>YAILE°¥MI¥IEI&SflirY« ILllIBIBiMSRf DIVINITY SCHOOL TROWBRIDGE LIBRARY GIFT OF Estate of the Hev. Orville A. Petty THOMAS CARLYLE. THE FRENCH REVOLUTION: A HISTOET. By THOMAS CARLYLE. Meya 6 ay car e6zi, Beiov yap epyov vicip /SadiXeiai, vicip tXevBepiaS, vicip evpoiai, vicip dzapa&aS. — Abkianus. Aoyfia yap avztav zis fierafidiXXei; x°°P^ Si Soy/xdroov IxerafioXrji, rt aXXo rj SovXeia dzevovzoov xai neiBe6Bai tcpodicotov/ie'voov. — Antoninus. IN TWO VOLUMES.— VOL L NEW YORK: A. L. BUKT, PUBLISHER. ' Diesem Ambos vergleich' lch das Land, den Hammer dem Herrscher; Und dem Volke das Blech, das in der Mitte sich krummt. Wehe dem armen Blech, wenn nur willkilrliche SchlSge Ungewiss treffen, und nie fertig der Kessel erscneint ! " Goethe. CONTENTS OF VOLUME I. Book I. Death of Louis XV. CHAP. PAGE. I. Louis the Well-beloved 1 II. Realized Ideals 5 III. Viaticum 14 IV. Louis the Unforgotten 17 Book II. The Paper Age. ( I. Astraea Redux 24 II. Petition in Hieroglyphs 29 III. Questionable 32 IV. Maurepas 35 V. Astraea Redux without Cash 39 VI. Windbags 42 VII. Contrat Social ' 46 VIIL Printed Paper 49 Book III. The Parlement of Paris. I. Dishonored Bills 54 II. Controller Calonne 58 III. The Notables 61 IV. Lomenie's Edicts ._ 70 V. Lomenie's Thunderbolts 74 VI. Lomenie's Plots 78 VII. Internecine.. , . . , 82 VIII. Lomenie's Death-throes 88 IX. Burial with Bonfire 98 Book IV. States-General. I. The Notables Again 102 II. The Election 107 III. Grown Electric 113 IV. The Procession 116 iv CONTENTS Book V. The Third Estate. CHAP. PAGE. I. Inertia 134 II. Mercury de Breze 142 III. Broglie the War-God 149 IV. To Arms! 154 V. Give Us Arms ". 159 VI. Storm and Victory 165 VII. NotaRevolt : 174 VIII. Conquering Your King 178 IX. TheLanterne 181 Book VI. Consolidation. I. Make the Constitution 187 II. The Constituent Assembly 192 III. The General Overturn 198 IV. In Queue 206 V. The Fourth Estate 208 Book VII. The Insurrection of Women. I. Patrollotism 212 II. Oh, Richard, Oh, My King 216 III. Black Cockades 220 IV. The Menads 222 V. Usher Maillard 225 VI. To Versailles 230 VII. At Versailles 234 VIII. The Equal Diet 238 IX. Lafayette 242 X. The Grand Entries 246 XI. From Versailles 251 Book VIII. The Feast of Pikes. I. In the Tuileries 258 II. In the Salle de Manege 262 III. The Muster 273 IV. Journalism 279 V. Clubbism 283 VI. Je Le Jure 287 VII. Prodigies 291 VIII. Solemn League and Covenant 293 CONTENTS. v CHAP. PAGE. IX. Symbolic 299 X. Mankind 300 XI. As in the Age of Gold 805 XII. Sound and Smoke 811 Book IX. Nanci. I. Bouillg 819 II. Arrears and Aristocrats 321 III. BomnS at Metz 827 IV. Arrears at Nanci 330 V. Inspector Malseigne 335 VI. Bouillgat Nanci 388 Book X. The Tuileries. I. Epimenides 348 II. The Wakeful 352 III. Sword in Hand 358 IV. To Fly or Not to Fly 364 V. The Day of Poniards 371 VI. Mirabeau 378 VII. Death of Mirabeau 381 Book XI. Varennes. I. Easter at Saint-Cloud 390 II. Easter at Paris 394 III. Count Fersen 397 IV. Attitude 404 V. The New Berlins 407 VI. Old Dragoon Drouet 411 VII. The Night of Spurs 414 VIII. TheReturn 422 IX. Sharp Shot •• 425 THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. THE BASTILLE. BOOK FIRST. DEATH OF LOUIS XV. CHAPTEE I. LOUIS THE WELL-BELOVED. Peesident Henault, remarking on royal surnames of honor how difficult it often is to ascertain not only why, but even when, they were conferred, takes occasion, in his sleek official way, to make a philosophical reflection. "The surname of Bien aime (Well-beloved), which Louis XV. bears, will not leave posterity in the same doubt. This prince, in the year 1744, while hastening from one end of his kingdom to the other, and suspend ing his conquests in Flanders that he might fly to the assistance of Alsace, was arrested at Metz by a malady which threatened to cut short his days. At the news of this, Paris, all in terror, seemed a city taken by storm: the churches resounded with supplications and groans; the prayers of priests and people were every moment inter rupted by their sobs; and it was from an interest so dear and tender that this surname of Bien aime fashioned itself, a title higher still than all the rest which this great prince has earned."