alonzo Cronk, Hiram Coates, William H. Cham plain, "Jacob Derrick, Florence Donahue, George W. Delong, Patrick Day, James B. Eustis, Merrick D. Frost Milton 0. Frost, James P. Frost, James Furlong. Adelbert F. Gates, Willis C. Griffin, John Geary, Henry Graham, James F. Gates, Peter, Goodrich, James Gowdy, Westley J. Hodges, John M. Heath, Augustus R. Holms, Miles Hemgrin, Moses- Hills, David Hollenbeck, Lester E. Hotchkiss. Richard Heath, Franklin B Holbrook, Archibald Hamilton. James Hines, John Hart. Henry Hays, Nathaniel Jones, William Jones, John Keenan, Ren. Kenyon, Seymour Knickerbocker, John M. Losey, Alexander Lashnay, Charles Mitchell, Wm H Mercer, James A. Morrison, Alonzo Millen, James Mehen, Lorenzo Nichols, Herrick Nichols, Wm. D. Orr, James Powderly, Peter Parslow, Clark Phelps, Lizadore Parison, Nicholas Palmer, George W. Pierce, John Quin, George W. Phillips, Joel Rogers William F. Smith, Edwin R. Smith, Jr., John Smith, Jr., Lanson Smith, Mortimer Stevens, Alonzo Spaulding. J Andrew Strong, Moses Tappin, William Tisdale. George W. Way, Roseter O. Wright, George R. Warner, Henry H. Widger, Daniel Hays. COMPANY F. Captain— Judson H. Graves. 1st Lieutenant— Henry H. Burhans. 2d Lieutenant— Theodore E. Stevens. 1st Sergeant--Moses P. Boynton. Sergeants— John Barrager, William P. Burdick, William Eaton, Jos. H. Karker. Corporals— Seymour R. Lewis, James Noakes, John H. Upham, Bela P. Hitchcock, Frederick M. Potter, Welsey M. Dewey, Jefferson R. Kimball, Asahel Hitchcox. Musicians— Fitz A. Thatcher, Orlando Miles. Wagoner— Monroe Carr. Privates— Peter Adolf, Wallace Paisley, David Bushnell, Seth Baitin, George J. Clarke, Stephen Cook, Adelbert C. Clark, Lucius J. 'Carey, Wm. Cummings, Lewis Cosleman, James Commane, David Callison, Charles A. Ellis, Charles Fisher, George Felt, Wm. Fargo, John Gay- ing, George W. Havens, John S. Hews, Thomas Hodgson, Jacob Hager, John Hutchins, Wm. H. Johnson, Harrison Johnson, Ira Jones, Edward Karker, Andrew Karker, George W. Kipley, Samuel Lake, Thomas Mosher, Frank Miller, Daniel Miller, Lorenzo Morse, Horace A. Miller, Thomas Moss, Samuel C. Potter, Henry D. Pratt, Wm. M. Pettet, Law rence Plank, Frederick W. Rice, Homer H. Reed, Wm. A. Robinson, Theodore S. Root, Albert Shaffer, Wm. Sneveley, Perry Stoughtenger, Christian Sohwaits, James Seibert, Joseph Seon, Adam Smith, John Stressner, Seymore H. Stearnes, Michael Snyder, James S. Shearer, Edwin Smith. John Seibert, Parker J. Snow, Seymour D. Torrey, Wm. - Tegga, John Umbraeh, James R. Walter, Calvin H. Wilson, Jacob Wal ing, Nathan Yerden, Joseph Yerden. COMPANY G. Captains- E. G. Townsend. 1st Lieutenants-Byron A. Wood. 2d Lieutenant— Thomas A. Btnedict. 72* 1st Sergeant— O. L. F. Brown. Sergeants— Eddy B. Townsend, George G. Truair, D. D. N. Marvin, James L. Decker. Corporals— Miles B. Amidon, William Crosier, Charles H. Nichols, William H. Davis, Joseph Jay, George Dayharsh, C. F. Cook, E. J. Browne. Privates— Perry Adams. Henry Aust, Robert B. Batterny, Joseph Bennett, Frederick Bigler, Philo E, Boom, Daniel Brokaw, Seth H. Burgess, Henry J. Calkins, Patrick Carrigan, Thomas Chapman, J. H. Chawgo, Wm. Claxton, Daniel Cole, Timothy Collins, J, H. Collins, Charles Coss, James Cottle, William Cross, James Craig, Jos. Culten, John Dayharsh, Edmund Durbin, Sylvester Edwards, Ruben Evans, Isaac Foster, George Frickert, Z B. Furman. Wm. Gamble, Christopher Ghebhard. John Ghebhard, James Gill, O. J. Hand, Geo. B, Harwood, Patrick Heen an, Morris Hefferman. Lewis Huntley, Frank M. Irish, Conrad Jehlie, Martin Joy, A. C. Lewis, J. S. Little, James Mallan, Edgar Marshall, Thomas Morrissey, Daniel McCord, Lewis McLain, Michael McManice, Wm. Nesbitt, Homer Northrop, E. R. Oliver, Jas. O'Rourk, John O'Rourk, John O'Riley, Edwin S Potter, Avery Ressequie, Alex. Sawyer, Paul Sherman, Daniel Skinner, J. M. Smith, John Snell, Earll Spaulding, J, G. Stevens, Amos Ward, J. C. Stevens, J. W. Ward, Obadiah Welch, William Whitfield, A. A. Whitman, Levi Zeller. COMPANY H. Captain — Robert E. Hopkins. 1st Lieutenant — Ahio L. Palmer. 2d Lieutenant — Thomas Merriam. 1st Sergeant — William Pullen. Sergeants— Levi D. Tarbell, Edward V. Carr, John H. Johnson, Jr., James Loomis. Corporals— Milton Miller, Augustus P. Brown, Phillip Messer, Chaun cey J. Congdon, Webster Miller, Willard H. Spear, John Heron, Nathan G. Brown. Wagoner — Henry Bristol. Privates— Eben H. Angell, Spencer Boots, Lorenzo Bayington, Abraham Becker, Albert Button, Hamilton D. Borden, Wm. i3urnell, Sanford Button, Henry Came, Wm. Cullings, John Cobell, Nicholas V. Carpenter. Ephraim Congdon, Henry Coon. Jr., Paul M. Dinehart, Levi Dunbar. John Dings Levi Dyer, LeRoy A Emmons, Jonathan Emmons, Charles Frank, Augustus Flue, Adolph J. Fix, George Frank, Ashley Graves, Gabriel Houghtaling, Selah D. Hall. George Hines, Casper Holsetseazar, Ezra Haynes. Lewis Kinne, Harvey Kinne, William H. Ketchum, Ethel Kinne, William L. Klock, John P. Kline, Adam Lucas, Otto Layer, Harvey Loomis. John A. Little, Supreme Lewis, Henry Lieber, Wm. McKinley, Francis L. Manning, Calvin McNeil. Henry Moore, John S. Ostrander, Marquis D. Perkins, Henry Rogers, Firdinan Riddinger, Jeremiah W. Smith, Charles Sivers, William W. Sotherdon, LeRoy Shute, Andrew J. Springer, Peter Sheffer, George Shild, Stanton Sugne, Albert J. Snow, John L. Stevens, Jr., Alfred Shafer, Alfred Shute, Howard B. Sloan, Robert Telford, David Ten Eyck, William J. Taylor, William Tucker, Joseph F. Thomas, Robert Vincent, Henry Van Wormer, Simon Vrooman, Elias Van Wormer, Cornell Wood, Jr., Charles P. Watson, Wm. W. Ostrander.COMPANY I. Captain — David J, Lindsay. 1st Lieutenant — George K. Collins. 2d Lieutenant — John T. Bon. 1st Sergeant— Mortimer B. Birdseye. Sergeants— George W. Chase, William Bridgford, George J. Lager, George H. Deitz. Corporals — Samuel B. Ward, Elisha B George, James Gordon, John Waugh, Thomas Chase. Elias Houghkirk, William McClure, James J. Burrill. Musicians— Chester W. Colton, George H. Quinn. Wagoner-— James R. Noble. Privates— Harrison Auringer. Rufus J. Beckwith. John E. Bell, James V. Butts, George Bean, Thomas Cannon, John T. Carmichael, Ebenezer B. Cogswell, Henry W. Crawford, Oscar Derrick. James S. Everingham, Peter Evans, John Bustin, Edgar A. Eddy, John W. Fox, Robert Goodlellow, Nelson Gilbert, Robert H, Glassie, John Greer, Francis Hamlin, John W. Hoyt, Asa Houghtaling, Samuel B. Harrison, Amos Howard, George Haight, James N. Huson, John Howard, Samuel Ingersoll, Thomas Juson, James W. Kelsey, James Kennedy, Thomas Kittains, John Kampf Kerne, John McGraw, Benjamin Mallett, Harrison Miles, Michael McEvoy, James Mills, Michael Murray, Mathew Mc- Bride, John McAlister, Wm. Moon, Perrv Norton, Jerome Patterson, George W. Philips, David Patterson, Abram L. Philips, Warren Patter son, Jacob Pollock, Cavilian Petty, Abner Quimby, Daniel Rose, Michael Rohan, William Sharp, Wm. Sandford, Thomas Shanesay, Joseph Turner, John Taylor, Edward Wells, Charles F. Woodford, David G. Wheeler, Albert Wilcox. COMPANY K. Captain — James E. Doran. 1st Lieutenant—John Van Wie. 2d Lieutenant— 'Benjamin F. Breed. 1st Sergeant— Cone Williams. Sergeants— Jacob M. Doren, Thomas Hamilton, John Hopkins, Revilo Smith. Corporals— Harman Carr, Jewit Pellett, Smith J. Loveridge, Jothen R. Williamson, James L. Sanders, Sherman Betts, Jacob Fink, Philip Pelton. F Musicians— Charles Miller. William W. Tappen. Wagoner — George B. Baker. Privates— Anthony Brazelle, Charles Babcock, Dorathel Button, Augustus Bailing, George H, Carley, Thomas Colehan, Michael Clary, Leonard Cornell, Ieaiah Cunningham, Wm. Deacons, Deighton Dean, Frederick Doxstader, John Michael Dick, Elliott Dann, Chauncy Foster, Vedder Green, Charles C. Holmes, Qharles S. Henderson, Wm. H. Hutchings, Anthony Hollenback, James Houser, James Honer, Wm. Havens, Eli Evens, Spencer C. Jackson, Henry J. Linman, John LaFilare, James Lawrence, Richard Lanfare, Willet Lumbard, Horatio Morse, Charles McQueen, Joseph McQueen, Woolsey Mage, James Mackey, George W. Moshier, Henry Magee, George McMillan, Dennis Martin, John Nelson, John Pickard, George Pellett, William Pellett, James Pelton, Ammi C. Pool, Orry Rowley, Mathews Storr, Sanford Spore, James Smith, George H. Sheppard. Alexander Sands, Henry Tyler, Jeheile Thorn, George B. Toles, William R. Topping, Frank V. Van Atten, Harman Widger. Jr., Amos W. Warner, Jas. M. Waterman. 4io HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK 185th, ffcgnnent, Inf^tfy, K- Y. 0- Vol*. COMPANY A. Captain.— Stephen O. Howard. 1st Lieutenant— Ephraim F. Bauder. 2d Lieutenant — William A. Brooks. Privases— Alexander W. Anderson, Francis N. Butler. Ephraim F. Hauder, William A. Brooks, Henry Bmns. Geo W. Baker, Henry Baker, Henry fl. Brown, Richard E. Brown, Frederick A. Bentley, Joseph Bain. Hiram Betts, Evert Barnes, William Brooks, Alfred t. Clayson, James D. Carrington, Kharles L, Cook. Myron E. Cornell, Reubin Carpenter, Richard N. Clough. Wm H. Cockiu, Jerome Chapman, Jacob Coffin, Willet H. Connell, William Coss, Lansing S. Darrow, Edwin S. Dorrow, Luther E. Dunham, John H. Denoyer. Henry A. Dibble, Gideon S. Davis, Rossel Davis, William Deline, William L. Earing, James H. Fowler, Ly man A Fowler, Henrv S. Fenner, Francis Freman, William D. Fink, Willard C. Fuller. Austin W. Godard, Joseph Goretb, Joshua Griffith, Anthony Hosier, Eli W. Howe, James Herron. John Heath, Richard W. Hilton, Jerome Herrick, James E Jones, Charles E. Jones, James John son, Samuel H. Kiley, Orange H. Kasson, John Magee. Henry McGov- ernJohn Murphy, John Myers, Stephen N. Mclntyre, Albert Normandy, James W. Nostrant. Wm. H. Prine, Thomas Patchet, Henry W. Por ter, Elihu Potter, John Pedley, Frederick Powell, Charles Rauf, Augustus N. Rice, William M. Reals. Charles Root, Jerome D. Root, John B. Rusco. Martin Russell, Charles A. Slade, Joseph Snyder, Cor nelius Sullivan, Joseph A. Stansbury, Adam Tuger, Sanford D. Tag- gart, Oliver N. Taggart. Timothy S. Todd, John E. Van Tassel, Daniel D. Wilson, Geo. W. Wilson, Daniel Worden, Thos J. Williams, Lorin C. Williams, Wm. M. Williams. Alanase Watier, Jackson D. Widrig, Lyman H. Weaver, George D. Weaver, John Wrightson, Geo. A. Works, Jacob Wagner, Chas. T. Martin, Edward Wentworth. Henry Magee, Jacob Rauf. COMPANY B. Captain — John Listman. 1st Lieutenar-t — William A. Rapp. 2d Lieutenant — John Herron. Privates — John Alt, Peter Alt, Jacob Alt, Jecob F. Arheidt, Frederick H. Breman, Abraham Brugger, Philipp Brand. John Baker, George Brand, John Beckler, Jacob t'enzeng, Jacob Becker, Jacob Balzhauser, Frank R. Babcock, Robert R. Brandon, Henry Bodmer, C. J. Bichy, Charles Clockson. James Cass. Samuel Conway, Ebenezer Conway. John Dower, Henry Dower, Philipp Dowsman, John Dugglebey, Michael Deutseh, Adolph Engel, Thomas Erwin. Jaccb Franzer. Hiram Foote, Frederick Gans, Augustus Groffman. Jchn Herron, Henry Heisig, John Hoffman, Charles flighgate, Albert W. Hart, William Hart, Peter Hoock. Joseph P. Harris, George Hess. Martin Knauber, Christian Kranich, Nicholas Kramer. James Kennedy, Philipp Koch. John List- man. Charles Linpold, Mathew Lindenmeier. Peter Linsenteld, Jacob Listman, Patrick Lillis, John E. Miller, Balz Miller, Albert Miller, Free man Morse, Cassiau Maier, Philipp Maier, Charles Merkle, George fl. Maxon, Joseph Nickerson. Truman Northway, Charles Neihardt, Chas. Oberle, Dennis O'Mara, William Pollman, Peter Pierce, John Perner, William A. Rapp, Herrman Rice, Jacob Rechstein, George Ruch, Valen tin Risler, Jacob Samsel, Michael Sprisser, Philipp Snyder, Henry Sny der. George Rice, August Steinmeier, Sebastian Seile, Henry Schellen- berg, Louis Schug, John Seile, John Sullivan, Henry Scboeneck, Philipp Scholl. Jason Stevens, James Trainer. George L. Traister, John Ulmer, Charles L. Treeland. John Weber, John Weimer, Theodor Walk, Wm. J. Winter. Henry Weber, John Willwerth, Thomas West, Martin L. Yann, Peter Zipf, John Ziegler. COMPANY C. Captain— Henry D. Carhart. 1st lAeutenant— John T. Hostler. 2nd Lieu-enai't — Charles J. Rector. Privates — George R. Allen, Aaron Abbey, Jefferson L. Brown, Thomas Boulton, Clark A. Blodgett, James Burns, George J. Briggs. Christian Black, Charles E. Babcock. William Bridgeford, Henry Bisbo, Andrew M, Buchanan. Hiram R. Barnard. Henry D, Carhart. William Cather, Cornelius C. Chandler. Nathaniel W. Church. Morgan J. Cregan, Thos. Cox, Lyman L. Dennick, William B Drake, David J. Davis, William S. Depuy, Francis M. Ecker. Gideon Emmons. John Fadden, Jacob Frich, Henry Farmer, David Ferguson, Seth Gardner, Owen Gallagher, Sam uel M. Gaunts, James Gallagher, Andrew A. Hadley. Walter Huntley, David Hamilton, John T. Hostler. William H. Hamilton, Mahlon D. Hainer, Daniel Hayward, Thomas Jefferson. Jabez June. Sumner G. Jordan, Charles H. Jones, John King, Elmer F. Keeler. George Kittams, John Kingsley, Milton A. Lawrence, John MeCabe, Edward Muldoon, Luther S. Merrick. Joseph Mesmer, Jr., John Mesmer, Charles Morri son, James H, McGahon, Thomas McKay, John Moran, John J. Mowry, Thomas McManus, Peter Merriman, Hiram Maltbie, Edmund B. Olm sted, John O'Conner, Orlando S. Perry, William H. Pangburn, Charles J. Rector, Joseph D. Rose, Erastus Rosenburg. Garrett P. Roseboom, Jacob H. Rocks, William H. Radley, Aaron R. Roberts, Charles Reed, James Radigan, Nathaniel Scott, Henry Showdy, Albert W. Steers, Harlan P. Stimson, William Smith, Myron E. Sears, Thomas Sheehey, Charles S. Sinclair. William Taylor, Charles fl. West. Sherman Whit- nall. Nelson Wilbur, Nathan N. Wood, Cassius M. Worden, John T. Earll, Deforest Willard. COMPANY D. Captain — Daniel N. Lathrop. 1st Lieutenant— -Theodore M. Barber. 2d Lieutenant — Henry L, Kingsley. Privates— Hartman Averill, Edwin Barber, Theodore M. Barber, Lewis Bajus. William W. Barker, Henry Beebe, Daniel M. Birdseye. Charles Breed, Charles H. Butler. Peter Carlton. James R. Carter, Chester C. -Catlin, Fred E. Colwell, Henry G. Cook, Ross Corey. Jol n J. Clark, Jesse • Grain, John Crouse, John Dennison, James Doneley. William K. Drake William B. Drew, James C. Dunning, Adelbert Everson, Mortimer D. Field, John Fischer, Allen H. Fort, George Gardner, Harrison Gil bert, Alexander C. Goff. Johnson Goff. John Golding, Clarence W Green, David Harris, Nehemiah C. Hinsdale, Richard C. Hall Andrew Harshbol, David B. Hirchoock, John Huffman. John Hogan! John W Houghton, Samuel Jackson, Jr., Henry M. Jeffrey, Valentine Keller Robert Kelley, Henry L. Kingsley, Gabriel Knight. Abel Kunn, James Lade, Charles Laker, Daniel N. Lathrop Ezra Lawrence, James Law- ton. Henry Maekay. Charles W. Mitchell, Thomas W. Moore George .Murphy, Edwin H. Maynard, Edwin H. Orvis, William Payne,' Thomas Peel, Sylvanus D. Phillips, Albert E. Post, Amos Reed, Frank Rich mond, David Savage, August Schmidt, Norman W. Smith. B. Hermon Smith, H. Perry Smith. Charles S. W. Stafford, Morris Stebbins, Wm. L. Sternberg. Gilbert Storms. Eber Somers, Frederick Sehr, Richard Thayer. William H. Tyler, John Wade, Wesley Walter, John C. Whit ney, Hiram Wiard, James Wilson, Warren L. Winslow, Michael Welch, David Walz, Henry H. Kelsey, George Knight. \SS>> [COMPANY E. Captain— Robert P. Push. 1st Lieutenant — Herbert C. Rorepaugh. 2d Lieutenant — Pembroke Pierce. privates — Albert Arnold. Andrew V. Austin, Charlps Barnes, Nathan M. Bennett, George W. Briggs, William W. Briggs, William R. Brown, Edgar Burlingham. Robert P. Bush, Alonzo Carpenter, Peter Canine, Philo Canine, Philip Canine, Hiram G. Comrad, Washington Dayton, Isaac Dobbinsen. Edward E. Dunn, Marcus B Durkee, Edmond Eaten, Dewitt K. Elbridge, Leroy Galpir, Christopher fl. Gettig, Albert G. Geutcheus, Theron Geuteheus. Frederick H. Goodell, Charles A. Good year, Lucien Haskins, Charles P. Hays, Daniel Hennessey, James W. Henry, Levi S. Henry, Earl A. Hill, William Howe, Se'a Hurlburt, Nel son Joiner, Henry D. Keeling. Franklin Kenfield, John B. Knapp, Jas. R. Mann, William B. Maxon, Charles Maycumber, John K. Miller. Orrin W. Monroe, Asahel P. Mott, Andrew J. Neff, Benjamin S. Neff, William H. Oliver, Alanson Oliver, Asa Palmer, Earlman R Palmer, Daniel B. Pender, Henry M. Phillips, Pembroke Pierce, Elijah B. Pinder. Hardin Potter, Samuel C. Potter, Herbert C. Rorapaugh, Martin L. Rose. Thos. Ryan, Reuel Rose, Nathen Sherman, Samuel Sleeth, Cyreus A. Smith, George M. Smith, Jerome M. Smith, Jeremiah Starkee. George w! Stebbins, William H. Tarbox, Oliver H. Topping, Henry G. Wakefield, James Wakefield, William W. Wakefield, Charles Weaver, Marvin J, Whiting, William M. Whiting. Ellis Wilson, Chester Wood, Horace C. Wood, Senica Wright, Peter York, Orlando Barber, James L. Thomas. Welcome C. Potter. COMPANY F. Captain — John W. Strowbridge. 1st Lieutenant— Andrew J. Lyman. 2d Lieutenant — Harrison Givins. Privates— Eugene D. Arnold, Charles O. Alger. Charles F. Beers, Frank H. Bement, Horton L. Bates, Daniel L. Baker, L. Clinton Ball, Joel Benson. Ira T. Brum, Alfred Botton, Robert W. Brooks, Frederick Burch, William Burns, Martin E. Chapin, Franklin C. Crowell, James R. Crol, James Cain, George W. Chapin. Charles Card, Franklin D. Car penter, Charles H. Chamberlain. Elisha P. Crosbey, Alonzo Carpenter Hiram G. Conrad, Thomas Elsworth, Charles C. Etz, John M. Fish, John M, Fisher, Joseph Fisher, Mathias W. Friz, Loren D. Gillen, Henry B. Gillen, Charles O. Gurley' George Goodell, George H. Green, Alphonzo Gross, Hrrrison Givens, Andrew Hall, Cornelius Hicks, David W. Hodger, Eli B. Hubbard, Sidney C. Humphrey, Grove E. Jarvis, Rufine Latting, Charles H. Lang, David Loomis, Daniel Lillis, John Morris, Daniel Maltbie, James Mattison, Frank J. Mabury, Lucian Mabury, William H. Miller, William N. Owen. Alexander Ogden, Egburt E. Palmer, Albert W. Pierce, Royal ,L. Palmer, Frank F. Peck, Egburt Peck, Alburtus H. Peckham, Benjamin Pelham, George R. Price, Wm. Poulton, Powell C. Plumb, Henry E. Phelps. John Ripley, Enoch Rood, Joseph G. Rockwell. Lucian B Randall, James Ryan. William E. Simp son, Seymore Skinner, Melvin Sherman. Edward L. Smith, Willard Smith, William P. Stone, Nathan W. Sperry, James Steel, Jr., James B. Shevolier, Hamilton D. Spor, Henry E. Stearns, Daniel S. Terwilleger, William H. Travor, Nelson Thompson, Martin V. Totman, Orson B. Torry, Samuel Van Wort, George H. Winter, Melvin Warle, Charles L. Wood, David F. Wallace, Henry K. Watrous, Isaac B. Wainright, Abram C. Watts, Andrew J. Olmsted. * COMPANY G. Captain— Albert H. Barber. Ut Lieutenant— Hiram Clark. 2oJ Lieutenant— Daniel Minier. Privates— Jacob H. Allis, Lorenzo B. Atkins, Wilber R. Arnold, Cle ment Arnold, Henry S. Bacon, Charles R. Brown, Edward A. Barlow, Charles A. Bunnel, William A. Brink, Ransom Coonradt, James M. Coonradt, John L Chase. Hiram Clark. Abram Clark, Ezra C. Carter, John H. Cornick, Loren P. Copeland, James Davern, John Dykeman, Theodore H. Fitch. Abel Foster, William B. R. Gritman, Jerry S. Gross, WarehamA. Galpin, Coleman Guernsey, Thomas Hale, Abram S. flol- land. Twing R. Hitt, William J, Holmes, Watson J. Holmes. Linden P. Hilsinger, Albertus C. Hilsinger, Jay Heath, James Haskins, Adolphus Hopkins, John J. Isaacs, Nathan James, William H. Jones, Everett T. Johnson, George M. Kinney, Nathaniel Knapp, Melvin Larabee, Uriah Loomis, George Loomis, Ephraim Loomis, Lorenzo D. Minier, Nelson R. Mcintosh, Daniel Minier, DeLore S. Maynard, Austin Mantanye, C. Bradley Mix, Joseph P. Morehouse, Geo. W. Miller, Charles B. Nichols, John Patterson. John M. Parks, Webster Pierce, William B. Parks, Nathaniel N. Parks, Charles A.'Potts, Michael Quilty, Charles W. Ro binson, Alfred Roripaugh, Orrin C. Reed, Isaac M. Richardson, George Slack, James Shaughnessey, Isaac Sherwood, George Sherwood, Wm. A. Smith. Clinton D. Stanton, Albert J. Spencer, William Sullivan, Ed gar Spaulding, Frederick A. Skillman. Lorenzo Thomas, James L. Thomas, William Taylor, Charles Tanner, Francis F. Tompkins, Henry S. Tillinghast, Arthur Tirpenning, Orlando Vosburg, Roscoe Valentine, Aaron Williams, Alfred E Watrous, Albert Wilmoth, Aus tin A. Watrous, Stephen M Wood, Eliakim S. Weld, Myron Wooster, John A. Wiuchell. Rodrick F. Wilbur, Francis L. Wilcox, James W. Tompson, Reiley Foster. COMPANY H. Captain— David Chrysler. 1st Luu/enant — Stephen S. Jordan. 2d Lieutenant — Stephen R. Hitchcock. Pit rates— Willard O. Bennett, David Becker, Artemas Bakeinan, C. A. Burlingame, Francis Baily, John Brown, Perry Benson, George E. Bretell, Rufus P. Burdick, Frank Chrisler, James Carlile, James Con don, John Cranker, Myron L. Case, Francis M. Case, Charles Clark, Henry Close, Elisha L. Dodge, Byron Dryden. Willard Daty, Perry Davis, John Druse, John Daickenson, William Emmitt, Alonzo E. Eddy, Asel Earl, James Farmer, Daniel A. Fard, Charles Fas, Marius Faust, William Fas, John Fenton, Samuel Giles, Allert Henderson, Luke Hope, Charles Hone, John Hickey, Lester S. Hatch, Adelbert L.James, Jarvis H. Kelley, Mathias Klosos, Job Langworthy, Henry Lyon, Cyral A. HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 411 Lunn, Albiran Larkin, Charles F. Lonsbury, William Mackay, Thomas Millay, James M. McDaniels, John McKensie, Timetty Mangon, George W. Meigs, Patrick O'Brien, Cyrus C. Phillips, George Phippen, James Patterson, Peter Parker. Henry Pratt, Russell Quackenbush, James Quinn, Amos Rogers, Wm. H. Rockefeller, Alexander Rass, Isaac Rouel, Orlondo P. Rooks, Selah Strong, Andrew Spenoer, Isaac Senell, Charles Senell James Shear, Waterman P. Shurles, James N. Stokes, Dewitt Smith, Daniel Strate, George Stormes, Septer Smith, Pomeroy Sman. Stephen A. Tyler, Wm. M. Thomlon, James Vranderlurg, .Chas. Vanrormer, John Vauhusen, Brayton J. Whelock, Amos Weller, John R. Waiter, James Whitmore, Garge Whitmore, William Whitmore, Benja min I. Yark. Henry E. Sturns, David Chrisler, Stephen S. Jordan, Stephen H. Hitchcock. COMPANY I. Captain — Jared T. Abbott. 1st Lieutenant — H. Wadsworth Clarke. 