Yale University Library 39002041936924 HISTORY OF MEDIEVAL ART BY Dr. FRANZ von REBER DIRECTOR OF THE BAVARIAN ROYAL AND STATE GALLERIES OF PAINTINGS PROFESSOR IN THE UNIVERSITY AND POLYTECHNIC OF MUNICH TRANSLATED BY JOSEPH THACHER CLARKE WITH 422 ILLUSTRATIONS AND A GLOSSARY OF TECHNICAL TERMS NEW YORK HARPER & BROTHERS, FRANKLIN SQUARE 1887 Copyright, 1886, by Harper & Brothers. All rights reserved. TABLE OF CONTENTS. List of Illustrations . Page vii Introduction . . . . . . xxi Early Christian and Byzantine Architecture 1-7 1 Beginnings of Christian Art, 1, 2. Catacombs of Rome, 3-13. Alexan dria and Syracuse, 13-15. Oratories, 15. Halls of Assemblage, 16. Pri vate Basilicas, 16-18. Most Ancient Places of Public Worship, 19. First Christian Basilicas, 20-22. Their Form, 22-36. Employment of An tique Temples, 36. Concentric Struct ures, 37-39. Mortuary Chapels and Baptisteries, 39-46. S. Stefano Ro- tondo, 46. Condition of Art in the Eastern Empire, 47-49. Byzantine Architecture, 50-63. Georgia and Armenia, 64-66. Russia, 66-71. Early Christian and Byzantine Painting and Sculpture. 72-118 Paintings of the Catacombs, 72-79. Employment of Antique Mural Dec orations, 79, 80. Mosaics in the Ba silicas, 80-85. Byzantine Mosaic Work, 85-91. Troubles of the Icon oclasts, 92. Miniature Painting, 93- 98. Debasement of Monumental Art, 98, 99. Enamel, 100. Decline of Sculpture, 101. Statues, 102-106. Reliefs upon Sarcophagi, 106-109. Ivory Carvings, no- 112. Work in Precious Metals, 11 2-1 15. General Character of Sculpture and Painting, 115, 116. Russia, 116. 118. ASIA. — The Persians under the Sassanid.e. The Indian and Eastern Asiatic Races, Page 1 19-154 Sassanian Architecture, 120-124. Sassanian Sculpture, 124-127. Late Growth of Indian Art, 128. Monu ments erected by King Asoka, 129, 130. Monuments of the First Chris tian Centuries, 131 -133. Chaitya Grottos, 134-137. Vihara Grottos, 138, 139. Buddhist Style, 140-143. Jaina Style, 144, 145. Dravidian Style, 146, 147. Indian Sculpture, 148-150. Painting, 151. China and Japan, 151-154. Mohammedan Art . . . 155-201 Textile Origin, 156- 158. Byzan tine Influence, 159, 160. Buildings in Egypt, 160-171. The Style in Per sia, 172. Transformation of Indian Architecture, 172-176. Development of Moorish Architecture in Southern Spain, and the Older Style of Cordo va, 1 77-1 8 1 . The more recent Style of Seville and Granada, 1 82-1 91. Sicily and the Northern Coast of Africa, 191 192. Norman Successors in Sicily 192, 193. Later Persia, 193. Turkey, 194. Sculpture, 195-197. Textile In dustry, Mosaic and Painting, 198-201. The Christian Art of the North until the Close of the Carolin- gian Epoch 202-249 The Beginnings of Christian Art among the Germanic Races, 203. The Ostrogoths, 204-207. The Buildings IV TABLE OF CONTENTS. of the Lombards, 207. Gaul and West ern Germany in the Time of the Me rovingians, 208-214. Few Remains preserved, 214, 215. Buildings of the N Carolingian Epoch, 216-232. Sculpt ure of the Ostrogoths and Lombards, 233-235- Races of the North : Braided Work, Wood-carvings, and Metal Work be fore Charlemagne, 235-238. Influ ence of Charlemagne, 239, 240. Ivory Carvings, 240, 241. Painting: Mosaics and Wall