¦i YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 3 9002 04492 1980 i| -"JB ll ' , Ilux ET ve£U YALE UNIVERSITY ART LIBRARY Beautiful Old Wedgwood ¦¦P / U '2- 6 TO BE SOLD AT PUBLIC SALE UNDER THE MANAGEMENT OF THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH NEW YORK ON FREE PUBLIC VIEW FROM 9 A. M. UNTIL 6 P. M. AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK FROM THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12th, 1914 UNTIL THE MORNING OF THE DATE OF SALE BEAUTIFUL OLD WEDGWOOD CONSISTING OF JASPER, BASALTES, CRYSTALLINE PEBBLE AND QUEEN'S WARE TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES ON MONDAY AND TUESDAY AFTERNOONS FEBRUARY 16th AND 17th, 1914 BEGINNING AT 2.30 O'CLOCK No. 413. "INFANT HERCULES STRANGLING THE SERPENT," IN BASALTES. ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF BEAUTIFUL OLD WEDGWOOD INCLUDING THE FAMOUS HARGREAVES COLLECTION OF WEDGWOOD MEDALLIONS THE WHOLE BELONGING TO HORACE TOWNSEND, ESQ. OF THIS CITY, AUTHOR OF "OLD WEDGWOOD" AND OTHER AUTHORITATIVE WORKS AND TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK ON THE DATES HEREIN STATED THE SALE WILL BE CONDUCTED BY MR. THOMAS E. KIRBY ASSISTED BY MR. OTTO BERNET, OF The American Art Association, Managers NEW YORK 1914 CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. Any bid which is merely a nominal or fractional advance may be rejected by the auctioneer, if, in his judgment, such bid would be likely to affect the sale injuriously. ~- The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either de cide the same or put up for re-sale the lot so in dispute. 3. Payment shall be made of all or such part of the purchase money as may be required, and the names and addresses of the purchasers shall be given immediately on the sale of every lot, in default of which the lot so purchased shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. Payment of that part of the purchase money not made at the time of sale shall be made within ten days thereafter, in default of which the undersigned may either continue to hold the lots at the risk of the purchaser and take such action as may be necessary for the enforcement of the sale, or may at public or private sale, and without other than this notice, re-sell the lots for the benefit of such purchaser, and the deficiency (if any) arising from such re-sale shall be a charge against such purchaser. i- Delivery of any purchase will be made only upon pay ment of the total amount due for all purchases at the sale. Deliveries will be made on sales days between the hours of 9 A. M. and 1 P. JL, and on other days — except holidays — be tween the hours of 9 A. M. and 5 P. JI. Delivery of any purchase will be made only at the American Art Galleries, or other place of sale, as the case may be, and only on presenting the bill of purchase. Delivery may be made, at the discretion of the Association, of any purchase during the session of the sale at which it was sold. 5. Shipping, boxing or wrapping of purchases is a. business in which the Association is in no wise engaged, and will not be performed by the Association for purchasers. The Association will, however, afford to purchasers every facility for employing at current and reasonable rates carriers and packers; doing so, how ever, without any assumption of responsibility on its part for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such service. 6. Storage of any purchase shall be at the sole risk of the purchaser. Title passes upon the fall of the auctioneer's hammer, and thereafter, while the Association will exercise due caution in caring for and delivering such purchase, it will not hold itself responsible if such purchase be lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed. Storage charges will be made upon all purchases not removed within ten days from the date of the sale thereof. 7. Guarantee is not made either by the owner or the Asso ciation of the correctness of the description, genuineness or au thenticity of any lot, and no sale will be set aside on account of any incorrectness, error of cataloguing, or any imperfection not noted. Every lot is on public exhibition one or more days prior to its sale, after which it is sold "as is" and without recourse. The Association exercises great care to catalogue every lot correctly, and will give consideration to the opinion of any trust worthy expert to the effect that any lot has been incorrectly catalogued, and, in its judgment, may either sell the lot as cata logued or make mention of the opinion of such expert, who thereby would become responsible for such damage as might result were his opinion without proper foundation. SPECIAL NOTICE Buying or bidding by the Association for responsible parties on orders transmitted to it by mail, telegraph or telephone, will be faithfully attended to without charge or commission. Any purchase so made will be subject to the above Conditions of Sale, which cannot in any manner be modified. The Association, how ever, in the event of making a purchase of a lot consisting of one or more books for a purchaser who has not, through himself or his agent, been present at the exhibition or sale, will permit such lot to be returned within ten days from the date of sale, and the purchase money will be returned, if the lot in any material manner differs from its catalogue description. Orders for execution by the Association should be written and given with such plainness as to leave no room for misunder standing. Not only should the lot number be given, but also the title, and bids should be stated to be so much for the lot, and when the lot consists of one or more volumes of books or objects of art, the bid per volume or piece should also be stated. If the one transmitting the order is unknown to the Association, a de posit should be sent or reference submitted. Shipping directions should also be given. Priced copies of the catalogue of any sale, or any session thereof, will be furnished by the Association at a reasonable charge. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, American Art Galleries, Madison Square South, New York City. INTRODUCTORY NOTE It does not seem probable that for many years to come any such opportunity will be afforded to lovers of old Wedg wood as by the present disposal of the Hargreaves Collec tion of Wedgwood Medallions and Cameos. As far back as forty years ago Miss Meteyard, who of all writers on Wedgwood and his work is the most suggestive as well as the most voluminous, commented on the variety of these medallions, and after advising that "when met with they should always be secured by the collector," had only this cold comfort to offer, that "by the use of time and patience he may pick up a specimen here and there till his purpose is accomplished." So implicitly must Mr. Hargreaves have followed this advice when he began collecting in the early eighties that at the time of his death in 1907 his collection of medallion portraits and cameos was generally recognized as one of the most considerable in England. It is this collection which, after ineffectual attempts at its acquirement on the part of at least two English mu seums some five years ago, found its way across the Atlantic and is now, in its entirety, offered to American collectors. In regard to the Portrait Medallions in basaltes I cannot do better than again quote Miss Meteyard, who says that "these portraits, which are chiefly copies from antique gems, are all extremely fine, expressing great individuality of char acter and life-like animation." As to the Cameos, it may be said that even Mr. Hargreaves' unswerving patience and discriminating sense would nowa days hardly avail to secure for him any such extensive gath- ering. Especially interesting is it to note how many examples it includes of the rarest of all examples of Wedgwood's cameos — those, namely, which are in the nature of trial pieces in pottery and semi-porcelain, made before he had discovered his celebrated jasper medium. But that the decorative character of the later Cameos also strongly appealed to Mr. Hargreaves is evident from the pains he took in their effective arrangement and disposal. Finally, though it is not becoming that I should expatiate at any length on the little collection of Wedgwood and kin dred wares which here finds itself in combination with Mr. Hargreaves' medallions, yet one word may fitly be said in its regard. It is the result of an endeavor to bring together a series of examples which should represent not only the various periods of Wedgwood's activities from the time of his first settlement at Etruria to the year of his death, but also the imitative work of his contemporaries. It is now generally conceded that the best productions of William Adams, of the Turners, father and sons, of Henry Palmer and of Neale leave little to be desired even when compared with the masterpieces of Josiah Wedgwood him self. Horace Townsend. CATALOGUE Note: Mr. Frederick Rathbone, of London, the acknowledged authority on old Wedgwood, wrote to Mr. Hargreaves' daughter on November 4, 1907, regarding this collection of Medallions and Cameos: "I have seen them and can certify that all are genuine and old." FIRST AFTERNOON'S SALE MONDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1914 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 2££L o'clock^ Old Wedgwood Portrait Medallions in Black Basaltes, including the " Twelve Caesars," " Greek Poets " and "Illustrious Moderns" All from the Hargreaves Collection "In every respect these portrait medallions are well deserving of careful study. The portraiture comes out in a striking manner in the basaltes where there is nothing of contrast in color to lessen the simple and severe grace of these exact copies of antique art. The finish of these gems is high and exquisite, as are also their hardness and polish." — Miss Meteyard, "The Wedgwood Handbook," page 166. 1 — Twelve Wedgwood Intaglios (1790) y i *-Octagonah Blue jasper. From the "Alphabetic J h Cyphers" of the 1787 Catalogue. Monograms of letters: N. A.— S. 0.— D. K.— J. K.— T. C— N. R. — T. C— T. L— W. M.— K. P.— S. A.— E. W. 2 — Twelve Wedgwood Intaglios (1790) Octagonal. Blue jasper. From the "Alphabetic Cyphers" of the 1787 Catalogue. Monograms of letters: R. Y.— B. H.— A. B.— T. B.— M.#G.— D. C — T. D.— L. P.— J. K.— J. Y— J K.— G. T. 3 — Two Wedgwood Portrait Medallions Oval. Basaltes. "Twelve Caesars" Series: Caligula and Antonia, A.D. 37. Mark: wedgwood. Respective lengths, 1% inches and 2 inches. ,^ 4 — Two Wedgwood Portrait Medallions y> Oval. Basaltes. "Twelve Caesars" Series : Claudius and Messalina, A.D. 41. Mark: wedgwood. Respective lengths, 1% inches and 2 inches. 5 — Two Wedgwood Portrait Medallions Oval. Basaltes. "Twelve Caesars" Series: Vitellius and Petronia, A.D. 69. Marks : wedgwood. Length, 2 inches. 6 — Two Wedgwood Portrait Medallions Oval. Basaltes. "Twelve Caesars" Series : Vespasian ¦ and Domitilla, A.D. 69. Marks : wedgwood. Length, 2 inches. 7 — Two Wedgwood Portrait Medallions Oval. Basaltes. "Twelve Caesars" Series: Julius Caesar, B.C. 48, and Domitian, A.D. 81. Mark : wedgwood. Length, 2 inches. -Two Wedgwood Portrait Medallions Oval. Basaltes. "Twelve Caesars" Series: Lepida, wife of Galba, A.D. 68, and Poppeia, wife of Otho, A.D. 69. Marks : wedgwood. Length, 2 inches. 9 — Two Wedgwood Portrait Medallions Oval. Basaltes. "Twelve Caesars" Series : Agrippina, wife of Tiberius, A.D. 14, and Julia, daughter of Titus, A.D. 79. Marks: wedgwood. Length. 2 inches. 10 — Two Wedgwood Portrait Medallions Oval. Basaltes. "Greek Poets" Series: Hesiod, B.C. 870, and Pindar, B.C. 435. Mark: wedgwood. Length. 2 inches. 11 — Two Wedgwood Portrait Medallions Oval. Basaltes. "Greek Kings, etc.," Series : Anti- gonus, King of Asia, B.C. 301, and Theophrastus, B.C. 288. Mark: wedgwood. Length, 2 inches. 12 — Wedgwood Portrait Medallion Oval. Basaltes. "Greek Poets" Series : Pythias of Colophon. Mark : wedgwood. Length, 2 inches. 13 — Two Wedgwood Portrait Medallions Oval. Basaltes. "Illustrious Romans" Series : Romu lus, B.C. 748, and Xuma, B.C. 708. WEDGWOOD. Marks . V\ edgwood. Length, 2 inches. 14 — Two Wedgwood Portrait Medallions Oval. Basaltes. "Illustrious Romans" Series : Ancus Martius, B.C. 635, and M. V. Corvus, B.C. 337. Mark: Wedgwood & Bentley. Length, 2 inches. ,/ PORTRAIT MEDALLIONS IN BASALTES j — Two Wedgwood Portrait Medallions Oval. Basaltes. "Illustrious Romans" Series: Tullus Hostilius, B.C. 665, and Junius Brutus, B.C. 505. Mark: wedgwood. Length, 2 inches. 16 — Two Wedgwood Portrait Medallions Oval. Basaltes. "Illustrious Romans" Series: Sylla, B.C. 78, and Pompey the Great, B.C. 48. i Mark: Wedgwood. ' Length, 2 inches. mans" Series : Cassh B.C. 42, and Brutus, B.C. 42. lTj-r— Two Wedgwood Portrait Medallions if\ [QrVal. Basaltes. "Illustrious Romans" Series : Cassius, Mark : wedgwood. Length, 2 inches. 18 — Two Wedgwood Portrait Medallions Oval. Basaltes. "Illustrious Romans" Series: Mark Antony, B.C. 30, and Varro, B.C. 28. Marks : wedgwood. Wedgwood & Bentley. Length, 2 inches. 19 — Two Wedgwood Portrait Medallions Oval. Basaltes. "Illustrious Romans" Series: Scipio Africanus, B.C. 184, and T. Quintus Flaminius, B.C. jgg Mark: wedgwood. Length, 2 inches. 20 Two Wedgwood Portrait Medallions Oval. Basaltes. "Illustrious Romans" Series: Ovid, A.D. 17, and Perseus, A.D. 50. Mark: wedgwood. Length, 2 inches. 