miiaiKAigBr DIVINITY SCHOOL TROWBRIDGE LIBRARY GIFT OF The Eev. Avery D. Post EGYPT AND BABYLON SACRED AND PROFANE SOURCES GEORGE RAWLINS ON, M. A. Author of "Seven Great Monarchies of the Ancient Eastern World," etc. NEW YOKE : JOHN B. ALDEN, PUBLISHER. 1885. k fe ^ CONTENTS. > CHAPTER I. rAGB > _ Notices of Babylon in the Book of Genesis, . . 7 CHAPTER II. Notices of Babylon in the Books of Kings and -Chronicles, 15 -X CHAPTER III. Tj, Further Notices of Babylon in the Books of Kings and Chronicles, 24 x CHAPTER IV. n Notices of Babylon in Daniel, 33 ^ CHAPTER V. ^ Further Notices of Babylon in Daniel, ... 41 | -^ CHAPTER VI. Further Notices of Babylon in Daniel, . . . 50 |^ CHAPTER VII, > Notices of Babylon in Jeremiah and Ezekiel, , 60 CHAPTER' VIII. i? Further Notices -of Babylon in Ezekiel, ... 69 \ 4 CONTENTS. CHAPTER IX. page Further Notices of Babylon in Daniel, ... 79 CHAPTER X. Further Notices of Babylon in Daniel, ... 88 CHAPTER XI. Notices of Babylon in Daniel, Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel, 96 1 CHAPTER XII. Further Notices of Babylon in Isaiah and Jere miah, 105 CHAPTER XIII. Notices of Egypt in Genesis, 113 CHAPTER XIV. Further Notices of Egypt in Genesis, . . . 123 CHAPTER XV. Notices of Egypt in Exodus, 132 CHAPTER XVI. Further Notices of Egypt in Exodus, .... 141 CHAPTER XVII. Notices of Egypt in Exodus and Numbers, . . 150 CHAPTER XVIII. Further Notices of Egypt in Exodus, .... 159 CHAPTER XIX. Notices of Egypt in the First Book of Kings, 168 CHAPTER XX. Notices of Egypt in the Second Book of Kings, 177 CHAPTER XXI. Notices of Egypt in Isaiah, 186 CHAPTER XXII. Notices of Egypt in Jeremiah and Ezekiel, . . 195 CHAPTER XXIII. Notices of Egypt in Daniel, 204 CHAPTER XXIV. Further Notices of Egypt in Daniel, . * . . 213 EGYPT AND BABYLON. CHAPTER I. NOTICES OF BABYLON IN THE BOOK OF GENESIS. " Cush begat Nimrod: he began to be a mighty one in the earth. He was a mighty hunter before the Lord : wherefore it is said, Even as Nimrod, the mighty hunter before the Lord. And the beginning of his kingdom was Babel, and Erech, and Accad, and Calneh, in the land of Shinar.— Gen. x. 8-10. That this passage refers to Babylon will scarcely be dis puted. The words " Babel " and " Shinar " are sufficient proof. " Babel," elsewhere generally translated " Babylon " (2 Kings xx. 12 ; xxiv. 1 ; 2 Chron. xxxii. 31 ; xxxiii. 11 ; Ps. cxxxvii. 1, etc.), is the exact Hebrew equivalent of the native Habil, which appears as the capital of Babylonia in the cuneiform records from the time of Agu-kak-rimi (about b. c. 2000) to the conquest of the country by Cyrus (b. c. 538). " Shinar " is probably an equivalent of "Mesopotamia," " the country of the two rivers," and in Scripture always designates the lower part of the Tigris and Euphrates valley, the alluvial plain through which the great rivers flow before reaching the Persian Gulf. Four facts are recorded of Babylonia in the passage : — 1. That it became at a very early date a settled govern ment under a king ; 2. That it contained, besides Babylon, at least three other great cities — Erech, Accad, Calneh ; 3. That among its earliest rulers was a great conquering mon arch named Nimrod ; and 4. That this monarch, and there fore probably his people, descended from Cush — i.e., was a Cushite, or Ethiopian. 8 EGYPT AND BABYLON. The first of these facts is confirmed by Berosus, by Dio- dorus Siculus, and by the monuments. Berosus declared that a monarchy had been set up in Babylon soon after the flood, which he regarded as a real occurrence, and counted 208 kings from Evechoiis, the first monarch, to Pul, the prede cessor of Tiglath-Pileser. Diodorus believed that Babylon had been built by Semiramis, the wife of Ninus, at a date which, according to his chronology, would be about b.c. 2200. The monuments furnish above ninety names of kings anterior to Tiglath-Pileser, and carry back the monarchy by actual numerical statements to b. c. 2286, while the super position of the remains is considered by the explorers to indicate an even greater antiquity. An early Babylonian kingdom, once denied on the authority of Ctesias, is now generally allowed by historians ; the researches of Sir Henry Rawlinson, Mr. George Smith, Professor Sayce, Mr. Pinches, and others, having sufficiently estabhshed the fact previously questioned. The second fact — the early existence of several large cities in Babylonia, cities ranking almost upon a par — is also strongly supported by the native records. In the most ancient times to which the monuments go back', the chief cities, according to Mr. George Smith,* were Ur, Nipur, Karrak, and Larsa, all of them metropolitan, and all of them places giving their titles to kings. Somewhat later, Babylon and Erech rose to greatness, together with a city called Agade, or Accad, according to the same authority.! If this last identification be allowed, then three out of the four cities mentioned in Genesis as metropolitan at this early date will have the same rank in the native records, and one only of the four names will lack such direct con firmation. Certainly, no name at all resembling Calneh occurs in the primitive geography of Babylonia. There are, however, grounds for regarding Calneh as another name of Nipur, % and one which superseded it for a time in the nomenclature of the inhabitants. In this case we may say that all the four cities of Genesis x. 10 are identified, and shown to have had (about b. c. 2000) the eminence ascribed to them in that passage. Mr. George Smith's reading of '• Agad6 " is, however, questioned by some, who read the * "History of Babylonia " (edited by Kev. A. H Sayce), ch. iii., pp. 63-74. t Ibid., p. 61. t Smith's " Dictionary of the Bible,'' ad voc Calneh. NOTICES IN GENESIS. Q name " Agane." If this latter reading be correct, the city Accad must be regarded as at present not identified. The third fact — the reign of a powerful king, called Nimrod, over Babylonia has not as yet received any con firmation from the monuments. It is suspected that the monarch so called had two names, and that, while Scripture uses one of them, the Babylonian documents employ the other. Mr. George Smith proposed to identify the scrip tural Nimrod with a certain Izdubar, a semi-mythical, semi- historical personage, very prominent in the primitive legends. But the identification is a pure conjecture. The monuments must be regarded as silent with respect to Nimrod, and we must look elsewhere for traces of his existence and authority. Such traces are numerous in the traditions of the East, and among the early Jewish and Arabic writers. Josephus tells us that Nimrod lived at the time when the attempt was made to build the Tower of Babel, and represents him as the prime mover in that impious enterprise. The Moham medans have a tradition that he lived somewhat later, and was brought into contact with Abraham, whom he at tempted to burn to death in a furnace of fire. In Arabian astronomy he appears as a giant who at his decease was translated to heaven, and transformed into the constellation which the Arabs called EUabhar, "the Giant," and the Greeks Orion. These tales have, of course, but little value in themselves ; they are merely important as showing how large a space this monarch occupied in the imaginations of the Eastern races, a fact only to be accounted for by his having once filled a prominent position. That position is declared in the " Nabatha3an Agriculture," an Arabic work of great antiquity, to have been the "position of a king the founder of a dynasty which long bore sway over the land. Another sign of the reality of Nimrod's rule is to be found in the attachment of his name to various sites in the Meso- potamian region. The remarkable ruin generally called Akkerkuf, which lies a little to the south-west of Bagljflad, is known to many as the " Tel-Nimrud ; " the great dam across the Tigris below Mosul is the " Sahr-el-Nimrud ; " one of the chief of the buried cities in the same neighbor hood is called " Nimrud " simply ; and the name of " Birs- Nimrud " attaches to the the grandest mass of ruins in the lower country. * *See Rich's " Journey to Babylon," p. 2. note. 10 EGYPT AND BABYLON. The fourth fact; — that Nimrod, and therefore probably his people, was of Cushite origin, has been strenuously denied by some, even among modern critics.* But ancient classical tradition and recent linguistic research agree in establishing a close connection between the early inhabitants of the lower Mesopotamian plain and the people, which, under the vari ous names of Cushites, Ethiopians, and Abyssinians, has long been settled upon the middle Nile. Memnon, king of Ethiopia, according to Hesiod and Pindar, led an army of combined Ethiopians and Susianians to the assistance of Priam, king of Troy. Belus, according to the genealogists, was the son of Libya (or Africa) ; he married AnchinOe, daughter of Nilus, and had issue JEgyptus. Names which are modifications of Cush have always hung about the lower Mesopotamian region, indicating its primitive connection with the Cush upon the Nile. The Greeks called the Susi anians " Kissii," and a neighboring race " Kossaei." The early Babylonians had a city, " Kissi," and a leading tribe in their country was called that of the "Kassu." Even now the ancient Susiania is known as " Khuzistan," the land of Khuz, or of the Cushites. Standing alone, these would be weak arguments ; but weight is lent them by the support which they obtain from the facts of- language. Sir Henry Rawlinson, the first translator of primitive Babylonian docu ments, declares the vocabulary employed to be " decidedly Cushite or Ethiopian," and states that he was able to inter pret the inscriptions chiefly by the aid which was furnished to him from published works on the Galla (Abyssinian) and the Mahra (South Arabian) dialects.f " The whole earth was pf one language and of one speech. And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east [eastward, marg.], that they found a plain in the land of Shinar; and they dwelt there. And they said one to another, Go to, let us make brick, and burn them throughly. And they had brick for stone, and slime had they for mortar. And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whole top may reach unto heaven ; and let us make us a name, lest we b»scattered abroad upon the face cf the whole earth. And Ihe Lord Simo down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men builded. And the Lord said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language ; and this they begin to do ; and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do. Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another's speech. So the Lord scattered them * See Bunsen's "Philosophy of History," vol. iii., pp. 190, 191. t See the author's "Herodotus," vol. i., p. 441. NOTICES IN GENESIS. 11 abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth; and they left off to build the city. Therefore is the name of it called Babel, because the Lord did there confound the language of all the earth ; and from thence did the Lord scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth." — Gen. xi. 1-9. We have here the scriptural account of the meaning of the name "Babel," the primitive term which the Greeks converted into " Babylon," but which remains even now attached to a portion of the ruins that mark the site of the great city, almost in its original form.* The etymology was not accepted by the Babylonians themselves, who wrote the word in a way which shows that they considered it to mean " the Gate of God." This has been regarded by some as a contradiction of the scriptural account ; but we may recon cile the two by supposing either that the name was first given in scorn, and that afterwards a better meaning was found for it, or (more probably) that the word, having been intended by the Babylonians themselves in the sense of " the Gate of God," was from the first understood in a different sense by others, who connected it with the " confusion " of tongues. The word is capable of both etymologies, and may from the first have been taken in both senses by different persons. The account of the origin of the name is connected with an historical narrative, of which the following are the chief incidents: — 1. A body of men, who had occupied the plain of Shinar, disliking the idea of that dispersion which was continually taking place, and scattering men more and more widely over the earth, determined to build a city, and to adorn it with a lofty tower, in order that they might get themselves a name, and become a centre of attraction in the world. 2. The materials which they found to their hand, and which they employed in building, were burnt brick and "slime,!' or bitumen. 3. They had built their' city, and raised their tower to a certain height, when God interfered with their work. By confounding the language of the work men, He made it impossible for them to understand each other's speech, and the result was that the design, for the time at least, fell through. The people " left off to build the city," and the mass of them dispersed, and "were scat tered abroad upon the face of the earth." * The northernmost of the three great mounds which mark the ruins of Babylon is called by the Arabs Babil. 12 EGYPT AND BABYLON. It would not have been surprising if profane history had contained no notice of this matter. It belongs clearly to a very remote antiquity, a time anterior — as it might have been supposed — to records, and lost in the dark night of ages. But the fact seems to be that the Babylonians either recorded at the time, or at any rate bore in memory, the transaction. Two Greek writers, who drew their Baby lonian histories from native sources, noticed the occurrence, and gave an account of it, which is in most respects very close to the biblical narrative. Alexander Polyhistor said, that " Once upon a time, when the whole race of mankind were of one language, a certain number of them set to work to build a great tower, thinking to climb up to heaven ; but God caused a wind to blow, and cast the tower down, at the same time giving to every man his own peculiar speech. On which account the city was called Babylon." Abydenus, a somewhat later historian, treated the subject at greater length. " At this time," he said, " the ancient race of men were so puffed up with their strength and tallness of stature, that they began to despise and contemn the gods, and la bored to erect that very lofty tower, which is now called Babylon, intending thereby to scale heaven. But when the building approached the sky, behold, the gods called in the aid of the winds, and by their help overthrew the tower, and cast it to the ground. The name of the ruins is still called Babel ; because until this time all men had used the same speech, but now there was sent upon them a confusion of many and diverse tongues." These passages have long been known, and have been ad duced as probable evidence that the native Babylonian records contained a notice respecting the tower of Babel and the con fusion of human speech. But it is only recently that such a record has been unearthed. Among the clay tablets brought from Babylonia by Mr. George Smith, and deposited in the British Museum, is one unfortunately much mutilated, which seems clearly to have contained the Babylonian account of the matter. The main portions of this document are as follows : — "Babylon corruptly to sin went,' and Small and great were mingled on the mound ; Babylon corruptly to sin went, and Small and great were mingled on the mound. » * * # NOTICES IN GENESIS. 13 Their work all day they builded; But to their stronghold in the night Entirely an end God made. In His anger also His secret counsel He poured forth, He set His face to scatter; He gave command to make strange their speech; Their progress He impeded. * * # * In that day He blew, and for [all] future time The mountain (was demolished ?); Lawlessness stalked forth abroad ; And, though God spake to them, Men went their ways, and strenuously Opposed themselves to God. He saw, and to the earth came down; No stop he made, while they Against the gods revolted * * * * Greatly they wept for Babylon; Greatly they wept." * ¦* It came to pass in the days of Amraphel, king of Shinar, Arioch, king of Ellasar, Chedorlaomer, king of Elam, and Tidal, king of nations, that these made war with Bera, king of Sodom, and with Birsha, king of Gomorrah, Shinab, king of Admah, and Shemeber, king of Zeboiim, and the king of Bela, which is Zoar. All these were joined together in the vale of Siddim, which is the salt sea. Twelve years they served Chedorlaomer." — Gen. xiv. 1-4. The chief fact relating to Babylon, which this passage contains, is its subjection in the time of Abraham to a neigh boring country called here Elam. Amraphel, the king of Shinar, the country whereof Babylon was the capital (Gen. x. 10; xi. 2-9), is plainly, in the entire narrative (Geri. xiv. 1-17), secondary and subordinate to Chedorlaomer, king of Elam. The conquered monarchs "serve" Chedorlaomer (ver. 4), not Amraphel ; Chedorlaomer leads both expedi tions, the other kings are " with him " (vers. 5, 17), as sub ordinate allies, or, more probably, as tributaries. This is an inversion of the usual position occupied by Babylonia towards its eastern neighbor, of which, until recently, there was no profane confirmation. Recently, however, traces have been found of an Elamitic conquest of Babylon, and also of an Elamitic dynasty there at an early date, which show that there were times when the more eastern of the two countries which lay side by side urjon the Lower Tigris had the greater power, and exercised do minion over the more western. Asshur-bani-pal, the son of * See " Records ot the Past," vol. vii., pp. 131, 132. 14 EGYPT AND BABYLON. Esar-haddon, relates that in his eighteenth year (b. c. 651) he restored to the Babylonian city of Erech certain images of gods, which had been carried off from them as trophies of victory 1635 years previously by Kudur-Nakhunta, king of Elam, to adorn his capital city of Susa. The primitive Babylonian monuments also show a second conquest of Babylon from the same quarter, and the establishment of a dynasty there, which is known as " Elamite," * about b. c. 1600, or a little later. This dynasty consisted of two kings, Kudur-Mabuk and Rim-agu (a name which has been compared with "Arioch"). It is thus evident that Elam was, in the early period of Babylonian history, a country of about equal power with Babylon, and one which was able from time to time to ex ercise dominion over her neighbor. It appears also that its kings affected, as one of the elements in their names, the word "Chedor" or "-Kudur," which is believed to have meant " servant," — Chedorlaomer (or Chedor-Lagamer, as the word might be transliterated) being " the servant of Lagamer," a Susianian god, Kudur-Nakhunta, " the servant of Nakhunta," another god; and Kudur-Mabuk, "the servant of Mabuk," a goddess. We may add, that " Amar " (Amra in " Amra-phel ") appears also as a root in the early Baby lonian titles, f while Arioch is perhaps identical with the name of Rim-agu (or Eriaku), Kudur-Mabuk's son and suc cessor. Thus the notice in Gen. xiv. 1-4, without being directly confirmed by the monuments, is in close harmony with them, both languistic and historical. * George Smith's "History of Babylonia," pp. 11, 74, t Ibid., p. 10. NOTICES IN KINGS AND CHRONICLES. 15 CHAPTER II. NOTICES OF BABYLON IN THE BOOKS OF KINGS AND CHRONICLES. Scripture is silent on the subject of Babylon through the whole period from Genesis to Kings.* Israel, during the sojourn in Egypt, the wanderings in the wilderness, the time of the Judges, and the greater part of the time of the Kings, was never brought in contact with Babylonia or Babylonians ; and Scripture, which traces the religious history of the people of God, has therefore no occasion to mention the southern Mesopotamian power. Another power has interposed itself between Israel and Babylon — the great empire of Assyria/ — and has barred the path by which alone they could readily communicate. It is not till Assyria, under the Sargonidse, is seriously threatening the independ ence of both countries, that a common danger brings them together, and Babylon once more claims the attention of the sacred historians. The first notice of Babylon in the Books of Kings is the following : — " At that time " [the time of Hezekiah's illness] " Berodach- Baladan, the son of Baladan, king of Babylon, sent letters and a pres ent unto Hezekiah : for he had heard that Hezekiah had been sick. And Hezekiah hearkened unto them, and showed them all the house of his precious things, the silver, and the gold, and the spices, and the precious ointment, and all the house of his armor, and all that was found in his treasures : there was nothing in his house, nor in all his dominion, that Hezekiah showed them not." — 2 Kings xx., 12. 13. The same circumstance is related, almost in the same words, by the prophet Isaiah, in one of his historical chap ters. Isaiah says — " At that time Merodach-Baladan, the son of Baladan, king of Babylon, sent letters and a present to Hezekiah ; for he had heard that he had been sick, and was recovered. And Hezekiah was glad of them, and showed them the house of his precious things, the silver, and the gold," etc. — Isa. xxxix. 1, 2. * The " Babylonish garment " coveted by Achan (Josh. vii. 21) scarcely constitutes an exception. 16 EGYPT AND BABYLON. The author of Chronicles, without relating the circum stance, makes a short comment upon it. After describing the riches, honor, and prosperity of Hezekiah, he adds — " Howbeit in the business of the ambassadors of the princes of Babylon, who sent unto him to inquire of the wonder that was done in the land, God left him, to try him, that he might know all that was in his heart." — 2 Chron. xxxii. 31. The reign of a Babylonian monarch, called Merodach- Baladan, at about the period indicated — the latter part of the eighth century b. c. — is recorded in the famous " Canon of Ptolemy," which assigns him the years between b. c. 722 and b. c 710. That the same monarch, after being deprived of his throne, was restored to it, and bad a second reign of six months' duration, is related by Alexander Polyhistor, the friend of Sulla.* This latter reign appears to have belonged to the year b. c. 703. So much is known to us from the classical writers. From the Assyrian monuments we learn that the relations between Babylonia and Assyria, during the reign of Merodach-Baladan, were hostile. Sargon re lates that he attacked this king, 'whom he viewed as a rebel, in his first year, + defeated his ally, the king of Elam, and ravaged his territory, but without coming into contact with the Babylonian monarch himself. After this, troubles else where forced him to leave Merodach-Baladan in peace for eleven years; but in his twelfth year he again invaded Babylonia, took Babylon, and made Merodach-Baladan apris- oner.J Five years after this, as we learn from Sennacherib's annals,§ on the death of Sargon, Babylonia revolted. Mero dach-Baladan, escaping from the custody in which he was held, hastened to Babylon, and re-established his authority over the whole southern kingdom. But Sennacherib at once marched against him, defeated his forces, recovered Babylon. and drove him to take refuge in the marshes of southern Chaldaea ; whence, after a short time, he fled across the Persian Gulf to southern Elam, where he died in exile.' The embassy of Merodach-Baladan to Hezekiah falls, by Archbishop Usher's chronology, which is here founded upon Ptolemy's Canon, into the year b. c. 713. It would thus^ * Ap. Euseb. " Chron. Can." pars, i., c. 5. Both reigns are noticed in a recently deciphered Babylonian tablet. ("Proceedings of the Society of Bibl. Archaeology " for 1884, pp. 169-8. ) t George Smith, " History of Babylonia, p. 116. t Ibid., p. 123. § Ibid., p. 125. NOTICES IN KINGS AND CHRONICLES.^ \" have taken place between Sargon's first and second attack, very shortly before the latter. The monuments do not mention it ; but they show that at this time Merodach-Bala dan was expecting the Assyrians to invade his country} was looking out for allies, and doing his best to strengthen his position. Under these circumstances it would be natural that he should seek the alliance of Hezekiah, who, at the op posite end of the Assyrian dominions, had " rebelled against the king of Assyria, and served him not " (2 Kings xviii. 7). That he should cloak his design under the double pre text that his object was to congratulate the Jewish king on his recovery from a dangerous illness (Isa. xxxix. 1), and to inquire concerning the astronomical " wonder done in the land " (2 Chron. xxxii. 31), is intrinsically probable, being consonant with diplomatic practice both in the East and in the West. An astronomical marvel, such as that of the go ing back of the shadow on the dial of Ahaz (2 Kings xx. 11 ; Isa. xxxviii. 8), would naturally attract attention in Baby lonia, where the phenomena of the heavens were observed. with the utmost diligence from a very remote period. It must not be concealed that there is one important dis crepancy between the scriptural narrative and the history of Merodach-Baladan, as recorded upon the Assyrian monu ments. Merodach-Baladan is stated, both by Isaiah and by the compiler of the Book of Kings, to have been " the son of Baladan" — on the monuments he is always called " the son of Yakina," or " Yakin." Mr. George Smith has sug gested that Yakin was the name of the tribe whereto Merodach-Baladan belonged ; * but it can scarcely be argued that he was called '* son of Yakin " on this account. Yakin must have been a person ; and if not the actual father of Merodach-Baladan, at any rate one of his, progenitors. Per haps the true explanation is, that Yakin was a more or less remote progenitor, the founder of the house, and Baladan (Bel-iddina ?) the actual father of Merodach-Baladan. By the former designation he was popularly known, by the latter in his official communications. " The Lord spake to Manasseh and to his people, but they would not hearken. Wherefore the Lord brought upon them the captains of the host of the king of Assyria, which took Manasseh among the thorns, and bound him with fetters, to carry him to Babylon. And when he was in affliction, be besought the Lord his God, and humbled himself * " History of Babylonia," p. 113. 18 EGYPT AND BABYLON. greatly before the God of his fathers ; and he prayed unto Him, and He was intreated of him, and heard his supplication, and brought him again to Jerusalem into his kingdom." — 2 Chbon. xxxiii. 10-13. It appears by this passage, 1. That Manasseh, after hav ing provoked God by a long course of wicked conduct, was attacked and made prisoner by the generals of a king of Assyria, who " took him among the thorns," or rather " took him with hooks," and bound him with fetters and so carried him with them to Babylon ; 2. That after hav ing suffered captivity for a time, and repented of his wickedness, he was allowed by the king of Assyria to quit Babylon, and return to Jerusalem, where he was once more established in his kingdom. Three things are especially re markable in this narrative : (a) the generals of the Assyrian monarch conduct Manasseh to their master, not at Nineveh, but at Babylon ; (b) they bring him into the royal presence " with hooks" and fettered ; (c) by an act of clemency, very unusual in the East, the Assyrian king pardons him after a time, and goes so far as to reinstate him in his gov ernment. We have to consider what light profane history throws upon these facts. And, first, how comes a king of Assyria to hold his court at Babylon? Nineveh is the Assyrian capital, and ordinarily the court is held there. If not there, it is held at Dur-sargina, where Sargon built, himself a palace, or at Calah (Nimrud), where were the palaces of Asshur-izir-pal, Shalmaneser II., and Tiglath-Pileser II. What has caused the anomaly of a transfer of the court to the capital of another country ? The Assyrian records fully explain this circumstance. Sen nacherib, Hezekiah's contemporary, was succeeded by his son, Esar-haddon, who would thus be Manasseh's contempo rary. The Assyrian monuments tell us that this monarch inaugurated a new policy with respect to Babylonia. Most Assyrian kings who found themselves strong enough to re duce that country to subjection, governed it by means of a native or Assyrian viceroy ; and this was the plan adopted by Sennacherib, Esar-haddon's father. But Esar-haddon, when he came to the throne, acted differently. He assumed the double title of "King of Assyria and "Babylonia," ap pointed no viceroy, but, having built himself a palace in Babylon, reigned there in person, holding his court some times at the northern, sometimes at the southern capital. Towards the end of his life, he relinquished Nineveh alto- NOTICES IN KINGS AND CHRONICLES. 19 gether to his eldest son, Asshur-bani-pal, and contented him self with ruling the southern kingdom from his palace in Babylon.* The anomaly is thus fully explained, and what once apeared a difficulty turns out a confirmation. What our translators intended to be understood by the expression, " which took Manasseh among the thorns," is perhaps doubtful. But they convey to most minds the idea of a caitiff monarch endeavoring to hide himself from his pursuers in a thorny brake, but detected, and dragged from his concealment. The words in the original have no such meaning. D'fTin Qchdkhim), the term translated " thorns," is indeed capable of that rendering ; but it has also another sense, much more suitable to the present context. Gesenius f explains it as " instrumentum ferreum, circulus vel hamus, in modum spina?, aucleatse quo olim captivi figebantur, et quo Turcae suos captivos detinent vinctos." In the singular number the word is translated " hook" in Job xli. 2 ; and a term nearly identical, khdkh has the same rendering in 2 Kings xix. 28 ; Isa. xxxvii. 29 ; Ezek. xxix. 4 ; xxxviii. 4, etc. These passages sufficiently fix the meaning of the phrase used in Chronicles. The captains of the king of Assyria " took Manasseh away with hooks" (comp. Amos iv. 2), and hav ing also " bound him with fetters," brought him into the presence of Esar-haddon. The practice of bringing prisoners of importance into the presence of a conquering monarch by means of a thong at tached to a hook or ring passed through their upper or their under lip, or both, is illustrated by the sculptures both of Babylonia and Assyria. Sargon is seen in his palaces at Khorsabad receiving prisoners whose lips arc thus perforat ed ; % and one of the few Babylonian sculptures still extant shows us a vizier conducting into the presence of a monarch two captives held in durance in the same wr.y.§. Cruel and barbarous as such treatment of a captured king seems to us, there is no doubt that it was an Assyrian usage. To put a hook in a man's mouth, and a bridle in his jaws (2 Kings xix. 28), was no metaphor expressive of mere defeat and capture, but a literal description of a practice that was com mon in the age and country — a practice, from which their royal rank did not exempt even captured monarchs. * G. Smith, " History of Babylon." pp. 141, 142. t " Hebrew Lexicon," ad voc. HiH f See " Ancient Monarchies," vol. i., pp. 153, 137, note 30. § Ibid., vol. iii., p. 7. 20 EGYPT AND BABYLON. The pardon extended by Esar-haddon to Manasseh, little consonant as it is with general Oriental practice, agrees well with the character of this particular monarch, whose rule was remarkably mild, and who is proved by his inscriptions to have been equally merciful on other occasions. When a son of Merodach-Baladan, who had been in revolt against his authority, quitted his refuge in Susiana, and presented him self before Esar-haddon's footstool at Nineveh, that mon arch received him favorably, accepted his homage, and ap pointed him to the government of a large tract upon the Persian Gulf, previously ruled by his father, and afterwards by his elder brother.* Again, when the chief of the Gam- balu, an Aramaean tribe upon the Euphrates, after revolt, submitted himself, and brought the arrears of his tribute, together with a present of buffaloes, Esar-haddon states that he forgave him, strengthened his city with fresh works, and continued him in the government of it.f " Jehoiakim was twenty and five years old when he began to reign, i and he reigned eleven years in Jerusalem; and he did that which was evil in the sight of the Lord his God. Against him came up Nebu chadnezzar, king of Babylon, and bound him in fetters, to carry him to Babylon. Nebuchadnezzar also carried of the vessels of the house of the Lord to Babylon, and put them in his temple at Babylon." — 2 Chron. xxxvi. 5-7. With this notice may be compared the following, which relates to the same series of occurrences : — " In the third year of the reign of Jehoiakim, king of Judah, came Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon unto Jerusalem, and besieged it. And the Lord gave Jehoiakim. king of Judah, into his hand, with part of the vessels of the house of God; which he carried into the land of Shinar to the house of his god ; and he brought the vessels into the treasure house of his god. " — Dan. i. 1,, 2. In these passages we have brought before us, 1. The in dependence of Babylon, which, when last mentioned (2 Chron- xxxiii. 11), was subject to the king of Assyria ; 2. Its govern ment by a prince named " Nebuchadnezzar," or, as Ezekiel transliterates the word from the Babylonian, " Nebuchad rezzar " (Ezek. xxvi. 7) ; 3. The fact that this prince made a great expedition into Palestine in the third year of Jehoia kim, king of Judah, besieged Jerusalem, and took it, and made Jehoiakim a prisoner ; 4. The further fact, that he *" Ancient Monarchies," vol i., p. 469. t Ibid., p. 471. NOTICES IN KINGS AND CHRONICLES. 21 carried off from the Jewish temple a certain portion of the holy vessels, conveyed them to Babylon, and placed them there " in the house of his god." With respect to the first point, profane history tells us by the mouth of a large number of writers,* that toward the close of the seventh century b. c. the Assyrian empire came to an end, Nineveh was destroyed, and Babylon stepped into a position of greatly augmented power and authority. The exact date of the change is undetermined ; but it was cer tainly not earlier than b. c. 625, and not later than b. c. 6GC. The third year of Jehoiakim seems to have been B.C. 605. Thus the independence of Babylonia, distinctly implied in the above passages, was beyond all doubt a fait accompli at the time mentioned. The second point — the government of Babylonia at this exact time by a prince named Nebuchadnezzar or Nebuchad rezzar — is to some extent a difficulty. The name indeed is abundantly confirmed. Nine-tenths of the baked bricks found in Babylonia bear the stamp of Mdbw-ltudurri-uzur, the son of Nabu-pal-uzur, king of Babylon." And Berosus, Abydenus, and Alexander Polyhistor, all give the name with little variation. But Babylonian chronology made Nebu chadnezzar ascend the throne, not in b. c, 605, but in b. c 604 ; and Berosus expressly stated that the first expedition conducted by Nebuchadnezzar into Syria, Palestine and the north-eastern parts of Egypt, fell into the lifetime of his father, Nabopolassar, and preceded his own establishment on the Babylonian throne. f The difficulty is sometimes met by the supposition that Nebuchadnezzar was associated in the kingdom by his father before setting out upon his expe dition (and association was certainly a practice not unknown to the Babylonians) ; but the more probable explanation is, that the sacred writers call Nebuchadnezzar " king of'Baby- lon," on first making mention of him, because he became such ; just as we ourselves might say, " King George the Fourth received the allied sovereigns on their visit to Eng land after Waterloo;" or, " The Emperor Louis Napoleon was long a prisoner in the fortress of Ham ; " although George the Fourth received the sovereigns as prince regent, and Louis Napoleon was not emperor till many years after * As Herodotus (i. 106, 178), Polyhistor, Abydenus, the writer of the Book of Tobit (xiv. 13), and others. t Berosus, Fr. 14. 22 EGYPT AND BABYLON. his imprisonment was over.* Or, it may have been assumed by the Jews that the leader of the great expedition was the king of the people whom he led against them, and the sacred writers may have received no directions to correct the popu lar misapprehension. The expedition itself, and its synchronism with Jehoia- kim's third year, is generally allowed. Berosus related, that in the last year of Nabopolassar's reign, which by the Canon of Ptolemy was b. c. 605, he sent his son Nebuchadnezzar to crush a revolt of the western provinces. Nebuchadnezzar was successful, conquered Syria and Phcenicia, and had in vaded Egypt, when news of his father's death reached him, and forced him to return to his own capital. The fourth point — one of comparative detail — receives very curious illustration from the Babylonian monuments. Nebuchadnezzar is said to have placed the holy vessels which he carried off from Jerusalem in his temple at Babylon," " the house of his god" and to have brought them into tlie treasure house of his god." These expressions are at first sight surprising, considering that the Babylonian religion was polytheistic, that Babylon had many temples, and that the kings, as a general rule, distributed their favors impar tially among the various personages of the pantheon. It is, however, an undoubted fact that Nebuchadnezzar formed an exception to the general rule. He was a devotee of Merodach. He calls Merodach "his lord," "his gracious lord," "his maker," " the god who deposited his germs in his mother's womb," " the god who created him, and assigned him the em pire over multitudes of men." One of the foremost of his own titles is " Worshiper of Merodach." He regards Merodach as " the great lord," " the lord of lords," " the chief of the gods," " the king of heaven and earth," " the god of gods." Even on the cylinders which record his dedication of temples to other deities it is Merodach whom he principally glorifies.* Sir H. Rawlinson says : " The inscriptions of Nebuchad nezzar arc for the most part occupied with the praises of Merodach, and with prayers for the continuance of his favoi;. The king ascribes to him his elevation to the throne : ' Mero dach, the great lord, has appointed me to the empire of the world, and has confided to my care the far-spread people of the earth ; ' ' Merodach, the great lord, the senior of the * See Br. Pusey's "Daniel," p. 400. t See " Records of the Past," vol. vii., pp. 71-78. NOTICES IN KINGS AND CHRONICLES. 23 gods, the most ancient, has given all nations and people to my care,' etc. The prayer also to Merodach, with which the inscriptions of Nebuchadnezzar always terminate, invokes the favor of the god for the protection of the king's throne and empire, and for its continuance through all ages to the end of time." * The temple of Merodach at Babylon is properly called " Nebuchadnezzar's temple," because he completely rebuilt and restored it. It was the great temple of Babylon, and known to the Greeks as the " temple (or tower) of Belus." To its ruins the name of " Babil " still attaches. Nebuchad nezzar describes his restoration of it at great length in his " Standard Inscription ; " f and his statement is confirmed by the fact that all the inscribed bricks which have ever been found in it bear his name. Special mention of the " treasure-house " attached to the temple has not been found in the Babylonian remains ; but it was probably the building at the base of the great tower, which is described by Hero dotus as a " second temple," and said to have contained furniture and figures in solid gold, together with many other offerings. % * Bawlinson, "Herodotus," vol. i., p. 652 (3d edition). t See " Records of the Past," vol. v., pp. 116-120. t Herod., i., 183. 24 EGYPT AND BABYLON. CHAPTER III. FURTHER NOTICES OF BABYLON IN THE BOOKS OF KINGS AND CHRONICLES. The numerous expeditions of the Babylonians against Jerusalem, subsequently to the first attack in b. c. 605, re ceive no direct confirmation from the cuneiform monuments, probably owing to the fact that no general historical inscrip tion descriptive of the events of Nebuchadnezzar's reign has been as yet discovered. The records of his time which modern research has unearthed, consist almost entirely either of invocations addressed to the gods, or of descriptions and measurements connected with his great works.* Alexander Polyhistor, however, noticed an expedition of Nebuchad nezzar's into these parts, which appears to have been that conducted in the year b. c. 597, against Jehoiakim, whereof we have the following notice in the Second Book of Kings : — " The Lord sent against him" (i.e. Jehoiakim) "bands of the Chaldees, and bands cf the Syrians, and bands of the Moabites, and bands of the children of Ammon, and sent them against Judah to destroy it, according to the word of the Lord, which he spake by His servants the prophets." — 2. Kings xxiv. 2. Polyhistor tells us f that the expedition was one in which Nebuchadnezzar called in the aid of his allies, among others, of the Median king called by him Astibaras, who seems to represent Cyaxares. The number of troops employed was unusually great, amounting, according to the same authority, to ten thousand chariots, one hundred and twenty thousand * Until the year 1878, no historical inscription of Nebuchadnez zar's had come to light. In that year a small and mutilated cylinder, giving an account of some events belonging to his thirty-seventh year, was purchased by tho British Museum. Further reference will be mr.de to this cylinder in a future chapter. t Fragm. Hist. Gr., vol. iii., p. 229, Fr. 24. NOTICES IN KINGS AND CHRONICLES. 