EXHIBITION of Old English Stipple Engravings by BARTOLOZZI AND HIS SCHOOL OCTOBER 1917 KENNEDY & COMPANY 613 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK '^nk T CATALOGUE of an EXHIBITION of Old English Stipple Engravings by BARTOLOZZI AND HIS SCHOOL OCTOBER 1917 KENNEDY & COMPANY 613 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK An excerpt from "How to appreciate Prints" by Frank Weitenkampf, L. H. D. Chief of the Print Division of the New York Public Library In stippling the plate is covered in the usual manner with an etching ground, to which the outline ofthe proposed design can be transferred from a pencil drawing on paper by laying the drawing, face downward, on the ground, and pass ing plate and paper through a press. The de sign is then executed on the ground, as in etch ing, with a point, the dots being coarser and farther apart, or finer and closer together, accord ing to the strength and darkness, or the delicacy and light, which the artist wishes to produce. The plate is then bitten, stopped-out with Bruns wick black where desired, and re-bitten, as in etching, and can then be finished on the bare copper, scraper and burnisher also being used for removing burr or reducing work. "Stipple, seen at its best, represents a quite special expression of the art of a special period, and answers to a quite special taste. A suitably selected and framed Print by Bartolozzi will make a harmonious and quietly effective deco ration for the wall of a room furnished and decorated in a light and graceful style, based on or similar to that of the period to which the print belongs. Stipple engraving, like mezzo tint, is the outcome of the period in which it particularly flourished, and in its finest expres sion it practically ended with that period. Like mezzotint, also, it has become identified with England, so that it has sometimes been re ferred to on the Continent as la maniere Ang- laise. Introduced by W. W. Ryland from France into England, the art attained an extraordinary popularity there in the second half of the eight eenth century. The name of Francesco Bartolozzi has become almost synonymous with stipple engraving in England. Practicing the art at the time of its greatest vogue, he made it peculiarly his own. In the paintings of Angelica Kauffmann and Cipriani he found subjects which, * * * lent themselves remarkably well to reproduction in this manner of engraving. Among his ablest pupils were L. Schiavonetti, P. W. Tompkins, William Nutter, Henry Meyer, Delattre, J. K. Sherwin, and Caroline Watson. CATALOGUE JOHN S. AGAR 1796-1835 1. Lady Hareiet Cockerell As a Gipsey Woman. After R. Cosway. 2. Mes. Duff. After R. Cosway. Printed in Colors. Companion to No. S. 3. Lady Heathcote. Afer R. Cosway. Printed in Colors. Companion to No. 2. 4. A Lady in the Chaeactee of a Gipsey Woman. After R. Cosway. 5. Miss O'Neill as a Beggar Woman. After R. Cosway. 6. The Milkmaid. After R. Cosway. FRANCESCO BARTOLOZZI 1725-1815 7. Adelaide First Seen in the Gardens OF Bagnieres. After H. Bunbury. Printed in Colors. 8. Air. After G. B. Cipriani. 9. Alcander and Nerina. After G. B. Cipriani. Printed in Colors. 10. Princess Amella. After W. Lawrence. 11. The Rt. Hon. Loed Burgheesh. After Sir Joshua Reynolds. Printed in Colors. Companion to No. 44. 12. Charlotte. After H. Bwnhury. Printed in Colors. 13. Countess Cowper. After W. Hamilton. 14. December. After W. Hamilton. 15. Viscountess Duncannon. From a Draw ing by Countess Spencer. Printed in Colors. 16. Eaeth. After G. B. Cipriani. 