21 Two Wedgwood Portrait Medallions Oval. Basaltes. "Illustrious Romans" Series: Julia, daughter of Titus, A.D. 79, and Faustina, A.D. 191. Mark: Wedgwood. Length, 2 inches. 22 — Two Wedgwood Portrait Medallions Oval. Basaltes. "Illustrious Romans" Series: Faus tina, A.D. 131, and L. J. Rusticus, A.D. 161. Mark: Wedgwood. Length, 2 inches. 23 — Set of Nine Wedgwood Medals (1775) Circular. Basaltes. "Roman History" Series: (1) Obverse: Head of Brutus. Reverse: Brutus Com manding his Son to be Put to Death. (2) Obverse: Head of Cato the Censor. Reverse: Creation of Censors. (3) Obverse: Manlius Causing his Son to be Put to Death. Reverse: Papirus Pardoning Fabius. (4) Obverse: Hannibal at the Gates of Rome. Re verse : Spain Succored. (5) Obverse: Head of Scipio Africanus. Reverse: Continence of Scipio. (6) Obverse: Scipio Passes into Africa. Reverse: In terview of Scipio and Hannibal. (7) Obverse: Scipio and Laelius. Reverse: Third Punic War. (8) Obverse: Marius at Carthage. Reverse: Horrors of Civil War. (9) Obverse: Head of Agrippa. Reverse: Head of Maecenas. Note: These models were copies of a series by Dassier, the famous French medallist. "Writing forty years ago, Miss Mete yard comments on their excessive rarity. Diameter, iys inches. 24 — Two Wedgwood Portrait Medallions (1789) \** Oval. Basaltes. "Illustrious Ancients and Moderns" Series : Euclid, B.C. 300, and Montesquieu, 1689-1755. Mark : wedgwood. Length, 2 inches. #5.- — Two Wedgwood Portrait Medallions (1785) Oval. Basaltes. "Illustrious Ancients" Series : Cas sandra, B.C. 1060, and Pompey the Great, B.C. 48. Mark : Scratched name. Length, 2 inches. 26 — Two Wedgwood Portrait Medallions (1775) ^h Oval. Basaltes. "English Poets" Series: Earl of Surrey, 1516-1547, and John Oldham, 1655-1683. Mark : Wedgwood & Bentley. Length, 2 inches. CarJ-i ^3Ty— Frame of Xine Wedgwood Medals (1790) Blue and white jasper. "Kings of England" Series: William the Conqueror, 1066; William Rufus, 1087; Henry I, 1100; Stephen, 1135; Henry II, 1154; Richard I, 1189; John, 1199; Henrv III, 1216; and Edward I, 1272. Note: This series of the "Kings of England" was modeled after Astle's Portraits. Marks : Catalogue Numbers impressed. Diameter, 1% inches. Frame of Nine Wedgwood Medals (1796) Blue and white jasper. "Kings of England" Series: Richard II, 1377; Henry IV, 1399; Richard III, 1483; Henry VIII, 1509; Edward VI, 1547; Queen Mary, 1553; Charles I, 1625; James II, 1685; and George II, 1727. Marks: Catalogue Numbers impressed. Diameter, 1% inches. 29 — Two Wedgwood Portrait Medallions Oval with frames. Basaltes. "Illustrious Romans" J^ Series: Hannibal, B.C. 208, and Terence, B.C. 159. Wedgwood Marks: - & Bentley. WEDGWOOD. ^ Length, 3 inches. .30 — Two Wedgwood Portrait Medallions Oval, with frames. Basaltes. "Illustrious Romans" Series: Marius, B.C. 86, and Cicero, B.C. 42. Mark: wedgwood. Length, 3 inches. &l — Two Wedgwood Portrait Medallions Oval, with frames. Basaltes. "Illustrious Romans" Series : Horace, B.C. 8, and Seneca, A.D. 65. Mark: wedgwood. Length, 3 inches. 32 — Two Wedgwood Portrait Medallions VM Oval, with frame. Basaltes. "Twelve Caesars" Series : Tiberius and his wife Agrippa, A.D. 14, Mark: Wedgwood. Length, 3 inches. 33 — Two Wedgwood Portrait Medallions i/\ Oval, with frame. Basaltes. "Twelve Caesars" Series: Octavia, wife of Nero, A.D. 54, and Otho, A.D. 69. Mark: wedgwood. Length, 3 inches. 34 — Two Wedgwood Portrait Medallions ,Ju Oval, with frame. Basaltes. "Roman Emperors" Series: Augustus Caesar, B.C. 34, and Caracalla, A.D. 211. Marks : wedgwood. Length, 3 inches. 35 — Two Wedgwood Portrait Medallions jAr\ Oval, with frame. Basaltes. "Roman Emperors" Series: Geta, A.D. 211, and Diadamenius, A.D. 217. Marks : wedgwood. Length, 3 inches. 36 — Two Wedgwood Portrait Medallions I ^ Oval, with frames. Basaltes. "Roman Emperors" (l l--' "Series: Gordianus Pius, A.D. 236, and Volusianus, A.D. 251. Mark: Scratched names. Length, 3 inches. 37 — Two Wedgwood Portrait Medallions jjsC/Ov&l, with frames. Basaltes. "Roman Emperors" Series : JSmilianus, A.D. 254, and Quintilius, A.D. 268. Mark: Impressed names. Length, 3 inches. 38 — Two Wedgwood Portrait Medallions t. Oval, with frames. Basaltes. "Roman Emperors" V* ^ Series : Aurelianus, A.D. 270, and Valerius Maxi- mianus, A.D. 304. Mark: Wedgwood. Length, 3 inches. 39 — Wedgwood Portrait Medallion Oval, with frame. Basaltes. "Illustrious Moderns — English Poets" Series: William Shakespeare, 1616. Mark : wedgwood. Length, 3 inches. 40 — Two Wedgwood Portrait Medallions Oval, with frames. Basaltes. "Illustrious Moderns — #&' English Poets" Series: John Gower, 1402, and Sir Philip Sidney, 1586. Mark: Wedgwood & Bentley. Length, 3 inches. 41 — Two Wedgwood Portrait Medallions , K, Oval, with frames. Basaltes. "Illustrious Moderns — *tt > '. English Poets" Series : Ben Jonson, 1638, and Abra ham Cowley, 1667. Mark: Wedgwood & Bentley. Length, 3 inches. 42 — Two Wedgwood Portrait Medallions (a Oval, with frames. Basaltes. "Illustrious Moderns- *" English Poets" Series: Samuel Butler, 1680. Marks : English Poets" Series: John Milton, 1674, and wedgwood. Wedgwood& Bentley. Length, 3 inches. 43 — Two Wedgwood Portrait Medallions J Oval, with frames. Basaltes. "Illustrious Moderns- English Poets" Series: John Oldham, 1683, and Thomas Otway, 1685. Mark: wedgwood. Length, 3 inches. 44 — Two Wedgwood Portrait Medallions A\ Oval, with frames. Basaltes. "Illustrious Moderns — English Poets" Series: Edmund Waller, 1687, and Jonathan Swift, 1745. Mark: Wedgwood. Length, 3 inches. 45-r- Two Wedgwood Portrait Medallions »-.*0** Oval, with frames. Basaltes. "Illustrious Moderns — Painters" Series: Leonardo da Vinci, 1520, and Le Sueur, 1655. _ n f wedgwood. Marks :„,--, , { Wedgwood. Length, 3 inches. 46f— Two Wedgwood Portrait Medallions (1782) ,jp* Oval, with frames. Basaltes. "Rulers of Greece and Asia Minor" Series: Polyxena, daughter" of Priam, B.C. 1060, and Iphigenia, B.C. 1060. Mark : Scratched names. Length, 3 inches. 47 — Two Wedgwood Portrait Medallions (1790) if Oval, with frames. Basaltes. "King's of Asia Minor" Series : Amyntas, King of Macedonia, B.C. 556, and Ariobarzanes, King of Pontus, B.C. 563. Mark: Impressed names. Length, 3 inches. 48— Two Wedgwood Portrait Medallions (1789) t flu* Oval, with frames. Basaltes. "Kings of Greece and Asia Minor" Series: Mausolus, King of Caria, B.C. 360, and Alexander the Great, B.C. 336. Marks : wedgwood. Length, 3 inches. id — Two Wedgwood Portrait Medallions (1789) J**- Oval, with frames. Basaltes. "Kings of Greece and / Asia Minor" Series: Alexander Epirota, B.C. 326, and Ptolemy Lagus, King of Egypt, B.C. 323. Mark: wedgwood. Length, 3 inches. 50-r-Two Wedgwood Portrait Medallions (1785) j/^Oval, with frames. Basaltes. "Kings of Asia Minor" Series: Seleucus Nicanor, King of Syria, B.C. 312, and Antigonus, King of Asia, B.C. 301. Marks : wedgwood. Length, 3 inches. 51j-^Two Wedgwood Portrait Medallions (1789) ||W Oval, with frames. Basaltes. "Kings of Asia Minor" Series: Demetrius, King of Macedonia, B.C. 294, and Lysimachus, King of Macedonia, B.C. 286. Mark: wedgwood. Length, 3 inches. 52iT^Two Wedgwood Portrait Medallions (1789) i//P Oval, with frames. Basaltes. "Kings of Asia Minor" Series : Nicomedes, King of Bithynia, and Ariobar- zanes, King of Pontus. Marks : Impressed names. Length, 3 inches. 53*-wTwo Wedgwood Portrait Medallions (1789) Oval, with frames. Basaltes. "Kings of Asia Minor" Series: Antiochus Theos, King of Syria, B.C. 262, and Antiochus Hierox, King of Syria, B.C. 242. Marks : Impressed names. Length, 3 inches. 54 — Two Wedgwood Portrait Medallions (1790) i/^Oval, with frames. Basaltes. "Kings of Asia Minor" Series: Antiochus Magnus, King of Syria, B.C. 224, and Ariarethes V, King of Cappadocia, B.C. 193. Marks: Impressed names. Length, 3 inches. 55-s^TVo Wedgwood Portrait Medallions (1789) ,» Oval, with frames. Basaltes. "Kings of Asia Minor" ™ Series: Brusias, King of Bythinia, B.C. 154, and Ptolemy Physeon, King of Egypt, B.C. 146. Marks : Impressed names. Length, 3 inches. 56-t-%Two Wedgwood Portrait Medallions (1785) OjQr Oval, with frames. Basaltes. "Kings of Asia Minor" Series: Philippus, King of Syria, B.C. 90, and Ariarethes X, King of Cappadocia, B.C. 40. Marks : Scratched and impressed names. Length, 3 inches. 57— |*Two Wedgwood Portrait Medallions (1785) /Jp Oval, with frames. Basaltes. "Illustrious Grecians" ^ Series : Minos, B.C. 1000, and Theseus, B.C. 960. Marks : wedgwood. Length, 3 inches. -Ten Wedgwood Intaglios (1790) Octagonal. Blue jasper. From the "Alphabetic Cyphers" of the 1787 Catalogue. Monograms of letters : J. U.— N. D.— T. B.— F. G.— B. W.— M. S. — T. V.—L. W.— N. D.— J. J. 59 — Two Wedgwood Intaglios (1795) , , i ¦ Oval. Black basaltes. "Maria with her Dog." Mod- ' eled by Lady Templetown, and "Head of Alexander as a Youth." Marks : wedgwood. 60— tFour Wedgwood Cameo Buttons (1800) ////^Circular. Blue and white jasper. "Head of Young Hercules with the Lion's Skin" and three portraits. Gilt metal mounts. 61-pSix Wedgwood Cameo Buttons (1800) Jy' Circular. Blue and white jasper. "Head of Socrates," "Man Making a Greek Vase," "Heads of Shakespeare," and others. Gilt metal mounts. 62 — Six Wedgwood Hangers (1790) )v~- — Isabel-shaped. Dark blue and white jasper. Blue / bodies with white jasper rosettes. Mark : wedgwood. Note: These hangers were made for use at an exhibition of Wedgwood's work held at his London warerooms. 63-jyP6rR Wedgwood Intaglios (1775 and 1790) pr Oval. Basaltes and blue jasper. "Hercules and the Lion," "Atlas Supporting the World," "Dancing Nymph" and "Nymph Sacrificing." f wedgwood. Marks : J Wedgwood ( & Bentley. 64 — Four Wedgwood Intaglios (1775) | , Oval. Basaltes and blue jasper. "Jupiter Con- f^pservator," "Greek Potter painting a Vase," "Head of Regulus (with the Nail)" and "Cupids Sheltering." I WEDGWOOD. Marks: 1 Wedgwood (, & Bentley. 65 — Four Wedgwood Intaglios (1790) _, Oval. ** Basaltes and blue jasper. "Theseus Finding JT his Father's Sword," "Theseus and Ariadne," "Venus y Victrix, attended by Cupid," and "Neptune standing on a Shell." Mark: wedgwood. 66 — Four Wedgwood Intaglios (1775) , JV\Oval. Basaltes and blue jasper. "A Roman Matron," y*^ ' "Heads of Julius Caesar and Li via," "Venus with the Bow and Arrows of Cupid" and "Head of Drusus." Mark : Wedgwood & Bentley. 67-/-Wedgwood Exhibition Tablet (1792^) Oval. White jasper painted in blue. Inscribed: "Bv J. Wedgwood, F.R.S JX Note: These tablets were made to accompany collections of Wedgwood's productions sent by him on approval to provincial dealers. Width, 2 inches. Examples of the Work of Josiah Wedgwood and his Leading Contemporaries in Black Basaltes Ware "Wedgwood, like the rest of the Staffordshire potters, made very general use of the black body. He improved it in composition and by firing, till it became a fine and hard porcelain capable of receiving a high polish. The basaltes body was applied to innumerable purposes. The teapots, kettles, et cetera, are often gems of high finish and perfect taste and as such are most desirable. "Many of Wedgwood's competitors and rivals excelled in black ware." — Miss Meteyard, "Wedgwood Handbook," page 2.!>2. 68 — Miniature Wedgwood Teapot and Cream Ewer (1800) Black basaltes. Teapot of cylindrical shape, with en gine-turned basketwork decoration. Cream ewer boat- shaped, with fluted decoration. 69— Sugar Bowl (1790) Black basaltes. Decorated with engine-turned hori zontal flutings of checkered pattern. Height, 3 inches; diameter, 6% inches. 70— Birch Teapot (1790) Black basaltes. Globular shape, with shaped rim, straight spout and widow finial to lid. Decorated with Wedgwood subjects of "Sportive Cupid" and "Do mestic Employment." Mark: Workman's initial I. Height, 5l/2 inches. 71 — Castleford Teapot Black basaltes, glazed. Baluster shape, paneled by fluted pilasters enclosing figure of "Abundantia" and Prince of Wales' feathers in relief. Trefoil finial to lid. Height, 10 inches. 72— Wedgwood Teapot (1780) Black basaltes. Squat form, with engine-turned shal low flutings. Mark : wedgwood. Height, 5y2 inches. 73 — Wedgwood Teapot and Sucrier with Covers (1800) Black basaltes. Baluster-shaped, and decorated in } enamel colors with Oriental design of peonies and chrysanthemums. Mark: wedgwood. Height of teapot, 6% inches; height of sucrier, iy2 inches. 74 — Neale Coffee-pot (1785) Black basaltes. Baluster shape, with relief decoration of festooned drapery and fluting. Couchant lion finial to lid. Height, 9 inches. 75 — Turner Flower-stand (1785) Black basaltes. Shaped as hedgehog. For growing grasses. Height, 6 inches. 76 — Wedgwood Coffee-pot (1800) Black basaltes. Baluster shape, with carved spout and loop handle. Decorated in enamel colors with Oriental floral pattern. Mark: wedgwood. Height, 7y2 inches. 77 — Wedgwood Flower-stand and Tray (1800) Black basaltes. Shaped as a hedgehog. Intended for growing grasses. Mark : wedgwood. Height, 7 inches. 78 — Wedgw^ood Flower-stand and Tray (1789) ' j-y Black basaltes. Shaped as a hedgehog. Intended for growing grasses. Mark : wedgwood. o. Height, 7 inches. 79 — Elijah Mayer Tea-kettle (1790) Black basaltes. With overarching handle, short spout, acanthus-leaf decoration, and figure of "Widow and [ Cruse" as finial to lid. Ornamented with relief sub- ¦"i'j jects of Bacchanalian Boys, Venus Anadyomene and Muses. Height, 10 inches. 