Paint ing, 241, 242. Miniature Painting, 243, 245-249. Romanic Architecture in Germa ny Page 250-308 Supremacy of the Germans and their Position towards the Church, 250-253. Ecclesiastical Architect ure of Saxony, 254-273. The Rhenish Countries, 274, 275. Westphalia, 276. Hesse and Franconia, 277. Southern Germany, 278-280. First Vaulted Constructions in the Rhenish Prov inces, 281-293. Slow Advance of Saxony, 294. The North -German Lowlands, 294, 295. Suabia and Ale- mannia, 295, 296. Convents, 297-301. Castles, 301-307. Dwellings, 307, 308. Architecture of the Romanic Epoch 309-396 Italy : Its Political Fortunes, 309, 310. Province of the Po, 311-320. Venice, 320-322. Central Italy, 323. Tuscany, 324-329. Southern Italy and Sicily, 330-335. France: Southern France, 335-346. Auvergne, 347-349. Burgundy, 350- 353. Western Switzerland, then a Province of Burgundy, 353, 354. Western France, 355-359. Norman dy, 360-366. Position of the Mid land Provinces of France, 367. Spain : The Visigoths, 368, 369. Asturias, 370-372. Moorish Influ ences, 373. Prodominance of the In fluence of Southern France, 374-378. Great Britain : Timbered Archi tecture of the Anglo-Saxons, 378, 379. Norman Architecture, 380-387. Scot land and Ireland, 388-390. Scandinavia : Timbered Architect ure of Norway, 391 -394. Rarity of Stone Constructions, 394, 395. Swe den, 396. Painting of the Romanic Epoch, Page 397-439 Retention of Traditional Forms, 397- 398- Germany : Monastic Art — Mural Decoration, 399-404. Paintings upon Panelled Ceilings, 405. Painting upon Panels, 406, 407. Glass Painting, 408, 409. Weaving and Embroidery, 410. Miniatures, 411-422. ' Italy: Position of Italy in the Tenth and Eleventh Centuries, 423. By- zantinism, 424, 425. Lower Italy and Sicily, 426. Venice, 426, 427. Tus cany, 427. Textile Industry, 428. Painting upon Panels, 428, 429. Min iature Painting, 430. France: Its Inactivity, 430, 431. Mural Painting, 432. Glass Painting, 433. Tapestries, 433, 434. Miniature Painting, 434, 435. Spain, 436. Eng land, 437, 438. Scandinavia, 439. Sculpture of the Romanic Epoch, 440-479 Its Subordinate Position, 440. Germany: Stone Sculpture, 441- 447. Wood Carvings, 447, 448. Prefer ence for Metal Work — Bronze Gates, 449-451. Bronze Funeral Monuments and Baptismal Fonts, 452, 453. Gold smiths' Work, 454-459. Utensils of Metal, 460, 461. Ivory Carving, 461- 464. Italy: Rude beginnings of Stone Sculpture, 464-466. Improvements in this branch, 467. Classicism in Lower Italy, 468, 469. Sculpture in Bronze, 470, 47 1 . Goldsmiths' Work, 472. France: Stone Sculpture, 473-477. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Bronze Casting of the Dinandiers and Enamel Work of Limoges, 477- 479. Spain, England, and Scandi navia, 479. Gothic Architecture in France, Page 480-519 Character of the Innovation, 480, 481. Artistic Conditions in France, 482. Normandy and Burgundy, 483. St. Denis, 484, 485. The Early Goth ic Style, 485-495. The Style of the Thirteenth Century, 496-498. Slow Advance of Normandy and Burgun dy, 499. Southern France, 500. West ern France, 501. The Fully - devel- oped style, 502-^12. Its Debasement, 512-517. Palatial Architecture, 517, 518. Dwellings, 518, 519. The