2d Lieutenant — Jacob M. Doran. Privates— Albe A. Abbott. Truman Albro, Jared T. Abbott, Henry H. Brown. George Bond, Truman Bacon, John Braunon, Nathaniel Bean, Hiram Babcock. Eugene R. Burgess, William A. Bishop, Charles S. Cook, John Carrol], Wilbur F. Chidester, George R. Clark. Fernando Castle, Riohard Chaffer, James H. Coon, Charles H Doolittle, Oscar B. Dennis, James Doran, Daniel P. Fox, Frederick R. Gardiner, Truman P.Green, Warren Gilbert. Stephen Gilderoy, Sidney V. Gage, Milo W. Haskins, James Hobart, Charles Hudson, George B. Harvey, Martin" Hogan, George Hollenback, Morris Hennessy, Daniel J. Hartnett, Chas. C. Hill, Jacob Jacobs, William Kavanah, David Kenyon, George Kel ley, Peter Lacker, Eugene K. Lansing, Jas. D. Lewis. Michael Lannigan, Dennis McGuire, John Moshier, John McDonald, Franklin H. Marshall, Wallace MoWain, James Nicholson, Stephen R. Nye, Hiram Neal, Simeon Neal, Michael Neffm°er. Wesley Porter, Eben A. Powers, Wil liam Pencille, Joseph Pitcher, Christopher Riekley, Edward Red, Christian Renn, Orrin H. Sisson, Welcome Scott, Zebina Smith, John Sullivan, John Thomdill, William S. Vedder, William H. Van Cleeck, Orlando D. Wheadon, Rositor O. Wright, Isaac N. Webster, William H. White, Philo Wilbur, John C. Whitney, Charles Webster, John R. Wells, John Walters, Lemuel W. Wood, Henry S. Redfleld, Cornelius Hickey. George W. Lansing. COMPANY K, Captain — Abram H. Spore. Ut Lieutenant— Cyrus A. Phillips. 2d Lieutenant — Lewis S. Edgar. Privates— Alfred D. Asbcrait, George Atkins, Vernon B. Ayer, Charles M. Barber. Myron Burns. Lewis G. Boucher, Harvey Bowman. Urvin Bowman, George W. Brown, Oscar M. Bailey, Charles Babcock, Edward L. Beebe, James Bodiue. Alexander Breg, Timothy L. Cat-ley, Patrick Cahill, Henry Coykendall, Martin Dwyre, Francis A. Eaton, Thomas H. Eden, Lewis S. Edgar, Edwin W. Fryer. John Furman, John Jackson, John Fletcher, Jr.. John W. Fitzgerald, James Flood, Henry Ferris, George P. Farra.-, Frank Fuller, James Garvey. Jerome C. Gates, Nel son Greer, Mavlon Goetschius, John P. Houghtaling, Joseph Hoatland, George W. Hill, Nicholas Hook, Abner Jackson. William H. Lawton, Martin Lawler, David Lee, Lawrence Lynch, Joah W. Mercer, James Miles, Almon A. McGill, William McDonough, Aaron B. Neal, Rufus Owen, Cyrus A Phillips, James H. Partridge, Reuben R. Porter, Bird- sey Phelps, David Reese, Edward S. Radway, Chas. H. Rosendale, Car los E. Rogers, Edward Ryan, Michael Ryan, Abraham H. Spore, James A. Smith, Andrew J. Smith, Stephen S. Smith, John Smith. Nelson T. Smith. George S. Stanard, Daniel J. Salisbury, Charles Stokes, Theo dore Stickels, Charles Sihler, William G. Stephen-. Simeon L. Stillwell, Fredrick N. Tehuue, Martin Thornton, Charles Van Wormer, Ledroit E. Washburne. Benton H. Wilson. William Welch, James Widger, Cor nelius White, Ingersoll White, John H. Wilson, John E. Whiston, Chas. F. Withey, Edward W. Wiley, John Wise, Chauncey Wyman, Patrick Quigley, Francis W. Brown, William Ward, Edward W. Manchester.* NAMES OF CITIZENS WHO ASSISTED AND CONTRIBUTED TOWARDS THE PUBLICATION OF THE HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, WITH PERSONAL STATISTICS. CITY OF SYRACUSE. ACCOUNTANTS. Gardner, Geo. J., General Acoduntant aud Private Banker, Onondaga Savings Bank Building; b. Boston, Mass., a 1829 Mann, R. DeWitt, 2-3 Lamed Block; b. Dutchess Co., a 1870, AGENTS (Insurance.) Hanchett. M. W., room 4 Wieting Block; b. Suffield, Conn., s 1826. Mix, James C„ 23-25 Syracuse Savings Bank Building, Man ager Globe Life Ins. Co.; b. Hartford. (Jt., 1826, s 1865. Smith, Silas P., Onondaga Co. Savings Bank Building ; b. Lanesborough, Berkshire Co., Mass., 1812 s 1827. Truair, T. S., 48% S. Salina St. ; b. Chenango Co., s 1819. AGENTS (Real Estate.) Grumbach, Nicholas, 215 Lodi; b. Detroit, Mich. ; s 1838. Kirk, Wm. B., Jr., 52 S. Salina St. ; b. Onondaga Co., 1850. Nelson, John. 9 Lamed Building; b. Scotland, 1816, s 1840. Raynor, J., bda. Empire House; b. Onondaga Co., 1816. Seager, S. A., 65 S. Salina St. AGENTS (Sewing Machines.) Avres, James G., 76 South Salina St., General Agent Wheeler & Wilson S. M. ; b. Peekskill, N. Y., s 1846. Schieder, George, 57 North Salina St., Agent for Best Im proved S. M. ; b. Bavaria, 1830, s 1865. AGENTS (Transportation.) Beers, Charles G., 60 W.Washington St.; b. Cayuga Co., s 1874, Agent International Fast Freight Line. AGENTS (Express.) Higgins, Alfred, residence 86 Warren St. ; b. Cape Cod, Mass., s 1837. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. Davis, Frederick L., (firm of Foster & Davis) 19 East Water St.; b. London, England, s 1870. * Compiled from Adjutant-General's Reports. ARCHITECTS. Revoir, Battese, 135 E. Fayette St. ; b. Clinton Co., 1847, » 1867, (also Builder.) White, Horatio N., 12 Wieting Block; b. N. H, sl840. ARTISTS, (Fresco and Decorative.) Allewelt, Henry C, 278 N. Salina; b. Prussia, 1834, s 1855. ATTORNEYS. Anderson, Wm. C, 10 S. Salina St.; b. Onondaga Co., 1830. Andrews, Charles, J udge Court of Appeals. Beach, Wm. A., room 8 Stevens Block; b. Baldwinsville, 1842. Bailey, B. N., 10 S. Salina St. ; b. Onondaga Co., 1849. Brewster, Thurston D., room 12 White Memorial Building; b. Jefferson Co., s 1858. Byrne, Thomas, room 5 Yates Block ; b. Ireland, s 1854. Comstock, George F. Costello, J. H., (of firm Costello & Ide,) rooms 10 and 11 Ste vens Block; b. Buffalo, Erie Co., s 1870. Evarts, F. M., room 5 Barton Block; b. Oswego Co,, s 1870. Fuller, T. K., (firm of Fuller & Vann,) rooms 1, 2 and 3 Empire Block; b. Vesper, Onondaga Co., 1834. Gardner. Rowland; H, room 3 Bastable Block ; b. Plainfield, Otsego Co. , s 1843. Gilbert, Wm., rooms 1 and 2 Yates Block; b. Columbia. Her kimer Co., sl840. Gott, D. F., 5 Clary Block. Graves, Nathan P., room 5 Wieting Block; b. Oneida Co., s 1849. Hall, L. W., (firm of HaU & Ames.) 4 aud 5 Stevens Block; b. Connecticut, s 1842. Hamilton, James T., 4 W. Fayette St.; b. Pompey, Onondaga Co., 1829, (aud Justice.) Hey, George W.. (firm of Sanders & Hey,) 12 Clinton Block ; Patent Lawyer; born Onondaga Co., 1849. Howard, Frederick, 29 Syracuse Savings Bank Building ; b. Connecticut, s 1872. Hoyt, H, (firm of Markham, Hoyt & Smith,) 13-15 White Me morial Building; b. Lafayette, Onondaga Co., 1837. Ide. Charles E., (of Costello & Ide,) 10 and 11 Stevens Block; b. Ontario Co , 8 1871. James. Wm., room 6 Clinton Block, res. 133 E. Genesee St. Johnson. A. L.. 13 Granger Block ; b. New Haven, Oswego Co., s 1858. ' Keeler, Dennis B., 10 and 11 Granger Blook ; b. Ireland, s 1871. Leach, James S., 22 West Water St. ; b. Oneida Co., s 1850. Ludingtou, A. N., 37-38 Syraouse Savings Bank Building; b. Herkimer Co., s 1865. 412 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. McWinny, Frank P., 4 Malcolm Block; b. Oneida Co., s 1875. (Justice of the Peace.) Merriman, M. C, 22 Water St. ; b. Onondaga Co., 1819. Morgan, LeRoy, (firm of Morgan & White,) 15-16 Syracuse Sav ings Bank Building; b. Pompey, Onondaga Co., March 27, 1810. Munro & Davis, 27 and 28 Syracuse Savings Bank Building. Davis, Albert J., res. 22 Noxon ; b. Onondaga Co., 1844. Munro J. Page, res. 140 E. Jefferson; b. Onondaga Co. 1848. Murphy, Thomas F., 20 Granger Block; b. Syracuse, s 1850. Northrup, A. Judd, (firm of Northrup & Wicks,) 13-14 Syra cuse Savings Bank Building; b. Madison Co., s 1859. Noxon, B. Davis, 11 Clinton Block; b. Onondaga Co. 1827, U. S. Commissioner. Pratt, Daniel, (firm of Pratt, Brown & Garfield,) 8 to 10 Syra cuse Savings Bank Building; b. Greenwich, Washing ton Co., August 22, 1806, s 1833. (Ex-Judge Supreme Court.) Ruger, Wm. C, (firm of Ruger, Jenney, Brooks & French,) 2 Granger Block ; b. Bridgewater, N. Y., s 1853. Sedgwick, C. B., res. corner Park and James; b. Pompey, Onondaga Co., 1815. Tracy, W. G., 46 McBride; b. Syracuse, 1843. Vann, Irving G., (firm of Fuller &Vaun,) 1-2-3 Empire Block; b. Tompkins Co , s 1865. Wallace, William J., res. 194 James St.; b. Syracuse; U. S. Dist. Judge. Weaver, Caius A., (firm of Hunt & Weaver,) 4-5 Granger Block; b. Calhoun Co., Michigan, s 1869. Wicks, Frederick S., (firm of Northrup & Wicks,) 13-14 Syra cuse Savings Bank Building; b. Onondaga Co., 1851. Wood, Daniel P., 2 Onondaga Co. Savings Bank Building. Woolworth, R, residence 145 Willow St.; b. Bridgeharnton, L. I., s 1821. Librarian Court of Appeals. White, N. M., (firm of Morgan & White,) 15 Syracuse Savings B'k Building; b. town of Lysander, res. Baldwinsville. BAKERS. Hull, David H., 36 W. Genesee. BANKERS. Bonta, R. A., res. 15 Green St., cashier N. Y State Banking Co. ; b. Syracuse, 1837. Dawson, E. S., Corner Salina and E. Genesee Sts. ; b. Nelson, Madison Co., N. Y., July 22, 1822, s July, 1836. Treas. Onondaga Co. Savings Bank. Ellis, James M., res. 106 E. Genesee St. President Mechanic's Nat. Bank; b. Onondaga Hill, April 13, 1810. Fitch, T. B. Gleason, Lucius, res. Liverpool; Pres't Third Is1 at, Bank; b. Liverpool, N. Y., 1819. Graves, N. F., res. 161 James ; Pres't N. Y. State Banking Co.. Vice-Pres't Syracuse Savings Bank; b. Oneida Co. Howlett, A. A.; b. town of Onondaga, Feb. 17, 1821. Judson, E. B. Leach, T. J., cashier of Salt Springs National Bank, res. 332 N. Salina St. ; b. Cicero, April 7, 1830. Leavenworth, Elias W., Pres't Gas Light Co., aud Syracuse Savings Bank; b. Canaan, N. Y., 1803, sl827. Leonard, Geo. B., res. 230 Madison St. ; cashier First National Bank; b. Syracuse, 1838. Phelps, Dudley P., res. 164 James St. ; b. Preble, Cortland Co. s 1829. Plumb, E. R. Lynch, P., res. 71 James St. ; b. Ireland, s 1833. Smith, W. Brown, Vice-President Syracuse Savings Bank. Wilkinson. Alfred (firm of Wilkinson & Co.) b. Syracuse, August 17, 1831. Wilkinson, J. Forman, (firm of Wilkinson & Co.,) res. 162 James St.; b. Syracuse, June 12, 1829. Wood, D. P., res. 193 James St., Pres't Onondaga Co. Savings Bank ; b. Pompey Hill, Onondaga Co., Nov. 5, 1819. BARBERS. Gaunder, Joseph E., (firm of Gaunder & Van Lengen,) 23 W. Fayette St.; b. Philadelphia, s 1869. Van Lengen, Heiko, 23 W. Fayette St.; b. Germany, s 1867. Williams, H. A. (firm of Williams & Gray,) 34 W. Favette St; b. Augusta, Ga., s 1871. BOOK BINDERS. Koehler, August. 31, 33, 35 Munroe Block; b. Germany, 1845, s 1861. Bank stationery a specialty. BOOT AND SHOE DEALERS. (Wholesale and Retail.) Barrett, James R., 24 to 30 W. Washington St.; b. Camillus, N. Y, 1851. (Wholesale manufr.) Gray, John D., (of Gray Bros.) cor. Franklin and Water Sts.; b. Herkimer Co., s 1866. (Wholesale mfrs.) Gray, Harrison H., (ot Gray Bros.): b. Herkimer Co., s 1866. McDougall, Edgar, 42 S. Salina St. ; b. Schenectady, N. Y„ s 1830. (Mfr. and Dealer.) Pratt, Henry O., 38 West Washington St.; b. Mass., s 1868. (Wholesale mfr.) Underhill, Alfred, (of Alfred Underhill & Co.) 15 S. Clinton St; b. Cayuga Co., s 1862. (Mfr.) Whitelam, Charles S., 59 S. Clinton St.; b. England, s 1847. (Mfr.) , BOOKS, STATIONERY AND WALL PAPER. Wynkoop, R. G. & Co., 19 S. Salina St. R. G. Wynkoop; b. Ghent, Columbia Co., 1816, 8 1848. J. S. Wynkoop; b. Syracuse, 1850. R. (i. Wynkoop, Jr. ; b. Syracuse, 1856. BREWERS AND BOTTLERS. Crocker, J. A., 82 W. Fayette St. ; b. Mass.. s 1869. (Bottler of Ale and Porter.) Fyler, A. C, 14 Jefferson place. (Mfr. and Dealer in Belfast Ginger Ale, Soda, &c.) Greenway, John, 103 W. Water; b. England, s 1837. Greenway, John, Jr. ; b. N. Y., s 1852. Haberle, Benedict, Butternut cor. McBride St.; b. Germany, s , 1851. (Lager Beer Brewer.) BROKERS. Blair. J. H., 61 S. Salina; b. Syracuse, 1838. Hinman, J. H., 1 basement Onondaga Savings Bank Building. (Firm of J. H. Hinman & Co.; b. Auburn, s 1835. Morey, A. C (firm of J. H. Hinman & Co.,) 1 Basement Onon daga Savings Bank Building; b. Herkimer Co., b 1841. BUTCHERS AND MEAT MARKETS. Engstler, John, cor. Lodi and Butternut Sts. ; b. Austria, 1837, s 1866. Fox, L. A., 81 E. Genesee St.; b. Buffalo, N. Y., 1839, s 1865. (Steam Sausage Mfr.) Taylor, Samuel, 130 S. West St. ; b. England, s 1853. BLACKSMITH AND HORSE SHOER. Hildreth. Albert M., 22 North Warren St.; b. Burlington, Vt. 1849, s 1872; Practical Horse Shoer, has had large expe rience with horse's hoofs, aud effects cures where pos sible. CARRIAGE AND WAGON MANUFACTURERS. Atkinson, Wm., cor. Warren and Church Sts.; b. England, 1846, s 1851. Mr. A. has justly earned the title bestowed, on him of "Prince of the Forge." Co-operative Carriage Works, 3 Market St. Huber, Henry, res. 136 Madison St.; b. Germany, s 1872. Boldry, Edward, res. 146 Cedar St.; b. England, s 1867. Lonsdale. Wm., res. 158 Madison St.; b. England, s 1873. Prettie, R. S., res. 100*Grape St.: b. Syracuse, 1850. Curtis, Charles W., (firm of Curtis & Sauwald) 13 Walton Sf; b. N. Y., s 1855. Gehm, Wm., 93 Lock, (firm of Schlosser & Gehm;) b. Germany, 1835, s 1853. Lines, T. D., (of T. D. Lines & Co.) 66 Warren St. ; b. N. Y. s 1860. Melius & Hopper, 24 Walton. (Mfr. Sleighs and Carriages.) Melius, John N., res. 70 W. Genesee St.; b. Columbia Co. 1818, s 1857. Hopper, Bernard C. res. 114 Mulberry St.; b. Bergen Co., N. J., 1837. 8 1865. Phelps, Charles, 20 Walton ; b. Oswego, 1820, s 1821. Reidy, Michael, 18-20 Mulberry; b. Ireland, s 1856 CIVIL ENGINEERS AND SURVEYORS. Griffin, Rhesa 17 Lamed Block ; b. Onondaga Co. 1841. Hayden, Daniel E„ res. 312 Mulberry; b. Pompey, 8 1844. Laass, Emil, 11 Wieting Blook; b. Saxony, Germany, s 1864. Sweet, Charles A., Vanderbilt House, Division Engineer N.Y. State Canal; b. Oswego Co., s 1862. CIVIL OFFICIALS. Belden, J. J., Mayor, res. W. Genesee St.; b. Fabius. Brown, Edward Hey wood, res. 325 E. Fayette St. ; b. N. Y., s 1844. Treas., Seo'y and Supt. City Water Works. Chase, A- C, res. 116 S. Salina St. ; b. Whitfield, N. H., Nov. 16, 1834, s 1855. Postmaster and Mfr. of Pianos and Organs. Dorwin, Lyman C, res. 49 E. Onondaga St. ; b. Onondaga Co. 1834. City Clerk. Doolittle, Albert, res. 36 Pine St.; b. Onondaga Co. 1835, mem ber Hook aud Ladder Co. No. 1 ; C. C. Fire Dept. Draper, Egbert, res. Tully St.; b. Tompkins Co. 1839, s 1873. Supervisor First Ward, Syracuse, aud machinist Barnes' Knife Works. Eastwood, John, res. 363 Spring St., Justice of the Peaoe, b. N. Y. city, s 1817. Higgins, Benj. L., res. 303 S. Salina St.; b. Barnstable Co., Mass. 1827, s 1836. U. S. Guager. Hough, Timothy, res. 9 University Ave. Monev Order Clerk P. O. Dept.; b. Addison Co., Vt., s 1845. O'Conner. James, res. 16 Wyoming St. ; b. N. Y. city, s 1862. Fireman Steamer No. 3 C. C. Fire Dept, HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 413 Rust, Stiles M., res. 112 E. Genesee St. ; b. Onondaga Co. 1825. City Treasurer. Smingler, August, res. 12 Grace St. ; b. Germany, s 1854. Foreman Steamer No. 3. C. C Fire Dept. Smith, Vivus W. ; b. Lanesborough, Berkshire Co., Mass , Jan. 27. 1804, s 1827. (Canal Appraiser.) Wood, Irn, res. 8 Granger place; b. Greenbush, N. Y., s 1814. Chief Engineer C. C. Fire Dept. CHINA, GLASS AND QUEENS-WARE. Jenkins, John T., res. 40 Almond St. ; b. Howard Co., Mary land, s 1862. Book-keeper, S. P. Pierce & Co. Johnson, Chas. J.. 105-107 W. Favette St. ; b. Lafayette, Onon daga Co.. N. Y., 1830. (Wholesale.) Bt-odhead, F. A., res. 43 Townsend St . 8 1855. VanWagenen, M., res. 82 S. Salina St.; b. Onondaga Co 1839. CLOTH SPONGER. Dibble, Moses, Durston Block ; b. Washington Co. 1820, s 1872. CLOTHIERS AND MERCHANT TAILORS. Hair, Chester, 17 E. Genesee; b. Belchertown, Mass., s 1837. Hall, H. P., cor. Vanderbilt Square and Salina Sts. Jacobs. Moses, 21 N. Salina St. ; b. Bath, England, 1817, s 1848. Mfr. and Wholesale and Retail Dealer. Palmer, A. W„ (firm of A. W. Palmer & Co.) 15-17 S. Salina St.; b. Antwetp, N. Y., s 1S42. Mfr. and Wholesale aud Retail Dealer. Peck, Frank A., 24-26 N. Salina St., 'firm of W. S. Peck & Bro.) b Solon, Cortland Co., 3 1860. Peck, W. S., 24-26 N. Salina St., (firm of W. S. Peck & Bro.) b. Solon, Cortland Co., s 1864. (Wholesale Dealer and Manufacturer.) Sloan, C. H , 8 Lamed Block ; cheapest tailor in the State. Sloan, R. J.. 9 Lamed Block; b. N. Y., s 1870. Stinard & Edwards, 13 Vanderbilt Square. Stinard, Alfred F., res. 12 Gazelle St.; b. Wolcott, Wayne Co., N. Y. 1848, s 1868. Edwards, Ed. D., res. 7 Gazelle St. ; b. Spafford, Onon daga Co., N. Y. 1842. COAL AND WOOD(Eealersin.) Abbott, Wm. E. 98 W. Water St. aud 225 E. Water St. ; b. Low- ville. N. Y., Jan. 19, 1822, s 1841, (firm of Hopkins & Abbott.) Hamilton, W. T., 1 Syracuse Savings Bank Building; b. Onon daga Co.; Prest. Morris Run -Coal Co. Holden, E. F., 122 S. Clinton St. ; b-. Monroe Co., s 1867. Agent Coal Dep't D. L. & W. R. R. Co. Hopkins, Edwin P., 98 W. Water St. and 225 East Water; b. . Onondaga Hill, April 26, 1812, (firm Hopkins & Abbott.) Rombach, John, 122 S Clinton St; b. Germany, s 1852. Weigh- master Coal Dept. D. L. & W. R. R. Co. Soule, Albert D., 122 S. Clinton St. : b. Syracuse, 1855. Sales man Coal Dep't D. L. & W. R. R. Co. Sweet, J. H., cor. Bridge and N. Salina Sts ; b. Lysander, 1825. Dealer iu Wood, Hay and Straw. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Durston, George W., res. 4 Highland St; b. Syracuse, 1850. Fay, Albert W., E. Fayette St. cor. Montgomery ; b. Syracuse, 1840. Fish, Frank M. (firm of Duff & Fish,) cor. Fayette and Mont gomery Sts., Onondaga Co., 1847. CIGARS AND TOBACCO, (Manufacturers and Whole sale and Retail Dealers.) Aldrich, B. S., (firm of Hier & Aldrich,) 31-33 N. Salina St. ; b. Cortland Co., s 1865. (Mfr. and Wholesale Dealer.) Auer, Michael, (firm of Auer & Co.) 48 E. Water St ; b. Swit zerland, s 1851. (Manufacturer.) Barton, Joseph, (firm Joseph Barton, Jr., & Co.) 70 E. Genesee St. ; b. N. Y. city, s 1844. Cushing, Q. F., (firm of Carr & Cushing,) 67 W. Fayette St. Demong, John, Lodi cor. John ; b. Prussia, s 1847. Herrick, W. B., 54 W. Fayette St. ; b. Onondaga Co. 1834. Hall, John D,, res. 36 Baker St.; b. Rutland Co., Vt., s 1824. Manufacturer and Farmer. Ostrander, C. W., 10 E. Genesee St. ; b. Onondaga Co. 1833. (Manufacturer and Dealer.) Parker, Richard H, 43-45 W. Fayette St.; b. Onondaga Co. 1832 Seubert & Warner, 58-60 W. Fayette St. Seubert, Justin, res. Ill Willow St.; b. Germany, s 1856. Warner, Wm. H., res. 3 Seymour St. ; b. Madison Co., sl863. Tallman, Charles, Jr., 44 W. Fayette St. ; b. Syracuse, 1853. (Leaf Tobacco.) 73 COLLEGE (Business.) Meads, C. P., res. 31 Hickory St., b. Chenango Co.. 8 1868. CONTRACTORS, CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. Blye, Benj. F., res. 2 N. West St. ; b. Cortland Co. 1821, s 1814. (Stair Builder.) Britcher, James, res. 103 W. Onondaga St; b. Kent, England, s 1828. Congdon, Albert B., res. town of Salina; b. Salisbury, Conn., 8 1806. (Carpenter and Builder.) Grover, Albert, 152 E. Washington St. ; b. Otsego Co. 1818, s 1867. (Cistern Builder and Carpenter.) Jackson, Thomas, res. 90 Catherine St.; b. England, 1841, s 1859. (Carpenter and Builder.) Mason, A. L., res. 90 Court St. ; b. Syracuse, 1824. (Builder.) Moore & Dickison, James cor. Pearl. (Builders.) Moore, John, res. W. Genesee St.; b. Ireland Dickison, Wm., res. 94 W. Onondaga St.; b. Oswego Co., s 1865. Park, Robert, res. 123 Warren St. ; b. Berkshire Co., Mass. 1807, s 1808. (Retired.) Soule, Alex. C. res. 75 Hawley; b. -Albany Co. 1830, 8 1849. (Builder and Assessor.) Steele, Samuel A , (Building Mover,) ree. 96 Geddes; b. Carlisle, N. Y. 1818, s 1828. VanVleck, James, cor. Bear and Spring Sts. CLERGYMEN. Beard, A. F., res. 236 E. Genesee St.: Pastor Plymouth Ch. Bourke, Wm. J., res. cor. Court and Park Sts.; b. Syracuse, Onondaga Co. (Pastor St. John's the Baptist Church.) Guerdet. J., Pastor St. John's Roman Catholic. Hoefflin, Rheiuhard, res. 118 Catherine St ; b . Germany, s 1875. Pastor First German Baptist Church. Huntington. F. D., Rt. Rev., Bishop of Central N. Y., res. 99 James St. Haven, E. O., D.D., LL.D., res. E. Genesee St.; b. Boston, Mass., 8 1874 ; Chancellor Syracuse University. Kennedy, John J., res. 121 Gifford St. ; b. Ireland, s 1853; Pas tor St. Lucy's Catholic Church. Mundy, E.W., 137 Warren St., Pastor Independent Church. O'Hara, James A., res, 39 E. Onondaga St ; b. Ireland, sJuly 4, 1859; Pastor St. Mary's Church. Oberlander, Alex., 87% Butternut; Pastor German Evangeli cal Zion Lutheran Church. Pratt, J. Edward, res. 15 Slocum Ave. ; b. Conn., s 1873; Rec tor Trinity Church. Peck, Jesse T. Robillard, J S., res. 140 E. Genesee St. : b. Canada, 1841,. s 1870; Pastor St. Joseph Catholic Church. Seaver, Norman, res. cor. Irving and Adams Sts.; b. Boston, Mass., s 1877; Pastor Fourth Presbyterian Church. Stoller, P. Norbert, res. Franciscan Convent, N. Salina St. ; b. Bavaria, 1832, s 1861; Roman Catholic Priest. Smith, Charles E., res. 136 E. Fayette St. ; b. January, 1835, Fall River, Mass., s January, 1876; Pastor First Bap tist Church. Thurber, Edward G., res. 434 Chestnut St.; b. Monroe Co. Mich., s 1870; Pastor Park Central Presbyterian Ch. VanSlyke, Evart, res 2 Lodi Terrace; b. Columbia Co., N. Y. 1835, s 1876; Pastor Reformed Church. DENTISTS. Barnes, Chirles, 8 Wieting Block; b. England, 1837, s 1853. Dayau, Squire C, 131% East Genesee St.; b. Jefferson Co., 1847, s 1871. . Martin, Samuel G., 14 E. Jefferson St. ; b. Chenango Co., 1830, 8 1860. Marshall, John S., 15-16, Onondaga County Savings Bank Building; b. England, 1846, s 1858. Matson A. Holtoti, 20 White Memorial Building; b. Cortland Co., 1835, s 1869. Nearing Lucius A., 8 and 9 Pike Block ; b. Pompey, 1824. Smith, Daniel D., 1 Pike Block ; b. Scheneotady Co , April 24, 1817, s Oct. 1, 1840, (dentist and manuf. of imitation of coral for jewelry, etc. DRUGGISTS. (Wholesale and Retail.) Covert, E. B., Temperance House Block, oor. W. Fayette and Clinton Sts. ; b. Seneca Co., s 1868. (Retail.) Kenyon, Potter & Co., 34-36 8. Clinton St.. (Wholesale.) Kenyon, G. M., res. 52 Hawley St. ; b. Oswego Co., s '62. Potter, O. C, res. 86 W. Onondaga St. ; b. Madison Co. ; 8. 1856. Perry, Geo. H., res. Globe Hotel; b. Chemung Co., s. 1854. Kenyon, Chas. H., 159 E. Fayette St. ; b. Oswego Co., 1838, s. 1855. (Retail.) Moore & Hubbard, 73 S. Salina. (Wholesale.) Moore, J. B., res. 149 James St ; b. Rerisselaerville, N. Y., s 1863. Hubbard, Chas., 9 Shonnard St. ; b. Brunswick, N. Y., 1839, s 1862. KirjgBley, S. E., res. 10 Madison St.; sl840. (Financial Manager.) 414 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. Mueuch, Wm., 244 N Salina St. ; b. Germany, 1850. s 1867. (Retail.) DRY GOODS. (Wholesale and Retail.) McCarthy, Dennis. 