YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 3 9002 05350 0295 Cb81 520 YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY if It A P LAN OF Ibeotheely copaetiSeshipI Of THH NORTH AND SOUTH, FOK THE ^-.i' nucfiil ^i'tiiuiioii flf Slithi'i). BT ELIHU BURR1TT,;'MW|V PRICE, TEN OENTS. . N E W Y 0 R B: : j DAYTON AND BURDOCK, „ 29 ANN STREET. 1856. THE b'^rinrp of fijp Irmse nf Jiiiiii; ' THREE YEARS IN JERUSALEM, 7 N ^Ellg' PAYS ©F^^FOM^HUS FIILAIIE, The Boole is n liirge 12mo. vohime, of 500 pnges, and ia embellialied ¦wUli a steel pi ale Portrait of tlie 1 an Engraved Tille Page, and three large, splendid engravings, illuslroling CHHIST RAISING THE WIDOW'S SON, . THE BAPTISM OF OUR SAVIOUK, AND THB CRUCIFIXION, / from entire new designs, and execnted h\ llie first arlisis in llie coniitry, in.-iliiiiff all together one of the most Leaiitifiil and interesting boolirever I offered lo the Anicriean pnblie. Tlie Aiillior find Pnblishers boing anxious to placo tlie worl; in tJie Lands . of every person that is able (o read, have fi.\ed the price al TME Ki&liV SWSm OF ^1 25. . <»- o- ' Fmm tlie Cliriilimi Adtocaie ond Journal. " This is certainly among tlie mott delightful volnmes we bare ever read. It is rery ably and most eloquently written. Ko novel or ronianeo eoiild be more efiicient in its efi'ect on tlie imagiiialion, or llie afiections of the heart; while its facts and incidents are in keeping willi tlie evan gelical reeiii'ds. It is a book wbich oiiC would read again and again, fur the delightful nnd fanclifung emotions it aAvakens in one wbo feels and realizes his personal interestin tbe " story of the t-ross." From llie Disjinlcli, liicliiiioiid, Va. • ijesiis was ?//C?7i . well i God ! In tliis book lie is seen, conversed with, eaten with Visa man!" Ihe book presents hini in the social and moral relations of life, with exemplary fidelity lo the li-'criplure i ariative, and yet wilh a freshness which falls upon ihe mind like a neAv and thrill ing narrative, and a life-likeness in every lineament whicii we feel, must be true to the original. In Iruth.. ihe.readers. ii<> mailer how conversant wilh Ihe sacred writings, is drawn along with breathless interest, and llie very depths of his heart rrached ."md stirred iuto vnconlrollahle emotion. Outside of the Holy Gospels themselves, we have iicNcr seen so inoring a picture of the life of the Man. of borrow', r.or any leprcsenlation ofthe wondrous beauty of Ihe Divino character, so touching and so true. , TMn hook mil bo smt ly inail, postage paid, io any part of ihe Uniied States. on receipt of ihe price. '\ m^"- Agents wanted in all parls of the country, to sell the above work- \T|)r()|ii'iar.e ornament for fclie cottage of tlie lowly and the cot- Cttge uf llie i'n;ii ; and to bring il within the raeans of all^ the price has UiiGU tixed at unly TWENTY-FIVB CENTS A COPY. Or five ciijiirt. for Oxk Doi.l.M!, tw^oe copies fir Two Di».i.,\K!f,,and.lwcniy ' pies for 'rMKKK Doi.t.AK^, pvit on rollers, (to/ucA uriLl secure Ihei-i from By'«r_y,J and mailed to order. Mono}- fur one or more copies of tlie " Lord's Prayer." inclosed ill a letter, wir.h the name and post olfice uildreas of the sender, may be forwarded al onj- ri.sk. ,'S «w EJYT S WtJUVT E.If.. In order lo linng this useful oriirtrnent within the read) of the poor, MiiMy cif onr friends who are willing to supply their neighborn with if at a price IflieVean afford to pay. can have ONE HUNDRED COPIES |at the unjiarnlled low price of r Tliis affords a rare chance for useful and protitahle eraploymSnt. There "is riotproliably a single county in the Uriion but in which a thousand copies uun be sold ; and iu many counties several thousana copies may , bu sohl. " • " ' THE SECOND EDITION NOW READY. - fS'end orders at once and secure the district desired. Address, (Postpaid,) DAYTON . & BURDICK, Publishers, JVo. 29 ANN STREJETjCorirer of Nassau, N.Y.^ ¦';jI>^.SBV«^ .Si7'y3f>--i!c •¦ -.-J'-^ ?J A BOOK FOR THE TIMES!!! THE LIFE OF mm i lliffll If 1 Mffllffl EilifflEU AND HIS GRE A T SPEE CH ON KANSAS.i BY Bo -Ao HAE§HJl, Author of " Eminent Orators and Statesmen," &c., &c., with a. li FINE PORTRAIT OF MR, SUMNER,^,!', AND AX K:.'QRAVIK0 EEI'RESBNTra.G I'HE mum in tbe maf cD.m]i 350 Pages, l.Smo., Cloth.— PHIOS, $1,00. From ihe New Eiir/'.aad Farmer, Bouton, Mass. This tribute to oiu' noblo nv.A eloquent Sera'or is very neally cxecli!i and will gr.atify the wishes of Ihonsands, ¦who desire to knosv more ofl personal history of the iTinn ¦who ha.s'Tiindc so bold amnrlc upon his ag It is not a rnmaiitio or ovei^lfiil life tliat is here recorded ; but it hm, full of instruciion- for tlie jyotiig,,fi;ll of enoouraL'ement. lo the liniid,iaiu full of interest to all. S^isidigs a menioir of Mr. Sumner, the vohmiftico tains choice extrads from most of his speeeheX llie great Kansas speeL entire, and some of the most scatlii:ngdcniii;ci,itu)ns of the Brooks a>slim made at public nipeliugs in Kew York, Boston find Albany. It also roi tains a portrait of Mr. S. and a view of tho assault iu the Senate Chan»btf^ "This is an excellent .and timely bpoli. It will find a host of. rcadM It is eiribellished with a portraitof Siimner. and a view of the assault nm him in t)ie Senate Chaniber. Mr. Uarsha is well known as llie aullioil " Eminent Orators aud Statesmen." — Salem Observer, Mass. " We are glad to meot wiili a work like this before us, wliieli pres& Mr. Sumner ns he m, .and sets before its readeis some of tlie gems of thoul which has fallen from his lips and pen." — N. Y. Chronicle. ,^-.» Fr.om the paily Journal, Bangor, Me. " This memoir gives the leading incidents in thc life of the MassacKuseA scholni- and Senatoi', upon whom the brulalatid rutlianly outrage oil disunioiii'^t has conferred great, interest along with great siifferjiig. TlS ,bool; is neatly printed, and will find many readers." 1^'" Agents wanted in all parts of the Country, to sell this ISs 71iis Look mil be sent'hy mail, rosT paid, on receipt of the Pnd DAYTON &,, BURDICK, Publisheji 20 Ann Street, New Yo|