Extension of Gothic Archi tecture 520-593 B Dependence of the Remainder of Europe upon France, 520. England: Early English Style, 521- 527. The Decorated Style, 528-530. The Perpendicular Style, 531-533. Ireland and Scotland, 533. Germany : Transitional Period, 534-542. Imitation of French Mod els, 542-545. Predominance of the French Style in the Rhenish Cathe drals, 545-549- French Architects, 550, 551. Variety and Logical Charac ter of German Gothic, 552, 553. Tow ers, 553, 554. Equal-aisled Churches, 554-559. Decline, 560. Convents, 561. Palaces, 562. Town - halls, Guild halls, Hospitals, Dwellings, 563, 564. Italy: Obscurity of the Begin nings, 565, 566. Gradual Introduc tion of the Style, 567. The Edifices of the Franciscans and Dominicans, 568, 569. Cathedrals, 570-572. Pict uresque Character, Mixed Style, 572- 578. Lower Italy, 579. Secular Buildings, 580, 581. Spain: Reign of Ferdinand III. and Alfonso the Wise, 582-584. In creasing Luxury, 585, 586. Convent and Secular Buildings, 586, 587. Portugal, 587. The Netherlands: Belgium — Ca thedrals, 588-590. Public Buildings, 590. Holland, 591, 592. Scandinavia and the Countries of the East . . . Page 592, 593 The Sculpture . of the Gothic Epoch . '. ~ 594-644 Altered Circumstances, 594-596. France: Inferiority of Sculpture compared to Architecture, 596, 597. Development in the Thirteenth Cen tury, 598, 599. Degeneration, 599, 600. Funeral Monuments, 601, 602. Metal Work, 602, 603. The Netherlands : The Schools of Dinant and Tournay, 603. Activity in Dijon, 604-606. England : Dependence upon France, Italy, and Germany, 607. Funeral Monuments, 608-610. Ec clesiastical Sculpture, 610, 611. Germany : Transitional Epoch, 611, 612. Sculptures of Naumburg, 613. Sculptures of the Rhenish Cathe drals, 614,615. Nuremberg, 615,616. Funeral Monuments in Stone, 617, 618. Sculpture in Clay, Wood, and Metal, 619-622. Preponderance of Wood Carving, 622, 627. Its Reflex Influence on Stone Sculpture, 627- 629. The Foundery of Nuremberg, 629-632. Italy : Study of the Antique, 632- 634. Giovanni Pisano and his Pu pils, 635-641. Metal Sculpture, 641, 642. Spain, 642-644. The East and North-east of Europe, 644. Painting of the Gothic Epoch, 645-710 Unfavorable Circumstances, 645, 646. Preponderance of Glass Paint ing and Illumination, 647-649. France: Mural Painting and Stain ed Glass, 649-651. Neglect of Panel Painting, 651,652. Influence of the VI TABLE OF CONTENTS. Library of Louis IX. upon Illumina tion, 652, 653. Collections of Charles V. and his Brothers, 653-655. Influ ence of the Netherlands, 654. J. Fou- quet, 656, 657. England: Dependence upon the Continent, 657, 658. Italy: Contrasts between Italian and French Art, 658, 659. Cimabue and Guido of Siena, 660. Giotto, 661-666. School of Giotto, 666-668. School of Siena, 668-671. Masolino and Fiesole, 671, 672. Panel Paint ing, 673, 674. Illumination, 675. Germany: Reminiscences of the Romanic Style, 676. Mural Paint ings in Churches and Palaces, 677- 680. Architectural Style of the Paint ings upon Glass, 681. The Textile Arts, 682. Panel Painting in Prague and Cologne, 683-687. In Nurem berg, 687-690. In Suabia, 690-693. In Bavaria and Austria, 694. Illumi nations,. Wood-cuts, and Engravings, 695-698. The Netherlands: Mural Paint ing and Stained Glass, 698. The Textile Arts, 699. Beginnings of Panel Painting, 699, 700. The Broth ers Van Eyck, 700-704. School of Ghent and Bruges, 704, 705. Rogier Van der Weyden and the School of Brabant, 705, 706. Dierik Bouts and the Dutch School, 707. Memling, 707, 708. Followers, 708. Illumi nations, 708, 709. Conclusion, 709, 710. Index of Artists' Names . . 