49 to 53 S. Salina Sts., (firm Dennis McCar thy & Co.); b. Syracuse, 1814. McCarthy, Thos. Price, Milton S., 38 and 40 S. Salina St. ; b. New Woodstock, Madison Co , Oct. 1, 1825, s 1844. Rice, Edward F., 37 aud 39 S. Salina St.; b. Onondaga Co., 1831. Stewart, Wm. H., 48 S. Salina St. ; b. Oneida Co., 1838, s 1866. (Fancy Dry Goods.) Whitlock, J. R , 54 S. Salina St. ; b. Saratoga Co., s 1848. ENGRAVER ON WOOD AND STONE. Harwood, John E., 28 Munroe Block; b. Lockport, N. Y., 1845, s 1869. EDITORS AND PUBLISHERS Bruce, Dwight H. ; b. Madison Co.. June 21, 1834, s 1861. DeLima, J. C. Alv'es, bds. Vanderbilt. (Ed. Aurora Braziliera, &c, b. Brazil, 1852, s 1875. Hofmann, Joseph A., res. 225 N. Salina St. ; b. Bavaria, s 1849. Hofmann, Louis O, rea. 28 Division St. ; b. Syracuse, 1850. (Ed. & Pub's. Central Demokrat.) Kinney, D. S., 52, 56, E. Onondaga. (Agt. Weslyan Meth. Bd. of Pubs.) von Landberg, A., Editor and Prop. Syracuse Union. Skinner, Rev. Jas. A., 12 S. Salina St. ; b. Oswego Co. ; 3 1875. (Agt. Prea. Bd. of Publication ) Smith, Carroll E. ; b. Syracuse, Dec. 25 1832. Smith, H. P. Sunday Times. Shield, Ivory, res. 34 S. Salina St.; b. Scotland, s 1873. (Even ing Herald.) Warren, O. H„ b. N. Y , s 1872. (Ed. Northern Christian Advocate.) FLOUR, FEED, GRAIN. ETC. Amos, Jacob, Amos, Charles L. (of the firm of Jacob Amos & Sons); b. Syra cuse, 1848. flouring Mills. Babcock & Co., H. 77 E. Water St. ; Merchant Millers. Babcock, H., rea. 40 McBride St. ; b. Cortland Co. s 1852. Glass, Joseph J., res. Syracuse, b. Elbridge, Onondaga Co, 1810, died Mch. 28, 1878. Porter, Wm. H , res. 190 E. Genesee St. ; b. Onondaga Co. 1845. Surbeck, J. C, Durston Block; (firm J. C. & J. Surbeck,) b. Switzerland, 1837, s 1857. Surbeck. John, res. 11 Graves St. ; b. Switzerland, 1838, s 1862. FURNITURE DEALERS, UPHOLSTERERS, ETC. Cloyde, Richard, Fobes Block; b. England, 1818, s 1828. Hawley, Jabez. res. 16 Hickory St.; b. Onondaga Co. 1803. Humbert. Fred'k. 60-62 N. Salina St ; b. Germany 1824, s 1854. Rauch, Mathew, 55 N. Salina St. ; b. Germany, a 1837. Proctor, Henry S., 58 S. Salina St. ; b. Jefferson Co. s 1865. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS AND SHIRT MANUFAC TURERS. Brumelkamp, P. J., 35 S. Salina. ; b. Holland, 1838, 8 1860. Fellows Bros. 9 Munroe Block, (Mfr. and Wholesale Dealers.) Fellows, Irving D , res. 5 Driscoll Block; b. Onondaga Co. 1349. Fellows, J. Porter, res. 195 E. Genesee; b. Onondaga Co. 1847. Goodwin, T. J., 68 S. Salina St.; b. Scotland, s 1874. (Shirt Hood, Wm. K., 32 to 36 W. Washington ; b. Onondaga Co. 1840. (Wholesale Men's Furnishing Goods.) Taylor, T. E., 6 Granger Block; b. Dutchess Co., N. Y., s 1871. White, E. H., 60 S. Salina ; b. Onondaga Co., 1835. (Shirt Mfr.) GROCERS. (Wholesale and Retail.) Andrews, H. B., (firm of Andrews Bro's.) 40 James St. and 1 N. Warren ; b. Cortland Co. 1850, s 1870. Retail. Brown, C. C , 166 E. Fayette; b. Canada, 1834, s 1863. Cate, William, cor. Fayette and West; b. Silver Hill, England, 1828. s 1846. (Retail.) Coan, Amos S., (firm of Amos S. Coan & Co.,) 102 W. Fayette St. ; b. Barnstable Co , Mass. 1844. s 1869. Wholesale. Crouse, Jacob, (firm of Crouse Bros..) 32-40 W. Water St. and and 2-6 S. Clinton; b. Mont. Co., s 1858. Wholesale. Crouse, George N., (firm of Crouse Bros..) 32 to 40 W. Water St. and 2 to 6 S. Clinton St.; b. Madison Co., s 1854. Wholesale. Everson, Wm., (firm of Soper & Everson, cor. N. Salina aud and Church Sts.) b. Onondaga Co. 1843. Husted, Cortland, D., (firm of Jno. Crouie & Co.,) 33 to 41 E Water; b. Oneida Co. 1817, s 1832. (Wholesale.) Lighton. John, (firm Lighton Bros, and McKeever,) Canal cor, McBride St.; b. Syracuse, 1840. Lighton, James, (of firm of Lighton Bros. & McKeever,) cor. McBride and Canal St. ; b. Syraouse, 1834. Mann, John H., 3 Warren St.; b. Euglaud, 1825, s 1849. Spe cialty — Teas and Spices. Miller, Frederick, Hawley cor. Catheriue St. ; b. Onondaga Co. 1840. (Also Dry Goods.) Palmer, A. N., (firm A. N. Palmer & Co , 46 W. Fayette,) b. Madison Co.. s 1862. Wholesale. Ruscoe & Van Winkle, 157 E. Fayette and 41 Irving Sts. Ruscoe— b. Lewis Co. 1857, s 1877. Vau Winkle— b. Camden, Oneida Co . 1852. a 1871. Ramion. Michael. 110 Seymour St. ; b. Germany, 1828, 8 1853. Saile, Thomas. 143-145 Butternut St. ; b. Germany, 1838, s 1843. Sehl, Jacob, 136 to 140 Gifford; b. Germany, 1832, s 1868. Shafer, Henry, 1 Gertrude St. ; b. Germany, 1828, s 1846. Steiger, Wm. J., 126-128 Butternut St. ; b. Onondaga Co. 1845. Schwarz, Frederick, 218 Lodi St. ; b. Syracuse, 1853. (Retail.) HUMAN HAIR GOODS. Loftie, Henry, 37-39 S. Saliua St. ; b. Auburn, N. Y„ s 1842. Paine, Richard, 8 E. Genesee St. HARDWARE, STOVES AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. Aepell, James R., (firm of Soper & Aspell,) 120 S. West; b. Wayne Co. 1844, s 1865. Baldwin, Leonard, 39 W. Genesee St. ; b. Bavaria, 1838, s 1846. Colebrook, William H., 95 E. Genesee: b. Amsterdam, s 1864. Drake, Edward, 50 W. Fayette; b. Oswego Co. 1834, s 1837. Everson. Giles, (firm Everson, Frissell & Co.) 10 S. Salina; b Onondaga Co. 1822. Wholesale and Retail. Friend & Keller, 68 E. Genesee. Friend, George 8., res. 168 E. Washington; b. England. 1843, a 1861. Keller, Walter J., res. 38 East Fayette; b. Oswego Co. 1854, s 1865. Grant, Alexander, Jr., (firm of Grant & Dunn,) 26 E. Genesee; b Scotland, s 1863. Kennedy, Spaulding & Co., 32 S, Clinton St. Wholesale. Kennedy, Bradford, res. 132 E. Genesee; b. Lysan der. 1832. Kennedy, Dennis. 165 E. Genesee; b. Lysander, 1839. Spaulding, Ross R., 107 W. Onondaga; b. Spafford, 1837. Pease, John F., 93 S. Saliua; b. Madison Co., s 1837. Redfield, C. T., (firm of McCarthy & Redfield,) 50-52 W. Water; b. Syracuse, 1837. (Wholesale.) Soper, Wm. S., (do. do.) res. 87 Gifford; b. Seneca Co. s 1872. HARNESS, SADDLES, TRUNKS, &C. Bramer, B. D., res, 139 Cedar; b. Madison Co. 1834, s 1835. Hoye, John, 37 Warren; b. Ireland, s 1845. HATS, CAPS, FURS, &C. Hawkins, Edward T., (firm of Hawkins & Goodrich,) 34 South Salina; b. Monroe Co. 1843, 8 1864. Sabey, Wm. P., (firm of Wm. P. Sabey & Co.) 15 Vanderbilt Square, res. 141 E. Washington. Steinhauer, T., 8>£ E. Fayette; b. Germany, s 1852. (Mfr.) Stevens & Adams, 16 S. Salina St. Stevens, David, res. 114 S. Saliua; b. New Fairfield, Conn., s 1874. Adams, Adelmer, res. 151 Warren; b. Onon. Co. 1850. Tondeur, Frank, 26 Monroe Block ; b. Frauce, 1841, s 1867. HAT AND BONNET BLEACHER. Morse, Albert M., 35 S. Clinton St. HIDES AND LEATHER. Van Buren, H. W., (firm of Van Buren & Smith,) 15 E. Water. HOTELS. Brownell, O. L., res. 136 Cedar; b. Solon, N. Y., s 1845. Supt. Temperance Hotel. Kelsey, Wm., rea. East Ave. near Cherry; b. Herkimer Co., 8 1853. Prop. East Avenue Hotel. Linoolu. George W.. res. corner Ouondaga and West Sts. ; b. Mass., s 1877. Prop. Wells House. Nye, Charles G., 97 S. Salina St.; b. Ouondaga Co. 1829. Prop. Washingtou House. Nott, C. A , cor. W. Washington and S Franklin Sts.; b. Jef ferson Co., s 1877. Proprietor Congress Hall. Patten, Jno. &Son, Props. Empire House. Talbot, E. T., oor. Clinton and W. Fayette Sts. ; b. Cayuga Co., s 1831. Prop. Temperanoe House. IRON FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS. Belden, James J., 5 Lamed Blook; b. Fabius. Railroad Iron Mfr — Contractor. Belden, A. J. ; b. N.Y. s 1841; Sec. and Treas. Sterl. Iron Wks. Cobb, Nathan, (firm of Cobb, Herriok & Co.,) 117 to 123 E. Water; b. Stonington, Conn., Sept. 17, 1805, s 1845 Fieainger, J., res. cor. Geddes and Elliott ; b. Syracuse, 1847. Secretary Syracuse Bolt Co. Gere, W. H. H. ; b. N. Y., s 1830; Prest. Onondaga Iron Wks. Gould. Calvin, (firm of Cobb, Herriok & Co.); b. Vt.; s 1846. Hobert, Jonas G., Journal Building; b. Mass., 1821. s 1859. Model maker aud mfr. Hobert Portable Gas Burner. HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 4iS Porter, George A., res. Park cor. Danforth; b. Syracuse, 1844. Treas. Porter Mfg. Co., 354 to 33S N. Salina St. Sanderson, Wm. J., 21 Churoh St. ; b. England, 1837, s 1856. Stearns, Edward C, 116 Cedar St., s 1858. Mfr. Mechanio'a Tools, (Steam Yaoht Engine Works.) Senk, John, (firm of John Senk &Bro.) 276 Lodi St.; b. Baden, Germany, 1842, s 1854. (Brass Foundry.) Senk, Wm., do. do; b. Germany, 1848, s 1854. JEWELERS. Ball, Calvin S., Jr., White Memorial Buildiug; b. Onondaga Co. 1832 Hawley, J. Dean, 21 S. Saliua St.; b. Canastota, N. Y., s 1845. LAUNDRIES. Wilbur, George A., 73 E. Water St.; b. Dutohess Co. 1845, s 1874. Prop. Empire Steam Laundry. LIME, CEMENT AND PLASTER. Britton, M. & Son, 92 North Salina St. Britton, Matthias, res. Town of Onondaga ; b. Colum bia Co., s 1825. Britton, Israel E., res. do. do; b. Onondaga Co. 1846. LIVERY. Breed, Charles L., Durston Block, N. Warren St. ; b. Onondaga Co. 1855. Hosmer, George S., 10 E. Jefferson St. ; b. Willimantic, Conn., s 1846. In Livery business 25 years. Woodruff, Jason, res. 69 S. Clinton. LUMBER DEALERS. Avery, Augustus, Saw Mill, res. 106 Turtle St.; b. Conn., a 1848. Ex-Supervisor. Cary, Bradley, 7 Lock St. ; b. Ulster Co., a 1807. Chapman, E. E., Free cor. Carbon St.; b. Syracuse, 1827. Lum ber Yard and Planing Mill. Gillett, Wm. J., 94 N. Salina St. ; b. Oswego, 1840, s 1865; also Prop. Planing Mill, cor. Frauklin and Mechanic Sta. Mann & Hunter, 260 S. Salina St. (Dealers.) Mann, Enoch, res. 260 E. Castle St. ; b. Onondaga, 1817. Hunter, James, res. Onondaga Valley ; b. Scotland, s 1848. McChesney, George H.. (firm of Geo. H. McChesney & Co.) 55 James and 74 West Sts. ; b. Oswego Co. 1841, s 1868. Warner, C. C, res. 26 Gazelle St.; b. Chenango Co., s 1821; with - — George H. McChesney & Co. Wynkoop, J. G., res. 195 James St.; b. Columbia Co., s 1845. LIQUOR (Wholesale.) Holmes, Cyrus D., res. 24 Lemon St. ; b Madison Co., s 1863. MARBLE WORKS. Francis & Duffy, W. Onondaga St. Francis, Daniel J.; b. Utica, N. Y., 8 1867. Duffy, H. A.; b. Utica. N. Y., s 1865. Linehan, Cornelius, 167 S. Salina St. ; b. Ireland, s 1854. MILK. Avery, B. Austin, Prest. Onondaga Co. Milk Association; b. Ledyard, New London Co., Conn., 1814, s 1837. (Far mer, Salt Mfr., etc.) MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS. Fowler, C. S., 50 S. Salina; b. Tompkins Co., a 1852. (Firm of Fowler & Lyons.) MANUFACTURING. Banning, W. E., 9% Wieting Block; b. Lewis Co. 1835, s 1860. Mfr., Stencil Plates, Steel Stamps, Baggage Checks, &c. Dlr in Bank Stamps, Seal Presses, and Rubber Stamps, Baumer, Francis, Pond cor. Carbon ; b Germany, 1826, s 1848. Bleacher of Wax, and Mfr. of Wax Candles. Barn«s, Geo. res. 160 James; Manager Syracuse Knife Works; b. England, s 1844. , ,„, _, _, Barnes, Ralph G.. (firm of Wells & Barnes,) res. 102 E. Fay ette; b. Oswego Co., 8. 1870. Mfr. Rubber Stamps. Benedict, H. A., 3 and 5 Gifford St. Mfr. Billiard Tables; b. N. Y.,sl847. ,„., Birks, G. & Son, 23 and 25 W. Adams. Mfr. Steel Files. Birks, George, 23 W. Adams St. ; b. England, s 1870. Birks, W. S„ res. 151 Montgomery St.; b. Eng., 8 1870. Burns, Peter, res. 141 Warren. Saddlery and Coach Hard ware ; b. Dublin, Ireland, a 1836. Cross, Edwin M„ 48 and 50 S. West St. Mfr. Leather Belt ing and Hose; b. Cayuga Co. 1841, s 1874. DePuy, S. P., res. 510 Chestnut St. Mfr. of House and Office Furniture: b. Onondaga Co., Jau. 13, 1833. Duncan, Wm., 43 E. Railroad St. Mfr. of Gold Pens and Jew elry; b. Montreal, s 1844. Freeoff, O., 234 N. Salina St. Mfr. Vinegar ; Conveyancer ; b. Germany, 1830, s 1848. Green, Thomas D., 71 to 77 N. Salina St. Mfr. Cider Vinegar and Piokles; b. Oneida Co., s 1854. Knollin, Thos. H., 6 W. Fayette St. Mfr. of Church Pipe Or gans, Tuner and Repairer; b. Madison Co. 1833, s 1870. Leeret & Blasdel, 168-170 E. Water St. Box Mfrs. Leeret, Joseph, res. 136 E. Favette St. ; b. Saratoga Co., s. 1839. Blasdel, J. L., res. 40 Hawley St.; b. Washington Co., s 1852. Malcolm, William, 20 S. Salina St.. Mfr. of Rifle Telescopes; b. Madison Co., s 1823. Melotte, G. D., 71-73 S. Clinton. Last Mfr.; b. Canada, 8 1876. McFadden, George, 67 Clinton St. ; Band Instrument Mfrs.; b. England, s 1874. McChesney, Thos. B., 32 W. Genesee. Mfr. Paper Flour Sacks, Grocer Bags aud Cigar Boxes; b. Rensselaer Co., s 1855. Murphy, Wm. H. mfr. Paper Barrels. Moseley, Jerome S., 3 Gifford aud 33 W. Onondaga Sts.; b. Van Buren, s 1833. Mfr. and Dealer in Machinery, specialty Eureka Scroll Sewing Machines. Nichols & Lefever, 71-73 S. Clinton St. Mfrs Sporting Guns. Nichols, John A., res. Dewitt; b. Derry, N. H., s 1850. Lefever, D. M.. res. If 9 Gifford; b. Ontario Co., s 1873. Smith, John Q., 55 S. Clinton St. Galvanized Iron Cornice and Tin Mfr.; b. Pompey, 1827. Spang, X., res. 245 N. Salina St.. Organ Mfr., 244 Noxon; b, Germany, s 1847. Strong, J. M., res. 128 East Genesee St. Mfr. Fire Brick; b. Onondaga Co. 1824. Stanton, H. Jr., res. 178 E. Payette. Match Mfr. ; b. Mass , s '64. Stanton, H., res. 225 E. Genesee St. ; b Mass., s 1864. Match Mfr., Wholesale and Retail. Walrath, E. L., 3 Granger Block. Mfr. Gold Pens; b. Madison Co., sl847. Wilson & Blye, 114 W. Fayette St. Oil Tank and Zinc Monu ment Mfrs. Wilson, N. W., res. 21 Holland St. ; b. N. Y., a 1835. Blye, A. W., res. 95 Lodi St. ; b. N. Y., a 1840, OCCULIST. Brown, U. H., res. 52X Warren St.; b. Cortland Co., s 1866. PAPER AND STATIONERY. Culver, E. B., 73 W. Fayette St. ; b. New Londou, Ct., s 1853. Ormsbee, Lucius J., 22 W. Fayette St. ; b. Onondaga Co. 1824. PLUMBING, STEAM AND GAS FITTING. Carroll, F. E., 45 S. Salina St. ; b. Philadelphia, Pa., s 1849. Chase, George W., 47-49 S. Clinton St.; b. Ogdensburg, s 1841. Gillroy & Nicholson, 33 E. Fayette St. Gillroy, Patrick J., res. 85 Catherine St.;.b. Ireland, 1844, s 1870. Nicholson, Michael B., res. 81 Burnett St.; b. Ireland, 1844, s 1868. PHOTOG RAPHERS. Bishop, J. Olin, 24 E. Genesee St.; b. Fayetteville, Jan. 9, 1853. Bonta & Curtiss, 16 S. Salina. Bonta, Daniel; b. N. Y., a 1820. Curtis, N.S.; b. N. Y., s 1857. Doust, Isaac U., 10 S. Salina St. ; b. Syracuse, 1856. Mcliroy, J. W., 24 E. Genesee St. ; b. Scotlaud, s 1870. Ranger, W. V, 1 Wieting Block; b. Rensselaer Co., s 1868. Perrior, George H . 64-66 S. Salina St.; b. England, s 1861. Ryder, P. S„ 72 S. Salina St. PAINTERS. Siver, Edward, res. 53 N. Saliua;' b. Albany Co. 1838, s 1848. (Carriage and Sleigh Painter.) Mead, John, res. 358 Spring St.; b. Liverpool, N. Y., 1811. Paper Hanger. PETROLEUM AND REFINED OILS. (Wholesale.) Potter, Lvman S., (of firm Morse, Tuller & Potter,) 102 W. Fayette St. ; b. Tioga Co. 1832, s 1834. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. Adams, Henry F., 102 S. Salina St. ; b. N. Y., s 1832. Benedict, M. D., 37 Montgomery; b. Conn., s 1839. Bradford, Theron, res. 15 Grace St.; b. Chenango Co., a 1861. Butterfield, E. F., res. Rochester; 21 Warren St.; b. Pompey. 1826. Burt, J, Otis, cor. Irving and Adama Sts. ; b. Syracuse, 1835. Dallas, A. J., 61 S. Salina St.; b. Long Island, s 1826. Didama, Henry D , 112 S. Salina St.; b. Madison Co., s 1851; Prof, of Theory and Practice of Medicine Syracuse University. Dovle Gregory, 27 W. Fayette St.; b. Ireland, sl868; Phys. to House of Prov. ; Surg. 51st Reg't N. G. S. N. Y., St. Vincent Orph. Asy. and Police Surg., City o£ Syracuse. Edwards, Amos S., 367 N. Saliua; b. N. Y., a 1842. Ellsner, Leopold, 358 N. Salina; b. Hungary, s 1849. Fairchild, M. B.. 363 N. Salina; b. N. Y., s 1869. 416 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. Gifford, Harry, 19-21 Yates Block; b. Vt., b 1830. Green, Edwin A., 108 Lodi; b. N. Y., s 1876. Hawley, William A., 52 Warren; b. Hinsdale, Mass., sl861. Hoyt, William H., 48 Warren; b. Wilton, Conn., b 1840. Hoyt, Wm. E., Washington cor. Market; b. N. H., s 1834. Hubbell, Philo O, 170 E Fayette; b. Onondaga Co., 1844. Justin, J. G., 108 S. Saliua; b. N. Y., s 1876. Kemter, Theodore H, 170 N. Salina; b. Germany, s 1869. Kohles, P., 318 N. Salina; b. Bavaria, s 1873. Mumford, E, S., 115 E. Washington; b. N. Y., s 1871. Pease, R. W., 36 Montgomery St. ; b. Mass., s 1849. Price, W. H, 16 S. Clinton; b. London, Eng., s 1849, Plant, William T., 18 Harrison St. ; b. Onondaga Co., 1837. Sheldon, J. W., 71 Warren; b. Otsego Co., s 1860. Squier, E. B., 29 Montgomery St. ; b. Conn., s 1867. VanGaasbeck, A. T., Wolf cor. N. Salina St. ; b. Kingston, N. Y., s 1836. Whedon, George D., 60 Clinton St. ; b. Onondaga Co. ROOFER. (Slate, Tin and Gravel.) Talbott, Thomas Jr., 61 W. Water St., 8 1863. _ RUBBER GOODS. Clary, Orlando Ware, 16 S. Salina; b. Syracuse, 1832. RESTAURANTS. Behm & Wauner, 24 W. Water St. Behm, Henry, res. 40 Lock St.; b. Germany, s 1844. Wanner, George E., res. 92 Willow; b. Oneida Co., s 1865. O'Connor, William, res. 155 E. Genesee St. ; b. Onondaga Co., 1841. (Prop. Merchant's Exchange.) Shattuck, Chas. H., 3, 4 and 5 Wieting Block; b. Pepperill, Mass , 1835, s 1876. (Prop. Shattuck Place.) Windholz, Louis, 12 Vanderbilt Square; b. Germany, s 1868. SPORTING GOODS. Barnum, Willis S., res. 3 Kennedy St , Danforth; 18 E. Gene see; b. Jamesville, N. Y., 1835. STONE CUTTERS. Hughes & Crabtree, Gifford near W. Onondaga. Hughes, James, res. 1 Hughes' Block; b. Syracuse, 1852. Crabtree, Wm., res. 26 Lodi St. ; b. England, s 1871. Nesdall & Tanguay, S. Salina St , cor. Jackson. Nesdall, Thomas, res. 166 Montgomery; b. Ireland, s 1838.Tanguay, Romuald, rea. 64 Jackson ; b. Canada, s 1846. SADDLERY AND COACH HARDWARE. (Wholesale.) Burns, Peter, res . 141 Warren St. ; b. Dublin, Ireland, s 1836. Duguid, Henry L., (firm Duguid, Wells & Co.,) 31 and 33 W. Water St. ; b. Pompey, N. Y., 1832, (Wholesale mfs.) Olmsted, H. R., 77 S. Clinton St. ; b. Wolcott, N. Y.; s 1853. (Wholesale.) SAFES. (Fire and Burglar Proof.) Guile, J. A., 33 West Railroad St. TOYS, CONFECTIONERY, &c. Wood, Reuben, 74 S. Salina St., b. Greenbush, N. Y., s 1851. WOOD AND WILLOW WARE (Wholesale.) Thurwachter, L. L , 42 W. Fayette St. ; b. Germany, s 1851. SALT. (Manufs., Dealers, &c.) Alvord, Thos. G., res. cor. Turtle and Spring St. ; b. Onondaga Co., 1810. (Manuf. Salt, Member of Assembly and Ex Lieut. Gov. Barker, J. W . Pres't Am, Dairy Salt Co. (Limited.) Baldwin, F. W„ 4 Pike Block, (firm of Baldwin & Co.) ; b. St. Lawrence Co., 8 1875. (Manuf. Fine Salt.) Barns, Wm., res. 324 Park St. ; b. Chenango Co., 1807, s. 1827. (Manuf.) Clarke, C. B„ res. 150 Court St. ; b. Onondaga Co., 1829, Seo'y Salina Coarse Salt Co. Clark, Elizur, bds. Vanderbilt House; b. Connecticut, 1807, s 1823, President Salina Coarse Salt Co. Comstock, S. L. Supt. Am. Dairy Salt Co. (Limited.) Duncan, J. M., res. 277 N. Salina St. ; b. Syracuse, 1847, Supt. Am. Dairy Salt Co. (Limited.) Engelhard, Francis E., Ph. D., chemist to the Salt Co's of Sy racuse, res. 63 Union St. ; b. Germany, 1835, s 1868. Freeman, Hoyt H., res. 73 Turtle; b. Onondaga Co., 1841 Freeman, Albert, res. 63 Turtle St. ; b. Worcester Co., Mass s 1828. Manuf. ' Franchot. C, res. 147 Lodi St.; b. Otsego Co. , a 1857. (Manuf ) Gilbert, C. A., res. 1C5 Turtle St. ; b. Oneida Co., s 1859. Salt Receiver. Hartshorn, John, res. cor. Spring and Turtle Sts.; b Conn 1792,8 1820. (Retired Manuf.) ' ' Hawley, Hiram L., res. 53 E. Onondaga St.; Solon, Cortland Co., s 1857. (Manuf.) Killmore, S. V., res. 57 Seymour St.; b. Syracuse, 1820. Salt Shipper Am. Dairy Salt Co. Kirkpatrick, Wm., 7 Wieting Block; b. Syracuse, 1830. Solar Salt Mfr. Kirkpatrick, Donald, 7 Wieting Block; b. Syracuse, 1830. Solar . Salt Mfr. Molloy, Thomas, 1 Clinton Block ; b. village of Salina, Jan. 18 1841. Treas. Am. Dairy Salt Co. (Limited.) Nutting, A. H., tes. 64 Bear St., b. Vermont, a 1834, Manuf. Poiter, T. R., rea. cor. Park and Court Sts.; b. Onoudaea Co 1809. Manuf. ' Powell, A. C, res. 112 James St.; b. Ontario Co.,s. 1845, Supt Onondaga Salt Spriugs. Stacy, John, res. 59 Turtle St. ; b. Belchertown, Mass, 1810 a 1852. Manuf. ' Sanger, A. H., res. 71 Turtle St. ; b. Oneida Co., s 1831. De puty Supt. Onondaga Salt Springs. UNDERTAKERS. Marsellus, John, res. 74 James St. ; b. Schenectadv. N Y 8 1877. " McCarthy, John, res. 87 E. Genesee St. ; b. Boston, Mass., s 1871. Inventor. Maynard, George L , 6 W. Jefferson; b. Westborough, Mass October 9, 1822, s October, 1842. Ryan, M., res. 145 S. Salina St. ; b. Syracuse, 1836. Taylor, Thos. M., res. New York City, (firm Taylor & Co) Mfs. Coffins and Caskets. Taylor, H. E. & Co., 79—81 S. Clinton. Imp., Mfrs. and Jobbers Undertakers' Sundries. Taylor, Henry E., res. New York City. Traugott, Wm. P., 205 N. Salina St. ; b. Germany, 1833, s 1846, Furniture Dealer. WALL PAPERS, &C. Yale, J. W., 02 3. Saliua St. ; b. Madison Co., a 1859. Connelly, Francis, 2 Granger Block; b. Liverpool, England 1826, e 1844. (Firm of Connelly Bros.) Connelly. James B., 2 Granger Block; b. Liverpool, England. 