. ¦Ml UNlVEBSn> LIBRARY 3 9002 04480 2859 't««i fj-'l W, WSfgKA Mf/' 'm ^^gSSSk ^Fvi ' 1 'Sf^£ W§^/'' ' 'iffft/M W^mt • v%^i m^ 0^M wm m wJ^M YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Gift of I'Irs Gerrit K. Morse, Jr. CATALOGUE OF THE COLLECTION OF JAPANESE WORKS OF ART OF Sir Trevor Lawrence, Bart Library of Chas. J. Morse, 1 r V V3 V PLATE I. LACQUER. Front of Hitsu (Chest), No. Iiio. See pages 49 and 84, and Plate No. XXXIX. gl ".(Lfc^-M.- 'i^'s^^A'.sm>6>''j^l^ CATALOGUE "''°' OF THE COLLECTION OF Japanese Works of Art FORMED BETWEEN THE YEARS 1869 AND 1894. BY SIR TREVOR LAWRENCE, Bart iti FELLOW OF THE JAPAN SOCIETY OF LONDON. EDITED BY MARCUS B. HUISH XoiiJ)on PRIVATELY PRINTED 1895 PRINTED BY HAZELL, -WATSON, AND VINEY, LD. LONDON AND AYLESBURY. PREFACE. DURING recent years Japanese Art has grown so rapidly in favour and appreciation in Western countries, that there seems to be a danger lest its finer creations and more subtle characteristics should be lost sight of amid an ever-increasing flood of commercial productions. Japanese workmen are beyond question deft of hand, and modern enamels, carvings, silverwork, embroideries, etc., of the better class, have considerable merits. But, like all imitations and reproductions, they rarely catch the true spirit of the old work, which was fostered in early days by the rulers of the country, temporal and spiritual, just as the art work of the Renaissance in Europe was produced under the patronage of Sovereigns, Popes, Princes, and Potentates. The abundance of modern -Japanese;' Art, much of it cleverly imitative ot the old, has made many lovers of the latter anxious to have catalogues of their collections, as a record "of what had been in the main collected before the former became the fashion. vi Preface. One of the charms of the art of Japan is the extent to which it illustrates the religion, myths, and legends, the history, life, and productions of the country. The advantages of a catalogue under such circumstances are obvious, and in the following pages such explanations as the objects required have been given in many places. Of the art itself it is impossible, as I think, to speak too favourably, especially of the lacquer, carvings, and metal work. The ingenious and humorous fancy, the happy adaptation of means and materials to an end, the variety, delicacy, and finish, and, lastly, the self-restraint and repose, make Japanese Art a never-ending pleasure. In my estimation lacquer holds the highest place ; and nowhere has the world of art produced anything resembling this, which has been, and still is, an art product unique and peculiar to Japan. Examples of Chinese lacquer, and French imitations of it, are often seen, but they will not compare with even a moderate specimen of Japanese work. Mr. Gilbertson, who has made the subject his own, and whose authority stands deservedly high, states in his introduction to the "Lacquer" section of the recent E.xhibition of the Burlington Fine Arts' Club, that the earliest authenticated examples of Japanese lacquer belong to the seventh and eighth centuries. But he proceeds to say, further on, " But it was at the end of the seventeenth and the beginning of the eighteenth centuries that lacquer working is considered to have reached its greatest perfection." The pieces in my collection referable to that period give evidence of remarkable artistic and technical skill, and bear out Mr. Gilbertson's opinion. Preface. vii The grace and fancy of the subject, the subdued richness of the treatment, the happy arrangement of design and pattern, the lavish but delicate ornamentation, the brilliancy and durability of the varnish, and the completeness and finish of the work throughout, form, in old Japanese lacquer, a combination of rare artistic excellence. I cannot omit from this brief introduction an acknowledgment of my obligations to Mr. Marcus B. Huish for the care and trouble he has taken, and the ability he has shown, in preparing the following pages, which have been, to some extent, founded upon a catalogue compiled by Mr. Kowaki. It would be easy to enlarge, moreover, upon the light and help afforded to all lovers of Japanese Art by the catalogue of the Burlington Fine Arts Club's Exhibition (1894) already referred to. This is prefaced by admirable essays by Professor Church and Mr. Gilbertson, and contains full and accurate descriptions of the objects shown, in the preparation of which the Club had the advantage of the co-operation and advice of the principal experts in the country. TREVOR LAWRENCE. note by the editor of the CATALOGUE. THE successful compilation of an Illustrated Catalogue of Japanese Art, especially of one of considerable magnitude and variety, is an achievement which has not yet been accomplished, and probably will not be outside of Japan for some time to come ; for difficulties surround it of a character such as are present in the case of the art products of no other nation. To enumerate but a few. Firstly, we have in England neither one of our own nation gifted with the combined advantage of speaking the Japanese language and understanding its art, nor a Japanese thoroughly conversant with our language and with a long training and intimate knowledge of his country's art, religion, history, and legend. In the second place, although Japanese Art literature is apparently fairly large, it is found, upon examination, to be meagre and vague, and does not deal with a tithe even of the artists who have produced good work. Attributions and dates have therefore to depend mainly upon guesswork. Then, again, the variety and range of subjects is so astonishingly large that it is impossible, in the absence of a capable authority, to arrive at Note by the Editor of the Catalogue. ix a solution of a large percentage of the questions which present themselves at every turn. Study and comparison will, doubtless, in time elucidate much that is at present untranslatable ; and it is to the energy of possessors of collections similar to that which forms the subject of the present volume and their catalogues that we must look for assistance in the future. Meanwhile leniency must be shown to the many imperfections which undoubtedly exist in that which I have here undertaken for Sir Trevor Lawrence. Every endeavour has however been made to arrive at correctness. The groundwork has been laid by Mr. Kowaki, who has brought much intelli gence to bear upon it ; and the proof-sheets have passed under the eye of the most erudite collector of Japanese Art, Mr. E. Gilbertson. The illustrations have been prepared by the Autotype Company, who have tried their utmost to achieve success, and have in many cases attained it, with objects which have hitherto defied every attempt to accurately translate all their subtle qualities. MARCUS B. HUISH. CONTENTS PAGE Preface by Sir Trevor Lawrence v Note by the Editor viii PART I. NETSUKES, OKIMONOS, STATUETTES, MANJUS, AND KAGAMIBUTAS. Division yi.— NETSUKES, OKIMONOS, AND STATUETTES i The People: their Manners and Customs 4 Religion, Primitive . 13 Religion, Buddhist 12 Religion. Gods of Good Fortune , 13 Religion, Personages and Subjects connected "with 15 History . 17 Legends, Fairy Stories, Legendary Personages and Animals, and Folk-lore ig Chinese Legends and Subjects 24 Animals, Birds, Insects, etc. 27 Fruit, Flowers, etc. 32 Miscellaneous 33 Division 5.— BUTTONS: MANJU AND KAGAMIBUTA NETSUKES 36 PART II. Division ^.— PIPES (KISERUS) . 40 Division .5.— TOBACCO POUCHES (T0BAK0-IR6S) . 42 Division C— PIPE CASES (KISfiRUZUTSUS) 46 Division D.~?ORTABhY. INKSTANDS AND BRUSH-CASES (Y.ATATES) 48 xii Contents. PART III. LACQUER. PAGE LACQUER, DESCRIPTION OF . . . . 49 Division ^.—CABINETS (JISSHU-KO-BAKOS AND KO-DANSUS) 52 Division .5.— "WRITING-BOXES (SUZURI-BAKOSj ¦ . 56 Division C— LACQUER PIECES IN THE SHAPE OF NATURAL OBJECTS . 62 Division £>,— MEDICINE AND SEAL CASES (INROS) 65 Inr5s, Lacquer . . . 66 Inros, Metal . . "jl Inros, Ivory, Porcelain, etc. . 78 Inros, Wood . . . 79 Division .E.— SAKE CUPS (SAKAZUKI) . 81 Division F.— TRAYS (BONS) . 83 Division (?.— MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES 84 PART IV. OBJECTS IN METAL. Division ^.—SWORDS AND S"WORD MOUNTS no Swords . . .110 Sword Mounts, Tsubas nj Do. Fuchi-kashiras Do. Menukis Do. KOZUKAS Division A— MISCELLANEOUS PART V. Division ^.—SHRINES (ZUSHIS) . Division .5.— HANGING PICTURES (KAKEMONOS) Division C— EMBROIDERIES (FUKUSAS, ETC.) Division Z>.— COMBS (KUSHIS) Hairpins (Kanzashis) Division £¦.— MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES IN "WOOD Division i^.— MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES IN IVORY Division G.— MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES IN OTHER MATERIALS 115 115 119 124 125 127129132134138 141 Contents. xiii PART VI. CERAMICS. PAGE Arita, Imari, and Hizen . . . . . . 144 Aw AT A . . 146 BiZEN . ... 146 Hirado . . . 147 Kenzan . . . 147 Kioto . ... 148 Koransha . 149 KUTANI . 149 Makuzu 150 Mikawachi . 151 Mizoro 1 5 1 Mokubei 151 NiNSEI . . .151 ROKUBEI . 152 Satsuma • 152 Seto . 153 Soma . i53 Takatori 1 54 Miscellaneous '54 LIST OF PLATES. I. Front of Lacquer Hitsu Frontispiece 2. Six Okimonos and Netsukes To face page 4 3. Nine Okimonos and Netsukes . .,8 4. Nine Okimonos and Netsukes ,, 16 5. Six Okimonos and Netsukes , ,, 24 6. Six Okimonos and Netsukes ., 32 7. Tobacco Pipes, Pouch, etc. . ,, 40 8. Tobacco Pouch . ,,44 9. Five Pipe Cases . ,,46 10. Lacquer Jisshu-k6-bako . ,, 52 II. Lacquer Jisshu-k6-bako .. 54 12. Lacquer Suzuri-bako . , 56 13. Lacquer Suzuri-bako . ,,58 14. Five Lacquer Kogos . . ,, 62 15. Lacquer Sake Bottle . ,,64 16. Three Lacquer Inros . ,,66 17. Three Lacquer Inros . ,,68 18. Three Lacquer Inros ... . ,,70 19. Three Lacquer Inros . ,,74 20. Three Ivory and Wood Inros . ,,78 21. Lacquer Ryoshi-bunko ,, 84 22. Lacquer Kogo ... ,,86 23. Two Lacquer Goshoguruma ,, 88 24, Lacquer Ryoshi-bunko ... . ,, 90 XVI List of Plates. 25. Circular Lacquer Box 26. Lacquer Kog5 and K6-dansu . 27. Two Lacquer Kogos and a Lacquer Box 28. Lacquer Metal Tabako-Bon 29. Lacquer Box and Two Lacquer Kogo 30. Lacquer Kiyarabako and Box . 31. Four Swords 32. Eight Ivory and Lacquer Combs 33. Four Ivory and Lacquer Okimonos, etc. 34. Lacquer Kushidai 35. Wooden Okimono 36. Wooden Suzuri-bako 37. Three Tortoiseshell and Lacquer Kodansus 38. Three Tortoiseshell and Lacquer Kogos 39 Top OF Lacquer Hitsu To face page go 96 98 102 104106 no 1S.8 130 132134 136 140 142 144 PART I. 5Bet0ufte0, €)ftimono6, statuettes, £©an)us. anti i^agamibutas/ DIVISION A. Jl3ctsufee0, ©kimonos, anti ^tatuette.s. NETSUKE (pronounced netskaigh) is a toggle, or button, affixed by a cord to a pipe case, tobacco pouch, or medicine case, to prevent it from slipping through the wearer's obi, or girdle. In early days it probably had little, if any, ornamentation, but IL- gradually, like other articles of Japanese dress, it became more decorated. But, so long as it followed its original purpose, this was always kept in view, both as regards form and decoration. Consequently, when we see a netsuke without compactness or with extraneous excrescences which would catch the folds of the dress or are liable to fracture, the presumption is that it has not been designed for that purpose. One mark which distinguishes a netsuke from an okimono is the presence ot two holes, usually beneath it, which admit of a cord being strung through them, "* The English method has been adopted in this Catalogae in the case of plurals of Japanese words. I Carving a JJ'ooden Mask. 2 Part I. and the age of a netsuke may often be gauged by examining the amount to which the inside edges of these holes have been worn by the rubbing of the cord. The passage for the cord is sometimes cunningly contrived, so as not to be readily apparent ; this is especially so in figures where an arm or a leg may form a loop sufficient for the purpose. Netsukes are made of wood, elephant walrus or vegetable ivory, boars' tusks and the teeth of animals, horns of stags antelopes and oxen, fishbone, walnut and other nuts, jade, metal, porcelain, amber, onyx, tortoise-shell, coral, crystal, and wood lacquered. The oldest are of wood, or of "walrus or vegetable ivory, elephants' tusks having only been imported in any quantity in the last century. The wood is generally the core of the cherry tree, or boxwood, ebony, or kaki, all of which are softer, more supple, and less liable to splinter than ivory; and whereas the wood hardens with age, and acquires a patina of a rich hue, the ivory has a tendency to decay. Ivories are subjected to soaking in coffee and a variety of mixtures to give them an antique appearance. Under the heading of netsukes are also usually classed those of a button shape which answer the same purpose ; these are described under the heading of Manjus and Kagamibutas. An " Okimono " means a thing to be placed on the Tokonoma, or recess in the reception-room, where alone a place is to be found for ornaments. It is dis tinguishable by its larger size and by its inadaptability to serve as a netsuke. The Soken Kisho states that a Netsuke was sometimes called Kcntsui, i.e., "a hanging weight" or "plummet." It was also termed an obi-kasami or " holder for the belt." It is little wonder that netsukes and carvings of their class have been the most popular and readily appreciated of all the sections of Japanese art which appeal to European taste. Persons little influenced by the nation's art have been fain to admit that at their best they will bear comparison even with the miniatures of Greek art.* But besides this they have an interest and value from "* It has been well said that a fine netsuke has no rival in art. Part I. 3 the point of view of illustrations of the nation's life, which they reproduce with the utmost fidelity and aptness. This is valuable from the historian's, the anthropologist's, and the student's point of view. Especially is it so in the case of a country which is so rapidly changing in all matters appertaining to religion, dress, habits, and customs. Netsukes have one very characteristic feature which must be mentioned in any reference to them — namely, their reflection of the humour which is inherent in the nature of the Japanese. This permeates them to a greater degree than any other branch of the country's art. It would seem as if the fashioners of these bibelots had, from their earliest days, lived in an atmosphere where all was sunshine and happiness, so brimming over with good humour do their creations appear. In these days, when it is so much the fashion to look upon the gloomy side of nature, these illustrations of innocent fun, humorous grotesqueness, and spiteless caricature are, on that account, the more welcome. The netsukes, etc., in this collection are classified according to subject, thus : — I. The people : their manners and customs. 2. Religion. [a) Primitive. {b) Buddhist. if) Popular gods. {d') Personages, etc., connected with religion. 3. History. 4. Legends, fairy stories, folk-lore, and legendary personages and animals. 5. Chinese legends and subjects. 6. Animals, birds, insects, etc. 7. F'lowers, fruit, etc. 8. Miscellaneous. Netsukes, Okimonos, and Statuettes EXCEPT where otherwise specified, the pieces in this division are netsukds. Both they and the okimonos are, in the absence of any mention to the contrary, made of ivory. " B. M. C. " refers to Anderson's British Museum Catalogue. " H. J. " refers to Huish's Japan and its Art, Maslc of U:iimr (see No. i), from geCOud editloU. u Netsulie. Cbe People: tf)eir fanners anD Customs. A group ot strolling players dressed as Uzume, etc., with their stock-in-trade, j. Josai . . . . . . . i8 <: [UzumtS or Okame was one of the primitive goddesses, who by her dancing inveigled the goddess of the sun out of her retirement (H. J. 23), She is the personification of folly, and her mask is seen everywhere. See Illustration above.] Okimono. — A group composed of a Samurai, artist, and peasant, with wife and child, s. Togiokusai Tomomasa . . 19 ^ [The Samurais were practically the squirearchy of Japan. They included all those who were entided to wear two swords, and were usually retainers of some daimyo. (H. J. 83.)] 3. A wrestling match IS c 4. Children dancing a fan-dance, each holding the other's girdle, the leaders carrying fans. .s". Tadatoshi . 18 <: 5. Children dancing a fan-dance in a circle 18 c PLATE II. NETSUKES AND OKIMONOS. 1. No. 401. 2. No. 18. 3 No. 154. I,. No. 16. 5. No. 56. 6. No. 123. The People : their Manners and Customs. 5 6. Three children afloat in a jar . ... 19 ^ 7. Okimono. — Shinto priest giving cakes to children . 19 <: [His rich dress (which is gold lacquered) is purposely torn in places to indicate poverty.] 8. Okimono. — Woman, with children and puppy, washing. s. Kei- min ... . . ... 19 f 9. A Sant-nunvashi, or monkey exhibitor, and monkey, resting. s. Yoshinaga . . . . . . . . . 19 ^ 10. Manzai dancer, with mask, and child . . . . 18 ^ [The Manzais are dancers, who go about, usually in couples, at the New Year, calling out "Manzai, Manzai," or " Senshu Manzai," "Ten thousand years' long Hfe to you." See Plate 9, No. 3.] II. Manzai dancers. Wood. s. Hojitsu . . . . 18 t 12. Manzai dancers. (See No. 10.) . . . . 18 <; 13. A similar design. (See No. 10.) . ... . 19 <: 14. Okimono. — A woodman carrying a faggot . . . . 19 ^ 15. Woodcutter resting, and drinking sake . . . . \<^ c 16. Okimono. — " In vain is a net set in the sig-ht of any bird." iiiust, ated on rox disguised as a pilgrim watching a selt-satisned trapper. .5". Tokuzan .... . . ..191; 17. Various emblems of fete days. Battledore and straw rope for New Year's Day ; dolls for 3rd March ; head-dress and sword for 5th May ; card for 7th July ; chrysanthemums in a child's hand for September 9th. s. Hakuunsai . . . . . . 19 r 6 Netsukds, Okimonos, and Statuettes. Illustrated on jg Okimono. — An elephant with palanquin, in which are seated Plate 2, No. 2. ^ ,. ' , , 1 • c child-musicians. Surrounding the beast are thirteen figures, representing all classes of society— priests. Samurais, strolling players, ladies, blind men, etc. Dogs disport themselves in complete security beneath its trunk, .y. Kawamoto Shuraku . 19 ^ Illustrated OH ig. Okimono. — A Nio Under repair. 5". Tomomasa . . . .191? Plate 3, No. 2. ¦' [Two figures of demon-like appearance, called Nio, are often placed as guardians at the entrance to temples. One red, with open mouth, represents the Y5 or male principle of Chinese philosophy, the other green, and with compressed lips, the In, or female principle. (H. J. 47.)] 20. A similar subject, i". Giokukosai ... . \<^ c 21. Ferryboat with passengers, .t. Tadatoshi . • . 18 <: Illustrated on 22 Ferrvboat with a horse, a monkey exhibitor, a monkey, and other Plate (,, No.l. ^ --^ -r,.., _ .„ ^ passengers, .y. Ono Kioko . • ...19c 23. Ferryboat with passengers, including Samurai, strofling players, etc. .\". Seizan . . . . ¦ • • • • .19^ Illustrated on 24. Okimono. — Ferrvboat with ferrymen resting. Vegetable ivory. Plate 6, N0.4. ^ . ¦' ¦' 00 .s". Senshiu . . . . . . . . • . ig c Illustrated on 2"^. Okimono. — Ferrvboat with the Gods of Good Fortune playing Plate 6, A'-fl. 5. '"' ^ ' X t-, • - • music. (See No. 119.) s. Riomin . . . 19 r 26. Okimono. — Fisherman netting from a boat. Bone . . 19 t 27. A ferryboat with passengers, including a monkey exhibitor, and a monkey which a woman is teasing with her umbrella, i". Rioko 19 r. 28. Ferryboat on rough water, with passengers, including a womian with basket of fish, showman, child which has lost its toy, etc. j". Tounsai .... . .... 19 <: Illustrated on 28a. Fcrrvboat, with man poling it along, children plavinof with a stick, Plate 6, No. 3- ' , r 1 V 1 , • • and three passengers, one ot whom lights his pipe . \g c The People : their Manners and Customs. 7 29. Soldier arresting a spy in a boat . . . . 1 8 ^ ^piau''tNT(> 30. Okimono. — A man with a sake bottle and luncheon-box disturbed by a toad . . . . . . . . . . 19 ^ 31. Okimono. — A lady playing the samiseii . . . . . ig c 32 Okimono. — A group from a festal procession, representing a Chinese god surrounded by boys in masks, etc. . . 1 9 ^ 33. A child on a cushion. Tsuishu lac. (See No. 888.) . 18 ^ 34. A present ot shellfish in a pannier of rice straw, with a branch of prunus blossom. Wood. s. Shiumin . . 18 c 35. Children offering cakes and fruit to a Saru-mawashi's monkey. (See No. 9.) . 18 c 36. Court lady playing the koto . . . . . . . ig c 37. A small child playing the game akambe. "Do you see any green in my eye?" Wood, ivory, and lac . . 18^ 38. Statuette. A standing female figure holding a fan ; the figure wood, the head, hands, and feet ivory, the dress ornamented with a kiku flower pattern in pearl, ivory, etc. .5". Sansho . 19 ^ 39. Miniature Stand, with chased design of a boy, with a mask of a fox, and a fan. .y. Kwounsai . . . . . . . 18 r 40. Child on fan 18 c 41. Child with a mask of a demon trying to frighten another, who draws her eye down. (See No. 37.) . . . . . 18 <: 42. Man playing with a child and imitating a tox 18 c 8 Netsukes, Okimonos, and Statuettes. 43.". Shishimai. Boys playing a game, in which two of them dress up in a mask of a shishi and long cloth covering, and the others lead them round and show them off .s". Shounsai . . . \g e [The Shishi, or lion dog, is very frequently met with in art. It is of Chinese'origin, and is usually associated with the sacred gem, or the peony. (H. J. 63.)] 44. Children showing a kakemono to Juro. (See No. 119.) s. Norishige . . . \8 c 45. Child standing on tiptoe, and pouring sak6 into a cup held by a man on his knees, s. Tomotane . . . . . . 18 ^ 46. Children playing with an elephant, .s". Norihisa . 47- Boy with the mask of a fox. s. Hakuunsai 48. Children with masks and drum. s. Riomin .... 49. Child standing by a charcoal basket, s. Mitsunobu 50. A monkey showman selling cakes, s. Rakuun . . . 19 r 51. Children carrying a basket of flowers on a car. s, Riushi . . 18 r 52. Washerwoman beating linen and giving the breast to a child 19 c 53. A Corean fisherman with an octopus, and nut in shell . . \Z c 54. F"isherman capturing a cat-fish . . . . . . . 18 f 55. Two fishermen on a gigantic conch shell, j. Hide . . . 19^ Illustrated on 56. Oki.mono — Fisherman hauling in a net and assisting himself bv i late 2, Isio. 5- , . o / placing his foot against a rock. In two pieces, which is un usual, s. Nobuyuki . . . . . . . . . \g c 57. A nobleman on horseback with attendants . . . . . 19 ^ 15 c 19 c 19 c 19 c PLATE III. NETSUKES AND OKIMONOS. 1. No. 172. 2. No. 19. '-/. No. 295. .f No. 132. ¦',. No. 275. Ct. No. 297(7. 