25 horsemen, and one hundred and eighty thousand infantry. These numbers imply an army gathered from many nations^ and account for the expressions, " bands of the Chaldees, and bands of the Syrians, and bands of the Moabites, and bands of the children of Ammon," in the passage of Kings, as well as for the following in Ezekiel : — "Then the nations set against him on every side from the prov inces, and spread their net over him: he was taken in their pit."— Ezek. xix. 8. The context of this passage shows that the monarch in tended is Jehoiakim. On passing from the reign of Jehoiakim to that of Jehoiachin, the author of Kings makes the following re mark : — " And the King of Egypt came not again any more out of his land, for the king of Babylon had taken from the river of Egypt unto the river Euphrates all that pertained to the king of Egypt." — 2 Kings, xxiv. 7. This remark, though interposed at this point, belongs, so far as it bears on Babylon, to an anterior time. The king of Egypt, the writer intends to say, did not at this time lend any help to Jehoiakim against Nebuchadnezzar, did not even set foot beyond his borders, because some years previously the Egyptians had been worsted in an encounter with the Babylonians, and had lost to them the whole of their Asiatic dominions — the entire tract between the tor rent (nakhal) of Egypt, or the Wady el Arish, and the Euphrates. The event glanced at is among the most im portant in the history of the East. When Necho, king of Egypt, in b. c. 608, carried the Egyptian arms triumphantly from the Nile valley to the Upper Euphrates, it seemed as if the old glories of the Thothmeses and Amenhoteps were about to be renewed, as if Egypt was about to become once more the dominant power in western Asia, and to throw the hordes of Asiatic invaders back upon their own continent. A permanent advance of Egypt, and retrocession of Babylon, at this time would greatly have complicated the politi cal problem, and might seriously have checked that aggres sive spirit which was already moving Asia to attempt the conquest of Europe. When Nabopolassar, therefore, in the last year of his reign, sent his son Nebuchadnezzar to 26 EGYPT AND BABYLON. challenge Necho to a trial of strength, and the hosts of Africa and Asia met in battle array at the great frontier fortress of Carchemish (Jer. xlvi. 2.) the issue raised was of no small importance, being nothing less than the question whether African power and influence should not maintain itself in Syria and the adjoining regions, should or should not establish its superiority over the power of Asia, should or should not step into a position which would have brought it shortly into direct contact with the civilization of the Greeks. The battle of Carchemish, as it is called, decided these questions. The armies of Nebuchadnezzar and Pharaoh- Necho met in the vicinity of Carchemish (now Jerablus), in the fourth year of Jehoiakim, king of Judah, which was the accession year of Nebuchadnezzar, and contended in a great battle, wherein ultimately the Babylonians were victorious. The battle is prophetically, but very graphically, described by the prophet Jeremiah : — " Order ye the buckler and shield, and draw near to battle," he says; "harness the horses, and get up, ye horsemen" (or rather, " mount, ye chariotmen "), '¦ and stand forth with your helmets; fur bish the spears; put on the brigaudiues. Wherefore have I seen them dismayed and turned away back ? Their mighty men are beaten down, and are fled apace, and look not back ; for fear was round about, saith the Lord. Let not the swift flee away, nor the mighty man escape, they shall stumble and fall toward the north by the river Euphrates. Who is this that cometh up as a flood, whose waters toss to and fro as the rivers ? Egypt riseth up like a flood, and his waters are tossed to and fro like the rivers ; and he saith, I will go up, and will cover the earth ; I will destroy the city and the inhabitants thereof. Come up, ye horses ; and rage ye chariots ; and let the mighty men come forth, Cush and Phut that handle the shield, and Lud that handle and bend the bow. For this is the day of the Lord God of hosts, a day of vengeance, that He may avenge Him of His adversaries ; and the sword shall devour, and it shall be satiate and made drunk with their blood; for the Lord God of hosts hath a sacrifice in the north country by the river Euphrates. Go up into Gilead, and take balm, O virgin, the daughter of Egypt: in vain shalt thou use many medicines; for thou shalt not be cured. The nations have heard of thy shame, and thy cry hath filled the land : for the mighty man hath stumbled against the mighty, and they are fallen both together."— Jer. xlvi. 3-12. A fierce struggle is here indicated, a hardly contested battle, terminating in a complete defeat. Egypt is not sur prised — not taken at disadvantage. She has ample time to call together her armed force of natives and auxiliaries, Cush and Phut and Lud. Her chariots are marshaled in their gallant array, together with her horsemen: she, "rises NOTICES IN KINGS AND CHRONICLES. 27 up like a flood," bent on conquest rather than on mere resistance. But all is in vain. " It is the day of the Lord God of hosts, a day of vengeance." By the river Euphrates the mighty men stumble and fall — they are dismayed and beaten down ; in a short time they are compelled to fly — they " flee apace, and look not back." The mighty man hath met a mightier ; the forces of Asia have proved too strong for those of Africa ; the Nile flood is swept back on its own land. Profane history, while touching the struggle itself only in a single sentence,* amply signalizes the result. With the battle of Carchemish, Babylon, for long ages oppressed and held in subjection, springs up to notice as an empire. Syria, Phoenicia, Palestine, hitherto threatened alternately by Egypt and Assyria, now find a new foe in the great city on the lower Eujmrates, and become fiefs of the Babylonian crown. Egypt's attempt to recover, under the Psamatiks, the Asiatic dominion which had been hers under the Thoth- meses and Amenhoteps, is rudely checked. Her own terri tory is invaded, and she becomes for a time a " base king dom," the subject-ally and tributary of another. Babylon is recognized as one of the " great powers" of Asia, sends her armies within the Cilician gates, wastes Tyre, destroys Jeru salem, makes alliances with Media and Lydia. The general position of affairs in Western Asia for the next sixty years was determined by the events of that campaign, wherein " the king of Babylon took from the river of Egypt unto the river Euphrates all that pertained unto the king of Egypt." " They burnt the house of God, and brake down the wall of Jeru salem, and burnt all the palaces thereof with Are, and destroyed all the goodly vessels thereof : and them that had "escaped from the sword earned he away to Babylon, where they were servants to him and his sons, until the reign of the kingdom of Persia." — 2 Chkon. xxxvi. 19, 20. The complete destruction of Jerusalem, and transfer of its inhabitants' from Palestine to Babylonia, momentous events as they were in the history of the Jewish nation, and in that discipline of severity which was to purge out its dross from the people of God, and fit them to hold up the torch of truth to' the nations for another half millennium, did not greatly attract the attention of the world at large, or even obtain record generally at the hands of the historio graphers who were engaged in chronicling the events of the * Beros. ap. Joseph., Contr. Ap. i. 19, § 2. 28 EGYPT AND BABYLON. time. In Babylon, indeed, it must have been otherwise. There, if nowhere else, the final capture and ruin of so great, so renowned, so ancient a city, after a siege which lasted eighteen months, must beyond a doubt have been entered upon the records, with the view of its being handed down to posterity. But, unfortunately, it happens that at present, as already observed, Nebuchadnezzar's historical inscriptions remain undiscovered. ; and consequently we are still deprived of such light as a Babylonian account of the capture of Jerusalem would naturally have thrown on the whole sub ject. The fragments of Berosus might have been expected to supply the deficiency ; but, at the best, they are scanty, and for the time of Nebuchadnezzar they furnish nothing but a bare outline. They do just state that Nebuchadnezzar made an expedition into Palestine and Egypt, carried all before him, and, after burning the temple at Jerusalem, bore away into captivity the whole Jewish people, and settled them in different places in Babylonia; but they give no further particulars. Not even is the name of the Jewish king mentioned, nor that of the general to whom Nebuchad nezzar entrusted the execution of his orders for the destruc tion of the city. Direct illustration of the destruction of Jerusalem, and captivity of the Jewish people, is therefore at present im possible. Still history may be said to illustrate indirectly this portion of the sacred records by the examples which it sets forth of parallel instances. The complete destruction of a great city by the powers which conquer it is a rare event, requiring as it does a dogged determination on the part of the conqueror, and a postponement of immediate gain to prospective advantage. But the complete destruction of Nineveh, which is abundantly attested, had taken place not very long before, and must have been fresh in the minds of men at the time, furnishing a precedent for such extreme severity, while a sufficient motive may be discerned in the important position of Jerusalem, and the persistency of the rebellious spirit in its inhabitants. Transplantations of conquered nations are unknown in modern warfare, and scarcely belong to the history of the West. But in the East they were common anciently, and are still not wholly unknown. The Kurds, who protect the north-eastern frontier of Persia against the raids of the Turk omans, were transported thither by Nadir Shah, after a NOTICES IN KINGS AND CHRONICLES. 29 revolt in Kurdistan, being thus transferred from the extreme vest almost to the extreme cast of his empire. Sargon transported the Samaritans to Gozan and Media; Senna cherib carried off 200,000 Jews from Judaaa; Esarhaddon placed Elamites, ' Susianians and Babylonians in Samaria. Darius Hystaspis brought the nation of the Pasonians from Europe into Asia Minor,* removed the Barcasans to Bactria f and the Eretrians to Ardericca, near Susa.J The forcible removal of large populations from their native countries to a remote region was a portion of the system under which great empires were administered in the oriental world from the time of Sargon downwards, and was regarded as especially suited for the case where a race distinguished itself by per sistence in revolt. " It came to pass in the seven and thirtieth year of the captivity of Jehoiachin, king of Judah, in the twelfth month, on the seventh and twentieth day of the month, that Evil-Merodach, king of Babylon, in the year that he began to reign, did lift up the head of Jehoiachin, king of Judah, out of prison; and he spake kindly to him, and set his throne above the thrones of the kings that were with him in Babylon; arid changed his prison garments : and he did eat bread continually before him all the days of his life." — 2 Kings xxv. 27-29. Evil-Merodach was mentioned as the son and successor of Nebuchadnezzar by Berosus and Abydenus. His name has also been found on no fewer than eleven Babylonian contract tablets, and is transliterated by the best authorities, " Avil-Marduk." There can be no doubt of the position of this king in the Babylonian list between Nebuchadnezzar and Neriglissar, or Nergal-sar-uzur. Jehoiachin was carried captive to Babylon by Nebuchadnezzar in the eighth year of his reign (2 Kings xxiv. 12), and Nebuchadnezzar reigned forty-three years, according to Berosus, Ptolemy, and the tablets— commencing his reign in b. c. 605, and ending it in b. c 562 — the " seven and thirtieth year of the captivity of Jehoiachin" would exactly coincide with the first regnal year of Evil-Merodach, which was b.c. 561. The mild treatment of a rebel, whom Nebuchadnezzar had kept in durance for so many years, was perhaps regarded by the Babylonians as a wrongful departure from their cus toms. At any rate, we learn from Berosus that within two years of his accession Evil-Merodach was put to death by * Herod., v. 17. t Ibid., iv. 204. t Ibid., vi. 119. 30 EGYPT AND BABYLON. his subjects, on the charge of ruling in a lawless and intem perate fashion. As Jehoiachin " did eat bread continually before Evil-Merodach all the days of his (*'. e. Jehoiachin's) life," we must suppose that he died within less than two years from his release. He would have been at the time between fifty and sixty years of age. " Those that had escaped from the sword carried he " (i.e. Nebu chadnezzar) " away to Babylon, where they were servants to him and his sons until the reign of the kingdom of Persia; to fulfil the word of the Lord by the mouth of Jeremiah, until the land had enjoyed her sabbaths; for as long as she lay desolate she kept sabbath, to fulfil threescore and ten years." — 2 Chkon. xxxvi. 20, 21. The statement that the Israelites, " were servants, to Nebuchadnezzar and his sons" is at first sight contradictory' to the Babylonian history, as delivered to us by profane authors. According to them, Nebuchadnezzar was succeeded by one son only, viz., Evil-Merodach, after whom the crown fell to a certain Neriglissar, or Nergal-sar-uzur, who was not a blood relation. Neriglissar, however, had married a daughter of Nebuchadnezzar, and having thus become a son- in-law, may conceivably be termed a " son." He was suc ceeded by his own son, Laborosoarchod, probably a grandson of Nebuchadnezzar, who would come under the term " son " by the ordinary Hebrew usage. The successor of Laboroso archod was, we are told, " in no way related " to the family of Nebuchadnezzar. There are some reasons, however, for believing that he, too, married a daughter of the great mon arch ; so that he, too, may have been regarded as " a son " in the same sense with Neriglissar. The seventy years of the captivity, during which the land lay waste, and " enjoyed its sabbaths," may be counted from different dates. In this place the year of. the final destruction of Jerusalem seems to be taken as the terminus a quo. This was b. c. 586, the nineteenth year of Nebuchad nezzar (2 Kings xxv. 3-8 ; Jer. Iii. 6-12), and the passage would therefore seem to point to b. c. 516 as the termina tion of the captivity period. Now b. c. 516, the sixth of Darius Hystaspis, was, in fact, the close of the period of de pression and desolation, so far as the temple was concerned (Ezra vi. 15). But the personal captivity; the desolation of the land through loss of inhabitants, both began and ended earlier. Jeremiah evidently intended his " seventy years " to count from the first capture of Jerusalem by Nebu- NOTICES IN KINGS AND CHRONICLES. 31 chadnezzar (Jer. xxv. 1-12), which was in b. c. 605 ; and Daniel must have counted from the same date when he felt, in b. c 538, that the time of release was approaching (Dan. ix. 2). It is questionable, however, whether the full term of the prophetic announcement, thus understood, was actually reached. If Nebuchadnezzar carried away his first captives from Jerusalem in b. c. 605, and Cyrus issued his edict for the return in his first year (2 Chron. xxxvi. 22 ; Ezra, i. i), which was b. c. 538, the seventieth year had certainly not 'then commenced. Even if the captives did not take im mediate advantage of the edict, but made the journey from Babylonia to Palestine in the year following the proclama tion, b. c. 537, which is not improbable, still the captivity had not endured seventy years, but only sixty-eight. It is usual to meet the difficulty by the supposition that the first year of Cyrus in Scripture is really the third year from his conquest of Babylon, Darius the Mede having been made viceroy of Babylon under Cyrus during the first two years after the conquest. This is, no doubt, a possible explana tion. But it is perhaps as probable that the round number " seventy," in the prophecy of Jeremiah, was not intended to be exact, but approximate, and that the actual duration of the captivity fell short by a year or two of the threatened period. That " the reign of the kingdom of Persia " immediately succeeded to that of Babylon, which was swallowed up by the great Aryan power within seventy years of the acces sion of Nebuchadnezzar, is declared with one voice by the classical historians, and has been recently confirmed by more than one native document. Two inscriptions, brought from Babylonia within the last decade, describe the circumstances under which the great empire of Babylon collapsed before the arms of Cyrus the Great, and was absorbed into his dominions. The details of the subjection will have to be considered hereafter, when we comment on those passages of Scripture which treat directly of the fall of the city. At present we desire simply to note the confirmation by the monuments of the Persian conquest, effected by Cyrus the Great, in the seventeenth year of Nabonidus, which was the sixty-eighth year after the accession of Nebuchadnezzar and his first capture of Jerusalem. * * See the Transactions of the Society of Biblical Archozology, voL vi., pp. 47-61. 32 EGYPT AND BABYLON. CHAPTER IV. NOTICES OF BADYLON IN DANIEL. The history of the chosen people during the period of the Babylonian captivity is carried on in a book which We are accustomed to regard as prophetical, but in which the historical element decidedly preponderates. The first six chapters of Daniel contain a continuous and most important narrative. The scene of the history has been transferred from Jerusalem to Babylon. We are introduced into the court of the great King Nebuchadnezzar, and shown his grandeur, his pride, his cruelty, his relentings, his self-glorification, his punishment. We find the Jews his captives, scattered in various parts of his territories (ch. ix. 7), without organiza tion or national life, a mere herd of slaves, down-trodden and oppressed for the most part. At the court, however, it is different. There four Jews, of royal, or at any rate noble blood, occupy a position of some importance, take rank among the courtiers, hold communication with the monarch, and are called upon to advise him in circumstances of difficulty (ch. i. 17-20). After a time they rise still higher in the king's favor, and are promoted to some of the chief govern mental offices in the kingdom (ch. ii. 48, 49). One, the writer of great part of the book, if not even of the whole, becomes the very first person in the kingdom next to the king, and lives and prospers under four monarchs, called respectively, Nebuchadnezzar, Belshazzar, Cyrus, and Darius. Wc have thus a considerable body of Babylonian history in this (so-called) prophetical book ; and numerous points pre sent themselves on which some illustration of the history from profane sources is possible. Let us take, first, the character of Nebuchadnezzar's court. It is vast and complicated, elaborate in its organiza tion, careful in its etiquette, magnificent in its ceremonial. Among the most important personages in it are a class who profess to have the power of expounding dreams, and gene rally foretelling future events by means ol magic sorcery, and NOTICES IN DANIEL. 33 astrology (ch. ii. 2, 10, 27, etc.). Next to these are the civil ad ministrators, " princes, governors, captains, judges, treasurers, councilors, sheriffs, and rulers of provinces " (ch.iii. 2), who are specially summoned to attend in full numbers on certain grand occasions, The king is waited on by eunuchs, some times of royal descent, who are subjected to a three years' careful training, and are under the superintendence of a " master of the eunuchs," who is an officer of high position (ch. i. 3-5). The monarch has, of course, a "body-guard," which is under the command of a "captain" (ch. ii. 14), another high official. Music is used at the court in ceremo nials, and is apparently of an advanced kind, the bands com prising performers on at least six different musical instru ments (ch. iii. 5, 7, 10, etc.). The Babylonian and Assyrian remains amply illustrate most of these particulars. Magic holds a most important place in both nations, and the monarchs set a special value on it. Their libraries contained hundreds of tablets, copied with the utmost care, on which were recorded the exorcisms, the charms, the tabsmans and the astronomical prognostics, which had come down from a remote antiquity, and which were implicitly believed in. The celestial phenomena were constantly observed, and reports sent to the court from the observatories, which formed the groundwork of confident predictions.* Eclipses were especially noted, and, according to the month and day of their occurrence, were regarded as portending events, political, social, or meteorological, f We give a specimen from an astronomical calendar : — " In the month of Elul (August), the 14th day, an eclipse happens; in the north it begins, and in the south and east it ends ; in the evening watch it begins, and in the night watch it ends. To the king of Mul- lias a crown is given. . . . There are rains in heaven, and in the channels of the rivers floods. A famine is in the country, and men sell their sons for silver. "An eclipse happens on the 15th day. The king's son murders his father, and seizes on the throne. The enemy plunders and devours the land. "An eclipse happens on the 16th day. The king of the Hittites plunders the land, and on the throne seizes. There is rain in heaven, and a flood descends in the channels of the rivers. " An eclipse happens on the 20th day. There are rains in heaven, and floods in the rivers. Country makes peace with country, and keeps festival. * " Records, of the Past," vol. i., pp. 153-157. t Ibid., pp. 158-161. " " 34 EGYPT AND BABYLON. " An eclipse happens on the 21st day. The enemy's throne does not endure. A self-appointed king rules in the land. After a year the Air god causes an inundation. After a year the king does not remain. His country is made small." * The application of the ethnic term "Chaldaean" (Kas- dim) to the learned caste, or class, which occupied itself with the subjects of magic and astrology, so frequent in Daniel (ch. ii. 2, 4, 5, 10 ; v. 11), is found also in profane writers, as Strabo, Diodorus, Cicero, and others,t who distinguish be tween Chaldaeans and Babylonians, making the latter term the ethnic appellative of the nation at large, while they reserve the former for a small section of the nation, distin guished by the possession of abstruse and recondite learning. The distinction seems to have originated in the later period of the empire, and to have been grounded on an identification of the Chaldseans with the Akkad, and on the. fact that the old Akkadian language and learning was in. the later times the special possession of a literary class, who furnished to the nation its priests, astrologers, magicians, and men of science. What the real connection was between the Chaldseans and the Akkad is still uncertain ; but some ethnic affinity may be regarded as probable. The division of the learned class into three distinct bodies, devoted to different branches of the mystic lore in which all participated, receives illustration from the native remains, where the literature of magic comes under three principal heads : (1). Written charms or talismans, which were to be placed on the bodies of sick persons, or on the door-posts of afflicted houses ; X (2). Formulae of incantation, which had to be recited by the learned man in order to produce their proper effect; § and (3). Records of observations, intended to serve as grounds for the prediction of particular events, together with collections of prognostics from eclipses or other celestial phenomena, regarded as having a general ap plicability. || The preparation of the written charms or talismans was probably the special task of the " magicians," or khertummim, whose name is formed from the root kheret, * "Records of the Past," vol. i., p. 160. t Diod. Sic. ii. 29; Strab. xvi. 1, § 6; Cic. De Div. i. 1, § 2; 42, § 93; Plin. H.N. vi. 30, § 123, etc. 1 See " Records of the Past," vol. iii., p. 142. § Ibid., vol. iii., pp. 147-152, and xi., 128-138. a Ibid., vol. i., pp. 153-163. NOTICES IN DANIEL. 35 which signifies "an engraving tool,'' or "stylus." The com position and recitation of the formulae of incantation belonged to the ashshaphim or mecashaphim, the " astrologers " and " sorcerers " of our version, whose names are derived from the root ashaph, or cashaph, which means "to mutter."* The taking of observations and framing of tables of prognos tics is probably to be assigned to the gazerim or " dividers," in our version " soothsayers " who divided the heavens into constellations or " houses '' for astronomical and astrological purposes.")- The attention paid to dreams (ch. ii. I^i6 ; iv. 5-27) by the Babylonian monarch is quite in accordance with what we know of the state of opinion, both in Babylonia and Assyria, about the time of Nebuchadnezzar. The Assyrians had a " dream deity," whom they called Makhir, and regarded as " the daughter of the Sun," and to whom they were in the habit of praying, either beforehand, to send them favor able dreams, or after they had dreamed, to " confirm " their dream, or make it turn out favorably to them.} A late Assyrian monarch records that, in the course of a war which he carried on with Elam or Susiana, one of his ' ' wise men " dreamed a remarkable dream, and forthwith communicated to him the particulars. " Ishtar," he said, " the goddess of war had appeared to him in the dead of night, begirt with flames on the right hand and on the left ; she held a bow in her hand, and was riding in a chariot, as if going forth to war. Before her stood the king, whom she addressed as a mother would her child. . . . ' Take this bow,' she said, ' and go with it to the battle. Wherever thou shalt pitch thy camp, I will come to thee.' Then the king replied, ' O queen> of all the goddesses, wherever thou goest, let me ac company thee.' She made answer, 'I will protect thee, and march with thee at the time of the feast of Nebo. Mean while, eat meat, drink wine, make music, and glorify my divinity, until I come to thee and this vision shall be ful filled.' " Rendered confident by this dream, the Assyrian monarch marched forth to war, attacked the Elamites in their own country, defeated them, and received their sub mission. § Not very long after the time of Nebuchadnezzar, Nabo- *Furst, " Concordant," p. 133. t "Ancient Monarchies," vol. ii., p. 207. t " Records of tbe Past," vol. ix., p. 152. § Ibid.,v ol. vii., p. 68. 36 EGYPT AND BABYLON. nidus, one of his successors, places on record the following incident : " In the beginning of my long reign," he says, " Merodach, the great lord, and Sin, the illuminator of heaven and earth, the strengthener of all, showed me a dream. Merodach spake thus with me : ' Nabonidus, king of Baby lon, come up with the horses of thy chariot ; build the walls of Ehulhul ; and have the seat of Sin, the great lord; set with in it.' Reverently I .made answer to the lord of the gods, Merodach, ' I will build this house of which thou speakest. The Sabmanda destroyed it, and strong was their might.' Merodach replied to me, ' The Sabmanda of whom thou speakest, they and their country, and the king who rules over them, shall cease to exist. In the third year he (i.e., Mero dach) caused Cyrus, king of Ansan, his young servant, to go with his little army: he overthrew the wide-spreading Sabmanda; he captured Istumegu (i.e., Astyages), king of Sabmanda, and took his treasures to his own land."f The civil organization of the Babylonian kingdom is very imperfectly known tous. Neither sacred nor profane autho rities furnish more than scattered and incomplete notices of it. We gather from Daniel merely that it was elaborate and complicated, involving the employment by the crown of numerous officers, discharging distinct functions, and possess ing different degrees of dignity. The names given to the various officers by Daniel can scarcely be those which were in actual use under the Babylonian monarch, since they are in many cases of Aryan etymology. Most likely they are the equivalents under the Medo-Persic system, which was estab lished before Daniel wrote his book, of the Babylonian terms previously in vogue. Still in some instances the names suf ficiently indicate the offices intended. The "princes" (liter ally " satraps ") of Dan. iii. 2, 3, 27, can only be governors of provinces (compare ch. vi. 1), chief rulers under the mon arch of the main territorial divisions of his empire. Such persons had been generally employed by the Assyrian kings in the government of the more settled part of their do minions, and were no doubt continued by the Babylonians when the territories of Assyria were divided between them aud the Medes. Gedaliah held the office in Judaea imme diately after its conquest by Nebuchadnezzar (2 Kings xxv. 22-25; Jer. xl. 5). Another such Babylonian governor is * " Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archaelogy ," November. 1882, p. 7. ' NOTICES IN DANIEL. 37 actually called a " satrap " by Berosus* Babylonian wit nesses to contracts still in existence often sign themselves " governor," sometimes " governor " of a province, which they mention.! The sagans (" governors " in our version) may be " governors of towns," who are often mentioned in the inscriptions as distinct from governors of provinces. The " judges " (literally " noble judges ") are no doubt the heads of the judicature, which was separate from the executive in Babylonia, as in Persia.} They, too, appear in the inscrip tions^ as do "treasurers" and " captains. "|| It is not in tended to assert that the correspondence between Daniel's account of the civil administration and that indicated by the Babylonian remains is very close or striking, but the general features certainly possess considerable resemblance, and there is as much agreement in the details as could fairly be expected. - The employment of. eunuchs at the Babylonian court, under the presidency of a " master of the eunuchs," is analo gous to the well-known practice of the Assyrians, where the president, or " master," bore the title of rab-saris, or " chief eunuch "(2 Kings xviii. 17). It also receives illustration from the story of Nanarus, as told by Nicholas of Damascus, a writer whose Asiatic origin makes him a high authority upon the subject of Oriental habits. Nanarus, according to him, was one of the later Babylonian monarchs, a successor of the Belesis who appears to represent Nabopolassar. His court was one in which, eunuchs held all the most important positions ; and the head eunuch, Mitraphemes, was the chief counselor of the king. IT The delight of the Babylonians in music, and the ad vanced condition of the art among them, is confirmed and illustrated by the same story of Nanarus, Nanarus, accord ing to Nicholas maintained at his court no fewer than a hundred and fifty female musicians, of whom some sang, while others played upon instruments. Among the instru ments indicated are three of those mentioned in Daniel — the flute, the cithern ("harp," A.V.), and the psaltery. Sculpt ure does not readily lend itself to the representation of so *Ap. Joseph., Contr. Apion., i., 19. t "Records of the Past," vol. ix., pp. 34, 92, 98, 107. 1 Herod, iii. 81. § " Records of the Past," vol. vii., p. 120; vol. xi., 103. || Ibid., vol. ix., p. 104; vol. xi., p. 103. f See the Fragm. Hist. Gr. vol. iii., pp. 359-363. 38 EGYPT AND BABYLON. large a crowd, but we see in a bas-relief of a date, a little anterior to Nebuchadnezzar a band of twenty-six performers.* At least eight or nine different instruments were known to the Assyrians,! and we can therefore feel no surprise that six were in use among the Babylonians of Nebuchadnezzar's time. Considerable difficulty has been felt with respect to the names of several of the Babylonian instruments. These names have a Greek appearance ; and it has been asked by critics of reputation, " How could Greek musical instruments have been used at Babylon late in the seventh, or early in the sixth century before our era ? " A searching analysis of the words themselves has thrown a good deal of doubt on several of the supposed Greek etymologies. Karna and x£p<*<:, kitheros and x'^PTj sabkah and oaji&vxv are no doubt connected ; but one of them is a root common to Semitic with Aryan, while the other two passed probably from the Orientals to the Greeks. The Chaldee karna is Hebrew keren, and is at least as old in Hebrew as the Pentateuch ; kitheros in Persian sitareh, Greek x^dpic, German zither, modern Arabic koothir ; sabkah is from sabak, a well-known Semitic root, and is an appropriate name for a " harp " in Hebrew ; X whereas oa/ipvxn is an unmeaning name in Greek. To derive mashrokitha from ovpiyg requires a very hardy ety mologist. The two words may conceivably be derivatives- from one root ; but neither can possibly have been the direct parent of the other. Even pesanterin and sumphonyah though so near to iiaXr^pmv and av/upavia, are not allowed by all critics to be of Greek origin. § Supposing, however, that they are, and that they imply the use by the Baby lonians of Greek instruments, which brought their names with them from their native country, as " pianoforte " and " concertina " have done with us, there is nothing extraor dinary in the circumstance. The Assyrians, and the Greeks came into contract in Cyprus as early as the reign of Sar gon, || whose effigy has been found at Idalium. Esar-haddon obtained building materials from several Cyprian kings with Greek names.1T As the inheritress of Assyrian luxury and * "Ancient Monarchies," vol i., p. 311. tlbid., pp. 305-310. t Pusey's "Daniel," p. 24, note 9. § Ibid., pp.27-30. || " Ancient Monarchies." vol. ii., p. 150. T " Records of the Past," vol. iii., p. IOS. NOTICES IN DANIEL. 39 magnificence, Babylon would necessarily have some connec tion with Greeks. We hear of a Greek having served in Nebuchadnezzar's army, and won glory and reward under his banners.* Direct intercourse with Hellenes may thus have brought Hellenic instruments to Babylon. Or the in tercourse may have been indirect. The Phoenicians were engaged in a carrying trade between Europe and Asia from a time anterior to Solomon ; and their caravans were con tinually passing from Tyre and Sidon, by way of Tadmor and Thapsacus, to the Chaldaean capital. Nothing would be more natural than the importation into that city, at any time between b. c. 605 and b. c. 538, of articles manufac tured in Greece, which the Babylonians were likely to appreciate. The position of the king in the Babylonian court, as abso lute lord and master of the lives and liberties even of the greatest of his subjects, able to condemn to death, not only individuals (ch. iii. 19), but a whole class, and that class the highest in the state (ch. ii. 12-14), is thoroughly in accord ance with all that profane history tells us of the Babylonian governmental system. In Oriental monarchies it was not always so. The writer of the Book of Daniel shows a just appreciation of the difference between the Babylonian and the Medo-Persian systems, when he makes Darius the'Mede influenced by his nobles, and compelled to do things against his will by a " law of the Medes and Persians, which altered not " (ch. vi. 14-17) ; while Nebuchadnezzar the Babylonian is wholly untrammeled, and does not seem even to consult his lords on matters where the highest interests of the state are concerned. Babylonian and Assyrian monarchs were absolute in the fullest sense of the word. No traditional "law" restrained them. Their nobility was an official no bility,, like that of Turkey at the present day. They them selves raised it to power ; and it. lay with them to degrade its members at their pleasure. Officers such as the tartan, or " commander-in-chief," the rabshakeh, or " chief cup bearer," and the rab-saris, or " chief eunuch," held the high est positions (2 Kings xviii. 17) — mere creatures of the king, whom a " breath had made," and a breath could as easily " unmake." The kings, moreover, claimed to be of Divine origin, and received Divino honors. " Merodach," says Nebu- * Strab. xiii. 3, § 2. 40 EGYPT AND BABYLON.' chadnezzar, " deposited my germ in my mother's womb." * Khammurabi claims to be the son of Merodach and Ri.f He was joined in inscriptions with the great gods, Sin, Sha- mas, and Merodach, during his lifetime, and people swore by his name.} Amaragu and Naram-sin are also said to have been deified while still living. § It was natural that those who claimed, and were thought to hold so exalted a position, should exercise a despotic authority, and be unre sisted, even when they were most tyrannical. * " Records of the Past," vol. v., p. 113. t Ibid., vol. i., p. 8. 1 Ibid., vol. v., p. 109. § See note on Dan. vi. 7, in the Speakers' Commentary." NOTICES IN DANIEL. 41 CHAPTER V. FURTHER NOTICES OF BABYLON IN DANIEL. The character of Nebuchadnezzar, as depicted in the Book of Daniel, is confirmed as fully as could be expected, considering the nature of the materials that have come down to us from profane sources. These materials are scanty, and - of a peculiar character. They consist of a very few brief notices in classical writers, and of some half-dozen inscriptions belonging to the reign of Nebuchadnezzar himself, and ap parently either composed by him or, at least, put forth under his authority. These inscriptions are in some cases of con siderable length,* and, so far, might seem ample for the pur pose whereto we propose to apply them ; but, unfortunately, they present scarcely any variety. With the exception of one, which is historical, but very short and much mutilated,")" they are accounts of buildings, accompanied by religious invoca tions. It is evident that such records do not afford much opportunity for the display of more than a few points of -character. They can tell us nothing of those qualities which are called forth in action, in the dealings of man with man, in war, in government, in domestic intercourse. Thus the confirmation which it is possible to adduce from this source can only be partial ; and it is supplemented only to a very small extent from the notices of the classical writers. The most striking features of Nebuchadnezzar's charac ter, as portrayed for us in Scripture, and especially in the Book of Daniel, will probably be allowed to be the follow ing : 1. His cruelty. Not only is he harsh and relentless in his treatment of the foreign enemies who have resisted him in aims, tearing thousands from their homes, and carrying * One of them consists of ten columns, with an average of sixty- two lines in each, and in the " Records of the Past " occupies twenty- three pages (vol. iii., pp. 113-135). t See the " Transactions of the Society of Bibl. Archaeology," vol. vii., pp. 218-222. 42 EGYPT AND BABYLON. them off into a miserable and hopeless captivity, massacring the chief men by scores (2 Kings xxv. 18-21), blinding rebel kings (ver. 7), or else condemning them to perpetual im prisonment (ver. 27), and even slaying their sons before their eyes (ver. 7) ; but at home among his subjects he can condemn to death a whole class of persons for no fault but inability to do what no one had ever been asked to do be fore (Dan. ii. 10-13), and can actually cast into a furnace of fire three of his best officers, because they decline to worship an image (iii. 20-23). 2. His pride and boastfulness. The pride of Nebuchadnezzar first shows itself in Scripture in the contemptuous inquiry addressed to the " three children" (Dan iii. 15), " Who is that God that shall deliver you out of my hands ? " Evidently he believes that this is beyond the power of any god. He speaks, as Sennacherib spoke by the mouth of Rab-shakeh : " Hearken not to Hezekiah, when he persuadeth you, saying, The Lord will deliver us. Hath any of the gods of the nations delivered at all his land out of the hand of the king of Assyria? Where are the gods of Harmath and of Arpad ? Where are the gods of Sephar- vaim, Hena, and Ivah ? Have they delivered Samaria out of mine hand ? Who are they among the gods of the coun tries, that have delivered their country out of mine hand, that the Lord should deliver Jerusalem out of mine hand ? " (2 Kings xviii. 32-35.) The event shows him that he is mistaken, and that there is a God who can deliver his ser vants, and " change the king's word " (Dan. iii. 38), and then for a time he humbles himself ; but, later on, the be setting sin breaks out afresh ; " his heart is lifted up, end his mind hardened in pride " (ch. v, 20), and he makes the boast which brings upon him so signal a punishment : "Is not this great Babylon that I havelbuilt for the house of my kingdom, by the might of my power, and for the honor of my majesty ? " The punishment inflicted once more humbled him, and he confessed finally that there was one, " the King of heaven, all whose works were truth, and His ways judg ment ; " and that " those who walk in pride he was able to abase " (ch. iv. 37). 3. His religiousness. The spoils which Nebuchadnezzar carried off from the Temple at Jerusalem he did not convert to his own use, nor even bring into the national treasury; but " put them in his temple at Babylon " (2 Chron. xxxvi. 