80 — Turner Pot-pourri Jar (1785) Black basaltes. Square shape, with bowed sides. Deco rated with medallions of Chinoiserie subjects in relief. Pierced lid of prunus-flower design, with lion finial. Mark: turner. Height, 5 inches. 81— Turner Vase (1785) Black basaltes. Crater-shaped. Lower portion deco rated with acanthus design and shallow flutings. 'r Upper portion has figures of "Abundantia" and "Venus Anadyomene" in relief. Mark: turner. Height, 7 inches. 82 — Turner Teapot Black basaltes. Vase-shaped, with fluted base and band /•*•/ of Wedgwood subjects in relief: "Offering to Peace," "Maternity," etc. "Widow and Cruse" finial to lid. Looped canework handle. Height, 6 inches. 83— Pair of Neale & Co. Vases (1790) Black basaltes. Urn-shaped, with Grecian sphinxes' )/ 0 heads as handles and band of laurel-wreath decoration. On square bases. Height, 7 inches. o _8Jt=*WEDGwooD Pot-pourri > ase with Handles (1800) Black basaltes. Crater shape, with looped handles. On square base. Decorated in enamel colors with Oriental pattern of peonies and chrysanthemums. Interior glazed, and with two covers, one of them perforated. Mark : wedgwood. Height, 9y2 inches. air of Wedgwood Sphinx Candlesticks (1790) BWek.basalt.es. Shaped as winged Grecian sphinxes po :*ting shaped nozzles for Gandles. On rectangular Mark : wedgwood. Height, 10 inches. ¦^asaHU.^**-* -Pair of Neale Vases Black basaltes. Urn-shaped, with nymphs' heads as handles. Decorated with garlands of husk design, oval medallions and bands of acanthus-leaf ornamentation. On square bases. Circular mark: I. neale, hanly. Height, 11 inches. -Wedgwood Vase with Handles (1785) Black terra-cotta. Ovolo-shaped, with carved acan thus-leaf handles. Decorated with "Procession of Bac chanals." Modeled by John Flaxman. Rim with grapes and vine-leaf border in relief. Fluted base. Mark : wedgwood. (Illustrated) Height, 10 inches. Old Wedgwood Cameos in Blue and White Jasper, including Many Early Trial Pieces in Other Me diums From the Hargreaves Collection "I can grasp Wedgwood's immense industry, fecundity and talent more easily from this vast output of miniatures than from the more imposing productions which can be viewed without a magnifying lens. They are the most wonderful part of a wonderful whole." — Captaix M. H. Grast, "Linesman.'' "Wedgwood's cameos were used for every conceivable kind of luxury and ornament. But the finest were prepared for setting in jewellery, and collection in cabinets as exquisite facsimiles of antique gems." — Miss Meteyard, "Wedgwood Handbook," page 76. Note:- The major part of Wedgwood's cameos were undoubtedly from molds furnished by that unregarded genius, James Tassie, and it has been thought advisable to identify some of the more important by the numbers assigned to them in Raspe's monumental Catalogue of "Tassie's Gems," published in 1791. 90 — Two Wedgwood Cameos (1785) Oval. Semi-porcellanous, with glazed background. Queen's ware. Subjects: "Hercules Fighting Hip- /jjplyte, Queen of the Amazons" (Tassie No. 5772) and "Theseus Raising the Stone from his Father's Sword" (Tassie No. 8657). Mark : Impressed Catalogue number. 91 — Two Wedgwood Cameos (1768) L*""**t)val. Black and white Queen's ware, enameled. Sub- [_£*' jects: "Cybele, with a Mural Crown" (Tassie No. 783) and "Hercules Wrestling with Archelaus" (Tassie No. 5824). (Trial pieces before the invention of jasper.) 92 — Two Wedgwood Cameos (1767) Oval. Black and white Queen's ware, enameled. Sub- * jects: "Venus Callipyge" and "Venus and Mars."' (Trial pieces before the invention of jasper.) Mark : Impressed Catalogue number. 93-^Two Wedgwood Cameos (1775 and 1790) ''* Oval. Chocolate and white jasper and semi-porcelain. Head of Princesse Lamballe and Head of Pretender. Mark: Wedgwood. 94 — Two Wedgwood Cameos (1770) Oval. Semi-porcelain, with enameled background. Heads of Alexander and Lysimachus. 95— Two Wedgwood Cameos (1770) Oval. Queen's ware and semi-porcelain. Heads of Pluto and Proserpine (Tassie No. 1446) and head of Mercury with a Beard (Tassie No. 2310). 96— .Two Wedgwood Cameos (1775) yo — -.j. w L ,JifUval. Blue and white jasper. "Head of Germanicus' and "Neptune on a Shell." Mark: Wedgwood j& Bentley. 97 — Three Wedgwood Cameos (1775) jOval and circular. Chocolate and white jasper and ; AgAsemi-porcelain. Circular: Heads of Aristotle and' '/Queen Charlotte. Oval: "Antonia with the Ashes of -* Germanicus." 98 — Wedgwood Cameo (1779) Oval. Black and white jasper. Subject: "A Roman Matron before a Statue of Cupid." Mark : Wedgwood & Bentley. Length, iys inches. 99— Wedgwood Cameo (1777) Oval. Black and white jasper. Subject: "Perseus |5> y* Rescuing Andromeda." Modeled by Flaxman after an antique gem. Mark : Wedgwood '& Bentley. 100— Wedgwood Cameo (1775) Oval. Black and white jasper. Subject: "A Sacrifice to Fortune." Mark: Wedgwood & Bentley. 3 101 — Two Wedgwood Cameos (1770) |vs^" Oval. Semi-porcelain, with blue enameled background. "Dionysian Bull on a Thyrsus" and "Hercules Sub- "'I duing the Cretan Bull," from an antique gem owned by Lord Carlisle (Tassie No. 5751). Length, \y± inches. 02-)-Wedgwood Cameo (1770) Oval. Semi-porcelain, with blue enameled background. "Infant Bacchus and Nymphs of Nysa," from a Renaissance gem (Tassie No. 4261). Length, 1% inches. 103— Two Wedgwood Cameos (1780) Jl/! Oval. Semi-porcellanous. Chocolate colored glazed *?{?• background. Subjects: "Amphitrite" and "Nereus and Doris." (Early trial pieces.) 104— Two Wedgwood Cameos (1775) Oval. Queen's ware, with black-colored background. Portrait of "Arsinoe" and "George III." 105 — Two Wedgwood Cameos (1775) J^^Oval and octagonal. Blue and white jasper and Queen's ware. "Achilles Stopping the Chariot of Victory" and "Saturn with a Scythe and a Book." Mark : Wedgwood & Bentley. 106 — Two Wedgwood Cameos (1775) *-•. Oval. Blue and white jasper. "Nymph Sacrificing" and ''Portrait of John Wesley." One with lapidary polished edge. ( wedgwood. Marks : ¦< Wedgwood { & Bentley. Height, lys inches. Old Wedgwood Medallions and Plaques in Blue and White Jasper Mainly from the Hargreaves Collection "The jasper tablets want nothing but age and scarcity to make them worth any price you would ask for them." — Wedgwood's letter to Bentley, dated December 15, 1777. "Wedgwood only attained to perfection in his bas-relief tablets and medallions through long and wearisome experiment and practice. To dry such large masses of clay was difficult ; and their firing twice a week, each time, was always hazardous. "The original prices, even wholesale, were very high." — Miss Meteyard, "Wedgwood Handbook," page 129. 107 — Wedgwood Portrait Medallion (1775) Oval. Blue and white jasper. Bust portrait of Quintus Flaminius, B.C. 182. Mark: Wedgwood '& Bentley. 108 — Wedgwood Portrait Medallion (1795) Oval. Blue and white jasper. Portrait head of Josef 9f Haydn, the eminent composer (1732-1809). Im- '~S/' pressed on face, "heyden." Mark: wedgw.>od. Height, 21/i inches 109 — Wedgwood Portrait Medallion (A Oval. Blue and white jasper. "Head of Roman Em- I peror." Height, 1% inches. 110^-Wedgwood Portrait Medallion (1770) \ ^ Oval. Blue and white waxen jasper. Head of Sylla Felix, B.C. 58. Mark: Wedgwood & Bentley. Height, 2yA inches. Ill — Wedgwood Portrait Medallion (1775) \^\ Oval. Black and white jasper. Head of Pompeia, ' wife of Julius Caesar. Mark : Wedgwood & Bentley. Height, 2 inches. 112 — Wedgwood Cameo Medallion (1770) Oval. White biscuit, with blue enameled ground. Vf3 Head of Shakespeare, with laurel branch. (An early model.) Length, 2% inches. 113 — Wedgwood Portrait Plaque (1775) Oval. Blue and white jasper. Portrait head of Pittacus. Mark : Wedgwood& Bentley. Height, 21/i inches. 114 — Wedgwood Medallion (1775) OOval. Blue and white jasper. Head of Medusa in profile, without wings. Mark: Wedgwood & Bentley. Height, 2*4 inches. 115 — Wedgwood Double Portrait Medallion (1770) Oval. Blue and white jasper. Heads of Solon and Pittacus. Mark : Wedgwood & Bentley. Length, 2%. inches. 116 — Wedgwood Double Portrait Medallion (1770) Oval. Blue and white jasper. Heads of Aristophanes and Pindar. Mark: Wedgwood & Bentley. Length, 2% inches. 117 — Wedgwood Portrait Medallion (1790) . Circular. Dark blue and white jasper. Head of \P George III crowned with laurel wreath. Mark : wedgwood. Diameter, 1% inches. 118 — Wedgwood Cameo Medallion Circular. Blue and white jasper. "An Offering to Concordia, or Peace." Modeled by Webber. In cir cular ivory and gold frame. Mark: wedgwood. Diameter, 1% inches. H 119^-Adams Double Cameo Plaque Circular. Blue and white jasper. Figures of "Zephyrs with Garlands." Edges pierced for mount ing. Diameter, 2 inches. i2oy-wED< f -Wedgwood Cameo Medallion (1790) \Oval. Blue and white jasper. "The Bourbonnais Shepherd." By Lad# Tenrpfetown. ¦:'/' / " / i* Mark : wedgwood. './*•/ Length, 2 inches. 121-/-Wedgwood Plaque (1790) Oval. Green and white jasper. "The Young . Sempstress." From a design by Miss Crewe. In oval lgilt frame. Mark: wedgwood. Height, 3 inches; length, 3% inches. 122-/-Wedgwood Plaque (1790) Oval. Green and white jasper. "The Reading Les son." From a design by Miss Crewe. In oval gilt frame. Mark: wedgwood. Height, 3 inches; length, 3% inches. 12j£— Wedgwood Plaque (1790) Oval. Blue and white jasper. "Sportive Love." >^ Modeled by Lady Templetown. Mark: wedgwood. Height, 3ys inches; length, 3% inches. 124^/Wedgwood Plaque (1790) Oval. Blue and white jasper. "Study." Modeled by -h Lady Templetown. Mark: wedgwood. Height, 3ys inches; length, 3% inches. 125^-Wedgwood Plaque (1795) ^T^ Oval. Dark blue and white jasper. "The Young • Sempstress." Modeled by Miss Crewe. Lapidary polished edge. Mark: wedgwood. l> I •)/ Height, 2% inches; length, 3ys inches. y 126^-Adams Portrait Plaque (1795) Oval. Blue and white jasper. Portrait of King George I / III. Lapidary polished edge. Mark: adams. ' j\/ A rare model. From the A. W. Jaffray Collection y (1865). Height, iy2 inches. \ 127 — Wedgwood Portrait Plaque (1775) Oval. Blue and white jasper. Head of Admiral Lord Keppel. Modeled by Flaxman^ Mark : wedgwood& bentley. Height, 3% inches. ^JlgS— Enoch Wood Medallion (1781) Blue and white jasper. "Hercules Wrestling with the '-'Nemean Lion." Mark: enoch wood SCULPSIT, A.D. 1781, Height, 3 inches. Pair of Wedgwood Plaques Oval. Blue and white jasper. "Thalia" (The Muse of Comedy) and "Calliope" (the Muse of Eloquence). Modeled by Flaxman. In ormolu frames. Mark: wedgwood. Height, 3y2 inches. F lgQ*:-TRicoLORED Wedgwood Plaque (1785) r \ Oval. Blue, green and white jasper. "Nymphs Dis- i/V' covering Cupid Asleep." Border of honeysuckle de sign. Mark: Wedgwood. Height, 2% inches; length, i inches. Wedgwood Plaque (1795) Oblong. Dark blue and white jasper. "Thalia, Urania and Melpomene, the Muses of Comedy, As tronomy and Tragedy." Modeled by Flaxman. Mark : wedgwood. Height, 3 inches; width, 4% inches. 132*— Wedgwood Medallion Plaque (1800) Blue and white jasper. Oval shape. Subject: "Phiy- ) / mS and Singing Cupids." Designed by Lady Diana / Beauclerk to match the "Infant Academy." Mark : wedgwood. Length, 6% inches. (133^-Adams Plaque (1790) Oval. Blue and white jasper. "Venus Disarming Cupid of his Arrows." Mark: adams. Height, 81/-. inches; width, 7 inches. 134— Pair of Wedgwood Plaques (1800) Oval. Green and white jasper. "Heads of Babies." Modeled in high relief. Mark: wedgwood. ~x% T $\Jr Height, 31/, inches. /13£W-Wedgwood Medallion Plaque (1790) Oval. Dark blue and white jasper. "Sportive Cupids with Bird and Hour-glass." Lapidary polished edge. Mark: wedgwood. Height, 2*/3 inches; width, 3y„ inches. 136 — Wedgwood Medallion (1770) , , Oval. Queen's ware, with background and gem frame •41 . enameled in color. "A Nymph Sacrificing." Framed ' in a laurel wreath. (A very early trial piece before the invention of jasper.) Height, 4*4 inches; width, 314 inches. 137- — Wedgwood Plaque Oblong". Blue and white jasper. "Priam Begging D &f/ Achilles for the Body of Hector Mark: wedgwood. Height, 3% inches; length, 8% inches. 138-^Wedgwood Plaque (1790) Oval. Green and white jasper. Portrait of Lady Q Auckland. Modeled by Flaxman. Gilt oval frame. Mark: wedgwood and scratched name. Height, 4% inches; width, 3% inches. 139— Wedgwood Plaque (1790) \sjf Oval. Green and white jasper. "Head of Diana." Black oval frame. Mark : wedgwood and scratched title. Height, 2~/s inches; toidth, 2% inches. 140 — Wedgwood Plaque (1795) \\\J °val. Blue and white jasper. "Flora scattering > ^ Flowers on the Earth." Mark : wedgwood. Height, 6ys inches; width, iy2 inches. 141 — Wedgwood Portrait Medallion (1785) Oval. Blue and white jasper. Bust portrait of \* Shakespeare. (The later model.) Mark : wedgwood. Height, 4 inches; width, 3% inches. ^edgwood Plaque (1790) f .i Oval. Basaltes. "Bacchanalian Boys at Play." -yi\^/ Mark: wedgwood. ^ Height, 5y2 inches; length, iyz inches. 143— Wedgwood Plaque (1780) i Oval. Blue and white jasper. "Figure of Hebe Bear- )C> ing Food to the Gods." Modeled by Webber. In oval frame. Repaired. Mark : wedgwood. bentley. Height, 10 inches; width, 7yz inches. 144 — Pair of Sevres Plaques (1795) 1/ Shuttle-shaped. Blue and white biscuit porcelain. Figures of "Peace Strangling the Serpents of Dis cord" and of the "Muse Polyhymnia." Made at Sevres in the manner of WedgwoocU, In square gilt frame. Height, 5 inches. 145 — Wedgwood Intaglio Plaque (1789) i Oval. Basaltes. Commemoration tablet issued on the V) convalescence of George III. Mark: wedgwood. Height, 2y2 inches. 