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This is an attempt to present the outline of Illinois history in such a form as to furnish a system, "which 'will secure to the student a convenient iadex for the further ance of his studies and will enable the historian to avail himself of the groundwork upon which he may build. Quite a number of voluminous historical works, contain ing data concerning the various events which have trans pired in this state, have been issued and these may be con sulted for detailed information. This work aims simply at a brief arrangement, in systematic and chronological form, of leading events, in order to furnish a convenient indicator for those who are desirous of being assisted in pursuing their investigations systematically. The task of writing a full and detailed account of the happenings, which have occurred upon the soil of Illinois within the last two hundred and thirty-two years, will be left to more ambitious historical compilers and commentators. The ambition of the author of this work will be realized and gratified if he may succeed in infusing a spirit of re search into others by indicating to them the importance of the history of our state through this brief recital. Hence, it has been deemed adequate to the scope of this work to give solely that important chain of incidents, which in itself is sufficient to enlist the attention of those who are interested in the history of a people who have contributed so largely to the progress of the world as the people of Illinois. CHAIN OF TITLE. Owners, Occupants or Claimants. riNDL4.NS: Illinois (Illini) and others . . Illinois tribes: 1. Metchigamls 2. Kaskaskias 3. Peorias 4. Cahokias 5. Tammarois SPAIN: ENGLAND: SPAIN: Nature of Claim. Occupancy and use of soil. Extent of Claim. Indefinite. FRANCE: ENGLAND: Columbus' Discovery, 1492. Cabot's Discovery, 1498. 1. De Leon's Discovery of Florida, 1513. 2. De Soto's Landing on the Missis sippi, 1541, 3. Melendez' Proclamation, 1565, De Chastes — De Monts, Charter, 1603. 1, Patent for Virginia, 1606 and 1609. London Company, South Virginia, Intermediate district open to both, Plymouth Comp,, North Virginia, 2. Massachusetts Bay Charter, 1629, 1. Originally -west of the Mississippi river, , 2, Region between Lake Michigan and Lake Peoria. 3, Region of Lake Peoria, 4. Region of Cahokia and the Ameri can Bottom. 5. Region of southeastern Illinois. "Western Hemisphere. Continent of America, 1, North America south of Great <^ Lakes. Region on Mississippi river and its tributaries. 3. All North America, North America bet-ween 40 degrees and 46 degrees north latitude. 1. North America bet-ween 34 degrees and 45 degrees north latitude, 34 degrees to 38 degrees north lati tude, Bancroft, Hist, U, S., Vol, 1, 120, 41 to 45 degrees north latitude, Massachusetts Bay Country to sea on west, gonriecUcut Rii'-er Country. FRANCE: ENGLAND: VIRGINIA:UNITED STATES: Canada and Indians of the west — Treaty 1671. Discovery of Illinois, etc, by Mar quette et al., 1673. La Salle ceremony at the mouth of the Mississippi, 1682. Crozat Patent, 1712. Company of the "West, 1717. 1. Treaty of Paris, 1763. 2. Transfer of Fort Chartres, 1765. 1. Capture by Clark, 1778. 2. Erected into Illinois county, 1. Cession from "Virginia, 1784, 2, Cession from Massachusetts, 1785. 3. Cession from Connecticut, 1786. ILLINOIS: 4. Northwest Territory, by ordinance of 1787, 5. Indiana Territory, by Act of Con gress, 1800, 6. Illinois Territory, by Act of Con gress, 1809. 7. Illinois Territory, Second Grade, 1812. 8. Indian Cessions. Admitted as a State by Act of Con gress, 1818. 1. Northwestern Lake Region. 2. Illinois and the Northwest. 3. Mississippi and tributaries from Gulf to New France. 4. Same as far as the Illinois. 5. Same. 1. French possessions east of Missis sippi river except New Orleans and island. 2. Same. 1. Northwest of Ohio river. 2. Same. 1. Country Northwest of the Ohio river. 2. 42 degrees, 2 minutes to 43 degrees, 43 minutes, 12 seconds, north latitude, west of New York to Mississippi river. 3. 41 degrees to 42 degrees, 2 minutes north latitude, west of Pennsyl vania to Mississippi river. 4. Country northwest of the Ohio river. 5. Indiana, Illinois, etc. 6. Illinois, Wisconsin, etc. 7. Same. 8. "Various tribes. Illinois. CHAIN OF TITLE. In tracing title, attention must be given to whatever is involved in establishing the various links which form the so-called chain. Original conditions, changes and sub sequent contingencies, together with generally accepted notions, international agreements and legal interpretations enter into the consideration. In the course of the world's affairs a theory was form ulated that a nation might acquire dominion over terri tory through discovery, conquest or purchase. In prac tice, it would seem that a general consensus of opinion agreed that the original occupants of a soil should be en titled to its use. "Where savage or barbarous nations have been discovered by the more civilized peoples of other nations, they have usually been allowed to retain their habitat on the territory which they occupied. With reference to the soil of Illinois, all three of the forms of acquiring dominion (discovery, conquest and purchase) are embraced within the chain of title, in addi tion to original occupancy. The soil has been claimed by occupancy, by constructive discovery, by constructive counter-discovery, by actual discovery, by conquest and by purchase. Our present status is grounded on these with the foregoing supplemental modifications of this statement. During the progress of this work each link in the chain will be presented in its order. 10 The first link, or the Indian right, was legally passed upon in 1823 and in the opinion delivered by Chief Jus tice Marshall, while referring to "the original inhabi tants," is found the following statement: "They were admitted to be the rightful occupants of the soil, with a legal as well as just claim to retain possession of it, and to use it according to their o"wn discretion; but their rights to complete sovereignty, as independent nations, were necessarily diminished, and their power to dispose of the soil at their own will, to whomsoever they pleased, was denied by the original fundamental principle, that discovery gave exclusive title to those who made it." It was decided in this ease, which is reported tn 8 Wheaton 543,^ that the right of a "tribe northwest of the Ohio" to make grants "to private individuals cannot be recog nized in the courts of the United States. ' ' But whatever 11 INDIANS.^ The first inhabitants on the soil of Illinois of whom history makes mention were Indians ; and consisted mainly of a confederacy of tribes of Illini (or Illinois). There fore the first link of our chain of title was formed through their occupancy. It is idle to speculate on how long this occupancy existed. Vague traditions are of no historic utility. The true historian must be a historical surgeon and must carve all matters of mere speculation and sug gestion out of his consideration. The exact truth is hard to be obtained at best; even when the most reliable sources alone are considered, without entering the field of guesswork and tradition. As a diversion, the presenta tion of the folklore or the mythology of a people may be allowable. But nothing less than the nearest possible approximation to accuracy of statement can ever be dig nified into history. Hence it is out of place in this con nection to surmise that the Illini were here at any particu lar time antedating authentic information on the subject. The historic truth is that they were here in 1673. They were discovered then by white men. a. Origin of the Indians — See Hennepin's Description of Louisiana by Shea — 277. 12 SPAIN. Although the sea-kings of the north may have made ex plorations on this Western Hemisphere in the ninth, tenth and eleventh centuries as claimed by some, yet, the dis covery by Columbus in 1492 of land in the Bahamas is the generally accepted event from which is dated the begin ning of American history. Through this was given to the Spanish government of Ferdinand and Isabella the first claim by right of discovery to that new world in which somewhere (though unkno"wn at the time to Euro peans) was Illinois. This is the second link in our chain of title. 13 "U 16 ENGLAND. When Cabot made the discovery of our Continent in 1498, under a commission from Henry VH of England, a claim thereto accrued to the English government and Illi nois (though to Europeans an unkno"wn part of the Con tinent) was necessarily included. And the third link in our chain of title was thus formed. 17 DISCOVERED BV CABOT IH-SS «0» -v 19 SPANISH, ENGLISH AND FRENCH DISCOVERIES. Soon after the discovery of this Continent, three great streams of discovery, settlement, colonization and civil ization came from Europe to North America. The Span ish came to the South and the English to the eastern sea board, while the French made discoveries along the At lantic coast which culminated in the Northeast where settlements were made by them throughout Canada, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Newfoundland. Besides these, minor streams were also contributed by other Euro pean nations. Claims to various portions of the North American Continent were made by the respective govern ments whose representatives made discoveries. The de scriptions, which were attempted for these claims at that time, were of the character which accorded such scope as would embrace everything as far as it was practicable and possible to gain or hold possession. The limitations seem to have been natural barriers and superior human counier- agencies. Lakes, rivers, oceans, prairies, forests, hunting grounds and mountain chains furnished in their indefinite way the boundaries. The tenure of the discoverer hav ing been as uncertain as the extent of the discovery, the claim only maintained some degree of authority so long as it or any part of it was not disturbed or overcome by some one else. Through the enterprises and movements of the Euro pean governments, it came to pass that Illinois became subject to claims of title by Spain, Prance and England, prior to its acquisition by Virginia and the United States. 22 ^^ -I,. Spanish CiJ M£IENDE£ ISSJ Ponce de Leon ISI3 23 SPAIN. In 1513 Ponce de Leon under a royal Spanish grant discovered Florida.*^ Under the generally accepted notions in those days, when claims were exceedingly vague and indefinite both as to their scope and duration, he gave to the Spanish government by this act a claim to an indefin ite tract which extended so far as it was in the power of his government to acquire possession and so long as it was not dispossessed by some counter claim of superior po tency. Florida in this early sense may have meant every thing in North America south of the Great Lakes. In fact this meaning may be gathered from the earlier "writers. De la Vega, a Peruvian historian, in his history of ' ' The Conquest of Florida, ' ' finished in 1591, speaks ol it as a great country of which all the parts were not theu kno'wn and in admitting the difficulty of description says : "One does not know in efi:ect, if on the north (Septen- trion) Florida is bounded by land or sea." One presump tion would limit its extent at the first natural boundaries, the Great Lakes, on the north, though possibly in those times there was nothing to interfere with the construction that might have carried the bounds to the Arctic Ocean. Under either presumption or construction, as the soil of Illinois was embraced in this indefinite tract, in our chain of title we record this Spanish claim as the next link. a. "Winsor, Narrative and Critical History of America, Vol. U, 233. 