7), and " brought them into the treasure- house of his god" (Dan. i. 2). When Daniel revealed to NOTICES IN DANIEL. 43 him his dream and its interpretation (ch. ii. 27-45), he at once confessed, " Of a truth your God is a God of gods, and a Lord of kings, and a revealer of secrets, seeing thou couldst reveal this secret." The image which he made, and set up on the plains of Dura, was not his own image, but an image of a Babylonian god- (ch. iii. 12, 14, 18), to whom he was anxious that all his subjects should do honor. His anger against Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego was not so much because they resisted his will, as because they would not " serve his god." When the fiery furnace had no power on them, he accepted the fact as proving that there was another God, whom he had not known of previously, and at once commanded that this new God should be respected through out his dominions (ch. iii. 29). But his religiousness culmi nates in the last scene of his life that is presented to us in Scripture. After his recovery from the severe affliction whereby his pride was punished, he at once " lifted up his eyes to heaven," and " blessed the Most High, and praised and honored Him that liveth forever " (ch. iv. 34), and made a proclamation, which he caused to be published throughout the length and breadth of his vast dominions (ver. 1), ac knowledging his sin, and declaring that he " honored and extolled the King of heaven " (ver. 37), and " thought it good to show the signs and wonders that the high God had wrought toward him " (ver. 2), since His signs were great, and His wonders mighty, and His kingdom an everlasting kingdom, and His dominion from generation to generation" (ver. 3). A fourth and special characteristic of Nebuchadnezzar, peculiar to him among the heathen monarchs brought under our notice in Scripture, is the mixed character of his religion, the curious combination which it presents of monotheism with polytheism, the worship of one God with that of many. Nebuchadnezzar's polytheism is apparent when he addresses Daniel as " one in whom is the spirit of the holy gods " (ch. iv. 8, 9, 18), and again when he calls the figure which he sees walking with the " three children " in the furnace " a son of the godsVrfrtt~7&bar-eldhm(ch.m.25),a,n&stU.].more plainly when he recognizes the God who has delivered the "children" as a God, "their God" (ver. 28), and declares his belief that "no oilier god can deliver after this sort" (ver. 29). His monotheism shows itself — though not made apparent in our version — when he sets up a single image, 44 EGYPT AND BABYLON. and calls on the people to worship "his god " (ch. iii. 14), when he recognizes Daniel's God as " a Lord of kings and God of gods " (ch. ii. 47), and most conspicuously when in his last proclamation he acknowledges " the high God" H^V XPhXeldhd Hlldyd, ch. iv. 2), " the Most Higb."T(ver- 34T),T"the King of heaven" (ver. 37), Him that "liveth for ever" (ver. 34), and " doeth _ according to His will in tlie army of heaven and among the inhabitants of the earth," and " whose hand none can stay, nor can any say unto Him, What doest thou ? " (ver. 35.) Either he fluctuates between two beliefs, or else his polytheism is of that modified kind which has been called " Kathenotheism," * where the worshiper, on turning his regards to any par ticular deity, " forgets for the time being that there is any other, and addresses the object of his adoration in terms of as absolute devotion as if he were the sole god whom he recog nized, the one and only divine being in the entire universe."")" Limiting ourselves, for the present, to these four charac teristics of the great Babylonian monarch — his cruelty, his boastful pride, his , religiousness, and the curious mixture of two elements in his religion — let us inquire how far they are confirmed or illustrated by his own inscriptions, or by the accounts which profane writers have given of him. And first, with respect to his cruelty. Here, it must be confessed, there is little, if any, confirmation. The one brief historical inscription of Nebuchadnezzar's time which we possess contains no notice of any severities, nor is the point touched in the few fragments concerning him which are all that classical literature furnishes. Berosus mentions the numerous captives whom he carried off to Babylonia in his first campaign,} but does not seem to regard their fate as exceptionally wretched. Josephus gives us in some detail the various cruelties recorded of him in Scripture, and adds others, as that he put to death a king of Egypt whom he conquered ; § but Josephus is scarcely an unprejudiced wit ness. Abydenus, who tells us more about him than any other classical writer except Berosus, is bent on glorifying him, and would not be likely to mention what was to his discredit. If, however, we have no confirmation, we have abundant illustrations of Nebuchadnezzar's cruelties in the * Max Muller, " Chips from a German Workshop," vol. i., p. 28. t See the author's " Religions of the Ancient World," American Ed., p. 108. X Ap. Joseph., Ant. Jud., x. 11, § 1. § Ap. Joseph, Ant. Jud., x. 9, § 7. NOTICES IN DANIEL. 45 accounts given us of their own doings by the Assyrian mon archs to whose empire Nebuchadnezzar had succeeded. Assyrian monarchs transport entire nations to distant lands, massacre prisoners by scores or hundreds, put captive kings to death, or mutilate them, cut men to pieces,* and even burnt them to death in furnaces, f The recorded cruelties of Nebuchadnezzar pale before those which Asshur-bani-pal, the son of Esar-haddon, who lived less than a eentury earlier, mentions as commanded by himself, and executed under his orders.} Nebuchadnezzar's pride and boastfulness were noted by Abydenus, who spoke of him as superbia tumidus and fastu elatus.% His own inscriptions not only accumulate on him titles of honor and terms of praise, but seem alto gether composed with the object of glorifying himself rather than the deities whom they profess to eulogize. Among the titles which he assumes are those of " glorious prince," "the exalted," or " the exalted chief," " the possessor of intelli gence," " he who is firm, and not to be overthrown," " the valiant son of Nabopolassar," "the devout and pious," "the lord of peace," " the noble king," and " the wise Mage." || Nebuchadnezzar declares that " the god Merodach deposited his germ in his mother's womb," that " Nebo gave into his hand the sceptre of righteousness," that Sin was " the strengthener of his hands," that Shamas "perfected good in his body," and Gula " beautified his person." IT He boasts that he is " the eldest son of Merodach," who has made him " the chosen of his heart ; " ** he, for his part, is " the rejoicer of the heart of Merodach." ft "Merodach has made him a surpassing prince ; " he "has extended Merodach's power ; "}} owing his own exaltation to Merodach and Nebo, he has ex alted them in turn ; and the impression left is that they have had rather the better of the bargain. Other Babylo nian kings are moderate in their self-praise compared with Nebuchadnezzar, as may be seen by his inscriptions and those of Neriglissar and Nabonidus. The religiousness of Nebuchadnezzar is even more con- * " Records of the Past," vol. ix., p. 57. t Ibid., vol. i., p. 77; vol. ix., p. 56, etc. i Ibid., vol. i., pp. 57-102. § " Fr. Hist. Grasc, vol. iv., p. 283, Fr. 8. || " Records of the Past," vol. v., pp. 113, 114; vol. vii , pp. 71, 75. IT Ibid., vol. v., pp. 113, 114, 122, 123. ** Ibid., p. 125. tt Ibid., p. 134. It Ibid., p. 134. 46 EGYPT AND BABYLON. spicuous in his inscriptions than his pride. Not only was he, as a modern writer expresses it, " faithful to the ortho doxy of his day," * but a real devotion to his gods seems to have animated him. His own name for himself is "the heaven-adoring king." f he places some god, generally Mero dach, in the forefront of every inscription ; acknowledges that his life and success were the fruit of the divine favor ; labors to show his gratitude by praises and invocations, by the presentation of offerings, the building and repair of tem ples, the adornment of shrines, the institution of processions and the proclamation of each god by his proper titles.} He speaks of Merodach " accepting the devotion of his heart ; "§ and there is no reason to doubt that he speaks sincerely. He looks to his deities for blessings, beseeches them to sus tain his life, to keep reverence for them in his heart, to give him a long reign, a firm throne, abundant and vigorous off spring, success in war, and a record of his good deeds in their book. || He hopes that these good deeds are acceptable to them, and are regarded with satisfaction : whether he ex pects them to be rewarded in another life is not apparent. The peculiar character of Nebuchadnezzar's religion — at one time polytheistic, at another monotheistic — is also evidenced by his inscriptions. The polytheism is seen in the distinct and separate acknowledgment of at least thir teen deities, to most of whom he builds temples, as well as in his mention of " the great gods," IT and the expressions " chief of the gods," king of gods," and " god of gods," which are of frequent occurrence. The monotheism, or at least the " kathenotheism," discloses itself in the attitude assumed toward Merodach, who is " the great Lord," " the God his maker," " the Lord of all beings," " the Prince of the lofty house,", " the chief, the honorable, the Prince of the gods, the great Merodach," " the Divine Prince, the Deity of heaven and earth, the Lord God," " the King of gods and Lord of lords," " the chief of the gods," " the Lord of the gods," " the God of gods," and " the King of heaven and earth." Nebuchadnezzar assigns to Merodach a pre-eminence which places him on a pedestal apart from and * G. Smith, " History of Babylonia, p. 167. t " Records of the Past," vol. vii., p. 78. X " Ibid., v., pp.113, 114, etc. § Ibid., p. 114. II Ibid., vol. vii., pp. 72-77. 1 "Records of the Past," vo.. v, p. 129; "Trans, of Bibl. Arch Soc, vol. vii., p. 219. NOTICES IN DANIEL. 47 above all the other deities of his pantheon. He does not worship him exclusively, but he worships . him mainly ; and when engaged in the contemplation of his greatness, scarcely takes into account the existence of any other deity. No other Babylonian king is so markedly the votary of one god as Nebuchadnezzar ; though, no doubt, something of a similar spirit may be traced in the inscriptions of Kham- murabi, of Neriglissar, and of Nabonidus. Besides the main traits of character, of which we have hitherto spoken, there are certain minor features in the biblical portraiture which seem entitled to mention. Nebu chadnezzar is brave and energetic. He leads his armies in person (2 Kings xxiv. 1, 10 ; xxv. 1 ; Jer. xxi. 2 ; xxiv. 1 ; xxxiv. 1, etc.), presses his enterprises vigorously, is not easily discouraged or rebuffed, has the qualities of a good general, is brave, " bold in design, and resolute in action." * His own inscriptions so far agree, that they represent him as making war upon Egypt, f as desiring " the conquest of his enemies' land," } and as looking forward to the ac cumulation at his great Babylonian temple of " the abundant tribute of the kings of. nations and of all people." § Profane historians go far beyond this ; they represent him as one of the greatest of conquerors. Berosus ascribes to him the con quest of Syria, Phoenicia, Egypt, and Arabia ! || Abydenus says that he was " more valiant than Hercules," and not only reduced Egyjjt, but subdued all Libya, as far as the Straits of Gibraltar, and thence passing over into Spain, conquered the Iberians, whom he took with him to Asia, and settled in the country between Armenia and the Caucasus ! IT Menander and Philostratus spoke of his thir- teen-years-long siege of Tyre ; ** and Megasthenes put him on a par with Sesostris and. Tirhakah.ff The religion of Nebuchadnezzar was, as might have been expected, tinged with superstition. We are told in Script ure that on one occasion a " king of Babylon," who can be no other than he, in one of his military expeditions, " stood * G. Smith, "History of Babylonia," p. 166. t " Transactions of Society of Bibl. Archeology," vol. vii., p. 220. X " Records of the Past," vol. vii., p. 77. § Ibid., vol. v., p. 135. , II "See the fragments of Berosus in the "Fr. Hist. Gr.," vol. ii., fr. 14 IT Ibid., vol. iv., p. 283, Fr. 9. ** Ap. Joseph., Ant. Jud., x. 11, § 1, subfln. tt Ap. Strab., xv. 1, § 6. 48 EGYPT AND BABYLON. at the parting of the way, at the head; of the two ways, to use divination. He made his arrows bright (or rather, ' he shook his arrows ') ; he consulted with images ; he looked in the" liver. At his right hand was the divination for Jerusalem " (Ezek. xxi, 21, 22). That is to say, having come to a certain point on his march, where the road parted, leading on the right hand towards Jerusalem, and on the left towards Rabbath of Ammon, instead of deciding on his course by military considerations, he employed divination, and allowed his campaign to be determined by a use of lots and a consultation of the entrails of victims. He showed an equal superstitiousness when, as we read on the Borsippa cylinder,* he could not allow himself to commence the work of restoration, which the great temple of the Seven Spheres so imperatively needed, until he had first waited for " a fortunate month," and in that fortunate month found an " auspicious day." Then, at length, " the bricks of its wall, and the slabs that covered it, the finest of them, he collected, and rebuilt the ruins firmly. Inscriptions written in his own name he placed within it, in the finest apartments (?), arid of completing the upper part he made an end." t It has been said that all Babylonian kings were equally supersti tious, and even that " the Babylonians never started on an expedition, or commenced any work, without consulting the omens," } but no proof has been given of this assertion, and certainly neither Neriglissar nor Nabonidus relate that they waited for " fortunate days " to commence their works of restoration. No doubt there are points in the character of Nebuchad nezzar with respect to which neither his own inscriptions nor the remains of classical antiquity furnish any illustration. His hasty and violent temper, quick to take offence, and rushing at once to the most extreme measures (Dan. ii. 9, 12 ; iii. 13, 19), is known to us only from the Book of Daniel, and the writers who follow that book in their account of him ; e.g., Josephus. His readiness to relent, and his kindly impulse to make amends (ch. ii. 46, 49 ; iii. 26-30), are also traits unnoticed by profane authors, and unapparent in his inscriptions. But no surprise ought to be felt at this. We « couldonly expect to find evidence of such qualities in in scriptions of a different character from those which have * " Sir H. Rawlinson in the author's " Herodotus," vol. ii., p. 586. t " Records of the Past," vol. vii., p. 77. i Ibid.," vol. v , p. 58. NOTICES IN DANIEL. 49 come down to us. Should the annals of Nebuchadnezzar ever be recovered, and should they be on the scale of those left by Asshur-bani-pal, or even those of Sennacherib, Sargon, and other earlier Assyrian kings, we might not improbably meet with indications of the great king's moods and tempera ment. The one historical inscription which we have is insufficient for the purpose. As originally written, extended only to thirty lines, and of these there is not one which is not mutilated.* Nor are the remains of the profane histo rians who treat of his time such as naturally to supply the deficiency. Of the account which Berosus gave of him, we possess but one considerable fragment ; of Abydenus, we have two shorter ones ; the remaining writers furnish only a few sentences or a few lines. It is unfortunate that this should be so ; but so it is. Had the " Babylonian History" of Berosus come down to us complete, or had kind fate permitted .that Antimenides, the brother of Alcaeus, should have written, and time have spared a record of his Babylonian experiences, the slighter details and more delicate shades of the monarch's character might have been laid open to us. At present we have to content ourselves with treating the broader features and more salient points of a character that was not without many minor tones and some curious com plications. * See " Transactions of Soc. of Bibl. Arch," vol. vii., pp. 218-222. 50 EGYPT AND BABYLON. CHAPTER VI. FURTHER NOTICES OF BABYLON IN DANIEL. " The king spake, and said, Is not this great Babylon, that I have built for the house of the kingdom by the might of my power, and for the honor of my majesty ? " — Dan. iv. 30. When we think of the enormous size of Babylon, ac cording to the most trustworthy accounts, it seems a most audacious boast on the part of any one man, that he had built the whole of it. According to Herodotus,* who rep resents himself as having visited the city about b. c. 450, the walls formed a circuit of 480 stades, or fifty-five miles, enclosing a square space, which was 120 stades, or nearly fourteen miles each way. Strabo reduced the circuit to 385 stades, f Quintus Curtius to 368, } Clitarchus to 365, § and Ctesias to 360. || If we accept the smallest of these estimates, it will give us a square of above ten miles each way, and con sequently an area of above a hundred square miles. This is a space four times as great as that of Paris within the enceinte, and fully double that of London within the bills of mor tality. No doubt it is true that only a portion of this immense area was covered by buildings. The district within the walls represented a vast entrenched camp, more than what we now mean by a city.H Aristotle remarks with respect to it : " It is not walls by themselves that make a town. Otherwise one would only have to surround the Peloponnese with a wall [in order to constitute it a city]. The case is the same with Babylon and all other towns, the walls of which enclose rather a nation than a body of citizens." ** Large portions of the space enclosed were occupied by gardens, orchards, and palm groves ; some part of it was even devoted to the culti vation of corn. It was calculated that, in case of a siege, * Herod., i. 178. t Strab., xvi. 1, § 5. i Tit. Alex. Magn., v. 1. § Ap. Diod. Sic, ii. 7, § 3. || Ibid T Lenormant, "Manuel d'Histoire Ancienne," vol. ii., p. 226. ** Aristot. Pol, iii., 1, sub. Jin. NOTICES IN DANIEL. 51 the inhabitants might, by making the best use of all the unoccupied ground, raise grain sufficient for their own con sumption.* Still, the area devoted to buildings was very large. The royal quarter, or palatial inclosure, as arranged by Nebuchadnezzar, seems to have extended some miles, both in length and breadth. Outside this was the city proper, laid out on a regular plan, in streets cutting each other at right angles,")" like Manheim and most American cities. The extent ' of this can only be guessed, for " the ninety stades " of Curtius is excessive as a diameter, insufficient as a circumference. The height and massive character of the buildings was as remarkable as the area that they covered. Even the -ordinary houses of the inhabitants were, in many instances, three or four stories high.} The solidity and strength of the walls was most extraordinary. Herodotus estimates their width at fifty, their height at two hundred cubits. § He adds that the cubit of which he speaks is one of unusual length. Diodorus Siculus, who follows Ctesias, agrees almost exactly as to the height, which he makes fifty fathoms, || or three hun dred ordinary feet. Pliny, IT and Solinus ** reduce the three hundred feet of Diodorus to two hundred and thirty-five ; while Strabo, who may be supposed to follow the historians of Alexander, makes a further and still greater reduction, estimating the height at no more than seventy-five feet.ft Even this low figure implies a mass of brickwork amounting to thirteen hundred and ninety millions (1,390,000,000) of square feet, and would have required for its construction at least three times that number of the largest bricks known to the Babylonians. If we accept the estimate of height given by Pliny and Solinus, we must multiply these amounts by three ; if we prefer that of Diodorus, by four ; if that of Herodotus, by four and a half. On the supposition that Herodotus has correctly reported the dimensions of the wall in his day, to build it would have required eighteen thousand seven hundred and sixty-five millions (18,765,000,000) of the largest Babylonian bricks known to us. The royal quarter, or palatial enclosure, of Nebuchad nezzar's time, comprised three, or according to some, }} four * Q. Curt., 1. s. c. t Herod., i. 180. X Herod., i. 180. § Ibid., i. 178. || Diod. Sic. ii. 7, § 3. T II. JV.,vi. 26. ** "Polyhist,"§60. tt Strah, xvi. 1, § 5. { J: Op pert, "Expedition Scientifique en M^sopotamie," vol. i., Plan of Babylon. 52 EGYPT AND BABYLON. principal buildings. These were the old palace, the new palace, the hanging gardens, and (if we allow it to have been a sort of adjunct to the palace) the great temple of Bel- Merodach. It was also guarded by a wall, which Herodotus declares to have been " very little inferior in strength " to the outer wall of the city ; * and it contained further a vast artificial reservoir.")" Some account must be given of these various buildings and constructions before we can appreciate fully Nebuchadnezzar's greatness as a builder. The " old palace " seems to be represented by the modern " mound of Amram." This is a huge mass of ruins, almost triangular in its present shape, occupying the more Southern portion of the ancient " royal city." It is about a thousand' yards along its south-western or principal side, which faced the river, and has perhaps been washed into its present re ceding line by water action. The northern face of the mound measures about seven hundred yards, and the eastern about eight hundred, the triangle being thus scalene, with its shortest side, facing northward.} The mound is deeply furrowed with ravines, worn by the rains in the friable soil ; its elevation above the level of the plain is nowhere very considerable, but amounts in places to about fifty or sixty feet.§ Excavators have driven galleries into it in various directions, but have found little to reward their labors ; no walls or distinct traces of buildings of any kind have pre-. sented themselves. A few bricks, belonging to early kings of Babylon, are all that it has yielded, — enough, perhaps, to confirm the conjecture that it represents the site of the " old palace," but otherwise uninteresting. The huge mass seems to be, in reality, less a palace than a mound — the basis or substratum on which once stood a royal edifice, which has now wholly disappeared. It was no doubt purely artificial ; but whether originally constructed of unbaked bricks, or merely of the natural soil of the country, may be doubted. At present it consists wholly of a soft and friable mould, interspersed with a few fragments of bricks. The mound covers a space of about thirty-seven acres. || If the " mound of Amram " represent the " old palace " * Herod., i. 181. t See the "Standard Inscription of Nebuchadnzzar " in the author's " Herodotus," vol ii., p. 587. % See the author's "Ancient Monarchies," vol. ii., p. 179, 180. § Rich, "Memoir on the Ruins of Babylon," p. 61. || Oppert, "Expedition Scieritifique," vol. i., p. 157. NOTICES IN DANIEL. 53 of the Babylonian kings, the " new palace," which adjoined "* it,* can scarcely fail to be correctly identified with the "- great mound " which immediately succeeds the Amram mound towards the north, and, according to some writers, is connected with it by a broad causeway. f The name Kasr, or " palace," still attaches to this mass of ruins. The " Kasr mound " is an oblong square, about seven hundred yards long by six hundred broad, with the sides facing the cardinal points.} Like the Amram hill, it is wholly of artificial origin, but is composed of somewhat better material, as loose bricks, tiles, and fragments of stones. It contains at least one sub terranean passage, which is seven feet high, floored and walled with baked bricks, and roofed over with great blocks of sandstone, which reach from side to side. This passage may have been either a secret exit or a gigantic drain — more probably the latter. On the summit of the mound (which is seventy feet above the level of the plain), not very far from the centre, are the remains ol the palace proper, from which. the mound is named. This is a building of excellent brick masonry, in a wonderful state of preservation, consist ing of walls, piers, and buttresses, and in places ornamented with pilasters, but of too fragmentary a character to furnish the modern inquirer with any clue to the original plan of the edifice. Probably it did not greatly differ from the palaces of the Assyrian monarchs at Nimrud, Koyunjik, and Khor- sabad, consisting, like them, of a series of courts, great halls, galleries, and smaller apartments, ornamented throughout with sculptured or painted figures, and with inscriptions in ~ places. Fragments of the ornamentation have been found. One of these is a portion of a slab of stone, representing a frieze, where the abacus was supported by a series of figures •of gods, sculptured in low relief; with their names attached to them.§ The remainder are, for the most part, fragments of bricks, one side of which was painted in bright colors, and covered with a thick enamel or glace. " The principal col ors are a brilliant blue, red, a deep yellow, white, and black." || Portions of the figures of men and animals have been de tected upon these fragments, which are so numerous as fully _ * Berosus, ap. Joseph, " Ant. Jud." x. 11, § 1. f Rich, p. 62. } " Ancient Monarchies," vol. ii., p. 178. § "Ancient Monarchies," vol ii., p. 194. II Layard, " Nineveh and. Babylon," p. 507. 54 EGYPT AND BABYLON. to bear out the statement of Diodorus,* that the palace walls were artistically adorned with colored representations of war scenes and hunting scenes, wherein the kings, and sometimes the queens, were depicted on horseback or on foot, contending with leopards or with lions, and with spear or javelin dealing them their death stroke. Such were the " men portrayed upon the wall," which the Jewish captives saw at Babylon, and on which they doted ; " the images of the Chaldeans portrayed with vermillion, girded with girdles upon their loins, exceeding in dyed attire upon their heads, all of them princes to look to, after the manner of the Baby lonians of Chaldea, the land of their nativity " (Ezek. xxiii. 14, 15). The palace is said to have been further ornamented with statues ;t and the figure of a colossal lion, which stands upon the mound, north-east of the Kasr building, may lend a certain support to this statement. The "hanging gardens" were regarded as one of the seven wonders of the world.} They were said to have been constructed for the delectation of a Median princess, who disliked the flat monotony of the Babylonian plain, and longed for something that might remind her of the irregularities of nature in her own country.§ The construction is described in terms which are somewhat difficult to understand ; but, by comparing the several accounts, || we gather that the structure was a square, 400 feet each way, elevated to the height of at least 150 feet, and consisting of several tiers of arches, superimposed one upon another, after the manner employed by the Romans in the construction of their amphi theatres. The building was divided into as many stories as there were tiers of arches, the number of these being uncer tain, and was supported by internal walls of great thickness. In these stories were many palatial apartments, where visit ors rested on their way to the upper terrace; and in the uppermost story was a room containing hydraulic machinery, whereby water was raised from the Euphrates to the level of the garden itself. This was superimposed on the uppermost tier of arches, and was a flat surface composed of four layers ; first, one of reeds mixed with bitumen ; next, one of brick work, then one of lead, and finally a thick layer of earth, * Diod. Sic, ii. 8. f Ibid. X Abydenus, Fr. 9. ad Jin. ; Strab., xvi. 1, § 5. § Berosus, Fr. 14. II Those of Diod. Sic. (ii. 10), Strabo (xvi. 1, § 5), and Q. Curtius (v. 1). NOTICES IN DANIEL. 55 affording ample depth for the roots of the largest trees. The garden was planted with trees and shrubs of various kinds, and possibly with flowers, though they are not mentioned. A spacious pleasure-ground was thus provided as an adjunct to the palace, where royalty was secure from observation, and where the delights of umbrageous foliage, flashing fountains, gay flower-beds, and secluded walks could be obtained at the cost of mounting a staircase somewhat longer than those of our great London and Paris hotels. The great temple of Bel-Merodach is probably identified with the massive ruin which lies due north of the Kasr mound, at the distance of about a mile. This is a vast pile of brickwork, of an irregular quadrilateral shape, with pre cipitous sides furrowed by ravines, and with a nearly flat top.* Of the four faces of the ruin, the southern seems to be the most perfect. It extends a distance of two hundred yards, or almost exactly a stade, and runs nearly in a straight line from east to west. At its eastern extremity it forms a right angle with the east face, which runs nearly due north for about one hundred and eighty yards, also almost in a straight line. The other two faces are very much worn away, but probably in their original condition corresponded to those already described. The building was thus not an exact square, but a parallelogram, with the shorter sides propor tioned to the longer as nine to ten. The ruin rises towards its centre, where it attains an elevation of nearly one hun dred and forty feet. It shows signs of having been enclosed within a precinct. Beyond a dojibt, it is the edifice which Herodotus describes as follows : — " In the other division of the town was the sacred precinct of Jupiter Belus, a square enclosure two stades each way, with gates of solid brass ; which was also remaining in my time. In the middle of the precinct there was a tower of solid masonry, a stade both in length and in breadth, upon which was raised a second tower, and upon that a third, and so on up to eight. The ascent to the top is on the outside, by a path which winds round all the towers. When one is about half-way up, one finds a rest ing-place and seats, where persons are wont to sit some time on their way to the summit. On the topmost tower there is a spacious temple, and inside the temple stands a couch of unusual size, richly adorned, with a golden table by its side * See " Ancient Monarchies," vol. ii., pp. 177, 178. 56 EGYPT AND BABYLON. The temple contains no image." * Herodotus adds : " Below, in the same precinct, there is a second temple, in which is a sitting figure of Jupiter, all of gold. Before the figure stands a large golden table ; and the throne whereon it sits, and the base on which the throne is placed, are likewise of gold. The Chaldeans told me that all tlie gold together was eight hundred talents in weight. Outside this temple are two altars, one of solid gold, on which it is only lawful to offer sucklings ; the other a common altar, but of great size, on which the full-grown animals are sacrificed." f The lower temple has disappeared, as have the altars and the upper stages of the Great Temple tower; but the massive basis remains a solid piece of brickwork containing about four millions of square feet, and requiring for its construction at least twelve millions of the largest bricks made by the Baby lonians. If the upper stages at all resembled those of the - Great Temple of Borsippa, the bricks needed for the entire building must have been three times as many. The artificial reservoir attached to the new palace is often mentioned in the inscriptions of Nebuchadnezzar.} It was called the Yapur-Shapu, and was probably of an oblong square shape, with sides protected by a massive facing of burnt brick. If we accept the identification of its site suggested by Sir H. Rawlinson, § we must assign it a width of about a hundred yards, and a length of nearly a mile. Among the other marvels of Babylon, according to the ancient writers, were a tunnel and a bridge. The tunnel was carried under the bed of the Euphrates, and was an arched passage, lined throughout with baked brick laid in bitumen, the lining having a thickness of twenty bricks. The width of the tunnel was fifteen feet, and its height, to the spring of the arch, twelve feet.|| The length was about a thousand yards, or considerably more than half a mile. The bridge was a structure composed of wood, metal, and stone. In the bed of the Euphrates were built a number of strong stone piers, at the distance of twelve feet apart, which presented to the current a sharp angle that passed "gradually into a gentle curve. The stones were massive, and fastened * TTerod., i. 181. t Ibid., i. 183. t " Records of the Past," vol. v., pp. 125, 126, 130, etc. § See the author's " Herodotus," vol. hi., p. 580. || Diod. Sic, ii. 9. NOTICES IN DANIEL. 57 together by clamps of iron and lead.* From pier to pier was stretched a platform of wood, composed of cedar and cypress beams, together with the stems of palms, each platform being thirty feet in width.f The length of the bridge, like that of the tunnel, was a thousand yards.} We have now to consider to what extent these various constructions may be regarded as the work of Nebuchad nezzar, and how far therefore he may be viewed as justified in his famous boast. First, then, we have it distinctly stated both by Berosus -§ and by himself, || that the new palace, which adjoined the old, was completely and entirely built by him. The same is declared, both by Berosus IT and Aby denus, ** of the " hanging gardens." The former of these statements is confirmed by the fact that the bricks of the Kasr are, one and all of them, stamped with his name. The old palace he did not build ; but, as he tells us, carefully re- paired.ft The Yapur-Shapu, was also an ancient con struction ; but he seems to have excavated it afresh, and to 'have executed the entire lining of its banks.}} With respect to the great Temple of Bel-Merodach, if we may believe his own account, it had gone completely to ruin before his day, and required a restoration that was equivalent to a rebuild ing^ § Here, again, we have the confirmation of actual fact, since the inscribed bricks from the Babil mound bear in every instance the name and titles of Nebuchadnezzar. Eight other Babylonian temples are also declared in his inscriptions to have been built or rebuilt by him. || || But his greatest work was the reconstruction of the walls. We have seen their enor mous length, breadth, and thickness, even according to the lowest estimates. Nebuchadnezzar found them dismantled and decayed — probably mere lines of the earthen rampart, such as enclose great part of the ruins to-day. He gave them the dimensions that they attained — dimensions that made them one of the world's wonders. It is this which is his great boast in his standard inscription : " Imgar-Bel and Nimiti-Bel, the great double wall of Babylon, 1 built. Butresses for the embankment of its ditch I completed. Two * Herod., i. 186. t Diod., Sic, ii. 8. X Ibid. § Ap. Joseph., " Ant. Jud., x. 11, § 1. II " Records of the Past," vol. v., pp. 130, 131. IT Berosus, 1. s. c. ** Abydenus, Fr. 9, sub fin. tt Sir H. Rawlinson in the author's "Herodotus," vol. ii., p. 588. XX Ibid., p. 587. , §§ "Records of the Past," vol. v., p. 119. |||| Ibid., pp. 122, 12& 58 EGYPT AND BABYLON. long embankments with cement and brick I made, and with * the embankment which my father had made I joined them. I strengthened the city. Across the river, westward I built the wall of Babylon with brick." * And again, " The walls of the fortress of Babylon, its defence in war, I raised ; and the circuit of the city of Babylon I have strengthened skil fully." f Nebuchadnezzar, it may be further remarked, did not confine his constructive efforts to Babylon. Abydenus tells us, that, besides his great works at the capital, he excavated two large canals, tho Nahr-Agane and the Nahr-Malcha ; } the latter' of which is known from later writers to have been a broad and deep channel connecting the Tigris with the Euphrates. He also, according' to Abydenus, dug a huge reservoir near Sippara which was one hundred and forty miles in circumference, and one hundred and eighty feet deep, furnishing it with flood-gates, through which the water could be drawn off for purposes of irrigation. Abydenus adds, that he built quays and break-waters along the shores of the Persian Gulf, and at the same time founded the city, of Teredon, on the sea coast, as a defence against the incur sion of the Arabs. The inscribed bricks of this great monarch shows a still niore inexhaustible activity. They indicate him as the com- plete restorer of the temple of Nebo at Borsippa, § the mighti est of all the ruins in Mesopotamia, by some identified with the biblical " tower of Babel." They are widely spread over the entire country, occurring at Sippara, at Cutha, at Kal-wadha (Chilmad ?> :n the vicinity of Baghdad, and at scores of other sites. It is a calculation of Sir Henry Rawlin- son's, that nine-tenths of the bricks brought from Mesopo tamia are inscribed with the name of Nebuchadnezzar, the son of Nabopolassar. " At least a hundred sites," says the same writer, " in the tract immediately about Babylon, give evidence, by bricks bearing his legend, of the marvelous activity and energy of this king." || His inscriptions add, that, besides the great temple of * Ibid., p. 125. Compare the author's "Herodotus," vol. ii., p. 5S7. t " Records of the Past." vol. v., pp. 133, 134. X Abydenus, 1. s. c t Compare his inscription, " Records of the Past," vol. vii., pp. 75-78. II " Commentary on the Inscriptions of Babylonia and Assyria," p. 76. NOTICES IN DANIEL. 59 Nebo, or of the Seven Spheres, at Borsippa, he built there at least five others,* together with a temple to the Moon- god at Beth-Ziba,f and one to the Sun-god at Larsa, or Sen- kareh.} Altogether there is reason to believe that he was one of the most indefatigable of all the builders that have left their mark upon the world in which we live. He covered Babylonia with great works. He was the Augustus of Babylon. He found it a perishing city of unbaked clay ; he left it one of durable burnt brick, unless it had been for human violence, capable of continuing, as the fragment of the Kasr has continued, to the present day. * " Records of the Past," vol. v., p. 123. t Ibid., p. 124. 1 Ibid., vol. vii., pp. 71, 72. 60 EGYPT AND BABYLON. CHAPTER VII. NOTICES OF BABYLON IN JEREMIAH AND EZEKIEL. The Books of Jeremiah and Ezekiel contain numerous allusions, some prophetic, others historic, to the wars in which Nebuchadezzar was engaged, or was to be engaged. A certain number of these notices refer to wars, which arc also mentioned in Chronicles or Kings, and which have conse quently already engaged our attention.* But others touch ujjon campaigns which Kings and Chronicles ignore, either on account of their lying outside the geographic range of the writer's vision, or from their being subsequent in point of time to the event which they view as constituting the close of their narratives. The campaigns in question are especi ally those against Tyre and Egypt, which are touched by both writers, but most emphatically dwelt upon by Ezekiel. I. The war against Tyre. Ezekiel's description of this war is as follows : — " Thus saith the Lord God, Behold, I will bring upon Tyrus Nebu chadrezzar, king of Babylon, a king of kings, from the north with horses and with chariots, and with horsemen, and companies, and much people. He shall slay with tbe sword thy daughters in the field ; and he shall make a fort against thee, and cast a mount against thee, and lift up the buckler against thee. And he shall set engines of war against thy walls, and with his axes he shall break down thy towers. By reason of the abundance of his horses, their dust shall cover thee; thy walls shall shake at the noise of the horsemen, and of the wheels, and of the chariots, when he shall enter into thy gates, as men enter into a city wherein is made a breach. With the hoofs of his horses shall he tread down all thy streets : he shall slay thy people by the sword, and thy strong garrisons shall go down to the ground. And they shall make a spoil of thy riches and make a prey of thy merchan dise ; and they shall break down thy walls, and destroy thy pleasure houses ; and they shall lay thy stones and thy timber and thy dust in the midst of the water. And I will cause the noise of thy songs to cease ; and the sound of thy harp shall be no more heard. And I wiU make *S_e above, ch. iii. NOTICES IN JEREMIAH AND EZEKIEL. 61 thee like the top of a rock ; thou shalt be a place to spread nets upon ; thou shalt be built no more, for I, the Lord, have spoken it, saith the Lord God."