17. The Evening Meal. After W. Hamil ton. Proof before letters. 18. The Faie Aeiadne. Proof before all letters. 19. Floea. After Colibert. 20. The Flower Girl. Proof before all letters. Printed in red. 21. Lady Elizabeth Foster. After Sir Joshua Reynolds. 22. The Girl and The Kitten. After Sir Joshua Reynolds. Printed in Colors. 23. Harmony. After J. F. Rigaud. Printed in Colors. 24. Hebe. After G. B. Cipriani. 25. Hope. After G. B. Cipriani. Open letter proof. 26. Innocence Taught By Love and Friendship. After G. B. Cipriani. Printed in red. 27. July. After W. Hamilton. 28. Lavinia. After Thomas Gainsborough. Printed in Colors. 29. The Liberal Fair. After Angelica Kauffman. 29-a. Alexander Lord Loughborough. Lord Chancellor, 1793. After J. North- cote. Open letter proof, with uncut margins. 30. Love and Honor. After H. Bunbury. Printed in Colors. 30-a. The Eael of Mansfield. . Lord Chief Justice of England, 1756. After Sir Joshua Reynolds. First state. 31. Market of Love. After a Drawing by Bartolozzi. Printed in Colors. 32. The Muses Crowning the Bust of Pope. After Angelica Kauffman. 33. Peace. After a Drawing by Bartolozzi. 34. Peter the Wild Boy. After Alefownder. Proof before letters. From the Beck- ford Collection. 35. The Power of Love. After G. B. Cipriani. Printed in Colors. 36. Peudence and Beauty. After G. B. Cipriani. Printed in Red. 37. The Sailoe's Farewell. After I. H. Benwell. Printed in Colors. 38. Lady Smyth and Her Children. After Sir Joshua Reynolds. 39. The Three Fine Aets. After Angelica Kauffman. 39-a. Loed Thuelow. Lord Chancellor, 1778- 1792. After Sir JoshuM Reynolds. Underscribed proof between the first and second states. 40. Tick! After J. R. Smith. Printed in Colors. 41. Venus. After G. B. Cipriani. 42. Watee. After G. B. Cipriani. 43. Winter (Mrs. Wheatly). After F. Wheatly. Printed in Colors. 44. Master Phillip York. After Sir Joshua Reynolds. Printed in Colors. Com panion to No. 11. 45. Zephyeus. After Colibert. PIETRO BETTELINI 1763-1828 46. Haemony. After Angelica Kauffman. Printed in Colors. Companion to No. 47. 47. A Nymph Saceificing. After Angelica Kauffman. Printed in Colors. Com panion to No. 46. F. H. BISCHOFF 48. Love Is the Lightest. After a Draw ing by Schoal. Printed in Colors. JACQUES BOUILLIARD 1744-1806 49. Portrait of Bartolozzi. After P Violet. M. A. BOURLIER 60. Mastee Phillip York. After Sir Thomas Lawrence. Printed in Colors. THOMAS BURKE 1749-1815 51. Lady Charlotte Campbell. After John Hoppner. 52. CuPED Binding Aglaia to a Laurel. After Angelica Kauffman. Printed in Colors. 53. The Curate of the Parish Returned From Duty. After H. Singleton. Companion to No. 54. 54. The Vicar of the Parish Receiving His Tithes. After H. Simgleton. Companion to No. 53. ANTOINE CARDON 1772-1818 55. Portrait of Elliston. After W. M. Bennett. Printed in Colors. 56. Miss Merry. After R. Cosway. Printed in Colors. 57. The Return — English Peasants. After R. Westall. Printed in Colors. Com panion to No. 58. 58. The Departure — Welsh Peasants. After R. Westall. Printed in Colors. Companion to No. 57. THOMAS CHEESMAN 1760-1820 59. The Affectionate Beothees. The Three sons of Sir Peniston Lamb, Bart, 1st Viscount, Melbourne. After Sir Joshua Reynolds. , Second state before the letters. 60. Rosalind. "As You Like It." After T. Cheesman. Printed in Colors. 61. The Sempsteess (Lady Hamilton). After G. Romney. Printed in Colors. 62. The Spinstee. (Lady Hamilton). After G. Romney. Open letter proof. 63. Maechioness of Townshend. After Angelica Kauffman. JOSEPH COLLYER 1748-1827 64. Charlotte and Weeter. After T. Stothard. 