24 Spain's claim was strengthened in 1541 when De Soto landed on the southern Mississippi river. According to the prevailing notions of those times, this occurrence car ried with it a claim to all the country on the stream and its tributaries. De Soto's indefinite claim included Illi nois as it was situated both along the Mississippi and some of its larger tributaries. After an unsuccessful attempt to establish a French Huguenot colony had been made by Ribaut, Laudonniere and others at Fort Carolina, the third act in establishing the claim of title for Spain took place when Melendez laid the foundation of St. Augustine in 1565 and proclaimed the Spanish king monarch of all North America. And though another attempt was made two years after this by a French expedition under De Gourges and although St. Augustine was demolished in 1586 by tie English under Drake (who, however, hastened to Virginia), yet on ac count of a cessation of further attempts on the part of the French and English to form settlements in Florida, Illi nois as a part thereof was confirmed to the Spanish claim by the universal acceptance of the methods adopted b^^ the world at that time. While these acts gave constructive possession, no at tempt was made by the Spanish to settle on the soil of Illi nois or in fact by any one else until its discovery by white men one hundred and sixty years after the discovery of Florida by Ponce de Leon. It remained undiscovered and unexplored until the arrival of Marquette and JoUiet in 1673, when actual possession was established for the first time by Europeans. 26 :^7^ CP'- 27 FRANCE. French explorations on this Continent began when Verrazani, a Florentine navigator, was sent out by the French government and in 1525 reached the coast of North Carolina and then explored the coast of North America from Florida to Newfoundland. To his indefinite dis coveries was given the name of New France. Other French explorations followed and in ,1534 Cartier reached the coast of Newfoundland and discovered Canada and the St. Lawrence river. He erected a wooden cross and claimed the country for France. Other Frenchmen made attempts at discovery and settlement in New France until in 1603, when a grant was made to De Chastes (which was afterwards given to De Monts) by Henry IV of France of aU of North .America between 40° and 46° north latitude. As this grant extended from ocean to ocean, it embraced the north half of Illinois. It was the first generally recognized adverse claim made against the Spanish and although the French made no actual settlements on the soil of Illinois any more than the Spanish, yet, through this grant northern Illinois became subject constructively to a claim by the French government. This vague claim was like its predecessor (the Spanish claim) liable to be come neutralized by some other of equal potency or en tirely negatived or annihilated by one of paramoimt force. This contingency soon arose. 30 81 ENGLAND. In 1606 a patent for the colonization of Virginia was granted (which was reinforced by a charter of 1609) ex tending between 34° and 45° north latitude (or from Cape Fear to beyond Halifax)^ and indefinitely westward by James I of England in order to enable the planting of two colonies. Within these bounds from north to south the Plymouth and London companies founded settlements along the Atlantic region.*' The claim on the part of England included Illinois, the north part of which was resubjected to the English claim under the Massachusetts Bay Charter and the Connecticut Colony Rights, until the treaty of 1671 between France and the Indian tribes of the West, when the claim to the West (including Illinois, of course,) passed to France. The Massachusetts Bay grant extended "from sea to sea."° The English made no ex plorations in the western or northwestern region and their claim was only one of constructive possession. a. Bancroft, Hist. U. S., "Vol. I, 120, b. London Company, 34 degrees to 38 degrees, Plymouth Company, 41 degrees to 45 degrees. Intermediate district open to both. Bancroft, Hist. U, S„ Vol. I, 120. c. Old South Leaflets 1, General Series No. 7. 34 35 FRANCE. During the years that the Spanish had been engaged in the South and the English on the eastern coast, the French had been busily occupied in the Northeast, where they firmly planted the seeds of the New France in America. Cartier discovered the St. Lawrence; De Monts and Champlain and others established settlements and Quebec and Montreal and Three Rivers were founded ; forts and mission stations were erected and by 1670 Can ada had made decided progress and was in charge of an Intendant who administered affairs on behalf of the French government at Quebec, which was the seat of gov ernment for New France. The early part of the seven teenth eentury had brought the vanguard of those mission aries, who aided so materially in discovery while bent spiritually on the conversion of the savage tribes. Prior to 1670 all of the Great Lakes in the Northwest had been visited by missionaries and fur traders. These had brought and sent back to Canada accounts of a great river in the west which had been heard, which stimulated both the spirit of discovery and proselyting. The missionaries, who were stationed near the end of Lake Superior at the Bay of Chegoimegon, in their communication with the In dian tribes which came to the station from the south and west, received reports of a great river, which the Indians saw or crossed in their travels.^ a. Parkman, La Salle and the Disc, of the Great "West, 30. Letter of Marquette to Superior, Relation of 1670, 87. Dablon. Relation of 1671, 24, 25. 36 As there had long been a search for a short route to China and as it was believed that somewhere in the west there was an outlet to the ocean, which would furnish this northwest passage to the Orient, the reports of this river were seized upon as furnishing the clew. Both the civil and religious authorities at Quebec saw an opportunity of extending their field of operations. Mesnard and AI- louez had built the pioneer missionary station in the ex treme northwestern Lake Region. Dablon and Mar quette worked in the same field. In 1670 Allouez con ceived the idea of a peace conference between the repre sentatives of the western Indian tribes and the Canadian government. In that year Perrot made his appearance at the Sault Sainte Marie or St. Mary's of the Falls as the agent for Talon, the French Intendant of Canada, and as the representative of the French government of Louis XIV, for the purpose of convoking a universal Indian Con gress at that place. Perrot invited all the neighboring tribes and in May, 1671, the meeting was held at St. Mary's, where Allouez acted as interpreter. At that meeting a treaty was made, whereby the friendship of the tribes was secured as well as dominion over the Great West for France in return for protection promised the tribes by the French government, and formal possession was taken by French officers, while a cross of cedar was erected and thus through this treaty and the ceremonies attendant thereon, Illinois again became subject construc tively to a French claim, as it was embraced in this in definite cession of the Great West. Marquette, in that year, established the mission of St. Ignace near the pres ent Mackinac and it was there that he functioned when the Canadian government decided to send out a voyage 37 of discovery for the great rivei' which should furnish an outlet to the western ocean and a short northwest passage to China. Marquette was joined at his mission station by JoUiet and five companions who were sent by the Cana dian government. These seven men set out from St. Ignace on the thirteenth of May, 1673, and began the journey that led through Green Bay and Fox river, through the villages of the Kickapoos, the Mascoutens aud the Miamis, through marshes and swamps and across the portages in Wisconsin, down the Wisconsin river unti. on the seventeenth of June, 1673, they beheld the Mississippi. Then they made the journey do"wn the newly discovered stream to the country of the Arkansas Indians and on July seventeenth, 1673, returned and passed up the Illinois river until they found a village of the Illinois Indians sit- : uated on the upper Illinois river near the site of the pres ent to"wn of Utiea,^ in La Salle County, and this advent of; white men on the soil embraced within the present limits \ of our state is the beginning of the authentic period of Illinois history. The master-spirits of this voyage were Marquette and JoUiet and to them and their companions belongs the credit of having disclosed to the world a dis covery which is second to none and which has cro-wned their names with immortality.'' a. Mason in Breese, Early Hist, of 111., 142 (note). Parkman, La Salle and the Disc, of the Great West, 69, 223. b. Marquette's Journal, Breese, Early Hist, of 111., 235 and suite. -^ M ETCH I SAME A 41 THE ILLINOIS INDIANS. When Marquette, JoUiet and their companions arrived at the village of the Illinois Indians in 1673, they found it in possession of the Kaskaskia tribe which was a branch of the Illinois confederacy. The Illinois confederacy (known as the Illini)^ was composed of five tribes, viz. : Metchigamis, Kaskaskias, Peorias, Cahokias, Tammarois. The habitat of the Metchigamis'^ was originally west of the Mississippi and they really became a part of the con federacy by adoption. They have impressed their name on the lake and state of Michigan. The habitat of the Kaskaskias was the region between Lake Michigan and Lake Peoria and they have impressed their name on the village and river of Kaskaskia and the mound° in Clinton County. The habitat of the Peorias was the region of Lake Peoria and they have impressed their name on the lake and city of Peoria, a. Brown, Hist, of 111,, 115. b. Beckwith, The 111. and Ind, Indians, Charlevoix, 296, Moses, 111, Hist, and Stat., Vol. 1, 58. "Winsor, Cartier to Frontenac, 248, (Map.) Breese, Hist, of 111., 78. (Map.) Dr. E. A. "Woelk in "The Dental Brief," September, 1905. 42 The habitat of the Cahokias was the region of Cahokia and the American Bottom^ and they have impressed their name on the village and creek and mound of Cahokia. The habitat of the Tammarois was the region of south eastern Illinois and they impressed their name on the to"wn of Tamaroa. The Illinois confederacy never rose to any great dis tinction. The most important thing which it accomplished was to impress a name upon the river and state of Illinois. It may be estimated that its population numbered more than ten thousand when discovered by the French. When Membre was among them at the close of 1679 and the be ginning of 1680, he found "seven or eight thousand souls" at their principal village.'' They were called Illini, which term has been given various shades of meaning, the gen eral signification being, however, that they were superior men;" though their superiority, if they ever possessed any, was not sho"wn in any marked degree during the period of authentic history. They served mainly as the prey of the fierce eastern tribes, who made occasional in cursions until ultimately the Illinois were decimated and the fragmentary tribes were consolidated and found a refuge for a time in the southwestern portion of the state in the American Bottorn. While the Kas- a. The American Bottom is a low tract extending from Alton to Chester and from the Mississippi river to the Bluffs on the east and contains something like four hundred and fifty square miles or about 288,000 acres. b. Le Clercq, Estab. of the Faith (Shea), Vol. n, 117, 132. c. Beckwith, The 111. and Ind. Indians. Marquette's Journal in Breese, Early Hist, of III,, 251, 43 kaskias were originally on the Illinois river above Peoria, yet, in 1700^ on account of the fear of the eastern Indians and their frequent depredations and the harassments of their neighboring tribes they started to migrate with Father Marest, their mission priest, to southern Illinois, where they finally settled near the junction of the Kas- / kaskia and Mississippi rivers. All the remnants of the other tribes also became merged into this Kaskaskia fam ily. By 1736, they were in the southern portion about Kaskaskia and an enumeration of that year shows that they had only about six hundred warriors.'' Later, even the remnants became almost extinguished ; one of the main causes for the almost utter extinction of the Illinois by the other Indians having been the murder of Pontiac by an lUinois Indian in 1769 at Cahokia. Thomas Hutchins, whose "Topographical Description, etc.," was published in 1778, in an appendix, gives a list of tribes with the number of their fighting men and among them he places the Kaskaskias, Peorias and Metchigamis at three hun dred.'' According to Governor Reynolds,"^ in 1800 there were about one hundred and fifty warriors of the whole confederacy left with a half-breed by the name of Ducoign or DuQuoin for their chief. Beckwith,"^ however, quotes from a letter from General Harrison to the Secretary of War from which it appears that when he became Governor of the Indiana Territory (which included Illinois) in 1800, a. Mason quoted in Breese, Early Hist, of 111., 142 (in note.) b. Beckwith, The III. and Ind. Indians, 105. c. Hutchins' Topographical Description, 67. d. Reynolds, Pioneer Hist., 10. e. Beckwith, The 111. and Ind. Indians, 106. 