— Ezek. xxvi. 7-14. It is evident, from the entire character of the descrir> tion, that the city attacked is — mainly, at any rate — not the island Tyre, but the ancient upon the continent, Palaetyrus, as the Greeks called it, which occupied a position directly opposite to the island, upon the sea-shore. Nebuchadrezzar, as he is* correctly named,* fully established in his empire, not merely a " king of Babylon," but a " king of kings," comes with such an army as Polyhistor described him as bringing against Judaea,} to attack the Phoenician town. He brings " horses and chariots, and horsemen and companies, and much people." Polyhistor gives him, on the former occasion, ten thousand chariots, one hundred and twenty thousand horsemen, and one hundred and eighty thousand footmen. He proceeds to invest the city after the fashion commonly adopted by the Assyrian monarchs, and inherited from them by the Babylonians. Having constructed a mov able fort or tower, such as we see in the Assyrian bas-reliefs,} he brings it against the walls, while at the same time he " raises a mount " against them, from which to work his engines and shoot his arrows with the better effect. § His men " lift up the buckler," as the Assyrians do while they mine the walls or fire the gates ; while his " engines " ply their strokes, and his bravest soldiers, " with axes," or rather " swords" — often used by the Assyrians for the purpose || — seek to "break down the towers." His efforts are successful, and a breach is made ; the horsemen and chariots, as well as the footmen, enter the town ; there is the usual carnage and plundering that accompany the storming of a stronghold ; and, finally, there is a destruction or dismantling of the place, more or less complete. It is remarkable that the siege and capture of the island city obtain no distinct mention. Some have supposed that it was not taken ; but this is scarcely compatible with the words of the " Lament for Tyre," or with the " isles shak ing at the sound of her fall " (Ezek. xxvi. 15, 18). Probably the two cities were so bound together that the conquest of * Nebuchadrezzar exactly corresponds to the Nabu-kudurri-uzur of the inscriptions. t Alex. Polyhist., Fr. 34 i "Ancient Monarchies," vol. i. p. 274. § Ibid., p. 275. II Ibid. 62 EGYPT AND BABYLON. the one involved the surrender of the other, and Nebuchad, nezzar, master of the Old Tyre, experienced no resistance from the New. The annalists of Tyre, though little disposed to dwell upon a passpge of history so painful to patriotic men, were forced to admit the fact of the siege by Nebuchadnezzar, and even to give some account of it. They stated that it took place in the reign of a certain Ithobalus (Eth-Baal), and that the Tyrians offered a resistance almost without a parallel. They were besieged continuously for thirteen years. * The brief extracts from their works, which are all that we possess of them, do not say whether the siege was successful or the contrary ; but it is scarcely conceivable that the great monarch would have allowed his efforts to be baffled, and it is certain that he carried a large number of Phoenician captives to Babylonia, whom he settled in various parts of the country, f The fact of Nebuchadnezzar's siege of Tyre having lasted thirteen years, throws considerable light on another passage of Ezekiel. In the twenty-seventh year of the captivity of Jehoiachin (b. c. 573), the word of the Lord came to Ezekiel, saying:— " Son of man, Nebuchadrezzar, king of Babylon, caused his army to serve a great service against Tyrus ; every head was made bald, and every shoulder was peeled ; yet had he no wages, nor his army, for Tyrus, for the service he had served against it. Therefore thus saith the Lord God : Behold, I will give the land of Egypt unto Nebuchadrezzar, king of Babylon ; and he shall take her multitude, and take her spoil, and take her prey; and it shall be the wages for his army. I have given him the land of Egypt for his labor where with he served against it, because they wrought for Me, saith the Lord God."— Ezek. xxix. 18-20. The extraordinary length of the siege, in which men grew old and wore themselves out, explains the phrase, — "Every head was made bald, and every shoulder was peeled ; " and at the same time accounts for the fact that Nebuchadnezzar was considered to have received no wages, i.e., no sufficient wages, for his service, which had been very inadequately repaid by the plunder found in the exhausted city. * Menand. Ephes. ap. Joseph. Contr. Ap. i. 21 ; Philostrat. ap Joseph. Ant. Jud., x. 11. § 1. t Berosus. ap. Joseph., Ant. Jud., 1. s. c. NOTICES IN JEREMIAH AND EZEKIEL. 63 II. A great campaign in- Egypt. In the year of the destruction of Jerusalem, Jeremiah prophesied as follows : — • " Then came the Word of the Lord unto Jeremiah in Tahpanhes, saying, Take great stones in thine hand, and hide them in the clay in the brick-kiln, which is at the entry of Pharaoh' s house in Tahpanhes, in the sight of the men of Judah; and say unto them, Thus saith the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel: Behold, I will send and take Nebu chadrezzar the king of Babylon, my servant, and will set his throne upon these stones that I have hid, and he shall spread his royal pavil ion over-them. And when he cometh, he shall smite the land of Egypt, and deliver such as are for death to death; and such as are for captivity to captivity; and such as are for the sword to the sword. And I will kindle a fire in the houses of the gods of Egypt, and he shall burn them, and carry them away captives : and he shall array himself with the land of Egypt, as a shepherd putteth on his garment; and he shall go forth from thence in peace. He shall break also the images of Beth-shemesh, that is in the land of Egypt; and the houses of the gods of the Egyptians shall he burn with fire." — Jer. xliii. 8-13. Some time afterwards he delivered another prophecy (xlvi. 13-26) equally explicit, in which Migdol, Noph (Memphis), Tahpanhes (Daphna?), and No-Ammon (Thebes) were threatened ; and the delivery of the entire country and people into the hand of Nebuchadrezzar, king of Babylon, and into the hand of his servants, was foretold. Ezekiel delivered seven prophecies against Egypt, all of them having more or less reference to Babylon as the power which was to bring ruin upon the country, and two of them mentioning Nebuchadrezzar by name, as the monarch who was to inflict the chastisement (Ezek. xxix. 18, 19; xxx. 10). These prophecies are too long to quote in full. They are Chiefly remarkable 'as declaring the complete desolation of Egypt, and as fixing a term of years during which her degradation should continue. In chap. xxx. we find among the places which are to suffer, Sin or Pelusium, Zoan or Tanis, On or Heliopolis, Noph or Memphis, Tahpanhes or Daphnae, Pibeseth or Bubastis, and No-Ammon or Thebes. In chap. xxix. an even wider area is included. There we are told that the land of Egypt was to be " utterly waste and desolate from Migdol to Syene, * even unto the border of Ethiopia " (ver. 10). The time of Egypt's affliction is fixed at "forty years" (vers. 11-13), after which it is to recover, * There is no doubt that this is the proper rendering. " From the tower of Syene even unto the border of Ethiopia " would have no meaning, since Syene bordered on Ethiopia. 64 EGYPT AND BABYLON. but to be a '' base kingdom, " " the basest of the kingdoms " (ver. 15), no more " exalted above the nations," no more a ruler over nations external to itself. By the date of one of Ezekiel's prophecies (chap. xxix. 17-20), which is b. c. 573, it is evident that the great invasion prophesied had not then taken place, but was still impending. Nebuchadnezzar's attack must consequently be looked for towards the latter part of his long reign, which terminated in b. c 562, according to the Canon of Ptolemy. Until recently it would have been impossible to adduce any historical confirmation, or indeed illustration, of these prophecies. They were quoted by sceptical writers as proph ecies that had been unfulfilled. Herodotus, it was remarked, knew nothing of any invasion of Egypt by the Asiatics dur ing the reigns of either Apries or Amasis, with whom Nebu chadnezzar was contemporary, much less of any complete devastation of the entire territory by them. It was true that Josephus, anxious to save the reputation of his sacred books, spoke of an invasion'of Egypt by Nebuchadnezzar later than the destruction of Jerusalem, and even made him kill one king and set up another. * But he placed these events- in the fifth year after the fall of Jerusalem, that is in b. c. 581,. whereas Ezekiel's date, in his twenty-ninth chapter, showed that they had not happened by b. c. 573. Moreover, he con tradicted Egyptian history, which gave no change of sove reign till ten years after the time mentioned, or b. c. 571. It was difficult to meet these objectors formerly. Within the last few years, however, light has been thrown on the subject from two inscriptions — one Egyptian, which had been long known, but not rightly understood ; the other Babylonian, which was not discovered till 1878. The Egyp tian inscription is on a statue in the Louvre, which was originally set up at Elephantine by a certain Nes-Hor, an official of high rank whom Apries, the Egyptian monarch called in Scripture " Pharaoh-Hophra," had made " Governor off the south." This officer, according to the latest and best interpretation of his inscription, t writes as follows :— " I have caused to be made ready my statue ; my name will be perpetuated by means of it; it will not perish in this temple, inasmuch as I took care of the house, when it was * " Ant. Jud." x. 9, § 7. t See Dr. Wiedemann's paper in the "Zeitschrift fiir ^Egypt. Sprache " for 1878, p. 4. *" NOTICES IN JEREMIAH AND EZEKIEL. 65 injured by the foreign hordes of the Syrians,, the people of the north, the Asiatics, and the profane [who intended evil] in their heart ; for it lay in their heart to rise up, to bring into subjection the upper country. But the fear of thy majesty was upon them ; they gave up what their heart had planned. I did not let them advance to Konosso, but I let them approach the place where the majesty was. Then thy majesty made an [expedition] against them." It results from this inscription, that, while Apries was still upon the throne, there was an invasion of Egypt from the north. A host of Asiatics, whom the writer calls amu, i.e. Syrians, or, at any rate, Semites from the direction of Syria, poured into the country, and, carrying all before them, advanced up the valley of the Nile, threatening the subjection of the " upper country." Memphis and Thebes must have fallen, since the invaders reached Elephantine. Apparently they were bent on subduing, not only Egypt, but Ethiopia. But Nes-Hor checked their advance, he prevented them from proceeding further, he even forced them to fall back towards the north, and brought them into contact with an army which Apries had collected against them. The result of the contact is not mentioned ; but the invaders must have re tired, since Nes-Hor is able to embellish and repair the great temple of Kneph, which they have injured, and to set up his statue in it. The other inscription is, unfortunately, very fragmentary. The tablet on which it was written was of small size, and allowed space for only thirty — not very long — lines. All the lines are more or less mutilated. Of the first and sec ond oije word only remains ; of the twenty-fifth and twenty- eighth, only one letter. The twenty-ninth is wholly obliter ated. The termination alone remains of the last seven. Some lacunae occur in all the others. Still, the general purport is plain. Nebuchadnezzar addresses Merodach, and says, — "My enemies thou usedst to destroy; thou causedst my heart to rejoice ... in those days thou madest my hands to capture ; thou gavest me rest ; . . . thou causedst me to con struct; my kingdom thou madest to increase. . . . Over them kings thou exaltedst; his warriors, his princes, his paths, like ... he made ... to his army he trusted ... he hastened before the great gods. [In the] thirty-seventh year of Nebuchadnezzar king of the country [of Babylon, Nebuchad nezzar] to Egypt to make war went. [His army Ama]sis, 66 EGYPT AND BABYLON. king of Egypt, collected, and . . . [his soldiers] went, they , spread abroad. As for me (?).... a remote district, which is in the middle of the sea .... many . . . from the midst of the country of Egypt .... soldiers, horses, and chariots (?) ... for his help he assembled and ... he looked before him .... to his [army] he trusted and . . . fixed a command." * Nebuchadnezzar, evidently, in this inscription, speaks of an expedition which he personally conducted into Egypt, as late as his thirty-seventh year, which was b. c. 568, five years later than the date of Ezekiel's dated prophecy. The king, however, against whom he made war, was not Apries, whose name in Egyptian was Ua-ap-ra, but apparently Amasis, his successor, since it ended in -su, probably in -asM.f This may seem to be an objection against ref erring the two inscriptions to the same events, since Apries was still king when that of Nes-Hor was set up. But a reference to Egyptian history removes this difficulty. Amasis, it appears, ascended the throne in b.c. 571; but Apries did not die until b. c. 565. For six years the two monarchs inhabited the same palace at Sais,} and both bore the royal title. An Egyptian monu ment distinctly recognizes the double reign ; § the expedi tion of Nebuchadnezzar, being in b. c. 568, exactly falls into this interval. It was natural that Nebuchadnezzar should mention the active young king, who had the real power, and was his actual antagonist ; it was equally natural that Nes- Hor, an old employS under Apries, should ignore the upstart, and seek to do honor to his old master. Other wars of Nebuchadnezzar are thought to be glanced at in Scripture, as one with Elam, || to which there may be allusion in Jer. xlix. 35-38, and Ezek. xxxii. 24 ; one with the Moabites, perhaps in Ezek. xxv. 8-11 ; and one with Ammon, touched upon in Ezek. xxi. 20, 28-32, and xxv. 4-7. Josephus relates it as a historical fact, that he reduced both the Moabites and the Ammonites to subjection ; IT and there are some grounds for* thinking that he also made himself master of Elam ; but it cannot be said that these events are either confirmed or illustrated by profane writers, who make * " Transactions of Soc. of Bibl. Arch., vol. vii., pp. 218-222. t See the inscription in the " Transactions of Bibl. Arch. Soc," vol. vii. , p. 220, reverse, line 1. X Herod., ii. 169. § Champollion, " Monuments de l'Egypte," vol. iv., p. 443, No. 1. || G. Smith, "History of Babylonia," pp. 157, 158. 1 Joseph., " Ant. Jud.," x. 9, § 7. NOTICES IN JEREMIAH AND EZEKIEL. 67 no distinct mention of any of his wars, except those with the Jews, the Phoenicians, and the Egyptians. It was, however, widely recognized in antiquity that Nebuchadnezzar was a great general. His exploits were enormously exaggerated, since he was believed by some * to have conquered all North Africa and Spain, as well as the country between Armenia and the Caspian. But there was a basis of truth underlying the exaggerations. Nebuchad nezzar, at a comparatively early age, defeated Pharaoh- Necho at the great battle of Carchemish, conquered Coele- syria, and reduced Judaea to vassalage. Somewhat later he engaged in the difficult enterprise of capturing Tyre, and ex hibited a rare spirit of persistence and perseverance in his long siege of that town. His capture of Jerusalem, after a siege of eighteen months (2 Kings xxv. 1-4), was creditable to him, since Samaria, a place of far less strength, was not taken by the Assyrians until it had been besieged for three years (2 Kings xvii. 5). The reduction of Elam, if we may ascribe it to him, redounds still more to his honor, since the Elamites were a numerous and powerful nation, which had contended on almost even terms with the Assyrians from the time of Sargon to the close of the empire. The judgment of a good general was shown in the subjugation of Moab and Ammon, for it is essential to the security of Syria and Pales tine that the tribes occupying the skirt of the great eastern desert shall be controled and their ravages prevented. In Egypt Nebuchadnezzar probably met his most powerful ad versary, since under the rule of the Psammetichi Egypt had recovered almost her pristine vigor. Thus in this quarter the struggle for supremacy was severe and greatly prolonged. He contended with three successive Egyptian kings — Necho, Apries or Hophra, and Amasis. From Necho he took the whole tract between Carchemish and -the Egyptian frontier. Apries feared to meet him, and, after a futile demonstration, gave up the interference which he had meditated (Jer. xxxvii. 7). Amasis, who had perhaps provoked him by his expedition against Cyprus,} which Nebuchadnezzar would naturally regard as his, he signally punished by ravaging his whole territory, injuring the temples, destroying or carrying off the images of the gods, and making prisoners of many of the inhabitants. It is possible that he did more than this. N * As Megasthenes and Abydenus. t Herod, ii. 182. 68 EGYPT AND BABYLON. Egypt's degradation was to last for a long term of years.* It is not unlikely that Amasis became the vassal of Nebu chadnezzar, and his peaceful reign, and the material pros perity of his country,} were the result of a compact by which he acknowledged the suzerainty of Babylon, and bowed his head to a foreign yoke. *" Forty years" (Ezek. xxix. 11-13); but "forty years," in pro phetic language, is not to be taken literally. t Herod., ii., 177. NOTICES IN EZEKIEL. 69 CHAPTER VIII. FURTHER NOTICES OF BABYLON IN EZEKIEL. " A land of traffick ... a city of merchants." — Ezek. xvii. 4. This allusion to the commercial character of Babylon does not stand alone and unsupported in Scripture. Isaiah speaks of the Babylonian " merchants " (Isa. xlvii. 15). and describes the Chaldaeans as persons " whose cry is in their ships " (chap, xliii. 14). Ezekiel mentions Canneh (Calneh), arid Chilmad, Babylonian towns, among the places that carried on commercial dealings with Tyre (Ezek. xxvii. 23. In the Revelation of St. John the Divine, Babylon is made the type of a city, which is represented as eminently com mercial, as dealing in the " merchandise of gold, and silver, and precious stones, and of pearls, and fine linen, and purple, and silk, and scarlet, and all thyine wood, and all manner vessels of ivory, and all manner vessels of most precious wood, and of brass, and iron, and marble, and cinnamon, and odors, and ointments, and frankincense, and wine, and oil, and fine flour, and wheat, and beasts, and sheep, and horses, and chariots, and slaves, and the souls of men " (Rev. xviii. 12, 13). The object of the present chapter will be to show that the notices of Babylon in profane writers and in the in scriptions fully bear out the character thus assigned to her, showing that she was the centre of an enormous land and sea commerce, which must have given occupation to thou sands of merchants, and have necessitated the employment of numerous ships. Nothing is more evident in the Babylonian inscriptions, and also in those of Assyria which treat of Babylonian af fairs, than the large amount of curious woods, and the quan tity of alabaster and other stone, which was employed in the great constructions of the Babylonians, and which must necessarily have been imported from foreign countries. 70 EGYPT AND BABYLON. Babylonia being entirely alluvial is wholly destitute of stone and the only trees of any size that it produces are the cypress and the palm .* We find the Babylonian monarchs employ ing in their temples and palaces abundant pine and cedar trees, together with many other kinds of wood, which it is impossible to identify. Mention is made of " BabH-wood," " umritgana-wood," "ummakana-wood" " ri-wood," " ikki- wood,'* " surman-wood" " aswAw-wood," " musritkanna- wood," and " mesukan-wood." } Modern exploration has shown that among the building materials employed was teak,} but whether any one of these obscure names desig nates that species of timber is uncertain. What seems plain is that all these woods must have been imported. The teak must have come either from India, or possibly from one vi the islands in the Persian Gulf ; § there is evidence that the cedars and pines, together with the Babil-wood, were imported from Syria, being furnished by the forests that clothed the sides of Mounts Libanus and Amanus ; || there is no evidence with respect to the remainder, but they may have been derived from either Armenia, Assyria, or Susi- ana. Among the kinds of stone commonly used in building which must necessarily have been imported, were " alabaster blocks," " zamat stone," " durmina-turda and kamina-turda stone, zamat-hati .stone, and lapis lazuli." IT Xenophon speaks of the importation of " millstones " in his own day ; ** and, as Babylonia could not furnish them, they must always have come in from without. Sandstone and basalt, which are found in some of the ruins, could have been obtained from the adjacent parts of Arabia; but the alabaster, which has been also found, and the lapis lazuli, which was especially affected for adornment, must have been brought from a greater distance. Stones of the rarer and more precious kinds were also largely imported, to serve either as seals or as ornaments * See the author's " Ancient Monarchies," vol. iii., pp. 220-221. t " Records of the Past," vol. v., pp. 117-133; vol. vii., p. 75. X " Journal of the R. Asiat. Society," vol. xv. , p. 264. § As Heeren thinks, on the strength of a passage of Theophrastus ("As. Nat.," vol. ii.. pp. 258, 259). || " Records of the Past," vol. v., p. 119; vol. ix., p. 16; "Trans actions of Bibl Arch. Society," vol. vii., p. 154. IT " Records of the Past," vol. v., pp. 121, 125-127 ; vol. vii., p. 76, eta **Xen., "Anab.," i. 5, §5. NOTICES IN EZEKIEL. 71 of the person. Herodotus tells us that " every Babylonian carried a seal ; " * and the remains tend to confirm his testi mony, since Babylonian seals, either in the shape of signet rings or of cylinders, exist by thousands in European mu seums, and are still found in large numbers by explorers. They are chiefly made of onyx, jasper, serpentine, meteoric stone, lapis lazuli, and chalcedony, all substances that must have been introduced from abroad, since no one of them is produced by Babylonia. Babylonia must also have imported or else carried off from foreign countries, the whole of its metals. Neither -,-, gold, nor silver, nor copper, nor tin, nor lead, nor iron are among the gifts which Nature has vouchsafed to the south ern Mesopotamian region. No doubt her military successes enabled her to obtain from foreign lands, not by exchange but by plunder, considerable supplies of these commodities ; but besides this accidental and irregular mode of acquisition, there ,must have been some normal and unceasing source of supply, to prevent disastrous fluctuations, and secure a due provision for the constant needs of the country. Every im plement used in agriculture or in the mechanical trades had to be made of bronze, f the materials of which came from afar ; copper perhaps from Armenia, which still produces it largely, tin from Further India, or from Cornwall, through the medium of the Phoenicians.} Every weapon of war had to be supplied similarly ; all the gold and silver lavished on the doors and walls of temples, § on images of the gods or the dresses in which the images were clothed, || on temple tables, altars, or couches, IT on palace walls and roofs, ** on thrones, sceptres, parasols, chariots, and the like, ft or on bracelets, armlets, and other articles of personal adornment, had to be procured from some foreign land and to be con veyed hundred or thousands of miles before the Babylonians could make use of them. Another whole class of commodities which the Babylo nians are believed to have obtained from foreign countries * Herod., i. 195. t Iron was not absolutely unknown in ancient Babylonia; but al most all the weapons and implements found are of bronze. X Heroh.. iii. 115. $ "Records of the Past," vol. v., pp. 117-120; vol. vii., p. 75. t Ibid., vol. vii.. pp. 5, 6. II Herod., i. 181, 183; Diod. Sic. ii. 9. ** " Records of the Past," vol. v., pp. 131, 133. tt Ibid., vol. ix., p. 15. 72 EGYPT AND' BABYLON. comprises the raw materials for their clothes, and for the greater part of their fabrics.* Babylonia was not a country suitable for the rearing of sheep, and, if it produced wool at all, produced it only in small quantities ; yet the Babylonian wore ordinarily two woolen garments,} and some of their most famous fabrics were of the same material. Their other clothes were either linen or cotton ; but, so far as is known, neither flax nor the cotton plant was cultivated by them. Spices constituted another class of imports. In then religious ceremonies the Babylonians consumed frankincense} on an enormous scale ; and they employed it likewise in purifications^ They also used aromatic reeds in their sacri fices, || as did the Jews who were brought into contact with them.1T Whether they imported cinnamon from Ceylon or India,** may perhaps be doubted ; but the spices of Arabia were certainly in request, and formed the material of a regular traffic. ft All the wine consumed in Babylonia was imported from abroad. Babylonia was too hot, and probably also too moist, for the vine, which was not cultivated in any part of the country.}} A sort of spirit was distilled from dates, which the Greeks called " palm-wine,"§§ and this was drunk by the common people. But the wealthier classes could be content with nothing less than the juice of the grape ; || || and hence there was a continuous importation of real wine into the country, HIT where there prevailed a general luxuriousness of living. The trade must consequently have been considerable, and is not likely to have been confined to a single channel. There were several vine-growing countries not very remote from Babylon ; and a brisk commerce was in all probability carried on with most of them. Among other probable imports may be mentioned ivory and ebony, for the construction of rich furniture, pearls for personal adornment, rare woods for walking-sticks, dyes, Indian shawls, musical instruments, Phoenician asses, Indian dogs, and Persian greyhounds. Ivory and ebony which were brought to Solomon as * Heeren, " Asiatic Nations," vol. ii., p. 199. t Herod., i. 195. X Herod., i. 183. § Ibid., i. 198. || " Records of the Past," vol. vii., p. 140. f Jer. vi. 20, . ** As Heeren supposes ("As. Nat.," vol. ii., p. 240). tt Strabo, xvi. 1110. 11 Herod., i. 193. §§ Ibid || || Dan. i. 5 ; v. 1. It Ilerod.,-i. 194. NOTICES IN BABYLON. 73 early as b. c. 1000 (1 Kings x. 22), and which Tyre im ported from Dedan, on the Persian Gulf, in the time of Ezekiel (Ezek. xxvii. 15), can scarcely have been unknown to the Babylonians, through whose territory the Phoenician trade with Dedan must have passed. Pearls, which were worn by the Assyrians,* and supplied to Western Asia generally from the famous fisheries of Bahrien and Karrak, in the Persian Gulf,} were doubtless as much appreciated by the Babylonians as by other Asiatics ; and the pearl mer chants can scarcely have been permitted to carry their pre cious wares into the interior without leaving a fair share of them to the country whereto they must have brought them first of all. Rare wood for walking-sticks is mentioned as grown in Tylos,} another island in the Gulf, and would naturally be transported to the neighboring country, where walking-sticks were in universal use.§ The dyes which gave to Babylonian fabrics their brilliant hues came probably from India or Kashmir, an from yytH, "hairy, rough." t Quoted' by Ker Porter ("Travels," vol. ii., p. 336). X If the true interpretation of the word used be (as some think) " jackals," the statement made would be one of those fulfilled most clearly. NOTICES IN GENESIS. 113 CHAPTER XIII, NOTICES OF EGYPT IN GENESIS. "The sons of Ham : Cush, and Mizraim, and Phut, and Canaan " (Gen. x. 6). "And Mizraim begat Ludim, andAnanim, and Lehabim, -and Naphtuhim, and Pathrusim, and Casluhim (out of whom came Philistim), and Caphtorim." — Vers 13, 14. These are the first notices of Egypt which occur in Holy Scripture. The word Mizraim, which is here simply trans literated from the Hebrew (QHVP), is elsewhere, except in 1 Chron. i. 8, uniformly translated by " Egypt," or " the Egyptians." It undoubtedly designates the country still known to us as Egypt ; but the origin of the name is obscure. There is no term corresponding to it in the hieroglyphical inscriptions, where Egypt is called " Kam," or "Khem," " the Black (land)," or " Ta Mera," " the inundation country." The Assyrians, however, are found to have denominated the region "Muzur," or "Musr," and the Persians "Mudr," or "Mudraya," a manifest corruption. The present Arabic name is " Misr " ; and it is quite possible that these various forms represent some ancient Egyptian word, which was in use among the people, though not found in the hieroglyphics. The Hebrew " Mizraim " is a dual word, and signifies " the twoMizrs," or "the two Egypts," an expression readily in telligible . from the physical conformation of the country, which naturally divides itself into " Upper " and " Lower Egypt," the long narrow valley of the Nile, and the broad tract, known as the Delta, on the Mediterranean. We learn from the former of the two passages quoted above that the Egyptian people was closely allied to three others, viz., the Cushite or Ethiopian race, the people known to the Hebrews as " Phut," and the primitive inhabitants Of Canaan. The ethnic connection of ancient races is a matter rarely touched on by profane writers ; but the connection of the Egyptians with the Canaanites was asserted by Eupole- J14 EGYPT AND BABYLON. mus,* and a large body of classical tradition tends to unite them with the Ethiopians. The readiness with which Ethio pia received Egyptian civilization } lends support to the theory of a primitive identity of race ; and linguistic research, so far as it has been pursued hitherto, is in harmony with the supposed close connection. From the other passage (Gen. x. 13, 14) we learn that the Egyptians themselves were ethnically separated into a number of distinct tribes, or subordinate races, of whom the writer enumerates no fewer than seven. The names point to a geographic separation of the races, since they have their representatives in different portions of the Egyptian territory. Now this separation accords with, and explains, the strongly marked division of Egypt into "nomes," having conflicting usages and competing religious systems. It suggests the idea that the " nome " was the original territory of a tribe, and that the Egyptian monarchy grew up by an aggregation of nomes, which were not originally divisions of a kingdom, like counties, but distinct states, like the kingdoms of the Heptarchy. This is a view taken by many of the historians of ancient Egypt, derived from the facts as they existed in later times. It receives confirmation and explanation from the enumeration of Egyptian races — not a complete one, probably — -which is made in this passage. " Abraham went down into Egypt, to sojourn there . . . And it came to pass that, when Abram was come into Egypt, the Egyp tians beheld the woman (Sarai) that she was very fair. The princess a'so of Pharaoh saw her and commended her before Pharaoh ;' and the woman was taken into Pharaoh's house. And he entreated Abram well for her sake: and he had sheep, and oxen, and he-asses, and men-servants, and maid-servants, and she-asses, and camels. And the Lonn plagued Pharaoh and his house with great plagues, because of Sarai, Abram's wife. And Pharaoh called Abram, and said, What is this that thou hast done unto me ? Why dtfst thou not tell me that she was thy wife ? Why saidst thou, She is my Fister ? So I might have taken her to me to wife ; now therefore behold thy wife, take her, and go thy way. And Pharaoh commanded his men concerning him; and they sent him away, and his wife, and all that he. had."— Gbn. xii. 10-20. The early date of this notice makes it peculiarly interest- . ing. Whether we take the date of Abraham's visit as circ. B.C. 1920, with Usher, or, with others,} as a hundred and * See a fragment of Eupolemus quoted by Polyhistor in C. Miiller'a " Fr. Hist. Graec," vol. iii., p. 212, Fr. 3. t Herod, ii. 30. t As Mr. Stuart Poole (" Diet, of the Bible," vol. 1., p. 508). NOTICES IN GENESIS. 115 sixty years earlier, it seems almost certain that it must have fallen into the time of that "old Egyptian Empire" which preceded the great Hyksos invasion," and developed at that remote date the original Egyptian civilization. Does then the portraiture of the Egypt of this period resemble that of the ancient empire, as revealed to us by the monuments ? No doubt the portraiture is exceedingly slight, the main object of the writer, apparently, being to record an incident in the life of Abraham wherein he fell into sin. Still certain points are sufficiently marked, as the following: — 1. Egypt is a settled monarchy under a Pharaoh, who has princes (sarim) under him, at a time when the neighboring countries are oc cupied mainly by nomadic tribes under petty chiefs. 2. Reports are brought to Pharaoh by his princes with respect to foreigners who enter his country. 3. Egypt is already known as a land of plenty, where there will be corn and forage when famine has fallen upon Syria. 4. Domesticated animals are abundant there, and include sheep, oxen, asses, and camels, but (apparently) no horses. What has profane history to say on these four points ? First, then, profane history lays it down that a settled government was established in Egypt, and monarchical in stitutions set up, at an earlier date than in any other country. On this point Herodotus, Diodorus, and the Greek writers generally, are agreed, while the existing remains, assisted by the interpretation of Eanetho, point to the same result. It is not now questioned by any historian of repute but that the Egyptian monarchy dates from a time anterior to b. c 2000, while there are writers who carry it back to b. c 5004.* The title of the monarch, from a very remote antiquity,} was "Per-ao," or " the Great House,"} which the Hebrews would naturally represent by Phar-aoh (tl}T\Q)- He was, from the earliest times to which the monuments go back, supported by powerful nobles, or "princes," who were hereditary landed proprietors of great wealth. § Secondly, a scene in a tomb at Beni Hassan clearly shows that, under the Old Empire, foreigners on their arrival in the country, especially if they came with a train of at- * So Lenormant, following Mariette ("Manuel d'Histoire Anci- enne,"vol. i., p. 321). ¦„~ t See Canon Cook in the "Speaker's Commentary," vol. i. p. 478. X Compare the phrase "The Ottoman Porte." § Birch, " Egypt from the Earliest Times," pp. 44, 64, etc. 116 EGYPT AND BABYLON. tendants, as Abraham would (Gen. xiv. 14), were received at the frontier by the governor of the province, whose secre tary took down in writing their number, and probably their description, doubtless for the -purpose of forwarding a " report " to the court. Reports of this character, belong ing to later times, have been found, and are among the most interesting of the ancient documents. It was regarded as especially important to apprise the monarch of all that hap pened upon his north-eastern frontier, where Egypt abutted upon tribes of some considerable strength, whose proceed ings had to be watched with care. Thirdly, there is abundant evidence that, under the Old Empire, Egypt was largely productive, and kept in its granaries a great store of corn, which was available either for home consumption, or for the relief of foreigners on ocr casions of scarcity. In the time of the twelfth dynasty state- granaries existed, which were under the control of over seers appointed by the crown, who were officials of a high dignity, and had many scribes, or clerks, employed in carry ing out the details of their business.* Even private- per sons laid up large quantities of grain, and were able in bad seasons to prevent any severe distress, either by gratuitous distributions, or by selling their accumulations at a moderate price.} Fourthly, the domesticated animals in the early times include all those mentioned as given to Abraham by the Pharaoh with whom he came into contact, except the camel, while they do not include the horse. It was once denied } that the Egypt of Abraham's time possessed asses ; but the tombs of Ghizeh have shown that they were the ordinary beast of burden during the pyramid period, and that some times an individual possessed as many as seven or eight hundred. No trace has been found of camels in the Egyptian monuments, and it is quite possible that they were only em ployed upon the north-eastern frontier ; but the traffic be tween Egypt and the Sinaitic peninsula, which was certainly carried on by the Pharaohs of the fourth, fifth, sixth, arid twelfth dynasties, can scarcely have been conducted in any other way.§ For Abraham, a temporary sojourner in the * Birch, " Egypt from the Earliest Times," p. 63. t " Records of the Past," vol. xii., pp. 63, 64. } By Von Bohlen in his " Die Genesis erlautert." § Compare Gen. xxxvii. 25. NOTICES IN GENESIS. 117 land, about to return through the desert into Palestine, camels would be a most appropriate present, and thus their inclusion in the list of animals given is open to no reasonable objection, though certainly without confirmation from the remains hitherto discovered in Egypt. The omission from the list of the horse is, on the contrary, a most significant fact, since horses, so abundant in Egypt at the date of the Exodus (Exod. ix. 3 ; xiv. 1. 23 ; xv. 1, 21), were unknown under the early monarchy,* having been first introduced by the Hyksos, and first largely used by the kings of the- eigh teenth dynasty. "They lifted up their eyes, and looked, and, behold, a company of Ishmaelites came from Gilead, with their camels, bearing spicery, and balm, and myrrh, going to carry it down to Egypt . . and they sold Joseph to the Ishmaelites for twenty pieces of silver : and they brought Joseph into Egypt . . . and sold him intp Egypt unto Poti- phar, an officer of Pharaoh's, and captain of the guard." — Gen. xxxvii. 25-36. " The first thing here especially noticeable is that Egypt requires for its consumption large quantities of spices, and is supplied with them, not by direct commerce with Arabia across the Red Sea, as we might have expected, but by caravans of merchants, who reach Egypt through Gilead and Southern Palestine. Now the large consumption of spices by the Egyptians is witnessed by Herodotus, who tells us that, in the best method of embalming, which was em ployed by all the wealthier classes of the Egyptians, a large quantity of aromatics, especially myrrh and cassia, was necessary, the abdomen being not only washed out with an infusion of them, but afterwards filled up with the bruised spices themselves.} The Egyptian monuments show that aromatics were also required for the worship of the gods, es pecially Ammon. Not only do we continually see the priests with censers in their hands, in which incense is being, burnt, but we read of an expedition made tq the land of Punt for the .express purpose of bringing frankincense and frankin cense trees " for the majesty of the god Ammon," to " honor him with resin from the incense-trees, and by vases full of fresh incense."} It is observable, however, on this partic ular occasion,- the spicery imported came from Arabia, and * Birch, pp. 42, 82; Chabas, " Etudes sur l'Antiquite" Historique," p. 421. t Herod, ii. 86. i " Records of the Past," vol. x., pp. 18, 19. 118 EGYPT AND BABYLON. reached Egypt by sea, which may seem at first sight to be an objection to the existence of a caravan spice trade. But a consideration of the dates deprives this objection of all force. The expedition to Punt, which is spoken of as the first that ever took place, was sent by Queen Hatasu, and belongs to the eighteenth dynasty — the first of the New Empire. Joseph was sold into Egypt under the Middle Empire, and according to tradition,* was prime minister of Apepi, the " shepherd " king. The sea-trade with Punt for spices not being at that time open, the spices of Arabia could only be obtained by land traffic. The passage further implies the existence in Egypt at this time of a traffic in slaves, who were foreigners, and valued at no very high rate. The monuments prove slaves to have been exceedingly numerous under the Ancient Em pire. The king had a vast number ; the estates of the nobles were cultivated by them ; and a large body of hieroduli, or " sacred slaves," was attached to most of the temples. For eign slaves seem to have been preferred to native ones, and wars were sometimes undertaken less with the object of con quest or subjugation than with that of obtaining a profit by selling those who were taken prisoners in the slave market.} We have no direct information as to the value of slaves at this period from Egyptian sources, but from their abundance they were likely to be low-priced, and " twenty shekels " is very much the rate at which, judging from analogy, we should have been inclined to estimate them. " The Lord was with Joseph, and he was a prosperous man ; and he was in the house of his master, the Egyptian. And his master saw that the Lord was with him, and that the Lord made all that he did to prosper in his hand. And Joseph found grace in his sight, and he served him ; and he made him overseer over his house, and all that he had he put into his hand. And it came to pass from the time that he had made him overseer in his house, and over all that he had, that the Lord blessed the Egyptian's house for Joseph's sake ; and the bless ing of the Lord was upon all that he had in the house, and in the field. And he left all that he had in Joseph's hand, and he knew not aught he had, save the bread which he did eat. And Joseph was a goodly person and well-favored. And it came to pass after these things that his master's wife casther eyes upon Joseph; and she said, Lie with me. But he refused, and said unto his master's wife. Be hold, my master wotteth not what is with me in the house, and he hath committed all that he hath to my hand ; -there is none greater in * Syncellus, " Chronograph," p. 62, B. t Brugsch, " Hist, of Egypt," vol. i. p. 161. NOTICES IN GENESIS. 