YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 3 9002 05029 9636 £^<. '¦ |S«-;k;«i4d»^-l!^fe !¦ -¦'¦¦. .ry -Wj 1 m»i''^' .-'G YALE UNIVERSITY ART LIBRARY HRCHITECTSIRHi; ST. EOilllS. IXjLTJSTE.^ TEX5. .JD.S'ES & ORE.iE, Publishers. L--88. INDEX FOLLOAVING CLOl^IXG P.VGE-i. A 'it Copyrighted by G. ir. Ori-nr^ I^.v-- tU ¦ '^' NIXON-JONES PBINTl.NG CO., Bh.CKTOLD * CO. PRINTERS. BISDFRS. SHE many attractive architectural features added to St. Louis in the past few years, and the growth of her commercial and manufacturing interests justifies the publica tion of this worli, which sets forth many of these improvements in as brief manner as possible. Then and Now. In 1763 Mons. Pierre Laclede Liguest explored the Mississippi ^S river to the mouth of the Mis- i^ souri, noting on his way a - — particular point to which he returned and after marking the site as was the custom, by cut ting pieces from the trees, continued his way down stream. In the archives preserved by the Mercantile Library — journal of M. Chouteau — ^is the following: — " You will go and disembark at the place where we marked the trees ; you will commence to clear the place and build a large shed, to contain the provisions and tools, and some little cabins to lodge the men." This was said bj' M. Laclede Liguest to M. Chouteau — the instructions were carried out and the first house was built on the site of about where Barnum's Hotel now stands. Thus began the great city we have to-day. The first blow of the axe occurred on the ]5th of February, 1764, and the party con sisted of a hand fuU of men ; on June 15th, 1888, the city of St. 6 COMMERCIAL AND Louis contains 500,000 souls, and instead of cabins, as her founders hacl, she is a city of magniflcent architecturally built ed- iflces. St. Louis is situated geographically in the very heart of the American Republic and besides the location being a central one as regards the vast extent of territory constituting ttie whole United States, the city lies in the very heart of the greatest agri cultural area known to civilization, with Illinois on the east, a state where every foot of soil is tillable, and produces yearly increasing tons of cereals. With Iowa in the north, a state whose corn product is the greatest of any of the states, and with corn the great American Hog is made. With Kan sas on the west turning out yearly millions of bushels of wheat and corn and a state whose agricultural importance is rapidly growing to, if not already the largest of the states. With Arkansas on the south turn ing out a wealth of cotton from the soil, and an almost unlimited supply of yellow pine and other fine timbers from her forests who can say but that St. Louis is happily located. But these are only a moiety of the valuable territory that pours its wealth into the commercial channels of St. Louis. The states and ter ritories lying west of Kansas are naturally feeders to her commerce, all the states of the Missis sippi valley, also, should look to St. Louis as their mart of supply. A little to the south and west lies the great Empire state (Texas), the resources of which have not as yet beeu determined. With every variety of soil and a temperature equal tothe "glorious climate of California" the citizens of Texas have hardly a conception to what magnitude their state will yet attain, and all the trade of that vast empire should flow into the Old Spanish Fort. AKCHITECTUKAL ST. LOUIS. gates of St. Louis. Just beyond the Lone Star state lies a region so rich in mineral and so poor in all that goes to make a progres sive race — as viewed by the American eye — that the merchants or manufacturers who instill into the people of Mexico new ideas of husbandry, of mining, and of living will turn a trade for Ameri can products, and St. Louis products particularly, that will reap a rich reward. The early history of St. Louis is replete with interesting incidents, adventures, etc., and if it were not for the fact that the age in which we live cares not for past ages, some of them would be referred to. There are a few old scenes of St. Louis in early days Old stockade. Mouse, Third aua OUve. that will be repro duced here, more for the purpose of comparison than to bring to memory things of a long ago. While there still re mains some few of the ancient, or buildings con- structed in the early history of St. Louis, only one or two are of sufficient importance to be illustrated or referred to. The present age is of what we have to do, in fact the business world cares very little for even the day just past, unless perchance dur ing its brief existence a stroke of good fortune was made or a great loss was felt. St. Louis was fifty years ago a frontier vil lage ; to-daj' she is a vast city both in population, commercial im portance, architectural grandeur and municipal management, with a trade reaching out from the Alleghanies on the e:\st to the limits of civilization on the west. The strugshng light from a world so bright. Dispels the darkness into day The radiant light that makes this world bright Tends westward on its way. COMMERCIAL AND Streets, Ways and Boulevards. The wholesale business of the city is not conflned to one district or street as in former times when Main, Second, Third and Com- R. L. Ooleman & Co. Ger .nan Savings Institution. Fiew on Third Street South from- Pine. Jlerchiints' Exchange on the right. mercial streets held all the big mercantile houses. In these streets, however, the bulk of the wholesale grocery is yet to be found ; also, that of cotton, iron, woodenware, wagon stock, flour mill ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 9' furnishing, stoves and tinners" stock, paints, machinery, etc., together with the large cotton factors, commission and wool firms ; besides these in these streets from Elm on the south, to Morgan on the north, will be found the greater number of hard ware houses, paper dealers, saddlery manufacturers and sad dlery hardware houses, and some of the great houses handling- plows, agricultural implements and wheeled A'ehicles. Through out this area the handlers of teas, coffees and spices are located including the principal mills for preparing, grinding and putting up coffees and spices. In the district bounded by Locust on the south, Fourth on the east, Lucas avenue north, and Eleventh, west, are to be found the most imposing commercial structures in the city. The entire wholesale dry goods business is done in- ide that boundary ; the bulk of the wholesale boot and shoes trade ; all of the wholesale hat and cap trade ; all of the wholesale millinery ; all of the wholesale clothing and gents' furnishing (distinct lines) ; all of the wholesale plate and window glass ; all of the wholesale woolen goods trade ; part of the wholesale hard ware and wholesale saddlery, harness and hardware trade. The commercial structures on Washington avenue used for wholesale purposes are monster buildings, presenting fine architectural features and are the equals, if not generally superior, to buildings used for a like purpose in any city in the country. This fact also applies to the many buildings in the streets just adjacent to Washington avenue. And yet the grandeur of these palatial wholesale buildings will in a few years be completely surpassed. The new edifices just going up, some almost completed, others only partially, while numerous others are being excavated for, that when finished will make an array of wholesale houses the superior of any city's boast in our country. The principal retail thoroughfares are along Fourth street from Franklin ave. north, to Walnut street south, Broadway from Elm south to Franklin ave. north, except the three Avholesale blocks between Locust and Washington ave. Olive street from Fourth to Grand ave. will in a short time be one continuous hive of the retailer ; it is now up to 12th street the home of the 10 COMMERCIAL AND fashionable retail buyer. Franldin ave. from 4th to Easton ave. and Easton ave. to Grand ave. is perhaps the longest retail thoroughfare in the U. S. This whole way is lined Avith retail shops and is the most thronged of any of the retail streets barring In Forest Park. Ihe two blocks on Broadway from Lucas ave. to Franklin ave. Market street is also a busy retail mart from Fourth to Twelfth and from Fourteenth to Twentieth a large amount of retail busi- jiess is done. Jn the south end from the fish market along; Fourth ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 11 to its intersection with Broadway, down Broadway to Anna street there is a tremendous retail business done. It will be seen from the distance these marts are from each other that the great jams -experienced in other cities by the concentration of their retail centers is only partially felt in this city and j-et all these thorough fares are comfortably filled each day of the year. This city is numbered, each block representing a hundred, and the dividing line is Market street north and south. The river front gives the starting point for the number west, therefore the stranger can easilj' tind the way. Broadway is the main thoroughfare through the city north and south, beginning at Baden north, runs through the city between 4tli and 6th sts., to Carondelet on the south, giving a -continuous line of car service of some 13 miles for a single fare of flve cents. The boulevards of St. Louis, are growing rapidly and in a few years there will be some flne drives. Grand Avenue from the Water Works on the north river to Carondelet on the south, will furnish a complete circuit of the •citA' via the west end. LiNDELL Bot'LEVARD with its double way set on either side with foliage, grass plats, etc., from Grand avenue to Kings Highway (to Forest Park) 100 feet wide with driveway 60 feet wide of Telford pavement. Forest Park Boulevard with its 100 feet wide of drive laid out in park-like attractiveness. Page Avenue commencing at Grand, thence west for more than .a mile. Locust st. from 14th, to Grand avenue with its smooth asphalt .and lined on either side with beautiful residences. Pine st. from 22d to Grand avenue laid with asphalt paving and handsome residences on each side and West Pine St. Boulevard from Grand avenue which is being improved rapidly and will be in the near future, as part of it is now, the handsomest residence way in the city, are a few of the best drives. Washington Avenue from Jefferson avenue to Grand avenue •contains many flne residences and is laid with wood paving. 12 COMJIERCIAL AND Deliiar Avenue from Grand west is another splendid drive araong cosy residences surrounded by ample grounds. Vandeventer Place is made up of a park in which al! the residences are palatial. In tore t Park Lafayette Avenue from Lafayette Park to Compton Hill, in and around Compton Hill Reservoir, and along Grand avenue in the vicinity, is one of the fine residence districts. A few years ago a system of macadam paving prevailed. It. was very unsatisfactory, but the city could not afford to replace aKCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 13 it with the more expensive granite, wood or asphaltum. A law was in existence providing for the improvement of streets at the expense of the owners of abutting property up to a certain per centage of the value of the property. Under this law flnally the city began the general reconstruction with granite of the streets in the business portion of the city. As the business section of the city was improved, attention was turned to the driving streets toward the west, and their reconstruction with asphaltum and Avith wooden blocks laid on a concrete base was begun. This improvement has been continued since, until St. Louis has finally almost as perfect a system of street paving as could be wished. The length and character of the street improvements atthe eud of the last fiscal year, April, 1887, was as follows: Macadam. feet. miles. Within the former City Limits of 1870 l,l,S.t,432 214.85 Within the extended new City Limits of 1876 334,910 63.43 Wood. Nicholson (old system) 2,040 .39 Wooden blocks on concrete base 12,433 2.35 I>imestone blocks 5,223 .99 Granite blocks 163,345 80.93 A.-phaltum blocks 509 .09 Asphaltum pavement (Monolithic on concrete base).. 20,373 3.86 Telford pavement 41,262 7.82 Totallength of improved streets April 1887. ..1,714,537 324.71 Length of improved streets, Jan. 1, 1888, 327.38 miles. Since the last report of the department there has been added a number of miles of improvements, while others are in progress now, so that the record stands thus : — Street Improa'eaients. — With granite pavement, complete, 33.25 miles; in progress, 7.34. With A\'ood pavement, complete, 2.72; in progress, 1.50. With asphalt, complete, 3.86 ; in pro gress, 0.10. Streets Paa'ed avith Wood : — Chestnut street and Washington av., from Jefferson av. to Grand av. ; Lucas av. . from Beaumont street to Garrison av. ; Garrison av., from Locust street to Eas ton av. Streets Paa'ed with Asphaltum: — Pine street, from 19th 14 commercial and street to Grand av. ; Lucas place, from 14th street to Jefferson av. ; Locust street, from Jefferson av. to Ware av. ; Beaumont street, from Chestnut street to Locust street ; LefHngwell av., from Chestnut street to Locust street; Ewing av. , from Chestnut street to Locust street ; Garrison av., from Chestnut street to Locust street. Channing av. from Chestnut st. to Olive st. Leonard av. from Olive St. to Locust st. The length of Telford paving on Lindell Boulevard is 1.70 miles anc; cost about $125,000 Bridges built in the Mill creek valley over the railroad viaduct: 12th and 14th streets, at a cost of 56,000 Jefferson ave., " " " 74,000 18th street — Tay on ave., — at a cost of 160,000 Grand ave., when complete, " " " 450,000 Court House, Fourtli, Broadway, Chestnut and Market Street'. architectural ST. LOUIS. 15 City Government and Buildings. The City Government is under a mayor as its chief head, who is elected by the people for a term of 4 years. The present mayor is David R. Francis, with headquarters at City Hall. The differ ent wards of the city are represented in bodies who enact the various measures pertaining to the general control, improvement and c 0 n- duct of the city. These bodies are known as the Council, and House of Dele gates. The d e p a r t- m ent s of the city con sist of a Board of Public Improvements — which includes a president of the board ; a Street Commissioner, under whose supervision, together with a competent corps of assistants, the streets, ways, alleys, etc., are improved, graded and opened ; a Park Commissioner, having under him the proper force for the maintenance, regulation and improvement of all the parks ; a Sewer Commissioner, having the care of drainage under his management ; a Water Com.aiissioner, in charge of the water works system ; a City Hall, Eleventh, Market and Chestnut Streets. 16 commercial and Harbor and Wharf Commissioner, under Avhose management the tonnage of the cit}' is looked after ; The Health Department — under a Health officer, through whom the sanitary condition of the city is kept in order ; The BuiLDiNO Department is under a commissioner. In this department all plans for new city buildings originate and their construction carried out, besides all plans and specifications for private buildings must be here submitted and permits granted. The offices of these different departments are located in the City Hall building. The Finance Department is in fact the assessor, collector and ¦comptroller. The flrst regulates the rate of taxation ; the second sees to the collection of the money, the other to the proper dis tribution of it. The former are located in the Court House, the •other offices are located in the City Hall. Custom House and P. 0., Olive, Locust, Eighth and Ninth ,Sts. Thos. AVaUh, .\rcht architectural ST. LOUIS. 17 Public Buildings. The City Hall is a monster barn, built of brick, located afr Eleventh, Market and Chestnut streets, and if it does not fall down, it will be because luck is in favor of its occupants. The lot on which it stands would afford ample room for a building commensurate with the growth and improvement of the city. The park at 12th and Market has been sug gested by many as the proper site for a City Hall, but the city can not afford to rob the people in the center of the city of any such place, in fact the city ought to buy a half dozen blocks in the down town poor di stricts, remove the rub bish and improve them as breathing places for the thousands of unfortunate down town residents or hotel guests. The auditor, register, inspector weights and measures, com missioner of supplies, inspector of boilers, department of election and registration, and counsellor are in the City Hall. The coro ner, the marshal, the city attorney and the jailer have offices at the Four Courts ; the public administrator is in the Temple building, Broadway and Walnut. The Court House, located in the center of the city, although erected many years ago, is as fine a piece of architectural con- Four Courts and Jail. 18 COMMERCIAL AND struction as can be found iu this country, not excepting the capitol at Washington. It occupies the entire block, furnishing apartments for the collector, assessor, tax department of comp trollers offlce, recorder, the several district courts, numbered from 1 to 5, the clerks of the courts, court of appeals, probate court, the central fire alarm service, law library and sheriff. The Four Courts, a magniflcent building, contains the head quarters of the police depart ment, the health department, the several cit3' courts, the court of criminal correction, first dis trict police court, St. Louis criminal court, the jail and hold over. The main building fronts on Clark ave. the length of the block from llth to 12th sts. andthe architectural features of the structure are grand and imposing. The monster jail building is in the rear center while the Morgue occupies the northeast corner of the block, which is the pro^jerty of the city. The Custom House. — The government building in St. Louis has often been pronounced the most substantial in the country. When the foundations were laid the excavators found solid rock only partly, therefore they were forced to drive piles whose ends would reach the bedrock. On these were laid immense granite stones and on these other granite blocks, for the building from base to dome is of this durable stone. In its spacious halls are the post office department, whose management is perfection ; the internal revenue collection department of the state, the United States courts and other sub-United States offices, including the signal service department, who have an observatory in the towering dome, the United States circuit clerk, district attorney, engineers, headquarters lighthouse inspector, inspector steam boats. United States marine hospital service, sub-treasury, special examiner and examining surgeon of pension offlce, mar shal and railway mail serA'ice. The United States offices in St. Louis are the medical purveying dept., 500 North Commercial alley ; Q.M.dep't., 304 North Eighth street ; subsistence dept., 112 South Fourth street; pay dep't., 304 North Eighth street ; clothino- dep't., Second near the Arsenal, recruiting office, 908 Pine street ; cavalry depot, Jefferson Barracks; United States assayer, 210 ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 19 North Third street ; Mississippi riA'er commissioner, survey dep't, 2828 Washington ave.; construction dep't, 2653 Olive stree*; lighthouse engineer, 1415 Washington ave. ; supervisor of educa tion, 304 North Eigth street ; jury commissioner, 417 Olive street ; registers in bankruptcy, 506 Olive street ; United States com missioners and masters in chancery. The Fire Department is equal in efficiency to any iu the coun try. The headquarters are at engine house, 816 N. Seventh street. The de- partment has twen ty-se V e n steamers, flve Babcock chemi cal engines and seven hook and ladder companies in service. O f men there are some 328 with 8 officers. There are four hundred and twenty-flv-e fire alarm sta tions all connect- A Fire Dei^artment Building. jjjp. -^v i t h the central flre station in the Court House and from there to the en gine houses. The striking of an alarm unhitches automatically, the horses, who run to their places at the engine, where in a few seconds they are harnessed and hitched. There are 185 horses, 27 engine houses, 3 reserve engines and 1 hook and ladder truck in reserve. The Sala'aoe Corps is maintained by the fire insurance compa nies. It is their duty to attend every fire and protect stocks of goods from water by tarpaulins or removal. Station Seventh and Locust streets. Ten men and a captain constitute the force. City Patrols. — This is one of the few cities having this sys- 20 COMMERCIAL AND tem of caring for unfortunates, and is a part of a most efficient police department. The little corrugated iron houses around lamp posts contain a telegraphic and telephone instrument accessible to policemen only, thus to the unfortunate in an accident of any kind, may be summoned within a very few minutes a patrol wagon which conveys the person to hospital or dispensary. They are Police Station in Lafayette Park. also for the summoning of the patrol in case of arrest or for com munication in case of riot. Police Depaetaient.— This department of the city government is under a Board of Police Commissioners appointed by the gover nor of the State and consists of the following: James L. Blair Vice-President ; Frank Gaiennie, purchasing member, Oliver P. Gooding, commissioner, Edward Wilkerson, treasurer, Frank R- Tate is secretary; Hon. David R. Francis, Mayor of the city, is ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 21 i- V Ex-officio President. The Force consists of one Chief, six Captains, 45 Sergeants, 440 Patrolmen, 10 Detectives, 1 Chief of Detectives, and 25 emergency specials. There are 13 station houses, 5 patrol wagons and the total worth of real estate and personal property belonging to the de partment is valued at $174,149.84. Water Works. — The first water works built in St. Louis, date back to 1830. The first reservoir was located at Ashley and Col lins streets on the east side of Broadway. The initial point of the system is a cast-iron tower, ____^ rising in the river at a dis tance of 200 feet from the bank.Thirteencast-ironsections enter in- t 0 the structure of this tower, which is oval in form, 21 feet long by 10 feet wide, with a height of 80 feet, and its base resting on the bed-' rock of the river. It was sunk through 20' feet of sand, and its positidn is strengthened by rip-rap rbek deposited ' around th^ out-- sid'6', ^hil6 strong ice-breakers still further secure it; the bottom is filled' with concrete to a depth of 24 feet. ' Water is ad initted- into the' toAVer by means of flOod-gates plabed at dif ferent heights, while a strong iron sor66n prevents the entrance' Water 'AVoriig with Tower. 22 COMMERCIAL A.ND of drift or fish. An induction pipe .5 feet 6 inches in diameter leads to the engine pit of the low service structure on the river bank. A foot bridge, 200 feet long reaches likewise from the river tower to the engine house. The low service buildings, on the margin of the river, consist of engine house with boiler, coal-storage houses, and a chimney or smoke-tower 125 feet In Lafayette Park. high, standing at a distance of 10 feet from the boiler house, with a connecting pipe passing between upon a brick bridge of 5 arches. These structures are built of brick, with bases, quoins and mouldings of Joliet stone. The engine room, 50 feet long and 41 feet wide, is wainscotted with oak and black walnut, and the floor is laid with east-iron plates and encaustic tiles. The walls of the engine house are more than 2 feet in thickness, and the rooflng is all of the best Vermont slate. The river eno-ines ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 23 of which the original the Cornish Bull class, inches in diameter and 12 plungers are 56 inches in stroke. The maximum capacity of each engine A battery of 6 Cornish diameter and 30 feet for the engines. The settling reservo little distance from the of these basins, which form, and each having They are separated by gether form a quadruple green embankment. The great central marked by several subs chimney-tower rising to The engine house is a by 92 feet, adjoining 76 by 88 feet, and a coal length and 63 feet wide. The high service en were sufficient at the beam, condensing en fly-wheel. The machin such as a working beam tons' weight ; a fly-wheel batteries of boilers, each tension of the works was a contract was let for a cost of and another high serA'ice $280,000, New AA'ater Tower. number was two, are of with steam cylinders 64 feet stroke. The pump- diameter and 12 feet is 17,000,000 gallons of water in 24 hours. boilers — each 7 feet in 'ong- — supplies steam irs, are situated at a river. There are several are parallelograms i n an area of 16,000 feet. walls of stone, and to- reservoir, bordered by a point of the system is tantial buildings, and a the height of 134 feet. two-story building, 86 which is a boiler house building, 100 feet in gines, of which two first, are direct-acting, gines, with crank and ery here is stupendous — 30 feet long and of 30 26 feet in diameter, and 25 feet long. An ex- found necessary in 1873 ; low service engine, at a $118,500, for two engines a t the new ¦24 COAIMERCIAL AND works being finished and in place in 1874. The grounds occupied by the river portion of the system include 100 acres. A possibility for beauty exists here, with all this great and wonderful utility. With foliage, statuary and fountains a fine park might be created the reservoirs being screened as they are in foreign cities. The storage reservoir on Compton Hill is 830 feet long, 500 feet wide and 22 feet deep, with a capacity for 60,000,000 gallons. There are two water towers connected with the system, the flrst one built is located at Grand avenue and Four teenth street. It is circular in form and rises to a height of 118 feet. The new tower is located near Grand ave., «ast of the old tower; it is square in form, and is built of press brick sup plied by the St. lu the park. Louis Hydraulic Press Brick Co., with stone ornamentation. This tower is 220 feet high, and is a very handsome piece of archi tecture. During the past year a new high-service engine was •completed aiding materially to supply the 30,000,000 gallons of water used daily. Seaa'erage. — A great underground conduit through the course of the valley where Mill Creek once flowed forms the central feature of the drainage system. This main sewer of Mill Creek was not the first, however. The Biddle street drainage canal was undertaken about 1851. The sewerage system of to-daA' is per fect and constitutes about 250 miles of drain. ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 25 Population of St. Louis. 1799 925 1810 1,400 1820 4,928 1828 5,000 1830 5.8(j2 1833 6,397 1835 8,316 1837 12,040 1840 16,469 1844 34,140 1850 1852 1856 1859.1866 1870 1880 18851887 1888 74,439 94,000 125,200 185,687 204,327 U. S. Census 310,864 " 350,522 Estimated 400,000 " 450,000 " 510,000 Area 62^ square miles. Bonded Debt, April 11, 1887 $22,105,000 Less Reduction through Sinking Fund 61,000 $22,044,000 At the close of the fiscal year the city's bonded debt may amount to $21,830,000 at the least, or $22,044,000 at the most. The fiscal year closes April 9. The interest on nearly 20 per cent of this debt, however, will have been reduced from 6, 7 and 8 per cent to 3.65 per cent. Assessment of Real and Personal Property for the Past Four Years. Beal and Beal Estate. Personal. 1884 178,596,650 210,124,370 1885 177,857,240 207,910,350 1886 187,291,540 218,271,260 1887 184,815,560 217,142,320 26 COMMERCIAL AND Parks. The original idea of establishing and maintaining at convenient points throughout a city, public places for rest and recreation, entitles the originator to be classed as a public benefactor. Tbe need for such places whether they be large or small parks or even squares is only felt or appreciated by citizens of a large city. In the smaller towns land is cheap, there the resident can surround the homestead with sufficient ground, which properly improved, affords a park on a small scale at home — but in a populous city, with its miles of paved streets lined on each side with houses built with bricks and stone and the ground estimated by the foot, green spots are rare in deed. Therefore it is the duty of every city to maintain a sys tem of parks, open to the public, when those who desire it, — and nearly all do — can enjoy a bit of fresh air. The parks of St. Louis will compare with those of any city in this country both in extent of acres, in landscape architecture, forest foliage and plant life. St. Louis has a system of parks, both public and private, Avhich has rendered her famous. The largest of her private parks is that of the St. Louis Agricultural and Mechanical Association, In Tower Grove Park. ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 27 kriown as the Fair Grounds. In these grounds is one of the finest zoological collections in the United States, an unequalled collec tion of buildings for the exhibition of agricultural and other machinery and farm products, and a race-course acknowledged to In Forest P.ark. be one of the flnest in the world. Here is annually held the great St. Louis Fair, the largest and flnest agricultural fair inthe United States ; one of the chief attractions of the season of fall festivities. In the spring a race-meeting for running horses is held, and in the fall a trotting meeting. The zoological exhibition is permanent.. 28 COMMERCIAL AND Benton Park was formerly the city cemetery and is situated between Jefferson avenue and Arsenal street, Missouri avenue and Wyoming street, and has an area of 14. 30 acres. The ad vantages offered by its undulating surface have been well improved and it is now confessedly one of the most beautiful attractions of the city. The monument erected by the citizens to the memory of Col. Fred. Hecker in 1882 is situated in this park ; it also con tains a good house for the keeper, flne green house and several good row boats for the pleasure of visitors. Carondelet Park, old limits, is an unimproved tract of land containing a little more than three acres picturesquely stowed away in sink holes. It is an almost valueless remnant of the old city commons, and the time for its deA'elopment has not yet ar rived. Carondelut Park, new limits — containing 180 acres and ex tending about one mile westwardly from Ninth street in South St. Louis, between Kansas avenue and Loughborough avenue, is developing flnely and will soon be a favorite resort. The St. Louis, Oak Hill and Carondelet Railway Co. received authority from the municipal assembly to run though this park along Glaize Creek and to construct a flne boulevard bridge over the main drive leading in from Kansas avenue. This park was established by an act of the General Assembly of Missouri in 1875. Carr Squ.are lies between east and west Sixteenth street and Wash and Carr streets, covering 2.36 acres. It is much frequented and is surrounded by a high iron fence, which has been permitted to remain there at the special request ¦ of the citizens residing in the neighborhood. It was donated to the city in August, 1842, by William C. Carr, "to be forever used as a square." Exchange Square. — Containing 12.86 acres and situated be- ' tween Warren, Clinton, First and Main street and the river, was formerly a conglomeration of low ground and unhealthy ponds, which have been fllled during its connection with the Park Department. By virtue of ordinance approved February Sth, ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 29' 1887, it has been plaeed in charge of the Harbor and Wharf Department. Forest Park. — The largest of the public parks, covers an area of 1,372 acres, and is chiefly, as its name implies, a natural 30 COMMERCIAL AND forest — lying a little more than four miles west of the Court House and extending thence westwardlj' two miles by a breadth of a little more than one mile. The land was acquired by con demnation under authoritj- of an act of the General Assemblj' of the State of Missouri passed in 1875, in which provision was made for its maintenance by an annual special tax to be levied by the County Court, the scheme and chart this park dependent municipal revenue for dinarily is so drained departments that but mental purposes. The improved driv ten miles in length, roads aggregate a thirteen miles, besides mile. Steps should cate that portion of which is in the park, highway, outside of all the roads and dr vision of the Park are ten bridges in the are now nently reco of stone and three rebuilt so for many Bridsre No. Blair Monument. but the adoption of er unfortunately left upon the regular its support, which or- b}' the needs of other little is left for orna- es are now more than while the summer length of more than a race course of a full soon be taken to relo- t h e Clayton Road and is still a public tbe park, so as to have ives uuder the super- Commissioner. There park, two of which perma-nstructedand iron, have been as to last years. 5, one of a cost of the most centrally located, was reconstructed at 87,974.50, and will last for all time. The extension of the city's water system to King's Highway and Lindell avenue has been a great beneflt to the park. LTnder ordinance, approved March 11, 1887, a one-half mile speeding track is provided for in the park. ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 31 '*¦* The United States Signal Service has been granted permission to establish a branch station in the park. The Park department have set out flne trees along Lindell avenue, between Grand avenue and the park, which will in a few years make Lindell avenue one of the most pleasant drives to the park. Forest Park Boulevard. — Under provisions of ordinance, ap- proved March * "^ 15th, 1887, astrip f. of ground flfty ' 1^ * , feet wide in the middle of Forest Park Boulevard and extending from Grand ave- nue to King's Highway, has been set aside for park purposes and placed in charge of the Park Depart ment. Gamble Place contains 1.15 acres and is sit- uated between Gamble and Day ton streets and It adjoins the Divoll school >. ^ In Lafayette Park. Garrison and Glasgow avenues. and is locally in great favor. , Gravois Park containing 8.26 acres, is bounded by Potomac and Miami streets and Louisiana and Compton avenues. Al though rather inaccessible it is quite a flne park and has a pagoda and other handsome improvements. Hyde Park — Lying between Twelfth and Fourteenth, Salis bury and Bremen avenues, covers an area of 11.84 acres. It is 32 COMMERCIAL AND one of our finest city parks and has an elegant fountain terrace and cascade and quite a capacious green house. o 'J >,/.>.> ^ Jack.son' Place — a small circular park that intercepts North Market, between EleA'enth and Twelfth streets, contains 1.62 acres ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 33 and is of great local' value. It has a handsome small fountain and the park is most excellently kept. Laclede Park is bounded by North and South Gasconade streets and East and West Iowa avenues. It is a fine little park containing 3.17 acres. Lyon Park is situated between Carondelet avenue and Colum bus street, and Arsenal and Utah streets. It contains 10.62 acres and is the western portion of the old arsenal grounds, having been donated by the United States. It is improving very rapidly, although only taken in hands since 1878. The obelisk to the memory of Gen. Nathaniel Lyon is not renowned for special beauty of design or magniflcent proportions, but was placed there through the efforts of a few patriotic citizens in order to save the grounds to the city: Missouri Park has been licensed to the St. Louis Exposition and Music Hall Association for ttie term of fifty years by Ordi nance No. 12,338, approved March 7, 1883, and although nom inally retained under the control of the Park Department, has for the time being lost its usefulness as a park. O'Fallon Park contains 160 acres, and is situated about four miles north of the Court House, between Bellefontaine road and Florissant avenue. Like Forest, and Carondelet Parks, it was acquired by purchase in»1875, under authority of an act of the General Assembly of Missouri. It is well worth a visit, as from its heights one of the finest views of the Mississippi River can be obtained. A great many young trees had to be set out to improve the landscape and replace the old oaks that are dying out very rapidly. St. Loois Place is a long, narrow park between Solomon and Rauschenbach avenue, intersected by St. Louis avenue, and hav ing a length of about 2000 feet b»tween Benton and Hebert streets. The northern portion is not yet quite finished, but the southern half is finely improved, having a terrace, small lake and handsome fountain. Ordinance No. 13,928, approved March 12, 1887, con. tinues this place through the old reservoir property to Maiden Lane, leaving North Market street open, however. 3 34 COJIMERCIAL AND Lafayette Park lies in the southwestern portion of the city, and is in the midst of the fine residence portion of the south side, being bounded by Mississippi avenue east, Missouri avenue west, Lafayette avenue south, and Park avenue north. It is under a board of special commissioners, and they, together with the park department, have made it one of the handsomest pieces of land- scape architec ture to be found in the United States, not ex cepting any. During the sum mer the city pro vides a band of music for both Tower Grove and Lafayette parks, and on the days set apart as music days these parks are tbronged. Lafayette park is not a driving park, no vehicle being admitted larger than a child's perambu lator, but of these on any fine day there are thousands, while in the lake boats are plying by hundreds. Among the statues in this park, those of Washington and Benton occupy a prominent place. Of the rare and curious plants, creepers, mosses, etc., and of the beautiful foliage, grottos, shady nooks, glades and other attractive features, a volume could be written. One must see such a place to appreciate it. Shaav's Garden. — Here is a place that the gift of a Longfel- In Shaw's Garden. ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 35 ^^: low would fail to describe. To one not present, it would be al most impossible to even give a fair idea of its many beauties. Imagine then a grouping systematically arranged of flowers and flowering shrubs, plants and creepers, in fact something of every species known to botany, growing in their most luxurious foliage and flower, and you get a mind's-eye view of Shaw's Botanical Gar den at St. Louis. As an educator in botany, Shaw's Garden is- the best practical college in the world, for there is nothing in the world like it on s o grand and complete a scale. The mu seum of natural history is filled with a multitude of interesting objects, and the hot houses and green houses are filled with the best specimens of rare and curi ous vegetation, arranged with scientific ac curacy. Every -»L. Columbub Monument city has its particular object of interest, and while old abbeys or ruins of the old country or colonial relics of this, are well in their way, this botanical paradise is a living monument that outshines them all. It is of easy access — lies adjoining Tower Grove Park, and can be reached by the 4th st.. Market st. or Pine St. lines of railway. South St. Louis Square contains but 1.66 acres and is situated in the extreme southern portion of the city. Its improvement as a park only dates back four years, but it is already beginning to be appreciated by the residents of the neighborhood. 36 COMMERCIAL AND Tower Grove Park. — This is a wonderfully beautiful park, differing greatly from Forest. Two hundred and serenty-six acres have here been tastefully laid out in grand drives, charming walks, with perfection of lawns, seldom seen in this country. Three grand bronze statues, thirty feet in height, adorn the drives. Of Shakespeare's, Miss Neilson declared that she had not seen its equal as a work of art in any European or American city. 'Twas she that planted the tree nearest the statue. The bronze tablets In Tower Grove Park. inserted in tbe granite pedestal depict scenes from Shakespeare's plays. The park view, east from this statue, is said to be une qualed in this country. The Baron Von Humboldt statue is the same size as that of Shakespeare, was erected "In honor of the most accomplished traveler of this or any other age." At the eastern end is "Columbus" with bronze medallions set in the pedestal. All of these statues were designed by Fred'k Miller, of Munich, and cast there. ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 37 Washington Square, situated between Market street and Clark avenue, and Twelfth and Thirteenth streets, contains six acres and has a neat fountain in its center. It is much patronized by the citizens, is an ornament to the city and very much admired by strangers who pass it on entering the city from the Unibn depot. Total Cost op all Parks in St. Louis. PARKS IN charge op THE PARK COMMISSIONERS. NAME. Area in Acres. How and When Ac quired. Cost of Purchase. Improve- nfients and Mainte nance. Total Cost. Benton Park Carondelet Pk., o. 1 14.30 3.17 180.00 2.36 12.86 1,371.94 1.158.26 11.84 1.62 3.17 10.92 168.32 10.80 1.66 6.00 From city com.. 1866 From city com. .1812 By purchase 1876 By donation 1842 By donation.... 1816 By purchase 1874 Donated by city,1874 From city com. .1812 By purchase 1854 By donation.... 1829 From city com . .1813 U. S. donation.. 1872 By purchase 1875 By don.~ ' "i -.n •* n.^a^ > -= ¦^ 1 '•• '% aac '^r^/^ I'-i "^fcsPt : I'm •?#*> -*i" -"- '¦^ • ^-tt ' T;7^...iit| 1)k Chestnut Street, East from Fourth. Missouri Ry. Co. (Cable Line) leaves 4th and Olive, to 42d st. Mound City Rt. Co. leaves 4th and Pine, to 9th, to St. Louis ave., to Lindell ave., to Fair Grounds (eastern entrance). Northern Central Ry. Co. leaves 4th and Locust, along the latter to 6th, to Franklin ave., to 16th, to Gamble ave., thence via Base Ball Park to southern gate Fair Grounds. It is one ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 43 of the finest equipped and best managed lines in the whole country. People's Line leaves 4th and Morgan, along 4th to Chouteau ave., via Schnaider's Garden, Lafayette Park, on to Compton Hill Reservoir Park. Southern Railway Co., " Sixth street line" leaves Market and Sixth street, along Sixth to Pestalozzi, along Ninth, on Lafayette avenue, along Main to Arsenal. St. Louis Cable and Western Railwat Co. leaves Sixth and Locust, along the latter to Thirteenth (Exposition Building) to Wash, west on Wash to Easton avenue, to Grand avenue, over Franklin avenue to Morgan, connecting with Narrow Gauge rail way to Florissant. St. Louis Railwat Co. from Grand avenue along Broadway to Elm into Seventh to Keokuk street, returning along Broadway to Baden in the north end, a continuous line of 15 miles. Tower Grove and Lafayette Railway Co. leaves Fourth and Morgan along Fourth to Chouteau avenue, east to Third, south, to Anna street. Union Depot Railwat Co. (Yellow cars) leave Fourth and Pine, along Pine to 12lh, over 12th street viaduct passing Union Depot to Chouteau avenue, to Park avenue, to Gravois avenue, extension to Tower Grove Park. Lafayette Branch (Blue oars) same to Park avenue, then north to 12th via Carrolb Linn and Lafayette avenue, to Lafayette Park. Union Railwat Co. leaves Fourth and Locust, along the latter to Sixth street to Biddle, thence northwesterly via Hyde Park to north gate Fair Grounds. 44 COJIMERCIAL AND Railway Lines. One of the most important features of a city and one that tends greatly to the building up of that city is her system of outreach- ing transportation lines. In the old days the canal with heavy Equitable Building, Sixth and Locust— General Offices Missouri Pacific System. laden barges slowly moving from point to point was considered a great improvement over the road-wagon system of merchandise ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 45 moving. Then came the steamboats plying the various rivers, lakes and bayous, and they were thought to be in their day beyond the reach of faster motive power ; but a great inventor, or at least a great mind, perfected the railway locomotive .and now the product of the mill, the mine, the soil are hurried over the railway at the rate of from 30 to 40 miles an hour. The lines of railway enter ing St. Louis, either run direct or connect with other lines that tap all parts of this country. Therefore St. Louis has every facility for forward ing and receiving her mercantile resources. Railway building in this country has been done entirely different from that of Europe. In Europe, railroads have been built only where a military ne cessity existed for . them, or through a! populous section which almost guaran teed immediate returns on the investment. But theAmerican pol- ic3' has been and is to Union^Depot.^Poplar Street. 46 COMMERCIAL AND push railroads into entirely unsettled regions, and thus attract population to sections of the country that would otherwise have re raained barren for an indefinite length of time. To one acquainted with the condition of the western plains before the advent of the railroads, their present population and state of cultivation will prove the wonder ful influence of the locomotive as a civilizer, and bear witness to the enterprise of our railway mag nates as nothing else could do. The task of start- i n g a railway from nowhere, to end nowhere, trusting to the chance of immi gration to sup ply a population, would seem to the most daring European men madness ; bat this course has been persistently pursued in this country, and in nearly every instance with entire success to the projectors of the road, while the advantage to the country at large can be reckoned by the hundreds of millions of dollars. The enterprise of the Americans in railroad building is recognized througbout the world, but the essential difference between the European railroad magnates and those of this country has never been properly appreciated by the people of this country, and therefore the due amount of credit has not been given to those who have pushed roads across the continent and into every nook and corner of the plains and mountains." Pine Street, East from Fourth. Globe-Democrat. .Mechanics' Bank. AKCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 47 The railway construction in this country during the year just elosed is shown in the following table: states. LINKS. MILES. Maine 2 31 New Hampshire 1 33 Vermont — — Massachusetts 5 55 Connecticut — — Rhode Island - — NewYork fi 97 New Jersey 2 15 Pennsylvania 13 125 Delaware — — Maryland 1 18 West Virginia 3 53 Virginia 4 64 North Carolina 10 184 South Carolina 6 104 Georgia 8 231 Florida 10 193 Alabama 15 515 Mississippi 5 99 Louisiana 4 65 Tennessee 10 66 Kentucky 8 168 Ohio 14 155 Michigan 18 700 Indiana 9 115 states. lines, miles. Illinois 12 328 Wisconsin 11 363- Minnesota 9 196 Dakota 17 760 Iowa 10 352 Nebraska 17 1,101 Wyoming 3 138 Montana 7 616 Kansas 44 2,070 Missouri 16 554 Indian Territory 5 499 Arkansas 8 153 Texas 19 1,055 Colorado 9 818 j New Mexico 1 4 i Nevada — — California 14 356 Idaho 2 54 Utah 1 6 Arizona 2 70 Oregon 4 4S Wash. Territory a 10& Total 364 12,724 The following table shows the comparison in the past ten years : tear. miles. 1877 2,280 1878 2,629 1879 4,746 1880 6,876 1881 9,796 -tear. miles. 1882 11,568 1883 6,741 1884 3,825 1885 3,608 1886 9,000 All the railroads entering St. Louis use the Union Depot as a passenger station. This, to a certain extent, is unavoidable in consequence of there being but one bridge across the Mississippi at this point, the Eastern roads approaching over it and through the tunnel, which begins at Second street, under and along Washington avenue to Eighth street, thence to Poplar, the mouth, into the Union Depot at Twelfth and Poplar. The bridge, including approaches, is 6,220 feet long by 54 wide, with three spans, the center one of which is 520 feet, and all are ribbed 48 COMMERCIAL AND arches made of chrome steel. The railway — double track — passes under the driveway, which is very wide, having on either side wide foot-ways. If there were more railway depots the city would be benefited to considerable extent in that passengers would stop off who now pass through. The Southwestern System. — This great system, composed of the Missouri Pacific, Iron Mountain, Missouri, Kansas & Texas and International & Great Northern Railways, with the Central Branch Union Pacific and Little Rock & Fort Smith Division, comprises over 7,000 miles of railroad under one management, During the past year 1,326 miles of new road have been con structed on the main lines and branches. The Missouri Pacific Railway Company. — With the opening of spring this system comes into the field of railway service with over seven thousand miles of track in operation throughout the west and south-west ; a system of railways more thoroughly equipped and in better condition to do the great and varied busi ness in the empire which it covers has never been known in the history of railwaj' enterprise. From St. Louis direct through lines run to Kansas Citj', Atchison, St. .Joseph, Lincoln and Omaha ; St. Louis to Pueblo and Denver ; St. Louis to Wichita and Southern Kansas points ; St. Louis to Fort Worth, Austin and San Antonio, through the beautiful Indian Territory ; St. Louis to Memphis ; St. Louis to Little Rock and Fort Smith, and St. Louis to Houston and Galveston. Thus is provided the arte ries for the commerce of all that part of the great Mississippi Valley south of Hannibal and Omaha, bounded on the east by the Mississippi River on the south by the Gulf of Mexico and on the west by the Rocky Mountains. New lines are constantly being built and added to the system and among the most important of these is the Colorado Extension reaching to Pueblo and Denver. A complete passenger equipment for this line has just been inaugu rated and solid trains are now run between St. Louis and Denver equipped with Pullman Buffet Sleeping Cars which are brand new and are marvels of elegance, convenience and comfort. The -Bald Knob branch of the Iron Mountain Route was formally ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 49 opened on the 13th of May, giving a direct line from Memphis to Little Rock. Two daily passenger trains were put in operation at the start with Pullman sleeping cars to and from both points on the evening trains. One of the most promising of the new lines and about which little has been said is that formed by the completion of the Pacific Railway of Nebraska from Superior to Hastings. Through cars are now run from Kansas City to Hast ings and a large business is done at that point for western con nections. The local excursion business to resorts around the City of St. Louis, both on the Missouri Pacific Railway and Iron Mountain Route is an important feature during the summer months. Trains at all hours of the day are run to the Barracks, Cliff Cave, Montesano, Pilot Knob, Arcadia, Shaw's Garden, Tower Grove Park, Bartolds, Creve Cceur Lake and St. Paul. The opening of the Oak Hill branch, with its eight trains daily, brings yo u with a short quick ride of twenty minutes from the Union depot to Shaw's Garden, Tower Grove Park and the City buildings and cemeteries. The excursion agent at the general passenger oflSce, corner Sixth and Locust streets, will make arrangements for char tering special trains and coaches for picnic and pleasure parties or will call on parties living in the city, if notified. The St. Louis and San Francisco Railway, popularly known as the Frisco line, extends from St. Louis through the states of Missouri, Kansas, Arkansas, Texas and Indian Territory with lines in operation viz : St. Louis to Sapulpa, I. T. ; Cuba Junction, Mo., to Salem, Mo. ; Springfleld, Mo., to Bolivar, Mo. ; Springfield, Mo., to Chadwick, Mo. ; Monett, Mo., to Paris, Texas ; Fayette ville, Ark., to St. Paul, Ark. ; Jenson, Ark., to Mansfleld, Ark. ; Pierce City, Mo., to Halstead, Kan. ; Oronogo, Mo., to Galena, Kan. ; Joplin, Mo., to Girard, Kan. ; Pittsburg, Kan., to Weir, Kan. ; Beaumont, Kan., to Bluff, Kan. ; Arkansas City, Kan., to Cale, Kan.; Hunnewell Junction, Kan., to Hunnewell, Kan.; Wichita, Kan., to Ellsworth, Kan. ; as shown on accompanying map and which aggregates about 1500 miles for this system. This railway is in every sense a St. Louis road and the manage- 4 50 COMMERCIAL AND ment has always been in full accord with the best interests of the city. The Frisco is always found in the front ranks supporting and assisting the commercial interest of the Future Great. The equipment and service afforded by this popular line is second to none in this country. It maintains a well organized through car service between St. Louis and Galveston, Texas and St. Louis and Pacific Coast. The patronage of this road is large and -f^ '¦-^^-^-^ .^ S A S. , iHempMgyf M I S S. .