1837, s 1844. (Firm of Connelly Bros.F MISCELLANEOUS Allen, E. F. ; b. New York, s 1875. Book-keeper and cashier. Arnts, Julius M., res. 371 3d North; b. Litchfield Co., Conn 1811, s 1812. Gardener, Farmer, Teacher. Burnet, J. B., res. 82 James St. ; b. Orange Co., s 1825. Farmer. Burton, Laura M., res. corner Carbon aud Danforth; b. Han over, N. H., 8 1821. Burt, Aaron ; b. N. H., s 1820. Died Jacksonville, Fla., 1848 Barber, Gay P., res. 147 8. West St.; b. Onondaga Co, 1817. Re tired. Blair, Wm. Knox, res. 13 Green St.; b. Blandford, Mass., a 1824. Retired Saw Mfr. Buhlauer, John Christian, late baker ; b. Wurtembure. Ger many, 1814, s 1851 ; died 1870. Buhlauer, Margaret L., res. 243 Lodi St.; b. Wurtemburg, Germany, 1828, s. 1851. Widow of J. C. Buhlauer. Cate, Mary Ann, res. 4S S. West St. ; b. Ouondaga Co. (Wife of William Cate.) Childs, John H., res. 338 N, Salina St. ; b. N. Y., s 1845. Clark, C. P. ; b. Northampton, Mass., s 1837. Freight agent, N. Y. C. R. R. Clary, Lyman, Phys. and Surg.; b. Mass. Died Juue 1, 1876. Curtis, E. C, res. 727 Irving St. ; b. Greene Co., s 1870. General Agent Syracuse University. Dopffel, Wm., late Merchant aud Insurance Agent ; b. 1828, a 1852. Died Jan 19, 1878. Dopffel, Caroline, res. 110 N. Salina; b. Germany, 1832, s 1852. Downer, Ezra, Downer Block; b. Erie Co., Pa., 1816 s 1831. Retired. Dickson, Wallace, bds. Vanderbilt House; b. N. Y. City, 1836,6.1876. Clerk to Sup't of S. B. & N.Y. R.R. Fay, Dorothy, res. 343 Carbon St. ; b. Albany Co., 1804, s 1826. Widow Austiu, W. Fay. Forey, J. H. res. 314 Irving St.; b. Bennington, Vt, 1844, s 1854 Travelling Salesman. Furman, Robert, Farmer aud Real Estate Dealer; b. Dutchess Co., s 1821. Died in New York, 1864. Furman, Maria B., rea. 7 Furman St. (Danforth); b. Saratoga Co., 8 1853. Gardner, George, Supt. Oakwood Cemetery; b. England, 1825, 8 ] 848 ¦ Greenway, Mrs. Frauoes A., res. 74 Willow ; b. England, s 1851. Graves, Maurioe A., res. 92 Lodi St.; b. Oneida Co., 1846, s. 1865. Book-keeper for John Crouse & Co. . "LJ Glass, Joseph J., late merchant; b. Elbridge, Onondaga Co., Deo. 5, 1870; died 1878. Jaokson, Johu G., res. Manlius cor. Butternut Sts.; b. Onon daga Co. 1827. Farmer. Kinney, Daniel; b. New York, s. 1848. Patent Renovator. Kelsey, Lydia M.; b. Tompkins Co., s 1853; died 1874. De ceased wife of William Kelsey. Longstreet, C. T.,res. 115 James St. ; b. Onondaga Co., 1814. Retired. Lawson, Isaac D., reB. 68 East Washington St.; b. N. Y. city, 1807, s 1835. Retired Coppersmith. HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 417 Barnes, Elizabeth D., rea. 324 Park St. ; b. Rutland, Vt., 1811, s 1832. Henderson, Alexander, Veteriuary Surgeon, 24 Churoh St. Hibbard, Joseph L., 196 Wolf St. Lighton, Mary Theresa, res. 61 Canal St.; b. Switzerland, 1841, s 1856. Wife of John Lighton. Lightou, Mary. (Doran) b. Kilkenny, Ireland. Wife of James Lighton. Morehouse, Norman, res. cor. Salina aud Ridgeway Sts. ; b. Saudgate, Vt., s 1818. Retired Farmer and Salt Mfr. Morehouse Nancy, res cor. Saliua and Ridgeway Sts.; b. Onoudaga Co. 1816. • Nichols, Charles, res. 73 James St.; b. Pompey, N. Y., 1816. Farmer. Northrup, Lorenzo, res. 20 Furmau St. ; b. Onondaga Co. 1812. Produce Dealer. Northrup, Olive L.. res. 20 Furmau St. (Dauforth); b. Lafay ette, N. Y.,1812. Niver, W. K., res. 1 Burns Blook; b. Columbia Co., 1835, s 1876. Sup't S. B. & N. Y. R. R. O'Blennis, George W., res SI Jefferson St. ; b. Syracuse, Feb. 5, 1SU5. Retired. Pratt, A. L.. res. 4 W. Castle St. (Danforth); b. St. Lawrence Co., s 1843. Retired. Pierce, David H , res. 100 Cedar St. : b. Nantucket, Mass., s 1869. Shipper. A. C. Chase & Co. Park, Alonzo F , late wholesale liquor dealer; b. Cardiff, s July 2, 1833; died April 16, 1877. Park, Harriet C, res. 123 Warren; b. LaFayette. 1843. Widow of A. F. Park. Raynor, George, res. Salina cor. Furman Sts. (Danforth) b. Oswego Co., s 1836. Retired. Raynor, Cordelia Hall, res. Salina cor. Furman St. ; b. Onon daga Co. 1823. Redfield. Lewis H., res. 84 James St.; b. Farmington, Conn., a 1814. Retired. Rose, William E., res. 315 E. Geueaee St.: b. Onondaga Co., IS16. Ex-Supervisor Eighth Ward. Stickle, George A. ; b. Dutchess Co., s 1825. Died May 20, 1869. Stickle, Nancy B., res. 69K Warren St. ; b. Dutchess Co., s 1825. Schwarz, Frederick. Late dealer in groceries, &c; b. Germany, 1823. a 1851. Died 1876. Shattuck, Henry. re8. 114 Warren St. ; b. Pompey, 1811. Ex- Sheriff. Retired Builder. Sherman, Mrs. Antoinette White, res. 31 Grape St. ; b. Syra cuse, 1842. Salisbury. Albert G.; b. Woodstock, N. Y., 1813, s 1836. Teacher and Superintendent Public Schools; died April 29, 1874. Salisbury, Sarah T., res. 36 Madison; b. Montgomery Co., 1818, s 1840. (Widow of A. G. Salisbury.) Sniper, Gustavus, res. 69 Union St.; b. Germany, 1836, s 1841. Clerk in County Clerk's Office. Stewart, Mary E. (Thomas) wife of Wm. H. Stewart; b Oneida s 1866. Stitt, William, 38-40 S. Salina St. ; b. Ireland, 1840, s 1840. Spaulding, James M., res. 13 Russell St.; b. Syracuse, 1835. Book-keeper Onoudaga County Penitentiary. Steele, Eliza H, res. 96 Geddes St.; b Alleghany Co., 1829, s 1845. VanHeusen, Stephen Van Rensselaer, res. 6 W. Castle St., Danforth; b. Rensselaer Co., s 1826. VanHeusen, Phebe, res. 6 W. Castle St., Danforth; b. Oneida Co., s 1825. White, Clara, res. 57 E. Fayette St. ; b. Homer, N. Y., s 1838. White, Howard G., res. 31 Grape St.; b. Syracuse, 1855. 10 White Memorial Building. White, Hamilton S., res. 31 Grape St. ; b. Syracuse, 1853. 3 White Memorial Building. Williams. J. C. Onondaga Co. Penitentiary; b. N. J.; Sup't Onon. Co. Peniteutiary. TOWNS. TOWN OF ONONDAGA. Ainslee, Morris D., Farmer. Lime and Plaster dlr; b N. Y., S1821. P. O. Onondaga Valley. Anderson, James H., Farmer; b N. Y., s 1824. P. O. Onon- Amidon, Alfred L., Farmer and Miller; b N. Y., a 1820. P. O. Syracuse. _ ,, ~ ., Anderson, George, Farmer; b N. Y., s 1817. P. O. South Anderso0u°°Geofa W, Farmer; b N. Y., s 1842. P. O. South Onondaga. _^. , 1D„„ Amidon, Lewis, Farmer; b Onondaga Co., 1805. Diedl8, s 1794. P. O. Onondaga. Cossitt, Davis, Farmer and ex-Sheriff; b Onondaga Co. 1827. P. O. Onondaga. Conkliti. Harry, Farmer; b Conn. Died 1868. Comstock, Joshua K., Farmer and Supervisor ; b N. Y., b 1841. P. O. Cedarvale. Clark, John F., Retired; b Mass., s 1804. P. O. Onondaga Valley. Chafee, Ralph, Retired; b N. Y., s 1803. P. O. Onondaga Valley. Casselmann, D. L., Physician and Surgeon; b N. Y., s 1874. P. O. Onondaga Chafee, David, Retired; b N. Y., s 1805. P. O. Onondaga Valley. Cook, Marcus G., Farmer; b N. Y., 8 1814. P. O. Onondaga Valley. Conkliti, John, Farmer; b N. Y.. s 1822. P. O. Onondaga Cfistle. Couklin, Christopher C, Farmer; b N. Y., s 1811. P. O. Onondaga Castle. Conklin, Henry, Farmer and Postmaster; b N. Y., s 1825. P. O. Onondaga Castle. Carr. Morris, Farmer; b N. Y., s 1832. P. O. Syracuse. Clark, Lemuel G., Farmer ; b Vt., a 1818. Died 1870. Clark, Benjamin, Farmer; b N. Y., a 1834. P. O. Onondaga Valley. Clark, Lemuel, Farmer; b N. Y., s 1836. P. O. Onondaga Valley Clarke, William Metcalf, Horticulturist; b Mass., s 1805. P. O. Syracuse. • Champlain, William H, Retired; b N. Y„ s 1835. P. O. Syracuse. Champlain, Paul, Farmer and Blacksmith; b N.Y. P.O. Syracuse. Craddock, Richard, Retired ; b England, 8 1837. P. O. Onon daga. Craddock, John, Farmer aud Dairyman; b England, s 1837. P. O. Onondaga. Cornish, George B., Farmer; b Onondaga Co., 1810. Died 1867. Cornish, Susan A., Farmer; b N. Y., s 1820. P. O. Onoudaga. Cornish, Chauncey P., Farmer; b N. Y., s 1818. P. O. Howlett Hill. Covell, Nathan, Farmer; b Conn., s 1815. Died 1876. Covell, Sally, Farmer; b Conn., s 1814. P. O. Marcellus. Chaffee, Joshua, Farmer; b N. Y., s 1817. P. O. Navarino. Comstock, Jonathan, Farmer; b N. Y., s 1832. P. O. Cedar vale. Clark, George L., Physician and Surgeon; b N. Y., a 1819. P. O. South Onondaga. Clemons, Joshua M., Wagon maker; b N. Y., s 1852. P.O. Navarino. Crittenden, Joseph, Farmer; b England, s 1850. P. O. Onon daga. Carpenter, Charles, J. P. and Ret'd Salt Mfr. ; b N. Y., s 1816. P. O. Onondaga Hill. Dodge, Eber, Farmer ; b Mass., a 1842. P. O. Onondaga Valley. Dick, Zelotes, Farmer; b N. Y., s 1866. P. O. Onondaga Valley. Dodge, John T., Farmer; b N. Y., s 1831. P. O. Onondaga. Dorwiu, Thomas M., Farmer; b Berkshire Co. Mass., s 1823. Died 1860. Dorwin, John A., Farmer; b N. Y., s 1830. P. O. Onondaga Valley. Everingham, Jeremiah, Farmer; b N. Y„ s 1800. P. O. South Onondaga. Eaton, Nathan P., Retired; b N. Y., s 1808. P. O. Onondaga. Fyler, Byron, Farmer; b N. Y., s 1825. P. O- Onondaga. Fellows, Chester, Farmer; b Luzerne Co. Pa., s 1804. Died 1865. 4i8 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. Fellows, John Q., Farmer; b N. Y.. s 1841. P. O. Onoudaga. Fowler, Moses, Farmer; b Conn., s 1797. Died 1868.' Fowler, Moses, Jr., Farmer; b N. Y.. s 1830. P. O. South Onondaga. Field, Leonard P., Farmer; b N. Y„ s 1817. P. O. South Onondaga. Fleming, Richard, Farmer; b Co. Mayo, Ireland, a 1850. Died 1877. Fleming, Mary, Farmer; b Ireland, s 1837. P.O. South Onon daga. Fowler, Maxwell T., Farmer; b N. Y., s 1824. P. O. South Onondaga. Fay, Edward C, Blacksmith and wagon shop; b N. Y., s 1843. P. O. Onondaga Valley. Fuller, Edward Farmer and Stock dlr; b N. Y., a 1838. P. O Onondaga Valley. Gardner, Ariel L., Retired; b N. Y., s 1817. P. O. Onondaga Valley. Gardner, Fred. D., Atty-at-Law; b N. Y, s 1855. P. O. Onon daga Valley. Golden, John M., Farmer; b N. Y., s 1856. P. O. Onondaga. Gardner, Martin L., res. Navarino; dlr in gen'l mdse, Police and Associate Justice ; b .N . Y., s 1830. P. O. Navarino. Green, Oren' Farmer; b N. Y.. sl813. P. O. Onondaga. Hopper. George O, Retired, b N. Y., a 1814. P. O. Ouondaga Valley. Hinea, Ambrose, Farmer; b N. Y., a 1842. P. O. Onondaga Valley. Hunt, J., Retited; b Conn., s 1801. P. O. Syracuse. Henderson, John, Farmer; b N. Y., s 1802. P. O. Onondaga. Henderson, Geo. W.. Farmer; b N. Y.. s 1834. P. O. Onondaga. Hunt, David, Farmer; b Onondaga Co., 1807. Died 1874. Hunt, Thomas, Farmer; b N. Y., s 1848 P. O. Navarino. Hull, Daniel S., Farmer; b R. 1., s 1837. P. O. South Onondaga. Hall George, Farmer; bN. Y.. s 1805. P, O. Navarino. Hitchings, Mrs. Horace, Farmer; s 1829. P. O. South Onon daga. Hull. Sarah. P. O. South Onondaga. N. Y. Kneeland, Jonathan. Physician and Surgeon; b N. Y., 8 1813. P. O. South Onondaga. Kingsley, Samuel, Physician and Surgeon; b Mass., s 1806. P. O. South Onondaga. Kelly, John, Farmer and Foreman at Indian Quarry ; b Ire land, s 1847. P. O. Ouondaga Castle. Kenyon Clark W., Farmer; b N. Y., s 1806. P O. Onondaga. King. Volnev. Caipenter and Joiner aud Farmer; b N. Y, s 1805. P. O. South Onondaga. King, George T., Farmer; b N. Y., s 1832. P. O. South Onon daga. Kenyon, Thomas C, Farmer; b N. Y., s 1829. P. O. Cedarvale. Kenyon, Enoch, Farmer; b R. I., s 1816. P. O. Cedarvale. Kenyon, Ransel L., Farmer; b R. I., s 1816. Died 1877. Kenyon. Augustus C. Farmer; b R. I., s 1816. P. O. Cedarvale. Kittams. William, Farmer; b England.'s 1851. P. O. Onondaga Valley. Lownsbury, Charles F., res. Navarino, Physician and Surgeon ; b N. Y., p 1830. P, O. Navarino. Lownsbury, Ezra F., Farmer and Postmaster; b N. Y., s 1829, P. O. Cedarvale. Longstreet, Cornelius H., Manufacturer of Fruit Boxes, Baskets, etc. ; b N. Y.. a 1831. P. O. Onondaga Valley. Lynch, Michael, Farmer; b Ireland, s 1832. P. O. Onondaga. Lawrence, Porter D., Farmer; b N. Y., s 1820. P. O. Onon- Lincoln, Reubeu W., Farmer; b Mass.. s 1816. Died 1875. Lincoln, Clarissa C, b Mass., s 1844. P. O. Syracuse. Murray, John, Farmer; b Ireland, s 1849. P. O. Onondaga Castle. Morton, John L., Farmer; b Onordaga Co., 1824. Died 1871. Morton, Ardimena J., Farmer; b N. Y., a 1829. P. O. Onon daga Castle. Moseley, Wm. F., b Onondaga Co., 1815. Died 1876. Moseley, Angeline L., b N. Y., s 1850 P. O. Onondaga. Moran, Francis H., Farmer; b Ireland, s 1835. P. O. Onondaga, Mathewson, James M., Farmer and Cider Mfr; b N. Y., 3 1821. P. O. Onondaga. Murphy. Michael, Farmer; b Ireland, s 1837. P. O. Howlett Hill. Miller, Henry, Farmer; b N. Y., s 1828. P. O. South Onou daga. Miller, Lewis W„ Farmer ; b N. Y., s 1837. P. O. South On ondaga. Nichols, Geo. C. Farmer and 12 years Assessor; b N. Y. s 1824. P. O. South Onondaga. Norris, Robert, Farmer and Gardner; b England, s 1837. P. O. Syracuse. Northway, Josiah L., Farmer; b. N. Y., o 1808. P. O. Ouon daga Castle. Newman. Libbie E. , Teacher and Farmer; b Onondaga Co.. 1859. P. O. South Onondaga. Pickitt, Lewis O., Farmer; b N. Y., a 1834. P. O. South Onondaga. Parsons, Jared W., Farmer; b N. Y , s 1820. P. O. South Onondaga. Randall, Jonathan, Farmer; b N. Y., s 1834. P. O. Onondaga. Raynor, John, Farmer and Dairyman; b. N. Y., s 1824. P. O. Onondaga. Reed, Augustus, Retired ; b. Ououdaga Co., s 1812. Died 1875 Reed, Ann Eliza, b. N. Y., a 1874. P. O. Onondaga Valley. Roee, Wm., Farmer; b. N. Y., s 1808. P. O. Syracuse. Rose, Joseph DeWitt, Farmer and Lime Dlr. ; b. N. Y., s 1812, P. O. Syracuse. Raynor, Wm., Farmer; b. N. Y„ a 1813. P. O. Onondaga. Robinson, John P., Farmer; b. Mass , s 1800. Died 1870. Robinson, Denison, Farmer; b. N. Y., s 1825. P. O. Howlett Hill. Strong, Daniel. Farmer; b. Ct., s 1830. P. O. Onondaga. Strong, Grove F., Retired; b. N. Y. s 1837. P. O. Onondaga. Sturdevant. Oliver W.. Principal of Onondaga Academy b N. Y., s 1872. P. O. Onondaga Valley. ' Slocum, Richard R., Farmer; b. N. Y., s 1832. P. O. Onon daga Valley. Skinner, Chaa. L., Retired; b. Ct., s 1850. Died 1863. Skinner, Jane L., b. N. Y., s 1812. P. O. Onondaga Valley Sheldon. Lansing, Farmer; b. N. Y., s 1837. P. O. Onondaga Valley. Spalding, Geo. W., Farmer; b. N. Y., s 1830. P. O. Ouon daga Valley. Sherwood, Lyman, Farmer; b. N. Y., s 1836. P. O. Onondaga Castle. Shanahan, John. Contractor and Farmer; b. Ireland, a 1837 Died 1867 Shanahan, John E., Farmer; b. N. Y., a 1855. P. O. Howlett Hill. Sabin, Elisha D., Farmer; b. Vt., s 1806. P. O. Howlett Hill Stolp. Geo. W. Farmer; b. N. Y., s 1816. P. O. Syracuse Shotwell, Geo. W.. Farmer; b. N. Y., 1840. P. O. South On oudaga. Speucer, Miles D., Farmer; b. Ct., a 1821. P. O. South Onon daga. Shanahan, Margaret, Farmer. P. O. Howlett Hill. Seely, Joseph Owen, Farmer; b. Westchester Co., 1796. s 1797, P. 0. South Onondaga. Tolman. Harvey P., Phys. and Surg. ; b. N. Y., s 1823. P. O. Onondaga Valley. Van Schoick, Isaac, Farmer; b. N. Y., sl824. P. O Jamesville. Whitford, James, Phys. and Surg. ; b. N. Y., 1868. P. 0.4)n- ondaga Valley. Weller, Joseph, Farmer; b England, » 1831; Postoffice Onon daga Valley. Wilber, Amos. Farmer; b N Y, a 1835; P O Navarino. Wright, Elijah B. Farmer; b N Y, s 1828; P O Navarino. Wyckoff, Austin G, Farmer; b N Y, s 1815; P O Navarino White, Sherburn, Farmer; b N Y, s 1816; P O Ouondaga. Worden, Samuel C, Farmer; b Vt, s 1826; Postoffice Onondaea Castle. Wells, John, Farmer; b N Y. s 1822; P O Onondaga Valley Wells, Irving Farmer; b N Y, s 1849; P O Onondaga Valley. Wyncoop. John, of Syracuse; b Albany, s 1840. Deceased. Wyncoop, Mary, Farmer; b N Y, 8 1840; Postoffice Onondaga Valley. White, George A, Farmer ; b N Y, s 1826; P O Onondaga. Wyckoff, Jonathan, Wyckoff, A G Jr. TOWN OF CAMILLUS. Abrams, D. F. Farmer; b N. Y.. s 1844. P. O., Camillus, Arm8trong, W. & G. W. Farmer; b N. Y., s 1837. P O Belle Isle. Bingham, Calvin D. Farmer ; b N. Y., s 1805. P. O., Ca millus. Bennett, J. B. Farmer; b N. Y., s 1815. P. O., Camillus. Brown, Benjamin, res. Camillus. Tailor and Postmaster; b N. Y., S1840. P.O., Camillus. Bucklin, Wm. B., res. Camillus. Dealer in Tin, Hardware and Farm Implements; b Maaa., s 1847. P. O. Camillus. Burdick, Lafayette, res. Ambov. Flour, Grist, Cider and Cir cular Saw Mills; b N. Y. P. O., Belle Isle. Bromley, Philo, res. Camillus. .Camillus Hotel; b N. Y., a 1831. P. O., Camillus. Brewer, Orrin. Farmer; b N. Y., a 1823 P. O., Memphis. Chapman. Hemy G., res. Camillus. Clay Tobacco Pipe Mfr. b N. Y., sl873. P. O.. Camillus. Coakly, James. Farmer; b Cauada, s 1848. P. O., Belle Isle. Cook, Jr., S. H.. res. Camillus. Dealer iu General Merchan dise and Supervisor; b Camillus, 1844. P. O., Camillas. Dresser, George F. Farmer; b Germany, s 1854. P. O., Fair- mount. Dayton, Rev. B. B., res. Amboy; Pastor Preabyterian Church ; b N. Y., s 1876. P. O., Belle Isle. Drake, H. W., res. Camillus; Millwright and Hydraulio En gineer; b Camillus, 1825. P. O. Camillus. Daniels, A. E., res. Camillas; Architect aud Builder: b N. Y., s 1847. P. O. Camillus. Dow, John, Farmer aud Carpeuter; Conn., s 1840. P. O., Belle Isle. Ecker, I. Jesse, Farmer; b N. Y , s 1838. P. O., Belleisle. Eustia James. Fuller, Lois, Farmer; b Mass , s 1806. P. O., Fairmount, Fergus, James G., res. Camillus; Lumber Mfr. and Dealer; b Ireland, s 1844. P. O., Camillus. Gere, James M., Farmer aud Salt Manufacturer; b N. Y., s 1824. P. O., Belle Isle. HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 419 Gee, George, res. Camillus; Grooer; b N. Y., s 1853. P. O. Ca millus. Graves, Austin, Farmer and Postmaster; b N. Y., s 1832. P. O.. Marcellus Falls. Geddes, James, Farmer; b N. Y., s 1831. P. O., Fairmount. Geddes, George, Civil Engineer and Farmer; b Camillus, 1809. P O., Fairmount. ¦George, N. R„ res. Camillus; Coal Dealer; b N. Y., s 1843, P. O., Camillus. Harmon, Edwin R., Farmer; b N. Y.. s 1844. P. O., Camillus. Hay, M. L., res. Belle Isle; General Merchandise and Grocer ies; b N. Y.. s 1828. P. O., Belle Isle. Hinsdale. A. L , Farmer and Fruit Grower; b N. Y., s 1845. P. O., Belle Isle. Hay. Miss L. E., res. Belle Isle; b N. Y.. 3 1813, P. O., Belle Isle. Hay, Luther, Farmer; b N. Y., 1812. P. O., Belle Isle. Hitohoock, J. H.. res. Camillus; Arohitect aud Builder; b N. Y.. s 1837. P. O., Camillus. Hopkins, Edwin. Farmer; b N. Y., s 1834. P. O., Belle Isle. Hopkins. Harlow, Farmer; b N. Y., s 1815. P. O.. Belle Isle. Hubbard, Mrs. Hanuah A, Farmer; b N. Y„ s 1821. P.O., Camillus. Hopkins, H. W. Kinually. Daniel, Farmer; b. Ireland, s 1853 P. 0., Camillus. Kellogg, O. J.. Farmer; b N. Y., s 1S39. P. O., Camillus. Kiane, Mrs. Almira, rea. Amboy; b. N. Y., s 1824. P. O., Belle Isle. Land, Charles, res. Camillus; Saddle aud Harness Manufac turer; b N. Y., s 1817. P. O., Camillus. Loveless. Charles R., Farmer: b N. Y.. s 1841. P. O., Belle Isle. Leddy, John, res. Fairmount ; Farmer and Commissioner of Highways; b N. Y , a 1849. P. O., Fairmount. Loomia, Frederick. Farmer; b N. Y., s 1821. P. O., Camillus. Lawton, Howard, Farmer; b N. Y., s 1837 P. U., Belle Isle. La Du Brinckerhoff, Tin and Sheet Iron Worker; b. N. Y., s 1830. P. O., Warners. La Du Duane, Tin and Sheet Iron Worker; b N. Y., s 1845. P. O. Warners. Munro, J. D. A. Farmer; b N. Y., s 1844. P. O. Camillus. Munro, James M. Farmer; b N. Y., s 1814. P. O. Camillus. Morton, Robert, res. Belle Isle. Farmer and Miller; b N. Y., P. O. Belle Isle. Munro. David A. Farmer; b N. Y., s 1818. P. O. Camillus. Munro, John C. Farmer; P. O. Camillus. Machan Thomas, res. Belle Isle. Carriage Maker, J. P. & H. M. b Ireland, s 1842. P. O. Belle Isle. O'Sullivan, Rev. J. E., res. C'amilus. Pastor Roman Catholic Church. P. O. Camillus. Otman, Abram. res. Camillus. Prop'r Grocery and Meat Mar ket; b N. Y., s 1831. P. O. Camillus. Patterson, Loren L., rea. Camillus. Merchant Miller; b. N. Y., s 1841. P. O- Camillus. Parsons. E. C. Farmer; b Mas8., a 1847. P. 0. Fairmount. Patton, James, res. Camillus. Dealer in Drugs and Medicines ; b N. Y.. 8 1806. P. O. Camillus. Peck, I. M. Farmer; b N. Y., 8 1817. P. O. Warners. Rodees, T. F. Farmer; b. N. Y„ s. 1844. P. O. CamiUus. Reynolds, G. D. Farmer aud Ex-Supervisor; b N. Y., s 1836. P. O. Camillus. 1 Sherwood, E. D.. res. Camillus. Merchant aud Ex- Supervisor ; b N. Y., s 1833. P. O. Camillus. Slocum, J. O., res. Camillus. Physician aud Surgeon; b. N. Y., s 1820. P. O. Camillus. Safford, Ira, res. Camillus. Manuf. Cabinet Ware aud Under taker; b N. Y., s 1830. P. O. Camillus. Safford, Jr. C. S., res. Camillus. Dealer in Drugs and Medi cines, Gen. Ins. Agency ; b. N.Y.. s 1811. P. O. Camillus. Stevea, Reuben. Farmer; b N. Y., s 1836. P.O.Warners. Shearer. Mrs. A. M. Farmer; P. O. Camillus. Sims, John S., re3. Amboy. General Merchandise and Gro cery ; b N. Y., s 1858. P. O. Belle Isle. Skinner, Lewis C, res. Amboy. Physician aud Surgeon ; b. N. Y., s 1817. P. O. Belle Isle. Skinner, Edgar C, res. Amboy. Physician and Surgeon ; b N. Y., s 1853. P. O. Belle Isle. Thorpe, Wm. C. Farmer ; b Conn., s 1831. P. O. Camillus. Thompson, James L., res. Camillus. Tin and Sheet Iron Wor ker; b Md., s 1851. P. O. Camillus. Twinem, Wm., res. Newport. General Merchandise aud Gro ceries; b Ireland, 3 1835. P. O. Warners. Van Alstine, E. A. Farmer; b N. Y, s 1840. P. O. Warners. Van Alstine, Jacob. Farmer; b N\ Y., s 1840. P.O.Warners. Veeder. E. E., res. Camillus. Wholesale and Retail Barrell Mfr. and J. P.; b N. Y., 3 1824. P. O. Catnillus. White, J. B. Farmer ; b N. Y., s 1839. P. O. Belle Isle. Winchell, Henry, rea. Belle Isle. Farmer; b Vt., s 1817. P. O. Belle Isle. TOWN OF CICERO. Blynn, M. H., res. Cicero, Physician aud Surgeon; b Columbia Co., 3 1866. P. O. Cicero. Button, Martin L., Farmer; b Oneida Co., s 1836. P. O. Cicero. Clement, Chas. W., res. South Bay. Prop. South Bay House. b Delaware Co., s 1842. P. O. Cicero. Cushing, Samuel, res. Cicero, Retired; b Windham Co., Vt., s 1830. P. O. Cicero. Crownhart, Henry, res Cicero, Prop'r Parker House and Farmer; b Madisou Co., s 1876. P. O. Cicero. Coonley, Irving, res. Cicero, Postmaster and Merchant; b Ouondaga Co., s 1840. P. O. Cicero. Carter, W. H., res. Brewerton, Steamhoating and Coal Dealer; b R. I., S1827. P. O. Brewerton. Cushing. F. C, res. Brewerton, Merchant, b Windham Co , Vt., s 1836. P. O. Brewerton. Cushing, Mrs. C. P. O. Brewerton. Dennis, Geo. W., Parmer, (Co. G, 13th Wis., entered Sept., 1861, discharged Nov. 29, 1864); b Onoudaga Co., 1829. P. O. Cicero. Dennis, Ucal, Farmer; b Rensselaer Co., s 1802. P. O. Cicero. Daniels. Jesse, res. Lot 59 Farmer and Hop Grower; b Scho harie Co.. s 1823. P. O- Bridgeport, Diffin, Charles, Farmer; b Onondaga Co., s 1844. P. O. Cicero. Dunham, Valentine. P. O. Cicero. Emmons, E. N.,res. Brewerton, Postmaster and Merchant; b Onondaga Co , s 1833. P. O. Brewerton. Emmons, 8,. Farmer, soldier iu 1812; b Reusselaer Co., s 1805. P. O. Brewerton. Genung, B. M., res. Brewerton, Physician and Surgeon; b N. J„ s 1848. P. O. Brewerton. Henderson, Robert, res. Lot 76. Farmer, b. Scotland, s 1850. P O. Collamer. Hughs, Thomas, res. Brewerton, Speculator and Deputy Sheriff; b St. Lawrence Co., 8 1861. P. O. Brewerton. Herrick, L. C, res. Cicero, Prop'r of Herrick House; b Colum bia Co., s 1840. P O. Cicero. Hodge. Loteu. Farmer; b Onondaga Co., s 1827. P. O. Cicero. Houghtaling, Gabriel, res. Lot 58, Farmer, (Co. H, 149th N. Y. S. V.); b Albany Co., s 1832. P. O. Cicero. Hoyt, David H.. res. South Bay, Farmer; b Saratoga Co., s 1836. P. O. Cicero. Johnson, Orsamus, res. Brewerton, Retired; b Mass., s 1800. P. O. Brewerton. Kathau, J. B., Farmer, b Windham Co., Vt., 8 1814. P. O. Brew erton. Kenyon, M. A , res Brewerton, Prop'r Hotel; b Saratoga Co., s 1876. P. O. Brewerton. Klosheim, John H., res. Cicero; Hardware, etc.; b Onondaga Co., 1853, P. O. Cicero. KerwiD, Richard, Farmer; b Carlow, Ireland, s 1817. P. O. Syracuse. Leach, Emeline, res. Lot 54; b Cayuga Co., s 1815. P. O. Cicero. Leach, Allen; b Onondaga Co., 1810. Deceased. Lillie, Wm., Farmer; b Cayuga Co., 8 1846. P. O Cicero. Loomis, A. J., Cheese Manufacturer, Dairy Farmer and Miller; b Onondaga Co., 1830. P. O. Cicero. Morgan, F. H.. res. Cicero, Merchant; b Onondaga Co., s 1848. P. O. Cicero. Merriam, Noah, res. Cicero, Retired; b Saratoga Co., s 1820. P. O. Cicero. Moulton, John, Farmer; b Onondaga Co., sl828. P. O. Cicero. Moyer, H. A., res. Cicero, Carriage Manuf'r; b Onoudaga Co., s 1853. P. O. Cicero. Miller, Abram J., res. Cicero, Stave Cutter; b Onoudaga Co., 1841. P. O. Cicero. Newmann, Charles. Farmer and Willow Basket Maker; b Germany, s 1848. P. O. Cicero. Otman, George, Farmer; b Ouondaga Co., 1832. P. O. Brewerton. Ottman, Jacob, Farmer; b Schoharie Co., s 1827. P. O. Brewerton. Rogers. C. R., res. Brewerton, Agent, R. W. & O. R. R. ; b Onondaga Co., 1849. P. O. Brewerton. Root, After, Farmer. (Co. D 149th N. Y.. wounded June 4, 1863, at Gettysburg); b Onondaga Co., 1847. P. O. Cicero. Roller, Martin, Farmer and Dairyman; b Wurtemburg, Ger many, s 1347. P. O. Cicero. Sadler, Freeman, Farmer and Jobber; b Onoudaga Co., s 1827. P. O. Brewerton. Sayles, O., Lot 73, Farmer aud Miller; b- Madison Co., 1854. P. O. Bridgeport. Sayles, O., Jr., Lot 73, Farmer and Dairyman; b Madison Co., 3 1854. P. O. Bridgeport. Sherwood, Wm. H, Farmer; b Onondaga Co., 1830. P. O. Brewerton. Vanalstine, Daniel, Farmer; b Montgomery Co., s 1838. P. O. Cicero . VanHeusen. Stephen, res. Plank Road, Carpenter aud Builder; b Rensselaer Co.. s 1835. P. O. Plank Road. Waterbury, D. H., res. Brewerton, Druggist and Jeweller, also Justice of the Peace; b Rensselaer Co., s 1851. P. O. Brewerton. Washburn, (J. E.,res. Brewerton, Prop'r Washburn House; b Onondaga Co., 1849. P. O. Brewerton. Wright, Adolphus, Farmer, b Onoudaga Co., 1824. P. O. Cicero. Wright, Johu R., Fitrmor; b Otsego Co., s 1802. P. O. Cioero. TOWN OF MANLIUS. Austin, William. Farmer; b Vt., 3 1817 P. O. Fayetteville. Avery Allen H. Farmer, b Mass., s 1816. P. O. Manlius. 