* * " AbregS Chronologique de 1' Histoire de France" (Paris, 1775), p. 701. 2 TEE FRENCH REVOL UTION. So stands it written ; in lasting memorial of that year 1744. Thirty other years have come and gone; and "this great prince" again lies sick; but in how altered circum stances now! Churches resound not with excessive groan- ings ; Paris is stoically calm : sobs interrupt no prayers, for indeed none are offered; except priest's litanies, read or chanted at fixed money-rate per hour, which are not liable to interruption. The shepherd of the people has been carried home from Little Trianon, heavy of heart, and been put to bed in his own chdteau of Versailles; the flock knows it, and heeds it not. At most, in the immeas urable tide of French speech (which ceases not day after day, and only ebbs toward the short hours of night), may this of the royal sickness emerge from time to time as an article of news. Bets are doubtless depending; nay, some people " express themselves loudly in the streets. " * But for the rest, on green field and steepled city, the May sun shines out, the May evening fades; and men ply their useful or useless business as if no Louis lay in danger. Dame Dubarry, indeed, might pray, if she had a talent for it; Duke d'Aiguillon, too, Maupeou and the Parlement Maupeou: these, as they sit in their high places, with France harnessed under their feet, know well on what basis they continue there. Look to it, D'Aiguillon; sharply as thou didst, from the mill of St. Cast, on Quiberon and the invading English; thou, "covered if not with glory yet with meal!" Fortune was ever accounted inconstant: and each dog has but his day. Forlorn enough languished Duke d'Aiguillon, some years ago; covered, as we said, with meal; nay with worse. For La Chalotais, the Breton parlementeer, accused him not-only of poltroonery and tyranny, but even of concussion (official plunder of money) ; which accusations it was easier to get "quashed" by backstairs influences than to get answered ; neither could the thoughts, or even the tongues, of men be tied. Thus, under disastrous eclipse, had this grand-nephew of the great Richelieu to' glide about; unworshiped by the world; resolute Choiseul, the abrupt proud man, disdaining him, or even forgetting him. Little prospect but to glide into Gascony, to rebuild * " Memoires de M. le Baron Besenval " (Paris, 1805), ii. 59-90. THE FRENCH RE VOL UTION. 3 chateaus there,* and die inglorious killing game! How ever, in the year 1770, a certain young soldier, Dumouriez by name, returning from Corsica, could see "with sorrow, at Compiegne, the old king of France, on foot, with doffed hat in sight of his army, at the side of a magnificent phaeton, doing homage to the — Dubarry." f Much lay therein! Thereby, for one thing, could D'Aiguillon postpone the rebuilding of his chateau, and rebuild his fortunes first. For stout Choiseul would dis cern in the Dubarry nothing but a wonderfully dizened scarlet- woman ; and go on his way as if she were not. Intolerable: the source of sighs, tears, of pettings and poutings; which would not end till "France" (La France, as she named her royal valet) finally mustered heart to see Choiseul; and with that "quivering in the chin (trem- llement du menton)" natural in such case, \ faltered out a dismissal: dismissal of his last substantial man, but pacifi cation of his scarlet-ivoman. Thus D'Aiguillon rose again, and culminated. And with him there rose Maupeou, the banisher of parlements; who plants you a refractory president "at Croe in Combrailles on the top of steep rocks, inaccessible except by litters," there to consider himself. Likewise there rose Abbe Terray, dissolute financier, paying eight pence in the shilling — so that wits exclaim in some press at the playhouse, " Where is Abbe Terray, that he might reduce us to two-thirds !" And so have