1.^:^^ ^VS^"" ^* i ..: .-,.¦. ¦-¦'¦-¦-'-¦ ¦¦¦^¦-'isgijijsSi;^^ FOR IF OUR VIRTUES NOT GO FOBTH OF US. "TWERE ALL ALIKE AS IF WE HAD THE¥i NOX IX LIBRI. WILLIAM B. MURRAY 'TiaiLiE»¥iKm¥]ii^siinf«' DIVINITY SCHOOL TROWBRIDGE LIBRARY GIFT OF GEORGE M, MURRAY '17 FROM THE LIBRARY OF WILLIAM D, MURRAY '80 THE BIBLE TEXT CYCLOPEDIA: A COMPLETE CLASSIFICATION SCRIPTURE TEXTS IX THE rOKM OF AX ALPHABETICAL LIST OF SUB.IECTS. REY. JAMES INGLIS, AUTHOR OF 'THE SABBATH SCHOOL.' laven, FLEMING H, EEVELL," NEW YORK: 12 BIBLE HOUSE, CHICAGO: 148 & 150 MADISON STREET, QJ>\b PREFACE. This work, it is believed, will be found to differ materially from any Cyclo pedia, Dictionary, or Index to the Holy Scriptures hitherto published : its title, 'The Bible Text Ctolopedia ; being a Complete Classifioation op SoRiPTURK Texts, in the fokm op an Alphabetical Index op Sdejeots,' distinctly expresses its character. The foUowing is the general plan which has been observed in its preparation : 1. E'VERT SUBJECT wiU be found in it which has >i jjace in the Sacred Volume, whether Doctrinal, Devotional, Practical, Ecclesiastical, Historical, Biographical, or Secular. The name of every person and place connected with any historical event is given, but where such names occur only iu Topographical or Genealogical Tables they are omitted. Among the su ojects are some of considerable importance which do not appear in any other Cyclopedia. 2. The Author has attempted to discover every text of Scripture belong ing to each topic. For this purpose, the whole Bible was formaUy indexed, verse by verse, and clause by clause, with repeated revision. The Texts thus obtained, amounting to many thousands, were then arranged under their respective heads, and omissions, to some extent, supplied from Concordances, Scripture Text-Books, and similar publications. In this work, the Author has employed his leisure hours for more than seven years. He cannot expect that he has been perfectly successful, as an absolutely complete collection of Scripture passages on every topic is scarcely attainable ; but the utmost care has been taken to secure fulness and accuracy, and to make the book a Complete, as it is an Original, Index to the Holy Bible. On such topics as Baptism and Church-government, the texts are arranged under their titles without any minor divisions ; but on the great Doctrinal Questions, such a system was neither possible nor desirable, as no faithful Index to the Word of God could be made, unless prominence were given to the Supreme Divinity of the Lord Jesus Christ, His death for sinners, and similar doctrines. The texts on Doctrinal, Devotional, and Practical subjects are quoted in full, and are followed by illustrative cases • these are arranged under the hoadmgs 'Exjsmplipiei,,' in which the passages are quoted; and 'ExAMPLue,' when there is merely a reference. Examples of the Figurative and Symbolical use of certain words, such as Day, Night, Darkness, Dove, Lion, are appended to them ; but it has not heen thought necessary to refer to every instance, as they may easily be found iu a Concordance. 3. The subjects are arranged Alphabetically, to facilitate reference. No general titles, such as History, Geography, Botany, occur in the work. To find the History of the Israelites, the reader will examine the title Israelites; and every plant, tree, or flower, will be found under its own name. The same rule applies to all other subjects. At the close of many of the Heads, references are given to similar and opposite subjects in other parts of the work. Thus, there is a reference from Regeneration to Sanctification, from Integrity to Dishonesty, and from Masters to Servants. In the choice of Titles to the different topics — a task which occasioned much thought and anxiety — regard has been had both to appropriateness and practical utility, that Title being preferred which would most naturally occur to