YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 3 9002 04334 4598 ' AMERICAN Bottles and Flasks .By STEPHEN VAN RENSSELAER I Krachj Garvary COtLECHdN" of AMEKD FRANCIS PATRICK GARVAN, RA,i8q7 SCHOOL OF THE FINE ARTS, dUlA/^tL&h* fittjIAJb^^ Tuv. 9 $^ 7f^ / CHECK LIST OF EARLY AMERICAN BOTTLES AND FLASKS BY STEPHEN VAN RENSSELAER NEW YORK 1921 Copyrighted 1921 by Stephen Van Rensselaer All rights reserved PREFACE The interest in historical flasks and bottles, and others of various colors and designs, is so widespread, that it has prompted me to compile this check list. Brief mention is made of the early bottle makers, as this is outside the scope of the book. So many minor variations occur in the decoration of flasks, that I deemed it advisable to mention the more important ones only. It was not thought necessary to mention every known color and size of the various bottles and flasks. Flasks in form of shells, pistols, shoes, cigars and others, are not mentioned, as they are considered of little interest. As many collectors are gathering Bitters, Medicine and other bottles and flasks, I have illustrated and described the best known ones. Diligent inquiry has been made of collectors throughout the United States, with whom I have compared notes in order to check up with them, although, for the most part, the illustrations are of bottles contained in my own collec tion: and, if any collector has bottles that are not listed, I shall be pleased to hear from him, so that I can include them in a later edition of the book. Credit is due to the following Collectors and Museums for assistance in compiling the book: Mr. Van Winkle Mr. McKearin Dr. Hettrick Miss Meacham Mr. Kaufmann The Toledo Museum The Milwaukee Museum The Philadelphia Museum Stephen Van Rensselaer, 873 Madison Avenue, New York City ABBREVIATIONS A Albany Glass Works B Baltimore Glass Works Br Bridgeton (Bridgetown) C Coventry, Conn. C&H Coffin & Hay D Dyottville F Fislerville G Granite Glass Works H Huffsey I Isabella Glass Works K Kensington Kn Keene, N..H. K. &M. Knox & McKee L Louisville Glass Works Ln Lancaster Glass Works M Milfora Glass Works Mn Mechanic Glass Works N G New Granite Glass Works NL New London Glass Works Pt Pitkin P Pittsburg R Ravenna Glass Works St Stiegel SG Spring Garden S & D Sheets & Duffy Sm A. R. Samuels U Unknown U G Union Glass Works, New London, Conn. Un Union Glass Works, Philadelphia W Willington, Conn. Wd Waterford, N. J. Wf Westford, Conn. Wn Whitney Glass Works W P Wheat, Price & Co. (Fairview Works) z Zanesville, 0. (Shepard & Co.) (If not specified, base is flat or hollow, not scarred.) 4 INDEX Plate No. No. Page All-Seeing-Eye 1. Msonic arm, emblem, and "G R J A" XIII 44 Same on XX 58 American Eagle 2. Eagle on panel, each side XIX 56 3. Eagle and ten stars, each side 96 4. Inverted cornucopia XXIV 66 Same on ._ XXVII 72 5. Eagle, "J P F", Masonic square etc. Reverse: Cornucopia and "Conn." 96 6. Cornucopia, "E Pluribus Unum", "One of Many", and "Kensington Glass Works, Philadelphia.".. . 7. Same, no-rays over head, no lettering . 96 8. Cornucopia XXI 60 8a. American Eagle Flask 96 9. Cornucopia on panel IV 26 10. Same, with four-pointed ornament on side of horn. 96 11. Pine tree and "Liberty" XVI 50 12. Tree in leaf XXIX 76 13. Spread-eagle each side 96 14. "Dyottville Glass Works Philada." XIV 46 15. Eagle. Reverse: Plain XXII 62 16. Eagle in circle, each side XXIII 64 17. Ribbed, with eagle each side VIII 34 18. Same, but different eagle XXXIII 84 19. Eagle, scroll, and "H. R." in wreath. Reverse: Masonic emblems 96 20. "E Pluribus Unum", and "I. P." Reverse: Mason ic arch and emblems 96 21. Eagle, olive branch etc., lengthwise, each side IV 26 22. Spread-eagle and "Keene", each side, P and W on reverse 96 23. "Granite Glass Co." Reverse: Eagle with scroll, and "Stoddard, N. H." 96 24. Eagle each side; "Stoddard" on one side 96 25. Eagle and "1829" Reverse: Masonic arch and emblems XXXIII 84 26. "Ohio" Reverse: Masonic arch 96 27. "Ohio", "Zanesville", and "Shepard & Co." Re verse: Masonic arch and pavement XXXII 82 28. Eagle, panel with 8-pointed ornament and 14 stars, each side XV 48 29. Eagle with ribbon, and 8-pointed ornament, each side.. XXIII 64 30. Eagle on oval, each side XIV 46 31. Large spread-eagle with ribbon, each side 96 32. "Louisville, Ky. Glass Works" Ribbed 97 33. "Pittsburg, Pa." Reverse: Same, but no inscription XVII 52 34. "E. Wormser & Co. Pittsburgh" Reverse: Clasp ed hands, "Union", 13 stars 97 35. "Pittsburg, Pa." Reverse: Clasped hands, "L. F. & Co." and "Union." 97 5 Plate No. No. Page 36. Eagle with ribbon, each side. Oval with "Pitts burg, Pa." on one side XIII 44 Same on XIV 46 Same on XXIII 64 37. "Pittsburg, Pa." Reverse: Plain 97 38. Clasped hands, panel, and "No. 2." VII 32 Same on XIX 56 Same on XXI 60 39. Clasped hands, nine bars, oval, 15 stars XVII 52 40. Clasped hands, branches, oval, 13 stars XIII 44 41. Shield, clasped hands, oval, 13 stars, branches .... XX 58 42. "A. & Co." Reverse: Larger shield, 7 bars, plain oval, 13 stars, "Union" and branches 97 43. Shield, clasped hands, 15 bars on panel, "No. 2" and branches 97 44. "A R S" Reverse: Clasped hands, Masonic emblems, "Union", 13 stars in large shield 97 45. "A R S" Reverse: Clasped hands, Masonic emblem, "Union", in small oval, 13 stars 97 46. Same, but reverse has vertical ribbing, no Masonic emblem, and "LTnion" is much larger 97 47. Same, but reverse plain 97 48. Sheaf of wheat, clasped hands, panel, "Union", branch es, and 13 stars 97 Anchor 49, Anchor with rope. Reverse: Plain 97 Apostle 50. Arched panels enclosing figures of apostles or priests 97 Baltimore 51. "Baltimore"; underneath, "Glass Works". Re verse: sheaf of wheat, Ditch fork, rake 98 52. "Baltimore"; anchor, "Glass Works" Reverse: Sheaf of wheat, rake and fork. Decoration is small and near bottom of flask 98 53. "Baltimore", anchor and rope, and "Glass Works" Reverse: Winged dragon's head and "Resur- gam" XIII 44 Same on XXII 62 54. Baltimore Monument and "Baltimore" Reverse: "Corn for the World", ear of corn VII 32 55. Baltimore Monument. Reverse: Plain 98 Baltimore Handled Jug 56. "Griffith, Hyatt & Co. Baltimore". Reverse: Flat IX 36 Bear 57. In form of sitting bear XX 36 Bicycle 58. Woman riding bicycle. Reverse: Eagle, oval and "A & D. H. C." XIV 46 Bininger 59. Form of barrel, marked "Distilled in 1848", "Old Kentucky Bourbon 1849 Reserve. "A. M. Bin inger & Co., 338 Broadway, N. Y " ag 6 Plate No. No. Page Bininger Cannon 59a. Shape of cannon. Marked "A. M. Bininger & Co. 19 Broad St., N. Y." XXXVI 90 Bininger Handled Jug 59b. Marked same as preceding 98 Booze or Log Cabin 60. "E. Z. Booz's Old Cabin Whiskey", "1840", "E. C. Booz Old Cabin Whiskey", "120 Walnut St. Philadelphia", door and three windows. Reverse: Plain XVIII 54 Bourbon Whiskey Bitters 60a. Marked "Bourbon Whiskey Bitters" 98 Braddock 61. Bust of Washington and "Washington" 98 Bryan 62. "In Silver We Trust", "Bryan Sewall 1886", 10 stars. Reverse: Spread-eagle, wreath, "We shall vote", "16 to 1", "United Democratic Tick et" XXVII 72 Bunker Hii.t, 63. Monument-shaped, marked "Skilton Foote & Co.'s Bunker Hill Pickles" XXV 68 Byron 64. Bust of Lord Byron. Reverse: Walter Scott ... XVI 50 Cannon 65. Cannon on two-wheeled carriage, "Gen'l Taylor never surrenders". Reverse: "A little more grape Captain Bragg", and bunch of grapes . . . XV 48 66. Cannon, flag, six cannon balls. Reverse: Clasped hands, shield, panel with "F. A. & Co." branches, "Union" and 13 stars XIV 46 67. Heavier cannon, facing other way, smaller flag, six cannon balls. Reverse: Clasped hands, shield, panel with " Wm. Frank & Sons, Pittsburg", branch es, "Union" and 13 stars XX 58 Chapin & Gore 68. "Chapin & Gore Sour Mash 1867", "H. Frank's Pat'd Aug. 1872" XXVI 70 Grover Cleveland 69. Bust of Grover Cleveland. Reverse: Plain XXIII 64 "A. C. Co. on bottom De Witt Clinton 70. In form of De Witt Clinton 98 71. "De Witt Clinton", "C-T". Reverse: Bust and "La Fayette", "S. & C." XVIII 54 72. Bust and "De Witt Clinton" (D is reversed), "Cov entry C-T" Reverse: Bust and "La Fayette", "S & C" 98 Clock 73. Face of clock, hands set at 11, and "Bininger's Reg ulator" On side, "19 Broad St. New York" Reverse: Plain XXV 68 74. Clock in round panel. Reverse: Latticed XXXVIII 94 Plate No. No. Page Coat of Arms 75. English coat of arms. Reverse: Branch of tree with acorns XXXI 80 Columbia 76. Bust of Columbia, 13 stars. Reverse: Large eagle, "B. & W." VIII 34 77. Bust of Columbia, 13 stars. "Kensington". Re verse: Eagle, "Union Co." XXXI 80 Columbian 78. "Columbian Exposition", bust of Columbus, "1893", "A. E. M. Bros. & Co." Reverse: "Pennsyl vania Pure Rye Baker Whiskey" VIII 34 Columbian Jubilee 79. Ship below figures 1492-1892. Reverse: "Colum bian Jubilee" (in script) XIII 44 Same on XX 58 Continental 80. Square bottle, with soldier, and "1776" Reverse: "Old Continental Whiskey" 98 Corn Cob 81 Corn cob-shaped, marked "National Bitters Paten ted 1867" Height, 12 ! 2 inches XII 42 82. Another — no lettering. Height, 10ki inches 98 83. Another — same, but one side is plain, and is consid erably shorter and thicker. . j. 98 Cornucopia 84. Cornucopia on panel, each side XXI 60 85. Basket of flowers, 5 bars to basket 98 86. Same, but 6 bars to basket 99 87. Different cornucopia. Reverse: Basket of flowers with 6 bars, different design basket and fruit. . . . XXII 62 88. Cornucopia, facing other way, of different design. Reverse: Different shaped basket, with 7 narrow bars, and fruit 99 Crane 89. Circular bottle with crane, "D & D", on each side, two large feet projecting at the base on each side XXVII 72 Crystal Palace 90. "Crystal Palace Premium Soda Water. W. Eagle, New York" Reverse: Picture of Crystal Pal ace and "Union Glass Works Phila." IX 36 Dispensary 91. Palm tree and "South Carolina", and "Dispensary" 99 92. Palm tree, "S" and "C", and "Dispensary" 99 Dog 93. Bird in flight above dog. Reverse: Hunter shoot ing rabbit, running dog at feet 99 Doyle's Hop Bitters 94. Square bottle, marked "Doyle's Hop Bitters 1872", leaf, "C. & Co.", and "4" 99 Dutchman 95. In form of sitting Dutchman, marked "Van Dunck's Genever Trade Mark Ware & Schmitz" XII 42 Plate No. No. Page 96. Picture of Dutchman with prominent stomach. Reverse: "Ick hab's aber immer gesagt: es muss fort gesoffen werden." 