44 there were only thirty warriors. Basing the calculation on one warrior to every five individuals and applying it to the latter statement, it might be inferred that Reynolds really meant to give the whole number when he spoke of one hundred and fifty. After the state was admitted into the Union and their lands were ceded to the government, the handful of Indians that was left was removed to the Indian Territory. Like all Indians the Illinois were somewhat migratory in their habits. Although their usual habitat was per haps the soil of our state, yet, they lived west of the Mis sissippi river at times and in the days when Marquette was stationed at Allouez' mission of St. Esprit near the end of Lake Superior, they brought him the news of the great river of which he was destined to become the dis coverer later.^ Some of them drifted about and dwelt in Iowa, Missouri and Arkansas prior to the settlement of most of them on the Illinois river. In their voyage do"'wn the Mississippi, Marquette and the discoverers visited some Illinois on the western side near the Des IMoines river, where we find them marked on the map purporting to be Marquette's, though also claimed to be a contempor aneous Jesuit map; and a "Metchigamea" village is also marked thereon in the Arkansas country.'' Tonti's account," as he saw them in 1679, does not give them a character for good morals. a. "Winsor, Cartier to Frontenac, 201, 234. Jesuit Relation 1670-1 (Dablon). b. Marquette's Journal, Breese, Early Hist, of 111,, 264, Breese, Early Hist, of 111,, 78 (map,) "Winsor, Cartier to Frontenac, 248 (map), c, Tonti, 58. 45 Father Zenobius Membre, who was among them as early as 1679, found them possessing a characteristic which he describes as "thievish." He also represents them as "wandering" and "idle."^ La Hontan wrote from Missilimakinae in 1689 concern ing a trip which he undertook on September twenty-fourth of the previous year during which he explored the Wis consin, Mississippi, Illinois and other rivers. On April ninth, 1689, he entered the Illinois from the Mississippi and sailed up its stream till he came to the village of the lUinese (as he calls them), where he arrived on April twentieth, 1689. He tells of how he engaged four hun dred of them to transport baggage, saying they were "in- eourag'd by a Bribe of a great Roll of Brazil Tobacco, an hundred pound v/eight of Powder, two hundred weight of Ball, and some Arms."'' In a discourse on the savages of North America he says ' ' The lUinese, the Oumamis, and the Outagamins: with some other adjacent Nations are of an indifferent size, and run like Greyhounds, "° And as bearing on this in another portion of the discourse, he tells how they rely on this characteristic in case of danger: "presuming that in case of a discovery, they can easily save themselves by their good Heels, "'^ Father Charlevoix, who visited the country of the Illi nois Indians less than one half a century after its discov ery, says in a letter written by him in 1720 : ' ' The Illinois a, Le Clercq, Establishment of the Faith, Vol. II, 134. (Shea.) b. La Hontan, New Voyages to North America, Vol. I, 135, c. La Hontan, New Voyages to North America, Vol, II, 4, d- La Hontan, New Voyages to North America, Vol, II, 77, 46 have the Character of being cunning Thieves." And he teUs what precautions he took concerning his baggage during his stay at the Rock'^ (Le Rocher) on the upper Illinois river and how in spite of the exercise of due vigil ance he missed ' ' a Gun, and some Trifles ' ' at his departure which he never recovered.'' a. Starved Rock, Accounts, which may receive some atten tion from a, sentimental standpoint, have furnished a story for the Starved Rock. It is told that aftei Pontiac's assassination at Cahokia in 1769 by a half-breed Peoria Indian, Pontiac's Indian friends, in order to avenge his death, banded together for the pur pose of accomplishing the extermination of the Illinois tribes. That having been relentlessly pursued everywhere else, the Illinois resolved to make a final stand at the site of their ancient village; but, after a desperate resistance of some days, retreated during a blinding storm in the night to the rock across the river, whereon the warriors succumbed to starvation and death in a final contest rather than surrender to their foes. It has been told how only one warrior escaped to tell the story. But, from an account re ceived by Caton from an old Pottawatomie chief (Meachelle), "eleven of the most athletic warriors, in the darkness and con fusion of the fight, broke through the besieging lines." "While the data in the foregoing chapter do not bear out the idea that this was the ending of the existence of the Illinois nation, the story has at least served to Impress a name on a very interesting spot. b. Charlevoix, 283, 47 FIRST WHITES AND FIRST STATION IN ILLINOIS. Marquette, JoUiet and five companions were the first white men to discover and reach the soil of Illinois, so far as historic evidence shows. Surmises of earlier arrivals lack positive proof for substantiation. I Marquette was born at Laon, France, in 1637. He was educated for the priesthood and joined the Jesuits. In 1666, at the age of twenty-nine, as a missionary, he came to join the colony of New France on the western Conti nent. He seems to have been prompted in his coming by a strong desire to convert the Indians. After spending several years among the tribes located in the region about Lake Michigan and Lake Superior, he finally established the mission of St. Ignace in 1671 and here was joined in 1673 by JoUiet, a merchant from Quebec, and a small company who were sent on a voyage of discovery for a short passage to the western ocean. JoUiet was born at Quebec in 1645. He too was edu cated by the Jesuits for the priesthood but went into the fur trade. When he joined Marquette in 1673 he was twenty-eight and Marquette was thirty-six. These young men became the leaders of that expedition which resulted in the discovery of the northern Mississippi river and the country of the Illinois. On their return trip from their exploration of the Mississippi, as narrated in a former chapter, they turned in at the mouth of the Illinois river which furnished a shorter route to the Lakes. After having voyaged sixty-five leagues, it was on this river that they found a village of the Illinois Indians which Mar- 48 quette in his journal calls Kuilka. It was also known as La Vantum. JoUiet called it Kaskaskia. The name Kas kaskia was retained by the white villages that became the successors of the Indian town — one planted on the site of the Indian town on the upper Illinois river near Utica and its successor, which was located for nearly two centuries about seven miles above the junction of the Mississippi and Kaskaskia rivers (and between them) until the cur rent of the Mississippi changed and through its encroach ments washed away a great portion of the village and un til its main channel flowed through the channel of the Kas kaskia and the remainder of the village was so endanger ed as to require its removal. The Indian village found by Marquette and his com panions has been variously called Kuilka, La Vantum and Kaskaskia (or Cascaschia, as Membre puts it ) and its population has also been variously estimated. Many of the Illinois Indians, who were driven from their original seat, near Lake Michigan, by the Iroquois to the west of the Mississippi, had returned to the east and were located on the Illinois. In this village Marquette s.ays he found seventy-four cabins. This was in 1673. Henne pin, who arrived towards the close of December of 1679, found it situated at 40° latitude in a marshy plain on the right bank of the river and containing four hundred and sixty cabins, each cabin four or five fires, each fire one or two families.^ Father Zenobius Membre speaks of it as "The village of the Ilinois Cascaschia, situated west of the bottom of Lake Dauphin, a little southwest, a. Hennepin, Description of Louisiana, 153. (Shea.) 49 at about 41° latitude. " This was in the beginning of 1680 and he says it was composed of "seven or eight thousand souls. ""^ Marquette in his journal speaks of the kind treatment accorded him at this village and the promise ex tracted from him to return. On leaving he was conducted by Indian escorts to Lake Michigan (Lake Illinois as it was then called) and reached Green Bay at the close of September where he remained the following winter and summer. He left in October 1674 for the Illinois, reached the Chicago river in November but could go no farther on account of enfeebled health. His two companions, who had come with him from the Green Bay mission, built a cabin near this river and spent the "winter. On March thirtieth, 1675, they left and reached the Des Plaines river and floated dov/n to its junction with the Illinois river and then do"wn to the Kaskaskias. In April, near Easter, they were received in grand council on a large meadow and in the midst of several thousand people (chiefs, warriors, wo men and children had turned out) established the mission of the Immaculate Conception, which has continued to this day., and is known by the same name. Shortly after, Marquette left for his home mission, but died on the way on the eastern shore of Lake Michi gan.'' Allouez was appointed his successor.*" In 1693 Father James Gravier built a chapel in the fort of the Starved Rock. A record of baptisms dating back to 1695 is among the archives of the present church of Kaskaskia. From this it appears that in 1695 Gravier a. LeClercq, Establishment of the Faith, Vol. II, 132. (Shea.) b. Parkman, La Salle and the Disc, of the Great "West, 67. c. "Winsor, Cartier to Frontenac', 250, 266, 290, 323. 50 baptized a child named Peter Aco, From this baptismal record it also seems that from 1695 until the removal of the Kaskaskia Indians, Fathers Gravier, Bineteau and Marest functioned at this mission. About the latter part of 1700 the Indians around the Kaskaskia mission, having become tired of the constant harassments from the other Indians, resolved to leave that portion of the country and Father Marest, who officiated there, after endeavoring to dissuade them from their project, finally joined them in their migration to the south which resulted in the estab lishment of the mission of the Immaculate Conception be tween the Mississippi and Kaskaskia rivers about seven miles north of the present city of Chester. Here it remain ed with varying fortunes for nearly two centuries. It gradually grew into a considerable village which served as the early entrepot for trade between Louisiana, in the south, and New France, in the north; which became the capital of the territory of Illinois and the first capital of the state and was recognized in the halcyon period im der the French Commandants as the "Paris of the West." On account of its proximity to the Mississippi, the constant washings of the waters of the river in their attempt to find a straighter channel, caused the 'vU- lage to sufi^er much in later years. After the Mis sissippi broke across the country and found its channel in the Kaskaskia river so that the main current began to flow through the Kaskaskia on the east side of the village, an island was formed, the head of which graduaUy washed away under the pressure of the waters in their still further attempt to straighten the channel until the safety of the buildings became endangered. Acres of land were swept away, gardens were washed into the stream 51 and buildings were loosened from their foundations, until; the work of devastation thus wrought by nature impressed the village priest. Father L. W. Ferland, with the import ance of making an attempt for the preservation of this; olden Illinois settlement. And to his efforts may be at- , tributed, in a large measure, the existence of the new Kaskaskia which has been established farther south on the lower part of the island thus formed as above stated. The olden cemetery, in which the pioneer dead had been buried from time to time for a period dating back nearly two hundred years, having been in