these individuals (verily by black^art) built them a Domdaniel, or enchanted Dubarrydom ; call it an Armida- Palace, where they dwell pleasantly; Chancellor Maupeou "playing blindman's-buff" with the scarlet enchantress; or gallantly presenting her with dwarf negroes; and a Most Christian King has unspeakable peace within doors, whatever he may have without. "My chancellor is a scoundrel; but I cannot do without him." § Beautiful Armida-Palace, where the inmates live en chanted lives; lapped in soft music of adulation; waited on ?Arthur Young, " Travels during the years 1787-88-89 " (Bury St. Edmunds, 1792), i. 44. f " La Vie et les Memoires du General Dumouriez " (Paris, 1822) i. 141.|Besenval, " Memoires," ii. 21. § Dulaure, " Historie de Paris" (Paris, 1824), vii. 828. 4 THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. by the splendors of the world; which nevertheless hangs wondrously as by a single hair. Should the most Chris tian king die; or even get seriously afraid of dying! For, alas, had not the fair haughty Chateauroux to fly, with wet cheeks and flaming heart, from that fever-scene at Metz, long since; driven forth by sour shavelings? She hardly returned, when fever and shavelings were both swept into the background. Pompadour too, when Damiens wounded Royalty "slightly under the fifth rib," and our drive to Trianon went off futile, in shrieks and madly shaken torches, had to pack, and be in readiness; yet did not go, the wound not proving poisoned. For his majesty has religious faith ; believes, at least in a devil. And now a third peril ; and who knows what may be in it ! For the doctors look grave; ask privily. If his majesty had not the small-pox long ago? and doubt it may have been a false kind. Yes, Maupeou, pucker those sinister brows of thine, and peer out on it with thy malign rat-eyes ; it is a questionable case. Sure only that man is mortal; that with the life of one mortal snaps irrevocably the wonder- fulest talisman, and all Dubarrydom rushes off, with tumult, into infinite space; and ye, as subterranean appari tions are wont, vanished utterly, leaving only a smell of sulphur ! These, and what holds of these may pray, to Beelzebub, or whoever will hear them. But from the rest of France there comes, as was said, no prayer; or one of an opposite character, "expressed openly in the streets." Chateau or hotel, where an enlightened philosophism scrutinizes many things, is not given to prayer: neither are Rossbach victories, Terray finances, nor say only "sixty thousand Lettres de Cachet" (which is Maupeou's share), persuasives toward that. Oh, Henault! Prayers? From a France smitten (by black-art) with plague after plague, and lying now, in shame and pain, with a harlot's foot on its neck, what prayer can come? Those lank scarecrows, that prowl hunger -stricken through all highways and byways of French existence, will they pray? The dull millions that, in the workshop or furrow- field, grind foredone at the wheel of labor, like haltered gin-horses, if blind so much the quieter? Or they that in the Bicetre Hospital, "eight to a bed," lie waiting their manumission? Dim are those heads of theirs, dull stag- THE FR ENCH RE VOL UTION. 5 nant those hearts ; to them the great sovereign is known mainly as the great regrater of bread. If they hear of his sickness, they will answer with a dull, Tant pis pour luij or with the question, Will he die? Yes, will he die, that is now, for all France, the grand question, and hope ; whereby alone the king's sickness has still some interest. CHAPTER II. REALIZED IDEALS. Such a changed France have we; and a changed Louis. Changed, truly; and further than thou yet seest! To the eye of history many things, in that sick room of Louis, are now visible, which to the courtiers there present were invisible. For indeed it is well said, "in every object there is inexhaustible meaning ; the eye sees in it what the eye brings means of seeing." To Newton and to New ton's dog Diamond, what a different pair of universes; while