7'. No. 62. .y. No. 136. d. No. 287. The People : their Manners and Customs. g 58. Blind man vainly trying to catch a rat . ig c 59. Blind men fighting, jr. Juei . . . . . . . 19 c" 60. Okimono. — A nun ... . . . . ig c 61. Peasant leading a horse (which carries his family on a pack-saddle) over a bridge, s. Riomin . . . . . ig c 62. Dutchwoman testing" eggfs. jr. Toriu . . . . i g ^ ^f^-''™'*,^ "" & "O J Plate 3, No. 7. 63. A maskmaker. .?. Tomoaki . . . . . . . . ig c 64. Old woman hiding a mask behind her back. jt. Masayoshi . . ig c 65- Pilgrim carrying a satchel in front of him. .s". Tomohisa . . ig c 66. Dutchwoman with baby. . . . . . . . . ig c 67. Boy disguised as a fox dancing, s. Riomin . . . 18 c 68. Boy with basket . . ig c 69. Tinker repairing a pan. s. Mitsutoshi . . . . . ig c 70. Child with tortoise . . . . . . \8 c 71. Boy with mask of a fox. .s". Tomochika . . . . .19 c 72. One man supporting and another riding on a huge gourd . 18 <: 73. An old Dutchman with monkey, jr. Yasuaki . . . ig c 74. Dutchwoman carrying a baby and a drum, which a boy is trying to reach, s. Tomoichi . . . . . . . . 18 t 75. Children playing with a mask, drum, and flute, .y. Riomin. . 19 <; 76. Strolling player resting and drinking, s. Mitsutoshi . . . ig c ID Netsukes, Okimonos, and Statuettes. 77. Chinese children playing with an elephant — base a seal. jr. Tomochika ....... \g c 78. An armoured soldier with drum and conch shell, s. Shigemasa . \g c 79- Man playing with children, i". Unto . . . . 19 <; 80. Chinese boy standing on his hands . . . . 18 t 81. Woman carrying a basket of shells and a branch of fruit . 18 <; 82. Men emptying a sack. s. Tomochika . . 18 ^ 83. Children playing backgammon, s. Shuchin 19 c 84. Man trying to open an umbrella .... . 19 <: 85. Woman carrying a cuttle-fish. s. Mitsutoshi . \g c 86. Midwife bathing a child . . . . 18 ^ 87. Children playing with goldfish in a pail. jt. Homin . . 1% c 88. Dutchman carrying a cock ... 19 ^ 89. Boy with puppy. Wood . ... 18 ^ 90. Boy with puppy. Wood . . . . . 18 ^ 91. Blind man lifting a rice cake. Wood. s. Giokuk^i . . . 18 c 92. Gardener asleep on a banana leaf Wood . . . 18 ^ 93. Blind men warming themselves by a fire. Wood. s. Fukai 19 c 94. Man who has touched a nerve in his tooth with a toothpick. Hokei 95. Man and ox resting: on stand. 5. Tomotada 19 c i» c 96. Priest polishing bell— an allegory symbolising the cultivation of the mind. s. Rantei . jg ^ The People : their Manners and Customs. 1 1 97- A miniature mask of Okina, one of the characters in the old court {^No^ dance. XVood. jr. Toci . . 18 f 98. Okimono. — Women and children riding on an ox led by a man. 5". Shinkeisai ... , . \g c 99. Okimono. — A ferryboat (noriai-bune). jr. Hoshinken Reigioku . 19 f 100. Okimono. — A Samurai summoning up his courage to draw his sword against a snail. 5. Tomomune . . . . .19 c lOI. Okimono. — A strolling player amusing children with a tengu mask. (See No. 243.) .y. Rakugiokusai ... . \g c 102. Okimono. — Man drawing a jinrikisha. s. Ono Seimin . . \g c 103. Okimono. Two warriors, one standing on a head which the other has cut off . . . \g c 104. Okimono. — Group of children imitating No dancers, s. Tomo- yuki . . . . . . ig c 105. Lady and child with fan and basket catching flies, s. Homin . 19 ^ 106. Okimono. — iV^ dancers . . \g c 107. Okimono — Sportsman and keeper with captured fox. s. Shomin \g c 108. Okimono. — Three recruits trying their swords, spears, etc. s. Tomoyuki ... . . . . 19 ^ 109. Okimono. — An old man holding a puppet, dressed as a China man, and beating a drum. Wood, carved and painted in colours, by Shiuzan. Attached to an embroidered silk lucky- bag (Mamori bukuro) to keep charms in . . . 17 ^ 110. Okimoxo. — Children with masks, flute, drum, and stilts. Wood, with faces and hands of ivory . . . 19 <; IIO«. A carpenter sawing. Wood with purple lacquering . . 18 ^ 12 Netsukes, Okimonos, and Statuettes. Eeltgion, primitive. III. Kaminari or Raiden, the thunder god, running over the clouds and making thunder by beating his drums. (H.J. 17.) jt. Ikkosai . 18 r 112. The thunder god beating his drum. (See No. 1 1 1.) s. Hokutosai Masatsugu . . ¦ • • ^^ ^ 113. The thunder god taking the clouds out of his bag. Wood. s. Tomoichi . . . • . .... 10 c 114. The thunder god on the clouds climbing up his drum. Wood. s. Masatsugu ... . ¦ 19 ^ 115. The thunder god tumbling on to a sedan chair, from which a Samurai is getting out as quickly as possible, s. Itsumin . 18 c IReligion, TguDlibist. 116 Okimono. — Kwannon holding a basket . .181: [The goddess of mercy.] 117. Okimono. — A boy riding on an ox and playing the flute. Ivory and stone . . • . . . . 19 ^ 118. Okimono. — Kwannon seated on a rock. Wood and ivory. En closed in a shrine in the form of a priest's basket-work pack [oi). On the top a Buddhist scroll and two boxes . . 18 f Religion. Cods of Good Fortune. 13 iReligion. (SoOs of (©ooO JTortune. 119- Okimono. — The gods of good fortune in the treasure ship. 5". Tadachika . . . . ... [These popular gods are seven in number : Fukurokuju, Juro, Ebisu, Hotei, Daikoku, Bishamon, and Benten. They are here depicted coming on New Year's Eve in the treasure ship Takarabune, bringing the Takara- mono, or " Precious Things." These are more readily seen in Okimono (No. 120). They comprise the inexhaustible purse, precious jewel, hammer, hat of invisibility, rain coat, sacred key, weight, clove, and the shippo, or seven jewels. (H.J. 51.)] 120. Okimono. — The same. .s". Hiroyuki 120a. The same subject, the ship having a dragon prow 121. Fukurokuju, god of wealth, prosperity, and longevity, distinguish able by his lofty cranium and fan. (H. J. 49) 122. Gourd and seal of Fukurokuju, with incised views of Giotoku and Kaianji. s. Giokusai 123. Okimono. — Fukurokuju seated on a flying crane and reading a makimono. .$". Kiomin 124. Okimono. — Daikoku, god of prosperity, with Hotel's bag, in which that god is confined. The chfldren whom Hotei usually tries to catch and put in it enjoy this reversed order of things. (H. J. 51.) .. Koho 125. A radish (Daikon) with a figure of Daikoku incised. A pun on the word. s. Anraku 126. Fukurokuju with his tortoise, s. Hakuunsai 126^. Fukurokuju as an actor with a mask. Wood and ivory. 5. Hogioku 127. Okimono. — The seven gods in a grove, s. Kageyoshi [Probably a skit upon the Seven Sages of the Bamboo Grove. (See No. 277.)] 128. The treasure ship. (See No. 119.) j. Riuchin 19 e Illustrated 011 Plate 5, A^o. 5. 19 C 19 C 18 C 19 c 19 c Illustratea on Plate 2, No. 6. Illustrated on Plate 5, No. 2. \g C 18 C 19 c 18 c 19 c , „ ^ Illustrated on ' y ^ Plate 5, No. 3. 14 Netsukes, Okimonos, and Statuettes. 129. The seven gods on board the treasure ship. s. Riuchin . ig c 130. Makimono, in the folds of which Bishamon is pursuing an Oni (see No. 230) which has run off with a shrine, one of his attributes, s. Shuosai • • • • . 19 <: Illustrated on 131. H otei in his bag being dragged along by children. s. Plate 4, No. 7. n Tomochika . ¦ • ¦ ¦ . lo c iihisirated on iq2. Okimono. — Daikoku and Ebisu caricaturing the legend of Chorio Plate z. No. i,. ^ , . .^^ ? • and Kosekiko. (See No. 275.) .y. Kokumin . . .19^ 133. Daikoku in a boat. s. Anraku . . . . 19 t 134. Hotei and his bag . . . 19 ^ 134a. A similar subject. Wood lacquered . . 18 <; 135. Child dragging Hotei in his bag. .s". Masatsugu . . . 18 r Illustrated on J 06. Bcutcn asking" Ebisu for a fish from his basket, and Ebisu draw- Plate 3, A^(J. 8. "* ° ing down his eye. (See No. 37.) .t. Giokusen . . . 19 ^ 137. Hotei sharpening a razor, preparatory to shaving the head of a child . . 18 t 138. Fukurokuju with the sacred gem 19 c 139. Hotei with his bag, the whole forming an artist's seal . \g c 140. Hotei with a fan. Wood painted in different colours. School of Shiuzan . . . . \g c 141. Hotei with children creeping into his bag 19 c 142. Hotei and Juro playing the game of Nirami-Kurabe — i.e., one trying his utmost to make the other laugh without laughing himself .5". Tomotaka . . , . . . 181; 143. Daikoku on rice bales . 18 ^ 144. The gods of good fortune on board the treasure ship. s. Masatoshi .,.,.. ... 19 f Personages and Subjects connected with Religion. 15 145. Benten. i". Nobukuni . . . . ig c 146. Ivory Cl.vsp. — F~ukurokuju and Ebisu trying their strength in the cord game. On the other part of the clasp their attributes, a roll, fish, etc. .y. Kwogioku . . . . . . ig c 147. Okimono. — Ebisu on a ladder shaving the head of Fukurokuju .5". Tomochika . . . 18 r 147^'. Okimono. — Two figures, one with a tan, the other with a miner's mallet. ? Daikoku ... . . . ig c Illustrated on Plate 4, No. I . Personages atiD Subjects connecteD tuiti) iReligion. 148. Beifuku (a Rishi) . . . . 19 ^ [A Rishi, or Sennin, is a personage who can neither be properly called a spirit nor a divinity. The usually accepted idea is that they are persons who do not die, but who, when they reach old age, retire from the haunts of men, practise austerity, and become endowed with miraculous powers. (H. J. 46.)] 149. A tsuitate or dwarf screen, on which is carved a figure ot Tekkai (a Rishi) emitting his spirit . . . . .191; 150. Tekkai emitting his spirit. Wood. jr. Shosuisai . 18 c 151. A Chinese sage and boy, who holds his hat . . 18 <; 152. Okimono. — Mafushi (a Rishi) standing on a toad 153- Okimono. — Mafushi resting on the trunk of a tree. Wood 154- Okimono. — Two priests, one yawning, the other with a nioi. .$¦. Mitsukiyo 155. Okimono. — Gama Sennin and toad. jr. Osai [Gama Sennin is a Rishi, who poses as a beggar, and is always accom panied by a toad. (H. J. 46.)] 156. Gama Sennin and his attendant toad .... 157. Chokwaro (a Rishi) in a boat, emitting a horse from a gourd. (H. J. 46.) s. Hikwaku . . . . . . . . 18 t 19 c 19 c 19 c Illustrated on Plate. 2, No. 3 19 c 19 c Illustrated on Plate 6, No. 2 1 6 Netsukds, Okimonos, and Statuettes. 158. Chokwaro and his gourd. Wood. .s". Toyomasa . . . ^Zc 159. Okimono. — Oshikio on an ox, playing the flute . . . \g c [Oshikio was a Rishi who gave himself up to a wandering life, amusing himself by playing the flute.] 160. Okimono. — A Buddhist deity . . . . 17 <; [Carved so as to conform to the shape of the tusk.] 161. Statue (Mokuzo) of a priest. Wood, lacquered in red and black 18 c 162. Roshi, the founder of the Taoist religion, riding on an ox and studying religion, s. Garakusai . . . 18 ir 163. Roshi on an ox, playing a flute . . . 19 ^ 164. A similar subject, s. Hojitsu . \.g c 165- Do., do. Wood. s. Tomotada 18 <:¦ 166. Rishi seated on a rock . . 18 c 167. Bukan Zenshi (a Rishi) with his attendant tiger . . 19^; 168. Nio on a huge straw sandal. s. Tadatame. (See Nos. 19 and 20) . . ... . . ig^ 173. Boy (attendant upon Juro) seated on a deer and playing the flute. .5". Mitsutsugu 174. A Shinto temple on a hill, and on the bottom a landscape with lake. .y. Masamitsu . c 169. Daruma. Wood. s. Shin . . . 18 [An Indian and Chinese recluse who spent nine years in meditation without moving, and consequently lost the use of his legs. He usually holds a Futsujin, or fly-brush, a priestly symbol.] 170. Daruma, with three revolving faces. Wood. .y. Mitsuhiro , 18 c 171. Roshi. Kutani porcelain forming a seal . . ig ^ Illustrated on V]2. Okimono. — Roshi and child . .^ /• Plate Tj, No. I. ¦ 19 ^ 19 C lb c PLATE IV. NETSUKES AND OKIMONOS. 1. No. 147. 2. No. 176. 3. No. 211. .If. No. 356. 6. No. 271. (j. No. 299. 7. No. 131. ¦. Dembutsu . . . 19 <; [A wondrous beauty, one of Japan's six greatest poets, the idol of the court, a miserable old hag, her corpse the prey of dogs— such were the successive stages of her life. (H. J. 70.)] 192. A similar subject ..... . . jg ^ 193. A similar subject. Wood. .y. Unkai ig c Legends, Fairy Stories, Legendary Personages and Animals, and Folklore. 19 194. Okimono. — Hirai Yasumasa captivating the assassin Hakamadare Koresuke by his flute playing. (H. J. 72.) .s-. Yoshichika . 19 c 195. Okimono. — The si.x celebrated poets, jr. Rakugiokusai . .19 c [These poets were Sojo Henjo, Kisen Hoshi, Narihira, Yasuhide, Kuronushi, and Ono no Komachi.] 196. Okimono. — The six celebrated poets, .v. Hakuunsai . . . \g c 196^. Three men trying to capture a fourth, who draws his sword . 18 <^ pJa^'T^No^l legenDs, JFairp Stories, legenDacp Personages anD animals, anD jFolfelore. 197. Fir-cone opening on a hinge, and disclosing in the interior figures of the Spirits of the pine trees. Wood. jt. Ikko or Kazutora . 18 t [An old man and an old woman, the former with a rake and the latter with a broom, are the spirits of the pine trees of Takasago and Sumiyoshi. They are emblems of a contented long life and of conjugal felicity. Hence .these netsukfe are given as wedding presents.] 198. Illustration of a proverb : " Do not wait until you have caught the thief to make the rope." s. Hakuun , 18 ^r 198^;. Hana-saka-jiji, an old man who, for his goodness and gentleness, was granted by the gods the power of making dead fruit-trees bear blossoms by sprinkling ashes over them. jr. Shuraku 191; 199. Hana-saka-jiji digging for gold 19 <: 200. Long Arms (Te-naga) yawning whilst Long Legs (Ashi-naga) rests. s. Tomoharu ..... 18 <: [The fishermen of Japan imagine that a race exists who have some of them long legs and some long arms. This enables them when acting in combination to wade out to sea and probe about in deep water. Said to be allegorical of the benefit of joint action in labour. The Chinese also have a similar race which inhabits Northern China.] 20 Netsukds, Okimonos, and Statuettes. 201. Rokurokubi. Wood . ...,.181; [A mythical being capable of elongating his neck to any length. The Japanese child's " Bogie man."] 202. Urashima on the tortoise, approaching the palace under the sea. jr. Kagetoshi . . . . . • . • . 18 <; [Urashima is the Japanese Rip van Winkle. Whilst fishing he caught a tortoise, on which he had compassion, and, sparing its life, a princess appeared, in whose company he went to the Palace of the Dragon King of the Sea, in the far South. After some time he longed for home again, and the princess, on parting with him, gave him a casket, which he was not to open if he wished to see her again. On his return to Japan he found all trace of his family had long since vanished, and, opening his casket, he at once changed into an old man. (H. J. 75.)] 203. Urashima returning, .y. Masahiro . . . . . ig c 204. Urashima carved on the back of a tortoise . . . . \g c 205- The air castle emerging from a shell. Wood and ivory toshi . . ..... 206. Urashima and the casket, .y. Hideshige 207- The dragon's castle. Wood, .y, Tadatomo . .f. Kage- 212. Okimono. — The woodman and his family with young Momotaro. s. Ono Shomin . [Momotaro was found by a woodman's wife in a peach, who adopted him. ^Vhen he grew up he journeyed to an ogre's castle and captured it and its treasures. (H. J. 77.)] 19 C 19 C 18 c 208. Kiyohime and Anchin . . . . . . . .191; [Kiyohime, an innkeeper's daughter, fell in love with a monk, Anchin. Her unrequited love was so strong that it turned her into a demon, and the monk, pursued by her, was forced to take refuge under the bell of D5j6ji. Enraged at this, she beat the bell with her tail until it became redhot, and he was reduced to a cinder. (H. J. 59.)] 209. Kiyohime and the bell . , jo ^ 210. Kiyohime and the bell (a seal) . ^g c Illustrated on 211. Songoku. The magical monkey on a cloud From the novel Plate 4, No. 3. o • - 7 • baiyuki . . . . . , . ^ _ . ig c 19 c L^egends, Fairy Stories, Legendary Personages and Animals, and Folklore. 21 213. Dancer dressed as a Shojo. Ivory lacquered and painted. . i^ c [Shojos are harmless mythical beings who inhabit the sea coast, and, having an inordinate love for drink, are caught by jars of sak^ being placed as lures. A valuable dye is said to be extracted from their long red hair. " As drunk as a Shojo " — Japanese proverb. (H. J. 58.)] 214. Shojo. Wood painted ...... ig c 215. Shojo with a sake jar. Wood. j-. Flogioku 19 c 216. Sake jar opening and showing shojos dancing inside, s. Kwan- giokusai . . ig c 217- Shojo sleeping. Wood. . . . . . 18 i? 218. Okimono in which Shoki and a demon (oni) are partly rolled up. jj". Shuosai. . . . . . . 19 r [Shoki was a warrior, who appeared to a Chinese emperor in a dream, seized a demon, and ate him. On the emperor's awaking he found himself cured of ague. Hence he was canonised, and called the Demon Queller. Oni are mischievous imps which haunt the precincts of houses, and require on certain festivals to be exorcised. On New Year's Day, for instance, they are pelted with beans.] 219. An official in court dress throwing beans at an oni on New Year's Day. (See No. 218) . . . .191; 220. A drum which opens at one end and displays a seated oni smoking, .y. Masanao . . . . . • . 18 c 221. The struggle between good and evil. A saint wrestling with an illustrated on oni. s. Okagen . . . . . ib c 222. Oni on a drum. Red lac . . . . 18 c 223. Priest sawing off a demon's horn . . 18 t 224. Demon smoking ..... . 18 c 225. Onis angling through a nelumbium leafi .y. Riuchin . . iS c 226. Oni hiding in a couvre feu from the beans. Wood . . . 1 8 <; 2 2 Netsukds, Okimonos, and Statuettes. 227. Demon and monk wrestling on a lotus leaf. . . . \8 c 228. Demons polishing a kettle . . . . . . . 19 ^ 229. Mask of a demon. Hirado porcelain . . . . . 18 c 230. Fir-cone, in the interior of which is placed a carving of Shoki being massaged by an oni. Wood. .y. . . . \8 c 231. Shoki dodging onis round a screen, s. Shugioku . . \8 c 232. Shoki resting on a stand, up which an oni is crawling . . 18 c: 233. Onis retaliating on Shoki by stealing his cap and book which are on a table, i". Yoshinobu . . . . \g c 234. Okimono. — Shoki watching from behind a screen two onis, one playing the samisen. Ivory, s. Ono Ryoraku . . . \g c 235. Okimono. — Shoki sharpening his sword on a stone beneath which an oni is hiding. Wood. s. Itsumin . . 19 <: 236. Shoki scowling at an oni which he has failed to capture 19 c 237. Oni hiding under a rock after stealing Shoki's daggers. Wood, with oni and dagger in ivory . . . . . . 18 c 238. Shoki carrying off demons in his bag. Wood . . . \8 c 239. Shoki sharpening his sword. Wood. s. Tadatoshi 240. Shoki after an oni which has hidden under his cap 241. Shoki playing the flute, whilst a demon drums and another tumbles 242. Okimono.— Shoki with a sword slaying demons, .y. Tomochika . 243. Tengu hatching, .y. Kasen i« c 18 c 19 c 18 c [lengus are somewhat akin to oni. They are harmless, haunt the woods and are of two kinds-either with human face and form, but with wings and a very long nose, or avial, with bird-like head and claws. (H J 57 )] 18 C Legends, Fairy Stories, I^egendary Personages and Animals, and Folklore. 23 244. Kappa watching a crab ti-om behind a lotus leaf 5", Minsai . 19 ^ [A kappa is an amphibious creature, half frog, half tortoise. On the top of its head is a hollow containing £i liquid in which its strength resides. It is pugnacious, but tenacious of etiquette ; so when it threatens to attack any one it is advisable to make a low bow, which, the kappa returning, spills his elixir pil(T.] 245. Boy pointing to a kappa which is hiding under a lotus leaf .y. Giokuhosai ...... . . j 9 ^ 246. Kappa watching a frog under a lotus leaf . . . 19 ^ 247. Shishi on stand. (See No. 43.) s. Toshinaga . . . 18 <; 248. Shishi, with sacred gem, on stand . . . . 18 c 249. Shishi, with sacred gem. jt. Mitsutsugu . . . . . 19 <: 250. Two .shishis . . . . . . . . . . . 18 <; 251. Shishi amongst the peonies. Ivory, and Nashiji lacquer . . 19 <; 252. Group of shishis on stand . . . . . 18 <; 253. Shishi rolled up into a ball . . . " . 191: 254. Group of shishis .... . . 18 c 255. Chinese sage on a shishi, the whole forming a seal which is engraved on the base . ... 18 e 256. Shishi carved on a rocking panel . . . . . . 1 8 r 257. Shishi on a stand holding the sacred gem. .r. Kunihiro . 19 t 258. Shishis at play . . ¦ . . . . ig c 259. Shishi resting 19 ^ 260. Shishi with sacred gem, the whole forming a seal . . . 19 ^ 2 4 Netsukds, Okimonos, and Statuettes. 261. Corean with a shishi • ..19 c 262. Dragons interlaced. Ivory coloured, .y. Ikkosai . . . . \8 c [The Dragon (Tatsu or Ri5) is derived from the Chinese animal, of which there are four kinds : the celestial, which guards the mansions of the gods ; the terrestrial, which marks out the courses of rivers; the spiritual, which causes the winds to blow and has the rainfall in its keeping; and the sub- terratiean, which guards the hidden treasures, and watches over the wealth concealed from mortals. To these the Japanese have added a dragon of the seas. (H. J. 61.)] 263. Dragon emerging from an ash tube, symbolising exaggeration, s. . 19 r 264. Dragon in a coil . . . . ¦ • • • . \g c 264^. Similar subject . • . . . . \g c Chinese LegenDs anD ©utijects. 265. Moso and the bamboo shoots . . . . . . . \g c [One of the twenty-four instances of filial piety. His mother, being ill, longed for a soup made of young bamboo shoots. It was the depth of winter, and the ground was frozen, and in despair he flung himself down at the foot of some bamboo plants. The gods were so moved at his affection that they caused the young shoots to sprout where his body had warmed and his tears had watered the ground. (H. J. 11.)] 266. Okimono. — Kwan-u, Gentoku, and Chohi. 5. Otogawa Yasuchika. Carved in the house at Ko-ume, Tokio . . . . \g c [Kwan-u lived in the second century, and from being a huckster rose to be the greatest general in China, and to be canonised as their god of war. He is easily recognisable by his black beard, one of his titles being " Lord of the Splendid Beard." Gentoku and Chohi were his confederates. All were famed for their extreme fraternal affection.] 267. Gentoku, Chohi, and Kwan-u. 5". Shushin . . . . 19 ^ 268. Okimono. — A tsuitate or dwarf screen, on which are carved figures of Kwan-u and his attendant outside his tent . . . \g c 269. Okimono. — Kwan-u. s. Masahiro . . . . ig c PLATE V. NETSUKES AND OKIMONOS. L No. 185. 2. No. 124. o- No. 128 J^. No. 282. 5. No. 119- 6- No. i96«. '^w^'m i»^:^ ' jft-ly --. y "T^^ Chinese Legends and Subjects. 25 18 c 19 c 270. Okimono. — P"ishsavc, the Japanese ambassador's child, who was thrown by his Chinese mother into the sea because his tather would not return, and who was carried on the back of a fish to Japan, and landed at Naniwa (Osaka), as his father was riding along the shore, .v. Tounsai . ..... [See Ayrton's Child Life in Japan, p. 57.] 271. Okimono. — Fishsave and the fish. s. Koho 272. Kwan-u. Wood .... 