& Poou BROB..CH,ei PRISKO LINE, steadily on the increase. The country traversed by the lines of this company through the Southwest is wonderfully rich in all kinds of products, viz. : grain, fruit, cotton, live stock, timber, mineral and coal unsurpassed by any section of country between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. The world renowned health and pleasure resort. Eureka Springs, Ark., is reached via the Frisco line. Any particular information regarding this popular road or the country through which it passes will be cheerfully given by addressing: General passenger agent, Frisco line, St. Louis, Mo. The Wabash Western Railway Company atthe present writing operates 1147.1 miles of road, reaching from St. Louis to Kansas City, St. Joseph, Council Bluffs, Omaha, Ottumwa and Des Moines on the west, and to Detroit on the east. The main line from St. Louis to Kansas City is one of the best ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 51 pieces of track in the country. It is laid with 70 pound steel rails, is superbly ballasted, and is as smooth as a fioor. It is from six to forty-six miles the shortest line between St. Louis and Kansas City, and makes quicker time between these points than any other line. Its passenger trains are equipped with the hand somest Pullman Buffet Sleeping and Parlor Cars ever built, with Palace Reclining Chair Cars (in which no charge is made for seats), and with elegant new Eastlake Coaches. Between St. Louis and St. Joseph the Wabash Western is 43 miles shorter and two hours quicker than any other route. Pull man Buffet Sleeping cars run through without change. From St. Louis to Council Bluffs and Omaha and vice versa, Poole Broe.,Okieagt> . the difference of 90 miles in distance and five hours in time, in favor of the Wabash Western, makes it the only really first-class line. The well known, popular, and fast "Cannon Ball" train running between these cities has parlor coaches and new Pullman Buffet sleeping cars. For Ottumwa, Des Moines and northern points, the Wabash Western is practically without a rival, so direct is its line, so fast is its time and so excellent its equipment. Palace sleeping ears leave St. Louis daily for these cities, and night trains out of'St. Louis have Pullman Buffet sleeping cars running direct to St. Paul and Minneapolis without change. 52 COMMERCIAL AND The Eastern Division of the Wabash Western is equally well equipped. Two trains leave St. Louis every day for Detroit and the East, the morning train carrying a Free Reclining Chair Car to Detroit, and the night train a Palace Buffet Sleeping Car to Detroit, Niagara Falls and Boston without change. Travelers taking the Wabash Western are served meals in magnificent Dining Cars. The St. Louis ticket oflBce of the Wabash Western is located at the southeast corner of Broadway and Olive street, where tickets can be purchased, sleeping car berths reserved, and all desired information obtained. The Vandalia Line (Terre Haute & Indianapolis R. R. Co.) is the St. Louis connection of the great Pennsylvania System. It occupies with other roads the Union Depot at St. Louis, and reaches out eastward for business to Chicago, Indianapolis, Cin cinnati, Columbus, Pittsburgh, Baltimore, Washington, Phila delphia and New York. This in brief is the " Vandalia Liue," but the Vandalia Line' is much more to St. Louis. It is the great link between the east and west, especially between St. Louis and the East. It was the first road crossing the Mississippi to use the air brakes, the first to run through cars to New York, and the flrst to adopt the telegraph " Block Signal system," which are placed along the line at suflScient distance from each other to warn the engineers of danger — a system practically preventing collisions. The road bed is of stone ballast, the rails of steel, the locomotives the perfection of mechanical skill, the coaches the most luxuriant that money can provide, consequently, the "Vandalia" whirls its passengers through on rapid time, and to the entire satisfac tion of those passengers. The general oflflces are located in St. Louis, and occupy the corner of 4th and Chestnut sts., as will be seen from a cut showing Chestnut st. looking east from 4th st. The St. Louis, Keokuk & Northwestern R. R., known as the "St. Louis, Minneapolis & St. Paul Short Line," offers to the people of St. Louis visiting the great health and summer resorts of the North-west, Spirit Lake, Lake Minnetonka, Duluth, Ash- ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 53 I land, Detroit Lake, Yellowstone Park, White Bear Lake, St. Paul and Minneapolis, the facilities of its short and direct lines and elegant equipment, and being part ofthe " Great Burlington " system offers to St. Louis merchants, the immense territory tributary to the 5,000 miles of track of that great line. The "Burlington" System has also an outlet via the Union Bridge & Tunnel Co., in connection with its St. Louis division, to all points on the Mississippi and Missouri rivers, St. Paul, Minneapolis, and points in Colorado, New Mexico and the Pacific slope. The Chicago, Alton & St. Louis R. R. — This great line ex tends from Chicago to St. Louis in nearly a direct line and is one of the best equipped roads running out of St. Louis. The length of this main line is 283 miles. At Bloomington, Ills., which is nearly midway between St. Louis & Chicago the road has a branch which runs southwesterly to Roodhouse, Ills., from which point it runs due west to Louisiana, Missouri, there crossing the Mississippi on a magnificent bridge, thence to Kansas City, Mo., 488 miles from Chicago. They also have a branch from Rood- house via Alton, III. , over which the traffic of Northern and Cen tral Missouri is handled direct to St, Louis. Another branch leaves Mexico, Mo., to Cedar City on the north bank of the Mis souri river, opposite Jefferson City, the Capital of this State. From Joliet, Ills. , a branch runs to Coal City, and one from Dwight, Ills., to Lacon and Washington where close connection is made with lines running to Peoria, Pekin, Rock Island and the North. At Kansas City close connection is made with trains for Den ver, Pueblo, Leadville and Frisco. The management of the C. & A. is one of the most successful and energetic in this country. The reclining chair cars were first introduced on the lines of the C. & A. and so popular did they become that other roads soon had them in use. The equipment of the entire line and branches both as to day coaches, dining cars, parlor coaches, steel rails, stone ballast road bed, iron bridges, etc., is unexcelled by any road in the world. St. Louis and Central Ills. R. R. — This company now oper- 54 COMMERCIAL AND ates a line of road from Springfield, Ills., to Grafton Ills., some 25 miles above St. Louis. It is the purpose of the company to build to St. Louis or reach that city by one of the existing lines. Ohio and Mississippi R. R. — This company operate a line be tween St. Louis and Cincinnati and branches reaching Shaw- neetown and Springfield Ills., and Louisville, Ky. The O. & M., was the flrst railroad to reach the Mississippi river, having been completed from St. Louis to Cincinnati in 1857. With the Balti more and Ohio, the New York, Pennsylvania & Ohio, and the Erie it forms a through line to eastern cities. Mobile & Ohio Railroad. — This companj' now owns and op erates a direct line between St. Louis and Mobile, Ala., 644 miles with 44 miles of branches. The main line extends from Mobile, Ala., to Cairo III., 493 miles, and the St. Louis and Cairo rail road, now leased and operated by the Mobile and Ohio, extends from Cairo to St. Louis, 151 miles. On the main line are the following branches. To Aberdeen, 9 miles ; to Columbus, 14 miles; to Starkville, 11 miles, and to Millstadt, 9 miles. The St. Louis and Cairo, formerly a narrow gauge, was acquired during the year 1886 by the Mobile & Ohio, and changed to a standard gauge. This road opens up to St. Louis the wealth of the new South. Illinois & St. Louis Railroad. — This is a local road, extend ing from the east side of the river to Belleville, and is used prin cipally in the transportation of coal. The main line is 15 miles, with branches 28 miles. It has the same ^bridge and transfer fa cilities as other east-side roads. The Indianapolis & St. Louis Railroad. — This line, under the control of the Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati & Indianapo lis railroad, or what is known as the " Bee Line," forms a con tinuous line, under one management, from St. Louis to Cleveland, O., a distance of 548 miles. It also forms, in connection with the Lake Shore and New York Central Railroads, a through line from St. Louis to New York, with the Boston and Albany Railroads to Boston and New England points. Another connection is with the St. Louis & Chicago Railway, now operating from Litchfield ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 55 to Springfleld, Ills. This line in connection with the C, I., St. L., L. & C. Railroads (known as the big 4) gives a direct line from St. Louis to Cincinnati. The St. Louis, Alton & Terre Haute R. R. Co. — The main line of this company, from East St. Louis to Terre Haute, Ind. , is leased to the Indianapolis & St. Louis Railroad Co. The road operated by the proprietary company is better known as the " Cairo Short Line," and extends from East St. Louis southward to DuQuoin, 111., with a branch thence east to El Dorado, 121 miles. It has also recently acquired the St. Louis Southern Railroad, which is a reorganization of the St. Louis Coal Road, and extends from Pinckney ville, on the Short Line, via Murphysboro, to Ma rion, 111., crossing the Illinois Central at Carbondale. The latter branch is an important acquisition, as it runs through the cel ebrated Big Muddy coal fields in Jackson County, and also the coal flelds of Williamson County, known as the Cartersville coal fields. The line from Marion known as the Chicago, St. Louis & Paducah Railwat was completed to the junction with the Cairo, Vincennes & Chicago Railway, near Brunswick, a distance of fifteen miles, in December, 1887, and will be completed to Paducah before the close of 1888. This will open up a very valuable territory to St. Louis, which is now di rected to Evansville, Louisville and Cincinnati for want of a direct St. Louis connection. It is probable that the El Dorado Division will soon be extended eastward through Saline and Hardin Count ies, to tbe Ohio River. This extension would pass through the iron deposits of Hardin County, and give to St. Louis an addi tional supply of iron ore. The Cairo Short Line forms the Illinois Central connection for St. Louis, and is known as the Great Jackson Route for the South. This line is the direct connection with the St. Louis, Arkansas & Texas Railway from Cairo to East St. Louis. St. Louis, Arkansas & Texas Railwat. — This line was orig inally narrow gauge, but has been widened to the standard gauge and is now in excellent physical condition. Passes through Southeastern Missouri, Arkansas and Central Texas to Gatesville, 56 COMMERCIAL AND Texas, with branches from Altheimer, on the main line, to Little Rock ; from Lewisville, Arkansas, to Shreveport ; from Mt. Pleas ant, Texas, to Sh pi m an , ^^ ^^^ f i om Commerce, Tex. ' to Ft Worth from Pj lei ^ ^ ^^E Texas, to Lufkin, and fiom Corsicana Texas to 3^ ness in and out of St Louis ariangement with the Illi Short Line, ^ la Du Quoin to ^ are inadequate, howevei to ^ the large amount of busi commands and the com S to extend this line noith m mam line through Mis 3 The line has now a total The St Louis, Kanbas Railroad — This road was Fianklin county Missouri, the flrst da-^ of June 1S87 --^ Hillsboro. Their busi- ^ IS done under traffic g nois Central and Cairo ^Cauo The facilities ^^ the proper handling of ; ness which this line pan} IS now preparing from Maiden, on the soun to St. Louis. mileage of 1,187 miles. City and Colorado completed to Union, a distance of 59J- miles, an I regular trains were \ rourth Street, North from Market. ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 57 put in service the 1st day of July following. It gives oppor tunity for the establishment of suburban towns thus far through the flnest country in the state. The location of this road is now completed to Fort Scott and Kansas City. Its construction will open up an interior heretofore held in check for the want of trans portation facilities, and the road will become one of the most im portant lines entering the city of St. Louis. The Toledo, St. Louis and Kansas City Railroad operates a direct line between St. Louis and Toledo. 450 miles through Illinois, Indiana and Ohio. This line was changed from narrow to standard gauge between Toledo, Ohio, and Frankfort, Ind., on June 26, 1887, at which time it was equipped with new rolling stock, both freight and passenger, of the best class. New iron bridges with stone abut ments have been built; grades have been reduced, stations rebuilt and the property generally improved throughout. On the line between Frankfort and East St. Louis, much work has been done during the same period (1887) preparatory to changing balance of road to standard gauge, which will be done early in summer of 1888. Venice, Marine and Eastern Railway. — This road was char tered in December, 1886, and will extend from Venice, Illinois, opposite the northern portion of the city of St. Louis, through the counties of Madison, Bond, Fayette, Eflflngham, Coles and Clark, to a point on the Indiana line in Edgar county. Central Missouri Railway. — ^This road, projected in 1886, is now under construction, a number of miles of track having been laid during the past year westward from the Missouri river at St. Charles, Mo. It extends along the north side of the Mis souri river, through some of the richest counties of the state, its western terminus to be Arkansas City. It was originally intended that this road should cross the Mississippi river opposite Alton, 111., but present plans look to a direct line to St. Louis, its east ern connections to be via the new bridge to be built in the north ern part of the city. The Louisville & Nashville Railroad. — This system, which ¦68 COMMERCIAL AND is the largest in the south (east of the Mississippi river), runs from St. Louis, its northwestern terminal through Elvansville, Nashville, Decatur, Birmingham, Montgomery, and Mobile, to New Orleans. Its bridge, erected within the last two 5'ears, over the Ohio river at Henderson, largely increased its facilities for handling both passenger and freight traffic, the time being ma terially shortened from St. Louis to all points in the southeast. Its interest in the Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis Railway and other roads in the southeast, affords a direct through route to all cities in that section, thus, virtually giving St. Louis as -good a line to southeastern points as is possessed by cities in the east. At Lexington, Ky. , it forms a connection with the Chesapeake & Ohio railroad, giving St. Louis another route to the Atlantic seaboard at Newport News. St. Louis Merchants' Bridge. — The chances for the erection of another bridge across the Mississippi River at St. Louis are good. A franchise has been obtained from the municipal government for terminal facilities, and several of the railroads whose termini are on the other side of the river are believed to be ready, not only •to use the new bridge when completed, but assist in its construc tion. The need of additional yard room and transfer facilities is ac knowledged by all, and the erection of this bridge, giving oppor tunity for the location of new depots and yards at the northern end of the city is the probable solution of the problem. Present facilities in this direction are inadequate for existing roads, and give no opportunity for new roads seeking entrance to the city. The coming year will, no doubt, see considerable progress made toward the erection of the new bridge. The St. Louis Transfer Company. — A review of the trade and business facilities of this city would not be complete without a reference to the old and well-established carrier, the St. Louis Transfer Company. Chartered before the war, and when all the traffic between the east and west shores of the Mississippi at this ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 59 city was done only on ferry boats, the Transfer Company was then, as now, always prompt and efficient in the carriage of pas sengers, baggage and freight across the river. A step in advance of most other cities was made when the bag gage of the passenger was checked directly from his hotel or res idence to its point of destination, thus avoiding all trouble and delay at the Union Depot. The agents of the Transfer Company are also to be found on all incoming trains to receive the checks and directions of passengers as to delivery of baggage, while well equipped carriages stand ready to convey the passenger to his des tination in the city. Another peculiarity of method in the business of the Transfer Company is the receiving and delivery of freight at the ware houses of the merchants, while the company has large and com modious depots at Second and Carr streets and Second and Poplar streets for the temporary storage of freight destined out of the city. All the railroads on the east side of the river have contract ar rangements with the Transfer Company by which freight charges are collected by this company, and everything done to practically make St. Louis proper the actual terminus of the east-side rail roads. The general oflSce of the Transfer Company is in the Republican building. No. 20 North Third street, while the pas senger and baggage oflBces are 105 North Fourth street, under the Planters' House, and at the Union Depot. The present oflflcers of the company are : R. P. Tansey, Presi dent and Manager; S. H. Klinger, Assistant Manager; G. B. Walls, Treasurer ; B. M. Tansey, Secretary and Auditor ; W. F. Tufts, Superintendent ; Howard Stanton, General Agent. 60 COMMERCIAL AND The River. There are many people yet in St. Louis who can remember the days when the levee along the front of the city was filled with packages of merchandise of every kind, sugar hogsheads, barrels of molasses and cotton bales by the thousands, lumber, grain in sacks, bales of hay, lead, iron, vehicles and live stock, in fact St. Louis from Illinois Shore. every kind of merchantable commodity, over which in separate piles or lots waved the various colored little flags dividing this or that particular consignment. In and about through the passages left was the cartage to and fro, besides which were hundreds and hundreds of passengers from or to the numberless steamers which ARCHITECTURAL ST, LOUIS. 61 lined the wharfs, sometimes with only a nose in, and other times being forced to discharge from across the deck of other steamers. It was a busy scene which will never be witnessed again in St. Louis, for, with the great railway lines and the enormous barge lines, the demand for steamers combining freight with passenger carrying has been reduced to a small fraction of what it was in former times, and besides, the steamer lines remaining in the trade are limited (freight and passengers) to the traffic immediately along the different water ways. The Upper Missouri and Mis sissippi floats a few flne boats yet ; so also does the Illinois river, while the lower Mississippi has a flne line of steamers to Memphis, Vicksburg, Natchez and New Orleans. Shipment of Bulk Grain bt Barges to New Orleans During 1888. Date. February March April May June July August September October November December Via Belmont & Cairo dur ing Jan. and Dec Total movement. . . Wheat bu. 117,976 313,214 858,200^900,147 330,400 719,653297,128 52,901 39,952 58,600 117,658 157,913 Cornbu. 1,435,141 1,366,591 845,162340,991503,683566,224 234,662 223,795 720,595176,657 360,232 581,756 3,973,737 7,365,340 Tons bulk grain. 43,711 48,154 51,78038,094 24,013 37,42715,470 7,795 20,819 5,387 13,60721,025 327,092 Tonsother freight. 2,554 11,026 9,520 9,291 7,337 8,998 5,930 3,595 9,551 663 1,098 68,768 Total tons. 46,265 59,160 61,300 46,456 31,350 46,41521,400 11,390 31,370 6,050 14,705 21,026 396,060 The Mississippi Valley Transportation Co. own and operate the principal large lines. Wiggins Ferry Company. — John ScuUin, President; F. L. Ridgely, Vice-President ; H. L. Clark, Secretary and Treasurer ; H. W. Gays, Manager; Offices, corner Third and Chestnut 62 COMMERCIAL AND streets. —In 1795, Capt. James S. Piggott, a revolutionary sol dier who had located on the present site of East St. Louis, made a road and bridge over Cahokia Creek and established a ferry from the Ilhnois to the Missouri shore. On the 15th of August, 1797, he petitioned Commander Zenon Trudeau, then represent ing the Spanish Crown in the government of St. Louis, for the exclusive right to collect ferriage at this point, which was granted, and a ferry house was built on the Missouri side. After the death of Capt. Piggott in 1799, there was much litigation over the ferry right, but it was flnally settled in favor of the heirs of Capt. Piggott, whose interests flnally passed by transfer into the hands of Samuel Wiggins, who received a charter in 1819, and afterward sold his interests to a company, of which his brother, William C. Wiggins, who had managed the ferry for many^ }'ears, was a mem ber. In 1853, the original Wiggins charter expired, and a perpetual charter for ferry pur poses was granted to Andrew Christy, William C. Wiggins, Adam L. Mills, Lewis V. Bogy and Nanoleon B. Mulliken. The capi tal stock of the company is of a par value of $1,000,000, although it has rated much above par for many years. The company has extensive freight yards in St. Louis, located on the river front and Mound street, Chouteau avenue and Carroll street. It also operates the East St. Louis Connecting Railway, the Venice and Carondelet Belt Railway, the Illinois and St. Louis Railway Terminal, the Wiggins Car Trans fer, the Madison County Car Transfer, and the Ilhnois and St. Louis Car Transfer. The steamboat interests of the company consist of six ferry boats, four car transfer boats, two tugs, flve car transfer barges and flve ferry landing barges. The company operates a ferry from Carr street, St. Louis, to the opposite shore in East St. Louis, and one from Spruce street, St. Louis, to the Shakespeare Monument. ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 63; opposite shore in East St. Louis. The car transfer is operated' between Mound street, St. Louis, and opposite shore in East St. Louis, and from Chouteau avenue and Carroll street, St. Louis,. and opposite shore ih East St. Louis ; direct connections being made between all roads terminating in East St. Louis and those terminating iu St. Louis. The growth of this great enterprise from the canoes used by Capt. Piggott in 1795, to the present magnificent equipment, is one of the most interesting and sig nificant chapters of local history. The company throughout its history has pursued a liberal polioy, and its management has been, in wise and considerate hands. Benton Monument.. 64 COMMERCIAL AND Hotels. It has often been said of the St. Louis hotels by men of the world, men who have seen the world, men who have visited the cities, watering places, etc., throughout the globe, that the leading hotels of St. Louis give them entertainment that is not equaled anywhere else — that there is a feeling of comfort and of being at home about the St. Louis hotels not usually experienced. There is one other feature o f the St. Louis ho tels par ticularlyworth being cited and that is, in not one single i n- stance have the leading hotels of this city taken ad- , . Hotel in Early Days. vantage of the opportunity to extort higher rates than those usually charged when extraordinary throngs havc gathered into the city in attend ance upon the many conventions, assemblies, etc., that have favored St. Louis with their presence. This fact widely known has had a great deal to do with the selection of this city as a rendezvous for these conventions. In the following lines it will not be the intention to purposely omit mention of any hotel, but ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 65 "l±\\\ ¦'iU . iil''' J T'l simply to convey to the reader the entertaining capacity of the whole by briefiy alluding to a few. The Southern. — This splendid establishment was erected on the site of the old Southern Hotel which was destroyed by flre April llth, 1877. It was erected by the Hon. Thos. Allen, a man who did very much to build up the general interests of St. Louis. It fronts on Walnut street extending from Broadway to 4th street along which it stretches to Elm street, thence three-fourths of the block towards Broadway again, leaving a small space on the corner of Broadway and Elm which belongs to the hotel! company. This space- now occu pied will be in the near fu ture add ed to the hotel by the erec tion of a continua-tio n of the hotel building which will then cover the entire block. From this space on Broadway the hotel continues to Walnut street the starting point in the description of the site. Its size, however, although cover ing nearly a large block and being six stories high is one of its least attractive features. That such a hotel is most elaborately furnished throughout every department of its interior goes with out saying. It has not a superior in this respect anywhere. But the grandest feature in connection with this magniflcent car avansary is its mammoth and palatial rotunda. From Walnut street through the entire building north to south is a promenade I I (I I'T'r'i ¦ s • ii 1 ¦f i4! Fourth. .southern Hotel. Walnut. Broadway. 66 COMMERCIAL AND 60 feet wide. From Broadway to 4th street through the full length of the building a similar open way of 30 feet wide, the whole laid with white marble tiles making a fioor as smooth as a bil liard table and affording a reception bailor rotunda, as you please, accbmihodating several thousand persons without overcrowd ing. The decoration of the ceiling and columns of this rotunda is done in the finest oil, gold and silver fresco, not the frescoing usually seen in public places, but that character of fresco work, by hand, that made the palaces of Italy and Rome famous. The grand stairway leading from the rotunda to the second floor with its grace ful ascent, its bronze statuary and artistically hand-painted win dows which begin at the half landing and extend up to the ceiling of the second fioor, is a bit of the general grandeur that is much admired. The parlors, ladies' ordinary, dining rooms, in fact the whole interior is on the same scale of magnificence. The refresh ment department and the billiard department are both conducted by the hotel management, consequently guests are assured that the former is supplied with the choicest liquids and that the lat ter is equipped with the most modern appliances known to the gentlemen's game. One other feature of the Southern is worth a passing notice, and that is, the hotel from foundation to roof is ¦absolutel'y beyond the destroying element ofjire. The whole inte rior construction is wrought iron with fire-proof blocks between, and if oil was poured over all the furniture of any room and set on fire only the material in that room could burn, nor would the heat be noticeable in the next room. Lindell Hotel. — This popular house was opened in the fall of 1874, after having been destroyed by fire. It has a frontage on Washington avenue. Sixth street and Lucas avenue, and contains 275 elegantly furnished apartments — many en-suite — artistically decorated, luxuriously carpeted, with bath and other accessories, making it as complete a hotel as the traveler will care to find. The grand dining hall is a magnificent apartment 130x55 feet without columns, and the ordinary also a very beautiful room is 80x40 feet. The building is practically fire-proof, being divided into fourteen separate fire-proof compartments with massive solid ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 67 walls forming the divisions from basement to three feet above the roof. It is under the management of Messrs. Hulbert, Howe, and Chassaing. f Planters' House. This old and well known ho tel has been so long in existencethat every to u r ist , traveler or visitor to this city is 3 familiarg: with theg h 0 s p itable £ quarters of the Plant- ers'. L 0- cated in the very midst of the throngs passing and repassing through the oldest thor- ¦oughfare of the city, every one must see the building. look in at its handsome rotunda if for nothing while many more than to repeat to friends at home that they went into the Planters' 68 COMMERCIAL AND House. The building is not a handsome one, but its loca tion, its superb cuisine, its good management has made it very popular with the substantial visitors to the city. It fronts n 4th street i rom Chestnut to Pine, occu- I ying half the lock west ward to Broad- ray. It is un der the man age m e n t of Mr. J. Gerardi. St. James Hotel, Broadway and Walnut street. The St. James is centrally lo cated, conve nient to the great whole sale and retail houses. One square from the Court House, and within two squares of five theaters. Owing to the construction of the house and the loca- tien of the boilers, kitchen, bakery and laundry the hotel is prac- ticallj' Jire-proof. It is heated by steam, has elevators, electric light, baths, etc. There are 200 rooms, 45 of which are on the parlor floor and the rates are $2.00 and $2.50 per day. Mr. Thos. P. Miller is the proprietor. The Laclede Hotel is headquarters for local and state politi- ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 69 I^SHi cians, and in its rotunda almost any day the aspirant to offlce and his friends — quite numerous at this time — can be found in large numbers. The hotel fronts on Chestnut street, running half the block east toward Broadway, extending along Sixth street more than half the block. Adjoining the rotunda is a fine billiard room, reading room, etc. It is conducted on the American plan. Hdrst's Hotel fronts on Chestnut st. and on Broadway, the main entrance to rotunda and offlce being on Chestnut st. This well regulated house is con ducted on the European plan, and in connection with it the proprietor, Mr. Hurst, one of the oldest and best hotel men in the state, conducts a splendid restau rant, a restaurant that has the patronage of alarge city custom, and in which every thing in season is served and at popular prices. It is elegantly and lately newly furnished throughout from main floor to top story, and offers every accommodation to the public, such as every good hotel should. Hotel Barnum, located on Washington avenue aud Sixth street, with entrance on Sixth street, conducted on the European plan and being in the center of the wholesale trade, is largely patronized by commercial men and by merchants visiting the city on pur chasing business. Koetter's Hotel, located on the south-east corner of Elm and Fourth streets, is one of the best conducted houses in the city. The house is not a large one and caters only to the best class of Germans. The Merchant Hotel, on Twelfth and Olive, is another good house at moderate prices and is well patronized. Besides these there are any number of fairly good houses at prices consistent with the fare and accommodations. lPSia)SSaii;};!i!!iL Hurst's Hotel. 70 COMMERCIAL AND Amusements. During the fall, winter and spring St. Louis is visited by all tbe leading companies in operas, the drama, comedy, variety, etc., and she has places of amusement erected suitable to them all. In addition to the open season there are plenty of summer garden attractions that are liberally pa tronized. Grand Opera House. — This now palatial theater was opened first to the public on May 10, 1852, as the Varieties Theater, and during several seasons there after was one of the largest variety houses in the west, produc ing some grand spec tacular pieces, the Black Crook for in stance, which had a run of several months, bringing to the city Grand Opera House. thousands from the neighboring towns to witness its presenta tion, which was acknowledged to have been the most elaborate and gorgeous presentation of that extravaganza ever put upon the stage. After changing hands and being entirely rear- ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 71 ranged, it was opened as a first class theater, August 29, 1881. It was destroyed by fire on May 28th, 1884, and was rebuilt and opened September 14, 1885. The interior and exterior is in the Moresque style of decoration and architecture. Tbe seating capacity is 2,300 which includes a double tier of proscenium boxes which are perfect gems. All the leading stars have been seen upon its stage and on the visits of Edwin Booth, Miss Mary Olympic Theater. Anderson, Joe Emmet and Grand Opera even standing room is not available. Mr. John W. Norton, once an actor of renown but now retired from the stage except for an occasional charitable beneflt, is the proprietor and manager. Mr. Geo. McManus is the treasurer. Oltmpic Theater. — The old Olympic, as it is now remembered, was as familiar to theater-goers as any place of amusement could be. Its location, on the site of the present one, was so 72 COMMERCIAL AND central, its lobby so wide and inviting, its pit so easy of access, the dress circle so charming that if the play was only fair, the house was full. In its day the pit was only patronized by the mob — that is all men — and the second tier was the fashionable or more expensive seating. This is all reversed nowadays. The flrst Olympic was opened on Nov. 25th, 1867, and continued up to '81, when the owner concluded to erect a more modern structure) which was done, and the new Olympic was thrown open on Sept. 11, '82, with Mr. J. K. Emmet on the boards, and as Joe Em met was a St. Louisan, it is hardly necessary to say that the house was fllled to its utmost. When it was rebuilt, nothing was left out of its construction, furnishing or decoration to prevent making it a model place of amusement,, but everything modern was included, even to expensive hand-carved wood- work that ornaments the whole interior. The capacity of the house is 2,409, but dn several occasions there have been 3,000 people present. The attractions offered during the season include the ¦best companies in drama and operas. The largest receipts during any one engagement were those of Booth & Barrett, " Bunch of Keys" and J. K. Emmet. Mr. Chas. A. Spalding is proprietor and manager, and Mr. Pat Short business manager. People's Theater. — This popular amusement house is situated a,t the south-west corner of Sixth and Walnut streets, a very convenient location for the theater-going public. It was erected in 1880 for Messrs. Robertson & Mitchell and was managed by them until 1885, when Mr. Mitchell became sole proprietor. The main entrance is on Sixth street with an additional entrance on same street for the Gallery. Exits are provided on the south through a private allej- way and on the north via Walnut street. The decorations are in fresco and plush, the double tier of private boxes are handsomely upholstered, and the drop curtain represents a scene in Venice. The capacity of the house is divided as follows : Parquette and Dress Circle 765 seats. Family Circle, second tier, 487 seats. Gallery 1000. The attractions booked for this house include comedy, melodrama and occasionally opera bouffe. ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 73 Standard Theater. — In 1883 Mr. Edward Butler and J. Mc- Entire erected the Standard, since which it has become one of the best patronized theaters in the city. It is located on the north west corner of Walnut and Seventh streets, with entrance for Par quette and Balcony through lobby on Walnut street. Every pre caution is taken to prevent accidents and against fire, there being exits on the east through private way, on the west by Seventh street, and north by public alleyway. The interior is handsomely decorated, including an upper and lower tier of boxes, and the house accommodatesvery comfortably in Parquette and Parquette Circle 900, Balcony 525, and Gallery 1000. It was opened by the presentation of the drama, " Power of Money " and continues to offer the best attractions in comedy, burlesque, the drama, etc. W. H. Smith is present manager. Pickwick Theater. — This snug place of amusement is located in the residence district (central western) Jefferson ave. and Washington ave., and was intended first for a summer garden with stage attachment, then as a regular theater for all visiting troupes. The garden part has been abandoned, however, and the building, which is of brick and quite commodious, contains a very complete stage setting with parquette seating some 500 people. The local dramatic and operatic talent give most of their enter tainments here, besides which it is used as a lecture hall. Uhrig's Cave. — This is strictly a summer garden theater and during the warm term light opera holds forth in all its splendor and generally by some very excellent operatic company. The audience have seats — about 3000 — commanding a view of the stage while the acts are on, between which they can stroll or sit and sip ices or light beverages at their pleasure. The loca tion is Locust street and Jefferson avenue. Mr. Pat Short is lessee and manager. Appollo Hall. — A small theater on South Fourth street is quite a neat place for amusement performances and is usually open during the summer with some light attraction. LiEDERKRANZ Hall, sltuatcd on Chouteau avenue and 13th street, is splendidly arranged for social gatherings and many of 74 commercial and the dancing parties, hops and club entertainments take place- there. Schnaider's Garden has had a national fame as an open air re sort. It used to be no uncommon thing to see from five to ten thousand people there of an evening. The whole enclosed space is brilliantly lighted, seats with tables are scattered through out, flowers, shade trees and grottoes abound and there are three separate music pavilions from which music of rare quality is heard. It is quite a handsome place, but many of its at tractive features have been shorn to make place for building im- %SZ. """ '' ' ^»^ftvg-rigiiy *i -~-- J^ .** ....1 1 J* ¦ icffi^^^^^s Liedtrkranz HaU. provements. There are some smaller but very handsome gardens throughout the city where one can spend a summer evening en joying the fresh air with a glass of beer or wine and at the same time listen to the sound of splendid music. Pope's Theater, 9th and Olive, was built on the site of an old church and under the management of Mr. Chas. R. Pope, an actor himself, was a flrst class place of amusement. The London. — The variety theater of the city is located at Walnut and 4th streets and during the season generally affords the best bill possible. ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 75' The Exposition Building. — The Exposition and Music Halt Building is the largest and grandest ever used for exposition- purposes in the United States, excepting those of the Centennial. It occupies the very central location, bounded by Olive, St.. Charles, Thirteenth and Fourteenth streets. It is on the old site of Missouri Park, which occupied six and one-fourth acres. The dimensions are 506 ft. in length by 332 ft. in width, and- contains 280,000 feet of space. The building was erected at a. cost of $750,000, and in the incredibly short time of one year. Exposition, Olive, Thirteenth, Fourteenth and St. Charles. The flrst Exposition was opened September 3rd, 1884, by a grand. street pageant of the Trades Association, grandly illuminated streets, and other appropriate ceremonies. The most successful expositions in attendance and financially have been those given at St. Louis. The building is an elegant and imposing structure, of which no cut seems to do it justice. It is built of brick, cut stone and terra cotta, with three grand entrances on Olive Street, and one on Fourteenth and Thirteenth streets each. The flrst floor is devoted to live machinery, exhibits of which have been the largest ever made. The other floors are devoted to flne displays- that have never been excelled, as is conceded by those who are in a position to know. Grand Music Hall. — So extensive is the Exposition Building that one is surprised to find in its very center, the largest Music 76 COMMERCIAL AND Hall in the country, with a seating capacity of 4,000, and standing room for 2,000 more. The stage is larger than any in New York, and has a full complement of the finest scenery. A grand organ, the finest and largest in the city, is located at the back of the stage. The opening of the Exposition is usually early in September, and continues forty days. Gilmore' s Band, of N. Y., sixty-five pieces, plays afternoon and evening, and there is some special feature for each of the forty days. Entertainment Hall. — Is also under the same roof ; seating 1,500 persons, beautifully fitted up with all stage and other ac cessories. On the Olive street front are the Ladies' Parlor.g, Exposition Post-Offlce, Cloak Rooms, Offices, etc. The entire building is lighted with electricity. The Music Hall is kept perfectly ventilated by an immense fan (which is located on the fest floor). The Fire Department, boilers and engine are located in separate buildings opposite, on Thirteenth Street. The Grand Carnival Season, or Autumnal Festivities, com mence with the opening of the Exposition, and usually continue about seven weeks. The illumination of miles of the streets bj^ a hundred thousand gas lights, with colored globes, is the grandest sight to be witnessed on the continent, and has attracted not only persons from our own distant cities, but from abroad visitors come to witness this brilliant sight, which outrivals anything of the kind ever attempted. At many of the cross streets are arches of exquisite designs in colored lights that almost defy de scription. Kensington Garden is a new addition to the summer amuse ment places. It is very comfortably arranged, handsomely laid out, and is reached by the Cable, line from 6th and Locust streets. The inclosure contains fountains, gravel walks, shady nooks, refreshment pavilions, etc., etc. The whole grounds are lighted by electricity. The stage on which the actors appear is a regu larly built and full-rigged ship, floating in a lake of clear water. The scenery backing the whole represents a living picture of actual seaport life. ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 77 The Press. The daily newspapers of St. Louis, though few in number,. reach the masses through a wide circulation. Republic Building, Third and Chestnut. The editorial department of the leading papers are mostly filled with men of great journalistic ability while the business portion of them must be in good hands if one may judge by the large cir- 78 COMMERCIAL AND culation of many of them. There is not an item of news or an important event occurring throughout the civilized world but that finds its way by wire to the offices of these papers and appears in their next issue, or perhaps, in numerous extras, if of sufficient importance. The press of this city has exercised a great infiuence in pro moting its interests and in aiding its progress toward the advanced position it holds among the great cities of the country. The leading dailies are the St. Louis Republic, the Globe-Dem ocrat, the Post-Dispatch, and the Evening Chronicle and the Star- Sayings, published in the English language, and the Anzeiger des IVestens, the WestUche Post, the Amerika and the Evening Tri bune, German papers. The St. Louis Republic is the oldest paper in the city, having been established as the Missouri Gazette, in July, 1808. It took a prominent part in the early history of the city, and its files pre served to posterity many of the interesting incidents of those days. In 1822 the name of the paper was changed to the Mis- souri Republican, on May 31, 1888, to the St. Louis Republic. The Gazette in its infancy was an enthusiastic supporter of Thomas Jefferson, and later, when the Whig party was formed, the Republican advocated the doctrine of that party, becoming Democratic after the Whig party went out of existence. It has since grown in influence as a representative of Democratic princi ples and a leader in the counsels of that party. The building on 3d and Chestnut streets, occupied by the Republic is the most massive and beautiful of all the newspaper buildings in the city, and was erected at great cost in 1873. The Globe-Democrat. — In 1853 the St. Louis Democrat was established, becoming at once a popular newspaper. In 1872 parties interested in the Democrat sold their stock and started the St. Louis Globe, Republican in politics, which soon took high rank as a leading journal. The success of the one drew interest from the other and the Democrat ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 79 -sold its plant to the Globe, the name being changed to ¦Globe-Democrat. The building occupied by the paper is hardly commensurate with the paper's growth, but the position is central — Fourth and Pine streets — and that fact has much to do with the management remaining in so small a building. The Evening Chronicle. — This paper was establish ed July 3, 1880, by a com pany which also owns the Cincinnati Evening Post, the Detroit Neius and the Cleveland (O.) Evening Press. It was intended to fill the demand of all great Globe-Democrat. citjes for a paper which will -give all the news in a condensed form at a low price. In July, 1886, parties who had made a great success of the Cincinnati Post were placed in charge of the Chronicle. The circulation was largely increased. In March last the price of the paper was reduced from two cents to one cent. The paper is bright, newsy and interesting, and is rapidly extending its influence. The Star-Sayings is the latest addition to the daily press, and is the outgrowth of the Sunday Sayings, a paper issued until lately only on that day. The increasing patronage of the Sunday ¦Sayings prompted the management to enter the daily fleld with an afternoon paper, which they did at the low price of two cents. It is bright, full of good matter, and independent in politics. ing is at 105 N. 6th st. Chronicle. Their build- 80 COMMERCIAL AND PosT-DisPATCH, an afternoon daily, is Democratic in politics. This paper has lately moved into a building on Olive street, between Broadway and Sixth street. The large number of citizens of German birth or descent who reside in St. Louis and the region of which it is the center, has led to the estab lishment here of several newspapers printed in the German language, and which are of recognized prominence and influence among the German- speaking people of America. Anzeiger des Westens. — This is the oldest German paper in the city, its first number having appeared ou October 31, 1835, from which time it was regularly published until in 1863, the publication was suspended for about five months, when its publication was resumed by the Independent Anzeiger des Westens. Press Association, under the title of Der Neue Anzeiger des Westens. Afterwards the word "Neue" was dropped from the title, and the publication has been con tinued with increasing success and influence until the present time. Its editorial matter is thoughtful and scholarly, and it is a recognized exponent of Democratic principles. Its news columns are well conducted and complete, and it enjoys a large circulation. The location North Third ,«treet. Westliche Post. — This in- -svestiiche Post. fluential newspaper was originally established in 1857. The paper p!TT!T!.Ulii&^ ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 81 removed to its present commodious premises in 1874. The paper is Republican in politics, and in all the attributes of ad vanced journalism is one of the best newspapers in the land. It owns the building occupied by it, which is at the corner of Broadway and Market street. Amerika. — This paper was established in 1872 by the German Literary Society, and has since enjoyed the favor of a large and increasing circle of readers. Its editor, has been connected with the paper from its inception, first as assistant editor, and since 1878 in his present position, and has contributed largely to its success by the force and elegance of his editorial work. The paper is Democratic in politics, and pubhshes morning, Sunday and weekly editions at its building North Third street. ^- The St. Louis Tribune is an evening paper of great force in the presentation of news. It especially repre sents the extreme or stal wart wing of the German Republicans. Of other publications in St. Louis there are hun dreds, denominational, so ciety, athletic, agricultural, medical, railway, trades, mining, etc. The St. Louis News Com pany is now located in their new building, 1008 and 1010 Locust street, where they carry, as formerly, an im mense stock of perodicals, St. Louis News Company. books and Stationery. It is through this company that the leading magazines, periodicals, newspapers, etc., are distributed throughout the western country. 6 82 COMMERCLiL AND They are the sole agents for the St. Louis dailies and the princi pal periodicals and magazines published generally, they supply ing each day throughout the city, west and south-west, 1246 news dealers. Their stationery stock is the largest and most complete in the west, their stock of miscellaneous books is full and complete and they guarantee prices. The company have 68 employees and is a strong one financially, having a capital of $125,000 ; its officers are G. F. Murphy, manager, and Aben Bancker, treasurer. ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 83 Military. The National Guard of Missouri is composed of separate regiments, battalions or companies formed throughout the state and located in the principal towns and cities. The battalion of infantry N. G. M. located in St. Louis is the First, and compris es companies A, E, F and G, besides whieh there is a troop of cavalry. These companies have quarters in the National Guard National Guard .Armory. Armory, built for the accommodation of the military under that organization in this city. It is a splendid structure, affording accommodations for several thousand troops, with a drill fioor 195 X 109 feet clear space, or about 20 feet wider than the grand Mer chants' Exchange hall. There is a cavalry drill on the ground floor 150 X 84 feet, with very complete stables for the horses. Around the cavalry room, which is 33 feet high, there is a gallery which affords a fine view of all movements during drill. The 84 COMMERCIAL AND company rooms comprise mess rooms, handsome parlors, and separate locker for each soldier's gun and accoutrements. It is considered one of the best built and arranged armories in the country. The Busch Zouaves, the most perfectly drilled company in the United States, are located in St. Louis, but have no armory at present. In all the competitive drills throughout the country this body of men have always carried off the highest prize. Tiiere are several other independent companies in the city but of only local fame. The St. Louis Flambeau Club, an organization of some two hundred men, have an expensive outfit including bomb wagons, rocket wagons, etc. They turn out on special occasions and make night exhibits of fire works that are grandly beautiful. The Rifle Brigade of this corps accompany the Flambeau mrn and keep up a continuous fusilade of musketry. The.flambeaur organization includes a company of pikes, a company for rockets, a company for set pieces, a company for bombs, the flambeaus themselves and the rifle company, making a battalion of six com panies. The pikes and guns have a military uniform, the other com panies have full white duck suits with rubber helmets and shoulder pieces for protection from the falling sparks. The United States Arsenal is a group of stone buildings used for quarters for men being recruited for the army and for storing supplies, this being the' western clothing depot for all troops on the frontier. There are a number of residences for officers' quar ters and the whole plant of buildings is surrounded by large grounds, a considerable portion of which were deeded to the ci(y by the U. S. government, and the city has improved this tract into what is now Lyon Park. Jefferson Barracks is the cavalry depot for all the west. The buildings are well and suitably constructed and are situated upon a high bluff. There are a number of cavalry companies stationed here and the government has quartered at this depot a band of musicians, known as the "Cavalry Band," whose proficiency is. only equalled by the famous " Gilmore Band." ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 85 Clubs. St. Louis like every other large city has her social organizations among the many different localities and uniting certain elements, either business, literary, etc. ,etc. These different clubs as they are called have not as yet erected themselves or had erected for them as many club houses, as there are in cities farther east — houses built expressly for club purposes, yet the quarters occupied by the principal clubs who are renting buildings are furnished in magnificent style and they live in a superb manner. St. Louis Club. — This is one of the largest clubs inthe city and is one of the few at present owning entire their own buildings and grounds. The cut here presented does not do justice to the building or the surround ings. It is a handsome structure built of red press-brick with sand stone trimmings, having one grand entrance in the middle front, which leads into a palatial hall, show ing the handsome double staircase backed and lighted by a richly ornamented glass window on either side as you enter the hall in the magnificently furnished apartments of this floor, consisting of reading rooms, billiard rooms, offlce, etc., while the second fioor built on the same plan affords ample room for the members when entertaining their friends. The situation of the club house is at Locust and Ewing avenue. The membership is limited to 400. St. Louis Club. 86 COMMERCIAL AND Once each month special receptions are given, with music, danc ing and a grand spread. The University Club was for a long time located down town at the corner of Broadway and Olive streets, but the building they occupied, which they had arranged in a most elegant man ner, changed hands and the club was forced to secure other quar ters, which they did, and they are now at Pine and Beaumont ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 87 streets in a flne building surrounded by splendid grounds. The club was formed of college men and they are noted for their hos pitable entertainments, especially of gentlemen of prominence who visit St. Louis. Tennis courts are held usually on Saturday after noons to which lady and gentlemen friends are in-vited. Mercantile Club occupy the building 708 Locust street, which is fitted up in magniflcent style. Its members include manyof the prominent merchants, manufacturers, bankers, etc., of the city who partake of the splendid cuisine prepared for them by the club management especially at noon. It has about 400 members who have made its apartments popular for banquets, dinner and theater parties. Their wives and daughters partake of luncheon when down town in the ladies' drawing room. St. Louis Jockey Club. — This organization has for its principal purpose the improvement of the thoroughbred race horse, by pro viding a racing course over which trials of speed are made. The club offers purses aggregating large sums of money and for which the horses are entered to run, the winner of any race gain ing quite a handsome sum. By this means owners of race horses are enabled and encouraged to raise and improve flne horses. The members of the club, like the majority of mankind, are fond of witnessing interesting sports, and have provided them selves the magniflcent club house which is located at the racing course of the Fair Grounds, and from whose broad verandas and terraces they have a flne view of the track ; besides this it is luxuriously furnished and their social gatherings are held in its spacious apartments. The Marquette Club was called into existence by St. Mark's Academy, a well known literary association composed of alumni of St. Louis University. The ultimate purpose of St. Mark's had all along been to develop into an organization like the Xavier Union of New York City, but it was not until September, 1886, that the Academy took the project vigorously in hand. With the able co-operation of representative Catholics of the city the pre liminary work was rapidly flnished, and the club was organized and incorporated under the title " Marquette Club." 88 commercial and The objects of the club are summed up at the head of its con stitution as follows : — The primary objects of this Club shall be to unite the repre sentative Catholic gentlemen of the City and vicinity in bonds of social union ; to organize them into a body that shall represent, watch over, vindicate and further Catholic interests ; to maintain such a union and such a body by establishing it in an unobjec tionable Club-house, and by placing the club on a lasting basis, to perpetuate such a union and such a body of representative Cath olics in the City of St. Louis. Marquette Club. In furtherance of these objects the Club shall provide : 1st. A Club-house, with all necessary appointments. 2nd. A Reading-room, having all desirable journals and periodical literature. 3rd. A properly equipped gymnasium and bowling alley. 4th. A library. 5th. Literary and musical entertainments. ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 89 In the realization of these objects, the Marquette Club has thus far met with flattering success. It has united the repre sentative Catholics of St. Louis. "The Rome of America," as this city has been called, can point with honest pride to the Mar quette Club as the representation of its best Catholic blood and talent and industry and wealth. The club is the great center of the Catholic laity of St. Louis, and it promises to continue to be so per manently. The home which it has created for itself would alone justify the augury. The club house, a picture of beautiful archi tecture, and the model of a rich home, will ever be attractive to every variety of taste ; while the highly respectable and almost severe tone of the organization is calculated to preserve the club from the objectionable features that usually prove fatal to clubs. Thus far the club has been well patronized ; its entertainments, lectures and receptions have been of the highest order ; its finan cial prosperity has increased without assessments, and as soon as it has added to its attractions the projected gymnasium with bowling alleys and handball courts, the Marquette will be the most complete Catholic club in the States. Germania Club. — This is both a social and musical organization for the pleasure and social entertainment of the members of the club. They have a large club house at 802 S. 8th st. Harmonie Club is one of the leading club organizations of the city, and is composed of representative Jewish gentlemen. The club house. Eighteenth and Olive, is a handsome building, built and owned by the club, and is furnished sumptuously. Concordia Club is the leading Hebrew club of the south-side. They have a spacious building splendidly furnished at 1511 Chou teau avenue. The Elks Club have their quarters at present in the People's Theater building, corner 6th and Walnut. The growth of the club finds the place too small and they have negotiated for com modious appartments in the new Laclede building, corner 4th and Olive. Here they will have all the space they require and the rooms are being put in such shape as to make a most complete club house. The Elks' benefits which take place once yearly at 90 COMMERCIAL AND some one of the principal theaters and at which the different theatrical companies playing in the town at the time appear is a noted event with play -goers. St. Louis Chess, Checker and Whist Club have rooms at 904 Olive street. The membership is large and is made up of gentle men of standing in the city. Many noted tilts take place in their rooms between members and between Mr. Max Judd — also a member, who is one of the most skillful players in the country — and other players laying claims to championship honors. Mr. E. S. Rowse is the president of the club. ATHLETIC, ETC. St. Louis Base Ball Association. — North Grand avenue, Geo, Munson, secretary. This association is the St. Louis representa tive in the American Association of base ball clubs, and the mem bers of the club or the different members constituting the club''* players have for the past three years won the championship of the Association in which there are eight other clubs of nine players each at one time in the field. St. Louis Gun Club. — This is a body composed of representa tive business men who have their own park for shooting grounds besides large premises for field shooting, and many of its members are noted wing shots. The objects of the club are to attain pro ficiency in shot-gun shooting, to protect the wild game of the state so that there may be always an abundance during season, and to have an outing for recreation and pleasure. The members of the club selected to represent the body at the state tournament to be held June 19th are Messrs. Gates, Dozier, Wilson and Peck. The officers of the club are J. H. McDonough, Pres. and Edwin Hayden, Vice-Pres. Gentlemen's Dri-ving Club meet for the transaction of bus iness pertaining to the club and for social purposes at their room, 704 Pine street. The members meet at the driving park or speed- ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 91 ing track of Forest Park, there to enjoy a friendly contest to test the merits of their own horses. Anchor Athletic Club make their headquarters at 517 Poplar street. Excelsior Rowing Club have their boat-house at the foot of Anna street. St. Louis Rowing Club have their quarters foot of Chouteau avenue. St. Louis Riding Club, 2d Carondelet and Park avenues, is a school of instruction in handling the horse and in the art of rid ing gracefully, at the same time comfortably to both. St. Louis Sharpshooters Association, meet at Tenth and Mar ket, with occasional outside practice with the rifle. Missouri Sharpshooters Association meet at their park, which is a handsome enclosure on Easton avenue, about six miles from the court-house. The members meet frequently for target prac tice and recreation. Modoc Rowing Club have a neat club and boat house at the foot of Anna street, and the crews of this club , are always heard from favorably in the contests for sculling honors that are held throughout the country. One of its members, and one who has attained high rank throughout the country, is Jake Gaudaur. North End Rowing Club, a late aquatic organization, is located at the Levee and Angelica sts. The Bohemian Sharpshooters Association meet every fourth Monday at 1504 South Tenth street. Western Athletic Club have quarters at 4205 Easton avenue. The members take an active part in keeping up a lively interest in all athletics and give from time to time flne exhibitions of the different sports such as sprinting, leaping, long jumping, pole vaulting, putting the weight, etc. Western Rowing Club have their boat house foot of Lynch street which is fltted up -with the necessary paraphernalia of the aquatics. Franklin Dramatic Club hold regular meetings on the flrst and third Sundays at Allen avenue and Eighth street. 92 COMMERCIAL AND McCullough Dramatic Club, a local organization having among its members some good stage talent, give occasional per formances for the beneflt of their own improvement and for the entertainment of their friends, have headquarters at 2621 Wash ington avenue. Missouri Bicycle Club, occupies the unique building on Channing avenue between Olive and Pine streets. Enthusiasts of the bicycle and tricycle constitute largely the membership. In connection therewith is an excellent gymnasium and good lawn tennis courts. This is the largest of the city clubs of which there are a number. Knickerbocker Lawn Tennis Club. — A member of the National Association of Tennis Clubs. Is the largest and most successful club in the west. Has one hundred members, its limit. Five flne courts are within the enclosure, also the club house with baths, etc. Grounds, Locust and Nineteenth streets. These do not by any means include all of the clubs. There are hundreds of others, some of which are noted athletes in their line, the Hibernia Foot-ball Club and the Thistle Foot-ball Club both being flne clubs. Cricket, tennis and all other out-door sports and amusements have plenty of advocates and participants. architectural ST. LOUIS. 93 Societies. There are in St. Louis of the various societies named below bodies, lodges, councils, etc., as given by the figures. Ancient Free and Accepted Masons. — State Grand Bodies, 5 ; Subordinate Lodges, 23 ; Chapters of the Royal Arch Masons, 7 ; Councils of Royal Arch S. M. , 1 ; Commanderies K. T. , 6 ; A. and A. Scottish Rite Masons, 6. The Masonic Board Relief meets at the corner of 7th and Mar ket in Masonic Hall, every Saturday at 7 P. M. H. B. Hutchi son, sec, address 612 N. 2d street. The United Benefit Association of Missouri is at 722 Pine street W. H. Stone, President. Independent Order of Odd Fellows. — The Sovereign Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows meets annually.on the 3d Monday of Sept., at such place as the Grand Lodge shall from time to time deter mine. The Grand Lodge of Missouri meets in Kansas City, May 15th. Subordinate Lodges, 30; Encampments, etc., 11. This order will have when it is completed, one of the finest buildings and lodge quarters in the United States. Knights op Pythias. — The Supreme Keeper of Records and Seal is at 1137 Washington avenue ; Grand Lodge of the state meets on the 3d Tuesday in October. Subordinate Lodges, 17 ; Endowment Rank, 5 ; Missouri Bri gade Uniform Rank, 7. Knights of Honor. — Grand Lodge of Missouri meets on the first Tuesday in April annually. Subordinate Lodges, 30. Knights and Ladies of Honor. — Grand Lodge of Missouri, Thomas W. Seymour, Grand Secretary, address 520 N. 2nd st. Subordinate Lodges, 41. 94 COMMERCIAL AND Legion of Honor. — Supreme Council meets quarterly on the 2nd Wednesday of Jany. Robert L. Little, S. S. Supreme Re- -corder, offlce 315 Chamber of Commerce bl'dg. Subordinate Councils, 21. Chosen Friends, lodges, 24. Order of Scottish Clans, lodges, 2. A. O. OF Foresters. — District Sec., 918 N. 16th street. Sub ordinate Courts, 12. A. O. U. W. — Grand Lodge meets 2nd Tuesday in February biennially, Wm. C. Richardson, Grand Recorder, offlce Turner Euilding. Subordinate Lodges, 69. Supreme Legion, S. K. op A. O. U. W. — Subordinate Lodges, 8. Order of Mutual Protection, lodges, 9. U. S. Benevolent Fraternity, lodges, 5. American Protestant Association. — Grand Lodge of Missouri meets May and November at Franklin av. and 13th st. Subordi. nate Lodges, 13. U. A. O. or Druids. — Grand Lodge of Missouri, 9th and Mar ket sts. Subordinate Groves, 22. United Order of Honor. — Thos. C. Sandberg, Secretary, 1518 Salisbury street. Subordinate Lodges, 27. Harugaki, Grand Lodge, Carr and 10th, Ernst Knickmeier, sec, 1917 Franklin av. Subordinate Lodges, 32. Sons of Hermann. — Grand Lodge, Franklin ave. and Eighth street. H. Alewell, Sec, 1911 Franklin ave. Subordinate Lod ges, 24. I. O. T. B. (True League) — Grand Lodge at Druid's Hall. A. Fischer, Sec, 1211 South Seventh street. Subordinate Lod ges, 20. Seven Wise Men. — Grand Conclave of Missouri meets third Monday in January and July, Eleventh street, north-east corner Franklin ave. H. Koch, G. Sec, 1124 North Eleventh street. Sub ordinate Conclaves, 3. Order Iron Hall. — Subordinate Lodges, 18. American Legion op Honor. — A. Sloan, Grand Sec, 716 North Third street. Subordinate Lodges, 27. ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 95 Good Templars. — Wm. C. Streetor, Secretary, 2623 Wash •street. Subordinate Castles, 10. Hebrew. — I. O. B. B., 4; Independent Order of F. S. of I., -3 ; Improved Order of F. S. of I., 3 ; O. K. S. B., 10. Royal Arcanum. — W. S. Robinson, Grand Secretary, 104 North Third street. Subordinate Councils, 17. Catholic Knights of America. — Subordinate Lodges, 29. Knights op Father Mathew. — Executive Board meets first and third Sunday at 10 o'clock a.m., 1306 Olive street. Sub ordinate Councils, 16. Ancient Order of Hibernians. — The County board meets 3d .Sunday at St. Patrick's Hall. D. O'C. Tracy, Sec. Divisions 7. K. OF L. — Executive board meets every Monday, 522 Pine street. Assemblies, 56. Singing Societies. — There are 27 different musical societies throughout the city, some of which have among their members men and women of national fame. Turn Vereine (Gymnastic Societies). — There are eleven of these in the city. Bohemian. — The Supreme Lodge of the Bohemian Slovanian Benevolent Association meets 2d Sunday in each month at 1411 :S. 8th street. Subordinates, 24. MISCELLANEOUS. There are besides the above, throughout the city, societies, be nevolent, social, etc, in their nature to the number of 280. American Baptist Home Mission Society meets 1109 Olive. American Bible Society, at 212 N. Broadway. Bank Clerks Association meets 2d Thursday every 2 months at St. Louis National Bank. Bar Association of St. Louis meets in the Court House, 1st -floor. H. Hitchcock, jr., Sec. B. & P. Order or Elks meet at the Elks club. Walnut, south west corner of Sixth street. Board Missions Cumberland Presbyterian church meets 904 "Olive street. 96 commercial and Brewers Association, Philip Stock, Secretary, meets 702 Olive, room 421. Brotherhood Locomotive Engineers meets Second and Fourth Tuesdays, 1601 South Broadway. Alumni Association St. Louis College Pharmacy meets 412 South Sixth, Third Tuesday in each month. Brotherhood op Firemen meets Second and Fourth Sundays Chouteau Avenue Hall. Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners have four lodges. Caledonia Societt meets Mercantile Library. Catholic Orphans Board, 820 Chestnut street. Concordia Club, 1511 Chouteau avenue. Ex-CoNFEDERATE ASSOCIATION, 1600 Lucas place, Chas. A. De France, Secretary ; it is non- political. Grocery Clerks Association meets at Broadway and Mor gan streets. Knights of St. Patrick meet quarterly at Southern Hotel and annually at the same place just after St. Patrick's Day parade at which time eloquent addresses are made and toasts responded to. The banquets of the Knights, who are representative men of the city, are always elaborate and well attended. Law and Order League meet at Wright and 13th street. Lotus Club hold forth 3221 Rutger street McCullough Dramatic Club meet at 2621 Washington avenue, among the members of this club are some talented Thespians. Missouri Historical Society has its rooms in the east wing of the Court-house. Here are stored many valuable relics and inter esting trophies. Merchants' Exchange Transportation Committee hold their sessions in the Chamber of Commerce building, room No. 1. Merchants' Exchange Mutual Benevolent Society have their offices in room 220, Chamber of Commerce building. Mexican and Spanish- American Exchange is at 216 N. Sth st. Mr. J. F. Cahill, its founder, is always ready to give any inform ation in his power. Through his efforts a great deal of the busi ness with Mexico has been brought to St. Louis. architectural ST. LOUIS. 97 Museum OF Fine Arts, 19th and Lucas Place. This institution is one of the grandest in any country, containing selections of the rarest merit. See notes elsewhere in this book. Office Men's Club meets on second and fourth Thursdays at Leffingwell and Washington aves. Pilots' B. and I. Society have offices at 104 1-2 N. Broadway. St. Louis Agricultural and Mechanical Association. — Offlce 718 Chestnutst. Chas. Green, President; Arthur Uhl, Secretary. St. Louis Choral Society meets every Monday at Pickwick Theater, Washington and Jefferson avenues. St. Louis Chautauqua Union will be found at 2711 Sheridan avenue. St. Louis Exposition. — J. H. Johnston, Secretary, Fourteenth and Olive streets. St. Louis Medical Society of Missouri meet at the Polytech nic building. St. Louis Merchants' Bridge Company. — E. F. Kelley, sec, Room 317, Chamber of Commerce building. St. Louis Provident Association, Geo. H. Morgan, Sec. Sec tary's offlce of the Chamber of Commerce. St. Louis Sharpshooters' Association, Tenth and Market streets. Society for Ethical Culture will be found at 2646 Pine street. Southern Historical and Benevolent Aid Association, 1600 Lucas place, W. P. Barlow, secretary. The Associated Wholesale Grocers are at 507 North Second street. Woman's Exchange, 617 Locust street, Mrs. H. Meier, sec, is for the purpose of encouraging the industrial pursuits adapted to women and for the sale of the products of their hands. Women's Presbyterian Board of Missions for the South-west, meets on the flrst and third Tuesdays at 1107 Olive street, Mrs. J. H. Brookes, President. Western Commercial Travelers' Association, Thos Ryan, Sec, 404 N. Broadway. This is the representative club of the 98 commercial and kind in the west and numbers among its members the leading commercial tourists of the west. Young Men's Christian Association. — On Pine and Twenty- Ninth streets stands the elegant new home of the Y. M. C. A. It is a large brown-stone structure, surrounded with well kept lawns ; and on the rear of the grounds are their extensive gymna sium building. The needs of young men are met on all sides of their natures — social, intellectual, physical and religious. The Association . owns "Association Hall," with its tall, peculiar towers, at Locust and Eleventh streets, where is carried on their down town branch. Branch rooms are also in the Union Depot building. A very large German branch is also maintained at Locust and Eleventh streets, and a flourishing branch in East St. Louis. Visitors alwaj^s welcome at all the places, 28,000 be ing the number registered at East St. Louis branch alone last year. Young Men's Hebrew Association bave quarters at 21st and Olive streets. French Benevolent Society will be found at 18 N. 4th and the French Mutual Aid Society at 626 Olive street where they have regular meetings every 3d Sunday. Memorial Home is located at Grand and Magnolia avenues. Post Graduate Societt of St. Louis University, in University building, Grand and Lindell avenues. Democratic Central Committee headquarters, Pine N. E. 6th. Hendricks Club is a political organization and meet in rooms furnished for them at 1306 Olive street. Hendricks Democratic Association is also a political club of prominent politicians ; they meet at 820 Pine street. St. Louis Republican Club and headquarters Republican Cen tral Committees, 1223 Washington avenue. ?SLII V ^^-— -^ffi^iS ' ^W^i '^'ifRl 111 architectural ST. LOUIS. 99 Educational. The number and character of the colleges and schools in St. Louis and the immediate vicinity show conclusively that this is a seat for learning, offering many advantages in mind culture. In every department of learning from the Kindergarten to the col legiate course, taking in the manual training on the way, St. Louis is far ahead of many older cities and her public schools not be hind any, either in management or attendance. St. Louis like all rapidly growing cities requires more public school buildings which should be erected with special regard to their strength and sanitary conditions and with all the varying architectural improve ments possible. The following facts gleaned from the report of the Board of Public Schools together with some features of the other educational institutions of the city indicate a healthful and progressive learning department. PUBLIC SCHOOL BUILDINGS. Total number of School buildinss 106 Number of School buildings owned by the Board 97 Number of School buildings rented by the Board 9 Number of School rooms 857 Sf ating capacity for pupils. 19,050 TEACHERS. number of principals. male. female. total. In the Normal School 1 1 In the High School -' ¦ •¦ • 2 In the District Schools (white) 35 18 53 In the District Schools (colored) . . 13 — 13 In the Evening Schools 5 5 Total number of Priucipal-.. 5() 18 74 100 commercial and That portion of the public school system known as the District schools includes the Kindergartens and all the grades of the schools below the flrst grade of the High School. The course be tween the Kindergarten and the High School is divided into eight grades, the lowest four of which are known as the Primary Grades- High School, Olive and Fifteenth Strecty. and the highest four, as the Grammar Grades. Of the one hun dred and six school buildings, one hundred and tliree are used for District school pui-poses. The schools in these buildings are organized into sixty schools for white children and thirteen for colored children. Many of these schools occupy more than one building, but in all cases of a scliool occupying more than. one building, the buildings are upon the same lot or are in the architectural ST. LOUIS. 101 same block, so that the schools in these buildings can be graded and conducted as one school. Nearly ninety-eight per cent of all the children attending the public schools are in these District schools, hence their import ance, not only as a part of the school system, but also as a force in influencing social conditions. SCHOOL STATISTICS. Population of the City of St. Louis, June 1, 1880, 350,522 — U. S. census. School population, June 1, 1885 (between the ages of six and twenty) ¦city census : — white. Male 52,611 Female 50,901 COLORED. TOTAL. 2,445 55,056 2,497 53,398 Total 103,512 4,942 108,454 COMPARATIVE TABLE FOR TWENTY YEARS. NO. OF HOUSES. NO OF SEATS. 1868.1869.1870. 1871.1872. 1873. 1874 1875. 1876. 1877. 38 40 485258 67 54 56 56 15,28118,000 20,105 23,22225,750 27,785 28,530 30,070 31,51035,790 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881.1882.1883.1884.1885. 1886 1887. NO. OF HOUSES 95 104 108 103 103 103 104 105 106 106 NO OF SKATS. 37,58042,27042,56042,610 42,73044,880 46,860 47,810 48,730 49,050 The items in the following statistics relating to the Kindergar tens are included in the above statistics, but are given here sep arately as a matter of record and for convenience of reference: — KINDERGARTENS. BOYS. Number of pupils enrolled 2,898 Average number of pupils belonging in .the Kindergarten Average daily attendance oi pupils in the Kin- . dergarten Number of pupils remaining in the Kindergar- i ten at the close of the year GIRLS. TOTAL. 3,289 6,187 3,614 3,179 3,768 102 COMMERCIAL AND SUPPLY OF TEACHERS. The pubUc schools get their supply of teachers from two sources : flrst, from the Normal School which is supported and controlled by the Board for the exclusive purpose of providing qualified assistant teachers for the District schools; second, through examinations of applicants for positions as teachers, who Peahoiiy School. have qualified otherwise than by graduating from the Normal School. Grand Avenue High School will be constructed of red brick, with stone trimmings, Romanesque in style of architecture, and the dimensions are 136 feet front by 282 deep, with a stone tower at the corner 140 feet high. The main entrance 40 feet in ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 103 width is reached by stone steps of same width, and opens into a vestibule 40x80 feet, in which are two grand stairways of 10 feet wide each. The entrances for scholars are through the base ment at the sides. The floor of basement is, however, 6 in. above grade. On the first floor is found the auditorium 81 ft. 10 in. by 83 ft. 8 in. There are five entrances from the grand vestibule and three from the side corridor, which is flfteen feet wide The stage is reached by two doors opening into a cross corridor, ten feet wide. To the left of the vestibule is a reception room ; on the right a conference room, with record rooin and lobby adjoining. To the right of auditorium, but separated from it by a flfteen foot corridor, are three recitation rooms, twenty feet by twenty-two feet Back of audi torium, but separated from it by a cross corridor 10 ft. wide is an open court, 45 ft. by 60 ft. To the rear of the auditorium, on the left side, is a grand central stairway, " Escalier d'honneur," which is to be made an architectural feature. To the left of the auditorium, connecting with the grand vestibule is a stairway, 4^ ft. wide, leading to the gallery. Opening into cross corridor is an elevator. The arrangement of the second and third floors is the same as that of first floor. However, on the second floor, over the vestibule, are lecture rooms for chemical and physical science, 30x35 ft., separated from each other by a room for apparatus, 9x30 ft., opening into both, and from the gallery of auditorium by a corridor 10 ft. wide ; and on third floor, extend ing over right side of auditorium there is the art department, con sisting of two drawing rooms, 24x35 ft. St. Louis University was founded in 1829, and received its charter in 1834. The site of the institution till June, 1888, was on 9th St. and Washington ave. The new buildings here represent ed have been erected on a block of ground bounded by Grand, Lindell and Baker aves. The Grand ave. front is 446 ft. by a depth of 360 ft. The corner of Grand and Lindell aves. was reserved for a church. This edifice, begun in 1883, is not yet completed, although services have been held in the basement since Nov. 1, 1884. 104 COMMERCIAL AND The University building proper has its principal facade on Grand ave. There are two entrances, one for the faculty and visi tors, another for the students the former maiked by portico. mission to the pailors and of which are chapel, li the private apartments department extends depth of the lot trance is conne studyhall, class tion hall, The Libr sented ///fh M The latter is the extreme left. The main entrance gives ad- leception room, in the rear biary, dining hall and of the faculty. This westward to the full The students' en- cted with their Library, St Louis University in height and has an open quadrangle covered by a glass roof. The apartment is accessible from the second and third floors of the residence. It has three wide galleries connected by ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 105 •spiral iron staircase and its dimensions are dn height. The Museum is one immense hall withou an open polished timber roof. Its size 52 1-2 feet in height. Beneath the chapel is a le /\ eture pacity for 300 persons and Grand avenue. For light building cannot be of architecture is English Gothic. 79x50 feet by 67 feet t columns, covered by being 98x58 feet and room with a seating ca- easily accessible from n d ventilation the surpassed. The style the early decorated Mr. Thomas Louis was the sup- dent. nsti- onis der Museum, St. Louis Unirer.sity. the management of the Jesuit Fathers and the course of studies is complete and thorough. The classical course extends over seven years. Besides mental philosophy and the ancient and modern classics ; physics, chemistry, astronomy, surveying, and all the branches of mathematics are included in this course. An ample laboratory ia provided in the basement for the students of chemistry. The principles of the natural sciences are illustrated with experiments, for which a large col- 106 COMMERCIAL AND lection of instruments are at the disposal of the professors of science. The museum contains numerous specimens of ores to assist the student of geology. A telescope, which was in use at the former site, will be mounted as soon as practicable. Since 1881 the insti tution receives only day scholars. Students coming from a distance must provide their own quarters in the city. College of the Christian Brothers, St. Louis. — This insti tution, conducted by the Brothers of the Christian Schools, founded in 1851, was originally located on Eighth and Cerre sts., but was transferred to Cote Brilliante in Oc tober, 1882. The lo cation, buildings and grounds are not equalled, for educa tional purposes, by any in the Mississippi Valley. The various arts and sciences, usually taught in the best American colleges, naturally flnd here an appropriate place, as their system of educa tion has the experience of over two hundred years, and is adapted to the wants of the age and the requirements of the country. AKCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 107' The curriculum comprises preparatory, commercial, collegiate, literary and scientiflc courses. The social culture of the students receives especial attention ; the Brothers and the pupils form, to a certain extent, a family cir cle, and dine at the same table. The discipline of the institution, which is constantly maintained, is of a suasive and parental character. Although the Catholic religion is professed and taught in the college, students of other denominations are admitted, provided they are willing, for the sake of order and uniformity, to be pres ent at the pubhc exercises of rehgious worship. The session commences on the flrst Monday in September, and ends on the Wednesday before the last Thursday in June. Missouri Medical College was founded ih 1840 as the medical department of Kemper College. Subsequently it became the medical department of the University of the State of Missouri After a few years that connection was dissolved until 1886, when the connection was restored. It now constitutes Section No. 2 of the medical department of the State University, so that all the students of the University receive their diplomas from the Mis souri Medical College. It was founded by Drs. Jno. S. Moore and Jos. Nash McDowell. The oflBcers of the college now are, P. Gervais Robinson, M. D., LL. D., Dean, and Justin Steer, Ph. D., M. D., Secretary. At the college dispensary the daily clinics held by the different members of the faculty are supplied with a large number and rich variety of coses. St. John's Hospital ad joins the college building, and is in charge of the order of " Sis ters of Mercy," its medical management being exclusively con trolled by the faculty of the Missouri Medical College. The St- Louis City Hospital, the largest in the city, containing 450 beds, and furnished with a commodious lecture and operating amphi theater, has representation from the Missouri Medical College by clinical teachers, and as the hospital is the largest receptacle for the pauper sick and injured of the city, these clinics are of the highest importance. The corps of assistant physicians to the City Hospital are appointed each year after a competitive examin- 108 commercial and ation, and all the members of the graduating class of the Missouri Medical College, are eligible. Faculty: P. Gervais Robinson, M. D., LL. D., Dean, Professor of Prac tice of Medicine,Clinical Medicine and Hygi ene, 3411 Washing- 1 0 n a V e- nue ; J. K. Bauduy, M. D., LL. D., Professor of P s y- chologicalMedicine and Dis eases of the Nerv ous Sys tem,, 2808 Olive st. ; Charles E. Michel, M. D., Professor of Oph thalmology, 2925 Washington avenue; H. Tuholske, M. D., Professor of Clinical Surgery and Surgical Pathology, N. E. cor ner Jefferson avenue and Locust street; Otto A. Wall, M. D., Ph. G., Professor of Pharmacy, 2111 South Second street; C. A. ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 109' Todd, A. M., M. D., Professor of Anatomy and Diseases of Ear and Throat, 2645 Washington avenue; T. F. Prewitt, M. D., Professor of Principles and Practice of Surgery and Clinical Sur gery, corner 22d and Olive streets; C. O. Curtman, M. D., Pro fessor of Chemistry and Director of Chemical Laboratory, 3718 North Ninth street ; G. A. Moses, M. D., Professor of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women, 2901 Washington avenue; Ludwig Bre mer, M. D., Professor of Physiology, Histology, and Patholog ical Anatomy ; Director of the Biological Laboratory, 2023 Park avenue ; Justin Steer, Ph. B., M. D., Secretary, Professor of Ma teria Medica, Therapeutics and Clinical Medicine, 703 Washington avenue ; W. A. Hardaway, A. M., M. D., Professor of Diseases of the Skin, 2301.Olive street; A. V. L. Brokaw, M. D., Demon strator of Anatomy. St. Louis College of Physicians and Surgeons was chartered and organized in 1879, mainly through the personal efforts of its present Dean, Dr. Louis Bauer. It was put in working order in the same year and located at the corner of llth and North Mar ket streets ; the building was formerly occupied by the Episcopal Orphans' Home. In the spring of 1880 the property was pur- ' chased by the college and such alterations in the building were made as to adapt it for the purpose. From the very beginning this institution has steadily advanced in its usefulness and pop ularity until in the 9th year of its successful work it has become in point of the number of its students the second medical school in the State. This gratifying result is due to the liberal policy adopted and steadily followed by both the Board of Trustees and Faculty to revert the revenues of the college to improvements of the building and the means for objective teaching. And next to the progres sive character of the faculty and its methods. Most of the students who have received their medical education and diploma from the St. Louis College of Physicians and Sur geons have had marked success in practice, and some of them have acquired positions of honor, trust and revenue. In awarding every year two honorary diplomas it has secured 110 commercial and the connection and interest cf some of the most distinguished physicians and authors, both at home and in foreign countries. The latter are of great service to students who go abroad to advance and favor their scientiflc pui poses The present officers of the institution are : Hon. Jas. O. Broad head, President; Wm. Hyde, Esq., Vice-president; A. S. Barnes, M. D., Registrar, and Louis Bauer, M. D., Dean. The members ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. Ill of the Board of Trustees and faculty comprise some of the most public spirited and energetic men of the city. In 1887 a dental department was annexed to the institution and placed under the management of most competent professors who combine practical skill with advanced scietiflc proficiency. The combined classes of the Medical-Surgical and Dental de partments have been argumented of late to such an extent as to necessitate a substantial enlargement of the building for their accommodation. The location of the College in the northern part of the city presents some commendable features. Occupying the South- West corner of Jackson Park, it is surrounded 1^3' an orderly and quiet neighborhood free from all the seductive influences so prone in large cities. Last and not least the accommodation for students in the neighborhood are ample spacious and rather moderate in price. St. Louis Post-Graduate School of Medicine, Polyclinic and Hospital, S. W. Cor. Jefferson and Lucas avenues. Faculty: P. Gervais Robinson, M. D., LL. D., Emeritus Professor of Practical Medicine ; H. Tuholske, M. D., Professor of Surgery and Diseases of the Genito-Urinary Organs ; Professor of Clinical Surgery and Surgical Pathology, Mo. Medical College ; W. A. Hardaway, A. M., M. D., Dean, Professor of Diseases of the Skin, Professor of Dermatology, Mo. Medical College ; W. C. Glasgow, A. B., M. D., Professor of Diseases of the Chest and Throat, Adjunct Professor of theTheory and Practice of Medicine, St. Louis Medical College, Physician to the Department of Chest and Throat, St. Louis Mullanphy Hospital; H. N. Spencer, A. M., M. D., Treasurer, Professor of Diseases of the Ear, Consult ant to the City Hospital; Chas. E. Michel, M. D., Professor of Diseases of the Eye, Professor of Ophthalmology, Missouri Medical College ; A. J.Steele, M. D., Professor of Orthopedic Surgery and Diseases of the Joints, Attending Surgeon Depart ment of Deformities and Joint Diseases, Augusta Free Hospital, Professor of Orthopedic Surgery, Beaumont Medical College ; ¦G. J. Engelmann, A. M., M. D., Professor of Diseases of Wo- 112 COMMERCIAL AND men and Operative Midwifery, Consultant St. Louis Female Hospital; H. W. Hermann, M. D., Secretary, Professor of Dis eases of the Nervous System and Electro-Therapeutics, Consult ing Physician St. Louis Insane Asylum, Assistant Physician St. Vincent's Asylum ; Charles E. Briggs, A. M., M. D., Professor of Diseases of Children, Physician to the House of the Good Shepherd. The object of this school is to give practitioners of medicine and recent graduates special facilities and advantages in the study. Pobt-Graduate School of Medicine. observation and treatment of clinical cases as they are presented at the dispensary and in the various hospitals to which the pro fessors have access. > This institution being intended for graduates only, does hot clash in its objects or interests with those colleges whose in struction terminates with the graduation of the student. It rather supplements them, commencing where they leave off, afford ing the student an opportunity to practically test under efficient instructors, the teachings and theories already received. But it is ARCHITECTURAL ST LOUIS. 113 to the practitioner desiring to learn the latest facts in pathology, and to witness the most recent modes of treatment and methods of operating that this school is especially helpful; and to those pre paring themselves for the practice of specialties, here oppor- tunityjis'afforded of becoming peculiarly well qualifled. Homceopathic Medical College of Mo. — This college was organized in^l857, and is one of the leading educational institu tions in St. Louis, giving a thorough and practical course of train ing to ils stu- dents. The iiandsome college building is locat ed on the corner of Howard street and Jefferson avenue, within flve minutes' walk of the Good Samaritan H o s- pital and St. Lou is Children's Hos pital, both of which are open to the students of this college for clinical pur poses.^ Its teaching corps includes representative practi tioners who stand hi^ in their profession at home and are favorably known throughout the medical world. It is one of the progressive schools of this country recognizing the rights of women to enter the various professions of life, and there fore have thrown its doors wide open for their admittance, and graduate them when fully qualified. Its officers are: S. B. Homoeopathic Medical College of Mo. 114 commercial and Parsons, M. D., Dean; W. J. Burleigh, M. D., Registrar; J. A. Campbell, M. D., Treasurer of Syndicate. K':tm^ IC Ti. I • ¦ ^ ** 'i<^^ '^ 1 — * St. Louis Seminary. — This is a first class private select school for young ladies, and is situated at Woodland Station on the route of the Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific railway, forty minutes only architectural ST. LOUIS. 115 from Vine street depot, on a commanding summit, overlook ing the city of St. Louis, remarkable for its beauty, its healthful ness, and its removal from all disturbing influences. The proximity of the Seminary to St. Louis secures to the young ladies all the advantages for improvement offered by this great city, and yet it is surrounded by all the quiet and seclusion of a rural neighborhood. The elegant and well arranged edifice stands in the midst of a beautiful, shady lawn of six acres, adjoining which is a spacious park of twenty acres, also belonging to the principal. The grade of scholarship is elevated, and the instruc tion thorough. The number is limited to twenty-four young ladies, the instruction of whom is distributed among seven teach- ears of large experience and ripe scholarship. The principal, with an experience of forty years, devotes his entire attention to class instruction. The classes being small, each pupil is brought frequently in personal contact with the teacher, giving her great advantages over that in crowded schools. Besides the thorough literary course, every desirable advantage is offered in the departments of music, vocal and instrumental, drawing and sketching from nature, crayoning, painting in oil and water colors, languages, ancient and modern, and in whatever else appertains to the finished education of a young lady. The vSeminarj- was organized in L871, is regularly chartered and con fers the usual literary degrees. The institution is not sectarian, but the the most careful atten tion is bestowed on the religious training of young ladies, their morals, manners and social training being guarded carefully. During the seventeen years of the history of the institution, public favor has constantly increased until the applications for rooms are beyond the accommodation. With allocation, beautiful, health ful and accessible, the spacious grounds with the improvements thereon, afford the fullest accomodations for an agreeable home. With a full board of competent and experienced instructors the Seminary offers its advantages to those seeking a home and a school. For catalogues address the principal, B. T. Ble wett, LL. D., Jennings, Mo. 116 COMilERCIAL AXD Jones Com.^ieeoial College. — In a work of this nature it would hardlj' be complete without reference to that class of educational institutions and facilities belonging to St. Louis which have been the means of starting a great many of her prominent merchants, manufacturers and others on the proper road to business pros perity. Mr. Jonathan Jones founded his commercial college away back in the 40s, and for all these years it has held the . - highest place .^ .;., "%:sy, among the edu cational institu- tions of this city. Tho c o u r s e of in struction in this college is con flned entirelj'to the practi cal branches of ed ucation that go to m a k e up a complete busi ness man or woman. Every detail of ac- c 0 u nts, corre spondence and general business m a n a g e m ent that can possibly occur in the extensive commercial, manu facturing or banking operations is here taught, principles being first thoroughljr instilled and then the practical appli cation of the principles is made through the medium of complete sets of account books. All the principles and practice of telegraphy and short-hand are special features of the now practical education and at the Jones Commercial College re ceive most careful attention. This old educational establishment ; Coiiniiercia] ( A'inc and I'iiird .'^treelt^. architectural ST. LOUIS. 117 has for flfteen years been under the professorship, and for four years'under the proprietorship of J. G. Bohmer and its manage ment conducted by him. For the past twelve years the college occupied the buildings Nos. 307, 309 and 311 North Broadway, but these becoming unsafe and besides not offering the required space the professor secured the extensive building Third and Vine streets to which the college removed in February last. The piii|t»i'".-"-^ Illlllll 10 ";•'.. ^):' li .'"iH! Loretto Academy, Florissant. various departments of the college have been fltted up with every comfort for the students and every educational appliance is pro vided. The structure fronting on two streets has the advantage of a flood of light in every department as will be seen by the ac companying cut. Young Ladies' Academy conducted by the Sisters of Loretto, an institution founded in 1847, is located in the midst of a de lightful and healthy country, the beautiful Florissant valley near 118 COMMERCIAL AND the terminus of tlie Western, Cable and Narrow Gauge Railway. Consequently tliis scliool possesses nearl}- all the advantages of a city and suburban residence. The grounds embrace several acres which are laid out in groves and shaded walks, affording every facility and inducement for out-door exercise. The bailding is capacious and comfortable, containing an elegant chapel, parlors, various recitation and music rooms, a commodious study hall and refectory, two recreation halls for seniors and juniors, three separate dormitories range on the second floor, with adjoining toilet and bath-rooms, each separated by spacious corridors, which for tlie greater advantage of health and convenience traverse the length and breadth of the building on the flrst three floors, an exhibition hall having ample capa city to accommodate over a thousand ; also art, needle-work, infirmaries and wardrobe departments. The scholastic year is divided into two sessions. The first one opens on the flrst Monday in September, the second begins on the flrst day of Februar}', and closes at the end of the follow ing Jnne. St. Lours Institute of Architects hold their meetings in the Polytechnic building, 7th and Chestnut, on the 2(1 Monday iu each month. St. Lotri.-3 Sketch Club. — At the meetings of this club some rare specimens of pencil work are exhibited, many of them being treasured by the recipients as valued souvenirs. The club have quarters in Washington University. Academy of the Visitation. — The Order of the Visi^;ation was founded in Annecy, Haute Savoie, by St. Francis de Sales and Ste Jane Frances de Chautal, in 1610, and was introduced into this country in 1799 at Georgetown, D. C, from which institution this Academy was established in 1833. It has ranked for over a half a century among the best patronized educational institutions in the west. The Academy is pleasantl}' situated in an elevated and healthy part of the city, and being surrounded by commodi ous and well cultivated grounds, affords every facility for open- air exercise. The buildings are large, well ventilated, heated ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 119 throughout by hot air furnaces and low-pressure steam, from which there is no danger of explosion. The course of instruction includes all the branches of a practical education to gether with music, vocal and instru mental, lan guages, art, in factathorough course of a high grade in- s t i t ute from which the young lady graduate is fitted to enter any sphere of life. The Institu tion possesses a Museum c o n t aining a great variety of specimens, collected from various quar ters ofthe globe, espec ially from our own country, and presented by friends. It also possesses a very beautiful and complete philosophical and chemical apparatus, globes, etc. The library, belonging to the institution, affords its members op portunities of enlarging their fund of general knowledge. 120 COMMERCIAL AND Concordia College. — The location of this educational insti tution is one of the finest about the city. Jefferson avenue at the point where the building stands having risen gradually to a height overlooking the whole southern portion of the city with a front view extending to the hills of Illinois, taking in the Mississippi river makes a beautiful site for a large building. The college is devoted to the preparation of young men for the ministry who have first gone through the regular courses of in struction at other colleges or schools, especially of those belong ing to the German Evangelical Lutheran denomination. The college is con - ducted by the r e 1 i g i - o u s 0 r- der of t the Ger- Ooncordia College. Charles F. .Alay, arcliitect. man E V a n- g e I i c al L u ther- an synod and only the olo- gical The building is in the cen- matters are pursued in the course of study. three stories above basement with a handsome tower ter 140 feet high, has a frontage of 235x100 feet deep, and is of modern Gothic style of architecture. Eden College. — The accompaning cut is the college of the Ger man Evangeliccd Synod of North America for education of min isters, and was formerly located at Femme Osage, Warren County, Mo., where some 200 ministers received their schooling. Since 1858 the same has been opened on the St. Charles rock road and Hunt avenue, just opposite to the station Eden, on the Wabash R. R., 7 ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 121 122 COMMERCIAL AND miles from the .St. Louis Court-house. The institution is capable of teaching 100 students at a time, and is at present conducted by Rev. L. Haeberle, who is instructor, while Rev. Prof. Dr. R. John, Rev. Prof. W. Becker are professoi's, and Rev. L. Weber and wife have charge of the house- h o I d department- The above synod has another institu- t io n at Elmhurst, Du Page C 0 un tyi III., 16 miles north west from Chicago, for the education of teachers and young men, who have not decided what course to fol low. Washington Uni versity, founded in the City of St. Louis, under an Ael of Incorporation by the State of Mis souri, approved February 22, 1853, is intended to em brace the whole range of University studies, except The ology, and to afford opportunity of complete preparation for every sphere of practical and scientific life. SENIOR YEAR.— First Term. — Bequired. — Astronomy, Metaphysics, History, English Literature, Themes. £ Elect oiie or more of the foUowing: — Applied Mechanics, Physics, (.Mechanical Theory of Heat, Claiisius) , Practical Chemistry, Botany AKCHITECTUIiAL ST. LOUIS. 123 /- '^H if ihs:^.^?^:: 124* COM.MERCIAL AND German, Erench, Natural History. Second term. — Beguired. — Political Ecouoray, English Literature, History, Physiology, Themes. Elect one or more of the folloxnng : — Applied Mechanics, German, Freuch, Practical Chemistry, Botany, Physics — as first term — Practical Astronomy. From the preceding statement it will be seen that the courses of study in the College are two in number, each requiring for its completion four years. These courses lead respectively to the degrees of (I.) Bachelor of Arts and {II. ") Bachelor of Philosophy. For admission to the first Greek is required and the study of Greek is also required during one year and a half, or three terms, of the College course. For admission to the second a certain amount of Physics is required instead of Greek, which require ment is continued one year and a half, and the general tendency of this course is towards scientific studies. Latin. — The study of Latin is required in both courses during the Freshman and Sophomore years. Greek is required in course I. during three terms, or until the middle of the Sophomore year. It' is then an elective study, but a large majority in every class continue the study of Greek until the end of the year. Modern Languages. — Sufficient knowledge of either German or French to read ordinary prose with the aid of a dictionary is re quired. History. — Some historical work is done by every class as a part of the required work of the year. Politiccd Economy, as a required study, is also taught with four exercises a week the second term Senior year. Physiology and Anatomy. — A course of eighteen lectures is given to the Senior class during the second term Charts, the human skeleton, and subjects from the dissecting room are studied carefully, and a practical bearing given' to the whole work. Mathematics. — Higher Algebra, Trigonometry, Analytical Geometry, Differential Calculus and Mechanics are required studies in both courses, covering two years' work. Integral Cal culus and Applied Mechanics may be studied during the Junior ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 125 126 COMMERCIAL AND and Senior years. In^all the work in pure mathematics College and Polytechnic classes receive their instructions from the same teachers, and usually in the same classes. Chemistry is required the first term Junior year in Course I., and the whole of the Sophomore year in Course II. It may also be pursued as an elective after the required work is finished. All facilities are offered students in Chemistry for gaining a thorough knowledge in both the organic and inorganic branches. The large and spacious laboratories afford ample working-room for a large number of students. Mineralogy and Geology. — Lectures and recitations on this subject belong to the work of the second term Junior year in both courses. The Polytechnic School gives the student a thorough ground ing in the Sciences involved in engineering, and so much of the Art or Practice as can be shown to rest upon a scientiflc basis. The Testing Laboratory . — The University has two testing machines, one working Jup to 10,000 pounds and th? other to 100,000 pounds, both adapted to testing materials in tenison, compression aud cross-breaking. Manual Training. — In the Courses of Study the word " shop- work " has been used to cover the systematic course of instruc tion and practice in the use of machine tools. This work is re quired of all Freshmen and Sopliomores and of all Juniors and Seniors except those in-the course in chemistry. During the last four years the facilities for tool-instruction and practice have been greatly increased. All the shops of the Man ual Training School are open to students of the Polytechnic classes, as provided in the ordinance establishing the school. Botany. — Undergraduate instruction is so planned as to give the student a working knowledge of the elements of descriptive and systematic botany. Library and Rending Room. — Room No. 10 of tbe East Wing, University Hall, is used as a reference library and reading room. Here all necessary books of reference are provided, and also a good selection of periodical literature. ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 127 ISiS COMJIERCIAL AXD Gymyiasium. — Nearly ten years ago a Gymnasium was erected and furnished at a total cost of about $10,000, on the Univei-sity grounds. The large hall, 50x70 ft., and nearly 30 ft. high, is heated by steam, and supplied with all necessary apparatus. The Law Department of Washington University, also known as the St. Louis Law School, was flrst opened on Wednesday, Sep tember 16, 1867, and is now in its twenty-second year of success ful operation. Smith Acade:my, a department of Washington University. The Academy was founded in 1853, and in the following year school was opened with thirty-four scholars. The Academy building now occupied was erected in 1878-79. Mary Institute. — Founded May 11, 1859. In 1859 several gentlemen, availing themselves of the liberal provisions of the University Charter, established under it a school for girls. A commodious building was erected, at an expense of $25,000, upon a lot given for the purpose in Lucas Place. Subsequently an addition was made which more than doubled the original cu- l)acity and accommodations. The need of more room and greater convenience was felt, how ever, for several years. To meet this want a large, convenient and well-furnished building was erected in 1878, at a cost of $70,000, on a spacious lot at the corner of Beaumont and Locust streets. This building, now in use, is admirably adapted to the accommodation of a large school. Besides the three study-rooms of the separate departments, the public hall, art rooms, labora tory, and gymnasium, there are sixteen rooms used solely fi r recitations. The halls are broad, the stairways rise at an easy grade, the ceilings are high, and the rooms are well-lighted and readily ventilated. The Institute is provided with the most thorough and varied in struction, so that no citizen of St. Louis need send his daughter away from liome, for four or five of the most critical yeai'S of her life to be trained among strangers. The connection of the Insti tute with the University is sucb as to secure to young women all the means of high intellectual culture accessible to youno- men. ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 129 130 COMMERCIAL AND St. Louis School or Fine Arts. — The establishment of an Art School upon a broad and permanent foundation has always been part of the plan of Washington University. For nearly twenty- five years art instruction has been embodied in the course of study. In 1875, special students were admitted to the Drawing Department, and class, and pubhc lectures were given on Art History. The same year an evening school was opened. On May 22d, 1879, the Directors of the University adopted an or dinance establishing a Department of Art in Washington Uni versity, from which the following extracts are taken : — " A Department of Art is hereby established as a special De partment of Washington University, to be known as The St. Louis School op Fine Arts. "The objects of said Department shall be: instruction inthe Fine Arts ; the collection and exhibition of pictures, statuary, and other works of art, and of whatever else may be of artistic interest and appropriate for a Public Gallery or Art Museum ; and, in general, the promotion by all proper means of aesthetic or artistic education." Academy of Science meets in the halls of Washington Univer sity, 17th and Washington avenue, on the first and third Mondays. St. Louis Art Society. — This organization has in view the improvement of its members in art work, and the careful study of subjects pertaining to art. They hold their sessions in the Polytechnic building, 7th and Chestnut sts., on the 2d Wednes day of January, April, September and November. St. Louis Artists' Society. — This is a social organization of the principal artists of the city, which meets every First Saturday at 108 South 4th, holding discussions on art, and reviewing the work of the members. St. Louis Association of Amateur Photographers. — This organization has for its purpose the improvement of themselves in Photography as a pastime, furnishing them amusement and instruction. St. Louis Chapter op the American Institute or Architects. The representative architects of St. Louis belong to this chapter. ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 131 132 COMMERCIAL AND holding meetings at intervals in Washington University, for the purpose of discussing and reviewing architectural points. Ursuline Academy. — None of the many schools in St. Louis and vicinity, whether day or boarding schools, have a better record than this Academy. It has pupils within its walls from all parts of the country, and of many different creeds, though the school is Catholic in the broadest and best sense of the term. The Ursuline Sisters, in whose charge it is, follow a system of in struction which has the sanction, dignity and continuous success of centuries to recommend it, aud the teachers themselves make it tlieir life-work to instruct young ladies, not only iu the knowl edge to be derived from books, but also in those rules and prin ciples of morality, deportment, etiquette, etc., which fit them to adorn any station in life. The curriculum comprises all depart ments of study usually pursued by pupils of the same age in our leading private schools, including modern languages. The build ings of the Academy are situated on State street, between Rus sell and Ann avenues, and are now being improved and enlarged for the better accommodation of their increasing patronage. The rooms, including the churches, class and recitation rooms are commodious, well lighted, well ventilated and precisely adapted to the purposes for which they were built. Rev. Mary Johanna is in charge, assisted by able and efficient teachers, selected with especial reference to their ability as educators. The discipline is mild and gentle and in its nature such as ought to prevail in every well governed Christian household. ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 133 Libraries. St. Louis Mercantile Library, Southwest Corner Broadway and Locust street. Robert S. Brookings, President ; John R. Lionberger, Treasurer ; Julius S. Walsh, Vice-President ; John N. Dyer, Librarian. In the year 1846 the plan of a Mercantile Library for St. Louis was broached by three eminent and public spirited citizens — James E. Yeatman, John C. Tevis and Robert K. Woods. They were men with whom to resolve was to do, and having decided to " make an effort," the sympathies of Colonel A. B. Chambers, the theu Editor of the Missouri Republican, Peter Powell, John F. Franklin, R.P.Perry, Wilham P. Scott and John Haskell, all of whom were merchants except Colonel Chambers, were enlisted in the cause. On the thirteenth of January, 1847, the association was or ganized by the adoption of a constitution, the first President be ing Mr. James E. Yeatman, the father of the scheme. A board, of directors, chosen from among the leading merchants of the town, promptly entered upon their duties, and in April of the same year, the infant Library was opened to its members in a suite of rented rooms on the corner of Pine and Main streets. At the close of the first year the membership numbered 283 with 1,680 volumes in the Library, and cash receipts for the year, amounting to $2,689. The success of the enterprise was so marked, that a change of quarters becarae imperative. Two houses were rented in Glascow Row, of which the second stories were appropriated to the use of the Library and Reading-rooms. In three years, the member ship had nearly trebled, and the necessity of suitable and per- 134 commercial and manent accommodations, assumed an urgent aspect. On June 10th 1851, the valuable lot on the corner of Locust and Fifth street, was purchased by the board for $25,500, and in due time the well-known building which served its purpose up tothe close of 1886, was completed. From that time forward the institution entered on a new career of prosperity and usefulness, and the Mercantile Library. fondest hopes of its raost devoted friends bave beeu more than jealized. Presidents, Directors, Librarians and Assistants have all worked together with dwoted energy and singleness of aim for the good of the enterprise. The greatest possible care, and the most judicious selection have been exercised in the choice of books and periodicals with the natural result which always fol- ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 135 lows single-hearted and conscientious work as night follows day — viz. . a most thorough and brilliant success. By the end of 1886, the necessity of a really commodious, fire proof and permanent home for the valuable collection of books and art treasures, and the constantly increasing army of members, had become apparent ; and after some consideration of ways and means, the erection of the handsome, fire-proof, six-story building, now in progress at the old site, was determined upon. The state ment below will not only show the present condition and progress of the library, as compared with that of the early years of its ex istence, but will also afford the following interesting comparisons. First, the active work of the library, in the ratio of its issue, to the total number of its volumes ; second, the extraordinary ave rage number of volumes read annually per member ; and thirdly, the small percentage of fiction issued as compared with libraries of other cities. The statement (carefully prepared from the 1885 Annual Reports of the Library) show it to be doing the best work of any other similar library in the country : LIBRART statement. St. Louis Mercantile Library New York Mercantile Library. . . . Cincinnati Mercantile Library . . . Buffalo Mercantile Library Philadelphia Mercantile Library. 4,911 Mem bers. Vol umes. Circula tion. Per cent of Action. 2,789 62,264 168,774 41.95 5,216 207,123 133 509 52 2,411 47,939 51,234 60 60,333 96,113 70 4,911 150,155 136,607 Ratio of issue to number of books : Times. St. Louis Mercantile Library 3 Buffalo Mercantile Library 2 Cincinnati Mercantile Library 1 Philadelphia Mercantile Library I New York Mercantile Library 70 136 COMMERCIAL AND Showing use of books by members annually, per member: Volumes. St. Louis Mercantile Library 66 Philadelphia Mercantile Library 25 New York Mercantile Library 25 Cincinnati Mercantile Library 20 Buffalo Mercantile Library Showing percentage of fiction issued : Per cent. St. Louis Mercantile Library Association 41 .95 New York Mercantile Library Association 52 Cincinnati Mercantile Library Association 60 Buffalo Mercantile Library Association 70 Philadelphia Mercantile Library Association Surely this showing should be a source of pride to every citizen of St. Louis, and in view of its' meager facilities in the past, serve as a prediction of the great work this library will accomplish in the broad fleld opened to it by the financial and other resources of its new building. The latter is constructed of granite, brick, ter ra cotta and iron, and is thoroughly fire-proof throughout. The entrance to the library is located on Locust street, at the north west corner of the building. Visitors will enter a handsomely fur nished reception room, take a hydraulic elevator of the most ap proved construction, and in a few seconds find themselves in one of the most elegant and complete libraries in America. St. Louis Public Library. — From its organization in 1865 until December, 1884, this Institution was known as the Public School Library. As early as 1860, Ira Divoll, then Superintendent of the Pubhc Schools, proposed to the School Board the establish ment of a Hbrary as a necessary supplement of the public school course. The "Public School Library Society" was incorporated in Feb., 1865. The provisions of the charter estabhshed the closest relations between the Library and the Public Schools. The Presi dent of the School Board, the Superintendent of Public Schools and the Principals of the High and Normal Schools were made ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 137 ex-officio members of the Board of Trustees ; and active mem bership was confined to those connected in some way with the public schools. The fund raised by subscriptions and donations received a considerable increase from the proceeds of a school entertainment given in June, 1865 ; and in November it amounted, to $5,726.65. The Library was opened in December with 1 ,50u volumes, the greater portion being juvenile literature. Certificates of life me mbershif), giving holders the right to vote for Di rectors and making them eligible to that offlce, were sold for $12, payable in qua rterly in stal ments of one dollar, which mean time entitled the payer to draw books as a t e m p 0 rary member Public school Library, Seventh and Chestnut streets. In April, 1869, the original intention of its founders was car ried out by the transfer of the Library to the Board of Public Schools. By the provisions of the transfer, the School Board was- bound to maintain the Library ; and if it should fail in the con tract the Library would again revert to the life members. In 1874 the School Board increased its annual appropriation to $12,000, and made the Reading-room and Reference Department of the Library free to all. In 1885, the appropriation was raised to $14,000. 138 COMMERCIAL AND In December, 1884, the Board, realizing that the Library had long since outgrown its original functiou, and had become, as its founders intended, a general library, changed the name from the "Public School " to the " St. Louis Public Library," in or der that the name might indicate its character and purpose, and show that it was a library for all the people of St. Louis. It is growing at the rate of three or four thousand volumes a year ; and its annual issue amounts to more than 250,000 vol umes. The influence of such an institution upon the intellectual and moral advancement of the city, and indirectly upon its ma terial prosperity, cannot be overestimated. The Library now contains nearly 70,000 volumes. It occupies the whole of the second floor of t h e Polytechnic Building. The greater part of the collection is stored in Ames Hall, a handsome room 80x60 feet, in the old alcove style of hbrary architecture. The Reading 100x50 feet, and is probably the largest and best ventilated public reading-room in the country. smaller rooms. One of these contains a fea- IHENRY AMES HALL.) Public Library. Room is lighted and There are six ture of the Library which should be of special interest to the readers of this work, in it are placed all the text-books and works on pedagogy and allied subjects. Law Library. — This library contains a large number of legal Tolumes, — 11,500, — and is for the use of the members of the St. Louis Bar Association only. It has a reputation for its ex- tensiveness and completeness, the claim being that no other col lection in the West equals it. It is located in the south wing of the Court-house on second floor. ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 139 St. Louis University Library is said to be a collection of more than usual value. The collection is quite large and is used by the University students. Location, Washington avenue and Ninth street. In addition to these are the following: Library of St. Louis Law School, Odd Fellows Libi'ary, Slovansa Lipa (Bohemian), St. Louis Turnverein Library, St. Louis Diocesan Library, Li brary of St. John's Circle and the libraries of the Young Men's rSodality, Young Ladies' Sodality and the Young Men's Christian Association. Entrance to Shaw's Botanical Garden. 140 COMMERCIAL AND Charitable Institutions. The concentration of peoples in comparatively small areas, such as cities, brings with its thrifty and provident, or self supporting and industrious, some who meet with misfortune, many im provident and others worthless. \ \ 'I, "1 I' Hou.^e of Industry. That there are those in every city, as well as St. Louis, who desire to assist and feel an interest in the worthy poor, or those who through no act of their own become objects for rehef, is shown by the number of institutions erected and maintained at large expense for the accommodation of any who by chance ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 141 may become unable to provide or relieve themselves, and also by the number of organizations whose sole object is to care for the poor and relieve distress. St. Louis has many such charities and people whb spend money and give their time liberally in this way. The government of the city through its health department and hospitals furnishes much aid while the various religious denom inations, social and other organizations assist the poor among them. The Alexian Brothers' Hospital, is situated on the corner of Alexian Brothers' Hospital. S. Broadway and Osage street, in the center of a plat of ground so large (5 acres) as to render its isolation from the noise of the streets most perfect, thus giving to the patients that quiet so much sought after, but so seldom found amidst the turmoil of our large cities. Nor is this the only advantage which the extensive site affords. In favorable seasons, the convalescents find a very acceptable place for healthful exercise among the winding walks and flower beds, and secure an enjoyable rest beneath the shad^ trees with which the grounds are filled. Patients are admitted regardless of nationality or creed, and are attended by a skillful staff of physicians and surgeons. The 142 COMMERCIAL AND nursing and general housework is done by the Brothers, who de vote their whole time and ability to the care of the sick. The Institution is i charity in the tiue sense of the term, as the income derived from paying patients is applied to the want& of the poor, and there is absolutely no salary paid to 2 anybody connected I with the Institution. ^ T h e Brothers de- ¦^ 3 pend entirely on the i generosity of the I public for the sup- a port of the Hospi- 2 tal, and the records I show that the citi- 3 zens of St. Louis ¦= and vicinity have •^ answered generous- 5 ly to the call of the !_ Brothers for such a 5 noble cause. § Augusta Free ¦^ Hospital forChil- 1 DREN. — This noble ;^ charity was incor porated June, 1884, and the handsome new modern struc ture now occupied and owned by the Hospital manage ment was opened for the reception of children patients on Christmas day, 1880, which gives it a practical existence of one year and six ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 145 months. The objects of the Hospital is to care for indigent sick children. It is supported by voluntary contributions, by annual and life subscriptions and by legacies. The institution is very com* plete in all its apartments and the best of care, nursing, food and suitable clothing, with the very. best possible medical attention is given gratis to the patients. For the first few months of its existence patients were few, now they find their capacity insufficient but which will probably he soon increased. Its officers are Mrs. G. Si.iii.,,,':!?:--'^^ J^ t>t. Louis Children's Ho&pital. A. Moses, president; Mrs. A. Frank, Miss Boisliniere and Mrs. Miles Sells, vice-presidents ; Miss Fulton, secretary ; Mr. M. Bern- heimer, treasurer; Mr. DexterTiffany, attorney. The medical staff consists of the representative physicians and surgeons in the city. St. Louis Children's Hospital. — This institution was founded 144 COMMERCIAL AND in 1879 in a small way and was located in an unpretentious build ing on Franklin avenue. A few ladies seeing the need for such ¦an institution in St. Louis banded themselves together for the purpose of affording assistance, relief and care to the children of the poor throughout the city and relying upon their own exer tions and what assistance might be gratuitously furnished they embarked in an undertaking which has resulted in accomplishing much good to hundreds of children and in building up an institu tion alike creditable to themselves and to the city in which they reside. From the old quarters they removed in 1884 to the pres ent handsome architectural edifice, owned by the Hospital Asso ciation, shown in the cut, which is at Jefferson avenue and Adams street, one of the most healthful localities in the city. The hos pital is conducted entirely by ladies all prominent in society circles of St. Louis, has accommodations for about thirty-five children who receive the very best attention and are visited by physicians of high standing in the medical profession. Officers: President, Mrs. Hugh McKittrick, 2913 Locust street; vice-president, Mrs. A. A. Blair, 2627 Chestnut street ; secretary. Miss Bulkley ; assistant-secretary, Mrs. A. M. Thayer ; treas urer, Mrs. Robert McK. Jones, 2905 Morgan street; assistant- treasurer, Mrs. Samuel. Blind Girls' Home. — The " Bhnd Girls' Home " is not, as is popularly supposed, in any way connected with the Missouri State Institute for the Blind, but is a separate institution, de signed as a shelter for indigent blind girls. It is a branch of the Woman's Christian Association, controlled by a board of manag ers, non-sectarian in character. The present "Home," 1828 Wash street, was purchased by the managers in the fall of 1887. The board has a small endow ment fund, but is maintained principally by subscriptions so licited by the ladies and by proceeds of entertainments. The girls occupy themselves in household duties, sewing, knit ting and various kinds of fancy work, and two young ladies of the Board entertain them two afternoons of each week by reading ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 145 aloud to them. A matron is employed, who takes charge of the house and attends to the wants of each inmate. All interested in this work feel that it is indeed a noble cause, to be eyes to those who see not. St. Louis MullanphyHospital. — This hospital was founded by the Sisters of Charity in 182 8, when St. Louis was a village, and was located at the corner of Fourth and Spruce sts., where for many years the city poor were a t- tended, there being no pub lic city hos pital. The first sister superior was Sister Fran cis Xavier. The physi cians who from time to time gave their care to the sick have left record of their names until after 1840, since when the medical .no 10 146 COMMERCIAL AND staff has numbered among its ranks many of the most prominent of the profession and very many of the practitioners, who have attained success in this and adjoining States, will recall the les sons learned from honored hps in the old building on Fourth Street. As the city increased in growth, the location of the Hospital became too densely crowded, and for the sake of pure air and room for extending demands for accommodation of pa tients, a new site was found at the present location, and an entire block of ground, one square east of Grand Avenue, near the Fair Grounds, was purchased, upon wbich was erected a most com modious and well constructed hospital, having a capacity, with out crowding, to accommodate 350 patients. The house is divided into twelve wards and seventy private rooms, all thor- German Protestant Orphans' Home. oughly heated, lighted and ventilated, besides being supplied with a splendid passenger elevator. In addition to these, there are suitable operating rooms, and an apartment reserved exclu sively for ovariotomies. German Protestant Orphans' Home. — This m.odel institution was inaugurated by an act of the General Assembly of the state of Missouri dated March 25th, 1861. Its purpose is the care ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 147 and maintenance of orphan children of both sexes, and while it is called a German Protestant Institution, children of all nationalities and from parents of every creed are received in its fold. The buildings are substantial, commodious and perfectly equipped. There is steam heat, gas and water throughout the plant furnished by machinery in the grounds belonging to the institution. The orphans are provided each with separate beds and each one is provided with brush, comb, towel and soap for his or her special use in fact with every convenience and comfort. The institution owns a fine farm surrounding the buildings from which all the food of the place is raised except groceries. The German General Protestant Orphans' Association was founded February 18th, 1877, and on February 21st one hundred and seventy six members were enrolled and proceeded to business by electing as the first directors Chas. G. Stifel, Henry Hertz, John H. Conrades, Phil. Krieger, sr., G. H. Boeckenkamp, F. H. Krenning, Wm. Lefman, Christ. Winkelmeyer, Ad. Fischer, Wm. Reipschlaeger, Otto Oeters, Casp. Prange, Aug. W. Schulenburg, Fred Zelle, P. Dickroeger, Claus Vieths, Caspar Stolle, Ernst Knickmeyer, Nicholas Berg. The flrst board of directors bought the present site of the Home and donated it to the Association. i The foundation was laid in the summer of 1877 and the corner stone was laid on October 28th, 1877, in the presence of an im mense concourse of people. The building was erected in the summer of 1878, and on October the 20th, 1878, the building was accepted as complete from the contractors. The first orphan was entered at the home on Nov. llth, 1878, Donations, membership dues, the aid of the Ladies' Society in connection with the home, and profits from festivals helped them in their financial affairs and the Association is not uow indebted for one dollar. They have now the care of seventy orphan children and they get the means through the liberality of the citizens of St. Louis, as the membership dues of $3.00 each per year would not be 148 COMMERCIAL AND enough for the support of the home. The orphan fathers of the home were flrst Henry Hertz, and when he resigned, H. Sprengel succeeded him. The children visit the public schools. The pres ent officers are: J. H. Conrades, President; Chas. G. Stifel, Vice-President; Francis H. Krenning, Treasurer; F. E. Zelle, Fin. Secretary, and Henry Hertz, Corr. Secretary. The Good Samaritan Hospital, on Jefferson avenue, west of O'Fallon street, was founded in 1858 by the late Rev. E. L. Nollan for the nursing of the sick and caring for invalids with- Good Saniarital Hospital. out regard to nationality or religion. The hospital is attended by eminent physicians at present ; Dr. T. Comstock, Dr. S. B. Par sons, Dr. J. C. Gundelach, Dr. W. J. Harris, Dr. James A. Campbell, Dr. Burleigh and Dr. G. S. Schuricht. The manage ment is in the hands of a board of Trustees consisting of the fol lowing well known gentlemen: Adolphus Meier, President; F. Hackemeier, J. H. Meiersiek, J. H. Conrades, F. H. W. Krenning, I. G. Koppelmann, Rev. J. H. Nollan, Chr. Knickmeier and H. Wiebusch, Secretary. Mr. F. Kemper is superintendent and Mrs. Kemper matron. The terms are very moderate, ranging ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 149 from $5.00 upwards, and patients can either haye private rooms or go in wards, aceording to their ailments and means. The institution has taken care of^thousands of patients and is known for good nurs ing, suitable nourishment and other con veniences. It is capable of ad mitting 75 pa tients and all rooms are high, well ventilated, has wide halls and porches, is heated by steam , has water and baths in all sto ries. Divine service is held % in a nice chapel, 3 and the hospital is open for vis itors daily from 2 to 5 o'clock p. m. Charity patients are ad mitted, subject to the decisions of the executive committee. The institution is, outside the pay of patients, sup ported by donations of its friends, and is kept in an economical and comfortable manner. All information cheerfully given by addressing the hospital. 150 COMMERCIAL AND The City Insane Asylum is located on a commanding eminence — St. Louis Heights — five miles southwest from the Court House, but near the western entrance to Tower Grove Park. The build ing is of brick with cut stone dressing, five stories high. Very large, spacious and handsome, surmounted with a dome. The twenty-five acres surrounding are laid off in gardens, lawns and exercise grounds. The cost of the building site and furniture was $1,000,000. The asylum can accommodate 800 patients, which cost the city about $200 per year each. Almost every form of insanity may be witnessed where the number is so great. The patients are afforded a variety of amusements, such as the atricals, balls, etc. The balls occur every Friday night, to which visitors are invited. Visitors are shown through during the day. An artesian well, said to be the deepest ever bored — 3,845 feet — is located on the grounds. The location of this building is on the highest point withiu twenty-five miles, and the view from the dome is most magniflcent. The suburbs of St. Louis are of unusual beauty, and from this eminence one looks over a vast extent of territory as though from a mountain top. The Blind Asylum is between Franklin avenue and Morgan street, and between Nineteenth and Twentieth streets. This is a State institution, known as ' ' The Missouri Institution for the Education of the Blind." The main building fronting on Morgan street, is large and commodious and well arranged for its pur poses. Experienced teachers are employed, and the greatest success is .attained in the educational department. The men and boys are taught broom making and other useful trades ; the women sewing, knitting, etc. The perfection which manyof the inmates attain in various branches of music is truly astonishing. Visitors are admitted at any time. City Hospital. — An immense building surrounded by beauti fully cultivated grounds, at Lafayette avenue and Linn street. This hospital is used only for males and accommodates nearly 500. The Female Hospital is located a short distanee beyond Tower Grove Park on St. Louis Heights, and is one of the group of city institutions there. It is a large building, fronting on Arsenal architectural ST. LOUIS. 151 street. It accommodates over two hundred patients at a time ; the number treated each year averaging over two thousand. It is free to women and children by permit from City Dispensary physician. United States Marine Hospital. — This extensive institution which was at one time maintained by the steamboat men of the -ffi- '^ IT ' "- •¦•¦¦_. 1 i_ "V ! western rivers, but is now un der the direct control and management of the U. S. Government is located on Ma rine avenue, Miami Street and the Miss issippi river, a beautiful situ- ation over looking the river in the southern part of the city. The grounds are large and beautifullylaid out, the buildings ex tensive, hand somely de- signed and the management most thoroughly efficient. The Work House is a city necessity. Lawless men and women are here imprisoned for the time prescribed by the city courts and obliged to labor at breaking rock, which is used in macad- 152 commercial and amizing the streets of the city. This institution is located on the river, three and one-half miles south. Meramec Street and Carondelet Road. The House or Refuge is a flne large building located on Louisi ana avenue between Gasconade and Osage streets, Four miles south. Home for Aged and Inpirivi Israelites. — The purposes of this worthy institutions are set forth in its name. It was founded in 1882, and has a most de lightful location on Jefferson avenue, corner Winnebago street. The building of modern architecture Home for Aged and Infirm Israelites. is on an elevated piece of ground which is beautified with shrubbery, trees and plants making a pleasant home for the old people. St. Luke's Hospital. — In November, 1865, a conversation came up among some friends who happened to be together at private house on a Sunday afternoon, as to the great importance of a Church Hospital in St. Louis. On the next day, under this impulse a gentleman, having engaged the Directors' room of the old Mercantile Library, called upon a number of young laymen to meet on an evening that week to consider the advisability of establishing a hospital for the sick. This meeting resulted in an adjourned meeting to which clergymen and others were invited at the second meeting. Articles of association were approved, and the name of St. Luke's Association adopted. ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 153 A building, with large grounds about it, was leased on Ohio street, in the lower part of the city. The flrst patient was not received until April, 1866. An experience of three years showed that the hospital was sit uated at too great a distance from the center of the city for the convenience of patients, physicians, and church people who de sired to visit it. A removal was therefore determined upon, and effected in the month of March, 1870, to the corner of Elm and Sixth streets. An increased interest* was shown in the Hospital by reason of its nearness, and a number of rooms were hand somely furnished by several of the churches and other friends. In 1872, the Sisterhood of the Good Shepherd, from Baltimore, U. S. MARINE HOSPITAL. on the request of the trustees, assumed charge of the Hospital, from which resulted a great increase in its usefulness. In June, 1873, the Hospital removed to a building on the north side of Pine street, between Ninth and Tenth streets. This build ing, however, like most buildings not erected for such a purpose, was found to be inconvenient, and on the 1st of November, 1875, St. Luke's removed into the building on the southeast corner of Tenth and St. Charles streets, which it occupied until it went into its own building. On the 26th of June, 1881, the corner stone of the present Hos pital on the northeast corner of Washington avenue and Twen tieth street, was laid and the occupancy of the building was en tered upon on Whit Sunday, May 28, 1882. The structure cost about $43,000. 154 COMMERCIAL AND Since then a chapel has been erected adjoining the hospital on Twentieth street. This beautiful little temple was for.mally opened for divine worship on Sunday afternoon, November 2, 1884, and regular daily service has been maintained there eve- since. Board of Directors : Wm. R. Donaldson, Chas. S. Freeborn, Jerome Hill, S. S. Hutchins, F. N. Judson, Chas. D. McLure, Dr. H. H. Mudd, Wm. B. Potter, Henry Shaw, E. C. Simmons, Wm. H. Thomson. Officers: Henry Shaw, president ; Wm. H. Thomson, vice- president; Charles S. Freeborn, treasurer; S. S. Hutchins, sec retary. Mullanphy Emigrant Relief Fund. — 307 Locust street, John D. Finney, sec, is another great charity. To give the list of institutions and societies affording relief to the indigent would occupy more space than is at the disposal of the publishers. Enough have been cited to show the provisions made for the unfortunate. City Poor House and Farm is near the Insane Asylum. An extensive and expensive building of four stories, built of brick and stone, and accommodates half a thousand of people. CITY POOR HOUSE AND FARM. ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 155- Churches. The church ediflces of St. Louis present varied types of arch itecture, those built in the past eight or ten years are principally of block stone construction with graceful and lofty spires, showing open belfries. The interiors generally comform to the open truss style, leaving an unbroken space for auditorium, galleries, organs, pulpits and choir galleries. In the original laying out of the -vil lage which is now the great city of St. Louis, the square on Sec ond and Walnut streets, where still stands the old Cathedral, was designated as the site for a church, and about 1770 the first church I'irst Church built in &t. Louis. structure was erected. It was a rude affair, consisting of logs set vertically with the interstices filled with mud. In 1818 this primitive effort at church construction in the Western wilds gave place to the Cathedral, which is in a great state of preservation to-day. At this time (1770 and later) the Spanish were here^ as will be seen from a statement by the priest officiating, record- 156 COMMERCIAL AND ing the burial in the grounds surrounding the original church of the wife of the third Spanish Governor-General. ! "In the Tear 1779, September Tth. 5 ^ I, Capuchin, priest, missi onary and ^ ; apostciic curate of St. Louis, have I buried in the cemetery of this church, j opposite the balustrade to the right, the i body of the Lady Marie de la Concep- ^ tione y Zezar, wife of Don Fernando de ^ Leyba, Oominandant of this post, Cap- ? tain of Infantry, and have adininistered / the sacraments of penitence and ex- ; treme unction. In faith of which I J havc .signed the day and year as above. \ F. Bernakd." Some of the churches of pieces of architecture and of Old Cathedral— As it is to-day. ¦corner of Third and Chestnut say 30 years ago were splendid substantial construction, but they were situated in a section of the city that has been required for com mercial purposes, therefore they have passed into history and the new have been located in districts more convenient to the residence section. From the accession of Louisiana Territory, which embraced the present state of Missouri by the United States Government, other church organizations were formed. A Baptist Church was built at the corner of Third and Market streets. The Methodist people held services in the old court house, also the Presbyterians. The first Episcopal church west of the Mississippi was organized in 1809 and in 1829 a church building was flnished at the streets. In no city can there be ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 157 found more toleration in matters of belief or in the modification of ideas and in none is there a higher grade of Christian life. In presenting the foUowing sketches and illustrations the reader gets a glimpse of the new and of the old styles of architec ture prevailing in St. Louis. Church of the Messiah. — Garrison ave. and Locust street. The history of Unitarianism begins at a period far antecedent to the history of Christian rian and the rehgion pure Unitarianism. In ty in America was form nation became a settled opment of America after ordination of Jared more, Md. The history Messiah begins properly Rev. John Pierepopt vis ity. Moses was a Unita- taught from Mt. Sinai was 1785 the first regular socie- e d. The Unitarian denomi- f act in the religious devel- C banning' s sermon at the Sparks in 1813 at Balti- of the Church of the with the year 1830, when ited this city and preached Church of the Messiah. in the Market-house on Main and Market streets. In 1850, so well had the church prospered that it was proposed to erect a new temple which was dedicated the Church of the Messiah, December 7, 1851, at Ninth and Olive streets. On December 26th, 1880, the present magnificent edifice was opened and it was dedicated December 16th, 1881. 158 COMMERCIAL AND The church occupies a natural platform, 135 feet square, raised several feet above the surrounding streets, and stands well back from the street line to which the ground descends in terraces. It is built in the early English Gothic style and is considered the finest piece of church architecture in the city. Rev. John Snyder is pastor. The mis sion house of this con gregation is also a handsome building. It is at Ninth and Wash streets. Centenary Meth odist Church. — The congregation of the church originally worshiped in a church edifice erected by them at the corner of Broadway and Pine St. In 1870 they removed to their new church, 16th and Pine. The building is of stone blocks, graceful in design Second Baptist Church — Cor.Beaumont and Locu,st sts. g^^^J furnished in all its apartments most elegantly. Second Baptist Church. — This organization was effected by Rev. Archer B. Smith, who, in September, 1832, had been sent to St. Louis by the American Baptist Home Mission Society. Obtaining a room on Market st., east of 2d, he there began work. The Second Baptist worshiped for the first four years in a school room. The flrst effort to obtain a church was made in 1835. They secured a lot, the foundation was laid, but they sold it and purchased an Episcopahan church ediflce at the corner of Third and Chestnut sts. They erected a church in 1846 at Sixth and ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 159 Locust, wherein the congregation worshiped 27 years. On July 10, 1872, they bought the site ofthe present ediflce, on which they were building a handsome church, when it was destroyed by fire on January 3d, 1879. They worshiped in Temple Shaare Emeth until their church was restored, August 10th, 1879. The First Congrega jt tional Church in Amer ica was planted by Pil T grim Fathers in the year 1620, at Plym a outh, Mass. The First Congre M\ gational Church, St. Louis, was organized M^\ March 14, 1852, with seventy-seven mem ^~~.\ bers. Dr. T. M. Post being its pastor. It ^^^^\ took origin in a spon taneous movement f, ^^ -^?-~^A S among laymen. It was self-sustainingplace of worship was Franklin avenue and to a chapel on Eleventh ington avenue and Lo permanent sanctuary the beginning. Its first on Sixth street between Wash street. It moved street between Wash- cust street in 1855. A was erected on the cor- ¦"^^^:»^^^^^^^^^ First Congregational Church — Delmar Avenue. ner of Eleventh and Locust and dedicated in 1860. This build ing cost $65,000. In 1882, the church began worship in a wooden structure on its present site. In 1885 it entered its pres ent church home, a sanctuary valued at $100,000 and entirely 160 COMMERCIAL AND free from debt. Representatives of this church are found in nearly all of the twelve other congregational churches of the city. Its present pastor is Rev. J. 6. Merrill who was installed over the church in 1882. The church stands in the city as a representative of tolerant orthodoxy. It has rep - ^^^ - ¦ resentatives on the boards of nearly all of the many ^<^--—- Protestant charitable organiza tions of the city. Au by this church in 1886. Pilgrim Congrega of stone with a grace inside most comforta 1200. In the base of chime of bells, whose second to none in this The organization of been traced to the Wal fore the Reformation ernmenttruth in the Alps in Ita of ruthless Francis Mc- ganized the byterian America at Maryland, First Pr Church. — may fitly be pioneer church H bert Place Chapel was erected tional Church. — It is built ful spire 230 feet high, finished bly and will seat something like the lofty spire is a splendid musical tone and harmony is country at least. the Presbyterian church has denses, who for centuries be held out for pure church gov- and gospel C a t I i an lyinthefacepersecution Kenzie or- first Pres- church in Rehoboth,in 1684. esbyterianThis church called the First Presbyterian Church — Lucas Place and 14th. not only of Presbyterianism, but of Protest antism in the great Southwest. Sixty-nine years ago, on the 23d of November, the records of the St. Louis Presbytery affirm that the First Church, St. Louis, was organized with nine members, two elders, with the pastor, forming its first session. The Great Head of the Church prospered the organization so effectually that in ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 161 November, 1822, thetrustees resolved to take a deed of the ground on the corner of Fourth and St. Charles streets, proposing to erect a suitable house of worship thereon. On the 25th of March, 1823, they resolved to commence building, and duly appointed their pastor, Rev. Mr. Giddings, the agent in contracting for such a house as he should deem best. In March, 1824, Mr. Giddings effected a loan for the finishing of the church, of flfteen hundred or two thousand dollars, pledging his own credit and property, and taking the mortgage to secure himself. The house was dedicated Grand Avenue Presbyterian Church. on the 28th day of June, 1825. The expense of lot, house and interest on the money was over $8,000. As the city and the church grew, the necessity for a larger house of worship, and one farther west in the city, became an evident necessity. With that practical sort of prophecy which character ized the then pastor of the church, Rev. Dr. Bullard, the new edi fice was located and built on its present site, corner of Fourteenth street and Lucas Place. People thirty years ago wondered at the seeming foolishness of 11 162 COMMERCIAL AND those who builded on the open fields, and called the enterprise "Bullard's Folly." But now, after the lapse of a little over a quarter of a century, this noble structure, erected in the open country, stands in the thick of a vast city ; trade hums at its very doors, and its congregation flnd themselves, to-day, like their fathers of days gone by, turning their enquiring faces toward the western flelds again. On Sunday, November 21, 1855, the pres ent church was dedicated, and cost $100,000. The pulpit of the old First has had many brilliant pastors ; the Rev. H. D. Gance, D. D., was one of them, and the church was known to many peo ple by his name. The present pastor is Rev. George E. Martin. The Second Presbyterian Church, St. Louis, was organized Oct. 10, 1838, and occupied a building at Market street and Broadway. The present ediflce was completed in 1870 and its first pastor was Rev. W. S. Potts, D. D. Lafayette Park Presbyterian Church. — In the fall of 1875 the residents of Compton Hill and Lafayette Park district of the city concluded to provide themselves and families more available religious privileges than were afforded by the churches to which they belonged, and whieh were at too great a distance for con venience. A meeting was held at which it decided to erect a church edifice in this district. A committee was appointed, and on Dec. 13, 1875, there were subscriptions sufficient to warrant active operations, alot was purchased on March 14, 1876, the build ing committee proceeded to carry into execution their trust, and on Jan'y 13, 1878 the basement was occupied for the first time. It was not till 21 Jan., 1883 that the main auditorium was occupied. The edifice is very substantially built, handsomely furnished, and architecturally attractive. From the resignation of Dr. Marquis, May 15, 1883, who accepted a chair in the Presbyte rian Theological Seminary of the Northwest, at Chicago, the pulpit remained vacant until Dec. 16, 1883, when the church extended a call to Rev. George P. Wilson, of Lexington, Ky., who is present pastor. Washington Avenue Presbyterian Church is a new stone edi fice, on the corner of Washington and Compton avenues. This architectural ST. LOUIS. 163 new organization is an outgrowth of the Walnut Street Presbyte rian Church. Rev. James H. Brookes, D. D., pastor. Dr. Brookes is one of the oldest pastors in St. Louis. His pro found scholarship, successful leadersliip and noble Christian spirit have given him a large place in the hearts'of the Christian people of the city. Central Presbyterian Church, corner of Lucas and Garrison avenues, Rev. R. G. Brank, D. D., pastor, is a new and most ele- gant structure. No pains have been handsome, but comfort- furnished with taste, and make it a beautiful piece mands universal admira as one of the most im one of the best of Cook Avenue M. E. spared to make it not only able and convenient. It is is wanting in nothing to of architecture that com- tion. Dr. Brank is known pressive pulpit speakers and pastors. Church Sodth had its origin Cook Avenue M; E. Church. in 1870 through the needs of a church and Sunday-school in the ex treme west end. In June, 1872, there was organized or opened an afternoon Sunday-school, under the auspices of the M. E. Church South, on the north side of Page avenue, near Spring avenue, which was dedicated by Bishop Marvin as the Page Avenue Sun day-school. It was determined by the Quarterly Conference of 164 COMMERCIAL AND St. John's M. E. Church South that a church should be estab lished in connection with the Sunday-school. The congregation was organized, but only enrolled a handful of members ; these in creased as time grew and on OcJ:. 25, 1885, the elegant building in which the congregation now worships was dedicated as the Cook Avenue M. E. Church South. A history of the Catholic Church means the history of the world's polit ical, material aud rehgious progress for nineteen cen turies, begin ning with the rock, Peter, upon which the church was founded, and coming with a widen- ing scope down to Leo XIII and the Catholicity of 1888. On Dec. 1, 1868, the Redemp- torist fathers took posses sion of their sts. Peter .and Paur.s Church. new location on Grand avenue, opposite Finney avenue, living in a poor shanty for a number of years. St. Peter and St. Paul's, also Catholic, is another splendid church structure. The Rock Church, of St. Alphonsus' Parish is to-day one of the grand religious edifices of the city and one of the most exten ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 165 sive. It is located on the site of the old shanty and with the large grounds, massive stone terrace, substantial and architecturally fine construction,^ presents a commanding exterior. The Old Cathedral, a cut of which as it stands to-day and has stood for years and years marks the site where the flrst church in St. Louis stood. The history of Judaism begins with the retarn of the remnant of the kingdom of Judah from the Bab ylonish captivity B. C. 536. Cyrus sent them home from Ju dea and ordered the rebuilding of the temple. The de scendants have con tinued to build tem ples throughout the "world, of which St. Louis has several, among them is that of Temple Israel, which is located on the northeast corner of Pine street and Leffingwell avenue, occupying a lot 77 feet by a depth of 131 feet. It is built in the Romanesque style of architecture. The construction is of limestone, with red sandstone trimmings and polished granite columns at entrances. The interior is finished in white oak and colored marbles, and the auditorium and galleries have a seating capacity of 1,000 persons. The handsome tower is 140 feet high from the base. The temple Temple Israel — Grable & Weber, Archts. 166 COMMERCIAL AND is one of the handsomest modern architectural examples in the city. The German Evangelical Synod of Nor^h America has amongst its boundaries, which extend from California to New York and from Minne sota to Texas, 586 ministers, who serve 736 congregations, besides having its own mis sions in India. Its publica tions, consisting of several semi-monthly and monthly papers, for the ministry, fam ily and Sunday-school, have thousands of subscribers, and all the books for church and school are gotten up by them. In St. Louis there are thir teen churches connected with St. Paul's German Evangelical Synod. this synod, and here we give the names and locations of same : — St. Marcus, Third and Soulard ; St. Paul's, Ninth and Lafayette; St. Matthew, 3331 South Seventh street; Ebenezer, 2921 McNair avenue; St. Lucas, Scott and Jefferson avenues ; First Evangelical, 7429 Michigan avenue, Carondelet; St. Petri, 1421 Carr street; St. John's, 1421 Madison street; Zion's, 2421 Benton street; Bethany, Twenty-third and Wash ; Friedens, Newhouse avenue and Nineteenth street ; St. Jacoby, De Soto street, Lowell ; Salem's, Natural Bridge road. The annexed illustration is of St. Paul's church, and the others are more or less similar to it, the main difference being that some architectural ST. LOUIS. 