ifet±p/ie » Services, 26. Commentary, Ewald, 8. Psychology, Mind, 30 ; Scripture, 30 ; Wunat, 33. of Belief, PikUr, 30. Principles of, Spencer, 31. Reconciliation, Henslow, 19. Reformation, Beard, 14. Religion, Child and, 13. History of, Kuenen, 0, 14; Reville, 9, 15. of Philosophy, Perrin, 33. continued. Religion, Philosophy of, Pfleiderer, 9. Struggle for Light, Wimmer, ix. 5« #£w Christianity, History of. Religions, National and Universal, Kuenen, 21. of Authority, Sabatier, 4. Resurrection, Macan, 22 ¦ Marchant, 22. Reviews and Periodical Publications, 61. Rigveda, Wallis, 38. Rome, Renan, 15. Runes, Stephens, 60. Ruth, Wright, C. H. H., 27. Sanitation, in Cape Coast Town, Taylor, 55- in Para, Notes, 52. Sanscrit, Abhidhanaratnamala, 34; Sorensen, 37. Self-Aid, in War, Caverhill, 47. Sermons, Beard, 16 ; Broadbent, 16. Services, Common Prayer, 16 ; Jones, 20 ; 7V» Services, 26. Silva Gadelica, O'Grady, 43. Social Dynamics, Mackenzie, 30. Statics, Spencer, 32. Sociology, Descriptive, Spencer, 32, Principles of, Spencer, 31. Study of, Spencer, 32. Solomon, Song of, Reville, 23. South Place Ethical Society, Conway, J-7> Spanish Dictionary, Velasquez, 44. Spinal Cord, Bruce, 47. Sternum, Paterson, 52. Storms, Piddington, 52. Sun Heat, Cunningham Mems., III., 48. Surgery, System of, zw« Bergmann, 46. Syriac, Bernstein, 34 ; Diettrick, 34 ; Ndldeke, 36. Taal, Afrikander, Oordt, 42 ; Werner, 45. Talmud, Christianity in, Herford, 19. Tennyson, JPWo?, 60. Testament, New, Commentary, Protes tant Commentary, 9. Textual Criticism, Nestle, 7. Times, Hausrath, 8, 19. 5t't «&.i.7 &• Trans. Soc, 38. Cardium, Liverpool Marine Biol. Mems., 50. Celtic, m a&0£- schiitz, 4 ; Hatch, 14 ; Wernle, 4. Coming, Hunter, 20. Civic, Apathy, Hunter, 20. Codex Palatino-Vaticanus, 7Wtf £«:- tures, III., 44. CodUim,LiverpoolMarineBiol.Mems.,$i.Coleoptera, Murray, 52. Communion of Christian with God, //iwr- mann, 19. Comte, Spencer, 32. Constellations, Primitive, Brown, 56. Cornish, Stokes, 43. Creed, Christian, 16. Crown Theological Library, 10. Cuneiform Inscriptions, Schroder, 9. Daniel and his Prophecies, C. //. .//. Wright, 28. Critical Commentary on, C. //. #. Wright, 28. Danish Dictionary, Rosing, 43. Darwinism, Schurman, 30. Denmark, Engelhardt, 57. Doctrine and Principle, Beeby, 16. Dogma, History of, Harnack, 5. of Virgin Birth, Lobstein, 10. Domestic Institutions, Spencer, Princ of Sociology, I., 31. Duck Tribes, Morphology of, Cunning ham Mems., VI., 48. Dutch, Cape, Oordt, 43 ; Werner, 45. Dynamics, Cunningham Mems., IV., 48. Chemical, F#«7 //<7^ 49. Ecclesiastes, Tayforx 26. Ecclesiastical Institutions, Spencer, Princ. of Sociology, III., 31, 32, of Holland, Wicksteed, 27. Echinus, Liverpool Marine Biol. Mems., 50. INDEX- Economy, Political, Mackenzie, 30. Education, Herbert, 57 ; Lodge, 42 ; Spencer, 32. Educational Works, see Special Cata logue. Egypt, Religion of, Renoufl 15. Egyptian Grammar, Erman, 35. Enoch, Book of, Gill, 18. Epidemiology, Trans, of Epidemiolog. , Soc.,ss- Epizootic Lymphangitis, Treatise on, Pallin,52. Ethics, and Religion, Martineau, 22. Data of, Spencer, Principles of E., I., 31- . Induction of, Spencer, Principles of E., I., 31. Kantian, Schurman, 30. of Evolution, Schurman, 30. of Individual Life, Spencer, Principles ofE., I.,3x. of Reason, Laurie, 2g. Principles of, Spencer, 31. Ethnology, Cunningham Mems., X., 48. Evolution, Spencer, 31, 32. of the Idea of God, D'Alviella, 14. of Religious Thought, D'Alviella, 15. Exodus, Hocming, 20. Ezekiel, Mosheh ben Shesheth, 22. Faith, Herrmann, 12 ; Rix, 24 ; Wim- tner, 27. Fisheries, British, Johnstone, 49. Flinders Petrie Papyri, Cunningham Mems.j VIII., IX., 48. Flora of Edinburgh, Sonntag, 54. French, Boi'elle, 40 ; Delbos, 41 ; Eugene, 41 ; Hugo, 41, 42 ; Roget, 43 ; also Special Education Catalogue. Literature, Roget, 43. Novels, Army Series, 39. Fungi, Cooke, 47 ; Grevillea, 49. Genera Plantarum, Bentham and Hooker, 46. Genesis, Hebrew Texts, 19, 35 ; Wright, C. H. H., 27. Geography, Ancient, Kiepert, 58. Geometry, Spencer, W. G., 54. German, Literature, Nibelungenlied, 42 ; Phillipps, 43. Novels, Army Series, 39. Germany, Marcks, 59. God, Idea of, D'Alviella, 14. Gospel, First, Plain Commentary, 23. Fourth, Drummond, 17; Tayler, 26. Gospels, Lost and Hostile, Gould, 18. Old and New Certainty, Robinson, 24. Greek, Modern, Zompolides, 45. Gymnastics, Medical, Schreber, 54. Health, Herbert, 49. Hebrew, Biblical, Kennedy, 35. Language, Delitzsch, 34. Lexicon, Fuerst, 35. New School of Poets, Albrecht, 36. Scriptures, Sharpe, 25. Story, Peters, 23. Synonyms, Kennedy, 35. TextofO.T., WWr, 27. Texts, 19, 35* continued. Hebrews, History of, Kittel, 6 ; Peters, 12 ; Sharpe, 25. Religion of, Kuenen, 9 ; Montefiore, 14. Heterogenesis, Bastian, 46. Hibbert Lectures, 14, 15. Hygiene : How to Live, Caton, 47. Hymns, Jones, 20. Icelandic, Lilja, 42 ; Fz£w Glums Saga, Dictionary, Zoega, 45. Grammar, Bayldon, 40. 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