119 this house tharil; neither hath he kept back anything .from me but thee, because thou art his wife; how then can I do this great wicked ness, and sin against God ? And it came to pass, as she spake to Joseph day by day, that he hearkened not to her, to lie by her, or to be with her. And it came to pass about this trine that Joseph went into the house to do his business, and there was none of the men of the house there within. And she caught him by his garment,-saying, Lie with me;^and he left his garment in her hand, and fled, and got him out. And it came to pass when she saw that he had left his gar ment in her hand, and was fled forth, that she called unto the men of her house, and spake unto them saying, See he hath brought in an Hebrew unto us to mock us; he came in unto me to lie with me, and I cried with a loud voice ; and it came to pass, when he heard that I lifted up my voice and cried, that he left his garment with me, and fled, and got him out. And she laid up his garment by her until his lord came home. And she spoke unto him according to these words, saying, The Hebrew servant which thou hast brought unto us came in unto me to mock me ; and it came to pass, as 1 lifted up my voice and cried, that he left his garment with me and fled out. And it came to pass, when his master heard the words of his wife, which she spake unto him, saying. After this manner did thy servant to me, that his wrath was kindled. And Joseph's master took him and put him into the prison." — Gen. xxxix. 2-20. It has often been observed that this picture is in remark able harmony with the general tone of Egyptian manners and customs. The licentiousness of the women provoked the strictures of the Greek historians, Herodotus and Diodorus.* The liberty which they enjoyed of intermixing and convers ing with men, so contrary to the general Oriental practice, is fully borne out, by the tales of the Egyptian novelists, and by the scenes represented upon the monuments. The life of an Egyptian noble, at once a royal official and a landed pro prietor, with much to manage " in the field " (ver. 5) as well as in his house, is graphically sketched. The one garment of the slave is casually indicated by the expression, so often repeated, " he left his garment in her hand." The extra ordinary dependence1 placed upon " overseers," or stewards, who had the entire management of the household, the ac counts, and the farm or estate— a very peculiar feature of Egyptian Ufe — is set forth with great force._ But, besides these isolated points, the whole narrative receives most curi. ous illustrations from one of the tales most popular among the Egyptians, which has fortunately descended to our day. In the story of " The Two Brothers," written by the illus trious scribe Anna, or Enna, for the delectation of Seti IL, * Herod, ii. Ill ; Diod. Sic. i. 59. 120 EGYPT AND BABYLON. when heir-apparent to the throne, we have a narrative which contains a passage so nearly parallel to this portion of Joseph's history, that it seems worth while quoting it in extenso. " There were two brothers," said the writer, " children of one mother and one father — the name of the elder was Anepu, the name of the younger Bata. Anepu had a house and a wife ; and his younger brother was like a son to him. He it was who provided Anepu with clothes, he it was who attended upon his cattle, he who managed the ploughing, he who did all the labors of the fields ; indeed, his younger brother was so good a laborer, that there was not his equal in the whole land. " And when the days had multiplied after this, it was the wont of the younger brother to be with the cattle day by day, and to take them home to the house every evening ; he came laden with all the herbs of the field. The elder brother sat with his wife, and ate and drank, while the younger was. in the stable with the cattle. The younger, when the day dawned, rose before his elder brother, took bread to the field and called the laborers together to eat bread in the field. Then he followed after his cattle, and they told him where all the best grasses grew, for he understood all that they said ; and he took them to the place where was the goodly herb age which they desired. And the cattle which he followed after became exceedingly beautiful. And they multiplied exceedingly. " Now when the time for ploughing came, his elder brother said to him, ' Let us take our teams for ploughing, because the land has now made its appearance [i.e, the inun dation has subsided], and the time is excellent for plough ing it. Come thou then with the seed, and we shall accom plish the ploughing.' Thus he spake. And the younger brother proceeded to do all that his elder brother told him ;~ and when the day dawned they went to the field with their [teams ?], and worked at their tillage, and enjoyed them selves exceedingly at their work. "But when the days were multiplied after this, they were in the field together, and the elder brother sent the younger, saying, ' Go and fetch seed for us from the village.' And the younger brother found the wife of the elder one sit ting at her toilet ; and he said to her, ' Arise, and give me seed, that I may'go back with it to the field, because my elder NOTICES IN GENESIS. 121 brother wishes me to return without any. delay.' And she said to him, 'Go, open the bin, and take, thyself, as much as thou wilt, since my hair would fall by the way.' So the youth entered the stable, and took a large vessel, for he" wished to take back a great deal of seed ; and he loaded himself with grain, and went out with it. And she said to him, ' How much have you [on your arm] ? ' And he an swered, 'Two measures of barley, and three measures of wheat — in all, I have five measures on my arm.' Then she spake to him saying, ' What great strength is there in thee ! Indeed, I notice thy vigor every day' . . . Then she seized upon him, and said to him, ' Come and let us lie down for an instant' . . . The youth became as a panther with fury, on account of the shameful words which she had addressed to him. And she herself was alarmed exceedingly. He spake to her, saying, ' Verily, I have looked upon thee in -the light of a mother, and on thy husband in the light of a father. What great abomination is this which thou hast mentioned to me ! Do not repeat it again, and I will not speak of it to any one. Verily, I will not permit a word of it to escape my mouth to any man.' " He took up his load, and went forth to the field. He rejoined his elder brother, and they accomplished the task of their labor. And when the time of evening arrived, the elder brother returned to his house. His younger brother [tarried] behind his cattle, laden with all the things of the field. He drove his cattle before him, that they might lie down in their stable. " Behold, the wife of the elder brother was alarmed at the discourse which she had held. She made herself as one who had suffered violence from a man ; for she designed to say to her husband, ' It is thy younger brother who has done me violence.' " Her husband returned home at evening, according to his daily wont. He came to his house, and he found his wife lying as if murdered by a ruffian. She did not pour water on his hands, according to her wont ; she did not light the lamp before him ; his house was in darkness. She was lying there, all uncovered. Her husband said to her, ' Who is it that has been conversing with thee?' She replied, ' No one has been conversing with me except thy younger -brother. When he came to fetch seed for thee he found me sitting alone, and he said to me, " Come and let us lie down 122 EGYPT AND BABYLON. for an instant." That is what he said to me. But I did not listen to him. " Behold, am I not thy mother ; and thy elder brother, is he not as a father to thee ? " — that is what I said to him. Then he became alarmed, and did me violence, that I might not be able to report the matter to thee. But if thou lettest him live, I shall kill myself.' . . . Then the elder brother became like a panther ; he made his dagger sharp, and took it in his hand. And he put himself behind the door of his stable, in order to kill his younger brother, when he returned at even to bring the cattle to their stalls." * It is unnecessary to pursue the story further. Anepu is bent on killing his brother, but is prevented. Potiphar, with a moderation which seems to argue some distrust of his wife's story, is content to imprison Joseph. Innocence in both cases suffers, and then triumph in the Egyptian tale is effected by repeated metempsychosis, and therefore diverges altogether from the Mosaic history. Still, it is conceivable that the Egyptian novel, written several cen turies after Joseph's death, was based upon some traditional knowledge of the ordeal through which he had passed un scathed, and the ultimate glory to which he had attained as ruler of Egypt. } * See "Records of the Past/' vol. ii., pp. 139-142. t Bata, after his many transmigrations, is finally reborn as the child of an Egyptian princess, and rules Egypt for thirty years (Ibid., p. 151). NOTICES IN GENESIS. 123 CHAPTER XIV. FURTHER NOTICES OF EGYPT IN GENESIS. The history of Joseph in Egypt after he was thrown into prison by Potiphar, which occupies the last eleven chapters of Genesis, is delivered to us at too great length to be con veniently made the subject of illustration by means of com ment on a series of passages. We propose therefore to view it in the mass, as a picture of Egypt at a certain period of its history, to be determined by chronological considerations, and then to inquire how far the portraiture given corre sponds to what is known to us of the Egypt of that time from profane sources. The time of Joseph's visit to Egypt is variously given by chronologers. Archbishop Usher, whose dates are followed in the margin of the English Bible, as published by authority, regards him as having resided in the country from b. c. 1729 to b. c. 1635. Most other chronologers place his so journ earlier: Stuart Poole* from b. c. 1867; Clinton} from b. c. 1862 to b. c. 1770 ; Hales } from b. c. 1886 to b. c. 1792. Even the latest of these dates would make his arrival anterior to the commencement of the New Empire, which was certainly not earlier than b. c. 1700. If we add to this the statement of George the Syncellus,§ that all writers agreed in making hiin the prime minister of one of the shepherd kings, we seem to have sufficient grounds for the belief that the Egypt of his time was that of the Middle Empire or Hyks6s, an Asiatic people who held Egypt in subjection for some centuries before the great rising under Aahmes, which re-established a native dynasty upon the old throne of the Pharaohs. * "Dictionary of the Bible," vol. i., p. 508. t " Fasti Hellenici," vol. i., pp. 300, 320. X "Ancient Chronology," vol. i., p. 104, et seq. § " Chronographia," p. 62, B. 124 EGYPT AND BABYLON. Does then the Egypt of the later chapters of Genesis correspond to this time? It has been argued that it does, not, because, on the whole, it is so like the Egypt of other times. We have the king depicted in all his state, with his signet ring upon his finger (Gen. xli. 42), with chariots to ride in (ib. 43), and gold chains to give away, possessed of a " chief butler" and a "chief baker" (ch. xl. 9, 16), able to imprison and execute whom he will (ib. 3, 22), with "magicians" and "wise men" for counselors (ch. xli. 8), rich in flocks and herds (ch. xlvii. 6), despotic over the people (ch. xli. 34 ; xlvii. 21), with no fear or regard for any class of his subjects but the priests (ch. xlvii. 22, 26). We have the priests as a distinctly privileged class, supported by the monarch in a time of famine, possessed of lands, and not compelled to cede to the king any right over their lands. We have mention of the " priest of On," or Heliopolis, as a magnate of the first class, with whom Joseph did not disdain to ally himself after he had become grand vizier, and was the next person in the kingdom to the king (ch. xli. 45, 50). We have the Egyptian contempt for foreigners noted in the statement that " the Egyptians might not eat bread with the Hebrews " (ch. xliii. 32), and their special aversion to herds men touched on in the observation that " every shepherd is an abomination unto the Egyptians " (ch. xlvi. 34). We see - agriculture the main occupation of the people, yet pasturing of cattle carried on upon a large scale in the Delta (ch. xlvii. 1-6). We find embalming practised, and a special class of embalmers (ch. 1. 2) ; and it appears that embalmed bodies are placed within coffins (ib. 26). Chariots and horses are tolerably common, for when Joseph goes from Egypt to Canaan to bury his father, there goes up with him " a very great company, both chariots and horsemen" (ib. 9), while " horses," no less than cattle and asses, are among, the do mesticated animals exchanged by the Egyptians generally for corn (ch. xlvii. 17). But, though horses are in use among the people, especially the official classes and the rich, asses are still the main beasts of burden, and are alone employed in the conveyance of commodities between Egypt and Canaan (ch. xiv. 23). Wheeled vehicles are known," and are used for the conveyance of women and children (ib. 19-21). Such are the leading features of the Egypt depicted by the writer of Genesis in these chapters. The description is said to be too thoroughly Egyptian to be a true representation NOTICES IN GENESIS. 125 of a time when a foreign dynasty was in possession, and the nation was groaning under the yoke of a conqueror. * The general answer to this objection seems to be that," as so often happens when a race of superior is overpowered by one of inferior civilization, the conquerors rapidly as similated themselves in most respects to the conquered, affected their customs, and even to some extent adopted their prejudices. M. Chabas remarks that the Hyksos, or shepherd kings, after a time became " Egyptianized." } " The science and the usages of Egypt introduced themselves among them. They surrounded themselves with learned men, built temples, encouraged statuary, while at the same time they inscribed their own names on the statues of the Old Empire, which were still standing, in the place of those of the Pharaohs who had erected them. It is this period of civilization which alone has left us the sphinxes, the statues, and the inscriptions which recall the art of Egypt ; the man ners of the foreign conquerors had by this time been sensibly softened." } And again, " Apepi, the last shepherd king, was an enlightened prince, who maintained a college of men skilled in sacred lore, after the example of the Pharaohs of every age, and submitted all matters of importance to them for examination before he formed any decision." § The Pharaoh of Joseph, according to the Syncellus, || was this very Apepi, the last shepherd king, the predecessor of the Aahmes, who, after a long and severe struggle, expelled the Hyks6s, and re-established in Egypt the rule of a native dynasty. Thus, it was to have been expected that, if Joseph lived under Apepi, or indeed under any one of the later shepherd kings, a description of the Egypt of his day would greatly resemble any true description of that country either in earlier or later times, and possess but few distinctive features. Still some such distinctive features might have been expected to show themselves, and it must be our object now to inquire, first, what they would be ; and secondly, how far, if at all, they appear in the narrative. First, then, what distinctive features would there be sep arating and marking off the Second Empire from the First, * Canon Cook in the "Speaker's Commentary," vol. i., p. 449. t " Les Pasteurs en Egypte," p. 30. X Ibid., p. 3a § Ibid., p. 31. Brugsch and Lenormant take the same view. || " Chronographia," p. 62, B. 126 EGYPT AND BABYLON. the Hyks6s rule from that of the old Pharaohs who built the Pyramids, set up the first obelisks, and accomplished the great works in the Fayoum ? In the first place, their resi dence would be different. The pyramid kings lived at Mem phis, above the apex of the Delta, in the (comparatively speak ing) narrow valley of the Nile, before the river enters on the broad tract which it must have gradually formed by its own deposits. The great monarchs of the obelisk and Fayoum period — those assigned by Manetho to his eleventh, twelfth, and thirteenth dynasties — lived at Thebes, more than three hundred miles further up the course of the Nile, in a region from which the Delta could only be reached by a lengthy and toilsome journey along the river bank, or by a voyage down its channel. The Hyksos monarchs, on the other hand, fixed their residence in the Delta itself; tbey selected Tanis — an ancient Egyptian town of considerable importance — for the main seat of their court.* While maintaining a great fortified camp at Avaris, on their eastern frontier, where they lived sometimes, they still more favored the quiet Egyptian city on the Tanitic branch of the Nile, where they could pass their time away from the sound of arms, amid ancient temples and sanctuaries dedicated to various Egyptian gods, which they allowed to stand, if they did not even use them for their own worship. The Delta had never previously been the residence of Egyptian kings, and it did not again become their residence until the time of the nineteenth dynastjr, shortly before the Exodus. A second peculiarity of the Hyksos period, belonging especially to its later portion, is to be found in the religious views professed, proclaimed, and enjoined upon subject princes. Apepi, according to the MS. known as " the first Sallier papyrus," made a great movement in Lower Egypt in favor of monotheism. Whereas previously the shepherd kings had allowed among their subjects, if they had not even practised themselves, the worship of a multitude of gods, Apepi " took to himself " a single god " for lord, refusing to ' serve any other god in the whole land." } According to the Egyptian writer of the MS., the name under which he wor shiped his god was " Sutech " ; and some critics have sup posed that he chose this god out of the existing Egyptian * Brugsch, " History of Egypt," vol. i., pp. 236-7, 1st edition. t See " Records of the Past," vol. viii., p. 3. NOTICES IN GENESIS. 127 Pantheon, because he was the god of the North, where his own dominion especially lay.* But Sutech, though undoubt edly he had a place in the Egyptian Pantheon from very ancient times,} seems to have been essentially an Asiatic god, the special deity of the Hittite nation,} with which there is reason to believe that the shepherd kings were closely con nected. Apepi, moved by a monotheistic impulse, selected Sutech, we should suppose, rather out of his own gods than out of the Egyptian deities, and determined that, whatever had been the case previously, henceforth he would renounce polytheism, and worship one only lord and god, long known to his nation, and to his own ancestors,§ under the name above mentioned. There is reason to believe that he did not identify him with the Egyptian god, Set, or Sutech, but rather with some form or other of the Egyptian sun-god, or else with their sun-gods generally, since he appointed sacri fice to be made to Sutech, " with all the rites that are per formed in the temple of Ra-Harmachis," || who was one of these gods, and required the vassal king of Thebes, Ra- Sekenen, to neglect the worship of all the other gods honored in his part of Egypt, excepting Ammon-Ra, who was another of them. Sutech, among the Hittites, seems to bave been equivalent to Baal, and was certainly a sun-god, IT probably identified with the material sun itseK, viewed as having also a spiritual nature, and as the creator and sustainer of the universe. Apepi's great temple of Sutech at Tanis was the natural outcome of his exclusive worship of this god, and showed forth in a tangible and conspicuous form the earnest ness of his piety. Among the changes in manners and customs belonging to the Middle Empire, there is one which cannot be gainsaid —the introduction of the horse. The horse, which is wholly absent from the remains, written or sculptured, of the Old Empire, appears as well known and constantly employed in the very earliest records of the New, and must consequently have made its appearance in the interval. Hence it has been argued by those best acquainted with the ancient remains that the military successes of the Hyksos, and especially * Chabas, "LesPasteurs enEgypte," p. 35. t Mariette, " Lettre a M. le Vicomte de Rouge"," in the Revue Archeologique, vol.v., p. 303. 1 "Records of the Past," vol. iv., p. 31. § Ibid., p. 36. II Ibid., vol. viii., p. 3. T " Records of the Past," vol. iv., p. 28, par. 8. 128 EGYPT AND BABYLON. their conquest of Egypt, were probably the result to a con siderable extent of their invading the country with a chariot force and with cavalry at a time when the Egyptians fought wholly on foot. Neither horses nor chariots, nor even carts, where known under the Pharaohs of the Old Empire ; they were employed largely from the very beginning of the New Empire, the change having been effected by the empire which occupied the intervening space. Before proceeding further, let us consider how these characteristics suit the Egypt of Joseph. First, then, the indications of Genesis, though not very precise, decidedly favor the view that the king is residing in the Delta. He receives in person the brethren of Joseph on their arrival in the land, even has an interview with the aged Jacob him self (Gen. xlvii. 7-10), whom his son would certainly aot have presented to him if the court had not been near at hand. Goshen, the eastern portion of the Delta, is chosen for the residence of the family, especially because, dwell ing there, they will be " near to Joseph " (ch. xiv. 10), who must have been in constant attendance on the monarch. " All the servants of Pharaoh, the elders of his house, and all the elders of the land of Egypt " (ch. 1. 7) would scarcely have accompanied the body of Jacob to the cave of Mach- pelah unless the court had been residing in Lower Egypt. Bishop Harold Browne, who writes as a common-sense critic, and not as an Egyptologist, well observes, " Joseph placed his brethren naturally on the confines of Egypt nearest to Palestine, and yet near himself. It is probable that Memphis or Tanis was then the metropolis of Egypt."* But both be fore and after the shepherd kings the capital for many hun dred years was Thebes. Secondly, there are indications in the later chapters of Genesis that the Pharaoh of the time was a monotheist. Not only does he make no protest against the pronounced mono theism of Joseph (ch. xli. 16, 25, 32), as Nebuchadnezzar does against that of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego, when he draws the conclusion from their escape that " no other god can deliver after this sort," but he uses himself the most decidedly monotheistic language when he says to his nobles, " Can we find such a one as this is — a man in whom the Spirit of God is? " ib. 38), and again when he addresses * "Speaker's Commentary," vol. i., p. 215. NOTICES IN GENESIS. 129 Joseph as follows : " Forasmuch as God hath showed thee aU this, there is none so discreet and wise as thou art " (ib. 39). No such distinct recognition of the unity of God is ascribed either to the Pharaoh of the Old Empire who re ceived Abraham (ch. xii. 15-20), or to those of the New Empire who came into contact with Moses (Exod. i-xiv.). The contrast between the Egypt of Abraham's time and that Of the time of Joseph in respect of horses has often been noticed. As the absence of horses from the list of the presents made to Abraham (ch. xii. 16) indicates with suffi cient clearness the time of the Old Empire, so the mention of horses, chariots, and wagons in connection with Joseph (ch. xli. 43 ; xlvi. 29 ; xlvii. 17 ; 1. 9) makes his time either that of the Middle Empire or the New. The fact that the possession of horses does not seem to be as yet very com mon points to the Middle Empire as the more probable of the two. Certain leading features, moreover, of the narrative, which have been reckoned among its main difficulties, either cease to be difficulties at all, or are reduced to comparative insigni ficance, if, in accordance with tradition and with the most probable chronology, we regard Joseph as the minister of a shepherd king. The native Egyptian monarchs had an extreme jealousy of their Eastern neighbors. The East was the quarter from which Egypt lay most open to invasion, and from the later times of the Old Empire down to the twentieth dynasty in the New there was continual fear, when a native dynasty sat upon the throne, lest immigrants from these parts should by , degrees filch away from Egypt the possessions of the Delta. Small bodies of Asiatics, like those who came with Abraham, or the thirty-seven Amu under Abusha,* might occasionally 1 be received with favor, to sojourn or to dwell in the land ; but larger settlements would have been very distasteful. An early king of the twelfth dynasty built a wall " to keep off the Sakti," as the Asiatics of these parts were called,} and such powerful monarchs as Seti I. and Rameses II. followed his example. The only kings who were friendly to the Asiatics, and likely to receive a large body of settlers with favor, were the Hyks6s, Asiatics themselves, whom every such settlement strengthened against the revolt, which always * Brugsch, "History of Egypt," vol. i., p. 157. t "Records of the Past," vol. vi., p. 135, 130 EGYPT AND BABYLON. threatened, of their Egyptian subjects. Now the family and dependants of Jacob were a large body of settlers. Abra ham had three hundred and eighteen adult male servants born in the house (Gen. xiv. 14). Jacob's attendants, when he returned from serving Laban, formed " two bands " (Gen. xxxii. 10), literally "two armies." The number of those who entered Egypt with Jacob has been reasonably calculated at " several thousands."* To place such a body of foreigners " in the best of the land " (ch. xlvii. 6, 11), on the eastern frontier, where they could readily give admission to others, is what no king of either the Old or the New Empire would have been likely to have done ; but it is exactly what might have been expected of one of the Hyksos. Again, the sudden elevation of a foreigner from the slave condition to the second place in the kingdom, the putting him above all the Egyptians and making them bow down to him (ch. xli. 43), and the giving him in marriage the daughter of the high-priest of Heliopolis (ib. 45), though perhaps within the prerogative of any Egyptian king, who, as a god upon earth, — " son of the sun," — could do no wrong, are yet exceedingly unlikely things, if Egypt were in its normal condition. It is far from paralleled by the " story of Saneha," even if that story is a true one, and not a novelette ; for Saneha's rise is very gradual ; he is a courtier in- his youth ; he commits an offence, and flies to a foreign land, where he passes the greater part of his life ; it is not until he is an old man that his pardon reaches him, and he returns, and is restored to favor ; nor does he rise even then to a rank at all equal to that of Joseph.} Joseph's history would have been " incredible " if Egypt had never had foreign rulers.} But a Hyksds monarch would be trammeled by none of the feelings or restraints natural to an Egyptian. A foreigner himself, he would be glad to advance a foreigner, would not be very careful of offending a high-priest, and would feel more confidence in committing important affairs to a stranger wholly dependent upon himself than to a native who might at any time turn traitor. Our limits will not allow us to treat this point at greater length. It is necessary, however, before concluding this chapter, to notice briefly two objections which Genesis * Kurtz, "History of the Old Covenant," vol. ii., p. 149, E. T, t " Records of the Past," vol. vi., pp. 135-150. J Stuart Poole in Smith's " Diet, of the Bible," vol. i., p. 509. NOTICES IN GENESIS. 131 is supposed to offer to the traditional view of Joseph's place in Egyptian history. The first is the designation of Goshen in one passage (ch. xlvii. 11) as " the land of Rameses." Now Rameses is a name which first appears in Egypt under the New Empire, and a land " of Rameses " is not likely to have existed until there had been a monarch of the name, which first happened under the nineteenth dynasty. But it is quite possible, as Bishop Harold Browne suggests, that the writer of Genesis may have used the phrase, " land of Rameses," by anticipation,* to designate the tract so called in his day. This would be merely as if a modern writer were to say that the Romans under Julius Csesar invaded England, or that Pontius Pilate, when recalled from Judaea, was banished to France. The other objection is drawn from the statement that in Joseph's time " every shepherd was an abomination to the Egyptians " (ch. xlvi. 34). This is said to be " quite conclu- < sive" against the view that the Pharaoh of Joseph was a shepherd king.} But it is admitted that the prejudice was anterior to the invasion of the Hyks6s, and appears on the monuments of the Old Empire. It would certainly not have been lessened by the Hyks6s conquest, nor can the shepherd kings be supposed to have been ignorant of it. If it was a caste prejudice, it would have been quite beyond their power to put down ; and nothing would have been left for them but to bear with it, and make the best of it. This is what they seem to have done. When men of the nomadic races were feasted at the Hyksos court, they were feasted separately from the Egyptians (ch. xliii. 32) ; and when a nomad tribe had to be located on Egyptian territory, it was placed in a position which brought it as little as possible into contact with the natives. Pharaoh had already put his own herds men in Goshen (ch. xlvii. 6), with the view of isolating them. In planting the Israelite settlers there, he did but follow the same principle.' Like a wise ruler, he arranged to keep apart those diverse elements in the population of his country which were sure not to amalgamate. i * " Speaker's Commentary," vol. i., p. 221. t Ibid., vol. i. p. 449, note 33. 132 EGYPT AND BABYLON. CHAPTER XV. THE NOTICES OF EGYPT IN EXODTJS. " Now there arose up a new king over Egypt, which knew not Joseph. And he said unto his people, Behold, the people of the chil dren of Israel are more and mightier than we ; come on= let us deal wisely with them, lest they multiply, and it come to pass that, when there falleth out any war, they join also unto our enemies, and fight fcgainst us, and so get them up out of the land. Therefore they did set over them taskmasters, to afflict them with their burdens. And they built for Pharaoh treasure-cities, Pithom and Raamses."— Exon. i. 8-19. The question of the period of Egyptian history into which the severe oppression of the Israelites, and their " exodus " from Egypt, are to be regarded as falling, is one of no little interest, and at the same time of no little diffi culty. In the last chapter we saw reason for accepting the view that the Pharaoh whom Joseph served was Apepi, the last king of the seventeenth (shepherd) dynasty. In order, however, to obtain from this fact any guidance as to the dynasty, and still more as to the kings, under whom the events took place which are related in the first section of the Book of Exodus (chs i.-xiv.), we have to determine, first of all, what was the length of the Egyptian sojourn. But here we find ourselves in the jaws of a great controversy. Taking the Authorized Version as our sole guide, we should indeed think the matter plain enough, for there we are told (ch. xii. 40, 41), that "the sojourning of the children of Israel, who dwelt in Egypt, was four hundred and thirty years ; and it came to pass at the end of the four hundred and thirty years, even the selfsame day it came to pass, that all the hosts of the Lord went out from the land of Egypt." If we consult the Hebrew original, the plainness and certainty seem increased, for there we find that the words run thus : — " The sojourn ing of the children of Israel, which they sojourned in Egypt NOTICES IN EXODUS. 133 was four hundred and thirty years," which seem to leave no loophole of escape from the conclusion that the four hundred and thirty years mentioned are those of Israel's stay in Egypt. And it is quite admitted that thus far — if this were all the evidence — there could be no controversy upon the subject. Doubt arises from the fact that in the two most ancient versions of Exodus that we possess the passage runs differently. We read in the Septuagint, " The sojourning of the children of Israel, which they sojourned in Egypt and in the land of Canaan, was four hundred and thirty years ;" and in the Samaritan version, " The sojourning of the chil dren of Israel and of their fathers, which they sojourned in the land of Canaan and in Egypt, was four hundred and thirty years." Nor is this the whole. St. Paul, it is observed, writing to the Galatians (ch. iii. 17), makes the giving of the law from Mount Sinai "four hundred and thirty years after," not the going down into Egypt, but the entering into cove nant with Abraham. And it is further argued that the gene alogies for the time of the stay in Egypt are incompatible with the long period of four hundred and thirty years, and require the cutting down of the time to the dimensions im phed by the Septuagint and Samaritan translations. This time is two hundred and fifteen years, or exactly half the other, since it was two hundred and fifteen years from the promise made to Abraham until the entering of the Israel ites into Egypt. Now, if the Exodus was but two hundred and fifteen years after any date in the reign of Apepi, it must have fallen within the period assigned by Manetho and the monuments to the eighteenth dynasty. But if we are to substitute four hundred and thirty years for two hundred and fifteen, it must have belonged rather to the latter part of the nine teenth. Let us consider, therefore, whether on the whole the weight of argument is in favor of the shorter or the longer term of years. First, then, with regard to the versions. The Hebrew text must always be considered of paramount authority, un less there is reason to suspect that it has been tampered with. But, in this case, there is no such reason. Had the clause inserted by the LXX. existed in the Hebrew original, there is no assignable ground on which we can imagine it left out. There is, on the other hand, a readily conceivable ground for the insertion of the clause by the LXX. in their anxiety' to 134 EGYPT AND BABYLON. harmonize their chronology with the Egyptian system preva lent in their day. Further, the clause has the appearance of an insertion, being irrelevant to the narrative, which is naturally concerned at this point with Egypt only. The Samaritan version may appear at first sight to lend the Sep tuagint confirmation; but a. little examination shows the contrary. The Samaritan translator has the Septuagint before him, but is dissatisfied with the way in which his Greek predecessor has amended the Hebrew text. His version is an amendment of the Greek text in two points. First, he sees that the name " children of Israel " could not properly be given to any but the descendants of Jacob, and therefore he inserts the clause " and of their fathers." Secondly, he observes that the LXX. have inverted the historical order of the' sojourns in Egypt and in Canaan, placing that in Egypt first. This he corrects by a transposition. No one can sup pose that he derived his emendations from the Hebrew. He evolved them from his inner consciousness. He gave his, readers, not what Moses had said, but what, in his opinion, he ought to have said. Secondly, with respect to St. Paul's statement to the Gal atians, it is to be borne in mind that he wrote to Greek- speaking Jews, whose only Bible was the Septuagint Version, and that he could not but follow it unless he was prepared to intrude on them a chronological discussion, which would in no way have advanced his argument. His argument is that the law having been given long after the covenant made with Abraham, could not disannul it ; how long after was of no consequence, whether four hundred and thirty or six hundred and forty-five years. Thirdly, the genealogies of the period, as given in the Pentateuch, contain undoubtedly no more than six names — in fact, vary between four and six — which, taken by itself, is doubtless an argument for the shorter period. But (a) the Jews constantly abbreviated genealogies by the omission of a portion of the names (Ezra vii. 1-5 ; Matt. i. 2-16 ; comp. 1 Chron. ix 4-19 with Neh. xi. 4-22) ; and (b) there is one geneology belonging to the period, given in 1 Chron. vii. 22-27, that of Joshua, which contains ten names. The Hebrews, at this portion of their history, and indeed to a considerably later date, reckoned a generation at forty years, so that the ten generations from Jacob to Joshua, who was fully grown up at the time of the Exodus (Exod. xvii. 9-13), NOTICES IN EXODUS. 135 would cover four hundred years, or not improbably a little more. Another argument in favor of the longer date is derivable from the terms of the announcement made to Abraham with respect to the Egyptian servitude : — " Know of a surety, that thy seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs, and shall serve them, and they shall afflict them four hundred years ; and also that nation, whom they shall serve, will I. judge ; and afterward shall they come out with great sub stance " (Gen. xv. 13, 14). In this prophecy but one land is spoken of, and but one people ; this people is to afflict Israel for four hundred years ; it is then to be judged ; and, after the judgement, Israel is to " come out," to come out, more over, with great substance. Nothing is said that can by any possibility allude to the Canaanites, or the land of Canaan. One continuous affliction in one country, and by one people, lasting in round numbers — four hundred years, is announced with the utmost plainness. But the crowning argument of all, which ought to be re garded as completely settling the question, is that derivable from the numbers of the Israelites on entering and on quitting Egypt. Their fmmbers, indeed, on entering, cannot be defi nitely fixed, since they Went down to Egypt "with their households " (Exod. i. 1), and these, to judge by that of Abraham (Gen. xiv. 14), were very numerous. Still no writer has supposed that altogether the settlers exceeded more than a few — say two or three — thousands* On quitting Egypt, they were, at the lowest estimate, two millions. What time, then, is required, under favorable circumstances, for the ex pansion of a body (say) of two thousand persons into one a thousand times that number ? There are writers who have argued that population may double itself in the space of fifteen, nay, in that of thirteen. years.} But I know of no proved instance of the kind where there has not been a large influx through immigration. No increase, or, at any rate, no important increase, of the Israelites in Egypt can be assigned to this cause. They mul tiplied, as is distinctly implied in the narrative, in the ordi nary way, without foreign accretion. It is reasonable, * Kurtz (" History of the Old Covenant," vol. ii.. p. 149) uses the vague expression, "several thousands." Dean Payne Smith, in his " Brampton Lectures " (p. 89), suggests three thousand. t Clinton, " Fasti Hellenici," vol. i., p. 294. 136 EGYPT AND BABYLON. therefore, to apply to them Mr. Malthus's law for the natural increase of population by descent under favorable circum stances. Now this is a doubling of the population, not every thirteen, or every fifteen, but every twenty-five years.* By this law two thousand persons would, in two hundred and fifteen years, have multiplied to the extent, not of two mil lions, but of less than one million. The law, moreover, only acts where population is scanty, where the sanitary circum stances are favorable, and where the means of subsistance are wholesome, and readily obtained. Long before the time that the Israelites reached a quarter of a million, most of the artificial checks which tend to keep down the natural increase of population would have begun to operate among them. The territory assigned them was not a very large one, and they were not its sole inhabitants (Gen. xlvii. 6 ; Exod. iii. 22, xii. 31-36). It would soon be pretty densely peopled. The tasks in which they were employed by their Egyptian lords, from the time that the severe oppression began (Exod. i. 13, 14), could not be favorable to health. They were no doubt sufficiently well fed, as slaves usually are, but not on a very wholesome dietary (Num. xi 5). The rate of increase would naturally fall under these circumstances, and it may ere long have taken them fifty years to double their numbers, which is about the rate now existing among ourselves. Supposing them to have been two thousand at the first, and to have doubled their numbers at the end of the first twenty-five years, but to have required five years longer for each successive du plication until the full term of fifty years was reached, it would have taken them four hundred and twenty-five years to reach the amount of two millions. Altogether it is perfectly clear that an increase which is abnormal, and requires some explanation, if it be regarded as occupying the space of four hundred and thirty years, must be most unlikely, if not impossible, to have occurred in half that time. If then we take four hundred and thirty years from the early part of Apepi's reign, and follow the line of the Egyptian kings, as we find it in Manetho, or in the monu ments, we are carried on beyond the time of the eighteenth dynasty into that of the nineteenth, and have to look for the monarchs mentioned in Exodus among those who reigneii * "Essay on Population," vol. i., p. 8 ; " Encyclopaedia Britan- nica," vol. xviii., p. 340. NOTTCES IN EXODUS. 