a reader. At the same time, various Titles are given to aid in discovering any subject of which a person may be in search. Numerous subdivisions have been carefully avoided, as the quotation of the passages of Scripture in full renders them unnecessary ; and it woidd have been impossible to make each minor division complete without repeat ing the same text a great many times under each general head, thereby increasing the size of tlie volume without any corresponding advantage. For practical purposes, it is believed the present arrangement will be found the most useful. An abstract of the Doctrinal and Practical Subjects in the work. Alpha betically arranged, with the Pages at which they will be found, has been appended at the close of the volume, i. In some instances the original Hebrew and Greek are given, when necessary to the understanding of the texts ; and a short explanation, with the same view, is made occasionally of Greek and Hebrew words. In the belief that tlie Scriptures are the fountain-head of all spiritual knowledge, and the ultimate standard of truth and duty, this work is now published, with the hope that it may direct inquirers to the springs of eternal hfe, and aid them in modelling their faith and practice by the Word of God. 'All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness : th.it the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.' THE BIBLE TEXT CYCLOPEDIA. AAHON AABON, High-Priest. Son of Amram and Jochebed, of the family of Kohathites, tribe of Levi, Ex. 6.16-20. Jos. 21,4,10, 1 Chr. 6.2,3. 1 Chr. 23.13. Marriage and children, Ex. 6.23,25. Num. 3.2. 1 Chr. 6. 1 Chr. 24. CaU and inspiration, eloquence, character, Ex. 4.14-16. Ex. 7.1. Heb. 5.4. Psa. 106.16. Meets Moses by divine direction, introduces him to the Israelites, Ex. 4.27-31. His interviews with Pharaoh, miracles, Ex. c. 4 to 12. Associated with Moses in leading the Israel ites, Ex. 6.26,27. Jos, 24.6. 1 Sara. 12.6,8. Psa, 77,20. Psa. 99.6, Psa. 106.26, Mic. 6.4. Israel ites murmur against him, Ex, 6.20,21. Ex. 16.2-10. Num. 14.2-6,10. Num. 16.3-11,41. Num. 20.2, Psa. 106.16. Lays up a pot of manna in the Ark, Ex. 16.34, 'With Hur, holds up Moses" hands, Ex. 17,12. Ascends Sinai, Ex, 19.24. Ex. 24.1,9. Is judge while Moses is on the mount, Ex. 24.14. First High-Priest, his descendants all priests, nis consecration, Ex. c. 28 and 29. 1.ev. 8. Num. 3.3, Num. 18. 1 Chr. 23.13. 2 Chr. 26.18. Psa. 99.S. Psa. 133.2. See Priest. Makes the golden caU, Ex. 32. Act. 7.40. Hoses intercedes for him, Deu. 9.20. Eod of, buds and is laid up in the Ark, Num. 17. Heb. 9.4, Blesses the Israelites, Lev. 9.22. Num. 6.23. Forbidden to mourn for his sons' death, lev. 10.6,19. His jealousy of Moses, Num. 12.1. Intercedes for Miriam, Num. 12.11,12. Stays the plague after Korah's rebellion. Num. 16. Excluded from Canaan for his sin at Merihah, Num. 20. Age, death, and burial in mount Hor, Ex. 7.7. Num. 33,38,89. Num. 20,23-29, Deu. 10.6, Deu. 32.50. ABADDON' (destroyer), the angel of the bottomless pit, Eev. 9.11. ABANA (Heb. Amana), arlver of Damascus, 2 Kin. 6,12, See Song 4,8, ABABIM (the passages, see Jer. 22.20), a chain of mountains E. of Jordan, on one of which (Nebo) Moses died. Num. 27,12, Num. «.17,48. Deu. 32,49. ABBA (father). Mar, 14.36, Bjm. 8.16. Gal, 4.6, AEDON, a Judge of Israel, Jud. 12.13-16. ABEDNEGO, or Azariab, a pious friend of Daniel, delivered from the fiery furnace, made govemor hy Nebuchadnezzar, Dan, 1.6-20. Dan. 2.17,49. Dan. 3. ABEL, son of Adam, a shepherd, sacrifice of accepted, slain by Cain, Gen, 4,2-11,25. Mat, 23.36. Luk, 11.61, Heb, 11,4. Heb. 12,24, 1 Jno. 3.12. , stone of, near Bethshemesh, ark placed on by Philistines, 1 Sam. 6.18. ABEL, Ajeel-Ekthmaacah, or Abel- Maim, a town in the N, of Palestine. Sheba flees to, is slain in, 2 Sam. 20.14-18. Spoiled byBenhadad,l Kin, 16.20, 2Chr,16,4, Taken by Tiglath, 2 Kin. 16.29. ABEL-MEHOLAH, a town near the Jordan, Elisha's birthplace, 1 Kin, 19,16. Jud. 7.22. 