273. Kakkio. — An example of filial piety. (B. M. C. 177.) .y. . [Kakkio had a little son, and had not means to sustain him. His wife, seeing that her mother-in-law starved herself to feed the child, persuaded Kakkio that it was their duty to sacrifice it. On digging a grave for it they found a casket filled with gold.] 274. Okimono. — Roraishi. Example of filial piety. (B. M. C. 175.) .y. Tomochika [At the age of seventy he used to dress in children's clothes and play before his parents, that they might forget their years.] 275. Chorio, a counsellor of the Han dynasty. In early life he encoun tered an old man, Kosekiko, who had dropped his sandal. This he restored to him respectfully, and in return for his humility was handed a volume, from which he derived the wisdom which distinguished his councils. (H.J. 67.) jt. Tomochika 276. Okimono — Chorio and Kosekiko. s. Masamitsu 277. Okimono. — The Seven Sages of the Bamboo Grove dancing and playing. Wood. .y. Goto Masahid^ . . . . [The Seven Sages held the doctrine that human happiness consisted in emancipation from cares and worries and unrestrained indulgence in wine. They usually met in a bamboo grove. (H. J. 66.)] 278. Okimono. — The Seven Sages of the Bamboo Grove, .f. Kichosai. 19 c 278(2;. A section of a bamboo cane with the Seven Sages, some looking out of a window, others playing games . . . . 18 ^ 4 19 c \g C Illustrated on Plate d,. No. 5. IS C Illustrated on Plate 3, No. 5. 18 C 19 C 19 C 26 Netsukds, Okimonos, and Statuettes. 279. Okimono. — The Seven Sages of the Bamboo Grove, s. Shomin 19 c 280. Shiba Onko. .y. Mitsutami . . . . . . .181; [A celebrated Chinese statesman who, as a boy, displayed his tact and readiness in emergency. Whilst playing with other boys beside a huge jar filled with water, one, climbing up, fell in. All save Shiba Onko ran away terrified, but he, seizing a large stone, cracked the jar, and the fluid running out, the boy's life was saved.] 281. The same legend, i". Shigehiro . .... 18 r ^piateTNo\ ^^^- ^^^ three sake tasters, Confucius, Laotze, and Sakyamuni. s. Shounsai . . . . . . . . . .19;" [Showing by their grimaces how differendy it affects them. They were the founders of three systems of religion, and this would inculcate that despite differences of detail their religions may all have the same basis.] 283. Okimono.— Chinese sage riding on a lobster : red and black lacquer 18 c 284. Okimono. — A group of Chinese warriors, .y. Otogawa Yasuchika . 19^ 285. Okimono. — A Chinese sage. .y. Fujimaki Keishin . . ig e 286. Chinese figures in a boat . ... 19 r piateTml ^^7- Goshisho and the Kanaye ... . 19 r [A Chinese general, who showed his learning and strength in a competition by composing and writing a stanza whilst holding up a three-legged kanaye weighing a thousand pounds. (H. J. 74.)] 288. A Chinese junk. s. Toun . 289. Tobosaku on a deer carrying a peach branch. Ivory, s. Tama- hashi Masayuki ... [An amiable old Chinaman who ate three peaches, and lived in consequence nine thousand years. (H. J. 77.)] 290. Okimono.— A seated figure of a Chinaman. Wood. Inscribed on base, " Statue of Rikukozen, carved by Minamoto Mitsunari by order of Nariyuki, July in the second year of Tempo" (183.) . . . . . . 291. Chinese lady with attendant burning perfume 19 c 19 c 19 c Animals, Bdrds, Insects, etc. 27 292. A bivalve shell partly opened, and disclosing three Chinese person ages visiting the house of a fourth, i". Masanao 18 e 293. A Chinese sage on a statue of a shishi i» c 294. Hankwai carrying off the door. (See No. 500.) Wood. .y. Shiuzan 18^ 295. Okimono. — Chochiuka cutting up his clothes, s. Riomin [A sage who, when remonstrated with by the Emperor for wearing such thin clothes, cut off pieces which, when thrown into the air, became butter flies, and flew round him until, clapping his hands, they resumed their original places as parts of his dress.] 19^ Illustrated on Plate 2i, No. 3. 296. Okimono. — Kanshin and the coolie [Showing his moral courage in crawling between the legs of a coolie who barred his way, rather than have a disturbance. (H. J. 66.)] 19 C 297- Okimono. — A similar subject, s. Tadachika 19 c 297«. A Chinese warrior with attendants attacking a dragon \8 C Illustrated on Plate 3, No. 6. animals, l6irDs, 3Insects, etc. 298. A Daimio's horse with trappings 19 c 299. Cock and chickens on a peasant's hat, with millet seed. i". Okatomo . ... IS c Illustrated on Plate 4, No. 6. 300. Okimono. — The Nine-Tailed Fox [An old Chinese legend. In the twelfth century a fox took the form of a woman, and became the concubine of the Emperor Chow Sin, and induced him to perpetrate many acts of cruelty. She was detected by a priest, who, placing before her a mirror, showed her in her true form. She was thereupon killed, and the Emperor released from her spells.] 19 C 2 8 Netsukds, Okimonos, and Statuettes 301. Fowls on a drum. .y. Masanaga . , . . . \g c [A Chinese legend of a king who had a drum set up in his courtyard which any one who had a grievance was to beat. His rule was so benign that it was never used save as a perch for the fowls.] 302. Cock on drum. 5". Yoshitomo . , . . \g c 303. Pigeons on a drum.. j>\ Mitsunao 19 c 304. Cock and hen with chickens, on coop . . . . . \8 c 305. Okimono. — Group of tortoises surmounted by a snake and frog. .y. Kiokuzan . \g c 306. Group of tortoises, s. Riuchin 19 c 2fyi. Tortoise carrying in its mouth and over its back a Fukusa, on which is embroidered a crane, pine tree, etc. i". Riomin . \g c 308. Tortoise on a lotus leaf . 19 c 309. Tortoise. Wood. j. Tomotada . . 18 ^• 310. Rats and dried fish (^himono) . 18 c [Dried fish are often sent with a present as a memento of the time when the people were all fishermen, and humble fare was the rule. Hence it suggests lowliness.] 311. Okimono. — Rat on a bean pod . . . . . . 19 ^ 312. Rat on a brush . . . . ig c 313. Rat on a coil of string . . jg ^ 314. Rat on the rim of a basket with New Year decorations . 18 ^ 315. Rat on a radish .... . jg ^ 316. Rat. Wood. jr. Tomoichi ... ,g ^ 317. Rat with a chessman. Wood. s. Kazutomo . . . x8 c 318. Rats and pumpkin, s. Giokuyosai in ^ Animals, Birds, Insects, etc. 29 319. Bitch and puppies; the bitch with a movable ring round its illustrated on , ,,. , '^ Plate i\. No. ¦&. neck. jr. Mitsuharu , . . 18 ,; 320. Puppies playing with an old tile, and straw sandal . . . 18 c" 321. Dog with football, jr. Tomotada . . . . . \8 c 322. Cat and kittens. Gold lac . . . \8 c 323. Monkey on a globe fish . . 1 9 r 324. Monkey with peach, .s". Okayoshi . 18 r 325. Monkey carrying a Manju (button) of persimmons 19 c 212.(i. Monkey eating a nut. Wood, coloured in parts, .y. Minko 18 c 327- Monkey with peach, .y. Okayoshi . . 18 r 328. Monkey with coat and cap, watching a horse, .y. Giokukwo . \g c 329. Ape with a snake's tail. Probably the Nuye. (See Nos. 596 and 994.) Wood. jr. Umetada . . . . . 19 <; 330. A bird. Hirado porcelain i» c 331. A monkey on horseback. Porcelain, .y. Shaichi . . 18 c 332. Okimono. — Group of monkeys carved on a rock made out of a root. s. Minko . . . . . . . . . 18 if 333. A monkey hiding in the hollow of a tree branch, jr. Hidemasa 19 c 334. Okimono. — An elephant with a four-storied palanquin in the shape of a pagoda on its back, decorated with incrustations of coral, shefl, metal, etc. . . . . • . . . ig c 335. Ox with calf Hcking its throat, .y. Tomotada . \8 c 336. Tiger .... . \g c 337. Tiger and young, s. Hoshinsai . . . . • • 191:' 338. Goat resting, s. Sekitdi . . • • . . ig c Ilhtstrated on Plate -^l. No. ^. 30 Netsukds, Okimonos, and Statuettes. 339. Ox and calf .s\ Tomotada 19 c 340. Tiger on a bamboo stump . \8 c 341. Rabbits, .y. Okatomo .... . \8 c 342. Puppies, .y. Hidechika . . . . \g c 343. Dormouse asleep. Wood 19 ^ 344. Badger sitting under a lotus leaf and distending his stomach. s. Kogiokusai . . . . 18 c" [The badger, or racoon-faced dog (Tanuki), drums on his distended stomach apparently to amuse the moon, but in reality in the hope of misleading way farers by night. (H. J. 139.)] 345- A horse. Hirado porcelain . \g c 346. Okimono. — Two puppies playing on the leaf of a banana. s. Yamashita Tsuneki 19 c 347. An elephant . . \g c 348. Hairy-tailed tortoise on a lotus leaf . 19 ^ 349. Puppies on a wheel . . . \8 c 350. Rabbit amongst the rushes , . . \g c 351. Flight of cranes, s. Kagdtoshi . . 19 ^ 352. Group of cranes, s. Kagdtoshi . 19 t 353- Cranes in mother-of-pearl, in relief .y. Shibayama 18 c 354- Okimono. — Eagle seizing a monkey . \g c 355- Okimono. — Eagle catching a fox. j-. Juei . ^piatf^r 356- An eagle seizing a monkey, .t. Masatsugu 357- Quafl and millet, .s". Okatomo 358. Quail and millet, y. Okatomo 18 c 18 c 18 c 18 c Animals, Birds, Lnseets, etc. 31 359, Quail eating millet on a basket . 19 ^ 360. Quails on millet, a". Okayoshi ... . 19 ^ 361. Quails and millet, j-. Okayoshi ... . . \8 c 362. A snake intertwined in a pumpkin, in which a landscape has been cut . 19 c 18 c 18 c 363. Snake. Wood. jr. Masakatsu 364. Frog on an old bucket, jr. Kazunari . . . . 365. Frogs on a lotus leaf . . . . . . . . \g c 366. Frog and pumpkin, s. Koshu . . . . \g c 367. Lotus leaf with a toad and a crab. .y. Nankoku . . ig c 368. Frogs on a lotus leaf. s. Hidemasa . . \g c 369. Frogs on a lotus leaf s. Hid(^masa 19 . No. 580. If. No. 596. -5. No. 585. Pipes : Kisdr us. 41 581. Silver and iron kiseru, decorated with the kiku and kiri crests in gold inlay [intarsia) . . . . . . . 18 <; [The Imperial Court badge of Japan is a conventional rendering of a Kiku, a sixteen-petalled Chrysanthemum. The Imperial family badge is the kiri, three leaves and flowers of the Paulownia Impcrialis. \Vares made for the emperors are said to have seven and five buds, and those under his patronage five and three, on the flowers. (H. J. 34.)] 582. Silver and shakudo kiseru, decorated with diapering in encrusted gold (damasina) ... .181? 583. Tortoise shell and bamboo kiseru, with silver mountings, de corated with incised engraving of chidori flying over the waves . . . . . 18 c 584. Bamboo kiseru with silver mountings, decorated with a tiger and bamboo in shakudo and gold in relief . . . . 18 c 585. Bamboo kiseru, with silver mountings, decorated with cranes and waves in relief . . 19 c 586. Three pipe holders in wood — {a) A man stretching himself; (b) A fabulous monster doing the same ; {c) A snake with a frog. One containing a sflver and bamboo pipe . 18 c Illustrated on Plate 28. Illustrated on Plate 7, No. 5. A Smoking Party. PART II. D I VISION B. Cobacco l^oucfies: Co&afeo^ir^s. Illustrated on cq6. Leather . • . i8 f Plate 7, No. 4. "^^ Clasp (kanamono), representing the treasure ship in full sail : composed of tortoiseshell, ivory, silver, and malachite . . 18 ^ Pendant : panels of ivory mounted in iron, damascened with gold. I-no Hayata slaying the Nuye (see No. 992), etc. . . 18 c Button (Kagamibuta) : iron, with floral design in gold and silver inlay, the kagami being an ivory dragon . 18 e 597. Leather 18 c Clasp: iron, decorated with an eagle and birds in various metals 18 ^ Pendant : panels iron bound, and containing figures in iron surrounded with clouds in ivory . 1 7 ^ Button : wood, decorated with a centipede carved in relief and with ivory kagami decorated with a warrior attacking a dragon, jr. Masaiye . . . . ig ^ 598. Stamped leather . . . . . 18 ^ Clasp: playing tigers in bronze gilt . . . . . . 18 ^ Pendant : in three pieces : — {a) Upper : iron, containing ivory panel, and illustrated with figures of Kanzan and Jittoku (two Rishis), 5, Shigemasa 18 c 42 Tobacco Pouches: I^obako-ires. a-^ (/;) Centre : on face, dragon in silver ; reverse, summer-house by lake, in iron . . , jg ^ {c) Lower : on face, gods of good fortune on boat, in iron ; on reverse mallet and clove from takaramono (see No. i 19), incased in ivorv . . . jg ^ Button: Ivory incised with views of mountain and lake , \8 c 599. Leather . i» c Clasp : decorated with figure of Kajiwara on horseback, in various metals . . . jg ^ Pendant: silver chain ... . . \8 c Netsuke : ivory and coral, with figure of a coral diver . \8 c 600. Leather ... 18 ^ Clasp and bead (ojime) monkeys; netsuke an eagle seizing a monkey ; all in ivory, and all by Masatsugu . ig ^ i» c 601. Leather .... Clasp: a dragon in bronze and gold . . \8 c Pendant: panels of coloured enamels . . 18 r Button : silver, decorated with a carp ascending a waterfall . 1 8 ^ [The carp leaping up a waterfall typifies ambition and perseverance. It was rewarded by transformation into a white dragon which lived a thousand years. (H. J. 147.)] 602. Wood. Decorated with gourd plants and insects in lead, lacquer, and metals . . . 18 ^ Two beads, one of wood, enclosing dice, the other of metal, decorated with birds and leaves .... A pipe case of ivory and leather, decorated with basket work and floral panels . . . . . . . . . \g c 44 Tobacco Pouches : Tobako-irds. 603. Ivory and wood. The wood carved with a dragon and waves, the ivory with incised figure of a lady playing the koto . \g c Bead : pottery with coloured glazings . . 1 8 c- Button : Wood, on the front of which is an ox in tortoiseshell, on the reverse a shishi and peony in low-relief . . . . 18 ^ [An ox lying down is the emblem of Tenjin Sama, the god of caligraphy.] 604. Leather. Clasp: a warrior with falchion, .y. Naomasa \8 c Pendant : brass, with ivory panels containing birds in inlays of mother-of-pearl, etc. . . • . 18 ^ Netsuke : ivory, decorated with lady and child in incised work. .y. Meijitsu . . ..19c 605. Leather. Clasp : Hankwai, a Chinese warrior (see No. 50c), drinking sake ; in various metals . . . . \g c 606. Embroidered silk. Clasp : shakudo, with nightingale flying across the moon . ... . . 19 ^ 607. Stamped leather . . . . 18 ^ Clasp : monkey at a hibachi ; in metal . \8 c Bead: gilt, with decoration of peony . . 18^ Pipe case : bamboo basket work, with band o'f red and black lacquer 18 c 608. Wood. Carved in relief with monkeys on a peach tree. s. Shuosai 19 c 609. Carved wood. Decorated in different panels with the moon, plum-blossom, pine, and maple, and two cards with the following verse : — " Smiling are the flowers in various colours Whilst the birds join in harmonious chorus." AVith an ivory netsuke, and porcelain ojime . . . eariy 19 c PLATE VIII. Tobacco Pouch, No. 610. Tobacco Pouches Tobako-irds. 45 610. Embroidered silk, with bronze and shibuichi clasi) decorated with illustrated on Plate 8. an ox and peony. The pendant formed of an articulated figure of a European in armour, made of various metals and ivory. s. Ikko or Kazutora ......... [The signature is probably a late addition, as the pouch resembles seventeenth century work. The same signature is found on No. 624.] 611. Pouch, with pendant of plaques in silver and enamel 612. Wood. Decorated with the key pattern and crests, incised and .lacquered. Ojime, ivory. Netsuke, Tsuishu lac . . . . ig c Coolies cany ing a fiugr daition or radisti. Illustration of tnelhod ofiveariug ttie pipe. PART II. D I VIS ION C. IPipe Cases (iRiseru^utsus). 623. Basket work on wood. Decorated with leaves, insects, etc., in coloured lacquers . . . 18 <: Illustrated on 624. Bamboo. Decorated with inlays of fig^ures of Manzai dancers Plate C), No. 3. /AT \ • 1 1 ¦ • Tr (see No. lo) in coloured ivories, .y. Kazutora . . . i8 r 625. Bamboo. Decorated with a shishi and peonies in incrusted ivories, mother-of-pearl, and bone. s. Shibayama Dosho. . \g c 626. Ebony. Decorated with a crane and lotus in silver and gold \g c 627. Ebony. Decorated with a silver figure of Daruma crossing to Japan on a reed. (See No. 169) . . \g c Illustrated on ^28. Ivorv, with a perforated decoration of the Ho-wo and various Platet), No. 4. -' ^ plants, y. Mitsumasa ..... . ig c [The Ho-w6 was the Chinese Phcenix, and a symbol of imperial authority and national prosperity.] Illustrated on 629. Ivory, with a perforated decoration of a bov catchino- a moth. Plate -b/rkos and Ko-dansus). 55 698. Ko-DANSu. — Shitan wood. Decoration: on the top a (lute of inlaid horn and shell, a biwa of wood, ivory, and metal (decorated with a waterfall carved in ivory), a biwa case oi wood (decorated with chrysanthemum flowers in shell imitating embroidery) ; on the front, flowers and birds inlaid in shell, ivor\", and wood of various colours . . .... 699. Ko-D.\xsu. — W'ith drawers and shelves of nashiji lac, decorated on the upper surface with Ho-wo, on the drawers and sides with groups of birds, in gold and coloured takamakiye . 700. Ko-D.\Nsu. — Black lac ; with shelves and cupboard decorated with the kikko diaper, and the crest of the Daimio Miwa of Nihon- matsu in gold ; on the inside of the doors with figures of the Spirits of the Pine Tree. (See No. 197) .... [The " kikko " diaper is one which imitates the scales on the back of a tortoise.] 701. Ko-DANSU.— Nashiji lac, with folding doors, enclosing drawers and a drawer beneath ; decorated with river scenes in gold on panels, and fan-shaped black and gold medallions, with silver mounts and hinges. On a stand ... . . 702. Kd-DANSU. — Containing three drawers, one with a tray and another with three small boxes ; decorated with plants and butterflies on the edge of a stream in gold on black. Silver mountings 19 c 17 c 18 c 18 c 18 c '^7.£l£cr-i2 ^^EI2®S?i3j;5"5S3 i@ mm SK ^^^i» ^^mmm ^^^K^^^^^^^ i H ¦ H^l B;^:i- ^^^^H ^^^^1 ^^^^^^^H^H p HH HH HUH pfe i[fi^ [fl^^S j|q|g|g^|gjg| II ¦¦ ¦¦ mum. 1 1 1 ^H ^^'¦^ K,..- »'.&' s-^mwstffa" ^^S-.fihyi'MJ''^ i^: /.v'"^-/''^ i"V,^"''J:';";i>"'''''-V";.' ^¦¦' Itilcrior of Ryoshi-bunko, No. iiii .¦ exterior ilhtstrated on Plate No. 21. PART III. 3Lacquer* DIVISION B. mriting IBores (^u^uri^fiafeos). In a country where caligraphy is esteemed a fine art, where the character of lettering used gives ample scope for dexterous manipulation and beauty of line, where the use of the brush in its production enables it to become an art in the hands of an adept, and where a fine specimen of handwriting is as much esteemed as a fine painting, it is not surprising that the articles necessary in its production are held in repute and ornamented. Consequently we find the writing boxes illustrating every phase of decoration and of material. But the majority of them have come under the lacquerer's hand, probably because no other material is so fitted for the purpose, presenting, as it does, a hard and polished surface, from which the marks of ink can easily be obliterated. Few boxes come over to this country complete in all their fittings. Like picnic boxes, the dealer has often found it more advantageous to strip them of the brushes and inkholders which would not be missed. This rifling sometimes even extends to the water-holder, inkstone, and, in fact, to all the fittings where they are supposed to have a value apart from the case. A box should contain a water vessel, with which the ink is moistened, an ink.stone, on which the Chinese ink is rubbed, trays for the brushes, the brushes themselves (usually in lacquer holders to preserve their points), a lacquer or metal holder for the ink, and a knife also in a case. Many of the injuries to boxes arise from careless handling or tilting, by which the stone becomes detached from its frame. This liabflity should especially be remembered in examining valuable specimens. Many of the older pieces are protected by pewter rims, called okiguchi. 56 PLATE XII. LACQUER. Suzuri-bako (Writing Box), No, 745. The lid only. Writing Boxes (Su.curi-bako.'i). 57 742. SuzuRi-iiAKO. — Decorated with a fan, with a view upon it of rice cutters at work by moonlight in gold on gyobu. The interior with a mountain view with cherry trees in bloom beside a river, in gold on nashiji . .... . ij c 743. SuzuRi-BAKO. — Decorated with a fir tree and lespedeza in gold. The interior with le.spedeza in gold and various coloured lacs on nashiji. Water-holder, silver, with pine tree decoration . 18 c 744. SuzuRi-BAKO. — Decorated with a bunch of kiku flowers wrapped in paper, in gold on mokume. On the interior, huts in a pine forest beside a creek, in gold on nashiji . . .181: [Presents are usually folded in paper, which is made to assume a variety of shapes, each appropriate to some occasion. The folded paper is called noshi.] 745- SuzuRi-B.\KO. — Decorated with a boat, in which an evening excursion is being taken ; some of the persons are playing with fireflies ; gold and various coloured lacs in togidashi on black. The piatf 12."" interior with a house beside a rock, in gold on nashiji. Water- holder silver with engraved pine trees . . . . . 18 f 746. Suzuri-bako. — In the shape of two intersecting one another : one decorated with a flight of cranes over pine-planted hills, in gold on gold, the other with autumn plants, in gold on nashiji. The interior with cherry blossoms and moon in clouds in togidashi, gold, and colours, on black. Water-holder, silver : two cherry flowers, s. Yamada Joka .... ]8 c 747- Suzuri-bako. — Gold lac, with externally a rocky landscape and buildings on a lake, with the sun in clouds, and internally fans and trailing yugao, and the badge of the Daimio Sakai 18 c 748. Suzuri-bako. — Decorated with Ho-wo and kiri in gold and colours on black. The interior with peonies and butterflies, in gold on nashiji ........ 18 t 8 ^8 Lacquer. 749. Suzuri-b.\ko. — With maple leaves, kiku flowers, and noblemen's caps of state, in gold and colours on nashiji. Water-holder, sflver; kiku flower . ... . . \8 c 750. SuzuRi-B.\K0. — ^Decorated with an autumn landscape with deer and maple, in colours and gold on nashiji. The interior with autumn flowers, in gold and colours on nashiji. Water-holder; gilt chrysanthemum ..... . \8 c [There is a Japanese saying : " When the maples change their colour then the hart seeks its mate."] 751. SuzuRi-B.\KO. — In the shape of a zither (koto), with silver strings, on gold and coloured mokumd : the sides diapered, the interior with plum-blossom and fence, in gold on nashiji. Water-holder, a copper shishi . . . . . \8 c 752. SuzuRi-BAKO. — Decorated with herons on a willow tree ; the interior with trees and stream in gold on nashiji. Water-holder, silver, with conventional peony decoration . . 18 ^ 753. SuzuRi-BAKO. — Decorated with a wattle fence, behind which are two cottages ; on a roofed-over gate, which leads to them, a cock is perched ; in the interior a house of some distinction, with curiously shaped rocks behind and beneath it, in gold on nashiji. Water- holder, silver; a mountain cherry . . . . 