420 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. Beard, Henry L., res. Favetteville. Mfr. of Paper; b Onon daga Co., s 1819. P. O. Fayetteville. Burhans Daniel, res. Fayetteville. Mfr. Sash, Blinds, Doors, etc.; b Cortland Co., s 1834. P. O. Fayetteville. Baker, Chas., res. Fayetteville. Physician and Surgeon; b Greene Co., s 1855. P. O. Fayetteville. Bangs, Myron, res. Fayetteville. Mfr. Lime, Plaster and Cement; b Herkimer Co., s 1825. P. O. Fayetteville. Babcock, Theodore, res. Manlius. Principal of St. John's School; P. O. Manlius. Beard, David, res. Manlius. Retired Farmer; b Conn., s 1834, P. O. Manlius Bell, Silas. Farmer; b Conn., s 1811. P. O. Kirkville. Blanchard, Orliu D., res. Fayetteville, Mfr. of Sash, Blinds, Doors, &c, aud Lumber Dealer: b Onondaga Co. 1819, P. O. Fayetteville. Bangs, Eli T., res. Fayetteville. Contractor; b. Onondaga Co. P. O. Fayetteville. Burhaus, Henrv N., res. Favetteville. Hardware and Lime; b Onondaga Co., 1838. P. O. Fayetteville. Bangs, Anson Jt., res. Fayetteville. Retired; b Onondaga Co; P. O. Fayetteville. Blanchard, Wm. F. Farmer and Breeder of Short Horns; b Cortland Co., a 1840. P. 0. Manlius. Brown, Thomas W., res. Kirkville. Blacksmith; b Oneida Co., s 1858. P. O. Kirkville. Bartlett. Lawrence M„ res. Kirkville. Station Agt. on N. Y. C. R. R. ; b Onondaga Co.. s 1843. P. O. Kirkville. Bender, John 0. Farmer; b Onondaga Co.. 1837. P. 0. Fayetteville. Collin, Edward, res. Fayetteville. Mfr. Lumber aud Farmer; b Onondaga, s 1848. P. O. Fayetteville. Collin, David, Sr., res. Fayetteville. Farmer; b Columbia Co., s 1816. P. O. Fayetteville. Champlin, Geo. J., res. Manlius. Grocer; b Jefferson Co., s 1867. P. O. Manlius. Clark, Ambrose, Sen. Farmer; b Dutchess Co., 1833. Died 1874. Clark, Ambrose, Jr. Farmer; b Onondaga Co., s 1842. P.O. Fayetteville. Collin, David, Jr. Farmer; b Ouondaga Co., 1822. P. O. Fay etteville. Cass, Hezekiah. Farmer ; b New Hampshire, s 1814. P. O. Chittenango. Clement, Frederick. Farmer; b Madison Co., s 1821. P. O. Manlius Center. Clement, Ozias. Farmer; b Onondaga^Co., 1823. P. O. Manlius Center. Caswell, Nelson, res. Manlius. Retired Gunsmith; b Herki mer Co., s 1819. P.O. Manlius. Coe, Eli A. Farmer; b Madison Co., s 1865. P. O. Kirkville. Cook, Erastus D. Farmer; b Ouondaga Co., 1814. P.O. Kirkville. Cole, Chas. M. Farmer and Mason; b Onondaga Co., 1821. P. O. Kirkville. Crapsey, Smith D. Farmer; b Madison Co., s 1857. P. 0. Kirkville. Ecker, John, res. Fayetteville. Contractor and Bookkeeper ; b. N. Y., s 1831. P. O. Fayetteville. Evans, Arad. Farmer; b Oneida Co., s 1834. P. O. Fayette ville. Evans, Daniel S.. res. Fayetteville. Physician and Surgeon, b Madison Co., s 1834. P. 0. Fayetteville. Eaton. Hiram, res. Fayetteville. Pres't of Fayetteville Na tional Bauk ; b Onondaga Co. 1808. P. 0. Fayetteville. Ebeling Frederick, res. Manlius Station. Farmer; bGermany, s 1848. P. O. Manlius Station. French, Edward. Farmer; b Madison Co., a 1823. P. 0. Kirkville. Fisher, John H., res. Manlius Station. Merchant; b Bavaria, s 1839; P. O. Manlius Station. Gaynor, Edward, res: Favetteville, Plaster, Lime, &c. ; b Ire land ; s 1849. P. 0. Fayetteville. Grove, Horace S., res. Fayetteville, Prop'r Grove Hotel; b Onondaga Co., s 1843. P. O. Fayetteville. Gardner, Sylvester C.. Farmer; b Masa., a 1815. Died, 1869. Gridley, Daniel W , Farmer; b Madison Co., s 1868. P. O. Fayetteville. Gregg, John, Cheese Manuf 'r; b Scotland, a 1869. P. 0. Kirk ville. Graves, Judson H. res. JIanlius Station, Physician and Sur geon ; b Ontario Co., s 1862. P. O. Manlius Statiou. Hendricks, Charles, Farmer; b Conn., s 1836. P. O. Manlius. Harter, Darius, res. Manlius Station, Coal Dealer and Deputy Sheriff; b Onoudaga, s 1830. P. O. Manlius Station. Hodgman, Harrison S., Farmer; b Onoudaga, s 1824. P. O. Manlius Station. Hubbard, Fordyce M., res. Manlius, Episcopal Clergyman ¦ b Mass., s 1869. P. O. Manlius. • Hinsdell, David H., Farmer; b Ouondaga Co.. a 1814. P. O. Manliua. Hart, Charles, res. Manlius, Coal and Lumber Dealer; b Onon daga Co., s 1827. P. O. Manlius, Hoag, Joseph, res. Kirkville, Justice of Peace, Postmaster- b Montgomery Co., s 1827. P. O. Kirkville. Hoag, Claries, res. Kirkville, Merchant; b Onondaga Co a 1833. P. O. Kirkville. 8 " Helfser, Martin, Farmer; b Onondaga, s 1844. P. O. Manliua Station. Jerome, Amasa H., rea. Manliua, Lawyer and Ju8tice of Peace- b Onondaga Co., 1808. P. O. Manlius. Ketchison. B. R.. res. Fayetteville, Editor ofthe Fayetteville Recorder; b Canada, s 1871. P. O. Fayetteville. Morgan, Russel, Farmer, Mfr. and J. P. ; b Dutchess Co., s 1838 P. O. Fayetteville. McLyman, Nathan, Farmer; b Onondaga, Co, 1826. P, O. Fayetteville. Mabie, Elisha, Farmer; b Montgomery Co., 8 1817. Died 1866- Mabie, Anne, Farmer ; b Madison, s 1816. P. O. Kirkville. Morgan Nelson, Farmer; b Onondaga Co, s 1825. P. O. Fay etteville. Moulter, Hawley G. Farmer ; b'Madison Co. s 1837. P. O. Fay etteville. Mills, Nelson, Farmer; b Onondaga Co, 1831. P.-Q. Manlius. Maurus, Peter, res. Manlius Station, Pastor of St. Mary's Church; b Austria, a 1857. P. O. Manlius Station. Mone, Thomas A., res. Manlius, Physician and Surgeon- b Oneida Co.. s 1845. P. O. Manlius. Mone, Lafayette T., Farmer ; b Oneida Co., s 1845. P. O. Kirkville. Moulter, Oliver W., Farmer; b Onondaga 1836. P. 0. Manlius Newcomb, C 0, Farmer; b N Y, s 1825. P O Manlitfs. Oxner, Conrad, Farmer; b Herkimer Co., a 1862. P. O. Fay etteville. Oot, Adam, Farmer; b France, s 1832. Died 1846. Oot, Christian, Farmer; b France, s 1832. P. O. N. Manlius. O'Reilly, James, res. Fayetteville, Pastor of Church of the Immaculate Conception, b Ireland, s 1869. Pierson, Frederick T., rea. Fayetteville. Retired: b Onondaga Co., 8 1839. P. O. Fayetteville. Pease, Harvey O, Farmer.; b Rensselaer Co., s 1855. P. O. Collamer. Palmer, Geo. W., res. Kirkville, Phvsician and Surgeon ; Sara toga Co., s 1849. P. O. Kirkville. Preston, K. H C, res Manlius, Merchant ; b N. Y., s 1844. P. O. Manlius. Platts, Alexander F., rea. Manliua Station, J. P.; b Albanv Co., s 1836. P. 0. Manlius Station. Palmer, Asenath, rea Fayetteville, b Conn., a 1805. P. 0. Fayetteville. Rotner, David, Farmer; b Schoharie Co, s 1816. P. 0. Fayette ville. Richman, Franklin W., Farmer; b Onondaga Co., a 1834. P. O, Manlius Center. Remington, Arnold, res. Manlius, Retired; b R. I., a 1822 P. O. Manlius. Ransier, Harmon B., Farmer and Teacher; b Onondaga Co.. a 1823. P. O. Manliua. Richardson J C, res Manlius. Inventor and Mfr of Machinery. Postoffice Manlius. Smith, William Manlius, res. Manlius, Physician and Surgeon; b Onondaga 1823. P. O. Manlius. Smith, Anson, Farmer and Supervisor ; b N. Y., s 1831. P. O. Manlius Centre. Smith, John Calvin, res. Manlius, Merchant; b Onondaga Co.. s 1813. P. O. Manlius. Scoville, Chas. E.. Farmer; b Ouondaga Co.. a 1832. Died 1875. Scoville. Mary P., b Onondaga Co., s 1832. P. O. Manlius. Shultz, James B., Farmer; b Onondaga Co., 1831. P. O. Fay- ville. Sanborn, Willoughby, Farmer; b Oneida Co., a 1865. P.O. Oran. Seward, Nathan, Merohant ; b Oneida Co., s 1844. Died at Favetteville, 1869. Seward, Mrs. A. L., res. Fayetteville, b Otsego Co., s 1859. P. 0. Fayetteville. Shoemaker, Conrad, res. Manlius Statiou, Retired; b Onon daga, s 1821. P. O. Manlius Station. Snyder, Peter, Farmer; b Frauoe, 3 1832. P. O. Manlius Station. Snyder, Peter, Jr.. Farmer, Builder and Prop'r Grist Mill; b Onondaga Co, s 1835; Postoffioe Manlius Station. Smith Hiram, res Manlius, Retired; b Saratoga Co, s 1816 ; Postoffice Manlius. Scovill, W ilfred M, Coal and Lumber dlr; b N H, s 1847; Post- office Maulius. Sheedy, John, res Fayetteville, Mfr Water and QuiokLime; b Ireland, s 1849 ; Postoffice Fayetteville. Sheedy, Thomas W, res Fayetteville, Mfr Water and Quick Lime; b Onondaga Co, s 1855; P O Fayetteville. Shaver, Joseph, Farmer; b Germany, s 1847; P O Kirkville. Taffner, Jacob, Carpenter and Joiner, b Kings Co, s 1843; Post- office North Manlius. Twitchell Curtiss, Farmer; b Conn, s 1829; Postoffice Manlius. Townsend, Lemuel S, Farmer; b Onoudaga Co, s 1833; Post- office Fayetteville. Wells, Samuel J, res Fayetteville, Hardware Merohant; b N Y, 8 1855; Postoffice Fayetteville. Wood, Hiram, res Fayetteville, Retired; b Saratoga Co, s 1811; Postoffice Fayetteville. Wheeler, Horace, Farmer; b Onondaga Co, 1819; Postoffice Fayetteville. Wilcox, David, rea Kirkville, Retired; b Motgomery Co, s 1812; Postoffice Kirkville. HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 421 Wiloox, Noble E, Farmer; b Ouondaga, s 1822; P O Kirkville. VanSohaack, Henry 0. rea Manlius, Lawyer; b Columbia Co, 1827; Postoffice Manlius. TOWN OF OTISCO. Bouttelle, Alexander J., res. Amber, Prop'r Lake Hou8e; b Otisco slS31; P. O., Amber. Bouttelle, Jennie M , (wife of A, J. Bouttelle,) b Preble, a 1836; P. O.. Amber. Bishop, John J., Lot 7S, Farmer; b Otisco, sl837; P. O., Amber. Bishop, Maggie E., Lot 78; (wife of John J. Bishop,) b Mar cellus, 8 1842; P. O., Amber. Card, G. W., Lot 80, Farmer; b R. I. s 1817; P. O., Amber. Card, Mrs. G. W. ; b Tully. s 1811; P. O., Amber. Cummings, Michael, Lot 93, Farmer, Onondaga Co., s 1853; P. O., Otisco. Case, J. C Lot 83, Farmer; b Yatea Co., s 1828; P. O., Otisco. Clark, Charles, Lot 10i>, Farmer and Fuller of Cloth ; b Mass., 8 1809; P. O., Otisco. Edinger, Jacob, Farmer; b Germany, 1853, s 1854; P.O., Otisco. Edinger, Susan, (wife of Jacob Ediuger; b Otisco, 1849; P. O., Otiscn, N. Y. Frisbie, I. Tyler, Lot 3, Farmer and Dairyman ; b Delaware Co., s 1831; P. O., Otisco Valley. Fish, Willis C. Lot 79, Farmer; b Onoudaga, Co. 1827; P. O., Navarino. Fitzgerald, George, Lot 98, Farmer; b. Ireland, s 1850; P. O., Amber. Goodwin, E. L., Lot 82, Farmer; Postmaster ten years; Super visor for 1869; b 1804. Saratoga Co.. s 1815; P. O. Otisco. Henderson, Lvmau K., res. Otisco, Prop'r Central House; b Otisco, s 1837; P. O., Otisco. Hale, F. H., Lot 83, Farmer; b Conn., s 1804; P. O., Otisco. Hoxsie, Clifford, res. Amber, Salesman; b Michigan, 1857, s 1857; P. O., Amber. Hale, L. M ; P. O., Otisco, N. Y. Kingsley, O. H., Lot 95, Farmer; b Mass., 3I8O6: P. O., Otisco. Kinney, Warreu, res. Aniber; retired Farmer; b Conn., s 1835; P. O.. Amber. Miller, George P., Lot 99, Farmer; b Otisco, 1847; P.O., Otisco. Meara M., Lot 14, Farmer; b Ireland, s 1857; P. O., Otisco. Rice, O. W., Lot 4, Dairy Farmer; b Otisco, 1842: P. O., Otisco. Redway, James H., Lot 72, Farmer and Justice of the Peace; b Otisco, s 1817; P. O., Amber. Redway, Thos. retired Farmer: b Conn., s 1806; P. O., Amber. Shaul, A., Lot 94, Farmer; b Herkimer Co., a 1825; P.O., Otisco. Tuttle, Wm. N., Lot 15, Farmer; b Otisco, a 1828; P.O. .Vesper. Tuttle, Daniel, Farmer; died December, 1854; b. N. H., s 1798. Van Benthuysen, John, Farmer; b Otisco, 1834; P. O., Amber. Van Benthuysen, Sarah Jane, (wife of J. Van Benthuysen,) b Marcellus, 1836; P. O., Amber, N. Y. Van Benthuysen, Amander, Farmer, deceased. Van Benthuysen. Harriet, (widow of Amander Van Benthuy'n. Williams, Samuel, Lot 97. Farmer aud Blacksmith; b Ouon daga, Co. 1843; P. O., Otisco Valley. Wright, William, Lot 94, Farmer; b Ouondaga, Co. 1820; P. O., Otisco. TOWN OF GEDDES. Andrews, Thos., Farmer and Dairyman; b England, s 1841; P. O. Syracuse. Abell, L. H., Farmer; b Conn., 8 1830; P. O. Geddes. Babcock, Silas B., Farmer and Dairyman ; b N. Y., s 1843; P. O. Fairmount. Bronson, Mrs. Sarah C; b N. Y„ s 1828; P. O. Geddes. Belden, Mrs. Gertrude W.: b N. Y., s 1844; P. O. Geddes. Corey, Silas. Farmer and Dairyman ; b N. Y., s 1818; P. O. Syracuse. Cowan, John, Farmer; b N. Y. 1837; P. O. Geddes. Cowan, Phillip H., Farmer; b N. Y, sl847; P. O. Geddes. Cody, John, School Trustee ; b Ireland, s 1861; P. O. Geddes. Cool, Geo. A, Wholesale and Retail Grocer, 276 and 278 W. Genesee St. Dealer in Flour, Feed and Fresh Meats, Salt Receiver, Geddes; b Onondaga Co., Dec. 12, 1841. Chaffee, Burritt, Farmer; b town of Ouondaga, 1850; P. O. Fairmount. Chaffee. L. C. (Terry); b Geddes, 1848. P. O. Fairmount, (wife of Burritt Chaffee.) Draper, G W, Physician ; b N Y, s 1832 ; Postoffice Geddes. Fay, Merritt, Farmer , b N Y, s 1825 : Postoffice Fairmount. Frazer, Mrs. Julia A ; b N Y, s 1829 ; Postoffice Geddes. Gere, R N, Syracuse Iron Works; b N Y, s 1830; Postoffice Geddes. Gere, N 8, Supervisor; b N Y, s 1832 ; Postoffice Geddes. Gere, George C, Farmer and Salt Manufacturer; b N Y, s 1830 ; Postoffice Geddes. Hooper, J W; b N Y; Postoffice Geddes. Jerome, Henry, Farmer and Dairy mau, b N Y, a 1820; Post- office Fairmount. Lathrop, Mrs A, Farmer and Dairy; b N Y, s 1855; Postoffice Fairmount. Magee, James P, Pastor St. Patrick's Church, res. Chestnut and 3d South ; b New Brunswick 1841, s 1858. Oliver, Geo. W, res. 50 University Ave, Syracuse, Gen 1 and Financial Manager Onondaga Co. Pottery Co ; b N H 1837; 8 1873. 75 Pool, David, Farmer; b N Y, a 1870 ; Postoffice Geddes. Porter, W W, Physiciau; b Vt, s 1851; Postoffice Geddes. Paige, Joel S, Salt Manuf; b Mass, 8 1844; Postoffioe Geddes. Plumb, Wm, Farmer: b Conn, s 1822; Postoffice Fairmount. Poole, Theodore L, (firm Poole & North,) General Merchan dise, 118-120 Furnace St; b Onondaga Co. 1840. Pharis, Miles P, Salt inspector and Manuf Flower Pots, res. School St. cor Chestnut; b Geddes, 1825. Pharis, Chas. E, Late Salt Inspector and Manuf; b Geddes, 1819 ; Died Sept 13, 1877. Pharis, Mra Caroline F, widow of the above, rea. 21 Orchard St. ; b Cayuga Co, 1830, 3 1853. Steves, Chas. W, Farmer; b N Y, s 1835; Postoffice Geddes. Steves, Chas. R, Farmer ; b N Y, s 1841 ; Postoffice Geddes. Shumway, J. P. Physician; b N Y, s 1836; Postoffice Geddes. Stewart Harvey, Salt Manufr ; b N Y, s 1830; Postoffice Geddes. Spaulding, Simeon, rea. Geddea, J P, Grocer and Druggist; b Conu. 1802, s 1825; Postoffice Geddea. Terry, Guy, Farmer and Dairyman; b N Y, s 1823; Postoffice Fairmount. Van Dusen, E B, Contractor; b N Y, s 1829; Postoffice Geddes. Woolson, Mrs Louisa; b Canada, 8 1840; Postoffice Geddes. Woolson, Mrs A ; b N Y, s 1-842 ; Postoffice Geddes. White, Thomas G, Inventor, Abolitionist, Prohibitionist and Swedenborgian; b Onondaga Co. 1810, res. 7 Pear St; Postoffice Geddes. Westfall, James, Geddes; Cooper and Barrel Mfr; b Albany 1830, s 1859; Postoffice Geddes. Whedon, Albert L, Physician and Surgeon ; b Camillus, N Y, 1836 ; Postoffice, Geddes. TOWN OF SALINA. Avery, M R, Lot 86, Farmer, b Conn, s 1836; P O Liverpool. Avery. Julia E, wife of M R Avery, b Penn, 1829, s 1850; Post- office Liverpool. Alvord, Charles G, res Liverpool, Prop'r Cigar Faotory, b Liverpool. 1852^ Postoffice Liverpool. Bassett, W J, res Liverpool, Merchant, b Liverpool; Postoffice Liverpool. Benscher. Frank, res Liverpool, Blacksmith; b Prussia, 1835, s 1854; Postoffice Liverpool. Brand, Charles, rea Liverpool, Barber; b Liverpool, 1852; Post- office Liverpool. Baker, Truman, res Phoenix, Farmer; b Lysander. 1820 ; Poat- office Phoenix. Baxter, George, rea Liverpool, Salt Manufr; b Spafford, 1839; Postoffice Liverpool. Baxter, OL, res Liverpool, Salt Inspector; b Phoenix, 1847, s 1861 ; Postoffice Liverpool. Baum, B W, Lot 3, Farmer; b N Y, s 1832; P O Syracuse. Bunzey, Oscar, res Liverpool, Prop'r American Hotel; b Albany, 1833, s 1834; Postoffice Liverpool. Bassett, George, res Liverpool, Cigar Manufr and Supervisor ; b Wayue Co, 1817. s 1833; Postoffice Liverpool. Clark, John A, res Liverpool, Fruit aud Confectionery; b Eng land, 1838, s 1851 , Postoffice Liverpool. Chilliugworth, R J, Lot 68. Farmer and ABsessor; b England, 1833, s 1843 ; Postoffice Liverpool. Cookings, Phillipp. Lot 112, Farmer; b England, 1830, s 1846; PoBtoffice Syracuse. Cookings, Almira, wife of Phillipp Cookings ; b Montgomerv Co, 1833, 8 1835 ; Postoffice Syracuse. Chase, Nathan, res Liverpool, (was Shoemaker for Army of 1812); b R I, 1782, s 1832; Postoffice Liverpool. Chapin, William A, res Liverpool, Physician aud Surgeon ; b Salem, N Y, 1820, s 1870: Postoffice Liverpool. Cookings, George, res Liverpool, Harness and Shoemaker; b England, 1820, s 1848; Postoffice Liverpool. Chillingworth, Charles G ; b England. 1796, s 1843; Died, May 25, 1864 Dingman, Luke, Lot 63, Farmer; b Montgomery Co, 1821, s 1870 ; Postoffice Liverpool. Danforth, Polly, (First White Female Born aud Raised iu Salina); b Saliua, 1793, died, April 5, 1860. Duell, Silas, res Liverpool, Carpenter and Engineer; b Dutchess Co, 1840, sl842; Postoffice Liverpool. Forger, John S, rea Liverpool, Salt and Brick Mauuf'r ; b Liverpool, 1812; Postoffice Liverpool. Gale, Henry F, Lot 128, Sup't Coarse Salt Fields, b Volney, 1849,al860; Postoffice Syracuse. Gale, Thomas, Lot 127, Prop'r Coarse Salt Fielda; Postoffice Syracuse. Gale, Mrs Thomas, wife of Thomas Gale; Postoffice Syracuse. Gleason, O C, Farmer; b Liverpool, 1828; P O Liverpool. Gleason, William, res Liverpool, Merchant; b Liverpool, 1828; Postoffice Liverpool. Hand Thomas, res Liverpool, Merohant; b Ireland, a 1825; Po8toffice Liverpool. Hand, Polly Bacheldor, res Liverpool, wife of Thos Hand ; b Liverpool, 1826; Postoffice Liverpool. Hawley, Lewis T, Lot 122, Mfr Dairy Salt; b Solon, 1807 s 1846; Postoffice Syracuse. Hawley, Arabella, (Graham) Lot 122, wife of L. T. Hawley; b Deerfield, 1824, a 1847; Postoffioe Syracuse. Hibbard, Joseph L, Farmer and J P. res Syracuse ; b Otsego Co, 1812,s 1827; Postoffice, 196 Wolf Street, Syracuse. 422 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. Huntley Sarah, res Liverpool, Milliner; b Herkimer Co, 1843, s 1870; Postoffice Liverpool. 'Huntington, C S, rea Liverpool, Physician and Surgeon; b Watertown, 1828, s 1875; P 0 Liverpool. Jaqueth, Alfred J, res Liverpool, Teacher and Stove dlr; b Liv erpool. s!854; Postoffice Liverpool. Ingersoll, G P, res Liverpool, Proprietor Globe Hotel ; b Cayuga Co, 1815, s 1824; P O Liverpool. Keith. Lewis, Lot 69, Farmer ; b Salina, 1823; P O Liverpool. Lee, W F, res Liverpool, Grocery and Meat Market ; b Liver pool 1835; Postoffice Liverpool. Lamb, James H, res Liverpool, Receiver of Duties on Salt District No. 3; b Liverpool, 1817; P O Liverpool. Lynn, W H, res Liverpool, Stave aud Barrel Mfr; b Clay 1838, Postoffioe Liverpool. Lamb, Handley, res Liverpool, Boatman; b Liverpool 1824. Postoffice Liverpool. Lyke Andrew, res Liverpool, Joiner and Casket Maker; b Columbia Co, 1841, s 1861; Postoffice Liverpool. Lyon, Marcus, res Liverpool, Boatman; b Conn, 1810. s 1831; Postoffice Liverpool. Latimore, Moses, res Liverpool, Prop'r Latimore House; b Plattsburg 1843, s 1850; Postoffice Liverpool. Medlicott, Joseph. Lot 17, Faimer; b England, 1844, s 1869; Postoffice Syracuse. Merriman, E G, Lot 1, Farmer; b Otisco 1813; P O Liverpool. Mathews Daniel, res Liverpool, Coal dlr; b Johnstown 1829, s 1836; Postoffice Liverpool. Olmsted Mrs M J. res Liverpool, Retired; b England 1821, o 1843; Postoffice Liverpool. Paddock, John, res Liverpool, Farmer and Merchant; b Her kimer Co, 1805, sl826; Postoffice Liverpool. Parker. C H, Lot 61, Grocer; b Liverpool 1843; P O Liverpool. Petit, Eugene, res Liverpool, Salt Inspector; b France 1833, s 1847; Postoffice Liverpool. Pieater. John J, Lot 80, Farmer; b Columbia Co, 1812, a 1846; Postoffice Liverpool. Reinhard, Simond, Lot 89, Farmer; b Germany 1837, s 1856; Postoffice Liverpool. Smith, Peter, res Liverpool. Merchant arid Salt Mfr; b Ger many, 1836, s 1840; Postoffice Liverpool. Smith, Jacob, res Liverpool. Merchant; b Germany 1838, s 1840 ; Postoffice Liverpool. Schoolcraft Catharine A, res Liverpool, Retired; b Albany 1819, s 1832; Postoffice, Liverpool. Terry, Frank M, Lot 97 Farmer; Dairyman and Hop Grower; b Madison Co, 1841, s 1866; Postoffice Liverpool. Turner, T. res Liverpool, Prop'r Hotel, (Corporal Co F 15th N Y Cavalry); b Germany, 1817, s 1857; Postoffice Liverpool. Wilson; Orrin, Farmer; b Conn 1849, s 1856; P O Liverpool. Weimar, John M, res Liverpool, Cooper; b Liverpool 1842 Postoffice Liverpool. Young. John R, les Liverpool, Physician and Surgeon; b Schroeppel 1841 s 1873; Postoffice Liverpool. TOWN OF LYSANDER. Adsit, Jas L, Farmer; b N Y, s 1846; Postoffice Baldwinsville. Amos ifc Sons, Jacob, res Baldwinsville and Syracuse; mfrs of Flour, Feed. &c; Postoffice Syracuse. Allen, Wells A, res Baldwinsville, Dealer in Leaf Tobacco, Wool, Hops, &c; b N Y. ; Postoffice Baldwinsville. Avery, F P, res Lysander; Carriage Mfr; b N Y, s 1841; Post- office Lysander. Allen & Lewis, Merchant Millers; b N Y, a 1842; Postoffice Little Utica. Alden, S H. res Baldwinsville; retired; b N Y, s 1839; Post- office Baldwinsville. Burr, Mary A, Farmer; b Fairfield Co, Conn, 1817, s 1821; Post- office Lysander. Baldwinsville Academy. Buell, Simon. Farmer; b Cayuga Co, sl837; PO, Lysander. Blanchard J R, res Baldwinsville; Marble aud Granite Dealer; b Elbridge, January 1, 1847; Postoffice Baldwinsville. Butler, G B, Farmer, Carpenter and Joiner; s 1850; Postoffice Lamsons. Bowen. C C, Farmer; b N