146 — Turner Medallion Oval. Blue and white jasper. Copy of Wedgwood's "Bourbonnais Shepherd." Framed. Height, 1% inches. 147 — Wedgwood Plaque ^^ Oblong. Blue and white jasper. "Cupids Sacrificing." Repaired. Mark: wedgwood. Height, 5y2 inches; length, 8 inches. 148-^Wedgwood Plaque (1796) ~i— >. Circular. Blue and white jasper. "JEsculapius and a ) y* Disciple Sacrificing." Repaired. ~/f ' Mark: wedgwood. Diameter, 2y2 inches. 149-^Wedgwood Plaque (1790) Oval. Dark blue and white j asper. A memorial tablet ~\ ' \Jfo a musician : Fame writing on a shield hanging to an >y Ionic column at whose base lies a discarded lyre. Mark: wedgwood. Height, 5% inches; width, 3y2 inches. 150— ^Vedgwood Plaque (1789) Oval. Dark blue and white jasper. Memorial tablet -. published at the death of Salomon Gessner, a popular Swiss poet and painter. Born in Zurich, 1750 ; died, 1788. Mark: wedgwood. Height, 4y2 inches; xoidth, 3% inches. 151 — Wedgwood Plaque (1770) Oval. Blue and white jasper. "Moses, or iEsculapius, /•' with Serpent-entwined Staff." (From a Renaissance gem.) Mark: wedgwood & bentley. Height, 3% inches. (Illustrated) 152 — Wedgwood Medallion (1775) Oval. Blue and white waxen jasper. Figure of "Om- ) ,.- phale in the Lion's Skin." Modeled by Flaxman. In ebony and ormolu frame of contemporary date. Height, 3yg inches. 153 — Wedgwood Plaque (1775) sf Oval. Gray blue and white jasper. "Group of Three \ IN Bacchanalian Boys." Modeled by Lady Diana Beau- -J clerk. Mark : wedgwood & bentley. Height, 3% inches; width, 5 inches. (Illustrated) 154 — Wedgwood Plaque Oblong. Dark blue and white jasper. "Priam Beg- yr ging the Body of Hector from Achilles." In gilt frame. Repaired. Mark : wedgwood. Height, 6 inches; length, 15 inches. (155/— Frame of Fourteen Wedgwood Cameos v Blue and white jasper. Circular, oval and octagonal. Center: Oval medallion, "Cupids at Play," surrounded by "Priam and Hector," "Diana with the Stag," "Apollo," "Hercules Killing the Boar," "Hebe and the Eagle," "Nymphs Sacrificing," "A Muse," and others. Marks : wedgwood. 156 — 'Fkajie of Fifteen Wedgwood Cameos Tricolored jasper. Circular, oval and octagonal. S Center : Circular medallion, "Venus Disarming Cupid," surrounded by "Aurora and Cupid," "A Sacrifice," "Jupiter," "Mars," "Cupids," and others. Marks : wedgwood. (157) — Frame of Seventeen Wedgwood Cameos Blue and white jasper. Circular, oval and octagonal. Center: "iEsculapius and Peace." From a gem by / Valerio Vicentino (Tassie No. 13829), surrounded by "Victory with a Spear," "Bacchante and Leopard" j/ (Tassie No. 5029), "A Bacchante," "A Sacrifice to Hygeia," "Atlas Supporting the World," and others. Marks : wedgwood. ,, ~i 158 — Wedgwood Scent Flacon (1785) Dark blue and white jasper. Spade-shaped. Deco- . ' rated in relief with subject of "Venus and Cupid" and "Nymph." Guilloche border and acanthus and honey suckle ornamentation. Lapidary polished edge. Height, 4% inches. Wedgwood Scent Flacon Tricolored jasper with silver mounts. Spade-shaped. Decorated in white relief on blue and green with sub jects of "Zephyrs." Height, 3yA inches. -Wedgwood Scent Flacon (1810) Dark blue and white jasper, with silver mounts. Straight sides, decorated with subjects of "Perseus and Andromeda" and "A Sacrifice to iEsculapius" in oval panels. Mark: wedgwood. Height, 3 inches. 161 — -Wedgwood Double Scent Flacon (1800) / ~~^ Blue and white jasper, with silver mounts. Spindle- / , i2 shaped. Decorated in relief on granulated ground with subjects of "Cupids at Play." Height, 3% inches. Vedgwood Scent Flacon (1800) lue and white jasper. Spindle-shaped. Decorated /n relief on granulated ground with subjects of "Au- i rora" and "Bellerophon." Floral festoons and acan- .)/ thus and honeysuckle ornamentation. '/ Height, 3 inches. 163 — Frame of Eleven Wedgwood Cameos ~\ Various shapes. Blue and white jasper. In center, George III, surrounded by figure of "Peace," "An Offering to Peace," "Genius of Fortune," "Ulysses Arresting the Chariot of Victory" and six gem cameos. Marks: wedgwood. >\ 164 — Frame of Fourteen Wedgwood Cameos */ -, Various shapes. Blue and white jasper. In center, i head of George III, surrounded by "Priam Begging Hector's Body from Achilles," "Minerva and iEgis," "Moses and Peace," "Venus and Cupid," decorative medallion, and five small cameos. Marks : wedgwood. 165^-Frame of Fifteen Wedgwood Cameos Various shapes. Blue and white jasper. In center, "Sportive Love," surrounded by "Diana," "Dancing 'NymPh>" "Truth," "Apollo," "A Marriage," "Moses," and "Priam and Achilles," and six dark blue and white jasper buttons. Marks: wedgwood. /i66 — FJrame of Sixteen Wedgwood Cameos arious shapes. Blue and white jasper. In center, •Maria and her Dog," surrounded by "A Sacrifice," ). /' "Triumph of Bacchus," "Hebe and the Eagle," "Moses i\A^ and Peace," "Apollo," "Bellerophon and Pegasus," i ' "Lion and Ox Fighting," "Achilles and Briseis," "Lucca the Vestal," "Neptune," four studs and a button. Marks : wedgwood. Examples of the Work of Josiah Wedgwood and his Leading Contemporaries in Crystalline Agate, Marble and Pebble Ware "The crystalline terra-cotta vases continued to be made throughout all the finest period of Wedgwood's work — particularly the imitations of pebble, Egyptian pebble, green jasper, green marble, and one or more kinds of porphyry. The crystalline bodies were also largely used for many other useful and ornamental objects. "It is now somewhat rare to find the crystalline vases in pairs; more so in sets of three. But if the collector has the chance of obtaining pairs or sets he should never lose it." — Miss Meteyard, "Wedgwood Handbook," page 244. 167— Tea-caddy (1800) ¦* / Agate ware. Cylindrical form. Decorated in agate glaze. Height, &y2 inches. 168 — Neale Miniature Vase -*** Green granite ware. Urn-shaped, on circular base, J . with three projecting handles from which depend fes- / toons of laurel leaves. Height, 4 inches. 169 — Wedgwood Pot-pourri Jar with Cover and Handles (1815) Glazed semi-porcelain. Coupe-shaped, with perforated cover and looped handles. Decorated in solid green relief with acanthus-leaf and lily design. Mark : wedgwood. 170 — Spode Pot-pourri Jar (1825) Partially glazed semi-porcelain. Basket-shaped, with overarching handle and perforated cover. Decorated with bands of blue glaze and floral ornamentation in dark green relief. Mark : Impressed number. Height, 5 inches. 171— Pair of Spode Vases (1800) '-) Beaker-shaped. Chocolate-colored glaze. Decorated 1 ¦'" with transfer prints in yellow of Chinoiserie subjects. Height, 4y2 inches. 172 — French Faience Bowl Cover and Stand (1775) Agate-glazed pottery. Coupe-shaped, with rustic loop D handle and floral finial to lid. Circular stand with gauffered edge. From the collection of Prof. A. H. Church, Author of "Josiah Wedgwood." Height, 6y2 inches; diameter, 9y2 inches. Note: This was made toward the end of the eighteenth century at Apt, near Avignon, in the factory established by the Abb6 Morel, and is interesting as a noteworthy attempt on the part of the French potters to imitate the agate ware of Wedgwood. 173 — Whieldon Pitcher (1775) / Agate ware.- Ovolo-shaped, with spout formed as a dog's head, loop handle and decoration of husk gar lands in relief. / Height, 7y2 inches. 174 — Vase Agate ware. Bottle-shaped and decorated in white relief with floral festoons and Satyr masks. Agate '"1/ ware and green glazing. / Height, 10 inches. 175 — Enoch Wood Obelisk (1785) Glazed pottery. Obelisk of varicolored pebbled work } S " on blue and white glazed pedestal, with oval medallions / in relief showing trace of oil gilding. Height, 12 inches. 176 — Enoch Wood Obelisk (1785) ¦ Glazed pottery. Obelisk of varicolored pebbled work on blue and white glazed pedestal, with oval medallions in relief. Height, 13y2 inches. > 1777-t-Exoch Wood Obelisk (1785) ,jh >' Glazed pottery. Obelisk of glazed granite ware on ffiy1 : square white glazed molded pedestal, with oval medal lions in relief. Height, 13% inches. 178 — Spode Vase with Handles (1810) White semi-porcelain glazed. Urn-shaped, with scrolled handles on circular base. Decorated in blue relief with memorial subjects. Acanthus and vine leaf ornamentation. Repaired. Height, By2 inches. 179 — Ferrybridge Pot-pourri Jar with Cover (1796) Pebble ware pottery. LTrn-shaped, with perforated U"*l pinnacle lid and bands of black on gray ground. Mark : Wedgwood & Co. Height, 9 inches. Note: The Ferrybridge Potteries took into partnership in 1796 Ralph Wedgwood, Josiah's nephew, and at once adopted the deceptive mark of Wedgwood & Co. 180 — Pair of Wedgwood Vases with Handles and Covers % \ \\J Crystalline agate ware. Urn-shaped with handles ' formed as satyrs' heads with carved horns. Traces (1795) ie „s saty . A,*- of oil gilding. On square black basaltes bases. " .-¦-' Mark: Wedgwood & Bentley. Height, 6 inches. 181^Ralph Wood Vase with Handles (1755) '";_ //)Granite ware. Urn-shaped, with scrolled, eagle-headed j, handles showing traces of gilding and on square base. Height. 8 inches. *|2-t*Set of Three Palmer Vases (1800) Granite ware. Urn-shaped, with shallow flutings in white and granite, and decoration of drapery festoons ^yy and medallions in white relief. Heights, 9 and 8 inches. 183 — Neale & Co. Vase with Cover and Handles (1775) Agate ware. Urn-shaped, with looped handles and cover with ball finial. On contemporary marble square base. Decorated in relief with band of drapery fes toons in white. Traces of oil gilding on relief orna mentation. Mark obliterated. Height, 11 y inches. 184 — Wedgwood Vase (1775) Crystalline agate ware. Urn-shaped, with band of j 0 laurel wreath design and acanthus-leaf ornamentation in relief on square base. (Handles missing and slight repairs.) Mark: Wedgwood & Bentley. Height, 13 inches. 185 — Pair of Wedgwood Vases with Handles (1775) Crystalline agate ware. Urn-shaped, on square white (j biscuit-ware bases. Handles formed as goats' heads C/<^t/*t'1 norns* Mark: Wedgwood 1/6 & Bentley. (Illustrated) Height, 8 inches. 186 — Wedgwood Vase with Handle (1785) *n . Crystalline agate ware. Formed as an ovolo-shaped y ewer, with looped handle springing from a Pan mask and with band of laurel wreath ornament in relief. On square white biscuit base. Traces of oil gilding. Mark : Wedgwood. (Illustrated) Height, 11 inches. 1/7 — Wedgwood Vase with Handles (1785) ^ Agate ware. Urn-shaped, on square base. Looped / scroll handles; band of laurel wreath, with festoons of drapery in relief. Mark obliterated. (Illustrated) Height, 10% inches. 188— Ralph Wood Vase with Handles and Cover (1755) |j Granite ware. Urn-shaped, having scrolled eagle- , | headed handles, with traces of oil gilding. On square 1-1/ white base. Mark: Ra. Wood, Burslem, impressed. (Illustrated) Height, 8y inches. .raC^Ht'Sff* 189 — Pair of Wedgwood Vases with Handles (1775) Crystalline agate ware. Urn-shaped, with looped oil- gilded handles springing from nymphs' heads. On 1 ^square white biscuit bases. Mark: Wedgwood. Height, 8 inches. (Illustrated) 190 — Neale & Co. Vase with Handles and Cover (1795) j ^^Crystalline agate ware. Urn-shaped, with upright scrolled handles ; band of laurel wreath design in re lief and decoration of festoons of drapery. Finial to cover formed as seated female figure. On square base. Mark obliterated. Height, 16 inches. 191 — Wedgwood Vase with Handles and Cover (1775) yv Crystalline agate ware. Urn-shaped, on square white biscuit base. Handles modeled as satyrs' masks with carved horns. Mark: Wedgwood!& Bentley. Height, 12 inches. (Illustrated) 192 — Wedgwood Vase with Handles Crystalline porphyry ware. Urn-shaped, with band — . of laurel-leaf pattern and acanthus-leaf decoration hv. relief. Handles formed as twisted serpents and scrolls. Decoration oil-gilded. On square black base with gilt decoration. From the famous Cornelius Fox Collec tion. Sold in 1890. Mark : wedgwood. Height, 14% inches. (Illustrated) 193 — Pair of Wedgwood Cream Ewers Cane-colored biscuit ware. Boat-shaped, with flat loop*4}! * jjJHfandles. Decorated in relief in olive-green and choco- f, r* late color, with subjects of "Charlotte at the Tomb of Werther," "Domestic Employment" and "Sportive Love." Modeled by Lady Templetown. Mark : wedgwood. Height, 3y2 inches. i94 — Pair of Neale Vases (1790) Cane-colored biscuit ware. Urn-shaped, with molded jband and flutings on circular bases. Decorated with jgures of "Abundantia," etc., in solid blue relief. y Height, 7 inches. • ) 1957^-Spode Pot-pourri Jar with Handles (1815) Cane-colored biscuit ware. Ovolo-shaped, with looped ^ I j handle, inner lid and perforated cover with ball finial. I ^ fTytoecorated with an all-over Oriental pattern of birds and groups of flowers in colored enamels. Mark : spode. Height, 11% inches. 196— (-Turner Jardiniere (1785) Cane-colored biscuit ware. Cylindrical shape, with projecting looped handles. Decorated with relief groups of children's pastimes. Mark: tur.ner. Height, 6% inches. VS Wedgwood Pot-pourri Jar with Handles (1815) Cane-colored biscuit ware. Ovolo-shaped, with looped handles and lid with button finial. Decorated with an all-over Oriental pattern of birds and floral sprays in colored enamels. Mark: wedgwood. Height, 8% inches. 198y-WEDGW00D Pot-pourri Jar with Handles (1805) y^/' -Red terra-cotta. Ovolo-shaped, with loop handles, \ // / inner lid and perforated cover with ball finial. Deco- ' /«« rated with an all-over Oriental pattern of birds and ' floral sprays in colored enamels. Mark : wedgwood. Height, 10 inches. 