the painting on the optical retina of both was, most likely, the same ! Let the reader here, in this sick room of Louis, endeavor to look with the mind too. Time was when men could (so to speak) of a given man, by nourishing and decorating him with fit appliances, to the due pitch, make themselves a king, almost as the bees do; and what was still more to the purpose, loyally obey him when made. The man so nourished and decorated, thenceforth named royal, does verily bear rule; and is said, and even thought to be, for example, "prosecuting conquests in Flanders," when he lets himself like luggage be carried thither :' and no light luggage; covering miles of road. For he has his unblushing Chateauroux, with her bandboxes and rouge-pots, at his side; so that, at every new station, a wooden gallery must be run up between their lodgings. He has not only his Maison-Bouche, and Valetaille without end, but his very troop of players, with their pasteboard coulisses, thunder-barrels, their kettles, fiddles, stage wardrobes, portable larders (and chaffering and quarreling enough) ; all mounted in wagons, tumbrils, second-hand chaises, sufficient not to conquer Flanders, but the patience of the world. With such a flood of loud 6 THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. jingling appurtenances does he lumber along, prosecuting his conquests in Flanders: wonderful to behold. So never theless it was and had been : to some solitary thinker it might seem strange; but even to him inevitable, not unnatural. For ours is a most fictile world; and man is the most fingent plastic of creatures. A world not fixable; not fathomable ! An unfathomable somewhat, which is not we; which we can work with, and live amidst, and model, miraculously in our miraculous being, and name world. But if the very rocks and rivers (as metaphysic teaches) are, in strict language, made by those outward senses of ours, how much more, by the inward sense, are all phenomena of the spiritual kind: dignities, authorities, holies, unholies! Which inward sense, moreover, is not permanent like the outward ones, but forever growing and changing. Does not the black African take of sticks and old clothes (say, exported Monmouth Street cast-clothes) what will suffice, and of these, cunningly combining them, fabricate for himself an Eidolon (idol, or thing seen), and name it Mumbo- Jumbo; which he can thenceforth pray to with upturned awestruck eye, not without hope? The white European mocks; but ought rather to consider; and see whether he, at home, could not do the like a little more wisely. So it was, we say, in those conquests of Flanders, thirty years ago; but so it no longer is. Alas, much more lies sick than poor Louis : not the French king only, but the French kingship ; this too, after long rough tear and wear, is breaking down. The world is all so changed ; so much that seemed vigorous has sunk decrepit, so much that was not is beginning to be ! Borne over the Atlantic, to the closing ear of Louis, king by the grace of God, what sounds are these; muffled ominous, new in our centuries? Boston harbor is black with unexpected tea : behold a Pennsyl- vanian congress gather; and ere long, ofr Bunker Hill, Democracy announcing, in rifle-volleys death-winged, under her star banner, to the tune of Yankee-doodle-doo, that she is born, and, whirlwind-like will envelope the whole world! Sovereigns die and sovereignties ; how all dies, and is for a time only; is a " Time-phantasm, yet reckons itself real!" The Merovingian kings, slowly wending on their bullock- THE FRENCH RE VOL UTION. f carts through the streets of Paris, with their long hair flowing, have all wended slowly on, into eternity. Char lemagne sleeps at Salzburg, with truncheon grounded ; only fable expecting that he will awaken. Charles the hammer, pepin bow-legged, where now is their eye of menace, their voice of command? Rollo and his shaggy northmen cover not the Seine with ships; but have sailed off on a longer voyage. The hair of Towhead ( Tete