137 in Egypt between the close of the eighteenth dynasty and the commencement of the twentieth. Before proceeding, however, with this inquiry, it seems natural to ask, Is there no tradition with respect to the time of the Exodus in Egyptian history, as we found that there was with respect to the time of Jo'seph ; and if there is any such tradition, what is it ? The Egyptian tradition was delivered at great length by Manetho, whose account is preserved to us in Josephus.* It was also reported more briefly by Chaeremon.} It placed the Exodus in the reign of an " Amenophis," who was the son of a " Rameses," and the father of a " Sethos." Each of these two facts belong to one " Amenophis " only out of the four or five in Manetho's lists, and we have thus a double certainty that he intended the monarch of the nineteenth dynasty, who was the son and successor of Rameses II ., commonly called " Rameses the Great," and was himself suc ceeded on the throne by his son, Seti-Menephthah, or Seti IL, about b. c. 1300, or a little earlier. There is no other Egyptian tradition, excepting one reported by George the Syncellus,} which is wholly incompatible with the univer sally allowed synchronism of Joseph with Apepi, and quite unworthy of consideration ; viz., that the Exodus took place under Amasis (Aahmes), the first king of the eighteenth dynasty, who was probably contemporary with the later years of Joseph himself. Manetho's tradition then, harmonizing, as it does, with the chronological considerations above adduced, which would place the Exodus towards the end of the nineteenth dynasty,. seems to deserve our accedtance, and indeed has been ac cepted by the great bulk of modern Egyptologists, as by Brugsch, Birch, Lenormant, Chabas, and others.§ Allowing it, we are able to fix definitely on the three Pharaohs especi ally concerned in the severe oppression of the Israelites, and thus to give a vividness and realism to our conception of the period of history treated of in Exod. i.-xiv. which ' add greatly, to the interest of the narrative. * Joseph., " Contra Apion," i. § 26. t Ibid., § 32. X " Chronographia, p. 62, B. § See Brugsch, " History of Egypt," vol." ii. p. 125; Birch, " Egypt from the Earliest Times," p. 133; Lenormant, "Manuel d'Histoire. Ancienne de l'Orient," vol. ii., p. 292, edition of 1882; Chabas, "Re- cherches pour servir a l'histoire de la Xixme Dynastie," p. 157. 138 EGYPT AND BABYLON. If Menephthah I., the son and successor of Rameses IL, was the Pharaoh of the Exodus, it follows necessarily that his father, the great Rameses, was the king of Exod. ii., from whom Moses fled, and after whose death he was directed to quit Midian and return into Egypt for the purpose of de livering his brethren (ch. ii. 23 ; iv. 16). But as Moses was eighty years old at this time (ch. vii, 7), it is evident that the Pharaoh from whom he fled cannot be the same with the one who, more than eighty years previously, gave the order for the destruction of the Hebrew male children (ch. i. 22). The narrative of' Exodus must speak of three Pharaohs, of the first in ch. i., of the second in ch. ii., and of the third in chs. v.-xiv. In the second of these is Rameses IL, the father of Menephthah I., the first must be Seti. I., the father of Rameses II. Now, it happens that Seti I. and Rameses II. are among the most distinguished of all the Egyptian monarchs, great warriors, great builders, setters-up of numerous inscriptions. We know them almost better than any other Egyptian kings, are familiar with their very countenances, have ample means of forming an estimate of their characters from their own words. Seti I. may well be the " new king, which knew not Joseph." He was the second king of a new dynasty, un connected with either of the dynasties with which Joseph had been contemporary. He came to the throne at the time when a new danger to Egypt had sprung up on the north eastern frontier, and when consequently it was natural that fear should be felt by the Egyptian ruler lest, " when any war fell out, the people of Israel should join unto Egypt's enemies, and fight against the Egyptians, and so get them up out of the land" (ver. 10). The Hittites had become masters of Syria, and were dominant over the whole region from Mount Taurus to Philistia. " Scarcely was Seti settled upon the throne, when he found himself menaced on the north-east by a formidable combination of Semitic wi,th Turanian races, which boded ill for the tranquility of his kingdom." * He was occupied in a war with them for some years. At its close he engaged in the construction, or reparation, of a great wall for the defence of the eastern frontier. It would be natural that, in connection with this wall, and as a part of his general system for the protection * Rawlinson, "History of Ancient Egypt," vol. ii., p. 287. NOTICES IN EXODUS. 139 of the frontier, he should build " treasure-cities" (ver. 11), or more properly " store-cities," i.e., arsenals and magazines. That he should name one of these after a god whom he was in the habit of honoring,* and the other after his father, or after his son, whom he early associated, is not surprising. The ardor for building which characterized him would ac count for his employing the Israelites so largely " in mortar, and in brick" (ver. 14), and in the construction of edifices. The severity of his oppression is quite in accordance with the cruelty which he exhibited in his wars, and of which he boasts in his inscriptions.} Rameses II. was associated on the throne by his father when he was ten or eleven years of age. The two kings then reigned conjointly for about twenty years. Rameses outlived his father forty-seven years, and probably had the real direction of the government for about sixty years. There is no other reign in the New Empire which reaches nearly to the length of his. He was less of a warrior than his father, and more of a builder. Among his principal works was the completion of the city of Rameses (Pi- Ramesu), began by his father, and made by Rameses the residence of the court, and one of the chief cities of the em pire. He appears also to have completed Pithom (Pi-Tum), and to have entirely built many other important towns. All his works were raised by means of forced labor ; and for the purpose of their construction he required an enormous mass of human material, which had to be constantly em ployed under taskmasters in the most severe and exhausting toil, under a burning sun, and with few sanitary precautions. M. Lenormant says of him and his " great works " } : — " Ce n'est qu'avec un veritable sentiment d'horreur que l'on peut songer aux milliers de captifs qui durent mourir sous le baton des gardes-chiourmes, ou bien victimes des fatigues exces- sives et des privations de toute nature, en elevant en quality de forcats les gigantesques constructions auxquelles se plaisait I'insatiable orgueil du monarque egyptien. Dans les monuments du regne de Ramses il n'y a pas une pierre, pour ainsi dire, qui n'ait coute une vie humaine." Such was the character of the monarch under whom the Israelites are said to have " sighed by reason of their bondage," and to * Birch, " Egypt from the Earliest Times," p. 119. t " History of Ancient Egypt," vol. ii., pp. 288-291. J " Manuel d'Histoire Ancienne," vol. i. 423. 140 EGYPT AND BABYLON. have " cried " so that " their cry came up to God by reason of their bondage ; and God heard their groaning, and God remembered His covenant with Abraham, with Isaac, and with Jacob ; and God looked upon the children of Israel, and God had respect unto them " (Exod. ii. 25-25). Besides his suitability in character to be the Pharaoh who continued the severe oppression begun by Seti I., Rameses IL, by the great length of his reign, exactly fits into the requirements of the Biblical narrative. The- narra tive requires for its second Pharaoh a king who reigned at least forty years, probably longer. The New Empire furnishes only three reigns of the necessary duration, — those of Thoth- mes III. (fifty-four years), Rameses II. (sixty-seven years), and Psammetichus I. (fifty-four years). Psammetichus, who reigned from b. c. 667 to 613, is greatly too late ; Tfiothmes III is very much too early ; Rameses II. alone verges upon the time at which the severe oppression must necessarily be placed. It can scarcely be a coincidence that Egyptian tra dition should point out Menephthah I. as the Pharaoh of the Exodus, and that, the Biblical narrative assigning to his pre decessor an exceptionally long reign, the monuments and Manetho should agree in giving to that predecessor the ex- ceptionally long reign of sixty-six or sixty-seven years. NOTICES IN EXODUS. 141 CHAPTER XVI. FURTHER NOTICES OF EGYPT IN EXODUS. The portraits of the first and second Pharaohs men tioned in the Book of Exodus are only faintly and slightly sketched. That of the third monarch — "the Pharaoh of the Exodus," as he is commonly termed — is, on the contrary, presented to us with much clearness and distinctness, though without effort or conscious elaboration. He is an oppressor as merciless as either of his predecessors, as deaf to pity, as determined to crush the aspirations of the Hebrews by hard labor. To him belongs the ingenious device for aggravating suffering, which has passed into the proverbial phraseology of modern Europe, the requirement of bricks without straw " (ch. v. 7-19). He disregards the afflictions of his own coun trymen as completely as those of his foreign slaves, and con tinues fixed in his determination not to " let Israel go," until he suffers the loss of his own first-born (ch. xii. 29-32). When finally he has been induced to allow the Hebrews to withdraw themselves from his land, he suddenly repents of his concession, pursues after them, and seeks, not so much to prevent their escape, as to destroy them to the last man (ch. xv. 9) To this harshness and cruelty of temper he adds a remarkable weakness and vacillation — he will and he will not ; he makes promises and retracts them ; he " thrusts the Israelites out " (ch. xi. I ; xii. 31), and then rushes after them at the head of all the troops that he can muster (ch. xiv. 5-9). Further — and this is most remarkable — unlike the generality of Egyptian monarchs, he seems to be deficient in personal courage ; at any rate, there is no appearance of his having imperilled himself in the attack made on the Israelites at the Red Sea, — " the Egyptians pursued, and went in after them to the midst of the sea, even all Pharaoh's horses, his chariots, and hi$ horsemen" (ch. xiv. 23) ; but not, so far as appears, Pharaoh himself. This, indeed has 142 EGYPT AND BABYLON. been disputed, and Ps. cxxxvi. 15 ; has been quoted ns a positive proof to the contrary ; * but the expression of a poet who wrote some centuries after the event would bo very weak evidence with respect to the fact, besides which his statement is, not that the Pharaoh was killed, but that he was " overthrown." Neither the narrative in Exod. xiv. nor the song of rejoicing in the following chapter contains the slightest allusion to the Pharaoh's death, an omission al most inconceivable if he really perished with his warriors.} Further, the Pharaoh of the Exodus seems to have been grossly and abnormally superstitious, one who put real trust in magicians and sorcerers, and turned to them in times of difficulty rather than to statesmen and persons of experience in affairs. What, then, does profane history tell us of the Men ephthah whom we have shown to be at once the traditional " Pharaoh of the Exodus " and the king pointed out by chronological considerations as the ruler of Egypt at the period ? M. Lenormant begins his account of him by observ ing,} "Moreover, he was neither a soldier nor an adminis trator, but one whose mind was turned almost exclusively towards the chimeras of sorcery and magic, resembling in this respect his brother, Kha-m-uas." "The Book of Ex odus," he adds, " is in the most exact agreement with his torical truth when it depicts him as surrounded by priest- magicians, with whom Moses contends in working prodigies, in order to affect the mind of the Pharaoh."§ Later on in his history of Menephthah, M. Lenormant has the following passage. || He is describing the great in vasion of Libyans and others which Menephthah repulsed in his fifth year. " The barbarians advanced without meet ing any serious resistance. The terrified population either fled before them, or made its submission, but attempted nothing like a struggle. Already had the invading army reached the neighborhood of Pa-ari-sheps, the Prosopis of * Canon Cook in the " Speaker's Commentary," vol. i., p. 309. t That the Pharaoh did not perish is maintained by Wilkinson ("Ancient Egyptians," vol. i., p. 54), Chabas ("Recherches pourservir a l'histoire de l'Egypte," pp. 152, 161), Lenormant ("Manuel d'His- toire Ancienne," vol. ii., p. 292, edition of 1S83), and others. X '" Manuel d'Histoire Ancienne," vol. ii., p. 281 (edition of 1883) § Ibid. II Ibid., p. 289. Compare "Records of the Past." vol. iv., pp. 41-44. ' vv NOTICES IN EXODUS. 143 the Greeks ; On (Heliopolis) and Man-nofri (Memphis) were seriously threatened. Menephthah assembled his army in front of these two towns, in order to cover them ; he drew from Asia a number of mercenaries, to supply the lack of Egyptian soldiers of sufficient experience ; at the same time he fortified the banks of the middle branch of the Nile, to prevent the enemy from crossing ix;, and to place in safety, at any rate, the eastern half of the Delta. Sending forward in advance, first of all, his chariot-force and his light-armed auxiliaries, the Pharaoh promised to join the battle array with the bulk of his troops at the end of fourteen days. But he was not personally fond of actual fight, and disliked ex posing himself to the chance of defeat. An apparition of the god Phthah, which he saw in a dream, warned him that his lofty rank required him not to cross the river. He there- foresent his army to the combat under the command of some of his father's generals, who were still living." Two features of Menephthah's character, as represented in Scrip ture, are here illustrated : his want of personal courage and his habit of departing from his promises with or without a pretext. The apparition of the god Phthah in a dream is clearly a convenient fiction, by means of which he might at once conceal his cowardice and excuse the forfeiture of his word. The Egyptian monuments thus confirm three leading features in the character of Menephthah, — his superstitious- ness, his want of courage, and his weak, shifty, false temper. They do not, howevor, furnish much indication of his cruelty. This is, perhaps, sufficiently accounted for by their scanti ness. Menephthah is a king of whom it has been said * that he " belongs to the number of those monarchs whose memory has been with difficulty preserved by a few monu ments of inferior value, and a few inscriptions of but little importance." We have, in fact, but one inscription of any considerable length belonging to his reign.} It gives mainly an account of the Libyan war, in which he was not person ally engaged. A tone of pride and arrogance common to the autobiographical memoirs of Egyptian kings pervades it, but it contains few notices of any severities for which the * Brugsch, "Histoire d'Egypte,"p. 175. t This inscription will be found translated in " Records of the Past," vol. iv., pp. 39-48, and in M. Chabas' " Recherches pour servir a l'histoire de l'Egypte," pp. 84-94. 144 EGYPT AND BABYLON. monarch himself can be regarded as responsible. That he made slaves of the prisoners taken in the Libyan war* merely shows that he acted like other monarchs of the time. He speaks, however, of having in a Cushite war " slaughtered the .people, and set fire to them, and netted, as men net birds, the entire country." } This last expression reminds one of a cruel Persian practice, whereby whole populations were exterminated, or reduced to slavery ; } the preceding one, if it is to be taken literally, implies a still more extreme and more unusual barbarity. It was not to be expected that the general series of events related in the first fourteen chapters of Exodus should obtain any direct mention in the historical records of Egypt. As M. Chabas remarks,§ " events of this kind were not entitled to be inscribed on the public monuments, where nothing was ever registered except successes and triumphs." The court historiographers would naturally refrain from all mention of the terrible plagues from which Egypt suffered during a whole year, as well as from any record of the disaster of the Red Sea ; and the monarch would certainly not inscribe any account of them upon his edifices. Still there are points of the narrative which admit of comparison with the records of the time, and in which an agreement or disagreement with those records would almost of necessity show itself ; and these it is proposed to consider in the remainder of this chapter. Such are (1) the employment of forced labor in Egypt at this period of its history, and the method of its employment ; (2) the inclusion, or non-inclusion, of the Hebrews among the forced laborers; (3) the construction at the period of " store- cities," and the names of the cities ; (4) the military organi zation of the time ; (5) the untimely loss of a son by the king under whom the Exodus took place ; and (6) the existence or non-existence of any indication in the records of such ex haustion and weakness as might be expected to follow the events related in Exodus. The use of forced labor by the Egyptian monarchs of the time, especially by Seti I. arid Rameses IL, is abundantly witnessed to by the monuments. The kings speak of it as a matter of course ; the poets deplore it ; the artists repre sent it. " It was the custom of the Egyptians to subject * " Records of the Past," vol. iv., p. 47, 1. 63. t Ibid., 1. 67. 1 Herod, iii. 149 ; vi. 31. § "Recherches," etc., p. 152. NOTICES IN EXODUS. 145 prisoners of war to this life of forced labor. A tomb of the time of Thothmes III. has furnished pictures which rep resent Asiatic captives making bricks, and working at build ings under the rod of task-masters — pictures which are a figured commentary on the verses of Exodus (ch. i. 11-14) which we have just cited. But under Rameses II. the un precedented development of architectural works rendered the fatigues to which such wretches were exposed far more overwhelming." * Gangs of laborers were placed under the charge of an overseer armed with a stick which he applied freely to their naked backs and shoulders on the slightest provocation. A certain definite amount of task-work was required every day of each laborer. Some worked at brick- making, some at stone-cutting, some at dragging blocks from the quarries, some at erecting edifices. Food was pro vided by the Government, and appears not to have been insufficient ; but the hard work, and the exposure to the burning sun of Egypt, were exhausting in the extreme, and rendered their life a burden to those condemned to pass it in this sort of employ. Whether the monuments indicate, or do not indicate, the inclusion of the Hebrews among the forced laborers of this period depends on our acceptance or non-acceptance of a suggested identification.} Are we, or are we not, to regard the Hebrews as the same people with the Aperu or Apuriu ? In favor of the identification, there is, in the firs tplace, the close resemblance of the words. M. Chabas, indeed, over states the case when he says} that the Egyptian Aperu is " the exact transcription of the Hebrew ." It is not so really, since the exact transcription would be " Aberu " ; but it is a very near approach to an exact transcription. It falls short of exactness merely by the substitution of ap for a b, the two letters being closely cognate, and the ear of the Egyptians for foreign sounds not very accurate. In the next place, it is found that Rameses II. employs the Aperu in the building of his city of Rameses (Pa-Ramesu), which is exactly one of the works ascribed to the Hebrews in Exodus (ch. i. 11). Further, we must either accept the * Lenormant, " Manuel d'Histoire Ancienne," vol. ii., p. 269, edition of 1883. , t On this identification, see Chabas, "Recherches pour servir a l'histoire de l'Egypte," pp. 142-150 ; "Melanges Egyptologiques," 2me Se'rie, p. IOS, et seg. X " Recherches," p. 142. 146 EGYPT AND BABYLON. identity of the Hebrews with the Aperu, or we must suppose that the kings of this period had in their service at this time two sets of forced laborers quite unconnected, yet with names almost exactly alike. Against the identification, almost the sole point that can be urged, is the fact that Aperu are found still to be employed by the Egyptian kings after the Exodus is a thing of the past, as by Rameses III. and Rameses IV. But this objection seems to be sufficiently met by M. Chabas. " It is quite certain that, spread as the text of Scripture de clares that they were over the whole of Egypt, the Hebrews could not by any possibility respond universally to the appeal of Moses ; perhaps some of them did not even wish to do so. Such was doubtless the case with those [Aperu] whom we find enrolled in regiments in the reigns of Rameses III. and Rameses IV." * The construction of " store-cities " at the required period has received recent illustration of the most remarkable kind. The explorers employed by the " Egypt Exploration Fund" have uncovered at Tel-el-Maskoutah, near Tel-el-Kebir, an ancient city, which the inscriptions found on the spot show to have been built, in part at any rate, by Rameses IL, and which is of so peculiar a construction as to suggest at once to those engaged in the work the idea that it was built for a " store-city."} The town is altogether a square, enclosed by a brick wall twenty-two feet thick, and measuring six hun dred and fifty feet along each side. The area contained within the wall is estimated at about ten acres. Nearly the whole of this space is occupied by solidly built square cham bers, divided one from the other by brick walls from eight to ten feet thick, which are unpierced by window or door, or opening of any kind. About ten feet from the bottom the walls show a row of recesses for beams, in some of which de cayed wood still remains, indicating that the buildings were two-storied, having a lower room, which could only be en tered by means of a trap-door, used probably as a store house or magazine, and an upper one, in which the keeper of the store may have had his abode. Thus far ttie discovery is simply that of a " store-city," built partly by Rameses II., * " Recherches," p. 163. t- See an article in the British Quarterly Review for July, 1883, pp. 110-115 ; and compare the letters on the same subject in the Academy for February, 24th, March 3d and 17th, and April 7th of the same year. NOTICES IN EXODUS. 147 but it further appears, from several short inscriptions, that the name of the city was Pa-Tum, or Pithom ; and there is no reasonable doubt that one of the two cities built by the Israelites has been laid bare, and answers completely to the description given of it. Of the twin city, Rameses, the re mains have not yet been identified. Wc know, however, from the inscription, that it was in the immediate vicinity of Tanis, and that it was built perhaps in part by Seti I., but mainly by his son Rameses II. It lends additional interest to the discovery of Pithom that the city is found to be built almost entirely of brick. It was in brick-making that the Israelites are said in the Book of Exodus (ch. i. 14 ; v. 7-19) to have been principally employed. They are also said to have been occupied to some extent " in mortar " (ch. i. 14) ; and the bricks of the store-chambers of Pithom are " laid with mortar in regular tiers." * They made their bricks " with straw " until no straw was given them, when they were reduced to straits (ch. v. 7-19). It is in accordance with this part of the narrative, and sheds some additional light upon it to find that the bricks of the Pithom chambers, while generally con- tainitag a certam amount of straw, are in some instances destitute of it. The king's cruelty forced the Israelites to produce in some cases an inferior article. The military organization of the Egyptians at the time of the Exodus is represented as very complete. The king is able, almost at a moment's warning, to take the field with a force of six hundred picked chariots, and numerous others of a more ordinary description, together with a considerable body of footmen. It does not appear that he has any cav alry, for the word translated " horsemen " in our version probably designates the riders in the chariots. Each squad ron of thirty chariots is apparently under the command of a " captain " (ch. xiv. 7). The entire force, large as it is, is ready to take the field in a few days, for otherwise the Israelites would have got beyond the Egyptian border before the Pharaoh could have overtaken them. It acts promptly and bravely, and only suffers disaster through cir cumstances of an abnormal and indeed miraculous character. Now it appears by the Egyptian monuments that the mili tary system was brought to its highest perfection by Seti I. * British Quarterly Review, July 1883, p. 110. 148 EGYPT AND BABYLON. and Rameses II, It is certain that, in their times the army was most carefully organized, divided into brigades,* and maintained in a state of constant preparation. The chariot force was regarded as of very much the highest importance, and amounted, according to the lowest computation, to. several thousands. It is doubtful whether any cavalry was employed, none appearing on the monuments, and the word so translated by many writers } being regarded by others as the proper designation of the troops who fought in chariots. } Infantry, however, in large well-disciplined bodies, always attended and supported the chariot force. Under Menephthah the system of his father and grandfather was still maintained, though no longer in full vigor. He required a fortnight to collect sufficient troops to meet the Libyan invasion. § He had then, however, to meet an army of trained soldiers, and had no need to hasten, since he occupied a strong position. Under the circumstances of the Exodus, it was necessary to be more prompt, and sufficient to collect a much smaller army. This he appears to have been able to do at the end of a few days. It was scarcely to be expected that the Egyptian records would present any evidence on the subject of Menephthah's loss of a son by an untimely death. Curiously, however, it does happen that a monument, at present in the Berlin Museum, contains a proof of his having suffered such a loss. || There is no description of the circumstances, but a mere in dication of the bare fact. The confirmation thus lent to the Scriptural narrative is slight ; but it has a value in a case where the entire force of the evidence consists in its being cumulative. Three results would naturally follow on the occurrence of such circumstances as those recorded in Exodus. Egypt would be for a time weakened in a military point of view, and her glory, as a conquering power, would suffer tempo- * " Records of the Past," vol. ii., p. 68. t As generally in the " Records of the Past," and by M. Chabas in his " Recherches pour servir," etc., pp. 85, 88, 89, etc. X M. Lenormant almost always replaces the "cavalry "of other translators by the expression " des chars " (Manuel d'Histoire Ancienne," vol. ii., pp. 255, 256, etc.) He observes in one place, " The military education of the Egyptians did not include teaching men to ride, since they fought in chariots." § " Records of the Past," vol. iv., p. 43. II Brugsch, " Histoire d'Egypte," p. 175. NOTICES IN EXODUS. 149 rary eclipse. The royal auhtority would be shaken, and encouragement afforded to the pretensions of any rival claimants of the throne. The loss of six hundred thousand laborers would bring to an end the period of the construction of great works, or, at the least, greatly check their rapid multiplication. Now this is exactly what all historians of Egypt agree to have been the general condition of things in Egypt in the later years of Menephthah and the period im mediately following. Military expeditions cease until the time of Rameses III., a space of nearly forty years. The later years of Menephthah. are disturbed by the rise of a pretender, Ammon-mes, who disputes the , throne with his son, and according to Manetho,* occupies it for five years. Seti IL, or Seti-Menephthah, has then a short reign ; but another claimant is brought forward by a high official, and established in his place. Soon afterwards complete anarchy sets in, and continues for several years,} till a certain Set- nekht is made king by the priests, and tranquility once more restored. The construction of monuments during this period almost entirely ceases ; and when Rameses III. shows the desire to emulate the architectural glories of former kings, he is compelled to work on a much smaller scale, and to content himself with the erection of a comparatively few edifices. * Ap. Syncell., " Chronographia," p. 72. C. t See the " Great Harris Papyrus," translated by Dr. Eisenlohr in the "Transactions of the Society of Biblical Archaeology," vol. i., p. 359, et »eq. 150 EGYPT AND BABYLON. CHAPTER XVII. NOTICES OF EGYPT IN EXODUS AND NTJMBEBS. " The children of Israel journeyed from Rameses to Succoth." — Exod. xii. 37. " It came to pass, when Pharaoh had let the people go, that God led them not [through] the way of the land of. the Philistines, although that was near . . . But God led the people about [through] the way of the wilderness of the Red Sea . . . And they took their journey from Succoth, and encamped in Etham, in the edge of the wilder ness." — Exod. xiii 17-20. " Speak unto the children of Israel, that they turn and encamp before Pi-hahiroth, between Migdol and the sea, over against Baal- Zephon; before it shall ye encamp by the sea." — Exod". xiv. 2. " These are the journeys of the children of Israel, which went forth out of the land of Egypt with their armies under the hand of Moses and Aaron. And Moses wrote their goings out according to their journeys by the commandment of the Lord : and these are their jour neys according to their goings out. And they departed from Rameses in the first month,' on the fifteenth day of the first month . . . And the children of Israel removed from Rameses, and pitched in Succoth And they departed from Succoth, and pitched in Etham, which is in the edge of the wilderness. And they removed from Etham, and turned again unto Pi-hahiroth, which is before Baal-Zephon : and they pitched before Migdol. And they departed from before Pi-hahiroth, and passed through the midst of the sea into the wilderness, and went three days' journey in the wilderness of Etham, and pitched in Marah. And they removed from Marah, and came unto Elim . . . And they removed from Elim, and encamped by the Red Sea." — Numb, xxxiii. 1-10. Although the geographical problems connected with the Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt cannot be said to be as yet completely solved, yet the course of modern research has shed considerable light upon the route followed by the flying people, and the position of their various resting-places. The results arrived at may be regarded as tolerably assured, since they have not been reached without very searching criticism and the suggestion of many rival hypotheses. The boldest of these, started in the year 1874 by one of the first NOTICES INEXODUS AND NUMBERS. 151 of modern Egyptologists, Dr. Brugsch,* for a time shook to its foundation the fabric of earlier belief. The authority of its propounder was great, his acquaintance with the ancient geography of Egypt unrivaled, and his argument conducted with extreme skill and ingenuity ; it was not to be wondered at, therefore, that his views obtained for a time very general credence. But researches conducted subsequently to the enunciation of his views, partly with the object of testing tfiem, partly without any such object, have shown his theory to be untenable} ; and opinion has recently reverted to the old channel, having gained by the discussion some additional precision and definiteness. We propose in the present chapter to consider the Exodus geographically, and to trace, as distinctly as possible, the " journeys " of the Israelites from their start on the day following the destruction of the first-born to their entrance on the " wilderness of Etham " after their passage of the Red Sea. The point of departure is clearly stated both in Exodus (ch. xii, 37), and in Numbers (ch. xxxiii. 3. 5) to have been " Rameses." What does this mean ? We hear in Scripture both of a " land of Rameses " (Gen. xlvii. 11), and of a city " Raamses," or Rameses. It is not disputed that these two words are the same ; nor does it seem to be seriously doubt ed that the land received its name from the town. From which, then, are we to understand that the Israelites made their start ? It has been argued strongly that " the land " is intended ; } and with this contention we are so far agreed, that we should not suppose any general gathering of the people to the city of Rameses, but a movement from all parts of the land of Rameses or Goshen to the general rnuster at Succoth. Succoth seems to us to have been the first rendezvous. But a portion of the Israelites, and that the leading and guiding portion, started probably from the town. Menephthah resided at Pa-Ramesu, a suburb of Tanis. Moses and Aaron held communication with him * The views of Dr. Brugsch were first propounded at the Interna tional Congress of Orientalists, held in 1874. They were afterwards published in the English translation of his " Hi3tory of Egypt," Lon don, 1879. , t See Mr. Greville Chester's papers in the " Quarterly Statements" of the Palestine Exploration Fund, July, 1S80, and April, 1881 ; and Mr. Stanley Poole's paper in the British Quarterly Review for July, 1883. X See Dr. Trumbull's " Kadesh-Barnea " (New York, 1884), p. 3S2. 152 EGYPT AND BABYLON. during the night, after the first-born were slain. They must, therefore, have been in the town or in its immediate neigh borhood. They received permission to depart (Exodus xii. 31), and, as soon as morning broke, they set off with the other Israelites of the neighborhood. It is this start from the town of Rameses which the historian has in his eye ; he needs a definite terminus a quo from which to begin his account of the journeying (Numb, xxxiii. 5), and he finds it in this city, the seat of the court at the time. Rameses was in lat. 31°, long. 32°, nearly, towards the north-eastern corner of Egypt, about thirty miles almost due west of Pelu- sium, from which, however, it was separated by a great marshy tract, the modern Lake Menzaleh, which in long. 32° 20' penetrates deep into the country, and renders a march to the south-east necessary in order to reach the eastern frontier of Egypt. The rendezvous must, consequently, have been appointed for some place in this direction ; and it is in this direction that we must seek it. This place is termed both in Exodus (ch. xii. 37; xiii. 20) and in Numbers (ch. xxxiii. 5. 6) "Succoth " — i.e., "Tents" or " Booths " — an equivalent of the Greek Sxv^i which is often used as a geographical designation. It has been pro posed to identify Succoth with an Egyptian district called "Thuku" or "Thukut,"* and more recently with the newly- discovered town of Pithom } (Tel-el-Maskouteh). There is no evidence, however, that Pithom was ever called Succoth, nor would Tel-el-Maskouteh have been a convenient rendez vous for two millions of persons, with their flocks and herds. The Wady Toumilat offers but a thin thread of verdure along the line of the fresh-water canal, and though a con venient route for those who came from the more southern part of the " land of Goshen," would have been very much out of the way for such as started from the more northern portion, as from Tanis, or from the town of Goshen (Qosem) itself. But the district of Thukut, if it lay where Dr. Trum bull places' it,* north and north-west of Lake Timseh, would be a very convenient place for a general muster^ affording a wide space and abundant pasture in the spring-time, and easily reached both from south-west and north-west — in the * Brugsch, " History of Egypt," translated by Philip Smith, 2d edit., p. 370^. t Stanley Poole in the British Quarterly Review, July, 1883, p. 113. } See "Kadesh-Barnea," pp. 392-5. NOTICES IN EXODUS AND NUMBERS. 153 one case by the Wady Toumilat, in the other by way of Tel- Dafneh and the western shore of Lake Ballah. This posi tion for Thukut seems indeed to be definitely fixed by the discovery of the ruins of Pithom, the capital of Thukut, at Tel-el-Maskouteh, combined with the statement in an Egyp tian text,* that Thukut was a region just within the Egyptian frontier, suited for grazing, and in the vicinity of some lakes. Dr.«Brugsch's location of it on the southern shores of Lake Menzaleh became impossible from the moment tb.at Tel-el- Maskouteh was proved to mark the site of Pithom. It may, perhaps, be objected to the location of Succoth on the north and west of Lake Timseh, that the distance is thirty-five miles from Rameses (Tanis), and therefore could not have been traversed in a day. But nothing is said in Exodus, or elsewhere in Scripture, with respect to the length of time occupied by the journey between any two stations mentioned, except in one instance, when the time occupied was "three days" (Exod. xv. 12; Numb, xxxiii. 8). It took a month for the multitude to reach the wilderness of Sin from- their starting-point (Exod. xii. 18 ; xvi. 1) ; dur ing this time we have only six stations mentioned ; it took above a fortnight for them to move from the wilderness of Sin to the plain before Sinai (ch. xvi. 1 ; xix. 1) ; along this route are mentioned only three stations (Numb, xxxiii. 12-15). Thus there is every reason for supposing that the journey from station to station occupied, in most cases, several days. The children of Israel " took their journey from Succoth and encamped in Etham," or " at Etham, in the edge of the wilderness" (Exod. xiii. 20). No name resembling Etham is to be found in the geographical nomenclature of Egypt, either native or classical. Hence it is suspected that the word is rather a common appellation than a proper name. " Khetam " in Egyptian meant " fortress " ; and various khetamu are mentioned in the inscriptions— one near Pelu- sium, called the " khetam of Zor " ; another near Tanis ; a third, called the " khetam of King Menephthah," within the region of Thukot.} The eastern frontier was, in fact, guarded by a series of such fortresses, perhaps connected * Brugsch, " History of Egypt," vol. ii., p. 133. t Trumbull, " Kadesh-Barnea," p. 329; Brugsch, "History of Egypt," vol. ii., p. 380. 154 EGYPT AND BABYLON. together by a wall or rampart ; and especially the routes out of Egypt were thus guarded and watched. It was prob ably to one of these " khetams " — that which guarded the way out of Egypt, known to the Hebrews as the " way of Shur " (Gen. xvi-7) — that the march of the Israelites was directed from Succoth. The khetam lay " in the edge of the wilderness," and may perhaps be identified with that of King Menephthah. It was probably not far from the Bir - Makdal of the maps, situated about ten miles east of the Suez Canal, east by north of Ismailia. The multitude must have supposed that they were now about to enter the wilderness. They were " in its edge." Their leaders had doubtless brought with them the king's permission to pass the frontier fortress. The expectation must have been that on the morrow they would quit Egypt forever. _ But . here God interposed. Had the Israelites .passed out of Egypt at this point, the march would natu rally have been across the desert some way south of Lake Serbdnis to the Wady El Arish, and thence along the coast of the Mediterranean to Gaza and the low tract of the Shef- eleh. But the nation was not yet in a fit condition to meet and contend with the warlike people of that rich and val uable region — the Philistines. God accordingly, who guided the march by the pillar of the cloud and of fire (ch. xiii. 21, 22), "led them not the way of the land of the Philistines, although that was near ; for God said, Lest the people repent when they see war, and return to Egypt : but God led the people about, the way of the wilderness of the Red Sea " (ib. 17, 18). Moreover, a direction was given through Moses to the people, " that they turn and encamp before Pihahiroth, between Migdol and the sea, over against Baal- Zephon" (ch. xiv. 2). It is clear that at this point the direction of the march was changed ; and so far all are agreed. But was the " turn " towards the left or towards the right ? Was the " sea " by which they were command ed to encamp the Mediterranean or the Red Sea ? It is the main point of Dr. Brugsch's theory that he holds "the sea " to have been the Mediterranean. He pro- ' fesses to find in this direction a Migdol, a Pihahiroth, and a Baal-Zephon. The Migdol is twenty miles from the Pi hahiroth, and the Pi-hahiroth twenty-five from the Baal- Zephon, which is thus forty-five from the Migdol, for the three are nearly in a straight line. The Pi-hahiroth and the NOTICES IN EXODUS AND NUMBERS. 