99 Dutchman Medicine 97. Marked "E. A. Buckhout Dutch Liniment", full fig ure of Dutchman. Reverse: "Prepared at Me- chanicville, Saratoga Co., N. Y." 99 Fish 98. Marked "Dr. Fisch's Bitters". Reverse: "W. H. Ware Patented 1866" Fish-shaped XII 42 Flag 99. "Coffin & Hay", flag, and "Hammonton" Reverse: Eagle VII 32 100. Eagle and branches. Reverse: Flag, 17 stars, and "For our country" XIX 56 101. Eagle, branches, and 13 stars. Reverse: Flag, 13 stars, and "For out country" XV 48 Franklin 102. Bust, oval, and "Benjamin Franklin". Reverse: Bust and "T. W. Dyott, M. D.", "Kensington Glass Works, Philadelphia", "Eripuit Coelo Ful- men Sceptrumque Tyrannis" XIX 56 103. Bust of Franklin, each side XXXVII 92 104. Large bust of Franklin, and "Benjamin Franklin" Reverse: Bust and "T. W. Dyott, M. D." On sides, "Where Liberty Dwells There Is My Coun try. Kensington Glass Works, Philadelphia" . . 99 Granite Glass Co. 105. "Granite Glass Co." Reverse: "Stoddard N H" XXII 62 Grape 106. Bunch of grapes. Reverse: Eagle, 13 stars VII 32 107. Large bunch of grapes. Reverse: Large sheaf of wheat XVI 50 108. Small bunch of grapes. Reverse: Sheaf of wheat. 99 Greeley's Bourbon Bitters 109. Barrel-shaped, marked as above 100 Haddock 109a. Marked "Haddock & Sons" XXXVI 90 Hall's Bitters 110. Barrel-shaped, marked "Hall's Bitters E. E. Hall New Haven. Established 1842" XXVI 70 Handled 110a. Pint flask with handle on shoulder. Basket body. . XXXVIII 94 Hard Cider 111. Barrel with flag, and "Hard Cider". Reverse: Log cabin with stairs and fence 100 Hart 112. "John Hart & Co." on each side. Flask is heart- shaped XXXVI 90 Holtzerman's Bitters 113. Log cabin-shaped, and marked "Holtzerman's Bit ters" One side plain XII 42 Plate No. No. Page Horseman 114. Horseman, riding to right, on both sides 100 115. Horseman, in soldier's uniform, riding to right. Re verse: Hound XXXVII 92 Hour Glass 116. Masonic pillars with 5-pointed ornament, hour glass, and half moon. Reverse: Same 100 Hunter And Fisherman 117. Hunter shooting at bird in flight, with two running dogs at feet. Reverse: Fisherman holding fish. V 28 118. Hunter shooting at bird in flight, with running dog at feet. Reverse: Fisherman facing left 100 119. Hunter shooting at bird in flight, shooting at a higher angle. Running dog in front. Reverse: Fisherman, water mill and large tree 100 Indian 120. Indian shooting bird on tree, with bow and arrow. Dog behind. Reverse: Eagle with scroll on ped estal and serrated flag. Bird on each side 100 121. Indian shooting bird on tree, with bow and arrow. Tree without leaves. Dog between Indian and tree. "Cuninghams & Co., Pittsburg, Pa." Re verse: Spread-eagle perched on monument, trees with birds, and "Continential" XXIX 76 Same on XXVII 72 Indian Queen 122. In form of Indian queen, marked "Brown's Celebra ted Herb Bitters Patented 1867" XII 42 Indian Specific 123. Square, flat-shaped, marked "H. Lake's Indian Specific" Plain on reverse side XXXI 80 Isabella 124. "Isabella", anchor with rope, and "Glass Works". Reverse: Glass works XVII 52 125. Sheaf of wheat, pitch fork and rake XXI 60 Jackson 126. Full face and "General Jackson" Reverse: Eagle, rays and ten stars 100 Jester 127. Stout man jesting with another man Reverse: Dutchman XVI 50 Key 128. Key on one side, plain on the other XXXV 88 Kossuth 129. Bust and "Kossuth" Reverse: Pine tree 100 130. Bust and "Louis Kossuth", with flag each side. Reverse: Ship, and "U. S. Steam Frigate Mis sissippi." Base marked "Ph. Doplein Mold Mak er 84 Nth 5th St." V 28 La Fayette 131. Bust and "La Fayette", and below, "Coventry C-T" Reverse: Liberty cap in oval, "S & S", and 11 stars XVIII 54 132. Bust and "La Fayette", and "T S". Reverse: Bust and "De Witt Clinton", "Coventry C-T" XXV 68 10 Plate No. No. Page 133. Bust and "LaFayette", "T. S." Reverse: Mason ic arch XVIII 54 134. Bust and "La Fayette", "Covetry C-T". Reverse: Liberty cap, "S & S", and 11 stars XVIII 54 135. La Fayette in uniform, and "General La Fayette". Reverse: Spread-eagle, "T W D", "E Pluribus Unum." On the sides, "Republican Gratitude", "Kensington Glass Works Philadelphia" XVIII 54 136. Another — similar, no lettering except "General LaFayette" Reverse: "T W D" 100 137. Bust and "Gen'l La Fayette", Masonic arch, fleur de lis. Reverse: Eagle, seven stars, and "Wheel ing", "Knox & McKee" XVIII 54 Lancaster 138. "Lancaster Glass Works, Lancaster, N. Y.", basket of flowers with five bars. Reverse: Cornuco pia XXVII 72 139. Another — similar, without inscription XXVIII 74 Liberty 140. Panel with sheaf of wheat, and "Liberty" Re verse: Panel with star XXI 60 141. Figure of Liberty, and "Liberty" in a scroll. "U. S." Reverse: Log cabin, pump, tree and gate, and "Liberty" XXXIII 84 Jenny Lind 142. Bust and basket of Sowers both sides XXVI 70 143. Bust and "Jenny Lind" Reverse: Bust and "Kossuth" XI 40 144. Bust and "Jenny Lind" Reverse: "Fislerville Glass Works", and picture of glass works XI 40 145. Bust and "Jenny Lind". Reverse: "Glass Fac tory", picture of glass factory, and star XI 40 146. Bust and "Jenny Lind". Reverse: "Milfora G. Works" and picture of glass works XI 40 147. Bust and "Jenny Lind" Reverse: "Glass Works" picture of glass works, and "H. Huffsey" 100 148. Bust and "Jeny Lind" (one n in Jeny). Reverse: Pic ture glass works XI 40 149. Bust of Jenny Lind. Reverse: View of glass works 100 Locomotive 150. Locomotive, lengthwise, and "Success to the Rail Road" Reverse: Same XXVI 70 Log Cabin 151. Marked "Log Cabin Sarsaparilla Rochester, N. Y." Reverse: Flat. On the bottom, "Pat. Sept. 6, '87" XXX 78 152. Log cabin-shaped, marked "Jacobs Cabin Tonic Bitters", dog and windows. Reverse: Plain. On the sides, "Jacobs Cabin Bitters Laboratory, Philadelphia" XXXV 88 Louisville 153. Marked, "Louisville, Ky., Glass Works" Reverse: Plain 100 11 Plate No. No. Page 154. Spread-eagle, and oval with "Louisville, Ky." Re verse: Oval with "Glass Works". 101 Maderia 155. Raised circle with anchor in middle XXIV 66 156. Quart — deep olive amber color XXIV 66 Masonic 157. U. S. coat of arms, and "K. C. C. N. C." 101 158. Spread-eagle, and "T W D" X 38 158a. Eagle. No lettering 101 159. Full rigged ship, "Franklin", and "Free Trade and Sailors' Rights. Kensington Glass Works Phil adelphia" X 38 160. Arch and brick floor of 12 bricks. Reverse: Spread-eagle, and "Keene" XX 58 161. Spread-eagle and panel with "N F G" XXVII 72 162. Arch, triangle with "G", and closely tessellated pavement, sunburst, bee-hive and five-pointed ornament. Reverse: Same X 38 Same on XXXI 80 163 Same. Reverse: Spread-eagle and "J B K" .... X 38 164. Floor of 16 bricks. Reverse: Spread-eagle X 38 165. Spread-eagle and "E Pluribus Unum", and oval with "HP" X 38 Same on X 38 166. Brick floor of 20 bricks. Reverse: Spread-eagle.. 101 167. Spread-eagle, with ribbon in beak. Plain oval 101 McCollick 168. "J. S. McCollick & Co., New York." Barrel- shaped 101 McKinley 169. Bust, and "Sound Money and Protection", and "McKinley & Hobart" Reverse: Bee and 1896. "In Gold We Trust". Circular form 101 170. Bust, "Gold Standard No Split Dollars", "McKin ley". Reverse: Bust of Hobart, and "Prosper ity Protection", and "Hobart" 101 Mechanic Glass Works 171. "Mechanic Glass Works Philada." Reverse: Sheaf of wheat, rake and pitch fork XXIII 64 Medicine 172. Olive amber. Height, 4j-£ inches. . . VI 30 Monument (or tower) 173. Shape of monument. Height, 9?4' inches XXXVIII 94 174. Square, tapering, in form of brick monument. Height, 103^ inches 101 Morbridge 175. Figure of Indian holding bottle, and "Dr. Mor- bridge's Family Vegetable Medicines" Reverse: Plain XXI 60 Morning Bitters 176. Triangular bottle, marked "Morning Bitters Incep- tum 5869". "Patented 5869" XXX 78 Mother's Pet Nursing Bottle 177. Woman with child in lap, and "Mother's" and "Pet". 101 12 Plate No. No. Page Murdoch 178. "Murdoch" Reverse: "Zanesville, Ohio." . . 101 New Granite Glass Works 178a. "Stoddard, N. H." Reverse: Flag with 13 stars.. XXXVI 90 New London 179. Anchor and rope, and "New London Glass Works. Reverse: Eagle and nine stars XVII 52 180. Bird in flight, surrounded by seven stars XXIV 66 Not For Joe 181. Woman on high bicycle, and "Not for Joe" 101 Old Homestead 181a. Form of log cabin, marked "Old Homestead Wild Cherry Bitters Patent" 102 Old Sachem Bitters 182. Barrel-shaped, marked "Old Sachem's Bitters and Wigwam Tonic" XXVI 70 Perrine's 183. Form of log cabin, marked "Perrine's Apple Ginger, Phila." "Perrine's Ginger". Reverse: "Depot No. 37 Nth Front St. Philada." XXIV 66 Pickle 184. About 2 qts. Aquamarine XXXV 88 Picnic 185. Marked "Picnic" }^pt. — aquamarine XXIX 76 Pig 186. In form of a pig, and "Philbrook and Tucker, Bos ton" Reverse: "Suffolk Bitters". Amber 102 Pike's Peak 187. "For Pike's Peak", and prospector. Reverse: Spread-eagle XIX 56 188. "For Pike's Peak", and prospector. Reverse: Same figure, showing running deer XIII 44 Same on XX 58 189. Same figure as foregoing, but different coat. Re verse: Plain XXXVIII 94 190. "For Pike's Peak". Reverse: Plain. 