danger of watery de struction, the legislature of 1891 appropriated $10,000 for the removal of the dead. Under this act, Father L. W. Ferland, Hon. Charles Becker and Judge Cyrus Cook were appointed commissioners and entrusted with the removal. They selected C. M. Wheeler as secretary for the commis sion, bought twenty acres of land situated on top of the hill on the east of the river opposite Kaskaskia near the ruined earthworks of an old fort and let the contract for boxes and reinterments. The number of boxes conveyed to the new cemetery amounted to thirty-eight hundred. Some of these boxes contained a whole family. The south part of the cemetery (which is Catholic) contains fifteen hundred unknown, while in the north part (devoted to the public generally) there are four hundred and fifty more unkno"wn. It is a somewhat remarkable fact or coincidence that whUe this first mission was estab lished by an envoy from Canada (Father Mar quette) after two centuries of its existence, its affairs should be wound up, prior to its removal to its pres ent site, where it has taken up its abode as a new Kas kaskia, by another Canadian priest, Father Ferland, who 52 by nativity is a Canadian and a near kinsman to the Abbe Ferland, a distinguished Canadian churchman and his torian. In this connection it may be stated that about the time of the removal of Kaskaskia from-4he northern Illinois river to southern Illinois, Cahokia began its existence. Prom the letter of St. Cosme,^ a missionary priest, it ap pears that he made a voyage from upper Lake Michigan to the site of Chicago and down the Illinois river to the Mississippi and the day after reaching the Mississippi (or on December 7, 1899) he came to the village of the Tam marois. Pie learned at this village that the Indians knew nothing of any priest except Father Gravier. The Tam marois village was probably on the site of the present ham-- let of Cahokia as the Tammarois and Cahokia Indians were neighboring tribes belonging to the same confeder acy (the Illini) and practically occupied the same habitat. It follows from this that Cahokia as a settlement or even as a mission station does not antedate the year 1700. There are indications,'' however, which warrant the state ment that the approximate historic truth is that its begin ning may be said to commence with 1700 and hence its founding is about coetaneous with that of the Kaskaskia of southern Illinois. a. Mason in Breese, Barly Hist, of 111., 143 (in note). b. Le Sueur's Journal. 53 DISCOVERY OF COAL IN ILLINOIS. After the discovery of Illinois, JoUiet went back to Canada and his report stimulated other adventurers. In less than a decade came the bold enterprise of La Salle. Through letters patent granted by Louis XIV, king of France, May twelfth, 1678, he was permitted ' ' to endeavoi to discover the western part of our country of Ne"Vv France, and for the execution of this enterprise, to con struct forts wherever you shall deem it necessary."'^ An expedition was organized that year with La Salle in command and Tonti as his lieutenant. In the company were Hennepin, Ribourde and Membre, friars of the Recol lect order. This expedition went from Canada and passed through the St. Lawrence river and the Lakes until they reached the country of the Illinois toward the close of 1679 after various hardships encountered, the most im portant of which was the matter of building their vessel, the Griffin, and its subsequent loss as well as other difficul ties with which they had to contend. During this visit of La Salle's party to the country of the Illinois (1679) Father Louis Hennepin, a Recollect mis sionary, was with the party. And he makes the first his torical mention of coal in this region. During their expedi tion from Canada, after having arrived in the Miami coun try and while they were seeking for a portage by which they could reach the Illinois river, La Salle, while explor ing the a. Breese, Early Hist, of 111., Appendix B, 272. 54 country, became separated from the rest and as he did not return as soon as they expected, searching parties were sent after him. On the follo"wing day Hennepin and two others went out again and in the afternoon found him, ' ' His hands and face all black with the coals and the wood that he had lighted during the night which was cold."^ This was in the Miami country, a short distance from the head-waters of the Illinois river. After giving an account of how they reached the Illinois he says: "There are mines of coal, slate, iron, and lumps of pure red copper which are found in various places indicate that there are mines and perhaps other metals and minerals, which wUl one day be discovered."'' These vague references would furnish no definite index to the location of the coal fields hinted at beyond the inference that they were somewhere in northern Illinois. When amplified by the testimony of later writers it becomes possible to designate the loca tion with greater certainty. On the twenty-seventh of September, 1720, Father Charlevoix arrived at the junction of the Kankakee and Illinois rivers. Lower down on the lUinois at its junction with a river which he mentions as being called the Pisticoui and which flows from the country of the Mascoutens, he speaks of a fall caUed la Char- boniere "because they find many Coals in its Environs. "° (This was in what is now La Salle County.) From Kennedy's Journal"^ it appears that on the sixth a. Hennepin, Description of Louisiana, 137 (Shea). b. Hennepin, Description of Louisiana, 151 (Shea). c. Charlevoix, 281. d. Kennedy's Journal in Hutchins' Top. Des. 56, 61. 55 of August, 1773, he passed the junction of the Illinois and Mackinaw rivers where he found some pieces of coal and he says: "I was induced to walk up the river a few miles, tho' not far enough, to reach a coal mine. In many places I also found clinkers, which inclined me to think that a coal mine, not far distant, was on fire, and I have since heard, there was." On the ninth of August they^ passed the Vermilion and one mile farther, the water be ing too low for the boat, the boat was left and they went by land. On the tenth of August they came to the junc tion of the Illinois and the Fox (Pisticoui). Proceeding fifteen miles farther, they stopped at an encampment of French traders on an island, but, receiving no informa tion about the copper mine which they were hunting, thej started back on the eleventh for their boat which was about forty-five miles away according to his computation. That night they got within nine miles of their boat. On the morning of the twelfth, they went three miles farther do'wn and being then six miles from their boat (which was left one mile above the mouth of the Vermilion) they were at this point seven miles above the mouth : which is near the present to"wn of La Salle. This point must have been near Utica, the site of the old Kaskaskia Indian to"wn. Kennedy says : ' ' On the north-western side of this river is a coal mine, that extends for half a mile along the mid dle of the bank of the river, which is high. ' ' In a book issued in 1823, Beck says : ' ' Coal is found in great abundance in different parts of the state; it is a. Several Coureurs de Bois (forest rangers) were with him, b. Beck, Gazetteer of 111. and Mo., 41, 56 of a good quality, and is very valuable on account of the scarcity of timber. ' ' In the interval of time between Hennepin's account and the present, the coal industry of this state has grown to such extensive proportions that it is one of our leading industries. From a summary furnished by the Secretary of the Illinois Bureau of Labor Statistics it appears that in 1905 there were 990 mines in the state which produced 37,183,374 tons and this product was secured by the efforts of 59,230 employees. Fifty-six of the one hundred and two counties of the state contributed toward this production. 57 FIRST FORT IN ILLINOIS. In January, 1680, La Salle's company was among the tribes near Peoria where they built a fort which they caUed Creve Coeur. From Hennepin's map it would appear that it was located. on the east side of the river.^ Leclercq,'' who obtained his information from Father Membre 's diary, speaks of the location as "a little emi nence," while Hennepin" calls it "a little mound," and La Salle'i caUs it "a little hiUock," and Tonti^ calls it "a height" near to the river. It has been pretty definitely settled where this site is and on the strength of the pre ponderance of the views of the later historians, a monu ment has been established on the spot at Wesley City in Tazewell County by the Peoria Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution.' The original fort was per haps not a very pretentious structure but it served as a defense against hostile Indian attacks. Hennepin describes how the eminence was cut do"wn steep at the sides and how they supported the earth with timber and then placed a stockade around it while the a. Hennepin, Description of Louisiana (Map) (Shea). b. LeClercq, Establishment of the Faith, Vol. II, 123 (Shea). c. Hennepin, Description of Louisiana, 176 (Shea). d. La Salle in Margry, Vol. n, 48, 49. e. Tonti, 61. f. Ada Greenwood McLaughlin, 111, Hist, Soc, Pub. 7, (1902), 179 and suite. 58 summit was left in its natural shape except that they placed a raised wall of earth at the edge. The men were provided with barracks in two angles and the priests had a cabin where they lodged and where they held services. They also had a forge for the blacksmith and officers' quarters where La Salle and Tonti were placed in the middle of this fortified post. 60 61 FURTHER FRENCH OCCUPATION. After La Salle's party arrived among the tribes near Peoria in 1680, the building of a new vessel was started for the Mississippi river voyage but on account of the lack of certain articles necessary for its construction La Salle went to the settlements in Canada and left Tonti in charge with instructions to move the fort farther up. About this time troubles were going on between the Iro quois and the Illinois. Tonti left while La Salle was away and when La Salle reached Creve Coeur again he found it abandoned. He continued and reached the Mississippi in December, 1680, but went back to the Miami country in 1681, from where he crossed back into the Illinois coun try and hearing of Tonti went and found him at Mack inaw on the Lakes. The following year La Salle went west again. This was his third attempt. He and his companions went do"wn the Illinois in canoes. The vessel at Creve Coeur was not yet built and in fact it was never finished. On February sixth, La Salle and his compan ions were again on the Mississippi river. They went do"wn its current until they reached its mouth on April ninth, 1682, and setting up a cross on that day took possession of the country in the name of Louis XIV and in his honor called the country, bordering on the stream and its tributaries, Louisiana. This Louisiana embraced an indefinite scope from the Gulf to the Lakes or to v/here the indefinite bounds of New Prance extended ; and becoming a part of New France be- 62 came subject to the sway of the French-Canadian govern ment. On the return up the river to Arkansas, La Salle fell sick and the priest Membre stayed with him while Tonti went ahead to report the news. La Salle later joined Tonti at St. Ignace. Then Tonti was sent to found a colony in the Illinois country and La Salle joined him and they built Fort St. Louis (Le Rocher) at the "Starved Rock."^ La Salle was commissioned again in 1683 and made governor of Louisiana. In 1685 his expedition by sea landed near Matagorda Bay or Galveston Bay, having missed the mouth of the Mississippi which he sought. He searched in vain and was assassinated in 1687 near Trin ity river. After the fort was built at ' ' Starved Rock, ' ' the Indians settled their villages around it and in 1684 Tonti's party and these friendly Indians repelled an attack upon it made by two hundred Iroquois. Some historians may try to use this isolated instance, with the semblance of victory, as testimony in favor of the prowess of the Illinois Indians, but, this defense can hardly be cited as more than a scintilla of evidence in behalf of a nation which was worsted so often and in this case became the beneficiaries of a protective European infiuence whose force under a trained leadership achieved the result. In 1686 Tonti went with forty men to the Gulf of Mexico in search of La Salle. It has been conjectured by some, and so stated by historians, who relied too im plicitly on the guesswork of others, that Tonti's fol lowers during this search or on their return settled the villages of Cahokia and Kaskaskia in southern lUinois. There is no warrant for such a belief. A later trip'' a. Parkman, La Salle and the Disc, of the Great "West, 294. b. Mason's reference to St. Cosme's Letter, Breese, Early Hist, of 111., 142 (note). 