719 Index of Places 723 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. EAELY OHEISTTAN AND BYZANTINE AEOHITEOTUEE, I. The Mythrasum under S. Clemente in Rome. (G. B. de Rossi, "Bul- letino di Archeologia Cristiana." Roma, 1863, seq.) . . . 1 2. Plan of the Catacomb of Calixtus. (G. B. de Rossi," Roma Sotterra- nea." Roma, 1864-1867.) . . 5 3. Third Crypt of the Northern Pas sage in the Catacomb of Calixtus. (The same.) .... 7 4. Papal Vault in the Catacomb of Ca lixtus. (The same.) ... 8 5. Forms of Tombs in the Catacombs. (F. X. Kraus, "Roma Sotterra- nea." Second Edition. Freiburg, 1879.) . . . 9 6. Plan of a Crypt in the Ccemeteri- um ad septem Columbas. (The same.) . . . . .10 7. Section of a Crypt in the Catacomb of St. Peter and St. Marcellinus. (The same.) . . . .12 8. Section and Plan of Part of the Catacombs of Alexandria. (G. B. de Rossi," Bullet, di Arch. Crist." Roma, 1863, seq.) . . .14 9. Antique Mausoleum (Canina, Via Appia) and Oratories. (G. B. de Rossi, "Roma Sotteranea." Roma, 1 864-1 867.) . . .15 10. Antique Palace Basilicas. (L. Ca nina, Via Appia and F. Reber, "Die Ruinen Roms." Second Edition. Leipzig, 1875.) . . 18 11. Basilica of St. SymphOrosa. (F. X. Kraus, " Roma Sotteranea." Frei burg, 1879.) . ... .21 12-14. Plans of St. Peter, S. Clemente, and S. Paolo fuori le Mura in Rome. (J. G. Gutensohn and J. FIGURE PAGHt M. Knapp, "Die Basiliken des Christlichen Rom." Muenchen, without date.) . . . 23, 24 15. View of the Interior of S. Pietro in Vincoli. (The same.) . . 25 16. View of the Interior of S. Prassede in Rome. (The same.) . . 20 17. View of the Interior of S. Agnese near Rome. (The same.) . . 31 18. Section of the Basilica of S. Paolo fuori le Mura near Rome. (The same.) ..... 32 ig. View of a Part of the Basilica of S. Apollinare in Classe near Raven na. (H. Otte, ' ' Geschichte der ro- manischen Baukunst in Deutsch- land." Leipzig, 1874.) . . 34 20. Cupolas of the late Roman Epoch. (L. Canina," Gli Edifizi di Roma Antica." Roma, without date.) . 38 21. So-called Temple of Minerva Med- ica. (H. Huebsch, ' ' Die alt- christlichen Kirchen. " Karlsruhe, 1862.) 39 22. Plan and Section of S. Constanza in Rome. (The same.) . . .41 23. Plan and Section of the Baptistery of the Lateran. (The same.) . 42 24, 25. Baptisteries near the Basilica of S. Ursiana and near S. Teodoro in Ravenna. (G. B. de Rossi, " Bullet, di Arch. Crist," Roma, 1863, seq.) 43 26, 27. .The Mortuaiy Chapel of Galla Placidia in Ravenna. Views of Interior and Exterior. (From a Photograph.) . . .44, 45 28. Basilica of Turmanin in Syria. (M. De Vogue\ ' ' Syrie Centrale. " Par is, 1865.) 