167 of them have a basement have separate buildings. ages adjoining, and have good education in both St. George Episcopal architecturally belonging located at Beaumont and commanding a flne view among its congregation people of the city, both members are noted for for schools, while others All of them have parson- their own schools, where a languages is given. Church is the handsomest to the denomination, and is Chestnut streets, a point of the town. It numbers many of the most excellent socially and rehgiously. Its the interest they take in promoting charities. Rev. R. A. Holland is the rector. St. George's Episcopal Church. There are in St. Louis of the different religious denominations the following congregations : Baptist 27 Christian 4 ¦Congregational 15 Episcopal U German Evangelical U English Evangelical Lutheran. .. 1 ¦German " " ...12 Hebrew 9 Methodist Episcopal 1 .5 Methodist Episcopal South .... 8 New Jerusalem 3 Presbyterian 26 Presbyterian, Cumberland 3 " Reformed 1 " United 2 Roman Catholic 47 Unitarian 8 Miscellaneous 20 Total 224 168 com.mi':kcial and Cemeteries. There are a number of these quiet cities of the dead lying a short distance from St. Louis, whose improvements with regard to landscape architecture is very fine and they contain many monu mental pieces of architecture of splendid design. Bellefontaine Cemetery. — This beautiful place of burial contains nearly 350 acres of ground, and has many charming drives. This is one of the most beautiful places in the city to visit. It is in the extreme northern part on a high bluff, over looking the river, and commands un usually fine views. This is the finest In the Cemetery. cemetery in the West. Many of the monuments are works of art, and cost many thousands of dollars. The gates are open from sunrise to sunset. Tickets of admission are required, and can always be obtained without charge at the Secretary's offlce, 302 North Fourth street. Calvary Cemetery is directly north of Bellefontaine, and is the chief burying grounds of the Catholic church. The grounds have the same general formation as Bellefontaine, contain 225 acres, overlooking the Mississippi river, and contains many hand- ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 169- some monuments. Visitors are allowed to enter the grounds at all times. The National Cemetery lying on the south of and adjoining Jefferson Barracks, contains the graves of the dead of the war of '61-5. It is beautifully laid out, well kept, and on Decoration day is visited by thousands. Besides these there are about 28- others belonging to the different religious and benevolent organ izations. In the Cemetery. 170 COMMERCIAL AND Real Estate. The inflation of prices in lands ahd houses and the unstable flurries commonly called " booms " has not been experienced in St. Louis for years past, yet the steady and substantial increase of all St. Louis property, both central and suburban goes on from day to day. The purchaser of real estate in St. Louis or in any of the many handsome suburban openings knows and feels secure in that he has placed his capital upon a property having a recog nized value, not a fictitious one, and that the increase of values will produce a legitimate per cent. The representative real estate men of St. Louis realize this state of the market, they conduct their business on a basis of sound integrity, and while other cities are blowing the horn they sell the fish. The building improve ments for the past year were large in the resident portion, new streets have been opened, street paving has been done by the property owners and buildings of handsome design have been erected. In the direction of Forest Park wonderful improve ments have been made, and the people of St. Louis are just be ginning to realize what a lovely place this is. The property owners, realizing the advantages of opening up roadways to the park, have projected a series of boulevards from Grand avenue west. The first of these to be opened was : Lindell Boulevard. — It is 100 feet wide from curb to curb, paved with Telford paving and the sidewalks are broad continuous flagging through to the park. It is well hghted from end to end and many handsome and costly residences line the way. Forest Park Boulevard will be opened as a double way with park in the center, running from Grand avenue to the park, each road-way will be flfty feet wide, laid with wood block paving and ¦each side of the ways planted with trees having grass plots around ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 171 them. The park in the center will be handsomely designed and 'under charge of the park department of the city. West Pine Street is perhaps the handsomest late improvement, there are residences along this way — and not a few of them — •costing from $100,000 to $250,000. Vandeventer Place, a private park some]half mile long, is as handsome a residence quarter as can be found in any city. -Several magniflcent residences — some built with granite, some with press brick — have been added to those already there. This ^^Jf\-^ J. B. Legg, architect. beautiful place opens from the east at Grand avenue and there is s. double carriage-way, with fountains, flowering beds, lofty trees, ¦shrubbery, lakes and grass plats to make up an ideal landscape garden. Just south of Vandeventer place lies Delmar avenue, and from ¦Grand avenue, its eastern opening, the way is lined with costly residences of modern design, with open grounds surrounding. 172 COMEERCIAL AND ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 173 The residence park over on the south side at the junction of Grand avenue and Lafayette avenue shows that the handsome improve ments are not conflned to one section or locality. The residents in the vicinity of the Compton Hill reservoir have removed the fences dividing their several places — all of which contain large and handsome grounds — had a system of drives laid out, which, in connection with the reservoir park proper, forms one of the most attractive spots in the city and is visited by thousands during the summer evenings. Many handsome villas have gone up in this section during the summer. The great area of St. Louis makes the possibilities of her improvement for residence purposes almost limitless. MILES. Length of river front 19.15 " " western city limits 21.26 " " city north to south (air line) 17.00 " " city east to west (air linej 6.02 During the following year a number of flne boulevards will have been completed an'd visitors fond of a drive through beautiful •city scenes can indulge to satisfaction. St. Louis will then still need one boulevard, which should be selected from one of the streets running ease and west, with Fourth street its eastern ter minus. Make it a drive only for light vehicles through to the western limits and allow no business house on its line. ABSTRACTS OE TITLE. In all dealings in real estate, the flrst and most important con sideration is to obtain a perfectly clear and unimpeachable title, and in this respect investors in St. Louis property are peculiarly favored. Thos. R. Reynolds & Co., successors to the Sterling & Webster Abstract Co. , have in their offlce the exact record of every plat or lot in this city and county, which date back to the flrst land grant made in this state, and includes every detail con nected with the ownership and encumbrance of property in St. Louis from the time of its incorporation as a city to the present day. In one set of books they keep a complete and accurate 174 COMMERCIAL AND ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 175 synopsis of every deed that is filed in the recorder's office in any way referring to real estate. This affords immediate information of all transfers, mortgages, deeds of trust and the consideration of every transaction that is mado or has been made in the city. They keep a special property index of every plat or lot by number, by which can at once be traced the entire history of each individual lot, the various hands it has passed through, the incumbrance it has borne, and every transaction of which it has formed a part. Another special alphabetical index of owners contains the name of every person who has ever owned property here, and through which can be obtained a perfectly complete and accurate account of every transaction that has been made. It will be seen that these two distinct indexes cover the same property and transactions, and each one is a corroboration of the other, which insures in all cases the most absolute accuracy that can be obtained. This company are successors to Sterling & Webster, J. G. McClellan and Williams & Reynolds, and have in their possession all the books, papers and records of these several flrms. They have a handsome fire-proof building at 615 Chestnut st. M. A. Wolff & Co. — This house was established in 1859, though Mr. Wolff has resided in St. Louis since 1844. His business career, therefore, covers the entire period during which those great changes and improvements have been made which have transformed St. Louis from a small river town to a magnificently built citv. The flrm gives its special attention to the care of estates and the collection of rents and they have on their books the estates of many large holders, among which might be mention ed the estates of Mr. Albert Todd, Dr. Henry Van Studdiford, Mr. Robert A. Gordon one of the Lindell heirs, Mr. Luther M. Kennett, once mayor of St. Louis and others. Besides having contributed in no small degree to the up-building of the city through his real estate transactions, Mr. Wolff is ever ready with his time, money and infiuence to further any proper movement calculated to be of good to St. Louis. In addition to his large real estate business he is actively identified with other business con- 176 COMMERCIAL AND cerns, being one of the original stockholders of the Boatmen's Bank, and is interested in the East St. Louis Elevator Co., Hope Mutual Insurance Co. , St. Louis Distilling Co. , St. Louis Transfer Railway Co., the South St. Louis Street Railway Co., the Second National Bank and Covenant Life Insurance Co. He has associated with him as partners his two sons, Geo. P. and Ed ward B. Wolff. John Byrne, Jr., & Co. — This old Tep.1 estate firm was establish ed in 1840 and was the first regular real estate house in St. Louis. In 1864 Dr. F. L. Haydel went into the firm as partner and is now the active member of the firm. They confine themselves to the legitimate transactions connected with a reliable real estate business and have on their list one of the largest rent rolls in the city, besideshaving the management of some very important estates both of home and non-resident owners. The long experience of the firm in connection with real estate matters and their perfect knowledge of property worth has been the cause of placing much of the marketable realty in their hands for conversion. The offices of the firm are located at 618 Chestnut Street. E. S. Rowse. — For years the old firm of Cavender & Rowse occupied a leading position in real estate and financial circles, and throughout the most active growth of St. Louis they were identified with every movement tending to the substantial im provement of her property and commercial interests. Since the demise of Gen. Cavender, Mr. Rowse has continued the same ac tive operations that characterized [the partnership. He is the St. Louis representative of the Connecticut Mutual Life Insur ance Company, handling all their valuable interests, besides which he has charge of the property of non-resident capitalists and resident holders of valuable estates and sites running into the many millions of dollars. Having ever firmly believed in the permanent worth of realty in St. Louis and that values of to-day would be increased values in the future, his council and advice I has been of great value to his clientage. His offices are located 2d floor, 612 Olive street. TUHNER ];irLDiNi;,"30i X. sth street. ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 177 Chas. H. Turner & Co. Real Estate and Financial Agents. — This flrm was established in St. Louis twenty years ago, ahd the two members of the flrm, Mr. Chas. H. Turner and Mr. Thos. T. Turner are both perfectly familiar with the real estate interests of the city, not only as to the value of property with regard to their interest paying qualities, but as to the most desirable location for business, residence or manufacturing sites. They conduct a general real estate business, but their principal business, and to which they pay the most particular attention, is to the manage ment of large estates, they having in charge many most valuable ones. , Being large property owners themselves and having the management of so much valuable realty for others, they are thoroughly identified with the interest in all its features. The offices of the firm are in the Turner building, 304 N. Sth street Room 2. Fisher & Co., whose offices are located at 714 Chestnut street, have been one of the most active real estate operators in this city. Mr. Fisher, the head of the flrm, has caused to be opened up for sale a great deal of sightly and valuable property, that had long lain untenantable, and through his efforts much of this proper ty has not . only been marketed, but handsome residences have been erected upon it or other improvements made. They carry on all departments of the real estate business, buy and sell proper ty, negotiate loans, etc., and have listed and for sale properties, both improved and unimproved. R. H. Betts & Co. — This firm has been a long time identifled with the real estate and flnancial interests here. Mr. R. A. BeUs, the finance man of the flrm, was for years cashier of the St. Louis National Bank, a position that gave him a thorough knowledge of the city and also of the values of real estate. 12 178 commercial and Architecture. Architecture in St. Louis has undergone a great change in the last few y( ars, and is rapidly developing into modern and beautiful designs, giving elegance and esthetic effect to the city. On the business thoroughfares a large number of the dingy, dark and gloomy buildings that, but a few years since compared favorably with the commercial architecture of sister cities at that time, has been removed and replaced with grand commercial pal aces, towering to an altitude of eight, nine and ten stories above the sidewalk. They are of the latest styles of architecture, diversified in de sign material and construction, from the hands of skillful archi tects, giving the streets a pleasing and picturesque facade, with enough harmony to render the effect grand, and yet enough indi viduality in the different properties to avoid the monotony so pre valent in nearly all other cities. The straight flat fronts of brick work with square openings and stone lintels, and the vast facades of cut stone pierced with tiers of narrow openings, crowned with heavy projecting cornices, that were considered flne a few years ago, are rapidly giving way to massive commercial structures of imposing architecture, built of enduring granite, in bold, heavy outlines with carved ornamenta. tions, trimmed with cold rolled copper to ever grow richer by the coloration of time, and lighted through shapely, well proportioned, polished, plate glass windows, set deep back into the walls, giv ing a rich and solid effect. The mercantile buildings, that were but recently constructed with thin board floors on light pine joists, are now superseded by substantial heavy timbered floors on massive beams, stirruped on strong girders, rendering the buildings not onlv solid and sub- architectural ST. LOUIS. 179 stantial, but slow of combustion, thereby confining fires to the story in which they originate, until they can be controlled by the fire department. The stereotyped five story front offlce building of the city, heated with snapping steam coils, and served with direct pressure power ^¦:^h^:7W I ^xs^^'f^f /^ 7VryE|)^ow-ygi.-pyt'^r^j^fivs: \ hoist, called elevators, have now passed into our city's youthful history as relics of rickety fire traps, and their places are supplied by palatial offlce buildings of strictly fire proof construction, fln ished in polished hard-wcod with marble wainscoting and tile floors, heated and ventilated with low pressure steam, and served 180 commercial and with magnificent, smoothly working, rapid elevators, rendering the top floor as desirable as the first story. Perhaps no city in the Union has made such rapid strides in the improvement of her domestic architecture, as St. Louis has in the past flve years, and no city in the Union except the esthetic "Hub," and the metropolis of the sea-board, can furnish as many elegant specimens of modern domestic architecture as St. Louis, and more especially so many cozy homes in unique and picturesque designs, giving individuality to each. The solid block of flat front, three story, dwellings, with rooms strung out in tandem, coupled on to long narrow halls, approached by narrow portals up narrow steps extending to the side-walk, was once the only domestic architecture, but they are now de serted by thousands and the best families have built elegant, pal atial homes, on wide, deep lots, terraced up above the street beautified with charming lawns, giving light and air all around the building. Following in the wake of these earlier abodes are a class of homes built for elegance and comfort, with high stories, spacious halls, deep vestibules and long windows, shielded with pocket shutters and heavy blinds. These homes dot this city from Carondelet on the south to Lowell on the north and from the borders of the business marts down town to the sun-set border on the west, blending in with Cote Brilliante, Elleardsville, Rose Hill, Cabanne Place, Forest Park, Benton and Tower Grove, covering many miles of splendid city resident locations with comfortable dwellings, though not modern in architecture, yet grand in appearance, substantial in construction and commodious in arrangement. These houses have a comfortable, luxuriant appearance and a grand architectural effect, enduring and beautifully contrasting with the more modern dwellings so closely interspersed throughout this entire residence section. The modern dwellings, bordering miles and miles of the fashionable residence streets, are unique and esthetic in design, picturesque and attractive in appearance and palatial in arrange- architectural ST. LOUIS. 181 ment, with wide square reception halls containing wide open fire places and broad easy platform stairs recessed into bays or Residence W. B. Manny. Chas. K. Ramsey, architect (The above cut represents a city residence, of the best class, Sf .Modern Roman- esque architecture. It "was finished about one year since, and is the property of Mr . "Walter B. Manny. In this design the architect, Chas. K. Ramsey, of St. Louis, has produced one of his many successful efforts, and shown that anything placed in his care will be carried out in the most artistic manner.) towers and lighted through large windows set over the platforms, rising into two stories through ballustered curb string openings 182 COMMERCIAL AND and glassed with rich colored, opalescent glass, studded with cut jewels. On the flrst floor the reception hall, library, sitting room, music room, and dining room are all coupled together through sliding doors and open ornamental porteried arches, rendering the entire area of the building susceptible of being thrown together on swell occasions. These dwellings with their high basements, low stories, wide porches, tall, peaked, slate roofs terminating in cold rolled copper flnials saddKng the hip and blending in with the ornamental ridge crestings and relieved with sharp, scroll moulded gables, semi circular copper dormers and round towers, terminating in bell shaped spires and minuet tops crowning the circular bays, con structed with gray stone base, press-brick walls, granite steps, red stone sills, stone faced arches, terra cotta trimmings and flat ornamental cornices, all in the most modern architectural de signs, every one dissimilar and yet pleasing and picturesque in outline, rich and elegant in detail and diversified in material, give a pleasing effect unsurpassed in modern architecture. The ecclesiastical architecture is also keeping pace with the rapid growth and ornate development of this great city as por trayed through the many superb church edifices, that have been constructed in the past few years. The city for many years has contained a large number of costly church buildings, designed in that grand old ecclesiastical architecture that grows all the richer as the structures grow more weather beaten by the ages of time. Interspersed with these time honored edifices, are a great number of larger and more modern designed churches, fashioned in the latest, most esthetic, commodious and luxuriant stjde of architec ture, spreading over large areas with rugged, low, stone walls, high, steep, open timbered roofs, well proportioned towers, tall graceful spires, broad, stone pillared porches and deep vestibule entrances, opening into grand foyers, coupled on to magnificient auditoriums, brilliantly lighted through large tracery mosaic and rich memorial windows, uniting with chapel apartments containing spacious Sabbath-school rooms, parlors and reception rooms, library and pastor's study, all arranged in a grand suite, easily ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 183 accessible by wide, massive stairs, leading to large banquet halls supplied with reception rooms, toilet rooms, cloak rooms, kitchen and pantries, sometimes in the second story over the chapel and sometimes in the basement story under the chapel. This brief architectural view of this great city would be in complete without mentioning the growing greatness of the large manufacturing buildings that house the ponderous busy wheels of the industries of the metropolis. The river front for fourteen miles along the stone corbled levee of the giant Mississippi, and for seven miles along Mill Creek Valley, contains the vast network of the great railroad system approaching and departing from the city, also many of the massive manufacturing buildings, designed in substantial style of architecture. These factories are legion in kind, a few of which are rolling mills, steel mills, agricultural implement factories, zinc works, blast furnaces, copper smelters, foundries, machine shops, boiler works, carriage factories, ore reducing works, flouring mills, grain elevators, cotton compresses, iron boat build ing yards, dry docks, bagging factories, paper and cotton bag factories, saw mills, planing mills, basket factories, car wheel works, glass works, car factories, furniture factories, chair factories, glue factories, varnish works, soap factories, oil mills cracker factories, organ and piano factories, woolen mills, shot towers, leather belting factories, white lead factories, bell foun dries, packing houses, canning factories, wire mills, wagon fac tories malleable iron works, hardware foundries, match factories, breweries, malt houses, nail mills, pottery works, sewer pipe fac tories, dry plate works and various other kinds of manufacturing estabhshments, all housed in buildings designed to suit the respective lines of business, forming a variety of architecture adaptable in design, yet diversified and picturesque as a whole, serving to admirably fill their place in the evidence of the city's growth and prosperity. We are indebted to Architect J. B. Legg, author of this inter esting essay on the architecture of the city, aud as to how well he has handled the subject in the brief space allotted him, the read er will readily appreciate. 184 COMMERCIAL AND OFFICE AND MERCANTILE BUILDINGS. In respect to fine offlce buildings and mercantile structures of imposing design and mammoth construction St. Louis is making vast improvements. There has been greater activity in building circles in the past two years than has been known for years before. In the business section of the city a number of splendid buildings have been completed, while many more are now under way and others have been planned. The tendency of owners and architects seems to be toward loftier edifices with modern architec tural points and fire-proof construction. Many of these improve ments have consisted of the enlargement and erection of elegant buildings in the most desirable locations. The Odd Fellows building, 9th and Olive streets had its found ations laid in 1886 with imposing ceremonies and the work should have been completed early in 1887, but unavoidable delays have interfered which will postpone its flnal completion this year. The building is of Missouri granite from the quarries of the Syenite Granite Co. of St. Louis, and of press brick from the works of the St. Louis Hydraulic Press Brick Co., with iron and fire-proof interior. It is eight stories high, with graceful tower on the east end reaching to the height of 236 feet from the sidewalk. It is being erected for and by the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and will cost when finished some $500,000. The Laclede Building, on the S. W. corner of Olive and Fourth streets, has a frontage on 4th street of 116 feet 1 inch and on Ohve of 127 feet 4 1-2 inches, eight stories high, the first two stories be ing of granite and iron, above which it is of brick from the St. Louis Hydraulic Press Brick Co.s works. The interior construc tion is of wrought iron, filled in with patented fire-proof hollow blocks and the exterior walls are lined on the inside with hollow brick to protect the offices from heat and cold. The halls are lined with polished Bardillo marble 4 1-2 feet high, and plate-glass from thence to the ceiling. The air in the halls is drawn out through ventilating shafts in which the air is rarefied so as to in- COF?. gTuJi OLIVE STS ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 185- sure a regular current and perfect ventilation without dangerous drafts, and avoiding soot or dust from the outside. The halls are tiled with marble throughout and the ceilings in the halls in the lower stories are polished marble. Many of the offices have hand some open flre-places ; convenient lavatories are fltted in marble and porcelain on each story, a telegraph station will be on the first floor, there will be four elevators three of them the latest improved high speed hydraulic, in fact it is the intention that the Laclede Building shall be one of the best office buildings in the country. So complete is the interior in design, flnish and proposed manage ment that selections for quarters and offlces have been made long in advance of its completion, and by the time it is finally thrown open to the public there will not be a space to let. Mr. L. Cass Miller, the supervising architect, has been indefatigable in pushing the work forward and in locating offlces and arranging them to suit tenants. The Laclede Bank will occupy the corner lower apart ments. Mr. Stephen D. Hatch, of New York, is the architect, with Mr. L. Cass Miller supervising architect and in charge of the architect's branch offlce here. (See page 194.) The Gay Building, on the corner of 3d and Pine, is still another fine offlce building — fire-proof with all modern construction, — whose offlces are always occupied. It is seven stories high, built of brick — furnished by the St. Louis Hydrauhc Press Brick Co., and with stone trimmings. The Granite Block, on the corner of 4th and Market, is also a. very substantial structure and is built of granite, six stories high. The Turner Building. —It is said of the Roe building that it was one of the first modern offlce buildings erected in St. Louis, but it was the sagacity and progressiveness of the Turner Real Estate and Building Co. that started the movement towards the erection of grand offlce quarters. It is strictly an offlce building,. fronting 64 feet on Eighth street, 7 stories high, constructed with brown stone and brick, the latter furnished by the St. Louis Hy draulic Press Brick Co. This building was the first example of a perfectly fire-proof structure erected in this city, excepting the doors and window frames, there is not a particle of wood or other 186 COMMERCIAL ANU combustible material used, the hall floors are tiled, the walls mar ble and the stair cases iron and slate. The light in every oflice is all that can be desired and the elevator service the best. Since its completion there has not been a vacant offlce for rent. There is an entrance to the main hall and elevators either by the paved court from Olive street or on Eighth street. Two high speed hy draulic elevators, lavatories, etc., on every floor, gas and electric- _ __^:^ ity through out ^^ -— constitute its prin- cipal modern equipment. The building cost over $500,000. The Commercial Building, another modern structure, is located on the corner of Sixth and Olive streets. The first two stories are of massive granite from the Syenite Granite Co.'s quarries, and the remaining six stories are of brick from the St. Louis Hydra ulic Press Brick Co.'s works. In every part of the construction the utmost care has been taken to give the building that solidity required in so large a struc ture and when it is finished it will be second to no offlce building in the country. The location, together with its splendid archi tectural effects, magnificent appointments and construction has al ready much in advance of its completion, secured the owners many good tenants. Such improvements along Olive street as Commercial Building, Sixth and Olive streets. ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 187 these already mentioned will create a demand for new buildings and exercise an influence upon owners of Olive street property to improve. The a. W. Fagin Building — or a building just commenced by Mr. Fagin on Olive street just east of the Odd Fellows building, will be another magnificent offlce and store building added to Olive street. It will be of Missouri granite throughout and judg ing from the splendid polished columns and blocks already in place it will be a grand struc ture. These polished columns are the work of the Syenite Granite Co. , and show to what a high polish the Missouri granite is susceptible and to what perfection this company carry on the work. The Roe Building, on the corner of Broadway and Pine, was one of the flrst modern office buildings completed in St. Louis and it will compare both in construction, equip ment and architectural fea tures with offlce buildings anywhere. It has Missouri granite from the quarries of the Syenite Granite Co. , of St. Louis, for the first story, thence up being brick from Hydraulic Press Brick Co Roe Building, Broadway and Pine. Gen'l Offlces " Frisco Line." the works of the St. Louis and red stone trimmings. It is seven stories high, having a moresque tower extending from the third story to some 50 feet above the corner. It is strictly fire-proof with marble halls and floors. The general offices of the St. Louis & San Francisco Railway Co., popularly known as the " Frisco" line, are located here. The Bank or Commerce Building. —This towering ediflce is 188 commercial and located on the corner of Bi-oadway and Olive street. It is con structed of stone with brick between, with the interior of iron and fire-proofing. Throughout, the halls are tiled and wainscoted with marble. A perfect elevator service connects the entire eight stories, in fact all the modern conveniences of a complete and well regulated office building is provided. The improvement of the corner on which this building stands has added very much to the appearance of Broadway. The brick in the construction were furnished by the St. Louis Hydraulic Press Brick Co., and the red brick between so much white stone makes a unique front. The American Central Ins. Co. building, formerly the Singer building, on the corner of Locust street and Broadway, has been made into one of the most perfect offlce buildings to be found any where, three stories more were added, high speed elevators put in, in fact everything known to modern building equipment. The fine block on the northwest corner of Locust and Broad way is undergoing a complete change, and when finished will have changed a plain business block into a palatial and ornamental architectural structure. From the fourth story at the corner will be extended a graceful projecting tower, in which will be set a massive clock furnishing time for all. Rosenheim Block. — This magnificent block of stores for whole sale business purposes was commenced about one year ago, and will be completed and ready for occupancy on or about the 1st of July, 1888. The dimensions are 120 feet on Washington avenue, and 130 feet on Ninth street, with a 20 foot private alley on the north. The materials used in the construction are Missouri granite. Lake Superior red sandstone, Chicago terra cotta, and St. Louis hydraulic press brick. The contruction of the fioors is what is generally termed mill- construction, differing from ordinary construction in that no floor joists are used. Instead of these there are immensely heavy yellow pine girders spaced 12 feet apart in the length of the building, and run transversely across the building. These girders support cross- architectural ST. LOUIS. 189 beams running longitudinally and are supported on wrought iron stirrups, thus forming panels about 7x12 feet iu the ceiling. Upon these beams and girders is laid a 3 inch thick tongued and grooved yellow pine flooring, and on this an inch thick maple flooring. This forms an extremely rigid and stiff floor, and capable of sustaining almost any load. f Rosenheim, Levis & Co. Stores of ] A. Frankenthal & Bro. ( Rothschild Bros. A. F. Rosenheim, architect. This is also termed slow-burning construction. The block when completed will cost in the vicinity of $300,000, and is considered one of the handsomest store buildings in the city. The architect, Mr. A. F. Rosenheim, whose offlce is at 417 Oljve street, is as yet a very young man, being but 28 years of age, and 190 COMMERCIAL AND a bright future can safely be predicted for him. He has built many handsome residences in different parts of the city and has plans on the boards for a number of stores and dwellings to be erected during the current season. A visit to his office will he well repaid. Liggett and Meyers Building. — This enormous structure now in course of erection will cover the entire block bounded by Wash ington avenue, on which it fronts 271 feet, by St. Charles the same length, by 10th and 1 1th streets, on which it has line fronts of 150 feet. It will be seven stories with basement and so arranged that one or more stores can be used or the entire structure thrown into one magnificent establishment as occasion requires. It will be entirely fire proof, with the first two stories of granite from the Syenite Granite Company's quarries of Missouri and the other of brick from the St. Louis Hydraulic Press Brick Company's works, ornamented with red sandstone. The beams will be of steel, on which a fiooring made of yellow pine timbers 5x7 will be laid re quiring 250,000, 7^ inch wire spikes, and over this a top flooring of dressed maple will be laid. The whole construction, including plate glass from basement to 7th story windows, will be on a scale of elegance and substantiability rarely equaled in commercial buildings. Mr. Samuel H. Hoffman, the popular builder, secured the contract for its erection. The Bridge. ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 191 Insurance. St. Louis has a number of insurance companies organized, con trolled and managed by St. Louis people. Of course the principal foreign companies, that includes all not strictly State or city com panies, are represented here. It is of the home companies however that notice will be taken, as they are not only representative con cerns in the different hnes of flre and life insurance, but they are home companies and besides, are representative bodies in flnan cial and commercial circles. The American Central Insurance Company is one of the lead ing fire insurance companies of the country. It was organized in 1853 by St. Louis men with St. Louis capital. The company lately bought the fine marble block on the north-east corner of Broadway and Locust street, formerly known as the Singer Build ing and before its re-modeling was considered one of the hand somest buildings externally in the city. Since their purchase the American Central have completely remodeled the interior — open ing a light shaft on the north side from first story up. They have re-arranged every floor so that every offlce in the entire building is furnished with abundance of daylight, besides which every hall and corridor is laid with marble tile and the walls wainscoted with white marble. When this building was erected it was known to be of the most substantial construction and thought to be large enough to accommodate the demand at that time of a large offlce patronage, but the present owners have found an increased demand for elegant offlce quarters, consequently they have added three stories, making nine in all, which with its interior finishing makes it second to no offlce building in the country not excepting any. The entrance on Locust street, which is a commodious lobby, is white marble from and including; the floor to and including the 192 COMMERCIAL AND ceiling. There are two of the latest improved high speed elevators running at all times. The American Central Company have selected the 8th story for the accommodation of their own busi ness and it can be truthfully said they have offlces equal to any insurance company in the country. Its offleers are: Geo. T. ¦Cram, President; S. M. Dodd, Vice-President; W. H. Pulsifer, American Central Insurance Co.'s Building, Broadway and Locust street. Treasurer; Chas. Christensen, Secretary; Chas. Branch, Assist ant Secretary. The directors are: Geo. T. Cram, S. M. Dodd, Geo. A. Madill, Chas. F. Gauss, G. W. Chadbourne, W. H. Thompson, Geo. 0. Carpenter, Wm. M. Senter, Peter Nicholson, "W. H. Pulsifer, John Wahl, John Whittaker, Chas. Christensen. ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 193 The Covenant Mutual Life Insurance Cojipaxy. — E. Wilker son, President; A. F. Shapleigh, Vice-President; Chas. E. Pill ing, Secretary; H. H. Mudd, M. D., Medical Director: Geo. H. Shields, Attorney ; 712 Pine street. The record of thirty-five years of honorable and active business enjoyed by tbis company is without reproach. The company, which was organized Febru ary 24,1853, is the oldest in the West, and has been solvent throughout its existence, successfully passing through crises that have proven too severe for less substantial institutions, promptly paying all losses, and throughout its long business career con gesting the payment of one policy only. The new Life Rate Endowment policy now issued by this com pany matures at a definite period, and is incontestable after three years. On the back of policy is a table showing amount of paid up insurance, term of extension or cash surrender value to which the holder is entitled in case of lapse. Policies also issued on all the well tested and approved plans of life, endowment and term in surance. All policies are free from restrictions as to travel, re sidence or occupation, and, except term policies, are non-forfeit ing after the payment of two years' premiums ; the conditions being plainly printed and clearly expressed. The State Superintendent of Insurance of Missouri places the following offlcial cei'tificate on all policies issued by the company. ''This policy is registered and secured by pledge of bonds or deeds of trust on real estate deposited with tliis department." The Covenant Mutual is the only company that makes deposit with this State covering its entire liabilities to its polic3'-holders. The President of the company, Mr. Wilkerson, is a thoroughly experienced life assurance underwriter and gives his personal at tention to the companj'-'s business. The board of trustees em braces a number of the most prominent and substantial citizens, viz. j Messrs. A. F. Shapleigli, Geo. H. Shields, Hon. Nathan Cole, Wm. H. Woodward, E. Wilkerson, Chas. A. McNair, Given Campbell, Marcus A. Wolff, Wm. Brown, Hei-man Eisenhardt, Joseph N. Evans, N. O. Nelson, N. M. Givan and Frank Carter. 194 COMMERCIAL AND Financial. st Louis has cause for congratulation on the financial and commercial outlook of the past year, the general business of the city having received an impetus that places her for emost in the race. The clearings of the banks were the lar- gest ever known, being an i n c r ease of 10 3-10 per cent over 1886, and when com- pared with those of oth- e r cities thro ughout the country, show a ratio of increase greater than any. The bank- i n g capital is large, amounting to $15,000,900, and while at times money has been Laclede Building lonrth and olive strttts Laclede Banlj. . i „ „ „ o Stephen D. Hatch, archt. L. Cass Miller, assistant, is large ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 195 as high as 8 per cent, yet on the average, St. Louis had quite the advantage of the eastern money market. During a great part of the year money was loaned here at less rate than in Boston and other eastern cities. As a proof of this St. Louis has been able to float the city 3 65-100 per cent bonds at a much better flgure than eastern capitalists would entertain, and the city bonds are a favorite investment among home people, a fact which speaks well for the city' s credit. There is a marked improvement in the municipal debts of the State, and of most of the states tributary, notably Arkansas, Mississippi and Tennessee, in all of which, except perhaps, Texas, the debts have been largely reduced or funded at a much lower rate of interest. With few exceptions the crops tributary to this market were remarkably flne, and the effect has been shown in the increased business of the mercantile and manufacturing houses, and re flected in the large improvements going on throughout the city in the way of fine business blocks and dwelling houses, and in the millions of dollars spent in street improvements and cable rail ways, and these enterprises arc constantly begetting others. NewYork, Boston, Chicago and other cities are investing money here in buildings and street railways. The manufacturing in terests are being greatly stimulated aad St. Louis' trade rela tions with the whole country, and especially with the south, are being enlarged. ' Thus it will be seen that the tendency of trade is towards St. Louis, making the financial future seem bright. Number of Banks 21 Capital and ^Surplus $ 15,000,000 Clearings 1887 894,627,731 Balances 1887 138,859,722 Increase of Clearings 1887 10.3 per cent. The banks not in the clearing house would increase the total capital about $350,000. N.VTIONAL BANKS. CO Oi L1i:.sii;natici.n. Fourtll National Mcrcliaiits' National St. Louis National Tiiird National 4lli sL. and W'ashinglon av 3d and Locus! 211 Norlh liroadwav tl.laiid 417 Olive .. . American E.KChange Banic|322 North 3d Banli of Conunerce liroadway and nlive . Boatmen's Savings Bank 2(1 and Pine. N. E Commercial Bank,. .. 117 North 3d Continental Bank llth, N. W. Olive Bremen Bank. , .[3618 North Broadway Franklin I'.ank J722 North 4th German .Sa\iDgs Inslitut'n 3d, .s. \V. Pine German .\merican Bank 4tli and Franklin av Laclede liank 4tli, S. W. Olive International Bank . 4th, S. E. Chestnut . . Latavette Bank Broadway and iUcrchaut jMechanics' Bank State Savings Bank, 4lli, .s. B. Pine. 3d and \'ine CAI'IT.VL AND SUUI'LUS. I'KESIDENT. ,fl, 100,000 00 John C. 11. r.lock 840,000 00. 1. E. Yeatman 11110,000 00 Will. E. Burr 1,200,000 00 Thos. E. Tutt , , . BANKS. \'IOE- PUKSIUENT. L. J. llolthaus. Nathan Colo J. M. Francisciu 275,919 99 Peter Nicholson W. A. JIcMurrav 2,038,205 86 W. l-I. Thoin])son Nathan Cole , , 2,500,000 00 Ivulus J. LacklandGco. S. Drake. 650,000 00 ^^¦m. Nichols 308,461 26 Geo. A. Baker, . .J. M. Thompson. 100,000 00 V. W. Prange . . . A. Nacke 140,000 00 Ilenrv Jleir F, 11. Krenning f)83,S46 51;f.W. Meister. John Wahl 408,930 68 Aug. Gchncr 613,156 77 S. E. Hoffman , Jno. D. Perry 100,000 flO A. W. Strauh 0. ¥¦ Hermann.. 215,000 00 F. .Vrendes . . . H. Ziegenhein 850,000 00 D. K. Ferguson , . 1,500,000 00 C. Parsons J. T. Davis F. W. Ilicbinger. J. C. More. .1. Nickerson. T. A. .Stoddart. W. Hill. J. C.\'an IJlarcoin. \>'m. II. Thomson. C. Tompkins. Chas. W. Bullen. J. C:. (Jcrichten. G. W. (iarrels. Richard Ilospes. C. E. Kircher .James li. True. A. Hertliel. P. J. Doerr. R. R. Hutchinson T. McCIuny. Oo tsw o M ^ !!::!! S I 'ill s:i', Bank op Commerce Building. ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 197 Clearing-House Statement. BUSINESS for THE TEAR 1887 COMPARED WITH 1886. January . . . February . March April May June July August . . . September October. . . November. December. Clearings. 1887. $71,441,522 64,016,57375,820,93473,773,478 79,768,57575,821,59474,227,06977,007,18374,5.37,207 74,855,029 72,757,656 80,500,961 894,527,731 li $65,215,966 56,865,18562,407,17068,523,30070,801,05262,760,71074,369,918 70,449,412 71,643,696 69,822,165 68,375,951 74,660,537 Balances. 1887. $10,568,588 10,139,21611,535,944 12,479,419 16,465,09714,448,76011,317,92013,603,32211,166,807 7,898,7797,736,383 11,504,487 1886. $18,027,351 10,911,552 11,083,949 18,692,16615,908,579 9,685,682 15,143,111 15,609,086 14,422,57810,694,509 8,664,247 11,176,143 810,795,062 138-,859,722: 149,968,903 Increase of Clearings In 1887, 10.3 per cent., $83,782,669. The Clearings of 1887 are the largest of any year since the operations of the Clearing House. Mr. E. Chase is Manager. SAVINGS BANKS. Citizens' Savings, 324 N. 3d; Joseph O'Neil, President; R. W. Powell, Vice-President ; Thos. P. Gleeson, Cashier. Mdllanpht Savings Bank, cor. Broadway and Cass avenue ; capital, $200,000; J. H. Eottmann, President; G. H. Elbrecht, Vice-President; L. G. Kammerer, Cashier. North-Western Savings Bank, 1328 North Market street; Chas. G. Stifel, President ; Jno. H. Evers, Vice-President ; H. Aberneir, Cashier. BANKERS AND BROKERS. Donaldson & Co., 3d, N. W. cor. Ohve st. Samuel A. Gaylord & Co., 307 Olive. 198 COMMERCIAL AND Kohn & Co., 319 N. 3d. Mathews & Whitaker, 121 N. 3d, Chamber of Commerce Building. Nelson & Noel, 201 N. 3d. A. J. Weil& Co., 219 N. 3d. Wm. F. Wernse & Co., 210 and 212 N. 3d. Wernse cfc Dieckman, 203 N. 3d. BOND COMPANIES. Wm. C. Little Bond Co., 205 N. 3d. Turner Real Estate and Building Association, office Turner Building; paid up capital, $1,000,000, all city real estate; Thos. T. Turner, President ; Chas. H. Turner, Secretary. BANK DIRECTORS. Boatmen's Savings Bank. — Samuel Cupples, Samuel Cupples Wood & Willow Ware; Geo. S. Drake, capitalist; Carlos S. Greeley, Greeley-Burnham Grocery Co. ; Wm. A. Hargadine, Hargadine, McKittrick & Co., Wholesale Dry Goods ; Jerome HiU, Hill-Fontaine & Co., Cotton Factors; Wm. L. Huse, Huse & Loomis Ice & Transportation Co. ; Rufus J. Lackland, President ; Geo. E. Leighton, capitalist ; E. C. Simmons, Simmons Hardware Co. ; Wm. H. Thomson,' Cashier, and Edwards Whitaker, Banker. Mechanics' Bank. — O. Garrison, capitalist ; D. K. Ferguson, Pres. ; E. N. Leeds, Pres. Mound City Ins. Co. ; JohnN. Booth, Booth & Sons, Tobacco & Grain ; D. E. Garrison, capitalist; Ben B. Graham, Wholesale Paper ; W. L. Wickham, Wickham & Pen dleton, Wholesale Grocers ; J. T. Drummond, Pres. Drummond Tobacco Co. ; Ezra H. Linley, Iron, Steel & R. R. Supphes ; Charles H. Turner, Turner Building & Real Estate Co. ; Theo. F. Meyer, Meyer Bros. Drug Co. ; Wm. Somerville, Pres. Mo. Glass Co. ; R. R. Hutchinson, Cashier. Laclede Bank. — John D. Perry, V.-P. ; John Sculhn, capi talist ; Chas. A. Cox, pork packer ; M. J. Lippman, Graff, Bennet & Co., Iron; B. F. Hobart, Kansas & Texas Coal Co.; L. D. Dozier, Dozier- Weyl Cracker Co. ; Joel Wood, Wood & Lee architectural ST. LOUIS. 199 Wholesale Whisky ; H. A. Blossom, insurance; Geo. H. Goddard, capitalist; Charles Clark, capitalist; D. Caruth, Caruth & Bj^rnes Hardware Co. ; L. C. Nelson, capitalist, and S. E. Hoffman, President. Germ.^n Savings Institution. — F. W^., Meister, Pres. : John Wahl, V.-P. , pig lead and commission ; Louis Fusz, Miller, of Fusz & Baker ; A. Boeckeler, Shulenburg & Boeckeler Lumber Co. ; J. G. Green, capitalist; A. Nedderhut, pork packer; Wm. Koenig, agricultural implements ; C. F. Orthwein, Pres. Mer chants Exchange ; Richard Hospes, cashier. Continental B.\.nk Directors. — J. M. Thompson, President Terminal R. R. Co. ; C. S. Freeborn, agent Star Union Line ; H. A. Crawford, President of Missouri Iron Co. and Sligo Furnace Co. ; I. G. Baker, of I. G. Baker & Co. ; Geo. W. Parker, Vice-Presi dent and General Manager Cairo Short Line R. R. Co. ; Joseph Hill, General Superintendent Vandalia Line ; R. C. Kerens, Presi dent Western Anthracite Coal Co. ; Chas. F. Gauss, President of Gaus, Shelton Hat Co. ; H. L. MorriU, General Manager St. Louis & San Francisco R. R. Co. ; L. B. Tebbetts, of Deere, Mansur & Co. ; Geo. A. Baker, President. Fourth National Bank. — Jno. C. H. D. Block, Pres. ; Fran cis Cornet, wholesale grocer ; Christian Peper, tobacco manufac turer; F. W. Biebinger, cashier; Henry Grone, brewer; C. L. Bushman, wholesale grocer ; Jno. H. Kaiser, wholesale grocer ; Frederick Schmieding, capitalist; Louis J. Holthaus, V.-P. Merchants National Bank. — L. Levering, St. Louis Bagging Co. ; A. F. Shapleigh, Shapleigh & Cantwell Hardware Co. ; Thos. Rankin, Jr., capitalist; David Rankin, capitalist; E. A. Hitchcock, President Chrystal Plate Glass Co. ; H. T. Simon, Simon & Gregory Dry Goods Co. ; Jno. J. Mauntel, Mauntel, Borgess & Co., flour; Ed. Walsh, Jr., Pres. Mis sissippi Glass Co. ; Jno. J. O'Fallon, capitalist ; J. E. Yeatman, Pres. ; W. H. Lee, Midland Blast Furnace ; George Taylor, cotton factor. MuLLANPHr Savings Bank. — Fred S. Bolte ; G. H. Elbrecht, V.-P. ; Casper Gestring, wagon manufacturer; C. Kellersmann ; 200 commercial and Wm. Kerksisck ; Paul Kaiser ; H. Klages ; H. H. Lippelman ; Joseph Marks ; Louis Nolte ; J. H. Rottmann, wholesale wines & hquors ; Chas. Schumacher ; F. Schwartz, grain & flour. Bank of Co5imercb. — James W. Bell, Continental Land & Cattle Co.; C. B. Burnham, wholesale grocer; G. W. Chad- bourne, Pres. St. Louis Shot Tower Co. ; Nathan Cole, V. P. ; Samuel M. Dodd, capitalist; Geo. J. Plant, miller^ W. H. Pul sifer, white lead manufacturer ; W. H. Thompson, Pres. ; John Whittaker, pork packer. Commercial Bank. — Wm. Nichols, Pres. ; Jno. iM. Gilkerson, cotton factor; Erastus Wells, capitalist; Thomas Howard, iron foundry; John H. Maxon, Pres. Brown Oi! Co. ; John H. Holmes, lumber ; Isaac S. Warren, bagging manufacturer ; Miles Sells, southern supplies ; John E. Liggett, tobacco manufacturer ; Thos. A. West, cotton factor, M. M. Buck, railroad supplies, C. Tompkins, cashier. St. Louis N.itional Bank. — Wm. E. Burr, Pres. ; J. G. Chapman, lumber; Nathan Cole, Cole Bros. Com'n & V.-P. ; F. Mitchell, wholesale grocer; .J. M. Nelson, capitalist ; H. McKit trick, wholesale dry goods ; G. Paddock, wholesale iron ; G. W. Updike, commission ; J. Nickerson, casliier. Citizens' Savin(">s Bank. — .Joseph O'Neil, Pres. ; Wm. Dooley, R. W. Powell, D. W. McAllister, Jeremiah Murphy, F. A. Drew, F. A. Drew Glass Co., and Thos. P. Gleason. State Savings Bank. — C. Parsons, Pres. ; L. M. Rumsey, L. M. Rumsey Manufacturing Co. ; A. F. Shapleigh, Shapleigh & Cantwell Hardware Co. ; Jno. A. Scudder, capitalist, Daniel Cat lin, Catlin Tobacco Co. ; Chas. C. MaflStt, capitalist, Joseph Franklin, dry goods. Third National Bank. ^ John Jackson, grain elevators ; Thos. E. Tutt, Pres. ; L. Mathews, broker; W. T. Wilkins, cotton; J. S. Walsh, capitalist; J. M. Franciscus, Vice-Pres. ; G. W. Parker, Genl. Mgr. Cairo Short Line; Samuel W. Fordyce, Pres. St. L., A. & T. Ry. Co. ; Isaac W. Morton, Simmons Hardware Co. Building & Loan Associations. — ¦ The number of these valuable concerns is growing eaohyear and judging by the number already architectural ST. LOUIS. 