102 191. Prospector, "Old Rye", and "For Pike's Peak". Reverse: Spread-eagle, and "Pittsburg, Pa." .. . XXXVII 92 192. "For Pike's Peak" and prospector. Reverse: Spread-eagle and "Gerido" 102 Pineapple 193. Pineapple design, but shape of late type long neck bottle, sloping shoulders. Diamond-shaped space marked "W. & C, N. Y." About % quart - olive green, collared mouth. Height, 8| inches 102 Pine Tree Cordial 194. Square, flattened edges, marked "Patent 1859" and pine tree. Reverse: L. Q. C. Wishart's", "Pine Tree Cordial, Phila." Other side plain XXIV 66 Pitkin 195. Corncob pattern, twist to right. Pint VIII 34 196. Very narrow shoulders, fluted longitudinally. Pint VIII 34 197. Height, 5% inches. Pint IX 36 198. Twist to left. Pint XXX 78 13 Plate No. No. Page Plantation Bitters 199. Form of log cabin, marked "Plantation Bitters 1860. Patented 1862." XII 42 200. Another — similar. Longer neck and larger lettering. Collared mouth 102 201. Another — similar. Sheared neck, with 2-inch mouth 102 Poland 202. In shape of man with beard. "Poland Water" and "H. Ricker & Sons, Proprietors" 102 Rail Road 203. Horse and cart, lengthwise. "Rail Road", and 'Lowell" Reverse: Spread-eagle, and 13 stars. . 102 204. Horse and cart, lengthwise. "Success to the Rail Road". Reverse: Large spread-eagle, length wise, and 17 stars. ... IV 26 205. Horse and cart, lengthwise. No lettering. Reverse: Eagle IV 26 206. Horse and cart, lengthwise. No lettering. Reverse: Plain 102 207. Horse and cart, lengthwise. "Success to the Rail Road" Reverse: Same IV 26 208 Same, but smaller lettering 102 Ravenna 209. "Ravenna Glass Works" Reverse: 5-pointed star XXXVIII 94 210. "Ravenna Glass Co." and 8-pointed star. Re verse: "Traveler's Companion", and 8-pointed star XXXVI 90 211. "Ravenna", anchor and rope, and "Glass Company" Reverse: Eagle, surrounded by 13 stars XXV 68 Rebecca At The Well 212. In form of partially dressed woman holding, bottle on her shoulders, marked "Rebecca" 102 Ribbed 213. Bluish aquamarine. % qt. Long neck VI 30 214. Narrowing at base to one inch VI 30 215. Each side ribbed in panel. Narrowing at bottom. XXI 60 21 6. Flat, straight sides XXII 62 217. Ribs running on panel, each side XXII 62 Ringgold 218. Bust and "Major Ringgold". Reverse: Bust of Taylor and "Rough and Ready" XV 48 219. Another — without ribs on sides 102 Roback's Bitters 220. Barrel-shaped, marked "Dr. C. W. Roback's Stomach Bitters, Cincinnati, Ohio." 102 Safe 221. Safe, and "Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure, Rochester, N. Y." Reverse: Plain XXX 78 Sailboat 222. Sloop rigged sailboat, sailing left. Reverse: 8- pointed star XVI 50 14 Plate No. No. Page 223. Sloop rigged sailboat, sailing right, and "Fells Point" Reverse: Monument and "Baltimore" XVI 50 224. Sloop rigged sailboat, in panel, sailing left. Reverse: "Bridgetown, New Jersey" XXI 60 225. Bust with heavy beard and long whiskers, and "Bridgeton, Newjersey" Reverse: Sailboat sailing left, in panel XXVIII 74 Same on XXXIII 84 Sailor 226. Dancing sailor. Reverse: Musician on bench. . . . XVII 52 Santa Claus 227. Tall bottle made to represent Santa Claus, and four- leaf-clover panel 103 Sheaf Of Wheat 228. Eight-pointed star, and "Sheets & Duffy" V 28 229. Another — similar. No inscription 103 230. Different design sheaf of wheat. Oval-shaped panel. Reverse: Plain XXIII 64 Ship 231. Ship and "Franklin". Reverse: Spread-eagle and "T W D" XV 48 232. Ship. Reverse: Large 8-pointed star 103 233. Full rigged ship. Reverse: Sheaf of wheat in arch. 103 233a. Monument and no lettering. (Like R. R. flask). ... 103 Snuff 234. Height, i-% inches. Light amber VI 30 235. Height, i-% inches. Olive amber VI 30 236. Height, i]/2 inches. Olive amber VI 30 237. Height, 7J^ inches. Clear light olive amber. Cor ners have round indentations XXX 78 238. Height, 6 inches. Greenish amber VI 30 Soldier 239. 11-pointed star V 28 240. Soldier with musket, bayonet and spiked helmet. "Baltimore, Md." Reverse: Ballet dancer XIV 46 Spring Garden 241. "Spring Garden", anchor with rope, "Glass Works" Reverse: Log cabin, tree without leaves XIV 46 241a. Another. Similar. No bars 103 Stag 242. Stag, "Coffin & Hay", "Hammonton". Reverse: Spread-eagle XXVII 72 243. Stag with large antlers, "Good Game" Reverse: Weeping-willow tree XIX 56 244. Stag, dog and hunter. Reverse: Boar's head and oak branch. Flat, circular flask XXXII 82 Star Whiskey 245. Handled jug, marked "Star Whiskey New York, W. B. Crowell, Jr." XXV 68 Stiegel 246. Fluted XXXIV 86 247. Diapher pattern XXXIV 86 248. Spiral. Long neck XXXIV 86 249. Semi-spiral. Long neck XXXIV 86 15 Plate No. No. Page 250. Somewhat larger than No. 248 XXXIV 86 251. Quilted pattern and semi-spiral XXXIV 86 Stoddard Three-Mould 252. Quilted pattern. Long neck IX 36 253. Quilted pattern. Long neck XXX 78 Sunburst 2.54. Large sunburst each side XXI 60 255. Large sunburst each side XXI 60 256. Elongated sunburst each side XVII 52 256a. Marked "Keen" Reverse: "P & W" XXXVI 90 256b. Another. Longer sunburst. No letterings XXXVI 90 257. Three heavy concentric circles, each side, enclosing 4-pointed ornament XX 58 Same on XXV 68 258. Large sunburst, oval-shaped VIII 34 259. Sunburst in oval panel, each side 103 Swim 260. "Will you have a drink, will a", duck, "Swim" . . 103 Taylor 261. Sheaf of wheat Ill 24 262. "Rough and Ready" and bust. Reverse: Eagle and stars 103 263. "Zachary Taylor", large bust, "Rough and Ready". Reverse: "Corn for the world", and corn stalk. . IV 26 264. Bust and "Rough and Ready" Reverse: Bust of Major Ringgold and "Major Ringgold" 103 265. Bust and "Gen'l Taylor". Reverse: Baltimore Monument and "Fells Point" IV 26 266. Bust of Taylor and "Fells Point". Reverse: Bal timore Monument and "Baltimore" 103 Floha Temple 267. "Flora Temple" and picture. Below, "Harness Trot 219j^" IX 36 Tippecanoe 268. Log-shaped, marked "Tippecanoe" and picture of canoe. "H. B. Warner & Co." "Rochester, N. Y. Pat. Nov. 20, '83" XXX 78 TOWNSEND SARSAPARILLA 268a. Marked "Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla, Albany, N. Y." 103 Traveler's Companion 269. "Traveler's Companion" and 8-pointed star. Re verse: Sheaf of wheat, fork and rake XX 58 270. "Rail Road Guide" 103 Tree 271. Tree, "Summer" Reverse: Tree without leaves, "Winter" Bird on each side 103 272. Tree in leaf with bird. Reverse: Tree in leaf with out bird VII 32 273. Large tree in leaf. Reverse: Sheaf of wheat, rake and pitch fork 104 Union 274. Clasped hands, "Union" and 13 stars. Reverse: Same 104 16 Plate No. No. Page Union Glass Works 275. "Union Glass Works, New London, Ct." Reverse: Plain XXI 60 Urn 276. Urn containing wheat. Reverse: Plain 104 Violin 277. Violin-shaped IX 36 278. Violin-shaped, stars and ornaments in panel, each side VII 32 278a. Another. Star, fleur-de-lis instead of ornaments. No panel XXXVII 92 279. (Louisville, Ky.) Same as the unmarked one. Mar ked "Louisville, Ky."; "Glass Works" 104 Washington 280. Bust, "Albany Glass Works", "Albany, N. Y." Re verse: Full rigged ship I 20 281. Bust. Reverse: "Albany Glass Works" 104 282. Bust in uniform. "Washington" Reverse: Taylor in uniform. "Baltimore Glass Works" Ill 24 283. Bust, with queue, in uniform (slightly different pro file). Reverse: Slightly different profile of Tay lor, "Baltimore Glass Work" 104 284. Bust, with queue, in uniform, and "Washington". Reverse: Bust of Bragg, in uniform, and "Balti more Glass Works" 104 285. Bust, in uniform, with queue. "Fells" "Point" Reverse: Monument, and "Balto." Ill 24 285a. Large bust, with queue. "Fells". "Point" Re verse: Picture of Baltimore Monument (Like No. 4 on Plate I.) XXXVII 92 286. Bust, with queue. Reverse: Spread-eagle, 7 stars above, 5 stars below I 20 287. Bust, with queue, "The Father of his Country". Reverse: Bust of Bragg, in uniform. "A little more grape Captain Bragg." I 20 288. Bust, with queue, in uniform, "Washington". Re verse: Bust of Bragg, in uniform, and "Bridge- ton New Jersey" 104 289. Bust and "Washington". Reverse: Taylor in uni form. "Bridgeton, New Jersey" and star. Ill 24 290. Bust, with queue, and "Bridgetown, New Jersey" Reverse: Bust of Taylor, and "Bridgetown, New Jersey" I 20 291. Bust, in uniform, and "Washington". Reverse: Bust of Jackson, and "Jackson" Ill 24 292. Another — similar, but lettering smaller and heads facing to right 104 293. Another, facing right. Reverse: Jackson, facing left. 104 294. Unusual bust, full face, and "G. G. Washington" Reverse: Eagle, "E L" (or "F L"), and "Pitts burg." XXVIII 74 295. Bust, full face. Reverse: Tree I 20 296. Very small bust, with queue. Reverse: Tree. Long neck XXIX 76 17 Plate No. No. Page 297. Bust, and "Washington" Reverse: Bust of Kos suth and "Kossuth" (Like no. 5— Plate I) 104 298. Bust, full face. Reverse: Very early spread-eagle, head to right, 13 stars XXXT 80 299. Bust, and "General Washington" above. Reverse: Spread-eagle, "E Pluribus Unum", "Adams and Jefferson, July 4, A. D. 1776", also "Kensington Glass Works, Philadelphia." 104 300. Another — similar. Reverse: Masonic device, arch, pillars, tools, sheaf of wheat, and pavement. Pint 104 301. Bust and "Washington" Reverse: Spread-eagle and "E Pluribus Unum", also "T W D" in oval. . Ill 24 302. Bust and "General Washington" Reverse: Spread- eagle, and "T W D" XV 48 303. Bust, with queue, facing left. "The Father of His Country" Reverse: Bust of Taylor, facing left, and "Gen. Taylor never surrenders" I 20 304. Bust, facing left. Reverse: Bust of Taylor, facing left VII 32 305. Another — same, but with queue 105 306. Bust, with queue, facing left. "The Father of His Country" Reverse: Bust of Taylor, and "I have endeavourd to do my duty" II 22 307. Bust, with queue, facing left, and "The Father of His Country". Reverse: Bust of Taylor, and "I have endeavour'd to do my duty" (Different from the usual busts.) 105 308. Bust, with queue, facing left. "The Father of His Country". Reverse: Bust of Taylor, and "Gen. Taylor never surrenders." "Dyottville Glass Works, Philada". . II 22 309. Bust, with queue, facing left, "The Father of His Country". Reverse: Bust of Taylor, and "Gen. Z. Taylor" 105 310. Bust, with queue, facing left. "Washington" Re verse: Bust of Taylor, and "Gen. Z. Taylor". . . II 22 311. Bust, with queue, and "Washington". Reverse: Bust of Taylor, and "G. Z. Taylor" II 22 312. Bust, with queue, "Washington." Reverse: Bust of Taylor, "G. Z. Taylor", "Dyottville Glass Works." . . . 