49 Vlll LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. FIGURE PAGE 29. Plan and Section of S. Lorenzo in Milan. (H. Huebsch," Die alt- christlichen Kirchen. " Karls ruhe, 1862.) . . . .52 30. Plan and Section of S.Vitale in Ra venna. (H. Otte, " Handbuch der kirchlichen Kunstarchaeol- ogie." Fifth Edition. Leipzig, 1884.) 53 31. Byzantine Capitals from S.Vitale in Ravenna. (From Photographs and J. Gailhabaud, Monuments. Paris, 1846.) ••• 55 32. Plan of the Church of St. Sergius in Constantinople. (H. Huebsch, as above.) .... 56 33. Plan of the Church of St. Sophia in Constantinople. (W. Salzenberg, "Altchristliche Baudenkmale von Constantinople." Berlin, 1864.) 57 34. View of the Interior of the Church of St. Sophia in Constantinople. 35 36. 37. (Reconstruction, from a Photo graph.) Plan of the Church of St. Irene. (II. Huebsch, as above.) . Plan and Section of the Pantepoptes Church in Constantinople.^ (D. Pulgher," Les Anciennes Eglises Byzantines de Constantinople." Vienne, 1878.) .... Church at Ani. (From a Photo graph.) . ... 38. Church of Our Lady (Pakrova) near the Cloister Bogolubor. (E.Viol- let-le-Duc, ' ' L' Art Russe. " Par is, 1877.) . ... 39, 40. Cupola-towers of the Church of St. Sophia at Kiev, and of the Vassili Blaggenoi in Moscow. (The same.) .... House of a Russian Boyar. (The same.) .... 41 59 60 6365 67 69 70 EAELY OHEISTIAN AND BYZANTINE PAINTING AND SOULPTUEE. 42. Orpheus and the Animals. Wall- painting in the Catacomb of Ca lixtus. (L. Perret, "Les Cata combs de Rome." Paris, 1851- I855-) 72 43. Decorated Crypt in the Catacomb of Calixtus, called that of Ocea- nus. (G. B. de Rossi, "Roma Sott." Roma, 1864-1867.) . 74 44. Noah in the Ark. Wall-painting in the Catacomb of Calixtus. (L. Perret, as above.) . .77 45. Fresco in the Catacomb of S. Ag- nese. The Good Shepherd and other representations. (The same.) 78 46. Wall-decoration of the Basilica of Junius Bassus. After a drawing by A. da Sangallo, now in the Barberini Library. (G. B. de Rossi, " Bullet, di Arch. Crist." Roma, 1863, seq.) . . 80 47. Mosaic in the Apse of S. Pudenziana in Rome. (J. Labarte, " Histoire des Arts Industriels en Moyen- Age." Paris, 1864.) . . .81 48. Mosaic on the Triumphal Arch of S Paolo fuori le Mura near Rome (J. G. Gutensohn and J. M Knapp, as above.) . . .83 49. Mosaic in the Apse of SS. Cosma e Damiano in Rome. (The same.) 50. Mosaic Portrait of the Emperor Jus tinian in the Chapel of All Saints of S. Apollinare Nuovo in Raven na. (From a Photograph.) . . 51. The Empress Theodora with the La dies of her Court in S. Vitale. Mosaic in that Church. (From a Photograph.) .... 52. St. Agnes. Mosaic in the Apse of the Church of S. Agnese near Rome. (L. Perret, as above.) . 53. Miniature from the Codex of Dios- corides, now in the Imperial Li brary of Vienna. (J. Labarte, as above.) .... 54- Jacob and his Sons. From Genesis, now in the Imperial Library of Vienna. (The same.) 55. Miniature from the Syrian Gospel of Zagba, now in the Laurentiana in Florence. (The same.) 56. The Emperor Manuel Palseologus, with the Imperial Prince and Princess. Miniature from a By zantine Codex now in the Louvre. (The same.) 57. Byzantine Enamel from the Binding 84 S7 91 94 95 97 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. IX of a Codex now in the Library of S. Marco, Venice. (The same.) ioo 58. Statue of the Good Shepherd in the Museum of the Lateran. (L. Perret, as above. ) . . .104 59. Statue of St. Peter in the Church of S. Pietro, Rome. (From a Pho- • tograph.) ..... 