201 in existence there is a demand for a means of savings whereby the accumulator of small sums can place them to his credit for permanent good. There are seventy-one of these building loan and savings associations in St. Louis with an accumulated capital of some $38,000,000, which shows their importance among the financial institutions of the city. The names are here given : Advance Building and Loan Association, Aubert Place Build ing and Loan Association, Aurora Mutual Building and Loan Association, Beneficial Building and Loan Association, Benton Building and Loan Association, Bohemian-American Building and Loan Association, Bohemian Building and Loan Association, Bremen Building and Loan Association, Cech Building and Loan Association, Citizens' Building and Loan Association, Columbia Building and Loan Association, Commercial Building and Loan Association, Concordia Building and Loan Association, Covenant Mutual Building and Loan Association, Continental Building and Loan Association, DeSoto Savings Building and Loan Association, Economj^ Building and Loan Association, Enterprise Building and Loan Association, Equality Savings Building and Loan Associa tion, Excelsior Mutual Building and Loan Association, Famous Mutual Building and Loan Association, Firemen's Building and Loan Association, Franco- American, Franklin Savings, Fraternal, Future Great, Garrison Mutual, Garfield Savings, Germ an- Ame li- can, German Mutual, Great Western, Hibernia, Home Mutual, Homestead Mutual, Improvement, Investment, Irish-American, Savings, Laclede, Lafayette Mutual, Marquette Mutual, Mechanics' Mutual, Merchants and Mechanics' Mutual, Metropolitan Mutual, Missouri Mutual, Mound City, Mount Olive, Mutual Benefit, Na tional, New Era, Nickel Savings and Mutual, North End, North western, Peabody, Peter Cooper, Progressive, Rock Spring, The Benton, Security Loan, Southwestern, South End, Standard, St. L. Central, St. L. Mutual Home B. Co., St. L. Turners, Tower, Turner Real Estate and Building Co., Valley B. Co., Washington Savings, Western Mutual, West End, West St. Louis. Safe Deposit Companies. — There are only two regularly or ganized and equipped safety deposit companies in St. Louis. One 202 commercial and of the greatest needs of any large city is sufificient capacity witli security for the deposit of valuables — -such as bonds, deeds, jewelry, diamonds, silverware, etc. A place not only for safety but one in which the depositors can go at their pleasure for the purpose of examining their papers, removing or restoring the differ. ent deposits, chpping coupons, signing papers and such Uke brief transactions where they have the comforts and conveniences of a private office with the security of a bank vault. The oldest com pany here is that of the Safe Deposit and Trust Co., on Locust street, 513. The building is a substantial one and conveniently located. The oflicers of the company are John R. Lionberger, President ; Chas. Speck, Vice-President ; and G. A. Hayward, Secretary. The Missouri Safe Deposit Company is located at Sixth and Locust, J. Hoyt, President ; H. Marquand, Vice-President, and Geo. D. Capen, Treasurer. Among the many large enterprises of St. Louis none are pointed to with a greater degree of pride than the magnificent plant of the St. Louis Bank Note Company ; this company begari business in St. Louis in the year 1870 and commenced educating the people of the West to a higher standard of artistic work than they had ever before known. Like all great enterprises the beginning was naturally small, and it took time, energy and enterprise, combined with a very high class of artistic talent, before the people of the West could be convinced that here in St. Louis they could obtain all kinds of high class work executed with a degree of excellence equal to any accomplished by the National Government, or in fact by any Bank Note Company in Europe or America. The year 1888 finds the company known from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and their work has established such a reputation that to-day they stand pre-eminent as the leaders of artistic steel work in the United States. During the last few years thousands of dollars have been spent in procuring the most eminent artists to be had in Europe or America, also in having built the finest machinery procurable for the execution of high class work. In proof of this assertion we would call particular attention to the frontispiece in this work. architectural ST. LOUIS. 203 The design and execution of which will inevitably appeal to all lovers of high class art. This company has also a very fine lithographic plant, and have o-iven this branch of the business almost as much attention as their steel plate department ; they confine their attention to fine bank and oflBce stationery exclusively, and are therefore in a position to do this class of work in a highly superior manner. The oflice of the company is now situated at 214 and 216 Chest nut street, in the immense five story, fire proof building, where we recommend all desiring flne work to call and examine their samples of railroad. State, county and city bonds, certificates of stock, Merchants' Exchange — Third Street Front. bank drafts, checks, letter and note-heads, cards, etc., and be convinced that in the St. Louis Bank Note Company St. Louis has an institution of which she is justly proud. EXCHANGES. The Merchants' Exchange is the oldest and most influential of the various commercial organizations of the city. The St. Louis Chamber of Commerce, of which the Merchants' Exchange is the successor, was organized in 1836, and this is therefore one of the 204 commercial and oldest of similar bodies in the United States. The Merchants' Exchange occupies the elegant aud commodious hall erected for it in 1875, 221 feet in length by 92 feet in width, and is the cen ter of the commercial life of the city. Its membership numbers 3,296, and is coraposed of merchants and manufacturers princi pally, but every interest of the city, commercial and professional, is represented in its constituency. A number of associations and exchanges for the protection and development of different lines of business have been formed within the last few years and all of them are actively engaged in pro moting the commercial interests of the city. The Cotton Ex change is the old est body of its kind, next to tbe Merchants' Ex change, in the city of St. Louis. St. Louis continues lo be a heavy receiver and shipper of cot ton and the Cotton Exchange does a valuable work in the preservation and publication of Cotton Exchang -^lain and Walnnt. statistics and quotations. The first meeting of the organization now known as the St. Cotton Exchange was held in the directors' room of the old Mer chants' Exchange building, on Main st., between Market and Wal nut streets, Oct. 17th, 1873. Work was commenced on the new Exchange building May 3, 1881, and it was finished April 30, 1882. It is in the renaissance style of architecture, with exchange hall 50 feet span and 29 feet to ceiling. The Wool and Fur Exchange is an infiuential body, and within a few years past, has been brought into the Cotton Exchange, ARCHITKCTURAL ST. LOULS. 205 thereby increasing its membei-ship and adding to its infiuence. The Cotton Exchange occupies the handsome building constructed for it on the southwest corner of Main and Walnut streets. The Mechanics' Exchange, which has been in existence for several years, is an influential institution, including in its member. ship representatives of all the trades. It has commodious quarters at No. 9 North Seventh street. The Real Estate Exchange is established in the midst of the real estate ofllices on Seventh street, directly opposite the Mechanics' Exchange. It has a large room in which auctions of real estate are held. The Coal Exchange has been established by the retail coal dealers for the promotion of the coal trade and the regulation of prices to consumers. It includes in its membership almost all the coal dealers in the city. ' The Furniture Exchange, which had almost dropped out of existence, is about to be reorganized. The St. Louis furniture manufacturers maintain an association whose office is at 509 North Third street. The Wholesale Grocers of the city have banded together under the name of the Associated Wholesale Grocers, with headquarters at 314 N. Third street. A plan is now under consideration for the establishment of a national association of wholesale grocers, of which the St. Louis organization will be a branch. The retail grocers now maintain an association for their mutual protection with an oflice at 938 N. Third street. The Brewers' Association includes in its membership aU the principal brewers ofthe city, among them the owners of the largest brewery in the United States. They meet at regular intervals to discuss prices, production and other features of the business. Their oflSce is in the building, 404 Market street. The Merchants and Manufacturers' Association is an organization formed principally to protect the shipping interests of St. Louis. It has done much good work in obtaining redress of grievances against the railroads. Its office is at 518 Washing ton avenue. 206 commercial and The Mercantile Agency. — R. G. Dun & Co., propi'ietors ; C. B. Smith, St. Louis manager ; Gay Building, Pine and Third streets. — This agency, the operations and reputation of which are world-wide, was founded in 1841 by Judge Lewis Tappan in the city of New Yorjs. Since that time it has been carried on uninterruptedly by his succes sors, under the styles of Lewis ^ Tappan & Co., I Tappan & Dou- '^ glass, B. Dou- I glass & Co., ^ Dun, Boyd & Co., Dun, Bar low & Co., and R. G. Dun & Co., and in Can- ad a as D u n, Wiman & Co. It has never been incorpo rated, and the only changes that have oc curred in the firm have been caused by the death or retirement of partners. The purpose of the agency is to furnish to its subscribers, for business purposes, information as to the standing of merchants, manufacturers, bankers, etc., and the agencj' expends millions architectural ST. LOUIS. 207 annually in the effort to gather its vast stores of information, and to make its reports accurate. The St. Louis branch of the agency is located in the Gay Building, corner of Pine and Third streets. It is under the management of Mr. C. B. Smith and has a force of seventy-five employees ; and in addition to its other facUities has a private printing and publishing department. The St. Louis branch, like all others maintained by this company, has a well appointed collection department attached to it. MARKETS. St. Louis maintains a system of markets where the production of the gardener, the florist, the fruits of all climes, and where flsh, fowl, dressed meats, game, butter, etc., are to be had in great abundance and at all times of the year. These market places are a great convenience to the people, and one of the sights of this city is the crowds, the lights, the display and the traffic at Union Market, especially on a Saturday evening. Allen Market is at Twelfth street and Russell avenue ; Biddle Market, Thirteenth, Biddle and O'Fallon sts. ; Central Mar ket, 320 South Broadway ; City Market, Broadway and Biddle St. ; French Market, Convent st , junction Fourth and Broad way ; Reservoir Market, Twenty-second, near Benton st. ; Soulard Market, Seventh and Carroll sts., also Haymarket; South St. Louis Market, 7703 South Broadway ; Sturgeon Market, North Market st., Broadway and Ninth street; Union Market, Broadway, Sixth St., Morgan st. and Lucas avenue. 208 COMMERCIAL AND Commercial. With trade relations extending throughout this entire countiy and into most of the foreign countries the commercial and man ufacturing interests of St. Louis occupy no insignificant position in the world of trade, as will be seen bj' a careful reading of the following various lines of business. LIVE STOCK. Excepting the year 1881, tbe receipts of cattle at this market during 1887 were the largest in the history of St. Louis, while the receipts of sheep, horses and mules were the largest. The seri ous injurj' to the corn crop in the territoiy tributary to St. Louis, through the prolonged drouth, caused a falling off in the hog re ceipts, though not to a greater extent than many other markets. The featui'e of the trade in this department has been the largely increased sales effected at favoralile prices. Prices for cattle have ruled low throughout the year, and have not been satis- factorj- to the raiser, but the prices obtained here have uniformly been favorable as compared with other markets. A greater num ber of Eastern buyers have been in attendance, while the operations of the dressed beef companies have been materially ex tended, and the' promise of their still further extension will in the future secure a market here for an additional supply of both cattle and sheep. While the hog receipts have fallen off, the packers have taken about the same number they did in 1886, and their packing was reduced from the want of supply. The demand for horses and mules has increased with the in creased supply, and all desirable stock found a ready sale. ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. ¦il 209 14 210 COMMERCIAL AND RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS OF CATTLE, SHEEP AND HOGS FOR THIRTEEN YEARS. TEAR. KECEIPTS. SHIPMENTS. Cattle. 464,828 377,650386,320 460,717405,090443,169503,862424,720420,654 406,235411,969349,043 335,742 Sheep. Hogs. 1,052,2401,264,4711,465,535 1,474,475 1,151,785 846,228 1.672,153 *, 40,684 l,7d2,724 1,451,634 896,319877,160628,569 Horses & Mules. 57,04842,03239,38541,87044,91342,71842,36546,01133,28927,878 22,65222,271 27,516 Cattle. 277,406212,958233,249 315,433249,523 188,486 293,092 228,879226,255261,723251,666 220,430 216,701 Sheep. Hogs. Horses & Mutes. 1887 417,425 328,985 363,858 380,822398,612443,120334.426 205,969 182,648168,095 200,502 157,831 125.679 287,018 202,728 233,391 248,545 217,370 245,071 170,395 93,62288,08374,43387,569 67,88637,7-84 324.725520,362 789,487 678,874609,388264,584 889,909 770,769686,099 528,627314,287 232,876126,729 59,222 1886 39,798 1885 35,610 1884 39,544 1883 44,54346,266 43,794 1882 1881 1880 1879 1878 44,41636,94730,86725,157 26,30128,675 1877 1876 1875 PROVISIONS AND PACKING. The business of the past year was eminently satisfactory to the trade and shows a large increase over preceding years. While the packing at this point has not materially increased, the amount handled and distributed from this point has assumed very large proportions, and St. Louis competes successfully with other cities for the Southern trade, both east and west of the river. There has also been a moderate amount of provisions exported to Europe, and a considerable business done with eastern points. The total shipment of the year, including barrelled Pork, Hams, Meats and Lard aggregated 220,613,987 pounds, against 174,907,899 pounds in 1886, an increase of 26 per cent. The packing for the winter season of 1886-7 was 370,866 Hogs of an average gross weight of 24.5.42 pounds, while the summer pack ing of 1887 was 355,000 head. As usual a large amount of product from country packing points was marketed here, in addition to which large purchases of salted meats were made at the larger packing points and brought here to be made into Bacon and Smoked Hams. The railroad position of the six larger packing points has not ^ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 211 changed, although the direction of increase is toward the Mis souri river cities. Packing at the principal points for the past two seasons was as follows : — Season. Season. 1886-7 1885-6. Chicago 1,844,189 2,393,052 Kansas City 768,539 656,109 St. Louis 370,866 369,130 Milwaukee 327,255 343,423 Cincinnati 331,401 332,696 Louisville 198,382 122,261 Indianapolis 352,140 290,500 At the close packers and dealers found that the business of the year had been profitable, and predict that the out-put of 1888 will be greater than of the year past. By referring to Senator Vest's speech (Congressional Eecord of May 17, 1888), one is led to infer that the live stock trade and traffic of St. Louis is on the decline, and that it has for some years been growing smaller. His reasons for sueh a conclusion and statement no one can gainsay. It is a potent fact for a long time well known to those engaged in the live stock and packing interests of St. Louis. Missouri's great senator has not arrived at a dreamy conclusion, he has delved down to the bottom of causes and facts. He tells the people of this country, not merely those engaged in the meat traffic, but the whole people, the con sumers of meats, how they have had to pay tribute of $15.00 per car on every car-load of cattle shipped to eastern markets from the West. This $15.00 per car fell into the pockets of a little band ot philanthroinsts {less than a dozen), who flxed up an ar rangement with three of the Trunk lines leading to the eastern markets, whereby this little party of '•'¦Eveners" — the name they were known by — received $15.00 per car on all cattle shipped, not only by themselves, but by all shippers from points west of Pittsburgh. This monstrous advantage over other shippers finally froze out all competition and left the Eveners with a clear field rom 1873 to 1878, since wEch time this same little band com- 212 COMMEROLA.L AND ' posed of the same men — with few exceptions — having had to give up the old monopoly, bave fastened the dressed beef mon strosity upon the people, and now call it the Dressed Beef Trust, which one can conceive to be even a far worse thing for the peo ple than was ever the Evener monopoly. In discussing the sub ject of live stock, we took a drive up to the Union Stock Yards, and were shown over the whole plant by the superintendent, Mr. Don Palmer — the St. Louis Union Stock Yards is the corporate name — it was pleasing to find such neat, well regulated yards, dry and clean, perfectly ventilated and just the location for stock yards. They have a large river front, the yards being located on the Mississippi river, east of Broadway in North St. Louis. These yards handle all the stock coming to this market by steamers, plying the upper and lower Mississippi river, the Mis souri, the Illinois, the Tennessee, and Cumberland rivers and some from the Ohio river. The Union Yards are equally well located for handling all stock coming to tbis market by rail. The Wabash Western, St. Louis and San Francisco, Missouri Pacific, St. Louis Iron Mountain and Southern, St. Louis and Hannibal and the St. Louis, Keokuk and North- Western railways on the west side of the river are all directly tributary to these yards. ' The east side roads that are directly tributary are the Chicago and Alton K. R. , the Wabash, Indianapolis and St. Louis, while the Ohio and Mis sissippi, the Cairo Short Line, the C, B. and Q. , andthe Vanda lia railways all deliver stock to the Venice branch of the Union Yards. Stock delivered to the Venice branch yards is loaded on the ferry boat and at once transferred to the main yards on the west side of the river, where the buyers congregate. The Union Stock Yards have been in operation nearly 14 years. Mr. W. A. Ramsay, the secretary and treasurer of the company, who has been connected with the company in this capacity since its organization 15 years ago, says that the Union Yards have been from the start a paying investment to its owners. The present board of direct ors are Messrs. C. C. Maffitt, Jno. A. Scudder, Daniel Catlin, P. C. Maffltt, Jno. P. Keiser, Peter Lehmann and Jno. G. Prather. ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 213 The officers are C. C. Maffltt, President ; Daniel Catlin, Vice- President ; Don Mc'N. Palmer, Superintendent, and W. A. Eam say, Secretary and Treasurer. The company own 38 acres of ground, mostly covered with shedded pens. The butchers' supply for 500,000 people of the City of St.Louis is obtained from these yards. The horse and mule market of St. Louis — the largest market in the world — must necessarily soon be centered at the Union Yards, as the present locality is being closely encroached upon, and will soon have to be removed north to the Union Yards. GRAIN. The grain receipts of the past year were quite satisfactory, showing a gratifying increase over the previous year. The comparative receipts for the years named were as follows : 1887. 1886. Wheat, bushels 14,510,315 12,309,364 Corn " 16,576,386 16,387,071 Oats " 9,768,545 7,426,915 Eye " 236,726 447,842 Barley " 2,932,192 2,529,731 Total •• 44,024,164 39,100,923 Receipts at the primary western markets for the past two years compare as follows : 1886. 1887. St. Louis 12,309,364 14,510,315 bushels Chicago 16,771,743 21,848,251 Milwauliee 8,444,697 9,221,691 Peoria 486,385 1,138,975 St. Paul 4,819,170 4,819,170 Minneapolis 34,904,260 45,504,480 Duluth 22,424,950 17,136,275 Detroit 9,187,021 7,513,136 Kansas City 2,881,132 1,932,868 Toledo 16,978,818 14,377,841 214 COMMERCIAL AND The corn crop of 1887 as reported by the department of agri culture was 1,466,161,000 bushels, the smallest crop harvested since 1881. The yield per acre was 20.1 bushels against 22 bushels for the crop of 1886. The crops of great corn growing States compares with former years as follows : 1887, bus. 1886, bns. 1885, bus. 1884, btis. Indiana 71,400,000 118,795,000 131,994,000 104,757,000 Illinois 141,080,000 209,818,000 268,998,000 244,544,000 Iowa 183,502,000 198,847,000 242,496,000 252,600,000 Missouri . . 140,949,000 143,709,000 196,861,000 197,850,000 Kansas — 76,547,000 126,712,000 158,390,000 168,600,000 Nebraslia. . 93,150,000 106,129,000 129,426,000 122,100,000 ELEVATORS. The Merchants' Elevator, an illustration of which is here Merchants' Eiuvjitor. — D. P. Slattery, Pres. presented, was commenced in the spring of 1885 and was origin ally designed to hold 350,000 bushels, but one addition after an other has been added so that to-day its storage capacity is 1, 300^000 bushels. It is built in sections, the machinery of which can be shut off from the main house and allowed to remain architectural ST. LOUIS. 215 idle during the working of the main part. Economy of the high est value is displayed in^this as well as in the fact that it owns and controls its own Electric Light Plant, the lights of which can be shut off instantly from any part of the house not working. To say that this Elevator is the completest building of the kind in the world goes without saying, and is fully proved by the fact that it is rated by underwriters at a far lower rate than any other elevator in St. Louis. FLOUR. St. Louis, with the great south and west tributary to her and lying in the immediate district of the great grain growing sections of the United States, is naturally a large supply depot for flour, most of the south and southwest and all of the south looking here for their breadstuffs. This city has long held the second rank as a flour producing city, only one other leading in the quantity produced, but she has always held the highest rank for the quality produced. St. Louis however does not depend alone on the demand of this country for the sale of her products in this line, as much of it goes abroad. The quality of the wheat handled by the milling concerns here has a great deal to do with the grade of the flour. It has long been understood in grain and flour circles that the St. Louis millers will have nothing but high grade and perfectly cured grain and this fact has given St. Louis flour a high reputation which the millers here strive to and do maintain. AMOUNT OF FLOUR MANUFACTDRED IN VARIOUS CITIES. 1887. 1886. 1885. Bbls. Bbls. Bbls. Minneapolis 6,379,264 6,168,000 5,221,243 St. Louis 1,985,717 1,807,956 1,841,529 Baltimore 496,244 540,567 526,992 St. Paul 316,000 194,500 225,000 Philadelphia 240,000 Milwaukee 1,214,648 960,000 961,152 Buffalo 637,885 706,384 762,862 216 COMMERCIAL AND 1887. 1886. 1886. Bbls. Bbls. Bbls. Richmond ¦¦ 264,712 412,000 Toledo •¦¦¦ 305,000 310,000 Detroit 253,000 296,500 255,500 Chicago 514,870 494,789 Duluth .••• 40,000 10,000 Kansas City 165,000 Peoria 105,600 The cut here shows one of the leading mills of the city. The Regina Flour Mills. — -The plant is situated at the cross ing of the St. Louis, Iron Mountain & South ern R. R. and of the Missouri Paciflc R. R., and near the steamer docks. The dailj^ ca pacity of these mills is 1,200 barrels, and the construction and equip- lent has secured for :the name of the Model Mill of St.Louis. Ihe offlces of the mills are 601 to 623 South Main street, adjoining the mills, and the ol- Regina Flour Mills. ficers of the company are: Louis Fusz, President; Geo. H. Backer, Secretary. WHITE LEAD AND OILS. In this line of manufacture St. Louis leads all other cities. The lead mines of Missouri produce the pig lead, and St. Louis being the chief city of the State, consequently the large manu facturing establishments devoted to white lead production located in St. Louis. There are three of these whose product is scat- ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 217 tered perhaps more generally throughout the United States than any other of our large manufactories. White lead is used in every section of country and the St. Louis white lead has gained such a reputation that it finds ready market in all directions. 1887. BAGGING MANUFACTDRED. 15,000,000 yards. | 1886 16,000,000 yards- HIGHWINES AND 'WHISKIES. Receipts Highwines and Whiskies. Shipments Whisky. 1887 63,972 bbls. I 1887 99,290 bbls. 1886 ¦. 60,133 " I 1886 99,087 " RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS OF SUGAR. TEAR. Hhds. Bbls. Boxes. Bags. Hhds. Bbls. Bags. 1887 1886 6,590 32,887 316,231 242,075 1,669 792 11,942 105,580 616771 268,286330,349 1,8892,463 RECEIPTS ASD SHIPMENTS OP MOLASSES, COFFEE AND RICE. MOLASSES. COFFEE. RICE. TEARS. RECEIPTS. SHIPMENTS. REO'TS. SHIP'TS REO'TS. SHIP'TS Bbls. Kegs. Hhds. Bbls. Kegs. Bags. Bags. Sks.&bls Pkgs. 1887 ... 1886 ... .30,89527,720 19,580 3,281 1 36,61124,141 24,343 18,810 184,312240,685 212,819 205,136 79,60472,079 50,633 41,671 ST. LOUIS SUGAR REFINING COMPANY. This company is one of the representative sugar refining con cerns in the United States and own a plant here the equal of, if not the superior, to any of these giant structures. It is located on north Main street, having a frontage of 137 feet with a depth along Ashley street to the north levee of 290 feet, 13 stories high. The foundation is on a solid rock base tbe stone having been quarried to a depth of 24 feet below the street level. One of the finest flowing artesian wells in tbe country is located on the plant, 218 COMMERCIAL AND sS IS] SS] es] US] ts SS] (& m G (ter 1^ (s PJ e Sd «s] (ja issa f« jEi (B$ Ml'3'''^C f g ^ « ©1 iE^ j?!g («§i -fe) (j^ ijg ia (S^i '¦' '"'" " ' * * . ^ fS ^ « iS JH ^ S & ifef « ijrt ! J « ^ (rt jsi (}g e (ja isa « (iiai 1^ (^^ jd e 0 o^ (jai «a « ES] « 9 w I ^\ a m^ I ' 1 ' Ki!. * I .i^ the watei baving been known to St. Louis people for a great number of years as "Belcher's Water." The raw sugars are ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 219' converted into the various styles of strictly pure cane sugars and syrups which have an established reputation for their excellence, and are then sold throughout the whole country. The offices of the company are at 204 North 2d street. Mr. W. L. Scott is president and Mr. W. F. Havemeyer secretary. PIRE CLAY AND PRODUCTS. The Missouri deposits of flre clay, or in more exact terms the St.. Louis deposits for the whole industry lies within a stone's throw from the southwestern limits of the city — are considered the best in the world. The following comparative analysis shows the compo sition of the different fire clay deposits, from which it will be seen that those elements most essential to a tractable fire clay to wit, silica and alumina exist to a greater extent in the St. Louis clay than in any other, while those elements deleterious show to a less degree. There are a number of monster concerns here, mag nificently equipped with all the improved or requisite machinery for producing fire brick, furnace linings, crucibles, glass pots, gas retorts, hollow fire proofing, sewer pipe, drain tiles and all the vitrified products of fire clay, whether for city, railroad or agricultural purposes. Analysis. English. &erman. St. Louis. Silica 63.03 48.79 63.25 Alumina 23.03 28.50 23.20 Oxide of iron 1.92 4.20 1.75 Magnesia 20 .45 .06 Lime 14 .10 .09 Soda -06 .08 Potash 18 .22 .07 Hygroscopic water 2.10 3.50 2.15 Water of composition with organic matter. 9.40 14.18 9.35 The glass works and iron furnaces of the country east, west and south use almost exclusively the heat resisting fire clay pro ducts for the St. Louis manufacturers. Evens & Howard. — Manufacturers of Fire Brick, Gas Retorts,. Sewer Pipe and other Fire Clay Goods. —This important manu- 220 COMMERCIAL AND facturing plant was established in 1856, when it gave emploj'ment to about twenty persons. By systematic, reliable and accurate methods in management together with the high standard adopted and followed in the manufactuie of its products ; it has steadily increased, until these works are about the largest in their line in the United States, and give employment at present to a large number of persons. ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 221 Of the flrst important materials in all successful metallurgical and manufacturing operations, a substantial fire-resisting material is one of the most necessary. They have developed at their works a bed of the finest quality of fire clay, so that their product, even the raw clay, has found a market in Boston, Philadelphia, Pittsburg, St. Paul, New Orleans California, Mexico and territory nearer at home. Par ticularly is their Missouri fire clay known to almost every glass manufacturer in the country. The product of no single fire clay industry is as well distributed as that from the locality of this plant. Their works, located at Howard Station, Missouri Pacific and St. Louis and San Fran cisco Railroads, are equipped with the best machinery, housed in substantial brick buildings, having switch tracks into the yards so that goods are carefully loaded into cars that go through to their destination without rehandling. Evens & Howard's Gas Retorts have been sold in Portland, Me., Philadelphia, St. Paul, New Orleans, Denver and the Pacific Coast, and their lining for blast furnaces, at Green Bay, Mich. , Alabama and California. Their Bessemer Tuyeres to Troy and Pittsburg, and their brick to almost every other city and section of this country, and to old Mexico, for lining all kinds of fur naces ; all shapes and sizes are made to suit the various plans. Independent ofthe furnace lining industry, but made partially of the same material, is the manufacture of clay pipes for drain age, which this factory has developed. They make them in sizes 3 to 24 inches inside diameter, in lengths of 2 feet each and in quantities of one mile per day. Recognizing the importance of complete drainage to the health and prosperity of any community, this company has perfected the manufacture of clay drainage pipes, for cities and farms, and culverts for large flow of water, so that this product, like their fire clay product, is known all over the West, even so far as San Diego, Cal., St. Paul and New Orleans. :222 COMMERCIAL AND LUMBER. St. Louis is most admirablj^ situated as regards the lumber dis- 'tricts of this country. With the Mississippi river to float the white pine from the northern forests and the same stream with its tribu taries south of this point, together with splendid railway service penetrating the yellow pine and hardwood districts of Arkansas this should be the largest general lumber market in the country. Then again there is so much local building and improvement and such a vast region west which is constantly filling up with new settlers and the old ones becoming each year more able to properly improve their farms and houses that St. Louis should be even a much greater market than she is to-day. The business in lumber and the products of lumber, such as sa&h, doors, bUnds and all lumber building material is growing strongly each year. There are more sash, door and blind factories in St. Louis than in any ¦city of its size in this country and their increasing output has grown to proportions quite satisfactory to the concerns engaged in the trade. The heavy increase in the demand for white pine lumber this spring, was caused by the stoppage of the mills north. Owing to high water they were unable for many weeks to cut a log, therefore there was no fresh supply and the dry stock in the yards found ready sale and at advanced prices, some stock being entirely exhausted ; laths, for instance, were not in stock sufficient for the demand. The following figures will show the amount of lumber received and shipped during 1886 and 1887: — St. Louis Lumberman : — The receipts of lumber by river at St. Louis for the years 1887 and 1886 were as below, accept ing the compilation of the harbor master and his staff: — 1887. 1886. White pine, ft 131,490,066 124,154,170 Tellow pine 113,000 73,790 Poplar 9,471,041 8,420,462 ¦Cottonwood 6,436,000 3,926,500 Cypress 239,100 200,757 :Sjcamore 250,500 271,000 ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 223 1887, . 1886. Ash 1,693,396 * 342,000 Walnut 1,169,617 884,300 Oalj 998,519 211,475 Gum 417,248 791,600 Maple 148,000 Hickory 2,500 13,500 Cherry 7,000 Totals, fl 152,435,987 139,288,654 Assuming 10,000 feet to be an average car load, the total re ceipts by rail were 409,640,000 feet. As the shipments were 344,424,000 feet, the statistical situation at the close of the year may be summarized in this way : 1887. 1888. Receipts 562,075,987 466,878,564 Shipments 314,434,000 234,619,000 Excess of receipts 217,641,987 231,259,554 In 1844 Messrs. Schulenburg & Boeckeler, engaged in the lumber business and the record showing their progress indicates a steady increase. In 1858, they handled 3,497,467 feet of lumber ; in 1859, 6,395,768 feet; in 1860, 8,783,525 feet; in 1880 the pre sent company was incorporated, the officers of which are A. Boeck eler, President; E. L. Hospes, V.-P.; Charles W. Behrens, Secretary, and L. C. Hirschberg, Treas. In 1880 their sales represented 45,000,000 feet; in 1881, 50,000,000 feet; in 1882, 48,000,000 feet; in 1883,51,000,000 feet; in 1884, 51,500,000 feet; in 1885, 52,500,000 feet; in 1886, 54,000,000 feet of lumber about 32,000,000 shingles and some 15,000,000 laths. These figures represent their sales only. The magnitude of their inter ests in lumber and the influence they exercise in the trade will be best understood by the following additional facts. They own large timber interests in the north, own and run their own tow boats, employ more than a thousand men and operate mills both in Minnesota and' St. Louis. Their St. Louis yards lie along the river front from North Market street, covering an area of more 224 COMJIERCIAL AND than 30.acres and their new offices are in the midst of this plant, corner Hall street and St. Louis avenue. John J. Ganahl Lumber Co. —This business was established in 1863 under the name of Fleitz & Ganahl. The continued growth of the business, which has been commensurate with the progress of the city, necessitated the formation of a company, which was done in 1881 as the John J. Ganahl Lumber Company,' with a paid up capital of $100,000 In addition to a hea^y stock of flnely assoited white pme which the compqny recenes monthly John .J. Ganahl Lumber Co.'s Jlaiu Yards. by raft from the mills in Wisconsin, they may make a specialty of yellow pine timbers, joist and finishing lumber and in connec tion with other hard wood they handle large quanities of poplar, cypress and California red wood. Their sash, door, Wind and moulding business is very heavy and they carry at all times a large stock, enabling them to furnish everything in their line for building purposes, promptly. There are few business men in the city better known or that hold a higher place in the estimation of their fellow-citizens than Mr John J. Ganahl. The principal offlce of the company is in their new building erected for offlce purposes, at the corner of 2d and Park avenue. The officers of the company are John J. Ganahl, Pres. ; Fidel Ganahl, V.-P., and Louis J. Ganahl, Secretary. ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 225 Knapp, Stodt & Co. Company. — This immense lumber concern have their St. Louis yards in the north end along Bremen avenue, the Wabash R. R. tracks, with an eastern line fronting on the Mis sissippi river, altogether covering an area of some 40 acres in ex tent. The company float immense rafts from their northern mills to their plant in this market, which they sell throughout the whole territory tributary to St. Louis. Being one of the largest lumber handlers in the country, this company has exerted a great influ ence in making this market a depot for distribution and of exten sive sale. Their offlces are located on Bremen avenue, and the officers of the company are John H. Knapp, President; A. Tani- tcr, V.-P. ; T. B. Wilson, sec. ; H. E. Knapp, ast. seo. ; T. D. Stout, ast. treasurer, and John H. Douglass, Treasurer. PhILIBERT & JOHANNING MANUFACTURING COMPANY. In 1837 Mr. Benjamin Philibert, now deceased, laid the foundation for Philibert & Johanning Manufacturing Co. what has become one of the largest and most important manufac turing Industries in St. Louis. In 1874 he admitted Mr. Johan ning, the flrm then being Philibert & Johanning. In 1882 the present corporation was formed, and so extensive has their busi ness become that throughout the building trade of the whole ter io 226 COMMERCIAL AND ritory tributary to this market they ship the products of their works. These consist of sash, doors, blinds, frames, glazed win dows, mouldings, stair railings, balusters, newel posts, in fact all the lumber work used in the construction of buildings, including laths and shingles. Their manufacturing plant and offlce is lo. cated on Market street, west of Fifteenth, and is a brick building 225x140 feet, 3 stories high, equipped with every grade of modern machinery best adapted to their purposes. Besides this plant thej' have large yards and warehouses at Seventeenth and Market streets and also at Eighteenth and Walnut streets. One feature of their business is worthy of special note, and that is, the high reputation they sustain among builders, architects and owners for the superior class of work turned out from their factory at all times. The officers of the company are : J. H. Kaiser, President ; Herman Kunz, Secretary and Treasurer. Methodt & Meyer. — This well known firm of lumber merchants was established here in 1870 having since dealt extensively in hard and fancy woods and in former years were very heavy shippers of these woods to Europe. Of late years their principal business has been that of white pine in which they have built up a large city and shipping trade. They handle about 20,000,000 feet of lumber annually, two-thirds of which is white pine. This firm were the introducers to this market of Florida long leaf pine, a class of timber of great durability and of immense length ; they furnished 2,000,000 feet of these long timbers for the construc tion of the great St. Louis Bridge. They have an immense plant lying along the north river front with railway and steamer ship ping facilities commensurate with their large trade. Their down town offices are in the Temple building, Broadway and Walnut streets. HuTTiG Sash and Door Company. — We show in this connection an illustration of the warehouse of the Huttig Sash and Door Company, Main and Dock streets. This substantial and repre sentative house, recognized as one of the most prominent and prosperous in its line in the West, was established in this city in 1885. The parent house is at Muscatine, la., where it was estab lished twenty years ago by the firm of Huttig Bros., and is now ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 227 228 COMMERCIAL AND doing a heavy business as the Huttig Bros. Manufacturing Company. They have also a house, established flve years ago, at Kansas City, where the style of the company is the Western Sash and Door Company. Another branch house has just been established at St. Joseph, Mo. From St. Louis the company has a very heavy and constantly increasing trade in all the country tributary to this market. Their warehouse covers half a block, is a hand- s o m e and substantial brick structure and is completely stocked with sash, doors, blinds, mold ings, stair work, etc. Their factory, covering half a block at Tenth and Mullanphy streets, isa late acquisition, and is used for the manufacture of special sizes of sash, doors and blinds, interior flnish and fancy work of this description, the stock work being supplied from the Muscatine factory. In mechanical equipment and every convenience and accessory calculated t o facilitate their business operations, they have no superior in the country, and their product is known to the lumber trade of the Northwest, West and South for its superior workmanship. Railway tracks, convenient to both warehouse and factory, give them first-class facilities for handling ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 229 and shipment and enable them to flll all orders with dispatch. Sound judgment and intelligent methods of management, com bined with the utmost finaneial stability and an accurate knowl edge of the requirements of the trade, are prominent among the elements that have contributed to give this house its solid reputa tion and a steady expansion of trade from year to year. The officers of the company are Wm. Huttig, Jr., President; F. Huttig, treasurer ; C. F. W. Huttig, secretary ; C. H. Huttig, manager. Riddle, Rehbein & Co. , proprietors of the Mississippi Planing Mills ; manufacturers of doors, sash, blinds and packing boxes ; Riddle, Rehbein & Co.'s Mississippi Planing Mills. corner Thirteenth and O'Fallon streets. The planing mills shown in this cut are among the oldest estabUshed in St. Louis, having been purchased by Ladd, Patrick & Co., from Wade & Frost, iu 1859. Riddle, Rehbein & Co. (Geo. T. Riddle and Chas. Rehbein) succeeded to the business in 1878. They employ 150 men, with an average weekly pay-roll of $1,800, and consumed during 1887 over seven million five hundred thousand feet of lumber. In their sash, door and blind department they do not handle what is 230 COMMERCIAL AND called " stock work," but devote themselves exclusively to the manufacture of the better class of ordered work, mostly for city use, where their reputation for furnishing well seasoned lumber and superior workmanship is well known. Their box factory is the largest and contains the most complete set of machinery of any in the citj' ; and while they have a large city trade, they also ship large quantities " cut out " to all parts of the country, their books this year showing shipments to ptarties in Texas, Colorado, Nebraska, Missouri, Illinois, Louisiana, Michigan, Pennsjdvania and New Yorl;. Mr. Riddle was born and raised in St. Louis, and has been con tinuously employed in the lumber business since 1865, while Mr. Rehbein has been connected with this one mill since 1859, both therefore having the experience necessary to properly understand the business and serve the interests of their customers. H. Gaus & Sons Manufacturing Company. — H. Gaus, presi dent; F. J. Gaus, vice-president; Henry Gaus, Jr., secretary and H. Gaus & Sons Manufacturing Co. treasurer ; southeast corner Main and Clinton streets. This busi ness had its inception in a small planing mill started by Mr. Henry Gaus in 1863 at the corner of Sixteenth street and Cass avenue. Mr. Gaus, who had previously worked at his trade as a boxmaker, brought his practical experience to bear on his inde- ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 231 pendent venture, closely supervised all its operations, and saw its trade steadily grow as the result of his careful management. He trained his sons in his own ways of industry and usefulness, and in 1879 Henry Gaus, Jr., becanie his father's partner, the factory having then become by additions 75x150 feet and three stories high. In 1884 the mill was destroyed by fire, but with character istic determination the firm replaced it by a larger one at the southeast corner of Main and Clinton streets. In 1885 Mr. F. J. Gaus, the younger son of Mr. Henry Gaus, Sr., having attained his majority, was given an interest in the business and the pres ent company was incorporated. The premises owned and occu pied by the company, which have been steadily added to as occasion required, now consist of two and three story factories covering an area of 240x325 feet with large lumber yards at tached. The factories are completely equipped with all the nec essary plant and machinery. The company manufacture doors, frames, sash, blinds, mouldings and general planing mill work, packing boxes, egg cases, chicken coops, berry trays, fruit boxes, etc. They employ from one hundred to one hundred and fifty hands according to the season, their large box manufacturing business requiring the almostconstantemployment of sixty of these. In all departments of their business they do a large trade in the city and the States tributary to it as a business center, and enjoy a pros perity which has been fairly earned by years of earnest effort. TOBACCO. St. Louis is the largest tobacco manufacturing city in the world. The principal reason why it is so lies in the fact that the city has the most central location and is therefore the best distributing field. Then again, St. Louis lies in the lap of the leaf tobacco producing section, not only of Missouri, but of Kentucky and Tennessee, the three great growers of the famous leaf, from which plug tobaccos are made. In the past ten years the farmers of Missouri have turned their attention somewhat to the cultiva tion of the " Burley " tobacco, consequently that leaf produced in 232 COMMERCIAL AND Missouri is quoted in the top notch in all markets. Besides plug tobacco St. Louis turns out enormous quantities of fine cut and smoking tobaccos. The leaf tobacco interest of Missouri is not as large as the manufacturing interests and resources of Missouri justify. With an output of 40,000,000 pounds in round numbers, from which the factories of .St. Louis should handle through its vvarehouses not less than 25 to 30 thousand hogsheads. For reasons best known to the Missouri planters, the crop for the past several years has aggregated less than half that number or an average of from 10 to 12 thousand hogsheads. Of this crop one-half to two-thirds was of old style or export varieties and was largely bought up by foreign buyers and forwarded without stopping on the St. Louis market. The principal part of the crop of this State is handled in St. Louis. It is received at the warehouses in hogsheads, weighed by the State inspector, then put upon the brakes. The case is stripped off and then the tobacco sampled, about 10 pounds being taken out wiiich is carefully boundintoa bundle and sealed, leav ing the leaves free and notes or warehouse receipts are issued for each package. It is then sold at public auction, after which it is recoopered and shipped out or stored as preferred by the pur chaser. RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS OF LEAF TOBACCO. Receipts. Shipments. 1887 37,592 hhds. 8,328 hhds. 1886 32,113 " 8,135 " 1885 31,481 " 8,183 " 1884 19,426 " 4,863 " MANUFACTURED TOBACCO. The amount on which tax was paid in the First Missouri Dis trict (of which St. Louis produces 96 per cent) was 40,284,676 lbs., representing a value of $15,000,000, against 32,448,936 lbs. in 1886, valued at $11,500,000. ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 233 The total output of the United States for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1887, was 199,937,743 lbs., of which the First Missouri District produced 34,057,743 lbs., equal to 17 per cent. The in crease over the year ending June 30, 1886, was 14,511,550 lbs., of which St. Louis produced some 30 per cent. The capital invested in this important branch of St. Louis com merce is in th^ neighborhood of $5,000,000, and the number of hands employed, 2,400 to 2,500, The amount of manufactured tobacco sold by the manufact urers here during the flrst four months of 1888 is represented as follows : KIND OF FIRM. TOBACCO. AMOUNT. Catlin Tobacco Company Fine cut 56,502i " " " Smolsing 1,101,073 Drummond Tobacco Co Plug 2,932, 330i Hills & Fritz. Smoking 134,337 Jas. G. Butler & Co Plug 414,674 " " Smoking 17,164 " " Fine cut 1,170 Liggett & Myers Tob. Co Plug 5,272,166 Miller & Worley Plug 83,557 0. Peper Plug 277,545 ¦' Smoking 68,953 Fine cut 4,005 Weisert Bros Smoking 94,425 '< " Fine cut 150 " " Snuff 8,100 Other factories Plug 15,000 " " Smoking 5,000 « n Snuff 2,500 Total four months 10,488,6511 The Evans Bros. Tobacco Warehouse Co. located on their present site in May, 1873. Having a frontage of 345 by 150 feet, one story, on Twelfth and Poplar streets, and a two story building on Eleventh and Poplar streets, 150x120 feet, giving an easy 234 commercial AND Storage capacity for 3,500 hogsheads at one time. From tbe smallest handlers of the weed of a few years since, they have grown to be the largest, hand ling double the amount of leaf last year than all other receivers. Their trade is not con fined to Missouri, but includes Kentucky, Virginia, North Caro lina, Tennessee Arkan sas and every other state where tobacco is grown. Drummond Tobacco Co. — This great in stitution to St. Louis was establ ished in Alton, 111. , where it did a large business and where the famous Horse Shoe brand of tobacco made by them had its origin. In 1879 the Company's busi ness had grown too large for so small a town as Alton, and too large for the premises they occupied there, consequently they were on the lookout for a more suitable location, ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 235 ¦'mm : 1 It,''. -.!¦*- jf^^ Drummond Tobacco Co.'s Buuaing. 236 COMMERCIAL AND finally selecting St. Louis and acquiring tho fine site at Fourth and Poplar streets, and this factory together with the plant at Alton, wiiich was kept running, was found inadequate to the demands upon them for their popular tobaccos. Therefore they were again forced to provide still more facilities, which they did by purchasing from the Sisters of Charity the block once occupied by them as the Sisters' Hospital. This block fronts on 4th, Sprace, Third and Almond streets and upon which the Company erected the finest and most substantial structure ever before used as a Tobacco Factory. The Factory proper has a front of 90 feet on 4th to a depth of 220 feet on .Spruce street, and is six stories high, affording the enormous capacity of 00,000 pounds of plug tobacco daily, which requires an army of people to handle. WHOLESALE DRUGS. This is anijther line of business in which St. Louis leads any other one market in the country. With a capital of some $4,000,000 invested directly in wholesale drugs, the total yearly transactions of the following wholesale houses will reach some thing over 310,000,000. Meyer Bros. & Co., Richardson Drug Co., Geo. K. Hopkins & Co., J. S. Merrill Drug Co., Collins Bros. Drug Co., and Mellier Drug Co. — These firms have made .St. Louis a distribut ing-point for drugs from which the territory north to Manitoba, south to the city of Mexico, west to the Pacific ocean, and east through Ohio, is supplied. So extensive has the trade grown that to keep up with the demands, one of the largest houses — Meyer Bros. & Co. — have established extensive wholesale houses in other cities. They have one in Kansas City, one in Dallas, Texas, one in Fort Waj'ne, Indiana, besides a purchasing house in New York city. One feature of the wholesale business of St. Louis is worthy of note, and tbat is that, in all lines as well as drugs, a lai-ge capital is employed, the firms are extraordinarily substantial and there is enough of competition to make an active ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 237 market beneflcial to the purchaser. It must not be understood that the wholesalers constitute all of the drug trade of this city. There are four monster manufacturing chemical companies who employ a capital of at least $4,000,000, producing an output of about $10,000,000 yearly, which finds a market in Europe as well as in this country. COTTON. When the St. Louis Cotton Exchange became a thing of life under the leadership of men interested in the development of the cotton trade of St. Louis, the receipts of cotton at this market began to increase and have continued to grow larger each year as the cotton districts tributary to St. Louis find out the fact that this is generally the best market in the country on which to place the staple for sale. Then again the Factors of St. Louis, that is, the men who are engaged in the cotton business, handling the cotton for the planter or interior merchant, are regarded in busi ness, flnancial and cotton circles not onh' in this country, but in the marts of Europe, as better posted in cotton statistics, quality of staple and probable supply than any men engaged in the busi ness, north or south. They had to be ; for men taking hold of a line that was held by other markets and developing that line to proportions of magnitude for this market, which was considered out of the cotton belt, shows, to sa}' the least, energetic qualities that count largely for the city in which they are engaged in busi ness. The cotton interest of St. Louis is its best interest, and why? — first, the amount of cotton handled reaches enormous figures, these figures must be douoled, then 1-3 more added. For every bale of cotton sold in St. Louis there is shipped out its full proceeds in supplies of some kind' or another, besides which the planter or merchant-shipper will buy one-third if not one-half more than the amount of the proceeds of his shipment during the year, or his shipments to this market and purchases from it, will influence his neighbor merchant — though perchance a non-shipper — to also purchase his stocks of goods in this mar ket. The cotton trade of St. Louis is very little understood out- 238 COMMERCIAL AND side of cotton circles, and a few large jobbers v?ho are members of the cotton exchange, or that when a jobber or manufacturer receives an order through the cotton factor for goods to be shipped to a plantation or a merchant who forwards his cotton to the fac tor here, that that order is directly influenced by the cotton inter est, or in other terms, that if the cotton was not handled in St. Louis, the orders for goods would reach some other distributing point. Hence it is to the direct interest of all, the jobbers especially, to foster the cotton interests of St. Louis. GROSS RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS OP COTTON AT ST. LOUIS FOR THE 3 YEARS. YEAR. RECEIPTS. YEAR. SHIPMENTS. 1883-84 300,662 1883-84 303,732 Stock Sept. '83 4,568 Stock Sept. '84 1,512 305,250 305,250 1884-85 290,954 1884-85 290,857 Stock 1,512 Stock 1,609 292,466 292,466 1885-86 472,471 1885-86 464,156 Stook 1,609 Stock 9,924 474,080 474,080 GROSS RECEIPTS FOR PAST TWO YE.