105 313. Bust, with queue, "The Father of His Country" Reverse: Plain 105 Waterford 314. Spread-eagle. Reverse: Large shield, clasped hands, 7 flat bars, oval, 13 stars. "Waterford" above. Branches. Bluish aquamarine 105 Wharton's Handled Jug 315. "Wharton's Whiskey, 1850 Chestnut Grove" Re verse: Plain XXV 68 Westford 316. "Westford Glass Co., Westford, Conn." Reverse: "Liberty" and eagle XXII 62 317. Sheaf of wheat, pitch fork and rake, and 5-pointed star XIII 44 IS Plate No. No. Page Same on XX 58 318. Sheaf of wheat, pitch fork and rake, and 5-pointed star. High shoulders XXII 62 Wheat, Price & Co. 319. Bust, and "Wheat, Price & Co., Wheeling, Va." Reverse: "Fair View Glass Works" and picture of glass works. XV 48 Whitney Handled Jug 320. "Whitney Glass Works, Glassboro, N. J." 105 Wild Cherhy Bitters 321. Form of log cabin. Marked "Wild Cherry" and tree. Reverse: "H. P. Herb Wild Cherry Bit ters". "Bitters" on each side of roof XII 42 Wild Cherry Tonic 322. Square. Bee-hive with bee. "Expectoral Wild Cherry Tonic". Reverse: Plain, with panel. On sides, "Rohrer's" and "Lancaster, Pa." 105 WlLLINGTON 323. "Willington Glass Works, West Willington, Conn." Reverse: Eagle, and "Liberty" XXII 62 Same on XVII 52 Same on XIX 56 Wine 324. Ribbed. "WINE" XXIX 76 Wolf & Sons 325. Circular bottle, marked "S. Wolf & Sons Fine Whis kies" Reverse: Wolf's head 105 Wyn 326. "Constantin Wyn" XXV 68 Constitutional ADDENDA 327. Flat-shaped. "Constitutional Beverage", "W. Olm- stead, New York." 106 Handled Jug 328. Shape of inverted bell. "T. M. & Co., New York." 106 Lafayette 329. Bust and "General Lafayette". Reverse: Eagle, T W D", "E Pluribus Unum", "Adams and Jeffer son, July 4th A. D. 1776. Kensington Glass Works, Philadelphia." 106 330 Same as No. 131. No stars and three ribs 106 Masonic 331. Full rigged ship, "Franklin". Reverse: Masonic Pave ment, farmer's emblem 106 O. K. Plantation Bitters 332. Three-cornered. "Patented 1863", "O. K. Plantation 1840" 106 Washington Bitters 333. Shape of bust of Washington. "Simons Centennial Bit ters", "Trade Mark" 106 Washington 334. Similar to No. 1 on Plate XV, but different head, let tering, eagle etc 106 335. Quaint bust of La Fayette 106 336. Bust of LaFayette 106 19 PLATE I 1 . Washington Flask (D) Bust of Washington, with queue, facing to the left. "The Father of his Country" Reverse: Bust of Taylor, in uniform, facing to the left, and "Gen Taylor never surrenders." Pint — deep blue. Collared mouth. Scarred base. 2. Washington Flask (A) Bust of Washington, with high collar, facing to the front. In semi-circle above, "Albany Glass Works". Underneath, "Albany, N. Y." Reverse: Full rigged ship. Ribbed sides. Pint — light blue. Collared mouth. Scarred base. 3. Washington Flask (D) Bust of Washington, facing to the left. Reverse: Bust of Taylor facing to the left. No inscription. Pint — light green. Sheared mouth. Scar red base. 4. Washington Flask (Br) Bust of Washington, with queue, facing to the right. Above, "Bridgetown, New Jersey". Reverse: Bust of Taylor, facing to the right. "Bridge town, New Jersey" above. Ribbed sides. Quart — clear aquamarine. Sheared mouth. Scarred base. 5. Washington Bottle (Probably S & D) Bust of Washington, with full face to the front. Reverse: Tree. Ribbed sides. Long neck. Quart — aquamarine. Collared mouth. Scarred b ase. 6. Washington Flask (Br) Bust of Washington, with queue, facing to the left. Reverse: Spread- eagle perched on arrows, with head to the right, seven stars above, five stars below. Quart — bluish aquamarine. Ribbed sides. Sheared mouth Scarred base. 7. Washington Flask (D) Bust of Washington, with queue, facing to the left."The Father of his Country" Reverse: Bust of Bragg, in uniform, facing to the left. "A little more grape Captain Bragg". Quart — marine blue. Collared mouth. Scarred base. 20 PLATE II 1. Washington Flask (D) Bust of Washington, with queue, facing to the left. "Washington" under neath. Reverse: Bust of Taylor, in uniform, facing to the left. Under neath, "G. Z. Taylor" Pint — green. Sheared mouth. Scarred base. 2. Washington Flask (D) Bust of Washington, with queue, facing to the left. "Washington" above. Reverse: Bust of Taylor, in uniform, facing to the left. Above, "Gen. Z. Taylor ". Pint — aquamarine. Sheared mouth. Scarred base. 3. Washington Flask (D) Bust of Washington. Reverse: Bust of Taylor. No inscription. Pint sea green. Collared mouth. Scarred base. 4. Washington Flask (D) Bust of Washington; "The Father of his Country" Reverse: Bust of Taylor and "Gen. Taylor never surrenders." Quart — aquamarine. Sheared mouth. Scarred base. 5. Washington Flask (D) Bust of Washington. Reverse: Bust of Taylor. No inscription. Quart — • sea green. Sheared mouth. Scarred base. 6. Washington Flask (D) Bust of Washington, with queue, facing to the left. "The Father of his Country". Reverse: Bust of Taylor, in uniform. "Gen. Taylor never surrenders." "Dyottville Glass Works Philada" above. Quart — puce. Sheared mouth. Scarred base. 7. Washington Flask (D) Bust of Washington, with queue, facing to the left. "The Father of his Country" Reverse: Bust of Taylor, in uniform. "I have endeavourd to do my duty" Quart — light olive amber. Sheared mouth. Scarred base. PLATE III 1. Taylor Flask <&r [O ) Bust of Taylor, facing to the left, on panel. Reverse: Sheaf of wheat, on panel. Pint — aquamarine. Collared mouth. Scarred base. 2. Washington Flask (K) . tj Washington, in uniform, full face to the front, and "General Washington above. Reverse: Spread-eagle, head to the right, rays above, and "E Pluribus Unum", perched on oval with arrows and olive branch. "T W D" in oval. Ribbed sides. Pint — clear aquamarine. Sheared mouth. Scarred base. 3. Franklin Flask (K) Bust and full face of Franklin, and "Benjamin Franklin" above, in semi circle. Reverse: Bust and full face of Dyott. Above, in semi-circle, "T. W. Dyott, M. D." On sides, "Where Liberty dwells there is my country", and "Kensington Glass Works Philadelphia" Pint — aquamarine Sheared mouth. Scarred base. 4. Washington Flask (B) Washington, with queue, in uniform, facing to the left. Above, "Wash ington" Reverse: Taylor, in uniform, facing to the left. Above, "Baltimore Glass Works". Pint — clear olive amber. Sheared mouth. Scarred base. 5. Washington Flask (Br) Washington, with queue, in uniform, facing to the left. Above, "Wash ington". Reverse: Taylor, in uniform, facing to the left. Above, "Bridgeton, New Jersey", and star. Ribbed sides. Pint — sea green. Sheared mouth. Scarred base. 6. Washington Flask (Br) Bust of Washington, in uniform, facing to the left. Above, "Washington." Reverse: Bust of Jackson, in uniform, facing to the left. Above, "Jack son" Ribbed sides. Half pint — olive amber. Sheared mouth. Scarred base. 7. Washington Flask (B) Bust of Washington, in uniform, with queue, facing to the left. "Fells" above; "Point" below. Reverse: Monument, and underneath, "Balto." Pint — aquamarine. Sheared mouth. Scarred base. 24 PLATE IV 1. American Eagle Flask (K) Large eagle, with head to right, on panel, perched on arrows. Reverse: Cornucopia on panel. Heavy central rib on sides. Pint — olive green. Sheared mouth. Scarred base. 2. Taylor Flask (B) Bust of Taylor, and above, "Gen'l Taylor". Reverse: Monument (Baltimore Monument). Above, "Fells Point". Pint — purple. Sheared mouth. Scarred base. 3. Rail Road Flask (K) Horse and four-wheeled cart, loaded with coal, on rails, lengthwise. "Suc cess to the Rail Road" "Rail Road" above the horse and cart. Reverse: Large spread-eagle perched on arrows and olive branch, lengthwise, and surrounded by seventeen stars. Pint — clear olive amber. Sheared mouth. Scarred base. 4. Rail Road Flask (K) Horse and four-wheeled cart, loaded with coal, on rails, lengthwise. "Suc cess to the Rail Road" "Rail Road" is over the horse and cart. Reverse: Same. Pint — olive amber. Sheared mouth. Scarred base. 5. Taylor Flask (B) "Zachary Taylor". Below, large bust of Zachary Taylor, facing to the right. Underneath, "Rough and Ready" Reverse: "Corn for the World", in semi-circle. Underneath, corn stalk. Pint — aquamarine. Sheared mouth. Scarred base. 6. Rail Road Flask (K) Horse and four-wheeled cart, loaded with coal, on rails, lengthwise. No lettering. Reverse: Eagle and no stars. Pint — olive green. Sheared mouth. Scarred base. 7. American Eagle Flask (K) Large eagle perched on arrows and olive branch, lengthwise. Reverse: Same. Central rib on each side. Pint — olive amber. Sheared mouth. Scarred base. 26 PLATE V 1. Hunter and Fisherman Bottle (Wn) Hunter, facing to the left, shooting at bird in flight, with two running dogs at feet. Reverse: Fisherman holding fish. House. Ribbed sides. Quart — green. Collared mouth. Scarred base. 2. Sheaf of Wheat Bottle (S & D) Sheaf of wheat with crossed pitch fork and rake underneath. Above, spray of wheat each side. Reverse: Eight-pointed star. Above star, "Sheets & Duffy". Ribbeds sides. Quart — long neck — ¦ aquamarine. Collared mouth. Scarred base. 3. Kossuth Bottle (H) "Louis Kossuth" above. Beneath, bust of Kossuth with high hat and plume, with flag each side. Reverse: Picture of ship. Underneath, "U. S. Steam Frigate Mississippi". Ribbed sides. Quart — long neck — ¦ greenish aquamarine. Collared mouth. Scarred base, marked "Ph. Doplein Mold Maker 84 Nth 5th St." 4. Kossuth Bottle (K) "Kossuth" above. Bust of Kossuth facing to the right. Reverse: Pine tree. Quart — long neck — green. Collared mouth. 5. Soldier Bottle (Wn) Full figure of soldier (or minute man) in uniform, with musket. Reverse: Eleven-pointed star. Ribbed sides. Quart — • bluish green. Collared mouth. Scarred base. Very fine bottle, full of bubbles. PLATE VI 1. Snuff Bottle (W) Light amber. Height, 4^g inches. 