105 60. Odysseus and the Sirens. Fragment of an Early Christian Relief. (From a Photograph.) . . 106 61. Relief carved upon a Sarcophagus in the Museum of the Lateran. (L. Perret, as above.) . . . 107 62. The Passage of the Red Sea. Re lief upon a Sarcophagus in Spala- tro. (" Jahrbuch der k. k. Cen- tralcommission fllr Erhaltungder Baudenkmaler." Vol. V.) . 108 63. Coffin of Lead, found at Saida, Phoe nicia ; now in Cannes. (G. B. de Rossi, ' ' Bullet, di Arch. Crist. " Roma, 1863, seq.) . . . 109 64. Diptych of the Consul Anastasius, A.D. 515, in the National Li brary, Paris. (From a Photo graph.) . . . . .111 65. The Two Marys at the Sepulchre. Relief of Gold in the Louvre. (J. Labarte, as above.) . . 113 ASIA. 66. Facade of the Palace of Khosru at Ctesiphon. (E. Flandin et P. Coste, " Voyage en Perse. " Par is, s. a.) 67. Section of one of the Domed Halls of Firuz-Abad. (The same.) 68. Facade of the Palace of Sarbistan. (The same.) .... 69. Sassanian Capital, from Ispahan. (The same.) .... 70. Sassanian Monument at Takht-i- Gero. (The same.) . 71. The Capture of the Emperor Valeri an by Shahpur I. Rock-cut Re lief at Nakhsh-i-Rustam. (The same.) 72. Restored View and Section of the Great Tope of Sanchi. (J. Fer- gusson, " History of Indian and Eastern Architecture." London, 1867). . . . 73. Restored Half View and Section of the Tope qf Manikyala. (The same.) 74. The Nigope Grotto near Barabar. (The same.) .... 119 123 124 125 126 • 131 132 135 75. Chaitya Temple of Bhaja. (The same.) ..... 136 76. Plan and Section of the Chaitya Temple of Karli. (The same.) . 137 77. Plan of the Vihara Grotto of Ajanta. (The same.) .... 140 78. Buddhist Supports with Console Capitals. (The same.) . . 142 79. Buddhist Columns with Floral and Animal Ornamentations. (The same.) . . . 143 80. Columns of the Jaina Style. (The same.) 145 81. The so-called Rathas of Mahavelli- pore. (The same.) . . . 147 82. Relief from the Tope of Amravati. (J. Fergusson, " Tree and Serpent Worship ; or, Illustrations of My thology and Art in India. " Lon don, 1868.) .... 149 83. Relief from the Tope of Sanchi. (The Same.) . . .150 84. Pagoda of Tung-Chow, China. (J. Fergusson, " History of Indian and Eastern Architecture. " Lon don, 1876.) . . . .153 MOHAMMEDAN AET, 85. Facade of the Alcazar, Seville. (From a Photograph.) . .155 86. Plan and Section of the Kubbet-es- Sachra (Mosque of the Rock), Je rusalem. (M. De Vogue, " Le Temple de Jerusalem." Paris, 1864.) 160 87. Plan of the Mosque of Amru, Cairo. (J. Fergusson, " Handbook of Architecture." London, 1859.) • 88. Interior of the Mosque of Amru in Cairo. (From a Photograph.) 89. View of the Mosque of Ibn-Tulun 163 166 in Cairo. (From a Photograph.) 168 X LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. 90. View of the Mosque of Kait-Bey in Cairo. (From a Photograph) . 170 91. Plan of the Mosque of Ajmir. (J. Fergusson, ' ' History of Indian and Eastern Architecture. " Lon don, 1876.) .... 173 92. View of the Mosque of Kalburgah. (The same.) . . . . 