Y, s 1837; Postoffice Little Utica. Baker, Irvin, Farmer; b N Y, s 1850; Postoffice Baldwinsville. Bouton, Reuben C, Farmer; b N Y, s 1844; P O Lysander. Bliss, Charles N, res Baldwinsville; Mfr Sash Doors and Blinds, Lumber Dealer: b N Y, s 1866; P O Baldwinsville. Beauchamp, Wm M, res Baldwinsville, Rector of Grace Ch; b N Y, s 1831; Postoffice Baldwinsville. Bellinger, James F, Carpenter and Joiner, Cheese Maker and Dairyman, Grain grower; s 1870; P O Baldwinsville. Bisdee, Samuel, res Baldwinsville, retired Farmer; b Eng land, 1816, s 1831. Bisdee, Margaret A, Baldwinsville, N Y, (wife of Samuel Bis- dee,) b Ouondaga Co, 1820; Postoffice Ba'dwinsville. Buck & Wight, rea Baldwinsville; Mfr of Carriages, Sleighs, Platform Wagons, &c ; b NY, s 1873 ; P O Baldwinsville. Bidwell, A, res Lysander; Foundry, Threshing; b N Y, a 1862, P O Ly8ander. Browu, O O, res Lysander; Prop Lysander Star Churn; bN Y, s 1826; Postoffice Lysander. Britton, Meklin, res Lysander; Hardware, Tinware; b N Y, s 1825 ; Postoffice Lysander. Baird, Abraham, Farmer; b N Y, s 1821; Postoffice Lysander. Baker, Mrs La vina, res Little Utica; Little Utica Hotel; bN Y, s 1877; Postoffice Little Utica. Byer, T. res Little Utica; Merchant; b N Y, s 1876; Postoffice Little Utica. Byer, J S. res Little Utica, Merchant ; b N Y, s 1876 ; Postoffice Little Utica. Bigelow, G A, Bolton, James H, res Baldwinsville; Stationer, Printer. Dealer in Fanoy Goods and Picture Frames; b N Y, s 1847; Postoffice Baldwinsville. Bellen Bros, res Baldwinsville; Dealers in Groceries, Provis ions, Confectionery, Cigars aud Tobacco ; b N Y, s 1854; Postoffice Baldwinsville. Bigelow, Otis M. r"" Bentley, E, res Little Utica; Farmer and Speculator; b N Y, s 1839: Postoffice Little Utica. \ Berry, Clark, res Lysander; Wagon Mfr; b N Y, s 1816; Post\ office Lysander. \ Brothers, J. L, Farmer and Agent Michigan Chilled Plows; b ' N Y. s 1852; Postoffice Baldwinsville. Clary, Andrew, res Baldwinsville, Barrel Manufr; b Ireland, s 1856; Postoffice Baldwinsville. Crandon, Alfred R, res Baldwinsville, Prop'r Railroad Hotel; b England, s 1852; Postoffice Baldwinsville. Crandon, J K, res Baldwinsville, Prop'r Billiard HaU; b Eng land, s 1862; Postoffice Baldwinsville. Cox, Mrs Charlotte, Farmer; b N Y, s 1832; Postoffice Bald winsville. Cook, E P, flop Grower; b N Y, a 1828; P O Little Utica. Coffin, Mrs Lydia A, Farmer; b N Y, a 1836; P O Little Utica. Cuddeback, L F, res Baldwinsville, Farmer; b N Y, s 1825; Postoffice Baldwinsville. Clark, George S, res Baldwinsville, Publisher Baldwinsville Gazette; b N Y, s 1871; Postoffice Baldwinsville. Cornell, H K. res Baldwinsville, Ticket Agent, D L & W RR; b Vt, s 1845; Postoffice Baldwinsville. Connell, W H. Candee, L L, Farmer; b Volney, 1863: PO Phoenix. Calkins, Lewis F, Parmer; sl820; P O Baldwinsville. Childs, R W, Farmer ; b N Y, s 1848 ; Postoffice Clay. Duuham, N C, res Little Utica, Farmer and J P; b N Y, s 1812; Postoffice Little Utica. DeGroff, Peter F, Farmer; b N Y, s 1853; P O Little Utica. Dunbar, S M, res Baldwinsville, Druggist, Dunbar Block ; b N Y, s 1849; Postoffice Baldwinsville. Dixon, Isaac, res Baldwinsville, Dry Goods, Groceries and Wooden Ware ; b N Y, s 1834 ; P O Baldwinsville. Denio, Mrs A C, res Baldwinsville; b N Y; Postoffice Bald winsville. Donovan, M, res Baldwinsville, Clothing and Gents' Furnish ing Goods ; b Ireland, s 1847; P O Baldwinsville. Dunham, L S, res Little Utica, Farmer, Produce Buyer and P M; b N Y. s 1817; Postoffice Little Utica. Dingman, Peter, Farmer; b N Y, s 1848 : P O Liverpool. Eno, A S, Hotel ; b N Y, b 1833; Postoffice Clay. Eno. A H, Boatman; b N Y, s 1840; Postoffice Clay. Emerick, C F, res Baldwiusville, Farmer; b N Y, s 1824; Post- office Baldwinsville. Ferguson. W J, Wagon Maker ; s 1858 ; P O Lamsons. Frazee, J C, Farmer; b N Y., s 1864; P O Baldwinsville. Frazee, Jesse, Farmer and Millwright; b N Y, s 1864; Post- office Baldwinsville Fisher, Geo E res Little Utica, Blacksmithiug and Jobbing; b N H, 8 1857; Postoffice Little Utica. Fenner, Mrs F W, Farmer, b N Y, s 1815; P O Little Utica. Fancher, A. Carriage Manufr and Undertaker; b N Y, s 1822; Postoffice Little Utica. Fancher, John C, Carriage Manufr aud Undertaker; b N Y, s 1829 ; Postoffice Little Utica. Fairbanks, Erwin, res Baldwinsville, Building Mover aud Coal Dealer; b N Y, s 1867; Postoffice Baldwinsville. Foster, E & C C, >es Baldwinsville, Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery and Wall Paper; b N Y, s 1874; Postoffioe Baldwinsville. Fancher, R I, res Baldwiusville; Carriage Mfr; b N Y, s 1847; Postoffice Baldwiusville. Frazee, Horace J, res Baldwinsville; Book-keeper; b N Y, s 1866; Postoffice Baldwiusville. Fanoher, Alanson, res Baldwiusville; Druggist; b N Y, s 1842; Postoffice Baldwinsville. Fransus F, Pastor St Marv's Church, Baldwiusville. Fancher L L, res Baldwinsville; Prop Seueca Hotel; b Bald winsville, s 1874 from Rochester. Fitzgerald, Andrew, res Baldwinsville; Boot and Shoe Maker; b Ireland, s 1850; Postoffice Baldwinsville. Fuller, John M, res Plainville; Teacher; b N Y, s 1828; P 0 Plainville. Greenfield, DeWitt C. res Baldwinsville; Attorney-at-Law : b Cayuga Co, 1818, s 1834; Postoffioe Baldwinsville. Geuung. J. F, rea Baldwinaville; Pastor Baptist Church; b N Y, a 1875; Poatoffioe Baldwinsville Goodwin, Henry, Farmer; b Oswego Co, 1831, s 1870; P O, Clay. Graham. Theo, res Baldwinsville; b Ireland, a 1849; Postoffice Baldwiusville. Guntes, Herman, res Baldwiusville; b N Y, sl866; Postoffice Baldwinaville. HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 423 Hayden, Mrs P W; Postoffioe Phoenix, N Y. Halsted, John, Magistrate aud Farmer; b N Y, s 1306 ; Post offioe Lysander. Huutington. Heury L, Farmer: b N Y, s 1870; Postoffice Lit tle Utica. Herriok. Hiram, res Baldwinsville; Contractor and Builder; b N Y.s 1843; Postoffice Baldwinsville. Hartop. AF, res Baldwiusville; Marble Cutter; b England, s 1854; Postoffioe Baldwiusville. Hax, John, res Baldwinsville. Merchant. Farmer aud Baker; b Germany, 1830, s 1849; P O Baldwiusville. Hax, Harriet, res Baldwiusville; b England, (wife of John Hax.) Hamill, Alex, res Baldwinsville; Druggist and Supt Oswego Canal; b N Y. sl843; Postoffioe Baldwinsville. Hotaling, G H, res Baldwinsville; Merchant Miller, "Stone Mills;" b NY, sl826: Postoffice Baldwinsville. Haines, Theodore, res Baldwinsville; General Wrapping Paper Manufactory of Baldwiusville; b N Y. s 1874 ; P O Baldwinsville. Hotaling, A T, res Baldwinsville; Merchant Miller, "Stone Mill;" b N Y, s 1841; Postoffice Baldwinsville. Howard, H, res Baldwinsville; Jeweler, Book aud Music D'lr; b N Y, s 1S69; Postoffice Baldwinsville. Herrington, C B. Harmon, James. Hickok, Jr, E, res Baldwinsville; Deputy Postmaster; b N Y, s 1842; Postoffice Baldwinsville. Hilts. J E, Surgeon Dentist: b N Y, 1843; P O Baldwinsville. Hakes, Alauson, Farmer; b N Y, s 1824; Postoffice Clay. Hamill, A P, Farmer; b N Y, s 1845; Postoffice Baldwiusville. Johnson, W J. Farmer aud Com'r of Highways; b N Y, s 1840. Jaycox, O R, Farmer; b N Y, sl844; Postoffice Plainville. Jessup, B D, res Baldwinsville; Haruess and Saddle Mfr; b N Y, s 1865; Postoffioe Baldwinsville. Kendall, J V, res Baldwinsville; Phys and Surgeon and Super visor; b N Y, s 1840; Postoffice Baldwiusville. Kelley. W W. Tauuer aud Shoemaker; b N Y, s 1840; P O Lit tle Utica. Kee'er. H N, Farmer; b N Y; s 1813; Postoffice Lysander. Kerwin, Tom, Farmer ; b Ireland, s 1854; Postoffice Phoenix, Kenyon, J C, res. Baldwinsville. Postoffioe Baldwinsville. Lake, Elijah. Little James H, Farmer aud Speculator; b N Y, s 1830, Post- office Baldwiusville. Larmer, Jos, res. Baldwinsville, Blacksmith, Carriage Ironer _.. and Dealer in Agr. Imp.; b Canada, s 1873; Postoffice Baldwiusville. Loveless, John, Farmer; b N Y, s 1829; Postoffice Baldwins ville. Hs&Sou, George W. res. Baldwiusville, Farmers and Milk men ; b N Y. s 1855; Postoffice Baldwiusville. l*ekey, G N, res. Baldwiusville, Watches, Jewelry and Silver Ware; b N Y, a 1860; Postoffice Baldwinsville. luron, Lewis L, Farmer; b N Y, s 1844; Post Office Bald winsville, luron, Lyman, Farmer; b Vt., s 1816; Postoffice Bald winsville. _ Earthy, Edward, Farmer; b N Y, s 1816 ; P. O. Phcemx. stin, W E, res. Baldwiusville, merchant, b Plainville, June 29,1852; Postoffice Baldwiusville. McCarty, George, res. Lysander, Physician and Surgeon; b N Y, s 1846; Postoffice Lvsander. Martin, L, rea. Lysander, Homeopathic Physician and Sur geon ; b N Y. a 1842 ; Postoffice Lysander. Marks, A H, res. Baldwinsville, Physician and Surgeon; b N Y, 8 1868; Postoffice Baldwinsville. Monnier, Frank E. res. Baldwinsville, Grocer and Provision Dealer; b N Y, s 1813; Postoffice Baldwinsville. bGuigau Bros., res. Baldwinsville, Manufs. of Fine Cigars j and Tobacco; b Canada, s 1374; Postoffioe Bald wiusville „ _. _ , Mount, H B, Farmer; b N Y, s 1857; Postoffice Lysander. mrtin, Abram. Farmer; b N Y, 8 1840; Postoffice Lysander. Murphy, Dennis, res. Baldwiusville; b Ireland, s 184, ; L ost- ' office Baldwinsville. T , , Hurphy, Patrick, res. Baldwinsville, Paper Maker, b Ireland, „_. s 1847; Postoffice Baldwinsville. Murphy. T J, rea. Baldwinsville; b N Y, s 1871; Postoffice Ps Baldwinaville. _ , ¦Martin, B, Farmer; b N Y, s 1838; Postoffice Lysander. Martin Robert. Farmer ; b N Y, i ,1888 ; Postoffice gander. MaMtfbau, I V V, Farmer ; b N Y. s 1831; Postoffice Clay tf«n«irUp, J A, res. Lvsander, General Insurance Agt, bJN Y, "*"' 8 1837; Postoffice Lysander. p^^ffi™ Northrup, Mrs J A, rea. Lysander; bNl.i 183, ; Postoffice Norton, JabL H*, res. Plainville, Attorney at Law; b N Y, s ..-• - 1838 ; Postoffice Plainville. _ Norton, Lyman, res. Plainville, Retired Merchant; b N J., s 1826; Postoffice Plainville. Newcomb, Mrs EF; Postoffice Baldwinsville. Ouderkirk, Clarence, Farmer; b N Y. alSal; Postoffice Bald- Perry Clark? res. Lysander, Wagou Maker; b N Y, s 1816; Postoffice Lysander. , Patterson, G B, Farmer; b N Y, s 1846; Postoffice Lysander. '** Perkins, W W, res Baldwinsville, Dentist, Postmaster and Wool dlr; b N Y, s 1852; Postoffioe Baldwinsville. Parsons, E B, res Baldwinsville, Pastor Presbyterian Church; b Mass, s 1868; Postoffice Baldwiusville. Pendergast, Jr, Stephen. Farmer; s 1852: Postoffice Phoenix. Park, Curtis, Farmer; b Ireland, s 1863; P O Baldwinsville. Park, Jenuie A, Postoffice 792 Broadwav, Albany, N Y. Patterson, John W. Porter, Mrs David, res Lvsander; b Camillus, Onoudaga Co, 1826; Postoffice Clay. Peltsr. H K, Postoffice Clay, N Y. Powell, Orsamus. Merchant and Farmer; b Rensselaer Co, 1813. s 1840 ; Postoffice Clay. N Y. Porter, David, Farmer; b N Y, s 1818; Postoffice Clay. Russell, Joseph, res Baldwinsville, Blacksmithing aud Horse- shoeing; b Canada, s 1855 ; P O Baldwinsville. Rice, A M, Farmer; b N Y, s 1848; P O Baldwiusville. Rice, D.P, Shoemaker and Tauner; b N Y, sl844; Postoffioe Little Utica. Rusa, H H. Hop Grower ; b N Y, s 1833; P 0 Little Utica. Smith, P, Farmer; b N Y, s 1840; P O Baldwinsville. Smith, R L, res Lysander, Merchaut and J P; b N Y, s 1823; Postoffice Lysander. Schermerhorn, Cathariue, P O Lysander, N Y. Slater, Rogers, Farmer and Cider Mfr ; b N Y, 8 1876.; Post- office Phoenix. Start, Mary, Farmer ; b N Y, s 1851 ; P O Baldwiusville. Slausou, S D, Farmer; b N Y, s 1821; P O Baldwinsville. Snyder, Charles, Farmer; bGermany, s 1855; Postoffice Bald winsville. Scoville, J M, res Baldwinsvil'e, Cigar Mfr ; b N Y, 1840, s 1859; P O. Baldwinsville. Schenck, R, Farmer; b N Y, s 1827; P O Plainville. Schenck, Catharine M, Farmer; b N Y, s 1825; P O Plainville. Schenck, John, Farmer; b N Y, s 1815 ; P O Plainville. Smith, L E. Postoffice Baldwinsville, NY. Skinner. D T, Postoffice Baldwiusville, N Y. Scheuck, B B, res Plainville, Homeopathic Physician and Sur geon ; b N Y, s 1815 ; P O Plainville. Sullivan, R B, res Plainville. Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon b N Y, s 1876; P O Plainville. Shenp, Mrs A, res Little Utica, Farmer ; b N Y, s 1847 ; Smith, Judson A. Farmer; b N Y, s 1855; P O Lysander. Slauson, J H, Farmer; b N Y, s 1858; Lysander. Snyder, R C, Farmer; Formerly Merchaut ; .b NY, s 1853; Postoffice Baldwinsville. Strahl & Bisdee, res Baldwinsville, Dealers iu Meat, Hides, Pelts, etc.; b Germany, s 1854; P O Baldwinsville. Suydam, S C, res Baldwinsville, Jeweler and Druggist; b N Y, Postoffice Baldwinsville. Schepler, William, Postoffice Baldwinsville. Tucker & Crippeu, res Baldwiusville, Dealers iuLeaf Tobacco; b N Y, s 1847; Postoffice Baldwinsville. Tillotson, C H, Farmer; b N Y, 3 1846: P O Lysander. Teall, Charles H, res Lysander, Farmer aud Carpenter; b N Y, s 1840 ; Postoffice Lysander. Thompson, M S, res Lamsons, Ticket and Express Agent, P M, Merchant, Coal aud Produce Dealer; b N Y, s 1842; Postoffice Lamsons. Toll, D C, res Baldwinsville, Deputy Sheriff; b N 1, s 1819; Postoffice Baldwinsville. Tappan, Wallace, res Baldwinsville. Merchant; b VanBuren, 1829; Postoffice Biildwiusville. VanLiew, J P. Farther ; b N J, s 1832 : P O Lysauder. Vinceut. William, Farmer, Carpenter aud Joiuer; s 1868; Postoffice Baldwinsville. ¦ . VanDerveer, Heury, Farmer; b N Y, 8 1825; PO Plainville. VanDerveer, Polly S, res Baldwiusville; b N Y; Postoffice Baldwinsviile. VanDerveer, D S, Farmer; b N Y, s 1834; P O Lysander. White, Nathaniel, res Baldwiusville, Lawyer, No 15 Syracuse Savings Bank, Syracuse, (firm Morgan & White,); b Town of Lysauder; Postoffice Baldwinsville. Wormuth, Ezra, res Baldwinsville, Livery and Sale Stable; b N Y, s 1839; Postoffic? Baldwinsville. Wilkins William L, res Baldwinsville, Prop'r Seneca Flouring and Custom Mills ; b N Y, s 1846 ; P O Baldwinsville. Wooster, Barclav, res Lysander, Hardware and Tinware; b b N Y, s 1823; Postoffice Lysander. Winchel, W C, res Lysander, Merchaut; b N Y, s 1827n Post- office Lysauder. Winchel, Mrs S C, res Lysander, Postmistress; b N Y, s 1833; Postoffice Lysander. Wright, M M ; Postoffice Baldwinsville. Wormoth, Levi T, Farmer; b N Y, s 1850; Postoffice Bald winsville. Wormoth, S, Farmer; b N Y, s 1839; P O Baldwinsville. White, J F, Farmer ; s 1850 ; Postoffice Baldwiusville. Wagner, R A, Farmer; b N Y, s 1850; P O Baldwinsville. Wood, Fred E, Farmer; b N Y, s 1860; P O Baldwiusville. Wagner, Andrew, Farmsr; b N Y, s 1841; P O Baldwinsville. Wagner! R. Farmer; b N Y, s 1857 ; P O Baldwinsville. Ward, Wm C, Tobacco Dealer ; res Plainville, IN 1 ; b JN 1 , s 1852 ; Postoffice Plainville, N Y. Wever,Chas A, res Baldwiusville, Wagou Manuf r Machine and Blacksmith Shop; b N Y, s 1846; Postoffice Bald wiusville. 424 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. Wooda, C E, Farmer and Boat Carpenter; s 1845; P O Clay. Woods, Chas, Farmer and Boat Builder; b England, s 1836; Postoffice Clay. TOWN OF ELBRIDGE. Arnold, Mrs S H, Postoffice Jordan. N Y. Baker, C 0, Postoffice Elbridge, N Y. Butterfield, Alfred J, res Elbridge, Physician and Surgeon; b Cortland Co, July 6, 1849, s March 15, 1876; Postoffice Elbridge. Bacon, D. Postoffice address 69 Warren street, Syracuse. Curtis, Arthur, res Elbridge. Marble and Granite Dealer; b Elbridge, 1850; Postoffice Elbridge. Clark, George C, Farmer; b Elbridge, 1845; P 0 Elbridge. Compton, William E, res Elbridge, Mfr Chairs; b New York, b 1877 ; Postoffice Elbridge. Clements, Mrs A M. Postoffice address Jordan. Dygert, Geo H. Postoffice address Jordan. Donnell, Wm O, res Jordan, Teacher; b New York, s 1854; PO Jordan. Elliot, L B, Farmer; b Lysander, 18ol; Postoffice Jordan. Elliot, John K. Farmer; b Lysander, 1834; Postoffioe Jordan. Garrison, Geo B res Jordan, Mfr Bedsteads; b Schuyler Co. July 7. 1830, s 1855 ; Postoffice Jordan. Harlin, EC; Postoffice Half- Way, Ouondaga Co, N Y. Hardy. Mrs M W; Postoffice Jordan, N Y. Hill, Thomas W; Postoffice Elbridge, N Y. Hill, D M; Postoffice Elbridge. Halsted, Jacob. Farmer; b Orange Co, NY, 1795,8 18C6; Post- office Jack's Reefs. Hopkins, T J; Postoffice Elbridge, N Y. Hubbell, Theron S, res Elbridge, Marble and Granite Dealer; b Roxberry, Delaware Co, 1816, s 1834; P O Elbridge. Hall, Fred S, res Elbridge, Merohant and Druggist; b Skan eateles Village, 1850; P O Elbridge, N Y. Harwood, A W. res Jordan, Undertakerund Furniture Dealer; b New York. 1844; Postoffioe Jordan. Ingerson, E D ; Postoffice Elbridge, N Y. (Retired.) Jones, Alexander, Farmer; b WilliamstowD, Oswego Co. N Y, 1821, s 1835; Postoffice Jordan. Jackson, A, res Jordan, Dealer in Coal, Lumber and Grain; b New York, s 1835; Postoffice Jordan. Kelley, Chas C. res Elbridge, Hardware Merchant; b Syracuse, Julv 27. 1847; Postoffioe Elbridge. N Y. Lewis, A D, res Jordan, Mfr Cigars ; b New York, 8 1844 ; Post offioe Jordan Lathrop, Louis B, Publisher; Postoffice Jordan, N Y. Laird, C W, Farmer: b Jordan, May 10, 1851; P O Jordan. Marlette George M, Postoffioe Memphis. Munro, Nathan, Postoffice Elbridge. Munro, John, Farmer; b Elbridge, 1821; Postoffice Elbridge. Merriman, Polly, res Elbridge; b Amsterdam, N Y, s 1817; Postoffice Elbridge. Martin E C, Postoffice Halfway. McGowan, Mrs C G, Postoffice Elbridge. McCollum, Alexander, Postoffice Elbridge. Mclntyre, Almeda, Postoffice Jacks Reefs. Mason, L H, Farmer; b New York, s 1805; Postoffice Jordan. Nicholson, Enoch C, Fanner, Hop-Raiser and Assessor; b Elbridge, July 13. 1826: Postoffice Jordan. Niles, Richard, res Jordan, Proprietor Clinton House, Post- office Jordan. Otis, Isaac C, Farmer; b New York, s 1832; P O Jordan. Peck, A D, res Jordan, Mfr wheelbarrows; b New York, a 1834; Po8toffice Jordan. Paddock, S D, P O address 152 Harrison street, Syracuse. Perry, I K, Postoffice Halfway. Pierson, David, Farmer; b Cayuga Co, N Y, 1803, sl848; Post- office Jordan. Rodger, James, res Jordan, Dealer in Coal, Grain and Lum ber; b New York, s 1822; Postoffice Jordan. Rodger & Co, Postoffice Jordan. Rockwell, S L, res Jordan, Mfr Wheel-barrows ; b New York, sl862; Postoffice Jordan. Rice, H E, Postoffice Jordan. Ranney, Luke, Elbridge Village ; Farmer and Surgeon ; b Ash- field. Franklin Co, Maes, 1815, s 1835; P O Elbridge. Remmel, J M, Postoffice Jordan, Sperry, R S, res Jordan, Wholesale Dry Goods and Notions at Syracuse; b Ct, s 1846; P O Jordan and Syracuse. Smith, Wm, Livery; Postoffice Jordan. Stocking, Solon C, res Jordan, Tobacco aud Cigars; b Aureliua, Cayuga Co, N Y, s 1856; Postoffice Jordan. Stevens, Thomas, Farmer; b Washington Co, N Y, 1803, s 1817; Postoffice Jordan. Stevens Bros, res Elbridge, Proprietors Munro House; Post- office Elbridge. Skinner. Ezekiel, res Elbridge, Cabinet Maker and Machinist; b Marshfield, Washington Co, Vt, s 1821 ; P O Elbridge. Stevens, John A, Farmer; b Elbridge, 1804; P () Elbridge. Smith, George R, res Elbridge, Clergyman; b Orleans Co, 1847, s May, 1876; P O Elbridge. Tracy, A F, res Jordan, Watches and Jewelry; b N Y, a 1833; P O Jordan. Thomas, John T, res Elbridge, Farmer and Furniture Mfr; b Newburgh, Orange Co, 1814, s 1825; P O Elbridge. Tifft, O A; P O Memphis. Tracy, J L, res Jordan, Mfr Agr Implements; b N Y, s 1857; P O Jordan. Tyler, J W, Farmer; b Marcellus, 1816; P O Jordan. Voorhees, James L, Farmer; b N Y, s 1847; P O Jordan. Voorhees, Mrs SA; PO Jordan. VanVleck, Alexander, res Jordan, Dealer iu Lumber and Coal; bN Y, s 1857; PO Jordan. VanVechten C H ; Postoffice Elbridge. Winsor, H P. res Jordan. Publisher Jordan Transcript ; b R I, sl835; PO Jordan. Wood, Smith, Farmer; b N Y, s 1815; P O Jordan. Wright, T K, res Elbridge, Teacher; b Vermont, s 1846: P O Elbridge. Welch, A; PO Jordan. Whiting, H C, Farmer; b Onondaga Co, 1823; PO Jordan. Warner, C M, res Jordan, Dealer in Coal, Lumber and Gram, Insurance and Postmaster; b N Y, s 1835; P O Jordan. Zeevalk. Henry, Farmer: b Elbridge, 1848; P O Elbridge. Zevalk, Adolphus, Farmer; b Holland, 1824, s 1845; Postoffioe Elbridge. TOWN OF SKANEATELES. Allis, C W, res Skaneateles, Merchant ; b N Y, s 1818; Postoffice Cl/n rinq f-p|pc Allen, Jacob H, Farmer; b N Y. s 1836; P O Skaneateles. Austin, Warren, res Skaneateles, retired Farmer; b N Y, s 1798; P O Skaneateles . Austin, Anthony, Farmer; b N Y, s 1821; P O Mandana. Ashpole, Wm, Farmer; b England, s 1830; P O Skaneateles. Andrews, F A, res Skaneateles, Propr Packwood House ; b Ct, - a 1827; P O Skaneateles, Andrews, E A, res Skaneateles, Propr Packwood House: b N Y, s 1837; P O Skaneateles. Albin F P; Book-keeper ; b Ct. s 1875; P O Skaneateles. Abercromby, H, Merchant and Decorative Painter. Barrow, George, res Skaneateles, Attomey-at-Law ; b N Y, s 1839 ; P O Skaneateles. ; Brown, J C, Farmer; b N Y. 8 1853; P O Skaneateles. Briggs, Daniel. Farmer; bRI, s 1796. (Deceased.) Briggs, W. S, Farmer; b N Y, a 1809; P O Skaneatelea. Clark, Wm H, Farmer; b England, s 1853; P O Skaneatelea. Cornell, H. res Skaneateles, Propr Livery Stable ; b N W, s 1820; P O Skaneateles. Cleveland, Lewis W, res Skaneateles, retired Farmer; b Mass, s 1816; P O Skaneateles. Cleveland, Lucinda S, res Skaneateles; b N H, sl869; P O Skaneateles. Coe, Capt E B, res Skaneateles, Master Steamboat " Glen Haven;" b N Y, 3 1836; P O Skaneateles. Cook, Guy P, Farmer; b Marcellus. 1833; PO Marcellus. ¦/ Dodge, H V, res Skaneateles, Editor and Proprietor "Dert»- »• crat;" b Mass, sl831; P O Skaneateles. >- l- Dando, Henry F, Farmer and Fruit Grower; b EnglanHi?tf V 1853; P O Skaneateles. Dillingham. D S, res Skaneateles, Propr Livery Stable; b N Y, s 1866; P O Skaneateles. Ellery, W G, res Skaneateles, Att'y-at-law, Notary Publio and Ins Agent; b N Y. » 1832; P O Skaneateles. Earll, G W, res Skaneateles, Physician and Surgeon ; b N Y, a 1836: Poatofflce Skaneatelea. Egglestou, Theodore, Farmer; b N Y, s 1823; P O Skaneatelfflfc Earll, Andrew J, Farmer and Supervisor; b N Y, s 1838; Post- office Skaneateles. Eckett, Edward, res Skaneateles, Baker and Confectioner; b England, a 1869; Postoffioe Skaneateles. Elphick, John J, res Skaneatelea, Blaoksmith; b N Y, s 1816; Postoffice Skaneateles. Earll, Julius, res Skaneateles, Prop'r Paper Mills; b N Y,,« 1818; Postoffioe Skaneateles. Earll, Col Daniel, Farmer; b N Y, 3 1803; P O Skaneateles. r "- Earll, Sarah S, Postoffice Skaneateles. Fisher, Thomas, Farmer; b England, s 1848; PO Skaneateles. Fisher, Jacob, Farmer; b N Y; Postoffice Skaneatles. Fisher, John, Farmer; Postoffice Skaneateles. Falts, Henry, Farmer; b N Y, s 1858; P O Skaneateles. Falts, Harvey, Farmer; b N Y, s 1858; Postoffice Skaneatell Fulton, H D, Farmer; b N Y, s 1822; Postoffice Skaneateles, Foote, Perry, Farmer, Lot 28. Foote, L B, Farmer, Lot 2S. Gregory, J H, res Skaneateles, Teasel dlr; b England, s 1832; Postoffice Skaneateles. Gamble, John, res Mottville, Prop'r Gamble House; blrehuid, s 1849; Postoffice Mottville. ' ¦ "' s * Giles, William P, Farmer ; b N Y, a 1831 ; P O Skaneatdift Glover, C H, rea Skaneateles, Painter; bNY, s 1872;?ost- office Skaneateles. Gorham, G E, res Mottville, RR Conductor; bNY, sl844; Postoffioe Mottville. Harris, Geo L, res Skaneateles, Dentist; bNY, sl861; Post* office Skaneateles. Hunsiker, E, Farmer ; b N Y, s 1830; Postoffice Skaneateles. Hart, Israel, Farmer; b N Y, s 1868; Postoffice Skaneateles."""