155 Baal-Zephon are not visible the one from the other.* Still, though these particulars of distance and position ill accord with the expressions used in Exod. xiv. 2 and Numb, xxxiii. 7, which imply proximity and the being within view, it would have been a most curious circumstance had there been on this side of the Isthmus of Suez, and also on the opposite one, three places similarly named within a moderate distance of each other. But on examination it -appears that only one of the three names is attached to any locality on the north side of the Isthmus otherwise than by conjecture. Dr. Brugsch does not profess to have found in the remains of ancient Egypt any place called Pi-hahiroth or any called Baal-Zephon. He finds in Egyptian a word khirot, signify ing " gulfs," and he finds in Diodorus a mention that there were p&padpa, " pits," at the western end of Lake Serbonis. Out of these two facts he constructs an Egyptian Pi-khirot,} which he thinks may have been the original of the Pi-hahi roth of the Hebrews. Baal-Zephon he finds only mentioned in Egyptian documents as a God, — he conjectures his iden tity with Zeus Kasios, — and upon this pure conjecture locates his temple where one stood, erected to Zeus Kasios, in post-Alexandrine times. If we put aside these two mere conjectures, there remains only a Migdol, which has a proved existence in these parts, though its exact emplacement is un certain. Migdol, however, is a generic term, meaning " a watch -tower." There are likely to have been many " Migdols" on ' the eastern frontier of Egypt, and it is maintained } that there are traces of at least three. One of these, called by the Greeks Magdolos, was certainly towards the north, not far from Pelusium ; another, central, has left its name to Bir Makdal ; a third, towards the south, is represented by . the existing Muktala. This last may well be the Migdol of Exodus. Dr. Brugsch's theory that Lake Serb6nis is the true "Yam Suph?' or " Sea of Weeds," wrongly understood by the Septuagint translators as "the Red Sea," has been ccm- * Mr. Greville Chester in the " Quarterly Statement of the Pales tine Exploration Fund," July, 1880, p. 154, note. t "' History of Egypt," vol. ii., p. 393. The real Egyptian original of Pi-hahiroth seems to have been " Pi-keheret," which is mentioned on a tablet of the time of Ptolemy Philadelphus, found at Te.-el- , Mank'Miteft. „ „„. „ X Trumbull, " Kadesh-Barnea," pp. 374-8. 156 EGYPT AND BABYLON. pletely disposed of by Mr. Greville Chester, who shows, first, that Lake Serb6nis is almost wholly devoid of vegetation, either marine or lacustrine ; * secondly, that the spit of land between it and the Mediterranean is not continuous, but in terrupted at the eastern extremity of the lake by a deep sea- channel ; } thirdly, that there is no isthmus opposite El Gelse dividing the lake into nearly equal portions, } as Dr. Brugsch supposed ; and, fourthly, that the spit of land is above fifty miles long, and takes a lightly-equiped traveler three days to traverse,§ instead of being passable in the course of a night. It may be added that, as the term " Yam Suph" is allowed by all, including Dr. Brugsch, to designate the Red Sea in Exod. xiii. 17 and Numb, xxxiii. 10, 11, it is in conceivable that the same writer should in the same narra tive use it also of another far-distant sheet of water (Exod. xv. 4, 22). The propriety of the name " Yam Suph," as applied to tho Red Sea, has been well illustrated by Dr. Trumbull, || " Suph " in Hebrew means at once " seaweed " (Jonah ii. 5), and "rushes" or "sedge." (Exod. ii. 3, etc.). The Red Sea is famous for the number and variety of its marine growths. " Weeds and corals are to be seen in such profu sion and beauty at many places along the shores of Red Sea, and again below its surface, as disclosed at low water, as almost to have the appearance of groves and gardens." ^ Again, "the juncus acutus arundo (Egyptiaca, or arundo Isaica, grows commonly on the shore of the Red Sea, so that at this day a bay of the same is called Ghubbet-el-bus, or ' Reed Bay.' " ** The observing naturalist, Klunzinger, says that, " Where the soil of the desert along that coast is kept moist by lagoons of sea water, the eye is gladdened by spreading meadows of green verdure. The coast flora of the desert, which requires the saline vapor of the sea, is peculiar. A celebrated plant is the shora (Avicennia offici nalis), which forms large dense groves in the sea, these being laid bare only at very low ebb. Ships are laden with its wood, which, is used as fuel, and many camels live altogether * " Quarterly Statement " of Palestine Exploration Fund for July, 1S80, p. 155. t Ibid., p. 157. X Ibid., p. 154. § Ibid., pp. 152-157. || '< Kadesh-Bamea." pp. 353-356. 1 Laborde, " Voyage de l'Arabie Pe"tre'e," p. 5. ** Stickel, " Der Israeliten Auszug aus jEgypten" in "Studien und Kritiken " for 1850, p. 331. NOTICES IN EXODUS AND NUMBERS. 157 on its laurel-like leaves." He divides, indeed, the shore line of the Red Sea into the " outer shore zone " or the reef line, and the "inner shore or sea-grass zone." Even in the outer shore zone there " flourish also in many in lets of the sea thickets of the laurel-like shora shrub," as above described ; and there are " sea-grass pools." In the inner shore zone, " among the rocks, which are either bare or covered with a blackish and red mucilaginous sea-weed," there " grow green phanerogamous grasses of the family of the Naiadeae."* But if the sea intended in the directions given to Moses (Exod. xiv. 2) was the Red Sea, Migdol, Pihahiroth, and Baal-Zephon must be sought towards the south ; and. the " turn " in the journey (ibid, and Numb, xxxiii. 7), of which we have spoken, must have been a turn to the right. It was to some extent a " turning back," as the Hebrew word used implies, a " return " into Egypt when the frontier had been Reached, and might have been crossed. It looked like hesi tation and doubt, like the commencement of an aimless, purposeless wandering. Hence the Pharaoh took heart, and made preparations for a pursuit at the head of an army (ch. xiv. 3, 59). If the " bitter lakes " were (as supposed by many }) con nected at the time with the northern end of the Red Sea, as a marshy inlet, overflowed at high water, and Pi-hahiroth were near Muktala, the Israelites, to reach it, must have skirted the northern extremity of the lakes, and have pro ceeded southward along their western shores. A march of three days would bring them into the plain north-west of Suez, at the western edge of which the station Muktala (Migdol) is found. The Israelites " encamped between Migdol and the sea," for which there would be abundant room, as the distance is above ten miles. They were " be side Pi-hahiroth and before Baal-Zephon " (ch. xiv. 9). These conditions would be sufficiently answered if Pi-hahi roth were at Ajrud, which is thought to retain a trace of the name,} and Baal-Zephon were on the north-eastern flank of * Quoted from Dr. Trumbull's " Kadesh-Bamea," pp. 355-6. t As Kurtz, Sharpe, Stanley Poole, Reginald Stuart Poole, Canon Cook Lieutenant Conder, Burton, Villiers Stuart, Gratz, and others. *So Ebers ("Gosen zum Pinai," p. 526), Kurtz ("Hist, of Old Covenant," vol. ii., p. 323), Keil andDelitzsch ("Bible Comment. "on Exod. xiv. 2), etc. 158 EGYPT AND BABYLON. Jebel Atakah. Baal-Zephon is not necessarily a Phoenician name, for the Egyptians had adopted " Baal "' as a god long before the time of Menephthah, and Zephon (Zapouna or Typhon) was altogether Egyptian. There is no proof be yond the notices in Exodus that he had a temple, or a town named after him, in this quarter ; but neither is there any proof of his having had one in any part of Egypt. It has been argued that the position on Jebel Ataka would be one exactly adapted to such a god as Baal-Zephon ; } but we scarcely know enough of the Egyptian religion to be sure of this. We can only say that here, on the western coast of the Gulf of Suez, would be ample room for the encampment of the entire Israelitish host ; that in this position it might well seem that " the wilderness had shut them in " (ch. xiv. 3) ; and that the host would be " before a Migdol " (Numb. xxxiii. 7), and perhaps " beside a Pi-hahiroth " (Exod. xiv. 9). The sea in front was but two or three miles across, and might easily have been passed in a night ; the bottom was such as would naturally clog the Egyptian chariot wheels (ver. 25), and the further shore was destitute of springs, a true " wilderness " (ch. xv. 22), where the Israelites may well have gone " three days without water." t Trumbull, " Kadesh-Barnea," p. 421. NOTICES IN EXODUS. 159 CHAPTER XVIII. FURTHER NOTICES OF EGYPT IN EXODUS. In considering the Biblical notices of Egypt contained in the Book of Exodus, we have hitherto confined ourselves almost entirely to the main narrative, and indeed to such points of it as are capable of illustration from historical docu ments, monumental, or literary. But the full force of the illustration which profane sources are capable of lending to the scriptural accounts cannot be rightly estimated, unless we add to this some consideration of those various minor matters, incidentally touched • upon, which constitutes the entourage of the main narrative, and render it altogether so graphic and life-like. These touches must be either the natural utterances of one familiar with the country at the time, as Moses, the traditional author of Exodus would have been, or the artful imitation of such utterances by a later "writer, unfamiliar with the time, and probably with the scene, drawing upon his imagination or his stock of antiqua rian knowledge. In the former case, a general agreement between the Biblical portraiture and the facts as otherwise known to us might be confidently looked for ; in the latter, there would be sure to appear, on examination, repeated con tradictions and discrepancies. It will be the object of the present chapter to show that there is a close accord between the Scriptural notices and the facts as otherwise known to us in respect of almost all the minor matters of which we have Spoken. These may be summed up under the following principal heads : — (a) the climate and productions of Egypt, (b) the dress and domestic habits of the people, (c) the ordinary food of the laboring classes, (d) customs connected with farming and cattle-keep ing, and (e) miscellaneous customs. The climate of Egypt is touched upon mainly in con nection with the seventh plague, in ch. ix. We find there 160 EGYPT AND BABYLON. heavy rain (ver. 33),, hail, thunder and lightning mentioned as occurring in early spring, and doing great damage to the crops. The particular visitation is spoken of as miraculous in coming at the command of Moses (ver. 23), and as ex traordinary in its intensity (ver. 24), but not as a thing previously unknown. On the contrary, it is implied that similar visitations of less severity were not unusual. Objec tion has been taken to the narrative on this account ; and it has been represented as indicative of a great want of acquain tance with the climatic circumstances of the country, since rain and hail are, it has been said, unknown in Egypt. But the only ground for such a statement is the authority of the classical writers. Herodotus regarded rain in Upper Egypt as a prodigy, * and Mela goes so far as to call Egypt gener ally " a land devoid of showers." } But the observation of modern travelers runs counter to such views, } and sup ports the credit of the author of Exodus. In Upper Egypt, indeed, " very heavy rain is unusual, and happens only about once in ten years. Four or five showers fall there every year, after long intervals." § But in Lower Egypt, rain is as com mon in winter as it is in the south of Europe. Storms of great severity occur occasionally, more especially in February and March, when snow, hail, thunder and lightning are not uncommon. The Rev. T. H. Tooke " describes a storm of extreme" severity, which lasted twenty-four hours, in the middle of February," || as high up the valley as Beni-Hassan. Other travelers, as Seetzen and Willmann, speak of storms of thunder and hail in March. " The ravines in the valley of the kings' tomb near Thebes, and the precautions taken in the oldest temples at Thebes to guard the roofs against rain by lions' mouths, or gutters, for letting off the water from them," IT prove sufficiently that there was no great difference between ancient and modern times in respect of the rainfall of the Nile valley. Among the cultivated products of Egypt mentioned in Exodus, the principal are, wheat, barley, flax, and rye, or spelt * Herod, ii'". 10. t Pomp. Mel., " De Situ Orbis," i. 9; " jEgyptus terraexpers im- brium. " X See the passages collected by Hengstenberg, " Egypt and the Books of Moses," pp. 117, 118. § Williamson in Rawlinson's " Herodotus," vol. ii., p. 409, note 4. || " Speaker's Commentary," vol. i., p. 285. f Wilkinson, 1. s. c. Compare " Ancient Egyptians," vol. ii., p. 426. NOTICES IN EXODUS. 161 (ix. 32), to which may be added from the Book of Numbers (xi. 5) cucumbers, melons, onions, garlick, and leeks. Grains of wheat have been found abundantly in the coffins contain ing mummies, and " mummy wheat " is said to have been raised from such grains in various parts of Europe. The monuments, moreover, represented to us in numerous in stances the growth of wheat, the mode in which it was cut, bound into sheaves, or gathered into baskets, and threshed by the tread of cattle on a threshing-floor. * Barley does not appear to be represented, } but its growth is manifest. It is mentioned as the ordinary food of the Egyptian horses, } and as one of the chief materials used in the making of bread. § It was also largely employed in the manufacture of beer. | Flax was likewise cultivated on an extensive scale to furnish the linen garments necessarily worn by the priests, and pre ferentially by others, and needed also for mummy-cloths, corselets,' and various other uses. Spelt, like wheat, is rep resented on the monuments, IT and according to Herodotus, was the grain ordinarily consumed by the Egyptians,** as is the doora— probably the same plant— at the present day. Herodotus also witnesses to the cultivation of onions and of garlick,}} while that of cucumbers is attested by their being 'frequently figured in the tombs. The leeks of Egypt had the character of being superior to all others in the time of Pliny,}} which would imply a long anterior cultivation. Mel ons are among the most abundant of the modern products, but their growth in ancient times seems not to be distinctly attested. The abundant use of personal ornaments by the Egyptians, and especially of ornaments in silver and gold, implied in the direction given to the Israelites to " borrow " such things of their neighbors and lodgers before their departure from Egypt (ch. iii. 22), and in the " spoil " which they thus ac quired (ch. xii. 36), is among the facts most copiously attested by the extant remains. Ornaments in gold and silver have been found in the tombs, not only of the great and opulent, but even of comparatively poor persons ; they were frequently * See Wilkinson, " Ancient Egyptians," vol. ii., pp. 418-427. t The Egyptian wheat being bearded, it is not easy to say in some cases whether barley or wheat is represented. X " Records of the Past," vol. ii., p. 75. § Ibid., vol. via., p. 44. || Wilkinson, "Ancient Egyptians," vol. ii., p. 42. 1 Ibid., p. 427. ** Herod, n. 36 tf Herod., ii. 125. tt Plin., '« H.N." xix. 33. 162 EGYPT AND BABYLON. worn by the men, and probably few women were without them. Among the articles obtained from the tombs are " rings, bracelets, armlets, necklaces, earrings, and numerous trinkets belonging to the toilet." * Most of these articles were common to the two sexes ; but ear-rings were affected especially, if not exclusively, by the women. Egyptian men of the upper class carried, as a matter of course, " walking-sticks." } Hence the " rod " of Aaron was naturally brought into the presence of Pharaoh (ch. vii. 10) ;, and the magicians had also " rods " in their hands (ib. ver. 12), which they " cast down " before Pharaoh, as Aaron had cast his. These " rods," or rather " sticks," are continually represented on the monuments : no Egyptian lord is with out one ; } at an entertainment there was an attendant whose especial duty it was to receive the sticks of the male guests on their arrival, and restore them at their departure. § The Egyptians employed "furnaces" (ch. ix. 8) for vari ous purposes, " (ch.. viii. 3^ for the baking of their bread, "kneading-troughs " (ibid,) for the formation of the dough, and "hand-mills " (ch. xi. 5) for the grinding of the corn into flour. " Their mills," says Sir Gardner Wilkinson, " were of simple and rude construction. They consisted of two* circular stones, nearly flat, the lower one fixed, while the other turned on a pivot, or shaft, rising from the centre of that beneath it ; and the grain, descending through an aper ture in the upper stone, immediately above the pivot, gradually underwent the process of grinding as it passed. It was turned by a woman, seated and holding a handle fixed Eerpendicularly near the edge. . . . The stone of which the and-mills were made was usually a hard grit." || Sir Gard ner adds in a note that he draws these conclusions from the fragments of the old stones discovered among the ancient remains. The same writer witnesses to the use by the ancient Egyptians of furnaces, ovens, and kneading troughs.1T One curious custom of an Egyptian household obtains incidental mention in the account of the first plague, viz., * Wilkinson, "Ancient Egyptians," vol. ii., p. 236. t Ibid., vol. ii., p. 28; vol. i'ii.. p. 447. } Birch, " Egypt from the Earliest 1 imes," p. 45: " The Egyptian lord . . . carried a wand or walking-stick as a sign of dignity or au thority." § Wilkinson, "Ancient Egyptians," vol. i., pi. xi., fig. 10. II Ibid., vol. i., p. 359. 1 Wilkinson, ''Ancient Egyptians," vol. ii., pp. 84, 192. NOTICES IN EXODUS. 163 the storing of water in vessels of wood and in vessels of stone " (ch. vii. 19). Water being exceedingly abundant in Egypt by reason of the Nile, with its numerous branches, natural and artificial, which conveyed the indispensable fluid almost to every house, " storing " would have been quite un necessary but for one circumstance. The Nile water during the period of the inundation is turbid, and requires to be kept for a considerable time before it becomes palatable and fit for use by the muddy particles sinking gradually to the bottom, and leaving pure water at the top. To produce this effect, it has always been, and still is, usual to keep the Nile water iu jars, or stone-troughs, until the sediment is deposited, and the fluid rendered fit for drinking.* Another still more remarkable custom is brought under notice by the narrative in ch. i. " When ye do the office of a. midwife to the Hebrew women," says the Pharaoh to Shiphrah and Puah, " and see them upon the stools, if it be a son, then ye shall kill him," etc. The incident is one which its delicate nature unfits for representation, and the monu ments thus fail to confirm it ; but a modern practice, peculiar, as far as we know, to Egypt, is probably the direct de scendant of the ancient one, and at any rate lends it illus tration. " Two or three days before the expected time of " delivery," says Mr. Lane, in his account of the manners and customs of the modern Egyptians, "the layah (midwife) conveys to the house the kursee ehcilddeh, a chair of a peculiar form, upon which the patient is to be seated during the birth." } The ordinary food of the Israelites during the time of their sojourn in Egypt is stated in one place (Exod. xvi. 3) to have consisted of " bread " and " flesh." But from an other we can learn that it embraced also " fish " in abundance, and likewise the following vegetables : " cucumbers, melons, leeks, onions, and garlic" (Numb. xi. 5) That bread was its staple mav be gathered from the institution of the feast of unleavened bread (eh. xii. 15-20), as well as from the mention of " dough " (ibid. vers. 34, 39) as the only provision that -they took with them, besides their beasts, when they quitted the country. Now •' bread " was certainly " the staff of life " to the Egyptian nation, and the food on which they * Wilkinson. " Ancient Egyptians," vol. ii., p. 42S. Compare Pococke. " Travels," vol. i., p. 312. t Lane, " Modern Egyptians," vol. iii., p. 142. 164 EGYPT AND BABYLON. would naturally nourish their slaves. We find a king stating that he offered in a single temple loaves of three distinct kinds, viz., " best bread," " great loaves of bread for eating," and "loaves of barley hread," to the amount of 6,272,431* He also offered to the same temple 5,279,552 bushels of corn.} " Bread " is the ordinary representative of food in Egyptian speech. The good man gives bread to the hungry " ; } artisans labor for " bread " ; § " bread " is taken out to the rustics who work in the fields, || and is brought for the repast of young maidens. IT Flesh, on the other hand, though largely consumed by the rich, was generally beyond the means of the poor ; and the Israelites longing after the " fleshpots " of Egypt can only be accounted for by suppos ing that the king nourished his laborers on a more generous diet that was obtainable by the working classes generally. It is not likely, however, that they received flesh often. We have probably in Num. xi. 5 the main constituents of their dietary in addition to bread. Fish, which they " did eat in Egypt freely," was undoubtedly one of the principal articles of food consumed by the lower orders. Herodotus says that a certain number of the poorer Egyptians " lived entirely on fish." ** It was so abundant that it was necessarily cheap. The Nile produced several kinds, which were easily caught ; and in Lake Mceris the abundance of the fish was such that the Pharaohs are said to have derived from the sale a re venue of above £94,000 a year.}} Lake Menzaleh also, and the other lakes near the coast, must have yielded a con siderable supply. The fishermen of Egypt formed a numerous class,}} and the salting and drying of fish furnished occupa tion to a large number of persons.§§ The quantity of vege table food which the poorer Egyptians consumed is noted by Diodorus. || |l and Herodotus makes out that the laborers whom Khufu (Cheops) employed to build the great pyramid subsisted mainly, if not wholly, on radishes, onions, and garlic. 1T1F Cucurbitaceous vegetables are at present among * " Records of the Past," vol. viii., p. 44, line 5. t Ibid., vol viii., p-. 45, line 12. j X Bircb, " Egypt from the Earliest Times," p. 46. j § " Records of the Past," vol. viii., p. 150. II Ibid., vol. ii., p. 139. f Ibid., vol. vi., p. 151. ** Herod, ii. 92. tt Ibid. ii. 149. tt Herod, ii. 92, 95 ; "Records of the Past," vol. viii., p. 153. §§ Wilkinson, " Ancient Egyptians," vol. ii., pp. 115-8. |||| Diod. Sic. i. 80. IT Herod, ii. 125. ' l NOTICES IN EXODUS. 105 the most abundant productions of the Egyptian soil, and the monuments frequently exhibit them.* On the whole, there fore, the dietary assigned to the Israelites in Egypt may be pronounced subh as the country was well capable of furnish ing, and such as agrees in most particulars with the ordinary food of the Egyptian laboring class. The customs connected with farming and cattle-keeping noticed in Exodus and the later books of the Pentateuch in clude, besides the cultivation of certain cereals already men tioned, (a) the comparative lateness of the wheat and doora •harvest(ch. ix. 31, 32) ; (b) the leaving of stubble in the fields after the gathering in of the crops (ch. v. 12) ; (c) the general cultivation of the land after the fashion of a garden (Deut. xi. 10) ; (d) the employment of irrigation in such a way that the "foot "could direct the course of the life-giving fluid (ibid.) ; (e) the cultivation of fruit-trees (Exod. ix. 25 ; x. 15) ; and (f) the keeping of cattle, partly in the fields, partly in stalls, or the sheds, where the were protected from the weather (ch. ix. 19-25). With respect to the first of these points, it may be observed that there is exactly the same difference now as that which the writer of Exodus notes, — " Barley ripens and flax blossom about themiddle of February, or, at the latest, early in March," } while the wheat harvest does not begin till April. There is thus a full month between the barley and the wheat harvest.} The doora is also a late crop. The mode of reaping wheat which prevailed in ancient Egypt is amply represented upon the monuments, and ap pears to have been such as to leave abundant stubble in the fields, as implied in ch. v. 12. Not more than about a foot of the straw was cut with the ear, two feet or more being left. § The barley was probably reaped in the same way. It is not, perhaps, quite clear what is meant in Deut. xi. 10 by the land of Egypt being cultivated " as a garden of herbs " ; but most probably the reference is, as Wilkinson suggests, || to the ordinary implement of cultivation, the plough 'being largely dispensed with, and a slight dressing with the hoe, if even so much as that, used instead. Hero- * Wilkinson, " Ancient Egyptians," vol, iii., pp. 419, 431. t Canon Cook in the " Speaker's Commentary," vol. i., p. 286. X Birch in Wilkinson's "Ancient Egyptians," vol. ii., p. 42, note. § Ibid., vol. ii., pp. 418-427. II Wilkinson, "Ancient Egyptians," vol. ii., p. 3S9, note. 166 EGYPT AND BABYLON. dotus witnesses to the prevalence of this method of cultiva tion,* and the monuments occasionally represent it. The absolute necessity of irrigation, and the nature of the irrigation, implied in the expression, " where thou sowedst thy seeds, and wateredst it with thy foot " (Deut. xi. 10), receive illustration from the pictures in the tombs, which show us the fields surrounded by broad canals, and inter sected everywhere by cuttings from them, continually dimin ishing in size, until at last they are no more than rills banked up with a little mud, which the hand or " foot " might readily remove and replace, so turning the water in any direction that might be required by the cultivator. Fruit-trees are represented on the monuments as largely cultivated and much valued. Among them the vine holds the foremost place. A sceptical critic was once bold enough to assert that the statements in the Pentateuch which implied the existence of the vine in Egypt were distinct evidence of " the late origin of the narrative." } But the tombs of Beni- hassan, which are anterior to the Exodus, contain " represen tations of the culture of the vine, the vintage, the stripping off and carrying away of the grapes, of two kinds of wine presses, the one moved by the strength of human arms, the other by mechanical power, the storing of wine in bottles or jars, and its transportation into the cellar."} No one now doubts that the vine was cultivated in Egypt from a time long anterior to Moses. The fig and the date-bearing palm were likewise grown for the sake of the fruit, grapes, figs and dates constituting the Egyptian lord's usual dessert, § while the last-named fruit was also made into a conserve, || which diversified the diet at rich men's tables. The breeding and rearing of cattle was a regular part of the farmer's business in Egypt, and the wealth of individuals in flocks and herds was considerable. Three distinct kinds of cattle were affected — the long-horned, the short-horned, and the hornless. IT " During the greater part of the year they were pastured in open fields, on the natural growth of the rich soil, or on artificial grasses, which were cultivated for the purpose ; but at the time of the inundation it was * Herod, ii. 14. t Von Bohlen, " Die Genesis historisch-critisch erlautert, § 373. } Champollion, quoted by Hengatenberg, "Egypt and the Books of Moses," p. 15. § Birch, " Egypt frnm the Earliest Times," p. 45. || Wilkinson, ••Ancient Egyptians, vol. ii., p. 43. 1 Ihid. NOTICES IN EXODUS. 167 necessary to bring them in from the fields to the farmyards or the villages, where they were kept in sheds or pens on ground artificially raised, so as to be beyond the reach of the river."* Thus the cattle generally had " houses " (Exod. ix. 20), i.e., sheds or stalls, into which it was possible to bring them at short notice. Among " miscellaneous customs " the following seem most worthy of notice : (a) the practice of making boats out of bulrushes (ch. ii. 3 ; compare Isa. xviii. 2), and (b) the position occupied by magic at the court of the Pharaohs. On the former point Sir Gardner Wilkinson remarks } : " There was a small kind of punt or canoe made entirely of the papyrus, bound together with bands of the same plant — • the ' vessels of bulrushes ' mentioned in Isa. xviii. 2." On the latter M. Maspero makes the following statement }: " Magic was in Egypt a science, and the magician one of the most esteemed of learned men. The nobles themselves, the prince Khamuas and his brother, were adepts in the super natural arts, and decipherers of magic formularies, in which they had an entire belief. A prince who was a sorcerer would nowadays inspire a very moderate sentiment of es teem. Iii Egypt the profession of magic was not incompati ble with royalty, and the sorcerers of a Pharaoh had not uncommonly the Pharaoh himself for their pupil." The magical texts form a considerable portion of the MSS. which have come down to us from ancient times, particularly from the nineteenth dynasty; and the composition of some of them was ascribed to a divine source. * "Rawlinson, " History of Ancient Egypt," vol. i., pp. 171, 172. t In Rawlinson's "Herodotus," vol. ii., p. 154, note. } Quoted by M. Lenormant, " Manuel d'Histoire' Ancienne." vol. ii., pp. 126-7. 168 EGYPT AND BABYLON. CHAPTER XIX. NOTICES OF EGYPT IN THE FIEST BOOK OF KINGS. It is, at first sight, surprising that there is no mention of. Egypt in connection with the history of the Israelites be tween the Exodus and the reign of Solomon. The interval is one of, at least, three hundred — perhaps of four hundred — years. During its earlier portion, and again about a cen tury before its close, the Egyptian monarchs conducted ex peditions into Northern Syria, if not even into Mesopotamia, which might have been expected to have brought them into contact with the Hebrew people ; but the Hebrew records of the time are entirely silent on the subject, and indeed only mention Egypt retrospectively, as the place where Israel had once suffered affliction.* Perhaps the earlier ex peditions — those of Rameses III.} — may have taken place while Israel was still detained in the " Wilderness of the Wanderings," in which case there would naturally have been no collision between the two peoples ; while those of Rame ses XII.} and of Herhor § (about b. c 1130-1100), having Syria rather than Palestine for their object, may have been conducted along the coast route by way of Philistia and Phoenicia into Ccele-Syria, and so have left the Israelite terri tory untouched, or nearly untouched. The main explanation, however, of the disappearance of Egypt from the narrative, is to be found in her general depression and weakness during the period in question, which prevented any real conquests from being made, or any large armies sent into Western Asia, as in the earlier times of Thotmes III., Amenhotep IL, Seti, and Rameses IL, or in the later ones of Sheshonk andNeku. This depression is very marked in the Egyptian remains, , * Josh. i. 10 : xxiv. 4-7, 14, 17; 1 Sam. ii. 27; vi. 6 ; x. 18; xii. 6-8. t Brugsch, " History of Egvpt," vol. ii , p. 152. 1 Ibid., vol. ii., pp. 184-7 ; Birch, " Egypt from the Earliest Times," pp. 149-153. § Birch, p. 154: NOTICES IN THE FIRST BOOK OF KINGS. 169 which show no really great or conquering monarch between Rameses III. and Sheshonk I. During this space, which is that of the judges and first two kings in Israel, Egypt really ceased to be an aggressive power. The Scriptural notices of Egypt belonging to the reign of Solomon are the following : — 1. "Solomon made affinity with Pharaoh, king of Egypt, and took Pharaoh's daughter, and brought her into the city of David." — 1 Kings iii. 1. 2. " Pharaoh, king of Egypt, had gone up and taken Gezer, and burnt it with fire, and slain the Canaanites that dwelt in the city, and given it for a present unto his daughter, Solomon's wife." — 1 Kings ix. 16. 3. " Solomon had horses brought out of Egypt, and linen yarn ; the king's merchants received the linen yarn at a price. And a chariot came up and went out of Egypt for six hundred shekels of silver, and an horse for a hundred and fifty : and so for all the kings of the Hittities, and for the kings of Syria, did they bring them out by their means."— 1 Kings*x. 28, 29. 4. "The Lord stirred up an adversary unto Solomon, Hadad the Edomite : he was of the king's seed in Edom. For it came to pass, when David was in Edom, and Joab, the captain of the host, was gone up to bury the slain, after he had smitten every male in Edom, . . . that Hadad fled, he and certain Edomites of his father's servants with him, to go into Egypt, Hadad being yet a little child ; and they arose out of Midian, and came to Paran ; and they took men with them out of Paran, and they came to Egypt, unto Pharaoh, king of Egypt, whicli gave him an house, and appointed him victuals, and gave him land. And Hadad found great favor in the sight of Pharaoh, so that he gave him to wife the sister of his own wife, the sister of Tahpenes the queen; and the, sister of Tahpenes bare him Genubath, his son, whom Tahpenes weaned in Pharaoh's house : and Genubath was in Pharaoh's household, ariiong the sons of Pharaoh." — 1 Kings xi. 14-20. 5. " Solomon sought to kill Jeroboam. And Jeroboam arose and fled into Egypt, unto Shishak, . . . unto the death of Solomon." — 1 Kings xi. 40. There is nothing surprising in the willingness of a Pharaoh of the twenty-first dynasty to give a daughter in marriage to the foreign monarch of a neighboring country Even in the most flourishing times the kings of Egypt had been willing to form matrimonial alliances with the Ethio pian royal house, and had both taken Ethiopian princesses for their own wives * and given their daughters in marriage to Ethiopian monarchs. The last king of. the twentieth dynasty married a " princess of Baktan " } — a Syrian or * Birch, " Egypt from the Earliest Times," pp 81, 1C7, etc. t " Records of the Past," vol. iv., p. 57. 170 EGYPT AND BABYLON. Mesopotamian ; and even the great Rameses married a Hittite. * According to 1 Chron. iv. 18, there was one Pharaoh who allowed a daughter of his to marry a mere ordinary Israelite. To "make affinity" with a prince of Solomon's rank and position would have been beneath the dignity of few Egyptian monarchs ; it was probably felt as a highly satisfabtory connection by the weak Tanite prince whose daughter made so good a match. With which of the Tanite monarchs it was that Solo mon thus allied himself is uncertain. M. Lenormant fixes definitely on Hor-Pasebensha,-} or Pasebensha IL, the last king of the dynasty; but an earlier monarch is more prob able. Solomon's marriage was early in his reign (1 Kings iii. 1), and he reigned forty years (ch. xi. 42), during the last five or ten of which he would seem to have been con temporary with Shishak (ch. xi. 40). When he ascended the throne, and the king who reigned in Egypt was probably either Pasebensha L or Pinetem II. Unfortunately these monarchs have left such scanty remains, that we know next to nothing concerning them. The conquest of Gezer by this Pharaoh, whoever he was, and its transference to Solomon as his wife's dowry (ch. ix. 16), though it cannot be confirmed from Egyptian history, may be illustrated from Assyrian. Sargon tells ns in one of his inscriptions that, having conquered the country of Cilicia with some difficulty, on account of its great natural strength, he made it over to Ambris, King of Tubal, who had married one of his daughters, as the princess's dowry.} The establishment of commercial relations between Pal estine and Syria on the one hand and Egypt on the other (ch. x. 28, 29) is exactly what might have been expected to follow on the matrimonial alliance concluded between Solo mon and his Egyptian contemporary. When Rameses II. allied himself with the Hittite royal house, interchange of commodities between Egypt and Syria is the immediate consequence. Corn is sent by sea from the valley of the Nile to the Syrian mountain tract for the support of the " children of Heth," § who doubtless made a return in timber, or some other products of their own soil. In Solomon's * Lenormant, "Manuel d'Histoire Ancienne," vol. ii., p. 264. tlbid., vol. ii., p. 329. X " Ancient Monarchies," vol. i., p. 442, note 383. § "Records of the Past," vol. iv., p. 42, 1. 24. NOTICES IN THE FIRST BOOK OF KINGS. 171 time the Egyptian commodities imported by the Western Asiatics were different. Long practice had perfected in Egypt the manufacture of chariots, and these had become indispensable to the Hittite and Syrian kings for the main tenance of their independence against the encroachments of Assyria. Each king of these peoples — and there were several kings of each * — maintained a war force of several hundred chariots,} for each of which were needed two well-trained horses. These Egypt supplied, together (if our translators are right) with " linen yarn," also a commodity known to have been produced largely in that country.} The story of Hadad's flight to Egypt and hospitable re ception by an Egyptian Pharaoh, whose queen's name was Tahpenes, admits of no illustration from profane sources. We do not know the names borne by the queens of the later monarchs of the twenty-first dynasty, and we have thus no means of identifying the Pharaoh intended. No doubt Egypt was at all times open as a refuge to political exiles ; but there must have been special reasons for the high favor shown to Hadad. Perhaps he was already connected by blood with the Tanite monarchs ; perhaps Edom had been in alliance with Egypt before David conquered it. Jeroboam's flight to Shishak brings before us an Egyptian monarch who is fortunately unmistakable. Hitherto the sacred writers have been content, when mentioning Egyptian kings, to speak of them by their recognized official title of "Pharaoh." § Now for the first time is this habit broken through, and the actual proper name of an Egyptian mon arch presented to us. The Hebrew Shishak (pptff) repre sents almost exactly the Egyptian name ordinarily written " Sheshenk," but sometimes "Sheshek,"|| and expressed in the fragments of Monetho by Sesonchis, (2tooyXic).% This is a name well known to Egyptologists. Wholly absent from all the earlier Egyptian monuments, it appears sud denly in those of the twenty-second (Bubastite) , dynasty, where it is borne by no less than four monarchs, besides * " See 2 Sam. viii. 3-12 ; x. 6-16 ; 1 Kings x. 29 ; 2 Kings vii. 6 ; and the Assyrian inscriptions passim. t " Ancient Monarchies," vol. i , p. 409, note 209. f H-rod. ii. 37, 182; iii. 47; Plin., " H. N." xix. 1. 8 See above, ch. xiii. .,_... . . . „ || Lepsius, " Ueber die XXII. ^Igyptische Konigs dynastie, pp 267. 2«9. T Synceilus, " Chrcnographia,'' pp. 73d, 74d. 172 EGYPT AND BABYLON. occurring also among the names of private individuals. This abundance would be somewhat puzzling were it not for the fact that one only of the four monarchs is a warrior, or leads any expedition beyond the borders .* The records of the time leave no doubt that the prince who received Jeroboam was Sheshonk I., the founder of the Bubastite line, the son of Namrot and Tentespeh, the first king of the twenty-second dynasty. " It came to pass in tbe fifth year of King Rehoboam that Shishak, king of Egypt, came up against Jerusalem; and he took away the treasures of the house of the Lord, and the treasures of the king's house ; he even took away all ; and he took away all the shields of gold which Solomon had made." — 1 Kings xiv. 25, 26. With this may be compared 2 Chron. xii. 1-9 ; — "And it came to pass, when Rehoboam had established the king dom, and had strengthened himself, he forsook the law of the Lord, and all Israel with him; and it came to pass, that in the fifth year of King Rehoboam Shishak, king of Egypt, came up against Jerusalem, because they had transgressed against the Lord, with twelve hundred chariots ana threescore thousand horsemen; and the people "were without number that came with him out of Egypt — the Lubims, and the Sukkiims, and the Ethiopians. And he took the fenced cities which pertained to Judah, and came to Jerusalem. Then came Shemaiah the prophet to Rehoboam, and to the princes of Judah that were gathered together to Jerusalem because of Shishak, and said unto them, Thus saith the Lord, Ye have forsaken Me, and therefore also have I left you in the hand of Shishak. Whereupon the princes of Israel and the king humbled themselves, and they said, the Lord is righteous. And when the Lord saw that they humbled themselves, the word of the'Lord came to Shemaiah, saying, They have humbled" themselves ; therefore 1 will not destroy them, but I will grant them some deliverance; and My wrath shall not be poured out upon Jeru salem by the hand of Shishak. Nevertheless they shall be his servants, that they may know My service and the service of the kingdoms of the countries. So Shishak, king of Egypt, came up against Jerusalem, and took away the treasures of the house of the Lord, and the treas ures of the king's house: he took all; he carried away also the shields of gold which Solomon had made." The Palestinian expedition of Sheshonk I. forms the subject of a remarkable bas-relief,} which, on his return from it, he caused to be executed in commemoration of its complete success. Selecting the Great Temple of Karnak, * Lenormant, " Manuel d'Histoire Ancienne," vol. ii., p. 340. t For a representation of this monument, see the " Denkmaler " of Lepsius, part iii. pis, 252 and 253 a. NOTICES IN THE FIRST BOOK OF KINGS. 