le University IN MEMORY OF Henry Peters Gray BY THE HON. CHARLES P. DALY J I z + ! PRINTED FOR THE -CENTURY' MDCCCLXXVUI. This book was digitized by Microsoft Corporation in cooperation with Yale University Library, 2008. You may not reproduce this digitized copy ofthe book for any purpose other than for scholarship, research, educational, or, in limited quantity, personal use. You may not distribute or provide access to this digitized copy (or modified or partial versions of it) for commercial purposes. IN MEMORY OF Henry Peters Gray THE HON. CHARLES P. DALY ¦ PRINTED FOR THE "CENTURY' MDCCCLXXVIII G. P. Putnam's Sons, Printers. 182 Fifth Avenue, N. Y Henry Peters Gray Hexry Peters Gray was born in the City of New York, on the 22nd of Februar)-, 1 8 19, and died in this city on the nth of November, 1877, aged 5g years. The life of Mr. Gray, apart from the con sideration of his works, embraces but few inci dents, and they may be briefly told. He was of English origin; the family from which he was descended, came to this country from En gland and settled in New Jersey, from whence, his father, George Gray, removed to the City of New York, and engaged in mercantile pur suits. At a very early age Mr. Gray exhibited a natural talent for the art in which he was after- 4 HEXR Y PETERS GRA Y. wards so distinguished, with a decided predilec tion for what became his leading characteristic, an intuitive feeling for color, and a knowledge of the means by which it can be made most effective. At an age when young artists are generally learning to draw, he painted portraits and small pictures in oil ; the latter, even as juvenile productions having so much merit, that he found a ready sale for them. His father recognizing his son's talent, and the vocation in life to which it pointed, so far from interposing any objection, did every thing in his power to assist and encourage him ; so that, instead of the difficulties and obstacles with which many artists have had to contend in their efforts to follow the profession to which their natural talents impelled them, his young life and early artistic career was one of un clouded sunshine and juvenile success. Such immediate recognition of the merits of a young artist is not always beneficial. It may, and frequently does beget over-confidence or HENRY PETERS GRAY. 5 a disposition to be content with what he can do, instead of striving for something better. Such, however, was not its effect upon Gray, for, from the beginning- of his artistic career, to the closing period of his life, he was always most laborious and conscientious in his endeav ors to attain to still greater excellence, and it has been said, would work for six months on a head or a figure, where another artist would devote but a few weeks. At the age of nineteen, he became a pupil of Mr. Huntington, who was but two vears his senior, and in the following year, 1S39, master and pupil, or to express it more nearly, the two young friends, went to Italy, where they passed a year, chiefly in Florence and Rome. Mr. Huntington returned the following year, but Gray continued a Year longer, and during his residence there, painted the three pictures known as "The Roman Girl," "The Billet Doux," and " Thou art Gone." About the year 1S43, he came back to this 6 HENRY PETERS GRAY. city and took rank immediately as one of the leading American artists. The period was an interesting one. A movement had begun which greatly enlarged the field of American art, and produced a number of young artists, whose subsequent rise and celebrity has given to the art of painting in this country its especial excellence and diversified character. Before the period referred to, there was com paratively little encouragement, except in por traiture, and the artists who were recognized as the leading ones in the country were portrait painters ; like Stuart, Peale, Jarvis, Sully, or Inman. Portrait painting is, it is true, a very high branch of the art, and has called forth a display of the fullest powers of the greatest masters ; but it will not of itself make a school of art. There were other painters, such as Trumbull, Allston, and Vanderlyn, who did something more than paint portraits ; they pro duced works of great merit ; but there were comparatively few to appreciate their efforts HENRY PETERS GRAY. J and fewer still to purchase such works as Trumbull's " Sortie from Gibraltar, " Allston's " Elijah," or Vanderlyn's " Ariadne." Trum bull after executing his historical pictures for the general government, had to fall back upon portrait painting. Allston achieved his reputa tion during a residence of seventeen years in England, and Yanderlyn acquired his in France, where he painted his greatest pictures, his " Ariadne," and his " Marius." Doughty, who painted small landscapes in an agreeable style, so much after the manner of Wilson and Gains borough, that they might readily be mistaken for representations of English scenery, was for many years the best and almost the only land scape painter in the country, and although he had considerable merit, he passed through a long life with but a ven- limited recognition, pecuniarily or otherwise. It is easily understood why portrait painting