18 <; 754- SuzuRi-BAKO. — Decorated on the inside and out with a river, beside which are the plum, pine, and bamboo, in gold on nashiji. Water-vessel, silver; plum, pine, and bamboo . . . . \8 c 755. Suzuri-bako. — Decorated on the inside and out with landscapes, mountains in the clouds, pine and cherry trees, and a gate way in the foreground ; on the inside, an oak with acorns is amongst the trees (the only example in the collection). Water- vessel, silver; pine branch . . . . . . . 18 ^ 756. Suzuri-bako.— Decorated with a cascade and house in gold on gyobu ; the interior with a lake view, and flying geese in solid gold on nashiji eariy 19 c PLATE XIII. LACQUER. Suzuri-bako (Writing Box), No. 758. The inside of the lid and lower portion of the box. IVriting Bo.xes {Su.zuri-bakos). 59 757- Suzuri-bako. — With feet ; decorated with a moonlight view of a stream bordered with iris, with carp rising and beetles flying ; on the interior a willow by a stream with bird wading and chidori flying, in gold on nashiji . . . . . . 18 ^ 758. Suzuri-bako. — Decorated with three medallions containing (i) a illustrated on Ho-wo, kiku, and kiri; (2) a lake view; (3) autumn plants; in gold on nashiji, with metal borders. The interior has a Chinese landscape continued beneath the inkstone on a solid gold plate. Water-vessel, a kiku in enamels .... Plate 13. 1» C 759- Suzuri-bako. — Decorated with a landscape, with cranes and trees incrusted in metal and ivory on na.shiji. On the interior are similar subjects. Water-vessel, silver ; with the crest of the Daimio Hitotsuyanagi . . . . . . . \8 c 760. SuzuRi-BAKOS (Nest of five). — Each containing inkstone and water- vessel ; decorated on the outside with butterflies and kiku flowers, in gold and coloured togidashi on black. With an outer case in perforated lacquer, with clouds, plum, butterflies, and peony, in gold and silver lacquer . . . . . . . 18 e 761. SuzuRi-BAKO. — With pewter borders and gyobu ground ; on the outside of lid a fan in relief, decorated with a monkey upon a rock, incrusted in coral and metal ; on the interior, autumn plants by a stream, with a moon, on nashiji ground. Water- vessel, paulownia in enamel . . . . . . . 17 <: 762. SuzuRi-BAKO. — Decorated on the outside of lid with a cottage, incrusted in wood, ivory, and mother-of-pearl ; also with a fan and gourd plant in natural wood in the centre of lid ; on the inner side the Mikado's carriage and grasses, in gold on nashiji. Water-vessel, two natural shells . . . . . . ij c 763. SuzuRi-BAKO. — Decorated on the outside with Sofu taking his ox to water at the stream in which Kioyu has washed his ear, an act which is depicted on the inside in gold on nashiji. (See No. 1023.) Water-vessel, metal ; a fan . . . . , . i."] c gQ Lacquer. 764. Suzuri-bako.— On feet ; decorated with a shishi on a rock beside a waterfafl, in gold on black. Water-vessel, bronze shishi . . 17^ 765. Suzuri-bako.— On feet ; decorated with a house beside the water, and Chinese personages in mother-of-peari 18^ 766. Suzuri-bako. — Tsugaru lacquer . \8 c [Tsugaru takes its name from a district in the north of Hondo, where this method of lacquering is much employed. It is described in Reins' " Industries of Japan, "p. 361.] 767. Suzuri-bako.— Decorated on the outside with cherry tree in gold, silver, and colours, in togidashi on black, with a gold powder ing suggesting mist ; on the inside with cherry flowers in gold and colours. Water-vessel, a diaper design . . \8 c 768. Suzuri-bako.— Kidney-shaped : on black lac : with a bouquet of a lily and flowering sorrel in paper, in togidashi . . \8 c 769. Suzuri-bako. — Decorated upon the lid with a representation of Kioyu washing his ear at the waterfafl, and Sofu leading his ox away from the stream (see Nos. 763 and 1023), in gold on gyobu nashiji. Water-vessel, silver ; Tokugawa crest and incised ornament . . • . 18 ^ 770 Suzuri-bako. — Decorated upon the lid with flowing designs, diapers, and Tokugawa crests in gold on nashiji; upon the interior with cranes in a landscape. Containing all the usual writing imple ments, also decorated with Tokugawa crest . . . . \8 c 771. Suzuri-bako (Wooden). — With a dragon carved in high relief on the lid, and a key-pattern border . . . . \8 c 772. SuzuRi-BAKOS (Nest of three, oblong). — Decorated on the top and sides with trailing vines in gold and various coloured lacs ; togidashi on nashiji . . . . . . . . . \8 c "I'l^t SuzuRi-BAKO. — Decorated on the lid with egrets under a wfllow, in silver and gold on gyobu nashiji ; on the interior with lespedeza plants beside a stream in gold on nashiji , . . . 18 c IVriting Boxes [Su.zitri-bakos). 6i 774. SuzuRi-i!.\KO. — Decorated on the lid with cranes under a pine tree in silver and gold, and a red sun in togfidashi on black ; on the interior with pheasants in gold and colours under a plum tree. Water-vessel, metal prunus flower . . 18 c 775. Suzuri-bako. — Decorated on the lid with a Chinese figure, and bamboo on a rock in gold, pearl, and lead, on black ; on the interior with a boy and boat in gold . . . 1 7 <; 776. Suzuri-bako. — Tsugaru lac in pine and wave patterns (see No. 766) ; exterior decorated with two gourd-shaped panels, one containing bow, a quiver of arrows, and archer's glove, the other a horse tied to a post ; the interior with landscapes in black togidashi on silver, after designs by Isen-in Hoin (died 1828) and his son Seisen-in Hogen .... 19 c 777- Suzuri-bako. — Decorated on the lid with a gnarled pine-tree and pyrus Japonica, with flowers in red lac ; on the inside with a bamboo and camellia, with red flowers on black . . . . iJ c No. 1297. — Lacquer Round Box. PART III. 3Lacquer. D I V I S ION C. iLacQuer pieces, in tbe ^ftape of J13atural ©tijects. 827. Kogo in the shape of a mandarin duck ; gold . . . . 18 ^ [Kogo is a small box used for perfumes. The syllable Ko, when used as a prefix, signifies perfume ; Ko (without the accent), small. 828. Kogo of the same shape; gold . . . .18^ 829. Kogo in the shape of a red crested crane; gold. . . . 18 ^ 830. Kogo in the shape of a pigeon; gold . . . . . . 18 ^ 831. Kogo in the shape of a carp (Koi); gold . . . . . 18 ^ 832. Kogo in the shape of a Funa fish; gold . . . . . 18 ^ 833. Box taking the outline of a shell, decorated with crab, lobster, and cuttle-fish fighting, in gold and coloured lacs on nashiji. On the interior of the lid hollyhocks under a bamboo blind ; on the tray a lady presenting a Yugao flower on a fan to the Prince Genji (see "Genji Monogatari," p. 71), and on the sides seaweed in geld and colours, .y. Kajikawa . . . . 19 ^ [The " Genji Monogatari " is one of the classics of Japanese Literature. It was written by a v/oman in the tenth century, and for the most part relates to the adventures of a Prince Genji. It has been translated into English by Mr. Suyematz Kenchio. (Triibner, 1882.)] 62 PLATE XIV. LACQUER. Kogos (small perfume boxes). 1. No. 846. Lid only. 2. No. 838. Lid only. 3. No. 841. Lid only. 4. No. 837. Lid only. 5. No. 840, Lid only. Lacquer Pieces, in the Shape of Natural Objects. 63 834- 835836.837- 838. 839- 840. 841. 842. 843- 844. Box taking the outline of a piece of folded paper (Noshi) (see No. 744), decorated with daisies, and containing sprays of chrysanthemum and plum-blossoms. On the interior fans in gold and red lac on silver nashiji 18 t Kogo : with lid in the .shape of the two shells of the Cytherea Morphina, showing the inner and outer side, the former decorated with a garden scene in gold and black, on red gold . . . ig c Kogo : in the shape of a bivalve shell (Cytherea Morphina), the outside showing the markings in nashiji, the inside with Chinese ladies in a peony garden . . . . . \8 c Kogo : with the lid in the shape of a bivalve shefl, decorated with the sparrow-dance in gold and black, on nashiji ; the interior rocks and seaweed on nashiji . . . . . . . \g c Kogo : with lid in the shape of a bivalve shell, decorated with seaweed in gold and metal on gold ; the interior decorated with seaweed on nashiji . . . . . . . . \8 c Kogo: box with lid in the shape of a bivalve shefl. Gold . \g c Kogo : in the shape of a bivalve shell, decorated with story of Urashima and Otohime, daughter of the king of the kingdom under the sea (see No. 202) ; in gold-coloured and black nanakoji. i". Koma Kuansai . . . . . . . \8 c Kogo : with the lid in the shape of the inner side of one shell of a bivalve, decorated with small shells in gold, and incrusted with pearl; on the interior with shells on nashiji . . . .'[8c Illustrated on Plate n,No. $, Illustrated on Plate \^,No. 2. Illustrated on Plate n,No. 5. Illustrated on Plate \\, No.l- Kogo : in the shape of a mandarin duck on gold and silver lac . \g c Kogo: in the shape of a mandarin duck in gold and coloured lac 19 c Jtj-KOGO : in the shape of a prunus flower ; in three compartments ; decorated with autumn plants in gold and silver lac on gold . 18 ^ 64845- Illustrated on 846. Plate l\.No. 1. Illustrated on 84.7 Plate z&,No.2. ^'' 849. 850. 851. 852.853-854- 855.856. Illustrated on 8 "^7 Plate l'^. ^'' Lacquer Pieces, in the Shape of Natural Objects. Kogo : in shape of a shell, with imitations of natural texture in sflver and colours on gold lac . . . . . . . i8 c Kogo : taking the outline of two intersecting shefls, decorated with a maple tree, drum, and tent (a subject from the Genji Monogatari, see No. 833), in gold and red lacquer, and sparrows just out of shell on the lid ; shells of gold, ivory, and shell on the sides, and shells and seaweed on the inside of lid \8 c A box in the shape of a street pedlar, resting with his elbow on a box, in gold and coloured lacs ..... KwASHi-BAKO : Sweetmeat box in the shape of a plum flower ; decorated with water-plants in gold and dewdrops in incrusted silver on black ; interior gold fish in red togidashi on silver lacquer, s. Mitsusuke ........ Ko(;o : formed of a pair of shells, with sflver lac interior, and decorated with fish in gold lacquer on the top 19 c i8f KoiRE in the form of a stag, of greenish gold lac, signed Korin. 18 c KoBAKO in the form of a Biwa, decorated with gold, in a black lac case, with a design of waves in gold . Kogo in the form of a mandarin duck, in gold and silver lac Kogo in the form of a goose ; gold ...... Kogo in the form of a fan, decorated with flowers in gold on black lac .......... ToKURi, or bottle, in the form of a gourd, decorated with flowers and plants in gold panels on nashiji Sake Bottle, in the shape of a crane. Sflver lac, the feathers being tinted in gold and colour 18 C i» c 16 c IT c 18 e PLATE XV. LACQUER. Sake Bottle, No. 857. PART III. ilacquer* DIVISION D. ^eDicine anD ^eal Cases (Jnros). The Inro serves, or perhaps we should rather say served (for the custom of wearing it is rapidly passing away), in Japan as a receptacle either for the various specifics for aflments, real or fancied, which the Japanese is as much liable to as his brethren the world over, or for the seal, impressions of which accompanied his signature. It is said to have come into fashion about the beginning of the seventeenth century, but it is very difficult to affix a date to an object which in its rude forms may belong either to the earlier productions of a section of the race now artistically educated, or to a section even now lying far removed from an artistic centre, and still only in a rude state of art education. It seems hardly probable that all of the crude concejD tions and inferior work should come from the latter section ; should this not be so, some of them show a primitiveness which is hardly compatible with their only dating back to a jaeriod not earlier than the reign of our James I. The Inro was worn below the sash or belt, and was retained in position by a cord passing through its bottom and sides, and fastened to a netsukd. From the fact that we have found but two representations of it in use in the multi tude of engravings of costume where it might appear, costumes from which the pipecase is seldom absent (see illustration, page 45), it is probable that it was by no means in such frequent use as would be supposed from the numbers which come over to this country. All the lacquerers of distinction have occupied themselves with the making 65 9 66 Lacquer. of Inros ; and not only have they put their finest work into them, but in many cases they have attested this by their signatures. Besides these there have been also a vast number of makers who have produced inros having no pretence to excellency, and the staple article seen in Europe unfortunately comes most commonly under the latter category. Note. — In describing the Inros the subject of the decoration is given first, and is succeeded by the method of its execution. The word given alone at the end (as, for instance, " Black,'' or '^Nashiji") describes the colour, or method employed on the groundwork. 3lnros (lacquer). 883. The duodenary cycle (see No. 403), in gold, silver, and other metals. Gold . -. . . . . . . . 17 f 884. Square, with lifting side, and four drawers ; decorated with metal figures of Chinamien and crests. Gold . . . . . 17 r [Attached to it is a kozuka blade in a sheath of lacquer, imitating tortoiseshell, and handle ornamented with European beads. Probably of Chinese origin.] 885. Storm dragon in gold, colours, and tortoiseshell. Black . . 17 r 886 A view of a mountain and pagoda on one side, and on the other chrysanthemums incrusted in metal and coral. Black . . 1 7 r 887. Six-sided, inlaid with mother-of-pearl ; horses in various positions. Black ... ...... 1 7 r 888 Tsuishu ; with panels each side, with sages writing, etc. . . \8 c [Carved lacquer, red (Tsuishu) and black (Tsuikoku), is said to have been introduced from China at the end of the fifteenth century.] 889. Circular ; with dragon in mother-of-pearl in clouds on each side and crests and diapers round the edge . . . . . 18 r 890. Diaper patterns ; in gold and coloured hiramakiyd. Black . 891. Six compartments ; a cock under bamboo, in gold and red taka makiyi. Black ........ 892. Octagonal : on the front, the persevering carp at the waterfall ; on the back, the carp transformed into a dragon (see No. 601) ; border of kiku crest and creeper ; gold and silver ; hiramakiye. Black . . .... . . . \8 c IS c i« c PLATE XVI. LACQUER. Medicine or Seal Cases (Inros). 1. No. 928. 2. No. 982. 3. No. 908. ;«.:«'? Medicine and Seal Cases (Lnros). 67 893. Cards with flowers, leaves, pine branches, etc. ; gold ; hiramakiye. Nashiji .... .... 894. Chinese sages engaged in various pursuits and amusements lac, pearl, and ivory ; takamakiye. Diapered nashiji 895. The old pine tree at Takasago (see No. 197) ; gold, takam Nashiji. Ojime, crystal ... . . 896. Chinese coins ; takamakiye^. Gold .... ikiye. 18 r Q.^1,1 Illustrated on & Plate 1%, No.l. . 18 C 18 C 18 C 897. Shoki with a dagger, eyeing a demon who is teasing him ; hira makiye. Gold. Nashiji .... . 18 c" 898 Peacock, incrusted in mother-of-pearl and lead. Black . . 18 c 899 Cocks fighting; hiramakiye. Red and gold. Black . . .18c 900 Fishing boats, with nets, on a rough sea ; hiramakiyd ; gold, the corners mounted in sflver. Black . . . . . . 18 c 901. A monkey; togidashi ; gold lacquer. Gold. .f. Shiomi Masazane . iS c 16 c 902. Bamboo fence, with sparrows and leaves ; hiramakiye ; gold. Nashiji ......••••• Netsuke. — A bell in ivory . . . . • . • . \g c 903. Nelumbium leaves and plants, in gold and incrusted shell ; hira- makiyd. Nashiji. Ojime cornelian ig c Netsuke. — A Manju with peony and rock in mother-of-peari . \g c 904. Kiku garden, with cock, hen, and chickens ; takamakiye ; in gold, colours, and shell. Black . . . • • ¦ . 18 c OjiMii. — Man chasing bats; shakudo ^g c Netsuke. — An elephant. (See No. 347) \g c 905. Diaper of cherry blossom ; hiramakiye, in gold and colours. Black 18 ^ 68 9o6. 907. Illustrated on Q08 Plate lb, No. l.^ 909.910. Lacquer. Three monkeys, deaf, dumb, and blind ; togidashi, in gold and colours. Gold. Signed at side Shiomi Masazane . [Mizaru, Iwazaru, and Kikazaru, the monkeys who would be devoid of sight, speech, and hearing in order that they may see, speak, and hear nothing that is evil, and so cover their eyes, mouth, and ears. (B. M. C. ^13.)] Large square : on the front a cottage with pine tree ; on the back an Oni running at the sight of a piece of dried fish hung up on the cottage as a charm against evil intruders (see also No. 310); takamakiye, in gold and colours. Black. In scribed " From a design of Tatsuki Kokio by Shibun." Ojime of various metals . . . . Netsuke. — A o;oat. Wood ... ... Shoki ; hiramakiye, in gold and colours. Gold. With a silken case s. Setsuafetsusai . ...... 18 i8r18 c 18 (¦ Chinese nobles tiger-hunting and hawking ; incrusted pearl. Black i8 c Monkey showman (Saru-mawashi) and performing figures (see Nos. 9 and 35) ; black hiramakiye. Inscribed " A copy of a painting by Ko Hogen by Kobayashi Yasutaka." Gold . . . 18 c 911. 912. 913- Illustrated on /-, t j Plate\T,No.2.y^'^- 915- 916. Chinese sages, each with a different zodiacal sign ; hiramakiye. Red. .S-. Ikko \8 e Netsuke. — A football in red lacquer . . . . . \8 c A jumble of crests ; hiramakiye in gold colours, and pearl. In scribed " Copy of old pattern." .s". Joka . . . . . 18 r Fish and shell ; ivory and pearl, by Yosei. Black . . . \8 c Butterfly dancers in gold and incrusted pearl. Gyobu. .i". Jokasai . 18 c The character " Ju," signifying longevity, and kiku crest in gold ; hiramakiye. Black . . . . . . . . . 18 r Kiku plants on a hillside ; hiramakiye in gold. Gold . . \8 c PLATE XVII. LACQUER. Medicine or Seal Cases (Inros). 1. No. 924. 2. No. 914. o. No. 936. Medicine and Seal Cases [Inros). 69 917. Monkey, bird, and foliage, in black. Gold . . . . . 18 r 918. Tsuikoku, with carved panels representing sages playing games and music . . . . . . . . . . 1 8 r 919. Birds engraved in tsuishu, and chinkinbori. j-. Yosei. Black . 181? [Chinkinbori was copied from the Chinese, and dates from an early period. It is similar to dry point etching, and consists of incising the pattern in fine lines into the body of the lac with a graver (usually a rat's tooth), and filling up the incisions with powdered gold. (H. J. 157.)] 920. The legend of Kosekiko and Chorio (see No. 275) ; takamakiye in gold and colours and various metals. Gold. Ojime, ivory. i". Kakyosai . . . . . . . . . . 18 c Netsuke. — Gold lac in the shape of a small box . . 18 ^ 921. Chinese sages on horseback, attended by a boy. Various metals in relief Gold . . . . . . . . . 18 ^ 922. Fish incrusted in pearl and wood ; risers with incised pattern in gold. Black, jr. Bakushuhan Chohdi . . . . . i^ c 923. A winter landscape with flying cranes ; in togidashi and hiramakiye, with incrusted metal. Nashiji . . . . . . . 18 c 924. Landscapes. Duodenary cycle (see No. 403), incrusted in different metals. Gold and black takamakiye. Nashiji. s. Kakyosai Shozan . . . . . . . . . .181: 925. Netsuke. — Various musical instruments. Ivory . . . .181? Ilhtstrated on Plate i<),No.2. Illustrated on Plate IT, No. I. 926. Shells decorated with various subjects taken from the Genji Mono- ^HatTi%No"j, gatari. (See No. 833.) Gold and silver takamakiye. Black. 18 c OjiM^. — A bivalve shell in silver . . . . . .181; Netsuke. — Ouails and miflet . . . . . . . 18 c 927. Chinese garden, pagoda, etc., in inlaid mother-of-peari. Black tsuishu . . . . . . • • • • . 18 c 70 Lacquer. Netsuke. — Gourd in red tsuishu, with Chinese design of children at play . ... . . . . . \8 c ^Piat'^TN"" 9^8. A Chinese palace and grounds with figures ; takamakiye in gold and colours, and incrusted pearl. Nashiji . . . . i8 ^ Ojime. — Iron, with falling flowers in silver . . i8 c Manju. — A button, with incised carving of a fisherman and octopus, s. Mitsutoshi. (See No. 515) . . . 19 ^ 929. Cranes, tortoise, pine, bamboo, and plum — emblems of longevity. Gold takamakiye. Gold. s. Jokasai . . . . 18 ^ 0]iut. — Silver diaper . . . . , . . . . 18 c Netsuke. — Red lac ; mask . . . . . . . 18 ^ 930. Winter cherry and fruit. Gold lac, with pearl and coral incrusta tions. Black, i". Kiukoku ....... 932. Cranes : gold and coloured takamakiye, and incrustations of pearls. Gold. .s". Toyo ....... 18 c 931. Dragon in clouds, and tiger in a storm crouching under the bamboo, the latter combination typifying the power of the elements over even the strongest of the brute creation. Gold and coloured takamakiye . . . . . . . . . 18 ^ 18 c 933. The Eight Views of Omi (see No. 574); gold takamakiye. Gold 18 c 934. The Hundred Horses. Gold and silver takamakiyd. Gold. .?. Toyo 18 c 935. Seal box decorated with map of Japan. Inscription in interior. s. Gamamito . . . , . . . . .18^ Illustrated on 936. New Year's bouquet, decorated lamps, etc. Takamakiye of various Plate IT, No. 2. ' ^ J coloured lacquers, with inlays of crystal and shells. Gold. .?. Hushusai . . , . . . . . , . .18^ PLATE XVIII. LACQUER Medicine or Seal Cases (Inros). I No. 938. 2. No. 895. .J. No. 926. Medicine and Seal Cases {Lnros). 71 937. Chinese personages painting kakemonos, plaving Co, etc. ; too"idashi of various coloured lacs. In a case decorated with kiri and diapers. Nashiji . . . . . . . . 18 r 938. Dragon and Ho on panels, incised and filled with gold in the chinkinbori style. Black . . . . . . . 18 <: OjiMfi. — Agate . . . . . . . . . . 1 8 c Netsuk^. — An ivory horn inlaid with ivory . . . . 18 ^ 939. Two Chinese in ancient costume, with a bordering of diapers, and inlaid in shell and gold . . . . . . . . 18 r 940 Various diapers in gold, silver, and black and plain nashiji, with ferns at top and bottom ..... .181: 941. Mew of Lake Biwa (see No. 574). Gold hiramakiye. Black . 18 c 942. Two horses (after a design by Jitekisai, brother of Tannyu). Togidashi and mother-of-pearl. Black . . . . . 18 c 943. Dragon, red and gold. Hiramakiye, with a case of black lac. Black . . . . .... 18 r 944. Cranes and reeds. Gold takamakiyi. Black . . . . 18 c 945. Chinese children looking into a room in which is a shishi on a stand. Hiramakiy^ gold and different colours. Black . \8 c 946. A flight of geese, incrusted in silver. Black powdered . . 18 ^ 947. A man with a horse carrying grass. Lead and mother-of-pearl, incrusted. Black. School of Korin . . . 18 r 948. View of Lake Biwa (see No. 574). Gold hiramakiye. Nashiji. . 18 c 949. Water buckets under a pine tree by the sea-shore. Gold hira makiye ....... .. i8f K.\gamibuta. — In ivory with chased design of P2bisu and a tai fish {Chrysophiys cardinalis). Black . . . 18 ^ Illustrated on Plate K), No. I. Illustrated on Plate I?,, No.l- 950. Cherry flower in takamakiyi. Black, jr. Kakiosai 18 c 72 Lacquer. 951. Crane and snow-covered pine trees, incrusted in mother-of-pearl. Gold. .s". Korin . . . . . . . . 