t^CTVER^T YALE DIVINITY SCHOOL LIBRARY Gift of JOHN R. MOTT ROMAN CATHOLIC CLAIMS BY THE SAME AUTHOR The Church and the Ministry. Revised by C. H. Turner, M.A. 8vo. The Theological Bearings of Certain Extra- Liturgical Uses of the Blessed Sacrament. Reprinted from the English Church Review. With a Preface in Reply to Dr. Stone. Crown 8vo. The Title 'The Son of Man.' (Liverpool Diocesan Board of Divinity Publications. ) The Solidarity of the Faith. (Modern Oxford Tracts.) LONGMANS, GREEN, & CO. LONDON, NEW YORK, BOMBAY, CALCUTTA, AND MADRAS ROMAN CATHOLIC CLAIMS BY CHARLES GORE, D.D., D.C.L., LL.D. LATE BISHOP OF OXFORD HON. FELLOW OF TRIN. COLL. OXON. ELEVENTH EDITION LONGMANS, GREEN, AND CO. 39 PATERNOSTER ROW, LONDON FOURTH AVENUE & 30TH STREET, NEW YORK BOMBAY, CALCUTTA, AND MADRAS 1920 All Rights Reservtd PREFACE TO THE ELEVENTH EDITION This is a reprint without any considerable changes, save that I have rewritten the account of the early history of the Roman Church (pp. 93-4) in view especially of the in vestigations of Mr. Edmundson, Church in Rome in the First Century (Longmans, 1913), a book which has not, I think, received sufficient attention. November, 1919. PREFACE TO THE TENTH EDITION So much has been written from time to time, since this book was first published, more than twenty years ago, on what is called the Roman controversy, and some of it has been so good, that I should have been disposed to treat my little work as antiquated. But probably because it attempts to deal more or less comprehensively with the different aspects of the controversy, it continues in some demand. The chief point, as far as I am aware, on which it is obviously not up to date, is that it does not attempt to deal with Modernism and the trenchant action of the Roman Church in suppressing it I cannot now supply this omission. So far as concerns Biblical criticism, and the claim of free inquiry in matters of religion, all the recent authoritative action of the Roman Church, including the Encyclical Pascendi, is entirely on the lines of the Encyclical of 1893, which is dealt with on pp. 185 ff. I have read Dom Chapman's criticism of my book l and I have made, in consequence of his criticism, the following alterations : — On pp. 101-2 I have re-translated some words in the 28th Canon of Chalcedon. See Dom Chapman's remarks on p. 86 of his work. (The aita in Ka