199— Wedgwood Pot-pourri Jar with Handles (1805) '^- Black biscuit ware. Ovolo-shaped, with looped handles, 1 inner lid and perforated cover. Decorated with an / ';. all-over Oriental pattern of birds and flowers in colored enamels. Mark: wedgwood. Height, 10 inches. Some Examples of Portrait Busts in Basaltes by Wedgwood and Turner "This section of Wedgwood's fine art work is, as a whole, most perfect; and collectors cannot do better than acquire, whenever possible, desirable specimens." — Miss Meteyard, "Wedgwood Handbook," page 202. 200 — Turner Portrait Bust (1786) f Black basaltes. Portrait of Jacques Necker, famous \"-\ French statesman (1732-1804). On square base, with impressed title "necker." Height, 7 inches. 201/-Pair of Wedgwood Vases (1800) Black basaltes. Urn-shaped, on square bases. Deco rated with modeled full-length figures of Triton and "V^ Satyr, with festoons of laurel leaves and of grapes Q*y vine leaves, flutings and acanthus bands. Modeled by Flaxman. Mark: wedgwood. Height, 15% inches. The celebrated Wine and "Water Vases. In this case they are without the handles. (-202 — Wedgwood Portrait Bust (1795) V Black basaltes. Portrait of Homer. On circular base. Modeled by Flaxman. Mark: wedgwood/ Height, 14 inches. (Illustrated) ^OS-^Wedgwood Portrait Bust (1795) — Black basaltes. Portrait of Democritus, the "Laugh ing Philosopher" (B.C. 460). On circular base. ) Mark: wedgwood. Height, 12 inches. (Illustrated) /#04 — Turner Portrait Bust (1786) ( Black basaltes. Portrait of John Milton (1608-1674).. On columnar base. Mark: turner^ Height, Wl/2 inches. 205— Turner Portrait Bust (1786) Black basatles. Portrait of William Congreve, the celebrated dramatist (1670-1729). On columnar base. Mark: turner.!1 Height, 10% inches. 206 — Wedgwood Portrait Bust (1795) XJ Black basaltes. Portrait of Sir Walter Raleigh (1552- M /1618). On circular base. Modeled by Grant & Hos- kins. Mark: wedgwood. Height, 18 inches. Busts of this size are rare. 207 — Wedgwood Bas-relief Portrait Head (1775) Black basaltes. On oval mount. Portrait head of Queen Charlotte, wife of George III. In extremely . high relief. A A. Heiqht of head, 12 inches. l/fk S ¦ y Note: This head, no mention of which occurs in Wedgwood's Catalogues, was probably modeled by Flaxman, though it differs in some details from his two other models of the same subject. Owing to the difficulties in firing it was seldom that Wedgwood ventured on the production of pieces of this size. "Old Wedgwood," by Frederick Rathbone Biographical and descriptive chapters of the decorative and artistic work of Josiah Wedgwood, with 67 full- page illustrations in colors and many icoodcuts. Folio, in original boards. Bernard Quaritch, London, 1898. This copy of the most important work on Wedgwood yet published — one that is essential to the collector — was chosen by the author especially for the late Edwin Babcock Holdewf* h SECOND AND LAST AFTERNOON'S SALE TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1914 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 2.30 O'CLOCK Old Wedgwood Portrait Medallions in Black Basaltes All from the Hargreaves Collection 209— Ten Wedgwood Intaglios (1790) Octagonal. Basaltes. From the "Alphabetic Cyphers" of the 1787 Catalogue. Monograms of letters : T. E. —J. Y.— D. A.— Iv. S.— T. P.— A. Y— T. Y.— S. U. — H. W.— Iv. S. 210 — Ten Wedgwood Intaglios (1790) Octagonal. Basaltes and blue jasper. From the "Al phabetic Cyphers" of the 1787 Catalogue. Mono grams of letters : W. O.— A. W— B. O.— Iv. H. — T. P. — R. P.— M. A— J. P.— M. D.— T. O. 211 — Two Wedgwood Portrait Medallions Oval. Basaltes. "Roman Emperors" Series : Nerva, A.D. 96, and Antoninus Pius, A.D. 138. Marks : wedgwood. Length, 2 inches. 212 — Two Portrait Medallions Oval. Basaltes. "Roman Emperors" Series : Didius Julianus, A.D. 193, and Pescennius Niger, A.D. 193. Marks : wedgwood. Length, 2 inches. 213 — Two Wedgwood Portrait Medallions Oval. Basaltes. "Roman Emperors" Series : Clodius Albinus, A.D. 193 (stamped Julianus in error), and Heliogabahis, A.D. 218. Mark : Scratched name. Length, 2 inches. 214 — Two Wedgwood Portrait Medallions Oval. Basaltes. "Roman Emperors" Series : J. V. Maximinus II, A.D. 235, and Gordianus I, A.D. 236. Mark : wedgwood. Length, 2 inches. 215 — Two Portrait Medallions Oval. Basaltes. "Roman Emperors" Series : Bal- binus, A.D. 237, and Gordianus III, A.D. 238. WEDGWOOD. -MarKs : , Wedgwood. Length, 2 inches. 216 — Two Wedgwood Portrait Medallions Oval. Basaltes. "Roman Emperors" Series: Valens Hostilianus, A.D. 240, and Julius Philippus, A.D. ~"^- Mark: wedgwood. Length, 2 inches. 217 — Two Wedgwood Portrait Medallions Oval. Basaltes. "Roman Emperors" Series: J. Philippus Felix, A.D. 244, and Gallus, A.D. 251. Mark : wedgwood. Length, 2 inches. 218 — Two Wedgwood Portrait Medallions Oval. Basaltes. "Roman Emperors" Series: L. Valerianus, A.D. 254, and S. Valerianus, A.D. 254. Mark: wedgwood. Length, 2 inches. 219 — Two Wedgwood Portrait Medallions Oval. Basaltes. "Roman Emperors" Series : Flori- anus, A.D. 276, and Maximianus, A.D. 286. WEDGWOOD Marks : Wedgwood Length, 2 inches. 220 — Two Wedgwood Portrait Medallions Oval. Basaltes. "Roman Emperors" Series : Con stantius, A.D. 304, and [Maximinus, A.D. 304. Mark : Wedgwood. Length, 2 inches. 221 — Two Wedgwood Portrait Medallions Oval. Basaltes. "English Poets" Series: Geoffrey Chaucer, d. A.D. 1400, and Congreve, d. A.D. 1729. Marks : Scratched names. Length, 2 inches. 222 — Two Wedgwood Portrait Medallions Oval. Basaltes. "Caesars" and "Illustrious Moderns" Series: Domitia, wife of Domitian, A.D. 81, and King Edward III of England, A.D. 1327. wedgwood. Marks: Wedgwood. Length, 2 inches. 223 — Two Wedgwood Portrait Medallions Oval. Basaltes. "Illustrious Moderns" Series : Agnes Soreau, A.D. 1450, and Saint-Evremont, A.D. 1703. Marks: Wedgwood. Length, 2 inches. 224 — Set of Eight Wedgwood Portrait Medallions Circular. Basaltes. "Heads of Popes" Series : Sixtus I, A.D. 126; Silvester, A.D. 314; Hilary, A.D. 461; Pascal II, A.D. 1099; Adrian VI, A.D. 1522; Leo X, A.D. 1513; Gregory XIII, A.D. 1572, and Sixtus V, A.D. 1585. WEDGWOOD. Marks : Wedgwood & Bentley. Diameter, 1% inches. /225— tFrame of Fifteen Wedgwood and Adams Cameos — — -^ Blue and white jasper. Circular, oval and octagonal. Center: Adams medallion, "Dancing Boys," sur rounded by "Head of Minerva," "Hygeia," "Offering to Peace," "Cupids with Birds," "Diana," "Triumph of Bacchus," "Vestal with the Sieve," and others. Marks : wedgwood. 226— Frame of Fourteen Wedgwood Medallions Tricolored jasper. Octagonal and oval. Center: Octagonal medallion in blue, white, lilac and green jasper, "The Market of Love," surrounded by "Cupids Playing with a Grasshopper," "Nymphs Sacrificing," "Hygeia" and "Cupids Playing." Marks : wedgwood. Frame of Twelve Wedgwood Portrait Cameos Blue, green, lilac and white jasper. Circular, oval and octagonal. Center: Portrait medallion of George III, surrounded by portraits of Admiral Keppel, Queen _ , Charlotte, Charles Edward, Julia Pia, Philippus and / •»** Ottacilla, Omphale, Silenus and others. Marks : wedgwood. 228 — Two Wedgwood Portrait Medallions (1785) Oval, with frames. Basaltes. "Illustrious Grecians" Series: Lycurgus, B.C. 870, and Bias, B.C. 608. Marks: wedgwood. Length, 3 inches. 229 — Two Wedgwood Portrait Medallions (1785) Oval, with frames. Basaltes. "Illustrious Grecians" Series: Pittacus, B.C. 570, and Chilo, B.C. 556. Marks : wedgwood. Length, 3 inches. 230 — Two Wedgwood Portrait Medallions (1789) Oval, with frames. Basaltes. "Illustrious Grecians" Series: Solon, B.C. 549, and Thales, B.C. 548. Marks : wedgwood. Length, 3 inches. 231 — Two Wedgwood Portrait Medallions (1789) Oval, with frames. Basaltes. "Illustrious Grecians" Series : Heraclitus, B.C. 506, and Pythagoras, B.C. 497. Marks : wedgwood. Length, 3 inches. 232 — Two Wedgwood Portrait Medallions (1785) Oval, with frames. Basaltes. "Illustrious Grecians" Series: Aristides, B.C. 484, and Thucydides, B.C. 450. Marks : wedgwood. Length, 3 inches. 233 — Two Wedgwood Portrait Medallions (1789) Oval, with frames. Basaltes. "Illustrious Grecians" Series : Conon, B.C. 393, and Aristippus, B.C. 392. Marks : wedgwood. Length, 3 inches. 234 — Two Wedgwood Portrait Medallions (1785) Oval, with frames. Basaltes. "Illustrious Grecians" Series: Epaminondas, B.C. 371, and Demosthenes, B.C. 322. Marks: wedgwood. Length, 3 inches. 235 — Two Wedgwood Portrait Medallions (1782) Oval, with frames. Basaltes. "Illustrious Grecians" Series: Hippocrates, B.C. 361, and Democritus, B.C. 370. Marks : wedgwood. Length, 3 inches. 236 — Two Wedgwood Portrait Medallions (1789) Oval, with frames. Basaltes. "Illustrious Grecians" Series : Archytus, B.C. 360, and Plato, B.C. 348. Marks : wedgwood. Length, 3 inches. 237 — Two Wedgwood Portrait Medallions (1785) Oval, with frames. Basaltes. "Illustrious Grecians" Series: Leodamas, B.C. 350, and Isocrates, B.C. 348. Marks : wedgwood. Length, 3 inches. PORTRAIT MEDALLIONS, WITH FRAMES, IN BASALTES. 238 — Two Wedgwood Portrait Medallions (1789) Oval, with frames. Basaltes. "Illustrious Grecians" Series: Callisthenes, B.C. 328, and Diogenes, B.C. 324. [Marks : wedgwood. Length, 3 inches. 239 — Two Wedgwood Portrait Medallions (1789) Oval, with frames. Basaltes. "Illustrious Grecians" Series: Aristotle, B.C. 322, and Xenocrates, B.C. 314. Marks : wedgwood. Length, 3 inches. 240 — Two Wedgwood Portrait Medallions (1789) Oval, with frames. Basaltes. "Illustrious Grecians" Series: Euclid, B.C. 300, and Crates, B.C. 287. Marks : wedgwood. Length, 3 inches. 241 — Two Wedgwood Portrait Medallions (1789) Oval, with frames. Basaltes. "Illustrious Grecians" Series : Aratus, B.C. 277, and Zeno, B.C. 264. Marks : wedgwood. Length, 3 inches. 242 — Two Wedgwood Portrait Medallions (1789) Oval, with frames. Basaltes. "Illustrious Grecians" Series: Archimedes, B.C. 212, and Posidonius, B.C. ¦51. Marks : wedgwood. Length, 3 inches. 243 — Two Wedgwood Portrait Medallions (1785) Oval, with frames. Basaltes. "Illustrious Grecians" Series: Chrysippus, B.C. 207, and Carneades, B.C. 1~°- Marks: wedgwood. Length, 3 inches. 244 — Two AVedgwood Portrait Medallions (1784) Oval, with frames. Basaltes. "Illustrious Grecians" Series : Asclepiades, B.C. 90, and Apollonius Tyanasus, A.D. 79. Marks: Wedgwood. Length, 3 inches. 245 — Two AVedgwood Portrait Medallions (1775) Oval, with frames. Basaltes. "Greek Poets" Series : Pythias of Colophon, and Alceus, B.C. 607. Wedgwood. [Marks : J AVedgwood & Bentley. Length, 3 inches. 246 — Two AAtedgwood Portrait Medallions (1775) Oval, with frames. Basaltes. "Greek Poets" Series: Anacreon, B.C. 500, and Simonides, B.C. 480. i WEDGWOOD. AA'edgwood & Bentley. Length, 3 inches. 247 — Two Wedgwood Portrait Medallions (1775) Oval, with frames. Basaltes. "Greek Poets" Series: Pindar, B.C. 435, and Euripides, B.C. 407. Mark: AATedgwood & Bentley. Length, 3 inches. %&'i Tvj Wedgwood Portrait Medallions (1785) Vi.. vith frames. Basaltes. "Greek Poets" Series: A.-.stophanes, B.C. 389, and Menander, B.C. 293. Marks: Scratched number and impressed name. Lcnoth, 3 inches. 249 — Two AAtedgwood Portrait Medallions (1775) Oval, with frames. Basaltes. "Greek Poets" Series: Posidippus, B.C. 280, and Theocritus, B.C. 208. Mark : Wedgwood& Bentley. Length, 3 inches. 250 — Two AAtedgwood Portrait Medallions (1789) Oval, with frames. Basaltes. "Greek Poets" Series: Apollonius of Rhodes, B.C. 230, and Moschus, B.C. 177. Marks: Scratched number and impressed name. Length, 3 inches. 251 — AArEDGWOOD and Leeds Medallions (1785 AND 1836) Oval and circular, with frames. One with granulated and bronzed background: Aristophanes, B.C. 389. Another, Napoleonic [Medal commemorating the coup d'etat of Louis Napoleon in 1836. Marks : Scratched name and leeds pottery. Length, 3 inches; diameter, 2*4 inches. Old Wedgwood Cameos and Intaglios in Blue and White Jasper and Other Mediums From the Hargreaves Collection 252 — Ten AVedgwood Intaglios (1790) Octagonal. Blue jasper. From the "Alphabetic Cyphers" of the 1787 Catalogue. Monograms of letters: E. U.— J. E.— K. S— B. O.— R. F.— G. C. W. M.— P. M.— R. T.— A. G. 253 — Four AArEDGwooD Cameo Buttons Circular Blue and white jasper. The Egyptian god "Horus," "Chiron," "Dancing Nymph," and "Judith with the Head of Holofernes." Gilt metal mounts. 254 — Six Cameo Buttons (1800) Circular. Blue and white jasper. "Cupid with Captive Bird," "Centaur," "The Poet Spenser," "Head of Paris" and "Heads of Harpocrates." Gilt metal mounts. 255— Four Intaglios (1775 and 1786) Oval. Basaltes and blue jasper. "Head of Pan," "Harpocrates with a Cornucopia," "Bellerophon Watering Pegasus" and "Head of Jupiter Ammon." Mark : Wedgwood & Bentlcv. 255^4 — Four Wedgwood Intaglios (1775 and 1786) Oval. Basaltes and blue jasper. "An Enchantment," "Mercury," "Junius Brutus (with the Dagger)" and "Heads of Proserpine as Ceres." Marks : Wedgwood & Bentlcv. 256 — Four AA7edgwood Intaglios (1775 and 1786) Oval. Basaltes and blue jasper. ".Egle Binding Silenus to a Tree," "Head of Olympias," "Head of a Bacchante crowned with Ivy" and "Head of Sabina in the Character of Ceres." Marks : Wedgwood & Bentley. 257 — Four AAtedgwood Intaglios (1775 and 1786) Oval. Basaltes and blue jasper. "Head of Olympias," "Bacchanalian Procession," "The Choice of Hercules" and "Dancing Nymph." Marks : AAredgwood & Bentlev. 