18 ^ Netsuke. — Ivory ; design, two horses . . . . . . \8 c Ojime. — Cloisonne . . . . . . . \8 c 952. Plum tree incrusted in mother-of-pearl and lead. Gold. Korin School ... ....... \8 c 953. On one side oxen, in gold and silver takamakiye ; on the other autumn plants, incrusted in pearl. Powdered gold over red . 18 r 954. Cherry flowers, shells, and crest. Nashiji and black . . . \8 c 955- Peony, tortoise, and deer's horn, in gold of different tints. Gold 18 c Netsuke. — A shishi, with seal of Bunsai on base . . . \8 c 956. Seals of artist, in takamakiye. Black, .y. Ritsuo . . \8 c 957- Dragon in the clouds in gold and red. Black . . . \8 c 958. A wild boar amongst flowers, in various coloured golds and mother-of-pearl. Black . . . . . . . \8 c 959- Woman and horse laden with firewood, and a willow growing by a stream, in black togidashi. Gold. i". Koma Yasutada . 18 r 960. Rats, in gold togidashi. Black, s. Shiomi Masazane . . . \8 c 961. The Seven Sages of the Bamboo Grove (see No. ^T"]); mother-of- pearl. Black . . . . . . . . . 18 ^ Netsuke. — Porcelain. 962. House, in gold, silver, black, and brown lac. Red . . . 18 r Netsuke. — A coral diver. 963. Maple, in gold. Black 18 c 964. Dragon and tiger fighting for sacred gem. Red and gold and nashiji. Black, jr. Kanha . . . . . . . 18 r 965. Dragon on wave in gold. Nashiji and black . . . . \8 c 18 C 18 C i8 c 18 C Medicine and Seal Cases {Inros). 966. Cranes, trees, and waterfall ; takamakiye in gold and silver Gold. .s\ Kajikawa ........ 967. Country scenes with figure and waterfall, in gold takamakiye^ Gold. .'.•. Kajikawa ........ 968. Shi-shi and peony ; takamakiye in gold and colours. Gold j>-. Kajikawa ..¦•..... Netsuke. — No. 333. 969. Kajiwara Kag^suye and Sasaki Takatsuna at the battle of Uji. Gold and colours. Gold. s. Kajikawa ..... [The bridge which crossed the River Uji having been removed by the enemy, the two generals abovenamed forded the river amidst a shower of arrows. Takatsuna, being behind, called to Kagesuye, "Your saddle girth is getting loose ! " whereupon he stopped to tighten it, and Takatsuna, passing him, gained the other side first. His conduct was applauded by Yoshitsune.] 970. Fowls under bamboo. Takamakiye in various coloured lacs. Gold. j-. Kajikawa .... ... 18 ^ Ojime. — Cornelian . . . . . . . . . \8 c Netsuke. — A badger distending his stomach. (See No. 344) . 18 ^ 971. Horses in takamakiyi, gold, silver, and black. Gold. s. Kaji kawa . . . . . . . . . . . . \8 c 972. A cicada caught in a spider's web, in gold and red. Nashiji and black, s. Kajikawa . . . . . . . . \8 c 973. A flight of cranes, in gold. Nashiji and black, s. Kajikawa 18 c Netsuke. — A boy with a mask . . . . . . . 18 r Ojime. — Cornelian . . . . . . . . . . \8 c 974- The fifty-three posting stages on the great road Tokaido, between Kyoto and Tokyo, with their names. Takamakiye. Gold. s. Kajikawa . . . . . . . . . . \8 c *. 10 74 Lacquer. 975. A similar subject. Takamakiye. Nashiji. ,s\ Kajikawa . . 18 r Ojime. — Gilt, with knotted-wire decoration . . . . . 18 ^ Netsuke. — No. 202 . ....... \8 c 976. The Duodenary Cycle (see No. 403), in different panels. Taka makiye in gold and colours. Gold. i". Kajikawa . . . 18 ^ 977. A landscape. Takamakiyi in gold. Gold. .s". Kajikawa . . 18 r 978. Landscape, with a lake, rice-fields, and mountains in the distance. Takamakiye gold. Nashiji. .s-. Kajikawa . . . . \8 c 979. A mountainous landscape, with cherry trees in full blossom seen through the mist. Takamakiye in gold. Nashiji. jr. Kajikawa 18 c Ojime. — Metal, kiku ornamentation . . . . \8 c Netsuke. — Ivory ; Shiba Onko breaking the water-vessel (See No. 280) . . . . . . . \8 c 980. Panels, with cock and drum and hen and chickens. Taka- makiyd in gold and colours. Gold. s. Kajikawa . . . 18 r Ojime. — Metal ; Chinese Sages of the Bamboo Grove . . 18 r Netsuke. — Long-tafled tortoise in gold on an ivory nelum bium leaf . ...... . \8 c 981. Landscape, with rocks. Takamakiye in gold. Gold kawa ........ Netsuke. — Waves and rocks. Lacquer and coral Illustrated on 0^2. The hundred horses. Takamakiye in sfold. Nashiii. s Plate\(s,No.2." J i^ J s. Kaji- . i8 c 18 c Kajikawa i8 c 983. Chinese boys with fighting cocks. Takamakiye in various coloured lacs. Gold. jr. Kajikawa . . . . . i8 t" 984. A flight of many cranes in gold and colours. Black . . . i8 c 985. Gold and black lac imitating the grain of the kiku wood. Kiku flowers in gold and colours , . . . , . . i8 <:• PLATE XIX. WOOD AND IVORY. Medicine or Seal Cases (Inros). 1. No. 937. 2. No. 922. o. No. 1024. Medicine and Seal Cases {Liros). 75 986. Cock and hen, with plants ; in gold colours, and incrusted pearl. Red. jr. Giokuzan . . . . . . . . . 18 c 987. Shells, fish, and peach-blossoms on gold lac, incrusted shell and metal. Gold and black, jr. Inagawa . . . . . 18 c Ojime. — Fishes in ivory ... . . . 18 ^ Netsuke. — A dish of shell-fish in metal . . . . 18 <: 988. No dance ; hiramakiye ; gold and incrusted ivory. Gold. .y. Saito. 1 8 c Ojime. — Fruitstone carved with figures . . . . . 18 c Netsuke.^ — A piece of stags' horn, with peony cut through . 18 c [The No dance is one of the most ancient of Japanese customs. It should, perhaps, rather be called a lyric drama. As such it is the only theatrical entertainment recognised by the aristocracy, of whose entertainments it usuall)" forms a part.] 989. Takenouchi receiving the tide gem from the sea-king's messengers. (See No. 175.) The figures in various metals. Gold 18 c 990. Ebisu and Daikoku dancing (see No. 119); takamakiye in gold, colours and incrusted shibuichi. Gold . . . . . 18 f Ojime. — A gourd of brass with cloisonne pattern . . . 18 <: Manjij. — No. 519 18 e 991. The cock and drum (see No. 301); takamakiye in gold, with incrustations of shell. Gold. s. Tounsai Senrio . . .181; 992. I-no Hayata kifling the nuye. Incrusted ivories. Gold . . 18 c [Yorimasa lived 8,000 moons ago. He was, on account of his valour, chief guard of the imperial palace at Kyoto. At that time the Emperor Konoye could not sleep on account of a monster, which scared even the sentinels. Yorimasa, one stormy night, saw him, by the light of a lightning flash, sitdng on the roof He shot an arrow at the place, and brought down the beast, and, with the aid of his retainer, I-no Hayata, he quickly despatched him. Needless to say, he had honours showered upon him (see also No. 596).] 76 Lacquer. 993. No dancers dancing the feather dance (see No. 988) ; hiramakiye in gold and red in panels. Nashiji . . . . . . 18 c Ojime. — A mask and dress of Uzume in copper and silver . \8 c Kajamibuta. — No. 525 . . . • . ¦ ¦ ¦ . 18 c 994. Ebisu and Daikoku, with a child, dancing (see No. 119); takamakiye in gold and colours, and incrusted pearls. Gold and nashiji . 18 ^ 995. The Prince Genji in banishment watching the sea (from the Genji Monogatari), (see No. 833) ; takamakiyi in gold and black \8 c 996. The spirits of the pine-tree (see No. 197); takamakiye in gold, with heads, hands, etc., in ivory. Gold. s. Shokwasai . . \8 c Netsuke. — Ivory button, with a portrait of the Dai Tengu, the chief of the Tengus (see No. 243), whose nose is so long that when he walks abroad his retainers march before him lest he break his nose against something . . . . . . \8 c 997. A Chinese poet looking through a window at a landscape, and on the reverse a boy in a garden pointing with his finger takamakiye in gold and colours and incrusted shell. Gold . \8 c Ojime. — Stained ivory ; a section of bamboo with spider . . 18 ^ Netsuke. — Snafl, etc. ; puppies on a wheel . . . . . \8 c 998. Fan-shaped panels with views of a lake ; hiramakiyd and togidash in gold and black. Gold ...... 999. A house under a pine-tree and a verse of poetry incised. Tsuishu (See No. 888) Netsuke. — In the shape of a despatch box. .r. Joshosai 18 c 18 c 1000. Maple and pine-trees incised and gflt. Black chinkinbori, with a wooden case decorated with cherry-tree and willows, s. Yosei . . . . . . . . . . . 18 <^ Lnros {Metal Ivory, Porcelain, etc.). 77 lOOI. Views of Lake Biwa (see No. 574). Gold . . 18 c" 1002. Horses, and on the base an inscription signifying " Happiness and long life." The whole on a key pattern carved on tsuishu lac . . . . . . . . . . . . \8 c 1003. Plum-tree sketched on black togidashi. Gold . . . .181: 1003a!. Ravens. Silver . . . . . . . . . 18 c Netsuke. — Bivalve shell opening to show a temple and grounds . 18 c lOOZb. Cattle. Red lacquer . . . . . . . 18 c Netsuke. — A rat on a shell . . . . . . . 18 c 10031;". Cock, hen, and chickens in gold and colours. Gold. jt. Kajikawa 19 c lOO'^d. A hawk on a perch on either side in takamakiye of various colours on gold. jr. Hida Kozan . , . . , , , . 19 ^r 1003^. A stream with a decoy and birds in gold and black takamakiye on black . . . . . . . . . . 18 c Netsuke. — A boy tickling Hotel's ear . . . . . 18 c 1003/! Hotei with his bag on one side, and on the other dragons fighting ; takamakiye on nashiji ; in diaper panels . . . . . 18 c 1003^'. Insects, leaves, and flowers in takamakiye lacquer, pearl and lead on black . . . . . . . . . . . 18 c Manju. — A wild goose in sflver and rice ears in a circle 18 c 31nros {^zM), 1004. Artists' seals and diaper patterns incrusted in gold and silver. Shibuichi 18 c [Shibuichi is an alloy which should contain three parts of silver to one of copper; hence its name "one-fourth." It varies, however, very much from this percentage. When pickled in a certain solution it assumes a greyish patina.] 78 Lacquer. 1005. Outer case, a night scene with moon and flying geese, perforated and incrusted; inner case, silver. By Yasuchika. Yellow bronze 18 c 1006. Case decorated with figures in various metals, in relief, Yoritomo hunting at F'ujino, containing sflver inro. Shibuichi . . \g c 1007. Incised with the spirits of the pine (see No. 197). By Goto Hokio Ichijo. Silver . . . . . \8 c 1008. With the artist's or owner's name stamped upon it — namely, Matsushita. Yellow bronze . . . . . . \8 c I008«. With silver cloisonnes filled with black enamel in alternate divisions. Iron. . . . . . . . 18 c K.\gamibuta and Ojime to match . , . 18 ^ 3lntos (3it)orp, Porcelain, etc.). 1009. Takenouchi receiving the gem from the sea-king's messenger (see Nos. I 75 and 989), gold and coloured lacquer. Ivory, s. Kosuisai 19 c OjiME.^ — Malachite . 19 ^ Netsuke. — Cornelian button with rats in silver . . 19 ^ lOIO. Hotei and children in relief decorated with gold lac and coloured enamel. Porcelain, .s". Hokushu . . . . . ig c Netsuke. — In shape of a kiku flower. Porcelain . . \g c lOII. Shark skin. Children at play in gold and red lac . . \8 c [A skin covered with bony tubercles taken from the back of one or other of a species of Rhinobatus or Rayfish. The tubercles are often filed down, and the interstices are filled with black lacquer. It is then called Samegawa-nuri,] I0I2. Oni (see No. 218) and child, incru.sted in ivory and peari on a diapered ground. Wood. s. Kogaku Tsunehiro . . . 19 r Ojime. — A sflver dragon . . . . . . . 19 t Netsuke.— Incrusted with plum-blossom in ivory. Wood . .191? PLATE XX. LACQUER. Medicine or Seal Cases (Inros). 1. No. 1014. 2. No. 1027. 3. No. 1013. Inros {Wood). 79 IOI3. Seascape with sailing boats, and on the reverse Pujisan : incrusta tions and lacquerings of gold, shell, ivory, malachite, etc. .f. Dosho (Shibayama) and Yanagawa ..... IOI4. Peacock and hen, pine-trees, peonies, etc., in gold and colours and incrusted shefl. j'. Shibayama and Kwanyosai .... 1015. Quafls and millet, deeply incised, .s-. Okatomo .... IO16. Sparrows and bamboo ; takamakiyd in gold lacquer 1017. Flight of cranes in relief ... .... Ojime. — Cornelian ..... ... Netsuke. — A mask enclosed in a bundle covered with diaper patterns ... ..... IOI8. Diaper patterns, chased with nobles watching sake cups float down the stream (the game of Kiokusui-no-yen) on one side, and on the other a palace with the presentation of presents [The game consists in composing a poem before the cups pass out of sight.] IOI9. Colour case for seal ; decorated with flowers in cloisonne . 1020. Guri lac, with incised decorations of conventional design . [In Guri lac the body of the work is formed of superimposed layers of various coloured lacs, through which the design is cut. (H. J. 156.)] I02I. Tsuishu lac, carved with kiku flowers and netsuke to match Ojime. — Greenstone . . . ... I02Ic?. Sages in red on white Kaga porcelain . .... Manjij. — Blue and white porcelain ...... Illustrated on Plate 20, No. 3. 18 C 18 C 18 c 19 c 19 c 19 c 19 c 19 c 18 c 18 c \g c 19 c 19 c 19 c Illustrated on Plate 20, A^o. 1 . Inros (CClooD). 1022. The nanten plant ; takamakiye in gold, and incrustations of coral. s. Kwanshosai . . . .... 18 r [The nanten plant {Nandina domesticd) is often employed in decoration owing to its bright berries and to its being one of the shrubs which are used at the New Year's festival.] 1023. Kioyu and Sofu, incrustations of ivory, shell, and wood (see also Nos. 763 and 769) .... .... 19 f 8o Lacquer. 1024. Illustrated on Plate i<), No. T,. Illustrated on 1028. Plate 20, No. 2. 1029. 1030.IO3I. Ojime. — Cornelian . . . . . • • • . \g c [These philosophical hermits were so devoid of earthly ambition, that when the former received an offer of a high post at court, he forthwith proceeded to wash the intelligence out of his ear, lest it might be tainted thereby, and his companion, for the same reason, led his ox away from the contaminated water. (H. J. 65.)] Children's toys: a kite (Yakko-dako) (see No. 184), battledore and shuttlecock, etc. ; inlays of ivory and coloured woods . 19 r Ojime. — A kite cord and holder. Bamboo and ivory . . ig c Netsuke. — A box containing an articulated doll. s. Shunko . ig c 1025. A tea jar and bag and decorated bag. Takamakiyd in various coloured lacs . . • ... 17 t 1026. Wood and bamboo, making a framed diaper pattern, opening at side and showing small drawers, s. Shibata Hisajuro Netsuke. — In the shape of a knot, of similar make 1027. The six poets (see No. 195), lacquered in gold and colours, and incrusted in pearl, s. Chohei ...... New Year ornaments on one side, and on the other a skull lacquered in gold and incrusted in ivory, the subject being from a poem by Ikkyu ... ..... " The gateway pines we plant Are milestones on life's road. Marking the stages past. Thus glad the path for some. Whilst sad for some the way." Ferns in relief in black and gold lac ..... Shishis fighting on one side, on the other peony incrusted in ivory ; the whole on a chased key pattern . ... A travefling trunk in bamboo basketwork, with a knife in an ivory sheath .......... Netsuke. — Kirin in red lacquer . . .... [A kirin is a combination of a deer (as to its body), a dragon (as to its head), and a lion (as to its mane). It is said to be the noblest form in the animal creation, and an emblem of perfect good. (H. J. 62.) 18 c 18 c 18 c \gc 18 c igc 18 c \8c PART III. DIVISION E. %diU Cups (^afea^ufei). Unless otherwise specified the groundwork is red lacquer and the decoration is in gold. IO61. Emblems of longevity on back and front . . . . . \8 c 1062. Kanzan and Jittoku in gold and colours, s. Kawasaki Riok 1063. Pheasant under a cherry tree .... 1 . \'& c 1065. Hotei, Benten, and Daikoku (see No. 119), in various coloured lacs. s. Shomosai ....... 1066. Tortoise supporting rock ; cranes, etc. s. Kakosai 1067. Tortoises and wave patterns ..... 1068. Grasses ......... 1069. Ono-no Komachi (see No. 191) and poem in gold on green 1070. A pair of cups, with old gold and silver coins let into the surface . \g c IO71. Carp in water, gold and black, s. Toyokawa Tounsai of Musashi \g c 18 c 1064. Fish inlaid in ivory, s. Hakugioku . . . \8 c 19 c 19 c 19 c 19 c 19 c II 82 Lacquer. 1072. A swallow behind willow trees, in gold and black . 1073. Set of three. A horse race in gold and colours . 1074. Set of three. Cranes, tortoise, plum tree, and bamboo 1075. I" shape of sak^ jar with Shojo. (See No. 215) 1076. Landscape and view of Fujisan. s. Kakosai Shozan . 1077. Landscape and viev/ of Fujisan. .5". Fusen . 1078. Design of fir trees in gold ..,,.. 1079- Hotel and child in coloured lacquers 1080. A lady and children, .y. Richio ... . 18 c ¦ 19 c . 19 c . \g c ¦ 19 c 19 c . \8c . i8c . 18 c No. \\%^.^Lacquer Jikiro. PART III. Hacquer. DIVISION F. Crags (TSons). 1088. Kiri branch in gold on nashiji . . . ig c 1089. Shishi and peony in gold, on gold and silver nashiji . . . 19 ^ 1090. Gama and Tekkai (see Nos. 149 and 150) in gold lac and incrusted ivory on wood. jr. Harui . ... . . ig c IO91. Panels of birds and flowers, in gold and colours on gold . . \g c 1092. Chinese children playing with a bird and dog, in inlaid pearl on black. ? Chinese. . . . . . 18 c 1093. Toba (a Chinese poet) and boy on a round panel with flowers and diapers, in inlaid pearl on black. (? Chinese) . . ig c 1094. Tiger and dragon, in gold and colours on black ground, with a bordering of flowers . . . . . \g c 1095. Rats in gold ; togidashi on black. .?. Tomoharu . . . ig c 1096. The Emperor's carriage and floral designs, in takamakiye on nashiji . . . • • . . . 17 <; 1097. Rats in gold ; togidashi, on black, .y. Shunsho . . 18 ^ 1098. Five circular Bon, with various designs in gold, on black . \8 c 1099. In the form of a leaf, with tortoises on rocks, in peari and gold lac, on a dark blue ground . . . . • • ¦ . 18 c 83 PART III Tlie side illustrated on Frontispiece, and the lid on Plate 39. Illustrated on Plate 21. Hacquer. DIVISION G. agiscellaneous Articles. Note. — The various boxes in use with the Japanese are thus styled: Hako, a box ; Bento-bako, a luncheon box , Fu-bako orjb-bako, a box for carrying a letter ; Jisshukb-bako, a perfume game box ; JTi-bako, or Jikiro, a nest of boxes ; Kiyara-bako, Ko-bako, and Kogo, a perfume box ; Te-bako, a box for toilet articles , Ju-kogo, a small nest of boxes for the incense game. Other articles are: Sage-jit, Picnic set: Tabako-bon, smoking set ; Sho-dana, cabinet with shelves ; Ryoshi-bunko, MSS. box ; Natsum'e, tea box. IIIO. Hitsu (a chest). Probably used as a receptacle for robes. Size, 4 ft. 8 in. long, by 2 ft. 2 in. high, and 2 ft. 4 in. wide ; decorated on aU sides with scenes in gold lacquer on black, contained within a triple bordering of diapers and floral designs in gold and mother-of-pearl. The scenes depict flower gardens, buildings, bridges, and ornamental waters, in and by which Court ladies and children walk and play. The chest is bound with brass and gflt angle plates, decorated hinges, and fittings, the plate sur rounding the keyhole having an elaborate design of dragons and tigers. The interior of the lid is decorated with a panel upon a nashiji ground. (See also p. 49) . . .. . . i'] c IIII. Ryoshi-bunko, with tray. On the lid a scene in the grounds of the Palace (Gosho) at Kyoto. Noblemen in Court attire advance towards the Emperor, who is seated on a dais. Behind them a Court carriage. The whole in gold lacquer of various shades, silver lacquer and gold, and silver foil, and within a border of flowers and creepers in mother-of-pearl and gold similar to that PLATE XXI. LACQUER. No. nil. Ryoshi-bunko, or MSS. Box. The lid only. See also page 50, and illustration on page 55. Lacquer — Miscellaneous .Articles. 85 upon No. IIIO illustrated in the Frontispiece. Upon the interior of the lid is an inscription in capitals of gold foil on black, " Maria Uan Diemen," with a border of scroll work. (See p. 49, and illustration, p. 55.) . . . . . . ij c III3. JissHU-KO-BAKC— Perfume game box. Nashiji lac. The lid shaped like folded paper decorated with fallen cherry flowers on waves, and the top with an imitation of folded paper in gold and coloured lacs ; the interior containing in a tray six incense boxes, decorated with birds and flowers in gold, and beneath the utensils (in silver), papers, etc., necessary to the game. From the Collection of the Daimio Mizuno . . 17^ 1 1 14. Jtj-BAKO. — Nest of boxes of black lac, decorated with various diaper patterns in gold and colours, and containing trays for kozukas ... . . . . . ij c 1115. JissHU-KO-BAKO. — Perfume game box, hexagonal, on stand with inner boxes and trays, the cover and sides pierced with a design of waves (seigai-nami), and the box with the famous view of Mount Yoshino (see Murray's " Japan," p. 337). s. Kajikawa . 17 <; 1 1 16. Fu-BAKO. — Despatch box decorated with a rough floral design on a chestnut diaper pattern in gold on black . . . . 17^ 1 1 17. Nest of perfume boxes in red lac, of circular form, decorated with flowers in gold and various colours. ? Chinese . . . ij c 1 1 18. Ju-BAKO. — Nest of boxes of silver lac, in the form of three square boxes overlapping ; decorated with peasants and rice fields, pheasant and plum blossoms on the lid, and cards with pictures and fafling cherry blooms on the sides in gold . . . 1 7 ^ 1 1 19. Fu-BAKO. — Despatch box of nashiji lac. Decorated with land scape and view of Fujisan in gold ^1 c 1 120. Fu-BAKC— Despatch box ; decorated with fans of various shapes, each having different subjects upon them ; gold on nashiji . . iJ c 86 Lacquer — II2I. Ju-BAKO. — Nest of boxes ; decorated with boatmen carrying fire wood, in gold, and mother-of-pearl in black . . . . 17 ^ 1 122. Fu-BAKO. — -Box for letters. Decorated on the lid in takamakiye gold on black, with a figure representing Yakio, the discoverer of medicine ; on the interior of the lid with lilies, birds, fish, and water, in the same material. Signed Tatsuki Takahiro . . 1 7 t 1 123. RvOsHi-BUNKO. — MSS. box of gold lacquer, decorated with rocky landscape, temple, and buildings on a lake. On the interior the same, with cranes, and floating tansaku (papers for poems). (See No. 1246) . . . . . . . . . . 17 ^ 1 124. S.\(;e-ju. — Picnic box, with nests of boxes, and sake jar, in the shape of two kiku flowers intersecting one another ; decorated with diapers, crests in medallions and plants in gold and black on nashiji ... .... 17 t 1 125. Kashi-ki. — Stand for sweetmeats, consisting of five circular shelves, supported by cylindrical columns ; four of the shelves are each fitted with three fan-shaped trays, and the topmost with a round tray ; decorated with landscapes, flowers, and birds, in gold on red 17 c 1 126. Ko-b.\ko. — A box with compartments ; decorated with diaper pat terns in gold on black . . . . . .17 c 1127. Ju-BAKO. — Nest of three square boxes in a cover ; decorated with diaper patterns in gold and nashiji. The cover with Ho birds and flowers in gold on nashiji. From the Hamilton Palace Col lection .. ....... \^ c 1 128. Kogo. — Square box; the lid decorated with horses in a forest, in various coloured lacs ; containing tray decorated with shi-shis P''^'' 22. and peonies and four smaller boxes, with pictures of poets and poetesses on the lids . . . . . . . . . \'] c II29. Kogo. — Box in the form of a flower ; decorated with cranes in gold and metal, plum, pine, and dragon, in gold metal, on green nashiji ... . ..... 