-\.RS. 1886-87 417,007 1887-88 507,596 These latter figures were cast on May 14th, 1888. WAREHOUSE OR NET RECEIPTS FOR THE PAST TEN YEARS. 1878-79 237,437 1882-83 304,300 1885-86 240,183 1 879-80 358, 124 1883-84 228,414 1886-87 258,234 1880-81 317,195 1884-85 203,584 1887-88 251,944 1881-82 259,157 To date May 14th, 1888. COMPRESSING COTTON. The St. Louis Cotton Compress Company, which may be taken as an exemplar of all three here — has a capital of $625,000, and its AliCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 239 main buildings, which are the largest of the kind in the country, are situated on the east side of the tracks of the St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern Railroad, between them and the river, and equally accessible to both. Besides these main buildings, they have extensive compresses at the west side of St. Louis, on the tracks of the St. Louis & San Francisco Railroad, and at East St. Louis alongside the St. Loui.'' & Texas Railway, at both of which 240 COMMERCIAL AND places there is space and facilities enough to enlarge the build ings to an almost indefinite extent. In consequence of this con venient accessibility to the lines of transportation, both rail and river, the cost of handling the bales — and this applies equalty to the other compresses — is very much less in this market than in others, where the cotton has to be unloaded from the cars, loaded onto wagons, and hauled greater or less distances, through all sorts of weather and exposed to all sorts of liability to injury from wet and dirt. This last point is of the utmost importance to the cotton-grower and shipper, and it is rapidly coming to be under stood among them that the cotton handled atthe St. Louis presses, when it reaches either New England or Liverpool, the point of consumption, commands a market at once in preference to all others, simply on account of the certainty that it is in the best possible condition. By this it is not meant to be said that this is the only point where cotton is handled in such fashion as to send perfect bales to the factories, but it is the only point tvhere all the bales handled are necessarily sent out in good condition. The storage warehouses, although adjacent to the river, are thoroughly well-ventilated, and so perfectly arranged that neither undue moisture can injure, nor excessive dryness reduce the weight of the cotton — no matter how long it remains on liand. The ofHcers of this company are : Wm. M. Senter, President ; Jerome Hill, Vice-President, and J. H. Reifsnj^der, Secretary and Treasurer. Hill, Fontaine & Co. — A review of the commercial interests of St. Louis, especially those of cotton, would not be complete without mention of this flrm. They have exerted an infiuence in making this city the cotton market she is and therefore are deserving of recognition in a work of this nature. The St. Louis house of Hill, Fontaine & Co. is exclusivelj' a cotton house, handling the staple directly for, and from the shipper to this market, while their other house, which is at Memphis, Tenn., are both wholesale grocers and cotton factors, the two constituting the largest hand lers of cotton in the United States. The receipts of cotton in St. Louis have gvown steadily each year, the gross amount handled ¦ ^J fc ^1&. : ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 241 showing a gain of about 100,000 bales for the past season, prov ing a statement made by Messrs. Hill, Fontaine & Co. to the effect that St. Louis was the most central and conveniently lo cated mart in the United States for handling cotton for both export and for American spinners. The intimate relations exist ing between this house and the cotton growers and shippers is such that they are enabled to report on the condition of the crop and its probable total production so accurately, that their state ments are regarded throughout commercial circles as the most reliable cotton index. Mr. Jerome Hill, the head ofthe St. Louis house, has done as much — putting it mildly — as any individual, to build up the cotton interest of this city, and has made his house the largest actual handlers of spinners' cotton in the United States. Senter & Co. — Cotton Factors and Commission Merchants ; northwest corner of Third and Walnut streets. — This house en joys a high reputation among St. Louis merchants, and all with whom it has dealings. The house was established in 1864 bj' the present members of the firm, who came to St. Louis from the South, where for many years they were prominent and successful business men. The firm at present is composed of Wm. M. Sen ter and W. T. Wilkins, and transacts a general commission busi ness in cotton, wool, hides, etc. The long experience ofthe mem bers of this firm, their extensive connections, and first-class facil ities give to them an advantage that is thoroughly appreciated by the cotton shippers. The house has large flnancial resources, and their prompt and liberal advances, quick sales and remittances have placed them to the front among the cotton factors of the country. COAL. The immense amount of manufacturing going on in St. Louis, supplemented with a heavy demand by the river and rail tonnage, makes this a large market for bituminous coal. In the near vi cinity of St. Louis there are deposits of coal of almost unlimited extent, some of which are of exceptional good quality. The total receipts for 1887 were 50,410,095 bushels of bituminous, 131,600 tons of hard coal and 175,550 tons of coke. i le 242 COMMERCIAL AND The Bryden Coal and Coke Co. — This is one of the most ex tensive coal mining companies and handlers of coal in the West. Its mines are located at Bryden in Jackson County, Southern Illi nois, upon the line of the Mobile and Ohio railroad, where the daily output runs from 20 to 25 cars. In addition it also handles the output of the mines at Percy, Rosborough and Sparta, as well as other mines in Jackson county. The company has an extensive coal depot at Chester, and does a large river trade, in addition to its great supply depot in St. Louis, from whence the West and South generally is supplied promptly and on through bills of lading to any section accessible by rail or water. The varieties of coal handled by the Bryden Coal and Coke Company are : the Bryden Block, Big Muddy and Illinois coal, and they are prepared to fill all orders, no matter how extensive, upon short notice and at the lowest possible figures. Mr. A. C. Bryden is the President of this company, and he is a gentleman thoroughly familiar with the great coal measures of Southern Illinois and one who is doing much for the development of that great resource. The company has oflSces in the Equitable Building, Sixth and Locust streets. The Bryden Coal and Coke Company's business has assumed mammoth proportions and is rapidly increasing, owing to the excellence of its coal as well as to its shrewd and careful management under the direction of its controlling spirit, Mr. A. C. Bryden, to whom belongs the credit of heaving developed the famous Big Muddy coal fleld. The com pany employs from 300 to 400 men the year around. Mr. Bryden also built the Grand Tower and Carbondale Railroad and was for a time its general manager. DRY GOODS— .WHOLESALE. The same reasons that make St. Louis a large distributing center in other lines holds good in the above line. But there are still additional features connected with wholesale dry goods that make St. Louis the best market in this country for the buying interior merchant. 1st. There being a greater number of large jobbing houses in St. Louis than in any other city, and the competition being so active and the rivalry for business so strong tha tthe ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 243 country merchant always has the beneflt of actual bottom prices. 2d. The number of houses engaged in the trade with their immense capital assures at all times a full and complete assortment to select from. 3d. Most of the desirable brands and styles of heavy cotton goods are manufactured South and are on sale in this market free oi freight charges. This feature and the aggressive policy of the St. Louis jobbers in invading other territory and the close prices at which they are compelled to sell goods forced the manu facturers of heavy cotton goods generally to lay them down here free of all freight charges. Therefore the country merchant buy ing here has this margin to his credit. Lastly — every country merchant when visiting a wholesale mart, or is approached by the commercial representative of that mart, prefers to buy all of his stocks from one place of shipment, and this he can do in St. Louis. From the very best information, tlie capital employed in St. Louis in wholesale dry goods aggregates $12,000,000 and the total sales reach fully $55,- 000,000. These figures convey a fuller review of the trade than would a volume of windy verbi age. In this con nection an illus tration and brief sketch is pre sented of some of the representative jobbers which will give the readers a fair idea of what St. Louis dry goods buildings are. Rice, Stix & Co. , a cut of whose mammoth building is here shown, established themselves in St. Louis during 1879 — from which time they have steadily increased the volume of their business. The house is one of the most conservative yet energetic in the wholesale dry goods line, and have always been aggressive in their policy Rice, Sti-x & Co., Broadway and St. Charles Street. 244 COMMERCIAL AND towards making this a commanding wholesale center. Holding the theory that if the trade of the smaller cities and towns came to St. Louis for dry goods, other lines would receive their share of the beneflts. Sam'l C. Davis & Co. — The accompanjing cut is a good repre- _ _ ^ _ — sentation of the ^ S^^jS^-iLllT " ^*!» monster iron .^ _ -«^^ --.4.Ii|TT:^3 building owned "¦^f^ and occupied by — tributary to St. J Louis they are f—^l ~ •(yell known and |!l.P^*-%^- *^^ it is also well "^ - —^ ^ known that like the other whole sale diy goods houses in St. Louis they carry immense stocks of all lines of goods that are in demand in the West, Soutli and Southwest. Sam'l C. Davis & Co. Ely-Walker Dry G.iods Co. ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 245 WHOLESALE CLOTHING. Until within the past few years St. Louis was not a great center in the hne of wholesale clothing, nor was there much clothing manufactured here. The large seats for this important line were monopolized by the East up to about 1870 or thereabouts, then the trade had grown so large in the West, that enterprising men looking for locations in the vicinity of this trade, built extensive plants and put large amounts of capital in the business in more westerly cities, — say Cincinnati and Chicago, these being the farthest west, until still other far-seeing men concluded to get into the heart of the great West, South and South west, into the actual field, where they could flnd out the precise wants of the trade and make clothing suitable for the sections named. This city being the seat of the greatest dry goods market, boot and shoe market, hat and cap market, hard ware market and so on, the merchants buying here would of course prefer to also buy their clothing here, consequently there were men of foresight who saw this, and they concluded to make St. Louis the western distribut ing point for clothing, so now the merchant buyer can flnd the wants of his trade, with flne stocks to select from, that are manufactured right here in St. Louis, equal to all the demands of his trade. When the great Schwab Clothing Company first established themselves in St. Louis, the clothing market was as has been said very insig nificant, they came with plenty of capital, backed by a long ex perience in the business, knew the wants of the sections tributary to this market, and went into the field to supply it with durable Schwab Clothing Co.. Eighth and Wiishington Ave. 246 COMMERCIAL AND outer garments. The skilled labor was not here, but this obstacle they easily overcame by securing all they wanted of the very best hands from among the best worlimen in New York, Cincinnati and Chicago, they alone having now in employ more than 5000 people, one shop of itself turning out complete over 500 coats a week. The compai»y's principal place of business is in the fine block of buildings at the corner of Eighth street and Washington avenue, of which thej' occupy the entire upper stories, with their otflces and salesrooms on the ground fioor ; besides this large block they have numerous small shops for manufacture in various parts of the city. Their trade is so extensive that it requires a large force of traveling men to reach it, and these drummers go throughout Illinois, Missouri, Arkansas, Texas, Kansas, Mississippi, Tennes see, all the territories and New Mexico. The Schwab Clothing Company is only one of the large clothing concerns in St. Louis, therefore with the trade represented by such manufacturing establishments the clothing buyer need to look no farther east, for all he wants in this line and of quality and style, equal to if not superior to that of an}' other market. BOOTS AND SHOES. The great west and south use annually more boots and shoes than all the remaining country. These sections of our country are agricultural and mining regions and the people engaged in these pursuits require substantial foot gear and plenty of it. St. Louis is the boot and shoe market for the most of this territorj', and the trade is growing rapidly. In the cities and towns throughout the regions above referred to there are more fine goods sold than in any section of this coun try with an equal population, and the manufacturers of St. Louis are meeting that demand. One of St. Louis' large jobbing flrms, who are also the most extensive manufacturers here, making a specialty of ladies', children's and misses' flne hand-sewed shoes. The capital employed in this hne in St. Louis in both jobbing and manufacturing is about $2,700,000, with an aggregate sale of more than $11,000,000. ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 247 Hamilton-Brown Shoe Co. — Since the establishment of this concern in this city the boot and shoe trade has increased more than 33 percent. The house commenced operations in 1872, and was incorporated January 1, 1884. They are manufacturers of ladies', misses' and children's shoes and employ in that department some four hundred or more skilled work people. Besides being large manufacturers they are heavy jobbers of men's and boys' boots and shoes and rubber goods. The flne block at 10th and Washington avenue occupied bj them is being suiiounded by other large whole salers in the various j.fc.rfs>»><, lines-, thus concentrat- i n g the wholesale trade to this vicinity. The high standing of the company, their liberal and progres sive business policy, ineluding their cash system of sales as well as the quality of their goods, has won for them a trade through out Indiana, Ilhnois, Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississippi, Georgia, Hamilton -Brown ^hoe Co., 10th and Washmgton Ave. Alabama, Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas, Kansas, Iowa, Nebraska, Colorado and New Mexico tbat aggregated 82,500,000 during 1887, which amount will be largely increased during the present year of 1888. Hats, Caps, Furs and Gloves, Wholesale — The amount of capital employed in this hne is about $1,500,000, the sales reach ing $4,500,000, and large full assorted stocks are carried by the different jobbing houses. No more noteworthy removal has taken place this year than that of the old and well known firm of Rothschild Bros., leading 248 COMMERCIAL AND wholesale dealers in hats, caps and straw goods. On the 1st of April this flrm removed to the magniflcent new eight story building, just completed, at 811 Washington avenue, one of the handsomest and best appointed business structures iu the cit)-. The new building is right in the heart of the wholesale district of Washington avenue where all the leading houses are fast con gregating. The house of Rothschild Bros., one of the oldest in its Hne in the west, was established in 1856, it has been in contin uous and successful existence for nearly a third of a century. A large corps of experienced travelers are ever on the road taking orders for the house. Rothschild Bros, are manufacturers of hats, caps and straw goods and dealers in furs, gloves and um brellas. Of these goods they carry an immense stock. They supply not only retailers but hundreds of jobbers, and themselves control the entire output of several factories. .MILLINERY. In wholesale millinery the trade is large and represented by several extensive houses who carry full and complete stocks. The capital invested is ample while the total sales run into the millions. Messrs. Rosenheim, Levis & Co, one of the largest houses, will move into their new and magniflcent building, 9th and Washington avenue, this season. GENTS' FURNISHING. A. Frankenthal & Brother, one of the largest flrms engaged in the manufacture of gentlemen's furnishing goods, will occupy the store next the corner. This flrm were for many years located at N. Main street, but their largely increased trade required more space and they removed to the block at 407 and 409 N. Broadway in 1878. Besides being large manufacturers of gen tlemen's furnishing goods of their own design and style, they are extensive jobbers, carrying a full and complete stock of all the leading goods of the line. In addition to the premises here they have factories located in other buildings employing constantly ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 249' some 150 hands, with a force of experienced traveling salesmen who visit the States of Illinois, Arkansas, Louisiana, Texas, Indian Territory, Colorado, Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, and the west and southwest generally. The total sales of this house alone is about $750,000, and of all the houses engaged iu the line the total will reach about $2,000,000. GROCERIES. The wholesale grocery trade of 'St. Louis is one of its large in terests, there being some seven to eight millions of capital invested in the business with a total business in 1887 of about $40,000,000. The house of David Nicholson, 13 and 15 South 6th st., was David Nicholson, Wholesale Grocer. estabhshed forty-flve years ago, in 1843, and is now the oldest house in its line in St. Louis. It was also the flrst house to import direct through the custom house here and is now the largest im porter of fancy groceries. From its excellent management it has 250 COMMERCIAL AND been a success from the start, the founder recognizing the fact that honest dealings was sure to bring successful trade, always kept the best that could be bought in his line. Some of its spe cialties are coffees, teas, clarets, champagnes, Scotch and Irish whiskies, castile soap, pure salad oils, etc., while in Bourbon and Rye whiskies they cannot be excelled. It is enough to be gaid in any circle that your whiskies or wines came from " Nicholson's." In addition to the above they are sole agent for the Anheuser Bottled Lager Beer and for Joseph Burnett & Co. 's extracts, manu factured at Boston, Mass. The sole agency for the United States and British America for the David Nicholson Liquid Bread also rests in this house. This is a substitute for all alcoholic drinks, and is used by invalids with the most beneflcial results, and as a stimulating beverage for nursing mothers. The preparation is commended as healthful, harmless and nutritious by the most eminent chemists in the United States, and is extensively sold throughout the country. AMERICAN WINE. The old world with its ancient notions and prejudices, once upon a time made claim to believe that it was the only possessor of the true process for making pure sparkling wine, and also that the people of the old world alone knew how to properly cultivate the grape. These old ancients -^ honest no doubt, — had never con ceived the idea that a new world was springing into being beyond the blue. Consequently when the daring of an American wine producer laid before their ancient eyes to be sipped over their ancient palates a sparkling nectar coming from they knew not where, their ancient notions were entirely upset, and these tasters, sippers and connoisseurs pronounced the product of the far away West the superior wine of the world, and so awarded. Anacreon's praise of the wines of ancient Greece were perhaps never equaled until George Augustus Sala penned the glorious ¦qualities of American wine. In 1859 Mr. Isaac Cook concluded to found an industry by •which he could carry out his theory, which was, that the grapes ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 251 of this country if properly handled would produce wines superior to those made anywhere else in the world. His theory and prac tice was correct, for at all the large European exhibitions his " Imperial Champagne " has been declared the highest premiums and its bouquette beyond imitation. The American Wine Com pany .of St. Louis continues the same processes of manufacture left by Mr. Isaac Cook, the founder, through his son Mr. D. G. Cook, who is the president of the company. It has grown to be American A^'ine Co.'s Plant, !>¦ G. Cook, Pres the leading concern of the kind in the United States and has spread the name of St. Louis and the fame of American wines throughout the civilized globe. An illustration of the plant here accompanies these few remarks, but the company have large plants located at Sandusky, Ohio, consisting of press-houses, wine cellars, etc. The wine vaults in this city are flfty feet deep, 100X200 feet area, with a storage capacity of 150,000 gallons and a corking capacity for 10,000 bottles daily. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. This is both a manufacturing and distributing point in these goods and is the second in rank as a distributing center, while the St. Louis manufacturers go as far afield as any agricultural im- 252 COMMERCIAL AND plement machines made, having a high reputation that is world wide. It is difflcult to estimate the total trade, but it reaches a very large sum, especially when the fact is considered that some of the large houses carry tremendous lines of vehicles, such as carriages, buggies, road carts, express wagons, sleighs etc., The exhibit building of Deere, Mansur, & Co. received flrst premium at St. Louis Fair 1885. Dimensions, 90x115 feet, con taining i acre floor space. Cost $5,000.00. The Company also Deere. Mansur A: Cu. s L.Kliiljit lUiildiug, Fair Groand.s. received flrst premium for best display of agi-icultural implements made in the United States, awarded in 1875, 1876, 1880, 1881, 1882, 1883, 1884 and 1886 to Deere, Mansur &'Co., 515 and 517 North Main street, St. Louis. In connection with the above cut, showing the new and elegant building recently erected by Deere, Mansur & Co., upon the grounds of the St. Louis Agricultural and Mechanical Associa tion, we desire to call attention briefly to some facts in connection with this firm's growth and business. ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 253 The firm of Deere, Mansur & Co., established in St. Louis in 1874, by Messrs. A. Mansur and L. B. Tebbetts, is the St. Louis branch of the John Deere Moline Plow Works, which was founded in 1847. The St. Louis house was established for the purpose of facilitating the company's business in Missouri, southern Illinois, Arkansas, Texas, and the great South and Southeast. In that teritory alone, an annual business is done of about one million dollars, requiring a corps of fifty employees, at an ex penditure for wages alone of between thirty and forty thousand dollars. The product of the Moline factories includes the celebrated John Deere Walking Plows, both steel and wood beam, the Deere Spring, Deere Parallel and Columbia Cultivators, Gilpin Sulky Plow, and the New Deal wheeled walking Plow, which has created a revolution in improved cultivating methods during the three years it has been before the public. The Deere Rotary Corn Planter, the Deere Wire Checkrower, also the Moline and Deere Stalk Cutter, together with a host of smaller cultivating tools and implements come also from the headquarters at Moline to be dis tributed here at St. Louis. In connection with the goods manufactured at Moline, Deere, Mansur & Co. control the above named territoiy and take the en tire product for it of some of the best knowu and largest manu- iacturing establishments of implements and farm machinery in the United States. Among the goods thus distributed are to be found the celebrated Mitchell Wagons, which for flfty years have been the "Monarchs of the Road" — -the Hoosier Drills, which are the most widely and favorably known and most extensively manufactured of any implement of this class, the Charter Oak Cane Mills and Sorgo machinery, etc. A very large part of the business at St. Louis is devoted to the manufacturing and handling of buggies, carriages and spring work and vehicles of all descriptions. This has grown in fact to be a mammoth business in itself, and as a result, has earned for this flrm the title of " Western Vehicle Headquarters." At their salesrooms. No. 515 North Main street, and at their three large 254 COMMERCIAL AND warehouses, they carry on hand constantly a supply of from 100 to 200 car loads of implements, vehicles and farm machinery of all kinds and descriptions. Merchants and dealers in plows, cultivators, planters, stalk cutters, buggies, farm wagons, sorghum mills and evaporators, hay rakes, corn shellers, feed cutters, corn and cob mills, fleld rollers, hay presses, fan mills and anything else in the line of farm machinery, will consult their interests by obtaining their merchandise from this house. The goods furnished are only of the best makes of their respective kinds, and the prosperity and reputation of the house has been built up on a liberal policy and a s'olid basis of fair dealing with everyone. Whit.man Agricultural Company. — Chas. E. Whitman, Pres ident; N. W. Perkins, Treasurer; H. L. Whitman, Secretary; R. M. Lane, Vice-President : Manufacturers of Hay Presses, Agricul tural Implements, etc. Clark Avenue and Eighth street. — Among the very large manufacturing concerns of the city, none enjoys a higher standing or more widespread reputation and patronage than the Whitman Agricultural Company. The business was established about twenty years ago, by Mr. Charles E. Whitman, who still remains at its head as President of the company, which was in corporated in 1880. The works, three stories in height, occupy an area of 300 feet on Eighth street, by 150 feet on Clark ave nue, also large buildings running through to Ninth street, making a floor space of over three acres. Their wood-working shops, machine shops, foundry and forge shops are completely fitted with machinery of the most modern and improved design, and all the necessary appliances for the successful prosecution of all the manufacturing details of the business. A force ranging from 200 to 300 men is employed in the manufacture of horse and steam power hay presses, lever horse powers of all sizes, railway or tread powers, sawing machines, feed mills, road scrapers, corn shellers, seed sowers, feed cutters, harrows, cider and wine mills, garden, coal, wood brick and mortar barrows, railway and ware house supphes, hose reels, lard and wine presses, revolving and side dump cars, iron and pork trucks, dry goods wagons, ware- ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUTS. 255 house trucks and wagons, baggage barrows, field and garden rollers, etc. The trade of the company extends to every part of the United States, Canada; Mexico, South America and Europe. The company takes especial pride in the superior workmanship of its goods, and the WhitmanHay Press has taken the honors wherever it has been exhibited,in compe tition with those of other mak ers. It took the flrst prize in 1880, 1881 and 1882, the gold med al in 1883, and silver medal i n 18 8 5, at the New York State Fairs ; the silver medal at Denver in 1884, and the first prize at the New Orleans World's Fair in 1885. During the years 1886 and 1887 it took- first prize at Dallas, Texas, State Fair; Buenos Ayres; flrst prize, gold medal. New England Fair at Bangor, Maine ; Nebraska State Fair ; Maine State Fair and at the North- 256 COMMERCIAL AND ern. Central and South American Exposition at New Orleans. Their hay presses have recentlj' been adopted officially by the French, Spanish and Portuguese governments. A new railway power with governor or speed regulator, has been placed upon the market the past season, which is pronounced by all who have seen it to be superior to aiything j-et invented. The company has unsurpassed facilities for carrying on all the details of the business, is managed with marked efficiency, is enterprising and progressive, and prepared to flll orders in the most prompt and satisfactory manner, its splendid record being a sufficient guar antee for all its goods. We present an illustration of the large machinery store of Moses P. Johnson which is located on the northwest corner of Second and Morgan streets. This house has been established for more than twenty J'ears, first, as the Owens, Lane & Dyer Machine Company and upon the death of the senior mem ber of that firm the business was purchased by Wm. S. Robert* Co., Mr. Robert having been a member of the old firm, and Mr. Johnson was the junior member of the new firm. At the death of Mr. Robert in 1886, the entire 'business was purchased by Mr. Johnson from the wife of deceased and is now sole proprietor. Ever since the earliest establishment of this house it has been known as the leading machinery firm of the city, and justly noted for fair and honorable dealing. Moses P. Johnson, 717 Norlh Second ^treel . ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 257 Mr. Johnson is comparatively a young man, was born in the State of Massachusetts and came West in 1872, was for many years connected with oue of the largest wholesale dry goods houses of this city. Upon associating himself with the machinery business, he was enabled to use the business knowledge so thor oughly acquired and was soon fully identified with the machinery trade. His salesroom and factory is the model machinery house of the city and carries in stock a full line of all styles of engines and boilers and manufactures a complete line of saw mills, gang edgers and in fact every kind of machinery used in the manufacturing of lumber. His trade extends to almost every State in the Union wherever lumber is manufactured and his name on machinery is recognized as a guarantee of its merit. Walter A. Wood Harvesting Machine Co. — The illustration on page opposite will give the reader an idea of the extent of the St. Louis plant of this great concern, but it would require several pages to illustrate their big plant at Hoosick Falls, N. Y. They there employ about 2,000 men, who average 240 days producing some 200 machines each day or a total of about 50,000 a year. The works are supplied with the best and most modern machin ery that can be had, arranged to economize time and labor, steam-heated and lighted by electricity and gas. The raw mate rials are flrst deposited in the appropriate wood-working and metal-working shops, passing then consecutively from one me chanic to another till at length the flnished parts of machines meet in the assembling-room to be put together as complete machines and shipped to aU parts of the world. The company have their own locomotives and branch railway connecting their premises with the main line of the Troy & Boston R. R. Walter A. Wood Harvesting Machines comprise : Two-horse enclosed gear mower, tilt bar, 4 ft. 3 in. cut ; two-horse enclosed gear mower, tilt bar, 4 ft. 6 in. cut ; two-horse enclosed gear mower, tilt bar, 5 ft cut ; two-horse enclosed gear mower, tilt bar, 6 ft. cut ; one-horse enclosed gear mower, tilt bar, 3 ft. 6 in. cut ; two-horse enclosed gear mower, without tilt, 4 ft. 3 in. cut ; two-horse enclosed gear mower, without tilt, 4 ft. 6 in cut; 17 258 COM.\IERCIAL AND manual delivery reaping attachment for 4 ft. 6 in. mower ; light steel-wheel harvester and binder, 5 ft. 6 in. cut ; light steel-wheel harvester and binder, 6 ft. 6 in. cut; steel bundle carrier attach ment for either size harvester and binder ; flax and clover attach ment for either size harvester; transport attachment for either size harvester and binder ; light enclosed gear reaper, 5 ft. 6 in. cut; junior sweep-rake reaper, 5 ft. cut; mowing attachment for sweep-rake reaper, 4 ft. 3 in. cut ; new horse hay rake, used with one horse or two horses at option. \Valter A. AVood Macliine Co. » Luildino, 2031 Randolph Street. TABULAR STATEMENT OE PRODUCTION AND SALE OF WALTER A. WOOD HARVESTING MACHINES FOR THIRTY FIA'E YEARS. 1853 500 1851...... 600 1855 1,200 1856 2,600 1857 3,800 1858 4,500 1859 5,500 ISfiO 6,000 1861 6,500 1862 5,500 1863 6,500 1864 7,500 1865 8,500 1866 10,500 18C7 11,500 1868 17,500 1869 23,000 1870 15,000 1871 15,771 1872 17,097 1873 20,715 1874 20,430 1875 23,507 1876 23,836 1877 19,071 1878 25,065 1879 24,920 1880 27,903 1881 40,413 1882 44,226 1883 45,032 1884 48,315 1885 42,151 1886 45,557 1887 51,87,5 Total... 672,4.-^4 ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 259 This magnificent result is proof incontestable of the supremacy of the machines that bear to all countries the name of Walter A. Wood, for it is success without any parallel. The St. Louis branch house under the raanagement of Mr. Frederick W. Drury has rapidly increased the western output. L. M. Rumsey Manfg. Co. — This concern was estabhshed in 1860 by L. M. and M. Rumsey, and was incorporated under its present style in 1880. The operations of the house after twenty- eight years of continued growth represent an annual business of some $4,500,000 and extend to every part of the United States, Canada, Mexico, Cuba ami South America. They have works L. M. Rnmeev Manufaccuriii.^ . = Plant. at Indianoplis, Ind., in addition to the plant here shown in the cut, covering two blocks on Morgan, Cherry, Second and Main streets with offices at 810 North Main. This entire plant is lighted by electric light furnished by dynamos owned b}' the company. The works here give employment to 150 mechanics in the manufacture of every description of agricultural implements, grist, feed, cider and cane mills, all kinds of screw presses, broom corn machines, over one thousand styles of pumps, and supplies the world with galvanized pump chains, made by a machine invented by Mr. L. M. Rumsey, which completes and fastens about one hundred links of chain per minute. In their lead 260 COMMERCIAL AND works the}' can turn out sheets of lead 8 by 50 feet from the thick ness of paper up to the heaviest in use. They carry full lines of fire engines, hose reels, trucks and all fire apparatus and firemen's supplies, hose, belting, packing, etc., and nearly everything requisite for building and supplj'ing railroads and manufacture and deal in all kinds of lead and iron pipes, and all fittings, tools and appliances for plumbers, gas, water and steam fltters, alli kinds of iron and wood working machinery, and every description of sup plies for foundries, machinists, blacksmiths, mills, wagon makers, miners and contractors. They also deal in hoisting engines, sta tionary and portable, boilers, lathes, planers, shapers, gear cut ters, flies, all kinds of bells, every description of metals, etc., this catalogue might be extended indefinitely. Only a faint idea of the immensity of the business can be compressed into a short description. The officers of the company are L. M. Rum sey, President ; M. Rumsey, Secretary ; A. M. Wood, Treasurer. GRANITE IRONWARE. The largest manufacturing plant in the world turning out Gran ite Iron Ware and kindred goods is located right here in St, Louis, at Cass Avenue and Second Street, it covering two blocks, a cut of which is here shown, together with a brief sketch of its history. In the fall of 1859, F. G. and W. F. Niedringhaus started in business together under the firm of Niedringhaus & Bro., in a room 25 by 50 feet. In 1862 they commenced making shallow- stamped ware, the demand for which soon compelled them to en large, and in 1864 the extent of their manufacturing capacity forced them to go on the market as manufacturers and jobbers of tinner's findings. In 1865 they began to make deep stamped ware, being at the time the second manufactory of its kind in the United States. About this time they were incorporated as the St. Louis Stamping Company. In the spring of 1873 they began to experi ment in the manufacture of enameled ware similar to that pro- ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 261 duced in Europe, which they mastered in a very short time. The house soon discovered, however, that goods suitable for the Eu ropean trade would not answei in the Lnited States and were at once con- vi n c e d that un less some thing su perior and entirely differentcould be made, enameled ware would never be come pop ular with the Amer ican peo ple. A series of experi- ments were made to the so lution 0 f the prob lem, which resultedinthe pr 0- duction ofthe Sist [)ieGe of j^ianite iionw.iic m the 10th ot April, 1874. Since then this ware has been received with favor wher ever introduced, not only in this country but in Europe, South America, Australia and other parts of the world. 262 COMMERCIAL AND The gr.anite coating of this ware is a highly vitrified glass, perfectly insoluble and impervious to the action of vegetable acids, and is fully equal in purity to earthenware or the finest porcelain.It is pre- f 6 r able, moreover, on account of its strength and dura- bility, ^ its light ^ weight, 9 uonbreak- _ able quali- " ties and ^^ being un- I injured in ^ appe ar- ^ a n c e 0 r " otherwise ^ by heat. J- -' The cheap ness and purity of these en- a m e 1 e d goods have given them an immense popularity and tiic dein uli, constantly enlargmg, both for home and export trade. The body of granite iron-ware is made of sheet-iron of a superior quaUty, which at one time was raanufactured only in ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 263 England. As the iron they obtained from England was not always up to the required standard, they decided to venture into the manufacturing of it themselves, notwithstanding the general declaration of sheet-iron manufacturers that it could not be made in this country. Accordingly, in 1870, they purchased five acres of land within a mile and a half of the Court House, and began the erection of a rolling mill, built after the style of the English tin-plate mills. Starting in the spring of 1870, and by persistent energy their efforts were soon rewarded in making the desired quality. The mill is of mammoth proportions, capable of producing 'twenty tons of sheet daily. The President of the company is Mr. F. G. Niedringhaus, and its Secretary, Mr. William F. Niedringhaus. The branch houses of the company are at No. 96 Beekman street. New York, and No. 15 Lake street, Chicago. The Pacific Oil Company are very extensive producers and manufa c- turers of lu- bricating,valve and railwayoils. They sup ply many of our large rail wa}'S and mines by the year on contract; , , Pacific Oil Co., 1626 Poplar Street. also brew eries, foundries, car-works and large factories generally. The company's most celebrated brands are " Paris Valve Oil," and "Kohinoor Car Grease," and these are standard goods in the entire western and southern market. The company's busi ness extends from Ohio on the east and far into Canada on the north, to the city of Mexico on the south, and the 264 COMMERCIAL AND Pacific Ocean on the west. To look after this vast trade more than a dozen commercial travelers are necessary. The company has agencies and depots at St. Paul, Minn., and Fort Scott, Kan sas. The success achieved by the Pacific Oil Co. in the last flf teen years is due to the energy and correct business methods of its officers, O. L. Mersman, president, and B. F. Parmalee, sec retary. The goods turned out and sold are always of the best quality and exactly as represented. PLATE AND WINDOW GLASS. This industry both as regards jobbing and manufacturing has increased here more that 100 per cent in the past flve years. With the building going on consequent upon the improvement of the west, south and southwest, together with the local de mand — by no means small — this trade must necessarily show very largely increased sales in the coming seasons ; the margins of proflt, however, are growing less as the compe tition in the line is fuUy de veloped. This applies to all grades of plate and window glass. A gratifying feature of the trade is a more general use of the flner grades of glass so that where formerly archi tects and owners only used sheet glass they now use plate glass finding it in the end F. A Drew Glass Co , Tth and St. Ch.irles. cheaper On aCCOUnt of ItS be auty and durability. In former times plate glass was principally used for show windows in store fronts, now, however, there is hardly a building, store, residence or otherwise, but has plate glass nearly throughout. ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 265 The F. A. Drew Glass Company, a cut of whose building is here shown, has been one of the greatest factors in developing the glass trade of St. Louis. This house has never failed to take ad vantage of any opportunity to not alone introduce their own goods, but to make St. Louis the western headquarters for glass of all kinds and to develop the taste for glass decoration in house ornamentation, both externally and internally. This company is one of the five large concerns — the others being in Chicago and New York — who take the entire output of the great Crystal Plate Glass Company, a concern of St. Louis, whose plate glass is acknowledged to be the flnest and clearest made in the United States. It will be noted that in many lines of manufactured goods besides glass, that St. Louis leads the country both in the quantity and the quality, which statement is no idle boast, but is demonstrated by facts and acknowledged by those familiar with the products. The Crystal Plate Glass Company. — About thirty miles south of St. Louis, on the main line of the St. Louis, Iron Moun tain and Southern Railway, is Crystal City, the home of plate- glass manufacture in the West. The works of the Crystal Plate Glass Company are located some distance from the station, but a small branch railway affords ready communication at all times. It is but a few years since it was the popular impression that plate glass could not be produced in this country, and that idea is but partially obhterated at the present time, while the facts are that much of the finest and largest plate glass now being used in the finest buildings in all our large cities is made in this country from native material, and is in every respect equal to that of foreign make. In the manufacture of glass of the very best quality the Crystal Plate Glass Company stands in advance of all others. The immense works of the company were commenced in 1872 by the American Plate Glass Company, with a capital stock of $250,000. In 1874 this was raised to $500,000, in 1880 to 1,000,- 000, an d in 1883 to $1,500,000. The machinery and engines consist of 5 melting furnaces (all. 266 COMMERCIAL AND gas), 94 annealing kilns, 22 circular grinders, 50 smoothers, 36 polishers, and 20 steam engines, together with complete outfits in the verv liest kin-'s of macliiiiist^i' lools and machinery for do ing the company's own work. The company's officers are : E. A. Hitchcock, Presi dent ; C. B. Burn- h a m, Vice-Presi dent; E.T.Allen, Secretary ; C. W. S Barnes, Treasurer, i and Geo. F. Neale, ^ Manager. The t directors are : 2 Carlos S. Greeley, 2 C.B. Burnham, H. 3 S. Piatt, Henry S Hitchcock, E. A. fr Hitchcock, John O'Fallon, W. L. Huse, Alvah Man- s u r and E. T. Allen. The Mississippi Glass Co., Main and Angelica streets occupies a field in glass mak ing peculiarly its own. Their manufactures consist principally -of glass known in the trade as rough and ribbed plate glass. Crown Disc, Cathedral and their own patent Ondoyant glass. The first is used largely in skj'lights, pannelings, etc., in fact wherever a strong glass is required. The latter three grades go into the decoration of windows, doors, car transoms, vesti- ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 267 bules or wherever an ornamental glass can be used. Their grounds cover several acres on which are a group of splendidly ar ranged buildings, furnaces, etc., all convenient to direct shipping facilities. The works employ some 250 hands constantly, and their products — which are equal to any produced in the world — are shipped throughout the whole United States. Mr. Edward Walsh, Jr., St. Louis, is President; Mr. E. W. Humphrey, New York, Vice President. Mississippi Glass Co.'s Works. HYDRAULIC-PRESS BRICK. The construction of buildings throughout the new cities west of the Alleghanies has developed to a greater extent perhaps than any other part of this country the qualities of the various clays serviceable for brick making purposes as well as the different stone deposits for building purposes. There is an almost unlimited supply of fine clay in and around St. Louis which is especially favorable to the requisites of that hard, smooth brick known as press-brick, and St. Louis people were not slow to see their worth nor to develop the brick manufacturing business. One concern alone in St. Louis, the St. Louis Hydraulic-Press Brick Co., 268 COMMERCIAL AND ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 269 have a capacity for turning out annually 60,000,000 bricks, which they sell throughout a territory including Ohio on the east to California on the west. An extract from the hiland Architect otx the subject of brick says : — "It is but a faw years since straight brick, smooth in face, with sharp corners, were sought; then uniformity of color was exacted, which led to the assorting of brick to upwards of a dozen shades. Then ornamental brick was called for by the architects, who saw that ornamentation could be obtained through properly designed and molded brick better than could be secured through the use of stone. ' ' The characteristics of the brick made by the St. Louis Hydraulic-Press Brick Co. are these : They are the strong est bricks made in the country, artiflcial colors are not used in their composition, they are troubled less with whitewash, they are homogeneous, and if carving is to be done the bricks can be earved as easily as stone. Brick making has become an art and draughtsmen are constantly emploj'ed getting up new designs that when the individual brick is laid, any special idea can be carried into effect. St. Louis Hydraulic-Press Brick Co. have five yards in St. Louis ; a cut of one only is shown. The offices of the com pany are in the Turner Building. Mr. E. C. Steriing is president and Mr. H. W. Eliot secretary. Besides the works here, the largest in the county, they have the Union Press Brick works, lo cated at King's Highway and Natural Bridge Road, with a capac ity of 43,000,000 bricks annually. E. C. Sterling is President of this company ; H. W. Ehot, Vice-President, and C. N. Simpkins, Secretary and Treasurer ; offlce, 304 N. 8th street. In addition to the St. Louis plants they have works at CoUinsville, III., the Illinois Hydrauhc-Press Brick Co., which company makes fine red pressed brick a specialty ; offlce, 304 N. 8th street ; E. C. Sterhng, President ; E. A. Hitchcock, Vice-President ; W. H. Eliot, Secre tary and Treasurer. Another large brick making company is the Findlay Hydraulic-Press Brick Co.'s plants. The works are at Toledo and Findlay, Ohio. The offleers of the company are E. C. Sterling, of St. Louis, President ; S. S. Kimball, of Chicago, Vice-President ; H. W. EUot, of St. Louis, Secretary and Treas- 270 COMMERCIAL AND urer, and M. W. Brookes, of Findlay, Ohio, Assistant Treasurer and Manager. Missouri Granite. — There is not a State in this great country that has the versatility of resource to be found in Missouri. Not only does the soil produce all the cereals and of the best possible quality, every variety of fruit and vintage, orchids, tobacco, cotton, hemp, silk, etc., but the mines in this State bear unlimited quantities of iron, lead and other metals while her quarries contain beds of granite, marble and other flne building stone unequaled anywhere else. It is only a few years ago that Maine had a monopoly of the granite production of the States, but Missouri has stepped into the field with granite quarries of unlimited extent and of a quality superior to all. -Just south of St. Louis are located the properties of the Syenite Granite Company of St. Louis. Their quarries lie a few miles from the liue of the St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern R. R., at Syenite, in St. Francois County, and at Graniteville, in Iron county. From the trunk line at Middlebrook Station the Syenite Granite Co. have built their own railroad, equipped it with locomotives, cars, etc., which connects with the quarries and works. The machinery required at these works is of gigantic and expensive construction for tbere are blocks of granite removed from their native beds weighing in many cases as high as fifty tons. One of the finest pieces of granite ever sent out from any quarry was that of a solid monumental shaft 42 feet long weighing 47 tons, which was sent from these quarries to Pittsfield, Mass. , and erected to the memory of the Hon. Thos. Allen. The beauty of the Missouri granite is beyond compare, so closely knit is it, and so hard that it is susceptible of polish even more smooth than glass. The durability of such a material is unquestioned and for building purposes, it is being sought after from every direction of the country. The finer buildings in Chicago have used it without stint, such as the Marshall Field building, the Rialto building, the " Rookery "• perhaps the finest office building in the United States, the Studebaker building, etc.. At Indianapolis the grand ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 271 272 CO.MMERCIAL AND Union Depot is constructed of this granite so are the flner build ings at Omaha and Kansas City. The Syenite Company in ad dition to tbe rough blocks of granite are sending polished columns to New York City, New Orleans aud to the whole west. It is used extensively in St. Louis, especially in the flner buildings, such as the new Odd Fellows Hall building, the new Mercantile Library building, the new Commercial building, the Liggett & Meyers block of buildings, the A. W. Fagin building, in the lower story and basement of the U. S. Custom House and Post- office, the Drummond Tobacco Go's, factory building, the Roe building, the Rosenheim building, and in Mr. Geo. W. Allen's residence. Grand and Washington avenues. STOVES. In this line St. Louis is a large producer, there being seven monster manufacturing concerns whose total output reaches many millions of dollars. Live and learn is a motto that is as true to-day as it was one hundred years ago, and it will be true a hundred years hence. Great merit is found in an article for a certain purpose, and, lo, in time a hundred other uses are found for the same thing. A visit to the display of stoves made by the Excelsior Manufac turing Company, of St. Louis, teaches something about wire gauze. It has been clearly demonstrated that very little heat will pass through wire gauze, and this discovery led the Excelsior Manu facturing Company to place wire gauze doors to the ovens of all Charter Oak cooking stoves. A most interesting experiment to determine the small quantities -of heat that will pass through wire gauze can be made by taking a piece of brass strainer cloth, a foot square, place one hand close to a flame, then draw the gauze between the flame and the hand ; it will be surprising to flnd how _ little heat will pass •through the gauze. An experiment that few will believe without trying is to place the wire gauze over a flame, allowing it to almost touch the 'burner. It will be found that the flame will spread and the wire (Ji)eB F. Filley, Pres. gxCBf-BiOE MANiJFApiiJKINfi COMPANy's WOEps. Cep. D.lDana, Sec, ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 273 become heated to a white heat, but the flame will not pass through it and the gauze will remain cool within an inch of the flame. At the works of the Excelsior Manufacturing Company, in St. Louis, a 4x5 feet wire gauze door is used instead of heavy iron doors, Hned with fire-brick. This door can be touched with the hand, and a large body of melted iron can be seen in side ; but the moment the doors are opened it is impossible to stand within ten feet of the opening. This is convincing evidence that heat will not pass through a wire gauze door, and estabHshes the claims of the Excelsior Manufacturing Company that a wire gauze door to an oven will not cool the oven. Experiments in the open air, when the thermometer registered 5° to 10° below zero, have proven that no more fuel is required then than for cooking in the house when the thermometer was 90° above zero. By placing these wire-gauze doors to the ovens of the Charter Oak stoves the Excelsior Manufacturing Company claim that 25 per cent is saved in the shrinkage of meats in cooking, and that a six-pound roast will weigh as much after being cooked in one of their Charter Oak stoves as an eight-pound roast cooked in a tight oven. The extremities of fowls remain tender and juicy, while if cooked in a tight oven they become dried up. There is no saving in the weight of bread and biscuits, but they come from the oven lighter and larger. Fuel is saved by requiring less heat for roast ing and baking. The Charter Oak is the oldest stove in the West, and the Ex celsior Manufacturing Company have the largest works in the West. Their capacity is 55 tons of iron per day, and if all of the Charter Oak stoves that were made last year were placed in a, line three feet apart, the line would reach from Louisville to St. Louis, a distance of 260 miles. This company makes the largest stove that is produced. It is 6 feet 11 inches long, and weighs 1,500 pounds. They make a full line of all kinds of stoves and heaters for coal and wood. The officers of the company are Mr. Giles F. Filley, President ; Mr. Chas. F. Filley, Vice-President; and Mr. Geo. D. Dana, Secretary. 