65. Felina. After Sir Joshua, Reynolds. Printed in Colors. 66. Love and Venus. . After Sir Joshua Reynolds. JOHN CONDE End of XVIII Century 67. Mes. Tickell. After R. Cosway. Com panion to No. 68. 68. Hon. Mrs. E. Bouverie. After R. Cos- way. Companion to No. 67. ROBERT COOPER Beginning of XIX Century 69. Sleep. Printed in Colors. Companion to No. 83. 70. Viscountess St. Asaph. After J. Hopp ner. JEAN MARIE DELATTRE 1746-1845 71. Beauty Directed By Peovidence, Re jects with Scoen the Solicita tions of Folly. After Angelica KauffmMn. Printed in Colors. Com panion to No. 72. 72. Beauty Goveened by Reason, Re- wAEDED BY Meeit. After Angelica Kauffman. Printed in Colors. Com panion to No. 71. WILLIAM DICKINSON 1746-1823 73. Lady Duncannon and Duchess of Devonshiee. After Angelica Kauff man. Printed in Colors. THOMAS GARDNER XVIII Century 74. November. After W. HamUton. THOMAS GAUGAIN 1748-1805 75. January and May. Printed in Colors. Companion to No. 76. 76. The Wife of Bath. Printed in Colors. Companion to No. 75. JOSEPH GROZER 1755-1799 77. The. Age of Innocence. After Sir Joshua Reynolds. FRANCIS HAW ARD 1759-1797 78. The Infant Academy. After Sir Joshua Reynolds. CHARLES KNIGHT End of XVIII Century 79. Children Feeding Ducks. After W. Bunbury. Printed in Colors. 80. Idleness. After George Morland. Printed in Colors. 81. Innocent Amusement. Printed in Colors.. 82. Lady Rushout and Children. After H. Bunbury. Printed in Colors. S. XICHOLLS XAIII Century 83. Prayers. After Brooks. Printed in Colors. Companion to Xo. 69. WILLL\:\I NUTTER 1T54-1S02 84. Lady Beauchamp. After Sir Joshua Reynolds. 85. Boy Dividing Fruit. After R. Westall. Proof before letters. Printed in Colors. 86. The Moralist. After J. R. Smith. Printed in Colors. 87. The Rose Bun. After R. Westall. Printed in Colors. Companion to No. 88. 88. The Sensitive Plant. After R. West- all. Printed in Colors. Companion to No. 87. JOHN OGBORNE 1725-1795 89. Peotection (Master Philip York). After Sir Josuha Reynolds. DANIEL ORME End of XVIII Century 90. Children and Geese. Printed in Colors. 91. Charles James Fox. After a Painting by Orme. Printed in Colors. A. PHELIPPEAUX 1767-1830 92. Bacchante Crowned by Cupid. Printed in Colors. THOMAS RYDER 1746— 93. Lady Anne Damee. After Angelica Kauffman. Printed in Colors. WILLIAM W. RYLAND 1732-1783 94. Miss Brown. Afterwards Mrs. Cargill. Printed in Red. Proof before all letters. 95. Cupid Asleep. After Angelica Kauff man. Printed in Colors. 96. Marianne. After Rylamd. Printed in Colors. LUIGI SCHIAVONETTI 1765-1810 97. A Nest of Cupids. After J. Aspinall. PETER SIMON 1750-1810 98. The Sleeping Nymph. After John Opie. PELTRO W. TOMKINS 1760-1840 99. A Cottage Giel Shelling Peas. After W. R. Bigg. Printed in Colors. Com panion to No. 100. 100. A Village Girl Gathering Nuts. After W. R. Bigg. Printed in Colors. Com panion to No. 99. 101. The Country Schoolmistress. After Miss Arm Marriott. Printed in Colors. 102. Maternal Affection. After J. Russell. Printed in Colors. 103. Miranda and Ferdinand. After An gelica Kauffman. 104. Morning Employment. After H. W. Bunbury. Printed in Colors. 105. Chastity Extinguishing the Flames OF Love. After Lady Templeton. 106. Cottager. Printed in Colors. WILLIAM WARD 1766-1826 107. Hesitation. After W. Ward. CHARLES WHITE 1751-1785 108. Estella. After Emma Crewe. Printed in Colors. CHARLES WILKIN 1750-1814 109. Lady Langham. After J. Hoppner. Proof before the letters. 110. Lady Gertrude Villiers. After C. Wil kin. ,'i, ijj "1', ) »»t I "'f, W) S,, J i% ¦''"' , <' l'*