173 at Thebes, which Seti I. and Rameses II. had already adorned profusely with representations of their victories, he built against its southern external wall , a fresh portico or colonnade, known to Egyptologists as " the portico of the Bubastites," and carved upon the wall itself, to the east of his portico, a memorial of his grand campaign. First, he represented himself in his war costume, holding by the hair of their heads with his left hand thirty-eighty Captive Asiatic chiefs, and with an iron mace uplifted in his right threatening them with destruction. Further, he caused himself to be figured a second time, and represented in the act of leading captive a hundred and thirty-three cities or tribes, each specified by name and personified in an individual form, ac companied by a cartouche containing their respective names. In the physiognomies of these ideal figures the critical acumen or lively imagination of a French historian sees rendered " with marvelous ethnographic exactness" the Jew ish type of countenance ; * but less gifted travelers do not find anything very peculiar in the profiles, which, whether representing Jews or Arabs, are almost exactly alike. The list of names contained in the record is very much more interesting than the array of countenances accompany ing them. They have been carefully transcribed, and com pared with those which occur in the Hebrew Scriptures, both by Mr. Reginald Stuart Poole} and by Dr. Brugsch.} It re sults from the comparison, first, that of the ninety names which are legible about forty or forty-five may be pretty certainly identified either with Palestinian towns or districts or with Arab tribes of the neighborhood ; secondly, that the Arab tribe names are in several instances repeated. ; and thirdly, that the Palestinian town names are divisible into three classes : (a) cities of Judah proper, (b) Levitical cities within the limits of the kingdom of Israel, and (c) Canaanite cities within the same limits. To the first-class belong Adoraim (called Aduruma), Aijalon (called Ayulon), and Shoco (called Shauke), which were among the " fenced cities" that Rehoboam fortified in anticipation of Sheshonk's attack (2 Chron. xi. 5-10); also Gibeon (Kebeana), Alemeth (Beith- almoth), Beth-Tappuah (Beith-Tapuh) Telem (Zalema), * Lenormant, "Manuel d'Histoire Ancienne," vol. ii., pp. 340, t See the article on Shishak in Smith's " Dictionary of the Bible." vol. iii. } " Geschichte .(Egyptens unter den Pharaonen," pp. 660-662. 174 EGYPT AND BABYLON. Azem (Aauzamaa), and Lebaoth (Libith). To the second class may be assigned Taanach (Ta'ankau), mentioned as a Levitical city in Josh. xxi. 25 ; Rehob (Rehabau), mentioned in Josh. xxi. 31 and 1 Chron. vi. 75 ; Mahanaim (Mahunema), mentioned Josh. xxi. 38, 1 Chron. vi. 80 ; Beth-horon (Beith-Huaron), mentioned Josh. xxi. 22, 1 Chron. vi. 68 ; Kedemoth (Kademoth), mentioned Josh. xxi. 37, 1 Chron. vi. 79 ; Bileam (Bilema), mentioned 1 Chron. vi. 70 ; Gol an (Galenaa), mentioned Josh, xxi.' 27, 1 Chron. vi. 71 ; and Anem (Anama), mentioned in 1 Chron. vi. 73. As. belonging to the third class we can only fix positively on Bcth-shan (Beith-shan-ra) and Megiddo (Maketu) ; but Rab- bith, Shunem, Hapharaim, and Edrei, which are also con tained in Sheshonk's list of his conquests, may be suspected of having retained a Canaanite element in their population. This list is remarkable both for what it contains and for what it omits. The omission of most of those strongholds towards the south, which Rehoboam fortified against Egypt, as Hebron, Lachish, Azekah, Mareshah, Gath, Adullam, Beth- zur, and Tekoa(2 Chron. xi. 6-10), is perhaps to be explained by the illegibility of twelve names at the beginning of the list, where these cities, as the first attacked, would most probably have been mentioned. The omission of Jerusalem might also be accounted for in the same way. ' Or the fact may have been that Jerusalem itself was not taken. Like Hezekiah, on the first invasion of Sennacherib (2 Kings xviii. 13-16), Rehoboam may have surrendered his treasures (1 Kings xiv. 26) to save his city from the horrors of capture. This was, perhaps, the fulfilment of God's promise by the mouth of Shemaiah — " I will grant them some deliverance, and My wrath shall not be poured upon Jerusalem by the hand of Shishak " (2 Chron. xii. 7). The Egyptian mon arch, on receiving the treasures and the submission of Rehoboam (ibid. ver. 8), may have consented to respect the city. But, as he could not mention Jersusalem among his actual conqui.sts, he supplied the place where the name would naturally have occurred with an inscription of a peculiar kind. The cartouche borne by one of the earlier of the ideal figures contains the epigraph " YTJTeH MALeK," in which Egyptologists generally recognize a boast either that the king or the " kingdom of Judah " made submission to the conqueror. " Yuteh Malek " is, we think, most properly read NOTICES IN THE FIRST BOOK OF KINGS. 175 as " Judah, a kingdom." By introducing the words, Sheshonk wished to mark that besides subduing cities and districts and tribes, he had in one case conquered a country which was under the government of a king. The fact that a large proportion of the towns mentioned as taken are in -the territories not of Rehoboam, against whom Sheshonk " went up " (1 Kings xiv. 25), but of Jero boam, his protege' and friend, whom his. expedition was doubtless intended to assist, and the further fact that these towns were chiefly Levitical or Canaanite, would seem to show that Jeroboam, in the earlier part of his reign, had considerable opposition to encounter within the limits of his own kingdom. The disaffection of those Levites whose possessions lay within his territories is sufficiently indicated in Chronicles by the account which is there given (2 Chron. xi. 13, 14) of a number of them leaving their possessions and " resorting to Rehoboam throughout all their coasts," It is probable that such as remained were equally hostile, and that Jeroboam used the arms of his ally to punish them. At the same time, he was enabled by Egyptian aid to reduce a few Canaanite cities which still maintained their indepen dence, as Gezer had done until conquered by the Pharaoh 'who gave his daughter to Solomon (2 Kings ix. 16). The army with which Sheshonk invaded Palestine is more numerous than we should have anticipated, and some corruption in the numbers may be suspected. It is com posed, however, exactly as the monuments would have led us to expect, almost wholly of foreign mercenaries (2 Chron. xii. 3), Libyans, Ethiopians, and others. The Egyptian armies at this time consisted, for the most part, of Maxyes and other Berber tribes from the north-west, and of Ethiopians and negroes from the south.* Sheshonk, who was himself of foreign descent, placed far more dependence on these foreign troops than on the native Egyptian levies. " Asa had an army of men that bare targets and spears. . . . And there came out against them Zerah the Ethiopian with an host of a thousand thousand and three hundred chariots, and came unto Mare shah. Then Asa went out against him, and they set the battle in array in the valley of Zephathah at Mareshah. And Asa cried unto the Lord, . . . and the Lord smote the Ethiopians before Asa and before Judah, and the Ethiopians fled. And Asa and the people that were with him pursued them unto Gerar ; and the Ethiopians were over thrown, that they could not recover themselves." — 2 Chkon. xiv. 9-13. * Lenormant, " Manuel d'Histoire Ancienne," vol. ii., pp.340, 341. 176 EGYPT AND BABYLON. The Egyptians do not record unsuccessful expeditions, and thus the monuments contain no mention of this attack on Asa. It appears to have been provoked by Asa's rebellion, which is glanced at in 2 Chron. xiv. 6. The Egyptian monarch who sent or led the expedition was probably Osor- chon (Uasarkan) IL, whose name the Hebrews contracted into Zerach . He was, perhaps, an Ethiopian on his mother's side. Asa's defeat of his vast army is the most glorious victory ever obtained by a Israelite monarch, and secured his country from any Egyptian attack for above three centuries. NOTICES IN THE SECOND BOOK OF KINGS. 177 CHAPTER XX. NOTICES OF EGYPT IN THE SECOND BOOK OF KINGS. "Inthe twelfth year of Ahaz, king of Judah, began Hoshea, the son of Elah, to reign in Samaria. . . . Against him came up Shal- maneser, king of Assyria; and Hoshea became his servant, and gave him presents. And the king of Assyria found conspiracy in Hoshea, for he had sent messengers to So, king of Egypt, and brought no present to the king of Assyria, as he had done year by year; therefore the king of Assyria shut him up, and bound him in prison." — 2 Kings xvii. 1-4. It is not very easy to identify the " king of Egypt " here mentioned, as one with whom Hoshea, the son of Elah, sought to ally himself, with any of the known Pharaohs. " So " is a name that seems at first sight very unlike those borne by Egyptian monarchs, which are never monosyllabic, and in no case end in the letter o. A reference to the He brew text removes, however, much of the difficulty, since the word rendered by " So " in our version is found to be one of three letters,JODall of which may be consonants. As the Masoretic pointing, which our translators followed, is of small authority, and in proper names of scarcely any authority at all, we are entitled to give to each of the three letters its consonant force, and, supplying short vowels, to render the HebrewNIDby " Seveh." Now " Seveh " is very near indeed to the Manethonian " Sevech-us," whom the Sebennytic priest makes the second monarch of his twenty- fifth dynasty ; and " Sevech-us " is a natural Greek equiva lent of the Egyptian " Shebek " or Shabak," a name borne by a well-known Pharaoh (the first king of the same dynasty), which both Herodotus and Manetho render by " Sabac6s." It has been generally allowed that So (or Seveh) must re present one or other of these, but critics are not yet agreed which is to be preferred of the two.* To us it seems that both the name itself and the necessities of the chronology » The general opinion is in favor of Shabak ; but some, like Hekek- yan Bey ("Chronology of Siriadic Monuments," p. 106), prefer Shabatok. 178 EGYPT AND BABYLON. point to the first king rather than to the second ; and wa consequently regard Hoshea as having turned in his distress to seek the aid of the monarch whom the Egyptians knew as Shabak, and the Greeks as Sabacos of Sabaco.* The application implies an entire change in the con dition of political affairs in the East, and in the relations of state to state, from those which prevailed when Egyptian monarchs last figured in the sacred narrative, two hundred or two hundred and fifty years earlier. Then Egypt was an aggressive power, bent on establishing her influence over Palestine, and from time to time invading Asia with large armies in the hope of making extensive conquests.} She was the chief enemy feared by the petty kingdoms and loosely aggregated tribes of South-western Asia, the only power in their neighborhood that possessed large bodies of disciplined troops and an instinct of self-aggrandizement. But all this was now altered. Egypt, from the time of Osarkon IL, had steadily declined in strength ; her monarchs had been inactive and unwarlike, her policy one of absten tion from all enterprise. The inveterate evil of distintegra- tion with which her ill-shaped territory was naturally threat ened, and which had from time to time shown' itself in her history, once more made its appearance. There arose a practice of giving appanages to the princes of the royal house, which tended to become hereditary, and trenched on the sovereignty of the nominal monarch. " Egypt found herself divided into a certain number of principalities, some of which contained only a few towns, while others extended over several adjacent cantons. Ere long the chiefs of these principalities were bold enough to reject the suzerainty of the Pharaoh ; relying upon their bands of Libyan mercenaries, they not only usurped the functions of royalty, but even the title of king, while the legitimate reigning house, relegated to a corner of the Delta, with difficulty preserved a remnant of its old authority." } By the close of the twenty-second dynasty, " Egypt" had arrived at such a point of distintegra- tion as to find herself portioned out among nearly twenty princes, of whom four at least assumed the cartouche and the other emblems of royalty." § * Herod, ii. 139; Manetho ap. Syncell. " Chronograph," p. 74, B. t Chron xii. 3; xiv. 0. } Lenormant, " Manuel d'Histoire Ancienne," vol. ii., p 341. § Ibid., p. 342. NOTICES IN THE SECOND BOOK OF KINGS. 179 Meanwhile, as if to counterbalance the paralysis and dis erepitude of the Egyptian state, there had arisen on the other side of Syria and Palestine a great power, continually increasing in strength, with the same instinct of aggrandize ment which had formerly possessed Egypt, and with even greater aptitudes for war and conquest. Assyria, from about K. c 880, or a little earlier, began to press westward upon the nations dwelling between the Euphrates and the Mediterranean, and to threaten them with subjugation. Asshur-nazir-pal took Carchemish, conquered Northern Syria, and forced the Phoenician cities to make their sub mission to him.* His son, Shalmaneser IL, engaged in wars with Hamath, Damascus, and Samaria; defeated Benhadad, Hazael, and Ahab ; and made Jehu take up the position of a tributary.} The successors of these two war- ' like princes " fairly maintained the empire which they had received," } ane original. ** Appian. '• Syriaca," § 45. NOTICES IN DANIEL. 215 shall they be overflown before him; yea, also the prince of the cove nant. And after the league made with him he shall work deceitfully; for he shall eohie up, and shall become strong with a small people. He shall enter peaceably even upon the fattest places of the province; and he shall do that which his fathers have not done, nor his fathers' fathers: he shall scatter among them the prey, and spoil, and riches; yea, and he shall forecast his devices against the strongholds, even for a time," (Dan. xi. 21-24.) Antiochus Epiphanes, who succeeded his brother, Seleu cus IV., is almost certainly intended by the " vile person " of this passage. He was a man of an extraordinary char acter. Dean Stanley calls him one of those strange characters in whom an eccentricity touching insanity on the left and genius on the right combined with absolute power and law less passion to produce a portentous result, thus bearing out the two names by which he was known — Epiphanes — " the Brilliant," and Epimanes — " the Madman." * He was " a fantastic creature, without dignity or self-control, who caricatured the manners and dress of the august Roman magistrates, startled young revelers by bursting in on them with pipe and horn, tumbled with the bathers on the slippery marble pavement, and in the procession which he organized at Daphn6, appeared riding in and out on a hack pony, playing the part of chief waiter, mountebank, and jester." } He was not the legitimate heir to the throne ; and " the honor of the kingdom " was in no way formally conferred on him. Nor did he establish himself by force of arms. On the contrary, he " came in peaceably," under the auspices of Eumenes of Pergamos,} and " obtained the kingdom " by bribes, cajolery, and " flatteries." He courted the favor of the Syrian lower classes, of Rome, and of the Hellenizing party among the Jews. At a later date " with the arms of a flood" he " overflowed," and carried all before him, sweep ing through Csele-Syria and Palestine into Egypt,§ and receiving the submission of Jason, |[ the High-Priest of the Jews, or "prince of the covenant," who "made a league " with him, engaging to support his interests in Judaea, and to pay him an annual tribute of 440 silver talents. Anti ochus, however, after this league, " worked deceitfully," transferring the, High Priesthood from Jason to his brother ?Stanley, "Lectures on the Jewish Church," Am. Ed., vol. iii., p. 254. t Ibid. X Appian, 1. s. c. . § 1 Mac. i. 17; Appian, " Syriaca," § 66. II 2 Mac. iv. 7-10. 216 EGYPT AND BABYLON. Menelaus on receipt of a bribe, and forcing Jason to become a fugitive from his country.* After this he was able, through the support of Menelaus, to ''become strong " in Palestme, without maintaining there more than a " small " army. He entered peaceably upon the " fattest places of the province," his authority being generally recognized throughout the fertile tract between Syria Proper and Egypt, though it belonged of right to Ptolemy. That he maintained his influence in the tract by means of a lavish expenditure of money, though not distinctly stated by, pro* fane historians, is probable enough, since it was certainly the method by which he soon afterwards maintained; it in Egypt.} " And he shall stir up his power and his courage against thB king of the south with a great army; and the king of the south shall be stirred up to battle with a very great and mighty army ; but he shall not stand; for they shall forecast devices against him. Tea, they that feed of the portion of his meat shall destroy him, and his army shall overflow; and many shall fall down slain. And both these kings' hearts shall be to do mischief, and they shall speak lies at one 'table; but it shall not prosper; for yet the end. shall be at the time appoint ed." (Dan. xi. 25-27.) Epiphanes invaded Egypt several times during the earlier portion of his reign. The, prophetic vision vouch safed to Daniel did not very clearly distinguish between the several attacks. If the present passage is to be assigned to any particular year, it must be to b. c, 171, when Epiph anes " entered Egypt with a great multitude, with chariots, and elephants, and horsemen, and with a great navy " (1 Mac. i. 17). Egypt was then under the sovereignty Of Ptolemy VI. (Philometor), who, however, was still a minor, under the tutelage of Eulaeus and Lennaeus, who received the royal authority as regents.} These chiefs collected as large a force as they could to resist the Assyrian monarch ; but the result of the battle which took place near Pelusium,§ was the complete defeat of the Egyptians, and the tempo rary subjection of the larger part of Egypt to the authority of Antiochus. Ptolemy Philometor fell into his enemy's hands, but was honorably treated, the policy of Antiochus being to cajole Philometor into believing that he was' his * 2 Mac. iv. 23-26. t Polyb. xxviii. 17. X Polyb. xxviii. 17; Hieronym. ed. Dan. xi. § Liv. xliv. 19 ; Polyb. xxvii. 17. NOTICES IN DANIEL. 217 friend, bent on supporting his authority against that of his brother, Physcon, who had a strong party in the country, especially at Alexandria. We have no full account, in any profane writer, of the history of the period ; but it is quite possible that the loss of the battle of Pelusium was owing to treachery on the part of some of Philometor's ministers (verse 26) ; and it is certain that in the intercourse between him and Epiphanes each king was trying to deceive and over-reach the other (verse 27). Nothing decisive was accomplished, however, as yet ; " the end " was reserved for " the timeapointed " (ibid.). "Then shall he return into his land with great riches; and his heart shall be against the holy covenant ; and he shall do exploits; and return to his own land. At the time appointed he shall return, and come toward the south ; but it shall not be as the former, or as the latter" (rather " it shall not be at the latter time as the former"). " Eor the ships of Chittim shall come against him; therefore he shall be grieved and return, and have indignation against the holy cov enant. (Dan. xi. 28-30. ) That Epiphanes on his first invasion of Egypt obtained a considerable booty, which he carried off into Syria, is con firmed by the First Book of Maccabees (i. 19). That on his return, or soon after, his "heart was against the holy cove nant " appears both from 1 Mac. i. 20-24 and from 2 Mac. v. 11-21. That after one or two years, he "returned, and once more came toward the south," is also certain, as likewise that he did not fare this time so well as previously, since, though success attended his arms, he was " compelled by the ambassadors of various northern kingdoms," supported by the " ships of Chittim " — i. e., the fleets of Rome and Rhodes, to surrender against his will almost all the advantages that he had gained. * This time he returned from Egypt in ex treme ill temper, and vented his spleen on the Jews by renewed attacks and oppressions. " And at the time of the end shall the king of the south push at him; and the king of the north shall come against him," (i.e., against the king of the south,) "like a whirlwind, with chariots, and with horsemen, and with many ships, and he shall enter into the countries, and shall overflow and pass over. And he shall enter also into the glorious land, and many countries shall be overthrown ; but these ,shall escape out of his hand, even Edom, and Moab, and the chief of the children of Ammon. He shall stretch forth also his hand upon * Ewald, " History of the Jews," vol. v., p. 297. 218 EGYPT AND BABYLON. the countries ; and the land of Egypt shall not escape. But he shall have, power over the treasures of gold and of silver, and over all the precious things of Egypt; and the Libyans and the Ethiopians shall be at his steps. But tidings out of the east and out of the north shall trouble him; therefore shall he go forth with great fury to destroy, and utterly to make away many. And he shall plant the tabernacle of his palace between the seas in the glorious holy mountain; yet he shall come to his end, and none shall help him." (Dan. xi. 40-45): The closing scene of the war between the kings of the north and of the south — Epiphanes and the brothers Philo metor and Physcon — came in b. c. 168. Epiphanes having withdrawn into Syria for the winter, leaving his supposed ally, Philometor, at Memphis, and his open enemy, Physcon, in Alexandria, was staggered by the information, that, dur ing his absence, the hostile brothers had made up their dif ferences, and that Physcon had agreed to receive Philometor into Alexandria,* at which place the reconciled enemies were now holding their courts conjointly. An embassy, which met Epiphanes, at Rhinocolura, politely suggested to him, that the end for which he had been waging war — the estab lishment of Philometor's authority — was accomplished, and that nothing remained for him but to sheath his sword and return home. This was felt by Antiochus as a deadly blow struck at his schemes— a " push " on the part of the " king of the south," which required to be met by the promptest and most energetic measures. He at once broke up his camp, and marched into Egypt as an open enemy. With the speed of a " whirlwind," he advanced upon Pelusium, " with char iots, and with horsemen, and with many ships " (verse 40) ; thence, in a more leisurely fashion, he proceeded to march upon Alexandria. Egypt generally submitted to him. The " treasures of gold and silver," and " all the precious things of Egypt " were placed at his disposal by the inhabitants — contingents of Egyptian troops were pressed into his service,} and "the Libyans and the Ethiopians," long employed as auxiliaries by the monarchs of Egypt, whether native or for eign, were (as a matter of course) " at his steps " (verse 43). He was drawing near Alexandria with the intention of renew ing the siege, and with an almost certain prospect of re ducing the place within a few months, when an unexpected obstacle was interposed. The prophetic vision speaks of " tidings out of the east and out of the north." The " tidings " * Livy, xiv, 11. \ Ibid., xiv. 12. NOTICES IN DANIEL. 219 told of the near approach of a small body of Romans. These proved to be ambassadors. At their head was a man, who has left an imperishable name in history, C. Popillius Lcenas! This bold and haughty envoy, approaching with his small retinue, tbe master of countless legion held out to him a small tablet, containing a short senatorial decree. " Read this," he said, " at once." The cautious Greek cast his eye over the document, and perceived that it was a positive com mand to him to desist from hostilities against those who were " the friends of the Roman people." Unwilling to see the prize of victory snatched from his grasp at the moment of success, and hoping to temporize, Antiochus replied, that he would consult his friends on the senatorial proposals and let the envoys have an answer. Popillius had a wand in his hand, the emblem of the ambassadorial office. Hastily tracing with it a circle on the sand round Antiochus, " Consult," he said,- " and give your answer before you overstep this line." The Syrian monarch was so astonished and so dismayed that he replied, with the utmost meekness, " I will do as the Senate decrees." * Thus were baffled and confounded the ambitious designs of the "great king," who regarded him self as the successor of Cyrus, Darius, and Xerxes, and the living representative of Alexander the Great. A brief sentence uttered by a Roman civilian brought a great war to an end and prohibited its renewal. Epiphanes retired from Egypt in greater dudgeon than ever, " deeply grieved and groaning in spirit," as Polybius says,} and sought a species of consolation in increased seve rity towards the Jews. It was now that he accomplished his last acts of impiety and cruelty" upon that unfortunate people, sending against them "Apollonius, that detestable ringleader, with an army of two and twenty thousand, com manding him to slay all those who were in their best age, and to sell the women and the younger sort " (2 Mac. v. 24), and soon afterwards polluting the temple in Jerusalem, and wholly forbidding the exercise of the Jewish religion. It was , this issue to the wars between the "kings of the north and of the south " that gave to them their great importance in the theocratic history, and rendered them a fitting subject for so long a prophecy as that which we have been considering. * Polyb. -xxix. 11, § 1-6; Liv. xiv. 12. * papwdfisvor piv Kal aikvuv xxix. 11, § 8. 220 EGYPT AND BABYLON. Their entire result was, to bring out, more strongly than it had ever been brought out before", the Roman influence over the affairs of the East, to intensify the antagonism between Rome and Syria, to place Egypt under a permanent Roman protectorate, and make Rome the natural ally and defender of every petty nationality which had any inclination to assert itself against Syria, and could do so with the least hope of success. The close connection between the Roman and Jew ish people, which, beginning with the embassy of Judas Mac- cabajus in b. c. 161 (1 Mac. viii. 17-32) terminated in the destruction of Jerusalem by Titus in a. d. 70, was the con sequence of the Syro-Egyptian struggle, and especially of the war between Epiphanes and Philometor, which there fore worthily occupies a very considerable space in the pro phetical synopsis of Daniel. The ultimate fates of Egypt and Babylon, as represented to us in Scripture, offer a remarkable contrast. Babylon is to " become heaps " (Jer. li. 37) ; to be " wholly desolate " (ib. 1. 13) ; " not to be inhabited " (Isa. xiii. 20) Egypt is to be a " base kingdom " (Ezek. xxix. 14) " the basest of the kingdoms " (ib. verse 15) ; but still to remain a kingdom. It is not " to exalt itself any more above the nations ; " it is to be " deminished " it is no more to have " any rule over the nations " (ib.), or to be " the confidence of the house of Israel." But it is to maintain a certain position among the powers of the earth, a certain separateness, a certain low con sideration. Now this is exactly what has been the general position of Egypt from her conquest by Cambyses to the pres ent day. Under the Persians she was a sort of outlying kingdom, rather than an ordinary satrapy. She frequently revolted and established a temporary independence, but was soon coerced into subjection. During the earlier portion of the Ptolemaic period, she rose to considerable influence and prosperity ; but still she was never more than a second-rate power. Syria always, and Macedonia sometimes, was supe rior to her in extent of dominion, power and importance (Dan. xi. 5). Rome made her a province, but a province with a certain separateness, under regulations which were peculiar.* Under the Mohammedans, whether Arabs, Saracens or Turks, she has still for the most part been secondary, either an actual dependency on some greater state, or at any rate over- * Tacit "Ann."ii. 59. NOTICES* IN DANIEL. 221 shadowed by rivals of superior dignity. A veil hangs over the future ; but, so far as human sagacity can forecast, there seems to be little likelihood of any vital change in her posi tion. With peculiar characteristics and an isolated position, she must almost of necessity maintain her separate and dis tinct individuality, even though she become a dependency on a European power. On the other hand, she has exhibited under recent circumstances no elements of greatness, and remains emphatically " a base kingdom " — if not even " the basest of the kingdoms." there seems to be no elements put of which her revival and reconstitution as a great king dom could be possible. THE END. INDEX. N Abydenus, Greek historian 12 Amilius, Eoman general 214 defeat of Antiochus 214 Agriculture of Babylon 96 Ahura-Mazda, Medo-Persian god 94 Akkadian language 34 Akkerkuf , remarkable ruin 9 Alexander the Great, despotism of 206 division of his dominions 206 Amasis, Egyptian monarch , 66 Amestris, wife of Xerxes 93 Amram, mound of, 52 Auepu, identity with Potiphar 120 Anna, illustrious scribe 119 Antiochus II (Theus,) 208 Antiochus the Great, invasion of Egypt 210 invades Csele-Syria and Palestine 211 concludes peace with Philopator 212 aggressive tnovenient toward Greece 213 death 214 Antiochus Epiphanes, character 215 succeeds Seleucus IV 215 invades Egypt 216 severity toward the Jews 219 Apepi, the last shepherd king 125 monotheistic impulse 127 Apollonius, leader in army of Antiochus 219 proceeds against the Jews 219 Apries, Egyptian monarch 64 Pharaoh of Egypt 200 ally of Zedekiah 200 reverses and mutiny 202 Arabia, spices of 72 Aromatics in worship of gods i 117 Ashdod revolts from Assyria 190 Asia, Western, idolatry 104 Asses, use in Egypt 124 Asshur-bani-pal, Assyrian monarch 183 tyranny and cruelty 189 t Assyria, relations with Babylonia 16 growing power 179 struggle with Egypt and Ethiopia 191 Assyrian Court, transfer to Babylon 18 treatment of captives 19 Empire, end in 7th cent. B.C ". 21 conquests of Egypt 189 INDEX. 223 Assyrians, early contact with Greeks 38 AstibaTas, Median king 24 Babel, origin of name 11 tower of native records .* 12 Babylon, subjection to Elam , 13 first notice in Kings 15 temple of Merodach , 23 rising power 27 astronomical calendar 33 learned class 34 governmental system 39 intercourse with Greeks 39 divine origin of kings 39 enormous size. 50 the " hanging garden b " 54 commercial character 69 building — stone used 70 reign of Darius 88 gTeat wealth 96 scattered Scripture notices 96 great size 98 destruction prophesied 105 ultimate fate 220 Babylonia, ancient cities 7 early cities 8 relations toward Syria 16 importation of metals 71 cultivation of the vine 72 exports 73 grain products 75 laud and water traffic 75-78 liberty allowed to women , 102 free use of wine 103 Babylonian kingdom, early 8 documents, primitive 10 religion 22 expeditions against Jerusalem 24 kingdom, civil organization 36 seals 71 court, general character 100 punishments 101 Batn, identity with Joseph 120 Bel Merodi'ich, great temples of ' °° Belshazzar, identity of 79 rewards Daniel °^ defence of Babylon • • * Belus, son of Libya (or Africa) 1^ Berenice, daughter of Ptolemy II 208 Berosus, account of Nebuchadnezzar 1J7 Birs-Nimrad » Bocchoris, successor of Tafrekht l°< Boken-en-ranf. See Bocchoris. Bread, Egyptian term for food 164 Brick-making in Egypt • 1*7 Brugsch, Dr., Egyptologist iJJ views of Exodus 151 C. Popilius Lcenas, Roman envoy 219 presente decree to Antiochus 219 Callinicus. See Seleucus II 209 224 „ INDEX. Cambyses marries his sister .-. 92 Camels in the desert '. 117 Carchemish, decisive battle of 26,190 Carian mercenaries in Egyptian service 185 Carpets of Babylon 74 Chabas, M., quoted 144 Chaldsean, application of-term 34 Chariot force of Egyptians 148 Cleopatra, marriage with Ptolemy 212 Clothing worn by Uabylouians 72 Cyrus, attack upon Babylon 82 assumes Babylonian Sovereignty 88 connection with Darius 89 Daniel, account of Babylon . . , 32 interprets writing upon the wall 86 Book of, authenticity 204 Darius the Median 88 etymology of the name 89 trammeled by Medo-Persian law 93 Ebony imported by Babylon 72 Egypt fails to recover Asiiitiu doniinion 27 agreat campaign in 63 invaded from the north 65 notices in Genesis 113 agricultural products . , 116 domesticated animals 116 state-granaries 116 traffic in slaves 118 in time of Joseph 123 as described in Genesis 124 shepherd kings 125 residence of pyramid kings 126 obelisk and Fayoum period 126 introduction of the horse 127 in the time of Joseph 128 in Abraham's time 129 notices in Exodus 132 oppression and exodus of Israelites 132 number of Israelites 135 employment of forced labor 144 construction of store-cities 146 political effect of the Exodus 149 accord between Scriptuie and fact 159 climate 159 cultivated products 160 abundance of water ...i 168 agricultural customs 165 cultivation of fruit 166 stock-raising 166 matrimonial alliances with Ethiopia 169 refuge for political exiles 171 menaced by Western Asia 180 series of civil wars 187,188 prophecies of Daniel 205 and Syria, matrimonial alliance 208 temporary subjection to Antiochus 216 ultimate fate 220 Egyptian Monarchy, antiquity 115 reception of foreigners , 115 INDEX. 225 noble life of liy women, licentiousness 119 monarchs, native, jealousy. 129 tradition of the Exodus "" 137 Egyptians, ethnology of ................. 143 military organization in Pharaoh's time..! .......... ....'..'. 147 Elamitic conquest of Babylon -iq Eitekeh, battle of, (b. c.7oi) ; !!!!!!!!!!!'.!!!!!!!!!! 119 Embalming among Egyptians !!!!!!!!!!!!! 117 Euna. See Anna. Epiphanes. See Antiochus Epiphanes 216 Ezar-haddon- Assyrian monarch 189 policy toward Babylonia . ! ! ! 18 character and rule 20 Ethiopia, matrimonial alliances with Egypt !!..!!...!..!!...!.! 61fi Ethiopian primitive identity with Egyptians !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 134 dynasty ends in Egypt !!.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 183 Eunuchs at Babylonian court. . " ! !...!!..!!..!!!!!! 37 Evil-Merodach, son of Nebuchadnezzar !.!.!.!.!.!.!!.!!!.!!!.!. 29 Exodus, date of !!!!!!!!!!!!!!...!!!!!.!!! 133 geographical problems !!!!!!!!!!.!!!!.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 150 Ezekiel, prophecies of [ \ g3 Fish, abundant ir, Egypt [m\ ' ifi4 Flax for manufacture [\ 161 Furnaces used by Egyptians !!..!...!.!.!!! !!!!!!! 162 Gaza, city in Syria .!!..! ! 199 Genesis, notices of Egypt .!!!.!!!. !!!!!!!!!! 113 Gerrha, Babylonian settlement ..!!..!!..!!! 78- Gezer, conquest by Pharaoh !!!!!!!!!!! 170 Goshen, eastern portion of Delta !!!!!!!!! 128 "the land of Rameses".....'.!!.'!!.'!.'!.'!!!!!!!.'!!!.'."!!!.'!!!! 131 Greece invaded by Antiochus !...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 213 Greek mercenaries in Egyptian service !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 185 Greeks in Babylon.... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.. 39 Hebrews, identity with the Aperu !!!!.!!!!! ! . . . 145 Hezekiah, miraculous deliverance 192 alarmed at advances of Sennacherib 192 Hieroduli, sacred slaves 118 Hittites, masters of Syria 138 Hor, restoration of temple of Rneph 202 Horses in Egypt 124-127 Hoshea seeks aid of Shabak 178 Hyksos, an Asiatic people 123 period, religious views 126 monarchs, residence. .'. t 126 Inscription, Egyptian, in the Louvre ." 64 Inscriptions of Nebuchadnezzar 64-66 Isaiah, mission of 180 prophecies regarding Egypt 186 Israelites, oppression and exodus 132 ordinary food 163 Jacob, family and dependants 130 Jason, High Priest of the Jews 215 submission to Antiochus 215 Jeremiah describes battle of Carchemish 26 disarrangement of prophecies 195 Jeroboam's flight to Shishak 171 Jerusalem, Babylonian expeditions against 24 destruction by Babyloniaus 27 226 INDEX. Jews, position hi BsiDylcn 33 Joseph, time of visit to Egypt 123 history of ISO Josephus, account of Nebuchadnezzar 44 Kasr mound 53 Katheuotheism defined 44 Kadytis, city in Syria. See Gaza Khetam, Egyptian term for fortress 153 Khufu (Cheops) builder of great pyramid 164 Klunzinger, naturalist, quoted 156 Lenormant, M., account of Menephthah 142 Libyan war, monument account 143 Magdolum. See Megiddo 185 Magic in Babylon and Assyria 33 Magicians in Babylon 34 Magnesia, battle of (B. C. 190) 214 Makhir, dream deity of Assyrians 35 Manasseh, capture and reinstatement 18 Manetho, tradition of the Exodus 137 Manufactures of Babylon 73 Medo-Persian government 39 law, inviolability 92 religion 94 Megiddo, battle of 185 Meranon, King of Ethiopia 10 Menephthah 1, Pharaoh of Exodus 140 Menzaleh, lake in Egypt 153 Merodach-Baladan, reign of 16 exile and death 16 records of Assyrian monuments 17 alliance with Hezekiah : 17 Mesopotamia, geographical position 7 Migdol, generic for watch-tower 155 Mills for grinding grain 162 Mizraim, origin of name 113 Monotheism in Egypt. 126 " Mummy wheat " 162 Music at Babylonia court 33 Musical instruments in Babylon 37 "Nabatpsean Agriculture" 9 Nabonidus, dream of 35 deserts his capital 82 Nanarus'! the story of 37 Nebuchadnezzar, reign of 21 chronological discrepancies 21 expedition against the Jews 21-22 holy vessels at Jerusalem 22 his exceptional religion 22 temple at Babylon 23 " Standard Inscription " 23 expedition against Jehoiakim 24 conflict with Necho 26 capture of Jewish people 28 descendants of 30 successors of 30 character of his court 33 character 41-49 mixed character of religion 43-46 Constructive works 58 INDEX. ill siege of Tyre Cl-64 wars G6-li:t invasion of Egypt 200 Necho, king of Egypt 25 detaches Kyriafrom Babylonia 185 NekuU, son of Psamatik 1 184 leads forces into Palestine 184 Nes-Hor, Egyptian official 64 Nile, middle, inhabitants of .% 10 valley, rainfall 160 water of 163 Nimrod, Babylonian monarch 7 Cushite origin 7-10 i identity of 9 Nineveh, the Assyrian capital 18 Obelisk period, monarchs of 126 Oneion, temple of 194 Onias seeks refuge with Ptolemy Philometor 193 Ornaments, personal 161 Palestine and Syria, commercial relations 170 Parsondas, story of 100 Pelusium, battle of 216 Pentateuch, genealogies 134 Per-ao, title of Egyptian monarch 115 Persians, royal judges 92 Pharaoh of Joseph, the 125 of the Exodus, character of. 141 Pharaoh-Necho, See Neku II. Philopator defence agaiust Antiochus 210 Physcon, brother of Philometor 217 Pianklii-Merammon, inscription of 187 Piahairoth, meaning and location 154-158 Pithom, ancient Egyptian city 147 Polyhistor, Alexander, Greek writer 12 Prophecies of Jeremiah and Ezekiel 60 Psamatik I, king of Egypt 183 Ptolemy succeeds Alexander in Egypt 207 Ptolemy Euergetes, war upon Seleucus II 20!) Punt, Expedition to • 118 Pyramid kings of Egypt 126 "Rameses the Great" 137-139 constructive works 139 employment of forced labor 139-144 Rameses, geographical position 152 Raphia (Refah), Syrian defeat at 210 Roman protectorate over Egypt 220 Rome resents Antioch us'c invasion of Greece. •••.¦•••¦ 213 demands withdrawal of Antiochus from Egypt 219 Sahr-el-Nirarud -J Saneha, the story of l*J Sargon, king of Assyria IJ" Saul-Mugina, punishment of 101 Scopas, Egyptian general £» Seleucus, dominion of ¦¦ ¦ £"/ Seleucus II, warwith Ptolemy Euergetes M) Seleucus IV, sou of Antioch un -sw Sennacherib, recovery of Babylon iii expedition into Palestine 181 Serbonis, Lake aB5 228 INDEX. Seti I, Egyptian monarch 138 war with Turaman and Semitic races 138 Seven Spheres, restoration 48 Sheshonk I, fonuder of Bubastite line 172 Palestinian expedition 172 addition to Great Temple of Kaniak. ! 173 Shinar, geographical position .>< Shora, celebrated Egyptian plant 156 Slaves, Egyptian traffic. . . .* 118 value of 118 Spices imported by Babylonia 72 Store-cities, construction of 146 Storms, severe, in Egypt 160 Succoth, rendezvous of Israelites 152 Superstition of Babylonia Kings 48 Susiania, the ancient 10 " Sutech," god of Apepi .126 Syria, Egyptian expeditions 168 commercial relations with Palestine .". 170 submission to Neko 196 and Egypt, matrimonial alliance 208 Syro-Egyptian struggle 216 Tafnekht, prince of Sais 187 sieges in Lower Egypt 187 Tahark or Tahrak, See Tirhakah Tanis, ancient Egyptian town 126 Tel-el-Maskoutah, ancient city at 146 Tel-Nimrud. See Akkerkuf " The Two Brothers " a story 119 Thermopylae, battle of 213 Thukut, an Egyptian district 152 Transportation of conquered nations , 28 Turhakah, king of Egypt," 181 Tyre, war against 60 Ur, theships of 78 Vine culture in Egypt 166 Wady-el-arish, " river of Egypt" 196 Walking-stick of Egyptians 162 War-chariots in Babylonia . . : 103 Wheat, mummy 161 Wine, varieties used in Babylon 72 free use in Babylonia 103 Woman of Babylon '. 102 Egyptian, licentiousness 119 Woods, curious, in Babylon 69 Xerxes, anecdote of 93 Yapur-Shapu 56 Yam-Suph, name applied to Red Sea 156 Zedekiah, last King of Judah 200 Zendavesta, the 94