should flourish among a people rapidly rising in opulence. Why no other branch of art sue- 8 HENRY PETERS GRAY. ceeded is explained by the fact that the people who then affected a taste for art, and especially paintings, valued nothing but the productions of the old masters. Assuming a knowledge of the great schools of art and of the genuine works ofthe men that created them, these con noisseurs were supplied with rubbish or very indifferent pictures, represented to be the works of distinguished painters, which were collected from all parts of Europe, and sold at a well- known auction room on Broadway, that was maintained for many years, and where the lovers of the fine arts of that day gratified their taste and thought they showed their discrimi nation by the purchase of paintings that nobody in Europe would buy. There was also a permanent establishment which ministered to this taste, kept by Mr Michael Paff, in a small building in the block where the Astor House now stands, the en trance to which, over the doorway, was adorned by three cherubs in plaster, earnestly engaged HENRY PETERS GRAY. 9 in the arts of design ; and in the back room, variously arranged, so as to be" shown with the best effect, were the gems in which Mr. Paff dealt, who lived, during his life, in the agree able delusion that he was constantly picking up undoubted originals of great masters ; a de lusion which those who patronized him, shared and paid for. When Gray was ten years of age, a material change had been brought about in the public taste. Cole, the father of the American school of landscape painting had then been six years in New York. He had come to this country from England at an early age ; had been brought up in the Western wilds of Ohio, and coming with his father to settle in this city, the scenery of the Hudson River, and a casual visit to the Catskill Mountains, led to a representa tion of American landscape with a fidelity, originality and power, which was at once recog nized, and brought him numerous orders from men who could appreciate and feel the truth of IO HENRY PETERS GRAY. nature as he presented it. But Cole was not alone. Whilst he reproduced what was bold and most impressive in American landscape, Dur and, who very soon followed him, was equally successful in rendering the beauties of American pastoral scenery. Cole sought to transfer to his canvas the gorgeous tints of the American autumn ; to give those rugged outlines ot mountain and valley, which, in their sweeping effect are so characteristic of our scenery. Great breadth, luxuriance of foliage, and the general treatment of nature in her massiveness, were the distinguishing qualities of his pictures. Durand, on the other hand, excelled in pre senting nature in repose. In choosing the ma terials for landscape, he brought together what was calm and soothing ; the rippling brooks, the drooping trees, the rich green meadow, the quiet sheep, the gurgling waterfall, the stately elms, the distant vista, seen through the shim mer of the summer haze, marvellously rendered and the whole effect heightened by some noble HENR Y PETERS GRA Y. I I tree, prominent in the foreground of the pic ture. The annual exhibition of the Academy of Design, which before was little else than a dis play of the portraits, good, bad and indifferent, that had been painted during the year, and to which people went to look at and criticise the likenesses of their friends and acquaintances, had now a new interest imparted to it by the landscapes of Cole and Durand, and the faithful delineations of American rural life and man ners in the small genre pictures of Mount, the pioneer in that department of American art, in which our distinguished fellow-member, East man Johnson, has followed and surpassed him. This beginning in the true direction was fol lowed up in 1839, the year that Gray went abroad, by the establishment of the American Art Union, an institution which, during the thirteen years of its existence, disseminated a taste for art over every part-of the country, and gave to a large number of young and merit- 1 2 HENR Y PE TERS GRA Y. orious American artists, the most substantial kind of encouragement, by the purchase of their pictures for distribution ; — an institution which, after a hard struggle for existence in the ' OO beginning, had in the year 1849, 18,690 mem bers, and expended during that year in the pur chase of works of art, the large sum of $83,000. Gray was one of the meritorious young artists referred to. In 1844, the Art Union purchased his pic ture, "The Wages of War," for $1,200, the largest sum up to that time, which had ever been paid by the institution for the work of any artist. The same picture was purchased in 1872 for the Museum of Art in this city, for the sum of $5,ooo. After this picture was exhibited in the Art Union, Mr. Huntington wrote a discriminating and complimentary criticism upon it in the Evening Post. Gray, when he had seen the article, hastened to read it to his friend as a public recognition of the merits of his work, HENRY PETERS GRA Y. I 3 and Mr. Huntington finding that it gave him so much satisfaction, could not tell him, and never did, that he was the author of the