258 — Wedgwood Intaglio Medallion (1790) Circular. Basaltes. "Diana Lucifera in a Chariot.' (Tassie No. 2036.) Mark: wedgwood 259 — Wedgwood Exhibition Tablet (1792) Oval. White jasper painted in blue. Inscribed: "B3 J. Wedgwood, F.R.S. Width, 2 inches Old Wedgwood Bell-pulls and Old Wedgwood and Adams Candlestick Drums in Blue and White and Colored Jaspers "These cylindrical drums with small cameo figures in white on blue make particularly beautiful supports for a gilt bronze and glass super structure. "Oviform handles for bell-ropes were made in considerable numbers and in Queen's ware as well as in jasper. They were decorated in a simple and appropriate manner." — Professor Ci-iurch, "Josiah Wedg wood," pp. 52 and 5-t. 260 — Pair of Wedgwood Bell-pulls (1795) Blue and white jasper. Pear-shaped, with spiral flut ings and band of lotus-leaf ornamentation. Height, 2% inches. 261 — Pair of Wedgwood Bell-pulls (1795) Same description as No. 260. 262 — Pair of Wedgwood Bell-pulls (1795) Same as No. 260 263 — Pair of Wedgwood Bell-pulls (1795) Same as No. 260. 264 — Pair of Wedgwood Bell-pulls (1795) Same as No. 260. 265 — Pair of AAtedgwood Bell-pulls (1795) Same as No. 260. --^ 266 — Pair of Wedgwood Bell-pulls (1790) Green and white jasper. Pear-shaped, decorated in relief with band of lotus-leaf ornamentation. Height, 3 inches. if o 267 — Wedgwood Bell-pull (1800) Tricolored jasper. Pear-shaped. Decorated in relief with checkered and rosetted pattern and bands of *^,- laurel-leaf ornamentation in white, green and yellow jasper. Height, 3 inches. ?J 268 — Adams Bell-pull (1790) Blue and white jasper. Ovolo-shaped. Decorated in relief with subjects of "Consolation" and "Domestic Employment" and "Nymphs." Bands of lotus-leaf ornamentation. Mark: adams. Height, 21/2 inches. 269— Adams Bell-pull (1790) Dark blue and white jasper. Pear-shaped. Decorated irt relief with subjects of "A Sacrifice," "A'enus and Cupid," in panel formed by acanthus and honeysuckle. Height, 3 inches. 270 — Wedgwood Bell-pull (1795) Tricolored jasper. Pear-shaped. Decorated in relief with band of laurel-leaf ornamentation and shallow *\ J' flutings. Height, 3 inches. 271— Two AVedgwood Bell-pulls (1790) Green, lilac and white jasper. Pear-shaped. Deco rated in relief with acanthus and honeysuckle and lotus- leaf ornamentation. Height, 2% inches. 272 — AA'edgwood Bell-pull (1795) Dark blue and white jasper. Pear-shaped. Decorated in relief with festoons of drapery and lo±us-leaf orna mentation. Height, 2% inches. 273— AVedgwood Bell-pull (1775) Cream-colored Queen's ware. Pear-shaped. Shallow flutings of olive-green. Height, 3 inches. Bell-pulls in Queen's ware are very rarely met with. 274 — AA'edgwood Candlestick Pedestal Blue and white jasper. Square shape. Decorated in white relief with oval panels of "Venus and Cupid," "Hercules and the Lion," etc. Mark: wedgwood. Height, 2 inches. 275 — AVedgwood Pedestal Drum Blue and white jasper. Decorated in white relief with subjects of sacrifices. Bands of laurel-leaf ornamenta tion. Mark: wedgwood. Height, 3% inches. 276 — Pair of AA'edgwood Pedestal Drums (1795) Blue and white jasper. Cylindrical form. Decorated in white relief with figures of four Muses in panels formed by acanthus and honeysuckle design, with band of laurel-wreath ornament. Mark: wedgwood. Height, 3% inches. 277 — Pair of Adams Drums (1785) Black and white jasper. Cylindrical form. Decorated in white relief with figures of "Affliction," "Cupid with a [Mask," "Fame Crowning a Warrior," etc., after Wedgwood. Bands of interlaced and laurel-leaf orna ment. Height, 2% inches. 278 — Pair of Adams Drums (1785) Blue and white jasper. Cylindrical form. Decorated in white relief with subjects of "Cupid with a Mask," "Hebe and the Eagle" and "Endymion on Latmos," in panels formed by acanthus and honeysuckle. Bands of interlaced and laurel-leaf ornament. Height, 2y2 inches. 279— Pair of Adams Drums (1785) Blue and white jasper. Cylindrical form. Decorated in white relief with subjects of "Priam Begging the Body of Hector," "Ulysses Arresting the Chariot of A'ictory," "Bellerophon Watering Pegasus" and "Cupid and Venus." Bands of interlaced and laurel- leaf. Height, 2% inches. 280 — Pair of Adams Drums (1785) Blue and white jasper. Cylindrical form. Decorated in white relief with subjects of "ATenus and Cupid," "Apollo" and "Sacrificing Nymphs." Bands of inter laced and laurel-leaf ornament. Height, 2% inches. 281 — Pair of Adams Drums (1785) Blue and white jasper. Cylindrical form. Decorated in white relief with subjects of Wenus and Cupids," "Apollo" and "Sacrificing Nymphs." Bands of inter lacements and laurel leaf. Height, 2% inches. -Pair of Adams Drums (1785) Blue and white jasper. Cylindrical form. Decorated in white relief with subjects of "Bacchanalian Sacri fice" and "Nymphs Sacrificing." Band of ribbon orna ment. Height, 2y2 inches. 283 — Two Adams Drums (1785) Blue and white jasper. Cylindrical form. Decorated in white relief with subjects of "Nymphs Sacrificing," "Thetis and Achilles," etc. Bands of interlaced and laurel-leaf ornament. Height, 2y2 inches. 284— Two Adams Drums (1785) Blue and white jasper. Cylindrical form. Decorated in white relief with subjects of "Nymphs Sacrificing," "Apollo," "Achilles and Briseis," etc. Bands of inter lacements and laurel leaves. Mark: adams. Height, 3 inches. 285— Two Adams Drums (1785) Blue and white jasper. Cylindrical form. Decorated in white relief with subjects of "Maria and her Dog," cupids and floral sprays. Bands of interlacements. Height, 2% inches. 286 — Pair of Adams Lamp Drums (1785) Blue and white jasper. Mounted in ormolu. Cylin drical shape, with oval panels formed by acanthus-leaf and honeysuckle, enclosing relief subjects of "Roman Matron," "Thetis and Achilles" and "Nymphs Sacri ficing." Bands of interlaced and laurel-leaf pattern. With original metal mounts to form lamp bases. Height, &% inches. ) Old Wedgwood Cameos, Intaglios and Medallions mainly in Blue and White Jasper 287— Three Wedgwood Cameos (1770) Oval. Biscuit and semi-porcelain. Heads of Ptolemy, Pereander and Philemon. Marks : Catalogue Numbers impressed. 288— Two Wedgwood Cameos (1770) Oval. Queen's ware, with enameled backgrounds. Heads of "Sabina as Ceres" and of "Vitellius Caesar." 289— Wedgwood Cameo (1770) Oval. Black and white jasper. Subject: "Venus A'ic- torious Examining the Sword of Mars, while Cupid Presents her with his Helmet." (Tassie No. 6383.) Mark: Wedgwood & Bentley. Length, \y± inches. 290— Wedgwood Cameo (1779) Oval. Black and white jasper. Subject: "Ulysses Stopping the Chariot of Victory." (Tassie No. 9534.) Mark : Wedgwood & Bentley. Length, 1% inches. -Two Cameos^(1775) Oval. Black and white jasper. Subjects: "The Mar riage of Cupid and Psyche" (Tassie No. 7200) and "The Choice of Hercules" (Tassie No. 5682). Mark : Wedgwood & Bentley. Length, 1% inches. Note: This "Marriage of Cupid" is an exact copy of the Marl borough gem and differs from Flaxman's later version. 292 — Wedgwood Cameo (1779) Oval. Black and white jasper. Subject: "Hygeia Sacrificing, with Peace and Prosperity Clasping Hands." Mark : Wedgwood& Bentley. Length, 1% inches. 293— Wedgwood Cameo (1790) i Oblong. Blue and white jasper. "Marcus Curtius tius at the Gulf." Lapidary polished edges. Mark: wedgwood. Length, 1% inches. 294 — Two Wedgwood Cameos (1770) Oval. White semi-porcelain, with chocolate glazed M background. "Warrior Holding a Victory" and "Aj ax with the Body of Patroclus." Mark: Impressed Catalogue Number. Length, iys inches. 295 — Wedgwood Cameo (1767) Oval. Black and white Queen's ware, glazed. Sub ject: "Apollo preparing to Punish Marsyas, for Whom his disciple Olympus intercedes." LAVR MED in field. (Tassie No. 3019.) (An early trial piece, before the invention of jasper.) Length, 1% inches. Note: The original from which this was taken was used as his private seal by Lorenzo de' Medici. 296— Two Wedgwood Cameos (1780) Oval. Black and white semi-porcellanous, with glazed backgrounds. Subjects: "Saturn with Wings, a Scythe and an Open Book" (Tassie No. 767), "Jupiter as a Bull Carrying off Europa" (Wedgwood No. 102). Mark: Impressed Catalogue Number. 297 — Two Wedgwood Cameos (1775) 7 / / Oval. Lilac and white jasper. Wenus and Mars" and 5 '-^Aphilles with his Armor." -'> -L /> Marks : Wedgwood& Bentley. 298— Two Wedgwood Cameos (1770) Oval. Semi-porcelain, with buff enameled background. *', tGtorphale" and "Constantine." 299 — Frame of Wedgwood Cameo and Six Cameo Buttons (1790) ^ Circular and shuttle-shaped. Blue and white jasper. Head of George III, and set of six buttons. Mark: wedgwood. 300 — AA'edgwood Cameo Medallion (1770) r Oval. Cream-color biscuit, with blue enameled back ground. "Profile of Medusa (without wings)." Early model. Mark: Impressed Catalogue Number. Length, 1% inches. 301 — Wedgwood Cameo Medallion (1775) . Oval. Blue and white jasper. "Severus the Poet." ^ ( Mark : AA'edgwood f & Bentley. Length, 2 inches. 302 — Wedgwood Cameo Medallion (1775) ^ i Oval. Blue and white jasper. "Apollo." J Mark: Wedgwood & Bentley. Length, 21/i inches. 303 — Wedgwood Portrait Medallion (1790) Oval. Blue and white jasper. "Head of Marcus Claudius Marcellus." Length, 1% inches. tJ504 — Wedgwood Portrait Medallion (1770) Oval. Dark blue and white jasper. "Head of Plato." Mark : Wedgwood & Bentley. Length, 2y8 inches. 305 — Wedgwood Portrait Medallion (1790) Oval. Blue and white jasper. "Kings of Asia [Minor" Series : "Antiochus, King of Syria." Mark: wedgwood. Length, 2 inches. 306 — Wedgwood Portrait [Medallion (1790) ") Circular. Dark blue and white jasper. "Head of I George III Crowned with Laurel Wreath." Mark: wedgwood. Diameter, 1% inches. 307 — AVedgwood Double Portrait [Medallion (1770) / Oval. Blue and white jasper. "Heads of Aristippus V and Plato." Mark: Wedgwood & Bentley. Length, 2% inches. 308 — Wedgwood Double Portrait Medallion (1770) j Oval. Blue and white jasper. "Heads of Pythagoras \~J and Aristides." Mark : Wedgwood& Bentley. Length, 2% inches. 309 — Wedgwood Double Portrait Medallion (1770) j I Oval. Blue and white jasper. "Heads of Zeno and l\s' Hesiod." Mark: Wedgwood & Bentley. Length, 2% inches. (§1(>)-Adams Medallion (1785) Circular. Blue and white jasper. "Singing Cupid." In gilt frame. Mark: adams. Diameter, 2 inches. 311 — Turner Medallion (1780) Oval. Blue and white waxen jasper. "Cupid Inflam ing the Mind." Mark: turner. Length, 1% inches. J312— ^Turner Cameo Medallion (1790) Shuttle-shaped. Blue and white jasper. "A Zephyr." Copied from a design by Thomas Stothard. [Mark: turner. Length, 1% inches. Old Wedgwood Medallions and Plaques in Blue and White Jasper Mainly from the Hargreaves Collection 313 — Wedgwood Portrait Medallion (1780) / Oval. Blue and white jasper. Bust portrait of Dr. I X J. Fothergill, the famous Quaker physician and friend of Josiah Wedgwood. Modeled by Flaxman. Length, 3% inches. \p 1 4— jWedgwood Portrait Plaque (1775) f *.y Oval. Blue and white jasper. Head of Admiral Lord 'Keppel. VIodeled by Flaxman. Ormolu frame. Mark : wedgwood & bentley. Height, 3% inches. I 315^Enoch Wood Medallion (1780) • j Circular. Blue and white jasper. "Young Bac- lj '/.j/chanals." Mark: enoch wood SCULPSIT. From the celebrated J. Bowker Collection. Sold in 1£88. Diameter, 3% inches. 31^— Enoch Wood Plaque (1781) Oval. Dark blue and white jasper. "Theseus Res cuing Hippodamia from the Centaur." Height, 3y2 inches; width, 5 inches. (317^AVedgwood Plaque (1790) U -f- Oval. Blue and white jasper. "The Bourbonnais Shepherd." Modeled by Lady Templetown. Mark : wedgwood. Height, 3% inches; width, 3% inches. (Illustrated) 318^ Wedgwood Plaque (1790) . ; -y- Oval. Blue and white jasper. "Charlotte at the Tomb of Werther." Modeled by Lady Templetown. Mark: wedgwood. Height, 3y8 inches; width, 3% inches. (Illustrated) 319— Medallion (1790) ) J Oval. Blue and white jasper. Figure of "Abun- (/•' f J^antia with Cornucopia." [Modeled by Flaxman. In / * a contemporary oval cut-steel frame. [Mark: wedgwood. Height. 2\/2 inches. 320 — Wedgwood Tricolored Cameo Plaque Oval. Green, lilac and white jasper. "Friendship Consoling Affliction." Modeled by Mrs. Landre. In ' a contemporary green morocco case. [Mark : wedgwood. Height, 2% inches; width, 41/i inches. 321— -Wedgwood [Medallion Plaque (1777) Blue and white waxen jasper. Circular shape. Sub- . ject of "Medusa's Head." Modeled by Flaxman, ) ^**October, 1776, from an antique marble then in the ^r possession of Sir AArilliam Hamilton, but subsequentlyy**^, one of the celebrated Townley marbles. tA«-^»t ['(C^s a\-* /^^J^jarkA ' -feawooD & BENTLEY. Diameter, 4% inches. (Illustrated) Note: Mr. Hargreaves considered this an exceptional example of the most popular medallions Flaxman modeled for Wedgwood. I— Turner Plaque (1785) Oval. Peacock-blue and white jasper. "Bacchanalian 1 Boys and Goat." Modeled by Lady Diana Beauclerk. / Mark: turner. e From the AA7. R. Hodges Collection (1864). Height, 6 inches; width, 9 inches. 323 — Wedgwood Portrait Medallion (1770) Colored Queen's ware. Oval shape. Portrait bust ~ of "Augustus Cassar" in cream-colored relief on X/^ painted blue background. Height, 4>y2 inches. This and the three following lots are rare examples of the earliest trial pieces of Josiah Wedgwood. 