18 274 COJIMERCIAL AND BREWING INDUSTRY. It may appear to some readers of this book that in giving the resources of the manufacturing interests of this city, that too large a claim is made for St. Louis, and that the figures generally are exaggerated. In no instance has this been done and Hke many of the other lines of manufactures or productions of St. Louis, the brewing is far ahead of any other city in the whole world. In this country every case of beer must bear the sign of the internal revenue department of the government, therefore the production is actually and correctly accounted for, while in the old country the pride of the brewers, together with their correct methods of business leaves no doubt that the statements of their production is correct. Consequently it is found from their statements and from the government reports here that St. Louis leads in beer production. If then this city produces the greater quantity, quality must have something to do with it, for people all over the world are too well informed generally, and especially with re gard to their beverages, not to know the difference between good and poor beer. There are twentj'-two brewing establishments in St. Louis whose combined capital reaches colossal figures, and they give employment to an army of people. A queer result of the temperance movement which has been ab sorbing the attention of the American people of late is given in the recent report of the secretary of the treasury. Notwithstand ing an estimated increase of 2,000,000 in the population during the past year, the secretary reports a falling off of $3,262,.944 in the revenue derived from whisky and other spirits, and this sum represents a decrease of 4,240,000 gallons in the quantity of spir its consumed in the country during the year ending with June last. The same treasury report which shows so decided a f alHng off in the consumption of spirits reveals an increase of $2,245,456 in the internal revenue collected last fiscal year upon beer and fermented liquors, the figures being $19,676,731 for 1886 and $21,- 922,187 for, 1887. This increase of revenue shows that thecoun try consumed 7,000,000 gallons more of beer in 1887 than in the ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 275 preceding year. This substitution of beer for liquors has been steadily going forward for some years. It is a gratifying evidence of a healthful movement toward greater sobriety, economy and self-control in the drinking habits of the people. In St. Louis, one of the principal centers of the beer trade, the breweries have been steadily increasing their output, which in the aggregate was never so large as it is to-day. Thousands of men find employ ment and millions of bushels of grain are annually consumed in the manufacture, and beer from St. Louis is sent in immense quantities throughout all the states and territories west of the lakes and to foreign countries. To supply the home and foreign demand for St. Louis beer 1,280,091 barrels or 39,682,821 gallons of beer were manufactured in 1886, and the totals for 1887 show a great increase upon these figures 1,383,361 barrels or 43,575,872 gallons the largest increase perhaps has been made by the Anheuser-Busch Brewing Associa tion's establishment, which, under the energetic management ot President Adolphus Busch, has risen from a comparatively insigni flcant position to that of the largest brewery in the world. The city's export trade in bottled beer dates from the introduction by Anheuser-Busch of the Pasteurizing process for the preservation of bottle beer. Previously this trade had been monopolized by Eu ropean breweries, but to-day there is hardly a country in the world where the superior excellence of the Anheuser-Busch bot tled beer is not known and appreciated. Though, properly dating only from the accession of President Busch in 1865, this estab hshment has outstripped the largest breweries of the Old World, its output in 1886 being 379,237 barrels against 363,017 barrels for the Spaten brewery of Munich, 348,600 barrels for the Dreher of Vienna and 235,950 for the Pschorr of Munich. In like man ner aU the great breweries of Milwaukee, New York and Philadel phia have been left behind. For the year ending on January 1st, 1888, its product was 456,511 barrels, and its sales now are at the rate of 500,000 barrels a year. The bottHng department is the largest in the world, and the output exceeds 25,000,000 bot tles a year. 276 COMMERCIAL AND The Anheuser-Busch Brewing Association employ over 1,200 men, consume 1,100,000 bushels of barley, over 700,000 lbs. of hops, use over 400,000 barrels and boxes, consume 500,000' ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 277 bushels of coal, requiring 1,500 cars to freight it, besides freight shipped and received which amounts to nearly 15,000 cars per year on which sum $1,000,000 is paid in charges. The meter shows 250,000,000 gallons of water used in beer making, cooling machines, washing cooperage, bottles, etc. They use 25,000 tons of ice for packing beer in cars, ship 2,000 full car loads of ice besides, and t cool the brewery by g the chemical refrig- h *-* CD e r ati n g machinery ^ .process. The ground § occupied by the brew- 2 ing, shipping depart- o ments, etc., covers V over 30 aeres, the s shipping and loading ^ tracks are some three & miles long, and they g pay out annually ¦=¦ over a half million of g dollars in wages p- alone. This in brief gives an idea of the importance of such an institution to the city and State. Green Tree Brewery Co. — This company is one of the old solid 'business concerns of St. Louis with a flnancial standing of the most excellent kind and a prosperous business career dating back to the very foundation of their plant, which was a very small affair when compared to the monster group of buildings consti- 278 COMMERCIAL AND tuting their present capacities. The buildings as seen in the cut cover two large blocks of ground with a brewing capacity of more than 100,000 barrels of beer and a malting capacity of 250,000 bushels. Besides the large home trade they have a splendid shipping business that is growing rapidly each year, mTijirairryr. — IbJIlLj. officers of Treasurer which is easily ac counted for, as their beers are of a uniform grade and superior '^ quality and the man- B agement of the com- g pany's business is g conducted on the most cs 5 liberal and progressive a plan. The company's, gspecial brews are z Standard" "Select" g Salvator" " Culm- ^ backer" and their I premium bottled beer >^ for export and family ¦S use, all of a superior S quality, being highly "o recommended for « purity and uniformity. D They do a large bot- S tling trade. The loca tion of their immense plant is at Sidney and Oth streets, and the Schlobsstein, President and the company ire Louis E. Henry Vordtriede, Secretary, and Henry Nico laus, Superintendent. Huse & Loomis Ice and Transportation Co. was established in Louis flrst in 1861 under the firm name of Huse, Loomis & Co. and has since that date been continually in the ice business in this ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 279 city changing from the firm to the corporate company in 1882. Wm. L. Huse is President, Luther Loomis, Vice-President and Treasurer. Their facilities for handling ice, both by barge loads and by car loads, are the very best. As they own their own steamboats and barges for water transportation and supply most of the ice dealers in the Mississippi valley with their supply of ice, being now the only ice dealers that ship to lower Mississippi points by barges. Their sources of supply are located in the upper Mississippi River and upper Ilhnois River, at Louisiana, Mo., Alton, III., Beards- Chester & Lcller Mannfictaring Co a Plint town. 111., Kingston Lake, III., Peoria, 111., and Clear Lake, III. At each of these points they have ice-houses storing from 15,- 000 tons to 80,000 tons, their total storage room exceeding 250,- 000 tons. They deal only in northern ice, not cutting any local ice. A large portion of their trade is supplying ice by car-load lots to dealers in Arkansas, Texas and other points south by railroad, having special advantages for filling such orders. Chester & Keller Mfg. Co., corner Main and Victor Streets, manufacturers of axe, pick, sledge and all kinds of hickory han dles, also wagon and buggy wood-work specialties, oak and hickory spokes, etc. The officers of this company are E. S. 280 COMMERCIAL AND Chester, President; Theo Tamm, Vice-President; and George Keller, Secretary and Treasurer, who have practical experience in this business and are familiar with all its details. Their large capital is concentrated upon the production of hickory handles and wood parts for wagons and buggies. By their combined efforts they have built up an Immense trade, com prising the leading local traffic and extending it to all parts of the United States and foreign countries. They give employment to over 250 hands and the products of this company are recognized as standard goods. This company is the only one of its kind in St. Louis and ranks highest as a western depot of supplies in this branch of the hard-wood business. Bemis Bro. Bag Company, a cut of whose building we present li imMW El |BfifmFr?Ii|'4-3r. P r 7 i t i i t ; I I ' . k F c I f fe a I h a 3 ^ t h a * ! M ra' ^" 8 s J t ; * i * ' " F m 7' » t i * * " e SM 1 Ji * " i mm lieniis Lio. Lag Co. here, are recognized leaders in their particular line in the United States. They commenced business in 1858 on North Main street, in a small room on the second floor ; from there they ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 281 moved to Commercial Alley, afterwards moving to Main street, where they occupied commodious premises until March, 1886. These becoming too small, they purchased their present site on Fourth and Poplar streets, fronting 126 feet on Fourth street, running back 126 feet on Poplar street. The building is six stories high, with basement under the entire building. This com pany have, besides their St. Louis house, branches in Boston, Minneapolis and Omaha. They manufacture bags for flour, meal, corn, bran, oats, salt, sugar, wool, in fact bags of every imag inable kind and shape used in all branches of business. The officers of the company are : J. M. Bemis, President ; J. G. Mar riott, Vice-President ; S. A. Bemis, Secretar}- and Treasurer. Architectural Iron. — The immense amount of building con stantly going on in a large city Hke St. Louis requires facilities for the production of the vast amount of iron work being used in the construction of these buildings. In this respect St. Louis is amply provided, the different works employing thousands of workmen and turning out every variety of iron work used for building or ornamental purposes. Schbrpe & KoKEN Architectural Iron Company. — Iron Works and Foundry, Park avenue. South Eighth and Barry streets. (John F. Scherpe, President and Treasurer ; WiUiam T. Koken, Vice-President and General Manager. ) Manufacturers of every description of iron work required in buildings and struc tures (from the stately modern office block, flre-proof , and towering twelve or fourteen stories in height to the unpretentious viUage store front). The management of this Company early recognized the important place of iron work in all modern architecture and from the start adapted their plant, with its many subsequent additions and improvements to the exclusive manufacture of that class of work on a large and economical scale ; and now their works are one of the largest and best equipped in that line west of the AUeghenies, and fully capable of meeting aU demands that may be made, in the way of prompt execution of orders and most satisfactory fulfillment of every requirement in contracts for 282 commercial AND beauty in ornamental and artistic finish as well as for strength and reliability of materials used. The business of this Company has steadily grown, till now its products may be seen in every State and Territory west to Cali fornia and south to Old Mexico, each and every one of them standing as a lasting tribute to the excellence of their work and showing also that their methods of doing business are being recog nized and appreciated. Their manufactures include store fronts, girders, lintels, caps, sills, balconies, verandas, fence railings, roof crestings, shutters aSSifks Scherpe A: Koiicn Architectural Iron Uu.'s Works. and doors, jail and vault work, stable fittings, gates, stairs, fire^ escapes, etc., etc., in an endless variety of styles. They also make a specialty of patent illuminating tiles (Hyatt's & Concrete) for sidewalk areas, skylights and floor lights, in short everything in the way of cast or wrought iron work, structural and orna mental, that is used for building of any description. Their valuable illustrated catalogue should be in the hands of every one interested in building, itis a very handsome cloth bound book containing much valuable imformation for the building trade, and is mailed free on application. St. Louis Shot Tower Company. — The fact that Missouri is. one of the principal States in the union containing vast lead de posits, it is but reasonable to suppose that the principal city in the State would be the manufacturing center for products from architectural ST. LOUIS. 283 lead. As early as 1835 a wooden tower was erected on the bluffs at Carondelet, known as Chouvin's Shot Tower. In 1846 the St. Louis Shot Tower Co.'s Plant. present company was established, which became incorporated in 1857. The tower which is shown in the accompanying cut is a 284 COMMERCIAL AND massive structure with a diameter of 31 feet at the base and 17 feet at the top, and the floor from which the casting is done is 176 ieet from the tank of water into which the shot fall. The build ings are located on Lewis street and cover one-fourth of a block. The offices of the company are at 100 North Main street ; Mr. G. W. Chadbourne is President and Mr. J. W. McLanahan, Secretary of the companj-. The products of the works include shot of any size and bar lead besides which the company are ex tensive dealers in pig lead. Ehret- Warren Manufacturing Co. — Successor to M. Ehret, Jr., & Co., St. Louis, and S. D. Warren & Co., St. Louis, and Kansas City, M. Ehret, Jr., & Co. were the largest coal tar distillers in the United States, and shipped more products of tar and prepared rooflng than any other dealers in the United States. They sold last year to manufacturers alone over five millions of feet of Black Diamond Roofing and to the trade generally about the same amount. S. D. Warren & Co. of St. Louis and Kansas City did a large manufacturing business in coal tar products such as tarred felt, rooflng felt, sheathing papers, paving and rooflng pitch, etc. Tbey were perhaps the largest felt, gravel and composition roofers in the West and have roofed many of the large ediflces as well as flre proof buildings in St. Louis and Kansas City as wellas surrounding country since 1848, at which time they were established iu St. Louis. A few among the thousands of buildings roofed by them in St. Louis might be mentioned the seven story building of Samuel C. Davis & Co., the eleven story Equitable building, the Merchants' Exchange, Southern Hotel, the Gay building, and Roe building, all seven to ten stories and costing from two hundred thousand to one million dollars. Warren's flre proof gravel roof is known by all the lead ing architects, builders and superintendents in the south and west and particularly so in St. Louis and Kansas City. The con solidation of this flrm with M. Ehret, Jr., & Co. was formed on the tenth of Februai-y, 1888, and was incorporated same date with a paid up capital of $150,000, under the incorporated name of Ehret-Warren Manufacturing Co. The officers of the com- ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 285- D. Warren, President ; W. E. Campe, Treasurer; pany are S. and Por- t er S. M arquis, Vice-Pres- ,- ident and gen eral manager. They manufacture roof- I ing felt and pitch, S! black dia mond pre- pared r 0 0 fi ng, , a s p h alt um, paints, sheathingfelts, roof- in g felt, b uilding papers, oils, etc., and with the com- bined plants in St. Louis and Kan sas City. Mo., they will have the largest and most extensive plants of the kind in the west. Additional im- Ehret- Warren ISIanufactnring Co. 286 COMMERCIAL AND provements will be made during the year, affording extensive facil ities for handling their large business which extends south to the gulf and west to the Pacific coast. Car load orders will be a spe cialty as well as making and applying their superior fire proof gravel and composition rooflng over the west and south. The new concern has consolidated their offlces at 113 North 8th street and are in a position to supply the trade on any product they manufacture at manufacturer's prices. This is one of the most solid concerns in the country and with their enterprise, experience and push they propose to do as they have in the past, excel in quality of goods and roofs as well as make the most prompt shipments an J' and every- where. JohnM. Sellers. — In the manufac- t u re of flre and waterproofroofs and roofingmaterials since he L,.Jrf' John M feellers Roohng Mauutactory. Mr. Sellers has occupied a leading position ever established this business, which was in 1850. In addition to a large force of men engaged in the manufacture of rooflng materials he keeps another force who are constantly employed in putting his gravel and composition rooflng on the buUdings throughout this city and surrounding territory. His business having grown so large he established a branch house in Kansas City and from the two he reaches the southwest generally, especially Kansas, Nebraska, Illinois and Missouri. His plant in St. Louis is located at 613 Chouteau avenue, on which it fronts 75 ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 287 feet with a depth of 200 feet to Papin street. His roofs cover many of the largest and flnest structures in this city and other cities, while the large railway companies and prominent brewing establishments almost invariably use it. VARNISHES. St. Louis is not only a large distributing point for varnishes, but there is quite an extensive manufacturing business done. The field to be covered from here is a wide one and the varnish job bers and manufacturers have succeeded in working it and in mak ing St. Louis the ~~ ^ western depot for these goods. The headquarters of Murphy & Coji- PANY, varnish mak ers, are at Newark, N. J. They have departments in New York City; Cleve land, Ohio ; Chica go, and St. Louis. The St. Louis de partment was opened in 1883 ; and having been burned out in Murphy Vamish Co.'s Building December of that year, the company purchased a lot) on the cor ner of South Fourth street and Clark avenue, and erected the handsome building shown in the cut. Murphy & Company make a specialty of high grade varnishes the best of care, skiU and materials are employed by them in producing their goods. Their varnishes have therefore acquired a reputation second to none in the world. They are aggressive and pushing in their business methods, and there is probably not a town in the United States of flve thousand or more inhabitants that does not have for its guest one of Murphy & Company's rep resentatives at least once or twice a year. 288 COMMERCIAL AND Few are aware how important a part varnish plays in the in dustries in this country: manufacturers of carriages, railway cars, wagons, furniture, agricultural implements, iron work, and many other articles, — all demand the services of the varnish maker in preparing special grades for their individual needs. The custom of flnishing offices, residences and public buUdings in natural wood, instead of painting and graining them in the old- fashioned way, originated in the eastern cities a few years ago, and is rapidly growing in popularity from Michigan to Texas. The demand thus created for a durable, hard-drying varnish, that will prevent the absorption of moisture and bring out all the lurking beauties of the natural grain of oak, cherry, walnut, ma ple, etc., was met by Murphy & Company by the invention of an article called Transparent Wood Finish, the secret of making which is known only to themselves. Many prominent buildings in St. Louis and elsewhere have had the beauty of their flxtures enhanced and preserved by this material, and it is no doubt the best article for this kind of work, yet produced. They have also made great improvements, in recent years, in their flne carriage varnishes ; their palest durable body varnish, for carriage flnish ing, having, in many trials, been found superior to imported Eng lish varnish in durabil- i ty and working qualities. The var nish factory of C. H. W. Well- p o T T was established in 18 6 9, since which time they have con- C. H. W. WeUpott Varnish Works. stantly increased their trade, so much so that they are about to ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 289 Lnngatras Dyeing & Cleaning Co. 1300 to 1310 and 1316 to 1318 Park are. build a large and commodious new factory. Their goods from the start were made in such a thorough manner that a customer once made was a customer for all time, this with the addition of new ones from year to year has made them the largest man ufacturers in their line in St. Louis. Their principal var nishes are furniture, chair and coach, al though they make all kinds. Their goods are to be found in all the territorj' tributary to St. Louis. The factory is located at 3217 and 3219 North Second street. Office, 3220 and 3222 North Broadway. Telephone number 3001. Lungstras' Dyeing & Cleaning Co., 1300 to 1310 and 1316 to 1318 Park avenue; city branch stores, gents' department, 105 North Sixth street; ladies' department, 107 North Sixth street and 2339 Franklin avenue. This immense establishment proper, as will be seen from the cut of the plant, is one of the largest concerns of the kind in the West and stands without a successful rival in any part of the coun try as to the character of work executed. In addition to the works at Park avenue, Linn and Thirteenth streets, the down town buildings and the other stores were necessary to assist in giving the company City stores : facilities f Or carrying on their large busi- LadTei'il'l;mV6thBt.ness. The company will, on appUcation, cheerfully forward pamphlets, directions and price lists. 19 290 COMMERCIAL AND The Central Type Foundry, cor. Fourth and Elm streets, justly claims to be the largest and best appointed foundry in the world. It occupies almost the entire immense building, which is fitted with every convenience that can be thought of. The Cen tral Type Foundry began business about ten years ago and has made a specialty of copper alloy metal type, a compound which is warranted to be by far the lightest and most durable of type metals. The immense business of the Central extends over the civilized world. They have agen cies in all the I principal cities of ^^ America, also .3^ agents in En- "gland, Germany, A II s t r alia, and the British pro- v i n c e 3. The Central has re- c e n 1 1 y bought the controlling i n t e r est in the Boston Type Foundry, the oldest and largest foundry in New England, and Central Type Foundry Buildin, with unlimited capacity and abundant means will long continue to occupy the foremost position among the makers of printers' material. The officers of the Central Type Foundry are C. Schraubstadter, President; J. A. St. John, Treasurer and Manager. B. Thalmann — St. Louis Printing Ink Works ; Mr. B. Thal- mann established his St. Louis Printing Ink Works in 1869, and has seen his enterprise grow until it ranks among the leading factories of its kind in the country. His office is at 210 Olive ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 291 street, and his spacious factory, 100x105 feet in dimensions, is at 2117 to 2121 Singleton street, but so extensive has his business become that he finds even these large premises inadequate, and is preparing to build additional manufacturing premises. The works on Singleton street are equipped with a 45 horse- power en gine, eight mills and all the latest improved machinery. Mr. Thalmann employs none but the most skilled labor, and carries on all the processes of printing ink manufacture, buying nothing but the raw oils and colors. Everything else is produced in the fac tory ; he has his own black room, makes his own lamp black, and manufactures lithographic, steel plate, book, job, news and all B. Thalmann Printing Ink Works. kinds of printing inks, black and colored, of highest grade. His patronage steadily increases from year to year and is very large, including, besides a heavy city business, a large trade in the States of Missouri, Arkansas, Texas, Louisiana, Alabama, Ten nessee, lUinois, Kansas, Colorado, Wyoming, Nebraska, Iowa, Minnesota and Wisconsin. This immense trade has been secured and retained by manufacturing superior goods and keeping them up to a uniform grade of merit, and by strictly attending to every detail of the business and applying correct principles to aU his transactions. The ink used in this book is from Mr. Thal mann' s factory. 292 COMMERCIAL AND Charles A. Drach & Co. — The cut here presented will appear in another place also as it contains two large establishments — that of the Globe-Democrat, the great morning daily Republican paper, and the firm named above. The firm of Chas. A. Drach & Co., was established in 1867 by Messrs. Strassburger & Drach and remained until 1882, since which time it has been conducted by Mr. Drach who is a thoroughly practical man in the line. He was engaged in the business at Cincinnati for ten years and at Chicago for four years be fore embarking in St. Louis now twenty-one years ago. There is an immense amount of eleetrotyping and stereotyping done in St. Louis from the fact that the work turned out by Chas. A. Drach & Co. of a much superior in similar establishments and on account of the rare promptness with which all orders entrusted to them are filled. This does not apply to St. Louis only, for notwithstanding the large business done by them in the city they do large orders from Chicago, Quincy and other Illinois towns, for Kansas City, St. Joe, and other Missouri towns, for Topeka, Leaven worth and other Kansas town^, DaUas, Fort Worth and other Texas points, Los Angeles, and other California places and generally throughout the West and South. In no department of art indus try has there been greater improvement made in the past two decades than in eleetrotyping and stereotyping and St. Louis ranks second to no city on the continent in the line. HBMHii|i{|Jxl'! IS of a much superi ^P-i Jin illl ll quality than can be had Clias. A. Drach & Co. architectural ST. LOUIS. 293 DRY PLATES. G. Cramer Dry Plate Works. — One of the most interesting manufacturing plants in the city is that of this company which is located on Shenandoah and Buena Vista streets. The accompany ing cut but poorly repre sents the mag nitude of the plant. In ad dition to t h e floors above ground there are two cellars, one below the other, each of which is equal in area to the whole of either floor above. It is here the fine work of preparing the plates goes on. So delicate and sensitive is the ¦ composition, that all the work must be done in almost total dark ness — just immediatelyin front of each operator there is a shaded light, or light re flected through red glass. So sensitive are these plates that they must remain in the workman's hands before this Hght only 294 COMMERCIAL AND the shortest possible time. There are some eighty skiUed men working in this way who only see the light of day after work ing hours. In providing air and pure ventilation without light, there is a flne system of air funnels that most thoroughly accomplishes the object. These plates are used by photographers, and this com pany has a business which extends throughout not only this coun try but into all foroio;n countries, as the "Cramer plates," are ^ known all over the civil- "^ ized world, as unap- ,^V^ preached in speed and fine working q u a I i t i e s. The glass used is required to be of the choicest se lections and of perfectly s t r a i g ht surface. The works are run by steam and haye engine house, boiler house, and dyna mo house, separate, while three fine springs supply ihe clear pure water which IS requisite in the prepa ralion of the chemicals used in the process of H. A. Hyatt, Sth and Locust. manufacture. The offlces of the company are on the main fioor and the remaining portion of the upper part of the building is divided -into systematically arranged departments under skilled hands for packing, labeling, storing and shipping. It is conceded to be the largest establish ment of the kind known, and is a credit alike to the city as also to its owner, Mr. G. Cramer. H. A. Hyatt. — Photographic Goods, Picture Frames, Mould ings, etc. ; Outfits for the Professional and Amateur Photographer a Specialty ; Northeast Corner of Eighth and Locust streets. — The original establishment of this house occurred in 1848, WiU- ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 295 iam H. Tilford being its founder. The flrm of GatcheU & Hyatt succeeded to the business in 1873 and continued until 1881, when Mr. Hyatt became sole proprietor. The business has steadily grown from year to year and now embraces, in addition to the heavy city patronage enjoyed by the house, a large trade in all the territory tributary to St. Louis as a business center. The premises occupied by the business embrace three floors of the building, 25x140 feet in area, at the northeast corner of Eighth and Locust streets. A very large stock and full lines are carried including picture frames in approved modern and antique de signs, mouldings in all styles and sizes, and a most complete as sortment of all classes of goods for the use of photographers. It is the largest house in its line in the city and few in the country can compare with it either in the extent of its stock or the volume of its business. CAR MANUFACTURING. St. Louis is most advantageously located in regard to the pro duction of cars for horse railways, cable lines, electric and other motor hnes, including narrow gauge coaches. At the center of a hard wood region of unsurpassed quality, with iron in abund ance and being the nearest large manufacturing city to the great west, south and southwest, St. Louis has greater facilities for the production and distribution of cars than any city in the country. There are three large manufactories here, who together turn out more cars yearly than any other city in the United States and that means in the world, for the old world knows nothing of building cars in large numbers for street ways. The St. Louis Car Com pany, whose plant is located convenient to shipping faciUties — 3023 North Broadway — had their large factory built especially for the purpose of car construction and equipped it with all the latest improved machinery, giving them a capacity of over 600 cars a year; they employ some 200 hands and make horse, cable, electric and all other motor cars and narrow gauge coaches, which they supply to street way lines from Chicago on the northeast to California on the west and throughout the whole south and south- 296 COMMERCIAL AND west. The cars of St. Louis make have gained a reputation for elegance of flnish and durability of construction that has caused their adoption more generally than those of any other manu factured. The officers of the St. Louis Car Company are : Daniel McAllister, President ; Julius Lefmann, Secretary and Treas urer; and P. M. Kling, Manager. PAlNTsTibP Hlliiiiiiuijigii t I IE ( 11 ECARCJ I i"J ; ^I ' jl Illili ''iiB^iP^r^^ ''•'" *?''! i""P Sfe^g::- St. Louis Car C'o.'.s Plant. Brownell & Wight Car Company. — F. B. Brownell, Presi dent; A. S. Partridge, Secretary; Manufacturers of Street Cars; 2300 Broadway. — This business was originally established in 1858, the present company being incorporated in 1875. The works cover half of two blocks at 2300 Broadway, and are fully and completely equipped with all the necessary machinery, plant and appliances for facilitating the efficient prosecution of the bus iness. Employment is given to a force ranging from one hundred and fifty to two hundred workmen. The company manufactures street cars and has established an unsurpassed reputation for the superior workmanship, finish and perfect mechanism of its cars, of which it turns ont from three hundred to four hundred per an num. ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 297 SADDLERY- WHOLESALE. There are eleven large concerns engaged in manufacturing sad dlery and harness and in handling saddlery hardware who employ a capital of about $3,500,000 with annual sales of more than $10,- 500,000 and these employ from 1,500 to 1,600 workmen. Besides these large factories there a number of smaller ones mak ing whips, coUars, and saddle trees and, by the way, this is the saddle tree market of the country as it is also the greatest center in the world in the manufacture and jobbing of sad dlery, harness and saddlery hardware. The manufacturers here have a better appreciation of the wants of this trade, which they have studied in all its peculiarities, this with the concen tration of immense capital in the busi ness has made St. Louis the saddlery market. The p. Haydens Saddlery Hard ware Co. was es- The P. Haydens Saddlery Hardware Co, tablished in 1830, and with their numerous branch houses consti tutes the largest concern of the kind in this or any other country. They maintain large houses besides St.Louis in the cities of Newark, N. J., Bloomfield, N. J., Auburn, N. Y., Detroit, Mich., Colum bus, O., Chicago, and Los Angeles, California. In these various establishments they manufacture saddles, harness, strap-work. 298 COMMERCIAL AND hames, chains, collars, and all the many varieties of Saddlery Hardware known in the trade. Their St. Louis factory is located on Seventeenth street, convenient to railway facilities of Mill Creek Valley, and their offices and warerooms are at 510 and 512 North Main street. Mr. C. H. 'Alien, Vice-President of the com pany, is the manager of the St. Louis house. Jacob Straus Saddlery Company. — Jacob Straus, President; Philip Costam, Vice-President; Adolph Sondheimer, Secretary and Treasurer ; Wholesale ,==_ Manufacturers of Saddlery, and Jobbers of Saddlery Hardware. This is one of the largest houses in America and occupy the mammoth five-story and base ment brick building 410, 412, 414 North Sixth street. The building is one of the finest and most imposing blocks on the street and has a frontage of 60 feet with a depth of 140 feet. The house was originaUy estab Hshed in 1856 by Jacob Straus, the President of the present corporation, and the business was incorporated in 1884 with a capital stock of $300,000. The company employs about five hundred men, and manu factures numerous specialties, among them Straus' patent halter, Straus' all leather flexible sad dle, and Straus' patent metal spring side saddle. Every portion of the United States and Canada is visited by the twenty repre sentatives of the flrm and a large business is done even in the Eastern cities of New York, Boston and PhUadelphia. Of late the house has sold extensively in Old Mexico. Leather Belting. — In every factory in the land belting is the Jacob Straus Saddlery Co. ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 299 necessary element conducting machinery and motive power. The kind of belting then is the question for the operators of ma chinery plants to decide. St. Louis has attained a world-wide rep utation in this line of manufacture through the Shultz process or shultz. Patent Fulled Leather Belting. — The process of manufac ture begins with selecting only green-salted butcher hides, and the butts only of- these are used for belting, the remainder being worked into sole leather. They are then put through the same process as oak tanned leather except that, instead of being tanned '/-^ !»¦ !K, -^^^ < ^-^ iS^ A' ^i ^ Shultz Belting Co.'s Works. through and through they are left in the vats only long enough to tan the surfaces, the interior remaining raw hide. The skins are then put through fulling machines and thoroughly worked for hours in oil, the result is a leather tanned on the surface and fulled inside, which makes it peculiarly soft and pUable and upon use be comes very smooth on the side next the pulley, which it hugs bet ter and transmits more power than any other belt made. The fact6ry of the company is an extensive one as will be seen from the cut. It contains the most modern machinery, including sev eral machines of Mr. Shultz' own invention and forms in itself 300 COMMERCIAL AND one of the most thriving and important manufacturing interests of St. Louis. Some of the belts made by this concern are enormous, fancy a 3 ply belt 36 inches wide, 160 feet long, weighing 1300 pounds and costing $1,500 ; such work and even greater is being done by the Shultz Belting Co. The products of the company are fulled leather belting, lace and Picker leather and their territory of sale includes all of the United States, Canada and theprincipal countries of Europe. Chair Manufacturing. — This line of manufacture is entirely distinct from that of furniture, and constitutes of itself a monster industry in St. Louis. There are several large fl stories here c 0 n s i sting of immense plants, buildings, yards for s e a so ned lumber, etc., etc., and whose products have made St. Louis known as a m a nuf acturing and distributing point in this special line of manufacture. Taking the three large concerns as a guide there is about 700,000 dollars of capital employed in the business, with a total output annually of a little in excess of that amount. The industiy gives employment to an average of seven hundred hands, including men, boys and girls, two of the three large factories employing some girls. The other large factory, the J. H. Conrades Chair Co., a cut of whose building is here pre sented by way of illustration, only employing males. The chair industry is well represented and the buyer in this line can find all the wants for his trade in St. Louis. lilt mil m J. H. Conrades Cliair Co., biTund and Tyler. ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 301 CARRIAGE MANUFACTURING. In times long ago the east was considered the only part of this country that had the facilities, skilled mechanics, materials, etc., with which to turn out a vehicle of superior quality or durability. Not so nowadays, the western manufacturers being in the fleldr and knowing the exact wants of the big- trade — that is the trade of the west — have completely cajDtured this business, and besides, with vehicles of unsurpassed flnish, style, and wearing qualities. St. Louis manufactures in this line are the equals of any produced and the demand for the home product is increasing rapidly every year. There is about $1,500,000 dollars invested here in the busi ness, with a yearly product of somc $2,500,000, givinij em p 1 o y m ent t" more than 800 me chanics. Jas. a. Wright & Sons Carriage Company was es tabUshed in 1847 by Mr. James A. Wright and from the commencement has gained in importance untU it occupies a leading position in the carriage manufacturing of the country. They have from the start made a specialty of the manufacture and repairing of flne carriages, etc., and in their splendid six story building, which has a floor space of over 100,000 square feet, they carry a complete stock of flnished coaches, landaus, barouches, surreys, wag onettes, T-carts, phaetons, road wagons, in fact everything in the line of pleasure vehicles of rare flnish and style. Their factory is a massive building 100 x 150 feet, at the corner of Washington avenue and 19th street, fully equipped, and gives employment to James A. Wright & Sons Carriage Co. 302 COMMERCIAL AND ' ""-r^ - fllll architectural ST. LOUIS. 303 fully supervising every detail, with the result that his goods are in demand in every part of the Union. He completed 4,500 jobs last year, and the indications are that 10,000 will be made during the present season. At the last Exposition his display, an auto matic exhibition of " Mary and Her Littl6 Lamb," attracted much attention as one of the most unique and perfect. He has earned a merited success by excelling in the quality of his goods, prompt filling of orders and fairness in his dealings. Haydock Brothers. — Wholesale carriage manufacturers, northwest corner of Chouteau Avenue aitd Third Street. This firm has made rapid strides in progress since its establish ment in 1878, and is to-day the largest establishment in the West, manufacturing buggies, phaetons, surreys, carriages, park and spring wagons, their works now occupy the entire block on Third Street, from Chouteau Avenue to Lombard Street, a distance of 300 feet, and has a frontage of 150 feet on each of the latter thoroughfares. In addition to the main factory the premises include an ad joining building on Chouteau Avenue. They also lease the large ware-room building, which covers the whole block on Broadway extending back to Sixth Street on Chouteau Avenue, which they utilize for storage of material, supplies, etc. , this firm has a most complete plant, ineluding all the most modern and improved machinery known to the manufacturers of vehicles, and gives steady employment to a force averaging about four hundred hands, and manufactures about (10,000) ten thousand vehicles annually. The work turned out at this establishment has a wide spread reputation for its superior quahty, the excellence of the material used, and the completeness of workmanship and beauty of finish, which is characteristic of every vehicle buUt at this factory. The flrm has, in addition to their present buUding, a new fac tory (see cut of building on opposite page), under process of erection, and a part of which is already completed and in use, located on Papin Street, extending from 13th to 14th Streets, six stories in height, and having a frontage on Papin Street of 325 304 COMMERCIAL AND feet by 85 feet on 14th Street and 135 feet on 13th. The area of the floors of this vast structure will foot up a total of 202,200 square feet, and the building will be, when completed, the largest carriage factory in the world, and will have a capacity for the manufacture of 100 vehicles per day. Mr. Wm. T. Haydock, sole proprietor of this business, has valuable business connections in Cincinnati, and is President of the T. T. Haydock Carriage Company of that city. He is a man of superior business attainments, and has demonstrated his ability by the success he has achieved. James Han ley commenced business for himself only a few years ago, but with a prac tical experience of many years before in the capacity of builder of fine and serviceable vehicles. He has lately oc cupied his new James Ilanlcy Carriage works. building 1901 and 1903 Pine street, which is fitted up with a special view to the manufacture of carriages, buggies, phaetons, surreys and spring-waggons. Making a specialty of vehicles whose serviceable qualities shall be equal to their elegant flnish and to the repairing and repainting department of the busi ness he has built up a splendid trade in the city and surrounding country. It is to such men that St. Louis is indebted for her manufacturing fame, they flrst master the details, then embark in a business which they are competent to push to successful issue. ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 305 BOILER MAKING. It is not generally understood to what an extent the manufacture of boilers is carried on in St. Louis. Many people imagine from the din made by the hundreds of hammers which are rapping away the whole day long that the men engaged are only making a beastly noise in putting some iron together and that for only a local trade. Such is a very erroneous impression however for in the flrst place it requires a deal of skill to properly rivet the heavy sheets of wrought iron together so that they will be air and steam tight and in the next place the finished work of the St. Louis boiler makers go far afield. The Rohan Bros. Boiler Manufacturing Company, one of the largest c o n- cerns of the kind in this country, make upon orders, b 0 i 1 e rs that are s h i p p ed thr 0 u ghout the States of Missouri, Southern Illi nois, Western EohanUros.' Boiler works. Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, Texas, Colorado, the West generally and to Mexico, besides which, illustrating the extent of their trade, they supplied the boiler work for the Une of steamers put in commission by the Russian government — 14 in all — at the time of the anticipated war between China and that government. A St. Louis house and St. Louis workmanship got the order over aU competition. The works of this company are located on CoUins and Carr sts., and have af rentage on the former of 225 feet, on the latter of 1 10 running 1 1 0 feet on Second st. That they have all the machinery necessary for the successful carrying on of the business goes without saying. 20 306 COMMERCIAL AND The officers of the company are Michael Rohan, President ; Philip Rohan, Secretary and Treasurer ; and John Rohan, Vice-President and Superintendent. Wm. Schotten & Co., direct importers, manufacturers of and dealers in teas, coffees, spices, etc. Offlce and sample rooms. 111 and 113 South Second st., St. Louis. The house, established in 1847, b}' Wm. Schotten, father of the present proprietors, Hubertus and Julius Schotten, has from small beginnings become the largest one of the kind in the West. Its present proprietors are young men, St. Louis boys, thoroughly imbued with the business instincts of young America. By keeping abreast with the times they have distanced all rivals and extended their trade over the West and South including the following States, Missouri, Illinois, Texas, Arkansas, Iowa and Nebraska. They carry a complete assorted stock of teas, coffees and spices and also grocer's sundries. Mr. Hubertus Schotten is the general manager while his brother Julius presides over its flnances. In addition to the above they have large store rooms at 7 and 9 North 2d st., and their manufactur ing department is equipped in the very best manner. Their capacity for coffee roasting alone being 500 bags a day. Their goods are known in the market as standard and flrst-class. A cut showing the process of roasting coffee will interest many. PIANOS AND ORGANS. While St. Louis is not a heavy manufacturing point for goods of this class she is a large distributor of the manufactures of other cities. The wonderful development in taste for thfe best class of music, both in our homes and in our churches, and as a result the great and constantly increasing demand throughout the west for the best musical instruments, is one of the strongest evidences of the growth of refinement and education among our people. No one thing affords so much pleasure and satisfaction in the home circle as a first-class musical instrument. Great credit, therefore, is due to those who have made a life study of the question of supplying every family in the land with this source ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 307 r-n m rn 'i — ^ — ' ¦// f'*f 308 COMMERCIAL AND II of infinite pleasure and reflnement and Messrs. Estey & Camp have done much to supply the west with flrst-class pianos and organs at moderate prices. The Estey Organ has for years held a high position as one of the leading organs of the world, and, owing to the energy of its makers in constantly improving it, has outstripped all others in the race -for merit and popularity. Feel ing the necessity of being able to supply the demand for a piano of equal merit with the Estey Organ, the Estey Piano Company was formed some time since, and the Estey piano has already ac quired the reputation of being the only real flrst-class piano which can be furnished at medium price. Thus with the Estey piano and the Estey organ, Messrs. Estey & Camp can supply every call for a fine musical in- =" strument, and can aiH and ai8 oiive street. make prices and terms to suit all buyers. Their St. Louis house is located at 916 and 918 Olive street, in new and elegant warerooms and visitors will always be welcome. This house has had a long and successful career in St. Louis, gained through the merits of their pianos and organs and through that strict adherence to sound integrity that wins the confidence of the public. They .handle only first-class instruments which ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 309 they sell for close cash figures or on the monthly payment plan and this feature by a reliable house is a great accomodation to the purchaser. Mr. Edward M. Read is manager of the St. Louis house. J. MoxTER »&Co., 912 Olive street, was established in 1879, since which time 64,000 Steinway pianos have been sold. They handle besides these the pianos of Hazletou & Bro. , the Sohmer, Gabler & Bro. : the Kutzman and James M. Starr & Co. Mr. Moxter is a practical piano maker and tuner, having learned his trade with the St. Louis Piano Company, and as a tuner of pianos he ranks second to no one, having devoted more than thirty years to that branch of the business. The company make a speciality of repairing pianos and have an estabUsh ment especially for that purpose at 911 Market street. The Steinway piano has an estab lished reputation for its excel lence throughout the music loving world and is selected on all great occasions on that account. They were used at in June, 1888. The word '¦'¦Home Comfort" is now so universally known as applying to the splendid ranges made by the Wrought Iron Range Co. of St. Louis, that it is unnecessary to explain its ori gin. These ranges are now more thoroughly sold throughout the Middle and Western States, five to one, than any range on the market. It is also being rapidly introduced into the Eastern and New England States, its great merit is conceded by all, and the J. Moxter & Co., 91-2 Olive. the great Sangerfest, held here 310 COMMERCIAL AND immense four story building on 19th and Washington avenue lately erected to meet the growing demand of these unapproach able goods shows that they are actually demanded by the best merchants throughout the country. Every first class house in the land should be provided with a Home Comfort Range for cooking, and a Home Comfort Furnace for heating ; both stand ahead of all rivals in their line and the immense sale found for them is an indication of their merits. HjP" Wrought Iron Range Co., Washington ave. and Nineteenth? P. C. Murphy. — Manufacturer and wholesale and retail dealer in trunks and traveling goods. Starting in business in a com paratively small and modest way, his enterprise grew under his management to its present proportions, now employing the services of one hundred workmen. He occupies as wholesale store and offices, the five-story building, 30x170 feet, at 504 and 506 North Third street, with a warehouse in the rear, fronting on Vine street, flve stories high and 35x120 feet in dimensions. These premises were erected by Mr. Murphy expressly for the purposes of his business, and are fltted up with every facility and convenience for ARCHITECTURAL ST. LOUIS. 311 carrying on his operations in a successful manner. He also oc cupies a large retail store at 319 North Fourth street. The trade of the house is heavy in the city, and in the en tire Southern, South western and Western country. Jos. M. Hates Wool en Company. — Joseph M. Hayes, President ; P. G. Lewis, Secretary ; Importers and jobbers of fine Woolens and TaU ors' trimmings ; 617, 619 and 621 Washington avenue. — This is one of the leading and most successful jobbing houses in the city. It was started by Mr. Hayes, in a compara tively small way, in 1876, and the business has steadily grown and expanded from j'ear to year until it is now not only the largest house in its line in the city, but in the West. In extent the. business done in 1886 closely ap- p o. Mnrphy, SOI, 506 North Third. proximated $1,000,000, and the territory covered by its trade includes all the country from the Lakes to theGulf of Mexico, and from the Ohio river to the Pa- l^p l^si ¦^^¦^^1 jlnJiiJiiHlH Uy^y^^ ¦ II [^^3 M > III °° IBI " 1,1