2. Ribbed Bottle (U) Bluish aquamarine. Ribbed all over, with long neck. ?arge sunburst, oval-shaped/ wit Large sunburst, oval-shaped/ with very prominent bars. High, sharp shoulders. Corrugated sides Much finer quality glass and lighter in weight than the usual run. Pint — olive amber. Sheared mouth. Scar red base. 6. American Eagle Flask (L) Eagle perched on arrows, in oval, 23^ X 2 inches. Reverse: Same. The flask is ribbed all over. Pint — aquamarine. Double collared mouth. Scarred base. 7. Columbia Flask (I) Bust of Columbia with cap, facing to the left, on panel. Above, 13 stars. Reverse: Large eagle with head to the right, perched on arrows and olive branch. Underneath, "B & W" (script). Central rib on each side. Pint — light olive green. Sheared mouth. Scarred base. 34 PLATE IX 1. Baltimore Handled Jug (U) Marked "Griffith, Hyatt & Co., Baltimore", with indented panel. Reverse: Flat. Amber. Collared mouth. Scarred base. 2. Bear Bottle (U) In form of a sitting bear, with hands across stomach. Pint — olive amber. Collared mouth. 3. Flora Temple Flask (U) Flora Temple facing to the left. Above, "Flora Temple". Below, "Har ness Trot 219j^". The picture of the horse and the words "Flora Temple" are contained in a square panel projecting at the top. Reverse: Plain. Pint — dense amber. Collared mouth. 4. Violin Flask (U)_ In shape of a violin. Pint — clear light amber. Collared mouth. 5. Stoddard Three- Mould Flask (G) Long neck, quilted pattern: Pint — olive amber. Sheared mouth. Scar red base. 6. Pitkin Flask (Pt) Height, 5% inches. Pint — clear amber. Sheared mouth. Scarred base. 7. Crystal Palace Bottle (Un) Marked "Crystal Palace Premium Soda Water. W. Eagle, New York". Reverse: Picture of Crystal Palace and inscription "Union Glass Works Phila." About % pint — sea green. Heavy collared mouth. 36 PLATE X 1. Masonic Flask (G) Masonic Arch, containing sunburst, square, with crossed compasses, and underneath, a diamond, containing letter "G", surrounded by sunburst. Underneath, brick floor of 16 bricks. Outside the Masonic Arch there are numerous Masonic emblems. Reverse: Spread-eagle with head to the left, perched on arrows and olive branch. Above is indented ribbon Below, in beaded panel, are the letters "J B K". Very heavy flask. Pint — very beautiful clear shaded amber. Collared mouth. Scarred base j£ Masonic Flask (G) Masonic Arch, containing sunburst, five-pointed ornament, triangle with "G", surrounded by sunburst. The arch rests on a closelj' tessellated pavement. On the outside of the arch on the top is a sunburst each s'de, and on the bottom a bee-hive with five-pointed ornament. On the left side are two Masonic emblems. Reverse: Same. The sides are beaded with central rib. Half pint — shaded light green. Sheared mouth. Scar red base. 3. Masonic Flask (G) Masonic emblems with five-pointed ornament and bee-hive underneath. Reverse: Spread-eagle with ribbon, and panel enclosing entwined in itials "H P" Pint — green. Sheared mouth. Scarred base. 4. Masonic Flask (K) Masonic Arch enclosing sheaf of wheat, shovel, pitch fork and rake. Be low, fleur de lis. Reverse: Spread-eagle, with rays, facing to the right, perched on beaded oval, arrows, and oli ve branch, and initials " T W D" in oval. Ribbed sides. Pint — aquamarine. Sheared mouth. Scarred base. -ST Masonic.Flask (G) Masonic Arch, containing sunburst, enclosing triangle with "G", square, with crossed compasses, and underneath, brick floor of 16 bricks. Outside the Masonic Arch there are numerous Masonic emblems. Reverse: Spread-eagle, with head to the left, perched on arrows and olive branch, ribbon above. Oval panel underneath is plain, and contains an eight- pointed ornament. Very heavy flask. Pint — sea green, with large flanged mouth. Scarred base. 6. Masonic Flask (G) Masonic Arch containing sunburst, square, with crossed compasses, and underneath, a diamond, surrounded by sunburst. Underneath, brick floor. The arch is surrounded by various Masonic emblems, skull and cross-bones, sunburst, and bee-hive. Reverse: Spread-eagle perched on arrows and olive branch. Above the eagle is a ribbon marked "E Pluribus Unum". Underneath the eagle is an oval containing entwined "H P" Ribbed sides. Pint — milky white. Sheared mouth. Scarred base. 7. Masonic Flask (K) Masonic Arch enclosing sheaf of wheat, shovel, pitch fork and rake. Be low, fleur de lis. Reverse: Full rigged ship and "Franklin". On the sides: "Free Trade and Sailors' Rights. Kensington Glass Works Philadelphia" Three ribs on sides, the inscription being between. Pint — amber. Sheared mouth. Scarred base. 38 PLATE XI 1. Jenny Lind Bottle (M) "Jenny Lind" above. Bust of Jenny Lind, surrounded by wreath. Re verse: "Milfora G. Works" and picture of glass works. Quart — long neck. Collared mouth. Aquamarine. Scarred base. 2. Jenny Lind Bottle (F) "Jenny Lind" above. Bust of Jenny Lind, with wreath underneath. Reverse: "Fislerville Glass Works". Below, picture of works. Ribbed sides. Quart — long neck. Clear, very light bluish aquamarine. Collared mouth. Scarred base. 3. Jenny Lind Bottle (H) "Jenny Lind" above. Bust of Jenny Lind surrounded by wreath. Re verse: "Kossuth". Underneath, bust of Kossuth facing to the right. Quart — long neck — bluish aquamarine. Collared mouth. 4. Jenny Lind Bottle (Wn) Bust of Jenny Lind, surrounded by wreath. "Jeny Lind" above. Reverse: Picture of glass works; no inscription. Ribbed sides. Quart — long neck — bluish green. Collared mouth. Scarred base. 5. Jenny Lind Bottle (H) Bust of Jenny Lind surrounded by wreath; "Jenny Lind" above. Re verse: Picture of glass factory. Above, "Glass Factory" Six-pointed star between "Glass" and "Factory". Ribbed sides. Quart — long neck - bluish aquamarine. Collared mouth. Scarred base. 40 PLATE XII 1 . Holtzerman's Bitters Bottle (U) In the form of a log cabin with pointed roof, and marked as above. Three sides made to represent a house with shingled roof. The other side plain about J4 quart — clear amber. Collared mouth. 2. Plantation Bitters Bottle (U) In form of a log cabin, marked "Plantation Bitters 1860. Patented 1862" About ?4 quart — dense amber. Collared mouth. 3. Wild Cherry Bitters Bottle (U) In form of a log cabin, marked "Wild Cherry" and tree. Reverse: "H. P. Herb Wild Cherry Bitters" Sides plain. On each side of the roof is the word "Bitters" % pint — pea green. Collared mouth. 4, Indian Queen Bottle (U) Marked "Brown's Celebrated Indian Herb Bitters Patented 1867" In form of an Indian queen. % quart. Amber. Sheared mouth. 5. Fish Bottle (U) Marked "Dr. Fisch's Bitters" Reverse: "W. H. Ware Patented 1866" In shape of a fish. % quart — clear amber. Collared mouth. 6. Dutchman Bottle (U) In form of sitting Dutchman. Marked "Van Dunck's Genever Trade Mark Ware & Schmitz" Pint — dense amber. Collared mouth. 7. Corn Cob Bottle (U) Tall bottle, in shape of a corn cob. Marked "National Bitters Patented 1867" % quart — clear light amber. Collared mouth. Height, 12'^ inches. 42 PLATE XIII 1. Pike's Peak Flask (P) "For Pike's Peak" above; below, prospector with overcoat, flat topped hat, pack over right shoulder, cane in left hand, walking to right. Reverse: Same figure, also running deer. Pint — amber. Ringed mouth. (Same as No. 8 on Plate XX.) 2. Baltimore Flask (B) "Baltimore" on ribbon. Anchor with rope. Underneath, on ribbon, "Glass Works". Reverse: Winged dragon's head and "Resurgam" Pint — amber. Double collared mouth. 3. Westford Flask (Wf) "Westford Glass Co., Westford, Conn." Reverse: Sheaf of wheat, crossed pitch fork and rake, and five-pointed star. Pint — amber. Double collared mouth. Full of bubbles. 4. American Eagle Flask (P) Eagle with ribbon and oval underneath. Reverse: Clasped hands and panel in shield. Above, thirteen stars. Branch on each side of shield. Pint — amber. Ringed mouth. 5. Columbian Jubilee Flask (U) Ship, below figures 1492-1892. Reverse: "Columbian Jubilee" (in script). Pint — amber. Double collared mouth. 6. All-Seeing-Eye Flask (G) Six-pointed star, eye in the middle. Underneath, "A D" Reverse: Six-pointed star, Masonic arm and emblem, and "G R J A" underneath Three ribs on each side. Pint — light clear amber. Sheared mouth. Scarred base. 7. American Eagle Flask (P) See description of No. 7 on Plate XIV. 44 PLATE XIV 1. American Eagle Flask (P) Eagle with ribbon, head to left, shield on breast, perched on oval and arrows. Reverse: Same. Pint — very light green. Ringed mouth. Scarred base. 2. Spring Garden Flask (SG) "Spring Garden" on ribbon. In center, anchor with rope; below, "Glass Works" on ribbon. Heavy raised bar below. Reverse: Log cabin with tree at the right, without leaves Heavy bar below. Half pint — aquama rine. Collared mouth. 3. American Eagle Flask (D) Eagle, with ribbon, facing to right, perched on shield, which in turn is resting on rocks. Reverse: "Dyottville Glass Works Philada", (in semi-circle). Pint — bluish aquamarine. Sheared mouth. 4. Soldier Flask (B) Picture of soldier with musket, bayonet and spiked helmet. Underneath, on raised flat rib, the words "Baltimore, Md." Reverse: Ballet dancer. Underneath, raised flat rib. Pint — aquamarine. Sheared mouth. Scar red base. 5. Cannon Flask (P) Cannon on two-wheeled carriage; unfurled flag on pole above, and six cannon balls. Reverse: Clasped hands in heart-shaped shield, under neath which is oval-shaped panel with "F. A. & Co." There is a branch on each side of the shield, and above, "L'nion" and 13 stars. Pint — aquama rine. Ringed mouth. 6. Bicycle Flask (U) Picture of a. woman riding a bicycle, facing to left. Reverse: Eagle with ribbon, perched on arrows, head to right. Below, oval containing "A & D. H. C." Pint — bluish aquamarine. Ringed mouth. 