17 ^ 1 130. Kogo. — Round box; decorated with dandelions, etc., and basket in gold on nashiji ground . .... ,17 c Illustrated on PLATE XXII. LACQUER. No. 1128 Kogo. No. 2 represents the top of the lid, No. 3 an inner tray, and No. i four small boxes in the lower part. Miscellaneous Articles. 87 1 131. A box in the shape of a samisen (guitar) in black lac ; the interior decorated with plants and grasses in gold on nashiji . 17 ^ 1 132. Kogo.^ — Circular box ; decorated on the outside of the lid with a picture of Roraishi amusing his parents (see No. 274), in gold on gyobu ; the inside with kiri and Ho bird in gold on nashiji . ... 17 f II33. Ju-kogo. — Nest of small boxes; decorated with diapers, flowers, crests, and trees in gold on nashiji ; on the interior of the lid a basket of chrysanthemums in gold on nashiji . . . .17 c 1 134. Koir6 of black lac decorated with chrysanthemums in red gold, and with a silver lac interior . . . . . . 1 7 r 1 135. Small box with cover in the shape of a birdcage ; decorated with plants and gyobu inlay, and on the interior with quails in gold on black . . . . . . . . .171: 1 136. Hi-iRE. — Fireholder ; decorated with the aoi and wistaria as crests on a gold diaper pattern in black and gold . . . . . ij c II37. Nest of small hexagonal boxes in the shape of a birdcage; the boxes decorated with birds, plants, and diaper patterns on gold ; the stand and cover with flowers in gold lac, and incrustations of ivory and coral . . . . . . . . . . ij c II38. Ko-bako. — Small writing and paper box in the shape of a despatch box, containing paper, cards, ink slab, water-pot, and brushes ; decorated with pine, plum blossom, and crests of the Tsugaru family in gold on nashiji . . . . . • . 17^ 1 139. Koire. — Decorated with flowers in gold on black lac: lined with metal .... 1 7 ^ 1 140. Ko-BAKO.— In four divisions ; decorated with grasses in gold and dewdrops in silver metal on black lac . . . . ¦ . 1 7 ^ II41. Ko-BAKO. — In four divisions; decorated with fans, maple leaves, flowers, and a cat asleep, in gold and various coloured lacs . 1 7 f 88 Lacquer — 1 142. Ko-BAKO. —Decorated with a flight of Chidori, rocks, and waves, in gold on black . . . . . . . 17 f 1 143. Koire. — Decorated with chrysanthemums and crests on nashiji 17 r 1 144. Ko-BAKO.^ — Of cylindric form, with various minute decorations in gold on black . . . . . . . . . I'j c 1 145. JuKOGO. — Nest of small boxes ; decorated with grasses in gold lac, and dewdrops in silver on black . . . . . ij c Illustrated on Plale 23. Illustrated on Plate 23. 1 175. GosHO-GURUMA. — A miniature Court carriage, with wooden support and steps ; carved wood lacquered and decorated with bamboo and pine on diapers in gold and black on nashiji ; the mounts of copper gilt, engraved with plants ; the interior panelled with pine, bamboo, kiku flowers, cranes and tortoises in colours. With an ox in carved wood, lacquered black .... 1 176. Kogo. — On a carriage similar to above ; decorated with pine trees and plants, and the tomoy^ and nine-star crest of the Hosokawa famfly. Gold and black on nashiji ..... Illustrated on Plate 34. 1 177. KusHi-DAi. — Combstand with five drawers, with shakudo handles ; decorated with creepers, and cards with various subjects and poems upon them ; in gold on black ...... 1 178. Ryoshi-bunko. — Despatch box. Decorated with clouds in nashiji and cherry blossoms seen through the clouds in incrusted pearl, on a black ground ..... 1 179. Sage-ju. — Picnic box, with nest of boxes in the shape of a jar, a sak^ bottle in the shape of a Shojo (see No. 213), a box, cup, and tray; decorated with flowers, bamboo, fans, etc., in gold on nashiji ... ....... 1 180. Kago. — Miniature Sedan chair, with bamboo blinds ; decorated with plants in gold and mounted in shakudo, engraved with flowers and kiku crests 18 c 18 c 18 C 18 C 18 C PLATE XXIII. LACQUER. The larger carriage, with the ox in the shafts, is No. 1 175, a miniature Goshoguruma, or Court carriage. The smaller carriage is No. 1176, which forms a Kogo, or incense cabinet. Miscellaneous liiiclcs. 89 1 181. Jisshu-ko-bako. — Cabinet for the perfume game, with shelves and utensils ; decorated with birds, cherry blossoms, and the Tokugawa crest in gold on nashiji, with shakudo mounts, engraved with plants . .18^ I182. Sageju. — Picnic set, with nests of boxes, sake jar, trays and cup complete ; decorated with a ferry boat with passengers, in gold and colours, and encrusted pearl jt. Tomoharu . 18 ^ 1 183. Square basket, bordered with lacquer, and the interior lacquered, with a portrait of Uzume (see No. i) in the dress of a Court lady, with fan in gold and encrusted mother-of-pearl . . . \8 c 1 184. Ryoshi-bunko. — Manuscript box; decorated on the lid and sides with pine and orange tree beside a stream, in which birds in gold and sflver metal are swimming. The interior of the lid is decorated with a moonlight scene, in which is seen a temple by a stream, pine trees, and plum coming into blossom, the whole '''''piate2/L" encrusted in gold, ivory, and silver. Containing a tray decorated with a view of fishermen's huts, salt works, and boats, beside a rough sea, in gold on nashiji. . . . \8 c 1 185. Ryoshi-bunko. — Manuscript box ; decorated on the lid with a view of a nobleman's summer house, beside a lake, with cherry trees in bloom, pine, bamboo, etc. ; the sides with a running stream, in gold and colours on black, the interior with the double cherry beside a stream, in gold on nashiji . . . . . \8 c 1 186. Jikiro. — Nest of round boxes ; decorated with cherry blossom in gold on various coloured lacquers, a branch of the tree forming the handle. (See fllustration, p. 82) . . . . . 18 c 1 187. Fu-bako. — Box for letters; decorated with a view of Mount Yoshino, with its cherry trees in bloom, in gold and silver on nashiji, with Shakudo mounts bearing the Tokugawa crest. 18 c 1 188. Jikiro. — Nest of boxes, in the shape of a jar, for food and sake, consisting of a pot, three cases, a cup, and dish ; lacquered in colours, and decorated with different patterns in chinkinbori . \8 c 12 90 Lacquer — 1 189. Ryoshi-bunko. — Manuscript box : decorated with a shishi upon a rock by a waterfall, and a peony flower ; in gold takamakiyi on black. . ... \8 c 1 190. Fu-BAKO. — Despatch box ; decorated in part with diaper patterns, in gold on black, and in part with plants in gold and coloured lacs on nashiji . . • . . \8 c 1 191. Fu-B.\K0. — Despatch box, with pine branches and cherry blossoms in green and silver lac on a gold powdered black ground . .18 c- II92. Fu-BAKO. — Despatch box ; decorated with plum tree and moon on gold lac . .... 18 f 1 193. Tabako-bon. — Smoking set, in the shape of two six-leaved screens joined at the ends, decorated with the eight celebrated views of Lake Biwa (see 574), in togidashi, with a brazier of metal gilt in the shape of the lucky bag, which is pierced with a pattern of the precious or lucky things (see No. 119), and an ash holder in the shape of a folded paper {noshi) . . . . . . . \8 c 1 194. Triangular stand of red Foochoo lac, with a Chinese landscape, figures, flowers, and plants on a diaper ground . . 18 <" 1 195. Fu-BAKO. — Oblong box for papers ; decorated on top and sides with kiku plants in flower, and a stream, gold and black on nashiji ; on the interior kiku crests in gold and black on nashiji . \8 c 1 196. Jisshu-ko-bako. — An oblong box in compartments containing the utensils for the Perfume Game ; decorated with pine, bamboo, and plum (sho-chiku-bai) (see No. 682), in gold on nashiji . . 18 r 1 197. S.\GE-JU. — Picnic box ; containing a nest of square boxes, sakd jar, tray, and cup, decorated with landscapes, diapers, and streams, on which float cards on which poems are written (see No. 1246), in gold and colours on black lac . . . , . . 18 f PLATE XXIV. LACQUER. No. 1 1 84. Ryoshi-bunko, or MSS. Box. The lid only. See also page 50. .Je:^^ia^*^f^ PLATE XXV. LACQUER. No. 1230. Circular box. The upper illustration shows the interior with its four boxes, the lower the lid. Miscellaneous Articles. 91 II98. JissHU-Ko-BAKO. — Box for PerfuiTie Game set, containing hvit boxes, two ash holders, a card case, wood stand, knife, etc. Decorated with the kikko (tortoise shell) pattern, and the imperial kiri, and the five-star crest . . . . . .181" [The implements and articles for the Game of Perfumes contained in this set are enumerated at great length at p. 81 of the " Catalogue of the Buriington Fine Arts Club Exhibition, 1894,'' where this piece was shown.] 1 199. Ryoshi-bunko. — Manuscript box ; decorated with cock, hen, flowers, and diapers, in mother-of-pearl of various colours on black. Pekinese . . . . . . . . . 18 c" 1200. Gaku. — Round panel, with a view of Itsukushima, one of the three celebrated views in Japan, in gold and colours, on black. s. Koma Yasumasa (or Taishin) . . . , 19 ^ I20I. Tsuitate. — Panel on stand. Decorated with a hawk kflling a bird, in gold and colours, on black incised diaper ground ; on the reverse, geese beside a stream, executed in a similar manner . 18 c 1202. Tabako-bon. — Smoking set with bronze fire and ash holder and three drawers ; decorated with a waterfafl, trees, and flowers in medaflions, on mokume lac . . . . 18 c [Mokumd is the term applied to a lacquer which imitates the graining of wood.] 1203. Square box ; decorated with plants and crest in gold and colours in nashiji . . . ..... 18 r 1204. Miniature State palanquin in black lac, mounted with gilt orna ments, and decorated with floral designs and the crest of the Daimio Ii of Hikone ... . . . 18 c 1205. Kogo. — Square perfume box with three compartments ; decorated with autumn plants and insects in gold on black . . . . 1 8 t 1206. Jukogo. — Nest of perfume boxes with feet, with views of the celebrated places on Lake Biwa, lacquered in gold, and incrusted in mother-of-pearl on black . . • . . . 18 <; 1207. Fu-bako. — Despatch box ; decorated with maple leaves in various colours in togidashi . . . . . . • • . 18 ^ 92 Lacquer — 1208. Fu-BAKO. — Despatch box ; decorated with moon and cherry flowers inlaid in gold and silver on nashiji, and on the interior a water- wheel beside a willow tree in gold on nashiji . . . 18 c 1209. Fu-BAKO. — Despatch box ; decorated with a branch of a plum tree from which hang two cards, on one of which is a poem, praising the fragrance of the blossom ; in gold, silver, and red togidashi on black lacquer I2I0. Octagonal box ; decorated with a sparrow and bamboo and other plants, inlaid in silver on black lacquer ; on the interior with the kikko (or tortoise-shell) pattern in gold on black 18 c 18 c I2II. Jikiro. — Canteen box with drawer; decorated with horses in a meadow, and fir trees in gold and silver, on powdered red-brown lacquer . , . 18 f I2I2. Oblong case ; decorated with a dragon amidst waves, in gold on black lacquer, and on the bottom a landscape incised and gflt 18 c 1213. Ryoshi-bunko. — Manuscript box, containing tray decorated with butterfly and peony on a dish in coloured lacquer ; Chinese children playing with an elephant, incrusted in ivory and mother- ot-pearl, on the cover, and birds and trees on the sides. Tsuikoku on tsuishu ground . , , . . 18 ^ 1214. Fu-bako. — Despatch box ; decorated with plum blossom and ferns in gold, sflver, and coloured lacs . , . . 18 ^ 1215. Kogo. — Incense burner ; decorated with a vine plant trailing over a fence, and a diaper border in gold on black lac . \8 c 1216. A black lae card box ; decorated with the Sho-chiku-bai (see No. 682), the crest of the Daimio Abe of Shirakawa, and containing the cards for the game of " Uta-garuta," or " the Poem Cards" . , . ..... 18 ^ 1217. Bento-bako. — Picnic box ; decorated with figures, animals, and bufldings in landscapes . . . . . . . . \8 c Miscellaneous Articles. 93 1218. Tahako-bon. — Smoking set in red and gold lacquer on black ground ; decorated with subjects illustrating the growth and preparation of rice. The charcoal box in the form i)f a cottage . . , 18 ^ 1219. Tabako-bon. — Smoking set, with circular medallions on polished wood (keyaki), a movable top with scrolls and medallions in red lacquer ; the handle in the form of a scouring rush . . . 18 c 1220. Fu-BAKO. — Oblong box, with maple leaves and chrysanthemums on sflver nashiji 18 c 1221. JisSHU-KO-BAKO. — Perfume Game box ; Mokume lacquer with numerous drawers, fire box, and tray, decorated with sho-chiku-bai in gold lacquer . . 181" 1222. Box, in the form of two intersecting squares, with three divisions, gold lacquer, with chrysanthemums and wistaria on the outside, containing a tray with medallions and diapers . . 18 c 1223. Ry'oshi-bunko. — MSS. box. Gold and black lacquer, landscapes and Jurojin on a deer on the exterior; on the interior a long- armed monkey reaching up to the moon . 18 c 1224. Kogo. — Circular perfume box of Guri lac. (See No. 1020) . 181; 1225. Kogo. — Perfume box ; decorated with birds on a persimmon tree, on green gold nashiji . 1229. JuKOGO. — Nest of three boxes with cover decorated with kiku in gold 18 c 1226. KiYARA-BAKO. — Kiduey-shapcd perfume box ; decorated on the lid with children and puppy in gold on gyobu nashiji, on the sides with creepers in gold on black, and on the interior (which con tains a tray) with geese and landscapes on nashiji . 18 if 18 c 1227. Small box in the shape of a cherry flower ; gyobu on gold . 1228. Circular box covered with a large kiku flower in gold lac . .18^ 18 c Illustrated on Plate 25. 94 Lacquer — 1230. Round box, containing three fan-shaped, and, as a centre, one circular box. The exterior lid decorated with the shafts and front of a Court carriage, which is laden with autumn flowers ; its inside having a long-tafled tortoise bearing a rock, on which are flowers in gold and colours on a gold ground ; the lids of the inner boxes have gourds, wistaria, and plum trees in lacs of all colours 18 c 1231. Ju-KOGO. — Nest of perfume boxes in the shape of a peony flower and leaves in coloured and gold lac on a nashiji ground . . 18 ^ 1232. Natsume. — Tea box in the shape of a kiku flower, decorated with the same in gold and coloured lacs on a red ground . . . 18 ^ 1233. Ju-KOGO. — In the shape of a bamboo basket work pannier to carry on the back, decorated with plants in gold lac on gold lac . . 18 ^ 1234. Kogo. — Decorated with shells and maple leaves in gold and colours on a nashiji ground . . . . . . 18 c Illustrated on 12'iK. KoGO. — In the shape of two intersecting fans, decorated with waves Plate2T,No.2. ''"-' ^^ -^ and plants in gold . . . 18 t 1236. A box imitating a Koto (a musical instrument resembling a zither), the lacquer in parts imitating the grain of the wood and the different designs upon the original . . . . 18 ^ 1237. Ju-KOGO. — Decorated with a kiku plant in flower, beside a rivulet, gold and black lac on a gyobu nashiji ground . . . . 18 c 1238. Kogo. — Decorated with a landscape and lake scene . \8 c 1239. Kogo. — Circular ; decorated with various-shaped fans on a nashiji ground ... . . \8 c 1240. Kogo. — Decorated with kiri leaves, ferns, and the crests of the Ogasawara family, in gold on a black lac ground . . . 18 c 1241. A box on four legs made to the design of a checker board ; decorated with the kiku flower on a mokume ground . . . 18 c Miscellaneous . hi ides. 1242. Kogo. — Circular ; decorated with Hotei and his bag in gold on nashiji ground .... ... 1243. Kogo. — Se.xagonal ; decorated with hen and chickens in gold and red on nashiii .... 95 18 c 18 c 1244. A circular box ; decorated with a cock in gold and colours on nashiji , , . . . 18 if- 1245. A kidney-shaped box ; decorated with Chinese landscapes incrusted in various metals on black . . . 18 c 1246. Kogo. — In the shape of three cards (shikishi and tanzakus) placed beside one another irregularly ; decorated with a garden, a poem, and a wistaria in flower ; the poem on one of the tanzakus is an 'piate%','N'o"2. expression of sorrow at the scattering of flowers at the close of "'S .... [The square card is called tanzaku ; the oblong, shikishi.] 18 C 1247. A circular box ; decorated with a rice field in gold on black ; the interior with chidori on nashiji. i-. Shunsho . . . \8 c 1248. Kiyara-bako. — Decorated inside and out with maple leaves, cherr'v illustrated on n 11-1 1, Platey,,No.\. flowers, and plants in gold and colours on black . . . \8 c 1249. Hiire. — Gold lac, decorated with the kiku crest 18 C 1250. HiiRE. — Silver lac, with a conventional decoration of kiri flowers and leaves in gold . . . . . \8 c 1251. A box ; decorated with a profusion of maple leaves in gold and colours ; the interior with a seigainami or wavelike decoration on nashiji. s. Ippyosai . . . . . . . \8 c 1252. Kogo. — In the shape of a lady with flowing dress and train, which Illustrated on Plate 2q, No. 3. is decorated with different patterns in gold . . . 18 c 1253. Kogo. — Incense burner ; in the shape of a prunus blossom, decorated with pine and plum blossom ; lid silver pierced work repre senting bamboos . . . . . . . . . 18 c 96 Lacquer — 1254. A circular box, decorated with Ho-wo and kiri crests on diaper patterns . ... 18 ^ 1255. A box in the shape of two intersecting ones ; decorated as to one on the top with a river scene, castle, and bridge, as to the other with plants ; the sides with a river scene bordered with willows and a man poling a boat containing faggots of brushwood . , 18 c 1256. A pair of boxes in compartments, with covers ; decorated with a landscape of Chinese design in gold and brown. From the Hamilton Palace collection ... . . 18 ^ 1257. Kogo. — Perfume box ; decorated with kiku crests and trailing plants in gold on black . ...181: 1258. A clock case in the shape of an Inro ; decorated with buildings and figures, with Ho-wo and plants in gold . . . . 18 c 1259. Kogo. — Perfume box in various compartments, in imitation of a Court carriage ; decorated with kiku crests in gold lac . . \8 c 1260. Box in the shape of a circular drum, with the figure of a child seated on the top ; the barrel decorated with Ho-wos and Illustrated on ... ..,_,, piatei'&,No.\. creeper in gold on mokume lac : containing three fan-shaped boxes with birds, plants, and trees in gold .... 18 c 1261. Box in the shape of the outline of an elephant covered with Plate 2^, No. Illustrated on trappings ; the sides sown with different patterns in panels of gold and coloured lacquers inlaid with ivory . . . , 18 c 1262. Box in the shape of a boat with .sail ; decorated with a personage standing by a willov/ tree and watching a spider floating on a leaf ... eariy 18 c 1263. Ju-KOGO. — Seven-sided ; decorated with lespedeza plants beside a rivulet in gold on nashiji . , , , . , . 18 c PLATE XXVI. LACQUER. L No. 1273, Kogo. Lid only. 2. No. 682, Kodansu. Miscellaneous Articles. 97 1264. KoGO. — Octagonal. On the exterior a monkey with peach in red and black lac in relief on a gold ground. On the interior of the lid a framed European colour print ; on the sides various patterns in red on black ; and on the bottom a copy of a European engraving incised in gold on black . . . . . . 18 ^ 1265. Ko-dansu containing three smaller ones and tray, veneered with illustrated on tortoiseshell, and lacquered with kiku hedge and flying geese ''^^''' "'' in gold, colours, and metal , . , . . . \8 c 1266. Round box decorated with wistaria in gold on a diaper ground . \8 c 1267. Kiyara-bako.. — Decorated with game cocks fighting, and containing two boxes decorated with flowers. The top of mokume lac 18 c 1268. Jif-KOGO. — Octagonal ; decorated on the cover with a cottage in a fence, plum tree, and mountainous landscape in gold and various coloured lacs ; the interior decorated with landscapes, poetry, cards, plants, and trees in gold and colours . . 18 ^ 1269. JfJ-KOGO. — In the shape of a fan ; decorated with wistaria in gold on nashiji ; the bottom compartment with a metal lining for burning incense . . . . . . • . . 18^ 1270. Ju-KOGO. — The cover decorated with peonies, tendrils, and the crest (mon) of the Daimio Sakai, in gold and coloured lacs on nashiji . 18 ^ 1271. KoGO. — In the shape of a koto, containing three smaller boxes decorated with kiri, butterflies, sparrows, and flowers in gold and colours on gold ; the koto of mokume lacquer . . . . 18 ^ 1272. A box covered with cherry bark ; lacquered ; with cherry blossom, and with ducks in a stream in gold and incrusted pearl . .181; 127^. KoGO. — Decorated with wistaria on a trellis, in gold and incrusted illustrated on . , ^. 1 r 1 ¦ 1 • 1 •.• o Plate 2(>,No.\. shell on gold ; the interior With a flight of chidori on nashiji . \8 c 98 Lacquer — 1274. Box in the shape of a pardy open and pardy folded screen ; decorated with a diaper pattern and landscape in nanakoji on o-old ; the sides and bottom with mandarin ducks in a stream ; the interior with mountain views and cherry trees . . \8 c 1276. Kogo.-- In the shape of a chessman ; decorated with a fan and cap in a gourd-shaped panel, on gyobu ground ; the sides decorated with maple leaves, in gold and colours ; an inner tray with kiku and plants ..... .... Illustrated on 1277 KoGO. — -In the shapc of a tea jar with silk cover ; decorated in gold Plate 2-], No.l. '' lac and pearl gyobu , . ¦ ... 1278. Jisshu-ko-bako. — Decorated with kiku, in gold, and mother-of- pearl, and silver rimmed ; containing ivory cards, a smafl nest of boxes, tray, etc. . .... 1280. Bowl and cover of Tsuikoku lac ; decorated with Ho-wo bird and peony in relief .......... 18 c 18 c 18 c 1279. Jisshu-ko-bako. — Natural wood; decorated with a mountainous landscape in gold lac, and containing two nests of boxes, incense burner, etc. ... . • . . . i8 c 18 c 1281. Brush Case of red lac ; carved with a dragon and mounted in ivory i8 c Ojime, a peachstone carved with a dragon. . . . . .18^ 1282. Kogo. — In the shape of a drum ; decorated with creepers in gold on red lac ; with an ivory mask of an old man, and a flute 18 and 19 ^ 1283. Square Box with creepers and the crest of the Daimio Sakai in gold on a black ground . . .... 18 c 1284. Kogo. — In the shape of a koto ; decorated with diaper patterns and flowers, in gold, black, and brown lac, with a poem in praise of the moon written on the inner side of the lid . . . . 18 f PLATE XXVII. LACQUER. 1. No. 1277, Kogo. 2. No, 123s, K6g5. Lid only. o. No. 1414. Box in the form of intersected cards. Lid only. Miseellaneous . I rtieles. 