1 Kin. 4.12. ABEL-MIZEAIM (mourning of the Egyp tians), a place "W. of Jordan, where Joseph mourned for his father. Gen. 60.11. ABEL-SHITTIM, See SuiTim. ABIA, or Abu AH, a descendant of Eleazar, chief of one of the 24 courses of priests, 1 Chr. 24,10, Neh. 12.4,17. Luk, 1.5. — , Samuel's son, made judge, his wickedness, 1 Sam. 8,1-6, ABIATHAE, High-Priest. Of the line of Ithamar and EU, son of Ahimelech, called Ahimelech, 2 Sam. 8.17. 1 Chr. 24.3-6,31. Ahimelech, 1 Chr. 18.16, His father gives Da-rid shewbread, 1 Sam. 21. Mar. 2.26. Escapes to David from Nob, 1 Sam. 22.20. 1 Sam. 23.6. Consulted by David, 1 Sam. 23.9. 1 Sam. 30.7. Joint-priest with Zadok, 2 Sam. 8.17. 2 Sam. 16.36. 2 Sam. 20.26, 1 Kin. 4.4. 1 Chr. 18.16. 1 Chr. 16.11. His fidelity to David, 2 Sam. 16.24,29, Deposed by Solomon for aiding Adonijah, IKin, 1.7. 1 Kin. 2.26, See 1 Sam, 2,31-36. ABIB, or NisAN, 1st month. Abib si^i- fies ears ; seeEx. 9.31. Lev, 2.14. Began with 1 ABIEZEE the new moon in April, Ex. 12.2, Departure from Egypt in, Ex. 13.4. Passover kept in, Ex. 23.15. Tahemacle set up in, Ex. 40,2,17. Israelites reach Zin in, Num, 20.1. Oross Jordan in, Jos. 4.19. Overflow of Jordan in, 1 Chr. 12.16. Hamaris decree in, Kst. 3.12. Christ's death in. Mat. 27.16. After the cxp- tivity, called Nisan, Neh. 2.1. Est. 3.7. ABIEZER, or Jebzer, founder of the family of Abiezrites, Num. 26.30, Jos. 17 'i Jud. 6.34. Jud. 8.2. ABIGAIL, Nabal's wife, her reception of David, becomes his wife, 1 Sam. 25. 1 Sam. 27.3. 2 Sam. 2.2. Mother of Chileab, 2Sam. 3.3. 1 Chr. 3.1 ABIUU, 2d sou of Aaron, Ex. 6.23. Goes np the mount. Ex, 24.9. Is consecrated priest, Ex. 28.1. His death, for offering strange flre, Lev. 10.1,2. Num. 3.4. Num. 26.61. ABIJAH, son of Jeroboam, his excellence and early death, 1 Kin. 14.1-18. ABIJAM, or Abijah, 2d king of Judah, son of Eehoboam, 1 Kin. 14.31. 1 Kin. 15.2. 2 Chr. 12.16. Mat. 1.7. His sins, God's mercy to him for David's sake, 1 Kin. 15.1-5. His wars with Jeroboam, 1 Kin. 15.6,7. Upbraids Jeroboam for idolati-y, his faith and victory, 2 Chr. 13. His wives and children, 2 Chr. 13.21,22. Death, 1 Kin. 16.8. 2 Chr. 14.1. Chronicles of his reign written by Iddo, 2 Chr. 13.22. ABILENE, a northern province of Pales tine, Luk. 3.1, ABIHELECH I., king of Gerar, his treat ment of Abraham and Sarah, Gen. 20, and covenant at Beersheba, Gen. 2i.22-32. II,, king of Gerar, his treatment of Isaac and Rebecca, Gen. 26. and covenant with Isaac, Gen. 26.6-31, , See AcHisH, , son of Gideon, his birth, Jud. 8.31. Murders his brethren, his usurpation and death, Jud. 9. 2 Sam. 11.21. ABINADAB, a Levite of Kirjath-jearim, or Gibeah. The ark in his house 70 years, 1 Sam. 7.1,2. 2 Sam. 6.3,4, 1 Chr. 13.7. , son of Jesse, foUows Saul to battle, 1 Sam. 16.8, 1 Sam. 17.13. ABIRAM and Dathajj, Reubenites, con spire, with Korah, against Moses and Aaron, destroyed by an earthquake. Num. 16. Num. 26.9. Deu. 11.6. Psa. 106.17. ABISHAG, wife of David, 1 Kin. 1.1-4. Sought in marriage by Adonijah, IKin, 2.21, 22. ABISHAI, son of David's sister, Zemiah, 1 Chr, 2.16. David's captain, 2 Sam. 23.18. Seeks to slay Saul, 1 Sam. 2G.6-8, Pursues Abner, 2 Sam. 2.24. Slays him, 2 Sam. 3.30. Defeats the Edomitcs, 1 Chr. 18.12, and Ammonites, 2 Sam. 10.10,14. Seeks to slay Shimei, 2 Sam. 16.9. 2 Sam. 19.21. Com mands a division in the battle against Absalom, 2 Sam. 18.2,5, Sent against Sheba, 2 Sam. 20.6,10. Rescues David from a Philistine giant, 2 Sam. Z1.17. One of three who procure water for David tfom Bethlehem, 1 Chr. 11.15-20. 2 ABRAHAM ABLUTION, of tho face ivna body, Ruth 3.3. 2Sain. 12.'20. Ezc. 23.40. Mat. 6.17. 01 the feet. Gen. 18.4. Gen. 19.2, Gen. 2432, Gen. 43.24. Jud. 19.21. 2 Sam. 11.8. Song 6.3. Luk. 7.'38,44. Jno. 13.5. 1 Tim. 5.10, Of the dead. Act. 9.37. Of infants, Eze. 1G.4. Pom-ing water on the hands, 2 Kin. 3.H. "Washing the h