7. American Eagle Flask (P) Eagle with ribbon, head to left. "Pittsburg, Pa." in oval underneath. Reverse: Same, except oval plain. Pint — aquamarine. Ringed mouth (Also sheared mouth and collared mouth.) 46 PLATE XV 1. Washington Flask (K) Washington in uniform, full face to the front, and "General Washington" in semi-circle above. Reverse: Spread-eagle, facing to the right, with rays above, perched on arrows and olive branch on top of beaded oval, enclosing letters "T W D" Pint — bluish aquamarine. Sheared mouth. Scarred base. Ribbed sides. 2. American Eagle Flask (G) Eagle, with ribbon, perched on log, with arrows. Underneath, oval- shaped panel containing eight-pointed ornament. Above eagle are 14 stars. Reverse: Same. The sides are corrugated, with central rib. Pint — blue. Sheared mouth. Scarred base. 3. Flag Flask (C & H) Eagle with large shield on breast, facing to the left. Branches underneath: 13 stars above. Reverse: Flag, on which are 13 stars, and underneath, "For Our Country". Ribbed sides. Pint — aquamarine. Sheared mouth. Scarred base. Note: There are three different varieties of flags and eagles in this flask. 4. Wheat, Price & Co. Flask (WP) Bust, facing to right, and in semi-circle around, "Wheat, Price & Co., Wheeling, Va." Reverse: Picture of glass works and "Fair View Works". Corrugated sides with central rib. Pint — green. Sheared mouth. Scarred base. 5. Ship Flask (K) Full rigged ship. "Franklin" underneath. Reverse: Spread-eagle ,rays above, perched on panel with initials "T W D" Ribbed sides. Pint — aquamarine. Sheared mouth. Scarred base. 6. Ringgold Flask (B) Bust of Major Ringgold in uniform, facing to the left on panel, "Major" above; "Ringgold" below. Reverse: Bust of Taylor, underneath, "Rough and Ready" Pint — puce. Sheared mouth. Scarred base. 7. Cannon Flask (Br) Cannon on two-wheeled carriage, and cannon balls, on panel with fol lowing inscription running around: "Gen'l Taylor Never Surrenders", Reverse: "A Little More Grape Captain Bragg". This inscription is surrounded by a bunch of grapes. Pint — puce. Sheared mouth. Scarred base. PLATE XVI 1. Grape Flask (C & H) Large bunch of grapes. Reverse: Large sheaf of wheat. Ribbed sides, with very prominent central rib. Half pint — clear bluish aquamarine. Sheared mouth. Scarred base. 2. American Eagle Flask (K) Eagle, head to right, with rays, perched on beaded oval with olive branch and ar ows, and "T W D" in oval. Reverse: Cornucopia on panel, and the following on panel on the sides: "E Pluribus Unum"; "One of Many"; "Kensington Glass Works, Philadelphia". Heavy central rib on sides. Half pint — light blue. Sheared mouth. Scarred base. 3. Sailboat Flask (Br) Picture of sloop rigged sailboat in panel, sailing to the left. Reverse: Eight-pointed star. Ribbed sides. Half pint — aquamarine. Sheared mouth. Scarred base. 4. Sailboat Flask (B) Picture of sloop rigged sailboat on panel, sailing to the right, and "Fells Point". Reverse: Monument and "Baltimore" Half pint — purple. Sheared mouth. Scarred base. 5. American Eagle Flask (D) Eagle, with head to left, shield on breast, perched on arrows and olive branch, on panel, surrounded by beading. Reverse: Pine tree surrounded by beading, with "Liberty" above on panel. Central rib. Half pint — shaded light green. Sheared mouth. Scarred base. 6. Jester Flask (U) Picture of stout man with cane behind his back and high hat, jesting with another man with long-tailed coat and umbrella. Reverse: Full face Dutchman with arm underneath the chin. Half pint — shaded corn flower blue. Sheared mouth. Scarred base 7. Byron Flask ff?T^ / Draped bust of Lord Byron. Reverse: Draped bust of Walter Scott. Half pint — amber. Sheared mouth. Scarred base. 50 PLATE XVII 1. Isabella Flask (I) "Isabella" on ribbon; in center, anchor with rope, and below, "Glass Works" on ribbon. Reverse: Picture of glass works. Half pint — light greenish aquamarine. Sheared mouth. Scarred base. 2. ^ New London Flask (NL) "New London" on ribbon. In center, anchor and rope. Below, "Glass Works" on ribbon. Reverse: Eagle perched on wreath, head to the left. Nine stars above. Half pint — clear olive amber. Double collared mouth. 3. American Eagle Flask (P) Spread-eagle, with ribbon, head to right. Panel underneath with lettering "Pittsburg, Pa." Reverse: Same, but no inscription in panel. Half pint — bluish white. Ringed mouth. 4. Sailor Flask (B) Picture of dancing sailor. Below, heavy bar. Reverse: Musician sitting on bench; heavy bar below. Half pint — amber. Long neck, with double collared mouth. 5. Willington Flask (W) See description of No. 5 on Plate XXII. (Dark amber) 6. Sunburst Flask (C) Elongated sunburst, and no ornament in the middle. Reverse: Same. Corrugated sides. Rounded shoulders, slightly narrowing at the bottom. Half pint — clear light olive amber. Sheared mouth. Scarred base. 7. American Eagle Flask (P) Spread-eagle with ribbon on arrows and olive branch. Panel below. Reverse: Clasped hands in shield, nine verticle bars above plain oval, with branch each side. Above, 15 stars. Half pint — dark amber. Ringed mouth. 1 ; \r mx PLATE XVIII 1. La Fayette Flask (C) Bust of La Fayette, facing to the right. "La Fayette" above. Below, in panel, "T. S." Reverse: Masonic Arch enclosing emblems. Corru gated sides. Half pint — olive amber. Sheared mouth. Scarred base. 2. Booze or Log Cabin Bottle (Wn) On roof, "E. Z. Booz's Old Cabin Whiskey". Other side of roof, "1840". On narrowest sides, "E. C. Booz Old Cabin Whiskey". Other side, "120 Walnut St. Philadelphia". Front of the bottle shows door and three windows. Reverse: Plain. Quart — amber. Collared mouth. Note: E. C. Booz had these bottles manufactured by the Whitney Glass Works during the political campaign of 1840, when William Henry Harrison was elected president. Three variations in the roof and windows occur, and there are three shades of amber, clear white glass and light green. 3. De Witt Clinton Flask (C) Bust of De Witt Clinton facing to the right. "De Witt Clinton" above in semi-circle. Below, "C-T". Reverse: Bust of La Fayette facing to the right. "La Fayette" above in semi-circle. Below, "S. & C." Cor rugated sides. Half pint — olive amber. Sheared mouth. Scarred base. 4. La Fayette Flask (K) Full bust of La Fayette in uniform, facing to the front. "General La Fayette" above. Reverse: Spread-eagle rays above, perched on panel, initials "T W D", arrows and olive branch. Above the eagle is "E Pluribus Unum". On the sides are the following inscriptions:- "Republican Gratitude"; "Kensington Glass Works Philadelphia". Central rib on each side. Pint — aquamarine. Sheared mouth. Scarred base. 5. La Fayette Flask (C) Bust of La Fayette facing to right. "La Fayette" above; "Coventry C-T" below. Reverse: Liberty cap in oval. "S & S" below. Above, 11 stars. Ribbed sides. Pint — olive green. Sheared mouth. Scarred base. 6. La Fayette Flask (K & M) Bust of La Fayette facing to the right, surrounded on three sides by Ma sonic Arch. Below, fleur de lis in panel. On sides and below the following inscription: — 'Gen'l La Fayette". Reverse: American eagle in panel facing to the left, perched on arrows and olive branch. Seven stars above eagle, and the following inscription above, outside the panel: — "Wheeling"; below, "Knox & McKee". The sides have three central ribs. Pint — light bluish green. Sheared mouth. Scarred base. 7. La Fayette Flask (C) Bust of La Fayette facing to the right. "La Fayette" above; "Coventry C-T" below. Reverse: Liberty cap in oval. "S & S" below. Above, 11 stars. Ribbed sides. This one has three ribs at base; others have two. Pint — olive amber. Sheared mouth. Scarred base. 54 PLATE XIX 1. Flag Flask (C & H) Eagle with rays around head, facing to the left, perched on large shield. Branches underneath. Reverse: Flag, on which are 17 stars. Under neath, "For Our Country". Ribbed sides. Pint — clear aquamarine. Sheared mouth. Scarred base. 2. American Eagle Flask (K) Eagle, head to left, on panel, rays above, perched on beaded oval, with olive branch and arrows. Reverse: Same. Rib on sides. Pint — light green. Sheared mouth. Scarred base. 3. Stag Flask (C & H) Stag with large antlers, facing to the right. Underneath, "Good Game". Reverse: Large weeping- willow tree. Ribbed sides. Pint — clear bluish aquamarine. Sheared mouth. Scarred base. 4. Pike's Peak Flask (P) "For Pike's Peak"; below, prospector with pack over left shoulder and cane in right hand, walking to the left, on oval-shaped panel. Reverse: Spread-eagle with ribbon, head to the left, perched on arrows. Below, oval-shaped panel. Quart — aquamarine. Ringed mouth. 5. Franklin Flask (K) Large bust of Benjamin Franklin, facing to the front, on oval panel. Above, "Benjamin Franklin". Reverse: Bust of Dr. Dyott facing to the front, and above, "T. W. Dyott, M. D." Ribbed edges, between which is the following inscription: "Kensington Glass Works, Philadelphia", and "Eripuit Coelo Fulmen Sceptrumque Tyrannis" (He snatches from the sky the thunderbolt, and the sceptre from tyrants.) Quart — aquamarine. Sheared mouth. Scarred base. 6. Willington Flask (W) See description of No. 5 on Plate XXII. (Quart — dense olive amber. Double collared mouth.) 7. American Eagle Flask (P) See description of No. 7 on Plate III. 50 PLATE XX 1. Columbian Jubilee Flask (U) See description of No. 5 on Plate XIII. 2. American Eagle Flask (P) Eagle, with ribbon, and oval. Reverse: Shield enclosing clasped hands. Oval on bottom, 13 stars above. Branches each side. Pint — amber. Ringed mouth. 3. Cannon Flask (P) Picture of heavier cannon, facing the other way, on two-wheeled carriage, unfurled flag on pole above. The flag is smaller. Six cannon balls. Reverse: Clasped hands in heart-shaped shield, underneath which is oval-shaped panel with the lettering "Wm. Frank & Sons, Pittsburg". There is a branch on each side of the shield, and above, "Union" and 13 stars. Pint — dense puce. Ringed mouth. 