YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 3 9002 04483 1858 TdaiZ WO/Vl^'S (JLitllB ISQO Xia-t2s eAr4D ©q^61? 09©I|K§ ©p aWJtp 09©M6j^ ^q»1S«pS ©P CTtraCTyracTitofra tJ$3. IV]. I^etcr^Um 44 A Virginia Kitchen Ella ©ondie L.amls 45 An English Cousin 46 An Indian Boy Aymelia Lan^ley 47 Landscape Emma 2B. Lampert 48 Gathering Wild Flowers /\deline f\. lV]annin. L. d. l^after 57 Peaches "plorence l^eynold^ 58 Study of Peaches 59 Study of Grapes 60 Study of California Grapes Lena l^oWley 61 In June Editl^ <§). §>acl^et 62 Head (Pastel) 63 Panel of Roses (Pastel) /^nnie Sanborn 64 Portrait Hon. Wm. Dowd E. IV]- <§>cott 65 By the Riverside 66 Still Life 67 The Old Homestead (Water Color) "plorence <§>eely 68 Undergoing Repairs 69 Preparing for Sea /\manda iBreW^ter <§>eWeU 70 A Summer Idyl 71 Still Life ^U^ie iB. |[)^eldin