99 1285. Square Box and stand ; decorated with cherry flowers and fern or parsley leaves in gold ; the sides of gyobu nashiji . . \8 c 1286. Box of gold lac covered with a pattern in gold of waterwheels in a stream ; the wheels in inlaid pearl ; the interior sown with tomoye forming circles on nashiji . . . 18 t 1287. Oblong Box in the shape of a game table ; the cover decorated with plum trees, fir, bamboo, etc., in gold ; the sides of mokume ; in the interior two small boxes decorated with cranes and pine in gold and mother-of-pearl on nashiji. . . . 18 <: 1288. Box in the shape of a leaf ; decorated with a formal design of honeysuckle in gold on silver ; the interior containing a tray similarly decorated . . . . . 18 <: 1289. Oblong Sexagon.al Box ; decorated with plum blossom and birds on mokum6 ; the interior sown with fir spikes and plum blossom on black . . . . . \8 c 1290. Natsume. — With chrysanthemums in black lac on brown wood 18 c 1291. Kagami-no-su. — Mirror case. Decorated with a Court scene ; read ing a novel in a summerhouse amidst pine trees ; also with the crest of Shimazu, the Daimio of Kagoshima ; gold on nashiji 18 c 1292. Box in the shape of a knot, with the landscape in gold on nashiji . \8 c 1293. Fu-bako. — Decorated with diaper patterns, Ho-wo birds, flowers, and the Tokugawa crest in gold on nashiji . ... 18 c 1294. Fu-BAKO. — With shakudo lid ; decorated with a dragon in clouds incrusted in ivory, brass, shell, and glass, jr. Kiyomitsu Yujo . \8 c 1295. Round Box ; decorated with autumn plants, leaves, and flowers, in gold on a black ground, and containing nine small boxes forming the Star Crest of the Hosokawa or Endo family ; the boxes being decorated with flowers, birds, and fishes in gold on gold . . \8 c lOO Lacquer — 1296. Kogo. — In the shape of a flower, with a Court noble and lady in a boat ; in gold and colours on gold . . . . . . \8 c [An incident in the Genji Monogatari (see No. 833) : the elopement of Adzumaya Kimi with her lover, Nio Giobu Kio, on the Uji River (B. M. C. 299)-] 1297. Round Box ; decorated on the lid with the Zodiacal cycle in com partments round a compass (under glass) in the centre ; in green and other golds ; containing a tray decorated with a temple. (See Illustration, p. 61) . . . . . . . \8 c 1298. Box ; decorated on the top and sides with horses in a stream- watered meadow, in gold on nashiji ; containing a tray decorated with autumn flowers . . . . . . . . \8 c 1299. Jisshu-ko-bako. — Decorated on the cover with a peasant resting beside a waterfall, and on the sides with plum branches in blossom ; containing two nests of boxes, incense ash holder, and tray . ....... . \8 c 1300. Box ; decorated with leaves and fans with different scenes on them, in gold on gyobu nashiji . . . . . 18 <: 1301. Kivara-bako. — Decorated with game cocks fighting, and containing a tray and two smafler boxes decorated with flowers ; the top of mokume lac . . . . . . . . . \8 c 1302. Box with drawer ; decorated on the lid with Shoki catching an Oni near a waterfall (see No. 218), in gold and coloured lacs and pearl ; on one side carp in a stream ; on the interior of the lid bamboo and vegetables in gold panels on nashiji ; the tray with carp fish and shell on nashiji . . . . . \8 c 1303. Carriage on two wheels ; decorated with plants in gold lacquer . 18^ 1304. Small Box ; decorated on the lid with children at play in gold lac, on the sides with plants in gold on coloured nashiji . . 18 ^ 1305. Ju-KOGO. — Of Guri lac \8 c Miscellaneous Articles. lOi 1306. KAGAiH-xo-su. — Mirror case ; covered with honeysuckle design and crests of the Matsura, Hakura, Toda, and Kuroda famflies, in gold on black, and containing a steel mirror with crane and pine and a crest in relief on the back . . . \8 c 1307. Ju-BAKO. — Of diamond shape, with plum branches in bloom, in gold lac and gold and silver foil on black . . . . . 18 c 1308. Jikiro. — In the shape of a jar, the lid covered with sflk, decorated with Shokko design in red ; on the inside autumn plants in gold on nashiji ... 18 c 1309. Box for distributing perfume by blowing, with the Zodiacal cycle piate^-i,N".2 in various coloured lacs on black . . . 18 t 1310. KoGO. — Decorated with kiku flowers incrusted in mother-of-pearl and metal on gold . . . . \8 c 131 1. Kogo. — Decorated with Hana-ikada or the raft of flowers, symbolical of the flower season, in gold of various colours, and metal on the cover and landscapes in green gold ; Togidashi on the sides . \8 c 1312. Jikiro. — Nest of two boxes, octagonal ; the upper one, with a lid, being perforated in the likeness of chrysanthemum flowers on every side, and decorated with key pattern in gold on black ; the lid and lower compartment decorated alternately with crests of two cranes and two butterflies, on Karakusa pattern in gold on black .... . . . \8 c 1313- ^IiNiATURE Sageju. — Decorated on the outer case with autumn plants in gold and shell, inlaid on a black ground, and on the boxes with cherr)- trees in blossom, in gold, silver, and colours, with gold leaves and inlaid shell on a polished black ground . . \8 c 1314. KoGO. — Circular ; decorated with a dragon on the waves, and creep ing plants, in shell inlaid on black lacquer. (? Chinese) . 18 ^ I315. KoGO. — Circular ; decorated with shishi and peony in coloured shefl on gold lac ground . . . . ¦ • .186" I02 Lacquer — 1316. Ko-BAKO. — In the shape of a chrysanthemum flower in gold, hira- makiyd on black lac ; signed on the interior Kofudo . 18 r 1317. Koire. — Of Tsuishu lac with carved diaper designs . . \8 c 1318. Ko-BAKO. — Decorated with maple leaves floating on a stream, in gold on black . . • • . . . . . \8 c 1319. Ko-BAKO. — Decorated with the sho-chiku-bai, on gold lac . . 18 ir 1320. Ryoshi-bunko. — Of gold lacquer, decorated externally with a rocky landscape and buildings on a lake, and the sun on clouds above ; and internally with fans and Yugaos ,with the crest of the Daimio .Sakai, of Harima • • . • . .181; 1321. Sake Bottle ; decorated with panels containing various plants, in gold on nashiji . . .... 18 f 1322. Box in the form of a folded letter ; silver lacquer with autumn flowers in gold and silver lacquer, interior silver gyobu . . 18 r 1323. Box in the form of a piece of paper (noshi) decorated with daisies, which enfolds sprays of chrysanthemum and plum ; the interior of silver nashiji with an open and a shut fan in gold and red lacquer . . . . \8 c 1324. Box in four divisions in an open panel ; with wiflows and clouds. .s". Shunsho . . . . . . . . \8 c 1325. Kogo. — Decorated with crests, cherry blossoms, and arabesques . 18 r 1326. Round Box with circular medaflions, and a ground covered with minute diaper of ferns . . . . . . \8 c 1327. Tabako-bon. — Decorated with a waterfall and stream in togidashi. Illustrated on with sllver mountings and fireholder (decorated with pierced chrysanthemums and butterflies) . . . . . . \8 c PLATE XXVIII. LACQUER. No. 1327. Tabako-bon, or Smoker's Case, with pipes, Nos. 581 and 578. Miscellaneous Articles. 103 1328. Tab.ako-bon. — With metal fire and ash boxes in the upper part, and drawers for tobacco, lights, etc., in the lower ; decorated with a view of Miho no Matsubara and Fujisan, in gold and silver on black lac . . . . . . . . . . \8 c 1368. Tsuitate. — Panel with stand. Decorated with a landscape, illus trating a meeting of Chinese sages ; lacquered in gold and colours, and encrusted in wood, ivory, and enamelled porcelain ; on the reverse grasses in black on black . . , . . \g c 1369. G.YKU. — Panel, with landscape showing Fujisan in the distance, in black, gold, and nashiji on gold ; with a bordering in gold lac, with shells in gold and colours, s. Zeshin . . . . \g c 1370. Ju-kogo. — Nest of boxes, in the shape of a house ; the upper box decorated on the top with a plaited pattern ; the sides and roof with vine and grapes, and pigeons on a plum tree in gold on gold 19 c 1371. Stand with four feet ; decorated with kiri crests and bamboo leaves in gold on black .... . . . \g c 1372. Sage-jij. — Picnic set, with metal fireholder and water kettle, engraved with plants ; decorated with the A.sano and Honda crests and plants in gold on black . . • . . \g c 1373. Box ; decorated with cards, having flowers and landscapes ; on a tortoiseshell pattern ground ; gold, silver, and coloured lacs . 19 <: 1374. Box ; decorated on the cover and sides with bamboos and peonies beside a stream, and crests ; on gold and nashiji . . 19 ^ 1375. Octagonal Box on feet ; decorated with the different masks used in the No dance (see No. 988), on floral patterns in gold and coloured lacs. The interior of various coloured powdered lacs .... 19^ I04 Lacquer — 1376. Two INTERSECTING BoxES : One of red lac decorated with Ho-wo birds and plants ; the other of black lac with fruit in baskets, plants, flowers, and birds in gold and coloured lacs, and incrusted with ivory, metal, and shell. By Zeshin . . . . . 1 9 ^ 1377. Card Box, in black lacquer, containing two sets of 100 cards for the game of Hyakunin Isshu, or the 100 poems — one card having the portrait of one of the 100 poets with the commencement of one of his poems, and the fellow the conclusion of the same. With inscription on lid " The Cards of 100 poems " . . . \g c 1378. Sage-ju. — Black lac decorated with a waterwheel, boat, fish, etc., in gold, silver, and mother-of-pearl, s. Yuji . . . . \g c 1379. Ryoshi-bunko. — Decorated with wistaria and birds in incrusted ivory and mother-of-pearl on nashiji . . . . . . 19 ^ 1380. Kogo. — Of red lacquer in the shape of a flower ; figure of Tobosaku and the three peaches and diaper pattern . . . . \g c 1381. Round Box with birds, and a net in gold on the bottom, on ver- mflion and black lac ; on the inside a long-tafled tortoise . . 19 ^ 1382. Circular Box ; decorated partly with kiri crests on nashiji, pardy with autumn flowers on a black ground . . . . . \g c 1383. N.A.TSUME. — With cranes in medallions of various coloured gold on gold. s. Nagatoyo . . . . . . . .191: 1384. JiJ-KOGO. — Decorated with diaper patterns in black on gold ground, and the cover with flowers in gold on gyobu . . . \g c 1385. Box in the shape of a drum ; decorated with Ho-wo bird, clouds, and kiri in gold and many coloured lacs on gold . . . 19 ^ 1386. Ju-KOGO. — Octagonal ; decorated with a view of the early blossom ing of the clematis in Nagara in gold on gold . . . . 19 c" 1387. Box in the form of the oudines of three open fans, decorated with flowers, landscapes, and birds in gold on gold . , . . \g c PLATE XXIX. LACQUER. 1. No. 1261, Box. 2. No 1256, Kogo. 3. No. 1252, Kogo. Miscellaneous Articles. 105 1388. Box in the shape of a helmet ; decorated in gold and colours, and with the Tokugawa crest on gold ; containing a tray decorated with a general's war fan and saihai (baton of commandment) in gold and silver on green gold . . . . . . . 19 ^ 1389. Circular Bo.x ; decorated with cards . . . . \g c 1390. Ju-KOGO. — Decorated with autumn plants in gold and colours on black and nashiji . . . . . . . . \g c 1391. Round Cake Box ; decoration, cherry and pine trees and waterfall on a mountain side, in gold on gyobu. . . . . . \g c 1392. Ju-kogo. — In the shape of three intersecting circles ; decorated with flowers in gold on nashiji . . . . . . .191: 1393. Jtj-KOGO. — In the shape of two boxes intersecting one another; one decorated with landscape at the top and iris and swallows on the side, the other with wistaria at the top and diapers at the side ; containing a tray decorated with a kiku hedge ; gold and colours on gold . . . . . . . . . .19^ 1394. Kashiki. — In the shape of a jar with a cloth covering the stopper and upper portion ; decorated with autumn plants, the cloth with cranes, in gold on gold . . . • . . • . \g c 1395. Kogo. — In the shape of a knot ; with flowers in gold on a togi dashi mokum6 ground ^9 ^' 1396. A box in compartments, in the shape of five square boxes ; decorated on the top with landscapes and diapers, on the side with moun tainous landscapes with the wild cherry in bloom . . . ig c 14 io6 Lacquer — • 1397. Kogo. — Decorated with plum blossom in gold, and containing two smaller boxes in the shape of books, decorated with floral and diaper designs, and a tray with a mountainous landscape . . \g c 1398. Kogo. — Decorated with a cherry tree, from which hangs a paper inscribed with a poem, in gold on mokume. Inside are two smaller boxes, decorated with bunches of flowers . . 19 ^ 1399. Kogo ; decorated with peony and the crest of the Yanagisawa family ; containing a tray and six small boxes decorated with a fan, cage, plants, etc., being subjects from the Genji Monogatari ; in gold on nashiji . . . . . . . . . \g c 1400. Box in the shape of two intersecting plum blossoms ; the lid deco rated with dragons in gold and colours on gyobu, the sides with plum blossoms in gold on black . . . . . . . 19 ^ I401. Cake bowl ; decorated with the Sho-chiku-bai in gold on nashiji, with a six-star crest on the cover . . . , . . 19 ^ 1402. Natsume. — Inlaid with dragons in mother-of-pearl on gold lac . 19 c 1403. Fuyesashi. — Flute case of Guri lac. .y. Zokoku . . , . 19 ^ 1404. A cup stand of black lac ; decorated with insects and bamboo in gold hiramakiye . . . . . . . . \g c 1405. A cup and saucer of black lac with a scarlet interior to the cup, and silver mounts . . ... ... 19 ^ 1406. ToKURi. — Brown lac with an incised design . . .191; 1407. Mushikago.— Insect cage of red and black lac and bamboo . . 19 ^ 1408. Box in the form of a flower, with chrysanthemums in gold togidashi on black, and an inscription . . , , ^ , 19 ^ PLATE XXX. LACQUER. 1. No. 1248, Perfume Box (Kiyara-bako). Lid only. 2. No. 1422, Box. Lid only. .«!.- ill ' Miscellaneous Articles. 107 1409. Ju-KOGO. — Sexagonal ; decorated with various plants in gold and colours on red . . . . . . . . . . ig c 141O. Kogo. — ^Decorated with rats and fans in black and gold on gold . ig c 1411. JtJ-KOGo. — Decorated with a mountain view including cherry trees in bloom, in gold on black . . . . . . . . ig c 1412. Box in the form of two intersecting ones ; one decorated with cherry trees in bloom, the other with a peacock and hen, in gold on gold 19 c 1413. Box in the shape of the ship of good fortune, with the treasures, tortoises, cranes, etc., in gold on gold . . . ig c 1414. Box in the form of intersecting cards ; decorated with geese, illustrated on ^ ^ . . Plate 2"], No. i. plants by a stream, a bridge, etc., in gold and coloured lacs 19 c 1415. Box with drawers, on a stand ; decorated with diaper patterns in gold and coloured lacs . . . . . . . \g c 1416. Ju-KOGO. — Decorated with plants in gold on black . 19 ^ I417. Box containing a tray and two smaller boxes ; decorated with a landscape with house in gold on gold . . • . . 19 ^ 1418. Kogo. — In gold lacquer with tray and two boxes ; with chrysanthe mums and plants outside on a folded paper, and with a ground work of mother-of-pearl gyobu. Fujisan and landscape on tray . \g c I419. Kogo. — In the shape of a drum, with dragons and the tomoye crest of the Arima famfly in gold . . • . . \g c 1420. Kogo. — -Kidney-shaped perfume box ; decorated with a mountain ous view, with clouds in gold ; the interior containing a tray with plum blossom and kiku crest in gold and colours on gyobu . . ig c io8 Lacquer — 1421. A sake jar in the shape of a drum on a stand ; decorated at the ends with shishi in gold, and on the round with mokume lac. A Shojo (see 213) climbs up to the top . . . . . . \g c 1422. An oblong box with tray : decorated with children rolling a snow ball, and the kikko (tortoise-shell) diaper irregularly dispersed piate-y>,No.2. over the surface. The interior has sparrows and snow-laden bamboos in gold and silver on nashiji . . . . . \g c 1423. JtJ-KOGO. — In the shape of two intersecting square ones; one decorated on the top and sides with a mountainous landscape and waterfall in gold and silver, and the other on the top and sides with long-tafled tortoises, in a stream in gold on nashiji . . \g c 1424. Box in the shape of a flower with autumn plants in black on gold . \g c 1425. Kagami-no-su. — Mirror case ; decorated on the outside of lid with figure of Hotei sleeping beside his bag ; on the inside with two children trying their strength . . . . . ig c 1426. Kashiki. — Cake box boldly carved with various kinds of vegetables, and lacquered in red . . . . . . . . 19 ^ 1427. Kogo. — Chrysanthemums in gold lac on black wood. Silver lacquer interior . . . . . . . . . . . \g c 1428. Tabako-bon. — Gold and black lacquer and silver mounts, decorated with ten medallions of landscapes . . . . . . 19 ^ 1429. Sake bottle. A carved figure of a shojo (see No. 213) ; decorated with red and gold lacs . . . . . . . . 18 ^ 1430. Sake bottle. A similar figure supporting a large jar . . \8 c 1431. Sake bottle. A carved figure of Ebisu (see No. 119), with a fishing-rod and fish; decorated with various coloured lacs . \8 c 1432. Kogo. — Paulownia leaves, ferns, etc., in gold on red . . . 18 c j\Liscellaneous Articles. 109 1433. Sage-ju. — In four principal divisions, fitting together and held in place by grooves and the handle ; decorated with landscapes on the sides and diapers in green lac, in imitation of cloisonne round the top and ends . . . . , . . ig c 1434. Box in the shape of a figure leaning on a large sake cup, on which are inscribed characters signifying contentment . . ig c 1435. Ko-DANSU. — A cabinet of oblong form containing four drawers, one with a cover ; the whole decorated within and without with a design of two intersecting diapers, one of Chidori on the waves, the other of autumn plants on a rich gyobu ground, with handle and mounts of silver dragons. Said to have been made at Kyoto by the lacquerer to the Emperor's court . . . 1 7 t 1436. Jisshu-ko-Bako. — With the various implements and articles, in cluding the writing box, for the Perfume Game : in three compartments. Decorated with open and closed fans in gold and coloured takamakiye on large grained nashiji. The rivet of the fans in silver „ . . . . . . • -17^ 1437. Wall tablet ornamented with a bow and arrows in arrow case in gold and coloured lacquers on black : with the kaklpan of Ritsuo . . .... . . 18 <; PART IV. £)b)ect2? in ®ctaL DIVISION A. ^tDorDs anD ^tootD amounts. %toorD.s. HE Japanese sword claims the attention of the collector, not only for the variety of customs of a more than usually interesting character which ceremonies and fashion have connected with it, but also on account of the attention which every part of it has received at the hands of the artists in metal-work. Whilst its blade for temper and keenness stands unrivalled, the decorative treatment which has been bestowed upon what is termed its furniture cannot be surpassed for variety or ingenuity. The various metals, too, which have been employed, and the numberless changes in them which the artisan has effected by alloys and surface pickling, have called forth the admiration of the metallurgists of every country. The wearing of the sword was a privilege to which only those of a certain rank attained, and as fashions have existed for several hundred years by which not only two swords were worn, but their colour and form varied upon different occasions, it is not surprising that a large number have come down to us. An edict was passed in 1877 forbidding in future the wearing of swords, and it is calculated that not less than two millions of people then laid down PLATE XXXI. OBJECTS IN METAL. Four Swords. 1. No. 1480. 2. No. 148 1. 3. No. 1494. I^. No. 1487. 7 7 Ob/ects in Metal 1 1 1 for ever a weapon which a fev,- months before they would less willingly have parted with than with their lives. Amongst the various kinds of swords are tachi, the slung sword or large sabre ; katana and ivakizashi, the pair of usually worn swords, one three and the other about two feet in length ; and the aikuchi, or dagger without a guard. The furniture of the sword consists of the scabbard {saya), the hilt {tsitka), the ferule {fuchi), which surrounds it, the pommel {kashira), the guard {tsuba), a knife which is inserted in the scabbard, with its handle {kozuka), a skewer {kogai), and a cleat {kurikata) on the scabbard for the sageo ; there is also the ferule at the end {kojiri), and small ornaments at either side of the hilt {menuki). 1479- 1480.1481. 1482.1483. 1484. 1485. Katana. — With stamped leather sheath, and the tsuba and mountings in champlevd enamel . . . . . \6 c Wakizasiii. — With sheath of cherry wood, with tsuba and ornaments of champlev^ enamel . . . . . . ij c Wakizashi — The scabbard of rattan, the mountings of champleve enamel ..... . ... Aikuchi. — The scabbard and mounts of ivory, with cloisonne decorations ..... . . Wakizashi. — Scabbard red and black lac, imitating wood grain ; mounts shibuichi, with quafls and millet seed in various metals ; fuchi signed Issai Tomei. Blade signed Kaneyasu of Mino . Wakizashi. — Black lacquer scabbard imitating wood grain, decorated with fish, crabs, etc. ; mounts of various metals, with designs of lobsters ; tsuba, with kiri crests on nanakoji. Kozuka and kogai depicting battle scenes, and signed Goto Mitsuyo .... Wakizashi. — Black lac scabbard imitating the bark of a tree, ornamented with a snake in shibuichi, and bronze mounts, with various coloured cloisonne. The tsuba, kozuka, and fuchi- kashira of iron and enamels. s. Hirata (Donin) Illustrated on Plate 3r, No. I. Illustrated on Plate 31, 17^ 18 C 18 C 17 e 1 1 2 Objects in Metal. i486. Aikuchi. — Scabbard black lac, mounts silver and shakudo with design of Fuji-san, a dragon, and a Shishi ; the tsuba of mokume ..... . . . . \8 c Illustrated on 1487. AiKucHi. — Scabbard of wood carved with plum-blossoms, s. Masa- PlateT,\,No.\. ^ ' . -^ tsugu ; the mounts shibuichi, incised with plum-blossom, s. Goto Hokio Ichijo. Kozuka, with wooden handle with perforated ivory panel . . ... . . . ig c 1488. Kazaritachi. — Dress sword. Scabbard of Nashiji lac, decorated with Tokugawa crests in gold. Mounts of shibuichi, with crests in bronze on nanakoji. i'. Yukimitsu . . . 19 ^ [Nanakoji is the name given to a surface worked into small dots in imitation of fishes' roe. It was much affected by the Gotos.] 1489. Wakizashi. — Short sword, mounted with iron ; hilt, shark skin (samegawa) (see No. loi i) ; sheath, snake skin lacquered ; tsuba, iron ; monkey watching a butterfly, by Juko ; Kozuka handle, a monkey, by Sunagawa Masanori, after a drawing by Tsu Jimpo, dated 1 788 ; kozuka blade by Kuniteru ; kurikata and menuki, monkeys; kojiri, dragon and plant . .... 18 ^ 1490. Wakizashi. — Short sword, decorated with metal ornaments of fishes and shells. Sheath, lacquer imitating stone ; tsuba, a lobster on nanakoji, by Konkwan ; fuchi-kashira by Shozui ; kozuka blade by Kahemitsu ; Kozuka handle and kogai by Yasukuni . . . . . . . . . . . 