324 — Wedgwood Portrait Medallion (1770) Colored Queen's ware. Oval shape. Portrait bust of Pompey the Great. Cream-colored relief on light blue painted background. Height, iy2 inches. 325 — Wedgwood Portrait Medallion (1770) Colored Queen's ware. Oval shape. Portrait of Julius Caesar. Cream-colored relief on chocolate-color painted background. Height, 4 inches. 326 — Wedgwood Portrait Medallion / Colored Queen's ware. Oval shape. Portrait of Vitellius Caesar. Cream-colored relief on black painted background. Height, 3% inches. /327~Wedgwood Medallion Plaque (1775) Blue and white jasper. Oval shape. Subject: "A Bacchanalian Figure." Modeled by Mrs. Landre. In black and gold frame. Mark: wedgwood& bentley. Height, 7 inches. 328 — Wedgwood Portrait Medallion (1785) Oval. Basaltes. "Josiah Wedgwood." Modeled by Webber. Mark: wedgwood (Repeated). Height, 4% inches; width, 314 inches. 329— Medallion (1775) Oval. Basaltes. "Head of Minerva." VIodeled by ^^-""Flaxman after an antique gem. In ormolu frame. Height. 4y, inches; width, 3y± inches. 330 — Wedgwood Portrait Medallion (1776) Oval. Blue and white jasper. Bust portrait of Dr. ") f\ Daniel Charles Solander. Mark: wedgwood. i ~ Height, 31/i inches. Note: This was the first portrait modeled by John Flaxman for Wedgwood. 33Jr*— Wedgwood Plaque l ^ Oval. Dark blue and white jasper. "Andromache and Hector." Modeled by Pacetti. In gilt frame. Mark : wedgwood. From the famous J. Bowker Collection. Sold in 1888. Height, 5% inches; xoidth, 6y2 inches. fjJggXWEDGWooD Plaque (1790) !j hf Oval. Green and white jasper. "Cupid with a Bird's Nest." In black oval frame. Mark : wedgwood. Height, 4% inches; width, 3 inches. 333 — Wedgwood Portrait Plaque (1790) Oval. Green and white jasper. Head and Bust of William Shakespeare. Gilt oval frame. Mark: wedgwood and scratched name. Height, 41/2 inches; width, 3% inches. % 334, — Wedgwood Plaque (1775) *---" Oval. Blue and white jasper. "Clio" (The Muse of History). Modeled by Flaxman. [Mark : wedgwood & BENTLEY. Height, 6y2 inches; width, 5 inches. 335 — Wedgwood Medallion (1775) Oval. Blue and white waxen jasper. Full-length Is® figure of "Arenus Anadyomene" (Venus of the Sea). Modeled by Flaxman. Height, 3ys inches. (Illustrated) 336 — Wedgwood Medallion (1775) y Oval. Blue and white waxen jasper. Full-length figure of "Venus Callipyge" (Venus aux Fesses). Height, 3% inches. (Illustrated) 337— Wedgwood Medallion (1775) Oval. Blue and white waxen jasper. Full-length fig ure of "Ceres." VIodeled by Flaxman. Height, 3ys inches. (Illustrated) 338— Plaque (1775) Oval. Blue and white waxen jasper. Emblematic figure of "Music." [Modeled by Flaxman. ' Height, 3y4 inches. (Illustrated) 339 — Wedgwood Portrait Medallion (1781) Blue and white jasper. Oval shape. Bust portrait of Josiah AA7edgwood. VIodeled by Flaxman. In gilt frame. Mark: wedgwood. Height, 5 inches. 336 335 317 339^4 — Wedgwood Portrait VIedallion (1781) Blue and white jasper. Oval shape. Bust portrait of k" Thomas Bentley. Modeled by Flaxman. In gilt , frame. Mark : wedgwood. Height, 5 inches. 340 — Wedgwood Plaque fg (Gk-rjg^? and white jasper. Oblong shape. "Priam Beg nf>- ging the Body of Hector from Achilles." In metaj, / frame. Mark: wedgwood. Height, 9 inches; length, 21 inches. Note: This plaque was adapted from a sarcophagus in the Capitol Museum at Rome. It was modeled at Rome by Pacetti under the supervision of Flaxman. 341 — Wedgwood Cameo Bracelet (1790) / *y Blue and white jasper and silver gilt mounts. Five cameos mounted in silver gilt and linked together to form bracelet. Settings of later date. 342:**— Frame of Fifteen Wedgwood Cameos Blue and white jasper. Circular, oval, octagonal and diamond-shaped. Center: Oval medallion of "Scottish Thistle," surrounded by "Sacrifice to Hygeia," "Hebe and the Eagle," "Achilles and Briseis," "Peace and Plenty," "Nymph Sacrificing," "Cupids at Play," deco rative medallion and others. Marks : wedgwood. . N't) 343 — -Frame of Twelve Cameos Blue and white jasper. Circular, shuttle-shaped and octagonal. Center : Shuttle-shaped medallion of "Peace and a Warrior," surrounded by "Bona Fortuna," I "Achilles and Minerva," "Apollo," "Hebe and the Eagle," "Bacchantes," "Sacrifice to Hygeia," "Abun- dantia," "Atlas and the World," and others. Marks : wedgwood. (Illustrated) 'f. No. 343. FRAME OF WEDGWOOD CAMEOS, IN BLUE AND WHITE JASPER. // ) r 344-t-BR/AME of Twenty-five Wedgwood Cameos €°. Blue and white jasper. Circular, shuttle-shaped and octagonal. Center: Shuttle-shaped medallion of "Ma ternity," surrounded by "Perseus and Andromeda," "Nymph Sacrificing," "Apollo," "Victory with a Spear," "Hercules," "Priam and Achilles," "Minerva with the „Egis," "Cupids at Play," "Muse," and por trait heads. Marks : wedgwood. (Illustrated) Old Wedgwood and Other Pedestals, Jardinieres, Tea pots, Sucriers, Cups, Saucers, Bowls, Trays and Candlesticks in Blue and White Jasper "The tea-equipages, particularly the teacups and saucers with acanthus- leaf borders, and, on the cups, children at play, are simply exquisite." — Professor Church, "Josiah Wedgwood," page 52. "Wedgewood did more than any other potter of his time for the improvement of the articles connected with the service of breakfast, tea and dessert. In his great show of new goods in 1782 we first hear of useful forms in ornamental jasper. When such were purely de luxe, and for cabinets, the body throughout was jasper, and this was decorated with the most exquisite reliefs. "He made various sized trays in almost every body, and of almost every form. In jasper they became exquisite objects of art." — Miss Meteyard, "Wedgwood Handbook," page 225. 345 — Adams Pitcher (1795) Blue and white jasper. Mounted in silver. Pear- shaped body, with cylindrical neck and looped handle. ( J Decorated in relief with subjects of "Abundantia," "Ceres," "Flora" and "Sacrificing Nymph," in panels formed by Corinthian columns and arches. Acanthus- leaf and water-lily ornamentation. Silver rim has London hall mark, with date letter of 1802. Mark: adams. Height, 5% inches. No. 344. FRAME OF WEDGWOOD CAMEOS IX BLUE AXD WHITE JASPER. 0 346— Adams Pitcher (1795) Blue and white jasper. Pear-shaped body, on circular molded base, with cylindrical neck and flat looped handle. Decorated in relief with subjects of "A Sacri fice to Apollo" and "A Sacrifice to Amor." Acan thus-leaf and lily decoration. Mark: adams. Height, 8% inches. \s 347 — AAtedgwood Pedestal (1790) Blue and white jasper. Columnar shape, with molded cornice and base. Decorated in relief with floral fes toons, rams' heads and trophies. Mark : wedgwood. Height, 4 inches. -$3} y Decorated in relief with subjects of "A Sacrifice," "Abundantia," "Ceres" and "Flora." Marks : adams. Height, 4 inches. 349 — Wedgwood Plaques Blue and white jasper. Cylindrical pedestal of ebon-' y-/ ized wood, on which are mounted AAredgwood plaques of "Bacchanalian Boys." Designed by Lady Diana Beauclerk. Height, 9 inches. 350 — Turner Portrait Bust White jasper. Portrait bust of Shakespeare in white ^V jasper on blue-colored and molded base. Height, 10 inches. 351 — Wedgwood Pedestal (1825) ' *^ Blue and white jasper. Columnar-shaped, with molded cornice and base. Decorated in relief with festoons of grape clusters and vine leaves dependent from leopard masks. Bands of honeysuckle and laurel-leaf orna mentation. Mark : wedgwood. Height, 8% inches. 352 — Adams Flower-pot and Stand Dark blue and white jasper. Tapering cylindrical / shape, on circular stand, with acanthus bordering. K Decorated with relief subjects, in panels formed by Corinthian columns and arches, of "A Sacrifice," "Abundantia," "Ceres" and "Flora." Bands of acan thus-leaf and interlaced patterns. Marks : adams. Height, 7y2 inches. 353— P air of Wedgwood Jardinieres (1795) -j Blue and white jasper. Square pedestal shape. Deco- f\, /, rated in relief with subjects of "A Sacrifice to jEscu- ?' j lapius," "Sacrifice to Peace," symbolic tripods and v lily and lotus-leaf ornamentation. Mark: wedgwood. Height, 6% inches. 354 — Turner Pot-pourri Jar (1790) Blue and white jasper. Square tapering shape, with perforated pyramidal cover, four ball and claw feet stnd octagonal lapidary polished base. Decorated with | /^relief subjects of "Maria at the Tomb of Eloise," "Zephyr," "Sportive Love" and "Abundantia," and with draped female busts at angles. Resetted borders, Mark: turner Height, S inches (Illustrated) 355 — Neale Pot-pourri Jar (1785) Blue and white jasper. Square shape with perforated cover. Decorated with relief subjects of Shake- ( spearian characters: "Prince Hal," "Richard III," s^" "Desdemona" and "Rosalind." Lotus-leaf border and acanthus-leaf finials at angles. Mark: neale & eo. Height, 7 inches. (Illustrated) 356— Turner Teacup (1790) Blue and white jasper. Shallow fluted band and relief subjects of "Sportive Love" and "Charlotte at the Tomb of Werther." Mark: turner. Height, 2y2 inches. 357 — Adams Cream Ewer (1795) Blue and white jasper. Urn-shaped, with reeded loop / handle and circular base. Decorated with relief sub- ject of "A Sacrifice." Band of interlaced ornamenta tion. Mark : adams & eo. Height, 5 inches. 358 — Turner Cream Ewer (1795) Light blue and white jasper. Cylindrical shape, with^, looped handle. Decorated in relief with subjects of "Dancing Nymphs" and "Nymphs Finding Cupid Asleep." Mark: turner. 359 — Wedgwood Sucrier with Cover Blue and white jasper. Decorated in relief with sub jects of "The Reading and Sewing Lessons." Mode* ) eled by Lady Templetown. Mark: wedgwood.* Height, 3y2 inches. 360— Adams Cream Ewer (1790) Dark blue and white jasper. Curved sides, fluted at (ft/ base. Acanthus-leaf spout and reeded, looped handle. "*T Decorated in relief with subjects of "A Sacrifice," ••Abundantia," "Ceres" and "Flora." Height, 2% inches. S 361— AVedgwood Bowl (1800) Blue and white jasper. Straight sides, incurved to , base. Decorated in relief with bands of acanthus leaf, honeysuckle and guilloche ornamentation. Mark: wedgwood. Height, 3 inches. 362— Turner Teacup and Saucer (1785) / Peacock-blue and white jasper. Straight, incurved side, with shallow flutings. Cup decorated in relief with subjects of children and cupids at play. Saucer decorated in relief with band of acanthus and lotus- leaf ornamentation. Mark: turner. Height of cup, 21/i inches; diameter of saucer, 5 inches. 363 — AA'edgwood Teapot and Coffee-can (1790) Light blue and white jasper. Teapot pear-shaped, with curved reeded spout and ball finial to covers. Decorated in relief with "Cupids at Play," modeled by Flaxman, shallow flutings with acanthus and lotus-leaf ornamentation. Mark : Wedgwood. ******** Heights: Teapot, 5% inches; coffee-can, 21/, inches. 364 — Two Turner Cups and Saucers . Blue and white jasper. Bowl-shaped cups, without y\r handles. Decorated in relief with subjects of cupids y and children. [Mark: turner. Dinmeter of saucer, 5";4 inches. 365 — Wedgwood Sucrier and Cover (1790) , Light blue and white jasper. Cylindrical shape, with / ,-shallow flutings and bands of reeded acanthus and lotus ]*^ leaf ornamentation. "Decorated in relief with at Play." VIodeled by Flaxman. Mark: Wedgwood. Height, 4% inches. 'Cupids 366 — Wedgwood Cream Ewer (1790) Light blue and white jasper. Helmet-shaped, with shallow flutings and looped reeded handle. Decorated y>'" in relief with subjects of "Cupids at Play." Mark: Wedgwood. Height, 4 inches. $67— Adams Sucrier and Cover (1790) Dark blue and white jasper. Straight side, incurved at base, fluted lid with ball finial. Deco rated in relief with subjects of "A Sacrifice," "Cupid with a Mask," "Venus and Cupid" and "Hebe with the Eagle," in panels formed by acanthus leaves and honey suckle. Bands of interlaced orna mentation. Height, 5 inches. 368— Turner Cream Ewer (1790) Blue and white jasper. Straight sides, with acanthus- leaf spout and reeded, looped handle. Gauffered rim, with interlaced and rosetted border. Decorated in re lief with subjects of "Maria and her Dog" and "Mars and Venus." Mark: turner. Height, 2% inches. < 369^Wedgwood Teacup and Saucer (1795) Dark blue and white jasper. Coupe-shaped, with shal low flutings. Decorated in relief with figures of "Cupids at Play." Saucer with bands of acanthus and lotus leaf ornamentation. Mark: wedgwood. Height of cup, 2 inches. 370 — Wedgwood Tea-caddy and Cover (1800) Blue and white jasper. Cylindrical shape, with fluted cover having ball finial. Decorated in relief with sub ject of "Cupids Playing." Modeled by Flaxman. Mark: wedgwood. Height, 6 inches. 371 — Adams Sucrier and Cover (1790) Dark blue and white jasper. Bowl-shaped, fluted at Q base. Cover with ball finial. Decorated in relief with ^^ subjects of "Endymion on Latmos," "Nymph Crown ing a Bust" and "Reclining Cupid." Bands of inter laced ornamentation. Height, 4 inches. i 372— Wedgwood Bowl and Stand (1790) Blue and white jasper. Coupe-shaped. Decorated with acanthus scrolls, guilloche bands and acanthus /v) ¦ and honeysuckle ornamentation. Mark: wedgwood. Height of bowl, 3 inches; diameter of stand, 7 inches. 373 — Wedgwood Tea Tray Blue and white jasper. Oval shape, with curved and molded rim. Decorated with band of acanthus-leaf ornamentation and with oval medallion of lotus leaves and guilloche pattern. Mark: wedgwood. Length, 13 inches; width, 10y2 inches. 374— Wedgwood Sucrier and Cover (1795) Blue and white jasper. Cylindrical shape, with fluted {/ base and fluted, domed cover with ball finial. Deco- i '•£,•"' rated in relief with subjects of "Domestic Employ ment." Designed by Lady Templetown. Mark : wedgwood. 