4. Masonic Flask (Kn) Masonic Arch, containing triangle, with rays, square and sunburst. Under neath, brick floor of 12 bricks. Three Masonic emblems are around the arch on the outside. Reverse: Spread-eagle, head to the left, perched on arrows and olive branch, with ribbon above, without inscription. Panel underneath contains word "Keene" Pint — olive amber. Sheared mouth. Scarred base. 5. All-Seeing-Eye Flask (G) See description of No. 6 on Plate XIII. 6. Westford Flask (Wf) See description of No. 3 on Plate XIII. (olive amber.) 7. Traveler's Companion Flask (L) "Traveler's Companion" in the middle, eight-pointed star without center. Reverse: Sheaf of wheat, crossed pitch fork and rake. Quart — • olive amber, full of bubbles. Collared mouth. 8. Pike's Peak Flask (P) "For Pike's Peak" above; below, prospector with overcoat, flat topped hat, pack over right shoulder, cane in left hand, walking to right. Reverse: Same figure, also running deer. Pint — light green. Ringed mouth. (Same as No. 1 on Plate XIII.) 9. Sunburst Flask (C) Three heavy concentric circles, 2}-^ inches in diameter, enclosing four- pointed ornament. Below this decoration the flask is quilted and ribbed. Reverse: Same. High shoulders. Corrugated sides. Pint — olive green. Full of bubbles. Sheared mouth. Scarred base. 58 iili PLATE XXI 1. Liberty Flask (D) Large panel enclosing sheaf of wheat, with "Liberty" above. Reverse: Large panel enclosing five-pointed star. Half pint — aquamarine. Sheared mouth. Scarred base. 2. Cornucopia Flask (K) Cornucopia, on panel. Reverse: Same. Heavy rib on sides. Half pint — light blue. Sheared collared mouth. Scarred base. 3. Union Glass Works Flask (UG) "Union Glass Works, New London, Ct." Reverse: Plain. Pint — aqua marine. Double collared mouth. 4. Ribbed Flask (U) Each side ribbed in panel, heavy central rib on sides. Half pint — shaded corn flower blue. Sheared mouth. Scarred base, narrowing at bottom. 5. American Eagle Flask (P) See description of No. 3 on Plate VII. 6. Sailboat Flask (B) Sloop rigged sailboat in panel, sailing to the left. Reverse: "Bridgetown, New Jersey". Ribbed sides. Half pint — aquamarine. Sheared mouth. Scarred base. 7. Sunburst Flask (U) Large sunburst. Reverse: Same. Sides have heavy central ribs and two smaller ones. Pint — greenish aquamarine. Sheared mouth. Scarred base. 8. Isabella Flask (I) "Isabella" on ribbon; in center, anchor with rope; and below, "Glass Works" on ribbon. Reverse: Sheaf of wheat with crossed pitch fork and rake. Pint — green. Double collared mouth. 9. Sunburst Flask (U) Large sunburst. Reverse: Same. Sides have heavy central ribs and two smaller ones. Half pint — clear sea green. Sheared mouth. Scarred base. 10. American Eagle Flask (K) Eagle, head to right, perched on oval with olive branch and arrows. Re verse: Cornucopia. Heavy central rib on sides. Half pint — light blue. Sheared mouth. Scarred base. Decorations on panels. 60 PLATE XXII 1. Cornucopia Flask (K) Different cornucopia. Reverse: Basket of flowers with six bars. Differ ent design basket and fruit. Half pint — shaded olive amber. Sheared mouth. Scarred base. 2. American Eagle Flask (U) Small eagle with shield on breast, head to left, perched on arrows. Reverse: Plain. Half pint — amber. Very short neck, with heavy collared mouth. 3. Ribbed Flask (U) Each side ribbed all over. Flat, straight sides. Half pint — -amber. Col lared mouth. 4. Ribbed Flask (U) Ribs running on panel. Reverse: Same. Half pint — blue. Sheared mouth. Scarred base. 5. Willington Flask (W) "Willington Glass Works, West Willington, Conn." Reverse: Eagle- with head to the left, perched on branch, and "Liberty" above. Half pint — olive green. Sheared mouth. 6. ^ Granite Glass Co. Flask (G) "Granite Glass Co." Reverse: "Stoddard N H" Pint — -clear olive amber, full of bubbles. Sheared mouth. Scarred base. 7. Baltimore Flask (B) See description of No. 2 on Plate XIII. 8. (< Westford Flask (Wf) "Westford Glass Co., Westford, Conn." Reverse: "Liberty" and eagle, perched on branch. Half pint — -dense amber. Ringed mouth. 9. Westford Flask (Wf) "Westford Glass Co., Westford, Conn." Reverse: Sheaf of wheat, with crossed rake and pitch fork, five-pointed star. High shoulders. Half pint — olive amber. Sheared mouth. PLATE XXIII 1. American Eagle Flask (P) See description of No. 7 on Plate XIV. 2. Sheaf of Wheat Flask (U) Sheaf of wheat, having a flattened sheaf of a different design from the others. Oval-shaped panel underneath. Reverse: Plain. Pint — aqua marine. Collared mouth. 3. Grover Cleveland Flask (U) Bust of Grover Cleveland, in impressed circle, facing to the left. Flat raised rib on sides. Reverse: Plain. Pint — iridescent aquamarine. Double collared mouth. 4. American Eagle Flask (C) Eagle with shield on breast, with ribbon in beak, containing five stars, perched on arrows. Below, eight-pointed ornament. Corrugated sides divided by central rib. Reverse: Same. Quart — green. Sheared mouth. Scarred base. 5. American Eagle Flask (L) Very eaily eagle in circle. Reverse: Same. Entire flask is covered with circular ribbing. % quart — sea green. Sheared mouth. Scarred base. 6. Mechanic Glass Works Flask (Mn) "Mechanic Glass Works Philada." Reverse: Sheaf of wheat, crossed rake and pitch fork. Quart - light blue. Sheared mouth. Scarred base. 64 <*-•* J £ .1. I PLATE XXIV 1. American Eagle Flask (U) Very early design eagle, head to left, perched on olive branch and arrows, beading all around. Reverse: Inverted cornucopia, beading all around. Beaded edge, central rib. Half pint — beautiful shaded green. Sheared mouth. Scarred base. 2. Maderia Bottle (U) Raised circle with anchor in the middle. Reverse: Plain. Half pint — deep olive amber. Sheared and collared mouth. Scarred base. 3. Perrine's Bottle (U) In the form of a log cabin, marked on roof, "Perrine's Apple Ginger, Phila." Also, "Perrine's Ginger" and picture of apple. Reverse: "Depot No. 37 Nth Front St. Philada." Sides plain. corners in form of rope. About % quart — clear amber. Collared mouth. 4. Maderia Bottle (U) Quart — deep olive amber. Sheared and collared mouth. 5. Pine Tree Cordial Bottle (U) Square bottle, with flattened edges, marked "Patent 1859" and pine tree. Reverse: "L. Q. C. Wishart's." On one side "Pine Tree Tar Cordial, Phila." Other side plain. 54 quart. Collared mouth. 6. New London Flask (NL) "New London" on ribbon. In center, anchor and rope. Underneath, "Glass Works" on ribbon. Reverse: Bird in flight, surrounded by seven stars. Pint — clear olive amber. Double collared mouth. (id PLATE XXV 1. Star Whiskey Jug (U) Handled jug. Round, broadening towards the bottom, which is about four inches. Small ribs about J4-inch apart. Panel marked "Star Whiskey New York, W. B. Crowell, Jr." 54 quart — amber. Double collared mouth with spout. Scarred base. 2. Bunker Hill Bottle (U) Tall bottle in shape of Bunker Hill Monument. On one side is a panel marked "Skilton Foote & Co.'s Bunker Hill Pickles." Trade mark showing Bunker Hill Monument and three barrels. Light amber. 3. Wyn Bottle (U) Circular panel inscribed in raised letters, "Constantin Wyn". Reverse: Plain. Half pint — deep olive amber. Sheared mouth. 4. Wharton's Hand ed Jug (U) Inscription "Wharton's Whiskey, 1850 Chestnut Grove." Reverse: Plain. Pint — brown. Spout mouth. 5. Clock Flask (U) Face of a clock with hands set at eleven. Above, "Bininger's Regulator". Reverse: Plain On side, "19 Broad St. New York." Pint — dense amber. Double collared mouth. Scarred base. 6. La Fayette Flask (C) "La Fayette" Below, bust of La Fayette, and underneath, "T S" (Thos. Stebbins). Reverse: "De Witt Clinton" and bust of Clinton. Under neath, "Coventry C-T" Corrugated sides. Pint — olive amber. Sheared mouth. Scarred base. 7. Ravenna Flask (R) "Ravenna" on ribbon. Below, anchor and rope. "Glass Company" below, — "Company" being in panel. Reverse: American eagle, with head facing to the left, surrounded by 13 stars. Pint- — dense amber. Ringed mouth. Scarred base. 8. Sunburst Flask (C) See description of No. 9 on Plate XX. 68 PLATE XXVI Locomotive Flask (K) Picture of first locomotive, lengthwise on flask, and "Success to the Rail Road", — "Rail Road" being over the engine. Reverse: Same. Heavy central rib each side. Pint — grass green, full of bubbles. Sheared mouth. Scarred base. Jenny Lind Flask (U) Bust of Jenny Lind. Below, basket of flowers. sea green. Sheared mouth. Scarred base. Reverse: Same. Pint — 3. Hall's Bitters Bottle (U) In shape of barrel. Marked "Hall's Bitters E. E. Hall New Haven, Estab lished 1842" About 54 quart — clear amber. Flanged mouth. 4. Chapin & Gore Bottle (U) Marked "Chapin & Gore Sour Mash 1867". "H. Frank's Pat'd Aug. 1872". About 3- mouth. On the bottom is the following: '4, quart — clear amber. Ringed 5. Old Sachem Bitters Bottle (U) In form of a barrel, marked "Old Sachem's Bitters and Wigwam Tonic". About 54 quart — clear amber. Flanged mouth. , 70 PLATE XXVII 1. Bryan Flask (U) Bust of Bryan facing to the left. Inscription, "In Silver We Trust" above. Below, "Bryan Sewell 1896" and 10 stars. Reverse: Spread-eagle with wreath. Above eagle, "We Shall Vote" Below eagle, "16 to 1", and above, "United Democratic Ticket" Circular in form, with reeded sides, and oval-shaped base Half pint — white. Double collared mouth. 2. American Eagle Flask (U) See description of No. 1 on Plate XXIV 3. Lancaster Flask (Ln) "Lancaster Glass Works, Lancaster, N. Y." above. Below, basket of flowers with five bars. Reverse: Cornucopia. One rib on each side. Pint — clear bluish aquamarine. Double collared mouth. Scarred base. Note: Also similar flasks without inscription. 