63 in which Tonti took a part or acted as a guide may have served to confuse the inference on this head. These stations, in their present locations, were not in existence until about the year 1700. This date is the nearest ap proach to accuracy that can be given as stated in a pre vious chapter. In 1712 came the grant to Crozat. In the letters- patent granted to Anthony Crozat by the king of France dated September fourteenth, 1712, reference is made to the commission given La Salle in 1683 by which he was "to undertake a discovery of the countries and lands which are situated in the northern part of America be tween New France and New Mexico ' ' and the royal decree expresses a belief, based on the success of La Salle 's enter prise, that communication might be established between New France and the Gulf of Mexico by means of the riv ers. Inasmuch as the French government had been dis tracted by the war in Europe, there had been no chance to continue these enterprises and hence the matter re mained in abeyance until a more favorable time — until it was decided to make this grant to Crozat. In these letters-patent the country is officially called Louisiana. Crozat is granted the commerce of the country for fifteen years and the territory in which he is to carry on trade is described as bounded by New Mexico on the one hand and the English Carolina on the other. The grant em braced various rivers, particularly the Mississippi from the sea as far as the Illinois country, the Ohio and the Missouri, with the minor tributaries of these great streams, with whatever bordered along their courses; thereby confirming the claim of Prance laid to this country which extended from the Gulf to New Prance. The articles provided that all of the afore- 64 said be under the name of the government of Louisiana and be subordinate to the general government in New France, providing further that .all the lands derived from the Illinois be united with the general government of New France whenever required, with the right to enlarge the government of Louisiana whenever deemed fit. These letters also carried with them permission to mine and hunt for precious stones; and further, the property right was given him to all factories which he might erect and to lands which he might cause to be cultivated. The customs of Paris were to become the law for the guidance of this new province of Louisiana. Provision was made upon what terms he might enjoy these privileges. The forego ing privileges were the principal ones embraced in the grant except that it provided that if he deemed it proper for the culture of his plantations he might employ blacks and for this purpose might send a ship every year to trade for them on the coast of Guinea and in turn might sell them to the inhabitants of the Louisiana colony. Crozat, being disappointed in the pursuit of mineral treasure, af ter nearly five years of prospecting, willingly surrendered his rights under this patent in 1717. Although the search for mineral treasure proved somewhat disappointing, yet, the energy employed during these adventures, the influx of migration and the stimulus given to primitive trade, serv ed to lay the foundation for the early time settlements, which a few years thereafter became centers of trade and population. Although Laws' organization of the Company of the West or Royal India Company, with property rights in the soil of Louisiana, ended in failure with the explosion of what was known as "The Mississippi Scheme" yet during the 65 life of these grants beginnings were made which served as foundations for the upbuilding of the Louisiana country. Although Crozat had not realized his expectations, it was decided by a council of state at Versailles that the colony of Louisiana should be continued and as it was the opinion of this council that the undertaking was too great for any individual enterprise, they concluded to give the administration to a company and this resulted in the crea tion of the Western Company or Royal India Company. The charter of this company was given its force by the French Parliament September sixth, 1717.^ Prior to this time the settlers had held title to their lots and gardens and farms and pasture lands through Indian grants and possession and actual cultivation and occupation of the soU but thenceforth a more definite system was inaugu rated and yet one which in after years became a source of much troublesome litigation on account of its inadequacy when put to the test, though it served its purpose in its 0"wn time. This Royal India Company made many grants of land to applicants for the purposes of cultivation. The earliest records go back as far as 1722 and were made by Boisbriant, the first commandant in Illinois, on be half of the king and the Royal India Company by Des Ursins, the principal commissary. One of the largest grants was made June fourteenth, 1723, to Philip Fran cois Renault,'' Director-General of the company's min ing explorations. He was given a league square in the southwest part of the present county of Monroe and about fourteen thousand acres at Peoria. a. Gayarre, History of Louisiana, "Vol. I, 192. ta. It is stated in connection with these mining operations that Renault brought "five hundred slaves," 66 The early French settlers settled in villages. Around their houses they enclosed a lot of ground which they used for garden and stable purposes. Their farms extended from the villages out over the adjacent prairie or bottom lands and were narrow strips which extended from the villages to the river or creek on the one side and the bluffs on the other. The inhabitants thus lived in communities which afforded mutual protection while at home and also while working in their fields. These farms were kno"wn as ' ' The Common Fields. ' ' In addition to this there was a "Common" which furnished them in common "with pas turage and fuel. On June twenty-second, 1722, these in dividual and common rights were confirmed to the inhabi tants by Boisbriant, the king's lieutenant of Louisiana, and by Des Ursins for the Royal India Company. Bois briant, who was second in official rank in the Louisiana government by virtue of his station, was the commandant of the Illinois portion of the country until he was caUed to the post of acting governor when Bienville the gov ernor was called to France. Under Bienville as governor the planting of New Orleans was set on foot in 1718. The population of Louisiana then was about fifteen hundred. Follo"wing the planting of New Orleans in 1718 came the planting of Fort Chartres in the Illinois country and in 1719 the village of St. Phillipe upon what became the Renault grant "within a few miles of the fort and also the village of Ste. Anne near the fort. On a tract containing several thousand acres granted to Boisbriant the village of Prairie du Rocher commenced. In 1721 when Charlevoix visited the Kaskaskia and 67 Fort Chartres region, in a letter of that time "written by him, he has the following to say: "The French are here pretty much at their Ease. A Fleming, a Servant of the Jesuits, has taught them how to sow Wheat,^ and it thrives very well. They have some Horned Cattle and Fowls, ' ' He also speaks well of the manner in which the Illinois Indians cultivate the lands and mentions that their wives spin Buffalo's wool and make it into gowns which they sew together "with the Thread made of the Sinews of Roe-Bucks." When Bienville was called to Prance, Boisbriant as sumed the post of acting governor of Louisiana and Des Liettes became commandant of the Illinois country until he was succeeded by St. Ange de Belle Rive in 1730 who maintained the post till 1734. In 1732 however the Royal India Company surrendered its privileges to the crown and a new government was instituted for Louisiana which took it from New France and included Illinois as a de pendency. After the surrender of the patent of the Royal India Company and the consolidation of the Illinois country with the Louisiana province came a new order of government. Over the province there was appointed (by the king) a governor, an intendant and a royal council. The governor had power to appoint a commandant over the Illinois country. Now followed the regime of the French commandants. D'Artaguette'' 1734-36 De La Buissoniere<= 1736-40 St. Clair 1740-43 a. Charlevoix 293, — Census 1900 IU. produced 19,795,500 bushels. b. "Wounded, captured and burned to death with companions in expedition against Chickasaws in Mississippi. c. Also led a Chickasaw expedition. 68 De Bertel 1743-49 St. Clair 1749-51 Makartya 1751-60 Neyon de ViUiers 1760-64 St. Ange de Belle Rive 1764-65 These commandants ruled tUl 1765 when after the French-Indian war under the treaty between France and England the Illinois country was transferred to the British. The Illinois country, as it had been known all along up to this time, (on account of it having been the country of the Illinois Indians) was a part of the French possessions kno"wn as Louisiana for eighty-three years from 1682 tiU 1765. During the French regime other settlements sprang up. Across the Mississippi river in 1764 St. Louis and Ste. Genevieve began ; on this side in 1760 Prairie du Pont commenced near Cahokia (which place then had a mill for corn and planks) while in the north were the Wisconsin and lake region settlements. A considerable trade was carried on between these settlements. As the regime of the commandants was largely in the nature of the administration of affairs in a mUitary way, a judge was also appointed by the authorities in New Or leans who was to exercise a sort of super"nsion over the business affairs of this dependency. If he had any exten sive judicial powers granted him they seem never to have been exercised to any greater extent than to keep a general oversight over the civil officer who was stationed part of the time at Kaskaskia and part of the time at Fort a. Fort Chartres was rebuilt, improved and enlarged under Makarty's Administration. 69 Chartres or the village of New Chartres. This civil officer appears to have been a sort of prothonotary or as he de scribes himself "a registrar of the bench." He kept a register in the French language which is still in existence belonging to the archives of St. Clair County.^ The entries cover a period from 1737 to 1769 and it is called "Registre des Insinuations des Donations aux Siege des Illinois." It is a record of gifts by will, marriage con tracts and the like. At the end of each year there ap pears subjoined an act of approval by a representative of the marine department and the civil bench. The register is interesting in the way of showing that there appeared before the local functionary inhabitants of Cahokia, Can ada, Fort Chartres, Kaskaskia, Ste. Genevieve, St. Louis, St. PhiUipe, Vinceimes. It also shows the existence and status of slavery in the early days in Illinois. The slaves were negroes and Indians. As samples among the many recitals on this point it appears that in 1751 Mr. and Mrs. Bourbonnais gave to Pierre Aubuchon, who was their son- in-law, an old negro slave, who, in the language of the transfer, could only do the ordinary kitchen work and chores. In 1755 Francois Lacroix gave his property to his children on condition that they maintain him. His slaves are enumerated as one Indian man, two Indian women, and one little Indian girl aged seven years. The last entries in the book are of instruments dated in June, 1768. a. "When the original St. Clair County was divided into St. Clair and Randolph counties, in tthe division of the papers and records this register, which is bound in hog-hide, was allowed to remain in St. Clair County. A fuller de scription appears by author in Trans, of 111. State Hist. Soc. 1901, 63-65. 