article. During the four years of Gray's residence in Italy, he devoted himself with the greatest as siduity to the study of the old masters, particu larly the Venetian painters, and gave a great deal of his time to a very close study of the antique. Having a fine natural eye for color, deep artistic sympathy, and what is not always- united with artistic gifts — strong common sense ;. — he carefully investigated the principles upon which the Venetian painters worked, and by which they produced the luminous depth, warmth and harmony displayed in their works. The. practical character of his mind led him to study the reasons for such effects in art, and if he did not get at all the technical processes by which these Venetian painters made their works so uniformly agreeable in color ; he caught much of their spirit, effect and power, so that there is in his own productions, a force and 14 HENRY PETERS GRA Y. beauty, which makes it profitable for young American artists to study them, as reflecting at least, and to a certain extent illustrating, the methods of the great Venetian masters. What is here said will be readily recognized by all who have seen his picture, " The Apple of Discord," lately belonging to Mr. Olyphant, and exhibited at our last November monthly meeting : — a picture, beautiful in design and composition ; having much of the peculiar sim plicity of the old masters, and exhibiting a knowledge of form derived from Gray's close study of the antique. The coloring is Ven etian ; but the modelling, the rendering of the forms, is the result of his profound study ol Greek art ; and it may be remarked in passing, that it is not only one of his finest pictures, but one that will be classed amongst the best pro ductions of American art. His studies in Italy and perhaps the nature of his mind, impelled him to the choice of clas sical subjects in which he felt his strength, as HENRY PETERS GRA Y. IS subjects of this kind afforded scope for the full exercise of his thorough knowledge of the hu man form, and for producing a harmonious dis tribution of color, from the severe simplicity with which such subjects can be treated. So strong was this bent, so strong his desire for maturing his powers for the production of works of this description, that although his prospects in this city were then of the most flattering kind, he went again to Italy in 1845, to follow up his studies ; and remained there several years, during which he painted, amongst others, the three well known pictures : " Cupid Begging His Arrow," "Proserpine," "Bacchus," and "Teaching a Child to Pray." This devotion to the study of great models grew out of a conviction, that it was only by such means that high excellence in art could be attained, or in that line of art, in which he wished to excel ; and he has himself expressed his idea of the authority of the great masters as teachers, in an article contributed to The 1 6 HENRY PETERS GRAY. Leader, of St. Louis, in i855, at which period Gray passed a few months in that city, painting portraits. This letter to The Leader is so char acteristic of Gray, and expresses so strongly his theories of art-study, that we quote it liter ally and entirely. authority in art. "Young America is restive under authority. This is as observable among her followers of the fine arts, as it is characteristic of the general public. " I was reminded of the fact, while reading the corre spondence of the Crayon, (a new art journal published in New York,) and thinking what a wholesome influence that print might exert for Authority in Art. The writer says, (dating from Boston) ' Allston still lives here. He impresses me as much as the city itself does — fine and admirable when himself, but less so where built on by the reverence of other men. Great as be is as a colorist, he would have been greater still if he had not studied Titian, and if he had been governed more by his own great common sense perceptions, rather than his ideas of what the traditions of art required of him.' " Here we find authority entirely ignored — Allston's and Titian's ! If Allston is great as a colorist, is it not probable he used his powers to the best of his judgment HENRY PETERS GRAY. \J to become so ? And who knows that just the combina tion of intellectual forces which made the individuality of Allston, could have produced anything other than/«.r/ the works he left ? If he had changed an original style for Titian's, (or some other) a comparison might have been drawn between them, and if it was demonstrated that his own was superior, he might be convicted of bad judgment. But this was not the case. " Allston's style is Bolognese. His aim was to embody all the excellence of art, — Expression, Form, Color, Effect. " He studied Titian — every artist does — but his style was not Venetian — still less Titianesque. His light flickered. It was not the ' opalescent twilight ' glow of the golden Titian. Nor the noontide splendor, paling among the pearls of Veronese. Nor yet the roseate fresh ness of Stuart. But his works show clearly the weight these authorities had with him, and this is evidence of his ' great common-sense perceptions.' " If he was a great colorist — possessed of great common- sense perceptions — and has admitted and deferred to the authority of others, it may not be quite safe to question his ! " I do not know what the ' traditions of art ' require of us, but I am sure that the great truths of art, as they have been presented to us, require acknowledgment. And they have it. " Every soul that can feel the truth and beauty of warm, luminous, diffused light, and the full-toned har mony of color, is irradiated by the glowing canvas of Titian. 