175 93. Plan of the Mosque of Jumma at Bijapur. (The same.) . .176 94. Plan and Section of the Chief Cu pola of the Mosque of Jumma at Bijapur. (The same.) . . 177 95. Plan of the Mosque of Cordova. (J. Fergusson, "Handbook of Architecture." London, 1859.) 179 9(6. View of the Interior of the Mosque of Cordova. (From a Photo graph.) 180 97. The Giralda of the Cathedral of Seville. (From a Photograph.) 183 98. Arcade of the Alcazar in Seville. (Westermann's "Illustrirte Mo- natshefte. " Braunschweig, 1883.) 184 99. Capitals from the Alhambra. (From a Photograph.) . . .186 100. Part of the Court of the Myrtles in the Alhambra. (Girault de Prangey, ' ' Monuments Arabes et Moresques de Cordova, Sevilla et Grenade." Paris, 1 83 5-1 839.) 188 101. The Court of the Lions in the Al hambra. (The same.) . . 189 102. The Kuba near Palermo. (H. Gai ly Knight, ' ' Saracenic and Nor man Remains to Illustrate the Normans in Sicily." London, 1840.) 192 103. Marble Relief from Granada. (Gi rault de Prangey, as above.) . . 197 104. Miniature in a Manuscript of Ibn Zafer, of Sicily, Library of the Escurial. (From a Photograph.) 198 105. Painting from the Hall of Judg ment in the Alhambra. (Girault de Prangey, as above.) . . 199 106. Painting from the Hall of Judg ment in the Alhambra. (The same.) ..... 200 THE OHEISTIAN AET OF THE NOETH UNTIL THE CLOSE OF THE CAEOLINGIAN EPOCH. 107. Part of the so-called Palace of The- odoric in Ravenna. (From a Photograph.) .... 202 108. Restored Plan and Section of the Cathedral of Treves. (Ch. W. Schmidt," Baudenkmale in Tri er." Trier, 1836-1845.) . . 203 109. Capital from the so-called Palace of Theodoric. (R. Rahn,"Ein Besuch in Ravenna." Leipzig, 1869.) 205 no. Mausoleum of Theodoric in Raven na. (From a Photograph.). . 206 in. Baptistery of the Patriarch Calix tus in S. Giovanni, Cividale. ( ' ' Jahrbuch der k. k. Centralcom- mission." II. Wien, 1857.) . 207 112. The Baptistery of Poitiers. (J. Gailhabaud, " Monuments An- ciens et Modernes." Paris, 1850.) 215 113. Plan and Section of the Minster of Aix-la-Chapelle in its Original Arrangement. (Altered from E. Foerster, " Denkmale der deutschen Baukunst, Bildnerei und Malerie." Leipzig, 1853- 1869.) 219 114. Restored View of the Choir of the Nuns in the Abbey Church of Essen. (F. V. Quast und H. Otte, "Zeitschrift fUr christ- liche Archseologie und Kunst." I. Leipzig, 1856.) . . . 222 115. View of the Interior of the Church of Ottmarsheim. (Golbery et Schweighaeuser, " Antiquites d Alsace.") .... 223 116. Plan.of the Church of Ottmarsheim. (The same.) .... 223 117- Plan of the Chapel of St. Michael in Fulda. (H. V. Dehn-Rot- felser, " Mittelalterliche Bau- denkmaelerinKurhessen." Cas- sel, 1866.) . . . . 225 118. Details of Columns from the Chap el of St. Michael in Fulda. (The same.) 226 119. The Carolingian Cloister Plan of LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. St. Gall. (F. Keller, " Bauriss des Klosters von St. Gallen vom Jahre 820." Zurich, 1844.) . 227 120. Portal of the Cloister of Lorsch. (J. Gailhabaud, as above.) . 230 121. Pilaster Capital from the Portal of Lorsch. (The same.) . . 231 122. Capital and Impost from the West ern Wing of the Cloister Church of Corvey. (W. Luebke, "Die mittelalterli