*! Hardwioh, .James, Farmer ; b England, a 1843 ; P O Skaneateles. Hoxie, Rowland R, Farmer; b N Y, s 1846; P O Skaneateles. Hendrioks, Peter, res Skaneateles, Blacksmith; bNY, sl86K? Postoffice Skaneateles. ' *"*>' HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 425 Knox, J K, re8 Skaneateles, Merchant; b New York, s 1874; Postoffioe Skaneateles. Krebs, Karl, res Skaneateles, "Propr Lake View House;" b Germany, s 1854; Postoffioe Skaneateles. Lapham, A A, res Skaneateles; Postoffioe Skaneateles. Leslie, E Norman, res Skaneateles, Retired Merchant; b N J, sl851; Postoffice Skaneateles. Lee, Benoni, res Skaneateles, Attorney at Law; b Vt, s 1826. Postoffioe Skaneateles. Lawreuoe, A W, Farmer; b N Y, s 1817. P O Skaneateles. Loveless, Solomon, Retired Farmer; b N Y, s 1806. Postoffioe Skaneateles. McLaughlin & Sons. J. Teasel Dealers. Marviu, Wm, res Skaneateles, Attorney at Law, ex U S Dist Judge; b N Y, s 1866. P O Skaneateles, Marshall, John B, res Skaneateles, Postmaster ; b England, s 1846. P O Skaneateles. Mort in. Thos, res Mottville. Prop Woolen Mills, Mfr Shawls, Broadoloths and Fancy Cassimerea; b Sootland, a 1840. P O Mottville. Nurse, Wm, res Skaneateles, Painter; b England, s 1857; P O Skaneateles. Nurse, Wm H. res Skaneateles, Blacksmith; b New York, 8 1859; Postoffice Skaneateles. Pardee, C, res Skaneateles, Banker; b Skaneateles, 1797, P O Skaneateles. (Deceased.) Packwood. John, res Skaneateles, Carriage Mfr; b England, 3 1834; Postoffice Skaneateles. Parsons. Moses, Farmer; b Skaueateles, s 1815; Postoffice Skaneateles. Purcell, F J, res Skaneateles, Pastor of "St Mary's of the Lake," Rom. Cath. Ch. ; b Ireland, sl860; Postoffioe Skaneateles. Pardee, Amos, Retired Farmer; b Conn, s 1804; Postoffice Skaneateles. Pardee, Amos R, Farmer; b N Y, s 1828 ; P O Skaneateles. Piatt. Willis. Farmer; b Ct, s 1823 ; P O Skaneateles. Potter. Geo F, res Willow Glen, Paper Maker and Town Col lector; bNY, a 1845; Postoffice Skaneateles. Root, Jas A. res Skaueateles. Farmer and Nurseryman; bN Y, s 1854 : Postoffice Skaneateles. Read, Joseph. Farmer; b N Y, s 1816; P O Skaneatelea. Stephenson, J C, res Skaueateles, Editor and Prop'r '• Free Presa;" b N Y, s 1858; Postoffice Skaneatelea. Smith, E Reuel, res Skaueateles, Capitalist ; b N Y, s 1852 ; P O Skaneateles. Sweeting. Chas, Farmer; b Canada, a 1857; P O Skaneateles Falls. Smith, < has. Farmer ; b England, s 1853 ; P O Skaneateles. Shepard, John, Farmer; b l onn. s 1794. (Deceased.) Shepard, Edward. Farmer ; b N Y, s 1808 ; P O Marcellus. Sweet, L A. Farmer; b N Y, s 1846; P O Skaueateles. ^, Sweet, Mrs C L; bNY, sl823; P U Skaueateles. 8 6kahan, J, Farmer; b Ireland; P O Skaneateles. Skahan, Wm. Farmer; b N Y, s 1851; P O Skaueateles. Sherman. Alfred, Farmer; b N Y. s 1842; P O Skaneateles. Saxton, Wm, Farmer; b N Y, s 1877; P 0 Skaneateles. Stacey, R M, res Skaueateles, Prop'r Grocery and Meat Market; b N Y, a 1833 ; P O Skaneateles. Smith, Frank, Farmer; b N Y. s 1833; P O Skaneateles. Sinclair, FA, Chair Mfr; P O Mottville. Thayer, J. res Skaueateles, President Bank of Skaneateles; b N Y, s 1835 ; Postoffice Skaneateles. Thurlow, H,re- Skaneateles, Teasel Dealer and Proprietor Res taurant; b England; Postoffice Skaneateles. Thornton, Dewitt C, Farmer; b N Y, s 1851 ; P O Skaneateles. Thornton, Stephen, Farmer; bNY. a 1827; P O Skaneateles. Thorne, Obadi.ih, Farmer and Teasel Dealer; b N Y, s 1844: Postoffice Skaneateles. Thorne, W. G., Farmer and Teasel Dealer; b N Y, » 1844; Postoffice Skaneatelea. Varv. Heury H, Farmer; b N Y, s 1841 ; P O Skaneateles. Wyckoff, C C, Farmer; b N Y, 3 1823; P O Skaneateles. Weeks, F G, res Skaneateles, Farmer, Paper Manufacturer and Teasel Dealer; b England, s 1834; P O Skaneateles. Wilkinson, Alfred. Farmer. (Deceased.) Wilkinson, Mrs ST; b N Y, s 1825. Postoffice Skaneateles. Wright, AM. res Skaneateles; Principal Uuion Free School; b N Y, s 1875; Postoffice Skaneateles. TOWN OF SPAFFORD. Anthony, George H, res Spafford Corners, Proprietor Spafford House ; b Cortland Co, 1833, s 1868 ; Postoffice Spafford Corners. Davis, Richard H, res Borodino, (firm Davis & Hawtin); b England, s 1859 ; Postoffice Borodino. Doolittle, Warren, res Lot 76, Retired Farmer; b Conn, 1812, s 1842; Postoffice Borodino. Doolittle, Ruth Stacy, wife of W Doolittle; b Conn, 1815, s 1842 ; Postoffice Borodino Enoa, Joseph H, Farmer; b Spafford, 1814; P O Skaneateles.. Enos, Hannah, wife of J H Enos; b Spafford, 1816; Postoffice Skaneatelea. Enos, Joseph, father of J H Enos ; b Mass, 1779, s 1805 ; died 1852. Enos, Chloe, wife of Joseph Enos; b Mass, 1777, a 1805; died 1848. 76* Gay, Robert Martin, Farmer; b Cortland Co., 8 1840; Post- office Borodino. Gay, Calista Owen, wife of R M Gay; b Rensselaer Co., 1815, sl840; Postoffice Borodino. Gifford, Henry A. Lot 68, Farmer; b Dutchess Co., 1809, s 1844 ; Postoffice Thorn Hill. Gifford, Betsey, wife of H A Gifford; b Dutchess Co., 1812, 8 1844; Postoffice Thoru Hill. Gifford, Garrison A, Lot 68, Farmer; b Clintonville, s 1853; Poatoffice Thorn Hill. Gifford, Faunie M, wife of G A Gifford; b Spafford, 1854; Postoffice Thorn Hill. Harvey, Mark, Farmer and Blooded-stock Raiser; b Spafford, s 1832 ; Postoffice Thorn Hill. Harvey, Paul, Farmer; b Vermont, 1794, s 1796; died 1852. Harvey, Sally, wife of Paul Harvey ; b N Y, 1796, s 1811. Harvey, Adaline, daughter of Paul and Sally Harvey, b Spaf ford, 1818; Postoffice Thorn Hill. Hill, Wm, Lot 75, Farmer ; b Cayuga Co, 1811, s 1846; died May 3, 1877. Hill, Mary Jane, widow of Wm Hill; b Saratoga Co, 1822, s 1846: Postoffice Borodino. Haaker, Richard, Farmer and Butcher; b England, 1817, 8 1865; Postoffice Borodino. Haaker, Frederick, Farmer aud Butcher; b Cayuga Co, 1852, s 1865. Hawtin, George, Machinist and Prop'r Saw Mill; (firm Davis & Hawtin) b England, s 1859; P O Borodino. Haight, Titus, Farmer; b Dutchess Co, 1797; s 1828; died January 18, 1868. Haight. Hannah, wife of Titus Haight; b Dutchess Co, 1801, a 1828; died September 4, 1873 Haight, Heury J, Lots 69 and 74, Farmer ; b Spafford, s 1841 ; Postoffice Borodino. Haight Dora, wife of Henry Haight; b Spafford, 1850 ; Post- office Borodino. Legg, W W, res Borodino, Postmaster, b Spafford, a 1815; Postoffice Borodino. Logg, Minerva A, wife of W W Legg; b Spafford, 1819; Post- ¦ office Borodino. Lewis, John J, Farmer; b Eugland, 1827, s 1846; Postoffioe Skaneateles.- Lewis, Lucy, wife of John J Lewis; b England, sl864; Post- office Skaneateles Lewis, Roaa M, daughter John J and Lucy L°wia; b Spafford, 1868; Postoffice Skaneatelea. Lawrence. W H. Postoffice Spafford Corners, Lyou, C B, Postoffice Spafford Corners Moule, Moses P, Lot 74, Farmer. Patentee and Manufacturer of Moule's Celebrated Bag-Holder "Good Help;" b Ulster Co, 1821, s 1850; Postoffioe Skaueateles. Moule, Cordelia Ingham, wife of Moses P Moule; b Dutchess Co, 1812, s 1838; Postoffioe Skaneateles. Moule, Philip I, son of M P Moule; b Monroe Co, 1851, s 1851; Postoffice Syracuse. Moule Conger A, sou of M P Moule; b Spafford, 1853; Post- office Skaneateles. Mason, Mortimer, Lot 74, Farmer and School Teacher; b Mase, 1825, s 1831; Postoffioe Borodino. Mason, Esther P Vail, wife of Mortimer Mason ; b Skaneateles, sl828; Postoffice Borodino. Morton, Orson B, Lot 74, Farmer, Inventor aud Manufacturer of Morton's Sulkey Harrow; h. LaFayette; s 1835; Postoffice Borodino. Morton, Susan A Bass, wife of Orson B Morton; b Hamilton Co, 1840, s 1873; Postoffice Borodino. Morton. Ambrose, father of O B Morton; Farmer; b Mass, s 1788; died 1863. Morton. Sabrina, wife of Ambrose Morton; b Vermont, 1796, s 1801 ; Postoffice Skaneateles. Mason, I L, Farmer, b N Y, s 1820; Postoffice Skaneateles. Newvill. Alex (.', Farmer; b Otisco, 1817; Postoffice Borodino. Newvill, Climena J, b Otisco, s 1816; Postoffice Borodino. Norton, Seymour; Postoffioe Spafford Corners. Olmsted, Jeremiah, Farmer; b Montgomery Co, 1835, s 1835; Postoffioe Borodino. Olmsted, Lavma, wife of J Olmsted; b Maroellua, 1839; Post- office Borodino. Purchase, Samuel, Farmer ; b Skaneateles ; Postoffice Borodino. Purchase, Harriet, wife of Samuel Purchase : b Camillus ; Post- office Borodino. Stanton. Samuel H ; Postoffice Borodino. Smith, Myron K, Parmer; b Spafford; s 1847; P O Borodino Smith, Jennie Becker, wife of Myron R Smith; b Spafford, s 1851 ; Postoffice Borodino. Tripp, Van Dyke, res Borodino, Physician and Surgeon; b Madison Co, 1833, s 1866; Postoffice Borodino. Taft, John P ; Postoffice Spafford Corners. Weston. Henry, Farmer and Supervisor; b Spafford, 1830;^ PoBtoffice Borodino. Weston, Sarah E, wife of Henry Weston; b Marcellus, 1830; Postoffioe Borodino. TOWN OF MARCELLUS. Alvord, Richard W, res Marcellus, Prop'r Alvord House ; b Saratoga Co, 1826, s 1850; P O Marcellus. 426 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. Alvord, Eliza (Chatfield,) res Marcellus, wife of R W Alvord; b Cayuga Co, 1845, s 1866; P O Marcellus. Bronson, Selah M, rea Marcellua, Miller; b Navarino, 1853; P O Marcellus. Baker, M, res Marcellus, Shoe Manufacturer. Cornish. Joel, Farmer; b Hartford Co, Conn, 1792, a 1805; P O Marcellus, Cobb, B S, res Marcellus, Physician. Cornwell, Edward A, Farmer; b M Y, s 1857; P 0 Marcellus. Cowles, E C. Farmer; b N Y, s 1833; P 0 Thorn Hill. Case Mrs E P, Farmer; b Saratoga Co, s 1828; P O Howlett Hill. , „ t^T ,, Davis. Wm T. res Marietta, Physician and Farmer; b N Y, s 1818 ; P O Marietta. Dunlap, James M. Farmer; b Marcellus, s 1824; P O Marcellus. Dorchester, Robert E, Farmer; bNY; P O Marcellus. Earll, Shepard, Farmer; b Marcellus, 1825; PO Thorn Hill. Eastman, J R, res Marietta, Prop'r Marietta House; b N Y, s 1831 , P O Marietta Fellowa. Mra Mary, Farmer; b Marcellus. s 18C8, Postoffice Marcellus Garuett Wm, res Marcellus, Carriage and Wagon Mfr; b Ire land, 1846. s 1847; P 0 Marcellus. Hickok Wm C, Farmer; bNY; P O Marcellus. Hardacre Isaac, Farmer; b England, s 1864; P O Thorn Hill. Hicks Alanson, Farmer and Justice of the Peace; b Dutchess ' Co NY, s 1835; Postoffice Marietta. Julio, W H, res Marcellus, Wool Sorter; bNY, 1828, s 1847; Postoffice Marcellus. Loothridge, Robert, Farmer ; b Marcellus, s 1828 ; Postoffice Marcellus. T.awless Michael J, res Marcellus Falls,, (firm M. J. Lawless & Co, Mfr) ; b Ireland 1837, s 1852 ; P O Marcellus Falls. Tiemey, Deuuis, Paper Mfr; b Ireland ; P O Marcellus Falls. Moses Lucius, res Marcellus, Prop'r Marcellus Woolen Mills ; ' b Marcellus 1831 ; Postoffice Marcellus. Mills G C, Farmer; b N Y. s 1843; Postoffice Thorn Hill. Mills' Timothy, Farmer; b N Y, s 1803'; Postoffice Skaneateles. McDonough, Rev B J, Pastor St. Francis Xavier Church; b Albany. sl870; P O Marcellus. Marcellus Powder Company, Marcellus Mfr of Powder. Newton, Ado'.phus, Farmer; b Marcellus 1830 ; P O Marcellus. Nightingale, Wm, Mfr of Lumber; b N Y, a 1854. N orth, C, Farmer. North, Robert F, rea Marcellua, Retired ; b N Y ; Postoffice Marcellus. Newell, W C, res Marietta, Prop'r Marietta Mills ; b LaFay ette, 8 1833; Postoffice Marietta. Newell, Lydia, res Marietta, wife of W C Newell ; b LaFay ette 1846 ; Postoffice Marietta. Parsons, Israel, res Marcellua ; Phy8ician and Surgeon ; b Mar cellus; Postoffice Marcellus. Reed, Edmund, res Marcellus, Mfr. Shipping & Merchandise Tags and Printer; b Marcellus, 1856; P O Marcellus. Richards, O M, Mauufacturer of Lumber. Rockwell, Alfred, Farmer; b Conn, s 1834; P O Marcellus. Rice & McNally, Farmers and dlrs in Farm Implements; b Marcellus 1844 ; Postoffice Marcellus. Seymour, A M, Dlr in Groceries. Stucky, George, res Marcellus, Farmer and dlr in Phosphate; b England, s 1841 ; Postoffice Marcellus. Taylor, Albert, res Marietta, Miller; b Cortland Co 1836, s 1836; Postoffice Marietta. Walker, Thomas, res Marcellus Village, Boot and Shoe dlr and J P; b England, s 1830; Postoffice Marcellus. Wells, Harvey, res Marcellus, Miller; b N Y, 1837; Postoffice Marcellus. White William B, res Marcellus, Hardware Merchant; bNY; Postoffice Marcellus. TOWN OF CLAY. Adkius, Rev. Loren L, Lot 16, M E Clergyman and Farmer; b Otsego Co, 1812, s 1844; Postoffice Euclid. Alleu John H, Lot 15, Farmer, (enlisted Co. E, 152 Regt. 1862;) b Oneida Co, 1842, s 1869; Postoffice Euclid. Ainslie John, Farmer; b England, s 1816; Postoffice Euclid. Breed, Dudley, res. Lot 22, Farmer, Brick aud Tile Manuf; b Vt. 1813, s 1823; Postoffice Clay. Burleigh. Samuel N, Lot 14, Farmer and School Teacher, b N H, 1792. s 1819; Postoffice Phoenix. Barnes, J H, Farmer and Justice of the Peace; b N Y, s 1825, Postoffice Euclid. Baum, B W, Farmer and Oil Speculator ; b N Y, s 1832; Post- office Plank Koad. Barrus, C M, Farmer; b N Y. s 1841; Postoffice Liverpool. Bettinger, M J. Farmer aud Dairyman; bNY, b 1831; Post- ¦•' office Euclid. Burdick, George K, Assessor ; b R I, s 1840; P O Plank Road. Coughtry, J W, Farmer and Cigar Manufacturer; s 1862; Post- office Cigarville. CheBbro James H., Lot 91, Farmer and Lumbermau; b On tario Co, 1818, s 1820; Postoffice Plauk Road. Chaffee, Newman J, Lot 14, Farmer ; b Sohroeppel, 1838, s 1865; Postoffice Phoenix. Cooper, C, Farmer aud Dairyman ; b N J , s 1830 ; Postoffice Liverpool. Diefendorf, Rufus, Three River Point, Grove for Excursion Parties ; b Fort Plaiu, 1828, s 1835 ; Postoffioe Phoenix. Dodge, F, Supt. Syracuse Peat Works ; b Ohio, sl873; Postof fioe Cigarville. Diefendorf, R H. Lot 22. Farmer and Commercial agent- b Cayuga Co, 1849, a 1851 ; Postoffice Clay. Decker, James L, Lot 14, Farmer and Teacher: b Van Buren 1840; Postoffice Clay. Dewey, G W, Farmer and Dairyman ; b Mass, s 1842; Post- . office Liverpool. Dunham, Moseley, Farmer; bNY, s 1805 ; Postoffice Plank Road. Delong, Abram, Farmer; b N Y, a 1821; Postoffice Euclid. Ehle, Seymour A. Lot 90, Farmer, (15th N Y Cavalry) ; b Liver pool, 1841 ; Postoffice Syracuse. Eno, Myron, Farmer; b Clay, 1832; Postoffice Clay. Eno, Addison S, res. New Bridge, Prop'r Hotel ; b Clay; Post- office Clay. Fay, Paul, Lot 90, Farmer, (Batt. F, 3d N Y Artillery) ; b Cicero 1828; Postoffice Plauk Road. Fugett, J M, Blacksmith aud Wagoner; b Tenn. s 1865, Post- office Clay. Field, C F, Farmer; b N Y, s 1854; Postoffice Liverpool. Filkins, H, Farmer; b N Y, s 1836; Postoffioe Liverpool. Grinn, W, Lot 88, Farmer; b Germany 1822, s 1860; Postoffice Liverpool. Gray, William E, Lota 24 and 75, Prop'r of two Cheese Fac tories ; b Kentucky 1853, s 1876; Postoffice Euclid. Gilbertson, H H, Grist and Saw Mills; bNY, s 1870; Post- office Caughdenoy. Hibbard. Isaac VV, Lot 6, Farmer; b Saratoga Co, 1789, s 1794. Died June 14. 1871. Hibbard, Samuel M, Lot 91, Farmer; b Pompey, 1822; P 0 Syrrcuee. Kittel, Philo L. Lot 61. Farmer; b Clay, 1837; P O Liverpool. Lamb, Horace S, Lot 16. Farmer; b Clay, 1851; P O Liverpool. Lynn, H A, Lots 52-38-39-91, Farmer: b Clay, 1818; P O Plank Road. Lynn, J, Postoffice Plauk Road. Miller, Mary C, Lot 15, Farmer; b Dutchess Co, 1821, s 1836; P O Liverpool. Moyer, Jacob H, Farmer and Dairy ; bNY, sl840; PO Euclid. Melvin, C, School Teacher; bNY; P O Woodard. Nash, H A, Farmer and Dairy; b N Y, s 1837; P O Cigarville. Nash, G W, Farmer and Dairy; bNY, sl837; P O Cicero. Piester, James D, Lot 75, Farmer; b Columbia Co, 1837, s 1846; P O Liverpool. Price, George P, Lot 89, Farmer; b England, 1838, s 1846; P O Liverpool Palmer, Gideon M, Farmer; b N. Y, s 1816; P O Euclid. Plummer, J W, Farmer; b Mass, s 1843; P O Clay. Riggs, James, Lot 15, Farmer and School Teacher; b Jordan, 1845 ; P O Euclid. Rowley, A L, Farmer; b Conn, s 1866; P O Plank Road. Russell, Henry, Blacksmith and Wagoner; bNY, s 1838 ; P O Clay. Scidmore, JohnS, res Lot 13, Farmer; b Jefferson Co, 1818, s 1841 ; P O Euclid. Smith, Earl, res Lot 88, Farmer; b Liverpool, 1822; P O Liv erpool. Shaver, Tobias, Lot 25 ; Farmer and Blacksmith ; b Schoharie Co, 1820, s 1850; PO Euclid. Scott, Thomas H, County Clerk ; b N Y ; P O Euclid. Soule, O S, res Euclid, Propr Piatt House ; b N Y: P O Euclid. Sumner, R T, Farmer ; b N Y, sl865 ; P O Brewertou. Somers, A L, Farmer ; b N Y, s 1853 ; P O Clay. Somers, Jos D, Farmer ; b N Y, s 1862 ; P O Clay. Stems, Charles L, Farmer ; b N Y, s 1832 ; P O Plank Road. Soule, A J. Farmer and Dairyman ; b N Y, s 1831; P O Euolid. Teall, W N, Fruit Raiser and Gardener ; b N Y, s 1817 ; Post- office Clay. Vroman, W. J., Lot 91, Propr Clarendon Hotel ; b LaFayette, sl833; POSyraouse. Walter, Martin A, Farmer; b N Y, s 1829 , P O Cicero. Wiborn, B S, Lot 78, Farmer; b Livingston Co, 1816, s 1856; P O Woodard. Warner, Park O, Farmer; b Clay, s 1853; P O Euclid. Wormuth, Rufus, Lot 22, Farmer; b Fort Plain, 1835, s 1836; P O Clay. Woods, Charles, Boat Builder and Turner; England, 1815, s 1835; POClay. Wall, C B; Postoffice Phoenix, N Y. TOWN OF VAN BUREN. Bingham, A W, Farmer aud Supervisor; P O VanBureu. Banigan, Patrick, Farmer; b Ireland, s 1847; P O Belleisle. Breed, Eugene, Farmer; b N Y, s 1842; P O Memphis. Bentley, Russel D, Farmer; b R I, s 1809; P O Warners. Barnes, Orsou, Farmer, Merchant aud R R Contractor; b On ondaga Co, S1800; died 185L. Barues, Eliza; b Conn, s 1815; PO Patterson, N J. Bowmau, Hiram, Farmer and Civil Engineer; b NY, s 1826; Postoffice Baldwinsville. Breed, Barnet M, Farmer ; b N Y, s 1808 ; P O Baldwinsville. Breed, Harvey H, Farmer; b N Y, s 1849; P O Baldwinsville. Behling, Henry. HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 427 Clark, A K, res Baldwinsville, Farmer, Justice Peaoe and Mfr Pumps; b N Y, s 1833; P O Baldwinsville. Crego, Ira L, Farmer ; b Onondaga Co, 1825 ; died 1865. Crego, Charlotte, Farmer; b N Y. s 1828; P 0 Baldwinsville. Crum, A B, Farmer; b N V, s 1854; P O Baldwinsville. Crum, A. Farmer; b N Y, s 1816; PO Baldwinsville. Cornell, Elijah, Farmer ; b N Y, s 1822; P O VanBuren. Cornell, Abner; Farmer; b N Y. s 1827; P O Baldwinsville. Cornell, Wm P, Farmer; b N Y. s 1845; P O Baldwinsville. Cornell, Leonard, Farmer ; b N Y, s 1827; P O Memphis. Clifton. Wm, Farmer; b England, s 1852; P O Baldwiusville. Clark, Joshua W, Farmer; b N Y'. s 1826; P O Baldwinsville. Campbell, Ethan, Farmer and J P ; b N Y, s 1817; Postoffice Memphis. Campbell, Wm B, Retired; b N Y, s 1814; P O Memphis. Daboll. Heury, Farmer; b Conn, s 1842: PO Memphis. Diugmau, Lewis, Farmer; bNY: died 1866. Diugmau, Eliza M, Farmer; b N Y, s 1826; P O Memphis. Davis, Warren, Farmer; b Mass, s 1834; P O Warners. Eoker, Geo, Farmer; b N Y, s 1839; P O Belle Isle. Fellows, David G, Farmer; b N Y. s 1847; died 1876. Fellows, Mary. Farmer; b N Y, s 1847; P O Baldwinsville. Foster, Russell, Farmer; b N Y, s 1806; P O Memphis. Foster, Leouard, Farmer; b N Y, s 1813; P O Warners. Filkins, Chas, Farmer; b N Y, s 1834; P O Memphis. Gridlev, John. Farmer; b Conn, s 18i'3 ; P O Memphis. Hall. Horace G, Farmer; b N Y, s 1831: P O Baldwinsville. Haynes, Col Thaddeus, Farmer; b N Y, s 1808; PO Baldwins ville. Haynes, John, Farmer: b Onondaga Co, 1801. (Died 1870.) Haynes, David, Farmer; b N Y, s 1825; P O Baldwinsville. Haynes, Wm, Farmer; b N Y, s 1838: P O Baldwiusville. Hay, Luther, Farmer; b N Y, s 1831: P O Baldwinsville. Harrington, Martin, Farmer; bNY, s 1840; PO Baldwins ville. Hall, Geo W. Farmer; b N Y, s 1829 ; P O Memphis. Harrington, Tsaac, Farmer: b N Y, s 1821; P 0 Baldwinsville. Howe, Albert, Farmer; b N Y, s 1849; P O Baldwinsville. Higgins. Seabury M, Phys and Surg; b Mass, s 1837; P O Memphis. Harper, Wm Henry, Farmer; b N Y, s 1867; P O Warners. Hungerford, Samuel H, Farmer; b N Y, s 1822; P 0 Memphis. Hungerford, O H, Farmer; b N Y, s 1849; P O Memphis. Ingoldsby, Maynard, Farmer ; b N Y, s 1828; P O Warners. Kenyon, Jacob C, res Baldwinsville. General Wrapping Paper Mfr'y ; b N Y, s 1865; P O Baldwinsville. Kratzer, Thomas, Farmer; b Germany, s 1867; P O Baldwins ville. Linsday, Daniel S. Farmer; b Ouondaga Co, s 1801. (Died 1877.) Linsday, Oliver, Farmer; b N Y, b 1809; P O Baldwiusville. Loveless, Daniel, Farmer; b Onondaga Co, s 1803. (Died 1877.) Loveless, Robert, Farmer; b N Y. s 1844: P O Baldwinsville. Laufare, H E, Farmer; b N Y, s 1844: P O Memphis. Miller, Henry, Farmer; b N Y, s 1862; P O Baldwinsville. Marouey, Wm, Farmer; b Ireland, s 1854; P O Baldwinsville. Maltby, Lyman, Farmer; b N Y, s 1819 ; P O Baldwinsville. Maltby, Jacob, Farmer ; b Middlesex, Mass. (Deceased.) Molby, John, Farmer; b Onondaga Co, s 1817. (Died 1859.) Molby, Clarissa, Farmer ; b N Y, s 1818; P O Memphis. Meigs, Ruel, Farirer; b N Y. s 1823; P O Baldwiusville. Marvini Geo W, Retired; b Conn, s 1811; Postoffice Warners. Marviu, Geo W Jr, Farmer; bNY, s 1842; Postoffioe Warners. Newport. Richard P. Farmer and Blacksmith ; b England, s 1839; Postoffioe Memphis. Nichols, Fraucis R, Farmer and Dealer in General Mdse; b Onondaga Co, a 1801; died 1865. Nichols, Erwin F, Farmer; s 1844; Postoffice Warners. Nostraut, John, Farmer; bNY, s 1815; Postoffioe Memphis. O'Brien, Thomas, Farmer; b Irelaud, 8 1852; Postoffioe Bald winsville. O'Brien, Daniel, Farmer; b Ireland, s 1850; Postoffice Bald winsville. Ouderkirk, Horace, Farmer; b N Y, s 1822; Postoffice Bald winsville. Parry, Elisha R, Farmer; b England ; Postoffioe Memphis. Parry, Joseph E, Farmer ; b N Y, s 1851 ; Postoffioe Memphis. Pelton. Phillip, Farmer; b N Y, s 1838; P O Baldwiusville. Peck, Homer, Farmer; Postoffice Van Buren. Reese, Jacob. Farmer; b N Y, s 1855 ; P O Baldwinsville. Reed, Wm. Farmer; b N Y, s 1815; Postoffioe Baldwinsville. Resseguie. Noah, Farmer ; b N Y, s 1832 ; Postoffice Memphis Schepler, Win, Dealer in Cattle aud Butcher: b Germany, s 