70 To furnish a satisfactory and accurate presentation of the regime of the French commandants in Illinois is a somewhat difficult undertaking, as the material bearing on the subject necessarily must be gathered from scatter ed sources. Prom various early time records hints may be gathered. Margry 's collections of general data per taining to French affairs in America are of great use- ^fulness, while the work of Wallace on "lUinois and Louisiana under French rule" is a valuable contribution to this branch of research. The different histories on .Louisiana are helpful aids, notably the "writings of Gay arre. In the custody of the Missouri Historical Society in St. Louis is a valuable manuscript on "Fort Chartres" and its commandants by Oscar W. CoUet which shows much research and presents a collection of desirable his torical material concerning the period of French occupa tion of the Illinois country. A very erudite paper by Mrs. (¦'Mathew T. Scott on "Old Port Massac" published m the Transactions of the Illinois State Historical Society for 1903 contains a list of the commandants, the correct ness of which is certainly as close a chronological arrange ment as it is practicable to obtain. Prom these sources ¦"nre derived the indices on which our information depends with reference to the sway of the French commandants in the Illinois country. 72 73 ENGLAND. Prior to the treaty of Paris of 1763 France had by secret treaty in 1762 conveyed to Spain her claim to Louis iana west of the Mississippi river ; so that when possession was taken by the English in 1765 their claim was limited to the eastem portion. The treaty of Paris was made February tenth, 1763. It transferred everything east of the Mississippi and north of Iberville. Under this the actual transfer was made October tenth, 1765, when St. Ange de Belle Rive, the last French commandant, deliver ed Port Chartres to Captain Sterling and a company of Highlanders. In 1768 Colonel Wilkins arrived in Kaskaskia on Sep tember fifth by the order of General Gage and establish ed a eourt of seven judges with monthly sessions at Port Chartres. This was the first real legal machinery set in motion in Illinois. It superseded the military tri bunal existing theretofore; though it was not popular on account of the lack of trial by jury. On account of changed conditions many of the French moved away and crossed the Mississippi river. During this English occupa tion Pontiac was assassinated at Cahokia in 1769. This led to the Indian war which almost exterminated the Illi nois. Pontiac had fought on the side of the French dur ing the French-Indian War and, foreseeing that the tide of white immigration would engulf his own race unless re sisted, he formed most of the western tribes into a great confederacy for the purpose of offering resistance. 74 This is called in history the Conspiracy of Pontiac though in reality it was but a defense of native rights. For four years he held at bay the sweep of English migration to the westward but finally succumbed against superior odds. His management of this campaign stamps him as the great est character in the history of the aboriginal race. He remained friendly to the French to his latest years. In his last year he went to St. Louis and visited his friend Chouteau. During this visit he heard of a baU in Caho kia and he determined to visit his French friends in this village. It was during his stay in this village that a cor rupt conspiracy was formed by an English trader to en compass his destruction. The trader bought a half-breed Peoria Indian with a barrel of rum to carry out the de signs of the conspiracy. The Illinois country was then occupied by the English. After Pontiac's assassination he was sent to St, Louis and buried near the fort ; near the site of the present Southern Hotel, in whose lobby a tablet to his memory was placed on one of the waUs in 1900 by the St, Louis Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution.^ In 1772 on account of the encroachments of the river the government headquarters were moved from Fort Char tres to Kaskaskia. Here Roeheblave was in possession when captured by Clark. Under the conquest of the Northwest in 1778 and its acquisition by Virginia the Illi nois country became Virginian. a. Pontiac was born in 1710. Assassinated 1769. 77 FORT CHARTRES AND THE CONQUEST OF THE NORTHWEST. The importance of Illinois was recognized immediately upon its discovery. The Mississippi river, the great cen tral water-way of North America, bounding it on the west, connected with the Ohio, which furnished communication with the east and bounding it on the southeast, the great Chain of Lakes to the northeast, furnishing an avenue to the Atlantic Ocean, gave Illinois a central and command ing position, which, coupled with its 0"wn inland streams, its fertile soil and its mineral substrata made it the key to dominion in North America for any power that might be fortunate enough to come into possession of this favored tract of territory, which, by nature, seems to be designed to be as much the political heart of a great nation as the human heart is the dominant factor in the physical organ ism of man. The French, therefore, seized upon the op portunity after its discovery to form settlements around the mission stations and to build forts to protect them selves, not alone against the movements of the native tribes, but, also to better enable them to retain a firm hold on their possession. In addition to the small forts, one was projected in an advantageous position to become in time the controUing center for their dominion in this country. The site selected was in the present county of Randolph, four miles to the west of what is now Prairie du Rocher and near the Mississippi river. It was selected in 1718 by Boisbriant and 78 when completed was a wooden stockade surrounding the interior earthworks. Later it was ordered rebuilt of stone and a new structure about a mile above the old fort and near the river was made according to a plan of the engi neer Jean Baptiste Saussier^ in 1751. It covered about four acres of ground. The walls, which were sixteen feet high, were two and a half feet thick at the base. Within this enclosure were barracks, stables, store-rooms, officers' quarters and magazines.'' It is estimated that from time to time a million dollars were spent on this immense forti fication. Few vestiges of this fort are now left. The foundation of the wall may still be plainly traced amid the growth of weeds, brier and timber, and also the founda tions of some of the larger buUdings. Two of the wells are still in existence and a powder magazine in the north eastern portion made of solid masonry is preserved almost intact to this day. In 1772 through encroachments of the river the fort was abandoned as it was considered un tenable on account of the crumbling of one of its waUs. The headquarters were then moved to Kaskaskia. The importance of Illinois was likewise recognized by the English for after its transfer to England they con tinued to garrison Port Chartres untU the removal of their headquarters to Kaskaskia. During the war of the American Revolution a young Virginian who had done military duty among the frontier settlements of Kentucky, which was then a part of Virginia, recognizing the importance of the Illinois country, con- a. Dr. Snyder says this was original spelling of name. b. Snyder, Capt. John Baptiste Saucier, 29. 79 ceived the idea that he could best serve the cause of Ameri can Independence by aiming a blow at the British power in the west. He had virtually been in command for Virginia in the Kentucky region during the year 1777 and it was then that he projected the plan to capture the French settlements in the Illinois country and pursuant to this aim he enlisted the good offices of Patrick Henry, the gov ernor of Virginia, from whom he received a commission and instructions which should enable him to carry out his intentions. The expedition which was organized resiUted in the capture of Kaskaskia with Roeheblave its British commandant as well as the military posts at Cahokia and Vincennes.^ The capture of Kaskaskia was accomplished first and as if complying not alone with the intent of the Declaration of Independence, but also as if it had been designed by the Pates that the anniversary, in its an nouncement, should be celebrated by some substantial fruition, this capture was effected on the night of the fourth of July, 1778. This was done by George Rogers Clark and his little army of " a little upwards of two hun dred" men.'' a. Father Pierre Gibault, Charles Gratiot and Francois Vigo deserve honorable mention for services rendered in the Revolutionary cause through supplies contributed to aid the soldiers and further the making of Indian treaties. b. Clark's letter to Mason In English, Conquest of the N. "W., Vol. 1, 437. 83 VIRGINIA AND THE COUNTY OF ILLINOIS.^ Through the conquest by Clark, which was as decisive a step in the war of the Revolution as was the breaking of the backbone of the Confederacy at Vicksburg during our CivU War, the dominion to the Northwest passed to Virginia, carrying Illinois with it as a part thereof. The legislature of Virginia passed a vote of thanks to Clark, his officers and men, erecting the Illinois country into ' ' the county of Illinois"'' and appointing John Todd as the county commandant." He had seen service on the fron tiers during the Revolutionary war and was thoroughly well adapted for the position. His commission may be found entered up in Todd's Record or Minute Book now in the quarters of the Chicago Historical Society. This Minute Book was found in the court house at Chester.'^ The commission was issued by Patrick Henry, the Governor of Virginia. It contained very full instructions on how the county commandant was to deal with his surround- a. "The county of Illinois" it would seem was meant to embrace the whole Northwest, viz.: Ohio, Indiana, Illi nois, Michigan and "Wisconsin. b. This legislative provision applied to the citizens "on the "Western side of the Ohio, ' Moses, 111. Hist, and Stat., Vol, I, 159, c. Edwards, Hist, of 111., 7, English, Conquest of the N, "W., Vol, I, 249, d. Mason, 111, in the 18th Cent,, 51. 84 ings and above all breathes that spirit of liberty with which the air of the New Continent was laden. The com mandant was counselled "to cultivate and conciliate the affections of the French and Indians;" "to advise with the most intelligent and upright persons" that might come in his way (particularly Colonel Clark) ; to watch hostUe movements and to co-operate in a military "way with Clark or troops that might be sent from Virginia; "to in culcate on the people the value of liberty;" "to see that the inhabitants have justice administered to them for any injury received from the troops;" to "punish every at tempt to violate the property of the Indians ; " to cultivate the Spanish commandant near Kaskaskia and to see that Roeheblave 's wife and family did not suffer. These were the principal injunctions. Beyond this the Govemor showed his faith in his appointee by reciting the following in the commission: "Act according to the best of your judgment in cases where these instructions are sUent and the laws have not otherwise directed." A popular gov ernment began its era in the county of lUinois and the people were allowed to elect judges for their primitive courts who functioned at Cahokia, Kaskaskia and Prairie du Rocher. Then came an influx of settlers from Vir ginia. In 1781 came Bond, Garrison, Edd, Moore, Pig gott and Rutherford and settled near the BeUe Fontaine (Beautiful Fountain) in what is now Monroe County; and either on account of this immigration or the fact that the territory on the Missouri side of the Mississippi river was then Spanish territory, the low tract of land extending from Alton to Chester and from the river to the bluffs was called the American Bottom.^ a. American Bottom, See page 42. (Note.) 85 Todd fell in the battle of Blue Licks August nineteenth, 1782. After this, a Lieutenant-Commandant par interim functioned for a whUe in a perfunctory way, but, from the cession by Virginia to the United States of the Northwest in 1784, to the establishment of the St. Clair government, or rather the creation of St. Clair County in 1790, there was not much systematic administration of governmental affairs in Illinois. 