'm Height, 6 inches. 375-^Wedgwood Teapot and Sucrier with Covers (1810) Blue and white jasper. Cylindrical shape, with f \. y straight spout, curved handle and mushroom finials to y [y/ covers. Decorated in relief with acanthus scrolls and y^ oval cameo medallions. Acanthus and laurel leaf ornamentation. Mark: wedgwood. Heights: Teapot, 3% inches; sucrier, 31/i inches. S76— -Five Wedgwood Coffee-cans and Saucers (1790) Blue and white jasper. Cylindrical shape, with looped, reeded handles. Decorated in relief with guil- ^/"""loche bands and acanthus and honeysuckle ornamenta- **¦' tion. Marks : wedgwood. Height of cups, 21/, inches; diameter of saucers, 4y2 inches. 377— Turner Tea-caddy (1790) Blue and white jasper. Cylindrical shape, with shallow fluted base, bands of guilloche and acanthus-leaf design. Decorated in relief with subjects of "Diana and her Attendants," "Nymphs Crowning the Bust of a Poet" and cupids. Mark: turner. Height, 3% inches. dgwood Teapot and Cover (1790) Je and white jasper. Cylindrical shape, with curved, tied spout and looped, reeded handle. Decorated felief with acanthus, honeysuckle and guilloche mentation. ^Ial'k: wedgwood. Height, 4y2 inches. 379 — Wedgwood Tea and Coffee Equipage on Tray (1800) Blue and white jasper. Consists of pear-shaped coffee- « pot. Cylindrical teapot and sucrier. Helmet-shaped \ cream ewer and oval tray. Decorated in relief with acanthus scrolls, guilloche bands, and acanthus and honeysuckle ornamentation. [Marks : wedgwood. Heights: Coffee-pot, 7y2 inches; teapot, 5 inches; sucrier, 4 inches; cream ewer, 5y2 inches. Length of tray, \3y± inches. 380 — Adams Sucrier and Cover (1790) Dark blue and white jasper. Bowl-shaped, fluted at base; cover with ball finial. Decorated in relief with / / subjects of "Endymion on Latmos," "Nymph Crown- y ing a Bust" and "Reclining Cupid." Bands of inter laced ornamentation. Height, 4 inches. 38: /' ) —AA'edgwood Teapot (1785) fGreen and white jasper. Cylindrical body, with curved .« and fluted spout, lid with ball finial and looped, fluted 1 handle. Decorated with figures in relief of "The Read- i ing Lesson" and "The Sewing Lesson" (modeled by Lady Templetown), guilloche, lotus-leaf and shallow fluted ornamentation. [Mark: wedgwood. Height, 5 inches. 382— AA'edgwood Teapot Blue and white jasper. Urn-shaped on circular base, with finial to cover shaped as a seated cupid, curved spout with laurel leaf decoration, and double looped ^handle, with acanthus leaf in relief. Decorated in re lief with Lady Templetown's subjects of "Maternity" and "Domestic Employment" on the rare granulated ground. Bands of guilloche, reeded and lotus-leaf ornament. Mark: w'edgwood. (hnj^' vT?^ Height. 7V, inches. (Illustrated) Note: This has long been considered by collectors the most beautiful teapot Wedgwood ever produced. It undoubtedly is one of the rarest. 383 — Spode Candlestick (1800) Blue and white glazed semi-porcelain. Urn-shaped socket, on curved base, decorated with Lady Temple town subjects in white relief. Mark: spode. Height. 4% inches. A 84 — Pair of Wedgwood Candlesticks (1785) Blue and white jasper. Formed as figure of "Cybele < and Ceres" carrying cornucopia? which form the candle >y'4 „ sockets. On square bases. Repaired^/** Mark: wedgwood. Height, 10 inches. 385 — Pair of Adams Candlesticks (1785) Blue and white jasper. Ormolu and cut-glass. Square incurved pedestals, on gilt wooden bases, with ball ( ieet and with cut-glass candle sockets on ormolu sup- 4^/ ports. Pedestals decorated with figures of "Ceres," "Abundantia," "Flora" and "Sacrificing Nypmh." Height, 12% inches. 386 — Pair of Adams Candlesticks (1785) ... Blue, white and lavender jasper, with ormolu mounts. ts^ Ovolo-shaped, on circular bases. Sticks with urn- shaped sockets. Decorated with subjects of "A Sac rifice" and "A Bacchanalian Procession." Marks : adams. Height, 9% inches. Vases by Josiah Wedgwood and his Leading Contem poraries, in Blue and White Jasper "Jasper vases were first exhibited to the public in the early part of 1782 (this was after the death of Bentley). The forms, generally derived more or less directly from the antique, were for the most part satisfactory in outline and proportion. Many of the subjects in white relief, with which these vases were decorated, had been previously employed for tablets, but others were especially modeled for the purpose." — Professor Church, "Josiah Wedgwood," page 47. "The jasper ware of Turner and the two Adams is . . . often ex tremely fine." — Miss Meteyard, "Wedgwood Handbook," page 292. 7^Pair of A7ases by Steel (1795) I Dark blue and white jasper. Bottle-shaped. Deco rated in relief with rams' heads and subjects of cupids. P^y Mark: steel, burslem. Height, 3% inches. tf v'j 8 — Pahr of VIiniature Wedgwood Vases (1815) T)ark blue and white jasper. Urn-shaped with satyr- head handles. Decorated with relief subjects of Nep tune and Vulcan and Minerva. Acanthus-leaf, lotus- karf and lily and honeysuckle ornamentation. /V* Mark: wedgwood. Height, 5 inches. 389 — Adams Vase with Handles Dark blue and white jasper. Urn-shaped, with scrolled handles on circular base. Decorated with subjects of "Nymphs and Cupid" and "Venus and Cupid." Acanthus-leaf and interlaced ornamentation. Height, 6 inches. 390— Adams Atase (1785) Blue and white jasper. Crater-shaped. Decorated y w^ subjects in relief of "Dancing Hours." Bands of acanthus-leaf and interlaced ornament. Height, 5y2 inches. 39^-ltWedgwood A'ase with Cover and Handles (1800) y Light blue and white jasper. Pear-shaped, with loop handles and satyr masks ; ball finial to cover, on square base. Decorated with relief subjects of the "Dancing Hours." Acanthus-leaf and honeysuckle ornamenta- y tion. Mark: wedgwood. Height, 8% inches. 392 — Adams ArASE with Cover and Handles (1790) Blue and white jasper. Urn-shaped, with flat scrolled ?"' handles; perforated pinnacle cover and square base. -) Decorated in relief with subjects of "Cupid on a Lion" and "Cupid as a Painter." Bulrush, honeysuckle and laurel-leaf ornamentation. Repaired. Height, 11 inches. y 393 — Adams A'ase with Handles (1785) Dark blue and white jasper. Pear-shaped, with ) ^ scrolled handles and square base. Decorated with sub jects of "Thetis and Infant Achilles" and "Nymphs Sacrificing." Acanthus, lotus leaf and lily and honey suckle ornamentation. Handles repaired. Height, 9 inches. 394— Wedgwood Vase (1815) Dark blue and white jasper. Pear-shaped, with cyl indrical neck. Relief subject, by Flaxman, of Muses. Mark: wedgwood. Height, 9 inches. 395— Vase by Steel (1800) Dark blue and white jasper. Pear-shaped, on circular base. Decorated with relief subjects of "Phoebus and the Chariot of the Sun" and "Venus Anadyomene," and with acanthus and lily and laurel leaf borders. Height, 10 inches. 396 — Wedgwood A'ase with Cover and Handles (1825) Dark blue and white jasper. Urn-shaped, with cover having finial shaped as nymph feeding swan. Handles shaped as swans, and octagonal base. Decoration of water rushes and acanthus leaves. Mark: wedgwood. Height, 12 indies. 397 — Adams Vase with Handles (1785) f Dark blue and white jasper. Pear-shaped, with scroll C. handles, on square base. Decorated with laurel-wreath festoons, oval medallions, acanthus-leaf, honeysuckle and lotus-leaf and lily ornamentation. Repaired. Mark: adams. Height, lly2 inches. ^^^me Pair of Sevres A'ases with Covers and Pedestals Blue, white and lilac jasper-like porcelain. Pear- shaped, with perforated and domed covers and on columnar pedestals. Vases decorated in relief with oval panels of "A'enus and Cupid," "iEsculapius" and "Maternity." Pedestals, with panels of "Pygmalion and Galatea," "Priam and Achilles" and "Proserpine d Pluto." Floral festoon and satvr-mask orna mentation. Height, 18V, inche These are probably the nearest approach to success in copying Wedgwood's products that the Sevres factory ever produced. 399/-Wedgwood Portland A'ase (1800) Vj Gray and white jasper. Figures in white relief on a \J gray ground. Mark: wedgwood. Height, 10% inches. One of Josiah Wedgwood Junior's experiments within the decade following his father's death. 400 — Neale Portland A'ase (1795) Blue and white jasper. Figures in white relief (por tion of one fired twice) on blue ground. Handles of twisted-rope design. Mark: neale & co. Height, 8 inches. The Portland Vase (considered by some to be Wedgwood's masterpiece) was immediately copied, generally, as in this case, with many alterations, by his contemporaries. 401 — Spode Portland Vase (1800) n Glazed white semi-porcelain. Figures in unglazed white jy relief field highly glazed in dark blue. r Height, 10% inches. This is Spode's famous and fairly successful experiment to produce in glazed pottery the effect of the cameo-cut glass of the original Portland or Barberini Vase. 402 — Adams Vase and Cover (1785) ^> Dark blue and white jasper. Urn-shaped, with per forated cover on circular base. Decorated in relief with acanthus-leaf and lily pattern. Height, 7y2 inches. 403 — Turner Vase with Handles (1790) Blue and white jasper. Urn-shaped, with scrolled handles on an octagonal base of lapidary polished basaltes. Decorated in relief with subjects of "Aurora," "A Sacrifice" and "Cupids." Acanthus, honeysuckle and ribbon ornamentation. Repaired. Mark: turner & co. Height, 8% inches. ,404 — Wedgwood A'ase with Handles (1795) Bli*e*&.iid white jasper. Pear-shaped, with upright loop rt^pjvMm\&. Decorated with subjects of "Bacchanalian » (J Boys." Designed by Lady Diana Beauclerk. Honey- iy suckle ornamentation. Mark: wedgwood. Height, 101/-, inches. 405 — Adams A'ase with Cover and Handles (1785) Dark blue and white jasper. Pear-shaped, with scroll and serpent handles, pineapple finial to cover and square base. Acanthus, lotus and laurel leaf and honeysuckle ornamentation. Mark*, adams. Height, 11 inches. (Illustrated) 406 — Adams Vase with Cover and Handles (1785) Dark blue and white jasper. Pear-shaped, with scrolled handles, pear-shaped finial to cover and square base. Decorated with relief subjects of "Apollo and Nymph" and "Venus and Cupid." Acanthus-leaf, in terlaced and honeysuckle ornamentation. Repaired. Height, 12% inches. 407- -Pair of A'ases and Covers by Steel (1800) Dark blue and white jasper. Pear-shaped, on squares- bases. Decorated in relief with subjects of "Venus Anadyomen^lf "Hebe and the Eagle" and "Phoebus in the Chariot tiiAhe Sun." Acanthus and lily and ¦**a^fn£^s\i^f^otus leaf borders. Marks : (Illustrated) Ball finials to covers. Impressed Numbers. Height, 10 inches. 408 — Neale A'ase with Cover and Handles (1785) Blue and white jasper. Urn-shaped, on square base, with scrolled handles springing from female masks. Decorated in relief with subjects of "Cupid as Con queror" and "Venus and Adonis." Acanthus-leaf, husk and ribbon ornamentations. Ball finial to cover. [Mark: neale & co. Height, 12 inches. 409 — Adams A'ase with Cover and Handles Black and white jasper. Urn-shaped, with scroll handles springing from shells, pinnacle cover with pine- ) apple finial and square base. Decorated in relief with subjects of "Priam Begging the Body of Hector from Achilles" and "Dancing Nymphs." Acanthus and honeysuckle ornamentation. Repaired. Height, 11% inches. I 410-Mjarniture of Three Adams A'ases (1785) „„ ' Light blue and white jasper. Egg-shaped, with cir- f\ cular necks, on square bases. Decorated with relief -,y subjects of "A'enus and Cupid" and "Apollo and Nymph." Acanthus-leaf, honeysuckle and interlaced ornamentation. Mark Nj_mpressed Circle. Heights: Center vase, 11 inches; sidelmses, 10 inches. Consistently admirable as was the work of Wedgwood's favor ite pupil, William Adams, it probably reached its high-water mark in such a, superlative example of his skill as this garniture presents. (Illustrated) 411 — Set of Eighteen Wedgwood Handled Dessert r Knives and Forks (1815) Tricolored jasper and silver. Handles of green, white^ and lavender jasper, with a design in relief of musical trophies. Silver blades and tines, with London hall mark and date letter of 1819. In a modern velvet- lined oak case. 412 — Mezzotint Portrait Portrait of Josiah Wedgwood, after the painting by ^-" Sir Joshua Reynolds. Mezzotinted by Samuel Rey nolds. Proof impression. In black and gold frame. 413 — Wedgwood Statuette (1775) Black basaltes. The "Infant Hercules Strangling the Serpent." On oval base. Modeled from the painting by Sir Joshua Reynolds. Height, 21 inches. (Illustrated — see Frontispiece) Note: Wedgwood, between the years 1770 and 1780, published (as the term then was) several very large figures executed in basaltes. Of these the rarest undoubtedly is the "Infant Hercules Strangling the Serpent," which was modeled after the picture painted by Sir Joshua Reynolds for the Empress of Russia. Miss Meteyard says that the only copy of which she knew (she was writing in 1875) "is the copy in the Apsley Pellatt Colection." But she continues: "In that the arm thrusting back the serpent has evidently been distorted in the fire." This example therefore is probably the only perfect one now in existence. It seems pos sible that this scarcity of so fine an example is due to the fact that it was executed on a private order from the Empress of Russia. r AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Managers. THOMAS E. KIRBY, Auctioneer. , "' I % %k