4. Stag Flask (C & H) Stag facing to the left, and "Coffin & Hay" above; "Hammonton" below. Reverse: Spread-eagle, with head to the right, on panel, with olive branch and arrows. Half pint — very pale aquamarine. Sheared mouth. Scarred base. 5. Masonic Flask (G) Masonic Arch. Reverse: Spread-eagle, head to the left, perched on arrows and olive branch. Panel underneath containing letters "N F G". Pint — very light greenish aquamarine, full of bubbles. Sheared mouth. Scarred base. 6. Crane Flask (U) Large circular flask with crane facing to the left, standing on foliage under bower. Above, "D & D ". Reverse: Similar, but no letters. Two large feet project on each side at the base. Quart — shaded light pinkish white. Collared mouth. 7. Indian Flask (P) Indian shooting bird perched on tree, with bow and arrow. Tree without leaves on the left. Between the Indian and the tree on the left is a dog. Underneath is the inscription "Cuninghams & Co., Pittsburg, Pa." Re verse: Spread-eagle perched on top of monument, with ribbon. Eagle is facing to the right. On each side of the monument is a tree with bird perched on it. Underneath the monument is inscription "Continental." Quart — iridescent aquamarine. Ringed mouth. 72 PLATE XXVIII 1. Sailboat Flask (Br) Bust with heavy beard and long whiskers, heavy features, in panel, and "Bridgeton, New jersey" Reverse: Sailboat sailing to the left, in panel. Ridge on edge. Pint — bluish aquamarine. Sheared mouth. Scarred base. 2. Washington Flask (P) Very unusual bust of Washington, full face to the front, and "G. G. Wash ington", in heavy military coat and wide collar, ruff and epaulettes, and apparently wearing a wig. The right cheek is very prominent. Reverse: Eagle with shield on breast, perched on oval containing the letters "E L'. or "F L". Above the eagle is the word "Pittsburg" Pint — aquamarine. Sheared mouth. Scarred base. 3. Lancaster Flask (Ln) See description of No. 3 on Plate XXVII. 74 PLATE XXIX 1. American Eagle Flask (K) Eagle perched on oval, with olive branch and arrows. Reverse: Tree in leaf. Three ribs on sides. Pint — aquamarine. Sheared mouth. Scarred base. 2. Picnic Flask (U) "Picnic". Reverse: Plain. Flat-shaped flask with high shoulders, rounded sides, and rectangular base. Half pint — aquamarine. Double collared mouth. 3. Washington Bottle (Probably S & D) Very small bust of Washington, with queue, facing to the left. Reverse: Tree. Quart — long neck. Double collared mouth. 4. Wine Bottle (U) Ribbed. Panel on which is blown in letters "WINE" Quart — fine clear white with pinkish tinge. Flanged mouth. Scarred base. 5. Indian Flask (P) See description of No. 7 on Plate XXVII. 70 PLATE XXX 1. Pitkin Flask (Pt) Twisted to the left. Pint — fine clear olive amber. Sheared mouth. Height, 7J4 inches. 2. Log Cabin Bottle (U) Marked "Log Cabin Sarsaparilla Rochester, N. Y." Three indented panels with wording on each. Reverse: Flat. On the bottom are the words "Pat. Sept. 6, '87." Pint — deep amber. Collared mouth. Height, 9 inches. 3. Safe Bottle (U) Marked "Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure, Rochester, N. Y.", with picture of safe in the middle. Reverse: Plain. Pint — amber. Double collared mouth. 4. Snuff Bottle (W) Corners have round indentations. Fine clear light olive amber. Flanged mouth. Height, 7% inches. 5. Stoddard Three-Mould Flask (G) Quart. Little different decoration and shape than No. 5 on Plate IX. 6. Morning Bitters Bottle (U) Marked "Morning Bitters Inceptum 5869". Also, "Patented 5869" Triangular bottle, one side of which is ribbed horizontally, the ribs being on a slant. One side has inscriptions and ribbing on the top; the other side has depressed panels. Long neck. About 54 quart — amber. Collar ed mouth. Height, 1254 inches. 7 Tippecanoe Bottle (U) Round bottle made to represent a log, and "Tippecanoe". Below, picture of canoe. "H. B. Warner & Co." On the bottom, "Rochester, N. Y. Pat. Nov. 20, '83." 54 pint — clear light amber. Heavy flanged mouth. 78 PLATE XXXI 1. Coat of Arms Flask (U) English coat of arms. Reverse: Branch of tree with acorns. Small vari-shaped lines cover the surface of the flask. The body is more or less rounded, with narrowing base. Pint — white. Sheared mouth. Scarred base. (Probably English) 2. Indian Specific Bottle (U) Marked "H. Lake's Indian Specific" Reverse: Plain. Square, flat- shaped bottle, sides being flat. Pint — -iridescent aquamarine. Collared mouth. Scarred base 3. Morbridge Bottle (U) Full figure of Indian 'holding bottle in right hand, and "Dr. Morbridge's Family Vegetable Medicines". Reverse: Plain. About 54 P'nt — aqua marine. Collared mouth. Scarred base. 4. Columbia Flask (K) Bust of Columbia, with cap, in panel; 13 stars above, in semi-circle; "Kensington" underneath. Reverse: Eagle, head to the right, on panel. Underneath, "Union Co.", ribbed at base. Broad central rib on sides. Pint — aquamarine. Sheared mouth. Scarred base. 5. Masonic Flask (G) A See description of No.-£*on Plate X. 6. Washington Flask (K) Bust of Washington in uniform, full face to the front, with branch each side of face. Reverse: Very early spread-eagle, with head to the right, perched on olive branch and arrows. Thirteen stars above. Reeded sides, with central rib. Pint — light greenish aquamarine. Sheared mouth. Scarred base. SO PLATE XXXII 1. American Eagle Flask (Z) Eagle, facing to right, perched on oval containing "Ohio"; "Zanesville" above. Underneath, "Shepard & Co." Reverse: Masonic Arch and pavement. Pint — rich golden brown. Sheared mouth. Scarred base. 2. Stag Flask (U) Stag, dog and hunter, surrounded by foliage. Reverse: Boar's head in circle, surrounded by oak branch and acorns. Flat, circular flask, with beaded sides and small rectangular base. Pint — -sapphire blue. Long neck, sheared mouth. Scarred base. PLATE XXXIII 1. American Eagle Flask (Z) Eagle, facing to right, perched on oval containing the date "1829". Re verse: Masonic Arch and emblems. Pint — crude white glass. Sheared mouth folded in at the lip. Scarred base. 2. Sailboat Flask (Br) Same description as No. 1 on Plate XXVIII. 3. Liberty Flask (U) Figure of Liberty standing, with pole and liberty cap in left hand, and shield in right. Above, "Liberty" in a scroll. At the sides are the letters "U S". Reverse: Log cabin, pump, tree and gate At the' base the word "Liberty" Pint — pale blue. Double collared mouth. 4. American Eagle Flask (L) Eagle perched on arrows in oval, 2}^ X 2 inches. Reverse: Same. The flask is ribbed all over. Pint — light green. Sheared mouth. Scarred base. I ft? I &< ; ^ * 'A M #1 \K-~cyi : J Wl-^i Href laft^H^ ¦' ^^L. ;' . \JSBi*- wET^T* u^-1- ¦ *'y PLATE XXXIV 1. Stiegel Flask (St.) Fluted pattern. Pint — rich olive green. Sheared flanged mouth. Scarred base. 2. Stiegel Flask (St.) Typical diapher pattern. Half pint — amethyst. Sheared mouth. Scarred base. 3. Stiegel Bottle (St.) Spiral. Quart — sea green. Long neck. Collared mouth. Scarred base 4. Stiegel Bottle (St.) Semi-spiral. Quart — long neck — unusual green color. Collared mouth Scarred base. Full of bubbles, and very light. 5. Stiegel Bottle (St.) Somewhat larger than No. 3. 6. Stiegel Flask (St.) Quilted pattern and semi-spiral. Half pint — light amber. Sheared mouth. Scarred base. S(i PLATE XXXV 1. Log Cabin Bottle (Wn) In form of a log cabin, very similar to the Booze bottle. Front has shingled roof marked "Jacobs Cabin Tonic Bitters." Underneath are a dog and three windows. Reverse: Plain. On the sides, "Jacobs Cabin Bitters Laboratory, Philadelphia." About 54 quart — pinkish white. Collared mouth. Scarred base. Height, 7J^ inches. 2. Pickle Bottle (W) Holds about 2 quarts. Aquamarine. Collared mouth. Scarred base. (These come in various sizes and with various decorations. It is probable that most of the glass works made them, but it is known that they were made at the Willington Glass Works, E. Willington, Conn.) 3. Key Flask (U) Key. Reverse: Plain. Pint — green. Double collared mouth, with ring. PLATE XXXVI 1. Hart Flask (U) "John Hart & Co." on each side of flask, which is heart-shaped. Pint — amber. Collared mouth. 2. Ravenna Flask (R) "Ravenna Glass Co.", 8-pointed star. Reverse: "Traveler's Companion" and 8-pointed star. Pint — amber. Flanged mouth. High shoulders. 3. Sunburst Flask (Kn) Elongated sunburst, forming panel. Oval in middle marked "Keen". Reverse: Same, except oval marked "P & W" Squared shoulders. Cor rugated sides. Half pint — olive amber. Sheared flanged mouth. Scarred base, 4. New Granite Glass Works Flask (NG) "New Granite Glass Works" in semi-circle; "Stoddard, N. H." in the middle. Reverse: American flag with 13 stars with very prominent side rib. Pint — olive amber, full of bubbles. Sheared mouth. Scar red base, 5. Bininger Cannon Flask (U) In shape of cannon. Height, 12 inches. Marked "A.M. Bininger & Co. 19 Broad St., N. Y." Quart — amber. Sheared mouth. Opposite the name is a ribbon and underneath a six-pointed star. 6. Haddock Bottle (W) Blown bottle with sheared mouth, and pontil on the rounded bottom, which is in the form of an egg, and marked on the side, "Haddock & Sons". Half pint — olive amber. 7. Sunburst Flask (Kn) Longer sunburst than No. 3, and more prominent ribs. No ovals or letter ings. Half pint — sea green. Sheared mouth. Scarred base. 90 PLATE XXXVII 1. Pike's Peak Flask (P) "For Pike's Peak"; below, prospector with pack on his left shoulder, walking on panel to left. Different coat, not so long a tail. Reverse: Plain. Pint — light blue. Ringed mouth. 2. Clock Flask (U) Clock in round panel, surrounded by lattice work. Reverse: Latticed, central rib on edges. Rectangular base. Pint — white. Collared mouth, 3. Ravenna Flask (R) "Ravenna Glass Works". Reverse: 5-pointed star. Pint — light green. Collared mouth. 4. Monument or Tower Bottle (U) In shape of brick and iron monument, square. Doors on four sides at base. Three windows on two sides. Whitish china. Height, 954 inches. 5. Handled Jug (U) Pint flask with loop handle on shoulder. The rest of the flask is made to represent a basket, with space for label. Light green. Collared mouth. /QJUL ho^a