89 UNITED STATES— NORTHWEST TERRITORY. After the acquisition of the Northwest Territory, as stated in the preceding chapter, the Congress of the United States by act of September sixth, 1780, recommend ed cessions to the United States, of claims on the part of the several states''- holding the same ' ' to waste and unap propriated lands in the western country" "for the com mon benefit of the Union" and in pursuance thereto, on January second, 1781, Virginia made a cession of her claim to the territory northwest of the Ohio to which Congress stipulated certain terms, by an act of September thirteenth, 1783, on which the United States would agree to accept the cession. FoUowing these preliminaries came an act of the General Assembly of Virginia of December twentieth, 1783, by which authority was given to the delegates of that state in Congress to convey to the United States the rights of that Commonwealth to the territory acquired by it. The main conditions of this transfer provided in sub stance that the territory should be formed into states in due course of time and when admitted as members of the Federal Union that they should enjoy "rights of sov ereignty, freedom and independence" common to all the states. ' ' That the French and Canadian Inhabitants, and a. In 1785 Massachusetts ceded from 42 degrees 2 minutes to 43 degrees, 43 minutes and 12 seconds north latitude, west of New York to the Mississippi. In 1786 Connecticut ceded from 41 degrees to 42 degrees 2 minutes north latitude, west of Pennsylvania to the Mississippi. 90 other settlers of the Kaskaskies, St. Vincents, and the neighboring villages, who have professed themselves citi zens of Virginia, shall have their possessions confirmed to them, and be protected in the enjoyment of their rights and liberties. ' ' And that a grant of land shoiUd be made to Clark and his officers and soldiers. In pursuance of all of the foregoing a deed of cession on March first, 1784, was made by the delegates of Virginia, Thomas Jefferson, Samuel Hardy, Arthur Lee and James Monroe, to the United States by which the Virginia title passed to the tract of country "lying and being to the northwest of the river Ohio." By the act of Congress of July thirteenth, 1787, called the "Ordinance of 1787," for the government of this territory, provision was made with reference to inher itances, descents, wills, conveyances, transfers, sales, etc., saving, however, again to the French and Canadian In habitants their laws and customs. The ordinance pro vided for a Governor, a secretary and a court of three judges. The Governor and judges, or a majority, had the power of making laws subject to disapproval by Con gress until a General Assembly should be organized and then the legislature was given power to make alterations. The Governor was also Commander-in-Chief of the militia. Before the organization of the legislature, he could also appoint such officers as were necessary to preserve peace and good order. Afterward, the legislature was to make regulations. The Governor was given power to lay out counties and townships subject to alteration afterward by the legislature. The ordinance prescribed the mode of electing representatives and their qualifications. It also made provision for the organization of a General Assem bly. Not less 91 than three nor more than five states were to be formed in this territory, and the boundaries, as soon as Virginia should consent to modify her cession, were to be fixed as follows: "The western state in the said territory shall be bounded by the Mississippi, the Ohio and the Wabash rivers; a direct line draAvn from the Wabash and Post Vincents, due north, to the territorial line between the United States and Canada ; and by the said territorial line to the Lake of the Woods and Mississippi. The middle state shall be bounded by the said direct line, the Wabash from Post Vincents to the Ohio, by the Ohio, by a direct line dra"wn due north from the mouth of the Great Miami to the said territorial line, and by said territorial line. The eastern state shall be bounded by the last mentioned direct line, the Ohio, Pennsylvania, and the said terri torial line; Provided, however, and it is further under stood and declared, that the boundaries of these three states shall be subject so far to be altered, that, if Con gress shall hereafter find it expedient, they shall have au thority to form one or two states in that part of the said territory which lies north of an east and west line dra"wn through the southerly bend or extreme of Lake Michi gan. ' ' It was also further provided that there should be "neither slavery nor involuntary servitude" except as a punishment for crimes, providing, however, for the return of fugitives to the original states where such labor or ser vice could be lawfully claimed. This latter provision was the distinguishing feature of the ordinance, which in after years led to the making of so much history on the subject of African slavery and which resulted in making Illinois a prominent factor in the ultimate settlement of the question as subsequent events show. 92 A most important article in the ordinance was to this effect: "Religion, morality and knowledge being neces sary to good government and the happiness of mankind, schools and the means of education shall forever be en couraged." On this foundation is built the splendid system of education which is being maintained in the Northwest and which has certainly placed Illinois in the forefront. On the seventh of July, 1786, Congress stated certain reasons why the foregoing division of this territory "would be attended with many inconveniences" and rec ommended a revision so as to allow such di"vision into states "not more than five nor less than three in number, as the situation of that country and future circumstances might require," to which Virginia assented by act of December thirtieth, 1788. On February first, 1788, General Arthur St. Clair was appointed Governor of this new territory. After the re vision of the ordinance of 1787 and its acceptance by Vir ginia, St. Clair was reappointed in 1789. Although born in Scotland, he served in the French and Indian War and the Revolution and was in public life so much that he be came identified with the interests of the new world to that extent which made his appointment as appropriate as if he had been to the "manor born." The seat of territorial government was placed at Mari etta (Ohio). Under the power conferred by the ordinance of 1787 on the Governor, the county of Washington (in Ohio) was the first county organized and then the county of HamUton (also in Ohio) followed. In the spring of 1790, the Governor 94 95 came to the lUinois country and established a county and appointed officers to attend to its affairs. This coxmty was named after himself. It was the first county erected "within the confines of the territory embraced within the present limits of Illinois and its extent covered about one third of the area of our state. The proclamation^ estab lishing this county fixed its boundaries as follows : "Beginning at the mouth of the little Miehilmakinack river, running thence southerly in a direct line to the mouth of the little river above Fort Massac upon the Ohio river; thence with the said river to its junction with the Mississippi ; thence up the Mississippi to the mouth of the Illinois river, and so up Illinois river to the place of be ginning, with all the adjacent islands of said rivers, Illinois and Mississippi." The date of this proclamation was April twenty-sev enth, 1790. The population of Illinois, at that time, was about two thousand in round numbers. In the year of the organization of this county, a belief in witchcraft'' being still prevalent, two negroes were executed for witchery at Cahokia as mentioned by Gover nor Reynolds." At this execution, a flock of crows was observed flying over the scene and it was remarked by the assembly that the spirits of the witches had gone Into the crows and had taken flight. In 1787, James Smith of Kentucky, a Baptist preacher, a. Book A, p. 1. Recorder's Office, St. Clair Co., 111. b. Mason, 111. in the 18th Cent., 59. c. Reynolds, Pioneer Hist, of 111., 143. 96 came to the New Design''^ settlement in Monroe County and his arrival meant the beginning of Protestantism in Illinois, which in 1793 received an added impulse through the arrival of Joseph Lillard, a Methodist missionary.'' As an important event, not alone in the history of this territorial period, but, important in the history of the state on account of its bearing on its progress, was the arrival of "the first American school master." Governor Rey nolds says that this was John Seely, who came in 1783 to the New Design." In 1795, the county of St. Clair was divided and the southern portion was erected into Randolph County, while the northern part remained under its original name. This was done by the Proclamation of the Governor on October fifth, 1795. The dividing line was established at "Cove Spring, a little south of the New Design, and running from thence due east, etc." After the division, these two counties remained subject to the jurisdiction of the gov ernment of the Northwest Territory until by act of Con gress of May seventh, 1800, the Northwest Territory was divided into two parts. The one part shortly afterward became the present state of Ohio, while the other part was erected into the Indiana Territory, and General Wil liam Henry Harrison was appointed as Governor. The act provided that from the fourth of July, 1800, the territory northwest of the Ohio and west "of the line beginning at the Ohio, opposite the mouth of Kentucky river, ' ' to Port a. The New Design Settlement was formed in the neighbor hood of the Belle Fontaine in Monroe County by Amer ican pioneer immigrants in 1782. b. Cartwright, 167. c. Reynolds, Pioneer Hist, of 111., 122. 97 TERRITORY 99 103 Recovery and north to Canada should be the Indiana Ter ritory. Illinois as a part of this tract remained subject to the jurisdiction of the Indiana Territory and sent its delegates to the Indiana territorial legislature at Vin cennes until the act of Congress of February third, 1809, divided the Indiana Territory into two separate govern ments, one of which became the Territory of Illinois. This Territory of Illinois, which was created to commence its existence on the first day of March, 1809, embraced the tract "west of the Wabash river and a direct line drawn from the said Wabash river and Post Vincennes due north" to Canada. The following year it contained a population of 12,282 as shown by the census of 1810. Soon after the creation of this territory, namely, on April twenty-fourth, 1809, Ninian Edwards^ was ap pointed as its Governor. Governor Edwards was born in Maryland in 1775. He became a lawyer by profession and moved to Kentucky, where he became Chief Justice of the Court of Appeals. He was recommended to President Madison by Henry Clay for Governor of the Illinois Terri tory and was appointed on the foregoing date and again in 1812, when the territory was raised to the second grade and reappointed from time to time until the admission of the state. He was also elected as one of the first United States Senators with Jesse B. Thomas, on the admission of the state into the Union, and was elected its Governor in 1826. He died at BeUevUle July twentieth, 1833. The county of Edwards was named after him. The earthquake of 1811 mentioned by Rejoiolds'' was an a. Edwards, Hist, of 111., 27. b. Reynolds, My Own Times, 125 104 event of considerable physical importance. This occurred on the night of November sixteenth. The shocks were so severe as to cause great fear both among the population and the cattle. Through the American Bottom, chimneys were thrown do"wn, houses were cracked and the bells in the churches rang. In 1812, Illinois was raised to a territory of the second grade and Gallatin, Johnson and Madison counties were formed on September fourteenth.^ The act of Congress of May second, 1812, raising the territory into the second grade, provided by its terms for an extension of the right of suffrage and also in thus raising its grade gave to the territorial legislature unlimited powers of legis lation except where restrained by the ordinance of 1787. Following this, up to the period of statehood, our ci"7il history is mainly noted for its creation of new civil divis ions in the shape of new counties. Edwards'" County (named after the Governor) was formed November twenty-eighth, 1814; White" County on December fifth, 1815; Monroe"^ County on January sixth, 1816; Jackson^ and Pope' Counties on January tenth, 1816; Craw- fords County on December thirty-first, 1816; Bond'' a. By Proclamation of Ninian Edwards, Governor of Illinois Territory. See Ter. Rec. of III. of 1809-1818, edited by Prof. B. J. James and published by the Illinois State Hist. Lib. 1901, p. 26. b. Ter. Rec. of 111. of 1809-181S, p. 35. c. Acts of 1815-16, p. 5. d. Acts of 1815-16, p. 25. e. Acts of 1815-16, p. 62. f. Acts of 1815-16, p. 66. g. Acts of 1816-17, p. 21. h. Acts of 1816-17, p. 28. 