1 8 HENRY PETERS GRAY. " Every heart sensible to the sway of gentle lines and ineffable expression, catches a diviner grace as it yields to Raphael's ' Certa idea.' The Pagan chisel is the sculptor's law. The Christian pencil is the painter's dream. Every scjiool is an authority — every reader a law-giver. " Authority in whatever relation, is a matter of mo ment. He who has never investigated its relation to the pursuit which he follows, is at least ill-trained. He may find it a good staff acceptable after weary leagues of toil, and when perchance he discovers himself to be in the wrong path. " Those luminous minds who have interpreted heavenly truth and its relation to the wants of the human soul, are religious authorities ; while the capacious intellects who have re-presented to our vision the truths of Nature, are authorities in art. As Christ and his true followers are the highest spiritual authority, so the great artists are the highest authority in the art to which they were devoted. "Gray." It never probably occurred to Gray, in choos ing as his especial field the representation of classical or mythological subjects, that art cul ture was not sufficiently advanced in this country to appreciate and sustain an artist in HENRY PETERS GRA Y. 19 this difficult and severe school ; that those who had the means and the disposition amongst us, to purchase original productions, had not the discrimination to see, or the culture to feel the merit of such pictures, and would naturally buy in preference, landscapes, or realistic subjects, the truth and fidelity of which they could ap preciate and enjoy ; and this Gray found after his second return to this city ; for, instead of the works he would have desired to paint, he had to devote himself mainly to portraits, in which he had abundant occupation, having up to i860, painted more than two hundred and fifty portraits ; and he is said, during his life, to have painted from four hundred to five hundred portraits, exhibiting in their production his characteristic merits in modelling and in color. This, however! did not wholly withdraw him from painting other works, which appeared from time to time, and some of his very finest, were produced in his later years. In i860, he was elected President of the 20 HENRY PETERS GRA Y. National Academy of Design, which office he held until 1871. In 1872, his health being much impaired he again went abroad, and lived in Florence for three years, returning again to this city in 1875. His studio in Florence was in an old palace opening into a garden, filled with lemon trees and oleanders ; and this gen ial residence, and the soothing climate of Italy, renovated his health and gave the hope, — as it proved, a fallacious one — that it would be fully restored. Here he painted one of the most charming of his pictures, " The Rose of Fiesole," now in the gallery of Marshall O. Roberts, Esq., which combines all his characteristic excellences, and is the one that perhaps has given the great est satisfaction and been the most generally admired. It is not extravagant to speak of it as an enchanting picture ; for it has attracted and -called forth the admiration of all kinds of amateurs, presenting, as it does, one of the most exquisite representations of female loveli ness. HENR , - PE TERS GRA Y. 21 Here he also painted his " Origin of the American Flag," a full-length female figure, draped with the national standard, with an eagle hovering in the air ; a most poetical con ception, and which he himself regarded as his masterpiece. It is now in the possession of Mrs. Gray, his widow, and it is to be hoped, from the national character of the subject, and as a work exhibiting to great advantage Gray's peculiar powers, that it will be purchased by the liberality of individuals, and placed in one of our national institutions. Another fine picture is the " Greek Lovers," in the possession of Mrs. Jonathan Sturges, which has a sparkling pearly effect pervading its warmth ; in this respect, differing from the deep golden glow of " The Apple of Discord." It is the picture that has always been the most admired by Gray's artistic friends. It is impossible in a brief sketch like this, to give an adequate idea of the nature and merit of his many productions, or even to enumerate 22 HENRY PETERS GRA Y. the most striking or remarkable. Enough has been said, however, to show that a great Am erican artist has passed away, who will be re garded hereafter as among the founders of the American school of art ; as one who through out labored to give a high and noble direction to American art, and who will himself become a teacher to the future artists of the country, alike by the works he lived to achieve and by the example of his life.