18 c 1491. Katana. — A sabre, decorated with a silver dragon, views of Fuji, etc. Sheath, black lacquer, with silver mountings ; kozuka by Osaki Gengobei . . . . . ig c 1492. A miniature sword ; the sheath of black lacquer, and the hflt of metal and shark skin (Samegawa). (See No. loii) . 19 c 1493. A pair of swords in scabbards of rubbed and lacquered shark skin (Samegawa-nuri). Signed Sukesada of Bizen , . . 18 ^ Swordnioiinfs — Tsubas. 1 1 3 1494. A short sword signed Toshiharu, with a sheath ornamented with illustrated on maple and other leaves of various coloured lacs ; the tsuba, etc., ^"^ ^¦ of bronze ; the kozuka signed Nagatsugu . . 18 c 1495. A large sword in a lacquer and leather scabbard. The mount ings of shibuichi, with plum-blossoms, spider's web, etc. s. Katsuko . . . . . 18 c ^tDommountg— Csutjag. 1506. Shakudo. — Dragons in clouds in relief on nanakoji . . ig c 1507. Iron. Kanzan, Jittoku, and tiger in relief. 5". Chokuziji . 18 c 1508. Iron. Children watching a cock fight ; in relief j'. Eisho 19^ 1509. Copper. A procession of rats ; incised and incrusted with various metals, s. Jogetsusai Hiroyoshi . . . . . 18 c 1510. Iron. Chfldren, butterflies, an ox, and flowers, incrusted in various metals, s. Mitsukuni . . . . . . . 18 ^ 151 1. Iron. A pair ; war fan and whip in various metals 191: 1512. Iron. Chinese sages in various metals . . ig c 1513. Iron. Narihira gazing at Fujisan 19 <^ 1514. Iron. Shaka, and creeping plants in copper . . 19 ^ 1515. Sentoku. — Herons on a lotus pond incrusted in silver. .s". From a design of Joki by Otsuki Mitsuhiro . . . 18 c [Sentoku is a soft yellow bronze, of which the component parts are about 72 per cent, of copper, 13 per cent, of zinc, 8 per cent, of tin, and 6 per cent, of lead.] 1516. Sentoku pierced. — Daruma. s. Shozui 15 18 c 1 1 4 Objects in ULctal. 1517. .Sentoku. — A Corean hunter about to loose his hawk at a crane. s. Hozui . . \8 c 1518. Iron pierced. A shrine supported by two dragons . , 18 c 1519. Iron. Cranes on shakudo . ,19 c 1520. Shakudo. — A flower carriage in relief on nanakoji . . 18 ^ 1521. Sentoku. — Kanzan and Jittoku incised, .v. Issando Joi 18 c 1522. Sentoku. — Cryptomeria trees and stream, in relief s. Shochi- kudo Nagahiro . . 18 <: 1523. Sentoku. — The thunder god (see No. iii) frightening a coolie. .y. Hamano Kozui ... . . . ig c 1524. Iron. Cherry blooms, incrusted in gold and silver. s. Omori Hidemitsu . . . . . . . . \8 c 1525. Sentoku. — A Chinaman on an elephant watching a waterfall ; incrusted in shakudo. .t. Shozui . . . . . . 18 c 1526. Sentoku. — Plum bloom in relief . . . . . . 18 c 1527. Iron. A flight of cranes in gold . . . . . . . 18 e 1528. Iron. A pair, with battle scenes in perforated work, gilt, and inlaid. .5-. Soheishi Niudo Soten, of Hakone, Omi . . . \8 c 1529. Iron. Kwan-u (see No. 266), chased and incrusted in shakudo, copper, etc. .y. Senhosai, dated 1848. 1530. Iron. Convolvuli, incrusted in brass . . . . ig e 1531. Sentoku. — Gentoku, Kwan-u, and Chohi, in a peach garden (see No. 266) ; incised and incrusted in shakudo. .r. Kuzui , 18 ^ Swordnioiiiits — Fuchi-kashiras — Menukis — Kozukas. i i 5 1532. Sentoku. — Daikoku posing as the god of the winds (see No. 119); incrusted in shakudo. jr. Hiroyasu , , 18 c 1533' Sentoku and Shibuichi. — A fisherman at work by moon light with cormorants ; incrusted in shakudo, copper, gold, and other metals, .y. Hiroyoshi . 18 c 1534. Iron. With pierced design of cherry spray 18 c 1535. Brass. With kiku and mantis on imitation of basket work . 18 c 1536. Shibuichi. — Kappa (see No. 244) with a hat, in a shower of rain ; on the reverse, cherry bloom falling . . 18 c ^tootDmounts— Jfuc[)i=feas!)iras. 1567. Shakudo. — Gilt dragon in relief on nanakoji . . 18 c 1568. Shakudo. — Carpenters at work ; in various metals on nanakoji 18 c 1569. Shakudo. — Shaka on an ox, a sickle, and bundle of firewood, on nanakoji. jr. Renjo , 18 ^ ^tDorDmounts— a^enufeis. 1580. A pair, in the shape of masks of the goddesses of mirth in sflver. .y. Shozui . 18 c ^tuotDmounts— Eo^ufeas. 1581. Iron. Heron on tree, in silver .... . 17;; 1582. Iron. Geese and reeds, in copper and silver, etc. . . 17 t 1 1 6 Objects in Metal. 1583. Iron. Shells in gilt and shakudo . . . . .171: 1584. Iron. A dragon . . ^7^ 1585 Iron. Peony flower . ¦ . . • .17 c 1586 Iron. Chinaman and tiger 17^ 1587. Iron. The Seven Sages of the Bamboo Grove . . . 17^ 1588. Iron. Oxen i7^ 1589. Iron. An arrow to which a despatch has been affixed and sent; silver and gold . . . • . . . • . \8 c 1590. Sentoku. — Birdcatcher . . . • . . \8 c 1591. Red copper. Shells . 18 ^ 1592. Sentoku. — A crane flying to a stream . . . . . 18 ^ 1593. Red copper. Long arms and long legs. (See No. 200) . . \8 c 1594. Sentoku. — Incised diapers . . . . . . \8 c 1595. Shibuichi. — Daikoku and Ebisu as New Year's dancers. (See No. 119) . . ...... \8 c 1596. Shakudo. — Fan, in relief on nanakoji . . \8 c 1597. Iron. Snail on bean pod, in shibuichi, shakudo, and silver . \8 c 1598. Shakudo. — Hawk on a tree in relief and incrusted in various metals on nanakoji. j. Mundaki . . . \8 c 1599. Copper. Arrows, in relief on mottled ground . . . \8 c 1600. Shakudo. — Fujisan amidst clouds with flying geese, on nanakoji 18 c Szvordtiiounts — Kozukas. 1 1 7 160I. Iron. An insect . . 18 ^¦ 1602. Iron. Peony and bird; silver and gilt 18c 1603. Shakudo. — Crane and temple entrance (Torii) ; shakudo on nanakoji . . . jg ^ 1604. Shakudo. — -Cock, rat, and rice-pods, on nanakiji. jr. Bairinsai 18 c 1605. Shibuichi. — Fish and seaweed, s. Tomonaga 18 c 1606. Sentoku. — Rabbit and moon 18 c 1607. Shibuichi. — Toba and boy, in various metals 18 e 1608. Shibuichi. — Shoki (see No. 218) as a Rakan or Saint, emitting demons from a gourd, j.". Hosetsusai Shoju . 181; 1609. Shibuichi. — Cluster of shells on nanakoji. s. Hidetoki 18 c 1610. Sentoku. — Torii. s. Nara Toshimitsu 18 c 161 1. Shakudo. — A Rakan. j-. Sekijoken Motonari 18 c 1612. Shibuichi. — A sage followed by a boy with a roll, crossing a bridge, s. Hironaga . 18 t 1613. Shakudo. — A tortoise. . .18,; 1614. Shakudo.— A bird-catcher with pole, on nanakoji 18 c 1615. Sentoku. — Sparrow, and basin, and cage . 18 c 1616. Shakudo. — Shi-shi, on nanakoji . . 18 c 1617. Shibuichi. — Dragon amidst waves ¦ . 18 <; 1618. Sentoku. — A gourd plant . . • . . 18 c 1 1 8 Objects in Metal. 1619. Iron. Birds and willow tree . , \8 c 1620. Shij!Uichi. — Mask, box, and flute 18 c 162 1. Copper. A festal scene with a caricature of the Gods of Good Fortune . . . , , . . \8 c 1622. Shibuichi. — Hotei, Daikoku, and Ebisu. s. Naokage . \8 c 1623. Sentoku. — Waves, s. Teruhide , . \8 c 1624. Copper. Hotei, on nanakoji. s. Iwamato Konkwan. \8 c 1625. Copper. Head of Oni pierced by a sword, on nanakoji 18 c 1626. Shakudo. — Chfldren with snowball, on nanakoji . 1627. Copper. Rabbits 1628. Sentoku. — Swallows in rainstorm 1629. Iron. Thunder and lightning , 18 ^ 1630. Mokume. — A bundle of bamboo shoots; gold 18^ 1631. Shibuichi. — Fukurokuju. (See No. 119) . . ,191; 1632. Shibuichi. — Nio. (See No. 19) . . \g c 1633. Shibuichi. — Sasaki Takatsuna crossing the Uji. (See No. 969). 19 c 1634. Shibuichi. — Dragon . , . \g c 1635. Copper. Uzume. (See No. i) . . . . . ig c 1636. Red copper and shibuichi. Dragon amidst waves . .191; 1637. Shibuichi. — A Corean and monkey . . jq ^ 18 c 18 c 18 c PART lY. DIVISION B. Miscellaneous Dbiects in 8@etal. 1668. Rouge case in form of a swordguard, decorated with plum blossoms, and bird in various metals in relief on gilt ground . \g c 1669. Sumi-tsubo and Niku-ire. — Cases for ink and inkpad, of brass and silver, with lotus in relief , . . 18 c 1670. MizuiRE. — Bronze waterpot, in the shape of a sake jar ; orna mented with Shojos (see No. 213) dancing, in different metals. .f. Yoshinori . . 19 c 1671. Yat.yte. — Portable inkstand ; decorated with diapers in silver on iron, with a circular wood box for pad . 18 ^ 1672. Yatate. — Portable inkstand of copper ; with autumn plants and butterfly incised and incrusted in gold and silver, .c Onigashima Okio. (Also under 658) . . 19 c 1673. Silver ornament, with a perforated design of clouds, waves, cranes, and tortoise . . 1 9 <" 1674. KoRO. — Incense burner. Sentoku, sexagonal in form, incised with plant forms, and with six shakudo panels having flowers in relief . . .... 19 ir- 119 I20 Miscellaneous Ob/ects in Metal. 1675. Panel with silver chain attached, with Daikoku and Ebisu in relief A jeweller's touchstone with solid gold plaque in front jr. Kwansai 1676. ^lizuiRE. — Bronze waterpot, in the shape of a dragon 1677. A^'aterpot, circular, bronze, with dragon and waves in relief 1678. Okimono. — Bronze. Crane on a rock 1679. Articulated lobster. Bronze 18 c 18 c \8c \8c 19 c 1680. Hanging lamp in four pieces ; bronze, decorated with creepers. jr. Nakao Mundsada . . \8 c 1681. KoRO. — Incense burner revolving in a round outer case ; per forated with plants and diaper pattern. Bronze . \8 c 1682. Sentoku. — Water ketde, incised with plants . \g e 1683. Pair of candlesticks in the form of cranes, on the back of tortoises, and holding lotus leaves in their beaks. Bronze . 18 ^ 1684. Okimono. — Kwannon on the trunk of a tree, with a dragon in the clouds; on a stand with four feet. Bronze, jr. Jo-un . 18c 1685. Incense burner in the shape of a Shishi ; decorated with diapers damascened in gold and silver . . . . . \8 c 1686. H.vnaike. — Flower vase ; decorated with Shishi in relief and as handles. Bronze ... . . . \8 c 1687. Sake kettle with long spout ; decorated with dragon in relief Bronze . . 18 r 1688. Abumi. — Pair of stirrups ; decorated with plants and diapers inlaid in gold ; the inside with shell and a dragon fly in perforated work. Iron . . . . \8 c Miscellaneous Objects in Metal. i 2 i 1689. Group of tortoises. Bronze 1690. Group of tortoises. Bronze 169I. Articulated lobster. Iron 18 c 1692. Shinto bell. Bronze ... 1699. Hanaike. — Flower vase he.xagonal in shape, decorated with birds and plants, and a cicada as handle (? Chinese) 18 c 18 c 18 c 1693. Pair of high candlesticks, with ash holders, in perforated work, with dragon. Bronze . . . . . . i'j c 1694. KoRO. — Incense burner in the form of a seated Shishi 17 t 1695. Suzuri-bako. — Writing case with a Shishi in repousse on the cover, lacquered in the interior with sflver gyobu, the inkstone carved with a mythical animal in the waves. Water vessel bronze . . . . . . . . . ig c 1696. Small temple gong with a decoration of winged figures in the clouds, and stars in panels ..... 18 r 1697. Candlestick decorated with cranes and winged figures ; the feet formed of demons' heads , . , , . . 19 c- 1698. Pair of candlesticks pierced with design of creeping plants 18 c 18 c 1700. Hanaike. — Flower vase of cylindrical form, with a ring decorated with a butterfly, plants, and three bands of key pattern . 18 ^ 1701. Pair of candlesticks pierced and decorated with kiri and plants. 18 c 1702. Koro. Pair of incense burners in the form of a cock and hen. 19 c 16 122 Miscellaneous Objects in Metal. 1703. Hanaike. — Pair of flower vases with stands, on feet ; carved with dragons by Shokwaken . . . . . . 18 ^ 1704. Hanaike. — Flower vase of hexagonal shape with diamond pattern . . . \g c 1705. Koro. — Incense burners ; a set of three carp with a stamped character signifying "dragon," and a phrase meaning "patience and perseverance" ¦ . 18 ^r 1706. Two bowls and saucers ; decorated with Ho-wo birds, Kiri flowers, and diapers in various colours . . . . \8 c 1707. Bowl ; the interior of which is decorated with a Ho-wo surrounded with flowers and diapers, and the exterior with flowers and diapers, all in varied colours . . . \8 c 1708. Plate; decorated with a dragon and different coloured patterns . 18 <; 1709. Pair of jars ; decorated with flowers and diapers in various colours . . . . . 18 ^ 171O. Small dish ; decorated with Shishi and diapers in various colours 18 c 1711. Okimono. — Brass. A landscape with sunrise ; a peasant poling a boat, and passengers waiting at the ferry, s. Masachika . 19 ^ 1712. Bronze vase inscribed with characters signifying long life and good fortune. On three feet of elephant heads. 5. Seimin . 18^ 1713. Bronze Koro of a carp on a stand representing waves, s. Kame of Nagasaki (a female artist) . . . .18^ 1714. Tea ceremony set ....... ig c Miscellaneous Objects in Metal. [ 2- 1715. Bronze statue of Sutoku Tenno, Emperor of Japan (1124 — ii4i)> fully armed with bow, arrows, and sword. Inscribed Kamakura Ono Goroyemon ; Kencho Shichi Nen San Gatsuie. Made by Ono Goroyemon, of Kamakura, in the 3rcl month of the 7th year of Kencho (a.d. 1255), on a stand. (Query copy of the original.) ... . . ... Metal Workers. PART V. DIVISION A ^fjrines C^usljis). 1764. Nashiji lac, with chased metal mounts, containing Amida seated on a lotus flower, and two attendants, one Maritchi on a boar, the other on a horse .... . . . 17 t 1765. Smafl black lac, with chased metal mounts, containing an illumina tion of Buddha on a blue ground and the Tokugawa crest . .18^ 1766. Black lac with metal mounts, containing a carved wooden figure of Amida on a lotus . , . . . 18 c 1767. Nashiji lac in the form of a lotus bud containing two manifesta tions of Kwannon; in carved wood (see H. J. 45) . . 18 c 1768. Black lac with doors back and front, disclosing three grains of rice, carved in the similitude of deities. From the Hamilton Palace Collection . , . . ... 18 ^ 1769. Ivory, containing a figure of Buddha in gold. i". Riukei 18 c 124 PART V. DIVISION B. Ranging Pictures (ffiialiemonos). 1778. The death of Buddha, in colours, on silk 18 c 1779. Buddhist deities, in colours, with gold ground, on paper 18 c 1780. Monkeys on a pine tree, by Sosen ; in monochrome, on paper (1746 — 1821) . . . \8 c 1781. Monkeys on a maple tree, by Sosen, in monochrome, on paper (1746 — 1821) , . 181; 1782. Sparrows on a snow-covered tree ; in monochrome, on paper 18 c 1783. Sages playing draughts under a pine tree ; monochrome, on paper 18 c 1784. Winter; ducks in a stream ; monochrome, on paper 18 c 1785. Flying geese, in colour, on paper . . . 18 ^ 1786. Birds-eye View of Yedo ; with a key ; in colours, on paper . . 18 c 1787. Daikoku and his bale, in colour, on paper. School of Hokusai 19 c 1788. Cock and hen, in colours, on paper . . 19 <: "5 1 26 LLangmg Pictures {Kakemonos). 1789. A carp swimming, in colours, on paper . 19 c 1790. Kaminari and Futen, the Thunder and Wind Gods, watching Buddha, in colours, on paper . \g c 1791. Monkeys with horse. School of Sosen, in colours, on paper 19 c The Art Crities. PART y. DIVISION C. (JEmtiroiDeries (jTuKusas, ere). 1821. FuKus.v : Pheasants and flowers ; in gold and colours on blue silk 18 r [.V Fukusa is a square or oblong piece of embroidery used for covering a present.] 1822. Fukusa. — Cock on drum, and hen ; in g^old and colours, on rose- pink silk . . . . . . 18 c 1823. Fukusa. — Oshikio riding on a crane and holding a makimono (see No. 159) ; in gold and colours on blue sflk . . . . 18 c 1824. Fukus.v figure and flowers, after a design by Buncho ; in white and colours on black silk . . ... . 19 ^ 1825. Fukusa. — Hawk on a screen under a pine tree ; in gold and colours on blue silk . . . .... 18 c 1826. Fukusa. — Shiba Onko breaking the jar (see No. 280) ; in gold and colours on blue silk , . . 18 r 1827. Fukusa. — Butterfly dancers, a drum, tent, etc. ; in gold and colours on blue silk . ... 18 r 1828. FuKUS.Y. — Shojo and Sake jar (see No. 213) ; in gold and colours on blue silk ... . . . 18 c 1829. Fukusa. — Chinese figures on a bridge ; in gold and colours on rose-pink silk . . . . . 18 c 1-7 I2J Embroideries {Fukusas, etc.). 1830. Fukusa. — A drum, tent, maple tree, etc. ; in gold and colours on pale blue silk ... .... 1831. Fukusa. — Cranes by a stream ; in white and colours on blue sflk . 1832. Fukusa. — A Shinto temple at Sumiyoshi, near Osaka, in various coloured threads on blue silk ...... 1833. Fukusa. — Painted and embroidered with cho- noshi (a paper folded in the form of a butterfly and a symbol of a complimentary present), pine, bamboo, plum, cranes, tortoise, and diapers, in various colours . . . . 1834. Piece of silk embroidered with flowers of various colours 1835. Silk pocket wallet (Kwaichu), with metal clasp, embroidered with plants and flowers in various colours ...... 18 c 18 c 18 c 19 c 19 c 18 c Embroiderers at Work, PLATE XXXII. COMBS. 1. No. 1879. ^. No. 1899. 3. No. 1856. ^. No. 1863. B. No. t88i. 6. No. 1871. 7. No. 1885. 8. No. \i PART V. DIVISION D. Comtis (l^usbis) anD hairpins (Ean^aslJis). Combs. 1856. Ivory : with a wood and malachite stand, decorated with flowers illustrated on and birds in gold lac and mother-of-pearl, and clouds in per forated work. .s". Giokusai, sealed Toku . 18 c 1857. Ivory : a peacock and hen under a pine tree . ig c 1858. Tortoiseshell : cherry bloom in gold and silver lacquer 181; 1859. Lacquer : peony and iris flowers in gold 1 8 c i860. Lacquer : a pair, kiku flowers in gold 18 c 1861. Lacquer : artists' seals in gold and colours, .f. Banreisei 18 c 1862. Lacquer : faggots and a sake bottle beside a waterfall . ig c 1863. Lacquer : birds, flowers, and figures in gold and coloured lacs, and piate''i2Nc pearl on black . . . ig c 1864. Lacquer : open and closed books on a grass-sown ground, in gold and colours, with incrusted coral on a black ground . . 18 r 1865. Lacquer : carp in a stream . . . . . . ig c 1866. Lacquer : landscapes and plum trees in gold and black . . . ig c 129 17 Oil Plate -^2. No. 4. 130 Combs {Kushis). 1867. Lacquer : sparrow and bamboo on gold lac and incrustations of shell, coral, etc. . . . 18 ^ 1868. Lacquer ; a fan, pouch, ivory netsuke, and coral ojime, incrusted on gold . . . . . . . . . \g c 1869. Lacquer: diapers, in gold on black \g c 1870. Lacquer : birds on a cherry tree in gold 18 c Illustrated ori \%i\, Ivory : wistarla in gold, and coral incrustations 19 c Plate-i,2,No.(s. i J b ' -' 1872. Black lac : chrysanthemums, etc., in gold . ig c 1873. Gold lac : chrysanthemums in relief . \8 c 1874. Tsuishu lac : landscapes carved in relief over diaper ground \8 c 1875. Ivory, stained red : leaving decorations in white . 191; 1876. Ivory, stained red : leaving decorations of birds, bamboos, etc., in white. .?. Yoshio . . \g c 1877. Black lac: peony flowers and Shishi, inlaid with mother-of-pearl 18 c 1878. Gold lac: cranes flying towards moon . . 19 ^ Illustrated on 1879. Ivory : Ho flying over kiri tree in pierced work. s. Ikko . i8 6" PlateT,2,No.\. 1880. Gold lac : basket of shell fish and duck in raised work . . 19 ^ Illustrated on 1881. Ivorv : encrusted with flowers in mother-of-pearl and stained Plate 2,2, No.e,. C ^ ivories . . . . ig c 1882. Gold lac : landscape of Daijoji (Monastery) of Kaga , . ig c 1883. Ivory : Kiri crest, in pierced work, traced with gold . ig c 1884. Ivory: peaches, etc., in gold lac. s. Kousai , . . \g c PLATE XXXIII. VARIOUS LACQUER AND IVORY l-^IECES. 1. No. 2055. 2. No. 1309. 3. No. 1856. J+. No. 334. ¦-#.3SS^F'Hi»t: Combs {Kushis). 1885. Tortoiseshell : flight of birds and land.scape etched on a glass panel ... 1886. Gold lac : a set of three hair ornaments ; flight of cranes in relief on each. s. " Riugiokusai " 1887. Wood : with gold lac border, pierced with a landscape, and figures crossing a bridge. .s-. '¦ Kajikawa" 1888. Gold lac : the Sennin " Tekkai " exhaling a dwarf (see No. 149) .5". " Yaasan " . . . .... 1889. Gold lac : Chinese sages in bamboo grove, s. " Tenmin " , 1890. Deer horn, carved 189I. Wakasa lac : chrysanthemums in gold relief . [In Wakasa lac the pattern is made by impressing upon a soft paste such things as leaves of trees. When hard these are removed, and the impressions are filled with various materials which show the design. (See Burlington Fine Arts Cat., p. lix.)]. 1892. Ivory: creeping plant in gold relief s. "Kajikawa" . 1893. Dark ivory : flowers carved in mother-of-pearl in relief, and a poem incised, s. " Kokugai " . .... 1894. Various designs : rabbits, flowers, waves, etc., in gold and coloured lacs . . ... 1895. Gold and brown lac : plum flower and leaves in high relief . 1896. Black lac : pheasant, flowers, and male figures in coloured shell, inlaid, and millet in gold . 1897. Green lac : butterflies in gold 1898. Black lac : flowers and arabesques in red 1899. Tortoiseshell frame, with ivory panel ; Kiri badge and creepers in gold relief ... '31 18 19 c 18 c 19 c 10 c 18 c 19 c Illustrated on Plate yi, No. T. 18 C 18 C 18 C Illustrated on Plate 2,2, No.?>. Illustrated on Plateyi,No.7.. \8 C 1900. Dead gold lac : weeping willow and small birds in gold relief 132 Hairpins. 1901. Gold lac : two male and a female figure in gold relief s. " Shorin " 19 c Illustrated on 1902. Ivory : boat and other devices, in aold lac. s. " Yanagawa " . i8 r Plate 12, No. T,, ^ .' 'a o 1903. Kushidai. — Combstand, in the form of a stage for the No dancers, in natural wood ; decorated on the front with pine, plum, and bamboo, and on the back with a summer house in a garden ; all in gold lac , , 19 ^ l^airpins (Ean^asbis). 1934. Kogai : tortoiseshell ; gold and stained ivory . . \g c 1935. Kogai : black lac ; landscapes in gold . . 19 ^ 1936. Wood : gold lacquered ; in the shape of a bamboo stem, with a shell in shakudo for the head . . . . 1 7 r 1937. Wood : lacquered in gold, with an ivory peony flower for a head . 18 ^ 1938. A pair : wood, lacquered in gold, in the shape of a bamboo leaf and stem . ... 18 ^" 1939. Wood : gold lacquered ; in the shape of a lily leaf with flowers . 18 r 1940. Wood : gold lacquered ; in the form of an Aoi plant, with leaves 18 c 1941. Wood : gold lacquered ; with a head of ivory, wood, and bamboo 18 c 1942. Tortoiseshell with kiku flower, gold lacquered ; with a head of a bird flying across the moon . . . 18 c 1943. Shakudo : with kiku in gold lac ; and as a head a silver ball, with a sparrow and bamboo in perforated work , , 18 ^ 1944. Shakudo : with a shibuichi head in the shape of a badger 18 c PLATE XXXIV. LACQUER. Comb Stand (Kushidai), No. 1177. !^„L|^i,<-,. •v:-' ^.^.,^!i^- Jtj^ 158 • 275 . 581 301 282 iig, 124, 332, 143, 5Z2gg6 ¦ i6g, 1975 . gg6 262 . 301 ¦ 403 iig, 136, 146, 147 Fish, Dried 310 Fishsave 270 Fox girl 184 Fox, Nine-tailed 300 Fu-bako . p. i57> 166 Mokume . 1202 Rokubei ware ¦ p. 152 Momotaro 212 Rokurikubi 201 Monkey, Magical . 211 Ronins, Forty-seven 2 1 01, 2197 Monkeys, Three go6 Roraishi . . . . 274 Moso ¦ 26s Roshi 162, et seq : 171, et seq. Nanakaji 1488 Nanten 1022 Sage ju . p.