105 County on January fourth, 1817 ;' Franklin,'^ Union'' and Washington" Counties on January second, 1818. During this time, however, the progress of events was somewhat enlivened by the first appearance of steamboats in the west.*^ After having passed through its various vicissitudes and changes involving different occupants, discoverers, claimants, possessors and o"wners to which were added nine years of its own individual territorial period, Illinois finally, one hundred and forty-five years after its discov ery by white men, was admitted as an integral part of the Union and granted all the rights of sovereignty pertaining to each of the members of our great sisterhood of states. It was the twenty-first state to be admitted. A new design for our national fiag had been adopted some time previ ously and the first star that was added to the constellation on the field of azure blue was the star of Illinois. a. Acts of 1817-18, p. 11. b. Acts of 1817-18, p. 15. c. Acts of 1817-18, p. 39. d. Ford, Hist, of 111., 96, Reynolds, My Own Times, 177, Moses, 111. Hist, and Stat,, Vol, I, 389, For descriptions and quotations (except St, Clair and Randolph Counties) see Acts, Ordinances, Constitutions, Statutes of 111, 106 THE WAR OF 1812. The second war against England was declared on June eighteenth, 1812, on the recommendation of President Madison. For a number of years prior thereto, the In dians had been growing more and more hostile towards the American inhabitants and settlers; desultory murders and depredations had been committed from time to time until finally Tecumseh made an effort to arouse all the tribes of the Northwest against the United States. Gen eral Harrison, with an army, undertook to disperse them at the Prophet's Town on the Wabash, where they had assembled in great numbers. The battle of Tippecanoe, coming as it did on the heels of former hostUities, was an announcement to the settlers that the Indian war had be gun. And then, as Governor Reynolds says: "The United States Rangers were established for the defense of the frontiers." During the war of 1812, at the instigation of British Indian agents and traders, many barbarities were commit ted by the Indians in Illinois. In every settlement and neighborhood log forts were erected for defensive opera tions. One had been placed on the site of Chicago and a little garrison stationed at Fort Dearborn^ under Captain Heald, under orders, evacuated the fort on August fif teenth, 1812, and a. Fort Dearborn was on the south side of the Chicago river about a quarter of a mile from Lake Michigan, and was garrisoned by about seventy men. 107 with the women and the children marched out, but, having gone only a short distance, were attacked by savages. A combat ensued which lasted until Heald 's force was con siderably reduced, when the Indians withdrew for consul tation, after which they proposed to spare the lives of the survivors if they surrendered. Heald and his remaining party did surrender but only to suffer the massacre of a considerable part of their number. Now came a concerted movement to stamp out the In dian uprising. Governor Edwards prepared an expedition by boat and by land. In October .of 1812, two boats were sent up the Illinois river under Captain Craig, while the Governor, with a force of four or five hundred men under Colonel Russell, marched for the headquarters of the en emy at Peoria in the vicinity of which the Indians were established. About the same time. General Hopkins with three or four thousand Kentucky volunteers left Vincennes in order to form a junction with Governor Edwards. Hopkins was deceived by his guides, the Indians fired the prairies, and he was compelled to retreat and hence could not form a junction with the Illinois troops. Edwards waited, but, getting no reinforcements, retired to hunt winter quarters, however, destroying the Indian villages which lay on his return route. Peoria was burned be cause Captain Craig's boats had been fired on by the In dians and he suspected the inhabitants of having been in the conspiracy with the Indians. In 1813, another campaign was undertaken in northern Illinois. The Illinois troops were joined by a force from Missouri and together they marched to Peoria where they built Port Clark (named in honor of George Rogers Clark), 108 burned Gomo 's to"wn and two other villages. Part of the force was sent up the Illinois river, while a part was sent to scour the Rock river country for the enemy; and the Indians fled before their advance. A small force was left in; Fort Clark and late in the fall of 1813 the little army returned to Camp Russell*^ from where it started. At the end of the war Fort Clark was abandoned by the Americans and shortly after was burned by the Indians. In 1814 Major Campbell went to Rock Island with a force in boats and had an engagement with the Sac and Pox Indians. Later in the same year Major Zachary Taylor (afterward President of the United States) also went to Rock Island with a force in boats and had an en gagement "with the Indians and British. Toward the end of 1814 hostUe operations began to slacken and by the summer of 1815 peace was restored be tween the United States and the tribes of the Northwest. As bounties to the soldiers of the war of 1812, lands were given which are embraced in what is kno"wn as The Military Tract, which extends between the Mississippi and Illinois rivers from the mouth of the Illinois northward one hundred and sixty-nine miles.'' a. Established in 1812 as Military Headquarters. b, Stevens, The Black Hawk War, 77, References for foregoing chapter: Beck, Gazetteer of 111, and Mo., 55, 56, 111, 143, Brown, Hist, of 111., 291 and suite. Edwards, Hist, of 111. (First Part.) Peck, Gazetteer of 111,, 81, 87. Reynolds, My Own Times, 128 and suite, Reynolds, Pioneer Hist, of 111., 323 and suite. 109 THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. In the ordinance of 1787 it was provided with refer ence to the Northwest Territory, in forming it into states, that there should be "not less than three, nor more than five." It was also provided that "The western state in the said territory shall be bounded by the Mississippi, the Ohio and the Wabash rivers; a direct line dra"wn from the Wabash and Post Vincents, due north, to the territorial line between the United States and Canada; and by the said territorial line to the Lake of the Woods and Missis sippi." Declaring further, "that, if Congress shall here after find it expedient, they shall have authority to form one or two states in that part of the said territory which lies north of an east and west line dra"wn through the southerly bend or extreme of Lake Michigan. ' ' Under this ordinance, if the original boundaries of this western state had been allowed to remain, the state of lUinois would have embraced also the state of Wisconsin. But, Congress found it "expedient" to erect two states out of this territory under the discretionary powers grant ed by the ordinance. In 1818, a petition was presented to Congress from the territorial legislature of Illinois, by the territorial delegate, Nathaniel Pope, asking for admission as a state. Through the efforts of Judge Pope an act of admission was passed in which he secured the extension of the northern boundary to the parallel of 42° 30' north latitude instead of the southerly bend of Lake Michigan. 110 Later, a controversy arose over this boundary line be tween the states of Wisconsin and Illinois, which ended favorably to our state, as it was deemed that Congress had a right to exercise this power under the clause which made the matter of expediency the governing feature. Through the work of Judge Pope, fourteen of the north ernmost counties were saved to us. The act of admission was passed April eighteenth, 1818, and by this the bound aries were fixed as follows: "Beginning at the mouth of the Wabash river; thence up the same, and with the line of Indiana, to the northwest corner of said state; thence east with the line of the same state to the middle of Lake Michigan; thence north along the middle of said lake, to north latitude 42° 30'; thence west to the middle of the Mississippi river; and thence do"wn along the middle of that river to its confiuence with the Ohio river ; and thence up the latter river along its northwestern shore, to the be ginning.'' Following this, at a convention held in Kaskaskia, a state constitution was adopted on the twenty-sixth of August, 1818, which was ratified by Congress on December third of that year, and Illinois became a fuU fiedged state on that date. This constitution provided the foregoing boundaries and the constitutions of 1848 and 1870 have re tained them since. Our state has concurrent jurisdiction "with Indiana on the Wabash, so far as it forms a common boundary, and concurrent jurisdiction on the Mississippi with the states west thereof, so far as it forms a common boundary, and such jurisdiction on the Ohio "as she is now entitled to, or such Ill as may hereafter be agreed upon by this state and the state of Kentucky." The act of Virginia of December eighteenth, 1789, creating the state of Kentucky, had provided with refer ence to the Ohio river as follows : ' ' The use and naviga tion of the river Ohio, so far as the territory of the pro posed state, or the territory which shall remain within the limits of this commonwealth lies therein, shall be free and common to the citizens of the United States. And the re spective jurisdictions of this commonwealth and of the proposed state, on the river as aforesaid, shall be concur rent only with the states which may possess the opposite shores of the said river. ' ' At the first election held for officers of the new state government, Shadrach Bond was elected Governor. He was born in Maryland in 1773 and on his removal in 1794 to Illinois, settled in the American Bottom. He was a member of the territorial legislature and also a territorial delegate in Congress. He died in 1834. A monument has been erected to his memory in the cemetery at Chester, for which the state appropriated $1500 in 1881. Pierre Menard became the first Lieutenant-Governor. He was naturalized not more than a year before. As the constitution required a citizenship of the United States for thirty years, in order that Menard might be qualified to hold the office, it was provided in the schedule of the con stitution as follows : "Any person of 30 years of age who is a citizen of the United States, and has resided within the limits of this state two years next preceding his election, shall be eligible to the office of lieutenant governor, any- 112 thing in section 13, article IH, of this constitution con tained, to the contrary notwithstanding." And through this he became legally qualified to hold the office of Lieu tenant-Governor. A monument was erected to his mem ory on the State House grounds at Springfield by his friend Chouteau of St. Louis in 1885. Within the foregoing boundaries, our state contains 55,405 square miles. Its extreme length, extending from 37° to 42° 30' north latitude, or from Cairo to Wisconsin, is 378 miles. Its extreme width, extending from 87° 49' to 91° 28' west longitude (Greenwich), is 212 miles. As early as the year of the admission of the state, an influx of German immigration began. Koerner mentions some Swiss families that were here in 1818.^ a. Koerner, Das Deutsche Element, 245. For descriptions and quotations, see Acts, Ordinances, Con stitutions, Statutes of III. 113 BOND 1818-1822. Shadrach Bond was inaugurated as the first Governor of Illinois on October sixth, 1818,- The capital or seat of state government was fixed at Kaskaskia which place had been the seat of territorial government. New counties were formed as follows during the year 1819, namely: Alexander County on March fourth;'^ Clark County on March twenty-second;'' Jefferson County on March twenty-sixth;" Wayne County on March twenty-sixth.