1851; Postoffice Stiles. Smith, Augustus, Farmer; b Conn, sl814; P O Baldwiusville. Sears, Rufus, Farmer, b Onondaga Co. s 1819; died 1876. Sears, Jane E, Farmer, b N Y, s 1824; Postoffice Onondaga. Sears, James, Farmer; b N Y, s 1822; Postoffice Onondaga. Sullivan, John, Farmer; b Ireland, a 1853; Postoffice Stiles. Spore, Abraham, Farmer, b Montgomery Co, a 1815; died 1873. Spore, Betaey, Farmer; b N Y, a 1815; P O Baldwinsville. Sullivan. Napoleon B, Physician and Surgeon ; b JS Y, s 1829; Postoffice Memphis. ,, „ „, Spaulding, Chauncey B, Farmer; b N Y, s 183i ; P O Memphis. Smith, Maynard, Farmer, Saw Mill, Ice aud Cider; b N 1, s 1829; Postoffice Baldwinsville. Schuyler, Chaa M, Farmer; b N Y, a 1841 ; P O Baldwinsville. Talmage, Lewis, Farmer; b N Y, s 1825; P O Baldwinaville. Talmage, Enos L, Farmer; b N Y, a 1817; P O Baldwinsville. Talmadge, Isaac, Farmer ; b N Y, s 1817 ; died 1875. Talmadge, Jonas M, Farmer; b NY, s 1837; PO Baldwiusville. Turner, Uriah, Farmer; b N Y. s 1839; P O Baldwinsville. Voorhees, David, Farmer; b N Y, a 1824; P O Baldwinsville VauVolkenburgh, Henry, Farmer; b Ouondaga Co, 1834; died 1876. VauVolkenburgh, Marv, Farmer; b N Y, s 1832; P 0 Memphis. White, W 3, Farmer and Pump Manufr; b N Y. s 1822; Post- office Baldwiusville. Williams, Nathan, Farmer; b Onondaga Co, 1797; died 1873. Williams, Louisa, Farmer; b N Y, s 1804; P O Baldwiusville. Weaver, Martin L, Farmer; b N Y, s 1814; P O Baldwiusville. Wright, John, Farmer; b N Y, s 1832; P O Baldwinsville. Wormuth, Moses, Farmer; b Montgomery Co, s 1837; died 1875. Wormuth, Mary F, Farmer; b N Y, s 1837; PO Stiles. Warner, Leonard, Farmer; b N "V. s 1821; P O Baldwinsville. White, Trueman, Farmer; b N Y, s 1807; P O Baldwinsville. White, Jonas T, Farmer; b N Y, s 1848; P O Baldwinsville. Widger, Erwin, Farmer; b N Y, 81838; P O Baldwiusville. Weaver, Abel, Retired ; Postoffice Waruers. Weaver, Trueman, Farmer; b N Y, s 1824; P O Warners. TOWN OF DE WITT. Adcook, Geo, B'armer; b Onondaga Co, 1827; P O Fayetteville. Blumer, John P, Lot 21, Farmer; b Ouondaga Co, 1841; Postoffice Syracuse. Bates, John W, Farmer and Dairyman, Overseer Poor; b On ondaga Co, 1833; P O DeWitt Center. Bosse, J Fred, Gardener and Carpeuter; b Germany, s 1848; Postoffice DeWitt. Bogardus, Eugene, Farmer; b Onondaga Co, 1837; PoBtoffice Syracuse. Brayton, Warren C, Farmer and Breeder of Fine Stock; b Washington Co, sl857; Postoffice Syracuse. Brooks, George. Farmer; b Albany Co, s 1820: P O DeWitt. Breer, Henry, Central City Phosphate Works; b Germany; Postotfice Sj racuse. Black, Abram M, res DeWitt, Retired Farmer; b Onondaga Co, 1813; Postoffice DeWitt. Blanchard, Frauk J, Farmer; b Onondaga Co, 1833; Postoffioe Fayetteville. Cobb, E D, Farmer; b Onondaga Co, s 1809; P O DeWitt. Clark, Elijah, res East Syracuse, Retired Farmer; b Onon daga Co, s 1804 ; Postoffice East Syracuse. Campbell. A B. Farmer; b Ouondaga Co, 1811; Postoffice Fay etteville. Campbell, Harriet M, b Onondaga Co 1821. Colvin, B F, Farmer; b Onoudaga Co, s 1838; P O Syracuse. Cadogan. Asa, Farmer; b Herkimer Co, b 1827; Postoffioe Jamesville. Chapman, Carlton E, Farmer; b Onondaga Co, s 1828, Post- office Jamesville. Carpenter, Vliet. Farmer; Dutchess Co, s 1816: P O 'Collamer. Doe, James, Miller; Prop'r New York Mills; b England, s 1835 ; Postoffice De Witt. Duulop, Robert, Plaster and Lime Mfr; b Albauy Co, s 1833; Postoffioe Jamesville. Edwards, H K. Under-Sheriff; b Ouondaga Co, s 1828; Post- office DeWitt. Furbeck, J I, Farmer aud J P, b Albany Co, s 1834 ; Post- office Collamer. Ferris, G C, Farmer; b Conn, s 1855; Postoffice DeWitt. Gove, Perry B, res Jamesville, Miller; b NH,1831; Post- office Jamesville. Gregory, Benjamin S, res Jamesville, Att'yand Ins Agent; b Orange Co, s 1835 ; Postoffice Jamesville. Getmau, Geo H, Lot 30, Farmer aud Dairyman; b Jefferson Co, s 1866 ; Postof flee Syracuse. Hill, J L, Farmer; b Pompey, s 1820; P O Syracuse Holbrook, J G, Blacksmith; b Pompey, s 1837; PO Jamea- ville. Headson, Stephen, res DeWitt Centre, Merchant; b France, s 1832; Poatoffice DeWitt Centre. Harrower, P W, Farmer; b Onoudaga Co, 8 1816; P O Syra cuse. Hotchkiu, Jerome, Farmer; b Onondaga Co, a 1838 ; P O Syra- Hotchkin, Wm, Farmer ; b Conn, s 1819. (Died 1867.) Jones, John, Lot 31 ; b England, s 1845 ; P O East Syracuse. Jones, Mary, Lot 31 ; b England, a 1845; P O Eaat Syracuae. Kinne, Prentice, Carpenter: b Sullivan Co, a 1839; P O De Witt. Kimber, Jamea, Farmer ; b England, 1847, s 1851 : P O DeWitt. Kinne, Rufus R, res East Syracuse, Farmer ; b Onoudaga Co, s 1821; Postoffice East Syracuse. Kinne, Emeraon, Farmer ; b ODondaga Co, s 1804 ; P O De Witt Centre. Kinue, Mason P, Farmer; b Onondaga Co, a 18J8; P O DeWitt Centre. Knapp, Edwin A, res Jamesville, Physician ; b Oneida Co, a 1857 ; Postoffice Jamesville. Kinne, Ira, Farmer ; b De Witt, s 1819 ; P O DeWitt Centre. 428 HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. King, Amos B, Farmer ; Milling and Plaster ; b Couu, 1824 ; P O DeWitt. Lewis, Sidney, Farmer and Dairyman ; b Rensselaer Co, s 1849 ; Postoffice Syracuse. Luddington. Lucian, Farmer ; b Onondaga Co, s 1847 ; P O Svracuse Miller, David S, Lot 10, Farmer and Dairyman ; b Ulster Co, s 1804 ; Postoffice Collamer. Marsh, Daniel. Farmer and Beekeeper; b Onondaga Co, 1827: Postoffice Jamesville. McKinley, R W, res Collamer, Merchant and School Commis- missioner; b Onondaga Co, s 1836; P O Collamer. Marsh, James; b Herkimer Co, 1798, s 1818. (Deceased.) Ochsner, Michael H, Lot 29. Fruit Grower; b Switzerland, a 1853; P 0 Syracuse. Overacre, Silas J Farmer; b Jeffersou Co, s 1849; P O DeWitt Centre. Palmiter, Seth G, Lot 29, Farmer; b Madison Co, s 1865; P O Syracuse. Powlealand, W H, Farmer; b Onondaga Co, s 1841; Postoffice Collamer. Powlesland, Mrs. Helen, (wife of W. H. Powlesland,) b Syra cuse, s 1843; P O Collamer. Powlesland, George, Farmer; b Onondaga Co, s 1838; P O Collamer. Powlesland, Mrs,W , (wife of George Powlesland;) b Onondaga Co, s 1847; P 0 Collamer. Quimby, Mark, Farmer and Dairyman ; b Madison Co, s 1866 ; P O Dewitt Centre. Reichert, Alexander, res Lot 22, Farmer; b Germany, a 1860; P O Collamer. Seely, George B, Fruit Grower; b Onoudaga Co, s 1824; P O Syracuse. Smith, J. Henry, Farmer aud Dealer in Plaster; b Dutchess Co, s 1829; P O Fayetteville. Shephard, Bethuel, Farmer; b Pompey, 8 1811: P O Jamesville. Smith, Henry J, Farmer aud Carpenter; b Onondaga Co, s 1825; P O Syracuse. Smith, Helen W ; b New Hampshire, s 1820; P O Syracuse. Spencer, Chas, Farmer; b England, s 1850; P O Dewitt Centre. Stanton, B F, Propr Dewitt Flouring Mills; b Pompey, s 1829; PO Fayetteville. Sherwood. A B, Farmer; b Onondaga Co, s 1821; P O Dewitt. Tallman, Thomas E, Farmer; b Dewitt, s 1825; Postoffice Collamer. Webb, Leonard B, Farmer; b Onondaga Co. 1856; Postoffice Dewitt. Weston, Henry D, res. Jamesville, Cement, Lime and Plaster, b Onondaga Co. 1837; Postoffice Jamesville. Ward, Robert, Retired Farmer; b Albany Co. s 1823; Post- office Syracuse. Wilcox, A F. Farmer and Dealer in Plaster; b Onondaga Co. s 1823 ; Postoffice Fayetteville. Wells, Marlow D, res. East Syracuse, Prop'r Wells House; b Onondaga Co. 1838; Postoffice East Syracuse. Worden, M P. Farmer; b Oneida Co. s 1816; Postoffice Fay etteville. Wilcox, George W, Farmer; b Onondaga Co. 1813; Postoffice Dewitt. Yarrington, Horatio N. Farmer aud Dairyman; b Onondaga Co, 1825 ; Postoffice Syracuse. (4th Wiscousiu Regt.) TOWN OF LA FAYETTE. Abbott. John H, Farmer; b LaFayette, s 1806 ; Postoffice La- Favette. Abbott, Sarah J, wife of J H Abbott; b Cortland Co, s 1829; Postoffice LaFayette. Baker, Lewis, Farmer and Sheep Raiser, b Mass. s 1805 ; Post- office LaFayette. Baker Alexander, Farmer, son of Lewis Baker; b LaFayette, 1832 ; Postoffice LaFayette. Baker, Morris, Farmer ; b Mass. s li05 ; Postoffice LaFayette. Baker, Luther, Farmer; b Pompey, s 1812; P O LaFayette. Becker, James, res. LaFayette, Retired ; b Saratoga Co., s 1827 ; Postoffice LaFayette. Butts. Warner, Farmer; b Mass. s 1806; Postoffice LaFayette. Baker, George H, Farmer ; b N Y, s 1837, P O Jamesville. Cole, Luther, Farmer; b Pompey, s 1798 ; P O LaFayette. Crandall, Lucius, Farmer; b Pompey, s 1822; Postoffioe Pom pey Hill. Case, Homer, res. Lafayette, Station Agent S B and N Y RR; Crandall, John, Farmer; b Dutchess Co. 3 1795; Postoffioe LaFayette. Crownhart, Edward A. res. Cardiff; Prop'r Cardiff Hotel; b Madison Co. s 1870; Postoffice Cardiff. Coleman, B L, Farmer; b Pompey. 1814; Postoffice Cardiff. Conklin, J M, Onondaga Co, 1827; P O Pompey. Dorman, George A, res Cardiff, Miller, b Cortland Co, s 1866; Postoffice Cardiff. Dorman, Anna P, wife of George A Dorman ; b Tully, s 1850; Postoffice Cardiff. Davis, Charles I. Farmer; b Pompey, s 1827 ; P O La Fayette. Danforth, Thomas, Farmer; b Chatauqua Co, 8 1834; Postoffioe La Fayette. Danforth, Lucy B, wife of Ttomas Danforth; b LaFayette, 1816; Postoffice La Fayette. Everringham, Wm, Farmer; b La Fayette, 1829; Postoffice La Fayette. Farrington, F J, Farmer, b La Fayette, s 1835 ; P O Cardiff. Fuller, Andrew, Farmer, b La Fayette, s 1828; P O La Fayette. Fuller, Julia C, wife of Andrew Fuller ; b Cort'and Co, s 1875; Postoffioe La Fayette. Gilbert, Hiram, Farmer, b Conn, s 1815; Postoffioe Jamesville. Hine, Leander, Farmer; b Conn, s 1814; Postoffice Jamesville. Henderson, W T, Farmer; b Tully, s 1838; Postoffice Cardiff. Hill, Lewis O, Farmer ; b Pompey, s 1795 ; P O La Fayette. Hotaling, Judson; b Ouondaga Co, 1852; P O LaFayette. Hotaling, Stephen, Farmer; b Pompey, s 1802; PO La Fayette. Hotaling, Polly E, wife of S Hotaling, b Pompey, s 1806; died April, 1871. Houghton, Volney A, res Cardiff, Carriage and Wagon Manu facturer; b Herkimer Co, 8 1834; Postoffice Cardiff. Hoyt, Chas W, res La Fayette; Retired Farmer. Hoyt. William H, res Cardiff, Merchant; b Genesee Co, 81817; Postoffice Cardiff. Hoyt, Anydine H, wife of W H Hoyt; b Fabius. a 1824; Post- office Cardiff. Hoyt, Philander. Farmer; b La Fayette, s 1826; Postoffice La Fayette. Hoyt, Lucretia. wife of Philander Hoyt; b Niagara Co, s 1829; Postoffice La Fayette. Jones, William ; b Wales, s 1837; died 1876. Jones, Mrs Elizabeth, widow of William Jones; b Tompkins Co. s 1850; Postoffice Cardiff. Jackson, Caleb B, Farmer; b Conn, s 1814; P O La Fayette. Johnson, Mark Farmer, b La Fayette, s 1834; P O Collingwood. Johnson, Caroline T, wife of Mark Johnson; b La Fayette, 1840; Postoffice Collingwood. King, R G, Farmer; s 1836; Postoffice La Fayette. Mcliityre, George W, res La Fayette. Merchaut, Postmaster and Supervisor; sl840; Postoffice La Fayette. Morthway, H G, Farmer ; b Pompey, s 1817; P O Cardiff. Newell, Timothy, res LaFayette, Merchant; b LaFayette, s 1826 ; Postoffice LaFayette. Newell, Ann P, wife of Timothy Newell; b LaFayette 1835 ; Postoffice Lafayette. Palmer, Avery R, ex-Supervisor; b Onondaga Co, s 1327; Postoffice LaFayette. Park Robert S, res Cardiff, Merchant, P M and J P; b LaFay ette, s 1836 ; Postoffice Cardiff. Park, Mrs S C. res Cardiff, wife of R S Park; b Cortland Co, sl851; Postoffice Cardiff. Ryder, E, res Cardiff, Cooper ; b Conn, s 1808; P O Cardiff. Sanchez, Wm H, Postoffice Tully Valley, NY. Shaw, John. Smith, Loren, L, Farmer ; b Vt. s 1853; P O Jamesville. Smith, Harriet B, wife of Loren L Smith; LaFayette 1854. Thomas, Harrison, Farmer; b Lafayette, s 1834; Postoffice La Fayette. Thomas, Charles S, Farmer; (died Aug 1867); b Lafayette, s 1821. Thomas. Helen S, widow of Charles S Thomas, b Manlius, s 1826 ; Postoffice Lafayette. Van DeWalker, Martin, Farmer; b Schoharie Co, s 1868; Post- office Cardiff. Van DeWalker, Nancy, wife of Martin Van De Walker; b Tully, sl809; Postoffice Cardiff. TOWN OF TULLY. Abbott, H H, Stock Dealer; b Cortland Co; died 1876. Abbott, Mrs Susan, widow of H H Abbott ; b Tully. 1824 ; Post- office Tully. Birney, Joseph, Farmer; b Fabius, sl845; P O Tully. Birney, James G, Farmer; b Fabius, s 1847 ; P O Tully. Babcock, Mrs. Polly, widow of Hiram Babcock; b Manlius, s 1802; Postoffice Tully. Baker, Salem, Farmer; bVt., Deo. 15, 1786, s 1812 ; Postoffioe Tully. Camp, Nelson, res Tully, Baptist Minister; b Coun, s 1826; Postoffioe Tully. Chase, Russell F, Parmer; b Tullv, 1818; P O Tully. Cummings, Wm, Farmer; b Cortland Co, sl866; P O Tully. Earle, W L, res Tully, Undertaker and Furniture Dealer; b Cortland Co, s 1873; P O Tully. Daniels. Alfred B, Carpenter ; b Tully, s 1825 ; P O Vesper. Fuller, Frank, Farmer; b Syraouse, s 1844; Postoffioe Tully. Puller, Martin G, Farmer; b Tully, s 1839; Postoffice Tully. Farnham, Samuel M, res Tully, Physician; b Pompey, s 1810; Postoffioe Tully. Frenoh, Alphonao, re8 Vesper, J P and P M; b Otisco, s 1833; Postoffice Vesper. Fellows, Daniel. Farmer; b Otisco, s 1800; died Nov., 1864. Gardner, Chas A, Farmer; b Tully, 1848 ; Postoffice Tully, Gardner, Oriuda, widow of Wm 0 Gardner; b Pompey, s 1808; Postoffice Tully. Gardner, Wm C, Merchant and Farmer; b Rensselaer Co, s 1820. Hollenbeck, Isaac Farmer; b Tully, s 1815. (Died 1874.) Hollenbeck, Lydia M. widow of Isaao Hollenbeck; b Tullv, a 1817; PO Tully. Hayes, Robert, Farmer ; b Albany Co, s 1827 ; P O Tully Valley. HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. 429 Hayes, Thomas, Farmer. (Died 1865.) Kellogg, Clarissa, widow of Cyrus Kellogg; b Hamilton Co, s 1835 ; Postoffice Vesper. Kellogg, Cyrus, Farmer; b Albany Co, a 1827. (Died 1864.) King, George, Farmer and Teacher; b Cortland Co, s 1847 ¦ P O Vesper. King, E V, Farmer and Breeder of Fine Stock ; b Tullv. s 1836; Postoffioe Tully. King, H F, res Tully, Merchant and Postmaster ; b Coun, s 1820. (Died 1856.) King, Mary E, widow of H F King; b Conn, s 1820; P O Tully. King, HK, rea Tully, Insurance and Loan Agent ; b Tully, a 1829; Postoffioe Tully. Lake, Wilmot, Retired ; b Conn, s 1807 ; P O Tully. Lake, Cynthia, widow of A W Lake; b Manlius, s 1796; P O Tully. Miles, Chaa W, Farmer and Dairyman ; b Fabius, s 1839; P O Fabius. Nichols, A N, Lot 26, Farmer ; b Delaware Co, s 1838 ; P O Vesper. Ousby, John, Farmer aud Dairyman; b England, s 1840: P O Tully. Ousby, J F, Farmer; b Tully, s 1S53; P O Tully. Poarsall, Isaac, Farmer ; b Dutchess Co, s 1829; P O Vesper. Peters, Richard J, Farmer, Delaware Co, s 1829; P O Tully. Stanton, George, Farmer; b Schoharie Co, s 1849; P O Tully Seely, John, s 1829. Smith, Thomas, Landscape Painter; b Scotland, s 1866. P O Vesper. Smith, Dolly, (widow of A. Smith,) b Mass, s 1821; P O Tully. Strail, Richard, 'Farmer; b Schoharie Co, s 1823; P O Tully. Sanchez. WH, Farmer; b Florida, s 1875; P O Tully Valley. Smith, Armenius, res Tully, Harness Maker; b Mass, s 1813; P O Tully. Seeley, Gideon, Farmer; e 1818. Seeley, Henry, a 1787. VanBergen, Henry, Farmer; died 1856; b Greene Co, s 1823. VanBergen, A. H., Farmer and Breeder of Fine Stock ; b. Tul ly, 1839; PO Tully. VanCamp, Wm., Farmer; b Cortland Co, a 1835; P O Tully. VanBergen, Robert L., Farmer; b Greeue Co, a 1823; Post- office Tully. Warner, L. L. Farmer; died Nov. 3, 1867; b Onondaga Co., a 1844. Warner, Almeda, (widow of L. L. Warner,) b Onondaga Co., s 1837 ; P O Tully. Willis, Samuel, Supervisor; b Hamilton Co. s 1840; P O Tully. Willis, L. res Tully, M.E. Minister; b Hamiltou Co. POTullv. Willis, Lewis, Farmer; Died 1873; b Hamilton Co, s 1842. Willis, Ellen, (widow of L. Willis;) b Washington Co, s 1828; P O Tully. Winchell, Jamea, Farmer; died 1850; b Vt. 1801. Winchell, E.'Farmer; b Greene Co. s 1812; P O Tully Valley. Woodmansee, Harriet, (widow of Jerry M Woodmansee,) b Onondaga Co, s 1835; P O Vesper. Woodmansee, Jerry M, Farmer; Died August 4, 1874; b Onon daga Co, s 1828. Wooater, Muray, res Tully; b Conn, s 1833; P O Tully. TOWN OF FABIUS. Badfish, Benjamin, res Fabius, Miller ; b Mass, s 1867 ; Postoffice Fabius. Beamer, Lewis, re8 Fabius, Prop'r Machine Shop and Foundry; b Onondaga Co, s 1840 ; Postoffioe Fabiua. Barnea Oacar A, res Fabius, Carriage Repositorv ; b Ouondaga Co, 1843; PoBtoffice Fabius. Beman, I H, res Fabius, Pastor Free Will Baptist Church ; b Steuben Co, s 1877; Postoffice Fabius. Benaon, Warren ; b Pompey, 1817; deceased. Benson, Katherine, wife of late Warren Benaon ; b Fabius, 1815; Postoffice Fabius. Chaffee, Lyman, res Fabius, Retired; b Conn,s 1856; Postoffice Fabiua. Chaffee, C S, Prop'r Saw Mill, &c; b Oswego Co, s 1856; Post- office Fabius. Cadwell, Anson, Farmer; b Cortland Co, 1806, s 1850 ; Post- office Fabius. Case, Isaac, Farmer; b Pompey, a 1819; P O Fabius. Dygert, Asa B, Traveling Agent; b Onondaga Co, 1828; P O Fabiua. Ellis, Mrs A, res Fabius, Millinery ; b Onondaga Co ; Postoffice Fabius. Ellis, Ansel, res Fabiua, Carriage Repository ; b Onondaga Co, 1832; Poatoffice Fabius. Elmore, C, Farmer; b Wyoming Co, 1860; P O Summit Station. Fowler, Hubbard I, Retired Farmer, b Dutchess Co, a 1843 ; Postoffice Fabius. Fosmer, E A, res Fabius, Cabinet Maker and Undertaker; b Onondaga Co, 1851 ; Postoffioe Fabius . French, D W, Farmer and School Teacher; b Tully, 1847; Post- office Summit Station. Gallinger, George H, Farmer; b Canada 1839, s 1853 P O Fabius. Green, Wm, res Summit Station, Mfr of Cheese, etc ; Post- office Summit Station, Gay, G F & Co, res Summit Station, Gen 1 Mdse ; b Onon daga, s 1852; Postoffice Summit Station. Gilbert, Oscar F, Prop'r Hotel; b Onondaga Co, 1835 ; Post- office Summit Station. Howe, C L F, res Fabius, Pastor First Methodist Church ; Postoffice Fabius. Hotaling, William, res Fabius, General Mdse; „b Columbia Co, s 1860; Postoffioe Fabius. Johnson, Myron C, Farmer; b Onondaga Co, 1841; P O Fabius. Jerome John, Farmer ; b Onoudaga Co, 1816; P O Fabius. Miles, Smith, Farmer; b Onondaga Co, s 1808; Postoffice Summit Station. Osborn, James, Farmer ; b Onondaga ; s 1845; P O Fabius. Oabom, Lyman, Farmer ; b Mas8, s 1811 ; Postoffice Fabius. Pine, Milford L, Physician and Surgeon; b Madison Co, s 1877; Postoffioe Fabius. Pope, Oril, Farmer; Farmer, b Oswego, s 1822; P O Fabius. Porter, Polly, Farmer; b Chenango Co, s 1865; P O Fabius. Persons, Miss Mary E, res Fabius, Sohool Teacher, District No. 9 ; b Cortland Co, s 1835 ; P O Fabius. Porter, Mra Daniel, Farming ; b Pitcher, Chenango Co, 1828 8 1865 ; Postoffice Keeney Settlement. Rowley, Newell, Farmer ; b Otsego Co 1814, s 1823 ; Postoffice Fabius. Sprague, D S, Farmer and Land Surveyor; b Onondaga Co. 1823; PO Fabius. Sturdevant, Andrew, Manufr. of Chairs and Prop'r Saw Mill; b Fabius, 1842. P O Summit Station, Sharp, John E, Farmer ; b Onondaga Co. 1834; P O Fabius. Sniffin, John H. res. Summit Station, Prop'r Hotel; b Onon daga 1836; P O Summit Station. Smith, Irving, res. Fabius, Prop'r Custom Mill; b Mass. s 1835. P O Fabius. Webster, Isaac N, Farmer; b Cortland Co. 1821, s 1828 ; PO Summit Station. Williams, Horace F, Farmer; b Herkimer Co. 1814, s 1820; P O Fabius Webster, Elmore C, Farmer ; b Wyoming Co, s 1860 ; P O Sum mit Statiou. TOWN OF POMPEY. Avery, Egbert I, Farmer ; b Onondaga Co ; P O Manlius. Billings, Homer A, Farmer; b Onondaga Co, 1826; P 0 Fabius. Babcock, Timothy P. Farmer and Hop Grower; b Cortland Co, 8 1862; Fabius. Brown, Charles D, Farmer; b Onondaga Co 1845; Postoffice Watervale. Berry, Mathias, Lots, 65-66 ; Postoffice Pompey. Benson, A P, Lot 69; Postoffice Delphi. Bowen, L B, Lot 33; Postoffice Oran. Birdseye. A F, Lot 64; Postoffioe Pompev Hill. Crain, C S, Lot 85; Postoffioe Delphi. Clark, Bronson, Farmer; b Onondaga Co, s 1830; P O Oran. Carpenter, Major, Farmer and Carpenter, b Oswego Co, 8 1826^ Postoffioe Delphi. Candee, Henry, Farmer; Onondaga Co, 1823: P O Pompey Center. Corwin, Phineas F, Farmer; b Madison. Co, a 1839; P O Orau. Coleman, Timothy S, Farmer; b Onondaga Co 1839; Poatoffice Jamesville. Dyer, M R, Lot 65; Postoffice Pompey. Ellis, Stephen, Farmer; b Onoudaga Co, 1819; P O Pompey. Fitch, Edgar O, Farmer; b Onondaga Co, 1840; PO Watervale. Gardinier, John, Carpenter; b Schoharie Co, a 1866; Postoffice Pompey. Gates, J F, Lots 4 and 5; PoBtoffice Jamesville. Hall, Stephen, Postoffice Pompey. Hayden, Carmi, Farmer; b Ouondaga Co; P O Pompey. Hall, Upson, Farmer; b Onondaga Co, 1822; P O Pompey. Hoag, Wm M, Farmer; b Onondaga Co, 1848; P O Watervale. Hill, Chas R, Lot 33; Postoffice Delphi. Hill, C R K, Lot 100; Postoffice Delphi. Jerome, S W, Farmer; b Onondaga Co, 1827; P O Pompey. Jerome, Ira, Farmer; b Onondaga Co, 1845; P 0 Fabius. Kelsey, D W, Mechanic; b Chenango Co, s 1856: P O Manlius. Kenyon, J, Lot 49 ; Postoffice Pompey Hill. Lowrie, Edward, Farmer; b Ouondaga Co; P O Manlius. Loomis, Isaao A Jr, Farmer; b Onondaga Co, 1818; Postoffice Manlius. Larrabee, C M. Lot 100; Postoffice Delphi. Newman, O., Farmer; b Onondaga Co. 1800; P O Pompey Center. Newman, P. L; P O Address, Delphi. O'Reilly, M., Lot 65; Postoffice Pompey Hill. Petrie, J., Pastor Presbyterian Church; b Herkimer Co. s 1872; PO Pompey. Russ, Henry J., Carpenter; b Onondaga Co. 1830; Postoffice Safford, Silas B., Farmer; b Onondaga Co. 1801; P O Oran. Shattuck, Milo, Farmer; b Onondaga Co. 1848; P O Jamesville. Steams, Jehiel, Physician and Surg; b Vt. 1816; P O Pompey. Sutherland, Elijah G., Farmer; b Onondaga Co. 1820; P O Manlius. Swift, A. P., Lot 93; P O Pompey Hill. Tolman, Josiah H. Farmer; b Onondaga Co. 1832 ; PO Pompey. Van Brocklin, Wm. W., Lot 64; P O Pompey. 43° HISTORY OF ONONDAGA COUNTY, NEW YORK. Watkins, Watson, Farmer; b Onondaga Co. 1835; P O Pompey. Wheelook, Luther J., Farmer; b Onondaga Co. 1808; Postoffioe Watervale. White. John W., Farmer and Mechanic ; b Onondaga Co. 1824; P O Oran. Wyant, Daniel 0., Farmer and Carpenter; b Onondaga Co. 1835; P O Watervale. Woodford, Erskine P., Farmer; b Onondaga Co; Postoffice Pompey. Woodford, Israel L., Farmer; b Onondaga Co; Postoffice Pompey. Wright, Jeramiah, Lot 85; P O Delphi. MISCELLANEOUS. Breed, Oliver, res Phoenix, Merchant and Miller (Atlas Mills) b Vermont. 1810, s 1823 ; P O Phoenix. Diefendorf, John H, res Lot 23, Clothier ; b Fort Plain, 8 1835 ; P O Phoanix. Baker, Truman, rea Phoenix, Farmer ; b Lysander, a 1820 ; P O Phoenix. Robinson, Lorenzo W, rea Phoenix, Attorney and Counoillor- at-Law ; b Otsego Co. 1816, a 1842 ; P O Phoenix. Reynolds, Avery, rea Phoenix, Mfr Caskets and Furniture ; b Cazenovia, 1825, 8 1825 ; P O Phoenix. YALE UNIVERSITY I 3 9002 04191 4343